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®be  |>h»k0iiee  ^tps. 

ny    llEMIlY     HIM>>  • 
M  hisahun'-etttUfdhu  BanEBT  h.  \^^i<  m,v,ith  tuc\ 
I  mitlanct  <U  *4  may  aeetpt.  ^ __. 


Democratic  Stfite  Ticket 

For  Governor, 
C.  E.  FLANDRAU,  of  Ilenneplm 

For  Lieutenant  Governot', 

A.  K.  MAYNARD,  of  Le  Sueur. 

For  Altornty  General, 

A.  G.  CHATFIELD,  of  Scott. 

For   Secretwy   of  State, 

AMOS   COGGSWELL,  of  Steele. 

For  Treasurer. 
JOHN'  FRIEDRICHS,  of  Goodhue. 

Vol.  6. 


No.  37. 

,Scott  County  Democratic  Ticket. 



lUffisUr  of  Deeds, 





Judge,  of  Probate, 

\,   R.    HAWKINS. 

CJ^,nty  Commissioner -ith  District, 


warfare  upon  ii.  If  Governor  Marshall 
should  -suffer  he  can  blame  ouly  hia  own 

In  view  of  what  has  already  transpired, 
as  well  as  for  future  reference,  we  would  in 
this  conneclioii  call  attention  to  the  fact 
that  every  Reiniblican  paper  in  the  State 
which  fitvorcd  the  bond  proposition  also 
uriJed    the  re-nomination  of  Governor  Mar- 


SnocKiNO  OcccKRESCE. — On  Monday,  the 
23J    inst.,   a    boy,   aged   U    years,  named  ^^.r-*^     »      ^  r^ 

Edwin    Barnes,  in  the  town  of  Dover,   was    ^  1       g       BROWN    &    CO. 

killed  in    the  following  shocking  manner:—    ^J' 
Being  at   a  neighbor's  about   a  half  a  mile 
awa\"    where  a   pair  of    young    coUs  were  i 
owned,    the  neighbo'rs  boy  and    Edwin  had 
taken    the  colts  to  water  at  a  creek  near  bv, 
and   on  returning  them  to  the  stable.  Edwin 

oil  lid 

MAXrrACTfRlRS   or 


.sluill.  and  that  every  one  of  these  papers,  so  I  buckled  the  throatlatch  of  the  halter  aioiiiid 
far  as  we  have  been  able   to  see,  lejects  the    his  waist,   fastening   the  stale   ot    the  halter 

iMiJskKiNii  and  will  of  the  Conventiou  as  eJcpre^iS- 
ed  iu  the  last  resolution  of  the  platform. 


about   the  colt's  neck.     The  animal  starlet 

off  playfully   at   a  moderate  gait,  but   soon 

increased    its  speed  so  much    that  the  poor 

boy   was  unable  to  keep  on  his  feet  and  fell  n_       * 

to    the    ground.     The    colt   now    become   Mile's  Patent  Bolstcr  Tlates,  &C.,  &C., 

frightened    and   commenced    running    at  a 



?rom  Uie  New  Yor<t  World.  ^,  .       t.  i      --" 

The  Democracy,  to  carry  Ohio,  I'ennsyl-  fearful  rate,  now  drugging,  now  swinging 
vania,  and  New  York  at  the  ensuing  elec- 1  t^e  terriSed  child  at  a  death-procuring  rate  1 
lions ,  hare  not  to  gain  .".s  largely,  relatively, !  over  the  rugged  earth.  The  colt  ran  a] 
as  they  gained  in  Connecticut,  Maine,  and  i  distance  of  about  eighty  rods  with  its  pre-  ' 
California  at  the  late  elections  in  those  j  f.\fy^^^  human  freight  hurrying  into  the  jaws 
states  ;  end,  in  suncving  ♦,he  ground,  the  ,  ^f  ^n  awful  death,  when  coming  to  the 
beliaf  scorns  to  be  well  grounded  that  they  '  l,arnyard,  the  frightened  animal  scaled  the  I 
will    carry  Penn::Tlvania  and  New  Yotk,  if'  >,ara  ^lurVmtT  tbn  now  ulniost  lifeless  form  of] 

86  Lake    Street, 

©}llGASt),  ILL, 

do  m 
give   ihcm    Per.nryl 

m,  B[I1[D1CT'&  CO.. 

they   do  not^Ohio.     A  change  of  9,000  will^ijg   boy  against  the  bar   post,  breaking  the  , 
'vania,  7,000  New  York,  I  ijj^it(>j.^ml  jijicngaging  itself  fr 

The  liassachnsetts  Eiccaon. 


Yhe  Democrats  in  the  old,;cay  f-tat 
oontidont  that  they  ,111  be  able  to  echo  the 
voices  of  Maine  and  Cr.lifornia  this  fall.- 
Ttie  R«dic*ils  have  bce«  abk,  heretofore,  to 
«in  campaigns  on  dead  issues.  Miirepre- 
sentati^.s  of  the  altltud.;.f  the  Ocmocrat.c 
j^.  before  a.rl  ^3"^'nS  ^^e  war  have  been 
made  an  effective  weapon  by  them,  to 
,Jusion  of  vital  questionslof  the  uay. 

from  its  human 
and  15,CG0  Ohio.  They  gained  1 1,<>00  in  Um.j\.„.  Tl,e  boy  was  taken  up  and  carried 
Connecticut,  14,000  in  Maine,  aud  26,000  j^^g  ^\^q  house  oV  Mr.  ilarroun,  the  oy.-ncr 
ill  Ciilifornia  ;  and  to  these  we  may  add  |  ^j- ^jjg  eolts,  mangled,  bruised  and  entirely 
5,000  :n  Vermont,  2.C03  in  Rhode  Island,  I  uncousciom.  Ha  conlinued  to  breathe  for 
:),00o  in  New  IIampsl:i-.-e,  20,000  in  Kca- 1  g^jji^  t-.Q  or  three  Lours,  when  death  came 
tuckv,  and  1,9C0  iu  On  what ,  .^  j^j.  .pi j^f.  y/e  (erveally  hope  that  it  may 
■        ■  it   be  argued  that  they   will  j -^^.  g^Q^  or  often  become  cur  painful   duty 

lal  ratio  in  Chio,  Tcnr'-ylva-    ^^  ch:cr.:cle  no  terrible  and  heait  rending  an 

hypoiucsia  can 

r.ol  g:.i;i  an  equa  ,  .  _ 

Ilia  and    Nev/Vork?     There  is  c.ic  clfc.nent  |  Q^„„rrc-nce  f.^    the   one    above    narrated. 
aiiiuia'.ii:g   the  Don;ocracy   of    thoce   latter  j  }iochesttr  I'oat. 
did    nyt  animate,  in  the 





Dr.  noIlow«T,  norae  fltteen  years  a?o.  wtt- 
rn-si,li.K  tlie  illftroits  occasloiie'l  siclky  chil- 
dreii  111  UklriK  the  uaunpou*  veriiil!ii;e»  of 
that  Jav,  rt- H'llvi'ii  to  analize  th<!i!i,  ami  irom 
It'i'  most  i-nVollve  of  iIu-m'  remcdios  succee- 
ded 111  sep.iratln.'rtlielr  active  mcillcal  proper- 
tl»-s,  pure,  tasteless  and  liiodoroiis.  Tlieii,  by 
conililiiliig  lliece  with  »u<ar,  and  nioul.Un!; 
Ihem  Into  an  as'eeable  confection,  formed 
the  presint  I'oPILAK  and  srrscliVB  \  EBMt- 
FiuE  known  as 

Holloway'3    "Vermifuge     Confections. 

Which  have  alnioU  entirely  superseded  the 
old  iiaus:ou»  Verniilii«es,  to  the  delWiit  of 
the  iioor  little  suft'.Ters.  It  contains  no  Calo- 
mel or  other  ptd.«onoiisin«rellents. 

.«o  lilKlily  esicenied  Is  this  l'o|Hilar  >crml- 
fiiKC  bv  the  iirole^slou,  that,  all  Inte'.llKent 
I'hyslt'lans  whoknowof  lheni.pre»cr!he  t'lem 
In  preferrinct  to  other  r»medles,  as  not  only 
more  pleasant   to  tak»,   but  m»re  eflettlv*  to 

Parents  and  criardlani.  having  the  aarc  of 
children,  should  k^ep  them  as  a  family  medi- 
cine ;  for  they  not  only  eradicate  ttonus— 
those  pei.t«  of  childhood— but  correct  any  de- 
ran«eiiieiit  of  the  digestive  orijaua.  «u  preva- 
lent with  children. 

P.  (jeyermann, 


Erie    Railway! 

The  Broad    Gauge  —  Double  Track 
Route  to 

New  7orky    Boston, 

And  New  England  Cities. 


Dunkirk  to  New  York  460  Miles. 
Buffalo  to  New  York  423  Miles. 
Salamanca  to;New  York  415  Milet. 

AM)  IS    r»OM 

Jt^f  22    to    27    Miles  the  Shorteat   RouU^ 


All  Trains  rtin    directly  through  to  New  Tark, 

Ve^  460    MILES   without  chang*  af 

Cassimercs  &  Ycstings, 

AT    jrilOLES.lLE, 
34  &  36  Lake  Street,  Chioaffo. 


tld.,  it  is  claimed,  is  to  be  changed  in  Mas- 
«,chu.ett.  The  Radicals  have  taken  their 
dtar.>4'on  a  prohibitory  liquoi"  l^^^^'-  ^^'^^  '^ 
a  capital  quci>Jaon:on  which  to  fi^ht  them. 
AbBd|;c«ciit  of  the  libertyf-.f  the  citizen  is 
churacleristie  of  the  party>f  which  a  mar- 
ilaTd.tS3.otis«i5--^  thoVhid-cnd.  The  Boston 
JW,  Uiat  «BW«vering  and  unflinching  sn^v 

j.les  and    conati 

named    ^tr.les  ti!r.t 

same  d.-^'ee,  their  brethren  in  tJ3  other 
States  abovo'nr.u'c.l.  and  tL:.t  It  confidence, 
aud  csfjccially  is  lids  true  v'i  "cnr.sylvania 
and  New  Yjik.  In  these  CtJ.ti:3  tho  De- 
mocracy feci  porfect'y  conlidsnt  of  success. 
In  \ViiCon.sin;  too,  tlfe  Democracy  ou^^ht  to 
will,  and  v.c  lelleve  will.  And  uUo;a'ther, 
arc  not  the  si^^r.-s  as  to  pronuit  patriots 
not  to  despair  of  the  icpublic  ? 


porter  of  democratic  principles  a 
tulional  liberty,   .says  ••  the  cominjr  election 
in    Massaciiu.^eits  is   t.^  turn   oiv    local    is- 
8UC.,«nd   on   none  other.     The    citizens  o 
t«e  Slat-.  **nt  the  question  of  a  tyrannica 
I'rohll.aiory  Law  and  a    Jury  UlU  discussed 
,,n,l  settled."     And    again  it  says  that     the 
.rople  of   Mussachusetla   ^cre  never  so  re-   as    now  to  h.ave  a   ck-ar    and    final 
x..rderstanuins  with  the  r«.'.in?   party,  on  the 
.^ibject  of  their  ri^-hls,  a:-.d  they   will  «^  be 
Jioodwinked    or   put    oif    by    any    partisan 
l.uncombe  aimed  at.lhc  President ,  the  dead 
.n«d    buried    rebellion,  or  the  Radical  vMud- 
W.l   of  Jiuticc   and   Liberty.''     This  «  the 
B.rbtkiuA  of   talk  and  it    docs  one   >;ood  to 
l,ear  It.     On  the  live  i^^sucs  Kudicalism  h:is 
riu.b--its  own,  we",  do  not    beli.-vc     it    can 
airryTven  Massachust'.ts.     The  red<:.ii?..on 
of  the   State  cannot,  of  course,  be  expected 
»t  tke  coining    election,    as  too  m.uiy  of  its 
c;ti«n«  have   become    accusto.ned    to  vote 
U-.e  Radical   ticket,  ri-ht  or  wrong— but   we 
ao  conQdently  look  for  the  cutting  off  a  very 
lin^re  slice  from  the  Jacobin  majority. 

rrjoi  tU«  R«  1  W  inc  Arpu*. 

cUiLLiNc.  Rr.sroN.^E. 

V  MiT.nER  IN"  Mower  Couxty— Seter\l 

_Th3  t««n  and  coun.:;  --^^-^  ^ecn  tilled 
with  rumors  during  the  last  few  days  '•'-- 
gardiiifi  a  murder  alleged  to  have  been  cou. 
mitlci  ia  .\ugust  lasl  in  Mower  Couniy. — 
The  rumors  are  so  conllicling  that  we 
l)rop03e  to  await  the  result  of  the  judicial 
investigatiwi  now  in  progress,  before  uuder- 
takin;;  to  give  parlicu'.ars. 

TLi.5  name  of  the  murdered  man  was 
Knapp.  His  body  was  found  a  few  days 
since  in  a  held,  wl.ert^  after  having  been 
buiied,  the  ground  for  a  con.siderable  space 
•di-ound  hud  been  plowed  in  order  lo  obliter- 
ate all  traces  of  a  grave. 

It  appears  that  between  the  decca.sed  and 
his  wife  unhappy  conllicts  freiiuently  oc- 
curred, and  her  relative;',  who  were  residents 
of    tliis    countr.    luituraliy     fsponsed    her 

from  the  ?«.  Peter  Tribnni'. 

Trivi.  of  Amikkas  Rot:srn.— The  prison- 
er v.T.s  brought  belore  .1  notices  Kuehhel, 
ircz';>n  and  llayden,  on  Tlinrsday  nrternoon 
Ja.'jt,  fir  t'-vs  jMirpose  of  umbr-oin'^  a  p.-€- 
liminary  enair.'.iiation,  but  it  wa.ved  on 
motien  of  I'.s  attorneys,  Messr,-i.  Ilanscome 
&  WuViin,  and  he  v.-as  rer.i.inded  to  prison 
to  await  '..".a  trial  at  the  November  term  ot 
the  District  C«>urt- 

His  son  v,'?s  nc'mitted  to  ball  in  the  sum 
of  $.',000,  but  ru,ilii:g  lo  find  sureties  for  the 
amount,  he  was  taken  to  jail  for  safe  keep- 

S.  B^-^Q'^  €i.  Co., 

MaiiufuctiirerB  t-f 






The  Original  and  only  true  Arnica 

Plasters   ponsessing  the  great 

healing  proptirties  of  the 

Arnica  riorrers. 

The  cnrfitivoeffetts  of  thf.M  Pl.isfera  In  aU 
Ciistr*  ot  jiaiii  or  Wi'aKiu"s!i  in  the  liri'ubl,  si  le 
or  I'lick,  mill  Inal!  castr:  <»f  Iiirt,inii;mlioii  of 
the  Luii^k,  and  t'oim'li, ntc  truly  astoulaiiiii^; 
tli''v  «lvi- i!iimi-ili''te  ri-llei. 

l-hysliliiiis  pr^'^c■ril,e  tlu-m,  an4  tliou<a)i'li 
ri-i'»iiinieilJ  t'^elii.  OMSKKVii— II0I.L0W  xt'siuu 
tlie  tlriiiluui  ami  ouly  true  Aruicu  i'ldticid. 


Boots  £  Shoes, 

Hats  &  Caps. 

Dress  Goods, 




C  TT  ^P  Xj  E!  Et  "ST, 
0'6c-        ©"to.       OfcO. 

From  and  aftrr  Anritt  Mth,  l^r.r.  Tralna  wHl  laaTatS 
connection  *ltti  all  Wesieru  Ilnea,  ai  f'ollowt : 

Froni    Dunkirk    and     Salamanca  — 

Uy  Now  York  time  from  Union  Depot!  i 
7.30  A.M.  Express  Mail,  from  Dunkirk, 

(Suiiiliiys  ixcepted).  t'tnpnat  .<nlumanca  10  00  A. 
M.,  and  connei'ts  at  IIoriiellKVille  and  Cornlnc 
witli  th>'  »m  A.M.  Expri'SD  Mall  from  Buffal*. 
.iM-t  arrives  in  New  York  at  7.00  A.  M. 

2.35  P.  M.   Lightning   Express,  from 

S.-jlan).Tniii,  (Snnilays  exit-pted.)  Stopi  at  llor- 
iicUsvillc  A.  2^1'.  M..  (Sup.)  InterapctliiK  with  tb» 
2  'M  V.  M  train  fioiu  Buffalo,  aud  arrives  In  !<•« 
York  at  7.00  A.M. 

4 15  p  m.  New  York  Klght  Express. 

fri  in  Oiiiikirk,  (^iiHdays  eiieptecl).  htopi  a| 
tialaniaiiia  fi.W  T.  M.;  Oleau  7.S4  V.  M.,  (Mip.)  j 
lurnir's  '.>..'>fi  A.  M.  (Bkft.),  and  arrlTM  In  Nav 
York  at  II' Jo  I'.  M.,  cotinectlnjc  with  AflarnooM 
Traill!,  aod  Sieamera  for  Bostou  and  New  KnulaaA 

9:50  P.  M  Cincinnati  E.Tpress,  from  Duo- 
kirk.  (Sunday's  excepted).  Stopa  at  Stalamana* 
I  l.fA  p.  ni.,  and  connects  at  llomallaVllIe  wlih  tb« 
11.20  p.  ni.  Train  from  Buffalo,  arrlvlD|  to  1I*V 
York  3.20  p.  m. 


lute  rains 
in    the  river 

Lively.—    Rundny    three 
••'•^re  iving  at  our  levee  luudc  1  to  the  guards 
wui.  fri''-''ht  for  this  and  points  above.     The 
have  cau.^^ud  a  considerable    rise 

svtlicicnt  to  renew    the  lea^e 

on  navigation  for  the  season. 

Admitted  to  Baii..— We  arc  iufonnfd  , 
that  panics  against  whom  indictni.nls  wire 
found  at  the  lte<lwood  court,  for  the  murder 
of  Liscomb  uikI  Cami-bell,  have  been  admit- 
ted to  bail— seven  of  tlieui  in  the  sum  of 
$  1,1)00  each,  and  the  remainder  in  ihe  sum 
of  *2,000  each. 

QricK  Trip  —John  N.  TreadwcU,  Esq., 
l.'ft  St.  IV'ter  on  the  Wateca  stage  at  2  A. 
M.  on    Moudav,  H.ptembor  i)i!i,  and    break- 

Ii>i;)of|ors  of  all  kinis  r.f 


AND   iSilUNUS. 

Also   Agents  for  K.X.I  BE  tj-  CO'i^,  and 

other  first-class  PianoB. 

CO  Washington  Street,  Chicago 

And    C'O  Broadwaif,  ,\'ew    York. 

I.  WILLAIIL)  FOX,  and  Di-a'.cr  In 

Paints,  Oi!^5  &€., 

No.  9-i  Was-hington  Street, 
C  FI I  C  A  G  O . 

HUitrrels.     Tl.ey  made  persevering  eiforts  to  ■  [-^^^^^.^i  \^^  x^w'  York  on  Tliursday    morning, 
p.,rsuade  him   t\>  leave  the  country,  never  to  i  j^^.^j^j,,,,  ite  entire  trip  in  three  days, 
relurn  to  hia  wife,  an<l  otfered  him  consider  ° 

able  8um»  of  money  if  he  wouUi  do  so. — 
These  etforts  all  failing,  in  August  last,  tlie 
family  fricr.da  of  the  wife  assembled  at  the 
house  of  the  deceased— dragged    him    to  a 

Austin    Proal,    about    twelve    years  of 

aoc,  a  son  of  Charles  l»roal,  of  St.  Paul, 
wviit  out  to  the  well  at  their  )iomu  on  Sum- 
mil    Avenue,    for    the    p,    of   drawing 


pond  of  wattr    near  the,  and  threat- 1  water   for  a    horse,    aii-i  fell    into    the  well, 
enci  to  drown  him  unless  he  would  comply  |  killing  him  almos'.  instantly. 
with    their    demands.     His    head    was  fre 

F.  Fn:LLlXG-S 



bail  ist.     When    he    reflects    on 

which  have  been  i:nockc<l  into 
the  cheek    bones  which    have 

liugir  joints 
a  coekedhttl: 

and    others 
I  bv 


The    nomination  of  MarihuU  p     -      .         _  ,    . 

,        ,,    ,,       .   ,•  I..,*    «..I..,.ted   bv  the     inentioi.  of  any   names  whatever, 
on  the  bond  holders    lick.-t    s<  I.lImI   nv  ine         ^^.^    ^^^_^^^  ,.r.,baidv  have  full    particulars«i>)y<an  S^tate  Convention  is  not  ri-spo 
^d  to  uiih  cnthusi^tsm    by    the  Uepubhcan 
press.     Here,  before    us,  is    the   .St.    Cloud 
JtHr/w/,a  6rm  Republican  paper 
of  the  nominees : 

,1,.  oorv(>.\    in  the 

ijiunlly  thrust  under  the  v.ati-r,  and  held  for 

bomu  lime,  when  his  tornuutois  would  raise 

him  above   the  water,  and  offer  to  spare  l.ii 

life  on  condition    that    lie    would    leave    his 

t'amilv  and  country.     His  last  Wi)rils  wore  a 

rotusal    lo  with    iheir    demands,  and 

the  wicked   men  finally   executed  liieir  mur  [a  coeKe.i-imi;   i.t^-  ^u^... ....  ^ 

derous  threats.  been  developed    ...  a  .style  a..d^  ^•;^';.';^  /"•^  ' 

The  names  of  so  many  have  been  connect-    casts  tar  .n...    the  shade  an>    »'^^"o""''  \^   ' 

ed  with    the  crime,  that,  from  fear  of  doing    velopments    in  that    l...e;      he    ^}^^J^  ' 

i„iustice,    we  forbear    tor    the    present,  the    have  been    "bunjre.l     ";-;;"^f  >  /  "  ^^  ,  '  j   '. 

McCoid  irt-ated  Jones  at  the  late  p../.«    ngni. 

on  the  bifurcate  gara:ents  which  hav.-  hi'..n 

irrelrievablv     split,     turn,     ripped,    tray.-  , 

tlaul  ed.  discolor.-d    and   devastated,  b«yon.i 

Prepared  Dye   Colors,  j;:;S- ::'rr,.  „*.x', 

UvsE  Evi.T,— The  i'ldividual  wno  i.^  m 
charge  of  this  dvp^  of  this  highly 
rospi^ctuble  and  widely  circulated  as  well  as 
thoroughly  patriotic  j.mrnal,  is  not  a  'ji'^^^j^J  j  Diy.T.7sf.,i,l{r.o.-Ki  &  Co.  Wholesale  Drnirgists 

yj  .Nort'.i    Clark  an  I    K.I  &  lii.i  Ulnzie  i^U. 


SOI. I'.  .XfJF.NTK, 


Tlils-;Mntmpnr..'>fti'r  .m  cxpeii^Micp  of  twen- 
ty v«'ar.'>,hii>  piovcdlturlfae  tveroWn  rem  dy 
lorall  .li».ueb..f  tlic  Skin;  having  i-lli'i'<-"> 
a  curf  in  ••very  ra^c  on  wiilch  it  Wan 
u«i-.l,  curlii;;  many  oti.-'ilnaltf  lah'sol  llueun 
.iriwi-iilv  yl■a^»■»lanliin^Mtl^>l  iiU'l  previous- 
ly r.-sis;i-'l  ail  nMmi'.lis  pri'Si  rlbcd  ly  tlic  Oust 
nifdical  talent  of  I  In- country.  JU  i-flui-t  is»id!>lilni{,  in  a  lew  Ua.v»  ilie  h.ireiie.-s  ami 
lirJutio.i  I.,  rpni-.vid;  ili>-  »kiii  l.eiointa 
snioirtii  and  lie.iitliy,:»n  I  rein.ilna  |nTnia!'enl- 
ly  heal.-d,  «ilnoi.t  Uio  Use  ul  any  utuer  reni- 

^  TlilH.   TKTTl;ll.5M.T-I{lia-M,  ITCII.  Sj'-OISR'S 

ITCH.  K^<v^ll■tl.A!',  IJi.oTcufcs,  I  IMPI.K.'',  and 
cv.-ry  firm  ul  ill>e.ise  nf  IlK-  .skin  lb  |  uncill- 
aily  niatter  of  how  lon«  Hiandm/. 
It  lias  ciin- 1  liad  ca»-#  of  INKHMKO  Kvni.ll).", 
and  lils.iiar„-rsfroni  I'.if  J-'.^r,  wlirn  imdiniii 
ilsi-  wmil'l  heal  i:i.-:n.  riL'->,  that  liiivi- re- 
s!>t..-d  all  oilier  tre.ilnient  l-ir  many  yeara. 
have  l.».-en  elf.-cinaliy  c.ual  ly  the  n-c  f 
onlv  one  Vox  of  tliid  olcilnient.  Boknc-, 
^lUns,   and   OIP  Souks,  It   heals  In,  a  very  lime.      l'UUKi')t_'KM.<   I'KllUel.      If   llOt 

Rold  bv  yo'ir  l>ru,'.;iii,  sen. I  bU  cenu  to  J.)hii- 
fcton  11  illoW..y  .k  CiW  ien.  pi.ia.  i\ 
l,..x   >v;ll  Ijc  fent  ffv-c  ol  postajje  to  any  al- 

''oHSICKVK-Non'!  (lennino  wlthont  the  sIr- 
natur  •  of  lUe  yroi»rK-t-jrs  ou  the  wrapper  of 
each  box. 




So.  23  Xoi'th  Sixth  Street  PhllatlelphlB. 

JJold  at  \Vhid.s.ile  in  Chk.wo,  l.y   Ki:i,I,KH.  KlNCIl  Si 

MlTM.-Ul-'ltMlAMS    *    VAN 

UT)  A    C  ).,-.^MlTII.  CITLEU  i 

XllCl    CO.     and    lhrou%'liout   the 

country  by  all  Uua„-KliU.  «'-'  «'" 

C.  Kalvelage, 

Shakojyec,     Minn.. 

Dealer  in 



Boots    &  Shoes, 


Hats  &  Caps, 

From    Buffalo — By  New  York  time  (torn 

Depot  cor.  Kxehanga  mid  .Michigan  Btrecit  i 

5.46   a-  m.  New  York  Day  Ezpreii. 

(f'niidavs  excepied).*  at  iTornellsTllle  I.Oi 
A.  M..  (nun.)  .  Susquehanna  2.17  P..M..  (Dlnajj 
TiirnerV  7.5.'>  I'.  M..  (Sup.),  and  arriven  In  Naw 
York  lO.mi  I'.  M.  CiinnecOi  at  Great  Ilend  with 
Delaware,  lyackawnnna  A  Western  Railroad,  acA 
Kt  .lerscy  Cily  with  Midi  Ight  Kxprest  T.-aIn  o-f 
New  .lersev  Kuliroad  for  I'blladelpbla,  Baltlmor* 
anci  Washington. 

8.00  a-  m-   Express  Mail,  vi%   Atob 

and  Iloniell.svllle  (  Snndavs  excepted).  ArrlT«» 
in  New  V.irk  at  Too  A.  M.  Connectaat  Flniln» 
with  Northern  (Vnlral  Kallwny  for  Ilanicburs. 
rhlladelphla,  Uultiiuor*,  Washlogton  aua  paint* 

2-20    p  m.  Lightningf   Express,  (Sun* 

duVs  cxcepte.i).  .Slops  at  Ilornelifvtlle  3,U  P.  ■(. 
(Suii.'i.  .in.|  nnivexlii  New  York  7.00  A  M.  Coir 
neclsnl  .Icrsey  City  with  MornliiK  KxpresaTral* 
ol  N<  w  Jersey  R.iilr.iad  for  Ilaltln.ore  anil  Wa»h- 
Inctoii,  ami  at  New  York  with  Morning  Expraat 
Train  lorIJ.i>i.'n  and  New  Enclajid  Cities. 

C  10  p  m.  New  York  Night  Express, 

D.-VILY.  !-toiisat  rortageS.'.J  l-.  M.  (ifup.),  Intar- 
Fectln^  at  ll.jriiellMVille  with  the  4  IS  I'.  M.TralM 
from  Iiiinkirt.-,  aud  arrives  Iu  New  York  •• 
I2.:i0  1*.  M. 

11  20  p.  m-  Ciacinnati  Express,  (.Mus- 
lim s«xcci>ted.)  ^'tl^p.s  at  Suj«<ueiianna  7  SO  A.  M., 
(Uicfl.);  Turne.-s  I. in  I>.  M.,  (Pine.)  and  arrlTaa  la 
N(W  Vorkat.1.2i  I'.  M.  Connects  at  Klnilra  wlik 
Northern  (Vatral  K.-»llway  lor  llarrisbnrg,  Fhll8» 
del|ihia,  ISallim.ire,  Washington  and  polnti  .<^oath, 
at  lireul  ii.-n.t  with  Delaware,  Lack.twanna  aad 
We.-.tern  li>r  Scranlon,  Trenton  aa4 
I'hiladelphiii,  and  nt  New  York  wUh  AtternoaB 
Trains  and  Meuuicrii  for  UostoD  and  New  Knglamtf 

Oiily  One  Train  diatton   ."Snn.lav.  leavlnis    Ituffalcal 
CIO   r.  .M.,  and  reaching  New  York  at  12JH)  P,  it, 

Bo.sTOx  AND  New  Enola>d  PAUtKatw^ 
with  their  IJugpago,  are  trausferrcd  fres  t/ 
charge  in  New  York. 

if  To  plensure  traTelera  the  Una  of  tha  Iria  Kat^ 
way  presents  many  oljocti  cf  Intcreit,  paRilog  ibi»«g% 
the  bi-autiful  vaileyK  of  the  Chemonc,  i^uifaabaaaa. 
Delawari-  and  Uanupo  riven,  an  ever  changing  j 
rama  of  iiaturc'i  beauties  cuiutDandt  altantlon. 

—  AND— 


It  say: 

e    Miau  p 
within  u  day  or  two.- 

-liodicsler  Union. 




Tiis    State    Fair  —Mr.  Clark,  the  cnor-  j  .^^  \^^-  renovation;  on  the    ten  dollar    tih.s 
tic  Secretary  of  the  Htate  Hoard,  has    hud  i  .^^'^  y.orfie  state  of   sh;  iielessness    than  tht 

the  Krst    Natitinal 

his  otlice  in   the  room  ot    mc-  »  i^i.    -nin'iim  i  j^^^^ 
Hank  during  the  present  week.     He  advises  j 

latofany    M.  I),   (inuh-    driver)  in  a  trans 

..  .  .        ^  ,,  ,,  pcrtation'train  just  in  from   Devil's  Lake  Ol 

us  that  everMhing  IS  moving  t.ivorably,  anil  I 'j^,,^^.^    Wadsworllr,    on    the  sprains,,     ^^ 
that  ihe  Fair  of  next  week  will  unquestion-  j  ^^.^„,„,|^^   ^y^Us,    contusions,    abrui.sions     0^  f 
ably  be  the  uiost  successfid  and  inort- largtdy  i  j^^.^^ji^n^^  which   the  ediuu- uf  this  p:ip>r  wil!  • 
attended    than  any  heretot'iiie  held  in    Miu-  i  ^^^^~„    awav    from    the    '•lournauiciil''     no>s  i  


State  will  be  fully  as  acct  pt:i 

f,.t-.nsoon  to  expire..  'J  he  hearty  and 
^.„a.u^iustic  renomitiution  bv  acdama  ion  o 
i'oionel  Kugcrs,  A  l^ravo  .sold.e.-,  an  hones 
official  and  a  trtic  gentk-mau,  is  speci.iUN 
.rallfving.  and  will  meet  wi.h  a  respo..siye 
l^v.nne  Iron,  the  people  in  a  .n..jnr..y 
fcbull  be  an  honor  lo  him  and  them  aliKe. 

^•ot  a  word  more  of  congratulation  about 
its  candidates.  But  it  makes  this  reference, 
in  speakuig  of  the  bond  rcculuf.on,  which  .s 
i!ut  Fatisfactory  to  the  Jouniul : 

With  nuestionable  nomination.^,  there 
v,-fTC  given  no  assurance  as  to  whtit  wuuM 
luT  the  jH.sitio..  of  the  party  r.fter  the  deteat 
of  the  scheme  now  on  foot. 

fluestionabU-  nominations!  .Tust  so.  And 
the  auti  bo..d  men  who  are  fooled  by  the 
i:onvc»tio.."s  resolution  into  votintr  for  Mar- 
shall will  understand,  sooner  or  later,  that 
the  resolution  is  ..ot  strong  enough  to  hold 
\um  from  supporting  his  own  pet  schemes 
looking  to  the  payment  of  the  bonds  at  par 
vith  ten  rears  interest  »dded  tm. 

Then  (luoting  the  St.  Paul  rrcs.^'  r.  jec- 
lion  .of  the  anti-bond  ri solution,  the  Journal 

says : 

The  wouM  he  organ  of  the  party,  w'.th  its 
little  band  of  sattliu-ii,  clainw  the  right  to 
lake    inst  so  much  t)f   the  pUu form  a.s  suits 


jiesota.     The    entries     up    to    last  I  j'^^^V",   ^^^^^^  j.,  ,j,.^t    saintly    arisli)crul.c 
exc«.eded   300— a  number  heyond  all  prece- j  ^.j^^  ^,.  v^^    j.^^i^    he  iWi*  devoutly    ihai.kfni 

"that    /i«^  is  not  a   bascballist  1 

dent    at  this    di.stanee  from    the  opening  ot  |  ^j^.j^^    he  \^  not  a   .. 
the    Fail-,  and     showing    most    clearly    the    ^^^^^.^^  ^^^^  ,j  ^j^.^j^^.,,^ 
I)ublie  use  for  the  8ecreta.-y's  jiresence  here  |     ..^-.u,,,  i..e»o  and  ai 
during    the  present   week.     All  that  is  now 
ri-4uind,  is  a  co.itinuance  of  this  delightful 
wiather;  and    all   the    indications  now    arc 
that  it  will  eontiuue.— ift/t^  i^cpf-  -^^ 

A  Nev;  PnonrcT  for  Minnesota. — Our 
triend  .1.  V.  llouk  of  this  vilhigo,  has  grow- 
in"*  in  his  garden  the  regular  Pea  Nut.     l5v 

and  51  Wal)asli  Ave. 


With  rever- 

II  other  ovi:*  Cool    Lord  deliver 

""^  —i^t.  Cloud  Times. 

AxoTUEt  MranEn.— The  Chicago  Tribune 
ofSept.  2:<d,  gives  lengthy  parliculars  of  a 
murder  committed  at  Pigs  Kye,  three  mih-s 
below  Pt.  Paul,  IKtIJ,  charged  with  the  corn- 

way  of  experiment  he  planted  a  handlul  <»f  |  mis.sion  of  which  (ieo.  L.  Van  Solcn,  of  St 

nuts   obtained    at    a  grocery,  early    in    the  ! 
spring,  and  thoy  have  done  well,  being  now  | 
lilled'^  with  full'  grown    pea  nuts.     The^  pea  ' 
nut  of  co.n..ierce  is  raised  it.  Cieorgia.  North  i 
and  South  Carolina,  and  Soulhe.n  Virginia. 
Also  on  a  small  scale  in   Kentucky,  Tonnes- 
see  and  Southern   l.idiana.     It  is  planted  in 
ridges   about  three  feet  apart,  and    the  vine 
stands  up    about    10    inches  peipcndicular. 
I  he  Bfems  shoot  out  in  all  directions  from 
for  about  one  foot  around.     These  .^tems 


Paul,,  was  arrested  in  Chicago  on  Saturday. 
We  clip  the  following  fi-om  the  Tribune — 
adding  thiil  Van  Stolen  was  stationed  .at  St. 
Ptter  in  tbe  winter  of  iSti:^,  wiih  the  Glh 
Regiment : 

A  voung  mm  about  2fi  years  ohl,  named 
Gcor-'o  lif  Vitn  SuIimi.  wa!-,  nr.i-sied  by  de- 
tective Samuel  i:!!.-",  about  eleven  o'ciock 
on    Saturday     morning, 

■f  tiV  V' 

Be  on  Your  Guard 

a"ain^t    the   imitations    and    coiinterfeits   of 

Eostetter's  Stomach  Bitters,  with  which 
he  1-iiiATKs  who  n.iike  a  disUononible  living 
,y  preying  upon  the  sick    sufT.-riiig,  are 
now  ei'ideavoring  to  Hood  the  ...arkcts  of  thi8 
eountry.     Whenever    these    poisonvions;er.* 
are  discovered  they  arc  immediately    pi^ 
ciitrd  bv    the   proprietors,  who  expend  tiiott- 
sands    of  dollars  an.iually  in  traciiiir    them 
out  and  bringing  them  to  justice.     Within  a 
i  short  time  injunctions  have  been  obtained  in 
j  the  Courts  of  the  P.  S.  against  a  nu.nber  of 
individuals   and  firm?,  and    suits  are  now  in 
'  progros?  against  several  others,  all  of  whose 
!  nances  will  be   given  to  the  public.     Put  in 
j  sjiitu  of  the  utmost  vigilance  iind  activity  of 
their  detective  agents,   the  undersigned    ai* 
of  course  unable  to  piotect  the  public  entire- 
ly against  piratical  in.itations  of  a  Standard 
.Satk)nal    Tonic,  everywhere  in  request,  and 
:is    readily    eonverlii.le  into  cash  as    Piiited 
States    lionds    or    Treasury    Notes.     They, 
tht!refore  as  a  maisurf  of  prtcautinn,  direct 
aftcntion  to    the  fact  that  a  finely    engraved 
'abel,    repre.-iei.ting    St.     George    and    the 
Dragon,  and  a  beautiful   proprietarv  stamp, 
bean.ig  the  official  endorsement  of  the  Ciov- 
ernment,    ai)pcar    on    every    bottle  of    the 
genuine  Bri'TFUS.     The  article  is  further 
with  th 

to  counterfeit  which  is  a  stale   prison  crime 
The  true  Bl  T'fFll.S  arc  sold  in  bottle  only, 

and  never  in  bulk.  


Milliuciy      Goods. 

A  largo  and   well  selected  aasorl- 
mcnt  of 

BOOKS    &  C  . , 

alwayt  on  hand. 

The  re.-t  YK.vTii.ATEn  and  Mo«t  Lcximi- 
ora  Hi.eepix(8  Coaches  t4r  IN  THB 
WORLD  "©a  accompany  all  night  IraiBS 
on  this  raihvuy. 


And    Jore    always    at    low    at    by    mmg 
other   Haute. 

^■9-  Cash  paid  /«  r  all  kinds  of 
Country  Produce.  -"^S. 

ClillliiiS  HliRTill, 


tli^^  Ask  for  Tickets  via  Eri« 

Which  can  be  ol't»lne4  nt   all  Prlnrlpnl  Tirkat  OSeMt* 
th*  Wesl  an.l  South-Waat. 

— '.lEALKr.    IX — 


Ocii'l  Sup't. 

Wai.  R.   BARR, 

Oen'l  Paw.  A>% 




Dry  Goods, 

Boots  cO  Shoes, 

Hats  and  Caps, 
Crockery,  cC-c. 

ine  lit  I  lJ*..uo.  ine  arucii;  la  luivu... 
•nlicafed  by  a  miniature  note  of  hand, 
the  signature  of  "  llostctter  /c  Smith," 

Cotton    and    Yl.\x    Duck, 

An  widths  and  wclshlx. 


or  every  description. 

Tents,    Aw.ntxos,    Waoo.v  Covers,    Fi.a(;8, 
Fisit  Xet.s  anp  Sei.xe?, 

I  Tar,  Pitch,  Okum,  Blocks,  Chains, 

And  cv.-rv-  virl.  ty  r.f  SM;>  Chandlery  Coo  Is.  i 

205  &  207  South  Water  St.  Chicago- 

_«rwEH^^v^T>..^^^^o^^^^^  o/  ScJiool  Lands. 

j^fff'  The  hiic^tr:'.  price  paid  for 
Country  Produce,  -i^ 


0\  AND  ArXKR 

Wednesday,  Sept.    11th,    18C7, 

and  until  furthrr  notice,  raanrngar  Tratua  vlll  ma  M 

followB,  (Sondayt  exceptafl. 

St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis  Accom- 

Three  Trains  Daily,  Each  fVay. 

mi  mmii 

J,  n.  REE35  8l  CO., 

\Vhi.l«;-ale   l>cal*'rs  iu 


Whv  cannot  the  temperance  men  do  the 
j-ame'  'Are  the  cai.didaus  any  more  .sacred 
than  the  platform?  And  why  cannot  thost' 
vho  doubt  the  po.,ition  of  son.c  ot  the  nom.- 
recs  take  those  *  ho  suit  them  and  T.-Jcct 
i;nfiualitiedlv''  the  balance? 

1.1  this  co.idition  of  amdr?  what  can  be 
lioiK.d  for  but  def.'at?  And  whore  rests  the 
responsibility?  f^ith  the  bolters— \\\ih  xle 
i^t.  Paul  Press  and  ihost-  >\h>  work  with  it. 
i4t:].-<ting  the  will  of  the  Convention,  in 
vhich  ihty  had  full  share  and  representa- 
lion,  they  reduce  the  Kt-i'ublican  party  I'ro.n 
u  compact,  wt44  or;;aiMi£,i-d  body,  i.ito  broken 
Jclachineiila,  »!Htii  iio-htvig,  guerrilla  like,  1 
on  its  own  responsibility  and  to  gain  its  own 

V/c  as!w    the  partv  to  (djsorvc  well  thp  po- 
sition of   affairs.     Those    who  opposed  (lov- 
rrnor  Marshairs   nomi-ation,  b-dieving  hiin 
to    be    in   svmpathy    with  the    bo.idholdc-K, 
bow  to  the  will  of  ihe  Convention  aud  bring 
to  him    their  snppoit.     And   although   hold- 
iii"   that  thti  platform  shtmld    have  im.rked 
ou'i    the   fut.irH  p'.liev  of    the  party    on  the 
bond-.   lh»^y    also    accepted     that.     On     the 
other    band,    the  papers  which    opposed  the 
anti-bond    r.-solution    "rt-jt-ot  itnojialiileiily 
lie  action   of   ihc    Convenlioi.  ai.  1    propoic  '_ 

Ht  the  Wheeler! 
o;  ru.:..ors  have  joints  about  one  and  one  '  House,  at  the  conuiof  t:anal  «!<J  "Y";';,-: 
half  ...ches  apart,  and  at  each  joiiit  a  strong  '  streets,  on  charge  ot  murder.  J  he  .i. U  |.;  J 
root  strikes  down  into  the  ground  about  two  .rime  was  cou.uuiled  m  -;\"^7%'  /fV'^' 
inches  deep;  at  the  end  of  this  root  the  pea  |  about  three  mile.s  below  bt-  I  aul,  .M.nne.^o-  is  formed  and  comes  to  maturity.  Whc.i    la 

ripe,  one  bunch  of  yines  will  have  I'ro.n  two  ,  b..-  .    .  •     ,       • 

to  three    quarts  of  peas.     Forty  bushels  per  [  and  surgeon  re.-,  at  ^i.  Lou.  ,  ^ 

acre  is  an  average  yi.ld  i.i  the  sandy   lands  |       Van    Sokn    had  served    m  the  army,  and  , 
of   the  South.     We  hope    the  experiment  ol  I  an    unpleasant  ivport    8t:ll    aUach.'S  lo   l.ia  , 
r.isin-r    the    pea  nnt    in  Mituie^sota  will    bo    „ainc  with    rtierence  to  the  alleged^er 
thoroughlv    tested    next    year  on    a    larger    „f   the   Surgeon    (Dr.    Poller)   ot    tlic  ^ml. 
scale. ''it"  they    will  mature    in  this    Slate,    Miunesota  V  olunteers. 

and  .Mr.    Ilouk's    exiKrlinent  proves  such  a 

conclu.sion,  our  rich  lands  will   undoubtedly 

p.-oduce  larger    peas  ai:d    more  abundn.itly 

than    the  boulh      Who  will    '•paote    this  in 

their  hat"'    and    try  the  experi.ueul  another 

year? — liasson  Republican. 

Akother  Ac:-ident. — A  son  of  Mr.  Fred. 

Curtis  was  kicked 

from    ih.;  cfil'Ct 

Xntico  is  hrrtbv  given  that  the  nnstdd 
I.-inls  In  tiio  followlns  I  School  Seaionsin  the 
c.iuntv  of  srotl.  an.l  .-^t  t«- "f  .Minne-c.ta,  » i.l  be  "T.  red 
at  rul.lic  .-ale  ..i  '.he  Tr-a.-uref.*  < -ffl  e  of  S..I.I  cunty. 
Tn  the  tUt,  ..r  hh..ko,K;..,.m  FRIDAY,  the  Uay  of 
t*^!^)!!^.!!.  Ififi".  nt  IM  o  ci..cU.  A.  .M..  Tix 

,,    the    victim     being     at.     Englishman  by  ;  ,J,],u  jjV]  j'^  >j-iV)/»Bp^  ^DDdO.  ^Q 
irth    named   Henrv  llarcoml,  a    physician  }  ■»"-J"^J-^^--^'  "-"  ^  ^  •> 

32  Lake  Street,   Chicago. 




I  loanl  36 
'  lo 

,  I  l«:>il.l  :^ 





will   he  Kol  1   fjr 

Name  of  Town. 
New  Mttrket. 







leM  thnn  five  dollara  per 

I.enve  .st.rsnl; 
.Arrive  Mlniif apolU, 
Leave  .Mi!iii»'»|,i.liit, 
Al  rive  at  .*^t.  l\iiil. 






f.  M, 


Belle  riainc,  Blakely  &  Mankftto 


Leare  Pt.  Psnl, 
Arrive  ai   Helle  riatne. 

1.  M. 



Cr.-.|li   r.lver. 
Cfjlar  Lake. 
.eprlojl  Lake. 
K-tcle  Creek. 

8anil  t^rcelt. 
Ilelle  Plaino. 
Saint  Lawreuce. 

^I:innr.-»ct-.irer«  of  anit  D.-alers  In 

Minnesota  Fiuit.— Our  exchnnges  in 
all  p.arts  of  the  State  give  pratitymg  cn- 
couiagoinent  to  fruit  rniiivator.-»,  Uy  uu-n- 
titming  numerous  in.stancis  of  successful ' 
culture,  which  have  by  ihi:;  lime  proved 
beyond  a  doubt  ihal  not  many  Vfiir.s  from  1 
now  we  mav  have  good    apple  ore 


10  a  lot  M 
16  an.!  "li 
Itt  Jtl'l  Sii 


ISaii'l  3<> 

No  lan.l* 

,ppr«!K-.l  v«lnean.l   t.  rin«  ol  wile  can  he  f-mml  at     he 
'..nety   »e;;t  ati.l   at   the   several    I.o^t    offices   In    the 

"""riVin.ber  lanjs  uniTlcl^nt   pnymei,t  will  be  rraulfe'l 
•■t  the    lime  of  the    purch.-i.'e   to  In.lpniiilty 
"from  l"S.<  liv   the  ftrlppIiiK   of  the  tln>l;<^r 

„>.,.     n-r   leMi  than  their  nppniise.l   va!ne.    JichcUul-a 
'  shUlne  the  pi.rlUiilar  it.  scriptlon  of  «ai'', '»."'i''.!.^*ll'I 

the   irtiite 
On   i>mlrle 

1  by    a  horse  on    Haturday,    ^j^^  (•j,j.j.^  J{-   rriirden  fruit  in  any  part  of  the 
of    which  he  died    '^  short  t  y.^^j^.^     If  there  arc  any   of  our  readers  still 

an'.s  Hi.d 
'  e 

^ _  ill 

lime    after    the    accident.     Ilis  fuiier.d  was  !  r."^;^',,   ^'jjj  tj^^  Mii.ncsota  climate  pmhibits 
attended  by  a   large  circle  of  syinpaL!.i/    ^j,g  rai..^i„j,  „f  apples,    grapes,  or    plun.s,  let ; 
friends    on     Mo.idav.     This     is    the     i<^"'>-l^  ;  ,ho,„  slop    ut  the  Post  Uttice  to  si-e  ihe  hm 
child  of  the  family  hisr.  by  accident  or  other-  :  ^jijpi.,^  ^,,,  Mr.  liaylord's  sho.v  case'  -'  '^-" 
wise  viibin  the  past  leu  years.— ^'tJ'/'t'""'''    raised"  in  and   "...a-  lied  W.ul'.     '1 




P.%Pi:U     I'LOLR 

I  u  vmtANTKn.un.l  Pri-;tel  toorler. 

'  GROCERS  I' A  PER  B.iGS.  all  sizes 

l£;]  South  Water  St.  Chicngo. 

Cor.  First  and   Lewis  Stre3ts,  j 

Shakopec,  Minn. 



Tin  V/are,  & 

g  neatly  and  prompt- 


A.  *.  f.  W. 

T.eaTe  Blakelv.  «:'• 

I,e.ive  Ilelle  llalnp,  T:.W  S:3I» 

Arrive  at  M.rr.Ul,  HCO  3-*« 

Trains  of  this  roHd  mnlrc  c1o«e  connectlrn  at  Mendof* 
w!th  trains  on  Mlnne»<ita  Central  Kallroail  fo  Minneap- 
olis, ivatonna.  M'Inona  an.l  all  point*  South  and  Baal, 
and  at  Blakely  with  MlnnoaoU  StaK*  t^o. »  Line  of 
Stares  for  L- Sneur,  St.  IVter,  Mankatoaud  all  pulnU 
W  e.-t  al|.|  i*olltnwe.-.t.  . 

TickelKcaii  he  procured  at  Tnlon  Ticket  Offlce,  Jac»- 
«on  Street,  th  ee  doors  helow  the  Merchant  a  Hotel,  anfl 
M  the  Depot  a.  Wet  .t.  1'--^^^^^  ,   LINCOLN. 
St.  Pant.  Sept.  II.  l*^'-  Snperlntendent. 

Tt  AIL  ^V  A-  Y 

'"^T.'paur,- Minnesota,  Sept.  IW^j.;*^;,,,,^^  .tII 


Comn.l&loner  Jtatc  band  (Mllce. 


past  leu  years.— oiiuici."'     j.aj^j.j    i,,  nnd   near  l*e 
^...  !  tieveral    varieties  of    apples,    and    ot    crab, 

— Purbank    Bros,   have    the  cintract    for  I  apples,   one  or  two    of  plu.ns,  and    two  ot  | 
furnishing   the    Hudson    Hay    Company  lor  ,  jjrapes.  all  beaut.luh 
the  c. .suing  year. 

the     State  Fair    the     Federal 

Two  line  varieties  of 

ilri;r,0. 11.  DE  FOREST  &  CO.ipiioVISlON  STORE 

— During 

L'lHOa  and    the  Foul,    Ilochc-ster,   wlil   each  i 
be  issued  daily,  one  lu  the   mt  ruing  and  ih-; 
other  in  the  evening. 

—Last  Monday  $90,000  were  6cnt  for- 
ward from  H.i.s'lings  by  the  Merchant's 
Kx]>r<'ss  Company,  to  purchase  iro.i  for  the 
liu.}liii^s  and  PaUota  ro:id. 

at.i.k's'rt'prescf.t  fifty  or  ihrreabjut  ] 
rai.ed  by    Mr    Wickwire  of  ihi^  city.— ''"' 

tying  Argus.  '  .  .  : 

—The    Grand    Jury  of    Judge    Anstiu's} 
Court,    at    Ucdwood  'Falls,    have    indictcl  i 
Ih.rleen    for  murder   in    the    first  l 
dcreo,  on  accon..t  of  tl.e  killing  of  Liscom 
and    Campbell,   al  New  Ulm,  in  December, ' 


Patented  May  2ath,  1837 
IG    Lake    Street, 


The  ttn.l»r»l8i.cU  has  oper.e.t  a  new  Trovislon  Flore  on 
,  "  OPEE.  M1XNK?0TA. 

I  Where  he  hiten.U  keepluu  a  seneral  asiortntrnt  of 

i  Groceries    and    Provisions, 

'      At   prices  a^  1<'W  »»  «"?■  '»  Shak.>pee-anJ  ai  good 

.rlieli-i        ■*-  nie  UCJlI. 

article.    »*-  ^^^   jj    SPKSCRR, 

_     g_y   ^,1,   ,ndeav.<r   In  k-^p   on   hautt  a  constant 
^.jpp'.yof  tireen  Uroterl«.».i(ll'oultiy.  „    jj    g 

u30  It 

joi  mmi 

Merchant  Tailor, 

FiilsT  Stueet,  Siiakopek,  Minx. 

A  new  and  splendid  stork  of  Clo- 
thi..i.'.  Cloths,  and  Geuts'  Furnishing 


Pail  Rnnning  Arrangem't. 

ox  and  AFTER. 

Wednesday,    Sept.    11th,    1SC7. 


.f  < 




■  • 



Le-ire  St   Paul. 


T:ll  a.  M' 
tm  r.  M 

St.  p.  &  Minucapolis  Trains. 


A.  M. 

».  M. 

r.  « 

l^env.  Pt.  Paul, 

10:  I* 



Arrive    " 




t^T"  Clothing  made  to  order. 
Shakopee,,  March  11th,  1S«7. 

T).  C.  SHEPARD. 

Supt.  Minnesota  Central  llaUw 

geB'.U,  l«»T. 

=  r 



i^M   » 




1 1 


■<  ■  ■  » 


DomeMtlc    I»ara«T«P>»»« 

—Flaxseed  is  a  profitable  crop  tbis  year 
in  Ohio,  yielding  largely  and  selling  at  |2 
per  bushel 

—Prime  peaches  have  sold  at  50c.  a  box 
in  Chicago,  and  the  market  has  been  liter 
ally  stalled. 

—A  five  minutes  hail-storm  destroyed 
7,000  panes  of  glass  in  the  Sustiuehanna 
railroad  shops. 

—New  Orleans  is  trying  to  raise  ban- 
annas  and  be  independent  of  the  West  In- 
dies.   It  will  succeed. 

—Sportsmen  complain  of  the  scarcity  of 
prairie  chickens  The  spring  rains  played 
smash  ^vnth  the  eggs. 

— Forty-seven  thousand  bushels  of  corn 
were  discharged  from  a  vessel  in  Boston, 
by  an  elevatdr,  in  twenty -six  hours. 

— Enterprising  youths  in  Canada  pass 
the  notes  in  use  at  a  commercial  college  in 
Toronto  upon  unsuspecting  countryman. 

— McGuire  has  been  beaten  by  Smith 
for  the  possession  of  the  Imperial  Japs 
— little  All  Right  included—  and  is  traveling 
with  them  in  New  England. 

—A  negro  was  hung  up  and  flayed  in 
De  Soto  county.  Miss.,  by  two  white  men, 
for  seizing  a  white  girl  and  forcing  her  to 
bve  with  him  in  the  woods  for  several  days. 

— The  Union  Pacific  Railway  Company's 
artesian  well  at  Julesburg  has  reached  a 
depth  of  five  hundred  and  fifty-two  feet, 
and  is  going  down  at  the  rate  of  thirty 
feet  per  day. 

— The  total  exports  of  petroleum  were 
in  1862  upwards  of  10,000,000  gala. ;  in 
1863  more  than  28,000,000 ;  in  1864  in  ex- 
cess of  31,000,000;  in  1865,  42,000,000;  in 
1866,  1,700,000,000 

— Some  individual  thought  to  place  a 
foundling  in  opulence  by  leaving  it  with 
John  Jacob  Astor  recently.  The  authors 
of  the  infant's  being  will  be  disappointetl 
to  learn  that  it  was  given  to  the  police. 

—Scene— A  crowded  horse-car.  First 
Passenger,  (to  a  sturdy  laborer  standing  in 
front  of  him)— "I  say,  there!  I've  got 
toes!"  Second  Passenger  —  "Y-e-s,"  (a 
gleam  of  intelligence  lightens  his  face,)  "  I 
felt  'cm." 

—It  ia  reported  that  Charles  il.  Burrill, 
having  failed  to  recover  the  1 1,000,000 
which  he  demanded  from  the  city  of  Bos- 
ton, for  substitutes  furnished  on  her  quota, 
is  now  going  to  sue  ex-Mayor  Lincoln  and 
the  city  authorities,  personally,  for  the 

— An  accident,  by  collision,  occured  on 
the  Elmiraand  Canandaguia  branch  of  the 
Northern  Central  Railroad  Wednesday, 
which  resulted  in  the  death  of  two  men, 
and  severe  wounding  of  five  others.  The 
killed  are  W.  E.  Tammany,  of  Lock  Haven, 
Pa. ;  and  Frank  Truei  of  Ehnira,  N.  Y. 

—A  man  in  New  York  rode  from  one 
end  of  the  city  railroad  lines  to  the  other 
without  paying  fare,  and  won  fifty  flollars 
thereby.  He  would  get  on  to  a  car,  and 
when  the  conductor  came  round  would 
discover  he  had  taken  the  wrong  one,  and 
get  off ;  he  pursued  this  method  to  the  end 
of  the  route. 

— The  New  York  Post  suggests  that  the 
ashes  and  garbage  of  that  city  be  saved 
separately,  the  ashes  to  be  sold  far  filling 
in  waste  places,  and  the  garbage  for  fatten- 
ing hogs.  It  estimates  that  each  of  40,000 
lamiles  in  the  city  throw  away  garbage 
enough  to  keep  a  hog,  and  that  40,000  hogs 
so  supported  would  produce  40,000  bbls.  of 
pork,  annually. 

— Grasshoppers  are  thick  in  Iowa.  A 
train  on  the  Northwestern  recently  was 
80  delayed  by  millions  ot  these  insects  on 
the  track  as  to  require  one  hour  and  ten 
minutes'  time  to  run  ten  miles.  The  dri- 
ving wheels  of  the  engine  became  perfectly 
clogged  with  the  mashed  mass  of  grasshop- 
pers, so  much  so  as  to  almost  entirely  re- 
tard their  revolution. 

— The  St.  Louis  and  Illinois  Bridge  Co. 
has  accepted  the  proposals  of  James  An- 
drews, of  Pittsburgh,  for  the  entire  stone 
work  of  their  bridge.  The  contract  will 
amount  to  over  three-quarters  of  a  million 
of  dollars,  and  is  to  be  completed  by  De- 
cember of  1869.  It  should  be  stated  that 
this  is  the  bridge  at  Washington  avenue, 
and  not  the  one  contemplated  by  Chicago 
parties  owning  another  charter. 

— The  enlargement  of  Boston  by  the  an- 
nexation of  its  nearest  suburbs  is  now  an 
almost  assured  fact.  Already  the  people 
of  the  lower  part  of  Dorchester  are  con- 
sidering this  subject  favorably,  and  regard, 
it  as  only  a  question  of  time  when  Nepon- 
set  river  shadl  be  one  of  the  limits  of  Bos- 
ton. The  act  under  which  Roxbury  has 
come  in,  applies  to  "any  citv  or  town 
whose  territory  adjoins  that  of  the  city  of 

—  Stephen  Hickox,  of  Williamston 
Massachusetts,  who  will  be  ninety  years 
old  next  month,  in  riding  from  Bee  Hill  to 
church,  recently,  was  greatly  annoyed  by 
the  jolting  he  received  from  the  stones  in 
the  road,  and  on  the  next  morning  he  com- 
menced to  remove  them.  This  he  accom- 
plished thoroughly  t^s  far  as  the  village,  a 
distance  of  three  miles,  before  noon,  al- 
though the  road  was  thickly  strewn  with 
stones  all  the  way. 

The  workingmen  of  Pittsburgh,  Pa., 
where  7,000  were  narly  six  months  on  a 
strike,  have  made  local  nominations  as  fol- 
lows: For  Senator  Andrew  Burtt;  for 
Representatives,  J.  W.  Krepps,  Thomas  A. 
Armstrong,  W.  W.  Alexander,  J.  S.  Hill- 
man,  WlSiam  F.  Bradbury,  William  S. 
Matthews ;  for  Treasurer,  William  T.  Mc- 
Bride ;  etc.  The  ticket  is  entirely  distinct 
from  eithe?  the  Republican  or  Democratic, 
and  the  resolutions— a  yard  in  length— re- 
capitulate the  platform  of  "  the  industrial 

— A  Mrs.  Harding,  of  Peru,  was  instants 
ly  killed,  in  that  city,  on  the  evening  of 
the  13th.  She,  with  three  children  and 
another  woman,  name  unknown,  were  rid- 
ing down  the  bluff  in  a  lumber  wagon, 
when  the  tug  unhooked,  the  tongue  drop- 
ped and  the  horses  ran  down  the  road  at  a 
r^id  rate.  All  were  thrown  out,  and  Mrs. 
Harding's  head  was  fearfully  crushed  in 
the  lumber  pile.  Tne  other  woman  had  a 
leg  broken,  and  was  otherwise  bruised. 
The  children  escaped  with  but  slight  in- 

FordcB  CKMslp. 

— Paris  eats  200  horses  per  month. 

—The  Atlantic  cable  eametl  |1,600,C00 
last  year. 

—Sweden  is  having  the  woman's  rights 

—An  English  manufacturing  firm  saves 
110,000  a  year  by  consuming  their  coal 

— The  gold  yield  of  Australia  is  steadily 
decreasing.  In  18r>6  it  was  $60,000,000.  In 
1866  leas  than  $30,000,000. 

— A  fortune  is  waiting  in  Peru  for  the 
man  who  will  invent  a  method  of  solidify- 
ing guano  for  exportation. 

—England  uses  850,000.000  postage 
stamps  annually.  France  454,000,000 ;  the 
United  States  350,000,600. 

—The  present  Bank  of  England  rate  is 
ten  per  cent,  and  the  institurion  has  £15,- 
000,000  of  coin  to  meet  only  £26,000,000 

— A  railway  has  been  proposed  between 
Calcutta  and  Darjealing,  and  the  scheme 
is  approved  by  the  Bengal  and  India  Gov- 

— Small  Mirrors,  it  is  announced,  are 
placed  outside  the  windows  of  the  private 
houses  in  Brussels  and  other  German  cities, 
by  means  of  which  the  lady  inmates  are 
able  to  see  without  looking  out,  those  pass- 
ing by  in  the  street  below,  the  figures  be- 
ing reflected  in  the  glass. 

—There  is  not  in  the  whole  of  Switzer- 
land a  toll  gate^  The  government  forbids 
by  law  anjrthing  which  may  tend  to  inter- 
rupt or  interfere  with  travel  in  or  between 

the  different  cantons.  The  magnificient 
public  roads  which  one  finds  everywhere 
throughout  tha  country  are  kept  in  order 
at  the  expense  of  the  cantons  through 
which  they  run,  the  federal  authorities 
having  each  paid,  however,  at  the  construc- 
tion, one  half  of  the  expense. 

— The  French  rival  our  town  country- 
men in  the  novelties  to  which  inventive 
genius  is  applied.  Among  a  late  list  ofpa- 
tents  granted  at  Paris,  is  one  for  "  comns 
with  bells  {cercueilH  a  sannettes)  for  cases  of 
premature  burial."  This  device  must  be 
an  inexpressible  consolation  to  those  peo- 
ple  chief  anxiety  is  lest  they  should 
be  buried  alive.  But  the  great  question  is 
how  the  merits  of  the  invention  were  test- 
ed. Did  some  ardent  devotee  of  science 
allow  hiui^elf  to  Ihj  prematurely  coffined 
and  sealed  up  for  some  minutes,  until  the 
bells  could  be  heard  above  ground  ?  It 
strikes  one  that  the  chances  of  anybody 
being  conveniently  within  hearing  at  the 
time  the  bells  were  tinkled,  even  could  they 
be  heard,  must  be  so  slight  as  to  Ix;  hardly 
worth  counting  on. 

-^A  msn.  who  is  still  a  stout  and  good 
servant  of  the  railway  company  in  whose 
employ  he  has  been  for  some  thirty  years, 
was  on  duty  one  night  on  the  platform 
he  is  still  stationed,  when  the  London  train 
came  in.  Among  the  passengers  was  one 
gentleman  who  misseu  his  tooting  at  the 
carriage  door,  just  as  the  train  was  about 
to  start,  and  fell  between  platform  and 
wheels.  At  that  instant  the  train  moved  on. 
Another  moment  and  all  would  have  been 
ever,  but  a  strong  hand  seized  him  and 
twiched  him  on  the  platform,  so,  with  no 
worse  injury  than  a  fright  and  a  shaking, 
the  passenger  went  on  his  way.  Had  that 
ticket-collector  not  been  there,  or  had  he 
been  less  ready,  the  history  of  the  world 
would  have  read,  no  man  can  say  how  dlf 
ferently .  for  the  traveler  was  Louis  Napo- 

— A  London  correspondent  of  the  Man- 
chester Examiner  eays  :  "  It  is  understood 
that  the  Que«n  will,  shortly  lose  the  per- 
sonal services  of  her  faithful  hiahland  gil- 
lie, John  Brown,  who  has  been  Her  Majes- 
ty's chosen  attendant  in  her  rides  and 
drives  ever  since  the  death  of  the  Prince 
Consort— who  had  a  special  liking  for  and 
trust  in  him— transferred  him  to  her  ser- 
vice. He  was  included,  as  it  may  be  re- 
membered, in  the  striking  picture  by  Sir. 
Edward  Land^eer,  of  the  Queen  at  Osbom," 
in  this  year's  Academy  Exhibition,  and  no 
photograph  could  have  given  a  more  per- 
fect lac  simile  of  his  personal  appearance 
and  respectful  bearing.  It  appears  that, 
despite  the  confidential  post  assigned  him 
in  the  royal  household,  ne  is  desirous  to  re- 
deem the  troth  long  ago  plighted  to  a  young 
Scotch  woman  of  his  own  grade,  ana  it  is 
understood  that  a  residence  in  one  of  the 
lodges  at  Balmoral,  with  the  supervision 
of  a  part  of  the  domain,  will  prove  a  grat- 
ifying testimonial  to  him  of  the  value  en- 
tertainal  of  his  services  by  his  royal  mis- 

— A  correspondent  of  the  Glasgow  Uer- 
aid  who  recently  visited  the  Island  of  Lew- 
is, in  the  Hebrides,  says  :  The  women  do 
all  the  heavy  work.  They  dig,  delve  and 
hoe ;  they  carry  heavy  loads  of  manure  to 
the  fields,  and  in  the  peat  season  you  may 
see  them  all  day,  carrying  cretlsful  of  peat 
from  the  bog.  You  will  often  see  a  man 
trudging  along  the  road  beside  a  woman, 
but  tne  creel  is  always  on  the  woman's  back. 
If  thev  come  to  a  river  or  ford,  the  woman 
crosses  first,  deposits  her  creel  on  the  other 
side,  and  then  returns  to  carry  the  man 
across.  The  woman  in  the  rural  districts 
here  is,  in  fiict,  a  beast  of  burden,  and  men 
in  looking  out  for  wives,  look  largelv  to 
mu.scular  development.  In  the  middle  of 
one  peat  season,  when  labor  was  much  in 
demand,  a  man  who  was  supposed  to  be  a 
confirmed  old  bachelor,  suddenly  married. 
A  friend  met  him  some  days  after.  "  What 
for  did  you  take  a  woman  like  that  ?"  said 
the  friend.  "  Did  you  not  hear,"  replied 
the  man,  "  that  my  horse  was  dead  v" 

— Dr.  Bellows  speaks,  under  date  of  Nu 
rembur^,  of  the  precautions  which  are  ta- 
ken against  premature  bunal.  He  says 
that  in  the  cemetery  there  is  a  house, 
pleasantly  arranged  amid  flower-beds  and 
shrubs,  to  which  all  the  dead  arc  at  once 
carried  after  being  laid  out,  and  there 
placed  on  beds,  each  with  a  bell-ptill  so 
connected  with  the  hand  that  the  least  mo- 
tion of  the  supposed  'corpse  on  reviving 
must  arouse  the  attendant  and  bring  in- 
stant attention.  All  this  humane  precau- 
tion has  never  yet  been  rewarded  with  a 
single  call  upon  its  watchfulness.  Once, 
however,  in  a  case  where  the  deceased  had 
died  with  dropsy,  the  subsidence  of  water 
caused  a  fall  of  the  arm— the  bell  rang,  and 
the  attendant  who  had  watched  for  years 
for  the  sound,  when  it  came  was  so  fright- 
ened that  he  ran  from  his  post  and  alarmed 
the  neighbors,  who  afler  sometime  rallied 
and  discovered  the  cause  of  the  alarm. 
This  method  of  guarding  against  prema- 
ture burial  is  quite  common  on  the  Conti- 
nent, but  he  thinks  it  not  worth  adopting 
in  America— though  we  commonly  bury 
much  too  early  for  decency. 

Religious  and  EdncaUonal. 

—There  arc  22,000  schoolable  children 
in  Milwaukee. 

— A  class  in  washing  is  a  "  department  " 
in  the  Bordentown,  (New  Jersey,)  Female 

—Rev.  David  C.  Page,  D.  D.,  resigns  the 
rectorship  of  Christ  Church,  Allegheny 
City,  Pa.,  on  account  ot  old  age  and  failing 

—  Prof.  DeMill,  of  Dalhousie  College, 
Halifax,  N.  S.,  is  said  to  be  the  author  of 
the  "  Dodge  Club  "  papers,  in  Harper's 

—George  Armour.  Esq.,  of  Chicago, 
proposes  to  donate  $2,000  per  annum  for 
five  years,  for  the  benefit  ot  the  library  of 
the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association. 

—The  Philadelphia  Ledger  tells  of  a 
school  teacher  who  makes  the  reading  of 
a  newspaper  a  regular  exercise  of  the 
school,  and  says  the  scholars  like  It  greatly. 

—The  Presbyieriin  gives  an  account  of 
a  member  of  a  Presbyterian  church  in 
Ohio,  who  was  suspended  for  having 
joined  the  Masonic  order.  He  appealed  to 
the  Presbytery,  which  sustained  the  appeal 
by  a  vote  of  fifteen  to  ten,  and  restored 
the  party  appealing  to  the  communion  of 
the  Church.  The  Presbytery,  however, 
passed  a  resolution  that  their  action  was 
not  to  be  construed  as  expressing  approba- 
tion of  the  Order  of  IVIasons  or  any  other 
secret  society. 

—The  Church  ol  St.  John  and  St.  Paul, 
at  Venice,  which  has  been  much  injured 
by  fire  is,  after  St.  Mark,  the  most  im- 
portant church  in  that  city.  In  the  soft 
Venetian  dialect  it  is  called  Zaniopolo.  It 
was  commenced  in  1240,  and  finished  in 
1430.  It  is  the  Westminster  Abbey  of  the 
ancient  republican  city.  The  northern 
side  h:i8  sustained  the  greatest  damage,  and, 
unfortunately,  a  painting  by  Titian,  the 
martyrdom  of  St.  Peter  in  the  forest,  has 
been  destroyed.  The  church  contains 
paintings  by  other  celebratal  painters,  one 
of  them  by  Paul  Veronese,  and  these  have 
been  savea. 

— Dr.  Cheever's church,  on  Union  Square 
New  York,  having  been  purchased  by 
Tiffany,  the  great  jeweler,  has  now  been 
rented  by  a  company  of  religious  gentle- 
men, who  propose  to  open  it  as  a  place  of 
religious  amusement  about  the  first  of  Oc- 
tober. A  series  of  original  and  costly 
paintings,  fifty  in  number,  have  been 
painted  by  our  first  artists  to  represent 
parts  of  the  Pilgrim's  Progress.  So  this 
old  church  will  not  be  wholly  lost  to  the 
side  of  good  morals.  On  Sunday  the 
church  will  be  openeii  for  some  form  of 
mission  work.  Rev.  Matthew  Hale  Smith 
is  to  occupy  it  on  the  Sabbaths  in  October. 
Mr,  PhUlips,  the  distinguished  finger,  so 
well  known  in  the  West,  is  to  be  connected 
with  this  new  movement  in  Dr.  Cheever's 

Art  and  tScIence. 

An  interesting  historical  print,  a  fac  sim- 
ile of  the  death  warrant  of  Charles  I.  of 
England,  has  been  issued  by  Thos.  F.  Car- 
ter, of  Louisville,  Ky. 

— Professor  Maiseh  says  that  a  direct  an- 
tidote to  the  poisonous  effects  of  the  inhala- 
tion of  chlorine  is  sulphuretted  hydrogen, 
nitrating  sulphur.  The  professor  has  tried 
it  himself  after  accidentally  inhsding  chlo- 
rine, and  obtained  immeiliate  relief.  The 
same  remedy  would  doubtless  be  cffoctual 
in  the  case  of  bromine  poisoning. 

— Our  nearest  planetary  neighbor  is  l>e 
ing  mapped  out  for  our  inspection  and 
study,  on  a  scale  of  20O  inches  to  the 
moon's  diameter.  The  work  has  been  un- 
dertaken by  an  English  scientific  I}o<ly,  and 
two  .sections  just  completed  coinprelicnd 
two  areas  of  twenty  four  superficial  de- 
grees each,  which  are  equal  to  17,688 
square  miles  in  the  two.  On  these  sec- 
tions the  plains,  craters,  mountains,  valleys 
and  other  objects  arc  laid  down  in  outline, 
each  known  object  being  referred  to  in  the 
text  accompanying  the  map. 

— Neadlcs  were  first  made  in  London  by 
a  negro  from  Spain,  in  the  reign  of  Queen 
Mary,  He  diea  without  imparting  the  se- 
cret of  his  art.  The  art  was  recovered  in 
1565.  Ellas  Growse  first  taught  the  En- 
glish to  make  needles,  but  the  art  was 
again  lost  for  nearly  a  century,  when  it 
was  again  recovered  by  Christopher  Green- 
ing, who  settled  at  Long  Crendon,  in  Buck- 
inghamshire. Needles  are  now  chiefly 
made  at  Redditch,  in  Worcestershire ;  Hat- 
hersave,  in  Derbyshire ;  and  in  and  near 
Birmingham.  Some  years,  100,000,000 
needles  a  week  were  made  in  Redditch. 

—The  Kinsington  Museum  is  to  be  recipi- 
ent of  a  meaburing  machine  demonstrating 
the  one  millionth  part  of  an  inch.  This 
instrument  and  three  original  true  planes, 
arc  to  be  perpetually  preserved,  anci  a  suf- 
ficient endowment  has  also  been  made  for 
providing  funds  for  the  delivery  of  lectures 
explanatory  of  such  instruments.  The  do- 
nor, Mr.  Whitworth,  of  ordnance  notorie- 
ty, says  their  importance  will  be  manifest 
when  it  is  considered  that  the  value  of 
every  machine,  when  made  of  the  best  ma- 
terial, depends  on  the  truth  of  its  surfaces 
and  the  acurate  measurement  of  its  parts. 

—Written  telegraph  dispatches  are  trans- 
mitted from  the  ceutial  telegraph  station 
in  Paris  to  various  other  points  of  business 
through  iron  tubes  three  and  a  half  inches 
in  diameter,  laid  down  not  very  far  under 
the  surface.  At  each  station  there  is  a  res- 
ervoir of  water  compressing  by  its  weight 
a  reservoir  of  air  beneath  it.  The  tele- 
grams are  placed  In  a  cylinder  fitting  the 
tube  air  tight ;  the  compressed  air  is  turned 
on,  and  the  cylinder  with  its  roll  of  des- 
patches is  shot  through  to  the  next  station, 
or,  if  by  any  chance  it  sticks  fast  at  any 

Eoint,  the  water  from  the  reservoir  is  let 
J,  and  by  the  fall  of  the  water  the  point 
of  stoppage  is  marked.  The  system  is  as 
simple  as  It  is  economical. 

— M.  Heurtebise  communicates  to  a  late 
number  of  I  Invention  a  plan  for  produc- 
ing and  economically  employing  hydrogen 
gas.  which  is  both  new  and  valuable.  He 
places  charcoal  in  a  retort  and  raises  it  to 
a  red  heat,  then  pasbing  a  stream  of  car- 
bonic acid  over  it,  eacn  molecule  of  the 
acid  absorbs  two  atoms  of  carbon  forming 
two  molecules  of  oxyde  of  carbon.  In  an- 
other retort  heated  red  hot  he  passes  two 
currents,  one  thus  obtained  and  another  of 
superheated  ateam,  when  two  atoms  of  car- 
bonic acid  and  two  equivalents  of  hydro 
gen  gas  result.  The  carbonic  acid  gas  is 
again  passed  over  the  heated  charcoal  and 
four  equivalents  of  hydrogen  are  obtained. 
A  continuous  action  is  thus  kept  up,  with 
a  steady  supply  of  hydrogen. 

—Mr.  Crookes,  says  the  Alaliail  Times 
has  shown  that  the  favorite  disinfectant, 
chloride  of  lime,  is  about  the  least  eflScient 
of  any  of  those  substances  reputed  to  pos- 
sess disinfectant  qualities.  Cnlorine  itse!f 
is  very  little  better,  for  if  used  in  large 
enough  quantities  it  will  in  time  destroy 
the  virus,  but  as  it  acts  by  way  of  oxyda- 
tion,  and  is  living  virus  resisted  this  longer 
than  dead  oxydizable  matter,  before  the 
gas  can  attack  a  virus  everything  else  that 
it  can  oxydizc  will  be  oxydized  first.^^nd 
if  when  pure,  chlorine  Is  so  slow  of  acting, 
when  adulterated  with  eighty  per  cent  of 
lime,  its  value  is  proportionally  less.  In 
sulphurous  and  carbonic  acid,  on  the  other 
hand,  there  are  sut>stance3  absolutely  de- 
structive of  every  kind  of  living  thing  of 
low  organization,  such  as  cattle  plague  vi- 
rus is  supposed  to  be.  These  substances, 
besides  destroying  the  virus,  attack  it  at 
once,  and  arrest  all  putrefying  tendency. 

—  When  two  locomotives  having  equal 
speed  on  a  railroad  track,  meet  from  oppo- 
site directions,  the  shock  actually  destroys 
the  momentum  of  both,  and,  therefore, 
makes  a  dead  halt.  The  force  of  the  shock, 
say  the  philosojjhers,  will  be  equal  to  the 
shock  which  either,  being  at  rest,  would 
sustain  if  struck  by  theotlior  moving  with 
double  the  velocity.  Action  and  reaction 
being  e«iual,  both  bodies  will  be  as  much 
moved  by  reaction  as  by  action. 
Should  two  railroad  trains,  running  to- 
ward each  other  at  the  rate  of  20  miles  an 
hour  colude,  the  shock  would  be  precisely 
the  same  as  though  one  had  been  at  Kst 
and  eben  struck  by  a  train  moving  at  the 
rate  of  forty  miles  an  hour.  Where  two 
steamboats  run  directly  together,  head  on 
— one  going  12  and  the  other  15  miles  an 
hour,  the  concussion  or  shock  each  would 
suffer  would  be  the  same  as  though  struck 
by  the  other  at  a  speed  of  27  miles  an  hour. 
Without  stopping  to  philosophize  upon  the 
cause,  boxers  and  pugilists  know,  by  dear 
bought  experience  that  the  worst  blows 
they  ever  receive  in  their  combats  are 
when  a  fist  strikes  a  fist,  because  the  force 
suflered  by  both  parties  is  equal  to  the  sum 
of  the  forces  exerted  t»y  either  arm.  The 
adroit  fighters,  therefore,  avoid  encounters 
of  that  kind  if  possible. 

JL  Story  Abont  **  False  Hair.** 

Among  the  really  interesting  curiosities 
of  the  Paris  Exhibition,  every  traveler  tells 
us,  are  the  picturesquely  attired  girls  who 
are  to  be  seen  in  front  of  the  far  eastern 
and  northern  department,  and  remarkably 
those  who  represent  the  national  Scandi- 
navian peasantry.  lo  front  of  the  Swedish 
restaurant,  a  real  child  of  the  north,  ar- 
rayed in  silver-braided  skirts,  and  covered 
with  filagree  ornaments,  has  attracted  a 
good  deal  of  admiration.  A  thick  plait  of 
toir  hair  is  wound  round  her  muslin  turban. 
Some  days  ago,  two  loungers  in  the  Swed- 
ish Department  of  the  Exhibition  building 
were  discui^ing  vivaciously  the  merits  of 
blonde  Swedish  girls.  One  gentleman 
maintained  that  the  solid  plait  which  fast- 
ened her  coiffure  was  of  her  own  hair, 
while  his  companion  .pronounctni  it  Ut  be 
false.  They  made  a  bet  about  it,  and  finally 
the  girl  was  called,  and  one  of  the  disput- 
ants addreased  her:  "Is  that  all  your 
own  hair?"  asked  he.  "Why,  whose 
should  it  beV"  asked  the  fair  Swede  naive- 
ly. "It  might  have  been  bought;  such 
things  are  often  done,"  said  her  <iuestionor. 
"  In  our  own  country  we  often  sell  our 
hair,"  was  the  reply,  "but  we  never  buy 
it — why  do  you  alsk  me  such  a  question  ?  ' 
"  Because  my  friend  here  declares  that  it 
is  false,"  After  such  an  assertion  there 
vras  nothing  left  for  her  but  to  undo  her 
plait,  which  fell  in  magnificent  profusion 
at  her  feet.  She  did  not  appear  at  all  sur- 
prised at  the  proceedings  until  the  winner 
of  the  bet  gave  her  the  twenty  francs  he 
had  won.  Then  she  was  fairly  astonished. 
That  was  a  hapipy  day  for  her,  and  she 
counted  on  the  recurrence  ot  the  incident, 
and  built  an  airy  castle  with  the  money 
her  hair  was  going  to  bring  her  during  the 
Exhibition,  ohe  would  buy  a  fishing  boat 
and  nets  with  the  money  she  had  made, 
and  then  what  a  crowd  of  devoted  admir- 
ers she  would  have  round  her  when  she 
returned  to  her  Swedish  home  !  But  hu- 
man curiosity  has  it^  bounds,  and  she  had 
no  further  invitation  to  loosen  her  massive 

Tliree  and  a  bair  IflinioM  Emi- 
icranta  la  T^reaty  Years. 

It  is  now  twenty  years  since  New  York 
State  organized  its  Bfl*rd  of  Emigration 
to  superintend  and  protect  the  tide  of  emi- 
grants from  foreign  countries  flowing  in  at 
its  great  commercial  city.  In  that  time 
nearly  four  million  persons  have  come  in 
and  been  protected  by  this  organization ; 
cared  lor  on  arriving,  and  sent  whitheiso- 
ever  they  wished  over  our  broad  country. 
Thistableof  the  countries  from  which  over 
three  millions  and  a  half  of  these  emi- 
grants came,  is  of  curious  interest : 

Iff  land I.Ik.I.KjO  Norway 14,975 

Sermanv 1,317,(JC',)  Sweden 21,722 

England 43Sl71,lUly    11,13W 

HcoUand rtG,8W  neljflQm B.iJiO 

Frauce ti8.3«U'Spaln 6,788 

Weet  iDdtee 5,744 

Denmark 10,013 

Switzerland 55,331 

UoUand 23,67<J 



South  America 








21.882  Poland 




2,805  East  Indies.... 

2,(XM  Ureece 

l,87dlurkey 82 

1,116  Arabia 8 

924  Africa 58 

618Aa9traUa 30 

«83  Japan 7 

294  Central  America.  12 

333!Unknown 95 

Bum  total  fromlMay  5, 1847,  to  January  1, 

1867 ...     3.582.574 

And  this  other  table,  showing  the  States 
to  which  the  quarter  million  emigrants  of 
1866  first  went  to  on  arriving,  is  also  an 
interesting  study : 

Arkaniaa 32  New  Hampsbirc. .       188 

Alabama %Nova8cotIa 50 

AnrtralU 3New  York 07.607 

British  Columbia  .,       11  New  Jersey 7,877 

Canada 1.741  Nebraska 119 

California 1,678  North  Carolina... .       140 

ConnecUcat 3,741;  .Sew  Bnuuwlck. . .        fiO 

Central  America. . .        7OreK0n 88 

Cuba 11 :  Rhode  Island 2.398 

Delaware 238|Ohlo 12.923 

District  Of  Col'bU       89(>  Pennsylvania 24,874 

Florida  10 South  Carolina..  171 

Qeoraia.  225 douth  America....        27 

Ullnols  Zi,38»JTcia?     1*4 

Iowa      • 4,4»3  Tt-nnessee 666 

Indiana  3,2(31  Vermont 238 

Kentucky  l,fl36  Vlrjrtnla l.OOii 

Kansas .  4ti8  West  Indies 15 

Louisiana 550  VVlscousln 9,\m 

Massachasetts 11.874  Utoh 8,082 

Maryland 1,818  Nevada 4 

Maine   330Colorado 30 

Michigan 4.185  P.  E.  Uland t 

Minnesota a,45<Mdabo 1 

MUsouri 4,918  

Mcsico 19     Total 228,851 

Mississippi 65 

While  Ireland  has  sent  us  more  emigrants 
than  any  other  covmtry  in  the  aggregates 
of  the  last  twenty  years,  and  nearly  half 
of  all,  Germany  is  now  sending  us  nearly 
twice  as  many,  and  almost  halt  of  all  who 
are  coming.  For  this  year,  to  date,  the  to- 
tal number  of  emigrants  at  New  York  is 
103,059,  of  whom  77,000  came  from  Ger- 
many, and  46,000  from  Ireland.  England 
IS  coming  up  in  the  proportion,  also ;  her 
share  of  this  year's  emigration  is  nearly 
half  of  Ireland's,  or  over  20,000. 


I>ls]iom«aty  in  Trade. 

A  man  brings  a  pearl  into  your  shop, 
and,  holding  it  up,  says :  "  I  was  fishing 
down  on  the  bank,  and  I  found  this  thing. 
I  don't  know  wh«ther  it  is  worth  any 
thing  or  not,  but  they  told  me  I  could  get 
a  doUar  for  it."  It  is  worth  five  hundred 
dollars !  "  Oh  yes,"  you  say,  "  I  guess  it 
is  worth  that.  I  will  give  you  a  dol  ar  for 
It."  And  you  take  the  pearl  and  give  him 
the  dollar.  And  you  chucle  over  it,  and 
boast  of  it.  You  not  only  do  not  think 
that  you  have  done  that  which  is  dishonest, 
but  you  go  to  your  partner,  and  hold  up 
the  pearl,  and  exul  ingly  say,  "I  baught  it 
for  a  dollar."  And  when  you  go  home  at 
night  you  rub  your  hands,  and  say,  "  My 
dear,  I  had  a  rare  stroke  of  luck  to-day.  * 
"Whst  was  it?"  asks  the  wife.  "Why, 
an  ignorant  fisherman  came  into  the  shop 
with  a  magnificent  pearl,  and  I  gave  him 
a  dollar  for  it ;  and  he  went  away  as  tick- 
led as  any  man  could  be — and  I  g^ess  I  was 
another  man  that  was  quite  as  happy  as 
he  was !"  Oh,  that  the  woman  could  use 
a  woman's  oflice !  Oh,  that  she  could  give 
expression  to  her  moral  Judgment!  Oh, 
that  she  could  flush  and  say,  "  I  am  asham- 
ed of  you."  Oh',  that  th«re  could  be  in 
every  household  a  faithful  companion  to 
rebuke  those  tendencies  to  cheating !— for 
I  call  it  nothing  less  than  cheating. 

I  suppose  this  is  tliat  which  we  feel  when 
we  hunt  out  old  picture  stores  and  grope 
round  for  ancient  and  blackened  canvasses, 
hoping  that  that  which  we  buy  for  a  mere 
song,  on  being  washed  and  rubbe  I  and  re 
stortnl,  win  prove  to  be  a  Raphael,  a  Titian, 
or  something  of  that  kind.  A  hereditary 
property,  after  being  handed  down  from 
generation  to  generation,  at  last  comes  into 
the  hands  of  some  poor,  uneducated  wo- 
man ;  and  with  other  things  that  she  does 
not  understand  the  value  of,  there  is  an 
old  black-faced  picture.  A  man  goes  and 
looks  at  it,  and  says  to  himself,  "I  8h<'uld 
not  be  surprised  if  that  was  a  magnificent 
Vlurillo."  He  sees  that  the  woman  is  un- 
conscious ol  its  value,  and  he  takes  care 
not  to  have  her  discover  that  he  ouspects 
it  to  be  valuable.  But  whenever  he  can 
get  a  ctiance  without  being  obscived,  he 
goes  to  it,  and  begins  to  work  at  one  cor- 
ner of  it,  rubbing  and  scraping  it.  He 
aX^aia  in  at  difi'ercnt  times  and  continues 
the  rubbing  and  scraping,  using  various 
turpentines  and  varnishes. 

And  by  an  by  he  begins  to  see  the  end 
of  a  figure — a  foot ;  and  he  says,  "  No- 
body painted  that  foot  that  was  not  a  mas- 
ter painter."  But  he  aflects  ignorance, 
and  takes  the  woman  at  an  advantage,  and 
buys  it.  And  he  is  anxious  to  get  it  home 
a.<i  (luickly  as  possible,  lie  takes  it,  and 
fairly  runs  down  the  street  for  fear  the  wo- 
man may  call  him  back.  He  succeeds  in 
getting  it  away  without  awakening  any 
suspicion,  and  is  delighted.  He  at  once 
puts  it  into  the  hands  of  a  restorer,  and  it 
turns  out  to  be  a  picture  worth  fifteen  hun- 
dred dollars  And  all  his  life  he  boasts  of 
how  he  got  it,  and  in  relating  the  circum- 
stance says  "It  cost  me  a  ridiculous  sum ; 
I  paid  next  to  nothing  for  it."  It  is  among 
the  great  events  of  his  history.  He  is  so 
unconscious  of  the  simple  law  of  honor 
and  right,  that,  as  long  as  he  lives  he  sits 
on  this  fault  and  crows  his  own  shame ! — 
U   W.  Btrcher. 

The  mosquito. 

HOW   BE    LOOKS,  WH.KT    HE    DOES    FOR    A 

It  is  unscientific  to  say  that  mosauitoes 
bite,  for  they  liave  no  teeth;  ana  they 
have  no  need  of  teeth  to  seize  upon  or  pre- 
pare their  food,  for  tbey  are  dainty ;  and 
take  food  only  m  the  liquid  form — spoon 
victuals.  They  are  a  chivalric  race,  and 
attack  their  enemies  with  a  sort  of  sword 
or  lance;  no  doubt  they  consider  biting 
and  gouging  quite  vulgar.  The  lance  of 
the  mosquito  is  a  very  beautiful  and  per- 
fect piece  of  work ;  it  is  smoother  than 
burmshc-d  steel,  and  its  point  is  so  fine  and 

Serfect  that  the  most  powerful  microscope 
oes  not  discover  a  flaw  in  it.  As  the  most 
delicate  cambric  needle  is  to  the  crowbar, 
so  is  the  mosquito's  lance  to  the  Damascus 
blade.  The  lance  is  worn  In  a  scabbard  or 
sheath,  which,  in  every  respect,  is  worthy 
of  it ;  it  is  often  ornamented  with  plumes. 
Man  carries  his  sword  at  his  side,  and  the 
mosquito  on  his  head.  The  latter  arrange- 
ment has  manifest  and  wonderful  advan- 
tages— the  weapon  la  always  en  garde,  and 
does  not  impede  locomotion  by  getting  en- 
tangled with  the  legs.  The  lance  and  its 
sheath  being  on  the  head,  and  being  some- 
what flexible,  is  often  called  a  proboscis. 
This  view  of  the  case  is  strengthened  by 
the  fact  that  the  scabbard  is  a  suction  pipe 
through  which  the  mosquito  drinks  his 
food.  As  Moses  struck  the  rock  with  his 
8tafl['  so  the  mosquito,  with  a  thrust  of  his 
lance  pierces  the  foimtain,  and  the  nectar, 
gushing  into  the  scabbard,  finds  its  way 
to  the  more  sensitive  and  vital  parts.  But 
is  not  this  calling  the  lance  and  scabbard 
a  proboscis,  thus  likening  the  delicate  mos- 
QUito  to  the  monstrous  elephant,  a  little 
Ukr-fetchod  ? 

The  mosquito  is  the  most  orderly  of  all 

animals.    There  is  no  bird  which  sings  so 

much.    He  never  tires  of  his  simple  song. 

I  How  happy  he  must  be,  singing  cheerily 

far  Into  the  night.  What  a  volume  of 
melody  from  so  slight  a  creature !  If  a 
man  had  a  voice  so  loud  proportionate  to 
his  weight,  he  might  hold  conversation 
across  the  Atlantic,  and  there  would  be  no 
need  of  a  telegraph.  Linnaus,  out  of  com- 
pliment to  the  musical  powers  of  the  mos- 
quito, named  it  Culex  Pipiens.  But  there 
are  those  who  say  the  mosquito  has  no  vo 
cal  organs,  and  that  his  notes  are  not  mu- 
sic, but  the  sotinds  produced  by  the 
fiapping  of  the  wings,  or  by  some  other 
similar  and  purely  mechanical  movement. 
Have  those  detractors  music  in  their 
souls  y 

The  mo6<iuito  might  bt  classed  among 
our  domestic  animals,  may  wc  not  say 
among  the  household  pets  V  They  are  the 
almost  cx)nstant  companions  of  man  in 
town  and  countr\'  during  the  holiday  sea- 
son of  summer.'  No  home  without  the 
mosquito.  What  att'ection!  How  they 
stick  to  us,  closer  than  brothers!  They 
often  come  a  great  way — hundreds  of  miles 
— to  be  with  us. 

Most  of  those  who  greet  us  in  this  city 
have  left  their  distant  homes  in  Jersey  and 
have  made  the  perilous  journey  across  a 
wide  river.  They  also  love  their  own 
society,  and  travel  in  companies  which 
sometimes  comprise  millions  of  Individ 
uals — in  swarms  which  obscure  the  sun. 
But  the  commonplace  detractors  say 
that  mosquitoes  are  bred  In  unwhole- 
some swamps,  and  that  it  is  only  the  wind 
which  bears  them,  as  It  does  feathers  and 
malaria,  wherever  it  listeth.  Let  us  in- 
quire about  the  earliest  beginning  of  the 
mosquito ;  let  us  take  him  in  the  egg.  The 
mother  mosquito  has  notions  of  naval 
•rchitecturo,  and  out  of  the  eggs  she  lays 
constructs  a  well-modeled  boat,  with  ele- 
vated prow  and  stem,  and  well-propoi- 
tioned  midship.  For  the  boat  she  employs 
250  to  lioO  eggs,  building  it  up  piecemeal, 
somewhat  after  the  manner  of  men,  binding 
together  the  individual  eggs  by  means  of  a 
powerful  water-proof  cement  into  a  substanj 
tial  and  complete  structure.  Unfortuntely 
we  are  unable  to  give  a  receipt  for  the 
water-proof  cement.  jThere  are  many  who 
would  like  to  have  it.  The  boat  is  built 
on  the  water,  abandoned  to  the  mercy  of 
the  wind  and  the  wave.  Thanks  to  the 
water-proof  cement,  she  can  neither  be 
broken,  wetted  or  sunk ;  she  is  safer  than  if 
she  were  copper-bottomed.  The  httle 
craft  it  must  be  remembered,  is  freighted 
with  life— each  of  its  250  or  aOO  little  state- 
rooms has  its  tenant.  After  a  few  days 
cruising  the  occupants  of  the  shells  come 
forth,  and  the  ship  is  destroyed.  But  those 
little  creatures  are  surely  not  mosquitoes ; 
they  appear  more  like  fish,  or  serpents,  or 
little  at&gOTtA.  On  closer  examination  they 
proveto  DC  what  everyone  knows  under 
the  name  of  "  wigglers,"  they  are  the  larvae 
of  the  mosquito.  They  wiggle  about  in 
the  well-known  way  for  a  week  or  two, 
and.  after  changmg  their  skins  two  or  three 
times,  they  assume  quite  a  new  form  and 
movement.  They  are  now  what  the  boys 
call  "  tumblers."  and  are  the  pupse  of  the 
mosquito.  In  about  a  week  it  the  weath- 
er, etc.,  be  favorable,  sonething  of  the  form 
of  a  mosquito  may  be  seen  through  the 
transparent  skin  of  the  tumbler.  Shortly 
the  prisoner  escapes  from^iis  confinement 
as  a  full  fiedged  and  bold  mosquito,  and 
soars  away  In  search  of  food  and  pleasure. 
— ScicntiJ^c  American. 

The  Bachelors  ot  the  Country. 


A  prominent  New  Yerk  Sunday  paper 
is  publishing  descriptive  sketches  of  prom- 
inent bachelors  in  the  leading  cities.  It  is 
wrong  to  confide  these  interesting  pen-pic- 
tures of  masculine  singularity  to  the  cities. 
Give  the  country  a  chance.  Here  are  a  few 
sketches  of  bachelors  in  the  country  which 
are  respectfully  submitted  to  a  discrimina- 
ting and  impartial  public. 


Beth  Stringer  is  a  bachelor,  divorced  by 
an  Indiana  court.  He  is  thirty-eight 
years  old  in  his  stocking  feet,  and  so  much 
addicted  to  horses  that  he  is  in  jail  half  the 
time.  I  copy  a  description  of  him  taken 
from  a  handbill  I  found,  which  was 
headed  "  ilorse  Stolen  !— Fifty  Dollars  Re 
ward :" 

"  Beth  has  sorrel  eyes,  cream  colored 
hair,  good  teeth  (having  a  stolen  set),  black 
and  tan  moustache,  a  horse  laugh,  is  a  lit- 
tle lame  in  the  left  fore  shonliltT,  and 
stands  thirteen  hands  high.  lie  g«;ts  ac- 
qtiainted  with  strange  horses  very  fasily, 
and  has  an  engaging  way  in  leailiug  them 
off  by  the  halter.  He  talks  horse  talk  flu- 
ently and  continually,  except  when  you  ask 
him  to  drink,  when  he  ia  never  known  to 

Tony  Blinkers  Is  a  fat  jolly  old  bach,  of 
Bungtown,  weighing  about  three  hundred 
pounds  beer  measure.  A  "fat  take  "  for 
somebody.  Tony  is  rich,  and  several 
scheming  widows  have  tried  to  get  around 
him,  but  you  see  it  is  so  far  a  round !  He  is 
a  great  feeder.  When  asked  what  science 
he  considered  it  most  essential  for  a  woman 
to  study,  he  replied,  "  science  of  cookery." 
He  eats  fourteen  times  a  day,  and  as  to  his 
hcJtnts,  they  are  necessarily  loose  as  well  as 
large.  ' 

Tom  Phoolorlc  is  a  very  young  bachelor, 
who  sports  a  dyed  moustache,  and  &ncies 
the  girls  are  all  dying  about  it.  He  loafis 
about  the  tavern,  while  his  old  father  is 
pounding  out  a  living  for  him  in  his 
blachsmith  shop.  He  speaks  with  disdain 
of  "them  country  fellers"  who  work 
about  farms,  and  who  dont  live  in  the  "  vil- 
lage," and  he  is  an  a'ry  young  bachelor 
toward  the  country  girls  who  come  in  to  a 
Bungtown  ball.  Tt)m  isn't  much  of  a 
catch  for  any  sensible  woman,  nor  are 
any  of  the  Phoolorlc  family,  as  a  general 

Jeff.  Rogers  is  sixty -eight,  and  excessive- 
ly unmarried.  He  was  so  from  a  boy. 
His  mother  thought  that  he  would  outgrow 
it,  but  he  never  has.  She  says :  "  I  don't 
know  where  on  alrth  he  ever  got  it.  Not 
f>om  me,  I'me  sure  for  fus  father  was  my 
fourth  husband."  He  lives  by  himself,  his 
only  companion  being  an  old  tom  cat  that 
he  18  trying  to  rear  in  the  way  he  should 
go.  He  does  his  own  washing  and  mend- 
ing ;  otherwise  he  is  a  good  neighbor,  a 
kind  member  of  the  School  Board,  an  af- 
fectionate politician,  a  devoted  euchre 
player,  a  fervent  bUlLardist,  a  pains  taking 
quoit  pitcher,  and  never  neglects  his  grog. 


Bill  Simpklns  is  the  oldest  bachelor  in 
Mud  Hollar,  being  one  hundred  and  eleven 
years  of  age.  His  teeth  are  gone,  and  Bill 
IS  rapidly  going  after  them.  He  is  well  off 
— probably  better  ofl'  than  any  where  else. 
He  has  had  several  ofl'ers  of  marriage,  but 
declined  them  all.  He  says  he  don't  be- 
lieve in  early  marriages.  Besides,  he  don't 
want  to  leave  his  mother. 

Pete  Miggins  is  a  spruce  bachelor  of 
thirty,  or  toirty-fivc,  or  forty  eight,  or 
thereabouts.  He  is  always  scrupulously 
dressed  in  liis  shirt  sleeves,  spectacles  and  a 
wooden  leg.  He  chews  tobacco,  but  prom- 
ises to  leave  ofl"  if  any  girl  will  will  have 

Jim  PlunkiOB  keeps  the  tavern  at  the 
Hollar.  He  is  a  bachelor  m  the  second  de- 
gree, his  wife  being  dead.  He  drives  a 
quart  of  whisky,  and  drinks  about  a  pair 
of  gray  mares  every  day.  He  is  gray  ex- 
cept the  top  of  his  head,  and  that  is  red 
and  shiny.  He  likes  to  take  the  women 
around— ne  took  his  old  mother  around  to 
the  poor-house  the  other  day. 

Ike  Cann  was  bom  a  bachelor— his  fa- 
ther being  a  bachelor  before  him.  So  Ike 
wasn't  to  blame  for  it.  He  drives  the  fast 
est  horse  in  town,  in  a  butcher's  cart ;  has 
had  the  mumps  twice,  and  reads  a  good 
runnmg  hand  as  tar  as  fractions.  He  has 
made  several  attempts  to  marry,  but,  as  he 
says,  "  though  Ike  Cann  do  some  things, 
Ike  can't  do  that" 


Silas  Loam,  better  known  as  "  Old  Slle." 

Is  a  bachelor  of  seventy-four  summers.   He 

is  blind  in  one  eye,  and  at  the  time  I  saw 

I  him  the  othei  eye  bad  gone  to  the  wash. 

I  asked  him  how  much  he  was  worth.  He 
replied,  "  Not  much,  I  reckon,  at  my  age." 
He  is  a  little  shy  of  the  ladies  as  he  had  an 
innocent  and  confiding  brother  of  ninety- 
two  winters  (and  very  little  spring)  in- 
veigled by  a  promise  ot  marriage,  result- 
ing in  his  filling  an  early  grave. 

Johnny  Phlllup,  called  for  short,  Johnny 
Phillup  the  Bold,  is  about  as  good  a  bachel- 
or as  the  Run  ever  produced.  He  takes 
nearly  every  premium  at  the  Boot  Heel 
Run  Cattle  Show  (that  he  can  lay  his  hands 
on)  and  isn't  particular  about  removing 
the  cattle  from  them,  cither.  The  women, 
and  several  other  constables  are  all  alter 

Michael  Maginnis,  an  Italian  refugee 
from  France,  is  a  bachelor  with  two  wives 
in  Greece.  He  is  highly  accomplished, 
being  able  to  use  the  pick  and  shovel  In 
three  or  four  different  languages.  He  can 
handle  the  violin  beautifully  (In  a  rough 
and  tumble)  and  his  fingering  is  exquisite 
on  a  wheelbarrow.  I  will  give  an  illustra- 
tion of  his  skill  In  mathematics :  Being 
called  upon  to  make  his  income  retum, 
"  bedad,''^6aid  Mike,  (a  Greek  ejaculation) 
"  ill  come  is  it  ?  Faith  there's  so  little  com- 
en'  in  I'd  be  ashamed  to  return  it  to  onny 
mon."  This  shows  the  keen  Spanish  wit 
of  Michael.  Now,  one  for  Maginnis, 

Hans  Von  Pools  is  in  the  shoe  trade. 
Tne  painter,  economic  and  ingenious, 
painted  his  sign  to  read : 



He  has  furnished  us  his  own  account 
of  himself :  "  I  pese  a  pachelor  mit  a  frow 
unt  more  ash  a  tozzen  children.  Two  ud- 
der frows  vot  I  got  living  pese  ted.  My 
age  is  apout  fifty,  thirty  leven,  sixteen, 
somewhere  along  there,  vich  accounts  for 
my  having  pluc  eyes  unt  pig  feet.  I  dakes 
lager  peer  mit  mine  goffee,  unt  goes  to 
shurch  'cept  it  pe  Boontay,  vcn  1  sthays  to 
home  in  a  peer  garten.  I  never  swears,  py 
dam,  unt  I  always  did.  I  goes  out  walkm' 
every  afteernoon  pefore  preakfast  mit  a 
horse  unt  puggy,  and  am  sick  aped  all  de 
wile  mit  goot  health.  I  pease  a  crate  bol 
dishun.  At  de  last  vorth  uv  July  I  voted 
six  dimes  for  der  bacific  railroad  for  Presi 
dent  That's  the  fiind  of  man  vot  I  am, 
don't  it  ?  Ven  I  gits  married  I  vants  eve- 
ry poddy  to  gomb  to  the  funeral.  No 

ONE  MORE  jyS^i2iE  OXE. 

One  more  Insane  one 

Kuined  for  life. 
The  reason  a  plain  one,— 

He's  taken  a  wife. 

Loving  him  tenderly. 

This  widow  so  fair 
Trim  and  so  slenderly. 

Took  him  in  snare. 

Where  was  his  fetiier? 

Where  wa?  bis  mother ! 
Where  was  his  sister? 

Where  was  his  brother? 
Or  was  there  no  sharper  one 

Still  than  another  1 

For  the  bleak  winds  of  March 

He  cares  not  a  staver. 
Bat  his  wile's  "  frowning  arch  " 

Makes  him  tremble  and  shiver. 

Once  ho  looked  boldly. 
No  matter  how  coldly. 

Life's  currents  ran ; 
The  girls  he  could  wink  at  them. 
Smile  at  and  think  of  them, 

Like  a  gay  single  man ; 
Ill8  miseries  now  shrink  at  them— 

Be  wise !  wise  when  yon  can. 

C'iin.  a  3iame  b«   SSfrned  Twice 

A  very  interesting  will  case  is  now  going 
on  in  "Ma.ssachueetts.  Miss  Robinson 
claims,  under  a  bequest,  the  property  of 
her  aunt.  Miss  Howland,  valued  at  several 
huiidred  thousand  dollars,  and  produces  a 
will,  and  a  subsequent  declaration  confirm 
ing  and  explaining  the  will.  This  declara- 
tion bears  signatures  exactly  similar  to  the 
will,  and  the  defence  claim  tliat  they  were 
traced  from  the  undoulited  signature  to  the 
will,  aud  that  they  are  too  exactly  like  that 
signature  to  be  genuine.  This  is  the  sworn 
opinion  of  several  experts.  Some  of  them 
testify  to  having  discovered  signs  that  the 
doubtful  signatures  were  first  written  with 
lead  pencil  and  afterwards  with  pen  and 
ink.  Professor  Agassiz  swears  that  he  is 
unable  to  delect  such  signs  with  a  micro- 
scope ;  other  experts  testify  that  such  close 
resemblances  between  signatures  of  the 
same  person  written  at  dlilerent  times  are 
not  impossible  or  navel,  and  that  it  is  pre- 
cisely in  such  a  cramped  hand-writing  as 
Miss  Howland's  that  they  are  lo  be  looked 
for.  Professor  Pierce  was  called  in  as  au- 
thority upon  the  doctrine  of  chances.  He 

"  In  the  case  of  Sylvia  Ann  Howland, 
this  phenemenou — the  exact  coincidence  of 
signatures — could  only  occur  once  in  the 
number  of  times  expressed  in  the  thirtieth 
power  of  five  or  more— exactly,  it  is  once 
in  two  thousand  six  hundred  and  sixty-six 
millions  of  millions  of  millions  of  times  or 
2,666,0000,000,000,000,000.  This  number 
far  transcends  human  experience.  So  vast 
an  improbability  is  practically  an  impossi- 
bility. Such  evanescent  shadows  of  pro- 
bability cannot  belong  to  an  actual  life. 
They  are  unimaginably  less  than  the  least 
things  which  the  law  cares  not  for.  The 
coincidence  which  is  presented  to  us  in  this 
case  cannot  therefore  be  regarded  as  having 
occurred  in  the  ordinary  course  ot  signing 
a  name.  Under  a  solemn  sense  of  the  re- 
sponsibility involved  in  the  assertion,  I  de- 
clare that  the  coincidence  which  has  here 
occurred  must  have  had  its  origin  In  an  in 
lention  to  produce  it." 

This  view  is  strengthened  by  the  fact 
that  the  signatures  to  the  will  and  to  the 
declaration  were  not  written  on  ruled  lines, 
which  makes  an  exact  coincidence  still 
more  improbable. 

A  minor,  but  important  question  related 
to  the  comparative  excellence  of  the  Globe 
and  Voigtlander  lenses.  The  principal  ex- 
pert on  one  side  used  one,  the  expert  on 
the  other  side  used  the  other. 

A  Leaf  of  History. 

Pollard,  the  Southern  historian,  gives 
the  following  account  of  the  manner  by 
which  General  McClellan  became  aware  of 
the  intended  movements  of  Gteneral  Lee. 
When  he  moved  to  Boonsborough  and  Ha- 
gerstown,  to  await  Jackson's  operations, 
there  curiously  fell  into  his  hands  a 
cony  of  the  order  which  General  Lee  had 
prepared  at  Frederick,  detailing,  with  ex- 
actitude, the  proposed  movements  of  the 
several  portions  of  his  army.  The  paper 
had  been  conveyed  lo  General  D.  H.  Hill, 
who,  from  some  cause  of  dissatisfaction, 
and  in  a  characteristic  fit  of  impatience, 
tossed  it  to  the  ground,  and,  lying  there 
forgotten,  was  picked  up  by  a  soldier  of 
the  Federal  army  and  forwarded  at  once 
to  McClellan,  who  thus  became  possessed 
of  the  exact  detail  of  his  adversary's  plan 
of  operations. 

— Mr.  Weber,  one  of  the  samns  of  Zu- 
rich, Switzerland  recently  examined  the 
stomachs  of  a  number  of  moles  caught  in 
different  localities,  but  failed  to  discover 
therein  the  slightest  vestage  of  plants  or 
roots ;  whereas  they  were  filled  by  the  re- 
mains of  earth  worms.  He  shut  up  sever- 
al of  these  animals  in  a  box  containing 
earth  and  sod  with  growing  grass  and  a 
smaller  case  of  grub  or  earth  worms.  In 
nine  days  two  moles  devoured  341  white 
worms,  193  earth  worms,  25  caterpillars, 
aud  a  dead  mouse.  Fed  with  a  mixed  diet 
of  raw  meat  and  vegetables,  the  moles  ate 
the  meat  and  left  the  plants;  and  when 
vegetables  exclusively  were  dealt  out  to 
them,  in  twenty-foiu:  hours  ,both  died  of 



The  Three  Cardinai-  Virtueh.— That 

was  a  very  shrewd  as  well  as  pions  mendicant  who. 
In  the  neighborhood  of  a  cuarch  addressed  to  a 
gentleman  the  following  irresistible  appeal:  "I 
am  poor,  sir ,  bnt  1  am  religions.    1  want  bnt  one 


of  tfie  saving  virtues.    I  have  Faith  ;  I  have  Hope ; 
it  remains  for  yoa  to  graiit  mc  Charity." 

Tisit  to  a  Pork-PackiBK  Honte. 

In  his  very  readable  article  on  Cincin 
nati,  published  in  the  Atlantic  Monthly, 
James  Parton  gives  tlie  following  account 
of  a  visit  to  one  of  the  great  pork-packing 
establishments  of  that  city  — 

Every  one  thinks  of  pork  in  connection 
with  Cincinnati.  In  "  The  Banner  Slaugh- 
ter and  Pork- Packing  House,"  vrliicb  con- 
tains all  the  improved  apparatwa,  hogs 
weighing  five  or  six  hundred  pounds  arc 
killed,  scraped,  dressed,  cut  up,  sailed,  and 
packed  in  a  barrel,  in  twenty  seconds,  on 
an  average ;  and  at  this  rate  the  work  is 
done,  ten  hours  a  day,  during  the  season  of 
four  months. 

It  is  a  large,  clean,  new  brick  building, 
with  extensive  yards  adjoining  it,  filled 
with  hogs  from  the  forests  and  farms  of 
Ohio,  Indiana  and  Kentucky.  From  these 
yards  to  the  third  story  of  the  house  there 
is  an  inclined  plane,  up  which  a  procession 
of  animals  march  slowly  lo  their  doom 
from  morning  until  evening.  Here  is  the 
first  economy.  The  thing  lo  be  done  is  to 
transfer  the  pigs  from  those  yards  to  the 
basement  of  the  building,  and  on  the  way 
convert  them  into  salt  pork.  They  walk 
to  the  scene  of  the  massacre  at  the  top  of 
the  building,  and  the  descent  to  the  cellar 
accomplishes  itself  by  the  natural  law 
which  causes  every  thing  to  seek  the  centei 
of  the  earth.  Arrived  at  the  summit,  the 
fifteen  foremost  find  themselves  "  in  a  tight 
place" — squeezed  into  a  pen  in  which  they 
must  remain  standing  from  lack  of  room  to 
lie  down.  There  are  two  of  these  pens, 
and  two  pen  men,  so  that  the  moment  one 
is  empty  there  is  another  ready  filled,  and 
the  work  thus  goes  on  without  interrup- 
tion. The  fifteen  animals  which  stand 
compressed,  with  their  Leads  thrust  up- 
ward, awaiting  the  stroke  of  fate,  express 
their  emotions  in  the  language  natural  to 
them,  and  the  noise  is  great.  The  execu- 
tioner, armed  with  a  long-handled,  slender 
hammer,  and  sitting  astride  of  the  fence, 
gives  to  each  of  these  yelling  creatures  his 
quietus  by  a  blow  upon  the  head.  The  pig 
does  not  fall  when  he  is  struck ;  he  cannot ; 
he  only  stares  and  becomes  silent.  When 
silence  within  the  pen  announces  the  sur- 
render of  its  ocrupants,  a  door  is  open- 
ed, and  the  oenselcss  pigs  are  laid  ia  a  row 
up  an  inclined  plane,  at  the  bottom  of 
which  is  a  long  trough  of  hot  water. 

One  of  the  artists,  called  "  the  sticker," 
now  appears,  provided  with  a  long,  thin, 
pointea  knife,  and  approaches  the  pig  near 
est  the  steaming  trough,  gently  Ufts  its  fore 
leg,  and  gives  it  one  easy,  delicate,  graceful 
thrust  in  tic  throat  Along  the  trough,  on 
each  side  of  it,  is  a  row  of  men,  each  with 
an  instrument  in  his  hand,  waiting  to  be- 
gin ;  and  apart  from  them  stands  the  head 
scalder,  who  ranks  stcond  in  the  corps, 
having  the  task  of  all  the  greatest  difficulty 
to  perform  Scald  a  pig  ten  seconds  too 
long,  or  in  water  twenty  degrees  too  hot, 
aud  he  comes  out  as  red  as  a  lobster  ;  let 
the  water  be  loo  cool,  or  keep  the  animal  in 
it  too  short  a  time,  and  the  labor  of  scrap- 
ing it  is  trebled.  Into  the  hot  water  the 
hogs  are  soused  at  intervals  of  twenty  sec- 
onds, and  the  ecalder  elands,  watching  the 
clock  and  occasionally  trying  the  tempera- 
ture of  the  water  witli  his  finger,  or  the  ad 
herence  of  the  hair  of  the  creatuie  first  to 
bo  handled.  "Number  one,"  he  says  at 
length.  By  a  machine- for  the  purpose 
number  one  is  turned  over  on  a  long,  de- 
clining table,  where  he  lies  smoking.  At 
the  same  time  two  men  pull  out  his  valua- 
ble bristles  and  put  them  in  a  barrel,  and 
two  other  men  scrape  one  side  of  him  with 
scrapers.  In  a  few  seconds  these  turn  him 
over  and  pass  him  on  to  two  other  scrap- 
ers, who  ecrape  the  other  side,  and  then 
slide  him  along  to  four  other  men,  who  trim 
and  finisii  him,  leaving  not  a  hair  on  his 
s<"tft  and  quivering  body.  Then  he  falls 
into  the  hands  of  two  "gamblemen,"  who 
insert  a  stick  to  keep  the  hind  legs  apart, 
and,  by  the  aid  of  a  machine,  Lang  him  up 
with  his  head  downward.  Next,  the  am 
mal  is  consigned  to  the  greatest  artist  of 
all,  who  periorms  the  operation  so  much  in 
favor  among  the  nobility  of  Japan  This 
artist,  weregrct  l«9»y,\)UlwiU  laotfconce&l 
from  a  loo  tastidious  public,  is  called  "  the 
gutter."  One  long,  swift  cut  down  the 
whole  length  of  the  body,  two  or  three 
rapid  in-and-out  cuts  in  the  inside,  and  the 
entire  respiratory  and  digsstive  apparatus 
lies  smokiLg  upon  a  table,  under  the  hands 
of  men  who  are  removing  from  it  the  ma- 
terial for  lard.  This  operation,  here  per- 
formed in  twenty  seconds,  and  which  is 
frequently  done  by  the  saaie  man  fifieeu 
hundred  times  a  day,  lakes  an  ordinary 
butcher  ten  minutes.  This  man  earns  six 
dollars  and  a  half  a  day,  while  no  one  else 
receives  more  than  lour  ;  and  if  he  is  ab- 
sent from  his  post,  his  substitute,  who  has 
seen  the  thing  done  for  years,  can  only 
perform  it  one-fifth  as  fast,  and  the 
day's  work  of  the  house  is  reduced  to  one- 
fifth  of  its  ordinary  pnxluction. 

The  long  room,  in  which  the  creatures 
are  put  to  death,  £culded  and  japanned, 
presents,  as  may  be  imagined,  a  most  hor- 
rible scene  of  massacre  and  blood— of  steam- 
ing water,  and  flabby,  caked,  quivering 
hogs — of  men  in  oilskin  suits,  all  shining 
with  wet  and  grease.  The  rest  of  the  es- 
tablishment is  perfectly  clean  and  agree- 
able. The  moment  the  body  of  the  animal 
Is  emptied,  a  boy  inundates  it  with  a  hose, 
and  then  another  boy  pushes  il  along  the 
wire  from  which  il  hangs  on  a  wheel,  and 
takes  it  to  its  plact;  in  the  coohng  room, 
where  it  hangs  all  night.  This  cooling 
is  a  curious  spectacle.  It  contains  two 
regiments  of  suspended  hogs,  arranged  in 
long,  regular  rows— one  regiment  the  re- 
sult of  to  day's  operations,  the  other  of 

The  cutting  up  of  these  huge  carcasses 
is  accomplished  with  the  same  easy  and 
wonderful  rapidity.  The  first  that  we 
chanced  to  see  cut  to  pieces  was  an  enor- 
mous fellow  of  six  hundred  pounds,  and  it 
was  done  in  just  one-third  of  a  minute. 
Two  men  tumbled  him  over  upon  a  wagon, 
wheeled  him  to  the  scales,  where  his  weight 
was  instantly  ascertained  aud  recorded. 
Near  by  was  the  cutting  table,  upon  which 
he  was  immediately  flopped.  "Two  simul- 
taneous blows  with  a  cleaver  severed  his 
head  and  his  hind  quarters  from  the  tmnk, 
and  the  subdivibion  of  these  was  accom- 
plished by  three  or  four  cuts  with  the  same 
instrument.  Near  the  table  are  the  open 
mouths  of  as  many  large  woodsn  pipes  as 
there  are  kinds  of  pieces  in  a  hog,  and 
these  lead  to  the  various  apartments  be- 
low, where  the  several  pieces  arc  further 
dealt  with.  Gently  down  the<r  well- 
greased  pipe  slip  the  hams  to  the  smoking 
department ;  away  glide  the  sailing  pieces 
to  the  cellar ;  the  lard-leaves  slide  softly 
down  to  the  trying-room  ;  the  trimmings 
of  the  hams  vanish  silently  d<iwn  their 
pipes  to  the  sausage- room  ;  the  tongue,  the 
feet,  and  every  atom  of  flesh  start  on  their 
journey  to  the  places  where  they  are  want- 
ed ;  and  thus,  in  the  twenty  seconds,  the 
six-hundred-pounder  has  been  cut  to  pieces 
and  distributed  all  over  the  extensive 

The  deliver}  of  three  finished  hogs  a 
minute  requires  the  following  force  of  men  : 
two  pen-men,  one  knocker-down,  one 
sticker,  two  bristle-snatchers,  four  scrapers, 
six  shavers,  (who  remove  the  hair  from 
parts  not  reached  by  the  scrapers,)  two 
gamble  men,  one  gutter,  one  hose-boy,  one 
slide- boy,  one  splitter,  (who  fastens  the 
animal  open  to  facilitate  cooling,)  two  at- 
tendants upon  the  cutters,  one  weigher 
two  cleaver  men,  four  knife-men,  one  ham- 
trimmer,  one  shoulder-trimmer,  one  packer, 
six  ham-salters,  one  weigher  and  brander, 
one  lard -man,  one  book-keeper,  seven  por- 
ters and  laborers — in  all,  fifty  men.  The 
system,  therefore,  enables  one  man  to  con- 
vert into  pork,  thirty  hogs  a  day.  The 
proprietors  of  these  packing-houses  pay 
the  owners  of  tne  animals  sUty  cents  each 
for  the  privilege  of  killing  them,  and  de- 
rive their  profits  from  the  refuse.  The 
bristles  of  a  hog  are  worth  seventeen  cents, 
his  tongue  five  cents,— the  hair  and  the  fat 
of  the  intestines  pay  the  entire  cost  cf  kill- 
ing, dressing  and  packing. 








BT  0&.  J.  O.  aOIXAKD. 

Klrer.  uparkling  river,  I  have  fauit  to  find  with 

River,  ihou  dost  never  (five  a  word  of  peace  to  me  I 
DimpUnK  to  each  touch  of  aunshino,  wUnpling  to 

•ach  air  that  blowa, 
Thoa  doest  make  no  eweet  repljinc  to  my  Blgntng 

for  repoae. 

Flowers  of  monnt  and  meadow,  1  have  fault  to 

find  with  you : 
So  the  brcezei  cross  and  tosB  yon,  60  your  cape  are 

filled  with  dew. 
Matters  not  though  slgbe  give  motion  to  the  ocean 

of  your  breath : 
Matters  not  though  yon  are  ftlllog  with  the  chilling 

drops  01  death  I 

Birds  of  aotig  and  beauty,  lol  I  charge  yon  all 

with  blame ' 
Though  all  hapicM  pasalona  thrill  and  fill  mc,  yon 

are  still  the  same. 
1  can  borrow  for  my  sorrow  nothing  that  avails 
From  your  lonely  note,  thai  only  eptaks  of  loy 

that  never  taUs. 

O I    Indifference  of  Nature  lo  the  fact  of  human 

Every  grief  that  seeks  relief  entreate  ii  at  her  hand 

in  vain ;  , 

Not  a  bird  »peaKa  forth  its  passion,  not  a  river 

eeoke  the  sea, 
Nor  a  flower  from  wreaths  of  8aaim<»r  breatba  in 

sympathy  with  me. 

O !  the  rlged  rock  la  friged.  though  its  bed  be  sno 

mer  mould,  .     .,.  ^* 

And  the  diamond  glitters  ever  Ui  the  gra«p.  of 

changelet*  gold ; 
And  the  laws  that  bring  the  acaaone  swing  thcu 

cycks  as  they  must. 
Though  the  ample  road  they  trample 

eyes  with  human  dust 

Moons  wlU  wax  in  argent  glory,  though  man  wane 

to  hopelMs  gloom ;  ,       .,        w  >. 

Slara  will  sparkle  In  their  splendor,  though  he 

darkle  to  his  doom ;  ,      ^. 

Winds  of  heaven  he  calU  to  fan  him  fan  him  with 

an  icy  chill,  ,_,,^. 

And  th<*  i«hift)nir  crown  of  clouds  go  drifting  o  er 

him  aa  thay  will. 

Yet  within  my  iiimost  tplrtt  1  can  hear  an  under- 

That  by  law  of  prime  relation  holds  thcae  volcee 
as  its  own,— 

The  full  tonic  whose  harmonic  grandeure  riea 
through  Nature's  wordi. 

From  the  oceans  thudorous  tolling  to  the  trolling 
of  the  birds. 

Spirit,  O !  my  epirli '  la  it  thou  art  out  of  tune  • 
Art  thou  clinging  to  December  while  ths  earth  ia 

Haat  thou  dropped  thy  part  In  nature '    Hast  tnou 

touched  "duother  key  f 
Art  thou  amrry  that  the  anthem  will  not,  cannot, 

w  ait  lor  thee  ? 

ttpirlt  thou  art  left  alon»— alone  on  waters  wild ; 

For  God  U  gone,  and  Love  is  dead,  and  Natnra 
t^purus  her  child. 

Thon  art  driitlng  in  a  dolajje,  wavea  below  and 
clouds  abovo. 

And  with  weary  wings  come  back  to  thee,  thy  ra- 
ven and  thy  dove. 

blind  the 

TUE   OPE^^r   POLAR   SEA. 

Arctic  adventure,  notwithstanding  its 
grim  monotony,  seems  lo  be  the  only  kind 
ol  travel  of  which  neither  tulventurera 
nor  readers  ^\cary.  The  same  men  who 
have  already  dared  tne  "  pack"  and  the 
iceberg,  the  sunless  dark  and  cruel  cold, 
are  always  tasclnated  by  the  scene  of  their 
perils  and  suUerings,  and  return  to  it,  if 
possible,  once  and  again.  Perhaps  it  is 
that  there  is  an  attraction  for  resolute 
spirits  in  solitudes  which  only  a  few— and 
olten  none— of  their  fellow-creatures  have 
visited  before  ,  but  it  is  certainly  curious 
that  so  many  expeditions  should  have  been 
un'lertaken,  not  only  voluntarily,  but  en- 
thusiastically, to  so  desolate  and  arid  a 
region.  While  any  hope  of  finding  a  prac- 
ticable north-west  passage  existed,  any 
possibility  of  their  being  th^  first  to  bear 
their  country's  Hag  athwart  the  North,  and 
to  part  the  waters  of  the  Pacitic  at  its  head 
with  their  patient  keel,  one  could  Imagine 
the  charm  of  such  an  enterprise  ;  but  now 
that  the  feasibility  ol  penetrating  the  world 
in  that  direction  has  been  utterly  disproved 
it  is  curious  indeed,  that  the  North  Pole 
should  have  almost  the  same  attraction  for 
many  hardy  and  intelligent  men  as  it  has 
for  needles. 

With  regard  to  the  leaders  of  such  ex- 
peditlcvnB,  who  thoitmgWy  underatand  the 
scientific  objects  to  be  attained,  and  reap 
their  reward  in  attaining  them ;  who  call 
gigantic  clltls,  and  capes,  and  bays  by  their 
own  names,  it  is  not  so  strange  But  how 
the  rank  and  file  can  be  so  easily  induced 
to  accompany  their  captains,  and  fight 
against  such  terrible  Iws  for  a  cause  of 
which  they  know  nothing,  is  really  re- 
markable. Science.  Indeea,  may  in  this 
case  boast  of  as  faith  fhl  and  salf-abnegatlve 
votariis  as  Superstition  herself.  She  has 
only,  it  seems,  to  exhibit  a''unlfllar  mag- 
netometer," a  "  Wurdeman  compass,"  and 
a  lew  box  and  pocket  chronometers,  and 
Half  the  able-bodied  seamen  in  New  York 
or  Liverpool  are  prepared  to  plant  her 

standard  on  the  uttermost  Ice-fields  of  the 
North.  The  "  reflecting  circle,"  which  is 
also  included  in  her  outfit,  finds  no  paral- 
lel in  fA^w;  with  an  unquestioning  obedi- 
ence, they  cheerfully  set  forth  to  do  her 
unknown  behests,  and  only  too  often  perish 
ia  accomplishing  them. 

What  would  appear  lo  be  a  discourage- 
mtiul  itsell  amounting  to  repal?ion,  is  the 
necessity  of  passing  the  long  arctic  night 
before  anything  can  be  done  at  all :  the 
invariable  procedure  being  to  set  oni  in 
autumn,  push  northwards  as  fcir  as  the  ice- 
pack will  permit,  and  then  go  into  winter 
quarters,  in  preparation  for  the  only  time 
for  action,  the  brief  arctic  spring.    It  is 
indeed  a  strange  and  dreadful  sort  of  en- 
terprise, this  invasion  of  King  Winter's 
proper  realm,  and  strange  Is  tbe  panoply 
employed.    The  ship,  however  small,  must 
needs  be  armor- plated  at  the  bows,  sheathed 
with    thick  planking,  and    crossed  with 
heavy  beams,  for  warfare  with  the  solid 
sea— I.  e.  the  "  pack "  through  which  it 
must  be  pushed,  and  not  those  slow-mov- 
ing, pale-green  mountains,  with  their  heads 
above  the  mast,  to  strike  against  which  is 
instant   destruction.     The   store  of  pro- 
visions, too,  which  are  of  an  unusual  kind, 
ia  immense,  since  no  one  knows  whether 
the  voyage  will  last  for  one  year,  or  for  two 
or    three;   nay,    whether   those    uprisen 
waves,  made  rigid  ere  their  anger  can  b« 
bpent,  as  knights  of  old  by  magician's  evil 
spell,  may  not  forbid  escape  and  keep  them 
Winter's  prisoners  for  life.    It  ia  essential, 
during  that  long  depressing  night  which 
knows  no  dawn,  that  no  creature-comfort 
shall  at  least  be  wanting,  and  therefore  the 
items  of  supply,  even  of  the  humblest  ex- 
peditions of  this  nature,  read  more  like 
ihosfi  of  a  fashionable  pic-nlc  partv,  than 
the  provision-list  of  a  schooner,    "f  he  ship 
UiiUed  Staia,  in  which  Dr.  Hayes  sailed 
from  Boston,  in  July  1S60,  to  ascertain  for 
certain  the  existence  of  an  Open  Polar 
tiea,  was  a  vessel  of  this  kind.    His  crew 
consisted  of  bnt  fourteen  men,  all  told,  and 
he  had  only  one  scientific  associate  among 
them,  Mr.    Bonntag,    fated  to  leave  his 
bones  in  that   inhospitable  clime.    This 
little  party  was,  however,  as  1  have  hinted, 
well  "found  "  in  all  things  necessary,  and, 
indeed,  they  had  rather  an  embarrassment 
of  such  riches.    The  ship  was  so  loaded, 
that  "standing  in  the  gangway,  you  could 
at  any  time  lean  over  the  monkey- rail,  and 
toucn  the  sea  with  your  fingers."    During 
some  "  rough  liandling"  in  the  strait  called 
Davis'— but  which  might  be  called  any- 
body's who  has  ever  experienced  it — the 
captain's  cabin  (six  feet  by  ten)  was  fio<xi- 
ed  a  dozen  times  a  day,  and  the  sailors 
were  literally  drowned  out  of  the  forecaa- 
tla.    Yet  this  was  but  as  summer-yachting 
ip  the  Solent,  lo    their  subsec^uent  rubs 
with  icebergs.    For  daye,  the  Greenland 
fog  concealed  these  giant  foes,  but  at  last  it 
lifted,  and  berg  after  ber^  burst  into  view, 
"  like  castles  in  a  fairy  taie." 

The  sudden  change  to  sunlight,  and  what 
it  showed,  was  something  marvelous.  "The 
bergs  had  wholly  lost  their  chilly  aspect, 
and  glittering  in  the  blaze  of  the  brilliant 
heavens,  seemed,  in  the  distance,  like 
inasses  of  burnished  metal  or  solid  flame. 
Kearer  at  hand,  they  were  huge  blocka  ol 
Parian  marble,  Inlaltjl  with  mammoth  gems 
of  pearl  and  opal ;  one  in  particular,  ex- 
hibited the  oerfection  of  the  grand.  Its 
torm  was  not  nnlike  tbat  ot  the  Oolifieam, 

and  it  lay  so  far  away  that  half  ita  height 
waa  buried  beneath  the  line  of 
blood-red  waters.  The  sun,  slowly  roll- 
ing along  the  horizon,  passed  behind  it, 
and  it  seemed  as  If  the  old  Roman  ruin 
had  suddenly  taken  fire.  In  the  shadows 
of  the  bergs,  the  water  was  a  rich  green, 
and  nothing  could  be  more  soft  and  tender 
than  the  gradations  of  color  made  by  the 
sea,  shoaling  on  the  sloping  tongue  of  a 
berg  close  beside  us.  The  tint  increased 
in  intensity  where  the  ice  overhung  the 
water,  and  a  deep  cavern,  near  by,  exhibit- 
ed the  solid  color  of  the  malachite,  mingled 
vrith  the  transparency  of  the  emerald; 
while,  in  strange  contrast,  a  broad  streak 
of  cobalt  blue  ran  diagonally  through  its 
body."  These  beautiful  miracles  of  nature 
are  sometimes  of  an  incredible  size.  In 
Tcpsnissak  Bay  there  was  one  which  had 
been  gronndcil,  the  natives  said,  for  two 
vears,  and  which,  being  almost  square-sided 
above  the  sea,  must  have  borne  the  same 
shape  beneath  it,  so  that  its  contents  could 
be  approximated  to ,  the  wall  which  faced 
thediore  was  more  than  three  hundred 
feet  high,  and  a  tiuarter  of  a  mile  long,  so 
that  Dr.  Hayes  estimated  it  to  weigh  some 
thing  like  two  thousand  millions  ol  tons. 
It  had  stranded  in  a  depth  of  half  a  nule. 

Once  only,  the  well-steered  vessel   fell 
foul  of  one  of  these   floating    monsters. 
"The  schooner  struck  on  the  starboard 
quarter,  and  the  shock,  slight  though  it 
was,  disengaged  some  fragments  of  ice  thai 
were  large  enough  to  have  crushed  the  ves- 
sel, had  they  struck  her,  and  also  many  Ut- 
tlo  lumps  which  rattled  about  us— but,  for- 
tunately, no  person  was  hit.    The  «|uarter- 
deck  was  quickly  cleared,  and  all  hands, 
crowding  forward,  anxiously  watched  the 
boat.    The  berg  now  began  lo  revolve,  and 
was  settling  slowly  over  us;    the   little 
lumps  fell  thicker  and  faster  upon  the  after- 
deck,  and  the  forecaello  waa  the  only  place 
where  there  was  the  least  chance  of  safely. 
At  length,  the  berg  itself  saved  us  from  de- 
struction ,  an  immense  mass  broke  oft  from 
that  part  which  was  beneath  the  surface 
of  the  sea,  and  this,  a  dozen  times  larger 
than  the  schooner,  came  rushing  up  with- 
in a  lew  yarelfi  of  us,  sending  a  vast  volume 
of  foam  and  water  flying  from  its  sides. 
This  rupture  arrested  the  revolution,  and 
the  berg  began  to  settle  in  the  opposite  di 
rection.    And  now  came  another  daiiger 
A  long  tongue  was  protruding  immediate- 
ly underneath  the  schooner ;  already,  the 
keel  was  slipping  and  grinding  upon  it, 
and  it  seemea  probable  tnat  we  should  be 
knocked  up  into  the  air  like  a  football,  or 
at  least  capsized."    But  once  more  the  berg 
itself  came  to  their  relief,  for  ita  opposite 
side  began  to  split,  piece  by  piece,  and  sent 
tho  huge  mass  revolving  bacx  again.    The 
reports  tollowed  in  such  quick  succession 
that  "  the  whole  air  seemed  a  reservoir  of 
Irighllul   sound,"    but   the   hard    words 
broke  no  bones,  and  the  Utile  schooner  es- 
caped from  its  terrible  foe—"  still  rocking 
and  rolling  like  a  thing  of  life,"  and  emit- 
ing  great  cascades  from  its  split  sides  into 
the  foaming  sea— with  life,  though  without 
a  mainboom.    For  five  hours  this  Titan 
tumbling  and  crashing  continued,  and  then 
from  the  mass  "  a  piece  about  a  mile  long, 
and  a  hundred  feet  high,  came  oil,  with  a 
report  which  could  not  have  been  exceed- 
ed by  a  thousand  pieces  of  artillery  simul- 
taneously discharged,"  which   concluded 
the  display  (as  it  well  might),  except  that 
that  the  two  fragments  kept  wallowing  in 
the  sea  for  hours  afterwards. 

These  iceberg  troubles  assailed  our  voy- 
agers   in    Baflln's    Bay;  but    when  tHfey 
reached  Smith's  Sound,  and  endeavored 
to  make  their  way  so  far  as  Cape  Hather 
ton,  intending  there  to  winter,  came  the 
worse  dangers  of  the  pack-ice.     Owing  to 
tlie  great  audacity  of  its  captain,  the  little 
Bchoemer  was  actually  beset  in  mid  chan- 
nel.   The  Ice  came  so  rapidly  down  the 
Sound  that  it  nipped  and  held  the  ship. 
The  dreadful  change  from  comparatively 
open  water  to  "  pack"  was  marvellously 
sudden.    The  scene  around  us  was  aa  im- 
posiag  as  it  was  marxelloua.    Except  the 
earthquake  and  volcano,  there  is  not  in 
nature  an  exhibition  ot  force  comparable 
with  that  of  the  Ice-fielda  of  the  Arctic  acas. 
They  close  together,  when  driven  by  the 
wind  or  by  currents  against  the  land  or 
other  resisting  object,  with  the  pressure  of 
millions  of  moving  tons,   and  the  crash, 
and  noise,  and  confusion  arc  truly  terrific. 
We  were  now  in  the  midst  of  one  of  the 
most  thrilling  of  these  exhibitions  of  polar 
dynamics,  and  we  became  uncomfortably 
conscious  that  the  schooner  was  to  become 
a  sort  of  dynamometer.    Vast  ridges  were 
thrown  up  wherever  the  floes  came  to- 
gether, to  be  submerged  again  when  the 
pressure  was  exerted  in  a oother  quarter ; 
and  over  the  sea  aroun  1  us  these  pulsating 
lines  ot  uplift,  which  in  some  cases  reached 
an  altitude  of  sixty  feet — higher  than  our 
mast-head— told  of  the  strength  and  power 
of  the  enemy  which  was  threatening  us. 
At   length   the   ice  actually  touched  the 
schooner,    and  as   if  with  the  elevating 
power  of  a  thousand  jack-screws,  we  found 
ourselves  going  up  into  the  air.    Thus  in- 
voluntary  exdted,   they  remained  for  a 
very  anxious  eight  hours ;  but  fortunately, 
the  monster  floes  changed  their  course  lo 
the  westward,  and  causing  the  one  upon 
which  the  schooner  hung  to  revolve,  set 
the  United  States  free,  though  sorely  dam- 
aged ,  the  hold  filled  with  water,  the  rud- 
der split,  the  sternpost  started,  and  the 
whole  ship  rendered  notjonly  longer  no  Ice- 
proof  but  unse^worthy. 

With  extreme  diflacully,  they  got  Into  a 
bay.  they  christened  Port  Foulke  (alter  the 
chief  promoter  of  the  expe<litlon)  and 
there  determined  lo  winter.  Everybody 
is  acquainted  with  the  manner  of  taking 
things  snug  in  an  Arctic  harbor  :  the  roof- 
ing in  of  the  deck ;  the  clearing  out  ot  the 
hold  (as  being  the  warmest  place  for  the 
men  lo  live  in) .  and  the  conveying  {of  the 
cargo  on  shore.  The  peculiarity  ol  the 
present  case  was  the  extraordinary  number 
of  live-stock  in  the  bhape  of  some  Es 
quimaux  do,^s,  there  were  no  less  than 
thirty  of  these  magnificent  ■«  ild  beasts  on 
board  (purchased  at  a  great  price — on  ac- 
count of  a  canine  disease  then  prevalent, 
which  made  them  scarce — at  various  na- 
tive stations  along  the  coast"),  and  It  may 
be  imagined  how  pleasant  it|wa8  lo  house 
them  in  the  snow- wall  built  round  the  ship, 
and  get  their  room  instead  of  their  compa- 
The  expedition  thus  possessed  no  less 


than  three  first  rate  "  teams."  Dr.  Hayes 
himself  had  what  he  justly  entitles  "  a  re- 
spectable turn  out" — twelve  dogs  and  a 
fine  sledge.  The  animals  are  in  most  ex- 
cellent condition,  every  one  of  them  strong 
and  healthy ;  and  they  are  very  fleet. 
They  whirl  my  Greenl^d  sledge  over  the 
Ice  with  a  celerity  not  calculated  for  weak 
nerves.  I  have  acttudly  ridden  behind 
them  over  sixteen  measured  miles  in  twen- 
ty-eight minutes :  and  without  stopping  to 
blow  the  team,  have  relumed  in  thirty- 
three.  Sontag  and  I  had  a  race,  and  I  beat 
him  by  four  minutes.  I  should  like  to  have 
some  of  my  friends  of  Saratoga  and  Point 
Breeze  up  here,  to  show  them  a  new  style 
of  speeding  animals.  Our  racers  do  not 
require  any  blanketing  alter  the  heats,  or 
sponging  cither  We  harness  them  each 
with  a  single  trace,  and  tnese  traces  are  of 
a  length  to  suit  the  driver— the  longer  the 
better,  for  they  are  then  not  so  easily  tan- 
gled, the  draft  of  the  outside  dogs  Is  more 
direct ;  and  if  the  team  comes  upon  thin 
ice,  and  breaks  through,  your  chance  of 
escape  fi-om  immmersioa  are  in  proportion 
to  lh'3ir  distance  from  you.  The  traces  are 
all  the  sanie  length,  and  hence  the  dogs  run 
side  by  side,  and  when  property  harnessed 
their  heads  are  in  a  line.  My  trace*  are  so 
measured  that  the  shoulders  of  the  dogs  are 
just  twenty  feet  from  the  forward  part  of 
the  runners.  The  team  is  guided  solely  by 
the  whip  and  voice.  The  strongest  clogs 
are  placed  on  the  outside,  and  the  whole 
team  is  swayed  lo  right  and  left  according 
as  the  whip  falls  on  the  snow  to  the  one 
side  or  the  other,  or  as  it  touches  the  lead- 
ing dogs  as  It  la  sure  to  do  if  they  do  not 
obey  the  gentle  hint  with  sufficient  alac- 
rity. The  voice  aids  the  whip,  but  in  all 
emergenaes  the  whip  is  the  only  real  reli' 

ance.  Your  control  oyer  the  team  ia  in 
exact  proportion  to  your  skill  in  the  use  of 
it.  The  lash  Is  about  four  feel  longer  than 
tiie  traces,  and  Is  tipped  .vllh  a  "cracker" 
of  hard  sinew,  with  which  a  skilful  driver 
can  draw  blood  11  so  inclined  ;  and  he  can 
touch  any  one  of  his  animals  on  any  par- 
ticular spot  that  may  suit  his  purpose. 
Jensen  had  to-day  a  young  refractory  dog 
in  the  team,  and  having  had  his  patience 
quite  exhausted,  he  resolved  upon  extreme 
measures.  "  You  see  dat  beast  ?"  said  he. 
"  I  takes  a  piece  out  of  his  car ;"  and  sure 
enough  crack  went  the  whip;  the  hard 
sinew  wound  roimd  the  tip  of  the  ear,  and 
nipped  it  ott  as  nicely  as  with  a  knife." 

It  waa  absolutely  necessary  to  resort  to 
these  extreme  measures     These  dogs  are 
as  wild  as  wolves,  and  even  more  raven- 
ous.    They  will  eat  anything,  including 
their  own  harness,  if,  as  usual,  made  of 
skin.    The  ferocity  with  which  (hey  tear 
their  food  is  something  terrible  to  witness. 
Even  the  lashings  of  the  sledge  are  not 
safe  from  ihem,  and  have  to  be  buried  out 
of  sight  at  camplDg-timc.    During  one  ex- 
pedition, they  ate  up  their  drivers'  extra 
boolB,    together    with    their    fur    stock- 
ings, ami  even  a  m«crbchaum  pipe  which 
happened  lo  have  a  seal  skin  cover.    On 
another  occasion,  one  ol  their  fellows  be- 
ing'unablr  cither  to  pull  or  follow,  had  to 
bo  s'hot     As  soon  as  the  bullet  struck  the 
animal,  wounding  him  but  slightly,  and 
causing  him  to  set  up  a  terrible  cry,  his 
companions  in  the  team  flow  upon  him, 
and  tore  him  to  pieces  in  an  Instant ;  and 
those  who    were  lucky  enough  lo  get  a 
fragment  of  him,  were  tearing  his  flesh 
from  his  bones  almost  before  the  echo  of 
his  last  howl  had  died  away  in  the  solitude. 
Nay,  Dr    Hayes,  who  is  very   fond  and 
proud  of  them,  is  obliged  to  confess  that 
"  the  wretches  would  eat  us  up  if  we  gave 
them  the   least  chance.    Knox  stumoled 
among  the  pack  yesterday  while  feeding 
them,  and  had  not  M'Donald  pounced  up 
on    them  on  the  instant,  I  believe  Ihcy 
would  have  made  a  meal  of  him  before  he 
could  rise  "    Yet  when,  as  happened,  these 
animals  were  all  attacked  by  the  unknown 
disease  above  alluded  to,  our  author  be- 
wailed their  loss  with  reason,  for  without 
them  Arctic  exploration  is  almost  impossi- 
ble.   The  symptoms  were  something  akin 
to  hydrophobia,  and  it  may  be   imagined 
what  those  dogs  did  under  such  aggrava- 
ting circumstances. 

Life  on  board  went  on  as  usual  in  those 
latitudes  ,  every  effort  was  made  to  be  jolly 
notwithslandiug  the  darknc^ss  and  the  cola, 
every  man's  birthday  was  kept ,  every  fes- 
tival of  the  church  was  honored  with  a 
banquet;  the  Port  Foulke  Weekly  News 
was  started ;  and,  thanks  to  the  general 
cheerfXilness,  Dr.  Hayes's  benignant  rule, 
and,  above  all,  to  a  large  stock  of  pre 
served  vegetables,  that  scourge  of  Arctic 
travel,  scurvy,  was  wholly  avoided.  Their 
chief  physical  trouble  was  frozen  limbs, 
the  cure  for  which  was  lo  place  the  limb 
in  ice-cold  water,  the  temperature  of  which 
was  slowly  increased  from  hour  to  hour  un- 
til the  flesh  was  thawed  out ;  but  it  was 
considered  lo  be  a  green  trick  to  get  frozen, 
and  the  disaster  was  generally  tept  con- 
cealed ,  just  as  at  home,  boys  say  nothing 
about  having  had  "  a  spill  out  hunting. 
Curiously  enough,  the  cold— so  used  they 
got  to  it  at  last— caused  them  less  inconve- 
nience than  one  or  two  unexampled  and 
indeed  inexplicable  thaws.  In  November, 
under  the  i*ole  Star,  the  temperature  once 
went  up  to  thirty-two  degrees,  causing  ev- 
erything to  drip,  and  making  our  friends 
open  not  only  their  eyes,  but  their  win- 
dows ;  th»n,  as  suddenly  as  it  rose,  it  sunk 
back  lo  ita  normal  position  of  fltleen  de- 
grees below  zero.  Upon  Dr.  Hayes'  sub- 
sequent expedition  In  tho  spring,  it  Was 
thirty-one  degrees  below  zero  in  their 
snow- huts  where  they  slept  at  night,  and 
in  the  open  air,  at  sixty-eight  and  a  half 
below  zero,  or  one  hunared  and  a  half  de- 
grees below  the  freezing-point  of  water. 
Well  might  Dr.  Hayes  (who  had  been  out 
with  Dr.  Kane  In  the  same  region)  declare 
this  to  be  unexampled  in  his  exjperience  ; 
and,  indeed,  only  one  traveler,  NiveroflT,  in 
Siberia,  has  ever  chronicled  a  lower  tem- 

The  coming  on  of  winter  darkness  is  no- 
ted in  quite  a  solemn  manner.  Our  author 
knew  that  that  would  be  the  tryhig  time 
for  his  poor  fellows.  On  November  13, 
he  writes  :  "  The  darkness  is  not  yet  quite 
absolute.  With  some  difficulty.  1  can  still 
see  to  read  ordinary  print  at  noon."  As 
November  ended,  the  last  gleam  of  twilight 
fades,  but  the  stars  shine  at  all  hours  with 
great  brilliancy,  and  the  moon  gives  some 
relleL  From  its  rising  to  its  selling,  it 
shines  continually,  circling  round  the  hori- 
zon, and  running  uninterruptedly  Its  ten 
days'  course  of  brightness,  and  shining 
with  a  brilliancy— thanks  lo  the  whiteness 
of  the  landscape  and  the  general  clearness 
of  the  atmosphere— unknown  elsewhere. 
Nothing  in  nature  is  more  impressive,  nay, 
more  ghastly,  than  Arctic  scenery  under 
this  weird  aspect. 

The  coming  of  the  sun,  on  the  'ther 
hand,  is  watched  for  with  eager  impatience, 
and  hailed  with  an  almost  delirious  joy  by 
these  poor  prisoners,    "  bleached   m  tho 
long-continued  lamplight,  and  colorless  as 
potato-sprouts  in  a  dark  cellar."    Every- 
body haptens,  on  the  day  appointed  by  the 
Nautical  Almanac,  to  the  spot  he  thinks 
will  command  the  best  view  of  the  wel- 
come  stranger.     "We   awaiteel   the   ap- 
proaching moment  with  much  eagerness. 
Presently  a  ray  of  light  burst  through  the 
soft  mist  clouds  whicn  lay  off  to  the  right 
of  us  opposite  the  cape,  blending  them  Into 
a  purple  sea,  and  glistening  upon  the  sil- 
very sununits  of  the  tall  Tcebergs,  which 
pierced  the  vapory  cloak,  as  11  to  catch  the 
coming  warmth.    The  ray  approached  us 
nearer  and  nearer,  the  purple  sea  widened, 
the  glittering  spires  multiplied,  as  one  af- 
ter another  they  burst  in  quick  succession 
mto  the  blaze  of  day ,  and  as  this  marvel- 
lous change  came  over  the  fiice  of  the  sea, 
we  felt  that  the  shadow  of  the  cape  was 
tho  shadow  of  the  night,  and  that  the  night 
waa  passing  away.     Soon  the  dark  red 
clifls  behind  us  glowed  with  a  warm  color- 
ing, the  hills  and  the  mountains  stood  forth 
in  their  new  robes  of  resplendent  bright- 
ness, and  the  tumbling  waves  melted  away 
from  their  angry  harshness,  and  laughed 
in  the  sunshine ;  and  now  the  line  of  the 
shadow  waa  in  sight.    "  There  it  is  upon 
the  point,"  cried  Jensen.    "There  it  is 
upon  the  ice-foot,"  cried  Dodge.    There  at 
our  feet  lay  a  sheet  of  sparkling  gems,  and 
the  sun  burst  broadly  in  our  faces.    Off 
went  our  caps  with  a  simultaneous  Impulse, 
and  we  hailed  this  long  lost  wanderer  of 
the  heavens  with  loud  demonstrations  of 
joy."    He  had  been  absent  one  hundred 
and  twenty-six  day8,'and  the  ghastly  moon- 
light, and  the  occasional  glares  of  the  Au- 
rora Borealis,  had  been  but  poor  subeti- 
tues  for  him. 

And  now  the  time  was  at  hand  when 
the  great  object  of  the  expedition  must  be 
attempted,  if  at  all.  The  dogs,  save  half- 
a-dozen  or  so,  were  dead ;  and  with  that 
inadequate  remnant  it  was  necessary  that 
Dr.  Hayes  and  his  men  should  endeavour 
to  work  their  way  across  the  hummocks  of 
Smith's  Sound  to  Grinnell  Land.  It  was 
a  terrible  journey,  and  although  under- 

Then  leaving  two  of  them  behind,  one  be- 
ing dhabled,  he  pushed  on  towards  the  Pole, 
with  only  a  single  human  companion. 

No  such  journey  was  ever  laken  by  mor- 
tal man.  It  was  scarcely  probat)lo  they 
would  return  alive;  and  the  other  lao  had 
orders  to  wait  for  them  in  their  wretched 
snow-hole  only  for  five  days,  and  then  to 
make  haste  for  'home*— the  schooner,  be- 
tween which  and  themselves  nearly  five 
hundred  miles  of  rou^h  ice  already  lay. 
Provisions  were  fast  failing  them,  although 
they  had  "  cached"  some  at  one  or  two 
places,  in  preparation  for  the  return-jour- 
ney. Dr.  Hayes  and  Knok  (his  compan- 
ion )  were  indeed  "making  their  last  throw !" 
On  and  on  they  pushefl,  till  at  last  they 
stood  upon  the  shore  of  that  Open  Polar 
Soa  in  search  of  which  they  had  endured 
such  unptrallcled  privations.  "  Standing 
against  the  dark  sky  at  the  north,  there 
was  seen  in  dim  outline  the  white  sloping 
summit  of  a  noble  headland,  the  most  nor 
them  known  land  upon  the  globe.  I  judged 
it  lo  be  in  latitude  Hi  deg.  'M  inin  ,  or  four 
hunderd  and  fifty  miles  from  the  North 
Pole.  Nearer  another  bold  cane  bUxkI 
forth  ,  and  nearer  still  the  headland,  for 
which  I  had  been  steering  my  course  the 
day  before,  rose  majestically  from  the  sea, 
as  if  pushing  up  to  the  very  skies,  a  lofly 
mountain  peak,  upon  which  the  winter  had 
dropped  its  diadem  of  snows.  There  was 
no  laud  visible  except  the  coast  upon 
which  1  Blood."  The  sea  al  their  feet  was 
a  mottled  sheet  ol  white  and  dark  patches, 
decaying  ice  and  water,  and  in  ihe  distance 
one  unilorm  dark  blue,  betokening  ocean. 
Within  a  month  that  unknown  sea  would 
be  as  free  from  ice  aa  Baffin's  Bay. 

With  his  poor  battered  ship,  the  task  of 
pushing  on  was  utterly  hopeless ;  but  Dr. 
Hayes  is  satisfied  that  during  three  months 
in  the  year  al  least,  he  could  navigate  a 
steamer  (and  means,  one  day,  to  do  it) 
through  Smith's  Sound  and  Kennedy  Chan- 
nel into  the  open  Polar  Sea.  Without  in 
the  least  envying  his  position,  we  can  ap- 
preciate our  author's  feeUnge  as  he  set  up 
his  caira,  and  fixed  his  flags,  in  that  hither- 
to unvislled  solitude.  It  was  with  no  ordi- 
nary sensations,"  says  he,  with  pardonable 
pride,  "that  I  contemplate  my  situation 
with  one  solitary  companion  in  that  hither 
to  imtroddeu  desert ;  while  my  nearness  to 
the  earth's  axis,  the  consciousness  of  stand 
ing  upon  land  far  beyond  the  limits  of  pre 
vious  observation,  the  reflections  which 
crossed  my  mind  respecting  the  vaist  ocean 
which  lay  spread  out  before  me,  the 
thought  that  thepe  ice  girdled  waters  might 
lash  the  shores  of  distant  islands  where 
dwell  human  beings  of  an  unknown  race, 
were  circnmstances  calculated  to  Infest  tho 
very  air  with  mystery,  to  deepen  the  curi- 
osity, and  to  strengthen  the  resolutidn  to 
preserve  in  my  determination  to  sail  upon 
this  sea,  and  to  explore  ita  furthest  limits ; 
and  as  I  recall  the  struggles  which  had 
been  made  to  reach  this  sea— through  the 
ice  and  across  the  ice— by  generations  of 
brave  men,  it  seemed  as  if  the  spirits  of 
these  old  worthies  came  to  encourage  me, 
as  their  experience  had  already  guided  me; 
I  felt  that  I  had  within  my  grasp  "  the 
great  and  notable  thing"  which  had  in- 
spired tho  zeal  of  sturdy  Frobisher,  and 
that  I  had  achieved  tlie  hope  of  matchless 

(XX)  persons  on  the  6,000  square  miles  and 
a  population  not  much  exceeding  30,000,- 
000.  The  public  revenue  of  these  vast 
possessions  abroad  was  nearly  £63,000,000 
■in  the  year  1HG5,  the  year  for  which  these 
returns  arc  made;  it  approaches  that  of 
the  mother  country.  Nut  so  the  public 
debt;  it  Is  not  qmte  £140,000,000.  The 
tonnage  entered  and  cleared  in  1865,  exclu- 
sive of  the  coasting  trade,  was  about  26,- 
OOO.UUO.  The  imports  into  these  British 
poasessiona  in  1805,  including  bullion  and 
specie,  amounted  in  value  to  £128,375,053 ; 
more  than  £50,000,000  worth  were  from 
the  United  Kingdom.  These  grpat  posses- 
sions sent  forth,  for  the  supply  of  the  whole 
world  in  that  year,  wool  of  the  value  of 
£11!.234,580;  raw  sugar.  £7,158,163 ;  coffee, 
£3,308.y63  ;  wood,  £3,877,530;  fish,  £1,608,- 
'.-'60.  India  alone,  in  the  year  ending  April, 
1865,  sent  out  raw  coltou  of  the  value  of 

Ken  bible  Iloyt«. 

A  sun  of  Scraulou,  the  founder  of  Scran 
ton,  Pa  ,  joined  tho  ranks  of  the  laborers 
in  his  lathers'  loiiuderies,  that  he  might 
learn  »he  practical  part  of  the  iron  busi- 
ness. The  son  of  a  well  known  and  weal- 
thy New  York  publisher  used  to  leave  his 
elegant  home  every  morning,  with  his  tin 
pail,  in  the  garb  of  a  laborer,  and  betake 
himself  to  a  machine  shop  lo  labor  as  hard 
as  the  hardest,  that  he  might  learn  the  bu- 
siness. We  also  know  the  son  of  an  emi- 
nent college  professor  who  is  doing  nearly 
the  same  thing. — Xeif  York  Gazette. 

The  "  son  of  a  wealthy  New  York  pub- 
lisher," alhided  to  above,  is  Gilbert  Jones, 
son  of  George  Jones  of  the  New  York 
Times.  Ho  graduated  from  the  New  York 
Novelty  Works  after  a  regular  and  severe 
apprenticeship,  with  all  the  honors.  And 
he  is  now  in  a  manufacturing  business  in 
the  city  of  Brooklyn,  on  his  own  account 
— a  business  for  which  his  mechanical 
knowledge  and  experience  admirably  qual- 
ify him.  And  young  Jonce  is  not  only  a 
first  class  machinist,  out  quite  ii  much  of 
a  "  gentleman"  as  if  he  had  graduated  at 
college  and  had  regularly  rounded  oft"  sea- 
sons al  Saratoga  and  Newport— Troy  Dai- 
ly Times. 

The  son  of  the  "  eminent  professor,"  ia 
William  W.  Tyler,  son  of  Professor  Tyler, 
of  Amherst  College.  Young  Tyler  gradu- 
ated a'  Amherst  in  1864,  taking  the  second 
highest  honor  in  his  class,  and  immediate- 
ly commenced  serving  a  regular  appren 
ticeshlp  in  the  Ames  Company's  Works  at 
Chicopee,  where  he  has  remained  ever 
since,  not  only  studying  the  business  Iheo- 
rellcally.  but  learning  lo  do  with  his  own 
hands  all  kinds  of  work.  The  great  need 
of  the  country  and  the  age  is  for  liberally 
educated  men  in  the  mechanical  and  indus- 
trial departments,  and  if  more  young  men 
would  graduate  from  college  into  a  ma- 
chine shop  instead  of  the  already  over- 
crowded professorships  of  law,  medicine 
and  divinity,  they  would  do  a  good  thing 
for  themselves  and  the  -worVii.—SpringfiM 

The  1-rlnter. 

taken  by  heroes,  proved  too  much  for  their 
resources.  Nothing  was  met  with  in  that 
awful  solitude  save  the  records  of  man's  in- 
ability to  penetrate  it  A  few  words  writ- 
ten by  the  captain  of  one  of  the  expedi- 
tions after  Franklin,  placed  in  his  glass  and 
sealed  in  a  cajm — a  dead-letter  office,  where 
It  was  thus  called  for,  for  nearly  ten  years; 
and  the  grave  stones  of  two  of  Dr.  Hayes's 
shipmates  who  had  sailed  with  Dr.  !^ne. 
Even  these  were  left  far  behind,  for  our 
author  was  bound  for  a  more  extreme  point 
than  the  foot  of  man  had  ever  yet  visited. 
In  spite  of  the  hummocks,  among  which 
they  had  lo  camp  for  many  a  night,  and 
though  all  his  men,  one  by  one,  succumbed 
to  the  Incredible  cold  and  frightful  hard- 
ships. Dr.  Hayes  determine  to  push  on. 
He  sent  back  all  his  comrades  except  three, 
and  with  those  slowly  climbed  the  riged 
waves,  and  reached  the  inhoepitable  shore. 

Autumnal  Diiiea«es. 

These  are  chiefly  diarrhea,  dysenteiy, 
and  various  grades  of  fevers  from  slight 
"creeps"  to  congestive  chills,  for  fever  is 
the  reaction  of  coldness,  ijut  when  there  is 
not  power  enough  in  the  system  lo  react 
from  the  cold  stage,  death  la  certain,  as  in 
congestive  chill,  in  which  the  blood  be- 
comes so  cold,  so  thick,  and  so  impure  that 
it  ceases  to  circulate,  becomes  stagnate, 
and  the  mrchinery  of  life  stops  forever. 
Hundreds  of  thousands  die  every  autumn 
of  the  three  forms  of  disease  mentioned, 
but  not  one  need  die,  they  are  avoidable 
dlsoascs,  their  causes  being  kno  vn  and  all 
that  is  required  is  to  bring  a  very  moderate 
amount  ot  intelligence  lo  bear  in  avoiding 
those  causes.  A  baby  will  avoid  putting 
its  finger  in  the  candle  a  second  time ;  it 
remains  only  to  grown-up  stupids  to  ex- 
pose themselves  to  the  causes  of  disease 
year  after  year  and  thus  letklessly  imperil 
health  and  even  life  Itself. 

The  cause  of  autumnal  diseases  is  an  em- 
anation from  the  surface  of  the  earth  in 
those  localities  whore  are  found  in  combi- 
nation heat,  moisture  and  vegetable  matter, 
such  as  leaves,  wcod,  etc.,  for  the  heat  of 
eighty  degrees  combined  with  moisture  in- 
duces decay,  and  from  this  decaying  eub- 
stance  something  arises  which,  if  breathed 
or  otherwise  taken  into  the  system,  indu- 
ces the  dlsetisc  mentioned  sooner  or  later. 

What  this  emanation  is,  has  hitherto 
been  merely  a  conjecture,  because  it  was 
Impalpable,  so  thin  like  air,  that  the  at- 
mosphere which  contained  it  when  sub- 
jected to  chemical  analysis  yielded  nothing 
beyond  the  constilucnta  of  pure  air  But 
within  a  year  or  two  it  has  becfa  ascertain- 
ed that  if^a  quantity  of  air  of  a  miasmatic 
locality  Is  bottled  up  and  is  conveyed  to  a 
sleeping  apartment,  the  person  who 
breathes  it  will,  in  a  short  time,  have  more 
or  lesa  decided  symptoms  of  fiever  and 
ague ;  and  on  examining  his  saliva  or  the 
inside  of  his  mouth  a  living,  moving  thinp 
is  clearly  visible  with  imcroscopic  aid. 
Observation  and  experiment  have  shown 
incontrovortibly  that  there  are  two  ways 
of  escaolng  the  ill  effects  of  having  these 
living  things  introduced  in  the  system, 
persons  must  avoid  living  in  localities 
wheie  the  land  is  rich,  flat  and  moint,  or 
they  must  drain  those  lands ;  but  it  is  pos- 
sible to  live  in  such  places,  and  have  rea- 
sonably good  health  simply  by  keeolng  in 
the  house  of  mornings,  with  a  brisk  "blazing 
fire  until  breakfast  is  eaten,  and  take  supper 
at  sundown,  because  it  has  been  found  that 
theeo  emanations  are  more  poisonous  at 
simnse  and  sunset,  and  that  If  the  stomach 
is  excited  to  action  by  the  process  of  di- 
gestion the  emanation  is  rendered  innocu- 
ous, perhaps  from  tho  fact,  in  part,  that 
the  juices  of  the  stomach  at  the  time  of 
digestion  are  of  a  character  to  destroy  the 
life  of  these  living  things ,  but  the  fact  re- 
mains the  same  whether  this  supposition  is 
true  or  not. 

A  practical  use  may  be  made  of  this  sub- 
ject in  the  light  of  these  facta,  in  reference 
to  breathing  night  air.  Very  many  advo- 
cate the  raising  of  windows  in  a  sleeping 
apartment  summer  and  winter  all  the  year 
round ;  the  theory  seems  a  good  one,  but 
experience  will  not  corroberate  it.  Per 
sons  living  on  water  courses  where  the 
"bottom  lands,"  as  they  are  called,  are 
rich,  luxuriant,  Eind  damp  will  save  health 
and  life  itself  by  keeping  all  outside  doors 
and  windows  opening  into  chambers  closed 
from  sundown  lo  suurlso  during  the  three 
autumnal  months,  in  fever  and  ague  or  in- 
termittent lociUities.— jHa5'«  Journal  of 

Extent  of  Brltislt  PottsessionM. 

The  Indian  possessions  of  Great  Britain 
are  described  in  the  Blue  Book  as  having 
an  area  of  956,486  square  miles,  with  a 
population  of  144,948,856;  the  native 
Stales  of  India  (as  distinguished  from  Brit- 
ish India)  having  an  area  of  596.790  square 
mUes,  and  a  population  of  47,909, 191\  be- 
sides which  there  are  in  India  1,^4  square 
mi^es  of  native  States  under  the  French  or 
the  Portuguese  Government,  with  a  popu 
lation  of  3.801,461.  This  does  not  Include 
the  territory  adounistered  by  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company.  Australasia  contains  an 
area  of  2,582,070  square  miles,  and  a  popu- 
lation of  1,699,580 ;  the  British  West  Indies 
an  area  of  88,683  square  miles,  and  a  popu- 
lation of  1,097,92'7:  the  Cape  of  Qood 
Hope  and  Natal,  119,328  square  miles,  and 
425,676  people;  Ceylon,  24,700  square 
miles,  and  a  population  of  2,049,728. 

Other  colonies  being  added,  the  general 
total  is  an  area  of  4, 527.232^ SQuare  miles, 
and  a  population  of  154,610,78  <  souls ;  and 
this  notwithstaxtding  some  omissions  on 
account  of  returns  not  reoeived — the  abo- 
rigines of  British  Columbia,  and  some  150,- 

Thc  following  beautiful  tribute  to  the 
followers  of  the  "  stick  and  rule,"  is  from 
the  pen  of  B.  F.  Taylor,  of  the  Chicago 
Evening  Journal. 

The  printer  is  the  adjutant  ot  thought, 
and  this  explains  the  mystery  of  the  won- 
derful word  that  can  kindle  a  hope  aa  no 
song  can,  that  can  warm  a  heart  as  no 
hope  can,  that  word  "we"  with  hand-in 
hand  warmth  in  it— for  the  author  and 
printers  are  engineers  together.  Engi- 
neers indeed !  When  the  Coreicau  bom- 
barded Cadiz,  at  the  distance  of  five  miles, 
it  was  deemed  the  very  triumph  of  engi- 
neering. But  what  is  that  range  to  this, 
whereby  they  bombaid  tho  ages  yet  to  be  V 

There  at  the  "  case"  he  stands  and  mar 
shals  into  line  the  forces  armed  with  truth, 
clothed  in  immortality  and  English.  And 
what  can  be  nobler  than  the  equipment  of 
a  thought  in  sterling  Saxon- Saxon  with 
n  spear  or  shield  therein,  and  that  commis- 
sioning it  when  we  are  doad,  ^o  move 
gr§njjly  on  to  "  the  latest  syllabic  of  re- 
corded time."  This  is  to  win  a  victory 
from  death,  for  this  has  n*  dying  in  it. 

The  printer  is  called  a  laborer,  and  the 
office  he  performs  is  toll.  Oh,  it  is  not 
work,  but  a  sublime  life  he  Is  performing, 
when  he  thus  cites  the  engine  that  is  to 
fling  a  worded  truth  in  grander  curve  than 
missile  e'er  before  described ;  fling  it  into 
the  bosom  of  an  age.  He  throws  oft'  his 
coal  indeed,  but  we  wonder  the  rather  that 
he  does  not  put  his  shoes  from  oft'  his  feet, 
for  the  place  where  he  stands  is  ho^y 

A  little  song  was  uttered  somewhere 
long  ago;  it  wandered  through  ihe  twi- 
light feebler  than  a  star ;  it  died  upon  the 
ear.  But  the  printer  takes  it  up  where  it 
was  lying  there  in  the  silence  like  a 
wounded  bird,  and  he  sends  it  forth  from 
tho  ark  that  had  preserved  it,  and  it  flies 
on  into  the  future  with  the  olive  branch  of 
peace,  and  around  the  world  with  melo- 
dy, like  the  dawning  of  a  spring  morn- 

*'Cliawln'  Gum.*" 

As  the  practice  of  '•  chawin'  gum  "  is  in 
dulgcd  in  by  many  of  our  ladies,  and  oc 
caslonally  by  tho  male  gender,  wo  append 
for  their  especial  information  the  following 
brief  but  interesting  dissertation  on  the 
habit  by  "  Kringle "  of  the  Schenectady 

As  to  ware  and  how  gum  chawin'  fUst 
originated  history  don't  8a,but  then  i  shood 
Judg  that  it  was  fust  intrewduced  to  the 
publick  thru  the  mejum  of  a  rooral  gurl 
boo  kontracted  theldisordcr  frum  the  kows. 
It  looks  ruther  plesent  and  comfortable 
like  to  see  a  kow  quietly  chewin  ov  hur 
kud  on  a  Gtill  da,  and  a  woming  loox  just 
at  the  same  reckreashen.  gum  is  made  ov 
diflerent  ingredients  and  is  put  up  in  pen- 
ny packages.  Ita  a  very  cheap  reckrea- 
shen bekause  a  sent's  worth  will  last,  pro- 
vidin'  it  ain't  transferable,  a  munth,  and  a 

f;ood  old  fashioned  hemlock  wad  will  last 
onger  than  an  ordinary  brace  ov  jaws. 
Ware  kin  a  more  interestin  site  l:>e  wit- 
nessed than  to  see  a  groop  ov  blushin  vir- 
gins diakussin  the  favnt  subjeck  (the  un- 
married male  populasbun)  and  chawin 
gum  ?  Eliza,  my  wife,  chaws  gum. — The 
childera,  too,  have  caught  the  infeckshun, 
and  sugar  coated  gum  is  a  konspikuous  ar- 
ticle on  my  market  book.  Seeled  around 
mi  domestic  cirkle  engaged  it  mi  littery 
mi  wife  scttin  direckly  opposite  rcadin  tho 
Noo  York  ledger,  and  sweetly  chawin 
while  okkashunally  she  removes  her  kud, 
and  fondly  gazes  onto  it  study  in  the  pekool- 
yer  build  ov  her  back  teeth,  i  am  happy. 
The  children  beleevin  variety  is  the  spice 
ov  life  change  kuds  all  around  okkashun- 

EllZy,  when  she  retires  sticks  her  gum 
on  the  bed  bord  of  our  kouch.  Its  a  time 
honored  practiss  ov  hurs.  On  several  ok- 
kashuus  i  hev  diskuvered  that  mi  auburn 
ringlets  was  fast  in  the  aforesaid  kud,  and 
then  i  have  inwardly  kussed  the  practiss. 
Wun  nite  I  waited  till  she  snored  magnifi- 
sently,  and  then  I  made  her  kud  2  parts  ov 
asserfidity  to  one  ov  gum,  and  waited  with 
ono  eye  out  ov  the  bed  kloes  for  results. 
Thare  was  a  demon  lack  smile  precep table 
on  mi  face  az  she  sputtered  and  skoured 
hur  mouth  with  her  nite  kap.  I'm  eorry 
to  sa  that  okkurrence  failed  to  kure  hur  ov 
the  habit,  but  i|  efieckshually  kured  me  ov 
that  style  ov  pracktikal  joax".  I  woodenl 
like  to  sa  that  Elizy  pounded  me  with  the 
mop-handle,  but  then  she  hit  pretty  near 
ware  she  thort  I  wus  rolled  under  the  bed 
klose  and  I  give  her  credit  fur  guessing 
painfully  korrect.  Yes,  it  failed  to  kure; 
even  now  she  sits  peasefully  a  chawin. 

The  President  of  the  New  York  and 
New  Haven  Railroad  has  his  office  on 
wheels.  Whenever  his  presence  is  re- 
quired at  any  part  of  the  line  he  bitches 
on  to  a  tram  of  cars-and  takes  his  office 
along  with  him. 

Aicrlcnltural  Itemi*. 

-The  Working  Farmer  recommends 
sawdust,  as  bedding  for  cows  and  as  a  mulch 
for  trees. 

—About  10,000  W(X)d's  reapers  and  mow- 
ers were  made  last  year  at  one  factory, 
which  employs  about  400  men, 

—A  stalk  of  millet  over  six  feet  high 
hHS  been  left  at  the  office  of  the  Herald, 
Laporte,  Ind.,  by  Mr.  O.  L.  Abbot. 

—There  is  an  Isabella  grape  vine  at  In- 
diana, Pa.,  which  has  produced  this  Sum- 
mer 1,700  bunches  of  perfect  grapes. 

—A  Kansas  farmer  has  raised  this  year 
on  110  acres  of  land  0,400  bushels  of  com, 
000  bushels  of  wheat,  and  3,500  bushels  of 
potatoes — all  of  the  value  of  f  5,535. 

—Asparagus  is  a  very  healthful  article 
of  diet,  for  the  reason  that  it  is  nutritious, 
easily  digested,  and  contains  no  properties 
which  are  injurious  to  the  human  organ- 

—In  the  vicinity  of  St  Louis,  Mo.,  a  far- 
mer ia  said  to  have  laised  565  bushels  of 
Boughton  wheat  from  fotuteen  bushels  of 
He*xl— a  littlo  over  forty  bushels  from  one. 
This  wheat  is  well  spoken  ot  for  rich  land. 

—The  Ildnois  Central,  in  August,  made 
$40,000  clear  upon  peaches  alone.  Its  fruit 
business  is  large,  and  increasing  rapidly. 
No  road  covers  so  many  varieties  of  cli- 
mate, and  nowhere  arc  they  more  prompt- 
ly taken  advantage  of. 

—The  great  Canada  Cheese  manulac- 
tWTzd  about  one  year  ago  at  a  factory  near 
IngcrsoU,  is  still  in  a  good  state  of  preser- 
vation, and  Is  suspended  on  pivots  in  the 
factor>'  so  as  to  be  easily  swung  over  for  the 
gratification  of  visitors.  Thirty  five  tuiis 
of  milk  were  uslhI  in  manufacturing  this 
cheese,  which  weighs  7,000  poimds. 

—Mr.  Jeremiah  Duncan,  near  Paris,  Ky., 
recently  sold  from  his  herd  of  Short-Horns 
ten  bulls,  and  39  ciws,  heifers  and  young 
calves.  The  prices  were  quite  high — 
ll.'.'lOand  11,275  being  the  highest,  while 
but  a  single  animal  sold  for  less  than  |1(K). 
The  list  of  prices  as  published,  foots  up 
114,306  or  an  average  ot  $290.53  for  each 
animal  sold. 

— For  reclaiming  black  land  that  has  be- 
come stifl"  and  waxy  by  improper  farming, 
(for  it  will  not  become  so  by  proper  usage), 
use  50  to  75  bushels  of  leached  ashes  per 
acre,  or  16  to  25  bushels  unleached— the 
leached  ashes  contains  no  potash,  and 
can  have  little  else  than  a  mechanical  ef- 
fect, to  loosen  and  mellow  the  soil  when 
thoroughly  mixed. 

—Mr.  B.  F.  Cutter,  of  Pelham,  N.  H., 
tells  a  story  in  the  Mirror  and  Farmer,  o{  a 
hog,  which  though  well  fed  and  apparent- 
ly health,  "  did  not  grow  one  atom.''  Boon 
Jd'ter  feeding  him  one  day,  the  owner  hap- 
pened to  Iftok  into  his  pen,  and  found  the 
trough  oompletely  filled  with  rats,  which 
at  once  accounted  for  the  lean  condition  of 
his  starving  hog. 

—The  Sacremento  Bee  asserts  that  m 
the  Alameda  and  Santa  Clara  valleys  the 
farmers  have  actually  been  driven  by 
ground  squirrels  from  some  of  their  best 
lands ;  that  their  settlements,  like  that  of 
the  prairie-dog  extend  for  miles,  each  bur- 
row sbclteiing  from  one  to  six  inmates ; 
and  that  it  would  hardly  be  an  exaggera- 
tion lo  say  that  thty  eat  one-fourth  ol  the 
annual  wheat  crop. 

PinroiraL  Ornp*  l 

«'•««•  Mary.^^^venth^BireeU.1 

Notice  u  hereby  given,  tt»t  in  conaeguMoe  of  the 
numerous  infrtngementa  upon  our  nmanM  or  tne 
"  Divided  SweU,"  (aU  of  which  are  nBQueatlonaNy 
liable  to  penalty.)  we  have  amended  our  ■peculation 
and  clalma,  and  the  Commlastoner  of  Paww  "aa 
aUowed  them  In  fUl.  by  a  RB-iaatrs.  lo  aa  to  oorar  the 
whole  principle  In  such  maimer  as  to  make  any  attempt 
to  produce  the  «rr«CT  for  which  our  Divided  SweU  la 
designed,  an  Inl'rlngemcBt  apparent  to  any  who  can 

We  therefore  give  this  notice,  and  shall  hereafter 
prosecute  all  manufacturers  who  persist  is  Infrtnjjlng 
on  our  rlKhts.  and  shall  also  hold  dealers  and  purchas- 
ers responsible  for  selling  or  using  an  Infringement. 

ParUes  ownlns  Instruments  not  of  our  make,  with 
Divided  BweU,  (or  Forte  Stop  as  eom«  makers  call  It.) 
are  Uable  to  penalty,  unices  they  purchase  the  right  to 
use  It  from  us.  GEO.  A.  PRINCK  A  CO. 


**  Wfi  claim 

'•  So  constructing  and  operatlne  the  swell-valve 
of  melodeons  and  other  reed  musical  tnftrumenu,  that 
a  Dart  of  the  valve  may  be  opened  In  a  maimer  to  un- 
cover and  permit  a  free  e«yipe  of  the  sound  tTomojaly 
apart  of  t^  notes,  while  other  Po/J'on«  "^ '""f  °oUre 
remain  covered  by  other  portions  of  the  vah  e,  lor  the 

pui  poee  and  gubatsntlally  «8  f''^''!"?*-,..,  ,--, 
Koisiue  ot  Patent  dated  July  ;:d,  1b87. 

Dr.  Hchenck'8  Mandrake  PUIb.-A  Sob- 
stitnte  for  CalomeL 

Theee  FUia  are  composed  of  various  roota,  haT^ nc  the 
power  to  relst  the  secretions  of  the  liver  as  prompUy 
and  elTectually  as  blue  pUl  or  mercury,  and  without 
producing  any  of  those  disagreeable  or  dangerous 
elfocta  which  otteu  foUow  the  use  of  the  latter. 

In  all  billouB  disorders  these  PUls  may  h«  used  with 
confidence,  as  they  promote  the  discharge  of  vitiated 
bUe,  and  remove  those  obstructions  from  the  liver  and 
biliary  ducts,  which  are  the  cause  of  blUons  aflecUons 
In  aueral. 

BCaEN'CK'S  MANDBAKB  PUXH  cure  Kick  Head- 
ache, and  all  disorders  of  the  Liver,  Indicated  by  saUow 
skin,  coated  tongue,  coeUveness,  drowslnesa,  and  a  gen- 
eral feeling  of  weariness  and  lassitude,  showing  that  the 
liver  Is  in  a  torpid  and  ohetructed  condldon. 

In  short,  theee  Fills  may  be  used  with  advantage  in  all 
cases  where  a  purgative  or  altcratlye  medicine  Is  re- 

Fleaae  ask  for  "  Dr.  Bcbenck'a  Mandrake  Pills,  and 
ot>serve  that  the  two  likenesses  of  the  Doctor  are  on 
the  Government  stamp— one  when  In  the  last  stage  of 
Consumption,  and  the  other  in  his  present  health. 

Bold  by  all  Druggists  and  Dealers.  Price  35  cents  per 
box.  Principal  Ufllce,  Ko.  15  North  6th  street,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

General  Wholesale  Aectnts :  Demas  Barnea  ft  Co.. 
Park  F.OW.  New  York;  8.  B.  Hance.  108  Baltimore 
street  Baltimore.  Md.;  John  D.  Park,  northeast  corner 
ef  Fourth  and  Walnut  etreeU,  Cincinnati,  Ohio  ;  Walker 
ft  Taylor,  15»  and  IM  Wabash  avenue,  Chicago,  111  • 
Colllna  Brothers,  southwest  corner  Second  and  Vine 
treets,  St.  Louis,  Mo.  lU5w) 

lIo^T     to   Take    Impressions 


The  advantage  of  being  able  to  take  ac- 
curate impressions  of  plants  without  much 
labor  need  not  be  pointed  out  to  those  who 
can  appreciate  what  ia  useful.  It  is  not 
brougnt  forward  ab  a  subsUtutlon  for  dried 
specimens,  where  these  can  be  obtained 
and  attended  to  ;  but  as  being  less  cumber- 
some it  deserves  notice,  as  a  means  of  re- 
freshing the  memory,  in  very  many  instan- 
ces, in  a  manner  equally  satisfactory  as 
when  specimens  are  employed .  It  has,  fur- 
ther than  this,  no  claim  to  novelty,  but 
simply  to  usefulness. 

The  materials  required  are  fe^v,  and  these 
not  expensive.  One  pennyworth  of  lamp- 
blacK  and  one  pennyworth  of  sweet  oU  are 
all  that  will  be  required  besides  the  paper. 
A  large  sheet  of  paper  should  be  provided, 
and  this  should  be  prepared  by  rubbing  it 
evenly  all  over  with  a  piece  of  flannel 
moistened  with  the  oil ;  this  must  be  done 
thoroughly,  and  when  the  paper  is  well 
moistened,  but  not  in  a  wet  state  with  the 
oil,  a  small  quantity  of  lampblack  should 
be  laid  evenly  over  it,  also  using  flannel  for 
this  part  of  the  operation.  If  this  prepa- 
ration can  be  made  a  day  before  using  the 
paper,  it  will  be  so  mucn  the  better.  The 
next  process  requires  great  care.  Having 
the  prepared  sheet  in  readiness,  place  on  it 
evenl}''  and  flatly  the  plant,  flower,  or  leaf 
of  which  an  impression  is  required ;  then 
place  over  this  a  dry  sheet  of  paper,  and, 
with  a  handkerchief  or  cloth,  press  firmly 
over  every  i)art,  that  it  may  equally  and 
regularly  receive  the  black  preparation. 
Tho  paper  intended  to  receive  the  impres- 
sion should  now  be  in  readiness,  and  the 
specimen  must  be  carefully  removed  and 
placed  on  it,  and  great  care  must  be  taken 
that  its  position  is  not  changed  ;  tnis,  too, 
must  be  again  evenly  and  firmly  pressed  as 
before,  and  the  impression  will  be  com- 
plete, and  must  be  laid  carefully  aside  to 
become  dry.  A  specimen  or  two  can  be 
tried  on  a  spare  sheet,  in  order  to  ascertain 
whether  the  blackened  sheet  Is  In  a  proper 
state  of  preparation  before  it  is  attempted 
to  take  a  very  careful  impression.  This  is 
particularly  valuable  In  preserving  sketch- 
es of  the  leaves  of  rare  and  valuable  plants. 
— Gardeiien>'  Magazine. 

Inimeuso   ProUis    of    tbe  Canarders. 

The  Cuuard  Royal  Mail  Line  has  now 
been  twenty-seven  years  in  existence.  I 
chronicle  its  great  prosperity  in  the  hope 
that  our  people,  particularly  those  of  Phil- 
adelphia, will  accept  the  fact  as  the  best 
argument  for  the  c<immencement  of  a  thor- 
ough competition  for  that  priceless  trade 
which  should  be  controlled,  as  it  is  mainly 
contributed  to,  by  Americans.  The  Cun- 
ard  Company  bought  four  ships  to  start 
with,  and  they  are  now  the  owners  of 
twculy-four  splendid  ocean  steamers,  built 
out  of  their  large  profits,  after  paying 
splendid  dividends  to  the  stockholders.  As 
a  specimen  of  their  prosperity,  take  the 
present  cargo.  We  have  on  board  two 
hundred  and  eighteen  first-class  passengers, 
who  pay  one  hundred  and  fifty  five  dollars 
apeice,  making  a  total  $33,790  in  gold.  The 
freight  18  estimated  at  nearly  $10,000.  In 
addition,  they  receive  some  $9,(X)0  for  carry- 
ing the  mail  (whichjis  included  in  their 
annual  subsidy  from  the  British  Gk)vem- 
ment).  Their  expenses  are  about  $15,000 
the  single  trip— not  more.  These  figtires, 
nearly  exact,  foot  up  a  very  large  profit 
for  the  single  trip.  It  is  only  necessary  to 
add  that  at  least  two  hundred  of  our  two 
hundred  and  eighteen  passengers  are 
Americans,  to  show  whence  these  gains 
are  derived. — From  a  Forney  Letter. 
m  %  m 

— A  singular  explosion  case  is  reported 
by  the  engineers  of  the  Manchester  Boiler 
Association.  An  earthenware  bottle  of 
about  a  quart  capacity  was  used,  when  fhll 
of  hot  water  as  a  bed  warmer.  After  fill- 
ing it  on  a  previous  occasion,  the  cork  was 
tied  down  with  a  waxed  end.  When  the 
bottle  was  next  brought  into  reauisition, 
instead  of  being  emptied  of  its  cold  water 
and  refilled  with  hot,  it  was  put  all  tightly 
corked,  into  the  oven  of  a  kitchen  range, 
to  be  heated  up  entire.  In  a  short  time  a 
violent  explosion  took  plaee,  the  bottle  was 
burst  and  pieces  of  the  oven  door  were 
thrown  into  the  room  with  such  violenoe 
as  to  instantly  kill  one  person,  and  seriooa- 
ly  injure  two  othera 

Maine  el«cts  several  editors  to  the  Leg- 
islature. Among  them  are  Dingley,  of  the 
Lewiaton  Journal;  Foster,  of  the  Portland 
Prete;  Rush  of  the  Belfast  Jge;  and  Ste- 
vens, of  ihe  Kcimebec  Journal. 

Wear  and  Tear. 

When  the  consUtutlon  la  weak  and  the  aystem 
depressed  by  the  wear  and  tear  of  bOBlneaa  life, 
which  makes  eucb  tremendona  drafta  npon  the 
body  and  mind,  unless  eomc  healthful  and 
Btrengthenmg  tonic  la  resorted  lo,  prostration  wUl 
enaue,  and  diacaea  creep  onawaros  upon  the  vie* 
thn  of  negligence.    But  H 


which  la  a  genial  and  purely  vegetable  etlmulant, 
be  timely  admlniatercd,  the  organization  will 
reeist  and  baffle  the  reins  of  epidemic  and  changes 
of  temperature  incidental  to  this  aeaaon  of  the 
year  which  disorder  tho  ncrvee  of  the  feeble. 

There  Is  an  active  and  permanent  vitality  in 
thla  remedy,  which  will  prove  of  great  benc&t  to 
the  broken-down  and  ehattered  constitution.  II 
is  the  only  tonic  of  which  the  stimulating  principle 
u  perfectly  pare.  Ita  basis  la  the  essential  princi- 
ple of  Boond  rye,  which  la  admitted  by  analytical  * 
chomifita  to  be  the  most  barmlcfia  of  atlmulants, 
and  this  fluid  la  rcflncd  from  crndlUea  which  be- 
long to  it  aa  It  cornea  Lom  the  manufacturer.  The 
other  Ingredients  arc  composed  of  medicinal 
plants  and  herbs,  and  contain  not  one  harmful  cle- 
ment in  all  their  composition. 


The  advertiser  having  been  restored  tohealtti  In  a  few 
weeks  by  a  very  simple  remedy,  alter  having  ssffered 
for  several  years  wltn  a  severe  lunc  aflectiou.  and  that 
dread  disease  consumption— Is  anxious  to  make  known 
to  his  fellow  sufferers  the  means  of  cure. 

To  all  who  desire  It,  be  wUl  send  a  copy  of  the  pre- 
scription used  (fi-eeol  cbartce),  with  tbe  directions  for 
preparing  and  using  the  same,  which  they  will  find  a 
sure  rnre  for  Consumption,  Aatbma.  Bronchitis, 
Coughs,  Colds,  aiid  all  Throat  and  Lung  Aflectiona. 
Iho  only  object  ot  the  advertiser  In  sending  the  Pre- 
scription l8  to  bcne&t  the  afflicted,  and  spread  Informa- 
tion which  he  ounce  es  to  l>elnvaltiable,  and  he  hopes 
every  sufferer  will  try  his  remedy,  as  It  wUl  coat  them 
nothing,  and  may  prove  a  blesElng.  Parties  wlshlns 
the  prescription,  raaa,  by  return  mall,  wlllpleasp  ad- 
drtas  KKV.  KDWAKD  A.  WlLttOlS. 

WllUamsbai-g.  Kloss  Co..  Mrw  York. 

Prince  &  Co.'s 



Oldest  Melodson  Manuftetory  lu  the  World. 

Buffalo.  N.Y.         Chicago,  III. 

40,000  now  in  Use. 




All  of  our  Instruments  have  npon  the  name  board.  In 
fuU.  "GEO.  A.  PKlKCE  &  CO.''   When  a  dealer  repre- 
sents any  other  Instrument  as  "  the  tame  as  ours,"  in 
usually  a  mere  attempt  to  sell  an  Interior  Instrument  on 
which  he  can  make  a  larger  profit. 

Every  dealer  knows  that  our  Instruments  cost  more 
to  manuiacture,  and  wtU  sell  readily  for  more  than  those 
of  moot  other  makers.  We  are  the  pioneers  In  tUo 
manutactnie  of  Hclodeons  and  Organs  In  the  United 
states,  an4  bave  scut  lorth  a  greater  number  of  tnstru' 
ments  than  the  whole  of  the  other  mannfactortea  oom- 
binad,  and  we  have  the  proud  saUsfactton  of  addlnir, 
WehOM  titter  /tad  an  inttrument  returned  from 
atiy  tmp«rfectUmt  or  deficiency  in  cotutrvciUm. 

The  market  la  flooded  with  cheap  Melodeons  an 
Organs,  as  It  Is  with  cheap  pianos,  cheap  foinltore. 
cheap  clocka,  and  cheap  cloth  and  clothing,  yet  we  all 
know  tliat  these  thtncs  are  dear  at  any  price.  Inatm- 
ments  of  our  make--twenty  years  old— are  now  valned 
by  their  owners  as  hlichly  as  tlie  day  they  were  bonsbt. 
and  It  la  otir  Intention  to  siutaln  oar  old  repntadon. 

GEO.  A.  PRINCE  &  CO. 

aio.  ▲.  PBurox.    omAs.  x.  baooh.    o.  r.  s.  tbomab 

_^    An  Illustrated  Catalogue,  with  full  description  of 
styles.  wlU  be  sent  tree  to  any  address. 

tW  Ho  charge  tor  boztng  or  atalpplng. 


New  ana  Practical  AfcMtectnral  Worka,  endoalng 
stamp.  A.  J.  BICKMELL,  Aichitactiiral  PnUtoiier. 
TBOr.  N.  T. 


I  BnmxBo  whb  Catasib  Tkbtt  Ysaaa!— was 
cured  In  sixweaka  l>r  aalmpto  nmedE.  and  wUI  sand 
the  receipt,  FoezASC  nsa.  to  it]  wHeted. 

Address               BEVTt.  J.  MEaU.  „  „ 
Prawg  iW.  Byraeaae,  V.  T. 

<|i1  A  A  Day  made  by  any  one  with  my 

fAVf  Patent  IsteMll  Took   Iprepav  saautaifirM. 
~  ~    drcnlar  wUI  explain.   Ad- 

Beware  of  tnfrlogen.   Vyd 
dreaa  A.J.1ru 

ULAM.  Bprtn^eld.  Vt. 



Wakrhmmh;  QrumUtf  #  0». 

at  A  M  Lake  8t  Cmoaao.  >  lot  Market  flt.  Sr.LocB 


*-    AedttettlMTai«l<nJlrratharta*dtoaeU''B.T 
the  "BEADT  auAF  MaICIb,"  and  tiMt  tk«  udar 
algnedwlUcBarante^roteetloa.     B.T.BABKTT. 




T-         C- 

Michael  OLau.hlin,  the  as..n,s.i,intion  j  r^^^^.^^    ^^^^     CoUlll}'    MattCrS. 

iiiilitlerent  one. 

voars  old.  In 
lorsoiial  appoarnnce  he  wa.s  about  live  feet 
Jive  inches  high,  with  a  pale  tacc,  unmarkeil 

oonsp.rater,    who  .lied  of  yellow    fever   last  | 
week  at  the  Dry  Tortu-as,  wa.s  an  actor    by  ■ 
profession,    though    a  very    UKhtloren     one. 
He  wa.s  only   twenty-seven    years    oUl.     In 

SUAKOPEE,  OCT.   3.  I8r>7. 

bv  any  particular  charivcteri.-jtics,  and  with 
biackhairof  heavy  s^'^wth.  He  bore  his 
imprisonment  remarkably  wel,.  and  is  said 
to  have  behaved  quite  commeudably. 

A    Norfolk   paper  does  not  see  why  so 

nach  applause  should  be  bestowed  on 
•theridan,  the  hero  of  only  Five  I-orks, 
.juercas  Butler  is  notoriously  the  hero  ol 
over  live  thousand  spoons*. 

— Wm.  CuUeu  Bryant  is  a^ain  at  hi.i 
d.-sk  in  the  Evening  Post  olHce,  and  will 
contribute  to  his  paper  as  usual,  besnios 
his  white  board  he  now  wears  a  while 

—The  Yellowstone  river,  Montana,  has  a 
fall  of  several  thousands  of  feet  over  the 
faco  of  the  mountains. 

—Large  shipments  of  goods  for  Nevada, 
Idaho,  and  Montana,  are  now  making  irom 
San  Francisco.  The  Pacitic  raihvay  has 
removed  some  of  the  severest  obstacles  to 
freighting  for  the  interior. 

In   the  new  town   of  Cheyenne,  at    the 

foot  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  first 
settled  a  few  weeks  ago,  one  paper,  the 
Invader,  is  now  publi.shed,  and  the  second, 
the  Argus,  will  be  issued  in  a  few  days. 

OcR  merchants  have  all  r.tiirned  from 
the  east  followed  by  an  immense  stock  of 
goods  (l>r  !ho  fall  and  winter  trade.  Busi- 
ness is  reviving,  and  all  seem  to  be  doing 

Maukkt  FaYi:.— Next  Monday  is  the  day 
for  holding  the  reu'ular  monthly  fair,  and 
those  wishing  to  purchase  horses  or  cattle, 
should  be  on  hand  early.  Any  one  having 
household  goods  that  they  wish  to  dispose 
of,  coul.l    do  no  better  than  to  put  them  up 

Largest   Book  Agency  in  the 




in  1 

IN    Ai.I>    TIIK 


ThrmiKh   arents  I  now   <.ner  to  the  pulillr  an  rn. 
tlrenewf,llil..r.  .it  M  AlKKNXI  fc'.s  (lKi.A  1  tA.MI 
LY  ItKCKII'T  IIOOK,  loiilaliiltu    tin-  .liscoverlts 
ol  iiv.T  a   iiii;irt(r  of  a   c  iitnry.    Tin-  stiT'-otyi"- 

at  auction  on 

the  Fair  grounds   ne.vt   Mou- 

—Ncw  barracks  are  to  be  put  up  at  At- 
1-irta  Ga.,  which  will  cost  $li;0,000.  They 
%^iil  comprise  ten  buildings,  each  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  feet  long  by  tweuty-ei-ht  feet 

False  income  returns    are  common    in 

Muichester,  N.  H..  and  a  case  .H:v->  I'-fa 
settled  with  the  Collector  recently  tor  ^l.oOO. 
mther  have  it  brought  into  court. 


Came  into  the  enclosure  of  the  .subscriber 

>  milps    from  Bloomington    Forry — Sept. 

L3th.  a  DARK  BAY  HOUSE,  '>  years  old. 
olack  mano  and  tail.  The  owner  is  re- 
fuested  to  come  forward,  prove  property, 
Pay^du.rg.s  and  ^f^^^ly-y^^^ 

itolai,     ItotoT^  Itola.  ! 


In  from  10  to  43liour.i. 
TThoaton's  Ointment     cures     The  Itch. 
Whtn'on's  Ointmeiit     cures 
Wh^nton's  Ointment     cures 
Whoaton's  Ointment     cures 
Wheatoii's  Ointment     cures 

JruuE  IIenst  will  hold  a  terra  of  the 
Probate  Court  at  the  Court  House,  on  Mon- 
day next,  October  Tth. 

The  new  Freight  Depot  of  the  Minnesota 
Valley  Railroad  is  fast  approaching  comple- 

Daxiki-  O'Kekfk  wishes  to  announce 
himself  as  an  independent  candidate  for 
1  County  Commissioner,  4lh  District,  as  he 
claims  that  there  was  fraud  in  the  nomina- 
tion of  Mr.  Kennefec,  Mr.  K.  stating  to  him 
that  he  was  not  a  candidate  for  County 
Commi-ssioiior,  and  would  not  run,  &c.,  &f. 
I).  McDcrmott  announces  himself  as 
an  independent  candidate  for  Cjunty  Com- 
missioner, jth  District,  claimining  that  there 
was  fraud,  Ac,  &c. 

Pkter.son'h  Mauazink. — We  have  received 
the  October  number  of  this  excellent  month- 
ly, and  can  recommend  it  to  all.  It  is  the 
best  and  cheapest  magazine  in  tlio  world. — 
Now  is  tho  time  to  get  up  your  clubs  for 
1868.  Terms  S2.00  a  year.  Address,  Cha.". 
J.  Peterson,  No.  IJOG  Chestnut  St.,  Phila- 

Tp.ain.s  of.  the  Valley  Railroad  now  con- 
nect at  Blakely  Stat.oa  with  the  Minnesota 
Stage  Company's  Line  for  all  points  west 
and  southwest. 

Reparator     Capilli. 

Throw  away  yonr  false  frtzxes.yourswlfi-hes.yonr 

Destrucllveof  coiiifort.  and  not  wort li  a  tic; 
roiiif  ;ii;i'il,ronii'  yoiithrnl,  couip  n:;ly  uiiil  fair, 
Aii'l  reJ'loH  ill  your  own  luxiirliint  li.ilr. 

Far  restoring  hair  npon  bald  head 
(from  whatever  cause  it  may  have  fallen 
out)  and  forcing  a  growtii  of  hair  upon 
the  face,  it  luis  no  eqnal.  It  will  force 
the  beard  to  grow  upon  the  smoothest 
face  in  from  five  to  eight  weeks,  or  hair 
upon  bald  heads  in  from  two  to  thrCP 
month?.  A  few  ignorant  practitioners 
ha\  c  asserted  that  there  is  nothing  that 
will  force  or  hasten  the  growth  of  the 
hair  or  beard.    Their  a.s.«;erlioiis  are  false,  I  r>iai'eM"nn.i  w»f«i  Viiis'arr "'", 'V;,"' ''^■'"IVru^J'urt- 

'  ,<..••  •.  /r  „„,      ti.lKHi.    The  artuifson    AKiU-uUurf,  Ifoiticuiiuri 

- " "■     "    "■•""'      „„,,  Kural  an.l  Poiii.stic  Ktoiiomy.  are  worlli  to 

the  k'arnKTanil  OMnliMicr  M-vi-ral  tlim-s  '•*>-■"«•— 
Tllc  I  iTtppH  for  Coojtliii!,  l'resfrvlii«,  I'ickUiitt, 
Conf.-itloiu-rv.  an. I  Cii  vlii.;.  ilioxl't  bi>  In  Iho  pos- 
si'HSloii  of  ivt-rv  lioHicwIlo.  TtiiM  drpartniei.t 
aliiiie  Is  nior«!  conipU-l.- ;iii  1  Talu;il'le  than  ai'> 
ottier  work  pviM-  i.ubllchi'il  on  this  (iul0''it  inj' 
illsfascsof  the  lior>e,  caitic,  hov:<,  ami  otlu'raiii- 
iiialk,  arc  troati'il  of  at^n-i.t  l.nnllianl  comi-Ule 
(llr.-ctioiis  (jlyeii  t'"!"  trfatniciit.  The  ilep.irlim-nt!i 
of  Mf'llrlno.  r.r.  wins'  ami  lJi>illl«tl')n,  Perfnniery. 
ltleaclilnK.T.tniilin;.  I'aliitln;.'.  ViirnislMs.Onu'nls. 
Ac.  an-  all  tha'  omM  he  ili-.-ln-.t.  .More  than  stv- 
piity  (llstlnct  suMfflsarp  <urelully  •'xauilin'il  arid 
treated  of.  Il  Ik  iiiiniit'!ii  imialily  the  Utl  b/x'k  V 
Ihf  kiml  trrr  pitlliflinJ,  either  In  this  Ci>untrv  i-r 
Kurope.  I'rice,  lianUsouieiy  bound  lu  tlolh,  H,00  ; 
sheep,  $l..Vi. 


Men  and  women,  of  eh^Taiter  and  •i''"">;..w?"l' 
ed  as  e«iiva>»eri«.  to  whom  I'ltorrAM.l'.  KM- 
fUlVMKNT  will  l)ei;njr,iiiU-il.  .>-ei.  I  at  unie  lor 
tlnulars  and  full  p.i;  tieul.TN  to  a-.  ul«. 

Kor  s.mplesof  mo  IIOI.DKN  I'K.S  /^c^  enelose 
tw.  slaiiip*  and  they  will  he  sent  with  rireuiars. 
Address  M.  V.  U.  CoWE.N.  Laluyelle.  Indiana. 

SIOli[,  (iilTZtifR  &  CO., 


XlSr       25 


as  thousands  of    living  (fiom 
their  own  experience)  can    bear  witness. 
But  many  will  say,  how  are  we  to  distin- 
guish the' genuine  from  the  spurious  ?     It 
certainly  is  diflicnlt,  as  nine-tenths  of  the 
diflerent   ['reparations  advertised  for  tho 
hair  and  beard  are  entirely  worthless,  and 
you  may  have  already  thrown  away  large 
amouii'is  ill   their  purchase.      To  such  we 
would  say,  try  the  Repnrator  Capilli  ;  it 
will  cost  you  nothing  uiiles.s  it  fully  comes 
up    with'  our   representations.     If  your 
Druggist  <locs  not   keep  it,  pend   us  one 
dollnr  ami   wo  will  forward  it,  postpaid, 
together   with    a  receipt    fur  the  money, 
which  will  be  returned  yon  on  application 
providing  entire  satisfaotiui!  i-^  n  if  iriven. 
Address,     W.  L.  CLARK  .V  CO., 

No.  3  AVest  Favetto  St.,  Sv.nAi  usf.,  N.Y 




l)inil\cc     notions, 

Rcady-iiiadc  Clothing, 


Salt  Rheum. 

Barliers'  Itch. 
(;ld  Soros. 
Wheaton's  Ointment     cures     Every  kind 
of  Humor  like  Magic. 

TVVe  ?0  cents   8   l.ox  ;    by  ,,.ail,/.»,renN.    Address 

Bo.tM!  Mass.     tor  t'-'irsale  hy  n:l  IJ.n,., 

Boston.  Sept.  1-67,-sp.  notice  I  jr.  

^ir  $3.00  Saved.— Passengers  Going 

East  will  save  ^H.t'O  in  Fare  by  taking  tl:'.: 
r;«.t.YD  //.<r/;.V  A'OtrA'.  one  of  the  Scainshlps  of 
tills  LUKKaves  >Ii!w.iukec  daily  ;SatiirJays  fxcepte  1) 
c>  ^:.*0  P.  M.  fr  m  Dock  foot  of  Milwaukee  i-treet.  maW- 
li<  dlrs.t  connection  at  Craiul  Iliven  wit'.i  niorniii;: 
Train  for  Detroit  anil  all  polnH  TUkets  for  sale 
ly  CIIAKLKS  TIIOMI'SDN.  Apent  of  Xorthwestern 
Vidon  IVicSet  Co.,  and  by  Capt.  I.  C.  (JKO.'Jti  K.  A:-' 
Minn,  Central  Railway.  St.  I'aul.and  at  all  principal 
Ticket  tn  the  Northwct. 

THOMAS  BKI.L,  ^Y.  \Y.  AVII.S^N. 

C,f\>'\  i^npt..  Detro'.t.  West.  Pass.  Ast.  Milwaukee, 


A  Mattku  ok  Ditty. — It  is  the  solemn 
duty  of  every  grocer  to  refrain  from  selling 
to  his  cuslonnr.i  an  article  for  i'ood  whiih 
he  knows  is  positively  ii.jurioua  to  the 
health,  and  he  id  deprived  of  all  excuse  for 
so  doing  «he:i  a  W.-;t'r  article  for  the  pui- 
l>i  sc  caa  b'  readily  ubtanicd  at  the  same 
cott.  Now  the  -f.*'  Chtmicul  Saliriilu3, 
made  by  D.  B.  e  Land  &  Cvi.,  can  always 
be  had,  :.nii  this  is  known  to  be  pure,  and 
free  tVon.  all  deleterious  matter.  No  grocer 
who  regards  ihe  welfare  of  his  customers 
will  fail  to  keep  it. 

TiiK    LiTTLt:   CoRPor.Ai-  for  Octolcr  pn- 

leilAHJ  R^SIIliilil 

—  AND — 

Oilliard  Hall, 

On  First    .'^troot,  nearly  opposite  the    Fiist 
Naliunal  Bank,  S'hakopee,  Minn. 

W.  L.  GRANT,  Proprietov. 

TUc.horcit   Wlnen   Liquors  indCl-^ars  Fresh    A'e, 
V'    l^iser    Heer,  always  to  be  bad  ut  the  Uar.— 


^  ,  .    il  aiiv    hour. 


.It  •.he  "Montana,"  and  iilry  apartni'i.ts. 



Ji^DUioi."  l.',^Krj,»ctK.l  rr-.ipu  ,.«.la,m«  to  oyer  ..v,  u-o^ , h^^ 

U„d  publi»h«l;   al.0,  tor  GOLDEN    PEN,  •"P'7;"»je  »'' 

,|o«r  two  •UmiM,  •ad  »d<lr«»,  M.  V.  ».  COW£N,  L^Jttf, 


« r€vPER  da:y; 

A».tiU,o.«>nndffmi.l«.  warned,  in  every  town  and  '"•k''^o'- 
fcc  .d.  for  Ihe  b«t  lay  rR  article  ^'"■^""if;?  *'"\  ,'^°"L^my! 
VJ  U*  P  E  llree  protin  on  tuiall  capital-no  rou.i«litwn-BO 
■^n;tn;MrT'"anenl,leeillm.Uan.l  pl«u«nl.  aud  au-tabW 

L,  leeitl 
%    rai 

i.-f  Clerffvni.o".  Tea.l.<T5,    Vartr.rra,    Meibanlcii,    or    anybody. 

tT  paUrlalrat 
tttMio^  lor  2>ai)cr«, 

or>-  if  drtiiedaod  full  rigbt  for  IS  y«r.,  e.c„r«a 
uaaffurJiog  «lu  to  »»  v*r  day.  A.ldr.n  witi 
„*  *  *  CllAVfilL  A  CO.,  Clkago,  111. 

seats  a  beautiful  table  of  conients,  always 
original,  and  alw.iys,  pure  aud 
elevating.  Now  is  the  best  time  to  sub- 
scribe for  this  attractive  Juvenile,  as  the 
publi-sher  offers  to  send  the  .'\'oV'-inl er  and 
UccemLer  numbiis  of  Ihu  year  frte  to  all 
new  subscribers  for  l^llH  that  are  .«cnt  before 
the  last  day  of  October.  Great  inducemei.ts 
are  offered  to  those  whu  raise  clubs.  Pii>  o, 
one  dollar  a  yetir.  Sample  copy  ten  cents 
Address  Alfred  L.  Sewell,, 
Chicago,  Hi. 

WHlfE  LI.ME  and  CEMENT,  now- ai  d 
;,e.4i  at  lIAlll  WVAY  *  BUlCHJl?. 

The  New  Teleguapii  LtxE. — The  Pioneer 

states  that  the  contract  for  building  the  new 
liiU,  from  Minneapulis  to  U  inon  i,  has  been 
let,  iwo  wires  to  be  put.  up,  and  the  contract 
eou.pivte.l  by  the  'iJlh  of  Noveuiber.  The 
reiiKiiiukr  of  tlie  line,  to  St.  Louis,  will  be 
built  eaily  i.exl  siring.  We  barn  that  II. 
)J.  S,juite.s,  an  i  xceliiiit  o;  erator,  formerly 
ut  St.  i'aul,  and  a  genii.-man  well  •.•.cquainl- 
d«aioiig  the  rivL-r,  is  .-['■■ivt  11  of  .  ■  onnec- 
ion  "^ilh  t!if  sui'erini udendoy  of  tin 
norlhi-rn    divis  on  of    tl.e  lie  is    t!;e 

ri^Lt  man  for  bnsin'.-s. 


S?  clai  Pl-pnl.-h  to  Ih*"  - 1    0   ■>■■   rionp.v. 

!{o  Hi^sTKK,  Ott)ber  1.  li  p.  m  — •  The 
iduili  annual  tair  i»i  ilie  Mjiticsota  State 
Av'iiv.-uttnral  Society  uprmd  this  morning, 
h  ptiimi.^es  to  bf  iho  !..a  Fair  by  all  'niiis 
ihai  has  ever  beCii  held  ia  the  Slate.  Up  ;o 
three  o'clock  tod.ty  the  entries  nuinb.  r 
neatly  '.'00,  and  will  pr.d);ibly  reach  as  l.i.^ 


Suffer  no  More! 

When  by  the  use  of  DR.  JOIN- 
VILLES  ELI XIII  you  can  be  cured 
permiinently.  and  at  a  trilling  cost. 

The  astonishing  success  which  has  at- 
tended this  invaluable  medicino  for 
riiy.sicul  and  Nervous  Weakness, Cieucral 
Debility  and  Prostration,  Loss  of  .Muscu- 
lar Energy,  Impoten-y,  or  any  of  the 
consequences  of  youthful  indiscretion, 
renders  il  the  most  valuable  preparation 
ever  discovered. 

It  will  remove  nil  nervous  alTectionp, 
depression,  exeiteincnt,  inc.npacity  to 
study  or  busines.s,  of  memory,  eoiifu- 
3  on,  thoughts  of  .self  destruction,  fears  ol 
iisaiiitv,  tie.  It  will  restore  the  appetite, 
r  new  the  health  of  those  who  iiave  de- 
3  tt>yed  it  by  irCUsual  e.i^cess  or  evil  prar- 
ti  v's. 

Young  Men,  be  hnmbnggcd  no  more 
by  'Qiiaek  Doctor.s"  and  ignorant  praeti- 
ti. tilers,  but  .send  without  delay  for  the 
E  i.\ir.  and  be  at  ome  rrstf>rcd  to  liralth  !i:!ppine.<s.  A  Ferfcet  Cute  is  (iuai- 
iiiiced  ill  every  instance.  Price,  §1,  or 
;-..,ir  t...'ii->  to  one  adilre.-p,  $!:5. 

One  bottle  i-5  suiricient  to  etilcl  a  cuie 
ill  all  ordinrii'y  ca-cs. 

FIC PILLS,  for  the  spc-cily  ami  pcrma 
ncnt  cuio  of  Uonorrhci!,  Oleet,  I'rethral 
Discharges,  (Jiavel,  ritiietiire.  ami  all 
idlVctions  of  the  Kitlneys  and  IMadder. — 
Cures  effected!  n  from  one  to  five  days, 
ri.ey  are  prepared  from  veijelablc  ex- 
tracts that  are  harmless  on  the  system, 
and  never  nauseate  the  stomach  or 
impregpatc  tho  brcaih.  No  change  of 
diet  is  iiece.«sary  while  using  them,  not 
iloes  their  action  in  any  manner  interfere 
with  business  pursuits.  Price,  ^1  per 

Either  of  the  above  mcntionf-d  article- 
will  1)0  sent  to  tiny  address,  closely  setded. 
and  post-paid,  by  iiniil  or  express,  on  re- 
ceipt I'f  prii-e.     Address  all  orders  to 

BEIHiEIl.SIIUTTS  &  Co..  Chemists, 
No.  lis."),  lliver  .Street,  Troy,  N.  Y. 

Escolsior !    Esicelsior ! 

C  n  A  S  r  E  L  L  A  Pv  '  s 

Hair        ExteriniEialor  !  ! 

For   RcinoTins    Saptrflttou*    llulrl 

To  thi:  larlie?  especially,  this  invabtabU 
depilatory  reconimondj  itself  as  being  nn 
almost  indiKponsiblo  article  to  femtile 
beaut  v.  is  easily  applied,  does  not  burn 
or  injure  the  skin,  but  acts  directly  on  the 
roots.  It  is  warranted  to  remove  supcr- 
rtuon.<!  hair  from  low  foreheads,  or  from 
any  part  of  the  body,  coaji'ctely,  totally 
and  radically  cxtirpathig  'he  same,  letiv- 
inir  the  skin  soft,  stnoolh  and  miturtil. — 
This  is  the  only  article  n.-od  by  tl.e  Fiench 
and  is  theonlv  real  effcctuul  .lepilatory  in 
existence.  Price  T.")  cents  per  jiaikage. 
.sent  paid,  to  any  address,  on  receipt 
oS  tin  ordi'r,  by 

BERUEll.SnUTTS  k  Co.  Chemist*. 
28.J  Ilivcr  St.,  Troy,  N.  "\ 


IleaYY  (t 


Ij.   B.  morrow  &  CO. 

Respectfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of   Shakopee,  an  d  Viciuit  y 
that  they  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

Drugs  and  Medicines,  Perfumery,  Patent  [Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Articles,  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
and  all  other  articles  usually  found  in  a 
Dru^>'  Store.  We  hope,  and  it  shall  be  our 
aim,'^to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  the 
public  patronage. 

. _^..«...^< 

Petrolcne  Fluid  constantly  on  hand  and 
for  sale. -='^:g3 

HOTEL  BI,OCK."?{-;3 




TJrbana  Scheme. 

Send  for  an  lllustrateJ  Circular. 

REA  &  no  VINGDON, 


^!ic!f  Ilanhvarc. 

X  irs.  O    3M  - 


JWiils  and  Glass 

^  ^30*  O  TT':^^ ^ 
Till  and  Slice t-l run  Ware, 

etc.,         etc., 




UFF  Y, 

If  \  Hi  E,  \  ^^vi^^ 


A    l;!r;;e    a.-s-orHiuiit  (  f 

o  Xj  o  cj  :^L  js 

On  hand  ami  for  .<ale. 


J.  B.  IIUN  IhMAN. 

—     —    -1 






It    -    -;    -5     —> 

e  ?  ^    -  3 

k  1-  ^  'i  2 

2-.  w 


1  j^ 
>■..      1 



^  i 



f?!  o 


^   I 


u    e     '^       . 





t  -*  • 

r.  •"::  -'•    - 

S  o 



K     • 




1      r-     — 


IIiuhe>t  market  price  paid  for 

W  heat, 


A  t.  S   0   , 



IRON,   AM) 

raken  in  exclmnge  for  (JooiV. 

D.  A.  HUNTSMAN.  [- 




MoFFAT'y  Life  Pills 


!  Tho  Most  Successful  Meuicines 
in  tho  World. 

E.stahllshcd  in  1835  hj  one  of 
our  Mcst  Eminent  Physicians,  and 
roTT  used  throughout  North  and 
South  America,  with  more  pleasing 
results  than  any  other  Medicine  in 
cases  of  diseased  Liver,  IJlood  or 
Sliin,  Indigestion,  Costivencss, 
Bilious  Complaints,  liheumatism 
cad  FcYcr  and  Ague. 

Thousands  of  certificates  are  in       .,         ,.    .       , 

.    .  ,    A    .1^.    ;       Up    to  this  time  ihi: 

our     possession,     giving     detaileU  '  ^^J^^   ^^.^^^  private   houdc  in    the  city  has 

accounts  of  perfect  Cities  effected      more  or  les.s  strangers. 

—    ,.    .  'I'l^jj    weather  is  pleasant,    t!»ouyh    rather 

12l)v).     The     (li:-i;)!ay    of    hor.-5e3    id    th«i 
laigedt  and  evcr  h;nl   i:i    th-  Stale,  au<l 
nev.'  ones  arc  con.stanily  urrivinjj  iVuni  every 
portion  of  the  .Stale.      It  is  far  aiie:id  of  the 
Miiineapnlis  horse    fair.      Mor;>    than  ilouhle 
ihc  machinery  anl  agrieiiltural   implements 
are  alroaily  on    tho    nrnui.tls,    t'lan  we:o  ex- 
hiliiteJ  last    yonr.     The    t-.wn  is  lille  I    wiih 
strangers,  ami  mure  are  eonstantly  arrivinf^. 
'  The  entries  fur  premium  i  cli^td  at  tJ  o'cloek, 
p.  m.,  tho.i;:h    entries   fur  e.\hihiMon  can  he 
'  made  at    any  time  (larin;^     the    Fair.     The 
ureat    feature.s    of    to  tnusrow    will     be    the 
plowin;:  mateh  at  10  o'clock,  K.r  all  Jilfeiont 
i  styles  of   plows.     Ami  in   the  afternoon  at -i 
j  o'clock  the  trotting  niatcli  for  a  pniuiuin  of 
'  $7r>,  between  l  yea.-  ol.l  slaliiooi.      . 

hotels  are  lilleil,  ailvl 

by  these  invaluable  Medicines. 
They  regulate  the  System  and  put 
all  the  functions  of  the  body 
ill  a  healthy  conditioa. 

Sold  by  all  Dru^sts.  White  tc  HowIanJ,  rropri- 
eUns,  Successors  to  Dr.  Joha  iloffat  and  Dr.  W.  It. 
Motfat,  Kow  York. 

dusty  for  comfort. 


Millers  and  Distillers. 

We  Hre  Manuticturlng 

Power  Corn  Shelters, 

or  lill  slrof"  an<l  rjiiiiMltT,  r.tnrlng  from 

HO  TO  I'toft  BV!sith:Ls  I'Kit  iiorr. 

Bnilt  of  /ran  ami  tmrrnntfH  to  .V/mV/  ClmH 
Il    invc-oii.litionAf  iriiiin,  and  rl«-f?M  tlie  <'»rM 
•u.>UiH«i  iur  condition  for  Mill  or  M.arket, 
«^OVU  500  IN  DAILY  USE!-e% 

Wlieat  and  Oats  Separators, 

Uparlt)  100  to  .^00  Bn^hcb  per  hour. 

t7ii:i4r^i;  i.\b  w.uKuorsF.  micuimjit. 




A  SERior.i  Accident — An  aeciiknt  of  a 
verv  nnusual  desorip'i.jn    happ  >neil  in   t'li^' 
citv  yestenlay.     On  the  tressle  work    which 
supports  the  "track  of  tlle^'t,  Paul  ami  Paeitic 
road  over  t!ic  lowlands  jnsi  beluw  the  city,  is 
a  short  bridge  over  which  I'ae  trains  pas-s  as 
they  arrive    in  the  city  or  depart  therefrom. 
Asa  train  was  approaching  the  'jridge  yester- 
day, Mr.  Patrick  .McMahon,  who  is  employed 
by  Messrs  Cook  k  Webb,  as  ticket  agent  for 
the  onmibas  line,  endeavord   to  p  i>3  around 
the  baggage  car  on  jhc  railinj,'  of  the  same. 
i  Between  the  car  !  nd  the  inside  of  the  briege 
there  is  not  nom  enough  f  n-  a  man  of  o.di- 
rary  size  to  pass.     Jn-t  as  .McMahon  stepped 
npon  the  platform,  the  baggiige  car    entered 
the  bridge.    The  result  was  that  he  was  roll- 
ed between  Ihe  bri<lge  and  the  car  the  whole 
length  of  the  latter.     As  .soon  as  the  car  had 
cleared  tho  bridge  he  jumped  down,    n  dist- 
ance of  i.bout  sixteen  feet,  and    was   picked 
up  by  friends  wlio    took  him  to   a  jilace    ol 
stafetV.      Dr.  Miirjihy    was  called,  who    made 
a  careful    c.\':on,   but    lound     that    no 
bones  had  been  broken.     The  most    serious 
injury  the  Doctor  found  waa  that  caused  by 
the  left  shoulder  blade  be;n;r  pressed  ia.     Of 
course  ilie  suffei-er  is  liiore  or  iesi  bruised  in 
nearlv  all    parts  of  the   i>o ly,  and    it  is    net 
iikelv  that  he  will  be  out  again  tor  a  week  or 
itore.     U"d  he  been  a  largernfian,  he  wnild 
have  been  so  cruslod  uikI    mulilate<l   by  the 
accident  tha\  he  could  not  have   lived.      His 
binall  fraim  saved  him.— /'iwnftr  2d  i»«/. 

— Oen.   Ord  h&s  njipoinled  n  f<»rinor  s"ft  e 
and     iiianng'r  ot    Jett.     Dums    a 

Ik    World   Astoiislic'l 

AT    TIIK    WO.MIKKri.1.     RKVf;i..\TIOSS 

Made    by     the     Great, 

]Ia(himc  li.  A.  rcnigo! 

Sh'  n  veals  secrets  no  ti-orlal  over 
»iiew.  trho  re.-tores  to  happine.<.'^  to  those 
vvl'.o,  iV.uii    duleliil    event."--,  catastruptiC.«, 

■  r.»>sv.s    ill     love,    los:3  of    relations    and 
friend.-,  loss  of  money  Jt''..  have  become 

■  icspuiident.     She    biings   to/elher  ihi'.se 
long   scpnuiled,  givos    iiifuniiution  coii- 
oeriiing   ab.-ont  frienii.>  or  kiver.^,  ri.<toit\< 
Inst  orst  il'-n  projicity,  tells  jou  the  bu.-i 
lle^s  yon  .iie  !!e?l  (jiialiliod  to  pursue  niid 
.11    \\hat     Vi  n    will    be    most    sucec^st'ul, 
caiLSfs  ^•peedy  tnuniaC'^sand  lelli'  you  tin 
ver\-  day   veti  will  many,    gives    ymi  lie 
e.aiiio,  likeness  and    cl.araftcristics  of  the 
;<i  rson.     She  riads   your  veiy    thouglits, 
and    by  her   almost   siij.onatiiial  power> 
Ml. veils   Ihe  dr.rk  and  liidden  mysteries  of 
the    fn:«r('.     I'riiii  tho    ^^♦a^s    wc  see  in 
the    firmament — the     iiuiltfic    ?t:'.rs    that 
iiverconie  or  predominate  in  the  configui  • 
atioii — from  tlio  aspect*  ami   [msitions  (d 
id"   the   planets  and  the  fi.vod  stars  in  tie 
heavens  at  the  time  of  birtli,  slio  deduces 
I  lie  I'ulnre  destiny  of   man.     Fad    not  lo 
•oiisnll  the  greatest  As  rolosist  on  e;ini'. 
It  cost. s  you  but   a    trille.   jiiid    you  ipav 
never  again  have  so  favotulde  an    oppoi- 
tniiity.     Con.snltation    lee,  with    l.keii  -- 
;ind  all  ilesiifd  ii. forma  ioii.  ^l.      Pailii  - 
liviuij    at     a    distance  can    ecn-nlt    the 
.Miidamc    ly  inail    wiih   rqual  .>-:fcty  an<i 
<ati>ractioii  to  lhen.%!vv-.a.  as  if  in  jK'rson. 
A  full    and    e.xpiieii    cl.iu',    written  out. 
wiih  all    inf|iiirics  aibWcivd  mui   likii.e> 
enclosed,  sent  by  n  ail  ou  rccc'p'  of  piue 
above  n.entioned.     The  strictest    .-ecfs; 
will    be  n.yiiitaiiied   and    all    correspond 
ence  leinrncd   or  de.stn.yed.     Itefereneos 
of  the  highest    order  furi.i.s'aed  iho.-e  de- 
aling them.     W'lite    plainly   the  day  of 
the  month   and   year  in  which   yon   were 
tiorii,  enclosing  a  sinidl  luek  f'f  liNir. 



ei  i'^  ^  = 



>  i^  =  E<  ::  '• 


1— « 

CL.  -.  -     O 


!  IPS? 




;  "^i- : 

a  . 

2         ^  =    -•:  ~ 



B       >~  -:/.—:  "^ 






Ladies  Bress   Goods,  etc. 
Don't  lorp'ot  (lie  pljico — Cor-  Ilolmes  &  First  Sfs. 


ir.  s. 




Corner  of  He  hues 


DPw.    SCilEIJCK'S 


Th-i  irroat  medicine  c;irc  I  Pr.  .J.  II.  S':ii"M-K,  Iho 
Proprietor,  otPuitnonary  Coneiimp  Ion.  when  it  h.vl 
•KUmed  lid  moBt  forniiildli'o  trvt,  who.T  Ti"?d/ 
death  apiwarcd  to  be  inevilnb'e.  n'SSibis'c'aiif  pro- 
ncnnccl  liis  ca:o  Incur^ib'o  wtioa  ho  cciumeiu-cl 
Uie  (ue  oi  thU  ■in>p'o  hut  p}i«-cr:'ul  rrnicV.  Hi* 
health  WM  restored  in  a  vcr/  ehort  time,  mal  n9 
rotum  of  Iho  diccaro  has  licon  app'oheieied,  for  all 
tho  s.vnip'.oma  quickly  dl'cpiicaroJ,  and  hw  pnt,  t 
wel;hl  is  more  than  t\ro  huudrcj  p:;uiiJj'.     ^ 

BInco  Vt»  recover/,  ho  hiu  dcvotcil  h  s  altoi.T  cj 
eic'.ajlTely  to  Iho  core  ol  Co'isuiipl'.oa  anJ  -ho 
dltoafici  which  are  u'ually  con.pMcvit  J  vi  i.h  It,  Z's^X 
the  curej  effected  by  hia  modicinOJ  hare  been  Toi-y 
cameroua  and  truly  wonJer.ul.  I>r.  S;iixm-k 
niikOi  pro^C38;onil  vialta  to  several  of  Ihe  lari-'or  c'tiM 
weekly,  where  ho  has  a  large  concouriie  oi  pi;;?iit«, 
and  it  il  truly  aa'.aaiishin:;  to  rco  poar  con»nTnp!ivci 
that  have  to  lo  lifiel  out  ol  lhe>  carrlttio,  and  !a 
a  foT  monihj  hoiUh;-,  robt!£t  p'lr-OTi^  I'a. 
TONIC,  and  M.*NDRAKK  P1LL3  aro  renerall/ 
all  rcittlrtl  In  corin?  Con.'ui'-.p'i<>n.  Fall  dircc- 
t!ona  aocoir.paay  racK,  so  thai  aav  one  can  fa';e  lli^m 
wilUcnt  fcclns  Dr.  S-vtenc-;,  bat  whoa  U  is  eoa- 
ven'oat  It  iihcrt  lotoj  hra.  Ho  g'vw  ai.''.c:s  .Vf?, 
Injt  Tot  alUiicajli  esiniiniilcn  wltUhUIU>.'p'roiay.ot 
bisicj  is  tlirsi  dol'arj.   ^ 

Pct»  otjeervo,  wbon  p-jrc^ia^'nt,  ^^■•.*  I'l'  '^<» 
li"KO:ie.»ei  of  the  Doclor— jno  wh:?.T  li«  Ili5  >.♦!  3;a-;8 
of  Coamnr.ptlon,  aad  Ib.c  oitier  a*  t.'J  no^  la,  la 
pjr'ect  hcaUh— are  on  this  Govemmjnt  Btat-.'?.  , 

B)M  br  all  Dni.'??ii'»s  and  Pci>r'.  !SI."3 
p-«r  loll".?,  or  $:.50  tho  half  dozen.'  L'.'.eri  tor 
ad-.;cc  ihcaJd  al-an  b«  dire'.ol  to  Dr.  SehencVi 
Princ"p\l  OTicc,  i:.  North  fth  St.,  Fhiiaieph  a.  Pi. 
■i^cncral  \Vho'.c/i!c  A-TCula:  To  ..»j  lliiMSi  i  l.'o., 
8.  S.    Uanco,   U*'iinioi-.3,    M  U  :   J&hu    l>. 

i<.  Y.. 

Addiesa.      M,vr>AMK     H.     A.   PKKHICO,  l    ri.-!:,Clncl3'i»kl,  Ou-.o;  W«.k?r  iXa/Jor,  01uca:;o, 

V'eplable  Sicilian  Haif  Mmi 

II(tn  Stood  the  trsfofsrvrn  years 
trial  hi/  the  publir  :  and  vo  prcjta- 
rafioii  J'nr  t/te  liair  yet  diseovered 
will  prodiire  th*i  same  beiir/irial 
resalts.  It  is  a  new  scietitijic  dis- 
covery, ronibininythe  niosfpower- 
fal  tnid  resforatire  ayents  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  If  restores 
FUL COLOR.  It  mahcs  the  seal  ft 
irliifeand  clean;  cares  dandraff 
and  Ininiors.  and  falUng  out  of  thf 
hair;  and  will  male  it  yrow  upon 
bald  heads,  creept  in  very  aged 
persons,  as  it  famishes  the  vutri- 
tive  principle  by  tvhich  the  hair 
is  nourished  and  supported.  It 
makes  the  hair  utoisf,  so/'t,  and 
fflositf.  and  is  unsurpassed  as  fi 
HAIR  DRESSING.  It  is  the  cheapeat 
prrparatiou  ever  offered  to  the 
public,  as  one  ftotfle  irill  ticcom- 
plish  more  and  last  lonyer  than 
three  bolllcs  of  any  other  prepara- 

It  is  recommended  and  used  by 
the  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  wonderful  results  produced 
hif  our  Sicilian  Hair  Itenewer 
have  indured  many  to  manufac- 
tare  preparations  for  the  Hair, 
under  various  names  :  and  iu 
order  to  induce  the  trade  and  the 
public  to  purchase  their  corn- 
pounds,  they  have  resorted  to  false- 
hoods, btj  '  claiminy  they  were 
former  partners,  or  had  some  con- 
nection with  our  3Ir.  Hall,  and 
their  preparation  was  similar  to 
ours.  Do  not  be  deceived  by  them! 
rurchasc  the  original:  it  has 
never  been  equalled.  Our  Treatise 
on  the  I  fair,  with  certijicates.sent 
free  bi/  mail.  See  that  each  bottle 
has  our  private  Itevenue  Stamp 
over  the  top  of  the  bottle.  All  oth- 
ers are  imitations. 
R.  P.  Hall  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N.  H 

£t)hl  bit  all  rhiip'yitls  and  Drolfr*  in  il',licin«. 


Az^nt  for  the  .Voith- Wcltiu  .Slot*-*. 

Dry  Goodt^j 
Groceries,  Boot? 

8i  First  St.'-i.,  Shallops 0,  Minnesota 

Dealers  in 

and  Shoes,   ILits   and   Cap^,. 

Xls;^,  The   hi-licst  iiifiket    price   paid    Cur  Wheat,  Furs,  and  ;i'l 
kiiid.s  of  countiy  produce. 

7^rQ-A\   and  sec.     Wc  arc  BOUND  NOT  TO  BK  UNDERSOLD    by  any  firm  in  t'.  c 




jjg-  jz:  ~%Kr 

rr  C3  2^  :e3 

A    T  ■ 


I  lisive  jn.-t  rcciMVid  a  Inrgt  .stoH:  of  No.  I 

Ul;  V  (i'  «  ll>.<.l<iH  KKII-.-J.  LUili'HS.Ar.,  wMili  I  ulii 
|>r' pau'il  tl.  yfllah  !•  w  i>MiUi  In-  l-dU;;!.!  i.ulslile  "I  M. 
I'lMil.  I  iiiii  .l.-I.  rii.ii-.)  .1  1'.  (  i>!-ti  \<  1 1. 1  iii.lroi  ;»).-i  ■  !  he 
cl  lii-i.s  111  lli;s  ri.iiiiiiii  i'li.v,:inU  iil.l  iisk  s  a  fairtiul. 

»-^xHlv.   Lake.  Nov.  lath.  IbCS. 

CiianiAGE  a  WAGOri  SHOP- 

SIIOK  I  N  (j  It.  in  ST, 

,  11 1:  i>  A I  It  I N  a  &<f 

iu\   Ntorer 

The  nndor-ipne  I,  Ij.ivin;,'  removed  to  tbcir 

ni>«-  shi.v. '"niiTl.t  wi^iiiKl  SriKJiU  h^t^..  wouM  ro.<pr<  I- 
fiilly  UTiiK  miictluit  they  nri-now  )iri-;)ari  il  t')  iiiannfa'  • 
turi"-,  :o  (inl.  r.Bii/Ble<,M»l!' !<•''.""»'■  »"•'  t»  ijIh.i'i'  «■»•-•- 
f)iiii.Kxi»riTS  \Vii..uips..Sl<-i;iti!«.rMtler.«,  imil  cviTvthiii-^ 
ritiU'ri-il  In  !!ic  -iirrias'- :lii''.  iit  rpflsoiiablr  rn-fd. 

Il.ivliis.scriiri'.l  ihf  ii-rvici-K  of  a  Urht  ilansl.IackejnH  u 
wcarci-iiai.l.-.l  rth.-  Ii.  at  na.illfy  «f  work,  l.«i;  i 
tiininitartiiriiiK  "ii'l  npalrliii'.  .lu'jhlnr,  Shoeliif.  ««  . 
pr<'H:pt'viiiiil  xallKtariijiilj  ilonf. 

TiiaiiKfu'  r..r  p.iBt  t:ivi,rK,n-e  woul.l  yoifof  aconlir  .- 
arn.c  of  Ihe  public  patroiiat-c.  ,r,-w>-NT.T-T.V 

.T.    3.    Al.PRITT,        \ 
W.  F.  \V«i.PiJtr.v.J 

wniM  ri'sipi-l  fully  *jy  tu  1\'.t  ulil  MlU';-< 
ll'.  ytiuruliv.  I4i..l  he 

jlid  Ibe  p--    I 

1'.  O.  DiiA^-Kii  -jyd,  Blifai.o,  N.  Y. 

Crispei:  Coma. 

Oh  :  sh"  lieautitu'.and  frr 
With  Hiarrv  «'v.  :<,  .iiiJ  .a  lianl  liair, 
\Vi...sf  .■iiriliiL'  ;.•  i.Ivlls  >.i.ri.  fil  tt  lii<  .1. 
Knclialfii'il  olio  \  ltn  h«  art  anil  iiiIihI. 

i:i. ;  ColUua  Uroi.. flu  Ijamit.  'Ai. L-i  w.  ea.  aio.  I  yr. 

J-.isi:tc  Ol  Hit;  I'cace. 

TO  CnP.r-.  CONjlMlTIO.S,  the  •:  rto-u  inu^t  l3 
p-  pare '.  »o  IhTt  the  laars  ^>-lll  he*'.    To  mk  ompHs'j 
tUii,  the  liver  aad  itonji^h  n-.a^t  lirjt  he  cl.  a.i*ed  end 
anippr.'i:  rr-'a'tl  idrrooJ  «  ho'cwiue  looU,  which, 
by  Ihc  0  mediclnu  v.'.W  ic  d'rcteil  prrprtrl./,  anU 
pH»a    hea:ih/   b:ood   male;    Ihj*  hu^lJ'.rn  up  MiO 
eoa-'titntion.     fiCIli:Ni;K:'3   M.VNUEAirK  I'iLL.l 
eicaniwlfajBtomacholailhUloa!  or  mneoiM  et-eutsm- 
hUioiu;  and,  b.-  n«>J3  Ihe  G>k  WwJ  Xoax  iu  cou- 
Por   Curling   Ihi-  Ilnlrof  tillifr  S»X  |    t«j,V)n.  the  n.r.'tUo  i.  rft'on  1. 

into  >Vi»v>-  nn  I    Cilouy  U«nK-  |      gCIlKNCK'S  PILMONIC  S\"Rt"P  '»  nntHeloM 

IrtH  or  Heavy  MnasJie  Curia.  i   bi wolla.'mc1'c!na<.an4,bvnsin»th«threerinnedev 

Hy  U>il..?  this  arlicK-  Ladies  aid  (Jtn-  j  •"  «n,paru:«  an-  e»pal!el  iron,  the  svrte,n.aa.l 
tie  Tien  run  lieantily  tlieniselv.  ?  n  tlmn- j 
.-•and  f<>!<l.  It  is  "llie  only  nitielo  in  the 
world  that  will  rinl  strnij;lit  Imir,  ami  at 
the  s;»nie  time  cive  it  a  beanflfiil,  glo.'sy 
api  ra  ance.  'I  he  Crimper  Coinn  not  r^nly 
cur's  ihe  hair,  hut  invijroratis,  beantifios 
and  eli'aiiHfs  it;  is  hifjhiy  and  deU'rhll'ii  ly 

IKif'iniPd,    and  i.S   the  nut."*!   rCMnjllete  arti-  |    moulc  3/run  tn  aei  on  ibe  ro^lrstory  arran*  |irr>p>-riv 

ele  Ofthe  kinil  ever  ffTemd  tt>  tlie  Aireri-  |   «<  aliav  any  Irri-atHjii.    Then  aU  that  »  r^inlred  t« 

I  can  public.      The    (Visn^r    Conin  will   be  [   P'u-or.n  a  ,N,.-m.a3at   cure  ia.    to  prerent  lakta. 

\  ^"      r  I  ,       .  1   I   00  I.     txi  re  90  ahont  the  rooiiM  a*  much  ait  iM«HI>le, 

I  sent  lo  any  a.ldro.s«,  sealed   ami  postpaid     ^  ^,,  ,^^  r;.i,r^.ood-*t .««-,,..««,  a«4.  m  i«=i. 

llorJfl.      Addresp  all  iinJiT-- to  !    an.-thinn  tlv  ar;  ii.»c  em-*     bo*  h-  punlr.i  ar  <ind 

$10     to   $20   a    Day. 


•v\      .    , -        - 

iria>l»<ii'l  ll■aUsn^l:tch  n'ISr  i>ii  l-'-il'   »"!'»- 
IS-  il.i.-s  .Mich. lie.  auil  r''*.a.!.^  "t   Ir'HH    S-"   I  > 

,  ,  Cl  UMtv  f.f  iho-  Vi.ll.-.l  ?  s.  l", i"'r;>  '"'^>-  '"l\ 
f.VlV.NT  .-r.Ml  hlll'lTl.i:  SKWiSW  \'A<^".^.!^:.'_^ 

Iiisall,^ ■.  •.- - ,         .         .     ,,,,.. 

Sl<m.     fcxir.iorill.  isTy    tii'-iir-iii.-iil*   t.>    tm  .u. 
Ihcrpaitirularnaliiri...^.  Willi  M-'iiip. 

SUe  A'jtt.ttf-r  "•(   l»'"' *  S^afti, 
nSl.-»mo»  ^S.N.  IJ.  St..  :  l-  I.""'" 



irood,  wholtMOKie  liiooi  made,  which  will  repol  all 
dtceaae.  It  pule.^la  will  ia<e  ihoio  nicdialnci'aoooril- 
ln«  to  diroctloiw,  CouraiiipMon  r^ry  treioentlv  in 
tu  laH  Btajo  .icld*  rna-iily  to  iheir  actio.i.  TbV«  ihe 
pill*  fre  lucnlly,  to  c!eaiuo  tUc  Uvorand  rtomoch.  It 
diM-a  »•«  tollon-  thai  t>eca'i;e  ths  tjowcla  ara  not  ece- 
tlTO  the  j- are  not  rojuin;.!,  for  »onjctUi:ci  In  d'arr- 
h^ra  «'i'"ji'  oro  nceoMar.,-.  Tl.e  Jtoinach  mo"t  ^JC  ki  pt 
b«aHlir.  aid  a-j  qi>}liie  cTi-alcl  to  allow  the  I'd!- 

O  «  '1    rO'iniN'.S    l;i'i-trat.-l.    I'i.o-ojrnpMr,    t)1- 

MK.STIC    Binl.K.    TliU   Is    a    work    "f  Kr-rlliis 

1.10,1..,,.  I   Inth--.    t.aiiOs   of  ecru;  ••:"t'-i"''-*-   "'!'!*" 

h..«.l.a...l   looi'.prK-.,,,!    „i..l  i. -liable   aj.-!.l-  who  wish 

Uwt-.'  OURIM!r.TM)KV,   lui.l.s'.er, 

3U.U   SI..  Cbha/o.  . 

]M.  SUKIHK  &  nilO, 
IT.  O  XI  X  ^  351  CJ  =37  23 - 

Was    not 

rill!  hy  the  heavy  competil ion,  lilt    lsst!:i  to  'on 


at  111?  N>'|' sleTi'I  oil  Tlr>t  sirert.  fshak'>!'»".  n'ierph"!< 
ileallns,'  '•ut  'he  bi-Kt  ''f  <<ri<  autl  l'i'uii»lu..f  aixl  ia 
not  ;;uiii^  lu  iiu  scared  ur 


out  if  hooanho'p  It,  hut  f-  tontii  ao 

III    the 

ral**.    TTe  kci.s .Ta;;o''.'l  n  <i*iiik,  an.!  H'liMiS  cheai' liS 
s!ty  uuc  on  «li'<ra  t'<.  iu  4;  i  low  »  "<'  i-^^ 



Jut  r„l,:i-hi;l,  in  a  .'■>:(i..7  L^ir-i-rf-  l')\r'-  'U  C-;.'-. 
A  I.eetiire  on  tlie  Xoiure,  Troeta  ent  aad  Ka*»ri  I 
Curi>  f>t  tjeiiiMial  W  iBkii.  s<. '-r  ?l>'rr.iatc.rrh<j-a.  lii'l"'''  ■ 
\,y  Sell-VMi*.-:  Iiiv..;iii.tar\  KiiiIc-*m,ii>.  Iiiip'.tem:  . 
>pr  o'l*  Inipt-aiiiK'nis  to  .Marrlate  jreiie' • 
I  ai:v;  CoiisiinntWii,  Ipii.  pyv  uti.l  •■'«*:  JI?:V.V;'v',"', 
Ibisiciil  liH.  pi -llv.  .\i  — Jly  1!<  It. I.  CtLAhltWfcl.l-. 
M    |(.'  AntlMir  ».l  :lie  "Cii-iii  Itni.k.'' Ac. 

'Ihf  «'ir!'lrrii<>«-!i.'ii  author,  ill  this  a<lmlral  le  L«-.  ■ 
tun-  il'iiil'"  proves  f'l  in  lii>  iivii  1  xi  eriiiin-  iluit  II  •• 
awlnl  eonsVi  iMi  vs  <1  Silf-.M.iisi-  may  be  ell  •"  tiially 
r'Uiovetl  »U'l.<:iil  liii-<lit!i  e.  uD'l  wiliioi:!  diiiiBeroii.. 
-uric. it  op(  railf-i*^.  bou|.l:li  (>.  iiiiniits.  tii;t:!<,  >  1" 
corHin!*.  piiliitiii?  ..lit  a  lU'Mie  of  twre  at  ..iir«r  eert.«.  1 
all. I  \vl  iihrxery  ^nner.•r,  i  »  nialfei  »  b.  •. 
Ui'i'Kti.uiiii';.  iiinv  ><-."'!-y  mi-'-  biK'Mii  <h.i.p.y.  p'- 

I  li.  j.p:y 
ve  a  bw 

uu  t»i  raJle  liiy.   ^his  kivure  will  prov 
lh'>Mfali'lsai).l  llKUfaii.lK. 

^eut  iiii.i.  r  R.  i.l.  iM  II  plniii  'T.velrvr.  t"  r.ny  nJ<!re«  . 
on  rccriit  I'f  »'x  oeiits,  or  MV')  p<■^lage  i(t:;liip»,  by  »'•• 
dn-.'Sini:  lbei>iibl:>'lierK. 

A!="%r.  tlLV£K\VtM.-S  ••Slaulae*  Ou'.de.- pM^c- 
;i  tents. 

AUilre»b  the  riib;i>Ie-«, 

tllA-.  J.  V.   IvI.lNE  *  <^*i^ 
127  Bcwer<..S(W  V  i.rk ,  I  •■•t  »lli.  «•  l*"*  «""■ 


Free  to  Eyerybody. 

"T-VTi:  OF  MiN'NK.-'jrA.i  nr.sTIiIrT  COURT.  ■•!  .■'(■■•tl.  i     Kinh  iMslrlct. 

W  II.I.I.A.M   llK.MiY  aiKl  ) 

IFUKit  llK.MiV.  .luiii'^r,  ! 

:riainsl  f 

DKX.MtJ   eL  LI, I  VAX.        J 

J    Ke\  emu- ^t»tllp  .'•ir.  ciin.-eli<"il     }> 

The  ?lalp  of  "iliiini  s.jla  tu  the  above  iialiieil  l>ct?  i. 

<ii  i  ittlu'--  : 

Yon   are   In  r.tiy  sntTiiij',n''<l   .Ti-l  rrqiiire  '.  to  .iri.T.  .■ 

Ih<.  I'oiiip'ali.l   .iT  t'.i«   pliviiitiil    in    tlic   above    eii';t!.   t 

I'ti'.ii,   w'..l.lii>  lle.lln   lb'-'f  III   11, c   Cl.rk '.f  tli". 

lH.:rk-l  C'  lirt  ill  thaVope  In  lii'  «al  1  Coiiiily  i,l  .-eof. 

i,ii'l    l-j  >ervc  a    vf    yi.iir  .in.- w.-r  lo  tlie  t«i<l    ;,'•;'• 

111. lint    t!pi.ii    Ibe  s-'il.s'r;l.vs  ;,t    tln-lr   oflier    in    B.--I •■ 

I'l.iine  II.  »..l.i   Cuvi'  ty  of  Siolt,  in  the  Stal<-  afvria.i    . 

.\'.tiiiti  1  w;  iiy  .lavr  ""••r  tn,.  s.-rvtee  if  ti.i.  1.11"  <":"  ; 

11  yoH.rx<liu:>'.-or   t'l-i'.iy  nr.l   II  y"  '••  ' 

r».in»>v.r    tl.'*.l.l    »..uipi«ii  t    wiliiin   tbc    lime  i.l''f' • 

--  'iijit  ^...i 

111.   111.'   pl.ili.lir  wl.iiake  J.i.l-.'ii.'iita-'»:n*i  >;"' "  ■" 

Ji » .  3   W  L ; 

.  I.,  ft,  \i;K  *  «'«l.  ibm.UX, 
F.iyeite  ^l^el■l,,.\    T 

OITa-i,'  on    Fifth   Street.  South   of  Juck.iou  }  beautiful,  tlu;  dei*iri;iCil    respected^  and   the 

(.m   tbc  Iliil.)  forsaken  luv,  .1.  ,      , ,  r    1 

No  vouiiir  livth-  or  5;enlii;n;u:i  Kiiou.u  tail 
to  .send  tli'.ir  Addn-s-t,  and  rceeivvi  a  ct>py 
j-Oil  paid,  by  n-turn  mail. 

Address  I'.  <>.  Dn-vwRn  21. 

Tk<)'\  ,  NcA  Vui'k. 

mattica.e  MoA 


iutt.  1  tr. 


nnn«,  }»r..><iflriiil<.i;«  an.i  Uet-'U  of  Charchea.  8ili«' I 
llli-s.    Vi  l.i'r    Bit  IHni".   ■■■■'■>    null    in^*  ..f    .v. -r  .1   - 
!  »t  r.t>tiui..  prriuiva  vu  ai..rl  .i.>iice.  u3b-ly 

jrree  to  Jiyeryooay.  i  ih,.;u,iiot  s•.^^^  i«..'.i..ib. »  h...i .-•.:' j" 

I  li.lereii  tliir<-«n  hom  th*  3"  ii  ••:'V  "I  >'">•  ''  ;., 

.\  l.irno  n  pp.  Circiibniv,    ^    mf-irmi- ]     pate  I  A'jg  :v-M»*-r      isarw       imiv  A'lyi.- y. 

iI:I5.&\^^^v.  SI  i{  AIT'S 

yv  BY  ^^  STABLE. 

tion  of  the  ;:rcatcst  iniporlanct  to  the  yottnjr 
of  both  .sf.\e-<. 

It  teaehes  how   the  lionic'v  nnv   Ixroni'j 


,r  -..    ».,.iirin'<«.Utn'''>-tbi"  be^t  tlfr'.-*  ml   »•» 

Fe-p  r""'/ "    ' ;    .-?,    4     "inl.    ■•>•!(   •■U->iil    r  IM;;*.-  I 

^;!.'i•:;'':f'^.'  b*.  ".r..  'vr'-.^s.  ..-n  v.„.,.v  ......o.^ 

,.rt.   •V'""-'^''"'  <'^'""»  f'irii'«*»- J  w-i«j;rc<;air(.i'. 
SliaVo; !  e.Oci.   ^ih  iff. 

o'^^^^  ^^'^^XJ^^r^oAA^ 


he  f  liafeopw  ^«gu$. 

By    HENRY     HINl>> 

SHAKOPEE.  OCT.  10,  Isr.T. 

Democratic  State  Ticket. 

For  Governor^ 
C.  E.  FLANOUAU,  of  Hennepin. 

For  Lieutenant  Governor, 

A.  K.  MAYNARD,  of  Le  Sueur. 

For  .Attorney  General, 

A.  G.  CHATFIELD,  of  Scott 

For    Secretary   of  State, 

AMOS;.COGaSWELL,  of  Steele. 

For  Treasurer. 

JOHN  FRIEDllICHS,  of  Goodhue. 


Vol.  6. 


No.  38. 

Scott  County  Democratic  Ticket. 



Rcffitler  of  Deeds, 





Judge,  of  Prohnle, 
L.  U.    HAWKINS. 

Covnli/   iSurvyor. 

^\^].  A.  FiLLKi:. 

II.  ir.  bTUUNK. 
CeurAi)  Ci>:nnuifs'.orier—ll't  Dl*l:lci,' 

Cil  ARLE.S  KEN N EF Ei  K. 

County  CQ7nr:i*i;oii-cr — Cii  Lialnc:, 


Our  County  Finances— $700 
for  PubSisiiauj^  lite  Tax 


swindle,  and   the  black  man's  amend- 
ment to  our  State  Constitution. 

I       ;xe~  The    State     Fair   of    the    Minncsot.i 

A'^ricultural  Societv,  was  beld  at  Rocbester  1 

The    Spectator    has  several  times    called    jj^jt,    week^     The  attendance  is  said  to  have 

^  the   attention  of  our  county    commissioners    i^gg^    i]^^  largest  ever  witnessed    at  a  State 

.^     .         ,       ,  .    ,        ..,        ^  M     i  '■^  '^^  '^^^'^  "  ^'^  reduce  the  expenses  of  the    f.^-^  j^  Minnesota,  and   the  display  -was  in 

During   the  absence  of  the  editor  of  the  ^^^^  ^^^  ^^  ,,,^^^  j^^^^^^,  ^,i,,,,  ^  ^^^^  proportion. 

Argis,  the  {spectator  has  published  several    ^^^^„   ^^   publishing    their  proceedings    in  I  ,     e 

articles   under  the  headin,^    '-Our   Counter     i,^^p^p„^,,^^„,^.j.,,.^^  We|      Qur   readers  must     remember    that    the 

Finances      Dunn,.   Several   years     he  pub-  I  ^^^,^,^,^  ^,,,ij  ..^.i,, ,,.,  commissioners  to  ,,  ,^-^  j-,i,  ..^  to  defeat  Governor  Mar- 

hsherofthc  Spectato.  was  the  pub.isher  of ,  ,,,,p,   ,1,,,    .r-,,^  ^,,,,,,,1    ^^e    Spectator    ^Jy^    ,,.,.,,,;,„   ,.,    ^,„    .,,  ,^^   „5i,,,j 

the   Argi-s,  and   duni.g  all   that    time  oor  |  ^j^   gj^.g  security  to  take  what  we  are  get-    ^^^^ 

county    Gnances   went   from  bad    to    worse  |  tj^g  ^^^   p^y  the  county   two   to  three  hun- 

and  found  no  place  in  the  county   paper.—  i  j^gj  ^^1,.,^^  ^  ^.^^^     p^    ^^-^^^    j^to  this 

The    people   received    no    light    from   the  !  ij^g  speculation,  the  county  would  be  able, 

county  paper  concerning   our  Gnances  until    ^ut  of  the  profits,  to  pav  the  Spectator  and 

the  Argus  changed  hands.     The  Sptclator  ^  ^^^^^^^  ^,^^  ^^^,  ^^.  ^,^^  ^^^,^^   j^,^^ 

man.  of  course,  ^oes  not  at    this  late   day 

refer  to  our  county  finances  V.lili  any  iiitcu- 


c.  IToElMEsiTcor 

IiOa2  AGAm. 

Tlavin-'  rcmrncd  from  the  East  after  a 
tjree  months'  absence,— the  first  in  ten 
rears,— I  desire  to  express  my  tlianks  to 
those  w!;o  have  so  well  and  faithfully  attend- 
el  to  my  interests  in  my  absence. 

During  my  absence  Mr.  E.  L.  W^rigUt 
Ims  had  er.tirc  charge  of  tlio  business  and 
mechanical  departments  of  tlie  Av.avr,,  as 
>w'.l  as  of  the  editorial  department.  I  am 
gratified  to  acknowledge  that  in  all  respects 
ho  has  given  entire  satisfaction,  and  has 
jittended  to  my  interests  with  industry  and 

Li. v.- IS  D.  Dent,  Esq  ,  having  had  charge 
of  my  law  ofiice  and  hiw  business,  has  been 
prompt  in  his  atteniiou  to  my  business  and 
interest,  and  has  ac«juitted  himself  as  an 
able  and  faithful  lawyt-r.  To  take  char;.'c 
of  another's  law  pnutiec  for  three  niunilis 
-.H  a  very  difti(  nit  underiakiiig,  and  I  am 
tnrpnscii,  as  well  .is  gratified  at  the  success 
vilh  which  Mr  Dkxt'  has  managed  my  hiw 
busines:*.  1  take  pleasure  in  rocoiumen'liug 
him  to  the  business  community  as  an  abh-, 
lailhfal  and  industrious  advocate. 

Mr.  Joux  Ekkkt  having  had  charge  of 
my  tenement  liouse-,  will  r.ccept  my  thanks 
l*jr  tliC  (althfnl  manner  in  which  he  has 
attended  to  my  interests  in  that  regiud. 


We  piiUibh  this  iTtek  the  ticket  put  In  the 
fioid  by    the  ScoU  County  Democratic  Cor- 
vjiuion.      V/iLUAM  IIiiNuv,  of  lii:lle  IMaine, 
is   the  nominee   for   Representative.     He  is 
our  present  Judge  of   Probate  and  Superin- 
t42adent  of  Schools.    Judge  Henry  has  long 
been  a  citizen  of  this  county,  and  is   gener- 
ally  and  well    known   as  a    gentleman    of 
ability.     He  has  in  the  past  proved   himself 
faithful   to  his  friends   and   f^iithful  in    the 
discharge  of  his  odicial  duties.     There  is  no 
«loubt  but  he  will   make  a  faithful   represcn- 
t  itive  and   acquit  himself  with  credit,    and 
be  faithful    to  the  interest  of  the    people.— 

We  are  rrjultcd  that  Stott  County   has  the 

rro.=^pcct  of  being  represented  in  the  House 
by  an  honest  man,  instead  of  a  tradi:ig 

Joux  Enir.T,  our  present  worthy  County 

Treasurer,   has  agniu  received   the  nomine- 

tion   for  re-election.    Mr.   Edert  has  been  a 

citizen  of  this  county   since    18jC.,  and  has 

been  clectcU    County    Treasurer  four  terms, 

and  is  now  faithfully    serviiig   the  people  in 

that  responsible  olliic.     During  the  time  he 

Las  been  County   Treasurer,  witlier  friend 

pr  fpc   has  ever  claimed  that   he  has  not,  in 

C^XTV    instance,  been  Ihilhl'ul  and    honest  .n 

lis  oaicc.     He  has  collected  onr  taxes  with- 
out  oppression   to  any  one.     He   has   kept 

the  public  moneys  safely-  and  paid  them  out 

so  that  not  one  dollar  has  ever  been  lost. — 

Such  aa  officer  cannot   be  retained  in  oflice 

too  long.     His  party,  by  his  re-nominalioc, 

lias  said  "  well  done,  thou  good  and  faithful 

a^rvant,"   and    the   people   will    give    him 

almost  a  unanimous  election. 

Frank  McGaADE,  formerly  of  Shakopee, 

row    of    Jordan,    has    the  nouiinalion    for 

llc"-istcr  of   Deeds,     He  was  formerly   well  [  the   Auditor  of  Stale,   he  had  audited 

known    as   ShcriST  of   this   county,    and  for 

several    years   piTlormed   his  ofiicial  duties 

faithfully.     During   tl>c  war  he  served   two 

vcars  in    the    army     as    Lieutenant.     Mr. 

ilcGrade's    officiul  conduct    has   been   well 

fii.'d,  and    no    ofliccr  ever   stood   higher  in 

the  estimatiiu   of  lh«   people    than   Wherifif 

Jacob  TnoMA.?,  our  present  SheriST,  has 
received  a  renomination.  This  is  treating 
him  just  as  he  deserves.  The  duties  of  that 
cffice  are  laborious,  and  Mr-  Thomas  has 
bocn  diligent  and  faithful  in  the  discharge 
oT  his  otBcial  duties.  Mr.  Thomas  has  given 
satisfaclicn  in  the  past  and  will  undoubtedly 
continue  to  do  so  in  the  future. 

Hon.  L.  R.  Hawkins,  of  Spring  Lake, 
fcas  received  the  nomination  for  Judge  of 
Probate.  He  represented  this  county  in 
the  Legislature  ii.  13o8.  Alihoug^Ji  an  old 
citizen,  he  has  not  held  any  county  office. 
He  is  a  ijcutleman  of  fine  social  qnalilies,  a 
trac  Democrat  of  tbe  old  iichool  and  a  good 

H.  11.  Struxk,  of  Shakopee,  has  received 
the  nominatiot,  for  Coroner.  In  Scott 
county  this  oflice  is  not  of  much  im]>ortancc, 
but  occasionally   theie  are  important  duties 

tion  to  serve  the  iaiarcst  of  the  people  or  to 
improve  our  county  finances,  but  merely 
and  solely  for  the  purpose  of  deceiving  the 
people  by  misrepresenting  the 
connection  which  the  Auors  holds  to  our 
county.  Vv'e  shall,  as  occasion  offers,  rc.'er 
to  some  of  the  statements  of  the  Spectator 
concerning  the  sums  we  have  received  from 
the  county. 

The  Spc:lator  says  we  received  $700  for 
publishing  the  tax  list.     So  we  did,  and  this 
sum  is  just  what  the  law,  made  b^v  ;i  Repub- 
lican Legislature,  provided  we  should  have. 
The  law    gives    us  twenty    cents   for   each 
dcatiipl'ion  of  lauds  and    lots    coutaiuei    in 
the  tax    list.     \Vc    pubiisiied   ^500  tracts  of 
land    and    town     lot^,  and  tins    number   at 
twenty    cents    cuch   maizes    just  $100.00. — 
Ibis  is  just  twice  as    much  as  the  old   law 
would  have  given  us,  but  just  what  we  were 
entitled  to  under  the  new  law.     The  old  law 
gave  only    ten   ctuts  tor    publishing    each 
tract  in  the  tax  list,   but  last  winter  the  Re- 
publican   Legisluluro,    for    the    benefit    of 
Rtpublicau   editcre,  amended   the  law  so  as 
to   give    twenty  cents  instead  of  ten.     We 
sec    no  rea.son    why    a    Democratic    p.".per 
should  not  be   bcueUtied  by    the  new  law  as 
well  as  Republican  p:i[>*'rs.     iJut  no  matter 
how  much  is  paid  for  the  publication  of  the 
tax    list,  whether   ten  cents,  as  formerly,  or 
twenty   cents  as  now,  or    thirty    cent.s,  as  it 
ought  to  be,  the  county  loses  nothing  at  all, 
because  it  is  not  the  county,   but   the  non 
resident   speculator    a::d    others  who  do  not 
pay    tht-ir  laxe^,  thai  ha.-i  uiliniaU'ly    to  pay 
for  printing  the  tax  list.     The  county  loses 
notliing.     The  $700    which  we  received  fur 
publishing    the    tax  li.-'t    wus    paid    into  the 
county  treasury  by  the  purchaser  at  the  lax 
sale  and  by  the  owner  of  the   land  who  re- 
deemed   before  a  sale,  for  the  very   purpose 
of  paying    for  advertising  the  tax    list.     As 
the  county    had  rcccJve<l    that  sum  from  the 
owners  of    the  land  and    from  the  purchas^^r 
at    the  tax  sale,  it  of  course  was  rigiil    luai 
it  should  all  be  paid    to  us,  anu    our  county 
losses  nothing  by  its  beuig  paid  over  to  us. 

But  the    Spectator  .says  that  tlie    County 
Auditor   "  with  immoderate  haste,  au- 
dited,  allowed    and    issued    orders  for   this 
sum."     Jiut  the  fact  is,  the  tax  list  was  luUy 
published  early  in  May,  and  we  wcri;  entitled 
to   immediate    payment.     Rut    our  worthy 
County   Auditor,  with    unusual    delay,    ne- 
glected  to  audit  0U1:   bill.     Although  it  was 
his  duty  to  audit   our  bill   immediately,  he 
did  not   do  so   for   three  mouths,    and  not 
until  we   took  an  appeal  to    the  Republican 
State  Auditor,  and  he  ordered    our    County 
Auditor   to  audit   our  bill   and  pay   us  the 
sum  ho  found  due  us.     Our  County  Auditor 
then,  under   the   orders  of    the   Republican 
State  Auditor,  counted  the  number  of  tracts 
in  the  lax  list  and  paid  us  tweuli"  cents  for 
each  tract   in  the   list,  and  no    more.     The 
only  fault  to  find  with  the  county  auditor  is 
that   he  neglected   for  two  months  to   jiay  a 
domocralic   editor,    and    delayed    to    do  so 
until  orucred  by  a  republican   State  au'litor 
to  do  so. 

The  Spectator  says  that  wc  afterw.trds 
presented  the  .>ame  bill  to  the  county  coui- 
luissioners  and  that  ihey  also  allo\veJ  us  the 
same  amount.  Rut  the  fact  is  wu  did  not, 
at  any  time,  present  a  bill  to  the  commis- 
sioners for  printrng  the  tax  list,  iind  the 
commissioueis  did  not  at  any  time  allow  or 
pay  us  any  sum  for  priuti:ig  the  tax  liaL — 
iiut  the  county  auditor  reported  to  the  ebm- 
niissioners   the  fact  that,  under  the  orders  of 

bill,  and  asked  their  approval  of  what  he  done.  The  commissioners  examintd 
into  the  matter  and  approved  of  what  the 
auditor  had  done.  We  did  not  present  any 
bill  to  them  and  they  only  assented  to  what 
had  l;€eu  done.  Our  only  regret  i.i  that  the 
law  did  not  give  us  thirty  cenUi  for  each 
tract  in  the  tax  list  instead  of  twenty. 

The  Spectator  s?;ys  single  descriptions  of 
lands  have  been  divided  into  several  parcels, 
and  thus  the  number  of  descriptions  iu- 
oreasetl.  But  such  is  not  the  case.  The 
same  descriptions  of  land  and  town  lots 
exist  in  this  county  now  that  have  existed 
for  the  last  ten  years,  ami  neither  the  coun- 
ty auditor  or  the  county  printer,  or  any  one 
else  has  changed  or  has  any  right  to  change 
the  descriptions  contained  in  the  tax  list. — 
The  tax  list  is  copied  from  the  public  records 
and  must  be  copied  and  printed  just  as  it 
appears  in  the  records.  The  descri^>tions  of 
lands  and  lots  are  made  and  determined  by 
the  assessors.     Every   piece  of  land   which 

Etery    family  in  the  United   States  now 

pays   upon   an  average  about   $200  a   year 

for  taxc?,  to    pay  the  interest   on  the  public 

Th*  Spectator  says  we  will   receive  some  ]  debt  and  support  of  the   government.    The 

four   hundred   dollars  a  year  for  publishing  ;  taxes  are   direct  and    indir»'ct,  and    there  is 

the   proceedinga   of   the  commissioners,   at !  no  escape  from    them.     The  man  who  rents 

seventy-five   cents    a    folio,    and    that   the    a  house    pays  a   part  of  it  in   his  increased 

i  Spectator  will   publish  the   proceedings  for  i  rent,  and  in  hl;'hcr  prices  for  evervthiiig  he 

DUSinCSS  j  I  or  ^  <-• 

'  one   third  of    what   wc  are    getting.     One  ,  eats,  drinks  and  wears, 
third  of  four  hundred  dollars  is  one  hundred  !  -^.  -♦-  -^ 

and  thirty  thriee  doUais  and  a  third  cents. —  I      Ono  of  the  Jenkinses,  writing  of  n  recent 

'  hop  at  Saratoga,  says:    "A   very  pretty  girl 

Of  course  you  wouM,  Mr.  .^'peotalur!  for 
that  would  give  yqa  more  than  we  would 
receive  at  seventy-five  cents  a  folio.  And 
we  are  willing  to  coutract  with  the  commis- 
sioners to  their  proceedings  in  the 
Argus  a  year  for  less  thau  that  sum,  and 
long  ago  off«»red  to  make  such  a  contract 
with  the  county.  V>hiic^  we  are  not  v.iliing 
to  publish  the  proceedings  of  the  county 
commiysioaers  fur  twenty-fiyc  cents  a  folio, 
while  the  law  gives  the  printer  seventy-fi\e 
cents  a  folio  fur  all  legal  publications,  "ne 
are  willing  to  publish  those  proceedings  for 
less  than  one  third  of  four  hui:dred  dollars  a 
year.  The  law  ^jives  the  printer  seventy-five 
cents  a  folio  for  all  legal  publication  fitr  the 
first  Heck.  And  this  is  what  the  Argus 
receives  from  ])rivate  persons.  The  trouble 
with  the  i.ipectator  is,  not  that  we  arc  gc  • 
tiug  too  much,  but  that  a  Domoeratie  papir 
ought  not  to  gel  any  patronage  Iimiu  a 
Dciuocratic  county.  Rut  we  would  i.dvi  c 
the  Spectator  not  to  over  do  his  falsehoods 
30  much.  A  sinnll  nii.sstatemcnt  might 
deceive  the  people,  but  the  Spectator  gulls 
only  can  swuUow  so  large  a  dose. 

passed  by  us,  le.ining  on  the  arm  of  a  gen- 
tleman, who  was  dressed  simply  in  Swiss 
muslin  and  pink  sash."  That  gentleman 
must  liavc  been  •'the  cool  of  the  evening." 



Tiie  n niters: jnoil  ');>c!  p^l  .\  f.c:\-  Vrr\^.s\'<\i  Store  -.n 



WhTcti'!  Intoii'i*  lc«'>>:i'i::T  n  '  a.-.scirtmont  of 

<>irocerics    and    Pa*ovisions, 

At   t)Hce«  ««  low  us  any  In  S!iak<'pee— ami  at  goof! 
:  articles,    /fi'  O.vt  utv  a  call. 
!  GEO.  n.  SPT.XCEF. 

I      p.  i5.— T  will  piiflonv  ir  tf>  Icfji  on  haiia  «  constant 
i  S'lpply  of  Gri'n  Gr xerim  and  I'oultry. 
I  naoti' 


Patented  Kay  20th,  1867- 
No.   46    Lake    Street,    Chicago. 

(VBn3R"0WN&  CO , 

llA^xrACTCIlIB8  or 

Mile's  Patent  Bolster  Plates,  &c.,  &c., 

86  Lake    Street, 

fi[io,  emfOicii  CO.. 

(!.  11.  ?. 

Tli3  Soldier  and  the  Trading  I'cliticiar. 

'•Capr.  T!i(  is,  v.ho  cnli-l 'il  near  tlie  l)0- 
giiiiiing  of  the  war  its  a  private,  uml  by 
gitllaul  conduct  worked  his  way  up  to 
Cuptaiii,  w;ii  presented  to  the  eonvenlion  by 
Col.  Raxier  as  a  cahlidate  for  County 
Treasurer,  and  in  jirc.senliisg  his  name  the 
Col.  took  occasion  to  speak  of  his  general 
qualifications,  and  pariicularly  of  his  gallant 
servicis  to  tiie  country  as  a  soldier.  Cap. 
Theis  wa«  defeated." — Sjuc'atjr. 

Just  .so.  Cap).  Tliei-s'  was  present- 
ed to  the  conventioti-,  for  sale,  just  1.8  my 
Ir.ader  presents  his  gojds  to  a  customer.— 
The  trader  got  his  price,  and  Capt.  'l'i;e'8 
was  sold  bv  the  man  he  had  served  the  viar 
before.  The  trader  who  would  sell  such  a 
t'riend,  would  steal  and  sell  his  mother's 
grave  for  a  vote. 

Sale  of  School  Lands. 

Notice  is   hrrcdjy  given  that   the    unsold 

l.iivls  In  tin-  fnitiiwtn.'  niMinloTK'  I  Pchool  iipit'iiTi'*  In  the 
iiiiiniv  of  Siotl,  mi't  ."^tite  u(  .Mlnnrs'it.i  «1.1  be  olf- fil 
it  l'iii»llc  .Nili- .it  '.In-  'rr-iiMirir';;  <  ftice  of  siH  r.iuiity, 
I'l  tlir  town  "I  .">liJikoi'«'...i)ii  KIl'P.AY,  the  25th  day  <>l 
<  '(.Tnlii-.K.  IWT,  at  I"  liMi-ck.  A.  M..  viz  ; 

Cassimeres  &  Testings, 

34  &  3G  Lake  Street,  Chicag-o. 

J.  Bmmcr  B. 

P.  teyermann, 




Boots  &  Shoes, 
Dress  Goods, 



O  XJ  T  Ij  33  1?2.  "32", 

tss  "■?■  3Br  at::  jsti::  «»«  ^ 

occ-        ot;o-        ot:o- 

Erie    Railway. 


The  Broad    Oange  —  Doable  Track 
Route  to 

New  7ork,    Boston^ 

And  Kew  England  Cities. 


Dunkirk  to  New  York  460  Miles, 
Buffalo  to  New  York  423  Miles, 
Salamanca  to.'New  York  415  Miles. 


jSS*  22   to   27   Miles  the  Shortest   Rout*. 


All  Trains  run    dlractly  through  to  N>w  Ttrf, 

&^  460    MILES    without    chant*  •( 

From  ntid  aflor  Anpiit  2«th,  l.<«7,  Tr«lni  will  tiar*  It 
coiiiifctlon  with  All  Western  line*,  ai  t'ollovi : 

From    Dunkirk    and     Salamanca  — 

l)y  New  York  time  from  Union  Depots  : 
730  AM.  Express  Mail,  from  Dunkirk, 

(Sundiiys  e xcepted).  Stops nt  Sfllnniaiica  Hi  00  A. 
M.,  anil  cniiiiects  at  Ilornellsvtllo  anO  ('ornlt>f 
with  l!!-"  80<i  A.  M.  ExjirfKn  Mall  from  Buffalw. 
anil  arrives  In  New  York  at  7.10  A.  M. 

2.35  P.  M.    Lightning   Express,   from 

.SBhmmnrii,  (Suiii1?rs  pxtrptod.l  Mopj  at  Unf 
ri.»ll.-vn!f  !f.2tV.M.,  (Sop.)  interai'ctluK  with  tl,» 
2  yi  y.  M  train  from  UufTalo.and  arrlvra  lu  ^•w 
York  «t  A.  M. 

415  p.  m.  New  York  Night  Express, 

Inni  DiKiklrk.  (t^iiwdavs  oxctiitid).  Mops  at 
.«nl.irann<a  «.W  P.  >1.:  dlraii  7.S5  1'.  V.,  (miu.)  - 
Turiiirs  9S>6  A.  M.  (Ilkft.).  and  arrives  In  .New 
York  at  12Sft  I'.  W.,  coiinf.nlnff  with  .MternooB 
Trains  and  Slcanieis  fjr  Boaloii  anU  New  Kntiaiiil 

0;oO  P.  M  Cincinnati  E.xprcss,  from  Dun- 
kirk. (.•andar'H  eicepted).  Slops  at  Salamanea 
11  M  p.  ni.,e!id  ronr.eils  at  IIoniflliTllI.  wi!lj  ths 
11. 2U  p.  ni.  Train  from  liufla'o,  arrlvlLj  tc  Kew 
York  3.25  p.m. 

>ranv,fiictiirrrs  of 





Kaino  of  Town. 

lij  un  1  3i> 



Nov.-  Miirkft. 




Cli:dit    Mv.  r. 

Ifimi'l  .TO 



Crilar  r.a<i>. 

Hi  and  :tii 



.^prin;»  l.akP. 




Kiel"  "'rick. 

lu.inl  3< 







8aiid  ("ri'tlc. 

tCiind  3C> 







Iipllo  I'laln". 




Saint  Ijiwrince. 

A  Kew  Triumph  in  the  rhctograph:c 

b'o«ETlixfi  Ne\7. — Xo  unforsecn  hin- 
drance occurring,  there  will  appear  in  tl  e 
columns  of  the  Spi-ciator  m-xt  wiek,  an<i 
occasionally  thtreaficr,  a  new  and  valuable 
feature  not  commou  in  country  journalism. 
— Sp'tclalor. 

Thii  Jietc  and  inicoin^n' n  jialuie  is  nn 
doubt^jtUj  the  pliotoirraph  of  the  Chairmm 
of  a  Democratic  County  Committee  seated 
in  his  sanctum  oi.iitin<;  a  Republican  pap^r. 

The  State  Rcpuhlican  Committee  have 
decided  rot  to  allow  a  joint  iliscus.sion  of 
poliiical  matters  hetwecn  Judge  Flandrau 
tind  Governor  Mardiall.  The  committee 
give  no  reason  for  this  decision,  but  it  is 
fair  to  presume  they  hail  two  go^xl  reasons. 
First,  Governor  Marshall  ii  no  match  for 
Jud;?e  Flandrau  6ri  the  stump,  and  seconJ, 
Republican  pmeiples  cannot  stand  before 
the  Kgbt  of  a  jcdnt  dr's6ussion. 

N'o  lan.Js  wl'.l  lie  suM  for  Vksj  Hian  fivo  tloHars  per 
at-ri',  I'or  li'ss  t!i:in  lliilr  appriiscd  va!i;t>.  .''ptipilnl.-s 
>liowlni;  the  pirilnilar  diKirlptlon  of  iiuld  lands,  tli'lr 
aiipraiitrd  valiii'  and  tiTiiiK  ot  half  tai;  be  foor.d  nt  tli? 
'ouittj-  si-iit  ami  at  the  several    puit   ofliut-ii  In   the 

I  ouhtv. 

'In  tiniliT  lHnil<»nffli.iont  payment  will  Iio  fqnTrcd 
at  tli«  ilnn-ortlir  piircluisi-  to^nrdfy  Hie  hti'tc 
from  I'lsx  liv  the  ttrlppliiii  of  the  llnilii.'r.  On  Jiralrle 
l.m.N  onlv  tUleeu  per  ocut  of  the  pi  rehase  money  will 
c>"  r-'i'iiie.;  .!.;V%  n  nt  the  tl  neof  the  ^al'■.  In  ci;ch  case 
the  l.a!jn<  i-  o!  the  |  uiehns.-  iiioo.y  reMialnine  due  eun 
he  pall  at  any  time  thircalter,  Iroiii  time  to  time. 
wUhlii  twetit*"  year...  at  the  opt'ion  of  the  purchaser, 
Willi  iT't'Ti-ol  in  advance  at  the  rate  of  Keven  per  cent, 
per  to  the  lirsl  of  day  »une.  I^M,  unU  uunuully 

Sit.  I'atil,  .Mi!inc»ot.i,  Sept.  lOfi,  V<C         ,...„„ 

nSOSt  Cun.mlsilouer  itule  I^ndUtlkc. 


Pr.  TIo!''.vriv,  «oi'io  Hlt<-en  years  .i;n.  wit- 
n' ssl' K  the  1.1  tr-!?-.  oio.ts'oned  siclky  clill- 
dreii  In  l.iklnn  lli.>  naiis  oa%  vermlinnes  of 
that  dav,  refiolven  to  iinalU  ■  tlieui.  and  from 
Ihenioxt  itr.T  tve  of  lli.-si.  reMiH.ilf*  sueeee- 
({ed  111  Kcp  iralliiBlhelractlvemedleal  propir- 
ties.  pure.  ta>telu»s  an  I  li.olorous.  T;ieii.  hy 
cnnihinin;;  thes."  w  t'l  siuar,  and  niouluin.i; 
them  Inlo  an  aseeahic  eiiHtectinn,  lormeil 
tiie  pr»  s.  lit  PuPi;L.^ii  and  i;n-:;cTiVii  \'hhsu- 
nut,  known  as 

HoUoway's    Vermifuge     Confectious. 

Wli'.ii;  liave  n'.iiloU.  ev.tjreiy  ^'lpl■l•^.■l'cd  tlio 
oUt  1  aus  oHs  Yermlt  U'ori.  to  thi.  deli^.it  of 
the  poi.r  Uttl"  suir-rers.  U  contains  no  Ciilo- 
niel  or  other  pol^vinoiis  Ins'e  Ih-iits. 

.So  hlnhly  e»iee;nf>-l  )<  this  i'  V.ermt- 
f.i;re.  hy  the  profes-lou,  that  all  iiite'lUelit 
I'lu-^ldanKwlioWnow-.f  tii.-in.preaeil!)?  loem 
In  p  efrreoce  to  otle-r  r^'iiedies,  es  n<t  only 
more  pli'uaaut  to  taka,  but  m»rv  «II'-'<.Ut«  to 

Parents  and  cw^*,  hnvtn;?  the  car*  of 
cl'.lldren,  khouKI  keep  tlieni  as  •  family  medi- 
cine ;  lor  llicv  11  it  only  eilkale  Worms  — 
tliosp  pewt!4  of  elilldho  •  I— Mlt  <.orr«<t  al.>  de- 
r.iin:i-n.c:ilof  ihedUe^tlve  ure'aiis.  so  prova- 
icnl  uiUi  cUtldreu. 

Importers  of  a!i  kin  '.s  of 


AND   .STlllNGS, 

Also   Ajrcnls  for  K.XJBE  4-  COS,  and 

other  first-class  Pianos. 

09  Washington  Sircet,  Cliicago. 

.'Iitd   G.")0  Broadicay,  JVew   i'ork. 


Sliahopee,      Min  n. , 


or  in 


!M2;.nf.Kliiror  and  Dealer  In 

Paisit%  Oils.,  &c.. 

No.  91  Wathington  Street, 

c  r  T I  c  A  a  o . 



Bocts    &  Shoes, 


Hats  &  Caps, 

—  AND— 

Millinery      Goods. 

A  large  an£    well  selected  atsort- 
ment  of 

BOOKS    &  C  . , 

alwayt!  on  hand. 

Frcm    BulT&lo— By  New  York  t;m*<  frem 

Depot  cor.  J-'.ichanse  and  .MIcbljran  frtreefs  : 

5  45   am-  New  York  Day  Exprepit, 

(Suiida.vs  eXi»pip,l}.  i^topg  at  Ilornriutliie  » (* 
A.  »M..  (likit.)  .  i?ujqn,.haniia  2.17  P.M.. 'Dlna;; 
TiroeiV  7  5".  I'.  M..  (Sup.),  and  arrives  lo  Naw 
Aork  10.;«i  P.  M.  Connecls  at  Great  Tend  wliti 
Ueiiiware,  Lackawanna  k  Weeteru  Railroad,  ai« 
at  .lersev  City  with  Mlilidjtht  Kxprrsa  T.-»in  ..f 
New.lersiv  K(;l, road  for  I'miaUelphU,  Baltlmoia 
am;  W  ashlnston. 

8.00  a    m.   Express  Mail,  via   Ar^n 

and  noriieilsvilie  (  Sniidavs  txcrpted).  Airl»f« 
In  New  Yorlr.Ttroo  A.  M.  Coniiectsat  E'mlru 
with  Nortberii  Ontrnl  Katlvay  for  Ilarrlabnrp. 
I'hlladelplila,  llultiiuort,  Wasbinglou  aiui  p«iu;a 

220   p  m.  Lightning   Express.  (Snr- 

rii'.ys  pxeepted).  Stops  .-.t  Ilornrllsvliir  5.15  P.  »l. 
(Sop.),  and  iirilvesin  Npu-  York  T.OO  A  M.  ('o:i- 
iiectn  at  itriiey  CItv  with  MorninK  Kxjiress  Tral« 
o!  New.'ersry  Kailro.ul  for  IJalthiiore  and  Wa.Ji- 
tnfrton,aDd  nt  Xew  York  with  Mornlns  £xp.c»t 
'Jriin  iorUosioii  and  New  KoKland  Cities. 

6  10  p.  m.  New  York  Night  Express, 

n.VII.Y.  Hl.ipsat  rort.-<ge«.'.5  1-.  M.  (Pup.  >,  Inf.. - 
serMog  at  Uor:ic!!svlIle  with  the  4  1  j  I  ..ll.l'raiH 
f;om  lii'.nkirk,  aoU  arrtvfi  tu  ^'CTT  Yirk  «• 
I2,-.0  r.  .M. 

112Gp.  m.  Cincinnati  Express,   (Snn. 

ila.\  s  fXirptvil.)  ttop.sal  SiiMjneiiaiuia  T  3)  A.  M 
(»Kft.);  TiiroCi's  J. 10  1'.  .M.,  (nine.)  and  anlve-  la 
New  \ork  at  .1.:.'5  I'.  .M.  Connecls  at  Kliii'.iii  wlib 
Koriherii  Cential  l!:ii:way  lor  Jlarrlshiir*:,  I'hila- 
dilphi.i,  B.illlniore,  Wasliincloii  and  points  Souih. 
at  liri'at  Hend  with  Delaware,  LaiknwAiuin  "na 
Vesiern  liailroad  tor  .«iranlon,  Treiiion  a^l 
ihlladelphin,  a:id  at  Xew  York  with  At'erM-'-<« 
Traliis  and  Steamers  for  Uostun  and  New  KiiaUaa 

Only  One  Tr.iin  r'agt  on   Sundar.  Iraxln?    BulTaltat 
u.lO  1*.  M.,  and  raachim:  .New  York  at  iSJO  V,  M. 

Do.sTON-  ANp  Xew  E.vai.Axn  rAOf-Exa^KH. 
with  their  IJajrpage,  »re  Iruusrerrtd  frre  cf 
charf^e  in  New  York. 

f.^  To  ple.-istire  trarelera  the  I!n«  of  thaKi-le   Xt". 
way  presents  many  oljoets  cf  Intoreat,  passlai  thi»«(b 
the  heatiilful   vs!!eys  of  the    Clieiuunf,  8ui«Qahauiiii. 
Delaware  and  Hamapo  rivers,  an  ever  changing  pnw 
rania  of  natarc's  beauties  coiuiuanai  attaullos. 

TiiK  nK.-T  yr:.\Tn..;TED  Axn  Mo«t  LrTm- 
nr«     Si.KKi'i.vt;     ('0AfnE.s     ,Z3^   IN       THU 
WORLD  °^sd,  accompany  all   night  tiuius 
on  I  hi.-;  railway. 

J?3?~  CatJt  p<(id  fi  r  all  kinds  of 
Country  I'rodnce.  "\gS3 

F.  F.  fi'p:lllng".s 

Prepared  D3-C   Colors, 

soi.,1':  A<ii:xT.s, 

DiETZsrn,  BLOtui  ii  Co.  Wholesale 
S9  North  Clark  and   Ifil  &  i65  Klnrlc  Sts. 


DiiiLfs  mm 

fiujt  ST.,  siiAKOPar:,  minx. 

-DFAl.BR    IN' — 



S.  Da  Jackson  ^  Go . 

JOliD  ZJ  :i  S  .l.\D  C  O.VMISSIO.X 

tiClLtnS  IN 



PLASTERS,  .52  and  5i  Wabash  Ave. 

Drv  Gcofhs, 


Boots  ct'  SliocSj 
Hats  and  Caps, 
Crockery,  etc. 

BACGAGE     C11ECKEj>     TllRat'UFr, 
•^iid   Jure    aluaijs    at    lott   at    h^    nmti 
other   lioute. 

Ig®^  Ask  (or  Tickets  via  Eris 

Which  can  be  ohtaine^  at  all  Prlncipsl  Tlck«»  0a«4«  Ui 

the  Wtti  and  South  W«»». 

Ucii'l  Sup-t. 

WM.  R.   BARR, 

(ieri'l  PsK    AsX 


Af4^  L"ii  -.  •'Mji'*' vtv 

.  o.'j'wyBl^*! 

F  ALL     A  R  K  A  N  G  E  M  K  X  i"  . 

Domoeratie  County  CouvcntiSn. 

Wc  have    malo  an    elTarL  to    procure  the 
proceed iu;i;5  of  t'lo  Dcmocrntic  County  Coii- 
verttion  for  puhiication,  but  Ihe    getitleinan 
having'  theni  in  his  char;rc,  has   been  out  of 
the  county   during  the   week,  and  wo   have 
not  .succeeded  in  pjrocv.ring    them.     It   waa 
our  desire  to  have  publiishcff  these  proceed- 
ings, last  week,  and  it  i.s  not  our  fault  it  was 
f.ot  done.     The  Secretary  of  the  convention 
left  the  proceedings  where  it   was  cxp(;ctod 
wc    would      receive      them,    but      by    an  j 
oversight,  wc  were  not    infor:ned  of    their  I 
whereabouts     ui.til     after     the     paper     o2'  j 
last      week      was      out.         We      however  i 
published    the    ticket  last    week,  but   havo 
jKjstponed    our   commcuts    upo:»   tha   sam(5 
till  this  issue. 

The  Orioinal  and  only  true  Arnica 

rUstors    pofl.sossiii{j  the  great 

healing  properties  of  the 

Arnica  Floiror.i. 

The  curative  etT.-.:!*  of  thesa  I'l.islera  In  ftll 
cjses  ol  pain  or  Wi'uaiie.Hi  in  the,  uil.? 
or  I'sek,  and  In  nil  t'a<i»«t!m.t..iii  of 
the  Lunt"*.  »oaO"»nli.are  truly  .ii>lu;iis;iiug; 
tUi-y  B'^'^'  iMimeJi'ite  rclm. 

PhyMii-mH  i>r.-!>tri!ie  iheni.  ami  ihon.iasi'i 
revoiii  noiid  tium.  v.»ii<Kii»fi!— lloLtnW  kl'aarn 
tiic  liri^iiuai  uuii  uuly  iiuc  Htuut  I'.,iais:i>. 





Tux  Election?. — On  Tuesday  an  election 
was  held  in  Connecticut,  renn.sylv.inia  and 
Ohio.  The  result  has  not  vet  been  determ- 
ined, but  it  is  cortJiin  there  has  been 
large  Democratic  galas  ia  each  of  these 

Further  report.s  make  it  eortain  that  the 
Democrats  have  carried   rennsylvauia  by  r 

Tills  Olntraenf.afUT  an  esperierice  off  wn- 
tr  yi-ar.'.h.iH  provp.Htaelf  ii»  .ven-ldn  r<iiiidy 
lor  ill  1  Uisea-esoi  tlie  ^«ln  ;  liavlim  eaiite.l 
a  ci:r»:  l:i  e\  ery  case  on  w;ilt:li  It  W  is 
tiSMd.  curliiK  m my  olxiinate  raS'S  ■>(  O.leeii 
or  twenty  yoara'  stuiidiiiK.lhal  Ukit  pre.loUs- 
)>  resibUd  allreuitHllts  pr^'Sciltie  i  ly  loc  lie»t 
me  lie  il  t.iletit  of  the  cutitry.  JtJ  elTect  Is 
a^lonil>lllni;.  la  a  few  days  the  a<Jrel;e^s  aiil 
Irntjtiou  U  leinived  ;  lli'.  a.ctii  liivoiin'S 
sniiM.ih  and  he.iltoy.ini  r.-mirtiii.  (•'.•niiii'eut- 
ly  lijaKd,  wltUotii  the  us«  of  »ny  ...ijtr  fiui- 
»;  ly. 

Thus.  Tetttt:.  SAi-T-I^nrca,  lien.  'itDiia  a 

ITCII.  KUVtirULAf,  HLoTCHiJl,  UirLi:||.  an  I 
fcvery  f  .iiu  UI  ii-ir-iie  oi  the  sitiu  is  punelt;- 
ally  cU"i"<,Tio  iii.itts;r  of  liow  ion  t  SlaiidMu'. 
It  lias  car^i  bid  eas-'*ol  lMrLvvE.ii  Jiif-i.i;'-, 
a;il  11,^,  li.<r„<':i  f.imi  t'le  i.  .r,  wiieii  noMtUtl 
eN-  wooM  U'-mI  l.'ie.n.  I'lt  s.  that  have  ix- 
s;kt?i  uil  utUer  treatiuejit  niauy  yearj, 
■  hiva  been  cltscluaHy  vtiA«a  hy  tUe  'itB  f 
o  ;ly  one  Vox  of  iliU  (diimii  nt.  ilOK.Nff, 
fcuLt).",  anJ  iM-n  tfiUJf.  ft  UdaU  In  •  very 
khort  li:ii'.-.  VaittSJC^-xr.'.  P£i4  H.jx.  If  ni.t 
.<i.i1 1  hr  ynitr  I)rui.;U',  »  wi  I  •<)  cents  t'>  John- 
ston. lloiloWiiy  «  Ciiwl.'ii,  lUll*!*  plii.i.  .1 
Ii'jH  Will  lie  icut  fr.'e  ol  p  >st.i2a  K»  ^ny  al- 

uwiKKTK— Non*!  eenulT*  wltliont  the.#1(f- 
nauif  of  tUc  pro;>rKtor»  «u  lUw  wrapj-'ti  of  bo.\. 

Fl.\x    Dick 

Cotton   and 

A;1  width.«»an!  woichts. 


I  O.'' every  .'.escrtptlon. 

I  Te.nt.^,,    Wacjon-  Covkr.'^,    Flags, 
i  Fish  Xet.-?  Axn  ^'klves, 

1  Tur,  Pitch,  Okmii,  Blocks,  Chains, 

And  every  variety  of  Ship  Chandlery  Goods. 

i  205  &  207  South  Wat£r  St.  Chicag^o. 

M'i'  UK  n»VE  THE   LAK'i?;ST  STOCK  IN   T!IV:   Wl-T. 

J,  H.  REED  &  CO., 

^Vilu'.'.;^:lIe   I'cah  ro  in 

JEi-^tf"  T^ie  hitfh^tt  price  paid  fur 
Country  I'roduce.  "^y^ 

mi  wmm 

6^  N/*Lrv>^ 


WcdncsJay,  Sept.     lllh,    18C7, 

anil  until  ftirther  notUe,  Passrnger  Tr&tifl  will  rue  «• 

follows,  (Siindoyt  excepted. 

St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis  Accom- 

Three  Trains  Daily,  Each  ff'ay. 

Arrive  .Minneapolis, 
I.eiive  -Minrtai  ■  li 
A  rive  at  tl.  I' 

Belle  Phiinc,  Bhikely  t  Mankato 


A.  If. 


y.  w. 















4  .-SI 

I.PflTe  .Ct.  r»ti', 
A;rlv«  at   l:eile  P'alne. 

A.  Y. 



F.  r. 


Cor.  rirst  and   Lewis  Streets, 

Shakopee,  iliun. 



A.  If.  P    V. 

I/esrePlaVeK  ».ii' 

J,e»ve  Belle  Vlaln<»,  7:jn  S; -* 

Arrive  at  St.  I'aul,  ,'•'"  •'^  *" 

Tr;i!nj  of  this  roail  make  rioso  cmmectlor.  at   Mem:. 'n 

Ti-'itli  trali'.s  <iTi   311  ines.aa  Central  Hnllroa'l  turillnncet  - 

..;'>,      \v.,t<;ui)a.  W  Inona  «iiJ  all  points  .**oulh  anil    Ka^l, 

ami    i;tmnke»y   ■with    Minnesota    Stajta   Go's   l-li!!;   of 

Me(;esfor    U- .'-nenr,  St.  Peter,   Mankato  aut!   all  pol.Tis 

U  ibt  nml  Souttiwi-st. 

Tt«V-»t»  run  he  procure.!  nt  ITnlon  Ticket  Office,  JaiV- 
son  .'»ireft,  ihree  iluwrs  oelow  the  Merchant's  llct<.l,  .ii:.l 
at  ,1.e  Depot  a.  West  :-i.  V^^.^^^  ^   „scn,,x. 

St.  Paul.  Sept.  111.  18^7.  k'uperlntt  m'.ent. 


Tin  Wnro.  :: 

Ihcy   asjess   has  a  separate  tax  .    .  .t  •    c.  , 

■'  ,    *  .         ,,     .        ,     ,.     .„  „„,i  !  cood    m«iontT.     tor  many  years  this  ctate 

tharged  against  It  on  the  tax  dui.hcaic  and    ^  «   '    ,  ,.  a  v       i     i 

the  rt-cord  of  dclintiueut  lands  is  .nado  from  has  gone  Republican,  and  now  she  uheol.s 
the  ta.K  duplicate.^.  No  one  has  a  right  to  around  to  the  iiippjit  of  D(.u:o. ratio  pnn- 
cbanfre    the  ubscssor's  description    by  divid-  j  (.i.,](.3. 

I    ♦•«  r    ;    no  r'  .  Kr    V    t  M     i  '"^'  """'  P'"*""  '"'"  ''"'  '''■  "'"'''■  ^'*'''*'"  ^  ^V      I"  ^l'^",  ^he  nogfo  amendment   to  their 
to   perform,  and    tactc  is  no   cuubi    but  Mr.  I  uuitin;,'    two  or    more   jicccs  into   one.     11  i  o 

ijtruuk  wiii   execultj    iLuoC    with   &kill   an 

32  Lake  Street,   Chicago. 


Maiinfacturers  of  nnJ  Dealers  In 

Repp.Iri:ig  neatly  r.^d  pron;; 
ly  executed. 

ability.  | 

Onr   County  ticket,  rs  a  i\bo!e,  ia  a  vt-rr  1 

■•    '    UUIlllli:       l»>u    ut       l.iw.i;      1'ivi.i.o     iiiki/      v/ij...        M.  .  .    ■  .  lip  11 

d  I  this  «Hs  done  i:  would  be  illegal  and  defeat ,  Slate  conslitutioa  has  bctn  tiorfcatcd  by 
the  tax  i>ale.  As  the  land  is  a^sps^fd,  so  il . -lO.OOO  majority.  Crest  Democratic  gains 
must  be  recorded,  i  nd  as  it  is  recorded  so  it  ;  j^^^g    j-^f.^.^    55^,1^.   -,„    this    State,  an  1  il    is 





Xo.  33  !C<»i'th  Sixth  Street  Phll.adclphln. 

SoMat  Whok'salo  in  ico,  hy   FUI.LKlt.  FlNtll  t 
FLLLKK.-UiUO     ft    fMlTH.-UUKMlAMri    4    A  A.>' 1 


BUKLAr^-.  WOOL  A-  UU.VNY  JiA«;>, 
PAPER     FLOUR     J«>AC;K?$, 

WAl!!:.tMTKT>,  rin!  PrtntefJ  to  orjer. 

inmst    be   i.ublisliovl  ill    the  lax  Ust.     There    "';   ~T    '     ,  '";^'  "'''.'%''' |  scuaack.-J.  tl.  KEKli  *  Cxv.,-3Miru,  cin.Kii  *'  f./^^^.^^/jS   FJ  P  ER  Ji.iGS.  all  iizet. 

1,  A      -M     •  »   c.-:  f-ii^tinn    tT     ,     |  "'"«'    t*^   r""""''^^'  '"    "'C  lax  u«i.     jucre       .  11^]^  i|,e  fc!,ate  has  gooc  Democratic  by' c,.-t.KiTZ."«cil.  UI.00M  CO.    .uj  ti.r  iin.  ■  .t  the  '      '        ,     „,    ,         r,     -^.  - 

able  one  and  will  give   savi.faLtiou    to    the    c«n  be  IK)  more  nor  leasdescnptcDstJ  land    t"^^:"^.        .     .^  "  '  .„ui.t.'j  t,y»m»wiii^i..  ..     ...-T6:a       '     !-:>  Soulh  WateT   St.  C  1  CnSTO. 


Page's  CUmas:  Salve,  a  Family 
blessing  for  35  cents.  < 

It  heals  without  a  scar.'  No 
family  should  be  without  it. 

Wo  warrant  it  to  euro  SerofuL^ 
Sores,  Salt  RhcHiiij  Cbilblainc, 
Tetter,  Pimples,  and  all  Eruptions 
of  the  Skin.  For  Sore  Breast  or 
Nipples,  Cuts,  Sprains,  Bruises, 
inny  PPIlUliRT?  Bums,  Scalds,  Chapped  Hands, 
JllHn     MJirfin  i      i  &c.,  it  makes  a  perfect  euro. 

\r  r  r>  r  TT  w  T  1^  \  T  T  or    I  J^^^^  without  OBO  ftilure. 
xUERCIlANT  iAlLOIt,  r  i^  |ias  no  parallel-shaving 

,,       ^  <-  Af  fectly     eradicated    disease 

Fnv  T  Stp.  .^^^...Pcr,  Mr  ^.      ^^^^^  afterallothcr  remedies  h;ia 

A  r,r«  <m\  s] ^t.did  -tork  of  cio- ;  fhilcd.  It Isu cwupoundof  Amica 
fhir?.  <  ioth.-=.{nid  (k'Ht*' Foniishiti^' '  .^l^li  many  Other  E^tttiwl^s  ami 
Ocn.<u.  i  Balsams,   and   pnt  up   in  lar j;cr 

SPRDTC  i  sujnrER  STYLES,   boxcs  for  the  sftiue  price  «iaii  ai.y 

j  cl*her  Ointment. 


wuoic  people. 

;  I'l.iu  ihc  asiCiior  lias  made. 

a  small  mnjority. 

Sfj^  Clothlujr  mnde  to  oriVr.   , 
K!^.a!{op<?e..3rRreh  UtK;  1587.' '' 

Solil  by  liruggicta  ftviuqpcrlxerc.  '^C^"ic<2:  HowlatJ, 
121  IiiTicr*  j-Stt««.^c*  Vort. 

n       « 



f*ersoas.l    and    i^lccrary. 

Maooik  MrrcnELL.  the  actress,  i3  to  be 
married  soon  to  a  Boston  journalist,  to 
whom  sho  has  been  engaged  fifteen  years. 
8he  must  be  quite  old  enough  to  marry 

The  IJashionablc  part  of  London,  known 
AS  Belgravia,  is  owned  by  the  Marquis  of 
Westminster,  who  has  an  income  of  £1,000 
a  day.  With  the  ordinary  rise  in  value, 
Lord  Belgrave,  his  grandson,  aged  twelve, 
will  be  the  richest  man  in  the  worll.  A 
nice  thing  to  think  of. 

A  Trafaloak  ITeuo,  Robert  Christie, 
has  just  died  at  Alloa,  at  the  age  of  ninty- 
eight.  He  was  engaged  in  nearly  forty  bat- 
tles and  skirmishep,  and  nover  received  a 
wound ;  he  retired  in  1820  on  a  pension  of 
twenty  poiinds,  which  he  received  till  Lis 

CilAni.ES  Djckens  writes  to  a  friend  in 
Boston:  "I  notice  that  about  onco  in 
every  seven  years  I  become  the  victim  of 
a  paragraph  disease.  It  breaks  out  in  Eng- 
land, travels  to  India  by  the  overland 
route,  gets  to  America  per  Cunard  line, 
strikes  the  base  of  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
and,  rebounding  back  to  Europe,  mostlj' 
perishes  on  the  steppee  of  Russia  from  In- 
anition and  extreme  cold." 

The  Southern  authoress.  Miss  Evans  is 
described  by  a  correspondent  of  the  New 
Orleans  Picayvne  as  a  blonde  of  thirty, 
with  a  well  developed  bust,  bmall  waist, 
and  weighing  about  one  hundred  and  fif- 
teen pounds,  lie  continues:  "Her  hands 
are  small  and  tidy,  but  they  arc  not  dim- 
pled. There  never  was  a  painter,  poet, 
musician  or  any  ingenious,  industrious  or 
useful  woman  with  dimpled  hands." 

Mr.a.  General  Tom  Thumc  may  often 
bo  seen  promenading  Broadway  on  a  fine 
afternoon.  Sho  goes  Just  as  any  other 
lady  is  supposed  to  do.  Sqe  dresaes  very 
neatly,  wearing  a  black  filk  dress  and  bas- 
que, jocky  hat  and  dark  kid  gloves.  Mrs. 
Stration  is  never  unaccompanied  in  public. 
When  walking  by  tie  side  of  her  attendant, 
she  looks  like  a  mere  child,  and  attracts 
little  attention,  excepting  from  those  who 
happen  to  recognize  her,  and  rudely  stare 
at  and  notice  the  goodlooking  and  well  de- 
veloped little  lady. 

The  Duchess  de  3Iouchy,  who  Lj  at- 
tracting attention  at  Baden-Baden  by  the 
elegance  of  her  toilettes,  was,  prior  to  her 
marriage,  the  princess  Anna  Murat.  She 
IS  cousin  to  the  emperor,  and  many  of  our 
fashionable  American  ladies  went  to  school 
to  her  mother  at  Baliimore.  She  is  a  blonde 
beauty  of  decided  emhonpinnt,  very  artless 
and  linaflected,  and  a  great  pet  of  Eugenic, 
who  tried  hard  but  unsuccessibily  to  get 
her  a  husband  with  royal  blood  In  his  veins. 
The  duke  do  Mouchy  is  one  of  the  richest 
noblemen  in  France. 

A  Story  is  told  about  the  late  ^V.  Hope, 
the  banker  of  Amsterdam,  that  he  had 
bought  a  picture  as  a  Rembradt,  and  given 
2,000  guineas  for  it.  Finding  that  it  did 
not  fit  the  frame,  he,  sent  for  a  carpenter 
to  ease  it  a  little.  Whilst  wdtchiug  the 
operation,  he  remarked  how  wonderfully 
the  picture  was  preserved,  considering 
that  it  was  nearly  two  hundjed  years  old. 
"  That  is  impossible,"  said  the  carpenter. 
"  This  wood  is  mahogany,  and  mahogany 
had  not  been  Introduced  into  Europe  at 
that  time."    Mr.  Hope  burnt  the  picture. 

New  Youk  letter-  writers  tell  of  Horace 
Greeley  that,  upon  the  arrival  in  tliis 
country  of  Mrs.  Yelverton,  with  whom  he 
had  been  in  correspondencis  Mr.  Greeley 
sent  her  a  note  requesting  hu  Interview, 
and  simply  signed  himself  "  H.  G."  No 
answer  coming,  he  wrote  again  with  no 
better  success,  and  in  a  fit  of  indignant 
curiosity  he  jerked  his  La*  on  the  tack  of 
his  head  and  rushed  for  the  Albemarle 
Hotel.  The  lady  was  delighted  to  receive 
the  editor  of  the  Trdxune,  and  mutual  ex- 
planations followed.  She  had  mistaken 
the  simple  initials,  "  H.  G.,"  for  the  ligures 
109,  and  didn't  know  what  to  miike  of  it 
aU.  Persons  familiar  with  Mr.  Greeley's 
slgxiature  can  very  well  understand  Low 
such  a  mistake  could  occur. 

The  f  )llowing  pen  picture  of  Spurgeon 
is  given  by  a  correspondent  of  a  Southern 

Eaper  :  "  Spurgeon  is  a  common  looking 
ttle  chunk  of  a  man,  with  a  rather  large 
heal,  higher  in  front  than  behind,  brown 
hair,  straight  and  not  short,  blue  eyes, 
thick  lips  large  white  teeth,  course  though 
not  decided  features  and  face,  including  up- 

Ser  lip,  covered  with  closely  trimmed 
eard  of  light  color.  His  neck  is  short  and 
thick,  and  he  is  so  round  shouldered  as  to 
look  somewhat  humpbacked.  His  arms 
are  short  and  his  hands  fat  and  chubby. 
The  angle  of  his  face  Is  bad  and  its  expres- 
sion is  neither  rcflncd  nor  intcllectuul.  He 
cannot  be  more  than  five  feet  six  inches 
high,  and  weighs  at  least  a  hundred  and 
sixty  pounds.  Hia  style  of  ppeaking  is 
conversational  and  perfectly  natural ;  he 
makes  but  ibw  gestures,  and  those  not 
graceful ;  looks  directly  before  him  for  the 
most  part,  leaning  upon  the  raiHng  of  the 

DoBie«tIc    Paruin*i^:>S<s. 

—There  are  186,984  widows  in  the  State 
of  New  York,  and  only  44, 804  widowers. 

—The  sum  of  $578,523  is  required  this 
year  to  light  the  strpet  lamps  In  Philaiel- 

— Commodore  Vandcrbilt  is  going  heav- 
Hy  into  the  iron  business  in  NcSon  county, 

— A  double  tree  grows  near  Liberty, 
Miss.,  half  of  which  Is  oa"i  and  the  other 
half  pine. 

— J.  Roea  Browne  thinks  the  cold  yi^d 
ot  the  Pacific  slope  this  year  will  be  about 

— A  company  in  California  expects  to 
obtain  five  tons  of  borax  a  day  fVom  a  lake 
in  the  vicinity. 

— Elmira,  N.  Y.,  is  soon  to  have  a  'k.og 
Ihctory.  The  kegs  will  be  bored  out  of 
■olid  timber. 

— The  boot  and  shoe  mauufacturers  at 
Lynn,  Masa.'employ  17,000  persons— more 
than  two- thirds  ot  its  population. 

— A  venerable  married  firm  of  peanut 
and  apple  merchants  in  Spruce  street,  New 
York,  are  worth  $50,000  to  $60,000. 

— It  IS  said  that  one-eighth  of  the  iron 
and  steel  now  made  in  the  United  States  is 
from  the  iron  ores  of  Lake  Superior. 

— ^It  Ifl  estimated  that  there  are  seventeen 
hundred  persons  in  New  York,  Brooklyn, 
and  Jersey  City  engaged  In  selling  hot 

—From  September  Ist  to  19th.  4,269 
bales  of  cotton  were  exported  from  Savan- 
nah, Ga.,  against  only  3,793  flrom  Charles- 
ton, 8.  C. 

— A  Now  York  company  has  purchased 
160,000  acres  of  land  In  North  Carolina, 
and  are  going  into  a  wool-growing  specu- 
lation on  it. 

—A  Troy  printer,  while  playing  base 
ball  recently,  threw  back  his  arm  with 
such  force  as  to  break  the  bone  short  ofi' 
near  the  ahoulder. 

—The  lake  trade  of  the  West  will  amount 
in  1870,  to  $1,000,000,000.  Sixty  years  ago 
there  was  not  a  craft  on  any  of  the  lakes 
larger  than  a  canoa 

—A  couple  in  Ridgefield,  Masa,  have 
been  celebrating  the  first  anniversary  of 
their  marriage  by  a  "paper  weddlns,"  at 
which  they  appeared  in  full  suits  of  paper. 

—Besides  th«  $100,000,000  in  gold  held 
in  the  Treasury  vaults  of  the  United 
States,  the  Bank  of  England  holds  $121,- 
870,000,  and  the  Bank  of  France  $190,- 

— At  the  height  of  the  peach  season,  the 
WMhiogton  Market  dealers  threw  into  the 
North  nver  fifteen  hundred  baskets  a  day 
of  good  peaches.  Reason— they  wanted 
to  bep  prices  up. 

— It  is  said  that  a  score  of  heavy  cattle, 
nndf  r  full  trot,  will  do  more  injury  to  a 
0Uf  pension  bridge,  through  tremblings  and 

short  vibrations,  than  a  railroad  train  at 
twenty  miles  an  hour. 

— The  total  length  of  electric  telegraphs 
In  the  world,  not  including  the  submarine, 
amounts  to  upward  of  180,000  miles,  which 
is  more  than  enough  to  go  round  the  earth 
half  a  dozen  times. 

—The  largest  steel  works  hi  this  country 
are  located  ou  the  Susquehanna  river,  near 
Harrisburg.  The  steel  trade  is  said  to  be 
very  dull  in  England,  and  even  the  Besse- 
mer Steel  works  are  in  want  of  new  or- 

—It  is  reported  that  the  War  Depart- 
ment will  soon  issue  an  order  directing 
the  establishment  ol  a  school  ior  artil- 
lery practice  at  Fortress  Monroe.  There 
was  such  a  school  before  the  war.  Wheth- 
er similar  schools  will  bo  established  at 
other  points  also,  it  not  fully  determined. 

— The  value  of  improvements  in  ma- 
chinery may  bo  estimated  from  the  fact 
that  in  1819  it  required  two  furnaces,  each 
with  a  high  chimney  shaft,  to  produce  1000 
feet  of  glass  per  week,  while  now  two  far- 
naces,  with  but  one  shall,  produce  12,000 
luot,  with  the  same  if  not  a  smaller  con- 
sumption of  fuel. 

— The  Dubuque  Titnen  says :  "  We  have 
here  an  unexplored  mining  field  near  sev- 
enty miles  square,  which  has  been  merely 
scratched  on  the  surface  at  a  few  points, 
autl  over  $.'0,000,000  value  of  lead  has  been 
i-aitod.  The  wonder  is  that  our  mining  re- 
gion docs  not  attract  greater  attention  from 
the  mining  adventurer. 

—The  New  York  Express  says  iLe  heavy 
bead  fringe  collars  worn  by  the  ladies,  and 
which  cost  such  high  prices,  are  made  by 
girls  who  earn  by  this  work  something 
less  than  fifty  cents  a  day.  The  bead  trim- 
ming with  which  fashiohablo  dresses  are 
ornamented,  is  made  by  rhoac  same  girls  at 
a  remuneration  (*)  averaging  three  cents 
per  yard ! 

— The  New  York  EcaUng  rost  spoaks 
of  a  piece  of  property  of  400  acres  in  Jer- 
sey City,  bought  60  years  ago  for  $20,000. 
Twenty  yeais  ago  this  property  was  ofler- 
ed  for  $000,000,  without  buyer?.  A  part 
was  subsequently  stild  for  $8,000,000,  and 
the  remainder  was  estimated  three  years 
ago  to  be  worth  nearly  $3,000,000.  It 
would  now  readily  bring  $5,000,000. 

— Two  companies  of  troops  under  Gen 
JefTerion  C.  Davis,  sailed  from  San  Fran- 
cisco for  Sitka  (Alaska)  yesterday.  A 
number  of  mechanics  and  laborers  accom- 
panied the  troops.  Among  the  passengers 
on  the  same  vessel  was  Henry  Bailer,  agent 
of  a  San  Francisco  company  which  has 
purchased  all  the  right,  title  and  intortbl 
of  tJie  Russian  Fur  Company  for  six  hun- 
dred thousand  dollars. 

— The  Boston  Pod  says;  "The  reason 
why  travelling  with  ladies  costs  twice  as 
much  as  with  me  is,  that  they  commonly 
take  twice  as  much  room,  waut  twice  as 
much  waiting  upon,  are  twice  as  fussy, 
and  are  twice  as  hard  to  please.  Every 
woman  is  a  sort  of  double,  and  when  she 
id  out  with  her  trunks  is  twice  that  figure. 
So  it  stands  figuratively  thus  :  One  woman 
equal  to  four  men.  If  this  be  true,  the  la- 
dies ought  to  bo  allowed  to  vote,  or  do  any- 
thing else  they  please." 

— New  telegraph  lines  are  extending  all 
over  the  country.  A  Boston  paper  says : 
The  Franklin  telegraph  lines  liavc  opened 
ofllces,  at  Bangor,  Hampden,  Winter- 
port,  Stockton,  Searsport,  Belfast,  Cam- 
den, Rockport,  Thomaston,  Waldoboro, 
Damarlscotta  and  Wlscaeset,  Me.,  and  will 
very  soon  have  offices  in  a  large  number  of 
Western  points,  including  Albany,  Buffalo, 
Syracuse,  Cleveland,  Cincinnati.Louisville, 
Chicago,  St.  Louis  and  Intermaliate  sta- 
tions. Already  they  are  in  communication 
with  Pittsburg  and  the  oil  regions,  and  run 
North  to  Lowell  and  Nashua,  Manchester, 
and  Concord,  N.  11.  They  are  extending 
their  wires  as  fast  as  enterprise  can  do  it, 
and  wherever  they  open,  inaugurate  a  re- 
duction of  rates. 

— A  S:iU  Lake  city  letter  says  :  "  Polyg- 
amy id  not  generally  practised,  but  seems 
to  be  indulged  in  according  to  a  man's 
means  as  a  rule,  though  many  wealthy 
men  in  the  city  have  but  one  wile.  In  the 
country,  one  caa.alwsys  tell,  bv  the  build 
of  the  house,  how  many  a  man  has.  If  he 
has  but  one,  his  house,  if  one  story  in 
height,  Is  nearly  square ;  should  he  have 
two,  he  builds  an  addition  to  one  end  of 
the  original  house,  which  is  an  exact  coun 
terpart  of  if,  having  an  outside  door  and 
windows  like  the  first,  and  diflerlng  from 
it  only  In  newness  of  build.  In  short,  he 
ballds  such  an  addition  each  time  that  he 
takes  to  himself  a  wife,  so  that  frequently 
one  may  see  a  half  dozen  thus  growing  out 
of  each  other,  and  presenting,  with  an 
array  of  ftont  doors,  a  singular  appear- 
ance. 1  think  that  over  half  of  the  men 
have  but  one  wife ;  a  great  many  have  tw» 
or  three :  numbers  have  from  lour  to  six; 
I  and  lew  have  over  ten. 
I  — Bamnm  has  secured  a  live  gor  11a  from 
Africa.  In  removing  it  fYom  the  vessel  to 
the  Museum,  the  animal  became  greatly 
enraged  at  the  Jarring  It  was  fubjoted  to. 
In  order  to  securely  remove  him  ttom  the 
box  in  which  ho  was  placed  to  his  cage,  a 
rope  was  inserted  and  fastened  to  hia  cJiain, 
But  the  gorilla  seized  it  and  pulled  it  away 
from  several  men  who  grasped  It.  He  got 
It  in  the  cage,  untied  it  from  the  chain  and 
dropped  it  through  a  hole.  A  huge 
wrought  iron  bar  was  then  inserted,  an 
inch  and  three  quarters  thick,  for  the  pur- 
pose of  bringing  out  the  chain.  The  go- 
rilla seized  the  oar,  pulled  it  away  from 
two  men  noted  for  their  muscular  strength, 
and  then  bent  the  bar  double,  the  two 
ends  actually  meeting.  Ho  was  finally  se- 
cured, however,.  His  lurious  hpwls  exci- 
ted all  the  animtils,  women  fainted  and 
children  cried.  Au  immense  chain,  with 
resistant  force  of  t-is  thousand  pounds,  is 
attached  to  him.  He  is  five  and  a  half  feet 
high,  with  an  eye  like  a  human  being,  and 
ft  tace  more  reaembling  man  than  monkey, 
and  of  color  like  an  elephant.  His  hand 
is  as  delicate  as  a  woman's.  When  irrita- 
I  ble  he  is  quieted  by  a  few  cloves  or  nut- 

m         m 

Incidents    and    .Accidents. 

— A  man  by  the  name  of  Merritt  T. 
Money  kdled  torty-one  rattlesnakes  in  one 
day  last  week  near  Keosauqua,  Iowa. 

— An  opium  eater  at  Council  Bluffs, 
Iowa.  kUled  himself  suddenly  the  other 
day  by  taking  an  overdose  ol  the  poppy. 

— A  man  In  Indiana,  annoyed  by  the 
encroachments  on  his  watermelon  patch, 
poisoned  the  fruit— one  boy  dead,  another 

— Some  rascal  mutilated  an  oki  lady  in 
the  sleeping  car  on  the  Grand  Trunk  Rail- 
way, in  Canada,  the  other  night,  by  steal 
ing  her  false  teeth. 

— A  lottery  agent  in  New  Orleans  has 
sued  a  theatrical  manager  for  bringing  out 
a  play  which  be  claims  to  be  a  covert  libel 
on  himself  and  business. 

—A  French  Jeweler  In  New  York  re- 
cently shot  himself  because  he  had  lost  two 
fingers  by  a  railroad  accident,  and  was 
unable  to  work  at  his  trade. 

—The  Chicago  and  Northwestern  Rail- 
road Company  have  been  mulcted  in  $3,775 
damages,  at  Watertown,  Wis.,  for  killing 
Frances  Bishop,  aged  11  yeaie. 

— A  man  in  Glassboro,  who  did  the  fool- 
ish trick  of  blowing  into  the  muzzle  of  his 
gun,  got  the  worst  of  it,  for  the  gun  blew 
back,  and  took  the  top  of  his  head  ofL 

—The  steamer  Dean  Richmond,  which 
collided  with  the  C.  Vanderbilt  on  the  Hud- 
eon  river,  at  Rondout,  sixty  miles  below 
Albany,  was  one  ol  the  finest  steamers  in 
America,  and  what  is  termed  a  four  story 
boat.    She  cost  about  $100,000. 

— Patrick  Cuddy,  a  hod-carrier  on  the 

Unlversallst  church   at   Norwich,  Conn., 

fell  ft'om  a  scaffold   Inside   the   building. 

Mr.  James  Dixon,  on  the  scaffolding  be- 

.  ow,  caught  the  tailing  man,  and  jumped 

I  to  the  floor  with  him,  breaking  his  lall, 

I  and  preventing  injury  to  him. 

—News  has  been  received  from  St. 
Pierre,  Newfoundland,  that,  on  the  16th, 
inst.,  a  lire  broke  out  in  that  city,  and  be- 
fore It  conld  bo  checked,  consumed  two 
hundred  bouses  and  the  most  of  their  con- 
tents. Hundreds  of  persons  were  burnt 
out  of  house  and  home,  but  no  lives  wer« 
lost.    The  amount  of  lo8S  was  not  stated. 

—Some  miscreant  attempted  to  wreck  a 
train  on  the  Bellefontalne  road,  near  Fort- 
villp,  Ind.,  last  week  Friday  night,  by 
loosening  the  rails.  The  Eastern  bound 
express  passed  over  the  gap  in  safety,  but 
the  engineer,  having  discoverecl  something 
wrong,  stopped  the  train  and  caused  the 
mischief  to  be  repaired. 

—A  train  of  cars,  on  the  20lh  inst.,  ran 
into  a  hand  car,  containing  fifteen  men, 
one  mile  east  of  Aurora.  Ind,  and  killed 
three  men  on  the  spot,  besides  wounding 
six  others,  some  of  them  mortally.  The 
train  was  an  extra,  and  was  running  cau- 
tiously, but  owing  to  a  dense  fog  neither 
party  could  see  only  a  few  yards  in  ad- 

— A  fearful  accident  occurred  i.n  Mon- 
day, the  23d  ult ,  near  Greenfield,  Dallas 
county,  Iowa.  An  emigrant,  while  start- 
ing from  his  camping  ground,  was  hunting 
up  his  rifle  in  the  wagon.  One  of  his 
children  reached  it,  and  by  some  m^ns 
it  was  dLchargetl,  the  ball  passing  tiirough 
the  breast  of,  and  instantly  kuling  the 
mother,  and  mortally  wounding  a  girl 
half  grown.    Names  unknown. 

— A  boy  about  nine  years  of  age  was  run 
over  by  a  portion  of  a  freight  train  on  the 
Wabash  Road,  at  Mechauicsburg,  last  week, 
Friday.  The  lad  climbed  upon  the  "cala 
boose,"  and  was  ordered  off"  bv  the  con- 
ductor; he  obeyed,  but  inimtdiately  got 
upon  a  platform  car,  and  in  pnsdng  from 
one  car  to  another  he  fell  between  them, 
and  the  train  passed  over  his  breast,  cut- 
ting his  body  in  two. 

— WhileMrs.  Ooldschmidt,  of  Cincinnati, 
went  to  market  one  day  last  week,  the 
children,  as  a  result  of  ice  water  and  water- 
melon administered  by  a  servant,  were 
taken  with  crami)3.  When  she  returned 
the  servant  met  Madame  G.  at  the  door, 
and  informed  her  that  the  children  were 
all  dying,  and  could  not  live  another  min- 
ute. ^Madame  G.  was  so  excited  that  she 
fell  prostrate  from  nervous  disability,  and 
died  the  next  day  a  raving  maniac. 

— A  gentleman  at  Constantia,  N.  Y.,  La  l 
a  pet  dog  which  had  lived  in  the  lumlly 
many  years,  and  of  which  they  were  desi- 
rous of  taking  a  photographi  Again  and 
again  they  took  him  to  the  artlsi  without 
success ;  but  one  day  last  summer  the  sa- 
gacious animal  changed  his  mind,  went  to 
the  saloon  and  mounted  the  tabic,  of  his 
own  accord.  The  artist  undorslooti  his 
motion  and  took  his  picture ;  the  dog  leap- 
ed down  and  waggtxl  homowaid.  Within 
a  ftw  days  ho  suddenly  expired. 

—Eli  Steelman  called  upon  Mlsa  Rebec- 
ca McCaddon,  in  Zaneaville,  Ohio,  on 
Sunday.  The  lady,  alter  some  conversa- 
tion, went  to  a  bureau,  took  out  a  revol- 
ver, pointed  it— in  fun,  ol  course— at  her 
lover,  who  was  lying  on  a  fr^fa,  and  acci- 
dentally pulled  tho  trigger.  The  piece, 
to  her  great  astonishment,  was  discharged, 
lodging  a  bullet  in  tho  young  man's  breast, 
just  below  the  heart.  The  wound  is  dan- 
gerous. The  ladv  didn't  believe  the  pis* ol 
was  loaded,  and  is  Lu  great  distress  at  the 
result  of  her  foUv. 

— Two  lines  of  telegraph  connect  Jeru- 
salem with  Europe. 

—The  French  army  will  require  live- 
and-a-half  miliioas  ci  breech-loaders. 

—There  is  at  tha  present  ilme  more  than 
$iO,000,000  of  tiiXL^  in  arrears  In  Italy. 

— London  fined  forty-eight  merchants  in 
one  day  last  month  for  using  false  weights 
and  measures. 

— Women  do  all  iho  v.ork  in  Ptjiu,  and 
the  men  are  a  v/orthless  set  of  gamblers 
and  thieves. 

—There  are  l,o84  theatiee  in  Eurojje; 
Italy  having  846,  Franco  837,  and  Great 
Britain  130. 

— It  is  said  Sonora  has  eight  women  in 
the  population  to  one  man.  Courting 
ought  to  be  easy  down  there. 

— There  are  men  in  London  who  make 
a  business  of  fixing  up  partly-decayed  fish 
80  that  they  can  bo  sold  In  the  markets. 

— Prussia  has  fifteen  times  as  murh  ter- 
ritory and  more  than  one  hundred  times 
as  much  population  as  two  centuries  ago. 

—The  railway  over  tho*  Alps,  is  known 
as  the  "  Fell  Railroad  "  from  ita  being  con- 
structed in  accordance  with  the  patents 
granted  to  a  genticman  of  that  name. 

— A  giant  potato  in  the  Paris  Exposi- 
tion weighs  fifteen  pounds.  It  is  in  the 
form  of  a  barrel,  md  if  excavated  would 
hold  five  quarts  of  water.  No  small  po- 
tato that. 

— There  are  nearly  t'?.'0  dcjzen  political 
journals  now  published  In  Paris,  and  the 
Figaro  lately  affirmed  that  nineteen  others 
have  been  authorized  by  tho  Government, 
which  have  not  yet  made  their  appear- 

— It  stems  probdble  that  a  new  system  of 
telegraph  construction  will  soon  be  adopt- 
ed generally  la  England  The  wires  are 
to  be  laid  side  by  sldo  in  tubes  burled  un- 
der the  bed  of  a  railway,  each  being  sepa- 
rately insulated  in  a  very  simple  manner. 

— The  French  are  engaged  in  getting  up 
a  now  expedition  for  tho  purpose  of  Arctic 
exploration,  under  tho  direction  of  51. 
Lambert.  The  estimated  expont  j  is  $120,- 
000,  a  large  portion  of  which  haa  already 
b(^cn  subscrlbeil.  The  Emperor  ha?  given 

— An  arrival  at  Now  Bedford  IVomHud- 
80P  Bay  brings  news  from  Mr.  Hall,  the 
Arctic  explorer,  who  was  at  Repulse  Bay, 
where  he  has  remained  for  about  two 
years.  A  year  ago  last  winter  ho  made  a 
Journey  to  Pelia  Bay,  about  one  hundred 
and  eighty  miles  north. 

— An  exchange  says:  "The  common 
belief  that  the  fashions  in  ladies'  dress  or- 
iginate with  the  evil-reputed  women  of 
Paris  Is  an  error.  Not  only  do  the  styles 
not  originate  with  tho  women,  but  they  do 
not  all  originate  in  Paris.  The  artistes  at 
the  bazaar  at  Berlin  arc  credited  with  tho 
most  of  these  Inventions." 

— An  American  has  invented  a  novel 
sort  of  programme  for  the  French  thea- 
tres. The  paper  of  the  play-bill  is  repre- 
sented by  a  light,  agreeable  crust  of  pastrv 
and  the  ink  is  chocolate  paste.  The  ad- 
vantage of  the  Invention  Is  that  when  the 
spectator  has  mastered  the  contents  of  his 
bdl,  he  eats  it. 

— Another  trial  of  the  Rodman  gun  was 
mfido  at  Sheybumesa,  loaded  with  100 
pounds  of  American  service  powder. 
The  projectile  passed  entirely  through  an 
8-inch  Iron  plate.  Tho  target  was  placed 
at  a  eliatance  of  seventy  yards.  This  target 
is  the  one  used  a  long  time  for  this  cxperl- 
iment,  and  has  withstood  some  of  the  se- 
verest tests. 

— Australia  i-i  not  alone  in  its  super- 
abundance of  sheep,  for  at  Hawke's  Bay, 
says  a  New  Zealand  paper,  the  settlers 
have  under  their  serious  consideration  the 
question  of  how  to  dispose  of  70,000  to 
100,000  sheep  per  annum.  If  they  "  boil 
them  down  "  they  will  realize  a  profit  of 
six  shillings  per  nead.  This  is  their  only 
alternative.  Their  flocks  are  increasing, 
and  the  old  sheep  must  make  way  for  the 

— The  Algeineim  Zcitung  states  that  in 
England  there  is  one  lawyer  for  every 
1,240  of  the  population  ;  in  France,  one 
for  every  1,9(0 ;  in  Belgium,  one  for  every 
2,700 ;  ard  in  Prussia,  one  for  every  13,- 
000  only.  In  England  the  number  ol  per- 
sona belonging  to  each  of  tho  different 
professions  is  nearly  the  same.  Thus 
there  are  84,790  lawyers,  35,483  clergymen, 
and  85,995  physicians.  In  Prussia,  on  the 
other  hand,  there  are  4,609  physicians  to 
cnl^  1,862  lawyers. 

—The  Viceroy  of  Egypt  has  ordered  I 
new  postage  stamps  for  Egypt  to  be  en- 
graved at  Pari?.  These  Egvptian  postage 
stamps,  which  will  doubtless  be  eagerly 
sought  for  by  postage  stamp  collectors, 
will  bo  of  a  fourfold  description.  The  first 
denomination  will  contain  an  engraving 
of  tho  pyramids;  the  second  will  bo 
adorned  with  a  picture  of  the  needle  of 
Cleopatra;  the  third  will  crntain  the  col- 
umn of  Pompey,  and  the  fourth  will  con- 
tain an  engraving  of  the  Sphinx. 

— A  French  satan  has  been  making  some 
new  investigations  in  one  of  the  Com- 
munes as  to  the  effect  of  consanguineous 
marriages  in  producing  disease  and  idiocy 
in  the  offspring  His  researches  were  in  a 
locality  which  furnished  large  opportunity 
for  observation,  end  he  minutely  investi- 
gated the  history  and  circumstaijce?  of  for- 
ty families  resulting  from  such  marriages. 
He  has  prepared  tables  to  show  that  nei- 
ther vices  of  conformation,  insanity,  idiocy, 
cretinism,  deaf  muteness,  nor  epilepsy  ex- 
isted among  any  of  these  families ;  and  he 
has  come  to  the  conclusion  that  the  dan- 
gers ot  consanguine  marri.iges  result  from 
an  Intensification  of  any  morbid  hereditary 
tendencies  that  may  exist  in  each  parent, 
while,  if  each  be  perfectly  healthy,  the 
fact  of  consanguinity  counts  for  nothing. 
The  subject  is  one  regarding  which  our 
knowledge  is  very  Imperfect,  and  in  which 
anything  likesctentific  investigation  is  very 
limited.  Though  of  great  importance  to 
the  human  race,  it  is  moreover  a  subject 
about  which  accurate  dates  are  exceedmg- 
ly  difficult  of  collection.  It  is  always 
safe,  however,  to  follow  the  olc  Injunction 
that  a  "  man  shall  -not  marry  his  grand 

IteliipIouM  and  Edncational. 

— Beecner's  prayers  are  to  be  published 
in  book  form. 

—The  Universalists  of  St.  Paul,  Mmn., 
are  erecting  a  $2(»,000  stone  church. 

-President  Fairchild,  of  Obcrlin  Col- 
lege, in  a  sermon,  took  ground  against 
"  matches  "  between  base-ball  clubs,  class- 
tug  them  among  pugilist ic  encounters,  &c. 

—Henry  Wells,  president  of  the  Ameri- 
can Express  Company,  is  erecting  a  Fe- 
male Seminary,  at  Auouru,  N.  Y.,  at  a  cost 
of  $100,000,  which  he  dedicates  to  the 
cause  of  fomile  educatl  iu.  It  will  be  open 
tho  comming  season. 

— The  Catholic  settlement— St.  Nazian 
in  the  town  of  Eaton,  VVis.,  have  com- 
menced the  erection  of  a  large  stone 
church,  00  by  120  feet,  ataco6tof"$25,000. 
When  completed  it  will  be  the  largest  and 
finest  church  edifice  lu  Munllowoc  county. 

—        ^»^ 

Indian  Aeentw. 

Tho  Louisville  Journal  has  along  ai'acle 
on  the  Indian  question,  fiom  which  wo 
mi.kti  an  extract : 

We  had  tho  pleasure  of  an  hour's  oon- 
vorsation,  a  few  days  ago,  with  the  foster 
brother  of  the  celebrated  Seminole  Chief, 
Billy  Bowlegs.  His  reminiscences  of  tho 
Florida  war  are  exceedingly  interesting. 
He  was  ouo  of  the  moderate  party  In  the 
triljc,  tho  party  friendly  to  the  whites. 
When  the  tribft  finally  split  upon  the  tub 
Ject,  he  was  with  those  who  petitioned 
General  Zachary  Taylor  to  tiansfer  them 
beyond  Arkansas.  At  no  time  during  his 
life  had  he  been  hostile  to  the  whites, 
although,  of  course,  ho  fought  with  his 
tribe  so  long  as  general  warfare  was  kept 

He  says  that  ho  dues  not  remember  a 
single  instance  In  thirty  years  in  which  tho 
whites  have  religiously  kept  an  engage- 
ment with  the  Indians,  lie  never  has 
known  a  trcuty  which,  carried  into  effect, 
wa^  not  Ki^meliow  di.slortexl  to  the  preju- 
dice of  the  Indian.  lie  has  known  but  one 
or  two  Indian  ugcnta  who  were  honest 
men.  The  rest  are  all  scoundrels,  and  in- 
variably cheat  tho  Indians  out  of  seven- 
eighls  ot  Ihoir  annuities,  or  of  llioir  money, 
in  trade.  He  draws  a  very  striking 
piclurw  of  the  payment  of  annuities ;  one 
such  scene,  lie  f-ays,  will  represt.nt  the 

Tha  Indian  a^^ent  makes  Lis  appearance 
at  a  certain  pomt  to  distribute  tho  annui- 
ties. Tho  IndiatLS  of  tho  tribe,  having  been 
previ  iusly  notiflctl,  are  present.  A  young 
warrior,  in  tho  first  flush  rf  manhood,  am- 
bitloue,  inexperienced,  comes  up  to  re- 
ceive, '3AY,  ouo  hundred  and  forty  dollars, 
which  is  duo  him  as  the  Fon  of  a  chief. 
The  first  thinj  that  attracts  hl<«  attention  is 
a  beautiful  blanket,  a  red  Mah-kce-nah. 
perhaps,  which  tho  artful  agoat  has  placet! 
in  a  promlnout  poslt'on  for  the  very  pur- 
po.!c.  He  must  havo  thai  blanket.  Very 
well;  tho  agent  Is  willing  that  ho  shoula; 
it  id  just  tho  samo  as  money.  A  roll  is 
prepared  iu  blank  (but  the  ignorant  lu- 
diuu  docs  not  know  it.)  He  makes  his 
mark.  Then  the  blank  is  filled  by  the 
agent  with  as  many  blankets  as  ho  deems 
prudent.  Our  Seminole  has  known  of  in- 
stances v,hero  tho  blank  has  been  filled 
with  forty  blankets,  while  only  one  was 
actually  received  by  the  Indian  receipting. 

There  are  hutcLiCT  knives,  a  very  nice 
ar:iole.  Au  Indian  who  wishes  ouo  is 
charged  $40  for  it.  If  ho  gets  drunk  and 
W:?he3  to  return  it  and  get  something  else, 
he  is  the  same  day  permitted  to  return  it, 
and  Is  credited  with  $1.25. 

Presently  the  agent,  flndtng  that  his  re- 
ceipts will  cover  the  whole  annuity  to  the 
tribe,  suddenly  closes  hia  books,  and  im- 
nouuces  to  the  crett-iallcn  Indians  that 
there  Is  no  more  to  come.  But  he  \m* 
still  on  Laud  a  few  blaukots  and  other  tri- 
fles forwh  chhc  will  dicker.  If  an  Indian 
would  like  an  old  French  musket,  lor 
which  tho  agent  has  paid  $3,  he  can  have 
it  for  $45  in  cash,  or  furs,  at  tho  owest 
price.  So  the  shamekts  trade  goes  on. 
At  night  the  agent  has  full  icceipts  for  his 
goods  or  cash,  uuJ  has  seven-eighths  of  the 
whole  safe  in  his  pocket  or  under  guard. 
Perhaps  ho  wdl  havo  large  portions  of  it 
exposed  for  sale  on  the  frontier,  shortly 
afterward.  Perhaps  he  will  have  it  taleiy 
burled  at  his  encampment.  " 

Now,  if  he  can  get  all  the  Indians  drunk 
he  can  probably  steal  back  the  greiter 
portion  of  tke  one-eighth  attributed  to 
them.  Next  day  he  will  swear  they  traded 
with  him  lor  whisky.  So  he  rolls  out  a 
dozen  kegs  of  whisky,  knocks  out  the 
heads,  and  winds  up  the  day  with  the  big- 
gest spree  he  can  get  up. 

This  is  the  model  Indian  agent,  painted 
from  life. 

A  Hoo  Stohy.— Mr.  Eliiha  Atwatcr, 
of  Munson,  informs  us  that  on  icturniue 
from  an  absence  of  a  few  vreeks,  last  June, 
he  lound  that  astraw  stack  had  tipped  over, 
and  it  was  thought  that  some  hogs  that 
were  in  the  habit  of  frequenting  the  stack 
might  have  been  buried  beneath  it.  Noth- 
ing, however,  was  done  with  it  until  a 
week  or  two  ago,  when  the  straw  was  re- 
moved to  release  some  poles  that  had  been 
covered  by  the  fall  of  the  stack.  When 
near  the  bottom  a  hog  was  heard  to  grunt 
underneath,  and  the  straw  was  quickly  re- 
moved from  the  place  Indicated,  when  a 
live  hog  was  found,  imprisonrd  in  the  space 
beside  a  pole,  giving  just  sufficient  room 
for  Vie  animal  to  stand  on  its  knees  and  to 
move  forward  and  backward  about  half  its 
length.  The  hog  had  been  under  that 
straw  more  than  three  months,  with  no 
drink,  no  food  but  rye  straw,  and  not  even 
room  to  stand  up  !  Tho  animal  was  taken 
out  and  let  go,  when  it  ran  a  few  steps  and 
fell  down  It  appeared  blinded  by  the 
light,  was  ver>'  thin  and  weak,  and  was 
bleached  as  white  as  snow.  It  made  no 
attempt  to  eat,  and  appeared  to  know  no 
use  for  food  or  drink.  It  was  attacked  by 
the  other  hogs,  and  had  to  be  removed  to 
a  seperatc  enclosure,  where  it  rcmainc-d  in 
a  sort  of  imbecile  condition  fur  about  a 
week,  eating  nothing  whatever.  Mr.  At- 
water  then  poured  some  milk  down  its 
throat,  after  which  it  began  to  revive,  and 
finally  com menc^  to  nibble  corn.  It  is 
now  thriving,  with  as  bright  prospects  of 
filling  a  pork  barrel  as  any  other  hog. — 
Cam^ridgt  {111),  Chronide. 

A  Ball  FJeht  at  Cadlx. 

An  officer  on  board  the  United  States 
ship  Shamrock,  in  a  letter  from  Lisbon, 
dated  August  22d,  18ti7,  gives  the  follow- 
ing account  of  a  bull  fight  which  he  at- 
tended a  few  days  before,  at  Cadiz : 
"  While  here  we  went  to  sec  a  regular  bull 
fight.  It  was  the  first  real  one  I  had  seen, 
as  at  this  place  the  bulls  are  not  killed, 
and  besides,  their  horns  being  covered 
with  thick  leather,  the  horses  cannot  be 
seriously  injured.  In  Cadiz  the  building 
is  a  very  large  one,  and  on  the  occasion 
when  we  were  there  there  were  about  six 
or  eight  thousand  people  present.  The 
ring  is  surrounded  by  a  heavy  fencp,  with 
two  gates — one  to  admit  the  live  bulls  the 
other  to  drag  out  the  dead  ones.  On  the 
inside  there  arc  a  lew  places  surrounded 
by  boards,  where  the  men  can  take  shelter 
if  chased  by  the  bull,  and  have  not  time  to 
escape  over  the  fence,  which  is  made  of 
thick  boards,  and  sufficiently  strong  to  re- 
sist any  attack  of  the  bull.  Tho  ladies 
present  occupied  the  boxes,  and  were  in 
mil  dress ;  in  fact,  a  bull  fight  is  the  grand 
occasion  for  the  sex  to  snow  their  good 
clothes.  The  torturing  and  tormenting 
which  the  bull  has  to  go  through  is,  to  use 
an  English  expression,  "beastly."  The 
worst  of  the  whole  affair  is  allowing  the 
horses  to  be  gored  until  they  can  no  lon- 
ger stand.  The  picadores,  or  horsemen, 
have  no  means  ot  defence  except  a  small 
lance,  witu  a  pike  an  inch  long  in  the  end, 
and,  when  the  bull  starts  for  them,  they 
are  seldom  able  to  check  him  in  the  least, 
and.  In  consequence,  the  poor  blindfolded 
horse  gets  tho  bulls  horns  into  his  side, 
g«nerally  ripping  him  open  frightfully. 
But  lift  e  eflbrt  is  made  to  keep  tho  horses 
out  of  the  bull's  way,  and  the  legs  of  the 
picidores  being  encased  in  iron,  it  makes 
but  little  difference  to  them  whether  the 
horse  is  knocked  down  or  not  At  the 
close  of  the  contest  the  maiadore  takes  a 
sword  and  after  playing  with  tho  bull  for 
some  time  with  a  flag,  when  the  incensed 
beast  rushes  at  him  he  runs  the  swt^rd  Into 
t  ae  bull's  neck  between  the  shoulders.  Of 
course  he  has  to  be  dexterous  and  quick  in 
the  movement  or  the  bull  would  otherwise 
probably  kill  him.  If  the  thrust  Is  well 
made  the  bull  dies  in  a  low  minutes.  These 
men  will  sit  calmly  In  a  chair  and  not 
move  until  hey  can  first  touch  the  shoul- 
ders of  tho  animal  with  the  sword,  and 
then  make  a  single  lunge.  It  is  dangerous 
work,  but  not  so  much  so  as  the  tormenting 
of  the  bull,  when  short  darts,  about  eigh- 
teen inches  long,  with  barbed  points,  arc 
run  into  the  buU's  neck  aud  allowed  to  re- 
main there,  being  decorated  with  ribbons, 
&c.,  to  look  *'  pretty."  These  things  are 
nut  done  when  the  bull  is  quiet,  but  when 
he  is  furioush'  rushing  at  the  man,  who 
thrusts  the  darts  in,  and  then  with  gr«at 
celerity  gets  out  of  the  way.  It  is  a  W)rt 
of  touch-and-go  business  as,  when  the  Hdit 
is  performed,  there  are  seldom  more  than 
six  inches  space  between  the  man  and  the 
horas  of  the  animal.  In  these  contests 
many  persons  are  often  injured,  and  occa- 
sionally some  are  killed.  There  were  six 
bulls  killed  at  this  expoJitlon,  and  twenty 
seven  horses  either  killed  or  badly  gored. 
•Vltogelher  it  was  a  very  good  fight  of  the 
kind,  and  about  as  disgusting  and  degrad- 
ing iu  its  cfi'ects  on  the  public  mind  as  any 
amusement  that  can  possibly  be  lound.  Of 
course,  therefore,  it  is  just  suited  to  give 
amusement  to  the  Spanish  race,  who,  Irom 
tho  Ruecn  and  nobility  dow  to  the  lowest 
subject,  all  go  on  Sunday  atlernoon  and 
sometimes  during  the  week  to  see  bulls  and 
horses  tortured  and  killed,  and  who  are  es- 
pecially delighted  when  fireworks  are  ap- 
plied to  tho  bull  to  make  him  savage  and 

The   Kaniie>—.4.    IVew    Soutlieru 

From  the  Norfolk  (Va.)  Joarnal. 
We  have  been  shovrn  a  specimen  of  this 
new  Southern  staple,  which  is  said  to  be 
6uporit)r  iu  productiveness  to  cotton,  and 
to  both  cotton  and  flax  as  a  textile.  It  was 
introduced  into  America  from  the  Island  of 
Java  by  Don  Benito  Roezl,  the  Austro- 
Belgian  botanist,  and  brought  by  him  to 

Havana  and  New  Orleans  in  1867.  The 
flbre  of  the  plant  is  purely  wldte,  and  ol 
a  silky  appearance — finer  than  any  cottrn 
or  flax  linen,  and  stronger.  In  -a  warm 
latitudo  the  plant  is  hardy  and  vigorous. 
The  crops  are  bikcn,  like  those  of  cane,  by 
cutting  it  at  the  ground.  From  the  rat- 
toons  spring  new  growth,  more  vigorous, 
it  is  said,  than  the  former.  In  Louisiana, 
Middle  and  Lower  Mlssiesipp',  Alabama, 
Texas,  OL-<jrgia,  Florida,  and  South  Caro- 
lina, three  or  four  cuttings  may  be  ob- 
taineil  during  the  year.  It  is  best  adapted 
to  rich,  sandy  growth,  and  is  planted  by 
cuttings  of  roots  or  stalks,  or  by  layers. 
When  well  rooted  it  will  yield  about  800 
pounds  of  the  fibre  to  the  acre,  and  has 
been  sold  in  England  at  sixiy-flve  cents  a 
pound.  Experiments  of  French  botanists 
have  evoiveJ  the  followiug  advantageous 
points : 

1.  The  ramie  is  slrongci'  than  European 

2.  It  ii  fifty  per  cent,  stronger  than  the 
best  Belgian  flaxen  or  linen  fibre. 

3.  The  flbre  may  bo  spun  as  fi))e  as  that 
of  flax,  and  will  prove  twice  as  durable. 

4.  It  is  a  vigorous  grower,  and  will  pro- 
duce tho  greatest  amount  of  textile  flbre  of 
any  plant  known. 

5.  It  will  produce,  in  the  belt  in  which  it 
flourishes,  from  three  to  five  annual  crops, 
each  equal  to  ihc  bi-st  gathered  from  hemp. 

The  machinery  invented  b)-  Mr.  R'xzl 
for  cleansing  it  may  be  obtained  at  a  mod- 
erate cost,  and  it  is  simple  in  construction, 
and  light.  In  1865  he  sent  flftv  tierces,  or 
5,000  Spanish  pounds,  to  England,  where 
it  sold  at  doublo  the  price  of  the  quality  ol 

A  FrencU  Wonder. 

At  first  the  public  and  then  the  press 
have  been  for  some  time  heralding  the 
miraculous  cures  performed  by  an  obscure 
Zouave,  who  has  only  to  pronounce  the 
famous  "  take  up  thy  bed  and  walk"  to 
restore  sight  to  the  blind,  strMigth  to  the 
invalid,  and  healthy  vigor  to  the  paralytic. 
This  new  Messiah,' if  wo  are  to  credit  daily 
reports,  is  astonishing  doctors,  philoso- 
phers, and  the  Parisians  fencrsUy,  with 
cures  which  have  defied  all  medical  skill 
His  house  is  literally  besieged  with  suffer- 
ing humanity.  His  saloons,  bed-room, 
dining-room,  and  kitchen,  are  encumbered 
with  the  lame,  blind  and  paralytic,  who 
arrive  from  all  quarters,  attracted  by  the 
rumors  of  his  wonderful  cures ;  hundreds 
are  waiting  outside  for  their  turn,  and 
many  would  try,  as  in  tho  olden  time,  en- 
trance by  the  rool^  did  not  the  lormidablc 
conetructlon  of  tho  building  preclude  the 
possibility  of  success  iu  that  quarter.  He 
is  said  to  employ  no  medicaments,  make 
no  prescriptions,  accept  no  remuneration, 
but  simply  look  upon  the  suflerer,  com- 
mand him  to  throw  aside  his  crutches  and 
walk,  aud  the  cure  is  performed.  He  says 
he  does  this  by  a  certain  magnetic  influ- 
ence, and  can  succeed  in  nearly  every  case 
where  the  afflicted  organs  are  not  entirely 
destroyed.  His  reputation  is  hourly  In- 
creasing. The  papers  are  registering  the 
declarations  of  persons,  who,  at  thu  simple 
sight  of  the  Zouave,  have  been  able  to 
throw  away  their  crutches,  and  dance  as 
if  they  ha«l  never  been  deprived  of  the  use 
of  their  legs.  Packages  of  letters  and 
cuds  from  directors  of  hospitals,  from 
physicians  and  priests,  arrive  in  abund- 
ance from  all  quarters,  praying  the  Zouate 
ijuerisseur  to  accord  them  an  interview. 
Tho  most  astounding  cure  yet  performed 
was  that  of  a  high  personage,  whom  no 
one  could  accuse  of  a  complicity  with  th^ 
Zouave ;  that  person  was  no  other  than 
Marshal  Forey,  who,  as  everybody  knew, 
had  been  confined  to  his  bed  for  the  last 
five  or  six  months  by  a  hcmipUgi*^  and  to- 
tally unable  to  walk.  The  treatment  em- 
ployed was  the  same  in  this  circtunstance 
u  in  the  others. 

Hasbands  at  Home. 


Mr?.  "  Pat.iy  Spangle,"  a  charming  cor- 
respondent of  the  Louisville  Courier,  ad- 
dresses the  following  to  Mr.  "  Yub  a  dam." 
There  are  many  ladies,  we  dare  say,  who 
think  with  Mrs.  Spangle,  if  they  do  not 
speak  out.  To  them  this  letter  will  be  a 
great  treat : 

I  first  met  Spangle  et  a  country  fair. 
We  were  introduced  to  each  other  about  10 
o'clock  in  the  morning,  and,  if  you  will 
behove  me,  I  did  not  get  a  chance  to  speak 
to  any  other  gentleman  that  day.  I  never 
saw  a  fellow  so  struck  at  first  sight.  I 
don't  think  he  saw  a  horse,  or  in  fact  any 
thing  that  was  on  exhibition  that  day  but 
me,  although  there  were  present  many  of 
the  most  beautiful  and  accomplished  young 
ladles  of  that  section  of  tho  countrj'.  As 
he  was  extremely  good  looking,  of  good 
family,  and  of  unexceptionable  habits  and 
character,  I,  of  course,  lelt  flattered  by  his 
marked  preference.  I  had  to  take  him  to 
uinncr,  and  introduce  him  to  pa  and  ma 
and  the  whole  family.  Ho  made  a  very 
good  impression.  In  fact  Spangle  can 
shine  when  he  tries.  I  remember  the  fact 
with  pride.  Well,  it  is  the  old  story.  Ho 
became  infatuated,  and  obtained  my  per- 
mission to  visit  me  at  my  home  and  spend 
a  day  there  in  Just  two  weeks  from  the 
day  we  met.  During  these  two  weeks  I 
received  daily  long  letters  from  Simon, 
closely  written  and  cross-written.  (I  wish 
I  had  kept  them.)  At  length  tho  day  of  his 
visit  arrived,  aud  lo  and  behold,  the  ser 
vant  girl  awoke  me  in  the  morning  with 
the  pleasant  information  that  Spangle  was 
waiting  for  me  in  the  parlor.  Here  was  a 
lover  for  yen ! 

Well,  well !  As  I  faid  before,  it  was  the 
old  story  ever  recurring,  ever  sweetly  told, 
and  ever  listened  to  by  willin";  curs.  Suf- 
fice it  to  say  that  from  that  day  I  saw  no 
Eeace  until  I  became  Mrs.  Spangle.  Our 
oneymoon  was,  I  suppose,  liiie  all  honey- 
moons, short  and  dchcious. 

And  then  came  the  realities  of  life.  It 
is  my  belief  that  this  is  the  most  trying 
period  of  woman's  life.  However  kind 
and  attentive  her  husband  may  bo,  a  young 
wifie  when  she  enters  upon  the  actualities 
of  life,  has  disclof  ed  to  her  a  state  of  facts 
of  which  she  has  little  or  no  conception 
before  marriage.  When  sho  leaves  au  at- 
mosphere of  romance  and  adulation  and 
enters  upon  the  realities  of  life,  it  is  like 
stepping  out  of  a  garden  of  summer  flow- 
ers into  the  regions  of  perpetual  winter, 
and  unless  she  brings  all  of  her  good  seme 
and  philosophy  to  her  aid,  her  affections 
will  become  chilled,  and  she  will  regard 
herself  a  disappointed,  if  not  a  deceived, 
woman  for  the  balance  of  her  life.  It  is 
the  hope  that  our  experience  may  be  of 
benellt  to  young  wives  that  induces  me  to 
reveal  some  of  the  domestic  incidents  and 
infelicities  of  twelve  years  of  married  life. 

After  our  brict  holiday.  Spangle — to  use 
his  own  cxprcEsion — took  a  lilt  at  tlie 
world,  determined  to  wrest  from  it  not  only 
a  competence  but  a  fortune,  that  would 
place  mo  in  the  most  beatific  attitude  tu  be 
obtained  by  opulence. 

The  dear  fellow  did  work  hard,  and  il 
he  met  with  obstacles,  and  difficulties,  and 
trials,  the  world  never  knew  it.  Ho  re- 
served them  lor  his  fireside,  and,  although 
he  did  not  accuse  me  as  the  cau=e,  yet  he 
recounted  them  in  a  tone  and  manner  so 
different  from  the  joyous  and  buoyant  Ian 
guage  of  courtship,  that  I  could  but  feel  I 
was  some  way  or  other  accountable  for  his 
troubles.  Although  I  never  seriously 
doubted  his  lovo  for  me,  yet  he  certainly 
permitted  many  excellent  opportunities  for 
manifesting  it  to  pass  uniniprovod.  Be- 
fore we  were  married,  he  seemed  to  havo 
a  perfect  mania  for  holding  my  hand,  and 
I  used  to  wonder  if  ho  would  ever  give  me 
an  opportunity  to  do  any  needle  work 
after  marriage.  But,  bless  your  soul! 
after  marriage,  when  opportunities  for 
indulging  in  that  dehclous  pastime  were 
abundant,  il  Eecmed  to  have  lost  its  charm. 
Poor,  foolish  me !  I  was  often  aggrieved 
at  his  apparent  coolness,  and  would  ask 
him  twenty  times  a  day  If  he  did  not  love 
mo.  "  Why,  certainly  I  do,  mv  dear  iittle 
puss ;  I  thought  you  knew  iL"  Yte,  ho 
tUought  I  knew  it !  Perhaps  I  did  I  ah o 
knew  that  we  had  plenty  of  fiour  and 
bacon  in  the  pantry,  but  tha*.  knowledge 
did  not  satisfy  my  hunger. 

It  is  true  that  this  aflection  manlfe&ltd 
Itsell  spasmodically  with  all  tho  warmth  and 
ardor  of  the  old  days,  but  these  ebullitions 
were  the  exceptions.  Tlie  rule  was,  "  I 
thought  you  knew  it."  Yes,  girls,  when 
you  get  husbands  they  will  expect  you  to 
know  it,  and  my  advice  to  you  is,  that  j  ou 
got  all  the  courting  you  want  befaro  you 
are  married,  for  after  that  event  what  httlo 
courting  is  done  in  the  family  will  have  to 
be  done  by  tho  wife. 

We  havo  six  children,  all  beautiful  and 

f;ood.  Spangle  takes  great  prido  in  them, 
oves  them,  and  growls  at  them  like  a  dear 
old  bear.  You  must  not  think  that  Span- 
gle regards  the  "  new  comers  "  as  burtlens. 
Quite  tho  reverse.  He  goes  into  ecfct.icies 
over  each  one;  dilates  upon  its  beauties 
and  perfections  for  five  minutes,  and  then 
seems  to  think  it  ought  to  be  laid  away  to 
grow  up,  and  be  no  further  trouble  to  him 
until  they  want  to  marry.  If  one  of  them 
has  the  bellyache  and  cries  at  night.  Span- 
gle thinks  that  the  pain  is  a  special  hard- 
ship to  him,  because  it  keeps  him  awake  a 
few  minutes.  The  fact  is  undeniable  tlut 
■  he  best  men  are  selfish  brutes  £o  far  as  ba- 
bies are  concerned. 

I  will  siy,  though,  that  of  all  tha  chil- 
dren I  have.  Spangle  is  the  biggest  baby. 
Tis  true  ho  was  ihrougii  most  of  the 
aUments  I  havo  enumerated  belore  I  got 
him,  but  in  a  thousand  other  respects  he 
sliil  is,  and  always  will  remain  in  that 
chronic  state  of  babyhood  which  ever  at- 
tends over  indulged  and  spoiled  husband?. 
When  we  were  first  married  my  old  baby 
would  almost  break  his  back  lo  pick  up 
my  fan,  and  he  would  kiU  a  fly  in  a  minute 
if  the  fiy  manifested  a  disposition  to  alight 
on  my  nose. 

Now  I  have  to  almost  literally  dress  him 
in  tho  mroning.  I  have  to  get  his  boots 
together,  one  of  which  he  generally  kicks 
under  the  bureau,  the  other  under  the  bed. 
I  always  have  to  find  his  cravat.  If  I  go 
to  bed  first,  iu  the  morning  I  find  Lis 
clothes  scattered  over  the  room  as  only  a 
man  c&n  scatter  clothes.  He  would  never 
put  on  a  clean  shirt  if  it  were  not  spread 
out  on  a  chair  before  him.  His  sleeve 
buttons  are  taken  out  and  put  in  by  me. 
when  taktu  out  and  put  in  at  all.  I  do  not 
beiicvo  he  has  combed  his  own  head  since 
we  were  married.  He  can't  even  wash  his 
fiice  properly  without  being  told,  like  any 
other  child.  If  I  did  not  wash  him,  liis 
ears  and  the  back  of  hia  neck  would  be  a 
sight  to  behold. 

Albeit  he  has  no  patience  for  others  who 
have  pains  and  aches,  yet  you  ought  to 
see  him  when  anything  is  the  matt-jr  with 
him.  He  tears,  and  groans,  and  grunts 
over  a  shght  attack  of  colic  in  a  manner  to 
keep  every  one  awake  in  the  house.  At 
such  times  he  always  believes  he  is  going 
to  die,  and  will  not  suffer  me  to  leave  him 
for  a  moment 

Yet  with  all  his  faults  I— wei J,  you  know 

the  quotation.    I  believe  he  is  thu  best  m;in 

living,  and  I  would  not  give  him  for  a  ten 

acre  lot  lull  of  men  like  the  scapegrace  of 

a  husband  which  your  foolish,  credulous 

correspondent  "  Dolly  Dash,"  is  so  silly 


< « » 

Deatit  op  a  Local. — The  following  is 
a  description  of  tbe  lac^t  end  of  a  local  reporter: 

Batatliutbis  own  time  came,  and  Jim  Daffy 
wa:*  about  to  die.  il'^  wasn't  a  particle  afraid,  not- 
wtttistandln?  all  his  falecbooda,  for  ho  knew  It 
woald  hfclp  the  local  column;  so  he  tent  all  bis 
relatives  down  stairs,  and  got  his  awlftant  reporter 
to  »taDd  by  him.  and  he  made  blm  swear  that  bo 
would  not  give  tbe  item  to  any  other  paper,  and 
then  with  a  ferene  Rmile  on  hi^  lace,  be yieidtd  np 
hl»  life  and  Jim  Duffy  was  no  more.  His  will  wan 
fnU  of  itema.  one  of  which  proyided  that  he  cboald 
be  buried  in  PUlladolphU,  because  it  was  in  Phil- 
tdelphU,  and  a  pencil  without  a  "vanla."  bow- 
vrn  had  been  his  Cavorlte  tool.  He  desired  that 
they  thoald  put  the  laat  edition  of  the  BiBaijfoera- 
tor  In  hU  coffin,  and  bury  him  with  tbe  cborchser' 
▼ioe  that  had  the  greatest  nomber  of  snperiatlT* 
sdlecttTes  in  tt.  ^ 

Aerlcaltural  Items. 

CoBir  AND  Hogs— The  N.  Y.  Inde- 
pendent says,  from  carefully  conducted  ex- 
periments by  different  persons,  it  has  been 
ascertained  that  one  bushel  of  corn  will 
make  a  little  over  lUi.^  pounds  of  pork- 
gross.  Taking  the  result  as  a  basis,  the 
following  deductions  are  made  which  all 
our  farmers  would  do  well  to  lay  by  for  a 
convenient  reference — that: 

When  com  sells  for  12}4  cents  per 
bushel,  pork  costs  "[%  cents  per  pound. 

When  com  costs  l7  cents  per  bushel, 
pork  costs  2  cents  per  pound. 

When  corn  costs  25  cents  per  bushel, 
pork  costs  3  cents  per  pound. 

When*  corn  costs  Sti  cents  per  bushrf, 
pork  costs  4  cents  per  pound. 

When  corn  costs  50  cents  per  bushel, 
pork  costs  5  cents  per  pound. 

Value  of  Gkass  L.vnd.— Tho  time 
has  not  yet  come  when  farmers  appreciate, 
as  they  should,  the  value  of  grass.  Every 
year  diary  products  are  bccomiii£  dearer, 
because  the  grass  region  is  limited,  and 
only  a  few  years  will  be  required  to  give 
any  farm  natural  for  grass  a  value  which 
now  would  bo  thought  excessive.  If  I 
wished  to  buy  a  farm  lor  my  posterity, 
which  would  continually  increase  in  value, 
I  certainly  should  choofe  it  in  the  region 
of  grass.  For  1  do  know  that  during  the 
course  of  one's  hfo,  a  grass  farm  will  bring 
more  money  and  comfort  and  with  lets 
work  than  any  other  farm,  whether  on  tho 
Sciota,  the  Wabash,  or  the  Missibtippi  bot 
toms ;  nor  can  a  farm  of  equal  value  be 
selected  and  made  anywhere  within  the 
belt  lormed  by  the  topics,  the  whole  world 
aiound. — 17.  C.  M,  in  N.  Y.  Tiilvne. 

Black  Leg  in  Cattle.— The  Amcri- 
can  Stock  Journal  recommends  the  follow- 
ing remedies  for  this  fearful  diecafc  w  hidi 
carried  off'  some  of  the  stock  In  this  State 
last  spring. 

'  This  disease  is  said  io  result  sometimes 
from  sudden  change  in  the  quality  of  the 
food.  Overfed  young  animals,  and  those 
iu  very  low  condition  are  most  frequently' 
attacked.  We  would  recommend  the  fol- 
lowing trealmenl :  Mix  4  drachms  epirits 
of  haitshorn,  and  one  quart  of  tar  a  atcr, 
to  this  add  one  ounce  tincture  of  bicodrttol, 
and  give  as  a  drench.  Four  hours  ttftcr, 
give  a  mixture  of  liquid  tsr  1  02.,  glycerine 
4  oz.,  thin  gruel  one  quart.  If  the  animal 
shows  lameness  in  thehack  or  hindquarters, 
apply  oil  of  cedar  2  oz ,  cadliver  oil,  0  oz., 
sulphuric  ether  2  oz.,  linctuie  ol  capsicum 
1  oz.  First  mix  the  two  oils,  than  add  the 
ether,  shake  them  thoroughly,  laell)'  add 
the  tiucluie.  It  should  be  well  rul/Gcd  in 
on  the  paili  affected." 

CoTswoLD  Sheep.— These  thccp  are 
known  lor  ihcir  heavy  and  valuable  deece, 
their  great  mutton  properties  and  strong 
constiiuiiou.  Tneir  wcol  is  very  long,  witn 
bright  lustre,  known  as  comLiijg  wool  In 
our  markets,  being  the  most  det>irable  and 
highest  priced  of  any.  Il  averages  over 
twelve  inches  in  length,  eomttimes as  long 
as  eiglitecn  inches,  and  tliears  Irom  ten  to 
fifteen  pvounds  each,  Eome  ram's  f5ecce  as 
high  as  sixteen  to  twenty  pounds.  For 
mutton  they  stand  second  10  none.  In 
England,  when  fattened,  they  grow  to  a 
very  largo  weight,  as  high  as  85U  pounds 
frequently.  They  aievery  haidy, capable 
of  enduring  any  amiunt  of  cold  and  wet.  these  sevtial  qualities  to  tho  ex- 
tent they  do,  they  are  utdoubtedly  the 
most  desirable  sheep  for  profit  thai  cur 
farmers  can  produce.  In  undtrtaijing  to 
breed  any  description  of  improved  stock, 
too  much  care  cannot  be  Uiken  lo  start 
right ;  always  begin  wlih  tho  ver>'  bc£t  ani- 
mals, even  it  a  very  few  It  is  easy  enough 
to  make  grade  animals  ,  but  from  these  oe 
a  starting  point,  it  is  often  a  very  long  and 
a  very  uncertain  process,  ae  well  as  a  very 
expensive  one,  to  obtain  tho  perlcet  form 
and  other  properties  of  any  well  estab- 
lished breed.  Ic  is  in  liici,  as  has  been 
shown  by  Bakcweli,  and  Ellman,  and 
Hates,  and  V»'ebb,  and  other  prominent 
brteilere,  the  buslLCfeS  of  a  liltlluit.^ilrj. 
Stock  Jour. 

Horrible  ^ceuo  at  on  l£:xc<-ut£on 
fn  Knrope. 

A  horribii!  ecaCold  eccne  occurred  the 
other  day  in  the  prison  yard  of  .luuer,  in 
Silesia  A  young  woman,  not  of  the  low- 
est clafs  of  the  population,  was  to  be  be- 
headed for  gratil}  ing  her  Jealousy  of  her 
former  lover,  by  an  ret  thai  had  led  to  the 
death  of  several  persons.  Ihe  laithless 
man  had  deserted  her  and  married  another 
girl.  The  deserted  misties-s,  to  revenge 
herself,  set  lire  to  his  hou8»,  aud  Pf  veral 
persons  periihed  in  tho  flatnts.  ^he  was 
arrested,  convicted,  and  teutenced  to  fuffer 
death.  On  the  ecafiuld.Jutl  at  the  moment 
when  the  execuii.)ner  bared  her  neck,  and 
was  about  to  fasti:a  her  to  the  fatal  block, 
sho  broke  loose  fiom  him  Jtiid  hi«  assist- 
ant?, seized  the  large  axe  that  was  to  cut 
<  ff  her  head,  and  then  defied  tho  dumb- 
founded officers  lo  take  her.  They  ruthed 
upoij  her,  showered  blows  upon  her  head, 
and  finally,  after  she  had  slightly  wounded 
some  of  them  in  the  ficuiflf,  the  was 
knocked  down  and  handcuffed.  Bhe  ut- 
lered  wild,  terrible  screams  all  ihe  while, 
and  the  executioner  and  his  men  tried  lo 
di.-^patch  her  as  quickly  as  p(  sf  ibk- ;  they 
tore  her  dress  from  her  shoulders,  tied  her 
feet  and  dragged  h*  r  to  the  block.  Al- 
though she  fctiii  screamed  and  resisted  to 
the  best  ol  her  power,  tho  Jeathtrn  strap 
on  the  block,  by  which  the  head  of  the 
victim  is  drawn  forvvard,  was  soon  slipped 
over  it.  and  the  executioner  peizcd  the 
axe.  Unfortunately,  the  drfcaellul  fcene 
had  made  hiQ»  quite  neivous,  and,  on 
striking  her,  he  mitstd  her  neck  aud  cut 
deeply  into  her  shoulder  and  back.  The 
blood  rushed  from  tho  fearful  wound,  end 
the  sertanis  of  the  unfortunate  woman 
grew  hfart-renuiiig  leyond  dctciiption. 
A  second  stroke,  dealt  her  a  few  eeconds 
afterward,  finally  put  a  stop  to  her  fuffer- 


Th«  German  Armj. 

The  military  tlrcngth  of  liie  army  of  the 
Northern  Confederation,  including  the 
Graue  Duchy  of  Hesse,  is  imposing  in 
eVfry  respect,  and  docs  not  exifcl,  like  that 
of  liie  late  Germanic  Confederation,  on 
paper  only.  According  to  ibe  arrange- 
ment of  the  cunimgenlb  11  will  include,  on 
a  war  fooling : 

Firti—Y\Q\<1  trof  ps,  not  includicg  the 
siege  artillery  which  mr.y  be  foimcdand 
the  reserve  pontoon  corps,  11.030  clflcers, 
497,573  petty  officers  and  men,  152,428 
horsep,  1,284  guns,  12,873  wagons. 

<S«-on</— Troops  at  the  depots,  4,477  cffl- 
cers,  183,000  men,  22,935  horses,  and  220 

r/ard— Ordinary'  garrison?,  4,006  officers, 
143.146  men,  2,831  horses. 

Fourth-'OXhcv  military  corps  remaining 
in  the  country,  472  offlce'r^,  5,769  men,  1,- 
200  horses. 

Fifth—The  remainder  of  the  garrison  in 
fortreeses :  1,088  officers,  57,053  men,  30  141 
horses  ard  about  150  guns  whicli  makrs  a 
t.otrtl  of  22.653 'fflcfeiB,  892,141  men,  lOtt,- 
055  horse*,  1.054  guns,  and  12.878  wacons. 
The  peace  » ffeclive  270,000  rank  and" file, 
besiaks  officers;  the  duration  of  tcrvice  is 
three  years  ;  the  four  years  of  the  service 
include  a  deduction  of  twenty  per  cent,  be- 
ing made  for  non  effectives,  288,000  men, 
to  which  number  must  be  added  815,000 
men  disposable  of  the  landwehr.  which 
forms  w  iih  the  permanent  army  of  800,000 
men,  iu  all  903,000. 

In  addition  to  these  forces  are  the  sc  of 
the  throe  States  of  Southern  Germany — 
Bavaria,  Wurtemburg  and  Baden— which 
are  united  to  Prussia  by  cfTtniiive  and  de- 
fencive  treaties.  They  consist  cf  about 
102,000men  in  the  fielJ,  37,100  in  the  depots, 
and  227,551  in  the  garnsonf.  If  Iboee  o: 
lbs  Northem  Confederation  with  Hesse 
are  only  taken  at  892,141  men,  that  makes 
a  total  of  1,101,241  men,  besides  38,000 






Thrre'g  sunshine  on  the  meadows, 

Ana  sunshine  on  the  road, 
And  through  the  brljthtness  tolls  my  horsB 
ix^t-ata  a  weary  lond  • 
And  as  I  stand  besldo  my  gate,  with  hand  before 

my  eyea, 
I  hear  the  children  lanjh  to  ace  the  household  god* 
I  prize. 

There  was  n  time  when  this  old  home 

Was  full  of  mirtli  and  rIco. 
But  one  by  one  the  household  went 
And  left  it  all  to  me— 
A  quiet  houpi'  of  vacant  rooms,  each  made  a  sa- 
cred place 
By  echo  of  a  niletin^  voice,  or  dream  of  vauiahed 

Ah.  how  I  used  to  pause  before 

The  minor  on  the  etatr. 
And  tliako  my  lon^  li'aick  rlaglet*  ont 
And  fancy  I  was  fair  I 
T  took  that  quaint  old  mirror  down,  aad  nackctd  it 

And  nercr  stopped  to  trick  my  hak -for  what  is 
loft  law  hit*! 

In  later  years  I  used  to  alt 

And  watcii  the  long  green  lane, 
For  one  who  came  in  tnoae  old  times, 
But  cannot  come  a^aln. 
And  somehow  eUll.  at  erotlde  mr  chair  i»  turned 

that  way ; 
I  sit  and  work  where  ones  I  watched— I  s'tt  io  y»«- 

Uy  now  house  is  a  pleasant  place. 

But  yet  It  grieves  nio  how 
Its  srnull  completeness  seem  to  say 
My  world  Is  narrow  now. 
'Tis  far  too  small  for  any  ono  with  fetti  vala  to  keep. 
But  for  my  lunt-ral  larjjo  euonjfh,  for  few  will  como 
to  weep. 

Good  hre.  old  house,  a  long  good  bye  ; 

My  hind  Is  on  jourgate; 
Thunga  teaxii  are  gaUierlng  In  my  eyes, 
1  may  not  longer  wait. 
Good  bye,  old  house,  and  after  all,  mv  love  which 

makes  you  dear 
Awaits  me  in  that  heavi*uly  home   which   I  am 
drawing  near. 


Tired  witTi  our  long  trdmp  after  game — 
for  the  day  had  been  very  warm — we 
threw  ouisclvee  upon  a  bare  spot  of  ground 
on  the  prairif,  where  a  low  ridje  gave 
shelter  from  the  rays  of  the  declining  sun. 
Suabcs  were  abundant  hereabouts,  and 
Iherelorc  it  was  that  we  selected  a  clear 
ppacc  lor  our  bivouac,  lest  we  might  sit 
down  upon  a  nctt  of  them  unawares. 

"  How  bleak  and  dismal  a  country  looks 
without  trees ! "  cxoluiLatd  one  of  the 
party.  "  Even  otio  solitary  tree  would  be 
a  cainliirt  now.  Think  how  cozily  wc 
could  stretch  ourselves  and  smoke  our 
pinro  under  the  shade  ol  a  spreading 
oak  I" 

•'  1  used  to  think  a  good  deal  of  trees," 
drjly  remarked  Major  Holster— a  man 
A  ho  had  traveled  over  most  countriea  ol 
the  world.  "  1  used  to  love  trees,  in  fact," 
co:;tinue<l  he ;  "  but  I  somehow  lost  confl- 
dcucc  in  them  long  a^o.  it's  very  pleas- 
ant to  lie  nndcr  a  tree  when  you  know 
what's  in  it ;  but  suppose  you  don't  ?  " 

There  was  a  vague  mvsiery,  if  not  hor- 
ror, Ln  the  suggestion  thrown  out  by  the 
major,  and  the  rest  of  the  party,  with  one 
voicv,  called  upon  him  to  «p!ain. 

"  Well,"  began  ho,  •'  I  never  was  abso- 
lutely treed  but  once  ifl  my  life,  and  here's 
the  wav  it  happened :  I  had  fixed  mysolf 
up  for  hunting  among  the  high  ridges  in  a 
central  country  ol  South  'America,  and 
there  I  lived  in  clover,  I  tell  you,  for 
many  weeks,  game  of  all  sorts  balng  plen- 
tj',  and  the  climate,  most  of  the  time,  very 
ealubrious  and  pleasant.  One  day,  tired 
of  the  sport  I  had  long  been  enloying  on 
the  high  grounds,  I  made  myself  up  for  a 
day  after  the  wild  ducks,  which  wore  very 
numerous  among  the  dykes  and  ponds  of  a 
large  tract  ol  meadow  land  that  lay  Just 
below  where  I  had  built  my  shanty.  It 
w  as  early  in  the  morning  when  1  started 
on  my  Luut,  alone,  and  all  went  very 
sniouiiiiy  with  mo  till  near  noon,  my  cblel 
Uiriiculty  hciRg  to  carry  the  ducks,  with 
A\"titch  my  ^fame-bag  was  soon  so  stulfed 
that  I  was  obliged  to  string  the  next  com- 
ers from  my  buttonholes,  and  even  about 
my  ueck.  I  must  havo  locked  much  like 
one  ol  those  Itinerant  poulterers  one  sorae- 
times  meets  with  iu  the  cities. 

"  In  the  latitudes  to  which  I  refer,  thun- 
der-storms are  sudden  and  violent.  The 
air  is  perfectly  clear  and  pleaeant,  and  the 
sky  of  an  intense  blue,  when,  all  at  once, 
you  will  Eie  a  small  black  cloud  rising  up 
lo  ihowcatward,  maybe,  and,  before  you 
have  time  to  say  '  thunder,'  the  dusky 
vapor  goes  surjjing  and  spiring  out  on 
every  Sido,  uulil  darkness  overspreads 
everything,  aiid  then  the  lightning  seems 
to  fan  vour  cheek  with  its  flashing  pin- 
ions; the  thunder  smashes  and  craalies 
close  above  and  around  you,  and  the  rain 
coraesdowDjUOt  in  drops,  as  wc  are  ac- 
customed to  see  il  m  this  feeble  and  un- 
mteretting  climate,  but  in  great  cylinders, 
as  if  the  bottoms  had  come  out  of  the  wa- 
tering-pots overhead,  and  the  article  was 
coming  down  with  a  looseness.  Well,  this 
was  what  happoiicii  in  a  jidy,  so  lo  speak, 
ji;si  as  1  was  preparing  to  cat  a  bit  ol 
lunch  I  had  brought  with  mc.  There  was 
no  use  in  my  turning  to  run  for  home. 
The  thing  was  so  sudden  that,  on  looking 
toward  the  ridge,  1  could  see  the  streams 
that  had  lately  been  mere  threads  raging 
and  tumbling  down  among  the  rocks  in 
cascades,  currying  stones  and  trees  and 
great  raxjsea  of  earth  along  with  them. 
The  high  grounds  v/ere  at  least  a  mile 
away,  and  yet  I  made  instinctively  to- 
ward them,  but  had  not  gone  a  hundred 
yards  when  I  was  aware  of  water  plashing 
beneath  my  leet  in  a  vvay  ia  which  it  had 
cot  plasheti  during  the  morning's  tramp. 
Immediatbly  it  wasup  to  my  ankles,  and 
I  haidly  had  made  up  my  mind  as  to  what 
I  had  best  do  when  1  found  the  ripples  of 
it  poanngover  the  tops  ol  my  boots.  The 
whole  meadow  was  one  great  lake  in  less 
than  a  quarter  of  an  hour,  with  the  tops 
of  the  tallest  reeds  fait  disappearing  be- 
neath the  domineering  element.  Cropping 
prou  ily  out  of  the  water,  at  about  one 
hundred  yards  from  whore  I  stood,  I  could 
Just  disiinguish  a  sfjlitary  tree,  the  only 
one  to  be  seen  for  miles  around.  For  this 
1  made,  and  the  water  was  nearly  up  to 
my  arm-pitb  when  I  reached  it.  It  was  a 
huge  mora  tree,  the  gnarled  limbs  of  which 
stood  out  within  reach  from  the  ground,  so 
that  I  had  no  difficulty  in  climoiag  into 
1* ;  ai)d  once  there  I  climbed  np  liUo  the 
branches  abore  any  possible  high-water 
mark;  aad,  seating  myself  firmly,  in  a  co- 
modious  crotch,  1  pulled  my  cap  over  my 
eyes  and  resigned  myself  to  late. 

•'  Thick  as  the  foliage  of  the  tree  was,  it 
formed  but  a  poor  shield  against  th»  driv- 
ing torrent,  and  bo  wet  was  f ,  and  chilled, 
that  1  should  certainly  have  descended 
from  my  perch,  and  stiuck  out  for  the 
high  lands  but  for  two  reasons ;  the  first  of 
which  was  that  1  cannot  swim,  and  the 
second,  that  the  alligators  from  the  swamps, 
as  I  was  well  aware,  go  prowling  around 
when  these  suddon  freshets  take  place,  to 
look  after  such  stray  creatures  as  may 
have  been  washed  down  from  the  settle- 
ments and  sent  adrift  in  the  fl(xxl.  The 
rain  was  abating  now,  and  on  looking 
down  to  see  Isow  high  up  my  tree  the  water 
hid  reached,  1  noticed  that  it  was  pour- 
ing in  at  a  large  knot-hole  in  the  hollow 
trunk,  which  hole  was  at  a  distance  of 
a»)oat  twelve  feet  from  the  ground,  and 
nearly  as  far  below  where  I  was  sitting 
The  vwra  tree,  when  old,  is  apt  to  be  hol- 
lo v  not  only  in  the  trunk,  but  in  all  iu 
principal  branches— and  my  tree  was  no 
exception  to  the  general  rule,  as  you  shall 

"  While  I  was  looking  eagerly  out  upon 
the  waters,  to  see  whether  any  reappear- 
ing top*  of  reetls  mijihl  give  a  hope  that 
the  flood  was  falling,  I  felt  a  powerful  jerk 
at  the  breast  of  my  coat — so  powerful,  in 
fact,  that  it  nearly  tugged  me  out  of  my 
seat.  When  I  had  recovered  from  my  as- 
tonishment at  this,  I  ventured  to  look 
down,  and  there,  to  my  extreme  horror,  I 
Saw  an  immense  serpent,  of  the  boa  kind, 
coiUtl  among  the  branches  a  few  feet  below 

mc.  The  reptile  had  evidently  been  driv- 
en by  the  water  from  its  lodging  in  the 
hollow  of  the  tree,  and  had  crawled  out 
through  one  of  the  numerous  knot-holes. 
Attracted  by  the  ducks  that  were  attached 
with  a  lerthern  thong  to  the  upper  button- 
hole of  my  coat,  it  l.ud  just  swallowed  the 
lowermost  of  them,  and  was  struggjing 
hard  with  the  next  when  I  was  attracted 
by  its  movements.  Of  course,  I  lost  no 
time  in  severing  my  connetion  with  this 
horrible  creature,  by  cutting  the  string ; 
had  I  not  done  which  promptly,  1  think  it 
quite  probable  that  1  should  have  been 
sucked  iu  when  my  turn  cimc.  which 
would  have  been  atier  tbo  thitd  duck,  for 
the  reptile  was  big  enough  and  ugly 
enough  to  have  held  us  all  fjur.  Then,  as 
I  scrambled  up  among  the  brauchcs  in 
search  of  a  fafer  atylum,  what  was  my 
horror  to  find  them  interwoven  and  hlts- 
ing  with  serpents  of  all  sorts  and  slzc.^, 
each  and  every  one  of  whicli  cvidcully 
looked  upon  mc  us  au  interloper  and  intru- 
der upon  their  pruatf-  premises!  Tijo 
snakes  were  of  a  sn:allei  kind  as  I  contin- 
ued lo  ascend  the  lice,  and  1  thought  at 
first  there  might  bu  some  advantage  in 
that,  and  kept  going  up  But,  ughT  just 
as  I  was  about  to  grasp  a  branch,  for  the 
purpose  of  swinging  myself  into  a  crolcb, 
I  saw  lying  stretched  out  upon  il  a  yellow, 
vicious  looKing  snake,  which  1  at  once  re 
cognized  as  a  specimen  of  tho  deadly  tizit- 
frcta,  or  sulphur-viper,  one  totch  from  the 
fangs  of  which,  and  m  half  au  hour  I 
should  have  beeu  a  livid  corpse!  Now  I 
knew  that  1  had  got  up  into  the  leglju  of 
poiatmous  reptiles,  and  wished  myself  back 
with  the  boas ;  but  on  consideration  I  touk 
a  middle  course,  and  lowcnng  myself  down 
to  the  branches  among  which  I  had  no- 
ticed the.  smaller  constrictors,  I  unslung 
my  gun,  intending  to  fire  a  shot  from  it 
every  now  an  then,  to  keep  tho  noxious 
creatures  at  bay.  It  would  not  go  olf, 
however,  being  thoroughly  saturated  with 
water ;  and  88  night  was  coming  on  now,  I 
lashed  myself  to  a  branch  with  my  belts, 
as  well  as  I  could,  and  strove  to  shut  out 
from  my  mind  the  prospect  of  a  weary 
and  horrible  night. 

"The  rain  was  over  and  tbe  thunder 
could  be  heard  rolling  far,  far  away ;  but 
the  night  was  still  a  dark  one,  and  I  know 
that  il  would  yet  be  many  hours  before 
the  waters  had  fallen  pufBcienlly  f>)r  int.*  to 
make  my  escape. 

"  1  tried  for  a  wnilc  lo  combat  the  ap- 
pioach  of  Bleep,  but  at  last  1  could  resist 
il  iufiuencc*  no  longer;  my  weary  eyelids 
clofed  and  I  lell  into  a  heavy  slumber. 
How  long  I  had  been  asleep  I  cannot  say, 
bat  I  know  thai  I  was  startled  into  wide 
wakefulness  some  lime  in  the  night  by  one 
of  tho  most  frii^utful  uproars  it  ever 
been  my  fortune  lo  hear. 

"  For  a  moment  I  iioiagined  I  had  faheu 
asleep  in  a  menagerie,  and  that  the  keep- 
ers were  poking  at  mo  with  their  long 
poles  to  rouse  me.  Some  creature- -and  it. 
wasn't  a  very  light  one,  I  cau  tell  you— 
wont  scrambling  up  my  body  lo  gain  tho 
higher  brauches  of  the  tree,  leaving  bs 
hind  it  deep  traces  of  Us  claws  on  my  flesh. 
Glaring  eyeballs  were  to  be  seen  every- 
where I  turned,  and  the  tree  was  trans 
formed  into  a  wdd  and  hideous  orchestra, 
with  screams  of  leopards  and  other  beasts 
of  prey,  mingled  with  the  hissing  of 
enakfs  and  tho  rapping  of  their  scalc3  as 
they  struggled  with  one  another  in  the  tur- 
moil of  the  night 

"  From  the  lower  part  of  tho  tree  came 
up,  over  and  anon,  the  grunting  and  growl- 
ing of  the  large  beasts,  such  as  bears  that 
had  sought  refuge  there  by  swimming 
from  the  neighboring  jungle. 

"  Nothing  that  1  had  ever  read  concern- 
ing Pandemonium  was  comparable  for 
horror  to  the  tumult  by  which  I  was  sur- 
roundetl  on  that  memorable  mght.  Years 
appeared  to  have  pa»-;ed  over  my  head  be- 
fore morning  began  in  dawn,  and  then,  in 
the  first  gray  twilight,  I  had  glimpses  here 
and  there  ol  the  rreaiuies  among  whom  I 
had  passed  the  night.  There  were  cou- 
gars, and  spoiled  leopards,  and  flercc-eyed 
cats  of  all  sorts  and  sizes  glaring  at  me 
from  tho  nooks  and  knot  holes  of  the  tree  ; 
but  I  did  not  notice  a  single  serpent  now, 
and  as  1  could  see  In  thu  increasing  ligh: 
that  tho  waters  had  nearly  subsided,  1  sup- 
posed that  the  reptiles  had  betaken  them- 
selves to  their  haunt*  amid  the  roots  and 
hollows  of  the  tree, 

"  Two  huge  brown  bears  leaped  from 
tho  lower  branenes  and  scuttled  away  for 
the  jungle  as  I  mtdo  my  way  down  the 
tree,  from  which  I  dropped  on  the  soft, 
plashy  ground  with  a  thankful  heart,  and 
an  inward  resolve  not  to  bo  caught  in  a 
rainstorm  in  those  regions  again— not  if  1 
knew  it. 

"About  a  week  after  this  adventure, 
when  everything  had  become  as  dry  as 
tmder  under  the  buraing  sun,  I  went  down 
with  my  Indians,  all  armed  with  spears  and 
torches,  and  wo  kindled  a  great  tire  round 
the  roots  of  the  old  lone  nuvi  tree.  Il  was 
nearly  b:ire  of  leaves  now  fiom  the  rain 
and  wind,  and  we  could  see  the  terrible 
t-quirming  that  took  place  among  its  wide- 
spreading  branches  as  the  flames  went 
whirling  and  licking  around  its  trunk, 

"  Monstrous  serpents  reared  themsrlvea 
out  of  the  knot-holes  and  sped  like  forked 
lightning  up  iato  the  higher  branches, 
which,  in  some  cases,  were  unable  to  sup 
port  their  weight,  and  the  knotted  reptiles 
came  whirling  to  the  ground,  where  they 
were  quickly  dispatched  by  the  spears  ol 
the  Indians. 

"Many  small  snakes— some  of  which 
were  of  the  most  dangerous  kinds — otme 
gliding  away  from  tho  burning  roots  of  the 
tree;  but  wo  suffered  none  of  them  to 

"  How  I  could  h^vc  stocked  a  museum 
with  magnificent  specimens  of  live  boas 
had  I  only  possessed  ihe  nleaua  of  IraLS- 
porting  them  to  somo  seaport  town !  for 
the  Indians  with  me  would  have  lassoed 
any  of  them  at  my  bidding. 

"  A  fter  burning  for  an  hour,  the  mighty 
tree  sank  down  into  its  ashes,  a  confused 
massofguar'ed,  blackened  limbs,  seething 
and  throbbing  with  the  half  charred  bodies 
of  serpents.  We  killed  eighty-four  snakes 
of  many  varieties  and  all  sizes  on  this 
occasion,  and  it  is  probable  that  quite  as 
many  more  were  destroyed  by  the  flames. 

"  After  this  adventure,  I  don't  feel  quite 
a3  much  coafldence  in  trees  as  I  used  to. 
Has  anybody  else  got  a  story  to  tell  ?  " 

Nobody  eiso  had. 

Tkc  Last  CouBclI-Board  of  the 
Mouihcrn   Confoderacr. 

Wealth    or 



Croesus  possessed,  iu  landed  property,  a 
fortune  equal  to  £1,700,000 ;  he  used  to  say 
that  a  citizen  who  had  not  sufficient  to 
support  an  army  or  a  legion  did  not  deserve 
the  title  of  a  rich  man.  Tho  philosopher 
Seneca  had  a  lortune  of  £3,500,000.  Tib- 
erius, at  his  deith,  left  £19,024,000,  which 
Caligula  spent  In  twelve  months.  Ves- 
pasian, in  ascending  tho  throne,  estimated 
all  the  expenses  of  the  state  at  £35.000,000. 
Tho  debts  of  Mllo  amounted  lo  £000,000. 
Caesar,  before  entered  upon  any  office, 
oweil  £2,500,000.  He  had  purchased  th*- 
friendship  of  Coro  for  £500,  and  that  of 
Lucius  PauliUB  for  £300,000.  At  the  time 
of  the  assassination  of  Julius  Caesar,  An- 
tony was  in  debt  to  the  amount  of  £S,Oon,- 
000 ;  he  owed  the  sum  on  t  he  Ides  of  Marcli, 
and  it  was  paid  by  the  Kalends  of  April! 
He  spent  £147,000,000.  Api us  spent  in  de- 
bauchery, £300,000,  and  finding,  on  exam- 
ination of  aflfairs,  that  he  had  only  £80,000. 
poisoned  himself,  because  ho  considered 
that  amount  insuflicient  for  his  mainte- 
nance. Caesar  gave  Salulla,  the  mother  of 
Brutus,  at  an  entertainment  she  gave  to 
Antony,  a  pearl  worth  £S0,  not  several 
hundred  pounds,  as  is  commonly  suted, 
dissolved  in  some  vinegar,  and  hf^  drank  it. 

A  Borrowed  Nag.— a  mile  or  so  from 
town  a  man  met  a  boy  on  horseback,  co'lng  with 
cold.  "Why  don't  yon  get  down  and  lead  the 
horse r-  eald  the  man.  "that's  the  way  to  get 
warm."  "it's  a  b-b-borrowed  horse,  and  IU  ride 
him  if  1  f-f-freeze  I"  whhnpered  the  boy. 

Edward  A.  Pollard  contributea  to  the 
So'Jthern  Bme  Journal,  a  new  literary 
paper,  just  started  at  Baltimore,  an  ar- 
ticle on  tho  " Last  CouncilBoard  of  the 
Southern  Confederacy,"  from  Which  we 
select  the  following . 

The  fall  of  Richmond  was  the  fatal  event 
of  tho  Conlvxlcracy.  The  black  banner 
which  the  smoke  from  its  conflagration  set 
in  the  sky,  signalled  from  the  Potomac  to 
tho  MisaLssippi  the  end  of  the  war,  the 
despair  and  submission  of  the  South.  It 
was  under  that  sign  thai  tlic  army  of  Gen- 
eral lico  commenced  its  toilsome  retreat, 
and  the  train  of  officials  set  out  to  find 
somo  theatre  of  the  war  beyond  Virginia, 
some  remnant  of  a  government,  tho  nnni- 
hilation  of  which  they  had  not  yet  fully 
realized.    Wo  have  said  that  iu  these  last 

Eaiuful  days  of  the  Confederacy  t  hero  was 
ut  liiUo  of  dramatic  scene  lo  heighten 
aud  adorn  the  last  act  of  tho  tragedy.  No 
grand  catastrophe  mounted  tho  stage.  A 
tattered  and  traveled  stained  army  moved 
through  the  woods  aud  on  blind  roads, 
with  straggling,  distressed  trains,  its  march 
dotted  with  dead  and  famished  soldiers, 
until  broken  down  by  toil  and  hunger,  it 
quietly  surrendered,  and,  with  a  mere  in- 
siru.nent  of  writing,  laid  down  ilri  arms  at 
Appomattox  Court  1  louse.  Ilichmoud  had 
beeu  deserted  without  a  ccnferenco  ;  there 
had  been  no  final  ?cenc  at  the  council- 
boaid,  no  high  debate,  no  official  speech  or 
inspiration  that  coidd  properly  mark  the 
great  historical  interest  of  the  event.  It 
was  a  vulgar  tumult  to  which  the  Conted- 
erate  cai)ilol  had  beon  abandoned.  Tame 
and  unworthy  were  the  last  ^days  of  an 
empire  whose  prowess  had  once  challenged 
the  admiration  of  Iho  woild,  whose  arms 
had  twice  peuvlralcd  the  emmy's  country, 
whoso  two  hundred  cannon  had  b^lowed 
for  peace  on  the  heights  of  Gettysburg, 
whu&e  caiup-fires  had  more  than  once  been 
lighted  in  the  very  foreground  of  Wash- 

But  in  this  poverty  of  scenery  and  inci- 
dent iu  which  the  Southern  Confedercy 
perished,  there  was  yet  one  remarkable  in- 
terview or  council  which  has  heretofore 
been  lost  to  the  currcut  and  popular  his- 
tories of  the  war— a  scono  which  though 
taking  place  in  a  small  and  obscure  thea- 
tre, vailed  fron  public  knowledge,  is  ol 
Lnlease  dramatic  iutercit,  and  is  likely  yet 
to  fiirnliih  the  last  illuminated  page  to  some 
artistic  hittorian  of  tho  war,  who  like 
Macaulay  shall  produce  this  very  images  of 
tho  past  along  with  the  record  of  events. 
It  was  the  last  interview,  the  last  coafer- 
cnce  of  JelTerison  Davis  and  his  officers. 
It  took  place  in  a  little  town  in  South 
Cai-olina ;  it  was  known  only  to  the  lew 
men  who  assembled  there  with  their  fugi- 
tive chief;  yet  it  was  properly  the  last 
scene  of  the  war's  great  drama.  It  had 
a  dignity  that  had  not  yet  appeared  in  tho 
finalchaplcr  of  misfortune,  and  it  is  mem- 
orable alike  for  its  artiytic  effects  and  its 
historical  Importance. 

The  e.K-Presidenl  of  the  Confederacy  had 
issued  at  UauvsUe,  Virginia,  au  ingenious 
and  sanguine  proclamation,  which  possibly 
might  have  aroused  his  countrymen  to  fur- 
ther eflbrts  in  the  war,  had  not  the  effusion 
bfcn  checked  by  the  news  of  General  Lee's 
surrender.    This  event  appeared  to  deter- 
mine the  last  hopes  of  the  Southern  people, 
to  convince  them  that  further  prosecution 
of  the  war  was  uselcie,  and  even  criminal  in 
a  fruitless  consumption  of  human  life.   Not 
so  with  Mr.  Davi^.     He  was  remarkable  for 
a  sanguine  temperament ;  he  had  that  dis- 
position, at    once    imperious    and    weak, 
wtiich,  demanding  that  all  things  must  bo 
as  it  wishes,  believes  them  so ;  and  what 
the  world  thought  the  swollen  boasts  of  a 
desperate  and  falling  leador  were  really  the 
biucero  illusions  of  a  proud  man  who  never, 
Indeed,  fully  rea'l/ed  the  extremity  of  his 
cause  until  "tho  iron  onl^irod  his  soul "  in 
the  casemates  of  Fortress  Monroe.    In  his 
strangely  deliberate  and  leisurely  retreat 
through  the   Carolinas,  he  had  not  ap- 
peared lor  a  moment  to  realize  that  be  was 
a  fugitive,  and  he  looked  with  complacency 
upon  the  dissolved  fragments  of  the  army 
that  had  gathered  on  the  lino  of  his  flight, 
and  that  pursued  it  with  a  vague  aud  un- 
certain design.    Aa  officer  who  was  con- 
stantly in  his  compan}'  in  what  might  be 
thought  davs  of  anguish  and  despair  to  the 
fallen  chief  testifies :    "  Mi-.  Davis  was  ap- 
parently  untouched    by   any  ol  thu  do- 
moral-zition    which    prevailed— ho    was 
affable,  diguiflcd,  aud  looked  the  very  per- 
sonification    of     high     aud     undaunted 
courage  "    He  yet  persisted  that  the  cause 
was  not  lobl,  although  Leo  had  surrendered 
although  Johnston  had  furled  his  banners 
without  a  battle,  and  although  all  that  was 
visible  of  the  great  armies  that  had  stootl 
from   Richmond  to  Augusta,  on  the  doai- 
inanl  lines  of  the  war,  were  the  less  than 
<mo  thousand  soldiers,  fragments  of  brig- 
ades that  a.ssembled  around  him  at  Abbe- 
ville,  South    Carolina,  when    ho  paused 
there  for  a  final  couacil  with  his  Generals 
There  is  somethlag  curious,  even  pain- 
ful, in  this  delusion,  yet  admirable  and 
sublime.    The  ex-President  refused  to  read 
the  word  "failure,"  which  tho  public  had 
pronounced  agaln-'t  hint,  and  which   he 
might  have  seen  written  in  the  face,"*  ol  the 
slouched  and  dispirited  soldiers  who  yet 
attended  him.    His  glittering  eye  was  not 
yet  quenched  ;  his  slackened  nerves  were 
struug  up  with  a  new  resolution  and  hope , 
he  was  practising  that  most  difficult  art  of 
life,  which  maintains   even   manners  in 
sudden  adversity,  and  with  the  trained 

fjambler's  steady  challenge,  coolly  and  de- 
iberately  tries  the  last  resuurce  of  fortune. 
But  even  that  last  resource  was  denied 
him.  Fortune  liad  no  more  stakes  for 
him ;  aad  with  the  sharp  pain  ol  the  game- 
ster, who  prepares  for  the  last  chance,  and 
then  finds  he  has  miscounted,  and  has  not 
means  even  to  try  that,  tho  man  who  had 
bargained  lor  empire,  and  played  with  the 
destinies  of  whole  communities  suddenly 
found  himself  without  a  single  soldier  at 
his  command,  and  a  bunted  f  jgltive  in 
perdof  his  life! 

In  the  little  town  of  Abbeville  .^r. 
Davis  summoned  his  officers  lo  council;  he 
was  determined  to  try  their  resolution,  and 
anxious  to  ascertain  the  spirit  of  their  incn. 
The  only  full  Generals  who  yet  attended 
him  were  Bragg,  his  "ralUtary  adviser," 
and  Breckinri(^e,  lately  Secretary  of  War. 
There  were  nVc  brigade  commanders 
present  at  the  conference.  To  this  small 
but  important  audience  Mr.  Davis  ad- 
dressed himself  with  all  the  powers  of  his 
wonderful  an^  subtile  inlelletl.  The  old, 
imperious  looK  was  yet  in  his  worn  face ; 
tho  eye,  transfixed  witli  neuralgic  pain, 
with  its  deep  reccsa  of  light,  shone 
steady  and  defiant;  the  thin  visage  was 
illumlnated  by  the  active  mind  and 
shone  with  tho  animated  discourse.  He 
spoke  In  the  even,  silvery  tones  of  his  ac- 
customed eloquenee  ;  one  of  tho  greatest 
orators  of  modern  times,  excelling  in  tho 
powers  of  etateimnt  or  narration,  ingenious 
even  to  sopbistrv,  joining  winnng  manner 
to  words  cuUid  from  the  choicest  resources 
of  language,  he  now  tried  all  his  powers 
in  this  critical  opportunity.  Ho  declared 
that  the  country  was  only  euflering  from 
violent  surprises  and  an  exagg«rated  alarm; 
its  resolution  would  soon  be  erect  again  ; 
the  present  condition  was  that  of  panic, 
and  patriotism  would  soon  be  aroused 
when  it  heard  tho  commRnding  and  reas- 
suring tones  of  authority.  He  insisted 
that  the  war  was  not  hopeless.  The  armies 
could  be  re  asH-mbled,  and  there  would  be 
new  calls  for  enlistments  and  new  in- 
centives to  the  countr>''s  service.  He  said 
that  even  the  few  hundred  men  he  yet 
counted  arotmd  him  were  enough  to  pro- 
long the  war  until  the  panic  had  passed 
away,  and  they  would  then  be  a  nucleus 
for  thousands  more.  He  urged  his  officers 
to  accept  his  views,  and  animate  their  men 
to  stand  to  the  good  cause-,  whose  honor 
they  had  so  long  maintained,  and  whose 
last  hopes  they  now  carried  on  their  bay- 

His  auditors  were  silent.  At  length 
they  spoke,  one  by  one,  each  brigade  com- 
minder  stating  thu  condition  and  temper 
of  his  men,  and  declaring  hia  views  of  the 
situation.  It  was  a  tjlain,  unanimous 
judgment :  the  war  coulu  not  succeed  and 
should  not  be  prolonged ;  they  could  not 
ask  their  men  lo  struggle  against  a  fate 
which  was  inevitable,  and  forfeit  all  hopes 
of  restoration  to  their  homes  and  friends ; 
but  they  would  insist  that  their  honor  was 
involved  in  securing  the  escape  of  Mr. 
Davis,  and  for  the  accomplishment  of  this 
object  they  would  risk  battle  and  put  off 
submission  to  the  last  moment. 

"  No,  no ! "  exclaimed  the  unhappy  chief, 
iu  passionate  accents.  "  I  will  hear  of  no 
plan  which  has  for  its  object  only  my  safe- 
ty." Then  speaking  slowly  and  bitterly, 
with  a  dee])  and  leariul  change  settling  on 
his  (tjuntenanco,  he  said :  "  All  hope  Is 
gone!  Alas,  that  I  should  see  the  day 
when  all  the  friends  of  the  South  are  pre 
pared  to  consent  lo  her  degradation."  He 
laltored,  and  eat  down  iu  silence;  every 
one  in  the  rfjfin  respected  him  too  much  to 

Presently,  without  even  a  gesture  of 
courteous  retirement,  without  any  ac- 
knowledgment of  the  company  whatever, 
he  rosoto  leave  the  room  ;  aud  It  was  ob- 
served that  he  had  lost  his  erect  carriage 
and  defiant  port.  A  v\eiglil  of  yiars  ap- 
peared to  have  suddenly  fallen  on  the 
htrieken  sufferer.  The  eyes  wore  uneasy 
iu  the  pale,  pinched  fice ;  aud  «o  uncer- 
tain aud  tottering  was  his  step  thai  Gen- 
eral BrecUiaridge  moved  to  his  side,  and, 
giving  him  his  arm,  supported  him  from 
the  room.    Not  a  word  was  spoken. 

It  is  a  true  and  delicate  philosopher, 
whf>,  exploring  a  scene  of  despair,  says : 
"  The  sentiment  that  attends  the  sudden 
levelatlon  that  all  j.i  fo«n8  silently  gath- 
ered up  into  the  heart.  Il  is  too  deep  lor 
gestures  or  for  words.  The  voice  perishes, 
thogesturas  aro  frozen,  and  the  spirit  of 
man  flics  back  upon  its  own  centre." 



He  helped  her  over  tho  meadow  brook. 

While  her  fectehe  timidly  aet 
(Twin  llllee  they  were  I)  on  the  mowy  »lon« 

With  the  cooling  ripples  wet. 

Tticy  passed  the  broolf,  and  It  acemcd  to  ein;; 

\V  lib  a  sweeter,  merrier  sound, 
.\e  the  two  with  their  school-books  wandered  on 

O'er  the  clover  laden  gtonnd. 

on.    Tou  get  on  a  trail  at  last,  the  flgnres 
leading  by  regular  approaches  up  toward 
51  —but  when  vou  have  walked  four  blocks 
they  start  at  46  and  begin  to  nm  the  other 
way  !    Ycu  are  perspiring  and  furious  by 
this  time,  but  you  keep  desperately  on,  and 
speculate  on  ner^  and  complicated  forms  of 
profanity.    And  behold  in  time  the  num- 
bers become  bcwilderingly  complicated : 
on  one  dsor  is  a  3  on  a  little  tin  scrap  ;  on 
the  next  a  17,  in  gold  characters  a  foot 
square ;  on  the  next  a  19,  a  5,  and  137,  one 
above  the  other,  and  in  three  different 
styles  of  figuring  !    You  do  not  swear  any 
more  now,  of  course,  because  you  can  t 
fiud  any  words  that  arc  long  enough  or 
strong  enough  to  lit  the  case.    You  feci  de- 
graded and  ignominious,  and  subjugated. 
And  there  and  then  vou  say  that  you  will 
go  away  Irom  New  York  and  start  over 
again  ;  and  that  you  will  never  como  back 
to  settle  permanently  till  you  have  learned 
to  swear  with  the  utmost  fluency  in  seven- 
teen  different  kuguagcs.      You  become 
more  tranquil,  now,  because  you  see  your 
v.-ay  clearly  before  you ;  how  that,   when 
you  are  properly  accomplished,  you  can 
live  in  this  great  city  and  still  be  happy 
you  feel  that  in  that  day,  whtn  a  subject 
shall  defy  English,  you  can  try  the  Arabic, 
tie  Hungarian,  the  Japanese,  tho  Kulu- 
Kaffir  aud  when  the  worst  comes  to  the 
worst,  you  can  come  the  Hinpostauee  on  it 
aLd  conquer.    After  this,  you  go  tranquil- 
ly on  for  a  matter  of  seventeen  blocks, 
and  flad  51  saad-wichetl  in  between  Nos. 
13  and  32,980.    Then  you  wish  you  hati 
never  beeu  born,  to  come  to  a  strange  land 
and  suffer  In  this  way. 

The    Hnn't* 


from    I  h  o 

UDlci)  played  on  your  chceli.»  a»  play 
the  drops  of  dow. 

O  little  maiden !  how  fair  yon  were. 

With  your  oyes  of  heavenly  blue  ; 
Andthedimt'       '       ■ 

On  a  rose 

As  ;)Iay  on  a  rose  tho  drops  of  dew. 

When  iho  brouzts  merrily  blow  I 
And  yonr  lips  they  were  tlnu  of  the  rlpsnlns  peach. 

In  tho  mornlna;  e  ruddy  elow. 

Kara  feet,  how  they  twinkled  amon^  Iho  srs#« 

Did  yon  know  whenever  yon  took 
'llie  path  to  school,  that  ho  panted  for  you 

By  tbe  willow  shaded  brook? 

Since  then  the  fragranl  blosbomshave  com* 

To  the  boQgh,  all !  many  a  time; 
And  a  bridge  Is  over  a  brt>ok  that  s1d''i», 

As  of  old.  Its  pleasant  rhyme.  " 

And  two  are  straying  npon  thu  bank. 

As  I  pen  those  wandering'  words ; 
And  they  talk  of  the  happy  school-day  time 

And  they  watch  the  building  blrdi. 

But  a  stream  there  U  with  a  grander  flow. 

With  a  sterner,  sadder  song; 
And  lovers  will  crogg  to  a  different  school 

And  help  each  other  along ; 

IVhitt    .Hark    Twulu     1  hoiiuht 
of  .Kew   York. 

I  have  at  kit,  after  several  months'  ex- 
perience, made  up  my  mind  that  il  is  a 
splendid  desert— a  domed  ana  steepled  soli- 
tude, where  the  stranger  is  lonely  in  tho 
niidsl  of  a  million  of  his  race,  A  man 
walks  his  tedious  miles  through  the  same 
interminable  streets  every  dav,  elbowing 
his  way  through  a  buzzing  ruultitudc  of 
men,  yet  never  seeing  a  familiar  luce,  and 
never  sociug  a  strange  one  the  second 
tioie.  He  viMtMi  friend  once— it  is  aday's 
journey— and  then  stays  away  from  that 
iimo  lorwaid  till  that  fiicud  cools  to  a  mere 
acquamtanco  and  fin  illy  to  a  stranger.  So 
there  ia  little  &<.>ciabilii3',  .lud,  consequently 
there  .s  little  cordhillly.  Every  man  seems 
to  feel  that  ho  has  got  the  duties  of  two 
lifetimes  to  perform  in  one,  and  so  ho 
rushes,  rushes,  rusheti,  and  Kever  nas  limo 
to  bo  companionable— never  hus  any  time 
to  fuul  away  on  matlcrs  which  do  not  in- 
volve dollars  and  duty  and  businee.'?. 

All  this  has  a  tendency  to  make  the  ei^y- 
bred  man  impatient  of  interruj^liou,  sus 
picioiis  of  strangers,  aud  fearlul  of  being 
bored,  aud  his  bUbiaess  interfered  with, 
the  natural  resuU  id,  that  the  sinking  want 
of  heartiness  observable  here,  sometimes 
which  is  hardly  even  chilly  politeness 
towards  strangers.  A  large  party  of  Cali- 
forniau'a  were  di£ciiiiing\his  matter  yes 
terday  evening,  aud  one  said  he  didnt  be- 
lieve there  was  any  genuine  fellow-fcelim? 
in  the  camp.  Another  said  ,  "Come,  uowi 
don't  judge  without  a  full  he-aring— try  all 
classe:! :  try  overy  body ;  go  lo  the  Young 
Mens  Christian  Association."  But  the 
first  speaker  said  .  "My  son,  1  havo  been 
lo  the  Youag  Mens  Christian  Association, 
and  It  isn't  any  use ;  it  was  the  same  old 
ihln^— thermometer  at  83  deg.,  which  is 
the  Ireezing  notch  11  I  understand  it.  They 
were  polite  there,  exasperatiagly  pulito, 
just  as  they  are  outside.  One  cf  them 
prayed  for  the  stranger  within  his  gates- 
meaning  me— but  it  was  plain  enough  that 
he  didu't  mean  his  petition  to  bo  taken  in 
earnest.  It  simply  amounted  to  this  that 
he  didu't  know  me,  but  would  recommend 
mo  to  mercy  anyhow,  since  it  was  custom- 
ary, but  didn't  wish  to  be  misunderstood 
as  taking  any  personal  interest  in  the  mat- 

Of  courjic  Dial  was  rather  a  strong  exag 
geratiuu,  but  I  thought  it  was  a  pretty  fair 
satire  upon  the  sereuo  indifference  of  the 
New  Yorker  to  every  thing  without  the 
pale  ol  his  priv  itc  and  individuid  circle. 

There  is  something  about  this  ceaseless 
buzz,  and  hurry,  and  bustle,  that  keeps  a 
stranger  in  a  state  of  unholesome  excite- 
ment ail  tha  time,  and  makes  hhn  restless 
and  vmeajy,  and  saps  from  him  all  capacity 
to  enjoy  anything  or  take  a  strong  inierest 
In  auv  matter  whatever — a  something 
which  Impels  him  lo  try  to  do  everything, 
and  yet  permits  him  to  do  nothing.  He  is 
a  boy  In  a  candy  shop— could  choose  quick- 
ly if  there  were  but  one  kind  of  candy, 
but  la  hopelesaly  undetermined  In  the 
midst  of  a  hundred  kinds.  A  stranger  feels 
unsatisfied  hero  a  good  part  of  tho  time. 
He  starts  to  a  library ;  and  changes,  moves 
forward  to  a  theatre^;  changes  agaiu  and 
thiuks  he  will  visit  a  friend ;  goes  within  a 
biscuit-toss  of  a  picture-gallery  a  billiard- 
room,  a  beer-cellar,  and  a  circus,  In  succos 
sion,  and  finally  drifu  home  and  to  bed 
without  having  really  gone  anywhere.  He 
don't  go  aaywhero  because  ho  can't  go 
everywhere,  I  suppose.  This  fidgetty, 
feverish  restlessness  will  driveamancraiy 
after  a  while,  or  kill  him.  It  kills  a  good 
many  doxens  now— by  suicide.  I  have  got 
to  get  out  of  it. 

There  is  one  thing  very  sure— I  can't 
keep  my  temper  in  New  York.  Tte  cars 
aud  carriagoB  always  come  and  get  in  the 
way  just  as  I  want  to  cross  a  street  and  if 
there  is  anything  that  can  make  a  man 
soar  into  flights  of  sublimity  in  the  matter 
of  profanity  It  is  that.  You  know  that 
yourself.  However  I  must  be  acurate— I 
must  speak  the  truth  and  soy  that  there  is 
one  thing  more  annoying.  T;.at  is  to  go 
down  We5t  Tenth  street  hunting  for  tho 
Art  Building,  No.  51.  Yeu  are  tired  and 
your  leet  are  swollen,  and  you  woiddn't 
start  only  you  calculate  that  it  cannot  be 
more  than  two  blocks  away,  aad  ycu  al- 
most feel  a  genuine  desire  lo  go  and  see  the 
pictures  oa  exhibition  without  once  chang- 
ing your  mind.  Very  well.  You  come  to  No. 
7 ;  and  directly  you  come  to  1-12 !  You 
stare  a  minute  and  then  step  back  to  start 
over  a^ln— but  it  isn't  any  use— when  you 
are  least  expecting,  in  comes  that  unac- 
countable jump.  1  on  cross  over  and  find 
Nos.  18,  2u  22,  and  then  perhaps  you  jump 
to  379 1    Your  gall  be^jins  to  rise.    You  go 

A  scientific  writer  In  the  Chicago  Tri- 
bune says  on  this  subject : 

The  discussion  which  lias  been  prc^ress- 
ing  for  a  few  years  past,  havmg  for  its  ob- 
ject the  determination  of  the  sun's  distance 
Irom  the  oarth,  seems  to  bo  in  a  fair  way 
of  approximate  solution.  The  recent  ob- 
servations on  the  parallax  of  the  planet 
Mars,  summarized  by  Professor  New- 
combe,  point  with  singular  unanimity  to 
a  reduction  of  the  mean  distance  as  com- 
monly received,  by  rIkjuI  two  aud  a  half 
millions  of  miles,  or  from  93,000,000  to 
9^,310,000,  a  correction  of  a  little  leas  than 
thre^  per  cent. 

It  needs  but  a  sUght  acquaiutauce  with 
theoretical  astronomy  to  perceive  that  the 
determination  of  this  quanlily  is  of  vast 
con.sequence  to  the  study  of  the  science. 
The  earth's  radius  vetlor  is  ia  reality  the 
incasuring  rod,  which  is  Uken  us  the'  uuit 
in  all  calculatioai  of  absolute  distance  or 
magnitude,  except  the  lunar.  From  il  are 
di-duced  the  distances  of  tho  heavenly  bod- 
ies from  tho  sun,  their  diameters,  the  mag- 
nitude of  tho  orbits  of  tho  planetary  sate- 
litea,  tho  approximate  diameter  of  the  gulf 
which  separates  the  solar  system  frora^thc 
fixed  stars,  and  tho  velocity  of  light.  An 
error  of  three  per  cent  will  be  be  cubed 
when  applied  to  the  solar  bulk,  and  tho 
linnal  inaccuracy  many  limes  multiplied 
in  the  orbit  of  Neptune,  ' 
too,  is  complicated  tho 
lute  weights,  and  otheis 
of  equal  moment  in  a 

lives  on  board.  Let  ships  of  heavy  ton- 
nage have  two  iron  tanks  of  forty  gallons 
each,  one  on  each  side,  with  a  faucet  so 
arranged  that  the  oil  can  bo  started  at  any 
time ;  small  vessels,  ten  gallon  tanks ;  and 
all  ship's  boats  tanks  of  five  gallons  each, 
well  filled,  so  that,  in  case  the  ship  founder 
or  burn,  the  boats  will  have  oil  to  smoothe 
tho  sea  in  case  of  a  gale.  With  these  tanks 
'  of  oil  on  board  of  ships,  and  a  good  man 
for  master— one  who  knows  the  laws  of 
storms,  and  handles  his  ship  so  as  to  get 
it  out  of  the  center  of  the  storm,  you  will 
have  no  more  foundering  of  good  ships  at 
sea,  with  the  loss  of  many  lives  and  mil- 
lions of  money. — New  York  Herald. 

lucrraso  ori^argro  CItlCH. 

A  new  French  volume  presents  some  in- 
teresting statistics  concerning  the  increase 
in  population  of  large  cities : 

"  In  1865  the  population  of  Paris  was 
calculated  at  1,863,000;  of /^ondon,  at  3,- 
028,000;  of  Vienna  at  560,000:  of  New 
York,  a  year  earlier,  at  1,025,300.  The  an- 
nual ratio  of  incrtase  per  inhabitant,  was, 
in  Paris,  0,002  (in  other  words,  100  inhabi- 
tants became  102  in  the  course  of  the 
year);  in  London,  0,017;  at  Vienna,  0,016, 
and  at  New  York,  0,035.    The  average 


The  advertiser  IiannK  been  restored  tohcaltii  in  a  few 
weeks  by  •  very  aUnple  remedv,  after  taavlnic  soSfcred 
for  seTeral  year*  wlta  a  severe  ijme  affection,  and  that 
dread  disease  coninrnptlon— Is  anzloos  to  make  known 
to  his  feUow  sulferer*  the  meuu  of  core. 

To  all  who  desire  it.  be  will  send  a  eopr  of  tbe  pre- 
•crlptjoo  naed  (free  of  charge),  with  the  directions  lior 
preparing  and  natng  the  same,  which  they  will  Bncl  a 
iure  cure  for  Conanmptlon.  Asthma,  Bronchitis, 
CouKha,  Coh'j,  and  all  Tliroat  and  Lune  AIiocHr>nu. 
vbe  only  object  or  the  advertiger  In  sending  tlie  Pre- 
licnptlop  13  to  benett  tbe  afflicted,  and  spread  Inlonna- 
aon  whicli  be  conce  --cs  to  be  invaluable,  and  he  hones 
every  snaerer  will  try  Us  remmty,  as  tt  will  tjos'  tl-rm 
aothlng.  r.nd  may  prove  a  blescln?.  Parties  nisliiaa 
the  prescription,  F»M.  by  return  mall,  wui  please  ad- 
ciress  kkV.  KDV/aKD  A.  WlLsoN. 
WUllamBlmrg.  Klnes  Co..  New  Tort 

HiGHiGAN  Southern 

LIIQ-E    OF- 

Drawing-Boom  Cars 

Now  Rnn  Dally  BETWEEN 
CLEVELAND.  Jeavuig  every 
Sunday)  at  7  o'clock. 

CniCAGK)    AND 

morning   (axcept 

the  most  densely  populated  town  of  the 
four.  From  these  data  it  appears  that  the 
increase  of  New  York  is  equal  to  that  of 
three  other  cities,  taken  together—  a  cir- 
cumstance owing  of  course  to  the  stream 
of  emigration  constantly  flowing  in  that 
direction.  In  1790  the  population  of  New 
York  was  38,131,  acd  it  has  since  teen  four 
times  doubled.  With  regard  to  the  other 
towns,  Dr.  Vachar  attributes  their  increase 
to  the  tendency  of  the  country  people  to 
migrate  to  tho  largo  centres  of  population, 
for  the  mere  excess  of  births  over  deaths 
cannot  account  for  this  increase.  Paris 
has  doubled  in  the  course  of  82  years,  Lon- 
don in  the  course  of  40,  and  Vienna  in  the 
course  of  44.  Yet  tho  excess  of  births 
over  deaths  in  Paris  was  only  41,984  from 
1838  to  1856,  while  the  increase  of  poula- 
tlon,  during  the  same  period  was  805,908 
In  London,  from  1S41  to  1861,  the  excess 
ol. births  over  deaths  was  821,180;  the  in- 
crease of  population,  on  the  contrary,  was 

Yakkee-isits.— A 

In  this  problem, 
fiucslion  of  abso- 
mire ahstract  but 
scientific  p.iia'.  of 

The  problem  is  one  whoso  importance 
has  commended  it  to  the  attention  of  as- 
tronomers from  the  limo  of  tho  earliest  ob- 
servations. Long  before  the  discovery  of 
Kepler's  celebrated  laws  establishing  the 
ratios  of  mean  distance  of  the  several  bod- 
ies composing  the  solar  system,  the  myste- 
ry was  attempted  to  be  worked  out,  and 
the  most  diverse  conclusions  arrived  at 

Tho  foUovTing  table  of  the  distance  claim- 
ed will  probably  be  new  to  the  great  major- 
ity of  our  readers.  The  fir^t  column  of  fig- 
ures gives  the  distance  in  eemi-diameters 
of  Ihe  earth ;  Ihe  second  the 
mnte  distance  in  miles : 


person  ol  ao  ob3*;rv- 
in;i  turn  of  mind,  if  ho  tiae  rode  throngh  a  country 
town.  lias  noUced  how  curious  youngsters  alone 
Iho  route  will  fill  the  windows  with  tliolr  anxious 
faces  iu  order  to  get  a  glimpse  at  all  passere  by.  A 
yaukeo  nedlcr  drove  up  in  front  of  a  houpe  ouo 
day,  and  eeeinff  ail  hands  and  the  cook  staling 
tbroii^b  tile  wiudows,  ffot  oil  from  bis  cart,  and 
thpfollowiua  di!il02Be  took  place  with  tlie  man 
of  the  house : 

^  Jonaibau-"  Has  there  beena  fun.'ral  here  lale- 

Man  of  tho  bouse— "No;  why?" 

.i.''?5?i*'*°."~"  ^  ^'^^  "i<^«*  ^^B  one  pane  ef  sla"- 
that  didn't  hare  a  head  In  it. " 

Manof  the  house-'  You  leave  quick,  or  there 
tnii  be  a  funeral." 

That  eame  traveler  once,  wkllo  going  throuah 
Rhode  Island  (It  didn't  Uko  him  \aae\  once 
pauaed  by  tbo  roadaldo,  and  addressed  a  farmlst 

'•What  beautiful   ston  walls 

And  the  fkrmlst  replied  they  did. 

'•  •'^ence  In  tbe  places  bo  nice." 

"Jest  so,"  quothed  the  agricalturer. 

"But  wher'n  thunder  do  you  git  aU  the  stuns  to 
build  em  with  ?"  said  the  ped, 

"  Why— eamt  you  see  I    Don't  you 
of  stuns  a  laying  roound  In  all  the  fle 

"YC8- that's  It.    Tborcs  such 
that  any  hov  been  taken  away." 


Securing  seats  In  the  Elegant  Drawlng-Koom  Cars 
of  the  Michigan  Southern  Railroad  to  Cleveland, 
berths  in  Kleeping-Cars  from  Cleveland  to  Roches- 
ter, and  Beats  in  the  Drawing-Room  Cars  from 
Kocbcstcr  to  New  York,  cau  bo  obtained  at  tho 
Comimny'8  OfBce,  56  Clark  street,  nnder  tbe  Sher- 
man House.  Chicago,  and  at  all  principal  ticket 

.5?j^,'.*„'^*^3..*Pi*  £Hy^i'^l?Pi.»"'angement, 

„  .  _By  this  new  and  convenient  arranire) 
Uit  SE.\Tr>,  and  will  bo  given  accommodations 
superior  to  those  of  any  other  raUway  line  In  tbe 

Naniuel  C.  lloueli. 

General  Passenger  Agent. 

460    MILES 

OF    THJi 

Union  Pacific 

yon    hev   round 

pursued    the 

sec  mllllotie 
neidflf ' 
lots  1  can't  see 

Ptolemy  . . 

Behil  D. 

,  1.S10 



59  400.00) 

great  di- 
iho  case 

Copernlcua .  "wt 

Kepler 9,488 

Ricciolua 7,600 

Newton  (about) 15.000 

Fiamstead       21,000 

Herccheli ....       .23.9M 

LeVorriesI K.dS4 

Morrisonl e.j 

JJewcomb«j ,.,83,510 

It  may  seem  strange  that  such 
versily  of  opinion  has  existed  iu 
of  a  quantity  which  is  coufeesodly  tho 
eubject  of  calculation.  But  tho  mystery 
vaaishes  when  wo  consider  the  way  iu 
which  the  results  have  been  arrived  at. 
Tlie  one  quantity  on  which  tho  solution  of 
the  problem  turns  is  the  aaglo  formed  at 
the  sua  by  two  lines,  which  at  tho  earth 
are  subtcndetl  by  her  semi  diameter.  This 
known,  the  rest  is  but  a  simple  question  in 
piano  trigonometry,  the  value  of  the 
eailh's  semi-diameter  being  known  lo  a 
nicety.  The  equation  I3  as  the  hue  of  this 
(the  parallactic)  angle  is  lo  tbe  earth's 
bcml-diameter,  so  is  tlio  cosine  of  the  B.ame 
angle  lo  the  earth's  distance,  or  the  cotan- 
gent of  tho  parallax  multiplied  into  tho 
semi  diameter,  is  equal  to  the  distance. 

The  great  dilflculty  ues  in  the  smallness 
of  the  parallactic  angle.  The  value  said  to 
have  been  deduced  by  Eucke  Is  but  8.5886 
seconds,  aud  that  deduced  by  Newcombe 
from  the  cbservdlious  on  Mars,  is  but  8  85 
seconds;  yet  that  little  dillerence  of  twen- 
ty-eight one-hundred Ihs  of  a  second  of 
space,  a  quantity  so  small  as  to  be  inap- 
preciable by  any  but  tho  best  instruments, 
involves  a  difference  in  the  mean  distance 
of  mure  than  two  and  a  half  millions  of 

The  minute  difference  between  these 
two  quantities  will  be  belter  appreciated 
when  it  is  stated  as  a  little  less  than  the 
space  apparently  passed  over  by  a  fixed 
star  la  Ihe  heavens  in  one  fiftieth  part  of 
a  second  of  time,  and  that  tho  whole  par- 
allactic angle  is  but  about  equal  to  that 
described  by  the  same  star  in  one-half 
second  of  time. 

With  this  fact  in  mind,  the  wonder  is 
rather  that  the  distance  can  ever  be 
known  with  greater  accuracy  than  that 
obtained  by  the  old  rule  of  guessing  at  the 
square  root  of  tho  quantity,  and  multiply- 
ing that  number  into  Itselr 

The  problem  is,  however,  solved— po- 
tentially, if  not  actually.  There  is  very 
little  doubt  that  the  concltisions  announced 
by  Professor  Newcomb  are  within  a  small 
fraction  of  the  truth,  and  now  that  the 
eyes  of  astronomers  are  opened,  and  their 
instruments  perfected,  there  is  very  little 
doubt  that  the  approaching  transits  of 
Venus  over  the  solar  disc  in  December  of 
the  years  1874  and  1883  will  be  watched 
with  such  accuracy  that  the  parallax  will 
be  deduced  to  within  two  or  three  thou- 
sandth part  of  a  second  of  space,  giving 
the  diaiance  of  the  earth  from  tho  sun 
true  to  tho  fifth  figure  from  the  decimal 
point,  instead  of  the  eighth,  as  now. 

—The  observation  of  Mr.  Smith,  the 
Governor  of  Edinburgh  jail,  shows  that 
liquor  can  be  taken  irom  intemperate  peo- 
ple at  once  without  doing  them  the  loast 
Injury.  He  statas  that  150,000  cruninals 
have  passed  through  his  hands,  many  ol 
whom  had  been  inveterate  drinkers,  and 
that  their  liquor  was  taken  from  them  the 
moment  thoy  cresscd  the  jail  dor  r.  Not 
one  case  of  injury  had  occurred.  It  has 
been  held  by  our  inebriate  doctors  that 
patients  must  be  slowly  tapered  off  to  a 
point,  to  save  them  without  harming  tbcm. 
How  is  thisv  * 

A  Dangerous  Season. 

An  almost  unparalleled  quantity  of  raUi  baa  fall- 
en during  the  Summer.  Vegetation  has  been 
wonderfully  thick  and  rank,  and,  ae  11  decays,  an 
unusual  amount  of  sickness  may  be  expected  «n- 
J08S  proper  means  are  taken  to  prevent  It. 

Fever  and  ague  aud  bllloua  remlttenta  already 
prevaU  to  an  alarming  extent,  md  aa  the  Fall 
advances  and  the  malarious  night  foga  become 
heavier,  the  sick  list  la  likely  to  Increase  both  In 
hi  the  city  and  tbe  country.  It  la,  therefore,  only 
an  act  of  common  prndence  to  keep  tbo  vital  forces 
in  full  vigor,  so  that  they  may  resist  tho  unhealthy 
influences  of  the  season.  Re-lnforced  by  the  tonic 
operauon  of  HOSTErTEli'S  BTOM.\.CU  BIT- 
TERS, tbe  system,  however  weak  and  susceptible 
naturally,  will  in  nine  cases  out  of  ten,  euccceefully 
combat  every  species  of  atmospheric  poison  by 
which  eiddemics  are  produced. 

During  the  monihs  of  Septombci-,  October  and 
November,  the  difference  in  temperature  between 
day  and  night  Is  very  great,  and  tho  cbiiling  dews 
and  mists  of  the  eeaaon  are  the  prolific  causes  of 
Indigestion,  cbolera-morbus,  diarrhea,  and  dyeen- 
tci7.  Bearing  thie  In  mind,  remember,  also,  that 
tbe  BITTEBS  not  only  mvlgorrte  the  stomach  and 
brace  the  nerves,  but  act  speclQcaily  upon  tbe 
bowels  and  the  liver,  Imparting  to  those  important 
organs  regularity  and  tone.  It  Is  not  reaconable 
to  expect  immunity  from  prevalent  complaints  If 
CO  precautions  aro  taken  to  escape  them. 

HOSTETTER'S  CITrERS  are  at  onco  pleasant 
to  the  taste,  and  the  most  certain  of  all  sau^gnardB 
against  ffbrllc  ailments. 


From  Omaha  Across  the  Continent, 
are  Now  Completed. 

Alii  It  is  expected  tho  remaining  67  miles 
to  carry  tho  track  to  tbn  base  of  tho  Rocky  Monn 
tains,  will  bo  finished  curly  m  October.  Contracts 
have  already  been  made  for  rock-cuttings  beyond, 
to  bo  douo  during  tho  winter.  Tho  work  Is  being 
pufched  forward  with  erjual  energy  on  tho  California 
end  of  the  route,  under  tho  dirocllou  of  tbo  Cen- 
tral Pacific  Company,  commencing  at  Sacramento, 
and  It  la  confidently  e.ctcctcd^hat  tho  two  roads 
will  meet  in  187U,  thus  completing  the  entire  grand 
ilno  connecting  the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  oceans,  on 
CASH  have  already  bf  ca  expended.  From  the 
liberal  Government  ait',  tbo  wealth  and  energy  of 
the  stockholders,  and  tl  c  ready  market  for  the 
Firjt  Mortgage  Bonds,  t  .lere  1»  no  want  of  funds 
for  the  most  vigorous  rrosccntlon  of  the  work, 
and  Its  early  completion  Is  as  certain  as  any  future 
business  event  can  be. 

NET    EAUMMiS!     OF     THE     UISION 

During  the  quarter  ending  July  Slst  of  the  cnr 
rent  year,  an  average  of  336  mllee  of  tho  Union 
Pacific  RaUroad  was  Ici  operation.  The  Superin- 
tendent's report  ehowr*  tUe  following  result : 


Passengers      $lf)0,526  92 

Freight    W9,6-2aft 

Telegraph 1,41628 

Malls 12140  00 

Transportation  of  Contractor's  Ma-^        ' 

Transportation  Contnictor's  Meii 

453,205  44 
26.077  »7 

f  1,203,038  95 

.  $131,0fi0  68 

100,767  M 

50,984  44 

54,907  60 

33,294  78 

„     ,  EiPiiNSES. 


Rfpalr  of  Track 

••       "  Engines.  Cars,  Shops  Ac 

Ofllcce  and  Stations 

Conductors,  Englnetih,  &c .»,««  ,0 

X'""" 15,48693 

Net  EABMSG8  to  balance 807,608  tO 

11,263,038  95 

From  the  relatire  high  charges,  tho  operating 

expense!  of  the  road  are  but  8a,\  per  cent,  of  the 

earnings,  and  tho  ratio  would  be  much  less  If  the 

contractor's  buslaees  were  not  done  at  half  ratoe. 

Throwing  ont  charges  to  contractors  for  transpor 

tatlon  of  materials   aud  men  ($479,288  41),  and 

deducting  l>om  tho  aggregate  of  all  operating 

expenses  ($39»,5S0fll)  327<  per  cent  (#157,664  42 » 

as  tho  proportion  chargeable  on  the  work  done  for 

contractors,  which  wae  less  tlian  actual  cost,  be- 

cansj  of  the  half  price  charged  for  it,  aud  we  have 

tbo  not  operating  espcupcs   on   tho  commercial 

business  for  tho  quai  tcr,  $237,966  50.    The  account 

for  the  commercial  businett  stands  as  follows : 

EamhigB  for  May,  Juno  and  July. . 
SxpenscB     '■  ••  •• 

.  237.966  60 

Oillnic  tHe  .  ca. 

Au  eiptrienced  sea  captain  says  he 
has  been  at  sea  for  twenty-eight  years,  and 
master  of  a  vessel  for  the  last  ten  years, 
and  during  that  time  he  twice  saved  the 
vessel  under  his  command  by  "oiling  the 
sea."  He  says  :  "When  the  master  of  a 
ship  cannot  get  out  of  a  storm— that  is, 
when  a  ship  is  disabled,  and  he  has  to  take 
the  heft  of  the  gale— if  he  has  oil  on 
board,  start  two  or  three  gallons  over  the 
side  of  the  ship.  This  will  give  the  ship 
smooth  water  to  the  windward,  and  then 
the  oil  allowed  to  nm  drop  by  drop  is  all 
that  is  required ;  for  as  soon  as  the  sea 
comes  in  contact  with  the  oil  it  breaks, 
and  tho  ship  is  in  smooth  water  as  long  as 
the  oU  is  allowed  to  run.  In  1804,  in  the 
heaviest  gale  of  wind  I  ever  saw,  1  lost  all 
my  sails,  ihen  the  rudder,  and  1  know  the 
vessel  could  not  have  ridden  the  sea  for 
an  hour  if  1  liad  not  had  oil  on  board. 
Five  gallons  of  oil  lasted  me  fifty-six 
hours,  and  this  saved  the  vessel,  cargo  and 

Schenck's  Seaweed  Tonic. 

Tula  tueiiiCme.  Uivculed  Uy  Dr.  J.  U  6cB^£^•cx,  of 
FoUadelptua,  U  lnli:ndcd  to  di3sol\  e  Uie  food  and  mak 
It  pito  cby  me,  Ibt  £.st  process  of  dlgeeUon.  By  clean 
slug  tliu  stuinarb  v  Ittj  Sciienck's  Mandrake  l'Ul»,  tbe 
Tonic  soon  reeturea  iba  app&Ulo,  and  food  that  could 
cot  be  ealen  before  asUig  it,  will  be  eaf  liy  digested . 

ConsuaipUon  cannot  Y>e  cured  by  Scbenck's  Pulmonic 
Byrup  oniess  tbe  stomach  and  liver  la  made  healthy 
and  tbe  appoUtc  rcdlored,  bence  tbe  Tonic  and  Fllla 
are  required  Iu  nearly  every  caae  or  Conanmptlon.  A 
hair  dozen  bottles  of  the  SEAWEED  TONIC  aud  lUrcc 
or  four  boxea  of  tbe  MANDRAKE  FILLS  wUI  cnre  any 
ordinary  case  of  dyspepsia. 

Dr.  6cHU«ox  mal:c«  proftatioiud  visits  In  New  Tork 
Boston,  and  at  b's  principal  office  la  PUUadelpMa  every 
week.  Bee  daUy  papers  at  cacb  place,  or  bis  pamphlet 
on  coD«amptlc>Ti  fbr  bis  days  for  vlaltatlon. 

Please  observe  when  pnrchaalng,  that  tbe  two  like- 
nesses of  the  Doctor— one  when  In  the  last  stage  of 
Consumption,  and  tbe  other  aabe  now  Is,  In  per  leet 
health— are  on  tbe  Qovcmmcnt  stamp. 

Sold  by  all  Druggists  and  Dealers,  prio*  |liO  per 
botUe,  or  $7.50  tlie  half  dozen.  All  letters  fbr  advice 
should  be  addressed  to  Dr.  Bcbenck's  Prlndpal  0Sc« 
No.  U  North  SUtb  street,  FbUadelphla,  Pa. 

General  Wholesale  Agents:  Demaa  Barn^  *  Co. 
New  Tort .  S.  B.  Hance,  Baltimore,  Md.;  John  D.  Pari- 
ClndnntU,  Ohio,  Walker  ft  Taylor,Cblcago, 111.;  Col 
lioii  A  Bru«)..  bL  Louie,  Mo.  (iwl 

Net  profit  of  operating  825  miies  of 

road  three  month* $486,780  01 

The  amount  of  Bonds  tho  Company  can  issue  on 
825  miles,  at  8l6,00u  per  mile,  is  $3,200,000.  Inter- 
aet  In  gold,  three  montlis,  at  6  per  cent.,  on  thIe 
sum,  ia  f  78,C00;  add  40  per  cent,  premium,  to  cor- 
respond with  currency  earnings,  la  f  109,200— show- 
ing that  tho  net  eamluija  for  this  quarter  were 
tnoi0  than  four  (lme$  ifu  interest  ou  tho  First 
Mortgage  Bonds  on  this  length  of  load. 

First  Mortgage  Bonds,  whotie  intrrest  is  so  well 
provided  for  and  so  thoroughly  secured,  must  be 
classed  among  tho  *o/wrinveetmeuts.    They  pay 


And  are  offered  for  the  prceenl  nt  ninety  cents  on 
tho  dollar,  and  accrued  Interest  ut  six  per  cent.  In 
currency  f^om  July  lat. 

Many  parties  aro  taking  advantage  of  the  pres- 
ent high  price  of  Ooverment  slocks  to  exchange 
for  these  Bonds,  which  are  over  15  per  cent,  cheap 
er,  and,  at  tho  current  rate  of  premium  on  gold,  pay 

Over  Nine  Per  Cent.  Interest. 

SabtcrlpUont  will  be  received  in  New  York  at 
tho  Company's  Office,  No.  20  Naaean  8t.,  and  by 

Continental  National  Bank,  No.  7  Nassau  St 

Clark,  Dodge  &  Co..  Bankers.  No.  51  Wail  6t. 

John  J.  Cisco  &  Son,  Bankers.  No.  83  Wall  St. 

Second  National  Bank,  Chicago. 

Lont,  Preston  &  Kean,  Bankers,  Chicago. 
And  by  Banks  and  Bankers  generally  throughont 
the  United  States,  of  whom  maps  and  descriptive 
pamphlets  may  be  obtained. 

JOHN  J.  CISCO,  Treasurer, 

ArocsT  30, 1867.  NEW  TORS.. 

jUl(\  A  Day  made  by  any  one  with  my 

q-'XVf  Patent  Bt.;ncll  Tools.    I  prefMr  samplee  free. 

Ilewnreol  IcMntr^is.    Myclrculoj  Wlil  expliln 
"    J.FULLAM     ■  ■■ 


SpriugOeld,  VU 


•ff  au.  KnM, 


236  &  za  Lake  Bt  Cxxoaeo.  1 300  Market  Bt,  St.  Loms 


1  BurFXRKD  wrru  catajuiB   iHiHTy   ViiAax:— Mat 
cured  In  six  weeks  by  a  simple  remedy,  and  will  tend 
tbe  receipt,  postaok  pu».  to  ail  aflUcted.' 
Addruta  BJtvTT.  J.  MEA.U, 

Drawer  ITS,  Byness*,  N.  T. 


New  aud   Practleal  Arcbltectnral  Works,   eoc 
•t4imr>.     A.  J.BICKMELL,  Arcbltectnral  '    ' 
IBOV,  N.  Y. 

D  for 

igTie  of 

eocJ  using 



Time-Pieces,  Clock  Materials, 




Seth  Thomas  Clocks 


BT  Wb  tollcit  orders  for  any  deecilptlon  of  Clocks  or  Clock  Ifateilato, 
always  prumUIng  yon  tbe  best  goods  and  at  the  veir  loveat  prices. 

1^.  S^.  Xomplcln%  Aipent. 


-^.. . ^=^ — —- : r •• 



i  • 



■      '<■ 

STATi<:   NEWS. 

Town  and  County  Matters. ! 

A  CiRiors  SiusTANCE. — We  saw  vester- 
d.i7  at  the  Chamber  of  Commerce,  a  curious 
hubatanoe  broujrht  down  by  some  one  from 
the  Siiiik  Valley.  It  rcserables  a  sheet  of 
.  cnrae  felt,  aad'is  said  to  cover  the  giound 
for  miles.  It  appears  to  be  the  residum  of 
the  flood  last  spring,  but  whether  it  i.s  of 
vexet^'j'-  orij^in,  or  what  it  is,  we  cannot 
.«av.  It  has  a  fibrous  appearance,  and  has 
kcl  some  to  suppose  that  it  might  be  useful 
..^  an  article  of  manufacture.  Whether  it 
-^n  be  put  to  any  practical  use  or  not,  re- 
•  '.ains  to  be  seen,  v^onie  of  it  has  been 
sent  to  the  paper  mill  at  t>t.  Anthony,  and 
if  it  .should  turn  out  that  paper  can  be  made 
of  it.  the  supply  is  inexbaustable,  and  u 
will  prove  a  discovery  of  imporianco.  At 
least  we  hope  the  matter  will  be  investiga- 
ted, so  r.s  ta  see  whether  the  substance  has 
any  real  valua  or  not.— Pioneer,  ilk  tnsl. 

Tns  Winona  Democrat  acknowledges  the 
receipt   of    some  apples,    raised    by    Thos. 
I'rell,    about  a  mile  and    a   half    from    that 
city.     The    apples  were  of  -rood    size,    very 
Round  and  of  hue  flavor.     Mr.  Urcll    thinks 
Lo  will   have    on  his    orchard    this   yeai ,  at 
least,  twenty-five  barrel;^  of  fniit,  and  had  it  i 
not  b.-enfor  the  wind  blowing  "if   l''^'  "ppl<^- 
prematurely,    he    believes    he  would    have 
?ftiherod    forty   bairels.     The  Dfmocr.Uca 
timates    the  a'pplo  crop   in    Winona  county 
the   peesent  year  at  not  less  than  six  hun- 
drci  bushels. 

Thk  Jefferson  Hou=!P,  at  Monticello.  was 
turned  on  Sunday  morning  aiiout  three 
o'clock.  It  is  suj.i)Osed  that  the  fire  ongin- 
nted  in  the  sitting  room  and  brforc  it  was 
discovered  had  made  such  progress  that  no 
human  aid  nouM  extinguish  tiio  liames,  and 
in  less  than  half  an  hour  this  sjilendid  hotel 
was  in  ashes.  The  supposed  loss  is  $.>,000, 
insured  in  the  Winiushiek  Company  lur 
S*  000  Notwithstanding  the  loss  is  very 
•cvere.  Mr.  Moore  will  rc-buil<l  the  same  as 
Kocu  as  possible.— -bV.  Cloud   Timei. 

DuowXED.— Mr.  Russell  Parker,  brother 
of  I..  1).  Parker,  was  drowned  in  the  canal 
Yesterday ,uhder  the  following  circumstances: 
He  was  en"aged,  with  a  number  of  others, 
ill  putting"  in  a  rack  a  few  feet  above  the 
bead  gates  of  the  canal,  and  in  getting 
down  from  the  platform  near  Xol)le  &  \A  al- 
ker's  mill,  lost  his  lootiii*  and  fell  into  the 
-waUtr.  The  mills  below  were  ail  in  opera- 
tion, and  the  current  was  very  swift  and 
Btrougat  the  gate,  drawing  him  under  in  an 
instant,  before  he  could  make  an  (.ffort  in 
bis  own  behalf,  or  assistance  could  reach 
him.  He  was  seen  to  rise  but  once  aittr 
passing  the  gate.  The  body  was  found, 
after-  au  hour's  search,  lodged  against  a 
trestle  work  about  two  rods  belou-  the  gate. 
Mr.  Parker  was  in  the  employ  of  his  bro- 
ther, and  had  been  in  the  city  but  ton  days. 
He  leaves  a  wife  and  four  children,  m 
Canada,  where  ho  has  foruieily  rjsideJ. — 
Minneapolis  Tribune,  Gth. 

TnTtEsmxc  MxcniVE  Accident.— La.-,t 
Saturday  afternoon  Mons  Nelson,  a  S.vcde 
man  at  work  on  a  threshing  machine  at  A. 
M.  Peterson's,  in  Spring  Creek  valley,  while 
walking  over  the  cylinder  lost  his  footinu 
and  hirH'jht  foot  was  caught  and  entiiely 
crushed  into  strings  of  flesh.  Ho  in  soint- 
wonderful  manner  extricated  himsel-  Tin 
limb  was  amputated  above  the  auklr 
joint.  At  hut  reports  he  is  doing  wjII.— 
'Red  ff'iiif:  ,lrgus. 

SHAKOPEE,  OCT.  10,  1867. 

Pound.  —  A  pocket  book  containing 
money.  The  owner  can  have  the  same  by 
proving  properly  and  paying  for  this  notice. 

\V.  J.  Deax, 
At  Huntsman  &  Co. 

Shakopee,  Oct.  9th. 

JCDGE  Hexky  so  far  recovered  his 
health  as  lo  hold  a  term  of  the  Probate 
Court  this  week.    

Wk  Jire  under  obligations  to  Alden  & 
Monlton,  of  St.  Anthony,  for  a  box  of 
Transcendent  Crab  Apples.  Thse  crab 
apples  arc  fine  and  lucions  specimens  of 
what  can  be  grown  in  Minnesota.  This 
tree  is  hardy  as  au  oak  and  a  rapid  grower. 
Alden  &  Moulton  have  large  quantities  of 
Fruit  trees,  ornamental  trees  and  shrubbery 
for  sale.  They  are  expected  in  this  town  in 
a  f»»w  day.''  soliciting  orders. 

yALE  OF  SiricCL  IjAKpa. — Tho.>;»  of  our 
reaclers  iulcnjslcd  wil";  do  well  to  rv;r.i!'nibcr 
the  aalo  of  school  lanJs  In  vhis  county  wili 
take  place  at  tho  Court  iloase  on  the  2JLh 
of  Ovlober,at  10  o'clock  in  the  forenoon. 

CoiiP.\ni;  The  crowded  columns  of  tie 
Argus  wit'a  the  sprawling  adverti-scments 
twice  repeated  in  the  Spectator. 

Labgi:  quantities  of  wheat  are  daily 
brought  to  the  Shakopee  market,  and  on 
yesterday  readily  brought  §1.71  per  bushel. 

CiiEAri:sT  Route  Eastwahd  —Passengers 
for  New  York,  Boston  and  New  England 
cities,  will  be  glad  to  learn  tha-  the  Erie 
Railway  Company  is  yet  issuing  First-Class 
Tickets  to  New  York  at  S2.T0  less  than 
rival  Lines.  The  pre.sent  authorized  rates 
of  the  Company  are:  from  Dunkirk  to  New 
York.  $8.00  ;  DufTalo  to  New  York,  $a.T5  ; 
and  Salamanca  to  New  York,  §7.23.  To 
secure  the  bcnclits  of  these  reduced  rates, 
passengers  should  obtain  tickots  to  Dunkirk, 
I'.ufialo  or  Salamanca,  in.slead  of  purchasing 
through  coupon  tickets  to  New  Vork  ;  and 
when  at  Dunkirk,  Rulfalo  or  Salamanca, 
procure  a  ticket  for  the  remainder  of  their 
journey,  at  the  Erie  Railway  Company's 
unices,  which  are  always  open  on  the  arri- 
val of  the  trains  of  all  Western  and  and 
Southern  Lines.  The  comfort  and  pleasure 
to  be  derived  from  a  trip  in  one  of  those 
lu.xurious  rolling  i)alace3  of  the  Erie  Kail- 
way,  aside  from  the  astonisliiuL'  low  ratos  ol 
f.irv',  shoultl  induce  our  merchants  and  others 
to  take  this  route  when  going  to  New  \ork 
or  New  England,  in  preference  to  all  others. 

Cattli:  Faiu. — On  Monday  last  was  held 
the  last  monthly  fair  of  the  season.  Many 
caltlc  changeil  hands  at  good  prices.  Scv- 
chaI  teams  of  horses  were  sold  i^cveral 
p jliticians  were  active  on  the  fair  grounds, 
and  doubtless  soiiic  of  them  wore  sold  very 

Reparator     Capilli. 

Throw  away  jonr  false  frizz«s,yonr  switcliCB,  your 

Pestruiil»c  of  comfort,  and  nnt  worth  a  fii?; 
CoiiK'  uKfil.fonie  youthful,  come  nsly  jukI  lair, 
Ami  rej^ioi'  In  yourowii  luxuriant  hair. 


Far  restoring    hair   upon    b  aid  head 
(friini  whatever  cauee  it  may   have  fallen 
out)  and  forcing  a  growth  of  hair  upon 
the  face,  it   has  no  equal.     It  will  force 
the  beard   to  grow    upon  tho  smoothest 
face  in  from  five  to  eight  weeks,  or  hair 
upon    bald   heads  in  from   two   to  three 
months.     A  few   ignorant    practitioners 
ha  e  a.>sertcd    that  there  is  nothing   that 
will  force  or  hasten  the    growth  of  the 
hair  or  beard.     Tiieir  assertions  are  false, 
as  th(insand.s  of    living    witno*;es  (from 
their  own  experience)  can    bear  witness. 
But  many  will  say,  how  arc  we  to  distin- 
guish the  genuine  from  the  spurious  7     It 
certainly  is  difficult,  as  nine-tenths  of  the 
difTercut    I^reparations  advcrti.^cd  for  tho 
hair  and  beard  are  entirely  worlhlcss,  and 
you  may  have  already  thrown  away  large 
umminis  in   their  purchase,      lo  such  we 
would  say.  try  the  llepnrator  Capilli  ;  it 
wiil  co-t  you  nothing  unless  it  fully  comes 
up    with    e>iir   repr'.'t^entations.     If  your 
Drugg'st  tlocH  not   keep  it,  send    us  one 
i  Jolh/r  nn;l   wc  ivill  f.-rwurd  it.  postpuid. 
tog'./tiiCT  rr.ih   a  rovipt   for  the  mui;o\, 
v.'hich  will  be  n^turnrd  yo";  o;i  apj.licution 
providing  ontiro  ssii'-raction  is  U'-t  givcii. 

Addres-s     W.  L.  CLARK  k  CO. 


Xn.  .T  West  Fj«ycltc  St.,  Svkacu.sf.,  N.Y 

Largest   Book  Agency  in  tli^ 




\mn   ] 

IX    AI.l.    THE 


Tbrouch  acents  I  now  oHcr  to  the  puMIc  an  en. 
tircn.w  e.mioii  cf  M  AeKK.NZlK'S  OHi-AT  KAMI 
LV  UECEII'T  HOOK,  conlnhilna  the  iliiicov«-rle« 
ol  over  a  (lU.'iiliT  "I  a  cf  iitury.  Tlie  .stcn  otype 
l.Uitcsi  mill  wmid  ((Its  urenll  new  ami  aiono  lost 
S4.O0<i.  TUf  arlliU'son  A^'rh-ullnri',  lloitklUture 
iiikI  Kur.\l  Bill  Dnniisllc  Kioiiomy.  ar«  wi.rlli  to 
llii- Kaniior  anil  (liinlrner  several  tlinos  Its  lo.-t.— 
The  I  ••ct(>es  for  Cookliiil,  I'reservliiK.  I'lckiinc, 
ConfcctlOiierv,  ami  Carviu-.-.  bUorIiI  be  hi  Ihi-  |hjs- 
session  of  i-very  li-iosewl("i'.  This  (lepartuieiit 
alone  Is  more  coniplclc  an  I  r.ilnaMc  than  any 
other  work  erer  piihll'licil  on  tliU  subjcit  The 
itKeasps  of  th>'  horse,  cm  tie.  hop*,  anil  olhiTani- 
niali..  are  treat,  il  nt  at  sri-al  leujitli  onM  lomi  lete 
(llr.-ctlons  given  for  irratnient.  The  ilepirliiii'nts 
i.f  .Mi-.llilne.  Itiewins  ami  Instillation,  I'ernnnery. 
nieniUtni;.Tatinliii;,  PalnlliiK.  Varnlslies.Oenienls. 
Ac.  are  all  fhn-  coOIJ  be  deMre.l.  More  than  scv- 
eiitv  distinct  »n)i|i'rtsare  r  irelully  exan;lin'il  aiol 
ircateitof.  ll  ia  ui|ii;.-sMonab!y  th--  bf>t  Ixixk  1' 
thr  iinti  iter  pui  Ui't'jJ ,  ellherin  tliis  r.-untrv  or 
Knropp.  I'ricc,  hsu'liome^jr  boond  In  cloth,  $4,00 ; 
.-.hupp,  $4/1". 

5ten  aij.l  wcir.ri.of  ch  iraclcr  uni  nMllty. 
ei'  a*  r...:iv,^'.s'rs,  tn  t'JJOFi'ABi.K  KM- 
V'L'i  VMKN  r  «•:•!  !••  ru^ranto-'l  .'•e:id  a!  one  lor 
tir.  uUr»  nn'J  fu'.'  purtit  i'>i-s  t- •.".?■  ut*. 

Kjr  «.jnp;eH-.f  liie  COLPKN  i  KN   rrcr..  enclose 
»«■•»  stamp*  «ol  tliev  «  Ml  Les"nt  witli  ciivular*. 
AjarexsM.  V.  U.  t'o\VL>.  LuiA>Ltii.  la-lUu*. 

[,  mWi  &  CO., 



X3Mr     iS 

DKAi.F.ns  ijr 


Ezcelsior !    Esceisior ! 

WHITE  T-IME  and  t'KMKNT,  now  a:  d 
fr^hat         HATHAWAY  &  iiUlUUS. 

Itola.,     Ito3::L,     Ito33.  ! 

scratch:  scratch:!  scuatcii:!! 

Ill  front  lOtolShf.lira. 
T\'heatoti>  Ointment     cures     The  Ttch. 
Wheaton'.s  Ointment     cures     Sail  Riieum. 
Wheaton's  Ointment     cures     Tt.lter.  • 
"Wheatou's  Ointment     cures     Barbers'  Itch. 
Wlieaton's  Ointment     cures     Old  Sores. 
Wheaton's  Ointment     cures     Every  kind 
of  Uumor  like  Magic. 

Pr'-e  50  cents   a   box  ;    by   "'"".v*"*.':^"!*-,  '^iV;*'? 
WKkK's    A    PO'lTEIl.     .N".   170     WashHiKton     btricl, 

isoston,  Sept.  l><iT.-*p.  "otite  1  yr. 

The  BiisT  13  the  Ciieai'kst. — This  ma.xim 
was  never  better  illustrated  than  in  the  use 
of  D.  B.  De  Land  k  Co.'s  Best  Chemical 
^aleralus.  It  is  the  best  in  the  world,  and 
the  purchaser  gels  a  full  eciuivalent  for  the 
money  paid,  in  a  pure  healthy  article.  To 
use  any  other  is  trilling  with  a  great  bless- 
ing— health.     Use  it  in  place  of  Sjda. 

JS^^It   is  believed   that  the  lightning  will 
b:f  ashamed  to  slriko  the  new  railroad  depot 
ai  this   place.     Thi;  se.-  of  that  duck  is  said 
t  >  be  a  Drake.     Certainly  there  is  no  tuikey  1 
troblcr  about  it  either  in  stvlc  or  boautv. 


Suffer  no  More! 

When  by  the  use  of  DR.  JOIN- 
VILLE'.S  ELIXIR  you  can  be  cured 
pernninontly.  and  at  a  trifling  cost. 

The  astonishing  success  which  has  n'- 
tcnded  this  inva'uablo  meiiiciiio  fci 
Physical  and  Nervous  WcaKncss, Oenerul 
Debility  and  Prostration,  Lo.>ss  of  .Muscu- 
lar Ener»:y,  Impotcnrv,  or  any  of  the 
conscqnenci'S  of  youthful  indiscretion, 
renders  it  the  most  valuable  pivpuralion 
ever  discovered. 

It  will  remove  all  nervous  affictionp, 
depros.sion,  excitement,  inc.ipacily  tn 
study  or  business,  loss  of  memory,  cnufu- 
sioii,  thoughts  of  selfdestrnction,  fcar.s  o! 
insanitv,  ic  It  will  restore  the  ajipctiit . 
renew  the  health  of  thosi-  who  haw;  de- 
stroyed it  by  scusual  exjcss  or  evil  prat  - 

Young  Men,  be  hnmbng^Tod  nom.m 
by  'Quack  Doctors"  and  igminiiit  practi 
tiomrs,  but  send  without  <li  lay  lor  tin 
Elixir,  and  be  at  once  ivstored  to  healii, 
and  happiness.  A  i'erfect  Cure  is  <Jnai- 
antecd  in  every  instance.  Priie,  5-"l,(i 
four  bottles  to  one  iuhliv.-s,  ^It. 

One  bottle  is  sullicienl  to  ctl'  a  cuic 
in  ull  ordinary  cn~es. 

FIC  PILLS,  fur  Ihesp.vdy  and  porina 
ncnt  cure  of  (joiu-rrhca,  (ilect,  Urethra! 
Di.scharge.s,  (Jravel,  Strictuiv,  and  all 
iifllctioiis  of  the  Kidneys  and  J'ladder. — 
Cures  enected,  n  from  one  to  five  days. 
They  are  prepared  from  Wiretablc  ex- 
tracts tiiat  are  harnde.-s  on  the  svslem. 
and  never  nauseate  the  .stomach  or 
iuipregpate  the  breath.  No  change  of 
diet  is  necessary  wliile  u.^ing  them,  nor 
docs  their  action  in  any  mnmier  interfere 
with  bu.-incss  puisuiis.  Price,  §1  per 

Either  of  the  above  mentioned  article.'^ 
will  be  .sent  to  any  addic.^3,  closely  scaled, 
■md  popt-paid,  by  mail  or  expre.-;?,  on  re- 
n  i[it  iif  price.     A'!i!n'>8all  orders  to 

I,1:1;0E1:,.SHI:TTS  &  Co..Ciiemists, 
.\'o.  28:),  River  Street,  Troy,  N.  Y, 

C  il  A  S  T  i:  L  L  A  R  '  S 

naif        £.\(criii!»a(or  !  J 

For  Rrr.iovlng    SuiJerfluons    llnlr! 

To  the  ladies  cppccially.  this  invaluable 
depilatory  recoumiends  itself  as  being  an 
almost  indispor.tibic  article  to  female 
beauty,  is  easily  applied,  dots  not  burn 
or  injure  the  skin,  but  act.s  directly  on  the 
roet.s.  It  I.-  w  irraiiteil  to  remove  super- 
fluou.'>  hair  from  low  fort'l;cads,  or  from 
any  part  of  the  body,  co-.i:i>lcte!y,  tolaily 
and  radically  extirpating  tlie  .same,  leav- 
ing the  skill  soft,  smooth  and  natural. — 
This  is  the  only  article  used  by  the  Eiench 
and  is  the  only  real  effectual  depilatory  in 
existence.  Price  T')  cents  jier  package, 
sent  post-paid,  to  any  uddres-s  on  receipt 
of  an  order,  bv 

BERGER.SHUTTS  .t  Co.  niemi«t8. 
285  River  St.,  Troy,  X.  Y 



Yankee     notions, 

Ready-made  Clothing, 


Boots   4*   ^hoes^ 

IleavY  &  Slicif  Hardware, 

I  xi-  o   ir-u"  . 

JS^ails  mid  Ghiss 

i^  "Gf?*  O  ■^T'l^lS  9 

fin  and  Slicct-Iroii  Ware, 

L.   B.  MORROW  &  CO. 

Respectfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of   Shakopee, an d  Vicinity 
that  they  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

Drugs  and  Medicines,  Perfumery,  Patent  [Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Articles,  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
and  all  other  articles  usually  found  in  a 
Drug  Store.  We  hope,  and  it  shall  i)c  our 
aim,  to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  ihc 
public  patronage. 

Ef3^  Petrolene  Fluid  constantly  on  hand  aud 
for  sale. 

HOTEL  BLOf'K.-rt^a 





AM  I?(TlltIST  IT*  THE 

Urbana  Scheme. 

Benil  for  an  llln»trf»ted  Circular. 




e    ? 


f»    ,-.   i.   -y.     c 

kit  '^  1 

X    1-3    :; 



5  < 

rr    -1 

C-  S3 

5  2 






'r.  ;j 

c-     LI    — . 
IB     S 

1  '' 





A    large   af^?urtintiit  of 

<Z^   1^  C^   C^  13L  S 

On  bund  and  for  sale. 


CORNER    OF    HOLMK.S    AND    Fia-T    STIIEKT.-.  SII.MCOPe;»„  MLXNT;- 0T.\ 

Highest  market  piicc  paid  for 

W  ll  @  a  t , 


A   L  .S  0  , 



IRON,  ANr> 

Taken  in  exchange  for  Good?. 

D.  A.  U U NTSM AX.  \-  .;  J .  P.  1 1 U MS «  A  V. 

D.  A  Himtsman  Bl  Br©., 


«^  $3.00  Saved.— Passengers  Going 

East  will  save  $:J.OO  in  Fare  by  tukinir  the 
UUASU  HAVES  ROVrR.  One  of  thy  Seanwl.lpii  of 
till*  Mm-  l.-ares  Mtlw.mkee  .Inlly  ;:>.itnr.ljys  exccr-ttil) 
iki  6  311  P.  SI.  fr^ni  Dock  foot  of  Milwaukee  Str  ot,  nmU- 
Jiu  Olreot  connection  at  OraiiJ  ILiven  with  morning 
Tr.iln  lor  Uetrult  an«l  .ill  points  K;i«t.  Tick,  is  fur  sik> 
l.y  IHAKLKS  TllOMf.>^0.\",  Aiienl  of  X..rrli«  .-stpni 
I'liloii  P.ickct  C->..  aiiJ  byCo;*!.  I.  C.  GKOJUii:.  A;jei  t 
Wlun,  CciiUal  Railway,  St.  I'aul.aiia  at  all  prtuclpal 
Ticket  Offices  In  tUe  Noitliwcjt. 

THOMAS  UlilX.  W.  W.  WIUSON. 

ttoa'l  Supi ..  Dcliuil.  Wiit.  I'iiss.  Agl,  MiUvauiec. 

}  111, 20  tut 


Ki  Telle  Plnine,  3J  in»l.,  very  »uilij*nl.y,  of  illseiist 
of  thf  Luiit;:-.  Juli»  U°Neille.«Ki><l  aliout  3i>  .\eark. 

A  CAHD  PnOM  M'{.  AXU  .^!US.  Ilfc:.MlY 



li.  A.  IVrrigo! 

HilHiii  Rimilil 

Billiartl  Hall, 

On  Fif.Ht    Strnct,  nearly  opposite  the    Fitst 
National  Bank,  Shakopee,  Minn. 

W.  L.  GRANT,  Proprietor. 

T*>(»  cbo'rr^l   W|nr«  LiTior*  .in.l   Cicar*.  Frcsli    Ale, 
P   rurmi'l    l.a.;er  Ik-i-r,  always  tj  bo  hu. I  at  tho  Bar.— 
li*n   Lnix-Ii  «'  »"y   hour. 

«t  the  ••iloiilaiiii,"  ari'l  pleasant,  airy  npjruii' 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  IIk.nkv  IIlnds  esliM-m  11  \\ 
pioti.suru  to  p  ibliely  acknowleiig'e  their  ;:re;it 
o:)!i-:ation  Ui.d  e.xuress  their  thanks,  lo  Mi.s.-. 
Ji  1.1.V  LoKD.  During  our  lun^r  nhsence, 
MisS  LoKi)  luii  eiiarge  oi"  ot"  our  honseUoM 
afi'iirs  ami  tho  care  of  our  larprc  family.  On 
onr  return,  wo  find  onr  houaehoUt  iiirair.-. 
liuvo  hocu  inanagcJ    v,lth   ability    and  wiili 

all    due  econDtny.     Our    children    have  evi-  .j^.^^,^,^.^.,^^      Siichr:.'     t.,-other  :      se 

loiijr   "eparatctl.  give 

llic    World   Astoiiishod 


.Made    by    the    Groat    Astrologist, 

'$1800. A  YEAR 

dently  had  the  bist  ot"  care  and  been  treate 
with  a  taothtir's  kindne.s.s.  Wivi.vj  and  lu-j 
ihcrs  well  knovv  lliat  Miis  Lonn'i  ehar-t; 
has  been  a  very  iryin^  as  well  as  a  very 
responsible  one.  \Vliilc  absent  we  felt  con- 
tented, and  satisfied  tha'.  our  family,  in  sick- 
ness or  ill  health,  were  in  excellent  hands 
and  would  be  treated  with  a.  niolhur'd  kind 
uess  and  choriohed  with  a  mother's  love, 
and  on  our  return  v,o  have  not  been  diaap 
pointed.  We  our  youn^  friend  ninen 
succes.s  in  life,  .and  a  can  er  long,  j)ros[)erous 
and  happ},  in  a  houie  of  her  ova  eiioosiu':. 

Slu'    r  Vials    ."^eeiuis    no  iiiortnl    over 
knew.     Slie  rf.-!n't'.«  tu  liapi)ines.s  to 
whi),  from    doicUii    i-vtM^s,  '•;!i;»>lf-«i|ili.- 
iTu.-s"s   in    li»v.-,    joss  of    relations    and 
frii'iids.  Iiisi*  of  oniK'v  ,v>-.    hav;'   ;  ■  •  <  nie 

'     >t£  5  B  '• 


j  NATI 

1       *        c-  r;.  c   3 


-    -r  =  ?  5 

e        1— 1  -    _:  ^5 
•8         S    ~   =.  = 

■1       =  s  ■■'■  2 



7      "  «  T  -- 


w        ■* 

1                            ,.*     ,-^      .      --. 


r      'T      V.     — 


Ot-rSeoon-i  and  Third  Pa^'ds- 

Mw!«><T  AMBto,  imU  ud  rniial*.  In  nlllnE  b^  nbcrription, 

cjiliinllir  lOiUW  |>r««»k»l  rwdfU  pcftmlniSK  to  over  jovinly  d:»- 
Vntt  iubiw-u,  »nd  lh«  ntotl  prpuUr  and  v»)usb!e  work  of  the 
kiBt  publi>lic<li  Klio,  lor  GOLDEN  PCN,  •up«rceding  aU 
wtk«r«.  «h«r«  tctrudacad.  tor  tirrvlftri  ftod  •aropU  of  p«n»  ail- 
tlocwtwa  Mamft,  aad  aMnM,  U.  T.  B.  COWXIl,  Lik&7«tU, 

S 10  PER  DAY. 

AnnU,  male  aad  tenale,  wut«d,  la  •▼•ry  town  anil  atiabbor. 
kooJ,  for  th*  bMt  parinc  •nicle  of  ii«cM«ity  io  erery  family  •ver 
cif.r«H.       JUST   THE    THING   TO    SELL     ANY- 

'^^gpg  Xj^r^a  protiu on  tuutll  capital— no  couipLtiliua— do 
i1.k-l.ii»ioi«p»ln«B»»«,l«riUn>aUau.l  pl«««>nt,  and  auiMb!* 
Jof  CWrtxmn,  TrarWra,  Fanmra,  M»cfcunic«,  or  aojbody. 
»;i.lo.ivtlerTin>rjr  If«dand  fuilrlnlil  f'.r  U  \rtr.,  MCurjd 
kv  pal".talratM»duKlil!e*I''«"l-»P"  "•».»•  ^  AddrrtJ  witll 
.i.ipKr|«i„i.,         .  CHAi-rtLL  *  CO.,  Ckicaso,  lU. 

Wc  privle  curselve.i  on  the  very  lar^je  atid 
choice   Selection   of  reading    itjat^itjr   to    'oe 

iind  frotp  week  to  wec-ii  on  the  second  ani 

n.'l  t-ages  of  the  Aiij;i.i.     laU  of  coai.;c 

inakca  the  Argvw  a  very   '^uiere^Uitj^.  laiaily 

p:>.por.   -For  tho.4»euefit  of  our   huly    Jr^i;; 

^  ■  '    h  thij  .VC'.  k  a    di>?ription    of  the'.- 

:  .-:  at  hoiao."'      Kaoli  of  our   l^sdy 

s' w»!l  -t^ddsfti^     '         ic'SCi^jttlon   as 

refen-in::;  to   her  htLjbandj jwiti   our  feporter 

Las  slveu  a  very  true  uedcrip:iou  uLhiiu. 

So  reading  nitUter  as  we  are  famish- 
ing, of  cour.-^e  cannot  bo  procured  without 
great  c-vpeiise.  Instead  of  giving  30  much 
reading  matter  we  tuii^ht  follow  the  exam- 
p'.  of  our  neighbor,  and  fill  the  Argns  with 
sprawling  advertisomontj,  twice  repealed. 
Cut  if  wo  did  so,  wo  luo  would  have  cause 
to  torn  plain  aa  the  Spectator  does,  that 
Democrats  and  Rej  ublicai^s  both  refuse  to 
take  the  Argus. 

Wheaton's   Itch    Ointment   and   The 

iiormation       n- 
eeriiing   ab^ent  fiieofhs or  lover.s  rea   'ics^ 
^)^t  orst.'len  |ir>ipei  ty,  icil^i  \«»u  ihe  bna- 
nt.>s  you  are  be>t  tjualified  lo  pur.suu  viu 
in    what    V'iU    will    be   inoHl    succe>.- 
canse.-!  ^«peedy  niiniaiiesatiu'ells:  you 
veiy  day  you  will  marry,    iriw^   you 
name,  likoness  and    ciiara:  leri^^i<•.-  of     i. 
person.    8h4'  roads  your  veiy    thinj_'i.t 
and   by  her  almost  svipernutnial  pnwv 
ill, Veils  the  dark  and  liiddeii  niystcrios  ■"' 
ti.e   future.     From  tho   y-^ata   we  see  \\ 
tiu«    firn>amei:t — tho    ninl.  lie  star*!    th;:' 
i)\ercotne  or  pred.>niinaLe  in  the  cnnfi.."! 
iilir.n— ifrom  the  tu^perts  anri  po.?itioi- 
'->f  the  planets  ■         '     "  •-  ':; 

bi'avor;V  at  the  t:  ,    . 

iho  ftituro  de.-:lii  '    iv>\.  u< 

coa'-nlt  •' ■:  on  <jart'  , 

Ji  I'ostn  tl    viin  n»a 

;'   ■     Oppo 

\         ,i' .:.   :-    ■    \     '■■  -    likene- 
;dl  desired  infoiinationr  i^l.     Pnrtie- 
..t    a    di.^tanr*  can    rf»«!'olt     th 
be  nir.i!    with    erjun'  -JMrfU'  sni- 
sa'  I  iact'dn  "     ' 
A  ndl.  t>.v\    ■:,  .  .. 
wit^tJlM  .inqnirrc*  :'.; 
ei.clo'W-'d,  .-'fnl  by  nri;     :;  kclj.'.  •-•!  j 
ai>ovc  Ricntioncd.     'He  strident   .-e:  p -\ 
will  be  iiuiinf allied  anu   ;!i   ooire-joid 
encc  retnri.ed   or  (K-s' roved.     Rcfe:erice> 
of  the  hi-ihe-jt   onjer  Inn  Wied  iho-e  dc- 
.siriiig  tliem.     Wii'.e    rlnir'y   the  (hiy   of 
ilio  numth   and  ye:;r  in  whieh   you   were 
Viijrn,  cnelosintr  !i  snmll  lock  of  hair. 
Address.     Mapamk    IF.    A.  ri-IilUOO. 
i".  O.  Orawkk  2'J.">,  hvyvAio,  N.Y. 

QuB^Qi'  Ooma. 


Ladies  Bress   Goods,  etc. 
Doivt  lorg-et  the  place — Cor-  Ilolmes  &  First  SLs. 

nil :  «tifTv.;»  he.niit!)'ul  an-l  f.i'r 
With  Kttrry  er>'».  sivt  m  liant  hair. 
>V(i<i;«i»  cuill'ie  letiilriN  •"•ft.  entnlne'l. 

Kn  "Lii  ;''l  "'.•-■  \  'TV  luarl  iii'l  iiilml. 

c;Rii$Pi:u  ( 0.11  A. 

Portable  Engines 

Stka^c    Pu.mi's,    8aw 
.MiLUS,  Shinolk  Mii.i>5,   Plankks. 

AND  TaoN  FAKM  IiriL.I.S;  WHAKTIXif. 
l'(iM.It.S,  liKI/riXO  AM»  Kij<vatu» 
Xi.M-m-\LKY  BUiLT  TO  OKUKlt. 


CHICAGO,    IL,!,, 

Wc   learn    from  the    last  number  of  the 

Spectator,  that  the  editor  of  that  f  nj^ei;4ia« 

been  trying  \Vhcatou"i  Itch  ()i:j4iTieiilkwhich     ^       ^      ,.    ^  ....     .r   •      ,    ..■^ 

■'      "  For   Cnrling  the  Ilair  of  eltltcr  Sex 

ii  advertised  in  tie.  Argu*.     Kut  iho  disease  mioWavynni  (;ioii>y  nine- 

has    become  fhronic   in    tuo   editor    of  that  1         let»  or  llenvy  .Masulvc  CnrI*. 
sheet,    and    scvcr;d      .1]  fiicarions    becoire  '      I5v  usbip  this  artich^  L.-idies  and  (loa- 

necesanrr.     Another  arplicalion  of  tho  oint-  i  ^'"^='1<^"  =;?  ^i'^"'''"^,  "^^-'I'-^l^'-S  a   th-n- 

,    .,       .,        ,       ,         .„   ,        i  .'and  fold.     It  i.s   the  only  article  in  the 

ment  ««.<  mnde  the  other  .!..,y.  but  ..(ill  there  ;  ^,,^,,i.i  ,i,,.t  nill  curl  ^trait^ht  hair,  and  at 

has  been  a   ptxid  deal   of  .scratching  aboKt  ;  Hip  same  time   pivc  it  a  Leantiful,  filo.ssy 

the  saLeturu  uf  ttht  j>f^|tr  during  the  present     apjca  mice.     The  CrUper  Coma  not  oidv 

wetk,   and    the  gpeotator  man    ihink.^   of !  ^"'•'s'l^e  h.nir.  but  invitrorut. «.    beautifies 

,.     ,  <        •         ,  [  a;id  cleanses  it;  IS  high'v  «no  delizhlfiillv 

niaHng  a  tre-sh   aji'-icatH  n  of  green   prat.'  '  f-    .  . 

as  one  of  tie  •^■ort-head  L'linQCtirtsima  nd- 
yrs^l  him  that  <ijc!i  »n  itjprientiun  i<  more 
soothing  tbun  Whtatou'o  i  '  '  .iilment,  a.> 
'be  hao  t.lcd  ijuth. 

[M  rfiinicd.  and  is  the  most  romfdete  arti- 
rle  of  the  ku>d  ever  cfler^vl  to  the  Anieri- 
cirpiibiif.  The  I'lisp^T  Comn  will  bt- 
si'iit  to  any  n'!dn''»s,  ^faietl  nod  postpaid 
for  81.    Address  iill  ord  r«  to 

W.  l-.rf.M'K  ft  <>»    ''h«>ni'«»«. 
So.S  W«»i  pHyt-ue  :<irc<'t.  5yracu?c,S   Y 

DH.    BCnENCK'3 


Thii  fTcttt  nicdicino  cure'l  Dr.  .T.  II.  Bohknck,  the 
Proprietor,  ot  Pulmonary  Consumption,  t«  hoa  it  had 
MBtinird  l\f  most  lormldabln  nrpoct,  and  rrhcn  Fpocdj 
death  appeared  to  be  meyitab!«.  Ilia  phye'clann  pro- 
DoonrcJ  h'a  c«M  Iccurab'.e  when  ho  commenced 
the  tise  of  thii  Bimp'.a  bat  powerful  rcmcU'.  Ilia 
health  wa3  rcvtoraJ  in  a  very  short  timn,  anl  do 
return  of  tho  d':£ca.-e  )ia3  been  apprchcnJcJ,  for  aU 
the  •yirptomi  quickl)-  ditappjarcJ,  and  his  prcc:ai 
weight  i^  more  ttaa  Ito  hundred  piand.".     ^ 

8!nc6  ib  rccoverr,  he  hxt  deroted  hJa  attention 
erclniiivclj-  to  the  cure  ot  Conjuniption  and  Iha 
di»ease«  which  are  ujuallr  comp'icateJ  wiih  It,  and 
Ihe  cnrcj  eiTecieJ  by  his  niedicinoj  have  l)cea  ysiy 
nmneroiu  and  truly  Trondonul.  Dr.  Scii.:^Jis 
makes  pro-'c^iootl  vialts  toK-reral  of  the  larger  eUies 
weekly,  where  he  lia?*  IsLTgo  concourao  orpalienta, 
■ad  it  11  tnil/  astouiihln?  to  u>e  poor  consumptive;] 
tha:  have  to  lo  Ui?el  out  of  tholr  carr'iai?<,  aud  la 
a  fc^  infinthi  bca'th-,  robust  persons.  Da. 
TONIC,  and  MANDRAKE  PILLS  8r«  penerally 
all  required  In  cu.-;n?  Consan-.ptlon.  Full  direc- 
tion! accotnpany  cacK.  so  tliat  any  one  can  taVa  thorn 
wilhotu  teeing  Dr.',  hot  whe-i  a  it  con- 
venient it  k  I>e!t  to  »«£  him.  He  give;  adrlco  iroc, 
but  tor  ath.>rou3b  exiL.:iiiiaw3n  waU  his  Il«°pirgiui>ior 
bis  fee  is  threj  dollars. 

Plcaao  oU'crve,  wh-^n  rarcU.ii'nK,  thit  tho  Itto 
IlkcaOKie}  Oi'  tho  Doctor— ono  when  In  tha  :a.'t  faja 
of  Conaun-.ntion,  and  the  c'.har  as  ho  tso^  i»,  in 
I>.>rffct— ore  oh  tha  GovemTnent  riatip.  ^ 

6j;d  ty  all  D.-u.'Kl«t«  and  Dca'«r«.  PrU»  *I.a 
par  tottie,  or  4:.50  the  ha'/  doiie.i.*  Letters  for 
advico  Bhoui.1  always  bo  direc-'ol  to  Dr.  Schenek's 
Pfindpal  OiTice,  Ij-  Korlh  6th  St.,  Phiiaie^pii-a,  Pa. 
■j'^eticral  ANTioiOiaJo  .Vi;outs:  Do;r.a!  Cimu  &  Co., 
W.  v..  S.  3.  Uanca,  Baltimore,  MI.;  J«hn  U. 
P.\rk,  Ci-icinnati,  0 no;  Wallttr  J:  Taj  lor,  CUicaxa, 
111. ;  CoiUua  Broa..  St.  Loaia,  ii-).  CM  w.  n.  Qia.  t  yt. 


iDR.  scnEiioKS  mkdici:j:e3. 

TO  CrCi:  CON  ilMlTIOU,  tlie  •?;  «:e-n  mnat  b.^ 
r-.-pniCiiso  tbul  ;'.iji;r.ii{3  will  h?»'.  Ti  aocc'iipMsb 
thij,  tha  liTcr  anj  stoTUCch  moi^  ur:it  he  elt  anscd  and 
aaappT.'.le  rrei'r.-l  :or  ;;3C  1  v.Iiolc.;3;r.c  !oo.l,  wl.ich, 
by  t!ie«  niellrlasi  r-ill  la  JeoucJ  prcporly,  a-iJ 
fcod  heathy  I'oo-l  muds;  Ituf  baiidlng  up  the 
eonstatrtlon.  3';nr:NiJK*3  M.VNnn.VK?;  PILLJ5 
eleausc  the  stomach  ot  all  b!l!oni  or  muro:n  a.X'.ir>:ii- 
latlOiis:  and,  by  u.'iinj  thj  Se-a  Wood  Tooio  l»  coa- 
neot'on.  th.-^  ap'^fto  is  rtylorcJ. 

8CHKNCK3  PULMONIC  tiYaiF  H  nntr:c!o-.3 
aa  wtsll  as  mjMlcir.  vl,  au  J,  by  lutn?  th*  thrtv  rciiic-I  nx 
a:i  iniporitie*  »rc>  ocpcllel  trszn  ihe  s>Ttcin,  and 
^oo<X,  Hhulcsomo  l<loo<]  niaJc,  nhich  will  repsl  all 
diyoa.*'.  It  pitlcata  will  ia';a  iJu^'C  nedi!'inc«8c»70i^l- 
Inj  lo  d'rcot!<n"<,  Cons .iTiip* Ion  rrry  trcqiientli-  In 
li»  la"t  B.*»'e  yi.«ld«  rfo-iily  'o  their  actso-i.  Tak»-  thf 
pills  fnviucntiy,  to  eloans*  th';  llrerand  rtonwsrh.  Ii 
douf  not  loilow  that  berau'e  l':e  bowel''  ar*  not  rat- 
tive  they  are  not  rs-itiirct,  for  scme'iuici  In  dhrr- 
i  hueati^y  are  nci-rotary.  The r-ton.aeh  tuusl  N>  kept 
bealihv,  and  an  a?p3*ito  crcafol  to  allow  Ihe  Pul- 
monic Syrcp  to  ac*  on  *he  reapira'ory  or;.nn»  prrperl.v 
and  altar  aav-  iiTMatian.  Tl>«>n  %!i  that  is  re^juirt.-<l  tc 
per  orii  a  iicmidi-vii  cur«  ia,  lo  pre-ent  lakinr 
eol'i.  Exr-rc'w  about  *iie  rooms  ax  much  a'  pmslhU^ 
est  all  the  rlcJui-rt  rood — l«l  meat,  ga-nw.  and.  m  laM, 
tnrth'nitho  *;•)  m-n  •«<  ^ri'  '>■  nn'-'  -"ar -fi' 
.1  C1.1.  ..^i.  ^        {^j  M.i<iL  1.0.  i  yt. 


tfe|8lat)le  Sicilian  Hair  Mm] 

Ilfifi  stood  the  test  of  seven  years 
trial  by  the  public  :  and  no  prepa- 
ration for  the  hair  yet  discovered 
will  produce  the  same  bene/icial 
results.  It  is  a  new  scientijic  dis- 
covery, combining  the  most  jwwer- 
fiil  and  restorative  agents  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  If  restores 
FUL COLOR.  It  mahcs  the  scalp 
white  and  clean;  cures  dandruff 
and  humors,  and  falling  out  of  th« 
haip  ;  and  will  make  it  yrow  upon 
bald  hcatls,  except  in  very  aged 
persons,  as  it  furnishes  the  nutri- 
tive principle  by  which  the  hair 
is  nourished  and  supported.  It 
makes  the  hair  moist,  soft,  and 
fllos'ty.  and  is  unsurpassed  as  a 
HAIR  DRESSING.  It  is  the  cheapest 
preparation  ever  offered  to  the 
public,  as  one  bottle  will  accom- 
plish more  and  Ifist  longer  than 
three  bottles  of  any  other  prepara- 

It  is  recommended  and  vsed  by 
the  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  wonderful  results  prod u ceil 
by  our  Sicilian  Hair  Ilencwer 
have  induced  many  to  manufac- 
ture preparations  for  the  Hair, 
under  various  names;  aud  in 
order  to  induce  the  trade  and  the 
public  to  purchase  their  com- 
pounds, thf  y  have  resorted  to  false- 
hoods, by  claiming  they  were 
former  parfuers,  or  had  some  con- 
nection with  our  Mr.  Hall,  and 
their  preparation  was  similar  to 
ones.  Do  not  be  deceived  by  them.' 
Vurchasc  the  original :  it  has 
never  been  equalled.  Onr  Treatise 
on  thr  Hair,  with  cei'tiflcates,  sent 
free  by  mail.  See  that  each  bottle 
has  our  private  Itevenne  Stamp 
over  the  top  of  the  bottle.  All  oth- 
ers are  itnitatious. 
R.  P.  Hall  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N.  H. 

iiold  6v  all  ThunoUts  ami  Dtalrrtin  yfnlicine. 

C.  A.  COOK,  CHICAGO,  iLLs 

Accittror  tltc  Xortb-WcKlcru  Stales. 

U.  S.  IlOLTOX.l  [CirAJ?.  HASKKNS 

Comer  cf  Hclmco  &  First  Sts.,  Shakopee,  Minnesota 

Dealers  ia 

Dry  Goods,  Bress  Goods,  Clolhishf  ^ 

Groceries^  Boots   and  Shoes,    Hats   and    Cap^, 

H.O£tcl.3r-j3.^i:icIo    O3.<ot3a.i3:i.3;.   oto,   olio, 

i]!S=>  The  hidinst  nirrlsct   price  paid   for  ^V heat,  Furs,  and  nil 
kinds  of  country  produce. 

^J3-Ciill   .111.1  .sec.     V.'e  tire  BOUND  NOT  TO  BE  UNDERSOLD    by  auy  finu  in  i!.c 
Miiuitsota  Valley. 




1?  O  :SFL  ES 

$10     to   $20  a    Day. 

Ciur.tronii  •  Viillcl  ."l.itrs.  to  Infro'ltn-n  onr 
I'.^IKNT  MAll  tilUTTI.K  .<KWIMJ  MACIIiNK.  It 
lis?*  -  ttireaii*  :iliil  iiinkfs  a  ^tUvll  iillkf  on  I  otli  kI<1i  b.— 
Il  Is. I  flr>i-ili-H  M;iolilin>.  :.:ul  retail-  iit  fr>  in  *2<i  to 
tuo.  K\tra'>riiii'«ry  ln.!iifi"iii«-iits  to  Agri.t*.  iurlur- 
tUer  paiticuiarH  :iiiiirttc.  wiiii  ^tnnlJ>, 

S.  K.  ilKN":iKr..>i.>S    *  0\, 
SUe  AgtMf  for  th'    WVrl  &  S-mik, 
nmOmoa  *J  ."<•  *il>  »«•.  H-  J'OU'*.  Mo. 


G/ianUGE  <£  WAGO^  SHOr. 


spi^ii^ra  LATvTi 


I  have  jnst  rcopivc*!  it  Inigc-  .';tock  of  No.  1 

lUlY  (iu<il).-.  (il;o(i;nifc.J«,  LIQl^^l;^',  *c.,  which  l  um 

|ir-Iiarc'il  III  Mil  i.s  low  iiKcai,  In-    l>oiiKlit  oulslile  uf  .-"t. 
I':iiil.    1  .iin  lie  term  I  tied  In  i:<'-i  i  vc  tl  «•  imin.i  ji(;i  i»l   he 
ci  iiO'tis  otlliib  I'uiiMiiiintif  ,a!iU  ulit  usU  i>  a  fair  liiai. 
aiii'liig  Laki-.  ^uv.lStU.  lti06. 

Dan   Storer 

Willi  I  rrmifci  fully  ««y  to  his  old  frlemls,  and  the  pit   t 
lie  i;t;D>>rikll)r.  Ibut  he 

Was   not 

run  oir  by  the  heavy  conipcti lion. l;ut    li>sll!I  tu  hi 

Tlio  unilcr-ipnc.J,  hr.vinp  removed  (otli'.i.* 

IifW  sliDp.  r.iriicr  L(  wl«atiil  ,>-<'tti|icl  Sis.,  wnuM  rrspr.  ». 
fully  aniuiimr  that  tht-y  lire  n'lW  preiian  d  I'l  maim."  •■• 
turf,  ;<)  «iri|i  r.BuKKit  s.fiilklcs.niie  ami  t»v<>  hor.'c  Wr  i-- 
oiis.  Kxi)rf>»  \Vnriiiis,."ilfif;hs.<'iiltrri>,  ami  evtrythin. 
TC'in'm!  In  the  .nrriaiie  line,  at  r<-:ifiiiuilile  lu'i-c. 

1 1  I  villi:  .irctir*"!  tlu"  iervifs  ofii  Ilr>t  I'as^  Mark  ami  I  i 
we  ari' eiial.lnl  t'Millirthe  l.cKt  iiiiaUty  of  work,  ti"l>i 
tiiaiiularlnrliip  n-palriiij.'.  JulibliiK.  Slioeliie. '^  . 
promptly  aiKl  satliilartiirlly  i|i.n<'. 

Tiiaiikfii.  fur  liivors,  we  t\ouM  rollvlt  acontI'i\,- 
aiicc  ot  tlif  pulillu  iiutioiiii>;e. 

J.  .«.  Ai.nniTT,       \ 
AV.  I'.  M'DMiiBiRr.  J 

^^    Th^  (Spsri  Xiausa 


A«Kx\T?*     WAIVTED! 

'|"o  «'!  rouni.Ns  i:i'i«tr.?H' i.   Phvo;m>^h•,   Do 

I  MI«-;T1('  niltl.l-".  Tl.M  l-t  «  w.rk  of  «>wlliie 
f.ieilt.aii.l  ill  Ihu  lirtiii;*  of  i'iTi:;^ctf ..l  .••.•■-i,t».  li'iils  ii 
t. ■>.:>•  «.ilp.  To  tiili.l.^c!tr«.ir  t;.  ;  ("Ii-p-l  wtii.'n.^?!  ti> 
•  luMilate  It  In  tlioroiicr'  -    ■!  ■■i   •'  !''HH'"tl  i<e  H'-Jklil  or- 

hoiiO.ii'ij   t-joi'icry I    .  '  f  ayi-iit- Willi  wish 

I'l   t^•.T.lBS  lor   li.t••^'r^.  i  lu.i'-iif  it'*   v  111  lie 

•..ttn"'.  OKIil.X  iil.lI'lJKN.   I  iiii:i«!i«r. 

31  .1;n  1-"  V  I  ifS    SI.,  Clli'  ripo. 

M.  .snEiut;  k  I'.iio, 

-A.  Xt  O IX I  ^  33  O  ^  S - 

OfTitM?  on   Fiflh   Street,  Sotuh   ol   Jackaoii 

(o.i   the  Hill,) 

BT.   PAUL.    MINJ?E80TA. 

at  hl.^  »lil  sisiil  or.  Flrft  s'rrrf.  .<'hak<i;>o<>,  wliprehfis 
ilealiii^'  out  the  Ix-bl  i"t  (ir'jcsilca  .lUil  Vrouisioin  aiiil  Is 
uot  coiiig  to  1.1 1:  scared  or 


out  If  he  oaiiho]plt,  btit  to  contlcae 

In   the 

r.ijp.  n«*  k*'>l>»  n«ff'V>l  a  ^•o'-V.  sri'l  «'rsaii  ci.t.iiiiis 
auy  one  can  alTird  l'>.  in  ai-y  icwu  uii  lUu 

Minnesota  River 

Free  to  Everybody. 

A  Inr^o  Ti  pp.  ^'iff'tlur.r,  pi\iii;r  infomia- 
ttoTi  of  the  ;rrt'aiC3t  impoitunce  to  the;  young 
<if  both  soxes. 

It  twrtehos  how  the  homely  niiy  bceome 
heautiftil,  thf  flespiscu  rejpect.'d,  an<l  the 
for-sHkcn  lovc.l. 

No  TOun<r  Iftjy  of  jrcnllfDian  .shoulj  rjill 
to  seiiil  th»-ir  .\(j.ire.s  ■!,  ani  rcc-ivc  tw  c:>py 
mail.  • 


X3CT;i3:no.i3L      3S^±sfcx»y-, 

Jii::'.  ]'u'ili.'!if  1,   I'.i  «   Hfulc'l  Hiivrh^pp.     I'ricf.  »/--  (tii4  . 

A  L«ctHrc  en  the  \alurr,  Tr«atir«nt  and  Uitdl«i| 
Cure  "l  btMniwal  >\  r:ikiio8-!,or  .'^tx-riiiat'irrhant,  Indn<  v. 
Iiy  fpll-.Mpu?"' ;  liiv.iln'itiir)  Knili>^»li.ii><,  liiipoteiuj , 
Nrr  .-OUR  UtfWIity.  a:, a  liniii-dlmctits  to  MaTrl.i>.'r  t«-ii<-r- 
«i;v  ;  I'oiisii  mi'li'''!,  I  I'ilvli-'v,  mnl  Fitt  ;  Mvtiliil  sii^l 
HiVslcal  iiiraparfty,  Ai  -Ity  JI1U..I.  CL'LVKKWl.I-I.. 
>1.  D..  Author  ol  til.; 'tirepn  Ito.k,"  *c. 

ihc  worlil-rfiiowiie-J  .4t]tlM>r.  in  thi.s  a'Jnilral  le  I.iH - 
tiirt'.  charly  provt-s  fciii  lii:>  own  1  xi^rlcnre  that  th- 
aw ful  eoiiBc<,iu-iicrS  <t  Sflf-AI'UiC  may  be  efl  icliialO- 
rcniovi'il  wltliout  inrilUiiic,  aiMt  withotit  «l4i)Keruu« 
snrulc^.l  opir.iiloii!:.  loi^^LU"^,  li.s^innu  tits.  rlLCK,  or 
lor.Uals.  po!r:tln(t  out. i  mode  of  i«re  at  once  i-«'« 
nn<l  ellfttiial.l.y  wliitli  t  viiy  tvfliTi'r,  no  mutter 
hU  condition  liiav  bi-.niay  itir''  Mr.i^ilf  >h.ia'!y.  ITl- 
vatvly.aiid  nullcaily.  XU1»  lewvtirc  wil.  prove  a  boon  t< 
tlioiimriils  aiKl  lliotisainis. 

J^eut  nii.ler  s.-»l.  In  a  pl'ii^'  "ivvf-Tnp".  tnony  aililrf.'«», 
on  receli't  of  six  rciit.i,  or  two  po»ii.|if  ^li.^.l^^,  I'y  aU- 
Urc!..slii(.'  the  piililislifrw.  _ 

Al.-^o.  Ur.  Cl.LVl.ttWLl.L';5  "ManJjge  Gu'.tJe.'  prtco 
2:,  cents. 

AilJrvai.  tiiC  rublishpr.!, 

t'lIAi.  i.  C  KMXK  .*  <«.. 
127  IWwtry.Ni'W  \ork,  i'oil  mi -..«*  Jii-x  «»«. 

n»»»«.  Pnfr'.ftrnW'^ri.  nr,  1   I>i>t<'t^  oThTtTCn.-*,  Si  ho'l   .       ^  1    IT   "    ..    I»     n  "r>T>.Tro 

;i.  it-P*.   Ptil.lii»  Ra  l.lini-..  ai"!    ISuC    '•!^«      '    •»••».'  .  j  -A  I<..i.'b>,  i  .  '.'.    1/ilAAT? 


ST.iTE  or  MINNK-  iTA.i  DI-^TUICT  (V.ritT, 

County  01  .'^         /     Klith    Judl.  Ul  M»lr!t4. 
\\iLIjA.M    IIKN'KY  anill 
iKlKI!  1H;.V1;V.  Ju-.ilor.  • 

»i,'iiii>t  ; 

DEX-MS  sVLl.IV.tX.       J 

.,    Keventif  suiiiit' .'«'noel;f<1     \ 

Tie  ?fat''  of  Mhinisoia  to  the  atuxe  naiued  Ucfciidant, 
Yo'i  ar"  111  ri-by  .%aiii:iion*'<!  nnil  r^iulFc-!  loam-wt-r 
th<- I'lmi'lnlit  of  t:.S  i.ial'it'iT  i-i  tl.'.;  entity  t 
aitlon..  Mlildi  !•»  I;  c<Mn  ihi-otllccot  tlio  Clerk  of  lliu 
I'iiCrUt  (Ji  urt  III  ahakopce  In  thi  xuM  County  ol  Scott. 
a:i'l  to  M-;  vc  a  •.vpy  of  yotir  answiT  to  the  sail!  <u!ti, 
I'l.rmi  ivpo'i  t!ie  stii'KCrilMTs  »t  tl;ilr  ofllre  In  Bi-'lu 
I'Luino  in  K.ifi  County  of  fcoit.  In  Ihe  i'lntf  al.<rr>a<<'. 
.\  lllilii  iWi>iilv  ilsv.1  .ifK^r.thf  ^•■I•vl.  .•  I  I"  tlilj  mil  ni'i''* 

('1  you,e\cliisUtt  of  liinUy  ofuorN  ice  :  ant  11  you  f»  ' 
oaiisw-r    lli<4ilil    iiiiiiplaint    within    the    tlinea'"'*' 
nil.    till-    pl.ilMin    v\  i;i  take  JU'l-;I!iriit  a-.:a1i.>t  volt  t<r 
tht•^Ull|<lt    Sixty-two  iIi.IIh-k  nnil    dll.'-<l»e   cents  a"J 
Ititerc'kt  ihvruuii  troiii  ti.e  ;<lh  I'.nv  of  -May,  l"''-^-., 
CIIATF1K..I>  *   ItWI.N. 
Dat«.l  Ann,  2|a^.  leer       t  33  «w         PI"  >•  ^"^[l^*"*- 



-  eriAKOPEE,  MIX  jr. 

Rh^'i  e»»n«'» 

r  ■    -• 

i,i„  ,.,■,  iiiif*»tli'>  &.■!■■»  rior'^Rsn-I  fin 

■  ••  r  V  ■i.. 


I  r.,  tiu-..,  prMi«4.'e.i  oil  •ii.^rt  iiwUce. 

iipi  li 

'     >l 






®he  |»hftHfl|>PJ§i;9MSiM 


HENRY     HIN1>> 

SHAKOPEE,  OCT.  17,  1867. 

Democratic  State  Ticket. 

Fur  Governor, 
C.  B.  FLANDUAU,  of  Hennepin. 

For  Lieutenant  Governor, 

^.  K.  MAYNAUD,  of  Le  Sueur. 

For  Attorney  General, 

A.  O.  CHATFIELD,  of  Scott. 

For   Secreta'-y   of  State, 

AMOS^COOGSWELL,  of  Steele. 

For  Treasurer. 

lOHN  FRIEDRICHS,  of  Goodbac. 

Vol.  6. 


No.  39. 


Allowance   for  Publishing    the 
Financial  Statement- 

Sc  -t  County  Democratic  Ticket. 



Refriata  of  Deeds, 

frank:   MdJUADE. 





Judge  of  Probate, 

h.  U.    HAWKINS. 

Counly    Survrynr, 

\\yi.  A.  rcLLi^R. 



C«M*U'  Cf>inmissi«ner—ith  District, 


County  Commistwner—bth  District, 


man  of  African  color  us  u  candidate.  So 
elated  at  the  prospect  of  success  was  he  that 
he  declared  openly  that  his  nigger  would  be 
The  Spectator,  in  a  former  issue,  says  the  j  our  next  Sheriff.  Sambo  entered  into  the 
Arccs  received  from  the  county  $343.65  for  canvass  with  spirit  in  the  approved  fashion, 
publishing  the  Financial  Statement.*  So  we  and  appropriated  to  himself  to  enable  him 
did,  and  by  a  mistake  in  computation,  it  is  ;  ^o  foot  his  bills,  some  two  hundred  dollars 
about  $13.00  less  than  we  were  entitled  to.!  of  big  radical  master's  money.  We  under- 
The  law  requires  the  financial  statement  to !  stand  that  our  radical  friend  admits  he 
be  published  for  three  weeks,  and  allows  the  ,  made  a  slight  mistake,  and  now  claims  that 
printer  seventy-five  cents  a  folio  for  the  first  Sambo,  instead  of  being  our  next  Sheriff, 
week  and  thirty -five  cents  a  folio  for  each  of  ought  to  be  before  the  Sheriff.  But  there  is 
the  other  two  weeks.  This  is  just  the  sum  |  no  dangef,  as  we  have  only  got  a  Fudge  for 
private   parties    have   to  pay   for  all   legal  i  county  attornej*.   ' 

advertisementa,  notice  of  mortgage  sale,  ic.  ■   ^  .  ■<■ 

The  county  certainly  ought  to  pay  as  much  jj^^^  jj^^  ^^^  Uncommon  Feature  of 

tfee  Spectator. 


'  l;e     knownolliiiigisni   of   the    Spectator 
crops    oat    Inst    week  in    an    attack  on  the 
J  iries  of  Scott   County.     The   Spectator  in 
€fr.  ct  alleges  that  for  tlic  last  ten   ycurs  our 
Jurjea  have  almost   without   exception,  con- 
sisted of  the  most   igiiomnt  and  ^jnqr.aliSed 
men  iu    the  county,— men  who  could  neither 
read    or  write  their  own  name?.     A   moaner 
or  more  nnfouu(fcd  slandtrwas  never  uttered. 
"VVe  arc  astonished  that  even  a  knownolhing 
ran  be  so  false  to  truth  and  dc'-oniy.— so  de- 
based as  to  slan<ler  every  man  in  Scott  coun- 
t  ;  lor    during    the  lost    ten   years,    almost 
«^very  man  in   Scott  county  has  been  on  the  li.<t.    15ut    the   fact  is,   the  verdicts  of 
Scot',  county    Juries  have  alwiiy,*  stood  high 
in  the  estimation  of  the  court  and  of  all  lion- 
c  t   people.     Not   one  of  their  vcnlicts  lias 
ever  b<xn  set  aside  on   the  ground  of  h;iviiig 
b  en  jriven  through  bio.',  or  fraud. 
Our  Jurie.s  &5  the  law  re(|uir?s,arc  composed 
of  men  ^eleeteil  from  all  parts  of  the  county 
•|.nd  many  of  thcin  are  farn;crs  and  nicihanics. 
TIk'V  may  not  wear  as  fine  a  coeal  as  tlio  man 
Jh>.l  lives  upon  what  lie   owes,  but   thry  are 
lionest  men,  and  men  of  ability.     Of  course 
<h  if    Midlct    wiil     not   suit    that    flock  »f 
knownolhing  buzzard.s  that  hover  around  our 
cjmniunity.     Uut    the  trouble  with  the 
tij)0'.-tator  Is   that  our   Juries   are  composed 
largely    of  our  foreign   In  rn  citirciis,  instead 
of    native    lorn    m-grocs  and    knowr.oUiing 
buzzards.     The    pr.pulati  jn  of    this  county 
la  also   comi^oscd    largely    of    foreign    born- 
citizeiLs.    Oi«c   half    of    the    towns  iu    this 
i;.}unty  hare  not  got  half  a  duzon  native  born 
voters  in   them.     Bai  the  Jury  list  must  be 
selected  fVoiu  all   parts  of   the  county.     The 
other  half  of  oui  towiw  contain  very  fev. — 
BCiirctdy  no  native  born  votcp...  iwee])!  in  the 
\ir.ages,  and  only  very  few  in  the  villages.— 
t>r  course  our  Juries  have    tieen,  and   must 
IU ce-sarily  continue  to  be,  conipond  Wrgf'b' 
of  O'jr    forz-ign    born   citizen.'-;  and  ccrtaiiily 
no  county  is  blessed  with  a  n  or»  indas  rious, 
more  hoJiest,  or  a  more  iutciligent  population 
than  ours.     Nine  tenths  of  the  business  ajcn 
in    this  county    are  funign    born,  and    nine 
tr>nlha   of  the    parties   to   suits  in  court,  aie 
f )rfisn    born,  and   so  are  tenths  of  the 
witnesses  who  testify  in  our  courts.     In.ieed. 
ths   gross  shinder  of  the  Sj-eetator,   toucliCi 
aln.ost  every  man  in  the  county, — it   reaclus 
Jioine  to  the  fanner,  tiie   mechanic,  and  Xhi 
iiusincss  man  idiUe. 


as  a  private  individual,  and  the  law  makes 
no    distinction  between    the  county    and"  a 

private  person.  We  published  the  financial  j  "VVe  admit  we  were  a  little  mistaken  in 
statement  according  to  law  and  were  entitled  .  that  new  ffcalure  of  the  Spectator.  Instead 
to  our  pay.  of  a  photograpli  of  the  editorial  sanctum  of 

But  how  is  it  with  the  publisher  of  the  tjjat  paper,  it  seems,  from  tho  last  Spocta- 
Spectator.  Less  than  a  year  ago,  he  goi  tor,  to  be  a  landscape  in  front  of  the  stone 
$250  for  not  publishing  the  financial  state-  residence  of  the  editor  of  paper.  The 
ment.  .Somebody,  without  any  authority,  gcpne  is  laid  soon  afiur  the  return  of  that 
sent  a  few  sheets  of  writing  to  him,  calling  j  edi.or  from  the  war  of  the  great  Rebellion, 
it  a  financial  statement.  It  wat  a  hogus  !  jj^  p^j^  ,g  ,,ig  borror  that  the  terrible  tax 
concern.  Neither  the  county  commission- j  fjii^.  i^.^^  i,,^^  p^t  a  tax  title  on  his  stoiie. 
ers  or  the  county  auditor  had  authorized  it  j  residence,  lie  appeals  for  mercy— shows 
to  be  published  and  it  never  was  published  j  ^^^^  ^.^^^s  of  the  bottle ;  but  the  tax  title 
three  weeks.  I:  seems  to  have  beeu  a  list  of  ^,^^  ^^^^  ^^^  yi^.,j^  -j j,^,  j^^^o  editor  and 
town  tu.xes  and  dog  tasci,  instead  of  a  ,  g^i.ji^.r  porsoveres  and  takes  the  terrible  tax 
financial  statement  of  Scott  county,  yet  the    ^j^,,.  ,^j^„  ^^  j^j^  .^^^^^  j,^^,^^       i>i,.^j  desolate 




Pr.  ITnUownT,  Ronn-  ft  IVfn  years  atio.  wit- 
negnliiK  tliL-<>»<  occMsioncd  dlclky  chll- 
ilfcii  In  l:ikln(:  the  iiaii-^iuus  verniiiuses  uf 
that  ilay,  refi'ilvcu  tn  anallzc  Iheni,  ami  irorn 
the  iiiont  >  ffi'i;llve  of  ihcsu  remeines  succee- 
ded In  Sep  iruiliiBlhilractlVetncdltuI  proper- 
tleii,  pure,  ta!<(elegg  aii'l  lnu<h>roui<.  Tlie.i,  by 
cumblninK  these  with  8a.:ar,  and  niKiil.iini; 
them  Into  an  anreeuhic  cjjnfection,  lurmed 
the  present  Puj-ul-vr  and  eitective  Vekxi- 
ri'QE  kituwu  as 

HoUoway's    Vermifugd     Confectious. 

VVIilch  linve  almost  f-iitlrfly  siipers-ilel  tlie 
old  iiaua-uuii  YerHtUn^^es,  tu  the  tli-lUat  of 
the  poor  little  sud'Tcr!!.  It  cutilain*  no  Calo- 
mel or  other  poisoiions  Inure  ll-nts. 

8o  highly  esieenied  Is  this  t'opular  Vernil- 
fu!;c.  by  the  pi-ofesslou,  that  all  inlellUcnt 
rhyslclans  whoknowof  them. preterite  iiicm 
In  p.elVreiice  to  other  ranifdies,  as  n<jt  only 
more  pleasant  to  take,  but  nivie  ettectlr*  to 

I'arentaand  Knardlana,  havln;f  tlieaare  of 
children,  «liuuld  ktep  (hem  as  a  family  nie<ll- 
tine;  for  they  not  only  rt'oruiii— 
those  pests  of  chll.ihooil— but  cori*;  t  any  ue- 
raiiicenieot  of  the  dUe!>tlve  organs.  »o  preva- 
lent with  children. 





Patented  May  20th,  1867- 
No.    4G    Lake    Street,    Chicago. 

C.  B.  BROWN  &  CO , 

MAxcPACTrr-iita  or 

present  publisher  of  the  Spectator  sent  in  a 
bill  to  the  county  commissioners  of  $350. — 
The    commissioners    repudiated    the    whole 

widow  and  wieping  orphans  kneel  upon  his 

grave  and  .suikI  up  a  bewailing  for  their  lost 

I  and  desulatt!  ho:nc.  "Johnny  !  Je'inny  dear! 
bogus    concern.     But  a  year  or    two   after-  ^  ^y^^ ,    ^,;^.^.    ^^■^^  ^^-^^    ]^^„g   g,jp^.j   g^.^^^   j.^^ 

wards,  when  new  commissioners  came  into  i^^^^rowed  from  Uncle  Samuel,  and  save  the 
otBce  who  did  not  understand  this  maltcr,the  |  ^^^^^^  ^^  ^^^  desolate  widow  and  orphans.'" 
Spectator  man  got  his  friend,  the  ''  Hon''  ^  ^.,^^  ^^,^^^  ^^^^^,^^  j^^,  ^^^^,y^  j-^^  j,j,.  j^^.^^  ,,f 
Deacon  Futlge,  to  prevail  upon  his  friend,  ;  ^  f^^j^^j^^j  ,^x  titles ;  he  relents,  that  heart 
one  of  the  commissioners,  to  put  the  claim  I  ^^  ^^^^^.j  j^  subdued.  Tears  are  more  potent 
through,  and  $250  was  thus  actually  paid  ^j^^,,  ^^^^  ^^^^  honorable  scars  of  a  thousand 
by  the  county  for  Mct  publishing  a  bogus  ^,0^,^^  '|i,e  terrible  tax  title  man  grants  a 
financial  .st.,tement,fl/»/i^  a  list  of  dog  taxes.  ,^j,,^,p^j^,jf,,^  just  what  the  hero  soldier 
Of  course  the  "  Hon.-  Deacon  Fudge  was  |  ^.^^,j.i  ^.^^.^,  ,,,^,j  ^,^  |,„y  ;,•  ,,;,  ^^^,^^^  ^^Q^^^^ 
not  interested  in  this  SH-indle,  for  he  was 
county  attorney,  and  gave  it  as  his  legal 
opinion,  that  tbe  county  must  ['.ly  fur  not 
publishing  a  bogus  financial  stiticiuent.  He 
had  no  itching  in  the  palm  uf  tl'.e  liand  th:il 
Wlier.ti/n's  Itch  Ointment  would  i.vt  ^uvv. 
Of  course  the  Spectator  man  knew  he  was 
not  eulilled  to  one  cent  from  the  county.— 
Last  spring  the  Argus  published  the  best, 
fullest  and  most  complete  financiiil  state- 
ment that  ever  was  published  in  tliis  or  any 
other  county,  and  of  course  was  entilUd  to 
the  pay  the  law  provides-  Don't  be  uneasy, 
Mr.  Sjwctator,  the  Hon.  Dt-acon  Fudge  is 
not  our  agent  or  friend,  and  there  is  no 
danger  of  the  Argus  getting  any  more  than 
the  law  allows  wliile  he  is  countv  altornev. 



The  Original  and  only  true  Arnica 

ri»aters   possessing  the  great 

healing  properties  of  the 

Arnica  Flowers. 

The  cnrative  eff.-cts  of  thesa  I'l.isler*  In  all 
cattetof  pain  or  *faltiie>«  in  the  inea»t,  side 
or  l>.tek,  and  In  all  case*  «t  li>d  miiuation  of 
the  l.inii^s,  andCoU};li,  irv  truly  astuulsUls^; 
they  >!lve  Imuiedlot*  relief. 

I'liyslcian-.  preM-ribe  ilieni,  and  thon«aiiili 
revoinoieod  Iru-ni.  OasiiRVi.— lloLLoa.  vr's  aro 
the  Urlisliiai  aud  only  liuc  Arnica  l*ia(li.-ri. 

had  not  been  sold.  Thire  was  a  sound  of 
ri-joi(.iii;C  in  lii  n  sione  that  night  — 
It  is  out  oi  pun  Lraijt'jiif  that  the  scene  is 
made  a  nvw  liiiiuro  in  iht'  Spectator  last 
week.  Its  ciiitor  prri/s  without  ceasinff, 
an<l  Uncle  Samuel's  long  cired  grays  stand 
ill  the  i>uck  ground,  and  often  join  in  a 
shout  of  lu:ink.s;;ivi:i''. 



Roderick  O'Dowd  announces  himself  a 
an  iudcpemlcnt  candidate  for  County  Treas- 
urer, la  so  doin.c,  he  has  dune  a  veiv 
'  foolish  thing.  liidcpLMidviit  candidates  have 
never  prospered  in  this  county,  and  Mr. 
O'Dowd  will  slmrc  tiie  same  fate  as  the 
other  indiper.dvnts.  Tinrt'  bting  no  hope 
for  bis  electivin,  of  course  he  is  alIo>vnig 
him.seif  to  be  inafle  the  tool  of  the  republi- 
cans. No  deiaocr.its  wish  Mr.  ODowd  to 
Ml     republicans,     howevei.    do  wish 



Tills  OInliuenf.nfter  an  experience  of  twjn- 
tv  vears,hii>  provedltseif  a  «  iVfnlgM  rem  ily 
tiir  all  dl•t■a^•■•  o«  the  Skliu  havliiK  <tlictid 
a  radical  cure  In  every  ca^e  on  wiilcli  It  Wa» 
tjS'-d.  curlii.:,' many.  oi)sii;iale  casesoi  Illle'U 
or  twenty  years' sUiiidini;.  b;.d  pj-eilons- 
ly  rcnisii''  allrcni'  dies  pr.-»c:ibel  by  ilic  bi'^t 
medical  talent  of  the  country.  JtJ  «  Hcct  is 
astonishing,  In  a  1*w  du).*  me  «orei;e.NS  and 
lirltatioii  Is  removed;  tin;  k;lii  becoiues 
mnoolh  and  healt;iy, m  i  r.'iii.ilns  |»cnna;ieiit- 
ly  healed,  without  the  ii-e  of  any  otiicr  iciu- 
cdy.  _         _ 

Thm.  TkTTEB.  SAI.T-nOSl»,  IlCt.  .?  >t.DlSK  J 
ITCH,  KRV.-irtl.A.-',  ltl...TCI!F..«,  llMi'LC--,  atid 
every  form  ot  disease  ol  the  skin  U  I'Uiicli:- 
Bllv  cureH.  !io  ULAtier  of  how  I'.iii  slandiii,'. 
Ithascared  bad  cas.-sof  IviLtMJK  Kri-r..'"", 
and  Kiscliar^es  from  liic  Kar,  vvlieii  holhiiij 
else  woilM  heal  thein.  I'ii.:::^,  that  h.tvc  re- 
sisted all  other  tre.ilnient  for  many, 
have  been  eU>clually  cuJad  by  the  u.>e  f 
only  one  box  of  itils  Olntmeut.  IIbk.nh, 
Sc.\Lns,  and  OLii  SoRi'*,  It  heals  In  a  very 
ah.Jtt  tiniL'.  I'uii.i!  .'Hi  t;i;xr-<  ver  It.'X.  If  not 
Kold  by  your  l>iu>,'4i»l,  b.-n-l  ao  cents  I )  Johu- 
Htoii.  liolloNVay  A;  Cow  ten,  rUila-ieipliia,  a 
box  will  be  .-eiit  fr.-e  ol  post.ifie  to  aiiy  ad- 

OUSKUVK-N'one  i:etiulne  niihont  the  bU- 
natur^'  of  the  pru^jriclois  oji  ihc  Wi.ipjjer  of 
each  box. 




No.  33  Xorth  SJxtU  Street  PUllntlclphiB. 

Ki :i.i.i:r..  kim  ii  .v 

Mile's  Patent  Bolster  Plates,  &c.,  &c , 
86  L  a  k  c    B  t  r  c  e  t , 

©113 OMt),  ILL.  

FIELD,  mmu  i  CO., 


Ca.s,simeres  &  Testings 

.^T    If  HOLEisALE, 
34  &  36  Lake  Street,  Chicago. 

J.  Bauei:  h.  Oo.. 

Mnnuf.ictiirers  of 



We  learn  from    the  records  of  the  Connt.y 
.\udilor,    that    De.icon    Fudge,  a    few    days    mn 
since,  got  an  order  on  the  County  Treasur.-r  '  hi;n  to  run,   lor  onr-  vote  for  him  is  half  a 

Impoi'lcr*  '^■r  nil  !<'" 


AND   STlllNOS, 
Aloo   Agents  for  K.X.1BE  ^-  COS,  aud 

other  first-class  Pianos. 

G9  Washington  Street,  ChicngD. 

And    C.';0   Broadway,  .Yew   York. 


M.-'ii'tfacliiror  and  Uea'crln 


P.  Geyermann. 




Boots  £  Shoes, 

Hats  &  Oaps. 

Dress  Goods, 




O  Xj  T"  Ij  E!  3fi.  "S" 

as  »—  3tt  mn  mk:  aw  ^ 

ot:c.        ot:o.        oto. 

su.\kopI':e,     .tii.\x. 

C.  Kalvelage, 

Shakopce,      Minn., 

Dealer  In 



Boots    &  S  ho  es, 


Hats  cO  Caps, 

—  AND— 

Millinery      Goods. 

Erie    Railway! 

The  Broad    Gange  —  Double   Track 
Boute  to 

Neyxr  iTork,   Boston^ 

And  New  England  Cities. 


Dunkirk  to  New  York  460  Miles, 
Buffalo  to  New  York  423  Miles, 
Salamanca  to;New  York  415  Miles. 

AST!  I?  rr.ov 
^f  22   to   27   Miles  the  Shortest  RonW. 


All  Tr«lna  ran    directly  throngli  to  New  Tart;. 

A^-  46  0    MILES   without  cbanf •  •# 

4» • — — 

From  iiTi(l  «ft«r  Atirtit  2«th.  i.««7.  Tr«ln*  wUl  laar*  t% 
connection  with  all  Western  Itnca,  aa  followa: 

From    Dunkirk    and     Salamanca  — 

By  New  York  time  from  Union  Dcpotf  • 
7.30  A.  M.  Express  Mail,  from  Dunkirk, 

(Sumlny.s  exiei-ied).  t^lciisnt  .>-'.il;iuianca  inflo  1. 
M.,  and  ooiniecla  at  llnrnellpvllle  ami  Corntna 
with  the  son  A.M.  KxuroM  Mall  from  U»ff»l», 
anil  arrives  In  New  York  at  T.(«i  A.  M. 

2.35  P.  M.   Lightning   Express,  from 

8aluniunca,  (t^un-iays  excrpteU.^  ttopa  at  Itor- 
jiellsvllle  .^.2.^  I'.M.,  (Sui-.)  Inteiaeetlng  wliK  111* 
i  V)  I'.  -M  fain  from  UulTalo,  aud  arrlvea  Iu  >'•« 
Vorkat  :.(><i  A.  M. 

m.  New  York  Night  Express. 

1     l)u!ikirk.    (.'■nMdHys    exieijieil).     Mopa    «« 

,S.1  I'.  .M..  (M'i;p.>  I 
n  >•▼ 

415  p 


t<aliimaiicn   6.V(    I".  M.;  (Mean    .  „ ,, 

TurnerV    9..'>6  A.   M.  lUkft.),  uii'd    arrive'.  I..  .., 
lork  at    1^.1(1  r.  it.,    comic,  ting   with  Afternoon 
1  raln^  and  Steuiucrs  for  liuston  and  ^cw  KnalMiA 

9:50    P.   M    Cincinnati,  from  Dun- 

kirk.  (^anday'K  eicepted).  Slopa  at  Salamanca 
ll-W  p.  in.,and<-unneclaat  IlurnelitTlIU  wiih  »b* 
ll.»>  p.  ni.  Tralu  from  Luffalo,  arrlvlog  to  Rav 
Xurk  3.U  p.  ui. 

From    Buffalo— ]5y    New  York  tiras  fr«» 
Dejiot  cor.  1-xclian-e  and  »llcli!gan  Ptreeta  t 

5  45   am.  New  York  Uay  Express, 

(i^iimlavs  excei.led).  iHupi  at  llornplUrllle  •  l4 
A.  .M..  lMkfi.1  .  .^u»qu<-hat>na  2.17  l>.  M..  iDtaa>i 
lurnerN  7  5,-.  »'.  M..  (."iup.^  and  arrlven  li,  Nav 
V.i-k  10..-W1  e.  M.  Coi.iie.l,.  «t  Great  r.en4  with 
I>el«\vare,  l,;iw«n:ia  A  Western  llallroad,  an* 
at  .leisey  City  with  Midi.lght  Kxpresa  T.-aIn  of 
New  .ler.sev  Railroad  lor  I'hiladelphU.  Baltlaor« 
anC.  n  asliliit,-t(.>ii. 

8.00  a.  to.   Express  Mail,  via   Atob 

and  Iloriiellsvne  (  Siirn!a\g  excepted).  Arrlva* 
In  New  York  at  7  fKi  A.  .M  .  Concerts  at  R'nitr* 
with  Nordiern  t'entrnl  R«llvrav  for  HarrlRhnrf. 
I'hilaielplila,  lialtliuort.  Mashluglon  auu  paint* 

220   p.  m.  Lightning   Express,  fSun- 

dny.^  (xiepledl.  .«!ops  nt  II'>riii|i«villr  .1.14  f .  K. 
(.«np.).  and  arilvesln  New  V..rk  7.C0  A  M.  Co» 
necthal  .UrseyClty  with  MornliiK  Kjpresa  Tral* 
ol  Niw  Jersey  K.illroail  |,>r  Italllmore  and  Waali- 
InKton.aod  at  New  York  with  >1oridnR  Expraa* 
Trail!  lornos'ioii  and  New  KnKlaiid  Cltlra. 

6  10  p.  m.  New  York  Night  Express, 

IJ.ilL\.  S|  l'c,rla;:eX.-.3  |-.  .M.  (i-np  (,  Intar- 
Ki-ctlni:  lit  llorneMsvllle  with  the  4  Ii  I  .  M  Tral* 
f-;"<>     I'linkirk,     and   arrlvea    In    New    Y«rk  M 

11 20  p.  m.  Cincinnati  Exurcss,  (Sao- 

days  excepted.)  .'-lop.,  at  S«..imetiunna  7.10  4.  M- 
(llkft.);  Inrner'a  I.Ki  I*.  SI.,  (lt|ne.>  and  arrlra,  la 
New  "Vorkat.ra*  I'.  .M.  Connects  at  Klmira  whk 
>.rlliirn  <  eiitial  Ksilway  tor  ll.irriahniK.  I'hlla- 
drlphla,  Ualtiinore,  WasliinKton  alid  polnta  SoQih, 
at  Gnat  Bend  with  Delaware,  Lackawanna  aaj 
«e!.tein  Railroad  f<.r  .><<raiiion,  Trenton  aa4 
rhlladelphl.i,  ami  at  New  York  with  Atlerii«a% 
1  ruliiB  aud  Steamers  for  Busiuu  aud  New  t.Tiglaa« 

Only  One  Train  Eatt  on   Sundar,  lea.lng    BufTalait 
5  10  I'.  M.,  and  raacliiiig  New  York  at  ISjeP,  11. 

Bo?TON    AND   XkW     E.VCI.AKn    PAMiySII^ 

with  their  ]{a{rJr.^ge,  arc  truusferrcd  /rM  s/ 
iharge  iu  Now  York. 

fS"  To  pleamre  (raTelera  the  Una  of  Ihalrla  Ka» 
way  pre.'sents  many  objects  cflnteraat,  paaalug  thia«g% 
the  heaiitlful  valleys  of  tli«  Chemung,  tfuctnahaaaa. 
Delaware  and  Raniapo  rivers,  an  ever  changing  pa 
raina  of  nature's  beauties  rouiuandl  attanlloa. 


ors  .^  CoACin:s  tS^  IN  THB 
WOKLD  "lyiia  accompany  all  ni^jht  UaiM 
ou  this  railway. 

.SoM  at  Wl.ol-s.U-  In'o.  l.y    KIM.I.KI!.  KIM  11  "M    H3  .*  S  «  »  if  fi^  ^T^kl^t^  ^T  ^ 

KCM,Elt,-L)l!D     A    S.MITI1,-«LI!MIA.MS    A    VANlg^^^f  2||*«;.      V^l^t^*     ^C«« 

^cnvACK.-.i.  II.  nKi:»  *  c.)..-.<.mitii.  ci'  a  1  j  j 

No.  91  Watbiiigton  Street, 

C  l.-DEITZ.'JCMI,    l!Li»OKI    CO 
country  by  all  DuJ„-i;!»t.i. 

aud    lhroii;:hont    the 


for  %\\.(,^.     Hut  upon  further  e.xamii  ntioa.  ,  ^'^'''^    *'"•   "'V  T^V^l'^^'!,  '"''."/"^'C-     l**--"'^- 
,  ,-    1    I       •      ,- ,  ^■       n  ,     crats  nre  stiliaheii    with  .Mr.  h<.<frt.     Wvi   hti.s 

d.j  not  find  tlitil.  he  liid  anylhing  for.-iO  mneh  ^^.^,.,.41  iht-  county  fiiithfully  in  the  past,  and 
of  the  iK'oi<k-'.s  money.  We  are  told  that  will  do  so  in  tlie  future,  lit.-  ha.s  .saved  the 
this    Fudge   ^jei.s    the  snnie    amount   every    county    thousand.s  of    tlulhirs.     Jle    is    the 

mo.ith  from  our  tax  payers.     Wc  would  like    f'^'"'^  ''^.  '''•':  'i^-'»'^f  ^^^-^   l'^^--'.^-    revived    a 

.    .  ,  .    j  tair  noininalion,  aim    there  m  no    doubt    out 

to  know  ^xhy  Jt  ..s  that  the  people  s  money  is  ;  ^^  will  receive  the  .-upp  >ri  of  all  true  demo- 

thus    wasted?     Deacon     I-'udge    is    County  !  crats.     Mr.  O'Dowd   dues  not  r;'n  as  a  dein- 

Attoniev,  but  our  county    courts  are  in  .ses-  j  ocratic  candidate,    Init    as    an    independent 

sion    ot^ly   twice  a  year,   and  then  only   for  1  ^•=""!''l--^»';-     Of  course  he  .toes  not  expect  to 

/  •  I.       .  ,,  j  receive  the  support  ot  I  emocrats.     1  he  only 

two  wet'ks  at    a  time.     Uut  it    would    seem  .  ^^^^^  „f  j,;^  runnin;?.  is  to  help    elect  a  rc- 

that   he  is   ^'ettin^    pay    right  along  all  the    puidican,  for  there  is  not  tlie  s!ii;httst  chance 

time,  just  the  .«anio  us   though  we  Inid  court  ^  fur    ids  ekotion.      We  arc  sorrv    to  sec    Mr. 

all  the    time.     We  would    like  to  know  why  i 

the    coniaiissioners  allowed    such  a  w.iste  of 

the    people's  money.     WJiith  of  our  county  ; 

eonunissioners  is    responsible  for   tliis    out-  j 

O'Dowd    allow    hinistdf   to  bo  used  by    the 
republicans  as  a  cat's  jiiw. 

rage?  We  nnderstand  the  j^eople  of  GIc-;.- 
dale  and  Credit  River  have  taken  this 
matter   in    hand    and    intend    to  furnish    9. 

remedy  at  the  next    election.     The    sum  of ,  ocrat.'i  will    push  their  aJvantag«?s,  and  work 

f  41.GG  a  month  makes  $oO  a  year,  and  this 
is  worth  saving. 

For  the  Legislature- 

The  Spectator  wotnan,  in  her  last  issno  of 
wisreproFCiitation,  Feeing  that  death  awaits 
Lor  numerous  fiimlly  of  falsehoods,  attempts 
to  save  her  c.-edit,  by  calling  her  Republican 
Htale  Auditor  a  ''  fool,"  for  haying  instructed 
our  (.'onnty  Auilitor  to  audit  our  bill  for 
publishing  the  tax  li>t.  The  Spectator  say?, 
*■  Xo-A-  wc  do  not  believe  the  State  Au^iitor 
li98  ilonc  ar.ytliing  of  the  kind.  But  if  he 
tias  ordered  any  such  thinp,  he  has  done  a 
very  loolish  iLin^."  The  instructions  of  the 
State  Auditor  arc  o;i  file  with  th«  Connty 
Auditor,   aud   anyone    who    wishes  can  see 


The  Spectator  woman  also  denies  that  ^c 
published  the  tax  list  in  the  same  nninifr 
that  the  asscstments  were  made.  Now 
bring  your  proof,  Mad-ni.  We  ns?i'rt  that 
wc  printed  the  tax  list  just  as  it  was  furnished 
to  U3  by  the  County  Auditor,  and  that  the 
County  Auditor  matlc  it  out  just  as  it  was 
prepared  by  the  Assessors  two  years  r.go — 
just  as  the  descriptions  have  been  niado  by 
iiie  Assessors  for  ten  years.  Tbe  County 
Auditor  Las  not,  aud  has  no  right  to,  separ- 
ate any  tract  of  land  asscscd  by  thcasFessois 
as  one  piece,  into  two  or  n.cre,  iior  ho.s  he 
any  right  to  unite  two  or  more  such  trac's 
into  one  iraet.  Uriiio-  your  proof  or  admit  selK  a  friend  10  tbe  democratic  party  He 
your  mistake.  Kach  tract  of  land  and  each  has  tiied  to  defeat  the  prty  aooie  than  ur^c«. 
town  lot  has  a  separate  tax  assessed  to  it,  He  has  again  adopted  the  course  he  has 
flod  it  must  be  advertised  and  sold  for  its  pursued  in  the  past.  He  is  in  ihe  service 
own  tax,  ami    not  for  its  own  and    the  tax  of    of  the  republican  par:y  ami  trying  to  elect 


There    is    not    the    slightest   difliculty    in 
electing  our  ticket  in  Mitinosofa  if  the  Dem- 

with  a  will.  Democratic  enthusiasm  is  con- 
tagious, and  the  breeze  that  wafts  the  news 
of  Democratic  victories,  bears  with  it  the 
contagion  that  deciminates  the  ranks  of  the 
enemy  with  "apathy,''  and  nervps  the  De- 
mocracy with  the  vim  and  energy  which 
lead     to    victory.       Connecticut     and     New 

R.    M.    Wright,    iii    another   column,  an- 
nounces himself  an  Independent   caiididaic 

fir   the    House.     Our    advertising    columns    H;:,i,,ii;riire    hilpel      Calilornia,     California 
are  open  to  those  wlio  svek  to  coinmuiiicato    hflpfd 
with    ihe    public.     Mr.    VVriglit  say.s    hu    \a 
advised  to  this  by  laiim  lous     .>uth 
tVieuUship  is  certainly   uureliub!)-.      No  per- 
sonal or   political   friend    would    advise  any 
such    course.     The  man    who  would    •  ••■ 
such  a  course,  has  iii.s  friendsliij)  ji. 
by    iiate  towards  the  regular  c-hmii-.  . 
true  friend  would  advioc  Jlr.  Wri^ui  »•   , 
a  hearty  support    to  the  regular  no;niiiLi'. — 
But    Mr.    Wright's  aspirations  .spriii-    irom 
his    own    .supreme    scltiahncss,    and    h"u   is 
bliudcu    by    republican  smoke.     There  cer- 


Millers  and  Distillers. 

We  are  Manuf.ii  tui  IrR 

Power  Corn  Shellers, 

of  all  Flz.Oi!  eapncity,  ranrlns  from 

nn  TO  iwx*  nisuELs  vEit  iiorn. 

nnilt  of  Iron  and  irnrrdntrtl  tn.S7i»-f?  fl'ttn 
In  anvi-oiulilioiiof  uniin.nii't  W»-<»«tlie  Vorn 
Ut  superior  condition  for  MUl  or  Market. 

«*-OVER  500  IN  DAILY  USEJ-ftft 

Wheat  and  Oats  Separators, 

Capuflty  100  to  .)0i)  Casjiels  per  hear. 

c  r  1 1  c  A  a  o . 



Prepared  Dye   Colors, 


DiETZsni,  Bi.ocKi  &  Co.  Wholesale  Druegisls 

Z9  North    Clark  .tn.l    I>V1  .t   1 ", J  Klncie  StH. 



Xo:  I'JO  nmt  192  HVr.vAi»i(/t««  Slrcct, 

$1800. A  YEAR 

S.  D.  Jackson  &  Co . 



A  large  *n4   well  selected  M.<?ort- 
ment  of 

BOOKS    c^-  C  . . 

al^^aJl>  on  kand. 

tjif  Cash    paid  fi  r  all  kinds  of 
Country  I'rodvce.  "iSft 


— DEALRR   IX — 

Dry  Goods, 

Boots  (&  Shoes, 

Hats  and  Caps, 
Crockery,  cC'c. 

BAGGAGE     CHECKED     TllliOUtfW, 
Jliid  Jare   always   as    lots   as   hy    «mff 
other   lioxUe. 


52  and  51  Wabash  Ave. 


Maine,      and      Maine       California. 
(.'niiin'cUeut         and  Nlmv         Ilampshire 

htlpod    Penn'sylvania  and   Ohio.     AH  these,  ! 
aided    bv  th;-   Congress  and    ':Gen. 
Aputhy,''    will  help    Minnesota,  but    Miune- 1 
swt^  must   iilso  help  heisflf     Diir  doctrines  ; 
■'   Ti  id!  ,    Libcrly  and  the    Constitution, "  | 
endorsed    by   the  sober,  second  i 
jle  of  the  great  States  of 
ecidod  aticr  all,  that  this 
u. .«.!.■)  goVLratULUt,"    and  a  gov- | 

..,    ulnre   ''the  Cunslituiion  is  the  law  | 

oi  tbe  land,"  noUhe  "will  of  the  eoufiueror,"  j 
or  any  other  "will,"  unless  constitutionally  i 
expres.sed.  t"u,stained  by  the  weighty  en-  | 
dorst'OHMit  of  the    great  t^tates  of  Ohio  and  ' 


l>o.a.jr-  l:i 

&    CO.. 

McK^N2lE'SGREAT  FAMILY  RECEIPT  BdOK.  i  '  — '  — ,_     n?«?>^  <T^^ 

ilnrt  lubiK-u,  md  lh«  lr.«t  p.>nl»r  »nd   Miomtle   work  nf  Uw  1  Jl^  ijMf  I  0?  I  *.    f^  i^     !_:  "--^^ — ■         ^ 

kM  vi\\A^;  .!«',  tor  GOLDEN  PEN.  «p.rr«IIng  »il  *T  Ma  I IM  1^  Sk  |J   f^f^wi^w^  a  r^C 

ti«lwof««.Fi,-di-u«-,M.  v.».oow£m,  1-fcj.M.,  I    1^,-— tt;, ~^^--!f^UwnUHW'^ 

8@»  The  hifih—i  price  paid  for 
Country  Produce,  -^j 

JOHN  wmmi 


A(<tiU,  mair  tad  femsU,  wuitad,  la  (Tcry  tairn  and  ii«l«libor* 
knod,  (or  (b«  bat  liaiinf  article  of  i>«c«uitv  Id  trtrj  family  avtr 
t.amd.       JUST    THE     THING    TO    SELL     ANY- 




WHERET  Larf*  P"'ti'*  O"  •mall  caplUl—— ■• 
risk— biuluMa  pcrn.aurnt.  Ifvittmata  and  pl«««aot.  and  toltAbla 
(ur   ri«iv>>i>ra,  T«»cl.<T»,     rar 

armrr*.    MMhaiilc%    or    Mijbody. 

1t»i-lujiTo'i»rrilory  if  d»ir«d  and  foil  rl|[l.t  for  IS  TMr»,  ••riirad 
Vt  pauiilalrauaair«jicg$lfil«>  ♦»  wr  day.  A.I<ln.M  "Itll 
t4sr  «CT  i«|>*r«,         .  CHAlfillA  CO.,CI.;va,i^ia.J 

inly    are  not  ten  voters  in    Scott    county  Penn.sylvani«,  to   l>e  followed  by  New  York,     ]j 

, ,        1     ,     M        vv       .  .  Ici  us  take  courage  ia  going  torward  with  a 

;a    >vould     svkct    Mr.     Wngai    a.    ...e.r  ,„,,aer  step,  and    ad.Jing    our  own  emphatic 

choice',  but    there  are    tifty  republicans  who  endorsement    to  that   just  givfo,  by  sending 

would  blow  smoke  into  his  eyes.  Such 
iViencs  are  the  enemies  of  tho  dcniotra'.ic 
party.     Mr.    Wrigh'.  has  never  proven  hini- 

back    in     November    the  cheering  echo    ofj 
Victory  ! — Pioneer. 

some  other  tract.  Mius  Spectator,  if  you 
»crc  only  a  lawyer,  you  would  know  better 
4huu  this. 

The  Hastings  Gazrtte  conits  to  us  this 
w*«k  enlarged  and  iinprovet'.  The  Gazette 
i*  very  nbly  edited,  and  the  position  jt  as- 
sumed and  the  course  atlopted  on  the  bogus 
lond  questior,  has  given  the  Gazelle  a 
position  aiMi  influence  it  may  well  be  proud 
of.  Wf  aie  always  glad  to  witness  the  pros- 
perity of  our  brethren  of  tho  prcs.s,  and  feel 
ihat  this  prfwpcrity  of  the  GV/:fWf  is  well 
t'.ctt  fved . 

their  lirkcL     Having    been  a  bolter  in    liie 

New  l'tj^,rAi.  .'vi...vKY  ();id^;k  OrFhEs  is'iA. — Four  iiuiidrtd  u<  \v  postal  of 
licfs  went  uilo  miemiion  oit  liiC  9ih  ult. — 

i-an  remit  ol  nioiity    to  any  p 

«i  the  Lniieo  -i;U>-s.  at  a  small  cost  and 
v.iihotil  the  possibility  of  incurring  loss. — 
1  In  re  arc  i.oa-    1.2:4.'i  of    postal  othcea 

MOFFAT'S  Life  Pills 


Tlie  Most  Successful  Medicines 
in  the  World. 

Established  in  1835  hy  one  of 
our  Most  Eminent  Physiciau.s,  and 

/.XD    I'L.vx    Duck, 

AM  widths  anj  ■aeljililii. 

COTTON,    FLAX,   &    HEMP 

TE.\r.>5,,    Wauov  Covkrs,    Flags, 
Fi=;ii  N'et.t  and  Seixes, 

Tar,  Pitch,  Okum,  I31ocks,-Chains, 

An  1  ovrry  v.iri-^t.v  of  s"iilp  Chan  Ilory  Oo'r'.f.. 

205  &  207  South  Water  St.  Chicago. 

<'B"  \\»  n*Vn  TBC  L.WiEKI  STOCK  IS  TUr,  WEST. 

J,  H.  RESD  &  C0.5 

V.'holcsalo  Dealers  ia 

131^=^  Ask  for  Tickets  via  IjW 

Vri.lcb  can  be  oLLiliiPi  i»t  all  Principal  T1ck«l  OAmI  M 

th«  Writ  and  8<>iitli-WMt. 
11,  R1DDL.K,  \VM.   K.   BARR. 

ticti'l  Suii't.  Oen'l  r»M.  Afl^ 

Sale  of  School  Lands, 

Notice  is   hereby  given  that   tho    unsoM 

lan<!s  III  the  fiillowliie   iiii>iitlnri>-d  Pihonl  p,.,  tlon<  In  lh» 
tonnt.v  of  S»iitl,  and  i^t.ite  id  .Mlnnes«.t:i.  will  be  nffiTeil 
at  IMibllc  t^alf  .Tt  llio   Trra.siircr's  <'ftlrr  of  «ald   ci.untr 
In  thf  town  <ii    .>>liakoi.c-c.' on   FRIKAY,  the  aStU  (Uy  or 
UCTOUKK.  Ief.7,  ut  in  oVlock.  A.  M.,  xii  : 




Name  of  Town 

10  and  36 


New  Markft. 




16  and  V, 


Ce<!«r  Lake. 

In  and  .S(i 


Sprinir  l..iki'. 









Satwl  ("r<<.V. 

I6nn<l  3<'i 





Jlellp  I'laliie. 



Saint  rrnco 

No  lands  will  b.'  .sold  for  Icf.h  than  live  dollars  pec 
acre,  nor  lens  than  their  appnlwd  vulup.  ^clledlll<'■ 
hhowiiiK  the  purllcular  dcKirlptioii  (.f  *ald  landr,  their 
appraisi-d  value  iikI  t'rins  oi  iah-  car.  be  f.-imd  «i  ili« 
county  »cal  atiU  at  the  several  pott  oflkts  In  tlia 

'.>n  tlnilier  lands  fiudlt  lent  payment  will  l.o  require  1 
at  the  time  of  the  purchase  to  liiileinidfy  the  .-tato 
from  loss  by  the  strlppini;  ol  the  timber.  On  prairie 
lands  only  llfleen  per  rent  of  the  purchase  iiiont-y  will 
be  required  down  at  tbe  tl  lie  of  the  sale.  In  ciich  ca.«t» 
the  baianrc  of  the  purchase  mom  y  rcnialnliiir  du«*  can 
be  paid  iit  any  time  thcrealter.  from  time  to  time, 
within  twenty  jears.atthe  option  of  th«  purchaser, 
with  Inti  rest  in  a<lvaiice  at  the  rale  of  seven  per  cenl. 
per  annum  to  the  tlrnt  of  day  »une,  IbCS,  and  aunually 

St.  Paul.  Mlnnetiola,  Sept.  lOth,  l^rr. 

CMAS.  .Mrll.RATJt, 
n36  .H  Coniniisnioner  f  late  Land  Ortlce. 


Cor.  First  and  Lewis  Streets, 

Sliakopcc,  Minn. 



Tin  Ware,  & 

past,  he  now  appears  lo  be  one  of  if. at  very    \.,  upfr.itio.i,     Tiie  t'oliowuij;    is  a  list  of  the 
weak  class  of  men  who  are  uuable   lo  Icarti    new  uiics  in  this  State 

wisdom  by  their  own  c.xperieiice. 

A  Hadical  Officer  in  Scott  Conaty. 

Lake  City, 
Norihii-  W, 
.St-  Charles, 

now  used  throughout   North  and 

''"iT:t7.i'cMm'ui""iury"VeM^     South  America,  with  more  pleasing   j^jajirj/a  {i^llPSPS  B  Dt)il3   lEs 
.h..,  ol  .iioi.ty  lo  .ill y  part   results  than  any  Other  Mcdlciuc  in  j        o.->      ^*  ^    .    ' 

cases  of  diseased  Liver,  Blood  or  j       32  Lake  Street,  Chicago. 

Skin,     Indigestion,     Costivcness,  i  jr  i  y^rn     \  orppxy  jj,  r^n 

Bilious  Complaints,  Rheumatism    ilAil  1  ,  Aoi  JjlS  (X  l;U. 

and  Fever  and  Ague. 
Thousands  of  certificates 

IkUe  riniiie, 
.ts^Tk  Centre, 

Mo:jtie<;  lo 

>!:iniifai:lurers  of  »nd  Dealer  In 

our    possession,    giving 
accounts  of  perfect  Cubes  effected 

s  are  in  '  fg'l\7^"o^~^^w£^^3Sli^ 
detailed  I  pxiJU  O  R  A  P  C 
effected      \^T~^'^=^^:^:^^QJ\\^^ 

^■St"  Repairing  neatly  and  prompt- 
ly executed. 

JOHK  mmi 

Merchant  Tailor, 

Fiu.«T  Street,  SnAKorsE,  Mix.v. 

The  tinJeralcned  has  opened  a  new  Provision  f  tor*  on 
Ol'EK,  M1NNK!>0TA, 
Wher«  he  Intends  Ueepliiff  a  assortn»»m  of 

€rroccrie§    and    Provisions, 

At    prices  a*  low  as  any  In  Shakoptc— and   ai  fwe* 
articles,    *a"  Olvfl  me  a  call. 

P.  S.— T  will  endeirvor  to  keep  on  hand  acor.stani 
B'jpply  of  Oreeii  Groceries  anJ  I'oo'-try. 

u3e  tf  O.  H.  >. 

Mou  netNT 

Billiard  Hall, 

On  Fimt   Street,  nearly  opposite  the    Fiiat 
National  Bank,  iShakopce,  Minn. 

W.  L.  GRANT,  Proprietor. 

Ttie  choicest  wines  Mqu'rsan.l  fisars.  Fre»h   .' l», 
Porter  snd    Ijizer   Beer,  alw.nys  to  bv  U»<X  at  the  Bar.— 
A'.no,  Lniiih  at  any  hour. 

at  tbe  "Montana,'"  »o<l  pleaaaot,  atry  apart  meuts. 

of  the    unterrifii'd,  was  laying   the  wires  iii    .riven    tor  any    L~iUidiil;ite    in    that  dtcrliiig  I  ctors,  6ucc««sotb  t«  Dr.  John  MoCat  and  Dr.  W,  B.  | 
the  republican    party  to  brin;j  out  a  2«^utlc-    L>e»nocratic  county. — Pionctr.  iluilit,  New  York. 

1S3  South  \Yater  St.  Chicago. 

Clothinor  miidp  to  ordir. 
Sbakopee,,  Bl«reh  lllh,  1867. 

—  A  X   D  — 

BY  JOHN  edi:et  &  CO., 

First  .Street,  Siukoj-ek,  Mj.vh 

,In?t  fiimii-hed  with  two  new  "  Fhelan  Uil 

lard  Tables."    Ofisters,  tardltles,  Lol-stcrs.  Pis'*  ^-"'^ 
etc.  sertcdatany  tiDur.   Tit'"  Bar  «n  alw.  >»  br  unp- 
plled  wUli  the  choicest  Wines,  (.|i|Uuri  and  Cliiar>i. 
bttakojcc.  Dct.  UI ,  VM, 

1  ■  ■  1  ■  nm  ■■  »>«    .p. 

i. -^-H: =T^ ■■ ■'■'- ■' 

■  -■ — I 

«      < ' — *^ 


Domestic   Porafirraphat. 

—A  two  headed  snake,  ten  iuchea  long, 
was  captixred  near  Bethlehem,  Ky. 

— <A  New  York  dry  goods  firm  proposes 
to  board  its  clerks— an  English  plan. 

—The  flouring  mills  of  Minnesota  are 
turning  oul  6,000  barrels  of  ilour  a  day. 

— The  main  gas  pipo  of  Patcrsoj,  N.  J., 
is  laid  under  a  river  and  through  au  island 

— A  New  York  ferry  company  has  ac 
cumulated  twenty-five  barrels  of  pennies. 

— An  editor  of  one  of  the  Cairo  papers 
has  been  presented  with  a  cornstalk  17  feet 

— A  reason  given  for  George  Pcabody 
being  s*  vrcallhy  is  tliat  he  never  had  a 

—The  shaft  for  the  New  York  foumla- 
tion  of  the  East  river  bridge  has  been  sunk 
one  hundred  feet. 

— Canada  sent  a  cheese  lo  the  Slate  Fair 
at  Buffalo  weighing  7,000  pounds,  and  val- 
ued at  $15,000. 

— IheSt.  Louis  streetcars  carried  1,100,- 
000  passengers  in  August.  They  only 
charge  five  cents  fare. 

— This  year  there  have  been  in\do  in 
California  o.SOO.UOO  gallons  of  wine  and 
100,000  gallons  of  brandy. 

— "  Vitals  arc  baked  here,"  is  the  horrible 
announcement  placarded  in  the  window  of 
a  New  York  eating  house. 

— The  South  Side  (Chicago)  Railway  Co. 
have  prohibited  smoking  on  all  ot  their 
cars  on  and  after  the  1st  inst. 

— The  latest  new  word—it  started  in 
New  York— is  "suicided."  Its  friends  say 
it  is  as  good  as  "  collided,"  but  it  isn't. 

— Mr.  George  Catlin,  the  artist  and  In- 
dian traveler,  will  shortly  publish  an  ac 
count  of   hs  adventures    in  the   Rocky 
Mountains  and  the  Andes. 

— Alaska  has  a  better  currency  llian  we 
have.  Some  coin  is  m  circulation,  but 
leather  money  predominates  That  is  cer- 
tainly more  v;duable  than  paper. 

— Advice?  from  the  West  say  thirty  thou- 
sand cattle,  from  Texas  and  New  Mexico, 
are  now  collected  at  Abeline,  Kansas,  on 
the  Union  Paciflc  Railway,  awaiting  pur- 

— A  few  nights  since  as  the  passengers 
on  the  down  train  at  the  Jefersonvdlc 
(Ind.)  Railroad  were  taking  supper  at  Sey- 
mour, some  graceless  scamp  stole  the  loco- 
motive ana  ran  it  down  the  road  ten  miles, 
whore  it  was  abandoned.  The  train  was 
delayed  until  one  o'clock  in  the  mominp;. 

— The  Hudson  river  has  become  eo  lull 
of  '"gold  fish,'  that  fishermen  take  them 
by  thousand.?.  They  originally  came  from 
a  private  fishpond  near  Washington's 
headquarters,  at  ^JTewburg,  which  commu- 
nicated with  the  river  by  an  outlet, 
through  which  they  made  their  way  to  the 
main  stream.  They  have  bred  with  groat 
rapidity,  and  have  stocked  the  river. 

— Mr.  Bonner  is  cow  jftittir.c^  up  a  new 
fire-proof  building  for  the  Nev^  York  Led- 
ger, at  an  e.xpense  of  $216,000.  What  is 
more,  he  can,  at  the  present  succes  of  the 
Ledger,  put  up  such  a  building  every  year. 
Starting  a  journeyman  printer,  he  is  now 
a  millionaire.  From  ten  dollars  a  week  at 
the  case  his  income  has  run  up  to  four 
thousand  dollars  a  week  the  year  round, 

— Eight  hundred  tons  of  shells  have  re 
rently  been  rcturnocl  to  Washington  to  be 
emptied  and  stored,  and  it  is  said  that  tho 
workmen  have  discovered  that  work  upon 
them  is  not  dangerous,  us  saw-dust  has 
been  substituted  for  powder  in  tho  prepar- 
ation of  these  projectiles.  How  many 
thousands  of  them   similarly   filled    wrr^ 

fired  at  the  rebel  forces  duins '•h«  '>^'>r  ^^ 
is  impossible  to  calculate. 

— The  Now  York  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany is  preparing  to  uniform  its  employes, 
in  accordance  with  tho  act  of  tho  last  Leg- 
islature. The  conductors  will  wear  coats 
and  panta  of  dark  blue  pilot,  beaver  or 
broadcloth,  the  coat  trimmed  with  brasa 
buttons.  The  c^ip  will  be  of  blue  cloth, 
with  two  bands  of  gold  lace,  the  lower 
hand  to  l)e  an  inch  and  a  half  in  width. 
Tho  brakesmen  will  probably  wear  a 
"  regulation"  cap  only  for  the  present. 

— A  company  has  been  organized  in 
New  York  to  proseaito  the  search  for 
%boat  five  million  dollars  of  British  gold, 
said  to  have  been  sunk  in  the  frigate  llsis- 
sar  duiing  tho  revolution.  Tho  fri^ite 
struck  on  Pot  Kock,  in  tho  Hell  Gate,  on 
tho  2.jth  of  December,  17SU,  carrying  down 
with  her  seventy  American  prisoners,  and, 
as  is  claimed,  tho  above  sum  of  money. 
The  company  is  sanguine  of  Mr. 
Pratt,  the  President  of  the  company,  has 
l>een  engaged  in  the  search,  on  his  priva'c 
account,  for  seventeen  year?,  and  for  fif- 
teen years  has  been  juat  on  ihn  point  of 
raising  tho  gold,  but  hasn't. 

— A.  A.  Low,  the  aeronaut,  thinks  ho 
has  found  out  a  way  to  manufacture  ice. 
His  procQBS  is  simply  this ;  It  is  a  well- 
known  fact  that  the  process  of  evaporating 
condensed  carbonic  acid  gas  absorbs  au 
immense  amount  of  heat  and  prodmces  a 
corresponding  degree  of  cold.  Quick.sllv«r 
is  speedily  frozen  bv  this  process,  and  the 
thermometer  is  said  to  show  27-5  degrees 
below  zero.  Mr  Low  has  invented  a  ma- 
chine which  is  said  to  make  this  agency 
available  for  the  manufacture  of  ico  or  tho 
production  of  cold,  and  that,  too,  at  a  very 
iittlo  expense.  He  thinks  ho  can  mauufar-  • 
ture  ice  at  three  dollars  a  ton  in  any  part 
of  the  world.  The  machine  is ."o  arranged 
that  it  economizes  tho  material  and  uses 
the  same  gas,  with  veiy  little  waste,  over 
and  over  again. 

Incldeint*    and    Accidents. 

—Chicago  has  lost  over  $983,719  by  tire 
during  the  past  four  months. 

— Jack  Rodrigan  was  run  over  by  the 
cars  on  Thursday  morning,  in  Cairo,  kill 
ing  him  instantly.  He  was  intoxicated  at 
the  time. 

—Egbert  W.  Sperry,  Jr.,  was  the  only 

Eassengcr  that   was  ever   liillcd  <m    tho 
raugatuck  Railroad  during  the  eighteen 
years  in  which  it  has  been  in  operation. 

—A  verdict  of  $9,000  against  the  Ka'^t- 
em  Railroad  Company,  for  damages  ve 
ceived  in  an  accident  caused  by  the  ineffi- 
ciency of  a  switchman,  has  been  sustained 
by  the  Supreme  Court  of  Massachusetts. 

— ^A  deaf  and  dumb  woman  was  walkini-; 
along  the  railroad  track  at  Galena  ou 
Thtiraday  afternoon,  the  OGth,  when  the 
freight  engine  came  along,  knocked  her 
down  and  ran  over  her.  She  was  con- 
veyed to  a  houso  and  soon  died. 

— Bamnm's  new  gorilla  was  angry  and 
ugly  the  other  day,  and  made  a  savage  at- 
tack on  his  keeper,  who  only  saved  hid 
right  arm  from  being  torn  out  of  its  sock- 
et by  great  presence  of  mind  and  the 
sacrifice  of  hw  coat,  ivhich  was  torn  to 
.  shreds, 
t  — ^A  gentleman  in  Piltsbu;gh,  Pa.^  has 
trained  four  chickens  to  draw  a  small 
wagon  in  which  a  rooster  is  perchec^. 
Thej  come  when  called  by  name,  and 
when  harnessed  rattle  over  the  lawn  at 
great  speed,  while  the  rooster  looks  grave 
and  dignified. 

— An  old  Dutchman  untlfertook  to  wal- 
lop his  son ;  Jake  turned  the  tables  and 
walloped  him.  The  old  man  consoletl 
hhnself  for  his  defeat  by  rejoicing  at  hi.'< 
son's  superior  manhood.  '  He  said : 

"Veil,  Shake  is  a  tam  schmart  (ellow. 
He  can  whip  his  own  taddy  1" 

—In  Chatham,  (Ca.,)  on  Saturday  after- 
noon, Mra  Isaacs  Smith  and  two  children, 
and  Mrs.  Wm.  Baxter,  Jr,  while  driving 
in  a  bu^gy,  were  upset,  the  whole  party 
thrown  into  a  ditch,  both  children  killed, 
Mrs.  Baxter  fatally  injured,  and  Mrs.  Smith 

— A  "lovelv  girl,"  in  Wisconsin,  recent- 
ly recovered  $1,400  damages  in  a  breach 
of  promise  suit  against  a  perfidious  lover. 
Her   lawyer    congratulated   her   on   the 

amount,  when  she  cxclaimetl,  with  a  fero- 
cious glance  at  the  mulcted  defendant,  and 
nervously  clutching  her  fingers,  "  I'd  give 
every  penny  of  it  just  to  have  one  good 
pull  at  his  hair !" 

— There  is  a  curious  story  in  Houston, 
Texas,  of  an  hidlEjnaut  individual  who 
kicked  the  cover  off  the  coffin  tho  other 
dav,  as  they  were  ou  the  way  to  the  "  dis- 
mal grave."  It  seems  that  ho  was  foolish 
enough  to  suppose  that  ho  wasn't  quite 
dead,  and  honce  the  catastrophe.  Afler 
some  dispute  with  the  pall-bearers  whether 
he  was  in  his  "right  sense  and  mind,"  he 
was  brought  back  and  put  to  bed  with  a 
fair  chance  of  recovery. 

—The  "  fast  trait  of  Yankee  character 
was  touchingly  developed  recently  in  this 
wise  :  A  loving  father  of  a  dutiful  son  died 
in  one  of  our  Western  cities,  and  his  body 
was  brought  East  for  interment.  The  son, 
speaking  of  the  deceased  parent,  remarked  : 
•'  Father  died  at  1 1  o'clock  in  tho  fore- 
noon, I  had  his  bo<ly  embalmed,  funeral 
services  performed  in  tho,  and  was 
in  the  cars,  homeward  bound,  before  4  o'- 
clocfe  in  the  afternoon,  with  tho  body  I" 
On  the  whole,  that  was  very  fair  time ! 

—An  investigation  has  been  made  into 
tho  causes  of  tho  lato  Naugatuck  (Conn.) 
Railroad  disaster.  Tho  railroad  company 
intro<iuccd  eleven  witnesses,  and  other 
parlies  fourteen.  Tho  testimony  as  to 
tho  strength  of  the  bridge  was  conflicting. 
Sidney  Beardsley,  E8(i.,of  Bridgeport,  ap- 
peared for  the  company,  and  Jlcssrs.  Bar- 
bour and  Hunger  ford,  of  Wolcottville,  and 
Tyler,  of  Winsted,  for  tho  friends  of  those 
who  lost  their  lives.  The  Commissioners 
will  report  the  result  of  their  investigation 
to  the  next  Lej^islaturc. 

ForeiffB   4iioB8fp. 

—The  Italian  army  is  lo  be  providwl  with 
needle  guns. 

—Paris  has  entertained  r>00,000  stran- 
gers this  year. 

—The  Marciuia  of  Westminster  has  an 
income  of  $10,000  a  day. 

— M.  Cochut  estimates  tho  value  of  Paris 
manu.«'actures  at  2,300,000,000  francs. 

—Of  tho  21,000,000  of  people  of  Italy, 
17,000,<XM.)  can  neither  read  nor  writ*'. 

— Th«  French  army  will  require  five- 
and-a-half  millions  ot  breech-loaders. 

— There  is  at  tho  present  limc  more  than 
$  10,000,000  of  taxes  in  arrears  in  Italy. 

—London  fined  forty -eiifht  merchants  in 
ono  day  last  month  for  using  false  weights 
and  measures. 

— M.  Rftudelol  has  Just  diseovcred  that 
fi.shes  arc  liable  lo  a  poriodiral  moult  like 
Crustacea  and  insects. 

— The  Bosphorus  is  to  be  bridged  The 
whole  distance  is  y,3ftO  feci,  and  there  are 
'  to  be  but  three  arches. 

— The  sulphur  mines  of  Italy  arc  now 
producing  something  like  300,000  tors  per 
annum,  which,  taken  in  the  crude  state, 
represents  a  money  value  of  about  £1,- 

— Nabl,  the  inventor  of  nitro  glycerine, 
is  manufacturing  it  in  Hamburg.  He  has 
depots  in  dillerent  parts  of  the  country,  to 
avoid  tho  necessity  of  transportation  in 
small  ((uantities. 

— A  French  company  isengagetl  in  melt- 
ing slag  and  scorlK-  from  the  ancient  Greek 
lead  works,  obtaining  good  metal  to  the 
value  of  15,000  francs  daily,  of  which  tho 
greater  portion  is  profit. 

—  The  French  are  the  originators  of  a 
new  mode  of  advertihing.  It  is  proposed 
lo  erect  along  the  boulevards  of  Paris  a 
number  of  lay  figures  upon  which  clothiers 
of  all  kinds  can  display  their  wares  paying 
for  the  privilege  by  the  week. 

—A  Berlin  journal  affirms  Ihat  an  at- 
t^  mpt  was  made  to  assassinate  the  Empor- 
o"  of  Russia  at  Nicolaien,  by  two  men  dis- 
guised in  female  attire,  but  that  they  were 
arrested,  and  tho  matter  was  hushed  up. 
A  short  time  since  there  was  a  rumor  in 
Paris  to  this  cfect,  but,  no  confirmation  ar- 
riving, it  was  credited. 

— 'i'hc  Emperor  Napoleon  is  about  to 
buy  au  estate  for  his  son,  and  is  said  to 
have  selected  the  hisbvic  ground  lying 
between  Bourg  la  Rcinc  and  Secaux,  now 
the  property  of  the  Duke  of  Treviso.  The 
house  on  the  estate  was  built  by  Henry 
iV.,  for  GabncUe  d'Eslrecs.  The  Emperor 
is  said  to  have  oflered  the  Duke  of  Trevieo 
three  millions  for  tho  estate,  but  the  Duko 
demands  four  millions  of  francs. 

Charles  Bandclairc,  one  of  the  French 
litntastic  school  of  poets,  died  at  the  pri- 
vate hospital  in  Paris  a  few  davs  since.  He 
was  a  worshipper  of  Edgar  A.  Poe,  and 
translated  nearly  all  of  Poe's  works  into 
P'rench,".in  which  language  they  were  more 
read  than  they  over  were  in  English.  Bau- 
delaire, like  Poe,  died  a  victim  of  artificial 
excitement.  For  many  years  an  opium 
cater,  the  labt  gllmuior  of  "fine  InteUigcnco 
was  extinguished  long  before  ho  sunk  into 
the  grave. 

— The  carninga  ol  the  Atlantic  Tele- 
graph Cable  during  the  past  year  have 
been  over  a  million  of  dcllars.  Afler 
heavy  deductions,  resulting  from  tho  two 
accidents  to  the  cable  of  1866,  there  re- 
mained to  tho  credit  of  the  revenue  ac- 
count $110,670,  out  of  which  a  dividend  is 
declared  at  tho  rate  of  4  per  cent,  free  of 
incomo  tax,  upon  the  first  8  per  cent  pre- 
ferential stock.  But  for  thcw  accidents  and 
a  charge  for  back  interest,  tho  net  earnings 
would  have  paid  7  per  cent  on  $12,000,000, 
leaving  $70,000  for  a  reserve  fund. 

—Like  all  other  really  great  men,  Gcorgo 
Slcphens'.m  held  foppeiy  in  tho  greatest 
contempt.  <  >nc  day  a  youth  desirous  of 
becoming  an  engineer  called  upon  him 
fiourishing  a  gold  hea'Jcd  canc,^Ir.  Stephen- 
son said,  "  Put  up  thai  slick  my  man,  and 
then  I  will  speak  to  you."  To  another  ex- 
tcnsivelv  decorated  gentleman  ho  one  day 
said,  "  Yon  will  I  hope  excuso  me :  I  am  a 
plain-spoken  person,  and  am  sorry  to  see  a 
nice  looking  and  rathor  clever  young  man 
like  you  disfigured  with  that  finu  patterned 
waistcoat,  and  all  these  chains  and  fang 
dangs.  If  I,  sir,  hwl  bothered  my  head 
with  such  things  at  your  age.  I  should  not 
have  been  where  I  am  now." 

— War  between  trndespcoplc  has  been 
inaugurated  in  London.  In  1>«>0  Mr.  Glad- 
stone prevailed  on  Parliament  to  permit 
grocers  to  sell  wine  in  bottles.  The 
liocnscd  victuallers  reocnted  this  piece  of 
legislation  as  an  unjust  interference  with 
their  profirs.  After  gnnnbling  for  more 
than  six  years  they  have  recently  proceeded 
to  retaliate.  Tho  "  Licensed  Victuallers' 
Tea  Association"  advertises  that  "strong 
by  its  connection  with  gentlemen  of  long 
residence  in  China,  and  large  experience 
as  tea-aster.",  it  can  undertake  to  dispense 
with  intermodiate  profits,  and  to  supply 
tea  to  its  customers  at  a  lower  price  than 
the  durchasing  retail  grocers  pay."  It  is 
anounced  that  the  Londoners  are  felicitat- 
ing themselves  on  the  advent  of  a  time  of 
cheap  wires  and  teas. 

—"The  International  Medical  Congress, 
which  has  just  met  at  Paris,  has  decided 
that  cholera  is  not  contagions,  but  is  emi- 
nently infectuous,  likey  ellow  fever,  typhus, 
etc.  It  originates  where  large  numbers  of 
individuals  are  collected  under  bad  hygie- 
nic or  climateric  conditions.  It  is  trans- 
ported aionj^  great  maritime,  fluvial,  or 
land  ways  ot  communication  by  the  trav- 
ellers who  frequent  thorn.  Crowding  is 
the  principal  cause  of  cholera  and  of  al- 
most all  epodcmics,  and  ventcllation  is  the 
best  moans  of  preventing  and  stopping 
pueh  maladies.  To  herd  them  together 
like  beasts  is  to  kill  them  as  a  matter  of 
certainly.  Individuals  in  an  infected  dis- 
trict must  therefore  be  scattered,  and  them- 
selves and  their  clothes  disinfected  as  soon 
as  possible. 

— Mr.Mackic.of  the  Warrington  (Ziig.,) 
Guardian,  who  has  long  been  engaged 
perfecting  type-composing  alid  distributing 
machines,  anounccs  that  he  can  set  a  col- 
umn of  news  (London  Tiirua  size)  fifty 
times  over  at  tho  same  operation,  each  col- 
umn requiring  less  than  an  hour  to  set  and 

distribute.  He  offers  the  use  of  these  col- 
umns at  a  third  of  what  they  can  be  set  at 
in  tho  usual  way,  paying  carriage  both 
ways.  They  are  to  be  set  by  moans  of  his 
combined  composer  and  distributer — a  ma- 
chine soon  to  be  at  work — driven  by  steam 
and  feeding  itself.  This  machine  is  so  con- 
trived that  it  lays  down  the  first  letters  of 
say  fifty  columua  of  type  by  ono  movement, 
then  the  second  lettcis  of  tho  same  fifty, 
and  so  on.  Each  movement  of  the  ma- 
chine in  reality  composes  fifty  types,  which, 
when  in  lines,  are  put  in  their  respective 
places.  The  plan  is  adapted  for  setting 
duplicates  or  triplicate.'',  saving  stereotyp- 

— The  new  submarine  cable  proposed  to 
be  laid  from  France  to  the  United  Stales 
will  extend  from  Brest  to  St.  Pierre 
Miquelon,  following  a  plateau  which  has 
b«H.'u  sounded  very  carefully.  From  St. 
Pierre  Mi(iuelon  the  cablcin  order  to  reach 
New  York,  will  follow  tho  English  coast  of 
New  Brunswick  and  the  Amcricjin  litoral 
of  the  States  of  Maine,  New  Hampshire, 
Massac  usetts  and  Connecticut.  At  first 
sight  it  might  appear  desirable  to  carry  a 
line  from  Crest  to  New  York  direct,  but,  to 
achieve  this  object,  it  would  be  necessary 
to  carry  the  cable  across  parts  of  l"io  At- 
lantic which  arc  utterly  unsoundablc.  The 
operation  of  submersion  is  expected  to  be 
commenced  in  Blay,  1868.  The  Portugese 
Government  has  granted  to  Messrs.  Dar 
ley  Rose,  Charles  Cooper  and  Stephenson 
Clarke,  the  concession  of  a  lino  which  is 
th  bo  established  betwecd  Falmouth  and 
Peniche.  The  concession  is  grante<l  for 
ninety-nine  years,  dating  from  1869,  by 
which  date  the  line  is  to  be  established.  A 
telegraph  station  will  be  lormed  at  Lisbon, 
and  will  be  in  communication  willi  that  at 

Reli;;(iuu)»  und  Educational. 

—Grace  Church,  New  York,  is  engaged 
for  a  wedding  every  day  next  week.  The 
fashionable  marrying  season  in  New  York 
is  just  opening. 

— The  great  tal)eruaclft  of  the  saints  at 
Salt  Lake  City  is  now  finished.  It  is  250 
feet  wide,  and  furnishes  <'omfortal)lc  silling 
room  for  10,000  people. 

— Tho  I'nitarian  As.sociation  is  about  to 
publish  a  liturgy  for  the  use  of  the  I'nita- 
rian Churches,  and  Dr.  Palfrey,  of  Bel-,  Me.,  has  been  npitoiolcd  to  cdU  it. 

— A  sect  known  j^s  Annihilationisls 
has  been  holdins;-  tent  meetings  at  Free- 
hold, N.  Y.  They  icueh  that  the  righteous 
only  will  appear  in  the  final  resurrection. 

— The  New  York  correspondent  of  a 
country  paper  eays  that  Edwin  Forrest  has 
been  converted  to  Spiritualtsmand  talks  in 
his  reiom  all  night  witii  the  fhmle.s  of  his 
dead  friends. 

— A  life-size  bron/e  statue  ol  Bishop 
Brownell,  of  Connecticut,  is  lo  be  placed 
on  Cedar  Hill,  Hartford.  It  was  cast  at 
Munich,  at  a  coat  of  $3r),000.  Tho  Bishop 
is  represented  in  full  caunonicals. 

—New  Ilarapshiro  has  12,620  Mclho 
dists,  with  128  preacher.",  25  of  whom  are 
superannuated.  Their  10">  church  edifices 
are  valued  at  $320,2o(».  The  Congrcga- 
tionalists  numlier  IK,!.");!,  and  have  18:i 

— The  Obnerver,  seconded  by  the  Gazette, 
enters  a  protest  against  camp  meetings. 
Whereupon  the  Churcfi-  Union  says : 
"What  do  these  elegant  Christians  think 
of  the  camp  meeting  spoken  of  in  Mat- 
thew, .'ilh  chapter  and  sncce.-eivc  chap- 

-The  Rev.  Drs.  Anderson,  I'aiker  and 
Bcecher,  as  a  committee,  have  awarded  to 
tho  Rev.  Enoch  Pond,  D.  D.,  of  Bangor, 
the  prize  of  $100,  offered  some  mouths 
since  by  the  Congregational  Board  of  Pub- 
lication ffir  the  best  essay  on  Congrega- 

— Mr.  Jay  Cooko  is  owner  of  au  island  in 
Putin-Bay,  where  Commotlorc  Perry 
landed  afler  the  battle  of  Lake  Erie,  in 
181o.  lie  has  erected  on  it  a  fine  stone 
mansion,  tor  the  expre.«  purpo.?o  of  enter- 
taining, for  a  brief  .season  during  the  hoi 
weather,  and  in  succession,  many  of  tho 
Christian  ministoifl  of  variou.?  evangelical 
denominations,  and  especially  such  as, 
from  the  email ness  of  their  salaries,  are 
unable  to  afford  siu  h  rest  and  recreation 
for  themselves. 

— In  the  neighborhood  ol  New  llavcu,a 
faithful  and  capable  minister,  who  is  in  the 
decline  of  life,  having  prcachcti  more  than 
a  quarter  of  century,  has  boon  obliged  lo 
leave  his  congregaliou  and  the  work  of 
ministry  becaupo  his  .^al.iry  vras  fo  piti- 
fully small,  and  to  labor  at '  the  bench  of 
a  carpenter.  He  never  learned  the  trade, 
yet  his  natural  ingenuity  enable  him  to 
obtain  wages  which  amount  to  about  $300 
more  nor  annum  than  the  total  amount  of 
his  salary  while  a  preacher.  Ho  gradu- 
ated at  a  college  bv  the  mmi  indomitable 
efforts,  sawing  wuod  and  laboring  out  ol 
study  hours,  to  obtain  means  with  which 
to  support  hiniEclf  at  the  UnivcrEity. 

A  Little  Bill  ot'KxpenacM. 

A  writer  In  Spain  has  exhumed  from 
thu  old  records  a  little  bill  of  war  expenses 
rendered  by  the  Spani^'h  General  Gon^-ales 
do  Cordova  to  King  FerdinHn<l,  afler  the 
famous  battle  of  Corigui>la.  The  writer 
says  : 

Tho  "  Great  Captain"  wan  perhaps  not 
much  of  a  book-keeper,  and  thought  the 
kingdom  he  had  just  gained  for  his  sove- 
reign ought  lo  make  up  for  any  slight  in- 
accuracies in  his  "entries."  fjesides,  he, 
like  General  Narvacz,  was  an  Andalusiun. 
and  tho  Andalusiuns  are  regarded  as  the 
Gascons  of  Spain.  Accordingly,  twenty- 
four  hours  afterward,  he  prescnte^l  the 
King  with  tho  following  little  bill,  which 
is  a  singular  contrast  to  the  motlcst  account 
of  his  own  personal  expenditure  handed 
in  by  George  Washington  to  tho  young 
Congress  of  America,  after  the  conejusion 
of  the  struggle  for  independence,  buccoss- 
fuUy  maintained  by  the  British  Colonics 
against  Goorgo  III..  The  famous  "Cuen- 
tasdoGran  Captain"  is  much  celebrated 
in  Spain,  and  may  be  profitably  studied  at 
the  present  moment.    It  runs  as  follows : 

Two  hundred  thousand  scvcji  hundred 
and  thirty  six  ducats  given  to  friars,  nuns, 
and  poor  mendicants,  that  they  might 
pray  for  the  success  of  the  Spanish  arm?. 

One  hundred  million  dur;it.s  apenl  on 
pickaxes,  spades  and  hoes. 

Ten  thousand  ducats  for  perfumed  gloves 
to  preserve  the  troops  from  bad  odors  aris 
ing  from  the  multitude  of  the  enemy  loft 
ilcad  on  the  field. 

Ono  hundred  and  seventy  thousand  du- 
cats lor  renewing  church  bells  destroyed 
in  ringinc:  peals. 

Fifty  thousand  ducat."*  for  brandy  dis- 
tributed to  the  army  on  the  day  of  the 

One  million  ducats  for  thanksgiving 

Three  million  ducats  for  masses  for  the 

Eight  hundred  thoiwand  ducats  for  spies. 

And,  lastly,  one  hundretl  million  ducats 
in  compensation  for  my  patience  in  listen- 
ing to  a  cheese-paring  king,  who  demands 
accounta  from  a  man  who  ban  presentcfl 
him  with  a  kingdom. 

The  Bei)  of  the  Oce.vk.— It  is  stated 
that  soundings  have  been  made  in  the 
North  Atlantic  to  so  great  an  extent  that 
it  is  now  possible  to  map  out  its  be«l  ciuite 
accurately.  This  ocean  is  a  long  trough 
of  varying  depth,  extending,  probably 
from  pole  to  pole.  Its  bed  follows  the  gen- 
eral structure  of  the  land.  Here  anil  there 
rocky  peaks,  like  that  of  Tencrifle,  or  huge 
mountains  of  sand,  such  as  the  grand 
banks  of  Newfoundland,  reach  up  to  or  be- 
yond tho  surface.  Between  Ireland  and 
Newfoundland  there  exists  a  remarkable 
plain,  known  as  the  telegraphic  plateau, 
which  is  evidently  a  continuation  of  the 
great  watershed  which,  betwe<  n  latitudes 
40deg.,  north  and  south,  surrounds  the 
earth,  and  divides  the  waters  flowing  north 
from  those  flowing  south. 

Concerning   7Ian. 

Wonders  at  homo  by  familiarity  cease  to 
excite  astonishment ;  but  thence  it  happens 
that  many  know  but  little  about  tho  "house 
we  live  in"— the  human  body.  We  look 
upon  a  houso  from  tho  outside,  just  as  a 
whole  or  unit,  never  thinking  of  the  many 
rooms,  the  curious  passages,  and  tho  inge- 
nious internal  arrangements  of  tno  house, 
or  of  tho  wonderful  structure  of  tho  man, 
tho  harmony  and  adaptation  of  all  his 

In  the  human  skeleton,  about  the  lime  of 
maturity,  are  165  bones. 

The  muscles  are  about  500  in  number. 

The  length  ol  the  alimentary  canal  is 
about  32  feet. 

The  amount  of  blood  ia  an  adult  aver- 
ages  ;50  pounds,  or  full  ono-fiflh  ot  thr  i 
entire  weight.  ; 

The  heart  is  six  inches  iu  length  and  four 
inches  in  diameter,  and  beats  70  times  per  | 
minute,  4,200  times  per  hour,  100,800  times 
per  day,  ^6,772,000  times  per  year,  2,565,- 
440,000  in  three  score  and  ten,  and  at  each 
beat  two  and  a  half  ounces  of  blood  arc 
thrown  out  of  it,  175  ounces  per  minute, 
656  pounds  per  hour,  7/.^.  tons  per  day. 
All  the  blootl  in  tho  body  passes  through 
tho  heart  in  three  minutes.  This  little 
organ,  liy  its  cea.^less  industry, 

In  the  Rlloftcd  ¥i>aii 
The  Pealmi^^t  g«vo  lo  nv\o, 
lifts  the  enormous  weight  ot  :170,700,200 

The  lungs  will  contain  about  t)ne  gallon 
of  air,  at  their  usual  degree  of  inflation. 
Wo  brcalhn  on  au  average  1,200  times  per 
hour,  inhale  600  gallons  of  air  or  24,400 
gallons  per  day.  Tho  aggregate  surface  of 
tho  air  cells  ol  the  lungs  exceeds  20,000 
j«|uaro  inches,  an  area  nearly  equal  to  the 
fioor  of  a  room  12  feet  square. 

Tho  a%'erago  weight  of  iho  brain  nf  an 
adult  male  is  three  pounds  and  eight 
ounces  ;  of  a  female,  two  pouuils  and  four 
ounces.  The  nerves  are  all  connected  with 
it,  directly  or  by  the  spinal  marrow. 
These  nerves,  together  with  their  branches 
and  minute  ramifications,  probably  exceed 
10,000,000  in  number,  forming  a  "  Ixxly 
guard  "  outnumbering  by  far  the  greatest 
array  ever  marthaled ! 

The  skm  ia  composed  f)f  three  Inyors,  and 
varies  from  oiio-fourth  lo  one-eighth  (u  au 
inch  in  thickness.  Its  average  area  in  an 
adult  is  estimated  to  be  2.000  .^(luarc  inches. 
Tho  atmospheric  pressure  being  about  11 

Sounds  to  the  sciuarc  inch,  a  person  of  mc- 
ium  size  is  subjected  to  a  pressure  of 
10,000  pounds !    Pretty  light  hug. 

Each  Sfjuare  inch  of  .skin  contains  .'1,.-)<>U 
sweating  tubes,  or  perspiratory  pores,  each 
of  which  may  be  likened  to  a  little  drain- 
tile  one-fourth  of  an  inch  long,  making  an 
aggregate  length  of  tho  cnliro  surface  of 
the  bwly  of  201,206  feet,  or  a  tile  ditch 
almost  forty  miles  long! 

Man  is  nade  marvelou&ly.  W  J»o  is  eager 
to  iuvostigato  the  curious,  to  wltnesa  the 
wonderful  works  of  Omnipotent  Wisdom, 
let  him  not  wander  tho  wide  world  round  to 
seek  them,  but  examine  himself.  "  Tho 
proper  study  of  mankind  is  man."— CV/* 
Jiiitrtuil  of  Covnmrce. 

"  THE  imusi-:  TUAT  JA(  K  BVILTr 

Tlio  following  foa^^ll  UnuBlaluin  into  "state- 
ly rhymo"  from  the  vnl;:«to  of  "  Motlicr  Qooio," 
was  liiat  published,  \v«  bellove,  iu  tho  UartTwrd 
Tiineg.  Th«  author,  whoover  he  ii,  dcHoivra  to 
rank  high  among  modern  epic  poeU-it.« : 

Behold  thr-  Mansion  renrcd  by  d;^dal  Jack. 
See  tho  Mnl«  stored  In  many  a  plethoric  i*ack, 
In  tho  proud  clrqaa  of  Ivan's  btrounc. 
Marli  liow  tha  Rat's  l<'lonlon9  fangs  invade 
Tho  Koldcn  stores  In  John's  pavilion  laid. 
Anou  with  volvot  foot  and  lurqulii  slrtdes. 
Subtle  Griinslkin  to  his  iiuan.v  gliUis— 
(ti-lmalkiii  crira.  that  slow  tho  tier'"43  rof.'eiil 
Whose  tooth  insidious  .lohann's  sackcloth  rent ! 
Lo !  now  the  deep-mouthed  Canine  Foo'h  as.'<auli 
That  vexed  the  avenger  of  the  stolen  uialt. 
Stored  In  the  hallowed  iirfclnctsof  ball. 
That  rose  coinplotd  at  Jatk'a  crealiri!  call. 
Hero  «t4ilks  the  Impotnous  ('o>v  with    crumplid 

Whcroou  tho  Ciaccrbatlng  honed  was  torn 
Whohayod  the  follno  slaughter  beast  that  slow 
Ths  rat  prcdaceous,  whoso  keen  fargs  ran  through 
The  Irjiile  fibres  that  Involved  the  train 
Which  lay  in  Han's  Inviolate  domaiii. 
Here  waliin  forlorn  th«  Damsel  crowuerl  with  riir 
lactiferous  epulis  from  vaccine  dues  who  drew, 
Of  that  corniciilate  beast,  whoee  tortuous  horn 
Tossad  to  tho  clouds  in  llerco  vindictive  scorn. 
The  barDinif  hound  whose  braggart  hark  and  iitir 
Arched  the  lithe  spins  and  raarcd  the 

of  Puss,  that  with  verralnirldHi  claw 
Struck  th'i  weird  rat,  iu  whose  iusatlate  msw 
J, ay  ruoklni(  malt  that  erst  la  JuauV  courtp  w 


Robed  in  8eno8Ci*ntrarb  that  seems  In  soofl' 
Too  long  a  pray  fo  Onronos'  iron  tooth. 
Behold  tho  man  whose  amorous  lips  iiicliii" 
Full  with  youna  Eros'  oisc\ilat!v«  sign. 
To  tho  lorn  raaideu  whose  lact-«U>ic  hand- 
l>ifW  albu-!rtctli  wealth  from  lacteal  i;laiiUs 
or  that  immortal  bovine,  by  whoso  horn 
Distort,  to  realms  ethereal  was  bonie 
The  beast  catulean,  vozer  of  that  sly 
T/'lyssrs  quadrupedal,  who  made  die 
The  old  mordacloMs  itat  Ihatdarod  devoii 
Anteccdancons  Ale  in  John's  dom-'stlc  bowe:. 
Lo  hero,  v. ithhirnuto  honors  doffed,  succinct 
Of  saponaceous  locks,  tho  I'rie»l  who  linked 
In  Hymen's  golden  bauds  the  torn  untlirlft, 
Whoao  meauB  exlgaons  starttd  from  many  a  rifi, 
E'oii  as  as  he  kissed  tho  Virgin  all  forlorn. 
Who  milked  the  cow  with  implicated  horu. 
Who  in  fin«  wrath  the  canine  torturer  skind 
That  dared  to  vex  the  iDsidiou><  ruurlcide. 
Who  lot  .luroral  effluence  through  lh»pelt 
Of  th«  sly  rai  that  robbf^d  th<>  pilaco  Jack  hiu 

*     bnUt. 
The  loud  canlankerous  Shanghae  comes  at  la?t, 
Whose  fhouts  arouse  the  shorn  eccleslast 
Who  sealed  tho  vows  of  Hymen's  •acranif-nl 
To  him  who,  robed  in  ganuonts  iiidt{;«ni. 
Evosculaie.s  tho  dniuael  lacrymose, 
Tiiccmnlgator  of  that  horned  brute  moro'i''. 
That  tnsnnd  the  doj;  thai  worried  the  cat,  thai  kill 
i'h»  rsl,  iliHf  ate  Ih"  nmit  lav  in  ilio  li«u-<e  thiit 
Jill  k  built. 

:^i«l»oleon*s  IVec<tlr   fiitin. 

The  Emperor,  aullnr  and  Kichiieil  h.-is 
again  appeared  as  an  inventor.  In  hi*<o.t;- 
tonsiblo  desire  to  prepare  his  nation  for 
the  niainlainRncc  of  a  vigoroii.s  peace,  he 
has  contrived  a  now  gun  concerning  which 
nothing  is  really  known,  but  reports  affirm 
iH  the  most  terrible  weapon  yet  invented,  a 
single  discharge  l)eing  expected  to  destroy 
a  battalion.  "Tho  workmen  who  nre  cu- 
gngcd  in  manulacluriug  this  arm  arc  never 
allowed  to  leave  tho  premises,  being  looked 
up  night  and  day,  the  Emperor  himself 
keeping  the  key  In  tho  trials,  tho  can 
non,  carriages  and  ammunition  arc  brought 
in  leather  valises,  and  the  tiring  takes 
place  behind  a  screen  of  boards.  It  is 
known  that  at  fi,200  feet  the  balls  pierce 
an  iron  plate  eight  tenths  of  an  inch 
thick.  Each  cannon  fires  twenty  shf^ts  in 
a  minute,  and  two  men  sufllec  lor  the 
transporting  of  the  fleld-picce,  with  its 
carriage,  ammunition,  etc.  Hays  a  French 
notice  of  a  late  trial,  "  A  clump  of  trees 
five  thousand  feet  distant  was  mowed  down 
in  a  few  minuto»«,  like  a  grain  field  l»y  a 
steam  mower.  It  was  po.^itively  fri«:;ht- 

MrjlnB;  jipcclmciis  orPlanti*. 

.1  correspondent  in  "  Science  Ciossip" 
describes  his  practice  as  follows :  "  When 
botany  was  my  hobby,  I  adopted  a  plan 
for  drying  my  specimens,  which  was  both 
rapid  and  very  cfleclual  in  preserving 
colors.  I  borrowed  a  tin  dripping  pan 
from  the  cook,  which  was  just  the  size  of 
my  sheets  of  blotting  paper.  In  this  I  laid 
the  produce  of  the  day  s  excursion  between 
sheets  of  blotting  paper,  in  the  usual  way, 
and,  when  tho  piio  was  complete,  I  covered 
it  over  with  a  layer  of  common  Kcouring 
sand  half  an  inch  thick,  so  that  the  tin 
dish  appeared  to  be  simply  lull  of  sand.  I 
then  placed  it  on  the  kitchen  fender,  or  on 
the  hob,  or  in  the  oven,  if  it  was  not  too 
hot,  and  in  three  or  four  hoars  the  whole 
batch  of  sDCcimens  were  perfectly  dried. 
It  required  a  little  care  to  take  them  out 
at  the  right  moment,  when  they  were 
baked  just  enough,  and  not  too  much ; 
but  thi.s  care  being  given,  tho  success  of 
the  plain  was  pcrtcct.  Many  tpecimens 
still  m  my  herbarium  bear  witness  to  the 
superiority  of  such  rapid  drying  over  the 
old  method." 

Scalps   and    Cow-latcliors. 

Tho  wliihtle  of  our  locomotives,  sound- 
ing daily  towards  the  sunset,  has  been 
echoed  by  the  war-whoop  of  the  savage ; 
and  after  cenlurios  of  talking,  cheating, 
and  flghling.^e  are  brought  lace  to  face 
with  our  ancient  enemy,  never  so  desperate 
and  dangerous  as  now.  ll  is  useless  to 
discuss  tho  history  of  our  dealings  with 
the  Indians,  for  tho  mere  purpose  of  phi- 
lanthropic declamation  or  recrimination. 
The  question  of  to  day  is  staring  at  us. 
How  shall  we  answer  it  y  Unless  it  be 
permanently  settled,  the  postponement  of 
It  will  only  bring  it  up  again  in  slill  more 
troublesome  form  Once  the  Indians 
fought  us  w^ith  bows  and  arrows  only. 
Now,  they  have  fire-arms  as  well ,  but  our 
repeating  rilles  give  us  a  great  advantage. 
Shall  we  find  them  less  Ibrmidable  il',  ten 
years  from  now,  they  declare  'war  again, 
furnished  'with  weapons  equal  to  otirs '/ 
We  do  not  presume  to  be  wiser  than  oth- 
ers, ^nor  to  know  any  plan  which  will  re- 
lievo us  from  our  present  embarrassment. 
But  we  think  tho  matter  may  bo  simpli- 
fied by  the  plain  statement  of  a  few  points 
which  are  fi.\ed,  beyond  doubt ;  since  many 
suggestions  arc  daily  made,  which  a  mo- 
ments consideration  would  .show  to  be  im- 

1.  The  Pacific  Uoad  must  and  will  be 
finished.  Whatever  may  bt;  tho  wTongsof 
the  Indian,  it  is  not  one  of  his  rights  to  In- 
terfere with  such  a  work  as  this.  The 
nation  is  resolved  ui>ou  it ;  and  philanthro- 
pists, will,  sooner  or  later,  find  reasons 
enough  to  justify  all  measures  which  may 
be  found  necessary  in  the  exct'ution  of  this 

2.  Tho  usual  routes  of  travel  across  the 
plains,  including  the  new  niilway,  must 
and  will  be  protected. 

;j.  Merc  reprisals  upon  tbo  Indians,  as  a 
hostile  foreign  power,  are  not  an  efl'tclivo 
protection.  They  arc  accustomed  to  such 
measures  in  their  own  fciuls,  and  consider 
them  merely  the  mciJents  of  war  When 
wckill  ono  Indian  for  the  crimes  of  anoth- 
er, they  retort  with  the  murder  of  innocent 
wliite  men  ;  and  the  bloody  argument  goes 
on,  without  possibility  of  decision. 

•1.  Extermination  of  tho  hostile  Indians 
is  a  pure  impossibility.  They  number 
about  1,000,000;  and  it  isi  !«aid  that  lied 
Cloud,  the  priiuipAl  chief,  can  bring  into 
tlio  field  ;{0,(X)0  warriors  at  once,  of 
them  mounted  and  well-armed.  Before 
wo  talk  of  exterminating  these  tribes,  we 
hacl  better  look  the  figuies  in  tho  face. 
How  many  would  '//<•?/ extermiaate,  before 
the  final  consummalion  '^  What  would  be 
tho  cost  ot  such  a  w*,  at  Ihe  present  rate 
of  extermination,  per  Indian? 

5.  The  projcel  of  gathering  them  into 
new  reservations,  is  a  favorite  with  some. 
But  wo  may  ask  with  Dogberry's  watch- 
man, "  How  it  he  will  not  ?"— and  it  will 
not  do  for  \vi  In  "  let  bim  go,  and  thank 
Uod  wc  are  rid  of  a  knave."  There  is 
scarcely  any  place  lor  the  proposed  reser- 
vations, cxfccpl  in  tho  Indian  Territory; 
and  tho  cost  of  removing  even  willing 
tribes  from  tho  North  Mi.>souri,  would  hr. 
very  great. 

(».  Treaties  seem  to  be  worj>e  than  use- 
less. Tho  Indians  always  break  their 
pledges,  and  wc  never  keep  (»urs.  Indian 
commir.sioncrs  and  agents  spend  their  lime 
in  patching  up  t*lmm  peaces,  and  getting 
up  disputes  with  "  unscrupulou.'^  men,  who 
want  lo  have  mu  Indian  war, "  in  which 
dispulc,  tb(!  unacrupulous  men  wem,  too 
frc(tuenlly,  to  get  lh«'  better  of  the  scru- 
pulous commisHiouers. 

7.  There  certainly  are  persons  who  de- 
sire, Irom  the  most  eordid  motives,  to  re- 
new tho  days  of  army  contracts;  and  who 
systcmHlically  spread  false  reports,  calPu- 
laled  to  precipitate  an  Indian  war.  Be- 
sides thitf,  the  settlers  in  Montana  and 
elscwhen.',  tnUing  the  question  into  their 
own  hands,  wage  indiscriminato  battle 
against  friendly  as  'well  as  hostile  trilies, 
The  Indiiin  who  would  remain  friendly 
at\er  such  treatment  n%  that  mu.'t.  be  a 

Docs  it  not  seem  evident  I  hat  there  is  no 
solution  of  these  difticulties,  under  the  i>ro- 
sent  system  of  treating  the  Indians  as 
foreign  nations  f  This  fiction  of  independ- 
ence must  bo  l?jken  away  from  them,  in 
order  tbat  we  imiy  ftive  them  real  security 
and  liberty.  For  their  sakte,  as  well  a.s 
ours,  Iho  Indiana  must  become  citizens  of 
the  United  States.  The  West  must  be  re- 
•ronstructcd,  like  the  South.  The  protci- 
tion  which  the  Frecdman's  Bureau  has 
given  to  the  negro  must  also  l)e  jirovided 
lor  the  Indian.  The  crimes  oflndias.';  must 
bo  treatf  d  a.<;  (-rimes— not  merely  act.s  of 
war.  Throw  awtiy  tho  glove  ol  tho  In- 
dian Agency,  and  let  the  govcrnmeul  tike 
hold  ot  this  qucUion  with  naked  hand. 
There  will  be  more  conlial  gotxl  faith,  and 
more  stern  power,  in  such  a  grasp.  This 
ought  to  be  our  plan  ;  and  vhatovcr  fight- 
ing we  imisil  do  hliould  be  .sharp  and 
nest,  and  without  an}' l"r»rce  ot  powwows 
and  j)ii'es)  of  peace.  The  protection  of 
travel  shouM  be  our  object  for  the  prcwut. 
Tho  advance  of  the  lailroad  and,  with  it, 
popuhlion  and  industry,  will  make  mat 
tors  much  worse  if  our  present  Rystem  is 
eontinued  ;  much  better,  if  equal  laws  arc 
extended  over  all.  Under  ruch  a  favoring 
infiucnco,  the  cow-catcher  of  progros«<  (to 
u?e  a  new  and  appropriate  figure)  would 
clear  our  track  of  Mormons,  Indians,  and 
all  other  obstriiction^  — AinrrJcmi  Jr><>r;inl, 
"/'  Mi  It  in;/. 

'I'lae   <%inrric,an  Xquirrel, 

A  NuJOiROCs  Bbbeavehent.  —  Tho 
condudiiic  worda  of  a  Utah  obitnary  notice  are 
very  pathetic :  "  Ho  Imve*  thirteeu  widow*  and  fif- 
ty-fonr  children  to  mourn  his  lost." 

ijl  Ibis  moHl  iK-autifiil,  aclivc  and  gra<  c 
fill  of  all  Iho  furred  denizens  of  our  wof^ls 
and  plains,  Iheic  are  no  low  titan  .sixty 
known  vaiietic.s,  and  the  number  will 
probably  be  increased  when  our  Pacific 
possessions  are  more  tiilly  explored.  To 
tho  sportsman  cast  of  tho  Hot^ky  Jloun 
tains  the  most  interesting  are  the  gray,  the 
fox  and  the  pine  sciuirrel,  called  on  the  tide 
water  of  Maryland  and  Virginia  the  cat 
squirrel.  Tho  gray  f<(U'Tel  frequently 
migrates  in  vast  number.«i,  and  then  i«  very 
destructive  to  tho  corn  crop.  To  sueb  an 
extent  did  their  depredations  reach  in  the 
colony  of  Pennsylvania,  in  the  year  I'-l'J, 
aa  to  excite  the  alarm  of  tho  auth(>ritics, 
and  a  bounty  of  threo  pence  was  oflered 
lor  8«iuiri'cl  Hcalps ;  and  the  colonial  treas- 
ury was  cloplcted  to  the  extent  of  eight 
thousand  pounds,  and  rendered  entirely 
bankrupt,  six  hundred  and  forty  thou.sand 
scalps  having  been  paid  for  ma  Hinglo 
year.  In  view  of  thin  great  fecundity,  it  is 
fortunate  that  the  Equirrel  has  so  many 
enemies,  and  probably  the  least  destructive 
of  them  fvll  is  man.  The  black  snake 
ascends  to  his  nest,  and  at  one  lell  8wrK>p 
de6troy»tt  .r  hole  litter ,  the  rattlesnake,  wc 
are  U)ld,  will  paralyze  poor  bunny  by  ihc 
glitter  of  his  eye,  and  draw^  him  on,  an  un- 
resisting victim  into  the  jaws  of  death. 
But  thoowl  is  his  greatest  and  most  de- 
structive enemy,  aa  towards  the  close  of 
day  he  fiits  on  noiseless  wing  through  the 
darkening  woods  ami  pounces  on  his  un- 
suspecting prey-  Tlie  red-tailed  hawk  is 
another  of  his  foes,  but  he  in  an  open  ene- 
my, and  wages  war  magnanimously. 

Btnl  \«'rltiaer. 

It  is  related  that  Rufus  Choate,  having 
answered  an  invitation  from  a  young  men's 
association  in  an  Eastern  city  to  lecture 
before  them,  tho  committee  were  actually 
at  a  loss  to  make  out  whether  tho  letter 
was  an  acceptance  or  a  refu.9al.  Afler 
much  discussion  over  this  dilemma,  it  was 
dcLcrmitKd  to  light  the  hall  and  proceed 
on  the  suppoiiitftm  of  an  acceptance.  For- 
tunately, Choato's  presence  on  time  proved 
that  they  had  guessed  correctly.  The 
handwriting  of  the  late  Rev.  Dr.  Belbune, 
also,  though  remarkable  for  its  neatness 
and  uniformity,  was  nevertheless  so  pccu 
liar  as  to  bo  very  difficult  to  read  by  one 
who  was  not  fkmlliar  with  it.  A  lady  who 
had  lo8.  a  fiavoritc  child  once  remarked 
that  she  had  rectlved  "  a  sweet  letter  of 
condolence  from  the  doctor,"  adding  the 
naive  confession,  "  I  hwto  it  must  be  beau- 
tiful, but  1  cannot  read  a  word  of  it." 

A  4'llinate  -where  CoaBamptlres 
are  Said  to  Obtain  Cer- 
tain Keller. 

Did  It  occur  lo  the  companv  which  pro- 
poses to  run  a  regular  line  of  steamers  up 
the  Amazon  from  Para,  for  a  distance  of 
2,500  miles  from  Its  mouth,  that  it  will  be 
able  to  transport  passengers  direct  into 
the  inland  vallev  ot  Jauja,  where  the  con- 
sumptive will  obtain  restoration  ol  health 
aiid  a  cure  of  a  too  generally  incurable 
disease ':  The  voyage,  though  long,  may 
be  made  almost  without  changing  vessels, 
and  will  be  found  neither  tedious  nor  de- 
bilitating. It  will  introduce  travelers  into 
some  of  the  most  magnificent  scenery  in 
tho  world.  It  has  been  known  to  the  na- 
tives from  time  immemorial,  that  a  remov- 
al of  consumptive  patients,  even  in  tho 
stage  of  well-marked  ulceration  and  cavi- 
ties in  the  lungs,  to  tho  valley  of  Juaja,  at 
a  height  ol  ten  thousand  feel  above  the 
sea,  was  followed  by  an  almost  invariable 
suspcn.sion  of  tho  disease.  This  fact  is 
corroborated  by  the  experience  of  the 
physicians  of  Peru  at  the  present  time. 
From  the  statistics  of  Lima,  published  in 
1S5H,  it  appears  that  nearly  eighty  per 
cent,  of  the  cases  of  consumption  sent  to 
tho  Jauja  valley  arc  cured. 

So  forcibly  has  this  fact  been  bnnight 
before  the  Peruvian  Government  that  it 
has  established    in    Ihw  valley  a  militai-y 
hospital  for  consumptive  patients,  and  cs 
pccially  for  native  Indian  soldiers,  who,  in 
the  capital  (Lima),  are  singularly  prone  to    Of  tho  whole  annual  mortality 
of  that  city,  no  less  than  nearly  twenty- 
lour  per  cent,  is  attributed  to  consumption. 
On  the  sea  coast  of  Peru,  as  cm  that  of  the 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  incipient  tubercular  con- 
sumption   is  one  of  the   commonest   of 
pulmonary  diseases.    A  share  of  the  cur- 
ative   power  of  Jauja  valley  may  bo  at- 
tributed to  tho  influence  exerted  on  tho 
mind  and  nervous  system  generally  by  iUs 
scenery  and  a.ssocialions ;  but,  after  mak- 
ing all  allowances  for  these  CJiuscs,  the  rc- 
.sults,  as   reported,  are   truly   wonderful. 
Rain  of  four  months  in  tho  year  makes  up 
for  the  dry  season  of  eight  months  in  tho 
year,  and  serves  to  fertilize  the  land  and 
yields  tho  happy  inhabitants  more  food 
than  they  require.     An  influx  of  German, 
English  and  American  visitors  and  settlers 
would  drive  those  people  to  do  something 
more  than  give  up  the  eight  dry  months 
to  amuseioents  and  feasting.—  Philarldphia 



The  Viiliiircni  in  the  llitnalaya«. 

Dr.  Andrew  Leilh  Adams,  iu  Iris  '^Wan- 
dcnngs  of  a  Naturalist  in  India,"  writes  as 
follows  of  the  vultures  and  other  rapacious 
birds  in  tho  Himalayas  ; 

Amid  all  the  grandeur  of  the  Himalayas 
it  is  a  most  attractive  sight  to  the  natural 
if.t  lo  behold  the  vultures  and  other  rapa- 
cious birds  Bt)aring  over  the  vast  ravines 
and  around  tho  tojta  of  tho  migtity  moun- 
tains. Let  him  chose  a  summer  evening, 
with  that  clear  sky  almost  characteristic  ot 
the  Himalayas,  and  just  as  the  sun  casts 
his  last  rays  on  the  snow-clad  mountains — 
when  the  quiet  i.^  only  broken  by  the  cry 
of  the  eagle,  tho  bleal  of  the  goal,  or  tho 
shrill  pipo  of  the  partridge— then  tho  vul- 
tures, kites  and  jackdaws  may  bo  seen 
wheeling  in  vast  circlea ;  some  are  gliding 
along,  apparently  without  an  effort ;  others 
appetir  suspended  motionless  in  the  vast 
canopy  of  heaven  ;  while,  careering  in  his 
majesty,  the  lammcrgcyer  gathers  up  his 
great  wings  and  9woop.s  downward,  may- 
hap lo  rifo  again  and  join  the  medley  he 
has  ju-st  left,  or  stretching  forth  his  pin- 
ions lo  their  fullest  extent,  he  sails  along 
the  mountain  brow  to  the  piojecting  cliil 
on  which  his  cyrio  stands  safe,  for  there 
who  dare  assail  him ! 

After  a  bear  or  other  large  animal  is 
killed,  the  hunter  soon  flnds  himself  sur- 
rounded by  rapacious  birds,  where  none 
were  seen  before  ;  they  are  observed  dash- 
ing down  the  glenr*,  and  sailing  in  circles 
around  his  (iu>irry.  Some  sweep  within  a 
few  yard,!  of  Inm,  others  arc  soaring  at 
higher  elevations,  and  even  at  such  vast 
altitudes  Ihat  the  huge  bearded  vulture 
appears  only  as  a  Binali  .speck  in  the  blue 
sky,  but  gradually  it  become  more  distinct 
asits  witfe  gj'rations  increase. 

It  may  gather  itself  up  and  close  its 
wings,  or  dash  in  ono  fell  swoop  hundreds 
of  feel,  and  the  next  instant  is  seen 
pcrch'^^d  ou  the  jutting  rock  beside  him. 
Such,  then,  are  tiio  usual  appearances  ob- 
served soon  afler  the  death  of  h  large  ani- 
mal, and  tho  hunter  wonders  whence  all 
these  great  vultures  and  carrion-crows 
have  come  ;  but  if,  immediately  alter  his 
noblo  ibex  has  rolled  down  the  crag,  ho 
directs  his  eyes  heavenward,  he  will  ob- 
serve carrion  crows  or  vultures,  at  various 
distances  and  elevations,  sailing  leisurely 
about,  while  the  one  nearest  to  him,  ob- 
serving tho  death  of  his  quarry,  instantly 
commences  to  descend  ;  then  ono  follows 
tho  other  until  tho  valley  resounds  with 
tho  hoarse  croaking  of  the  crows,  and  tho 
air  feels  alive  with  them.  Il  is  surprising 
the  numbers  that  arc  sometimes  observed 
lo  congregate  on  occasions ;  1  have 
pocn  no  less  than  sixty  vultures  and  crows 
on  and  around  the  of  a  newly- 
kill'd  benr. 


All  for  a  pretty  ;;lrli9h  face. 

Two  cheeks  of  rosy  hue. 
Two  lauKblnc;  lips  of  vonnell  Itnt. 

And  eyes  of  heaven's  blue. 

•Ml  for  aimi.i  dimplodchiii. 

A  round  throat  snowy  fair. 
A  darltns:  mouth  to  dream  upon. 

And  glorious  golden  hair. 

.Ml  for  a  lender  rooinf:  voice, 

.\nd  (rentle  flattering  slKhs  : 
-Ml  for  the  promise  made  to  m» 

By  btory-telilns  eyes. 

.Ml  lor  (hat  pretty  (jlrlijh  f«(.T, 
Kor  a  hand  as  white  as  snow, 

I  'Ircamod  a  focllsh  dream  of  lore, 
i/on^',  long  years  ago. 

iTIarrlage  on  the  Cars. 

'1  Jic  monottmy  of  railroad  traveling  was 
Komowhat  relieved  to  thoKo  on  board  a 
Grand  Trunk  train  bound  east  onMonday- 
by  a  romantic  episode,  namely  a  wedding 
on  tho  cars!  The  lueliminary  circum- 
slanccs  are  similar  to  those  of  thou.^ands 
of  other  matrimonial  adventures,  in  which 
stern  and  unrelenting  parents  forbid  the 
nuptials,  and  so  drive  the  lovc-strickeu 
pair  to  the  necessity  of  eloping.  Tho  par- 
ties to  the  j>re.^ent  allair  lesiflo  about  four 
miles  back  ol  Colboruc,  a  small  fetation  on 
the  Grand  Trunk,|between  Port  Hope  and 
King.ston,  and  to  which  place  the  runaway 
pair  made  their  way  on  Sunday  night  with 
the  intention  of  being  marrial.  The  mar- 
riage license  was,  however,  only  received, 
when  they  were  informed  that  the  parents 
were  in  pursuit ;  and  being  pushci  for  a 
resource  lo  escape,  until  the  nuptual  knot 
was  tied,  went  on  board  the  passing  train, 
taking  up  a  clorgj-man  on  the  way,  who 
being  aware  of  a  strong  attachment  on  the 
part  of  the  pair,  sealed  their  bliss.  The 
station  was  barely  left,  when  Mr.  Hunt, 
<onductor  on  the  train  was  informed  by 
the  man  of  black  cloth  that  it  was  his  in- 
tention to  celebrate  a  marriage  on  ]>oard, 
and  pointing  to  the  couple  lobe  made  one, 
asked  his  assistance  in  obtaining  lor  them 
quarters  together  on  tho  crowded  train. 
The  gentlemanly  conductor  acquiesced, 
and  tho  ceremony  was  performed  while 
the  train  dashed  along  at  the  rale  of  forty 
rniles  an  hour,  tho  pa&sengcrs  forming  a 
bridal  party  oi  no  small  dimensions  and 
certainly  novel  appearance !  In  a  short 
time  the  train  reached  Belleville,  where 
the  happy  couple  Ictl  unid  the  hcarly  con- 
gratulations of  their  numerous  newly  made 

Gen.  Steblino  Pnics's  life  was  insured 
for  f  10,000.  He  leaves  a  widow,  four  sons, 
Edwin,  Celsns,  Quintus,  and  Abner,  and  a 
daughter,  Stella.  Tho  hearse  nsod  at  Gen. 
Price's  funeral  was  the  samd  which  bore 
tho  remains  of  Mr.  Lincoln  to  Oak  Ridge, 
in  Springfield,  111. 

If^h at  Breaks  DownTouuBrlfiren. 

It  is  a  commonly  received  notion  that 
liard  study  is  the  unhealthy  element  of 
college  life.  But  from  tables  of  the  mor- 
tality of  Harvard  University,  collected  by 
Professor  Pierce  from  the  last  triennial 
catalogue,  it  is  clearly  demonstrated  that 
the  excess  of  deaths  lor  the  first  ten  years 
after  graduation  is  found  In  that  portion  of 
each  class  inferior  in  scholarship.  Every 
one  who  haa  been  through  the  curriculum 
knows  that  where  .Esctiuylus  and  political 
economy  injure  one,  late  hours  snd  rum 
punches  use  upVi  dozen  ;  and  that  the  two 
little  fingers  of  Morpheus  are  heavier  than 
the  loins  of  Euclid.  Dissapation  is  a  swifX 
and  sure  destroyer,  and  every  young  man 
who  follows  it  is  as  tho  early  flower  ex- 

Kosed  to  untimely  frost.  Those  v;ho  have 
eon  inveigled  in  the  path  of  vice  a'-c 
named  "  Legion,"  for  they  are  many — 
enough  to  convince  every  novitiate  that 
ho  has  no  security  that  be  shall  escape  a 
similar  fate.  A  low  hours  of  sleep  each 
night,  high  living  and  plenty  of  "s.uashes" 
make  war  upon  every  function  of  the  hu- 
man body.  The  brains,  the  heart,  the 
lungs,  the  liver,  tho  spine,  tho  limbs,  the 
bones,  tho  flesh— every  part  and  faculty — 
are  overtasked,  worn  and|wcakened  by  the 
teriffic  energy  of  passion  and  appetite 
loosed  from  restraint,  until,  hke  a  dillapi- 
dalcd  mansion,  tho  "  earthly  house  of  this 
tabernacle  "  falls  into  raiuous  decay.  Fast 
young  men,  right  about! 

i»cB»Ity  or  Population. 

Even  iu  our  most  populous  cities  much 
more  space  is  allotted  to  each  individual 
than  is  ordinarily  believed.  Over-crowded 
London  allows  one  square  acre  of  land  to 
every  forty  of  its  inhabitants.  New  York 
averages  fifty-six  persons  per  square  acre, 
Philadelphia  only  seven.  Boston,  previous 
to  its  lalo  enlargement,  was  the  most 
crowded  city  in  the  United  States,  but 
every  fitly-ninc  of  its  inhabitants  possessed 
on  an  average  one  square  acre  of  land. 
Taking  the  area  of  ali  the  Stales,  and  ap- 
portioning it  out  to  tho  population  there- 
of, it  api>cars  that  every  seventeen  inhabi- 
tants have  one  square  mile  at  their  dispo- 
sal, while  in  the  Territories  there  are  four 
square  miles  to  each  inhabitant.  In  the 
year  186r»,  Belgium,  England  and  Wales, 
and  France,  had  three  hundred  and  ninety- 
seven,  threw  hundred  and  sixty-seven,  and 
one  hundred  and  scvonty-six  inhabitants 
the  square  mile  respectively.  If  the  Uni- 
Ictl  States  Wfis  as  densely  populated  as  the 
former  of  these  three  countries,  its  inhabi- 
tants would  number  $1,100,000,000,  which 
is  a  Iittlo  cliflcrencc  ol  one  hundred  and 
eleven  millions  of  people  above  the  entire 
population  of  tho  world. 

REMOiotb   ANEi DOTES. —In   Iho  town 

of  S there  was  n  shoemaker,  who  at   the   time 

otficlat<^d  as  preacher.  He  always  wrote  the  notices 
himself,  iu  Older  to  eave  the  exppnfces  of  priullnff. 
llere  is  one  of  thorn :     "  There  will  bo  preachlnt; 

in  the  piuos  this  Sunday  aftemoou  on  the  subject, 
•Allwnodonot  believe  will  be  damned  at  thre* 

-A  trlend  who  has  ;;  laiili  in  catechism,  and 
teaches  it  with  a  pertinacity  that  would  challenRU 
tho  admiration  ol  a  Luther  or  a  Calvin,  was  put 
tins  the  youuKcst  ol  four  throufih  a  course  ono 
day.  whan  the  question  came  up :  "  Who  tempted 
Eve  !■"  The  Iittlo  fellow,  after  a  moment's  thought, 
>vlth  au  air  of  confldence  oxclainicd  :  "It  is  the 
ftenlleinan  who  livos  in  hcU;  I've  forgotten  his 

—A  colored  preacher  at  tbe  South  recently  said 
in  a  praye;- :  "  O  Lord,  bo  pleased  t"^  shake  your 
great  tablecloth  over  your  hungry  children  dat  dey 
may  be  fed  wic!  do  crumbs  of  your  love."  Anoth 
er.  prcachlugt'.  i'ort  Hudson,  used  tho  followin;: 
Illustration:  •  IJb  wholo  ob  Ood's  relation  to  us 
am  llko  de  whee..  1)«  Ixird  Jesus  Christ  am  dc 
bub,  de  Christians  am  do  spokes,  and  de  tire  am 
de  praco  ob  God  a  binding  'era  all  togcder;  anddu 
nearer  wo  get  to  de  hub,  de  nearer  we  get  to  each 

-We  recall  fo  mind  the  story  of  a  trorfd  old 
Methodist  lady,  \ory  particular  and  verypious,  wlio 
once  kept  a  boardinzhouso  in  Boston. 

iStaunch  Iu  her  principles,  she  would  take  no  one 
to  board  who  did  not  hold  to  the  eternal  punish- 
ment of  a  large  portion  of  the  race.  But  tno  peo- 
ple were  more  intent  on  c.amul  comforts  than 
spiritual  health,  so  that  in  time  her  house  liecame 
empty,  much  to  her  jrrief  and  alarm.  After  somu 
time  a  bluff  old  eoa-raptaln  ki\ockcd  at  itiu  door, 
and  tho  old  lady  answered  tho  call. 

" tjcrvant,  ma'aui.  Canyon  give  me  board  for 
two  or  three  days?  Got  my  ship  here,  and  shall  be 
oir  soon  as  I  load." 

•■  W-8-a-l,  I  don't  know"  \m\<\  ihc  old  lady. 

"Oh,  bouse  full,  eh:" 

"No;  but " 

"  But  what,  ma'am  '<" 

'•  1  don't  take  any  unclean  or  cariul  people  in  my 
house.    Whatdovou  bell«voJ" 

"About  whaiv 

"  Whv,  do  you  beltuve  tbat  anybody  will  h(» 
damneii  >" 

■  Oh,  thunder!  vcs." 

"  Do  you  V"  said  lh«  good  woiiinn,  bri<;hlonlii;; 
up.  Well,  how  many  eouls  do  you  think  will  b« 
in  flre  eternally'/" 

'•Don't  know,  ma'am,  reallv;  never  calculated 

'•Can't  you  guess?" 

'Can't  say— perhaps  fifty  thousand." 

"  W-a-al— hem  1"  mused  the  jifood  woman.  ''  1 
cue^s  I'll  take  you;  fifty  tuouaoud  is  better  than 

McsKAi-  Anecdotkh.  -When  Leopold 
de  Meyer  was  here,  twenty  je.irs  ago,  caricatures, 
representiu!;  him  playing  I'e  piano  in  all  sorts  ol 
extravaaant  ways,  wcro  freely  clrcnl.ntcd.  lie 
chaucedto  visit  a  Kentlemsn  who  had  seen  tbesa 
pictures  and  ihouRht  they  represented  Meyer's 
real  stylo  of  playlu};,  and  when  Meyer  offered  to 
nlayfor  bim,  and  asked  him  what  ho  should  play, 
no  answered,  "tho  you  perform  wltli 
your  knees ard  clbown.'' 

— Woolf,  tho  musical  diroctor.  dramatist, 
draughtsman, ic  .  is  said  t o  lo\ c ardeutlyand  hold 
fast  of  tiglitly,  tho  Almighty  Dollar.  The  other 
day  ho  called  the  alf^'ntion  j)f  Miss  Jefferson, 
(Hlbter  of  liip  \an  Winkle")  to  a  new  suit  of  clotli- 
tu2  which  h"   bad  Just  put  on.    "I   ijot  the  suit 

Lretty  cheap."  cald  he—'  It  cost  only  forty  dollari". 
ookatme.  What  do  you  think  of  me  V  "Why," 
•he  repliod,  "  I  think  you  are  a  Woolf  in  sheap 

Hk.wuxg  the  Lead.— The  "Amaranth' 

was  comiii;;  down  the  upper  Mississippi,  loaded 
with  pi?  lead.  As  she  wan  goini'  over  a  shoal 
place  the  pilot  gave  the  signal  to  heave  the  lead- 
Tlio  only  man  forward  ai  the  time  was  u  green 

"  Why  don't  yoahcav*  the  lead ';' "  demanded  the 

"Is  it  heave  tho  lead,  your  honor  ?    VvTierc  tof " 

"Overboard,  you  bloi  khead." 

Tho  Int-hnian  Biialched  up  one  of  the  pigs  of  lead 
and  throw  it  overboard  ;  the  mate  in  endeavoring 
to  prevent  him,  lost  his  balancu  and  fell  Into  th« 

Tho  c.ipt»in,  running  to  the  edge  of  the  roof, 
asked :  "  Why  don't  you  heave  the  lead,  and  sluf; 
out  how  much  water  there  Is  V" 

"The load  is  heaved,  your  honor,  and  tho  mate's 
gone  down  to  see  how  much  watherthcre  if,''  re- 
sponded Pat. 

Didn't  Intend  to  Mote  —Old  Rickctls 

was  a  man  of  labor,  and  had  little  or  no  time  to 
devote  to  speculation  on  the  future.  He  was,  with 
nl,  rather  uncouth  In  tha  uto  of  his  language.  Oae 
day,  while  engaged  Iu  Mtopping  hogboip.';  about  his 
placu,  he  was  approached  hy  a  colporteur  and  pre- 
sonted  with  a  tract. 

"What  is  all  this  atiout  f"  demanded  Klckcft*. 

"That,  sir,  is  a  book  describing  the  celestial 
state,"  was  the  replv. 

"Celestial  state?"  said  Rickotts,  "in  what  sec- 
tion is  that:" 

"My  friend,  T  fear  you  have  not   •" 

"  Well,  nover  mind,"  iuterrnpted  Kicketts.  "  I 
dou't  want  to  bear  about  any  better  state  than 
Jarsey.  I  intend  fo  live  and  die  right  ber«,  if  I 
c.-in  keep  iheui  cussed  bogs  out." 

The  iMrEccNioaiTT  ok  Scribbleiih.- A 
New  York  Bohemian  writes  to  a  Western  paper : 
"By  way  of  contrast  lietween  the  non-success  of 
Journalism  as  a  profession,  and  the  prosperity  at 
tending  any  other  Ciilling,  let  me  mention  the  fact 
that  an  old  man  and  woman  who  have  for  years 
sold  apples  and  nut*  on  Spruce  street,  under  th« 
shadow  of  tho  Tribnnf  building,  are  to-day  worth 
S^O.CM)  or  $iiO,000,  while  not  ono  of  the  writers  for 
that  journal,  unless  a  stockholder,  haa  much  more 
than  enough  to  bury  him  decently.  The  truth  is, 
there  is  no  other  vocation  under  the  sun  so  poorly 
paid,  and  so  entirely  tbougntless,  as  that  to  which 
wo  of  the  daily  quill-dnvlng  brotherhood  so  for- 
lornly belong.'*^ 

StutKXiFic. — A  French  savan  has  lik- 
ened the  quiclincss  of  volition  in  an  animal  to  the 
t«le);rapb.  He  tells  his  class:  "When  a  whale  is 
harpooned,  the  nerve  affected  instantly  telegraphs 
to  the  creature's  brain  :  '  Harpoon  in  tail ;'  upon 
which  the  brain  telegrapha  back,  '  Jerk  Uil  and 
upset  boat.' "    Wljsta  wondertul  thing  is  science ! 

The  Days  of  .New  England  Rum.— 

In  the  good  old  times,  one  hundred  yeara  ago,  in 
New  n«nptihlre,  the  bill  for  "  raiding  a  meeUng 
houee  included  the  item  for  $127.50  for  rnm.  "They 
couldn't  even  build  churclios  in  those  days  without 
a  ht>cral  supply  ot  rum. 

Good  fob  DrNOBEAKT.— Sothern  the 
actor  ill  a  letter  to  his  fWcnd,  manager  Ilcoderaon 
urging  htm  to  revamp  hie  theatre,  wrote  :  "A  pig- 
ety  If  Dig  enough,  can  be  converted  into  a  palace. 
All  that  is  required  i-*  to  turn  the  pig  out  and  put 
•n  Emperor  in.*' 











*  ■ 

_» 1 1 — »- 



Promises  are  li^Ully  ^fV^V,"  V,,!!!! 

Vowa  on  which  «o  W  ndly  bulla. 
(Uttered  only  to  b«  broken,) 

Go  fortiver  unfulnUi'd. 
Oft  betrayed  but  btlll  iKlieNlnjj  - 

Daped  again  and  yet  again  - 
All  our  hoping.  »U  our  KTicvins:, 

Warns  us,  'Jut  It  warns  la  vatn. 

From  the  cradle  to  the  coral- 

From  the  sunny  diiys  oi  youth— 
We  are  taught  the  simple  moral. 

Still  we  doubt  the  moral's  truth. 
When  a  hoy  ihey  lound  me  rather 

L»th  to  do  as  I  wii?  bid  - 
"I  shall  buy  a  birch,"  said  father. 

Broken  vowd  I    He  never  did. 

thrown  extravs^ant  when  youtiiful. 

In  my  fciilor'x  debt  I  ran  ; 
He  appeared  abont  as  truthful 

In  his  tally  &>>  any  man. 
Lot  me  tell  you  how  he  sold  mc : 

"Look  vou,  Mr.  What's- Your-Nnnn-. 
I  shall  cummon  you,"  he  told  ma— 

But  the  iommons  ncvor  came. 

Through  the  mcadowb,  daisy  ladcu, 

Ouco  it  was  my  lot  to  ntray, 
Taltlng  to  a  lovely  maiden 

In  H  very  t*pooncy  way  ; 
And  1  stole  a  liigB- another— 

Then  another— then  a  lot; 
"Pie  !"  she  said  ;  'ril  tell  my  mothn'. 

Idle  words  !    She  told  her  not. 

O^I.V  A  IRIKlin. 

intend  lo  mairy  that  man, 

*'Do  you 


The  lady  to  whom  this  uiicslion  was  aa- 
dressed  had  just  sftunlered  back  from  the 
front  door,  to  which  she  ha<l  gone  to  take 
leave  of  a  pncst,  and  she  seemed  slightly 
gtartied  perhaps  embarrassed,  but  her  an 
gwer  was  to  the  point,  "  No,  aunt ;  I  have 
no  idea  that  1  nhill  •■vcr  be  tlie  wife  ot 
John  Burtield." 

•'  But  I  think  the  young  man  loves  y.iu, 
continui:d  the  elder  Itidy.  . 

There  was  no  answer,  at  least  with  wortB. 
Helen  Alien  stood  by  tiic  tabic  twirling  a 
small  pair  of  scissors ;  iicr  aunt  jlookcd  up 
irom  her  ECwinK  to  her  noice'a  face,  aiid 
read  an  answer  there— not  an  entirely 
pleased  or  triumphant  one ;  there  was  a 
little  uneasiness  niixe'l  with  it. 

"  You  think  just  <is  I  do,  Helen,"  said  i 
her  aunt. 

"  Well,  aunt,  I  will  n>'  deny  it,    she  re 
]»lied,  rt:ttiriiinf?  her  aunfa  gaz-j  wiih  a  lit- 
tle smile,  wlach  wa^.  «>n  the  whole,  a  trank 
and  sle.i'Jy  one. 

•'  And  1  believe  that  this  youn?  man  ex- 
pects—at  the  least,  hopes— yon  will  br  his 
wife,"  said  the  elder  lady.  . 

"  No,  aunt,  ho  does  not— at  lea:  I,  it  is 
not  my  fault  if  he  dpes,  for  1  have  told  him 
ylainlv  that,  though  1  value  him  very  lugh- 
ly  as  a  friend,  I  hMVo  no  fe«liue;  for  him 
that  would  warrant  a  nearer  relationship. 
•'  But  you  Hlill  encourage  his  addresses?" 
nald  her  aunt, 

"  No,  Hunt,  he  ouly  viiits  mc  as  a  tiund, 
knowin:;    pcrfef:tly  my    feeling  towards 


Mrs.  Stanley  laid  down  iter  sewing,  and 
surveyed  her  pcice  wiih  an  intense,  half- 
mournful  expiession. 

"  Helen,  do  you  tell  nie  that  you  arc  ful- 
ly convinced  that  Mr.  Burtield  cherishes 
no  hope— iii>  fmcy— lliat  you  will  ever  bo 

his  wife?"  ,  , 

The  scixior^  tl.'ished   jafddly  around  thp 

dainty  fiagcrs.  .  ,    ,  , 

"  Ye  ej,  aunt  -at  least,  as  J  said,  I  Lave 
U)U1  hiiu  fnmUiy.  :iu'l    U   is   his   Jaull    not 
mine,  Jf  ho  d<>o>,  ii->l  Uiiderr,tand  Uiat  I  Tf 
ceive  tiH  visits  only  as  a  friend." 
The  elder  hvly  shook  her  head. 
"  And  I  s.-^v,  my  dear   Ilelen,  thai,  as  a 
friend,  you  ought  not  now  to  receive  his 
visits  i  at  least,  not  to  accept  his  attentions." 
Helen  Allen  star) el,  and  her  fair  face 
fio^ied  a  little. 

"  Wliat,  not  vvhen  we  pertectly  under- 
stand each  other  ?" 

"  If  1  comprehend  your  reply,  Mr.  Lur- 
fleld  has  ])roposed  to  you?"  eaid  Mrs.  Stan- 
ley, avoiding  a  direct  reply  to  her  neicc. 
"  Yes,"  she  replied. 

"And  you  have  refused  him  ?"  observed 
her  aunt. 
"  Yes,"  was  the  reply. 
"  Y'ou  think  him,  howovoi,  au  estimable 
young  man— one  whom  it  would  be  wrong 
in  anywise  to  tritlc  with  ?"  said  Mrs.  Stan- 

•'  Most  certainly  I  (.o.aunt.  Johu  Bur 
field  is  a  good,  a  uobU;  fellow;  honorablo 
and  generous- heal  ted;  intelligent  and 
agreeable,  too,  as  you  have  seen.  I  do  not 
love  him ;  ho  does  not  realise  my  ideal  <tf 
the  man  I  could  marry  ;  but  I  esteem  him 
vcrv  much." 

"'Well,  then,  Helen,  I  have  ouly  to  re 
peat  my  remark— you  have  no  right  to 
receive  his  attentions,  because  it  is  doing 
him  a  wrong." 
"I    don't    rcc    how,    aunt,     observed 

Helen.  ,.      .    ^. 

•'  Because  it  is  (miy  keeping  alive  m  nis 
heart  a  hope  which  can  never  be  realised," 
said  her  aunt.  "  You  know,  I  know,  every- 
body who  had  IheJ  slightest  penetration, 
and  saw  you  tosether  for  half  an  hour, 
would  perceive  that  this  young  man  was 
enamoured  of  you  ;  and  it  is  wrong  to  in- 
dulge him  with  vonr  s^)ciety  when  it  only 
stimulates   an  aiVe-jlion    which,   by  your 
own  showing,  vo>i  cannot  reciprocate      It 
is  only  weaving   about    his   hi  art  those 
chains  which  may  cost  him,  you  know  not 
how   much    of  8urt'ering   and    agony  to 

hearts  are  Hot  80  easily  ^JToken  or  tht^r 
lives  blighted  as  you  imagine." 

"But  they  are  sometimes,  said  Mrs. 
Stanley  ;  "  and  it  is  very  shallow  logic  to 
excuse  one's  own  faults  because  of  other 
people's."  ,  ,  .V  .  T 

"  I  know  it,  aunt,  and  I  am  sorry  that  i 
accepted  Mr.  Burfield's  Invitation  to  ride 
out  with  him  this  afternoon." 

"  Let  it  be  the  last  time,  Helen  \o\x 
owe  it  to  yourself  and  to  him  to  make  this 
separation  entire."  ,       x  u     »„ 

"  But  I  should  not  like  to  lose.  John  as 
a  friend,  aunt,"  said  Helen.  "  I  like  his 
society,  and  its  dreadful  didl  here  some- 

^''^Tam  sorry,"  said  Mrs.  Stanley ;  "but  I 
should  not  be  a  very  desirable  aunt  were 
I  to  counsel  my  niece  to  do  wrong  because 
it  was  plcasanter."  •«  u„ 

it  was  a  smile,  sweet  and  touchmg  m  Its 
solicitous  tenderness,  which  was  nowllttea 
to  the  face  of  Helen  Allen.  She  was  very 
fon.;  of  her  aunt,  generous  and  »mp"lfiive 
withal,  and  she  sprang  forward  and  threw 
her  small  white  arms  about  the  lady  s  neck, 
exclaiming,  "Well,  aunt,  your  niece  would 
be  a  very  unworthy  one.  if,  with  such  a 
counsellor,  she  did  n<.t  do  what  was  right ; 

*"At^liiat'  moment  Dr.  Allen,  Helen's 
father,  entered  the  room  to  tell  his  sister 
and  daughter  that  the  roses  for  which  they 
liad  bet'u  watching  for  several  days  had 
opened  after  the  last  night  a  rain ;  the 
ladies  hurried  out  to  see  the  blossoms,  ana 
the  subject  of  their  last  half  hour's  conver- 
sation was  dismisecd. 

Helen  Allen  was  an  intelligent  and  un- 
usually interesting  girl,  in  her  twenly- 
tomth  year.  If  she  had  not  positive 
beauty,  she  had  grace  and  expression, 
which  were  far  more  attractive.  Her  fiice 
was  a  bright,  sweet  one,  and  her  conversa- 
tional p6v.'ers,  her  natural  sprightliness 
and  adaptation  made  her  a  singular  favor- 
ite with  gentlemen. 

She  vas  aware  of  all  this,  but  the  knowl- 
edge had  not  spoiled  her.    Heart,  con- 
science,    principles-all    these   she    pos- 
sessed ;    but  she  had  a  great  sense  of  ap- 
and   was   too  fond  ol  admira- 

probation,  •< 

'Ticlcn  was  an  only  child  ;  lor  ten  years 
her  father  hatl  been  a  widower,  and  he 
never  saw  a  fault  in  her,  and  indulged  her 
lightest  whim.  No  one  can  be  surrounded 
constantly  with  an  atmosphere  of  admira- 
tion anil  ilatlcry  without  some  moral  ener- 
vation following,  as  the  necessary  result, 
and  Helen  Allen  had  not  escaped  the  in- 
tluonces  of  such  a  nurture.  .     .  , . 

btill  her  instincts  for  truth  and  right 
were  very  strong,  and  her  father's  sister, 
who  exchanged  a  visit  with  her  every 
year,  exerted  a  most  healthful  influence 
over  the  opening  years  of  her  niece  s  life. 

Mr^  Stanley,  left  childless  and  a  widow, 
was  a  noble  Christian  woman— a  woman 
who  in  daily  Idc  strove  to  realise  her 
hi"'hc3t  ideals;  one  whose  nature  sorrow 
had  exalted  and  clarified.  She  had  passed 
the  meridian  of  her  life,  but  even  in  old 
ago  she  possessed  the  fresh  Uowmg  sym- 
pathies of  her  youth. 

Mrs  Stanley  had  never  met  the  young 
merchant,  John  Burfleld,  until  that  morn- 
ing; for  though  he  had  been  lor  two  years 
a  visitor  at  her  brother's,  it  happened  that 
he  was  absent  from  home  when  the  lady 
was  with  her  niece  the  previous  year. 

He  was  a  young  man  of  most  pleasing 
address,  a  favorite  with  all  who  knew  h  m ; 
generous,  confiding,  Avilh  deoo  and  cndur 
ing  afTcclions.  . 

It  never  entered  the  heart  or  mind  ol 
Helen  Allen  that  she  was  in  anywise  re- 
anoufible  because  these  aflections  had  been 
lavished  on  her.  She  was  just  the  stvle  of 
woman  to  suit  John  Burfleld,  and  she 
could  not  help  being  pleased  with  his 

Still,  she  always  felt  a  lack  of  strength 

and-torce  in  his  character,  which  excluded 

any  deep   regard  on  her  part,  for  Helen 

was  one  of  those  women  whose  heart  de- 

Ihese    in    the  man  she  should 


husband  must,  to  her  Imagination, 

yon,  tWnkiiq?  probably  it  would  gratify 
vou  •  so  I  accepted  the  invitaUon,  and 
here'  I  am.  Wtat  makes  you  look  so 
sober,  Helen  r"  ,  „ 

"Nothing  that  I  can  tell  you,  Isabel, 
she  replied.    "Somehow  I  don^t  care  about 
taking  this  ride."  ,  ^    .    .    , 

"Don't   like   taking    it!"  said    Isabel 
"  What  will  Mr.  Burfleld  say  ?    You  will 
break  his  heart."  , 

"Don't  say  that,  Isabel!  Mr.  Burfleld 
and  I  are  only  friends;"  and  the  look  of 
seriousness  deepened  into  pain. 

"  Well,  all  I've  got  to  say,  Helen,  is,  that 
it  is  not  John  Burfield's  fault  if  he  is  only 
your  friend,"  said  Isabel,  watching  Helen 
narrowly,  as  she  arranged  her  thtck  brown 
plaits  of  hair.  ...  ,   , 

To  Helen  Allen's  honor  be  it  recorded 
that  she  preserved  inviolate  the  secret  ot 
John  Burfield's  aflection  for  her,  and  that 
her  friend  had  only  suspcctea  it  frr)m  the 
young  man's  manner. 

"  Well,  granting  what  you  say  is  true, 
Isabel,  it  is  not  right  to  encourage  his  at- 
tentions," said  Helen,  speakmg  more  to 
herself  than  to  her  auditor. 

"  Yes.  it  is  right  enough  to  receive  him. 
If  he  knows  your  real  feelings  towards  him, 
vou  absurd  little  puss !"  said  Isabel.  "  A 
woman  may  make  a  friend  of  her  lover 
without  doing  any  harm  I'm  sure. ' 

"  But  may  i)e  it  is  doing  wrong  to  hmi— 
wrong  if  in  anywise  he  indulges  a  hope 
which  must  end  in  bitterness  and  disap 
pointment  ?" 

Helen's  tones  placed  an  interrogation  at 
the  end  of  her  sentence. 

"  Nonsense  !"  exclaimed  her  guest,  with 
her  light.  «iuick,  heartless  laugh.  "\ou 
are  so  squeamish,  Helen.  Men,B  hearts 
are  tougher  than  you  suspect,  and  they  11 
bear  a  little  pressure  just  like  India-rubber. 
Rest  assured  that  your  lovers  will  not  shoot 
or  drown  themselves,  because  you  refuse 
them ;  and  the  best  way  generally  is  to 
smooth  the  denial  as  much  as  possible,  and 
keep  it  out  of  sight  in  general.  You  don  t 
know  much  about  men,  Helen." 

These  words  sank  into  the  young  girl  s 
heart,  and  Helen  Allen  asked  herself  if,  af- 
ter all,  her  friend's  eentimcnts  were  not 
very  near  the  truth.  r   t     i     . 

Of  course  her  aunt  wa.<»  one  of  the  best 
and  noblest  of  women- everybody  knew 
that ;  but  then,  her  ideas  of  life  and  con- 
duct were  all  so  refined  and  exalted  that  it 
was  almost  impossible  to  carry  them  out  in 
every  day  practical  life. 

She  wasn't  going  to  disturb  herself  any 
more  about  the  matter.  John  Burfield 
knew  his  position  with  regard  to  her,  and 
if  he  chose  to  visit  her  it  was  his  own  fault. 
Men's  hearts  were  not  so  easily  broken  at 
ter  all. 

Helen  Allen's  thoughts  ran  on  after  this 
fashion  as  she  arranged  her  shawl  and  hat 
before  the  glass,  for  her  friend  had  excused 
herself,  and  had  gone  down  stairs  to  enter- 
tain the  young  merchant  until  Helen  pre- 
sented herself.  ,      ,  ,  „ 

The  two  girls  had  been  school-fellows  , 
and  the  intimacy  commenced  when  they 
were  children,  had  never  been  suspended. 
Isabel  Eyre  was  a  brilliant,  dashing  ^irl. 
with  no  high  ideals  of  standards  of  hfe; 
thoroughly  worldly  in  all  her  pursuits  and 
aims.  She  was  accomplished  after  the 
fashionable  standard ;  she  had  grace,  wit, 
and  tact,  but  of  heart  or  high  principles 
very  little. 

Helen  Allen  was  vastly  her  superior  in 
all  the  moral  ranpe  of  feeling  and  pur- 
pose; but  the  influenc-  of  a  companion 
like  Isabel  Eyre  over  a  young,  impressible 
nature  could  be  only  iuiurious,  (H|-Hicially 
when  its  whole  force  was  hroughl  to  bear 
on  IJie  weakest  side  of  Helen's  chaiHCter; 
and  this  was  a  sense  "f  approbation, 
and  love  of  admiration. 

Mrs.  Stanley  letX  her  neicc  in  a  few  days 
after  the  conversation  which  we  have  re- 
corded, and  the  subject  was  not  renewed 
by  the  ladies— indeed,  Helen  avoided  it. 

John  Burfield  continued  his  visits  as  be- 
fore, and  they  grew  more  frctiuent ;  lor  the 
year  was  falling  into  Winter,  and  Helen 
fouad  her  country  home  a  little  dull,  for  it 
was  not  always  convenient  ^to  visit  town, 

opening  blossoms,  and  of  all  the  ^oy  of 
the  year's  awakening. 

The  young  man  looked  worn  and  pale, 
as  though  he  had  gone  through  some  sharp 

bet 'stamped  aroun  the  edge 

make  no  mention  ov  this  succumstance, 

'"'iwS  bay  made  a  polUshed  klassical 
scholard  but  for  a  triflin  accidant  that  oc- 
curd  the  first  da  ov  mi  carear  at  skool. 
Mr.  PoUud,  who  tort  skool  wuz  a  man  ov 
red  hair  and  a  cruel  an  overbarm  mmd 
Durin  the  suspence  ov  skool  duties,  about 
noon,  I  becum  home-sic,  and  m  a  playiiil 
spenUlled  the  dror  of  Mr.  ToUud's  table 
with  san,  which  I  hed  gethercd  in  the  rode 
I  hed  skcercely  tuk  mi  sect,  when  1  ollud 
came  in  and  resoomed  his  klass,   which 
rcdin  in  the  plais  of  Horris,  translated  in 
lattin     Unfortunilly  tharc  wuz  m  the  bot- 
tum  ov  that  dror  a  crack,  an  to  mi  dismay 
the   san  began  to  leek  out.    Mr.  Polltid 
notlst  nuthin  for  a  while,  but  suddenly 
turnin  his  glance  under  the  tabic,  he  dis- 
cuvered  mor  than  a  peck  ov  san  on  the  lio, 
and  mo  still  runnin  out  the  dror  where  he 
c«iH  M  r  I  kep  his  things.    It  wuz  the  wuk  ov  a  mo- 
.  ov,,..,  — -^■-  -.-"-.   sai"  Jttr.        i     j.^^  jjj.  poiiud  to  sce/.e  a  yung  man 
How  could  It,  with  your  sweet    ^^  ^^^  ^^^^^  ^.^^  crjoied  a  bad  repuashcn 

in  the  skool,  bi  the  coUer,  and  shako  him 
vociferously.  But  the  low-minded  yooth, 
dcd  to  every  grate  and  noble  sentiment,  scd 
in  a  loud  vols,  Artemus  Ward,  that  new 
scholard,  dun  it.  Mr.  PoUud  then  ad- 
vanced to  mi  scet  and  struck  me  brutally 
on  the  hed  with  his  copy  ov  Horrisses  plais 
until  the  book  wuz  mostly  wore  out  I 
cave  him  a  pitiful  look  and  walked  sconf  ul 
ly  home.  That  same  our  I  lurncil  mi  bac 
forever  on  the  Klasaics. 

Mi  father  nex  sent  me  to  skool  to  a  i^lr. 
Joats,  a  man  of  frcnly  hart  and  hi  attan- 
menls.  At  Mr.  Joans  skoid  1  mastered  a 
hily  polished  and  cultivated  nollidge  ov 
beilctta.  The  way  i  cum  to  make  a  speci- 
alty on  this  toppis  is  weithy  ov  notis  1 
wu/.  in  a  spellin  klass  one  da  when  Mr. 
Joans  giv  out  the  word  kaups  to  spel.  A 
chilcd  ov  nature  at  the  hed  ov  the  klass 
speld  it  carps.  Another  speld  it  corpz,  and 
a  borncd  fool  speld  it  chaups.  I  wuz  the 
only  boi  that  speld  it  kaups,  and  I  went  tip 
to  the  hed  of  the  klass-  It  is  scd  that  the 
fecrce  monstars  ov  the  forest,  when  wunco 

boTi  ™,  I.u,«e,<l._wUb  hU  „a  th^^^^^^^^^^ 

"Dearmc,  aunt,"  said  the  giil,  with  a 
shru!?   of   her  pretty  sloping    shoulders, 
you  fairly  make  me  sir  iddcr  ?    What  shall 

"  Break  of!'  this  acquaintance  at  tmce, 
replied  Mrs.  Stanley  ;  "  for,  disguise  it,  my 
dear  child,  to  yourself  with  what  petty 
sophistries  you  may,  lovt^  of  admiration  is 
at  the  bottom  of  all  tht.s.  You  smile  upon 
this  young  man,  vou  receive  his  alien- 
tions,  you  talk  and  jest  with  him ;  he  looks 
in  your  face,  and  feeds  anew  the  love  with 
whicb  he  regards  you.  It  is  not  enough 
to  say  that  nc  understands  your  true  senti- 
ments ;  while  y(m  treat  him  as  you  did  this 
morning,  the  man  will  h^ivo.hope,  and  the 
truer  and  nobler  he  is,  the  harder  at  last 
will  it  be  to  surrender  you." 

"  I  never  looked  at  it  in  ttiil  Irght  be 
lore,"  said  Helen. 

She  spoke  half  to  herself,  this  lime, 
slowly  revolving  the  sci.ssors  sronivl  her 

"  I  dare  say  not,"  somewhat  !»a<ily  sub- 
joiaed  Mrs.  Stanley,  resuming  her  sewing, 
and  stitching  rapidiy  for  a  few  moments  ; 
then  dropping  her  work,  she  continued, 
with  an  earnestness  that  flushed  her  laded 
cheeks,  and  lent  a  strange  charm  to  her 
grave,  gentle  face,  "I  cannot  understand 
how  It  is  that  so  many  of  my  sex  are  so 
culpably  U>  blame  in  their  social  relations 
with  men.    They  talk  and  jest,  and,  what 
is  a  thousand  times  worse,  they  act  as  if  a 
man's  heart  was  a  thing  made  chiefly  for 
their    amusement.    I   have  f^ccn  women, 
generous,  true,  and   conscientious,  love  y 
in  all  other  respects,  totally  blind,  utterly 
at    fault,   m    this   one.    Do   you  know, 
Helen,  that  it  is  a  serious  thing,  and  one 
for  which  we  shall  be  held  accountable,  to 
trifle  with  another's  aflections?" 

"  I  am  not  trifling  with  John  Burfield," 
asseverated  Helen,  with  strong  feeling  in 
every  word  she  uttered.  "  I  should  scorn, 
aunt,  to  carry  on  a  flirtation  with  any 

man."  .  , 

"  Call  things  by  their  right  names,  my 
child,"  said  her  aunt.    "  Be  honest  with 
yourself,  and    acknowledge    that     every 
charm  and  every  grace  is  «>nly  a  snare  to 
liim  •  and  remember  tha^  when  a  woman 
satisfies  herself  she  cannot  accept  a  man, 
then  the  separation  betwixt  herself  aiid 
him  ought  to  be  entire.    It  catinot  safely 
bo   Qtlxl-rwiso ;    and    for  mystrlf  1  would 
sofjaer  part  with  my  right  hand  than 
that,    because   of     any    vanity, 
thoughtlesencKS  of   mine,  1  . 

man'*  heart,  or  blizhtcd  his  happiness  for 

"  But,  aunty,  your  ideal  of  men   is  so 
high,  just  after  your  own  pattern.    Their 

or    any 
had  broken  a 

eracelUl  person  and  pleasing  social  gif^ 
would  never  be.  But  Helen  was  too  kind- 
hearted,  and  really  thoueht  loo  much  of 
the  vovmg  man,  to  wound  him  more  than 
was'  necessary  ,  and  her  sympathies  were 
greatly  stirred  when  she  .«aw  the  agony 
her  refusal  cost  him. 

It  was  u.  very  gentle,  yet,  to  do  her  jus 
lice,  a  decided  refusal ;  but  she  made  an 
egregi<ni3  mistake  when  she  desired  him 
lo  visit  her  at  all  times  as  a  friend,  a  privi- 
lege of  which  he  was  only  too  glad  to  avail 
himself;  so  she  and  the  lover  she  had  re- 
fused were  thrown  constantly  together  on 
terms  of  greater  intimacy  than  ever. 

He  brought  her  flowers,  and  books,  and 
fruit ;  he  took  her  to  ride  and  to  walk  ;  he 
was  her  usual  attendant  at  a  sail,  or  party, 
or  pic  nic ;  she  sang  for  him  her  sweetest 
songs,  and  there  was  no  week  in  which 
John  Burfield  did  not  visit  her ;   and  as 
Helen's  home  was  a  few  miles  from  town, 
the  young    merchant's   horse  always  re- 
mained for  several  hours  at  the  front  gate 
of  the  doctor's  pleasant  cottage  ;   and  yet 
all  these  things  were  done  in  the  name  of 
friendship;  and  Helen  Allen  made  herself 
believe  that  these  relations  were  altogether 
hHrml'-ss— that  John  Burfleld  under8to«xt 
her  feeliugs,  and  there  was  nothing  that 
«hould  prevent  his  being  her  friend. 

Of  course   there  was  not ;    but   Helen 
Allen  knew  very  well  that  it  was  a  moral 
iinpo.=sihility  for  John  Burfield  to  be  more 
than  this.    She  read  the  utter  refutation 
ot  her  pretty,  plausible  sophistry  in  every 
tone  ot  his  voice,  and  every  glance  of  his 
eyes,  and  she  knew  perfectly  well  that  his 
heart  still  clung  to  the  idol  of  his  worship; 
but  Helen  was  wilfully  blind.    She  would 
not  see  that  the  indtdgence  of  her  society 
was  doing  to  him    the  most  cruel  wrong 
that  a  woman  could  do  to  a  true  and  sin- 
cere man  ;  and  she  did  not  look  down  into 
the  silent  chambers  of  her  own  heart,  and 
see  how  vanity  and    love  of  admiration 
were  warping  her  judgment,  and  sUmula- 
ling  her  to  a  course  of   action  which  the 
better  part  of  her  nature  must  have  risen 
un  and  condemned.    For  the  admiration 
of  John  Burfield  was  very  pleasant  to  her. 
She  knew  very  well  the  smiles  and  tones, 
the  words  and  gknces,  which  kept  him 
at  her  side ;    and  she  knew,  too,  that  his 
heart  could  never  bo  attracted  toward  any 
other  woman,  so  long  as  she  held  her  old 
influence  otct  him  ;   and  yet,  because  his 
adoration  was  so  gratifying  to  her   s«lf- 
lovc,  she  permitted  her  victim  to  continue 
in  her  toils.  .  .  ^^, 

But  Mrs.  Stanley's  plain,  straightfor 
ward  questions  and  arguments  liad  aroused 
her  niece's  conscience,  and  it  was  with  a 
pang  of  remorse  she  dressed  herself  for 
the  ride  she  had  promised  to  take  with  the 
young  merchant  that  afternoon. 

She  heard  a  carriage  stop  at  the  gate  as 
fchc  stowl  before  her  mirror,  her  head  rest- 
ing on  her  hand,  and  her  conduct  for  the 
last  year  rising  up  before  her  in  its  real 
features,  and  appalling  her  with  re- 

The  moment  after  the  carriage  wheels 
had  stopped,  a  young  lady  sprang  up  the 
stairs  and  bounded  into  the  room  where 
Ilelen  stowl  before  her  mirror.  She  was 
a  brilliant,  haughty -looking  girl,  abotit 
Helen's  age,  dressed  in  that  elaborate  stvle 
which  iKist  suited  bcr.  She  had  a  face 
which  you  might  have  admired,  but  not 


"  Why,  Isalwl !"  exclaimed  Helen,  lifting 
her  head  from  her  hand. 

"Are  you  not  glad  to  see  me,  Helen  . 
she  asked. 

"  Very,"  was  the  cordial  response. 

"  I  met  Mr.  Burfield  this  morning  whem 
I  was  out  on  a  shopping  tour,"  said  the 
fair,  haughty  lady,  throwing  herself  into 
a  chair,  and  fanning  herself  with  a  rare 
sandal-wood  fan  ;  "  and  I  availed  myself  of 
the  opportunity  to  make  all  the  inquiries 
about  you  that  I  could.  The  young  gen- 
tleman informed  mo  that  he  had  made  an 
engagement  to  ride  out  with  you  this  af- 
ternoon, and   invited   me  to  accompany 

field  became  a  sort  of  necessity.  In  the  ab- 
sence of  any  one  who  eclipsed  him.  Helen  s 
conscience  was  not  however  always  at  ease. 
There  were  glances  and  pressures  of  the 
hand  at  meeting  and  parting,  which  she 
could  not  misinterpret ;  and  there  were 
times  when  the  shadow  of  John  Burfield's 
foreheail,  and  the  involuntary  sighs  that 
crept  up  from  his  heart,  told  his  hostess,  as 
no  words  could  have  done,  of  the  doubt 
and  pain  that  wrung  it. 

But,  on  the  whole  the  y^iug  lover  was 
usually  cheerful,  or  fidl  of  high  spirits  in 
the  presence  of  his  enchantress.  How 
could  he  help  living  on  the  hope  which  all 
her  actions  kept  alive,  no  matter  what  her 
words  said  ?  But  at  last,  the  end  came. 
Late  in  the  Winter,  Helen  Allen  met,  on  a 
brief  visit  to  town,  a  young  lawyer,  in 
whom  she  at  once  became  interestod. 

The  attraction  was  mutual,  and  in  the 
spring  the  young  gentleman  was  a  very  fre- 
quent guest  at  her  father's.    John  Burfield 
had  been  absent  about  a  month,  and  it  so 
happened  that  he  did  not  see  the  young 
lawyer,  or  suspect  the  true  state  of  things, 
for  some  time.     But  one  evening  the  two 
gentlemen  met  at  the  residence  of  Doctor 
Allen.     Love  has  singular  acuteness,  and, 
though  his  hostess  was  polite  as  ever,  still 
John  Burfleld  felt  there  was  an  indescriba- 
ble change  i*  her  manner,  and  that  ho  was 
not,  as  heretofore,  the  most  favored  guest. 
He  left  early,  but  before  his  departure  he 
said  to  her,  when  alone  in  the  conservatory 
— "  You  know  we  made  an  engagement  last 
week,  to  gel  up  a  small  pic  nic  party.  Are 
you  engaged  next  Friday  Helen  ?  " 

"  Yes  John,"  ehe  replied  with  a  little 
fluttering  in  her  check  ;  "  I  have  promised 
Mr.  Paulding  to  join  a  similar  party  on 
that  day,  so  I  am  afraid  we  must  defer 
ours  tor  another  week."—"  As  you  lik«, 
said  Mr.  Burfleld. 

There  was  something  hoarse  and  hard 
in  the  monosylables,  which  made  Helen 
look  up  to  his  face  It  was  very  pale ; 
and  about  the  mouth,  and  in  the  eyes,  there 
was  a  look  of  terrible  suflfering. 

"  What  is  the  matter,  John  ? '  exclaimed 
the  lady,  in  real  alarm.  . 

"  Oh  Helen,  you  don't  know!— you  don  t 
know ! "  said  he  ;  and  then,  as  if  afraid  to 
trust  himself  ferther,  he  hurried  away. 
But  Helen  caught  that  last  wild,  ahoQost 
frantic  glance,  that  his  ryes  shot  on  her  as 
they  parted. 

8h«  could  not  misunderstand  that  and  a 
sharp  pang  smote  her  heart  and  her  fair 
face  was  uneasy  and  troubled  as  she  re- 
turned to  the  drawing-room. 

"  What  is  the  matter?"  asked  the  young 
lawyer,  as  he  roee  up,  and  took  the  small 
hands  of  his  hostess,  and  looked  nernestly 
and  fondly  in  her  face. 

«•  Nothing— at  least,  nothing  that  1  can 
tell  you,  Mr.  Paulding,"  she  replied,  and  a 
bright  smile  chased  the  gloom  from  her 
brown  eyes, 

conflict  during  the  last  two  days  ;  but  he 
said,  with  his  old  manner-"  I  have  come 
to  take  you  to  a  picnic,  arranged  by  my 
sister,  and  this  lime  I  can  have  no  excuse, 

"You  must,  Mr.  Burfield,  for  I  am  ex- 
pecting company." 

Helen  said  this  very  relutanlly  :  but 
there  was  no  help  for  it ;  and  Mr.  Pauld- 
ing had  assured  her  he  shauld  be  with  her 
before  two  o'clock.  . 

"  Helen,  are  you  expecting  Mr.  Paulding 
this  afternoon  V" 

Her  face  made  answer  before  her  lips 
did—"  I  think  he  may  be  here." 
"  And  are  you  going  to  marry  that  man ; 
"  It  is  too  bad  to  question  mc  in  this  way, 
Mr.  Burfield,"  said  Helen,  hiding  her  face, 
burning  with  blushes. 

John  Burfield  did  not  heed  her  words; 
ho  seized  both  her  hands,  and  fairly  crush- 
ed them  in  his  own. 

"  Oh  Helen  Allen !"  he  groaned,  lu  a 
voice  that  would  have  melted  to  pity  a 
heart  far  harder  than  hishsteners,  1 
had  not  su.spcctcd  this!— I  cannot  believe 
it  I" 

"  Why  John,  you  distress  me,"  she  said. 
"  Don't  act  so.  You  know  I  told  you  long 
ago  that  there  was  no  hope.'' 

"  But  I  did  hope,  Helen  Allen, 
Burfield.  "  How  could  it,  with  yo 
face,  that  I  was  reafty  to  fall  down  and 
worship,  before  me  every  few  days,  and 
your  lips  full  of  smiles,  as  your  voice  was 
full  of  welcomes.  I  was  a  looi,  perhaps; 
but  I  couldn't  help  it,  so  long  as  you  al- 
lowed me  the  blessed  sight  of  you;  and 
now— oh  Ilelen  !  I'm  a  proud  man,  and  lis 
hard  that  you  should  see  me  like  this ;  but 
it  would  have  been  belter  if  I  had  died- 
better  if  I  had  died." 

With  those  words  he  gave  her  one  wild 
look,  threw  his  arms  about  her,  and  kissed 
her  forehead  over  and  over,  and  then  he 
was  gone,  and  Helen  sat  all  alone,  weeping 
the  bitterest  tears  of  her  life. 

John  Burfleld  mounted  his  horse  and 
dashed  swiftly  homeward.  Alas !  in  that 
bitterest  agony  of  his  life,  he  had  no  faitli 
in  the  great  love  that  would  have  healed 
his  broken  si«int;  he  had  made  to  himself 
an  earthly  idol,  and  when  it  was  broken 
he  fell  that  in  all  the  world  there  was  no 
rest  for  his  soul. 

Madness  had  tired  hi'*  heart  and  brain, 
and  on  his  way  homo  his  glance  just  graz- 
ed the  still  deep  river,  its  bright  waters 
asleep  »)etwoen  the  fringes  of  swamp  wd- 
lows  and  with  that  glance  his  purpose 
was  taken !  He  hurried  to  his  oflice,  wrote 
a  brief  note  to  his  widowed  mother,  and 
rode  back  to  the  banks  of  the  river.  There 
was  a  heavy  plunge,  and  may  Heaven  have 
mercy  upon  the  soul  of  John  Burfield ! 

The  news  came  lo  Helen  Allen  as  she  sat 
with  her  lover  that  night  in  the  same  roona 
where  she  and  John  Burfield  had  passed 
so  many  pleasant  hours  together.  I 

It  was  a  terrible  blow  to  her ;  still,  the 
circumstances  were  not  very  accurately  re- 
nortcd,  and  Helen  believed  that  the  young 
man  had  accidentally  fallen  into  the  river, 
and  been  drowned;  but  slie  passed  a  sleep- 
less night,  thinking  of  their  last  interview 
on  earth.  The  next  day  she  received  a 
message  from  Mrs.  Burfield,  the  mother  of 
the  dead  man,  requesting  that  she  would 
call  on  her  before  ntght. 

Helen  had  only  met  the  lady  once,  but 
she  knew  that  John  had  often  spoken  of 
her  to  his  mother,  and  she  suppos^  lliat 
it  war.  on  this  account  that  the  afllicted 
woman  desired  to  see  her,  and  receive  her 
sympathy;  and,  with  a  sad  heart,  the 
young  giri  rotleover  to  the  house  ol  mourn- 

"Come  with  mc,"  said  the  stricken  moth- 
er, alter  she  liad  looked  sternly  a  moment 
in  Helen's  face;  and  she  led  her  into  the 
next  room,  where  he  lay,  as  if  in  slumber, 
the  dark  locks  clustering  about  his  fore- 
head and  the  features  settled  into  such 
pale  peacefulness,  that  it  did  not  seem  his 
1  young  manhood  had  been  thus  suddenly 
"stricken  out  of  him. 

"  He  was  all  that  I  had  in  the  world— 
my  precious  boy,  and  I  loved  him  belter 
than  my  own  life  ;  and  you  have  laid  him 
there.  Miss  Allen,"  continued  Mrs.  Bur 
field.    "  There,  don't  start  and  look  at  me 
so.  now  ;  vou  can't  give  me  back  my  son, 
for  'tis  tofi  late ;  but  if  it  hadn't  been  for 
you,  his  poor  mother  wouldn't  be  looking 
this  day  upon  his  dead  countenance.     \  ou 
broke  his  heart  with  your  pretty  face  and 
\  our  bright  winning  way.    1  was  afraid  ol 
U  for  a  whole  year ;  for  I  saw  that  ho  wor- 
shiiiped  you,  though  he  never  said  much 
about  It,  and  I  used  to  hint  it  sometimes 
but  there  would  always  come  a  lo«jk  into 
his  face  that  J  couldn't  bear  to  see,  and  he 
would  say,  *  Don't  say  that,  mother  :  Hel 
en  Allen  wotdd  never  let  me  visit  her  so, 
and  treat  mo  as  she  does,  it  she  did  not 
care  for  me,  no  matter  what  she  may  say. 
But  there  he  lies  now,  and  I  want  you  to 
feel  that  you've  kUlcd  my.son,  and  broken 
his  mother's  heart. " 

Mrs  Burfield  was  an  old  woman,  and 
John  was  the  youngest  of  the  four  boys 
over  whom  her  mother  heart  had  poured 
the  old  cry  of  Rachel,  of  Ramah.  Helen 
Allen  uttered  no  word  while  standing  be- 
fore the  dead  man ;  but  her  face  was  pale 
as  his  She  went  silently  out  of  the  house, 
but  before  she  reached  the  carriage  where 
her  father  waited  for  her,  she  fell  in  -k  swoon 
on  the  pavement. 

For  days  afterwards  they  trembled  for 
her  reason.  Her  aunt  was  sent  for,  and 
dav  and  night  she  comforted  the  remorse- 
stricken  girl,  and  listened  to  her  (  caselcss 
self  upbraidings.  .  .,    u 

"You  told  me  what  to  do,  aunt,  she 
said ;  "  but  1  loved  his  admiration,  and  I 
knew  it  was  this  all  the  time,  although  I 
wculdn't  admit  it  to  myself,  which  made 
me  keep  him  at  my  side ;  and  now  I  must 
carry  through  life  the  thought  that  I  am 
his  murderer !"  ,  •     u 

Mrs.  Stanley  did  all  that  it  wm  in  her 
power  to  do.  She  went  to  Mrs.  Burfleld, 
and  painted  her  niece's  agony  m  such 
words,  that  the  mourning  mother  s  heart 
was  melted,  and  she  went  to  Helen,  and 
told  her  she  forgave  her  for  the  wrong  she 
had  done  her  son.  ,   .    ,        « 

At  last  Mrs.  Stanley's  counsels  took  root 
in  the  heart  of  her  mece,  and  repentance 
look  the  place  of  remorse,  and  she  rose  up 
from  her  sick  bed  a  wiser  and  a  better  wo- 

Ari,ema>  W^ard'a  E<iucBtio». 

Sur— It  have  bin  supposed  bi  sum,  from 
redin  ov  mi  leters  to  the  public  printz,  that 
I  bay  enioyed  educational  advantages  ov  a 
hi  grade.  It  will  no  dout  create  surprise 
amung  mi  frens  to  Icrn  that  I  am  mostly  ov 
a  self-made  caracter.  •     .u  . 

MifamUy  is  justly  prowd  ov  sam  that 
sutch  wuz  mi  forrardness  in  crly  yooUi 
that  at  the  tender  age  ov  six  munths  I  ct 
every  da  out  ov  a  tin  plait  with  the  alphy 
!,«♦  afumnfvd  ftroun  thc  cdgc  ov  It.    But  1 

you  no  deceive  me,  sarc !  1  will  have  zc 
r  argent— ze  gold— ze  silvairc— zc  cop- 

"We cannot  pay  it  now.  We  will  re- 
deem our  notes  when  other  banks  redeem 

theirs  " 

"  When  ozer  banks  redeem  deirs !  by 
ear.  zc  ozcr  bank  say  ze  same,  sare  !  1  vill 
8hoi)t  you.  sarc,  viz  zc  pistol,  zc  gun,  ze 
cannon,  sarc!"  .       \r       ,     , 

"Yuiihad  belter  wait,  sir.     lou  had 

better  keep  cool."  .  .Ur...,^ 

"  By  gar,  I  vill  not  wait ;  1  vill  niukcep 
cool-vm  have,  by  gar,  revenue !  baerc  . 
Look  here !  1  tare  your  papier  note  ai- 
in  leetle  Diece!  I  chew  him  !  I  st'-mP  on 
him!  You  lose  your  leetle  billet  noic  I 
There,  sarc— I  am  revenge 

I  am,  by  g^-r, 



And  having  destroyed  thc  note,  looiving 
full  defiance  at  the  cashier,  tellers  and  all 
hand's,  the  little  Frenchman  stalked  out  of 
thc  bank  with  thc  air  of  Napoleon. 

Cii-ccn  i:orii  Ft-astof  llic  Scnr«a 

has  ju3t  closed  has  been  a  most  rcmar'^ahle  one 
The  amonnt  of  rain  thai  ha«  fallen  has  been  «>or 
mou8.  and  thc  exhalations  from  the  soil  huve  been 
and  are.  dense  and  copious  almost  hcyond  e»m^ 
1,1c.     TUete    exhalations    exercise    a   pcrnlcioas 
influence  on  iho  viUl  powcra,  tud  prodl^ose  the 
syetem  to  disease.    Everywhere  people  are  com - 
plainiu-  of  unusual  debiUty,  lassitude  and  deprea- 
sian      These  symptoms  are  generally  forcruBDCre 
,  of  all  epidemic.    Combat  Ihcm  curly-before  lapse 
into    Eomothin-    worse -with    HOSTBTTEU'S 
STOMACH  BllTERS,  thc  most  effccUvc  antidote 
to  malari.^  that  the  vegeUiblo  kiiigdom  has  ever 
yielded.    lu  opcraUon  H  Ihree-rold-invisoratins, 

depuralivc  and  anti-hUions  J^^*' f^??  "'^/.S'o 
dient  is  in  the  slightest  f^^^^  ^f^^/,™^  ^of 
health,  and  contaimng  ihe  juices  and  extracui  oi 
he  rarer^t  medicinal  hcrhs.  it '« '«^»»ef  ^t^l^t^cr 
ix'rior.  as  a  defeiiHivc  preparation,  to  any  otncr 
fonic'  herbal  or  mlncrat/.n,  present  used  in  medical 
nract  ce  A  course  of  Uo^tetter's  BiUera  is,  hu- 
Ky  «peakur?,  a  perfect  .afcijuard  against  inter- 
milteut  and  remittent  levcra. 

The  annual  green  corn 

they  hev<l  human  blu.l,  ar  thursty  for 
it  all  the  ballance  ov  ther  lifes.  1  wuz  af- 
fected the  same  way  bi  mi  first  success  as 
a  spcUist.    Arftor  this  1  devooted  all  nu 

ticm  to  belletta. 

Ml  ollidgo  coarse  wuz  probably  as  re- 
markable as  any  other  part  ov  mi  career. 
Arfter  Icevin  Mr.  Joans  I  determined  to 
go  to  Yail  Collidge  and  complect  mi  train- 
in  I  arrived  there  one  faul,  with  mi 
cU)athcs  bas  on  mi  bac,  cuvered  with  swet, 
and  very  ticrd.  Fcarin  that  I  mitc  parse 
for  a  boi  from  the  rooral  distric,  I  throo  a 
good  dcel  ov  donfidcnts  cnlo  mi  gait  and 
countenents,  ann  walked  in  at  the  front  do 
ov  thc  first  bddin  I  cum  to  sumwhat  rapid- 
ly. Meetin  a  well  dressed  yung  gentlcniun 
at  the  do,  I  sed  to  him  in  a  (|Uiek  vois,  "  is 
Mr.  Yoilin,  sirv" 

-  "  Yes,  sir,"  he  said,  politely,     walk  this 
way  if  you  plceze." 

He  then  Iccded  mc  up  seven  lUles  ot 
steps  and  going  down  to  the  end  ol  a  long 
passidge'  he  nocked  violently  at  a  do.  when 
a  persun  within  said,  in  a  loud  t-uic,  «  mn 
in  here,  and  we  went  in. 

"Mr.  Yail,"  he  says,  "he.e  is  a  yung 
man  wants  to  sec  you."  . 

"Tliank  you,  Mr.  Tomsun,  saiaYail, 
shakin  him  by  the  ban  good  yumerdly,  and 
begged  us  to  bo  sccted.  Then  turnin  to 
mc  he  scd,  "  Do  you  propose  to  enter  col- 

lidce '?"  says  he.  ... 

I  replied,  "that  is  mi  de 

festival  of  the 
Seneca  Nation  of  Indians  look  place  at 
New  Lawn,  on  thc  Cattaraugus  Reserva- 
tion, New  York,  recently.  This  festival 
has  been  kept  up  by  the  Indians  from  time 
immemorial,  and  h  decidedly  unique  in  its 
features.  Thc  Dunkirk  Journal  gives  the 
following  description  of  the  "CireCQ  Corn 
Dance,"  which  may  be  interesting  to  eomc 
of  ciur  readers  -.  -    ,    •    .  i 

The  men  and  women  form  a  circle,  in  lac 
middle  of  which  thc  musicians  arc  seated. 
Thc  musical  instruments  generally  coneist 
of  a  Email  keg  (in  modern  times  oyster 
kegs  have  been  made  available  for  the 
purpose)  minus  one  head,  with  a  woou- 
chuck  skin  stretched  over  thc  open  end, 
and  a  small  turtle  shell  with  a  handle  at- 
tached, and  a  woodchuck  skm  extended 
from  edge  to  edge  on  the  concave  side. 
The  former  being  n  sort  of  drum,  is  thUE^.p- 
cd  with  a  single  sUck,  and  dried  peas  arc 
put  in  to  give  the  latter  a  rattlin?  nou'c. 

The  music  moves  slowly  at  first,  and  thc 
dancers  only  walk.    Presently  the  meas- 
ure grows  more  lively  and  the  Indians  be- 
gin to  dance,  alternatively  hopping  twice 
upon  one  foot  and  swing  from  side  to  i,idc, 
while  the    women    all    facing  outward, 
manage  by  moving  their  toes    outward 
and  inward,  to  move  around  in  thc  reviv- 
ing circle  >vithout  lifting  their  feet  from 
the  floor.       Fnotcr  uud  faiitcr  goca  the 
music,    and    more   vigorously  move  the 
dancers,  the  warriors  leaping  and  whirang 
lo  and  fro.  flinging  their  anus  about,  aud 
performim:  such  I'odily  contortions  and 
convulsivo  jerks  as  would  seem  imprac- 
tic«able  to  anyone  else,  while  the  womcii 
ever  looking  demurely  to  thc  floor,  ami 
with  their  arms  hanging  motionless  by 
their  sides,  still  glide  onward,  as  if  borne 
along  by  some  niieans  independent  of  their 
own  powers  of  loconioiiou.    At  latt  when 
the  dancing  bas  become  as  \h  cly  as  possi- 
ble, and  even  Indian  nerves  and  muscles 
are  jaded  by  intense  action,  at  a  given  sig- 
nal all  stop  suddenly  when  thc  warriors 
join    in    a   series  of   whoops  and  yelLs 
hideous  enough,    nlmf>.',t,    to  curl'?  thf 
blood  of  an  alligator. 

Consumption   Curablo   by    Dr. 
Schenck's  Medicines. 

TO  CORE  CO^'SUMrTION,UlC  blood  must  be  Pre- 
paiedEOli-atihc  iocs*  viU  heal.  To  accomplish  this. 
Uie  Uvcr  and  EtomacU  must  Orsi  bo  cleansed  and  an 
aprcUtc  created  for  good,  wholesome  fcod,  which,  by 
Uicse  mcOlclnca.  viW  bo  dl.!;«t..d  properly,  and  good, 
hcalUiy  biood  made ;  thus  buHair-s  up  Uie  consUtutlon. 
SCHENXli'S  MAKDHA-Kdi  PILLS  cleanse  Uic  stomach 
of  aU  bllioos  or  mtjcons  accnraalaUQns.and,by  ubIer 
the  Bcawood  Tonic  .in  corjs'u'.tion.  the  appcUto  is 

BCUKSCE-S  rULMUSlO  BVKUl'  ii  natiitlous  a« 
well  as  mediclnul,  and, by  neinj:  the  Uucc  rcwwUes.  »11 
UnpurlUcs  aie  cxpsUed  Dom  the  system,  and  good, 
wholesome  blood  nisde.  wlJch  xviU  repel  all  disease.   It 
paUecU  will  tftUa  these  mcdlilnes  according  to  dlrec- 
tior.sconsumpUonvcry  frcquen-iy  in  its  last  sUge  yields 
readily  to  their  acUoa.   Take  Uio  pills  frcijaently  to 
cleanse  the  Uver  and  stomach.   It  docs  not  foUow  that 
bocauao  the  bowcla  aio  not  costive  they  are  notreQulrcd 
for  sometimes  in  diarrhoea  ihi-y  are  necessary.    The 
Btomach  lau^t  Vk;  kept  healthy,  and  an  appeUle  created 
to  aUow  thc  Fulmoric  .Syrop  lO  act  on  iho  r.^.ptratory 
01  i;ans  properly  and  aliay  wiy  irritation.   Th-m  aU  that 
U  rcquhcd  to  perform  a  per;nanent  cure  prevcat 
taking  cold.    Excjciso  about  the  rooms  as  ranch  as  pos- 
slhlc.eal  u:l  the  richest  lood-Ut  meat,  ennie.  in  fact 
anything  the  appcUta  craves;  bat  be  pwtlcular  end 
niasUcate  well. 


Tiie  advertiser  liavlro:  been  rrstored  uihealtJi  lu  a  fe>* 
Wf.eics  by  a  very  sin^ple  aner  'i?.^!"'*:  »"";f,«^ 
for  several  years  win:  a  severe  luiia:  aSlecoi.,  niid  llwt 
dicad  divca-se  coisuinpUon— is  anxious  lo  make  known 
to  hia  loDo'.v  cull!':'!  is  ihJ  nieaiis  of  cure. 

■roVhvho.rj.ireiUhe  vrlll  Bi-n<lacopy  of  the  pre- 

rirfoarin"  ami  u><inj;  the  Eiiiut-.  ^lilch  l!n.-y  wiU  lm<}  ■* 
sure  cuTe  t^r  Consumption,,  Bronchi Ur, 
t  -ttghl  Colfls,  atiQ  all  iliroat  and  Lni.j!  Al  ecUo.i». 
•r  .0  ouly  oI,,Qtt  of  the  R<lverds-;rin6ciul!i;e  t!.e  i'rt- 
.criptjoa  is  to  benefit  thc  afflicteU.  and  sprejid  nlori.  «• 
ti^m  v hlf  11  lie  coiwvi.  fs  to  be  uivaluaMe,  and  Ik-  Lopca 
c^ejy  "  t  .'I'T  will  uy  l.ib  as  it  wil  cost  them 
nolhlPS  "nd  ni.y  prov  a  bl.-^.nne. .  1  •■•".V.'»,*'»'''f 
rQ"T.r&u'>.''  .  .,  y^'f-  '>^- 1  '■"^'"  »i-»"-  w"  .please  ad- 
diQ^a  Kkv.hUW'AUU  A..  WILSow,   ^__ 


Rinss  Co..  New  TnrK. 

460    MILES 

Ol'    THE 

Union  Pacific 



•*  WilTyou  tell  me  whether  this  Mr.  Bur- 
fleld is  a  triend,  or  more  thah  this  ?"  he 
asked;  for  the  young  lawyer  was  ill  at 
ease  on  witnessing  the  evident  familiarity 
of  the  lady  and  her  guest. 

"  Oh,  he  is  only  a  fnend,"  she  repUed. 
"  We  have  known  each  other  intimately 
lor  years,  and  of  course  he  feels  quite  at 
home  here." 

The  lover  was  satisfied,  and  a  little  later 
Helen  listened  to  words  which  were  the 
gwoeteet  her  ear  had  ever  caught,  and 
which  had  filled  her  heart,  like  the  jubi- 
lant chime  ot  marriage  bells ;  and  in  the 
first  joy  of  her  betroihal,  there  stole  across 
her  no  memory  of  the  true  love  sue  had 
wroMed.  or  the  heart  that  her  carelessness 
and  ^ity  had  broken.  But  that  night  in 
her  dreams,  the  pale  agonised  face  ot  John 
MflH  appeared  before  her ;  and  witn  a 
start  she  woke  up ;  and.  in  the  darkness, 
her  pillow  was  wot  with  tears  of  sorrow 
and  self-reproach. 

Two  days  later  thc  young  merchant  caU- 
ed  on  Helen  again.  It  was  an  afternoon 
ia  the  early  June,  full  of  fragrance,  of 


Mie  acquainted  her  lovur  with  all  the 
circumstances  of  her  intimacy  with  John 
Burfleld,  but  he  tried  to  soften  her  seli- 
uobraidings,  and  his  love  never  permitted 
him  to  see  that  she  did  not  falsely  accuse 
herself.  They  were  married,  and  Ilelen 
Paulding  was  happy  with  thc  husband  ot 
her  youth ;  but  there  was  one  memory 
which  threw  a  dark  shadow  over  many  of 
the  hours  of  her  life.         .    . 

She  was  an  earnest.  Christian  woman,  a 
loving  wife,  a  devoted  mother  ;  for  in  that 
long,  bitter  season  of  remorse  she  had 
learaed  that  the  only  healing  for  the  sin- 
ner and  the  sufferer  is  in  the  Toice  of  the 
Master,  flowing  sweetly  and  tenderly 
down  through  its  long  path  of  centuries, 
"  Thy  faith  hath  saved  thee ;  go  m  peace. 

"  Yes, 

sire."  ,   , 

•'  Well,  sir,  yes.  I  am  glad  to  sec  you. 
Perhaps  yoo  wo«xi  like  U)  hav  a  rume  and 
wash  yo  bans  befo  yu  eat  dinner  ana  ar- 
range yo  klasscs." 

I  told  him  I  wood. 

"Tojnsun,"  he  savs  lo  the  gentlemau 
that  brot  me  up,  "  be  kino  cnuf  to  assine 
this  yung  man  to  a  rume."  And  then 
turnin  to  mo  he  says.  "  Mr. ,  what  is 

yo  naim,  sur  V"  „ 

"Ward,"  Ireplied—"  Artemus  >\ard. 
"Yes.  Well,  Mr.  Ward,  make  yoselt 
ctinifu liable  in  yo  rume,  plceze,  until  about 
f.xM-lock  this  artcrnoon.  Then  yoo  wdl 
bo  kaulcd  to  dinna,  arter  which  I  will  as 
sine  yoo  yo  klasscs,  an  yoo  can  go  to  wcrk 
at  wimce." 

I  thanked  him,  and  then  Mr.  Tomsun, 
cxchaingin  a  pleasant  smile  with  Mr.  l  ail, 
led  me  ofl"  to  a  rume  in  a  distant  portiou 
ov  the  bildiu.  Opinin  the  do  and  Icedin 
me  in  he  sais,  "  Hear,  I  truit,  yoo  will 
fine  every  thing  convccnicnt  to  maik  yoo 
cumfutablc.  Hear  is  a  sofa,  warter  and 
towels.  Hear  is  a  razor  and  strop.  And 
hear,  I  believe,  is  sum  wine  and  siggar.s. 
He  then  bowed  very  lo  and  withdroo. 

liein  very  tired  afler  a  long  journey,  1 
wuz  glad  enuf  to  rccch  this  quiet  and  cam- 
lutable  retreet.    So,  pulUn  oil  mi  boots  and 
80X  and  kotc  and  vcss,  and  lain  them  aroun 
on  diflVTcnt  cheers,  I  took  a  shaiv  and  then 
awash.    I  then  drunk   some  wine,  and  lit 
asiggai,  and  tret  chin  out  onto  mi  betl,  1 
begun  to  reflcc  on  the  value  ov  Iccrnin  all 
the  goodnese  ov  Mr.  Yail.      Fmdin  the 
wine  pretty  good,  I  put  scvril  bottles  oy  it 
ou  a  cheer  necr  the  bed,  so  I  could  get  it 
easy,  and  then  I  drunk  and  smouked  at  mi 
Ic/ure.    Finally,  I  fell  to  .sleep,  and  arller 
a  protracted  knap  I  rose,  feebng  sum  un- 
sertalnty  of  mine.    If  I  rccoUec  ante  1 
wuz  pultinon  a  clecn  shurt,  which,  the 
rume  bein  dark,  I  had  put  on  upside  down, 
^nd  got  mi  arms  in  an  buttuned  the  ns 
bans  without  discovcnn  mi  errer,  until  I 
notist  the  profushon  of  shurt  coller  there 
wuz  to  that  shurt,  when  some  lo  persun 
rushed  into  ml  rume  and  began  to  sware 

•'  .Sur,"  said  I,  lookin  at  him  fiercely  also, 
"what  means  the  intrusion?  In  mi  Btait 
a  gentleman  nox  at  a  do  before  he  bursts 
it  open.  Aghast !  thou  lo  intruder.  By 
aul  the  gods  to  wunst.  hie  thee  to  thy  den 

Lives  there  a  man  with  sole  so  ded . 

But  takin  me  roodly  by  the  throte,  he 
choked  mi  utterance,  and  in  a  few  mo- 
ments I  wuz  hurried  into  the  street,  bein 
a  policeman,  1  appealed  to  him  for  redress. 
"  Yes,"  sais  he,  "  you  need  redressm.  Cum 
down  to  thc  stashun  house  and  we  wil  re- 
dress yoo.  Yoo  need  redrcssin  evidently. 
My  hart  sickened ;  my  brano  wuz  dizzy 
with  anger ;  this  roothless  vdlyun  dragged 
me  off  to  the  prisson  without  lettin  mc 
ajust  mi  shurt,  where  I  passed  the  mle 

The  nex  da  I  wuz  taken  to  a  big  bUdm. 
where  I  saw  sum  marble  statutes  and  sum 
naintin.  It  immejitly  occurd  to  me  that  I 
wuz  to  maik  mi  fortune  as  a  cxhibitur  ov 
wax  figgers  and  startlin  curiosities,  which 
I  changed  my  place  according. 
Yorze  trooly. 

Abteecs  Wahii. 

Home,   I'arm  anrt  «ardcsi. 

Thi;re  is  a  "volunteer"  tomato  plant 
in  Waldo.  Fla ,  wliirh  has  covered  a  bed 
eighteen  leet  s(iuarc.  It  had  produced  tix 
bushels  of  tomatoes  at  Liit  accouuts,  and 
was  Btill  at  it.    Fruitful!  ,  „r  r, 

A  conuEsroNDENT  ot  ihe  Jiunn  \\oi.<i 
uses  a  medicine  for  thc  cure  of  slobbers  m 
horses,  that  though  infallible,  is  not  popu- 
lar because  it  is  so  simple,  handy,  and 
cheap.  A  dose  or  two  of  from  one  to  two 
gallons  of  dry  wheat  bran  has  never  failed 
with  him.     '  .  ,.       i- 

(JOKN   AND    POVLTKT.— A    poultrv    flU- 

cicr  says  that  he  is  satislied  a  bu.shol  ol 
grain  led  to  poultry  will  return  m'>rc  mo- 
to  thc  feeder  tiuui  any  other  slock  he 
feed  it  to.    One  bushel  of  corn  will 


can —     —  ,      , 

make  a  fraction  less  than  ten  pounds  ot 

poultry.  ,     ^.,  .    ,, 

In  the  discussion  of  thc  In.stilutc  t  ar- 
mers  Club,  of  New  York,  thc  question  of 
pasturing  and  soiling  cattle  was  remarked 
upon  with  reference  to  their  coit  and  ad- 
vantages. .1 .  C.  Brctshneils,  of  Erie  Co., 
New  York,  said  where  land  is  worth  $1U0 
per  acre  pasturing  will  not  pay.  If  worth 
only  $;i5  or  $40  per  acre  noiling  will  not 
pay  as  well  as  pasturing. 

PoTATOKs  should  never  bo  dug  until  the 
skin  i^  linn,  and  if  thowing  any  H-n  ol 
rot,  let  them  rciu-.iiu  in  the  soil  as  late  iis 
possible,  as  it  is  scarcely  worth  while  to 
dig  out  those  thtt  will  decay  when  put  in 
bins.  Dig  only  in  dry  weather,  leaving 
the  tubers  in  the  eun  lon^  enough  to  get 
completely  dried  before  picking  them  uji. 
Bruise  as  little  as  possible  in  handling,  and 
store  only  in  dry  bins. 

Fi.ouK    Makino.— The    qutstiou    huw 
much  wheat  does  it  take  to  make  a  barrel 
of  Hour  is  oflen  asked,  and  the  answer  is 
of  a  general  character,  "  fivo  bushels  arc 
allowed."    At  the  annual  Fair  of  thc  Du- 
biKiue  county  (Iowa)  Agricultural  Society 
in  18C6,  a  premium  of  ^.i  was  oflered  for 
the  best  barrel  of  flour  made  from  winter 
wheat,  and  also  the  same  made  from  spring 
wheat.    A  firm  entered  one  barrel  each, 
accompanied  with  thc  statement  that  si.v- 
Iccu  bushels  of  winter  wheat  yielded  three 
barrels  and  one  hundred  and  i  luce  pounds 
of  flour— at  thc  rate  of  four  bushels  and 
flfleen  pounds  of  w  beat  to  tho|barrcl.    Of 
spring  wheat,  fitty  bushels  yicMod  eleven 
barrels  of  flour,  being  four  bushels  and 
thirty-two   pounds   lo    the   barrel.    Thc 
wheat  was  a  fnir  quality  and  no  more. 

Soii.iNG  Cows  v.s.  Pasxukiko.— An  ex- 
periment was  made  by  a  member  of  thc 
Royal  Academy  of  ApriouUure,  of  Prus- 
Bia,  extending  iarough  fccven  years,  to  test 
the  comparative  merits  of  soiling  (stable 
feeding)  and  jiasiuring.     Thc  pasturing 
averaged  1,580  quarts  per    cow,  lor  the 
whole  seven  years;  and  thc  average    ot 
the  soiling  nlan  for  Ihe  pamo  time  was 
8,442  quarts  per  cow— the   cows   in  both 
cases  being  about  thc  same  in  natural  pro- 
duction of  milk.     Thi.",  of  course,  docs 
not   prove   that  such  a  great  diflercnce, 
coull  result  from  soiling  generally.     The 
quality  of  pai^lurcs,  «r  the  feed,  care  and 
treatment  of  the  animals  when  subjected 
to  stable  fee<liag  would  produce  dillcrcnt 
results ;  but  il  is  a  well  established  fact  that 
a  good  deal  more  milk  can  be  obtained  by 
soiling  than  by  pasturing,  and  at  consider- 
able less  expense,  taking  the  value  of  ma- 
nure saved,  use  of  land  for  pasture?,  etc., 
into  consideration. 


From  Omalia  Across  the  Continent, 
are  Kow  Oompleteti, 

And  it  is  expected  tho  remaining  57  mllCB 
to  carry  tho  track  to  tho  has^c  of  tho  Rocky  Monn- 
(r.iuf ,  V  ill  be  finished  curly  in  October.    Contracts 
have  already  been  made  lor  rock-cultinjrs  beyond, 
to  be  done  daring  thc  v< inter.    Tho  work  Is  bchJg 
pushed  forward  with  equal  energy  on  thc  California 
end  of  th;;  ruulc,  iir.dor  thc  dircciloa  of  llio  Cen- 
tral Pacilic  Company,  coinmcncing  at  Sacramento, 
and  it  is  confldcntly  corrected  that  the  two  roads 
will  met  I  In  ISVO,  Uius  complctln- the  entire  grand 
line  conncctintr  thc  Atlautle  and  Tacific oceans,  on 
CASIl  havo  already  Wm  exyendcd.     From  the 
liberal  aovcrnimnt  ait'.,  the  wciuth  and  energy  of 
the  Btockhoklcrs-,  and  U-c  rc.ndy  market  for  thc 
First  Alorig-ige  Bond"?,  tuero  it  no  want  of  funds 
for  tho  mo^t  vigoroua  vroeecution  of  the  work, 
and  Ita  carjy  completion  is  as  ccrt.ila  as  .iny  futnrc 
bueincsa  event  can  be. 

i»ACll'l«'  ICASLKOAD. 
During  thc  quarter  ending  July  3l£t  of  the  cur 
rent,  an  Bvrra;';<i  of  ,"^5  miles  of  the  Union 
racidcJtuilroadwas  in  operation.  Tho  Superin- 
tcudeul'D  ryport  i-howH  l\ic  loUowiug  rcault : 


r«f6CDgor» f1«1.526{« 

Freight. ' 


e4'.>,fi72  .*)'.• 


la,  HOW) 



Miiila .     „ 

TrMUHportiiUon  id"  Cootratlor  b  Ma- 
riHl.** - 

Tr.ii...;'Ortiau>n  Conlructor's  Hon.. 


Kuol $m.0S0  5S 

Repair  of  Track ............  .....    lOit, ;'. .  I'j 

"  Engines.  Ojue,  Shops  Ac.      M»,'.^4  4! 

Offlcosand  Stations 5^,''vll  r  li 

<"onduclor8.  Engineer?,  J^c »•«.;•'»  ';> 

'lYaiiis 15,1  ^>  !M 

Ts'UT  F.ABNlXws  to  baiancu 807,503  tfl 

flTsaa  033  95 
From  ILo  rclaliro  high  charges,  tho  operating 
expenses  of  the  road  arc  but  9i%  per  cent,  of  thc 
earnings,  and  tho  ratio  would  be  much  lees  If  thc 
contractor's  business  were  not  done  at  half  rates. 
Throwing  out  chnr^'es  to  contractors  for  tninspor- 
tation  of  materials  and  men  (fe4Ta,2ba  41),  and 
deducliDs  from  Uus  aggrefiat*  of  all  operating 
cspcnscs  (l?3!>3,530  ',«)  IXlTi  per  cent.  (|!157,5G4  42) 
as  thc  proportion  chargeable  ou  tho  work  done  for 
conlnicLors,  which  was  less  than  actual  cost,  be- 
cause of  tho  half  price  charged  for  it,  and  we  have 
thc  net  operating  expenses  on  the  commercial 
bubiness  for  tho  quarter.  *-2.J7,%ii  50.  The  account 
for  the  commerckti  bueinc^  sundb  as  foUowa : 

K-rnings  for  May,  June  and  July. .  .$723,75.5  54 

Eipeuecs    "  "  "    ■ 

ii.i7,'je6  50 

An  Effective  Retort.— The  Milwau- 

knp  \m»  tells  of  a  "drummer"  m  Utrosse,  who 
kee  Ae^c,  wus^oi  a     ^    ^^^  menhant  with  whom 

Injt,  not  approving  of  his  prioea,  sug- 
he  could  do  better  In  another  city. 

was  trying  to  sell  goods 
be  was  labor' 
geeted  that  he  con 

♦  »» 

whlch'he  named,    The  traveling  man, ^becomln| 

oneuuc,  replied  :  "  I  won't  say  yon  "/J^n^,  I  thin, 
ySudo."    In  one  second  the  "i^"'*^  f'"^™'I 
foMd  himself  ouUide  the  store,  with  Hf  "f"*^ 
mefchant  yelling  after  him  :  ,V  I  ^^^vt  f' 
clTcn  yoo  a  black  eye,  but  1  think  1  have. 

came  to 

—A.  Mmmd  City  merchant 
Cairo  recently,  and  drew  from  a  bank 
$1,500,  with  a  view  of  going  Last  ilcxl 
day  to  purchase  goods,  hat  on  returnlnc 
to  Mound  City  was  Im^jked  down  while 
passing  up  the  wharf,  and  robbed  of  all  his 
money!  The  vUlain  succeeded  in  cBcaplne 
with  hifl  booty,  and  has  thus  far  evaded 
thc  police. 

A.  Frenclintan^s  BeTengo. 

There  are  but  lew  pleasing  reminiscenc- 
es of  thc  time  when  business  and  credit 
were  prostrated  by  thc  hurricane  which 
swept  over  this  country  in  thirty-seven— 
when  the  banks  generally  suspended  spe- 
cie paymenta.  and  hard  cash  was  a  phe- 
nomenon. We  recollect  but  one  mirth- 
provoking  incident  connected  with  inc 
greit  panic,  and  that  was  thc  presentation 
of  a  hundred  doUsr  bill  at  the  counter  of  a 
city  bank  by  a  Frenchman,  with  a  demand 

for  the  specie.  w.,^,^v 

"  Monsieur,"  said  the  fierce  liUlo  French- 
man7"vlU  you  jwy^^MtbUl?  VUlyou 
cive  me  ze  momiaie?"  .  „     .j 

^  '« We  cannot  redeem  it  at  prcscnW  said 
tho  teUer,  in  a  very  Wand  tone ;  "  wchaivc 
Buapended."  _      '  . 

"W)ende!  Vat's  dat?  Hanc  by  zc 
neck  like  one   ticving   dog?    No,  sarc! 

A  r«c>v  Kind  ol"  IVcll. 

A  new  method  of  putting  down  a  well, 
which  readily  suggest  il.sclf  to  every  man 
for  cheapness,  cleanliness  and  durabiuty, 
has  recently  "tjcen  tried  with  success  1  ae 
well  is  dug  ordinarily  till  sufflcicnt  water 
is  reached,  and  then  a  reservoir  ot  loose 
stone  and  water  lune  mortar,  about  four 
feet  deep,  is  made  in  thc  bottom,  so  mor- 
tared up  on  the  sides  as  to  prevent  the 
possibility  of  dirt  or  quicksand  getting  m. 
The  well  consists  of  large  tile,  commonly 
used  for  sewers,  put  down  within  six 
inches  of  tho  bottom,  and  the  earth  filled 
in.  This  leaves  plenty  of  room  lor  the 
pump,  and  the  ton  wants  closing  up  care- 
fully. This  kind  of  well  never  needs 
cleaning,  because,  if  properly  made,  no  dirt 
can  ever  get  in.  Thc  «ost  is  considerably 
less  than  that  of  ordinury  wells,  and  a  well 
can  bo  put  down  a  great  deal  guirkcr. 

Invisible  Poisons. 

The  Mcdicis  and  the  Eorgias  fortified  their  hjs- 
tcms  with  powerful  antidotes  against  the  subtle 
polwrng  with  which  they  used  to  destroy  their  eno- 
miee,  and  which  ihoy  fe^ircd  might  one  day  bo 
employed  againfct  themselves.  There  aic  mvUible 
pol*onB,  almost  as  deadly,  ag^nst  which  few  of  us 
tMnk  of  takin^sr  any  pcx;c«aUon«.  These  bancs 
are  In  thc  air.  Wl^di  Iho  tho  atmosphere  la  sur- 
charged with  tb*-m.  ami  sometimes  is  at  this  eca- 
Bon,  epidemic  r  .   rB  ••nsuc.    Thc  Bummer  wbitdi 

Net  profit  of  operating  .'JSo  miles  of 

load  lareo  months f4S6,7b0  04 

Tho  amount  of  Bonds  the  Company  can  issue  on 
S25  miles,  at  f  W.OOO  per  mile,  is  $5,200,000.  Inter- 
est in  gold,  threa  months,  at  0  per  cent.,  on  this 
sum.  Is  ?;S,COO;  add  40  per  cent,  premium,  to  cor- 
rcfpond  with  cnrrcncy  earnings,  ia  )glO^),200— show- 
iii"  that  the  not  eornincs  for  this  quai'tcr  were 
vwe  than  Jour  ihne$  Uce  interest  on  tho  Fhret 
Mortgage  Bonds  on  this  length  of  load. 

First  SIortga;;o  Bonds,  whoto  Intrrestis  60  well 
provided  lor  and  so  thoroughly  secured,  must  be 
cl"*'"^a  among  thc  safest  iuv»*«tmcnU.    They  pay 


And  arc  offered  for  the  present  at  ninety  cents  on 
thc,  and  .accrued  interest  at  six  per  cent,  in 
currency  from  J  cly  1st. 

Many  parti,  b  aro  takhig  advantage  of  thc  prcs- 
rnt  hi'h  price  of  Govermcnt  stocks  U)  exchange 
lor  thc^se  Bocc.^  which  are  over  33  per  cent,  cheap- 
er and,  at  tiiccarrcnt  rata  of  premium  on  gold,  pay 

Over  Nine  Per  CbaT.  Interest. 

SnbEcriptions  wiil  be  received  In  New  York  at 
thc  Company's  Ollitc,  Ko.  20  Nassau  St.,  and  by 

Continental  National  Banls,  No.  7  Nf  sati  St. 

Clark,  Dodge  &  <o.,  Bankers.  No.  51  W?'  »t 

,Tohn  J.  Cisco  &  Son,  Cankertf,  No.  Sj  WaU  bt. 

S.-cond  National  Hank,  Chicago. 

Luut,  ra-6ton  i^  Kean,  BaaRcrs,  aacago. 
And  by  Banks  and  Bankci-s  generally  throughout 
the  United  States,  of  whom  maps  and  descriptive 
pamphlets  may  be  obtained. 

JOHK  J.  CISCO,  Treasurer, 

AuonET30.18c.7. NEW  YORK. 

tli  1 A  A  Dav  made  by  any  one  with  my 

g5  lU  p;,t<>nt  "f  Juncil  Tools.    I  prepay  samples  tne. 

Ij'ewarc  ol  inliln, 

A.  J 


Mycirtalur  »1U  expl»m-_f' 
J.VULLAJI.  SprinKileld.  Vt. 


M  tZJ,  DIM, 

!P>6  &  US  l.ake  St.  CniO;tao.  1  3Ca  Market  St..  St.  too* 


I  bi-yriuuin  with  o.^TACtii  ^H^^f^^^^^Cni  tcod 
cured  ir.  six  veeWs  i.v  e.  «iii.i.le  remedy...  ai"}  .'*ui  fcaa 

Addrees  lliiV    T.  J.  MEaU 

Drawer  1  lO, 

racose.  II.  T. 

TF.OY.  N.\ 

-.v^       mm 

-4  -  - 




■  »•    -I      -.-        '     *            1              >         ■**                 ■             .1 

.       T 










■       ■ 



-      -     - 













JL.JU*J<UJ*"t   *» 

I'rncrcalInK*   of  the    •'oard  of  <o.   Com- 
mUdnnvra   at   tUe  Aiii»««l    SeiJtemtocr 

ACBiToa's  'TriCK.  Scott  ror>TT,l 
!»»;pleiiibcr  lilU,  1.S67     > 

Board  of  county  coinmisdioners  met  at  0 
o'cloclc,  H.  m.  The  followincr  commissioners 
were  present :  Thomas  Terrv,  chairman, 
Michael  Lev.  G.  W.  Gillenbcck,  Daniel 
U'KeciV  and  Juhn  Roardmi. 

The  following;  report  of  the  committee  ap- 
pojnteJ  to  view  and  examine  the  proposed 
ohaniie  in  the  Kasota  and  Jfhakopco  stale 
road,  w;\3  read: 

The  undersigned,  members  of  the  board 
\f  county  coinmidrfiouers,  being  the  commil- 
w'o  appointed  to  view  and  examine  the  pro- 
jioscd  cbaa^^e  in  the  state  road  from  Shako- 
pee  to  Kasota,  as  prayed  for  iu  the  petition 
of  John  Vaiirickly  Vonbank  and  others,  re- 
tpvctfuUv  report  that  they  diti,  on  the  2d 
dnv  of  fceptember,  A.  D.  1S67,  proceed  to 
nnd  view  and  examine  the  said  proposed 
than;,'e,  and  after  bearing  the  s^tutements  of 
rH  parties  claiming  to  be  interested,  your 
comnii:tPe  recommended  that  the  prayer  of 
siiid  petition  be  granted. 
Dated  Sept.  \\,  lSu7. 

Jonx  Reartiox, 

DANtEI,    O'KKEVf, 
U.    W.   0.'l.!.r;NBE'..'C, 

■Which  report  war,  on  motion  of  Michael 
Ley.  accepted. 

The  peti'io:)  of  scliool  dislricts  Nos.  oO 
nnd  5y,  jn  New  Market,  was  consi'I'-red  and 
the  rcmorislrance  against  said  peliiiun-  At- 
tcr  perusing  both  peiiti'>n  and  rcnicmstrance, 
tho  l)0;irJ  mnde  ihe  follow  ing  alleraion,  to 
wit:  by  doJnctiiig  from  Dist.  Xo^  oG  the 
following  stctions:  :>,  1<>,  1.'),  It;,  IT  and  18, 
nnd  annex  the  said  territory  to  school  dis 
trict  59  for  Fchool  j.urposes,  the  remon- 
fetrance  notwith-tanding  to  the  contrary. 

'\\\ct  following  bills  were  audited,    passed 
find  allowed : 

\\'.  Henry  &  Bro,,  gooils  to  Bemhard 
McKown,  by  order  of  Commis- 
sioner Terry,  ^  5  -15 
D  A  Huntsman  k  Uro.,  goods  to  Mrs. 

McGiade  k  Seifert,  per  order  of  Com. 

Tcter  Arimondc,for  plastering  shanty 
of  Mrs  Low,  rrJered  by  board 
of  county  commissioners, 
Ilcrman   Banuihuger,  acknowledging 
174  tax  deeds  and  for  drayage 
for  county  olHccs  |)aid  by  hi.ii,  -14  JO 
Jacob  Thomas,  sheriff  bill  amounting 

to  09  50 

After   which  the    board  adjourned   to   2 
o'cbck,  p.  m. 

Town  and  Coiinl\  Matters. 

SIIAKOPEE,  OCT.  17.  1807. 

Lemocratio  Meeting  Oct-  24th- 

A  grand  Democratic  meeting  will  be  heM 
at  the  Court  House,  on  Thursday  evening, 
October  21lh.  General  Gorman  and  the 
Hon.  Amos  Coggswell  will  address  tlie 
meeting.  Mr.  Coggswell  :s  a  very  able  man 
and  an  elorjuent  .speaker.  Gen.  Gorman 
is  well  known  as  the  best  stump  speaker  in 
the  State.  Let  all  Democrats  be  on  hand. 
Republicans  are  respectfully  invited  to  at- 
tend.    Kescrveil  seavs  for  ladie.-*. 

3  30 
31  CO 

CoMP.VRE  the  crowded  columns  of  the 
outside  of  the  Argon  witli  the  fiprawling  ad- 
vertisements in  the  outside  of  the  Spectator. 
Compare  ti  c  largo  amount  of  choice  read- 
ii.g  ma,lltr  in  the  Inside  of  the  Argus  with 
the  dead  advertisements  twice  repealed  in 
llio  inside  of  th-3  Spectator. 

To  Ilcr.-EKEKrKiiS.— Weigh  y.-ur  Salera- 
tu5  wl;o;i  yoa  buy  a  prsper.  Yon  w.U  find 
D.  U.  De  Latul  &  Co."s  "Best  Chemical"  is 
full  wcigl.t,  and  that  others  are  ii.M.  Try 
all  things  a.-.d  hold  fast  lo  that  which  is  best 
ar.d  true  on  wciuht  aud  fjnalily  both.  For 
sale  by  D.  M.  Htokkb. 

We  Ie;.ni  that  the  Merchants  Union  Kx- 
prcj-s  Company  will  open  tl.cir  line  to  Shako- 
pccand  thi-jajh  the  Mimicsota  Valley  iK-xt 

IsDi.vN-  SisjMEU.— Minnesota  beats  \\\c 
world  in  her  beautiful  Lulian  summer.-.  We 
are  now  enjoying  that  delightful  seasan  of 
the  vear.  We  cannot  describe  it.  It  must 
be  acen  nnd  JrU  to  be  understood.  All  are 
iiivii.d  to  this  feast  of  the  ■soa!'.<*  enjoyme-u 
—  to  baok  ii  the  golden  iMva  of  our  autumn 

Reparatcr     Capilli. 

Throw  nway  your  fals-efrlzze.'i.your  awltchcs.  yo'lr 

Pcstruitlveof  coiiilort.  ami  not  worth  a  fl?; 
C'liiii'  URCd.c'itiiP  youth'iil,  roinc  ncly  ami  fair. 
Anil  rcjulce  in  ynnrown  Inxurlnivt  Imlr. 


Far  restoring    hair    upon    bald  hcnd 
(from  whatever  cause  it  may   have  fallen 
out)  and  forcing  a  growth  of  hair  upon 
tlie  face,  it    has  no  eiiual.     It  will  force 
the  btard   to  grow    uivon  the  smoothest 
face  in  from  five  to  eight  weeks,  or  hair 
upon    bald  heads  la  from   two    to  three 
inonth.^.     A   few   ignorant    practitioners 
iaea.sserted    that  there  is  nothing    t'.iat 
will  force  or  hasten  the   growth  of  the 
hair  or  beard.     Tlieir  as.«ertioiis  are  false, 
:l8  thousands  of    living    witnesses  (from 
their  ow^n  experience)  can    bear  witness. 
But  tiiany  will  sny.  Iiow  are  we  to  distin- 
rjuish  the  genuine  from  the  spurious?     It 
oi-rtain'y  is  diniculr,  o.'^  nine-tenths  of  the 
different   I'rcparation.s  advertised  for  the 
hair  nnd  beard  arc  entirely  worlhU  s.'J,  and 
you  may  have  already  thrown  away  large 
amounts  in   their  purchase.      To  such  we 
would  say,  try  the  Ueparator  Capilli  ;  it 
will  you  nothing  unless  it  fully  comes 
up    with    our  lepre.eentations.     If  your 
Druffgist  doe.<5  not   keep  it,  send    us  one 
dollar  and   we  will  forward  it,   postpaid, 
together   with    a  r.ceipt   for  the  money, 
which  will  bo  returiud  you  on  application 
jiroviding  entire  satisfaction  is*  not  irivcn. 
Address,     W.  L.  CLARK  .t  CO, 

Xo.  3  Wcat  Fayclte  St.,  SvnAcusK,  N.Y 

Largest   liook  Agency  in  th^ 





IN    Al.I.    THE 


Tlironali  agents  I  now  oirer  to  tli<>  Piihllean  en 
tire  LOW  cllll-t!  1. 1  M.\CKENZIK\StiKl>.\i  KA.MI- 
LY  KKCtll'T  HOOK,  contaliilri),'  the  ilisroveilcs 
ul  (IV. T  n  f)iinrfir  of  a  centnry.  The  sti?rp<>type'cs  aiiil  cuts  arc  all  n.'w  aii'l  aluii«  toil 
$4,(IU(>.  Tiie  articles  on  AKrknlluri-,  lli.i  tkulture 
and  Knral  an;!  priim-stlc  KcoiiouiJ-,  are  worlh  to 
the  Varincr  aiul  U.irili'iif  r  aevt-ral  time*  Its  ivjfl.— 
The  I  (-clprg  fur  Cooklnc,  I'rrsi-rvin;,',  I'likilni:, 
t'onfoctioiicry.anil  Oarvinj,'.  eboal'l  he  In  tin- pon- 
spRslon  of  every  housewife.  Thin  ilep:ii toicnt 
alone  U  more  con>pl"te  an'l  Taluahle  than  any 
other  work  ever  pnlilishe.l  on  ttil.s  cnljert  Tli'' 
illyuases  of  the  horse,  cittle,  ho(.-s,  anil  other  ai;!- 
iiiaU.are  treated  of  at  Kful  Ieii,:lli  and  cumtlete 
dir.-ctloiis  given  for  treatment.  I'hP  depirtni- iits 
of  Medicine.  Brewmst  and  l>i.<llllailoii.  Perfntnery. 
Rlvachliot,  TaiiidiiK,  I'aiiilliiK.  Varnishes,  Ceiiunt.<, 
Ac.  are  all  tha  could  ho  de>lred.  .More  than  nev- 
entv  illgtinrt  ►u'eleetsare  earelully  exonloed  a..d 
treated  of.  It  Is  unques-lonahly  the  <«■.>< '«)"*• '(/ 
fft<  kiud  trer  puhlithnt,  eltherin  this  ei.nntj-v  "r 
Europe.  I'rlce,  liand»oiiie;y  Ijouud  In  chjth,  CI.Wi ; 
bhevp,  %S,M. 

Men  anil  wonioii,  of  ihiiraeter  and  aldlity,  w.tnt- 
ed    as    eanva!-ser».    t'.    whom     I'KOfTAIlLE  EM- 
I'LOYME.NT  will  he  Kuariiitted.    ^(>llJ  at  once  (or 
drriitar*  and  full  part  ienlars  tti  ai<  nt«. 

For  »inii)lesof  tne  IMIJ)KN  I'E.N"  />•«,  cnrloso 
tW'>  stiimpa  arol  tlipv  will  i>e  sc:\\  with  elrcuUir.i. 
Addri-Hs.M.  v.  U.  CoWMN.  Lalajettc.  ladiaua. 

m,  mim  k  n, 

Will  PLAINE. 



X3V       S 


9  8 


3  00 
9  00 
3  50 
11  oO 
3  50 


Board  met  at  two  o'clock,  aud    coiamis- 
eioners  all  present. 

Application  of  Clemens  Schr  i  ler  for 
partial  relief  to  .seek  a  warmer  climate  in 
une  of  the  southern  states,  to  improvo  his 
impaired  health,  and  to  tr}'  and  make  a  liv 
ing  for  himself.  After  the  said  Clemens 
btireiner  had  maOe  a  sworn  s:aleiiictit  to 
the  etfect  of  his  destitution  to  do  so  without 
the  help  of  the  county,  the  board  of  county 
cotnmissioners  made  him  a  grant  of  partial 
relief  to  the  amount  of  iifty  dollars,  which 
grant  was  unanimously  adopted. 

Application  of  L.  M.  lirown  to  have  taxes 
on  block  107  in  Shakopee  City,  tor  the  years 
IHjy  and    18G0,    which    were  paid    then,  to 
have    the    same  refmuled,    as  he     paid    the 
came  again  at  the  forfeited  .sale  of  It^ii^^,  for 
$10  6100.     The   board  ordered    to    refund 
the  same,  with  lawful  interest,  making  in  all 
$13  29-100.     The    following    bills   were  au- 
dited, pa.ssed  and  allowed: 
J  Ciallagher,  for  bringin,^  into  county 
poor  house  a  paujicr  from  Cred- 
it River,  §5  00 
G  "F  Coller,  bill  for   poor  house,   per 
order  of  com.  (i  W  Gillenbeck, 
John  Reardon,  county  commissioner, 

vi.^iting  a  co.  pauper,  3  days, 
John    Schwartz,  1  pr  pauts  for  negro 

pi  isoner, 
P'rank  cjwaboda,   deputy   sheriff,  wit- 
ness fees  slate  vs  Maruska, 
Ji>hn  Reardon.  for   boarding  one  Co. 
pauper  (P.  Bush)  1  week: 
After  wliieh    the  board  adjourned    to  Sat- 
ueday,  at  9  o'clock  a.  m. 

Saturday  morning,  September  .5,  IHGT. — 
Board  met  at  9  o'clock,  anil  ci)mmissiL.ners 
all  present.  The  following  list  of  quaiihed 
electors  of  the  county  of  Scott  and  ."^late  of 
Minnesota,  was  selected  by  the  board  of 
county  tonimissioners  lo  stive  as  Grand 
Jurors  ill  .said  county — 72  names.  The 
Petit  J iiTors  the  same. 

Appr.cation  of  James  Clallaglier  to  have 
the  taxes  reduced  on  his  hmd — XE^^  of 
^.e^•li"n  -9  Town  lit  ivange  21,  as  the  same 
was  by  error  assessed  aO  cents  too  high  in 
j.rt)p'iriion  to  other  lands  iu  the  neighbor- 
iiuod.  'I  he  board  of  county  commissioners, 
nfler  examining  the  book  to  his  etfect, 
Itiund  tlie  apiiliealiun  just,  and  ordered  a 
reduction  on  the  valuation  of  oO  cci:to  ;  af 
ttr  which  the  board  adjourned  to  2  o'clock, 
p.  m. 

Board  met  at  2  o'clock  and  commissioners 
nil  present.     TliO  following  amount  of  laxes 
was  levied  for  tlie  year  18(>7  by  the  !)oard  of 
tounlv     commissioners     for    tho  county    of 
hcoll  and  !;tate  of  Minnesota: 


For  State  Revenue, 
"    Sinking  Fund, 
'•    Interest, 
'•    County  ilcvcnuc, 
County  Sinking  Fund, 
•'       Poor  " 

"  Road  and  Bridge, 
Gfueral  irchool  Fund. 
A.  Ii  tJnpi.liart  sent  an  alTulavit  from  St. 
Paul  thai  he  never  owned  any  pcrsunai 
]  r»porty  in  this  county  during  the  year 
li?y3  and  IdOl,  not  at  any  time  before  or 
biiice.  The  board  resolved  that  the  personal 
tax  n-^ainst  said  A.  R.  Capliard,  if  any  be, 
th.  V  are  lureby  abated  ;  the  county  a^iditor 
id  herel'y  iiL^truclcd  to  caitcel  the  same. 

On  motion,  it  was  resolved  that  the  Au- 
ditor be,  nnd  he  is  hereby  instructed  to  can- 
ed all  personal  tax  against  S.  A.  llojper, 
»tl)oa  the  Bi-lle  I'laine  Fijurii.g  Miil  lot  for 
the  rear  IttiJ,  upon  the  p.iynut.t  of  tii'ty 
t'.oiiti'rs  therefor  into  tire  county  treasury. 

On  motion,  it  was  resolved,  that  the  Co. 
Auditor  be  and  is  hereby  instructed  to  can- 
re!  county  orders  No.  3b01  (old  series,) 
made  payable  xo  U.  Marvin  for  $IG  Ou-100, 
and  never  delivered. 

And  now  comes  up  the  insurance  cf  the 
Court  House,  and  the  board  of  county  com- 
missioners resolved  'to  insure  the  same  to 
the  amount  of  $8,000  on  the  building  and 
to  the  amount  of  $1,000  on  the  furniture,  in 
the  following  companies:  Lorillard  and 
Phir.iix,  each  three  thousand  dollars  on  the 
building:  Security, -two  thousand  dollars  on 
the  building,  and  one  thou.saud  dollars  on 
the  furniture,  for  a  premium  of  two  and  one 
half  p'-r  cent.,  for  three  years  from  this  day 
noon,  to  September  7th.  1870,  at  noon  The 
tounty  attorney  to  apply  to  tho  old  comp.v 
,,4(.g_lthe  New  York,  Manhattan  and  Cum 
K.iiliange— to  cancel  the  po'.ij'.es  on  on  said 
C/oi  rt  liou.^c  building. 

'I  he  bill   of    N.  Loiijren.  for  dr.nyagc  and 


Ml!.  Editor:  IMease  announce  my  name 
as  an  Independent  candidate  fjr  the  House. 
Minnesota  Legislature.  I  am  induced  to 
this  by  tlie  solicitation  of  nua»erous  friends 
in  all  parts  of  the  county.  My  .sentiments 
upon  the  Bond  question  are  well  known,  sis 
opposed  to  any  legislation  having  it.  vifW 
the  jiresent  or  future  payment  of  lh:it  great 


R.     M.    WuiliHT. 

Shakopee,  Minn.,  Oct.  11,  18o7.       3l 

Mk.  Editor  Argus:  Rodkkick  O'Duwd 
wishes  lo  announce  himself  as  an  liidepcn.t- 
cnl  candidate  for v  Treasurer. 

Dated,  Oct.  1.^  1.^  i7."  3t 

List  of   Jurors  for  Nov.   Term  ol 
the  Dibt.  Court  for  Scott  Co. 


Carr   Lawrence. 

Herbert  George. 
Becker  Peter. 
Duify  T.  J. 
Mangin  John, 
Ley  Michael  S. 
U'Niel  John, 
Lawier  Daniel, 
(ilytiii  NiehoUi, 

Bowler  S. 

Hawkins  L.  R. 

McDermott  D.i.iiliilck 

Muench  I'eter. 

Struuk  IL  H. 

Allen  Michael, 

Murphy  U.  G. 

Chaddenlon  Joseph, 

Coller  G.  F. 

llu.ijphrey  J.  W.  B  iny  Jobti. 

riniT  jrr.oRS. 

Bartholet  Joseph,  Schiety  Peter, 

Terry  Thotnas, 
Griinn  Patrick, 
Quill  Patrick, 
Coller  Werner, 
Till  J.  1*. 
Strang  Conrath, 
Corbel  Philip, 
HoUerin  Joiiti, 
Jordan  Edwanl, 
McNeil  Edward, 
Pauly  Jacob, 

Leonar  1   L  :ivreuce, 
Edert  John, 
McCarty  John, 
Si.liiiiidf  r    u  leliael, 
Carlin  John, 
Barnett  Stephen, 
Flaherty  Dennis, 
Sehiiiitz  Malhias, 
Stemmer  Fraiteis, 
Delany    Edward, 
Diitiojiias  S.  J. 


Suffer  wo  More! 

When  by  tho  ti.«:e  of  DR.  JOIN- 
VlLLlO'ri  ELIXIR  yon  can  be  cured 
perni^inenlly. an  I  ut  a  tritling  cost. 

The  asumishing  success  which  lias  iit- 
:riided  this  iiiVJiiuabK*  nieiiieiiic  t\r  and  Nervous  Weaivncs!»,t  J  i.c ::i 
Deliility  and  Pro.^tr.ition,  Lj  s  ol  Mi-^^-u- 
lar  Eiicr^cy,  I:nj>ott.u  y,  or  iii;y  tif  tlie 
consetinences  of  youiliful  iipliseretii  e, 
renders  it  the  most  vaiuublu  pivpuruiii;n 
ever  discovered. 

It  will  rem  )vo  all  nervous  affectioiip, 
doprei;.-iion,  excitement,  incapacity  to 
study  or  liu.^iness,  loss  of  niointity,  coul'u- 
,sion,  thouglits  of  self  doslrucl ion,  «>! 
iiisaiiitv.  A'o.  It  will  restore  the  appeliic, 
renew  tlie  health  of  those  who  litive  de- 
stroyed it  by  seusual  cxecss  or  evil  prac 

Young  Mm,  be  Iinmbngget'  n.i  m"ii 
by  'Quack  Doctors"  mid  igiior.iiit  juai  ti- 
tioiurs,  bui  send  without  dilay  for  tin- 
Elixir,  and  be  at  oihc  rrstoreil  to  heallli 
anil  liappine?s.  A  Perfect  Cure  is  iJu.o- 
anlecd  in  every  instance.  Price,  ijrl,  or 
four  bottles  to  one  address,  §3. 

One  bottle  is  snaicieiit  to  ctfv^^ct  a  cnic 
in  t;il  ordiiiMi-y  ca.^;'.*. 

FIC PILLS,  for  the  .speedy  and  pcrnn 
nent  cure  of  (jonorrhea,  (ilect,  Uri'thial 
Discharges.  (Jravcl,  Stricture,  and  iili 
affect  ions  of  the  Kitlneys  and  IJladdcr. — 
Cures  eH'ectedi  n  from  one  to  five  days. 
They  are  prepared  from  ve<xet:ib!c  ex- 
tracts that  are  harnde:?s  on  ihe  system, 
and  never  nauseate  the  stomach  or 
impregia'.c  ihe  breath.  No  chuugo  of 
diet  is  iie<'C.-isary  wliile  xx»\\vj.  thero,  nor 
»loes  !ic;iim  in  any  ninnio  r  interfere 
with  busiii  •.-.'  pursuits.  Price.  Ijfl  per 

Either  of  the  ttbove  mcnti'iiKi]  articles 
will  be  sent  to  any  address,  clo-ely  setilctl. 
and  post-paid,  l>y  mail  or  c.xpic.-s,  en  re- 
ceipt of  price.     Address  all  onhrs  to 

I'.ERtiER.SIlUTTS  &  Co..  Chemists, 
No.  28.'),  Kiv.  r  Stiect,  Trov,  N.  Y. 

Excelsior !    Excelsior ! 

C  il  A  S  T  !•:  L  L  A  R  '  S 

lEnir        I^stcraBieEiatoi*  !  I 

For  RcmoTlng    Superflnou*    IlnJr! 

To  the  la-'ies  especially,  tliis  invaluable 
dcpiliitoiy  recommend.^  itsc  If  as  being  an 
almost  indi?pcnsilde  artitlo  to  female 
beauty,  is  ca.ily  apjilied,  dots  not  burn 
or  injure  the  .'^kin.  but  nets  directly  on  the 
roots.  It  IS  wairanted  to  remove  super- 
fluou.*  hair  from  low  forehcuds.  or  from 
any  part  of  ihe  boily,  co  •  pleiely,  toltiliy 
tiiiii  radic-.illy  cxliriri'ing  '.he  smne.  le.iv- 
itiL'  tho  skill  soft.  -11  tn.ih  tun!  iniural.— 
!  I.i  •-;  tl  i>  oidv  irtic!''  ii>e''  >iy  t!ie  h'le'ich 
and  is  Ui  .only  leal  eff-ctual  ilepilatory  in 
(•xi>tence.  Price  75  cents  per  packajrc. 
.-•■■tit  piLst  pttid,  to  any  addre?s,  tin  receipt 
ol  nil  ordi'r,  bv 

BERGER.SrnnTS.t  Co.  Chemist*. 
28.'>  River  St.,  Troy,  N.  Y 




Ijiinkee    llutions, 

Ready-made   Clothing, 

Boots   C;   Shoes^ 

Heavy  &  Shelf  Hardware, 

I  2P3.  <o   rr  . 

J\\iiJs  mul  Glass 

^  «5?«  o  "^r:^!  ^  ^ 

[ill  and  Slicctdroii  Ware, 


I..   B.  MORROW  &  CO. 

Respectfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of   Shakopee,  an  d  Vicinity 
that  they  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

Drugs  and  Medicines,  Perfumery,  Patent 'Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Arliclcs,  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
and  all  other  articles  usually  found  in  a 
Drug  Store.  W^e  hope,  and  it  shall  be  our 
aim,"  to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  tho 
public  patronage. 

l^^'  Petrolene  Fluid  constantly  on  hand  and 
for  sale.  -^^^ 

HOTEL  BLOCK. -tisai 









Urbana  Scheme. 

Send  for  an  IIluHtrafea  Circular. 



A   larpe  ar^sortnicnt  (f 

o  ji.  c:>  o  ii:^ 

On  hund  aud  fur  .sale. 


-'J.  P.  ilCN  ISMAN. 

Notide  is  hereby    «jiven  i.iai  the  partner- 

.slil|)  heretofore  iXi.stliiK  I'ttw  til  .Ik.i.icl  ,>«i-;i.iil'li.  .iis.i 
Joliii  Frank,  III  llic  UrewtTV  UUiliit-ss.  «t  IK'lu'  i'l.ilin-, 
Miuiiesota.  ij  iliia  <Kiy  Uiesolve  I.  ..,,  „ 

Micn.vKi.  scu.viiur. 

Belle  l'Ulnc.Mlii..0ct.l3. 18C7. 


I  eft  in  tlio  y«r<l  of  th"  nn-lprsUiifJ,  "ii  i'uXt  Duv— 
OclMbcr  7tli,  1^67,  n  UI-.\CK  CO«,  iiT.nit  in  m- n-.;  uH, 
whlili  she  owiiLT  I  .'x'.i  Imve  hy  proving  pni'frty  .iiM 
Ddviiie  for  tills  liotict!  aiiU  cUalges  l"r  l{~«:pi:ii;. 

Oct.  15. 1867.  "I-N-  »•:  ^  Uttt.H.'*. 

















A.';>T      O 

111.  v;. '" 

AT   TfJK   WOMM  .::  , 
Made     bv    the 

Madame  Ii. 


.  VEL.\TtOKS 



»i*   —      'i-      <      I-      ^ 



r  i  '^  _  -.  r 

•^  .-    r    _:    -: 

B  ..  •       —  =   -s 

0.2  h ::-  - 




"2      =  -   T-5 


^         i 

a  ; 

Z    s;  ii  ■'•  i 




7      "  "■  ^.^ 

^  n.  ^  -* 


<t    C    -i    s 



^.-r  $3.00  Saved.— Passeng ere  Going 

East  Aill  f^ave  $;').UU  in  Fare  l»y  i.ikiii-  llu- 
CliA  SI)  UAVES  HOi'l'K.  One  of  lii.-  .-!  .t!.iiiis!iip»  «.| 
tli;»  Liii'j  iMves  .Miiw.ui.'.ce-'illy  i-'.tiiri  .\n  li 
at  3  .10  V.  M.  ir  f.i  1)"CK  l..»>tol  .iliUMiifc.1'.-  ^tT^•e!.  niali- 
Iti-'  ilire.i  cu-.v.ivvliuu  at  liraiiii  U,;  ••"  witu  nHiriiin* 
Traill  lor  l>etr.ilt.iaj  .m  point.-  l...*..  "••■'..■M  f»r  s.iie 
Uy  CU.V..L1>  1110  U'eo.v,  A^eui  t  :...rlt;"  esforn 
Ciil 'II  Packfl  C".,  «iiii  '>;  tja|.(.  I.  C.  <iK'>:.OK.  Asrc  t 
Mliiii,  Ceii'.ral  U'lllway.  Si.  I'MUl.aiii  i;'  :ill  principal 
Ticket  <'ili-f>lii  111"  .Nti.tliwe.-l. 

Til  ijl.A.-*  UKl.t,.  W.  VV.  \VII,Si.N% 

Oen'l  .■5;!pt..  Dvtrult.  West,  t'juw.  Ag'\.  .UliMuUKeo 


Itoii,     Xtoix,     ItoliL  ! 


Ill  r..>in  lOtoiSln  ur.i. 
Whe.iton's  Ointment     cures      Tbe   Iteh. 
Wiiettton's  Ointment     cures     Salt  Rliciim. 
.Wheaton'.s  Ointment     enres     Tetter. 
Wliejiton'a  Ointtnent     ci.res     ]):irl>rr.>t'  Itch. 
Wbcaton's  Ointment     cures     v'''d  >\>re.s. 
Wheatoa'd  Ointment     cures     E-ry  kiud 
of  Humor  like  Mtigio. 

Prk-f,  .V)  cents  a  hix;  t<v  mal',  M  oo'!!*.  A'MfPSj 
WKKKS  .t  IWTKU.  .N'o  )7t)  W.olii- <t.  n  Stnct, 
Boston  Miia^.    tim'  Kor  .sa!o  Ijv  iiU  I)n..'_'ii'<. 

lloston.iji'pt.  l-o;,— .*p.  uotlce  I  yr. 


WK,  tl.o  utilcTslsi-f'l.  Cotiimiisfclomr*  "f  t'l*  E»< 
of  IVter  B'.jir.  ilrc  c».s<;.',  rpcolve,  i  xau.ini- at^il  S'MU'^t 
all  clulnis  icininst  saM  Kslatr. 

Now  ihrrrloro,  notite  i-.  h"ri»l)y  lMvci,  thit  w  will 
itiff t  on  .-^gtun^.y,  tl-e  Sth  il.iy  of  Novt-i. .!■■■.  t  t'\o 
oV'.ock.  P.  M.  »t  t'.ip  Court  llousi>,  I  i  S^  K.iii.'O,  :ii.  llie 
offlce  of  Clcr'.J  of  the  OlsTlit  Coiiit  of  tin- v'o  lutv  o( 
J'cutt.  \"T  the  pwrpo-rt  of  ex.itiiintiii:  aii'l  .ill.nvlni  tiie 
clalmii  prcscutttt  aiiJinst  the  e-*talc  o(  the  itaj  I  Jeoi-as- 

Dated,  Shakcpcc,  Octni-or  9th.  l*i"-7. 
M.  M.^YKU. 

liLiiMA.N  UArMiiAr.!,!;. 

Coliilitisiolli  T!<. 


PCOTT  C  tUVrV,  0»iipral  Tertn,  O^-tobt^r  7t!i,  1  Vi- 
lli t'ltf  ni.itt.^r  of  the  hUtUi;  of  I'l-u-r  Boiio,  DeonaseJ. 

On  rra.titis  a:>'l  tlll:i^'  tin-  petit'oii  of  .I  He»i  Puiuiin!. 
of  .shakop'C.  1.1  tli«?  county  of  ifcott.  »:iil  St.iti?  ot  .Miii- 
iiesotH.  pr,iv|:iL'  reasons  til's  i-in'  st:iteil  triat  lilcenao 
to  si-ll  the  1  state  of  the  saM  JcccaseJ  raay  be  Issue  I  to 
hlni  the  sail  .M.  II-«s  Diinaa  I.  Ii  Is  oi.t.Tel.  that 
FrMay,  ibc  8tn  il^iy  of  Noveiuner,  \iVu,  at  10  u  tloi-!{  Iti 
the  fonnooii  at  the  olllce  of  the  .tuilito  of  Frotjate  la 
the  town  of  Shatti'pee.lii  s;il  I  county  he  asslpncl 
thf  hi-arinnofsall  petit'oii,  ami  that  the  tielr*  ul  law 
of  the  sail  ilcce.iscl.  If  a-iv  ther.-  be.  an.l  all  ot^ur 
person.^  InterrAtrd  In  the  .s«M  ostaf  c,  are  reanlie  I  to 
I  e  pre.scnt  at  that  time  ami  plac':  to  nhow  laUH-?,  It  any 
there  he,  why  the  pra.vcr  of  nalJ  petition  sUouUl  not  be 
grai  li'ii. 

Anillt  !•  farther  nr!erc<l,  ttint  noticeof  tti?  ho.trln? 
of s;il  1  p.'tlllon  b.'  itlreu  hy  pitb'.'iihlnK  acopyof  Hi1-H 
ordvT  In  the  i-hakopci-  W.-rkly  Ark;ii-<.  a  weekly  ii.  .vs. 
paiier  prlnti-.l  mi'l  jii«n*h»il  af  5hakopi-e,  In  s.ill 
couiitv.  tor  tour  »iirr...s»lvo  wock«  l:uin'i lately  pi«- 
ei'f'llii).'  Ihfsiiit  hpiirlna. 
DaleJ.CKt.  nil.  1S67.  M'M.  IlKXRY. 

Ii3t-U  Ju.ljje  of  I'r.iii.ito. 


SWTTCOUNTV,  .SpccUl   T(  riii.  Oct.  l«th.  !a&\-In 
tho    iii'ittir  of   till-  Kst.ltfof  John  0'^^•l.le,  late  of  the 

She   rpvenls    mi\.  "\;\\    over 

kii'-w.     Shoreatorest    ..  to  11  ose 

who,  froiTi    iluli't'nl    ev. ;  i-*,  ci»tu-'rt)pl'.e.''. 
cro-sscit  in    love,    loss  i-f    leliitions    and 

mutrto  count  V  iiiil  &e.,  was   audited    aud    Cou.ny  uf  >\.,tt.  recei«ii-        ,,.i,n  ,r  i,,,,  nv 

mai^r  <"*■""_  -    J  '  Ipoii  rta.iliiK  ami  tilii.K  t;ip  p<  tition  of  Ann   ON 

case  of  county   superintendent  came 


)  jiiiitne 


u.d    it    was  reeolved   lu    nntke    lb«    ap- 
nt   by   viva  voce.     After  it  lung  de- 
he  policy  to  Kbolish  sai'.l  otiice,  ii 
d  ia  aiitlne  ^ut>,  and  Mr.  John  L. 
*iis  nppoinled    as  such  superin- 
piiblic   scLooU   tor    the  ensuing 
j»;.ainJilion.     After  which,  on  nio- 
.Mii  udjjurned  tine  dir. 

THOS  TKKi  r. 
1  man  of  H«»r<l  ol  Couut>  uou!Uiis.'»'oner» 

.  Ui:  S  DCXAXC,  Cj'-LtT  '.uilfor. 

of  Beile  I'lain'e,  i^cotl  Couity.  .Mniiie.>ola.  pr.iyln:,' for 
rerUiin  re.inuna  thHir«:tii  litateil.  that  Letters  of  Ailnilu- 
l«traiion  iipou  tiie  Lstatr  ut  theuIU  ttoceuted,  be  !•• 
•ue.l  to  luT. 

It  U  orUfrcl.  that  .SATURDAY,  the  21  d«.T  cf  No- 
veoibT.  \  I).  IJMS;.  •»  ?..*,locis  In  the  afternoon  of  ailj 
d*y,  at  the  uUce  ol  Uxv  Jud^e  uf  I'robate  In  tha  Town 
o.  lielli;  I'laloo,  111  t  .,;  aai'i  county  of  Scott,  ba  iuaUne>l 
fortht  hcarliiK  of  .'aM  pvt!lloii.aii<l  that  the  helrx  at 
Law  of  6al-i  •lecoasfMl,  n  auy  <ttt:ri.>  br,  ami  all  other 
pcraoua  iiil«rB9t»:.  Im)  prviwbt.  tu  ahow  cauaa.  If  aiiT 
|..?re  b".  wh)  tuv  pruyvr  uf  tbe  p«tltlon«r  alioalil  not 
be  1,'rauttitl. 

AtHi  It  IH  hiailter  anl«r««L  (bat  noilee  of  tha  foteao* 
i~\jl  orUiT  b«  Kiven  tu  Ihe  irInUupca  AfXUt.  a  weeXiy 
lewvpiptT.  prliiiof  ami  °pMMtah<  •!  at  :<hako|>«e.  lii 
a.itii  Couoty  of  Sotl.  lur  lliree  eucte^^'ve  necka  pro- 
U-Qo  to  >.tl.l  hrarliiL'.  WM.  IIK.VHY. 

i/  Iu,  itb;.        n:.!' 3t  Ju>l).c  ul  fivUiti'. 

friends.  loss  of  money  &  •.    Ii;ivt»  '>eoonie 
tie.-spondeiit.     She  bring::-   looc-tfn  r  lh«  se 
\ir<ix  ac])aratiMl,  givo.^    iirtinnation  ecn- 
ceruin^  ubsciit  friends  or  lovers,  rta'orc.'; 
lost  orst-.iien  i^rooertv.  tel!.-^  vtm    ii*^^  'iiui- 
ne.-JS  you  arc  best  qualified  to  piir.iUe  .no 
in    what    y"U    will    he    mi»i    stifi-evsi'-M. 
cau.scs  t-pecdy  muriiti.fresaiid  lell.-:  yon    >  • 
very  day  you  will  marry.   give>   yon 
name,  likeness  and   ciiaracteri.^ties  of 
piTSon.     She  read:i   Mmr  very    tli'-i.'- 
and   by  her  snj;cr:iai.uiiil  \)<^\' 
unveils   the  ibirk  and  hidden  my.<!t  .  > 
the  ftituro.     From  tb.c   t^tars  \\c  kv 
tho    firmament — the    maKfie  stars 
overetiii.<-  or  predominate  in  the  eo'  li 
alien — !roni  tho  n.-;peeti  and  po.sitit  i. 
iif  the   planets  aud  the  li.\ed  stnr.^  in 
heavens  at  the  time  of  birth,  .*ilie  dedu 
tliC  future  destiny  of  man.     Fsiil    tml  t, 
roDsnll  the  groatcst  A.s;rologiit  on  eart:.. 
Iteogtst  you  but  a   trifle,  and   yon  ma 
never  attain  have  so  favorable  an   oppoi  - 
tmiity.     Con.sultatiwn    fto,  with    likeno-s 
nnd  all  desired  information,  ?l.     FarliL> 
livi!i!r    at    a    tlistanee  can    c(  n^ult    the 
Mi'tlanie   by  mail    with   equid  .-lifety  and 
s:  t:-faction  to  thcinKolve?,  as  if  in  person. 
A  full    nnd    exfilieit    chart,    written  o'lf. 
with  nil    inquiries  answered  onti  likeuc^s 
enclosed,  j^cnt  by  mail  on  receipt  of  price  mentioned.     Tho  strictest 
will    be  maintained   and    all    corrospond- 
enee  relurned  or  dei^lrtiyed.     Refeiences 
of  the  hio;hest  order  fiinii.shed  those  dc- 
siiinpr  them.     Write    plainly  the  ilay   of 
v!io  month   and   year  in  whieh   you   were 
born,  enclosin?  a  small  lock  of  h«ir. 
Address     Madamk    IL    A.  PERRinO. 
F.  O.  Draweu  2y:^,  BLtTALo,  N.  Y. 

Crisper  Croma. 

Oh  1  slie  wn»  betiitlfiil  and  f«!r 
With  Ktarry  fvi  »,  ami  ra'lianl  linlr. 
VhoHe  curiliiit  teW'O"*  »"ft.  «<.lwtii«-4. 
limhalne  I  ohf  veiv  heart  am!  mlml. 

c;risp£R  co.ha. 

por  Cnrllnit  «>»•  Il«lr  •f  cither  Sex 
Into  Watj- «n  t  Glotny  Ring- 
lets or  llcATy  MaaalTe  Cmrls. 

IJy  Using  this  article  liadio3  and  Oen- 
tlemcn  cau  beautify  themselves  a  thou- 
paud  fold.  U  i»  ibe  only  article  in  the 
world  that  will  curl  straight  hair,  aud  at 
the  same  lime  K'^c  '^  *  beautiful,  glossy 
iippearancc.  TlieCrii^r  Coraa  not  only 
inrlslhe  hair,  but  inviporutes.  beautifica 
and  rlcatiftos  it ;  is  highly  and  c'cliffiTt^Uy 
pt-ifufiiiHl.  and  is  lb«  ni««t  compk-l*-  ani- 
cie  of  the  kind  pro  r  Hfiro.*  to  tie  .Ameri- 
can pablic.  *\'hi>  Crisp'  r  Cnmii  will  be 
iK^nt  to  any   addres.*.  senled    and  postptdd 

for  Si.     Addre."f»»ill  mill  r- to 

W.  L.  C!.1i;K  «  r.O.  CheniUt*. 
Ko  n  Wtjt  Fayette  $;r««i,  Sj  f-..u  c  .\   Y 



A  Siibslitiite  for  Calomel. 

Thew  I'illB  are  conip>ea  of  varloiw  root*,  hsvinj 
the  power  to  ro'ox  tho  secrctionB  of  tl.o  Uvcr  lu 
pron^p'.ly  end  effectually  a3  blue  p".lt  or  inercury, 
and  without  proiIucinK  any  of  those  dlett^' eeat'e  OT 
dangeroiu  eUccta  which  oltcn  follow  the  u&e  ol  the 

In  aU  biliotis  diitordf  ra  thwio  Pill*  may  he  tiscdwith 
cODfiJsncc,  as  they  proraole  the  dijcharge  of  villaleJ 
bile,  and  remove  thoee  obetnictions  from  the  liver 
and  biliary  ducta,  which  are  the  cause  of  biiioiu 
aflect'.oni  In  general. 

gCHENCK'S  MANDKAKK  PILT.3  care  Bick 
neadache,  and  all  diaoriicrs  of  the  Liver,  indicated  by 
aallow  ekin,  coalcl  tongue,  cortivcnc.=»,  drowBinoas 
end  a  general  feeling  ol  woarinesa  and  la.'^situds, 
ehoTviag  that  tha  Uvcr  is  la  a  torpid  or  obstructed 

In  short,  itiero  Pllla  m>y  bo  tr'cd  •wMh  adran- 
ta;;c  In  all  c*;ic«  wUtn  a.  piirgauvo  or  a'.Uralive 
meJioinc  is  reiuircJ. 

P.eiw  aak  lor  -'Pr.  S^hencVa  Jfa.u'mlco  VW.t," 
and  obaerra  that  tho  two  llkenetisea  ot  tlio  Doctor 
are  on  the  Qovcrnmtat  rtamp — one  when  iu  the  iant  of  Coniuiu(>;ion,  aud  the  other  »a  his  present 

B.)lii  by  aU  Dm^s-'^s  and  dea'crs.  Price  2."i  ecnfa 
per  l>ox..  Trine  pal  Oflice,  No.  15  SoriU  tUli  Sjeof, 
I'hi'.ftJelpli!*,  Pa. 

General  AVIiolcrVe  A  sent?:  Dctnni  Hirnes  *  C.:„ 
fl  Park  Kow-  Ncvr  York;  S.  b.  llaiicc,  I'W  I^a'ii- 
more  St..  IWtl'uor".  Md.  •  John  U.  Park,  N.  E. 
eor.  of  fcurlh  and  Walnut  St.,  Ciuc.nuati,  Oii.o- 
Walker  &  Taylor,  X^  and  JCO  Y.'ai*4n  A'.<:i  uc. 
Cliicv<>.  til.;  Cuil'n*  CroOxr?,  (nulUH-iit  ■-  ir 
pi  £ot03d  md  Viae  fit*.  Si.  boj'e,  Mo.  ^ 

<»  f <th  t:  ."Ih  'V.  r« 

Highest  market  [nice  paid  fer 

W  h  @  a  t , 


X  1.  S  0  , 





T:tl<('n  in  exchange  !or  (Jood.'J. 

D.  A.  ilUNl&MAN.  ;- 





Ladies  Bress   Goods,  etc. 
DoiVt  forget  the  place — Cor-  Holmes  &  First  Sts. 

■^C^T      W  X:^^  ISiS.  * 






Thiii  mcdlciue,  invented  liy  Pr.  .J.  II.  S.'mENCK,    ' 
ti  I*hi;adc'i>h!a,  is  iuicddcd  to  dissolve  tho  food  and 
.iia'iO  it  into  chyme,  Ihe  Uriit  proccm  of  digc«i:on.    By 

■ea.:«inT  tlie  stomach  with    Schonrk's   Uindrake 
^'.lli,  llio  Tou'.e  poon  re-torca  tho  appetite,  and  lood 

bv.  coalJ  a.>t  be  eatea  bc:bro  luiug  it  wlU  be  cojlly    ^ 

..    j«.'3tCU«  ■■  I 

Coiturnp'Jon  cttnaot  b?  tmred  by  SrhfncV's  Pal  | 
lioujc  S.Tcp  un'egs  tho  stomach  and  Uvcr  is  lnB^e 
heaJlIiy  and  the  afpotitc  rrstorcJ,  hcnco  the  Tonic 
a^d  Pills  arc  re.iti'rod  in  nearly  e^^cTT  nso  of  ron- 
lUTT.ption.  A  half  dozen  bottles  of  the  SKAWEKI) 
TONIC  aiid  three  or  four  boscj  of  tiio  MANDE.VKH 
PILLS  will  euro  any  ordinary  caso  of  dyrpep:-;a. 

Dr.    8oai:scK  makes  iTofcssioiiSl  visits  in   New    ; 
York,  Uobtou,  and  at  his  prioeiF^I  OfTice  in  l'hiiadcl« 
phia  every  weok.    See  daily  pai>cr4  of  each  pjuv,  or 
bis  pauiph.'oi  on  coa^uinptiou  tor  hla  da/s  ur  visita- 

Please  obwrm,  wliea  purchaslug,  tliat  the  two  like- 
neFses  of  tha  Doctor,  one  when  in  the  staja  ol 
Consump'-ion.  and  tho  other  as  ha  now  Is,  In  por.cct 
lit»lth,  are  on  the  Goviirnment  stamp. 

8}ld  by  all  Oruxglste  a^d  L'-calors,  price  (1.56  per 
bottle,  or  $7.50  the  haU'dozen.  AU  letti  r*  lior  a.ivice 
should  l>o  addi'carcj  to  Dr.  Eiik.nck's  I'rinc'pil 
Oaice,  No.  1.J  NorUt  Otu  Street,  Plii.'adotpUia,  Pa. 

General  WTioloBaio  Agcoli :  De'ji&t  UirnAj  ii  Co., 
N.  Y.;  3.  S.  Hanco,  Balllinarc,  Md.;  Jolin  D. 
Parke,  ClncUinati,  Ohio;  Walker  A  Taylor,  Clik- 
€0(9,  liL ;  UoUina  Break,  Bl  Louia,  Mo.       '^ 

(Ul  XT.  oa,  »rCi  1  JT. 


TO  nUK  i:.1SdUMPriu;'i,  the  s>-«lem  ma«it  l* 
prcpate.i  eo  Ihit  the  luaw  will  Uoal.  To  aocouip^lah 
liiU,  ttta  liver  and  a^oiuikch  mcsl  lirst  be  cicAaRd  and 
ao  .ijpo'Jtc  cTvm'i  1  for  fooA  « liotoaottie  lood,  which, 
b/  Ihae  meiiHib-i  win  bo  dl«TJtoJ  proporiy,  6..»J 
e^od  boalUkf  iioai  id*1c;  ihof  bniMtng  cp  tlie 
eoTMtJloUoa.  flCUKNCK'S  UANnaAKK  PU.U 
rloanaeth:«l0mvhol  all  WMoas  or  rnvnym  acwaimn- 
iatlooa:  ^ti,  by  artng  the  60a  Weed  TaaU  in  ooo- 
i.e«tioii.  the  appotSui  U  rf>*orc.I. 

SCHKNCK'd  PLLMONH;  SVni'P  is  Qottlctoia 
■a  well  as  medtclBai.  iiid.  bs-  nsloe  tbathrea  reiD«d'ea. 
all  iinpvtiUa  aro  expel.'*!  trwD  Ilia  a}Ttem.  and 
fwod.  wbote«mie  Moad  ir.a<l~,  which  win  ropei  all 
dwcMiV  II  puionta  will  uke  tiie«e  mcArhiteaoeflM- 
Ing  to  dIreetloA,  OoBwunpCloo  »»ry  tre-^  .-  h  ir. 
lu  l*.>t  sUlkv  y t»!da  readily  t*  ihalr  aal'  1.  T..'M  itf . 
plll8fn>i>icntly,  loc?aa:i»eU»e»tvo.iiii  =j>;i;2,;X  Ii 
Am*  n0k  tattow  lUu  *r-  i  .0  li:?  iwwc;.'  i;  J  ajl  ^-v- 
tlT«  tiiey  »i«  -c!  ^\  :..-.l  Lt  K>-.tic"  fn  fl  >■■;- 
b<.*«?t!-  a.-j  uo«cla.-7.  T!  e  4o;?£Jl  isiin  tfl  •:'  :>: 
hfi-h-,  a 'd  8tatv'>'4!e  cr'ii*ltj  el'iinv  th?  P.: - 
mo -1:0  Si-rap  ;o  av  oa  hi*  i>»^nk:or/oivn»ii»  p.-  p'Hv 
aala«a/aa/  Irria^.^n.  Th4ax.ithat  Imr^a^tcu  t* 
?er  <ir.a  x  piriiation!  core  ta,  to  piisvenf  taklne 
t>y..i.  i.\^rc.a^  a^rt  ha  r  i.ims  ib>  muoli  a.-  p->*Mhl«, 
•jc.  at  .h,>  r.cho«  iijoi--»i  i.iejJ,  giuii<*..  a>d.  m  \ar<, 
viyth'nft  rlw-  ai.;«j.;ii?  rm\m  bu*  >»•  ii^n!--!)  \i  i-i-l 
*  neJ.  .        iiuitvk.vx  1.0.  I  jt. 

Hegelabls  Sicilian  Haii  fisnewei 

ITdn  stood  the  test  of  seven  years 
trial  by  the  public  ;  and  no  prepa- 
ration for  the  hair  yet  disrorercd 
will  produce  the  same  bcncjicuil 
rcsultii.  It  is  a  new  scientific  dis- 
coi'crij,  combininu  the  most  power- 
fal  and  res^oratire  agents  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  Jt  restores 
FUL COLOR.  It  makes  the  scalp 
tvltitcand  clean;  cares  tlandruff 
and  humors,  aud  falUng  out  of  th| 
hair;  and  will  mahe  it  yrowupon 
bald  heads,  except  in  very  aged 
persons,  as  it  furnishes  the  nutri- 
tive principle  by  which  the  hair 
is  nourished  and  supported.  It 
inalces  the  hair  moist,  soft,  and 
glos-af,  and  is  unsurpassed  as  a 
HAIR*  DRESSING.  It  is  the  cheapest 
preparation  ever  offered  to  the 
public,  as  one  bottle  tvill  acconi' 
plish  more  and  last  longer  than 
three  bottles  of  any  other  prepara^ 

tion.  ,  ^  , 

If  is  recommended  and  itsea  by 
the  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  wonderful  results  produced 
by  our  Sicilian  .Hair  lienewer 
have  iudured  many  to  manufac- 
ture preparations  for  the  JTair, 
under  various  names  ;  and  in 
order  to  induce  the  trade  and  the 
public  to  purchase  their  com- 
pounds, the)/  hare  resorted  to  false- 
hoods, bi/  claiming  th^-y  were 
former  partners,  or  had  some  con- 
nection with  our  Mr.  JIall,  and 
their  preparation  was  similar  to 
ours.  Do  not  de  deceived  by  them! 
rurchaso  the  original :  it  has 
never  been  equalled.  Our  Treatise 
on  the  Hair,  with  certificates,  sent 
free  bi/  mail.  See  that  each  bottle 
hfis  our  private  Itevenue  Stamp 
over  the  fop  of  the  bottle.  All  oth- 
ers are  intit<itions. 
R.  P.  Hall  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N.  H. 

ik)hl  by  all  Jhurfjist-i  and  D<  cilt-rt  in  ilrtln'inc. 


Ac«-:itfor  tStc  Xorll»-W«alrru  Slatca, 

Corner  of  Kolnies  &  First  Sts.,  Shakopee,  Minnesota 

Dealers  in 

Dry  Gooil%  Dre^s  C^ood^,  Ciolhlngr, 

Groceries,  Boots    and  Shoes,   Hats   and   Caps, 

jgi^L,  Tho   liiiiliest  inrrket   price   paid    for  \VLcut,  Furs^  and  .iU 
kinds  of  country  produce. 

^J^CaIl   an.l  .see.     We  arc  BOL'XD  KOT  TO  ?.!•    rSDSRSOLD    Ly  an»  fmn  in  tl.o- 

Miiiiusota  Valley. 

113-  E5  "V^ 

■!i?  o  ^  33  CARHIAGE  ^  WAGOfi  SHOP* 

—  AT 

S  II  O  K  I  N  <j  ,    1M:  1'  A  1  Ii  1  N  0    6ia 



n23  3a)os 

Sulc  Ai^e-.Uc- /or  '/;<!>'>:( 


ri  }i.  4th  St.;  *t.  LeuKSWo, 


'I\)  8i:i  rijiiuu^'.-^  i.:i;^i.-.iu.!.  ^■..■^\'^iri,l.:,\r,   r.-T' 
I      MK'STir'    ItTr.M-'.     Till   1-!    a    ■"■iit  '"f  sft<rH^^ 
nr^Tlt'.an.l  1.  tho'.  -  -'  .  .  it  ,-f  ■  t*;fHt«.   ll-iaaa 
ready    'ti.  .;,..    w.,uw:s.i   to 

clruulMt.-  II  In  t-.r    ..  .1;;  f-^l^  ""^';;',"« 

31  Sir,  127n>k  H..  OUIei.»«a.   . 

..,  .. .— -Ir—i- ^ 

M.  Si  IE!  Hi:  &  lUlo  , 

.fiL  s^  o  ixx  I  ^  zii  o  ^  afci 

office  on   Fifth   Stfcct,  S.ou'.h   of  J^cii^oii'; 

(tin  iiie  ir.:i.j 
ST.   PAtil.    MmiTESCTA^,ii  n  , 

rin-i*    Fpcrlfl-i'ft'h'  «'' 1  l»et  <■'»  of  <nnirchc«.  .«ch— I 
II   ii*c*.'  i'nl.'ir   l!M  1  11nv«,  fi'}   Hal:  '.llijJS  of   '''"'*_"'■.''' 
((.rii'iluo.  prepaicJ  on  auort  iioUt-e. 



I  have  just  rcrcivrd  a  largo  ."^tock  of  No.  1 

DRY  (iOUl>.-<.(;|Hl<.K!tlK.-',  l.l«il<>l->.A';..  wiiUh  I  aui 
I'tvii.TrH,!  t<i  .-il  ;l  11.- I'lW  ;..<iiii.lic    bi.ii^ht  outshl.-  »fM. 
I'aiil.    i  mil  (IfleTinilinl  ti.  (i<-«i  i  vc  t  l,e  i,iilr<.iii.i;i-  ot    he 
cliUelisolthis  toiuiiiuiiIly,aii«i  "'ii  B»t  s  a  talr  tilal. 
3;>rlDg  take.  Nov. IfttU.ltiCC. 

Dan   Storer 

woiilil  r'»i>«-ctftill.v«.'»r  tohlsolU  filentls.  andlUepn  t 
llu  iitfUtTullv.  that  be 

Was   not 

run  off  by  the  Ue.ivy  coiiipetltloo.  bmt    Is  still  to  bi 


athlsoll  stsndoli  Flr-it  strcrf.  SUnkni-.i-f.  where  lifts 
a<»ii!i:.;-  out  the  lust  '•(  (ir  )C4:ih;i  Aii<l  I'rouls-loiit  uuil  Is 
not  S"luK  I"  J  -  scared  or 


out  If  he  oan  help  It,  but  to  contlnno 

In   the 

M<!p.  ITo  t««>Mi(i«ff«'M!«  stmrfe.  s"!  irUni  cheap  us 
una-  oaecati  atf-jrU  tu.  In  anr  lo«-ii  ua  the 

Minnesota  Kiver 

Tiie  nnf]rr,-if?ncil,  havinp  reinoTed  to  Uicif 

new  sNop.  corner  lrfWl.'«iii"l  Hfcii'l  Pis..  «>.iiM  respect- 
fully  uiinuiinii-tlial  they  avwrvt  |.rp|>ar>-<l  to  iiian«f««- 
ttir.-.  ;«>  oii|.r.»Hi^»;lc»,MiIWl.s,'MM.Bii"l  twihori't  W»(f 
oiis  l<.\tin'».s  \Va;.iiiis,.--l.-ii{h>>T.«,«ii>l  rvirythlliB 
re«ti:re.lliithe  .-arrlace  llius  at  res«i.»i«Mf  r»'f«. 

llavlncwciirf-'lihcii-rvli.sofa  nr-tcla«-l.U<  k*'"''™ 
\Vfar<-eii:thl''-.l  t..(.l|-.rtlie  ImM  iiii.illly  of  work,  hotii 
m.-iiniliKlurliiK  ami  n  palrliii-.  Jirt.blnif,  bhoclng.  *r.. 
uri'Iliptlyainl^.it'i'lartiirHv  iliilii-.  

Tt>allli^tl:f•l^|):l^4ll«v,.rl..\ve  would  foUlIt  a  <-on^""»- 
ame  01  the  public  ,.a!r.„ii.r^j^j^^  ^  UOODBCKY, 

J.    f.    .*I.^BITT,         1 

W.  F.  WoonBVRT.i 


Jit^t  J'u.liiiml,  i(t  n  !~fiiM  Enrrli>pr.    Prict  tit  Cm»e^ 
A   Lecl«r«  mm  the  Nuturc,   Tpc«l»er.t   mmi  ftmiUmi 

Cup-  of  PcmHK'.l  Wcakm  rs.  or  .«|.'Ti.iat->rrha".T,  In.lin-»"« 
l.v  Self-Ahiiis-;  liiv..;»!it»ry  Kiiilnsioiis.  Juipotciicy, 
Ner.-oos  Uuollity.  and  lni|ie.!luients  to  .Marriafie  scner- 
•11*;    t'uii.nniptinn,  rpiup-sy,   hihI  *if"i,  >';:''"'   •",'' 

M.  tJ.. -'Author  of  th«  •Orci-ii  Cook,"' 4r.     .     .     ,,      , 

The  worl'lreiiowni-.l  author.  In  this  almlral  le  Le«^ 
lure  clcsrlv  prov.-h  from  l.b  ovvn  expf  rl«-nre  that  lh«< 
awful  coiisi-mii'iiifs  ol  f'lll-.^liusi?  may  be  eff^ctualir 
reiuovi-.l  without  nio.lMui;.  aii-l  without  d#ii«ero«» 
suritlci.l  operations.  bou;:hlis,  li.Rirunn-nts,  rltiRi.  er 
cor.llals.  nolniliii!  outaiiioili-  of  <nrc  at  once  ccitsJiJ 
null  circctiia!  hy  which  every  ►uflrrrr,  no  maltfr  whs', 
bin  coo'lilloii  luav  bo,  uuiy  cure  lilniKelt  ilnsply.  prl' 
vately,aiiil  radically.  This  kcvure  will  prove  a  boon  tft 
thoUhniKlsanil  thousaiKlH.  ...._ 

yciit  under  seal,  in  a  plain  envelop*,  to  any  adrtrewi, 
on  rec"  li't  of  kIx  leiits,  or  two   poslaK^  stauips,  tisfl- 

''Tlso:^'''"Jti;V^^K>CKLLS  -Martlage  GnMe.-p^ 
^^ddr:..  the  I'ubllHW^v    ^    ^_  ^,,^, 

B,  I'o.t  t>flice  Hex  mNk 

127  n»wery.  .New  \<'rK,         



County  ill  .-'vott.         )__  Fifth    Judicial  Wttrlet. 

WIM.IaM   IIKXKY  iitid< 
luiilor.  I, 

rElKl;   HK.NIiV.  Jt 

aKai'ist  I 

P£NMS  SLU.IVAV.        J 

i,    Kn  eiiue  Mamii  .^Or.  c»ncell»-<1 

n:o  1; 

Free  to  Everybody. 

A  larfrc  C  pp.  Circtiliiar,  ^iviii^  informa- 
Uon  ofUic  greatest  inipprtance  to  the  young 
,>f  both  .scxe.=i.  ,, 

It  te.'xche.s  how"  tTie  homely  may  become 
b<?autiful»  the  (leapiicd  respectetl,  aiitl  the 
far.nken  lt»veJ. 

Xo  yotintr  l»<lv  or  genlloman  shouM  fail 
io  .sen'i  their  Aililroii?.  and  reteivo  a  copy 
postpaid,  bv  n^turQ  iiitiil. 

Aildiess  r.  O.  DR.vwrr.  21, 
i  Tkov,  New  Vo:1v. 

The  Ftat'e  of  Minnesota  to  the  above  iiauied  Vefemlant, 
(ire  eH  111;: 

Vou  are  lnretiv  sunimoneil  snd  r»Tnlre'!  to  ars*"' 
the  coiuplaliit  of  tliM  plal"ll'f  l»  ih*-  sl.ove  entitled 
action,  which  U  tiled  In  the  offli  e  of  the  Clerk  of  'h« 
Uir.Tlcl  Ci'iirtin  }*hak<niee  In  lh«  said  ("'"inty  of  Scott, 
nnd  lo  serve  11  copy  r.f  your  answer  to  thr  t*!^  l*T^' 
Idalut  up'iii  the  h'lliHcnliirs  at  tlielr  office  In  *♦,"* 
Maine  11.  s;iia  Couuly  of  Scoit,  In  the  ^tntn  afrrMsf  . 
•^■Ithiti  twenty  diiVKaaer  thu  service  of  t^!' f""'"";.!! 
I  n  vou.  exclu»lve  of  the  day  of  service  ;  »•  d  If  T*"/*^' 
oruisw.r  thvsild  coiupUInt  wlthtn  <"C  fI']"■»f"r♦; 
l  aid,  the  pl.ili.tlff  win  take  J"'"i'"'fL',' »>•'"•*  J,"V''i 
the^umof  Sixty-tw?.  dolla.s  sud  flfty-fl««;  Jf.D'*  •'>'»  thereoa  irotu  the  2n:h  ■;»J.^;;,'{«^i,\t'j|,. 

DatelAns  2Ut.J?'.:       iMCw        Pifls  Aitornari..'w:A\^  STRAIT'S 

yV  nV^^  STABLE. 


Keep  comt.mtlyln  readlfiesst  .«  b^^t  U..r«Pf  in  t   On 
eKtil»rrl«^e*wMt  of  ?t.  I'aul.    i»ur  "W  Inter  Rljf-.'    1 
I'le  ffjv  -if  ^lei-lis  lire  iin«ii'r..i«»»d '  n  S»»uly  and  cciu 
orl.    O-CjrefuI-lrlversfuTnlsUca  Ahenre'luirtd. 

Sba".:o>ee.Cct.:i;l»   Ii*'. 



I  ««    ' .  1— » 


%\%  ^hafeopce  ^gus.  -^ 

HKNKY     HI  ^  " 

SHAKOPEE,  OCT.  24,  18G7. 


Democratic  State  Ticket. 

Yof  Govfrnor, 
C.  E.  FL\NDRAU,  of  Henneplo. 

For  Lieutenant  Governor, 

^.  K.  MAYNARD,  of  Le  Saeur. 

For  Attormxj  General, 

JL.  O.  CHATFIELD,  of  Scott 

For    Secretary   of  State, 

JtMOS^.COGGSWELL,  of  Steele. 

For  Treasurer. 

JOHN  FRIEDRICUS,  of  Goodhae. 

Erie    Railway! 

Vol.  6. 


No.  4bO 

Scott  County  Democratic  Ticket. 


^Vll.  IIENllY. 

Rephtei  of  Dcetlf, 





Judge  of  Probate, 

L.  li.    HAWKINS. 

Co  an 'J/    Svrvyor, 

Wi!.  A.  FfLLEU. 


II.  n.  bTRUNK. 

Coun'n  Co^nmisiioner—Uh  District, 


Countif  CoinnvsiiorKr—otk   Dtslnct, 


faults,  or  course  the  nll-wise-Hhe  "  Hon." 
Deacon  Fudge  knew  he  was  giving  a  false 
(i««criplion  of  the  pruporly.  But  hi-  wus 
acting  ns  an  insuraiit-e  B^fent.  We  trust  the 
Graud  Jury  will  look  into  this  matter. 


Miss  Spectator's  Brother. 

The  Spectator  womuu  in  her  last  issue, 
wrilinjf  under  the  aUas  of  Cilviu  Edsun, 
makes  some  very  awkward    allusioas  to  her 

fu3U;r    brother,  who  ran    avnj    from    New  j  year    Mr.    Edert  has   takea 
Hampshire    some     years    ago.       She 

The  county  commissioners  have  heen  in 
session  this  wuek  fur  the  purpos«>  of  making 
an  cjcamiimtion  into  the  county  treasury 
Bud  vouuling  the  funds.  This  year,  as  in ; 
years  past,  thoy  find  everythin;.'  in  a  satis- 
factory cpndiiioii.  There  is$10.t)f)3  in  cash 
iu  tlie  tr«;»siirv  belonging  to  dlfft-reiil  tund.s, 
of  which  $1020  are  in  cold— .hat  good,  old 
fushioued    Democratic  money.     I>« ting  the 

up    $9.Sf«    «'f 

has  '  Seotl    counly   orders.     Tiiere    appear  to    be 
to        the      same       event  |  no    leaks  in    our    county    trDakury.     While 


be  I  Other  counties  have  lost  liiree  sums,  our 
county  has  lost  nothiHg.  A  faithful  officer 
canuot   be  retained   l.»  office  too  lou^f.     We 

Couuiy  Comiuission  21  of  4tii  AiiiU"iui-  • 

Daniel  O'Kceie  announces  hiniS/ftlf  a  can- 
didate iov  C'oui'ly  CoM«nij.sio.n;r  oi  4lh 
Diiin<:t,  composed  of  Spring  L  tke  and 
CeJav  Luke.  Mr.  U'Kerle  is  .k.w  th«  able 
co;nniitisis>ner  from  lliul  Du-.triet,  aad  lijiviu!; 
been  eieete  i  to  till  a  vacancy,  lie  hUs  faiih- 
l,,;,  ;,tic..ded  t')  ill.-  iuieie.U  of  tho  couiiiy 
for  oue  year."  'iij*!.  lirdl  uct  .Mr." 
O'l'-^eefe  unl  W^%  to  examine  in:o  I  In- Poor 
Huu»e  frauds,  J\.id  he  set  himself  i;noie- 
diaiily  ai  wvfK  to  clear  the  ytor  bouse  of  a 
Lr^e  family  of  eh»ldf»-ii.  TbU  -'toe]  did'  f.»milieiia  whieli  they  were  adopi 
and  the  county    relieved  of  their  jjtjpp.u^.—  ; 

CHIOAitO   liLSlNK>.^  HoL'isES. 

Jlunniaclarc'i*  of  niiil  DeaUTs  In 

P.  Geyermanu, 



i;.   !;  LAI'S.  \\0(M..v  *iL'.\NV   ;  Al^.S, 

PAP8:U     FLOIII     .'mAOiJ, 

W  \b.itA.>.li.l'.  Wl-fi 

i«.i  tooMi-r. 

made    allusion 

several     times      before.         She      says 

Tosidei  in  Canada,  but  in  this  she  U  merely 

mistaken,  as  he   lives    nearer   to   her  own  .         ,  , 

horn*.      She    says    that    Bond.-Cneanit,.    .re  glad  Mr.  Edert  has  bten  reuom.nated  f.r  _  ^^^_^^^    ^_^^^^^       _ 

hand-cuffs )-were  better  than  reo'3gnizancc«.  |  County  Tn.-asurer,  and  that  bts  ro-elecUoa  is     ^^^^^^^  ^  r^.<}uaion  in  salarie^^,  he  nrcv<;ntcd 
His  judgmym  may    be  relied  ou,  as  he  has 
tried   both  and   neither  was  able   to  control 
bis  morcments.    She  speaks  of  hla    retreat 
tv.warJs   the  east  in    the  cars,  but   through 

Mr.    O'lieCieinade    an  e    s  Janes    paid    to 'tfdtni  ^   o-r 
i  county    oiflcers.     V»hile    he  waa    unable    to 

Ln:p^:;^:a  ii.  de  forest  &  ca 

The  Hoard  of  County  Comniissioners 
Insured ! 1 1 



L;f«i  insurance  is  considered  \r  some  to 
if  a  line  thing.  Uut  we  have  always  eoi.- 
widered  if  an  iusnrance  eomimny  «»n  make 
money  by  life  insurance  after  pacing  great 
expenses,  tl*e  fcrnon  hiiuself  could  save 
■uioaey  aud  save  the  expenses  too  by  insur- 
ing himself.  But -of  <-«u?s«  this  is  not  tlie 
*;(;«  wh«re  one  person  gets  injured  and 
ttuolher  person  pays  fix  it. 

The  Board  of  County  Commisjioners  have 
teen  insured    for   $y.OOO,  aud   we  presume 
thoy  will  make  uionc-y   at  it,  as  the  county 
cf  Scott  has  paid  the  expeiJses.  The  *'Hoa. ' 
Deacon   Fudge  is  county  auorney  aud  also 
uD   agent    fur  several  iusur^i.-ue  eonipiiiiies.^ 
^2  county  attorney,  he  adv\«e*'tLe  bi>anl  oi 
-connty    commissioners  that  it  in   legal    lor 
ihem  to   be  insured  and  Ibr  Scott  county  to 
jjay  lh«  expenses.     Aii    insurance  sigeiit,  he 
ii/^ei  several    pulieies  of  insurance    to  the 
board    of    couuiy    cojumissioncrs  of   ii*:ua 
county    to  the  sf.m  of  §y,OUO,  at  au.expeuse 
of  f.'l^l.     But  who  pays  ibis  expense  ?     The 
board  of  commissioners  are  i..surtd,  but  the 
county  of  Scott  it  culled  upon  by  the  county 
•ttorcey   for   the    $231,  and    the    people's 
UiWcy  is  actually  paid  to    him.     This  is  an 
outrage   that  ought  uol  tj   be  submitted  to. 
ScoU   coiiniy    cert*  iidy    has    no  moBey 
epare  fopiuauiing  the  board  of  county  com- 
iniscioners,  even  if  it  is    paid    upon  liie  ad- 
-.  ice  cf  a  presumntuou*"  fool.     Upon  lentuing. 
that  so  much  money  had  been  p^id  f»r  such 

of  the  Oytinty  auditor  tyi-the  reason  why 
'     It   appears  "that  at  a  luctnl  naeelv.:g  et   the 
board     of    county     cfmniissiouecs,    J.     L. 
Mac  Donald,   who  is    county- attorney    and 
»l30  an    insurance  agent,  apjvised    the  com- 
miaaioner.n  to  have  the  Clpurt  House  insured. 
It  also  appears    that    t'.i.^    Court   House  had 
been  insured  fwr  two" or  three' Tears  and  that 
the  time  does  net  expire  v.uiil  ui,">iovember- 
Tbere  theu  was,  yy  need  of  the  Court  House 
being  insured  until  ihat   time  was  up.     Ihe 
commissioners  directed    the  Court  House  to 
bt  insured,  but  ciirtaiuly  did  not  expew-t  to 
have  a  double  insurance  at   the  same  time. 
But  this  J.  iL.  AiacI>onald.  «e»inj{    as  iniur- 
•  nce  agent,    prepares  polick*  *'f  inburaiiee 
on    the    Court  House,  commencing  on    the 
bjnt  of   October,  whereby   he  in&ures  *'The 

some  oversight  forgot  to  mcntioa  his  mas- 
terly leap  from  the  cars  whdc  under  full 
headway.  Taking  such  an  advantage  of  a 
sleeping  sheriff  could  hardly  h.ive  been  ex- 
pected, but  the  hacking  ol  those  vile  bonds 
from  his  limbs  was  certainly  commendable. 
Miss  ^pectator  darkly  alludes  to  boffns 
county  orders,  but  we  suppose  she  refers  to 
for^'cd  notes.  The  $oOO  reward  she  men- 
tions, we  Ulicve  is  the  exact  sum  offered 
for  his  Sivfe  return  ta  >iew  Hampshire,  the 
c.iuutry  he-  "left  for  his  country's  good  i"" 
l)ut  the  amount  of  thiit  recognizance,  for 
which  leg  U»il  was  substituted,  was  a  much 
larijer  sum. 

Now,  Miss  .Spectator,  since  you  have 
commenceH  telling  family  secrets,  you  wiil 
not  mind  telling  who  stole  the  Court  House 
himber.     You    need   not    tell  who  stole  and 

eat  widow  M 's  i*ig,  for  that  is  generally 

known.     If  jou   please,    however,  you  may 
tvU  ns  about    .selline    that  land  to    the  poor 

>  be  vaa 
^*be  satr- 

The   Spectator  says   the  connty   paid  us 
$100    for    2,000    Asse.ssor    blanks.     Now, 
Mios    Spectator,   yon  are  slightly  mistaken. 
We    furnished    the    county    2,0'Jl)  .issessor 
blanks,    which    were  worth    $150,  but    the 
county  has  not  paid  ns  anything    far  them. 
These  blanks  arc  just  four  timos  as  large  as 
the   Treasure,  "s    nceipts,  but  they   contain 
aboHt  twenty  times  ns  many   printed  words. 
This  was  about  the    first    'y>h  we  furnished 
the  county.     We  knew    but   liiil^  abmt  the 
valueof  piinted  matter,  !>i>t  in  vde  our  b  w 
gain    with    the  County    Auditor  to  fmui.  h 
that  job  for    the  same  rates  the  county  had 
been   paying   Russell  &    McDonald    duriiiij 
the  winter  fur  county  printing.     W'he;»    t^.is 
job  was  delivered,  lh»  retonls  (.f  the  eouii'v 
were  Pxnmine<l  and   it  was  found    that  lluf- 
sell   &   McDonald    hud    charged  the  county 
$12.50    a  thousand    for    the  Treasurer's  n  • 
ccipts.     The    Assessors"    blanks  were    four 
times   as  large  and  contained    twenty  timet 
ch  printed    matt*.>r  as    the  Treastirei' 

an  attempted    iiiCiCkSe.     It    i<  in 
aasisieti  oy  oiher  coma.'.s3i<*ufcK 
iiig  to   the  county  in  the   poor  lions.;  matter 
uloao  has  been  mit  les^  than  tro   thou.iand 
dollars  a    year      Mr.    U'iiee.e    has     u.ou 
every    occusioi.  aclcd    for  the  interest  of  the 
peupie,   aud    is  entilljd    to  a  irn^iiimous  re- 
election.    On  one  o<  ca.sioa,  when  ^ne  vl  the 
commissioners,  acliiiii   unU»  r  ihe  iii.^piration 
of  llo...   Deacon  I'ud^e,  ailetnpiea    to  .vcep 
the    people  iu  ignorance  ol  wi»aA  they    *'ertt 
doing,  bv  rctusmg  to  huN-e  itu  ir  |.roceediii.,.s 
pubUehcU    in   lUe  Ar^i.o    ai    a  i.i)i|    i-.»'',  r - 
declared  tbal  the  pcop.e  ^.li.mJd    UlioW  '^ii.i 
the  couimissiu.*et^.?    Wttv  »16ln,' »i-"  neuaaio 
pay    loR  i)»uwi*wwg;   uiuu'   pi-.^v;ij>;,<ii  '.i 
self.     Ale    O'ixceie    liab'    ewr  tf*.o>i>i  o,     w.e 
li^ht   and    tiju'^enined    the   wioni;.     .-Jiich  a 
man  is  enlulcU  to  li.e  support  of  ahe  whole 
people,  and    Uie    peop.e  oi    hi.*  ili^triyt  will 
ujiiuf  thems^'lvcs  by  Lis  lo-eleftioii. 



p.- J     133  ..outU  Water  St,  Chicaso..feQM.i»>     &MOeS, 

Ha%^  ^  Caps. 

Dress  Goods, 





Patented  May  20th.  18G7. 

Xo.    4G    l.ake    Street.    Chicago. 

(jTbTbroWn'&^^co  , 

mN»;r\«:TLRirBs  <'K 


The  Broad    Qwge  —  Double  Track 
Sonte  to 

Neiv  7ork,    Boston^ 

And  New  England  Cities. 


Dunkirk  to  New  York  460  Miles. 
Buffalo  to  New  York  423  Miles, 
Salamanca  to  New  York  415  Milef. 

AST)  II  noil 
^^  22    to   27    Miles  the  Shortest    Rou««. 

Alt  Tr»!n«  rati    r.lrtrVr  t:iTonith  t6  N'tw  T»r». 
t^  460    MILES    without    chaug*  ti 


as  muc 


(jerinan,  upon  which  the  mortgage  had  first  ,  ^.^^^.-jp^g^  |,„t  ^g  charge!  only   four  limes  :  Q 

been  given,  and  thus  chenting  him  out  ot 
his  homestead.  And  while  yon  kavc  your  ; 
hand  in,  you  mar  as  well  tell  about  those 
4irmy  shoes,  pant.s,  oliiris,  kc,  for  wbieU  y»)u 
♦'fought,  biel  and  di«d."  You  need  not 
UK- ni ion  the  long  eured  grays,— tkey  are  a 
waUlug  adverlistiBicnt  of  Cucle  Samuel's 
kiMdii«*«.  But,  madam,  pleade  remember  it 
ji  not  sale  for  a  lady  who  lives  i:i  a  .  glass 
iiouse  to  throw  stones.  And  a  lady,  whose 
relations  live  iu  glass  houses,  should  not 
throw    stones   at    her    ticiyhbor-s'   relations.) 

Miss,    throwing 

much.  The  county  commissioners  examin 
ed  the  matter  nnd  found  our  charges  w^re 
much  less  than  Russell  ^^  M<  l».....ild  hid 
been  charging'  the  county  ('.uri:!;,'  the  hl^t 
winter.  Tiiey  aceoniing'y  allowed  our  bill. 
But  the  "Hon."'  Dear  Fudge  had  c-^s^-d  to 
be  interested  in  the  prosperity  of  flw  Argns. 
He  pot  that  shjjgter —the  present  editor  of 
the  Spectator— to  get  up  a  petition  for  an 
appeal  from  the  allowance  of  the  coinmi-- 
sioners.      1  h;it  th:;sl*-r  got  up   the  put'uio. 

Accounted    for- 

The  great .  f.iliii./ oU  in  the  n  pubiiean 
partv  in  Una  t-ouniy  is  accoui.ied  !lor  in  i!.i:> 
wise  :  TLe  rt  puitlK-an  pUuonn  has  bce.i 
publi:.h<.d  every  week  in  ihe  inside  and  also' 

inih« r*.pciiaior,;».|a  iheivby 

C.-.t   repv.b!ie.ui,-  liuv^'iiicmihv'iii.loruiciJ   ot 
the    U'uchin;is  ^l    I'ueir  p.u'i/^  k^i^   ii*v«  tK 
come  diM?l..sleil  «uh  ilmm. 

1,,.  \.:  :,.] 

Mile's  Patent  Bolster  Plates,  &c.,  &c , 
S6£jake        treet, 

hii ,  WBa^  I  CO., 

O  TJ  T  Xii  El  H.  "S" 

.    ep«  :m^  ast  «::  sk:  »«  ^ 
O'tc.         oto-         0"tO« 
«IIAKOPEE.       ITa!.\!\. 


\»  c  ;i.i»rii 


got  drunk,  to  ease  his  conscience,  i.t.-! 
Aiid'.rcaieml»er,  my  dear  Miss,  t''ro^*'"2 1  ^^^^^{^.^1  ^,^^  bis  errand  of  charity  Tin 
stones  at  «11,  is  very  unbecoming  in  a  lady  ,  ^^^^,^^  ^.^^    ukvn  ajid  we    have  not    yet  r  • 

talor,  that    '*  A 

.    •    Will  i;iiBj'liUii;j 

Ca.Siimci'es  &  Ycstings 

3-1  &'!i3  itk^  Stretjt,  C>ica/r3 

C.  Ralvelage, 

Shakopee,     Minn., 

Dealer  in 


4p  i(.^'\  a 

to  I 

!  so  refined  a.s  yonr  own  dear  self. 

Gone  Soiith  for  his  Health. 

If.  any   Indii'S  or    gentlemen  wishing    to 

visii  any  of  tlie  Southern    States  this  winter 

purpose,  we  made  ap^diH-'aiion  at  the  otHce    f^^  ^-^^  heult!:,  there  will  be  no  ditliculty  in 

tlit?Ir  goiii'-'.     If  they Jir«  unable  to  1  (ear  their 
.all  they  have  to  do  is  to  make 


matter    is    now 

ii  for  •^'"•'> 

ccived  our  pay.  The 
court,  and  as  our  bargain  w;i^  lor  sncli  r  i'. 
as  the  county  had  paid  to  the  Argus  during 
the  winter  before  we  lioiight  tho  concern, 
we  now  claim  to  be  entitled  to  $150  instert*! 
of  $100.  The  rate.*:  the  COM lay  li  d  p  id 
during  the  last  winter  to  the  Ar;»ii-%  w  .ud 
give  us  full  o(ie  luw.drvd  and  fifty  d.d'nr.^ 
for  that  jv.b..'OHr  Juries  afTtU'):KSi  nn-v. 
and  111  :w  ^l^g  Spectator  woman  a;id  oi  r 
Uiif  Juries  have  alw.ivs  given  ir  h 
loubt  not    but  they  will  do 

own  expenses, 

application    lOjitlic^iiyMrtiy    commissioners, 

and  they    will    pros^    the   means-     At  tli« 

Sijaember    meeting   of  the    county    bc.anl,  j  Fudge, 

(whose   proceedings  we  published  hiat  week.)  |  verdict-s  and   x^e 

Clemens    Schreiner    informed    the    commls- I  us   justice.  ^^ 

sionerstuat  he  wished  to  Nisit  the  South  for  ^      During   Wt    winter  the    -Hon.     Deaco  ; 
healxii  and  was  unable  to    bear  the  ex- '.Fudge    got    the  co.nm.s.Moners    to    pus.s    a 
The    commissioners   furnished    him  1  resolution  requiring    lH'e    county    uhditor  to 
d   he    takes    it!  get  all    his  blanks  and  printing  done  u.^lhe 
If  any  one  ^  countv.     Of  course  he  did  this  U  JH*  V^^*^ 

prefers    to     Baratuga    instead  of   the  I  it.urJ.t    as  well    as  for  th6  interest  of   Lu  • 
'  _|  sell  i  McDonald,  who  were  then  ihc  own.   S 

But  the  countv   Auditor  I.,  d 



with    the    people's  money  aiu 

and  goes  South   for  his  health. 

ihef^v^r^^.         •;i 

keep  him  fcuff d   .n^r  -'^  '*  ni.s 
life  m  liiebrlety-a-wk  AjgP.i**io:i.i  -Urf  Vioa, 
icmr.i    that   yy  e.<,.eri;):itx-?;  ,We|;,  J^h.i;iy 
dear,  whv,    bn.-n, -lid    VOii   »»<•    s^^J    eulV-l  . 

.VhisLo/will  do  \oursoul   ^^'ood,    tlij.i-li  ii 

may  licklii  tne.  slo.uich. 

LATE  FOItEItiN  xiEWq. 

Fi.oitUNCi-..  Oft.  l.'>  — M  jrning.— fh.5  ruv  j- 
lutiouary  binds  which  eatertf'  UUo  I'.p.i. 
.-Stales  at  ditt'.rent  pjjiUi  o:i  tb;'  i-.a-»,.r  . 
unl  Soullu'iM  ffiVitiiT  h.i\V  er.ij.-nr  J- !  i  . 
I'ro.-inoiie   under  the    le.wl,:' vli;>  |'  ;• 

viarioutdi,  in  aco.>rl.ince  \s\\,\  ^ 
oi  (jcn.  V'!ir*'>'*i'»'-   .  i'«''ci.ljr*;g   ''^'^^-^  •'■"^'''  ' 
;,as  just    beei»  r. -ceiled.     A  i>iiii,.-  ...f 
i;nigUt  ue^r    Vcn».i,  in  ihe  i'r.).i!iee  .j%i' i  - 
S'lione,   l«t,>  •   ii»fi;iU  ii.i  I  volu  11.-   r.. 
and  the  I'oniirieiid  iroop.,,  in  wlncn    tin?  ...-- 
:n.-r    were    vi^.'toiiouM.-     A  cJUi«.>pfraic.  B;iJi/ 
t,K>k  pl:i(?e  outside  lUe  liiw«  oi    V  crOb^   •  1  ni 
i'.m..l  Zoirncs   «ere  imofy     loitie..,    :  i-:.^ 
.„-a\il;t  A^  killed  a..d»  w,...iMk-.i       iw  U.iW. 
oddUiis'l^Vt^-*  !;'"i-  •  ""^   '••  w>in..iio;.      -«_ 
of   the  nniiibi'is  en^iuged     • 

,        V  •»**-;« 
litifS  »''■"'        '  "■■  '"•"■»  IS  ivc.  I  veil  Willi  ;;re 

J".  B^ns?  Bl  Co., 

>!i»»iiifiiftuirr«  f>r 

,  .sri.VKK    ANl->    BTIASS 


ii;  i.  i'l 



%yU   .-tUI.NtJS. 
,     \    .nxU  for   KuV.mi:  4-  CO- a,   anc 

'<  I'l-it. 


. ;  '.X  u  %j:t. 



Boots    &  Shoes, 


Ha  t  s  cO  C  ap  s  J 

—  AND— 

Millinery      Goods. 

A  large  and    well  selected  assort- 
incut  of 

BOOKS    &  C, 

.Tlwar?  on  band. 

From  and  after  Aiiciat  :Cth,  I'BT.  Tr*Jni  will  Imti  NS 
connecttoii  witti  all  >Vcst»rn  Ifti**,  ai  followt : 

From    Dunkirk    and     Salamanca  — 

By  New  York  tinu-  from  Uhion  Depots i 

7.30  AM.  Ixpress  Mail,  fr</m>  Dunkirk, 

(^uiK.ii.v.-.  I  x<  <-|.i>  t'>.  ."Ic'iuiitt  SaUuinniTa  '.^  PO  A. 
M  ,  niifl  r<'!nucrg  at  Hf>n,ellsTni("  nr.^  (.'or'iln^ 
vitli  I'no  iCft  A.M.  Ixi'MsM  Mali  froBi  LvITa!*. 
»ii,l  urrivv  III  Nuw  V'  ik  ct  TUi  A.  U. 

2.35  P   M.   Lightning   Express,   from 

Biilatnuuc;!,  (iruii"iuy>  rx.  i  ptfil.)  >t<r{  »  at  n«r' 
r^lKvllKr-6  25  P.M.,  <?iMi.>  iiitrrdrril)  i!  wllh  tb* 
2.2(>r.>l  tr.tln  fi-oni  UufLklu,  nuU  airlTra  U.  ?•« 
V.nk  at  7. BO  A   M. 

415  p.  m-  New  York  Night  Expreer, 

il>  nt      l>u:.kllV,    (.-IIMlhVS    ••xi-f  |.l»tl).      f  ir;  i    ■! 

^.ii,iiii,i:iM  <;^j  I-.  y.  -.  i  ir»ir  :  sj  i-.  m  .  ^m  t>.)  i 

lliriier'n  9J<6  A.  W.  (BCft.),  illi.l  »rriT»«  l:,  Saw 
Viiik  at  I2;i0  I'.  SI..  C'iiu»*<'tlii*C  wltb  Alt«ir.oc» 
TrniiiK  acH  Sirainria  fur  B.ietou  and  24«v  fciigia«4 

9:50    P.    M     rincinnati  Exf  rcR»,  from  Dui>i 

hlik.  (.<ti)i'!r.t't^  rjcrpttSI).  Mo;  f  at  falamanaa 
II  M  p.  iu..i>i>(l  I'oiii  rclaiii  Il<'riir!l*«lll»  «wb  tb« 

II  Ml  p.  ni.  Trali  from  lufta'ii,  arrlvtcf  lo  R»» 
Yurt.  S.'.S  p.  in. 

From    Buffalo—By   New  York  time  ftro* 

D  |K>t  coi    I  xcliaiigt;  M,id  .Micli'iSan  Stracti  : 

5  45   a   m-  New  Yoik  JJay  Espreft. 

(.-iri.lav-  ft:^, '•l''<'''^.  .-tuiis  nl  liorii»iii«i ''>  •  *• 
A.  v..  (t>kf.>  .  .«n«<iHtliMiri4  2.17  1*.  V  .  .r>;n»",  : 
TurMV  "Si  I*.  Jil..  i«,|..),  an. I  8ni»»«l'i  f<»« 
Y.iiu  1C30  »•  it.  Ci.iim-.m  at  Grrai  l>i\.l  wit* 
D -law  nil-,  l.nckHW.iiiPn  4  AVrstfrti  ('.ft'iOiK*,  ki.4 
at  .lei-sev  Ciiy  with  Mlili  l»:ht  Kxprra*  T -alB  •♦ 
N<w.),rs-v  l:;,l  i-oaU  lui-  I'liilaOelyUlA.  lia.llKor* 
am.  \Vu."!iiii,.;i  ii. 

8.00  a    m     Express  Mail,  via   Atc» 

aii,l   Iloii.illsvi!),    I    S. Miliars  fx»rptM>.    Arr'»«» 

III  .\\w  y.dlf  at  Too  A.  M.  C'uiiKectn  Mt  K  n''r« 
w'th  Noiiru-iii  C<  iilral  Ri«ll«.iy  for  lUntthnrt. 
I'hlla<U'l|>l,iji,  UaitiDiur*.  Wothlii^  on  auu    if.ux* 


2.20   p  m.  Lightning-   Express,  (Son. 

<1hv>  fxci-pieu).  .><nip- ;jt  I|ori|Mi«viilr  ,s.js  p.  i?. 
(Sup.).  ;.ii.l  Jiuivcfiiii  New  VuikT.COA  M.  Co*. 
li^iisiit  J«-r>PT  Citr  wltlt  Mc-rnftij;  Fxprf  f  Trala 
OI  Nvw  .)vi»<y  K.tliriad  fur  Jl.iltin'T''  »  ■'■  Waab" 
lnKt'n,.uiil  ai  Xcw  Vuik  Willi  MuriiliiK  £xpraaa 
Tr;iiii  tor  B<i«toii  aiiM  N<.-w  E.iplinid  CU1»-a. 

6  10  p  m.  New  York  Night  Exprest, 

D.xlI.Y  f-f"ps  at  ror':>si.«.'.5  1  .  M.  (!-t:p  ..  Irtai- 
aectliic  at  UoriicllarUle  wUli  the  4  lA  I  .  }!  Trat» 
fuiiii  I'uiikiik,  *uU  arrive*  In  ^ew  York  »t 
12.30  r.  M. 

11 20  p.  m  Cincinnati  Express,   (So». 

(lil\^  fX>  cjitfl.)  M'>|i-i  Hi  t^n«<Mif  l;(in;ia  7  |j  a.  I<^ 
(bklt.) ;  iiinier'n  1. 10  H.  .\J..  (IJInr.)  and  arrl»aa  <• 
Js,u  li.r'K  ..t  3.25  r.  M.  Cvuiifcts  at  Kin  Ira  wli* 
^<•r•!M•^Il  tViitriil  Hillway  fnr-flarrlithtirg,  I'hl'a- 
itrl|iluu,l<;iUliiii>ri>,  Wuskliiiilon  and  po:.iti  Scntb. 
at  (ircut  iit-iiil  with  Dolawarr,  l.uclcawni>iia  aaj 
W'oierii  Kallronil  tcr  .'^traniiin,  Tm.'.nii  aat 
I  Ijiiaiti-iiihiii,  aiHl  St  NVw  Yoric  witl)  Alirrraaa 
Trail  !>  aii  1  Cjlcaiiieri  lur  UuiluuanU  Ntw  Kng'ia^ 
Onlv  Oii^  Train  i«»t-rn  Pttntlar,  Irtrlnc  Buffal««# 
G  I'j  L:  M..  aud  laacliiiiK  N>w  York  at  12.16  P.  U. 

RosTox   ANn  Nkw   Engi.ahti  pAssiifaii^ 

Willi  tLeir  U.npfriipp,  are  trausrcrrcd  fn«  */ 
charge  in  Kcw  York. 

£ar  To  ple.iauTC  trar«1rri  the  Una  of  Vt%  Sria  tal^ 
way  pr^fseiits  niany  oVJnti  cf  tntrrrat,  paaalnc  ItaietaA 
the  b>-au;iful  vailrys  of  t^e  nieiuunc,  faa^aahaaa^ 
Drlawar,-  an<l  ilaniapo  rlvera,  an  ev«r  ehani'.r.^  pa 
rama  of  nature'a  UaulUa  coiutiianJ*  atlauUoa. 

wrLL.vif  •  fox; 

Tiir  nEfT  Ve-vtilated  and  Mn«T  LrnTi»?« 
ois  KiKKprvii  Coachks  jSat*  IN  THS 
WORLD  "^ssQ.  i*ecoin]tany  all  (uj,hl  Uaih« 
ou  ihi>  railway. 

And  Jure   aliva^s   a$    lot*   m$   hy   any 
other  Route. 

\5S=*  Ask -for  Ticliets  via  ErW 

Which  e«u  be  obUlnr^  at  all  Prinrtpat  t^ckat  CftaM  t4 
^      ,  ...  ,,    1  •     .        f  tUe  Meat  and  ». nth  Waal. 

Jjar  Cash   y<nd  /.  r  all  k>uds  oj  j  „,  riddlb,  "WM.  R.  BAKR, 

Oaa'l  Pa«.  A«% 

Country  Rrodvce.  ""©a 

QeiiT  Sup't. 

1 1 

the  i»eo^*'rt;'s  money 
Oh,  ah 

will  soon    hu  exhausted.  \  (>«  discretion. 

JJ.ard  0j   Ci-untij  (jotniiihstcners  of  bcut  i  Democratic    Meeting 

bouih    for    his  health,  it  is  all  the  same. 

Let  apidicatioa    he  loude' "without   delay,  as  |  ofl^^^ -'^'c"'^- 

^*  '  '•  •  He    could  not    ^'ooututthe 

iiivlhiitg  llnit  could  Ik-  hau  i. 
ithe  county.     But'  v^Ue.i  the    Ar^^'us  chnn;:.-.. 

j  hands,  this  fudge  had  no  luoix-  u  ars  S'.r  .U- 

on     Thursday  I  poor     primer,      ike     was     ni>l     sliaiiii;;     ih' 

^  ^f  ,1-. 



tounly  Iu  get 

ii1«,'  "  1  lie  iii-ws  is  ivc«  Willi 

i'.MUa,  Uet.j.a.y—,,.1.  IS  r.-pjried 

-..iiCliilon  ol.  aii»tM>:;iii''i-'t      i' '■'■  ■ 

Ijcoia!  cri,ic  ,1  ih.;   i^;<(»pvi  v...i 

and  talie   iti'u..:'' .M    t> '*^ria     ..  •      , 

b  'cn  (.tiered  au  »>viu  .i       ..,,....,  t 

<•  i'.ttjjx-.'.ji'  j«»-j»ii'»tri  h»iw:^''< 'leci- 

i  i  ili   4a 


A  (>  (> 

mmi  wm, 


-DEALRR    IX — 


County   a^ainsl  loss  or  damage  ^<y  fire  on 
their  three  story  brick  baildin^,  ^'v*'<^  and 
occupied  by  Vitni  as  a  Court  ilouae."     No*v 
ih«;  absurdity  and  fraudulent  of  tti^s 
insurance  will  be  manliest  when  we  consid. 
cr  that  the  Court  House  is   ihfe  iiroperty  of 
Scott  county,  and  not  of  llw  idurd  of  com- 
tnissiouers.     Scott  county  i*  a  public  corpo- 
ration,   and    as  such  is    the  owsier    of   1t»e 
Court  House,   and  is  capable  of  conlr;-.i;Ling 
end    being  insured.     But  itsa  t^rr:   coininis- 
aioneis  that  are*»«iTcd,  not   th«s  County.— 
The  coDCHSsioners   have  no    moie  ti^le    to 
the  Court  House  than  any  other  tax  payers. 
If  the  Court   Hcuse  burn;;,   the  county  caii"" 
cot  recover  undtr   these   policies,    becausj 
Scott    county    is    not    injured.     Insurance 
companies  will  not  pay    -.-'J.OOD    when  they 
'  can  avoid  it.     Scott  ccanty  could    not  sue 
the  insurance    cfunpunies,     because  .^cott 
.county   is  not  insured.     This  all-wise,  the 
♦*Eon."  Deacon  Tud^o,  of  course  knew  ihi.-. 
Tbo  fraud  of  this  maUer  is  *vldcnt,   when 
we  consider   that  be  was  actiuij   for  the  in- 
iurance  companies.     Insurance   companica 
would   rather  iasue  bad  policies  than   good 
once,  then  the)  are  sure   to  have  nothing  to 
pay.     The    uU-wise— llifi    •' Hon:'    Deacon 
Fudge— of  course  will  not  plead  ignorance. 
He  has    taxeu    $231  from     the    tax  ridden 
pe'oplc  upon  a   bo^us  insurance.     He   knew 
be  wua  doing  this.     Of  course  the  insurance 
companies  pay  hiin  well  for  looking  to  their 
inlercEt.     But    the  fraud  will  appear    more 
manifest   when    it    la  considt-red   that    the 
inaurancte     will      be     void    also,    becansc 
there   is  a  previous   insurance  on    th»  eauie 
property.     This   fact,  by    the  very    terms  of 
the  new    poHcifS,  makes  the  new  insurance 
void.     The    Coitft    Uouse   is  described  as  a; 
three  story  brick   building  ;    but  it   is  Hot  a 
ihrea    atory    brick     building.      The    maiq 
building   has    two   aloriea  of  brick   and   a 
Blone  baaemeut  story,  and  the  wings  whcra 
t'le  Treasurer'*  office  aud  oflice  of  iiegiater 
of  Deeds  are,  are   onlr   on»  atory,  with   a 
b.iseuent.     Tbi«i  would  render  the  insurance 
good     f.,r  mtbing    if    thvr.*  wtr«    no   othrr 

ic  couid  take  an  aiipeal  Irois: 

Uh  :    Finl;:;e  ! 

Information  for  Miss  Spectator. 

-  y 


Evening-  |  proHl-s  and  so 

■  ■  I  the  printer's  bill 

0*1    last    Thursday  evening   a  very  larpo 
and   cirthubia.siic   Micdlng    was  held  at  tlie 

-Coyrt  House,  to  hear  an  address  from  llor.        ^^^    ^j.^^    Spectator;    you  are  :  »««»siaU.  .. 
'Hv.  W.  Phelps.     Only  a  short  noiice  of  the    ^^.^.^^'    ' .^^^    commissioners   netA"'Hllow.-> 
meeting   Lad  been  given,  a:;d    we  were  sur- 1  ^^^    bills  at    any    one  uie  tin-!  i^^'ceedi.i^ 
prised  as  well   as  delighted  to  see  the  Court,  ^.^^^^      yy^  j^^^y^,  pros».'nlt-d  bills  to  tin-  u^xiu 
Iiouse  well  filled.  I  ^i^j^ioners  at  onlv  two  of  their  incHtngs  — 

lie.  Phelps  wade  a  very  able  and  eloquent  [  ^^^  commissioucrs  have  allowed  our  bilL 
address.  He  conBned  himself  to  the  living  |  ^^  ^^jj  ^^^^^^  ^^  ^^^  amount  less  than  $:,o<). 
issues  of  the  present  lime  txisti  ig  between  ,  ^,^'^^^^  ^^^'^  ^^j.  ,j^^,^^.  ^UoNvances  th^  ll.-ro'of 
the^  Democrats  and  Radicals.  Wis  speech  |  ^^^  ^^^^^^  ^.^^  Hy„.  1>.  Fudge  j^roeuivd  the 
was  well  received  and  created  a  '"a'"'^^  I  ^pp^^^i  to  be  uken  The  payinont  for  the 
inipresiion.  He  spoke  an  hour  and  a  quar  \  p^,i^i-^.^^iy^  ^f  ^j,^  tax  li.,t  and  financial 
ter,  and  kept  up  the  interest  of  the  larj^e  ,  ^^.^j^.^^^^t^  ^^^  commissittncrs  nothing 
audience  all  the  time.  !  to  do  with.     The    rnt.  s  tur  such    printing  is 

i  fi.Ked  by    law  and  can    be  neither  more  lu-r 

I'riiv' -^'tiMi'i  i!ii.iv.i».iji«'ii|t  i.ii'-iier. 

...  I    ,i<"44^>lll.ia'      tJ.H-!»iM!l 




THa  htm  iw 

SOI.::  .Kill'. 

miT7<<*»f.'T5r^»<'Kl  &Cl/..  WMj^.s^ih-  Prnsgi^ 

n  '^  n't      fi'-    .,"  '   \f'\  '-■  i'-^  .t»''itttr  Bia. 

CHI  J   GO. 

Aflcr  Mr.  Phelps  closed,  a  chll  was  made 
for  Mr.  liinds.  Mr.  Hinds  begged  to  be 
excused,  but  tl «  audience  refused  to  excuso 
him  and  kept  up  the  niU.  Mr.  HifiJs  de- 
clined, but  the  call  was  still  kept  up.  At 
this,  up  jumps  the  **  i/on."  Deacon  Fudge, 
ai.d  moved  an  odjournincnt.  The  motion 
was  promptly  voted  down,  and  the  call  for 
Mr.    Hinds   renewed.     But   Mr.    Hinda  still 

less  than  the  Urgtil  rates. 

The  county  have  had  nearly  all  thvir 
printing  done  at  home  this  year,  ami  by  so 
doing  have  saved  nearly  one  thousand  dol- 
lars. But,  Miss  SpecUtor,  this  thousand 
dollars  we   have   saved    to  the  county,    }ou 

.    ■'-  ,,;,  ..v.n.>.i  vMin    -laty. — 

otil    wfth  iiii  article  'I 

.....4..  ^.K,■r..!n.■ 
^...  . --      '• ::— A'--^"'^* 

(.•■.iiiioues    i'l-  ■■ 
viiiiiualuiU's    ii" 

i.iwn  ot  ^i>e{>ai«'    '•    '    -■    '  •'.' "'.  ■  ■    '' 

I  nv  mice  tintre  »enn«i  ilicu-ici^t  •>?  •*•"'  •*•«*** 
iii,''amVal  ot  Oviiec  ii.iuds  to  i.»crta»o  Uic;i 
iiinnb«*r.-i  sullieienil;  Iu  eaaukrrt|iprti  U»  tuiKe 
a  tarther  aovnnce.  j 

P.U!i.-<.  Oci.  Ik— Tl»«  Mihiitiur,    ill  it.  1.-.1  j-|      Y<|       T  )  O     O 

iiioofthis  nfhrniiig.  as.iePis  fhii  lite  i.inal.i    I  \       |l        S^f^'fenn     iff    \  .(\ 
Lots  of   R6mr  1.11(1  th.r.ip.l  l^.vi.i-.^-  I  U.    U     WJUl/ilDliU    Q*    UU  *  ; 

I.ival  to  the   Pope,  iimt  oidv    "4'-<>'^-*      ' 
to'drive  the  Ita  i;in  iiivad.  r,  iHm  iti. 

1         Fl.O»tM!'i     '-'el      il  —.l^■\>'■■1■■■"V 
\  receiv.-d  hero  of  ti^..        •  .  i 
I  lorees  aud  the  Oar.oui....  ...^, 

.iiv    coutUctiijc,    anU     It    k,-, 

*hicli   side  is  mo9i  s^c  ei.-»t,.l  i 

eotinvr-i.  .  j.-  . 

Paris,  Oct.  IS.  efv-««ijq— ^1 1.     . 

,1U  morning    cou  a..,^  u..  cJnt...  u    ^"•-"•'-'  '  -  *>  «  ,  w]    ^4-  WnU'l^ll     \V0 
ihat  the  iuterv-niion  ol   tr.iiK;e  u  ln•c.•s^a^y  |  O^  d,lltl    Ort     •  »   tl'*Jtl.^il    -.V  \  t.- 

Dry  Gcods, 

Boots  (t  Sliocs. 

Hats  aii'l  Taps, 
Orockrry,  cf'c, 

Sale  of  School  Lands. 




16  aii4  36 






16  .-itiil  ?.6 



Iti  atifl  .''.6 






16  at)  1  SS 






IGa"!  3« 









f^"  Tlie.  hi  nil  HI  I  price  jiatd  for 
Country   /'/-odi/cr. -^^a 


wn  crKM.Mis.i<).\ 

Nottc*  13   hereby  given  that    the    nnsoi<l 

IniK'.H  in  tie  !•  IlowiMB  meiitloreil  School  SecHon*  In  tfca 
cour'iv  i.r  .«,  ,  tt  atirl  .«t  t»  of  MlnnfS'ita  will  be  cr<  r»a 
at  riihlli  .-all- at  '.tie  Trt-HsurerV  ( -ffl.-e  of  aat.l  Countj-, 
111  till-  towiM.i  MiHkov.e'-.ou  IKIUAY.lUeMtli  day  of 
OCTOHI  K.  lOoVlock,  A.M.  Tit  : 

Kane  of  To«-n. 

New  Marled. 

Crf-lli  hUer. 

("eri<ir  La>.8. 

f  prlPK  LaVa.!eCrcfck. 


Pavirt  Crftk. 


hrlii'  I'ialrf. 

Eaii.t  Lawrfuee. 

No  laii'U  w-IIl  h-j  boM  for  iPsa  than  five  doilara  per 
lero,  I'lT  lo«H  tlinti  Ihi'lr  .ipprajRail  ralue.  ^^chi^l^il«■a 
kIi«w-!iii!  lilt- piiriiiulnr  dptu  riptloii  of  favi  Inn, !k.  their 
alilira!*-"!  vnlui-  uml  friiiK  ol  i-ah;  cai.  ho  f,>unil  at  tha 
CHI   ty  fi-..!  atid  tt   t!,f  aeveral    pott   offitcB  ta   tLa  , 

•'•illtiihcr  UrJisufllrleiit  payment  will  be  r^qntral 
at  the  i»in»'»)Vt1ie  i>tiTch.iff  in  iii'lentnlfy  the  M:ita 
iroiii  l•.s^  i,v  th»-  «tniipinK  "1  the  timber.  On  vra'f'" 
l.i;i>l«  ciilv  Olri  in  ptr  cei  t  of  the  purihane  tnont  y  '•111 
(>i>  ri-qiiirc>l  <l<>wii  »t  the  tl  iitoi  the  late.  I  ii  encli  ra-e 
the  l.ulamiMM  the  M,ith»»i-  inoiiey  ivijial'ili't:  du"-  ran 
!•<•  I  ai  !  i,t  a!.\  i;ii  c  lh')-'iilt<'r.  iron  tlii:e  t  i  tin,*, 
withl'i  iwctin' -.<'»r»  atlh'>  o|, lion  of  rlii"  I'Urchufi  r, 
with  ill  ri-st  In  Mil^aiici- at  the  rati- o(  seven  per  cent, 
l-r  am  uiii  !i>  the  t.'rat  of  day  «tiiie.  !£«»;  and  tuLUallr 

a.  I'uul.  Mluucaou.  Sopt.  lOV'-^l" j„,j,h .^n 
ii36»t  Coninif6bloneT&utcl.aDJofl!ca. 


I.)  !<  ive    Italv  froiii  rivuluiMMi  juid    atiareliy 

Flo '.h-NCt',    ('ft.    1^. —  i^fi'',JfreeiMee.l.s    oi  j 
volunteers   are    beiii;^  rv.t.T"..i{o,l    in     Kraric«*  I 

uiid  .Spain  for    the  del -us\i  of  the  Pope,  tin 
have   orrl^e/  in  Koine.     \Vh  m    hs' 



c-uinot    have  ;  you  are  not   entitled    to  it. —      _  ^ 

You  know   you  did  not  pay  your  taxes  until  Ihe.trd  fi-oiu    (ien-.M.  ilar.b-ildi.  wil 

persUtlng  m  1.13  refusal  to  speak  at  a  meet-;  ,hpui>aud.  tax,, titles    bought    ^■r*^>}\  tbree  uudi-r  hi,  eo.nnn.n: 

ing  tilled  for    the  purpose  of  hearing  a.:o-    '^^J;^,^  J^.^^l  th,it  .to'ie  hou,e.  -'-'  '  '  ^^-^''^  ^'"''  ^'^''''^^'^  ^'  ^ 

ther   gentleman,  Major  Murphy    was  called  ^      .^^^  ^^^   ^^^^  ^^;j,  p.^,^,;^)^  ^^^  pr(K«^din^« 

upon,  and  he  hayitig  declined,  the  chairman    ^^  ^^^  commissioners  for  iweuty-Iivc  cents  a 

uuwounced   that   the  meeting    would   stand    ^^^.^      ^^^  what  g..od  would  it  do;  you  ad- 

adjourned.     No   one  left  the  meeting    until  |  .^  ^  xuomcxA  of  frenzy,  that    l>e.HAr 


HUrBAKB    &  -CO.. 

N  E  W 


l»eal>  t!)   iU.;y  ' 

thid  unnouncement  was  made. 

We  have  given  the  elpsing  proceeding's 
of  the  meeting  iu  fell,  because  our  cotem- 
pornry  has  given  a  false  statement  concern- 
1  ing  the  same,  if  the  editor  of  that  paper 
t  was  present,  of  course  he  knew  bis  itate- 
ments  were  false.  But  we  suppose  he  mado 
his  false  statements  upon  the  aulhoril^r  of 
"Hon."  Deaco.T  Fudge.  He  has  never  been 
known  to  be  guilty  of  telling  the  truth. 

cr.its  aud  Ilt^publican  idike,  refuse  to  Luie 
the  bpecuitur,  and  that  more  Kcpuoiicans 
ibau  Democrats  rcfuso     No,  matlani,  a  few  still  advanci'ig.  ^      j 

iMti?,  Oct.    !«• — J&  ftTrefilK    ,  ;.•.  .i 

o;'   rra'isports  and  irt»it' el;i-ls  ;f    i   '..ii    h,i> 
air -.luy    received  tc  '  ..   !  t  iioaie, 

b'ai  '{he  dep   .^  e  exj)otliuon 

hits  not  been  atinouin'cd  "  ' 

Fi..>r.j:y-;i:,    Oct   !.■«',    ar--"ir.r.-i.— Tri^r^" 
ol  iCi.ii  VicUJr  iJiUHuuel   an;  ■'Jvitl  5v.11  1     • 
ami  j*ravi;nt,,all    ■         ■  ;    vho 

Cotton   and    Flax    Duck, 


a;i  truths  ar.J  welKl.'i". 

cotton;  f  .ax.  & 

O'  i»iTy  »leicrli>tlnn. 

TBj:r3,   Xv^':;:^d^;   Witao.v  (.'ovrnt.T,    Fr.AC.", 

Cor.  rirst  and   Lewis  Street*?, 

Sliakopee,  Minn. 



Tin  Ware,  & 

The  underalsnelliaa  opened  a  new  PtOTlrion  >tora  r>% 

W)i>rab«  In  tenia  kear-Uig  a  eeuer.-il  aaaortmtnt  of 

Groceries    and    Provisionf, 

At   p-lcrs  R«<  I'.w  a«  any  ta  Shakcpae-and  a»  f^ 
artKte^.    4a~  <>!»«  n»^««»"- 

GEO.  n.  SPBNCaW, 

p.  S.-I  will  enileevnr  to  keap  nn  haua  a  conaiaa* 
auupiy  of  liri-en  tJrucci  iaaaotl  t'oaltry. 

O.  IL  I. 

iliv  lor.ress,  am*  j(ravi;nt, ,  ,-«        ■        ri 

,-.,..„     ,  huve  lue  auiwarurft'- "of  lw.V.,1)  ;  '.l^ri   "Tnt- "^J^^-^.  ^•'^^^'  ^^^'^*^^'  ^"'^'''"^^ 

Botohead  DemocKiis  and    wcak-mindtd  Uc. .  j^,^,  ^^    OP^,^, ^  .,,      vr*...v.rietr  of  siojifha-uirr^Gaoia, 

publicans  are   j-our  only   supportori.     It  is    tj  imni  try     it  u  i:rpjrw  I  .  >_;  I'u  p  »!■  ,^05  ^^  ^O'gf  ^outh  .Water  St.  CbrcagO- 

cheaper    to    print  the    proceediiiifs  of    llie  ;  f-r  inf-urjeetion  wiitn.a    tin* 

w  the  Argus  »l  seventy-five 
dollars  a  folio  than  in  the  Spectator  nt 
twenty  five  tents.     The  whule   people   rend 

-?5^  R'^palring  neatly  and  prompt- 
ly executed. 


.    .  ,        .  .  ,     r      '  has  been  exp'^-ifcd  aud  t'.iat  tlie  le.eiors  have  i 

corumissioners  in  the    Argus  at  scv.nty-five  ^  ^^^'J'^^^J^.,,!^^   ,rn«Ud   and  tiirown  iatu 

/TJ-^Vt     :*VK  Tl!3  UlWfSr  »I  -CK   IN   Till;  WE.ST. 



J.  K  RBBD  &  CO. 

\Vhu!esale'rs  in 

the  Ar^ns;  it  is  a  favorite  in  eve. y  family,  j      CoiiPARK   the  crowded    co  utnna   of   the  j 
iar  Remember" SI'l^^aTDToiocratic  '  you  may  Uke  our  Webster's  I  «»uide  of  tha  Argus  with  tb«  «P»-H«ff  «^- , 
MeoTn.  at  the  Court  House  .hi.  eveni.ig.-    Unabridgod   Dictionary  .0  sec  what  -^crops  _  rerusement,  «  Uie  ««««"^«J>f  »•«  ^P-"*^''  j 
General  T^ormau.    Hon.   Amos   Coggswell,    out"   means;  but  we  have  not    much  confi- ;  Compare   the  large  amount  of  choiearead-. 

Hon.  A.K.   Maytiard   and   J.J.  E«aa  will    d  aca  of  scui^g  it  we  remember  the  ■  iag  malUr  in   the  inside  of  the  AnE«3jrith  ^  g,^^^jj,j^,|^,^.jj3j,^y.g  <g^^^ 
addre»  the    meeting.     Rcaencd  scat,   for  ,  long  eared  gray..    You  .nu.t  ,iv,  ^.euritr  |  the  d.a^^^^^-«^^^^^^^^^^  rep*^.i  in  ^  ^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^ 

tl«  ladies.  h:  '<•  rt*»nn.,  ,   ,    '  .    • 

mi  imm. 

Merchant  Tailor, 

-    FiMT  Stber?,  Shakopkc,  Mi5v.     I 

A  new  and  splendid  stock  of  Clft- 
ihjne,  Cloths,  and  Oci»u'  Funiiabing 


—  AND — 

Billiard  Hail, 

On  First   .Street,  noarlr  opposite  the    Flist 
National  13auk,  Sbakopce,  Minn. 

W.  L.  GRANT,  Proprietor. 

Thecbolceal  tVlnea  I.innaraand  Cl«ar».  Freah   .' !», 
p..ri»-r  anil   l.aiter  Deer,  alwaya  to  be  Lad  at  the  Uai  .- 
AI*".  I.ntich  at  any  h<»iir. 

MontaDj,"  and  pleasaati  atxy  «p4rtueuta. 

at  the 

g^T  Glothin?  mada  to  oHer. 
ShaWtiTM.:  H%nk  Ut%,  IMT. 

mm  wmim  hah. 



FlMT   SiRKET.  Pff/iKOPES,    MtSfS 

Jort  fiimirfied  with  tw^.nMr  "  rhpl.m  l^il 
larrt  T.-»M»'«-"  Ora'era,  ka*«}1iUS,  SeltlcT*.  PWiF-.. 
rtr..  aerva<tatanyh»ar.   TbeBar  will  olWi-r* '."■  «" 
^iteil  irttk  the  ehaloint  tvtnes.  lt(inar«  a<;l  Ctjar». 




,<      -  ■»    ■>* 

tJbc  ^habopee  §«9U5 

By    HKNHY     HI 


Democratic  State  Ticket. 

For  Govfiitor, 
C.  E.  FL\NDUAU,  of  Hennepin. 

For  Lieutenant  Governor, 

^.  K.  MAYSAPwU,  of  Le  Sueur. 

/•or  Atloriity  General, 

k.  Q.  CHAT  FIELD,  of  Scott. 

For    Secrttwy   of  State, 

AMOS.COOGSWELL,  of  Steele. 

For  Titaaurer. 

JOHN  FRIEDRICIIS,  of  Goodhue. 

Erie    Railway! 

Vol.  6. 


No.  46"^ 

Scott  County  Demoorutic  Ticket. 


^VM.  llENUY. 

Rtphter  of  Deeds, 

FiiANlC   MoiUlAOE. 




Ju.ig''  of  Probate, 

L.  K.    lIAWlvlNa. 

C^unfr/    Snre-yor, 

VCjI.  a.  fllleu. 



CoJrt'j/  Co.n-nfjJ.'or.^/-— U^  District, 

UllAIiUlvS  Ki:NNHFKrK. 

CouAtjj'  Coaim-iJfo/Kr— .VA    District, 

The  Hoard  of  Coonty  Commissioners 
Insured  !!J 

fiiults.  Of  course  the  all-wise— the  *'  Hon." 
Deiicon  Fudge  knew  he  wu.s  giving  a  false 
deicriplion  ol  the  properly.  But  he  was 
acting  ns  an  iniwrdfiee  aj,'ent.  We  trust  the 
Graud  Jury  w  11  look  into  this  matter. 

Miss  Spectator's  Brother. 


'  The  county  comini-jiioners  liave  l«'cn  in 
session  this  wei-k  for  the  purpose  of  inakini? 

\  an  cxamiMution  into  the  eouniy  treasury 
and  eouuliiig  the  funds.  This  year,  a-s  ia 
jears  pa-st,  they  find  everything,'  in  a  sali-- 
factory  coiuiiiio:i.     There  is$l0.ilti3  in  ca-.i> 

Couuiy  CoHiaii3sion3r  of  4l1i  l;ijtrici.  i        ^''^^"^^''^^J^i^l^^^i^^Ji:!!^^ 

~  HART,Abf):Ni:Ca 

Daniel  O'Keele  announces  hiaisalf  a  can- 
didate loi-  Louiily  Cuiunii.>4iv)'i>.r  of  4lh 
Dijuiet,  conipo.-H.-d  of  bprin^  Like  and 
CV.lai  l.^.ki.-.  Mr.  D'Kurle  is  nww  the  able 
coiuuiissijuer  from  lli-i  Du^trit^-t.ttud  h.-ivini^ 
been  eleeie  i  to  till  a  vacancy,  he  hus  faiiii- 
to  ih.-  iniere.H  of  tho  couuiy 
li»e    iirsl   o!li -i-il    "d    Mr. 

MiiiminctU'i-FS  of  anil  DejliTB  In 

P.  GeyermanB, 



The  Spectator    xvoman  in  her  last    issue,    in  the  treasury  belonging  to  diff.reul  Innds 
writinjf    under    the  alius  o(   Calvin  Eds.n,     of  which  §10>0   are  in    cold-,  hat  good,  -U  . 'J.^  ^^,.^,  ^^,/^^^    lo  examine  in:o  .1.,   Poor 
makes  some  very  awku-ard    allusions  to  her  ;  fushioued    Democratic   niuney.      ^''''S '^^^  l  y^^^^.    f^^^,      ^.,j    i,«  .^.^    „in,,,if  i.un.e- 
who  ran    away    from     New  i  year    Mr.    Ederl  has    taken     up    »>9.?fH    "«!,.,       .„ .  . 

l'ost.:r  brother,  who  ran  away 
Hampshire  some  year.?  ago. 
mad«    allu.nion       to        the      same 

She     has '  Scott 

tiialelv  al    w.fA  to  thar  tlie  p<or  house  of  a 


it-   i-LAl'.-^.  WO'-iw^  liUNNV   i  Ali.S. 

PAPS:«     FLOtll     f^Atiio, 

\V  M.i-.A     1  ..!■.     M  I  1  .      "    i  toi..-.!.r. 


The   Broad    Gauge  —  Double   Track 
Eoute  to 

Neiv  York,    Boston, 

And  New  England  Cities. 


Dunkirk  to  New  York  460  Miles, 
Buffalo  to  New  York  423  Miles, 
Salamanca  to  New  York  415  Mile». 

Asr  IS  moW 

>5^  22   to   27   Miles  the  Shortest   Roul«. 

. ,,, 

All  Tra'ns  niii    Clre.-t'y  tl-.Torgt  to  N^w  T«r», 
4®-  460     MILES    without    ch»n|»  •/ 


several     limes      before.         She     says     he 
reside*  in  Canada,  but  in  this  she  is  merely 


Llf«  insurance  is  cotisiJered  Isv  some  to 
Ve  a  tine  thing.  But  we  have  al-vays  ecr.- 
nidered  if  Rr.  iusurince  coni|Kiny  can  make 
money  by  lit'---  iu.-oirauee  after  pacing  great 
expenses,  tiie  ^cnon  hiuiself  could  save 
inoscj  aiid  save  the  expenses  too  by  iusur- 
in»  Limseif.  But  of  <.-eurse  this  is  not  the 
cr.i«  *b«re  one  periou  gets  insured  and 
».uolLer  person  pays  for  it. 

The  Board  of  County  Commissioners  have 
l-ecn  i.isurcd    for   $y,000,  and   we  presume 
luoy  will  make  mu:uy   at  it,  as  ihe  touniy 
vf  ^JCCtt  has  paid  the  expeJiscs.  The  "Hoa. 
D::acon   Fudge  is  county  altorney   and  aUo 
».n   r-^trit    for  several  insurance  companies. 
^2  county  attorney,  lie  advises' tJie  board  ol 
ccnnty    commissioners  thai  it   is   legal    lor 
them  to    be  insured  and  for  Scott  county  to 
Y&y  th«  expenses.     As    insuranec  agent,  he 
iastiei  sover-ii    policies  of  insurance    to  the 
fcoarJ    of    couLly    tommi-i^ioncri  ot    Scoit 
sounty    to  the  aum  of  $t),000,  at  an  e.\peuse 
of  $:'3 1.     But  wh'..  pays  this  expense  V     The 
loard  of  coi2im;ssioncri  are  i.isur.d.  I>ul  the 
roar.ty  cf  Stott  i*  called  upon  by  liie  county 
Mtorccj    f^r   the    ^r.l\,  and    the    people's 
^-.oncv  Is  actually  paid  to    bin*.     Tins  is  an 
cutrige   that  ougUl  not  u   be  submitted  lo. 
£-otl   couniy    cert;  inly    has    no  moufv   to 
epare  for  insuring  the  board  of  county  cora- 

hand-cuffs) — n.....  w^.,». „  ^ 

His   judgment  may    be  relied  on,  as  he  hai  ,  sure 
tried   both  and   neither  was  able   to  control  j 
bis  morements.     She  speaks  of  his    retreat 
toW.iTds   the  east  in    the  cars,  but   through 
some  oversight   forgot  to  mcntloa   his  mas- 
terly   leap   from  the  cars   whde    under  full 
headway.     Takinj:    such  an  advantage  of  a 
sleeping  sheriff  could  hardly  have  been  ex- 
pected, but  tlie  hacki:i-r  of  those    vile  bonds 
from  his  limbs  was  certainly  commendable. 
Miss    .-■pectalor   alludes    to  boffus 
county  orders,   but  we  suppose  she  refers  lo 
forged    uotps.     'I"he    §.J00  rcw;ir«I  she  men- 
ti,>n&,  we    Uiiove  i.^    Ihe  exact  sum  olfered 
for  his  safe  return  lo   New    Hampsliiro,    the 
country  he    *Meft  for  his  country's   good  ;" 
Uut   the    amount   of  that    recognizance,  for 
i  which  leg  bail  was  substituted,  was  a  much 
lar^'cr  sum. 


county   orders.     Tnere   appear  .   be '--y;;;^ --;;-;;■;- J^  ^/^f  ^^^'Vw' l'^  t;""; '''''"•  I  BOOtS  ^     Sli08S 

aks  in    our    county    ;'-e-J'-^     ^^ ';'|^  I  ^^;^^^^  f.,uii...  ia  which  they   were  adopted  ,      UbVA)UtU_Walcr    bt.J.hlCU-O.     |  £^V^*^  ^     WtiO^,3, 

and  Uie  county    relieved  of  their  ^iijpporf.—  j   ,-^      ,,      ,    p    f;^])  I^v^^'i'l     t.    pi\    1  -,-„  -.       --- 

Mr.   0'H.eciV  made   aneflorl   lbr4.ucethe    [j^    H.     L 1-J    1  vJlVLO  1     C-    ^'^*  I  ^AQi^iiJ  Ht  OCIPS. 

Dress  Ooods, 

other   counties   have   lo^t 
county  hat«    lost  notliin,*^ 

mistaken,  as  he    lives    nearer   lo   her  own    cannot   be  retained   i.i  «mce  too  lou,^     '^'''^  ^  ^^^^^.-^.^^^    ,j^,-,,        jj    ,^   «o:ne  ol    o.r 
home.      She    fi-ays    that    Bo«d.-(meamnif  ,  are  glad  Mr.  Ldert  has  bten  renominated  f.r  ^  ^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^      ^.,^^^^    ^^^  ^^   ^^^j^,^    ^^ 
were  better  ihan  recognizances.  |  Couniy  Treasurer,  and  that  his  ro-electioa  is 

■  •*- 


Now,  Miss  .Spectator,  since  you  have 
commenced  tilling  family  secrets,  you  will 
not  Hiind  telling  wlio  stole  the  Court  House 
lumber.  You  need  not  tell  who  stole  and 
cat  widow  M "s  1"-.  for  that  is  gcneral'.yr 

The   Spectator  says   thu  county   paid  us 
$100    for    2,000    Asse.ssor    blanks.     Now, 
Mi.,s    Spectator,   yon  are  slightly  mistaken. 
We    furnished    the    county    l',0:)0  assessor 
blanks,   which    were  worth    $150,  but    the 
county  has  not  paid  us  anything    for  them. 
These'  blanks  arc  just  four  times  ai  large  as 
ihe   Treusurei's    r.  ceipt.<,  but  thoy   contain 
about  twenty  times  as  many    printed  words. 
Thi.s  was  .I'bout  the    first   job  we  furnished 
the  county.     We  knew    but    liiil.!  a!)  )at  Ihe 
value  of  printed   matter,  but   inideourbtr' 
gain    with    the  County     Auditor   to  fuini  h 
ihat  job  for    tho  same  rates  the  county  had 
been   paying   Russell  A:    McDonald    durmij 
ihe  winter  fur  county  printing.     W1ip:i    t-^is 
job  was  delivered,  lh*«  leconls  of  the  conn  y 
were  exaniine<l  and   it  was  found    tliat  Rus- 
SL'll   &.  McDonald    ha<l    charged  the  couniy 
Sl'J.oO    a  thousand    for    the  Tr.'iisurer's  r  • 

county    uinccrs 

procure  arevlnttion  insalarierf,  he  tircventcd 
au  attempted   iaci^.^se.     It   i<  tru  ',  be  va.-, 
aaiisieii  oy  o.her  coain.:-i3iaucr."5.    The  aav- 
i.ig  to   l!.c  county  iii  the   poor  hunse  mutter 
uloao  iias  been  not  les^  than  tro  thousand 
dollars   a    year      Mr.    Uiiee.c    has    u^ou 
every    occ;;8loi.  acted    for  the  inicrest  of  the 
people,    and    i.i  en!ill.-d    lo  a  Uuai.inious  re- 
elcCUou.     On  one  o«  cii.->iou,  when  one  of  the 
conimissioaeis,  aeling   under  the  inspiration 
of  iIo>..   ivcacoti  I'lid^o,  aileniiiicl    lo    .Lcp 
the    people  in  i^norancof  they    weiu 
doing,  by  refusing  lo  liave  lli-ir  proceedings 
pubUBhud    in   luc   Ar„uo    al    a  uii^  /■•'•^■» /'^' 
declared  luai  the  peop.c  si;..ula    Uliow  Mh.a  ^ 
liie  couimi.-si;...iT.^    wt  ic  i!oii._'  if  !•«■  ii.»a  u.  | 

pay    lor  puoi^aumg    vii' n"    pi'jc^vv'i'i^   

self.  ^V.  U  i..ceie  li.iS  ever  tfloO-i  O,  u,e 
li^ht  ami  coiiucmned  Oie  Nvion^i.  .'icli  a 
man  is  entiiicU  lo  li.e  M.pport  of  ih.-  whole 
peopie,  and  Uie  peop.c  oi  his  di|.irict  will 
ujiiur  tiainsHlves  by  I. is  le-declioij. 


Patented  May  20th,  18G7. 
Ko.    4o    l.ukc     .Street.    Chicngo. 


(J.  B.  BROWN  &  CO, 

MlMf  >>Vl  RrRS  .'F 


'    U    K^      f*Z   M 


ccipts.  The  A>sessorH*  blanks  were  four 
If  you  please,  however,  you  >»«>*  I  ^5,,^^.^  ^s  l^rgc  and  contained  twenty  limes 
t.-U  us  about  seliin?  thai  laud  lo  «■-»*"  l^^^'^  1  ^3  much  printed  inalt«r  as  the  TreaHurt-r's 
Oennan,  upon  wl.i.-h  the  mortgage  had  first  ,  ^(,^.^-,^^3^  ^„t  ^g  charged  oaly  four  limes  :  q 
been  gixe:i,  and  thus  cheating  him  out  <^' j  p^„^,],  The  county  conwni-isiv.b'rs  exatnin 
his  hnnic.tcad.  And  while  you  bavc  jour  ■  ^^  ^^^^  ^^.^^^^j.  ^^^^j  "j-^j^^jj  „„f  charges  w^re 
handii^  you  may  as  well  tell  about  those  j^^^j^  j^^^^  ^^_^^^  j^^^^^,,  ^^  M..|,..„..ld  h'ld 
army  shoes,  pant-sshiru,  &c.,  for  which  you  I  ^^^^^  ehargin-  the  county  during  the  h.M 
"fou/ht,  biel  and  di.;d."  You  need  "O^  |  ^.i„tpr.  They  .-iccorling'y  allowe.i  bill  • 
in>ni  ion  the  long  fa.-ed  grays,— they  are  a  |  j,^^^  ^j^^  "Hon."'  D-ir  Fudge  had  c-as.;d  to 
walklug  adveriisomcnt  of  Uncle  Samuel's  |  ^^  interested  in  the  prosperity  of  tlw'  Argu-. 
kiudi^st.     But,  madam,  please  remember  it  ,  jj^    ^^^  ^|^.^^  shi/tler—iUe   present  editor  of    f''''»M  '•'•'''■ 

ACL0unt3d   For- 

The  great ;■  laijing  oU'  in  th<-  r.  publican 
partv  in  una  couniy  is  accoui.ied  ior  m  i..i.i 
wise  :  Tl.e  n  jutiiKait  plaiiorm  has  been 
published  every  week  in  the  insulc  and 
in  ilic  01.  «iQt- '••  iLrOiKCiHlor^f^ikd  iheivby 
tbc  rep'..b!iean.-'  iiav^'4ivc«»ni.>=:n.loruiod  »a 
Ihe  leachin-s  ..i  il.cir  I'.rty  and;  nave  b.:- 
coma  dis;ili.-iled  willi  liieui. 

Milo'3  Patent  Bolster  Plates,  £cc,  &c , 
86£jake        treet, 

hiL_^iLi:^iLU  CO., 



O  XT  T  Xj  H!  IFL  "S" 
oiic.       oto-       etc. 

From  artiJ  nfter  Jlnnit  ;C!h.  l«eT.  Tr«!ni  wT.:  ]••▼•  m 
courif ctloii  wit li  Hi!  'Wcstfrn  Mn»»,  ai  fo!!oiri  : 

From    Dunkirk    and     Salamanca  — 

By  New  W^-k  fiuii-  fVf'iii  L  nioii  I'ppcUi 

7.30  AM.  ixnress  Mail,  from.  Du'.kirli, 

(t>uiiM;iy>  (X><-|.1><'>.  .'-(■'jWHl  S»liiii)iiii<<a  T"  CO  1. 
W  ,  n\\i{  r<>:T>irirg  .-if  H'-'i-nt'.l'iTlII^  av,?  C.r'.ln^ 
Willi  l!i-  S'.Kl  A.M.*  M»:!  flum  iiutrnl*. 
iiii'l  univc-,  111  Nuw  V'  Ik  i:t  '.  mi  .\.  «I. 

2.35  P.  M.   Lightning:   Express,   frcw 

t>.-i':i'.11:iliCii,  (.'-Uii'i:i>  ~  i\  ip;>-i'..)  M'  ;  i  It  !!'>». 
tlcll-vUlf  ?>  2At'.  M..  (.-"li;-."  iliflKTlii  ^'  v>ll^tll• 
2  2i>  I*.  M  tr.ilti  Com  Uuflalt/,  »ua  «iTtvrt ::.  5«w 
V.rrW  Bt  7.WI  A   M. 

415  p  m.  New  York  Night  Exprtsf, 

l|.  H)        I'UI.kUl.,     V.ilfUH>S      <lll  f  flfil).        Mfj  •     si 

H«I.iii:.i:«.i  CO  I-.  y.  ■  (  Ir»ii  :  S5  I-.  M..  ,■>!  I..)  I 
l«rii-i'|i  H.'xi  A.  W.  (Klift.).  nTi.l  prr;T»i  i:,  S«w 
>  <«i  k  at  I2;;0  1".  M..  r-iiniftliiit  witb  /tteirac* 
Tr:<';ii>  «i:'l  Sirainria  for  linstou  ana  >rTr  bii|iaM4 

0:50    P.    M    Cinciniinti  Express,  fron  Dun^ 

htik.  (f  ti)ilr\'»;  pj(rp(«*l1.  Moj  i  at  Saliiiana* 
11  .'.3  |i.  111..  t.Ii:  <  r;ni  ft  It  at  II.'riirlU«|i;i,  wr.b  I1>« 
11  :*  p.  m.  'Iraf  .  frum  luffa'c,  »r.-lvla|  ic  ^•• 
Z:.i  V.  I 

Vuik : 

\>.  til. 

G.  Kalvelage, 

Shakopee,     Minn., 

Dealer  in 




io  not  safe  for  .i  lady  who  lives  i:i  a  .  glass 
iiouse  to  thruw  stones.  And  a  lady,  whose 
relations  live  in  glass  houses,  should  not 
ihrov/  stones  at  her  neijihbors'  relations. 
And  remeinU'r,  my  dear  Miss,  throwing  ^ 
stones  at  xiH,  is  very  uubeconiiug  in  a  lady  ] 
!  so  refined  as  your  o\rn  dear  self. 


ypcctatur — to    get  up  a    petition  tor  an. 
appeal  from  the  allowance  of  the  coinmi 
sioner^.      1  h.-.t  th'.aler  got  up   iho  petllio 

xD'.s.ioners,  even  if  it  is   paid    upon  me  ui. 
-.  ice  cf  a  presutrjptuous  fool.     Upor.  Icaruing 
that  so  much  muuey  had  been  p^id  for  such 

Gone  Soiith  for  his  Health. 

■rot    drunk,    to    ease  his    eonscieneo. 

:  iheiiisid,'  ufthi;  last.  i>^c   . 

Ca.^simcres  4  Ycsting.^ 

.J."    a  UOT.M.ILE, 

3"   Like  Street,  CJici/TD 

o'  : 


the   iH^ifn|SV— :v^n-h;.^    sh.iL 

started    on    his    errand    of    charity      Tin 
appeal  was    taken  and  we    have  not    yet  r  ■ 
cclvcd    our    pny.     The     matl^-r    is    now    u 
court,  and  as  our  bargain  was  for  such  rn    s 
as  the  couniy  had  paid  to  the  Argus  during 
the  winter    before    we    bought    th.}  co::ccr.i, 
we  now  claim  to  be  cnliiled  to  Sloi)  insten'! 
of  $1U;>.     The  rates:  the  cow^ty  J'  d    pad 

if   ft   will 

I'     .Hi,   f'l 
ij.p  hiiuxuiv  :    >         .  •  ».i'Jipu-Ajjiia 

iiie  oi"  iiiforiety  a  .-♦  d>i-r.  Luu.  .  '<  Urf  v'oa. 
icar.i  that  ^>y  e.i,.cfij:u-e  ?  Web,  J;>h...iy  whv,  ui.-n, -lid  v*iii  »>ot  sifty  cured.' 
.'.' his  .ey' will  do  w.ur  soul  good,  ihj.i-li  ii 
mav  uckle  Ine  slo.nich. 

'.iiei*  it  Ge. 


>IaiiHfiict\ii<T«  or 


If.  aiiy   Indus  t.r    gcnllemen  wishing   to 
visii  anv  of  the  Southern    States  this  wintir 
.-4  purpose,  we  laade  apjdieaiiou  at  the  ullice  '  f^^.  ^j^^,-^  htall!:,  there  will  Ijc  no  dilliculty  in 
«.:' ihe  cyuntv  auditor  fyr  the  rea.son  why. —  |  tln^irgi-in^. 
it   appears  thul  at  a  recent  iueeli«g  '-''   '^<^ 

loard     of    county     cummissiou  .^^ ,  .       ,  . 

MacDoaalJ,    who  is    count)-    attorney    and  i   ,„a  ji,,.,.    ,vill    provide    the   means.     At  the  ,  and    kn  ;.W.  ll^>pectal..r   woman   .i.. 
»l.oan    insurance  agent,  advised    the  com-  U,,„,„;i,,r    meeting    ol    the    county    board,  j  Fudge.     Uur  Juries  have  alw.iysgixen  .r  •• 
mUsioner.-.  to  have  the  tituirt  Housc^nsured.  ]  ^^j^^se  proceedings  we  published  hist  week.)  j  verdicts,  and  ve  doubt  not   Dui  tii  •} 
It  also  api)Lars    that    t'a.J   Court  House  had 

If  they  uie  unable  to  bear  tueir  1  during   the  last  winter  to  the   Argus,  w  .u  d 

ake  I  give  us   full   one  hui.dn  d  and    htiy  nolnr.4 
Onr    Ji.ries  are    l*'):iest  rm-.  . 

',d    lit  r 


eli«g  ^'t  il^«  [  own  expenses,  all  they  hjive  to  do  is  to  make    give  us  full   . 
lers,    J.    L.    .,j^,j,n^.jjiiy,i    i<j  ;the,coWy    commissioners,  j  for  that  job.. 

will  do 

W  M'iiritJ'.. 
./wf/  li  "  ; 

Clemens   Schreiner    informed    tne   comuils- i  us   justice.  ^ 

sioners  that  he  wi.hed  to  ^isit  the  .South  for  1       During    la.t    winter  the     -Ho..     Deaco 
his    heahh  and   was  unable  to    bear  the  ex- 'Fudge    fc'ot    the  commissioners    to    p.^s    a 
The    commissioners  furnished    him  1  resolution  rciiniiing    tfte   county    ai.d.loc  to 
•  •     money  and   he    take*    it!  gel  all    his  blanks  and  priming  Hone  mlhe 
and  .-oes  South  tor  his  health       >.•   =...v  ...ip  ^ouniv.     Of  course  he  did  t^-r  ,h»--H 


with    the    people's 

teen  insured  fyr  two'or  three  yeari  and  that 

the  time  does  not  expire  ualil  in  >uv.;mber- 

Thtre  Ibcu  was  py  need  of  the  Court  Hou>e 

being  insured  until  that  time  was  up.     Ihe 

commissioners  directed  the  Court  U  'use  to 
!:.»  iniureJ,  but  ccriaiuly  did  i.ot  expect  to 

have  .-i  dcubie  insurance  at  the  same  lime. 
But  this  J.  L.  MacDonald.  «utinj(  as  insur- 
ance tgpnt,  prepares  policiee  ef  insurance 
en    iLu    Coi.i'.  Uu'.ie,  ujuuncncing  on    the 

tirat  of   0c4ol<«r,  whereby    he  iuaurea  ''The  j  ^..^^..m. 

Jhard  Dj   Couniy  t'oumiixnanen  m\  Stoit  i  Democratic    Meeting     oa    Thursday    puu 

!  the  I 

If  anv  one  ;  couniy. 
south    for    his  health,  it  is  all  t!ic  same/ 

as  wi  11    a.-  for  ihfj 

he  interest  of   Ln 

prefers    to    vi.>it     Saratoga    instead  of   the  |  interest 

'  _]  sell  i  McDonald,  who  were  then  the  own.   • 

,.      .        ,  1        •.]      .    1  1   ..      .Infll-e  \r'us.     But  the  county   Auditor  I. .d 

Let  applicaliou    be  made   without  delay,  as  j  0'  "-^  --vie"- 

tilt  j>ei>iiie's  money  will  soon    bij  exhausted. 
Oh,  shame.' 

County  against  less  or  damage  by  fire  on 
their  three  story  brick  building,  oina.// and 
occvfiud  by  t'uni  as  a  Court  Uou&e."  Now 
ibe  absurdity  and  fraudulent  purpose  of  this 
insurance  will  be  manifest  when  we  consid- 
er that  the  Court  House  is  the  projierty  of 
Scott  county,  and  not  of  die  Jjoard  of  com- 
Tcisaiouers.  Scolt  county  is  a  public  corpo- 
ration, and  as  such  is  the  o«ncr  of  the 
Court  House,  and  is  capable  of  coulr.'.cu^;,' 
end  being  insured.  Uut  it  is  lire  comniis- 
gioners  that  areia^urcd,  not  ihe  County.— 
The  conciissioners  have  no  moie  l^^le  to 
the  Court  House  than  any  other  tax  payers. 
If  the  Court  HcUiC  burn;;,  the  county  car- 
rot recover  undit  these  polieiet,  bccaus.- 
Scott  county  is  not  insured.  Insurance 
companies  will  not  pay  .'J.OOO  vihen  they 
can  .-woid  it.  Scott  Ccunty  could  not  sue 
the  iasurauce  compt-nies,  because  Scolt 
county  is  not  insured.  This  ali-.vise,  the 
"Eon."  Deacon  Tud^e,  of  course  knew  ihi.-. 
The  fraud  of  thii:  mailer  is  kvident,  when 
we  consider  la  was  acting    for  the   in- 


oo  discretion.  He  could  not  go  out  ut  the 
eouniv  to  i^et  anything  that  comd  be  nao  i. 
1l,e  couhiv.  Uut  vUic.i  llu:  Argus  chang.- 
hands,  ihu  Fudge  had  no  mole  l.ars  tor  .i  e 
puur  jirinlcr.  lie  w;ts  nut  sli:iii-.g  in 
prolit.■^  and  so  he  could  lake  an  appeal  Ir.-: 
the  printer's  bill.     Uh  1   Fud-e! 

On  last  Thursday  evening  a  very  larco  | 
and  enihusiaslic  «iceiing  was  held  at  tl.e 
jCourt  House,  to  hear  an  address  from  Hot'.  | 
'W.  W.  rhelps.  Only  a  abort  notice  of  tl.e  I 
meeting  had  been  given,  a:;d  we  were  sur-  | 
prised  as  well  as  delighted  to  ?ee  the  Court, 
House  well  filled.  I 

Ft.nREVCE,  Oct.  l.>— .Morning.— rh<)  ruv  j- 
luliouary    binds  which    enieiv'  lt«e    i'..p  .■ 
.-Stales    at   pjinti  o.     th*    Kaso  r  . 
iiid    Southern  fioili.  r  li.iec  e'r,^j,nir,ilel  : 
iM-o-inonc   under  ihc    IcJoi  ;'.U;)  ).:'    .iV;  -.  '  . 
viarioaldi,  iii  accor-hincc  .viLi  lu? 
officii.  Out  »ai  ij.  . 

hvc:Bng.— Iv'kciiliig   iicws  .ro.i. 
:,aa  just    Ui!ei»  r.ewikeil.     A  Oiiii..-  •'.i^  :-■ 
lOiiifUt  near   Vern.i,  in  liie  l'r>.ince  .i^i' ■  > 
S'i4on.-,   belH'C  M  ih  •   li  ifio  ii  ii.i  i  voiu  lo-   ■• 
:i:kI  ihe  ioniiiiii.ii   iroop.-..  in  wincn    liv  ..■•■ 
n,r     were     Vteli'       .V    *U!.>pela.i-    li^.i 
look  pbice  oHisidc  ine  iow«  !'..    V I  rob.   •  I  "•- 
i.*,ip,.i   Zo.rivc.-i   «er<.*  batily     li.  nu-..,    :  ..~. 

;,uvily    i;i  kjUed'  wo,.ii.lcn       in»»U^»«i 

Olld;jU.s1r)^t.'   Uille   .    a.l.l    I..   «ou..:l....       ■' _:^        ^^^  , 

roi*-rti*  JllvAfl'of  the  numbeis  i"H»f  *»„i'.7r.4      i|-|  <^ 
.    \\A<m  sii'lf.  ■  llic  ii«  >v.,  isr.-ct  i.ed  ivUii  grc  i. 
;r  joicing  by  the  p.-opie  liere.  :      ,  , 

t,uaaiua.<»l.  nii'iii^'p-.i"'-'-""*     It.niu     :i«<.  ., 
1  lieoiu;  criiic  d  ih.;   fc'v)w  ivi.I'.h   ,.    i...    .  ,, 
!a  id   take   itf-.-"  i'» 
b'cn  ». tiered  au  a-viu  .i 

Paris    O^^-    17— A;   a 
.'loU'l,    tlie   i'.ni,"  .••'!•  |»«' -.-1 .1..-,  n.i«:>-s  iieei- 
d  d'lh'il  Frtne":^:i.»...o  uii.iv-.ii.i,wi9f  i.ii-iier.- 

•  •-,    .(a     s,  •♦'■.•>^ir  iI'iiI'    tHiMt  iin.i.l     ij.nsiloii 

.,  i\.},i  VI  ilil     ■  taly. — 

;     \.  rrii   .111  .iria-:.'  .  1 

:\\:s  .-i!;i.Ni;s, 

■.    ,uu  for   K^VJiit:  4'  C^f'^,  :i"^ 

,■    .    :     ,    .-:;  ,,  1-:  ,,  ,,. 

Viu'l,   (;hi<':tg ) 


B  o  o  t  .s    &  S  h  o  e  3  , 


Hats  cO  C  ti  p  s  J 

—  AND— 

Millinery      Goods. 

From    EuCalo— By   New  York  tira*  fro* 

D  iM'i  11. 1    I  xcluiiict  H.'il  M'.^!:'.t»:i  5tr««H  : 

5  45   a   m.  New  Ycik  JJay  Expreii. 

(.-uti'U>.s  tx.  •■[.■fO.  .-'ll;.^  i\t  liorii»iii«  v'lie  t  i4 
A.  M..  (I.'...)  .  ?H4,|,i.»iaiiiia  J.i:  1'.  V ..  .rin*",  ; 
'I'ur..  "^  75:.  I'.  XI..  (!M.|'.),  »!i'i  arriT^alM  ^•■• 
Y.>r!i  ICoii  e  M.  Cc!Mu-.tii  at  Orriil  l>n.l  w:t* 
l).|:i«aii-,  l,.ncl-iiw  itir-:i  4  M  rjt  HI!  Hs"!  1  PRf',  fcl.4 
at  .lfi>cv  C.iy  wall  Mil!,  tplit  K»v>r»»«  1 -aln  wf 
><w.I.r>  V  lij.l  i-ooU  lur  I'liilaJHtliU.  l>a.H«0T« 
aiK.  \l  jjliin^ii  11. 

3.00  a    m     Express  Mail,  via    Arcs 

an.l  Mo:  i..llsi  till  I  S.iinla»5  ixit-r"'1'.  Atr'^*» 
111  Niw  Voik  m  7  till  A.  M.  CoiiiiKctii  >tt  K  n''ra 
w'lli  Noitr:iin  C- i:tr;il  Jtiill«.-iy  for  Itanltfinrf, 
rhU.i'U'l|.lila,  UaitJDiurt,  IVa^hiiig  (>D  aiiu   p«:bM 


2-20   p  m.  Lightning-   Ezpresi,  (Suq' 

iia\ -.  f  xci  p;eii).  .>-i.']i- .|i  ll'iii.ri  av-il"  n.?."i  P.  B*. 
(.>-U|i.).  ..I..;  .iiiiM.'siii  New  VwkT.fOA  >i.  Cof 
ii»iis,it  JiTxyOity  vriili  M'-Ttiliip  Kxyirf  5' Trata 
01  N.  w  .lL:y<j-  K.>tlr''art  for  It.iliirifr*'  «•  ■'  WaaJi. 
Ink't  "11. ■■■>'<  .1'  New  Vvi«  wilb  MoriiiTiK  £xpr«ta 
Triiin  toiHo^ton  and  New  Eiiclniil  Ch1»-i. 

6  10  p  m.  New  York  Night  Expresf, 

1"  \  II.Y  hf-)i>;  .It  l'.,-M-,-  <.'.5  1  .  M.  (i-cp.  ,.lrt»r- 
t<fClii>e  ;it  ll"riicllavil:e  with  tlic  4  :.^  I  .  }!  1  ■>» 
fuii.i     [H.i>kiik,    »ui   arr.vca    lu   ^lew    Voik  %% 

11 20  p.  m  Cincinnati  Express,   (JJo 

(Ki>>  rx>oj)t>'il.)  ."■(••;■<  fi  ^u«<nif  iitiiKia  ;  Ij  4.  M^ 
Cbkll.)  ;  'luri:ei'»  1.1"  I'.  .M..  (I'lnr.)  km!  arr!»«a  !• 
N.w  V..i!i  .0  3.i5  r.  .11.  I'viiiifilsat  Kin  !ra  wUi 
><.p!if-rii  Co'iinil  Kiliw.iy  f<tr  HarrlKb'ng,  i'bl"*- 
<to]|ili;a.  II  liiliiii'rc.  \Va<itinii;loti  and  po;i.ti  Srntb. 
n'  lin  al  ll-iiil  wii!i  nijl.marp,  l.tti  l.awp!!na  •■« 
IV.  Mcrii  Kallr-'it'l  lor  Sir.iiiion,  Trpiiimi  ••! 
1  hiia.liliihi.i.  aii'l  at  Nov  York  wltU  ,^(•.frr••« 
'i'r.iti  !>  ail  I  bteaiiierf  lor  liJBluu  fttiU  New  Knt'ibBj 
Orilv  611^  TralTi  ^ast'-.'i  Pnn-lar,  Iravlre  Piiffaiaa^ 
C.l'j   1*.  M.,  aaaicacI.iiK  New  York  at  13.10  1>,U. 

Boston  and  "Sr.rr  Kngi,avt>  pAMiysiSi^ 
with  their  Bagg.igp,  are  trausrcircd  fi  tt  •/ 
ditirQ-r  ill  New  York. 

fS"  To  ple.MUTC  travflrr*  Iheltn*  oft^aSrt*  t«^ 
way  presents  many  oVJf<  ti  f  f  Ijiterfil,  Via»a1ti£  thieta* 
the  i>.  aii'.irul  vrlleys  of  ttic  Cheiii.inr,  ^'u»fu•ha••^ 
I>rluwar<'  an'l  Katiiapo  r^vera,  a:)  ever  ctiani'.r.g  pa 
rania  of  uaturc'a  biauU^a cooi'.iiariJt atttuUoa. 

A  largo  ant   well  selected  assort- 
ment of 

BOOKS    cl:  C    , 

alwayp  on  fcnnd. 

Tiir  nE.'T  Ventilated  anp  Mn«T  Lrnrnr* 
ocs  .'-I  HKprv.;  CoACUKS  Z^  IK  THE 
WORLD  "^3  uccoinjiany  ail  iiij,hl  U»ih# 
on  ilii.'<  raibv-av. 


K    Wll.LAlt  »   Fi)X, 

liealci  III 

«7     '. 



i\t\  .St  lee 





Information  for  luibs  Spectator. 

No,    Miss    Spectator,     you    are    iui.-.laK<.. 
again.     The    commissioners    r.eV»il''allow.-i 
our    bills  at    any    one  me  ling;  .JSCeedi.i^ 
$2U0.      We  have  jireseiited  bills  to  the  coin 
,  niisbioiiers  at  onlv  two  of   ih'ir  meetings  — 
lie.  Phelps  made  a  very  able  and  eloquent  |  .^,j^^_  commissione'rs   have    allowed  our    bill., 
address.      He  confined  him.self  to  the  hviug  ,  ^^  _^j|    only  to  an  amount    less  than    «oJd. 
issues  of  the  present  time  e.xisiiig  between  ,  ^.^^^^^  ^^^'^  ^^j.  ^^^^^^  allowances  the  Heroof 
liie  'Democrats    a!id  Uadicals.     His  sp.cch  ^  ^^^^  i\^a\u  and   Hon.  D.  Fudge  procured  the 
was    well    riceivcd  and  created     a    marked ,  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^   betaken      Tie    payment  for    the 
iliiprcssion.     He  spoke  an  hour  and  a  quar  '  ^^^^  ^^^^^^.^^^   ^j.  ^j^^  ,,^^    jj^,    ,j„j    ii„u„cial 
ter,  and    kept   up  the  interest  of  the    large  ,  g^.^j^.^^^,,,^    ^^f,  commissioners    noiliing 

audience  all  the  time. 

After  Mr  Fhelps  closed,  a  call  was  made  ; 
for    Mr.  Hindi.     Mr.  Hinds  begged    to    be 
excusiH],  but  tie  audience  refused  to  excuso  j 
him   and    kejit  up    the  call.     Mr.   HinJs  de-  ' 
c'lined,  but    the  call    was  still    kept  up.     At 
this,  up  jiioips  the    -  Don.''  Deacon  Fudge, 
ai.d  moved   an    adjournment.     The  motion 
was  promptly   voted   down,  and  the  call  for 

h    nrintm::  is 

fixed  by    law  and  can 
less  than  the  legal  rates. 

The   county  have   had    nearly    all    their 
I»riuting    done  al  home  this  year,  and  by  so 

c    II 
oaribaidMi'.'S    Ui.N>    ta^S'r*'  .1 

i..wn  of   Ni-cohi  ;«"   ll'C   f«»p-o  '  '■•'^•>  '■•- 

\  I  irv  Uare  enire  leinwl  llje.dseivi  a,  .wau 
l.i.'an'lVa'i  ot  oJnr  li.iuds  to  i.ici-  lae.l 
ii:unb.»rs  sutlicieiuiy  lu  eaaotw-LlivtU  l-t  m  iim; 
a  turther  advum  e.  j 

P.vui.s,  Oct.  17. —  fhe  .Moiiir^ur,    in  it^  !.■»- 
sue  of  this  nif>rniii^'.  ass'-ns  fim  ift«.'  iniaiii 
lants  of   U6me  and  tht:  i'aptl  provi,ie«v. 
lovttl  to  the    I'ope,  ami  only    lu^.o  n.^      i. 
lu'drive  the  Ita  iiu  iovad.  r.-,  fl^uf  th 

l-'l.Oi.tSl';',     Uet      i  I  —jVfi'j.'t.i  ;".r^-     1.  ;     . 

reeeiv.d  i>ere  of   tigi.ts    !»;:»■.>•  j.i' tr.<-     i'   j' 
lorees  ami  the  liar.oaiili.aia,  tw.i 
aiiti    II    v>  dl 


;^^  Cash   yaid  f  r  all  kinds  of 
Counlrif  I'rodhCf.  -^gj 

mm  mimi 


— DEA1.KII    IN"— 

Drv  Goods, 

Boots  ((:  ?]iocs. 

Hals  an!  <^'aps, 
Crockery,  d'G. 

»^iid  Jorc   ahca^a   as    loxa   mi   hy    any 
othfr  liuute. 

^2^==*  Ask  fur  Tickets  vij,  trW 

tl'hlcb  can  be  obt:i'.Meil  at  all  Piinrtpnl  T<ck«i  CSMt  Vtf 
tLc  Wcit  auO  Si'iith  Watt. 

II.  RlDDLiC,  MM.  II.   BAHR. 

Gfi.'l  «up't.  OtB'l  Paa.  A«% 

Sale  of  School  Lands. 

Notice  is   hereby  gircn  that    the    nnsoU 

lani'..!  in  tlie  l-Ilowltie  inenllorej  School  S?ect"oii»lr  if 
cMiirov  of  .«. .  tl  iiTi.l  «t  te  .-ir  ."*IInn»-!tnta  wi;i  be  cr<  r»1 
■it  I'liij'ir  ••"iil'-at  ;hf  'Jr<-itKurfr".<  I  W.-e  of  aal.t  cuuntj-, 
ill  till-  towtioi  .>'li,ikoje''.oii  U".lt>AV,  tUe  asti  Uay  o' 
iKTOIII  It.  IPf.7.  at  lOoMi'ck.  A.M  .▼:!  ; 






KsTT.e  cf  'roTrn. 




N*^  Markrl. 




Cri-lU   rovei. 

!6nii>l  .?6 



('Ml.»r  Ls'..o. 

lli  anil  .''0 



fpilrK  La'-a. 

\li  uli'!  .".<> 




16  ail     36 







Pai:fi  Crftk. 

IS.r  ■:  3« 







Brlii;  I'ialr*. 




Ea;;.t  L.-iwrriice. 



SOI,::  .v«;i'.% ■r>«,  !!•.<>.  k!  *  (-'1.  Wti<.'is:i!i.  Drn?gi~: 

CHIC  00. 

3.  D  Jacksan  ^  Go . 

f^^  Tilt  liifili0pi  price   juitd  for 
Coinilrii   I'rudute.  -%s^ 

m  wmm, 

No  laiiil*  «-IIl  i"j  soM  for  I'^sn  than  five  dollars  por 
nerc,  MT  I'KH  tliii'i  thi'lr  .-ipiiralssd  raliie.  ."^clit  Ii.ifi 
slinwiiii:  I  III-  p.iriiiuliir  (lf»<  ripllou  of  »aVI  !ai:'!s,  ti.eir 
iiji|ir.i!s  -"l  «-aUi>-  UMil  friiiK  ol  Kuh;  cai.  be  f"Un'  st  tVi» 
c'U  ty  n„t  and  at  the  tcvvral  pofct  (>  Jc  iL* 

o.  lai;Js(iUffl<feiit  payment  will  be  r^qn^r*! 
at  tl.e  tlinrnltlir  funh.!*'  t..  ii..lenn.|fy  the  ."t^its 
1,111.1  l■•^^  i.v  the  strliipniK  ol  tl!*-  timber.  0:i  i.ralr!» 
l.iii.l-.  I'liU  fi!"  I'll  jier  cei  t  of  tlie  piinl.ase  im,n<  y  will 
iii»  nnnireil  .lowii  at  III^  tl  iif  Oi  the  "BI^.  In  I'ntli  ra-e 
lite  t.alam  <•  <i!  tlif  M-iiban-  tnoii«-y  n-ijiali  li'K  dui  ran 
i<-  I. nil  ;.l  .11. \  l.i:  c  Ili'riaUiT.  frf^ri  tUi.eti  tiuiC, 
wilhVi  iweiin"  •. <'iir-  allli'-  i>i'lloii  of  n.e  i.uirlo<ii '. 
uitlijil  ri->l  III  a'l'alici- at  th«- lute  ol  sevm  per  Cf  nl . 
!•.  T  aui  uiii  lu  Hit  erst  <  f  day  «ui.c.  l£6g,  and  tut-uaUr 

St.  I'aul.  Miumaota.  Sept.  lOth'.H'^o  tt  tj  .-tt 
('MAS.  .McTtHAiTI__ 
ti3fi  5t  Con.mlfibloctr  Statw  l,.iiil  C'u'C*. 

Jftnfirl'.  s' 

to  do  wivh.     The    rat.  s  fur  such    printing  is  j  .t,..,    cunthcin;,,,    anU    il    i^ 

be  nciiher  more  m  r  [  *liien    slue   is  inu.^i  sac  es«lv.l 
eouir>*r-'.  -i*-  • 

Paris.  Oet.  !><.  e»<<«a?|— -il. 

!.yn  roMAtisio.y 

.KL      ■    IN 

NO  i '  1  <  > N 

N  E  W 


doing  have  saved  nearly    one  thousand  dol-    M  .s  ive    Italy  fron,  .■..v.,iu,Hv,  ;.n.I 
"  ,•       ,  J         l-iouNCt.    ^''"1.    1^*. —  .<er.|  (ivenifiils    ot 

lars.     Uut.    Miss    Spectator,    this   thousand    J^^^;^  ^^^    i,^.;,,^  ,,^,^u^,,    ;,     Kmre^ 

arance  companies.     Insurance   companicB  ,  ^j^     ^^^^^j^  renewed,     liut  Mr.    Hinds  still 

dollars  we    have    saved    to  the  county,    }OU 
c.mnot   have  ;  you  are  not   enlillcd    toil. —  morning    cou  a..w  lui  e-liioiTU   argnag  I  p'O  1    T.!    W.^  K-l  s:]l     A  V'O 

h:»t  the  intcrv  niioii  ol  tr.iiKc  u  IltM.•.•s^al■y    O^djW^i    0-±    'ttl'Jel.^il    -  V '4  V- 

I.'     IVrtti;     l'i.\  I  illlll,,*,    :illit      Jitiart'iiV   . 

and  .Spain  for  the  del  ii.-.'o'ot!  ih'o  Hope.  unV 
inatiy  have  nni.ei  in  Ui.iue.  When  hs: 
I...  ....I  I'.'.i.t    (4..I1.  isl    (  wilu'i'i- 

would  rather  issue  bud  policies  than  good 
©acB,  ibtD  thcj  are  -uie  to  have  nothing  to 
pay.  The  all-wise— iha  "  JJonr  Dcaeon 
Fudge— t;f  course  v.ill  not  plead  ignorance. 
He  has  taxeu  £231  from  the  tax  ridden 
pe'oplc  upon  a  bo^us  in.surance.  He  knew 
be  wtis  doing  this.  Of  course  the  insuranec 
companies  pay  him  well  for  looking  to  their 
inlercEt.  But  the  fraud  will  appear  more 
raauifcEt  when  it  la  considered  that  the 
insuranote  will  be  void  also,  becanse 
there  is  a  previous  insurance  on  the  saaio 
property.  This  fact,  by  the  very  terms  of 
makes  the  new  insurance 

persisting  in  his  refusal  to  speak  at  a  meet- 
ing called  for  ihe  purpose  of  hearing  ar.o- 
ther   genllemaii,  Major  Murphy    was  called 



0«.;i.  I-    ill 

&  c; 

You  know   you  did  not  pay  your  tax^  until  I  .e.^.^u^^^^^ 

Che    heroot    a  thousand    ta.V;litles    bought    ^..^^^d  irrKici.i.g  li.e  v.c.nit  ,■  ..,  ll.Mni  ^ 

your  potato  patch  and  that  btoiie  house.  ^.  _^  j,,-„  a-ivrtneivg.  ;    ,.-    .     ^      ^ST^^ wiifc^«»^^ 

Ynii  luiv   VOU  will   Dublish  the  WlKeedilliSl       i^.via.    U<^1.     18 — \i   i,  .-   itit.-d   li.s»  lleol       '^-'  ■*"  .„ 

upon,  and  he  having  dedin-d,  the  chairman    ^^' ^^^, 

announced    that    the  meeting    would   stand    ^^^.^      ^_^^  what  g.od  wo.ild  it  do;  you  ad 
adjourned.     No   one  left  the  meeting    until  ^  ^.^^^^  .^^  ^  moment  of  frenzy,  that  'Demu- 
tl.ii  announcement  was  made.  :  ^^^^^  ^^,^    Republican  alike,  refuse    to  Uie 

We    have   given   the  closing  proceeding's 

You  say  you  will  publish  the  |>riKeedin;:S  I      i^A^jia,  y^l.    1« — \i  i, .-;  i.tit.-d  ii.s»  lleoi 
commissioners  for  tweuiyiive  Cents  a  1  of  transports  and  iro:.  cM^   r  Truio.i   h,i, 

!.'a!rM.dy   received  ordrr      '  -i  It  liome, 

h..l  '{ho  aetu;\l  d.-p.ifl...r:   .':    L.e  exfxjdmoB 
has  r.o'.  bce!i  aniriuneed 

Cotton   and    Flax    Duck, 

All  widths  •nj  w«l«li«».i''   ''■ 

COTTON,    F'.AX.   &    HKMP    TWINES 

C  i"*  'r ''"scTV^iVin 

Cor.  rirst  and   Lewis  Streets, 

Sliakopcc,  Minn. 



Tin  Ware,  & 

The  undernisnelTi.ii  opii.eJ  »  new  PtoTlfl<iTi  Hor»  <»• 
SliCO.ND  SXllKKT.  (OIM'O.SITE  THE  Dl.l'Or.)  5UH- 

Ol'l:i:.  MIXNLSCiiA. 
Wh  re  Jw  trtenla  kee;iiiB  »  eeucral  aasortrntnt  6f 

Cirocerifs    aiic!    Provi»ioin« 

At   pi'"*--'  "i'  '"''  •''  ^"y  ^^  Shakrpee— and  U  «••* 
ariKl«~.    «i'  O.Tc  iiic  »  call. 

GEO.  n.  .SPBNCBK, 

p.  S  — T  wl'.l  etiileamr  to  lte«l>  "n  Xmua  a  coi;itn* 
»upi>!t  of  lir.fii  eiro(.orie»*na  I'ott.lrj. 

G.  U.  «. 

of  the  meeting  in  full,  because  onr  cotem- 
pornry  has  given  a  false  stalemeni  concern- 
ing the  same.  If  the  editor  of  that  paper 
.'iwas  present,  of  course  he  knew  his  state- 
ments were  false.  But  we  suppose  he  mado 
his   false  statements  upon    the  authority    of 

IJe  has  never  been 
the  truth. 

the  utw   poiiciirs 

roid      The    touft    Houise  is  described  as  a  \  "„      „  ,,  i.«  j   „       /; 

Toia.     »"«.        .^  j  "Hon.    Deacon  r  udge.     Ii 

thrao  etorr  brick    building;    but  it    is  not  a  '  ,  ,         a       ...  h- 

taree  story   uric*  &  .  known  to  be  guilty  ot  tellin 

three  «t«ry  brick  bmlding.  ihe  mam 
building  has  two  sloriei  of  brick  aud  a 
Blone  basement  story,  and  the  wings  whera 

fl..)r.£j:<;E,    Oct  Ih',   af^e>r.xn.— Troops   TE.vr=;,' Atrjctid.'^,    '  '  •  ;  j.v  Covkks,   Fr.AG.«?, 
the    bpeciatur,  and  thai  more    Hcpu.iicaas    of  VkUir  Emhuucl    are  sJll  stitrte  y^^  ^^^^   .^,^.^  Hmsr^ 

than  Democrats  refuse      No,^  a  Jew  ■  J;'-;---   -^^  »'-- 't^^^?^^^^ 

sore  head  Democrais  and    wcuk-m.ndtd  lie  ,  ,,^,^j.^,,    j,^.     , _     th^'       au  .  cv.*.  v„r.ctv   f  m.v,  ^.um-r,  G^.,,,. 

publicans  are  j-our  only  supporter.,.     It  is  ,  tonndiry  line,     it  u  rc-porw  I  i:>ii  I'aj  p'ai;     .^^^^  ^.  y^y  goutil  "Water  St    Chicago- 
cheaper    to    print  the    proceeding3  of    tl.e  '  fu- ini-uiPecUoa  wijtii.a    t,h«    .<  jf    Koaie  ^         jjjAvc  matb  tus  u>u;  m  ck  i>  ti:;:  wt-T. 

^.    .  ■      u       A  .  ,     (•  .    '  has  Leen  expostd  autt  that  tie  leeicrs  have  |         '  

comuussioners  u.  the    Argn4  at  scventyhto  ^  ;;;;„''^ii,^,^,[.r,^^   ,,^.„,a   „.a  thrown  iaU, 

dollars   a  folio    than   m    the    bpectalur   aM  pri.son.  •• 

twtniy  five  cepts.     The  whole   people   rend  \  m  ^~i j 

the  Arms;  it  is  a  favorite  in  eve. y  family.  1      Compark   the  crowded    co  umns   of   the' 
Yes,  madam,  you  may  take  our  Webster's!  outside  of  tho  Argus  with  the  .sprawling  ad 

J,  H  HSUD  &  CO., 

Wholesale^rs  in 

79"  R'^pniring  neatly  and  prompt- 
ly executed. 

jfli  mm. 

Merchant  Tailor 

First  Stbekt,  SaAKOPKE,  Misk. 

miwm  mmm] 

—  AND — 

BilHarcl  Hail, 

On  Firnt  Stroot,  n<'ar1y  opposite  the    Fiist 
National  Bauk,  Shakopte,  Minn. 

W.  L.  GRANT,  Proprietor. 

TliecboloeU  Wlnea  T.i-inora»nrt  ClRari.  Fr^ab    .' !«, 
p.rirraiKl    l.axer   Eefr.  a:»f..y«  to  oc  u»a  "t  mc  Hai.- 
A*".  Limih  al  nnv  ho;ir. 

at  the  "Moiiianj."  and  i^leawint,  «!ty  ,.p*rl_iti.t«. 

...  T,...ur.r',offi.....d  office  of  «.,-«  j  G.L.I   Gor.„ IIo„.    A„„.   Cc.JcU,    out"    n,c,,.,  ;  bu.  «o  b.vo  uoi   „o.h  couS- i  '^ '»'f.  "X^  °.   1Z  ^t ,   f^  ^^         .  f...^,    A^ 

Uijcoicl.    TlUwi,uldrcuacrtli.iD,ur.„c.j.ddres.  the    iu«u..f.    Besorv.<J  wa«  (or  |  long  eareJ  gm;..    \ou  au.t  s.>.  3«curitTl|J«  o*";^^^*^^  =^^^^^^^^  ■"  1         32  Lako  Strwt,    Chicago. 

good    f..r  n  nhing    if    thvr«  w»-re    no   other     the  U<lie9. 

for  it"  retnn. 

A  new  and 
ihiiiff.  Cloths 

I  splendid  .<Jf.ick  of  Clo- 
,  and  <ie»ta'  Furnishing 


t^T  Clothin«»  m«da  to  oH^r. 

—  AND—* 

HY   JOHN  iiDEUT  /,;  CO.. 
FinsT  Stbkkt,  FttAKtrcB.  Mix-? 

Juft  fumi.<Jicd  with  two  prqr  "  rhrl:.n  K\\ 
l.irrt  Ti'-""'-"   Oyu'era,  i>ardlB<>«,  Lelrtir*.  ru'a  F.- 
rtr..  nervel  utany  li»ttr.    T»»f-B»r»in  i.lw..Ta  br  ««i 
..1H..I  with  the  chalc>-<t  W?«f^.  LttiuoT*  «ii  1  Cl^*:*. 




■        I  '        ■■ 



Per«*BmI   and   Edterary. 

"FiGHTiKO  Jok"  Hooker  is  in  Swit- 

Akna  Dickinson's  new  lecture  is  enti- 
iled  "  Idiots  and  Woman." 

RiSTOiu  diBdains  hotelfl  and  occupies  a 
piivate  residence  in  New  York. 

A  Nkw  Yobk  letter  says  the  Galaxy 



r  «▼!• 

:  * 









«»r  »• 

magazine  in  the  last  two  years  has  lost  $20,^ 

^ti  000- 

•••i**^    A.  T.  Stew.\rt  has  a  private  telegraph 

connecting  hia  up- town  with  his  down- 
town store. 

Late  Paris  advices  notice  Gen.  McClel- 
lan  in  town,  and  Gen.  Joe  Hooker  at  the 
Hotfel  dc  la  Paix. 

Seventy- FIVE  hundred  volumes  of 
Longfellow's  "  Dante  "  have  already  been 
sold,  and  the  demand  is  increasing  for  it. 

The  largest  number  of  jewels  owned  by 
any  private  individual  in  the  United  States 
is  poaessed  by  Madam  de  la  Grange,  the 
prima  donna.    They  are  valued  at  over 


C  ARLOTTA  doesn't  know  that  Maximilian 
is  dead,  and  is  improving  in  mental  condi- 
tion rapidly.  If  she  becomes  sane,  and 
learns  of  the  Mexican  empire's  fall,  of 
coarse  she  will  be  crazed  again. 

Jabrett,  Palmer  asd  Wheatixy, 
managers  of  the  ballet  and  Niblo's  Garden, 
are  said  to  have  made  $50,000  apiece  by 
the  "  black  Crook,"  and  expect  to  realize 
$100,000  before  the  play  is  withdrawn, 

Mr.  Taylor,  of  Alabama,  is  to  marry 
Augusta  Evans,  author  of  Beulah,  St. 
Elmo,  and  such.  A  daughter  ot  Mont- 
gomery Blair  is  to  marry  a  young  clergy- 
man ;  and  "they  do  say  '^  that  Anna  Dick- 
inson is  soon  to  marry  a  wealthy  merchant 
of  Philadelphia. 

Green-room  gossip  at  New  York  says 
that  Edwin  Forrest  is  soon  to  marrj'  the 
young  actress.  Miss  Millie.  She  is  twenty 
and  the  eminent  tragedian  over  sixty.  She 
was  left  an  orphan,  and  Forrest  took  her 
as  an  iniknt,  and  reared  her.  He  adopted 
her  at  first  as  his  daughter,  but  his  and  her 
Sections  changing  in  character,  he  Is  to 
make  her  his  wife. 

Peter  Batne,  who  lives  m  Liondon  and 
knows  what  is  going  on  there,  says  a 
"  pleasant  whisper  "  has  reached  his  ear 
"  to  the  effect  that  Miss  Ingelow  is  about 
to  be  married  to  Mr.  Robiert  Browning. 
Miss  Ingelow  is,  by  common  consent,  re- 

farded  as  our  greatest  living  poetess,  and 
Ir.  Browning  stands  next  to  Tennyson  in 
general  estimation  among  our  poets.  His 
Srst  wife  was  the  greatest  poetess  that  ever 
used  the  English  mnguage  ;  ana  from  Mr. 
Browning's  choice  of  a  second  partner,  we 
may  conclude  that  experience  has  taught 
him  that  a  great  poetess  may  be  a  good 

A  wealthy  Hebrew  at  San  Francisco, 
happy  in  being  the  father  of  male  triplets, 
has  named  them  Abraham  Lincoln,  Isaac 
Andrew  Johnson,  and  Jacob  John  Con- 
ne«8.  The  circumcision  rite  was  performed 
with  great  pomp,  September  14th.  Gen. 
McDowell  held  Abraham,  a  deputy  for 
Gk)vemor-olect  Haieht  held  Isaac,  and 
Senator  Conness  held  Jacob.  Three 
officiating  clergymen  performed  the  cere- 
mony of  circumcision,  each  rabbi  taking 
one  child,  and  at  the  altar  gold  medals 
were  hung  upon  the  little  innocents,  whose 
names  were  found  Inscribed  upon  the  ob- 
verse, while  the  reverse  of  each  medal  re- 
,  spectively  called  to  mind  Abraham  offer- 
ing up  Isaac,  Isaac  blessing  Jacob,  and 
Jacobs  ladder. 

Apropos  to  the  coming  of  Charles  Dick- 
ens to  this  country,  the  Boston  Post  gives 
the  following  account  of  the  distinguished 
authors  personal  appearance  :  "He  does 
not  'recall  the  early  portraits  where  he 
shone  with  beautiful  black  eyes,  splendid 
hair,  and  the  complexion  of  healthy  youth 
He  has  not  fallen  off  indeed  as  Lord  Lyt- 
ton  has  done.  If  you  stand  in  Knebworth 
Hall,  as  I  have  stood,  and  look  at  the  por- 
trait of  Sir  Edward  Lytton  Bulwer  by  Ma- 
clise,  you  will  find  it  difficult  to  believe 
that  the  elderly  gentleman  in  an  old  fash- 
ioned blue  coat,  with  a  stoop  in  his  shoul- 
ders, high  collar  and  stiff  neckerchief 
round  h&  throat,  and  who  puts  his  hand 
behind  his  ear  when  you  speak  to  him — 
was  the  original  of  the  painting.  Charles 
Dickens  la  not  a  contrast  of  that  kind.  He 
has  escaped  the  ill  health  which  has  shat- 
-    tared  the  author  of  "  Pelham."    But  his 

^ hftif  is  iron -gray  and  scanty ;  he  wears  a 

r  mustache  and  pointed  beard,  and  his  face 

. '  "^  '  has  a  red  brown  tinge  which  aometimea  re- 
minds one  of  the  complexion  of  Louis  Na- 

— Nine  hundred  and  ninety  millions  of 
men  tise  tobacco. 
■  -         — John  Brougham  calls  the  victims  of 
strong  drink, "  Sa-loonatics." 

— A  hog,  entirely  blind  with  fat,  was 
on  exhibition  in  New  Jersey,  recently. 

— Peaches  twelve  inches  in  circumfer- 
ence were  exhibited  at  a  Fair  m  Illinois. 

— A  sermon  in  four  words  on  the  vanity 
of  earthly  posessions  :  "  Shrouds  have  no 

— A  recent  number  of  the  New  Orleans 
Ttmes  printed  four  closely  printed  columns 
of  obituaries. 

— Nearly  all  the  ice  used  on  the  Pacific 
coast  is  brought  from  an  ice  cave  in  the 
northern  part  of  Oregon. 

— The  English  language  has  60,000  words 
— in  the  dictionaries.  Good  talkers  and 
writers  use  but  5,000  in  all,  and  a  foreigner 
can  travel  on  500. 

— An  old  chap  in  New  York  has  occu- 
pied the  same  orchestra  chair  at  the  Black 
Crook  performance  for  nearly  one  hundred 
nights,  and  still  lives. 

— Two  men  threw  nearly  two  hundred 
dollars  worth  of  boquets  to  the  "Black 
Brook"  ballet  dancers  and  were  then  ar- 
rested for  not  paying  the  fiorist. 

— A  female  pickpocket  exploited  in  the 
Second  Union  Church,  on  the  night  of  the 
7th,  robbing  some  thirteen  ladies  of 
amounts  varying  from  $10  to  $100. 

— Ralph  Keeler,  the  young  Cahfornian 
who  made  the  tour  of  Europe  for  $181  in 
greenbacks,  submits  his  name  to  the  lec- 
ture committees  of  the  East  and  West. 

— A  Boston  beau  "  sees  a  lady  home  " 
fhnn  an  entertainment  by  putting  her  in  a 
horse  car,  botmd  to  the  suburbs,  several 
miles  distant,  and  then  meanders  home 

—There  was  a  great  deal  of  human  na- 
ture In  the  remark  of  a  lady  who,  holding 
a  gla«3  of  water  in  her  hand,  said, "  Oh,  if 
it  were  only  wicked  to  drink  this,  how  nice 
it  would  be!" 

— ^The  fastest  time  in  American  raihtMid- 
ing  was  that  of  a  Directors  train  on  the 
New  York  Central  Railroad,  the  other 
day,  from  Hamburg  to  Buffalo — ten  miles 
in  eight  minutes,  or  the  rate  of  scventy- 
dght  miles  an  hour. 

— The  Jevrs  constitute  so  large  and  in- 
fluential an  element  at  Ban  Francisco  (fur- 
nishing folly  one-third  of  the  whole  num- 
ber of  pupils  in  the  schools),  that  school 
holidays  and  yacations  are  coming  to  be 
governed  by  the  Jewish  holidays  and  lesti- 

— Louisville  is  ei^oying  wicked  merri- 
ment over  the  adventures  of  two  ministers 
who  went  to  see  the  "Black  Crook"  in 
that  city  last  week,  Thursday  night,  dis- 
guised by  false  whiskers,  and  who  were  ar- 
rested in  the  second  tier  as  suspicious  char- 

—It  has  been  observed  that  as  civiliza- 
tion creeps  westward  on  the  PUins,  the 
"buffalo  grass"  recedes  correspondingly. 
Within  the  last  few  years  it  has  disap- 
peared entirely  from  liastem  Kansas  and 
Nebraska.  It  is  certainly  accomodating 
on  the  part  of  the  grass  to  go  after  the  buf- 

— A  German  newspaper  says :  "  Two 
years  ago,  Mr.  Christian  Segemeyer  be- 
came lather  of  his  fifty-eighth  child.     His 

first  wife  gave  bfrth  to  twelity-tliree,  of 
which  six  were  twins  and  eleven  single- 
born  children.    Of  those  fifty-eight  dill* 
drcn    twenty-eight  are  living,  sol  being 
daughters,  and  the  man  has  never  been 
sick,  and  enjoys  good  health,  as  do  hia 
— Julesburg,  Colorado,  is  a  nice  place, 
,  „    judging  from  the  following  list  of  one  day  s 
_-4-fiienliuIhe  citizcoa  had  two  street  fights, 
rahg  ft  wan,  TOdB  ihrue  men  oxtt  of  town 
J  «n  a  rail,  got  up  a  quarter  race,  a  turkey 
no«tisg,  a  gander  pulling,  a  match  dog 

Fair  Haven, 
capital,  and 


fight— had  preaching  by  a  circus  rider  who 
ailerward  ran  a  foot-race  for  aj^plejack  all 
around  ;  and,  as  that  was  not  enough,  the 
judge  of  a  court  after  losing  his  tees  at 
poker,  and  whipping  a  fellow  for  saying  he 
didn't  understand  the  game,  went  out  and 
helped  to  lynch  hia  grandfather  for  horse- 
stealing. .,  ^ 

Industrial  Itcmi*. 

—Pennsylvania  can  supply  20,000  tons 
of  coal  per  annum  for  500  years. 

—Harwich.  Mase.,  with  a  population  ot 
only  3,640,  has  217  masters  of  vessels. 

—A  "  College  of  Arts  as  applied  to  In- 
dustry," is  to  be  established  in  Paris. 

—Shoes  are  made  in  Paris  by  machin- 
ery, of  three  classes— sewed,  pegged,  and 

—The  English  and  Swiss  watchmakers 
are  jealous  of  the  new  American  watch 

—The  reputation  of  Lynn,  Mass.,  for 
shoemakmg  is  no  new  thing.  In  1768  she 
made  80,000  pair. 

— The  oyster  business  at 
Conn.,  employs  $1,900,000 
gives  work  to  1,500  persons, 

—It  13  said  that  one-eighth  of  the  iron 
and  steel  now  made  in  the  United  States  is 
from  the  iron  ores  of  Lake  Superior. 

—Fractional  currency  to  the  amount  of 
one  hundred  thousand  dollars  a  day  is  re- 
turned to  the  United  States  Treasury  De- 
partment, and  an  equal  amount  of  new 
currency  is  issued  in  Its  stead. 

—The  number  of  persons  employed  in 
France  in  the  various  processes  of  manu- 
factnre  amount  to  84,000,  one-third  of 
whom  are  women.  The  quantity  produced 
last  year  was  about  130,000  tons. 

— Vessels  leave  New  York  and  Boston 
regularly  for  cargoes  of  the  new  object  of 
mercantile  enterprise,  "grass  sponge," 
formerly  considered  useless.  The  Bahama 
Islands  and  the  coast  of  Mexico  and  Flor- 
ida supply  the  market.  It  is  prepared  by 
machinery  for  mattrasses,  etc  ,  at  Birming- 
ham, Ct 

— The  number  of  working  men  engaged 
in  the  building  trades  in  England  is  esti- 
mated at  840,219  persons.  Of  these,  204,133 
are  carpenters  and  joiners,  117,483  masons, 
80,391  bricklayers,  20,821  plasterers,  82,- 
073  painters,  27,067  quarrymen,  42,623 
brickmakers,  218,695  laborers,  while  others 
belong  to  smaller  trades. 

In  concluding  a  paper  on  cotton  spinning 
machinery,  read  before  the  institution  of 
mechanical  engineers  at  Birmingham,  Mr. 
Piatt  stated  that  the  number  of  spindles 
now  employed  in  the  cotton  manufacture 
in  Great  Britain  exceeds  36,000.000.  The 
produce  of  yarn  when  in  regular  work  is 
64  000,000  miles  in  a  day  of  ten  hours, 
which  gives  enough  to  wind  four  times 
round  the  globe  every  minute. 

— The  French  Empwor  has  been  seri- 
otisly  considering  a  project  for  transform- 
ing the  machine  gallery  at  the  Exposition 
into  an  mternational  workshop.  Estimat- 
ing the  whole  of  the  steam  engines  at 
2,000  horse-powar,  four  miUion  francs 
might  be  yearly  realized  by  the  rent,  and, 
says  the  engineer  Erissac,  "  a  Cyclopean 
school  would  be  stationed  on  the  banks  of 
the  Seine,  without  a  rival  in  the  world, 
and  which  would  render  to  Paris,  to  France 
and  to  industrj',  the  greatest  service." 

— The  principal  manufacturing  compa- 
nies of  Manchester,  N.  H.,  held  their 
annual  meeting  last  week.  The  Amoskeag 
Company  mHue  $600,000  last  year,  and 
the  Langdon  MUls  $96,000,  but  the  Stark 
Mills  have  their  balance  on  the  wrong  side 
of  the  ledger  to  the  extent  of  $120,000, 
though  the  company  has  a  surplus  on 
hand  sufficient  to  pay  three  five  per  cent. 
dividends,  irrespective  of  the  future.  Last 
year's  production  of  the  mills  was  as  fol- 
lows :  Manchester  Print  Works,  20,000,000 
yards  of  delaines  and  calicoes  ;  Amoskeag. 
18,000.000  yards ;  Langdon,  2,100,000,  and 
the  Stark,  5,000.000  pounds  of  heavy 

^«  • , 

Relifclous  and  Edncatloaal. 

—Baltimore  has  appropriated  $36,000 
for  negro  schools  this  year. 

— There  are  300  churches  in  Brooklyn, 
and  108,000  children.  It  should  be  called 
the  city  of  children. 

—Twenty  thousand  Methodist  churches 
in  the  United  btatcs  accommodate  six  mil- 
lions of  people. 

—Grace  Church,  New  York,  is  engaged 
for  a  wedding  evcFy  day  next  week.  The 
fashionable  marrying  season  in  New  York 
isjast  opening. 

— Henry  Ward  Beecher,  in  his  discourse 
on  Sunday,  said  that  "  Some  men  will  not 
shave  on  Sunday,  and  yet  they  spend  all 
the  week  in  shaving  their  fellow  men  ;  and 
many  folks  think  it  very  wi«ked  to  black 
their  boots  on  Sunday  morning,  yet  they 
do  not  hesitate  to  black  their  neighbor  s 
reputation  on  week  days." 

— John  Howe  once  observed  two  men 
in  a  violent  passion.  Their  mutual  curs- 
ing shocked  bis  religious  sensibilities.  He 
looked  at  them,  raised  his  hat,  and  said  in 
a  solemn  voice : 

"  I  pray  God  to  bless  you  both !" 

This  prayer  so  impressed  the  quarrel- 
some men  that  they  ceased  their  strife  and 
thanked  Mr.  Howe  for  his  supplication. 

—New  South  (Unitarian)  Church,  atone 
time  the  aristocratic  church  of  Boston,  has 
run  down  to  a  mere  handful,  and  the 
society  have  voted  not  to  carry  on  worship 
any  more  there.  Possessed  of  a  valuable 
property,  the  remaining  members  pro- 
posed to  disband,  against  the  earnest  wish- 
es of  the  minister,  sell  the  property,  and 
divide  it  among  themselves.  This  step 
was  resisted  by  a  process  of  court,  and  the 
highest  tribunal  known  to  the  laws  decided 
that  that  the  society  cannot  sell,  cannot 
pocket  the  proceeds,  but  are  merely  the 

—In  Ofliyloii  there  is  a  fig  tre«  2^55  years 
oil},  having  been  planted  888  B.  C.  Its 
history  from  that  date  is  pnawred  by  both 
docnmentaryand  traditlMBsl  evidence. 

—'The  American  balloonists  are  in  tbe 
service  of  the  Brazilian  ^vemmoit.  On 
one  occasion  they  remained  up  for  forty 
eight  hours  reporting  the  movements  of 
the  enemy. 

—A  Paris  letter  states  that  the  latest 
fashion  in  ve'ds  is  to  wear  them  so  as  to 
shade  the  chignon.  The  fi&ce  is  exposed 
to  the  sun  to  let  the  fiM»  acquire  the  flasb- 
ionable  color  of  the  brtmette,  and  the  dye 
of  the  chignon  is  preserved. 

-After  the  Brenner  Railway  was 
opened,  the  diligence  made  its  last  trip 
wi'-h  great  ceremony.  The  oldest  postil- 
ion in  Inspruck  drove  the  horses,  wearing 
crape  on  his  hat,  and  the  carriage  was 
trimmed  with  weeping  willow. 

—The  railway  over  the  Brenner,  leading 
from  Inspruck  to  Botzen,  leads  through 
the  most  lovely  as  well  as  grandest  scen- 
ery ;  and  as  soon  as  it  is  belter  known,  the 
journey  from  Inspruck  will  become  a  &■ 
vorite  trip  for  tourists  and  searchers  after 
the  picturesque. 

— They  have  an  unknown  athlete  in 
Paris,  who  comes  regularly  every  night  to 
one  of  the  principal  wrestling  schools, 
throws  t^e  best  man  they  have,  and  retires. 
He  is  masked,  always  wears  a  suit  of  black, 
is  silent,  and  there  is  a  great  deal  of  curi- 
osity to  know  who  he  is  and  where  he 
comes  &om 

—At  Pillau,  in  Prussia,  lives  a  woman 
who  has  for  some  years  consecrated  her 
life  to  the  dangerous  task  of  rescuing  per- 
sons from  shipwreck  and  drowning.  This 
Prussian  Grace  Darling,  who  has  saved 
more  than  300  individuals,  is  held  in  the 
highest  veneration  by  all  classes  of  the 
people  among  whom  she  lives. 

— Military  teronauts  do  not  appear  to 
have  afforded  any  very  useful  results  in  the 
war  in  Paraguay.  Although  firequent 
balloon  ascensions  have  been  made,  the 
ascent  was  but  the  eiKnal  for  Marshal 
Lopez  to  order  the  kindling  of  great  fires, 
the  smoke  from  which  covered  his  camp, 
and  thus  prevented  the  allies  from  discov- 
ering what  was  going  on  therein. 

— "  The  receipts  of  the  Universal  Exhi- 
bition," says  the  Iford,  from  the  1st  of 
April  to  the  10th  of  September,  are  estima- 
ted at  seven  millions  and  a  half  of  francs. 
Therefore,  during  the  seven  weeks,  or 
nearly  so,  which  the  Exhibition  is  still  to 
remain  open,  a  million  and  a  half  of  franca 
must  bo  received  m  order  to  attain  the  sum 
of  nine  millions  required  to  cover  the  ex- 
penditure. Tliat  this  result  will  be  ob- 
tained is  not  improbable. 

— Danaeuses  have  become  scarce,  judging 
from  circulars  from  the  managers  of  cer- 
tain theatres  going  the  round  of  the  work- 
rooms of  Pans.  By  these  circulars  young 
women  are  offered  from  50f,  to  60f  per 
month  for  attendance  on  the  stage.  The 
further  inducements  are  held  out  to  them 
of  short  and  disphanua  C(^tumc3,  and 
that  the  most  deserving  among  them  (read 
the  prettiest)  will  be  grouped  on  the  front 
of  the  stage.  This  is  a  new  style  of  recruit- 
ing, but  eminently  characteristic  of  tbe 
tone  of  morale  of  the  present  day. 

— A  mendicant  living  alone  in  a  wretch 
cd  hut  at  Courbevoie,  near  Paris,  in  the 
midst  of  the  most  abject  misery  and  intol- 
erable privations,  was  lately  found  dead  on 
the  floor  of  his  filthy  hovel,  through  an 
aperture  in  which  he  would  occasionally 
protrude  his  arm  to  receive  the  food  chari- 
tably offered  him  by  some  neighbors  who 
commisserated  his  forlorn  condition.  A 
medical  examination  proved  that  the  man 
had  died  of  starvation.  A  sum  of  30f  in 
copper  coin  having  been  accidentally  found 
in  the  abode  of  human  misery,  a  further 
search  was  made,  and  immediately  under 
thereof  was  discovered,  carefully  wrapped 
up  in  many  folds  of  dirty  rags,  no  less  than 
18,000fin  gold  (£720). 

The  Paris  Pairie,  of  the  26th  of  August, 
contained  the  following :  The  preliminary 
soundings,  commenceil  four  months  ago, 
are  complete.  The  cable  will  be  laid  from 
Brest  to  St.  Pierre  Miquelon,  it  having 
been  ascertained  that  the  bottom  of  the 
ocean  along  that  line  is  favorable.  From 
St.  Pierre  it  will  go  along  the  coast  of  New 
Brunswick  and  the  shores  of  Maine,  New 
Hampshire,  Massachusetts  and  Connecti- 
cut. A  direct  lino  from  Brest  to  New 
York  would  offer  many  difficulties,  owing 
to  the  tremendous  depth  of  some  parts  of 
the  ocean,  where  soundings  have  not  been 
found.  The  immersion  of  the  cabl^%ow 
making  in  London  is  to  begin  next  May, 
and  the  Great  Eastern  is  to  be  employed 
to  lay  it.  It  is  hoped  that  a  month  will 
suffice  for  the  work,  and  that  in  July,  1888, 
at  the  farthest,  France  and  the  European 
continent  will  be  in  direct  telegraphic 
communication  with  America. 

with  commendable  emphasis :  "  Mr.  Cqu-  j 
ductor,  I  have  had  my  pocket  picked  aittae  • 
I  entered  this  car,  aad,  as  no  one  has.  got 
out,  the  thief  must  be  here.  I  want  yonli 
to  call  a  policeman  al  once  and  secuito  mj 
property."  The  ^oductpr,  In  a  How. 
drawling  tone:  "I  guess,  qium,  none  of 
the  passengers  have  got  it — you  might 
have  droppee  it  in  the  street ;  such  things 
arc  very  common  ;  wouldn't  be  any  use  to 
call  the  police.  These  passengers  all  look 
honest,  and  they'd  mtike  a  tremendous  fuss 
If  I  shut  them  up."  The  lady,  "  But  I  in- 
sist upon  it ;  the  thief  is  i»tbiB  very  car ; 
I  have  had  my  portemonnaie  in  my  hand 
sinoelttiterediL  I  inslat  that  the  pohoe 
be  called ;  it  is  my  right,  and  I  demand  it." 
At  this  point  a  short  lady,  with  a  keen, 
jumping  eye,  and  with  a  brisk  movement, 
almostleaped  from  her  seat,  and  said  very 
sharply,  "  I  declare,  it  is  really  too  bad 
that  the  conductor  will  not  call  the  police. 
If  there  is  no  gentleman  in  the  car  man 
enough  to  do  as  the  lady  wishes,  then  I 
will."  She  thereupon  made  a  rapid  exit 
from  the  car  and  shot  down  street  like  an 
arrow.    She  was  the  pickpocket. 

♦  ■ » 

A.  Hlameme  Execution. 

The  Baiigkok  Monitor  gives  the  follow- 
ing account  of  an  execution  at  the  Siamese 
capital :  "  At  the  time  of  our  arrival  a 
number  of  Buddha's  priests  were  in  the 
act  of  praying  over  the  swords  of  the  exe- 
cutioners, with  lights  burning  on  an  altar 
erected  immediately  in  the  rear  of  the  ex- 
ecution. After  vairious  doleful  chants  by 
the  priests,  accompanied  by  several  pieces 
of  colored  cloths,  knotted  together,  being 

[>ut  into  the  hands  of  the  condemned  and 
ed  to  the  hands  of  the  priests,  the  execu- 
tioners, who  were  employed  during  this 
time  driving  stakes  and  arranging  tbe  cords 
in  proper  position,  now  commenced  to 
take  the  ladder-shaped  bend  by  which  each 
prisoner  was  confined  from  hia  hands  and 
neck,  and  led  each  severally  to  his  stake, 
w.  ere  his  arms  and  legs  were  bound  with 
strong  withes,  and  a  bamboo  spear  erected 
in  front  of  each  to  receive  the  head  after 
execution.  Another  chant,  and  then  the 
prisoners  received  mouthtuls  of  fruits  and 
preserves,  and  some  pungent  scented  liquor 
from  a  bottle.  Their  executioners  com- 
posed their  heads  In  an  upright  position, 
and  placed  small  joss  lights  before  them  ; 
and  to  all  scemiag  recommended  them  to 
pray,  which  they  did  fervently ;  but  their 
executioners  crawling,  catlike,  from  the 
covered  walks  behind,  pinched  and  nudged 
the  backs  of  their  heads,  to  see  if  their 
presence  of  mind  would  allow  them  to  re- 
ceive the  fatal  blows  without  moving  their 
hCAds.  This  being  ascertained,  their  ears 
were  immediately  filled  with  mud.  and  a 
mark  made  on  the  neck  of  each  convert 
with  the  same  material,  .to  guide  the  com- 
ing stroke,  including  a  repetition  of  the 
nudging  and  pinching.  All  being  now 
ready,  the  cxecuti<  ncrs  again  stole  from 
the  covered  walk  int  'le  rear,  each  flourish} 
ing  his  sword  ;  and  ^  ow  tbe  blows  began 
to  fall.  One  old  hano  •  c  well  performed 
his  duty  that  his  victim!:.  I'lead  rolled  at  his 
feet  the  first  stroke,  but  all  the  rest  took 
an  amount  of  chopping  and  sawing  which 
had  thecfl'ect  of  oisgusting  away  most  ot 
the  white  spectators  who  came  to  witness 
the  horrifying  spectacle.  The  heads  of 
the  condemned  were  now  erected  on 
spears.  One  old  man's,  we  noticed,  kept 
its  ensanguined  jaws  open  and  moving 
several  seconds  after  death.  The  chains 
were  now  removed  from  their  legs  by 
chopping  off  the  heel  ends  of  each  lifeless 
trunk,  and  we  came  away  with  disgusted 
and  enervated  feelings  from  this  sanguina- 
ry scene." 

An  Indian  Do|c  Feant. 

Foreicm   Ctoaalp. 

— The  Austrian  army  intend  to  drop 
their  famous  white  coated  uniform  for 

— Advertising  cards  are  now  carried 
through  the  streets  of  Paris  by  trained 

—In  Vienna,  last  year,  the  Intimate 
births  were  12,943,  and  the  illegitimate 

—More  than  sixteen  thousand  lives  have 
been  saved  by  an  English  life-boat  asso- 

—The  iron  works  of  the  Paris  Exposi 
tion  have  been  sold  for  transportation  to 

— A  Parisian  law  suit,  which  began  a 
hundred  and  fifty  years  ago,  has  just  been 
fietUed  by  compromise. 

— The  arawanda,  a  Brazilian  bird  small- 
er than  a  pigeon,  sounds  a  note  much 
resembling  a  tolling  bell. 

—A  "  professor,"  who  dives  from  a  hight 
of  two  hundred  feet  in  water  only  ten  feet 
deep,  is  the  lakt  London  sensation. 

—In  Japan  nobody  will  associate  or 
marry  with  the  leather  makers,  who  are 
kept  a  prescribed  and  distinct  cltss. 

— The  English  champion  swimmer  swam 
a  thousand  yards  in  seventeen  minutes. 
This  is  said  to  be  the  fastest  time  on 

— ^The  thirteen  gas  companies  of  Lon- 
don are  to  be  oonsoUdated  into  four.  These 
companies  supplied  during  1866, 8,500,000,- 
000  feet  of  gas. 

Woman   Carries  "Woman. 

ISFIED, what's  the  difference. 
A  person  was  brought  before  the  Police 
Court  at  Syracuse  the  other  day,  on  a 
charge  of  wearing  male  apparel  while 
being  a  female,  of  making  love  to  the  Sy- 
racuse belles  "on  false  pretenses,"  and 
marrying  a  woman,  etc.  There  is  no 
doubt  of  her  femininity,  though  her  coun- 
terfeit of  a  man  is  said  to  have  been  per- 
fect. She  is  English,  is  supposed  to  be 
about  forty  years  of  age,  went  under  the 
name  of  Alfred  Clark,  and  received  re- 
mittances from  England,  part  of  which 
goes  to  the  support  of  a  sister  in  Syracuse. 
In  reply  to  the  question,  "  Are  you  a  male 
or  female  ?  "  she  answered :  "  Your  officers 
can  tell  you,"  or  "  have  told  you."  She 
refused  to  give  any  more  direct  answer  to 
the  inquiry  in  relation  to  her  sex,  and  was 
committed  for  further  examination. 

▲  few  weeks  since  she  assumed  the  garb 
of  a  man,  and  made  the  acquaintance  of  a 
young  lady  named  Miss  Lewis.  After  a 
brief  courtship  they  were  married,  and  the 

Earties  have  since  resided  together  as  hus- 
and  and  wife.  The  marriage  ceremony 
was  performed  about  three  weeks  since, 
and  the  bride's  father,  suspecting  there 
was  something  wrong  about  his  new  son- 
in-law,  obtained  a  private  interview,  and 
informed  her  of  his  suspicion  that  she  was 
not  what  she  pretended  to  be.  At  first  she 
claimed  that  she  was  a  man,  but  on  closer 

?[ue8tionlng  finally  admitted  that  she  was  a 
emale.  She  has  marked  features,  promi- 
nent nose,  high  cheek  bones,  bUu^  hair, 
worn  long  (for  a  man)  and  curling  at  the 
end,  and  apparently  brushed  and  oiled 
with  care.  She  wears  a  glazed  cap,  blue 
coat,  blue  shirt,  dark  vest,  snuff-colored 
pants,  gaiter  boots,  and  a  shawl  over  her 
shoulders,  speaks  with  considerable  confi- 
dence, but  is  not  very  communicative. 

It  is  understood  that  when  this  eccentric 
woman  first  came  to  the  house  of  the 
bnde's  father  she  was  dressed  in  female 
apparel,  and  her  clothing  was  changed  to 
man's  attire  with  the  Knowledge  of  the 
fisunily.  The  probability  is  that  the  family 
supposed  her  woman's  dress  was  a  disguise, 
and  that  she  was  assuming  the  proper  ha- 
biliments of  her  sex.  The  lady's  £ather 
was  averse  to  the  match,  but  the  bride 
clings  to  her  woman  husband,  and  claims 
that  the  arrest  is  a  conspiracy  against 
them.  They  were  allowed  to  meet  in  one 
of  the  ante-rooms  ot  the  police  office,  and 
embraced  each  other  with  the  greatest 
marks  of  affection. 

m  •  ^ 

A  Horse  Car  Incident. 

The  horse  car  is  the  witness  of  varied 
life  and  incident,  which  are  often  not  only 
interestmg,  but  worthy  the  compUment  of 
a  little  printer's  ink.  An  incident  occurred 
in  Boston  on  Saturday,  which  is  deserrhig 
of  a  paragraph.  A  lady  passen^  discov- 
ered that  her  pooket  had  been  picked  of  its 
portemonnaie  and  contents,  induding  a 
generous  supply  of  cash  for  shopping  and 
some  other  pleasant  possessicms.  On 
learning  this  disagreeable  fishct,  she  said, 

The   correspondent   of  the    St.    Louis 
DenuKrat  was  one  of  the  invited  guests  at 
a  dog  feast    given    by    tho    Indian    chief 
"  Spotted    Tail."    He    thus   c^cscribcs  the 
svmposium : 

"  As  the  occasion  was  one  which  prom- 
ised novelty  we  readily  accepted.  On  our 
arrival  we  found  the  supplies  of  Indian 
delicacies  commensurate  with  the  quality 
of  the  guests.  The  cooking  was  simple 
enough,  without  salt  or  condiment.  We 
all  squatted  ourselves  on  the  ground,  and 
the  old  and  young  squaws  acted  as  servi- 
tors for  the  occasion . 

"  Before  proceeding,  the  great  calumet 
ot  peace  was  passed  around.  Whenever 
this  calumet  is  brought  forth  it  is  a  token  of 
great  respect,  adorned  as  it  is  with  brass 
tacks,  blue  and  golden  feathers,  beads  of 
coral,  and  carved  in  the  most  unique  man- 
ner. After  the  pipe  had  been  passed 
around  the  circle,  the  chief  commenced  the 
feast  by  eating,  regardless  of  any  of  us. 

"  There  was  all  kinds  ot  wild  meat  spread 
out,  and  the  most  delicious  of  them  all  was 
the  dog  meat.  In  huge  dishes  of  wotxl 
might  bo  seen  a  juicy  lump  of  buffalo,  a 
hindqtiarterof  an  antelope,  elk  meat,  veni- 
son, wild  duckp,  geese,  and  turkeys,  sur- 
rounded by  dishes  of  wild  beans,  Indian 
corn,  wild  rice,  and  some  strange  herbs, 
which  appeared  to  be  very  palatable. 
These  various  vegetables  were  boiled 
separately  with  a  sprinkling  of  buffato 
grease,  giving  the  whole  an  extremely 
unctlous,  yet  savory  appearance 

"  In  the  centre  of  the  circle  were  two 
dogs,  of  a  dropsical  apparance,  the  hair 
merely  cut  close,  and  roasted  entire,  intcs 
tines  and  all  Over  this  excellent,  delicate 
food  was  poured  the  gravy — dog's  grease. 
This  exquisite  dripping  had  been  collected 
in  bone  dishes.  The  dogs  appeared  plump 
and  yotmg,  and  all  seemed  to  pay  especial 
attention  to  the  three  young  pups,  which 
was  to  them  what  dessert  is  to  the  civil- 
ized whites.  For  the  sake  of  appearing 
satisfied  with  our  surroundings,  we  par- 
took of  a  very  small  piece,  merely  out  of 
curiosity,  and  could  we  but  conquer  our 
prejudicee,  we  might  have  made  a  very 
hearty  meal ;  as  It  was,  we  were  satisfied. 

"  "Hie  meat  appeared  to  be  of  a  brown- 
ish color,  somewhat  lesembling  porpoise 
meat.  If  we  might  judge  by  the  oily 
streaks  about  the  capacious  mouths  of  the 
chiefs,  and  the  pleasure  which  sparkled  in 
their  eyes,  we  would  [pronounce  dog  meat 

"  After  the  feast  was  over  there  were 
three  canine  skeletons  left  on  their  respec- 
tive dishes,  forlcm  looking  remnants  of 
dogs  that  once  barked.  Tomahawks,  an- 
swering the  purpose  of  pipes,  as  well  as 
instruments  of  bloody  deeds,  were  handed 
to  us,  and  as  this  was  an  important  epoch 
in  Spotted  Tail's  life,  he  caused  them  to  be 
fiUea  with  the  leaf  of  nicotiang  quadrival- 
vis.  Generally,  the  tobacco  they  use  is 
composed  of  the  dried  leaves  of  the  saka- 
koml  plant  (arbutus  ovaursi),  or  kinikin- 
nlck,  a  willow  bark.  Till  a  late  hour  we 
smoked  a  tomahawk  that  was  once  steep- 
ed in  gory  brains,  and  under  the  soothing 
influence  of  the  tobacco,  wove  bright  In- 
dian legends." 

The  Laugh  of  Womex. — A  woman  has 
no  natural  gift  more  bewitching  than  a 
sweet  laugh.  It  is  like  the  sound  of  flutes 
on  the  water.  It  leaps  Ttoto.  her  in  a  clear, 
sparkling  rill ;  and  the  heart  that  hears  it 
fuels  as  If  bathod  in  the  cool,  exhilarating 
spring.  Have  vou  ever  pursued  an  unseen 
fugitive  through  the  trees,  led  on  by  a  fairy 
laugh,  now  here,  now  there,  now  lost,  now 
found?  We  have;  and  we  are  pursuing 
that  wandering  voice  to  this  day.  Some- 
times It  comes  to  us  in  the  midst  of  care, 
or  sorrow,  or  irksome  business,  and  then 
we  turn  away  and  listen,  and  here  it  ring- 
ing away  the  evil  spirits  of  mind.  How 
much  we  owe  to  that  sweet  laugh !  It  turns 
prose  ;o  poetry  \  it  flings  flowers  to  sun- 
shine over  the  darkness  of  the  wood  in 
which  we  are  traveling ;  it  touches  with 
light  even  our  sleep,  which  is  bo  matt 
than  the  image  of  death,  but  is  consumed 
with  dreams  that  are  the  shadows  of  Im- 

^  ■  •         — 

—It  ooM»  but  two  cents  to  render  a  mus- 
lin dieas  uninflammable,  by  mixing  phos- 
phate or  sulphate  of  ammonia  or  tungstate 
of  soda  with  the  starch. 

A  SEK^  Ol^XNXERaBTXJib  EXrE^t^CBitls. 

While  cholera  \an  riiging  iii  Esgland 
last  year,  tlfe  medi^ia  offlcer  of  tfte  Privy 
Councfi,  ia^view  df  the  uncertainty  pre. 
vailing  e«|tsfeany  joints  connected  with  the 
disease,  and  the  principles  on  which  it 
ought  to  be  treated,  obtained  the  sanction 
of  the  Privy  Council  to  orgamze  methodi- 
cal attempts,  "  by  the  researches  and  ob- 
servations of  skilled  persons,  to  narrow.  If 
possible,  tbe  limits  of  those  large  un- 
certainties." One  of  these  branches  of  in- 
quiry was  "the  veriflcation  of  alleged ex- 
perimentia  prooft  of  the  commnnkmility 
of  cholera,''^  and  it  was  intrusted  to  Dr. 
Btndon  Sbmderson,  whose  report  thereon 
is  appended  to  the  ninth  annual  report  of 
the  medical  officer  of  the  Privy  Council 
recently  published. 

Dr.  Sanderson  has  just  made  his  report, 
which  includes  the  results  of  some  inter- 
esting experiments  upon  animalp,  following 
the  course  adopted  In  1854  by  Dr.  Thiersch. 
Strips  of  filter  paper  were  steeped  In  the 
cholera  matter  at  certain  intervals  after  its 
removal  from  the  body  during  life,  or  after 
death,  and  from  these  papers  (when  dry) 
the  quantity  of  solid  matter  taken  up  by 
each  strip  was  determined  by  the  dif- 
ference in  weight  before  and  after  immer- 
sion. The  material  was  thus  obtained  in 
every  stage  of  decomposition,  and  in  a 
form  for  administration  in  extremely  small 
quantities.  The  animals  selected  tor  ex- 
periment were  white  mice. 

Altogether  148  mice  were  operated  upon, 
and  of  these  53  were  more  or  less  affected 
and  31  died.  Dr.  Sanderson  thinks  that 
although  the  Infective  power  of  the  poison 
was  greatest  in  the  third  stage  of  Its  de- 
composition, yet  in  some  instances  its  foil 
virulence  was  manifest  on  the  second  day, 
notably  in  the  experiments  for  testing  the 
communicability  of  the  disease  from  one 
animal  to  another,  wherein  out  of  27  ani- 
mals operated  upon,  14  became  ill  and  13 
died.  The  material  used  in  these  oases  was 
administered  within  48  hours  of  the  death 
of  the  animal  from  which  it  was  taken. 

The  cholera  matter  having  killed  one 
series  of  mice,  it  was  found  that  the  bodies 
of  these  animals,  when  devoured  by  a  sec- 
ond series,  communicated  the  original  form 
of  disease  in  undiminished  lurulcnce,  the 
mortality  raging  as  high  as  fifty-seven  per 
cent.  Carrying  on  tbe  experiment  to  a  third 
series,  a  mortality  of  fifty  per  cent,  re- 
sulted. "We  have,  therefore,"  says  Dr. 
Sanderson,  "evidence  that  the  disease  pro- 
duced in  mice  by  the  administration  of 
cholera  material  in  small  doses,  can  be 
readily  communicated  from  the  affected 
animals  toothers  of  the  same  species,  and 
that  when  so  communicated  it  la  quite  as 
fatal  as  when  received  primarily. 

As  regards  tho  phenoraera  of  choltra 
infliction  In  mice  during  life,  the  most  con- 
stant indication  that  an  animal  was  under 
tho  Influence  of  the  poison  was  tho  loss  of 
mobility  and  excitability. 

"  At  first  the  animal  remains  quiet,  as  if 
listless  or  drowsy,  but  it  can  be  easily 
roused  into  activity ;  subsec^uently  all  re- 
action ceases.  Whenever  this  condition  of 
collapse  exists  in  a  well  marked  degree,  it 
13  found  that  tbe  temperature  ot  the  body 
i:^  correspondingly  diminished.  Thus  in 
animals  so  affected,  readings  of  the  ther- 
mometer were  obtained  as  much  as  twenty 
degrees  below  the  natural  standard.  So 
extraordinary  a  loss  of  temperature  seemed 
at  first  so  Incredible  that  I  was  inclined  to 
believe  that  some  error  of  observation  had 
been  committed,  but  repeated  measure- 
ments confirmed  the  accuracy  of  the  re- 
sults. In  general  a  very  low  temperature 
was  a  certain  precursor  of  death,  but  In  two 
remarkable  instances  recovery  took  place 
after  the  animals  had  remained  motionless 
and  apparently  lifeless,  with  a  temperature 
below  80  degrees  for  more  than  a  day." 

Dr.  Sanderson's  experiments  with  f;uinea 
pigs,  hedgehogs,  pigeons,  and  dog?,  do  not 
appear  to  have  pelded  any  important  sum  of 
results.  But  Mr.  Simon,  In  a  comment  on 
the  report  remarks : 

"  The  Importance  of  the  agent  as  against 
one  sort  of  animal  is  no  disproof  of  Its 
virulence  against  other  sorts.  The  positive 
result  of  Tniersch's  original  experiments 
on  mice,  and  of  the  experiments  of  Drs. 
Sanderson  and  Thirsch,  would  retain 
their  full  value  in  regard  to  the  animals  ex- 
perimented on,  even  if  all  other  animals 
should  prove  unsusceptible  of  the  influence; 
and  that  value,  in  explanation  of  the  facts 
of  human  infection,  is,  in  my  opmion, con- 
clusive.         ^.^  _ 

Female  Clerks— The  editor  of  the 
Albany  Knickerbocker  is  in  Europe,  and 

s^lA  lively^a^posemeAt  correspondent  6f    _  To  those  \«ho  love  Ac  -beautiful,  and 

' the Ehica»lVc&uo# geta  off  the  foUow-    appreciaUj  what  is  really  artistic.  lh©:»fy 

|,inc  ^m^muapj  .iTcwar  gcw  yju.  Palsce  Cars,  rec«nt]y  Duilt  for  the  use  of 

Ug^WhiclTwfll  be  appreciated  by  all  who    ^^  Mighigkn   Southern   Railroad,   will 

»re  Jii  the  ttabit^of  patronizing  the  hoteir "  p^venecutafry  atli«c«ve.    We  allude  to 

of  raat  or  any^other  city^  ;  ttalMl^o  apleadid   passenger  cars  de 

siimed  (o  ruft  Vetween  Cleveland 

sends  the  following  account  of  the  general 
enaployment  of  females : 

The  women,  by  the  way,  do  nearly  all 
the  trading  in  Ireland.  At  our  hotel  a 
woman  shows  you  to  your  room,  you  p<iy 
your  bill  to  a  woman,  and  you  are  politely 
bowed  out  of  the  house  by  the  housekeep- 
er. It  is  rare  to  find  a  retail  store  in  Cork 
where  a  female  is  not  seen  behinc  the 
counter.  We  are  told  that  the  same  thing 
prevails  throughout  the  British  provinces. 
The  reason  given  for  employing  them  is 
that  theii  foUles  are  not  only  less  numer- 
ous, but  much  lower  priced.  Females 
may  sport  fifty-dollar  mantles,  but  they 
never  go  on  fifty  dollar  "  busts."  Females 
never  spend  a  whole  week's  wages  on  bil- 
liard tables.  Girls  never  "  put  the  party 
through,"  kick  up  a  row,  ani  get  dragged 
to  the  station  house.  Fast  horses  they 
avoid,  and  roulette  tables  and  game  cocks. 
Who  ever  saw  a  female  hanging  round  a 
gambling  table,  or  betting  her  last  five 
dollars  that  she  can  tell  where  the  "  little 
joker"  is?  Whoever  saw  a  female  clerk, 
after  the  store  was  shut,  rambling  up 
Broadway,  "  raising  thunder,"  and  break- 
ing things?  Whoever  saw  a  respectable 
girl  knocking  over  dry  goods  boxes  and 
standing  "SI.  P.'s"  on  their  heads?  No 
one,  and  yet  respectable  young  men  do 
these  things  nightly.  When  was  a  female 
clerk  ever  arrested  for  having  a  "  suspi- 
cious character  "  locked  up  in  the  store 
with  her  after  midnight  ?  In  view  of  all 
these  facts,  is  it  any  wonder  that  the  mer- 
chants on  this  side  run  to  female  clerks  t 

m  *  ^ 

Kinc  Dacobert**  EflTVa* 

The  Paris  correspondent  of  ihi^Natwn, 
states  that  the  guests  of  the  Abbe  Dehis, 
curate  ot  the  parish  of  St.  Eloi,  in  the 
Faubourg  St.  Antonie  dined  a  few  days  ago 
on  fowls  whose  immediate  ancestor?  fig- 
ured, he  says,  on  the  table  of  the  great 
Prankish  King  Dagobert.  When  the  Abbe 
Denis  laid  the  first  stone  of  the  church  and 
presbytery  he  had  built  by  his  own  exer- 
tions, on  the  site  of  the  old  chateau  and 
gardens  of  Dagobert,  a  hen's  nest  full  of 
eggs  was  discovered  beneath  the  ruins  ot 
the  ancient  building.  These  eggs,  more 
than  twelve  hundred  years  old,  were  about 
to  be  thrown  away  by  the  laborers,  when 
the  Abbe,  lemembering  that  wheat  has 
been  grown  from  grain  found  in  Egypt,  in 
mummies,  dating  back  from  the  time  of 
the  Pharaohs,  bethought  him  that  possibly 
there  might  still  be  life  in  these  eggs.  A 
savant  of  the  institute,  coosaltcd  at  once 
in  reference  to  these  precious  reUra  of  an 
age  when  there  was,  as  yet,  no  France  to 
detest  "  Perfidious  Albion"  or  to  be  jeal- 
ous of  Prussia  and  needle  guas,  advised 
their  being  forthwith  confided  to  a  hen  of 
approved  success  in  the  material  capacity. 
This  advice  having  been  acted  upon,  the 
good  cure  and  his  friends  had  the  delight 
of  witnessing,  twenty-one  days  afterward, 
the  hatching  of  a  fine  brood  of  chickens,  the 
direct  progeny  of  the  denizens  of  King 
Dagobert's  bam  yard.  The  fcwls  thus  ob- 
Uined  have  been  carefully  kept  from  any 
misalliance  with  their  congeners  of  less 
ancient  blood ;  and  tiie  Abbe  has  now  a 
yard  so  well  repknSshed  with  "  King  Dago- 
bert  fowls"  tut  he  not  only  suppUes  his 
own  larder  with  poultry  of  this  iDustnous 
breed,  but  is  about  to  oretmiae,  at  the  sag^ 
gestion  of  ntimerous  friends,  a  sale  of 
"  King  Dagobert  eggs"  for  the  benefit  of 
the  poor  of  his  pansh. 

I  approach  you  in  a  timid  frame  of  mind 
to  day,  with  a  few  hesitating  words  on  the 
subject  of  hotel  clerks. 

And  I  appMl  to  you,  O  omniscience,  Is 
there  a  greater  person  on  earth  than  the 
hotel  clerk? 

I  have  come  to  the  conclusion  there  is 


Earthly  p<5lehtate8,  ^Moiophers,  warri- 
ors and  poets  dwarf  in  compa^-iso:;. 

My  eyes  are  open  to  the  enormity  of  my 
ignorannce  and  I  freely  own  that  I  did 
wrong  in  asking  that  young  man,  with  the 
nice  hair  and  stunning  vest,  if  he  would 
gfve  me  a  room  on  the  second  floor.  I  do 
not  blame  him  that  he  looked  at  me 
through  hM  eye-glasses,  with  a  tooth-pick 
in  hia  mouth,  for  ten  minutes:  that  he 
then  said  be  would  be  bade  in  a  minute 
and  went  ofl"  to  play  billiards ;  that  he  was 

fonc  half  an  hour  and  came  back  and  read 
alf  a  dozen  notes  ftom  widows  In  the 
house ;  that  he  then  looked  up  and  asked 
me  what  I  wanted ;  and  that  he  sent  me 
to  the  flfth  story.  All  this  1  ought  to  have 

But  the  look  he  gave  me  was  cruel.  The 
glance  which  commenced  at  the  top  of  my 
hat  and  went  to  the  toe  of  my  boot,  was  too 
much.  Was  it  not  enough  to  evinee  his 
superiority  by  ordering  me  to  the  fifth 
story  ?  Why  cxi)Ose  me  to  that  cbllllne 
look  ?  I  know  that  I  should  have  begged 
that  nice  young  man's  pardon  for  speaking 
to  him,  but  one  cannot  ajways  remember 
hotel  etiquette. 

And  I  went  up  to  my  den  in  the  fifth 
story  thoroughly  convinced  that  I  had  no 
rights  a  hoteTclerk  was  bound  to  respect, 
and  I  did  not  care  to  look  at  him  after  that, 
and  1  paid  my  bill  through  the  proxy  ol  a 
man  and  a  brother  who  knew  the  hotel 
clerk  better  than  I  did. 

Next  to  being  Chan  oi  Tartary,  or  Ty- 
coon of  Japan,!  would  be  a  hotel  clerk. 
He  is  an  object  of  interest  only  second  to 
Barnum's  gorilla— a  being  so  far  elevated 
above  the  petty  strifes  and  cares  ot  the 
world  that  he  can  look  down  from  his  alti- 
tude upon  us  all  and  smilingly  consign  us 
to  the  devil  if  it  so  please  him— a  com- 
pound of  arrogance,  self-complacency, 
don't-care-a-cuasativeness,  and  utter  disre- 
gard of  ordinary  human  beings,  so  strong- 
ly compounded  that  it  becomes  sublime. 

And  I  always  revere  sublimity  of  this 
description,  when  he  sent  me  to  the  fifth 
story  with  a  carpet  bag  in  each  hand,  I 
did  not  complain.  I  kissed  the  hand  that 

All  that  he  does  is  done  with  an  air  of 
superiority.  Do  you  desire  to  ascertain 
what  time  the  train  departs  ?  He  refers 
you  to  the  office  of  the  company,  and  don't 
know  where  it  is.  Do  you  want  to  know 
where  Bangs  &  Co.  do  business?  He 
waves  you  to  a  directory  of  some  other  city 
and  replaces  his  whole  mind  on  his  tooth- 
pick. Ask  him  for  some  tickets  to  an  eve- 
ning's performance  at  the  theatre,  and  he 
will  crush  you  with  a  glance,  as  much  as 
to  say,  do  I  look  like  a  man  in  a  box- 

He  is  master  ot  all  he  surveys,  absolute 
in  his  sway,  wonderful  in  his  make  up, 
express  and  admirable  in  his  functions. 
He  knows  everybody,  and  has  a  front  seat 
at  the  opera.  When  he  puts  his  whole 
mind  on  a  carpet  bag  he  can  tell  at  a 
glance  whether  it  contains  a  shirt  and  a 
toothbrush  or  a flrst-class  trousseau,  and 
he  can  grade  men  into  their  rooms  by 
their  cx)at  buttons  with  the  utmost  ease. 

Ordinary  impudence  usually  gets  snub- 
bod,  but  there  does  not  live  a  man  with 
courage  enough  to  snub  the  hotel  clerk. 
His  impudence  is  allied  to  genius.  It  has 
taken  him  years  to  reach  It,  and  the  pain- 
ful hours  of  study  he  has  given  to  the 
characteristics  of  the  tooth-pick  arc  some- 
thing wonderful  to  think  of. 

When  I  retire  from  the  pomps  and  vani- 
ties of  this  world.  O  Tnburu,  and  have  no 
further  interest  in  sublunary  matters,  I 
hope  to  be  a  hotel  clerk.  I  can  conceive 
of  no  epitaph  more  impressive  than  the 
touching  words — "  He  was  a  hotey;lerk." 

Mr».  LdstcoIn'M  Wardrobe. 

THB  clothes  valued  TOO  HIGH,  .iND  <;0i(- 
'■'"'-'         B«<5|CEKTLV  don't  BELL. 

From  tho  New  York  Sun,  Oct.  10. 
Throughout  the  day,  yesterday,  the  es- 
tablishment of  Mr.  Brady,  609  Broadway, 
was  thronged  with  visitors,  the  most  of 
whom,  as  on  former  days,  had  been  at- 
tracted thither  in  order  to  gratify  their 
curiosity  by  an  inspection  of  the  dresses 
and  other  articles  belonging  to  Mrs.  Lin- 
coln, which  are  there  exhibited  for  sale. 
Ind(!ed,    the  'crowd  which  called  at  the 
rooms  yesterday  greatly  exceeded  in  num- 
ber that  of  any  former  day  since  the  re- 
ceipt of  the  goods,  the  spacious  exhibition 
rooms  being  packed  to  suffocation,  especi- 
ally during  the  afternoon,  when  no  less 
than  one  thousand  visitors  were  in  constant 
attendance  at  the  apartments.    The  visitors 
are  confined  to  no  particular  class  of  the 
community,    well-dressed    exquisites  and 
fashionably-attired  females  ot    Fifth  and 
Madison  avenues  mingling  with  the  plain 
ly.clad  mechanic  and  unpretending  shop 
girl,  all  of  whom  arc  allowed  an  equal 
privilege  ot  handhng,  tossing  and  mixing 
the  shawls  and  dresses — a  privilege  which 
they  have  not  been  slow  to  improve,  as  is 
testified  by  the  crumpled  appearance  of 
some  of  the  articles.     Among  the  visitors 
who  called  at  the  rooms  yesterday  after- 
noon, were  Baron  Von  Kusseron,  of  the 
Prussian  Legation,  Hon.  Daniel E.  Sickles, 
Mile.  Guiscp'pina  Morlacchi,  tho  danseuse, 
and  other  notables.    With  the  exception 
of  one  or  two  of  the  cheapest  dresses,  two 
shawls,  including  one  camel's  hair,  and  a 
few  minor  pieces  of  jewelry,  none  of  the 
articles  have  as  yet  been  disposed  of,  the 
valuable  shawls  still  occupying  their  posi- 
tions across  the  back  of  the  chairs ;  the  five 
silk  and  satin  dresses  still  lying  wnnkled 
with  constant  handling,  upon  the  sofa ;  the 
cheipcr   dresses  lying  In  a  promiscuous 
heap  upon  the  piano,  and  which  the  com- 
bined eflbrts  of  the  two  female  attendants 
are  insufficient  to  keep  in  order  ;  and  the 
valuable  point  lace  sbunwls,  diamonds  and 
furs,  still  remain  untouched  in  the  show 
cases.    During  a  conversation  between  Mr. 
Brady  and  a  Sun  reporter  yesterday,  the 
former  stated  that  he  had  despaired  of  ever 
selling  the  goods  at  private  sale,  attribut- 
ing the  dilitoriness  to  the  high  figures  at 
which  the  articles  had  been  priced  by  ilrs. 
Lincoln,   who   doubtless   had   calculated 
more  upon  the  historical  interest  attached 
to  the  goods,  than  their  real  value  for 
wearing  purposes.     Regarding  the  second 
invoice  of  goods,  which  Mrs.lancoln  had 
contemplated  sending  to  Mr.  Brady  from 
Chicago,  the  gentleman  stated  that,  owing 
to  the  difficulty  experienced  in  disposing 
of  the  lot  at  present  on  hand,  no  further 
consignments  would  be  made. 

signed  to  run  Dciween  vievcnmu  and  Chi- 
cago, and  called  respectively  "  The  Forest 
City"  and  "Tbe  Garden  City."    The  for- 
mer of  these  being  on  exhibition  at  Al- 
bany, on  Thursday,  Sept.  19,  we  availed 
ourselves  of  an  opportunity  to  examine 
the  Chariot  Palace.    Glancing  at  the  ex- 
terior, we  remark  on  each  side  five  plate- 
fjlass  windows,  each  a  single  pane  nearly 
OUT  feet  square,  and  sixteen  smaller  ones, 
arranged  beneath  as  so  many  ventilators. 
Entering,  we  find  the  interior  arrange- 
ment very  ingenious.    From  the  door  at 
each  end  of  the  car  runs  an  aisle  termina- 
ting in  a  grand,  central  saloon,  ten  feet 
square,  carpeted  with  an  exquisite  Axmin- 
ster  rug,  and  furnished  with  consummate 
elegance  and  taste.    The  prevailinc  color 
is  blue ;  the  wood-work  rosewood,  with 
costly  inlayings.    Two   settees,  with  four 
easy  chairs  of  curious  design,  four  mir- 
rors,    inlaid    paper- racks,    semicircular 
marble  brackets,  surmounted  by  miniature 
etagcres,  and  a  rich  center  table,  complete 
the   furniture  of  the  room.    We  notice, 
also,     bronze     medallions,     monograms 
wrought  in  various  woods,  and  an  inlaid 
ceiling  of  white  holly  wood,  gilded  chande- 
lier, sliver  water-pitcher,  &c.,  &c.    On  one 
side  of   this  central  saloon  is  a  room  cush- 
ioned  in  sliver  leather,  and  in  a  corres- 
ponding   position    opposite,    another    in 
green,  but  similar  in  arrangement.    Each 
apariment  has  two  settees  and  two  easy 
chairs,  with  a  center  table.    In  the  silver 
room  the  wood-work  is  of  rosewood,  black 
walnut,  curled  maple,  and  satin  wood  ;  in 
the  green  room,  birdseye  maple,  .ralnut, 
and  rosewood.    Beyond  these  apartments 
stand  on  one  end  of  the  car  the  golden 
room,  and  on  the  other  the  purple  room. 
Each  has  settees,  so  adjusted  that  by  de- 
taching the  cuds,  a  party  may  surround  a 
table,  which,  made  with  elaborate  inlaid 
work,  may  be  rolled  into  the  center  of  the 
room  and  unfolded.    Here  are  mirrors  set 
in  bronze  frames,  bronze  racks  for  light 
baggage,  and  every  convenience  which  can 
promote  a  traveler's    comfort    and    case. 
Both  these  superb  cars  are  nothing  less 
than  palaces  on  wheels,  and  In  every  way 
are    deserving    the    high    distinction     of 
bringing  near  together  the  metropolis  of 
the  West  and  the  most  beautiful  city  of 
the  Union. — New  York  Tribune. 

One  of  the  above  new  And  elecant  cars 
(concedod  to  be  tbe  best  ever  built)  now 
leares  Cbicapro  daily  at  7  a.m.,  coine  tbronx'fa  to 
Clejvcland  wiibout  charge,  theuce  by  clccjiinK  car 

to  Rocheitcr,  there  taking;  the  comtortablo  draw- 
inc-room  car  of  the  New  \  ork  Central  and  Hudson 
River  Roads  to  Now  Vork  withont  change.  This 
will  be  found  the  most  pleosnnt  route  ever  adver- 
tisad,  and  must  at  once  recommend  Itself  to  fumi- 
Ue9  and  IndlvldDala. 

^^ Coupon  tickets  Bccurin?  seats  In  one  of  theK 
cars  to  Cleveland,  bertha  or  cections  in  most  com- 
fortable elecpinj;  cars  from  Cievclaud  to  Kochea- 
t«r,  and  eeati^  in  the  drawine-room  car  from 
Rocboetcr  to  New  York,  may  be  obtained  at  the 
Oenpral  Office,  66  Clark  street,  Chicago,  and  at 
the  Mictl$;an  Southern  Depot,  corner  of  Van 
Buren  and  ijhcrmaa  atrccta. 

Desperation  of  an  Office  (>iceker. 

A  patriotic  citizen  anxious  to  serve  his 
country,  has  for  a  long  time  been  trying  to 
get  some  one  to  help  him  to  a  place  in  the 
Boston  Custom  House.  He  made  numer- 
ous applications,  t)ut  the  right  influence 
could  not  be  obtained.  At  last  a  friend 
told  him  that  a  letter  from  a  well-known 
dentist  would  "  fix  him  all  right."  The 
office  seeker  and  dentist  had  been  acquain- 
tances, but  had  not  met  for  many  years. 
Our  hero  took  a  station  near  the  office  of 
the  operator,  intending  to  intenept  him  in 
his  passage  in  or  out.  After  a  few  days 
the  "waits"  l>crame  tedious,  and  the  pro- 
prietor had  not  been  seen,  neither  was 
there  among  his  patrons  any  one  who 
could  be  approached.  At  last,  m  a  fit  of 
desperation,  and  seeing  no  alternative,  he 
resolved  to  part  with  a  tooth  and  secure 
his  letter.  "The  magnitude  of  his  sacrifice 
may  be  inferred  from  the  fact  that  his 
stock  of  grinders  was  limited  to  five.  He 
had  the  molar  extracted,  and  then  made 
known  his  errand.  The  demist  gave  him 
a  letter  to  the  Collector,  which  he  deliver- 
ed. He  was  met  with  the  cheering  infor- 
mation that  tbe  applicants  were  several 
hundreds  and  m*  po'-ltions  open.  His  feel- 
ings at  finding  that  the  vacancy  in  his  jaw 
haA  failed  to  give  him  an  opportunity  to 
ffil  a  vacancy  at  the  receipt  of  customs 
may  be  imagined  but  cannot  be  described. 
An  excruciating  toothache  would  have 
been  ecstacy  in  comparison. 

—A  band  of  Indians  made  a  sudden 
attack  en  a  detachment  of  our  soldiers  m 
the  mountains,  recenUy.  The  solcHers  had 
a  loaded  mountain  howitzer  mounted  on  a 
mule.  Not  having  time  to  take  it  off  and 
put  it  Id  position,  they  bad:ed  up  the  mule 
and  let  dii ve at  tbe  Indians.  The  loM  was 
so  heavy  that  mule  and  all  went  tumbling 
down  the  hill  toward  the  savages,  who,  not 
undeistapding  that  kind  of  warfare,  fled 
like  deers.  Afterward  one  of  tfcera  wms 
captured,  and  when  asked  why  he  ran  so, 
repBed :  "  Me  big  Injin,  not  afraid  of  little 
guns  or  T)ig  guns,  but  -vhen  white  man 
load  up  and  fire  a  whole  J*ckass*t  lojin, 
me  don't  Iumv  what  to  da" 

-., ^m^ • 

—A  telescope  has  been  invrtttft  in 
France  which  enables  one  to  see  objects 
under  water.  It  is  said  that  marks  can  be 
seen  with  it  distinctly  at  a  depth  of  five 
feet  •     -^    -^ 

UrevfUes   amd   E.evitleit. 

As  a  weary  traveler   was  wending 

hU  way  thronjfh  tbe  mud  In  a  far-weat  region  of 
the  country,  he  dlBCovered  a  youcjj  maiden  seated 
In  front  of  the  door  of  a  ?mall  lo^  house.  He  rode 
up  in  front  of  the  c  abln,  and  aKked  the  girl  far  a 
drink  of  water.  lie  drank  it,  and,  aho  Being  the 
first  woman  he  had  seen  for  Beverel  days,  oncred 
her  a  dime  for  a  kits.  The  young  maiden  accept- 
ed the  offer,  and  rec«ived  both  t£e  kiss  aiid  the 
dime.  The  traveler  was  about  to  resume  his 
journey,  but  the  girl,  never  before  having  aeen  a 
dime,  aaked :  "  What  am  I  to  do  with  the  dime  ?" 
"You  may  use  it  any  way  you  wUh,"  he  replied, 
"  It  la  yours."  "If  that's  the  case,"  aatd  she, 
"I'll  ffive  yon  back  the  dime  and  take  another 

A  beautiful  girl  stepped  into  a  store 

to  buy  a  pair  of  mit«.  "How  much  are  they?" 
"  Why."  said  the  gallant  and  impudent  clerk.  lost 
in  saztns  on  sparkJlni:  eyes  and  ruby  lips,  "  you 
may  bare  them  for  a  kiss."  "Agret-d,"  eaid  the 
young  lady,  pocketiDj{  tiie  mit«,  while  her  eyea 
spoke  dagt;cT8,  ••  and,  as  I  sec  that  you  give  credit 
here,  charge  it  on  vour  books  and  collect  It  the 
best  way  you  can  ;^'  and,  so  saying,  she  hastily 
tripped  oat. 

Shan't  I  sec  you  hum  from  singing- 

Bkule  to-night,  Jcrushyy"  "No,  you  shan't  do  no 
snch  thing  :  I  don't  want  you  nor  your  company, 
Reuben.  "f'rnpe  you  didn't  exactly  tinderstand 
whailsald?"  "'Yes  I  did:  jron  aaked  me  if  yon 
mighnt  »co  me  hum."  "  W  'y,  no,  I  didn't;  I  only 
asked  you  how  your  marm  was  1" 

A  justice  better  versed  in  law  than 

gospel,  not  long  since  married  a  couple  in  this  way. 
••.Hold  up  your  haudn.  You  solemnly  swear  that 
you  will  perlorm  the  duties  of  your  office,  Jointly 
and  severally  nccordiug  to  your  beet  skill  and 
judgment,    ao  help  you  God,  fee  one  dollar." 

——Mark  Twain  thinks  the  man  ought 
to  die  a  violent  death  who  put  it  into  people's 
heads  to  try  to  make  cherished,  beloved,  sacred 
homes  out  of  sach  cold,  ghostly,  nnfeeJing  stuff 
as  marble,— a  material  wnicb  God  intended  only 
for  grave-stones. 

"  Here,  I  can't  pass  you,"  said  the 

doorkeeper  of  a  Western  theatre.  '•  You  needn't 
pasB  me,"  said  tbe  irrepressible  deadhead  whom' 
fie  addressed,  "just  vou  stand  where  you  arc  and 
I'll  pass  yon."    And  he  passed. 

What  IS  the  difl'crence  between  a 

rifleman  who  shoots  wide  of  the  target,  and  a  hus- 
band who  blackens  his  wife's  eyes?  The  one 
miaaca  liia  mark  and  the  other  marka  his  missis. 

Boasting  ot  a  visit  he  had  made  to 

the  queen,  at  Windsor,  a  Yankee  clinched  his 
remarks  by  declaring:  "I  should  have  been  in- 
vited to  dinner,  but  that  it  waa  washing  day." 

In  order  to  keep  up  with  the  pro- 
gress of  the  age.  Time  has  abandoned  the  scythe 
and  the  hour-glass,  and  purchased  a  mowing 
macliine  and  a  watch. 

"  There's  no  knowing  one's  friends 

till  they  are  tried,"  as  the  warder  of  the  peniten- 
tiary said  when  one  of  ilia  cousins  waa  placed  in 
his  keeping. 

What  is,  the  diflerence  between  a 

barber  and  a  mother  i  One  lias  i-a  A.ia  to  shave, 
and  the  other  has  ahavcrB  to  rai»c. 

Why  is  a  sharp  razor  like  a  dull 

one  t  Because  the  one  sliavci  thoroughly,  and  the 
other  abavca  (ho-roughly. 

An  exchange  eays  that  those  who 

moet^freqnentw  visit  the  waterisg-placca  in  sum 
mcr  are  the  milkmen. 

**  Doctor,  what  is  a  certain  cure  for 

a  bald  bead  T'  "  Ampaution—dccapiution— cut- 
ting it  off,  air." 

There  is  one  thine  among  many  in 

this  life  to  try  men  more  than  any  other.    It  is  a— 


•^'- Why  IS  iron  sometimes  like  a  band 
of  robi>era  r    Because  it  U  united  to  eteel. 

Billiard    players,  like    lambs,  are 

fond  «>f  "gambling  on  the  gn?*n.'* 

The  storm  king  is  hard  to  "  bear  " 

whan  he  la  s  brain'. 

- — A  shocking  thing  to  think  of— a 
gjdTtnlc  batte*7. 

——A  man  of  low  extraction— a  cheap 

The  Universal  Watchword.— Tick  I 

Fnneh.  • 









M,  t       ^      -  ir  ■     -  ■      





i!..\v  doth  tLo 

On  cvory  poKlen  Bcalc  ? 

WiihcenUu  emlllng  Jaws  I 

^  >Wli^Ton  ^*^ll'  >  "(<i«  '<^**'^ ''  ^*^  '^  wbiUDg  to 

•Ther«'i!i  a  porpoUc  Ja«l  behind  us,  and  he  •  trcad- 

iDr  nri  my  1*11. 
$e  riy  tbo  lobuors  and  the  turtles  all 

They  »«  vailing  on  the  ehlDxIo    win  joo  come 
•nd  Join  tho  diuice  ? 
WJIl  yoo.  <r'  ■•'•  -.a,  i*-lll  you.  won't  you,  will 

JO.  '.iincof 

Will  jOL.  von,  will   yoa.  vron't  yon, 

won't  joD  joto  the  dance  1 


.illy  have  no  notion  how  uuiiitjf.ui 

e.iurse   I 

WHS  a  nice  young  man  of  Iwcuty  rteven, 
a  meio  rhila  of  a  girl,  hardly  six- 

.ke  118  ap  and  throw  us,  wUb  Iho  lob- 
It  to  sea.' 
. .    .  ...1  replied,  'Too  tax,  loo  far  I'  and  ^&v» 

S«'.d  he  thar.ked  !b.^  whlUag  kindly,  but  ho  would 
rr  ■  ce. 

Wo  not,  would  not,  could  not, 

■   ""i,^  dance; 
^*ou  :  would  not.  could  not, 

^„,.,„  ... , .L  dance. 

Whs!  msttPTKl:  how  tar  wo  io?'  his  scaly  friend 


SV  lU  JOki, 


r  shore,  xou  ktow«  upon  thu 

trom  England,  the  nearer  U  to 

ilo,  hcloTcd  snail,  tiut  come  and 
won't  yon,  will  you,  won't  yon,  will 
yoc  Join  the  danc«:  > 

you,  woa't    yoa,  wl'l  you,  wont  yon, 
Hr<in'i}ojja;u  the  daneo?  " 


TU  the  ToUc  of  the  lohetcr ;  1  heard  him  dc- 

iakod  ia«  too  brown— I  must  sugar  my 

'  - .  90  he  nith  his  nose 
.ttocf,  and  turns  out  his 

•1  pa««rd  lit  UU  ganleii,  and  maiked  with  o 


How  the  uwl  and  Ihe  oyster  were  sharing  a  pie- 

and  green, 



,1.^    r-.r,r  coo — «xjp  1 
I'al  80O — OOp  ! 

..■  0 — e — evening, 
oaatlful  sonp !  ' 


Jlj  Eflbrt  ax   .'♦latch-Ma king. 

I  ha.!  silently  watche<i  my  aunt  for  so 
hoar— my  aunl  Katharice,  who  sal  silent- 
!.  '        \      low    with    her    sewing. 

i  .    f  tnr'«hfrs  of  the  lace  cur- 

t  .  f*ame  in  and  fell 

J;-. ^...,  ^1.  ,  sm'X>th  hair,  and 

prtlty  white  work,  while  the  fresh  breezes 
,1  ...  ^  .  if,  i»if,jngh  the  open  window,  blew 
i;  lu  a  carnaiioa  pink  upon    her 

<  .    1   silting  there  in  tlio  breeze 

.:  ...  I  .sjxw  that  my  aunt  Katha- 

:  .     very    hani-lsome.      At    first    I 

1!. ,  ..  -.  il  strango  that  I  liad  never  noticed 
thill  ~Uel  before;  but  it  was  not  strange, 
III  trhildrcu  think  anything  about  their 
parent's  or  guardians'  lx)ks,  except  that 
.  be  pleasant  or  unpleasant,  and  I  was 
.  :  .1  more  than  a  child.  Ever  since  I 
ct.'uld  remcuQber,  Aunt  Katharine,  with 
her  dark  dreaa,  smooth  hair,  and  gentle 
-.  had  taken  care  ot  me  ;  and  wnen  I 
grew  iut<5  a  tall  girl  of  fifteen,  old  enough 
to  go  to  kissing  parties  and  have  young 
l.vaux,  sho  watched  over  me  still.  She  was 
my  mother,  my  companion,  my  friend,  i 
ucver  realized  my  orphanage  or  want  of 
other  kin,  but  had  been  the  same  carcle.s.s, 
li^ht  hearted,  merry  girl  ever  since  I  could 
remomber,  that  I  wao  on  the  Juno  morn- 
ing I  watched  her  at  work  in  the  sunlight. 
She  l">Aiii!  up  at  last. 

•Addle,  .aa't  it  most  school  time  I""  she 

"  Yc9,  aunlie,  I  am  going  in  a   minute ;  |  laughed,  and 

hot  tlrst  tell  me " 

"What,  child"?" 

"  Why  you  never  were  married." 
"  Because  1  never  liked  anybody  well 
enough  to  marry  him.    Now  go  and  get 
ready  for  school. ' 

She  smiled  as  she  spoke,  and  after  a 
glance  at  her  lace  I  smiled,  too,  and  ran  oil 
up  stairs  to  get  my  bonnet  and  satchel. 
Coming  down  stairs  again,  I  put  my  head 
lo  at  the  sitting  foom  door. 
"  Aunt  KalharLcey" 


"  If  you  found  anybody  you  liked 
enough  wouldn't  you  marry  him '/" 

"1  don't  know— I  suppose  so.  Why, 
what  in  the  world  haa  got  into  your  heail, 


1  laughed,  slammed  the  door  and  bound- 
ed through  the  hall  into  the  road.  Halt 
way  to  the  school  house  I  met  my  teacher, 
Mr.  Charles  Devereux. 

"  Good  morning,  Mis«  Addle.  Recila 
tionsall  ready?" 

"  Yes,  sir,"  I  answertd,  and  ho  passed 
on  ah«ad.  1  sauntered  on  slowly,  think- 
ing of  my  aunt  Katharine.  I  thought  it 
would  be  a  nice  plan  lor  her  to  be  mar- 
rid.  The  next  thounht  was,  who  would 
ghe  marry  V 

There  were  only  half  a  dozen  unmarriotl 
nxi  d  men  in  the  village.      Aunt 

Ka.  wastwenty-scvcn,  and  of  course 

ahe  would't  marr>'  a  very  young  man.  1 
rapidly  enumerated  the  half  dozen  eligible 
ouM  and  their  suitability  for  my  plan. 
Lawyer  Hyde,  thirty,  rich,  aristocratic  and 
stingy.  Mr.  Leighton, thirtyhve,  hand- 
some, good,  well-off  but  a  widower ;  and 
I've  heard  aunl  Katharine  say  she  did  not 
like  widowers.  Mr,  Picrson,  twenty  eight, 
handsome,  wealthy,  but  too  last ;  she 
would  not  like  him.  Dr.  Jarvis,  thirty -six, 
small,  crabbed,  miserable,  and  unbearable 
generally.  Mr.  Howe,  tco  homely  to  be 
Ihought'of ;  and  Captain  Haynes,  with  his 

Jellow,  bushy  whiskers,  and  nine  thousand 
ollars  worth  of  mortgaged  property,  which 
he  is  always  talking  about,  worse  yet. 
Rither  a  sorry  array. 

Just  then  the  8oh>xl-bell  rang,  and  1 
went  In  to  my  books  and  Mr.  Charles  Dev- 
ereux— a^a-d  twenty-eight,  handsome,  intel- 
ligent, wuu-educated  and  unmarried.  The 
cwss  in  intellectual  philosophy  was  called 
tiist,  and  I  thought.I  had  carefully  commit 
led  my  lesson  to  memory  the  evening  be- 
fore, my  late  thoughts  had  quite  driven  all 
remembrance  of  it  from  my  head,  and  rny 
1  :.  was  imperfect.      Mr.    Uevereux 

.rprisedly  at  me,  but  said  nothing. 
In  French  grammar  my  performance  wa.s 
btill  worse. 

"  Miss  Addle,"  said  Mr.  Devereux,  as  I 
passed  by  him  on  my  way  to  my  seat.  "  do 
you  have  any  trouble  with  those  Frenc'n 
verbs  in  learning  vour  lesson  r" 
"Yes,  a  little,'  I  replied. 
"  You  want  a  little  reviewing,  1  think. 
if  I  have  time,  I  will  call  in  at  your  house 
this  evenine  and  help  you  a  little  while 
yoM  are  studying." 

Mr  Dt^ert'ux  knew  that  1  always  studied 
:  ng,  and  bad  several  times  called 
■  aa  hour  in  assisting  me  with 
a  parliculariy  difficult  task  designed  for 
liic  next  day's  recitation.  So  1  was  not 
surprised  lo  hear  him  make  this  offer, 
though  a  little  a.shamed  of  the  cause  of  it, 
as  my  failure  ha<i  resulted  from  my  willful 
inattention  and  carelessness  1  thanked 
him,  however,  with  a  Hushed  face,  and 
went  to  my  seal,  liul  it  was  not  entirely 
shame  that  flushed  ray  lace. 

As  I  expected,  Mr.  Devereux  came  in  the 
■    ;  to  explain  my  French  lesson.  But 
'ni  find  me  alone.    Aunt  Katharine 
sal  'Able  sewing,  and  looked  even 

har  •■   than    in   the   morning.      My 

heart  gave  a  flutter  of  impatient  anticipa- 
tion every  time  Mr.  Devereux  looked  at 
her.  and  after  the  lessons  were  through  I 
dil  my  best  to  make  her  talk  to  please  him. 
My  aunt  always  ta.ked  well,  but  she  quite 
excelled  herself  in  conversation  that  night. 
1  saw  that  Mr.  Devereux  was  interested, 
aad  I  was  delighted  with  the  success  of  my 
secret  plan. 
In  the  course  of  the  evening,  John  Aft- 

hrey,   my   Iovlt,  came   i;; 
clainiC'!  .'olra  a?  my  l.ivci 

g  mat 
and  I  a  mero  rhila  of  a 
teen,  he  had  bcauxod  rrif  to  parlies  and 
concerts  all  one  wint  r,  and  told  me  a 
dozen  timefl  that  1  wat;  the  sweetest,  pret- 
tiest, most  lovely  girl  in  all  Hartford.  .So 
that  when  John  came  in,  I  went  and  sat 
down  by  him  in  a  cosy  corner,  and  left 
Aunt  Katharine  to  entertain  Mr.  Dcvercu.v 
—a  plan  which  I  thought  at  tirat  secmetl 
to  suit  all  around. 

But  after  a  little  time  I  saw  John  casting 
uncasv  glances  toward  the  place  where 
Mr.  D>evereux,  looking  superbly  liandsomo, 
sat  talking  with  my  aunt. 

"You  needn't  be  jealous  of  him,  John," 
I  said;  "he's only  my  teacher." 

John  started  and  leaned  back  in  his  seal 
without  saying  a  word. 

Neither  of  the  gentlemen  ilaycd  very 
late,  John  going  away  directly  alter  Mr. 
Devereux,  and  I  went  to  my  n)om  elated 
with  my  prosperity,  or  rather  ihe  proa- 
peri  tv  of  my  plans. 

I  d"id   not  need  assistance  in  my  studies 
before  Mr.  Duvereux  came  again,  and  after 
a  short  time  it  came  to  bo  a  regular  thing 
fur  him  to  spend  an  evening  once  or  twice 
a  week  with  us.     W' ith  us,  1  say,  because  I 
could  see  that,  though  he  admired  my  aunl 
Katharine  very  much,  he  had  too  gorxl 
taste  to  monopolize  her  company  entirely, 
to  the  exclusion  of  ramc.    I  enjoyed  those 
evenings    very  much.    It  seemed  to  me 
that  ilr.  Devereux  grew  remarkably  agree- 
able very  fast,      bometiraea  John  would 
come  in,  but  John  seemed  to  have  grown 
strange  and  moody  of  late.    I  thought  it 
was   Mr.  Devereux   was  at  our 
houae  so  much,  and  endeavored  to  please 
him  by  extra  attention  when  he  did  spend 
an  evening  with  us,  but  it  didn't  seem  to 
be  of  much  use.    I  resented  his  silence 
and  inattention  to  me  one  night,  and  after 
that  he    didn't  come    to  us  f(T  nearly  a 
month.     But  we  seemed  to  get  along  just 
a.s  well  without  him— at  least  I  did,  though 
aunl  Katharine  asked  me   a  number  of 
times  about  the  cause  of  his  absence. 

"He  is  sulky,  I  suppose.  Don't  fret 
about  me.  aunt  Katherinc ;  it  don't  trouble 
me  at  all,"  I  said. 

A  few  evening  alter,  John  made  his  ap- 
pearance, and  entered  the  parlor  where 
Mr.  Devereux  and  I  sal  playing  chess, 
while  my  aunt  was  writing  a  letter  at  a  side 
table.  1  thought  it  woulJ  be  rather  awk- 
ward for  him  at  first,  but  he  came  f(.)rwar<l 
easily,  and  after  speaking  lo  Mr.  Devereux 
and  myselt,  crossed  the  room  and  seateil 
himself  by  my  aunt.  Pleased  with  this 
arrangement,  1  devoted  myself  to  my 
game,  and  did  not  look  around  for  some 
half  an  hour  afterward,  when  my  alien 
lion  wa.'i  attracted  by  the  sound  of  John 
Aubrey's  voice,  which  though  low,  was  re- 
markably earnest  and  emphatic  I  turned 
my  head  and. gazed  in  wonder.  My  aunt's 
cheeks  were  flushed  crimson,  and  Johu'.s 
face,  aa  seen  by  rae  for  an  instnnt,  wus  pale 
and  agitated.  1  turned  to  Mr.  Devereux 
in  a.3toni8hment,  but  he  only  smiled  slight 
ly,  made  a  move,  and  then  waited  for  me 
to  do  the  same.  But  I  coull  not  play  from 
excitement  caused  by  the  scene  I  had  ob- 
served a  moment  before,  and  lost  the  game 
through  inattention. 

"  tihall  we  p  ay  again'/"  said  Mr.  Dcve- 

I  shook  my  head,  and  he  replaced  the 
pieces  in  a  box,  and  then  look  up  a  book 
The  next  moment  John  arose,  and  my  aunt 
went  with  him  to  the  door,  rihe  did  not 
come  back  for  some  time,  and  when  she 
did,  Mr.  Devereux  was  preparing  to  go. 
He  looked  up  quickly  at  her  entrance,  and 
then  asked  her  laughingly,  if  it  wa?  ami- 
cably settled,  and  if  he  might  congraUilate 
her?  She  blushed,  but  said,  "Yea,  al 
some  other  time,"  and  bade  him  good-night 
I  had  stood  by  in  ritundcycd  wonder  and 

When  the  dor.r  closed  on   liim  my  aunt 

looked  steailily  nt.  me  tor  a  moment,  then 

tlnally  burst   into   hysteric 

I  tears.    I  was  frightened     She  put  her  arm 

about  me. 

"Addie,  are  you  sure  you  didn't  like 
John?"  she  asked. 

"  I  believe  I  did  a  little  last  winter,  but  T 
don't  at  all  now." 
"  Are  you  sure?" 

"  Quite  sure,"  I  leplial ;  "  he  is  so  sul- 

"  Wait !— do  you  know  w  ho  you  are  talk- 
ing l<^)?'* 
"  What  do  you  mean,  aunl  Katharine  ?  ' 
"  I  am  John   Aubrey's  betroth«x\  wife, 
Addie!"  and  she  laughed  and  then  cried 

I  stood  mutely  staring  at  her.     Al  last  I 
found  words  to  say  : 

'*  Why,  aunt  Katharine,  I  thought  H  was 
1  whom  John  was  in  love  with  !" 
She  shook  her  head. 

"  And  I  thought  Mr.  Devereux  was  in 
love  with  you  1" 

"  You  must  ask  him  alxjut  that,"  she 
said  smiling  through  her  tears. 

And  I  did  a.-;k  him  the  next  evening 
while  wc  stood  by  an  open  window,  and 
my  aunt  Katharine  sat  bv  John  Aubrey 
in  the  cosey  corner  where  I  used  to  sit  willi 

"  Is  it  possible  that    you  haven't  been 
courting  aunt  Katharine  all  this  time,  Mr 
Devereux'/"  I  said. 
How  he  laughed! 

"  Is  it  possible  that  you  Jnn't  know  t|iat 
I  have  been  courting  you  uU  this  time'/" 
"  Mr.  Devereux  !"  1  exclaimed. 
But  he  wasn't  jesting— and   neither  was 
I,  when  I  promised  a  year  later  to  "  Love, 
honv^r  and  obey  him  through  life. 

John  Aubrey  and  my  aunt  Katharine 
were  married  at  the  same  time,  which  ray 
aunl  said  was  a  great  .saving  < if  trouble 
and  wedding  cake 

Tin:  KOI  4. II  1%'Kf!lT. 


Hiiine  tiiKul  siorleN. 
We  take  fri>m  Mr    ilirhardson's 

lively  volume  ly'ij^-iiid  t'l.   }f.  ^mupi 
etitertnining  txlracU; 

XllK    MW.S0n.l    Ul^'KK. 

John  Uaudolpli  exagucralcd  in  declaring 
Ihat  the  Ohio  was  frozen  over  one-iialf  the 
year  and  dry  the  other  half.  But  IknliKi 
told  almost  the  exact  truth  when  he  des 
cribed  the  Missouri  as  a  little  too  thick  to 
swim  in  ami  not  (luite  thick  enough  to 
walk  on.  By  daylight  the  broad  current 
is  unpoetic  and  repulsive — a  strbam  oi  li- 
quid brick  dust  or  flowing  mud,  8tud<!«  d 
with  dead  tree  trunks,  broken  by  bars  and 
islands  of  dreary  sand,  and  enciobcd  by 
crumbliae  shores  of  naked  soil,  lis  watft-s 
will  deposit  a  sediment  an  vv^\h  of  an  inch 
thick  upon  the  bottom  of  a  tumbler  in  five 
minules.  Though  at  first  unpalatable  and 
medicinal  one  soon  finds  it  a  pleasant,  Ijoau- 
tiful  beverage.  I  have  seen  errant  Mib^ou- 
riaua  so  partial  to  it  as  to  urge  that  the 
pure  waters  of  the  rocky  mountains  were 
unfit  to  dnuk  because  of  their  clearness  ! 

One  of  our  eastern  passengers  pouring 
out  half  a  pitcher  full  fur  abliitiou,  was  ut- 
terly disgusted  with  its  color  in  the  white 
porcelain  basiu. 

"  Here  waiter,"  he  exclaimed,  "  biing  me 
me  clean  water  ;  someboily  has  washed  in 

Its  aspect  quite  justifies  ihe  Indian  ap- 
peUition  of  "  strong  water,"  and  possibly 
accounts  for  the  tendency  of  whites  to;  the 
manor  bom  to  weaken  it  with  whisky.  A 
novice  fancies  bathing  in  it.  must  sadly  s<>ll 
any  one  not  very  dirty  to  begin  with  ;  but 
it  proycs  ^(iW  and  cleansing. 

Navigating  the  Missouri,  at  low  water, 
is  like  pulling  a  steamer  upon  dry  land, 
and  sending  a  boy  ahead  with  a  sprinkling 

OlUOIiJ   or   WEfiTEUN    >'AMK3. 

"  Kansas,"  "signifying  "  smoky,"  is  the 
name  of  adegru,ded  and  nearly  extinct  In 
dian  tribe.    Lewis  and  Clark,  and  all  other 
early  explorers,  spelt  it  as  pronounced, 
with  a  "z." 

Kansas  town-  perpetuate  many  Indian 
names.  OsawaWomie,  the  home  of  old 
John  Brown,  was  formed  from  the  Osage 
and  PotLawatomie  rivers,  al  whose  junc- 
tion It  is  built.  Oskaloosa  was  named  in 
joint  honor  of  O.ika,  an  old  chief  and 
Loosa,  his  squaw.  Osawkee  signifies  the 
"  yellow  leaf."  Hiawatha,  in  Brown  cf>nn- 
ty,  commemorates  Longfellow's  hero.  Kin- 
nekuck  is  a  corruption  of  Ke-an-ne-kuck 

was  a  flight  of  fancy  to  call  such  property 
real  estate. 

At  Si.  Joseph  the  river  nrginully  flowe<l 
in  front  of  Front  street.  Now  il  ran  along 
Fourth,  and  the  intervening  laud  had  dis 
appfared.  A  BunrePideiit,  who  hud  pur- 
rhised  Itvoe  lots  soon  alter  luc  city  wa.s 
laii  out,  returned  in  l^OH  to  ;ook  after 
them.  He  supi.o.nd  them  in  the  bod  ol  i!ic 
stream,  l)Ul  hail  the  curiosity  to  a.H<-eriaiii 
by  survey.  Thty  prove.i  t'>  be  <>n  the 
other  side  ■>f  the  river,  in  Elwood,  Kansas 

A    K.IN--.\S   COCP.l,  ISIT 

Once  an  attorney   lor  the  defoiiCe  took 
hft  cigar   from  his  nu.uih,  raid  behind  a 
huge  pulY  of  siiioke  objected  U'  (  ertaiii  tes 
tunony  on  the  other  ti'ie  m  inndmis.sable. 
The  judi-M-  gravely  replied  : 

"The  Court  sustains  the  objection,  and 
rule-^  that  the  question  cannot  Ije  asked  ot 
ihii  .v'./(/t  <'/  the  ijanw. 

This  ink'rcnce  was 
plaved  poker. 

run  KMPTION. 

We  Selected  and  sUikcd  our  quarter  sec- 
lions,  and,  after  rctuinin;,'  in  Qumdaro, 
sent  out  boards  and  liad  a  cnbin  eredcil 
upon  each.  But  a  lew  weeks  later,  when 
we  went  back  to  look  al  our  "dwellings," 
feome  enlerprising  scoundrel  had  carrini 
away  every   one  of   them!     He  did   not 

that  ••  the  Court' 

neighbors.    In  a  street  discnasion  a  loung- 
er was  defending  as  correct  the  rural  south- 
ern phrases—"  We  'uns"  and  "  You  'una." 
One  ot  the  bystanders  asked  him  ; 
"  Are  you  a  grammarian  ?" 
"  Which/'"  was  his  bewildered  inq'iiry. 
"  Are  you  H  t^Tfimmarian ?' 
"  Why,  no,  I'm  a  JSIissounan ! " 
It  ir.  a  di.-linction  irilh  a  dlll'erence.     Bui 
the  tun  i:>  i!"t  !ill  <  n  one  ^A(^.     I  remember 
an  old  Mi'sonrinn  wiio  was  brought  m  <oii- 
tact  with  inauy  Ea.sleru  men  by  |lhe  eslab- 
lishmOTt  nf  a  new  stage  line   through  his 
nei^hl.  irhood.     Said  be  : 

"'I've  livfil  on  the  fn)ntier  all  my  life. 
1  know  English  ami  the  sign-language, 
and  have  oickftd  up  usrautlonng  of  French, 
Spanish,  Choctaw  and  Delaware;  but  one 
language  I  eant  understand,  and  that  is 
this  infernal  New  Yuik  language  '.  ' 


In  mo^t  land  offices  a  man  c-anuot  pre- 
empt uiiieso  be  has  a  house  at  least  twelve 
feet  square.  I  have  a  kne^wu  a  wilnc.'^s  W 
pwe;ir  that  the  house  in  (lUesUon  was 
"tw(.!ve  by  ItiUitecn,"  when  aclu.illy  the 
only  building  upon  the  claim  was  one 
whillicd  iii'l  with  a  pea  kuiie,  twelve  inch- 
es bv  fourteen. 

Some  oillces  reiiuire  rnalthc  house  must 
have  a  class  windt)\v.     While  traveling  in 

Art.  and  ticieitce. 

r  sohnter. 

^lercy  to  %uliiial*. 

Some  interesting  experiments  have  been 
he  slautrhter-hou-ses of  Vin- 

made  lately  al  tl  . 

cenncs,  as  to  the  most  mercil'ul  manner  of 
killing  animals  with  the  least  possible  suf 
fering.      At  present,  oxen  are  slaughtered 
by  blows  from  heavy  hammers  on  the  head, 
w'hich  necessarily  inflict  the  most  frightful 
t  irture  on  the  unfortunate  victims  ol  our 
carniverous  propensities.     The  idea  occur- 
red to  an  eminent  physiologist   Ihat  Ihe 
section  of  the  spine  would  produce  more 
instant  death.    This  however  nas  not  been 
demon-il rated.     An   ox   thus   kilkxl   lived 
tor  twelve   minulcs,  and   endured   during 
thai  time  the  most  horrible  sufferings.  De- 
capitation was  then  tried,  with  the  follow- 
ing curious  result ;    A  calf  was   hung  up 
and  decapitated  in  the  space   of  a  quarter 
of  a  minute.     Its  head  was  then  placed  on 
a  table.    In  six  minutes  two  ounces  and  a 
half  of  blood  was  lost.      During   the   first 
minute  the  face  was  frightfully  convulsed, 
the  mouth  opened  and  shut  as  though  the 
animal  was  catii-ir,  and,  strange  t<>  say,  on 
putting  the  hand  againsi   the   mouth   and 
nostril,  it  was  easy'to  feel  the  respiration 
continuing.       Thirty   animals  were   thus 
killed,  and  the  result  ol  the  observations 
taken  was  that  the  committee  decided  that 
the  old  pr  iclice  of    killing   by    means   of 
blows  from  a  hammer  should  be  continued. 

the  furemf»st  man),  a  great  Kickapoo  pro- 
phet. "  White  Cloud  '  was  a  brave  chief 
among  the  lowas,  and  the  city  of  ^Vhite 
Cloud  is  built  on  his  old  hunting-ground 
Waubon.sce  is  from  Wau-bon-see  (the  dawn 
of  day),  the  name  given  to  a  Pottawatomie 
leader  who  attacked  the  enemy  just  at  day- 

There  is  a  legend  of  an  old  brave  within 
the  present  limit."?  uf  Wisconsin  whose 
sfpiaw  annually  prestmtcd  him  with  a  girl. 
Women  are  of  little  repute  among  tlu! 
Iniliaus,  an<l  the  heart  of  tlie  chieftain 
longed  for  a  sim  and  heir.  But  the  sciuaw 
had  all  the  obstinacy  of  her  sex,  and  every 
twelve  month  the  uppeariince  of  iho  inevi- 
table girl  filled  him  with  despondency  and 
chagrin.  On  one  of  these  sad  occasions 
the  unhappy  brave  visited  a  littlefgrocery, 
for  settlers  were  already  encroached  upon 
his  domain.  He  was  plunged  in  profound- 
est  gbxim,  and  refused  to  diink  or  talk. 

A  white  loafer  knowing  his  disappoint- 
ment congratulatrtl  him  upon  the  new  ar- 
row added  lo  his  domestic  quiver.  With  a 
look  of  unutterable di.sgust,  he  ejaculated, 
"She-boy-'gin!"  (she  boy  again ')  strode 
from  the  house,  and  never  returned  to  the 
scene  ot  his  broken  hopes.  And  when  a 
flourishing  town  sprang  up  around  the  lit- 
tle grocery,  it  was  named  by  common  con- 
sent Sheboygan. 

Topeka  Is  an  Indian  name  9ignifylng"po- 
taloes."  S;itirist3  translated  it  small  pota- 
tacs— an  interpretation  which  the  Topeka 
philoligists  indignantly  rejected. 

"JIM    L,\NE." 

Repeatedly  the  United  States  Marshal 
from  Lecompton,  with  an  armed  posse  at 
his  heels,  galloped  into  Lawrence  with  a 
warrant  for  Lane's  arrest.  But  the  Law- 
rence people  were  miracles  of  heruic  reti- 
cence. The  first  person  asked  would  per- 
haps reply  that  he  "  never  heard  of  any 
such  man."  Another  would  report  him 
"  gone  down  south."  A  tiiird  shw  him  an 
hour  ago,  but  thought  he  was  now  uver 
the  Reservation.  Then  a  young  man  with 
a  revolver  at  his  sidf;  would  step  up  and 
demand  gravely : 

"  Hello,  marshal,  looking  k>r  Jim  Lane?" 
"  Yes  ;  where  is  bo  ?" 
"Just  left  town       1  sajv  him  start  fur 
Iowa  ten  minutes  ago  with  alwi^lve  pound- 
er under  his  arm." 

Amid  the  derisive  laughter  which  fol- 
lowed, the  angry  officer  and  his  posse 
would  ride  homeward.  Before  Ihey  were 
fairly  out  of  sight.  Lane  would  comestrol- 
limi  up  Massachusetts  Htrcet,  wearing  the  ] 
old  black  hf'iir-ykin  overcnal,  which  en 
veloped  him  winter  and  suimucr,  and  a.-k- 
ing  if  anyhiHly  h)id  heard  a  L-entlcman 
from  Locumpton  inquiring  lor  lam ' 


in  Liwrence,  when  the  assessor  asked 
one  man  fur  a  list  of  his  property,  a  mub 
began  to  gathir,  and  he  depirted  abruptly. 
Upon  his  arrival  in  Topeka,  he  heard  a 
party  of  young  men  step  into  im  adiacent 
3lor«>  and  inquire: 

"Can  you  lenJ  us  a  rope?" 

-'  F<'>r  what  purpose  ^" 

"  There  is  a  bogus  a.ssess'">r  in  lowu,  uud 
we  arc  going  to  iiiui.' 

The  ofllcer  absconded  aga.n,  i:i  what 
Choate  used  to  call  "  terrific  and  tumui- 
tuoua  haste,"  fully  convinced  that  the 
of  safety  was  a  private  station.  No  more 
lax  cflortfi  were  made. 


The  pantomime  of  actual  life  btgau  with 
beggars  clothed  in  rags.     But  the  gi.-nii  of 
real  e.state  speculation  touched  them  with 
his  wand,  and  lo !  the  tatter?  were  gone, 
and  they  were  cbuhed  in  puqile.  adorned 
with  jewels,  and  weighed  down  with  gold. 
Young  men  who  never  bot'ore  owned  tifiy 
dollars  al  once,  a  few  weeks  after  reaching 
Kansas  po8scsse\l  full    pockets  and  town 
shares  by  the  score,  and  talked  of   thou- 
sends  as  if  thev  had  been  rocked  in  golden 
cradles,  and  fed  with  the  fatuous  Miss  Kil- 
mansegg's  famous    golden    spoon.     On  a 
smaller  scale  was  repeated   the  st.iry  of 
that  Mdmesota  wood-sawyer  who  aocumu- 
lated  half  a  million  in   half   a  year      <>n 
paper  ill  these  towns  were  magnificent. 
Their  superbly  lithographed  maps  ndorne*! 
the   walls  of  every  place  of  re.sort.     The 
town  might  be  comi>osed  u^  twenty  build 
intrs.  or  it  might  contain  a  single  human 
habitation.     In  most    cases,  however,  he 
would  find  one  or  two  rough  cabins,  with 

leave  a  single  board,  rafltr, 
Ni>twithstanding  the  forty  d-jllars  which 
hiscuj.idity  cost  me,  I  have  profound  re- 
Si)ect  for  that  shrewd  Bj.tecuUitor  wiio  not 
only  obtained  so  much  vnluable  lumber  lor 
nothing,  but  found  ii  already  delivero<i 
thirty  miles  in  the  interior,  when  the  ex- 
penses of  hauling  wrre  enormous.  It  tnust 
have  enabled  him  to  build  a  pajaliul  man- 
sion  ;  but  ray  experience  was  a  ludicrous 
satire  upon  the  ancient  legal  fic'Lion,  ihat 
every  man's  house  is  his  caslle. 

Froiii  such  a  school  must  have  gradua- 
ted the  — th  Kansas  Infantry,  which 
acquinil  rare  reputation  for  plundering 
dunni:  tlu' great  rebellion.  A  number  ot 
Kansus  regiment?,,  marching  through  Mis- 
souri, revenged  themselves  upon  their  oh! 
enemies;  but  this  had  unapproachable 
genius  for  plunder,  which  the  campstoiie^ 
used  to  illustrate  with  genuine  American 
exnggeratirn      One  of  them   ran  thus 

In  an  Arkansas  earapHiijii,  a  general  offi- 
cer !oun<l  the  entire  — th  grouped  around 
a  sawmill,  and  weeping  like  Niobe.s  ; 

"Why,  boys,"  he  asked,  "what  is  the 

"  Matter  enough,"  8<:)bbed  one  enterpris- 
ing volunteer.  .  "  Tlius  far  we  have  never 
left  anything  behind  us:  but  we't  pos- 
sibly steal  this  sawmill." 

ARli.\N3A.8    LEOtHLATlKE. 

That  body  meant  business  ;  but  il.s  para- 
phernalia was  not  gorgeous.  Indeed  it 
looked  a  good  deal  like  the  Arizona  legis- 
lature, which  used  to  meet  in  a  log  cabin 
with  a  dirt  floor.  Our  sessions  were  held 
in  a  Lawrence  hall  over  the  "  Commer- 
cial" restaurant.  The  members  lived  in 
widely  separaleel  portions  ol  the  territory. 
Chilled  with  long  winter  riilcs,  they  would 
enter  with  .slouched  hats,  lo[>  l*ools  and 
blue  army  ovenoats  with  euonuous  capes  ; 
crowd  .'(.round  the  slove  and  canvass  the 
latest  news  or  rumor  of  disturbance.  No 
inferior  rank  %vas  tolerated  ;  evt  ry  man 
wa.s  a  general.  At  the  appoiitcd  hour 
Lane,  es  -Jkt,i  president,  would  r.ipoa  the 
table  and  command  in  his  hoarse  guuunil? : 

"The  board  will  come  to  order." 

Then  he   pulled  al  the  bell  rope  until  a 
waiter  appearol. 

"John,    bring   us  one,  two  Ihree,  four, 
(counting  the  members  [jresent. )  "  fourteen 
hot  whiskey  punches   and  a  lio.x  of  cigars. 
.\h:  John.'titteen    hot  whiskies.     <reneral 
Walker,  you   are  just  in    time.     General 

the  interior,  I  stopped  al  a  little  slab  cabin 

where  I  noticed  a  wiudow-sash  without 
lights,  h:ingin;r  on  a  nail.  As  I  had  scon 
similar  frames' m  other  cnV!n«,  I  asked  the 
owner  what  il  was  for. 

was  the  reply 

•'     To  eii- 
Iherc  is  a 

Richardson,  you  will   read,  the  minutes  of 
the  lail  meeting." 

The  coaipUtion  of  the  reading  found  the 
board   warmed  externally  and  internally 

for  the  transaction  <.f  business.  ^  Under  its 
auspices  orgiini/ation  and  enrolment  pro- 
gressed r.-ipully.  The  territorial  governor 
('Oenveri  issued  a  proclainuf.on  against  it  ; 
bul  proclamations  were  cheap  and  plenty, 
and  hi.s  was  unheeded.  There  were  fre- 
quent rumors  that  he  was  about  to  pro 
mote  its  leadim;  member'  to  the  honors  of 
martvrd'in  \<y  arresting  them;  but,  once 
begun,  he  rouid  hardly  have  ^topped  with- 
out arresting  the  whole  jiopulatiun  ot  Kan- 
sas. Sohe'cimfincd  his  warfare  to  pa [icr 
bullets  of  the  brain. 

A    nt  Lf.   TH.^T   CXTT   BOTH    W.\Y.S. 
On  Thursdnv,  .Tune  {\'<>'^:^  I  was  in  the 

when  a  'coy  eanie  in  with  the  report. 

"There  has  jusf  been  a  tight  u 

This  was  such  an  eve-y  day  atl.iir  th;il  I 
did  not  look  up  from  my  writing.  A  mo- 
ment after  .vav'd  another  messenger  eulcicd 
and  said  : 

"  There's  a  man  killed." 

Even  this  excited  little  allcnlion  in  these 
times  of  violence.  But  suddenly  a  voice 
wa.s  heard  from  the  street: 

"Jim  Lane  has  killed  Ciaiua  .lenkins, 
and  a  nioh  has  uiithered  round  hia  house  to 
hang  him.' 

Th(  re  was  no  more  indiflercnce  ,  thr  un 
armed  ran    In    revolvers,  and  we  all  ha? 
tened  to  L:ine'.->  house;  half    a  mile  away. 
Around  it  were  two  or  three  hunvlred  ex 
cited  men,  a  few  proposing  lo  Lynch  Lane, 

"  To  pre  enifjl  with, 


"Why,  don't  you  understand 
able  my  witness  to  swear  thai 
window  in  my  hoiise  !' 

Somelimes  the  .same  caliin  is  moved  from 
claim  to  claim,  until  half  a  dozen  diflerent 
persons  have  i>re-empted  with  il.  In  Ne- 
braska a  little  frame  house,  like  a  country 
daguerrean  car.  was  built  for  thi.-i  purpose 
on  whi'els,  and  drawn  by  oxen.  It  enabled 
them  lopreemjil  with  il.  The  dlseovery  ol 
any  malpracliee  and  perjury  would 
invuli>iale  the  title.  Bui  I  never  knew  o) 
an  instance  where  the  was  de- 
prived of  his  land  after  receiving  his  title. 

No  woman  can  i)re-empt  unless  she  is  a 
widow  or  the  "head  of  the  family."  But 
sometitJWi  an  ambitious  maiden  who  wish- 
es to  ;-ecure  one  hundred  and  si.xty  acres 
ot  land.,  borrows  a  child,  signs  letters  of 
adoption,  swears  that  she  is  the  head  of  the 
family,  and  pre  empls  her  claim,  then  an- 
nuls the  papers  and  returns  her  temporal 
ollsprinii  to  its  parents  with  an  appropri- 
ate gift 


The  IcrnU^rial  legislature  <if  l^-")!.'  was  a 
more  reputable  bo<iy  than  that  of  the  pre 
vious  year.  Still  one  of  the  represcnta 
lives,  originally  from  Indiana,  in  recording 
himself  a  physician,  transcribed  very 
promptly  the  letters  "  P-hi-g-i,'  llien  licsi- 
taled  a  moment,  and  at  last,  lurnim;  to  a 
by.standcr,  asked  him  in  all  .scriimsaess 

"Do    you   spell   physician   'tio-n,'  '  i 
'si  on'?" 

AN    INKl.MTE    I)E.\L   OF   SACK. 

At  a  creek  cro.ssing,  a  lillle  lent  be.-^ide 
our  road  is  labeled  "  Grosery  "  in  enormous 
letters.  With  keen  appetites  we  awake 
the  melancholy  merchant,  who  in  green 
specLacles  is  sleeping  soundly  between  two 
whi-ky  barrels. 

"  Have  you  any  crackers'/" 

"  Nary  cracker.  ' 

"Any  bread?" 

"  Any  what'/" 

"  Bread." 

"  No,  Pir,"9.<iy8he,  indignantly  ;  "  1  don  t 
keep  a  bakery." 

•'  Any  ham?" 

"  N<i." 

"Any  figs?" 


"  Well,  what  ha'.e  vuU'/" 

"Why,  I  ha\e  s.inliiie.s,  pickled  oyster.s, 
smokii;:"'''  toliacco,  and,  .-ilranger,  I  have  got 
some  ol  the  best  whisky  you  ever  seen 
since  you  was  born  !  ' 


The  Chicka.'*aw3  have  a  separate  gov- 
I  criiOirnt.  A  few  years  ago  their  legisla- 
1  lure  abri>galed  all  existing  laws  and  passed. 
a  fresh  lode.  They  sent  the  new  manu- 
s{  ripl  liiws  into  Te,\a8  lo  be  printed,  witli- 
out  retaining  a  co])y.  Tlic  messenger  lost 
them  while  fording  a  river;  and  they  were 
never   recovered.     The  courts  were  in  a 

—It  is  said  that  a  Frenchman  has  dis- 
covered the  causes  of  the  potatoc  disease, 
and  can  produce  it  or  evade  it  at  pleasure. 
The  Marquis  de  Havrincourt  says  that  he 
has  seen  patches  of  potatoes  dieease-J  and 
healthy  growing  side  by  side  under  the 
euardian  care  of  this  savant.  t  is  to  be 
hoped  that  the  discovery  is  reai ;  if  so,  the 
agricultural  population  will  bless  the  name 
of  the  wise  i  renchman. 

—A  trial  of  potato  diggers  took  place 
near  Bishopriggs,  Scotland,  recently.  One 
consisted  of  a  broad  scoop  for  opening  the 
drill,  with  a  revolving  grape  behina,  by 
the  action  of  which  the  potatoes  and  soil 
are  thoroughly  separated  and  thrown  to 
one  side  against  a  netting  attached  to  the 
side  of  the  machine.  Another  was  on  a 
similar  principle,  but  with  the  revolving 
grape  placed  in  a  different  position,  and 
without  the  netting. 

—In  a  paper  read  before  the  Scient'ific 
Association  of  Trinidad,  Henry  Mitchell 
said  that  in  conaquence  of  the  new  and 
simple  methods  for  preventing  taint  in 
meat,  fresh  meal  will  soon  be  sold  every- 
where al  two  and  a  half  pence  sterling  a 
pound  ;  and  he  founds  his  calculation  on 
the  fact  that  there  are  in  the  provinces  of 
La  Plata  27,000,0(X)  cattle  and  40,000,000 
sheep,  and  in  Australia  180,000,000  cattle 
and  300,000,000  sheep. 

— Sweet  oil,  according  to  the  American 
Artuan,  is  an  antidote  for  poison.  It  says 
that  "  a  poison  of  any  conceivable  descrip- 
tion and  degree  of  potency,  which  has 
been  swallowed,  intentionally  or  by  acci- 
d.cnt,  maybe  rendered  instantly  harmless 
by  swallowing  two  gills  of  sweet  oiL  An 
individual  wiih  a  very  strong  constitution 
should  lake  twice  the  quantity.  This  oil 
will  neutralize  every  form  of  vegetable  or 
mineral  poison  with  which  physicians  or 
chemists  are  acquainted." 

— M.  Grandider  has  presented  to  the 
French  Academy  an  egg  of  the  remarka- 
ble extinct  bird,  the  Epiornis,  of  Madagas- 
car. Having  lately  returned  from  the 
island,  ho  says  the  eggs  of  the  Epiornis  are 
tound  on  a  plain  at  one  side  of  the  island, 
and  at  a  height  of  several  meters  above 
the  sea  level.  Strange  that  though  numer- 
ous eggs  have  been  discovered,  the  bones 
of  this 'creature  arc  rarely  found.  From 
what  M.  Grandidier  has  learned  from  the 
natives  there  seems  little  doubt  that  the 
Epirnis  is  extinct. 

—The  population  of  the  earth  is  estima 
led  by  a  German  statist  at  l,3rj0,00u,000,  of 
whom  •ib5,UU<J,0U0are  in  Europe,  796, 'lOO,- 
ooq  in  Asia,  ;!,m,'-)(1,iX)0  in  Australia  and  Po- 
lynesia, l^s,0OO,(XX)  in  Africa,  and  74,500,- 
(iuu  in  America.  This  estimate  it  is  ac- 
kuv)wledged,  is  only  an  api>roximat!on,  f  ir 
the  statist  admits  that  il  is  impossible  to  ar- 
'  rive  al  anything  lik(;  an  accurate  statement 

Older  for  any  particular  time,  provided  every  in- 
habitant w»uld  taka  the.  BITTKBS  according  to 
directions,  during  the  tenn  of  the  contract.  Them 
has  never  been  an  instance  in  which  this  sterling 
invlgorknt  and  anti-febrile  medicine  has  failed  to 
ward  oil  the  complaint,  wtien  taken  duly  ae  a  pre- 
cauUon  against  malaria.  Ilui-dreds  mt  physician*  ► 
liave  abandoucd  all  llie  oflicinal  specifics  and  now  . 
prescribe  thisbarmlcps  vegeUble  ionic,  and  noth- 
lm{  cIbc,  as  aprevcntive  and  cure  for  all  the  forms 
of  "Mils  and  feyer.  Vipor  is  the  thing  most  need- 
fufinlhesccases,  aa  well  as  in  dy tpepsia  and  ncr- 

VCJU8   afl'ectioiis,   and 

are    the    gafeet.    surest,    and    most    ■wholeeome 

etren;;thcrin2  prcparattoh  that  humau  tklll  ba? 

yet  concocted. 


Dr.  Bchenck's  Pulmonic  Syrup. 

T1U8  great  medicine  cured  Dr.  J.  H.  Schkxck,  the 
Proprietor,  of  Pulmonary  ConsumpUon,  when  It  t>ad 
assumed  lis  moat  formidable  aspect,  and  when  speedy 
death  appeared  inevltahle.  His  phj-gldaui  pronounced 
his  case  incurable,  when  be  commenced  the  use  of  hU 
simple  but  powerful  remedy.  His  healUi  was  restored 
in  a  very  sh.jrt  time,  and  no  return  of  the  disease  has 
been  apprehended,  lor  all  the  aymptoms  quickly  dU- 
sppeared,  and  hla  present  weight  U  more  than  two 
hundred  pounds. 

Since  hia  recovery,  he  has  devoted  his  attention  ex 
cluslvely  lo  the  L-ure  ol  ConsumpUon  and  Ihe  dlseasea 
wl.lch  are  usually  complicated  wuh  It,  and  the  cures 
eircctod  by  his  medicines  have  been  very  numerous  and 
truly  wonderlul.  Dr.  ScnascK  maKes  professional 
vlBlU  to  several  of  Uie  larper  clUes  weekly,  where  he 
has  a  iargc  concourse  ol  paUect*,  and  It  Is  truly  aslou 
Uhlng  lo  see  poor  consumptives  that  have  to  be  lUieo 
out  of  their  carriages,  and  In  a  few  months  healOiy, 
robnst  persons.  Da.  SCHENCK'S  PULMONIC  SYRUP. 
BKAWKEU  TONIC,  and  MA>-DRAKE  PILLS  are  pen- 
erally  all  requ'^red  la  curing  Consumption.  Full  direc- 
tions accompany  each,  so  that  any  one  can  take  them 
without  seeing  Dr.  Schenck  ;  but  when  It  la  convenient 
It  is  best  to  see  him.  He  gives  advice  free,  but  for  a 
thorough  examination  with  his  Kesplrometer,  his  fee  U 
three  dollars. 

Please  observe,  when  purchasing,  that  the  two  like 
nesscs  of  the  Doctor— one  when  In  the  last  stage  of  Coc- 
sumtion,  and  the  other  as  he  now  is,  la  perfect  health- 
are  on  the  Government  stamp. 

Bold  by  ail  Druggists  and  Dealers.  Price  fl.50  per 
botUe,  or  $7.50  the  half  dozen.  Letters  for  advice  shonld 
always  be  directed  to  Dr.  Schenck's  Principal  Oface.  No. 
15  Vorth  6:h  street,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

General  Whole*o!e  Agents:  Demas  Barnes  4  Co. 
New  York  ;  8.  S.  Hance,  BalUmore,  Md.;  John  D.  Park 
CinclnnaU,  Ohio  Walker  &  Taylor,  Chicago -..Colllue 
Brothers.  St.  Louis.  Mo-  ^Sl 

460    MILES 

VF    THE 

Union  Pacific 


of  the  population  of  A.siaand  Africa,  there 
being  no  census  or  other  means  of  ascer- 
taining the  number  of  inhabitants  in  those 
pdilions  of  the  glol>e. 

-  Dr.  BischotV.  of  Munich,  has  just  i)ub- 
lishcd  a  series  of  lithographic  plates,  com- 
puring  the  skulls  of  the  gorilla,  chimpan- 
zee, and  orang-outang.  From  a  measure- 
ment of  thirty-five  crania,  he  found  the 
maximum  internal   capacities  to   be  of  the 




muddle  which  would  have  suprised  idteph- 
en  Blackpool  himself,  uutii  a  now  legisla- 
ture bupiilicd  the  dericicncy 

"niTCHINO     VP"    IN   NEW    MEXICC*. 

At  dusk  we  passed  ohl  Fort  Belknap,  the 
last  outpost  of  civilization.  Thence  to 
the  Kio  Grande  blrolches  a  lonely  desert  ot 
s!.\  hundred  miles.  Our  honses  were  now 
exchanged  lor  Mexic  ui  mules.  Four  stout 
men  were  recjuired  to  hold  them  while  the 
driver  mounted  to  his  seat.  Once  loosed, 
after  ku  king,  plunging  ami  rearing,  they 
ran  wildly  l')r  two  miles  upon  the  road. 
They  never  can  be  fully  tamed.  When 
lirsiused,  the  lirlver  lashed  the  (  oach  to  a 


before  harncs.sing  ihem. 

"When  ready 
u  .starlnig,  the  ropes  are  cut,  and  they 
iiiirti!iies  run  for  a  dozen  miles,  ilut  on 
us  smooth  praijic  the  y  do  pot  olun  ovtr 

turn  a  coac 

but  the  nmjorily  declaring  that  he  ■should 
be  tried  by  due  course  of  law.  Among  Ibe 
former  was  the  noloriou.^  ex  sherid  Jones, 
who  led  the  border-ruffian  horde  in  .sack- 
ing Lawrence  two  years  earlier.  During 
the  ci^mparative  quiet  which  now  prevail- 
ed, he  frequently  visited  the  city.  In  the 
tTiid--t  of  his  loud  talk,  sheriff  Samuel 
■SValker  quietly  remarked  : 

"  Look  here,  Jonca  ;  be  careful  how  you 
recommend  hanging.  These  people  arc  a 
good  d.eal  excited  already,  and  if  they 
hang  anyt)ody,  will  be  very  likely  to  Ix-gin 
with  you!" 

The  visitor  instantly  apologised  lor  his 
intrusion  into  Lawrenex)  affairs,  and  took 
the  lirst  stage  for  Locompton. 


In  Kansas  one  lieard  tlic  slang  and  pro- 
I  vmcialismsof  every  section  of  the  country, 
t)e8ides  some  indigenous  to  the  soil.  Tin- 
importations -were  chietly  from  Mi3.sonri. 
which  had  furnished  more  than  halt  the 
entire  population.  Most  readers  h.av 
iieard  Ohiofins  .s])oken  of  as  "Buckeyes," 
^roni  tlic  liuckeye  tree,)  lilinoians  as 
'•  Suckers,  ■  Indian lans  as  "  Hoo.»ier8,'' and 
Michiganders  as  "  Woolverines.''  Early 
Californians  christeoed  up  "  I'uke."",  the 
immigrants  from  Mi.-vsoiiri.  d.-naring  that 
thev  had  beeen  Tomited  forth  from  that 
proliiu;  stale.  Anil  however  shr-rking  to 
ears  polile,  the  appellation  has  adhered  to 
them  ever  since.  .Mi.ssourians  Inmsplant- 
cd  into  Kansas  many  of  their  pel  home 
phra.He8.  •  nie  morning  at  breakfast  a 
siiuatter  host  of  mine  remarke<l  : 

'"  r/w'.'K' molasses  is  sweeter  than  any  ma- 
ple mola.s8es  I  ever  .seen  " 

This  uiiuiue  use  of  the  national  saccha- 
perhapsa  tent  and  an  Indian  canoe  nn  the  frine  only  in  the  plural,  not  uncimiinon  in 
river  in  front  <d  the  "  levee."  Anything  the  Southwest,  originated  m  Pennsylvania. 
was  marketable.   Shares  in  interior  towns  J 1  heard  another  Mi.s.sourian  reply  to  incjui- 

ries  touching  hislKallh. 

"  I  ha<l  the  shakes  l^idt  week,  but  now  I 
got  nhut  of  them" 

A  third   a.sking  concerning  his  crop  ol 

^lark  Twain  in  Italy 

cubic  inches ;  chimpanzee. 
2^•07  cubic  inches ;  orang-outang,  b5  07 
cubic  inches.  The  last  is  said  to  be  the 
largest  monkey  skull  ever  brought  to  Eu- 
rope. The  human  skull  has  rarely,  if 
ever,  a  capacity  of  less  than  G5-  inches,  and 
attains  its  maximum  in  14-1  inches  cubical 

—Variegated  marble,  il  is  announced, 
may  be  imitated  in  all  the  rich-colored 
veins  for  which  some  species  of  it  are  dis- 
tinguished. For  Ibis  purpose  a  solid  block 
r)f  marble,  to  be  treated,  is  lirst  warmed  in 
an  oven  to  open  its  pores,  after  which  the 
colors  are  applied.  These  consist  of  an 
alcoholic  solution  ofalkanet  root,  to  pro- 
duce a  rich  lavender,  a  madder  lake  to 
make  a  crimson,  indigo  to  produce  a  blue, 
verdigris  green,  and  gamboge  yellow. 
They  arc  put  on  according  to  the  fancy 
and  ta.sle  of  the  artist,  so  as  to  form  the 
desired  patterns,  after  which  the  marble  is 
aeain  warmed  to  make  it  absorb  the 

—The   Fort    Wayne  Und.)    (JlizcUc  says 
that  the   bones  of  three   masladons  have 
been  discovered  near    Huntertown,   Ind. 
No  one  skeleton  is  complete,  but  enough 
of  each  haa  been   found  to  determine  that 
Ihcy  are  the  remains  of  a  male,  female,  and 
calf.     The  lower  Jaw  of  the  calf  was  ex- 
humed entire.    The  teeth,  small  and  little 
Worn,  are  the  umistakable  signsof  "  veal." 
Aciuantity  of  older  and  larger  teeth,  and 
part « ji  a  larger  jaw  were  found.     Also  five 
upper      bones  the    fore     leg,    two    up- 
per bones  of   the    hind    leg,    two    thigh 
b(mcs,  shoulder  blade,  fragments  of  lusks, 
parts  of  a  skull,  a  (luantity  of  ribs,   and 
many  other  smaller  bones.     The  skeletons 
were  found  in  a  corn  tield,  in   what  was 
once  a  deep   marsh.     Twenty   or  thirty 
years  ago,   the  proprietor  says,  1 1   would 
hoi  have  been  safe  for  man  or  beas  lo  tenter 
it.    The  bones  were  found  in  an  area  of 
al)out  forty  feet  in  diameter,  from  three  to 
four  feet  below  the   surface,  in  a   stratum 
of  light  clay  covering  a  layer  of  blue  clay. 
The  top  soil  is  a  black  muck,  even  now  lit 
lor  cultivation  only  in  dry  seasons. 


From  Omaha  Across  the  Continent, 
are  Now  Oompleted, 

And  It  1«  expected  that  the  remaining  St  miles 
to  carry  the  track  to  tho  base  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains, w il!  bo  flniehed  early  lii  October.    ContractB 
have  already  been  made  for  rock-cnttlnpe  beyond, 
to  be  done  during  Uie  vflnlcr.    The  work  Is  being 
pushed  forward  with  equal  energy  on  the  California 
end  ot  the  route,  under  the  direction  of  the  Cen- 
tral Paciflc  Company,  commencing  at  Sacramento, 
and  it  is  tonfldently  r:;recled  thai  the  two  roads 
w'.li  meet  in  1870,  thue  completing  the  entire  grand 
line  connecting  the  Atlnntic  and  Psclflc  oceans,  on 
CASU  have  already  b?ien  expended.     From  the 
liberal  Government  ak',  the  wealth  and  energy  of 
the  stockholders,  and  tl  u  ready  market  for  the 
First  Mortgage  Bonds,  t  iiere  it  no  want  of  funds 
for  the  most  vigorous  prosecution  of  the  work, 
and  its  early  completion  ie  as  certain  as  any  futura 
business  cvcni  can  be. 

NET    K.\KN1K<:»     OF     TMK     IMOIt 


Daring  the  quarter  ending  July  Slst  of  the  cur 

rcut  year,  an  average  of  'J25  miles  of  the  Vnlon 

Pacific  Railroad  was  in  operation.    The  Superin- 

tendent'g  report  showM  tUe  following  result : 


Passengers J160.B20  92 

Freight    "MI^?^ 


Malls ■   ■ 

Transportation  ol  Coiilractor  s  Ma- 
rials 45,3.2(e44 

Tranfportalion  Coiitriictor  g  Men.    .     20,077  97 


ri,i40  00 


Repair  of 


—A  common  house  fly  almost  invarial)ly 
rests  with  its  head  downward,  and  howev- 
er It  may  alight,  works  its  way  aioiintl 
until  this  position  is  a.ssumed.    The  biting 
liics  on  the  coniraay,  a.3    universally  rest 
with  their  heads  pointing  upwards,  acting 
in  this  respect,  precisely  like  the  mosquito, 
equally  blood  thirsty  with  itself.    This  ob 
servation  m  as  lirst  made  by  a  Hussiau  serf. 
The  brother  of  an   eminent   foreign  ento- 
mologist,   now    residing    in    the    United 
States,  observed  the  man  in  question  kill- 
ing some  of  the  tlies  on  the  wall  of  his  hut, 
without  disturbing  others.  anJ,   on  being 
que&tione<l,  he  gave  as  a  reasiDn  tbs*  those 
with  the  head  up  were  "  biters,"  out  the 
others  were  not.     A  careful  examination 
of  the   facta  by  the  etomologist   himself, 
proved  the  accuracy  of  the  generalization 
thus  madi«  by  an   ignorant  hut  observant 

of  one  or  two  shanties  sold  rtad.ily  for  a 
hundred  dollars.  Wags  proposed  an  aot 
of  Congress  reserving  some  land  tor  larm 
tng  purposes  before  the  whole  tcrrilor>' 
shoulil  be  divided  into  city  lota.  Town.s 
enough  were  started  for  a  Slate  contain 
ing  four  millions  c>f  people. 

UNUE.^I.    KK.M.    EST.VTK. 

Weston,  Misa)uri,  was    once  a  Icadmg 
and    thriving    town.      Now    the    erratic 
stream  had  made  deposits  in   front  until 
large   buildings  formerly  on  its  bank  were 
one-third  of  a  mile  inland.    At  St    losii)!;, 
forty  miles  above,  and    upon    umlerlying 
quicksands,  the  river  was  fa-st  culling  into 
the  city.     Several  acres  had  disappeiired 
m  a  single  year.     Brick  warehmises  on  the 
levee  were  "now  deserted,  and   their  outer 
walls  falling.    A  family  in  the  lower  part 
of  the  town   were  at  dinner,  when   the 
I  ground    beneath  them  began  to  tr*'mble. 
At  first  they  thought  it  an  earthquake,  bul 
'  it  proved  a  water  quake.    They  lied  to  a 
safe  distance,  and  saw  house,  garden  and 
an  acre  of  land  slide  into  the  encroaching 
element.    One  might  contract  to  sell  lots 
here  and  d«liver  them  in  8t.  Louis!    It 

corn,  responded 

"Yes,  I  raised  a  power  of  it.  I  have 
fed  a  heap  to  my  cattle,  and  got  a  right 
smart  chance  left." 

Uural   Missounans  never  carried    bur- 


but   always    "packed"'  or    "lole.i" 
Among      other      provincialisms 
j;h  Ihc  Southwest,  the  use  of  "  crap- 
ia   corruption   of  cropped)   is  some- 

limeij  droll  and  startling  General  Marcy 
tells  of  an  Arkansan  "wlio  poiuliug  to  a 
litt'.e  man  with  a  huge  wile,  inquires!  : 

"Cap,  don't  ynu  reckon  that  thar  little 
man  has  a  bit  arvr  crnpjxd  his  self'^" 

The  of  "beef"  aa  the  singular  of 
"  liceves,"  obsolete  through  the  East,  is 
common— the  western  farmer  usually  say- 
ing, "  I  have  iust  sold  a  beef" 

The  New  Enclanlcr  shouts  lo  a  distant 
friend  .  "  Hallo— a,  John '"  The  southern- 
er or  westerner  cries:  "  (^-t-o-o,  .John  !'' 

Immigrants  from  the  East  were  very 
merry  h*   th«>  (xpense  of  their  Missouri 


Mark  Twfdn,  the  California  humorist, 
Vvho  accompanied  the  (Quaker  City  excur- 
sionists, went  ashore  al  Civita  Vecchia,  to 
take  a  little  tour  in  the  I'opc's  dominions, 
and  thus  describes  what  he  saw  and  expe- 
rienced, in  a  letter  to  the  Trihiau  : 

This  16  the  vilest  nest   of  dirt,   vermin 
and  ignorance  we  have  got   into  yet,  ex- 
cept that  African  perdition  They  call  the 
Tangier,  which  is  just  like  it.     The  people 
hcrc'live  in  alleys  two  yards  wide.      It  is 
lucky    the   alleys  are  not  wider,  because 
thty  hold  as  much  smell  now  as  a  person 
can    stand,    and,  of   course,   if  they  were 
wider  Ihey  would  hold  more,  a-xl  then  the 
people  would  die.     These  alleys  are  paved 
with  stone,  (*nd   carpeted   with  slush  and 
decayed    rags,  and  decomposed   vegetable 
tops,  and  reinnants  ot  old  boots,  all  8<mked 
with  dish-water,  and  the  people  sit  around 
on  stools  and  enjoy  it.    They  arc  indolent, 
as  a  general  thing,  and  yet   have  few  pas- 
times.   They  work  Two  or  three  hours  at  a 
time,  but  no't   hard,  and  then   they   knock 
oil  and  catch  fleas.     This  does  not  require 
talent,  they  only  have  to  grab— if 
they  don't  get  the  one  they,  are  after,  they 
get  another.     1 1   is   all  the  same  to  them. 
They  are  not  particular.      1  hey   have   no 
partialities.     Whichever   one   they   get  is 
the  one  they  want.    They  have  other  kinds 
of  insects,  bul  it  does  not  make  them  ax- 
rogant     They  arc  very  quiet,  unpretend- 
ing people.     They  have  nn.ire  of  this  than 
oilier  commodities,  bul  they  do   not   brag. 
They  arc  vury  uncleanly,  these  jieople,  in 
face,  in  person  and  dress.     ^Yhen  they  see 
anybody  with  a  clean  shirt  on,  it  arouses 
their   scorn.      The  women  wash    clothes 
half  the  d.ay  at   the   public   fountains,  but 
they    are    probably   somebody's  else ;  or, 
uiAy  be,  they  keep  one  suit  to   wear  and 
another  to  wash,  because  they  never  wear 
any  that  have  ever  been   washed.      When 
thi;y    gel    done    washing   they   sit  in  the 
1  alleys  and  nurse  their  cubs.    All  the  wo- 
men m  Civita  Vecchia  have  large  families. 
They  nurse  one  at  a  time,  and   the  others 
scratch  their  backs  against  the   d<X)r-po8ts 
and  are  happy.     All  the  people   scratch — 
il  is  their  delight.     There  is  a  rusty  shrine 
here  and  there  along  the  streets,  where  the 
people  can  watch  and  praj  ;  but  they  don't 
do  that;  they  scratch  and  pray— they  like 
it  belter.    All  this  country  is  presided  over 
by  the  Fope.    They  do  not  appear  to  have 
any   schfwjls    here,  and    only  one  billiard 
table.    Their  education  is  at  a  very  low 
stage.     One  portion  of  the  men  go  into  the 
u-ulitar>',  another   into  the  priejjjhwd,   a 
third  into  the  shoemaking  busmess,  and 
the  balance  "  lay  around."    They  keep  up 
the  passport  system  yet,  but  so  they  do  in 
Turkey.    This  shows  that  Turkey  is  not  a 
whil  more  enlightened  than  the  Papacy, 
whatever  malignant   villains  may  say  to 
the  contrarv. 

— m  •  m  


(.lail.  Seminary,  al  Aurora,  Illinois,  has  the  foiiowlnc 
11  ivaijta?u.<  for  both  seiea :  A  Claeslcal  UradualUiu 
(Jourss  ul  f.iur  years  ;  A  Colleee  Pre|)aratory  Coursf  ; 
buiierlor  Kacliltlea  for  Music,  Krench,  German,  and  the 

A  compleic  Commercial  College.  wlUi  Bank,  Cnrren- 
y,  Insurariec,  Telcsraphing,  &c.,  Is  connected  with  the 
Seminary.  ^ 

Winter  term  begin*  Dccemt>er  2,  18<n.  Tor  circulars 
or  ruoiub,  address  the  Principal,  G.W.  QUEKEAU.  U.D. 


1  he  sdTertlser  liavlng  l)een  restorefl  to  besltti  In  a  few 
weeks  i>j  a  very  simple  remedy,  »ner  having  sutftred 
for  several  years  wltn  a  serere  lone  alTectlOD,  and  that 
dread  disease  consumption— Is  anxious  to  make  known 
lo  his  fellow  sufferers  the  naeans  of  cure. 

To  all  who  desire  It,  he  wlU  send  a  copy  of  the  pro- 
•crlnUon  used  (free  of  charKe).  with  the  directions  lor 
preparing  and  using  the  same,  which  they  wUl  and  » 
sure  cure  for  Consumption,  Asthma,  Bronchitis, 
GouKhs,  Colds,   and  aU  Throat  and  Lung  Aflisctlons. 

_    __  nj?  ■* 

Ihe  only  object  of  the  advertiser  in  sending  the  Pre- 
scription is  to  benefit  the  afflicted,  and  spread  informs 
Hon  wlmVn  he  cunee  ■'es  to  be  Invaluable,  and  he  bopcf 
every  BiUlerer  will  try  his  remedy,  as  It  wU!  cost  them 
uulhlrK.  and  "'ay  prove  a  Mestmg .  Parties  wlshlne 
:he  rrtsertipUon,  fkbb,  by  return  mail,  will  please  al- 
likv.  Ef)WAKD  A.  WiLsON. 
WlUlamsburK.  Klnes  Co.,  New  Tors 



An  Autumn  Suggestion. 

.Now,  as  heavy  fogs  arise  and  searching  winds 
co.Tiracncc  to  blow ;  now,  as  the  human  body,  ex- 
hausted like  inanimate  nature  by  the  heats  of  sumi. 
mer,  ijcgms  to  wilt  and  droop ;  now,  ere  the  In- 
clement winter  makes  its  trying  onset;  NOW  Is 
the  lime  for  a  preparatory  course  of  the  best  accli- 
mating medicine  in  existence,  HOSTETTKR'S 

Fever  and  Ague  Is  rampant  in  all  parts  of  the 
country.  Qumine,  the  physicians  admit,  will  not 
quell  the  phase  of  the  disease  which  at  present 
pervades  the  entire  'VN'est.  It  is  well  that  it  is  so, 
for  the  remedy  so  called  is  deadlier  than  the  mala- 
dv.  But  if  quinine  is  iuelBcient  in  intcrmiUent 
fJverF,  nOSTETTEK'S  BIJTERSis  Irre- 
eistibic.  It  would  be  safe  to  make  a  contract,  un- 
der he.ivy  penalties,  that  any  given  "  Fevcr-and- 
Aruc  District"  should  be  exempted  from  the  dia- 

f], 2^13,038  95 

1181,089  5a 

Track  109,767  04 

Engines,  Cius,  Shops  Ac.      B0,<i84  44 

Offlces  and  SUtione 64,9117  60 

Conductors,  Englneerg.  &C 33,2<M  7S 

Trams 15.4B6M 

N  KT  B  ARNIN08  tO  bSlaUCC 807,508  03 

11,208,038  96 
From  the  relatlTe  high  charges,  the  operating 
aspensoB  of  the  road  are  but  32X  per  cent,  of  the 
earnings,  and  the  ratio  would  be  much  less  If  the 
contractor's  business  were  not  done  at  half  rates. 
Throwing  out  charges  to  contractors  for  transpor- 
tation   of   materials    and   men   (t47«,883  41),  and 
deducting  from  the  aggregate  of   all  operating 
expenses  (^•i'.6,5,30  92)  325|  per  cent,  (f  157,564  48) 
as  the  proportion  chargeable  on  ihe  work  done  for 
contractors,  which  was  less  than  actual  cost,  be- 
cause of  the  half  pnce  charged  for  it,  and  we  have 
the  net  oi)erating  expenses    on    the  commercial 
ImBlness  for  the  quarter,  $237,906  50.    The  account 
for  the  commercial  busintit  stands  as  follows  : 
Earnings  for  May,  June  and  July. .  $753,755  54 
Expenses     "  "  "       ■ .  33^,966  50 

Net  profit  of  operating  385  miles  of 

road  three  montns $485,789  04 

The  amount  of  Bonds  the  Company  can  issue  on 
S25  miles,  at  $16,000  per  mile,  is  $5,200,000.  Inter 
eel  in  gold,  three  months,  at  ft  per  cent.,  on  this 
sum,  is  $78,000;  add  40  per  cent,  premium,  to  cor- 
respond with  currency  earnings,  is  $109,200— show- 
ing that  the  net  earnings  for  this  quarter  were 
mor*  than  four  tirnet  tfu  inter*it  on  the  First 
Mortgage  Bonds  on  this  length  of  road. 

First  Mortgage  Bonds,  whose  Intrrest  is  so  well 
provided  for  and  so  thoroughly  secured,  must  be 
classed  among  the  sajett  invcstmenU.     They  pay 


And  are  offered  for  the  present  at  ninety  cenu  on 
the  dollar,  and  accrued  interest  ai  six  per  cent,  in 
currency  from  July  1st. 

Many  parties  are  taking  advantage  of  the  pres- 
ent high  price  of  Govorment  stoclts  to  exchange 
for  these  Bonds,  which  are  over  16  per  cent,  cheap- 
er, and,  at  the  current  rateof  premium  on  gold,  pay 

Over  Nine  Per  Cent.  Interest. 

Subscriptions  will  be  received  In  New  York  a 
the  Company's  Office,  No.  20  Nassau  St.,  and  by 

Continental  National  Bank,  No.  7  Nassau  St. 
Clark,  Dodge  &  Co.,  Bankers.  No.  51  Wall  St. 
John  J.  Cisco  &  Son,  Bankers,  No.  33  Wall  St. 
bccond  National  Bank,  Chicago. 
Lunt,  ftoeton  &  Eeaa,  Bankers,  Chicago, 

And  by  Banks  and  Bankers  generally  throughout 
the  United  SUlos,  oi  whom  maps  and  descriptive 
pamphlets  may  be  obtained. 

JOHN  J.  CISCO,  Treasurer, 

AUGUST  30, 1867.  NEW  YORK. 

^1 A  A  Day  made  by  any  one  with  my 

CpiVf  Patent  Stencil  Tools.    I  prepay  samples  free. 
RKiirare  of  InTrinifirs.    Mv  circular  will  expla!'!!.    Ad- 

Beware  of  luXringers 
dress  A 

My  circular  will  expla!'!!. 
J.'FULLJlM.  Sprincfield.  Vt 


M  aU  UBM, 

#Mr6cftJki,  Oremltttf  ^  Co.,{ 

226  4  228  Lake  St.  Ckioaso.  |  an  Market  St.,  8t.  Louis 

CARPENTERS  !^.i^.'?, 

New  and  Practical  Architectural  'Works,  enclosing 
sumn.  A.  J.BXCKMELL,  Architectw«l  Publisher 
TROT.  H.Y  • 



Time-Pieces,  Clock  Materials, 




Seth  Thomas  Clocks 


^"  W«  solicit  orders  for  any  description  of  Cloekg  or  Clock  Materiais 
always  promising  yoa  the  best  goods  and  at  tke  very  lowest  prices. 

"W.  F.  "Tomplciiu^  A^ent. 


fc^j^t^sn,' t.-V3<      *»tJ»*  «  *^       *   ■»t*J-     *  •-•  V  I   ' 







Pr.  HotlPWJ^y,  notne  fltts-eii  yi'»r-i  a«'>.  wlt- 
!.•<.'  (,'  thw  rtt'tfi'W  <»««.MSl<ine.l  iicikr  ctiil-_ 
Cri-n  III  takliiiC  ihc  tiAUs -ou-  veriiii:u,fs  dI 
tU  It  lUv.  res'il v-"'!  I"  auall/--   (»i.-Hi/«iia  iruui 

diwJ  In  scparat«rn:tfcr1rii'-rt»om«4ici.i  p  in>»^H:>{r. 
tieii,  p-ire.  tiiiUluMtiiu  1  iiiiMiocjiU-.  T.e  .  i>y 
coi'.iblcilii;,'  thf^e  w.lli  ^Qiiir,  an  t  mniil.ilint 
t'lcm  tnc»»  an  a«iee.iWe  cvHlw^i'Mi,  l>'ruii-.l 
the  prrscut  P  .vclak  aud  trrtcriVL*  TkHMl- 
roo*  known  as 

i-^olloway's    Vermifuge     Confefctious. 

WhlcU  U«ve  :»lm'><t   .ntl-^lc   Mip.-rs  I'r  i  t  i- 
oM  n«\»>ou»  VcrHiltuiies.  Ill  til'-  .IHW.»«  -• 
the  po  jrijItUe  »uir  rcra.     1 1  c.ui.iho  ii.>  L  iI'j 
niel  vr  litlicr  i><MJOMi>iii»lMi,'re  li-ins. 

80  hlK'hlT  Mtf^me.l  N  ttii-' H.'i'n' ir  >">"'- 
fhS*   bv   th«   prufessloii.  il>a«  »"  HUc'lUriit 

l'U»4ic'.«'i»«Uokii"w<'ftii''"'.;"'''»'-i  "•••'"•'" 
Jij  p  ctereuce  to  ulh.r  rem-llis,  »*"••}  "'».» 
inor.' plt»»ant  to  taut,  but  •Oim11t«i«» 

'  PuTiuM  aM  «aard!A«a.havii«  the  •are  ©f  ; 

,.^,.,,  .  :  .l<-    *Mrm»— 

iao«<* ;  n-reit  arij  !>-- 

Town  and  County  Matters. 

.      III.     I  ^  ...■-.  — — — — 
,  SHAKOPEE^  OCT.  24.  1867. 

Democratic    Success   and    its 




Tbe  Original  and  only  true  Arnica 

ri»aters    posse3aiiig  the  grtut 

healing  properties  of  the 

Arnica  Flowers. 

T»ie  curative  effects  of  three  I'laj'erillti  «tl 
rifcs  of  pain  or  w«-ateiKVi.*  lit  the  ii>ea»l,  (i<te 

Li»Clt,  •ll'l    liiall    CJai.*  Bt  IlcaAlDlliatHJU  of- 

t  iJy  <l»oMiUJ»ti"lo  rohe'. 

..      ^       _. .    .  ...   v1>.B-   fhu 

t'lc  Lun«. 

fojsicUnT.  bre»i.rll>e  ihtm.  ■n(!  thonsami* 
r  MUi  iie;i1  tiiem.  uu*kbt*— U»;-ajWAr'-  »ro 
vu«  Or!.rt»ai  auJ  oa!y  true  Aruic»  t'ia»i.!r«. 


;  ■     .  • 

T1j1»  Olntmcnf.nfJer  an  fxrcr!''n<^»'  "'t  w.n- 
Iv  >c»r».  n<»i»prov«uii«>il  a»'.>v»rrUu  r«ai:ajr 
I'lf  dli  ai*eac«»<>r  tbf  okin ;  bavtu^f  eOLCted 
a  radical  cma  iu  uvcrj'  <;■»'«'  *"'  W'ich  It  w.i« 
U'jcJ.carlaii  ma:iy  nij*«li»«<te  cai>«»oJ  flftcon 
ortweMl>  yc;ii»'»taniliii,:.  iiml  prc'lou*- 
ly  r(i»i«ie<'  ailrpiU'Hiif*  vT'scribea  i»jr  lUc  i>«.«l 
ta«aical  taleiii  of  thi-  touitry.  Its  rffoca  U 
»-toi:ialilnrf.  In  »  rew  Uny*  the  »ur«iio.'.s»u4 
Irr.laliou  i»  rt<ni"Ve.l ;  tlie  »Jri  bfionif* 
»imctli  »nJ  hcaltny.iii  I  rBinmus  ^  riuaneol* 
iy  hKkloU.  wiiUuut  lUc  u^e  ui  any  "i't'-t  rciu- 

'itias.  TtTTjR.3i'.T-nin;oM,  iTcii.riJUUKi's 
ircH.    JiRTSiFtL.*?.   HLotcmis.     mfis.-.  aii'J 

•  very  (jnii  uJ  aUi.MS<»  "l  m^-  >!ilii  U  puictu- 
•lly  cure-l.  uo  nutter  m  li'*w  l"iu  •lainJinx. 
ll  iimsoare-l  l»;ut  eoit''*  01  l.'«tL\.M..i»  iSifi-tiuc, 
kill  Ui*;Uariie»ff"i"  lUkl  4^  .r,  «'.n)li  iii'tliliiii 
eUe  wjuU  li»'al  tli.iii.  <  iLt-S.  tuut  have  re- 
tlstM  all  otii-r  trc.itiu«!iit  lui  m.iii  yrurii, 
have  bteii  eS  -ciualiy  tu-e  I  '■'>■  ll><:  u-.e  f 
O  i!v  Uox  o!  luli  mhih'  ut.  Huhnk, 
bciLD.-i,  anrt  iM.l>  jiiiiir..*.  K  Iumi»  hi  u  very 
■h.^rtUnitf.    l'iuCE*i.Ci<t^  1-6*11 'X      If  not 

•ol<t  !>'■  your  l>rU4.41*'.,  S.ill  W  ^:>^'  '!■'  I  '  Jollii- 
«L.>ii.  iliti-JW'-iy  «  C'lWl-ii.  i  tiM.ile-pirio,  H 
b  ■»  will  be»eiil  lrc<«  «l  Ih'SVajIs   li»  any  aU- 

JuiEKYK-A'oi'"  .;-:mi:ie  \vi;ho-it  t'lt  (dc- 
natur*-  of  the  proi>rietor»  on  tu«  wrajj^et  of 

•  acb  box. 


rioi/-   HOLLO  WAY 

„,«oic  &COWDEN, 

"  PKOPUir.TOHrS. 
Ko.  33  Worth  Sixth  Sirect  Plilladelphl«. 

80I.I  »t  Wholes.lo  In  Ci>lca«o,  hy  FtJLXrp.  PIMII  .t 
rT3l,LES.-L'>BI>  *  siMlTIl.-BClrMI.XMS  i  V.\N 
lk-:HAACK.-J.  H.  EKK1>  *  C  ».,-~MlTII.  CLTLKK  A 
C».-Di4lTtSCU.  r.I.i'>Kl  CO 
e-juuirr  by  «n  DnJ,'iil»t». 

Lost— a  few  days  b«,'o,  a  .Scott  County 
Onler,  No.  367.  for  |8.45.  payable  to  Nicho- 
las Lo.igan.  The  iiuUtir  i.s  rc(lue3tod  to 
return  the  same  to  sheriff  Tbonia*- 

Fike;— A  deslmetive  fire-took  place  on 
ItolmeJhfteei  on  Tu -.sday  ui-jht  htfst.  The 
hre  urij^iiiaied  io/tB«T,lra«nr  *l«>r^  occui'ied 
by  .Mr.  Hnytltf  itfl  «  «rr<»t*«y, '"''l  spread  10 
the  londii'iss^  ftdjoiiiiiij^»  -CWsntninff  thw- 
iwu  Sturea  iveiMitly  vaealed  by. Mr.  Til)billd 
The  two  stores  ot-eunied  by  Jlr.  yiiy»ier, 
wtre  owned  by  a  Mr.  l*uwers  and  the  other 
two  by  Mr.  'lihbitts.  There  was  no  lOiur 
t  ftiitc  on  either  of  ih»i  builuin-r«'.  Mr.  ^ny 
a.:r  1  ad  aa  lii.suraiice  uf  $l','>r!)  on  hi.s  .stock, 
ubicti  was  partly  saved,  b.a  the  insurauCv 
A  ill  hardly  cover  his  losd. 

A  MtAX  AND  CoWAU'ii-T  AcT.— On  Thurs- 
day evenint'  last,  belouging 
to  Lewis  D.  Dent,  Esq.,  was  poiso.ied.     Mr. 
Dent  was  attending  the  Democratif'  meeting 
at    the  Court    House   at  tbe^ime,  and   the 
horse  left  liitchct-'  at  a  post.     Poison  mixed 
with  bran  waa  fed  to  the  horse.     The  horse 
died   in    about    an    hour    afterwards.     Mr. 
Dent    tiavinc  loit  his  house  and    household 
goods  by    lire,    this  falls   heavily  upon 
.biai.     There  is  uo  doubt  but  tUii  diabolioAl 
act  was  pcrpatralcd  by  one  of  tbe  pimps  of 
thos«i  cowardly    scamps    wKd    harg    made 
threats  against   Mr.    Dent,  and  wo  hope  all 
the  parlies  will  he  bro«gbt  to  justice. 

Largest   Book  Agency  in  th® 

xuil   ilirou,:lioiit   tb« 

''TliQ  Pen  is  Mightier  than  the  Sword." 


Morton's  "Gold  Pens, 


/^or  SfTle  af  JVo.  .5.5  Maiden- 
I. fine,  Ji'nr-ror^,  avd  bv  every 
duly  appointed  .^ffcnt  at  t/te  same 

Morten  wakes  no  Tens  stmnped 
with  t/te  JS'ante  or  Irude-mork  of 
any  other;  tb  ere  fore,  nhere  an 
Aa^-nry  is  estublif/tcd,  ttie  public 
%'in  he  best  suited,  and  at  the 
*'////<?  prices,  by  callinrj  on  t/iC 
Aqcnt ;  in  all  otfirr  places  thuse 
n'lt/ii/jff  the  .Itortcn  Ten,  nrtot 
gr„d  to  Ueadquarters,  itheix  their 
ordetf  nill  receire  prompt  atten- 
ti'tn,  1/  accowpanicdnifh  the  cash.. 

A  Lutulo.ottc,  nith  Jiitt  dcsrrip' 
tiun  of  sizes  and  prices,  sent  on 
receipt  of  letter  postui/c. 


Fuzlus'g'j  LuriD  Dres.— The  card  of 
these  Dyes  to  be  foui>d  in  tha  "displayed 
column"  of  this  paper,  need  no  special  com- 
mendation from  ns,  they  a.c  ackncvl'^dse'l 
to  be  superior  in  quality.  Thoy  yivo  splen- 
did tint.--,  arc  simple  to  nS5,  and  will  not 
f.i  :j  or  wa.sli  out.  la  Ciermauy  wlicrii  they 
orii-'inated,  th.y  have  Useu  the  Standard 
Dyes  fur  nearly  half  a  century.  There  are 
seventeen  dilferenl  s'.iades  of  colori.  1  rv 
them.  Deitzseh,  B'.ooki  k  Co.  Chicago,  are 
the  Wholesale  Agouti,  aud  they  are  sold  by 
*U  Druggists. 

Fitr.  Rb.vt. — 'two  to  lentby  Henry 
H.i.ds.  of  one  given  on  the  l.>t 
o'  November.  .I'ld  of  thf  other  oa  the  13t  1 
of  Novcin')i.r. 

RtPouTEi)     lii-.iGi..\itY. — One     day     Ir^s; 
w  ek,  Mrs.  Vesaey,  wife  of  the  proprietor  of 
the  New  England  House,  was  arretted  on  a 
eiiart'e  of     It  wa$. alleged  that  she 
entered    a  neighbor's    iioiLse  and    took  away 
a  Uidv'-s.drf'Vs.   w;tich,  l^-d  clothes  and  otli-r 
>;ticics.     A    ijear.-!i    warhiiit   w*i>»s.saed  b\ 
lii^iiee  .McMuli.ii.  and    upou'.H»^i»rfh    bi-in. 
:..ide  by  Siitnlf  Thomas,  some  oi  the   jn-op 
iLV  alleged    to  imve    luen  stolen  was  fouii<! 
.11  ihe    gaiT.  t  of  the  New    England    Housi  . 
.vlri.  Ve*d«y    giive  .seeurily    t'jr  her   appear 
.lice  at    llio  LJatiJct  Court  to  answer  to  the 

The    Democratic  State   Committse  In 
their  State  address  to  the  people,  says  : 
"  The  record   for  the   year  as  far  as  it 
has  been    made  up,  shows  no   diversity 
nor    chiini'C"  in  tiie   coiis'-aiu   course  o' 
public    sentiment.     In  Connecticut    the 
radical  party  was  beaten,  and  Democrat- 
ic  State  officers  elected.     In  Kentucky 
the    Deinovratic  majority   was  4U,00(>. — 
In    Caliloriii.i.    which  gave  over  22,00 J 
Uepublitan    inajorily  a    year    *^io,    the 
lieuiberatic  in;ijurity   this  year  is  8.000. 
Moiitaua,    Colorado    aud     New    Mexico 
have  %kll    elected   Democratic  delegates 
to    Congress.     The  Radical  majority  wl 
'27,000    in    Maine  has    beeu  reduced  to 
lJ,Odv),     Tile  Kadical    mnjoriiy  in  Ohio 
uf  4'<:,G00  has     been    oblileraied,    and  a 
Legislature  Las  beeu    elected    tnat   svill 
choose  a  Democratic  Senator  to  succeed 
Ben  Wade,  tbe  ablest,  boldest,  and  mosi 
datiiierous    Kadical    statesman    in    the 
United    States    Sei.aie.     ii^eun»}lvania^ 
which    gave     17,000    Radical    majority 
last  year,  gives  a   Democratic   majoriy 
of  1,200  this  year.     The  Radical  majori- 
ty   in   Iowa    is  reduced    from  35,00J  to 
15,000.    The  majority  iu  Indiana  instead 
of  being    15,000  Republican,  is    10,000 
Democratic.     There  was  a  gain  of  sev 
erul  thousand  even  in  Vermont.     These 
glorious  gains  aioount  in  the  aggregate 
10  not  less  than   IlO.OdO   voles,  i\nd  the 
prospct  for  the  future   bri^^jht-ns  each 
day  ihtt  cai  r-as  ns  nearer  to  the  decisive 
contest  ijQ  Ii'ovunnbcr. 

'I'he  causes  thtit  uavj  led  to  these  un- 
pxanipled  changui  are  patent  acd  uuuii  • 

Ulbcml    fraud    and    c  irrnplion    Lave 
notoriously  pervad^-d  every  branch  ol  lUe 
Uovernineiit.     Tho  New    Y'oik    iribuii 
.--ays  th;;t  half  a  nnliioii  dullais  a  tl.iy  ue 
*iolen    rnnn    the  ainr.u-.t  of  taxe.»  wtiiei. 
lilt    people     p.iy.     The."*j     villainies    »iv 
da^uiiit;  iiis  luir.lly  il.ongiit  worth  wnilr 
u>  ili-gui.^e  <>r  tleiiy  ti  eiu;  ilie  gniliy  an 
not  as.ianad,  iiur  rtstr.iin  d,iior  puiiislieil. 
lux  is   piled    ujuMi   lax,  ex<'isj  uJde  I  ti- 
excise,    a     lax    gaihen  r  is  .>«t..iioiied    al 
every    corner  imd  ttands   ready    u>  -.ezc 
MXf.  sliaro  of  eViTV  "lollir    lliai  is  made  in 
tra'e  or  earned    in  libor.     W  i  our  va»i 
.luiiuiiai  debt  i»  not  I'crccj'iUily  it»luce.i, 
iiir  any    bur.l'-n  or  iin;ti:iil>r:'nre  buiieii 
d.     Of    lie  live  or  six  1  undred  iniliiun.- 
•     year     ihut     the     in-.i^ie    pay   iiiio  Im 
lu-a.-iii V.  but  a  moiety    piv."  interest  tin 
tiie  di-lit  and  01  her  iieer.'<suiy  »  Xj>  ii.-e.^  "1 
I  .e  (.'      I  he  t'aia  ce  i.->  wpiin- 
I.  led  by  proHigaie  oni;ials;  it   pn.-sii^.- 
lies  that   liiv^-  l>een  iiierease«l    time  ulur 
lime  (ill  iliCA-  lire  «'norniitii»;  it  i-  l.ivi.-ind 
on    dis'iione  t    cl  .iinaiii.-?;   ii    i.-^    paid    01. 
swindling    uppropiiatioiis;    it    is  openly 
-tiiien.     This   ilic    |e.i|.|f    ,-ci'.   and    ilie} 
1  ive  pmn  iiineed  a  \>  niiet  ujioii  Radical 
•Hieial  eorinpiion,  proili^acy  and  tii'-lt. 
I  li«'    inf.i'iniiis  lanif  la's   have   |)laee<'. 

I      .  I     .      .  »•    : I. 

I  ii'ili 




vm,  MniiiiR  &  CO, 


IX    ALL   TIIK  .",_  '."*. 


Tlifiniih  n--e'it«  !  now  otter  t-v  th*"  nui'Hc an  ci\ 
tlr«itewelliluiM>r  .M.^CKt.i2ik'  l>A.\U- 
LY  KKCfcll'T  11  >'iK,  >..iii^iln  H-    till.-   .||Hl.■'lverl^•^ 
111  oviT   a    i|ii.iitir  >>|  ^1    iiiiiurv.    Ti.t  .>t»T<-<>t.vpf 
lil.i  ••»  aii<l  «>M.<1  cm?  urpa'l  new  an.l  iiioio' >.<>i>i 
$1,1100.    Tlie  art!   I(»<.ii    .A^iltiiliui .  ,  lli.i  ti.  u  lUro 
.iii'i   Kliral   mil  lliiii   sttc     Ktw>m.,i  y.  ar.    w.-filiUi 
111!'  l".iriin-i  .1  111  U  ir  I.M.r  tinn-»  ll»f«*>.— 
Til-       imI|).h   l..r    C  ••iiliiu',    I'reserviii;;.    l-lilviiii. , 
C'liifri'tio'i.ry.  iiii'l  Cirrliij.  •hti'tl'l    <it<«ii  tif  |<"ir 
.-asioli    of    rMTV    li.iu.e*'!,.-.      Tlll^'    .hp  n  liu«..t 
al"iiir   l.'t   iiii-ri'  c'>iii,i:  I,.  :ni  I    raiuiilc   l.iaii    «    > 
tnher   •■i-     iiii;iii.i|i,..|  mi    iiii^ -hIiJ  <  i     Tli. 
iirei*"*»  I'f 'h«  horw.  c  .1  t'e.  ii<>|.'r,  ami  <.ili<r»Ml 
iiiaU.are  treat  M  of  .It  .-r  .it    l.iulli  lUi  1  omi  I'le 
lii--i'li>iiiS  Jivi'ii  f'T  ir.atiii'iit.     lite  elep  .riii»-iit> 
..r  Me  .Itliic.  III'.  Win;;  aii<l  in-itlLiiloii.  Piiiamery. 
Illi-aclili.*:,  raMiii..«,  P-iliitiii;!.  Var.iU'i.  >. '  eiurni.-. 
.VC.   art-  all  t  la    cUl  I  t.e    le  Ir- i.     M>.re  tliaii  .-cv- 
•  'iil\   illsliiK-t  >Ul>l' I'lvare  1!  i;iMtlty    ez.Miiliii'l  UikI 
■  reatr  I  ol.      It    in  iiinjuts'luiutli  y    tile  ic^tbiiok  </ 
the  t  ihU  tifi   i>u!Aitlifrj^  ilTlicrn   this  C' u  it  v  or 
Kiiropp.    I'rlce.  liaii>l>ome:y  tioUDd  In  cl'^tli.  $4.<Xi; 

Men  aii'l  woniMi,  of  ch  iracter  hihI  aMIity.  want- 
ed   an    caiivn««er»,    t'l    wiioiii     IMtOfi'.MlLt;  K.M- 
I'L'IYMK.sT  will  lie  Kur-.iute.'l.    S-ei"!  al  once  lor 
ilrcolaib  niid  full  p»i tk-iilii'ia  to  as-  at*. 

For  s  nil  (lies  «f  niP  (i  II.Dr..\   i'KN   frrt,  onrlote 
twi  si  J.  nips  anil  III  ey  will  iic  >eiit  wllli't. 
.lUilnsiM.  V.  D.  UOWEN.  Lafayette,  laliuna. 





£3zcelsior !    Excelsior  I 

C.vLl.   FOR   THi;   Br::iT.— When    you   pur 

chase  an  article  tii  it  is  cheap.  <>f  which  bit 
,t  iiille  is  used,  always  ca?I  I'sif  lbs?  br^t. 
for  the  dill'ereiice  in  cost  'beiwo<!ii ' 
that  and  an  iniernw'Vrfi^Ki  *>1ii;t)«'  insig  di 
,-:n,t.  ('.ill  foe  D.  II.  De  Land  ic  Co.'« 
'  Best  Cbo.ui(»l  .Saleralu*."  i'''d  hivving  once 
piiteured  it  yon  y^f  iM  U;ri«vat>iher.  Tke 
gi'ooers  all  'LlvV,e  ii^ ",  or  st»'>llH/ ;  U^-e  it  in- 
stead Oi  rioJa.     For  sale   by  Iv  it.  Slofcr. 

^A N' NOU NHEM K .N  fS. 

To   t5x«    V'oier"     nf     t^r-rHHi      L»kr     aid  l.«iWc. 

Tlwrc  laving  b<^:li  nO  trg^lar  nominnti.  n 
for  Commissioner 'of  llrtj  Poiirtn  Di,triet.  '.  y 
either  party.  I  inusilf  a  eandid-i  «• 
!or  CuUiilv  CoinniiJsiuiM'r, 

Da\JU.   0"Ivi;i-.F; 


Oair       Eitcriuiualor  !  ! 

Por  Resio-rfBS   Sop«rfInonf    Ilalrt 

To  the  ladiM  Mpecinlly.  this  invaluable 
depilatory  rtcommends  ilFilf  as  bring  ap 
al.Tiost  indispeusibic  article  to  f.'niali* 
beauty,  is  cai>ily  applied,  does  not  bnrn 
or  injure  the  skin,  hut  hcIs  directly  on  the 
root.>^.  It  13  warranted  to  remove  cuptr- 
duons  hair  from  low  forehf  ad.s,  or  from 
any  part  of  the  body,  conpietely,  totnl!'- 
anfi  radictlly  extirpating  the  ruhp,  leav- 
ing the  skin  soft,  smooth  and  iinliir.i]..— 
Ihis  is  the  only  article  iiscl  by  the  Frc»iil 
and  is  ih.only  real  cn'-i.-liiil  d*»|.iii«tory  ii 
existence.  Price  7^  cents  per  parkaipv 
.siiit  post  paid,  to  any  address,  on  rec;  ip' 
o}  :in  ordi-r,  by 

IJERGER.rfrirTT-  &  f...  Clipmi.^'s. 
2Sj  River  St.,  Trey,  N.  Y 



IJiinkff    llDtioiis, 

Ready-made  Clothing;, 


Boots   4*   Skoes^ 

Heavy  &  Shelf  Hardware, 

X    ^L    O    !«■   . 

JS^'mts  and  Gluts 
iiu  and  blicct-lron  Ware, 

L.   B.  MORROW  &  CO. 

Respectfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of  Shakopee,  an d  Vicinit  y 
that  thty  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

Drugs  and  Medicines,  Perfumery,  Patent  [Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Articles,  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
and  all  other  articles  usually  found  in  a 
Drug  Store.  We  hope,  and  it  shall  be  our 
aim,"  to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  tho 
public  patronage. 

Petrolene  Fluid  constantly  on  hand  and 
for  sale. -^•gisgj 


HOTEL  B!.0X'K.-^2  

T. j:~dut7y7 



the  p;o|ile  burdens  of  iuci'Ieul  ible 

11  , -11, tilde.      Jiie  i..r  If   h  -s  .ioubled    «.•. 

e'lid  tlie  ro>l  <d"   iveiv  t  nin_r    ihat  tiiu: 

-.ii.s,'.<  or  wt-ars       Kvl'iy    conilort  ain. 

•>eiv    noeissary    of    life    is  enhanced    in 

pri  e  .Mid   iiiiule  more  ililfiinli  to  ob  ain." 



Air  wf  tauT  i«  Taa 

Urbana  Scheme. 

8«ail  for  an  I11u*trat*il  Ctrenlar. 




dh.  schenck'3 

A  Snhstitiite  for  Calomel. 

Tiitw  Pill!  ar«  coinpaeei  of  various  roota,  having 
t!ia  power  le  relax  tbe  lecretion*  of  the  liver  aa 
proM.ptlr  and  effectually  aa  b:oo  pill  or  mercury, 
tai  without  pro4aclng  any  of  tboae  d>asrccab:e  or 
danfcrona  cffceU  which  oOoa  IcUow  the  aa«  «f  the 

In  all  bllloui  <<«erden  theae  rilli  may  be  nf  el  with 
eont Jence.  u  ihey  promote  the  diMharge  of  vitiated 
bile,  and  remove  tboM  otxtruetiooi  from  tbe  liver 
and  biliary  durti,  which  are  the  cauto  of  bUioui 
affeetioni  In  generat. 

SCtlKNCK'd  MAKDRAKB  riT<L3  eur*  Bick 
neadaci)',  and  all  diiordertofthe  laver,  Indicated  by 
lailew  akin,  eoate!  tongue,  eoatiTencM,  drowiineia, 
and  a  (cnersl  foeilng  nt  weai-ineaa  and  luiilude, 
ihon  log  tliat  Uie  li'/er  la  la  a  torpid  or  ob^ructed 

In  ahori,  tfiiMe  Pills  may  tie  nsed  w!th  adran- 
tace  in  all  cai<aa  wUca  a  pur^o^ve  or  altt^atlvo 
mediciue  ia  re.juired. 

r  ease  a<lc  lor  'Dr.  Schene'***  Man1ralc«  mia." 
and  ob<cr>-e  that  the  t%To  likeucme*  ol  tiie  Doctor 
arc  ou  the  Govemnieat  Mainp — one  when  In  the  Inat 
ttaco  of  Cooauuiptioa,  and  the  other  ia  hii  preient 

Said  by  all  Drofs'iU  and  (!eaTn«.  Price  Vi  eenli 
per  box.  f  rinc  pai  OtCcc.  No.  !.>  North  liih  Select, 
P.ii:ate!pha,  Pa. 

'•eurra.  \Viioicsa'e  AceTiti:  DcmM  Il&rnei  h  C... 
SI  Park  Row  New  York,  S.  S.  Iliaee,  13s  lUtl- 
more  »j;.,  Uaili  uor- .  Xld.  JoLn  l».  l*rk,  N.  6. 
cor.  of  Four. h  and  WV.rnt  S:.  Cine  nuati,  Ohio  ■ 
Water  t  Ta  lor,  t.M  and  IM  W!•.-*^^  Aveim*. 
Chicao,  111.:  Coll  nil  Br3«her",  Mi^iv^i  comer 
Oi  Eetoud  v..\  Vine  C;».,  8t.  Ix)u  ».  ilo.  ^ 

"*  Mlh  fcfi.h  w.  ea.  ~  j^  J  v; 


A   large  assortment  cf 

O  X^i  <3  O  XH  23 

On  hand  and  for  sale. 




B.  llLNlrsJAAH. 

Highest  market  pi  ice  paid  for 



A  i.  s  0  ^ 



fakoii  in  oyelinrp"  t'li-  (Joo?  . 


D.  A.  HUNIbMAN.  \ 

.  D.  ik  Huiitsmasi  Si.  Br 





Ladies  Brcss   Goods,  etc. 

Don't  forget  the  place — Cor  Holmes  &  First  Sts. 

tia  e 


Climax  i    Climax  i  i 

Fage'a  Climax  SalTO,  a  Family 
bles^g  for  25  cents. 

It  heals  wlthoat  a  scar.  Ko 
f&mily  slioald  be  without  it. 

Wo  warnuit  it  to  euro  Scrofab 
Sores,  Salt  Rheum,  Chilblains, 
1  otter,  Pimples,  and  aU  Eruptions 
of  ihe  Skin.  For  Sore  Breast  or 
Kipples,  Cuts,  Sprains^  Braises, 
Lurns,  Scalds,  Chapped  Hands, 
^c,  it  makes  a  perfect  care. 

It  has  been  used  oxer  fifteen 
J  cars,  without  one  failure. 

It  has  no  parallel— having  pcr- 
fi)ctly  eradicated  disease  and 
healed  after  all  other  remedies  had 
failed.  It  is  a  compound  of  Arnica 
Viith  many  other  Extracts  aud 
Balsams,  and  put  up  iu  larger 
1)0X03  for  the  same  price  than  any 
ether  Ointment. 

Soli  fcf  Dmwti*'.*  everprhore.    Whito  &  Ilowlaad, 
l^„;jic;»rs,  i:i  I.i!»«tty  Siroet.  New  York. 

■Mil.  KpiTou  :  Plei|.-»'^»)i»>"M»MCt;^fUiy  pa;;.e 
1.^  !iM  Iiidep'iu'ei.l  caujiiibilo  l'>r  »ki«  ifo.i-' , 
.Nr;nir<>«»*a'l>»:«4latiu>:  1..  aw  iij-itict-d  I" 
4Ufb'bV''th«*  W.tieiitUK.;.  aS  iinin.iixtiwi'iH*  i  ds 
ia  airpiiriito^  ■lh^«''*'"'y'  Aly  «  "tinu  ts 
upon  ilie  Bond  qiirtf'.rti  are  wHil  knowi.,  as 
ul-iiosed  .»w  iViiv  :  *"  -'n  hnni.i,'  ii.  v.t.. 
the  pie.-eui  or  fu  .  ,  .  .rT-^'-t  «»'  '«'»^"  ^''■.•a 
^Winnie.  U-   >••   Wuiaiir. 

Shakopee,  Miini.,  Oet-  11,  IBoT.       .^t 

,     Mr,Ej)1tor  AiUJU-':    :Roi»Eai>.K  '^'Dov  ; 
widlies  loauHOi  uie  hLmault' a,  an  Ind^iiend 
er.t  ciintlidate  tor  l,»unty  Treasurer. 
Uated,  Uti.  l^.^lyG?;;.  3;. 

Is  now 
of  the  trav 
newly   furr 
lartrest   an 
D.  A 




^ft. ::.  ^  o 

m<      J-  r:-a 
1       ■?       T<2  ^? 








^   5 » "  1 




re   ,-:   »   3 


2ir $3,00 Saved—rasseftgeBi  Going 

East  will    save  *.i.OJ  i*l.  Eare  by  lAkinj,'  it.. 

C.  \  \U  UAVES'  l>Oi   'A.    »J».«J    I't  li.e   *»  r.iilw.;ii|>»    <1 
.    isLliiel  uvoi    ill,W.ii»»Mr   lill*'    ..-iii.iMay-e.rte|.Mi  I 

ilaail'   »l.  tr  HI  •!).«...  |i.v»i>t  Mila-'iiiiitJ 

I.    'ili'B.f  coliiiointrii  «l    ..ri"'    11,     .nttitn   i,i..rnl'> 
fia<ii  i..r  tlolruit  .11.(1  -If!  ,  -       ■     icMa  i-r  «-:. 

,„    CU.ii.I-l>    l■U0^1l^  -    ^l.tth».■»l.•  i 

.■(iK.i.  P.ict.l  tV.,  iiui  I     '  •      .».f..!i.b..A-.;e   ! 

Minn.  Omntl    IlalltKa.e.   -  f   nil  jyritliil'J 

l'.ckelouiie»iii  tu-;  -NoiL „  .,  .\x, 

ill  ..M.\S  U»-I.t.  \l.  \v.  W  iL>  O'.    j 

en'l  Mipt_.i>i-tr«it.  We»t.  l*.»a.  A^'t.  ^lliwanket 

jUii»4mi  . 


"  <^!*EMi    Pv%h4^    (Fif^€\R   Saw 

V  .t  -^rivS^A^I)  A  I.L  KIKDS  OF  \Vo<»j 

' ,  *..iiiiV*;i;Y ; ,  &MAi.r,    Brmf -Stonh     j  4»yH4V'r  ^'«'" 
., .  n  irt^VpAitM  MlLU«:  BH\mxf».  ^  n^iai.ti.aii  . 

M.\'JMK»nV  WIlUT.Tt>Olil>liK.   • 


1««    Ji**'  •«^'   ^"'  W>«*<»«</'»"  8'i-rrt, 

Notide  is  hpn-br-plTcn  thnt  the  partner 

*1l'l'  h'  retMfaeaelx^liliV  '  etW'eiKUIeli.iei  Sv;i.i»»i  .t  an 
Joliu  I'rauk,  ill  tt.u  iUeW.r^  KU.ilm  ».s,  ..t    llelie    I'lalii.  , 
MiiiUc»..ta.UlIiI»aiiy  lll^»'ltl■!.  ^  ,,,  _ 

Vene  I'laliw.Mln  .0«i|t.}3.  U'.T 

1. STRAY    lUW. 

■    III    I'l.-  w^.Wjiiraw!.  nil  Fair  Dtv- 
7.   .   4it/VV^  ^»^n  atiiiia   ID  .v.ars  .III 

l.'lt   i-i    '■■  •   • 

Ik'OliJT   U     .  ■-:  .._ , 

Wikli   .*"•'-       .     .kti    riK.-    Iiy    I  ri'ivioji  pr  .iiertV 
p  i\T  ni'l.'r''iVs'i,OtXe  and  i-h.^I.-eu  (.>r  tMiiiii;.' 

Br..\.  h.MHtlill.s. 


?Ci>TT  C'UNfV.  0<'i»>^r.  i  7       i.0.t.»  TUi,  Ks«': 

Id  toe  i)i.»ner  oi  iHe  KsL  ^^i'"!}  "'"V;;','     ' 

t)or.:iirirs.iu*Hnii-M::     ;•  ....f.!>ui..ii.  ■. 

o»  dbakopxr.t.i  Uttf  tum.iy  -i   »  •>».*».l   •'lal.'oi  iuo- 
lw»)t.i.  l»r-^-i'W  forrt:i«-on»l>ie-.-i,.  srit- I  «;''•,  j^"'"^ 

tii  V.rrili*"  1  ►tnteof  Ihe  >..|,|  ,lrc.-.t-e«l  ntiy  I*  U««.l.t. 
hMo    the   .«.  «■«»•  ©uitrtni.    ir^U  ..r-lrre. !.«.-.( 

tT«i«v.  111.  Sill  Jay  »f   N  jvi-  II  .er,  i*  ,,  at    in  ■<  c\o.\  la 
•  >u,  ;:    ,t    the  i.i'.i f  ll»«i  J«t;»ifre_.>i    I  r..liii[e^iii 

tiie  "  ""  """ ' 

tlie  10*!.  of  Sii..»«.p-'.  i"  Ml.l   eounl.v   b«a>M^iie.|    for 
tiearieofviH  t...!.tion.  ami  thai  the  h«to.^  .>f  Uw 
ivftAiri  (la  .«*•  1,  >fanv   ih'-r*  h»,  aiiil  all  ■•■Uer 
irb«ia  1.1  tort- tx-t    n  ihe  iut>,i  r=.ut.  ,are  r<"iulre.i|to 
B.-  i.r».s»  ilatt'«ii'itieau.l  ,.l  tVe-«<>  ii>»<»^^  '"'!!?••'  *V- 
tH*r»  Iw.  why  ihe^ajef  of  «.n.l  pe!itli.iu»^uW  «<»i  l>. 

-1    iH.s;ai  pHlllttli  U 

Anil  II  Is  r-ir:hpr  iiril»ri^:i  .(-notlr -.if  lUe  ••♦'•ft"- 
-IrenT.y-iMttirV      "^    :i  c.->T»V  ol    «M 
—      ■  .•\#.'^■i,   «  »■■•    i^l.V   ne»»- 

at,   .-•M'.apce,   In   »..; 
v«;..'K-i  i>ti.:i  ■  lia'ely   i»i.'- 

\V\f.  HRNKT. 

JU'ige  of;. 

lH.s;il  I  pHIIWi  o"   ;;iTon  Mj    j*fr 
(.r<*r  111   Itie  |lliaUi.i>ee  Wn-aii 
;ini?T-  frtiite.l  xiii    ;.«<'!t»b«"i 
(iMiiitv.   !■  r   i..»»«w  x>ii*lvo 
c(*»«Hi«.'  Mif*al«  V"""!. 
-■   U«l,-l.«>«t.  Jlli/Uol. 
1.39  «l 


SCOTT  COUNTY,  Soeclal  Tfrm.  Ott.  Mtll,  l.'BB,— Tf 
the  uimterof  tl..  h»t.Tteof  John  O  NiHlc,  late  oi  III* 
Connty  I.I,  Ileifuked.  .  .^  .»  .         ,  .„  ...    " 

la..Mi  r.  a.lliit  »i4d  tJili  i;  tliepttmm^OT  Ann    i<  N.II.p, 
f  U.lle  -PUlne**.  tt  CutUitft   .Mfm**!".  pr-'T  "'-,'•» 
.  ■  rtata  ifJ^^Mrri,  M««K>.  tJ»*'-i*|' «^"»  "f  A.ii.lii. 
i'tm'ivii  i4Ji  mi    t.,t.  tcia^Mt»Mli«i«#<:e«ted,  belv 

it  •  Jti'^^rt.'-'li^t  ^.KWkPK^^"  W  •'*'^  "'  ^> 
v.!;,i>  !.  A.  I).  ifc<^7.  ..ti'tliip*  ti  t!>»«t?nv-i>i  <'i*"" 

'ii»  ortJre  ..|  tl       .iM|pi»«.«J<>h<lt«  l«   »*>*  V''*1 

1  .r  th  h^,.rl'  .:  ot  ,«1  ;  ^-^MiO^Jfm  th»t  the  h-  ir>  K 
L««  o(  wild  )HW lie  .11  K^frWtt  be.  anil  all  ytlier»  pr«««Ml.  tn  »»«"W  canas,  if  hit 
I  ..'re  *iV.^«iy.r.>  i.r..y  ,  of  IbC  pctaiwoer  .boul'l  uOt 

».;      1..1  t.  .1.  -«. 

Aii'l  itl*fltrih(r  ordcrf.1,  nS*ll«tkeof  llie  f.^lMp- 
I  m  ..rli-r  be  >!iven  n  ii.«  .•'hri  'i.te  .t.i»uf.  a  weekh 
iieWhpHper.  vrlntri)  •na  pul)li».i«i  ft  ».rijl:i>pec.  In 
».ii.l  I  ii.tvol  K.i.t:  Ik.  tbrci  »tc» -'-'»■»  *'vk*  ire 
»l.<Usto    «i  '  i.i*'-  ^^''.  in.M.1  . 



Th  •  rt'cat  niedictuoenred  r>r.  .1.  TI.  SooFricK,  tbe 
Propr'e'ar,  ot  ruimcnar/  CoBauR.p'*on.  when  it  bad 
Mittnied  ita  moet  tonniilal>ie  arp?et,  and  whan  rpoidy 
dcalh  ar?<Mred-ta  be  Ineviiab  e.  lliiphvi'eiaiMpro- 
aouneci  hia  cxm  ioearitbio  whoa  he  oen>mena«4 
the  ou  ot  thii  thnp'.o  but  powerfiil  rcnie-Iy.  Ula 
health  wai  rcjtortd  in  a  ver/  abort  time,  anl  do 
return  ef  Uia  dicex-e  hai  been  a^prchrmteJ,  for  alt 
the  lynip'oraa  <ja'cMy  a!»aii?'*"«^  »od  hli  pn-siat 
w^l^lkl  l2  more  than  two  buuitrcd  p-,an1n. 

C'nca  "Jla  rcoovf ry,  he  bin  devoted  ha  atle  '  on 
•xciuiiircly  to  (be  cure  el  CoDiumption  and  .bo 
diseama  which  are  araally  eoinpieaicj  wl\h  It,  aai 
tko  curoj  e  Jco!ei  by  hia  mc.licluoa  have  beea  **rr 
kaniorooi  ksd  truly  won-ler.ul.  I>r.  Bju.:.^.-k 
auUtOi  ;>ro  eMiooal  vislta  to aove.'ai  of  il.o  ix-,,er  eitiea 
weekly,  where  bo  hua  lar^o  eo.iCjur..«  o:  pa;iAa:«, 
and  it  la  truly  adoaiahio^  to  tea  psor  copfti'iip'  vei 
thathaveto  to  llf  el  on!  of  fl-.c'r  ca.-^•»,o^  and  •« 
a  fie-T  niOTi'hj  hci'lV.  roViUt  P"'  *'"•  '^*' 
BCUr.NC'^'d  PL'LHO.VIU  SYRl  P,  8EAN.i!i«iD 
TONIC,  aad  MASPBAKB  P1LL3  aro  fenernly 
all  roin'rei  hi  cx-iaj  Ca!i.'ufpi.t>n.  Fifil  Alree- 
tioas  BiT'mipany/o'K.  ao  fir**  an^-  one  er.-i  lake  ihara 
wilhonl  foeiait  I>r.  B.^  ie>.j.^,  hoi  when  a  la  ean» 
ven  eut  It  Ii  beat  to  .cj  binu  He  ?  res  ai^.ee  'ree, 
but  .or  a ih;..'  a.he.'^a'iinaiWajiahU.jBi.paMaiii^r 
bia  ee  ii  UkTM  dolatfi.  .(•■ 

p.oate  oUervo,  whc:i  piir.-">v'nj,  \hiX  l'.ia  two 
tikoa«.jei  01  Ui«  Moc'.oi-— .,;-.a  fflica  In  Oaj  a.t'a:» 
•i  Coai!.iiiip''Ti.  and  llie  o  her  10  tie  uoiv  'a,  la 
p...-'  ct  h.-aUi— .are  oa  tho  Gove -niiK-ni  siaTjk. 

S  1  b7  ail  DruTjrl.fa  nid  Pmi  en.  Pr  00  iJil.V) 
r^r  lo't.*.  or  ♦T.-iO  the  half  4c.:i>-u  Le.l«r«  tor 
ilv'ice  .>h')niJ  a  \-ra--ibc  direc'el  to  Ur.  dchenck'a 
Prinn  p«  0  Ticc,  11  Njr.h  iCh  8u    Ph.  ale  ya  a.  Pa. 

/;»  (>ra:  Wbo  e>al«  .Vt^iita:  r>o    \i  Baruo*  Si  Co., 

\  X..  H.  S.  llaiico,  i^vomara,  Ui. ;  JoUa  U. 
^-jrk;i:.iiciniia«i,  OU>o;  Wa.kcr  A  i'«  ior,^ 
l.h  i  (>>..i-.u  Broii.^  St.  Lo-a  •.  Sl:i.  ;,  j  w.  .'j       ^   '     ' 

-  DIl.  '  "liDlOlUL'.i. 

■'.>  )■,,   'he*  mail  bo 

;.«    ■  i  Mti.  .  I. .J  u  .-*  tvU    hii'.    To  aeLoiMpOah 

...>...i  !(!voraM4t«i'  a.;a  uiuii.  'ir«t  b«e'i.«3«d  aad 

la  »••;>"•  If  irjfi  L  I  )er».c.  d  i  !.  >«:aina!ood,  wLic'.i, 

,1..  itiO  «     If  5  f  ;uJ  will  lis  o  -o^oU  prwpwly.. 

,  ..-.jott   iica.  .1/    UvH.l   rii'.e:    ib;i.  h4..uiiij  ur  <^*i 

.,.,n ,,.,.■.„.    ;    .1.  s   ..'i  UANi'fiviir,  r.r-!Jl 

o4^  or  in...  ^• 

..._  ;..■  C  t 'i.'ol'I  T...  -  .-  ^  1- 
■  U-  'i^-ori  1. 
s,,  iii  N;  ...  ..  ;UtMO.VIC  SYRrP  la  •oir'.trlotj 
a.4w«itiuin0'l>inal,aud,  by  Ba.iu.tb«ihre«rdmad  t*. 
.4  1  ii1i{i3r.tjei  am:  eippiiod  lio:n  the  ayitem,  aad 
ItMid,  wb.jiiw)mc  biool  naje,  wheh  wiU  repel  aJ 
^itetvv.  1  y*:  ontf  wij  vaWetha.o  madichiei.aocarrV' 
la^;  t^  4is*dU«f  f,  <J.>uainpUo.i  very  tro'ineoUv  ts 
ill  idAi>!ibi;o  t'.-S.iU  if-ilily  to  thdlr  action.  Take  thr 
p'.iii  'il'iuc  :it:>',.tii  c>>:.^e  th«  liver  vid  4oMXh.  Ii 
i'jct  not  to'Jow  lUa.'  bocanio  tbe  boweia  an  not  roo- 
Uv«  ther  *ro  ao".  re.julr»di,  for  aoraatlTCJ  hi  diwrr- 
fc.i  a  th««-  a.-9  !)•<«»•  wary.  Tho  aloniach  nv*  In"  k/y 
hr'.Hh.r.  s>i|  a%  appMito  craat«4  to  aiijw  Ibe  fvi- 
caoalc  iyra^i  tokctoa  rharMp<nriair<ircany  tf^{«rli 
«Qi  alJAt  auy  irri'kiiou.  nwawllitat  iar>ii4./iicl  «>• 
.->«T  -)c  "  «  p«r  dAi  »  cwre  -tk  W>  ptw'oa*  toltltv 
r^'d.  Sx^-rioo  ai«nt  tha  riv»»n»  a*  on  -H  v  v..r»!bU, 
e«*  all  '!»•  '■■'!4kw  •e^-'t  -*•»  mm'  ,'ir»»«.  ar^.  ik  l*rt 
\,i vth  m  t%    R,  jtti.ji  trvrw     h»*  *    'mr-  .<-«  a/  an-* 


Ttii«  mriic  ue,  mvenird  by  Pr.  J.  H,  SrwiiiicK, 
II  Piiiia-le  piia,  ij  icioadod  to  disioire  tbe  iood  and 
imivcitiutoch/'uic  the  dnt  prnccw  of  diikCt.-'on,  Oy 
'  eaisin^  the  nlo.iiach  with  B.hfnrk*<  Ua  idraVe 
PilU,  tlic  Ton  c  f.>on  r<:i>lorea  iho  appctitp,  a;id  tooJ  could  n^l  uO  be.'orc  aiiug  't  wiil  be  eajily 

ConMiitip''on  eainot  be  enre-l  by  S;h*ieVn  Pti 
mou;r  S.  r.ip  uii!c;M  the  atoriiach  and  liver  is  niaJr 
beaithy  aad  the  itirpeliterralorc'l,  heiico  the  Tooit 
aud  PiUs  are  re^u  ro4  in  nearly  every  ca-io  oi  con- 
■uii^piion.  A  hnir  Uozen  bullies  ot  il'.s  !<i::.\\VE:.:i) 
TOSiCandlhreiorloar  boxeioftha  UANIiQAKe 
PILLS  will  cota  aay  oi'dioar/  c&m  of  d/rpip>.a. 

Dr.  Scaoo.:  makes  profcssioiiai  vieita  iu  New 
York,  U.>9to:i,  aad  at  h!e  priucipil  O.Tice  in  Phiiadel- 
phia  evor/  week.  See  daJy  paper* oi  eicli  pace,  or 
bii  pamyliiei  ea  conj'auipi.ioa  tor  hia  da^-i  tor  viiit*. 

Pleaae  etieerm,  wtien  yiret^asinK,  that  the  two  like> 
DOaaea  of  the  Doctor,  one  wbea  Itt  tho  lajt  ak^-n  ol 
Coiunmp'.ion,  and  tl.o  other  a.1  he  now  ia,  in  porloct 
health,  arc 0-1  the  Lioreruioeat  vtauip, 

B>14hy  aliDrugfUUandi'ealera,  prioo  $1.34  per 
\»M«,  or  $7.  jO  tho  haU-dosca.  All  lettcrt  lor  advica 
ahoold  be  addroaired  to  Dr.  Scttc.N'OK'a  Priocip^ 
OiUce,  Mo.  IS  North  C'l  SLrocl,  Phi'ade  ph  a.  Pa. 

General  Wholoaaio  Ageuti :  Deutia  Bamea  ft  Co., 
N.  Y.:  ?.  8.  Hanra,  Bslnmort,  Ud.;  John  D. 
Parke,  Cineinntiti,  Ohio;  AVoUter  k  Ta/ior,  Chi- 
cago. IlLi  C«U<M  iiiiA,  Bi  Louia.  Mo.         '^ 

■  '^-i-.i  -.-i    f^.jj.     ^I'l  -.      Ilat  w.  ea.  iic^  V  fr« 

3Nr  3E3!  X7<y    1^  X  :e^ 

n.  S.  IIOLTON.J 

[ciiAs.  nAikiinica 



?^:Saferi:]io  Mori! 

,     liv     ihe    llrtV  1-       ■  ■  ■'      ■ 

\         .     -    KL.Xili  yfiM 
M-rn  ...     ilv.  .111'!  .It  a  In;. 
T- 1-     >ii>H!-irinr   siH'«'f  :  ;.. ., 

::  .    I      iht«    invalnii'.hV'-^ttiHl.  UOt' 
an  I  Nervous  W^ftii'-ii  (.»?ii'" 
..iid  I'ro-^trutrrtiiV  Lr><..-  ■•;  M^  -    , 
_..   Impo firy,  or   • 
-    I     i.i'  ...   of    yu«'hf(^i 
.  i.n-  inoit  v.4tuab»c 

.•VI 1'  U  •••ovei'i  d. 

it   w  i^  rv'uiovrf  all  nen  ous  !iiV  e  . . . 
Ic|»ii(--:i»n,    cxiiieim^nrt,  ,iii»ei*pj 
.^Mnlv  <ir  liM>4iii's}!.  iO..»s  of  meintf* .       n;  ■ 
s,..ii,'  t  iiiiiL-lft!*  ot"  silf 'l«.<-trneii.i»>.  1'.  -.r-ai 
iiL-siiii'iT.  <te.  '  I»  wiir  rvsloir  i   > 
r.  ne^v  till-  iiealili  of  thosi.- w...     i. 
-iroycd  it'h'y  sen-nal  eXeC9<«  ori'^^l  pru  - 

i.V.ui.^  ^^ill,  be  hiinihuggcd  no  morr 
IV   'tinai-k  Doclois"  aud  ij;  |)| .r  '■ 
lomis,    hni   send  wilUqilV  JtJelay  lor  u 
'■iii.xir.  anl   he  ut  oine  r'SK^re'i   ui  It.  all 
a  id  hn|i|iinc«8.     A  Perfect  Cn.'e  i.<  tin 


Vsjelable  Sicilian  Hair  Renewei 

Itaa  Ktood  the  test  of  seven  yeara 
trial  bfi  the  public  ;  and  «/>  pnpn- 
ration  for  the  hair  yet  discovered 
ivill  produce  th^  txinic  henc/laal 
results.  It  is  a  new  scientific  diS' 
cover!/,  conihininii  the  most  power- 
ful and  ri-st'trative  agents  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  Jt  restores 
FUL COLOR.  it  makes  the  srain 
white  and  dean;  cures  tlat.draff 
and  humors,  and  failing  out  of  th| 
hair  ;  and  will  make  it  grow  nj}on 
bald  headSf  enocept  in  very  aged 
persons,  as  it  famishes  the  nntrl- 
live  priuciple  bif  which  th^  hair 
is  u^nirished  and  supported.  It 
tnakes  the  hair  moist,  soft,  and 
glos*!/^  aud  is  unsnrjHissed  as  a 
HAIR  DRESSING.  Jt  is  the  cheapett 
pri' pa  cation  ever  offered  to  tlie 
public,  as  one  bottle  will  accom- 
plish more  and  last  longer  than 
three  bottles  of  any  other  prepara- 

Jt  is  reeom mended  and  used  by 
the  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  wondirful  results  produced 
hi/  our  Sicilian  Jlair  Jiencwer 
have  ituluced  many  to  manufac- 
ture preparations  for  the  IJatrp 
linden'  various  names ;  and  in 
ord^r  to  induce  the  trade  and  tJt^ 
public  to  purchase  their  com- 
poutuls,  they  have  resorted  to  false- 
hoods, by  claiming  they  were 
former  partners,  or  /tad  some  con- 
nection with  our  3Ir.  JIall.  and 
their  preparation  was  similar  to 
ours,  J>o  not  be  deceived  by  them! 
J*ui'oJtase  the  original:  it  has 
nevntr  been  equalled.  Our  Treatise 
on  tlu?  Hair  with  certificated,  sent 
free  by  mail.  See  tluit  each  bottle 
has  our  private  Jievenue  Stamp 
ovs_r  tlie  top  of  the  bottle.  All  otli- 
ers  are  itnitations. 
R.  P.  Hail  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N.  H. 

Sold  by  all  r>ruoyUt»  and  DenUrt  in  ifcdicin*. 


a.Kcntfar  tb«  Xortli-Woateru  Stat«a. 


Corner  of  Holmes  €c  First  Sts.,  Shakopee,  Minnccota 

Dealers  lU 

Dry  Goods,  Brcss  Good^,  CIclhlDg', 

Groceries,  Boots   and  Shoes,   Hats   and   Caps, 

Tlic  liiglic.'i!   in  lift    I  lite  \y.  k\    for  Wlicat,  Furs,  and  all 

kinds  of  country  iiroilncc. 

,2-17- Ca!!    and  see.     \Ve  are  BOUND  NOT  Ti)  BE  UNDERSOLD    by  any  firm  in  tU 
Minn,  sola  Valhv. 

isTzn-^TU-  ts^  'X-  <o  r..  zu  cilur,Ii;CE  C:  WACOri  OKOP* 

$10    to  $20  a    Day. 

Ce«ntv  of  the  IJiiite.!  i^tatea.  to  Intro.liice  otir 
PAlEXr    "lAK   SHUTTLE  ShWlNO  -MACIIIM-;.    It 
,  .  „  «iae<  :  tlirca.ii  and  makea  a  ►tltch  aJIke  on  ••^!r,«  — 

a  lU-ed  ill  everv    in.sianro.     I'lue,  Si.  .  r  ,  Jt  laa  ttr.i-cu»a  Macume.  aurf  "'•''•.''.'-...'^""vofinV! 
r  1     ..I       *'....,.,  I  I...    .   ji'-l  '  •!»•    txlracrdliary,  to  AiCLta.    »or  inr- 

liMir   botlles  to  one  aUiin-.-e,  ©;>.  i  •K.r;,.,liculareaiiureM.»!!h  stamp, 

t«.  K.  IIK.NI>KK.-<U.N    4  ox. 
ScU  AgtnU/or  the  M>jt  4  Suu.'A. 

aci  >'.  <ih  St..  M.  Lotl'.»,  Mo. 

Onu  lioUle  is  silfBcieut  lo  efl'  et  a  in. 
11  ;*ll  oriliini.'v  ra«e-. 

AL-O.  !>li.  JOINVILLE'S  SPKt'l- 
EIC   PILLS.  f>r  the.-jieedv  and '|Kriti 
Dint.oure  of  (Ji'iM'rrhea,   (ilect,   UriHiiui 
i>i.M!iar;:e8.     (Iiavel,    .Stiielun-,    mid     a 
.iQ'.tii'H.s  iif  the  Kidneys  aod  j'.laud.r.- 
t'nres  tff.CU'd.  II  fr.ijii  uijw   tt"  fiv»*    d'V 
Trey    uru  prei'ured  fr.nrt     vesret  dilc    eN 
tnieis  that   are  liamileHS  on    llie  svRtem 
and    never    iia;iseate     tht»    stomach     «• 
itiipregpate    ibe  breath.     No   chanv^e  i. 
diet   \s  netjeswry  *l^!t«'««»in«    tlieni,  no. 
lot's  their  acMon  in  ""V  ninimer  interfen 
Willi   La^iu'-'sS    pursuij*.     Pricv,    ;?!  j»ei 

Either  r.f  the  alioyif  mciitin{jfd  artiVIc 
WiU  he  sent  »o  any  a^lre-s,  oloVily  ettaled 
and  }M)Kt-paid,  by  mail  or  rxptv,s<i,  oo  ce 
ceipt  of  price.     A.h!re>sell  onltTS 

•  •^ifi'at.v-'--*'  ■'■"" 

SX^l^INO  T^AIvi:, 


I  liiive  j<:^l  receivt'Tn  large-  .stork  of  No.  1 

DRV  (ii.x  D.-.  Clt.  lKKll.^■.'l^'liJ'.AT-,  wliUli  I  .mi 
iireMitr-*!  %•'  m-llKh  l.v,  . .-  liii.  be  l^nUcl.t  <»ut»iil«  o(  ft. 
I'aill.     I  all!  '!•  UTIi.ilieii  tl. .  tM  1  \«  II  <   i.iu)i'i  .  n  '^1    I't 

clilz-vii.".  Ol  III  b  n.ii.iiivi!' v.iiinl  ulil  usl  a  1.  fair  trial. 
Si>riiitf  l^kf.Nov.istb.teee. 


rp,  atiil  C0I5UIN'a  lUostrated,  Photographic,  DO 
I  MESTTC  niBLE.  Thia  ta  a  work  of  aterlinic 
merit. anil  intlie  liamla  of  competent  at:fiiU.  flnUa  a 
ready'  sale.  '1"  nllIli^lera  of  tiie  Qo>pil  who  wi»U  to 
••Irciilate  it  in  the  lOiieri-gitlon  or  Immediate  n^lKhbor* 
hO'^.ait.1  to  oi»i»r  ifood  and  reliable  i-genU  wbo  wiaa 
tn  oauTaaa  lor  iho  wcirk.  liinral  imiao-tneMt*  wiu  o« 
€.*«>?.'  OmiKV  ULIDDKN.   I  ui.iiai.or. 

»l  am  l»  CU«»  »t..  Chicaao. 

.■■-'   i»-->-     - 

M.  SIIEIRE  &  BilO, 
.A.  XI.  CJ  H  I T  E!  O  T  £S - 

Office  oa   Ei.'"lh    Street.  .Sonvh   of  Jacks'M 
((•n   the  nil.) 

«T.   PAUL,    KIN^ESOTA. 

lian    Storer 

jpoul'l  ri'»r''-tlliny  guy  to  hl»  old  fri«uils,  anU  the  pi.  t 
.lp«{/:tt<'r.illv.  ili..i  lie 

Was   not 

run  oPr  by  iLc  heavy  cuuipetlllon,  but    liHW.  tuJb.: 


athl»  oM  Klanclon  Fiv-t  ureot.  Sh.ikopeo.  wliereh'-U 
leallng  out  tii«  l>t  kt  ut  <iruco.lea  .tua  i'ruuii.u.^«  autl  la 
not  ewii'^  tod>:*carc<l  ur 


cQtlf  b«  otnbe'pit,  btit  to  continue 

In  the 

ra'J?.    Tie  kfr*  ."«iff"'"1  a  «to;k.  anl  «-Tlalii  Cbcap  M 
any  ona  can  aOird  t<>,  to  *iiy  io«'&  uu  lao 

Minnesota  lliver 

33  In,  clsLE  xrs.  i  t  Itl  133.  sr» 

s  H  c>  i:  I  .N  < ;  ,    i;  i;  1>  a  I  it  1  N  CJ   A  o 



liavin?  removed  to  tlitir 

iP  Ilinier->;.'IH'    , 

new  -I'li.p,  v'ii=Mf«  le.«  !^  a.ii  I  .-Cvin  ■!  .-t«..  n-.mi  I  rfS.'irct- 
fiiilv  aiiiii  nii.v  tTiiiri  III  >  ireMOvv  ,.rey»ri  u  i<i  niativ.fac- 
••*e<  :««•>»).  f  .lifii..<»ies,  ii;»iles.<in»  ana  two  hors-e  M  «E- 
oti".  r.XlTe*!*  Woi.ii  ».  ''Ieli;lt!«.»'uner»,  ami  eveiytl.loe 
re'iM  iiil  ill  I  in.'    ;iT.rU|.,.e  iiir.  lit  r.  .I'Diialilr  riitrd. 

ll.ivincseoure'l  Ihv  <'eiVM.e«  ufa  Il?>tcli««<bliieltiiii!ljl 
we  are  emiiled  |..  iiilcrtiie  lieal  qu.ilily  of  wi<rk.  l.otH 
iii.Miiil;ieiuriii4:  an<i  rrp.^lrijiK-  Jol^ljliie,  Shucli.g.  Ac  , 
pri.n'iit'T  .i»ii1  <i.tff.ri.irim  ilv  Jrne. 

Tuank'fftif.irpn.-'i  taet»rj.,we  wotjld  follclt  a  coBttau- 
ant«o»  tlje  4>uljlk  

ALURiTT  A  woonBcr.T. 

J.  S.  Atr>«rtT,      I 
M'.  Y.  V,yvi>utKV.i 

7ho  ^vml  (Dniiso 


JE3Cxxii3LCin       3WCisor5^» 

A   Lecture  on  the  Xalurr,    1  realBionI    ■■<  Radical 

Cure  I't  ^^  i-.ikiie"!-,  or  ?p"Tfn,it'irrhTe«.  Inilui-tft 
liv  Heir A'->U5-;  Iiivulnjiani  Kinlhi^nns,  Inipoteiiry, 
.Ner  oiia  i'u'.'.i  ly.  ai..l  luiiicnuieuik  to  Marri.A^^e  k'riicr- 
I  I'lv;  i'oisainl  U.ii,  rr''.'T'--v.  .it"!  Fitii  ;  .M^TituI  and 
j  ii.Vsiral  liuiip.iclt)-.  «c— Dv  Ki  H.I.  CtLViwiUV  KLL. 
M.  It..  Aiitii..r'«  ;li..'  ■  lireiii  B'",u."  ic. 

The  wr!  I  rcH'iwncil  iint'.ior.  In  thin  a'tmlml-le  !••• 
tnr^.  cl.'iiil.-  ii".\«h  fri.lii  l;l»  lhii  <  x;if  rleme  llmt  i!  • 
awful  o<inM 'iui'i:c<  e  Lt  f^<  lt-At>ua<.:  may  l>e  eti -(tiiaily 
r.  niove'l  *>it!<.ui  ii:f.lkli.e.  una  Without  <1»iigeroua 
<urj:lc  I  "P'-vailoii?.  In.ntl.lest  I  .a  iBnieuta.  rii.ya,  er 
c.)riiai5.  V'jiiiili.v  i.ut  J  nii.iie  ol  mrc  al  once  ie;t«li« 
.11.1  eili  clu  r.liy  wli(  h  1  \  er.>  (>uller>  r,  no  Diattei  w!i»i 
nU  c«>nili"ii>n  niiiv  be,  may  lUte  lijjjirelt  ».h.»py.  pri- 
\-:ttely. .-it.ii  rjUu-;<iir.    'i  '^i»  li-ewure  uiil  prove  a  bu<>u  K< 

llKXt-iili.ln  «l).i  llll.VS,iliii» 

i^eiit  timl^  s-Ml.  Vu  a  plnln  envelopo,  to  any  adflroa^ 
111  ree.  I.  t  if  kIx  r.«i>l>,  or  IWu   pvilake  Itiimpt,   ly  tfl- 

rc--biim  ilie  pirir'nfieriH. 

Also,  L»i.  LLI.VKKVEIX'rf  "Mnnlaao  Cat4a."Ki«« 

Aiiilris   the  I'uiiil..-'— 1«, 

CIIA-.  J.  C.   KT.ITtR  A  C*. 

i;t  (■•wet   ,  . .  »  ^ .  1 , .  I ..  I  <  111 .  I'.ij  ftf% 

$1800. A  YEAR 

Mad*  ky  Aa«Bl>,  BiaU  aad  ftmal*.  In  nlliac  by  rabwrlstios, 

mckenZie'sgreat  family  receipt  book. 

coBlaiuiac  mXiv  praiiial  rawipu  |>trta!Biaf  to  over  MrtBlT  dic 
tlart  nBMcU,  *W  tb«  ««•!  JweaUr  utd  vahubla  w»rk  of  tka 
kiad  patlkkcdi  ali*.  tw  GOLDEN  PEN.  MpttradiBf  kH 
Oiluin,  «k«r*  Islnducad.  torciTvlan  aad  mmji»  of  p*i»  •■- 
cNw  two  rtaatfa.  aad  addxia,  M.  V.  B.  COWiH,  Ubytu*. 


NifroalOte  iStioara. 
Wheaton'a  Ointment    cur««    Th*  Itch. 
\Vheaton'8  Ointment     cures     Salt  Itherfli. 
Wheatou's  Ointment     curcui     Tetter. 
Vi'healou'ii  Ointment     cure.?     Barhcrs'  Itch. 
V.'heaton'a  Ointment    cures     Old  Sorce- 
Wheatou'i  Ointment     oures     Every  kl^ 
of  Humur  like  Uag'C. 

PrIc'.M  cent*   a  t)'>x  ;    by  mail,  ti  -eo'a.    A4.'r»»a 
So.   ITO    \Va.;h  nslon     P^tmi. 

S 10  PER  DAY. 

Asentt.  inal««a4tanta,waatad.  laavwy  tows  lU  ■•iikbor- 
li^.raribtlMaliiayiacartkUoroarMaityiB  •^•^y  .""'/.'Ul 

XtG±X  I  \ 

•e.      A.!i!re>S  eil  onltTS  .<>  _,  |i„„r>»i-.ft-Hf  an.J  Hr-     l»  jf  tSinrchBa.  8eho<l  i  WBKKS   4.    POrTRR,     No.   iro    \Vi.ih  nslo 

r  SHHT'IV  4  Co..  Cheir-FtS    I  niB»««i.'  P'^h'''-"  l-a« ''"•'■  «""■   "«'»"«•  O'  ovf-v/'-  '   Uo.iao  Mra*.    a*-  Koraalc  by  ,-.11  Uni.rr's;- 


'/WR.  tJ.e  nndfr»leni».t.  Comm Union rrs  of  the  TaUto 
•)'/  pVtArBnne.  ilereic-',   rectlve,  examine  *Bd  a<yuf'. 

alIrl»liTTiBCain't«.*'.1  K't-***'-    .  .   „,,._    ,.^   -.will 
Kow  th<'r-fcr«.nf.lic<!  i«  hereby   ci van.  that   w»  wtii 

S^VfcP  M  »t%'e  Ca..rt  n'..i«',ln  Shaknpee,  at  Ih.. 
.«llc«  V' Clera  of  the  Oifrut  CiHirt  of  Ihc  C-ontv -i 
??^  for  t"  r:irV.%  "f  'Ximlnln*  a:.  J  an-^wins  th« 
riaui;  preset.  ■!«w'''H  tb*  ..Ut-  of  tha  a«M  dcccaa- 

uiiKMA.N  pArMnACF.n. 







_-.  +  - 

-^  .  ■.  ■■!■  -^  ^  »  I  m^f' 

110-m  m  W^-Sii  »»ami   m^    m    m 

■  ■Ka<«  m^  m    immMa,m  !■,  ■■ m^  m. 



^.0-  ■■  .  ^  -i^^^ibtAir  >i^*. 

.  ...;,a«ati^  *  ^.^ 

*"-'*i:;''..  .-^ 


Town  and  County  Matters. 

,-SHAKOPEE^  OCT.  24.  1867. 

It  Ho'lrw-TT,  naTUe  'tl*t-«-!i  T"sr- .U".  w;t- 
I.'--.  ,:  I'a^  M^tr"'**  o<!i.  .ai.jiii-M  Kiclky  t'lil- 
tlri;n  in  tjkun;  llii;  tiiiu>  ou-  »•,  i  ''i-.-'i 
t^  il  t«v.  rf  •"H'-'i  t .'  ,1.1  J: :4  |ii-iM.  .1.1.1  .r..i.i 
:h.*tii<.»*  •'.T-.-uvti  .yf  t  I '^"  ri.'..i<- !i.,  >  >4  i  •■•■ 
Uf.l  In  srp  ir.i:l-ii- tt.i-ii  :i  ■tivvmr.h-y  ft  .i)!- ^ 
ties,  P'.re,  t.i'ii.^.i' »»  .1"  '■  ■•■•"i"!'".  1  .'  ■  y 
coiiib'.iil!!.,'  III.-"'  wt',  n-i  »  ni..ii'.ii'i«' 
incm  mi'i  an  ijtier  .b'c  ^ti'.i  ,  |..riii..l 
t'lC  vrfVi.L  r  i'LLVii.  .»;.l  trr.,.:..;:  ^L.^;I 
reus  uti  'w;i  .»■> 

Lost— a  few  days  b«o,  a  Scott  County 
Onler,  No.  n'-7,  for  $S.4,-..  payable  to  Nicho- 
las Li>..j,'ii».  The  liuUcr  i.i  requested  to 
rclura  ili<-  !>Am«-  t'J  ^ht-riff  i'boniui. 

Democratic   Success  aud    its  I  Largest  Book  Agency  in  th® 

I       }.■,,, ,.._A    dt'striiotivo  iii'e  took    pla^-e  on 

!  II,,!iu(-i  ."-'t  eel  im  'I'li  sJrty   ni^^lit  ln«l.      Tlie 

..  „  .        TT  *L  n      f^-*; ,    «    I  lire  uriit'iiiwCtJ    ii.    tof  iraiinr  »tur.<  uccujuL-d 

Wi.Kll   l.»VH    it;;.   ,<t      ■•   li    .     .     -     i>  ■^■"    '■''  ''    '    '  • 

oM   n«u»!'m   VfrMii!ti«e.'*.  ti  tM.    ii.-iK.!.*   ••> 
th-  p  1  )t  »»  »ulf     i.r».     1 1  c  ■.■■.nil-  !■"  (.  «'" 
rje.  ^r   -iticr  >  /  «  '  .■•11'*  it'-'."** '*'''^*- 

8o  bU'hlv  Mr.-t„p.|  i.  tnl"  f'-i'"  t  >t-riiii- 
tii'  f  ire  p.'^.re»-l"ti.  ili.i»  «tl  mil  iU-i.t 
ilivil:\a-is  will.  K  I.  .■*■■(  I '>■■'"•  T -.-Ml..-  t  ••  11. 
»!i  L  i;ltT»iiv;e  to  >/»'>•  r  ir. II' ■:'^.  •••  >'"'  ""•' 
nv)r-' i>;f4iaut  to  laK*.   but  «iU'vl:v«  i-j 

'  i'«r.nttaii4  (tmrJUna.  Iia%  iiiK  tht- •.irf  of 
chllJicn,  ih.^aUt^*;' tUgiU4^  a  r.mD'v  iiivli- 
<  th"/  iiM'.ii'y  i-m'.f  «I-  *"<m»- 
iao«i'  \'f-'.*  if  (••iM«iii'>"*'-iial  curreit  arn  !•- 
T*>»!virier.t  ot  t'-.t  lU'e>l..«  ^r^  ws.  "■  i  '■■•*  »■ 
l»_:  w.-hcUi'i'lriiii. 





lAo  sturt 

UlllilJ.g:}       U.ijo'.lrill 

;iii  liMv     vm-.l'. 

'^^    conjitmui^    iiu" 
.■li  i.v    Mr.  'liiil^iU.s 


The  Democratic  Stata  C'ommlttse  in 
their  State  address  to  the  people,  says  : 

"  Tlie  record  for  ihe  3  ear  as  far  us  it 
haa  been  made  up,  shows  no  divtraity 
nur  cliain'e'  in  tiie  cons'-iuu  c-ouise  o' 
public  sentiiiiL'iit.  In  Connecticut  the 
r.»dicai  party  was  bt-wten,  and  Dtiuucral- 
io  St;itc  otiicers  elected.  In  Kentucky 
l!ie  iKniutnUK-  uiajurlty  vva-i  411,00(1. — 
In  C.iliri)riii.i.  winch  jrave  ovvr  i!2,iJUJ 
lloialiiuiiii  timjority  a  year  a^^o,  the 
iJen.oinanj  in  ij.ii-ifj,  vt-iir  i.s  .'j.UviU. 
M01.L.HI11,    L'oivjriiilu    and      New     Mi\!>.u 

.«uanjiv-  ;     .^  M01.L.H1.1,    Loloraiio    ana     J>ew    .Mi\!>.u 

lhi>    two  stores    „rf.:...,-.i     by   Mr.    '^'•yi*''-.  I  j,  ^^^    ^^    ,.,,.,^i,.,i   lH.„u,eralic  del.-.iie. 
wire  .'wuei  ny   ^  Mr    I'nw.r  ,  and    the  ot'i^-r  j 

Mr.     1  1    bitts       There  w. IS  !.u  Iti-i.r 
,  \i\vv  ,1,     ;!■.■   lull    ill--.      Mr.    ."^ny 

!    tWM      I'V 


I  a.ite  on 

'a.  1  1  ad  a.,  ;.i>i.!-;i  'c-  ^f  f ' ::  i>  -m  lii.  M".- 
(  will.:;;  .».iS  jt.ivtiy  .•.i^eil.  u  -l  I  ^e  iii.-ur.Hi 
'  „  li!  li.K-il'iV  cover  Iih  1  '«i. 

I  to    tJijiign  .ss.     The  llauical  tmijuriiy  ui 
I  2T,<)v)U     111      .M.iiue    liii.-     'jet  ii    rc'iuLe.i   Im 
1J,jO  I,      T:.e    Uad:e.»l    in   jkUj.   m  ^-lii.n 
ol    4..,ij')'J    ha.i      Liee.i     i.i'.i.ii    l...!!].     aieJ   .i 

Ijt'i/K^i.v:  uie    iiiio   l-eeu    e 

jietled     tlial    V.  1.1 




HEizin  lilo  mm. 

I.\    Al.I,   TllK 


Ttirii<i;h  s--i"it«-  I  imw  utler  t<v  tM  nut-He  «n  cli 
tirf  iii'W  e  lliloii  lit  M.^(  Kh.  x/Jfe'lSl^lU^^  I  fA.Ml- 
L\  l;U:*'.in'  11  >  rlv,..  uMI  iM,-  I'h.-  .Iisi.n._'rlr> 
1)1  iiwr  ,1  i,ii.,'t  I  .1  ,1  l.i,!l|^^,  'I'l'f  ..ti'i'i-otv  pi- 
|.l  1  ».»  till. I  \\.ii..i  I'll  -  i.ri' .1  I  Mi'«-  uii.l  ni>'ii>.  t  <>-.l 
$«,HJO.    'I'liH   urti   1..-...I    .\^;  U  III- 111 .  ,   ll.r  li,  u  I'lre 

ii  ,  Klu-.ll  .Till  Il.i'il  »t'.  Kro-."  >  .  .ir.  »-.|-illt.i 
1  hi-  K  inn.  I  ■  .  .1  ij  1-  ;.  I.  r  -■  \ .  I  Ml  I  IK'  .■>  il»i''>i"  ■  — 
hi-         .-.  i|'    1    I'.i     V  -  I  .1    -,    I'li-.i't  \  III.-,    I'll  ..  ii  .  , 

('..•ir'.-i-tiD-i.  r>  .  iiii'l    i;  .'•vl.i..  »(i  ...    11    111.-  |.'.- 

»•  Hsi.jii  of  i'\i-ry  ii.'U -I'lVt..-.  Ill-  I'll'  lM«'l 
.11 'Hi-    i...   iii..ri'  (.•   1.-  till    Tiui.!'-    tiiii    .1    > 

nil.'-"     -.>      r.         .  ,111    ili-li.    I    nil     il.H«l«l'l    It         III' 

.;.ei-i'i."i  I  111-  liiir-.  ,  c  I'e.   li"|.-:-.  mul    i.iliir;iiil 

M,.ii..  .11.'  tl. .. I  '.1  III  at.  .r  ..I    1.  11.  Ill  all  1   1    '.  'I  I'  I  '• 

hi       1     .     -    .:- 1     II  I'-ir;il  .      <  'i.-    l-'ii    il  m-  lil  - 

I    V|.'    |.  III!'.   KkU'iii:;   hiki  IIi-i  iI  ii  i  iu,  I'>  I'tuniri  .\  . 

III.  .M  .111.-,  i'.t'i'll    .i,  lVtllillli;X.  V.»r  ii»l|>  ...  -  i-a.r'll     . 

\i      11.    .ill  t  i;i    1.  .ul  I  In-   •!..-lr-i.     *!..r>- tliiiit  .-i-v- 

.it      ih-li'n-'   .lll'l-  «•(■*, I T-.-  r  i-i-  III! y    l>»  111   I  M    I  111.'  _ 

'    ;it.        It     id   llilijiiL  ..' .1.11.1  J   -.     till.    /.*.?>'">'.    -J 

"ir    'I,,/    ...I     pu' llslf/,    .t-lii-r    n     l'i'~    f    U     t    V  .'I 

l.ur.i|ii-        I'ri.  f.  ll.itl  !»iiUli:  J-    b.-UUj  111  t..-  Ill,  Si.'J"  ; 

-111  •■li,Sl..VI. 

.1)  OM.Y  r.Y  .-Un-CRMTf'N 

m\,  MEIIIilR  &C0.. 



Pt.Vl.ER9    IK 



Tbc  Original  tind  only  Arp.ici 

Piasters    possi>.-..^ii.|,'   tiie  great 

healing   properties  of  the 

A  mica  Tlowers. 

T'lC  CUTatlVd  efro..-tt  of  ttlPic  1'!  lS'f't<  ill  Si; 
ri»c«Oi  p.itn  or  w.-ai.,ii..>ii  iti  th.' i..f..»f,  tKio 
.  .'  .i*ctt,  lii-l  l-'-i'  ^  J---«  "l  I:  tl.ilUul.i'l'JU  >'t 
t  v..  LuiUb.  «uaC"il~i>.*rc  I  u.y  ■rIj.ii»ju»»  , 

t  i^y  <lf  a  l->'!>i**'"'-''  '^' '••  •  .    . 

rtijs.cUii^  yftf^trU-e  thl't-i.  am!  tIion»a-<.,» 
r  ■laiiieilt-i'^in-  >'a*SRV»— Uo..i.ijW4r  •  »rj 
i;."*  Or'«:lBai  ao-i  oa;y  tfU'--  4r'.ii'-A  ■'.  ..i  't». 


TuU  :  ••-»  '.-f- -:*'■'  "xrcr: '•:•'■-"»  I- 
tv  jfar«,  rii».>  pi"  ■  «u  t»<?^|' .»  *"^«''-»-"  f**--'  '•1' 
I  .f  all  Ji«i!Atei»"f  111''  o«in;  hjvl..g;i<''J 
J  Tadlc.»l  vUi  u  m  f'crji'  vii'v-on  'a'Mc!;  it  n' i* 
uic  1,  c.i.l.:,^  m.i'iy  .<Ui»clii«t(;  r.ij>c«i>'  flrtcfii 
t.r  twe'ilj  y..-;ti '»' st-e  liiu.iiii'  i.i'l^i'iui^ 
1»  r^i>iiLe<''.ti!rttii'''iir5' I  r  »fiiue  I  iiy  I  !ni  t>«.'jt 
i'ia.iicj;  I  .i;i?.ii  t.'i  lU,  I  .u  .tiy.  In  i-iV;"!  is 
t-t.ji;!.*:,!;!.;,  n  a  fi-w  iJti>:i  ilie  jturoiiu.^s  aU'4 
l.T.lalij.i  13  ri-m-vi'l;  ili>.-  ..In  tifvonics 
fji  lertli  an  I  h'.;a!tiiy,  in  i  roiBd'us  ^  rut  uenl- 
I.'-  titiiltj'J,  w.iUiiul  Mil.-  u^c  u«  ai.y    t.i'-r  I'^ui- 

;'iia^.  Tett'p.  S\'."-naf.CM,  1tc:i,  .S  ildiir's 
l.'Cti.  tHT-ifKl-.^r,  »il.yrvUA»,  IMttb..-,  aii'J 
»V'  fy  I  -f  II  ..;  -ii-f  ii4«  i.l  tu-  -.'ilu  u  lU  iL"a- 
ituv  I.'--'-.  •.)  nut'.Tiii  ii'iwr  I'lii  »tanaiii!;. 
U  .i»i»  i-'ir-i  iml  eas  •*  <)i  I.'«n.iM..t>  iiif-.i-lix, 
Ki.  .  1)1*- 'iurKC.-* '.fwiii  1.1.1  *- >r.  ^^  ici'  ii"'iiiii^ 
rl»-  WjuM  li.'ul  tU-iu.  f  IL^.J!.  tiii.l  h.ive  rt.- 
iUt"'i  all  oili-r  treitawiit  lui  mi.), 
have    litei!  cfl  -ctu.ii.y    i-u.e  1    .y    tli-.;  ..-.u    f 

O  V  u.i«  •"-'4  'J'  fli  ■  11  till.  lit.  IIUHX", 
b^iLP-',  atil  'tiD  t'l'*!'.*.  K  hi"  IS  III  It  rciy 
f;  >rt  U!ll--'.  I'lllCi.  ill  Oa<1'-  i-Bil  IJ '.-i.  II  ill't 
»  I  t>>  yjur  liru.;-iT' ,  ».-ii  1  t>J  ^o  it»  1 1  Julm- 
K.  ni.  It'  I'.riy  *■  'Wl-'t,  I  tiil.i  ie'i>iila,  n 
ii  t  will  iMjMf'.t  ir>-^'  <Ji  ii-'siaae  iv»  any  .m-^!'.V!;--N  '■  •  .;-  .vlrtioit  f'lf  sis- 
tijtuV'  "f  '.us  .jtuv/u-'lor.  on  lli«  wi.»pper  of 
»i.jU  Uui. 


„^,.    H0LL0v7AY 

&  CeWDEX, 

K»    33  WoTtU  Stxili  "•ireel   I' ;iUm1«- 1  phla. 

Ju,   ;  It  W-ij;es.!-,:  in  i"    '.1,1  -,  !■      Fl'U.n'.  V    >  1  II  .' 

Ft'U.i:  t.-L'>uJ>   i   ^Mirii.-r.rtrN'n.o;-  .v   \ -.:. 

Hrii\.\CK.-J.  n.  UV.KIi  A  t^  '..--MITII.  I  ril.V.i;  .'. 
r-i.-Dt;ITZ5CI!.  !'.!-  1  >Kl  CtJ.  iii.t  ihroiu  i"t  th« 
e-j-.iLiry  by  «n  rii3J,-i:!i»t5.  i.i;  6111 

A  Mt.i.N-  A.NiJ  CjW-aKm.v  Act.  — OnThurs 

Jay  eveniii;:  lu.^t,  a  valt  able  hur.^e  beluiiging 

to  L«  wi,  I).  Ikrit,  f'-sij..  was  poiso.ied.      Mr. 

Dent  wa.i  aiu-ii.Ii...;  the  Deiiujcrati'-  nu'etinfr 

.il    tl;e   Court    lluuse    nt  the    liint-,  and    th -^e  li-n   i  itrhm'  ut  a    p-ist.      roi.-.oa  ini.\e.i 

,.   ,         .1      i   ,,.„      TKr.  ..  i  •  >■    ''1    Itiwa    IS  reduced    from   IJj.COJtO 
vvilL  br.ui  vsiis    t.  d  tu    the  ht)rs(\      Ilie  lior^t-       .  ' 

died    in    abuiit    an     hour    afterwards.     Mr. 

Ueii'.    tjavinfi  lost  his  house  and    hou.sehold 

",)0-is  by    tire,    this  lu.s  f;illi    heavily  upon 

Liui.     There  is  no  doubt  bat  this  diab-jliral  j  '  ral  thousand   even  in  V.-nnnul.      i  ufc.-,e 

act  wa.s  perpetrated   by  one  of  the  pimps 

thosa  cowardly    scamps    v:^  -    ba"-?    mi'^e 

thrcits  !igaii>3t    Mr.    Dt;nt.   and  »,  hope  ail 

the  v>urlics  "ill  be  b::rgh»  to  justice. 

chu'j^e  a  l^i'inoeralic  .Seiiatc/r  to  succec 

Ben   Wade,  the  ablest.  btjMe.->t.  and  mo  ,  j      M.-ii  uiii  «..ii..  1  .  of  ui  .i.-,-tL-,  ..i;  1  ..M  iiv;,  w.^irt 
'  I   I'll    «>    (•;iiivii-!i..|».    I.    w. 11,111     I'ltnU.Mil.t.  l-.M 

daiii.'erou.'j    Uadual    in     iht 

-Tlic  Pen  is  Mi^rhtier  than  the  Sword." 


Morton's  Gold  Pens, 


/■'or  srr/r  at  ^'o.  2.'y  .Tfa/deif- 
T 'tne,  ?i'c>r -T'jrfc,  cnni  by  eyery 
dtily  aji>ci7ifcd  ,-ii/cut  at  (Jtc  same 
i<r>res.  , 

.^fnrfc}}  )}>aKi'S  vo  Tots  sf^'n';rfl 
h-is/t  the  .V<niir  or  '/ratle-Diork-  of 
any  iit/icr ;  t!icrrfbri>  ivZ/rrc  on 
.'la'-vy  ts  esta''/'.</"  '/,  f'-'^  ;  i''hc 
%'i/l  Ic  best  UN  f  ted,  a  fid  at  tAe 
i-iut'-  pi'ices.  f'Y  ctrUhir;  ctt  t/ic 
.■■u;,nt :  if/  all  ottfrr  places  thvse 
HrsJ,i>ig  the  Jlrrtoi)  Tm,  TUtct 
..  nd  I'i  JJeatlquarttfS,  r.  Iirrc  tlte>r 
oKteiS  hilt  reetue  pfcmpt  atfcfi- 


Fes-.Lisv/o  Li^r.D  DvEi.-Thc  o-wd  cf 
these  Dye'!  to  bo  fo»  id  i  :h.j  'jl^'-.tyd 
.ralan-.:."  of  tlii.^  pape*",  cceu  t\o  spc.'a!  i.fM.i- 
mendatioa  from  us,  the;  J-^-  ackuoM-^'IjC'i. 
to  1  e  .'^'.inprior  in  quality.  Th  -y  ;J'"-  s,ii'jn- 
liil  tint..-,  :ui>  siianlo  to  us",  raid  wi'.l  in-t 
i.iie  or  wa.^'.l  oi;U  In  (.'  .•nai.y  "heriJ  ihty 
uriL'iiiated,  tiny  liavw  o»^u  the  Siaiidar  1 
Dyes  tbr  ne.uly  h  ilf  a  century.  Ther^-  five 
seventeen  tii.i -n  ul  aliades  of  C'durs.  1  r. 
'.hem.      !>'  il/.s'-h,    U'.n  ki  iV.  C  --  «-'li;i-'  t/.',  \\v:- 

„.■  Wli  ,;li--.v'  •  -V-r'-i.t.-,  ail  tii-'V  ar"  S'M  !•} 

L'liiled  States  ^^ei  ati-.  i'euns}  Ivania^ 
winch  ^:avt>  17,000  Uadiral  inaj'  rily 
last  year,  ^i\ea  a  J 'euiocr.ilic  niujun.y 
0:'   .,.'"'.>  this  year.      I  he  H  idii  al  majun- 

1  j.OOii.  TliC  majurily  in  Indiana  instead 
,,.r  being  10.000  llepublicaii,  is  iy.(J().J 
iJciiiuciallc.     There   was  a  ^-aiu  of  s'.'V 

^]    I   t.;i.n    Luuiii>.Aij 'a     i^.iTii   ill     »  '.  i  iiiivu '  -        a  iiK.i>c 

01  !  ^ih^riv.i*  g.'iin^  f>>'»")Unl  in  tlie  a;T,iTre;;»He 
Lu  no'.  l°-ss  thn:-i  Ii'i.O'i'i  vi,'.fs.  and  the 
prospo't  foi"  the  ♦'ul;ip>  L-i_;!i!.n-.  each 
till)  ihLt.  rair'es  v-j  nearer  lo  the  decisive 
coiitc  I  iu  liOV'jir.Lcr. 

'i'he  lhi.t  h'iP'  ^J  t^  ll":-C!  mm- 
e.\j'iipied  chi*iHjt-j  ai.:  p.a'.ji.t  u:..l  uiii,  i  - 

Dili  la!  frani  a.',  i  C  .r  ipU  e,  ui.-> 
III. I  iriu.::-iy  pirvui  tl  1  v,*iy  I  i.u;   li  I'l  '■ '^ 

liuVernineiit.       'i'.ie    Ne-v      ^n.rv 
.--iivs  th;'.l  ha!f  n  i'  1  .1-  .l.iis  a   «l  ly  .■  e 
^liilen    frviiii    Heaeii-it  "l    '.axe.-  "i.l''i' 
lilt-     petiple     p  y      ''     Vilia.iiifS    are 
rli,    ant;   U  is  Ii.ii'.Hv  liioii'rlit  vwitihwi, 

I'lViYMK.xT  wi!Mi.' -u  i-ii.te  '!.    >ei"i  ,ii  umi- i'» 
1  trt  aioi  ^  .iii'l  fiiii  pt-  tii'iiiii'.  In  as'  m*. 

Ki.r    .s  iMl|ili  1^ '•)    llir   li   li.Dr.N    I'K.S    frri ,  ii\(\u^t 
l»  I  ^|  .III  I's  jii-1  it'f'v  "III   i-c --I'lii  «  itii  i-l». 
\  SI  \1.  V.  B    COWtN.   l.JUit-11.'.  lulUna. 

Szzcelsior !    Sxcelsior  ! 


lk  iii-^^ii.-i-  i.r 

t   t  lii:  \  he    ;;i.iliv  m 

W  h 


I'liii  IIkst. — ■;  ^  '  ii.'ii-->  I'l  ii'Mt  liv  !ii  I'liy 
lliiiiis.  l\).,.-essiuii  ut  one  i;i.i  n  lei  I'li'i-t 
0'  N'tiveiuber.  .I'kI  id  tiie  illlier  0.1  liie  1  '1  ■ 
.it    NuVem'vi-. 

Rt.iMi'.Tii  >      Ur..t;!.,\,;v. — 'Ine     '\:\:      lii- 
.-.   e!i.  Mrs.  Vei.sey,  wile  of  tlie  pi-opi-i.tur  u.' 
'':.y  N'-w    I'iiui.uid  il'i  .>".  vwiM  arre^te  !  i>n  a 
;.ari.'e  (.r  I'l.r.'l.iry.      It  wa^i.ali^^ed  th:i'.  she 
",lei-eti    a'.s    lioes'    a 'd     'niikaA.y 
a    ai'v'i  tlr-.-s-i.    wmeh,  beil  f!i>;iies  and    olli    1 
1,  I'l  ,       A    .^ear.-ll    Warhlnl    \va^i--ieil  \.\ 
..-.ill-    McMulie-.i.  a'ld    upon  s.'.ireii    ii-i" 
I'ie  ii-.   Siienif  Thijin.i>^,  sti'iK-  '1.  til.*    I'l-iij 
.    I,   adcge.l     I.J  ...K'-     bi  ell  .-.riilfi,    .',  ,.  f  1  1-.' 
I  li.e    ;;.u'i.I  nf    tie.'  i^'e^^    Kn'^'Iaiei     iii..-. 
*lr:..  \'ej>.v-\     ::.i\e  ^.ji  iiniy    t'-r  her    appear 
iiit-i;  at    liie  i  iji.iel   t.'-jurl   tu  aiis.ver  '..j  th 
I...1  -.u. 

C.vLL    Vov.    TU..    U.-.sT. —  iVlicii    you    p;.: 
'•!;as'?  an  ari.i-    -    ;     it  :.^  e'leap.  '>(    v^liieii  i'.  1 
i    liil.e   \.i  U.-e'l,  always     1.1?;     .    f     th'     li     '■ 

■  ,1-      ti.,;       t'.ili.-r.  ...         .n      *!..>:      b  -;wi^!i 
.ear  an  1   n'l  i-ueru>r  ik'rtivkHj  Wll'i-'b.^'  iiisij:    .ii 

w  t.     Ciil    \\jt    D.  n.    V'e    Land     iV    C;..'- 

■  .b-^i  *.  he  mi  a!  >  1.."  and  havii:;^  ui.ce 
p:(K!ured  it  yott  ytHF  riiil  li  .^  «io  tuiier.  i  i  <■ 
^rueers  .'ill  IiaV"  it','  <ir  ^h-'i^;''-  U.i-e  it  lie 
sicad  01  60.1.1..      h'  <f  salt    hy  1'.  M.  Slen^r. 

AN.\'tiUN''!':MllN  IS. 

C  rf  A  S  T  K  L  L  A  II  '  S 

Si  air        Kitci'iuiuafor  !  : 

for   Ilesas-^as    Sap«*J1noni    Ilalrt 

To  the!i^  fspecitilly,  ttiis  invnluablt? 

di'pilutory  reooirtrnpn-i?  i:.-'lf  .is  ii.-ir-g;  n:i 
alr.irst  ii.disppL-ilde  ar'iifle  to  j''nii;i.' 
bcT'ity,  is  ea.ily  applied,  ilocs  not  linrn 
fir  ill,!..-  l!i<!  skin,  but  nets  diieclly  on  liii 
roiti.  It  :a  warraiilcd  to  reMUnvo  naKi- 
ilu  Hi*  Isair  frnrn  Imv  fi.irt  la  ails,  or  fi(;;ii 
a-  '.•  ;i  ;; '  of  iht)  bfn1y,  totipieiely,  totn.  ■ 
'.111  i.idicilly  cxt!r[iiitinic  the  s  line,  Icav 
i    "    the  skill  scd't.  smooth  and 

I  hi-  i-  l"e-  tnily  nrtiele  used  hy  the  Fwa  ; 

I'l'll-ih     eide  i-e.t!  elf-elil'l  dejiilHliii'V    ' 
(•XJ-teiice.      I'ri'i'   7.5  cents    pf>r  pa  kn- 

-   Ill  p.w'  ;i.iel.   to  any  inhirc.---.  on  ree   'T 

I.;    I't  iir  I-  r,  bv 

I;i,ll(;i-il;..-^Mi"l'!'-  i-  ('>•     Cbenr-'- 
2,.  Uier  St..  Tr-'V.  N.   ^ 

IJiinkfc     lliUion 

Ready-made   Clothing', 

c  i^  o  c  iv  r:  Jl  Y . 

BoGts   4*    Shoes^ 

IIcavY  i  Sliclf  Hardware, 

X    IFL    CD     3^3"    . 

nil  and  ^lalil-IriiIi  ^\:::v, 

L.   B.  MORROW  &  CO. 

Re.^pcctfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of  Shakopee,  and  Viciait  y 
that  thty  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

Drugi^  and  Medieiiies,  Perfumery,  Patent  [Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Articles^  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
and  all  other  arlieles  usually  found  in  a 
Drug  Store.  AVe  hope,  and  it  shall  be  our 
aim,  to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  the 
public  patronage. 

Petrolenc  Fluid  constantly  on  liand  and 
for  sale. 


lUtTKL  BbOCK.-%;\;  

T .  J . ~dU  F FT," 

it  a^.ia.'i.i  il,  11   ru.^t.  .ill  d.imr  puiiwlieil. 

I'aX   IS     I'liCtl     'ipDii     luA,  CA'-l.-!.-    avide  1   t" 

v-\ -im;,    a     l.i;\    ^-.I'lu-i    i'   i>  >t.;H)i.ed     ai 

,\i.rv    c'laic  lei.J  .-l.i'i'i-    rca.iy    i.>     ii^ 

Ay.  .-Imic  111    ev.'iy  'iub  It     111. I.  I.-,  male  .n 

t.M  'e  or  e.iriied    in  I. bur.      V-  .  our  va.^  ,  ,  ^y.—.       — n-T  t  « 

.lUiiunul  del.i  i.  not  m-ra'piUtK  reiluce..,  j   MANDxCAiiE       PILLiS. 

Fr    .T  F.i? 

dh.  sckenck'3 

ilir  al:v     bur.l'ii  I'r   liieiliiliri'in  e  |i::il  ei» 
d.     of   lie  hve  or  six  1  uiulieil  iiiiliii.'ii.- 

A  Siihsfittite  for  Caloiucl. 

T-f'c  P. Hi  »r«  compoeelof  T»rlom  rool«,  tiiTing 

1     \'ear     He  t      tne     [n*.*    pa\    inm  i  k  :    t:.o  power  to  reiict  the   •^crctioni  of  tlia   lircr  u 

i'li-l^iliv      li'i'     I    iieeflv     pav>  llllfierl    ii  pro  1  iitlr   and  e!lectu»llr  »■  b^uo  pill   or  mercary, 

taedebt  ' 1  '..   iiei-  ne,:v.^.ir'v   .  .X,,    n          '^1  .    «"  -i'iou'   Pro<lucing  .ny  .1   tlio«  ir^rcosV^c, 

,      ,       '         '  danecrouf  eUucU  whicb  oAon  IcKunr  tLe  om  ol  llie 

t  ic   (;o\i.n'ine..t.      I  he  ♦■ai.i   • .-  ».  .sua  m  ^^^^^^^ 

lered  by   prtilh-iile  iiili   ills;   li    p    ^     ^'  '      In  ailbiliouml'sonJenitheMrilli  tflRrbenfedwilh 

I'it  s  tliat    Ii  iVe  ln.*ell    im-Keast'i      tiiii'    abtl  ernt  ;i!-.ici?.  i^  they  promote  llie  ilischarge  of  vitiated 

lime  (ill  liltrv'  arc  rnOrillKn-;    it   1-   1  .^       ■'  li  1    tiie,  md  removo  lhoc«  olJlit^u<^tiotll  from  the  lirer 
on    (I  si  10  net    el  .innnil.- ;    1      i-     ,1!    o; 
sttinijtin;:     upprO|iruli<iiis;     it     i-  ..iei  ' 
-tiilfii.     Till,-,   ihi-    I  e.i|d 




1 1-^;->^  nf  ../^3;s_.' , 

-TT"        TBI    .-» 

1  ^V 

M  MRE. 

I  ^*^x  \ 


COPwNliP.    OI'     IlOLMIi.'^    AND    FIU^T    srRIir.T--,  .-II  AlCnriil'.  MI.^rVPHOT  A. 


A    iar;.'e    !!.-.-i-ri ii  t  i.t  t  f 

C   Xji  O   CIJ   X2L   S 

aid  and  fur  t-ale. 

1),  A.   Hb.N  I.-  -.i.l.N. 

.'  .J.  ib  111  .N  ^^.^^A^<^ 

Ili^liCjt  iiiarat'  p;ice  ]  i^id  for 

•nJ  bil'ftry  tfiwti.  trbich  are  tho   c«u*«   of  tUioui 
affect;ori«  in  pcneril. 
1'^'"-'    !       HCHKM.:Kd    M.WPR^KR    PTM.S  euro    B'.ctc 
'■"-    '    II^:^".«c(l',  »nil*:l  diiordcriclthe  l.iTor,  indicated  br 

I  iVe  prt'D  mtice'l    a  »irdlet   iPi  'ii  1    iai!o-.r  »tin,  eoitel  tongut",  eostuencta,  drowiiiiota. 
'tlieial  ctin  llpiiiii    |.ridli.MCi    and  I.i".l.        ,    md   a  genaral  f.-cins  ot   trea.  iiiM*   aud   lej»  Uidn, 
il,.-    iiir.rnoMs  laiiif   lav.;   have    pbie,  .    '   .i.ots  ius  that  Ui.  ....r  U  U  a  lorp.d  or  oti.ruci.d 


111    llie  i>  ii|i!e  l)iirili-iis  of  iiRibciil  ible 

COllJ  tiuii. 

I "*•■  I'   "'1.'"^    V ■  ; "  I  la  ihort.    lfe-<e   1"  1>  mir  bo  n'<«  1  wlh    a,t^ai- 

1  i-llilll>le.       I  lie  l.rH     I1..S  .I'-ubic'l    a    I  ,j.j  j„   j^,,  ^.^.^   ^1,^^  ,   p..i.;   or  aiti^raiUo 

ei-i.  d  Illf  I  .1-1   tif    tveivtiiin-r     I  lial  Ill-It  ,  n^-didne  j  rcjn  reX 

.1.-,    (1.^.  -  I'l-  '.^     11-         i    y-'^'     ei'-i  I  .r"   iia  |  r  c.v-c  adk  lor  -'fir.  S'-tifnc';'i  Min-t-sta*   Pilla." 

<-i  V     i.ieis-.iie     iii      bi"     i>   e:ii.aii''il    '.li  i 

i>    e  ll  ail'  '  d     '.ll  i    '"■'  oliii-rvn  t!ie  two  !ik(;i:o««n  o(  tlie  Doctor 

pri  e  .  Il'i    iiiaile  iiinre  biili  -au  tu  ub  aii.    1 



ut  iDT.auT  iii  raa 

XTrbana  Scheme. 

BaBil  fat  an  Tlliutratad  ClrcnUr. 



arc  ou  th«  t'lovernnitnt  fflmiiit* — orie  wlicu  iu  lh(?  lant 
■tarv  ol  Coasuiui'iioa.  and  the  ollit^  m  hit  pruent 

Slid  by  all  DrTi=;;',tti  anil  i'ett'»ni.  Tree  2.'i  reTiti 
per  I'l'X.  erne  pa.  Oil.-e.  Nj.  1.'<  Nui-ili  t<.li, 
f..!  a  le'ph  a.  I'a, 

.eii«T»  \Viio.t'^a  c  AL-er.-ji:  r>cmM  T'lrnej  ft  C... 
i\  Tarli  tt'  Nt  «-  Vc.-iv  S.  S.  H  .:l^^  l.i-fil.'- 
mcrcsi;..  Haiti  .:or  Mil.  i'.  i'ai  K,  ^.  K. 
por.  o!  a-'il  V.'ii-n'  S-.  (  e"- niiiti.  (liiio 
Wt  Lcr  b  Ta  'ir.  11  an-i  I'i-"  W.  al-  Am-hv.*. 
Chifft-O.  IH.  I' ill  ti-i  lii-JtliPr  .  .r.iWi". '  a*,  icr'tt 
Ol  Et-voui!  lid  V.iie  liii*.   Si.  l/Oi  ».  -Mo.  ft 

■*  Mill  fc.   n  w.  f-tt   ■       1  ■: 

rm-^^    V 

W  tL 


A.M)  oTiiKii  (\)(:_nt!:y    I'lioiturii 

A   t.   S   0    , 

(>I.I>  (TU'IMiU. 



I'  \  \'\.\\   KACr 

•  •      \  •  I  ■"  f   '  ' 


D.  A  Hmitsmssi  &  Bis., 
SHAKOPEE         MINX  !>  S  0  T  A  ,  TX 


Ladies  I>ress   Goods,  e*c. 

Don't  forget  the  place — Cor-  IL-lme.s  k  First  Pis. 

v;^ei^o     ^$ 

IT.  p.   nOT.TON.J  {r.WX^     ITAR-.-S-S 




To    V 

''e  I.:.',  in;.'  b<<-,i1  no  tv;: nnmmtti '  n 
ibv  Luiiuni.,-ii.inevbd'  llru  f.i\;rtn  iHitrii  t.  y 
liiiit  r  party.  I  I!i).mII  U  eaudu'.:  e 
i^-r  Ctilniiy  t.'i.>niiiii.jii'er  i. 

1;,;  .;.  ..    '.'  l\Kl-,r  . 

Ml!.   KniTDit:       i-'Ua-e  iUtri.e.i.C..'.'....    fi  ■ 

i:  an  Iiidt*p"neei.l  taiiiiJ'.ale  i  ;r  ikw*  jb.>      , 

1  JUuefi    tti 

OKteiS    niU   rectiif    pmajn     '""■"  \[i...-,--„,«a'i>»'uilA»hv>.      l      .i  i     l  JUucfn     Ol 

tt'it.  '/  accoo>pafiud  lyit:/  Z/^'  rasU.  •   ^^  ,^^   ^j^^,  ^od/tiati..-.  ni  m..ii  -uutv-VUv    d-. 

A    LHtuh'f/itc,  nit/i  Jittl   ursrr,n-  i         i,-       -^^  ^,^    tW  ..-,,. f v.     M»-  .m  ..twin    t.-, 

'  "'-"(nlY'urytiu'ry'    '"  1    .p-nihe    Hand  .pie  t.-u  aiv  w.:d   ...own,  a. 

,.cecpt  0/  lUiu  ^^^'l^'-i'^-  I    ,  .,,..,,,1  .,,  i../j.^.fun'ui  hann;:    u.  >.  .. 

A.     i.IOi-.iUxM.  aJ*p.e.-elUotfut^uTe   I.';?,.tfri:rot     thi.t  .UM-a 

ue  p .    - 

Shakop'.e,  Minn.,  Oct.   i  .,  \^j^-       -ii 

-'7-  i  —  '-' 



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'^1:;.   KjiITOIt'Ait'H' 

.»  I  iiieS   S<>  Jl  il  liu' 

U.i.iKM     K     'VDOVI 
.:  I    .  ■  a  .    i  iiib-peiiii 

^v.\  ean-MilJi! 

i'lr  Loiiat  t    J  rea.-Miii-r. 


Page's  Climax  Salvo,  a  Family 
blessing  for  2t5  cents. 

It  heals  witlioat  a  scar.  No 
Camily  should  be  without  it. 

>Ve  warnuit  it  to  cure  Scrofnla 
fiores.  Salt  Rheum,  Chilblains, 
i  otter,  Pimples,  and  aU  Eruptions 
.1  the  Skin.  For  Sore  Breast  or 
Nipples,  Cuts,  Sprains,  Bruises, 
iiurus,  Scalds,  Chapped  Hands, 
C1.C.,  it  makes  a  perfect  care. 

It  has  been  used  over  fifteen 
} .  .*rs,  without  ouo  failure. 

it  has  no  parallel— having  per- 
f.H'tlv     eradicated    diseaso     anti  1  .j.  ,1  irai.^.i,. ri.i!..M-.o  i.:i.iiiv»s..t  lu-iie  piaii.. 

tcaled  after  all  other  remedies  had 
tilled.  It  is  a  compound  of  Arnica  I 
with  many  other  F^ trails  jmhI  and  put  up  in  lar:;tT 
I .  :.:3  for  the  same  price  thau  auy 
(ther  Ointment. 

So'.i  l>y  Dm^sts  everywHer?.    WTiit.-i  ci  Howl 
T     -..  ;ari;  i;i  L.^-ei^y  S'.rcet.  >'cw  York. 

I     .    IIE:;CK'S    CxAWEiED    TONIC. 

T'lii  iiifjic  QO,   lofenird   liyl'r.  J.II.   B-iiK.ieC, 

j     .1    i'.iiin  le  ;i'i  a,  14  it..c.{di>4i  to  diuolre  the-  lood  a:iJ 

]       .1 '.  ^o  II  lU.o .  U..-'.iic.  I'.iC  .-ir*!  pr  icci.t  0'  diucti-'on.     Dy 

( 1  laiiiT    tlie  oto  uach    with    S  henr'^'.    ils  nL-at^fl 

I'i.lA,  tlie  T  >a  c  foun  rci'lnrta  I'uc  ap;--!  t"*,  a  id  tooi 

j       lia.  cou.d  IS..  .,!>  ca  cu  Lo.ora  -diiuj  a  wul  b«'  ra.;i't' 

I      lv'-rt"l. 

I  Conne  ;i  .in  r-^-inot  b«  rrPB-t  b."  P-'i"-!^'.''  I'-il 
I  iiioii  <- s  r.  [1  11  I  (..;,!  tlic  ■toir.acli  and  liicr  111  iub  If 
'.caitli.-  t!io  appel.ic  r.-ilon-'',  heiics  t!i«  Tjuif 
A  id  I'.l!]  art)  ri*  jti  rod  in  nearly  ct-cr>  cai<  o.  co.n- 
111  I -.>:  u-i.  A  ll' 1.  Uvicri  lioliiej  Ol  l!.e  S  i.\'/rt;'.i) 
TO.Sil^andlhreoorlour  tio.xrioi  lliO  II.VNI HAKE 
l'ILL3  n-ill  ca-.d  aa>  01  Jiuar/  cuj  01  dap  p  .a. 

iJr.  Svi.iSNCi  tjiskra  pro  Ciiiona  Tjiu  m  Ntiw 
Vtir'ic  Uj-'Io;',  tad  a",  le;  piiac'rii  O.'i.fC  in  Phiiadci- 
liUIa  evtiT.*  tvc.-i:.  Sec  'iaJ"  pipers  o;  eic'i  p  art?,  or 
bii  pauiyli  e;  oa  co-^j-uipau3  tor  b.i  da.-i  lor  viiitm- 

I'te&.'e  ob»e'T».  it!.»-ti  jcire t-aiing,  timt  the  tiro  like- 
nesiei  of  Itie  Docior,  one  «rbea  la  \\ii  Uut  at^-!!!  ot 

Cons-jTT.p  ion,  a-nd  li-f  other  n  lie  now  ia,  in  pcrlect 

I    lieaitli,  aj-..'  w  1  Uie  OoTrr.iuiuit  rtjaiip. 
CS..     6CiFIiENCX*S  '        8>ld  by  al.  Dniffs-iaU  and  liealcm,  pries  $1.."j8  psr 

___.i._   'T.M-i^T.TT/^        f^-^TT^TTT^  boalu,  t>r  .'t;7.')ti  llio  hali-drMca,    A.11  letttrt  .or 

Jr  ULiIjlOiMlG        OXXvUlr.         •*ou1J   t-o  add.-ts&td  to  Dr.   SeuiCNOk'a    Prmc  p li 

Th  i  pri-at  nifdclno  cured  Pr  .T.  n.  SonF-ic.^.  tht)        Oill<M^,  ^•^  !".  North  •..■^  Euecl.  Phi'ade  p'a  a.  Pa. 
Propr  e',.r,  ot  r^iinionary  Conaomp  'i>n.'»l«m  11  had  <^e"tr-il  Who.ts^ic  Apeulj  :  Deinu  Bariie,  «  Co.. 

Ibited,   Uc!..  Ii,  lyiT. 

2^'- $3.00  Davi?[i  — rassen^fta  Goin-; 

East  \\ib  -si'.ve  j;.,.„.i  111  ii'-ii''   :-•_■  t.iiti:;,:  ib 

,,     \Sll  n.WEy   !'>       '•■     i'-.'.l'".    .^  .-..ii«..ef.^   - 
,>  l.iiH- I  .iv.-..,   .ill  tv    ,.n-i.,-..     -..f  .ri.M  -  fM-.-t-i*  ' 
1  .,  iHi  e    i!     \X    III  t'l.t  .  I'  ■•»  '.I    Waa,iii.i.  11  ^lr.-«t.  ne' 

.li  d.'t   oiar.i'i  iteii  it  'ir.iifi  ll*t  .jh  witii   1 ni- > 

,' ,:,!-.  „.rrolr...t.ii.d  .I't  1"".  ■-    ^•<«.-  /'.'■'  ,1  ''■',";' 

.i.i'ifV.::!:.,^.'"..  >:;;'•>-.  ■   c;.<*..e:uJi.A  e 

T'ltel  t^tllr.*.- iii  til"   All. *..•.».-  '.  «  i.^.'vx, 

111  .VI  v-^  u.-.l.t..  ^^ .  N^ .  H  1L»*'*>'. 

,o..-.  .-i.^ir..  O.-li-uit.  ^•-    :■  I'.'^J.  A^'t.  ^lllWl.u!Le^ 

:  Uti^Kv-i'ii- 

sumfKi  ill  raoBt  lormi  Jabte  ai~p"et,  and  when  rptxdjr 

N.  Y.:    P.    S.    Hinee,   Baiiiraore.  »Id.;   John   D. 

death  arpwed-lo  bcineriiabe.  Uiiphv.ic^  »^'-''<'-  ^'"i^inanti,  ObkJ:  WiUker  h   Ta/!or,  Cbi- 

tiouB'-ct  hw  ra.»  incursbi*   Hbco  b«  ootiimeuoed  <»«o.  IU.  1  CoU'iii  K.v*!.,  «  LouUi.  Mo.           ^ 

the  u*e  ot  tiii*  •intpie  bul   poworlai  rcme'ly.    Uii  '^  ^-  **■  "^^y     ?^' 

btxviib  waa  reitor<.d  ia  a  T«r/  thoit  linio,   and  no  I 

reluTu  «;  U.o  dsca-e  has  been  a^'ir.-Iirii '.e  J,  lor  atl 

lli«  iPisip  ota«  .in-clsly  d'eapT-roJ,  ani  li'i  p-i    • -.t  s     .  1    '"l  ''        ■'^  ''"  "■"  T\     ' 


..^;yytiiiii.     " 

\*.  liPr.'b'!'    i'i  ■••en  itial 

o  in  1.1  t 

■.!>,.  hi  r«!*a  ex -aiiiiK     eiw  i-.v  Mh  imf.  c>.iiii«i -t  J  1 

,li.v»s.  ..t  lU-lii-'   Plain 

-.'.iCa.\.M.  ^^  U^'ilLii 
l'..-;ie  riaiiM-.Mm  .  CM   iJ.  ii,; 

!,->»  RW    COW. 

l.i.ft  in   Mie  vail    -       1        nn  I.-H  •  i--'. '.->  FiirDn  — 

n<"i(i.?r  rti , isi-T.  i  t'i'^v.K  v;i>->.,  ..!• ''it  \<s  ..uv-  • 

ivjiitii   .».-!  i^*.!'.!' 1  .111    1'-       "i     i.  ••'■'.;.  V'  •"vxK';    .il 

■'.    iT  .Li-i.'r'^'-  -etY"  ml  1 'ni.-'-^  '••■  k-i-.i  r  1^.-. 

■   ,,,..    ,-,   ,si-r.  U...\.   i.\l'ltiil!.-^ 

t\       ,...1,1.   »'i»-     ,-    .1-'     I- 
I  .N     i   i.c  ..111.    «,C'  I.  1 .  1  ■ 

SCjl'l   C  'IN  I  i.  t.^fii"!''''     .IT. 11,11   t.>-i>r  Tlii.  iMi? 

In  t'.ir  iii.tiiti  •>.  fit  K.i..iiii   "  '■'■','';■''. I  "'■■,'■ 

111  fi   I  tt'iS  -tl'*  tlllir-'  t!l"  p-e,:  f  .(    11'  -.<  Oili.-i" 

(jf  .-siiaK.iP'.'i-.  il  Ilttri'tuuir    '   ■■* -'"U.  *i.'l    .-in- -i    'tl  ' 

li^^ll.l    '.r-'.'-i    -•  l'"l'  I't  f"  '••  ^' ''    ^t  I'- I  I  ■  >■    I.I 

t.  n-il'i  e  .  -tut-"'  «»"■  "l-i  !'C.-i--l  fM.iy  »••■  l>«i'*'i  1 
tiim    lti«   s.iiii    .M.    U's«    I>tiil.iM '.     If    1*  "i-lt-i;  ;.   ti- 
1-fHli.v.lUi    S..ia..yr.f    N-.v'U    ei,iv,..;t   _,n    ,-..,,  i.i 
tUtti-i;--!.-' Ml  lit    i.i'-":.i    '  "f  (.il'i  JH'bW,  ■>'    '  I  ■'"■'■    ' 

tji«.«».i<>r  s'-it-i >-■  wM  ^"""'■'■.J^ii:;,;''';'.',;' 

►j.-r,.   h»,  K<|.|   at!   'I  -ll  "■ 
Hiati  ,  iro  rf'tiiir  •     t" 
,i*Y'r*'«»'it  *tt-il»Si'iti>aiiI  ,.itV^.i.>  .'>'".-   -ass-sli   tl  . 
•fWr».tai,  why  ti»-<wayei-  of  «ai.i  p'-;.'a>  "  >.i'»dM  »"i  '■ 

b\.i\  1-'..  n-  -ll--  -ird-^r^irti' ■"■><>»*'■     'f  '■'■■^  h.-»T!-i 
,.i  ,a  1  i.-nii"'i  !•■   -•i''e!i">    iMt*-'.",'      '4   i.c-'uvo!   iM 
..rdai  bi  t-e'  *!i.iK->i»e«-  vr.,-kit    At.-  -i,  1  »■- -i;I.r  ii<-«- 
,1    ^r    TT"  tr  i   .11   1    pn»ll»b»'i    nX.    .-•;  i'-up..-e.   In    »i 
<',>uiiH-,   •'   '     ..»*  .M  xi-anUv;   Wf.-'K-i  ett.-i  -  li4'cly    i>' ■  • 
c~*-a^.^- tlieintUHji-ng.  i.pvi.v 

iwii- 1  I'ti-t.  7ti.,i-e..  VI  ^r.  "R^'s^  ' 

,  -1,-1  41  Jaise  01  »«r  ..'.e.-. 

ri«  >«»!i  of  S'i..«<-i <-•  Mi'i  i-i 

ta|tt«-fri'«B'of>-i6l  I'^-iiiott.  i«i"i 

#li».<«av<*ri».  ••*'.:.    >f*"y    i*" 

hjfbM*  iiiWiT-ast  11  the  mill 

r'artabl©  Engines 

*?S^j    Pt^fHi    ^^iw^^-^R    Paw 

■^  .1  -^'.".iS  -V^cn  AIL  KIKri.S0F\\O<»j 
,\.  -,•  »".  K  >  rtV   HI  ULr  TO  OKDliii,    . 

1-f !:  'fl  \jO'r  IKON  Vv  OFiKS, 

^    ,     ^f.     .»».;    •••7    IT  i»«*<»--'rn    «  .-'-', 

IN   rilt'i;.\TK  COURT 

epOTT  ^f^t•■^ ''-\     >- .■! 'nl  Term.  Oct.  J^li.  '--"". -Ti 

I'l,.    uii  -.,.'    I        ti-t-ii.  t)f  John  O'Ntiilc,  i.i.v  ^1    lae 

t  i-.ii  I-.  .1  .!  ...  *4..i  1.  I    ,;  f^cp«tttMM»  *ni'   •->   .. -. 

r  11  lie  1-...'.. .-.  s't .  -•  1  .«ii|^  \M-emm*. p--  ■  ;■  ■  -. '  " 

lUin  re.i««».,  -Mi.r.  ,  •!**«(, tii»J^AiW-«''»  '  ■  .^  i-"' 
i-tia'luii  i*je  Ji.    : ,  1 .  «|fi|p**  1  •  PPifec**''-  -t .   t-.*  i-.- 

,1  •  ifti%*!i.'iVif   .- .ViBlJ*.pE^'' ^'  ■'•'>*■  ''  •^"- 
\  i«    i,:  .,!i  ..■mKib.  t!i^<»iRem-'"i  "isu'i 

-A»T.  .t cfti'  e .  I  f     -iip^^iMli^f '"  '■'•■■  .'""I 

ut  'lUafc  i'l..iii    ,  !"  1,1.- »i  A^lteltiOPtiN»M.t>P  ■"*,     ,,1|" 

i„«  Ol  M^l'nir"* .-.•'" .-.''S^S^w  "*?.■»*'  »''  "*'-'"' 
.ar.a  I-.I' U-i».-l«i,  .h«  prt>«5wK^*fl«  car.**,  if  «iit 
I '-.T*  <!».wtlj-tt.V  i.r.,y  1  if '.4i^ (»««4tt»0«r  »Liiui'i  iitit 
1-     I.t...  ■■■•t^,, 

A'l'i  t  Uflinl.i -^  <;riic-'  t.  »felt  JiOitr f  .  f  f,.  .'  i»!;o- 
1  1^  I'l-'l.  r  t-e  >;  '.■«'n  -  1 '  r  .-'»•(•.  i.i .-  t  i.'-i. .  a  »■  ■  '-l-  ^> 
I.t r.  V"'i''-J  '-'■■I  t^i.i.  f-'  ..  •  '  f  *' ■  »-  '  _''- 
,.i|'  .....      .         ..    iLii..  41  :.  • --'''^  "^  "i-k* 

n'e'thtb  uioro  thta  Itto  bu'jJrcd  p.-i'il>i. 

r'T^ca  h!3  rt3u*.-err,  he  liju  deroted  li  «  aH>  "  vn 
•iciuiircly  to  (Iw  euro  ci  Coosa-npiiiri  aid  Ii« 
di9<>*3e«  which  are  afaally  coiv.i'  lca.ej  wi-.h  ir,  aid 
tb«  curcj  eJfc'ed  by  hUtac-tititiOj  have  been  'ery 
mnie:'Oiu  and  truly  T;-o;eior  ul.  l)r.  6:11  m  K 
ma!t(M  pro  a*iioiiQi  v.ait*  lo  severai  of  ll.o  'i.-,  er  c 
wcekle,  wbciri;  bo  ht.?a  iar  •  co..c;ut.e  0.  pal-ixi'a, 
andiliatraly  aptoaiiiia,;  W  iC3  pj-ir  cor  u-nt  ^  ei 
Ihalhavelo  lo  lifel  oui  0!  tfic  rca;'*  e*,  *-id  -n 
a     fc-T     n.-i  I  hj    tc-4''\",    r>t  .LJt    r  '  ^ '"•       '^=- 

8c:ii  x'.;:.'.- t'L'LMONii;  syp.i  i\  SEA\.Kiit> 

TONIC,  a-.-.d  r.S/SSPIJX^:!:  PH.LS  arc  fe-ar^  1/ 
all  roic'r-l  in  e^.-in?  C^i.  .!••?.  an.  Ftl'l  direc- 
tions <i.-ir^!'  p-.'i'-/'3'->>  «3  0»^'  ^1  ■  one  rr.i  i»<-.>  hjra 
iffiUii.iai  feeinsi  I'r.  S  ii- •  -.  t^'nt  «  he  1  ll  '^  can- 
Ttfi;  eit  it  t»  best  to  ■-'-•  b  m.  He  ?  rei  ad.-ioi-  ree, 
but  -jfaib..  3  bc-.a  11  ra  -iU  iv.ib  il  Ui  ;i  .-i-uficf 
h.B  r*.  rt  liirc;  doi  arj. 

1' eaae  obtc-rvti,  vrh'-i  pj--'ia»'ni.  ('  V.  Tu  itvo 
..ko.i.>JC  0.  li*  Dc'i-ui-— ,  .3  lyUca  in  ibe  a.l  a-* 
01  Cio:H,.i'ip''".  and  ttic  o  her  o  tie  uht  '•  io 
p  .-    .:t  bi-a'ii— tre  oa  tha  'tov.--  '-.m-iv  fa'-ij. 

b    '  tir  ail   Mrierrt^s  n  id   Oca  •?-'.     l*."  tw   i?'.'-" 

1  ■;■   ;  o-t'e.   or  it' .  ti  the    hilf  ^.. -.i>  1.     I.c  i^.-»     or 

.l.u-e  -1,  ,71  ,i  a  .-.a  1  lie  d  r«'pl   w  i  T.   sjioucl.'* 

r.ine  r  »  0  Via-.  r>  Nar.b  -itii  b:.    I'h'  s  i-i  '.i  •  a,  l'«. 

/.^i  --a    VS'ho  c.-alo  Ai:eiit».-   l"c-    ii  llarac*  i  tJo., 

i'.      d.  a.    Ila.ico,    iiiiimore,    Md.  ;    Jibn    U. 

v-ti.  t    11 -leian.  Ourtj.    VS'aaerAli   .or,  C'li.cajiv 

zl  c  r 


■  1 

w  M.  I'i  ;•:■ 

-DlCINl   i. 

•■'-;■  .'•-..  the*  r.em  I'luM*  ti- 

;«:  .  1  f.>i..  '      ..    II    ■<  •.  .    b?i'.    Tt>  aetniip"!-'.. 
.rf.Aiii>r.vore.iy5  4Joi- t.a  uiiii.     ;«  Iwr  ^aa-id  aaJ 
.1-1"  ;.     -.-I,  I  '.  )er  (.t   d  t  I'-' o  -  ic 'ood,  vfl...-'i 
.!.!■  .'      I    i       ...1  will   ie  0^0-  I- i   p.-.,'.»>fiy    aid 
-1.    It.     .,     .-1    ir-.'».:     itia.    b..  I    er*    i.e 
.;at.i..-li.      I        !..     -i    ii.\N('!iVii;i   I'.LtJ 
...;  ..n  -        u  na^iioiaii  iji.'Oi^  or  iu.i.- m  a-'umis- 
^  .  .-.    M     Ul -a?  lh«  C   I '..V-l  T-a  e  .a  c■'!- 

»-  -.  ^rt.  ''  '  **'  *  t  '.--  ■  1  *"?  "•IT.  !. 

S  'HI'MV.-i  i'l!.M-5:-IC  SYKfP  «  nnif  -s..  . 
«.■•  weaa-itK;  tir  riil.aii'i.  b  ua.iu  ihc  ,:  .-..-d  rc„it>i  ••. 
a  I  iuipar.i.os  »:v  oxp.»'.ed  .ic.i  ti;o  tviiom.  ami 
^«>d  i?b»  -some  Siool  msJ-,  rh  cii  will  rt-;.*i  aJ 
'.i-t<VW.  1  Ji-  'J-1'-'  't '.i  •*♦''  •"'  -■  iiwdicinc.- *.-^,oi-il- 
uir  it(  d,,<Kia>. -S  C.»t.^2  I'p-ioa  vcr/  treairuti.  Id 
.1!  ,a.'*-'k-;'-/'  -li*  !'  i.l>i/  lo  tV.j  r 'act'oa.  Ta^u  Iht 
rt'.ii  A; ■i<'-^' ■>'»''**-"'' ^^'* ''■'"''' ^"^  ^0*1  v?i.  Ii 
Ji.i!  rfl  lii'JusT  itiSi  boraiao  tbe  boTcia  ars  not  pfl»- 
It-riii  tV>-  art)  co;  n>;tiir«4,  for  ioraosh'iej  H  ii^rr- 
I.  !  %  th"'-  *.-»  Ti'yf-tkry,  Tlw  ^ofiiacJd  idh^  la*  k'T' 
fc'ii'h-.  «^<J  •«  *pp»»iie  cr««t«!  «A  aiijiF  Qm  Ka^ 
tuoak  li/ra^  toac.aa  tb«ra<T>'r>larr  imna{«:p«rii 
«D  1  aUki  any  rri'MiOu.  Thea  wj  !«•(  la  nriu-A«d  •• 
•'  ir  -  «  p««-  .i*-i  ^  rn-e  a.  In  ffwi^M  t«*ft-a 
--'d  El. ."-.-i.*  ».«nt  lh-« -"«"■■  •»  or! -h  V  ;..■••  ibl.^ 
ea-  5''  ■><•  '  ^if^  r  ••  -•<  ■v.-'  i«^«  a.'--'  "  "a." 
\-i.->i  tg  r«     1-,,  .,*i  »  eiAn.       im*  *     T«.-    ^o  ».  «r  * 



... ., 

bv       ll:--      !I.-C    e 

S    KiiiXili  you 
ilv.  .it-.t!  rtt  il  1  I  .     ■  •  . 

.  .111. 


-|'»m:  .nil  ■■    -  MIC 

i.. .. 

lb-     invilna'  V'- 
I'i  !  Xervnus  VVe 
,    •;  I'ro-JtiMtrrtii.  L" 



•.,    1     r„i  eii-J.  _"r 

.,      -     id'       VHU    hl'l 

1  ...     liiu-!    \  .1.  1  i-^.<- 

.1    ■    .1 

.1'  1.  li. 

li       ■ 

r    11  )>  1*  .ill  nC".  11..- 


la.      f.\ti;"lir*'jl,        1  le 

i'  • 

Vi.iy  .. 

s  'i-i.  r.   . 

ine.j:i'*SS!.  tt'.s-  <>!  llle  le 
il.-lff^  I.t"  s.•it''l^'^t^ll;•l| 

■1 . 
111.  ■  .. 

.:!-r     I" 
ll     ■    ' 

kf.      !•  will  tt-t.ilV  n 

,•    licullli    "f  til'  •^  ■  W  ,. 

'.•.•   -:''n-iiai  '-X  -es-  o 

1 . , . 

-  evil     • 


\ifMi  Sicilian  Haii  Renewei 

U(i>*  stood  the  test  of  seven  if  ears 
trifif  htf  the  ptthlie  ;  ami  no  pn-pa- 
rntiint  for  the  hnir  ipf  tliseovrred 
iriff  pro(fiue  th*-  Htaiie  heiie/leial 
retnfts.  It  is  <t  uetr  scientifir,  dis- 
coreri/,  eovihininr/  t/w  tmtst  power- 
fiil  and  rest'nyttire  iigeitts  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  //  restores 
FUL COLOR.  It  mahes  the  sea/p 
inJiife  and  dean  f  enres  daiidriifj 
aud  humors,  and  falling  out  of  th| 
hair;  and  will  make  it  g row  upon 
hold  heads,  eir*ept  in  very  aqcd 
persons,  as  it  famishes  the  nutri- 
tive pritieiple  bjf  whieh  the  hair 
is  nourished  and  supported.  It 
makes  the  hair  nioisf,  soft,  anU 
f/fos-'i/.  and  is  ansnrpassed  as  a 
HAIR  DRESSING.  It  is  the  cheapest 
prrpuratiitn  ever  offered  to  the 
pnfpfir,  as  one  bottle  iviU  aeeom- 
pdsh  more  and  last  lonf/er  than 
three  bottles  of  any  other  prepara- 

It  is  reeow mended  and  used  by 
the  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  H'ondi  rfitl  results  produced 
/>»/  our  Sicilian  Hair  Jteneuer 
have  imlured  many  to  iuannfae- 
i  tare  preparations  for  the  Hair, 
I  under  various  names ;  and  in 
\  order  to  induee  the  trade  and  the 
pul/lie  to  pnrehase  their  com- 
pounds, they  have  resorted  to  false- 
hoods, by  claiming  they  were 
former  partners,  or  Jmd  some  con- 
nection vHth  our  3Ir.  Hall,  and 
their  preparation  was  similar  to 
ours.  Ho  not  be  deceived  by  them! 
rurchase  the  original :  it  has 
n^'vetr  been  equalled.  Our  Treatise 
on  tlt^e  Haif  with  certificatesr,  sent 
free  by  mail.  See  that  each  bottle 
lt4ts  our  private  Jtevenue  Stamp 
ov§r  tlie  top  of  the  bottle.  All  Oliv- 
ers are  Unitaiions. 
R.  P.  Hall  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N.  K 

tiiidt/  ail  Drw^gUt*  ami  DenUrg  in  Mcdicin*. 


A.Kcntf»rth«  Xarll»VVi>ateru  Statca. 

Corner  of  Holmes  d.  First  St.^.,  Slic^lzopce,  Minnesota 

Dcal"r.3  la 

Dry  C^oouN,  Y)vi:m  ik^dod^^^  Clcililv-;^, 

Groceries.  Bouts    and  Sl:(;cSj    Ihils    and    Caps. 

i£^cl3'-j^^.nclo   C-:iotl3.i-is. 

c-'^c^.   e-1.0. 

.  ti.> 


ii-'    It:   ll  i  I 

)■".(  c   Jl  1<]    ivv  \\  lit  ;tt,  Furt^  and  rail 

kind.-  -A  cdbiiilr}-  jimmIiut. 

7-0'  ''.'I-    and  si'C. 
Mb,!,,  s  .-a  Valb  V. 

^:t  z:   -"UKT 


le   r.ur.SI.)  NOT  Ti^   P.E  rXDF.RSOLD    by  any  £rm  ia  tb« 

-  1 1  <  >  1 : 1  N  t .  ,    I  i  1   1 '  A  I  1 ;  1  N  <.;   &  o 

}  Y  .C2IIH  THO^IiT.K- 

I       I  b.nve  jiirl  reeeivida  liugestoeK  of  \o.  1 

i   i  i.v  t.i.ii  n-, '.111 -(  hltll.r'.LKU  "•••■■.*•'•.*"''•  ll  I  .iiii  ' 
■r.*|..Ti".t  li.  M-iiiii.  I.  w  .i-caiiiH.  butiKia  »ia»ii»«  ulri.  | 
'    .'aiil.    J  mil  .1- uriiiiiirtl  |i. .  t-->ii  M  11  <  Hi'.i'.i  .  i-i  '.  1    l-i 
I  tlili.-ii!.  <i)  Ul  »  itiii.tiivi  '.'  .  "at  til-t  tiSt.  6  u  fair  trill  I. 
.«;iri!i„'  LuVv.  Nov.  I5lh.  Tsff . 

I       Ti'.c  iiiii.i-r-»^'n''   ,ii..\;ii^'  romcvfil  to  tlit-if 

new  «'i"i»,  tr"F>nM  li"*  u-aa  I  .-vctHii   .'■Is  ,  nuuM  rwajiect- 

,  fii  1 1  '.I'l.i.  1-1.   r  -1'  I  111  \  .ii<.  M'.(tv  ,.ri.;i.-.r.  <j  1.1  niaimfac- 

'I.r., 1    It-   .TiicS,    iilJ<l«-s..n>r  Kill  f  Ktj  hut'e  ^^  nc- 

"I-        \  I  ll  -...  \\  .i...l;>..>|..ti^lt,..t"ultrl-,  ail.l    * -t-l  J-f.-lrS 

I   n-ati  '  t  '.  SI"  ■  il'-     ..  i.rtiiii«-    iiii  .  II I  ri  ;t-iii.,tl.If-  rn  1  i-ft 

I  II  iviiit.-...i.i.ri"1  Ih.*  .-riVM-.-o  .11  .1  A.-lelamblavkiiiillU 
we  .ir.  eii.'iMi-it  t'- "Iti  » 1 1  p  iicst  (lunitur  of  wurk,   1 '■t'* 

'  iii.i  iiiii.ii.-iu  rii.v  .-iti'i   r.  p.ili  U'l:.    Ji..>.itilii;,  Sliutli  s,  it  c  , 

I   ;.ri.iii|,f 'J    It'll  tiaflRiiirtoi  iM  il.itie. 

I      'l'naiii-fB.!  >T  p-f- ra--'irf  ,■«(•   tTon!  !  fo'lc'.t  a  cou'tiiti- 

Iu.t  V  1*1  t ;.!  ^ai  i  .^  e.i  r  I  .1  .  .-.- 
A  1. 1 1  HIT.  Jl  \\<viM3i:rY. 
.^.   '.    .\Trr,n-.       ) 

w.  e.  u..„....i.  i  ; 

I   T" 

\  •■\..i  Nlca.  le   Lit.'iihujrijed   iin  iiee. 

.     -1^  1.1'  1<    1  lin-i    lis"  .iil'l    .1.111  t     111    ji|    . 
iii||-f>.     hut    send    vvilatOI'.     U    biy    1   'i    I 

.  :\  I  .  ail  i    ilf  at   tee  "  i  '^'ure         u   a    ai 

a    I  impitiiK-s.     A  I'erl.    t  Cure  ir-  <.ii   1 
i     ecti   itevtiy    iii-'a'.''.     i'lne,  Si.  it 
■    III-   huili".--  tu  one  atl.ire-.--,  H^. 

One  liutile  •»  -ir|hei"iit  tu  etl'  t  I  a  .  u 
.1  ;4tl  (tniiiiii.".  1 .1-  •-. 

A  I--'",  i'li.  .lOlSVITLES  .-!M-.ri- 
;"!('    i'il.l.S.  I'^r  ill-  -iM*,-tiy   !M..)  p<  r  "1 
D.iiL  hur.'  uf  ti.eii'rilieii,    (ileet,   Lreijn!! 
.)i-i  il  .!  J-' s,     t^LiVel,    .--rjii'lure,    1  nd     a 
i!i   tll-.i  .>  1.1'  ti.i'  K.hlliey.S  .-lUtl  lil.uidi  r.- 
I  iin-.-.  I  tl  e.'ci! .  0  Ir-iii  uiic    Ui  live    li.y 
I  1  1",    un;  prei'iin'd  lV'"ii     vi*«tt  diic    cn 
•tarts   that    ar*  haniilejw  on    tht- ^vuiein 
iM  i    iicver    iiaiseale     tiie    stomach     i> 
u)  pfi  jjraU*    ll»*-  IrtiaJh.     Ko    chansre  o 
diet    is  neepssarv  uhi!e  o«inai    them,  no 
lue.s  their  ucMmi  hi  «'iy  iiifiinier  interfen 
witli   husiuvss    pursut'c.     I'ricv.    ;Jl  pci 

Kit  her  of  the  u^v')v^  mci*tio]ptTrl  artirlr 
wiil  lie  sent  tu  4iiya5TrcVs,e!o^(|yihHh*»l 
ttnd  jMiKt-paitl,  hjT  iniii!  or  rxprKsn,  on  cr 
ceint  nf  pnoi*.      A  !dre-h  ell  ordePR  to 

$10    to  $20  a    Day. 


P.^lK.Vr  elAK  S^llUTTI.E  SKUlNti  .MAtl  IM'..  It 
«iae«  !tlirea)»  and  !i..;k.»  a  ►titi.U  n'iKf  f"i  i><'t»  '",'„•," 
Jtlaa  l^r»I<:U^•  Maclmi.-,  aurl  retails  nt  iinui  »-"  l_i 
tlOb.  fcxlraf  nili  ary  in  ilc-lici  l-  to  A^i'iita.  turiur- 
ll»er;.aitik.ul»r»  aiid-^eb*.  w  ell  htunii'. 

!*.  K.  llK..NIil*\    k  CI.. 
SjU  AjU'.U  fur  'he    ir-.ti  i  .Siuu/ft, 
lUS  Jmoa  yi  .N.  *!t'  ^f-.  '"I-  L'  ■-■■'•  ^'•'* 


AGEiVTJ!^     WA:%  1  ED  ! 

rp.    •*:!    C0C!1IN'.>*    IKuslrited.    PhD:o;rjph1c, 
I      MKSTTC    BtBLK.    Thit   ta   a    work   of  ate 

merit' atiil  iiiliie  hamta  of  cotiipeteiit  atimla-  Oi 
rea(5v  sale,  'l"  niinipieri  nt  tlie  Qo-pil  whi>  wish  to 
f 'rcaiiti-  It  in  lii<*  lO  igr-  i  itlun  or  Imiuediato  n^iiihlHir- 
hot^aittl   tooi'ierifMvl  and  reliable  "S*"*-'*''*' *'** 

Dan    Ntorer 

>Vas   not 

t'lfi  cfi  1  7  tt-e  heasv  ..-lanpeliilcn.  but    lii'-iii  tu  b.- 


lit  Ills  o'lt  mare!  nil  Fi  -t  »frert.  Sfcafcoie--,   wiiert;h-U 

U-,iriiii;  'Hit  lii*-  Ut  .1  i.'l  uroLC.  Us  uia  i'roi..i>.j_«  aud  l( 
i.cit  fau.i..;  I'j  'le  i'.art;»  i.»r 


'  -ut  if  be  ombe'p  It,  br.l  to  rent'.ntse 

In   the 

'i'".    Tie  ktTt  .'isf -'^'t  a  •'"J..  ^^'^  R-T;»aK  ebtap  «» 
liny  cao  can  alDrd  i-slu  »iiy  loan  uu  l.iu 

Minnesota  lliver 

"fjiD  i^vbiA  DsiiSD 

XIxxx-o  zx  n.      lil  isi  o  r  ^, 

Ju'  I'li'^'i  I'    '.   )i   T    .''.-'•  '■   /■">'■'■;-.     ./ViM  ^^r  1  «nir 

A    lecture  on  tli«  Xolurt-,    7  reainia-it    and  RaQt«s.l 

fi,.  ,  1.1  S  ;  'iITi..  I  \\  t  .it  -11  .-,  iir  ^r<'-T'r.'i''"}.'-ri\.  "n.i  ;.i-»H 
iiv  -^eliAMii-;  Iiiiii-ai  ilart  Kinl-j  Hi".  1  ini'Dtfi  <  >  , 
St  wi(»  i»«.-  I  ly.  iiiiiK-'ian.  HI.  I',  e.arr  .A:  f  k-rne:- 
i-lv  :  C'li  111 'I'l  II  ■".  ri-"i'n--v.  .'"I  K  I'  :  <!.*T-t..;  sr.'J 
.  iiVsieut  liKjij>,i-.  /c-lJt  K'  II  .'.  CLI.-  tliiv  l,LL. 
M.  It..  Ai'l  1    r  ••    .11-  ■  lire.'li  Bi'iiU."  ii . 

ihr   w  r!  I  n-ti"Wnril  jiitii'i*-.  in   t'lU  .i  Ini'-.-^ '»   I.**- 
fir-,  i-l'iU  1:'    liv..\  I  >.  finlii  liU  i.H  ll  .  x;  erl>  III  f    Il.illiia 
awful 'iui  nil  »  it  i-.  ll-AbUkt;   i.iay    he  nt '.  t'laliy 
r.  ii.iiVi-.|    viiiiiui    ii-f-litiie.   aiM     w-'ti  (I'll    •!»i!|iL'r'./ua 
iii-jii    I   •'VTitihiur,  hi. 111.-1  ii'»;    Isiunieiiti.  riiifi.  rt 
^    !     1  1  «.    ).■;  iiilnK    i.m  J  iiii.ili-   III   run- at   fiire  le^taii* 
!i.|  cli  I  •  I,  I  .  Ill     »■;  .1  1    ..ll       -'  r,  7iO  Diatif  1  V  '  -V 
nis  t'"fiili*t<ei    n.iie    111  .  ii'iit    '  un     liiinn-ii   1  !■■  .!;.  ^ .  i  " 
-  ..ti-iy,:i'  .1  rad'i-.i.i'  .     i  j«>    h  1.  lUre  a  lil  tiroi  i-  a  :, h.  W*' 
I'lr  iiii'i  111  11   .'  ■  1- 
Si'iit  niii(<T  s-iil. '1.  a   jikiin'I..p".  t"  my  td^rt^K, 
I,   1  1  I     1.  '<  I    filx  1  .-i.l-,  Ul-  :wu    piNiaf...   «l.  Iiii'i,    I  .»  »• 
ll    .1II1L'  ll.f  llll  11  -'11-   -. 

A  ■'..  1  1.  t  I  I.Vt.iiW  KIX'S   •'M.irilaga  CiltJ*."  >rt*» 
:'y  ll  111  - 
A.l'.r.  »    I'-f-  lull''-'  '10. 

VHK:  J.  C-    KT.l>B  A  CIK. 
1?:   '  ».'  .  •        .    »  -^ ,  ,    .  1  ,    r  .  II  1  .   I  ..1  «&»* 


tfaKt  niBMrta,  a*4  lb*  aual  •>•;«! 

liir  M>d  valaabla  wark  ot  tk. 

raCUiMi  alM,  tm  GOLDEK  PEN,  HpuwUsi  >il 
>,  wkw*  Iaira4iicad.  torclrnaars  aad  MunpM  ef  p«i>  •>- 
tn  alMfa,  •■4  tUnm,  U.  V.  B.  COWiH,  Utk/ta^ 

to  MUTaaa  lor  U«  wurk.  ili..t-»l  tnducenieiiU  wlU  be 
Itfere"  OiiXilii  ULim)KX^l'ui.ii»h«r. 


'U7  Utfk  «t..  CUMKO. 

M.  SlUiUlK  k   i'.iCO. 

office  oa   Fifth    Street.  9,<m\\\    of  Jueks.'t 
(tin    ih«   Hi  1.) 


Xtola.,     Itol3L,     Xtoli 


l<i  frna  Ifito  ^Skosi*. 
Wheatoti's  Ointment    cures    Th?  Itch. 
'Vheaton's  OJiitmpnl     cure.?     Salt  Rhei  ib. 
^\'liealau'i}  Ointment    euro,'!     Tetter. 
V«'lieaton'«  OiutmenL    curei?     Barbers'  Itcb. 
'Vheatou'a  Oiutment    cures     Old  Sa'rC'8. 
^rUeatou'a  Ointment     rure.s     Everj  klc4 
of  Uamur  like  liagic. 

S 10  PER  DAY. 

w,  null,  ua  naw, -wnaa,  n  ..9.7  ,  _r«.mllT  .tw 


'~'  rOMMISrfOXEKS'  NOTICE. ~~ 

.«-E    n.-niidfr^Un-'.!.  CoDimtMlonrri  of  the   r«'«ta 
e/^^'leVnon'^f  T^f  .^  re..  ,ve.  oxamiac  «d  .uju-. 

•VowT,^'r^^:!-ti««^^^^^^^^       c.»....b«   wewti, 

^;^V^P  M   tfll'-  •Virt   !!>«.-. !'.  8h.fcope..«,  ,n.. 

kS?l.  for  fff  f-arp  i-.e  of  .-ximlr.liu  ami  811— 'M!  »'.** 

Prle-.M  crnt*   a  tins;    by  tr.ali.  61    eo'».    Ad-Vsa*  J^-'"- •  *  ■-'^'-''''■'' '"'' '  m*"  mTyBB^ 
'      nana    •p(.r'»^»«t'-nf  an.l  ".>''.     I»  af  «rht<rf»ii.a.  8cho<  1  1   TV  fiKS    I    Ht'Trr.R.     So.   tTO     MTa.i  nsun     Ht**:.  .  ui  KM  *..N  J' ""^'It '•<"''''''. 

lU-l'itl-  i:    SIlf''l   TS  A:  '■'o.,Che!'"Ff';    !  n-^B««M."  Vv.Mir  ha  t'li-f.  ar  *   "'Ji  U„m  of   evf-v  .'.  ;   ao."^o  Mw*.     ft^r  Kt/r  ».lc  by  nni,-^  i.-,  I  -    •■•  csiiii.  ■»  ■  '   .-?• 

fCTtj'loa.  ;repar«*o«  et  .-r' i!«H««  rSMj      (      tv.U  .»•    -.  ;•.;■".--, p.  i^eilct- !:  r.  | 




i                         ..  _  .J 







1    I 


9<9m4   *>W^»>#Wi«-«I^AM#*aHfa^^-*<   ■* 

>■  ^  m      -m  ■ 

T-t-TM— »  — T^   l_ 

-^i'       •-       » 



■  y«>i  ^rt 



i>r.  Hollowny,  urme  fl!tf»'n  y^'ar-*  u«".  wlt- 
!;•<.■  i;  thf  (1^•■t^•»^  «<'(.M»iv>iie«i  «icikr  ciiil-_ 
<lr>.-n  III  taklu.!  lUc  ii;iu.-.- ou-  <>l" 
IU  tt  'Uv.  rf'lv.-.i  t)  .i.ialif  •   llt>-m.  rtinl  iriiUj 

ar^Kn  s»!nr.itlnKl»n-ir.i-H»<'m*Jk-i>l  |<  <•p*^•-•!. 
U**,  i>'ir*.».isutc**  J»  1  l'-"""C>'U-.    T  .1-   .  l.y 
cor.iblnliu-   ttifsc   With  sn  ;.ir,  mi  »   m-'iil'iim: 
t:irm  tnin  an    aniee.ible  cvmfcxHi'"',  J<;rni«-'l 
the  prpsoiil  P  'VLLAH  aud  t^fttiiV*:  A'ti.MI- 

iAolloway'si    Vermifuge     Confectious. 

WUUU  have  ;ilnim  .titi-.iy  >iip.-i<  .'pi  t.i-- 
f>!'4  [<«u«-nas  ViTMiiiiiues.  to  til'-  .u-lN'>«  ••' 

th'.'  pjirJjUlB  »UiriA:r!l.  it  i;>iilll:i-  ii"ttl"- 
ric;.^r<.ther  v-/.«on.ii.»ln:;rell-iit«. 

80  hUhly  Mti-«-iMe.|  N  thUH-i'ii'ir  >rrmi- 
fns"  bv  the  prt.fes>l')u.  i1m»  »ii  nin 'ii«'-iii 
1  ji»sl'''a;'<»<»ftii''"«-''''"»'-' "'•■'"''" 
J:i  L  etVrruce  to  ulh.r  r*m>-li.-*,  »*  ii-.t  "iny 
iiv>r- iJiiaiaut   to  ta»».  but  m»ir  efltfitlvt  to 

'  i'«rcoUa>i4  ^uarauns.  haviiiK  t!u- •.ire  of 
chli  ircn,  jhouid  i>jS«1>  ttKlU  as  a  f.inillv  iin- 11- 
rj'i- :  f'.r  th"v  iv>lo;ilv  frrtll.  nlf  i*"iiii»- 
iao«'  li!V-*.5  ofcMUll'i'.l— hat  i-oi-rerl  jnj  Ir- 
la^vm*iito«  »!iv  JUeiti««  uri,-»UB.  Hu  iitv-vi- 
!«■_:  «".".h  cUiIircii.        ... 

Town  and  Count)  Matters. 

;SHAKOPEE,  OCT.  24.  1867. 

Democratic    Success   and    its  1  Largest   Book  Agency  in  th 





Tbc  On^^liJal  and  only  true  .'.rnioa 

i'l»iters    possessing  the  great 

ht-uiing  proficrties  of  the 

Arnica  riowera. 

Tit  cUT-itive  effects  of  thcic  I'l.ti'fru  In  al! 
ri«^8  0i  pain  or  wi-akiii-vHi  in  ttie  i>rtru»t,»uio 
I  .- ;'aclr,  siiJ  til  all  Ciav»  wt  IntjAinm-iliOij  »f 
\\':  Luii^B.  «u<lC«"a^i.i.*re  tiUly  ui>lj.u».iiii^  ; 
t  .^y  «l»oMiia*li"t«  r'"';<:''  .   .     ^ 

^•uJ3lCUn^  vreM.ri;.e  theni.ani  thonnaa..* 
r  ••<•"  ue  il  t'lein.  tHiiisRVr.— Uo-i.uw-k»  -  aro 
t:»»  urifcloat  ju -i  oa'.y  iru-.'  Aruit*  i' >..»(.;». 


TUU  OlutTUPnf.sftcr  an  exr«r!i'nC'>  of  twn- 
tv  >i;ar».  n*«  pn** *>» i  t»>fH  •» ••'Von-Uu  rd'.ii  ay 
I'TuU  jiwtateiof  ttie  oiln;  havluj^  eatcted 
ti  radtc-ii  cui<!  ill  cvc.-y  ciit-oii  which  it  w.i» 
U-m:1.  CJ 'i.i.;  lU.i'iy -»'-i»lliiMte  c.iieto/  QTtuuo 
oriwe'ili  vc;i.->'»l.i'ir:ii.;,  iic'l  pfe>.i'iu*- 
ly  re.ti«teii  all rciU'Kiiw  vTi'soriOel  by  i  lie  host 
ticiical  talent  uf  ttu- c"U  itiy.  Its  ftlarl  Is 
»-t'ji:laliin^,  in  «  lew  Uoyi  tiie  4uraiic.-.i«ui 
trr.utiou  13  runi'^vfl ;  tin.-  »vlii  brionn-* 
lijjiotli  ant  hoaitny.  Ill  I  ruinnius  |»  riuii-euti- 
>y  healeU.  wilUuut  lUc  Use  wi  any  't^i'-r  rciu- 

rt-ltls.  TETTrF.SA'.T-RUF.CM.  1TC:T.  .S  )LWIR'8 

Ircii.  kETSipei-A?.  IlLoicin^s,  mi'L'..-.  au'l 
•  vvty  I'.fiiut  ai-cis«>'l  I  i^-  ^'■■^•■i  1*  lU  ii;:u- 
aily  cu:«-l.  uo  nutter  i>i  how  Ipiu  aijinliiii;. 
ll  liascur.''!  l*i'l  oaA-4  111  I.-uuvM-k  liif-nu., 
kii .  i(i*iiart;<;*  ifiJi"  I'"-' ^''i '^'•"'•'  i""»'i"f! 
rUe  wjul.l  h'-al  t:i:'i:i.  f  IL..<.  t nut  have  rc- 
■lst?>l  all  other  Ircitawiit  ii>.  iui  ■>  yrar.i. 
have  litfii  eltciual.y  tii-.«l  .o'  the  U--1:  f 
O  i!v  ua«  l»o\  o!  una  n  liin- iit.  ItUKNS, 
bc.\LD.-<,   all't    '11.11   ^..'U'-».   It    li.'ii  111    a   very 

Bli.^rt  utn^;.  I'ltici;  >' C-.'ii  -  i£iijt».<.  ii  am 
•iii't  t)>'  your  I<ru4.!i»'-,  »  ■  1  1  111  ^v-  a»  t »  Johu- 
«i»ii.  IIjIU^v.i/  «  '.■■■wl-'i,  ,  li:l.iie'i>iiio,  rt 
I,  >X   will  Ixi.eiil   Ir^<J  ol  ^^•lHJi■■:    to  aiiy  aii- 

'j'?iKltY!:--Noi-  i;-:inl:ie  Alrhoil  t'Se  »\z- 
natur--  of  lUe  proprietors  oi.  llio  wra)iper  of 
•acb  tK>S. 


roi.    HOLLO  vv  AY 


K»    33  Wortlt  Sixth  Street  PJ»lladeIphl». 

M.I  at  Wholes. le  in  C,.'c:i/",  hy  la'l.L'.i'.  F!  Mil  .V 
ftti.i.e;i.-L')R»  *  <MITI1.-BV'U>-!I.VM.<  Jt  V.\.N 
HCIUACK.-J.  II.  KKKli  i  C  L.-^MITll.  fUTLKU  it 
r. >.-DiiITZSClI.  r.!.>>iKl  CO.  lU'l  iliroii,;iioiit  the 
••juuirxbyan  Dai,'aUti.  ii27  6m 

Lost— a  few  days  b«o,  a  'Scott  County 
Ordor,  No.  3r,:.  for  V8.4.>.  ptiyable  to  Nicho- 
las Loiigan.  The  tluUer  i.H  requested  to 
return  the  sftine  to  sheriff  Thomas. 

FiliE.— A  destructive  tire  took  place  on 
rioliiKd  h'teet  >in  Tu  -.sdiiy  night  last.  Tlie 
lire  vjrixii'Hied  in  liif  Intiu*:  Hur.;  oecuiiied 
by  -Mr.  r^ii^tlff  as  a  wrot*4y,  anil  spp  ad  lo 
thf  luildiiigS  nJjolniii^j,  consuming  ilie 
two  istores  reiriiily  vaeated  by  ,Mr.  Tiljbitld 
Th<?  two  stores  oeenpied  by  Mr.  biiyier, 
wtre  uwuei  uy  a  Mr.  I'owi-rs  and  the  other 
two  l>y  Mr.  'li'iibitts.  There  was  no  iusur 
ante  on  tii'ier  ol  the  Imil'  in;rs.  Mr.  Miy 
der  I  ud  an  insurance  of  $l-'J)  on  his  stock, 
whicli  was  jmrtly  stkved,  ilie  iii.->uraiic..- 
.ull  hardly  cover  his  loss. 

A  Mkax  CoWAjrii.Y  Act.— On  Thurs- 
day eveni.itr  last,  a  valuable  belonging 
to  Li.wis  D.  Dent,  Esq.,  was  poisoaed.     Mr. 
Dent  was  attending  the  Democrati''  meeting; 
at    the  Court    House   at  the   time,  and   th^ 
horse  h.ft  liitcheu  at  a  post.     Poison  nii.sed 
vviih  bran  was  fed  to   the  horse.     The  horse 
died   in    about    an    hour    afterwards.     Mr, 
Den»-    tjavinfi  lost  his  and   bou.sehold 
;joods  by    tire,    this  lo>s  falls   heavily  upon 
him.     There  is  no  doubt  but  lliid 
act  was  pcrp-tralcd  by  one  of  the  pimps  ol 
thosa  cowardly    scamps    wha    hare    made 
threats  sgainst  Mr.    Dent,  and  ko  hope  all 
the  parllcS  v. ill  be  brought  to  justice. 

FtrELUVG'.i  LiiCiD  D7ES.— The  c.ird  of 
these  Dyes  to  be  fouitd  ;•'  tl»«  'displayed 
colun-.u"  of  this  papc^  cced  no  spc.-al  com- 
mendation  from  as,  they  a.i.  acknov. lodged 
to  be  superior  in  quiilitr.  Th.-^y  giro  6,.ijn- 
did  tints,  are  simple  to  us5,  and  will  not 
fade  or  wa.^h  out.  la  Cuiiuauy  v,hcrii 
ori'-'inated,  tin  y  have  been  the  Slandiird 
Dyes  for  nearly  half  a  century.  There 
seventeen  diliV-rt- nl  sliaiK-s  of  c>jlors.  1  ry 
them.  Di-iizse!i,  B'.oeki  L  Co.  Chicago,  are 
the  Wholesale  Agents,  atid  they  are  sold  by 
all  Druggists. 



-The  Pen  is  Mightier  than  the  Sword." 
THE  GoIj)  pen, 

Bi:iT  A.\D  CHEAPEST  «F  PE!«S. 

Morton's  Gold  Pens, 


/^or  SfrJr  at  ^Yo.  S.'i  .Ifaidtu- 
J'lue,  A'nt-2orA%  aitd  by  erery 
duly  appoiyitcd  ^if/ciit  at  the  same 

Morten  moKcs  vo  Tots  stftM/n-d 
%^ith  the  ,Vftn/f  or  'Jrade-viarfc  of 
unv  vthcr;  therefore,  vhcrc  on 
c-to'-nry  is  fsiul>lh/i>(l,  ////'  ;,uhlic 
Hftl  le  best  suited,  nnd  at  I  tie 
S'lm".  prices,  f>Y  eallivf;  en  t/ic 
j\a.nt ;  in  all  otficr  places  tiiose 
u'lshifg  the  .Morton  Ten,  iytn<t 
t' i,d  iu  JJcadijuarters,  nture  thetr 
t),deis  hill  reccire  pronpt  attcn- 
it'ijt.  //  accowpanied  if  it  it  tiie  cash. 

.'i  Lata  In  ft  lie,  nith  /ait  o'csrrip- 
t.'un  of  sizes  and  prices,  sent  on 
T  cceijit  o/'  letter  postac/e. 


.  .(i;  ltt:.NT. — ■; '.s.i  hiiu^'T.  to  tent  by  Henry 
H.niit.  Tos-session  of  one  givtn  on  the  l.-t 
o'  N«>vi»mb».>r.  .I'ld  i.i  liif  olh«*r  on  the  1  Jt  i 
of  Novein')er. 


RtPotiTKii     Biaci.AUY. — tJnc     day     Ifis; 
vv  ek,  Mrs.  Ves.sey,  wife  of  the  propri.-tor  ol' 
the  New  Kn^'laiid  Ho  iSf,  was  arrested  on  a 
(.liarge  ofburgl.iry.     It  w:\s  alleged  that  she 
vitin.d    a  hi''s    iioiuse  and    took  away 
a  :ailv'.3,iin-ss.   waielt,  b<d  oloiiies  and  otii'  r 
liiules.      A'    aean-ii    wairai.i    was  issiied  liv 
i  Halite  .MeMull.'ti,  and    up>>ii-«t»areh    bi-in. 
i.ule  tiy  Sslieriif  Thoiii  is  some  oi  the    prop 
ity  allcfjed    lo  i.avi-    been  stulcii  was  foum' 
,11  the    gam  I  of   the  New    Knglaiul    Iloti-.  . 
.Wrs.  Vts.*y    gave  .seeuriiy    I'lr  her   appear 
.nee  al    Ihu  l/ialrict  Court  to  answer  lo  the 

The    Democratic  State   Committse  in 
their  State  address  to  the  people,  says  : 
"  The  record   for  the   year  as  far  as  it 
has  been   made  up,  shows  no   diveraily 
nor    chani'C"  in  tiie    cons'.aiu    course  o' 
public   sentiment.     In  Connecticut   the 
radical  party  was  be«ten,  and  Democrat- 
ic   Sute  otiicers  elected,     in  Kentucky 
the   Diinocraiic  imijorlty   was  4U,00l». — 
In    California,    which  gave  over  22,U0J 
Kciiublaaii    niajorily  a     year    Hgo,    the 
lieuioeralic   niijurity    this  yetir  is  S.OOO. 
Montana,    Colorado    and     New    Mexico 
have  %I1    elected   Democratic  delegatus 
to    Congress.     The  lladical  niajorily  ol 
27,000    in    Maine  has    been  reduced  lo 
ld,O0O,     Tlie  Radical    majority  in  Ohm 
of  4;:,0(il)   has    beeu    obiiU-rated,    and  a 
Legislature  has  been    elected    tiiat  will 
chooae  a  Democratic  Senator  to  succeeu 
lien  Wadi',  the  ablest,  boldest,  and  luoai 
dangerous    Radical    slatcsmaii    in    the 
United    States    Sei.ale.     Peuns}lvania^ 
which    gave     17,000    Radical   majority 
last  year,  gives  a   Democratic    inajori.y 
of  1,200  this  year.     The  Radical  majori- 
ty   ill   Iowa   is  reduced   from  35,00 J  to 
15,000.    Tiic  majority  iu  Indiana  instead 
of  being    1  j.OOO   Republican,  is    10,uOj 
j.)cniocratIc.     There  was  a  gain  of  sov 
eral  thousand  even  in  Vermont.     Tbtse 
glorious  gains  nioount  in  the  aggregate 
lo  not  le'is  tha:i   110,000   voles,  and  lae 
prospc't  for  the  fulnr<?   Lri.jhtjns  each 
day  ihtt  carries  fo  iieafv-T  lo  the  decisive 
coatc-;t  in  Ixovoir-bcr. 

'I'ho  causes  that  ufivj  loj  to  thc.-2  iiii- 
oxampled  chatHjcj  are  palest  acd  uumi  - 

Dlliiial    fmud    and    c  irriiplivin    Lavf 
notoriouiily  jK'rvud  d  every  brancli  oi  liie 
liovcrninent.     The  Nt-w    Vuik   Iribuii 
.-ays  that  half  a  rnlhoii  duUars  a  tt.iy  a  e 
^.loien    from    iliC  am  >:ii  t  of  taxe.-  wiiiei. 
I  lie    people     p.iy.     Tiic.-J.?    vilia.nios    lOi- 
rta^iaiit;  it  is  ImMiy  iliongiit  worihwail'. 
lo  ili-gu..>i.'  iir  lUny  li.eiu;  the  guilty  «i< 
nut  as.ianieiJ,  iii>r  ristr.dn  d.nor  painsiieil. 
Iti-X  is    piled    nptiii    lu-V,  e\''i» '  a^lde  I  ti' 
e.\cisC,    a     ta.\    {iaiheiv  r  i.s  .^L.tioi'id     al 
every    coiner  aii<l  ttamis   ready    m  -ezc 
;i.s  .'-liaio  of  ev.'ry    lli.u  is  ina.lo  ai 
lia  *e  or  e.irned    iiililior.     Wiourvit-i 
,  ulional  dela  ii  not  I'eivej'iiKly  reiluee.  , 
,or  ;ii;v    bnr.l-'ii  «»r  iiicuuiiiifUte  liuii  en 
(I.     Of   li.e  hvu  or  .-^i-V  i  undied  niiiiii  ii.- 
,    yiMr    iliiit    tiie    iuMpie    ptiy  iino  tin 
i  uM.-iiiv.  but  a  ihoicly    pivs  inteivsl  on 
t:te  iK-lit  and  oilier  necc-fsiary  » xp  ii-.-  "t 
t  lO  (      I  he  t>aia  .ce  i^  squin- 
l.ii'd  liy  piolh-iiio  ollii.tis;  ii  pis.-sn 



SIQNf,  IWim  &  CO.. 



I.V    AI,I,    TIIE 


Thron-ti   nst-ut<  \  now   i.fier  t"  the  nill'lieun  cii 
tIreiK'we  lltluii  »r  >'K*-.A7'l  >^'r<tiKi..l  I  KA.Ml- 

LY  Kl-.Lf.ll'T  It  '  «K,  «  111.:  the  .|i<  0^1^•^ 
III  liver  ii  1(11.11  l-r  "I  a  (iiiturv.  'It^e  >l>-r<<'t.^  i>e 
l«l:i  I!.  »li.|«.ii..|  cui-  ureal  new  an.l  iii<>ii>'tt>!>l 
il.liUO.  The  arti  Iim.h  .\ jiii  nil ur.  ,  IIim  ti.  U  Hire 
..11.1  Ittiral  .1111  M'viii  stir  Ki-«ii".i  y.  ar.  w.-rilit<i 
the  F.iniiii  .1  n|  U  M  r  ^.•Vl  ral  tin;i-»  lis  to:".— 
Ill"  e.i|i.»  I..r  C  •••vi'i-'.  I'lenerviti;.  ^ll;^.i^., 
C'l'if.etio'i.  r>'.  aii'l  C  irvliij.  ah'!^!'!  i.e  ii.  tif  im>» 
»  H^i'Mi  of  eviry  li..u.e  «l,...  ■l'lii>  l.  p  i  tiuei.t 
al'.iK'  ^*  iiM-ri-  c.>!ii,>l  le  all  I  ra.Uk'le  tun  a  > 
iitlier  vT-i  'V  •  iiiltili«lii..|  nil  iLt?>>llliJ  it  Th. 
ll^el•'|'||  1.1  ihe  hor»i-.  c .. t'o.  Ii«i>.'.»,  ami  i.tlirraiil 
iiiai».are  ireyt  ••!  Ill  at -r  .It  |.  ii.tli  au  i  i....i|  l.■le 
lll  iti.i'.s  .:iv.ii  f'T  ir.atni -ill.  i  lie  .lep  .riiii-iil> 
..f  \|e.iiiiie.  111!  Win;/  iiim  li|.||!l'i'l'>ii.  I'li-iaineiy. 
Itl.ailili.i:,  Pi  "111  ;:.  >' lintiii.:,  Var  iisi|.  ^.'  eiurni^, 
.VC.  are  all  t  la  c  .Ul  I  l.e  !e  if..  v!..ri' than  .-ev- 
•'iitv  ill>lliK'l  .III.).  t'l?>ari.  r  i:e  Uliy  es  Ill-Ill' I  am 
ireatelnl.  It  .*  niHiutsMiiiiali  v  the  let  Ifntl  'J 
thr  I  ,}.U  .i'l  iiu!.liilff,  iPlier  n  t'il>  c-  U  .t  v  ..r 
>:iir.i|ie.  Trioe,  liaiulsuuiely  b.<ltU(l  In  cl'/tii.  $l,U<i ; 

Men  aii'l  uoinei.,  of  eh  i:'i>cter  kiiI  al.liit  v,  want- 
eri    Ml    r.'iiiva^Hers,    t-.    w.ioiii     I'Uot'l.Mll.i':  K.M- 
l'L'»VMh>T  will  I).-  KU  r~.»iile -.1.    ^eI"l  .it  once  Iu; 
tlnnUis  mill  full  pii  tieiila'»  to  as.  nl«. 

For   smiiilis  of  me  (■  l|.Or..\    I'K.N    free,  enrluse 
tw  .  >i. .nips  an.l  III ey  will   l.c  -cut  vvllli  cl.cnlar.^.  V.  Ii.  tX)^Vi::^'.  Lauyetle.  lalluna. 

OlAl.EKB    IK 

Szicelsior !    Sscclsior  I 

C.vLL    FOR   Tiu    Bt:>jT. — WImji.    you   pur 

chaso  an  ariiel'-  Tn  ii  is  clifap.  'H*  which  In.t 
I    little  is  used,  alway.s    <  aP,    .'jT    th.'    b  ■.  f. 

C-,  b'lWUCll 

■f  insig  >(i 
Call  for  D.  i5.  l)'^  Laii.-l  ii  Co.'« 
*  Best  Che.ui<-»1  Saleratu..."  so.d  having  oi.ce 
piociivedi;  yon  wHl  eail  ll.-^no  trlher.  tie 
grooers  all  havy  it",  or  3tM>llH.  U.^-e  it  in- 
stead w  rioJa.     i-'iir  sale  by  1>,M.  Slorcr. 

for      the      tlilifr. 

ihiit  and  an  inicnor  a'rticKii  wl 


C  fl  A  K  T  K  L  L  A  R  '  S 

Siair       Kxtci'iuinafor  !  ! 

For   neno-rlaji    Sape/flnona    Ilalr: 

To  the  ladies  especinlly.this  invaluable 
depilatory  rfccomaiend?  i:.=tlf  cs  bcir.g  ar 
almost  iiidi.speL.^ible  article  to  fjmal;* 
beauty,  id  ca^dy  applied,  does  not  bnrn 
or  iiijurj  the  skin,  but  «cts  diieclly  on  the 
root.^.  It  151  warranted  to  remove  suptr- 
fliion«t  hair  from  low  forihcad.s,  or  from 
ai.y  pur'  of  vhe  body,  conpieiely,  tot  il  • 
u:id  radictlly  extirpating  the  .«  une,  leav- 
ing the  f.kiii  s!iini)!li  a'ld  !i  iln.-.i].- 
Ihisis  tlie  only  article  use/l  by  tho  Frem  I 
:uid  i-  ill  only  en'-rniil  depilxioiy  n 
<xi<U'iiee.  rrii-e  T^*'  cent-  per  pa.  kniri- 
si'iit  po.<t  paid,  to  any  addiT.-s.  on  rcPiip' 
ot  :ni  order,  bv 

DLRGKIl.riHrTr-  i:  r„    C^.eniis's. 
2.Si  River  St..  Tr-v.  N.  ^ 



IJiuiluf    llDtions, 

Ready-made   Clothing, 

Bcois   4^   Skocs^ 

lIoavY  &  Shelf  Ilardwarc. 

L.   B.  MORROW  &  CO. 

^Respectfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of  Shakopce, and  Vicinit  y 
that  th(y  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

Drugs  and  Medicines,  Pcifumciy,  Patent  [Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Articles,  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
an.d  all  oilier  articles  usually  found  in  a 
Drug  iStore.  We  hope,  and  it  shall  be  our 
aim,  to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  the 
public  patronage. 

Petrolene  Fluid  constantly  on  hand  and 
for  sale. 

IIOTKL  BLOX:K.-%:~j! 

:fl  O   i>3- 

JWijih^  and  Glat.^ 
111!  and  cliict-lron  Ware, 

T.  J.    DUFFY, 

-"  1 





-  r^    i  ^^ir' 


las  t!i!it  ii  iv,'  ln.'i.n  umva.-H'il  timealiiT 
time  till  ihey  arc  fiiornioiw;  it  i>  l.ivi.-iad 
on  ds'.ioiic  t  cliiiiiiiiii."^;  ii  i.-  jii-id  oi. 
-vvimiliiig  api)ro|iii.ili.«iis;  it  is  upeiily 
-loleii.  This  iho  le.ipir  .-ec.  and  i!u} 
I  iVc  fimn  iiiiie.'d  a  m  r.liet  ujioii 
illitial  ctirinjiii'ii.  |.riilli.:ucy  ami  thi-ll. 

I  hf  inf.i'iioiis  laiif  la».>  have  |>»il 
iji.i.i  the  p  o,i1l-  liiiriioiis  of  incj'icul  ibic 
ii  .t^n.tnd,'.      I'ae  i.r  If  .liuble.l   a  .>. 

I'  .ail   lllf  I  o-l    of    i  Vv'l  \tilit|..r     lh:lt   ni:ii- 

".il.s<  or  wi'jiis  I'.vi'iy  coiiifort  iin>. 
•veiy  necis.-ai y  of  lif'  is  eiihaneid  in 
pri  e  .iiil   made  more  ililTiiuli,  to  ob  a'li." 




Urbana  Scheme. 

BmitJ  for  an  lUuitrataJ  Circular. 



m.  SCHENCK*3 


A  SuhHtitiitc  for  Calomel. 

TLe'c  Pilli  are  coropoiielor  varloui  roota,  havini 
t!i«  power  to  relax  the  wcrcticna  of  the  liver  aa 
pro'i.jitlr  and  elfeciuaUy  ai  li^uo  pill  or  mercury, 
and  without  producing  any  of  ttiede  d  Pdgrccshle  or 
dangerooa  eUuota  wbidi  o.Iub  (oUaw  U.e  ua«  ol  tbe 

In  all  bllioaa  d'jorden  theae  rilla  may  be  oteJ  with 
enn^acuce.  a.i  ihe.v-  promote  the  Jischarije  Of  vitiated 
bl!e,  and  remove  thcue  olnitructioni  from  ttie  liver 
and  biliary  dik-ti,  ivliich  are  the  caaie  of  bUioua 
afTectlon*  in  general. 

8CI1KNCK'6  MANDRAKE  PIM>3  eure  Sick 
Ueadacli',  and  aUdiiordcrioUhe  Liver,  indicated  by 
ia:1ow  akin,  eoaiel  tongue,  eoatireneta,  droniiiieca, 
and  a  general  f.-cilDs  ot  wea.-inen  and  IS-uMuda, 
ihon  iog  that  Uis  livvr  la  la  a  torpid  or  ol:ii.ri;ca;d 

la  ahort,  tfii"W  I'.IIs  may  bo  oneJ  w'th  aii'-ai- 
tace  la  all  ca>da  when  a  par^aUve  or  ailcrailve 
luediciue  '\»  rciulred. 

rcase  a^lc  lor  -Ur.  Sctiene!;'*  Msn.!ra^«  rtlla," 
and  olieiTve  t!ie  two  niteueswa  ot  the  Doctor 
arc  bo  tlia  Oovernmcnt  iitatnp — o:ie  when  in  the  lut 
ftaco  of  Connuuiptioa,  aodtbo  oUier  in  hii  preaent 

S  )id  by  all  Pmcs'sti  and  <?e»'pni.    Price  t.'  eentj 

per  \".'X.    I'rinc  pai   OiUee,  No.  l.'i  Norib  oih  baCLt, 

P.iialcpha,  l-a. 
••enfra  Vi'iuicaa'e  Apenfr:  Dcmas  Barne*  ft  C. 

21   TarW  Knn-    New   York.  S.  S.  Ilvace,  IJi  r.i'U- 

morc  tjr.,  Haiti  nor- .    \ld.  ■    .loUu    i>.  I'arlt,  N.  E. 

cor.  ol  Four.h    and  V.'V."n»   S:.    Cire  rniati.  Ohio 

Wt  !;i:r  b   Ta  lor,  1.-4  and    ^rA   \\-\k:\'  Aveim*. 

(JhiCft-C.    III. ;  Coll  n*   Hrjiher..  n«  jWi'V-ai   cort'Ci 

Ol  Elvoui?  «'•..!  Vine  •CXr..  Si.  IjO!i>.  Mo.  ^ 

■»  Htlifce.h  w.  e«.  •       1  -T 

A   large  a.^irortn.ciit  if 

o  Ij  o  o  :^  rs 

i)\\  hand  and  for  sale. 


market  pi  ice  p 

t»;d  for 


h  Q 












A  N  D 

im:r  rac.-. 


in  (^\e!i:i 

I'po  I'l,'  1 ; 




-;  J.  i!.  llLNlr^MANw 

U.  A.  Ill-.N  l^..l.^.v 

D.  ik  HiiiitJaS^cisi  Sl  ^tti., 


M I N  N  E  S  0  T  A  . 



Ladies  Brcss   Goods,  e*c- 

Don't  forget  the  place — Cor  Holmes  k  First  ?^i^. 

To   tlie    Vo  eri*     of    •iMiiit 

LiiiUr     lii  <1 

There  haviii;.  bci  H  no  rep  nominal!  n 
for  C.iinmi.>^i..n..r'of  lire  F.<i  rtn  i^i^triet.  y 
I'itlnr  parly.  I  in\»< H  a  caudii.:;  e 
lor  CuUiiU  ConiaiidoioiH.'r. 


Climax !    Climaxi t 

Page's  Climax  Salro,  a  Family 
blessing  for  25  conls. 

It  heals  without  a  scar.  No 
Cuniily  should  be  lit  ithout  it. 

Wo  warrant  it  to  cure  Scrofula 
Sores  Salt  Rheum,  Chilblains, 
1  otter,  Pimple.s,  and  all  Eruptious 
«>f  the  Skin.  For  Sore  Breast  or 
hippies,  Cuts,  Sprains,  Bruises, 
Eurns,  Scald.s,  Chapped  Hands, 
^c,  it  makes  a  perfect  cure. 

It  has  beeu  used  over  fifteen 
J  oars,  without  one  failure. 

It  has  uo  parallel— having  per- 
fc^ctly  eradicated  disease  and 
healed  afterall  other  remedies  had 
railed.  It  is  a  compound  of  Arnica 
v,1tu  many  other  Extracts  and 
i;alf.ams,  and  put  up  in  larger 
\.:)7.:'2>  for  the  same  price  than  any 
ttber  Ointment. 

So'.J  by  I>ras>ris'.«  everyirhere.    VTtMn  &  Ilowlaad, 
r...;.ii.- ;.».-»,  1:1  L..:<«rty  Street.  New  York. 

Ml!.  EiuToa:  fUa.-^f  ai»>i(Mu>c^;(my  naw.i- 
1:  an  Indcp'ii' ii.l  CiUidiviat..-  in-  ihe  Jio.i>i  , 
.Mini!r.-«ifa  i..»«:«iiAtiuv,  i.  atu  i:)dace.t  to 
viii»'  liv'tlie  so.ieiiauwa  .->*'  iiniji'^ixmA'iiie  ds 
ll' parts  oV   iht^  t'.'t.iitv.     ilv  .St  iitiiu.    ts 

'"  ■  -  1   . 

iipiiii  Uiu   I?.. lid  f]  lelfii  are  wi-!l   «iiowi,,  as 


;ed    10  iViiv  •  '"   h^^^i";;    "•  ^ '^  - 

.hv  pre.-eni  or  fu...      ,  -.  ^irrut  of  that  gna 
.^v^iiiole.  U.   M.   WKKiin. 

Shakopce,  Mii.m-.  Oct,  14,  \^~i-       ^^i 

— _ — -     ..«. 

,     Mr.Editou  Akuu-:     RonkiriuK  '^'Dov  i 
wiaiie.i  lo  niiHOi  :i»<e  !.iin>,v.ll' a.  an  Independ 
•:-v.\  i-andidrtie  i'T  Ltmaiy  Treasurer. 
Uated,  Ucu  13,  U'-'T.  "'• 

E  -i  =5  ::.  !r 

CI  S.'^  ^  3 



c :;.  -5  o 

J-          r-  =   -I 


S!      r:  z  ^.z. 

1— ( 

1  ^^^--  ^  ■-' 


"«        i-H  ~    1— :  "^ 


0        1.^  -   _:  •■5 


a    s  =  ^  1 



0      ■"■      ~  H^ 

•»      -  ?.'  =  p 


r>    ~    "S     — 

c-  =-  _.  o 

C     -    X    3 



ziir§3.00  Saved.— fassenscra  Goin^} 

Ea«;t  will    save  *.i.Uv)  ill  i'arc  by  taking  ll. 

(,,  I  Vi»  7/.1 1'i.V  A  O.  A.,  Ola;  ol  «i.e  rt  e..'lln.ii|"7 
.is' Line  1  ave.s  all,  vv  .ii^it  lall  V  ..-lUiirUy- eMeitU  * 
,1  ,s  311  1"    Jl     tr   III  £>■«..  f.  ot  ..t  MilaaniiB  Mntst.  Iii»  ■ 

,      .Ii  e.  t    ti>lineil  It'll  at   oraii.i    llavonvv.t.i    in.iiiil'  , 
.•  .ifl  i'V"ni-    !'..•«..    ."  '^' •*  ^"1  *-■' 

.^    tUV.LI>     riiO'll>.i>.    .^    e»'    «»     ^..fth»e>l^   : 
.  iii^.n  i'  Co..  mil  l,y  t  .'I  I.' '■   C-i«».»';:ui,.  A-e 
Vliun.  i;e.|Oal    Hallway.  :<       I'a    l.aul   a'   al!i>tillCil.a 
l'ukel<imie,  i;i  til.;  .NOiUiwe-l.  „.,.,. 

I'll  ..M.\-i  Jii'.LL,  W.  \».  HiL>  O. 

ienl^  U.rtrail.  Wist.  l*.u.«.  .*^t.  Ul.vvanlkft 

Tjv^nra:.     .  „  V 

•    •                        (-■  .-    :      '              ■  \    1  ,  .  » 
Notlde  is  hpn-bj   given  that  the  partner 
<h'i,  h' retiiforut^tatiiie  i  eiw  «ii,  \  ^l;lllli^tal 
./..liii  t'ruhk.  ill  li.u  Hivw.  r.v  l.-jiim  »s.  ..t    Uehe    I'l.iia.  . 
Mi:.acs..ta.U  ihUitay  .|l-»ave  1.  , 

\iit;iiAi:L  bcu>ut>t. 

Uelle  riaiii«^.Min  .Out.U.  Iida7.        , 

i.^iR.vY  row. 

I  ..ft  ii  'li^  '.1  1  i.t  t'l'  «'VJ»»'»i«i»'«l. 'lit  FalrDn  — 
IH  nler  7tli.  ^^lT.  a  M^-^^iK  *.">'*»;,  .o.iut  10  .wars  •.:  . 
WJiiili   .^luJv^>^l^'/■'•j»«'    '^"''    '">■    I  i"vi'iii.  pi- .'lerty    .ii  . 

ii  ivl  !i.^  i.trtTir.Ti.'otnre  afwJ  •■fitii'«*»  i.»r  k«.piiw. 
«k.|.13.a«7.  Bh.1i.  I-..M>RKII.>J. 

DH.    SCKEilCK-S  ' 


Til  f  proat  medicine ctire.5  I>r.  .T.  IT.  Scnrncx,  the 
Propre'or.  ol  ruimonary  Connun.p  >on,  when  it  bad 
•Bsumcd  itt  moet  toruii Jable  acp  ^et,  and  ivhea  rpo.. d/ 
dcMh  ar?^redla  bcinoviiabe.  Ill*  phve'C.auapro- 
bounrcl  bin  c.v-«  incanvble  viLoa  be  oomineiircl 
the  UN  ol  tJili  ainip'e  but  p.>wef ioi  rcme'V.  Ilia  , 
be&iih  vvu  rcjtorcd  ia  a  very  abort  time,  ani  no  ' 
re'.urn  e!  Itia  dlccj.e  hw  tx>cn,  for  all 
the  tynip'onii  iia'cltly  dlittpn^'roJ,  anlh'a  prt.iil 
irvifht  b  moro  than  ttrs  buulrcd  p^aril,. 

C'nca  Vj  recovery,  h(>  liv  deroied  h  a  alle  '  ea 
azcloiircly  to  tb«  cure  ot  CansuTuplloa  a-id  .ba 
discaiea  which  are  n.'uAlly  coiLpicaica  vviih  Ir,  a.ii 
tbe  curcj  eJcc'eJ  by  hlamc^iclnej  have  bee.i  »ery 
Buniet'ooi  and  truly  vroniorul.  I>r.  6jii.:a.'X 
ma^o  pro  Oodlocol  tIbIIj  to  seve.-al  of  IS.O  U.-,  er  clli« 
weekly,  where  be  btsa  larje  eo.icjur^  c.  pallonU, 
aad  it  ia  traly  vto^lohn^  to  fc^  p3!>r  eonfU'ni'  vej 
that  have  to  Lo  IL'el  out  e!  lhCTca.r"».e».  and  'n 
a    fcT    niTihj   kc-v'i'e',    roViiJt   r'  o:'.      f*. 

Foxrtable  Ungines 

>.«  ,W.»3niN*«'«   MtLLR.  Plaxkiw;. 

"^'1  -^rilS  -irD  ALL  KlNr<SOF\Vo»)j 

*.  v.iilV/;i'.V;      SMAI-I.     Bl-UU-^TONK    _ 

,  .   '^  IrtTjf  PaHM  MlLI^:    HHAFTTNO. 

V.\-  J'lS^'fV  B\!1LT  TO  OKlJtK.   • 

V  \ :  ;H  A.J03'  IROIT  WORKS, 

i^   J!*«-  *«^'  '"'  W ••*<♦•<;''»«  ^'-•^'*, 

IN  FRunATi:  cdult. 

«Ci>Tr  C  lUNlY.  OeiieF.ll  Turin.  Ot.'  THi,  K*t''T 
III  mallei  Hi  I'le  K.sLlte    ■•!    I'.i    r  B  .-l.-.  ll...-..,I  *  •  i . 

tlnr.  I  !t:i2  .-tn^nni'-'  t!f  p'lit'o'i  "f  'I    W- **  ■. 
of  .■;hat.i|»«r.l  I  tlieniuitiy    I   j«.iiU.«ii.l    .-lale  i.l  .Mli- 
ui-a  ll  1    m-i"!'.-:  f..r  re  i-o'is  l''i'*'''i'  stil-'ltii-  I.l<  .-■•> 
t.    a.'li  li.e  1  ^ate  1.1    »h-  -M    l'Ce.i<e4  r>ny  Ik.  lOXM.I  !■ 
htm    the   a.ll.1    Si.    U'9«    Ouitanl.     1 1    w   i.r  lere  ■.  t  .al 
KrMiiv.lli^    .     Iivef   N.jve  ii    ei,  1  v  . .  .it    Id  .,  ,-^...  k  l.i 
,ii„l......  .   I. Hire  (if  lUo   .iU'lKO    ".    Ir..|.aleii> 

Ui«io»iioi  ^  k.  i.-e.  ill  S4M  county  b«i»>-l-'' 
tiMhear.  IK  of  >a<t  i.eiiiion.  aii'l  that  thJ  hctrs  .'f  .iw 
tA\rs>*.\\'K  lie  .^<.  :.  »fanv  ih  re  I.-,  iwel  all  •.'h.r 
for.  Hilt  inteift;*-!  Iu  Ihe  luh.l  e*let. ,  •••e  reniitr- .  t'v 
tf'  |.r».s»  It  at  t  at  a'nieaiil  i.litt^ti.  »h<i.v  i-a»»i>.  Ii  aj'v 
tU*Te  b«.  why  ihevrayer  of  ».»i''P<! '"'"**"*"'*'  ""' 

""'An.i  u'i.<r:|rh<>r  or  t>re4,«;i 'fnottf  c  "f  the  '••••''I" 
ol.sall  P^tilion  I'"  -ivenl.v    jMttinfii-.s;   a  cni*' «^i    "" 
ord4r  ki    Ihe  jjihak..i>ce  W, ,  ^tly    Sii'..^.  i  w-    lily  lle»  - 
■i.Tl'ir  t>rtiit^l  !">''    •.■"'■li»b"t    at    .-'i.aapee.   In   ».i: 
t'ouiitv,  I  r   i..«*-»M  C'Hil'.:  wfcetii  int.u  ■  iiarely   I'l   • 
C(^iili«:  tlieta'dlifinng.  .    ,,r.v-i.v 

Ualel  fkt.  Tlh.lob;.  Y  -r.  lIKNItT. 

,39  U  JulKB  of  Pt  .I'll''. 


SCOTT  COl'VTV,  br.eeUI  Trrm.  Oct.  IWb.  l.-fifi.-Ti 
le   UKlter  lit   til.-  l-.»t.tteof  .loliii  O'.NtHie,  laic  01   th» 

Connfy  "I  t^  Iirifuseil.  .  .         ,   ,  ,  .„   „. 

I  1....1  r.  u.iliijr  »i.rt  tl.r  u  thcpttHlrmof  Ann  (•  N,  l!.e. 
■  f  It  lie  Plaln«ri»|  tt  t.iU^ty.  .MIn>ie.Mi'-«.  pr.'y  n-.i  " 
.  •  tUIn  T«.#«»»TjSir.  I  ■  ..ikteil.  tiint  L^rt'ei*  '■•  Ainiiii 
JMra'loii  i-4M>  l*>     III   u-ol  the^al^.JeceaitJ.  bet..- 

*'?t  «*l4a<1.4bnt    .-.^rURDW.  •h''  21  .lay  e(   No- 

.  ^   t)     .  A.  ll.  iti"?. -ti    1-M«"-.  f     ;    ••  attern i<.i«ii'; 

Oar,,  .t  '  lie  r.m-e  ..|  t''      .Unlpc  o*  I'johalo  In  th-  1  "Wr 

aj|  "l«it  li..lii  ,»i  1  c  11  i'.y  O*  •■^Ol'i'"  V*'-''-'" 
irin  hx.irr.-'ot  -al  1  ,  .:tic>an.  "MkI  thai  thel^■l^^al 
L«w  of  Mi«4  <««€•■«  xe  .::  my' tLfire  be.  .ml  all  otluT 
;)Cr»d..s  (' lvi*--|e  preiwn*.  t"  k»»"W  can«»,  if  ini 
I  i?re  t^.w»iy-r  e  i>r..y   ,  of  tue  petiilv/Orr  .bouLi  not 

he      1.1.  t.  .1.  1 

An-I  It  Urtnilifr  orricrf  1.  fVit  rotltecf  i^e  f  f«o- 
I  i;;  i.r'ler  l.*  k  »en  ri  i^e  .*■>!■' .i-if  .t.RUf .  a  «eekl> 
iieWhPHPel.  ptiulei)  «n<l  pi.l/l;<.'i  •!  i.f  ►i.a!  opec.  'li 
sail  I  iitvot  K..  tLrn  »r£.-*-'ee  vetkn  ire 
,,,.11-  t..    ,.  .  ■  ,  I....  1^  '■1.  I'lM*^  . 

TONIC,  a::d  M.^SPUVKi:  P1I.L3  arc  rc-'f'*''^ 
all  rc.a'rffJ  tu  ca.-lng  Cjiurii.-jn.  Full  direc- 
tions a.-e-'f  psiv/neK  »o  fr**  aTi>-  one  er.n  laka  ihjra 
without  feeing  I»r.  B-  ic  -.  ^nt  when  11  fa  eon- 
Ten  eit  it  la  beat  to  cj  Llm.  He  s.  rei  al/.oe  rec, 
bat.orathv.'  a,hc.-!ni  rai.>iu  n•aUU.^BAJp.i•vi.u^^or 
bla  ee  ii  llirc.)  doLari. 

P  ana  obccrve,  whoi  par-'ja^nT.  I'lV.  I'lS  Ivro 
iiko.M^JW  0.  Ui«  Uoc'.oi-— -.'.iS  itlica  la  thj  a.t  a:» 
•»"  Coa8.iiiip''n.  and  the  o  her  ts  'la  uoir  'a,  la 
p.'.-'  St  h:a»li— are  oa  the  Gave  lia  a-  »'a»-rp. 

b  \  by  all  !>ru^.<3  fid  Pea  er>.  P.- c;  * 
r^r  lo't*.  or  %':a  the  half  ic:f\.  Lo.ier*  tor 
iivice  rh-iu..!  a  wa  i  b»>  dr:r:el  to  l>r.  SchcncVa 
IMi.e  r*  OTicf.  ll  Xar.h  mil  S:.    Ph.  a>o  3a  a.  Pa. 

/ie»  o.-a:  Who  C-^ale  .\.:e:ita:  I'o    m  ll*r.ics  i  tlo., 

X    Y.     H.  B.    Ilaiice,  llitimore,    kli. ;  Jvhn   U. 

irk,  Cocinuan,  OUiO;  Wa  Mr  .b  I'a  ior,^ 
vutf  Ctfe^aa  linw..  Si.  I^j  !■■  M-.  .  .  •*•■  .•-       '  '    ' 

f)H.  'CC.  "-'  T  •  ilDii-irj  L'i. 

'^.>  •■'  ^  .  C'.  \-    .-.;.  i'';";.  .he*  imai^  t? 

■,■>  ;  iMtli  «  t..j 'u  ,'.1  wli;  hi*'.    To  aeatiipiiBh 

...«..a  1  r.TDVitM  4t«t"e.:li  uia>:  '  b«  c\aajr  J  aad 

sji-rm'  le  iTclitl  JOT  St.  d  '  i.  ic'ood,  wLirli. 

.     »Le  e  lie  ir   ;ij  will  la  d  .e-iel  p.-up^rly   aid 

•x)u    iiCT  .i/    l>  v-.d   r»^'e:    iho.  bu."'".;  ur  i^ie 

oa.'t.iu.-i«u    t.  at:s.;-Jo  uani'S-vk;:  piLUJ 

.  ua  i«;iJ..;i.oii.acho;all  b..'Ott^  or  mac  mu  B'<-miiu- 
a  ci.i;  c,-'!,  b  u- aj  th-  Z'x  '..'cl-I  T-a'e  ^a  cvi- 
f.^'on.  1^'  •■T'-i-'^U;  H  TToril. 
S  ,'HFir;i;X'o  PIT-MOVIC  BYRL'P  Ib  ■u:rl«-N>v,. 
a.4  we,  I  ail  mo  l>  ncl.  aucl.  bv  aa.ui  ihnili.'edroLaeJ  e<. 
a  I  iii.par.t,oii  arv  evp.'.'ied  Irc-a  ito  tyttcm,  aud 
KooJ  wb-ji^immc  llool  rrai-,  whch  will  re^/ei  aJ 
•jeraivr.  I  ;.i;  u;iu  nui  .a<e  di3  0  mediRlnc-accariV 
tat- 1^  4.i«»ti»k  -s  C'lua  npao.j  very  tra'ieectJv  Is 
ii:  Ur».!fc;0  y:..d*  JT.ii*ly  to  tholr  act'ox  Taie  tlif 
!>'.;;*  'il'iut.itVv,  to  c.«\'..<e  Ihoiiver  itad  wto'.ii..b.  It 
uoef  net  to'Jotr  tUv  bi>-.a  ue  the  boweli  ars  n(vt  ee*. 
tl»<  they  are  ao;  rojuired,  for  aorustlrr^cj  H  Jiwrr- 
h  ,1 .%  thwy  ft-»  n..».v*iary.  The  aronarh  too*  !•;  kt-pi 
b'-lth.-.  ••>•!  »\  *p.i»»n«  .rrttXf4  •<•  ailjw  tbc  Pui- 
aoaii:  liyra^i  taactoa  'tMir*4|eritk«ri-'>mrM  rr.:i.«rl 
.Ql  ftUsi  a'ly  rr.-MiOu.  fix .1  ul  t.tat  mi  r<r)u./ud  ir 
^v  X  •'  «  p«-  .1*1  1  .inre  a,  to  pnrrest  ta^tr^ 
:«'d.  Bi..<T><»  a.«T;t  thu  r<v«r-«  a*  an-\  v  i-.  •»!bli^ 
ea*  all '^  -^i<>«  (.J  -••  mr.-i  -f^-^f  ar4  'w  «v« 
\,>  .-»h  If  .■".    %  jit\  »  n^ri.      -v'  *     n«r  .-o  a*  ar 

.jhei^ck's  CxuAWeed  tonic. 

Thu  iiieiic  ue,  invented  by  Tr.  J.  II,  S.-iiKXv'K, 
.1  Piiilale  p'l  a,  13  it;cad(>4  to  diiMlvv  the  looJ  and 
II  lie  it  iu;o  c.U/ui-j.  tlie  ."ird  pr  >ccn  of  di;;ct/on.    Dy 

raisin?  tlie  utonach  wllh  S  henr>.'<  Ua  iilra>.o 
Pilla,  tlic  Tjm  0  loan  rciitorei  iho  arp-t^t'',  and  tood 
iha;  could  n.l  ijQ  Lio.orc  lUiiig  a  triil  l>c  raally 

Conpiiinp''on  cannot  be  mre-I by g.''i»ii*',*«  P^l 
moiir  S  Top  iriLij  the  aton:ach  and  liver  la  ma.lf 
healthy  aad  tho  rralarci,  he;ic9  the  Tonic 
aad  Pitb  are  re  (u  rod  in  nearly  erer>'  ca^ie  o.  con- 
tuii;p;io:i.  .\  he  Ii' dozen  Ijottlci  Oi  l!.o  .S  l.WVtMi) 
TUNiLl and  Ihrci or  bo.\ei ol  the  M.VNI .C\KK 
PILL3  n-ili  ctUd  aay  oi.dluar/  easa  ol  d.-rpp-.a. 

Ur.  xnskfj  prolcs^loiia'  Tailu  iu  New 
YorW.  U.>.<to.i,  aad  at  h-(  piinripal  Or.icc  in  Philadel- 
phia evur.'  wco!:.  Pec  (  pipcri  01  each  p  arc,  cr 
bU  pauiy^  ei  ea  coajuuiplioa  tor  bia  da..i  icr  vixiia- 

l*!ea.?e  obeerrw,  when  ynrehasing,  that  the  two  like- 
neaaea  of  the  Doctor,  one  when  lo  tha  Itut  Bta70  ot 
ConxaTr.p:ion,  and  ti.e other  a^  ho  now  ia,  in  pcr;ect 
health,  areo'i  the  LioTer.iiiieat  Flauip. 

8>ldb/  ai:  Drugyiiitaaad  iJcalen,  price  $1.*j8  p*r 
boah),  or  $7.  j'j  the  hail-dozco.  All  letter*  .or  aiv.ce 
abonld  be  addrcaicd  to  Dr.  EcuK-NOk'tt  Priociral 
OiUce,  Nj.  Ii  Korth  Street,  Pii'ale  pli  a.  Pa. 

General  Whoictalc  A?eul«  :  Ueiuai  Birm'a  ti  Co., 
N.  Y.;  9.  S.  Ilinre.  Ualiimore.  Ud.;  Jo'in  P. 
Parke.  Cincinnati,  Ohio;  V/olker  ft  Ta/!or,  C'hi- 
c««o,  UU:  Cv»Uiai  i;.;A,  St  Louif.  Mo.         ^ 

-  "i  Jii  ~i  '4--^-  Ilat  w.  ei.  Ti^     JT. 

.» ..a     liv     the    ii.-nf  I        .  •'  •  '• 

V'iV.Ll':."^    KL.XIR  yoi 
1         ily.  .ind  at  u  tri  . 

I  .  ,•     -.iitNi-irinr    siie.e«"  ,,,..-,,■ 
ii  ,.•  I      ilii<    inviilnaiil*'               luf'    bf 

i':»y>ic     an  I  .Nervotis  Wei-'-iii     '     . 
■'•..i'ft^  ,«  I'ro.^tratrOiiVL'x.    ■ 

E'   Ay,.'.i'"f»o firj,.  Of 

.-.  j  uiif.  .-i  of    you:lira' 

:.   1-1       i      lav    llUlit     V4!.iAL)i[C 

•VI  I'  d  "-itvcrt  d. 

II  vv.u  n.Miiot'e  all  ner\ou.^  .;.;  ^  ...  , 
Icjii-H.-iiMi.    exfiienierrt, .    iiR*.»p*.iii>     . 

s'udv  '.r  li'is|ii.'S>!.  lo.^w  of  uieiKii  > .      >i..  > 
s.i'i.'  t  i.>ii_'lit!«  «»f  s-df  deMrncli  111.  f-  •;:  -.mi 
iiL-saii'it.  <t(r.     I»  wilf  tv.^lope  tin*  .;;ii.i  i".i 
!.  m-A  iiu-  licaltti  of  tho>»i'  w.i«>    lnn-  d. 
-iriy^d  it  liv  .<eu-nal  eX'-f.**  or  evil  i.rat. 

\  '^  Men,  bo   Liinibgggcd   in.  nn-M 
IV   '1^  la.k  Dotri.irs"  and  ijiuvir-iit  pi..   : 
loii.-r-,    lint    send  wiliaiUl    delay  i'>r  f 
•■'.!!.\ir.  ani   he  at  onrc  fsture  ■   mi  Ii  nli 
a  .ll  linppinesg.    A  Perfcit  Cn.-e  i.-  lino 
a  iircd  ii' every    ins'an.e.     I'ine,  Sl..r 
r.-iir  buttles  t'l  ont^  ad.ln-.-.--,  ;^i<. 

One  liotlle  is  siillieient  to  efl",  il  a  en. 
.11  vi!l  ur.lina.'V  ra--i'-. 

AL-o.  1>1<.  .I01NVILLE'.S  SFKri- 
FK;   fills,  f>r  th»- .-prvdv  tiiul  pirm 
a.  Ill  (iniv  of  (ii'iiorrhe:!,   (iieet,  Liviinti 
i)i.Mliar;r«.«.     tJiavel,   .Stiifturc,    nn.!    a 
.iQlcli'iiiK  iif  the  Kiilneys  and  jJladdi  f.- 
Ciin-h  ilfcud.  11  oju»   to  five   day 
I  I  tv    are  pre;.iired  fr.Mii     vi'srit  dilc    c\ 
tiiicts  that    are  hurmlefw  on    tin*  >v»tciii 
iiiid    never    nau.<eaie     the    stoinaeU     o 
iriiprf'ijpHie    iIh-  Iwraih.     No   chanire  «. 
dii't   i.s  iieees!*iry  while  twine;    them,  no 
lo,s  their  ac'imi  iti  n'ly  niiinm'r  interfrn 
with   Lu-.iu\s3    puisui  .«.     I'rict,    ;?1  pv.i 

E.tbor  f.r  the  aT>.»ve  mri»tioiird  artidf 
wiii  he  stnt  »o  any  aJ  lrc.>-s,  cIj.m  !y  fealctl 
and  pofit-paid,  t»y  in«Jl  or  r.xpre,sM,  oo  cr 
ceirit  of  price.     A.hlrosell  ordi-rB  to 

DI'.'JtiKR.Sin'TTS  A:<"o..('heirFts, 


[.'TiiA?.  riAiki;7M-a 



tfsjetable  Sicilian  Haii  Renewei 

llaa  stood  the  test  of  .leren  years 
trial  htf  the  puf»lie  :  and  no  jtrrjm- 
ratiou  fi>r  the  hair  yet  discovered 
iri  ft  prod  ace  th*;  name  Itencflciat 
resufts.  If  is  <t  neiv  scientific  dis- 
coreri/,  rtnnhiniiif/  ihe  most  poa'cr- 
fn!  and  vesf'tcotire  ofjents  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  If  resforea 
FUL COLOR.  It  mahes  the  scalp 
Kfhifc  (toil  clean:  cares  ilni. draff 
nnd  humors,  nnti  failing  out  of  tha 
haip;  and  wilt  mahc  it  (/roiv  upon 
hahl  heads,  earrept  iu  very  af/cd 
persojis.  as  it  famishes  the  nutri- 
tive principle  by  which-  the  hair 
is  tatarished  and  sapporfed.  Jt 
inahes  the  hair  moist,  soft,  and 
yl<>s*if.  and  is  unsurpassed  fis  a 
HAIR  DRESSING.  Jt  is  the  cheapest 
prrjHirati^ni  ever  offered  to  the 
pahlic,  as  one  bottle  will  accom- 
plish more  and  last  lonf/er  than 
three  bottles  of  any  other  jtreparu- 

If  is  recommended  and  used  by 
the  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  wond'-rfal  results  produced 
hif  our  Sicilian,  JIair  Jiencirer 
have  induced  many  to  viannfae- 
ture  preparatitniH  for  the  JIair, 
under  various  names ;  and  in 
order  to  induce  the  trade  and  the 
public  to  purchase  their  com- 
pounds, Ihey  have  resorted  tofalse- 
JuhhIs,  by  claiminff  they  were 
former  partners,  or  Jiad  some  con- 
nection with  our  31  r.  JTall.  and 
Iheir  preparation  was  similar  to 
ours.  Do  not  Oe  deceived  by  them! 
J*urehase  the  original :  it  has 
never  been  equalled.  Our  Treatise 
on  the  JIai>-  with  cert ifleates,  sent 
free  by  mail.  Sec  that  each  bottle 
has  our  private  Jievenuc  Stamp 
ov^r  tlie  top  of  the  bottle.  All  otli- 
ers  are  imitations. 
R.  P.  Hall  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N.  K 

tiJ-1  by  cM  Drit-jiJ'ls  and  Dcnter$  in  M-  cliciii*- 


Aecut  for  the  Xortli-Wrateiu  States. 

Corner  cf  Holmes  €c  St.5.,  ^li^Izopee,  Minnesota 

Dealers  m 

Dry  Cood^5  Bres8  C:ROod^.5  Clcthiiiig-, 

Groceries,  Boots   aii.d  Shoes,   Hals   and   Caps. 

/]t:;^  The  higher!    miltt    1 1;<  c   p  i<l    fur  Wlicat,  Furs,  and  r.ll 
kiiid.^i  ii'  country  luoiliicc. 

-T^rr-Cn]]    and  si-c.     We  are  liUl.'ND  NuT  Ti^   BE  I'NDER.SOLD    by  any  firm  ia  tb» 
MiniuSo'.a  Valh  y. 

7?0r  ZI?.  '^^TU' 

I  <•» 

<0  ZT'..  Z3I! 

Ciii;r,i/;GE  c,  wnco::  gkop- 

—  •  A    r  ■ 

I  hiivo  ji:.-t  rcceivid  a  liirg-e  sloek  of  No.  1 
imv  tii.n  n-.  <.l!.  tKi;il..-".LI<.'l  ^•l:^.  Ar.,  wliUh  I  am 
.re|ini"<l  !».  ^elll.l>  I..W  .^tlll.  he  l>.iU|:i'l  WUtsMc  o|  ft. 
i'aiil.  I  am  ll- uriiiiJieii  ti.  I  e^i  I  \<  11  <  ►'^i .  ji  '  I  he 
eiili.,ii.s  ol  th  »  I  i.ii.liiVi  I'y.aiiil  ulli  aSk  a  i  fair  trial. 
S;iriui  Lakv.Nov.l3tli.ISf6. 

.s  H  <>  J :  I  .N  <  i  .   I ;  I :  I'  .\  1 1 J 1  N  a  A  o 

The  uii<]er-i;.'ne  ,  havinnr  removnl  to  their 

lievf  ^'.np.  eiiFxiM  le*  >airl  .-<,.i>i..|  .-l«  .  e.-.mM  r'-S^ect- 
fiillv  .11111.  mh.t  Miiit  '  iii-v  ari'iiovv  |.re.,j.'>r.  li  l.i  niaimfac- 
I'lWe,  :«,«'t»i.  e  Kir.liies,  nlkles.uoe  ;,iiii  twohor.^e  U»£- 
oil'-.  :.xi.resM  Wa,.ii.»."'leli,'liri.<"uiiei..,  It  ml  e  verytl.los 
rvHM  'I  'i  ii.  Mie     ii.rM^e   ini. ..  I  r-  a^-.tuihle  ratefi. 

11.1  Vint.' seen  re. I  I  h»- >-«-:«».•-»  .ir.i  Hi -tcln«<blacltanill|l 
we  are  eii«!.ii.ii  I"  iiiti  Ti'ie  tifst  iiu.iMly  of  work,  l.'.tH 
jiiiiiinlac'lurli.i;  ai|i.  :<  p..lru.i2.  JuhhliiC,  Shoelrs,  i:C  ^ 
j.ri.Hii.t'r   if.!'oi  ilv  i!i  Tie. 

■I'SttiikfB.iir  p^.-.i  lae«rs,we   wool.l  rollcit  acontlau- 
aiii«  <>>  the  ^uhlii  iiarioi;,.i:e. 

ALORiTT  i  woonucnY. 

3.  <..  .^TmnT.      \ 
Mf.  Y.  Uwvj^utiiv.i 


$10     to   $20  a    Day. 

Ccnntr  of  the  1!rilte.l  St.ite»,  to  l.ilro.l^ice  our 
P.^IK.NT  61AK  tHUTll-BSKUlNa  .MACl  INK.  It 
«iae<  :  thread  aiirt  iii.ikea  a  ^titlh  alike  on  Uith  '"'•'^•■~ 
Jl  la  a  a^aI<U^a  Machino.  aiiH  reta.Is  at  f'""'  »?''•'' 
tlOb.  txtrairaiiary  lii.luceiiieTit^  to  Amenta,  turiur- 

H.  K.  IIKMiKK.SoN    AC).. 
Sole  Aitnts/ur  the   U'-i.:  t.  South, 
aja  Jnioa  3^3  N-  <:»'  f'-  •'i-  l-"tii!i.  Me. 

'P  aill  COUUIN*.'*  Ii:o«trated,  I'h3to-rap»ilc,  DO 
I  MESrrC  DIBLE.  Thia  la  a  work  of  aterllnit 
nertt  anil  in  the  iiamia  ot  couipetenl  ai:ciit8.  ft  nil  a  a 
rcatfT'  sale.  '1"  of  tiie  Qo>t''  who  w. ah  to 
r'-ca  ate  11  in  theto  icr-a  itl'in  or  Inirietliate  nelnht^r- 
ho.i.t.ainl  to  oi'ier  (foo'l  and  reliable*  wbo  wlatt 
ti  cauTaaa  lor  the  wcrk.  llh.ral  iii,ia.-.-ii;e;:U  vviu  Iw 
cifaVe''.  0U1.1.N  ULIDDKN.   luhilaher. 

an    Ntorer 

*.o«M  ri-«ri-.lli:lly  »i-y  to  h;»  old  frleuUs,  ur.U  li:e  P'a  t 
IV' i{.<:a<'r.illv.  ;h..t  lie 

Was   not 

runoff  Ly  iLc  heavy  competition,  Lui    U  auil  tu  U: 


athig  o'l!  aland  on  Fi'"t  aireot.  Fhakoiiee.  w>ierche<« 
lealiiig  out  liie  l>»»l  ot  .irjcc.Ua  ia.1  i'rooii.jwl  auil  ta 
uol  fuiiii:  to  <Xv  acared  or 


cut  If  bfl  oan  be!p  It.  bat  to  cootlcae 

Th'D  ^V^jtil  OUiiSI* 

In   the 

r;i'!c.    Tie  keera  as  ?'-.'>•!  a  «<rv,;V,  ani  n-TlaaK  cbcap  n» 
any  ciio  can  aUird  t",  Iu  ikiiy  lomu  uu 

Ju'  I'tt'jH  ''■■i.  ft  1  S'u'f.f  Kiiv'.opr.  ]'i-it4  fv«  CtnSt, 
A  Lecture  on  the  Xalurv,  1  reAlD'ont  m»t  Radlcnl 
Ciii'e  .'I  f*'.'  W  e:ik:ii!i-,or  ;'p'-rni.i|..rrtnen.  I".liie«ft 
iiv  Sen  AhUie;  IiiVolUil«r.v  KniKionn.  Imrotenry, 
.Net  oiia  i>v  .iriy,  iiaiie.Mi-.ieiiik  I.I  Marrl.^^e  k'rner* 
iillv:  C<.^«iiiiil  11 'I'.  I'l'V.'nv.  .ifl  P:t«  :  .M<-Tital  and 
•  hyslcal  In.i.p.icitv. /c-Bv  K<  II  .1.  CLLVtllUKLL, 
M.  !»..  Ant  i.r"   ;li.;  •  iJre-n  B"...!;."  it. 

The  W'TM  reii'iwnril  aiit'  In  thl«  a'lnitrsHe  !.»•■ 
t'lre.  cl.-aily  1IV..V 1 1>  fri.Iii  I.U  i.vvfi  I  x;  erleiive  1I1.M  il  ■ 
awful  eiinr't 'i(|i  i^cti.  I'l  i^i  ll-AbUkc  may  he  ell  Htiialiy 
f  iii.jvi.l  v»:iiiin  n;ilkii«.  an.i  wltlio'it  .|»i!acr'-.ue 
-iir;;lc  I  iiperaMnns.  Ii<iiij.l.ies:  I  .»  luniMita.  rli.Fa.  Pt 
criian.  (..jliiilei!  i.tit  a  ini.iie  ul  iisrc  al  once  lertilit 
.11.1  eiln-tii  I  .hy  wliihiver.v  sufleri  r,  no  Diattei  w  !n>\ 
his  eiinili'i.iii  n.ay  be,  may  <  nre  liiinrell  thiup  y.  prt 
eateiy,  ai.ii  ravl'eaiiv.  °t  yi»  lecture  vviil  prove  a  boi>ii  tu 
]  hixi-al.'lis  aii'i  thv'Vs.ini!^ 

Sent  iln.l«T  k-jiI.  Hi  u  ykiln  <>nvi'l.>p»,  to  any  ad<lrf^ 
III  lie.  I.  I  I  f  nl\  ieii»«,  or  IWo  pi.f.l»»,e  ttcliipa,  I  y  ti- 
re.-»ins;  the  pn  il  iiliei>. 

AIM,.  Ui.  CtLVKKVKLL'S  ••Jlarilaee  Calda."  yrt** 
;5  cents. 

Aililr.i-  the  I'uhlN' "n, 

CIIA-.  J.  C.   KT.fXB  A  C»- 

If-  •"■  "  '■•         w  ^  ■  I  .  1 .  I .  '■ .  ■  I'l  «5?^ 


VadabT  Ar«i^t«,    n;a!«  ftnd  (crr-atf,   !n   Mllinr  br  rab«rriptioo« 


eotUitiiDC  10,WA>  pravli"*!  teuni'U  i-fitamisf  Ir.  i'\*;r  »#t*iiIt  *1*»- 
tlnrt  liIl^lM:t•,  fttid  lti«  niv%i  {'('JuUr  auct  \ititiAtl«  work  of  th« 
lin4  pcCluUtdi  k1k>,  tor  GOLDEN  PEN.  toptrrcdlnc  *i> 
•itert,  wb«rfl  iutr&duccJ.  Icr  <  i^k'^rs  and  umpU  of  p^ni  to- 
ctoM  two  •  uui  «Ur«i*.  M.  V.  B.  COWIm,  Lafayai^ 

S 10. PER  DAY. 


M.  SIILIEE  k   iiivU. 
Ft  O  H  I T  E!  O  T*  i^^ 

;  oa   Eifih    .^tieet.  S.or.h    of  Javl.s  " 
(iin    ihe   llil.) 

ST.   PAri.    KINIIESOT. 

.  i)k- 


riana  •p«r"'.^ii»I-H»  Aii-l  ".V;  t»  jf  trvi!Tr»i,.a.  9cho<l 
n.n«»V  V'-t'-r  Int'ln-r  a-'  "ui  Ot  evf-^-  .f.- 
^-Tl;-loa,  -.  repare*  oa  t<  -f  «<^t»»  f>»^n 



la  from  10  to  li:toor». 

Wlierxton's  Oirtttnent    cure.-*     Thi«  Ttcb. 
W'l-.oalon's  Ointment     cure.'i     Salt  Rherin. 
'A'iieat.)n's  Ointment     cur.^i     Tetter. 
Vv'heatoa's  Ointment     cure.i     Barh'^rs'  Itcb. 
V.'hc.tlon's  Ointment     cnn-s     Old  Sorca. 
WLealou'i  Ointment     enrr.^     Every  kivA 
of  Humur  like  Uag'c. 

Pr1c».  M  c.-nt^  a  hix  ;  by  ir.ul'.  ti  eo'».  A*.'f9M 
WKKK8  1  Pi»':'THR.  No.  iro  NVi.ti  r.itcn  Mttt*'.. 
jjoi'.'^o  Mia«.    a^  Kor  »»Ic  by  ..II  Tini  :r'3i«, 

ijw.  t«   ,  »    •   1/.-,  -»!'    iiC-Ut !  ;  r. 


•WC  fr^  nhJ*r»Iim...(.  CommUslonrri  of  the  FataU 
rf  !•  .I"  b" '■  'f-  "  ■  ••  >■'  <^'  l^«.  <  '^•"'l'"'  *»«»  •'y*"'- 
*'K'owOre;^'^rrn;.\1e^'   c  =  »«n.  that   we  wtll 

r.;we  P  M^itrVe  C«-:rt  H'^n.'-.  I-  Shakopce.  at  Ihi. 
«mri.  o*' Clera  of  the  OiVn.t  Cmrt  of  the  ■  •. 
?"  t'  %T  "'  rurp-.>e  of  e.x  unlfil.w  «:.U  all-iwlng  th- 
ri.,lmVpre««^.'l  acaM-t  the  .,t  vl- of  the  aaW  Ucctaa- 

ui::kma.n  i«Arvnxr.F.n. 

CSiiik  is  •■-'•rs. 









ijihj  #1^— pi^w>—i^«^»#>B 



V  . 


©lie  fM«pw§«9«!5, 

By    HEXKY     H  T  N'  I  >  ^ 

SHAKOPEE,  OCT.  31,  1867. 

Pamocratic  State  Ticket. 

For  Governor, 
C.  E.  FLANDRAU,  of  Hennepm. 

For  Lieutenant  Governor, 

^  K.  MAYNARD,  of  Le  Sueur. 

For  Attorney  General, 

A..  G.  CHATFIELD,  of  ScotL 

For    Secretary   of  State, 

iiMOS^COGGSWELL,  of  Steele. 

For  Treasurer. 

JOHN  FRIEDRICHS,  of  Goodhue. 


Vol.  6. 

SIIAKOPEE,  MINNESOTA,  THURSDAV,  ()CT()lii:.R  3i.  I.s(i7. 

No.  4 1. 

Erie    Railway! 

f  fti  m  ntrf^'^'f' fT  I 

3oott  County  Democratic  Ticket. 

Ref^ister  of  Deeds, 
Judge  of  Probate, 
L.  R.    HAWKINS. 
County    Surveyor, 
H.  H.  STRUXK. 
'C»fmty  Commissioner ^-ith  District, 

County  Commissioner — bth  District, 

Democratic  Meeting. 

•On  Monday  evening  last  a  large  meeting 
assembled  at  Beiv.  Eiulreh's  Hall,  to  hear 
Hon.  Aures  Oggswell.  Tkc  hall  was  crowd- 
ed and  Mr.  Coggswell  spoke  over  two  hours. 
His  speech  was  coiifiued  to  the  living  issues 
of  the  present  time.  Tbe  railroad  bond 
swindle,  the  negro  amcudmcat  to  the  Con- 
glitution,  and  the  bank  amendment  were  all 
considered  br  the  speaker,  and  handled  with 
a  master's  skill.  He  then  took  up  natioual 
taxation  matters.  The  rich  man's  high 
««riff  and  the  poor  man's  tax-,  tli«  lich 
tnan'a  bonds  and  the  ioot  man's  coflF«.'e,  re- 
ceived his  attention,  aud  the  fraudulent  log 
islation  concerning  them  was  condemned, 
juid  remedies  proposed  and  exj)laiiie«i.  Mr. 
Cloggswell's  speech  was  listened  to  by  Dem- 
ocr.its  and  Republicans  aud  created  a  mark- 
ed impression.  It  was  a  telling  speech,  and 
we  wish  it  could  have  been  listened  to  by 
<very  man  in  the  State. 

On  Saturday  evening  another  large  meet- 
ing aasembled  «1  the  same  place  to  listen  to 
Mr,  Co.x,  of  St.  Peter.  His  addrtss  was  an 
able  and  «k>quent  appeal  to  the  history  of 
ihc  country  for  the  proof  of  the  loyalty  of 
the  Democratic  party.  I 

•m     ^     ^ 

Early  last   spring  a  pauper   named  Peter 
Bush  was  discharged    from    the    poor  house 
«B  able  ♦a    support   himself.     He    is  a  very 
cross    and    disagreeable    person,   and   very 
«lirty  in  his  habits.     He    is  able  to  do  about 
half  a  man's  work,   but  is   so   disagreeable 
that  most   persons  will  not  have  him  about. 
iJut  this  is  not  a  good  reason  why  the  coun- 
ty should  support    him.     He  Lad  been  away 
from  the  poor  house  about  two  months,  but 
the  day  after  Mr.   Hinds  left  the  county  one 
cf  the  C-ommissioners  sends  this  same  Peter 
Hush  back  to  the  poor   house.     He  had  tak- 
en   him  to   his  own    house  and  kept   him  a 
week  before  he  sent  him  in,  and  charges  the 
<ouuty  $3.50,  and    gets  it.     He  hires  a  con- 
veyance to  take  this  able-bodied  pauper  from 
Credit  River  back   to   the    poor    house,  and 
the  county  pays    $5.00    for  it.     He   cliarges 
Ihe-connty  $9-00  for  three  visits  to  a  pauper 
»nd  gets  it.     In  a  sorry  condition  would  tke 
county  be  if  all    the    Commissioners    were 
I'.ke  unto  hiiu, 

Under  this  Commissioner's  direction,  this 
I'c-ter  Bush  has  remained  at  the  poor  house 
all  summer.  In  Mr  Hinds'  absence,  J.  L. 
MeDoaa^d,  our  wise  county  attorney,  writes 
to  ibe  deputy  poor  master  that  he  h.ns  no 
riglit  to  require  paupers  to  work.  So  this 
Peter  Bush  remained  at  the  poor  house  all 
•uramer  in  utter  idleness,  but  as  soon  as  Mr. 
Hinds  returned  home,  he  was  sot  at  work 
tor  wages.  Artd  although  he  is  to  have  what 
ho  earns,  it  is  to  be  us«d  in  clothing  himself 
for  the  winter.  If  his  time  had  becti  im- 
proved during  the  summer,  he  might  have 
^.arned  enough  to  support  himself  during 
l«e  winter.  The  course  adopted  by  these 
men  *w5  by  lb«  Great  Political  Trader,  has 
been  productive  of  idleness  on  the  part  of 
paupers,  and  needless  expense  to  the  county. 


DEMOCR.WS  !    Do   you   wish   to  have 
Scott  County  represented  in  the  Legislature 
by  a    knownothing?     If  not,  you    will    not 
wish    to    defeat    William    Henry.      .ludge 
Henry  has  held  a  responsible   otfice  for  two 
years,   and   has   been   true    to   his   ofiiciul 
duties.     He    has  always   been  true   to   his 
party   and    deserves  the  support    of   even 
those  who   desired   the  nomination  of  other 
men.     LOOK    OUT    FOR  SPLIT  TICK- 
ETS.    We  understand    bogus    Democratic 
tickets  have     been    printed     with    R.    M. 
Wright's  name  in  place  of  William  Henry's. 
We    are  told    that   split  tickets  have    been 
distributed  in  New  Market  and  other  towns. 
Look  out  for  them.     There  is  no   doubt  but 
Judge    Henry  will  make  an  able  and    faith- 
ful Representative,  and  he  is  entitled  to  the 

full  support  of  the  party. 

^. .«.  ..^ 

County  Trsa.surer. 

Tax  Paters^  do  you  wish  an  honest  and 
capable  man  to  collect  and  keep  the  public 
moneys  ?  Do  you  wi:;'.i  a  man  whom  you 
have  trusted,  who  has  always  been  true  to 
your  interest,  whom  you  have  tried  and 
know  will  account  fur  every  dollar  of  your 
money?  Then  go  and  vote  for  John  Kdort 
for  County  Treasurer. 

Judge  cI  Probate. 

Hon.  L.  R-  Hawkins  is  the  nominee  for 
Judge  of  Probate.  Mr.  Hawkins  is  an  old 
and  well  known  citizen.  He  is  a  gentleman 
of  learning,  a  good  companion,  liberal  in 
his  opinions,  and  jrossesses  fine  social  quali- 
ties. He  is  the  only  person  on  the  ticket 
from  the  southeastern  part  of  the  county. — 
There  is  no  opposition  to  him^  and  of  course 
his  election  is  certain. 

UNITED      STATES      BRASS     AND      CLO    iv 


OU  .l[*-V:-,Y,'  CliiJ  vv.v>   Ul:.1NLsS  ilUUoLS. 

Maiinraclurrm  of  mul  Dealf-rx  ir 


-  r-c-   ■ 


Bi  ULAi'S.  UtniL  .V  Ci.XW  IJAti.s, 

rAL^8:M     rJLOSSi    ^.ic:iis>, 

WAJ'MAM'Ht.ninl  J'r    iil  ti«or.l..T. 

CROCKRS  I\1PLR  BAGS.  „ll  sizes. 

lc'6   ;outli  Water  St.  Chicago. 

alTiiEToREST  &'ca 


As  an  instance  of  Western  energy  in  a 
new  direction,  we  would  call  nttontion  to 
the   above    Company.     Within  the  last  year 

paid  them  enriches  and  bu!lus  up   the  west. 

Thij  new   Comn-iny   makes  fr  im  Western 

materials    immense    quantities   of    German 

Register  of  Deeds- 

Frank  McGrade  is  the  Democratic  candi- 
date for  Register  ot  Deeds,  and  wo  believe 
there  is  no  independent  candidate.  The 
oflice  is  a  very  important  one  and  we  arc 
glad  it  is  to  be  filled  by  a  worthy  gentleman 
and  a  faithful  ofScer. 


they  erected,  on  the  then  unbroken  I  silver  and  sluet  brass  (the  only  goods  of  the 
prairie,  four  miles  Vt'cst  of  Chicago,  a  kind  manufactured  west  of  Conn  ctiiul), 
iiourishiiig  and  tasteful  New  England  vil-  and  fifty  lU-oigi.s  i.l  cloc...  i  .  ai  i  !'  lly  tiiii.ili- 
Ingc  of  fifty  houses,  a  mairnificcnt  factory,  [  ed,  many  of  tiivm  new,  and  e^peclnlIy 
emi)loying  150  hands,  turning  out  1000  suiti-d  to  the  V.'cate:':!  nistrkpt.  Tin  ir  n-gu- 
clocks  per  week.  The  Company,  like  Gen"-  lulor^:,  a.j  will  «>>  coitiiium  .  Ii^k.-^,  are  [  lo- 
eral  Grant,  one  of  its  stock-hoiders,  have  nounctii  by  jt  wcK-r.-^  and  railitmd  men  to  bo 
thought  it  best  to  fight  cut  the  succes.-s  of  more  reliable  liuK'-keein'rs  tliau  any  in  the 
Western     manufacturers    against     Eastern    market. 

wealth  and  monopoly  "on  this  line."  There  is  no  reason    why  they    should    be 

The  great  Northwest  cannot  always  send  ,  otherwiHC.    as  all  thvir    ma'jhinery     \.i    nc\f 

her  rich  product.s  a  thousand  uiiles  and  piiy    and  of  the  most  approved  desi.rns.     It  don't 

tribute    to   the  East  on  her    manutaclured    do  clocks  any   good  to   be  t\  inbled  about  a 


Patented  riay  20tli,  1C37. 
No.   4G    Lake    Street,    Chicago. 

C.  B.  BROVi^N  &  CO 

MlM-'rCTlT.nRK   1  F 



Jacob  Thomas  is  the  candidate  for  Sheriff. 
He  has  already  served  for  two  years  to  the 
entire  satisfaction  of  all-  There  is  no  op- 
position to  his  re-election. 

The  election  takes  place  on  ue.'ct  Tues- 

-m  .-♦■  .fc. 

W^K  learn  from  a  Little  Rock  paper,  that 
James  Hinds  has  received  the  unanimous 
nomination  to  represent  the  Little  Rock 
District  in  the  Constitutional  Convention  ol 
Arkansas.  We  also  learn  that  he  is  a  can 
didate  for  United  States  Senator  from  that 
State.  Now,  Jim,  your  mother  u.sed  to 
Ihink  you  were  a  pretty  good  boy,  and  she 
will  be  sorry  to  h-aru  that  you  seek  to  get 
into  bad  company. 


goo.  IS. 

Ilitlierto  the  Eastern  States  have  grown 
rich  in  receiving  our  products  at  low  rales 
and  sending  us  high  priced  fabric«  therefjr. 
Every  man,  woman  aud  child  of  Connecti- 
cut has  earned  i)1.50  to  50  cents  of  this 
same  poi)ulation  in  Illinois,  and  so  it  must 
be  till  the  West  manufactures  her  own  goods, 
and  enterprises  like  this  which  takes  our 
rav;  material  (much  cheaper  here  than  cast) 

thousaiid  mile.s  up  the  Hud.;on  river,  over 
t!ic  Erie  cau'il  aad  -around  ths  laki-.-i,  as 
most  of  the  clocks  brought  to  Chiengo  are 
—ant!  we  would  racoinmcnd  any  housekeer- 
er  wishing  a  cheap  and  reliable  and  piclLy 
clock  to  c:'.!l  for  cue  of  the  United  States 
Clock  Cuujpany's  of  Chicago ;  and  every 
jeseler  who  would  consult  tiio  interest  of 
his  ptitrons,  and  has  the  welfare  cf  the 
Weil  at  heart,  to  scud  to  their  General 
and  produces  a  line  of  goods  which  find  |  Wholesale  Agcnls,  Giles  Bro.  t  Co.  the 
thfir  principal  market  in  tba  west  should  !  well  known  jeweler*  of  Chicago,  for  a  cata- 
receivo  our     lirarty     support.     Tl."     iiuiiiey    logue. 

irilc's  Patent  Tolster  Plates,  &c.,  &c., 
£6  Ij  a  k  e        t  r  e  e  t , 

F 11 .  i  Jiqji  CO., 

P.  Geyermano, 




Boots  &  Shoes, 

Hats  &  Caps. 

Dress  Goods, 



skS  h?^  xt;  c^:3  rri3  ess  ^ 



asoimeres  &  Vestings, 

JIT    ir  HOLES  ALE, 

C.  Ralvelage, 

Sh  akojjee,      Minn. , 


er  in 

3A  &  C3 

il&ke  Street,  Chica/ro. 

Hemember  that  the  Democratic  nominees, 
l)d»-h  oa   the  State  and   County   tickets,  are 
honest,   upright  and  highly  competent  mea 
•i — men  who  have   been  your    neighbors  for 
years — men   whose  ability  and  moral   char- 
acters cannot  be  questioned,  and  who  stand 
pledged    to  a  faithful  performance  of  their 
duties    if  elected-     That   every  man  elected 
(to  oflicc,   especially   for  the  first  tjnje,  wjU 
take  Ofitjo  in  serving  the  people  well,  in  or- 
der that  they   shall  receive  their  endorse- 
ment of  "well  done  good  and   faithful  ser- 

Remv.-nbcr,  that  the  republican  officer* 
now  caudidafcs  for  re-election,  have  long 
disregarded  the  interests  of  the  people,  and 
turned    their    whole    attention     to    putting 

tnouej  ia  their  own  pockets. 


"FosTtR  iJapTUEE.'' — Hov  easy  some 
people  full  into  mistakes.  Some  people 
eNndentlv  think  ft  foster  brother  is  a  bloqd 
relation,  but  such  is  not  the  fact.  Web? 
eter  says  a  foster  brother  is  "a  male  nursed 
lit  th«  saine  or  fed  by  the  same  nurse, 
but  not  the  offspring  oj  the  same  parents." 
A  little  better  familiarity  with  Webster's 
Dictionary  might  prevent  some  people 
from  making  awkward  blunders. 

Last  winter  our  Legislature  seem  to  have 
spent  their  time  in  devising  means  to  bene- 
fit the  rich  at  the  expense  of  the  poor. — 
They  got  up  a  Constitutior.jvl  amendment 
for  a  vnijorin  taxation  of  the  stock  ii: 
Banks.  County  and  town  taxes  vary  in 
amount  in  different  counties  and  town.s. — 
In  some  counties  they  are  high,  in  other 
lower.  There  is  no  uuituruiity  in  the  rate 
of  county  and  town  taxes  in  the  difierent 
counties.  Each  county  determines  for 
itself  what  rale  of  couuty  taxes  they  will 

As  no  tax  can  be  uniform  throughout  the 
State  except  a  State  tax,  it  will  bo  seen 
that  that  tricky  Ix-gislature  (inclmling  our 
Senator)  intended  to  exempt  Bank  stock 
from  all  county  and  town  taxes.  The  peo- 
ple, therefore,  should  vote  NO  upon  that 
amendment.  But  that  tricky  Legislature, 
fearing  that  the  trick  would  be  discovered 
before  election,  undertake  to  defeat  the  will 
of  the  people  by  providing  that  the  ballots 
on  this  Bank  amendment  shall  be  separate 
from  the  rest  of  the  ticket.  Of  course  a 
separate  ballot  box  must  be  provided  in 
which  to  deposit  this  Bank  ticket.  Such 
trickery  in  legislation  does  not  look  well, 
but  the  people  must  furnish  a  remedy  by 
sending  better  and  smarter  men  to  the 

John  Faith- 

This  gentleman,  who  was  formerly  the 
editor  and  proprietjr  of  the  rihak<<pee  Akgv.-. 
has  commenced  the  publication  of  a  new 
Democratic  paper  at  Chariton,  Iowa.  -Mr. 
Faith  while  here  proved  himself  a  fine  busi- 
ness man,  and  the  AkgCt  prospered  in  his 
hands.  He  ahvays  stood  as  a  Faithful 
sentinel  at  his  in  the  Democratic 
camp,  and  v.o  think  the  Democrats  of 
Charitun  arc  fortunate  i.i  having  their  new 
enterprize  uuder  the  charge  of  a  gentleman 
and  scholar.  We  wish  Mr.  Faith  an 
abundant  success  at  his  now  post. 

St.  Paul  rione3r. 

This  excellent  paper  has  come  out  in  an 
entire  new  dress.  The  Pioneer  is  the  oldest 
paper  published  in  the  Slate,  and  it  has 
long  l)eeii  the  best.     Its  publishers  say  : 

"  We  have  before  said  tfiat  the  Pioxkkr 
is  appropriately  named.  It  was  the 
newspaper  jtublished  in  the  State.  The 
D.vM.Y  I'lONtKii  was  the  first  ilaily  newspa- 
per in  the  State.  The  first  power  press  was 
brought  to  the  State,  the  tir.«t  iipp'.ieation  of 
steam  to  printing  inaehinciy  was  made,  and 
the  first  book  bindery  was  e-tabli.ihed  in 
.Minnesota,  by  the  proprietors  of  the  PioXKKit. 
.Viid  more  active  enterprise  than  has  marked 
its  past,  will  mark  its  future,  history.  It 
will  exeiiiplily  the  raplil  progress  of  all  our 
material  iuten^st^  and  be  to  iiistant  readers, 
•'a  mail  of  our  iiusy  life,"'  an  iiidieation  oi' 
the  growth  and  prosperity  of  our  young 

Garibaldi.  Ibe  first  look  place  at  .Monte 
llotonde  and  the  seeond  was  fought  turther 
soulli.  at  ToiTeie,  lioi'ti  of  wliieh  wurj  de.^- 
peratc.  The  invai'ers  were  victorious,  and 
(J  ribald',  has  uoa-  arrived  before  Rome  witii 
1(),01J.»  men  under  him.  The  young  men  ol 
lialy  are  svar  niii;.'  on  the  iVmtiera 
lo  jdin  Garii>alili.  Taere  is  a  rep.)rt  that 
Garibaldi  received  a  check  at  .Mollis  Koton- 
du  from  the  Papal  troops,  who  wero  su  fdeii- 
Iv  reinibrcei.!. 


ToiLoX,  Oct.  27. — Orlers  were  i.s.uel' 
for  every  man  of  the  force  iateiidcl  i'-.' 
liOiuc  to  einb;ir!;  at  <  nce  Ten  tiiouirii..: 
men  have  a.rived  liom  .Airica.  The  nor. ii- 
ern  fleet  is  expeetel.  There  ij  great  activ- 
ity in  town.  I'lie  first  floet  is  waiting  out- 
side the  harbo;-  for  the  second,  wliicU! 
Ij.  ve  to-iiiglit. 


A  royal  proel.iai,itio;i  is  issui-d,  sijaed  by 
K.iiig  Victor  i'.uiannel,  cleiioui  cin;^  Graiiial- 
di.  and  declaring    tliat  the  policy  of  FraiicL- 

J*.  B^t&si:  &  Co.; 

Maiiuraiturers  of 


IiiiportPrs  of  all  klri'Is  of 


A.\l>    .---i  KINGS. 

\lso    A>:ents  for  K.WIBE  4-  COS,  and 

other  first-class  Pianos. 

:.y   Washington  Street,  Chicago, 

«       And   G.")0  Broiidtcay,  J\'eio   York. 


Boot. -3    &6Iioes, 


Hats  cO  Caps, 

—  AND— 

inery      Goods. 

The  Broad    Gauge  —  Double  Track 
Boute  to 

Nevfr  7ork,    Boston^ 

And  New  England  Cities. 


Dunkirk  to  New  York  460  Mile», 
Buffalo  to  New  York  423  Miles, 
Salamanca  to;New  York  415  Miles. 

AXD  n  ntox 
^I3ff-  22   to   27  Miles  the  Shortest  Rout*. 

All  Trains  run    directly  ttirough  to  Otfw  T«rk, 

i^-  460    MILES   without  cbau^t  •/ 



From  ntid  aftor  A'lgast  !6th,  l«6r.  Train*  will  Ua*«te 
connection  with  all  Wesiera  line*,  as  followa  : 

From    Dunkirk    and     Salamanca  — 

Dy  New  York  time  from  Union  Depot«« 
730  AM.  Express  Mail,  from  Dunkirk, 

(SuiiOiiys  (xcfiaoj).    t^  Salamanca  10  00  4. 
M..  ami    coiiiifcts.  at    HornellsvUle  and    C<irnln« 
with   tlu-  8  Of)    A.M.  Exuross  Mall  from  Blffki* 
iiii'l  arrives  In  New  York  at  7.W  A.  M. 

2.35  P.  M.    Lightning   Express,   from 

Salamancii,  (i^uutlays  t-xieptoii.)  Stops  at  Hor- 
nelUvilk-  5.  ^il'  M.,  (Sup. J  Intersecting  wlih  lk« 
2  V>  I'.  -M  tr.iin  fioni  Buffalo,  and  arrivea  lu  Htm 
\'jrk  at  T.CK)  A.  M. 

p  m.  New  York  Night  Express, 

.\u     Im-ikirk,    ff-iindays     btopa    at 

35  1'.   M.,    (.Nip.)  ; 

n  Saw 

415  p 

lu  I 

i^alaiiitma   0  5 j    J'.  M.;  (Heun 

tunnr's   9..'>e  A.  M.  (Hkft.),  an'J   arriTaa  1 

^nik  at   12oU  1'.  M.,    coi:n*<tlnK    with  Aa«inou« 

Trians  aaiX  Steamers  fur  Bustou  aud  New  JCiiclaMd 

Ci'.ics.  ^^ 

C:^0  P.  M  Cincinnati  Kxprcss,  from  Duo- 
kirk.  (?cn<lay'6  eicppttd).  ft.]."  at  .^alainana* 
ll.i-i  l>.ni., and  connects  at  IIorntll8Tin«  wlib  tb» 
U.l'O  p.  ni.  Tralu  fiom  liuffa!o,  arrlviiig  Id  j|««. 
iork  C.25  p.  m.  m  -r 

From    Buffalo— By  New  Yorlc  time  fr»i 

Depot  cor.  Ixcliange  and  MIolilKun  Slr«»ts  : 


York   10..30  P.  M.    Connects   at  Great    Bend  wlUk 
Del.twaro,   Lackawanna   &   Utstrrn  lUllroad,  an« 

ut  .Icrscy  City  with  Midiiglit  l.xpress  TraL  «t 
Ntw  .Icrspy  llaUroud  fur  I'hlladelpliU.  Balt^Morw 
and  >\ a^hlnt'ton. 

8.00  a-   m.   Express  Mail,  via   A»o« 

and  Horiiellsvl!l,>  (  Siiiidavs  excepted*.  ArrlToa 
In  New  York  at  7  (Xi  A.  M .  Connecmat  Einilr*. 
with  .N'orthtrn  d-ntral  lUilwav  for  Harrisboft. 
riiiladflidiia,  Baltimor*.  WasLiuguin  anu  uwliit* 

2  20    p  m.  Lightning   Express,   (Sub. 

days  exciptfil).  Step;;  at  H'lnielisville  J.JJ  p.  |(. 
(f'up.).  aii.l  arilvesin  New  York  7.(0  A  M.  Co»- 
liCclsat  Jersey  City  with  Morning  kxpresp  Tral* 
Ol  Nvw  Jersey  Railroad  lor  Baltimore  and  Wa»h- 
IntrtDn.and  at  New  Y'ork  with  Morning  Expres* 
Trail!  lorUos'iOn  and  New  Eauland  Cities. 

G  10  p.  m.  New  York  Night  Express, 

D.\ILY.  Stops  at  Portages  S5  r.  M.  (Sop.)  Iiitar- 
Bcctii^i:  at  lliirnellsvlllo  with  the  4.1f>  I'.M  lYalK 
from     Dunkirk,     aad   arrives    in    New    Vcrk  M 

1120  p.  m.  Cincinnati  Express,   (Son- 
days  excepted.)   ftopji  at  SuK<iueiianna  7.30  A.  U.. 

(Bkft.)  ;  Turner'.s  1. 10  1'.  M..  (Dine.)  and  arrlTai  im 
Niw  iork  «t  3.25  I'.  M.  Connects  at  Elinlrawlifc 
Norihorn  Central  Hallway  for  llarrlsburi:,  I'hlla- 
delphla,  Baltimore.  Waslilnpton  and  points  Pouth, 
at  lireat  Bend  with  Delaware,  l.ackawanna  aai 
Western  Uailroad  for  t^cranton,  Trenton  a»A 
l|hiUele!plila.  and  at  New  York  with  Atlerouas 
Tr  iliiii  and  Steaiuers  for  Boston  and  New  KtiilaM 

Only  One  Train  Sa«t  on  Ftindar,  l^a^lnr    Ruffala^A 
C  10  r.  M.,  and  reaching  New  York  at  :;/J«lV*L 

Boston  and  Xew  E.vcLANn  Pame>.«m«, 
with  tiifir  Bapjrage,  are  trausfcrrcd  fits  •/ 
charge  in  New  York. 

«v-To  pleasure  traTelcrs  thelln*  ofthaUrla  taS- 
way  presents  uiany  objects  cf  Interest,  passing  tbiea(% 
the  beautiful  valleys  of  the  Cheniune,  fu^uehaiaa.  and  Raniapo  rivers,  au  ever  changing  | 
raina  of  uature't  beauties  coiniuauds  attentloB. 

TuK  BEST  Ye.ntilatkd  a.\d  Mo.<^t  LcxtniT- 
nL.-5  S-'j,Ki.i  j.m;  coa<  hks  ^/tsr  lif  IHB 
WORLD  •""(Sa  accompany  all  night  traiia 
on  this  railway. 

A  large  mJ   well  selected  assort- 
ment «f 

D  O  O  K  S 

alwavJ  on  kand. 




.Manufaclurcr  and  Dealer  In 

neots    tlio  approval   of    tin."  ll.ilian  govern- 

in  lmiI. 



From  every  portion  of  Minnesota,  and 
from  every  Town  in  Fillmore  county  in  par- 
ticular, we  have  the  glad  tidings  of  a  Dem- 
cratic  revival.  There  is  not  a  break  in  the 
column  in  any  part  of  the  State.  Every, 
where  tho  frreatcst  confidence  and  enthusi- 
asm prevails.  Hundreds,  yea  thousands 
who  have  heretofore  oppo.sed  the  Democra- 
cv,  declare  their  intentions  to  vote  for 
C'uAULKs  E.    Flaxduav,    the  bravo  soldier. 

—Winona,  according  to  a  recent  school 
census,  has  a  population  ot  G,Ol)l). 

—  In  the  case  of  Iloyt,  tried  ai  Faribault 
for  tiie  murder  of  Josiua  E.  Siaulorl,  the 
jury  brought  in  a  vtrdict  of  niurd«r  in  the 
tirst  degree.  lie  has  been  scntoaccd  to  be 
hung  in  January. 

— A    good    name  will    wear    out ;  a    bad 
n'\me  may  be  turned;  but  a  nickuame  wtll  i  iiiierestin"  su' ' 
xast  lorever- 

— No  man  is  ever  indifferent  to  the  world's 
good  opinion  until  he  has  lost  all  claim  to 

— In  Mi-isissippi,  since  1850,  the  white 
population  has  decreased  al)out  10,000,  aad 
the  colored  people  nearly  t)(5,000. 

— The  otlicial  vote  of  Ohio  at  the  recent 
election  is  jmblished.  The  total  vote  for 
govern.jr  is  484,227,  the  largest  vote,  by 
about  14,000,  ever  polled  in  the.  state. 

Orn  YouNu  FoMv.^. —  I'hi.s  popuhir  .M:i 
a/.inc  for  iJoy.s  an  '  lilrls  prcsfiits  a  very 
aitraelive  table  of  coiitL-nt.s  tor  .NOvt-mbfr. 
Doctor  Hayes  furnis^lu'S  an  e.vciiing  now 
chapter  of  "Cast  Away  in  the  Cold  ;"  Mrs 
Diaz  gives  two  more  cipit  il  "l.eller.s  Ironi 
\\  iUiain  Henry  to  his  Uraixlmoiher  ;"  Gail 
Hamilton  writes  of  "Jamie  Again."  These 
and  other  e.vcellent  stories  and  poenn,  all 
profu-sely  illustrated,  make  this  number  oi 
"Our  Young  Folks"  one  of  the  best  ever 

The  publishers  present  an  important  ar- 
ray of  ailractions  to  readers  of  "e>ur  Young 
Folk.s"  foi  18i)rf.  Charlos  Dickons  has 
wrilicn  e.\pres»Iy  for  this  Magazine  "A 
lioliiiay  Uoinam  <■,"'  which  will  uppcar  in 
early  numbers,  wiih  illustrations  liy  .the 
gnateat  of  English  desiginTS,  John  Oilbert. 
The  Author  «/f  ".John  Ilalift.'^''  will  con- 
uibuie  ^evi•l•al  arlieles  in  j»rose  and  verse. 
Dr.  iiiijes  wi  I  liuish  his  c:ipital  story, 
"  Away  in  the  Cold."  Mrs.  8towe  vriil 
continue  to  write  sketches  lik.;  those  which 
have  made  her  so  with  the  readers 
of  'Our  Young  Folks."  -Mr.  J.  11.  A.  Doi'C 
will    furnish  si.\  historical    ailielos    on  ver- 

.,vU,  wnica  will  be  iilusiraled  | 
wiiii  hi.storical  accuracy.  The  Author  oil 
"I'he  ^^eveii  Little  "isters,'  one  of  the  moji 
ehurmiug  of  children's  books,  will  teil 
"Dame  -Nature's  tjtories,"  explaining  many 
curious  facts  of  aiii  and  vegetable  lite. 
And  hosts  of  other  good  writers  will  help 
make  "Our  Young  Folks''  constantly  at- 
tractive and  useful.  As  the  publishers  say : 
"it  will  be  seen  that  "Our  Young  Folks'' 
tor  1   (i8  ,has   sotnetbing    for  its    patrons  in 

No.  9i  Washington  Street, 
C  H  I  C  A  O  O . 


JJsSr  Cash   jiaid  fir  all  kinds  of 
Country  Produce.  "^Jfl 

CHIlllES  IJilllJKi, 



And   J  are   aluays   as    lois   ts   hy   mn§ 
other   Route. 

1|^==»  Ask  for  Tickets  via  Eri« 

Which  can  be  obtained  at  all  Principal  Tlckal  OCms  !• 

the  West  and  South-West. 
U.  UIDDLE,  WM.  U.  BAKR.. 

Gen'l  Sup"t.  Ge»'l  Paas.  As**-. 


._>  ik^^ 



Prepared  Dye   Colors, 


!Sf>r.l-;  AOKNTS, 

DiKTZsrn,  Bi.ocki  &  Co.  Wholesale  Druegists 

39  Nortti   (.'lark  and   ir>3  k  l(U  KInzle  Sts. 


S.  D  Jackson  &  Co . 


Dry  Goods, 

Boots  (&  Shoes, 

Hats  and  Caps, 
Crockery,  c&c 

The  report  of   the  Uaprist  convention  re- 
cently   held  in    Minneapolis,  states   that  the 

,,.,  ,1  111,  VI.LlllJ'       ucita    111       *»xiii  ii^»i/vi»o,    ai(.v..o      hiiui.    Lilt 

tjieable  bNvyer,  the  accomplished  ^C'lolar,  ^  ,f^^^  ^^^.^  j^  Min'esota  130  churches 
the  upright  Judge,  and  the  nonest  man  for  ;  ^,/^  ^  „,ember..hip  of  :i,64U;  of  337 
Governor.     Ve    spaak    our    cind.d    sent,- j  ^^^^    baptised  the  pa.t  year.     An  increase 

ments  when  we  say  that  we  honestly  be- 
lieve, Minnesota  is  preparing  to  place 
herself  along  side  of  the  gallant  States  of 
Fennsylyania,  Ohio,  Indiana,  California, 
Connecticut  and  Kentucky,  who  have  so 
recently  hurled  Hadicalism  from  jjower. 
Democrats,  be  vigilent  in  your  eft'orts  to 
insure  so  glorious  a  result, — [Chattield 

I)tuotRA.T«.    work: 

work  1 1     Let    everv 

Repcbuc;^k  CoMrouT.— The  Democrats, 
in  ^ht3  October  elections  made  gains  on  tha 
popu,ar  vote  of  last  year,  as  follows  : 

Pennsylvania,  20,000 



plised  the  past  year. 
for  the  year  of  11  per  cent.  They  have  y;} 
ordained  ministers,  four  of  whom  were  or- 
dained the  past  year.  They  have  22  meet- 
ing houses  completed  and  20  mor-j  in 
process  of  erection-  They  purpose  to  r^tise 
!i^2,000  the  coming  year  for  missionary  pur- 
poses in  the  state. 

From  Italy- 

JB^*  The  highest  price  paid  for 
Country  Produce,  "i^^ 

JOHN  raiEN, 


SCOTT  COUXTY,  Special  Term.  Oct.  Ifilh,  I^C.-In 
the  mutter  of  till-  Kftatcof  John  O'Aetllo,  late  ul  •lio 
County  OI  frcott.  deceased. 

V  pon  ri  adinp  and  IIIIhk  the  ptfltlon  of  Ann  O'Xtllle, 
of  HhIU;  l'l;ilne,  .Scrtt  Couiitj'.  Minnesota,  praylirn  for 
certain  reasons  ihc-lreln  stated,  that  Letters  of  Aiiinln- 
i.'^trul  Ion  upon  the  £t>tutu  ut  the  said  deccubcd,  be  la- 
>ued  to  her. 

It  Is  ordered,  that  SATURDAY,  the  2J  day  «t  No- 
vember, A.  D.  ISC7.  at  L' o'clock  In  the  allernoon  ol  said 
day.  at  the  olllce  <.f  tli<-  .7udj;e  of  Probate  In  the  Town 
of  llelli!  I'  tlies.iid  counly  of  Scott, be  asslsned 
for  till  hearln;;  of  said  pelltioii,  and  that  the  lulrsal 
l.uw  of  salcl  (lec-eaxed,  if  any  there  be,  and  ajl  other 
persons  InteresK-il,  be  present,  to  show  cautus,  If  anr 
lii-jre  b",  why  the  prayer  of  the  pctiUouer  shouiJ  uol 
be  cranted. 

And  It  Ipfurthor  ordered,  that  notice  of  lh»  forepo- 
inc  >irder  be  j,'iven  in  the  .'^Uakopee  Ar^us,  a  weekly 
newMoiper.  printed  and  publlahril  at  Shakopee.  In 
salJ  County  of  Scott,  lor  three  succeK-lve  weekn  |'r  • 
vb.usto  said  heyrli.K.  WM.  HKMIY. 

Dnied.Oet.  If..  ifcCT.        Ii39  3t  Jodce  ot  Probate. 


SCOTT  CorXTY,  General  Term,  October  7th,  ^^n.— 
In  the  ni:iller  of  the  Kstate  of  Peier  Bone,  Iieeeaseil. 

On  reailing  and  tlllnii  the  petition  of  .M.  llcss  Dnnnm!, 
of  Shakopue.  1.1  the  comity  of  Scott,  and  Slate  "f. Min- 
nesota, praylns  for  reasonslherein  statetl  that-  I.lceusij 
to  sell  the  hiitate  of  tho  said  deceased  may  be  ls.>>ued  tv> 
lilm  the  Eaid  M.  liess  Duuand.  I;  ts  ordered,  that 
k'riday.the  8th  day  of  November,  1H"'.7,  at  lo  o'clock  In 
the  forenoon  at  the  office  of  the  .JmlKe  of  Probate  In 
the  town  of  ShaVopce.ln  said  county  bea^slgned  for 
the  hearinjf  ofsald  pelition,  and  that  the  heirs  of  law 
of  the  said  deceased,  tf  any  there  be,  and  all  other 
persons  Interested  In  the  said  estate,  are  renulred  ta 
be  pr.'sent  at  that  time  and  place  to  show  cause.  It  any 
there  be,  why  the  prayer  ofsald  pelltloo  should  not  bu 

And  l!  Is  r.irlher  ordered,  that  notlceof  the  hearing 
of  sail  petition  l>e  civen  by  pubilshluK  acopyol  ibU 
or<!tr  111  the  i^liukopee  Weekly  Argus,  a  weekly  new..- 
puier  printed  aud  puVlished  at  Sliakopee,  In  sail 
county,  for  lour  succi  s^lve  weeks  Immel lately  pre- 
ceedliiir  the  said  he«rlng.  . 

Dated.  Oct.  7lh,  lc*67.  WM.  HKNRY. 

11.19  It  JuJ^'e  of  Probate. 



52  and  54:  Wabash  Ave. 



Dealers  In 

&    CO.. 

every  juvenile  dci)arttnent  ;  Romance,  His- 
tory, Fiction,  Fact,  I'oetry,  Prose,  Fancy, 
Science,  Music,  Art,  aud  Amusement,  and  j 
it  must  coutinue  to  be,  as  it  now  is,  A 
Household  Necessity  and  Delight."'  It  is 
only  $2. 00  a  year  Clubs  get  it  at  reduced 
rales,  and  I'lemiums  are  ottered  for  now 
Subocribers.     .Send  to 

TicKxoK  k  Fields,  Boston. 




Pap.ts,  Oct.  27  — Uarib.ildi's  force  is  said 

to  be    1U,OUO  strong.     All  the  Papal  troops 

have    been  concentrated    before  Rome,  with 

40,000    orders    to   act    upon    tho    defensive.     Ti.e 

1.5.000    troops   that  sailed    from    Toulou  will   reach 

lOjOOO  I  Civiia  Vecchia  this  afternoon 

TWO  G.\RlBAI.'i|  l.V   mrTI,E.S. 

Fi.oriEN.K,    Uct.    27. —  Two    batiloi 
becM    fjught   belvvcca 


Cotton   and    Flax    Duck, 

All  widths  and  welfibt*. 


Of  every  description. 

Tents,   Awnings,   Wagon  Coykrs,   Flags, 
Thk  new  bilvcr  Tips  recently    introduced  ^ISH  Nets  and  Seines, 

by   the  American    Shoe  Tip    Company  are    Tar,  Pitch,  Okum,  Blocks,  Chains, 

decidedlv  ornamental,      A  metal  tip  adapted  !  And  every  variety  of  Ship  Chandlery  Goods, 

to   first-class    shoes   has   long  been  needed, 

Cor.  First  and  Lewis  Streets, 

Shakopee,  Minn. 



Tin  Ware,  & 

The  undernlgned  hai  opened  a  new  TroTlalon  Stor«  »■ 

Where  he  Intends  kcepluy  a  ceneral  assortmant  of 

Grocerieiii    and    ProTisiont, 

At  prlcea  as  low  as  any  In  Shakopae— «nd  M  «••• 
articles,    j^*  OjTc  lue  acall. 


P.  S— T  win  «nd«>aroT  to  keep  on  hana  »conHa«* 
supply  uf  Green  Groceries  and  Poultry. 

O.  U.». 

for  children  will   wear  holes  in   the   toes  of 

even  the   highest  cost  shoea  ia  a  few  days 

unless    protected    by  inctal   tips. — Boston 

205  &  207  South  Water  St.  Chicago. 


J,  H.  REED  &  CO., 

Wholesale  Dealers  in 

.^9?"  Repairing  neatly  and  prompt- 
ly executed. 


Merchant  Tailor, 

First  Street,  Suakopee,  Mixn. 

CoMPAu::   the   crowded    columns    of    tlie 
outside  of  the  Argus  with  the  sprawling  ad-  ] 
verlisemcnts  in  the  out<-ide  of  tho  Spectator.' 

Compare    the  l.iri»e  amount  of   chfjiee  read-  »       n  ^»  1        '*i 

iuif  matter  in    the  inside  of  the  Ar^'us  with    MaDUfSltJillT'SPS  ^aSSSiSg  (Ufi, 
the  dead    advertisements   twice  repei,i'j'i    in 


32  Lake  Street,  Chicago. 

A  new  and  splendid  Rtock  of  Clo- 
thinp.  Cloths,  and  Gents'  Furnishing 


Clothino;  made  to  order. 
Sb&Vaeee.  ifartlt  litk,  13o7. 

Billiard  Hall, 

On  First  Street,  nearly  oppo.'ite  the    Flitt 
National  Bank,  S'haLopie,  iiiun. 

TV.  L.  GRANT,  rropnctor. 

Thecholretl  Wlii^  l.l<?iiori  and   CICAfa.  Pre»h    Al«, 
Porterand    Laicer   Beer,  alwai*  to  be  U«d  at  Ihc  Usr.- 
AlBO,  Lunch  at  any  honr. 

at  the  "Montana."  and  pteaaant,  airy  apartnienla. 

mim  mMm 

—  A  X  r>  -^ 


BY   JOHN  EDEET  &  CO., 
First  SxBErT,  Suakoi»»:k,  -ATtxs 

Jngt  furni^hed  with  two  new  "Flitlan  T.'l 

■rd  Tahlea."    OyVer*.  Bardlnea,  I.ol>at«M,  Pl«*»  F(  • 
.tc  served  at  any  hour.    The  Bar  win  alwsy»  he  aa 
iMed  With  thf  cholcoH  Wines,  LI  luora  auj  Cljar*. 

•f- -■•■■":■<■  .)i"»'<. '!  f»i"*.«"|'i' 

J         i  ■  ■  I  •mm 



^.  <  1 1  1* 

CLIPFIlliOS  Ae  »R1PP1!««S. 

l*eri»oBal    aad    UterarT* 

Rkv.  Diu  Bellows  is  about  to  write  a 

lUi.rn  Emepson's  estate  i3 
worth  140,000— quite  enough  for  a  philos- 

Thom^  Wiley,  an  actor  iu  London 
plaved  at  three  theatres  lately  on  the  same 

A  MissoLKi  paper  says  General  Free- 
mont's  fortune  is  two  millions  worse  than 

The  Kin«  of  Bavaria  is  to  marry  the 
Duchese  Charlotte  sister  of  the  Austrian 

J  AT  CooBJi  is  said  to  have  made  over 
$12,000,000  profits  out  of  Government  se- 
curities during  the  war. 

Hon  Sidn-ey  Brf.ese,  ex-Senator,  and 
now  Chief  Justice  of  Illinois,  takes  a  prom- 
inent place  in  the  list  ofcandidates  tor  the 
Democratic  Presidential  nomination,  next 

George  H.  Pendleton  has  been  nam- 
ed by  the  Cmcinnati  Enquirer  as  the 
choice  of  the  Democracy  of  Ohio  and  the 
Northwest  for  next  President  of  the  Lni- 
ted  States. 

John  B.  Golgh  has  already  accepted 
one  hundred  and  sixty-eight  calls  to  lecture 
during  the  season  of  1SG7-G8,  which,  at 
|200  a  lecture  (his  customary  charge), 
will  yield  him  |33,G00. 

Amono  the  noteworthy  "printers' 
devils"  in  this  country  are  Thurlow  Weed, 
Horace  Greeley,  Simon  Cameron,  ex-Vice- 
President  Hamlin,  General  Dix,  Speaker 
Colfax,  Gideon  Wells,  Robert  Bonner  and 
Petroleum  V.  Nasby. 

Next  summer  will  probably  witness  the 
publication  of  a  work  of  immense  interest, 
the  "  Memoirs  of  Talleyrand."  On  May 
17,  the  arch-diplomatist  will  have  been 
dead  thirty  years,  and  the  prohibition 
which  he  laid  upon  the  publication  of  his 
papers  will  then  expire. 

A  statement  made  in  some  of  the  pa- 
pers that  Robert  T.  Lincoln  was  recently 
admitted  to  the  Chicago  Bar  is  a  mistake. 
Mr.  Lincoln  has  been  practicing  in  the 
local  and  State  courts  ot  Illinois  for  over  a 
year.  It  is  the  United  States  Court  m 
which  he  was  lately  admitted. 

UometfUc    Panurrapbfk. 

—The  population  of  Reading,  IV,  is 
placed  at  40,000. 

—New  York  city  has  7,000  Ihicvts  out- 
side the  City  Uall. 

—Uncle  Sam  has  I'uruishcd  1,000  arti- 
ficial legs  to  his  soldiers. 

—Baltimore  is  assessed  two  hundred 
million  dollars'  worth  on  real  estate. 

—A  bridge  o,;560  feet  long,  with  only 
three  arches,  is  to  be  built  across  the  Bos- 
ton Harbor. 

—A  Wisconsin  lady  has  a  beard  tivo 
inches  long,  while  her  husband  has  not  a 
hair  on  his  head. 

—The  New  Orleans  City  Railroad  Com- 
pany received  $1,900  in  counterfeit  nickel 
cents,  in  September. 

—The  cost  of  the  proposed  East  river 
bridge,  between  New  York  and  Brooklyn, 
is  estimated  at  $0,075,537. 

A  Lynn  manufacturer  has  sold  this 

season  30,000  pairs  of  base  ball  shoes,  with 
canvas  uppers  and  stout  soles. 

—The  New  Harlem  bridge  at  New 
York,  which  has  been  seven  years  build- 
ing, and  costs  a  million  dollars,  is  almost 

—A  monument  is  to  be  erected  in  Mount 
Auburn  cemetary  to  Dr.  Wontc^ter,  the 
distinguished  lexicographer.  It  is  to  cost 

—The  President  has  directeil  a  reserva- 
tion for  military  purposes  at  Fort  \yads- 
worth,  Dakota,  covering  one  hundred  and 
thirty-five  square  miles. 

—  The  people  of  Cincinnati  tear  a  coal 
femine  in  consequence  oftlie  low  stage  ot 
water  on  the  Ohio  river,  which  has  pre- 
vented shipments  from  the  mines. 

—The  proposed  walk  of  Edward  Payson 
Weston  from  Portland,  Me.,  to  Chicago, 
IlL,  a  distance  of  1,226  miles,  for  a  wager 
of  $10,000,  will  begin  at  noon.  October  29. 

indication  of  the  depression  of  the  great 
commercial  interests.  For  September  only 
$13,000,000  was  received  from  this  source, 
and  the  receipts  tor  the  first  half  ot  the 
current  month  are  even  more  unsatislac- 
tory,  which  would  seem  to  indicate  that 
the  stream  is  running  dry,  because  the 
fountain  is  running  low. 

-An  engagement  is  announced  between 
a  Hartford  (Ct )  gentleman  of  considerable 
^edlh  and  a  haniome  lady  of  an  adjacent 
town.  The  engagement  ring  is  the  noNHil- 
tv  in  this  instance.  It  is  made  of  solid 
nlain  eold,  in  which  i.-^  set  a  single  diamond 
of  remarkable  brilliancy  and  great  value. 
The  setting  is  said  to  be  entirely  new  in 
design,  and  the  engraving  on  the  inside 
very  beautifully  executed.  The  wording  is 
novel.    It  is  as  follows : 

'•  Prom ,  to ,  -— — -,  1867. 

Each  for  the  other  and  both  for  God. 

—We  learn  from  a  new  English  volume 
on  mining,  that  in  1SU5  the  principal  min- 
eral-producing countries  of  the  world 
yielded  559,287  pounds  of  gold,  and  4,000,- 
000  pounds  of  silver.  Of  gold,  Cahfornia 
and  the  adjoining  mineral  districts  pro- 
duced 210,000  pounds;  Australia  and  New 
Zealand,  191,000;  Russia,  69,500;  South 
America,  ^M.OOO;  Southern  Asia.  26.000 
Of  silver,  Mexico  produced  1.700,000 
pounds ;  the  United  States,  1,000,000 ;  Peru 
and  Chili,  598,000 ;  and  the  rest  Of  Europe, 
including  the  British  isle,  526,000.  Esti- 
mating the  value  of  these  metals  at  present 
market  values,  the  yield  of  gold  for  the 
vcar  was  not  far  from  $125,000,000,  and  of 
silver,  $75,000,000. 

-The  convicts  in  the  Massachusetts 
State  Prison,  at  Charlestown,  are  bringing 
in  large  returns  to  the  treasury  of  that  in- 
stitution, by  manufacturing  ornamental 
bronze  iron  work,  gas  fixtures  and  iron 
bedsteads.  As  the  Slate  receives  $1  a  day 
for  the  labor  of  the  prisoners,  it  can  easi- 
ly be  seen  that  the  contractors,  by  paymc 
much  less  than  the  regular  wages,  are  mak- 
ing money  by  the  operation.  Articles 
coming  out  of  the  shops  were  sent  to  the 
French  Exposition,  and  attracted  great  at-^ 
tention,  the  Emperor  and  the  King  of 
Prussia  giving  large  orders  for  similar 
goods.  Two  bundrtnl  and  fifty  out  of  the 
five  hundred  and  thirty  inmates  are  em- 
ployed on  this  fine  work.  The  average 
yearly  earnings  of  the  entire  number  em- 
ployed  in  the  prison  are  |371  per  man. 

Under  these  circumstances,  it  is  not  sur- 
prising that  the  expenses  of  the  institution 
are  defrayed  by  the  labor  of  the  prisoners, 
an<i  a  surplus  «»f  ?22,000  paid  to  the  State. 

hands  to  heaven,  and  say, '  Blessed  are,do  ; 
dead  that  die  in  de  Lord.' "    — "" 

—The  following  is  one  of  the  school  es- 
says, written  by  one  of  the  "youngsters" 
of  Cairo,  which  was  not  i)ubli3hed  in  the 
TiMet :  About  Dogs— Uoga  is  u.sefuller  as 
cats.  Mice  is  afeerd  of  mad  cats.  They 
bite  'em.  Dogs  follers  boys  and  catches  a 
hog  by  the  ear.  Hogs  rarely  bite.  Peo- 
ple cats  hogs  and  not  the  Jews  as  they  and 
all  other  animals  that  dosen't  chaw  the  cud 
isn't  clean  ones.  Dogs  sum  times  gits  hit 
with  bootjacks  for  barkin  of  nites.  Sleepy 
people  get  mad  and  throw  'em.  Dogs  is 
the  best  animal  for  man.  They  do  more 
fur  man  than  grownd  hogs  or  koons  or 
even  goats.    Goats  smell.    The  end. 

—An  agitatiim  has  been  going  on  for 
some  time  in  the  Dutch  Reformed  Church 
of  New  York,  in  regard  to  dropping  the 
word  "Dutch,"  as  rather  a  shade  of  t 
name  than  possessed  of  any  vital  meaning. 
At  a  late  meeting  of  the  New  York  Clas- 
sis  the  subject  came  up,  and  was  the 
occasion  of  much  discussion.  The  vote  on 
the  motion  that  thcClassis  consent  to  [the 
proposition  submitted  by  the  General  Syn- 
od for  the  charge  of  the  name  from  Re- 
formed Dutch  Church  to  Reformed  Church 
was  taken  with  the  following  result— yeas, 
IS  •  navs,  20.  The  result  of  this  vote  was 
f'oliowe'd  by  the  adoption  of  a  resolution 
that  the  General  Synod  has  no  more  right 
to  change  its  name  and  title  than  to  change 
its  doctrines  and  form  of  government. 

—In  Philadelphia,  one  pleasant  Suncay 
evening,  an  old  lady  whose  failing  eyes  de- 
manded an  unusually  large  prayer  book, 
started  for  church  a  little  early.    Stopping 
on  the  way  to  call  on  a  friend,  she  Ihi^  "«>" 
prayer  book  on  the  centre  table.    When 
the  bells  began  to  chime  sho  snatched  what 
she  supposcil  to  be  her  prayer  book  and 
started  for  church.     Her  seal  was  at  the 
chancel  end  of  the  gallery.     The  organ 
ceased  playing.    The  minister  said :  "  Ihe 
Lord  is  in  his  holy  temple,  let  all  the  earth 
keep  silence  before  him."    In  the  eflort  to 
open  her  supposed  prayer  book,  she  sti.rt- 
ed  the  spring  of  the  music  box,  which  she 
had  taken  instead.    It  began  to  play— In 
herconsteniation  she  put  it  ou  the  floor. 
It  would  not  stop— she  put  it  on  her  seat- 
it  soundt^l  louder  than  ever.    Finallv  she 
carried  it  out  while  it  played  the  "  Wash- 
ing Day,"  an  Irish  jig  tune. 

—The  homeopathic  college  of  Pennsyl- 
vania has  determined  to  open  its  doors  to 
women,  provided  a  sufficient  number  otter 
to  make  it  desirable  as  a  test  of  its  ben- 
efits. .   .     , 

—Two  men  in  Vermont  went  to  law 
about  a  sheep  worth  five  dollars.  The  one 
■who  recovered  damages  to  the  amount  ot 
$116.46  had  to  pay  lawyers'  fees  amcuntmg 
to  $250. 

An  estimate  made  of  the  value  of  the 

fruit  crop  of  California  places  the  apple  at 
about  $400,000,  the  peach  at  $300,000,  the 
plum  at  $100,000,  cherries,  apricots  and 
pears  at  $230,000,  and  grapes  at  over  $1,- 

—To  finish  two  car  axles  and  attach 
them  to  wheels  is  accounted  a  fair  day's 
work;  butWm.  Diamond,  an  employe  ot 
the  Minnesota  Central  road  at  Minneapo- 
lis, finished  and  attached  My  axles  last 

—An  alarming  disease  is  prevalent 
among  the  Shakers  at  West  Pittslield 
Mass.,  which  partakes  of  the  nature  of 
fever  and  measles.  A  dozen  members  of 
the  Church  family  have  been  prostrated 
at  once. 

—The  oflicial  report  of  General  Carlin 
shows  the  total  expenses  of  the  Freed- 
men's  Bureau  in  Tennessee,  for  the  year 
ending  Oct.  1,  to  be  $96,297.95.  The  cost 
of  rations  issued  to  the  destitute  poor  was 

—The  New  York  Herald  remarks  that 
nearly  all  the  stock  brokers  who  have 
figured  for  fifteen  or  twenty  years  in  the 
stock  market  have  come  out  as  poor  as 
they  commenced.  In  fact,  Wall  street  is  an 
extensive  three  card  monte  table. 

A  new  depot  is  to  be  erected  at  Galcs- 

burg,  IlL,  by  the  Chicago,  Burlington  and 
Quiucy  Railroad  Company.  It  is  to  be  a 
fine  structure,  and  will  contain  three  tracks 
for  trains.  A  hotel,  with  ample  accommo- 
dations for  passengers,  is  to  be  connected 

*  —A  chap  in  Peoria,  111.,  has  been  making 
love  in  a  novel  way.  At  early  mom  he 
steps  round  to  the  house  of  his  inamorata, 
buUds  the  fire,  lays  in  a  supply  of  wood 
and  water,  and  after  making  himself  gen- 
erally useful,  departs  stealthily.  His  suit 
des^es  to  prosper. 

—The  matrimonial  business,  according 
to  the  New  Haven  (Ct.)  papers,  has  been 
unosually  lively  in  that  city  for  the  past 
few  weeks,  but  they  add  that  this  does  not 
give  much  encouragement,  as  the  Superior 
Court  has  unmarried  more  persons  than 
the  clergy  have  married. 
—The  citizens  of  Fitchburg,  Mass.,  are 

f really  excited  by  finding  the  botly  of 
'rederick  Powers  buried  in  a  sand  bank. 
The  body  exhibited  several  stabs  and  a 
wooden  gag  was  found  in  the  mouth.  Two 
Franchmen  and  an  American  have  been 
arrested  on  suspicion  of  the  murder. 

—Leopold  de  Meyer,  unlike  our  other 
leading  pianists,  rarely  practices.  He 
has  no  piano  in  his  room,  and  declined  the 
Stdnways'  offer  to  send  him  one.  His 
tooch^  and  his  manner  of  using  his  hands 
at  the  piano,  is  utterly  novel.  He  has  been 
eanged  by  Harrison  for  seven  months,  and 
will  travel  all  over  the  country. 

—The  Washington  Lincoln  Monument 
Association  has  closed  a  contract  for  a 
monument,  to  be  built  of  white  marble  and 
to  have  a  height  of  thirty-six  feet,  includ- 
inir  a  statue  of  Lincoln  eight  feet  high  of 

Italian  marble.  Over  $7,000  has  been  col 
lected  for  this  purpose,  almost  entirely  m 
Washington.  The  monument  wiU  be 
placed  in  front  of  the  City  HalL 

—The  fact  that  the  internal  revenue  re- 
ceipts at  large  have  feillen  off  to  less  than 
jjljj  a  million  a  day,  is,  perhaps,  the  best 

Inci«lcut»i    and    Accidents. 

—A  physician  in  Nashville  has  been  cast 
in  $7,000  damages  for  malpractice  in  med- 
ical treatment  of  a  little  girl. 

—A  Nc.v  York  scoumlrcl  lately  rekased 
from  the  penitentiary  of  that  Slate,  cele- 
brated the  occasion  by  cutting  his  wife's 
throat  and  then  his  own. 

—An  old  man,  buried  in  Portsmouth, 
N.  H.,  at  the  age  of  ninety  years,  had  had 
his  gravestone  and  coffin  in  his  garret  for 
nearly  twenty  years.  The  stone  was  let- 
tered, all  but  date  and  age. 

—A  boy  in  St.  Louis,  a  few  days  ag(\ 
met  some  other  boys,  who  had  found  a 
bottle  containing  tincture  of  iodine,  which 
they  compelled  the  little  fellow  to  swallow, 
threaiening  io  shoot  him  if  he  refused. 
The  pof>r  b<iy  died  soon  after  m  the  great- 
est agony. 

—A  Bridgeport  paper  chronicles  a  "  sin- 
gular phenomenou"  at  the  Clarke  House, 
Winstead,  Conn.  The.  Rev.  Mr.  Williams 
moved  a  stove  from  his  apartments  to  the 
attic  of  the  hotel,  in  April,  leaving  a 
lot  of  ashes  in  it.  When  h„  restored  it  to 
its  place,  on  Monday,  the  ashes  were  warm 
and  contained  several  live  coals. 

—A  woman  at  Dunkirk,  N.  Y.,  was 
crossing  the  field  with  her  six  year  old 
daughter,  when  the  girl  fell  The  molher 
raised  the  child,  but  the  little  one  was  dead 
with  a  bullet  hole  through  its  head,  the 
ball  entering  at  the  back  and  coming  out 
at  the  forehead.  There  was  no  report  of 
a  gun,  and  the  mystery  is  not  explained. 

—A  young  lady  recently  died  at  Elgin, 
111  and  at  her  funeral,  when  her  relatives 
and  friends  were  taking  a  last  took  at  the 
loved  face,  a  young  man  to  whom  she  had 
been  engaged,  and  who  had  presented  her 
with  an  engagement  ring  but  a  short  lime 
before  her  death,  deliberately  bent  over 
the  corpse  and  in  the  presence  of  all  in 
the  church,  removed  the  ring  from  her  hn 
ger  and  walked  off  with  it. 

— Brigham  Youug  is  preaching  matri- 
mony to  the  young  men  and  women  of 
Utah.  He  insisted  that  this  marrying  for 
love  is  played  out— that  where  love  is  in- 
volved in  the  first  marriage  it  affects  the 
happiness  and  relations  to  their  lord  of  all 
subsequent  wives.  He  insists  that  the 
young  men  of  Utah  shall  take  to  them- 
selves as  many  wives  as  they  can  support ; 
and  that  the  giris  shall  marrry  such  men 
as  "go  for  them,"  and  " become  mothers 
in  Israel." 

—Miss  Bessie  Deane,  who  lived  near 
Brady's  Mill,    Maryland,    was  returning 
home  from  a  visit  to  a  neighbor,  when  it 
began  to  rain.    The  hut  of  Dan  Schunch, 
a  rnfflan,  who  lived  with  an  old  woman, 
was  near  at  liand,  and  he  asked  her  in  for 
shelter;  and  when  she  entered  he  closed 
th9dooraud,in  presence  of  the  old  wo- 
man, outraged  her  person,  despite  her  fran- 
tic resistance  and  piercing  shrieks,    lie 
then  threw  her  out  insensilde.    The  rain 
revived  her,  when  she  shrieked  for  aid. 
The  fiend  stamped  upon  her  mouth  with 
his  heel,  tearing  it  frightfully,  then  clutcli- 
ing  her  tongue,  tore  it  out  of  her  throat. 
A    small  boy,  hunting  cows,  heard  her 
shrieks  and  gave  the  alarm.     Miss  Deane 
at  last  accounts  was  thought  to  be  dying. 
The  monster  escaped,  but  in  the  nigbt 
came  to  his  hut,  so  says  the  old  woman, 
who  is  under  arrest,  and  cooked  and  ate  a 
part  of  the  tonjiUe. 

Relieio"^   an**   Educational 

There  arc  over  (>u0,000  school  children 
in  Illinois. 

-There  are  fifty-four  thousand  places  of 
worship  in  the  United  States. 

—One  avenue  in  Chicago  has  twenty 

churces,  most  of  them  elegant  and  costly. 

—Peoria  is  erecting  a  new  school  house 

to  cost  nearly  $40,000,  and  have  a  capacity 

for  900  pupils. 

—St.  Joseph,  Mo  ,  has  5,8()6  school  chil- 
dren, an  increase  of  nearly  two  thousand 
over  last  year. 

Upwards  of  fifty  new  students  are  alrea- 
dy entered  in  the  Union  Theological  Sem- 
inary in  New  York. 

—The  "  Chicago  Christiwi  Union"  is  the 
name  of  a  new  organization  for  charitable 
Durposes  in  the  city  of  Chicago,  under  the 
auspices  of  the  Univcrsalist  and  Unitarian 
Societies  of  that  city. 

—A  new  Univcrsalist  Church  cdfice  is 
to  be  erected  in  St.  PaUl,  Minn  ,  at  a  cost 
of  $20  000.  The  Univcrsalist  Society  of 
MilwaWe,  Wis.,  has  also  tegun  the  erec- 
tion of  a  church  building  to  cost  $J5,UUU. 

—An  alphabetical  list  of  ninety-two 
sects  in  E^ngland  has  been  published 
Among  them  are  some  curious  nameJ-,  DUi 
they  are  those  chosen  by  the  sects  them- 
selves. The  following  arc  among  the  most 
peculiar ;  Apistolico.  Baptized  Believers, 
Christian  Israelites,  Christian  Tetotallcrs, 
Electics,  Hallelujah  Band.  Peculiar  Peo- 
ple. Providence,  Ranters,  Wesley  an  Reform 
Glory  Band. 

—The  comment  of  a  colored  preacher  on 
the  text,  "  It  is  more  blessed  to  give  than 
to  receive,"  is  inimitable  for  its  point  as 
well  as  eloquence  :  "I've  known  many  a 
person  to  die  'cause  it  didn't  give  enough ; 
but  I  never  knowd  &  church  to  die  cause 

roreisB    <ilo8sfp. 

-Ireland  has  but  five  millions  of  popu- 
lation now. 

—Eight  bull  fighters  have  been  killed 
by  enraged  bulls  in  Spain  this  season. 

—The  London  Times,  in  a  leader,  advo- 
cates the  arming  of  the  police  with  swords 
and  revolvers. 

—Forty  years  ago  the  number  of  liorscF, 
aittle  and  sheep  in  Australia  was  under 
400,000 ;  there  are  now  nearly  35,00t>,000. 

-Great  excitement  i)revail8  in  Auck- 
land, New  Zealand,  iu  conseciuenco  of  the 
discover}'  of  a  rich  gold  field  in  that  dis 


—Admiral  Farragul  saw  iu  Sweden  an 
entire  battery  ot  breech-loading  cannons 
of  wrought  iron,  taken  out  of  a  V("^sel 
sunk  in  the  17th  century. 

—A  Paris  paper  says  the  museum  of 
Art^-et-MdicrH  has  recently  been  enricned 
by  several  valuable  donations,  and  among 
the  rest  are  two  inventions  for  perpetual 

—England  and  Ireland,  during  the  first 
ei'^ht  months  of  IS07,  sent  abroad  1,789,1 .6,- 
■m  yards  of  cotton  piece  gocnls,  or  more 
than  amillion  mile?,  thus  giving  the  world 
"something  to  wear." 

—The  long  talked  of  uiouumcnt  to  Cap- 
lain  Cook,  the  cirrumiiavigator.  is  about 
beinc  erected,  as  a  ni!in  baa  gone  to  Hawaii 
to  do  the  work.  It  will  be  budl  of  sand 
stone,  simple  and  handsome  in  dtwign. 

—Great  Britain  now  contains  thirty 
millions  rf  people,  an  increase  of  two  and 
a  half  millions  since  1S52,  and  during  the 
time  she  hft-s  furnistiod  three  nnllions  ot 
emigrants  to  this  country,  Australia  and 
other  portions  of  the  globe.  During  the 
last  fifteen  years  Irebind  has  decreased  her 
population  neariy  eight  hundred  thou- 

— The  eariitsl  Universal  Exposition  ot 
which  we  have  any  record  was  held  at 
Rome  in  the  days  of  Nero.  The  Philoso- 
pher and  moralist,  Seneca,  gives  the  fol- 
lowing account  of  it :  "I  was  present,  the 
Mlherday,  at  a  solemn  exhibition  of  the 
wealth  of  Rome;  where  I  Ba»v  statues 
which  were  marvels,  perfect  masterpieces ; 
exquisite  stuffs  and  draperies  and  costumes 
brought  Irom  countries  even  bey»nd  the 
Roman  frontiers."  etc. 

A  man  who  came  down  from  Castlelon 
to  Strabane  Canada,  on  business,  and  wa." 
about  returning,  found  himself  likely  to  l>e 
left  by  the  cars.    With  a  face  fuU  of  ex- 
citement   and    With   stern   authority,   he 
shouted  to  the  guard  at  the  top  of  hifl  voice, 
"  Stop,  for  the   Lord    Liflbrd's  coming, 
It  acted     like     magic.    The     obsequious 
guard  stopped  the  ti  ain  and  moved  it  baclt. 
The  young  man  purchased  his  ticket,  took 
a  seat  in  a  third-class  carriage,  put  his  head 
out    of  the    window,    and  informed 
obliging  guard    that    His  Lordship 
entered,  and  the  train  might  move  on. 
was  obeyed. 

—In  pursuance  of  a  rcsokilior.  parsed  by 
the  counfil  of  the  Irish  Rclorm  League,  a 
request  was  sent  to  Earl  Russell  thai  pre- 
vious to  his  leaving  Ireland  he  would  re- 
ceive a  deputation  from  that  bmly.    In 
reply,  his  Lordship  writes  to  the  Secreta- 
ry •    •'  I  am  sorry  that  my  time  in  Ireland 
will   not  permit  of  my  conferrinu  with  a 
deputation  of  the  Irish   Reform  League. 
I  should   have  likol  to  have  heard  their 
views  respectinc  the  extension  of  the  fran- 
chise consistent  with  the  privileges  of  the 
constitution.    With  regard  to  ihe  other 
point  you  mention- namely,  equality— 1 
consider  that  equality  of  franchise  between 
England  and  Ireland  will  be  contended  for 
by  all  Liberal.H.    An  Irishman  ought  to  be 
admitted    to  the  franchise  on   the  sa^nc 
(lualification  and  on  the  same  conditions  as 
an  Englishman." 

—A  circular   has   been  issued  by  the 
Russian  Ministry  of  Finance  prohibiting 
the  trade  in  two-copek  pieces.    The  facts 
connectetl  with  this  circular  are  rather  sin- 
gular    In  1863  a  large  (luautily  of  gold 
was  missed  from  the  mint  in  St  Peters- 
burg, and  no  tnicc  of  it  could  be  found. 
Now  however,  it  appears  that  a  workman 
had  stolen  the  gold,  and  suspicion  having 
fallen  on  him  h.;  was  not  able  to  dispose  of 
it     He,  therefore,  in  order  to  rid  himself 
of  the  corpus  <hlirtie,  threw  it  into  a  smelt- 
ing caldron  filled  with  copper  for  the  mak- 
ing of  two  copek  pieces.    Some  sharp  spe- 
culators having  found  out  this  fact,  iHstant- 
ly  set  about  buying  up  the  whole  l»bo 
two  copek  coinage  at  twice  and  thrice  its 
ordinary  value.    This  remunerative  trade 
is  now  to  be  stopped,  and  the  golden  cop- 
pers are  to  go  back  to  the  government. 

—The  new  principle  of  the  Mont  Ccnis 
Railway  is  briefly  explained  to  those  who 
are  not  scientific,  and  not  initiated  already 
into  machinery :  The  new  principle,  like 
all  other  great  ones,  is  simple.  A  centre 
rail,  like  a  stair  banister,  is  placed  on  strong 
supports,  fourteen  inches  above  the  other 
rails.  The  engine  is  providctl  with  four 
horizontally-placed  wheels,  which  are  con- 
nected with  the  cylinders,  and  may  be 
made  to  "bite"  the  centre  rail.  Ihese 
wheels   arc   clear   on    level  ground,  but 

Art  and  Science. 

— Story'st  statue  of  Edward  Everett  has 
arrived  in  Boston.  It  was  cast  in  bronze, 
in  Beriin,  and  cost  about  $30,000. 

—The  gold  production  of  the  earth  in 
1805  was  about  560,000  pounds  avoirdupois; 
the  silver  production,  4,000,000  pounds. 

—A  German  writer  estimates  that  an 
acre  of  buckwheat  yielded  fourteen  pounds 
of  honey  daily.  Single  hives  gathered 
three  pounds  on  favorable  days. 

—Steel  rails  laid  on  the  Boston  &  Prov^ 
idencc  Radroad  over  which  one  hundred 
trains  have  passed  daily  for  two  years, 
show  no  signs  of  service,  and  are  just  as 
good  as  new. 

—A  drop  of  human  blood  placed  under 
a  micrcscope  magnified  20,000,000  times, 
would  show  all  kinds  of  animals  that  ever 
existed,  or  now  exist,  upon  the  earth.  >o 
says  a  German  professor. 

—A  new  planet  has  been  recently  dis- 
covered, at  verv  neariy  the  same  time,  by 
Prof.  Tietien,  o'f  Berlin,  and  Mr  .Peters,  of 
Hamilton  College,  New  York.  It  is  stated 
to  be  about  the  eleventh  magnitude,  liie 
discovery  of  this  planet,  to  which  the  name 
ot  Undina  has  been  given,  is  very  interest- 
ing, as  it  makes  up  the  number  of  these 
bodies  that  have  been  discovered  to  one 

—A  novel  railway  invention  has  been 
made  by  a  Russian  engineer.  The  object 
is  to  save  the  power  gained  m  a  descent, 
now  lost  in  the  friction  of  the  brakes,  and 
use  it  in  an  ascent.  To  do  this  the  engi- 
neer has  attached  to  the  locomotive  two 
verv  heavy  fly-wheels.  Going  down  hill 
they  act  as  a  brake,  and  the  force  they 
gather  will  carry  a  train  up  an  equal  rise, 
less  the  friction. 

—A  London  journal  makes  a  literary 
estimate  as  follows :  "It  twelve  men  were 
employed  for  twenty-four  hours  per  day 
(allowing  neither  for  sleep  or  meals,)  in 
reading,  at  the  rate  of  eight  words  pt-r 
minute,  they  would  barely  keep  up  with 
the  vo'umes  published  in  London  alone. 
In  this  estimate  tracts  and  sermons  are  not 
included,  but  if  magazines,  reviews,  and 
newspapers  were  added  to  the  task,  it 
would  re(iuire  upwards  of  forty  men. 

— M.  Babinet  has  reported  to  the  French 
Academy  the  following  information  with 
recard  to  the  evolution  of  gas  during  the 
prwess  of  making  coffee.  If  finely  ground 
roasted  coflee  be  steeped  in  cold  water,  gas 
will  be  evolved  to  an  extent  atiout  eciual  in 
volume  to  the  quantity  of  toflec  used  ;  and 
this  action  will  take  idacc  very  raindly  inso- 
much that  if  a  boille  be  half  tilled  with 
coflee  duly  ground',  and  the  rcmHinmg 
space  then  filled  with  water  until  the  cork 
is  reached,  an  explosion  wdl  ensue  sut- 
jicient  in  force  to  expel  the  cork,  or  even 
break  the  bottle. 

—The  lollo-n-ing  is  the  most  extraord'.- 
narv  complicated'  conundrum  ever  yet  m 
vented  •  1.  It  is  stated  on  the  authority 
of  Dr.  Bornagainc,  of  Nureml)crg,  that  u 
Swiss  peasant,  who  had  taken  refuge  un- 
der a  tree  daring  a  storm,  was  struck  by 
lightuing.  and  that  a  facsimile  of  the  tree 

Horrible      Vans 

of     Beliffious 
in    Rassia* 

was  photographed,  as  il  were,  upon   the 




body  2.  Herman  Melville,  in  his  wo 
on  life  in  the  Sandwich  Islands,  refers  to 
the  practice  of  the  natives  in  ornamenting 
their  bcxlies  by  the  pricking  in,  with  fish 
bones,  dark  fluids,  in  regular  shapes. 
Ouery  How  doe-s  the  first  excel  the 
second,  and  why  is  the  first  like  a  drum- 
mer ':•     Because  it  beats  the  tabx). 

-Dr.  Cohn,  of  Brcslau,  has  just  i>ublish 
cd  a  curious  work,  containing  statistics  as 
to  the  residl  of  an  cxaminatum  of  the  eyc- 
Bichl  of  school-children.  Ten  thouand 
and  sixty  were  subjecteHl  to  a  variety  of 
tests,  and  the  proportion  of  the  shorl- 
sichted  was  found  to  be  seveulcen  percent., 
or  1  738  in  ten  thousand.  Dr.  Cohn  made 
an  iiuporiant  discovery,  namely:  that  no 
ehildren  living  in  the  country  or  reared  in 
villages  were  short-sighted  till  they  had 
been  some  time  at  school,  which  circum- 
stance Dr.  Cohn  entirely  attributes  to  the 
"defe<-,tivc  arrangements  of  school-rooms, 
the  benches  being  so  constructed  that  chil- 
dren arc  compelled  to  read  with  their 
books  close  before  their  eyes  and  their 
heads  bent  downwards. 

The  Ureat  Orffan  at  I.iiiernc. 

The  J^ibcral  Cfiridian  has  Dr.  Bellows' 
letter  from  Switzeriand,  which  gives  the 
following  account  of  the  great  organ  in 
the  cathedral  at  Lucerne  : 

Il  is  played  twice  every  day  for  one  hour, 
and  furnishes  a  favorite  resort  for  travelers. 
I  stumbled  into  the  church  first  at  the  very 
hour  the  organ  was  being  exhibited,  and 
with  no  knowledge  of  ils  met  its,  and  of 
course  without  any   special  expectations. 
But  the  hush  of  the  little  audience  showed 
that  something  unusual  was  going  on,  and 
it  required  only  a  few  minutes  to  bring  me 
wholly  under  the  sped  of  the  most  magi- 
cal stops  that  I  had  ever  listened  to.    Tlie 
player,  1  found  after  a  second  hearing,  was 
not  a  very  great  one,  but  the  organ  itself 
was  wonderful,  and  he  understood  per 
fectly  how  to  exhibit  it,  undertaking  only 
what  he  could  do  with  entire  success.   The 
power  of  the  full  organ  was  immense  and 
as  sweet  as  it  was  powerful.     I  could  com- 
pare it  only  to  the  eflect  ot  a  great  park  (jf 
artillery  heard  at  a  distance  sufficient  to 
mellow  the  thunder.     But  the  vox  humaun 
wiwlhc  speeiitlty  of  this  organ,   and  cer- 
tainly luuhing  more  successful  in  the  way 
of  linitation  was  ever  done.     At  first,  after 
a  bold  intrixluction  of  the  lull  orgjin,  we 
heard  a  choir  of  children's  voices,  singing 
apparently  in  a  neighboring  cloister ;  then 
a  choius  of  men's  voices   took    up    the 
strain,  and  came  nearer  and  nearer,  as  it 
one  and  then  another  door  between  us  and 
them  had  been  opened.    I  could  not  per 
suade  myself  for  a  Ions  lime  that  a  choir 
was  not  concealed  in  some  adjoining  apart- 
ment ;  but  it  was  finally  clear  that  no  choir 
could  keep  such  time  and  agree  together 
in    such   expression.    Nothing    by  tones 
more  human  or  more  angelic  was  ever  per- 
mitted   t>i   visit   my    ears;  at   times   the 
mighty  instrument  was  subdued  to  the  gen- 
tleness of  an  infant's  breathing,  and  we  all 
held  our  breath  not  to  lose  the  least  sigh 
of  its  decaying  harmony.    It  seemed  as  if 
a  choir  of  seraphs  hail  strayed  out  of  liea- 
vcn,  and  were  overheard  by  chance  as  they 
flew  by. 

Luuicuots  Attempt  kt  St  kiok.— The 
Oakland   (Cal )  AVir*  says  tlic   following 

The  Invalidc  Jiusu  of  September  27,  re- 
cords a  case  of  peculiarly  horrible  charac- 
ter which  has  just  been  heard  before  the 
eriminal  tribunal  of  Vladimir.  Russia.  A 
man  named  Kursin,  a  member  of  an""^" 
ou<:  and  fanatical  Russian  sect  called  the 
Savior  lately  killed  his  own  s(m  and  offered 
him  as'a  sacrifice  to  God.  The  narrative 
in  the  Russian  journal  is  as  follows  : 

The  doctrine  of  this  sect  consists  m  an 
absolute  negation  of  all  earthly  property. 
An  adherent  possesses  nothing  whatever, 
and  according  to  his  notions  everything 
around    him    is   evil    personified.    Such 
ideas  naturally  prompt  these  unhappy  men 
to  acts  of  frightful  despair.    They  believe 
it  is  necessary  to  constantly  implore  the 
mercy  of  the  Savior  by  every  means,  for 
it  is  He  alone  who  can  save  them.    The  ac- 
cused person,  who  was  twenty-seven  years 
of  age,  killed  his  son,  a  little  boy  of  seven, 
in   tne  conviction  that  the  act  would  be 
agreeable  to  the  Savior.    His  own  account 
of  the  crime  is  as  follows :    "  One  night 
I  fell  so   strongly   that  the  human   race 
must  soon  perish  that  I  could  not  get  a 
moment's  sleep.    I  rose  and  lighted  all  the 
lamps  before  the  images  of  the  saints,  and 
throwing  myself  on  my  knees  I  fervently 
prayed  God  to   save    mo  and  my  family. 
Suddenly  the  idea  came  to  me  of  saving 
my  son  Irom  eternal  damnation,  for  as  this 
only  chdd  was  a  beautiful  boy,  and  finer 
than  most  boys  of  his  age,  I  feared  that  he 
would  become,  after  my  death,  a  prey  of 
hell,  and  I  determined  lu  sacrifice  him  to 
the  Lord. 

"Filled  with  this  idea  I  continued  to 
pray  I  said  to  myself  that  if  during  my 
prayer  the  thought  of  Eacrificing  my  son 
to  God  came  to  rac  from  the  right  side  1 
would  execute  it.  If  on  the  contrary,  it 
came  fron  the  left,  I  would  give  it  up  ;  tor. 
according  to  our  religious  teachings,  the 
tboughl  which  comes  from  the  right  is  from 
our  good  angel,  and  that  from  the  lett  is 
the  instigation  of  the  devil.  After  a  long 
pmyer,  the  thought  came  to  me  from  the 
ri-^ht  side,  and  I  returned  full  ot  joy  to  the 
room  where  my  son  slept  by  the  side  of 
my  wife.  Knowing  that  she  would  oppose 
the  sacrifice  which  1  desired  to  ofler  to  God, 
I  sent  her  to  the  market  to  purchase  provi- 
sions. When  she  had  gone  I  awoke  my 
child  and  said  to  him.  "  Gel  up,  my  son, 
and  put  ou  thy  white  shirt,  that  1  may  ad- 
mire thee."  When  he  had  done  this  1  laid 
him  on  the  bcncli,  and  slabbed  him  several 
times  in  the  Bk>mach." 

The  child  in  struggling  fell  Ireiiucntly 
upon  the  knife,  and  when  found  was  cov- 
ered with  woundn.  The  father,  it  seems, 
intending  to  end  the  lad's  sullering.s,  cut 
the  stomach  open  from  top  to  bottom  ; 
hut  even  then  he  lingered  for  a  little  while. 
This  frightful  scene  occurred  just  before 
sunrise.  Kursin  soys  that  just  as  the 
child  had  breatheil  his  last,  the  first  rays  of 
the  sun  shone  through  the  window,  and 
in  a  moment  of  ecslacy  he  fell  on  his  knees 
and  implored  God>  mercifully  receive  this 
sacrifice.  Kursin  continued  tus  narrative 
in  these  terms:  "Just  as  I  had  thrown 
myself  before  the  holy  images,  and  as  my 
son  was  lying  in  his  blood,  the  door  opened 
and  mv  wife  came  In.  She  instantly  saw 
what  had  happeneil,  and,  .seized  with  hor- 
ror, she  fell  senseless  to  the  ground.  I 
raised  her,  and  I  said,  'Go  Uj  the  Mayor 
and  tell  him  all.  1  am  going  to  give  a.  Jtte 
to  the  saints.'" 

Kursin,  after  he  hail  been  sent  to  prison, 
resolutely  refused  all  kinds  of  nourisliment, 
and  died  of  sUrv  .ition  before  the  senlenne 
iqnn  him  could  be  executed. 

him  away  by  yelling  "  Get  out."  Small 
birds  chase  each  other  about  in  play  ;  but, 
perhaps,  the  condacl  of  the  crane  and  the 
trumpeter  is  the  most  extraordinary.  The 
latter  stands  on  one  leg,  hops  about  in  the 
most  eccentric  manner,  and  throws  somer- 
saults. All  animals  pretending  violence 
in  their  play  stop  short  in  exercising  it. 
The  dog  takes  the  greatest  precaution  not 
to  injure  by  his  bite,  a  nd  tlie  orang-outang, 
in  wrestling  with  his  keeper,  pretends  to 
throw  him,  and  makes  feints  of  biting 


Some  animals  carry  out  m  their  play 
the  semblance  of  catching  their  prey; 
young  cats,  for  instance,  leap  after  every 
small  and  moving  object,  even  to  the 
leaves  strewed  by  the  autumn  wind  ;  they 
crouch  and  steal  forward,  ready  for  the 
spring,  the  body  quivering,  and  the  tail 
vibraiing  with  emotion,  they  bound  on 
the  moving  leaf,  and  again  spring  forward 
to  another.  Bengcr  saw  young  jaguars 
and  cougars  playing  with  round  substan- 
ces, like  kittens.  Birds  of  the  magpie  kind 
are  full  of  mischief.  There  is  a  story  oi  a 
tame  magpie  that  was  seen  m  a  garden 
gathering  pebbles,  and  with  much  solemn- 
ity and  a  sludicd  air  buried  them  in  a  hole 
made  to  receive  a  post.  After  dropping 
each  stone  it  cried  "  currack !"  triumphant- 
ly, and  set  out  lor  another.  On  examining 
the  spot  a  poor  toad  was  found  in  the  hole, 
which  the  magpie  was  stoning  for  his 
amusement.  There  is  fun  in  animals  and 
birds.    Indeed  there  is. 


1   l.aio    lUe   looUiachc,   wlien   with    maddening 

hike  loiTcnts  wild  il  raves  among;  llic  stumps ; 
I  hate  the  whole  diro  cataloiriic  of  aches. 
Distempers,  fevers  liot,  and  a^ue  enakos, 

J  tiatc  raad  dopp,  snake?,  dandies,  fleas  and  bugs, 
Te:i  parlies,  wild-cats,  toads  aud  whisliy  jugK, 
Hard  times,  bad  roads,  spoiled  flsli,  and  brolieu 

banlLS.  ,  , 

Stale  news,  cold  flonp,  light  purse,  and  lawyer  s 


1  hate  long  stories,  and  short  cars  of  corn, 

A  costly  farm  honsc,  and  a  shabby  barn : 

More  curs  than  pij;s,  no  boolis,  but  many  guns  ; 

Sore  toes,  tight  shoes,  old  debts,  and  paper  duns. 

I  hate  tight-lacing  and  dull  conversation, 
Abundant  gab,  and  little  Information ; 
The  fool  that  sings  in  bed,  and  snores  in  meeting ; 
Who  laughs  while  talking,  and  talks  much  while 

being  Roman  Catholic,  no  meat  was  eaten 
or  provided, .  which  I  understood ;  but 
when  Sunday  evening  was  celetjrated  by 
unlimited  card-playing  in  tUatsame  house, 
my  traditions  were  decidedly  Jarred.  I  do 
not  imply  that  my  observances  were  belter 
or  worse  than  my  host's,  but  that  they 
were  different. 

"  Having  breakfasted,   I   began  to  ran- 
sack the  city  for  work,  and  in  my  toUl 
i"norance,  traversed  many  stj^ets  where 
none  could  possibly  be  found.   -In  ihe 
course  of  thai  day  and  the  next,  iiqwever, 
I  must  have  visited  fully  two-thirds  of  the 
printing  offices  on  Manhattan  Island,  with- 
out a  gleam  of  succcfis.    It  was  midsum- 
mer, when  business  in  New  York  -is  habit- 
ually dull;    and    my  youth  and  unques- 
tionable  air  of  country   greenness  must 
have  told  against  me.     Wlien  I  called  at 
the  Journal  of  Commerre,  its  editor,  Mr. 
David  Hale,  bluntly  told  me  I  was  a  run- 
away apprentice  from  some  country  office; 
which  was   a   very  natural,  though  mis- 
taken, presumption.    1  returned    to   my 
lodgings  on  Saturday  evening,  tiioroughly 
weary,  dishearteued   and  disgusted  with 
New  York,  and  resolved  to  shake  its  dust 
from  my  feet  next  morning,  while  I  could 
still  leave  with  money  in  my  pocket,  and 
before  its  alms  house  could  foreclose  upon 

"  But  that  was  not  to  be.  On  Sunday 
afternoon  and  evening  several  young 
Irishmen  caUed  at  Mr.  McGolncks,  m 
their  holiday  saunterings  about  town,  and, 
being  told  that  I  was  a  young  printer  in 
quest  of  work,  interesied  themselves  in  my 
eflort  with  the  spontaneous  kindness  of 
their  race.  One  among  them  happened  to 
know  a  place  where  printers  were  wanted, 
and  gave  the  requisite  directions,  .so  that, 
on  visiting  the  designated  spolnext  morn 
ing,  I  readily  found  employment;  and 
thus,  when  barely  three  day.i  a  resident,  I 
found  an  anchorage  in  New  \ork." 

An    Incendiary    'rrailed    by 


How    <o 

|>iN<!Over    tli*"      .>owly 

it  give  too  much.  Dey  don't  die  that  way. 
Bredren.  has  any  of  youknowed  a  church 
tliat  died  'cause  it  give  too  much  ?  11  yon 
do  just  hit  me  know,  and  I'll  make  a  pil- 
grimage to  dat  church,  and  I'll  tlimb  by 
de  soft  light  of  do  moon  to  its  moes-cover- 
ed  roof,  and  I'll  stand  dar  and   lift  my 

when  an  ascent  or  descent  is  reached  thev 
are  screwed  down  and  catch  the  centre  rail, 
and  the  locomotive  g<u's  up  or  down  a 
nlane  sloped  like  a  house  nx.fl  t  rom  the 
lirst  of  this  month  (October)  passenger 
trains  have  been  climbing  the  Alps  dady, 
and  looking  down  on  the  world  from  a 
height  of  nearly  seven  thousand  feet. 
Meantime,  tl«c  tunnelers  are  busy  boring 
the  mountain  below,  and  quiet  people  who 
visit  Italy  will  ere  long  have  the  alterna- 
tive of  an  arial  or  subterranean  route 

ludicrous  scene  was  recently  witnesserl  by 
a  gentleman  riding  over  a  bridge  between 
that  city  and  San  Antonio  : 

Avoungman  and  still  more  youthful 
female  were  leaning  over  the  railing  and 
apparently  in  an  animated    convcrsjition. 
From  what  followed,  il  was  but  too  evidrnt 
that  the  younc  lady  had  placed  her  aflec- 
tions  on  the  y"buth,  who  wouldn  t  talk  the 
kind  ot  turkey  in  return  that  she  desired. 
"Henry,  honey!  do,  O,  do  say  that  you 
love  me,  or  IU  do  a  rash  acU '  said  the 
infatuated  damsel.    Henry  didn  t  elo  it,  for 
in  a  moment  out  jumped  the  lady  into  the 
blue,  tenacious  mud,  sinking  quite  up  te 
her  knees.    She  tried  to  make  her  way  to 
the  deep  water,  but  to  save  her  neck  she 
couldn't  do  it.    No  sooner  did  she  try  to 
raise  one  leg,  than  down  went  tjie  "iher 
still  further.    Henry  (tlic  scamp)  looked 
on  perfectly  unconcerned ;  she  kept  smit- 
ing in  the  mud  until  she  was  submerged  as 
far  as  her  crinoline  would  allow,  when  she 
concluded  that  there  might  possibly  be  an 
easier  way  of  shuffling  off  this  mortal  coil 
She  callcxl  loudly  on  her  stony-hearteil 
swain  to  c^me  to  the  rescue,  which  he  gal- 
lantly did,  to  the  dirty  detriment  of  his 

The  full  •■rca.Mjn  has  fairly  tcl  in,  and  we 
find  the  matrimonial  market  buoyant  in 
our  city,  hundreds  of  W!;<«-guidcd  young 
men  rushing  into  the  h(dy  estate.  A  more 
than  usual  number  of  wedding  tourists  are 
noticed  by  travelers  and  conductors  on  the 
diflerent  railroads. 

Of  course,  it  is  not  on  account  of  being 
ashamed  of  each  other  that  they  try  to  dis- 
guise their  situation,  but  simply  to  avoid 
l)eing  criticised  and  remarked  upon  by  pro- 
fane strangers.    Thus  they  lay  the  fond 
unction  to  their  souls  that  they  aie  trav- 
eling in  mj.     But,  good   gracious,    how 
badly   fooled  they  arc.    It  is  one  of  the 
easiest  things  in  the  world  to  the  careful 
eye  to  tell  precisely  how  many  days,  or 
cveu  hours,  they   have    been    "spliced." 
They  can    sometimes  be  detected  by  the 
great  pains  they  take  to  appear  either  like 
old  married  people  or  cousins  as  they  pro- 
menade the  deck  of  a  steamer,  or  sit  .so  de- 
murely in  the  cars     In  many  ca.9cs  their 
dreaa,  in  part,  exposes  them.      It  is  so 
apropos  to  the  occasion,  being  neat,  sym- 
metrical, and  bran  new.    In  cases  where 
the  parties  have  good  taste,  there  is  no 
gaudiness  or  "  flubdubbing"  about  their 
attire.    All  glitter  and  display  are  thrown 
a.'^ide,  and  the  city  belie  appears  more  like 
a  Quakeress  in  her  simple  traveling  dre^s 
of  drab  or  mouse  color. 

Sometimes  the  youthful  culprits  engage 
in  playing  at  lovers  or  aflect  a  flirtation, 
but  it  is  always  a  stupendous  failure. 
Their  eyes  betray  too  much  happiness  for 
wit  and  repartee  ;  there  is  such  a  peculiar 
softness  and  tenderness  in  their  confiden- 
tial whispers,  and  such  a  pride  in  the  pos- 
.session  of  each  other,  that  none  around 
them  are  deceived.  It  is  generally  the 
case  that  the  bridegroom  makes  the 
discovery  fiist,  and  throws  his  arm  c.ire- 
les.«ly  around  the  shoulders  of  his  wile,  as 
much  as  to  .say,  defiantly  to  the  cnviou", 
"  Who's  afraid  V  Who  know;s  but  that  we 
have  been  married  many  years."  Not 
know?  .      ,  ,,    , 

The  guilty  slyness  m  the  way  that  arm 
steals  re  und,  first  on  the  seal  liack  and  then 
gradually  closer,  while  the  bride  evinces  a 
silent  pleasure  as  she  aceiuiesces  in  a  very 
unperceiviug  way.    Indued,  il  is  she  who 
"  lets  the  cat  out  of  the  big"  most  ciuickly. 
The  narrow  guage  seats  an-  most  prefera- 
ble to  the  broad  guage,  and  if  you  sit  ou 
the  seat  back  of  them  you  will  observe  at 
first  that  the  lady's  shoulders  are  not  even 
—they  incline  just  a  little  to  her  partner. 
After  traveling  in  this  po.sition  a  few  hours, 
her  neck  gets  as  limber  as  a  washed  paper 
c<jllar,  and  her  head  gravitates  to  the  broad 
shoulders   of  her  husband,  and  there  it 
nestles,  innocently  and  confidingly  m  the 
repose  of  honest,  pure  and  truthful  love. 
At  times,  in  spite  of  all  precautions,  a  tress 
or  two  of  her  golden  locks  will  get  loose, 
and  drop  on  her  shoulder.    But  il  almost 
seems  that  there  is  order  and  neatness  in 
their  very  disorder  and  abandon. 

So  they  go,  fancying  themselves  lost  in 
the  crowd— unnoticed,  unknown,  with 
their  secret  locked  up  in  their  own  palpi- 
tating bosoms.  Poor  youug  people!— 
Lomgrille  Courier. 

Tlie  I'iorida  Rcel'i*. 

The  following  are  Agassiz's  estimates  of 
the  formation  and  age  of  the  Florida  reefs 
on  the  Florida  coast : 

These  reefs  are  built  up  by  an  insect 
that  begins  to  work  on   the  ground  in  wa- 
ter of  twelve  or  fifteen  fathoms  deep,  and 
he  cannot  live  unless  ho  has  the  constant 
action  of  the  open  sea  upon  him,  so  that  he 
stops  at  the  height  of  high  tide.     By  nu- 
merous experiments  il  has  been  ascertain- 
ed that  the  coral   liuildcr  constructs    at 
about  the  rate  of  half  an  inch  in  a  century, 
but  in  order  to  err,  if  at  all,  on  the  safe 
side,  Agassiz  doubles  his  estimate  in  his 
calculations,  making  il  an  inch  in  a  cen- 
tury.   Now  outside  of  the  Florida  Keys 
there  is  a  long  reel  with  an  average  height 
of  seventv  feet,  which,  therefore,  must  have 
begun  7,000  years  ago,  or  1,000  years  before 
Adam.     Secondly,  the  keys  themselves  are 
nothing  but  an  inner  reception  of  the  very 
same    sort    of  coral    reefs,  of    at     least 
the  same  average  height ;  and  the  builders 
must  have  finished  them  before  they  began 
the  outside  reef,  as  appears  from  the  ne- 
cessity of  having  the  open  sea,  and  from 
the  fad  that  there  are   none  outside  of  the 
one  we  have  mentioned  above.    The  keys, 
therefore,  swell  the  record  tx>  14.000  years. 
Next  we  have  the  shore  bluflofthc  mam 
land,  which  is  also  oi  the  same  coral  con- 
struction, and  which  carries  the  earth's 
record  above    20,000    years.      Moreover, 
there  are,  as  you  go  inland,  seven  well  de- 
fined and,  of  course,  successive  rows    of 
coral  reefs,  which,  added  to  the  foregoing, 
would  make  the  work  70.000  years  old 
And  Professor  Agassi/,  regards  this  as  a 
very  mtxlcrate  estimate. 

Aniorou*«  tout  Unsuccessful. 

On  Wednesday  night  last  the  stable  of 
Mr.  John  Overton,  an  old  and  respected 
citizen  of  t)ltoway  county,  near  Burkeville 
Station,  was  burned  down  and  two  very 
valuable  horses  consumed.    The  neighbors 
went  over  to  render  any  assishmce  in  their 
povrcr,  and  determined  to  call  in  the  assist- 
ance of  "  Old  Rattler,"  a  dog  famous  for 
his  sagacity  m  pursuing  crhnmals.    The 
incendiary  having  eflcclcd  his  escape  un- 
der cover  of  the  night  Old  Rattler  was 
called  into  requisition,  and,  after  making  a 
circuit  of  the  burning    buildings,   sooii 
struck  the  trail  of  the  culprit,  and  followed 
with   unerring    certainty   over   hill    ami 
through  woods,  and  finally  came  to  bay  at 
the  house  of  Jacob  Peters,  a  negro  man. 
The  party  of  gentlemen  following  cdtered 
the  house,  and  found  Peters  in  an  exhaust- 
eel  condition,  and  almost  l)reathless.     His 
shoes  were  wet,  and  found  to  correspond 
exactly  with  the  tracks  made  by  the  fugi- 
tive over  the  iiiiVX— Richmond  Enumncr, 
nth.  ^  ^^ 

SoMK  DiFiEKE.NCE.- A  fcw  ycars  ago, 
a  little  fellow,  Eddy,  not  slow  iu  roguery, 
complained  that  .lames  had  been  tlirowing 
stones  at  him.  The  teacher  inquired  into 
the  matter,  and  found  the  charge  correct. 
She  said  to  Eddy  :  ,      ,,  j    •, 

"  What  do  you  think  you  should  doit 
you  were  teaching  and  had  such  a  boy  as 


"  I  think  1  should  flog  him,    was  the  re 

"  Upon  this,  James  began  U)  fear  the  re 

suit,  and  so  he  file«l  his  complaint.    ^ 

"  Eddy  Ihrowed  a  stone  at  me  t  other 

day,"  said  he.  ,         . , 

"Ah,"  said  the  teacher,  "1  must  know 

about  this  inatler.    Is  it  true,  Eddy,  that 

you  have  been  throwing  stones  at  James? 
Eddy  hung  his  head  and  confessed  il. 

After  a  little  thumbing  on  the  strings,  she 

says:  .  , 

"  Well,  Eddy,  what  do  you  think  you 

should  do  with  two  such  boyaas  you  and 

James  V"  _     ,      , , 

"  I  think,"  said  he,  sobbmg,  "  I  should 

liy  'era  again  V'—IVutdc  hUind  tidioolnum- 


wish  of 

i-'nn  in  AnimalN. 

Fun  isconfiacd  by  no  means  to  man.  It 
is  frequently  asserte<l  that,  although  natur- 
alists have  discovered  and  named  the 
laughing  iackass,  the  laughing  hyena,  the 
lauglung  cuckaloo,  there  is  but  one  animal 
indulges  in  "what  you  might  call  a  laugli, 
and  that  is  our  old  friend,  the  d<'g.  The 
horse  laugh  is  a  humbug ;  but  the  horwj 
would  laugh  if  he  could,  for  he  is  not  defi- 
cient in  the  sense  of  the  humorous.  We 
have  known,  in  our  time,  a  sly  old  horse 
which  would  slide  up  to  a  bystander  and 
put  his  hoof  on  the  unfortunate  wight's 
foot  in  a  manner  which  would  not  soon  be 
forgotton.    It  was  a  common  trick  with 

iTo -^Ifskins  and  sky-blue  pant.    When  |  him ;  but  n^„  P-^-f  J-J^^^^ 

the  lady  got  ashore,  il  took  half  an  hour  to    ^^^'J J  ^^^^  manner. 

scrape  the  mud  from  her  8toc_kin_gs.    The    '°^^^^^'^^°e^,y  ^f  "The  World  a  ilask" 

On  a  recent  Sunday  evening,  a  young 
man  whom,  for  the  sake  of  convenience, 
we  will    call    John,  went  to  visit  the  girl 
whom  he  would  call  his  own.    The  fair 
one  resides  near  the  canal.    During  the 
evening  the  young  man  of  the  name 
John  wiis  unable  to  conceal  the 
his  heart,  and  in  tender  accents 
his  desire  that  the  young  lady  should  con- 
sent to  be  his.     He  met  with  a  flat  refusal. 
The  ardent  John  still  pressed  her  further, 
declaring  that,  if  she  would  not  accept  him 
he  would  then  and  there  drown  himself  in 
the  briry  waters  of  the  canal.    As  this 
threat  did  not  eUecl  the  desired  purpose, 
he  proceeded  to  carry  it  out.     He  plunged 
fearlessly  in  the  murky  flood,  and  waded 
out  until  the  chilly  water  reached  over  his 
shoulders.    It  will  be  remembered  that  the 
evening  on  which  this  occurred  was  none 
of  the  warmest.    Retreating  before  finally 
carrying  out  nis  purpose,  John  cried  out, 
shivering  with  cold  :  ^_ 

"  W-w-will  you  marry  me  now  ? 
"No!"  ,    , 

In  he  plunged  again,  this  time  until  the 
water  reached  his  neck,  and  again  he  halt- 
ed before  ihe  plunge. 
"  W-w  will  you  marry  me  now  V  " 

Again  he  went  in,  this  lime  going  fairly 
under  water,  .so  fur  that  only  the  lop  of  his 
head  could  l>c  discovered  aliove  the  sur- 
face, but  he  emerged  and  sLaggered  out  of 
Ihc  canal,  and,  shivering  worse  than  ever, 
sputtered  out ; 
"N-now  w-w  will  you  m  marry  me? 

"Well  I  don't  caie  a  d  darn  whether 
you'll  marry  me  or  not.  You  won't  gel  me 
into  that  canal  again  ! " 

Nor  did  he  again  essay  his  fortunes  in 
the  uucerlain  deep.  Shivering  and  chat- 
tering with  his  teeth,  he  quickly  departed 
and  returned  to  his  home  a  sadder,  and,  let 
us  hope,  a  wiser  va&n.—T'olcdo  Blade. 

<  ■  ■ 

Horace  C-reeley's  first  Entrance 
into  Kew   I'orli. 

In  a  recent  chapter,  Mr.  Horace  Greeley 
describes  his  firhl  entrance  into  New  York. 
This  part  of  the  chapter  we  quote  : 

"  Il  was,  if  1  recollect  right,  the  7th  of 
August,  is;jl.  1  was  twenty  years  old  the 
preceding  February;  tall,  slender,  pale 
and  plain,  wilh  ten  dollars  in  my  pocket, 
summer  clothing  worth  perhaps  as  much 
more,  nearly  all  on  my  back,  and  a  decent 
knowledge  of  so  much  of  the  art  of  print- 
ing a.s  a  f>oy  will  usually  learn  in  the  office 
(if  a  country  newspaper.  But  I  knew  no 
human  being  within  two  hundred  miles, 
and  my  uniuisUkably  rustic  manner  and 
address  did  not  favor  that  immediate  c-om- 
inand  of  remunerative  employment  which 
wa.s  my  most  urgent  need.  However,  the 
world  was  all  I). fore  me;  my  persemal  ^_ 
talc  tied  up  in  a  pocket  handkerchief,  did 
not  at  a.l  encumber  me ;  and  I  stepped 
off  the  boat  and  away  from  the 


Mrcvltlc*   and    I^cvllics. 

"  Betsy,  my  dear,"  said  Stubbs,  giv- 
ing his  wife  a  damaged  pair  of  unraenlional)!cs, 
have  the  goodness  to  mend  thoM-  trowserr" ,  it  win 

be  a"8  goo7l  as  going  to  the  play  to-morrow  night." 
oeiiBj,vu    o^h^^h^i     but  confessing  she  cnuld 


Mrji.  S.  took  her  needli". 

not  see  Uie  point,  remarked,  ';  How  sor 

my  dear,  you  will  see  ihe  wonderful  ,Rav(l6,  in  the 

panto-mine."    Mrs.  Stabbs  l.niehed  the  job  ami. 

Luring   back    the    unmcullouablcs,  said   to  b., 

"Tliatis  darned  good." 

A  distingni-shed  minister  ot  the  gos- 
pel, of  Caliloniia,  butnow  .i  r<.-^i.Icntof  an^f^^ni 
city  was  irciacntly  heard  to  remark,  whilcayont 
Liiy,      ,  7...     ij  never  marry  a  woman 

A  New  Orieans  paper  contains  acti- 

rions  tiiwpraphical  blunder.  Speaking  of  "fel- 
low"  the  M.phi.topl.eli:...  pr inters 
made  It  "  Yellow  Fever  Witucisms.'  If  ll»-ff,  f^ 
anything  funny  in  that,  it  is  not  very  perceptible, 
to  the  sullercrs  at  least. 

A  day   or  two  since,  a  bright  five 

year  old  boy,  who  had  evidently  lust  awakoiied 
from  dreaming  of  eggs  and  cliick|n9, 
exclaimed,  "Mamma,  whcr-'  did  they 
first  hen?"  The  reply  of 
by  our  informant. 
"  My  dear,"  said  a  fond  husband  to 

his  wife  one  day.  "  where  would  you  K'J  *»'0'}';i/, 
fail  In  business  ?"  "  Where  I  always  «"  ^^beii  1  can 
love,"  was  Ihe  answer.  "  into  the  jrms  house,  ana 
so  saying  the  lovely  wife  hid  her  blushes  in  the  cir 
cling  cinbraco  of  her  husband. 

Under  the  head,  "  If '  ifs'  and  '  ands' 

W(  repots  and  pans,"  Punch  has  the  following: 
I'an-An^jlican  Synod. 

Ix't's  hope  thou  art  not 
A  sign  the  church  Anglicans 
Going  to  pot ! 

Apropos  of  a  young  man  who  had 

wasted  bis  substance  on  voracious  Kelilahs  ana 
the  no  less  voracious  Derby,  Quilp  was  askca. 
What  mined  him?      "Fast    women    and 

hatch  the 
"mamma,'  was  not  heard 


horses !"  B.iid  tiuilp. 
An   old  lady 

announced  in   Court 

had  no  counsel.'  that  "  God  was  her 

My  dear  madam,"  replied  the  judge. 

Nm8  adds :  "  The  parties  were  strangers, 
and  had  the  verdant  look  of  San  Francisco 
depicted  in  their  countenances. ' 

—A  race  of  road  locomotives  rtceully 
look  place  in  England.  One  of  Ihem,  with 
five  passengers,  maele  four  miles  m  sixteen 

The  comedy  of 
declares  that  "  a  horse  is  a  gentleman  ; 
and  this  nuy  give  us  a  key  t4>  the  gravity 
of  our  Eclipses  and  Dobbin,  since  a  horse- 
lauch  has  long  been  regarded  as  anything 
but  gentlemanly.  Col.  O'Kelley  s  parrot 
would  scream  for  the  dog  Rover  antU  he 
obeyed  her  summons,  and  then  frighten 


lightly  .,.-,. 

sound  of  the  detested  hiss  of  escaping 
steam,  walked  into  and  up  Broad  street  m 
quest  of  a  boarding-house.  1  found  and 
entered  one  at  or  near  the  corner  of  WaU, 
but  the  price  of  board  given  me  was  f  6  per 
week  :  s<)  1  did  not  need  the  giver  s  candid- 
ly kind  sucgestion  that  1  would  probably 
prefer  one  where  the  charge  w-as  more 
moderate.  Wandering  thence  I  <»nnot 
sav  how,  to  the  North  river  side,  1  halted 
nc^xl  at  168  West  street,  where  the  sign  of 
'  Boarding'  on  an  humbler  edifice  fixed  mv 
a' tention.  I  entered,  and  was  oDcred  ahel- 
ter  and  subsistence  at  |2.50  per  week, 
which  secmoel  more  rational,  and  I  closed 
the  bargain. 

"  My  host  was  Mr.  Edward  McGolrick  ; 
his  place  quite  as  much  grogshop  as  board- 
ing house ;  but  it  was  <iuietly,  decently 
kept  while  I  stayed  in  it,  and  he  and  his 
family  were  kind  and  friendly.  I  regret 
to  add  that  liciuor  proved  his  ruin  not 
many  years  afterward.  My  first  day  in 
New  York  was  a  Friday,  and,  the  family 

that  she 

lawyer."  .  ,_.,,-.■ 

"  He  docs  not  practice  in  this  Conn. 

A  Jerseyman  gathering  mushrooms 

was  told  Uiey  were  poisonous.  "  'tbank  J'oaj"  be 
replied,  "  I  am  not  gohig  to  cat  them  myself-l  ten 
them  at  the  hotel." 

It  is  a  fallacy  to  suppose  that  a  fox 

is  jubilant  when  carrying  home  a  fat  (foosc  to  his 
larder  -on  tba  contrary  he  never  feeU  more  "^Xovra 
iu  the  mouth." 

«<  Why  do  you  always  buy  a  second 

fljiM  ticket?"  asked  a  gentleman  of  a  miccr.  "Bc- 
^,"e  acre  is  no  thir^class  ticket.'  was  the  reply 
of  the  latter. 

As  the  (iuick*st  way  to  make>  a  for- 
tune, a  coiempomry  '="¥*-'''''«  "vYo^her      ''■ 

able  young  lady  and  hClling  her  clothes. 

The    Philadelphia   I'renH  says   the 

course  of  a  certain  New  York  jonrnal  is  "enough 
to  make  a  hen  smile."    The  idea' 

There  are  several  clergymen  in  New 

York  city  who  receive  ovcr$3,(NKJ  per  year  for  mar 
riagc  fees.    It  is  an  ill  wind,  Ac. 

"Why  is  a  man  riding  last  up  hill  like 

another  taking  a  little  dog  to  a  young  lady?  Be- 
cause he  is  taking  a.  gal  a  pup. 

The  dofir  l)etween  us  and  Heaven 

cannot  be  opened  if  that  between  us  and  our  fc  1 
low  men  be  shnt. 

-Why  might  carpenters  really  be- 
lieve there  Is  no  such  thing  as  a  stone  ?  Ikcause 
they  never  saw  it. 

A  lady  advertises  in  a  city  paper 

that  she  wants  a  gcntloman  "for  breakfa£tand 
tea.'  .     g, 

The  Height    of  Patience— A  deaf 

man  wailtug  to  hear  the  tlcklnj:  of  a  sun  dial. 

A  pretty  female  artist  can  draw  the 

men  equally  with  a  brash  and  with  a  bhisb. 

^Tbe  religion  that  is  always  search- 
ing for  "  a  hope"  is  a  hopeless  religion.; 

"  Working  for  dear  life"  is  defined 

to  be  making  clothes  for  a  new  baby. 

-1 Itiseaid  that  the  prettiest  girls  in 

Salt  Lake  City  usnally  marry  Young. 

Time  is  money ;  of  course  it  is,  or 

how  could  you  " spend  an  evening." 

When  does  a  man  have  to  keep  his 

word?    When  no  one  will  thke  U. 

What  U  the  mditary  definition  of  a 

ktss!    Report  at  head-quarters. 

Discretion  in  speech  ii  greater  and 

better  than  cloqocnce.  .t*^^;^ 

A  thorn  in  the  buah  la  worth  two  m 

—Pacific  nudes— hen-pecked  husbands 



,  >_M "- 

•B-B.! ^   I.M  ■»  ■■     ■     '"  » 

■        ■*    ^m 

>   I     ,  ,  *><■ 



Draw  back  the  crmlte-curulns,  Kate. 

Whilst  watch  and  ward  you're  keeping;, 
1/ct'a  see  the  monarch  li«  in  state. 

And  view  him  whilt't  he's  sleeping. 
Uc  Kiulksa  and  claripa  hta  tiny  band. 
/A.8  BiiQhoAin^  in  come  ^iroamlDg, 
A  World  of  baby  fairyland 

Ue  viaiu  whihst  hc'b  dreaming. 

Monarch  of  pearly  powder-pliff 

Asleep  in  ocst  eo  coeey. 
Shielded  from  breath  of  breezes  rough 

By  curtains  warm  and  rosy : 
tie  slambors  soundly  in  bis  cell, 

As  Weak  as  one  decrepid, 
Thoagh  Kin?  of,  liotd  of  Bell, 

And  Knight  of  Dath  that's  tepid  ! 

Ah,  lucky  tyrant  I    Ilappy  lot ! 

Fair  watchers  without  number. 
To  sweetly  sing  beside  his  cot. 

And  hush  him  olf  to  slumber  ; 
White  hands  in  wait  to  smooth  so  neat 

His  pillow  when  li's  rumpled. 
On  couch  of  rose-leaves  fresh  and  sweet. 

Not  one  of  which  is  crumpled ! 

Will  yonder  dainty,  dimpled  hand- 
Size,  nothing  and  a  quarter— 

E'er  clasp  a  sabre,  lead  a  bund 
To  ;;lory  and  to  slanahter? 

And.  may  I  usk,  will  those  blue  oyea— 
In  baby  palols  "peepers" — 

£'er  in  the  Uouso  of  Commons  rise. 
And  strive  to  catch  the  speaker's  ? 

Will  that  fair  brow  o'er  Hansard  frown 

Confused  by  lore  staHKtic? 
Or  will  those  lips  e'er  stir  the  town 

From  pulpit  ritualistic  ? 
Impossinle,  and  yet,  mayhap— 

Though  strange,  quite  true  it  may  be-- 
I'crhaps  Nero  once  fed  on  pap, 

And  Beales  was  once  a  baby. 

Though  rosy,  dimpled,  plump  and  round. 

Though  frapile,  soft  and  tender. 
Sometimes,  alas '  it  may  be  found 

The  thread  ot  life  is  slender  !, 
A  little  shoo,  a  bitten  jjlovc— 

Affection  never  waninff— 
The  shattered  idol  of  our  love 

Is  all  that  is  reniainiu<;? 

Then  does  one  chance.  In  fiincy,  hear 

Small  feet  in  childUb  patter. 
Tread  soft  as  tlify  a  ;,'rave  draw  near. 

And  voices  hush  their  chatter; 
"T  is  small  and  new  they  pause  in  fear, 

Bcncatii  the  ijrdy  chnrcD  tower, 
Ti>  consecrate  It  by  a  tear 

And  deck  It  with  a  flower. 

Then  take  your  babe,  Kate,  kiss  him  so. 

Fast  to  your  bosom  press  him  ! 
Of  mother's  love  what  does  he  know? 

Though  closely  yon  caress  him. 
Ah  !  what  a  man  will  be  that  boy. 

What  mind  and  education  ! 
If  he  fulfils  the  hope  and  joy 

Of  mother's  aspiration. 

-Loudon  Socitly 

From  Tiualcv's  Magazine. 

r<»oni]KO»v  s   HAtt. 

Y(»u  have  doubtlcsa  heard  of  that  famous 
carptt-hag  which  was  associated  with  the 
Waterloo  Bridge  mystery.  Well,  I  am 
about  to  tell  you  a  much  more  dreadful 
story  (or  one  which  seems  to  vie  to  be  so) 
about  another  carpet-bag,  the  owner  of 
which  the  much  vaunted  sagacity  of  the 
police  has  also  failed  to  discover.  la  both 
cases,  however,  as  though  in  revenge  for 
their  own  incapacity,  they  have  not  hesi- 
tated to  cast  a  slur  upon  innocent  individu- 
als. My  ntighber  B.  and  myself  were  re- 
turning, one  November  atternoon,  from  our 
club,  wiiere  1  had  looked  in  as  usual,  just 
to  get  a  glimpse  of  the  evening  paper,  m 
order  t«  take  the  last  telegraphic  intelli- 
gence to  my  wife  at  home,  when,  finding 
ourselves  late  for  our  respective  dinners, 
we  hailed  a  hansom,  and  got  into  it ;  it  be- 
ing arranged  that  I  should  drop  B  within 
a  street's  length  of  his  own  house. 

"  Hullo !"  cried  my  companion,  directly 
we  had  started  oti';  "  why,  here's  a  carpet- 
bag which  somebody  has  left  behind  him." 
"Halves!"  cxclaime<i  1,  with  a  sudden 
and  uncontrollable  impulse,  the  springs  of 
which  lay  far  enough,awp.y  in  those  days  of 
Iwyhood  when  the  rights  of  properly  arc 
so  imperfectly  understood. 

"  Xo,  no,"  replied  B, severely ;  "it  is  not 
yours,  my  fiicnd.  You  know  it  icm  lUuit 
found  it.' 

"  Really,  my  dear  B,"  returned  I,  "  You 
quite  surprise  me.  Y'ou  must  be  aware 
that  it  belongs, to  neither  of  us,  bat  to  the 
unfortunate  person  who  hatl  engaged  this 

*'  Very  true,"  assented  B,  but  a  little  re- 
gretfully, as  1  thought,  at  the  view  I  had 
"deeniod  it  right  to  take ;  for  however 
Divines  may  preach,  and  (which  is  worse) 
the  law  may  dictate,  when  one  has  found 
a  thing,  one  does  seem  to  have  some  sort  of 
a  claim  to  it.  If  I  were  asked  to  point  out 
what  is  pnr  exreUem-e  the  law  of  nature,  I 
snould  answer,  It  is  that  which  is  called  on 
land  "  the  Kight  ol  Trover,"  and  on  the 
seashore  that  of  "  Flotsam  and  Jetsam." 
Here  was  a  carpet-1)ag  left  by  the  tide  ol 
humanity,— or  at  least  by  one  csreless 
wave  of  it, —  and  here  were  We,  its  liiulers, 
— for  it  is  ridiculous  that  B  should  have  a 
priority  of  claim,  just  because  he  happened 
to  plump  down  (without  hurting  himself) 
upon  the  property  in  tiucstion,  which 
might  just  a;i  well  have  been  on  my  side 
of  the  hansom  as  his.  The  (luestion  arose 
then,  How  were  we  to  deal  with  it  'i 

"  It  will  never  do  to  give  it  up  to  the 
cabman,  eh '/"  observed  B,  tentatively  :  "b^; 
will  keep  it  for  himself  to  a  certainty." 

"  Quite  out  of  the  ([uestion,"  assented  I. 
"  The  fello^v  who  lost  it  would  never  have 
a  chance  of  recovering  it." 

"  I  liiink  1  had  belter  take  it  home  and 
advertise  it  in  the  Times,"  suggested  my 

"  No,  my  dear  fellow,"  said  I,  firmly : 
"  you  shall  never  be  troubled  to  walk  with 
that  great  black  leather-bag"  (it  was  an 
uncommonly  large  one,)  "through  the 
streets.  The  cab  takes  mc,  you  know,  to 
my  own  door,  so  I'll  take  it  to  rui/  house." 
"  Very  well,"  said  B,  slowly  handing 
over  the  property  into  my  charge,  with  the 
air  of  a  co-trustee,  who,  while  executing 
some  undoubtedly  lawful  deed,  yet  cannot 
help  regretting  that  the  person  who  acts 
with  him  should  happen  to  be  an  attorney. 
"  Yf^u'll  take  great  care  of  it,  won't  you '?" 
"  Of  course  1  will,"  returned  I,  indig- 
nantly. "  I  shall  either  advertise  it  in  the 
Times,  or  take  it  to  the  police  office  the  first 
thing  in  the  morning." 

"Just  so,"  said  B,  who  had  now  arrived 
at  hia  journey's  end.  "  1  should  n't  at  all 
wonder  if  we  saw  a  reward  oflercd  for  it 
to-morrow  in  the  second  column.  If  we 
were  poor  people,  this  might  be  quite  a 
god-send,  might  it  not  f" 

"  You  shall  have  halves,"  said  I,  "  what- 
ever it  is." 

And  so  we  parted  with  another  shout  ol 
merriment.  But  when  1  glanced  through 
the  little  window,  I  sjiw  B  lo<jkinK  afiei 
me  with  an  intensity  of  expression,  which, 
although  we  are  always  sorry  to  wish  each 
oihc  go<xl  by,  I  never  noticed  in  his  friend- 
ly countenance  before. 

It  may  be  asked,  perhaps,  how  it  was 
that  the  cabman,  seeing  mc  enter  his  vehi- 
cle without  luggage,  and  emerge  from  it 
with  the  property  in  question,  did  not  at 
once  question  my  right  to  the  same ;  for  it 
is  scarcely  to  be  supposed  that  he  was  met- 
aphysician enough  to  allow  that  I  could 
have  evolved  not  only  the  idea  of  a  carpet- 
bag, but  a  carpet-bag  itself,  out  of  my  in- 
ner consciousness. 

The  reply  to  this  apparent  difficulty  is, 
that  it  wa.?  dark.  Moreover,  I  won't  swear 
that  I  did  not  hold  the  carpet-bag  rather 
behind  me,  so  as  to  shield  it  from  observa- 
tion, while  I  paid  the  man  his  full  fare  and 
sixpence  over,  for  which,  as  usual,  he  did 
not  stay  to  thank  me,  but  drove  swiftly 

My  wife  was  exceedingly  interested  in 
this  carpetbag~a  black  one,  evidently 
Divided  within  into  compartments — and 
punched  it  vigorously,  with  the  object  of 
discovering,  from  the  nature  of  the  resist- 
ance otlered,  what  was  the  character  of  its 
contents.  "  If  we  could  open  it,"  argued 
she,  "  we  should  surely  learn  from  internal 
evidence  the  name  and  address  of  the 
owner,  and  l)C  able  to  forward  it  to  him 

Bat  when  all  the  little  keys  in  our  pos- 
session had  been  tried  without  effect  upon 
lis  patent  lock,  we  decided  that  it  could 
not  possibly  contain  anything  beyond  a 
change  of  ^clothes— probably  some  poor 


gentleman's  evening  suit, — and  a  couple  'o 
hair  brushes.  There  was  no  doubt  about 
UuiM,  for  I  could  feel  their  bristles  througli 
the  leather.  Under  these  circumstances, 
the  expenditure  of  Bcven-aud  sixpence  in 
an  advertisement  in  the  Tmiea  was  not  to 
1)6  dre^eil  of,  and  I  made  up  my  mind  to 
"communicate  with  the  police.'*  There 
was  also  something  authoritative,  and 
which  seerned  to  confer  importance  upon 
one,  in  such  an  act.  People  who  are  des- 
cribed as  "  taking  that  very  pr»>per  course," 
in  the  newspaper,  always  strike  one  in  the 
light  of  public  benefactors.  Moreover, 
although  nothing  was  really  ever  further 
from  my  thoughts  (and  I  think  I  may  add 
even  from  B's)  than  to  appropriate  that 
carpet-bag  or  its  contents  to  my  own  uses, 
yet  there  was  a  certain  sense  of  self-sacri- 
fice in  the  action,  or,  at  all  events,  of  the 
most  heroic  honesty.  AiisUdes  himself 
could  not  have  behavwl  more  justly :  it  was 
a  proceeding  that  even  Draco  would  have 
spoken  of  ti'om  the  bench,  1  thought,  in 
terms  of  the  highest  praise.  At  all  events, 
1  should  be  looked  upon  by  the  police  au- 
thorities—accustomed  to  deal  witn  persons 
actuated  by  such  very  dillerent  sentiments 
— with  something  more  than  cold  respect. 
In  a  word,  I  don't  remember  to  luve  ever 
felt  more  selfcomplacent  than  when  I  took 
my  way,  after  luncheon,  the  next  day  (a 
Saturday),  to  the  nearest  police  station, 
with  the  intention  of  supplying  the  Inspec- 
tor with  that  mysterious  mental  aliment 
which  Sir  Richard  Maync  calls  "  informa- 
tion received," 

Having  reached  the  office,  and  being  told 
by  the  policeman  on  duty  in  the  ante- 
chamber to  "  pass  on" — as  though  1  were 
an  apple-woman  obstructing  the  pavement 
—I  soon  found  myself  in  the  presence  t>f 
his  superior,  and  undergoing  the  minutest 
inspection  from  that  sagacious  person. 
His  eye  measured  me,  as  though  he  had 
been  my  tailor,  from  my  head  to  my  knees, 
and  doubtless  would  have  gone  further, 
and  literally  "  taken  the  length  of  my  foot," 
but  for  a  great  counter  which  intervenetl 
between  him  and  me,  and  curtailed  his  in- 
vestigations, although  by  no  means  his 
curiosity .  I  never  was  so  looked  at  before 
in  all  my  life ;  and  it  was  at  this  moment  I 
bej,an  to  feel  regret  tliat  I  had  so  enjoyed 
the  misfortunes  of  those  three  victims  to 
the  P  division  at  the  Crystal  Palace. 

"  I  have  found  a  carpet-bag,"  said  I,  m  a 
hesitating  tone. 

'  L  mph  !"  returned  the  Inspector,  turn- 
ing over  the  leaves  of  a  great  ledger,  and 
looking  as  though  he  was  about  to  mention 
that  it  was  his  duty  to  warn  me  that  any 
admission  that  1  might  make  would  be 
use»l  against  me.  "Linph!"  repeated  he, 
still  more  severely;  "  that  is  a  very  odd 
tiling  to  ^nd,  sir,  indccii." 

Now,  really,  I  put  it  to  any  one,  teas  this 
fair?  Why  should  he  have  said  that':' 
We  were  in  London,  a  populous  city,  where 
almost  everybody  who  possesses  a  change 
of  raiment  also  owns  a  carpet-bag,  and  is 
liable  to  lose  it.  It  the  celcbratetl  New 
Zealander  had  arrived,  and  was,  with  his 
scantily-attired  nation,  solely  in  the  occu- 
pation of  the  metropolis,  such  an  innuendo 
could  have  been  hardly  justified  ;  but  as  it 
was,  it  seemed  to  me  quite  insulting. 

"  Sir,"  said  I,  (turning,  1  have  no  doubt, 
very  red),  "I  found  it  in  a  hansom." 

"  Ah  !"  returned  the  Inspe<jtor,  with  the 
fierce  exultation  of  a  wild  animal  who  fan- 
cies he  scents  blood,  "  you  found  it  in  a 

"  Yes," observed  I,  with  irritation ;  "I've 
got  it  now.  I  don't  want  it.  You  may 
send  for  it  if  you  like." 

"  Be  good  enough  to—"    No,  that's  just 
what   he   did    not   say.     Gratitude   I  had 
ceased  to  expect  fr<jm  this  person,  but  I 
did  expect  common  civility,  and  I  wasdis 

"  St«.tc  the  circumslances,"  was  all  he 
said ;  and  he  took  un  his  pen  and  wrote 
them  down  with  malignant  deliberation. 
At  this  point  1  began  in  my  mind's  eye  to 
sec  the  court  in  the  (.Hd  Bailey,  not  from 
the  grand-jury  box,  whcrefrom  I  had  be- 
held it  in  the  flesh,  but  from  the  point  ot 
view  enjoyed  by  the  prisoner  in  the  d»«:k. 
Suapicion,  arrest,  conviction,  (for  all  I 
knew)  penal  servitude  for  life,  was  what  I 
now  expected,  instead  of  that  autograph 
letter  from  the  Home  Secretary  compli 
menting  me  upon  my  sagacity  and  recti 
tude,  with  the  receipt  of  which  my  ima- 
ginalion  had  flattered  mc  as  I  came  along. 
"  Now,  sir,"  said  he,  gloomily,  when  I 
had  quite  finisluHl,  "you  have  done  very 
wrong,  and  something  entirely  unjusti 

Dear  mc,  dear  me  I  how  1  wished  I 
had  let  B  carry  home  that  carpetbag,  as 
he  had  so  prcssingly  oflcred  to  do,  instead 
of  nic.  How  I  wished  I  had  put  it  behind 
the  fire.  How  I  wished  I  was  going  to  sail 
for  Ulaga  that  evening,  per  clipper  ship 
Swiftture,  whose  departure  I  had  seen  ad- 
vertised on  the  wall  of  the  police-station  as 
I  came  in.  Every  detail  of  what  I  had  re- 
marked coming  along  the  streets  crowded 
before  my  eyes,  just  as  the  novelists  des- 
cribe them  to  do  in  the  cases  ol  condemned 
or  moribund  persons.  The  Inspector's 
accents  smote  upon  my  car  like  the  strokes 
ot  a  passing  bell. 

"  Your  manifest  duly,  sir,  was  to  inform 
the  cabman  that  the  property  in  question, 
— very  liliely  documents  of  priceless 

"No,"  interrupted  I,  hastily;  "hair- 
brushes." The  next  moment,  by  the  ex- 
pression of  his  face,  I  felt  that  I  had  made 
a  great  mistake. 

"  Hair-brushes !"  said  he,  slowly,  suiting 
the  action  to  the  word  by  slowly  stroking 
one  of  his  mutton  chop  whiskcrr. :  "  then 
you've  opened  it,  have  you?" 

"  No,  no,''  said  1,  imploringly  ;  "  none  of 
our  keys  would  fit  the  lock."  Here  1  eaw 
that  I  had  made  another  unfortunate  mis- 

"  (),  indeed  !"  was  all  the  Inspector  said, 
but  he  looked  volumes, — the  whole  four 
volumes  of  the  Newgate  Calendar. 

"  Your  obvious  duty,  m  the  Jird  in- 
stance," returned  he,  with  meaning,  "  was 
to  have  given  up  the  property  to  the  cab- 
man in  order  that  it  might  have  been  at 
once  conveyed  t<j  the  Lost-Parcels'  Of- 

"  Dear  me,"  cried  I,  with  sudden  vehem- 
ence, "  so  I  ought,  of  course !  I  quite  for- 
got about  the  Lost  Parcels'  Office. " 

"Ah,  you  knew  of  it,  then,  but  you  for- 
got it,"  returned  the  Inspector  in  a  tone  of 
sarcasm  that  I  have  heard  my  brother-in- 
law,  who  is  a  country  magistrate,  use  to 
poachers  found  with  partriogo  nets  in  their 
accidental  possession.  "  You  will  be  g<KHl 
enough  to  favor  mc  with  your  address." 

I  gave  it  him,  of  course.  I  would  have 
made  him  a  present  of  the  lease  ol  my 
house,  if  it  would  have  mollified  him  at 
that  moment. 

"  More  than  twenty-four  hours  will  have 
elapsed  l>efore  this  carpet  bag  can  be  sent 
to  ita  proper  dcsUnation,"  pursued  he; 
"  therefore  the  owner  will  probably  have 
called  at  the  Lost  Parcels'  Office,  and  not 
finding  it  there,  will  conclude — and  indeed 
.  the  authorities  will  tell  him  so— that  all 
further  search  is  vain.  Cabmen  are  bound 
to  return  articles  so  discovered  within 
twelve  hours,  and  if  they  do  not  do  so,  it 
is  liecausc  they  arc  thieves." 

"  Exactly  so,"  urged  I,  despairingly ; 
"  that  is  why  I  deemed  it  safer  to  take  this 
home  with  me;  I  thought  the  cabman 
might  not  be  trustworthy." 

"You  could  have  taken  his  number  I 
suppose,"  remarked  the  Inspector  cynical- 
ly. "  It  is  too  late  to  forward  the  article 
to  Scotland-yard  to  night ;  you  had  better 
bring  it  hither  yourself  on  Monday. 
Good  morning." 

He  did  not  say  "  GtH)d  morning"  like  a 
parting  salutation  at  all.  It  secmeil  to  ex- 
press, •'  Y'ou  may  go  now,  but  on  your  per- 
sonal recognizances  to  re  appear  here  with- 
in eight-and-forty  hours.  1  have  not  done 
with  you,  nor  anything  like  it.  I  hare 
got  my  eye  upon  you;  my  myrmidons 
shall  have  their  orders.  A  man  that  can 
sec  hair-brushes  through  the  leather  of  a 
carpet-bag,  and  yet  forgets  the  existence  of 
a  Lost-Parcels'  Office,  is  not  likely  to  come 

to  good ;  I  shall  sec  you  again.  Good 

^_;)^  lu^rmcdiaU  JSaUtath  waa^  by  uo- 
means  a  day  of  rest  to  me.  BHck  Care 
that  sits  t^ehind  the  horseman,  seemed  al- 
ways to  be  sitting  in  front  of  me  in  the 
form  of  a  leathern  carpet-bag.  If  an  in- 
cubus ever  took  that  form,  I  pity  those  of 
lay  anceslres.scs  who  were  witches.  My  whom  I  had  communicated  my  ap- 
prehensions, pictured  her  beloved  hus- 
band with  a  mask  en  (as  beheld  in  Never 
too  late  to  ^U«?7Mi  at  the  Princess's  Theatre), 
shorn  of  his  name,  and  answering  to  a 
number  with  four  figures  in  it.  We  were 
about  to  retire  to  rest  upon  that  Simday 
night  at  leu-thirty,  as  usual,  when  the  par- 
lor-maid came  up  to  the  drawing-room 
Willi  a  very  pale  face,  to  say  that  there 
was  a  couple  uf  policemen  in  the  hall  who 
wanted  to  speak  with  me. 

"  They  shall  never  part  us !"  exclaimed 
my  wife,  with  a  shriek  of  agony.  "O 
Walter,  SValter,  why  did  you  laugh  at 
those  pobr  people  at  the  Crystal  Palace 
who  were  falsely  accused  of  picking  pock- 

I  unbatred  the  shutters  and  looked  out 
into  our  crescent.  Y'cs,  as  I  had  suspected, 
there  wetc  two  other  policemen  watching 
the  house  from  outside. 

"  Heavfcn  bless  you,  Polly,"  said  I  with 
pathos ;  ''  you  at  least  will  know  that  I  am 
innocent."  Then  taking  advantage  of  the 
temporary  unconsciousness  induced  by  hys- 
terics I  tore  myself  away  from  her  side. 

In  our  little  hall  there  stood  the  largest 
policeman  I  ever  saw  out  of  a  pantomime, 
and  one  almost  as  big  was  standing  behind 
him.  Each  had  a  dark  lantern  stuck  in 
hia  belt,  which  gave  them  an  awful  ap- 
pearance ;  and  the  cook  and  the  kitchen- 
maiil  were  regarding  them  as  though  they 
were  a  couple  of  Guy  Fa wkcscs,  with  un- 
feigned amazement.  It  was  not  the 
"amazement"  spoken  of  iu  the  marriage- 
service;  liowtcvr,  between  them  and  those 
policemen  there  was,  for  once,  no  tender 
bond  of  sympathy,  I  feel  certain ;  they 
were  almost  as  frightened  as  their  master. 
"  Here  I  am,"  said  I,  holding  my  hand 
before  me,  as  I  had  seen  all  heroic  crimi- 
nals do  upon  the  stage,  when  "  the  game  is 
up,"  and  "  the  darbicb"  must  be  put  on, 
and  why  not  with  a  good  grace  V 

"  Yes,  fir,"  returned  the  giant,  respect- 
fully; "I'm  sorry  to  trouble  you,  but  the 
fact  is  we  susncct  there's  somebody  m  that 
empty  house  (he  was  Irish,  of  course) 
"next  door:  we  have  been  directed  to 
watch  it,  and  a  certain  mark  which  we  set 
upon  it  has  l)een  removed,  whereby  we 
know  that  some  person  has  entered  who 
has  no  right  to  be  there.  The  owner  is 
out  of  town,  8{)  if  you  will  kindly  let  us 
get  out  of  your  garret  window  and  on  to 
the  roof—" 

"  Gentlemen,"  crietl  I,  in  a  rapture,  "the 
whole  house  is  at  your  sci  vice.  I  respect 
the  law  above  all  things.  What  would 
you  take  to  drink  ?" 

The  revulsion  of  feeling  was  almost  too 
much  for  me.  It  is  unnecessary  to  describe 
how  enthusiastically  I  seconded  the  efforts 
of  "  the  force,"  accompanying  them  to  the 
very  roof-top,  and  only  leaving  them  when 
they  made  their  burglarious  entry  into  the 
next  door,  and  the  possibility  arose  of  a 
contest  with  robbers.  They  almost  fri<'ht- 
ened  my  eldest  child  into  a  tit  as  they 
trampwl  by  her  apartment,  but  I  assured 
llieiu  that  she  was  used  to  fily,  and  that  il 
w>i.s  of  no  consequence. 

In  short,  i!  ever  a  man  showed  himself  a 
good  citizen,  and  dc^rving  of  the  anpro- 
l»,ition  of  "  the  authorities,"  il  was  1.  I 
evi'n  venMin;  I,  whil.-  p'uhin.i;  the  big  man 
through  tiie  garret- wintlow  (where  he 
Pluck  fast,  and  had  to  liavc  his  lantern 
tiiken  ofi),  to  give  him  the  heads  of  the 
carpet  bag  story,  iu  or.icr  that  he  might 
retail  them  in  the  proper  ([Uaiter.  But  he 
gave  me  to  uu<lerstand  that  "misdemean- 
ors" were  not  in  his  line,  whicii  lay  rather 
in  the  suppression  of  "burglaries  with  vio- 
lence." 1  don't  know  whether  they  found 
anybo«ly  in  that  uninhabited  house  or  not; 
and  I  don't  care. 

The  next  morning  1  once  more  betook 
myself,  c)\rpet  bag  fn  Jiand,  t<j  the  police 
station.  There  was  another  Inspector 
hitting  at  the  receipt  of  rascaldom,  and  I 
had  to  tell  all  my  story  over  again. 

"  When  did  you  furnish  this    informa- 
tion .•""  a.skcd  this  terrible  ofilcial,  who  was 
twice  as  ferocious  as  the  other. 
"  Yesterday,"  said  I. 
"  Ycslerday,"  returned  he  in  an  awful 
voice ;  "why,  1  was  here  all  day  yesterday. 
What  time  was  it  when,  acrovdinfj  to  your 
oicn  ncfoutit,  you  came  here  to  give  up  this 
property  f 
"  About  three  o'clock."  said  I. 
"1  was  hero  at  three.      Number  foity- 
two,  wasn't  I  here  at  three  ©'clock  yester- 
day -r 

"Slop!"  cried  I;  "I  forgot;  it  was 
Saturday.  Of  course  I  couldrrt  come  here 
on  a  Sunday." 

Y'ou  should  have  heanl  the  Inspector's 
"  Umph  !"  when  I  said  that.  If  that  man 
ever  goes  to  church  of  his  own  free  will, 
I'll  forfeit  my  character  for  the  second 
lime— and  1  don't  intend  to\lo  that  in  a 

"  Well,  we've  got  your  address,"  said  he 
"  We  know  where  to  find  you,  if  anything 
should  arise  further  out  of  this  matter." 

"  Further  v"  cried  I.  "  Why  you've  got 
the  carpet  bag  and  all  that's  in  it.  What 
can  arise  out  of  it  further?" 

"  It's  impossililc  to  say,"  returned  the 
Inspector,  dryly.  "  But  suppose— I  only 
say  suppose — the  whole  story  should  be  a 
device  for  getting  rid  of  a — here  be  point- 
ed to  the  dreadful  carpet  bag--"  something 

"OofKl  heave^^^!''  cried  I  luruing  pale 
wilh  horror,  "  not  a  dead  body  f 

"  Just  so,"  nodded  the  Insueclor ;  "  who 

I  found  myj^eir  at  home  somehow  ;  but 
the  shock  had  a  serious  cllect  upon  my 
system.  When  I  found  myself  well  enough 
to  revisit  the  club,  B's  cheery  laugh  grated 
upon  my  ears  very  unpleawntly.  He 
would  have  laughed,  if  I  may  use  the  vul- 
garism, on  the  other  side  of  his  mouth,  if 
Tie  had  taken  home  the  carpet-bag. 

"Well,"  exclaimed  he,  "how  did  that 
little  venture  of  ours  turn  out  'V  (Fancy 
cither  of  those  Inspectors  hearing  him  say 
"venture")!  "Remember,  I  am  entitled 
to  halves  you  know." 

"  Yes,  you  arc,"  returned  I,  gravely ; 
"  and  it  anything  comes  of  it,  you  shall 
certainly  Juive  halves.  The  reward  that  is 
most  likely  to  bo  offered  is  six  month's  im 
prisonmcnt  with  hard  labor;  and  you 
shall  serve  tlirce  of  them,  and  welcome !" 
I  do  not  know  whether  I  am  not  under 
"  the  sujveillancc  of  the  police  "  even  now. 

"  Haju>g  "  IN  Yale  CotLEOE.- The 
Yale  College  "  hazing  "  has  begun  again. 
The  Yale  Courant  says  ;  We  had  hoped 
thai  this  disgraceful  practice  had  fallen  in- 
to such  disrepute  among  us,  that  we  at 
least,  while  in  college,  would  not  be  called 
upon  to  record  its  occurrence.  The  mem- 
bers of  the  senior  class  will  doubtless  re- 
member an  instande  of  it  which  took 
place  in  their  freshman  year.  The  perpe- 
trators were  severely  punished,  not  only 
by  the  action  of  the  faculty,  but  also  by 
the  contempt  in  which  the  affair  was  held 
by  the  students.  Since  then  nothing  of 
the  sort  has  come  to  our  notice  until  a  few 
days  since. 

One  evening  last  week,  just  after  sun- 
set, a  hack  drove  up  to  a  door  of  a  house 
on  Cnttvn  street,  where  a  member  of  '71 
was  rooming.     What  professed  tn  be  an 

old  man  alightcxl,  and  informed  Mr. 

that  some  one  in  the  hack  wished  to  sec 
him.  Advancing  to  the  door  of  the  hack 
he  was  forced  into  it,  his  mouth  stopped, 
and  the  hack  driven  to  "  East  Ilock." 
The    Sophs    (four  or    five  in  number), 

who  had  kidnapped  Mr. ,    then  cut 

the  hair  from  the  top  of  bis  head,  and 
after  various  other  insults,  drove  away, 
leaving  him  to  make  his  way  back  as  best 
he  could.  We  have  no  words  to  express 
our  contempt  for  such  a  dastardly  sncak- 
ODg  performance. 

Clerical  T<rblc-Talk. 

Jii.  Uilly  related  tlxc  following  anecdote, 
WKich  was  told  by  "ft"  Well-known  Irish 
character,  Thaddeus  Connolly,  who  used 
to  spend  much  of  hia  time  in  wandering 
through  Ireland  and  instructing  the  lower 
classes  in  their  native  language :  "  1  \yent," 
.said  he,  "one  Sunday  into  a  church  to 
which  a  new.  incumbent  had  been  lately 
appointed.  The  co'.igregation  did  not 
exceed  half  a  dozen,  but  the  preacher  de- 
livered himself  with  as  much  energy  and 
allection  as  if  he  was  addressing  a  crowd- 
ed liudicuce.  After  the  service  I  expressed 
to  the  clergyman  my  wonder  that  he 
should  preach  so  fervently  to  such  a  small 
number  of  people.  '  Were  there  but  one,' 
said  the  rector,  '  my  anxiety  for  his  im 
provemcut  would  make  me  equally  ener 
getic.' " 

The  following  year  Connolly  went  into 
the  same  church ;  the  conurcgation  was 
multiplied  seventy  fold.  The  third  year 
he  found  the  church  full. 

The  following  has  been  going  the  rounds 
of  the  newspapers.  Men  seem  to  forget 
that  the  distinctions  of  clean  and  unclean 
beast  were  expressly  abolished  in  the  vision 
of  St.  Peter  on  the  house-top  of  Simon, 
the  tanner,  just  before  he  was  called  to 
Cornelius,  the  centurion  : 

Dr.  Adam  Clark,  who  liad  a  strong 
aversion  to  pork,  was  called  upon  to  say 
a  grace  at  dinner  where  the  principal 
dish  was  a  roast  pig.  He  is  reported  to 
have  said  :  "  O  Lord,  if  Thou  canst  bless 
under  the  Gospel  what  Thou  didst  curFc 
under  the  law,  bless  this  pig." 

When  Howland  Hill  was,  some 
ago,  in  Scotland,  he  was  introduced  to  an 
aged  minister,  somewhat  resembling  him 
self  in  piety  and  eccentricity.  The  old 
man  looked  at  him  lor  some  lime  very 
earncetly,  and  at  length  said :  "  Weel,  I 
have  lieen  looking  for  some  teem  at  the 
leens  of  your  face."  "  And  what  do  you 
think  of  it  ?"  said  Mu  HUl.  "  Why,  1  am 
thinking  that,  if  the  grace  of  God  hiul  na 
changeetyour  heart,  you  would  ha'  been 
a  most  'tremendous  rogue."  Mr.  Hill 
laughed  heartily  and  said ;  Well,  you  have 
just  hit  the  nail  on  the  head. 

Let  clergymen  beware  how  they  attempt 
to  speak  in  a  stilted  style  to  children,  or 
ask  them  questions.  Somewhere  we  saw 
the  following  story : 

A  clergyman,  on  a  Sunday  School  occa 
sion,  was  speaking  to  a  large  audience  ot 
children,  when  he  saw  tiiat  he  must  do 
something  to  arouse  their  attention.  Just 
then  he  had  spoken  of  Peler,  so  he  i)au8ed, 
and  asked  if  any  one  of  the  children  could 
tell  him  anything  alwut  Peter  ?  but  their 
mouths  were  all  closed.  He  appealed  t«> 
the  older  scholars— younger  scholars,  and 
then  at  last  he  came  to  the  youngest,  and 
he  said,  "comenow,  little  ones,  shame  your 
ciders,  and  tell  me  sometlung  about  Pe- 

"  I  can,"  exclaimed  a  liltle  four-year  old. 

"  Can  you  ?  That  is  a  got)d  girl.  Well 
come  right  up  here,  and  tell  us  all  you 
know  about  Peler." 

The  little  girl  was  passed  forward  to  the 

"Now,"  said  the  speaker,  " let  us  hear 
what  you  know  about  Peter.  Speak  right 

The  little  girl  spoke  : 

"I'eter,  Peter, 
Pumpkin  cater,"  etc. 

Oh,  dreadful  fall.  Had  the  speaker 
spoken  nf  St.  Peter,  perhaps  the  litUc  girl 
might  have  done  Ixjltcr.  But  let  those 
who  address  children  beware  how  they 
trust  little  minds,  lor  no  one  knows 
what  associations  he  may  wake  nj) 

An  American  once  allenipting  to  ad- 
dress a  Parisian  audience  in  French,  ex- 
temporaneously, earnestly  exhorted  them 
to  take  of  the  water  of  life  freely,  in  a  lit- 
eral translation  from  the  English  "cd^r  dc 
ric,"  the  French  for  brandy,  (he  should 
have  used  the  phr&Hc  " cau  viiuiit").  The 
audience  the  force  ot  the  exhortation 

A  Frenchman  once  returned  the  compli 
mcnt  in  English,  by  endeavoring  to  give 
the    benediction    in  the   following  form  : 
"May    the    good    Lonl   pickle  you;"  he 
meant  preserve. 

A  clergyman  going  to  a  miserly  oiil  lady 
to  beg  for  a  worthy  object  fonn<l  himself 
refused  on  the  ground  of  poverty.  Feign- 
ing himself  much  interested  in  her  story, 
he  expressed  great  surpii^e  thereat,  and 
said,  "I  had  not  thought  you  in  such 
want."  and  thrn  taking  out  some  money 
he  said,  "  here  is  something  that  will  do  for 
the  present  purpose;  when  I  call  again  I 
will  give  you  more."  The  old  lady  was  so 
enraged  that  she  gave  him  a  good  round 
Rum  to  show  that  she  did  not  mean  she  was 
a  paupfr  — CAwrr//  Month'.;/  for  (kfohrr. 

♦ »» 

llo  Uleials  4iirow  V 

A  writer  iu  the  Lond«m  Mcchnnirs'  }fiig 
I  nine  says : 

It  is  supposed  by  some  that  the  mel;il3 
were  formed  or  deposited  in  sonic  past  age 
of  the  world  by  the  agency  cither  of  heat 
or  water,  during  some  great  convulsions 
of  Nature,  such  as  have  not  been  wit- 
nessed in  the  period  embraced  by  written 
history  or  tradition.  There  are  reasons 
for  doubting  the  reliability  of  this  r>pin- 
ion.  That  various  mineral  substances  are 
now  in  process  of  formation  or  develop- 
ment is  certain.  For  instance,  the  forma- 
tion of  stone  is  as  apparent  as  its  disin- 
tegration. On  the  beach  at  Lynn,  Mass., 
(says  the  TSrientific  Americcn),  may  be 
seen  a  conglomeration  o"  clay  and  sili- 
cioussand  impregnated  with  ferrcous  oxide, 
in  all  stages,  from  the  separated  particles 
to  the  layers  of  hardened  rock.  These 
rocks  are  merely  the  particles  of  sand,  co- 
gered  and  aglutinated  by  means  of  the 
clay  and  the  oxide  of  ir«n,  the  salt  water 
acting  as  a  solvent  of  the  softer  particles, 
and  the  sun's  rays  compacting  and  baking 
altogether  In  one  mass.  So,  also,  wc  know 
that  coal  is  being  formed  from  peat.  The 
intermediate  stage  is  lignite  or  "  brown 
coal,"  which,  in  turn,  b«;omes  coal. 

It  is  morally  certain  that  gold,  silver, 
copper,  and  some  other  metals  arc  now 
in  process  of  lormation  or  deposition. 
Abandoned  silver  mines  in  Peru  have 
been  found  rich  in  aborcscent  deposits  of 
the  metals  on  the  walls  of  galleries  un- 
used for  years.  A  gold-bearing  region 
after  having  been  cleaned  of  the  precious 
metal  gives  pood  results  alter  the  lapse  of 
a  few  years.  St>  wilh  copper.  In  the  Si- 
berian mines  not  only  the  precious  carbon- 
ate known  as  malachite,  but  the  metal 
itself,  in  a  state  of  almost  absolute  purity, 
is  deposited  on  the  walls,  roofs,  and  floors 
of  the  galleries  run  under  the  earth's  sur- 
face, fn  some  places  il  appears  in  masses, 
and  m  others  as  tree-like  formations,  with 
trunk  and  branches  similar  to  a  delicate 
moss.  What  becomes  of  all  the  gold  and 
silver  unav«)idab!y  wasted  in  the  process 
of  manufacture  and  the  wear  of  trans- 
mission from  hand  to  hand  currency  ?  It 
is  well  known  that  wilh  all  the  care  exer- 
cised in  the  manufacture  of  these  precious 
metals,  and  notwithstanding  their  specific 
gravity,  an  appreciable  portion  of  them  is 
utterly  wasted ;  at  least  so  distributed  as 
to  be  incapable  of  being  collected  and  used 
again.  Is  il  annihilated  ?  The  teachings 
of  science  prove  this  to  be  ijuMo&sible. 
Nothing  is  ever  wasted.  If  the  particles 
are  thrown  into  the  atmosphere,  they  must 
in  time  seek  the  earth's  surface.  Arc  they 
attracted  by  some  miknown  power  to  cer- 
tain localiUes,  and  if  not  why  should  not 
the  streets  of  a  busy  city  bc(  omc  in  time  de- 
posits of  the  precious  metals  ?  Perhaps, 
after  all,  the  old  achtmists  had  an  inspi- 
ration of  what  may  yet  become  un  fait 
ac^mpli.  When  wc  understand  the  won- 
derful process  of  Nature's  laboratory,  we 
may  possibly  imitate  her  and  grow  our 
own  metals  as  we  now  do  our  own  vege- 
tabl(;s;  or  we  may  find  the  philoso- 
pher's stone,  and  actually  collect  the  parti- 
cles of  metals,  if  we  caimot  transmute  a 
base  mineral  into  one  of  the  precious  mct- 

IVorel  Treatment  Tor  Cholera. 

A  Mississippi  planter  gave  employment  ^  ^.  .„„  ,„^„  „^ 

during  the  past  season  to  thVrty  oTRHf'Tttn'*^**-®' 1»kI  »b<>ut  the  head  and  neck,,  niedUyaBeRieetartfc 

negroes;  .The  cholera  broke  out  among    and  u^ider  the  wings,  tspeciaTly  on  settinsr  ti„ji      -f,,^.  ,.^,gy„  ^ 

hens  just  before  tliey  hatch,  and  lice,iWili 


them,  a'nd  a -physician  was  called,  whose 
treatment  promised  quirk  success.  An 
old  negro  among  the  number,  however, 
was  not  satisfied  with  the  progress  of  af- 
Ikirs,  and  with  great  show  of  religious  zeal 
and  rever»^ntial  awe  made  it  known  to  his 
fellows  that  God  had  appeared  to  him  and 
revealed  the  strange  fact  that,  if  the  chol- 
eraemitten  negroes  would  procure  one 
handful  of  salt'  and  the  other  full  of  tigs, 
and  sit  beneath  a  sycamore  tree  and  swal- 
low the  contents  of  both  hands,  taking  a 
mouthful  of  salt  and  then  a  bite  of  figs,  the 
cure  that  would  ensue  would  be  sufficient- 
ly miraculous  to.  show  a  direct  Providen- 
tial interference  in  their  behalf.  Accord- 
ingly twelve  negroes  threw  away  their 
"doctor  St ufi,"  and  supplying  themselves 
with  the  figs  and  salt,  and  seating  them- 
selves uuder  the  charmed  sycamore  pro- 
ceeded to  dose  themselves  as  directed. 
The  result  was  rather  miraculous,  for  elev- 
en of  them  never  left  the  spot '  The  dose 
killed  them. 

To  DESTnov  Lke  ox  Fowls. — Rub  on 


An  Absurd  ^luerj-. 

The  following  "  how  is  it  ?"  from  a  news- 
paper, is  of  course  an  absurdity,  but  it 
gives  rise  to  reflection  : 

"  Suppose  a  man  and  a  girl  were  to  get 
married — the  man  thirty-five  years  old, 
and  the  girl  five  years,  this  makes  the  man 
seven  times  as  old  as  the  girl ;  they  live 
together  until  the  girl  is  ten  years  old  ; 
this  makes  the  man  fi^rty  years  old,  and 
four  times  as  old  as  the  girl]:  and  they  still 
live  until  she  is  fifteen,  the  man  would  be 
forty-five,  this  makes  the  man  three  times 
as  old,  and  they  still  live  until  she  is  thirty 
years  old,  this  ;:.ake3  the  man  sixty,  only 
twice  as  old,  and  soon.  Now  how  long 
would  they  have  t  >  live  to  make  the  girl 
as  old  as  the  man':" 

This  is  as  absurd  as  the  girl  ot  twenty, 
who  was  about  to  marry  a  man  of  forty, 
and  who  wept  to  think  that  when  she 
would  be  fifty  and  still  vigorous,  he  would 
be  a  hundred  years  old  !  It  is  curious,  how- 
ever, when  we  reflect  how  su  we  grow  old- 
er, we  gain  on  our  elders ;  how  the  man  ot 
thirty,  whom  we  looked  up  to  at  twenty, 
becomes  nearer  our  own  age  as  we  move 
along  in  years. 

. *-— ■ 

STU.VUNO     with    THE     ToNOUK. — TllC 

Paris  papers  reveal  a  new  style  of  thefl 
by  which  jewelers  arc  victimized.  The 
professor  of  the  ingenious  device  presents 
himself  iu  the  shop  (jf  a  dealer  in  dia- 
monds and  pearls,  and  asks  to  see  some 
small  unset  stones.  He  is  well  dressed, 
and  wears  colored  ppcclacles.  The  stones 
arc  laid  before  him,  spread  on  paper. 
Being  very  nearsighted,  as  his  glasses 
prove,  he  is  obliged  to  bring  hia  eye  so  near 
to  the  gems  that  he  can  pick  them  up  with 
the  tip  of  his  tongue,  and  he  keeps  them 
in  his  mouth  until  out  of  the  shop.  It  he 
fears  detection,  which  seldom  occurs,  he 
swallows  his  treasure— whence  the  slang 
name  ol  "  S?.'allow-il-raw,"  given  this  class 
of  artists  by  tne  thieves' fraternity.  One 
of  them  was  caught  recently.  The  dia- 
mond merchant,  put  upon  his  guard  by  a 
victim,  said  he  had  no  small  st<^)ue6,  but 
would  have  a  large  supply  the  nc.\t  day. 
A  policeman  was  in  waiting ;  the  dia- 
monds were  laid  out  uj>on  paper  previous- 
ly impregnated  with  an  extremely  bitter 
drug,  which,  when  the  thief  gave  his  lick, 
acted  BO  violently  on  his  sense  of  taste, 
that  he  was  fain  to  reject  what  he  hatl  just 
taken.  The  policeman  appeared,  and  the 
"Swallow-it-raw  "  was  taken  iu  the  act. 

BuKNS.— In  regard  to  the  treatment  ot 
burns  there  is  a  great  diversity  of  opinion, 
scarcely  any  two  surgeons  agreeing  as  to 
the  remedies.  All  of  them  are  doubtless 
valuable,  but  there  is  one  which  has  a 
great  reputation— carbon  oil,  liraewatcr, 
and  linseed  oil.  The  great  objection  to  it 
is  it*  oflensive  (xlor,  rendering  an  entire 
ward  disagreeable.  When  the  burn  ia  very 
superficial,  simply  inUaming  or  vesicating 
the  part,  covering  it  up  with  flour,  and 
then  placing  a  layer  of  cotlou  over  it  so  as 
to  exclude  the  air,  makes  a  very  comforta- 
ble dressing.  Another  method  consists  in 
applying  cold  water,  and  another,  warm 
water  covered  with  oiled  silk  and  a  band- 
age. Lanl,  deprived  of  salt,  and  simple 
cerate  make  plca.sant  applications.  The 
profession  is  indebted  to  l^rof.  Gross  for 
the  introduction  of  white  lead  anil  linseed 
oil  in  the  treatment  of  burns.  It  is  one  ol 
the  very  best  applications  whicii  am  be 
used,  efl'ectualiy  excluding  tlic  air,  ami 
being  always  grateful  to  the  patient.  In 
all  cases,  no  matter  whether  merely  the 
skin,  or  the  deeper  strut^turesarc  involved, 
white  lead  rubbed  up  with  linseed  oil  to 
the  consistence  of  paste  or  paint,  and 
placed  on  with  a  brush,  will  be  found  pro- 
ductive of  great  relief.  There  dfxis  not 
appear  to  be  any  risk  from  the  constitu- 
tional influence  of  the  lead,  though  it  has 
been  suggested,  to  counteract  any  tenden- 
cy of  this  kintl,  that  the  patient  should 
take  occasionally  a  little  sulphate  ol  mag- 
nesia.— Medical  and  Surgical  Jiejiorter. 

Haviso  it  Out. — A  gentleman  riding 
through  the  country,  a  few  days  since,  ap- 
proached a  fence  corner,  when  his  cars 
were  greeted  by  exclamations  of  anger,  ac- 
companied by  vigorous  thwacks  on  some 
object  that,  judging  from  the  dust  arising 
from  the  locality,  was  anything  but  patient 
under  the  affliction.  Approaching  the 
spot,  our  informant  beheld  a  tow-headed 
urchin  of  twelve  summers,  belaboring, 
with  all  the  strength  he  was  master  of, 
what  seemed  to  be  a  most  stubborn  speci- 
men of  the //en?/,  mule.  The  operation  did 
not  apparently  discommode  the  beast  fur- 
ther than  to  arouse  its  "  mulishness,"  and 
to  which  It  gave  vent  by  a  series  of  kicks 
that  would  do  honor  to  Castello's  circus 
ring.  At  this  Juncture,  our  infomoant 
ventured  to  remonstrate,  when  the  follow- 
ing explanation  was  vouchsafed :  "  Dad 
whips  mam,  (whack — kick,)  mam  whips 
sis,  (whack— kick,)  and  sis,  (gratuitous 
kicks,)  darn  her,  bealn  me,  an'  I'm  going  to 
take  if  out !  (whack)." 

A  CoN80Lii>.\TiON  Joke. — The  Dayton, 
((J.)  Journal  says  that  a  gentleman  who 
resides  across  the  Miami,  within  the  favor- 
ed territory  which  was  annexed  to  that 
city  at  the  late  election,  was  somewhat  an- 
noyed the  next  morning  at  the  delay  of 
his  help— a  clever  I'rinlauder— in  bringing 
out  his  horse  and  buggy,  as  usual,  to  take 
him  to  th«  city.  Going  out  to  the  barn- 
yard he  found  Pat  busily  at  work,  putting 
things  to  rights.  "  Pat !"  called  Mr.  X. 
"Sir  r!"  iTturned  Pal.  "  What's  the  reason 
you  d.'U't  bring  out  my  horse  and  buggy — 
eh?"  "  Beg  y'r  pardon,  sir '."  rejoinect  Pat. 
"  But  I  didn't  know  you  wanted  it !" 
"  Why,  iiiiiu,  you  know  i  always  want  my 
horse  and  bugpy  in  the  morning  to  drive 
to  the  city."  "  Be  me  sockens,  sir,  1 
tho't  we  were  all  voted  into  the  city  yes- 
terday, sure  enough,  sir ;  an'  aeein'  that 
we're  in  the  city  now,  I  really  tho't  you'd 
not  be  alter  wantin'  the  buggy  stall,  at 
aU !"  _     _ 

"\N  ASTKu  A  Bleeping  Cekth. — During 

the  last  homeward  trip  ot  the  Uenry  Chaoncey 
from  A^piuwall,  the  steerage  paBseugers  were  so 
numerous  as  to  make  them  oncomlorable.  As  for 
sleepine  accommodation,  it  was  aptly  describc<l 
by  a  Callfornian,  who  approached  the  CB])tain  and 

'*  I  should  like  to  luiTC  .i  slcepini;  berth.  If  you 

"  Why,  where  have  you  l)ccn  sleeping  these  last 

two  nishta  dince  wc  left? 
"  Wtf-al,  I've  bccu 

bccu  slecplnjT  on  top  of  a  sick  man, 
but  he's  got  better  now,  and  won't  stand  It  no 

— A  man  in  Maine  has  invented  a  ma- 
chine for  digging  potatoes.  Il  consists  of 
a  scoop  made  of  boiler  iron,  which  is  driven 
under  the  potatoes  and  lifts  them  with  the 
earth  upon  a  hopper  on  which  the  earth  is 
shaken  off,  and  the  potatoes  thrown  into 
the  furrow  behind  the  machine. 

never  trouble  them 

Mit.  IL  "W.  Stewart  writes  to  the  Ainer- 
latn  Farmer  that  after  an  experience  of 
more  than  ten  years,  he  finds  two  bushels 
of  steamed  hay  are  worth  three  bushels  ol 
unsteamed,  and  that  one  quart  of  corn 
meal  steamed  with  a  bash?!  oi  straw  is 
equal  to  a  bushel  of  hay. 

John  Joiixso>'  writes  to  the  American 
Farmer  that  sheep  fat  more  ra,  wily  in  Oc- 
tober and  November,  if  they  have  first- 
rate  pasture,  than  at  any  other  season  of 
the  year.  In  fattening  sheep  during  the 
winter,  it  is  of  special  importance  that 
they  be  in  good  condition  before  being  piit 
on  their  winter  feed. 

PiCKLiKO  CucTJMCERS. — Malcc  a  pickle 
as  follows :  one  part  vinegar,  two  parts 
water,  three  parts  salt,  to  which  add  four 
ounces  of  horse-radish  for  every  half  bar- 
rel. Fill  the  cask,  or  whatever  vessel  is 
to  hold  the  pickles,  half  full  of  this  pickle ; 
pick  the  cucumbers  with  the  butt  of  the 
stem  on,  and  wipe  and  put  them  into  the 
vessel.  When  it  is  full,  place  a  cloth  over 
the  cucumbers,  and  a  board,  nicely  fitted, 
over  the  cloth ;  a  stone  should  be  placed  on 
the  board  to  keep  the  cucumbers  under 
the  piCKle.  When  needed  for  use,  soak 
and  put  them  in  vinegar  as  usual. 

A  Lesson  fou  Fak.meks.— Mr.  John 
Tucker,  of  Franklin,  N.  Y.,  twelve  years 
ago  planted  apple  seeds,  from  which  he 
has  raised  an  orchard  of  7:3  trees.  He  was 
U'3  years  of  age  at  ihe  time  he  planted  the 
seed.  From  these  trees  he  last  fall  gath- 
ered one  hundred  bushels  of  fine  apples, 
and  his  orchard  has  been  bearing  for  the 
past  five  years.  This  fact  should  be  an 
example  to  all  young  farmers  to  do  like- 
wise. At  the  time  he  planted  his  orchard 
the  probabilities  were  that  he  -would  not 
live  long  enough  to  derive  any  benefit 
therefrom;  and  very  few  men  would  have 
done  its  he  did. 

Keep  tue  Calves  Turifty.— A  call 
kept  winter  and  summer  in  thrifty  growth, 
at  two  years  old  will  make  as  much,  more, 
beef  than  one  neglectfully  kept  at  twice 
that  age.  The  profit  will  all  be  found  on 
the  two-year-old,  and  the  loss  on  the  fwur- 
year-old  ;  yet  the  owner  of  the  latter  has 
pursued  liis  system,  if  Rvstem  it  can  be 
called,  with  the  idea  he  was  saving  money. 
Keep  the  thrifty  animal  two  years  longer 
in  the  same  w^ay,  and  sometliing  very 
handsome  in  the  way  of  beef  will  be  the 
result — while  the  starveling  can  never  iiay 
the  expense  of  its  rearing  and  feeding. — 
American  .bVcc/c  Journal. 

Gapes  in  Chickens. — Wc  have  tried  the 
following  plan,  and  found  it  a  certain  cure 
for  gapes  in  chickens:  Take  a  medium- 
sized  broom  splint,  with  a  sharp  knife  make 
two  or  three  barbs  near  the  large  end. 
Open  the  mouth  ot  the  chicken,  having  its 
neck  drawn  straight,  and,  as  the  windpipe 
is  opened  for  breath,  put  in  the  instrument, 
and,  running  it  carefully  down  the  full 
length  of  the  w  iiidpipe,  turn  it  around  aud 
draw  it  uj<,  whea  one  or  more  small  red 
wornifc,  an  inch  in  length,  will  bo  caught  in 
the  barbs.  Wc  have  taken  out  four  worms 
at  one  in.scrtion.  Two  <jr  three  operations 
are  often  necessary,  but  if  faitfully  per- 
formed, the  remedy  is  sure.  As  a  prevent- 
ive, mix  a  small  (|Uantity  of  pepper  and  sul- 
phur in  their  li)od.  —  American  >ilock 

Excessive  Manuring  of  Fruit  Trees. 
—  As  the  recent  animated  discussions  in 
regard  to  the  deterioration  of  fruit  trees 
have  led  to  tiic  pretty  general  conclusion 
that  among  other  caascs,  poverty  of  soil  is 
to  be  included,  there*  is  danger  that  the 
opposite  will  i)revail  with  some  cultivators. 
A  fruit  tree  may  be  surfeited  as  -well  as 
starved,  and  no  little  care  is  necessary  to 
guard  against  extremes  in  cither  directiim. 
It  generally  results  iu  excessive  and  un- 
natural growth,  which  is  always  secured 
at  the  expense  of  the  (piantity  and  quality 
of  fruit.  There  is  a  happy  medium  wlUch 
the  prudent  cultivator  will  adopt.  Dry 
soil  for  fair  quality,  well  worked,  and  mod- 
erately manured,  will  be  found  to  answer 
best.  For  smaller  fruits,  as  strawberries, 
raspberries,  blackberries,  <kc.,  a  rich  soil  is 
required. — Uammonton  CulturiU. 

liULES  Kou  Me.\surino  Fat  Cattle. 
Take  the  girth  immediately  behind  the 
shoulder,  aud  the  length  from  the  top  of 
the  shoulder  to  a  line  perpendicular  to  the 
buttocks.  Multiply  the  girth  by  itself,  and 
that  product  by  the  length,  adding  the 
decimal  .()7!Jo8 ;  divide  that  product  by 
57;J;  the  result  -will  be  the  wei;.';hlof  the 
four  (luarlers  in  imperial  stones.  You  can 
get  tables  which  will  give  you  the  result 
without  the  trouble  of  calculation,  ascer- 
taining the  girth  and  length  as  described. 
Care  must  be  taken  that  the  beast  stands 
straight  when  measured,  and  that  the  mea- 
surements are  correctly  taken,  as  the  difler- 
ence  of  an  inch  will  tcil  considerably 
on  the  result.  My  impression  is,  that  up- 
on a  calculation  which  would  be  quite  cor- 
rect for  farmer's  ordinary  fat  stock,  an  al- 
lowance must  be  made  for  extra  fat  ani- 
mals, and  the  same  deduction  when  the 
beasts  are  not  ([uitc  up  to  the  mark.  The 
proportion  to  be  added  is  usually  slated  at 

Poin.TRY  that  have  had  the  range  of 
grain  fields  are  in  geod  condition  for  early 
fattening  for  market.  Confine  aud  feed 
them  liberally  and  allow  plenty  of  water 
with  ashes  or  dust  to  wallow  in.  Feed 
well  while  the  warm  weather  cimtiuues,  as 
they  will  fatten  much  faster  and  eat  less 
grain  than  when  it.  becomes  cold.  Pro- 
mote the  laying  of  hens  that  are  shut  up, 
by  feeding  with  scraps  of  refuse  meal. 
Fowls  eat  a  variety  of  food :  all  kinds  of 
grain  and  seeds,  and  preparations  made  for 
them ;  akio  most  sorts  of  vegetables,  raw 
or  cooked,  and  they  are  fond  of  a  certain 
quantity  of  animal  food  :  insects,  worms, 
grubs  and  maggots  they  search  for  witii 
avidity.  Potatoes  form  one  of  the  most 
economical  articles  of  food ;  but  it  is  essen- 
tial not  only  that  these  should  be  boiled 
or  steamed,  but  tliat  they  should  be  given 
warm,  as  hens  do  not  relish  "  col  1  taters." 
In  most  houses  there  arc  many  well  known 
scraps  and  refuse  that  will  serve  fowls, 
such  as  crumbs  of  bread,  fragments  of  pies 
and  puddings,  and  even  bits  of  moat  and 
fish. — American  Stock  Journal. 

Cost  of  the  During  the  War. 
— The  following  figures  show  the  expen- 
ditures of  our  Government  on  account  of 
the  array,  both  volunteers  and  regulars, 
during  the  past  six  years  : 

Svstems  Run  Down- 

Tcrsons  often  allow  their  systems  to  "rundown," 
or  rather  run  them  down  by  over-work,  accompa- 
tke  proper  mumtrotkaigt^; 
what  iB  called  "General 
Debility ;"  iu  other  words,  a  failure  and  {Mrtlal 
e^llapge^f  tlM  pbyaical  forces,  •ccompMitod,  usa-. 
ally,  by  great  deprer-sion  of  gpirtts. 

The  beet  remedy  in  such  caaca  is  IIOSTETTES'8 
SroSlACIl  BITTERS.    Whether  the  state  of  ex 
haastion  has  been  bronght  on  by  excessive  physi- 
cal UilMr,  dissipation,  anxiety  of  mind,  expoBOre  or 
auy  other  ciinse,  the  remedial  oflcct  of  this  great 
stomaclilc  wiM  be  found  equally  prompt  and  cer 
tain.    As  a  rcstor.atlvc,  after  severe  sickness  baa 
prostrated  the  bodily  and  mentai  enetgiee,  it  1«  , 
prDTionnccd,  by  competent  medical  authority,  THE  . 
BEST  TONIC  IN  USE.    If  men  were  not  foolishly  •* 
careless  about  their  healthrandover-confldentin  to  iioi.'diOJA 
themselvca,  they  would  always,  when  engaged  in    >  - 
any  work  that  required  great  exertion,  use  corres- 
ponding means  of  sustaining  fheir  strength;    For 
this  purpose  HOSTETTER'S  BITTERS  are  inval- 
uable.   All  toilers  should  use  them  as  an  Invlgo- 

«.♦    sr 

JO  e^oal'J 


'■■■■•  -t*.U 

•   1o 

For  those  constantly  employed  in  in-dooroccn- 
pations,'  especial  y  in  crowded  workshops,  they 
may  be  reckoned  as  the  very  l>e»t  aafegaard  of 
health.  Where  there  is  a  predi«poaitlon  to  consti- 
pation or  a  tendecy  to  biliousness,  they  may  b# 
truly  sftid  to  be  a  specilic  for  which  there  is  no  sub-  n^»I  i^hu/i 
StitUtC.  '-  -  ,:.-!, 

Or.  Schenck's  Mandrake  nils.— A  8u1i> 
stltate  for  Calomel. 

These  Pills  are  composed  of  various  roots,  hi>nns  the^- 
power  lo  relax  the  secretions  of  the  liver  as  promptly 
and  effectually  as  blue  plU  or  mcrcory,  and  without  '  j^ 

r  ••tT'V^ 

producing  *ny  of  those    dUasreeable  or   daaserouV 
cUiecta  whicii  often  follow  the  uce  of  tlic  latter. 

In  all  bilious  disorders  these  Pilla  m«y  tw  used  with 
cunUdeuce,  as  they  promote  tLe  diacbiirge  of  vlUated 
Ulc,  and  remove  those  obstructions  from  the  liver  and 
blll&ry  ducts,  whkli  arc  the  cause  of  bilious  affectlona 
lu  8  acral. 

ache,  and  all  disorders  of  the  Liver,  Indicated  by  sallow 
skin,  coated  tongue,  ccstlveness.  drowsiness,  and  *gea- 
eral  feeling  of  wcariaess  and  lassitude,  showing  that  tiM 
Uvcr  Is  la  a  torpid  and  olutmctcd  condlilcn. 

la  stort,  these  Pills  may  be  use  J  with  advantt^c  in  an 
cases  whcr«  a  purgative  or  alterative  medicine  Is  re- 

Please  ask  for  "  Dr.  Schenck's  Mandrake  Pills,  and 
observe  that  the  two  likenesses  of  the  Doctor  are  on 
the  Government  stamp — one  when  In  the  last  stage  ot 
CoD3un:ptiOD,  and  the  other  In  his  present  health. 

Sold  l^y  all  Druggists  and  Dealers.  Price  2>  cents  per 
box.  Principal  Office,  No.  15  North  6th  street,  Phila- 
delphia. Pa. 

General  Waolesale  Agetuts:  Demas  Barnes  &  Co., 
Perk  r.ow.   New   York;   S.  S.  Hance,  106  BalUmofo 
sUect.  lialtlmore,  Md.;  John  D.Park,  northeast coraer  i  3HT 
Gf  Fourth  and  Walnut  streets,  Cincinnati,  Ohio ;  Walker 
ft  Taylor,  m  and  156  Wabash  avenue,  Chicago,  III  •  *-     '^-  •'  'V 
Collins  Brcihi'rs,  southwest  comer  Second  and  Vine* 

!Ue:-t.  St.  I.O'.i!?,  Mo.  [4fe5Wl 

ill'  R.lrertiser  iiavini!  t>een  restored  to  healtb  la  a  few 
weeks  t>y  a  very  simple  remedy,  alter  hnvlnu  suffered 
for  Rt'TPial  yuHis  Willi  a  sereru  lunz  aaecUoo,  and  that 
dread  dl^<;asi.^  cunsutnpiion— is  auxious  to  m»ke  known 
to  Ills  fellow  sutierer*  the  meiuiB  of  cure. 

:*•.'.«.  ii 


■-:  'to 




To  all  who  doslre  It,  be  will  send  a  copy  Of  the  'pr. 

directions  f< 
|irri'iar:ns;  uud  using  the  same,  wlilch  they  will  find  a 

scrlption  nm'i  (Irceof  cliHrce),  with  Uie  directions  for 

for  Odnsumpiion,    Asthma,    Bronchitis. 
,  .^^v^.ds,  and  all  Tti.  "  _  "      „ 

only  oMect  Of  the  advertiser  In  sending  the  Pn»- 

Dhroat  and  Long  Atiecttou. 

Rure    cure 

Coughs,  Colds,  and  all  Throat  and  Lons 

Thi!  only  ol>Ject  of  the  advertiser  In  sendl 

seriptifii  if.  t<)  bPiH'tit  the  uttllctvd.  »iid  sprfsB  Informal 

tioii  v\lii<-ii  heoonoe  "^s  to  tielnvalnablr,  and  he  hopes 

every  Bullerer  will  try  liis  n-uiecly,  a^j  it  %;"!ll  cost  them 

iioliiinc.  4n<f  may  jTovea  bit  sr.iiiff.    Parties  Wlshlnx 

i\xn  iii'tittcriiiUon,  rnitB,  liy  return  mall,  will  please  ad- 

dresa  .  KEV.KDWAKD  A.  WILSON, 

.  Wtlllainiihurg,  Klnes  Co..  Nsw  York. 

460    MILES 

or    THE 

Union  Pacifie^^ 

.1  « 






From  Omaha  Across  the  Coatia^t. 

are  Now  Oompleted,  .^.i' 

And  it  id  expected  \hut  the  remaining  67:  inilea 
to  carry  the  track  to  th<i  base  of  the  Roclty  Monn- 
tiiiiie,  will  be  finished  early  in  OctoI>cr.  (7onii«ot» 
have  already  been  made  for  rock-cuttings  beyond, 
\o  be  done  during  the  v.' Inter.  The  work  Is  bebig 
pushed  forward  with  equal  (mcrgy  on  the  CaUTocDla 
end  of  the  route,  under  the  direction  of  the  Cen- 
tral Pacific  Company,  commencing  at  SttStamtbto, 
and  It  is  conndcntly  cjcccctcd  that  tbb  two  toadMj  a'!>{ 
will  meot  in  ISTU,  thus  completing  the  ejitirc  grand 
line  connecting  the  Atlantic  and  Pacifleoceaafl,  on  "  - 
CASH  have  already  buen  expended.  From  the 
liberal  Government  aid,  the  wealth  and  onfirgj  of 
the  stockholders,  and  Uc  ready  market  fbr  the 
First  Mortgage  Bond;<,  t  iiere  is  no  want  of  funds 
for  the  most  vigorous  prosecution  of  tll«.-  VoMc 
and  its  early  completion  is  aa  certain  as  any  future 
bu.-iU['.'*L<  event  can  be. 

Mi'r  i':At£M.\(<y   of   thb    rNieif 


During  the  quarter  ending  Jnlj  Slat  of  tlie  «tu. 
rent  year,  an  average  of  323  miles  of  the  Union 
Pacific  Railroad  was  in  operation.    The  Superin- 
tendent's report  shows  the  following resalt ;    '  .•   -.   j    t  />  If 
EAUN'INGS.  V-  vU,<Vri 

PasBcngcre >-..« fl60,68G9t  . 

Freight » M9jm  8U. 

Telegraph 1,41<.2.1 

Wails 12,14000 

Transportation  of  Contractor's  Ma- 
rials 458,90644 

Transportation  Contractor's  Men. . .    8»>,077  U7 

f  1,908,0^  95 

Fuel $181,08958  * 

Repair  of  Track 109,7eTW  ' 

"  Engines.  Curs,  Shops  &c      50,984  44 

Ofl[ices  and  Stations 64,907  60 

Conductors,  Engineers,  Ac 8S,3M  73 

Trains 16,486«3 

N£T  Eabnih OS  to  balance 807,60B08 





e  nl 


Year.                                 Voluutcf-re. 


1862 $m,116,lli» 

*  .5,646.7;  S 

186» lS0, 


1864 2-.i<J..S.'>:J,!ir;5 


186,5 , :i0o.7:«,fK'^; 


180«) a48.»13,.313 


1667  to  dnuc  »l 43,588,73-^ 


Total  $1,0&1,C33,5M'.> 


Totat  disbursements  for  the  army 

for  the  six  years 


To  CvKE  A  Felon. — As  soon  &s  the 
part  begins  to  swell,  w^rap  the  part  affected 
with  a  clotii  thoroughly  saturated  with 
tincture  of  lobelia,  and  the  felon  is  dead. 
An  old  pbysiciiin  Baya  he  knows  it  to  have 
cured  sc-orts  of  cases,  and  it  never  faih  if 
applied  ill  season. 

What  we  possess  :>tA  nse  alone  makes  rkb- 
Wc  do  not  own  thai  which  we  do  not  nse. 
And  thus  would  in">>l  men  verily  be  rich 
Did  they  not  covet  what  they  cannot  use, 
,  And  what  e'en  ho  who  has  possesses  noj. 

f  1,368,038  95 
From  the  relative  high  charges,  the  operating 
CApcuses  of  the  road  are  but  837(  per  cent,  of  ttie 
earnings,  and  the  ratio  would  be  much  lesi  if  the 
contractor's  business  were  not  done  at  half  rates. 
Throwing  out  charges  to  contractors  lor  tranapor 
tatlon   of  materials   and  men  ($470,283  41),  and 
deducting  from  the  aggregate  of  all  operating 
cspeuses  ($:»o,530  92)  3i7i  per  cent,  (f  157,6»4  4») 
as  the  proportion  chargeable  on  the  work  done  for 
contractors,  which  was  less  than  acttial  cost,  be- 
cause of  the  half  price  charged  for  it,  and  we  have 
the  net  operating  expenses   on   the  commercial 
business  for  the  quarter,  $237,966  60.    Tbc  accoaot 
for  the  commercial  butinet*  stands  ae  folltfwa:;  - 
Earnings  for  May,  June  anil  Jxdy. . .  tns,755  54 
Expenses     "  "  "-    ...  187,966  60 

Net  profit  of  operating  S35  mllcfl  of 

road  three  months $485,78904 

The  amount  of  fionds  the  Company  can  iMueoa 
335  miles,  at  $16,000  per  mile,  is  $S,tO0,O00.  Inter ' 
est  in  goltf,  three  montiiB,  at  Q  per  cent,  on  tbia 
snm,  is  S7S,0CO ;  add  40  per  cenL  premiom,  to  cor- 
respond with  currency  earnings,  la  $109,200— ehow- 
ing  that  tiic  net  earnings  for  thia  quarter  were 
more  than  four  Vimes  tM  inttreat  on  th«  Flrat 
Mortgage  Bonds  on  this  Icngtb  of  road. 

First  Mortgage  Bonds,  wfaoao  intrreatla  ao  wall 
provided  for  and  ao  thoroughly  aeeored,  mnat  l>e 
classed  among  the  $€ifut  Inveatmenta.    Tbey  pay 

SIX  PER  4;ENT.  in  80LD, 

And  are  offered  for  the  preaent  M  fltnal|r  cwKrwr-; 
the  dollar,  aud  accrued  interest  at  tlix  perMnW-tt 
currencyfrom  July  l«t. 

Many  psrticH  are  taking  admatage.  Of  the  prea- 
ent high  price  of  Govermcnt  stocks  to  exdianga 
for  these  Bonds,  which  are  orer  15  per  cent  cheap< 
er,and,  at  the  current  rate  of  premium  ongoU,  pay 

Over  Nine  Per  Cent.  Interest. 

Subscriptiona  will  be  received  In  New  York  a 
the  Company's  Office,  No.  20  Naaaau  St.,  and  tfy 

Continenul  National  Bank,  No.  7  Naaaaa  St. 

Clark,  Dodge  &  Co.,  Bankers.  No.  61  Wall  St- 

John  J.  Cisco  &  Son,  Bankera,  No.  88  Wall  St. 

Second  Kstional  BaulK,  Chicago. 

Lunt,  Preoton  b  Kean,  Bankers,  Cblcaga 
And  by  Ba  iiks  and  Bankers  generally  tbroogboat 
the  United  States,  of  whom  maps  and  deaarlptfTO 
pamphlets  may  be  obtained. 

JOHV  J.  CISCO,  Treatnrer, 

AoetisT  30. 1887.  NKW  YORK. 


Clark  Seminary,  at  Aurora,  Illinois,  has  the  following 
ftdvftutages  for  tMjtIi  Bi.xes:  A  Classical  Graduating 
Ck>urge  of  foui  years ;  A  CoUsct  Preparatory  Course ; 
Superior  FhciI  lUcs  lor  Mumc,  French,  Germim.  and  tne 

A  comniete'coniinrrcljil  CoUege.  with  Bank,  Curren- 
cy, lii»ura«.';n,  t.  I'-ci  «l>l>ln£,  Sm  ,  18  connected  with  the 

■^WlntraTtCTtn  N-iinn  I>ecenber  2. 18ff7.    Tot  circulars 
^r  rooms,  adrlri .  -  :h"  I'rin jlpal,  G.  W.  yUEBE AU.  D.D. 


-  ■ 


Ui  1 A  A  Day  made  br  any  one  witli  my 
(Tlv/  I'lUeni  stencU  Tools.  Iprepm  aampleil^ie. 

iZo^.rB  ol  uuringers.   Uy  cireulw  wUf  eapl*^^  A* 

^reo:  uurin^ers^  j^'p^LAM. 



226  a  22S  Lake  St.  CKioieo 

SprtBrtehl.  Vt. 


ao»  Market  St.,  Br.'  Lota 


-• — I' — -- 

A»  K«8AT  OK  Man.  Bv 
With  fifteen  orieinnl 
Notes  bv  S.   R.  Well  J. 



Owe   vol.,    12mo 

fancy,  beveled  boards,  gilt,  $1  ;  paper,  50 

"NVhatover  may  be  said  by  tlieologians 
concerniug  the  orthodoxy  of  this  great  poet's 
religious  views,  his  Kssay  on  Man  will  con- 
tinue to  be  regarded  one  of  the  noaster 
pieces  of  English  verse,  and  vrill  attract  the 
attention  of,  and  iobtruct  the  intelligent  and 

The  views  of  Pope   on  the  Groat  Creator 
and  His   wondrous   work.«,  as   cminciated  in 
this  poem,  are  unsurpassed  for  grandeur  and 
deep-toned    thoujrht  ;   and    no  wntcr,  either 
of  ancient  or    modern    times,  has  so  lutused 
h\n  sentiment  and  spirit  into  the  literature  of 
his  nation  by  a  sin^jle   pnvluction,  as  Alex- 
ander  Pope.     The   publisher   of    this    new 
edition,  appreciating  the  lack  of  an  illustra- 
ted Kassayon  Man,    and    willing    to  do  the 
public  a  'substantial   favor,  has    caused  the 
work  to  be  carefully    illustrated,    annotated 
from  the    Phrenological   point  of  view,  and 
printed    in   an    attnictive  style  on   superior 
papc-.     A    succinct  binjrraphy  of  the   poet. 
and  his  highlv  esteemed  ''Univerial  Prayer, 
are  published   with    the    "Essay,"  making. 
together,  a  very   desirable    volume    for  the 
library  or  centre-table. 

LfrilTown  and  County  Matters. 

I  Democratic   Success  and    its 

SHAKOPEE,  OCT.  ni,  1867. 

New  EKOIKE.-A3  the  Valley  Railroad 
increases  in  length,  the  Easiness  of  the 
Company  multipli-^.-  and  '.icw  fac.litics  for 
the  transaction  cC  i'3  business  becomes 
necessary.  The  Company  have  just  put  on 
the  road  a  new  locomotive,  named  the 
"  Hcndcrsoi./'  making  the  fifth  now  in  their 
employ,  beoidcs  the  "  Dummy,"  which  runs 
between  St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis.  This 
company  are  certainly  making  commenda- 
ble progress.  

Largest  Book  Agency  in  th® 


For  Rkxt. — Two  houses  to  rent  by  ITenry 
Hindp.  Possession  of  one  given  on  the  Isi 
of  November,  and  of  the  other  on  the  15lh 
of  November. 

"The  Pen  is  Mightier  than  the  Sword." 


Morton's  "^old  Pens, 


JTor  tale  at  .Yo.  25  Maiden- 
Lane,  A'efy  -  rorA%  and  by  ercry 
duly  appointed  Agent  at  the  same 

Morton  males  no  Tens  stamped 
nith  the  .Yame  or  2rade-mar/c  of 
any  other;  therefore,  nticre  an 
Aaency  is  established,  the  ^«^/<^ 
nill  be  best  suited,  and  at  the 
same  prices,  by  calling  on  the 
Agent :  in  alt  other  places  those 
wishing  the  Morton  Ten,  must 
send  to  I/eadqicartcrs,  fyhcre  their 
orders  frill  receire  prompt  atten- 
tion, i/' accompanied  frith  the  cash. 

A  Catalogue,  with  full  descrip- 
tion of  sizes  and  prices,  sent  on 
receipt  of  letter  postage. 


MOFFAT'S  Life  Pills 

I  AND  PHffiimt  BITTERS. 

I    The  Most  Successful  Medicines 
In  the  World. 

Established  in  1835  by  one  of 
our  Most  Eminent  Physicians,  and 
now  used  throughout  North  and 
8onth  America,  inth  more  pleasing 
results  than  any  other  Medicine  in 
cases  of  diseased  Liyer,  Blood  or 
Skin,  Indigestion,  Costiveness, 
Bilious  Complaints,  Kheumatism 
and  Feyer  and  Ague. 
^  Thousands  of  certificates  arc  in 
our  possession,^  giving  detailed 
accounts  of  perfect  Cubes  effected 
by  these  inraluable  Medicines. 
They  regulate  the  System  and  put 
all  the  ftinctions  of  the  body 
in  a  healthy  condition. 

Bold  by  all  DruggUt..  "White  4  Howlaad.  Prirpn- 
Mors,  SuoeeMOrt  to  »r.  Jolia  Moflat  and  Dr.  "V^.  B. 
Moflbt.  K«w  Torit.  ___^ __— 




drrn  in  wklnR  the  nauseous  vermiiUBes  of 
thild.v  Ve»'.We.i  to  a.iailte 
ihemoKt  .■ff^iUve  of  these  rcm.'cll.-s  succei- 

tlM  Dure   W»lelesii  anM  l!    Then    by 
.llinlni  these   w.t»  >u*ar._  au-l   .MouMlnB 

State  AtrrroR  Mdlralh  made  a  sale  of 
school  laud  in  i\ni  county  on  Friday  list. 
The  sales  amounted  to  over  nine  thousand 
dollars.  The  total  sales  this  year  in  the 
State  so  fur,  amount  to  over  $163,000,  and 
the  school  lands  in  several  counties  arc  yet 
to  be  offered  for  sale. 

Potatoes  are  bringing  a  pood  round 
price  iu  this  market  and  onl}  a  limited  sup- 
ply id  brouiiht  in. 

The  .Minnesota  Teacher  for  October,  is  at 
hand.  It  u  an  iutcresting  journal  and 
ought  to  be  in  the  hands  of  all  teachers- 
Published  by  Wm.   F.   Payne,    Manlorville. 

^  .  .♦-  •  -^ 

PaoBATt:  CoUiiT  isadjouruod  until  second 
Monday  la  November.        Wm.  Henry, 

Jud;,'e  of  Probate. 

JorRNAL  OF  HoRTicuLTCRE.— We  are  in 
receipt  of  this  v.iluiible  journal  for  Novem- 
ber. It  \i  an  illustrated  mafrazine  devoted 
t,>  the  culture  of  fruits,  flowers  and  vege- 
tables. It  id  published  by  F.  E.  Tilto..  & 
Co.,  Boston,  at  5^:^.00  a  year. 

TuE  funeral  of  Hon.  Charles  A.  Warner, 
took  place  at  Chaska  on  Sunday  last.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity— a 
Sir  Knight.  His  Masonic  brethren  of  St. 
Paul  and  Minneapolis  came  up  on  a  special 
train  and  attended  his  funeral.  The  at- 
tendance was  large  and  the  exercises  en- 

^  I  ♦  ■  — ■ ■ 

Catti-e  Fair.— It   has    been   determined 
that  the  cattle  fair  at  M.akopee  will  be  kept 
up    during    the  whole  year— winters  as  well 
as  summers.     The    fair  will    be  held  on  the 
first  Monday  of  each  month  during  the  win- 
ter.    Farmeis    have  more  leisure  in  winter 
than  in  summer,   and   it  is    presumed    the 
winter  fairs  will   be   more  lar<:ely   attended 
than    the  summer  fairs.     Buyers  are  always 
on   hand  whenever  iheie  is  stock  for  sale.— 
We    see  i.o  reason   why    the  attendance   at 
the    winter    lulrs  may     not  be    larger   than 
during   the    summer.     The    next   fair  is  on 
Monday    next   and    let    there  be    a    gentral 
notice  given    that  the  iairs* ill   be  kept  up 
all  winter. 

Selling  at  Cost  for  Thirty  Days.— 
During  the  next  thirty  days.  I  will  sell  my 
entire  stock  of  Millinery  Coods,  Dress  Got  d.<, 
Dry  Goods,  Boots  &  Shoes,  Crockery  >nd 
Books,  AT  COST.  I  must  raise  money, 
lad  so  uiv  tiilire  stock  must  go  at  cost. 


Tho   Democratic  State   Committse  in 
their  Stato  address  to  the  people,  says  : 
'*  The  record  for  the   year  as  far  as  it 
has  been  made  up,  shows  no  diversity 
nor   change  in  the   cons'.aui,   course  of 
public   sentiment.     In  Connecticut   the 
radical  party  was  beaten,  and  Democrat- 
ic  State  olEcers  elected.    In  Kentucky 
the  Democratic  majority  was  -10,000. — 
In   California,   which  gave  over  22,000 
Republican    majority  a    year   ago,   the 
Democratic  majority  this  year  is  8,000. 
Moutana,   Colorado   and    New   Mexico 
have    all   elected  Democratic  delegates 
to   Congress.    The  Radical  majority  of 
27,000   in    Maine  has   been  reduced  to 
10,000,     The  Radical   majority  in  Ohio 
of  -12,000  has    been    obliterated,    and  a 
Legislature  has  been   elected   that  will 
choose  a  Democratic  Senator  to  succeed 
Ben  Wade,  the  ablest,  boldest,  and  most 
dangerous    Radical    statesman    iu    the 
United    States    Senate.     Pcnnsjlvania, 
which    gave    17,000    Radical   majority 
last  year,  gives  a   Democratic    majority 
of  1,200  this  year.     The  Radical  majori- 
ty   in    Iowa    is  reduced    from  o5,000  to 
15,000.    The  majority  iu  Indiana  instead 
of  being    15,000   Republicin.  is    10,000 
Democratic.     There  was  a  gain  of  sev 
eral  thousand  even  in  Ver.uout.     These 
glorious  gains  amount  in  the  aggregate 
to  not  less  than    110,000    votes,  and  the 
prospect   for  the  future    bi-ightens  eaeii 
chiy  that  carries  us  nearer  :o  lUo  Uecisivi 
contest  iu  November. 

'I'he  causes  that  have  leii  to  these  un- 
exampled changes  are  patent  and  uiii  i  - 

Official    friiuil    jind    corruption    h.iv 
uclMiiously  perviid.  d  cveiy  Ikuii  'li  «>l  ■ 
Govcimnciit.     Tne  New    Voik  Tr.!  'i:' 
^ays  th.-.t  half  a  ni;ilioii  dullais  a  ihiy    -le 
stolen    from    iheainunit  of   laxe-  whi. 
the    people    pay.     Theso    villaiiiii'S    »!< 
lluirruiit;  it  is  Imnlly  thought  worth  wliH.- 
to  tii-guise  or  deny  them;  ilie   guilty  iir. 
not  aslianie<l,  nor  rc'-traiii'  d.nor  punishe.l. 
'i'ux  is    piled    upon    tax,  ex'iso  adilel  tf 
excise,   a    tax   gatiienr  is  stuiio;  ed    ai 
every    corner  and  .stands   iwidy    to  .-ii  /C 
Ilia  sluie  of  evi-iy  ilollar    that  is  male  in 
tra>le  or  enrned    in  lal)or.     Yit  our  vas; 
national  debt  i*  not  peivepiiidy  re<iuce.!, 
nor  any    burden  or  hicuinbr  in^-e  ligh'en- 
ed.     Of  the  five  or  six  huiul.ed  iiiilli-'U- 
a    year    that    the    people    pay  in'.o  I  hi 
I'reasury,  but  n  moiety    pays  interest  <>i 
the  debt  and  other  necc.«saiy  exp  mcs  i  I 
the  CJoveniineiit.     The  balance  is  squai-.- 
dereil  by  profligate  officials;  it 
rics  that  huvc  been  increased    time  afiei 
time  till  iliey  are  fiiormou-i;  it  is  lav^^he^i 
oil    dishone't    claimants;  it   is    paid    oi 
swindling    approidiations;    it    is  opcnh 
-tolen.     This  the    people   fee,  aii<l   ihe> 
iiiive  pronounced  a  verdict  upon  Radical 
official  orruplioii,  ))rofligacy  and  th»'ft. 

Till-  iiirainous  laritr  lu«-s  havo  phice<! 
up.c.i  the  people  bunlcns  of  inoideulal)!e 
inai;nltu<le.  The  tariff  has  doubled  anil 
iieided  the  cost  of  ever>thiiig  that  niai 
i-ats,  uses  or  wt  ars  I'.very  coiiif.n't  aiif 
of    lite    is  enlia,:i-ed    ii 





■♦  ♦  • 

I.N    AIL    TlIK 


Throucli  nientsliiow  offer  to  tlio  pnhllc  an  on 
tire  new  c.lltlun  of  MACKKXZIE  S  GllbAT  FAMI- 
LY KKl'KII'T  hook,  contaliilu?   the  dlscoverleo 
of  over  a   iniarlir  oi  a   century.    Ttu-  sterootyiie 
lilaus  uiul  wiitul   cms  are  all   new  and  alone  toil 
$»,WW.    The   artlileson    Ai?rkuUHro,  Horticulture 
an<l  Rural  Riul  Doniesllc  Ktunouiy,  are  worth  to  i 
the  Fanner  anil  Oanlener  several  times  Us  to>t.—   I 
Ttie    l','.;li.cs  C"ohlni.',   I'reservin;;,   Plckilnp. 
Confeot'i)niT\-.  an  I  t'arviiii:.  shor.ld   LeinthepOK 
session    of    every    housewife.     This   Uoi>artment 
alone   H  more  complete  aivl    TaUiablc   than    ai.y 
other  wor^  ever   imbllslieil  on    tUls  mbj^'ct     The 
<ll^e:l^ic- of  the  liorso,  c«i  tie,  hoi:<,  an.l  other  anl 
niaU.  a,e  trrati'il  of  at  KP-at   leliylli  ami  cvnil  lete 
dir-ctlois  nlven  for  ireatnient.    I'lie  ilei>artnii'nl> 
.if  .M.-ll  ilie.  Ilrewina  ami  In.-llllallon.  I'erlunier.v. 
HUiichl..;;.TaMnlni,',  P.iliilin^.  Varnishes.  <"oin  en' ^. 
*c.   arc  all  thil    multl  be  deMreil.    .More  than  sev- 
enlv  ill-'iiict  »uMeit»ure  r.irelullv   exaniloeit  .iii<l 
IreuleJ'il.      It    isi  uii'nies' i^naliiy   the  be/^t  btMtk  i;' 
I/if.  kin  I  irif  puilithrJ.  ill  her  m   this  country  or 
Kiirope.    I'riee.llaiiUsiimeiy  bound  In  clolh.tJ.OO: 

.-i.M.I)  ONLY  BY  SL'n*rRlinl<>X. 
Men  aii'l  woniei  ,of  tliarucler  an^l  al.llilv,  want- 
ed   as    .aiiva>sers.    I  .    wlmni     t'ltOKTAULt:  KM- 

DKALERI    at 

L.   B.  MORROW  &  CO. 

Kespectfully  announce  to  the  citizens  of   Shakopee,  and  Yiciuit  y 
thatthty  have  just  opened  a  complete  stock  of 

DRY  GOO  Do,  I  Drugs  and  Medicines,  Perfumery,  Patent  "Medi- 
cines, Toilet  Articles,  Combs,  Brushes, 
Stationery,  Lamps,  Pure  Wines  and  Liquors, 
and  all  other  articles  usually  found  in  a 
Drug  Store.  We  hope,  and  it  shall  be  our 
aim,  to  merit  and  receive  a  portion  of  the 
public  patronage. 


Ijanhce    llotions, 

I'Lo'vMKNT  will  be  Kiiaranleed.     t-eod  ut  once  (oi    I  _     , 

^'tij^'^-^^iliiiri^/rriioViinA^i^^N^.,  ^nco^e  Read v-madc  Clotlnn 

tw.  stamps  an<l  they  tvlll  be  sent  with  circulars.      I  -»-*'^'-*'      J 
V.  D,  COWEX,   Lalajcttc.  ludUna.        I 


Addres-i  M 



Boots   ^'    Shocs^ 

HeavY  (fc  :^llelf  Hardware, 

Petrolene  Fluid  constantly  on  hand  and 
for  sale.  -^jJ8 


iMeiy    iicces.ary 

■in"e  ;i:'.d    !li:>.d" 

ii    Co. 


them  into  an  «>!•««•'&'« ;"''';^«i""v 'v' 
the  present  ropt;i..\B  uud  BlftUm.  > 
rcd>  knowu  as 



buy  D.  B.  I)e 

•  L..    .    v..  vinieal  Salen'.tiic-  ' 

y,,u  wiil  I vsery  paper  v.eijjhs  a  pounvl.— 

i:&n   you  aay    the  same  about  other  Salera- 
tus?  '  Constantly  on  hand    and  for  sale  by 

D.  M.  Siorer.  

S.N-ow,— On  Tuesday  there  was  a  sli^-ht 
fall  of  snow,  but  it  melted  as  fast  as  it  fell. 
This  i=i  ^1*«  ^"^  ^^^^  °^  ^^^  sfcason.  We 
shall  nox»  expect  to  see  our  Indian  summer 
revived    and     cotitiaued    for    throe    weeks 

longer.  ^ 

$5  00  a  Day -500  Men  Wanted.-- 

All  tho.e  having  unskilled  accounts  uUh 
the  late  firm  of  llathawav  i  Br.,,'g«,  or  W. 
G   Bricr^a.  mil  save  55.00  in  cost  and  one 

Vermifuge     Confections. 

HoUoway'i     .**-*"-b 

Which  h»ve  almost  entirely  superseded  th-i 
old  nans'ous  VermllUKec.  to  the  de!i<ht  i.t 
the  poor  little  suffrer*.  U  eonnina  nu  Lalo- 
lurlor  other  p«i»'>nousinnrel|^i.ti.      „,,^, 

day's  tim<!,-  if  ll^cy 

January  1st,  16'Ji. 


call  i.ud    pay  up  before 
W.  G.  imiGGS. 



To   iHf    Volrr.     of    SprtDg     h^^* 

■  till 


MUIers  and  DistiUers. 

>Ve  :ire  Manufacturlnj 

Power  Corn  Shellers, 

(>!  all  .stTTS  and  capafliy,  ran-ln;  fio!!> 

,50  '/•<>  i(Mxt  ttCsui:Ls  i-i:n  iioir. 

Built  of  Iron  and  wnrrattt<<1  to  Sh>a  <l»<i„ 
In  aii.v  condition  of  «rain.  and  rf/aii  t  lit«  Coin 
'u  superior  fon<lition  for  Mill  or  Market. 
*d-OVER  500  IN  DAILY  USEI'S* 

Wheat  and  Oats  Separators, 

(apadty  100  to  .')00  Bn«;h(ls  per  lionr. 


XoM.  lUOnuil  VJ'J  trimlilngtoHSIfCct, 




A  Sirifgtifnie  for  Calomel, 

Thc*e  rilli  ar«  conipjpe  1  of  various  roota,  having 
the  power  to  re'iKX  tho  cccretioun  of  tho  liver  a* 
prompMy  and  cfTcctua'Iy  bj  Muo  pill  or  mercury, 
and  without  prodaclng  any  of  Ihoee  dliagreeable  or 
dangcroui  cflvcta  which  ottca  toUow  tlie  uac  of  the 

In  aU  bilion«  dlfordeni  theee  Pil!»  rB\y  be  mti  with 
confidence,  as  they  promote  tho  dircharga  of  Tltiatcd 
bile,  and  roraova  lUuso  oU.U-uctioa»  from  the  liver 
and  biliary  ducta,  wl»icl»  arc  the  caiuo  of  bUIouj 
affcctiona  iu  genera!. 

Headache,  and  all  diMrdersofthe  Liver,  Indicated  by 
callow  ekin,  coatci  tongue,  costivonesa,  drowiineaa, 
and  a  gcnca-al  f.ylln*  ol  wesrine«»  and  laMitudo, 
ehowlng  tliat  the  liver  la  la  a  torpid  or  obstructed 

In  short,  tfiese  PUls  roar  bo  used  w!th  advan- 
tage In  all  ca-iea  when  a  purgative  or  altci-alivo 
medicine  Is  rO'iuired. 

I'.eMC  auk  lor  ••Dr.  SchencU's  Mandrnko  Pills," 
and  obeorve  llmt  the  two  likenesses  of  tho  Doctor 
arc  on  the  Govcrumcnt  Bta:iip— one  when  in  the  last 
itaso  of  Ooujuu.ption,  and  tho  other  in  his  present 


Bo'd  by  all  DntjrleU  and  den'ers.  Price  25  ecu's 
per  box.  I'rinc  pa!  OlVice,  I.'o.  l.^  Jlorih  iU»  Street, 
Ph'.Iailelphia,  Pa. 

(tcnora.  WholciVc  Ar-en's:  Vfmta  Bwnes  fc  Cc„ 
»1  Park  Row  New  York,  P.  S.  U:ii;ce,  1(W  na'l'- 
more  St.,  Ba'lii  or' .  Md.  -,  John  U.  faik,  N.  E. 
cor.  Of  Kouiih  Bud  Walnut  St.,  Ciuc^nuali,  Ohio: 
Walker  t  Taylor,  l:>»  and  129  \Vtl*sl»  Avenue. 
Chicapo,  V.U ;  Ccillna  Urothcra,  oontUwost  forcer 
0>  Bocoud  and  Vine  Sis.,  Bt.  I^h's,  Mo,  f* 

*  Itth  t  £lh  w.  ea.  mo.  1  yr 

I    DEt 


J^ydlsmul  GIa>:s 

.^  «2C  O  ■'^T'l^SS  ^ 
iiii  and  ;:5li(:d-lioii  V/arc, 

etc.,         etc., 

A    large   assortint'nt  of 

O  X.  O  O  IS. 

On  hand  uud  for  sale. 

T.  J.    DUFFY, 



D.  A.  IIUN  Iri-MAN. 

.;  J.  1?.  UUNT.SMA>i. 




price  p 

aid  roi 



h  c  a. 




A   I.  S 










i'akpu  in  o.\ch. 

iiijre  for 




Ladies  Brcss   Goods,  etc. 
Don't  forget  the  pliicc — Cor  Ilolmcs  &  First  Sts. 



1^  H^^  x^  • 

[Oil  AS.  1TAH!^KNS 


P/  ET  f4  ^ 



ParenUand  Bnar.llang.  havlna  the  Ciire  of 
•him7e»"  houhl  keep  then.  a.  »  f""'  .J;,;',;;-^^!- 
ctne:  for  they  not  only  eradicate  "''""» 
t  ,..*;  pesla  of  chlldho.Hl-t,ut  ^■""'^■»  »"> ''^• 
raniemeMt  of  the  .lUe^Uve  organs,  ao  preva- 
lent with  chiMren. 




The  Original  and  only  true  Arnica 

JMasters   possessing  tlie  great 

Ltaling  properties  of  the 

Arnica  Flowers. 

The  enritive  etfecta  of  these  Plaster*  In  all 
eawsot  pain  or  weakuev*  In  llie  bre.i»t,»Mr 
or  i.acfc,  an.t  In  nil  case*  •f  InllaniniMiou  of 
the  l.yxni;  and  Cu^li. are  truly  abloulsUluK; 

they  i{»vetmmrt(ll«K  reliei.  

Physician,  preMrribe  them,  and  th..n»a»da 
r«'...umc,..I  t're.n.  Oasaavt-1  .>L.owY-.aro 
the  Ormlnai  and  only  true  AruUa  PUklera. 



There  having  bet;n  tio  regular  nominatinn 
for  Commissioner  of  the  Fourth  District  by 
either  party,  I  aniiouuce  myself  a  candidate 
for  County  CoiumissioiKr. 

Daniel  0  KEtFK. 

Mr.  EniToii :  I'lease  annonnce  my  name 
as  an  Independent  candidate  fjr  the  House, 
Minnesota  Legislature.  I  am  in.luced  to 
this  hv  the  solicitation  of  uuiuerous  tnctuls 
in  all' parts  of  the  county.  My  sentiments 
upon  the  Bond  question  arc  veil  known,  as 
opposed  to  any  legislation  having  n.  view 
the  present  or  future  payment  ot  that  groat 
swindle.  R.  M.  __^^  H.ottT. 

bhakopee,  Minn.,  Oct.  14,  l«b( 


or  twenty  years' stan.linK.ll.a  ..y  P«  .'y"» 
Iv  re«Ul«'t  aUrem.-aiespre»cill>e.ll.>  '».<- j;^" 
HipJlcal  talent  of  the  cuiitry.  ll:s  '•"^■*^'  '* 
...tonUhlnB,  In  a  lew  day*  the  »«rene»|.  a  <i 
Irrllatluu  l»  rem..ved ;  the  skin  heiomea 
■  •11  >uth  and  healthy,aii  i  rem.ilii»  t»ermai  eni- 
ly  heated,  without  the  use  ol  any  .tiier  lein- 

'  Vbu*    TMTEli.  SvLT-Koacst.  Itcb.  S  jloiir'* 
kKtslPELA.",    BLOTCUKs.    .  iMFtH).  and 

Mu.  Editor  AuGUs:  RonERicK  O'Down 
wishes  to  announce  himself  as  an  Independ- 
ent candidate  for  County  Treasurer. 

Dated,  Oct.  15,  1SG7.  3t 

LOST— i^oi"<i«  I'^-Tt;  between  Bloomington 
Ferrv  and  Keifers  House,  on  the  Spring 
Lake  Road,  on  the  27th  day  of  October, 
a  POCKET  BOOlv  containing  iiom  !<.jb  to 
$G5.  The  finder  will  receive  a  liberal  re- 
ward bv  leaving  it  at  this  ortice. 

JOHN  S'JHL  IZ,  l-arm^r. 

asted  another  Ireatmeul  for  many  years 
h.»ve  been  etr-.-Clually  U-'cl  ''y/'^Vr* 
o.ilv  one  Wox  of  this  Ointment.  IICMS, 
S citn"  .«»d  t>lJ.  So»r*.  It  heals  In  u  very 
BUorttlu.e.  Price 5(1 0K5ITS  FKii  K.'S  If  not 
lZ\i\,s  y....r  Uru4^Ui.  send  60  cent.  "  J"'"" 
!i..7i  H  .ll-i<*»y  *  Cow  ten,  I'hllA.lelplila.  a 
*...!   will  be*«ut   free  ul  po»t.ige   to  any  ad- 

"*  nusKllVK--None  genuine  wUhoiit  the  sli- 
B«t ure  of  the  proprietor*  ou  tbo  wrapper  uf 
•  ocU  box. 



ft  COWDEN, 


W.   «.1  ^o.  lit  »»«*»»  »»*■**'  »»>»«»••»•»?»»'•• 

„  in  ChlcaKO.  by   FCl.LKK.  FINCH  t 
k    SMITH.-BL'RNUA.VIS    * 

zs~  $3.00  Saved.— Passengers  Going 

East  will   save  $0.00  in  Fare  by  taking  the 
UHASD  UArE.S  HOrTE.    One  of  tb-  Sie.tmshlp»  of 

this  Line  1.  aves  .Milwaukee  -'•'''>,.;^"'7''''>^' ".7'  nak 
at  8  30  P.  .M.  ;r..n.  Dock  foot  ol  Mihvaiikee  ttreet.  niaK 
Ine  direct  connection  at  Grand  II:»ven  vrith  iiiorulni 
Train  for  Detroit  and  all  points  Ku»t.  'IKkels  for  sale 
bv  ClIAitLKS  TUOMfSO.N.  Agent  f  f,  ^;'rK''.).' ''.*^''''" 
i;nlon  racket  Co.,  an.l  by  Cant.  1.  C.  (-iKOlUJK.  Asent 
Minn  Central  Kailw.iy,  !<t.  I'aiil.ana  at  all  principal 
Ticket  OflUes  In  the  .Noithwest.  xrtmnv 

Gen'l  .Supt..  Detroit.  West,  t'ass.  Ag"t,  Milwaukee 




S   C  A.  L  E  S  . 

or  ALL  K!Sl>S. 

■'••t;  «  227  lake  fct.,  t.l.lraso. 

n41j"     :W    .Market  tt.  St   St.  Louis. 

Bt  careful  to  buy  mlv  the  genuinf. 

.  J         DR.    SCHEMCK'S     ^^ 


T1l!i  great  mcdicijie  cired  Pr.  J.  II.  Soarnos,  tha 
Preprletor,  ot  Pulmocary  Consuniplion,  whou  it  had 
•isumed  ne  most  tormldable  arpeet,  and  when  «i>evdy 
deaxh  appeared  to  be  Inevltab'e.  Ills  phj  slclans  pro* 
SOvnc«d  his  ea.*e  Incorablo  nhen  ho  eommeaccd 
the  t:^  of  tills  simple  but  jwwcrftil  rcmed*-.  Uia 
he4tti:  w£?  restored  in  a  very  short  time,  and  no 
return  of » Je  uUeaae  has  been  apprehended,  for  all 
the  symptom*  quIcUf  disappeared,  and  his  prcwat 
weight  is  more  tlK;ii  trvo  hundred  pounds.     ^^ 

Since  Uls  rw^very,  bi  has  dcvotod  his  aUcnlioa 
exclusively  to  tli«  cure  ol  Cowumptioa  and  -ho 
diseases  which  are  usually  conip'.lcaleJ  with  It,  and 
the  cures  effected  by  hi*  medioinea  have  be«a  Tary 
nnmerotiB  and  traly  wonderiiil.  Dr.  SoaisoK 
makes  profejslonal  visits  to  several  of  tho  larger  cltlet 
weekly,  where  he  has  a  largo  eonconrEe  of  patlenta, 
Md  it  la  truly  astonishing  to  see  poor  eonsumptivea 
that  Iiave  to  bo  lifted  out  of  their  carrlAscs  u<l  ^ 
a  few  months  healthy,  rotrort  persons.  De. 
TONIC,  and  MANDRAKE  FILLS  are  generally 
•11  reijuired  In  cu.-lng  Consumption.  Full  direc- 
tions accompany  eack,  so  that  any  one  can  take  thoa 
wlthoot  seeing  Dr.  Sohekok,  but  when  it  is  con- 
reaioat  It  Is  best  to  tee  hira.  He  gives  advloo  tree, 
but  lor  atharoui'h  examination  with  his  Bospo-omctof 
his  fee  is  three  dollars.   & 

Please  oljecrve,  wheti  purchailni;,  that  tho  two 
likeueraoj  of  Uio  Doctor— ono  when  in  tho  \a,-X  i'.^« 
of  Consumption,  and  the  othor  as  ho  now  la,  in 
perfect  health—are  on  tho  Govcrnineut  stamp,  y' 

Bold  by  aU  DruRgisU  and  Dea'cr;.  Price  $1.S3 
per  tattle,  or  $7.50  tho  half  down,*  Letters  for 
advice  shotild  always  bo  directed  to  i)r.  Sehcnck'a 
Principal  Clice,  13  North  fith  St.,  PhiiadelpUia,  Pi. 
qSenoral  \N'holesale  .Agents:  Demas  Barnes  ii  Co., 
H.  Y.,  B.  S.  Hanco,  Baltimore,  Md. ;  John  I). 
Park,  Cincinnati,  Ohio ;  Walker  &  Taylor,  Chlcajo, 
XiL:  CoUiaalir«a..St.L«uU,llo.L&iw.«katai.lyr. 


This  icedlc't:",  jnvenl/>d  by  !)r.  J.  H.  Briir.-JCK, 
ot  Philadelphia,  i3  intended  to  dissolve  tho  food  and 
ma!:c  it  Into  ch:.Tne,  the  fit-st  proc;.w  of  diiwtioa.  By 
■caualns  the  utoinoch  witU  Soheock's  Uaudrake 
Pills,  tho  Ton'c  soon  r«itoroe  llie  arpctlt/>,  nr.d  tooJ 
that  could  n.>t  be  eaten  liefora  iisii:g  It  Trill  be  ciu'.ly 

Cousutnp'.oa  cannot  I'fl  enrol  by  B^lioncVs  Pul 
monic  Syrcp  unloj-j  the  storr.ach  and  Uvcr  is  raaJc 
hcRltliy  and  tli9  apnotitc  rtalored,  heucs  the  Tcnlr 
and  PiUa  aro  roiuirod  in  nearly  tvcry  ctwo  ol  eon. 
funipiion.  A  iieW  dazca  bottles  of  tho  SE.^Wr.i!:!) 
TONIC  and  three  or  four  boxes  of  the  MANUF.AKE 
PILLS  wUl  euro  any  ordinary  caeo  of  dy^prpiiia. 

Dr.  B<^iiJC"oc  maUcj  prjfoirsianal  visits  ia  Kovr 
Vork.  l(o*ton,  and  a:  bis  principal  OrHec  in  PUiliviol- 
phii  cv>.Ty  weoSc  Sec  daily  papers  of  each  placet  or 
bis  pau^hlet  OB  e3n3uinption  for  hU  days  fcr  vislta- 

Picajc  ohserre.  when  purchasing,  that  the  two  liko- 
nessos  of  tha  Doctor,  one  when  Iu  tho  Itut  ttato  ot 
Comtuniption,  and  the  other  as  he  now  is,  in  porlect 
heaith,  arc  on  tho  Uoviirnment  stamp. 

Slid  by  all  Draggiiits  and  Dealers,  price  $LSO  per 
boltlo,  or  .i:i.5U  the  haii-dozcn.  AU lettcn  lor  advieo 
should  Lo  addrcsMd  to  Dr.  Euhknok's  Principal 
Onice,  No.  1'.  North  i>th  Street,  Phi:ade!ph  a.  Pa. 

General  Wholesale  Agents  :  Demas  Uames  Si  Co., 
N.  v.:  ».  S.  Uaneo,  Baltimore,  Md.;  John  D. 
Parke,  Cincinanti,  Oliio:  Walter  S:  Taylor,  CUV' 
cago,  UL;  CoUln*  Oros^  St  Louis,  Mo.        ^, 

iUl  w.  ea.  nv^  ;  jr. 


CatV^55.V5-^   pains. 




5S  Cos^*'"-pa.n 


in  ^^f 







oi  <^^ 





\>^"f iW'    " 

•v»-^.j::;;-.  ■■^'i 








f  ...  I.KIT7-.HCH.    BLfMtlil    CO 

Noti(].»  is  hercbv  given  that  ihc  partner- 
ship heretofore  exi^iu';.'  letween  >»'"«*•' J;:;!''"ulir„"e 
John  Krank.  In  the  Brewery  ImsloeiiS.  at   BeUe   I  lalne, 

Mlnneaota.U  this  day  «"^»'^  %V,cuael  SCUMIDT. 

Belle  Plalne.Mln.Oct.U,  1857 


«ud    ihrouithoiit   tha 

left  In   the  vrtr.l   of   tlie  nn-|prs!/ne.|,  <in  Fair  !)«▼-- 
October  71h,  I>07.a   BLACK  O)^  .  about   10  V'/:  "^'. 
whkh   »!.,•  owner  eau   h4ve   ly   i  roVlug  property  and 
and  chiiij'.*  toi  V-epiu^. .  _    . 

I  payl"it  lor  this  iiotico 

TO  crilt:  CONSL'MPTlO.S,  the  Kystem  must  he 
prepared  ao  that  tho  lungs  will  heal.  To  aocomplisb 
Ihia,  the  liver  and  siomach  miut  f.rit  be  cleansed  and 
an  appetite  crja'c  J  for  good  who>jouie  tood,  which, 
by  ihoje  medlduej  will  tc  dlKOdlcd  propc.-ly,  a-id 
good  healthy  l.:ood  made;  thus  building  up  tlie 
constltulioa.  eJlIENCK'3  MANDiiAKK  PILL.S 
cleanse  tho  stomach  ol  all  bilicos  or  mucojs  tocuiou- 
lations;  and,  L/  using  Iho  S-a  V.'eod  Tonic  ia  cju- 
uectlon.  the  apT>et'.te  Is  rtHinor^-d. 

■swell  as  medicinal,  and,  by  naing  the  three  remedies, 
ail  luip-aritio*  are  cupolcl  Irom  the  sj-ilem,  and 
good,  whjle*>me  blood  Iuad^  which  will  rcpjl  aU 
discaoo.  II  piticnU  will  lake  ihcw  mtdlrUie»  accord- 
ing to  diroalon^  ConJump'Jon  vory  lre>i-acnUy  in 
iia  Ia.ft  (taje  yields  reaJiiy  to  their  aotloiu  Take  ;hf 
pills  frou'ently,  to  cleanso  the  liver  and  etomaoh.  II 
docs  not  follow  that  becaose  the  bowclJ  are  not  en*. 
tlve  they  are  not  renuired,  for  somctimcj  In  diarr- 
hcea  tiey  are  oooeaary.  The  stomach  mart  ho  kept 
healthy,  and  an  appeUt*  ereawd  to  allow  the  Pul- 
mouic  Syrup  to  acton  Um»  r«fc-piraiorj  organs  properly 
and  allai  any  irritation.  Then  all  tliat  is  rciulred  to 
per  orm  a  penua'imit  cm»»  ia,  to  prevent  taking 
cold.  ExerclM.  al>oat  the  rooms  as  much  a*  pnaKihie, 
eat  all  the  rlcbo  icod— <at  meal,  game,  aud.  in  lao>. 
1   anythiog  the  ar.:>«tlte  craves  -.  N 

fiow  *^"^oi«<■*''•  v,\'i  .>^-     ... 

»■'•....■    col'"'-     -..fill''' 


and  Oe 






^Mi  Sicilian  Haif  Renewci 

Hai*  stood  the  test  of  seven  years 
trial  bt/  the  public  ;  and  no  prepa- 
ration'for  the  hair  yet  discovrred 
will  produce  the  same  beneficial 
rcsnlts.  It  is  a  new  scientific  dis- 
cover y,  combiniHff  th^i  most  poiver- 
fuf  and  restorative  agents  in  the 
VEGETABLE  KINGDOM.  It  restores 
FUL COLOR.  Jt  mahcs  the  scalp 
white  and  clcAtn  ;  cares  dahdrnfr 
and  humors,  and  falling  out  of  th« 
haip;  and  will  make  it  growvpon 
bald  heads,  except  in  very  aged 
persons,  as  it  farninhes  lite  nutri- 
tive priiuiple  by  which  the  hair 
is  nourished  ami  supported.  It 
mahes  the  hair  moist,  soft,  and 
g/osKif.  and  is  unsurpassed  as  a 
HAIR  DRESSING.  Jt  is  the  cheapest 
preparation  ever  offered  to  tlie 
public,  as  one  bottle  will  accom- 
plish more  and  last  longer  than 
three  bottles  of  any  other  preparw 

If.  isreeommendefl  and  ttsea  oy 

tfie  First  Medical  Authority. 

The  wonderful  results  produced 
by  our  Sicilian  Hair  Ilenewer 
have  induced  many  to  manufac- 
ture preparations  for  the  Hair, 
under  various  names ;  and  in 
order  to  induce  the  trade  and  the 
public  to  purchase  their  rom- 
Itounds, they  have  resorted  to  false- 
hoo€ls,  by  claiming  they  tvere 
former  partners,  or  had  some  con- 
nection with  our  Mr.  Hall,  ana 
their  preparation  was  similar  to 
ours.  Do  not  be  decei ved  b y  them ! 
rurchase  the  original :  tt  has 
never  been  equalled.  Our  Treatise 
on  the  Hair,  with  certificate*,  sent 
free  by  nutil.  See  that  each  bottle 
lias  our  private  Ilevenue  Stamp 
over  the  top  of  the  bottle.  All  oth- 
ers are  imitations. 
R.  P.  Hall  &  Co.,  Prop's,  Nashua,  N,  H. 

tiold  bu  aU  nruggixl*  and  Denl^rt  in  Mrdieine. 


4B«ntforthe  Xoril»-wr«»»cru  Blatefc 

Comer  of  Holmes  &.  First  Sts.,  Sliabopec,  Minneacta 

Dealers  in 

Dry  Goocl^5  Bress  CiJoocS!^,  Cioihhig-j 

Groceries,  Boots   and  Shoes,   limits   and   Cnj.s, 

i!?C^:^  The  highest  iiiLrkct    [;rite   pLid   for  Vrhcat,  Furs,  andill 
kind.s  cf  country  pvotluee. 

,t^CaIl   ana.scc.     V.-q  EOUND  NOT  TO  EC  UNDIZRSOI.D    hy  t^ny  Grin  iu  tU 
MinntsolJt  Valley.  ' 


m  -v^  ss  T'  o  2^:e2 

—  A    T  — 

r-  T  •  .'    I  ■  T  " .  .  •        )  .  1.  L"  .V  1  11  I  N  O    A  or 

Thf  iinilcr-lfTiH'  I,  liavin?  romovftl  (o  their 

o.  .■..■•         -        1.   -.1.  v!,!  .Second  sts. .wnnl  I  respart- 

r.uuw  |irerar<'dlu  mauufac- 

i-l.  s.finc  ant  twolior.'e  Wbj- 

rHll^i!«,  «)i'I  everythlnit 

.t  r<  Btoiisl)!''  r»lf ». 

-  .>ra  flr~t  clBKsljl.irksinMlt 

.'..  St  <malUv  uf  work,  loth 
.   It.   Jobblnlt,  Slio«:lii».*c-. 
ill  j;r . 

.-.v."   would  solicit  n  conlln«- 
.vi'.U-'ilTT  i  WOODLVKt 

■i  1/.. .. 
'. 'tills  Lu 

>  A  f  kll 


10     to   $20  a    Day. 




sue  ^<'^"^y"r^!-^!^^^:'lt:  l.ou,s.  M., 

nJS  Siuos 

iJ^ciH      .'"il'l/rt*!* 

a^     liOi 

run  off  by  tUe  haavjr  conipetillun.  but    io  sitH  to  b 


i,thl8.»IJ  Hiiu.lon  FirKt  »lr<'et.  Stialcoiif.  wliprelifU 
(It^altne  o«t  ili«  b<-»t  "t  ilroceiles  aua  ITouUiu.i*  aiid  ia 
not  itbiue  tu  dt  acarcd  ui 


out  .f  ht-  •>all  !:e:p  it,  but  tv.  COIltlliU« 

In    the 


■riled  Enrcl<,V'-    I'rice  ti:t  Cisir/*. 
ur<',    '1  rcutiKCnt   »»i  KBdlcal 

'  ,'''  .■^K'riiial'irrli'je/i,  liidu'-sJ 

KiiiiSBi"-i>!>,    Jnipotoncy, 

■  ■.inuMit*  lo  Marr'a^e  iteiitr- 

i.v,  ..11. 1  Kits:    Mental  and 

-r.v  i;    15.1.  CULVEIIWELL. 

.  ■  .  t;\  lino'.!,"'  4c. 

iUt'  tlilB  admiral  la  I-ec- 
.    .  I  .  i:  (.wii  <  ^i.trii'iue   that  tl.n 

nvvM,  ,.,.„-,,....  '.t  .-vK-Atuic  iiisy  1.0  efl:c;n ally 
rri  MiVi'.i  ^^U!:^•u!  iiH-ilitli*.  iili'l  witiiOiit  dengeiou* 
su—lcl  vp.  r.i  li.iis.  bunpl'ti's.  l;,SMWUi<iit».  rinjg.  or 
(^ir'.lalR.  priitiiint-  uutn  ni<ii1e  cf  cHTe  at  uiice  tertsl* 
aiil  etn  clil.»l,l.v  wn<i;«vrry  huftin  r.iifi  niattei  wli»» 
lilK  i-on.litioi.  n'::iv  f'i.iiiay  rnrc  I.iinult  « li.spiv.  i>ri- 
vatp.j'.ui'd  riii!.c.i.!y.  'ibis  liciure  will  prove  a  l;o»n  «• 
ll1<ll:^ilIlrtli  ami  Ihoussliili.. 

Kent  un.If  r  s.-al.  in  a  plilti  enTrlop".  tt>  any  adtrefC. 
on  rpol.  t  <if  nix  routs,  or  two  posmge  »tMBi|)»,  by  a«- 
droslnR  the  puMislifrs.  ^    . ,     r. 

Als...  Ur.CfLVl-UUELL'S  "51anl»6«  GaWe."  ►:t4« 
2.'i  ii-iiln. 

rUAK  J.  C-   KM5E  A  C«  . 

J57  r«»-rv  .  Ni'W  Yorl',  l'<.-t  (ittirc  Hax  4«S*. 


Ma^ebv  Arentt,  m«l«  aoii  f»!n»If,  In  •ellinj  t>T  «nb«i<pU<», 

ecnUlniDK  lu.WlO  pmclicalrtc*!])!*  pertainlnt;  lo  iver  fcrTMiljr  .ii*- 
tlnrl  iu)  i«ru,  kcd  ill*  n.oet  i..|uli,r  nod  vjluabU  work  of"* 
lOod  luCliLled;  •!»,  fur  GOLDEN  PEN,  »np«rc«Iln«  »li 
elbcts.  where  laUodoted.  f  ur  cinulen  and  •uiipls  of  peu  eo- 
cloM  two  stwu»«,  and  addrau,  M.  V.  B.  COWKM,  Ute7«t«^ 

■^^a  \or  ^^* 

'«**.  \e  arts- 

The  sa;r  ever  *^":;o.p\^in^.lQ. 

sa^e^^'  ^-f '.fscover* 




w  ^' 







IV  A  !\  TED! 


'   O  S'-ll    nillUIN'--*    lllil>tralc-.l.    I'lif'toirujililr,     DO 

C       MESTIC    BIBLK.     This    Is    .i     w.rk    of   utrrllnR 

rierli    »..!  nitlu-  l.a.Mi*  "f  .■.>nM..-te.,t  aK- m«    fln.l.a 

r..«!v    ^ll     •!..  iiilulsleraof  ti.e   CommI  wbowis.i    lo 

•  rrulatTMIn  ti.c-.o..«reB..lio,i  or  Inm.e.llatc  ...-i^^bLor- 

ai  vals  lor  th.-«<.rk,  li".r»l  l.i.luc-.n.M.U  «illbe 

















3 1  3m 

liT  Clirk   ^t.,  Clilcago. 


M.  SllEIRE  &  UIIO. 

Uflicc  on  Firili   Street,  Sontb  of  Jackson 

(.,n  ilie  Iliil.) 


r.ulp.    Tie  keops  ase'iod  «  s'ork.  anl   s  IV  i 
.iiiy  one  can  .ill  >r>i  t",lii  .imy  '..wii  u     I'.' 

Minnesota  ISiver 

S 10 -PER  DAY. 

A(!«nl«.  .n»t«  Slid  fnr.ale,  wanted,  In  every  town   ard  •"^^'^^ 
k'.<K),forlhebe«l  paving  arlUle  df  i,cceeijty  in  t^f'J  r'^'^mv. 



■  t  La 



IT'  me*,    r  I'.'l       '         ■"'"  ' 

Itolx,     Itolx,     ItoH.  ! 


fn  from  W  to  «8li<vnr«. 
WheHton's  OintinPtit     cnrts     'I'ho  Itcb. 
\\Tieiiioir.s  OmUnen;     cun;^     Sjklt  Rhcuijo. 
AVheuton's  Ointment     cnres     Tetter. 
WheHlon's  Ointment     cam     nurlier-V  Itch. 
Wltcaton's  Oi»»i*ii^nt     cores     OM  Sore*. 
WLeuton's,  Ointment     cnres     Every  kind 
of  lluinor  like  Mairic. 

PrIc'.SO  Cf  nl*   «   hnx  :    bv   mull,  «6  cents.    A'l'lreaa 

nl  DM.'laofChnretiM.Sohool  I  WKK.KS    A    \-<)TVr.n,     Sf>    !7u     ">sbli>ct..n     Slre.-l. 

rt^i't^Tn:-"    an^^^Bnadl...  of   eveM-^^e-  ^  l:o.t.r ._Ma„.^  *?-,•"':.".•.*  .Iir/^'i:"^"'*;^ — - 


•ta<btlorfai>us,  caaWfil  i'tO, tU-r 


»  J 

uL^  M\.N  t'ATMH'.or.r. 

I — 


1  ~^^^^-^^-~^^^^-^—^ 



•   — — — ^^^^"^ 




