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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 5am  FOX  November 26, 2018 5:00am-5:59am PST

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watch out. it can be fit. the fire clouds usually inhibit fog permission. we might see more in the next couple of hours with the cloud cover moving in. partly to mostly cloudy north of the golden gate and so that that it will be mostly sunny. i forgot to put a quarter in. >> it should work. are you ready? >> yes, i can tell you about the traffic. >> i wanted to hear about that. >> yes. i will tell you. t of people ar look at the slow traffic. people are on the road early. 205 back into the tracy and 580 is backed up.
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if this istracy commute you are in for a slow commute. everyone is back and this is what's happening. it's not that unusual. once you get to livermore it looks pretty good and it continues to look okay. last week was a week off and this week people are back at it. traffic on 80 looks pretty good. no major problems at the bay bridge. a bit of a backup in the outside lane. 5:01. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, salad. mexico said it will increase border security and deport anyonethe u.s. violently after a tense weekend at the border. u.s. ages fired tear grass -- teargas after the migrants rushed a fence. 39 people were arrested. on the side of the border activists rallied in san diego after the u.s. government
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briefly suspended the port of entry. protesters are demanding the main treatment for the migrants. i will fight for the rights of humans who are just like us. >> president trump has threatened to close the entire southern border if an immigration deal cannot be reached -- >> they defended the use of teargas and tweeted, several migrants threw projectiles at the border patrol agents and they deployed teargas to dispel the group. several agents were hit. the situation is evolving and a statement is forthcoming. >> the east bay congressman tweeted about the situation at the border. he wrote, this is a refugee crisis that is not going away until america shows leadership. if i were you i would convene
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leaders from mexico and central and south america for a summit to find consensus on a solution. stoking fear, anyone can do that. this issue needs a later. >> this reporter was near the border as this was intensifying. last night on the news he talked about the reaction in san diego to federal agents using teargas. >> they are alarmed about this. i don't want to see that. they want to see a peaceful resolution. they know that these are people that are seeking asylum and a better way of life. the homeland security secretary tweeted that the department of homeland security will lawlessness and will not hesitate to shut down port of entry for security reasons. theyto the fullest extent of the law anyone who destroys federal property or endangers the front line or violate the
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sovereignty. >> president trump is accusingt story about family separations of the u.s. border with mexico" the president wrote that 60 minutes knows that we have the exact same policy as the obama administration and that obama separated children from parents as did president bush. that is the policy. 60 minutes reported that the trump administration separated children from their parents for more time than most people realize, rolling out a pilot program in 2017. 60 minutes obtained a memo showing the goal of the family separations under the president's zero tolerance policy. this was to discourage immigrants from coming into the country. in other news, if you used the transit berries to get to and from san francisco things should be okay this morning even the one of the boats is out of commission after a
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collision last week. >> that was quite site. the coast guard is investigating why the boat slammed into the dock near the ferry friday. there were two minor injuries and serious damage to the dock in the boat. riders were stunned when they heard about this. >> i have been writing these about 10 years or more. this is the first time ever seen this happen. >> the officials say they have enough votes so that no schedule changes are necessary. they have made temporary repairs to the dock so that passengers should not be inconvenienced this morning. almost 2 years after the launch of a new bureau to investigate police shootings and the use of force, not much has changed. the district attorney is going
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to lead a unit to investigate possible police misconduct but a dispute over a labor agreement has put everything on hold. according to the examiner and on about the city controller is urging the police officers association and the das office to work out an agreement. the audit was asked for earlier this year by the board of supervisors president. she questioned the effectiveness and the cost of more than $2 million in salaries. she threatened to cut funding to the unit after saying she was frustrated that the work of the unit did not result in officers being charged. the tesla ceo, elon musk, is speaking about how the company almost went out of business earlier this year. he said the car company was within single digit weeks of dying. during an interview last week musk said tesla was bleeding money like crazy. musk was trying to meet the goal of producing sedans a week and he was working 22 hour
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days seven days a week and literally sleeping on the factory floor. he said if he didn't do this there was a chance tesla would go under, taking thousands of california jobs with it. former movie mogul harvey weinstein will not face financial crimes charges. the district attorney will decide this. wednesday is accused of using money to silence his sexual assault accusers. investigators said they did not find evidence. he faces five felony charges for rape and sexual assault. the time is 5:07. 17 days after the camp fire started it is finally 1% contained. it burned almost 240 square miles and 85 people were killed. there are still 249 unaccounted for. calfire said the rain over the weekend helped the crews gained control of the fire.
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the fire crews and utility workers will stay in the fire zone until it is safe for people to go back to their properties. >> the power lines are down and trees are down and branches are down. culverts are washed out. a tremendous amount of hazardous. more rain is coming in later this week. >> the camp fire destroyed almost 14,000 homes. search and rescue crews continued the top job of going through the debris looking for possibly more fire victims. this could take weeks. today secretary of agriculture sonny perdue and secretary of the interior brian think he will take a tour to see the damage caused by the camp fire. this will be the second visit to that area. the two members of the cabinet will attend a meeting with survivors and firefighters. >> now that the fire is contained the crews are heading home. several team numbers said this
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was as hard as their work after severe hurricanes and 9/11. they said they were impressed with help their coworkers from paradise and the surrounding towns who had lost so much working through this disaster. >> the firefighters and ems personnel we will working with lost their homes and family members. they were getting the job done every day. >> the crew members said they will keep the people of butte county in their thoughts. they said they hope that they have helped ease the burden during the last 2. meaningful thanksgiving with their families at home. >> 5:09. firefighters going back home from butte county. metro fire captain neil whitesell is among them. he is part of a strike team made up of firefighters from
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sacramento, folsom, and they spent more than 2 weeks battling the deadliest wildfire in california history. >> now safe at home he said he is thankful to be alive. he said he is constantly thinking about the people who used to call paradise home. >> when we go into something like this we bring tools and equipment and training. can you imagine surviving without all the benefits of that? you wonder how they did it. >> you look and you pray and look for opportunities to help them when you can. >> the people in paradise have a long road to recovery. the mayor of the city of paradise said she doesn't expect life to be normal for at least 3-5 years. a growing number of people are calling for a boycott of the san francisco giants. the controversy surrounding the team.
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plus, ending a week of holiday l amazon fulfillment center to see how amazon juggles millions of orders. good morning. the traffic is moving along pretty well. on i-880 driving to oakland. >> i have an order for more rain. we will get some tomorrow. it looks to be a rainy week. i am a family man. i am a techie dad. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience.
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my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome.
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welcome back. today is expected to be the largest online day in history. the deals started at midnight. is the biggest shopping day of the year for amazon. leigh martinez joins us from the amazon fulfillment center . >>reporter: it is surprisingly quiet. we are told that there is a meeting going on. it is called. we are at the packing station. there are a couple of great
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things going on. we will talk about somebody's awesome deals. the voice controlled now half off. you can also get $80 off end apple watch. samsung phones -- the s 9 -- $200 off with a free echo show. and the ring doorbell and fitness tracker with heart rate monitor.conveyor belt is just starting. there helping the empl they will be doing in business -- they said they don't have projected numbers but they anticipate millions of products being sold today.
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this is bigger than black friday. these deals go until december 1. with amazon deals on cyber monday some are going all day long. the best thing to do is -- if it is something that is going to go live you might want to put an alert on your phone so you don't miss it. when it is gone, it is gone. in tracy, leigh martinez. thank you, leigh. make sure your boss doesn't see you shopping online at work. >> many people shopped on friday spending $6.2 billion, more than one third sales made on smart phones. this surpassed the $1.4 billion record set last year. despite shopping centers looking busy foot traffic was down almost 6%. >> 5:16. you may be familiar with cyber monday and black friday but joining the list is lack
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sunday. the goal is to support african- american business owners and entrepreneurs. the first annual event here in the bay area was at the bb memorial cathedral where small business owners sold food, jewelry, clothing, food and holiday gifts. >> lack sunday gives an opportunity for these businesses to display their goods and having a connection with the community and to circulate the dollar. >> organizers hope this event will spread around the country. 5:17. let's check in for the bay let's do that. gilroy to san jose northbound 101 looks pretty good. a lot of people are back after
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a 4-day weekend. the traffic is moving along well all the way into san jose. we had some earlier will work that has been picked up. 17 is open in both directions. northbound 280 traffic looks good -- getting up to highway 17 and westbound bay bridge looks very nice. looks nice from into the toll plaza. right now there is not a big delay. we will probably get more people showing up later. 5:18 -- let's bring in steve. it will be nice today. the best day of the week. then we will bring in rain tuesday and another system wednesday and thursday morning could be tough having to commute. thursday morning looks rainy and windy. to today it is quiet with a little bit of fog. at the sonoma county airport and the napa county airport i will get into that in a moment. for the water year sentence rosa is almost normal.
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san francisco 67. oakland is over 2. 63%. santa -- san jose is trying -- they will add to that in the next 5-7 days. the santa rosa wind from one half-1 mile. there is some fog. the high clouds mean clear skies to the south. not to the north. the system is dragon across. rain is on the way. the first system -- in marin county isolated amounts. this depends on where it sets up. one model take the to the north and the others taken to the south. it is still for us. another system comes in saturday. maybe more after that. you are looking at pretty good rainfall the next 6-7 days. tuesday night it will be too much.
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>> this will weaken to the south. the next system comes in from
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the southwest -- it is there from wednesday coming in and that system looks impressive. 60s to 70s on the temp today with cloud cover and the southeast breeze. rain will develop a little bit tuesday. late wednesday into thursday thursday morning and then again saturday. >> back to you. 5:21. a 6-month journey to mars ends today. coming up we will show you what will happen this afternoon and how to watch all the action. first, an update on ruben foster. the latest on his arrest hours before the 49ers game in tampa and how his teammates are responding.
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land of blue jeans. and burgers. and while blue jeans got all skinny on us... i can't feel my legs. way are we giving up on burgers. that's why i created the all-american ribeye burger, made with 100% ribeye beef, ribeye burgers are back, america.
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try my all-american made with 100% ribeye beef fresh spring mix, and provolone cheese on a potato bun. it's a burger as american as bald eagles. i ge ribeye burgers are back, america.
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try them today. welcome back to mornings on 2. the 49ers are back home after losing to the buccaneers. they have five games left and now they will play without ruben foster. he was cut after being arrested for domestic violence. we have more on the decision to remove him from the team. pour the 49ers had a e week to prepare for their game against the tampa bay buccaneers and on the way to the stadium they learned about something they had no way of preparing for. the linebacker was arrested late saturday night on domestic abuse charges. foster had been under a no tolerance policy since similar accusations were made in
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february. the management met and felt they had no other choice but to release foster. >> unfortunately, consequences for your actions. when you show bad judgment, particularly after something has been communicated clearly about the expectations, there are consequences. >> he didn't do what we asked him to do. i knew the decision that had to be made. too many things that happen. we have tried to help them. he has been trying but this was a mess up and it doesn't matter. it is time to move on. wear two things for the 49ers. they have five games to salvage the season. this team has been criticized for its handling of player discipline. they have made it clear they will no longer tolerate certain
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behaviors. in tampa reporting. we are learning about another his apartment and officers say a neighbor reported a loud argument involving this couple.the coupl arguing over something found on his phone. there were no signs of a violent but they took photos and told them to settle their differences more peacefully and no arrests were made. 5:26. a search for a long time bay area radio host coming in. the latest on the differs appearance of ray taliaferro. his last known whereabouts and the reason they are concerned for his safety. a violent weekend at the us- mexico border. i'm doug luzader in washington. we will have more on the impact
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it may have for the immigration debate coming up. hebreakfast makers, takers, step counters, outdoor explorers, faith restorers, appointment keepers, fantastic creatures. farmer's market goers, cholesterol lowerers cell phone silencers. the new lease on lifers, and the positive thinkers.
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here's to you allunity to thrive yo w will
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from ktvu fox2news this is mornings on 2. good morning. welcome back. it's monday morning, november 26. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is cyber monday. >> yes, turn off your computer. >> more shopping to stimulate the economy. >> isn't there something every day? >> yes, and the rain is coming in but not today. >> it is cold out there.
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it is darned cold in minnesota and other locations. single digits for some. in international falls and fargo and minneapolis and des moines and kansas city. kansas city has had one of the coldest november sever. if you are traveling to the great lakes from green bay or milwaukee or chicago or detroit, there will be snow. cleveland to the east will have rain. that's the main source. for us mostly sunny to the south and cloudy to the north. rain is on the way. today -- not here today but tuesday. wednesday night into thursday looks impressive, especially thursday morning and another system will come in late friday into saturday. some clouds over and some rain on the north coast. 40s on the temperatures. a few 30s.
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valley 37. patchy fog in napa county and in sonoma county. watch out for that. we had more yesterday. the cloud cover stops it from forming. october will drag across today. 60s -- on the mild side -- 70 -- at 5:31 this is when things will pick up. >> yes, slow traffic picking up. we are looking at i-80 westbound. you can see that it is beginning to slow down driving toward i-780 and also on 37. when you get to delays it looks all right crossing the carquinez bridge ridge but there is slow traffic between richmond and berkeley right now. it takes 40 minutes to drive through this area. this is partly because of some crashes along the way. westbound 80 had an earlier accident near the carlson exit. we've had slow traffic in the
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area. give yourself time. westbound bay bridge traffic is backed up about 5-10 minutes at that toll plaza. 5:31. paws is calling on mexico to do more to handle the hundreds of migrants after a weekend of violence at the border crossing near san diego. two hours ago he tweeted mexico should move the flag-waving migrants back to their country by plane or bus or anywhere you can. doug luzader joins us from washington dc where the immigration debate is gearing up again. >>reporter: good morning. the big threat is that he would close the border potentially permanently, he said, if mexico doesn't do more to crackdown on these migrants. >> it was mayhem along the border. the migrants were making a run for it and the u.s. agents
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deployed tear grass. some migrants responded by throwing rocks. the u.s. closed the border crossing in anticipation of the rush and from the department of homeland security they said dhs will not tolerate this type of lawlessness and will not hesitate to shut down ports of entry for security and public safety reasons. >> >>reporter: is the first family returned from their thanksgiving holiday in florida the president ignored questions about the border. he called on mexico to do more to address the problem. in this brief lame-duck section of congress this violence will reignite the immigration debate with democrats pushing to address the economic problems and violence in central america driving the caravans to the north. >> people understand that if there issmart way to solve this is to go to the root cause of the problem. >> some republicans are skeptical of the claims that so many omake. >> the word got out that this was a rubberstamp -- you could
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come to america in a caravan fear and need of asylum or not. those days are over. were back as far as building a border wall we have a government funding deadline coming up and this issue could lead to a partial government shutdown. tech to you. new this morning four turkish soldiers are dead after a helicopter crashed near istanbul. the helicopter was on a training flight and slammed into a 4-story building. there were no civilian casualties and the turkish defense minister said the pilot appeared to be trying to land on an empty plot of land away from people. it's not clear why the pilot may have been attempting to make an emergency landing. at this soldier is being treated for serious injuries on the crash is under investigation. 5:34. the driver whitis identified as laura lee pino.
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it happen on southbound 101 at about 8 am saturday. investigators say she was driving near the spencer avenue offramp winter toyota corona hydroplaned and slammed into a chp car. the officer in the car was hurt. he is expected to recover. police are asking for the public's help in locating a sexual assault suspect. they say he entered the home on blake street and stole property and sexually assaulted a female in the home. this happened at 6 am yesterday. the man is described as 20 to 30 years old with a dark complexion and a square-shaped face. clean-shaven. balding or very short here. about 5'6". anyone with information should call the police. 5:35. police are investigating the discovery of a body near the sandy and drove marina. someone saw the body floating in the water.
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no obvious signs of foul play and police do not know how long the body was there. the corners body is trying to identify it and determine the cause of death. in pacifica a body found in the water -- the coast guard rushed to the scene just before 9 am yesterday. the person is believed to be a man floating in the water about one half mile offshore. >> the corner went to the scene and so far we do not know how that person ended up in the water. in modesto investigators are looking into a body found buried behind a home. a woman was digging in her yard on santa rita avenue to bury a dead pet and she discovered a decomposed body. the investigators believe the remains have been there several months. we have a case like this we investigate it as though it is a homicide until we figure out that it could be something eren the first part of thetaken
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to the corner >> then the deputies will try to match it to a missing persons report. a man in san jose is in jail suspected of a deadly hit and run. they rushed to this area in san jose at 9:40 last night. and unidentified woman was crossing capitol -- capitol expressway outside a crosswalk and she was hit by a 2018 ford truck. she died at the scene. police say the driver of the truck tried to get away but good samaritans who saw this stopped him. 39-year-old who waldo munoz was a drug arrest. he has been booked into jail suspected of a felonyhit-and- vehicular manslaughter. santa clara continues to look for whoever fired shots at
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a duplex saturday night in san jose. there may have been a party or gathering at the home. after the shots were fired several people ran into backyard in the neighborhood. several people were detained. no arrests have been made. a man is recovering after he fell in the partain is straight area. this was at 3:00 yesterday. they responded to the report of a man who had slept and hit his head. a helicopter was called in. no word on his condition but the entire rescue effort only took about 30 minutes. >> ctor har has joined a growing number of people who will boycott the san francisco giants. this controversy is over one of the owners, charles johnson, who donated to the campaign of cindy hyde-smith. earlier this month senator hyde
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smith said she would be on the front row if she was invited to a public hanging. that remark was seen as racist by many. she later apologized. >> doctor edwards tweeted this -- as a people, nation, we must not accept or support allusions to lynching. we have become so accustomed to monte -- mckee and other disparaging character rations as to accept them as normalized. therein lies the path to societal tradition. in the meantime major league baseball is asking senator hyde smith to return a 500 up -- a $5000 donation they made to her campaign. the donation came from the office of the commissioner two weeks after the public hanging comment. according to a mlb spokesperson the donation was made in connection with an event that mlb lobbyists were asked to attend.
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senator hyde smith is holding onto a lead in the race even though her opponent is climbing in the polls. the senator will get a boost from president trump today. he will join her at two rallies in mississippi. the senate runoff election is tomorrow in mississippi. longtime bay area radio host ray taliaferro is missing. he reportedly lives in illinois but he is missing in kentucky. he was last seen at a mellow mushroom restaurant at the city of paducah. the san francisco native may be disoriented. he has been showing signs of dementia. in 1976 taliaferro became the first black talkshow host for a major market radio station. 5:40. jury selection will begin today in the trial of a man accused of killing a woman during a nationalist rally in charlottesville last year. james fields is charged with
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1st degree murder. fields is ausof driving his car into a crowd of people protesting the white nationalist. she was killed and dozens of others were hu. 5:41. coming up, more cases of sexual abuse in the catholic church. how many cases were reported over the past 30 years. first, a new concept for carpool lanes. letting solo drivers pay to use the lanes here in the bay area. right now the traffic is going to be busy on the east shore freeway after the earlier issues were cleared up. there is still slow traffic here. >> >> the only dry day of the week. the rain will start tomorrow. more on that if you are flying to chicago. 3 1/2 hour delays due to snow. coming up. >>
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linda mar
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welcome back. it's:44. it has taken six months and $1 billion but now nasa said the mars insight probe is hours away from landing on the surface of mars. allie rasmus is joining us live at the space center where everyone is invited to come and watch the landing. good morning. >>reporter: good morning. there will be a watch party here in oakland hills. the spacecraft called the insight supposed to touch down on the surface of mars around noon our time. insight took off from the pasadena laboratory six months ago. it has taken that long for it to make the 300 million mile journey to mars. once it lands it will work for
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the next two years. scientists hope to collect images to offer clues about how the planet in the solar system including earth formed 4.5 billion years ago. >> i'm excited and nervous all at the same time. everything has to go perfectly. mars could toe is a curveball. >> the last time a space craft landed on mars was six years ago. the work is expected to be more ambitious using a robotic probe to dig 16 feet into the crossed over the next two years. the spacecraft will deliver a seismometer so that scientists can measure and engage quakes on mars. the watch party starts at 11 am. you must have tickets for this event. they are eight dollars per person at the space and science center. live in oakland hills, allie rasmus. a plan to allow solo
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drivers pay money to use carpool lanes is a step closer. the idea is to help commuters on parts of highway 101 and i- 280 get in and out of san francisco faster. the san francisco county transportation authority recently approved $4 million to study this plan. if it is approved existing southbound and northbound lanes on highway 101 and i-280 would be converted into hov lanes. the raiders are now 2 and 9 after losing in baltimore. >> he's open -- did he get it? >> yes, he did. >> the raiders cut into the ravens' lead in the third quarter. however, baltimore pulled away after crabtree caught an 8-yard touchdown. they tried to make a comeback but the ball was knocked out of
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his hands with 6 minutes left in game. he returned the ball for a touchdown. the ravens won. here is what the head coach had to say after the game. >> we fell behind two scores. we have to pass protect her. everybody knows this. the problem is here today. we get into a predictable passing situation and we have to do better. >> the raiders a back in oakland and host the kansas city chiefs sunday. 5:47. going on the door, the raiders need a dose of sal castaneda. >> >> i don't know if i can help them unless it comes to
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traffic. >> okay. >> good morning. right now we have traffic out there that will be busy. i want to mention that 580 -- sorry -- 80 westbound is slow. we had some earlier problems on the east shore freeway and the traffic will be a little slow. you can see the traffic on the east shore freeway act up from richmond on in. a 36 minute drive to get from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur mays. things are getting a little better. to get there early. the bay bridge toll plaza is backed up already. there have been no major problems. looking at some of the commutes -- the tracy commute which a lot of you are looking for -- westbound 580 and westbound 205 are slow. >> 5:48. let's bring in steve. >> sk right to it.
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they are delays at oakland for departing flights. not arriving flights. departing to chicago o'hare. even though o'hare is green it is the departing flights from oakland to chicago because they have snow. it is cold. the great lakes in the northern plains. from cleveland to buffalo and heading to the east and northeast is rain. on the backside it is snow extending into the great lakes. there is the cold air. fargo at 6. minneapolis 16. kansas city 16. it is really cold. maybe record-setting cold. for us a mild, warm, dry day. noticeably cooler by friday. a lohigh clouds to the h with a across into tomorrow. rain is on the way. one system tuesday. not that strong moving to the south the system more likely to stay morning will pack a good punch.
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where it sets up doesn't matter. it will still give us rain. some areas and amounts could get 3-4 inches of rain. another system saturday looks to be weaker but the beat goes on. i've seen projections to december 10 mac. it will be wet from marin county to the north and into the sierra. heading into the weekend you can see 2-inch amounts. santa cruz and san jose. if they do this we will have a parade. to the north maybe 2-4. >> cloud cover to the north and a little more likely higher clouds. partly cloudy to the north. 23 in truck. 43 in ukiah and the same for sacramento. 40s for many and 30s for a few a lot of 40s and a few 50s. east bay still 40. the same for pleasanton. low 50s in el sobrante and el cerrito with brentwood 45. walnut creek 42.
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a lot of cloud cover in the future mainly to the north. late tonight the klonopin the system will move tomorrow morning mainly to the north. 8:00 in the morning. maybe we will get through the commute on time. by noon it most to the south. it will give them some light rain. we will have cloud cover into wednesday morning and the next system is late wednesday thursday. it doesn't show up but it's coming in from the southwest. it will have a good jet stream support and service low on the deepening side meaning the wind will crank up. 60s to near 70 today. after that rain tuesday in the morning. wednesday night into thursday looks like the main system for the next 5-7 days with another system saturday. 5:51. court orders to report to prison. last minute attempts to delay the sentencing of a former advisor to donald trump and how a judge ruled on this.
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the welcome back to mornings on 2. it:54. today, george papadopoulos will start his 2-week prison sentence. he pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi about his contact with russian officials during the 2016 presidential campaign. he tried to get the sense delayed but a judge said no.
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new developments today in the russia investigation. democrats and some republicans say they are concerned about how the acting attorney general, matt whitaker, will deal with the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. they want to make sure that all the information that special counsel robert mueller comes up with is made public. lawmakers worry that when robert mueller wraps up the investigation the acting attorney general could limit how much of it is released. some believe mueller has been preparing for that possibility. >> if he wanted to make sure he was finished with all his work that's why i think he accepted the written statements. he didn't want the new attorney general or acting attorney general to interfere. it would be a disaster if the new attorney general do that. last week prosecutors asked for a brief delay in the status
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he has been cooperating in the russia investigation. they didn't explain why but said the to both sides will suto t. congress heading back after their thanks giving break with all eyes on nancy pelosi. the san francisco congresswoman is facing a critical week in her bid to become the speaker of the house. house democrats will meet behind closed doors wednesday to vote for a candidate. the democrats are holding 233 seats in the house and the margin to one at least 218 is narrow. so far 15 democratic representatives have signed a letter of opposition to nancy pelosi and several more have said they will not vote for nancy pelosi. 5:56. protests continue by the marriott hotel employees looking for higher salaries. the group that will join the demonstrators outside of hotels today. clashes at the us-mexico t
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thousands of migrants try to cross into the u.s. traffic is getting busy in many spots. driving toward san jose you can see northbound to 80 traffic is moving well. the warmest day of the week but rain is on the way. thursday morning could be impressive.
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it is monday, november 26 i'm pam cook. >> i'm descartes. steve paulson has the forecast.
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should we get ready for more rain? >> not today, tomorrow. >> the morning commute? >> we are okay but it could be to the north. thursday for sure. that's the day everyone needs to get ready. today not too bad. actually on the warm side. the flight delays are from chicago o'hare -- at chicago o'hare. it is because of snow. so far it is green but if you have a flight from oakland to chicago there are some departure delays. >> the water year rainfall -- we have made up some good ground. we will makeup more this week. i would be surprised if santa rosa was over 100% of normal by san francisco as 67%. oakland just over 2 and -- at 63. 79-100. signs of more rain for san jose this week. cloud cover


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