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Full text of "The silva of North America [microform] : a description of the tree which grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico"

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3IUujeitvate&  toitQ  fisam  atiD  analfiEie^  Dvatrnt  from  0smtt 










Cop)tri(bt.  lOOJ, 

All  rigitt  rtitrvtj. 

TV  IlirtriUr  Pm.  famhrUi/r,  M<ut    V  S  A 
a>ctf<»yfmt  wl  frtaM  b,  H.  O.  Hcii,kt«,  ^i  Compwy. 











CaBICA  PAPJlfA PUt«  dcoT. 

Om-ntia  ruLoiDA pute  dcovi. 





f^KPllALAtrtma  0Cri9ENTAI.I8             .... 

Fbaxinus  coriacxa 

Fraxinus  pr.onmDA.        ...... 

Fraxinds  Biltmorkana 

Fraxinuh  Floridaka 

Uluis  serotina 

HicoRiA  Tbxana Plate  dccxix. 

HinoRiA  CAROLiN.»«u'TENTiuoiiAi.ig      ....        Plate  dcczz.    . 

HicoRU  VILL08A Plate  ccolv.  (vol.  Til.) 

QuKRCus  ELLiFsoiDALis Plate  dccui. 

Qdercus  pAaooAFOi,xA Plate  dccxxi!. 


Plate  dooTii 17 






Plate  dcoviii. 
^ata  dccix. 

Plnte  dccxi 

Plate  docxii 

Plate  dccxiii 33 

Plate  dccxiv.,  dcoxr 35 

Plate  dccxvi 37 

Plate  dccxvii. 
Plate  dccxriii. 



Betvla  papyrifer.:,  var.  cobdooua        .        ,        , 




Saiix  BAL8AMIFERA Plate  dccxxviii 

Salix  Alaxensis Plate  dccxxix. 

Salix  amplifolia Plate  dccxxx. 

Popuu  8  acuminata Plate  dccxxxi. 

P0PUIC8  WisLizENi Plate  dccxxxii 

P0PULU8  Mexican  A Rate  dccxxxiii 73 

Serenoa  ARBORE8CENS Plate  dccxxxiv. 77 

Thrinax  Floridana Plate  dccxxxT 81 

Thrinax  Keyensis Plate  dccxxxvi 83 

CoccoTHRiNAx  jucuNDA Plate  dccxxxvii 87 

Plate  dccxxiii, ,      ■ , 

Plate  dccxxiv 

Plate  dccxxT 57 

Plate  dccxxTJ 59 

Plate  dccxxvii 61 






JuNiPEBUs  BARBADEN8I8 Plate  docxxiviii. 

JuNiPERus  8COPUL0RUM Plate  dccxzxix. 

C'"BE8SU8   PTGiLEA pi^te  dcCxl.  . 


Generai,  Index 




Flowers  regular,  monoecious  or  polygamo-dioDcious,  in  axillary  cymose  panicles ; 
calyx  minute,  5-lobed ;  petals  5 ;  stamens  10 ;  filaments  in  two  series,  free ;  ovary 
1 -celled;  ovules  numerous.  Fruit  baccate,  fleshy.  Leaves  alternate,  long-petiolatc, 
palmately  lobed  or  digitate,  rarely  simple,  destitute  of  stipules. 

Carioa,  Linnatu,  Oen.  309  (1737).  —  Meiainei-,  Om.  pt.  ii. 

89.  —  Endlioher,  Oen.  933.  —  Roemer,  Fam.  Nat.  Sifn. 

ii.  121 Bcntlum  Sc  Hooker,  Oen.  i.  816 Solnu-Lau- 

buh,  Engltr  &  Prantl  PJianxenfam.  iii.  pt.  vi.  a,  98. 
Papaya,  Adanton,  Fam.  PI.  ii.  357  (1763).  —A.  L.  de  Jua- 

•ieu,  Gen.  399.  —  B'Slloo,  HUt.  PL  iv.  320  (exd.  Jaea- 




Vaaoonoellaa,    Saint-Hilaire,  Mim,  Aead. 

Vasoonoelloaia,   Camel,  Nuov.   Oior.  Bot.  Ital.  viii.  22 

Mocinna,  La  Uare,  La  NaturaUta,  vii.  Appz.  70  (not 

Lagaica  nor  Beotbam)  (1885). 

Small  short-lived  trees,  filled  with  bitter  milky  juices,  with  erect  simple  or  rarely  branched  stems 
composed  of  a  thin  shell  of  soft  fibrous  wood  surrounding  a  large  central  cavity  divided  by  thin  soft 
cross  partitions  at  the  nodes  and  covered  witli  thin  green  or  gray  bark  marked  by  the  ring-like  scars  of 
fallen  leaf-stalks,  and  stout  soft  fleshy  roots,  or  rarely  herbaceous,  nrith  tuberous  roots.'  Leaves  crowded 
toward  the  top  of  the  stem  and  branches,  alternate,  large,  flaccid,  long-petiolate,  subpeltately  palmately 
nerved,  usually  deeply  and  often  compoundly  lobed,  or  occasionally  digitate  and  seven  or  eight-foliato, 
or  rarely  ovate-lanceolate,  destitute  of  stipules.  Flowers  white,  yellow,  or  greenish  white,  in  axillary 
cymose  panicles,  the  staminate  elongated  pedunculate  and  many-flowered,  the  pistillate  abbreviated 
and  few  usually  three-flowered,  generally  uniseximl  and  dioecious,  occasionally  polygamo-dioecious,  each 
flower  in  the  axil  of  a  minute  ovate  acute  flat  bract.  Staminate  flower :  calyx  minute,  five-lobed  ;  corolla 
salverform,  gamopetalous,  the  tube  elongated,  flve-lobed,  the  lobes  oblong  or  linear,  valvate  or  contorted 
in  aestivation ;  stamens  ten,  inserted  on  the  throat  of  the  corolla,  in  two  rows ;  filaments  free,  those  of 
the  outer  row  alternate  with  the  lobes  of  the  corolla,  elongated,  the  others  alternate  with  them,  abbre- 
viated; anthers  attached  below  the  middle,  introrse,  two-celled,  erect,  opening  longitudinally,  often 
surmounted  by  their  slightly  elongated  connective  ;  pnllen  grains  globose,  grooved ;  ovary  rudimentary, 
subulate.  Pistillate  flower :  calyx  minute,  flve-lobed,  enlarged,  thickened  and  persistent  under  the  fruit ; 
corolla  polypetalous ;  petals  five,  linear-oblong,  erect,  ultimately  spreading  above  the  middle,  deciduous ; 
staminodia  wanting.  Ovary  free,  sessile,  one-celled  or  more  or  less  spuriously  five-celled  by  the  projection 
inward  of  the  five  parietal  placentas ;  style  wanting  or  abbreviated ;  stigmas  five,  linear,  radiating, 
dilated  and  subpalmately  lobed  at  the  anex,  or  simple  and  stigmatic  over  the  whole  upper  surface; 
ovules  indefinite,  inserted  in  two  rows  on  the  placenta,  anatropous,  long-stalked,  micropyle  superior, 
raphe  ventral.     Hermaphrodite  flower :  corolla  gamopetalous,  tubular-campanulate,  the  lobes  erect  and 

>  The  stenia  of  Carica  caudala  (Rrandegee,  Zoi',  ir.  401  [181M])  of  Lower  California  are  deaoribed  aa  herbaceous,  from  eighteen 
inohea  to  three  feet  tall,  and  as  produced  from  tuberous  .oota. 



upreadiiift  or  mibreflexed  ;  itUnions  t«n,  in  two  ranks,  nr  Ave  ;  ovary  obovoid-oblong,  longer  than  tliu  tul»« 
of  tho  I'orolla,  more  or  leiw  gpurioiMly  five-oelleii  ImIow.  Fruit  baccate,  yellow,  oranf^e-colored,  purple, 
or  crimson,  slightly  Kvu-lob«<l,  one-celled  or  more  or  lem  completely  five-celled,  filled  with  soft  pulp  or 
contiiinin|{  a  \iu^o  control  cavity,  many-seeded,  that  produced  from  hermaphrodite  tlowerH  long-titalkod, 
|iendul<>UH,  usually  unsymmetrical,  or  ^bbous  by  the  abortion  of  one  of  the  placentas,  and  smaller  than 
that  from  tho  pistillate  Howers.  S<>e<lM  drupacoouH,  t>void,  inclose<l  in  niembrHuaceous  silvery  white 
sac-like  arils,  ocujiMionally  ^rminating  within  the  fruit;'  testa  crustaoeous,  ch)sely  investing  the  mem- 
branaceous inner  coat,  the  outer  |)ortiou  bocoming  thick,  rugose,  succulent,  and  ultimatttly  dry  and 
leathery.  Embryo  in  the  axis  of  fleshy  albumen  ;  cotyledons  ovate,  foliaceous,  compressed,  h)nger  than 
the  terete  radicle  turne«l  toward  the  minute  |Vkle  sublMsilar  hilum.' 

Carica  inhabits  southern  Florida  and  the  West  Indies,  the  slopes  of  the  coast  mountains  which 
border  the  southern  shores  of  the  Caribbean  Sea,  the  Andes  from  Mexico  to  ChiU,  the  valleys  of  the 
Pacific  coast  of  tropical  South  America,  southern  Brazil,  and  Argentina.'  Twenty  species  have  Iteen 
described,  but  it  is  probable  that  the  forests  which  clothe  the  Cordilleras  of  South  America,  where  this 
genus  is  represented  by  the  largest  number  of  iipe<'ies,  hide  others  still  unknown  to  science.* 

The  milky  juice  of  Carica,  which  is  most  abundant  in  the  unri|)e  fruit,  contains  an  enzyme,  papain, 
which,  like  |>epHin,  has  the  power  of  digesting  albuminous  subNtanccs,  and  Curica  leaves  are  commonly 
used  in  tropical  countries  to  make  tough  meat  more  tender.'    The  fruit  of  Carica  Papaya,  the  pawpaw. 

■  MuUn.  Gari'.  Clkrm.  Mr.  3,  U.  716,  (.  138, 130 ;  lii.  618,  f  92, 
90.  —  Friti  MulUr,  Flora,  1800,  Xfl,  t. 

'  The  ipeciM  of  Cari-ss  Ii»t*  bmn  grouped  by  Solnu-LaulNMb 
(A/artiw  Ft.  Hnuil.  liii.  pt.  iii.  177;  SngUr  (r  Prtmlt  I'jUmanfitm. 
iii.  pt.  Ti.  k,  OH)  in  three  Mwtioiu. 

(1.)  Vaicomckllca.  Dirtioiuof  tbeoorolUrontortedorTklTkte 
in  mtiTtliun ;  itigma  linear,  undirided  ;  ofarj  and  fruiU  •puriouilj 

(■2.)  llEMirArATA  (A.  de  Candolle,  IWodr.  it.  pt.  i.  41S  [tMt. 
VaMoncellea]).  Uiriuoni  of  the  corolla  contarle<l  in  DitiTation  ; 
•tigma  dilated  and  ditidad  at  the  apei ;  oTarjr  and  f  ruita  tpuriouilj 

(3.)  KuPAFATA.  Uiriaioni  of  the  corolla  contorted  in  nitiTation; 
•tiginai  irregularly  dirided  to  the  baao;  ovary  and  (ruita  one-f'elled. 

*  See  Hieronymua,  /'J.  IHapkor.  Argtnl.  121.  —  .Solmt-Ijaubaeh, 
Martiui  Fl.  Bnuil.  I.  r.  178.  —  Dunnell  Smith,  llol.  Gaxettt,  iiiii. 


*  Spruce  (your.  Zinn.  Soc.  i.  7)  in  an  account  of  the  diatribution 
of  the  Papajfocta,  in  addition  to  the  twenty-flre  apeciea  deaoribed  in 
1869,  alludei  to  eieren  othen  which  had  been  teen  by  him  in  the 
foreita  of  the  Andea  and  on  the  Pacific  coaat  of  South  America. 
What  proportion  of  these  belong  to  the  genua  Carica  doea  not 
appear.  In  the  Flora  Braitlitruis  Solma-Laubach  deacribea  twenty- 
two  apeciea  in  thia  family,  ei^ttteen  of  theae  belonging  to  Carica. 

lu  addition  to  the  ipeeiea,  there  it  a  hybrid  Carica  deacribed 
by  Van  Voliem  and  obtained  by  him  in  1870  by  Impregnating 
the  flowera  of  Carira  eryihrocarpa  (Andrrf,  ///.  llorl.  iviii.  33,  t.  61 
[1871]),  a  amall  icarlet-fruited  apeciea  of  the  warmer  parte  of  Co- 
lombia and  Peru,  with  the  pollen  of  Carira  Ctmdamareeniit.  From 
thia  croaa  a  number  of  planta  were  raised  which  displayed  their 
hybrid  origin  in  the  rharscter  of  the  learea,  intermediate  in  form 
and  texture  between  thuae  of  the  two  parenta.  In  tho  summer  of 
1879  two  of  these  hybrid  planta  flowered;  one  produced  one  female 
and  a  number  of  male  (lowers,  and  the  other  only  two  female  How- 
era.  Tlie  female  flower  of  the  first  plant  was  impregnated  with  the 
pollen  of  Carica  CnndamarcmMii,  and  those  of  the  other  with  pollen 
taken  from  ita  own  male  fluwcm.  All  three  grew  into  red  fruits 
and  prodnoed  aeeda  from  which  many  aeecllings  were  raiaad.    Theae 

seedling  planta  produced  male  and  female  flowers  almoat  eiclusiTely 
on  different  indiriiluals,  although  in  the  case  of  both  their  parents 
the  aame  plant  produces  male  aud  female  flowers.  The  fruit  of 
this  ic'oiid  oroes  was  bright  red,  fragrant,  oblong-obovate,  slightly 
ribbed,  flve-aided,  four  inches  long,  and  two  and  a  half  inches  in 
diameter.  It  remained  on  the  planta  for  more  than  a  year,  and  ia 
described  as  rery  ornamental.  (See  Van  Voliem,  Ganl.  Chron.  n. 
ier.  air.  7'.'0  ;  aii.  44fi,  f.  68.  —  Masters,  (.  c.  ii.  f.  139.) 

•  See  Holder,  Vrm.  Wem.  JVal.  Hill.  Sne.  iii.  'MTi  {AcrounI  of 
iKe  Effecli  o/lSt  Juict  oflht  Papaw  Tm  [Cnriea  Papaya]  in  Inlm- 
mling  Hulcker'$  .V«i().— Kndlicher,  EncKirui.  Rol.  487;  Med.  Pfl. 
4A7.  — Martin,  Bril.  Med.  Jour.  1888,  ii.  150;  Pharm.  Jour,  and 
Tram.  aer.  ,1,  ivi.  129;  Am.  Jour.  Pharm.  Ifii.  «10;  Iviii.  439.— 
Kusby,  IMiggitl'i  Hull.  iii.  220,  f.  —  U.  S.  Ditpent.  ed.  10,  1883. 

Ktperiments  made  by  Morong  (BuU.  Pharm,  v.  106)  to  detemuna 
the  digestive  potency  of  the  leaves  of  Carica  Papa/a  and  of  Carica 
querci/olia  showed  the  following  results  :  — 

Small  cubes  of  cooked  fresh  lean  beef  were  incloaed  in  several 
folds  of  the  leaves  of  ( 'arica  Papaya,  numerous  incisions  being  made 
with  a  raior  acnns  the  epidermis  of  tome  of  the  leaves  in  order 
to  secure  an  outlet  for  the  milky  secretions,  while  others  were  left 
in  r%  natural  state.  At  the  end  of  two  days  it  was  found  that  the 
largeat  cubes  inclosed  in  the  uncut  leaves  were  considerably  cor- 
roded and  their  edges  rounded,  while  the  minute  pieces  of  meat  had 
been  reduced  to  a  pulpy  maas  and,  in  some  instances,  dissolved  into 
a  greasy  slime  which  had  become  widely  spread  over  the  surface  of 
the  leaves.  At  the  end  of  five  days  the  digestive  process  had  re- 
duced the  largeat  pieces  of  meat  to  pulp,  and  at  thu  erd  of  a  week 
all  that  could  bo  seen  of  the  meat  was  a  thin  greasy  liquid  covering 
the  portions  of  the  leaf  in  contact  with  it.  The  cut  leaves  soon  lost 
their  potency  and  made  but  little  impression  on  the  meat,  probably, 
as  Dr.  Morong  suggests,  because  owing  to  the  admission  of  air  the 
leaves  soon  became  dry  and  lost  their  power  of  inteneration.  Pieces 
of  meat  placed  within  the  folds  of  the  split  petioles,  from  which 
milky  juice  eluded  freely,  were  not  influenced  by  it  at  all,  the  meat 
simply  drying  up.  It  is  probably  essential,  therefore,  for  diges- 
tive action  that  the  meat  should  be  closely  wrapped  in  the  leaves  to 
exclude  the  air  from  it,  and  so  insure  perfect  contact  with  their 




U  ooniidered  one  of  the  most  whol«aome  of  all  tropical  fruita,  and  Carica  CandamnrMnait '  U  cultivuted 
on  the  Andes  of  Ecuador  aa  a  fruit-tree.  In  Argentina  the  juice  of  Carica  querei/oH'  "  like  that  of 
Carica  Papaya,  ia  ooniiidered  a  valuable  anthelmentio,  and  ia  thought  useful  in  tht  treatment  of 
pulmonary  affection* ;  the  Howen  are  esteemed  as  pectorals  and  the  leaves  are  employed  in  washing  as 
a  substitute  for  suap.* 

In  Florida  Carica  is  not  known  to  be  injured  by  insects  or  attacked  by  fungal  di  teases.* 
The  generic  name  is  from  the  Carib  name  of  Carica  Papaya  in  use  in  Hispaniola  when  the 
Spaniards  flrst  invaded  that  island.' 

gutrio  uontiou.  Th*  le*T«  ol  Carica  qutrei/olia  mr*  fonnd  to 
b«  tTH  more  poUnt  tluD  IhuM  of  Carica  Papaya  in  their  •IfMt* 
upuD  oiMt,  th*  diuolutioo  proomdiiig  mon  npidly,  M  muoh  Uing 
uooinpliihiid  in  on*  day  u  In  two  dk/i  \>j  th*  I*****  of  Carica 
Papaya.  Kiparinunt*  mad*  with  the  whit**  and  jrolki  of  haid- 
boil*d  *gf(*  ibow*d  that  th*  l*an*  of  th*  twi>  ipcoi**  aot*d  with 
•qual  potanoj  and  far  more  rapidljr  than  thaj  had  on  th*  pi*a*(  of 
maat.  In  twantj-four  hour*  th*  outiid*  lajrar*  of  th*  albuminoui 
partiola*  had  •limad  ulf,  and  at  th*  and  of  thr**  dayi  imall  pi*o*a 
had  baooni*  *ntir*l]r  dltiolr*d,  remaining  on  th*  lurfao*  of  th*  laaf 
in  thi  form  of  a  thin  liquid.  At  th*  end  of  thr*«  or  four  daji  only 
a  illght  deoompoaition  waa  noticed  on  the  lurfao*  of  th*  jolk  of 
th*  egg,  and  the  laarei  withered  betor*  an/  daoiiir*  *ff*ot  waa  pro- 

Papain  and  papayotin  were  at  on*  tim*  reeommended  In  the 
United  Statea  aa  aubatitut**  for  p*p*in  in  the  treatment  of  diphth*- 
ria,  to  aaaiit  digeation,  and  aa  a  galaotagogue.  (See  Park*,  Daria  & 
Co.,  Organic  Mai.  Mtd.  *d.  8, 43.)  H*o«nt  *zp*rim*nta  ahow,  bow- 
eT*r,  that  in  atanb-digaiting  propertiei  papain  ia  realljr  infarior  to 
p*p*in,  and  although  good  raaulta  bar*  followed  ita  UM  in  th*  tr**t- 
ment  of  dyipeptio  oonditiona,  th*  aam*  reiulta  ar*  now  obtained 
with  greater  oartaintjr  \>j  th*  um  of  other  agent*,  while  in  the  cure 
of  diphtheria  it  hai  been  repUcnd  bj  antitoxin  treatment  and  th* 
luoal  appUoation  of  germioidaa. 

>  Hooker  f.  tht.  Mag.  si.  I.  6196  (ISTfi).  —  Solma-Unbwih, 
Aforfiuj  Fl.  liranl.  liil  pt.  lil.  184. 

Cttriea  Candamaretruit  it  a  eommon  tfcin  of  th*  equatorial 
Andei,  when  it  la  oultirated  aa  a  fruit-tr**  up  to  elerationi  of  nin* 
thouaand  f**t  aboT*  th*  •••■l*r*l.  Th*  frulla  ar*  deaaribed  aa 
bright  jrellow,  eight  or  nine  inebaa  long  and  aomatim**  nearljr  aa 
broad,  with  whit*  aoft  fi*ah  uaualljr  of  plaaaant  flaror,  although 
aon.atlm*a  aoid  when  the  plant  baa  griiwn  in  cool  eitnationa.  (8** 
ValaMo,  Ilisloria  Natural  dt  (2ui(o,  68.  —  Sprue*,  your.  £i'nn.  Soc. 
I.  II.) 

'  Iliaron/mui,  Pt.  Diaph.  Fl.  Argtm.  139  (1883).  —  Solma- 
Uubach,  I.  c.  178. 

VatconctUm  ipurcifolia,  Saint-HIIaire,  Uim.  Acad.  Set.  y.  324 

(1B.'.8).  —  A.  de  Candolle,  Prodr.  xt.  pt.  I.  416. 
Carica  kailata,  Brignoli,  Jlf<m.  Soc.  Ilal.  Set.  Modtna,  §n,  3,  i. 

77  (1862). 

VaKonctlloiia  hatlala,  Carual,  Num.  Oiam.  Bol.  Ilal.  viil.  22, 

t.  a  (1876). 

•  8*0  Morong,  Bull.  Pharm.  t.  163,  t. 

*  Th*r*  ia  no  record  nf  anj  fungi  infaatiog  Carica  Papaya  in  th* 
Unit*d  Statei,  although  a  number  of  apecieB  attack  it  in  other 
parte  of  the  world,  and  probably  aom*  of  thea*  will  be  found  in 
tbia  oountrjr. 

'  Uriado,  Uirt.  Gm.  NaL  Ind.  lib.  viii.  cap.  33. 




Stigma  divided  to  the  base  into  5  radiating  lobes,  dilated  and  3-parted  at  the  apex. 
Fruit  i-celled.    Leaves  ovate  or  orbicular,  deeply  5  to  7-lobed. 

Carica  Papaya,  Linnisus,  Spec.  1036  (1753).  —  MUler, 
Diet.  ed.  8,  No.  1.  —  Aublet,  PI.  Guian.  ii.  909.  — Aitou, 
Nort.  Kew.  iii.  409.  —  Willdenow,  Spec.  iv.  pt.  ii.  814.  — 
Persoon,  Syn.  ii.  020.  —  Lunan,  Hort.  Jam.  ii.  36. — 
Stokes,  Bot.  Mat,  Med.  iv.  565.  —  Humboldt,  Bonpland  & 
Kunth,  Nov.  Gen.  et  Spec.  ii.  124.  —  Nuttall,  Gen.  ii. 
243.  —  Lindley,  Bot.  Reg.  vi.  t.  459.  —  Kunth,  Syn.  PI. 
Mquin.  i.  430.  —  VcUozo,  Fl.  Flum.  ed.  2, 427i  Icon.  r..  t. 
130.  —  Sprenpel,  Syst.  iii.  905  —  Hooker,  Bot.  Mag.  Ivi. 
t.  2898,  2899.  — D.)t,  Gen.  Syit.  iii.  44  —  Schnizlein, 
Ico7i.  iii.  t.  200,  f.  1-3,  14-18.  —  Spach,  Jiiat.  Vig.  xiii. 
316.  —  Roemer,  Fam.  Nat.  jn.  ii.  122.  —  Beitham, 
Bot.  Voy.  Sulphur,  100.  —  Seemann,  Bot.  Voy.  Herald. 
128.  —  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Ind.  290.  —  Sauvalle,  Fl. 
Cub.  54.  —  Eggers,  BuU.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mm.  No.  13, 56  {Fl. 
St  Croix  and  the  Virgin  Islanda).  —  Lefroy,  Bull.  U.  S. 
Ntt.  Mus.  No.  25,  76  {Bot.  Berm^uta).  —  Hieronymus, 
PI.  Diaph.  Fl.  Argent.  121.  —  Hemsley,  Bot.  Biol.  Am. 
Cent.  i.  481.  —  Chapman,  Fl.  ed.  2,  Suppl.  621.  —  Wien. 
HI.  Gari.  Zeit.  ii.  448,  f.  66.  —  Solms-Laubach,  Martiue 
Fl.  BraM.  fasc.  cvi.  188,  t.  49.  —  Dum,  Ann.  Inst.  Col. 
Marseille,  iii.  310  {Fl.  Antili.  Fran^aises). 

Papaya    ououmerina,    Norona,    Verhand.   Bat.    Genoot. 

Konet.  Wet.  v.  23  (1790). 
Papaya     oommunis,     Norona,    Verhand.    Bat.    Genoot. 

Konst.  Wet.  v.  23  (1790). 
Papaya    Carioa,    Gnrtner,   Fntct.   ii.   191,   t.   122,   f.   2 

(1791).  —  BaUIon,  Hist.  PI.  iv.  283,  i.  332-336.  —  Otto 

Kunt7.e,  Rev.  Gen.  PI.  i.  253. 
Papaya    vulgaris,    De    Candolle,    Lamarck    Diet.  t.  2 

(1804).  —  Poiret,  ioTnarcfc  III.  iii.  410,  t.  821.— Nut- 
tall,  Sylva,  iii.  47,  f.  96.  —  Cooper,  Smithsonian  Rep. 

1858,  264.  —  A.  de  Candolle,  Proar.  xv.  pt.  i.  414. 
Papaya  aativa,  Tuasac,  Fl.  Med.  Antili.  iii.  45,  1. 10,  11 

Caryoamamaya,  Vellozo,  Icon.  x.  1 131  (1827);  Fl.  Flum. 

ed.  2.  427. 
Carioa  hermafrodita,  Blanco,  m.  FUip.  805  (1837) ;  ed.  3, 

iii.  212. 
Papaya  eduUs,  a  macrooarpa,  Bojer,  Hort.  Maurit.  277 

Papaya  edulis,  p  pyriformis,  Bojer,  Hort.  Maurit.  277 


The  Pawpaw,  which  lives  only  for  a  few  years,  although  the  original  trunk  is  sometimes  replaced 
by  others  from  the  same  root,  in  Florida  rarely  attains  a  greater  height  than  twelve  or  fifteen  feet,  and 
its  simple  stem  is  seldom  more  than  six  inches  in  thickness ;  in  the  West  Indies  and  other  tropical 
countries  it  often  grows  to  twice  size,  and  the  stem  occasionally  divides  into  a  number  of  stout 
upright  branches.'  The  bark  is  thin,  light  green  except  toward  the  base  of  the  stem,  where  "i:  finally 
becomes  griiy,  and  closely  invests  tht  thin  layer  of  woody  fibres  which  gpive  to  the  steiu  i  -  only 
strength  and  within  which  a  Liyer  of  soft  tissues  often  half  an  inch  in  thickness  forms  the  wall  of  the 
broad  central  cavity  divided  at  the  nodes  by  thin  porous  cross  partitions.  The  stem  is  supported  by  a 
stout  tap-root  which  penetrates  the  soil  to  the  depth  of  twelve  or  eighteen  inches,  and  by  numerous 
thick  fleshy  lateral  roots  spreading  under  the  surface  for  a  distance  of  two  or  three  feet.  The  leaves 
are  ovate  or  orbicular  in  outline,  deeply  divided  into  from  five  to  seven  lobes  which  are  themselves 
more  or  less  deeply  divided  into  acute  lateral  lobes,  these  secondary  divisions  being  entire  or  rarely 
lobed ;  the  lowest  of  the  principal  lobes  are  smaller  than  the  others,  nearly  parallel  and  form  deep 
sinuses  at  the  base  of  the  leaf ;  the  leaves  are  thin  and  flaccid,  yellow-green,  and  from  fifteen  to  twenty- 
four  inches  in  diameter,  with  broad  flat  yellow  or  orange-colored  primary  veins  radiating  from  the  end 
of  the  petiole  through  tlie  lobes,  and  small  secondary  veins  extending  to  the  points  of  the  lateral  lobes 
and  connected  by  conspicuously  reticulate  veinlets ;  they  are  borne  on  stout  yellow  hollow  petioles, 

'  .See  Clanl.  Chron.  n,  aor.  iiili.  111. 
of  the  stem  i.4  injured. 

It  i.s  probnble  that  Cari'V  Papaya  does  not  develop  branches  unless  the  terniiiml  growing  point 






enlarged  and  cordate  at  the  base,  which,  continuiug  to  grow,  sometimes  become  three  or  four  feet  in 
length  before  the  leaves  fall.  The  flowers,  which  often  begin  to  appear  on  plants  only  three  or  four 
fe«t  high  and  a  few  months  old,  are  pale  yellow,  with  minute  or  foUaceous  calyx-lobes,*  and  are  produced 
continuously  throughout  the  year,  the  males  in  many -flowered  racemose  cymes  borne  on  slender 
spreading  or  pendulous  peduncles  which  vary  from  four  to  twelve  inches  in  length,  and  the  females 
in  one  to  three-Howered  8hort«talked  cymes."  The  staminate  flowers  are  fragrant  and  contain  large 
quantities  of  nectar ;  and  their  corolla  is  from  three  quarters  of  an  irch  to  an  inch  and  a  quarter  long, 
with  a  slender  tube  and  acute  lobes  which  in  the  same  cluster  are  in  some  flowers  dextrorse  and  in 
others  sintrorse  in  xstivatiou.  The  ajithurs  are  ubloug,  orauge-colored,  and  surmounted  by  the  rounded 
thickened  und  of  their  connective,  those  of  the  inner  row  being  ahnost  sessile  and  one  third  larger  than 
those  of  the  outer  row ;  these  are  rather  shorter  than  their  flattened  filaments  which  are  covered,  like 
the  connectives  of  the  anthers,  with  long  slender  white  hairs.  The  rudimentary  ovary  s  subulate  and 
much  shorter  than  the  tube  of  the  corolla.  The  pistillate  flower  is  about  an  inch  long,  with  linear 
lanceolate  erect  petals  free  to  the  base,  dextrorsally  contorted  in  sestivation,  and  reflexed  above  the 
middle  at  maturity ;  it  ifl  destitute  of  staminodic,  and  the  ovary  is  ovoid,  ivory  white,  slightly  and 
obtusely  five-angled,  one-celled,  and  narrowed  into  a  short  slender  style  crowned  by  a  pale  green 
stigma  divided  to  the  base  into  five  radiating  lobes,  which  are  dilated  and  deeply  three-cleft  at  the 
apex ;  the  ovules  are  raised  on  long  stalks.  The  fruits,  which  hang  close  together  against  the  stem  at 
the  base  of  the  leaf-stalks,  are  obovate,  ellipsoidal,  and  obtusely  short-pointed,  and  vary  in  color  from 
yellowish  g^reen  to  bright  orange-color;  on  trees  cultivated  in  lae  tropics  they  are  sometimes  from  ten 
to  twelve  inches  long,  while  on  the  trees  which  grow  spontaneously  in  southern  Florida  they  are 
occasionally  four  inches  in  length  and  three  inches  in  thickness,  although  usually  smaller.  Their  thick 
skin  closely  adheres  to  the  firm  sweet  rather  insipid  flesh  which  varies  greatly  in  amount  and  quality  on 
different  plants  and  forms  a  thin  layer  outside  the  central  cavity,  which  is  filled  with  a  mass  composed 
of  the  nearly  black  seeds.  These  are  full  and  rounded  and  about  three  sixteenths  of  an  inch  in 
length  ;  when  the  fru*'  is  full  grown  but  still  green  the  outer  rugose  portion  of  the  testa  is  ivory 
white,  vcy  succulent,  and  easily  separable  from  the  smooth  paler  chestnut-brown  lustrous  interior 
portion,  but  as  the  fruit  ripeus  the  outer  part  of  the  testa  turns  black,  and,  becoming  dry  and  leathery, 
adheres  closely  to  the  inner  portion  which  closely  invests  the  thin  lustrous  light  red-brown  inner  seed- 
coat.  The  ffuit  <?ecays  on  the  tree,  and,  then  drying  up,  finally  splits  open,  letting  the  seeds  fall  to 
the  ground. 

Carica  Papaya  now  inhabits  southern  Florida  from  the  southern  shores  of  Bay  Biscayne  on  the 
west  coast  and  Indian  River  on  the  east  cast  to  the  southern  keys,  growing  sparingly  in  rich  hummocks 
under  the  t  hade  of  Live  Oaks,  Mulberries,  Bay-trees,  and  Magnolias ;  it  is  very  common  in  all  the 
West  Indian  Islands,  in  Mexico,  and  in  the  tropical  countries  of  South  America ;  and  it  has  now 
become  naturalized  in  most  of  the  warm  regions  of  the  Old  World.' 

>  Tb«  c*lji-labes  of  Carica  are  deaoribed  as  minuUi,  but  od 
ipMimeni  taken  from  two  tre^i  f^ving  \a  hummocks  near  Miami 
on  the  ^bonM  of  Ray  Riicayne,  Florida,  from  which  the  plate  in 
this  work  lias  been  made,  two  of  the  calyx-lol«fl  of  bulb  staminate 
and  pistillate  flowers  weie  much  enlar^t  and  fuliaceous. 

'  In  durida,  so  far  as  I  have  l>een  able  tu  learn,  the  staminate 
and  pistillate  Howers  of  wild  plants  of  Ciirtrri  Papaya  are  produced 
on  different  individuals,  but  on  cultivated  plants  in  Florida  and  in 
other  couutrres  they  are  often  audro-ditscious  ;  that  is,  the  male 
plants  occasionallr  bear  at  the  ap^z  of  the  principal  branches  of 
the  inflorescence  hermaphrodite  flowers  whioti  differ  from  the  pis- 
tillate ttowers  chiefly  in  their  tubular-campauulate  corolla  and  in 
the  ten  or  rarely  five  stamens  inserted  in  two  rows  on  its  throat. 
The  fruit,  which  is  deveIope<I  from  these  hermaphrodite  flowers 
and  which  hangs  on  long  peduncles,  is  usually  smaller  than  that 

produced  on  the  pistillate  trees,  and  is  nearly  always  unsymmetri- 
cal.  (See  Correa  dc  Mcllo  &  Spruce,  Jour.  Litm.  Soc.  x,  1  [Notet  on 
Papayac*<i]—U.  ().  Forbes,  .'/wr.  Hot.  xvii.  313.  ~  Matthews  & 
Scott,  Trins.  Hot.  Soc.  Kiiinhurgh,  xi,  287.)  Andro.^i<scious  flowerr 
of  (\irica  Papaya,  the  pistillate  trees  b«-nring  also  a  few  herniflphro- 
dite  flowers,  have  licen  noticed  by  Ernst  in  Caracas  (Jour.  Hot.  iv. 
81)  on  Carica  Papaya;  and  by  Baillon  on  a  plant  cultivated  in 
I'arU  (Hull.  Soc.  Linn.  Parit,  No.  M,  flC5). 

*  Cultivated  for  its  edible  fruit  no  doubt  long  before  the  dis- 
covery of  America  by  Europeans,  and  easily  scattered  by  the  facil- 
ity with  which  its  seeds  germinate  in  waste  places,  the  original 
home  in  tropical  America  of  Carica  Papaya  cannot  l>e  determined 
with  any  certainty.  Correa  dc  Mello  &  Spruco  (/.  r.  8),  who 
had  excellent  opportunities  for  '*udyingtlie  flora  of  large  regions 
of  continental  South  America,  believed,  however,  that  the  West 


In  all  tropical  countries  the  Pawpaw  ia  universally  cultivated  for  its  fruit*  and  in  waste  places 
near  human  habitations  it  springs  up  in  gre^it  abundance. 

In  appearance  one  of  the  most  rPtnorkable  of  the  plants  of  the  New  Worid,  the  Pawpaw  at  once 
attractp  the  attention  of  travelc.s  m  the  tropics,  and  after  Oviedo  y  Valdes  wrote  the  first  account''  of 
it  during  the  first  half  of  the  sixteenth  century  many  early  explorers  and  many  botanists  before  the 
time  of  Linnaeus  described  it. 

Indies  was  the  true  home  of  the  Pawpaw,  that  it  had  spread  south- 
ward across  the  continent  by  cultivatioD,  and  that  it  was  nowhere 
truly  wild  on  the  mainland,  although  they  bad  seen  near  Tarapota 
in  the  eastern  Peruvian  Andes,  at  the  height  o(  two  thousand  feet 
above  the  sea,  the  staminate  plants  growing  in  a  continuous  thicket 
of  several  acres  in  extent.  In  the  forests  of  this  region,  neverthe- 
less, no  tmly  wild  pUnts  could  be  found. 

The  Pawpaw  was  carried  to  Asia  before  the  end  of  the  sixteenth 
or  very  early  in  the  seventeenth  century  no  doubt  by  the  Portu- 
guese, for  in  1620  Petro  de  Valle  brought  the  seeds  from  the  East 
Indies  to  Naples,  where  they  produced  plants.  In  1651  these  were 
described  and  figured  by  Columna  in  the  Rerum  Medicarum  Nova 
Hapanite  Tketaurut  of  Francisco  Uernandex,  870,  as  Papaya  Ori- 
mtalit,  sive  Ptpo  arhoraeaa.  Twelve  years  later  Dr.  Paludanus 
wrote,  in  the  third  edition  of  Linschoten's  Hittoin  de  la  Namga- 
lion  (chap.  liv.  98),  published  in  1638:  "  II  y  a  ausii  un  fruict  ap- 
port^  des  Indes  Occidentales  par  les  Isles  Philippines  k  Mallacca 
e  de  Ik  es  Indes,  appelM  Papaiot,  ayant  presques  la  forme  d'un 
Melon,  et  est  de  la  grosseur  d'un  poing."  Boyn,  who  first  visited 
southern  China  in  1643,  found  the  Pawpaw  in  great  abundance  on 
the  island  of  Hainan  and  in  the  province  of  Canton,  and  in  his 
Flora  Sineniit  he  described  it  among  other  Chinese  plants  as  Fan 
gay  ev  ou  le  Papaya.  (See  Th^venot,  Relationt  de  Diuen  Voyagei 
Curieux,  i.  [Flora  Sinensu,  19].)  Rbeede  in  1678  (Hort.  Ind.  Malab. 
i.  21,  23,  t.  15)  and  Rumpf  in  1741  (Herb.  Amboin.  i.  145,  t.  GO,  51 
[see,  also,  Burmann,  Thet.  Zeylan.  184])  showed  that  the  Pawpaw 
was  of  American  origin.  In  spite  of  this  testimony  many  authors 
continued  to  regard  the  Pawpaw  as  an  East  Indian  plant  until  Robert 
Brown,  arguing  in  1818  that  it  bad  no  Sanscrit  name,  that  as  Rumph 
had  pointed  out  the  inhabitants  of  the  Indltn  Archipelago  regarded 
it  as  an  exotic  plant,  and  that  all  the  other  species  of  the  genus 
belonged  to  the  New  World,  showed  conclusively  that  it  was  Amer- 
ican and  not  Asiatic  or  African.  (See  Tuckey ,  Narrative  of  an  Ex- 
pedition to  explore  the  River  Zaire,  luually  called  the  Congo,  Appx. 
V.  471.  See,  also,  A.  de  Candolle,  Geographie  Bolanique,  ii.  917 ; 
Origine  det  Plantet  Cultiveet,  233.  —  Wittroack,  Bot.  ZeU.  xxxvi. 
632.  —  Solms-Laubach,  Bol.  Zeit.  xlvii.  709.) 

It  is  doubtful  if  Carun  Papaya  it  a  native  of  Florida  and  has 
not  been  introduced  there  on  account  of  the  value  of  its  fruit ; 
yet  if  not  iadigennus  it  has  become  naturalized  there  as  it  has  in 
BO  many  other  warm  countries.  The  Pawpaw  was  first  noticed 
in  Florida  in  1774  by  William  Bertram,  who  found  it  growing 
apparently  in  abundance  on  the  east  const  south  of  Mosquito  Inlet, 
either  near  Hillsborough  River  or  at  the  bead  of  Indian  River 
(Travelf,  131).  In  this  region,  which  was  thdn  nninhabitcd  by 
whites,  the  Orange  was  naturalized  at  this  time,  and  the  Pawpaw 
might  have  been  brought  there  by  the  Spaniards  when  they 
brought  the  Orange.  It  is  now  very  common  in  the  wooded  bum- 
mocks  in  the  neighborhood  of  Bay  Biscayne,  often  remote  from 
human  habitation.  Bay  Biscayne,  however,  for  more  than  a  cen- 
tury has  been  frequented  by  boatmen  from  the  Bahama  Islands, 
who  if  they  had  carried  pawpaws  with  them  to  eat  might  have 
left  the  seeds  on  the  shore.    The  probability  of  recent  introduc- 

tion into  eastern  Florida  is,  moreover,  heightened  by  the  fact  that 
Bernard  Romans  in  The  Natural  Hiilory  of  East  and  Weit  Florida, 
published  in  1775,  makes  no  mention  of  the  Pawpaw,  although  he 
visited  those  parts  of  Florida,  both  on  the  east  and  west  coasts  where 
it  is  now  naturalised,  and  paid  particular  attention  to  the  trees  of 
the  peninsula.  Ou  the  other  hand.  Dr.  Robert  Ridgway,  who  fouAd 
the  Pawpaw  in  1897  growing  on  Chandler's  Hummock  in  the 
Everglades  near  the  northeast  edge  of  Lake  Okechobee,  a  region 
difficult  of  access  and  rarely  visited,  writes  to  me  that  "  there  is  not 
the  slightest  question  that  this  tropical  species  is  indigenous  to  this 
part  of  south  Florida.  I  may  add  that  I  was  unable  to  find  it 
except  at  Fort  Myen,  where  it  was  cultivated,  in  any  part  of  Lee 
County,  not  even  in  the  vicinity  of  Fort  Thompson,  nor  in  the  Big 
Cypress  District.  I  believe,  therefore,  it  is  confined  to  the  imme- 
diate vicinity  of  the  Everglades,  which  are  extended  in  a  narrow 
strip  known  locally  as  the  '  Saw  Grass '  region,  along  the  western 
side  of  Lake  Okechobee,  quite  to  the  mouth  of  the  Kissimmee 
River."  It  is  due  to  these  observations  made  by  Dr.  Ridgway  that 
Carica  Papaya  is  admitted  into  7'Ae  SUva  of  North  America. 

'  Forak&l,  Fl.  ./Egypt.  Arah.  p.  cxxii.  —  Loureiro,  Fl.  Cochin,  ii. 
628.  —  Blume,  Bijdr.  Fl.  Ned.  Ind.  ii.  941.  —  Roxburgh,  Fl.  Ind. 
ed.  2,  Ui.  824.  —  Wight,  lU.  Ind.  Bot.  ii.  34,  t.  106, 107.  —  Wight  & 
Amott,  Prodr.  Fl.  Nepal.  352.  —  Blanco,  Fl.  Filip.  803 ;  ed.  3,  iii. 
212.  —  Hasskarl,  Cat.  PI.  Bogor.  188;  Pl.Jav.  Rar.  180.  — Bojer, 
Hort.  Afaurit.  277.—  Miquel,  Fl.  Ned.  Ind.  i.  697.  —  Van  Nooten, 
Fleure  Jav.  t.  —  Hillebrand,  Fl.  Haw.  Is.  139.  —  Bretsohneider, 
Jour.  North  China  Branch  Roy.  Asiatic  Soc.  n.  ser.  xzv.  300  (fio- 
tanicon  Sinicum,  pt.  ii.). 

The  fruit  of  the  Pawpaw  has  been  much  improved  by  cultiva- 
tion and  selection  in  the  West  Indies.  Individual  fruits  with  thick 
succulent  flesh  and  weighing  ten  or  twelve  pounds  are  sometimes 
produced  on  cultivated  trees,  while  on  the  plants  which  grow  spon- 
taneously in  Florida  they  are  often  not  larger  than  a  hen's  egg, 
with  thin  dry  scarcely  edible  flesh.  The  fruit  is  eaten  either  raw 
or  boiled  with  sugar,  and  acts  as  a  mild  cathartic.  The  seeds  have 
an  aromatic  pepper-like  taste  and  are  considered  anthelmentic; 
and  the  juice  of  the  unripe  fruit  has  been  employed  in  the  treat- 
ment of  psoriasis  and  other  cutaneous  affections.  (See  Descourtilz, 
Fl.  Med.  Antill.  i.  215,  t.  47,  48.  —  Ernst,  Jour.  Bot.  iii.  319  [  Vene- 
zuelan Medicinal  Plants'].  —  Guibourt,  Hist.  Drag.  cd.  7,  iii.  266,  f . 
669.  —  Baillon,  Traile  Bot.  Med.  833,  f.  2607-2511. —Fawcett, 
Economic  Plants,  Jamaica,  23.) 

'  "  Del  irbol  que  en  esta  Isla  EspaAola  llaman  papaya,  y  en  la 
Tierra-Firmo  los  llaman  los  espailoles  log  higos  del  mastuerco,  y  en 
la  provin(;ia  de  Nicaragua  llaman  il  tal  ilrbol  olocoton."  (Oviedo, 
Hist.  Gen.  Nat.  Ind.  lib.  viii.  cap.  33.) 

Mamcera  Lusitnnorum,  Clusius,  Cura:  Posteriores,  41,  f. 

Arbor  Platani  folio  fructu  peponis  magnitudine  eduli,  C.  Baiibin, 
Pinax,  431. 

"  This  fruit  is  (which  a  man  would  not  thinke)  a  remedie  against 
the  flux,  and  so  are  their  Papaies,  a  fruit  like  an  Apple  of  a  water- 
ish  welsh  taste."  (Layfleld  in  Purchas  his  Pilgrimes,  iv.  1172  [A 
large  Relation  of  the  Porto  Rico  Voiage].) 




"  There  mre  (ton  of  good  Boot*  and  PluU  with  Fruitei,  lu  the 
Pina  and  Plantine,  Potatoea,  Nappoyei,  and  a  fruite  called  of  the 
tndiani  Pofpm/a,  it  ii  big^ger  than  an  Apple  and  rery  pleaeant  to 
eat"    (Wilson  in  PunXoM  hit  P^grimi,  a.  1264.) 

Papane$,  Smith,  Oen.  Hiil.  IM. 

Uamaera  mat  (f/emina,  Gerarde,  HtrbaU,  ed.  2, 1606,  f. ;  Parkin- 
eon,  Tkeatr.  1640,  f. 

"  Pappaw  ii  a  fruita  aa  bigge  a<  an  Apple,  of  an  Orange  oolour, 
and  good  to  eate."    (Parkinion,  Tkeatr.  1671.) 

Mamuara  mat  Ir  /amino,  Pino,  Nat.  Hitl.  Brat.  lib.  iii.  oap.  vi. 

De  Payi,  Franoiaeo  Hemandeii  Rtrum  Med.  tfov.  Hitp,  TAerau- 
ru$,  09 ;  Hitt.  PI.  Nov.  Hitp.  ed.  Madrid,  1700,  iii.  00. 

Papaie  Peruvianit,  Banhin,  Hitl.  PI.  i.  147. 

De  deux  tortei  de  Papayen,  Du  Tertre,  Hitt.  Gen.  Anlill.  ii.  187. 

The  Papa.  "  The  Tree,  though  it  may  be  accounted  wood,  yet 
the  eofteat  that  yet  I  ever  saw  ;  for  with  my  knife,  I  can  out  down 
a  tree  at  big  ai  a  man's  leg  at  one  chop.  The  fruit  we  boy  I,  and 
serre  it  up  with  powdnd  pork,  as  we  do  turnips  in  England ;  but 
the  turnip  is  far  the  more  savory  fruit."  (Kivhaid  J>'goa,  A 
True  and  exact  Hittory  of  the  Iiland  of  Barhadot,  71.) 

Pinogvaeu  mat  jr  famina,  Piso,  Nat.  Hitl.  Brat.  ed.  2,  lib.  ir. 
tap.  xziii.  150,  f. 

Mameeira,  Johnson,  Dendroiogia,  59,  t.  25  ;  ed.  2,  i.  60,  t.  iH. 

De  Ariort  melonifera  Mamara  ^  Papaia  diela,  Ray,  Hitl.  Pi,  ii. 

Pepo  arborttcent  famina  livferlilii,  Hermann,  Parad.  Bot.  Prodr. 
362  (exol.  syn.). 

Papaya  major,  flore  fffruclu  m^joriout  pedieulit  rurlit  infidmlihui, 
Sloane,  Cat.  PI.  Jam.  202 ;  Ifal.  Hitl.  Jam.  ii.  164. 

JPicui  arbor  Utriutque  Indin  Plalani  foliit  iu>,  •rt\ixv>,frvctu  Mali 
Cydonii,  aut  Mtlonit  magniludine,  Plukenet,  .ilm.  Bol.  146;  Man- 
liua,  t.  278,  f.  1. 

Papaja,  Merian,  Hitl.  Oen.  Intectt  de  Surinam,  i.  40,  t.  40;  62,  t. 
62;  64,  t.  64. 

Du  Papayer,  Roohefort,  Hiiloire  Naturtlle  el  Morale  da  Itlei  An- 
met,  ed.  2,  65,  f. 

Papol,  Arbor  Melonifera,  Uermaun,  Mat.  Zeylan.  58. 

Papolghaha,  Papaya,  Hermann,  Mui.  Zeylan.  66. 

Papaya  fruelu  Melopeponit  effigie,  Toumefort,  Intt.  i.  660,  t.  441.  — 
Boerhaave,  Ind.  Alt.  HoH.  Lugd.  Bal.  ii.  170. 

Carica  foliorum  lobit  linualit,  Linnaus,  Horl.  Cliff.  461 ;  Fl.  Zey- 
lan. 173.  —  Royen,  Fl.  Leyd.  Prodr.  225. 

Papaya  mat,  Trew,  Planta  el  PapUionet  Rariarti,  t.  3,  f.  1. 

The  Popaw  Tree,  Griffith  Hughes,  Nat.  Hitl.  Barbadot,  181,  t 
14, 15. 

Papaya,  fruetu  obUmgo  Melonit  effigie,  Trew,  PI.  Ehrtt.  2,  t.  7. 

Carica.  Fronde  comota,  foliit  pellalo-Malit,  Mni  eorie  linualii, 
Browne,  Nat.  Hitl.  Jam.  360. 



I    i 

Plate  DCCV.    Cabica  Papava. 

1.  A  staminats  inflorescence,  natural  size. 

2.  Diagram  of  a  staminats  flower. 

3.  A  ataminate  flower,  the  corolla  laid  open,  enlarged. 

4.  A  pair  of  stamens,  front  view,  enlarged. 

5.  A  stamen,  side  view,  enlarged. 

6.  Pistillate  flowers,  natural  size. 

7.  Diagram  of  a  pistillate  flower. 

8.  A  pistillate  flower,  the  corolla  laid  open,  enlarged. 

9.  Vertical  section  of  an  ovary,  enlarged. 

10.  Cross  section  of  an  ovary,  enlarged. 

11 .  A  stigma  seen  from  above,  enlarged. 

12.  An  ovule,  enlarged. 

13.  A  fruit,  natural  size. 

14.  Cross  section  of  a  fruit,  natural  size. 
1&.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  natural  size. 

16.  A  n-'id,  enlarged. 

17.  A  seetl  with  its  aril  laid  open,  enlarged. 

18.  Vertical  section  of  a  seed,  enlarged. 

19.  A  setnl  with  the  outer  layer  of  the  seed  coat  removad. 

20.  An  enii>ryo,  enlarged. 

21.  A  leaf,  reduced. 

22.  A  seedling,  natural  sizo. 




%   ^r 

1    OA'  yofirn    \MMRtrA.  arkacka 

.1^  i«iii«nytoii  KnaoM  |r  ly  ««  *.■'•    li-.-.  Hi$i.  PI.  II. 
.,  •■  aw /(Prtiftt  .M«  ^« i   Hat  I'rodr. 

•Ml*,  flm»ti.  Mi. '«,  l«l«,  f.  :  IWkla 
■^.   / 
<nn««  a*  iMfg***  »o  Am»I«,  af  an  Onuig*  Mloor, 
llukkuni.  rwotr  1071.) 
i>  f'  >Mii— .  Hmw  St.  UuL  Bm.  lib.  iii.  osp.  «i. 

i  iVw  .'u  mqi-mAw  fatti.A-      ■  -n  innlmitu$, 
<>!».  \al  llM.  Jam.  ii   I..i 

!MjjnU,Ml:«4.    riukonci,  Al*.    Hal    XUi;  Han- 

^,  Hut.  Oin.  ItUKU  it  Surinam,  i.  4'J,  t   W;  fl2,  t. 

M,  M.  >    «^ 

^  .-ui-.  Hnfiiiii  <■»,  <!■—  M»i.  Sm.  Hif.  Ftw*.-  T"  I'-wmtK-    &<«li«{art,  Hubm    XahtrtUf  n  Monttt  dt>  tilts  .in- 

■  r:.  M»4<'M.  lit)U,ii>  Ml 

■  '                        "wf.  /'(  I.  147.  .  .'.1.  lltirmiuin,  ifiis.  Ztfia ,.  .W. 

I"«  '.»tir»,  HiM.  Out.    i<i  iloitiiuib,  Win  /.'^Um.V 

M          I  .V    •                   if   VMjrbi  ttetaaw^n  »  .-     i-  ..Minir  <>^yw,  7oun)tfoi:, /lur  i.lViO,  t.  44  .    - 

>*«  tM  I  •                         wU»  nw  knit*,  I  .'*;>  rii  J'>»  '  »t  L-ifi.  I'mi  ii.  170 

dwp.     Th«  trull  .  .••.I.  //of  Cliff.  401;  /     ;??»- 
.    wi^  do  turnips  .n  i 

N..  iiy   friut."     (Ki<.bn/.  Hm^wft.t.i,      1. 

.liw  .yijoriorfw,  71  ■  ?'   •    fitrA*  «.  181,  t. 
tt»,  JVo*   «a«.  /C.U    . 

,  i.^,Ml*Uafm,  SO,  t.  SiS  i  (d 

'  «ncu.     />,»«/>   i-vmoM,  /iWtw  fttkux-Jatmhn,  Mr*  mtw  j^mm/u, 

Ur.,wM,  Nat.  //»).  ywR  aao. 

rxPLANAnv.N  or  thr  plate. 

'\  «u»iisa(*  .o^anwovncit  uMaral  mm. 
'  .>i>«T«Jv  uf  *  •(•rniNkM  riownr. 

«n>in«t<i  riuwsr,  th«  coiolU  laid  a|Ne.  «iriM(Ml. 
*    \  -.Mxr  of  ttituitnii,  front  rim,  calkfyBi. 
'     \  «tauni>n    «i'li*  rtrw,  •nlKr||iMt 
(>     IWiUxt'    d  "O'T*.  niUiiriJ  «M 
7     INkgrwii  ut  >  )^«>till<tr  Howw 
8.  k  (HiilUiu*  6ow<ir,  tlw  rorolU  lawl  apsn.  i<nt»n;«4 
0.  Yrrtical  •wtioii  of  an  ottrj,  aaUrjtaii 
to.  CivMS  taction  of  all  urary,  •nl»r|{«<l 
II    A  rtignia  wrn  from  a'xiv*,  enUnr^i 
1/.  All  ovule,  enlargnl. 

15.  A  {rait,  naiural  niw. 

J4.  (.'njan  ntrtion  of  a  fruit,  natnraU  titr 

16.  Wrlir^l  WN'tion  o{  a  fniit.  iiattirai  *r,xt. 
10.  A  >»Mi.  riilartPHi. 

17.  A  wetl  with  iu  aril  Uiii  »|i<  n,  eniUfyvJ, 

18.  VeKieal  wction  of  a  tawl.  sulari^. 

19.  A  need  with  tlw  ^utrr  lat'^r  <>t  ibe  t^J  »«(  remoTtd. 

20.  An  etiihiTo,  enl*rg«<l 

21.  A  leaf,  rmluwd 

22.  A  HpwIUnv;.  i.i'ural  m«>- 


..  Hill.  I'l.  il. 
jd  Bl.l'ndr. 

^^^,  ^V-Afu  ^ftlii 

4'j,  t  M>;  na,  t 

i.flBO.t  « 
r.  Ml;  /     iffj- 

,18.'    I. 

«.  lai.  t 

If  mm  muatii, 

SUva  of  North  America 

Tab.  DCCV. 

r.EFiiXK^r.  Jti. 


Marine  jc-. 

^  Hioareao'  ihrco': 

fnir  .  '^tir.  Paris. 










Flowers  perfect ;  calyx-lobes  numerous,  imbricated  in  many  series ;  corolla  rotate ; 
petals  numerous,  spreading ;  stamens  indefinite,  inserted  on  the  base  of  the  petals ; 
ovary  ')no-celled,  many-ovuled.  Fruit  baccate.  Branches  tuberculate,  articulate, 
compressed,  subcylindrical,  or  clavate.     Leaves  sculc-like,  caducous. 

Opuntia,  Adkoion,  Fam.  PI.  ii.  243  (1763).  —  Zaeearini, 
Abkani.  Akad.  MUneh.  ii.  687.  —  Meiimer,  Oen.  128.  — 
Endlichdr,  Gen.  945.  —  Engetmann,  Proc.  Am.  Aead.  iii. 
289.  — B»-  *v»m  &  Hookw,  0«n.  i.  831.  — Baillon,  Hat. 

PI.  iz.  40  (exd.  Met  Nopalea).  — Schumann,  Engler  A 

PrarUl  PflanKvnfam.  iii.  pt  vi.  199. 
Consoleo,  Lemaire,  Rev.  Hort.  1862,  174. 
Tephrooaotus,  Lemaire,  Lei  CaetUt,  88  (1868). 
Fiolndioa,  St  Lager,  Ann.  Soe.  Bot.  Lyon,  vii.  70  (1880). 

Trees  or  usually  shrubs,  often  low  and  prostrate,  with  flattened  or  subcylindrical  or  clavate 
articulate  tuberculate  branches  covered  by  a  thick  epidermis  with  small  sunken  stomata  filled  with 
copious  watery  juices,'  and  with  or  without  solid  or  tubular  and  reticulate  woody  skeletons,  and  thick 
and  fleshy  or  fibrous  roots.  Leaves  alternate,  terete,  subulate,  small,  early  deciduous,  bearing  in  their 
axils  oblong  or  circular  cushion-like  areoke  ^  of  chaSy  or  woolly  scales  terminal  on  the  tubercles  of  the 
branches  and  furnished  above  the  middle  with  many  short  slender  slightly  attached  sharp  barbed 
bristles,  and  toward  the  base  with  numerous  stout  barbed  spines '  surrounded  in  some  species,  except 

'  The  large  thin-*ralled  parenchyma  oeUi  which  foiiu  a  large 
part  of  the  tiuue  of  Opuntia  take  up  water  freel;  when  the  grodnd 
is  moiat,  and  the  ;>  jng  brnnohea  become  aaturated  with  juicea 
and  are  thick,  plump,  and  amootb.  Dr.ring  period*  of  drought, 
which  frequently  laat  for  months  in  the  regiona  where  these  plants 
grow  in  the  greatest  numbers,  they  gradually  lose  their  moisture 
by  eraporatlou  and  become  withered  and  wrinkled.  With  the 
minute  caducous  leaves,  thick  epidermia,  and  amall  aunken  atomata 
of  Opuntia,  thia  procesa  is  i>  Tery  slow  one,  and  branches  severed 
from  the  parent  plant  and  kept  in  a  dry  atmosphere  have  retained 
sufficient  moisture  to  produce  roots  and  branches  at  the  end  uf 
nearly  a  year.  This  power  to  retain  moisture  aids  in  the  dissemi- 
nation of  the  plant,  for  detached  joints  of  the  branches  falling  to 
the  ground,  as  they  often  do  either  naturally  or  by  being  brushed 
against  by  cattle  and  other  animals,  retain,  in  periods  even  of  the 
longest  droughts,  sufBcient  moisture  to  develop  roots  ;  theae  anchor 
the  joints  to  the  ground  and  new  plants  begin  to  grow.  (See  Tou- 
rney, Bot.  Gaatle,  u.  366  IVegelal  DtMemination  in  the  Genut 

'  "  In  Opuntia  the  pulvillua  (which  in  its  lower  part  ia  the  Kpi- 
nifurous,  and  in  ita  upper  part  the  floriferoua  areola  combined)  is 
the  same  in  all  atagea  of  development ;  only  it  ia  smaller  on  the 
lower  part  of  each  joint,  and  bears  fewer  or  often  no  apines,  and 
rarely  any  flowers  or  new  ahoota ;  while  the  uppermost  pulvilli  have 
the  longeat  and  moat  numeroua  apines,  and  bear  the  flowers  as  well 
as  the  young  branches."   (F^ngelmanu,  Bol.  Mez.  Bound.  Sun:  ii.  46.) 

"The  areolie  contir  lo  to  grow  year  after  year,  at  least  for  a 
-wrioa  of  several  years,  and  each  year  increase  in  size  from  the 
inner  margin,  several  new  spines  developing  above  the  old  ones. 
The  number  of  spines  on  an  areola  of  a  first  year's  joint  is  fairly 
<:onstant  in  the  same  species,  but  a  joint  several  years  of  age  may 
in  some  species  bear  six  or  seven  times  aa  many  spines  as  the 

former.  In  Opuntia  fulgida  the  spines  on  an  areola  increase  in 
numbers  with  succeeding  years  more  rapidly  than  in  Opuntia  uptno* 
sior.  In  the  latter,  however,  they  increase  much  more  rapidly  than 
in  Opuntia  versicolor.  On  this  species  frequently  no  additional  spinea 
are  produced  after  *he  first  year,  and  they  are  never  produced  in 
such  numbers  as  on  the  two  other  species.  In  these  three  species, 
after  several  years'  growth  the  vegetative  activity  of  the  areolae 
ceases,  and  they  fall  away  with  the  outer  scales  of  the  bark." 
(Toumey,  tn  litt.} 

'  The  spines  of  Opuntia,  which  are  produced  on  most  of  the  spe- 
cies and  are  usually  stout  and  rigid,  are  bar'oed  backward,  and 
make  these  plants  the  most  difficult  and  dangerous  of  all  the  Cac- 
tus family  to  handle,  or  even  to  approach,  and  render  several  of 
the  large-growing  apecimena  valuable  for  the  protection  of  fielda 
and  gardens  against  browsing  animals.  The  short  sharp  bristles 
mixed  with  soft  scales,  which  cover  the  areolsB  above  the  middle, 
are  also  barbed  backward,  and  being  very  feebly  attached  come  off 
with  the  slightest  touch,  penetrating  the  skin  or  adhering  to  the 
clothes  of  persons  brushing  by  the  plants.  (See  Engelmami,  /.  c.  45.) 

The  spines  and,  in  a  less  degree,  the  bristles  of  Opuntia  and  of 
many  other  members  of  the  Cactus  family,  which  often  contain  the 
only  moisture  to  be  found  in  the  deserts  of  America,  liave  evidently 
been  developed  to  protect  these  plants  against  animals  suffering 
from  thirst,  who  would  soon  exterminate  them  without  thia  protec- 
tion. They  also  play  an  important  part  in  the  dissemination  of  Opnn- 
tias,  the  barbed  spines  attaching  themselves  to  passing  animals,  who 
carry  off  the  easily  detached  joints  of  the  branches,  which  sooner  or 
later  reach  the  ground  and  often  form  new  plants.  Certain  species 
with  strongly  developed  and  numerous  spinea  and  feebly  attached 
joints  rarely  produce  seeds  and  appear  to  depend  almost  entirely 
on  this  method  of  propagation.  (  Teste  Toumey,  ii  lilt.  See  Ganong, 
Bot.  Gazette,  xx.  133.) 






at  the  iipex,  by  a  Xoo'jt  papry  Hlioath,  on  a  fuw  ii|HM'icM  bnmil,  Hat,  HeHliy,  and  Rprvading,'  rarely  thin, 
Hat,  iNtper-hke,  and  elongatod.'  FluwerR  luivral,  product'd  from  areolu)  on  hniiicheit  of  the  pruvioiu 
year  botweeii  ''.»>  bristleH  and  spineR,  Re8;4ile,  diurnal,  or  rarely  niH'turnal,  cii|>-Hhap«'d,  i>ft4>n  liirf^u  and 
ahowy.  (Jalyx-loboB  nuineroUM,  Hat,  erect,  deciduoUN.  Corolla  rotate  ;  |>etalH  numeroua,  ibovate,  united 
r.i,  the  baae,  Rpreading,  red,  yellow,  or  puqdu.  StameuH  numerouH,  ohorter  than  the  potaU,  innerted 
ill  many  Rcriea  on  their  liiuie ;  lilamenta  filiform,  free  or  Hli);litly  united  Im^ow  ;  antherH  oblon)^,  two- 
celled,  o|)eniiig  longitudinally.  "  -rior,  one-celled  ;  ntyle  cylindrical,  Uinger  than  the  Btamons, 
obcLivate  l>elow,  flHtular  alxive,  i  ,t  the  apex  into  from  three  to  eij^lit  elongated  or  h)bulate  lobeH 
Rti^inatic  on  the  inner  face ;  ovules  indeKnit«.>,  horizontal,  anatr(i|M>uN,  inberted  on  numerouR  parietal 
placentas.  Fruit  biu'cate,  Hometimea  proliferuuR,  covered  by  a  thick  skin,  ruicciilent  and  often  edible,  or 
dry,  pyrifurni,  globoito  or  elliptical,  concave  at  the  a|M-x,  Hurmounted  by  the  niarceHcent  tube  of  the 
Hower,  tubercuhtte,  aroohite  or  rarely  glabrous,  truncate  at  the  base  with  a  broad  umbilicus.'  Seeds 
numerous,  immersed  in  the  pulpy  placentas,  compreHsed,  discoid,  often  margined  with  the  bony  raphe ; 
testa  bony,  whito,  sometimes  marked  by  a  narrow  darker  colored  marginal  commissure.  Embryo  coiled 
around  the  copious  or  scanty  albumen  ;  cotyledons  large,  foliaceous ;  radicle  thin,  obtuse,  turned  toward 
the  hilum.* 

Opuntiii,  which  originally  was  confined  to  America,  has  now  become  naturalized  in  many  of  the 
warm  dry  regions  of  the  world.'    About  one  hundred  and  thirty  species  are  now  recognized.*    They  are 


'  Subgeoui  Ttt.'eakiopunUa,  Schuinwin,  Monop.  Caet.  051 

'  Tbe  broftd-jpiiwd  ip«eiet  (Plat^ao-inthiB)  appear  tu  be  conftned 
to  Arffpntina,  and  an  itill  rrrv  itnpQrfectl;  known.  (Se«  W.  Wat- 
too,  Card.  Chron.  ter.  .1,  iiiii.  331),  f.  121).) 

'  I*Lt)feuor  Tourney  iiuggptU  (in  ittt.)  that  the  MM;atlQd  fruit  of 
()panti«  is  Tt%\\j  a  terminal  blanch  of  the  joivt  cuntaining  the 
ripened  ovary  which  is  sunken  i  itu  u  apei,  and  that  tbe  mor- 
phology of  the  fruit  of  the  whole  Cactus  faoiilj  is  probably  simi- 
lar. In  some  cases  the  ovary-bearing  branch  is  highly  modiflnl. 
In  certain  species,  however,  particularly  in  tbe  cylindrical  stemmed 
Opuntias,  it  retcmblen  a  sterile  terminal  joint  in  all  respects,  eicept 
in  the  concave  Hower-scar  at  the  apei.  The  proliferous  character 
of  the  fruit,  a  character  common  in  a  greater  or  less  degree  to 
nearly  all  species  of  Opuntia,  and  occasionally  found  in  other 
genera,  would  seem  to  indicate  that  this  view  is  correct.  Opuntia 
$pinoaior  and  Opuntia  v^rtieUtw  frfqucntly  produca  proliferous  fruits, 
and  those  of  Opuntta  Jul 'pita  are  almost  constantly  proliferous.  In 
the  case  of  these  species  plants  can  be  propagated  by  using  the 
green  fruits  and  even  *he  ripe  fruits  as  cutiings.  Ot'casionally 
tUt-stcmmed  Opuntras  are  found  with  an  ovary  deTe]o{MHl  in  the 
apex  of  a  branch  resembling  *n  ftll  respects  one  of  tbe  narrow 
Aat  iterile  sti'ms  uf  the  plant.  lu  Opuntitt  vrrncohr  th*f  ovary  is 
frequently  in  the  apex  of  a  long  joint,  and  there  are  innumerable 
transitions  between  these  long  fruit-joints  and  the  typicnl  pear- 
shaped  fruit  of  tbe  specie*.  Ovaries  in  such  stems  are  generally 
sterile,  but  occasionally  contain  one  or  many  seeds. 

*  lly  Kngclmann  the  species  have  been  arranged  in  the  following 
subgenera  :  — 

l*LAT(»irsTiA  (Pfcc.  Am.  Xcnd.  iii.  1189  [185*1]),  now  usually 
e.xtrmlcd  t'.>  his  Stenopuntia  (/.  r. ). 

Juints  of  ihe  branches  compressed,  without  a  woody  skeleton  ; 
spines  without  sheaths.  Kniit  pnlpy  or  rarely  dry;  raphe  fonn- 
in^  a  prominent  and  Imny  margin  r  -^  '  the  seed.  Kmbryo  curlefl 
nnirid  the  scanty  albumen  ;  cotyledons  contrary  to  tbe  sides  uf  the 

CTUSDROWvnA  ^Kngelmann,  /.  c.  [185(1]), 

Joints  of  the  bi*aucheii  cylindrirAl  or  clavate,  more  or  less  tuber- 

culatc,  with  or  without  a  solid  or  tubular  and  retioulated  ligneous 
skeleton.  Spinas  inclosed  in  a  looae  sheath  or  in  some  species 
naked.  Kruit  Heshy  or  dry,  setuloae  or  spinescent.  Heeds  hard- 
shelled,  smooth,  often  marked  by  a  conspicuous  marginal  commis- 
sure, usually  marginlesf,  embryo  forming  less  than  a  circle  round 
the  copious  albumen  ;  cotyledons  contrary,  oblique,  or  parallel  to 
tbe  side  of  tbe  seed. 

*  Opuntias  were  probably  among  the  first  plants  carried  from 
America  to  the  Old  World,  where  they  soon  became  naturalised  in 
southern  Spain  ;  from  Spain  they  were  carried  by  the  Arabs  to 
northern  Africa,  and  they  have  gradually  and  generally  extended 
thn>ugb  all  the  warm  dry  paru  of  the  world.  (See  A.  de  Candolltfi 
Origin*  drx  IHimtet  CuUivrft,  1!18.) 

In  some  countries  naturalized  Opuntias  have  become  dangerous 
weeds,  destroying  the  value  of  the  land  which  they  occupy  with 
impenetrable  thickets  of  spiny  branches.  In  New  South  Wales, 
where  tbe  Opuntia  was  introduced  more  than  a  century  ago,  differ- 
ent species  have  become  such  pests  that  in  1880  an  act  nas  passed 
cumpelling  persons,  under  |>enalty  of  flue  and  imprisonment,  to 
clear  their  land  of  these  plants.  (See  Maiden,  Affric.  Gazette  iVtfic 
South  WaleM,  ix.  070.)  In  South  Africa  Opuntias  have  spread  to 
such  an  alarming  extent  that  their  dcstruotion  has  Iteen  a  subject 
of  serious  government  inventigation.  (See  Kew  Hull.  MiictUaneom 
Information,  July,  1888,  105  ;  September,  180(>,  180.)  In  India, 
where  Opuntias  hAve  long  Iweu  naturalized,  it  is  supposed  through 
early  Portuguese  introduction,  they  spread  rapidly  and  are  con- 
sidered dangerous  weeds  (see  Krundis,  Foreit  Fl.  Hrit.  Inrl.  240); 
and  in  Hoiitheni  Texas  hundreds  of  square  miles  of  grazing  land 
have  l>een  overrun  and  entirely  ruined  by  different  species  of  dwarf 
Opuntias.  (See  lientley,  f-.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  Farmers'  Hull.  No.  7'A  14 
{Cattle  Hangei  of  the  Southu^st].)  On  the  other  hand,  the  nxits  uf 
Opuntias  are  said  to  have  disintegrated  the  lava  on  the  slopes  of 
Mt.  .Dtna  in  Sicily,  and,  enriching  it  by  tbe  decay  of  thuir  stems, 
to  Itave  gradually  changed  barren  wastes  into  prmluctive  vineyards. 
(See  Iliiis,  Hull.  Si>c.  Nat.  d'Arclimatation  de  Franc^^  *^f-  4,  v  043.) 

•  See  I)e  Candullo,  Pmdr.  iii.  471.  —  Seemann,  /ffV.  Voy.  Herald, 
203.  —  Engelmann,  Proe.  Am.  Acad.  iii.  281) ;  Hot,  Mex.  Hound.  Surv. 
ii.  45  ;  King't  Rep.  v.  118  ;  Hreufer  Sr  WaUton  Hot.  Cal.  I  247.  — 




SriVA    OF  NORTH  AMKlilCA. 


diitributeJ  from  Houthern  New  England  nouthward  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  coast  to  the  We«t  Indie*, 
and  from  itouthern  Britiith  Columbia  through  weHtern  North  America  to  Chili,  the  Oalapagoi  IilundH,' 
Brazil,  and  Argentina,  the  largest  number  of  species  occurring  in  the  arid  region  near  the  boundary 
between  the  United  States  and  Mexico.  Uf  the  H]>ecie8  of  the  United  States  three  attain  on  the  deserts 
of  southern  Arizona  the  size  and  habit  of  small  trees. 

Cochineal'  ia  derived  from  a  scale-insect,  Coccuh  Cacti,  which  feeds  on  the  juices  of  Opuntia 

Philippi,  Liimaa,  uiiii.  H'J ;  Cal.  I'l.  CMl.  03.  -  llemilajr,  Bol. 
Bint.  Am.  ('ml.  i.  040.  —  Sohiiiiianii,  Marliiu  Fl.  Hratil.  iv.  pt.  ii. 
30a  i  Mmog.  Cael.  OflO.  —  CoulUr,  Cotilrih.  U.  S.  Nat.  Iltrb.  iii. 

'  On  the  (ialapago*  Iilwidi,  oii  tlia  equator  nurlj  MTon  hundrad 
■nd  flftjr  niiUi  fruin  the  ooMt  of  Ecuador,  the  molt  iioUted  known 
•tittion  inhibited  naturally  bj  anjr  Upuntia,  oceun  the  largest  rspre- 
Mntative  of  the  genuj.     This  ia  :  — 

Opuntia  Galapagtia,  Henalow,  Mag.  XotU.  hot.  i  4<17,  t.  14,  f.  'i 
(1837).  —  Hooker  f.  Traru.  Linn.  Sac.  ii.  TJ3  —  Andoneon,  SlocH. 
Akait.  Ilandl.  18C3,  86  (Om  OttlapagM-Oama  C«y.).  —  llenwley, 
Garil.  Chron.  ler.  3,  iiiv.  '26S,  f.  70. —  Schumann,  Mmog.  Cacl. 

Opuntia  Oalapagtia,  whioh  ii  on*  of  the  Hat-kraoohed  •pwiee, 
although  frequently  ehrubky  grow>  under  favombia  condition!  to 
the  height  of  twenty  feet,  with  a  trunk  two  feet  in  diameter  and 
•tout  ipreading  branobei.  (Sea  Bauer,  Biol,  Cintralblttll,  lii.  !247 
[£in  liuuch  der  Galapagot-InMetn],) 

'  Cochineal,  whioh  coiuiiita  of  the  female*  of  Coecut  Cacti,  Lin- 
nieui,  an  hemipteroui  inaect,  ia  a  dye  nied  for  the  production  of 
•carlet,  crimson,  orange,  and  other  tinti,  and  in  the  preparation  of 
lake  and  carmine  painta.  It  owes  iti  tinctorial  power  tn  the  pre- 
lenca  of  cochinealin  or  oarmanio  acid,  ,fhioh  ia  compoud  of  hydro- 
gi'n,  carbon,  and  oiygen.  The  male  Inwct  is  half  the  aiie  of  tlio 
female,  with  long  white  winga  and  a  dark  red  body  terminating  in 
two  diverging  utie,  and  ia  devoid  of  a  nutritivo  apparatus.  The 
female  has  a  dark  brown  body  and  no  wings,  and  occurs  in  the  pro- 
ptirtion  of  from  one  hundred  and  fifty  to  two  hundred  to  one  of  the 
males.  When  the  Spaniards  entered  Mexico  in  1518  they  found 
cochineal  employed  by  the  inhabitants  in  coloring  thoir  dwellings 
aud  garments,  the  dry  insects,  which  they  rer  red  with  the  greateb. 
care  on  plantations  of  the  Opuntiaa,  forming  one  of  the  staple  trib- 
utes from  certain  provinces,  probably  chiefly  from  Oaiaca,  the 
little  village  of  Cuilapan  being  usually  conaidered  the  original 
home  of  the  cochineal  industry.  (Sea  Clavigero,  Storia  Antica  del 
Maiico,  i.  114,  nota.  —  Preacott,  Conquett  of  Mexico,  ii.  130.)  For 
a  century  and  a  half  after  its  introduction  into  Europit  cochineal  was 
believed  to  conaiat  of  the  aeeds  of  a  Cactus  or  some  other  vegetable 
substance  (see  Caneparius,  Z)e  Atrammti»,  211),  but  in  107'J  Martin 
Lister  hazarded  the  conjecture  that  it  might  be  a  sort  of  kermes 
(/'Ai7.  Tram.  vii.  5050)  ;  and  in  1691  a  letter  containing  Obierra- 
tioni  on  the  making  of  Cochineal,  according  to  a  Relation  had  from 
an  Old  Spaniard  at  Jamaica  puitlished  in  the  Philosophical  Trans., 
action*  (xvii.  502),  pointed  oii^  hat  cochineal  was  really  nn  insect. 
In  this  communication  instruct  .>ns  for  propagating  the  plants  on 
which  the  iuaccta  feed  were  ;iven,  and  their  use  in  hedges  de- 
scribed. A  little  later,  in  1704,  Leeuwenlioek  with  the  aid  of  his 
miscroscope  showed  conclusively  the  animal  nature  uf  the  dye  nnd 
finally  settled  the  question  of  the  origin  of  cochineal  (Phil.  Trans. 
xxiv.  1014).  The  cochineal  industry  once  flourished  in  Central 
Amerik  ,  Peru,  and  other  parts  of  South  America,  and  in  1858, 
after  the  deatruction  of  their  vineyar<ls,  its  cultivnlion  was  success- 
fully introduced  into  the  Canary  Islands,  which  in  1309  exported 

six  and  a  half  million  pounds  of  the  dy«,  about  seventy  thousand  of 
the  dried  inaacts  weighing  one  pound.  Cochineal  baa  also  been 
pnxluced  in  southern  Spam,  Algeria,  India,  and  the  Outob  East 
India  Islands. 

In  Mexico  the  insects  are  sometimes  gathered  from  wild  plants, 
but  the  product  is  of  poor  quality,  and  th*  best  cochineal  is  ob- 
tained by  regular  oultivatiun.  The  insects  are  reared  in  winter  in 
huts,  aud  from  the  end  of  May  until  tlie  beginning  of  August  are 
put  out  on  plants  carefully  cultivated  in  inclosed  gardens  or  nopal- 
riea  by  hanging  on  the  branches  of  the  Opuntias  small  gauze  bags, 
each  containing  about  a  tablespoonful  of  the  impregnated  females. 
Tlie  young  aa  fast  as  they  are  bom  escape  from  the  bags  aud 
spread  over  the  surface  of  the  branch,  where  they  absorb  its  juices 
and  grow  rapidly  until  their  legs,  antenn»,  and  probosoes  are  almost 
indistinguishable.  As  soon  aa  insects  show  signs  of  spawning,  they 
are  rapidly  brushed  into  bags  or  baskets  and  ara  killed  by  immer- 
sion in  hot  water,  by  exposure  to  tha  sun,  or  in  healed  ovens,  the 
quality  of  tha  product  depending  largely  on  tha  method  and  care 
used  in  killing  and  curing  tha  insects.  Two  or  three  crops  Act 
produced  in  a  season.  Tha  "  grain,"  as  tha  dried  cochineal  is 
called,  is  sifted  to  free  it  of  an  adherent  white  powder  ;  it  is  then 
picked  over  to  remove  all  foreign  matter  and  packe-l  in  bags  for 
export.  There  ara  two  principal  varieties  recognised  in  com- 
merce :  silver  cochineal,  which  is  of  a  grayish  red  color,  with  the 
furrows  of  the  body  covered  by  a  whitish  bloom,  and  black  cochi- 
neal, whioh  is  of  a  darker  red. 

The  plant  chiefly  used  to  feed  the  cochineal  insect  in  Mexico 
nnd  Central  America  is  Nopalea  cochenillifer,  Salm-Dyck,  Cact. 
Hort.  Dyck.  ed.  3  (1800)  (Cactui  cochenillifer,  Linnsus,  Spec.  468 
[1703],  Opuntia  cochintlifera,  Miller,  Diet.  ed.  8,  N'o.  6  [1765]), 
which  differs  from  the  flat-leaved  Opuntias  in  its  erect  petals 
nuch  shorter  than  the  long  stamens,  and  which  is  probably  a 
native  of  Peru,  although  now  widely  spread  by  cultivation  through 
the  warmer  parts  of  America  and  through  other  warm  dry  coun- 
tries. The  cochineal  insect  is  also  reared  on  Opuntia  FicuS'Indica 
and  on  Opuntia  Tuna,  which,  according  to  Lowe  {Hooker  Jour.  Bot. 
i.  40  ;  Man.  Fl.  Mad.  313),  is  the  only  species  used  in  the  Canary 
Islands  for  the  purpose.  In  a  wild  state  the  cochineal  insect  or 
some  of  its  allies  are  found  on  many  other  species  of  Opuntia. 
(For  accounts  of  Coccus  Cacti,  and  of  the  cochineal  industry,  see 
Melcbior  de  la  Runsschor,  Natuerlyke  historic  van  de  Couchenille. — 
Rutty,  Phil.  Trans.  xxxvi.i;64  [The  Natural  History  of  Cochineal].— 
Thiery  de  Menonville,  Traile  de  la  Culture  du  Nopal  et  de  I' Educa- 
tion de  la  Cochenitle  dans  les  colonit's  francaises  de  VAmi'rique. — 
Froiicisoo  Hernandez,  Hist.  Pt.  Nov.  Hisp.  ed.  Madrid,  1790,  ii. 
177.  —  ^thunton,  Account  of  the  Embassy  of  the  King  of  Great  Britain 
to  the  Empire  of  China,  i.  180,  Atlas,  t.  Vi.  —  Humboldt,  Essai  Pol. 
Nouv.  Esp.  iii.  242.  —  Bancroft,  Philosophy  of  Permanent  Colors,  i. 
410.  —  Royle,  Essay  on  the  Productive  Resources  of  India,  57.  —  Sig- 
noret,  Ann.  Sue.  Ent.  France,  stfr.  4,  viii.  846  [Essai  sur  les  Coc'ien* 
itles'].  —  Vett,  Woordenbock  van  Nederlandsch-Indie  Cocheniile.  — 
Spons,  Encycloptrdia  of  the  Industrial  Arts,  Manufactures,  and  Raw 
Commercial  Products,  i.  856.  —  Ober,   Travels  in  Mexico,  529. — 




7\tna,*  Opuntia  F\cu»-Indiea,^  and  of  oth«r  ipaciM.  The  fniit  of  Oimntia  Finta-lndica,  now  n«tural- 
iaad  ia  mott  warm  dry  regioni,  and  of  Mveral  other  ipecit't  is  refre«hui|(,  and  ii  coniumed  in  coniiderabia 
quantitiei  in  lemitrupioal  countriaa ; '  and  Ojiunlia  Oj>unti(t,*  which  growi  on  the  Atlantic  voa«t  from 

WktI.  fhrlmarf  »/'  ikt  Kcviumie  Projvclt  n/  Inilut,  ii.  308.  —  Cucli- 
•nil,  Am.  Sal.  iirii.  1041  [.ViiIm  on  llkt  (VAiiwoi  /nwcf]  ) 

BiiiM  tlw  intndaclion  of  aoilim  Ajt*  •whioMl  luu  hi  dapr*- 
■UUd  in  ralu*  Ibal  ita  production  on  •  Urg*  M«l*  ii  nu  longvr 
proAUbl*,  wid  tb*  iuduitrj  hu  lu(t  i't  eominerrid  importune*. 
(Hm  a.  8.  liniwn,  Social  ami  AVimtJinira/  Ctmittltim  o/*  tk«  Cannry 
ItlamI;  A>'<I4  [ Pkrlianumt  of  OrMi  HriUin,  .Stuumal  Papm,  liii. 
lOlU,  MiutUmutMM  Strut,  No.  iMO]  ) 

•  MiU«r,  Art.  (d.  H,  No.  3  (IT68).  -lUworth,  Spn.  PI.  Amt 
IIW  —  Da  C*adolU,/Vo<f>.  iii.  472.—  PftiStr.  £>ium  Carl.  161  - 
8pwb,  HiH.  Vrj.  lU:  407,  t.  44.  —  SiUafDyek,  Corf.  Hart,  liytk. 
•d  :i,  00. -(iriHbwh,  n  BhI.  W.  Ind.  302.  —  Willkooiiu  * 
Uagc,  /Vx/r.  n  Hupcm.  iii.  1!».  —  MtaaUj,  Bol.  But.  Am.  Cm. 
i.  SM.  —  CoulUr,  Cmlrii.  U.  S.  f/al.  Htri.  iii.  «W.  —  Uuu,  Ann. 
liul.  Cot.  MantUU,  iii.  31R  (Fl.  Ant^i  Fratxauu).  —  Sahumnim, 
Mtmof.  Cact.  723.  —  M*td«n,  Agric.  Uauilt  AVu-  Soulk  H'o^ii,  ii. 
9M,  I. 

Catiut  Tuna,  Unnaut,  Sptf.  i.  468  (17S3). 
Caetia  Opunlta  Tima,  Tumc,  Fl.  iltd.  AntUlf,  ii.  313,  t.  31 

CattuB  Bonplandii,  Humbuldt,  Honpluid  &   Kunth,  Nof.  dtp. 
H  Spte.  Ti.  60  (1H23)   —  Kunth,  Sy>.  PI.  .fcyuin  iii.  372. 

Opuntia  komda,  U*  CandolU,  L  e.  iU.  472  (1823).  —  Pfaiffcr, 
;.  c.  102. 

0^n<ia  Kitui-lndifa,  Webb  A  Hcrthelot,  Fltftogr.  Conor,  iii. 
pi.  ii.  Mcl.  i.208  (not  Miller)  (1836-40). 

Opuntia  Tuna,  •  native  proliablj  of  aoma  of  tba  warmar  pvta  of 
Centrsl  or  Soutb  America,  baa  bacome  widely  nktunilixed  in  moat 
warm  countriei.  One  of  the  liandHtmeat  uf  (he  Opuntiaa,  it  ia 
aim.  .  arboraate  in  habit,  with  a  abort  alani,  bruad  flat  brancbaa, 
atout  jellow  apiiK*,  and  inaipid  fruit.  It  ia  thia  apa«i*«  which  i« 
parhapa  noat  generally  employed  in  hed|^>  ;  and  it  ia  frequently 
eultirated  in  aouthem  Florida,  the  Weat  Indiaa,  northern  Mexico, 
Lower  California,  aoutbam  California,  and  many  of  the  eountriea 
of  Central  and  South  America,  in  the  Mediterranean  baain,  India, 
Aoatralia,  aoutbem  Africa,  and  the  Canary  latanda.  Although 
the  fruit  ia  innipid,  in  the  Wett  InUiea  ita  juice  ia  aometiniea  em- 
ployed to  give  a  acarlet  color  to  liquura  and  to  fniit  uaeil  in  confec- 
tionery. (See  Fawcett,  AVfinomic /Vanjji,  yufiMira,  59.)  Tuna,  the 
•peciflc  name  of  thia  plant,  ia  the  common  Spaniah-Americau  name 
of  the  fniita  of  all  the  Hat-branched  Opuntiaa. 

'  Miller,  /.  <-.  No  2.  —  Haworth,  t.  e.  lUl.  -  !)•  Candolla,  (.  c. 
ill.  473.  —  Pfeiffer,  /.  c.  152.  -  8alm-I)yck,  /  c  06.  2;K.  —  Chap- 
man, H.  144.  —  (iriaebacb,  i.  c.  302.  —  Lowe,  Man.  Fl.  .Mad.  317.  — 
Braudia,  FortH  Fl.  Brit.  Ind.  246.  —  Willkomm  &  Lange,  /.  c. 
129.  —  llenulay, '.  r.  i.  5S1.  —  Coulter,  I.  r.  410.  —  Schumann,  t.  e. 
719.  —  Maiden,  (.  e.  ii.  900. 

Carlut  Ficut-Indicii,  Linneua,  Spec.  408  (1753). 
Caclui  Opunlut  nhinfrmit,  Tuaaao,  /.  c.  ii.  220,  t.  31  (1818). 
0}mntia    Tuna,  Webb   &    Uerthelot,  /.   c.   200   (not   Miller) 

Caetui  Opunlia,  Uuaaone,  Ft.  Sieut.  Prodr.  580  (not  linueua) 

Opunlia  vulforit,  Teoore,  Sylt.  Fl.  Ntap.  230  (not  Miller) 

*  The  pulp  of  the  fruit  of  the  flat-leaTe<l  Opuntiaa  t>  aweet  and 
acidulous,  and  containi  aaaimilable  matter  in  the  form  of  mucilage, 

alhuuian,  and  large  quantitiea  uf  augar,  and  la  fraa  froiu  all  aatrin- 
gent  awl  tuiie  pnipertiea  (He*  l>*  (iraffe.  Am.  Jour.  Pharm.  Iiviii. 
1119,  I. ;  ala<i  Light,  Am.  Jour.  Pharm.  Ui.  3  [TAa  FruU  itf  Opunlia 
rulgaru].  —  Maitch,  Am.  Jour.  Pharm.  Iiiii.  2  [fVw<  ii/  Optintia].) 
That  uf  Opuntw  Ftcus'tmiica,  the  aocalled  Indian  Kig,  which  ia 
aiteniively  oultivateil  for  ita  fruit  in  Mexico  and  othar  warm 
ronntriaa,  ia  perhajia  mora  eitcemMl  than  that  of  other  apeeiaa.  U 
ia  often  three  or  four  iiichea  long  and  two  imbea  wide,  ami  ia  yel- 
low or  orange-colored,  more  or  laaa  tinged  with  pink  or  re<l,  and 
i<uirer*<l  with  amall  tufta  <if  briallaa,  which  ar*  aaaily  rubbed  off. 
In  northern  Mexieu  it  forma  an  important  part  of  the  food  of  tba 
|Mior,  being  lulil  in  iinmenae  i|uantttie»  by  atraet-fendera  during  all 
til*  aummar  niontba.  (See  I'almer,  Wril  .'Inwnnin  Scimlul,  vi.  67.) 
it  ia  alao  uaed  aa  fo<Kl  in  many  parte  of  South  America  (a** 
llieronymua,  /'(.  IHaph.  Fl.  Arjent.  12H),  ami  largely  in  Italy  and 
the  other  eountriea  bordering  the  Mediterranean.  (.See  Varvaro, 
//  Fico  d'tmtut  in  Sicdui.) 

Tb*  fruit  of  many  other  Opuntiaa  ia  gathered  and  eaten  by  th* 
North  American  Indiana,  aapecially  by  the  tribea  which  inhabit  (he 
deaert  regiona  of  the  aouthwett.  (.See  Newberry, /'»;i»Jur  .V<-i<nc* 
.VanlUj),  xuii.  37  [  Facd  nml  Fibrt  Plants  of  Iht  NoriK  A  mtrican 
InilianM].)  Hy  the  I'awnaea  and  I'apigoa  it  ii  gathered  before  it  ia 
fully  ripe,  alloweil  to  dry,  and  uaed  in  cooking  meat.  The  freah 
unrip*  fruit  ia  often  boiled  in  water  and  than  allowed  to  ferment, 
when  it  beeomea  itimulating  aa  well  u  niitritioua. 

In  Mexico,  calonche,  an  in(oxicating  drink  ainiilar  in  taate  to 
hard  cider,  ia  maile  from  (he  fruit  of  aeveral  ipeeiea  of  Opuntia  by 
preaaing  out  the  juice,  paaiiiig  it  through  atraw  aiavea,  and  heating 
i(  by  Are  or  the  huh,  when  it  atton  begina  to  ferment.  (Sea  HaTaril, 
Bull.  Torrry  Hot.  Club,  xaiii.  33  [t>rml:  Plant$  of  Iht  North  Amtri- 
can  lndiant\) 

*  Coulter,  I.  e.  1.12  (ISiXl).  _  Britton  ft  Brown,  IU.  Ft.  U.  403, 1. 

Cactut  Opunlxa,  Unnnui,  (.  c.  468  (in  part)  (1753).—  Wal- 
ter,   Fl.   Car.    140.  —  Michaux,  Fl.    i.   282.  —  I'enoon,  .Vyn.  ii. 

22.  —  Purth,  Fl.  Am.  Sept.  i.  327.  -  Nuttall,  6'en.  i.  296.  —  EU 

liod,  .St.  i.  537.  —  SiioB,  Bvl.  Mag.  1.  t.  2:W3. 

(^uHlia  rutgnru.   Miller,!,  r.  No.  1  (1708);  /con.  t.  101.— 

Haworth,  I.  e.  100.  —  I)«  Candolle,  /.  e.  iii.  474.  —  Pfeiffer,  I.  c. 

140.  —  Salm-Uyck,  (.  e.  60.  —  Engelmann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  iii. 

297.  —  Kngclmann  &  J.  M.  Bigelow,  Pacific  H.  H.  Rep.  iv.  pt.  v. 

42,  t   10,  f.  1,  2,  I.  23,  f   13.  -  Chapman,  /.  <•.  144.  -  Walaon  A 

Coulter,  Graf't  .Won.  ed.  0, 107.  —  Schumann.  (.  r.  714.  —  Maiden, 

I.  e.  u.  002. 

Caetu*   Opuntia  vulgarit,  Da   Candolle,  PI.  Qraum,  138,  t. 


(>pufi/i<i  im>-i<inui,  Kafliieique,  Med.  Fl.  ii.  247  (1830). 

(>pun<iu  ItiUU-a,  Tenore,  I.  c.  241  (1831). 

OputUia  inlermedui,  S:iliu-Dyck,  Cat.  Ilort.  l)yck,^lM  (1834); 

Cad.  Hon.  Ih/ck.  ed.  3,  09,  213.  -  Pfeiffer,  (.  c.  150. 
Ca<-(uj  nana,  Viaiani,  Fl.  Dalm.  iii.  143  (1H.VJ). 
(tpuntia  cuitfaris,  0  nana,  Schumann,  /.  c.  71>*i  (1898). 

Opunlia  Opunlia,  which  gruwi  on  aandy  and  occaaionally  on  rocky 
ioil,  uiually  only  in  the  immediate  neighborhood  uf  the  cuaat,  from 
the  ialand  of  Nantucket  off  tbe  aoutbern  shore  of  Maaaachuietta 
to  South  Carolina,  is  a  dwarf  plant,  with  short  prucuinbeut  flat- 
tened branches  armed  occasioiuilly  with  a  few  amall  spinea,  and 





ii,  nuw  Dktunil- 
in  coniiderable 
in  tic  I'oaiit  from 

frM  (rum  dl  ulrin* 
I.  Jt»tr.  i'karm.  livlii. 
''kt  FniU  11/   Opunlia 

[AVml  <>/  Ofxunia]) 
iidisii  Vig,  wliivb  U 
'u  *n<l  utbar  w»rni 
lit  uth«r  ipMiti,  It 
b»>  wid»,  uul  i»  ytU 
th  |>ink  or  rwl,  *nd 
•  auilj  rulilwd  at. 
rt  of  lb«  fooil  of  tb« 
■t-rtndvn  during  all 
i<tin  Srimlut,  »i.  (17. ) 
Suiitli  Anuric*  (••• 

Urge);  ill  luljr  (nd 
nn.     (.S«e  Vanr»ro, 

nl  and  raten  l>]r  tha 
M^a  wliirli  iiihaliit  thfl 
«rry,  l*opittitr  Srtertct 
*■  fA«  NitrtK  A  iMnWjn 
K»tber«d  bctor*  it  ii 
ig  nisat.  Tli«  frrth 
allowed  to  feniienti 

I  ainiilar  in  taata  to 
ipcciea  of  Opuntia  b; 
n  liaf  «•,  and  baating 
inent.  (Sea  IlaTard, 
of  tkt  Stwtk  Amtri' 

»n,  III.  n  ii.  403,  (. 

art)  (1753).- Wal- 
I'ertoon,  S)n.  ii. 
I,  Gm.  i.  296.  —  El- 

118);  Icon.  t.  191.  — 
474.  -  Pfeiffer,  /.  c. 

f'roe.  Am.  Arad.  iii. 

H.  R.  Rtp.  iv.  pt.  V. 

144.  —  Wataon  St 

1. 1-.  714.  -  Maiden, 

/'/.   r;nuw<,  138,  t. 

247  (1830). 

BfaiMuihuMttt  to  South  Carolinm,  and  Opuntia  Dillenii '  hare  bMn  believed  to  poweM  valuable  medical 
properties.  The  Uige-f^wing  Opuntiae  with  flat  leavea  are  employed  in  many  countriea  to  form 
hedge!  for  the  protection  of  gardens  and  fields  against  browsing  animals ;  and  the  branches  of  Opuntia, 
which  are  saturated  with  watery  juices,  are  sometimes  stripped  of  their  spines  and  bristles  and  fed  to 

Opuntia,  which  forms  the  principal  food  of  a  number  of  scale-insects,  is  not  known  to  suffer  from 
them  or  from  serious  fungal  disease*.' 

Opuntia,  used  by  Theophrastus  as  the  name  for  some  plant  which  grew  in  the  neighborhood  of  the 
city  of  Opus  in  Boeotia,  was  bestowed  by  Tournefort  on  the  Prickly  Pears  of  the  New  World.* 

■nuUI  ytllow  flowtn.  It  i«  ohiafljr  IntarMtlsf  ta  th*  nuMt  nortbam 
npratantatiTa  ol  tba  genua  in  eaatem  Amariea.  Kaflnaaqua  (Utd. 
Fl.  ii.  247)  daaoribad  tba  uaa  of  tba  aplit  branebaa  in  tba  traatmant 
ol  acuta  rbaumatiam  and  aa  a  remadjr  for  ebronio  ulaen,  goat,  aad 
wounda,  and  atatad  tbat  tba  Juieaa  aad  guinm;  eiudationa  ware 
utad  in  the  treatment  of  gniTal.  A  linoture  prepared  from  tba 
treah  Mowera  and  green  orariaa  ia  •umatimaa  uaed  in  horotBopatbie 
praetioe.  (See  Millapaugb,  Am,  Mtd.  PI.  in  Homaopalkic  Ktmt- 
diu,  i.  01,  t.  01.) 

In  tha  ioutbem  atataa  tba  quality  of  tallow  oaodlaa  baa  been 
aometimaa  improred  bj  boiling  tba  aplit  braiwbea  of  Opunlia  Opun- 
lia  with  tba  tallow,  which  ii  hardened  bj  their  juieaa.  (See  Porobar, 
Haourcu  of  Savtkrm  Fieldi  and  Foruti,  06.) 

Opunlia  Opunlia  ia  aaid  to  have  been  introdnaad  into  Eogliah 
ftardeni  before  tba  beginning  ol  tba  liiteentb  oenturj  (aee  Alton, 
Hort.  Kevj.  ii.  1S3),  but  it  ia  not  improbable  tbat  tba  earljr  refer- 
enoea  to  this  pbuit  applj  to  aoma  Weat  Indian  or  Haiican  apeeiaa 
and  not  to  tbat  of  the  Atlantic  aaaboard  of  tha  United  Stataa, 
which  from  ita  email  iita  and  oomparatiTe  raritjr  might  eaailj  bare 
eacaped  tha  notice  of  tha  flrat  eiplorera  of  our  coaat.  Opunlia 
Opunlia,  or  a  dwarf  apeeiea  cloaeljr  allied  to  it,  ia  now  naturmliied 
in  man;  of  the  countriea  of  the  Mediterranean  baain.  (See  Bn>- 
tcro,  n  Lutilan.  U.  24S.  —  Viaiani,  Fl.  Dalm.  iii.  143.  —  Will- 
komm  ft  Lange,  Prodr.  Fl  Hitpan.  iii.  138,  —  Camel,  Parlaton 
Fl.  Hal.  a.  143.) 

In  the  region  adjacent  to  the  Rio  Orande  the  flat  branebaa  of 
Opuntiaa  are  frequently  uaed  to  poultice  ulcere  and  lorea  of  all 
kinda.  The  branch  it  Brat  heated  to  remore  the  briatlea  and  tpinea 
and  to  warm  and  loftaD  the  pulp;  it  ia  then  opened  through  tha 
middle  or  one  of  the  iurfaeea  ia  ihared  off,  and  the  ezpoeed  portion 
ia  applied  to  the  part  requiring  treatment.  Opuntia  branobea  heated 
and  maahed  into  pulp  are  employed  in  the  lame  region  to  clarify 
water,  and  aometimet  aa  food  (aee  Harard,  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb. 
Tiii.  S21 ) ;  and  on  the  Itthmot  of  Panama,  where  a  apeeiea  of  Opun- 
tia ia  often  planted  in  hedgea,  the  aplit  branobea  are  alao  beliered 
to  poaaaaa  medical  virtuea.     (See  Seemann,  Bol.  Coy.  Herald,  131.) 

>  Opunlia  Dillenii,  Hawortb,  Suppl.  PI.  Succ.  70  (1810).  —  De 
CandoUe,  Prodr.  iii.  173.  —  Pfeifler,  £nuin.  Cact.  162.  —  Wight  ft 

Amott,  Prodr.  Fl.  Ind.  36a  —  Wight,  lU.  ii.  t.  114.  —  Lowe,  Man. 

Fl.  Mad  318.  -  Clarke,  Hooker  t.  Fl.  Bril.  Ind.  U.  6S7 Maiden. 

Afrie.  OatMU  Neui  South  WaUt,  ix.  1002. 

Cactue  Dillenii,  Kerr,  Bol.  Reg.  iii.  t.  3U  (1817). 
Cactue  Indieue,  Roiburgb,  Fl.  Ind.  ed.  2,  ii.  47S  (1833). 
Opuntia  Tuna,  Sobumaan,  Monog.  Cael.  724  (in  part)  (not 

Miller)  (1808). 

C^nfta  Dillenii,  wbioh  ia  baliarad  to  ba  indigenoua  in  tropical 
America,  baa  become  widely  naturaliied  in  India,  extending  to 
Jhalan  in  tba  nortbweit  and  aacending  the  Himalayaa  to  alcTationa 
of  five  tbouaand  feet  abora  the  ■ea-level.  It  baa  been  largely  uaed 
at  a  hedge  plant.  The  fruit  ia  aataemed  aa  a  refrigerant ;  tha 
amahed  branchet  are  uaed  aa  poultioet  to  reduce  beat  and  inflamma- 
tion; a  tyrup  prepared  from  the  fruit  ia  employed  in  the  treatment 
of  whooping-cough  to  inoraate  the  tacretion  of  bile  and  to  control 
tpuinodio  coughing  and  expectoration.  The  juice  baa  been  tuc- 
oetifully  employed  at  a  purgative  and  aa  a  demulcent  in  tba  treat- 
ment of  gonorrbcea,  and  the  pulp  of  the  cruthed  branchet  to  relieTa 
ophthalmia.  (See  Brandit,  Fnretl  Fl.  Bril.  Ind.  24S.  —  Watt,  Die- 
lionary  of  Ike  Economic  Producit  of  India,  r.  400.) 

'  See  Harard,  I.  e MacOwan,  Keie  Bull.  Miicellaneoui  Infor- 
mation, July,  1888, 167.  —  Bonrde,  Revue  Tunitienne,  1894  (Projel 
d'Hnquile  eur  U  Cactue  eoruidt're'  comiM  Plante  Fourragtre).  — 
Maiden,  /.  e.  tU.  681.  —  Boyoe,  Agric.  Oazetle  New  South  Walei, 
Tiii.  260,  601.  —  (}ennadiua,  ^^rie.  OaulU  New  South  Wedee,  ix.  38 
(T»«  Prickly  Pear  in  Cyprus). 

*  Little  can  be  aaid  with  regard  to  the  fungi  which  attack 
the  larger  tpeciet  of  Opuntia  in  thit  country.  Sphceria  Cacti, 
Scbweiniti,  which  forma  black  tpota  arranged  in  groupt  on  tha 
leaTea,  ia  probably  common  on  tereral  tpeciet,  but  itt  botanical 
oharaotert  are  not  well  undentood.  Teiekotpora  Opuntia,  EUia  ft 
ETcrbart,  a  email  Pyrenomyoete,  attaokt  Opunlia  arhoreeceru,  and 
Olaotporium  Opuntia,  EUia  ft  Ererbart,  hat  been  found  on  Opuntia 
BroMUieneit,  Haworth,  in  the  United  Statat.  A  peculiar  morbid 
growth  on  Opuntia  and  other  Cactacea  baa  been  detcribed  by 
Sorauer  (Monal.  Kakl.  Tii.  1).  It  ia  due,  however,  not  to  the  action 
of  fungi  but  to  the  afliccettire  formation  of  corky  tittue. 

*  Intl.  i.  230,  t.  122. 

f.  Dyrk.aiA  (183l)j 

(.  r.  UM. 


toi'Httiunally  on  rocky 
k1  of  the  euajt,  from 
if  Maiiachuictta 
rt  procumbent  flat- 
w  tmall  apinet,  and 

14  SILVA   OF  NORTH  AMERICA.  cactace^. 



JoinU  of  the  branehea  eylindric«l,  tubercuUte,  with  reticulated  ligneoiu  akeletons ;  apinea  inclosed  in 

looae  aheatha ;  fruit  fleshy,  aetuloae,  or  occaaionplly  apincacent ;  aeedii  niarginleaa,  marked  by  a 

conspivuoua  narrow  marginal  commiaaure. 
Tuberolea  o{  the  branchea  full  and  rounded  below  the  arooln, 

.loints  pnla  olive-colored,  easily  separable,  thi'ir  tnlH>rclea  broad,  mamillale  ;  spines  yellow  ;  flowera 

pinki  fruit  proliferous,  usually  apineleas,  often  sterile 1.  0.  fiti.oida. 

Joints  green  or  purple,  their  tubercles  narrow,  ovate  i  spines  white  to  reddish  brown  ;  flowers  purple ; 

fruit  yellow,  sparingly  apinescent,  rarely  proliferooa 2.  O.  bpinosior. 

Tubercles  of  the  branches  not  full  and  rounded  below  the  areoUe. 
Joint*  eloni^ted,  dark  green,  or  purple,  their  tubercles  elongated  ;  spines  brown  or  reddish  brown ; 

flowers  green,  tinted  with  red  or  yellow  ;  fruit  green,  splneacent,  rarely  proliferous 3.  O.  vehsicolor. 








Joints  of  the  branches  pale  olive-colored,  easily  separable,  their  tubercles  broad, 
mamillate,  full  and  rounded  below  the  areolae ;  spines  yellow.  Flowers  pink.  Fruit 
dull  green,  proliferous,  usually  spineless. 

Opuntia  fulsrida,  Engelmann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  iii.  306 
(1856) ;  Bot.  Mex.  Bound.  Suru.  ii.  57,  t.  75,  f.  18 ; 
Wheeler's  Rep.  vi.  131.  —  Walpers,  Ann.  v.  56.  —  Hems- 
ley,  Sot.  Biol.  Am.  Cent.  i.  551.  —  Tourney,  Garden  and 
Forest,  viii.  32'',,  f.  46  ;  Bot.  Gazette,  xxv.  119.  —  Coulter, 

Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  iii.   448.  —  Schumann,  Monoij. 
Cact.  676. 
Opuntia  fulgens,  Engelmann,  Brewer  &  Wataon  Bot.  Cal. 
i.  250  (1876). 

A  tree,  with  a  more  or  less  flexuous  trunk  occasionally  twelve  feet  in  height  and  sometimes  a  foot 
in  diameter,  a  symmetrical  head  of  stout  wide-spreadiug  branches,'  and  thick  pendulous  joints  which 
are  sometimes  almost  hidden  by  their  long  conspicuous  spines  and  which  begin  to  develop  their  woody 
skeletons  during  their  second  or  occasionally  not  until  their  third  season.  The  bark  of  the  trunk  and  of 
the  large  limbs  is  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  thickness  and  separates  freely  on  the  surface  into 
large  thin  loosely  attached  scales  which  vary  in  color  from  dark  yellow-brown  to  nearly  black  on  the 
largest  stems,  and  is  nearly  destitute  of  spines  which  mostly  fall  with  the  outer  layers  when  the 
branches  are  from  three  to  four  inches  in  thickness.  The  terminal  or  ultimate  joints  of  the  branches 
are  ovate  or  ovate-cylindrical,  tumid,  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  limbs,  pale  olive-colored,  from  three 
to  eight  inches  long  and  often  two  inches  in  diameter ;  their  tubercles  are  ovatc-oblong,  broad,  and 
from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  ini'h  in  length,  with  areolte  of  pale  straw-colored  matted 
tomentum,  and  short  slender  pale  bristles ;  when  they  first  appear  each  areola  bears  from  five  to  fifteen 
stout  stellate-spreading  light  yellow  spines  of  nearly  equal  length,  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  an 
inch  long,  and  inclosed  in  loose  lustrous  sheaths ;  during  succeeding  years  additional  spines  develop  at 
the  upper  margins  of  the  areoliB,  and  tubercles  on  old  branches  are  sometimes  furnished  with  from  forty 
to  sixty  spines  which  remain  on  the  branches  from  four  to  six  years.  The  leaves  are  hglit  green, 
from  one  half  of  an  inch  tw  nearly  an  inch  in  length,  and  taper  gradually  to  the  acuminate  apex.  The 
flowers  appear  from  June  to  September,  the  first  being  produced  from  tubercles  at  the  ends  of  the 
branches  of  the  previous  year,  the  later  from  the  terminal  tubercles  of  the  immature  fruit  developed 
from  the  earliest  flowers  of  the  season.  They  are  an  inch  in  diameter  when  fully  expanded,  with 
ovaiies  nearly  an  inch  long,  from  eight  to  ten  orbicular  obtuse  crenulate  sepals,  five  erect  stigmas,  and 
eight  light  pink  petals,"  those  of  the  outer  ranks  being  cuneate,  retuse,  crenulate  on  the  margins,  and 
shorter  than  those  of  the  inner  ranks,  which  are  lanceolate  and  acute,  the  whole  corolla  becoming 
strongly  reflexed  at  maturity.  The  fruit,  which  is  proliferous,  hangs  in  pendulous  clusters  usually 
with  six  or  seven  fruits,  and  occasionally  with  forty  or  fifty,  in  a  cluster,  one  growing  from  the  other  in 
co!itinuous  succession,  the  first  of  the  cluster  being  tiie  largest  and  containing  perfect  seeds  while  the 

^  "  I  suspect  tlmt  the  loiifr  Hurfnce  ruots  ctiablc  those  plants  to 
^et  thuir  innisturo  fruin  lliu  mins  whicli  selduin  penetrate  the  soil 
tu  a  greater  depth  than  fnun  six  to  twelve  inches.  I  liavo  never 
seen  tuberous  ciilargenieiits  on  the  fibrous  rcjts."  (Tourney,  in 

''  The  plant  of  I..owcr  California  wbiob  ia  believed  to  be  of  this 

species  is  said  to  have  yellow  petals.     (Sec  K.  Orandegee,  Ery» 
Ihea,  v.  V22  INolea  im  Cacleit].) 

In  the  early  descriptions  of  this  species  the  petals  were  said  to 
be  purple,  but  according  to  Professor  Toumcy,  who  has  had  the 
best  opportir  ly  of  studying  the  Cacti  of  Arizona  and  adjacent 
regions,  ami  m  whom  1  am  indebted  for  my  knowledge  of  these 
tree  Opuntios,  they  are  purple  only  after  they  are  dried. 




secondary  fruits  are  frequently  sterile ;  it  is  dull  green  when  fully  ripe,  with  dry  flesh,  and  falls  usually 
during  the  first  winter,  although  occasionally  a  fruit  remains  on  the  branches  during  a  second  season 
and  develops  flowers  from  its  tubercles ;  the  fruit  is  oval,  rounded,  and  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a 
quarter  in  length,  nearly  as  broad  as  it  is  long,  more  or  less  tuberculate,'  conspicuously  marked  with 
large  pale  tomentose  areolae  bearing  numerous  small  bristles  and,  although  usually  spineless,  occa- 
sionally small  weak  spines.  The  seeds  are  compressed,  thin,  very  angular,  and  from  one  twelfth  to  one 
sixth  of  an  inch  in  diameter.^ 

Opunt'ui  fulgida,  which  is  a  plant  of  the  plains,  and  is  not  rare  in  Arizona  south  of  the  Colorado 
plateau  and  in  the  adjacent  region  of  Sonora,  apparently  is  most  abundant  and  grows  to  its  largest 
size  on  the  mesas  near  Tucson,  at  elevations  between  two  thousand  and  three  thousand  feet  above  the 
level  of  the  sea.  It  is  said  to  grow  also  at  Cottonwood  Springs  in  southern  Nevada  and  at  Calamuget, 
and  on  Magdalena  Island  in  Lower  California. 

The  wood  of  old  trunks,  which  contains  a  thick  pith,  is  light,  hard,  and  pale  yellow,  with  broad 
conspicuous  medullary  rays  and  well  marked  layers  of  annual  growth.^ 

This  Cactus,  the  Vera  de  Coyote  of  the  Mexican  Indians,  wa'i  iirst  made  known  to  science  by  the 
botanists  attached  to  the  commission  which  defined  the  boundary  between  the  United  States  and 
Mexico.  It  is  one  of  the  most  conspicuous  and  interesting  plants  of  the  mesas  of  southern  Arizona, 
where  in  the  clear  atmosphere  of  the  desert  the  lustrous  sheaths  inclosing  its  numerous  spines  glistening 
in  the  sunlight  make  it  visible  for  many  miles. 

'  The  depth  of  the  tubercles  od  msny  of  the  cylindrical  Opun- 
tiu,  especially  on  the  mature  or  nearly  mature  fruit,  depends 
almost  entirely  on  the  amount  of  moisture.  During  exceedingly 
dry  seaaons  the  tubercles  are  deep  and  the  fruit  small  and 
•hrireled.  On  the  same  plants  during  a  moist  season  the  fruit  is 
large  and  plump,  and  the  tubercles  are  scarcely  raised  above  the 
remainder  of  the  surface.  This  is  true,  only  not  to  so  great  a 
degree,  of  the  yoonger  branches  of  the  plant  itself.  (Tourney,  in 

^  On  the  foothills  of  the  mountain  ranges  of  southern  Arizona  and 
northern  Sonora  a  form  of  this  plant  occurs  with  thicker  shorter 
joints,  more  prominent  but  shorter  tubercles,  and  fewer  spines, 
usually  only  from  four  to  six  spines  being  developed  from  the  tuber- 
cles of  the  terminal  joints,  although  from  those  of  older  joints  as 
many  as  twenty  or  thirty  are  produced.     The  flowers  an<!  f  nit  of 

the  two  forms  appear  to  be  identical,  but  the  foothill  variety  U  a 
smaller  plant  than  that  of  the  mesas.     It  is:  — 

Opuntia  fulgida  mamillala,  Coulter,  Cantrih.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb. 
iii.  449  (1886).  — Toumey,  Bo(.  flazttte,  xxv.  121. 

Opuntia  mamiltata,  Engelmann,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  iii.  308 
(18.">0);  Bol.  Atez.  Hound.  Sun.  ii.  58,  t.  75,  f.  19;  Brmtr  ^ 
Watiim  Bol.  Cal.  i.  250.  —  Walpera,  Ann.  v.  57.  —  Hemsley, 
Bol.  Biol.  Am.  Cent.  i.  562.  —  Toumey,  Garden  and  Forett,  viii. 

'  The  log  specimen  in  the  Jesup  Collection  of  North  iunerican 
Woods  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York, 
cut  by  Professor  Toumey  in  the  neighborhood  of  Tucsou,  is  sevea 
inches  in  diameter  msi<le  the  bark,  with  fourteen  Uyers  of  annual 
growth  in  the  solid  exterior  layer  of  wood,  which  is  about  two  and 
a  half  inches  :u  thickness. 


Plate  DCCVI.     Opi'ntia  kumiida. 
1.  A  Hower,  natural  size. 
'i.  Vertical  section  of  a  flower,  natural  sits. 

3.  End  of  a  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 

4.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  natural  size. 

.'>.  A  fruit  laiil  open  transversely,  natural  size. 
(>.  A  seed,  enlarged. 

7.  A  seed  showing  raphe,  enlarged. 

8.  Cross  section  uf  a  seed,  enlarged. 

9.  An  unibryo,  enlarged. 


and  falls  usually 
a  second  season 
to  an  inch  and  a 
usly  marked  with 
y  spineless,  occa- 
ne  twelfth  to  one 

1  of  the  Colorado 
iws  to  its  largest 
nd  feet  above  the 
ind  at  Calamuget, 

ellow,  with  broad 

to  science  by  the 
nited  States  and 
southern  Arizona, 
)  spines  glistening 

he  foolhill  rarietf  u  a 

Irib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb. 
t.  121. 

:.  Am.  Acad.  iii.  308 
t.  75,  f.  19;  Brewtrlf 
nn.  T.  57.  —  Henisley, 
lardm  and  Foresl,  viii. 

an  of  North  iunerican 
al  Hiatorj,  New  York, 
Hxl  of  Tucsoii,  is  seven 
rteen  layers  of  annual 
irhioh  is  about  two  and 



it...        i^ 


i  i 

*     Sf>RTH    AMERICA. 


'  <(uii  Krwn  when  fully  riin',  with  dry  flesh,  and  falls  usimiiy 

fruit  r<?mniiiN  '>ii  thf  brauuhes  tliiriii^  u  second  HcuKon 

.  1  lilt  IS  iivhI,  roundod,  and  from  an  iiirh  to  an  inch  and  a 

kfQg,  mirti'  or  loMa  tub«rculate,'  coniipicuously  marked  with 

<.it>|(   uiimerouji  umalt   ItriHtleM    and,   althoiiji^li  usually  HpincdesR,   occa- 

<iH"U  art"  cuni|>r('iwf><J.  tliiii.  verv  .mi^ular,  and  from  out'  twelfth  to  one 

'•birb  M  a  plant  of  the  plain  ^ 
:.irfM.l  reypon  <>i  Sii  ■ 
i  iiiAOfi.  tti  flwvalim 
Mid  to  nrrirw  aJao  ai  <'<»ttit(iv.   . 
■i  in  [jowiT  ' 

.   iriuik«,  whirl .   ....  .. 

.  ,\ty  rays  and  well  mark^  layorn  u!  »,-. 
■i*.  ihe  Vera  de  Coyot*  of  tht-  Meiiimu  Ii. 
'    •!   to  the  commi^iKioii   «l;    ■     '  '    'i 
•■  of  the  most  fniiiiiiifii 

Hit  rare  ni  Arizona  Houtli  of  th(<  Colurtido 
tinHt  iiliiindant  and  },'row8  to  its  largest 
oiMidd  and  three  Ihousund  feet  above  the 

i;»  >n  southern  Nevada  and  at  Calamuget, 

!.  hard,  and  pale  yellow,  with  broad 

-t  made  known  to  science  by  the 
tfwt^'n  th«>  I'nited  StJites  and 
I  lie  mnsiis  of  tiouthern  Arizona. 

anuMphiMv  uf  the  dn«*>rt  the  liMUtiu*  ithttathA  iticlo»ing  its  numerous  spines  glistening 
nuke  it  visible  for  niauv  mites. 

Wm  ^y>b  of  &b«  uiberrle*  tm  man;  of  I'm  cyliiHlricftl  Opun- 
f^M,  ^mttauAy  uo   lh«  uiL^ttni  '>r   nearlv   niatura  fruit,  (irtwml* 
»^anept  «<ittr«I;  cti  th«  MmtHuit  t>f  loowtara.     During  exoeetlingty 
drr   wftaor«    tho*  tiibfrclc*    kt*    A»9Y   *^    t^  froit    smail    uid 
uKriTeleii.     <  >n  Iko  csmr  pUuui  .i'lnnif  «  a<oj*t  «*»«««b  Uii>  fruit  ui 
'«r|^  jfcnil  ^tlnmjv  i^ntt  t)i«  tutvrrti^t 
^-fuAiUdfr  uf  tbc  «urf*r«.      Fhia  u. 
•l#|pw,  nf  the   Vtfun^r  bnachvs  of  Htm  t>iimi  it*f 
'ill  I 

*  t  ht  th«  fiwthilU  tif  ifa«  tnonntaia  rthgvw  'ff  M>.t- 
aiirtk«m  SunttrH  i«  ftirni  '»f  thi*  pliutt  itt^^iir*  w:*,;  i  ••  : 

jffltiu,  tnorg  pfominml  Iwl  •Itgrtr-r  tuheraltii,  »ai  f«tr*r  tfiuM*, 
uMull^  Old?  from  four  Uk  wi  i^mjsm  '^-'^  -  - '  — ^ '  ■■  »-•  fW  tabvr* 
«!«•  iif  tb«  l«raiuwl  t«4qL».  «JiN«u«.  t  ;iu«ia  a* 

nuuiT  M  twcQti  or  iliirt^'  ht*  x^o^n'^-         ' -,    <^>^^i    ^^1  fnjit  uf 

Ui«  twu  fumit  ■I'iMru  to  b«  ulantiml,  but  tb«  fiiothU'.  Taricty  ia  » 

iiualler  pl&ot  Uum  that  <>f  tb«  meiui.     It  U:  — 

Oimnlm  fulguln   nuimUialii,  ('oulter,  Cimtrih.   U.   S.   .Va(.  Herb. 

iii.  «9  (IHWi)  —  Toumey,  /Ait.  fiiuetlt.  iir.  121. 

Opvntui  mamiUnUi,  Knf:oltnjuin,  Proc.  Am.  .4cad.  iii.  3(18 
(ISai);  B"l.  Mti.  liminH.  SuT.  ii.  tS,  t.  75,  f.  10;  Ilr^icer  St 
WiHiut*,  }h.i.  Cal.  i.  ii/5tl. —  Watp«r«,  .l»in.  T.  57.  —  UeniBley, 
Hw   8mI    <"»   '■«<.  i.  6fi2.  —  Tourney,  Gnrdm  and  Fortcl,  liii, 


'      ir  'K>n  of  North  American 

■.-^1   }li*l«ry,  New  York, 

I'  wii  of  Tiicaon,  it  mtcu 

■u<Mir<n  .r  .iiAii.rwK  .-^lo.   ,,'<-    ■.,i«    ..-  '.   .',iirt««n  layer*  nf  uinuml 

j(ro»th  in  th*  iialiil  eit«ru>r  Uy^r  uf  aiKxl,  ohu'b  i>  about  twn  and 

a  half  indbe*  in  tliMikiMi*. 


l'i.Ar»  IX'C'VI.    OpttNTtA  n;ixiint. 

I .  A  fluwer,  natural  aite. 

'i.  ^'eitii'sl  Mrtion  uf  a  tlower,  natural  aiu. 

3.  Knil  of  a  fni'*ini;  brancli,  nnturul  s'u<*. 

4.  Vertical  section  of  a  ftuit,  natural  Pita. 

5.  A  fruit  tail]  vi»u  tTKiii^vt:rn('\\ .  h:\liiriil  sizo. 

6.  K  aoed.  enlarged. 

7.  A  iH^«4l  ahowtni;  rapho.  rnlaii^ml. 
S.  CroM  twtion  nf  n  ae<vl,  enlari^cai. 
U.  An  eiobrvo,  enU'ifiHl. 


r  ACT  ACE.*. 

lesb,  and  falls  iiBumly 
ring  u  second  Butsun 
ich  to  lui  iui-h  nnd  a 
icuously  marked  with 
•iiiallv  sj)in«'U'sR,  occa- 
im  iini'  Iwcll'tb  U)  one 

nutli  of  the  Colonido 

growH  to  its  largest 

:ni8and  fet>t  above  the 

du  and  at  Oalamuget, 

lie  yellow,  with  broad 

>wn  to  M'ience  by  the 

*■   United   St«teH  and 

of  southern  Arizona. 

rona  spijies  glistening 

hut  the  foothil!  rahet^  ia  a 

It  'u).~ 

CimrOK  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb. 
r.  «XT.  121. 

/'roc.   .1)11.    .Acatl.  iii.  308 

58,  t.  75,  f.  19;  BrnM'  Jf 
r«,  Aun.  ».  57.  —  lUniiley, 
ley.  Onriim  orul  Forest,  viii. 

(ton  of  North  Aiiiprioan 

tursi   Hi«u»rjr,  Now  York, 

ir^ixMi  of  Tiiraoii,  is  »evi>n 

•mrt««n  tajrera  nf  annual 

Kfti,  «hwb  i«  about  two  and 

Si'.va  of  North   America. 

.a.b.  DCCVl. 


' i'  Ki.i'i'n  .M . 

£•^1  JfU'tf/u  . 

OPUNTIA    FULGIDA    r.n6»hn. 

.1  n,.,.i-i 

Imp  .  ^  Tiirnnir  Pitri. 









1  r  1  In  r^iT 





Joints  of  the  branches  green  or  purple,  their  tubercles  ovate,  narrow,  full,  and 
rounded  below  the  areolae;  spines  white  or  reddish  brown.  Flowers  pink.  Fruit 
yellow,  sparingly  spinescent,  rarely  proliferous. 

Opuntia  spinoslor,  Tourney,  Bot.  Gatttte,  xxv.  119  (1898).     Opuntia  arboresoene,  Engelmann,  Pacific  X.  S.  Sep.  iv. 

Opuntia  Whipple!,  /3  spinoslor,  Engelmann,  froe.  Am. 
Acad.  iii.  307  (1856)  j  Pacijic  R.  R.  Rep.  iv.  pt.  v.  51,  t. 
17,  f.  1-4;  Bot.  Mex.  Bound.  Surv.  ii.  57.  — Hemiley, 
Bot.  Biol.  Am.  Cent.  i.  554. — Coulter,  Contrib.  U.  S. 
Nat.  Herb.  i'i.  451.  —  Scliumarn,  Monog.  Coot.  670. 

61,  pt.  T.  1. 17,  f.  6,  6  (not  Engelmann,  Wislizenus  Memoir 
of  a  Tour  to  Northern  Mexico  [^Senate  Doo.  1848],  Bot 
Appz.  6).  —  Tourney,  Garden  and  Pori^t,  ix,  2,  {.  1. 

A  tree,  with  an  erect  trunk  occasionally  ten  feet  in  height  and  from  five  to  ten  inches  in  diameter, 
and  numerous  stout  vertically  spreading  branches  which  form  an  open  irregular  head.  The  bark  of 
the  trunk  and  of  the  large  limbs  is  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  thickness,  spineless,  nearly  black, 
broken  into  elongated  ridges,  and  finally  much  roughened  by  numerous  thin  closely  appressed  scales. 
The  joints  of  the  branches  are  cylindrical,  from  four  to  twelve  inches  in  length  and  from  three  quarters 
of  an  inch  to  an  inch  in  thickness,  covered  with  a  thick  epidermis  which  varies  in  color  from  green 
to  purple,  and  usually  develop  woody  skeletons  during  their  second  season ;  their  tubercles  are  promi- 
nent, compressed,  ovate,  and  from  one  third  to  one  half  of  an  inch  long,  with  oval  areolee  clothed  with 
pale  tomentum  and  short  light  brown  bristles ;  their  spines,  which  vary  in  number  from  five  to  fifteen 
on  the  tubercles  of  young  joints  and  from  thirty  to  fift  on  those  of  older  branches,  are  slender,  from 
white  to  light  reddish  brown  in  color,  closely  invested  in  w  hite  glistening  sheaths,  stellate-spreading,  and 
from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  length,  those  in  the  interior  being  sometimes  considerably 
longer  than  the  radical  spines.  The  leaves  are  terete,  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long,  and  taper  grad- 
ually to  the  aetulose  apex ;  they  remain  on  the  branches  from  four  to  six  weeks.  The  flowers,  which 
unfold  during  April  and  May,  remain  open  for  two  or  three  days,  and  appear  to  depend  on  the  visits  of 
bees  and  other  insects  for  fertilization  ; '  they  are  from  two  to  two  and  a  half  inches  in  diameter  when 
fully  expanded,  with  ovaries  about  an  inch  in  length,  obovate  sepals,  broadly  obovate  dark  purple  petals, 
sensitive  red  stamens,''  and  six  to  nine-parted  stigmas.  The  yellow  fleshy  acrid  fruits  are  clustered  at 
the  ends  of  the  branches  of  the  previous  year,  and  when  ripe  make  them  pendulous  by  their  weight ; 
they  are  oval  or  rarely  globose  or  hemispherical,  and  frequently  two  inches  long  and  an  inch  and  a  half 
thick,  with  from  twenty  to  thirty  tubercles ;  during  the  summer  these  are  very  prominent,  but  as  the 
fruits  ripen  they  enlarge  and  become  succulent  and  the  tubercles  nearly  disappear,  leaving  the  fruits 
marked  only  by  the  small  oval  areohe  covered  with  short  bristles  and  armed  with  numerous  slender 
spines,  which  are  deciduous  in  December  as  the  fruits  begin  to  turn  yellow.  The  seeds  vary  from  one 
fiftli  to  one  sixth  of  an  inch  in  diameter  and  are  nearly  orbicular,  slightly  or  not  at  all  beaked,  ^  rd 

'  "  These  insects,  nttracted  to  the  (lower,  enter  hetween  the  style 
and  stamens,  passiuf;  clown  to  the  base  of  the  style  to  f^ct  the  nectar. 
The  numerous  sensitive  stamens  immediately  bend  forward  toward 
the  style,  closing  over  the  insect  and  hiding  it  from  view.  It  neces- 
sitates quite  an  effort  on  the  part  of  the  insect  to  escape,  but  it 
finally  forces  its  way  from  beneath  the  stamens  and  climbs  to  the 
tup  of  the  elongated  stigma,  whence  it  makes  its  escape,  thoroughly 
dusted  with  the  prllen  from  the  numerous  stamens.     In  a  few 

minutes  the  stamens  assume  their  noimal  condition  and  the  flower 
is  ready  for  the  reception  of  other  insects.  I  have  frequently  seen 
as  many  as  three  honeybees  inclosed  in  a  single  flower."  (Toumey, 
Garden  and  Forest,  ix.  3.) 

"  Professor  Toumey  points  out  the  facts  that  the  stamens  of  all 
the  Opuntias  with  cylindrical  branches  are  sensitive,  and  that  when 
disturbed  they  close  tightly  round  the  style  a  few  lines  below  the 
stigma.     (Sec  Bol.  Ga:ellt,  xxv.  123.) 

I  t 

■  I 





markevl  with  linear  conspicuous  commisNures.  Tiio  fruits  reinuiii  on  the  branches  during  the  winter 
and  occasionally  during  the  following  summer,  and  then  sometimes  become  proliferous,  bearing  ilowera 
and  fruits.' 

Opuntia  Hpinoniur  is  widely  scattered  over  the  mesas  of  southern  Arizona  south  of  the  Colorado 
plat«au  and  over  the  adjacent  region  of  Sononi. 

The  wood  of  Opuutin  npiiioxior  is  light,  soft,  |)ale  reddish  brown,  and  conspicuously  reticulated 
with  inconspicuous  medullary  rays  and  well-defined  layers  of  unniial  growth.'  It  is  sometunes  used  in 
the  manufacture  of  light  t'uriiiturt!,  canes,  picture-frames,  and  otI<.er  small  articles. 

Opuntia  npinonior  was  discoverjil  in  Sonora  in  1855  by  Mr.  A.  Schott.' 

'  Profeuor  Tourney  recogniica  lu  v»r.  S'eo-Mtiieana  (li<il.  Ga- 
utle,  zxT.  Ill)  [180SJ)  a  variety  of  this  ipcciea  which  grniva  with 
the  oniiuary  furm  to  the  same  size  but  is  distinguished  from  it  by 
lunger  tubercles,  more  numerous  spines  with  lotMcr  slicAths,  Hol- 
ers with  mure  'umeroiis  and  much  narrower  petals  varying  in  color 
from  red  to  yelloWi  and  larger  fruits  often  more  or  less  tinged  with 

'  The  leg  siKoimen  in  the  .lesup  Colleetion  of  North  American 
Wowls  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York,  is 
five  and  a  half  inches  in  diameter  inside  the  bark,  with  seventy- 
two  Inyeis  of  annual  growth  in  the  outer  woody  portion,  which  it 
two  and  one  sij^tcontb  inches  in  thickness. 

•  See  X.  18. 


Platr  DCCVH.    Ofuntiv  si'inohiob. 

1.  A  flower,  natiiri>.l  slie. 

2.  Vertical  section  uf  a  flower,  natural  site. 
'A  The  end  »{  a  fruiting  l>ranch,  natural  Bi;.a. 

4.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  natural  siza. 

5.  A  frnit  divided  innarenely,  enlarged. 
C.  A  seed,  enlarged. 

7.  A  seed  showing  the  raphe,  enlarged. 

8.  Vertical  Hcctior.  of  a  seed,  enlarged. 

9.  An  embryo,  enlarged. 




les  during  the  winter 
jrouB,  bearing  flowers 

)uth  of  the  Colorado 

spituously  reticulated 
;  iii  Humetimes  used  in 

lleotion  of  North  American 
ituml  History,  New  York,  ia 
ide  the  bark,  with  aeveotf* 
ter  woody  portion,  which  U 










^  "/»  /  II      \  <l  r.i,  ■■  ■     I 

('A<  I  \<  h.lC 

Thr  ftiiiU  miiiiiii  nil   ilic  l)riinch(;s  iliiriii^  tlii>  uiiit«>r 
•  iiii  »|i.  II  <iifiM-ii:M  1  li<>riiiiii-  |'riiiiN,  U'liriii)^  llowir-^ 


ii)    viuthfni  Ari»iiiA  Noiith  of  tbo  Colorado 

■•ruwn,  and  cunHpicuomily  ri'ticuliitod 
imI  growth.'     It  M  NoiuetiiiieH  UMvd  iu 
ii.'ill  arlidvs. 
-M  liotl.* 

■  Ltiii  .Uniip  i'olliH'itiin  nf  Niirth  Aiitrrtouri 

Miiwiiiii  ii(  Niiliirkl  lliiitiiry,  Krw  York,  m 

'tinvlfir  iiiiide  lU«  (ftirk,  witti  iMivrutjr- 

.r.  Ills  liiiur  wimmI)-  |K>rtiun,  winch  i» 


»  XI'LANAllilN    OK     IHK    I'l.Ali:. 

!.  A 

2.  \ 

X  1 

*.  N..  . 

■>  A  hw 

IKTVII.     Omintu  !i|'Ini»«i<)Ii. 

.  .'    MM. 

.  tVfw^r.  natural  vim. 
'I  liu. 




L'ho»  iluriiig  thi>  winter 
ft'rniiH,  Ijuuritif;  Howent 

iwiilli  of  the  Colorado 

liN|iirui>iislv  ictniiliiti-il 
It  in  NuiuctiiiiuH  uwd  iit 

'uIliH'tiim  of  Xorlb  Arntriotn 
•  Rliiral  Ilijiturjr,  Nrw  Yurk,  U 
uida  111*  bitrk,  willi  MviiBtjr- 
iul«r  wiHxIy  {Hirtion,  wlii.!h  U 

Silva.  of  North  AtnTi-a 

T*b.  Dccr/ii, 


6  7 

S.y.'utc'n  dt:t 




(Ve^uf  Ud/f\r 

Imp  .  \7hrtfur.J^arL.\ 




J01NT8  of  the  briinehcH  dark  j^rcen  or  purple,  eloiigiited,  their  tubercles  flattened, 
elongated ;  spines  l)rown  or  reddish  brown.  Flowers  green  tinged  with  red  or  yellow. 
Fruit  green,  spinesccnt,  rurely  proliferous. 

OpuntU  veriloolor,  CoulMr,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  H»rh.  Hi.  402  ( 1896).  —  Tourney,  Hot.  (Jaiutle,  xxv.  121— Schumann, 

Uonoj/.  Curt.  074. 

A  tree,  with  an  erect  trunk  oecnaionully  in  welklevi>lupe<l  Npucimens  lis  or  eight  f«et  high  and 
eight  IncheH  in  diameter,  and  numeruuH  atout  irregularly  Hpreitding  often  upright  branches.  The  baik 
of  the  trunk  and  of  the  large  hranches  is  Hmooth,  light  hrown  or  pur}>ie,  usually  unarmed,  from  one 
half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  thickness,  and  ultimately  ^parates  into  numerous  snmll  closely 
appreHscd  nearly  black  scales.  The  terminal  joints  of  the  branches  are  cylindrical,  generally  from  six 
to  twelve  inches  but  sometimes  two  feet  in  length,  and  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  nearly  an  inch 
in  diameter ;  their  woody  skeletons  are  usually  formed  during  their  second  season,  and  they  are  covered 
with  a  thick  epidermis  which  varieo  from  dark  green  to  purple,  and  is  marked  by  linear  flattened 
tubercles  terminating  in  large  oval  areola)  which  are  clothed  with  gray  wool  and  generally  bear  a  cluster 
of  small  bristles;  their  N|iiiiPH  are  slender,  stellate-spreading,  the  inner  from  one  to  four  in  number, 
usually  deflexed  and  unetpMl  in  length,  the  longest  being  about  one  third  of  an  inch  long  and  much 
longer  than  the  radiant  spines ;  they  are  brown  or  reddish  brown,  with  close  early  deciduous  straw- 
colored  sheatliH,  and  vary  on  young  joints  from  four  to  foiuteen  in  number,  while  the  tubercles  of  old 
branches  often  bear  from  twenty  to  twenty-tive.  The  leaves  are  terete,  from  one  third  to  one  half  of 
an  inch  in  length,  abruptly  narrowed  to  the  spinescent  apex,  and  remain  on  the  branches  from  four 
to  six  weeks.  The  Howers  open  in  May,  and  when  fully  expanded  are  about  an  inch  and  a  half  in 
diameter,  with  ovaries  Hvo  eighths  of  an  inch  long,  broadly  ovate  acute  sepals,  and  narrow  obovate  petals 
rounded  above  and  green  tinged  with  red  or  with  yellow.  The  fruit  is  usually  clavate,  from  two  inches 
to  two  inches  and  a  half  in  length  and  nearly  an  inch  and  a  half  in  diameter,  with  areolie  generally  only 
above  the  middle  and  usually  furnished  with  from  one  to  three  slender  reflexed  persistent  spines  about 
half  an  inch  long,  or  occasionally  spineless ;  rarely  the  fruit  is  nearly  spherical  and  only  about  three 
quarters  of  au  inch  in  diameter.  When  mature  the  fruit  is  of  the  same  color  as  the  joints  on  which  it 
grows  and  ripens  from  December  to  Februory  ;  usually  it  withers  and  dries  on  the  tree  and  frequently 
splitting  open  shows  the  irregular  angled  seeds  with  their  narrow  commissures.  In  some  coses  it  does 
not  wither  during  the  first  winter,  but  remains  fleshy  and  adheres  to  the  branch  until  the  end  of  the 
following  summer  and  sometimes  through  a  second  winter ;  or  often  it  is  imbedded  in  the  end  of  a  more 
or  less  elongated  joint. 

Ojiiintiu  rersicotor  is  the  most  abundant  of  the  cylindrical  Opuntias  of  the  foothills  and  low 
mountain  slopes  of  southern  Arizona  and  northern  Sonora,  although  it  does  not  appear  to  have  attracted 
the  attention  of  botanists  until  1880,  when  it  was  found  in  the  neighborhood  of  Tucson  by  George 
Eugelmann '  and  C.  C.  Parry .'■ 

The  wood  of  Opuntia  versicolor  is  reticulate,  hard,  compact,  light  reddish  brown  and  rather 
lustrous,  with  thin  conspicuous  medullary  rays,  well-determined  layers  of  annual  growth,  and  thick  pale 
or  nearly  white  sapwood.^ 

'  .See  yiii.  84.  '  See  vii.  130.  foothills  of  the  Santa  Catalina  Mountains  near  Sabina  Cailon,  is 

'  The  loK  specimen  in  the  Jesup  Collection  of  North  American  five  and  seven  eighths  inches  in  diameter  inside  the  bark,  with 

Woods  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York,  seventy-nine  layers  of  annual  growth  ;  of  these  twenty-eight  are 

which  was  cut  by  I'rofcssop  Toumey  in  siuithrrn  Arizona  on  the  of  snpwood,  which  is  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  thickness. 







1.  The  end  of  a  flowering  branch,  natural  size. 

2.  Vertical  section  of  a  flower,  natural  aize. 

3.  The  end  of  a  fruiting  branch,  natural  siu. 

4.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  natural  size. 
C.  A  see<l,  enlarged. 

6.  Vertical  section  of  a  seed,  enlarged. 

7.  An  embryo,  enlarged. 



»4:  I 

^   fM"**" 



.■\     -^ 





EXPLA>A:iiiN    (IK    rilK    VI.ATi;. 

I'lUTJ    IlCCVlIl.       Ol'lNTIA    VERSICOrXlB. 

1.  The  sntl  «f  »  floworiuK  hrincb,  n»l.ural  siie. 
1.   Verti««l  «ivUon  i>t  «  (tunrer,  uatunl  aiie. 
3.    rh«  miu  .4  4  (mUist  brui«k  natural  »aa. 

i.    Vprucki  »ert»ali  '►(  •  in         M'  •-»!  »ii«. 
ft    A  MMii.  mUrgad. 

:  *u 

Tab.  DCCVm. 


I    i 






Leaves  oblong-ovate,  acute,  scabrous  on  the  upper  surface. 

Cornus  asperifoUa,  Michaux,  Fl.  Bor.-Am.  i.  93  (1803).  — 
Notiveau  Duhamel,  ii.  156.  —  Poiret,  Lamarck  Diet. 
Suppl.  ii.  356.  —  Parsh,  Fl.  Am.  Sept.  i.  108.  —  EUiott, 
Sk.  i.  209.  —  Roemer  &  SchulteB,  Syst.  iii.  322.  —  Spveng- 
el,  Syst.  i.  451.  —  Torrey  &  Gray,  Fl.  N.  Am.  i.  651.  — 
lUfinesque,  Am.  61.  — Chapman,  Fl.  167.  — 
K.  Koch,  Dendr.  i.  692.  —  Watson  &  Coulter,  Gray's 
Man.  ed,  ",  214.  —  CoiiU*r  *  Evuns,  Pnt.  Onx'tte,  iv. 
35.  —  Coulter,  Contrll.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  ii.  150  (Man.  '. 
W.  Texas).  —  Koehne,  DeiUsche  Dendr.  437.  —  Dippel, 
Handb.  Laubholzk.  iii.  253,  f.  135. — Sargent,  Garden 
and  Forest,  x.  104,  f.  13.  —  Britton  &  Brown,  III.  Fl.  ii. 
544,  f.  2715.  —  Britton,  Man.  690.  —  Gattinger,  Fl.  Ten- 
nessee, 130. 

Cornus  serioea,  y  asperifoUa,  De  CandoUe,  Prodr.  iv.  272 

(1830).  —  Dor.,  Gen.  Syst.  iii.  399.  —  Loudon,  Arb.  Brit. 

ii.  1013. 
Cornus  alba.  Hooker,  Compan  Boi-  Mag.  i.  48  (not  Lin- 

nieus)  (1835). 
Cornus  Drummondi,  C.  A.  Meyer,  Bull.  Phys.  Math. 

Acad.  St.  PUersbourg,  iii.  372  (1846) ;   Ann.  Set.  Nat. 

iir.  3.  iv.  64.  —  Walpers.  Rep.  v.  9.3.3. 
Cornus  asperifoUa,  var.  Drummondi,  Coulter  &  Evans, 

Bat.   Gazette,  xv.  36  (1890).  — Cor. .*r,   Contrib.  U.S. 

Nat.  Herb.  ii.   151   {Man.  PI.    W.  Texa«).  —  Koehne, 

Deutsche  Dendr.  437. 

Usually  shrubby  in  habit,  Cornus  asperifoUa  on  the  rich  bottom-lands  of  southern  Arkansas  and 
eastern  Texas  is  frequently  a  tree  sometimes  nearly  fifty  feet  in  height,  with  a  short  trunk  eight  or  ten 
inches  in  diameter,  and  slender  erect  wand-like  branches  forming  a  narrow  irregular  rather  open  head.* 
The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch  in  thickness  and  is  divided  by  shallow  fissures 
into  narrow  interrupted  ridges,  and  broken  into  small  closely  appressed  dark  red-brown  scales.  The 
branchlets  are  slender,  marked  by  numerous  small  pale  lenticels,  pale  green  and  puberulous  when 
they  first  appear,  pale  red,  lustrous  and  puberulous  during  their  first  winter,  light  reddish  brown  in 
their  second  year,  and  ultimately  light  gray-brown  or  gray.  The  winteobuds  are  acute,  compressed, 
pubescent,  sessile  or  stalked,  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch  long,  with  two  pairs  of  opposite  scales, 
and  about  twice  as  large  as  the  much  compressed  lateral  buds.  The  leaves  are  opposite,  involute  in 
vernation,  ovate  or  oblong,  gradually  or  abruptly  contracted  at  the  apex  into  long  slender  points, 
gradually  narrowed  and  rounded  or  cuneate  at  the  base,  and  slightly  thickened  and  undulate  on  the 
margins;  when  they  unfold  they  are  coated  with  lustrous  silver-white  tomentum,  and  nearly  fully 
grrown  when  the  flowers  open  from  the  middle  of  May  in  Texas  to  the  middle  of  July  at  the  north, 
they  are  then  dark  green  and  roughened  above  by  short  rigid  white  hairs,  and  pale  often  glaucous  and 
rough-pubescent  below ;  and  in  the  autumn  they  are  membranaceous,  scabrous  on  the  upper  surface, 
pubescent  or  puberulous  on  the  lower  surface,  from  three  to  four  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  and  a 
half  to  two  inches  wide,  with  thin  midribs  and  from  four  to  six  pairs  of  slender  primary  veins  nearly 
parallel  with  their  sides,  and  stout  grooved  pubescent  petioles  usually  about  half  an  inch  in  length. 
The  flowers  are  produced  on  slender  pedicels  iu  loose  broad  or  narrow  often  paniculate  pubescent  cymes 
raised  on  peduncles  frequently  an  inch  in  length  ;  they  are  cream  color,  with  an  oblong  cup-shaped 
obscurely  toothed  calyx  covered  with  fine  silky  white  hairs  and  narrow  oblong  acute  corolla  lobes  about 
an  eighth  of  an  inch  long  and  reflexed  after  the  flowers  open,  elongated  slender  filaments  with  nodding 
anthers,  and  a  columnar  style  thickened  at  the  apex  into  the  prominent  stigma.     The  fruit  is  borne  in 

'  Tlio  treo  only  twenty  years  old,  cut  by  Mr.  B.  K.  Hush  near 
Columbia  on  the  Hrozos  Hirer  in  Texas  in  1001  for  the  Jesup  Col- 
lection of  North  American  Woods  in  the  American  Museum  of 

Natural  Hi.story,  New  York,  was  forty-fire  feet  high,  with  a  trunk 
sercu  inches  iu  diameter. 

■'    ! 




loose  spreading  red-stemmed  clusters,  and  ripens  from  the  end  of  August  until  October ;  it  is  subglobose, 
white,  tipped  with  the  r<>innants  of  the  style,  and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter.  The 
nutlets,  which  are  covered  with  a  thiu  coat  of  dry  bitter  Hesh,  are  full  and  rounded,  broader  than  high, 
somewhat  oblique,  and  slightly  grooved  on  the  edge.' 

The  wood  of  Coriiua  asperifolia  is  close-grained,  hard,  solid,  and  pale  brown,  with  thick  cream- 
colored  sapwood. 

Cornutt  asperifolia  is  distributed  from  the  northern  shores  of  Lake  Erie,  where  it  is  abundant 
on  Point  Pelee,^  to  Minnesota,'  eastern  Nebraska  *  and  Kansas,"  and  through  Missouri  and  the  Indian 
Territory  to  eastern  Texas,  and  to  Mississippi,  Alabama,"  South  Carolina,  and  Florida. 

Cornus  asperifolia,  although  it  was  discovered  by  the  elder  Michaux  more  than  a  century  ago,  is 
still  rare  in  gardens.  It  was  introduced  into  the  Arnold  Arboretum  in  1884,  and  is  perfectly  hardy  in 
eastern  Massachusetts. 

'  The  tin  and  ihape  of  the  nutlet  hare  beeo  used  to  separate  the 
trana-Miuiuippi  plant  ai  a  Tarietjr  of  the  eastern  •peeiei  (Coulter 
&  Evani,  Bol.  Gaielle,  xv.  30).  In  Arkaniaa  and  Texai  the  nut 
IB  ■ometime*  rather  imaller  and  broader  in  proportion  to  its  height 
than  it  is  usually  in  the  fruit  of  eastern  plants,  but  the  nuts  vary  so 
much  in  sise  and  shape  that  it  is  hardljr  practicable  to  base  Tarietal 
characters  ou  them. 

2  Macoun,  Cat.  Can.  PI.  191. 

'  MacMillan,  Melaaperma  of  the  Minnaota  Koiby,  400, 

*  Kessey,  BM.  Ezper.  Stttl.  Ntbnulxi,  iv.  art.  iv.  IS. 
'  Hitchcock,  Flora  of  Karuai,  plate  xiii. 

•  Mohr,    Contrib.    V.   S.  Nat.   Herb.  n.   060   (Plant  life  of 


Platk  DCCIX.    Corxus  ahpekifoua. 

1.  A  flowerinf;  branch,  natural  site. 

2.  Vertical  section  of  a  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 

4.  A  nutlet,  enlarged. 



ber ;  it  is  subglobose, 
I  in  diameter.  The 
1,  broader  than  high, 

a,  with  thick  cream- 
here  it  is  abundant 
ouri  and  the  Indian 

»n  a  century  ago,  is 
is  perfectly  hardy  in 

fsota  VttUty,  400. 
IT.  wt.  ir.  16. 
»i.   060   (Plant  Life  of 



'>HTU  AMKIilC'A. 


■  ri|i««is  fruiu  ttMi  «iul  of  Aujriigt  until  Ortolier ;  it  ia  subgloboM 
«■  ftvU<,  wckI  alNMit  u  (|iiiirt<!r  of  un  iiit'li  in  diitniot<'r.  Tin 
<•*{  .if  dry  liitt<'r  tll^^.ll,  :ir»'  full  iuU  ruuiult'd,  hru.ulur  tlmu  liigii, 

■  in  the  ed)f<f.' 

'  'liKo-g'tuiiiitd,  httrvl,  iN>lid  and  pale  hrowii,  with  tliick  crcam- 


i'-il<iit«d  fMni  tiin  nurthim)  «h<>r«w  of  Ijake  £rii>,  where  it  is  abmuWt 

,    i^tt«ni  NebnuJui  *  m\A  Kwumu,''  and  through  MisMiiiri  iiiul  the  Indian 

.1  til  Miiwit^ipio,  fVUtMuuii,'  Siiutb  Citrulinii.  ajtd  Florida. 

.  ijlh  It  wrtfc  diM!v»»«*i«dl  I'V  %be  ^lil^r  Mu'baux  more  than  a  century  ago,  u 

triMluord  iiitu  the  AriMki  .\rboratum  ia  1884,  and  in  perfectly  hardy  in 

'^  \mn  bMM  «Mii  »a  Mpanl*  ih* 

d  tiM  oaMra  jfMnw  <(%Nil<«r 

iriiMww  umI  T«ia*  Ow  nut 

■■  v^T  IK  p'o^iorOfiB  W  itn  bright 

**v  ».<    L'Uu'-*    btl  ih«  liuU  v*r»  ft.) 
(..j*  j-r-  li   li-  l»*#r-  ribfnetal 

•  M«<•r.ul^  Td/  Cm  Pi  191. 

>  MnoMillui.  Mtimpmu  of  th*  MumMla  VaUtj,  400. 

•  B«Mf ),  fM>   K^fM^  .iun.  Xiiraika,  it.  wt.  it.  15. 
'  iiitelwiiak,  florn  o/  A'anmi,  plstv  tiii. 

«  M(«i'.    'onM*     f     *    A'o;     //»n>.   Ti.   600   (Plant  Lift  of 
.\  .'i^ma  I 


"   UCCIX.    Coimfii  Aiu«iiipc>UA. 
A  fl»*ch»f  tmueii.  natnrai  lb*. 

(?  teMiwIi.  mtonl  (in. 



Iva  of  NorlK  AiTir.iii.rt. 

Tab  DCCiy. 

'tol)«r  ;  it  is  subgloboM' 
U'h  in  dianiftrr.  "  The 
iI(m1,  bruadur  ihiiu  liigli, 

awn,  with  tliick  cream- 

,  where  it  is  ttbundof  t 
lisKotiri  and  the  Indinii 

thun  a  century  ngo,  is 
ad  is  perfectly  hardy  in 

timnota  VaUrt,  WO. 

ilu,  IT   »rl  iv.  18. 

i>  liii. 

Iir«.   Ti.    6fi0   (Planl  Lift  of 

I'.SF-iat  1  . 

t  OfftlUi^'   . 


A  Nit '.  fr^i.r  tiifi^ar  ^ 

/rnp  ./  Tan^uir,  /*aru> 





Black  Haw. 

Leaves  clliptical-ovute  or  clliptical-obovate,  their  petioles  winged. 
§hort-pointed,  fcrrugineo-tonientosc. 


Viburnum    rufldultim,    lUfinesque,   Ahograjih.  Am.    66 

Viburnum  prunifolium,  /3  ferrugineum,  Torrey  & 
Gray,  Fl.  -V.  Am.  ii.  16  (not  Viburnum  ferruijineum, 
Raiinesque)  (1K41). 

Viburnum  prunifolium,  Chapman,  Fl.  171  (not  Linnnus) 
(1800).  —  Sargent,  Forett  Treei  N.  Am.  \(Hh  Centiu 
U.  S.  ix.  94  (in  part) ;  Sllva  N.  Am.  v.  99  (in  part),  t. 
225,  t.  11.— Coulter,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  ii.  156 
(Man.  PI.  W.  Texat). 

Viburnum  ferrugineum,  Small,  Mem.  Torrey  Hot.  Club, 

iv.  123,  t.  78  (not  Rafineique)  (1894) ;  Bull.  Turrey  Bot. 

Club,  xxi.  306.  —  Britton,  Mem.  Torrey  Bot.  Club,  v. 

Viburnum  rufotomentoaum,  Small,   Bull.    Torrey  Bot. 

Club,  xxiii.  410  (1896). —  Britton  &  Brown,  ///.  Fl.  iii. 

233,  f.  3440.  —  Moiir,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  y\.  743 

{Plant  Life  of  Alabama).—  Wnion,  Man.  872.—  Gat- 

tinger,  Fl.  Tennessee,  156. 

A  tree,  often  forty  feet  b  height,  with  a  trunk  from  twelve  to  eighteen  inches  in  diameter,  and 
short  thick  branches  forming  an  open  irregular  head.  The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  from  one  quarter 
to  one  half  of  an  inch  in  thickness  and  is  separated  into  narrow  rounded  ridges  divided  by  numerous 
cross  fissures  and  roughened  by  small  plate-like  dark  brown  scales  tinged  with  red.  The  branchlets 
are  stout  and  marked  by  numerous  small  red-brown  or  orange  lenticels,  and  when  they  first  appear 
are  more  or  less  coated  with  ferrugineous  tomentnm,  which  also  clothes  the  obtuse  winter-buds,  the 
wings  of  the  petioles,  and  the  lower  surface  of  the  unfolding  leaves  ;  during  their  first  winter  they  are 
ashy  gray,  dark  dull  red-brown  in  their  second  season,  and  then  gradually  grow  darker.  The  leaves 
are  elliptical-ovate  or  elliptical-obovate,  rounded,  occasionally  acute  or  obtuse  at  the  short-pointed  apex, 
rounded  or  wedge-shaped  at  the  base,  finely  serrate,  with  slender  apiculate  straight  or  incurved  teeth, 
coriaceous,  dark  green  and  very  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  and  pale  and  dull  on  the  lower  surface ; 
they  are  usually  about  three  inches  long  and  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half 
wide,  with  stout  yellow  midribs,  numerous  slender  primary  veins  and  reticulate  veinlets  more  or  less 
covered  below  throughout  the  season  with  the  rufous  tomentum  which  is  iilso  occasionally  found  on  the 
upper  side  of  the  midribs  and  which  is  characteristic  of  this  species  ;  they  are  borne  on  stout  grooved 
petioles  which  vary  from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  length,  and  are  margined  with  broad 
or  narrow  wings.  The  inflorescence  buds  are  broadly  ovate,  full  and  rounded  at  the  base,  abruptly 
narrowed  above  and  short-pointed  and  obtuse  at  the  apex,  compressed,  often  half  an  inch  long  and  a 
third  of  an  inch  wide,  with  four  pairs  of  boat-shaped  scales  coated  on  the  outer  surface  with  ferrugineous 
tomentum.  The  flowers  are  produced  in  compound  sessile  or  stalked  three  to  five  but  usually  four^ 
rayed  thick-stemmed  ferrugineo-pubescent  corymbs  often  five  or  six  inches  in  diameter,  with  minute 
subulate  bracts  and  bractle<  .  The  calyx  is  obconic,  with  short  rounded  lobes,  and  the  corolla  is 
creamy  white  and  often  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter  when  expanded,  with  orbicidar  or  oblong 
rounded  lobes.  The  stamens  with  slender  filaments  and  light  yellow  anthers,  are  exserted,  and  the 
style  is  thick,  conical,  and  terminated  by  a  broad  stigma.  The  fruit  ripens  in  October,  and  is  borne  in 
few-fruited  drooping  red-stemmed  clusters  ;  it  is  oblong  or  slightly  obovate,  bright  blue  covered  with  a 
glaucous  bloom,  and  about  hall  an  inch  long.     The  stone  is  corneous,  much  compressed,  and  concave.' 

1  The  description  of  Viburnum  prunifoiium  in  the  fifth  volume  of 
this  work  was  made  to  include  this  southern  tree.    The  shape  and 

tomentose  covering  of  its  wiutcr-buds,  the  larger  and  more  coria- 
ceous leaves  with  more  or  less  broadly  winged  fcrrugineo-tomentose 

SILVA    OF  NO  urn   AMHIilCA. 


Viburnum  rujidulum  iiilmbiU  dry  uplu'ui  wuodit  and  tlio  nmripiiH  of  river  bottnin-landi,  and  in 
diiitril)uted  from  itouthwostern  Virginia '  itnd  •outhern  lllinoia'  to  Hernando  County,  Florida,  iMmth- 
eontorn  KaoMUi,'  and  the  valley  of  the  Quadaloiipe  River,  TetM.  Un«  of  the  common  and  moat  beauti- 
ful of  the  Mmail  troea  of  the  aoutht  rn  foreata,  whiih  it  unlivona  in  early  Hpring  with  itH  great  elusterb  of 
tlowcrN  and  lustrouN  luiiveH,  Vihurniiin  rujidii/iim  in  moat  abundant,  and  attain*  its  lurireNt  aize  iu 
aouthern  Arkanitaa,  weatern  Louiaiana,  and  eastern  Toxom. 

Vihurnnm  nifi<hiliiin  was  introduced  into  the  Arnold  Arboretum  from  Misitouri  in  188.'3,  and  has 
proved  perfectly  hardy  in  eastern  Massachusetts. 

prtiolM,  lb*  widar  floirar-iluiUi't  and  th*  odor  of  th«  fmhl;  cut 
wood  which  in  liiniUr  tu  that  of  the  wo(hI  tif  VthumHm  L^ntti'fo,  ar« 
DOW  known  to  Im  oonitant  chAni£t«n,  and  niaka  it  deainibla  to 
treat  I'thumum  rujiititlum  aa  a  i(|)«eiaa.  The  ranfo*  of  th«  twti  tr««a 
ii  quit«  diffarant.  I'ihumum  ;>nini/i>/ium  id  nortbfni,  reaching  the 
■outhern  limita  of  ita  r«ng«  in  the  foothill  region  of  western  North 
Carolina  and  in  central  Miiaouri,  and  louthward  ii  entirely  rw- 
plaoed  b;  i'ihumvm  n{/iilutum,  whicb  it  the  ouljr  Arlwrtacent  Vi- 

burnum of  the  low  eountrj  of  tha  aouth  Atlantie  and  aulam  Gull 
•tatei,  and  of  Teiaa,  l/ouiaiaiia,  Arkaiiaaa,  the  Indian  Territory, 
and  southern  Miaaouh. 

I  Thr  1'iiina.le,  ]m  CouDly,  J.  K.  Small,  July  27,  IBW. 

'  (i.  II.  French,  .laekaon  County,  June,  1H7H, 

■  CiAurtiuin  T^^/idu!um  baa  been  collected  in  Cherokee  County, 
Kanuu,  by  O.  L.  ClotUer  and    II.  N.  Whitford.      (TeaU  Htrt. 


Pi-ATK  DCCX.     Viburnum  RunouiuM. 

1.  A  flowering  bnuirh.  natural  lite. 

2.  Vertical  iMtion  of  a  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  aiie. 

4.  A  fruit  divided  tnuuranely,  enlarged. 
6.  A  atone,  enlargwl. 

6.  A  winter  braneblet.  natural  site. 

7.  A  winter  branchlat  of  Vibumum  prun\folium,  nnlural  aiM. 

■  I 


K)ttotn-lan(Li,  and  ii 
iity,  Fli>ri(la,  Roiith- 
in  and  niont  heaiiti- 
itM  gTViiit  cluRtero  of 
its  Urgent  uze  iu 

ri  in  lH8!i,  and  hai 

iVtUotia  uA  Mutorn  Oult 
u,  til*  Indikii  Ti'rritorj, 

Ul,  Ju\j  it7,  IBM. 

tad  in  CherokM  Countjr, 
Whitfonl.      (TMta  Hiri. 









I'pUwd  w<i(h4«  And  tkui  BMrfin*  of  river  bottom -IuiuIb,  and  i» 
1  '  «ad  nottlwrn  lUitxnii '  to  Hpniandu  County,  Florida,  south 
.i^iUloii^w  Kivi-j     rrt4».      One  of  tho  common  and  iiio8t  heniiii 

•.•*tii.  wlii"  i.  i!  •  iili.iTis  in  early  Hpriag  with  its  grciit  cliistern  uI 
■  r,i<t"hi..     n  ,'ftoM:  iihuitdant,  and  iittaiiis  its  largest  size  i^ 
.1  i  .•.v'.'.  ri.   TtiXAH 
:.,  '.1  ii!i  . ',!..    An; 'ill    \th.irftuni  from  MitMouri  in  18^1},  and  lui- 
rn  M«MMrk«uM-t 

nfm  -t  >Im>  W>«  «mi^^  iif  th«  touth  AtUntio  and  eute'ni  Gu 
n.  '.anil,  ArksuHui,  the  Indiiui  Trrriton 

a.  •.«■•»»  i'm«*fi,,  !-»..  w.My.,I   K  Small,  July  27,  1892. 

-i^.jy  ...  ('.    ICfWMh,  J»«k»>w  I'wmty,  .lone,  1H7H. 

,,,,,.    \     :t  '   V'ttxtnim  n/idvlvm  biu  keen  eolletteii  in  Clierokee  County, 

.T.-.ii   w  KiJMW,  ''-   ''     '     '"tntkier  ami    M    *<    Whilford.      (Teste  Ihrt. 

-.1.  -'/M  Vi-  Grtt).) 


^    lltTX.      VlI>C»»P»l    aOTUJl'll'M. 

MKg  bmiHi.  n«ta»J  ti%'- 
t*ti%i«ti  al  a  ttnvgr.  antargiKt. 

'  i-aLirh.  natflrai  «(« 

■  '  tra<»r*r»i>iy.  •'tilarftwj. 

.  "ii/'WMim,  iiatvral  nit*. 



'  bottom -laiuLt,  and  is 
oiiiity,  Florida,  south- 
imon  and  most  bettuti- 
;li  itn  grpjit  cl  listers  of 
us  its  largest  size  ii 

nuri  in  1883,  and  Itait 

Lh  Atlantic  and  eajiloni  GuK 
uiaaA,  the  Indian  Torritm'j. 

)iu«ll,  Julj  27,  1892. 

ne,  1878. 

U'vt^ii  in  Cherokre  Connljr, 

V     W  hit  ford.      (  ro»t«  //t* 

Silva  oF  North  America 

Tab  DCCX 

f^ '  J".'  Ktatjn-  ciM- 


J^Ki^nne  j-c 

A  }it.'rrf44.r  ./^/•rtr 

Jnif*  ./ /hfj^^r  P.tfij- 

1  ft 




Flowers  perfect ;  calyx  unequally  4  or  5-toothcd  or  lobed ;  corolla  gamopetalous, 
4-lobed,  the  lobes  imbricated  in  sestivation ;  stamens  4 ;  ovary  inferior,  2-celled ;  ovule 
solitary,  pendulous.  Fruit  obpyramidal,  2-coccou8 ;  seeds  arillate.  Leaves  opposite  or 
verticillate,  petiolate,  stipulate. 

Cephalanthus,  Linnnus,  Oen.  61  (1737).  —  Adanaon,  Fam. 
PI.  ii.  147.  —  A.  L.  de  Juuieu,  Oen.  209;  M'em.  Mut. 
vi.  402.  —  A.  Richard,  Mim.  Sac.  Nat.  Paris,  v.  155.  — 

Endlicher,  Gen.  630.  —  Meisner,  Oen.  170.  —  Bentham  & 
Hooker,  Gen.  ii.  30.  —  BaiUon,  Hist.  PI.  vii.  494.  —  Schu- 
inanD,  Engler  &  Prantl  Pflanxenfam.  ir.  pt.  iv.  69. 

Small  trees  or  shrubs.  Leaves  opposite  or  in  verticils  of  threes,  petiolate ;  stipules  triangular  or 
ovate,  interpetiolar,  deciduous,  or  persistent.  Flowers  nectariferous,  yellow  or  creamy  white,  sessile  in 
the  axils  of  glandular  bracts,  in  dense  globose  pedunculate  terminal  or  axillaty  solitary  or  panicled 
heads.  Receptacle  globose,  setose.  Calyx-tube  obpyramidal,  the  short  limb  unequally  four  or  five- 
toothed  or  lobed.  Corolla  tubular  funnel-form  or  sau^^r-shaped,  divided  into  four  or  five  short  spreading 
or  reflexed  lobes,  usually  furnished  with  a  minute  dark  gland  at  the  base  or  on  the  side  of  eacli  sinus, 
glabrous  or  puberulous  on  the  inner  surface  of  the  tube.  Stamens  four,  inserted  on  the  threat  of  the 
corolla ;  filaments  short ;  anthers  linear-oblong,  sagittate,  apiculate  at  the  base,  attached  on  the  back 
belo«  the  middle,  two-celled,  the  cells  opening  long^itudinally.  Disk  thin  or  obscure,  or  annular  and 
fleshy.  Ovary  bicarpellate,  two-celled  ;  style  filiform,  elongated :  stigma  clavate,  entire  or  slightly 
bilobed ;  ovules  solitary,  suspended  from  the  apex  of  the  cell  on  a  short  thickened  papillose  funicle, 
anatropous ;  raphe  ventral ;  micropyle  superior.  Fruit  obpyramidal,  coriaceous,  dicoccous.  Seeds 
oblong,  pendulous,  covered  at  the  apex  by  white  spongy  arils ;  testa  membranaceous.  Embryo  straight, 
in  cartilaginous  albumen  ;  cotyledons  linear-oblong,  obtuse ;  radicle  elongated,  superior. 

Five  species  of  Cephalanthus  are  now  recognized.  One  is  widely  spread  over  the  temperate  and 
warmer  parts  of  North  America  and  reaches  the  Antilles ;  three  species  occur  in  South  America  from 
Uruguay  to  eastern  Peru  ;'  and  one  species'  is  distributed  from  the  Sikkim  Himalaya  to  China  and  the 
Malay  peninsula  and  archipelago. 

Only  the  North  American  species  is  known  to  possess  useful  properties. 

The  generic  name,  from  Kf<f>a\r]  and  av6o<s  relates  to  the  capitate  inflorescence. 

■  Sobumann,  Marlim  Fl.  Braiil.  vi.  pt.  vi.  127. 
'  Cephalanthiu  tttrandrui. 

Nauelea  Itlrandra,  Roxburgh,  FI.  Ind.  ii.  12fi  (1824). 

Cephalanthus  naucleouUi,  De  Candolle,  Prodr.  iv.  539  (1830).  — 
Kun,  Foral  Fl.  Brit.  Bum.  ii.  68.  —  Hance,  Jour.  Bot.  ix. 
6.  —  Uooktr  t.  Fl.  Brit.  Ind.  iii.  24, 

Ctphalanthus  aralioidet,  Zollinger,  Syit.  Vert.  61  (1354). — 
Miquel,  Fl.  Ned.  Ind.  ii.  152,  344. 

Cephalanthus  occidenlatis,  Forbea  &  Hemsley,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc. 
xxiii.  369  (not  Liniueus)  (1888). 










Button  Bush. 

Calyx  usually  4-lobed ;   corolla  tubular  funnel-form,  usually  glandular.     Leaves 
ovate  or  lanceolate,  acute  or  acuminate,  membranaceous. 

Cephalanthus  oooidentalis,  Linnnua,  Sptc.  95  (1753) 

Miller,  Diet.  eil.  8.  — Cr  '^oi,  Harbk.  Baunut.  i.  145.— 
Wangenheiin,  Baehreib.  Sordam.  IIolx.HO:  Nordam. 
Uolz.  101.  —  Lamarck.  Diet.  i.  078  ;  lU.  i.  256.  t.  59.  — 
Coatiglioni,  Viag.  negli  Stati  I'niti,  ii.  T2'2.  —  Mamhall, 
Arbust.  A m. 30.  —  Walter,  Fl.  Car.  84.  —  Sehkuhr,  Ilandb. 
i.  6C,  t.  21.  —  Will.lenow.  Berl.  Baumz.  58 ;  Spec.  i.  pt 
ii.  543;  £ninn.  143.  —  Borkhausen,  Uandb.  Fiirttbot.  ii. 
1563.  —  Giertncr,  Fruet.  ii.  41,  t  86,  f.  7.  —  Michaux,  Fl. 
Bor.-Am.  i.  87.  —  Pernoon,  Syn.  i.  119. —  Du  Mont  da 
Cuunet,  Bot.  Cult.  eil.  2,  iv.  330.  —  Denfontaines,  Hist. 
Ari.\.3Sl.  —  Pnnh,Fl.Am.Sept.  i.  114.  — Bigelow,  Fl. 
Bonton.  Za.  —  KUiott,  Sk.  i.  186.  —  Nuttall.  Gen.  i.  92.  — 
.M.inJaiit  lie  Lau  lay.  Herb.  Amat.  iv.  272,  f.  272.— 
Hayne,  i>'i</r.  Fl.  5.  —  Barton,  Fl.  Am.  Sept.  iii.  56,  t. 
91. —  Sprengel,  Syst.  i.  377.  —  De  CandoUe,  Prorfp.  iv. 
538.  —  Hooker,  Fl.  Bor.-Am.  i.  288.  —  Darlington,  Fl. 
Cestr.  98.  —  S|)acli,  Hist.  Vfg.  viii.  463.  —  Torrey  &  Gray, 
Fl.  N.  Atii.  ii.  31.  —  Enienwn,  Trees  Mass.  ;M9 ;  cd.  2,  ii. 

394,  t.  —  Torrey,  Fl.  N.  Y.  i.  313.  —  Dietrich,  -Syn.  i. 

■<  "^2.  —  Chapman,  Fl.  176.  — Curtin,  Hep.  Oeolog.  Surv.  N. 
'.  1860,  iii.  107.  —  K.  Kocli,  Deiirfr.  ii.  76.  —  Lauche, 

Jjtittche  Dendr.  ed.  2,  185,  f.  66.  — Gray,  Syn.  Fl.  i. 

pt.  ii.  29 —  i:N])pel,  Hamlb.  LaubhoUk.  i.  163.  —  Watson 

&  Coulter,  Gray's  Man.  ed.  6,  224.  —  Britton  &  Brown, 

m.  Fl.  iii.  216.  f.  3403.  —  Mohr,  Contrib.   U.  S.  Nat. 

Herb.  y\.  739  (Plant  Life  of  Alabama).  —  Britton,  Man. 

863.  —  Gattinger,  Fl.  Ter~es>ee,  155. 
Cephalanthus  oppositifo    ..8,  Moe.nch.  Meth.  487  (1794). 
Cephalanthus  oooidentalis,  var.  pubesoens,  Rafinesque, 

Med.  Fl.  101  (1828). 
Cephalanthus  oooidentalis,  var.  macrophyllus,  Ra6- 

nesque,  Med.  Fl.  101  (1828). 
Cephalanthus    oooidentalis,    var.    obtusifulius,    Ra6- 

nenque,  Med.  Fl.  102  (1828). 
Cephalanthus  oooidentalis,  var.  braohypodus,  De  Can- 

doUc,  Frodr.  iii.  6:59  (1830). 

Usually  a  slirub  only  a  few  feet  high,  or  vory  rarely  arborescent  at  the  north,'  Cephalanthus 
occtdmtalin  in  southern  Arkansas  and  eastern  Texas,  on  the  margins  of  river-bottoms  and  swamps 
and  in  their  pond  holes,  often  attains  a  height  of  from  forty  to  fifty  feet  with  r,  straight  tapering 
trunk  a  foot  in  diameter  and  frequently  free  of  limbs  for  twenty  feet,  and  ascending  and  spreading 
branches.  The  bark  of  large  trunks  is  dark  gray-brown  or  often  nearly  black  and  divided  by  deep 
fissures  into  broad  fiat  ridges  broken  on  the  surface  into  elongated  narrow  scales.  The  branchlets 
are  stout,  with  a  thick  pitii,  and  are  glabrous,  marked  by  large  oblong  pale  lenticcls,  and  developed 
mostly  in  verticils  of  threes  from  the  ii.iillary  buds  of  one  of  the  upper  nodes,  the  end  of  the 
branch  dying  back,  at  the  north  at  least,  in  the  autumn  ; ''  they  are  light  green  when  they  first 
appeitr,  pale  reddish  brown  covered  with  a  glaucous  bloom  during  their  first  winter,  when  they  are 
marked  by  the  small  semicircular  leaf-scars,  which  show  semiluiiate  fibrovasculur  bundle-scars,  and  are 
connected  by  the  stipule-scars  or  by  the  persistent  black  stipules ;  during  the  following  season  the 
brunclilct.s  become  darker  and  dark  brown  in  their  third  year,  when  the  tissures  usually  appear  and  the 
b.irk  begins  to  separate  into  the  large  loose  scales  which  are  found  on  the  large  branches  and  on 
the  stems  of  .small  plants.  The  axillary  buds  are  single  or  in  pairs  or  in  threes  one  above  the  other, 
minute  and  nearly  immersed  in  the  bark.  The  leaves  are  ovate  or  lanceolate,  acute,  acuminate  or 
short-pointed  at  the  apex,  rounded  or  cuneate  at  the  base,  membranaceous,  dark  green  on  the  upper 
surface,  paler  and  glabrous  or  pubcrulous  on  the  lower  surface,  from  four  to  seven  inches  long  and  from 
an  inch  to  three  inches  and  a  half  wide,  with  stout  light  yellow  midribs,  five  or  six  pairs  of  slender 

'   Ilritlon,  yuur.  .V.   )'   lUil.  (lard.  i.  51,  f.  U. 

''  f  ciurttc,  Ihdl.  Tnrrry  Hot.  Ctuh,  xi,  Iti'J  ;  ft)(.  Gaztllt,  ii.  79,  t.  8,  f .  1,  c-g. 






dular.     Leaves 

lacrophylluB,  Rafl- 

obtueifuUua,    Ra6- 

iobypoduB,  De  Can- 

primary  veins  nearly  parallel  with  the  sides  of  the  leaf,  and  stout  grooved  glabrous  or  puberulous 
petioles  from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  length.  The  stipules  are  minute,  nearly  triangu- 
lar, deciduous,  or  persistent  during  the  winter.  The  flower-heads  are  panicled  and  from  an  inch  to  an 
inch  and  a  half  in  diameter.  The  creamy  white  flowers,  which  open  from  the  middle  of  May  in  Florida 
and  Texas  to  the  middle  of  August  in  the  Atlantic  states  and  Canada,  and  on  the  mountains  of 
California,  are  very  fragrant.  The  calyx  is  usually  four  but  occasionally  five-lobed,  with  short  rounded 
lobes,  and  is  slightly  villose  toward  the  base.  The  corolla  is  tubular  funnel-form,  puberulous  on  the 
inner  face,  and  glandular  or  egLindular.  The  anthers  are  nearly  sessile,  included,  and  discharge  their 
pollen  before  the  flowers  open.'  The  disk  is  thin  and  obscure,  and  the  style  is  elongated,  with  an  entire 
stigma.  The  heads  of  fruit,  which  ripen  late  in  the  autumn,  are  from  five  eighths  to  three  quarters  of 
an  inch  in  diameter,  green  tinged  with  red,  and  ultimately  dark  red-brown. 

Cephalanthus  occidentalls  grows  in  swamps  and  the  low  wet  borders  of  ponds  and  streams,  and 
ranges  from  New  Brunswick  to  Ontario  ^  and  eastern  Nebraska  '  and  Kansas,*  and  southward  to  Florida, 
Texas,  New  Mexico,  and  A  '  .na.  It  is  also  widely  distributed  in  California,'  and  grows  in  Mexico  ° 
and  Cuba.' 

The  bark  of  Cephalanthus  occidentalis  contains  tannin,  and,  although  its  medical  virtues  are 
problematical,  it  has  been  often  used  in  the  treatment  of  fevere  ^  and  in  homoeopathic  practice." 

The  earliest  account  of  Cephalanthus  occidentalis  was  published  by  Plukenet  in  1691.'°  Accord- 
ing to  Alton  it  was  cultivated  in  England  by  Philip  Miller  in  1735." 

>  Cross  fertilizntion  of  the  fiowera  of  Cephalanthu)  occiderlatu  is 
secured  by  the  early  maturity  of  tbo  anthers.  These  discharge 
their  pollen  before  the  buds  open  in  a  conical  mass  on  the  imm^ 
ture  stigma,  which  later  is  carried  by  the  lengthening  of  the  style 
to  a  point  high  above  the  flowers  where  it  must  come  in  contact 
\Tith  insects  which  are  attracted  in  great  numbers  to  the  flower- 
heads  by  tlicir  fragrance  and  by  the  abundant  nectar  in  the  bottom 
uf  the  corollas,  and  which  carry  the  pollen  masses  from  the  imma- 
ture stigma  of  one  flower  to  the  mature  stigma  of  another.  (See 
Kobcrtson,  liol.  Gaulte,  xvi.  OS.  —  Blanchan,  Nalure'i  Garden, 
25i,  t.) 

Meehan  believed  that  the  early  discharge  of  the  pollen  on  to  the 
stigma  resulted  in  self-fertilization,  but  his  own  observations  do 
not  appear  to  support  his  theory,  as  he  found  that  only  one  in  Ave 
flowers  of  a  head  were  fertilized,  a  fact  which  Robertson  takes 
as  presumptive  evidence  against  self-fertilizatio^.  (See  Meehan, 
I'roc.  Phil.  Acad.  1887,  3'.i7  IConlnbulims  to  Ike  Life  History  of 

'  Provancher,  Flore  Canadimne,  i.  201.  —  Brunet,  Cat.  Vig.  Lig. 
Can.  ;H.  —  Macouu,  Cat.  Can.  Pi  199. 

'  Bcssey,  Bull.  Erper.  Slat.  Nebraska,  iv.  art.  iv.  22. 

*  Hitchcock,  F/.  Kansas,  plate  xvi. 

»  Gray,  Brewer  Sc  Watson  Bot.  Cat.  i.  282.  —  Eastwood,  Bull. 
Sierra  Club,  iv.  58. 

'  Ilcmsley,  Pot.  Biol.  Am.  Cent.  ii.  6. 

In  southern  Arizona  and  In  Mcsico  the  leaves  of  Cepkalantkui 

occidntalia  ore  often  mnoh  narrower  than  those  nsually  produced 
by  Durthern  plants,  although  the  leaves  vary  greatly  everywhere  on 
different  individuals.    The  narrow-leaved  Mexican  form  is 

Cephalar\lhu$  occidentalis,  var.  lalici/oliut.  Gray,  5yn.  Fl.  N.  Am. 
i.  pt.  ii.  29  (1884). 

Cephalanthus  snlici/olius,  Humboldt  &  Bonpland,  PI.  jEquin.  ii. 
63,  t.  98  (1809).  — Humboldt,  Bonpladd  &  Kunth,  Nou.  Oen.  et 
Spec.  iii.  381.  — Kunth,  Sgn.  PI.  jEquin.  iii.  39.  — De  CandoUe, 
Pndr.  iii.  539.  —  Dietrich,  Syn.  i.  462.  —  Hemsley,  I.  c. 
'  Grisebach,  Cat.  PL  Cuba,  139. 

•  Raflnesque,  Med.  Fl.  100,  t.  20.  —  Griffith.  Med.  Bot.  356.  — 
Johnson,  Man.  Med.  Bot.  N.  Am.  16S.— U.  S.  Dispem.  ed.  16, 
1750.  — Parke,  Davis  &  Co.,  Organic  Mat.  Med.  37. 

•  Millspaugh,  Am.  Med.  PI.  in  Homceopathic  Remedies,  i.  76, 
t.  76. 

"  Arbor  Americana  triphylla,/ructu  Platani  quodammodo  amulante, 
Plukenet,  Phyl.  t.  77,  f.  4  ;  Almagest.  Bot.  47. 

Scabiosa  dendroides  Americana,  temis  foliis  circa  caulen.  ambien' 
tibus,Jloribus  ochroleucis,  Plunkenet,  Almagest.  Bot.  336. 

Platanocephalus  tini  foliis  ex  adverso  ternis,  Vaillant,  Mem.  Acad. 
Sd.  Paris,  1722,  191. 

Cephalanthus  foliis  temis,  Lin.ueus,  Sort.  Cliff.  73.  —  Royen,  Fl. 
Leyd.  Prodr.  187. 

Cephalanthus  foliis  oppositis  ^  lemit,  Clayton,  Fl.  Virgin.  15. 

Cephalanthus,  Duhamel,  Traile  des  Arbres,  i.  145. 

"  Hort.  Kew.  i.  132.  —  Loudon,  Arb.  Brit.  ii.  1001,  f.  828, 829. 






!  J 

f         ; 



Plate  DCCXL    CKriiALANTRUs  occuentalis. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natunl  aiu. 

2.  Diagram  of  »  flower. 

3.  A  flower  with  bracUet,  enlarged. 

4.  Vertical  aeetion  o{  a  flower,  the  corolla  removed,  enlarged. 
6.  A  corolla  laid  open,  enlarged. 

6.  A  stamen,  front  and  rear  viewi,  enlarged. 

7.  A  head  of  fruit,  natural  >ize. 

8.  A  fruit  divided  transversely,  enlarged. 

9.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  enlarged. 

10.  A  seed,  rear  view,  enlarged. 

11.  Vertical  section  of  a  seed  cut  at  right  angles  with  the  back,  enlarged. 

12.  Vertical  section  of  a  seed  cut  parallel  with  the  back,  enlarged. 

13.  An  embryo,  enlarged. 











IN    t^ 

'¥    PLATE. 

Htiir    i-i       \i       I\rHi'>i  ihmiiKNTAJ.II. 
K  ^  :^«nni;  hrwM'b.  tiMturkl  UM. 
I  >i>^rwu  iif  a  riuwur 
A  Aower  «rit)i  bracUat.  enlar^pd. 

»  ai  ••etioii  of  »  flowsr,  tika  roroiU  ntmurvd,  enlarged. 
■  •         I 

ft,  »r'!&rx«d 


Morth   Air.eiCi 

Tab    DCC.M 



rSF,,.r.'l  ,!.■/ 



A  UiOi'rtHi.r  .iu't'.v  ' 

Jmp  .  /  Ttifi^ur  Paruf 

•^'^'iWMnMUwOdMiSRMintfTffSiS^^HQHHlefca^^  "^ 



)S  A 






Flowers  perfect ;  calyx  4  or  6-lobed  or  divided,  the  lobes  imbricated  in  aestiva- 
tion ;  petals  3  to  5,  slightly  imbricated  or  subvalvate  in  aestivation  ;  stamens  3  to  10 ;  ovary 
superior,  3  to  5-cclled ;  ovules  numerous.  Fruit  capsular,  sessile,  or  stipitate.  Leaves 
alternate,  membranaceous,  destitute  of  stipules. 

BlUottia,  EUiott,  Sk.  i.  448  (1817).  — NutuU,  Gtn.  ii.  Addi- 
tions. —  Endlicher,  Oen.  7C6.  —  Maimer,  Gen.  247.  — 
Bentham  dc  Hooker,  Oen.  ii.  698.  —  Baillon,  Iliat.  PI. 
zi.  176.  —  Drude,  EngUsr  &  PranU  Pjiatucnfam.  iv.  pt 
i.  32. 

Tripetalela,  Siebold  St  Zueowini,  Abhand.  Akad.  Muneh. 
iii.  731,  t.  3,  f.  2  (1843).  —  Drade,  Engler  Se  Prantl 
Pflanunfam.  iv.  pL  !.  33. 

Glabrous  trees  or  shrubs,  with  terete  or  angled  branchlets,  scaly  buds,  and  fibrous  roots.  Leaves 
alternate,  obovate  or  elliptical,  entire,  glandular-apiculate,  membranaceous,  petiolate,  destitute  of 
stipules,  deciduous.  Flowers  white  or  rose-colored,  pedicellate,  in  erect  terminal  elongated  racemose 
panicles ;  bracts  and  bractlets  minute,  caducous,  or  foliaceous  and  persistent.  Calyx  four  or  five-lobed 
or  divided.  Petals  three  to  five,  linear-oblong,  sessile,  equal  or  very  unequal,  revolute  after  anthesis. 
Stamens  four  to  ten,  hypogynous ;  filaments  flattened ;  anthers  oblong,  attached  on  the  back  near  the 
base,  two-celled,  the  cells  free  at  the  apex,  opening  longitudinally  from  above  downward.  Disk  thin 
or  much  thickened.  Ovary  sessile  or  stipitate.  subglobose,  tliree  to  five-lobed,  concave  at  the  apex ; 
style  elongated,  slender  or  thickened,  curved  or  declinate,  gradually  enlarged  and  club-shaped  above ; 
stigma  three  to  five-lobed,  smaller  than  the  thickened  end  of  the  style  ;  ovules  numerous  in  each  cell, 
attached  on  the  inner  angle  of  a  tumid  placenta,  ascending,  anatropous.  Fruit  capsular,  subglobose, 
depressed  at  the  apex,  sessile  or  stipitate,  three  to  five-lobed,  opening  septicidally  from  above  downward 
into  three  to  five  valves  free  from  the  placentiferous  axis.  Seeds  compressed,  ovoid,  or  ellipsoidal ; 
testa  cellulose ;  embryo  minrte,  clavate,  two-lobed,  in  fleshy  albumen.' 

Three  species  of  EUiottia  are  now  known.  One,  the  type  of  the  genus,  inhabits  the  states  of 
Georgia  and  South  Carolina,  and  the  others  are  small  shrubs  of  central  and  northern  Japan.'^ 

The  genus  commemorates  in  its  name  Stephen  Elliott,'  the  distinguished  author  of  the  Sketch  of 
the  Botany  of  South  Carolina  and  Georgia. 

'  The  three  speeiei  of  Elliotti*  were  arranged  by  Bentham  & 
Hoolcer  in  three  sections  :  — 

1.  Calyx  foiiNtoothed,  short,  cup-shaped.  Petals  four.  Sta- 
mens twice  as  manjr  as  the  petals.  Ovary  sessile.  Bracts  and 
bractlets  minute,  caducous.     (EUiottia  racemona.) 

2.  Calyx  fl^e-lobcd,  short,  oup-shnped.  Petals  three  to  fire. 
Stamens  three  to  six.  Ovary  stipitate.  Bracts  linear.  {EUiitlia 

3.  Calyx  five-parted,  the  divisions  linear-oblong,  longer  than 

the  fruit.     Petals  three  to  five.     Stamens  as  many  as  the  petals. 

Ovary  sessile.     Bracts  foliaceous,   persistent.     (EUiottia  brae- 


'  Maximowicz,  Bull.  Acad.  Sci.  St.  Pitersbourg,  xi.  433  (Met. 
Biol.  vi.  aOO);  xvi.  401j  iviii.  .■)2  (.Mil.  Biol.  viii.  621)  (Tripe- 
tnleia).  —  Franchet  &  Savatier,  £num.  PI.  Jap.  i.  2&(. 

•  See  xi.  169. 





li  tu 






Calyx  short,  cupular,  4-toothed  ;  petals  4  ;  stamens  8  ;  ovnry  sessile  on  a  thick- 
ened disk. 

BlMottU  raoemoM,   EUiott,  Sk.  I.  448  rl817).  —  Chapman,  ft.  273.  —  Bklllon,  Adantmia,  I  200.  — Gny,  Syn.  Ft. 
y.  Am.  U.  pt  i.  44  — Hwgtnt,  Oardtn  and  Forut,  y\\.  207,  (.  37. 

A  tree,  fifteen  or  twenty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  four  or  five  inchea  in  diameter  covered  with 
thin  smooth  light  gray  bark,  and  short  ascending  branches  which  form  a  narrow  pyramidal  head ;  or 
more  frequently  shrubby.  The  branchlets  are  erect,  slender,  and  terete,  and  when  they  first  appear 
light  red-brown  and  pilose ;  during  their  first  winter  they  are  bright  ornnge-brown,  lustrous  and  nearly 
glabrous,  light  brown  slightly  tinged  with  red  during  their  second  season,  and  dark  gray-brown  the 
following  year.  The  terminal  winter-buds  are  broadly  ovate,  acute,  and  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch 
long,  with  much  thickened  bright  chestnut-brown  shining  scales  conspicuously  white-pubescent  near  the 
margins  toward  the  apex.  The  leaves  are  obluiig  or  oblong-ovate,  acute  at  the  end«  or  occasionally 
rounded  at  the  apex,  membranaceous,  dark  green  and  glabrous  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  and  villose 
on  the  lower  surface  particularly  along  the  thin  yellow  midribs  and  obscure  forked  veins,  from  three  to 
four  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide ;  they  are  borne  on  slender  flattened 
villose  petioles  from  one  third  to  one  half  of  an  inch  in  length,  and  abruptly  enlarged  at  the  base, 
which  nearly  covers  the  small  ovate  compressed  axillary  buds ;  these  are  rounded  or  short-pointed  at 
the  apex.  The  leaf-scars  are  slightly  raised  and  oblongK>bovate,  with  conspicuous  central  fibrovascular 
bundle-scars.  The  flowers,  which  are  about  half  an  inch  long,  open  from  the  middle  to  the  »nd  of 
June,  and  are  borne  on  slender  elongated  pedicels,  in  loose  many-flowered  racemose  panicles  from  seven 
to  ten  inches  in  length,  with  acute  scarious  caducous  bracts  and  bractlets.  The  calyx  is  shoi-t,  cu\y 
shaped,  dark  red-brown,  and  puberulous,  with  broad  apiculate  teeth  erose  on  the  margins.  The  four 
petals  are  spatulate-linear  and  white.  The  eight  stamens  are  shorter  than  the  petals,  with  elongated 
broad  flattened  filaments  and  oblong-ovate  anthers  callous-mucronate  at  the  tips  of  the  spreading  lobes. 
The  ovary  is  sessile  on  a  thick  fleshy  disk,  four-celled,  and  abruptly  narrowed  into  the  slender  elongated 
style,  incurved  at  the  apex,  and  the  ovules  are  numerous  in  each  cell.     The  frui;  Ir  still  unknown. 

Ellioltia  racemosa,  which  is  one  of  the  rarest  North  American  trees,  inhabits  sandy  woods  in  a 
few  isolated  stations  in  the  valley  of  the  Savannah  River  near  Augusta,  and  in  Burke  and  Bullock 
counties,  Georgia.  It  was  discovered  early  in  the  nineteenth  century  near  Waynesboro,  Georgia, 
and  was  included,  but  without  a  description,  by  Muehlenberg  in  his  Cntalogux  Plantarum  America 
Seplentrionalin  published  in  1813.' 

Three  or  four  plants  taken  from  the  woods  near  Augusta  in  1875  by  Asa  Gray  and  planted  in 
Mr.  Berckmans's  nursery  in  that  city  have  grown  into  shapely  trees  and  are  still  flourishing.  There  is 
only  one  other  record '  of  the  successful  cultivation  of  this  plant. 


>  BUiollia  racemota  wm  diwoTcnd  near  Wayneaboro,  Burks 
Cuunty,  Georgia,  perhaps  b;  Stephen  Elliott  himaelf.  Much  later 
it  wa8  found  near  Augusta,  and  in  1853  Mr.  S.  T.  Olney  collected 
it  at  Hamburg  on  the  South  Carolina  aide  of  the  Savannah  River 
oppoaite  Auguata.  No  trace  of  EUiottia  baa  been  found  in  theae 
Btationa  by  the  botaniata  who  have  viaited  them  in  recent  years  but 
in  Juue,  1001,  Mr.  R,  M.  Harper  found  a  colony  of  the  planta  near 

Bloya,  Bullock  County,  Georgia,  about  forty  milea  aouth  of  Waynes- 
boro. (See  Small,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Bol.  Ganl.  ii.  113.  —  Harper,  Plant 
Wortil,  V.  87,  f.  12.)  Elliott  atatea  that  he  bad  alao  received  ape.'ii- 
mens  of  EUiottia  from  the  Oconee  [River].     (Sk.  i.  448.) 

'  Muehlenberg  atatea  that  a  Mr.  Oemler  "  had  the  ohrub,  once, 
in  hia  garden."  (See  letter  of  April  20,  1813,  to  Baldwin  in  Reli- 
(juia  Baldwiniaua,  70.) 




Platr  DCCXIL     Elliottia  bacbmoha. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  lize. 

2.  Diagram  of  a  flower. 

3.  A  petal,  enlarged. 

4.  A  (tamen,  front  and  rear  views,  enlarged. 
6.  Portion  of  a  style  and  stigma,  enlarged. 

6.  An  orary,  enlarge<l. 

7.  Vertical  section  of  an  ovary,  enlarged. 

8.  Cross  section  of  an  ovary,  enlarged. 









;  i 

-  M 

'   1    '  - 

■1    ■■ 

;  ■ 


■i  ■ 



EXri.ANAriON   iiK  THK    I'l.ATK. 

PiATK  IJCC'XJI.     ELLifrmA  ra<:iui<ha. 
i.  A  flowarioR  bnncli.  ii*ttml  lixe. 
2.   Diagrwn  of  a  Hown 

4.  A  ritankeri,  (nnit  aikI  rear  vievn.  rnlarj^^^tl. 
S-  Portion  <>{  »  utt  Ih  uul  aiigib^  eiilitrgwl. 
<>.   An  o»«ry,  cnlBrfpni. 
T-    Vrrtif*!  M«lt»i'  of  «•  o?»ry,  i-iiiargMi. 
8.  Crw*  wrlion  ui  tn  uT»ry,  anUrgwI. 


i!va  oi'  Morlh   America. 

Tab   DCC/.H 


LarLiuti  Jv 


.4  Htorrit4.r  {firt\r  ^ 

Jrnp  .  ^ Tantmr  J'.tru 












Leaflets  5,  ovate  to  oblong,  mostly  coarsely  serrate,  long-petiolulate. 

Frazinua  ooriaoea,   WaUon,   Am,  Nat.  vii.  302   (1873)  ; 

Cat.  PI.    Wheeler,  15.  —  Rothrook,    Wheeler's  Rep,  vi. 

185,  t.  22.— Coville,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  iv.  148 

{Bot,  Death  Valley  Exped.). 
Frazinua  piataoiEefolia,  var.  ooriaoer.,  Gray,  Syn.  Fl.  N. 

Am.  ii.  pt  i.  74  (1878).  —  Wenzif.  Bot.  Jahrb.  iv.  182. 

Fraxinus  pioiacieefolia,  Sargent,  Forest  Trees  N.  Am.  \Qth 
Census  U.  S.  ix.  106  (in  part)  (not  Torrey)  (1884). 

Fraxinus  velutina,  Sargent,  SUva  N.  Am.  vi.  41  (in  part) 
(not  Torrey)  (1894). 

A  tree,  occasionally  thirty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  from  twelve  to  sixteen  inches  in  diameter, 
stout  spreading  branches  foi-ming  a  round-topped  head,  and  comparatively  slender  ashy  gray  branchlets 
which,  tomentose  when  they  first  appear  and  coated  with  soft  fine  pubescence  for  one  or  two  years, 
are  ultimately  glabrous.  T.  •  leaves  are  generally  about  six  inches  long,  with  stout  grooved  pubescent 
petioles,  and  usually  five  leaflets ;  these  are  ovate  or  oblong,  acute,  acuminate  or  rounded  at  the  apex, 
broadly  cuneate  or  rounded  at  the  base,  coarsely  repand-serrate,  long-petiolulate,  coated  as  they  appear 
with  long  pale  hairs,  which  are  most  abundant  on  the  lower  surface,  and  at  maturity  thick  and  firm  in 
texture,  dark  green  and  glabrous  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  and  glabrous  or  pubescent  on  the  lower 
surface,  from  two  to  three  inches  long  and  from  one  to  two  inches  vide.  On  leading  shoots  the 
leaves  are  sometimes  reduced  to  single  long-stalked  leaflets,  or  are  threc-foliolate,  with  a  large  termi- 
nal leaflet  and  small  lateral  leaflets.  The  flowers,  which  appear  about  the  middle  of  April  with  or 
before  the  unfolding  leaves,  are  produced  in  short  compact  panicles,  the  males  and  females  on  different 
individuals  from  buds  in  the  axils  of  leaves  of  the  previous  year,  covered  by  broadly  ovate  scales 
rounded  and  often  short-pointed  at  the  apex,  and  coated  on  the  outer  surface  with  rusty  tomentum. 
The  calyx  is  cup-shaped  and  larg«ir  and  more  deeply  divided  in  the  pistillate  than  in  the  staminate 
flower.  The  anthers  are  oblong  aud  nearly  sessile.  The  ovary  is  abruptly  narrowed  into  the  slender 
style  slightly  divided  into  two  stiginatic  lobes.  The  fruit  ripens  late  in  the  season,  and  is  borne  in 
narrow  clusters  from  two  to  three  inches  in  length ;  it  is  slender,  oblong,  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch 
to  an  inch  long,  and  the  wing,  which  is  rounded  and  often  emarginate  at  the  apex  and  about  an  eighth 
oi  an  inch  wide,  is  about  as  long  as  the  terete  wingless  body.' 

Fraxinus  corlacea  inhabits  the  desert  region  of  southern  Utiih,  northern  Arizona,  southern 
Nevada,  and  southeastern  California,  and  has  been  collected  in  the  neighborhood  of  St.  George,  Utah,'' 
at  Ash  Meiidows,  Nevada,'  in  the  Devil  Run  Caiion,  Arizona,*  and  on  Cottonwood  Creek  on  the  west 
side  of  Owen's  Lake,  California." 

,;   ;i| 

1  In  the  sixth  Tolumo  of  this  work  Fraxiuus  coriacea  was  con- 
sidered a  form  of  Fraximts  vetutiua.  It  differs  from  that  species 
ill  its  fewer  luuger-stulkcd  Icatlots  which  arc  more  coriaceous  and 
more  coarsely  serrate,  and  in  its  range,  Fraxinus  coriacea  being  a 
trc-e  of  the  mesas  and  low  plains,  while  Fraxinu^i  velutina  is  an  in- 
habitant of  mountain  cafions ;  and  with  our  still  slight  knowledge  of 
the  southwestern  species  of  Fraxinus  it  is  perhaps  best  to  consider 
it  a  species. 

3  By  Dr.  Edward  Palmer  in  187S,  and  by  J.  \V.  Carpenter  in 

■^  By  Lieutenant  Wheeler,  U.  S.  A.,  in  1871,  and  by  Dr.  Frede> 
ick  V.  Coville  on  the  Death  Valley  Expedition  in  1891. 

•  By  Dr.  J.  M.  IJigelow  of  the  Mexican  Boundary  Survey  {teste 
S.  Watson),  who  was  probably  the  discoverer  of  this  tree. 

•■  By  Dr.  Frederick  V.  Coville  on  the  Death  Valley  Expedition 
in  1891. 








i  ■ 





Platk  IX}CXin.     Fhaxinus  cobucka. 

1.  A  brunt'li  with  staiiiinAto  flowers,  iialurU  liia. 

'J.  A  litaniinate  tluwc r,  enlarged. 

3.  A  branrh  with  jnstillate  (lowera,  natural  aire. 

4.  A  |>iiitiUnte  flower,  enlnrf^ed. 

6.  A  friiitiii);  branrh.  natural  size. 

6.  Vertical  nertion  uf  a  fruit,  natural  niza. 

7.  A  winter  braoclilet,  natural  aize. 






^  / 


i|       < '  i 

a 'I 


i  ; 





iHCXm.       l>'ilAXI|irU«   COMACXil. 

.  "  li  wilh  kUmm»l«.'  Hoirein,  oM'iral  liia. 

■ '  'i  witii  (NslilUte  lliiwrra,  nuturkl  ritr. 

U  nil**. 

<    'iktitnl  ails. 


iva  of  North  Amenca. 

Tib.  Dccxni, 



.\  :\?^ 




M  'V 



(C  S/a^x^n  .M. 


A  /ii4jf!rsua>  dircKC  ' 

!*np  J  ToJiefur  /'aruf 

MofiinA-  JO. 

i  I 


i  ''S 




Pumpkin  Ash. 

Leaflets  7  to  9,  lunccolato  to  ovute-lanccolate,  pubescent  on  the  lower  surface, 

Frazinua  profunda.   Buih,  Oardtn  and  Fortst,  i.  616     Fraxinua  Amerioana,  var.  profunda,  Butb,  Jitj).  Mis- 
(1897).  —  Britton,  Man.  726.  iffurt  Bot.  Onrd.  v.  147  (18W). 

A  tree,  sometimes  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  in  height,  with  a  slender  trunk  occasionally 
three  feet  in  diameter  above  the  much  enlarged  and  buttressed  base,  and  small  spreading  brunches 
which  form  a  narrow  and  rather  open  head ;  or  often  much  smaller.*  The  bark  of  the  trunk  varies 
from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  thickness,  and  is  light  gray  and  divided  by  shallow 
fissures  into  broad  flat  or  rounded  ridges  broken  on  the  surface  into  thin  closely  appressed  scales.  The 
branchlets  are  stout,  marked  by  large  pale  lenticcls,  and  coated  when  they  first  appear  with  hoary 
tomentum ;  they  are  tomentose  or  pubescent  during  their  first  winter,  and  light  gray  and  pilose  or 
glabrous  the  following  year.  The  large  oblong  slightly  raised  leaf-scars  are  rounded  at  the  base  and 
obconic  at  the  apex,  which  nearly  incloses  the  small  ovate  obtuse  lateral  buds.  The  terminal  buds  are 
broadly  ovate,  obtuse,  light  reddish  brown,  and  covered  with  close  pale  pubescence.  The  leaves  vary 
from  nine  to  eighteen  inches  in  length,  with  stout  tomentose  petioles  and  usiutUy  seven  but  occasionally 
nine  long-atalked  leaflets  ;  these  are  lanceolate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  acuminate  or  abruptly  long-pointed 
at  the  apex,  and  rounded  or  broadly  cuneate,  and  usually  unsyminetrical  at  the  base ;  when  they  unfold 
they  are  coated  on  the  lower  surface,  like  their  stalks,  with  hoary  tomentum,  and  are  pilose  on  the 
upper  surface,  with  short  pale  hairs,  particularly  along  the  midribs  and  veins,  and  at  maturity  they  are 
thick  and  firm  in  texture,  dark  yellow-green  and  nearly  glabrous  above,  soft-pubescent  below,  from 
five  to  ten  inches  long  and  from  two  to  five  inches  wide,  with  stout  yellow  midribs  deeply  impressed 
and  puberulous  above,  and  numerous  slender  primary  veins  arcuate  and  connected  near  the  margins, 
which  are  undulate  and  entire  or  slightly  serrate,  with  small  remote  teeth.  The  staminate  and  pistillate 
flowers  are  produced  on  different  trees  in  elongated  much-branched  pubescent  |)aniclea,  with  oblong  or 
oblong-obovate  scarioiis  bracts  and  bractlets.  The  staminate  flower  is  composed  of  a  minute  cam- 
panulate  obscurely  four-toothed  calyx  and  two  or  three  stamens,  with  oblong  apiculate  anthers  and 
comparatively  long  slender  filaments.  The  calyx  of  the  pistillate  flower  is  large,  deeply  lobed,  accrescent 
and  persistent  under  the  fruit,  and  the  ovary  is  gradually  contracted  into  the  slender  style  which  is 
divided  into  two  dark  spreading  stigmatic  lobes.  The  fruit,  which  is  produced  in  long  drooping 
many-fruited  clusters,  varies  from  two  and  a  half  to  three  inches  in  length  ;  it  is  oblong,  with  a 
wing  which  is  often  half  an  inch  wide  and  sometimes  falcate,  rounded,  apiculate  or  emnnrinate  at  the 
apex,  and  decurrent  to  below  the  middle  or  nearly  to  the  base  of  the  thick  terete  many-rayuil  body. 

FraxhiHS  profundn  grows  in  deep  river-swamps  often  inundated  during  several  months  of  the 
year  in  Dunkin  and  New  Madrid  counties,  southeastern  Missouri,  in  Clay  and  Lincoln  coimties  in  eastern 
Arkansas,  and  on  the  lower  Appalachicola  River  in  western  Florida.' 


I  i 



'  The  tree  cut  bj  Mr.  Bush  near  Vamer,  Lincuin  County,  Arkan- 
sas, to  obtain  a  specimen  for  the  ,Jesup  Collection  of  North  Amer- 
ican Woods  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New 
York,  waa  one  hundred  and  eighteen  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk 
thirty-three  inches  in  diameter  at  three  feet  above  the  surface  of 

the  ground.     It  was  two  hundred  years  old,  with  uighty-one  layers 
of  sapwood,  which  was  four  inches  in  tliickness. 

'^  Fraxinm  profunda  appears  to  have  been  first  collected  on  the 
Appalachicola  River  on  June  7, 1807,  by  F.  Roth.  It  was  found  in 
the  same  locality  by  B.  F.  liusli  in  August  of  the  same  year,  and 
in  March,  1898,  by  Dr.  A.  W.  Chapman  and  C.  S.  Sargent. 

J   i^, 





Thia  mafi^iiicent  tra«,  which  lurpoMet  the  other  American  ipecius  of  this  genu*  in  the  lize  of  itH 
leaves  and  fruit  and  in  the  size  of  the  calyx  of  the  pistillate  Hower,  was  discovered  in  September, 
1893,  by  Mr.  U.  F.  Bush  at  Campbell,  Missouri.' 

<  Dm  Atb-tn*  frum  Um  AtUntie  cMut,  ral'trrad  l«  thu  tpceiM      Mr.  Aih*  Hm  Mot  to  m*  from  U»  l>i>(toiiu  nf  (b*  Cap*   Fnr 
\>y  Alb*  (IUM.  HatMH,  iifiii.  U71),  Judfing  bjr  lh«  •mall  fniitinf       lUvtr,  North  Carullna,  U  prtibsbl;  h'rastniu  Anuncana. 
ealjj  ■ixl  tba  gUbroiu  Imtm  of  tb«  IngmtaUuy  tpwiuMiu  wbioh 


Plats  DCCXIV.     PaAxiNm  paorvNnA. 

1.  A  brsneh  with  ituninat*  flowart,  natural  lita. 

2.  A  tfauninatc  flower,  anUrKetl. 

8.  A  branch  with  piitillate  flowen,  natural  aits. 

4.  A  piatillat*  flower,  anUrgcd. 

Platk  DCCXV.     Fkaxinuh  raoruwDA. 

1.  A  rluatar  of  fruit,  natural  tiie. 

2.  A  Iraf,  natural  lite. 

5.  ▲  winter  braochlet,  natural  liu. 





,/  .^ 


I  in  the  lize  of  iu 
red  in  September, 

onu  ol  tlw  Ctpt  Fnr 

«  An 




'I  I 




OLEA<  > 


'«po»%»«7  «p»f«" 

.i»*ri<'*u  R}w«;ie8  of  thu  gonuH  in  the  sizo  (i; 
tw  m\sx  or  i««  |4«i4tt«t«  Hfiwer,  wiw  iliwovered  in  Septemt- 


•I    111  •me  from  lh«  bottonn  of  tin.    Tupi' 


If' I 

?.\I«l-,*     fkrir<'r*IH. 

■  f 

II  iillli'1 

i  mi 

il  i* 



I    i 


Moit.h   America. 


tiH  in  the  sizo  o<' 
[•red  in  S»'j)tun>biv 

itoms  uf  tht'    r'A)H 
I'ij  Americatta. 


/^'V  .    .J/ift.r  . 

.^ni  Himfh^ 

I  :i 


'     v^•|p   • 


hi\ ) 


fi  ill 


.'  i 









I    5.    .       Si 


H  it 

Silva  ot   North  Ameru  i 


jT'V.  HtfTf^U 

/ffifi. .  ^ T.uttHir  Parw 



M    ! 
i    .( 


V  y 

i ,  I 









Leaflets  7  to  9,  ovate-oblong  or  lanceolate,  aciuninate,  pale  and  pubescent  below, 

Fraxinus  Biltmoreana,  Beadle,  Hot.  Oaxettt,  xxv.  358  (1898).  —Mohr,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  vi.  666  (Plant  Life  of 

Alabama).  —  Britton,  Man.  725. 

A  tree,  forty  or  fifty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  seldom  more  than  a  foot  in  diameter  covered  with 
dark  gray  slightly  furrowed  rough  bark,  and  stout  ascending  or  spreading  branches  which  form  an  open 
syiunietrical  head.  The  branchlets  are  stout,  light  or  dark  gray,  soft-pubescent  usually  during  two 
seasons  and  much  roughened  during  the  winter,  and  often  for  two  or  three  years,  by  the  large  elevated 
mostly  obcordnte  or  sometimes  orbicular  leaf-scars  which  display  a  marginal  line  of  fibrovascular  bundle- 
scars.'  The  terminal  winter-huds  are  ovate  and  usually  broader  than  they  are  long  and  covered  with 
bright  brown  scales,  the  two  outer  scales  being  keeled  on  the  back  and  apiculate  at  the  apex,  and  the 
others  rounded,  accrescent,  and  shghtly  villose.  The  leaves  are  from  ten  to  twelve  inches  long,  with 
stout  ])ubescent  or  puberulous  petioles  and  seven  or  nine  leaflets  raised  on  stout  elongated  pubescent 
pctiolulcs  ;  the  leaflets  arc  ovate-oblong  or  lanceolate,  often  falcate,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  rounded  or 
broadly  cuneatp  and  often  inequilateral  at  the  base ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  yellow-bronze  color, 
nearly  glabroiis  above,  coated  below  particularly  on  the  midribs  and  veins  with  long  white  hairs,  and  at 
maturity  the^  are  from  three  to  four  inches  long  and  from  two  thirds  of  an  inch  to  an  inch  wide,  thick 
and  firm  in  tt^xture,  dark  green  and  slightly  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  or  glaucous  and  puberu- 
lou.s  on  the  lo  !\  er  surface  along  the  slender  yellow  midribs  and  primary  veins  which  are  arcuate  near  the 
slightly  thickened  and  incurved  entire  or  remotely  and  obscurely  toothed  margins.  The  flowers  appear 
with  the  leaves  about  the  first  of  May,  the  males  and  females  on  different  trees  in  rather  compact 
glabrous  or  pubescent  panicles,  with  scarious  caducous  bracts  and  bractlets,  from  the  axils  of  leaves  of 
the  |)revious  year.  The  staminatc  flower  is  composed  of  a  minute  cu[)-shaped  very  obscurely  dentate 
calyx  and  nearly  sessile  oblong  acute  anthers.  The  calyx  of  the  pistillate  flower  is  much  larger  and 
deeply  lobed,  and  the  oblong  ovary  is  gradually  narrowed  into  the  slender  style  which  is  divided  at  the 
apex  into  two  short  stigmatic  lobes.  The  fruit,  which  is  produced  in  elongated  glabrous  or  puberulous 
clusters,  is  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  an  inch  and  three  quarters  long,  with  a  wing  which  is  only 
slightly  narrowed  at  the  ends,  emarginate  at  the  apex,  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  wide,  and  from  two 
and  a  half  to  three  times  longer  than  the  short  elliptical  niarginless  many-nerved  body. 

Frax'innK  liiHrnorvanti  inhabits  the  banks  of  streams  and  rarely  low  river  benches,  and  is  dis- 
tributed from  northern  West  Virginia  •  through  the  foothill  region  of  the  Appalachian  Mountains  to 
northern  Georgia ''  and  Alabama,*  and  to  middle  Tennessee."  It  was  first  distinguished  in  1893  by  Mr. 
C.  D.  Beadle ''  in  the  neigiiborhood  of  Biltmore,  North  C-    -lina,  where  it  is  the  common  Ash-tree. 

'  I'ntil  till!  [iliilits  ure  aliolit  four  years  old  their  steins  aril 
branches  are  quite  glabrous,  "'he  branches,  which  are  ileveloped 
later,  are  covered  with  the  pubescence  wliich  is  one  of  the  best 
eharacters  by  which  this  tree  can  bo  distinguished  fniiu  Fraximts 
A  jn.»rirf(na. 

''  In  1897  Fraiinm  flillmnrmnn  was  found  liy  Professor  A.  I). 
Hopkins  near  Kaston,  Mononj^ulia  County,  West  Virginia. 

^  In  (ieorgia  /•'ruj-intw  BiUmorenun  has  been  collected  by  J.  K. 

Small  near  Tacoa,  Habersham  County,  iu  August,  180.5,  and  by 
C.  }j.  Hoyntou  on  Little  Stone  Mountain,  L)e  Kalb  County. 

*  In  Alabama  Fraxitius  liiltmiyreana  has  Iwen  collected  by  T.  O. 
Harbison  in  Marshall,  .lacksoii,  and  Do  Kalb  counties  ;  and  near 
(ladsdcn,  where  this  trt^c  is  common,  by  C.  I),  lleadle. 

*  In  the  Herbarium  of  the  ,\rnold  Arboretum  there  is  an  nn- 
dftted  specimen  of  Frazinw  liiltmoreana  collected  by  Dr.  A.  Gat- 
tinger  at  Nashville. 

'  Sec  nil.  CO. 


















1  :    * 


6'      ! 
I  'Si      i 

1    i 

Plate  IX:CXVL     Fraxinus  Hiltmorka-va. 

1.  A  flowering  branch  of  a  BtAiuiuate  tree,  natural  size. 

2.  A  ataniinate  Hower.  enlarged. 

3.  A  flowering  branch  of  a  pistillate  tree,  natural  lize. 

4.  A  pistillate  flower,  eiilargeil. 

r>.  A  cluster  of  fruits,  natural  size. 

6.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  natural  size. 

~.  A  seeil,  natural  size. 

8.  A  leaf,  natural  size. 

9.  A  winter  brauchlet,  natural  size. 




: .  f 



' ' 


I    A  6aw*nnK  bniKk  -4  ■  •unxnat*  tnw     jiural  «!«. 

<.'«  tt««.   MtllWaJ  MM. 


' •  n'ur*!  tittc. 

fi:lva  of  Noinh  Ameru.i 


''.«a«k>n  da/. 

/iiipint*   j-a 


.4  /iV. -.  /tuui'  ..■>■/«'  ■ 

/m/i  ..'  T^iTieuf  Ptirw 




j':  j 

'  m 




/>  4. 



1^  |2B  |2.5 
i?  Ki  |Z2 
^   us,    12.0 


1.25      1.4      1.6 

-^ 6"     













WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14580 

(716)  S72-4503 



,1    •? 

4. ,   -  ,_^ 



Water  Ash. 
Leaflets  usually  3  to  S,  oblong,  acuminate,  long-petiolulate. 

Fraxlnui  FlorldwiK. 

Frkxlnua  plettyoarp*,  var.  FktridMi*,  Wentig,  Bot.  Jahrb. 
W.  188  (18«3). 

Fraxinus  CaroUniana,  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Am.  ri.  66  (in 
put)  (not  MiUer)  (1804). 

A  small  Ash-tree  which  growi  in  ponds  and  deep  river^wamps  in  eastern  and  western  Florida 
and  in  southern  Georgia  and  which  has  usually  been  considered  a  form  of  the  Water  Ash,  Fraxinus 
CaroUniana  varies  constantly  from  that  species  in  the  form  of  the  fruit.  It  is  desirable  that  a  plate  of 
this  second  species  of  Water  Ash  should  appear  in  a  Silva  of  North  America,  and  although  the  foliage 
and  winter-buds  do  not  afford  characters  by  which  the  two  trees  can  be  readily  distinguished  in  the 
herbarium,  it  is  convenient  to  treat  them  as  species  rather  than  as  varieties.  The  fruit  of  Fraxinus 
CaroUniana  is  elliptical  or  spatulate  and  frequently  three-winged,  with  thin  wings  which  surround  the 
short  slender  compressed  body,  and  are  acute  at  the  apex,  not  much  more  than  twice  as  long  as  they 
are  wide,  usually  narrowed  below  into  a  short  stalk-like  base,  many-nerved,  and  marked  by  conspicuous 
deeply  impressed  midnorves.  The  fruit  of  Fraxinus  Floridana,  as  the  second  species  must  be  called, 
is  lanceolate  or  oblanceolate,  rounded  and  emarginate  at  the  gradually  narrowed  apex,  and  about  four 
times  as  long  as  it  is  wide,  with  rather  obscure  midveins. 

Fraximw  Floridana  was  described  by  Wensdg  from  specimens  collected  in  Florida  by  Gabanis ' 
more  than  sixty  yean  ago.  It  has  been  colle  tf,d  in  recent  years  near  Jacksonville,"  Eustis,'  and  Appa- 
lachicola,*  Florida,  and  in  Charlton  County,  souiL  :m  Georgia." 

■  Jtan  CtbanU  (Maroh  8, 1810)  wh  born  in  Berlin  of  »  family 
of  French  PtotMtant*  whieb  bad  (migratwi  to  Qermanj  during  the 
reign  of  Louiii  XIV.  lie  began  bii  toientiflo  career  u  auiatant  in 
the  ZoSlogieul  MuMuro  at  llerlin  during  the  administration  of  Pro- 
teuor  Liohteutein  and  under  hti  direetion  viiited  the  United  Statei 
to  coUeet  birdi,  He  remaine<l  in  America  from  1839  to  1843  and 
made  Urge  omitbologioal  oolleotiane  in  South  Carolina,  where  he 
•pent  moit  of  hie  time  during  hit  American  riiit,  and  in  Florida. 
Hii  nnkll  oollection  of  Amtrioan  planta  !•  preaorred  in  the  Botan- 
ical Muieum  at  Berlin.  Cabanii  baa  been  a  praliflc  writer  on  lya- 
iematic  ornithology.  He  contributed  the  account  of  the  birds  in 
the  third  Tolume  of  Hchomburgk'i  work  on  Guiaua,  published  in 
1848,  and  the  Omilhologiteht  NotiMm  in  Wiegmann's  i4n;Aiii  Jttr 
Nalurgachiekl;  published  in  1847,  and  with  F.  Heine  was  the 
author  of  I'trsncAniM  ittr  omitkolojiicktn  Sammlung  da  Museum 

Heineanum,  1860-43.  His  most  important  work  appeared  in  the 
Journal  fUr  OmiAologie,  of  which  be  was  the  editor  from  1853  to 

'  By  A.  H.  Cnrtiss,  No.  <i!321. 

'  By  6.  V.  Nash,  Augnst,  1894,  and  distributed  as  Fhixinut 

*  By  J.  Roth,  May,  1897,  and  by  Chapnum  and  Sargent,  March, 

•  By  J.  K.  Small,  January,  1895,  in  the  St.  Mary's  Rirer  Swamp 
below  Traders'  Hill,  and  distributed  ai  Fnamu  epipltra. 

A  specimen  collected  by  Fendler  at  New  Orleans  in  April,  1846 
(in  herb.  Engelmann),  with  partly  grown  fruit  is  perhaps  of  this 
species,  as  are  possibly  specimens  distributed  by  Ashe  as  irozinui 
epiplera  from  Bladen  County,  North  Carolina  (Noe.  1860  and 

i    1 


'if'  I 


i  ll 






Plati  DCCXVU.    FniLiiiNVK  Floridana. 

1.  A  branch  with  lUminate  flowen,  natural  du. 

2.  A  ■taminate  flower,  enlargad. 

3.  A  branch  with  piitillale  flower*,  natural  lita. 

4.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

6.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  «ixe. 

6.  A  fruit,  natural  size. 

7.  A  fruit,  natural  sise. 

8.  A  fruit,  natural  aiie. 

9.  A  leaf,  natural  size. 



'  '(' 

i   ! 


Ktj-«  DCXI!XV1I.     Kr«.xi.vui  FumiDANA. 

\  Srench  with  stain iiiat<>  lluwerm  iiktuni  mm. 

^  vtainiuate  llawvr,  «ularge<l. 
'■\    A  Wmneh  with  piatillnt«  Howart,  nstuntl  iii«. 
1    X  pia(i1U(«  Silver.  enUr|;«<l. 

'.  *rai«n««r  hrnwh   luturtl  siM, 

?ilva  of  Nor'Ii  Amrrif  a 


^iapuiA.  jc- 


.•1  liiory.-sur  Jify\r^ 

Imp  J  Tii^eur  I'arur 

t  \\\ 

!■■         i       i     ■ 


'       1  '1 




Red  Elm. 

Flowers  autumnal,  long*pcdicellate.  Fruit  ciliate  on  the  margins.  Leaves  oblong 
to  oblong-obovato,  .wuminate.  Bud'-scales  glabrous.  Branchlets  often  furnished  with 
corky  wings. 

Ulmut  MTOtlna,  Hargant,  Hot.  QoMtte,  uvii.  93  (1899).  — 
Mohr,  Contrili.  U.  S.  Nat.  Htrh.  vi.  474  (Plant  Lif  of 
Ataliama).  —  Qt,tti«gtt,  Fl,  Tenne$*te,  69. 

Ulmua  raoemosa,  Chapmsn,  Ft.  ed.  2,  1  vfl.  MV  (not 
Borkhaasen  nor  Thomu)  (1883) ;  ed.  3,  '.14.  —Sargent, 
Silva  N.  Am.  vii.  47  (in  part). 

A  tree,  with  a  trunk  forty  or  Mij-  feet  in  height,  and  fi  >m  two  to  three  feet  in  diameter,  and 
comparatively  small  spreading  or  pendu'uus  branches  which  often  form  a  broad  and  handsome  head. 
The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  from  one  quaHer  to  three  eighths  of  an  inch  in  thickness,  Ught  brown  slightly 
tinged  with  red,  and  divided  by  shallow  jfissmes  into  broad  flat  ridges  broken  on  the  surface  into  large 
thin  closely  approwed  scales.  The  branchlets  are  slender  and  pendulous,  and  when  they  first  appear 
are  glabrous  or  occasionally  puberulous ;  during  their  first  year  they  are  light  reddish  brown,  lustrous 
and  marked  by  occasional  oblong  white  lenticels,  darker  the  following  season,  ultimately  dark  gray- 
brown,  and  often  furnished  with  two  or  three  thick  corky  wings  which  are  developed  during  their 
sucor  <\  or  third  years.  The  winter-buds  are  ovate,  acute,  and  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long ;  their  outer 
scales  are  oblong-obovate,  dark  chestnut-brown,  and  glabrous,  and  the  inner  scales  are  accrescent,  often 
RGiriouB  on  the  margins,  rounded  or  acute  at  the  apex,  pale  yellow-green,  lustrous,  and  sometimes 
three  quarters  of  an  inch  long  when  fully  grown.  The  leaves  are  oblong  or  oblong-obovate,  acuminate 
at  the  apex,  very  oblique  «t  the  base,  and  coarsely  and  doubly  crenulate-serrate ;  when  they  unfold 
they  are  coated  below  with  shining  whit«)  hairs  and  puberulous  above,  and  at  maturity  they  are  thin 
but  fit  in  in  textuv^.  yellow-green,  glabrous  and  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  and  puberulous 
along  the  midribs  and  principal  veins  on  the  lower  surface,  from  two  to  four  inches  long  and  from  an 
inch  to  an  inch  and  three  quarters  wide,  with  prominent  yellow  mu^ribs  and  about  twenty  pairs  of 
primary  veins  extending  obliquely  to  the  points  of  the  principal  teeth  and  often  forked  near  the  margin 
of  the  leaf,  and  numerous  reticulate  veinlets ;  they  are  borne  on  stout  petioles  about  a  quarter  of  an 
inch  long,  and  in  the  autumn  turn  clear  orange-yellow  before  falling.  The  stipules  are  abruptly 
I'-^rrowed  from  broad  clasping  bases.-  linear-lanceolate,  usually  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long,  and 
prsistent  until  the  leaves  are  nearly  fully  grown.  The  inflorescence  buds  appear  early  in  the  season 
IE  the  axils  of  leaves  of  the  year,  and  the  flowers  open  in  September ;  they  are  borne  on  slender 
conspicuously  jointed  pedicels  often  an  eighth  of  an  inch  long,  in  many-flowered  glabrous  racemes  from 
an  ini'h  to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  length.  The  calyx  is  six-parted  to  the  base,  with  oblong-obovate 
reddish  brown  divisions  rounded  at  the  apex.  The  ovary  is  sessile,  narrowed  below,  and  villose.  The 
fruit  ripens  '■  >ly  in  November,  and  is  stipitate,  oblong-elliptical,  deeply  divided  at  the  apex,  fringed  on 
the  margins  with  long  silvery  white  hairs,  and  about  half  an  inch  long. 

UlmuH  srrotina  inliai.its  limestonp  hills  and  river  banks  from  central  Tennessee  to  northern  Ala- 
bama Hiid  northeastern  Georgia.' 

>  Ulmui  ttrolina  wm  cuUeoted  l>jr  Kugel  (>ee  ix.  110)  on  the  ita  autumnal  flowers,  it  was  referred  by  him  to  Ulmus  racemosa. 

French  llruad  Ulver  near  the  boundary  between  North  Carolina  It  was  distributed  without  flowers  or  fruit  as  Ulmui  racemosa  from 

and  Trmie'tnn  in  OctoW,  1H42;  it  was  l>und  near  Nashville  by  the  Biltmore  he.  jarium  (No.  3634b)  from  collections  made  at  Xiish- 

l>r,  A.  Oattinger  as  early  iit  least  as  1870,  and,  although  he  noticed  TtUe  in  1897.    On  the  9th  of  October,  1898,  a  single  large  tree 

'    '    I 







Tha  %ou<l  of  Ulmun  aerotina  in  hard,  close-grained,  very  itrong  and  tough,  and  luaceptible  of 
receiving  a  beautiful  polish :  it  contains  numerous  obwure  medullary  rays  and  bands  of  one  or  two 
layers  of  ^mall  open  ducts  marking  the  layers  uf  annual  growth,  and  is  light  red-brown,  with  pale  yellow 

Ulmus  »erotma  has  been  ovcasiunally  planted  as  a  shade  tree  in  the  streets  of  Huntsville, 
AUbsma,  and  Rome,  Georgia,  where  it  In  distinguished  by  its  broad  handsome  head  of  pendulous 
branches.  In  1899  yuung  plants  raised  from  seeds  gatht.'ed  at  Iluntsvillo  the  previous  autumn  were 
distributed  from  the  Biltmore  nurseries.  The  hardiness  of  thi«  handsome  and  distinct  tree  has  not  yet 
been  sufficiently  tested  in  the  northern  states. 

oonrad  with  fruit  wu  Man  bjr  John  Huir,  W.  M.  CMbjr,  and  C. 
8.  Sugcnt  eloM  to  the  bigbroad  wbiab  Iwub  autward  rroin  Hunt*- 
rille,  Alabiuna,  aarou  tbr  ridg«  known  ai  Hants  Sano.  8ubw- 
quentljr  it  waa  found  to  be  abundant  on  tb«  bill*  n«ar  HnntiTillo 
and  on  tboaa  in  tba  noigbborhood  of  Rome,  Georgia,  by  Mr.  C.  L. 
Bujnton  of  the  Biltmore  berbarium.  It  ii  the  Ulmut  ractmota 
at  ChapiBMi'i  Flon  m  far  as  relatM  to  tha  rirar  banka  of  Tan- 

neiteo,  and  the  l/lmm  ractmoui  for  middle  Taanaaaee  of  Sargent'a 

'  Tha  apeeiman  of  l/lmut  urotuta  in  tha  Jaaup  Collection  of 
North  American  Woodi  in  the  Americao  Huaeum  of  Natural  Ifia- 
torj,  New  York,  ia  Mtenteen  and  a  quarter  inobea  in  diameter 
inaide  the  bark  and  one  hundred  and  twantj^ight  jreara  old,  with 
tweUe  lajsra  of  aapwood,  which  ia  thra*  qtiartara  of  an  inch  in 


Platk  DCCXVIII.     Ulmuh  hkbotwa. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  aiu. 

2.  A  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  piatil,  enlarged. 

4.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  lize. 

5.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  enlarged. 
0.  A  aeed,  enlarged. 

7.  An  embryo,  enlarged. 

8.  A  winter  branchlet,  natural  size. 

9.  Portion  o(  a  branchlet  with  corky  wingi,  natural  i 



nd  luaoeptible  of 
>di  of  one  or  two 
1,  with  pale  yellow 

ts  of  Iluntsville, 
Bad  of  penduloua 
iuua  autumn  were 
t  tree  haa  not  yet 

TenoMim  of  Sargant'i 

M  jMup  Collaotion  of 
luMum  of  NatunI  Hie 
tcr  JDchM  in  diameter 
ty-eif ht  ftn  old,  with 
quwUn  of  Ml  iooh  in 

Tub  nrrxviu 







iiaftl.  iJiiM  |w»i' **i   '^■*^  ■*"*•>•  **>*'  tough,  and  nuacaptibkr  <it 
MMMitm*  fiitXhtj  vy  »iiil  ImiihIb  of  ona  or  iw  . 

iftvar*  i4  mnun   m     >   *'   •i*')  w  ligkt  Twi-bn>wD,  witli  |)ttln  jtdUo* 

-•»!•  rnunf 

,tm  <Amt  u  Uu>  IU(>»— ■< 

■ad  OB  ikflM   Ml  *^     ••i«4>J.Vtr> 

tmmih  pAMiw<  <'t>    tiw   in    tb«   utrocU   of    i{uiiU>i11i\ 

(t   >*  sVtt^mf/t*  '•r<«i|   lutndiMmie  head  uf  pciidiilmu 

k    ituiiUvtIU'  thr  iiri'viouH  niitiiiiiii  woh' 
aiid  dutttuut  true  tuu  nut  yt-t 

•w  mmmm  fct  HUdU  T*»b««h«  of  rUr|«ii  • 

'     I     I—  •(  ''(■■>  iwwiiM   ia  tb«  Jmu|i  CoIImMm  al 

.    "     c««  WdMb  w  llw  ABMi«M  MuMliUI  of  Nkl«l«l  lli» 

.        N    •    Yutk,  u  MTMtN*  ud  »  <|iurtrr  iiiohM  in  ili«»»tit 

»M<<«  tk«  bark  ud  ouo  huudr*!  tiid  tw«ntj-«i(ht  )r««n  aU,  vMfe 

iwpIv*  Ujtn  af  H|iwoud,  *kHti  i<  ibiM  quwt«n  uf  «■  ifMk  »• 


PlaTl'     IHI    .\.VHl  I    1  V     -     «•  11I.7IS4. 

1.  A  duworinf;  br»i>cli,  ii»lui*l  •u" 

2.  A  Huwcr,  onUrK«<t. 
!}.  A  piaCil,  rniargol. 

4.  A  fruiting  bnuirli,  natnrkt  liM. 

f .  V«HM4l  UMiioa  of  •  inUt.  «iiUr)(*J. 

^      \   Wi^rT     tilinMCViT 

<«•  oAtfcy  *iB^  Mteni  < 

i  ' 

.Ulva  or  North  AmcncA 

Tab  DC'"XVII1 

I    HllW-llptlbU    llf 

Ih  of  ona  or  tm,> 
with  |iul«  yMom 

I  of  lluiiU*tlli', 
kit  of  |)<>ii(ialiiiii 
iiiH  iiiitiiiiiii  w(<n< 
truit  luM  iiat  yvi 

nniwiMa  of  .i«r|«ai  . 

jMup  CoUmMm  1 
iMun  uf  N»l«isi  lib- 
r  JiMshM  in  dJaaMw 
-riKhl  ynn  old,  vMk 
...ri.n  uf  Ml  hMk  n 

'    I 


i  £  F<iX4?n  tini 

ULMUS   SEROTlNA.l'ar^^. 

litiptn^  sc  . 

























on  1 












at  a 





Bitter  Peoan. 

Leaflets  7  to  11,  lar  late,  often  falcate.  Fruit  4-winged  to  the  base  ;  nut  oblong, 
compressed,  thin-shelled ;  seed  deeply  penetrated  by  the  folds  of  the  inner  wall  of  the 

Biooria   Tezana,    Le   Conte,    Proe.  Phil.   Acad.  1853, 
402,  {.  —  Britton,  BuU.  Taney  Bot.  Club,  xr.  282. 

Carya  Texana,  C.  de  CwdoUe,  Ann.  Sei.  Nca.  »6t.  4,  xviiL 
33  (1862)  ;  Prodr.  zvi.  pt  ii.  146. 

A  tree,  on  rich  river-bottoms  sometimes  a  hundred  feet  in  height,  with  a  tall  straight  trunk  three 
feet  in  diameter  and  ascending  branches,  and  on  the  borders  of  prairies  in  low  wet  woods  usually  from 
fifteen  to  twenty-five  feet  tall,  with  a  short  trunk  eight  or  ten  inches  in  diameter,  and  small  spreading 
branches  which  form  a  narrow  round-topped  head.  The  bark  '<!  the  trunk  is  from  one  half  to  three 
quarters  of  an  inch  in  thickness,  light  reddish  brown,  and  roughened  by  closely  appressed  variously 
shaped  plate-like  scales.  Thu  branchlets  are  slender,  and  when  they  first  appear  are  coated  with  thick 
hoary  tomentum  which  is  sometimes  persistent  until  the  autumn,  and  during  their  first  winter  they  are 
bright  red-brown  and  marked  by  occasional  large  pale  lenticels,  darker  in  their  second  season,  and 
dark  or  light  gray-brown  in  their  third  year.  The  scales  of  the  winter-buds  are  valvate  and  covered 
with  light  yellow  articulate  hairs.  The  terminal  buds  are  oblong,  acute  or  acuminate,  somewhat 
compressed,  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long,  and  rather  longer  than  the  upper  lateral  buds ;  these  are 
usually  stalked  and  two  or  three  times  as  large  as  the  lower  lateral  buds,  which  are  nearly  surrounded 
by  the  thin  membranaceous  border  of  the  large  concave  obcordate  leaf-scars.  The  leaves  are  ten  or 
twelve  inches  long,  with  from  seven  to  eleven  leaflets  and  slender  petioles  which  are  slightly  flattened 
and  grooved  on  the  upper  side  toward  the  base,  thickly  coated  at  first  with  hoary  tomentum,  and 
more  or  less  villose  in  the  autumn.  The  leaflets  are  lanceolate,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  and  finely 
serrate,  with  minute  straight  or  incurved  remote  teeth,  except  on  the  upper  side  below  the  middle, 
which  is  entire.  The  terminal  leaflet  is  gradually  narrowed  and  acute  at  the  base  and  short^talked, 
and  the  lateral  leaflets  are  often  falcate,  rour.Jed  or  sometimes  broadly  cuneate  on  one  side  and 
narrowly  cuneate  on  the  other  at  the  unsymmotrical  base,  and  subsessile  or  short-stalked ;  when  they 
unfold  the  leaflets  are  puberulous  above  and  toiaentose  below,  and  at  maturity  they  are  thin  and  firm  in 
texture,  dark  yellow-green  and  nearly  glabrous  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  yellow-green  and  puberulous 
on  the  lower  surface,  from  three  to  five  inches  long  and  about  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  with  slender 
yellow  midribs  rounded  and  usually  puberulous  on  the  upper  side  toward  the  base,  and  numerous 
slender  forked  primary  veins  arcuate  and  united  near  the  margin  of  the  leaf,  and  connected  by  thin 
straight  veinlets.  The  staminate  flowers  open  about  the  first  of  May  when  the  leaves  are  nearly  a 
third  grown,  and  are  produced  in  slender  villose  aments  from  two  to  three  mches  long  from  buds 
formed  in  the  axils  of  leaves  of  the  previous  year.  The  perianth  is  light  yellow-green,  and  villose  on 
the  outer  surface,  with  oblong-ovate  rounded  lobes  much  shorter  than  the  ovate  acuminate  bract.  The 
pistillate  flowers  are  oblong,  slightly  four-angled,  and  villose,  wth  an  ovate  bract,  broadly  ovate  bractlets, 
and  an  ovate  acute  calyx-lobe.  The  fruit  is  produced  in  few-fruited  clusters,  and  is  oblong  or  oblong- 
obovate,  acute  at  the  ends,  apiculate  at  the  apex,  slightly  four-winged  at  the  base,  dark  brown  more  or 
less  covered  with  articulate  hairs,  and  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  two  inches  long,  with  a  thin  four- 
valved  husk.  The  nut  is  oblong-ovate  or  oblong-obovate,  compressed,  acute  at  the  ends,  short-pointed 
at  the  apex,  apiculate  at  the  base,  obscurely  four-angled,  bright  red-brown,  rough  and  pitted,  and 


I  : 

i        ! 

■;■  » 




UAually  from  an  inch  and  a  quarter  to  an  inch  and  a  half  long,  with  a  thin  brittle  shell,  thin  papery 
walls,  and  a  low  basal  ventral  partition.  The  seed  is  bitter,  bright  red-brown,  flattened,  two-lobed  at 
the  apes,  with  lobes  about  as  long  as  the  short  pobt  of  their  connective,  rounded  and  slightly  divided 
at  the  base,  obscurely  grooved  on  the  inner  face,  lobed  by  two  longitudinal  grooves  on  the  outer  face, 
and  deeply  penetrated  by  the  prominent  reticulated  folds  of  the  inner  surface  of  the  wall  of  the  nut. 

Hicoria  Texana  grows  on  the  bottom-lands  of  the  streams  and  in  the  low  wet  woods  bordering 
the  prairies  of  eastern  Texas,  where  it  is  common  in  the  Gulf  region  for  a  distance  of  from  one  hundred 
to  one  hundred  aud  fifty  miles  from  the  coast. 

The  wood  is  close-grained,  tough  and  strong,  and  light  red-brown,  with  pale  brown  sapwood.'  The 
nuts  are  not  eaten  even  by  hogs,  and  remain  on  the  ground  through  tlie  winter. 

First  made  known  by  Le  Conte'^  from  a  tree  cultivated  in  Georgia,  and  afterwards  collected  by 
Charles  Wright '  in  Texas  in  1848  or  1849,  Hicoria  Texana  was  confounded  by  American  botanists 
with  the  allied  Hicoria  Pecan  until  Mr.  B.  F.  Bush  rediscovered  it  at  Columbia  on  the  Brazos  River  in 
1899,  and,  attracted  by  the  peculiar  flattened  nuts,  pomted  out  its  true  characters. 

>  The  ipeoimen  out  b;  Mr.  Biub  for  the  Joup  Collection  of 
North  Amerioan  Wooda  in  the  American  MuMum  of  Natural  His- 
tory, New  York,  ia  twentjr-iix  inchei  in  diameter  inside  the  bark 
and  one  hundred  and  twentj-tbree  jean  old.  The  upwood  ia  four 
and  fire  eightha  inche*  in  thickneas,  with  fifty-three  layers  of 
annual  growth. 

>  John  Eatton  Le  C;onte  (February  H'A  1784-NoTember  21, 
1860)  waa  bom  near  Shrewabury,  New  Jersey,  of  a  Huguenot 
family,  hia  ancestor  MTiUiam,  who  left  Normandy  on  the  rerncation 
of  the  edict  of  Nantes,  having  aettled  in  New  Jersey  about  the 
year  1692.  John  Le  Conte  and  his  brother  Louis  became  intereated 
in  the  study  of  natural  hist<yry,  and  as  young  me>.  spent  several 
years  in  Georgia,  where  they  had  charge  of  a  plantation  belonging 
to  their  father  and  where  they  established  a  botanicl  garden.  In 
1817  John  Le  Conte  entered  the  United  States  army  as  a  captain 
of  topographical  engineer*,  and  at  the  end  of  ten  years  received 
the  brevet  rank  of  major,  lis  health  having  become  seriously 
impairad  during  a  military  expedition  to  the  St  John's  Kiver  in 

Florida,  he  visited  Paris  in  1827,  and  five  yean  later,  resigning 
his  commission  in  the  army,  settled  in  New  York,  where  he  re- 
mained until  1852,  and  then  moved  to  Philadelphia,  where  he  died. 
Le  Conte  published  a  number  of  papen  on  botany  and  loiilogy, 
principally  in  the  Annalt  of  the  Ljiceum  of  Natural  Hulory  of  Seto 
York  and  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciencei  of 
Philadelphia.  Of  bis  botanical  pspen  the  most  important  are  on 
The  Specie)  of  Patpalum  of  the  United  State),  published  in  1820,  on 
Utricularia,  '  iiiola,  and  RueUia,  published  in  1824,  on  TiUaruliia 
and  Cio/a,  published  in  1826,  on  Pancratium,  published  in  1828,  on 
The  Vine)  of  North  America,  published  in  1852-S3,  on  Magnolia 
pyramidata,  published  in  1854-55,  and  on  Nicotiana,  published  in 
1850.  His  large  herbarium  was  presented  to  the  Philadelphia 
Academy  of  Sciences  in  1852. 

Lecontta,  a  genus  of  Madagascar  Rubiacen,  was  dedicated  by 
Achille  Richard  tu  this  refined,  scholarly,  and  liberal  man.  (See 
Asa  Giay,  Bot.  Gazette,  viil.  197.) 

•  See  i.  91. 


Plate  iX^CXIX.    Hicoria  Texana. 
t.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  size. 
3.  A  staiiiinatc  flower,  rear  view,  enlarged. 

3.  A  staminale  flower,  front  view,  enlarged. 

4.  An  anther,  enlarged. 

/>.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

6.  Knil  of  a  fruiting  branch,  natnral  siie. 

7.  A  nut.  natural  site. 

8.  Cross  section  of  a  nut,  natural  size. 

9.  A  young  leaf,  nalnral  site. 

10.  A  winter  branchlet,  natural  size. 


wpwood.'    The 

la  collected  by 
irican  botanists 
Brazos  River  in 

wn  later,  resigning 
York,  where  he  re- 
phiik,  where  he  died, 
utaay  and  lotilogy, 
ural  Hulory  ofNeic 
Natural  ScittuxM  of 
It  important  are  on 
ibliabed  in  1820,  on 
1824,  on  TiUarultia 
iblished  in  1828,  on 
'2-C3,  on  Magnolia 
titiana,  publiihed  in 
o  the  Philadelphia 






H I  c  r 

V  /tUf^T'tt»i$»  »1l<ft*^<w  ' 


i           W 

'       i 

■       1 

^  i 

T'' :     ¥ 


,Ul » 




«lf  lonjf,  with  a  thiu  brittle  shell,  thin  papt-ry 

A  Uitttr,  Itri^ht   red-lirown,  fiatteniiil,  two-loht'd  kI 

•!■  !  of  ihi'ir  conuMtivi',  n)UM(lt>d  and  slightly  divided 

>    I  l>_v  two  lo(i^tiidii)al  grodVdH  on   the  outer  face. 

•<l  foWa  of  the  inner  surface  of  the  wall  of  tho  nut. 

•t'   th«  stn'ftniH  and  in  the  low  wi't  woods  bordcrinj; 

;;••  (iiilf  ffgion  for  a  dihtanro  of  from  one  hundred 

^*  j*d-l>rown.  with  |>ale  hrown  sapwood.'    Tin 
'    H:,uiu;h  tho  winter. 

Nf.irjfia,  and  afterwards  coilecte<l  hv 
I*  .onfoundei"  by  American  botanists 
. '  -11  ,\  1,1  (Jolundii.i  on  the  lirazos  Kiver  in 
-    ,«,.ia.>.i  out  it»  true  characters. 

■.'•■'• !•! 

•■'.      •■''      -  •■!.        ■     .Sr.:i.ftl,    Hl."-- 

.,1  •     !4<,:,if   111*  l>*rk. 

'"■ji   «i<}'wwx«  la  four 

%'»it*irv»    Uyrrs  of 

I'   (  i*!*    'ttfitimry  £t,   ITMNor^mWr  21, 

iu  near  .Sl!nv>i:>«rT.   New  JurrwT,  <>!   a    Hiigandot 

o  44i4^Mtor  WiUiajn,  nbo  icfi   \pniMU»lj  cm  tikr  r*-vii««tioa 

»i<«t   .tt  Xante*,  huring  Mtiied  in  Nr*  Jorwy  abuiit  tta« 

'■mi     >»h«  1^  rontcand  hit  t*  'h<r  Ijouu  Iwcani'  int«n'.i».l 

.<  ir»l   h»V<r?t  Mul    i     »»iin|:  mi>B  tyeni  wvitrai 

r  ,r>    th«f  HmI  >h»r){«  of  a  pUniAiioo  iK-longiDg 

I  .uMkIuhI  *  IvUnics]  gmnUa.     In 

.    5  Mtod  SMtm  arwT  u  a  (mptMo 

-  uNi  iti  rhr  (wt  a!  M«  nan  nwtiimi 

Hj  n«uCti   )i*n»||  baeow*  tniauJy 

1  .St  Jinlkii't  RiTvr    '. 

I  !  r.(l»,  ho  vijiitad  Tarii  in  Iic.;7,  (uij  At*  _»p»p«  later,  reaipiuif 
1^1.  «»mmi«»i<in  io  th«  •riiij-,  irttlnl  in  New  York,  whore  he  r». 
ii.iuneil  until  lAW,  and  thKii  muted  ti>  rhiladol|)liia,  where  he  died 
l^  t'onte  pilhliahed  a  iiiiiiitier  uf  gmiKirs  on  hcitany  aud  loiilojj. 
ptmci|«lly  in  tlM<  Anmili  of  Iht  Li/i-erm  of  Malum!  lliatory  of  fin 
Y'-ri  and  in  the  /'morei/inyj  n/ ll>r  Aciidrmy  n/  Xaturnl  Scimcei  ai 
PhiiaiiMf^M.  Of  hit  Uitaiiioal  |»ipen  the  niual  iniportant  are  on 
Tht  Sf^rrttn  „f  I'atftaium  nf  Ike  I'niint  Slairt,  (inblished  in  1820,  on 
Clivuitmn,  O'mtioUi,  and  Huttlia,  pnblinhed  in  Iftli-I,  on  TMathlna 
asd  I'k^,  puliliahed  in  ISlMi,  on  l^nmntt'um,  |iiibli»lied  in  1S2H,  <io 
7V  ri«««  .if  Sinh  laixrv'fi,  |iulili<hed  in  lR.">a-,V),  nii  Maipuiui 
/ijrntmarfaw,  piiMiahnI  in  lrt,^4-.^1,  and  on  A'i<n(winij,  piibliibed  in 
l*5»l.  Hit  large  btrbarinai  wit  prraantetl  tu  the  Philadelphia 
Aeadeaiy  of  MnieiitKn  m  IWU 

/.n-.x/m.  a  fniM  n(  Uadtfaaear  Rubiaceie,  waa  dedicated  b; 
.\ihillr  Hii'hanI  Io  thii  rttAoad.  aelhiUrlv.  aad  liberal  niau.  (S«e 
Amtirar,  llA    (iaf^i^.  viii    1^7  i 


Pi-aru   iK-t  XiX       Hi-iii-.    iri*i««. 
t.   A  flowenntr  branrh    nktarai  at>«. 
'i.  A  HuniifiiU*  iiiire'.  rp4U'  ri**,  i'nUir];"J- 
1    A  .>..r,.,,y,ii,  i),>v«r,  front  tIcw.  enlarged. 
•    '-nlnrpKl. 
:sii»  rtower.  onlftrj^d. 
.  tr«ilin({  liraiioli,  natiiriil  iilio. 
•     A  not.  natural  aize. 
S   CroM  aee^on  of  ■  mil,  imturj  aire. 
9.  A  Toaiifj  leaf,  natnral  »i/,e. 
10.  A  winter  hrfinclilet,  natural  aize. 


tlit'll,  thin  papery 
luil,  tw()-l()l)f(l  at 
li  sliffhtly  divided 
I  tlio  outer  face, 
ill  of  tlio  nut. 
woods  bordering 
riini  Olio  liuiidrwl 

sap  wood.'    Till 

rds  collocte*!  hv 

lericiiu   botaninti* 

liruzos  River  in 

voatT)  Inter,  rcujfrniiif 
<•  Yiirk,  wlioro  he  n~ 
'Ijihia,  whore  be  diml 
bntany  and  zo<ilo|;y, 
aturttt  tlutory  of  AVf. 
f  Xalurat  Scienc^g  nj 
i«l  iiiipurtitnt  are  uu 
|inl)li«lioil  in  1820,  on 
n  lft'J4,  im  TiUan,l'vi 
[iiiblished  in  IS'JH.  .h, 

l.V.iW>,'J,  nn  .\f(tt/fu.i,. 
K'fitutmi,  jiiiblitbfi)  r 
U>  the   Pkiladelphii 

m,  waa  cledicatod  bj 
i  liberal  niau.    (.S»p 

Silva  of  North   America 

Tib  ncrx.'x 




]  I 



'-  S  Kiu-^m  J^i 

HICORIA    TEX  ANA    nar6 

>c^'at44i}  <u/fl,f' 

/nip  J  Tarymr  .^aru: 

£artiU44i  . 







in  dii 




not  fi 

The  1 

inch  1 


two  ii 








four  i 



Date  i 







nu  ini 


inch  1 

'  Act 
roogn,  ' 





Sbagbaric  Hlokory. 

Leaflets  usually  5,  lanceolate.     Fruit  subglohose  ;  nut  ovate,  compressed,  angled, 
thin-shellef'  nearly  white  or  pale  brown. 

Hioorin  CaroUnaB-oeptentrionaUs,  Ashe,  Note*  on  the 
nielcn^  of  the  United  States  (1896);  Bull.  No.  6, 
North  Carolina  Oeolog.  Surv.  20 ;  Bot.  Oatette,  zxvii<. 
271.  — Britton  &  Brown,  III.  Fl.  iii.  611,  f.  1154  a — 

Mohr,  Contrib.    U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  yi.  463  {Plant  Life 

of  Alabama).  —  Britton,  Man.    324 Qattinger,   Fl. 

Tenneuee,  65. 

A  tree,  on  moist  bottom-lands  sometimes  eighty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  from  two  to  three  feet 
in  diameter,  and  short  small  branches  which  form  a  narrow  oblong  head,  or  on  dry  hillsides  usually  not 
more  than  twenty  or  thirty  feet  tall,  with  a  trunk  which  generally  does  not  exceed  a  foot  in  diameter.* 
The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  light  gray,  from  one  quarter  to  one  half  of  an  inch  in  thickness  and  separates 
freely  into  thick  strips  which  are  often  a  foot  or  more  long  and  three  or  four  inches  wide  and  which  do 
not  fall  for  a  long  timr,  giving  to  the  trunk  the  shaggy  appearance  of  the  northern  Shagbark  Hickory. 
The  terminal  winter-buds  are  ovate,  gradually  narrowed  to  the  obtuse  ^pex,  and  about  a  quarter  of  an 
inch  long,  with  glabrous  bright  red-brown  lustrous  acute  and  apiculate  strongly  keeled  spreading  outer 
scales  and  accrescent  obovate  inner  scales  which  when  fully  grown  are  bright  yellow  and  sometimes 
two  inches  in  length  and  long-pointed.  The  axillary  buds  are  oblong,  obtuse,  and  not  more  than  a 
sixteenth  of  an  inch  long.  The  leaves  vary  from  four  to  eight  inches  in  length  and  are  composed  of 
slender  glabrous  nearly  terete  petioles,  and  usually  five  but  occasionally  three  leaflets,  the  terminal  short- 
stalked  and  the  lateral  sessile.  The  leaflets  are  lanceolate,  acuminate  and  long-pointed  at  the  apex, 
gradually  narrowed  at  the  base,  which  is  acuminate  and  symmetrical,  or  rounded  on  the  upper  side  and 
unsymmetrical,  and  coarsely  serrate,  with  incurved  teeth  which  are  ciliate  on  the  margins  with  long 
white  caducous  hairs  when  the  leaves  unfold;  at  maturity  the  leaflets  are  thin,  dark  green  on  the 
upper  surface,  and  pale  yellow-green  and  lustrous  on  the  lower  surface,  the  three  upper  being  three  or 
four  inches  long,  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  and  about  twice  as  large  as  those  of  the 
lower  pair.  In  the  autumn  the  leaves  turn  dull  brown  or  yellow-brown  some  time  before  falling.  The 
flowers  appear  from  the  middle  to  the  end  of  April  when  the  leaves  are  nearly  fully  grown.  The  stami- 
nate  flowers  are  borne  in  ternate  slightly  villose  pedunculate  aments  from  the  base  of  the  shoots  of  the 
year ;  they  are  pedicellate,  glandular-hirsute  on  the  outer  surface,  with  four  stamens,  and  are  much 
shorter  than  their  linear  acuminate  villose  bracts.  The  pistillate  flowers,  which  are  produced  in  usually 
two-flowered  spikes,  are  oblong  and  covered  with  clustered  articulate  golden  hairs,  and  their  bract  is 
linear  and  ciliate  on  the  margins.  The  fruit  is  broader  than  it  is  high,  or  short-oblong,  and  is  slightly 
depressed  at  the  apex,  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  dark  red-brown,  and 
roughened  by  small  pale  lenticels,  with  a  husk  which  varies  from  one  eighth  to  nearly  three  eighths  of 
ail  inch  in  thickness  and  splits  freely  almost  to  the  base.  The  nut  is  ovate,  compressed,  prominently 
fuur-angled,  acute  at  the  ends,  nearly  white  or  pale  brown,  and  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  an 
inch  long,  with  a  thin  shell  and  a  large  sweet  seed. 

Ilicoria  Carol ince-septentrional is  grows  on  dry  limestone  hills  and  on  river-bottoms,  and  is  dis- 

'  According  to  Small  (in  lilt.)  Hicoria  Carolin(T-septenlrionali.i  Id 
llmcstono  soil  on  tbe  bottoms  of  Chickamauga  Creek  near  Chatto- 
rooga,  Tennessee,  grows  to  a  height  of  more  than  one  hundred  feet 

and  forms  a  trunk  four  feet  in  diameter.  I  have  not  :>GGn  such 
specimens.  Hicoria  ovala  and  Hicoria  lacinioia  grow  to  a  great  size 
on  the  alluvial  bottoms  of  this  stream. 

1   I  ii;,  1 


'        il 





tributtn]  from  southern  Dakota  and  central  North  Carolina  to  northern  Georgia  and  through  western 
North  Carolina  to  eastern  Tennessee  and  central  Alabama.  Very  abundant  in  all  this  region,  it  is 
easily  re«.  agnized  by  its  slender  branchlets  and  small  buds,  and  in  tlie  autumn  by  the  peculiar  brown 
color  which  the  leaves  assume  several  weeks  before  falling  and  which  makes  it  easy  to  distinguish  this 
tree  fron;  a  distance. 

The  wood  is  hard,  strong,  very  tough,  and  light  reddish  brown,  with  thin  .  "^arly  white  sapwood.* 
Probably  long  confounded  with  Ilicoria  ocata,  the  Shellbark  Hickory  of  tho  north,  whioh  in  the 
southern  AppaLtchian  foothill  region  grows  usually  only  on  bottom-lands,  the  characters  of  Uicor! . 
CaroUn<t-septen\  ioK^lia  were  first  pointed  out  by  Mr.  W.  )iV .  Ashe.' 

I  Two  trac*  o(  thii  tpsciM  w«n  out  nnr  Roma,  Q«orgU,  by  Mr. 
C.  L.  Bojnlon  for  ih«  jMup  CoIImUod  of  North  AoMriuui  Woixtt 
in  the  AnMrinn  MuMum  of  N»tur»l  Hiitorjr,  New  York,  in  th* 
•utuina  of  1898  ;  on*  wu  fourtmn  inobu  iu  ilianicter  inside  tho 
bark  Mid  one  huodtwt  ud  forty^^ii  yeui  old,  with  espwood  which 
WM  three  iuche*  thick  ud  compoaed  of  thirtjr-ooe  Ujcra  of  annual 

growth  ;  the  other  wae  twenty  and  one  quarter  inchiii  in  diameter 
inii'te  the  bark  and  one  hundred  and  ninetj-four  jrean  old,  with 
•it;iwaod  which  wae  two  and  seren  eif.hthi  inchei  ii<  thickneee  and 
oompoeed  of  littj-eight  lajere  r'.  annual  growth. 
>  8«e  ziii.  140. 


Plats  OCCXX.    Hicoria  CAKOLiN.K4KpmrrRio       i. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  ciu. 

2.  A  etaminatc  flower,  aide  vixw,  enlarged. 

8.  A  itaminata  flower  i«en  irom  below,  enlarged. 
4.  A  piatillate  flower,  enlarged. 
6.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  iiu. 

6.  A  nnt,  natural  siu. 

7.  A  nut,  natural  size. 

8.  A  winter  branehlet,  natural  liza. 



through  western 

liis  region,  it  ig 

peculiar  brown 

distinguiah  this 

lite  sap  wood.' 
>,  whioh  in  the 
ters  of  Uicor! . 

inchin  in  diameter 
lour  ynn  old,  with 
iM  ill  thiokneu  wid 

:< .  or./x 

.    u . 



I     1 





li , 

1  i 

'■  'J 







/    * 

\nliTU   AM  nine  A. 


tnttutad  htm  imtUiani  D»lt*ta 
Ncirtli  CmmIum  Iu  iwiUfH  Tm;» 

i,„..  t..  ,.    . 

tnt.  *|««Mij^ 

^fAMWMM   ImIIuIII   i*(> 

,*4*«   n..»tlt  Ur«b«.  ..„  (....,rpa  an.l  through  w«.t«r.. 

-    ••'i  cmmUmX  AkiwM  „|.,„,    „,  all   thin  r..^ri„„,  ^  j, 

"*•'"  •**  •""  *■**■  ":  uitiinm   l>^  il„.   pculLir  l.rowii 

I  "w^  ^"'uj,  MiM|r  ttA  wrii.  h  makni  it  «Miay  to  distinguiiili  thi^ 

•«rfe.  M»d  ti^bt  n»faib  hrowu,  with  tUin  n.-arly  whit,.  »j,,,w.«mI.' 
*•  HWfllwik  Hirkory  of  th«  north,  which   in   thr 
hoUinn-Uridii,  the  charBctcrH  of  JJiixirm 

I  i 

'H  Iwmly  anit  <-M  ijiurUr  inobn  in 

I  ii»  koMlrml  »ml  ninrtjr.foiir  ynn  ul.I,  will, 

•  ^  tMt  ••*•■  «i|[hllu  inohM  m  thieliuMa  uti 


P«-««  DCCXX.    Hiionu  ('*ii«i.m.«Hi»rT«in'KioxALU. 
1.   A  floweriii).  hranrh.  nainnl  liw. 
!t.  A  •taminalv  tlowcr,  «<{«  yinw,  «>nUr|;nl 
8.   A  Maninal*  lower  u>*n  horn  WJow.  milkrfrwil. 

i-  A  !<■■<  «»r,  enUr){«.L 

'■    *  '•  "ii.  natiifkl  UM, 

*>.    A  nat.  f«MM%/  ««». 
A  rmi.  iMrtnml  .im. 
'     A  "iBlet  L-nMi»i  tat.  uaturM  mm. 


kI   tlir(>ii)(h  wodUir'i 
II   lliiH  ri-^ioii,  It 
till'  ptTiiliar  liriiv , 
'  to  (lintiiiguittli  tli; 

I  whiU'  sapwood.' 
orlli,  which  in   ili. 
riicloM  of  JJiixirin 

htttr  iiiobri  in  diuiwlpr 

iirtr-'oiir  jttn  oW,  Will, 

iiirhM  lu  thiekMH  awl 

Silv*  of  North  Ain«nci 


(KFoiTcn  */V 

HoftH^  JC 



'     \: 

<       J 

A  M/i  >t  *'rHta^  .  /u-r^r  ' 

hup  y  ' Tiuifur  /',i 





Lkafi.et8  6  to  9,  lanceolate  or  oblanccolatc,  pubeHcent  and  coated  on  the  lower 
Hurface  while  young  with  Kilvcry  peltate  Hcalos.  Fruit  HubgloboHe  or  pyriform ;  huNkn 
thin ;  nut  small,  angled,  thick-Nhelled. 

Bioori*  TiUoa*,  Aihe,  Bull.  Tomy  Bu.  Club,  nU.  481 
(1H97)  i  Hull.  No.  0.  North  Carolina  Oeolog.  Surv. 
21.  — Uritton  A  Brown,  lU.  Fl.  iii.  liV2,  I.  IIRO*.— 
Uohr,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Htrb.  ri.  462  (Plant  Life  of 
Alabama).  —  Britton,  Man.  325. 

HloorU  gUbra,  yu.  vlUoaa,  Sargtnt,  SUva  N.  Am.  tIL 

167,  t  306  (1806).  —  Aihe,  Hifknritt  »/  tht   United 

HloorU   pallida,   Aihc,   Hiekoriu   n/  M«  United  State* 

(1896);   Garden  and  Fortel,  x.  304,  f.  30.  —  Britton, 

Man.  326. 
Hlooria  Tilloaa  pallida,  Britton  A,  Brown,  III.  /7.  iii.  612 


A  tree,  usually  not  more  than  eighteen  ur  twenty  but  sometimes  forty  or  fifty  feet  in  height,  with 
a  short  trunk  from  twelve  to  eighteen  inches  in  diameter,  and  small  branches,  the  upper  ascending 
and  forming  a  narrow  oblong  head  and  the  lower  pendulous.  The  bark  of  the  trunk  in  from  one  half 
to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  thickness,  light  gray  or  grayish  brown,  and  irregularly  divided  by  deep 
fissures  into  broad  connected  ridges  covere<l  with  closely  oppressed  scaicH.  The  branchlets  are  slender, 
coated  when  they  first  appear  with  pale  tomentum  or  pubescence  mixed  with  silvery  pelbite  scales  which 
also  occur  on  the  under  surface  of  the  leaves  and  on  the  staminate  inflorescence  ;  during  their  first  winter 
they  are  glabrous  or  puberulous,  bright  purplish  brown,  and  marked  by  occasional  oblong  light  gray 
lenticels,  and  rather  dark-colored  the  following  year.  The  terminal  buds  are  sessile  or  stalked,  ovate, 
acute,  and  from  one  eighth  to  nearly  one  quarter  of  an  inch  long,  with  imbricated  scales  puberulous 
and  more  or  less  covered  on  the  outer  surface  with  yellow  glands.  The  leaves  vary  from  six  to  ten 
inches  in  length,  and  are  composed  of  slender  petioles  which  are  pubescent  in  the  spring  and  fui> 
nished  with  conspicuous  tufts  of  |>ale  or  brownish  hairs,  and  are  glabrous  or  puberulous  in  the  autumn, 
and  of  from  five  to  nine  but  usually  seven  leaflets ;  these  increase  in  size  from  the  lowest  to  the  upper 
pair,  and  are  sessile  or  very  short-stalked,  lanceolate  or  oblanceolate,  acuminate,  gradually  or  abruptly 
narrowed,  nearly  symmetrical  or  unsymmetrical  at  the  entire  base,  and  coarsely  serrate  above,  with  remote 
glandular  incurved  teeth  ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  covered  with  deciduous  resinous  globules,  and  on 
the  lower  surface  with  soft  hairs  and  with  the  peltate  silvery  scales  which  are  characteristic  of  this  tree 
in  early  spring,  and  which  soon  become  indistinct  and  often  disappear  by  the  time  the  leaves  are  fully 
grown  ;  at  maturity  they  are  dark  g^een  and  glabrous  above,  pale  or  bright  yellow  below,  the  largest 
from  four  to  five  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide  and  more  than  twice  as  large 
OS  those  of  the  lowest  pair,  with  stout  midribs  and  slender  primary  veins  pubescent  or  tomentose  below. 
The  staminate  flowers  are  produced  in  ternate  hairy  catkins  from  five  to  seven  inches  in  length,  with 
large  acute  scarious  bracts,  and  are  villose  on  the  outer  siu-face,  with  hairy  anthers  and  elongated  linear 
acuminate  villose  bracts.  The  pistillate  flowers  are  oblong,  prominently  four-ribbed,  and  coated  with 
scurfy  yellow  pubescence,  with  a  lanceolate  acuminate  bract  much  longer  than  the  ovate  acute  bractlets 
and  the  calyx-lobe.  The  fruit  varies  from  subglobose  to  pyriform  and  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch 
to  an  inch  and  three  quarters  in  length,  and  is  four-winged  and  more  or  less  thickly  covered  with 
yellow  scurfy  scales,  with  a  thin  husk  which  splits  to  below  the  middle  or  nearly  to  the  base.     The  nut 


i     t 



i  3 








ia  slightly  angled,  often  somewhat  compressed,  narrowed  at  the  ends,  and  pale  or  light  brown,  with  a 
thick  shell  and  small  sweet  seed.' 

Ilicoria  villosn  inhabits  sandy  plains  or  sterile  rocky  ridges  and  is  distributed  from  southern 
New  Jersey ''  to  eastern  Florida,'  and  from  the  valley  of  the  Meramec  River  in  Missouri  to  eastern 
Texas.'  It  is  the  common  Hickory  on  the  sandy  soil  of  southern  Delaware,  where  it  sometimes  begins 
to  bear  fruit  when  only  a  few  feet  high ;  and  it  is  very  abundant  in  the  foothill  region  of  the  southern 
Appalachian  Mountains  and  in  southern  Missouri  and  Arkansas,  where  on  the  dry  flinty  soil  of  low 
hills  it  is  often  the  oaly  Hickory-tree. 

The  wood  of  Ilicoria  villom  is  hard,  tough,  ratlier  brittle,  and  dark  red-brown,  with  thick  nearly 
white  sap  wood." 

'  When  the  seventh  volume  uf  ihin  work  wu  published  in  1893 
this  lliokory  had  been  reco^ized  only  on  the  hills  near  AUenton, 
Missouri.  The  silvcrj  scales  on  the  young  leaves  and  branchlcts, 
which  make  this  tree  so  conspicuous  in  early  spring,  are  less  notice- 
able in  the  AUenton  trees  than  on  those  in  some  other  parts  of  the 
country,  and  they  were  thought  to  be  a  fonu  of  the  Pignut,  Hiroria 
fflalrra  (see  vii.  107,  t.  cclv.).  Now  that  this  Hickory  is  known  to 
be  widely  distributed  and  common  in  many  parts  of  the  country 
and  its  characters  are  better  understood,  I  follow  Mr,  W.  W. 
Ashe,  who  flrsi  noticed  it  in  the  east,  in  considering  it  a  well 
marked  species. 

'  Uinma  ntlosa  was  found  by  Mr.  W.  M.  Canby  near  Cape  May 
Court  House,  New  Jersey,  July  .3,  1899,  and  by  W.  M.  Canby, 
John  Muir,  and  C.  S.  Sargent,  near  Millsborougb,  Delaware,  in 
October,  1898. 

'  Hicnria  lillom  was  collected  by  A.  H.  Curtiss  at  Oak  Hill, 
Volusia  County,  Florida,  July  31,  1900. 

*  The  most  southern  stations  in  the  Piedmont  region  where  I 
have  seen  Hicoria  villosa  are  Birmingham  and  Tuscaloosa,  Ala- 

*  Hicoria  villom  was  found  near  Houston,  Texas,  April  17, 1900 
by  Mr.  B.  F.  Rush. 

'  The  specimen  of  Hicoria  villoia  cut  near  Biltmore,  North  Caro- 
lina, for  the  tJcsup  Collection  of  North  American  Woods  in  the 
American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  \oA,  is  nine  inches 
in  diameter  inside  the  bark  and  one  hundred  and  fortj  two  years 
old,  with  forty-eight  layers  of  sapwood,  which  is  uu  inch  aid  seven 
eighths  in  thickness. 


lurtiu  at  Oak  Hill, 

ixas,  April  17,  190U 





Leaves   oval  to  obovate-orbiculur,  5  to  7-lobed,  dark  green  and  lustrous  on  the 
upper  surface. 

Querous  elUpaoidaUB,'E.  J.  Hill,  Boi.  Oautte,  xxvii.  204,     Querous  coooinea,  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Am.  viii.  133  (in 
t  2,  3  (1899).  —  Britton,  Man.  334.  part)  (not  Mucnchbaueen),  t  413,  f.  2  (1895). 

A  tree,  sixty  or  seventy  feet  in  height,  with  a  short  trunk  rarely  three  feet  in  diameter,  and  much 
forked  branches  which  are  ascending  above  and  often  pendulous  low  on  the  stem,  and  form  a  narrow 
oblong  head.  The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  comparatively  thin,  internally  light  yellow,  close,  rather 
smooth,  divided  by  shallow  connected  fissures  into  thin  narrow  plates,  dark  brown  near  the  base,  dull 
gray  above,  and  on  the  large  branches  gray-brown  and  only  slightly  furrowed.  The  branchlets  are 
slender,  covered  with  matted  pale  hairs  when  they  first  appear,  bright  reddish  brown,  and  marked 
by  small  dark  lenticels  during  their  first  year,  and  dark  gray -brown  or  reddish  brown  in  their 
second  season.  The  winter-buds  are  ovate,  obtuse,  or  acute,  sometimes  slightly  angled,  and  about  an 
eighth  of  an  inch  long,  with  ovate  or  oval  red-brown  lustrous  sUghtly  puberulous  outer  scales  ciliate 
on  the  margins.  The  leaves  vary  from  oval  to  obovate-orbicular  in  outline,  and  are  truncate  or 
broadly  cuneate  at  the  base,  and  deeply  divided  by  wide  sinuses  rounded  at  the  bottom  into  five  or 
seven  oblong  lobes  repandly  dentate  at  the  apex,  with  slender  bristle-pointed  teeth,  or  often,  particularly 
those  of  the  upper  lateral  pair,  repandly  lobulate ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  slightly  tinged  with  red 
and  coated  with  thick  hoary  tomentum,  and  soon  becoming  glabrous  with  the  exception  of  small  tufts 
of  pale  hairs  in  the  axils  of  the  prir  sipal  veins,  at  maturity  they  are  thin  and  firm,  bright  green  and 
lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  paler  and  sometimes  entirely  glabrous  on  the  lower  surface,  from  three 
to  five  inches  long  and  from  two  inches  and  a  half  to  four  inches  wide,  with  stout  midribs  and  primary 
veins  rounded  on  the  upper  side,  and  slender  lateral  veins  connected  by  prominent  reticulate  veinlets  ; 
they  are  borne  on  slender  grooved  glabrous  or  rarely  puberulous  petioles  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to 
nearly  two  inches  long,  and  late  in  the  autumn  before  falling  turn  yellow  or  pale  brown  more  or  less 
blotched  with  red  or  purple.  The  flowers  open  when  the  leaves  are  about  one  quarter  grown,  the 
staminate  in  puberulous  aments  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  two  inches  long,  and  the  pistillate  on  stout 
tomentose  one  to  three-flowered  peduncles.  The  calyx  of  the  staminate  flower  is  membranaceous, 
campanulate,  usually  tinged  with  red,  from  two  to  five-lobed  or  parted  into  oblong-ovate  or  rounded 
segments  which  are  smootli  or  slightly  villose,  fringed  at  the  apex  with  long  twisted  hairs,  and  about 
as  long  as  the  stamens.  These  are  composed  of  short  filaments  and  oblong  anthers  cordiite  at  the  base 
and  blunt  or  emarginate  and  sometimes  apiculate  at  the  apex.  The  pistillate  flower  is  red,  with  broiid 
hairy  oblong  acute  involucral  scales,  a  four  to  seven-lobed  tubular  campanulate  calyx  ciliate  on  the 
margins,  three  spreading  or  recurved  styles  hairy  near  the  base,  and  enlarged  dark  slightly  two-lobed 
stigmas.  The  acorn,  which  ripens  in  the  autumn  of  its  second  year,  is  short-stalked  or  nearly  sessile, 
and  solittiry  or  in  pairs,  and  from  three  quarters  of  an  incli  to  an  inch  long ;  the  nut  is  ellipsoidal, 
varying  from  cylindrical  to  subglobose,  chestnut-brown,  often  striute,  and  puberulous,  with  a  thin  shell 
lined  with  a  thick  coat  of  pale  tomentum  ;  the  cup,  which  incloses  from  one  third  to  rather  more  than 
one  half  of  the  nut,  is  turbinate  or  cup-shaped,  gradually  narrowed  at  the  base,  thin,  light  red-brown 
and  puberulous  on  the  inner  surface,  and  covered  on  the  outer  surface  with  narrow  ovate  obtuse  or 
truncate  brown  pubescent  closely  appressed  scales,  and  a  thin  hyaline  deeply  lobed  margin. 


I    , 

I      - 





Quercua  elHpsoidalis  grows  in  the  neighborhood  of  Chicago,  Illinois,'  and  ranges  to  eastern  Iowa' 
and  southeastern  Minnesota.* 

■  Thii  tree  wiu  flnt  noticed  in  the  •uburbe  o(  Chiwgo  by  Dr.  E. 
J.  Hill  in  the  lutuinn  of  1891  at  Gardner*!  Park  near  the  touthem 
limit*  of  the  city.  Here  it  growt  on  an  ancient  beach  of  Lake 
Michigan  in  thin  aandy  toil  overlaying  a  heavy  clay.  South  of  the 
Calumet  Hirer,  near  Halited  Street,  it  spreads  over  an  area  o' 
several  acres,  growing  on  clay  soil  with  Quereui  ruhra,  and  it  is 
common  at  Glenwood,  where  it  is  associated  with  Quereui  cue- 
(into  and  Quercya  celuiina,  and  where  it  grows  also  on  clay  soil. 

*  Quercm  eUip$mdali$  was  collected  by  William  D.  Barnes  in 
1895  at  Big  Rook,  Seott  County,  Iowa.  (See  E.  J.  Hill,  Bol.  Ga- 
unt, uviii.  21S.) 

*  I  first  saw  this  Oak,  which  had  been  collected  by  Engelmaun 
at  the  Falls  of  Minnehaha  in  September,  1878,  at  Brainerd  on  the 
lied  River  of  the  North,  and  near  St.  Paul,  in  September,  1882. 
At  varions  times  I  have  considered  it  an  extreme  form  of  both 
Querela  necinta  and  of  Qufrtvs  vttutinOt  and  as  a  possible  natural 
hybrid  between  these  species.  Now  that  it  is  known  to  be  much 
more  generally  distributed  than  I  formerly  supposed  and  to  remain 
constant  in  its  characters  in  widely  separated  regions,  the  idea  of 

recent  hybrid  origin  will  have  to  be  abandoned,  and  I  am  glad  to 
follow  Dr.  Hill  and  cousider  it  a  species  which  possesses  some  of 
the  characters  of  Querau  vtlulina,  Quereut  eoccinea,  and  Quercut 
paltatru.  As  Dr.  Hill  has  pointed  out,  like  Qu«rcu«  palutlru  it  has 
comparatively  smooth  bark,  pendulous  lower  branches  long-peraist- 
ent  on  the  trunk,  and  deeply  lobed  leaves.  The  dark  color  of  the 
bark  near  the  base  of  the  trunk,  the  yellow  color  of  the  inner  bark, 
the  coarse-grained  wood,  the  tufts  of  hairs  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves, 
and  the  dull  color  of  the  autumn  foliage,  suggest  Quercut  velutma. 
The  bark,  however,  is  much  less  rough  and  lighter  colored  than  that 
of  the  Blaok  Oak.  The  inner  bark  is  of  a  lighter  yellow  color,  and 
the  winter-buds  are  much  smaller  and  only  slightly  pubescent,  not 
tomentose,  and  the  fruits  are  of  a  different  shape.  From  Quenui 
eoccirua  it  differs  in  its  smooth  bark,  pubescent  buds,  in  the  autumn 
color  of  the  leaves,  in  the  shape  of  the  fruit,  and  in  the  character  of 
the  cup-scales. 

A  fruit  of  Quercut  elliptoidaiit  appears  on  the  plate  of  Quercut 
eoccinta  in  this  work  (viii.  '^  ccocxiii.  f.  2). 

i^     ■! 


Plate  DCCXXL    Qukrcus  kllipkoidalis. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  size. 

2.  A  staminate  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

4.  A  frnitiug  branch,  natural  aiie. 

5.  6,  and  7.  Acorns,  natural  aixa. 

I'  ( 


o  eastern  lova' 

id,  and  I  am  glad  to 
h  poucMet  lome  of 
vccinea,  and  Quenui 
Mtrcm  palutlrit  it  hiu 
ranches  long*p«rBut- 
'be  dark  color  of  the 
lor  of  the  inner  bark, 
be  axili  of  the  learea, 
feit  Quereui  velulma. 
iter  colored  than  that  H  \ 

ter  jrellow  color,  and 
igbtly  pubeacent,  not 
ape.  From  Querau 
buda,  in  the  autumn 
d  in  the  character  of 

the  plate  of  Quereus 



\\    I  ■  L    \  ^       ■■■'■  / 


'<r  1 

"           >  .y  1  '■ 


f  M 


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Sill  A    OF  MiKTll     lUFh/rA 


gvom  ifi  ♦*!«<  ii«iKtib<irbfKM4  ol  ('i«M>«(fu,  DJi.mia,'  and  ranges  to  eastern  Iowa 

90^1    v:;'i.m'*»4'' 

hT   (>I     > 

ife  tf«>*f  \t«r 


-.-M    -ft  *a  wmnmA  r 


•     .  I  mif  «  inwtT  «*»» 

^'.|   !*«•*«,    K    mil— »    trwtr 

<*jr    *«*i*     •«#?  -,.f»ie^-  •      ,-.>. 

.*».•«*,   WtaM   »»     ■ 

.-f«rti«*,  w>4  ii*»>-. 

...'..'i.-u  wm  >w>iM«a4  . 

•t    B*      ibit       N 

"»     t.lU<**      ' 



1   f>jMih]«  iiatiinf 

..   ItlMwa  tn  W  much 

vtuMh  mtffetti  Md  In  rrmaiii 

■    -,.j-u.'-'    ■.  ^   .Hi    :',  •    .|,.ii    .1 

■•MM  kj«n#  wl^  Kill  have  to  (w  «l>andoiie(l,  iiud  I  nin  f\v\  , 

h^v  l*?  flhif  «»t{  r>niiaKler  ii  a  ipecipfl  whicb  puMt>Mes  tutu**  ^ 

"^  •%(•  -f  •''4«   t-Wufiwi,  Qit4Tfu.i  cort-tnen,  and  f;^*/-^,  . 

^''^w""*-  *'-M  jKtiutffd  cmi.  liko  <^irrcu<  }tnl\tstru  it  ru 

auapvri  .«.-k   p«mliil<ma  lower  hrancbrt  liinf;.|i«ni>> 

— t  »«.  Mh  -  ,.,,  _...  .t«»i)l)r  liilNKi  l«ares.     The  dark  tdlcir  of  li. 

-'k  Mat  lb»  kMW  .!«  the  Unuk,  ih«  yellow  color  of  the  iijiit'r  btti  ■ 

,i-vi/'.g»»,»ii«|  ir«Mi,  tb*  lufUiif  hairs  in  ihn  ««il»of  the  loa<- - 

i«*i!  '^iijiir  al  Um  autjjtiin  foliuf^f,  otigfi^flt  (^u^t-ui  irluiv- 

«  'K»»»»»r.  i»  maab  Um  rvii«h»iHl  lijjliter  oolorod  Ihnii  il, . 

'      '••«>*  I  Mr      Tha  laixr  hark  w  of  a  lighter  jellow  color,  v 

■  i  ■  wp   n-ui-h  Klnalliir  iiiul  oiilr  iilightly  pubea^'ent,  r./ 

'^ 1  )  ih»  fniitji  are  of  a  different  iiba|i«.     Knini  yoer-  . 

•.<M  It  ilifftn  in  'latuiootli  bark,  polwtcent  buds,  in  tlie  aulnn' 
i>  r  of  the  laaxa.  lu  iW  >ha(M  of  the  (ruit,  and  in  the  character  •■ 
tha  i»ip-«<<«lea 

A  fruit  of  <^f  ••iTtf  fittpiwviiilu  appears  on  the  plate  of  Qu^r.  v 
o^niMO  >n  this  work  (^riii.  I.  rccciiii.  (.  2). 


Pl.ATR    IK.'t)XXI        QnKKl'lia    KIJ-IIIHIIIIAUS. 
t.   A  flowfrinx  liraiirli,  natural  liu. 
'.'.   A  •taminato  tluwit,  riilar)(e(l. 
3    A  putillat*  flower,  enlarged. 
i.   A  fniilinK  branch,  uatursl  site 
6,  6,  and  7.  Acorna.  natural  sit*. 






*         3 


i  to  eastern  Iowa ' 

>iic<l.  unci  I  nni  f[t*H  i" 

ll     ptMAfHflVel     lUUHl    ii« 

r   coet-tnea,   and  '^frt-^' 

Qiirri-ut  imlmlru  it  ho 

r  hranclirfl  l()l)j;-|>«rHn- 

The  (Inrlc  ciilcir  of  Uw 

color  uf  the  inner  b«rk 

n  ibn  ux\\»  of  ttie  Iis«t>« 

iigKCiit  QtuTcuj  iftuim,. 

iglitcr  culor«<l  thnn  (IkJ 

ightar  jrcllow  color.  «w 

sliglitl/  pubrM'«nt,  tu  L 

nhA{M*.     Vnmi  Quff*-.t: 

pot  bnilR,  in  the  autaanu 

and  in  tlie  characur  .- 

>n  tbo  iilute  of  Qw 

.ivii,  v.t   Nc-'itJi  Amciua 


'  .*.;.«■•.•  ./,•/ 


/Ci-jA^U///^  .  <2.. 

."/  /iV.  ■'  r,v«,r  ^t'tft\r 

Ay>  ,  '"  Tunfur  !'<i. 






The  hi 
first  ap 
scales  8 
and  cii 
the  ini( 
pale  toi 
inches  1 
an  inch 
upper  8 
The  St 
yellow  1 
or  less 
scales  I 
acute  c 
in  the 
ovate  t( 
about  1 
red  ;  tl 
with  a 
and  CGI 

'  I  lira 
Mt.  Cam 





Swamp  Spanish  Oak.    Red  Oak. 

Leaves  oval  to  oblong,  deeply  5  to  11-lobcd,  white-tomentose  on  the  lower 

Querotis  pairodsefolia,  Ashe,  Bot.  Oatette,  xxiv.  375 
(1897).  —  Mohr,  CoiUrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  vi.  472 
(Plant  Life  of  Alabama).  —  Britton,  Man.  334. 

QuerouB  faloata,  var.  b  pagodsefoUa,  Elliott,  Sk.  ii.  605 

QuerouB  digitata  pagodsBfoUa,  Ashe,  Handb.  N.  Car.  47 


A  tree,  sometimes  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  four  or  five  feet  in 
diameter,  and  heavy  branches  which  in  the  forest  form  a  short  narrow  crown ;  or  when  the  tree  has 
{rrown  uncTowded  on  the  bank  of  a  river  wide-spreading  or  ascending  and  forming  a  great  open  head. 
The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  an  inch  in  thickness  and  is  roughened  by  small  rather  closely  appressed 
plate-like  scales  which  are  hght  gray  or  gray-brown.  The  branchlets  are  slender,  coated  when  they 
iirst  appear  with  thick  hoary  tomentum,  tomentose  or  pubescent  during  their  first  winter,  and  dark 
reddish  brown  and  puberulous  during  their  second  year.  The  winter-buds  are  ovoid,  acute,  often 
prominently  four-angled,  and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  length,  with  light  red-brown  puberulous 
scales  sometimes  ciliate  at  the  apex.  The  leaves  vary  from  oval  to  oblong  and  are  gradually  narrowed 
and  cuneate  or  full  and  rounded  or  rarely  truncate  at  the  base,  and  deeply  divided  usually  by  wide 
sinuses  rounded  at  the  bottom  into  from  five  to  eleven  lobes ;  these  are  acuminate,  bristle-pointed, 
usually  entire  or  rarely  repandly  dentate  toward  the  apex,  often  falcate,  and  spread  at  right  angles  to 
the  midrib  or  are  pointed  toward  the  apex  of  the  leaf ;  when  they  unfold  the  leaves  are  coated  with 
pale  tomentum  which  is  thickest  on  the  lower  surface,  and  are  dark  red  on  the  upper  surface,  and  at 
maturity  they  are  dark  green  and  very  lustrous  above,  pale  and  omentose  below,  from  six  to  eight 
inches  long  and  five  or  six  inches  wide ;  they  are  borne  on  stout  pubescent  or  tomentose  petioles  from 
an  inch  and  a  half  to  two  inches  in  length,  with  stout  midribs  rounded  and  usually  puberulous  on  the 
upper  side,  slender  primary  veins  arching  to  the  points  of  the  lobes,  and  conspicuous  reticulate  veinlets. 
The  stipules  are  linear,  villose,  and  caducous.  In  the  autumn  the  leaves  often  turn  bright  clear 
yellow  before  falling.  The  flowers  appear  with  the  unfolding  of  the  leaves,  the  staminate  in  clustered 
slftncler  villoae  aments  two  or  three  inches  long,  and  the  pistillate  on  one  to  three-flowered  tomentose 
peduncles.  The  calyx  of  the  staminate  flower  is  thin,  scarious,  pubescent  on  the  outer  surface,  more 
or  less  deeply  tinged  with  red,  and  divided  into  four  or  five  rounded  segments  shorter  than  the 
stamens,  which  are  tour  or  five  in  number,  with  oblong  emarginate  yellow  anthers.  The  involucral 
scales  of  the  pistillate  flower  are  coated  with  thick  hoary  tomentum  and  are  about  as  long  as  the 
acute  calyx-lobes  ;  the  stigmas  are  clavate,  sliglitly  lobed  at  the  apex,  and  dark  red.  The  acorn  ripens 
in  the  autumn  of  its  second  year  and  is  short-stilked  or  nearly  sessile ;  the  nut  varies  from  short- 
oviite  to  subglobose,  and  is  light  yellow-brown,  puberulous  particularly  toward  the  rounded  apex,  and 
about  f;ve  eighths  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  with  a  thin  shell  lined  with  pale  tomentum  tinged  with 
red ;  the  cup,  which  incloses  nearly  one  half  of  the  nut,  is  flat  on  the  bottom  or  slightly  turbinate, 
with  a  thin  somewhat  lobed  margin,  and  is  glabrous  on  the  inner  surface  and  covered  on  the  outer  with  oblong  rather  loosely  imbricated  scales  which  are  rounded  at  the  gradually  narrowed  apex 
and  coated  except  on  their  dark  margins  with  pale  pubescence.* 


'  I  first  saw  this  tree  on  the  bottoms  of  the  White  River  near 
Mt.  CarniBl,  Illinuu),  in  1894,  and  allusion  to  it  wafl  made  in  the 

eighth  volume  of  this  work  published  the  following  year  under  the 
description  of  Querciis  digitata,  to  which  it  is  closely  related.    (Seo, 

■  I 




Quemis  pagodafolia  inhabits  rich  bottom-lands  and  the  alluvial  banks  of  streams,  and  iit 
distributed  from  southeastern  Virginia'  to  northern  Florida,"  and  through  the  Oulf  stdtes  and 
A;''.aasas '  to  southern  Missouri,  western  Tennessee  and  Kentucky,  and  southern  Illinois  and  Indiana, 
and  is  probably  most  abundant  in  the  river-swamps  of  the  Yazo  basin  and  of  epstern  Arkansas,  of 
which  it  is  one  of  the  largest  and  most  valuable  timber-tretts. 

The  wood  of  Quercus  pagodafolia  is  light  reddish  brown  and  unusually  close-grained  for  that 
of  one  of  the  Black  Oaks,  with  comparatively  small  open  ducts  and  thin  supwood,  and  is  valued  by 
lumbermen  almost  as  highly  as  white  oak.* 

QueraiK  pagodafolia  is  one  of  the  largest  American  Oaks ;  and  few  North  American  trees  are 
more  beautiful  either  in  the  dense  forests  which  cover  the  alluvial  bottom-lands  of  the  Mississippi 
basin,  where  its  tall  shafts  tower  high  above  its  humbler  companions,  or  on  the  banks  of  the  Congaree 
or  the  Savannah,  where  ite  ^at  branches  spread  for  from  the  massive  trunk  and  the  ample  leaves 
fluttering  in  the  wind  display  first  the  dark  green  and  then  the  silvery  whiteness  of  their  two  surfaces. 

alio,  Ridgmy,  Pnc.  U.  S.  tfiJ.  lUut.  y.  80  j  iTii.  413.  —  Oardm 
and  Forul,  Tui.  101,  f.  16.)  Later  Mr.  W.  W.  Aihe  foand  thU 
Oak-trM  mar  Raleigh,  Uortb  Carolina,  and  hai  ahown  that  it  i> 
the  Qiwvui  falcala,  rar.  pagodcffolia,  of  Elliott.  The  character  of 
the  bark  and  wood  and  the  thape  of  the  leavei  with  their  eilTory 
white  lower  enrfaoe  lerre  to  diitinguish  thii  tree  from  all  the 
fornu  of  Qutrciu  digilala.  That  tree  growi  only  on  drjr  and  uioalljr 
■terile  uplanda,  while  Qutreiu  pagodafolia  i§  a  conitent  inhabitant 
of  riTer-bottoms  often  inundated  during  MTeral  month*  of  every 
Tear  and  of  rich  river  bank*,  in  all  the  great  region  which  it  ii 
BOW  known  to  inhabit,  and  I  follow  Mr.  Aihe  in  coniiideriog  it  a 

'  Quercuf  pagodafolia  waa  ooUected  near  Virginia  Beaeh,  Vi^ 
ginia,  in  May,  1000,  by  Mr.  C.  E.  Faxon. 

'  Qutrcm  pagodafolia  waa  oolleeted  by  Mi.  A.  H.  Curtiaa  near 
Chattehoochee,  Florida,  September,  1884. 

*  Quercu*  pagodafolia  waa  onllected  at  Fulton,  Arkanaaa,  in  May, 
1900,  by  Mr.  B.  F.  Buah  (No.  -243). 

*  The  apecimen  cut  near  Mt.  Cami^l,  lUinoia,  by  Dr.  J.  Schneck 
for  the  Jeanp  Collection  of  North  American  Wooda  in  the  Amori- 
ean  Mnaeum  of  Natural  Iliatory,  New  York,  ia  thirty-two  inchea  in 
diameter  inaide  the  hark  and  one  hundred  and  eight  yeate  old,  with 
nine  layer*  of  aapwood,  which  ii  an  inch  and  an  eifihth  in  thick- 


Plate  DCCXXII.    Qukkcuh  PAaoD.«roLiA. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  *iz«. 

2.  A  ataniinate  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  pi*tiUate  flower,  enlarge<l. 

4.  A  fruiting  branch,  nr.tural  aize. 
C.  A  winter  bi«nchlet,  natural  alia. 



1   i 


BtreamB,  and  ia 
Gulf  sUtefl  and 
QoiB  and  Indiana, 
ern  Arkansas,  of 

grained  for  that 
nd  is  valued  by 

aerican  trees  are 
■  the  MisBissippi 
of  the  Congaree 
the  ample  leaves 
ir  two  surfaces. 

Virginit  Ocaob,  Vi^ 

li.  A.  H.  Curtiu  near 

on,  Arlunui,  io  M*j, 

>M,  by  Dr.  J.  Sohneok 

Woods  in  the  Ameri- 

it  tbirtjr-tTTo  inoheiin 

eight  yean  old,  with 

an  eifihth  in  thick- 

li  :  » .1 

.V  '       ! '    ' 


i' '  • 

1!  1 

?'■      1 

■^1  •: 

'J'  f 

■  ■ 


■      I' 



i|  :l 


I  VA.W/r  I 


!< '!>    tii<l    tli»    alluvial  ImnkH   of   HtrHanis,  kiid 
.."rilifrii     Kloriiii,     »ii<l    thniu^li    tlio  Gulf    itatM    .ii 
'r««iiMHMi<i  aiiiJ  Kentuckj,  and  toutherii  Illinoin  nnd  Ititlun 
<w«uip«  iif  till*  Yaao  bMiii  and  of  uaMtcrii  Arkaiiiuiv 
ii.u...i«i  tcBiWr*UM». 

(^  lifiH  wiiiiill  brawn  and  ununuallv  cloHe-K:riiintHl  for  >i 
■mail  <tpMa  <liwli  and  thin  inpw  ,M)d,  and  ih  vivIidmI 

dr   tiM 

(mMWM  Otk» ;  and  few  Nortli  American  tn*-.- 
Hf  tkw  alluvial  hottom-landa  of  tho  Miaaiaaif; 
<u  UimUcr  (MMpuuoaa,  or  on  the  hanks  of  tho  Con^;,! 
■>r«id  far  from  tlM>  mft««^'«  trunk  and  the  ample  Im 
ifid  th«Ki  ttM  ftii^rrv  whitt'nxM*  of  their  two  siirfac*-- 

•u«  kvows 

A>t»  laoad  tku 

-Vian   tbkt   It   o 

'  ■    *  b»nwt4T  M 

■  ■  *>ui  Ow»ir  uUvr^ 

■.■^   tnmi    all  tbr 

-iry  ami  linumUr 

•   ^     •:"t«nt  iiiluiUt«nt 

u»««il    iMriny  **  tju       ^mu*  of  pirory 

r,j;i  i.vtr  't  k*.  10  all  Ui*  ^r»at   itj(1'»  wbich  it  it 

to  inhabit,  aaii  I  loUmr  Mr.  Aah*  in  raMMUna(  it  a 

'  Qmfnti  f»fa4»tfaUa  waa  oiillaotml  nrar  Virginia  Umoli. 
Ifvauk,  ia  Majr,  IWW,  by  Mr.  C   K.  Faiun. 

'  QwT\^a  inqniifMia  w**  (olUotnt  bjr  Mr.  A.  II.  ('uKi» 
r  lattiihonrhrr.  Kliiriila,  8«ptciDti«r,  1HH4 

*  Qutrn^  pa^lirfniia  waa  oolUcted  at  Kultuii,  Arkaiuaa,  ia  Sk\* 
19m>,  br  Mr.  H.  K.  Hiuh  (No.  VtS). 

*  Th»  ipaciincn  rut  iirar  Mt   (  armiil,  lllinoii,  \'y  Dr.  .1  Set. 
for  tiio  jMiip  CiiltiMJtioti  nf   N''>rtb  .Vinenraii  W'ikmIs  iii  the  Av 
raji  MiiA^iini  iif  NatumI  lliiitorr.  N«w  Ynrk,  i«  thirtv-twu  incii*' 
diaoMrtcr  ia<:de  tha  bark  aod  uue  hnndrttl  aiiil  eight  jeart  old.  • 
bIm  lajat*  of  Mpwood,  wfaiob  ia  an  iDcb  and  an  eighth  in  thc' 


Puart  IXXTXXIl.    Qraaiini  r*uuDK>YiUA. 
I     K  )l9«r«rtB|;  braiirh,  natural  >iae. 
'..'    .K  ttaminwt*  rtowor,  enUrgHl. 
;<.   A  {MtilLkl*  Ait«r«r.  unlars.'mi. 
t.   A  (ntUiiii(  hrtni-h.  natural  «i»» 
f>.   A  winter  liranchirl.  naturaJ  »ij«. 

Ntnmmii,  au(i  iv 
Uulf   nUtrn   itrt't 
inoM  nnd  Indian* 
tiTii  Arkaiiwtv 

Xr>kiii<>(l  for  'i 

HIkI     IK    Vlkllll'<i 

incrinin  trt*¥  .. 
if   tliu   MiMHiwstp; 
H  of  the  Conjf  I 
tlic  ninplu  li"«. . . 
t'ir  two  stirfnt'" 

>  Virginia  B«uk. 

Mr.  A.  II.  CiiKiu 

llou,  ArkvuM,  in   .. 

noil,  hy  Dr.  ,1.  Sr.hiMnt 
n  Wowii  iu  th<  Ait<»i 

a  tliirljr-twu  inc-li« 
ul  eight  >'ean  uM.  %■ 
id  wi  eighth  in  tharii 

5tlv«  of  North  AniTii  M 

Tab,  DCr'XXM 

/   £.'/\un"i  ./.•/ 

Em  ffuTi^/u  . 


*    i     ( 

:■  >    I 


> ,  i 

i     I 







nciitt',  ( 
aiul  i)fl 
upper  fl 
and  a  ! 
yt'llow  1 
three  (| 
are  acu 
Bcales  II 
uut  is  ( 
tL^  he) 

'  I  Imv 
whon  tilt 
the  luwes 

»  Walt 
liutuny,  a 
In  1K91- 
I'ent  tu  t 
tiio  Divia 

I>r.  Kvaii 
tiglitu  tli 




Red  Blroh.    Black  Blroh. 

STitoniLES  cylindrical,  erect,  or  Hpruiiding.     Leaves  ovate,  acute,  or  acuminate, 
cuneatc  at  the  baoe. 

Batula  Kankioa,  Etmu,  Bot.  OanttU,  urii.  481  (1899). 

A  tree,  from  thirty  to  forty  feot  in  height,  with  a  trunk  from  twelve  to  twenty  inchen  in  diameter 
covered  with  thin  more  or  leiM  furrowed  very  dark  lirown  or  nearly  hhick  hark,  luid  wide-Bpreadin^ 
hninciieH.  The  branchleta,  which  are  rather  titout  and  marked  l>y  numeroiM  Hmall  ]>tthi  lenticelM,  are 
bright  red-brown  during  two  or  throe  yearit,  and  then  gradually  become  darker.  The  leaves  are  ovate, 
acute,  or  acuminate,  broadly  cunoate  or  somewhat  rounded  ut  the  entire  base,  and  irregidarly,  coarNely, 
and  often  doubly  serrate  above,  with  spreading  teeth  ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  puberulous  on  the 
upper  surface  and  ciliate  on  the  margins,  with  short  soft  white  deciduous  hair.i,  and  in  summer  they  are 
glabrous,  dark  dull  green  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  yellow-green  on  the  lower  surface,  from  an  inch 
and  a  half  to  two  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  three  quarters  wide,  with  blender 
yellow  midribs,  four  {Miirs  of  thin  primary  veins,  reticulate  veinlets  conspicuous  on  both  surfaces,  and 
slender  peti(des  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  an  inch  in  length.  The  scales  of  the  st<tmiiiate 
flowers  are  ovate,  acute  and  apiculate  at  the  a\)ex,  puberulous  on  the  outer  surface,  and  dark  red- 
brown.'  The  pistillate  aments  are  from  one  third  to  one  half  of  an  inch  in  length  and  about  one 
sixteenth  of  an  inch  in  width,  and  are  borne  on  slender  glandular  pubescent  peduncles  from  one  half  to 
three  (|uarters  of  un  inch  in  length,  and  bibracteolate,  with  scarious  caducous  bractlets ;  their  scales 
are  acuminate,  light  green,  ciliate  on  the  margins,  with  long  white  hairs,  and  strongly  retlexed  at  the 
middle,  and  the  styles  are  bright  red.  The  strobiles  are  cylindrical  and  about  an  inch  long,  and  their 
scales  are  cuneate  at  the  base,  longer  than  broad,  and  ciliate  on  the  margins  with  broad  lateral  lobes 
much  shorter  than  the  oblong-ovate  terminal  lobe  which  is  narrowed  and  rounded  at  the  apex.  The 
nut  is  oval  and  somewhat  narrower  than  its  thin  wing. 

Betula  Kenaica  inhabits  the  Kenai  peninsula  in  the  vicinity  of  Cook  Inlet,  where  it  grows  with 
Pice/t  Sitchennin,  and  Kadiak  Island.  It  was  discovered  during  the  summer  of  1897  at  Sunrise  near 
ILl  head  of  Turnagain  Arm  of  Cook  Inlet  by  Dr.  Walter  H.  Evans,"  and  two  years  later  it  was  distin- 
guished on  Kadiak  Island  by  Dr.  F.  V.  Coville  of  the  Harriman  Alaska  Expedition.^ 

'  I  hsn  M«n  only  jroiing  lUniinate  amanti  of  thii  tree  ooUeoted 
when  they  were  about  an  inch  lung  and  aoon  after  the  opening  of 
the  lowest  Huwers, 

'  WaltiT  Harrison  Kvaus  (June  3,  180,'))  was  born  at  Delphi, 
Indiann,  where  ho  was  educated  in  the  common  and  hi|;h  schools. 
In  1882  he  entered  Wabash  College  at  Crawfordsville,  Indiana. 
Graduating  in  1887,  he  took  a  post-graduate  course  in  \u»  college, 
becoming  assistant  to  Dr.  .1.  M.  Coulter,  at  that  time  professor  of 
iKitan^r,  and  receiving  in  ISiK)  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  I'liilosophy. 
In  lH91-0i!  Dr.  livans  made  collections  of  Cadi  in  the  region  adja- 
cent to  the  boundary  between  the  I'nitod  States  and  Meiico  for 
the  Division  of  Botany  of  the  United  .States  Department  of  Agri- 
culture, and  since  1602  ho  has  been  the  iKitanical  editor  of  I'/ie 
Kilirrim/nl  Station  litconl  published  by  that  department.  In  1897 
Dr.  Kvans  was  sent  to  Alaska  as  a  special  conunisaioner  to  inves- 
tigate the  agrii-ultural  resources  of  the  territory  and  to  report  on 

them  to  Congress.  With  Professor  Coulter  he  has  published  A 
lievuion  of  North  American  Cornaceir  in  the  Hfteenth  volume  of 
The  Botanical  Gazette,  and  ho  is  the  author  of  a  paper  on  The 
Effect  of  Copptr  Sulphate  on  Seett  Oennination  in  Bulletin  No.  10  of 
the  Oiviiion  of  Vegetable  Pathology,  United  Slates  Department  of 
Agrimlture,  and  of  a  number  of  miscellaneous  papers. 

'  "  I  found  Betula  Kenaica  abundant  on  a  forested  gravel  point 
in  Halibut  Cove,  Kachcmak  liay.  Cook  Inlet,  growing  twenty-Hve 
to  thirty-Hve  feet  high  and  a  foot  in  diameter.  There  are  a  few 
trees  still  standing  back  of  the  village  of  Kadiak  on  Kadiak  Island, 
and  I  found  an  abundance  of  them  in  one  spot  in  the  valley  at 
the  head  of  Knglisb  or  Woman's  Kay,  eight  miles  south  of  Kadiak 
village,  the  trees  at  this  point  having  a  maximum  diameter  of 
almut  one  foot  and  a  height  of  about  twenty  feet."  (Coville,  in 


>t   , 




I  m 

4          [  ^^fl 





I  jl 
I  F 



Platb  DtX^XXIII.    Betula  Kknaica. 

1.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  site. 

2.  A  scale  of  the  fruiting  anient,  enlarged. 

3.  A  nut,  enlarged. 


OJ    '     ■ 

m         1. 


1      •  1 


;       1 


:            ( 
i    '         i 



1     f 


\  'I       1 


BE  TULA    KEN  a: 


'  'i^ 

1      V 

J          ■H 

I  t 


i       ! 

if  i 



Plats  rXl-XXUI     Butoia  Ki!!«i.i.A. 

ilv.i  i<r  Not  111  Amrinca 

Tat  ncCXXlll 

.'l/^'i  .(tv 

J^nu/fifn^^/t/  .tc* 






■  if 

■  'I 

■■  i-fl 

BETULA    KENAICA  Ev.-,ns. 

^   /ftfytftttt'     -/// 

/»?u»  ,  ^  Tart^^r  P.inj- 










are  cc 
On  pi 
base  h 

'  A  0 

due  to  tl 
his  Cala 
173).  M 
of  Bttut: 
with  the 




Oanoe  Biroh. 
Leaves  ovate,  cordate  at  the  base. 

Betula  papyrifera,  var.  oord<foUe^  Fernald,  Bhodora,  iii. 

173  (1901). 
Betula  oordifoUa,  Regel,  Nouv.  Mint.  See.  Not.  Mote. 

xiii.  86,  t.  12,  f.  29-36  (Mono^aphia  Seiulaeearum) 

Betula  alba,  inbcp.  6  oordifoUa,  Regel,  BuU.  Soe.  Nat. 

^^nlc,  zxxriii.  pt  ii.  401  (Oattung»n  Betula  und  Alnus 

[1865])  (  De  CandoUe  Prodr.  xvi.  pt  ii.  166. 

Betula  papyrifera,  p  minor,  Gray,  Man.  ed.  6,  459  (in 

part)  (not  Tuckennan)  (1867). 
Betula  papyrifera,  var.  minor,  Watson  &  Coulter,  Gray's 

Man.  ed.  6,  472  (1890).  —  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Jm.  ix. 

67.  —  Britton  &  Brown,  lU.  Fl.  i.  609.  —  Britton,  Man. 

Betula  pap3rracea,  a  oordifoUa,  Dippel,  Handb.  Laulholxk, 

ii.  177  (1892), 

On  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Katahdiii  in  Maine  and  on  the  White  Mountains  of  New  Hampshire  the 
Canoe  Birch  is  usually  not  more  than  thirty  or  fortv  feet  in  height,  and  at  the  highest  elevations 
which  it  reaches  on  these  mountains  it  is  reduced  to  a  low  shrub.  The  leaves  of  this  mo'.ntain  tree 
are  cordate  at  the  base,  and  farther  north,  and  in  the  northern  Rocky  Mountain  reg^ion  where  the 
Canoe  Birch  is  not  common,  the  leaves  are  sometimes  cordate  and  sometimes  wedge-shaped  at  the  base. 
On  plate  ccccli.  of  this  work  the  ordinary  form  of  the  Canoe  Birch  with  leaves  broadly  cuneate  at  the 
base  is  figured,  and  properly  to  illustrate  this  species  a  figure  of  this  well-marked  alpine,  northern  and 
western  form  is  needed.  Except  in  the  form  of  the  leaves,  there  seems  to  be  no  other  constant 
characters  by  which  the  variety  corcUfoHa  can  be  separated  from  the  typical  Canoe  Birch.' 

'  A  oonfiuion  vhiob  has  existed  in  the  name  of  this  Birch  is 
due  to  the  fact  that  two  plants  have  been  confounded  in  the  Bttula 
papyracea,  var.  minor,  of  Tuckennan,  as  shown  by  Mr.  Fernald  in 
his  Calalogut  of  the  Va$cular  Planit  of  Ml.  Katakdin  (Rkodora,  iii. 
173).  Mr.  Fernald  identifies  Tuckerman'a  specimens  in  Herb.  Gray 
of  Betula  papyracea.  Tar.  minor  (Am,  .four.  .Sci,  zlr.  31  [1843]), 
with  the  plant  which  Kegel  has  called  Betula  alba,  subsp.  8  tortuoia 

(Bull.  Soc.  ti'at.  Mote,  xxxviii.  pt.  ii.  404  [Gatlungen  Betula  und 
Alnut]  [1865]  j  De  CandoUe  Prodr.  xvi.  pt.  ii.  168),  an  Old  World 
plant,  while  American  botanists  previously  had  considered  the  dwarf 
form  of  the  Canoe  Birch  to  be  Tuckemian's  plant.  Kegel's  name, 
eordifolia,  therefore,  based  in  part  on  specimens  collected  on  Mt. 
Katahdin  in  1840,  should  be  adopted  fur  this  variety. 

*  1 

I*        h 

i  -  ■ 


P1.ATK   DCOXXIV.      BeTULA   l-ArVHIFEitA,  T»r.  COBOtrOLU. 

1.  A  llowcring  branch,  natural  air.e. 

2.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 

3.  A  scale  of  a  fruiting  anient,  enlarged. 

4.  A  nutlet,  enlarged. 

'  I 

t                         1 

■  I 

:        I 





:  1 

'j '  f  1 

it  I ' 

«  '■.  I.. 

' ; 





BETl'lA  PA! 

I    i 

I   ,  1 

rxn  ANATION   OF  niK   1>I,ATK. 

I'l.ATS    UClXXIV        BitTn,*    I4<'l  ulKbiLA,  VM.  (OHDlrOLIA. 
1     A  iluwcrinK  '^'o^Hi  UklunI  aiie. 
V    :!«it4af>  U«kli(^h.  Uatarkt  MM 

4    A 

I'.ilv.i  1)1    Nor'.h   Aiiiprirrt 

T^b  uccxxr.' 



t' A' Kt.i,'*i  'Ui' 


A  /it,  '/rv/.r  ./tff.r^  .^V  J'u/-  Paru 

lartauJ  -'■* 



JuUi  If 

f^Hi  \ 


t ' 








:;i     f 


and  : 




lar.  11 




in  le 









six  ]) 


or  pi 

or  ac 




on  tl 





on  tl 







Stuoiiiles  cylindrical,  pendulous.     Leaves  ovate,  acuminiac,  rounded  or  cordate  at 
the  broad  base. 

Betula  oooidentalia,  Huokur,  Fl.  Bor.-Am.W.  156  (in  part) 
(183'J).  — Spach,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  «t.  '2.  xv.  197  (Jieuitio 
IMittacearum)  (in  part).  —  Lyall,  Jmtr.  Linn.  Sot.  vii. 
134.  —  SurgBnt,  But.  Gazette,  xixi.  237. 

Betula  alba,  aubip.  5  oooidentalia,  a  typica,  Kegel,  Bull. 

Soc.  Nat.  Moie.  uzviii.  pt.  ii.  400  {Qattungen  Betula  und 
Alnus)  (in  part)  (186B)  i  De  Candolle  Prodr.  ivi.  pt.  ii. 
l(y>  (in  part). 
Betula  papyrifera,  Macoun,  Cat.  Can.  PI.  436  (in  part) 
(1886).  —  Sargent,  .SiVm  N.  Am.  ix.  57  (in  tmrt). 

A  tree,  from  one  hundred  to  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  three  or  four 
feet  ill  diameter,  and  comparatively  Hiuall  brancheH  which  wiiile  the  tree  is  young  are  slightly  ascending 
and  form  a  narrow  symmetrical  pyramidal  crown,  and  on  old  trees  are  often  pendulous.  The  hark  is 
thill,  marked  by  large  oblong  horizontid  dark-colored  raised  lenticels,  light  orange-brown,  very  lustrous, 
and  separates  freely  into  tiiin  papery  layers  which  disclose  in  falling  the  bright  orange-yellow  inner 
bark.  The  branchlets  are  stout,  and  when  they  first  appear  arc  pale  orange-brown,  more  or  less  glandu- 
lar, and  coated  with  long  pale  hairs ;  during  their  fii-st  winter  they  are  bright  orange-brown  marked  by 
numerous  minute  pale  lenticels,  pubescent  or  puberulous,  and  nearly  destitute  of  glands,  and  in  their 
second  year  they  are  orange-brown,  glabrous,  very  lustrous,  and  the  lenticels  begin  to  lengthen  horizon- 
tally. The  winter-buds  are  acute,  bright  orange-brown,  and  from  one  eighth  to  one  quarter  of  an  inch 
in  length,  and  in  expanding  the  inner  scales,  which  are  obovate  or  oblong,  rounded  at  the  apex,  light 
yellow-brown,  and  scarious,  sometimes  become  three  quarters  of  an  inch  long.  The  leaves  are  ovate, 
acute,  usually  rounded  but  occasionally  cordate  or  rarely  cuneate  at  the  broad  base,  and  coarsely  and 
generally  doubly  serrate,  with  straight  or  incurved  glandular  teeth ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  light 
yellow-green  covered  with  dark  reddish  resinous  viscid  glands  and  villose  along  the  midribs  and  veins, 
with  long  white  hairs  which  are  most  abundant  on  their  lower  side  and  in  the  axils  of  the  primary  veins, 
where  they  often  fonn  hirge  tufts  which  are  persistent  during  the  summer ;  at  maturity  they  are  thin 
but  firm  in  texture,  marked  by  the  scars  of  the  fallen  glands,  dull  dark  green  on  the  upper  surface,  pale 
yellow-green  on  the  lower  surface,  and  puberulous  on  both  sides  of  the  stout  yellow  midribs  and  five  or 
six  pairs  of  slender  primary  veins,  from  three  to  four  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  two 
inches  wide  ;  they  are  borne  on  stout  glandular  grooved  petioles  at  first  tomentose,  ultimately  pubescent 
or  puberulous,  and  about  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  length.  The  stipules  are  oblong-obovate,  rounded, 
or  acute  and  apiculate  at  the  apex,  ciliate  on  the  margins,  with  short  white  hairs,  puberulous,  glandular- 
viscid,  about  half  an  inch  long  and  from  an  eighth  to  a  quarter  of  an  inch  wide.  During  the  winter  the 
staininate  aments  are  about  three  (piarters  of  an  inch  long  and  an  eighth  of  an  inch  thick,  with  ovate 
scales  rounded  or  abruptly  narrowed  and  acute  at  the  apex,  j)uberulous  on  the  outer  surface,  and  ciliate 
(in  the  margins,  with  long  scattered  pale  hairs,  and  when  they  are  fully  grown  and  the  flowers  have 
opened  in  May  they  are  fron  three  to  four  inches  long  and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  wide.  The 
strobiles,  which  are  produced  ;)n  .stout  peduncles  about  three  quarters  of  an  inch  long,  are  cylindrical, 
from  an  inch  and  a  quarter  to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  length  and  from  a  quarter  to  a  half  of  an  inch  in 
thickness ;  their  scales  are  much  longer  than  they  are  broad,  gradually  narrowed  to  the  base,  puberulous 
on  the  outer  surface,  and  ciliate  on  the  margins,  with  spreading  lateral  lobes,  and  an  elongated  terminal 

^  •.■ 








3    * 

SUVA    OF  iVO/r/7/   AMERICA. 


loho  rounded  nt  the  narrow  \\\yex.  Tho  nut  ii  oval»  uSout  a  itixtitontli  of  an  inch  long,  and  nearly  uh 
wide  aM  itn  wingH.' 

Htffthi  ttci'ult'ufaiiM  inhahiti)  tho  ImnkH  of  NtrMinm  and  hikes  in  HouthwtmtiTn  HritiHli  Cuhimhm  and 
northwoHtoiii  WaHliington,  and  nowhere  very  iMtmmon  growu  prohahly  t<»  its  Ur^eHt  ttize  on  the  alhivial 
bankn  of  tlie  hiwvr  FraMer  Kiver.' 

Jit(nfti  orviiitntaiiH  \h  one  of  the  hirgent  of  all  Hireh-treoH,  and,  with  the  exception  of  the  Cotton* 
wood,  it  is  the  lar^eHt  of  tlie  deciduoiiH*luaved  trin^s  of  northwi'Hturn  Nortli  Anicrira.  It  wiut  diMcnvrrtMl 
on  the  Mhori'H  of  tlu«  StmitM  of  Fucii  l>y  Dr.  John  Srouh*r^  lirtwrvn  18*25  and  1827.  In  181>;j  thiH  tree 
wiiM  introduced  into  the  Arn<dd  Arhorctnni,  wliere  it  Iuih  ^rown  very  rapidly  and  In  perftntly  hurdy  and 
where  it  already  dinplays  the  orange-hrown  hark  which  bent  diHtinguiHheti  it  from  the  Canoe  lUrch  of  the 

nil  the  Swpt't  Water,  our  of  ttm  (irnnchea  of  thn  IMiittf*,  aihI  wu 
tint  ileicrilwil  aiul  Hgurfxl  hy  biin  u  lietula  mruUnUilii.  (,S«« 
Sjtlviit  i.  2ti,  i.  7.)  Turroy  in  fV>m>n/'f  Heport  rt|M>at»il  thii  t*rrur. 
Tliu  MUie  apeciei  wu  aliu  ilpioribftil  and  Affuntd  in  Kmtfn  liffHrt 
(v.  !t*J3,  i.  'Mi)  lu  Itftitla  ucittifntntui  hy  Wntnun,  who  ropfiutt'tl  tiii 
er^tr  in  TA*  Ihttanif  of  i^aU/orttia,  mu\  it  ii  tliiii  pUnt  wliii'li  ti  do. 
kcdUhI  »nil  HKurcd  u  ittttUa  occuletUali*  in  the  ninth  volinne  of 
Thf  StUui  It/  tWirth  Ammca,  when  iin  alluiion  only  ia  nmdu  to  th« 
irne  ItftuUt  rnxutmlaiu  ot  ih«  t'out  in  m  note  under  li^tula  ;>o/ryri/. 

NuttjiU  found  Rnulber  iinftll  Uirch  in  the  llooky  Mountain  reiiiuii 
Hiid  on  the  plains  of  the  ('olunibia  which  he  de«oril>ed  and  figured 
as  Httuln  rAom^i/iWiti  in  the  flnt  volume  of  liii  Sylva  \n\h\\f\wi\  in 
1H4*J.  This  |dant,  jiidf^injf  hy  oiiu  of  Nuttaira  urit^inal  ipecimciu 
in  the  (iray  llerlwriuni,  ii  the  tlendfr-fruited  form  of  the  iiUnt 
di'McrilK'd  \iy  Nuttall  a«  lietula  itteuiffitalu,  whirh  i»  oommon  in  vani- 
ern  Oregon  and  Wafhington  and  ranges  eastwartl  into  Alunliiiui 
and  Idaho.  If  the  two  formii,  whii'h  Mein  to  vary  only  in  the  tliiuli* 
UPM  of  thu  anients,  really  lM>lung  to  one  s|woit!S  this  would  havu  to 
Iwar  Nuttall's  name  of  lirtula  rhimifnfalta  had  not  Tauscli  four 
yearn  farlitT  than  Nuttall  usihI  that  nauiu  for  a  Kur(i|H>an  Hitccivs. 
tS«)nio  of  the  H|»eciniens  of  the  tree  raited  liftuln  tHriUenlalu  by  Nut- 
tall and  Watwon  Iwar  a  strong  rvseniblance  to  a  fragmentary  sjwci* 
men  in  thv  (irny  Herbarium  of  tb*<  Asiatic  JIftuUi  muTophyila,  Itungp, 
but  the  vvidenco  of  this  s|)c>cinien  would  lurdly  seem  to  warrant  tho 
adoption  of  Hungc's  name  for  our  tree,  for  which  I  have  pro{>oRvd 
the  name  of  liehUn  Jmtimtlui,     (See  Iht.  (iazrilr,  xx\i.  'SxVX) 

'*  The  most  eaittern  place  from  which  I  have  seen  a  specimen  of 
fiftulu  in'riilftttalu  is  Oonald  on  the  Columbia  Uiver  in  Hritinh 
Columbia  in  about  longitude  UM°  west,  w hero  it  was  collected  in 
lHH.'i  by  Mr.  John  Macouu. 

•  ii.  00. 

I  In  the  ninth  volume  of  this  work  published  in  IKtMt,  while  call- 
ing attention  to  the  color  of  the  Iwrk  of  this  tree.  I  cousiderv*!  it  a 
western  ft>rm  of  fktula  papfri/rrt^.  Since  th**  publication  of  Ibal 
Tolumc  1  have  had  an  op|H)rtuuity  to  see  thii  trtw  again  on  Van- 
eouviT  Nland  and  to  c«tnipar«  the  young  plantit  in  the  Arnold  ArlN»- 
return  with  plants  nf  the  Canoe  Hin^h  of  the  name  age.  Thes**  are 
■odifttinct  in  their  bark,  and  in  the  color  of  the  branchlets,  whu'h 
on  the  western  tree  are  orange-bn>wn  and  bright  red-bri»wn  on  the 
eastern  tree,  that  it  is  not  possible  to  ctinsider  them  forms  of  the 
Mune  s[>ecies. 

From  heuUa  papyn/trn  it  can  also  be  distinguisheil  by  the  shape 
of  the  leaves,  which  are  broad  or  ntunded  or  on  vigorous  shoots 
■lightly  cordate,  not  cuneate  at  the  Inue,  and  by  the  shorter  and 
broader  strobiles,  with  pulierulous  scales  ciliate  on  tho  margins,  the 
scales  of  liftulii  fHtfyn/rni  iM-tng  usually  glabrous  and  destitute  of 
nuirginal  lubi:s.  although  on  s|>ucimenft  which  I  cullect'.M)  several 
years  ago  on  Priiut*  Kdward's  Islaud  the  scales  are  sometimes 

Httulti  iKfuienUxlxs  was  first  deKribed  by  Hooker  from  the  speci- 
mejis  collected  near  the  Straits  of  Kuca  by  l>r.  Srouler.  althiuigh 
with  them  be  united  u  s|>ecim«u  collected  by  Pmiglafi  in  the  interior 
west  of  the  Hucky  Mountains,  The  tree  from  thu  .Straits  of  Kuca 
appeared  tlrtt  in  tho  description  of  fietula  tKviiirtUaitn  which  was  evi- 
dently drawn  phncipally  from  the  specimens  of  that  tree  and  must 
therefore  l*e  considered  the  type  of  lltMiker'n  s|M>cies,  while  the 
second  s|>ecimen  included  in  this  deK'ription  appears  t4>  be  one  of 
tho  fitrms  of  lirtula  jtapyn/ero. 

In  the  ninth  volume  of  this  work  ((V5,  t  ccccliii.)  tho  half 
shrubby  dark-barketl  Hirch  with  spreading  gmeefully  drtMiptng 
atemn  whit  b  in  common  in  eastern  Washington  and  Oregon,  and 
ran^s  as  far  south  rs  Colorado,  I'tah.and  northcni  Califiiriiiu,  was 
rotifoiindeil  with  lirtuln  iHTuieiitultM  uf  ll(K>ker  and  was  described 
and  tigured  under  that  name.     This  plant  was  collected  by  Nuttall 

i  n 



Platk  DCCXXV.     ItrruLA  occiiikntaus. 
1.  A  Hi>wrrinK  braiicli,  iiiitural  aizu. 
'J.  A  friiitiiiK  l>runrli,  natural  »\i,e. 
'A.  A  Mala  of  a  fruiting  anient,  eiilari;t!<l. 
4.  A  .rale  uf  a  fruiting  ainent,  enlarged. 
t>.  A  nut,  enlarged. 

K,  itiui  luiurly  UN 

li  (-i)lumlim  iumI 
on  tht)  ull II villi 

i)f  the  Coftoii- 

wiiM  iliwdvt'rcd 

M  IH'.CJ  thin  trt-o 

felly  Imnly  and 

lou  Birch  of  tli« 

the  I'tattr,  and  wu 
n  miiilfninlit.  {Stt 
'  n|M-*t»il  tliU  iTnir 
rnil  in  A'lii./'j  /;»^k  rl 
III,  whu  ri'|>«iiii>(|  lii, 
•  plant  wliii'li  it  lid. 
tlifl  ninth  viiliiiiit*  iif 
unljf  ia  niailo  t,i  |||« 
nilar  Utlula  />a/iyri/. 

ikj  Mountain  rrKiun 
acrilwil  and  ll){un'il 
Sj/lni  iMililialii'il  in 
1  original  niwcinifiii 
I  fiiriu  cif  the  plant 
1  ia  fomtnuii  in  I'lut. 
ward  into  Moiitatui 
tj  only  iu  ths  tliwli- 
this  would  havt'  to 
id  not  TftUMh  four 
I  Kuru|>ean  •[teciea. 
(niilmialu  lijr  Nut- 
frat;inentary  gpfci- 
muTophyllfl,  Htiii^p, 
iu'ein  to  warrant  the 
ich  I  have  projioaed 
■,  mi.  a.!!).) 
leen  a  •|>ceiiiien  of 
a  Uiver  in  llrili»h 
it  wu  ooUeoted  in 







in  i  f 

'   ^<fh'J(  A.  UKTXl 

-11.  i^i.ut  f.  rtixhwuth  <»f  ,111  inch  long,  and  n.Mt, 

«»4»w»d  UkeK  in  southwesU'rn  British  Cohiiuhi,> 
'*wl>ly  to  iU  lurgest  size  oil  the  .ili 

^it!i  the  exception  of  the  t.-j 
^'  rtli  Anu'rica.      It  wiw  diwt  .. 
iii.l  18'J7.     In  WXi  ih-- 

■  ll.y  M\d  Ls  (HTfectly  hani 

*«t  durfinguwhe*  ii  from  tlic  Canoo  Uirch   . 

mMm    <  /<    . 
nturjiiuJ  bam, 


•.  uf  iHi  rijji.nw.  khuotJi 

>       "'1  bj  tlw  ulttirUr  uxl 

k  Malm  eituiui  on  th<)  mHrioiu.  Uw 

•i-ii«!l»  j(Uliru»i  aiut  liecttaU  .if 

'iM  mhu-Jt  I  cullnMui)  leraniJ 

'"»   »Tv  «um«(iatea 

tfambbT   <t*rk-b«r)i«a  birtk 
•tvfiu  «tiii  It  i^  rommmi 
nn^*  w  fur  louth  a>  i 

tl*  SwMt  Wntot,  on*  of  ths  brancbo  of  tho  PUtl*.  ». 
:;-rt  duenbod  aixl   flpirwj   by  biiu  u   /!f(ij/a  01T1..W.1.,... 
Sfhm,  i.  aa,  I  7.)    Tom>y  in  /Vrwoni'K  At;«»-(  wpcuuil  iiw 
?^i«  «»»»  afwtwt  vu  alio  described  «iiil  figured  in  A", , 

i-iX  \.  W)  u  a»rtrio  .«n./.-«,MH  by  WaUmi,  wh.i  n|.»A 
•I'-r  .11  Tk.  Arf.w,  or  ( Vi/i/orf.ii),  und  it  is  Ihin  plant  wl..r, 
»>;nli«l  mid  %un!d  u  ifMiiAj  ucculmlatis  in  tho  ninth  ... 
/■*»  .Si/no  o('  ,V,«.(*  ,^Blrt^£•a,  wliero  an  allusion  only  is  «i».l. 
tJ-a»  fi(/u^  iKTiiiettlalii  of  tlm  ,-o«»t  in  a  note  under  /.(»/■,/-, 

VutUll  found  another  Buiall  Birch  in  tho  Kotlcr  MoniilA;.. 
a.ui  on  tho  plaiun  of  tho  Columbia  which  lie  dMiriU-d  and 
»>  ItmUa  rkomhtfulia  in  the  fimt  voluuu.  of  his  Sgh,,  puW.. 
l«*i     ru.i  plant,  judginif  h  '"»'  "'  Nuttull'.  original  »i» 
!J  tbi    'inv   lierhariuiu,  in  the  sIciidiT-fruitfd  form  of  li.- 
d<w.riU-d  I.,  N;,tu.ll  u  0,tula  .i,-n,/mm/u,  whi.h  is  ■•omu,,,,,  ■ 
Km  On-jtoB  «.{  Waalori^i.fl  and  ranp-s  ..aatwanl  inl.i  M 
and  Idaho.     If  ib-  t»u  foruiv  whi.d.  .Mm  lo  vary  only  in  th*  ■ 
I*-  •■(  Hw  amenU,  really  1.  long  (o  one  spt-ciwi  this  would  h*. 
h«»f  VuttaJI's   nam*  of  littulu  rhiimhi/olio  had  not  Tauiici. 
yMfi.  gutter  than  JJutlill  iM»d  that  name  for  a  Kuro|«-an  «,- 

""" '"■        "  '>■  I'tJ'l  ihfuUulaiu  1 

'I.  a  fraginr'iitiiri 
■  •■ '    \siatn.  />/.#ia  murvphylla,  1   . 
1.0  wmUl  ha^Mr  s«em  lo  warn  r 
' T  which  I  hare  prv.i . 
tirlll,  mi.  ..its).) 
>»•  »t.»n  a  siMiiuiii. 
'imhia  Hivur  in   h.- 
.().»  ,t>  >b.«i  l.>ngind«  IM°  WMt,  wbero  it  woa  coUrct. 
■  "-  .  i.y  Mr.  XU'.'Mtf), 

bI       > 

I  M'l.ANAIIUN    OK    TIIK    l'I..Ari 

Pi..vri!  nCCXXV.     I»itT,i,A  OOcrDKOTALia. 
1     A  (lowprinif  briuirli,  nalursl  iljo. 
'.'.   A  (riiiliiiR  liraiiih,  natural  siwi. 
3.  A  Male  ot  a  fruiting  cuiianl,  eoUrgMl. 
•t.  A  si-alc  of  a  fruiting  sincnt,  enlarged. 
o.  A  mil,  enlargwl. 

."ilv.i  of  North   America. 


e  on  the  a|i 

>f  thfl  I'luic,  , 
ila   otxut'miUi:'.* 
ri  repeaUHt  Uw 
;arej  in  A  rn 
••on,  whtt  n-| .-  - 
iw  pUllt  wl'u 
tht*  ninth  t  .< 
only  IS  uiAil, 
lunler  ISfMii  /. 

pa»!cm  to  WArti*  > 
liich  I  l>a«e  \<t%,\ 
If,  iMi.  'Jllil.) 

'  »f«U    II    RflCCIfl.f 

li*  Kivur  ill  h- 
'  It  waj  cullrctis' 





'•'i.r\  1  ,/a/ 


i,riti.i-  .4{/,\i' 

./"//■  ^*  7lj^4^'r  J\ir&- 





to  tw 

cols,  i 




nnd  II 





oil  loi 




to  th 









of  ai 



'  III 


Mime  i  III 




White  Birch. 
Stuouiles  oylindricul,  pendulous.    Leaves  rhomboidal  to  deltoid,  ovate,  acumi- 


Betula  Alaskima,  Bargent,  Bot.  Qtuittte,  ixzi.  236  (April, 

Betula  alba,   aulwp,  verrucosa,  var.  resinifera,  Regel, 

Hull.  Soe,  Niit.  Mute,  xxxviii.  pt.  ii.  398  (Oattungen  Be- 

tula und  Alnua)  (in  part)  (1866) ;  De  CandoUe  Prodr. 
xvi.  pt.  ii.  164. 
Betula  resinifera,  Britton,  BuU.  N.  ¥.  Bot.  Oard.  ii.  166 
(not  Regel)  (May,  1901). 

A  troo,  UHUully  from  thirty  to  forty  but  occasionally  eighty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  from  six 
to  twelve  inchuH  in  diameter,  and  slender  erect  and  spreading  or  pendulous  branches.  The  bark  of  the 
trunk,  wliich  is  tliin  and  marked  by  numerous  elongated  horizontal  dark  and  only  slightly  raised  lenti- 
i'oIh,  is  (hill,  pale  reddish  brown  or  sometimes  nearly  white  on  the  outer  surface,  light  red  on  the  inner 
surface,  closo  and  Hrm,  and  finally  separable  into  thin  plate-like  scales.  The  branchlets  are  slender, 
glabrous,  bright  rod-brown,  more  or  less  thickly  covered  during  their  iirst  year  with  resinous  glands 
whii'ii  do  not  always  entirely  disappear  until  the  second  or  third  season,  when  the  branchlets  are  lustrous 
and  marked  by  numerous  small  pale  lenticels.  The  wintei^buds  are  ovate,  obtuse  at  the  gradually  nar- 
rowed apex,  and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  length,  with  light  red-brown  and  shining  outer  scales 
tioniotimes  ciliato  on  the  margins,  with  long  white  hairs,  and  oblong  rounded  scarious  inner  scales 
wliich  pro  hardly  more  than  half  an  inch  long  when  fully  grown.  The  leaves  vary  from  rhomboidal  to 
dt'ltoid-ovoto,  and  are  acuminate  and  long-pointed  at  the  apex,  truncate,  rounded  or  broadly  cuneate  or 
on  leading  shoots  occasionally  cordate  at  the  entire  base,  and  coarsely  and  often  doubly  glandular-serrate 
above ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  yellow-green  and  covered  with  resinous  glands,  lustrous  and  villose 
above,  with  long  scattered  pale  hairs,  and  slightly  puberulous  below ;  and  at  maturity  they  are  thin, 
tlurk  green  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  and  yellow-green  on  the  lower  surface,  from  an  inch  and  a  half 
to  three  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  with  slender  midribs  and  primary 
veiuH  pubcHoent  or  ultimately  glabrous  below,  and  slender  often  bright  red  petioles  which  are  at  first 
HUinowhat  hairy  but  finally  glabrous  and  about  an  inch  in  length.  The  stipules  are  oblong,  gradually 
narrowed  and  rouiuled  at  the  ends,  and  villose  particularly  toward  the  margins.  The  aments  of 
Htaminate  ilowurH  are  clustered,  sessile,  about  an  inch  long,  and  an  eighth  of  an  inch  thick,  and  their 
Koales  are  ovate,  acuminate,  puberulous  on  the  outer  surface,  and  light  red  with  yellow  margins.  The 
]iiHtillHte  aments  are  slender,  cylindrical,  glandular,  about  an  inch  long  and  an  eighth  of  an  inch 
tiiick,  and  are  raised  on  stout  iHuluncles  nearly  half  an  i  'ch  in  length.  The  strobiles  are  cylindrical, 
Kjireading,  or  pendulous,  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  quarter  long,  and  from  one  third  to  one  half 
(if  an  ini'h  thick ;  and  their  scales  are  almost  as  long  as  they  are  broad  and  ciliate  on  the  margins, 
witli  erect  and  acute  or  spreading  and  rounded  lateral  lobes,  much  shorter  than  the  elongated  acute  or 
acuminate  ternunal  lobe.     The  nut  is  oval  and  narrower  than  its  broad  wing.' 

Jiiliiht  AldshaiKi  is  distributed  from  the  valley  of  the  Saskatchewan  from  about  longitude  106° 

'  III  ISflH  llimr|t«Kii  pollootml  ii|i«cinioni  of  tliia  tree  on  the  Sas- 
kiililii'Wiiii  ((«((■  lli'rli.  (Jrii)').  Tlimo  upocimcnii  wero  pofcrrcd  by 
lii'tji'l  to  oiin  iif  liin  vm-iolIcK  of  tim  ( )l(l  World,  fietula  alha  from 
I  lUkui  ill  i-mliTii  Silicrin  mill  from  Trmwliuiciil,  but  tlio  Alusknii 
ii|Kii!iiii(iiiii  wliioli  I  Imvo  lent  to  tbo  Impcrittl  Hotanio  Rnrdcii  at  St. 
IVtenbiirg  an  pruiioiinood  by  the  butaniit  of  that  catabliahment  to 

bo  unlike  any  of  tlio  Asintio  species,  and  with  tlie  scanty  know- 
ledge which  now  exists  of  many  of  the  northern  Asiatic  llirches  it 
does  not  seem  possible  to  unite  American  and  Asiatic  forms  until 
a  thorough  study  of  them  can  be  made  in  the  forest  and  the  differ- 
ent species  can  be  cultivated  side  by  aide. 



i.     H 




west'  northwestwatd  to  the  coast  of  Alaska,  along  which  it  extends  from  the  Lynn  CanaP  to  the 
shores  of  Cook  Inlet.'  It  is  the  common  Birch-tree  of  the  Yukon  biisin,  where  it  grows  sparingly 
near  the  banks  of  streams  in  forests  of  coniferous  trees  and  in  large  numbers  on  sunny  slopes  and 

In  1898  Bttula  Aluskana  was  introduced  into  the  Arnold  Arboretum  from  seeds  gathered  near 
Skaguay,  Alaska. 

■  In  July,  1876,  Bttvla  Alaskona  wu  collMtad  at  Prince  Albert 
on  the  Sukatchewsn  in  latitude  C8°  north  by  Mr.  John  Miiooun. 
In  1887  it  was  found  'y  Dr.  Geori^e  M.  Dawnon  on  the  Deaae 
River  and  on  the  Lewit  Kiver  "  near  the  mountain!." 

^  In  August,  1897,  Belula  AUukana  was  found  at  the  foot  of  the 

White  Pass  above  Skaguay  at  the  head  of  the  Lynn  Canal,  Alaska, 
by  W.  M.  Canby,  John  Muir,  and  C.  8.  Sargent. 

'  During  the  summer  of  1807  Belula  Alatkana  was  found  by  Mr. 
W.  II.  Kvaus  on  the  shores  of  Cook  Inlet. 

<  Tette  M.  W.  Uorman,  ih  lilt. 


Platb  DCCXXVI.     Bktula  Alaskana. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  site. 

2.  A  ataniinate  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  iiite. 

4.  A  scale  of  n  fruiting  amsnt,  enlarged. 
6.  A  nutlet,  enlarged. 

6.  A  winter  branclilet,  natural  size. 

,  r 


■nn  Canal'  to  the 
t  grows  sparingly 
sunny  slopes  and 

eds  gathered  near 

he  Lynn  Canal,  AUuka, 


tana  wu  found  by  Mr. 

I:  ■  i;; 


.A-  A' 

x/;  r  1    ,.f.     vo/,'/7/   AMERICA. 


'  ""       ''  '    '    "   ifTtwmijt  from  t!io  Lynn  Canal'  to  th* 

'"■'     •' "   •  >■■  \  ukoii    hiuiin,  whero  it  p'ows  sparin.' 

»  f'.riM«  "f  x-imiferiiH,  Ufv,  awl  iii  Uij(h  immlx'M  on  «unny  slopes    . 




^   'f| 

if     ' 



l!     ' 

Ailu.itiuin  from  seeds  gaUiernd  m  . 

"mfc  l.jr  Mr  J<4ia  Mseuan        \r,  H 

-!>»>:"•»  »'  thp  hwul  •>*  tho  l.jrnn  Can*],  Al«.  . 
'".  Muir,  Hnd  ('.  S.  Siirgont. 
"*'  ^     l>.*»o»  nil  th.  !>«*.  •  l'«'^..t^)»:i...m.u.r.,(lHil7/.V/ufa;<iMtnnuwM  found  b.  - 

r.  tf*>4a  AUukami  «m  Imiihj  at  thf  /uo«  «»  «lt.  '   Tfit^  M    W  ItumM.  i/,  /i«. 


Pr.*r«  DWXXVI.    hKnix  Alaj-kana. 
1    A  flflwmnir  hranrb,  nuunil  tn». 
'i    A  •Urait.iit*  (l.iwPT.  eiilsrKCil. 
3.   A  froilini;  branrh,  natural  si.n. 
4    A  uriili.  of  a  fnihiinf  anient,  enlarged. 

5.  A  nutlM,  ealoTKad. 

6.  A  wistOT  bnutrUM.  hfttaral  (Ue. 

:i'f    ' 





n  ^ 


eeda  gatherml  n«^ 

Iho  I.ynn  Ciun),  At»v. 
Mibinu  WM  found  b<  ^ 

S:lva  ol   No;'th  America. 




CA'./''iHtAf.1  l/iTfiT'  ■ 

ZarUiuJ  sc 


.4  /f*^'.v«ftr  i/i/fw ' 

Inp  ^' Tuft'^tf  fizru- 



i  •  i  ^ 


'  1^ 

i  is 

'   '  m 


1         u 

s  • 






■  ■  j 

1   : 









Lkaves  ovate,  acute,  sinuately  lobed,  doubly  serrate,  lustrous  on  the  lower  surface. 
StumeiiH  4.     Nut  broadly  winged. 

AlDus  Bltoheniia. 

Alnua  vlrldls,  Hongsrd,  Vig.  Siteha,  44  (not  De  Cuidolle) 

(Aiigml,  WM)  i  Altiii.  Phiji.  Nat.  Math.  pt.  ii.  Acad. 

itci.  St.  I'Menbourg,  ii.  162  (  Vfg.  Siteha).  —  LyaM,  Joitr. 

Linn.  Soe.  rii.  134.  —  liotlirock,  Smithsonian  Sep.  18G7, 

4n4  (^V.  ^i<M*o).  — Macoun,  Cat.  Can.  PL  438. 
Alnu«  virldl*.  /3,  Hooker,  Fl  Bor.-Am.  ii.  157  (1839). 
Alnaiiter  frutioosus,  I<«dehour,  Fl.  So»s.  iii.  655  (in  part) 

AInui  vlrldls,  p  Bibirloa,  b  BitohecBls,  Regel,  Nmw. 

Mtm.  Siic.  Nat.  Mote.  xiii.  138   (Monoffraphia  Betulor 

fMfiim)  (in  pari)  (1861). 
Alnua  vlrldia,  8  ainuata,  Regel,  Bull.  Soe.  Nat.  Moac. 

xxxviii.   pt.  ii.  422  {Oatiungen  Betula  und  Alniis)  (in 

part)  (1865)  i  Ue  CandoUe,  Prodr.  xvi.  pt.  ii.  183  (in 


Alnua  viridia,  /3  Sibirioa,  Regel,  Ruti.  Dtmdr.  pt  1.  60. 

(in  part)  (1870). 
Alnua  oooidentalia,  Dippel,  Handb.  LaubhoUk.  ii.  168,  f. 

78  (1892).  —  Koehne,  Deutsche  Dendr.  114. 
Alnua  rubra,  Coville,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  iii.  345 

(not  Bongard)  (1895). 
Alnaater  Alnob«tula,  F.  Kurtz,  Bot.  Jahrb.  six.  406  (Fl. 

ChilcatgehUtes)  (not  Schweinfurtli)  (1895). 
Alnua  tenuifoUa,  Sargent.  SUva  N.  Am.  ix.  68  (in  part) 

(not  Nuttall)  (1896). 
Alnua  Alnobetula,  Sargent,  SUva  N.  j.m.  ix.  68  (in  part) 

(not  K.  Koch)  (1896). 
Alnua  inoana,  var.  vireaoens,  Gorman,  Pittonia,  iii.   70 

(not  WaUon)  (1896). 
Alnua  ainuata,  Rydberg,  Bull.  Torrey  Bot.  Club,  xxir.  190 

(1897) ;  Mem.  N.  Y.  Bot.  Qard.  i.  117  {Fl.  Montana). 

A  tree,  sometimes  forty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trun!-  seven  or  eight  inches  in  diameter  covered 
with  thin  close  bhie-gray  bark  which  is  bright  red  internally,  and  short  slender  nearly  horizontal 
limnchos  forming  a  narrow  crown  ;  or  often  a  shrub  only  a  few  feet  tall  spreading  into  broad  thickets. 
The  branchluts  are  slender  and  slightly  zigzag,  and  when  they  first  appear  are  puberulous  and  very 
glandular  ;  thoy  are  bright  orar<^e-brown,  lustrous,  and  marked  by  numerous  large  pale  lenticels  during 
tluiir  lirst  season,  much  roughened  during  their  second  year  by  large  elevated  crowded  leaf-scars,  and 
light  gray-brown  tlie  following  year.  The  winter-buds  are  acuminate,  dark  purple,  covered,  especially 
toward  the  apox,  with  close  fine  pubescence,  and  about  half  an  inch  long.  The  leaves  are  ovat«,  acute 
nt  the  apex,  full  and  rounded,  often  uns3rmmetrical,  and  somewhat  oblique  or  abruptly  narrowed  and 
cuncato  at  the  base,  divided  into  numerous  short  acute  lateral  lobes,  and  sharply  and  doubly  senate, 
witit  straight  glandular  teeth  ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  glandular-viscid,  and  at  maturity  are 
nionibranaceous,  yellow-green  on  the  upper  surface,  pale  and  very  lustrous  on  the  lower  surface,  and 
glabrous  or  villose  along  the  under  side  of  the  stout  midribs,  with  short  brown  hairs  which  usually 
also  form  tufts  in  the  axils  of  the  numerous  slender  primary  veins  which  extend  obliquely  to  the  points 
of  the  lobes ;  thoy  vary  from  three  to  six  inches  in  length  and  from  half  an  inch  to  four  inches  in 
width,  and  are  borne  on  stout  grooved  petioles  abruptly  enlarged  at  the  base,  and  from  one  half  to 
three  <|uartorH  of  an  inch  in  length.  The  stipules  are  oblong  or  spatulate,  rounded  and  apiculate  at 
thx  apt^x,  puberulous,  and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long.  The  aments  of  staminate  flowers  are 
|)r(i(luc«d  in  pairs  in  the  axil  of  the  upper  leaf,  which  is  sometimes  reduced  to  a  small  bract,  and  singly 
ill  tlio  axil  of  the  leaf  next  below  it,  and  are  nearly  sessile ;  appearing  in  summer,  they  are  about 
half  an  inch  long  and  an  eighth  of  an  inch  wide  during  the  winter,  with  dark  red-brown  shining 
u|iiculatu  |iuberulous  scales,  and  when  the  flowers  open  in  spring,  or  at  midsummer  at  high  elevations, 
when  till'  leaves  are  nearly  one  third  grown,  they  are  four  or  five  inches  long,  with  a  puberulous  light 
red  rachib  and  pedicels,  and  ovate  acute  (".piculate  three-flowered  scales.     The  calyx  is  four-lobed  with 

;  (1 














if  ,       '' 




rounded  lubeH  shorter  than  the  four  stiirounN.  The  piotilLite  amenta  uro  produced  in  elongated  paiiiclug, 
and  are  iaclugud  during  the  winter  in  buds  furnu-d  tiie  previouH  summer  in  the  axiU  of  the  leaves  of 
Bliort  lateral  branchlctn,  and  are  long-pedunculute  and  about  a  third  of  an  inch  long  and  a  sixteenth  of 
an  inch  thick.  The  strobiles  are  raised  on  slender  peduncles,  and  are  borne  in  elongated  Hometimes 
leafy  panielcH  from  four  to  six  inches  in  length  ;  tliey  are  oblong  and  from  one  half  to  five  eighths  of 
an  inch  in  length  and  about  one  third  of  an  inch  in  thicknesH,  with  truncate  scales  thickened  at  the 
apex.     The  nuts  are  oval,  and  about  as  wide  as  their  thin  wings. 

^l/;ii(ji  i^if'lieiixix  is  distributed  oloiig  the  northwest  coast  of  North  America  from  tlie  borders  of 
the  Arrtie  Circle  to  Oregon  ;  it  is  common  in  the  valley  of  the  Yukon,  aud  ranges  eiistward  through 
British  Columbui  to  Alberta,  and  through  Washington  and  Oregon  to  the  western  slopes  of  the 
Rocky  Mountains.  At  the  north,  mingling  with  dwarf  Willows,  it  forms  great  thickets,'  and  in 
southeiutern  Alaska  it  often  becomes  u  till  slender  tree  on  the  rich  moist  bottom-lands  near  the 
mouths  of  nu)untain  streams,  or,  ascending  nearly  to  the  limit  of  tree-growth,  at  high  elevations  is 
reduced  to  a  low  shrub.  In  the  valley  of  the  Yukon  it  is  very  abundant  on  the  wet  banks  of  streams, 
where  it  is  often  arborescent  in  habit,'  and  in  British  Columbia '  and  the  United  States  it  is  generally 
small,  growing  usually  only  at  elevations  of  more  than  three  thousaud  feet  above  the  level  of  the 
sea,  and  often  forming  thickets  on  the  banks  of  streams  and  lakes.* 

Aliiiis  iSUchenins,  which  was  long  confounded  with  Alnus  AInohetuIn,  the  Green  Alder  of  the 
northeastern  states  and  Europe,  was  found  in  1827  on  Baranoff  Island  in  the  neighborhood  of  the 
town  of  aitka '  by  K.  H.  Mertens." 

■  SceiDMin,  Bill.  toy.  Hfrald,  17,  41.  Sec,  kl«o,  Dall,  Alatkn  and 
i/j  Ufaourrft,  440. 

In  the  (tray  llcrbariuni  there  are  specimens  of  Alnui  Sitchfnxis 
collected  bv  .lohn  Muir  at  St.  Michael  on  Norton  Sound  in  1881, 
and  by  M.  \V,  llasseyter  on  Popoff  Island,  one  of  the  Shumagin 
group,  in  1872. 

^  (lomian,  m  tUt. 

•  Atnm  Silchrmu  was  collected  by  Dr.  George  M.  Dawson  in 
187G  on  the  Iltasynnco  braiurh  of  the  upper  Fraaer  Kiver.  It  has 
aloo  been  collected  by  J.  Macoun  at  Hector  in  the  Kocky  Moun- 
tains, at  Lake  l^uise,  and  un  Uugcrs  Pass  near  Ci  lacier,  on  the 
line  of  the  Canadian  Pacilic  Itailroad,  and  on  Crow  Mountain  Pass, 

*  In  lS8i\  Alnus  Sitchftua  wa^  collected  by  \V.  M.  Canby  and 
C.  S.  Sargent  near  the  head  of  the  .Toeko  Uiver  in  Montana,  and 
in  1808  by  .1.  H.  Sandberg  on  Cedar  Mountain,  Lahat  County, 

Idaho.  In  1R80  I  foonil  this  Alder  on  SiUer  Peak  near  Yale, 
Kritish  Columbia,  at  elevations  of  forty-flve  hundred  feet  alM)re  the 
sea,  and  also  on  the  banks  of  the  Fraser  in  the  same  region.  TheHA 
specimens  were  after  referred  to  Atnu»  tenui/olUi,  Nnttall,  which 
does  not  approach  the  coast.  In  1800  I  found  it  on  the  banks  of 
tho  .Solduc  Kiver  iimung  the  Olympic  Mountains  of  Washington, 
on  Mt.  Mood,  Oregon,  at  high  cleTations,  on  the  Ulue  Mountains 
of  eastern  Washington, where  it  is  very  abundant,  and  on  the  shores 
of  Avalanche  Lake,  Montana,  at  an  elevation  of  four  thousand  feet 
above  the  sea-level. 

*  It  is  probable  that  Dr.  John  Richardson  wma  the  discoverer  of 
this  species  during  his  jiinrney  with  Captain  .John  Franklin  tu  the 
shores  of  the  polar  sea  of  North  America  during  tho  years  ISID- 
111'.     (See  Franklin,  your.  Appz.  No.  374,  as  Alnui  gUtniiulota.) 

•  Se«xii.80. 


Plate  DCCXXVII.    Ai.srs  Siti'iiensis. 

1.  A  flowering  branch,  natural  siie. 

2.  A  staminatu  Howcr,  enlarged. 
.3.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 
4.  A  fruiting  lirancli.  natural  size. 

0.  A  fruit-scalv  with  its  nut«,  enlarged. 

6.  A  nut,  enlarged. 

7.  A  leaf,  natural  size. 


ngated  imniilus, 
of  the  li'iives  of 
J  a  sixtft'iitli  of 
iitt'd  Honietiiiit'8 
Hvo  eijflitliH  of 
lickciiud  at  tliu 

1  tlie  borders  of 
Mtward  throngli 
slopes  of  the 
ickets,'  and  in 
lands  near  the 
;h  elevations  is 
nks  of  streams, 
i  it  is  generally 
le  level  of  the 

1  Alder  of  the 
)orhood  of  the 

or  Peak  near  VhIp, 
idred  feet  al>ure  the 
«ino  regiun.  Tlii'se 
itiia,  Nuttall,  which 
it  on  the  baiikii  uf 
liiu  of  Waehington, 
lie  Kliio  Mountains 
itt  and  on  the  shores 
'  four  thousand  feet 

u  the  discoverer  of 
hn  Franklin  to  the 
g  the  years  IHlft- 
iw  glanjuloia.) 

\    '    I    W 








mm,  auti 
town  tjf 

:Uto  ano'iiiii  .'iri>  |iroilii(.>i><i  in  (•lon^iil«'<i  iiitiiiilfit. 

In    prttvuHU  i.ntiiiuur  ill  tin;  uxiIn  of  the  li-iitM  ol' 

iiatv  ^iiiii  Nlmut  »  third  of  iti)  inch  long  itii<l  n  Nixtet-rilJi  <it 

•'ihW  (i«iiiiucl«t,  itii<l  Aro  ImriK)  iii  vloiigattul  mimpliDM-t 

'ti>'»  ,»r«'  i>hliifij»  .iinl  fr<)iii  Olio  li.ilf  to  fivi«  ci^htjlii  .if 

ii    III   thirkiiMW,  with  truiiritti!   Hi'ultm   thi('ki>lif<l  at   tlir 

.  ^ir  thin  win^. 

■  '("iKt  iif  North  Aiiii'rir.'i  from  thr  horil«r»  oi 

I   tliK  Yukon,  lUiil  niiigi'ii  (^iwtwanl  througli 

.'I  utiii  On*|(oii  t<)  the  wi'Htern    ttlupt'ii  of  thi 

i'i   Willov»»,  it  formi  jyrndt  thickutu,'  niiil  m 

'-     I'll   th»<  ri(  h  niiiist   hottom-lniiiU    near  thf 

•   •   I.    it'    liiitit   of  lr«i>-^rowth,  itt   lii^h  flfvatioUK  \* 

Yukon  it  \»  VATV  ahuuiLint  on  the  wt>t  Imnkit  of  titrviuii- 

.     Hritiah  f^olmnhia"  itii<l  thi'  I'liitfd  Stati-n  it  ii«  j{t<nem!lv 

■t    more  th«i)  thrtn?  tlioiiKincI   fcit  aliovr  th<'   l<v..|   nf  tt... 

..  ikn  of  HtnMuiiit  auti  lakvN.* 

tf   <  onfoiiiidt'il  mth  /l/;ii(^  Aliiohitiilii,  the   Green   Aliler  of  the 

'   md  in    I"*-?  on  HnnwioiT  Islam!  in  tbo   neijfhliorhooil  of  thf 


•  l>   tW3   ilma  .<>.i.i^u^  > 
C  A  Strgviit  mmr  lb*  lii<aH 
u>  inaa  bf  .1     ii    S«it,ibrrg 

Si-.',  nix.,  l'»l.     I      • 

•  of  Abius  .S./.Ai.'a-^. 
.    !*<.iiml  in  IHMI. 

•.       -Ii,;|. 

Iilnlio.     In   IHHO  I  fniiml  ihii  Aldur  uii  SjlT.r  lv«k   near  Y»l. 

Hntuh  CtiluDil.ik,  it  cUvati.ini  ..f  f.<rtr-AvM  hiinilrnl  f«rt  alxiTf  IL> 

:  «i4i.  ..h  lb..  iMtnlm  nf  tin*  Knu^r  lit  tlii*  uinc  rrf^iun.    THv** 

■»f»'  ^flrr  r»-forn.l  f.i  AIniu  Imm/ijia,  NntuU,  wbir' 

III.   ..Hut      In   IHtMi  I  foiinil  it  nil  llio  luiuli>     < 

•  K.  ■'»<  il."  i>l>iiij)ii.  M.)uiitiitn«  of  WiuhinKl'T. 

un  Ml    Huod, 'trrx'"' "  '"«'>  «l«r«tiuiu,  "ii  Ibc  llliin  M.iuDt*.'.' 

1     «.:. -Ii  U'uk,n,(i(iii  wbtin  It  liTfr*  almiiduit, tntl  aii  tlie  ihui*'- 

•  r.  MualuM.  m  MI  atontiiHi  of  four  tlwiiMUid  fnM 

kintxin  inu  tbo  diaouvenr  t<( 
lift  Juhu  Krmnklin  to  iIk 
.    Innoi;  iIh-  y.'-ini  tUlSi 
I  V  .S..  iJi,  M  Ainui  glaiviulimi.) 


ri..>.h   IMI  XX\I1.      Ai  .^. -.   ■^ll.  iihSii-.. 

].  A  Howorin);  limiich,  ntttiiml  niic. 

"  A  <tju»inat(.  ti.iwcr.  cnlari;»'l. 

.1.  A  (lifititlau.  fliiwer,  enlari;«l. 

4.  A  fniitiiig  br«nrli.  niktnral  liia. 

5.  A  friiil.ncslii  witli  it*  nut«.  cnlnrKi'il. 

6.  A  nut,  enlar^;^. 

7.  A  li  rF.  uiitural  um. 

>n^itt«(l  |iAiiii'li<ii, 

of  tht>  ll'lttfH  uf 
III  II  Nixtfl-lllll  uf 
Ljiltftl     HOinctlllM-K 

)  Hv)i  (UffliUiK  ••! 
hit'kfuvd  at  tin 

II   Alilpr  of  1 1 
Ixirhooil  of  tl\- 

Ti-r  I'rak  nwr  Y'4l: 
unilml  f«<>l  alHiTr  i , 
uiiift  n^ffiun.  Til*  • 
i/iJm,  Naiull,  Hi.:' 
I  il  nil  Ihs  buli> 
tuinM  nf  \ViulnnKt>-r 
llic  llliin  MiiuiiU' < 
nt.  ftnd  on  tlif*  •hor*- 
>f  four  UiuutMnil  f<-' 

f%»  Uw  tltwoTeirr  ^ 
iiha  Knuklin  to  il.r 
ng  llic  rcini  IHl'.i 

Silv*  of  North  America 



ii     ; 

•  t  ,)| 

C'A  f'a.ron  ,M 



A  /ii*>tv  tU4.f  litr*::  ' 

.■V"  -     -.''JAV/./- .' \iru 









•ff !  r  it 








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^   W^.'  * 






Leaves  ovate  or  lanceolate,  acute,  glaucous  and  conspicuously  reticulate- 
the  lower  surface. 

ined  on 

Saliz  balsamifera,  Barratt,  ex  Hooker,  Fl.  Bor.-Am.  ii. 
149(1839).  — Bebb,/(o<.  Gaxette,  U.  190;  Bull.  Torrey 
Bot.  Club,  XV.  121,  t.  81.  —  Wataon  &  Coulter,  Grai/'a 
Man.  ed.  6, 486.  —  Dippel,  Hatidb.  Laubholxk.  ii.  285,  f. 
137.  —  Koehne,  Deutache  Dendr.  97.  —  Sargent,  Oarden 
and  Forest,  vi.  28,  t.  5.  —  Rand,  Oarden  and  Forest,  vi. 

105.  — Britton  &  Brown,  m.  Fl.  i.  504,  f.  1201.  — Britr 

ton,  Man.  314. 
Salix  oordata,  p  balsamifera,  Hookar,  Fl.  Bor.-Am.  ii. 

149  (1839). 
Salix  pyrifolia,  Anderson,  Siiensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl. 

ser.  4,  vi.  162,  t.  8,  f.  93  {Monographia  Salicum)  (1867)  ; 

De  CandoUe,  Prodr.  xvi.  pt.  ii.  254. 

Usually  a  shrub  often  making  clumps  of  crowded  slender  erect  stems,  generally  destitute  of  branches 
except  near  the  top  and  only  a  few  feet  tall,  Salix  bolsamifera  in  a  hillside  bog  near  Fort  Kent  on  the 
St.  John's  River  in  Maine  becomes  arborescent  in  habit  and,  growing  to  a  height  of  twenty-five  feet, 
forms  a  trunk  twelve  or  fourteen  inches  in  diameter.'  The  bark  of  the  stem  is  thin,  rather  smooth,  and 
of  a  dull  gray  color.  The  branchlets,  which  are  comparatively  stout,  and  glabrous  during  their  first 
season,  are  reddish  brown  and  lustrous  or  chestnut-colored  when  exposed  to  the  sun,  becoming  olive- 
green  the  following  ^^ear.  Tiie  winter-buds  are  acute,  much  compressed,  bright  scarlet,  very  lustrous, 
and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long.  The  leaves  are  involute  in  the  bud,  ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate, 
acute  or  acuminate  at  the  apex,  broad  and  rounded  and  usually  subcordate  at  the  base,  finely  serrate, 
with  glandular  teeth,  and  balsamic  particularly  while  young  ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  thin,  pellucid, 
red,  and  coated  on  the  lower  surface  with  long  slender  caducous  hairs,  and  at  maturity  tiiey  are  thin 
but  firm  in  texture,  dark  green  above,  pale  and  glaucous  below,  from  two  to  four  inches  long  and  from 
an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  with  stout  yellow  midribs  raised  and  rounded  on  the  upper  side, 
thin  primary  veins  and  conspicuous  reticulate  veinlets ;  they  are  borne  on  stout  reddish  or  yellow  petioles 
from  one  third  to  one  half  of  an  inch  in  length,  which  in  falling  leave  narrow  slightly  raised  leaf-scars 
marked  by  three  conspicuous  equidistant  vascular  bundle-scars.  The  stipules,  which  are  often  wanting, 
are  sometimes  produced  on  vigorous  shoots  and  are  foliaceous,  broadly  ovate,  and  acute.  The  aments 
are  cylindrical,  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  length,  viith  obovate  acute  rose-colored  bracts 
coated  with  long  white  hairs,  and  are  borne  on  slender  leafy  peduncles.  There  are  two  stamens  with 
free  filaments  and  reddish  or  ultimately  yellow  anthers.  The  ovary  is  narrow,  ovate,  gradually  con- 
tracted from  above  the  middle  to  the  apex  which  is  crowned  with  nearly  sessile  emargiiiate  stigniatic 
lobes.  The  scales  are  persistent  on  the  fruiting  aments  which  varj'  from  two  inches  and  a  half  to  three 
inches  in  length.  The  capsules  are  ovate-conical,  long-stalked,  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long,  and  dark 
orange  color." 



'  See  E.  V.  WiUiams,  Rhothra,  iii.  277. 

"  Hebb  {BfUl.  Torrey  Hot.  Cluh,  xv.  124)  pniposes  theso  varieties  ; 

*'  Typica.  Leaves  ovate,  2  to  3  iiichea  long,  nhort-pointed  or  the 
lower  obtuse,  rounded  at  base,  at  Iniigth  rijjid  and  glaucous  beneath, 
with  raised  reticulate  veins,  uiinutoly  glandulnr-serrnlate  ;  fertile 
aments  very  loose,  leaves  of  tho  peduncle  few  and  largo.  Tliis  is 
the  prevailing  northern  fomi. 

"  Vfgetij.  leaves  broadly  lanceolate,  4  to  5  inches  long,  acute  or 
acuniinnto,  truncate  or  conUte  at  the  base,  coarsely  and  irregularly 

repand-toothed,  paler  beneath  ;  aments  less  spreading,  not  so  leafy 
at  base. 

"  Lanceolata.  Ivcaves  lanceolate,  2  to  4  inches  long,  ^  to  }  inch 
wide  ;  aments  more  slender,  otherwise  as  in  /'.  tt/pica. 

**  Alpestris.  Low  bush,  2  to  4  feet  high  ;  leaves  small,  1  to  2 
inches  long,  lanceolate,  pointed  at  both  ends,  rather  coarsely  and 
irregularly  serrate,  green  both  sides  ;  male  anient  slenderly  cylin- 
drical, less  silky.  Kaglo  Lake,  Mt.  Lafayette,  alt.  4,200  feet ;  also 
on  the  coast  of  Labrador." 






Fi  f  ,i 

Sallx  bahamifera  is  an  inhabitant  of  cold  wet  bogs  and  is  distributed  from  the  coast  of  Labrador 
to  northern  Maine,  northern  New  Hampshire  and  New  York,'  and  to  the  valley  of  the  Saskatchewan,^ 
northern  Michigan,^  and  northern  Minnesota. 

Siilir  bahaiiilfera  was  first  collected  by  Mr.  Henry  Little*  in  August,  1823,  on  the  bank  of  the 
Aiiimonoosuc  River  among  the  White  Mountains  of  New  Hampshire,'  and  was  first  distinguished  by 
Joseph  Barratt." 

In  1880  Salir  halsmnifera  was  introduced  into  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  where  it  is  perfectly  hardy 
and  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  the  shrubby  Willows,  particularly  during  the  winter,  when  the  bright 
scarlet  buds  make  the  shining  branches  conspicuous. 

V  '  'i 

Km;;.       i 

fi      i 

>  Salix  baltami/era  wu  collected  od  the  ahores  of  Lake  Placid, 
Kcw  York,  by  Mr.  J.  G.  .lack  in  Auguat,  18!M. 

'  Maeomi,  Cm.  Can.  Pt.  445. 

'  Karwell,  iianien  tirut  Furegt,  vi.  149. 

'  Henry  Mltle  (Decemlicr  'Jl,  ISOi-March  31,  1827)  wn,s  the 
second  child  of  Moses  Little  who  waa  graduated  from  Harvard 
College  in  1787,  and  studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Jonathan  Swett  of 
Kewburyport.  He  married  in  171K)  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  George 
Williams,  a  merchant  of  Salem,  where  ho  settled  and  became  a 
prominent  iihysician.  He  died  in  1811  of  pulmonary  consumption, 
which  proved  fatal  to  his  ten  children.  Henry  Little  was  gradu- 
ated from  the  Harvard  Medical  School  in  ISS.*),  and  his  interest  in 
botany  was  no  doubt  due  to  an  acquaintance  with  Dr.  Jacob  Hige- 
low,  who  was  connected  with  the  school.  Ho  died  during  a  voyage 
undertaken  for  his  health.  (.See  The  Dexcendants  of  George  Little 
tchit  ctvne  tn  Massachusettx  in  liiiO,  No.  355,  m,  by  George  Thomas 

'  Teste  Bebb,  Dot.  Gai-tte,  iv.  190.  Mr.  Little's  White  Moun- 
tain specimens  were  found  by  Behb  in  the  herbarium  of  the  Acad- 
emy of  Natural  Sciences  of  IMiiladelphia. 

"  .Joseph  Harratt  (.lanuary  7,  17'.>7-.Iuno  25,  1882)  waa  bom  in 
Little  llallam,  Derbyshire,  England,  and  from  1825  to  1829  was 

profesaor  of  botany,  chemistry,  and  mineralogy  in  the  military 
academy  at  Middletown,  Connecticut.  He  subsequently  entered 
the  Medical  School  of  Yale  College,  from  which  he  was  gradu- 
ated in  18^,  and  finally  settled  in  Middletown,  where  he  practiced 
Diedicino  for  many  years  and  where  he  died.  He  bad  previously 
been  a  pupil  of  Torrey  in  the  study  of  Imtany,  devoting  himself 
particularly  to  the  genus  Salix.  In  18^  Dr.  Harratt  read  before 
the  Lyceum  of  Natural  History  of  New  Y'ork  a  Monograph  of  the 
North  .Vnierican  Willows,  which  he  proposed  to  illustrate  with  a 
figure  of  each  species.  The  expense  of  this  work  caused  it  to  be 
abandoned.  In  1840  he  published  in  Middletown  the  Salicei  Ameri- 
canft ;  ?ii'nrth  American  Wiltoivs.  In  this  paper  twenty-nine  species 
are  arranged  in  eight  acctions.  This  arrangement,  with  llarrHtt'.H 
sectional  characters,  was  adopted  by  Hooker  in  his  Flora  Uoreali- 
Americana.  This  appears  to  be  the  only  im|>ortant  botanical  work 
acconiplisbcd  by  Dr.  Barratt,  although  he  made  and  distributed  a 
large  number  of  herbarium  s|iecimens  of  Willows.  Later  he  de- 
voted attention  to  the  geology  of  the  region  adjacent  to  Middletown 
and  to  the  study  of  the  languages  of  the  American  Indians. 

Barratlia,  established  on  a  Texas  Composite  now  referred  to 
Encelia,  was  dedicated  to  him  by  Aaa  Gray,  who  waa  bis  fellow- 
student  under  Torrey. 


Plate  OCCXXVIII.    .Sali.x  iiai-samifkka. 

1 .  A  tlowtring  brnncb  of  the  staminate  tree,  natural  aize. 

2.  A  Mlaminatc  flower,  enlarged. 

?i.  \  fruiting  branch  of  the  pixtillate  tree,  natural  (iu. 

4.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

5.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 
C).  A  capsule,  enlarged. 

7.  A  leafy  branch,  natural  aize. 


!    !■    ■ 


•ast  of  Labrador 
I  Saskatchewan,^ 

he  bank  of  the 
listinguished  by 

perfectly  hardy 
ivhen  tlie  bright 

logy  in  the  military 
iiibseqiieiitly  entered 
vbich  he  was  gradii- 
ii  where  he  practiced 
He  had  previously 
ny,  devoting  himself 

Darratt  read  before 
a  Monograph  of  the 

to  illustrate  with  a 
vork  caused  it  to  be 
»n  the  Salkef  A  mtri- 
'  twenty-uine  species 
nient,  with  Harratl's 
n  his  Flora  lioreali- 
rtant  botanical  work 
de  and  di8tributc<l  a 
Hows.  Later  be  dc- 
accnt  to  Middletowu 
lean  Indiana, 
te  now  referred  to 
»\io  was  his  fellow- 

1  i. 

4!   : 



'A'   SOKTU    AMhh'lCA. 


1  •■..1<I  wt't  Ikijjb  i»nil  JH  (liHtrihutt'd  from  tho  coast  of  Lalirailoi 
i    liire  and  NVw  Yoik.'  luid  l.»  tlic  valley  of  the  S^katcliowuii, 

i.vtwl   l»v  Mr.  H.mry  l.ittl.  '  in  Auijust,  1823,  ou  the  hank  ol   il,. 
Me   Mountnini*  of  Now  llauipshirt','  ami  was  first  (listii;guwlii-il   In 

'■■■•/•■m  t/M  introducwi  int«  Ihf  Arnold  A rhorntiiin,  where  it  in  perfoctly  hanl 

.  ■^l  I'lMuliful  of  tlw*  «hr  ibhv  Willow^  jwrticuUrly  .lurin;.  the  winter,  when  tlifi  1 
;!i.iJce  tho  Hlunin)^'  br»(v<ih«i>  'otigpiciiou.s. 


>.>Mf«*n  wu  ooI!<M-tc 
^    s-j  Mr-  .1.  t;.  Jn.  >. 
».•  .  ',11.  Cm.  Can.  /'I.  !  i 
'  >»r»«U,  iJvHen  arj  A. . 
'  Hoary  liuU  (!»-. 
•rt{<ti^  «ihU«l  of  M->v 
VoOtft  to  l(h7.  u 


I  «u  tho 
1    H)irT«rif 

liim^  Iran- 

»'    WrMii**  ft 
'  iw'imptuMi, 

IwtMT  <«M  iw  doaU  dw  t«  mn  »i-q,'»iw  .««  wtU.  l>r.  J.u>ob  Hige- 
low,  «hii  *w  aouMtai  «ttli  the  »o1m«.  (|«  ,Ud  .Inring  ■  voy»go 
anrlanakm  fu  dm  U.»lUi.  (S«*  /V  Itrjctruiuntt  ,/  a,orf,  Uitle 
wfoflMi.  ft.  .!/.»««<*«,.  V      ,.,,.  .,|    l,T  Grorp.  now.. 

"      Mr.  Littlo'«  Willi*  M    ij 
•;,•  i,,t1iiii;.: f  il,.     .    ...1- 

'  •vCbfulMl*,  I 

itvm  Xma  ku  IKIJO  „ai 

l'f''""»" "innv,   •  ri.umlry,  ami    iiiiiicriil»gy   in   tlio  liiiiit..>  > 

■uKlriiir  at  hiclilli'Umu,  Ci.miecticut.     Ili<  «iil)«.)iieiitly  en!- 
Um  Moairnl  Suluxil  of  Y»l«  (:,>llr^-p.  from  whiili  \\t  wm  ^r.,>. 
tir>i  in  \K\\,  iinil  fiiiallj  mhIihI  hi  Miilalttown,  nherc  be  jini.  t  ■ 
BMolicmn  f"r  iramy  ycnn  ami  wli«rf  be  ilird.     Hi-  ba^t  prevhi'i. 
b»»B  a  jHipil  ..(  r..rt*»  III  tbu  •  o'  boUuy.  ilevotiu)?  \,m-  ■ 
IMflKiiUrlir  In  II.,.  i-i'Liip.  S«li«      In  \fa\  Dr.  llarratt  rend  !*(.. 
Ilw  Lrreiiiii  of  Naiiiral  Hl^^ory  of  New  York  a  .Mc.uograpb  of  i;., 
Nortb  Ainerieaii  \Villow«,  which  lio  proponed  to  illuatrots  wit>j    . 
(l(fu«.  of  (Mcb  apecieii.     Tile  eiiMtnuc  of  Ibis  work  ciin«cd  it  l<. 
alwndoited.    In  IMO  b.-  piiMisbcd  in  Middletown  lb..  AWi.  m  A  •., 
itxiir  ;  Sorth  Anurruwt  Wiil,>wt.    In  this  jui[)rr  Iwenty-iiiiie  i>p,;. 
aro  arr«U(jr«<l  in  ei),'bt  nectionn.     Tliin  nrmu({enient,  will.  IWra:: 
•ectiiiiwl  cliaracteni,  wnMidi.pied  by  Il.Hpker  iu  bi.i  IZn-a  /(<..v,, 
4i»i«i.-.i)ui.     Tbi»  appeani  In  be  the  only  miporUiil  botanical  in  : 
at'eoniplubeil  by  Dr.  Hiirrnll,  «ltbou){b  In.  umile  and  distribul.  i 
Urgv  Biiinber  of  berbariiim  jpcciiiieiis  of  Willows      Later  Ik  .. 
f«te«l  atteDlMui  to  tbe  geoiogT  of  Ibe  region  adjacent  to  Middiei.'i ; 
....(  I..  ,1-  ii„.l,  „(  ihii  UnguajfM  of  tho  Araeriean  Indians. 

'    i>ti»k«»I  ou  a  Teuu  Composite   now   referred    • 
"'■    '    ""'  '        '"II  by  Ajui  (iray,  whi<  wm  bis  f«ll<>-. 

•twimt  uwifr  I 




1.  A  rtowtring  linuieb  of  ih*  ttajninato  trm.,  i..i..„.,,  Mro. 
-.   A  «liimiiMl<>  Atiwinr,  «nUrK«d 

.'*.  A  fruilin,;  h.anrh  of  !(«■  pioiillate  tree,  iiahiral  »;«•. 
4.  A  r'i"ilUl«  Howw,  eularifed. 

-,  natural  »iie. 
:■,  eiilarirmi. 
■    t«fy  l.raneli,  natural  siui. 

}     :  > 


asi  of  Lalirndor 

:hc  h.'kiik  uf  thi 
li.sliiig-uishi'il  liv 

1  l)orf('(!tly  hardy 
when  tlie  brijih! 

tTt7^  111  thtj  iiuluArt 
Nubs«i|iieut]y  entriiTj 
wUit'li  he  wu  i^nHtw 
II,  nlierv  lie  pi-*.  t.fy-( 

Hi*  ha^l  prpvioM- 
lur,  cifrotiug  biiii-vr.! 
lUiTatt  read  l«f>ir« 
1  .1  .Munngrapb  of  the 
I  to  illuKtnita  wit'j  .' 
work  c»n«ed  it  to  U 
mu  lh<>  Suiters  A  mrr, 
■r  IwHntj-iiine  ape^-fivi 
t'mpiit,  uttb  lWrau'« 
ill  Ills  FU>nj  Ihtrf^,f 
orUiit  nvrx 
Aflp  and  distributivi  , 
illuws      Later  bi  'V 
jarrnt  Ui  iMiddlei>"i 
ricjiii  ImliaiiE. 
rito   !io»   KferrmI    • 
wbu  wu  bis  fello- 

of  North  Aiiu'i'UM 



Z'lrutuJ  . 

lAl.lX    RAI.SAMl  FEFM.B.^rrHt. 

.4  Ut»urfi4.r  t/i/,\r  ^ 

'nip  .  f  Tiineur.  Pttru 


■  i  1 






1  '  ': 

1   ;  ■; 

:l  '  ^! 


1    5    il 

1    ^    ,\ 


:  i 

I    •     [ 

MiWi    .1 







Feltleaf  Willow. 

Leaves  usually  elliptical-lanceolate  and  acute,  covered  below  with  a  thick  coat  of 
matted  lustrous  snow-white  hairs. 


Salix  Alazenais,  Coville,  Proc.  Washington  Acad.  Set.  ii. 

280  (1900)  ;  iii.  311,  t.  34;  £uU.  A^.  J'.  Jiot.  Gard.  ii. 

164.  —  Eastwood,  Hot.  Oaxette,  xxxiii.  133. 
Salix  speoiosa,  Hooker  &  Arnott,  Bot.  Voy.  Beechey,  130 

(not  Host)   (1832).— Hooker,   Fl.  Bor.-Am.  ii.  145.— 

Ledebour,  Fl.  Ross.  iii.  625.  —  Seemann,  Bot.  Voy.  Her- 

handl.  xv.  119  {Bidr.  Nordam.  PUarter) ;  Proe.  Am, 

Acad.  iv.  59.  —  Rotbrock,  Smithsonian  Rep.  \%Mi,  ih^ 

(Fl.  Alaska). 
Salix  speoioBa,  fi  Alaxeneis,   Andersson,  De  Candolle 

Prodr.  xvi.  pt.  ii.  275  (186^N. 
Salix  longistylis,  Rydberg,  Bull.  N.  Y.  Bot.  Oard.  ii.  163 

aid,  40,  t.  10.  — Andersson,  Ofvtrs.  Vetensk.  Akiui.  For-  (1901). 

A  tree,  sometimes  thirty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  from  four  to  six  inches  in  diameter,  often 
shrubby  and  in  the  most  exposed  situations  often  not  more  than  a  foot  or  two  high,  with  semiprostrate 
stbH's.'  The  branchlets  are  stout,  and  when  they  first  appear  are  coated  with  a  thick  covering  of 
white  matted  hairs ;  this  gradually  disappears  and  in  their  second  season  they  are  usually  glabrous, 
dark  purple,  lustrous,  marked  by  large  elevated  pale  scattered  lenticels,  and  much  roughened  by  the 
large  U-shaped  scars  left  by  the  fallen  petioles.  The  leaves  are  revolute  in  the  bud,  elliptical-lanceolate 
U>  obovate,  acute  or  occasionally  rounded  at  the  apex,  and  gradually  narrowed  below  into  the  short 
thick  petioles ;  when  they  unfold  they  are  often  glandular  on  the  margins,  coated  above  with  thin  pale 
deciduous  tomentum,  and  covered  below  with  a  thick  mass  of  snow-white  lustrous  matted  hairs  which 
remains  on  the  mature  leaves ;  they  are  firm  in  texture,  entire  and  sometimes  slightly  revolute  on 
the  margins,  often  somewhat  wrinkled  by  the  reticulate  veinlets,  dull  yellow-green  on  the  upper  surface, 
from  two  to  four  inches  long  and  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  with  low  broad  yellow 
midribs  and  many  obscure  primary  veins.  The  stipules  are  linear-lanceolate  to  filiform,  entire,  from 
one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in  length,  and  usually  persistent  <at  least  until  midsummer.  The 
flowers  appear  about  the  middle  of  June  when  the  leaves  are  nearly  half  grown,  and  are  produced  on 
lateral  branchlets  whose  leaves  are  well  developed  or  often  reduced  to  small  hairy  bracts  ;  they  are 
borne  in  stout  erect  pedunculate  tomentose  aments,  those  of  the  staminate  plant  varying  from  an  inch 
to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  length  and  being  much  shorter  than  those  of  the  pistillate  plant  which  at 
maturity  are  sometimes  five  inches  long ;  their  scales  are  oblong-ovate,  rounded  at  the  apex,  dark- 
colored,  and  coated  with  long  silvery  white  soft  hairs.  The  stamens  are  two  in  number,  with  slender 
elongated  filaments.  The  ovary  is  ovate,  acuminate,  very  short-stalked,  covered  with  soft  pale  hairs, 
and  gradually  narrowed  into  the  elongated  slender  style,  crowned  by  the  two-lobed  stigmas.  The 
capsule  is  nearly  sessile,  ovate,  acuminate,  covered  with  close  dense  pale  tomentum,  and  a  quarter  of  an 
inch  in  length. 

Salix  Alaxensi.i  inhabits  Alaska,  where  it  is  distributed  along  the  coast  from  the  northern  part 
of  tl»e  Alexander  Archipelago  to  Cape  Lisbourne,  and  in  the  interior  to  the  valley  of  the  Mackenzie 
River  and  to  the  shores  of  Coronation  Gulf."  It  has  not  been  found  on  the  wind-swept  Aleu'lan 
Islands,  but  as  far  north  as  the  eastern  end  of  Kotzebue  Sound  it  is  said  to  sometimes  grow  to  the 

'  Tbo  botanists  of  the  Harrlman  Aliiakan  Expedition  of  1899  covered  vitb  a  growth  of  shrubs  it  bad  grown  into  a  liandsomo 

fuiuid  SalLc  .ilnxemiit  growing  as  an  almost  prostrate  slirub  on  small  tree.     (See  Coville,  Prot?.  Washington  A ':ad  5d.  ii.  281.) 
naked  gravels  at  the  Muir  Glacier  in  Glacier  Hay,  while  in  tho         ''  See  Hiohardson,  Arctic  Searching  Ezped.  li.  313. 
same  region  and  only  a  few  miles  distant  on  older  gravel  deposits 






height  of  twenty  feet,  while  at  Cape  Lisboiinie  it  is  a  siirub  not  nioru  than  two  feet  tall.'  It  attains 
its  largest  size  from  the  Shumagin  Islands  eastward ;  and  it  is  the  uuly  arborescent  Willow  iu  the 
coast  region  west  and  north  of  Kadiok  Island." 

The  wood  of  >SVi/(j-  Al'iiemix  has  not  been  examined.  It  is  often  used  as  fuel  by  Indians  and 
travelers  on  the  headwaters  of  the  Arctic  rivers.' 

Salix  Alaxenxin,  which  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  distinct  of  the  American  Willows,  was 
discovered  on  the  shores  of  Kotzebue  Sound  during  the  summer  of  1827  by  the  naturalists  who 
accompanied  Captain  F.  W.  Beechey  in  the  British  ship  Blossom  on  his  voyage  of  discovery. 

'  S«e  Noauiaiin,  Bol.  r'oy.  Utratd,  40. 

*  Dr.  Kreileriok  V.  Cofille,  one  »f  th«  boUniiU  who  nocum- 
panied  the  Huminu)  Alukwi  Expedition  of  IHUtI,  obtained  for  the 
fint  time  reliable  ioformatioii  on  tbe  diitribution  of  this  Willow  on 
the  Alaikan  cout,  and  citabliihed  the  faut  that  under  farorable 

condition!  it  become!  tniljr  arbomoent  in  habit.     (See  Covillr, 
/'rue.  n'a$Mtiglon  Aatd.  Set.  ii.  280.)     I'Uto  dccitii.  i!  made  (niui 
drawing!  of  ipeoimrna  collected  by  Dr.  Corille  and  pre!erved  in 
the  I'nited  State!  National  Herbarium  at  Waahington. 
•  Talt  Curille,  (.  c.  iii.  3U. 


Platk  DCCXXIX.     Salix  Alaxinru. 

1.  A  flowering  branch  of  the  itaminkte  tree,  natural  aiM. 

2.  A  !tAminate  flower  with  it*  scale,  enUrge<l. 

3.  A  flowering  branch  of  the  piatillate  trae,  natural  liw. 

4.  A  piatillate  flower  with  itx  ecale,  enlarged. 
6.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  liie. 

6.  A  capaule,  cnlarginl. 

7.  A  capsule  with  open  valvea,  enlarged. 

8.  A  leafy  branch,  natural  sixe. 

,  i: 



S  -i 





\"/.  ^//  AM  nine  A. 

>Al.l' MT,  (■• 

iirtiv   It   1.0   .1   alirtili  not  ruoro  tbun  two  ffi't  tiill.'      It  attain^ 
UwiDiifi  «iHiitwiir>l  ,    iiiil   It    \s  the  (inly  nrliiirtssreiit   Willow   iii  llic 
tk  IaIaiuI. 
"  bu  not  b««n  esiuuined.     It  m  i>ft4'ii  imi'il  hh  fuul  by  Indiaim  and 
\rrtsc  rjvpr*/ 

'   i>f  tJkc  niiMtt  beautiful  and  ilixtiiit't  of  lli«  American  WiIIowm,  vk .. 
L»»biM'   ^)<lll■l(i  (luring  the   suniiutfr  «if  18*27   by  the  uaturalutv  wht> 
111  thf  Uritii«h  nhip  DliMMmi  on  hi*  voyage  uf  (ii«euvery. 

wivtiuaw  il  iMcumM  trnlj  nrlmnMeoiil  in  Imbit     (Hm  CovitU, 
.1'  ,€!>.   wh"   urw'-iii        /Vv-    W^Mktufton  Acfui.  .Sii.  ii.  'J8U.)     rUtc  ilwisii.  ii  nuul*  frtrn* 
I"  <  l4aitiMl  (m  Uio       ilnivinf*  iil  tpfeiinniu  ruUertvd  by  Dr.  Curill*  uiil  fnntni  in 
'     ■  WilUwuB      Uk  '  ii.«  Nutiimftl  llorbtriuiii  It  Wuhingtuii. 



liAfi,  IM'CXXIX.     Saux  Ai,A)t«S!«w. 
I.   A  riowrriiiii  hruii-U  o(  tlio  lUniinstv  trrv,  iiktursl  aiie. 
'.'    A  •taminati'  Hnwcr  witli  ita  wait,  enUrgml. 
I    A  tluwerin|{  br»»rh  of  th«  ^UtilUtv  Irei-,  naturul  aiit. 
I     A  pintillnui  tinirvr  with  iu  »4*mlff.  vnUrgocl. 
'•    A  frnitiiitf  bruitli,  nularal  MM. 
'      1     ^.'•Ailc  i>itlar](t<d. 

•Hi>  villi  Open  rt^r**,  cnUrgad. 

:'!     1 

'i»^a«f>>Y  «■«»;- 


r.ilva  of  North   America. 


rf.y.i.t.'>'  .M 

lartami  .rr 

5A1.IX    ALAXENSlSCov, 

^4  }{i<)cfmiU'  itirtw  ** 

Imp  J  Tarwur  ru^'t'f 






S    \ 

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III  18 






Leaves  oval  to  brondly  obovatc,  nearly  glabrous  at  maturity,  glaucous  on  the  lower 

SiUis  MnpUfollA.  CovilU,  Prof.  WatKingion  Acail.  Set.  li.  282,  t.  1(1  (1000) ;  iii.  .114,  t.  .15. 

A  tree,  occasionally  twoiity-fivo  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  a  foot  in  diivmuter,  often  much  smaller 
nnil  HimietimeH  shrubby.  The  brani'iilets  are  stout,  conHpicuouHly  roughened  by  the  large  elevated 
U-shaped  scars  of  fallen  leaves,  and  marked  by  occasional  pale  lenticels ;  when  they  RrHt  appear  they 
are  coated  with  thick  villose  pubescence  which  gradually  disappears  during  their  second  and  third 
seasons  when  the  bark  is  of  a  dark  dull  red-purple  color.  The  leaves  are  revolute  in  vernation,  oval 
to  broadly  obovate,  rounded  or  broadly  acute  at  the  apex,  gradually  or  abruptly  narrowed  at  the 
cuneate  base,  dentate-serruhtte,  particularly  toward  the  base,  or  entire,  densely  villose  above  and  below, 
with  long  matted  white  hairs,  when  they  first  appear,  and  at  maturity  glabrous  or  nearly  gLibrous, 
]iale  yellow-green  on  the  upper  surface,  slightly  glaucous  on  the  lower  surface,  from  two  inches  to  two 
inches  and  a  half  in  length  and  from  an  inch  to  un  inch  and  a  half  in  width,  with  short  slender 
tomentose  {Mitioles,  midribs  broad  and  hoary  toward  the  base  of  the  leaf  and  thin  and  glabrous  above 
the  middle,  and  numerous  thin  arcuate  primary  veins.  The  stipules  have  not  been  seen.  The  flowers, 
which  appear  with  the  leaves  from  the  middle  to  the  twentieth  of  June,  are  produced  on  lateral  leafy 
branchlets ;  they  are  borne  in  stout  pedunculate  tomentose  aments,  those  of  the  stamiuate  plant  varying 
from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  two  inches  in  length,  and  shorter  than  those  of  the  pistillate  plant  which 
ut  maturity  are  about  three  inches  long ;  their  scaler  are  oblanceolate  or  lanceolate,  dark  brown  or 
nearly  black,  and  covered  witli  long  pale  hairs.  The  stamens  are  two  in  number,  with  slender  elongated 
glabrous  filaments.  The  ovary  is  ovate-lanceolate,  short-stalked,  glabrous  or  slightly  pubescent,  and 
gradually  norrowud  into  the  elongated  slender  style  crowned  with  a  two-lobed  slender  stigma.  The 
capsule  is  ovoid-lanceokte,  glabrous,  short-stalked,  and  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  length. 

Salix  arnplifolia  inhabits  the  sand  dunes  which  for  a  few  miles  skirt  the  beach  on  the  west  side 
of  Yakutat  Bay,  Alaska,  at  the  mouth  of  streams  flowing  from  the  glaciers  of  the  St.  EUas  Mountain 
range,  where  it  grows  with  Salix  Alaxensin,  and  where  it  was  discovered  by  Dr.  F.  V.  Coville'  on 
June  22,  1899.  It  was  also  collected  by  Dr.  Coville  in  Disenchantment  Bay  at  Hubbard  Glacier  and 
on  Haenke  Island  and  Egg  Island,  and  on  the  east  shore  at  the  head  of  Yakutat  Bay. 

The  wood  of  JSalix  arnplifolia  has  not  been  examined. 

'  Frederick  Vernon  Corillo  (March  2.3,  1807)  was  born  on  a 
farm  in  the  township  of  Preston,  Chenango  County,  New  York,  of 
a  family  of  English  and  Scotch  descent.  In  1800,  his  father 
having  moved  to  Oxford,  New  York,  the  son  was  educated  in  the 
academy  of  that  town  until  his  entrance  at  Cornell  University, 
from  which  bo  was  graduated  in  1887.  In  the  summer  of  that 
year  Coville  joined  the  Geological  Survey  of  Arkansas  as  a  volun- 
teer assistant,  devoting  his  time  to  the  study  of  the  tlora  of  the 
crntral  and  northern  parts  of  that  state.  He  was  then  instructor  in 
Iwtany  at  Cornell  for  one  year,  and  in  iTuly,  1888,  was  appointed 
iissistant  botanist  in  the  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture. 
In  1803,  on  the  death  of  Dr.  George  Vasey,  he  was  placed  in 

charge  of  the  division  of  botany  of  that  department.  Mr.  Coville 
was  of  the  United  States  Death  Valley  Expedition  of 
1801,  and  his  important  report,  which  greatly  increased  the  know- 
ledge of  the  flora  of  southeastern  California,  forms  the  fourth  vol- 
ume of  the  Contribution:!  from  the  United  Staten  Snlionut  Uerbarium ; 
in  1890  ho  was  (Uie  of  the  botanists  who  accompanied  the  Ilnrriman 
Alaskan  Expedition,  lie  is  the  author  of  several  botanical  and 
biographical  papers  published  in  the  Proceeilingi  of  the  Biological 
Soeiety  of  Washington,  in  the  Ueports  of  the  Department  of  Agri- 
culture, and  in  t\ie  Proi'eedings  of  the  Washington  Aeademy  of  Sci- 
ence. In  the  last  be  has  described  in  two  papers  the  Willows  of 


■  >  >  i. 


i  I, 



Plate  UCCXXX.     SAi.rx  a.mi-likolu. 

1.  A  flowering  brunch  of  the  staniiuate  tree,  iiatuial  sue. 

2.  A  staiuiniite  llmvcr  with  its  bciIc.  onlarjjed. 

3.  A  rtowtriiij;  l.ran.-h  of  tlie  pistiMate  tree,  natural  size. 

4.  A  pislillati'  flower  with  its  scale,  enUrged. 
.'■>.  A  fruiting'  iiraiicli.  natural  siie. 

C.  A  caiMuld,  enlarged. 


it     '•   I T 

i       I 


\i      f  I 

H  m 

i    I  i    y 














;j  (  i 


Pij-nt  DCCXXX.    S\u\  AMiLiKviuA. 
1.  A  (iotreniig  brunch  of  th«  utainiaitt*  tree,  natural  «i». 

-V    A  staminnte  tlo«<-r  willi  .■  '  .    ,  ' 

•:     /\  ftrmntji,^  brani'li  of  ih.  lural  tiw. 

'.At-  rinw«r  with  it»  .wal«,  iulargtd 


I  .  ; 


;       j 



)   M 

'.vii   nl   '^lirili    AinencA 

Tab  Dcr. 

'  AVUfv'i  .M 


■ii     :   .  i 



SALIX  AMl^'.lFOL'.A     'ov^ 

A  .'h.  :  rfVi.r  ,  ityt*,r  ' 

"yj  ,     .\j.'w/,/  J^/r 





'i     ' 
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1      ;  ' 

■   '    !' 

4    ife;; 






Leaves  rhomboid-lanceolate,  long-acuminate,  green  on  both   surtace^ 
slender,  nearly  terete. 


FopuluB  acuminata,  Rydberg,  Bull.  Torrey  Bat.  Club,  zx. 
46, 1. 149  (1893) ;  CotUrti.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  iU.  623.  — 

Sargent,  Silva  N.  Am.  ix.  172.  —  Britton  &,  Brovu,  IU. 
Fl.  i.  491,  f.  1167.  —  Britton,  Man.  309. 

A  tree,  sometimes  fifty  or  sixty  feet  tall,  with  a  trunk  three  feet  in  diameter,  but  usually  not  more 
than  forty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  from  twelve  to  eighteen  inches  in  diameter,*  and  stout  spreading 
and  ascending  branches  which  form  a  compact  round-topped  or  pyramidal  head.  The  bark  of  young 
stems  and  of  the  large  branches  is  smooth  and  nearly  white,  and  on  old  trunks  it  is  pale  gray-brown, 
about  half  an  inch  thick  and  deeply  divided  into  broad  flat  ridges.  The  branchlels  are  slender,  terete 
or  aUghtly  four-angled,  pale  yellow-brown,  and  roughened  for  two  or  three  years  by  the  elevated  oval 
horizontal  leaf-scars  which  contain  three  dark  fibro-vascular  bundle-scars.  The  winter-buds  are  resinous, 
acuminate,  and  about  a  third  of  an  inch  in  length,  with  six  or  seven  light  chestnut-brown  lustrous  scales, 
the  lateral  buds  being  much  flattened  by  pressure  against  the  branch.  The  leaves,  which  are  pendulous 
on  slender  nearly  terete  petioles  from  one  to  three  inches  in  length,  are  rhomboid-lanceolate,  abruptly 
acuminate,  gradually  or  abruptly  narrowed  and  cuneate  or  concave-cuneate  or  rarely  full  and  rounded 
at  the  mostly  entire  base,  coarsely  crenulate-serrate  except  near  the  apex,  thick  and  leathery  at  maturity, 
dark  green  and  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  dull  green  on  the  lower  surface,  from  two  to  four  inches 
long  and  from  three  quarters  of  an  inch  to  two  inches  wide,  with  slender  yellow  midribs,  thin  remote 
primary  veins  and  obscure  reticulate  veinlets.  The  stipules  are  ovate,  acute  and  apiculato  or  acuniirate 
at  the  apex,  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch  long,  and  caducous.  The  aments  of  flowers,  which  appear  before 
the  leaves,  are  slender,  short-stalked,  and  from  two  to  three  inches  in  length,  with  scarieus  light  brown 
glabrous  scales  dilated  and  irregularly  divided  at  the  apex  into  filiform  lobes,  and  cac^i  "ons.  The 
numerous  stamens,  witli  short  filaments  and  dark  red  anthers,  are  inserted  on  a  wide  oblique  membra- 
naceous disk.  The  ovary  is  broadly  ovate,  gradually  narrowed  to  the  apt  which  is  crowned  with 
large  laciniately  lobed  nearly  sessile  stigmas  and  inclosed  nearly  to  the  middic  ia  the  Jg^^  cup-shaped 
disk  which  is  persistent  under  the  fruit.  The  fruiting  aments  are  four  or  fi>'c  1.  'u«8  'uag  and  the 
capsules  are  pedicellate,  oblong-ovate,  acute,  tlnn-walled,  slightly  pitted,  abr.  (  ;  luird  ut  an  inch  long, 
and  three  or  occasionally  two-valved.  The  seeds  are  oblong-obovate,  roundt.  ■  '.i  the  apex,  light  brown, 
about  one  twelfth  of  an  inch  in  length,  and  surrounded  by  long  \^liite  hairs. 

PopuliiH  acuminata  inhabits  the  banks  of  streams  in  the  arid  eastern  foothill  reg'.'in  of  the  Kocky 
Mountains  and,  although  probably  nowhere  common,  is  ustributed  from  Assmiboia''  tu  .js'ern  Nebraska,' 
eastern  Wyoming,*  and  southern  Colorado.  Long  confounded  with  Pojndus  .ngvutifoUa,  it  was  first 
distinguished  by  Mr.  P.  A.  Rydberg,"  who  found  in  1891  a  number  of  trees  of  thL.  Cottonwood  in 
Carter  Canon  in  Scott's  Bluff  County,  northwestern  Nebraska. 

'  The  wood  apooiinen  cut  in  northweateni  Ntibraaka  for  the  Jesup 
Collection  of  North  Aiaerioan  Wooda  in  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  Hittorv,  New  York,  i>  tuelve  and  a  half  inches  iu  diame- 
ter inside  the  bark  and  only  twentf^ight  year»  old.  'ITie  iinpwood 
is  two  ai.d  three  eighths  inches  thi  :k,  with  sixteen  layers  of  annual 

'  Pofiulut  aeumuiala  was  collected  by  Mr.  John  Macoun  at  LetU- 
bridge,  Assiniboia,  June  6,  ISOL 

»  Bessey,  Rty.  Nebraska  State  Board  Agric,  18M,  104  ;  1899, 

•  See  Nolsou,  Bull.  No.  40,  Wyoming  Ezpor.  SUt.  02  (Trees  of 

'  Per  Aiel  Rydberg  (July  7,  18C())  was  bom  in  0th  Parish, 
Westergocthland,  Sweden,  and  was  the  son  of  a  farmer.  At  the 
p.gro  of  thirteen  bo  was  sent  to  the  pvepiuatory  school  of  the  Royal 
Grmnaaium  at  Skara,  and  iu  1881  was  g;raduatcd  frv)m  the  Gymnu- 


II  il 


■    m 





PojniluB  acuminoUi  is  soraetinir  j  planted  to  shade  the  streets  of  Laramie,  Denver,  Colorado  Springs, 
and  other  cities  in  tl'  '  i<':;i(iii  which  it  inhabits.' 

■ium.  He  oMne  to  America  in  1882,  and  from  1884  to  1800  and 
■gain  from  1801  to  180;t  wu  a  teacher  of  natural  iciencet  and 
mathematica  at  Luther  Academy,  Wahoo,  Nebnuka.  The  yean 
1800-91  and  1803-00  be  ipent  at  the  CnWenity  of  Nebraaka,  re- 
oeiTiug  from  that  institution  the  dt3gree8  of  Bachelor  of  Science  in 
1801  and  of  Maiter  of  Arti  in  1R05.  In  1805  Mr.  Kydberg  entered 
Columbia  Univeraity  and  three  yean  later  obtained  the  degree  of 
Doctor  of  rbiloaopby.  From  1805  to  1800,  while  a  ttudent  at  Co- 
lumbia Univervity,  he  performed  the  duties  of  Professor  of  Natural 
Sciences  and  Mathematics  at  the  Cpsala  College  in  Brooklyn. 
Dnring  the  summers  of  1801,  ISttt,  and  18011,  he  was  a  field  agent 
of  Iwtany  of  the  Unitea  States  Department  of  Agriculture  ;  in  1805 
and  1800  of  the  Uivision  of  Agrostology  of  that  Department,  and 
in  1807  of  the  New  Vork  Botanic  Garden,  collecting  plants  in  Ne- 

braska, South  Dakota,  Wyoming,  Colorado,  Utah,  and  Montana. 
Mr.  Rydberg  is  the  author  of  a  number  of  botanical  papers  and  re- 
ports, including  a  Flora  of  the  Black  HilU  of  South  Dakota  and  of 
the  Satui  Hiilt  nf  Central  Nebraaka,  a  paper  on  the  Grmtte  atut 
Forage  Ptiintt  of  the  Hncky  Mountain  Region,  with  Mr.  C.  L.  Shear, 
a  Monograph  of  the  North  American  Specie*  of  Pht/nalijt  anil  Related 
Genera,  a  Monograph  of  the  North  American  PotentilUg,  and  a  Cata- 
logue of  the  Flora  of  Montana  atul  the  Yelloicttone  National  Park. 

*  The  oldest  specimen  of  Populut  acuminata  which  1  have  seen 
was  ooUecteil  by  Dr.  K.  V.  Ilayden  on  Keynolds's  expedition  to  the 
headwaters  of  the  Missouri  and  Yellowitone  rivers  in  185(^00, 
and  is  preserved  in  the  Kngelmauu  herbarium.  In  1874  it  wa&  coU 
I'icted  by  Kngelmann  at  Denver,  Colorado,  and  in  1880  I  founa  it 
in  the  streets  of  Colorado  Springs. 


Platk  DCCXXXI.     Popt'i.UR  acuminat.*. 

1 .  A  branrli  wltli  staminate  flowers,  natural  siie. 

2.  A  staminate  llowcr,  enlarged. 

3.  The  bract  nf  a  staminate  flower,  enlarged. 

4.  A  branch  with  pistillate  flowers,  natural  site. 
a.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

6.  A  fruitin);  branch,  natural  siie. 

7.  A  fruit,  enlar^eil. 

8.  A  leafy  branch,  natural  size. 

(:''  *l 




<u.  .<     -it 

iJKtmmla  n  •oatKtimM  pUntMi  to  aluulf  Uie  iit.r««t«  of  I^nrikmio,  Denver,  ColoraUu  Sprin^ 
i:  :h«>  r«i)(toii  which  il  inhithits  ' 



f     I 

21.  M^.  tM*)^  tie  Iw  IfiMI  •!  Mm  I.  u«»'>it>  »(   N»t>ruA>.  -  . 
!«.  «)>«•  iMiaMtiiiii  itiK  <nm«  i>l  llmrlM-Uit  .4  m:.mi<,    „ 
%(«>  >•  UMft     la  una  Mr  Kxttart  i-M^tt^ 
.   J  iteMi  irMri  )»«rr    -^tuml   ikr   (UfT>"- 

.vMrtHntMl  U>  i  rllf«liau>  ii(  S  .:  ..  I 

]:>MM(  tki  Mir-'-'-  '  '   'M'«    I*""       ''  lOi',    I...  ^^  t  (mM  •<>■» 

<r  l«»7  W  Um  Sow  »  v    N.^ 

l>»k«U,  Wjriiniinii,  Culonulo,  I'toh,  tml  Mm.u- 
'''     '*    ""'^z  i'  Ik*  kiilkor  «(  %  uiiinbtr  of  baUnioal  p«p*ni  »».l    . 

,    *  H.yril  n/  iKt  Hllli-t  HllU  «f  Situlh    ll«knla  %ut\ 
'ti  f'cninii   yrhra/tkrit  n  pajwr  on  Ibit   dniufj  . 
'  |4<  Mo-t-y  .Wxurililin  Ktiium,  nith  Mr    ('.  I.,.  Slu. 
'  th*  Sfirtk  Aiiunrnn  Spft^it^  0/  /'\f/aaiu  «»u/  ft'.;.,' 
.    V.     ..'^friipA  o/f^  A"'irtA  -4m*ni'ilii  VitttnUtii*,  «lid  n  ' 
■'I  ..'  144  /-i^im  »!/'  i/imMna  (Pm/  fAr  )>ii.wj/.iM#  Stilionth  f'nt  i 
'   Th«>  nldmit  •p€4*ia)t>n  of  f'ttpitlut  antmtmUn  which  1   hitvr   .. , 
Willi  oullMcli^tl  \ty  l*r.  K  V.  llATdrn  mi  Unynuldt'H  vxprilitirii,  t,,  ;, 
kaulwKt«n  ol  th«    MiMtnin  and  Yelluwit<>n«  rivitr*  in  IndU  m 
■B4I  i«  pr«MrviMl  in  the  K»f(*<1hiiinn  herbftrturo.    In  IM74  il  w*«  r  ' 
l«^tod  hy  Kftf«tmiiDn  Mt  Ponvor,  ('olurmdtt,  And  in  \dSO  I   ^.•.r.! 
m  iki<  Atrr^tA  u(  (  oluriulu  Sprinjpi. 


l"r.ATii  IX^CXXXf.     t'  aci'mixata. 
! .  A  braodi  wi'ii  •teniinat*  Bowm,  natural  %\te. 
".  A  •!j«mi»»t»  rtowf  r,  «i\UiT;vrl 
3,  Tbn  bract  «f  »  ilaraiiiato  Howvr,  enlarct-d. 

4  A  tyraiiili  with  pMliilntv  HnnKri.  iialiirol  ^it«. 

5  A  |H>)illau  flowar,  •ftUr|!»!iii. 


Colorado  Sprin^jn 

>.  I'Uh,  *im1  Mi>nt«ni 
■>Ullio«l  |<il|>*ni  «■>,)  n 

ir  (in  III*  fi'nuMi  UK, 
with  Mr  C.  L  She*. 

I'lilmlilia,  utd  «  ''n> . 
i/(<n*  A'*i/iunii;  /'lit  ^ 
il'i!  which   1    kavr  irr., 
jlc)»'«  <>>|i*<litMW  til  IIh, 

>ii«  rirrn  in  lAAO-Mi 
a.  In  IM74  it  wu  m,! 
nd  in  1880  I  li^e.l 

Mi;  til     AillC 


XJ-.i,,.,'.  ,u 

7?,if-!nt*  j-c. 


-V  .'(wrfetuv    ftr^r  * 

.'-/j:/'  .  '  : ififUf    ".in.- 


It!  , 



5/ ill' 


«i     I 

i'     I 








flat  I 





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Pistillate  flowers  long-pcdicelluto.   Lcuvch  deltoid,  abruptly  short-pointed,  coarsely 
crenulute-serrate,  their  petioles  lutendly  compressed. 

topui'u  Wlaliseni. 

Populiis  monllUera,  Torrey,  Bot.  Mtx.  Bound.  Surv.  204 
(iKit  Alton)  (1859). 

Populua  Fremontli,  var.  (?)  WisliEeni,  Wataon,  Am.  Jmir. 
Sei.  Mr.  3,  »v.  VM\  (1H78) ;  Proe.  Am.  Acad,  iviii.  157.— 
Bmwer  A  Wataon,  Hot.  Col.  ii.  92  (in  part).  —  Sargent, 

Forett  Trees  N.  Am.  lOth  Centui  U.  S.  ix.  175  (exol. 
iyn.).  —  We»mnel,  Hull.  Hot.  Sar.  Ilelg.  xxvi.  377  (Rev. 
Gen.  I'o/iuliu)  (in  part).  —  Coulter,  U,  S.  Nat.  Herb.  II. 
420  (.Van.  VI.  W.  Textu). 
Populua  Fremontil,  Sargent,  SUva  N,  Am.  ix,  183  (in 
part)  (1896). 

A  large  tree,  with  wide-spreading  brunchcH  and  pale  gray-bruwn  bark  deeply  divided  into  broad 
flat  ridgcH,  stout  light  orange-colored  glabrous  brunchlets,  and  acute  lustrous  buds.  The  leaves  are 
broadly  deltoid,  abruptly  short-pointed,  truncate  or  sometimes  cordate  at  the  broad  entire  base,  coarsely 
and  irregularly  crenulate-serrate  except  toward  the  entire  apex,  coriaceous,  ghibrous,  yellow-green  and 
limtroiis  on  both  surfaces,  from  two  inches  to  two  incheH  and  a  half  long  and  usually  about  three  inches 
wide,  with  slender  yellow  midribs,  thin  remote  primary  veins,  and  conspicuous  reticulate  veinlets ;  they 
are  borne  on  slender  glabrous  petioles  ( (impressed  laterally,  from  an  inch  und  a  half  to  two  inches  long, 
and  bright  yellow  in  the  autumn  before  falling.  The  stipules  are  broadly  ovate,  acute  and  apiculate  or 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  scarious,  and  caducous.  The  aments  appear  before  the  leaves  and  vary  from  two 
to  four  inches  in  length,  with  caducous  bracts  which  are  scarious,  light  red,  and  divided  at  the  apex  into 
elongated  filiform  lobes.  The  numerous  stamens  with  large  oblong  anthers  and  short  filaments  are 
inserted  on  a  broad  oblique  disk.  The  ovary  is  long-pedicellate,  ovate,  full  and  rounded  at  the  apex, 
crowned  by  three  broad  erenulate-lobed  stigmas  raised  on  the  short  branches  of  the  style,  and  inclosed 
nearly  to  the  middle  in  the  cup-shaped  disk  which  is  irregularly  toothed  on  the  margins  and  persistent 
under  the  fruit.  The  aments  of  fruit  are  fdiir  or  five  inches  long,  with  oblong-ovate  thick-walled  acute 
three  or  foui>valved  slightly  ridged  buff-colored  capsules  which  are  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long, 
and  are  borne  on  slender  pedicels  from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  iu  length,  and  placed  rather 
remotely  from  each  other  on  the  slender  glabrous  racbis. 

I'npulus  WisHzeiii  is  the  common  Cottonwood  of  the  Rio  Grande  valley  in  New  Mexico  and 
western  Texas,  and  in  the  adjacent  parts  of  Mexico."  From  the  other  Cottonwoods  it  can  be  easily 
distinguished  by  the  elongated  slender  pedicels  of  the  pistillate  aments  which  are  peculiar  to  this  tree 
and,  showing  no  tendency  to  become  abbreviated,  make  it  desirable  to  treat  it  as  a  species. 

I'ojmlua  Wializeni  was  discovered  on  the  upper  Rio  Grande  in  July,  1846,  by  Dr.  F.  A.  Wis- 

'  Speoimena  of  a  Cottonwood  collected  by  Miu  Alice  Eastwood 
iu  July,  1896,  oD  Recapture  Creek,  Sao  Juao  County,  southeaatern 

Utah,  although  beyond  ita  uaaal  range,  appear  to  belong  to  this 
species  (Kaatwood,  Proc.  Cat.  Acad.  ser.  2,  vi.  325). 
»  See  vi.  IM. 















^   US, 


1.25      1.4 



6"     - 























WEBSTER,  NY.  14580 

(716)  873-4.S03 



Plate  DCCXXXII.    Pi-i-ULUs  Wislizejti. 

1.  A  branch  with  sUminate  flowers,  natural  lize. 

2.  A  staminate  flower,  enUrged. 

3.  A  brancli  with  pistillate  flowen,  natural  size. 

4.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 
6.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 

North  Amenca  occxxx:: 





li  , 

(i      .'t- 

is ' 

IS' ' 

I  ! 


P  I 

11    > 

i      / 


I'LiTV    DCCXXXll.       roPl'LUK    WU1LI7ENI. 

1.  A  l>riiii«li  with  'Uniinsto  flowen,  natural  aita. 

2.  A  sUminsUi  t)t»r»r.  mUri^l. 

3.  A  lirancli  uiiii  (nittilUU'  tt'ivim,  nMural  size. 

4.  A  plRlillHU!  tio»«r.  fuUfgeJ 

6.  A  (railing  branch.  DBlumi  «•«. 

Si'.va  of  North  America. 


<Vi*urfi-'n  ^/*^. 

Tfofiuie-  JY^' 





(    ! 


.  I  (I 


^  '{ttHvouuy  i^tr^r ' 

/nip  ./  Tlvittt^y.J'ari,)' 

i      1 



•'  '    I  ? 






Pistillate  flowers  short-pedicellate,  their  disk  large  and  cup-shaped.    Leaves 
rhombic  to  broadly  deltoid,  elongated,  acute  or  acuminate,  green  on  both  surfaces. 

Populua  Mexioana,  Wosmael,  De  CandoUe  Prodr.  zri.  pt. 

ii.  328  (1868)  ;  Mim.  Soc.  Sei.  Ilainaut,  Mir.  3,  iii.  240, 

t.  15  {Monogr.  Pojmlus).  —  HemBle/,  Sot.  Biol.  Am. 

Cent.  iii.  181. 
PopulUB  Fremontii,  Wataon,  Proe.  Am.  Acad.  z.  350  (in 

part)  (1876);  Am.  Jour.  Sei.  ter.  3,  zv.  136  (in  part).— 

Brewer  &  Wataon,  Bat.  Cal.  ii.  92  (in  part) Rnsby, 

Bull.  Toi'rey  Bot.  Club,  ix.  79.  —  Sargent,  Forest  Trees 
N.  Am.  \Oth  Cemna  V.  S.  iz.  175  (in  part) ;  Silva  N. 
Am.  ix.  183  (in  part).  —  Weaniael,  Bull.  Bot.  Soe.  Belg, 
zzvi.  376  (in  part)  {Rev.  Oen.  Populua). 

A  tree,  sometimes  eighty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  three  or  four  feet  in  diameter  covered  with 
pale  gi'ay  or  nearly  white  bark  deeply  divided  into  broad  flat  ridges  and  heavy  gracefully  spreading  and 
ascending  branches  which  form  a  broad  open  head.  The  branchlets  are  slender,  and  when  they  first 
appear  they  are  pale  green  and  more  or  less  pubescent  or  villose,  with  long  matted  hairs,  but  soon  become 
glabrous  and  are  light  yellow-brown  during  their  first  neason.  The  terminal  winter-buds  are  narrow, 
acute,  light  orange-brown,  puberulous  toward  the  base  of  the  outer  scales,  about  one  quarter  of  an  inch 
long,  and  two  or  three  times  as  large  as  the  much  compressed  oblong  lateral  buds.  The  leaves  are 
rhombic  and  long-pointed,  especially  when  the  tree  is  young,  or  broadly  deltoid  and  acute  or  acuminate 
particularly  on  vigorous  shoots,  broadly  or  acutely  cuneate  or  truncate  or  slightly  cordate  at  the  base,  or 
often  rotuded  at  the  apex  and  much  broader  than  long,  usually  coarsely  and  irregularly  crenulate-seriate 
except  at  the  base  and  towards  the  apex,  and  finely  crenulate-serrate  above  the  middle  when  the  leaves 
are  broad  and  rounded ;  when  they  first  unfold  the  leaves  arc  dark  red  covered  on  the  lower  surface 
with  pile  pubescence,  puberulous  on  the  upper  surface,  ciliate  on  the  margins,  with  short  white  crowded 
hairs,  and  glandular  on  the  tips  of  the  teeth,  with  bright  red  caducous  gknds ;  soon  becoming  glabrous, 
at  maturity  they  are  subcoriaceous,  bright  yellow-green,  very  lustrous,  two  or  three  inches  long  and 
somewhat  narrower  or  much  broader  than  long,  with  slender  yellow  midribs,  obscure  primary  veins, 
coarse  reticulate  veinlets,  and  slender  nearly  terete  petioles  grooved  on  the  upper  side  near  the  base,  at 
first  puberulous,  soon  glabrous,  and  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  nearly  two  inches  in  length.  The 
stipules  are  ovate,  acute  or  acuminate,  scarious,  villose,  from  one  sixteenth  to  one  eighth  of  an  inch  long, 
and  caducous.  The  flowers  appear  before  the  leaves  late  in  February  or  early  in  March,  the  staminate 
in  dense  cylindrical  aments  usually  from  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  length,  the  pistillate  in 
slender  many-flowered  aments  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  two  inches  long.  The  ovary  is  ova>,  roui  r'.ed 
at  the  apex,  slightly  three  or  four-angled,  short-pedicellate,  and  nearly  inclosed  in  the  cup-shaped 
membranaceous  disk.  The  fruiting  aments  are  three  or  four  inches  long,  and  the  capsules  are  borne 
on  short  stout  pedicels  thickly  placed  on  the  rachis,  and  are  round-ovoid,  buff  color,  slightly  three  or 
four-lobed,  deeply  pitted,  t!,  about  one  third  of  an  inch  long,  and  surrounded  at  the  base  by 
the  much  enlarged  disk.' 

>  Populm  Meiicana  a  very  tloael;  related  to  the  California 
Populiu  Fremontii,  differing  chiefly  from  that  species  in  the  larger 
disk  of  the  pistillate  flowers,  in  the  rhombic  leaves  which  are  com- 
mon on  young  plants,  and  appear  frequently  on  the  same  branch 
vitli  broad  deltoid  leaves,  and  in  its  distribution  ;  and  when  the 
Poplars  of  the  southwest  are  bettor  known  than  they  are  now  it 

may  be  found  desirable  to  treat  this  north  Mexican  tree  ai  a  variety 
of  the  California  species. 

Populus  Mexicana  is  the  common  Cottonwood  of  northern  Mex- 
ico, and  it  is  this  tree  which  is  planted  in  the  streets  of  Mexican 
cities.  (See  Priygle,  Garden  and  Foreal,  i.  105  f.)  It  is  also  the 
common  Cottonwood  of  the  valleys  of  southern  Arizona  and  south- 






Populua  Mexicnnn  inhabita  the  banks  of  mountnin  streumii  in  southern  Aiizona  and  southwestom 
New  Mexico,  and  is  widely  distributed  through  nortiiuni  Mexco. 

Populua  Mexicana  ufi^enn  to  have  been  flrst  collected  'jy  Berlandier  in  northern  Mexico. 

wpstern  Nr.^  Motico.  Id  eutern  New  Mexico  it  appetn  to  be 
replkoeil  by  Pa/tulm  Wittumi  and  by  tbe  Kocky  Mouutain  fotiii  of 
PopiUut  (trlloiilia,  which  in  tbe  ninth  volume  of  thii  work  wm 
cuufoiiuded  with  PoptUut  Fremontii  lo  far  u  roUtei  to  Colonulo, 

vaitern  New  Mexico,  and  western  Texa<,  and  which  I*rofeuor  Tre- 
loaee  h»  called  var.  intermedia  in  bii  unpublitbed  notci  on  the 
genua  Fopului, 


Platic  DCCXXXIII.     Populuh  Mrxicana. 

1.  A  flow<>rin ,,  branch  of  a  itaniinate  tree,  natural  siza. 

2.  A  Btaminate  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  flowering  branch  of  a  piatillate  tree,  natural  sU*. 

4.  A  ])iatillate  6'>wer,  enlarged. 

G.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 

6.  A  fruit,  enlarged. 

7.  Leaf  of  a  shoot,  natural  size. 


ind  southwestern 


I  wliioh  I'rofeuor  Tr»- 
ublishad  notei  on  the 

/    ^■ 


1  i 



silA'A    OF  NUHTll   A.)fKI{I('A. 



iahaii^  the  h«iik«  <>f  luouiiUin  itraanui  iii  MMuthnrn  Amoiia  and  •outhweitcrii 
My  •li>(nl<iit4Hl  lliMii^h  hiirth»<rii  M'-viro. 
■  I  i<|>)>.'arH  l»i  liJiir*'  )M>fii  hit)  riillri'icil  liv  Hcrlaiiilit-r  in  iinrtlirrii  Mi>xio<i. 


ri.*T«  i» <  .s%\ih     rii»-fi.i«  mkxi> A>i. 

t     ^  finm*tmjt  t<r«-Kli  »f  *  nUluiiMUr  Irm,  nahirml  >iu. 

\  -^Uunniu*  I'owsr,  unUrKMi. 
3.   A  !',.•'• ';lll^>  hmiirh  of  n  iiialillatv  tree,  iiaturitl  MUk 
4    A  i>i-'Mmt4>  lluw«r,  «iiUr|{e<l 
b    A  fniiKnK  liranrh,  nttunj  iiita. 
•■     ^  fniil,  I'nlarKwt. 

tr  1 1    'I  a  •licKit,  natural  liie. 


Jill  HouthwektiTii 


.>    .  Ii  I'mrMMir  Tr»- 
•  i!i<liril  ntttMi  'in   tlui 

?ilvA  of  Not'lh  Am«ric» 


rSF^M."  <M 


ZarUi^d  .ro 

AJiuJ'ffnu^r  i/trt^* 

Jmp  J.  Tnfifur  /'itrU 



















in  a 






















Flowers  perfect ;  cnlyx  cupular,  unequally  .'Mobcd ;  corolla  3-partcd,  the  lobes 
valvatc  in  icHtivation ;  .stamens  6,  their  fllamentH  triangular,  joined  at  the  base  ;  car- 
pels ;},  united  above  into  an  elongated  style ;  ovule  baHilar,  erect.  Fruit  drupaceous, 
1-seeded.  Spadix  interfoliar,  elongated.  Leaves  alternate,  orbicular  or  truncate, 
pctiolate,  their  petioles  dentate. 

Berenoa,  Hooker  (.  Bmthr~   ^  Uoohtr,  Otn.  iii.  926,  1228  (18M3).  —  Drude,  EngUr  A  Prantl  Pfiamenfam.  il.  pt.  iii. 

37.  —  Btillon,  Hut.  PI.  xiii.  314. 

Unarmed  trees  or  shruhg  with  tall  arboregceiit  and  often  clustered  or  short  or  elongated  subter- 
ranean endogenous  stems  clothed  above  for  many  years  with  the  sheathing  bases  of  the  i)etioles  of  the 
fallen  leaves,  and  stout  tough  deep  -  descending  roots.  Leaves  terminal,  induplicate  in  vernation, 
semiorbiciilar,  truncate  at  the  base,  coriaceous,  green,  or  pale  and  glaucous  on  the  lower  surface,  divided 
from  the  apex  to  below  the  middle  into  numerous  two-purted  segments  plicately  folded  at  the  base ; 
rachis  short,  acute  ;  ligule  thin,  concave,  obtusely  short-pointed,  furnished  with  a  broad  membranaceous 
dark  red-brown  deciduous  border ;  petioles  slender,  flat  above,  rounded  and  ribbed  on  the  lower  surface, 
dentate  on  the  margins ;  vaginas  thin  and  firm,  bright  mahogany  red,  lustrous,  closely  infolding  the 
stem,  their  fibres  thin  and  brittle.  Spadix  paniculate,  i:itorfoliar,  elongated,  its  rachis  slender,  com- 
pressed ;  branches  numerous,  slender,  elongated,  gTa3efully  drooping,  coated  with  hoary  tomentum,  the 
primary  panicled  at  the  base  and  simple  toward  the  apex  of  the  spadix,  flattened,  the  secondary  terete 
from  the  axils  of  ovate  acute  chestnut  brown  bracts ;  spathes  flattened,  thick  and  firm,  deeply  two-cleft 
and  furnished  at  the  apex  with  n  broad  or  narrow  red-brown  membranaceous  border,  inclosing  the 
rachis  of  the  panicle,  each  primary  branch  with  its  spathe  and  the  node  of  the  rachis  below  it  inclosed 
in  a  separate  spathe,  the  whole  surrounded  by  the  larger  spathe  of  the  node  next  below.  Flowers 
perfect,  small  or  minute,  sessile  on  the  ultimate  branches  of  the  spadix  in  the  axils  of  ovate  acute 
chestnut-brown  bracts,  solitary  toward  the  ends  of  the  branchlets,  and  in  two  or  three-flowered  clusters 
toward  their  base,  bibracteolate,  the  bractlets  minute,  caducous.  Calyx  truncate  at  the  base,  unequally 
three-lobed,  the  lobes  valvate  in  leativation,  thickened  and  persistent  under  the  fruit.  Corolla  three- 
parted  nearly  to  the  base,  its  divisions  valvate  in  (estivation,  oblong-ovate,  thick,  concave,  acute  and 
thickened  at  the  apex,  grooved  on  the  inner  surface  ^vith  two  or  three  deep  depressions,  deciduous. 
Stamens  six,  included  ;  filaments  nearly  triangular,  united  below  into  a  cup  adnate  to  the  short  tube  of 
the  corolla  ;  anthers  short-oblong,  attached  on  the  back  below  the  middle,  introrse,  two-celled,  the  cells 
ojiening  longitudinally  ;  ovary  oblong-obovate,  of  three  carpels  free  below,  united  above  into  a  slender 
elongated  style ;  stignm  minute,  terminal  on  the  fruit ;  ovule  solitary,  erect  from  the  bottom  of  the 
cell,  anutropous.  Fruit  drupaceous,  oblong-ovoid  or  globose,  one-seeded,  black,  and  lustrous,  usually 
bearing  at  the  base  the  two  minute  abortive  carpels ;  exocarp  thin  and  fleshy ;  mesocarp  thin  and 
fibrous,  orange-brown,  resinous  and  strong  -  smelling,  ch-sely  investing  the  pale  brown  crustaceous 
putamen.  Seed  erect,  free,  oblong,  or  subglobose ;  testji  hard,  chestnut-brown,  and  lustrous,  lighter 
colored  on  the  ventral  side  witii  a  conspicuous  oblong  or  circular  mark  ;  hilum  small,  subbasilar ; 
rajihe  ventral,  elongated,  undivided  ;  albumen  homogeneous.     Embryo  lateral. 

Serenoa  with  two  species  is  confined  to  the  coast  region  of  the  south  Atlantic  and  Gulf  region  of 

1       1  ■ 








North  Amerioa.  One  species '  is  a  slender  tree  found  only  in  the  swamps  and  low  hummocks  adjacent 
to  the  Chockoliskee  River  in  southwestern  Florida,  and  the  other,  which  is  the  type  of  the  genus,  is  a 
low  plant  generally  scattered  over  sandy  barrens  from  South  Carolina  to  Louisiana,  often  covering  great 
areas  almost  to  che  exclusion  of  other  plants. 

Sereiioa  is  not  known  to  suffer  from  the  attacks  of  insects  or  serious  fungal  diseases.' 
The  generic  name  commemorates  the  distinguished  botanical  services  of  Sereno  Watson.' 

'  Serenoa  lerrulata.  Hooker  f.  Betiliam  If  Hooter  Gen.  iii.  926 
(18S8).  —  Langlois,  Col.  PI.  Basst-Louisiant,  17.  —  Chapman,  Fl. 
ed.  3,  W2.  —  Mohr,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nut.  Herb.  vi.  424  {Plant  Life 
of  .■liahamo). 

Chmiurropti  trmilata,  Micbauz,  Ft.  Jlor.-Am.  i.  1!00  (1803).  — 

Willdenow,  Spfr.  iv.  pt.  ii    ^t  7;.  -  Aiton,  llort.  Kew.  ed.  2,  v. 

4&9.  —  Purth,  Fl.  Am.  A'fjrf.  i.  i>39.  —  Nuttoll,  Gen.  i.  Ii31.— 

Elliott,  St.  i.  431. —  Sprengel,  Sgit.  ii.   137.  —  Loudon,  Arh. 

Brit.  W.  2632. 

Sabal  lerruiala,   Kocnier  &   Scliiiltcs,   Si/sl.  vii.   pt.  ii.  1480 

(1830).  —  Dietrich,  .St/n.  ii.  1201.  —  Kunth,  Knum.  iii.  240.  — 

Chapman,  Ft.  438. 

Brahea  serrulata,  H.  Wnndlaud,  Kerchore  I.ea  J'atmiers,  235 


Serenoa  serrulata,  the  Saw-Palmetto,  produces  a  horizontal  stem 
wliii'h  is  sumctimes  six  ur  eight  inches  in  diameter,  and  frequently 
extends  f  >t  ten  or  twelve  feet  at  a  distane*  ot  irom  two  to  four  feet 
below  the  surface  of  the  gruund.  From  this  stem,  which  under  spe- 
cially favorable  conditions  ooci»sionally  rises  to  tlie  height  of  a  few 
feet  above  the  gruuiid,  numerous  stout  roots  |ienetmttt  deep  into 
ti.e  soil,  and  short  secondary  stems  rise  to  the  surface  and  bear 
heads  tif  numerous  leaves  which  ore  supported  on  slender  rigid 
petioles,  and  arc  thick  and  Hrni,  about  a  foot  in  diameter,  and  ])aIo 
on  the  lower  surface,  especially  while  young.  From  April  to  June 
it  produces  irregularly  its  Howcrs  in  ample  panicles,  remarkable 
for  the  long  thin  membranaceous  red-brown  Iwat  shaped  tips  of 
the  spathes;  and  in  the  autumn  the  oblon^-ovoid  fruit,  which  is 
often  an  inch  in  length,  covers  the  now  drooping  panicles,  and 
affords  abundant  food  for  birds  and  many  animals. 

'i'he  fruit  of  Sererioa  serrulata  posaesscs  remarkable  fattening  pro- 
perties, and  the  domestic  animals  which  feed  on  it  soon  become  sleek 
and  fat.     In  medicine  it  has  been  found  sedative,  nutrient,  and 

diuretic,  and  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  tons  of  Saw- Palmetto  be> 
ries  are  now  coDsamed  in  the  United  States  in  the  manufacture 
of  fluid  extracts  used  to  improve  digestion,  increase  weight  and 
strength,  to  Induce  sleep,  to  relievo  irritation  of  the  mucous  mem- 
brane of  the  throat,  nose,  and  larynx,  and  to  strengthen  enfeebled 
sexual  organs,  and  in  the  treatment  of  the  enlarged  prostate  gland. 
(See  Oupore,  Medical  lirief,  1877,  PJ.I.  —  Goss,  Therapeutic  Gizette, 
n.  sor.  i.  243.  —  Parke,  Davis  &  Co.,  Organic  Mat.  Med.  ed.  %  159 ; 
Pharmacology  of  the  Newer  Mat.  Med.  No.  62,  1141  [Therapeutic 
Properties  of  Satv  Palmetto].  —  Rushy,  Bastedo  &  Coblentz,  Alumni 
Jour.  N.  Y.  College  of  PharT>iacy,  ii.  169  [The  Pharmacology  of  Saw 

The  stem  of  Serenoa  semdata  contains  tannin  in  considerable 
quantities,  and  excellent  leather  haa  been  prepared  from  it,  al- 
though the  largo  amount  of  red  coloring  matter  associated  with 
the  tannin  has  a  tendency  to  nmkc  n  dark  leather,  and  the  manu- 
facture of  "syrup  of  tannin,"  an  extract  made  from  Serenoa  serru- 
lata and  sold  a  few  years  ago  in  northern  markets,  has  been  aban- 
doned, (See  Trimble,  Garden  and  Forest,  ix.  182  [The  Tannins  of 
the  Palmettos']  ;  Am.  Jour.  Pharm.  Ixviii.  397.)  The  Howcrs  pro- 
duce a  largo  ainotmt  of  nectar,  which  is  an  important  bee-food, 
and  the  superior  honey  made  frvim  them  is  sold  as  Palmetto  honey. 
(See  Rusby,  Hastcdo  &  Coblentz,  /.  r.  171.)  The  collection  and 
shipment  to  the  northern  states  of  the  crowns  of  fresh  leaves  of  the 
Saw-Palmetto  for  the  decoration  i)f  churches  and  dwelling-houses 
has  recently  beconte  a  Florida  industry  of  some  importance. 

-  Most  of  the  fungi  which  have  been  recortled  as  occurring  on 
Serenoa  are  found  on  the  [tetioles  of  the  leaves.  Of  the  seventeen 
8|)ecies  recorded  some  arc  found  also  on  Siifntl  Palmetto.  They 
are  ai'  small,  and  (h>  not  cause  disease.  Meliola  pnlmicola,  Winter, 
infests  the  leaves,  covering  them  with  a  sooty  black  web. 

'^  See  vii.  108. 

•'     PI 


immocks  adjaceut 
of  the  genus,  ig  a 
ten  covering  great 


ns  of  Saw-Palmetto  be> 
tea  in  the  nnuiufactiire 
n,  increase  weight  and 
on  of  the  muootis  meni- 
to  strengthen  enfeelileil 
enlarged  prostate  gland, 
toss,  Therapeutic  (lizette^ 
IcMal.  Med.ed.'l,  KM; 
1.  5a,  1141  [Therape^ilic 
cdo  &  Coblentz,  Alumni 
he  Pharmacology  of  Saw 

tannin  in  eoniidenble 
1  prepared   from  it,  nl- 

matter  assoeiatcd  with 

leuther,  and  tlie  nmiiii- 
ade  from  Serenon  aerru- 
markets,  has  been  abnn- 
ix.  182  [  The  Tanuim  of 
97.)  Tlie  flowers  pro- 
an  important  heo-fuod, 
sold  as  Palmetto  honey. 
1.)  The  collection  itnd 
ns  of  fresh  leaves  of  the 
les  and  ilwelling-houses 
some  im{)ortauce. 
ecorded  as  occurring  on 
aves.     Of  the  seventeen 

*•',./,«/  Pntmello.  They 
Uliola  pnlmicola.  Winter, 
ity  black  web. 




Fruit  globose.     Leaves  green  on  both  surfaces. 

Berenoa  arboresoens,  Sargent,  Sot.  Oaxette,  xzvii.  90  (1899). 

A  tree,  from  thirty  to  forty  feet  in  height,  with  one  or  several  clustered  erect  inclining  or 
occasionally  semiprostrate  stems  three  or  four  inches  in  diameter,  and  covered  almost  to  the  ground 
with  the  closely  clasping  bases  of  the  leaf-stalks  and  below  with  a  thick  pale  gray  rind.  The  leaves 
are  thin  and  firm,  bright  yellow-green  on  the  upper  surface,  blue-green  on  the  lower  surface,  about  two 
feet  in  diameter,  and  divided  nearly  to  the  base  into  numerous  lobes  which  are  half  an  inch  wide  near 
the  middle  of  the  leaf  and  are  only  slightly  thickened  at  the  pale  yellow  midribs  and  margins ;  their 
petioles,  at  first  erect,  soon  become  spreading  and  are  from  eighteen  inches  to  two  feet  in  lengfth,  one 
third  of  an  inch  wide  at  the  apex  and  an  inch  wide  al  the  base,  and  are  armed  with  stout  flattened 
curved  orange-colored  teeth.  The  spadix  is  from  three  to  four  feet  long,  with  a  slender  much  flattened 
stalk,  panicled  lower  branches  eighteen  or  twenty  inches  in  length,  and  six  or  eight  thick  firm  pale 
green  conspicuously  ribbed  spathes  deeply  divided  at  the  apex,  which  terminates  in  a  narrow  membrana- 
ceous border.  The  flowers,  which  are  about  one  twentieth  of  an  inch  long,  are  solitary  toward  the  ends 
of  the  branches  and  in  two  or  three-flowered  clusters  at  their  base ;  their  calyx  is  light  chestnut-brown 
and  tlie  corolla  is  pale  yellow-green.  The  fruit  is  globose  and  a  third  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  with  thin 
dry  flesh  covering  the  dark  orange^olored  fibrous  strong-smelling  resinous  inner  coat  which  closely 
invests  the  pale  brown  crustaceous  nut.  The  seed  is  subglobose,  somewhat  flattened  below,  with  a  pale 
vertical  mark  on  the  lower  side,  a  minute  hilum  joined  to  the  micropyle  by  a  pale  band,  and  an  obscure 
oblong  acute  raphe. 

Serenoa  arborcscens  inhabits  the  great  Cypress  swamps  and  low  hummocks  adjacent  to  the 
Chockoliskee  River  and  its  tributaries  in  southwestern  Florida  which,  south  of  Cape  Romano,  extend 
from  the  neighborhood  of  the  coast  to  the  borders  of  the  Everglades.  Growing  always  in  low 
undrained  soil,  it  stands  for  many  months  of  every  year  in  water  from  one  to  eighteen  inches  deep. 
Occasionally  occupying  almost  exclusively  areas  several  acres  in  extent,  it  is  more  often  scattered  among 
Cypress-trees  or  southward  among  Royal  Palms. 

Serenoa  arboresoens  was  discovered '  in  the  spring  of  1887  in  the  Royal  Palm  Hummock  near  the 
town  of  Everglade  on  the  Chockoliskee  iliver  by  Mr.  Pliny  W.  Reasoner." 

'  At  the  time  of  its  discovery  neither  flowers  nor  frui'  mre  col- 
lected, but  in  October,  1888,  Mr.  E.  N.  Keasoner  vibited  the 
Chockoliskee  River  and  obtained  a  few  seeds,  a  stem  for  tho 
•Jesup  Collection  of  North  American  Woods  in  the  American  Mu- 
seum of  Natural  History,  New  Vork,  and  a  few  small  plants.  One 
of  these  has  been  grown  in  my  garden  in  llrookline,  Massachu- 
setts, and  is  now  about  eight  feet  high.  In  tho  spring  of  1898  Dr. 
Koliert  Uidgwny,  the  distinguished  ornithologist,  informed  me  that 
his  guide  on  a  recent  journey  which  he  had  made  to  the  southeast 
of  Kort  Myers  on  tho  Caloosahatcheo  River,  Mr.  R.  G.  Corbett  of 
inimockalee,  had  told  him  of  a  tall  slender  Palm  in  the  Cypress 
swamps  thirty  or  I'urty  miles  to  the  southe:ist  of  Lake  Trafford  and 
near  the  head  of  the  Chockoliskee  ;  and  througli  Mr.  Corbett  I 
obtained  in  1898  leaves,  tlowers,  and  ripe  fruits  of  this  interesting 
Palm,  which  proved  identical  with  the  jne  discovered  by  Mr.  Rea- 
soner. and  a  second  species  of  Sereuon . 

'  I'liny  Ward  Reasoner  (May  U,  lWl3-Septonibcr  17,  1888)  wai 

bom  in  Princeton,  Illinois,  and  was  the  son  of  Henry  C.  li  'awnur, 
who  moved  in  1848  from  South  Kgreroont,  Massachusctlj,  to  Illi- 
nois, where  he  married  and  engaged  in  farming.  Young  Reasoner 
was  educated  in  the  high  school  at  Princeton,  and  in  1881  went  to 
Florida,  whore  he  established  at  Oneco  near  the  Manitec  River  a 
commercial  nursery  in  which  ho  gathered  together  a  large  collec- 
tion of  tropical  and  subtropical  plants  and  where  he  died  of  yellow 
fever  just  when  his  intelligence,  ind'^stry,  and  energy  hod  made  him 
widely  and  favorably  known  and  the  usefulness  and  success  of  his 
career  seemed  assured. 

Mr.  Reasoner  was  a  constant  contributor  to  the  horticultural 
journals  of  the  country,  writing  principally  on  exotic  plants  suit- 
able for  cultivation  in  southern  Florida,  and  he  was  the  author  of  a 
report  on  Tropical  ami  Srmitropical  FruiU  in  Florida  and  the  Gulf 
Stales,  published  in  1887  by  the  Department  of  Agriculture  of  tho 
United  States  in  Bulletin  No.  1,  Division  of  Pomology. 

f     i' 







i     i 

i:     I 


Plate  DCCXXXIV.    Skrevoa  abbore9ck.\8. 

1.  Portion  of  a  flowering  gpadix,  natural  size. 

2.  A  fluster  of  flowers,  enlarged. 

3.  A  flower,  enlarged. 

4.  A  flower  laid  op^n,  showing  jwtnis  and  stamena,  enlarged. 

5.  Vertical  section  of  a  flower,  eiii.irged. 

6.  An  anther,  rear  and  front  views,  enlarged. 

7.  A  pistil,  enlarged. 

8.  Vertical  section  of  a  carpel,  enlarged. 

9.  Portion  of  a  fruiting  Bpa<lix,  natural  size. 

10.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  enlarged. 

11.  A  fruit,  tlif  ])ericarp  removed,  showing  the  flhron*  tnesocarp,  enlarged. 

12.  A  sce<l,  enlarged. 

13.  A  seed,  showing  the  hilum.  enlarged. 

14.  A  leaf,  nuirh  reduced. 

16.  A  ligule  with  its  nieniliranaceoua  border,  enlarged. 





N    OF  THE   PLATK. 

'  \\1V.      Skrknua    ARBORR,S<;f>-S. 

■i  <>'  «  (l»w«riti|L;  ii|iiulix,  natural  aize, 
i««r  ■>(  tIfiWorB.  i'ularf;iM. 
•i    A  Howor,  «nlarg«tl. 

t.  A  tiowpr  laiil  upeii.  shovriiig  |hjuU  and  atamens.  oaJarged. 
.''.  Vfcrtiral  Hi-rtion  of  u  Hower,  uiilnrgfcl. 
('    An  anther.  r»ar  anil  fionl  views,  enlar},'c<l. 
T     A  ]>i»til,  enlarijwi. 
M.  Vprtifal  DtK'tJon  of  &  car^l.  enliirg»nt 
s*.   I'ortiim  I'f  a  fruiting  •pwlii,  natural  «ij«, 
l".  Vurliiai  iiectidn  of  n  fruit.  eiilftrHcti. 

11.  A  fruit,  tlic  iieric»rji  reinnvul,  filiunriDj;  the  fihi^s  mwocarp,  enlarged. 

12.  A  *ee<i,  eniargwi. 

!H.   A  wted,  tlwtring  tiie  htlum.  eiilargvd. 

14.  A  kai,  mhrh'KilQe«ti. 

t5.   A  lignl"'  wnh  it*  m^oiWanaeeoni  Wwdw,  enlargml. 

!;    '    i 


L.ilva  of  North  America 


c'  £'  Fuuiun  iial 

£/n.  ^imefy  j'c- 

\      .    \ 





A   ''fm-  V-*V«^  tthY\t   ' 

/m/:  .J  Tanfiitr,  Paru 

1  • 




■  f; 


















Flowers  perfect ;  calyx  and  corolla  confluent  into  a  short  cup,  6-lobed  on  the 
margin ;  stamens  usually  6 ;  ovary  1 -celled ;  ovule  basalar,  erect.  Fruit  drupaceous, 
globose,  ivory-white ;  exocarp  fleshy ;  putamen  crustaceous.  Spadix  interfoliar,  elon- 
gated, paniculate.  Leaves  orbicular,  or  truncate  at  the  base,  petiolate,  their  petioles 

Thrinax,  Swartz,  Prodr.  57  (1788).  —  Schreber,  Gm.  772.  — 
Martius,  Palm.  Fam.  Oen.  8.  —  Endlicber,  Oen.  253.  — 
Meianer,  Oen.  357.  —  Drude,  JSngUr  &  Prantl  Pjianteiv- 

fam.  ii.  pU  iii.  34  (lect.  Porothrinax).  —  Sargent,  Silva 
N.  Am.  z.  49  (sect  Porothrinax)  ;  Bat.  Qazette,  xxrii. 

Small  unarmed  trees,  with  simple  endogenous  stems  marked  beloTV  with  the  ring-like  scars  of  fallen 
leaves  and  clothed  above  with  the  long-persistent  sheaths  of  the  leaf-stalks,  and  long  tough  wiry  roots 
covered  with  thick  orange-brown  loosely  attached  rind.  Leaves  terminal,  induplicate  in  vernation, 
alternate,  orbicular,  or  truncate  at  the  base,  thick  and  iirm,  usually  silvery  white  on  the  lower  surface, 
more  or  less  deeply  divided  into  narrow  acute  two-parted  obliqi'dly  folded  lobes,  with  thickened  margins 
and  midribs ;  rachls  reduced  to  a  narrow  border,  with  a  thin  usually  undulate  reflexed  margin  ;  ligule 
thick,  concave,  pointed,  often  lined  while  young  with  hoary  tomentum  ;  petioles  stout,  elongated,  flat- 
tened, rounded  above  and  below,  their  margins  thin  and  smooth,  concave  toward  the  base,  and  gradually 
enlarged  into  vaginas  composed  of  coarse  netted  fibres  covered  with  thick  hoary  tomentum.  Spadix 
paniculate,  interfoliar,  pedunculate,  elongated,  its  primary  branches  short,  alternate,  flattened,  incurved, 
furnished  with  numerous  slender  terete  alternate  pendant  secondary  flower-bearing  branchlets  produced 
in  the  axils  of  ovate  acute  scarious  deciduous  bracts ;  spathes  numerous,  tubular,  coriaceous,  two-cleft, 
and  more  or  less  tomentose  toward  the  apex,  each  primary  branch  of  the  panicle  with  its  spathe  and  the 
node  of  the  rachis  hAovi  it  included  in  a  separate  spathe,  the  whole  surrounded  by  the  larger  spathe  of 
the  node  next  below.  Flowers  solitary,  miuute,  articulate  on  elongated,  or  short  thick  disk-like  pedicels 
in  the  axils  of  ovate  acute  deciduous  bracts.  Perianth  truncate  at  the  base,  six-lobed,  the  lobes  obscure 
or  broadly  ovate  and  acute,  persistent  under  the  fruit.  Stamens  six  or  nine,'  inserted  on  the  base  of 
the  perianth ;  filaments  subulate,  thickened  and  scarcely  united  at  the  base,  or  nearly  triangular  and 
united  below  into  a  cup  adnate  to  the  perianth ;  anthers  oblong,  two-celled,  opening  longitudinally, 
inserted  on  the  back  below  the  middle,  introrse,  becoming  reflexed  and  extrorse  at  maturity.  Ovary 
superior,  ovoid,  one-celled,  gradually  narrowed  into  a  stout  columnar  style  crowned  by  a  broad  funnel- 
formed  flat  or  oblique  stigma ;  ovule  solitary,  basalar,  erect,  seuiLmatropous ;  micropyle  lateral.  Fruit 
drupaceous,  globose,  marked  at  the  apex  by  the  remnants  of  the  style  and  bearing  at  the  base  the 
slightly  thickened  perianth  of  the  flower ;  sarcocarp  thin,  green,  crustaceous,  ultimately  becoming  thick- 
ened, ivory-white,  juicy,  bitter,  easily  separable  from  the  thin  putamen  of  two  closely  adherent  coats, 
the  outer  crustaceous,  pale  tawny  brown  and  slightly  tuberculate,  the  inner  membranaceous,  silvery 
white,  and  lustrous.  Seed  free,  erect,  nearly  globose,  slightly  flattened  at  the  two  ends,  depressed  at 
the  base ;  hiium  subbasilar,  oblong,  pale,  conspicuous ;  raphe  short,  unbranched,  inconspicuous ;  testa 
tliiii,  pale  or  dark  chestnut-brown,  and  lustrous ;  albiunen  uniform,  more  or  less  deeply  penetrated  by  a 
broad  basal  cavity.     Embryo  lateral. 

'  III  all  the  Florida  species  of  Tlirinax  mid  in  Thrinax  pamiflora, 
Swarti  yll.  Ind.  Ore.  i.GU,t.V\  [1707]),  i\\e  type  of  tlie  Kciiiis.tlio 
uuiiiber  of  stamens  is  six,  but  in  Thrinax  exceUn,  (irisebaeli  {Fl. 

Brit.  W.  Ind.  515  [1804].  —  Hooker  f.  Bot.  Mag.  oxv.  t.  7088)  of 
Jamaica  the  number  ia  said  to  bo  uiiie. 



-  'i* 






5/Z,r.l    O/'  NORTH  AMERICA. 


Thrinas  U  tuuiiued  to  the  New  World.  Three  species  inhabit  southern  Florida ; '  and  five  or 
six  'pecies,  still  imperfectly  known,  are  scattered  through  the  Aitillea  and  on  the  shores  of  Central 

T!)e  wood  of  the  Florida  species  of  Thrinax  is  light  and  soft,  and  contains  numerous  small  fihro- 
vaM'iilnr  bundles,  the  exterior  of  the  stem  being  much  harder  than  the  spc  .;gy  interior.  The  stems  are 
used!  fur  the  pil-^s  of  small  wharves  and  for  turtle  crawls,  .md  tlie  leaves  are  employed  as  thatch  and  are 
manufnctumd  into  hats  and  baskets,  and  coarse  ropes. 

The  g'.nciiu  name  from  Oplva.^  is  in  allusion  to  the  form  of  the  leaves. 

1  For  the  t'^ird  Klurida  speciei,  t'hriuar  micwfitrpa^  Bee  x.  iV),  t. 
'ill,  when)  the  fruit  is  cleiioribetl  u  orange-bruwn  in  eulur  with  r. 
:!riifttaoet>uh  iMTicarp,  the  true  chnroGtera  of  the  fully  ri|>e 
being  then  urknown  to  nic  (nee  Sargent,  I'  i.  Gmttte,  (xrii.  87). 

'  See  Koeiner  Si  Schultea,  Sytl.  y\\.  pt.  ii.  'iSOO.  —  Martiua,  Nat, 
Hut.  Palm.  iii.  254.  —  UriMbub,  Fl.  tV.  lid.  61S  ;  Cat.  PI.  C\A. 


Flowera  lang-pe<licpllate ;  perianth  obsenrely  lolied  or  nearly  truncate ;  fllamenta  iiubulata,  hardly  united 

at  the  base  ;  sti);;nm  oblique 1.  T.  Flokiuana. 

Flnweni  ■hurt-|ietlirellate ;  |K'rianth  \obeit  broadly  ovate,  acute ;  iilamenta  neari,      °  .igulor,  unitetl  below 
into  a  cup  nilnate  to  the  jwrianth  :  atif^a  flat. 

Seeds  three  sixttenths  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  pale  chestnut-brown ,  leave:«  from  thre«  to  four  feet  in 

diameter 2.  T.  Kkvknsim. 

See<U  from  one  nixteenth  tu  one  eighth  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  dark  cheatnut-brown  :  leaven  two  feet 
in  diatneter  or  lesa 3.  T.  hicbocabpa. 




da;'  and  five  or 
ihorcs  of  Central 

irous  small  fihro- 

Thu  Htems  are 

t8  thatch  and  are 

■i300.  —  M»riiu«,  \al. 
id.  81B  ;  Co/.  PI.  Cub. 

1.  T.  Florioana. 

2.  T.  Kktrnsu. 







Flowers  long-pediccllntc  ;  perianth  obscurely  lobed  or  nearly  truncate ;  filaments 
subulate,  hardly  united  at  the  base ;  stigma  oblique. 

Thrinaz    Florldana,   Strgent,    Dot.    Ocuutt*,    xxTii.    84 

Tbrinax  parviflora,  Vuey,  Rev.  V.  S.  Dtpt.  Agrie.  1876, 

186  (C  :.  Forat  Tree*  U.  S.)  (not  Swarta)  (1876).  — 

Chapman,  Bot.  OoMette,  iii.  12  ;  Fl.  ed.  2,  Suppl.  6C1 ;  ed. 
3,  462.  —Sargent,  SUva  N.  Am.  z.  61  (in  part),  t.  610 at 
to  the  laaf. 

A  tree,  with  a  slightly  tapering  stem,  from  twenty  to  thirty  feet  in  height  and  from  four  to  six 
inches  in  diameter,  covered  with  a  smooth  pale  blue-gray  rind  and  generally  clothed  to  the  middle  and 
occasionally  a!  >'  >8t  to  the  ground  with  tiie  long-persistent  clasping  bases  of  the  leaf -stalks.  The  leaves 
are  thick  and  firm,  nearly  orbicular,  or  truncate  at  the  base,  from  two  and  a  half  to  three  feet  in 
diameter,  rather  longer  than  they  are  broad,  yellow-green  and  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  silvery 
white  on  the  lower  surface,  and  divided  to  below  the  middle  into  numerous  lobes  which  vary  from  an 
inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  width  near  the  middle  of  the  leaf ;  the  rachis  of  the  leaf  is  a  narrow 
reflexed  undulate  orange-colored  border  and  the  ligule  is  long-pointed,  bright  orange-colored,  and  three 
quarters  of  an  inch  long  cud  broad  ;  the  petioles  vary  from  four  feet  to  four  feet  and  a  half  in  length 
and  are  pale  yellow-green  or  orange-colored  toward  the  apex,  which  is  three  quarters  of  an  inch  wide  and 
coated  at  firsi.  with  hoary  deciduous  tomentum,  and  much  thickened  and  tomentose  and  from  two  inches 
to  two  inches  and  a  half  wide  at  the  base.  The  flower-panicles,  which  in  all  the  Florida  species  of 
Thrinax  appear  two  or  three  months  before  the  flowers  open  and  lengthen  very  slowly,  are  when  fully 
grown  from  three  feet  to  three  feet  and  a  half  in  length,  with  primary  branches  from  six  to  eight  inches 
long  and  secondary  branches  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  two  inches  in  length  ;  these  are  ivory-white  at 
the  time  the  flowers  open,  turning  light  yellow-green  before  the  fruit  rl jens,  and  orange-brown  in  drying. 
The  flowers  are  raised  on  slender  pedicels  nearly  an  eighth  of  an  inch  long  and  are  ivory-white  and 
very  fragrant,  with  a  pungent  aromatic  odor ;  their  perianth  is  almost  truncate  or  obscurely  six-lobed  ; 
the  filaments  of  the  six  much  exserted  stamens  are  subulate  and  barely  united  at  the  base,  and  the 
stigma  is  very  obUque ;  they  open  in  June  and  sometimes  also  irregularly  in  October  and  November, 
and  the  fruit  ripens  six  months  later.  The  fruit  is  from  one  quarter  to  three  eighths  of  an  inch  in  diam- 
eter, somewhat  depressed  above  and  below,  with  ivory-white  and  lustrous  juicy  bitter  flesh,  and  the 
seed,  which  varies  from  one  eighth  to  nearly  one  quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  is  dark  chestnut-brown 
and  penetrated  almost  to  the  apex  by  the  broad  basal  cavity.' 

In  Florida  Thriiiax  Floridana  inhabits  dry  coral  ridges  and  sandy  shores,  and  is  distributed  from 
Long  Key  to  Torch  Key  and  the  islands  in  its  neighborhood,  and  on  the  mainland  ranges  from  Cape 
Romano  to  Cape  Sable. 

Thrinax  Floridana  was  discovered  by  Dr.  A.  W.  Chapman,^  who  found  it  near  Cape  Romano  in 
the  autumn  of  1875,  and  in  October,  1879,  it  was  found  by  Dr.  A.  P.  Garber '  on  Cape  Sable.  It  is 
now  cultivated  in  gardens  at  Miami,  Florida.* 

'  It  18  the  leaf  of  this  •[icrics  which  wiui  figurwl  on  tho  plate  of 
ThritM.  narvijtora  in  tho  tenth  volume  of  this  work  (t.  510). 
''  .Seo  vii.  HO. 
^  See  i.  n5. 
*  A  number  of  trees  of  this  Palm  brought  from  Long  Key  arc 

now  established  in  the  garden  of  the  hotel  at  Miami ;  and  from 
flowers  and  fruits  gathered  from  them  Mr.  Faxou  has  made  the 
plate  of  this  speoies.  It  is  the  Thrinax  excelsa  of  some  Fk'ida 
nurserymen,  but  not  of  Grisehach. 












1.  Portion  of  a  Howuriiig  apatliz,  natural  niie. 

2.  A  Howar,  enlarKwI. 

3.  Periuntli  of  a  flower  witli  ita  atamens,  laid  open,  enlar^jed. 

4.  A  HtatDon,  eiilargetl. 

5.  A  piatil,  cnlarf^ed. 

fi.   Portion  of  a  fruitin);  apndix,  natural  aita. 
7.  Vertiral  awtion  of  a  fruit,  enlarged, 
'8.  A  need,  enlarged. 
9.  A  leaf,  much  tet'.  ice<l. 
10.  A  ligule,  natural  aiie. 


>  * 








■  I 

WATION   (»K    I  UK    I'l  A  IK 

Ht»rF   IH»XXXV.     TiiKiNAt   Ki.i'HiKAN*. 
I     t\»ru<>n  of  m  Hifwreriitw;  aiiAili*    natural  •ijM 
'i    A  Howar,  inlarg*!) 

3.  I'vrUiitti  uf  •  H<iw»r  Willi  iti  .taunMii,  linl  open,  mlugtd. 

4.  A  "(ftn^en.  ^nl^pjfiMl, 
B.  A 

ft      l*(,;  .  .1.1^1  -'\ff 

7.  V««Jf»i   . 

8.  A  «-^i   ' 

Sitv*  of  North  Am«nc» 




"  K.FiiJ-^n  t.f/ 


^  huurteua-  .///rt/ 

Imf    ^  rafitHdr  Pu/u 





i  ^ ' ' 


Ui      t\,i 






Flowers  short-pedicellate ;  perianth-lobes  broadly  ovate,  acute ;  filaments  nearly 
triangular,  united  below ;  stigma  flat.     Seeds  pale  chestnut-brown. 

Thrinaz  KeyenBis,  Sargent,  Bot.  Oaxette,  xxvii.  86  (1899). 

A  tree,  with  an  ashy  gray  stem,  often  twenty-five  feet  in  height  and  from  ten  to  fourteen  inches  in 
diameter,  raised  on  a  base  of  thick  matted  roots  from  two  to  three  feet  high  and  eighteen  or  twenty 
inches  wide,  and  surmounted  by  a  broad  head  of  leaves,  the  upper  erect,  the  lower,  both  living  and 
dead,  pendulous  and  closely  pressed  against  the  stem.  The  leaves  are  nearly  orbicular,  or  truncate  at 
the  base,  but  rather  longer  than  they  are  broad,  from  three  to  four  feet  long,  and  divided  for  two 
thirds  of  their  length  into  lobes  which  are  often  two  and  a  half  inches  wide  near  the  middle  of  the  leaf, 
the  lowest  Icbes  being  parallel  with  the  petiole  or  spreading  from  it  nearly  at  right  angles ;  they  are 
thick  and  firm,  light  yellow-green  and  very  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface,  with  bright  orange-colored 
midribs  and  much  thickened  orange-colored  margins  to  the  lobes,  and  on  the  lower  surface  they  are 
coated  when  they  unfold  with  hoary  deciduous  tomentum  and  at  maturity  are  pale  blue-green  and  more 
or  less  covered  with  loosely  attached  silvery  white  pubescence ;  the  rachis  of  the  leaf  is  a  thin  undulate 
border  and  the  ligule  is  thick,  pointed,  an  inch  in  length  and  in  width,  and  Uned  at  first  with  hoary 
tomentum ;  the  leaves  are  borne  on  stout  petioles  flattened  above,  obscurely  ridged  on  the  lower  surface, 
tomentose  while  young,  pale  blue-green,  from  three  to  four  feet  long,  an  inch  wide  at  the  apex  and 
from  three  to  four  inches  wide  at  the  much  thickened  concave  base,  which  is  coated  with  a  thick  silvery 
white  felt-like  tomentum  which  also  covers  the  broad  vaginas  composed  of  thick  loosely  woven  coarse 
tough  fibres.  The  flower-panicles  are  usually  about  six  feet  in  length  and  are  Etout,  spreading,  and 
gracefully  incurved,  with  firm  thick  spathes  more  or  less  coated  with  hoary  tomentum ;  their  primary 
branches  are  much  compressed  and  vary  in  length  from  three  or  four  inches  at  the  base  of  the  panicle 
to  an  inch  and  a  half  at  its  apex  and,  like  the  short  secondary  branches,  are  bright  orange  color.  The 
flowers,  which  open  in  June  and  occasionally  also  irregularly  in  November  and  are  white  and  slightly 
fragrant,  are  raised  on  short  thick  disk-like  pedicels  and  are  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch  long ;  they 
consist  of  a  cupular  six-lobed  perianth  with  broadly  ovate  acute  lobes,  six  stamens  with  nearly  triangular 
filaments  united  at  the  base,  and  oblong  versatile  anthers,  and  an  ovate  ovary  gradually  narrowed  into  a 
stout  thick  style  dilated  into  a  broad  funnel-shaped  flat  stigma.  The  fruit,  which  ripens  in  October 
and  also  irregularly  late  in  the  spring  or  in  early  summer,  is  lustrous,  ivory-white,  and  from  one  sixteenth 
to  nearly  one  quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  witli  thin  flesh  and  a  pale  chestnut-brown  seed  three 
sixteenths  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  penetrated  only  to  the  middle  by  the  basal  cavity. 

Thrinux  KeyetmK,  which  is  the  largest  and  haiulsoniest  of  tiie  fan-leaved  Palms  of  tropical  Florida, 
grows  in  dry  sandy  soil  close  to  the  beach  on  the  north  .side  of  the  largest  of  the  Marquesas  keys,  where, 
mingled  with  Coccothrinar.  juvundn,  it  lifts  its  broad  and  stately  head  of  massive  foliage  above  the  low 
Hlnubby  undergrowth  of  Uhun  Metophim,  Conocarpus  eiecta,  Jacquinia  armillarin,  and  Eugenia  hiixi- 
Jhlia.  It  grows  also  on  Crab  Key,  a  small  island  to  the  westward  of  Torch  Key,  one  of  the  Bahia 
Honda  group.' 

'  This  Talin  wns  first  Keen  bv  me  nn  the   Mnrqiieans   keys  in      CO)  in  the  belief  thnt  the  thiok  fleshy  black  fruit  of  Coccothrinax 
NiiveniiM^r,  188(1,  without  llowers  or  fniit  nivl  waft  iiu'orroctly  re-      jucunda  belongeil  to  it. 
fiTri'ii  to  Kuthrituix  (Cinrdeu  atul,  ix.  Ki'J  ;  Silva  iV.  Am,  x. 




Platk  DCCXXXVI.    Thrinax  KKVENSig. 

1.  A  portion  of  a  flowering  tpadiz,  natural  size. 

2.  A  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  Perianth  of  a  flower  laid  open,  with  its  stamens,  enUrged. 

4.  A  pistil,  enlarged. 

5.  A  portion  uf  a  fruiting  spadix,  natural  size. 

6.  Vertical  section  of  a  fruit,  enlarged. 

7.  A  seed,  enlarged. 

8.  A  seed,  enlarged. 

0.  A  leaf,  niucli  reduced. 

10.  A  ligule,  natural  size. 

i     li  ! 



K    KEYV 















I'LATK    |H   CXXXVI.      TllKlNAJ     KlVKXBia. 

1.  A  pfirtiou  of  It  tlowcriDg  spadii.  natural  itiie. 

2.  A  flower,  enlarge<l. 

H.  I'nriiuith  of  a  riuwer  l»i(l  optn.  with  iu  «Uimon«,  onUr^tML 

■t.  A  piitil.  enlar(rr<l 

').  A  portion  of  n  fruitmi;  •ptttix,  natural  size. 

<>  V.riical  «Tliun  u(  *  frill     '.irk--.  I 

•  III.  onUritwi. 

i~  A  w<nJ,  ••iiUri(v<l. 
y     V  l*«l.  iiiuf!i  ri^urej. 


'  I 


Silvd  of"  North  Ainenca 



(  t' Fa.ti'n  t^W 

.Htipuit*-  . 


.4  HiA'iv'i'tt.r  %itre.r^ 

/rif    J  T,:/lfiir   Part.' 



i      '1 

;  I 

.  ft 

y-  i 





Flowers  perfect ;  calyx  and  corolla  confluent  into  a  six-toothed  perianth ;  st:  mens 
9;  ovary  1-celled;  ovule  basilar,  erect.  Fruit  baccate,  globose,  black,  and  lustrous. 
Spadix  interfoliar,  paniculate.  Leaves  orbicular,  or  truncate  at  the  base,  petiolate,  their 
petioles  unarmed. 

Coooothrinaz,  Sargent,  Bot.  Gaxette,  zxvii.  87  (1899). 
Thrinaz,  Endlicher,  Gen.  253  (in  part)  (1836).  —  Meiuner, 

Gen.   357    (in   part). —  Bentham    &    Hooker,    Gen.   iii. 

930.  —  Drude,  Engler  &  Prantl  Pfianxonfam.  ii.  pt.  iii. 

34  (sect.  Eiahrinax).  —  'Ba,inon,  Hist.  PI.  xiii.  317  (excel, 
sect.  Hemithrinax).  —  Sargent,  SUva  N.  Am.  z.  49  (sect. 

Small  unanned  trees,  with  simple  or  clustered  endogenous  stems  marked  below  by  the  ring-like 
scars  of  fallen  leaves  and  clothed  above  with  the  long  persistent  petiole-sheaths,  or  rarely  stemless. 
Leaves  terminal,  induplicate  in  vernation,  alternate,  orbicular,  or  truncate  at  the  base,  pale  or  silvery 
white  on  the  lower  surface,  more  or  less  deeply  divided  into  narrow  acute  two-parted  plicately  folded 
lubes ;  rachis  short ;  ligule  thin,  free,  erect,  concave,  rounded  or  long-pointed  at  the  apex ;  petioles 
compressed,  slightly  rounded  and  ridged  on  both  sides,  their  margins  thin  and  smooth,  gradually 
enlarged  below  into  elongated  vaginas  of  coarse  fibres,  often  forming  an  open  conspicuous  network, 
generally  clothed  while  young  with  thick  hoary  tomentum.  Spadix  interfoliar,  paniculate,  shorter  than 
the  petioles,  its  primary  branches  furnished  with  numerous  short  slender  pendulous  flower-bearing 
secondary  branchlets  from  the  axils  of  scarious  acute  bracts ;  spathes  numerous,  tubular,  papyraceous, 
two-cleft  at  the  apex,  inserted  on  the  rachis  of  the  pai  le,  each  primary  branch  with  its  spathe  and 
the  node  of  the  rachis  below  it  inclosed  in  a  separate  spathe,  the  whole  surrounded  by  the  larger 
spathe  of  the  node  next  below.  Flowers  perfect,  solitary,  minute,  articulate  on  slender  elongated 
pediceld  in  the  axils  of  caducous  bracts.  Perianth  cupular,  trunjate  at  the  base,  obscurely  six-lobed, 
deciduous.  Stamens  nine,  inserted  on  the  base  of  the  perianth,  exserted  ;  filaments  subulate,  enlarged 
and  barely  united  at  the  base ;  anthers  oblong,  attached  on  the  back  near  the  middle,  introrse,  two- 
celled,  the  cells  opening  longitudinally.  Ovary  superior,  ovoid,  one-celled,  naiTowed  above  into  a 
slender  columnar  style  crowned  by  a  funnel-formed  oblique  stigma ;  ovule  solitary,  basilar,  anatropous ; 
micropyle  sublateral.  Fruit  subglobose,  buccate,  one-seeded,  crowned  by  the  remnants  of  the  style, 
raised  on  the  thickened  torus  of  the  flower;  exocarp  at  first  thin,  of  two  closely  united  coats,  the 
outer  crustaceous,  briglit  green,  the  inner  membranaceous,  silvery  white ;  in  ripening  becoming  thick, 
sweet,  juicy,  homogeneous,  black,  and  lustrous.  Seed  erect,  free,  depressed-globose  ;  testa  thick  and 
hard,  vertically  grooved,  deeply  infolded  in  the  ruminate  albumen  ;  hilum  subbasilar,  minute,  and 
obscure  ;  raphe  hidden  in  tlie  folds  of  the  testa.     Embryo  lateral. 

Coccothrinax  i.s  confined  to  southern  Florida  and  to  the  Bahama  and  West  Indian  islands.  Two 
species  occur  in  Florida;  one  of  them  is  a  small  tree,  and  the  other  a  low  nearly  stemless  plant.'  Co  -o- 
thrinax  radiatu'-  inhabits  Cuba,  Antigua,  San  Domingo,  and  Trinidad,  and  Coccothrinax  argenteu^ 

'  CiKcothrinai  Garbtri,  Sargent,  Hot.  Gazelle,  nvii.  90  (1899). 

Thrmax  Garheri.  CliRpinaii,  llol.  Gazelle,  iii.  12  (1878);  Fl.  ed. 
2,  Siippl.  (V)l.  —  .Sargent,  Silra  jV.  .-im.  i.  50. 

Thrinaz    argetitea,   var.    Garheri,   Chapman,   Fl.   ed.    3,   \&1 
«  Sargent,  Bot.  Gazette,  xxvii.  89  (1899). 

Thrinaz   railiala,  Roeraer  &   Schultes,  Syst.  vii.  pt.  ii.  1301 
(1830).  —  Martina,  .Vat.   Him.  Palm.  iii.   257.  —  Griaobacli,  H. 
firil    W.  ImI.  615  ;  Cal.  Pt.  Cuh.  221. 
'  Sargent,  /.  .-.  (1899). 

Thrinaz  arijenlen,  Unemer  &  Seliultes,  /.  c,   (1830).  —  Mar- 
tins, /.  ('.  250.  —  (irisebacli,  /.  r.;  /.  c. 



'^  1 








the  Bahamas,  Sou  Domingo,  and  Cuba,  where  there  appear  also  to  bo  other  little  known  or  ondescribed 

The  stems  of  Coccothrinax  are  used  for  wharf-piles  and  the  sides  of  turtle  crawls,  and  the  tough 
coriaceous  leaves  are  made  into  hats,,  baskets,  and  coarse  ropes,  and  are  used  for  the  thatch  of 

The  generic  name  from  kukko;  and  Thrinax  is  in  allusion  to  the  berry-like  fruit. 


or  ondeBcribed 

and  the  tough 
the  thatch  of 





Brittle  Thatch. 

Pedicels  stout,  elongated ;  filnmcnts  subuliite,  barely  united.  Fruit  black,  with 
thick  juicy  succulent  flesh  ;  seeds  light  tuwny  brown,  conspicuously  sulcate. 

Coooothrinaz  Juounda,  Sargent,  Bot.  OuMtte,  xxvii.  89  Silva  N.  Am.  x.  61  (in  part),  t  610  (excl.  figure  of  the 

(1899).  leof). 

Tbrinax  parviflora,  .^argent,  Forett  Trees  K.  Am.   \Oth  Thrinaz  argentea,  Chapman,  Fl.  ed.  3,  462  (not  Roemer 

C'eruiM  U.  S.  ix.  217  (not  Swartz  nor  Chapman)  (1884)  ;  &  Schultea)  (1897). 

A  tree,  with  a  stem  slightly  enlarged  from  the  ground  upward,  and  from  fifteen  to  twenty-five 
feet  in  height,  from  four  to  six  inches  in  thickness,  and  covered  with  a  pale  blue-gray  rind.  The 
leaves  are  nearly  orbicular,  the  lower  lobes  being  usually  parallel  with  the  petiole,  but  are  rather 
longer  than  they  are  broad,  thin  and  brittle,  from  eighteen  to  twenty-four  inches  in  diameter,  and 
divided  below  the  middle  of  the  leaf  or  towards  its  base  nearly  to  the  ligule  into  narrow  lobes  which  in 
their  widest  part  are  an  inch  across,  and  are  f  urniahed  with  much  thickened  bright  orange-colored 
midribs  and  margins ;  the  leaves  are  pale  yellow-green  and  very  lustrous  on  the  upper  surface  and 
bright  silvery  white  on  the  lower  surface,  which  is  at  first  coated  with  hoary  deciduous  pubescence ; 
the  rachis  of  the  leaf  is  thin,  undulate,  obtusely  short-pointed,  and  dark  orange-colored,  and  the  ligule 
is  thin,  concave,  crescent-shaped,  often  oblique,  slightly  undulate,  occasionally  obtusely  short-pointed, 
three  quarters  of  an  inch  wide,  one  third  of  an  inch  deep,  and  light  or  dark  orange-colorud ;  the 
petioles  are  slender,  flexible,  at  first  erect  but  soon  spreading  and  then  pendant,  rounded  on  the  upper 
side,  obscurely  ribbed  on  the  lower  side,  with  a  low  rounded  rib,  from  two  feet  and  a  half  to  three 
feet  long,  pale  yellow-green,  an  inch  and  a  half  wide  at  the  base,  and  coated  at  first  with  silvery  white 
deciduous  tomentum  toward  the  dark  orange-colored  apex  which  is  about  five  eighths  of  an  inch  in 
width.  The  panicles  are  from  eighteen  to  twenty-four  inches  in  length,  with  flattened  peduncles, 
slender  much  flattened  primary  branches  from  eight  to  ten  inches  long,  and  light  orange-colored  like 
the  slender  terete  secondary  branches  which  are  from  an  inch  and  a  half  to  three  inches  long ;  their 
spathes  are  thin,  fibrous,  and  pale  reddish  brown,  and  are  coated  towards  the  ends  with  pale  pubescence. 
The  flowers,  which  expand  in  June  and  irregularly  also  in  the  autumn,  are  raised  on  ridged  spreading 
pedicels  an  eighth  of  an  inch  in  length  and  consist  of  a  cup-like  six-Iobed  perianth,  nine  stamens 
with  slender  exserted  filaments  slightly  united  below,  and  large  oblong  light  yellow  anthers,  and  a 
subglobose  orange-colored  ovary  surmounted  by  an  elongated  style  dilated  into  a  broad  rose-colored 
stigma.  The  fruit,  which  ripens  in  about  six  months,  is  from  one  half  to  three  quarters  of  an  inch  in 
fliameter,  and  bright  green  at  first  when  fully  grown ;  it  then  turns  deep  violet  color,  and  the  flesh 
becomes  very  succulent  and  filled  with  violet-colored  juice ;  ultimately  it  is  nearly  black  and  very  lustrous, 
the  whole  pericarp  becoming  sweet  with  an  agreeable  flavor,  and  then  shriveling  it  grows  leathery  in 
drying.  The  seed  is  light  tawny  brown,  with  a  thick  hard  dull  testa  which  is  deeply  infolded  in  the 
ruminate  albumen. 

Coccothrimix  juamda  is  now  known  only  in  Florida,  where  it  inhabits  dry  coral  ridges  and  sandy 
flats  from  the  shores  of  Bay  Biscayne,  along  many  of  the  southern  keys,  to  the  Marquesas  group  west 
of  Key  West. 

The  stems  are  used  for  the  piles  of  small  wharves  and  for  turtle  crawls,  and  the  soft  tough 
young  leaves  are  made  into  hats  and  baskets. 

'  il 




Coccothrinax  jucunda  wm  diicovered  in  1880  by  Mr.  A.  H.  Curtiia '  on  Dahia  Honda  Key. 
The  specific  name  is  in  alliuion  to  the  sweet  edible  flesh  of  the  fruit. 

>  8m  ii.  SO. 


Platr  IX'CXXXVII.    Coccdthrinax  .iucunda. 
1.  A  imrtion  of  •  fruiting;  ipiulix,  natural  iite. 
3.  Vertical  Mction  of  a  fruit,  eiilargml. 

3.  A  Med,  enlarKed. 

4.  A  leaf,  much  reduced. 
6.  A  lignle,  natural  liia. 

y     ;i 


ii  ' 



■liRlNAX    JuCliNl 


!     ; 

StLVA    or  NORTH  AAIKHICA.  ham* 

Otmothrtmu  jhrtuuta  wm  riuuuv«iv<l  in  IH^)  bj  Mr.  A.  II  CurtiM '  on  HithiB  Ilim>i«  Kuy. 
Ilw  apMiAe  naoM  i*  «  BlliuMa  to  iIm  •««*t  adibl*  ttnaii  of  ihu  fruit. 

•  ■mU.Hi 


I'lJi  TK. 

l'l.*TT     '    '  IMHINtl     .ll'i:i!N|IA. 

A  'ifvl*,  lularkl  uu. 

!         -i' 

i  .  i\ 

I'AIJI  • 

StIvK  of  Norfh  Arn*n(4 



rsf.Ln'r  ./rt' 

J^m.Hirrw/i4  ■ 


A  Hi.  ••  ffftt^r  Mrt\r  ' 

Jnip  .  ^Tufi^tr  Pcrur 


IB  ^ 




Red  Oedar. 

Staminate  flowers  elongated.     Fruit  small,  subglobose  ;  seeds  usually  two.    Leaves 
opposite,  acute  or  acuminate,  glimdular.     Branchlets  slender,  pendulous. 

Juniperus  Bcirbadensis,  Linnnus,  Spec.  1039  (1753). — 
Lamarck,  Diet.  ii.  627.  —  Miebaux,  Fl.  Bor.-Am.  ii.  245.  — 
Willdenow,  Spec.  iv.  pt  ii.  851.  —  Purah.  Fl.  Am.  Sept.  ii. 
647.  —  Nuttall,  Oen.  ii.  245  ;  Sylva,  iii.  96.  —  Sprengel, 
Sytt.  iii.  909.  —  Maycock,  Fl.  Barb.  394.  —  Loudon,  Arb. 
Brit.  iv.  2504.  —  Engelmann,  Trans,  St.  Louis  Acad.  iii. 
692.— Mohr,  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  vi.  326  (Plant 
Life  of  Alabama) ;  Bull.  No.  31  Div.  Forestry  U.  S. 
Dept.  Agric.  37,  t.  2. 

Junipenia  Bennudiana,  Lunan,  Hart.  Jam.  i.  84  (not  Lin- 

nieus)  (1814) Raflnestjue,  Med.  Fl.  ii.  13  (in  part).  — 

Gordon,  Pinetum,  101  (in  part).  —  Henkel  &  Hoclistetter, 
Syn.  Nadelh.  328  (in  part).  — Carrifere,  Traiti  Conif.  ed. 
2,  49  (in  part).  —  Parlatore,  De  Candolle  Protlr.  xvi.  pt 
ii.  490.  —  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Am,  x.  70  (in  part). 

Juniperus  Virginiana,  B  auatralis,  Endlicber,  Syn.  Conif. 

28  (1847).  —  Carribre,  Traiti  Conif.  44.  —  Courtin,  Fam. 
Conif.  131. 

Juniperus  Virginiana,  Lindley  &  Gordon,  Jotir.  Hort.  Soc. 
Land.  r.  202  (in  part)  (not  Linneaus)  (1850).  —  Courtin, 
Fam.  Conif.  130  (in  part).  —  Chapman,  Fl.  435  (in 
part).  —  Carri^re,  Traiti  Conif.  ed.  2,  43  (in  part).  — 
Sargent,  Forest  Trees  N.  Am.  10th  Census  U.  S.  ix.  182 
(in  part)  i  SUva  N.  Am.  x.  93  (in  part).  —  Masters,  ./our. 
R.  Hort.  Soc.  xiv.  215  (in  part)  ;  Jour.  Bot.  xxxvii.  10.  — 
Hansen,  Jour.  B.  Hort.  Soc.  xiv.  298  (Pinetum  Danicum) 
(in  part). 

Juniperus  Virginiana  Barbadensis,  Gordon,  Pinetum, 
114  (1858).  —  Henkel  &  Hochstetter,  Syn.  Nadelh.  337.  — 
Hoopes,  Evergreens,  293. 

Juniperus  Virginiana,  var.  Bermudiana,  Vasey,  Sep. 
U,  S,  Dept,  Agric,  1875, 185  (Cat.  Forest  Trees  U.  S.) 

Since  the  tenth  volume  of  this  work  was  published  in  1896  I  have  had  several  opportunities  to 
restudy  in  the  field  the  Red  Cedars  of  North  America,  and  it  now  seems  necessary  to  separate  Junipenm 
Virginiana  as  there  described  into  three  species :  — 

First,  the  Juniperus  Virginiana  of  Linnaeus,  the  Red  Cedar  of  the  north,  with  comparatively  stout 
branchlets,  erect  branches  which  usually  make  a  narrow  compact  pyramidal  head,  or  sometimes  in  old 
age  become  more  horizontal  and  form  an  open  round-topped  crown,  and  fruit  which  ripens  at  the  end 
of  the  first  season.'  Second,  the  Red  Cedar  of  the  Florida  peninsula  with  more  slender  pendulous 
branchlets  and  long  often  pendulous  branches  which  spread  into  a  broad  open  head  and  smaller  fruit 
ripening  at  the  end  of  the  first  season.  Third,  the  Red  Cedar  of  western  America  with  rather  stouter 
branchlets,  fruit  which  does  not  ripen  until  the  end  of  the  second  season,  and  lighter  colored  usually 
reddish  brown  wood. 

In  Florida  the  Red  Cedar,  which  is  not  distinguishable  from  Jimiperui^  Barbadensis  ^  of  the  West 
Indies,  is  a  tree  sometimes  fifty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  occasionally  two  feet  in  diameter  covered 
with  thin  light  red-brown  bark  which  separates  into  long  thin  scales  and  small  bninches  which  are  erect 
when  the  tree  is  crowded  in  the  forest,  but  in  open  ground  are  ascending  and  spreading  and  form  a 

'  As  thus  limited  the  range  of  Juniperus  Virginiana  is  from 
8uutberii  Xova  Sootia  mid  New  Brunswick  westward  to  eastern 
Nebraska,  Kiusas,  and  the  Indian  Territory,  and  soutbward  tu  the 
coast  of  South  Carolina  or  Georgia,  the  Ir.  .estone  hills  of  tlie  inte- 
rior of  southern  Alabama  and  Mississippi  and  eastorn  Texas. 

■^  Linnieus's  specimen  of  JunijKrus  liarbadensui  preserved  in  his 
berbarium  at  London  represents  a  tbin-brnnchcd  species  which  is 
nut  distinguishable  from  tlie  West  Indian  and  Florida  tree,  and  this 
specimen  nuiy  properly  be  considered  the  type  of  .funiperus  liarha- 
dtmit  iu  spite  of  the  fact  that  Linnieus  evidently  confounded  the 

West  Indian  and  Bermuda  species,  both  of  which  he  described,  for 
he  refera  to  his  Juniperus  Barbadensis  the  *'  Juniperus  Barbadensis, 
Cupressi  ffllivt,  ramulis  tpiadratis"  of  Plukenet  (Aim.  Bot.  201,  t. 
197,  f.  4)  and  the  Junipertis  Bermudinna  of  Miller  (Cat.  PI.  Hort. 
Angl.  t.  1,  f.  1),  which  arc  both  shown  by  these  figures  to  bo  thick- 
branched  species.  Of  the  identity  of  tlie  former  there  is  some 
doubt,  but  the  figure  iu  the  Cat.  PI.  Hnrt.  Angl.  admirably  repre- 
sents the  IJernuida  .Tuniper.  Hermann's  Juniperus  Bermudiana 
(Cat.  Hort.  Lugd.  Bat.  '.Hii,  t.),  which  Linnrous  referred  to  bis 
species  of  that  lume,  is  probably  some  other  species. 


;;■   i!| 







brond  flat-topped  head  often  thirty  or  forty  feet  iu  diameter.  The  secondary  branches  are  long  and 
slender,  and  are  erect  at  the  top  of  the  tree  and  pendulous  on  the  lower  branches.  The  staminate  trees 
are  of  open  habit,  wiJi  light-colored  yellow-green  foliage,  and  the  pistillate  trees  are  of  more  compact 
habit,  with  dark  green  foliage.  The  branchlets  are  slender,  foui^angled,  pendulous,  and  at  the  end  of 
four  or  five  years,  when  the  leaves  disappear,  are  light  reddish  brown  or  ashy  gray.  The  leaves  are 
opposite  in  pairs,  closely  impressed,  narrow,  asute  or  gradually  narrowed  above  the  middle  and  acumi- 
nate, and  marked  on  the  back  by  a  conspicuous  oblong  gland.  The  flowers  are  diuecious  and  in  Florida 
open  early  in  March.  The  staminate  flowers  are  oblong,  elongated,  and  from  an  eighth  to  nearly  a 
quarter  of  an  inch  in  length,  with  rounded  entire  anthei^scoles  which  bear  usually  three  pollen  sacs. 
The  scales  of  the  pistillate  Howers  are  gradually  narrowed  above  the  middle  and  acute  at  the  apex,  and 
become  obliterated  from  the  fruit.  This  is  subglobose,  dark  blue,  and  covered  when  ripe  with  a  glaucous 
bloom,  and  is  usually  only  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  with  sweet  resinuous  flesh  and  usually 
two  seeds. 

In  the  United  States  Juniperus  Barbndensis  is  distributed  along  the  Atlantic  coast  from  southern 
Georgia  to  the  shores  of  the  Indian  River,  Flcrida,  and  on  the  Gulf  coast  from  the  northern  shores  of 
Charlotte  Harbor,  Florida,  to  the  valley  of  the  Appalachicola,  growing  usually  in  inundated  rivei^swamps 
and  forming  great  thickets  in  forests  of  Taxodium,  Red  Maple,  Gordonia,  Loblolly  Pine,  Swamp  Oaks, 
Palmetto,  and  Liquidambar ; '  and  in  the  West  Indies  it  grows  on  the  Bahamas,''  San  Domingo,'  the 
Mountains  of  Jamaica,'  and  on  Antigua.' 

The  wood,  which  resembles  that  of  the  Red  Cedar  of  the  north  in  color  and  fragrance,  is  straighter- 
grained  and  more  easily  worked,  and  for  many  years  and  until  the  supply  begun  to  become  exhausted 
it  was  exclusively  used  by  the  German  manufacturers  of  pencils,  who  have  established  large  factories  for 
cutting  this  wood  at  Cedar  Keys  and  other  places  on  the  Florida  coast. 

Juniperuit  Uarhadensin,  with  its  long  spreading  branches  and  elongated  gracefully  drooping 
branchlets,  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  all  Junipers,  and  it  has  been  largely  used  for  the  decoration 
of  the  squares  and  cemeteries  of  the  cities  and  towns  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  coast  from  Florida 
to  western  Louisiana.' 


i::   i 

'  Near  TalUhauee,  Florida,  and  along  the  coast  of  Alabama, 
Missu^ippi,  and  eaatern  Louisiana  Juniptru*  Barhaderuii  is  common 
in  the  neighborhood  of  towns  and  nppears  to  b«  thoroughly  natural- 
ised and  to  be  gradually  spreading  into  adjacent  woodlands.  The 
fact,  bowerer,  that  west  of  the  Appaliwhicola  it  does  not  grow  in 
swamps  or  remote  from  human  habitations  seems  to  indicate  that 
the  Junipers  now  in  this  region  have  sprung  from  tre«s  which  wer« 
planted  there  not  Tery  long  ago.  Juniperus  Barbadentu  is  the  most 
unirersally  planted  coniferous  tree  i.  yiem  Orleans  and  in  the  towns 
of  western  Louisiana,  but  there  is  oven  less  evidenee  that  it  is  iidi* 
f^enous  iu  the  region  beyond  the  Mississippi. 

'  Kggers,  No.  43S8  in  herb.  Kew. 

'  Eggers,  No.  231>0  in  herb.  Kew. 

*  '^Juniperui  Harbadensix  is  now  somewhat  rare  on  the  Blue 
Mountains,  but  it  is  evident  that  it  was  confined  to  an  elevation 
ranging  betwetn  thirty-five  hundred  and  six  thousand  feet  in  later 
years.  Formerly  it  may  have  ranged  much  lower,  as  it  grows  well 
even  near  the  sea-level  if  it  gets  plenty  of  water.  The  wood  is 
valued  so  much  that  all  the  trees  that  were  easily  reached  have 
been  cut  down.  I  think  the  height  may  be  put  down  from  forty  to 
fifty  feet  and  the  girth  of  the  trunk  at  from  two  to  foor  feet." 
(W.  Fawcett,  in  lill.) 

*  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  fnd.  503. 

*  The  Bedford  .luniper  which  is  occasionally  cultivated  in  Euro- 
pean collections  is  possibly  of  this  species.  (For  the  synonymy  of 
this  plant  see  X.  06  ;  tee,  also,  Veitcb,  Man.  Conif.  ed.  2,  103.) 



les  are  long  and 
le  staminate  trees 
of  more  compact 
ind  at  the  end  of 
The  leaves  are 
liddle  and  acumi- 
U8  and  in  Florida 
ighth  to  nearly  a 
:hree  pollen  sacs, 
at  the  apex,  and 
B  with  a  glaucous 
I  flesh  and  usually 

1st  from  southern 
>rthern  shores  of 
ited  river-swamps 
ne,  Swamp  Oaks, 
aa  DomiDgo,^  the 

nee,  is  straighter- 
lecome  exhausted 
arge  factories  for 

.cefully  drooping 
or  the  decoration 
oast  from  Florida 

bat  nre  on  the  Blue 
nflned  to  an  elevation 
( thousand  feet  in  later 
lower,  ai  it  grows  well 
r  water.  The  wood  is 
re  easily  reached  hare 
)ut  down  from  forty  to 
om  two  to  four  feet." 

II5  cultivated  in  Euro- 
(For  the  synonymy  o( 
Com/,  ed.  2,  103.) 


Platk  IX!CXXXVIII.    Junipkkuh  Barbadensih. 

1.  A  flowering  branch  of  a  sUminate  tree,  natural  Biie. 

2.  A  Btaininate  flowtr,  enlarged. 

3.  A  stamen,  front  view,  enlarged. 

4.  A  branch  of  a  pistillatu  tree,  natural  aize, 
C.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

G,  A  scale  of  a  pistillate  flower  with  its  ovules,  front  view,  enlarged. 

7.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  size. 

8.  Cross  section  of  a  fruit,  enlarged. 

9.  A  Bee<l,  enlarged. 

10.  The  eiiil  of  a  branchlet.  enlarged. 

11.  A  leaf,  enlarged. 






ii   <> 

i        r 

'•>,     I 





Flaw  IXt'XXXVIII.  JijiipitKLii  Bakhalensiii. 
1  A  HowtTini;  lir»nrh  of  h  aUuiinste  tree,  natiiral  giie. 
'i.  A  ManimiH*  Howi>r,  eDkr);ei]. 

3.  A  »t«nion,  front  view,  (•iilarfful. 

4.  A  briiiicli  of  a  pistillate  trw.  imtaral  nhc. 
6.  A  pi»till8t«  flixrcr,  riiiar;;«|. 

A  seal.-  of  a  pirtiUatr  fli.w»r  wiU»  il«  urulca,  front  viow,  enlarged. 
A  fruiting  bnuifli,  natural  me. 
<  iiKliiin  of  a  fruit.  f^iiivrKod. 
•  ■I.  enlarged. 
'  'i  "t  1  SnuithUt.  ralarg«d. 


S:Ivi  of  Norih  America 





•.r/'u.r^i  .iW 


ftj^uia  SO 

A  /iiut-riftuc  JiTAi" 

Imp  ,/  TaJtfur  r-trw 



I;      .i  • 





Red  Oedar. 

Fruit  subglobosc,  ripening  at  tlic  end  of  the  second  season,  usually  2-8ecded. 
Leaves  opposite,  acute,  glandular.     Branehlets  slender. 

Juniperua  aoopulorum,  Sargent,  Garden  ami  Forest,  x. 
420,  f.  54  (1897).  — Nelson,  Biitl.  No.  40,  Wyoming 
Exper.  Stat.  86,  f.  16,  17  (Trees  of  Wyoming).—  Ryd- 
berg,  Mem.  N.  Y.  Bot.  Ganl.  i.  13  (Fl.  Montana).  — 
Ilosaey,  Rep.  Nebraska  State  Boftrd  Agrie.  1897,  83. 

JuniperuB  ezoelsa,  Purnh,  Fl.  Am.  Sept.  ii.  r>47  (not  Mar- 
BclittU  von  nioberstein)  (1814).  —  Nuttall,  Gen.  ii.  245. 

Juniperua  Virglniana,  Torrey,  Ann.  Lye.  N.  Y.  ii.  250 
(not  LinniBua)  (1838) ;  Emory's  Rep.  Appx.  No.  6,  412  : 
Pacifle  R.  R.  Rep.  iv.  pt.  v.  142;  Bot.  Mex.  Bound. 
Siirv.  211. —  Lyall,  Jour.  Linn.  Soc.  vii.  144.  —  Cooper, 
Am.  Xat.  iii.  413.  —  Parlatore,  Ve  Candolle  Prodr.  xvi. 
l>t.  ii.  488  (in  part).  —  Engelmann,  Trans.  St.  Louis 
Acad.  iii.  691  (in  part) ;  Rothrock  Wheeler's  Rep.  vi. 
263.  —  Watson,  King's  Rep.  v.  336.  —  Porter  &  Coulter, 
Fl.  Colorado ;  Ilayden's  Sum.  Misc.  Pub.  No.  4,  132.  — 

Sargent,  Forest  Trees  N.  Am.  \f)tk  Census  V.  S.  ix.  182 
(in  part) ;  Silva  N.  Am.  x,  93  (in  part).  — Tweedy,  Flora 
of  the  Yellowstone  National  Park,  74.  —  Macoun,  Garden 
and  Forest,  i.  47  (The  Forests  of  Vancouner  Island).— 
Britton,  Trans.  N.  Y.  Aead.  Sci.  viii.  74.  —  Maatcru, 
Jour.  R.  Ilort.  Soc  xiv.  215  (in  part).  —  Hansen,  Jour. 
R.  Hort.  Soc.  xiv.  298  {Pinetum  Danicum)  (in  part). — 
Britton  &,  Kearney,  Trans.  N.  Y.  Acad.  xiv.  22.  —  Loi- 
berg,  Contnb.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  v.  55. 

Juniperua  oooidentalia,  Porter,  Hayden  U.  S.  Geolog. 
Surv.  Montana  (Tith  Ann.  Rep.  of  Progress),  494  (not 
Hooker)  (1872). —  Macoun,  Cat.  Cun.  PI.  461. 

Juniperua  Virginiana,  var.  montana,  Vosey,  Rep.  U.  S. 
Dept.  Agric.  1875-  185  (Cat.  Forest  Trees  U.  S.)  (not  J. 
communis,  y  montana,  Aiton)  (1876). 

A  tree,  thirty  or  forty  feet  in  height,  with  a  short  stout  trunk  sometimes  three  feet  in  diameter, 
and  often  divided  near  the  ground  into  a  number  of  slightly  spreading  stems,  and  stout  spreading  and 
ascending  branches  covered  with  scaly  bark  which  form  an  open  irregularly  round-topped  head.'  The 
bark  of  the  trunk  is  dark  reddish  brown  or  gray  tinged  with  red,  and  is  divided  by  shallow  fissures 
into  narrow  flat  connected  ridges  which  break  up  on  the  surface  into  persistent  shredded  scales.  The 
branchlets  are  slender  and  four-angled,  becoming  terete  at  the  end  of  thr'.e  or  four  years,  when  they 
are  covered  with  smooth  pale  bark  which  a  few  years  later  begins  to  seperate  into  thin  scales.  The 
leaves  are  opposite  in  pairs,  closely  appressed,  acute  or  acuminate,  marked  on  the  back  by  an  obscure 
elongated  gland,  and  dark  green,  or  on  trees  in  the  southern  Rocky  Mountains  often  pale  and  very 
glaucous.  The  staminate  flowers  arc  oblong  and  about  one  sixteenth  of  an  inch  in  length,  and  their 
anther-scales  are  rounded  and  entire,  with  four  or  five  anther-sacs.  The  scales  of  the  pistillate 
flower  are  spreading  and  acute  or  acuminate,  and  become  obliterated  on  the  mature  fruit.  At  the  end 
of  the  first  season  the  fruit  is  about  one  sixteenth  of  an  inch  in  length  and  blue  or  rose  color,  and 
beginning  tn  grow  the  following  spring  it  becomes  before  autumn  from  one  quarter  to  one  third  of  an 
inch  in  diameter,  bright  blue,  and  covered  with  a  glaucous  bloom,  and  has  sweet  resinous  flesh,  and  one 
or  generally  two  seeds.  The  seeds  are  ovate,  acute,  prominently  grooved  and  angled,  light  chestnut- 
brown,  about  three  sixteenths  of  an  inch  long,  and  lustrous,  with  a  small  two-lobed  hilum. 

Junipcnis  scnjiuhnim  is  distributed  through  the  eastern  foothill  region  of  the  Rocky  Mountains 
from  Alberta  to  western  Texas,  and  westward  to  the  coast  of  British  Columbia  ■  and  Washington,  and 

'  At  Manitou  at  the  base  of  Pike's  Peak  Junipem)  $copulonim  '  In  1870  Junipenis  scopulnnim  was  collected  by  Dawson  on  the 

in  sheltered  positlniis  develops  long  slightly  pendulous  lir.tnches,  gravelly  margin  of  Francois  Lake  in  British  Columbia  in  latitude 

and  is  u  hiuidsonie  tree  of  open  habit,  while  on  the  more  arid  wind-  54°  north.     This  is  tho  most  northern  station  from  which  I  have 

swept  slopes  the  branches  are  short  and  rigid  and  form  a  compact  specimens  of  this  tree.     (Sec  G.  M.  Dawson,  Garden  and  ForcKl,  i. 

round-topped  head.  59,  as  Junipenis  Virginiana.) 



i^ILVA   OF  NUHTII  AM  HI!  If  A. 


to  eastern  Oregon,  Nevada,  and  nortliei  n  Arizoim.'  Nowhere  very  commun,  it  growa  on  dry  rocky 
ridges,  and  except  near  the  cuu8t  usually  it  elevatiuua  of  more  than  Kve  thousand  feet  above  the  level 
of  the  sea. 

JunlpcruM  srojmlonim  was  discovered  in  October,  1804,  by  Lewis  and  Clark  during  their  journey 
across  the  continent.' 

'  In  lAU)  Jimiperut  ifofnunrum  wu  found  bj  WiiliMnnt  in  New 
KIoiu'o  (No.  WA  in  hsrb.  Kn^rlumnii)  ;  and  tho  folluwiuK  yeikr  l>jr 
FiMiillcr  Rt  SauU  Vt  (Nii.  KVi),  when  tliii  .luui|>er  is  ri>inp»rii- 
tircly  ooniniun.  In  April,  1H7I,  it  wu  collected  liy  Dr.  J.  II.  U«- 
nrd  ne«r  Fort  Apaobej  Arixona.     ( Tatt  herb.  Kngeltn«nn. ) 

'  Lewli  and  CUrk'e  tpecinen  prwerred  by  the  American  Diilo- 
•ophical  Society  abows  timt  the  tree  calleil  by  l*unh  and  by  Niittall 
Junifitr^t*  ezcelia  wafl  Junipfrnt  iropittantm,  and  not,  ai  hai  usually 
bt'iin  aupiwted,  the  Juniptrut  occiiietUt^u  u(  Hooker. 




Platr  DCCXXXIX.    .Ii'viPERim  scopulorum. 

1.  A  branch  with  staminate  Howera,  natural  uize. 

2.  A  ataniinate  Hower,  cnlar|;p<l. 

3.  An  anther,  rpnr  view,  enlarged. 

4.  A  branrli  with  piatillatc  flowers,  natural  size. 

5.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarf^ml. 

C>.  A  scale  of  a  pistillate  flowpr,  upper  side,  with  its  ovules,  enlarged. 

7.  A  fruiting  branch,  natural  site. 

8.  A  fruit  <livicle<l  transversely,  enlarged. 

9.  A  seed,  enlarged. 

10.  Knil  of  n  branchlel,  enlarged. 

11.  Tip  of  a  leaf,  enlarged. 

8  on  dry  rocky 
libove  the  level 

g  their  journey 

the  Anitrican  I'liilu- 
*urah  and  by  Niittall 
I  not,  ai  haa  uiually 


SON  rid 

I      ; 


aiort*  Uixri  hv«  ihuumnii  f<^<'>  nv  lint<l 

>     .ind  riark  duriii);  thvir  jt)iirn«y 

,  liif-hii.M!  '  ,   s  ,11,  I 
u>tt  not,  lu  Imt  u«iiftlly 


.  Ii  »ilh  putillat"  fliiWfM,  ti«t(ir«l  niw, 
.'>.  A  |'iitilliil«  flunei,  eiilarK'f'l. 
r>.   A  arkla  (>!  n  pinlilUlG  lluwi-r,  u, 
7.  A  tromng  )>nuu-h,  natuntl  »in 
H     A  frilll    Iih.UmI  Ir.  :..■  I 

'  »  (innchUt.  <'ni»riiixl 

ith  itN  iiviiloB.  piiLir^od. 




[j/lS    '     :! 

Silvii  of  Nirth   Ami>ti'  A 

.':  f-u-^'i  .M 










'■/I ' 

f   I 

;  i 











Scales  of  the  fruit  6  to  10;  seeds  compressed,  black, 
dark  green,  eglandular. 

Branchlets  stout.    Leaves 

CupresBUs    pygmaea,   Sargent,  Bot.   Oatette,  xxzi.  239 

CupresauB  Ooveniana,  var.  pygmeea,  Lemmon,  Handb. 

West  American  Cone-Bearera,  77  (1895). 

Cupreaoufl  Ooveniana,  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Am.  i.  107  (in 
part)  (not  Gordon)  (1896). 

A  tree,  sometimes  thirty  or  forty  feet  in  height,  with  a  trunk  rarely  more  than  a  foot  in  diameter, 
and  ascending  branches.  The  bark  of  the  trunk  is  bright  reddish  brown,  about  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in 
thickness,  and  divided  by  shallow  fissures  into  fiat  ridges  which  separate  on  the  surface  into  long 
thread-like  scales.  The  branchlets,  which  are  comparatively  stout,  are  bright  orange  color  when  they 
first  appear,  bright  reddish  brown  during  one  or  two  seasons,  and  then  turning  purple  become  dark 
reddish  brown  at  the  end  of  several  years.  The  leaves  are  ovate,  acute,  or  acuminp.tii  on  vigorous 
shoots,  dark  green,  and  eglandular.  The  staminate  flowers  are  obscurely  four-angled,  with  broadly 
ovate  peltate  connectives,  and  the  fertile  scales  of  the  pistillate  flowers,  which  vary  from  six  to  ten  in 
number,  are  acute  and  spreading.  The  fruit  is  short-oblong,  usually  sessile,  and  from  three  quarters  to 
seven  eighths  of  an  inch  in  length,  with  from  six  to  ten  scales  terminating  in  small  bosses.  The  seeds 
are  compressed,  only  about  one  eighth  of  an  inch  long,  and  black. 

Cupreasua  pyymcea  inhabits  the  high  barren  region  near  the  coast  of  Mendocino  County,  California, 
which  extends  from  Ten  Mile  Run  on  the  north  to  the  Navarro  on  the  south.  Here  it  grows  on 
deposits  of  sand  and  a  thin  coat  of  peat,  overlaying  a  heavy  yellow  clay  in  a  narrow  belt  which, 
beginning  about  three  quarters  of  a  mile  from  the  ocean,  extends  inland  for  three  or  four  miles.' 

The  wood  of  Cupressus  pygmeea  is  soft,  very  coarse-grained,  and  pule  reddish  brown.^ 

'  On  this  poor  soil  the  plants  begin  to  bear  cones  when  only  a 
foot  or  two  high,  but  on  the  borders  of  the  barrens  and  of  the  deep 
gullies  which  penetrate  them,  where  the  plants  occasionally  escape 
for  several  years  the  flres  which  almost  annually  sweep  over  this 
region,  they  often  grow  in  better  soil  to  a  height  of  thirty  or  forty 
feet,  although  from  overcrowding  they  rarely  develop  the  spread- 
ing branches  which  are  peculiar  to  Cupressus  growing  in  abundant 

The  name  pyginsa  used  by  Lemmon  to  distinguish  the  dwarf 
plant  stunted  by  overcrowding  and  insutBcient  nourishment  is 
unfortunate  as  a  specific  namn,  for  there  is  no  difference  between 

the  smallest  and  the  largest  plants  except  in  size;  and  it  is  proba- 
ble that  individuals  un  the  borders  of  the  barrens,  if  they  could  be 
protected  from  fire,  would  in  time  grow  to  a  large  size,  for  the 
oldest  plants  now  standing  show  no  signs  of  maturity  and  none  of 
them  are  thought  to  be  more  than  fifty  years  old.  (  Tale  Purdy,  in 

'  The  log  specimen  in  the  Jesup  Collection  of  North  American 
Woods  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  I'ew  York, 
is  eleven  and  one  half  inches  in  diameter  inside  the  bark,  and  is 
thirty-sii  years  old.  The  sapwood  is  two  inches  thick,  with  thir- 
teen layers  of  annual  growth. 


i'  '-^ 

i     ! 


■ ;  I 
■  'i 



Platb  DCCXL.    Cupkbssus  pvqm.ka. 

1.  A  branch  with  staiiiinate  flowers,  natural  size. 

2.  A  Htaniinate  flower,  enlarged. 

3.  A  scale  of  a  stauiinate  flower  with  its  anthers,  enlarged. 

4.  A  branch  of  a  pistillate  tree  with  flowers  and  fruit,  natural  size. 

5.  A  pistillate  flower,  enlarged. 

6.  A  Bciile  of  a  pistillate  flower,  u])|)er  surface,  witli  its  ovules,  enlarged. 

7.  A  scale  of  a  cone,  nide  view,  witli  its  seeds,  euUrge<l. 

8.  .Seeds,  enlarged. 

9.  Tip  o!  a  branch,  enlargerl. 




!!i   M 

>  i''  11 




-    ii- 

i  '0 

i  ii' 

KX»'L\NAT/()N   OK   THK    I'LATK. 

I'Hli!   IhX'XL.     (.'cTUBwrs  rv.iM.Ki. 
!     A  ttr«iwli  wilh  Jtaiiiinftta  Hoirer»,  natural  eize. 

2.  A  Xaoimata  fliiwrr,  vDlaixed- 

3.  A  »ciiJt'  of  a  Atttininate  Uuwer  with  itn  ariiliors,  I'lilargwl. 

4.  A  brnnrli  of  a  piatiUati'  trM.'  irith  tiowi^rs  aiul  fruit,  imtiirr.l  i-ize. 

5.  A  iii<till«!K  flower.  eij|»rKv.l 

f     A  »r.i;i.  .i|  »  piatiUatr  »ti».:       m-     ■■••i,.-,:  «  ill  ii.1  ovules,  ri.lar^,,!. 
.(  a  ran*,  oiil*  if.  ■  ■   t-'i 

'•ranrb,  snlaT^-'l. 


111.   ^ 

Silva  nf  North  Ainenca. 


'  A' F(i.t*^n  fi^^ 

A  }h,HT"<tt.r  .fiff-v 

C'J  PRESS  US    PYGM/EA.Saro,. 

,  !mf  J  ninfur  r.irij.  .'C. 



t;  my: 



Investioations  made  since  the  earlier  volumes  of  this  Silva  were  published  have  shown  the 
necessity  of  correcting  the  descriptions  of  several  species.  A  few  of  these  corrections  have  already  been 
printed ;  the  others  will  be  found  in  the  following  notes:  — 

Magnolia  fODtlda,  i.  8.  Magnolia  grandiflora  was  first  published  by  Linnieug  in  17C9  in  the  tenth  edition 
of  the  Systema  (ii.  1082). 

Magnolia  glanca,  i.  5.  Magnolia  glaxtca  was  first  used  by  Linnieus  as  a  name  of  a  species  in  1759  in  tbe 
tenth  edition  of  tlie  Syatema  (ii.  1082). 

Extend  range  westward  in  Pennsylvania  to  swamps  on  the  South  Mountain  at  the  head  of  the  east  fork  of  the 
Conocooheague  River,  Franklin  County.  (  Teste  Miss  M.  L.  Doek,  Garden  and  Forest,  x.  402.  See,  also.  Garden 
and  Forest,  vii.  398  ;  viii.  79.) 

Magnolia  acuminata,  i.  7.  This  name  was  first  published  by  Linnnus  in  1759  in  the  tenth  edition  of  the 
Systema  (ii.  1082). 

Magnolia  trlpetala,  i.  13.  This  name  was  first  published  by  Linnaeus  in  1759  i'-  che  tenth  edition  of  the 
Systema  (ii.  1082). 

Extend  range  to  the  valley  of  the  Susquehanna  River  in  York  County,  Pennsylvania,  wbere  it  has  been  found 
near  York  Furnace  and  at  Reed's  Run  by  Professor  T.  C.  Porter,  and  where  it  is  rare  and  local.  (See  Porter, 
Bull.  Torrey  Bat.  Club,  xxv.  489.) 

Liilodandron  Tullpifera,  i.  19.    Add  to  the  synonyms  Tulipifera  Liriodendron,  Miller,  Diet.  ed.  8  (1768). 

Aaimina  triloba,  i.  23.  Extend  range  to  western  New  Jersey  and  to  southeastern  Nebraska,  where  it  has 
boim  found  in  Pawnee,  Richardson,  Nemaha,  Otoe,  and  Saunders  counties.  (See  Bessey,  Hep.  Nebraska  State 
Board  Agric.  1899,  84.) 

"  In  eastern  Pennsylvania  Asimina  triloba  is  common  along  tbe  lower  Susquehanna  and  its  tributaries,  and 
on  the  Juniata  in  Mifflin  and  Huntingdon  counties,  where  I  found  it  at  the  head  of  a  mountain  stream  sixteen 
hundred  feet  above  tbe  level  of  the  sea."    (Professor  T.  C.  Porter,  in  litt.    See  Bull.  Torrey  Bot.  Club,  xxv.  489.) 

Canella  alVi,  i.  37.  This  tree  was  described  by  Liunaeus  in  the  first  edition  of  tbe  Species  Plantarum, 
published  in  1753  as  Laurjis  Winterana,  while  tbe  name  Canella  alba  of  Murray  was  not  published  until  1784, 
and,  under  the  rules  of  nomenclature  adopted  in  this  work,  Canella  Winterana  of  Gsrtner,  published  in  1788 
and  already  adopted  by  Sudworth,  must  be  taken  up  for  it.  (See  Bull.  Torrey  Bot.  Club,  xx.  46  ;  Bull.  No.  14 
Div.  Forestry  U.  S.  Dcpt.  Agric.  273  [Nomenclatitre  of  the  Arborescent  Flora  of  the  United  States'].') 

Fremontia,  i.  47.  Fremontia  having  been  a  synonym  when  it  was  used  in  1853  by  Torrey  as  the  name  of  bis 
genus  in  Chciranthodendrew,  the  name  cannot  be  retained  for  this  California  tree  under  the  rules  of  nomenclature 
followed  in  tills  work  ;  and  Frcmontodendron  of  Coville  is  adopted.  (See  Contrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  iv.  74  [Bot. 
Death  Valley  Fxped.]  [1893].) 

Fremontodcndron  Calif omicum.  Extend  range  northward  to  Siskiyou  County,  California,  where  it  was 
cnlli»-ted  by  Miss  A.  M.  Huntley  in  June,  1S96,  near  Sisson,  at  the  western  base  of  Mt.  Shasta.  In  August, 
1892,  it  was  found  by  Mrs.  T.  S.  Brandegee  on  Snow  Moun*  lin  in  Lake  County,  one  of  the  highest  peaks  of  the 
California  coast  ranges. 

Tilla  heterophylla,  i.  57.  The  northern  limits  of  the  range  of  this  species  in  Pennsylvania  are,  according  to 
Professor  T.  C.  Portor,  Huntingdon  County,  where  it  grows  on  the  banks  of  the  Juniata  River;  it  also  grows  in 
Franklin  County  on  the  Conococheaguo.     (Porter,  in  litt.) 

Zanthozylnm,  i.  Go.  The  author  of  Fagara  is  Limuuus,  Syst,  ed.  10  (ii.  897),  published  in  1759,  and  not 
Adanson,  Fam.  PI.  published  in  1763. 



(  ;  ! 

Xanthozylum  Fagura,  i.   Til.     Fnijara  Pterota  was  flnit   published   by  Linncius   in  1759  in  the  tenth 

editiuti  of  tin-  Synlumi  (ii.  8!»7). 

Zioithozylujn  cribr^  am,  i.  71.  According  to  Urban  (^liot.  Jnhrb.  xi.  571)  an  older  name  for  this  tree  is 
that  of  Vald,  Xtinthuxi/liimjliiviiin.     The  synonymy  as  corrected  is  as  follows:  — 

Xantlioxi/liiin  Jli!nim,\M,  Kcloij.  iii.  48(1807);  Skrivt.  Nat.  Srhk.  Kjitbenh.  vi.  133.  —  Eggers,  J9u//. 
U.  S.  \iU.  I/rrb.  No.  13,  38  (/7.  iSt.  Croix  ami  the  Virgin  Islands).  —  Kobiuson,  Gray  Syn.  Fl.  N.  Am.  i.  j)t. 
i.  375. 

Xant/iorylum  Clava-I/erculis,  De  Candolle,  Prodr.  i.  727  (oxol.  syn.)  (not  Linnsus)  (_tcsle  Urban,  /.  c.) 

Xnnthoxylum  cribrosum,  Sprcngel,  ifiyst.  i.  946  (1825).  —  Sargent,  Garden  and  Forest,  ii.  016 ;  Silva  N. 
Am.  i.  71,  t.  30.  31. 

Xanthorytum  Floridanum,  Nuttall,  Sylra,  iii.  14,  t.  85  (18.54).  —  Cliapman,  F7.  60. 
Xanthoiylum  Sumach,  Urisebooh,  Abhand.  Kunig.   Gesetl.    Wis.^.  Gottingen,  190  (  Vcg.  Karaib.)  (not 
Miicf.idyen)  (1857)  ;  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Ind.  138.  —  Walpers,  Ann.  vii.  528.  —  Eggers,  VidensL  Medd.fra  Nat. 
For.  Kjobenh.  1870.  108  (/"V.  St.  Croix). 

Xanthorylum  Caribcrum,  Watson,  Ind.  155  (not  Lambert)  (1878), 

Xanthorylum  Carilxrum,  va,'.  Floridanum.  Gray,  Proc.  Am.  Acad.  u.  ser.  xxiii.  225  (1888). 
Fagarajlavii.  Urban,  Doi.  Jahrb.  xxi.  571  (1896). 
Ftelea  trlfoUata,  i.  70.     Extend  range  southward  in  Florida  to  the  neighborhood  of  Eustis,  Lake  County, 
where  it  was  collected  in  iJunc,  1894,  by  Mr.  George  U.  Nash. 

Amyria  marltlma,  i.  85.  In  the  first  volume  of  this  work  the  name  of  Amyris  muritima  of  Jac<iuin  was 
adi>|it<'d  for  this  Florida  tree.  This  name  was  first  published  iu  1760;  and  the  fact  was  overlooked  that  Linnocus 
had  used  for  it  the  name  of  Amyris  Ehmifera  in  the  tenth  edition  of  his  Systema,  published  three  years  earlier 
than  the  second  edition  of  the  Species  Plantarum.  Amyris  ElemiJ'era  should  therefore  be  adopted  for  the  Florida 
plant,  although  Urban  {But.  Jahrb.  xxi.  601)  would  separate  the  Amyris  maritima  of  Jacquin  from  the  Amyris 
Elemifera  of  Linna-us  on  the  strengtii  of  the  presenc«  of  a  disk  in  the  flower  of  the  former  and  of  the  minute  and 
variable  pubescence  of  the  latter,  —  differences  which  Kobinson  has  pointed  out  are  of  little  value.  The  two  species 
being  united,  the  synonymy  of  our  south  Florida  tree  becomes,  — 

Amyris  Elemifera,  Linnaeus,  Syst.  ed.  10,  ii.  1000  (1759)  ;  Spec.  ed.  2,  i.  495;  Anioen.  Acad.  vii.  05.  — 
Descourtilz,  Fl.  Med.  Antill.  iii.  279.  t.  212.— Triana  &  Planchon,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  s<5r.  5,  xiv.  3^4. —Urban, 
Hot.  Jahrb.  xxi.  601.  —  Itobinson,  Gray  Syn.  Fl.  N.  Am.  i.  pt.  i.  376. 

Amyris  maritima,  Jacquin,  Enum.  PI.  Carib.  19  (1700)  ;  Hist.  Stirp.  Am.  107.  —  Linnaius,  «Sy)ec.  ed. 
2,  i.  496  (cxcl.  syn.  I*.  Browne).  —  Swartz,  Obs.  148.  —  Sprengel,  Syst.  ii.  218.  —  De  Candolle,  Prodr.  ii. 
81.  —  Macfa<lyen.  Fl.  ./am.  i.  231.  —  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Ind.  174.  —  Balllon,  IPist.  PI.  iv.  397,  f.  447- 
451 ;  Diet.  i.  159.  f.  —  Gray,  Proc.  Am.  Acad,  xxiii.  226.  —  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Am.  i.  85,  t.  36. 

Amyris  Floridana,  Nuttall.  .4m.  Jour.  Sci.  v.  294  (1822)  ;  Sylva,  ii.  114,  t.  78.  —  Torrey  &  Gray,  Fl.  N. 
Am.  i.  221.  —  Loudon,  Arb.  Brit.  ii.  561.  —  Chapman,  Fl.  08. 

Amyris  sylvalica,  De  Candolle,  Pr'idr.  ii.  81  (1825).  —  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Iiul.  174  (in  part). — 
Sargent,  Forest  Trees  N.  Am.  lOth  Censvs  U.  S.  \x.  83. 

Amyris  Plumieri,  Gnsehach,  Cat.  PI.  Cuh.  60  (1806).  —  Sauvalle,  Fl.  Cub.  20. 
Amyris  maritima,  var.  aiiijusti/olin,  (iray.  Proc.  Am.  .lead.  u.  ser.  xxiii.  226  (1888). 
Amyris  sylvatica,  var.  Plumieri,  Maza,  Anal.  .V«c.  Esp.  Hist.  Nat.  xix.  229  (1890). 
KUmifira  maritima.  Otto  Kuutzc,  Ilev.  Gen.  i.  100  (1891). 
Koeberlinia  spinoaa,  i.  93.     Extend  range  westward  through  southern  New  Mexico  and  Arizona  to  the  foot- 
hills ami  Mii'  in  the  McigliborlioiHl  of  Tucson,  where  it  is  very  abundant  as  a  broad  low  shrub. 

nez  Faraguariensis.  i.  104.  For  the  synonvmy  of  the  ilifTereut  H|)ecie3  of  Ilex  and  other  plants  from  which 
Mat«'  or  Paraguay  Tea  i.s  olitainetl,  see  N.  E.  IJrown,  AVir  Hull.  Miscellitneous  Iiiformatiim,  May  and  ilunei  1892, 

Hex  decidna.  i.  113.     Extend  range  to  southeastern  Kansas  (Hitchcock,  Flora  of  Kansas,  xii.  a). 
Evonymns  atroptirparena,  ii.  11.     This  tree  occurs  occtsionally  in  wo<kIs  in  the  valley  of  the  Sioux  River 
in  the  extreme  Houtlieasteru  part  of  South  Dakota  and  ranges  up  the  valley  of  the  Missouri  Hivor  into  Charles  Mix 
County  (see  Saunders,  Bull.  No.  04  .S'oi(//i  Dakota  Agric.  College,  169  [Ferns  and  Flowering  Plants  if  South 
Dakota])  ;  exttmd  range  also  to  central  Kansas  (Hitchcock,  Flora  tf  Kansas,  xii.  (/). 


,  Lake  Countyt 

)im  to  the  foot- 



Rhamnua  OarollnluiB,  ii.  36.  Tho  range  of  this  gi)eoiea  from  Lung  iHland,  New  York,  should  be  emended 
to  read  fruui  Vir^icia.  The  northern  station  was  admitted  on  tho  authority  of  the  Catalogues  of  New  York  and  of 
New  Jersey  Plants  (Britton,  Stearns  &  Poggenburg.  Cat.  PL  N.  i'.  11  [1888]  ;  Britton,  Cat.  PI.  N.  J.  76 
[1880])  ;  but  it  now  appears  that  the  Khamnus  of  Lung  Island  and  New  Jersey  referred  to  this  species  is  Rham- 
nus  Frnngnla^  Linnieus,  which  has  escaped  from  cultivation  and  become  naturalized.  (See  Britton,  Bull.  Twrey 
Dot.  Club,  xxi.  184,  233.  —  Britton  &  Brown,  111.  Fl.  ii.  406.) 

Rhwanns  Pnnhiana,  il.  27.  It  was  not  in  Siberia,  but  at  Grossenhain  in  Saxony,  that  Frederick  Fursh 
was  bom  on  February  4, 1774.     (See  C.  A.  Puroch,  Flora,  1827,  ii.  491.) 

XlaoultM  glabra,  ii.  55.  Extuud  range  westward  tu  Pawnee,  Kichardson,  and  Nemaha  oountiei,  southeastern 
Nebraska  (Bessey,  Rtp.  Nebraska  State  Board  Agric.  1899,  80),  and  to  eastern  Texas. 

The  Texas  form  is,  — 

^ISsculus  glabra,  var.  liuckleyi. 
yKKuluK  arguta,  Buckley,  Proc.  Phil.  Acad.  1860,  443  (not  /Esculus  Pavia,  var.  arguta,  Lindley).  — 

Britton  &  Brown,  ///.  Fl.  ii.  401,  f.  2383. 

^sculua  glabra,  var.  arguta,  Itobinson,  Gratj  Syn.  Fl,  N,  Am.  i.  pt.  i.  447  (1897). 

This  variety,  which  ranges  from  Iowa  to  Kansas  and  eastern  Texas,  may  be  distinguished  by  its  six  to  seven- 
foliolate  leaves,  with  narrower  lanceolate  more  acuminate  and  usually  more  sharply  and  generally  doubly  serrate 
leaflets  than  are  usually  found  on  uEsculua  glabra.  It  was  first  distinguished  at  Lai  issa,  Cherokee  County,  Texas, 
by  S.  B.  Buckley. 

H3rpelata  trlfoUata,  ii.  77.  Add  specific  gravity  of  absolutely  dry  wood  0.9102;  and  weight  per  cubic 
foot  56.72  pounds. 

Acar  glabmm,  ii.  95.  Extend  range  northwestward  along  tho  Pacific  coast  to  the  passes  at  the  head  of  the 
Lynn  Canal,  Alaska,  or  nearly  to  latitude  60"  north.  This  plant  is  not  rare  on  t.  coast  of  southeastern  Alaska, 
although  probably  it  is  always  shrubby.  (See  Meehan,  Proc.  Phil.  Acad.  1884,  81,  as  Acer  rubrum  ;  see,  also, 
F.  Kurtz,  Bot.  Jahrb.  xix.  369  [Fl.  Chilcatgebietcs].')  Near  Esquimo,  Vancouver  Island,  on  rocky  sea  cliffs 
this  Maple  grows  to  the  height  of  forty  feet  and  forms  a  trunk  eighteen  inches  in  diameter ;  and  I  have  seen  it 
uf  nearly  the  same  size  on  the  banks  of  streams  among  the  Blue  Mountains  of  Washington  at  an  elevation  of 
about  four  thousand  feet  above  the  sea.  Extend  range  southward  along  the  Sierra  Nevada  to  the  eastern  fork  of 
the  Kaweah  River,  where  in  September,  1896,  I  found  it  as  a  bush  five  or  six  feet  high  at  elevations  of  from  eight 
thousand  to  nine  thousand  feet  above  the  sea-level ;  and  eastward  to  the  elevated  regions  of  Sioux  and  Scott's  Bluff 
counties,  northwestern  Nebraska.     (See  Bessey,  liep.  Nebraska  State  Board  Agric.  1899,  89.) 

Acar  Nagando,  ii.  111.  "  I  am  not  certain  if  this  tree  is  native  in  Pennsylvania.  Around  Easton  it  is 
spread  everywhere  over  fields  from  the  seeds  of  trees  planted  along  the  streets  of  the  city."    (T.  C.  Porter,  in  litf) 

Cotinna  Amarlcanna,  iii.  3.  Extend  range  to  southwestern  Missouri  where  it  is  common  on  the  bluffs  and 
rocky  banks  of  streams  tributary  to  the  White  River,  and  was  first  found  during  the  summer  of  1897  by  Professor 
William  Treleaso  on  Swan  Creek  in  the  neighborhood  of  Taney  City. 

It  is  still  common  on  the  low  limestone  ridges  about  three  miles  east  of  Huntsville,  Alabama. 

Rhtia  Matoplum,  iii.  13.  This  name  was  first  published  by  Linnaeus  in  1759  in  the  tenth  edition  of  the 
Systema  (ii.  964). 

Rhna  typblna,  iii.  15.  The  Staghorn  Sumach  was  described  by  Linnseus  in  the  first  edition  of  the  Species 
Phnitanim  under  the  name  of  D'ltisra  hirtn,  and  it  appears  only  in  one  of  his  later  works  as  Rhus  typhina. 
According  to  the  rules  of  nomenclature  followed  in  this  work  the  first  Linnaean  specific  name  must  be  used  and 
Rhus  hirta,  Sudworth,  is  therefore  adopted  for  the  Staghorn  Sumach.  The  synonymy  of  this  species  as  amended 
is  as  follows :  — 

Rhus  hirta,  Sudworth,  Bull.  Torr.  Bot.  Club,  xix.  81  (1892).  —  Britton  &  Brown,  III.  Fl.  ii.  386,  f.  2348.  — 
Britton,  Man.  600. 

Datisra  hirta.  Linnieua,  Spec.  1037  (1753). 

Rhus  typhiiKi,  Linnauis,  Synt.  ed.  10,  ii.  963  (1759)  ;  Amnn.  iv.  311. 

Toxicodendron  typhinum,  O.  Kuntzc,  Iln\  Gen.  i.  154  (1891). 

Tu  this  s])ecies  were  rflferred  by  Watson  (^huh)-'),  on  what  authority  I  do  not  know,  and  by  some  later  authors, 
Rhus  Canadense,  Miller,  Dirt.  ed.  8.  No.  5  (1708),  Rhus  hypselndendron,  Moench,  Mcth.  73  (1794),  and  Rhus 
vh'idijlorum,  Noux'cau  Diiliamil.  ii.  103  (1808?).  —  Poiret,  Lamarck  Dirt.  vii.  504. 

To  bis  Rhus  typhina,  /3  viridiflora,  Engler,  Dc  Candollc  Money.  Phaner.  iv.  378  (1883),  refers  the  Rhus 
viridl/tora  of  Poiret. 


>!    . 




SUVA  OF  Noiirii  amkkica. 

1  »: 


:  V    rA  • 

Rhna  oopaUiaa.  iii.  10.  Extend  range  to  Kichardson  County,  Roiithoastorn  Nehraika  (Beaiioy,  Rep, 
Nebraska  State  liuani  Agric.  18U9,  00)  ;  and  to  ua«tern  and  loutheaitern  Kanaaa  (Hitohcock,  Flora  o/A'antat, 
xii.  (i). 

Oladrastla,  iii.  M.  It  has  usually  been  suppoied  that  this  genus  was  flrst  publiRhe<l  by  Kaflnesquo  iu  18*25 
in  his  Srogenj/ton,  or  Indication  of  iHHy-eix  New  iSperiee  of  Pliinls  of  Surlh  America  ;  but  it  was  really 
published  by  hita  on  February  21,  18'24,  on  page  60  of  the  first  volume  of  the  Cincinnati  Literary  Gazette 
{Xeophi/ton  No.  1). 

The  buds  of  Cladrastis  are  nake<l  and  are  not  as  describe<l,  ''  covere<l  individually  with  thin  lanceolate  scales," 
and  it  in  tlie  young  leaves  and  not  bud-sciilus  which  are  coate<l  with  lustrous  tomentum. 

Cladrutia  lut**,  iii.  &7.  Extend  range  to  northern  Alabama,  where  it  was  found  in  1802  on  the  bluffs  of 
the  Tenneasee  Hiver  near  Florence  by  Dr.  C.  Mohr  as  a  shrub  from  six  to  eight  feet  high,  and  to  Eagle  Kock, 
Burry  County,  southweatt-rn  Missouri,  where  it  was  collected  in  June,  1807,  by  Mr.  B.  F.  Bush. 

Add  to  the  synonymy  of  this  s|)ecies :  — 

f  Sophora  Kentuctea,  Du  Mont  do  Courset,  Bot.  Cult.  ed.  2,  vi.  56  (1811), 
Clatlrantif  fragrant,  Katinesque,  Cincinnati  Literary  Gazette,  i.  60  (Ft'b.  21,  1824). 

Oledltaia  triacanthos,  iii.  75.  Extend  range  to  Houston  County  in  the  extreme  southeaitem  part  of  Min- 
nesota.    (See  Wheeli'r,  Minnesota  Botanical  Studies,  ser.  2,  pt.  iv.  302.) 

Oledltsla  aqnatlca,  iii.  70.  Extend  range  to  western  Illinois,  where  it  is  comu^-^n  on  the  bottoms  of  the 
Mississippi  Hiver  opposite  St.  Louis,  and  where  it  was  found  near  Cahokia  in  1877  by  Henry  Eggert ;  and  to  La 
Pointe,  St.  Charles  County,  Missouri,  where  it  was  found  in  October,  1882,  by  Mr.  Eggert. 

Cercis  Casadenala.  iii.  05.  Extend  range  to  southern  Ontario,  whore  it  was  found  on  July  27,  1892,  on 
Pele«  Island  in  Lake  Erie  by  Mr.  John  Macoun  :  and  to  eastern  and  southeastern  Nebraska.  (^Teste  Herb. 
University  of  Nebraska.) 

Carcis  Tazanala,  iii.  07.  In  the  first  line  of  the  description  of  this  tree  "  twenty  or  nearly  forty  feet  in  height " 
should  read,  —  rarely  forty  feet  in  height,  —  and  in  the  eighth  line  it  should  read  that  the  petiole*  are  abruptly 
enlarged  and  not  rontractetl  at  both  ends. 

Flthaeolobinm,  iii.  131.  An  older  name  for  this  genus  is  Zygia  of  Patrick  Browne,  Nat.  Ilist.  Jam.  270 
(1756)  ;  and  as  Ichthyomethia  (iii.  51)  of  Browne  has  been  adopte<l  in  this  work  instead  of  the  more  commonly 
use<l  Piscidium  of  Linnaius,  the  same  rule  must  be  applied  in  the  cose  of  Zygia,  and  the  three  North  American 
arborescent  species  become  Zygia  I'ligiiis-cati,  Sudworth,  Zygia  hrevifolia,  Sudworth,  and  Zygia  flexicaulis, 
Sudworth.  (See  Bull.  No.  14  Z>ir.  Forestry  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  248  [Nomenclature  of  the  Arborescent  Flora 
of  the  United  Stnte.i].') 

Pmnna  nigra,  iv.  15.  Extend  range  to  southeastern  Minnesota,  where  it  grows  in  Houston  County  on  the 
bottoms  of  the  north  and  south  forks  of  Crooked  Creek  and  on  Winnebago  Creek,  and  in  East  Burns  Valley, 
Winona  County.     (I^ee  Wheeler,  Minnesota  Botanical  Studien,  ser.  2,  pt.  iv.  302.) 

Pmnna  bortulana,  iv.  23.  Extend  range  to  eastern  and  southeastern  Kansas  (Hitchcock,  The  Industrialist, 
383  [Flora  of  Kansas]). 

Pmnna  anbcordata,  iv.  31.  Extend  range  to  the  dry  plains  north  of  upper  Klamath  Lake  in  southern 
Oregon  east  of  the  Cascade  Mountains,  where  I  found  it  in  Aug^ist,  1806,  as  a  stunted  shrub  only  three  or  four 
feet  in  height. 

Pmnna  emarginata,  iv.  37.  Extend  range  southward  along  the  western  slope  of  the  Sierra  Nevada  to  the 
head  of  Kern  River.  (See  Coville,  Conlrib.  V.  8.  Nat.  Herb.  iv.  00  [Bot.  Death  Valley  Fj-ped.].)  On  the 
middle  fork  of  the  Kaweah  River  I  found  it  in  September,  180<S,  growing  aliundantly  in  dense  thickets  from  four 
to  six  feet  in  height  at  an  elevation  of  almui  eight  thousand  feet  aliovc  the  sea-level ;  extend  range  also  to  the  San 
Rafael  Mountains  in  Santa  Barbara  County,  California,  where  it  was  found  by  Dr.  F.  Franreschi  in  May,  1804, 
and  to  tiie  neighborhood  of  Flagstaff  and  the  San  Francisco  Peak.t  in  northern  Arizona,  where  it  was  collected  in 
Juno  and  July.  IHOl,  by  Mr.  D.  T.  McDougal. 

Pmnna  Carollniana,  iv.  4'.<.  In  the  second  ])aragraph  of  the  description  of  this  tree  Mississippi  should  ))e 
substitutod  for  Missouri. 

Carcocarpna  lediioUna,  iv.  63.  Extend  range  to  Snow  Lake  Valley,  Klamath  (^ounty,  Oregon,  where  it 
was  c'oliectcti  on  June  9,  1896,  by  Mr.  Elmer  I.  Applegate  ;  and  to  the  Blue  Mountains  of  Washington,  where,  on 
July  31,  1896,  I  found  a  single  tree  on  the  Touchet  River  at  an  elevation  of  about  five  thousand  feet  al)ovc  the 


nceolate  acales," 

era  part  of  Min> 

in»t.  Jam.  279 
more  commonly 

le  Industrialist, 

isippi  should  \te 



Pyma  ■■mbnclfoUa,  iv.  81.  In  the  fourth  volume  of  this  work  puliliahed  iu  1892  two  species  of  Pyrus  of 
tho  section  Sorbus  were  admitted,  Pynis  Ameriiana,  Uu  Candolle,  a  widely  distributed  eastern  species,  and  a  tree 
of  the  northeast,  n.ferred  to  Pyrua  samhur{fulia,  Chumisso  &  Schlechteudal,  which  is  a  species  of  northeastern 
Asia  and  which  was  believed  to  be  widely  scattered  also  through  western  North  America  and  to  cross  the  continent 
to  the  shores  of  Labrador.  An  examination  of  tho  type  specimen  of  I'yrus  sambur{f(Aia  preserved  in  the  herba- 
rium of  the  Imperial  Botanic  Garden  at  St.  Petersburg  shows  that  that  spccues  dilTers  from  the  plant  which  was 
figured  in  this  Silva  as  I'yrus  samhucifolia  and  from  the  different  shrubby  species  of  Sorbus  of  western  North 
America.  From  these  the  eastern  tree  may  bo  distinguished  by  its  abruptly  acuminate  leaves  and  larger  fruits 
usually  in  broader  and  more  numerously  fruited  clusters. 

Tho  tree  of  the  northeast,  the  Pyrus  sambuci/olia  of  the  fourth  volume  of  7%e  Silva,  in  its  typical  form  is 
easily  distinguished  from  Pyrus  Americana  by  its  broader  abruptly  acuminate  blue-green  leaflets,  by  its  larger 
flowers  which  usually  open  eight  or  ten  days  later,  and  by  its  much  larger  fruits ;  but  there  are  forms  which  appear 
intermediate  between  the  two  or  are  possibly  hybrids  l>etween  them,  and  the  best  observers  are  still  in  doubt  whether 
this  tree  should  be  considered  a  species  or  a  variety  of  Pyrus  Americana.  For  the  present,  therefore,  it  may  be 
well  to  consider  it  a  variety,  for  which  I  suggest  the  name  of  decora  in  allusion  to  its  handsome  fruit. 

The  synonymy  of  this  tree  would  then  be  :  — 

Pyrua  Americana,  var.  deem:". 

Sorbus  aucuparia,  13  Miohaux,  Fl.  Uor.-Am.  i.  290  (1803). 

Pyrua  aucuparia,  Meyer,  PL  Lab.  81  (in  part)  (not  Linnaeus)  (1830). 

Pyrus  aambucifolia.  Gray,  Ttfiin.  ed.  6,  161  (in  part)  (not  Chamisso  &  Schlechtendal)  (1868).  —  Macoun, 

Cat.   Can.  PI.  146  (in  part).  —  Sargent,  Forest  Trees  N.  Am.  lOM  Census  U.  S.  ix.  74  (in  part)  ;  Silva 

N.  Am.  iv.  81  (in  part),  t.  173,  174.  —  Macmillan,  Metaapermce  of  the  Minnesota  Fa/Zey,  283  (in  part). — 

Rand  &  Redfield,  Fl.  Mt.  Desert  Island,  98. 

Sorbus  aambucifolia,  Britton  &  Brown,  HI.  Fl.  ii.  288  (in  part),  f.  1976  (not  Roemer)  (1897).  —  Brit- 
ton,  Man.  515. 

Pyrua  Americana,  var.  decora  ranges  from  the  coast  of  Labrador  to  the  northern  shores  of  Lake  Superior 
and  to  Minnesota,  and  southward  to  the  elevated  regions  of  northera  New  Hampshire,  Vermont,  and  New  York. 

Lyonothamnna  florlbnndua,  iv.  135.  Extend  range  to  San  Clemente  Islan.',  California,  where  it  was  dis- 
covered in  1896  by  Mrs.  Blanche  Trask.     (See  Erythea,  v.  30.) 

HamameUs  Vlrgliilana,  v.  3.  This  name  was  first  published  by  Linnteus  in  1759  in  the  tenth  edition  of  the 
Systcma  (ii.  90). 

Rhlsopbora  Mangla,  v.  15.  The  Mangrove  grows  in  the  United  States  probably  only  in  Florida,  and  the 
previous  statements  that  it  grows  on  the  delta  of  the  Mississippi  River  and  on  the  coast  of  Texas  are,  I  now  believe, 

Bngonia  procera,  v.  47.  Add  specific  gravity  of  absolutely  dry  wood  0.9453  ;  and  weight  per  cubic  foot 
58.91  pounds. 

Oomna  florlda,  v.  66.    Extend  range  to  southeastern  Kansas  (Hitchcock,  Flora  of  Kanaaa,  xiii.). 

Nyaaa  Ogeche,  v.  79.  Extend  ran|];o  to  the  basin  of  the  lower  Appalachicola  River,  where  it  is  very  abundant 
on  the  borders  of  Cypress  swamps  down  to  within  a  few  miles  of  the  Gulf  coast,  and  where  it  grows  to  the 
height  of  sixty  or  seventy  feet,  and  usually  forms  several  stems  which  are  sometimes  a  foot  and  a  half  in 

The  excellent  quality  of  the  honey  made  from  tho  abundant  nectar  of  tho  flowers  of  this  tree  is  recognized, 
and  bee  farms  have  been  established  on  the  lower  Appalachicola  River  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  swamps  where 
it  grows. 

Njraaa  aquatica,  v.  88.  Add  to  the  bibliography  of  Nyaaa  aquatica  of  Linnieus,  Linnteus,  Syst.  cd.  10, 
ii.  1313  (17.-)9). 

Sambucus  glauca,  v.  91.  Extend  range  eastward  through  northern  Idaho  to  northern  Montana,  where  in 
.Inly,  18%,  I  found  it  growing  as  a  shrub  from  four  to  six  feet  in  height  near  Columbia  Falls,  north  of  Flathoad 

Viburnum  Lentago,  v.  90.  Extend  range  to  South  Dakota,  where  it  is  common  in  the  valley  of  tho 
Minnesota  River  and  in  the  valleys  of  tho  Black  Hills,  and  occurs  near  Sioux  Falls  in  the  Sioux  River  valley  (see 
Saunders,  Hull.  No.  04  South  Dahitu  Aijrir.  Colhye,  190  [Fc/vi.i  ami  Floirvring  Plants  of  South  Didota'])  ; 
t<i  tlie  Big  Horn  Mountains  of  Wyoming,  where  it  was  found  in  August,  1900,  liy  Mr.  .7.  G.  J.ick,  at  i»n  elevation 
of  forty-three  hundred  feet  aliove  the  level  of  the  sea  ;  and  to  eastern  Kansas  (Hitchcock,  Flora  of  Kannan,  xvii.). 

,  1 




▼aoclnlain  «rboranin,  v.  IIU.  Kxtoml  nog*  to  loutheMUirti  KaiiMu,  when  it  haa  b«en  found  by  E.  N. 
i'lank  near  (iaiciin,  Cliorokoe  County. 

Arbutna  Andraciw*.  v.  l'2i.    Thii  name  wai  flnt  puliliihetl  by  Linnaiui  in  1T60  in  the  tenth  edition  of  tha 

S;/iiti>iiit  ( ii.  lO^J ). 

Andromada  farruglnaa,  v.  131.  Kxtoml  raiit;t>  to  Tmnpa,  Florida,  wliom  it  wan  onllv.'tptl  .Mnrvh  20,  IHttH, 
liy  C.  8.  Sur|{eiit ;  to  .\|i|ialtt<-liicola,  whvrv  it  wan  I'ollut'tfd  in  low  Mituly  I'inu  liaiiuim  Mtiri'li  lU,  IHMH,  liy  Dr.  A. 
W.  Ckapnuui ;  unii  to  Mary  Hstliur,  Santa  Koita  County,  Florida,  wburu  it  won  found  liy  Dr.  C  Mohr  in  Uctoliur, 

Ozydandmm  arboranm,  v,  ISC>.  Kxt^iud  rangu  to  Kxmore,  llainpton,  and  Old  I'oint  Comfort  on  tho 
MUt  coiiiit  of  Vir);iiiia,  wliuru  it  \»  aliinidaut.     (Trite  W.  M.  Cunby.) 

ChryaophyUom  oUvlionBa,  v.  l(il.  Wliut  i»  probably  tbu  Florida  tree,  judging  from  i'himicr's  llguro 
(/'/.  Am.  od.  Hiiriiiaiin,  t.  •>'.)).  wax  Hmt  deM'rilxHl  by  Linuu'ui  aa  ChrijiojthyUum  oliv\f'urmf  in  the  tenth  edition 
of  the  Syitrma  (p.  937),  pnldiahe<l  in  17r>n,  and  not  by  Laiuarok. 

Add  to  tbo  lynonymi :  — 

('liiyfop/ti/lliim  Ciiinito  fi,  LinnKua,  Spec.  192  (IT.'iS). 

Bomalla  lannglnoaa,  v.  171.  Extend  range  to  Kui*ti»,  Lake  County,  Florida,  where  it  was  found  in  .Tuly, 
ISOf),  by  Mr.  (i.  U.  NoHh ;  to  tbo  nnigbborliood  of  Appalavliit'ola,  Florida,  wliuro  it  wan  collected  in  .fune,  181)7, 
by  Dr.  .\.  W.  Cliapman  :  and  to  noutlioa-Htcrn  KanHoa  ( llitc'hcook,  Flura  of  h'ungag,  xiii.). 

Fraxinaa  qnadrang^ata,  vi,  3,5.  Extend  range  to  Boutheavteru  Kaniuia  (llitchvook,  Flora  of  Kun»u», 
xiii. ). 

rrazinna  anomaia,  vi.  30.  Extend  range  to  tbo  caflon  of  the  Qunniion  Kivor  at  Grand  Junction,  western 
Colorado,  where  it  hiw  lie<>n  found  by  Miitfi  Alice  Kn<two<Ml  (me  Zoe,  ii.  232),  to  the  banki  of  (irand  Hiver  i.i 
Utah,  where  it  has  also  been  coUectcil  by  Miss  Alice  Eautwocxl  (see  I'nx:  Cut.  Acad.  ser.  2,  vi.  30.'))  ;  to  tho 
southern  rim  of  the  Grand  CaBon  of  the  Colorado  Kivcr,  where  it  was  found  at  Tolfroy,  Arizona,  in  iSeptembor, 
1804,  l>y  Touniey  and  Sargent ;  and  to  the  Mogollon  Mountains,  New  Mexico,  where  it  was  collected  in  April, 
1881,  by  I'rofcssor  K.  L.  (irceno. 

Fraxinaa  Pennaylvanlca,  vi.  40.     Extend  range  to  central  Kansas  (  Hitchcock,  Flora  of  Kaimaii,  xiii.). 

Frazlnua  Pennaylvanlea,  var.  lanceolata.  \i.  f>0.  Extend  range  xouthwurd  in  Florida  to  the  deep  river- 
HwanipA  of  tbu  lower  .Xppuhtchicola  Kivi-r  boiiin,  where  it  is  very  abundant  .-ind  grows  probably  to  its  largest  size, 
often  forming  trunks  three  feet  in  diameter;  and  to  AasinilMiin,  where  it  was  eollecU'd  by  Mr.  <Tohn  Mocoun  on 
the  shores  of  Old  Wives'  Lakes  in  1805  and  south  of  Moose  .law  in  180C.  (See  Canadian  licrord  of  Hcirncv, 
vii.  281.) 

Large  ipiantities  of  lumber  manufactureil  from  thin  tree  in  the  sawmills  of  Appalachicola  are  sent  to  tho 
north,  where  it  is  used  in  the  interior  finish  of  bouses  and  in  cabinet-making. 

Catalpa  Catalpa,  vi.  80.  Catalpa  communis  was  first  published  in  1802  in  the  first  edition  of  Du  Mont 
de  Cour'iet'n  Hot.  Cult.  (ii.  180). 

Creacantla  cncnrbltiaa,  vi.  00.  Keniove  from  the  synonyms  Crescentia  m-ata,  Burmann,  an  East  Indian 
species,  and  add  CrtKentia  ovala,  Sudworth  {Bull.  No.  14  I)ir.  ForcMry  U.  <V.  Dept.  Agric.  836  [Xomeri- 
clatiire  <f  the  Arliormcrnt  Sperii'H  nf  the  f'nitid  Stateit^  [not  I'rbun]  [1887)). 

Saaaafraa  Saaaafraa,  vii.  17.  Extend  range  tu  the  neigbborhoo<l  of  Wells,  York  County,  Maine,  where  it 
wai  found  Septemlier  IG,  I80.*>,  by  Mr.  Walter  Deane  ;  and  to  tho  neighborhoo<l  of  Soruia,  Lambton  County, 
Ontario      {  Sto  Canndian  Record  nf  Science,  vii.  28.'>. ) 

TTlmtia  campeatria.  vii.  40.     Add  Ui  the  synonyms  :  — 
L'Imuii  niteuH,  Mocncb,  Met/i.  3;W  (1704). 
r/miis  furctdofa,  Stokes,  Hot.  Mnt.  Med.'n.  S.")  (1812). 

TTlmna  acabra,   vii.   40.     An  older  name  for  this  tree  is  VlmuB  glabra,  Hudson,  Ft.  Angl.  95   (1702). 

Add  to  the  synonyms  :  — 

I'hmiK  hitifolia,  Mocnch.  Meth.  33:5  (1794). 

Ulmua  Isevia.  vii.  40.     Add  to  the  synonyms  :  — 

I'lmn^  riimno."!,  Ttorkhnustm,  Ilandb.  Fonthot.  i.  851  (1800). 

Ulmua  racemoaa,  vii.  48.  This  name  was  used  by  liorkhausen  in  1800  for  a  European  species  of  Elm 
(Ilandh.  Forstbfjt.  i.  851),  and  therefore  was  not  applicable  to  the  American  tree,  for  which  the  name  Ulmua 
Thomaii  is  pro)>oso<l. 

'omfort  on  th« 

ira  of  Kantat, 

are  sent  to  the 

>ii  of  Du  Mont 

il.  96  (17G2). 



Kitunil  xan^a  to  WimdrnfT'ii  (iap,  Siismz  County,  Nuw  •leney,  where  It  WM  founii  hy  I'orter  &  liritton 
Soptonilicr  17,  IHtlT  ;  anil  to  Marathon,  LitM){la>lu,  iinil  iShuwano  conntiuM,  iiontrnl  Wiiiconain,  wliere  it  in  itill 
minicitintly  itliiiniluiit  to  lie  of  coniinuruial  iiii|>urtiiiico.     (  Te»tr  (i.  I).  Smlworth.) 

In  wenti'rii  MiHHoiiri  Ulmux  Tlimnaiti  in  nut  rare  in  the  valltiy  of  tliu  Miiiouri  iiiver  ni'ar  Courtney, 
whunt  it  won  foutiil  liy  Mr.  I).  F.  Buah  in  April,  1H!I4,  ami  near  Kiinaui  ('ity,  wlivro  it  wim  fountl  the  following 
yt'ar  by  Mr.  William  Mai^lcunziu.  It  i*  not  known  to  mo  to  grow  naturally  in  TunnuHMe,  where  it  in  replaced  by 
L'lioiin  firotinit.     (Suo  xiv.  41.) 

Ulmns  fulT>,  vii.  63.  Extend  rniigo  to  weitern  and  northern  Kanioi  (IlitchuiKilc,  TTir  InduttruiiiBt, 
xxiv.  '.\M  [Fliirii  Iff  /iiinniiit]). 

Otltt*  oooldantalls,  vii.  (IT.  Extend  range  to  the  extreme  weitern  part  of  Kama*  (llitchuock,  7%e 
liuluntrinlint,  xxiv.  323  [Flora  jf  KuniM*]), 

Oaltla  MlaaiwilppUiisl*,  vii.  71.  Extend  range  into  louthwestern  Kanioi  (\\\te\iQoe\i,  The  ImlHutrialiit 
«xiv.  H'J!l  [FInrii  nf'  A'litadii]). 

Moras  rubra,  vii.  71).  Extend  range  to  Pownal  in  southwcatern  Vermont,  where  there  nru  a  few  xmall 
])lantH  which  wore  ftnit  noticed  ab4)ut  1830  by  William  Oakea  (nee  Thompson,  //intory  nf  Vrrinoiit,  Natural, 
Civil,  ami  Slatittiral,  pt.  i.  19*5),  and  redisuoverud  in  August,  1898,  by  Mr.  W.  W.  Eggleston  (»eo  C'lark,  Hull. 
No.  73  Vernwiit  Aijrie.  Erper,  JStat.  6i.  —  Urainerd,  Jonen  &  EggloRton,  /•'/.  Vermont,  31))  ;  and  to  the  valley 
of  the  Sioux  iiivur  in  the  Houthfoiitern  county  of  South  Dakota.  (Sue  Saundun,  Uull.  No.  64  S.  Dakota  Agrie. 
Collrtje,  134  [Fernn  and  Flineeriny  Plants  of  South  Dakota}.) 

Jnglana  oinaraa,  vii.  118.  This  name  was  first  published  by  Linnnua  in  1769  in  the  tenth  edition  of  the 
Syitemu  (ii.  r-7-). 

Jnglana  nigra,  vii.  121.  Extend  range  westward  in  Kansas  to  the  latitude  of  the  ninety-ninth  meridian 
(Hitchcock,  The  liulustrialiit,  xxiv.  823  [^/or<i  of  Kan  tan]). 

Hicoria  minima,  vii.  141.  The  statement  on  page  143  that  "  north  of  the  coast  Pino  belt  of  Alabama  and 
MiiisiaHippi  it  is  the  most  multiplied  species  on  the  poor  dry  gravelly  soil  of  the  uplands"  should  refer  %o  Hicoria 
rillnad.  (See  xiv.  47.)  In  this  region  and  in  central  Georgia //I'con'a  minima  appears  to  be  confined  to  river- 
banks,  and,  although  it  grows  in  this  region  to  its  largest  size,  it  is  not  common.  The  most  southern  points  from 
which  I  have  seen  specimens  are  the  banks  of  the  Appalachicola  Hiver  below  Chattahoochee,  Florida,  whore  it 
was  found  by  Dr.  Charles  Mohr  in  June,  1880,  and  Cullmao,  Alabama,  where  it  was  collected  by  Dr.  }.!ohr  in 
March.  1884. 

Hicoria  laclnioaa,  vii.  157.  Extend  range  to  southeastern  Michigan,  where  it  is  abundant  on  Belle  Isle  in 
the  Detroit  River,  and  where  it  was  found  by  C.  S.  Sargent  in  May,  1899,  and  to  Ontario  adjacent  to  the  Detroit 
River;  to  Richardson  County,  southeastern  Nebraska,  where  it  was  first  found  in  1890  (teste  Herb.  University 
of  Nebraska)  ;  to  the  liottoms  of  Chattanooga  Creek,  Chattanooga,  Tennessee,  where  it  grows  to  a  large  size,  and 
was  found  on  October  (i,  1898,  by  ilohn  Muir,  W.  M.  Canby,  and  C.  S.  Sargent ;  .ind  to  the  neighborhood  of 
Fannington,  Davis  County,  North  Carolina,  where  it  was  found  on  the  flats  of  Dutchman's  Creek  in  1895  by  Mr. 
F.  K.  Iki'nton.  Large  trees  of  this  species,  some  of  them  probably  planted  more  than  a  hundred  years  ogo  are 
growing  nt  Chiirmont,  Brandon,  Shirley,  and  other  estates  on  the  James  River,  Virginia,  where  this  tree  is 
called  (iloucester  Broad-niit. 

Quercua  alba,  viii.  lU.  Extend  range  westward  in  Canada  to  the  shores  of  Rainy  Lake,  Ontario,  where  it 
was  found  in  1891)  by  Mr.  W.  Mcluness.      (See  Ciinadian  Record  of  Science,  vii.  285.) 

Qnercua  macrocarpa,  viii.  43.  Extend  range  to  Winslow  .ind  Watervillc,  Kennebec  County,  Maine,  where 
it  is  abimd.-int  in  dry  wixxis  and  where  it  was  found  in  September,  1898.  by  Mr.  M.  L.  Fcrnald  ;  to  the  southern 
borders  of  lierkshirc  County,  Massachusetts,  where  it  is  rare  and  local  (see  Averill,  Rhodora,  ii.  3C)  ;  and  to 
the  neighborhood  of  Wilmington,  Delaware,  where  a  single  large  tree  growing  in  the  woods  was  first  noticed  in 
1890  by  Mr.  W.  M.  ("anby. 

Quercua  Douglaaii,  viii.  79.  Quercus  (Emtcdiana  (R.  Brown  Campst.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.  ser.  4,  vii. 
2")0  [1871]),  doubtfully  referred  to  Quercus  Garrijana  (viii.  29),  is  shown  to  be  Quercus  Douglasii  by  Mr. 
Brown's  specimens  recently  prcscnte<l  by  his  son  to  the  Royal  Gardens  at  Kew. 

Quercus  chryBolepiB.  viii.  105.  Quercus  oblomjlfolia  (R.  Brown  Campst.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.  ser.  4, 
vii.  252  [notTorrcy  ]  [1871]),  doubtfully  referred  to  Q.  Douglanii  (viii.  79),  is  shown  to  be  Quercus  chn/solepis 
sub-s|>ecic.s  vacciniifolia,  by  Mr.  Brown's  specimens  recently  ]irescnted  by  his  son  to  the  Royal  Gardens  at  Kew. 

Quercus  tomentella,  viii.  109.  Extend  range  to  S:m  Clemente  Island,  California,  where  it  was  discovered 
in  189tJ  by  Mrs.  Bl.-inelic  Trask.     (See  Frythea,  v.  30.) 


:  i\ 








4'     J' 

Quercoa  myrtiloUa,  viii.  128.  On  the  sandy  shores  of  St.  George's  Sound,  near  Carribel,  to  the  eastward 
of  the  mouth  of  the  Appalachicola  Kiver  in  Florida,  Quercua  myrti/ulia  sometimes  assumes  a  treelike  habit,  rising 
to  a  height  of  twenty-live  feet  and  forming  a  straight  trunk  from  four  to  six  inches  in  diameter. 

Qaercns  Texana,  viii.  129.  Extend  range  through  northern  Alabama,  southeastern  Tennessee,  and  northern 
Georgia  to  the  banks  of  the  Congaree  Uivcr  near  Columbia,  South  Carolina,  where  it  grows  to  a  very  large 
size  and  where  it  was  found  in  May,  1897,  by  W.  M.  Canby  and  C.  S.  Sargent,  to  the  Piedmont  plateau  of 
North  Carolina  (Ashe,  Bot.  Gazette,  xxiv.  87G),  and  to  the  Atlantic  coast  plain  in  Onslow  County,  North 
Carolina  (Ashe,  Hot.  Gazette,  xxviii.  271).  It  is  common  but  of  small  size  on  dry  limestone  hills  near  Hunts- 
ville,  Alabama,  on  Orchard  Knob  and  other  limestone  hills  near  Chattanoog.i,  Tennessee,  on  the  dry  banks  of  the 
C'(Ki.>ia  Kiver  at  Rome,  Georgia,  and  near  Atlanta,  Georgia.  Extend  range  also  to  Starkville,  Oktibbeha  County, 
.Mississippi,  where  it  was  found  in  October,  1894,  by  Professor  M.  S.  Tracy ;  to  Post  Oak,  Lowndes  County, 
Mississippi,  where  it  was  collected  by  Dr.  Charles  Mohr  in  October,  1894 ;  and  to  southeastern  Kansas  (Hitch- 
cock, TTie  Indiistrialint,  xxiv.  323  [Flora  of  Aa«,s(j«]). 

Qnercna  velntlna,  viii.  137.  Extend  range  to  southeastern  Nebraska,  where  it  was  collected  near  Nebraska 
City  in  1894  by  Mr.  .1.  H.  Masters.     {Teste  Herb.  University  of  Nebraska.) 

Qnercna  palnatrla,  viii.  151.  Extend  range  to  southwestern  Tennessee,  where  it  is  common  on  bottom- 
lands in  the  neighborhoixl  of  Memphis. 

Qnercna  imbricaria,  viii.  175.  It  was  probably  an  error  to  consider  this  tree  an  inhabitant  of  Wisconsin. 
The  ncigliborhood  of  Muscatine  in  southeastern  Iowa  is  now  believed  to  be  the  most  northern  station,  where  it 
grows  in  the  Mississippi  valley.     {Teste  L.  II.  Pammel.) 

Fagna  Americana,  ix.  27.  The  range  of  this  tree  in  Wisconsin  is  confined  to  the  eastern  counties,  where 
it  is  common,  especially  near  the  shores  of  Lake  Michigan. 

Oatrya  Virginlana,  ix.  34.  Extend  range  southward  in  Florida  to  Lake  City,  Columbia  County,  where  it 
was  collected  in  July,  1895,  by  Mr.  G.  D.  Nash.  During  the  summer  of  1899  Mr.  C.  G.  Pringle  found  this  tree 
in  the  neighborhood  of  Jalapa  in  southern  Mexico. 

Carpinna  Caroliniana.  ix.  42.  During  the  summer  of  1899  Mr.  C.  G.  Pringle  found  in  Mexico  Carpinua 
Carotiniana  on  the  mountains  near  Jalapa  and  Orizaba  at  an  elevation  of  about  four  thousand  feet  above  the  level 
of  the  sea  and  at  an  elevation  of  six  thousand  feet  above  the  sea  near  Cuernavaca,  whei  j  in  the  deep  rich  caflons  of 
the  mountains  which  form  the  southern  rim  of  the  valley  of  Mexico  this  tree,  surpassing  in  size  all  the  known  Horn- 
beams of  the  world,  reaches  a  height  of  one  hundred  feet  and  forms  a  trunk  frcm  three  to  four  feet  in  diameter, 

Betnla  lenta,  ix.  50.  Extend  range  to  central  lor^a,  where  it  was  found  in  1900  at  Steamboat  Rock  near  the 
banks  of  the  Iowa  River  by  L.  H.  Pammel. 

Betnla  papyrifera,  ix.  57.  Extend  range  to  central  Iowa,  where  it  was  found  in  June,  1900,  at  Steamboat 
Rock  near  the  banks  of  the  Iowa  River  by  L.  H.  Pammel. 

Alnua.  ix.  U7.  Betnla  and  Alnus  were  first  united  by  Linnieus  in  the  tenth  edition  of  the  Systema  (ii. 
12(55),  published  in  1759,  and  subsequently  in  the  sixth  edition  of  the  Genera,  jmbliahed  in  1704. 

Alnna  glntlnoaa,  ix.  C9.  Bettila  (jlutinosa  was  first  ))ublished  in  1759  by  Linnteus  in  the  tenth  odition  of 
the  S;/slema  (ii.  r2t)5).  and  subsequently  by  Lamarck  in  1783. 

Alnna  tennifolia,  ix.  75.  Extend  range  northward  in  British  Columbia  to  latitude  fit,  where  it  was  found 
(in  the  shores  of  Francis  Lake  on  July  I*).  1887,  by  Dr.  G.  M.  Dawson  :  and  eastward  along  the  Saskatchewan  to 
the  neichlmrhood  of  Prince  Albert,  whore  it  was  found  in  July,  189<i,  by  Mr.  John  Macoun.     (See,  also,  xiv.  02.) 

Myrica  cerlfera.  ix.  87.  Extend  range  northward  to  Millsborougb,  Sussex  County,  Delaware,  where  it  is 
cnnimon  in  sandy  biirreiis  as  a  low  broad  shrub,  and  where  it  was  found  on  Octolior  12,  1808,  by  John  Muir, 
W.  .M.  Canby,  and  C  S.  Sargent:  and  to  Ca|)e  May,  New  .Jersey,  where  it  was  foiiml  Marrh  30,  1899,  l)y  Mr. 
W.  M.  Canliy.  uiid  where  in  sandy  soil  close  to  the  sea  it  is  a  tree  from  twenty-five  to  thirty  feet  in  height. 

Salix  Wardi,  ix.  107.  This  is  the  common  Willow  of  the  Ozark  mountain  region  of  southwestern  Missouri 
and  northwestorn  and  western  Ark.insas,  where  it  is  very  on  rwky  banks  of  all  streams,  ofti'U  gmwing 
to  the  licight  of  tliirty  feet,  and  forming  a  trunk  from  twelve  to  eightefu  ini'lics  in  diameter. 

Salix  Bebbiana.  ix.  131.  Extend  rang-;  to  the  shores  of  Cook  Inlet,  Alaska.  ( See  C" , ille,  I'mr.U'asL 
inijtim  Acad.  Sci.  ii.  283  ;  iii.  30f>.) 

Salix  MiSBOuriensiB.  ix.  Iil7.  Extend  rani;!'  eastward  to  Iowa,  wliero  tliis  trc-  grows  in  tlie  Mississippi 
Kiver  valley  near  Sioux  City  in  the  extreme  northwestern  part  cif  Lymi  County,  and  in  the  Mississipjii  Kiver 
valley  in  the  neighborho<Hl  of  Daven|)ort  and  Muscatine  (see  Bail.  /'mr.  !mm  Arail.  Sri.  vii.  152)  ;  and  through 
northe.istcrn  Kansas  to  Kilfv  C.Minty,  Kansas  ( Ilitclicock.   Tin  /inliistriii/isl,  xxiv.  323  [  F/nra  <;/'  h'dn.ins]). 


1  near  Nebraska 

mon  on  bottom- 

I  counties,  where 

!lo,  /Vor.  W,isL 



Saliz  Sltchonsls,  ix.  149.  In  Alaska  Salix  Sitchensis  ranges  northward  and  westward  to  the  shores  of 
Cook  Inlet  and  Kadiak  Island,  ascending  to  elevations  of  at  least  fourteen  hundred  feet  above  the  sea-level.  The 
wood  is  sometimes  used  by  the  coast  Indians  of  southern  Alaska  for  frying  salmon,  as  the  smoke  does  not  give  a 
bad  taste  to  the  fish.  The  pounded  bark  is  employed  to  heal  the  flesh  of  cuts  and  wounds.  (See  Coville,  Proc. 
WaMngton  Acad.  Sci.  ii.  278 ;  iii.  307.) 

Populns  tremuloides,  ix.  158.  Change  range  from  southern  Nebraska  to  Fine  K'  '-^'e,  northwestern  Ne- 
braska. {Teste  Professor  C.  E.  Bessey.)  "  In  the  valley  of  the  Yukon  and  its  tributaries  I'opulus  tremuloides  is 
abundant  on  old  river  levels  and  dry  hillsides,  but  rarely  occurs  on  the  rich  bottom-lands.  It  seldom  exceeds 
twelve  inches  in  diameter  or  fifty  or  sixty  feet  in  height.  Pojiulus  bahamifera  is  much  less  common,  although  it 
is  fairly  abundant  on  all  bottom-lands  and  creeks  and  river  banks.  It  is  a  much  larger  tree  than  Populua  tremu- 
loides, sometimes  reaching  sixteen  or  eighteen  inches  in  diameter  and  about  seventy  feet  or  more  in  height  when 
growing  on  rich  alluvial  soil."     (M.  W.  Gorman,  in  litt.) 

Populns  grandldentata,  ix.  161.  Extend  range  to  northeastern  Iowa  and  southward  along  the  Mississippi 
River  to  the  neighborhood  of  Muscatine,  to  Steamboat  Rock  on  the  Iowa  River,  in  Hardin  County,  and  to  the 
Ledges,  Boone  Couiity,  in  the  central  part  of  Iowa.     (^Teste  L.  H.  Pammel.) 

Fopulus  heterophylla,  ix.  163.  Extend  range  in  Connecticut  northward  to  Southington,  where  it  was  found 
during  the  summer  of  1901  by  Mr.  C.  H.  Bissell. 

FopuluB  anguatifoUa,  ix.  171.  Extend  range  to  the  Chiricahua  Mountains  in  the  extreme  southern  part  of 
Arizona,  where  it  was  foimd  in  1897  by  Professor  J.  W.  Tourney. 

Oreodoza  regia,  x.  31.  In  1774  William  Bartram  visited  the  upper  St.  John  River,  Florida,  and  noticed 
Palm-trees  which  seemed  to  him  "  to  be  of  a  different  species  from  the  Cabbage-tree ;  their  strait  trunks  are 
sixty,  eighty,  oi-  ninety  feet  high,  with  a  beautiful  taper  of  a  bright  ash  colour,  until  within  six  or  seven  feet  of  the 
top,  where  it  is  a  fine  green  colour,  crowned  with  an  orb  of  rich  green  plumed  leaves :  I  have  measured  the  stem  of 
these  plumes  fifteen  feet  in  length,  besides  the  plume,  which  is  nearly  of  the  same  length."     (^Travels,  115.) 

Of  the  Palms  of  Florida  this  description  can  apply  only  to  Oreodoxu  regia,  although  I  cannot  learn  that  it 
now  grows  anywhere  near  the  St.  John  River  or  that  it  has  been  seen  there  by  any  later  traveler.  It  is  possible 
that  it  is  these  trees  to  which  Nuttall  alludes  in  the  preface  of  his  Sylva  of  North  America  (p.  viii.). 

Joniperus  Utahensis,  x.  81.     Add  to  the  synonymy :  — 

Juniperus  Knighti,  Nelson,  Bot.  Gazette,  xxv.  198,  f.   1,   2   (1898) ;   BxdL  No.  40  Wyoming  Exp. 

Stat.  88,  f.  18,  19  (Trees  of  Wyoming')  ;  and  extend  range  into  southern  Wyoming,  where  it  is  common  in 

the  Red  Desert  region  from  the  Seminole  Mountains  to  Green  River. 

Janip<«iu  aabinoides,  x.  91.  This  name  as  applied  to  this  tree  was  first  published  by  Nees  von  Esenbeck 
in  Linnira,  xix.  706,  in  1847.  The  great  Cedar  Brake  on  the  San  Bernard  River  in  Brazoria  County,  Texas,  is 
composed  of  this  species,  which  sometimes  attains  a  height  of  a  hundred  feet  here.  (  Teste  B.  F.  Bush,  who  visited 
it  in  1900.) 

CnprOBBOB  Macnabiana,  x.  109.  Extend  range  from  central  Napa  County,  California,  where  it  has  been 
found  by  Mr.  Carl  Purdy  on  Mt.  .lEtna,  northward  through  Lake  County,  where  it  is  now  known  to  abound  on 
the  tributaries  of  the  Lake,  and  on  the  slopes  of  Mt.  Raynor,  and  to  Red  Mountain  on  the  eastern  side  of  Ukiah 
valley  in  Mendocino  County,  where  it  has  been  found  by  Mr.  Purdy.  In  July,  1901,  Miss  Alice  Eastwood  found 
Ciipressus  Macnabiana  on  the  road  between  Shasta  and  Whiskeytown,  Trinity  County,  California,  probably 
near  tho  place  where  it  was  originally  discovered  by  Jeffrey.    (See  Bull.  Sierra  Club,  iv.  41.) 

Cupresaua  Nootkatenaia,  x.  115.  Extend  range  eastward  to  Stevens'  Pass  in  northeastern  Washington, 
where  it  was  found  by  J.  H.  Sandberg  and  J.  P.  Leiberg  at  elevations  of  from  four  thousand  to  six  thousand  feet 
al)uve  the  sea  in  August,  1893  :  and  northwestward  to  Khantaak  Island  in  Yakutat  Bay,  where  a  single  tree  was 
seen  by  P'redcrick  Funston  in  1892.     (See  Conlrib.  U.  S.  Nat.  Herb.  iii.  328.) 

Thuya  occidentalls,  x.  126.  Extend  range  to  northeastern  Tennessee,  where  it  was  found  on  the  Holston 
River  at  Fislulani,  Sullivan  County,  on  June  10,  1897,  by  Mr.  G.  B.  Sudworth. 

Thuya  gigantea,  x.  1 29.  Yas  Bay  is  the  extreme  northwestern  station  from  which  I  have  seen  specimens  of 
this  tree.  ."'DUtiit'svst  of  Yas  Bay  it  is  not  rare  on  the  Alaska  coast,  growing  from  the  sea-level  up  to  elevations  of 
fifteen  hundred  feet  ami  surjiassed  only  by  the  Tidoland  Spiuee  in  size. 

Masters  has  showni  that  the  oldest  name  for  this  tri'c  is  TTiuya  plicata,  which  should  be  adopted  for  it.  (See 
Garth  Chron.  spr.  3,  xxi.  101,  213.  2.'>8.)  Thuya  plicata  first  used  l)y  J.iines  Donn  in  tho  fourth  oilition  of 
tliu  JfiirlHS  Cantabrii/icnsiK,  published  in  1807,  but  as  the  name  was  unaccompanied  by  acy  description  it  becomes 

l  Vi 




a  nomen  nudum,  and  the  author  of  the  species  is  David  Don,  who  described  this  tree  in  the  second  volume  of  Lam- 
bert's Genua  Pinua,  published  in  1824,  his  description  being  based  on  a  specimen  collected  by  Nee  (see  viii.  25) 
and  preserved  in  the  British  Museum.  Nce's  specimen  is  ascribed  to  New  Spain,  but,  as  Dr.  Masters  points  out, 
this  is  clearly  an  error  in  the  in8crij>tion  on  the  label  as  there  is  no  Thuya  in  Mexico,  and  Nee  in  his  voyage  with 
Malaspina  also  visited  different  parts  of  the  northwest  coast.  Malaspir.a's  voyage  extended  from  1789  to  1794, 
when  he  arrived  on  his  return  in  Cadiz,  so  that  it  is  N^  who  discovered  this  tree  and  not  Mcuzies,  who  was  not  at 
Nootka  Sound  until  1796.  The  Thuya  plicata  of  northwestern  America  discovered  by  Nee  and  subsequently  by 
Meuzies  must  not  be  confounded  with  the  Thuya  plicata  of  gardens,  which  ':<>  a  form  of  Thuya  occidentalis  of 
eastern  America. 

Ziibocedma  decnrrena,  x.  135.  Extend  range  eastward  in  southern  Oregon  to  the  eastern  slope  of  the 
Cascade  Mountains,  where  it  is  common  above  the  .shores  of  Upper  Klamath  Lake  at  elevations  of  about  twenty- 
two  hundred  feet  and  where  it  does  not  grow  to  a  large  size.  On  the  Warner  Range  still  farther  east  it  grows  in 
the  Yellow  Pine  belt,  but  it  is  not  common  and  rarely  forms  a  trunk  exceeding  two  feet  in  diameter  (C.  Hart 
Merriam,  in  lift.).  Extend  range  in  California  to  the  Santa  Lucia  Mountains,  to  Mt.  San  Carlos  near  New  Idria 
in  San  Benito  County,  and  to  the  San  Rafael  Mountains  in  Santa  Barbara  County,  where  it  was  found  in  May, 
1894,  at  elevations  of  Ave  thousand  feet  above  the  sea  by  Dr.  F.  Franceschi. 

Sequoia,  x.  139.  Emend  description  of  the  fruit  to  road  "  maturing  during  its  first  or  second  season."  The 
fruit  of  Sequoia  sempervireis  appears  always  to  ripen  during  one  season,  but  in  the  case  of  Sequoia  Wellinfftonia, 
which  flowers  early  in  the  year,  the  young  cone  grows  during  the  first  season  to  about  half  its  full  size  and,  beginning 
to  grow  again  late  in  the  winter  or  in  very  early  sj)ring,  attains  its  full  size  in  May,  when  the  seeds  are  ready  to 
germinate,  although  the  cones  do  not  open  naturally  until  August  or  September  after  the  hot  dry  season.  (See 
Sargent,  Garden  arid  Foreft,  x.  514,  f.  (56.) 

Pinna  qnadrifolia,  xi.  43.  Extend  range  in  California  to  the  desert  slopes  ''f  the  Santa  Rosa  Mountains, 
Rivertide  County,  where  it  is  abundant  at  an  elevation  of  five  thousand  feet  above  the  level  of  the  sea  and  where 
it  has  been  found  by  Mr.  H.  M.  Hall.     (See  Erythea,  vii.  89.) 

Finns  clansa,  xi.  127.  Extend  range  southward  along  the  east  coast  of  Florida  to  five  or  six  miles  south  of 
New  River  or  Fort  Lauderdale. 

Pinna  glabra,  xi.  131.  E^xtend  range  to  central  Mississippi,  where  it  is  common  on  the  low  wooded  borders 
of  streams  and  swamps,  and  to  the  swamps  adjacent  to  Bayou  Phalia,  eastern  Louisiana. 

Pinna  divaricata,  xi.  147.  Extend  range  to  the  eastern  sloiio  of  (ireen  Mountain,  Mount  Desert  Island, 
Maino,  where  it  was  found  by  Mr.  E.  L.  Rand  in  July,  1898.    (See  lihodora,  i.  135.) 

Iiaiiz  Americana,  xii.  7.  Extend  range  southward  to  Preston  County,  West  Virginia,  where  in  May,  1897, 
it  was  found  by  Profe'sor  A.  D.  Hopkins  near  Craneaville  at  an  elevation  of  about  twenty-three  hundred  and  sixty 
feet  above  the  level  of  the  sea  growing  in  a  sphagnum-covered  swamp.  (See  XQth  Ann.  Hep.  West  Virginia  Agric. 
Erp.  Stot.  50.) 

Larix  Lyallli,  xii.  15.  Extend  range  southward  in  the  Unite<l  States  along  the  cpntiiienial  divide,  where  it 
has  been  found  to  extend  in  many  scattered  colonies,  to  the  neighlmrlinod  of  Camp  Creek  Pass  at  the  head  of  the 
middle  fork  of  Sun  River.  Here  it  forms  a  pure  forest  of  oonsidcrable  extent  at  an  elevation  of  from  seven 
thousand  to  eight  thousand  feet  above  the  sea-level,  and  was  found  by  Mr.  H.  B.  Ayres  in  August,  1899;  and  to 
Pend  <l'Dri.'ille  Pass  between  the  waters  of  the  Clearwater  River  and  those  of  the  west  fork  of  the  south  fork  of  the 
Flathead  RiviT,  wliere  it  was  found  at  an  elevation  of  seven  tbousaml  feet  by  Mr.  Ayres  in  SepU;inl)Cr,  1899. 

Picea  Mariana,  xii.  28.  p^xtend  range  .m  far  north  as  least  at  the  valley  of  the  Klondike  in  the  Yukon 
Territory,  where  it  is  very  ccimnion  from  the  Yukon  valley  as  far  west  as  the  west  bank  of  White  River  at  a  point 
two  hundred  and  twelve  miles  above  the  mouth  of  that  stream,  and  where  it  was  first  noticed  in  1899  by  Mr.  Mar- 
tin W.  Gorman.  "  West  of  the  Yukon  it  wears  in  all  wet  marshy  localities  and  is  to  l)e  found  growing  over  buried 
glaciers  wherever  they  cx-cur  in  that  region,  but  I  did  not  observe  it  anywhere  on  the  rich  bottom-lands  along  tho 
immediate  banks  of  the  Yukon.  It  is  a  nuK'h  smaller  trt>e  than  the  White  Spruce,  sehlom  reaching  eighty  feet  in 
height  or  producing  a  tnmk  exceeding  twelve  inches  in  diameter.  Owing  to  the  scarcity  of  timlier  it  is  sometimes 
cut  and  makes  bett<.-r  lumber  and  fuel  than  the  White  Spruce,  as  it  is  darker,  harder,  and  closer-grained."  (Gorman, 
in  litt.) 

Picea  Canadonsia.  xii.  37.  Extend  range  southward  in  Wisconsin  through  the  northern  part  of  the  state. 
(  r- .«/.  L.  S.  Clieney. ) 

Tanga  Canadenaia,  xii.  63.     In  Wisconsin  tho  southern  station  of  tho  Hemlock  is  in  Iowa  County  in  the 




miles  south  of 

ooded  borders 

Desert  Island, 

southwestern  part  of  the  state,  where  there  is  a  grove  of  this  tree  on  a  bluff  on  the  east  bank  of  the  Pecatonica 
Rivor  about  six  miles  north  of  Blanchardville,  Lafayette  County,  and  two  miles  east  of  Hollondale,  Iowa  County. 
(L.  S.  Cheney  in  litt.) 

Tanga  Mertenslana,  zii.  77.  Extend  range  northwestward  along  the  Alaska  coast  to  the  shores  of  Prince 
William  Sound,  where,  during  the  summer  of  1899,  at  the  head  of  an  icy  ford,  John  Muir  found  trees  of  this 
species  from  eighty  to  one  hundivid  feet  in  height  with  trunks  from  two  to  three  feet  in  diameter  forming  a  pure 
forest ;  and  eastward  in  Montana  to  the  pasb  between  the  head  of  Sun  River  and  the  head  of  the  Clearwater,  and 
about  fifteen  miles  east  of  McDonald's  Peak,  where  at  an  elevation  of  five  thousand  feet  above  the  sea-level  a  small 
grove  of  stunted  trees  was  seen  during  the  summer  of  1899  by  Mr.  H.  B.  Ayres. 

Fseudotsnga  Japonica,  xii.  84.  This  name  was  first  used  by  Beissner  (_Mitt.  Deutsche  Dendr.  Gesell.  Nr. 
6,  62  [189C]). 

Abies  balaamea,  xii.  107.  In  Wisconsin  this  tree  occurs  only  in  the  northern  and  central  parts  of  the  state, 
where  it  is  common,  and  is  entirely  unknown  in  the  southern  ccimties,  the  station  in  northeastern  Iowa  being  an 
isolated  one. 



of  the  state. 

p  i 

i   I 

2*    = 

:  11 





Names  of  Orders  are  in  small  capitals  ;  of  admitted  Genera  and  Species  aud  other  proper  namesi  in  romau  type  ; 

of  BynoDyms,  iu  italics. 

\  ^ 

Alwle,  ix.  154. 

Abies,  xii.  05. 

At>ie8,x\l  1,19,59,83. 

Ahiex  AjtmetviiSf  xii.  21. 

Ahieg  AJaiensist  var.  microspermat  xii.  21. 

.!^;>ifi//|,  xii.  33,  37,99. 

Ahiet  alba  ccerulta,  xii.  40. 

Ahiea  Albfrtiaua,  xii.  73. 

Ahies  Alcorkiana,  xii.  21. 

Abies  A Icwiuinna, xii.  21. 

Abies  amabilis,  xii.  125. 

Ahieg  amabilis,  xii.  117,  137. 

Abies  Americana,  xii.  33,  37,  03,  107. 

Abies  Americana  cverulea,  xii.  40. 

Abies  Apollinis,  xii.  99. 

Abies  AfmllinLi,  $  Panach     .  ,  xii.  99. 

Abies  Apotlitm,  y  Hegina  Amaliat  xii.  99. 

Abies  Araragi,  xii. GO. 

Ahiea  arctica,  xii.  39. 

Abies  argenlea,  xii.  100. 

Abies  Arizonica,  xii,  113. 

f  Abies  aromatica,  xii.  117. 

Abies  Baboronsis,  xii.  00,  100. 

Abies  balfliiinea,  xii.  107  ;  xiv.  lO'l. 

Abies  balsamea,  xii.  113,  121. 

Abies  bahameOf  $  Fraseri,  xii.  105. 

Abies  balsamea  HiuUonia,  xii.  109. 

Abies  bahami/era,  xii.  107. 

Abies  bicolor^  xii.  21. 

Abies  bijida,  xii.  101. 

Abies  bifoHa^  xii.  113. 

Ahies  brachypkyUa^  xii.  102. 

Ahies  bracteata,  xii.  129. 

Abies  Bridgesii,  xii.  73, 

Abies  Hrxiuoniana,  xii.  01. 

Abies  Canadensis,  xii.  37,  63. 

Abies  Canadensis  f  xii.  73. 

Abies  CaroUniana,  xiu  G9. 

Abies  Cepbalonica,  xii.  96,  99. 

Abies  Cepkalonica,  a  Paniasstca,  xii.  99, 

Ahies  Cephnlonica,  $  Arcadica,  xii,  99. 

Abifs  Cephalti'iira  nthwfta,  xii.  !K). 

Allies  CVpbuloiiica,  var.  Apollinis,  xii.  99. 
Abies  Cepkatonica,  var.  Hegiiae  Amaliae, 

Abies  Cilicifii,  xii.  96,  98. 

Abies  I'ltrub'ii,  xii.  JO. 

Ahies  commutaliit  xii.  43. 

Abies  (Muieulor,  xii.  121. 

Ahies  i'imif>lnr,  xii.  117. 

Abies  vonrohr,  var.  Umorarpa,  xii.  121. 

Abifs  roncolor,  var.  L(wiana,  xii.  I'Jl, 

Ahies  rurvi/nlifi,  xii.  37. 

/l/n>'.'*  denticidala,  xii,  28. 

Allies  diversi/oiia,  xii.  (W. 

Ahif.i  Ihuglasii,  xii.  87. 

Ahus  Ihmglnsii,  var.  nuurocnrpn,  xii.  93. 

Afiifs  Jhuglnsii,  var.  tari/olia,  xii.  87. 

Abiei  ilumitsii,  xii.  01. 

,\liies,  (M-miumie  proportics  of,  xii.  90. 

Af:':i  Eichleri,  xii.  101, 

Abies  ilutjelmannif  xii.  43. 

Abies  Engetmanni  glaucOi  xii.  47. 

Abies  excelsa,  xii.  23,  25,  99. 

Abies  excelsa  denudata,  xii.  ?4. 

Abies  excelsa,  var.  medioxirra,  xii.  24, 

Abies  excelsa,  var.  vtrgata,  xii.  24. 

Abies  falcata,  xii.  56. 

Ahies  Jirma,  xii.  101,  102. 

Abies Jirma,  var.  bifida,  xii.  101. 

Abies  Krascri,  xii.  105. 

Ahies  Fraseri,  xii.  107. 

Abies  Fraseri  (B)  nana,  xii.  109. 

Abies  Fraseri,  var.  Iludsoni,  xii.  109. 

Abies,  tungal  diseases  of,  xii.  101. 

Abies  Olehni,  xii.  "1. 

Ahies  Gmelini,  xii,  4. 

Abies  Gordoniana,  xii.  117. 

Abies  grandis,  xii.  117. 

Abies  grandis,  xii.  113,  121,  126. 

Abies  grandis,  a  Oregona,  xii.  117. 

Abies  grandis,  var.  concolor,  xii.  121. 

/16/(?,?  grandis,  var.  densijhra,  xii,  125. 

X6i>.t  grandii,  var.  Loiciana,  xii.  121, 

.46i«  heterophiflla,  xii.  73. 

/Ifiiei  hirtelU  ,  xii.  97. 

/16ic^  Hi^pmicQ,  xii.  100. 

Abies  boir  olepis,  xii.  06,  102. 

^!6jm  //o(  ieriana,  xii.  77. 

Abies,  h;  orid,  xii.  97. 

Abies,  i  sect  enemies  of,  xii.  101. 

Abies  i  signis,  xii.  97. 

Abies  J  xponica,  xii.  102, 

Abies  <  ezoensLt,  xii.  21. 

Abies    Ctetnp/eri,  xii.  2. 

Ahies  Khutrow,  xii.  22. 

Ahies  Larix,  xii.  3. 

Abie    lasiocarpa,  xii.  113. 

Ahie-  lasiocarpa,  xii.  125, 

Abiei  lasiocarpa,  var. /I nzonica,  xii.  113. 

Abies  laxa,  xii.  37. 

Abies  leptoiepis,  xii.  2. 

/16tf.«  Lowiana,  xii.  121. 

/IftiV.-i  rnnirocarpa,  xii.  93. 

Abies  niagniHca,  xii.  137. 
,    Abies  magnitica,  var.  Shastensis,  xii.  138. 

Abies  magnifica,  var,  xanthocarpa,  xii.  138. 

Abies  Mariana,  xii.  28. 

Abies  medioxinia,  xii.  21. 

Ahies  Menziesii,  xii.  21,  47,  55. 

44/;iW  Metiziesii  Parryatta,  xii.  47. 

/!^)(f,<  Merfensia,  xii.  77. 

/!/)(>.<  Mertensidna,  xii.  73,  77. 

.^ItiV.v  mirrorarpa,  xii.  7. 

.4/)iV.s'  mirrophyllii,  xii.  73. 

^I&i«  microsperma,  xii.  21. 

.l/jiV.i  minor,  xii.  99. 

Abies  Monii,  xii.  90, 101. 

.1 /*/>.■(  Aforindii,  xii.  22. 

X/»ic.v  ni'icroKffNi,  xii.  87. 

•■WmV.v  mucr'tnatn,  var.  polustris,  xii.  87. 

.l/ii*'.'*  uephrolepsi.t,  xii.  101. 

.l/wV.-j  nigra,  xii.  28,  ;t;i,  43. 

/l/*iej»  /iii/rif,  /3  rubra,  xii.  33. 

Abies  nobUis,  xii.  133. 

Abies  nobilis,  xii.  137. 

t  Abies  nobilis  rohusta,  xii.  138. 

/lAiM  nobilisf  var.  glauca,  xii.  138. 

i46te4  nobilis,  var.  magnijica,  xii.  137. 

Abies  Nordrnanninna,  xii.  96,  98, 

Abiet)      T'^    annian:\  speciosa,  xii.  97. 

Abies  ^>u.,i.Uica,  xii   100. 

Abies  oltoiata,  xii,  24. 

Abies  Omorikat  xii.  22. 

.^&(e.y  orientalis,  xii.  22,  23. 

i4ftiM  Pattoniana,  xii.  77. 

.46iM  Pattonii,  xii.  73,  77,  80. 

/16i£s  pectinatOf  xii.  23,  63,  99. 

Abies pectinata,  $  Apollinis^  xii.  99, 

Abies  pcndulat  xii.  7. 

Abies  Ficea,  xii.  90,  99. 

Abies  Picea,  xii.  23. 

Abies  Picea  (B)  Appollinis,  xii.  99. 

Abies  Picea,  economic  properties  of,  xii.  100. 

Abies  Pichta,  xii.  98. 

Ahies  Pindrow,  xii.  98, 

Abies  Pinsapo,  xii.  96,  100, 

Abies  Pinsapo,  var.  Baborensis,  xii.  100. 

Abies  polita,  xii.  21. 

Abies procera  viminalis,  xii.  24. 

Abies  Reginoi  Amalite,  xii.  99. 

Abies  rcligiosa,  xii.  97. 

Ahies  religiosa,  x.  141. 

Abies  religiosa  glaucescens,  xii.  91. 

Abies  rubra,  xii.  33,  37. 

Abies  rubra  c(vrulea,  xii.  40. 

Abies  Sachalineusis,  xii.  97. 

Abies  Schrenckiana,  xii.  25. 

Abies  selinnsia,  xii.  98. 

Abies  Shastensis,  xii.  138, 

Abies  Sibirica,  xii.  90,  97. 

Ahies  Sibirica,  var.  alba,  xii.  98. 

Abies  Sibirica,  var.  nephrolepis,  xii.  101. 

Ahies  Sitchensis,  xii.  21,  55. 

Abies  Smithiana,  xii.  21,  22.  (/ 

Abies  species,  xii.  01. 

Abies spectabil is,  xii.  98. 

Abies  spinulosa,  xii.  22. 

/IftiW  snhalpina,  xii.  113. 

/l^ifVi  subalpina,  v&t.  fallax,  xii.  113. 

/U/c'^  taxifolia,  xii.  03,  87,  99. 

.•IftiV.i  taxifolia,  var.  patula,  xii.  03. 

t  Ahies  Thnnbergii.  xii.  21. 

^16(V.s  Torano,  xii.  21. 

i-lfeiftv  Irigona,  xii.  55. 

/ItiW  Tsuga,  xii.  60. 

/IfciV.s  Tsugii  nana,  xii.  00. 

.■16jV.')  nmhellata,  xii.  101. 

Abies  Veitehi,  xii.  iM».  101. 

J/;iV.f  I'eitchi,  var.  Sachalinensis,  xii.  97. 

Abies  veimsta,  xii.  129. 

^/xV.'*  rulgaris,  xii.  99. 

Abies  Webbiaim,  xii.  IK),  OS. 

.'IftiVs  Wfhhiano,  Q  Pindroir,  xii.  98. 

Abies  WilUain'<omi,  xii.  77. 

Abietenc,  xi.  1H>. 

■'  I' 



'1  = 

i      I 





Acacia,  iii.  39, 115. 

Acacia  laculenta,  iii.  113. 

Acacia  aibitia,  jux.  19. 

AcAoia  Arabioa,  iii.  116. 

Acacia  Bahamensis,  iii.  120. 

Acacia  btcepi^  iii.  111. 

Acacia  Catechu,  iii.  116. 

Acacia  Cumanetuiix,  iii.  101. 

Acacia  dipteral  iii.  101. 

Acacia  edul\$t  iii.  119. 

Acaoia  Karnesiaua,  iii.  119. 

Acacia  Famesiana^  var.  ptdunculatOt  iii.  119. 

Acaoia  Farnetiana,  var.  Hempervinos,  iii.  1^1. 

Acacia  Jfericauii.1,  iii.  137. 

Acacia  jifxuo$at  iii.  101. 

^f*a»iVi_/(»rmojw,  iii.  127. 

Acacia  frcmtiMa,  iii.  111. 

Araria/urcata,  iii.  101. 

Acacia  glaruiuli»a,  iii.  109. 

Acacia  glauca,  ui.  111. 

Acaoia,  Green-barked,  iii.  SA^  85. 

Acacia  Greggii,  iii.  125. 

Acacia  borriila,  iii.  116. 

Acacia  J  uUfiora,  iii.  101. 

Aracia  /rrriya/a,  iii.  101. 

Acacia  latisUiijua,  iii.  129. 

Acacia  letitictlhla,  iii.  119. 

Acacia  f  Upinphj/Uat  iii.  119. 

Acacia  Uucacaniha,  xiii.  19. 

Acacia  Ifucocephala,  iii.  111. 

Acacia  Melanozylon,  iii.  116. 

Acaoia  nostras,  iv.  10. 

Acacia  pallida^  iii.  101. 

Acacia,  Parasol,  iii.  41. 

Acacia  pcdunciilata,  iii.  119. 

Acacia  poiyphylla,  iii.  127. 

Acacia  puiverulertta^  iii.  113. 

Acacia  pycnantba,  iii.  116, 

Acacia  *  »alinarum,  iii.  101. 

Acacia  Senegal,  iii.  116. 

Acacia  Scyal,  iii.  110. 

Acacia  Sili»pja>trum,  iii.  101. 

Acacia  stenocarpa,  iii.  116. 

Aoacia  Suma,  iii.  116. 

Acacia.  Three-thorned.  iii.  75. 

AcaL'ia  tortuofta,  xiii.  19. 

Actcia  Wrightii,  iii.  123. 

Acanthtxieres  quadrigibbiu,  rii.  133. 

Acer,  ii.  79. 

Acer  albo't^riegatumt  ii.  105. 

Acrr  alburn^  ii.  1U"». 

Acer  argenteo-x^aTiegatum^  ii.  113. 

Acer  aureO'Variegatum,  ii.  113. 

Acer  liarbatiim,  li.  97. 

Acrr  harbatum,  xiii.  7. 

Acer  lArbatum,  var.  Klnridanam,  ii.  100. 

Acer  fHirbatuntj  var.  I'loridanum,  xiii.  7. 

Acer  barbatuni,  var.  grandideiitatum.  ii.  100. 

Acfr  harfxttum,  var.  granditientatum,  xiii.  8. 

Acer  barbatum,  var.  tiitrrutu,  ii.  90. 

Acer  fiarbatum,  var.  ui'jrxim,  xiii.  8,  9. 

Acer  Cali/amirum,  ii.  112,  113. 

Acer  Cauipbelhi,  ii.  HO 

A-'fr  (^aruidetuw,  ii.  K5. 

Acer  Caroiinianum,  ii.  107 

Acer  circinatum,  ii.  9'1. 

Acrr  coccineum,  ii.  lO."!,  Ui7. 

Acer  craUcgi folium,  ii.  BO. 

Acer  crispum,  ii.  llli. 

Acrr  dasyrarpum,  ii.  103. 

Acer  dasyrnrf.nm  monoipfrmum^  ii.  106. 

Acer  dt.ilH)liciini,  ii.  HO. 

Acer  dixsecturt  Wagiieri,  ii.  105. 

Acer  Douglasii,  ii.  95. 


Actr  Drummondiit  ii.  109. 

Aftr  eriticarpumt  ii.  lOil. 

Acer  Floridanum^  ii.  100,  105. 

Acer  Floridanumy  var.  actiminatumt  xiii.  7. 

Acer  Ftoridum^  ii.  105. 

Acer  glabruin,  ii.  95  ;  xiv.  99. 

Acer  glah'um,  var.  /ri/wr(i>um,  ii.  9C 

Acer  glaucuni,  ii.  107. 

Acer  grandidetUatumt  ii.  100. 

Acer  heterophyltum,  ii.  105. 

Acer  hybridum^  ii.  105. 

Acer  Japonieuin,  li.  80. 

Acer  laciniatum  W'ierii,  ii.  105. 

Acer  leucmiervity  xiii.  7. 

Acer  longifolium,  ii.  105. 

^ffr  lutescetia,  ii.  105. 

Acer  macriKarpum^  ii.  105. 

Acer  inacropliylluin,  ii.  89. 

Acer  mocrophyllum,  ii,  104. 

Acer  MeTiainum,  ii.  100. 

Acer  microphyllum,  ii.  107  ;  xiii.  11. 

Acer  mimtanum,  ii.  83. 

Acer  Negundo,  ii.  Ill  ;  xiv.  99. 

Acer  Negnndo,  var.  Califomioum,  ii.  112, 

Acer  \eguTido,  var.  Texanum,  ii.  111. 

Acer  Negundo,  var.  vulgare,  ii.  113. 

Acer  Negundo,  var.  vu)gnrc,a.  b-color,  ii.  11.1. 

Acer  Negundo,  var.   vulgare,  b.  anguitisiti- 

nium,  ii.  113. 
Acer  uigruni,  xiii.  9. 
i4rer  nigrumt  ii.  99. 
f  Acer  nigrum,  xiii.  8. 
Acer  iiiveum,  ii.  80. 
Acer  palinatum,  ii.  80. 
Acer  pulmatum,  ii.  89,  104. 
Acer  palmi/ttlium,  var.  concolor,  xiii.  9. 
Acer  palmifulium,  var.  nigrum,  xiii.  8. 
Acer  fHircijiortim,  ii.  83. 
Acer  I'aria,  ii.  104. 
Acer  petiduium,  ii.  105. 
Acer  PennH}-lvanicuin,  ii.  85. 
Acer  Fennsylvanintm,  ii.  83. 
Acer  pictuu),  ii.  80. 
Acer  platamiides,  ii.  80. 
Acer  pulviuorpbum,  ii.  80. 
Acer  I'seudo-IMatanus,  ii,  80. 
Acer  ptUvrndentum,  ii.  105. 
Acer  rubruni,  ii.  107. 
Acer  rxJ>ntm,  ii.  UX\  ;  xiii.  11, 
Acrr  ruhrum,  3,  xiii.  11, 
Acer  nibnini,  dilitribution  of,  xiii.  11. 
Acer  rutmm  n«i.f,  ii.  1(W. 
Acer  mbrum,  Hubspce.  micrnphyllumt  xiii.  11. 
Acer   ruhrum,  »uh»[)ec.   urminrbiculatumf  xiii. 

Acer  niftrum,  var.  clansum,  ii.  107. 
Acer  rubrum,  rar.  Druinmoiidii,  ii.  109. 
Acer  rubrum,  var.  euruhrum,  ii.  107. 
Acer  rubrum,  var.  microfthyllum,  ii.  107. 
,-lcer  nigrum,  var.  pallid tjiorum,  ii.  107. 
Acer  rubrum,  \at.  pallidum,  ii.  103. 
.{rer  rubrum,  var.  nanguiueum,  li.  107. 
Acerrubntm,  var.  semurrbindatum,  ii.  107. 
Acer  rubrum,  var.  titmrntusum,  ii.  107. 
Acer  rubrum,  vnr.  tridena,  xiii.  11. 
Acer  rutinerve,  ii.  H5. 
Acer  Hufjflii,  ii.  99  ;  xiii.  8. 
Acer  fiaccharinum,  ii.  103. 
Acer  Mcrhiirinum,  ii.  97  ;  xiii.  8. 
Acer  mccharinum,  Hubspec.  Hugelii,  xiii.  8. 
Acer  taccharinum,  lubtpeo.  taccharinum,  var. 

glaurum,  xiii.  K. 
Acer  aaccbnrinuni,  var  al bo-mac ulatuni,  ii. 


Aeer  sacobarinam,  rar.  onneatum,  ii.  106. 
Ao«r  laocharinum,  var.  ditiectum,  ii.  105. 
Acer  saccharinum,  var.  Flmidanum,  ii.  100. 
Acer  aaecharinumf  var.  glaucum,  ii.  90 ;  xiii. 

Acer  saccharinum,  rar.  laciniatum,  ii.  105. 
Acer  »accharinumi  var.  nigrum,  ii.  90 ;  xiii.  8, 

Acer  •accharinuu),  var.  normale,  ii.  104. 
Acer  saccharinum,  var.  jtsewio-platanoidei,  ii, 

Acer  saccharinum,  var.  Hugelii,  ii.  09. 
Acer  saccharophorum,  ii.  97. 
Acer  Saocbaniin,  xiii.  7. 
i4cer  Sacchanim,  ii.  97,  103. 
Acer  Saccharum,  var.  barbatum,  xiii.  8. 
Acer  Soccharuui,  var.  Floridanuni,  xiii.  7. 
Acer  Saccharum,  var.  grandidentatum,  xiii.S. 
Acer  Saccharum,  var.  Icucoderme,  xiii.  7. 
A<'er  Saccharum,  var.  ydgrum,  xiii.  ^. 
Acer  Sacchiinim,  var.  Hugelii,  xiii.  8. 
Acer  Saira,  ii.  105. 
Acer  $anguineum,  ii.  105,  107. 
Acer  semiorbiculatum,  ii.  107  ;  xiii.  11. 
Aoer  ipicatum,  ii.  83. 
Acer  spicatum,  ii.  104. 
Acer  apicatum,  var.  Ukurunduenae,  ii.  84. 
Acer  striatum,  ii.  85. 
Acer  tometitosum,  ii.  105. 
Acer  Iripartitum,  ii.  95. 
Acer  Ckuruudurme,  ii.  84. 
Acer  versicolor,  ii.  113. 
Acer  violaceum,  ii.  113. 
Acer  virg^tum,  ii.  93. 
Acer  Virginicum  ruvrufn,  ii.  106. 
Achrnt  liahamensis,  v.  183. 
Achras  lialata,  v.  182. 
Achras  costata,  v.  163. 
Achras  pallida,  v.  165. 
Achras  salici/olia,  v.  179. 
Achras  serrala,  iv.  49. 
Achras  Hapotilla,  vnr.  parrijlora,  v.  183. 
Acmena,  v.  39. 
Acmophylla>,  ix.  96. 
Acoptua  Ruturalis,  ix.  41. 
Acrubasia  Jiiglaudia,  vii.  118. 
Acronvcta  Populi,  ix.  156. 
Acronycta  rubricoma,  vii.  04. 
Actiaa  Luna,  vii.  110. 
Adamaran,  v.  19. 
Adelgea  abieticulens,  xii.  25. 
Adelgea  Abictis,  xii.  25. 
f  Adnaria,  v.  115. 
.i^A'idium  <^sculi,  ii.  54. 
i^Vidium  clHtinum,  xii.  101, 
if^Mdium  Fntxiui,  vi.  27. 
.^A'id  urn  myricatum,  ix.  86. 
ilCi'idium  pyratiun,  x.  73. 
>^'idium  Snmbuci,  v.  87. 
j^^geria  acerni,  ii.  81. 
/t^geria  rxitiosa,  iv.  11. 
if^gcria  Pinoruni,  xi.  11. 
iDgeriii  pros-^pis,  iii.  100. 
f  .iCgialea,  v.  129. 
i^^aculus,  ii.  51. 
A^sculus  alba,  ii.  55. 
^.*niltts  arguta,  ii.  55  ;  xiv.  99. 
jf-'xctdus  Asamica,  ii.  52. 
/K.iculuf)  austrina,  xiii.  3. 
ii-*(tculu«  Cuiifoniicn,  ii.  61. 
^fCiculus  camea,  ii.  53. 
i'Kflcubitt  ChiiuMisia,  ii.  52,  53. 
ii-^Hculus  Culuinbiann,  ii.  52. 
^iCtculus  discoiur,  ii.  00. 




Mticului  dissimilu,  ii.  52. 

/Enc\du$  echinattt^  ii.  56. 

jfitcului  JiavOt  ii.  59. 

/litculuM  Jlava,  vur.  purpurascenst  ii.  60. 

^^jiGulus  glabra,  ii.  55  ;  xiv.  00. 

^nculu»  glabra^  var.  arguta,  xiv.  90. 

/KiicuhiB  glabra,  var.  tiuokleyi,  xiv.  09. 

iGsculiiti  IlippocastAiuim,  ii.  52,  53. 

/EArtUus  hifhrido,  ii.  60. 

/Csoiiliis  Indioa,  ii.  52. 

jEhcuIus  lutea,  u.  50. 

ACntuius  macroslachyat  ii.  52. 

iEflciiIus  Mexiuoiia,  ii.  52. 

ji^scxdus  mnricata,  ii.  55. 

jUtctdua  neglecta,  ii.  GO. 

jEhcuIu$  ochroleucfi,  ii.  56. 

.£bou]u8  octandra,  ii.  59. 

iKsculiiB  octandra,  var.  hybrida,  ii,  60. 

^sculun  octandra,  var.  hybruia^  xiii.  3. 

Aiaadus  Ohioenai$t  ii.  55. 

^sculus  pallida,  ii.  55. 

iEseulua  Parryi,  ii.  52. 

^scultis  parvillors,  ii.  52. 

A^sculua  Pavia^  ii.  52. 

^xculuA  Pavia,  ii.  52. 

/Ciru/iM  Pavia,  0  discolor,  xiii.  3, 

Aiaculttt  Pavia,  var,  discolor,  ii.  60. 

jf^seiilus  Pundiiana,  ii.  52. 

i^sciilus  rtibicuDda,  ii.  53. 

i^seultis  turbiuata,  ii.  52,  53. 

j^scidtts  verrncom,  ii.  55. 

^sculus  WaUouiana,  ii.  53. 

Agaricua  adiposus,  ix.  25. 

Agaricus  Campnnella,  x,  101. 

Agaricus  saliguus,  ix.  101. 

Agnriciis  ulinariiis,  vii.  42. 

Agastianis,  iii.  59. 

Agastiauia  aeaindiJiorOf  iii.  63. 

Agathimnthea,  v.  73. 

Agathisanthea  Javanica,  v.  73. 

Agnthophyllum,  vii.  0. 

Ageria,  i.  103. 

Ageria  Caaaena,  i.  111. 

Ageria  heterophylla,  i.  109. 

Ageria  obovala,  i.  lOO. 

Ageria  o/mca,  i.  107. 

Ageria  palttatria,  i.  109, 

Aglaospora  profusa,  iii.  38. 

Aigeiroa,  ix.  !52, 

Aiginia,  ix.  151. 

Aka-inatsu,  xi.  7. 

Alder,  ix.  73,  75,  77,  70  •  xiv.  01. 

Alder  Blight,  ix.  70. 

Alder,  Soiiitide,  ix.  81. 

Aiders,  Kiiropean,  wood  of,  ix.  70. 

Alditia,  iii.  115. 

Aleppo  Pine,  xi.  9. 

Alerae,  x.  I'M. 

Algnrobia,  iii.  90. 

Algarohia  dulcia,  iii.  101. 

Algnrobia  glnndulosa,  iii.  101  ;  xiii,  15. 

Algerian  Fir,  xii.  100, 

Alligator  Pear,  vii.  2. 

Almond,  the,  iv.  H,  9. 

Almond  Willow,  ix.  111. 

Alni(ind-oil,  iv.  9. 

Almond-tree,  Indian,  v,  20. 

Almonds,  Hitter,  iv.  9. 

Almonds,  Sweet,  iv.  9. 

Alnaster,  ix.  (iH. 

Alna-itcr  Aluoliflula,  xiv.  01. 

Alriaater  fnttiroaua,  ix.  08  ;   xiv.  til. 

Aluitaltr  rinV/u,  ix.  08. 

Almtfu'tulii,  ix.  07. 

AlnuB,  ii.  67,  68  ;  xiv.  104. 

Alnui  acuminata,  ix.  79. 

Alnus  acuminata,  a  genuitut,  ix.  70. 

AInus  Alnobetuln,  ix.  68. 

Alnua  Alnobetula,  xiv.  61. 

Alnua  alpina,  ix.  GS. 

Ainus  barbata,  ix.  00. 

Alnua  Jirembana,  ix.  68. 

Alnua  communia,  ix.  60. 

Ainua  criapa,  ix.  68. 

Alnua  denticulata,  ix.  60. 

AlnuB,  economic  uaes  of,  ix.  60. 

Alnua  flliptica,  ix.  00. 

Alnua  Februaria,  ix.  69, 

Alnua  fruticoaa,  ix.  68. 

Alnus,  fungal  diaeaaes  of,  ix.  70. 

Alnua  glauca,  ix.  60. 

Alnus  glutiuoaa,  ix.  60  ;  xiv.  IM. 

Alnua  glutinosa  in  the  United  StatOB,  iz.  70, 

Alnua  glutinoaa  (vulgaris),  ix.  60. 

A' 'US  glutinoaa,  y  Sibirica,  ix,  68. 

Alnus  glutinosa,  B  aerrulala,  ix.  60. 

Alnua  glutinosa,  var.  rugosa,  iz,  60. 

Alnua,  hybrids  of,  ix.  68. 

AlnuA  incana,  ix.  68. 

Alnus  incana,  iz.  68. 

Alntta  incana,  a  glauca,  ix.  75. 

Alnua  incana,  B,  ix.  00,  75. 

Alnua  incana,  ?»  rubra,  ix.  73. 

Alnus  incana,  var.  glauca,  ix.  60. 

Almia  incana,  var.  virfscena,  ix.  75  ;  ziv.  61. 

Alnua,  insect  cnemiea  of,  ix.  70. 

Alnua  Japonica,  ix.  60. 

t  Alnus  Jorullensia,  var.  acuminata,  iz.  70. 

Alnua  lanuginosa,  ix.  69. 

Alnua  maritima,  ix,  81. 

Alnus  maritima,  a  typica,  ix.  81. 

Alnua,  medical  proportiea  of,  ix.  09. 

Alnus  Aforisiana,  ix.  69. 

Alnus  Nepalenais,  ix.  70. 

Alnus  nigra,  ix.  09, 

Alnua  nitida,  ix.  70. 

Alnus  oblongata,  ix.  81. 

Alnus  oblongifolia,  ix.  77,  79. 

Almia  occidentalui,  xiv.  01. 

t  Alnus  oi-ciflentalis,  ix.  75. 

Alnua  Oregonu,  ix.  73. 

Alnua  ovata,  ix.  08. 

Alnus  pubescens,  iz.  68. 

Alnua  rbonibifolia,  ix.  77. 

Alnua  rhombifolia,  ix.  75,  79. 

Alnus  rolundi/olia,  ix.  00. 

Alnua  rubra,  ix.  09,  73  ;  xiv.  61. 

Alnus  riigusa.  ix.  09. 

Alnus  srrrulata,  ix.  09. 

f  Alnus  aerrulata,  j3  rugosa,  ix.  76. 

Almts  senttlata,  y  oblongifolia,  ix.  79. 

Alnus  ainnota,  xiv,  01. 

Alnus  Sitohensifl,  xiv.  61. 

Alnus  tcnuifolia,  ix  75  ;  xiv.  104. 

Alnus  tenuifhlia,  xiv.  01. 

Alnus  undulata,  ix.  08. 

Alnua  viridis,ix.  08,  75  ;  xiv.  61. 

Alnus  viridis,  0,  xiv.  01. 

Alnus  viridi.t,  0  Sibirica,  ix.  08  ;  xiv.  01. 

Ahuis  riridia,   0   Sibirica,   h  Sitchensis,   xiv. 

Ainu:*  riritli.'i,  8  sinuata,  xiv.  61. 
Alatotiin,  vi.  13. 
Aiilonin  thed/onni.'i,  vi.  11. 
Attingiii  Chinensis,  medical  u-ses  of,  v,  8. 
Amelaneliier,  iv.  125. 
Ameltinehier  alnifolia,  iv.  131. 
Anielanchier  Ameinnehier,  iv.  125. 

AmelftDahier  Asiatioa,  iv.  126. 
Amelanchier  Bartramiana,  iv.  127. 
Ametanchier  Botryapiumt  iv.  127. 
Amelanchier  Canadenaia,  iv,  127. 
Amelanchier  Canadensis,  iv.  131. 
Amelanchier  Canadetiaist  var.  alnifolia,  iv.  131. 
Amelanchier  Canadenaia^  var.  liotryapium,  iv. 

Amelanchier  Canodeusia,  var.  Japonica,  iv. 

Amelanchier  Canadensis,  var.  oblongifolia,  iv. 

128,  131. 
Amelanchier   Canadensis,   var.  obovalis,   iv. 

Amelanchier  Canadensis,  var.  oligocarpa,  iv. 

Amelanchier    Canadensis,  var.  prunifolia,  iv. 

-.  nelanchier  Canadenaist  var.  pumila,  iv.  131. 
Amelanchier  Canadenaia,  var.  rotundifolia,  iv. 

Amelanchier    Canadensis,  var.    spioata,  iv. 

A  melanchier    diveraifolia,    var.    alnifolia,   iv. 

Amelanchier floridot  iv.  131. 
Amelanchier,  fungal  enemies  of,  iv.  126. 
Amelanchier  glabra,  iv.  131. 
Amelanchier,  insect  enemies  of,  iv,  126. 
Amelanchier  intermedia,  iv.  128. 
Amelanchier  oblongifolia,  iv.  128. 
Amelanchier  oligocarpa,  iv.  126. 
Amelanchier  ovalia,  iv,  127,  129. 
Amelanchier  oialis,   rar.  semiintegrifolia,   iv 

Amelanchier  pallida,  iv.  131. 
Amelanciiier  parviHora,  iv.  126. 
Amelanchier  pumila,  iv.  131, 
Amelanchier  rotundifolia,  iv.  125, 120. 
Amelanchier  aanguinea,  iv.  126,  127. 
Amelanchier  apicata,  iv.  128. 
Amelanchier  vulgaris,  iv.  125. 
Amelanchier  WangenheimianOt  iv.  127. 
American  Kim,  vii.  45. 
Amerina,  ix.  95. 

Amphibolips  spongiflca,  viii.  12. 
Amphisphicria  Wellington  ire,  x.  140. 
Amphyllostietn  Catalpre,  vi.  84. 
Amygdalinte.  ix.  06. 
Amygdalophora,  iv.  7. 
Amygdalopsis,  iv.  7. 
Amygdaltis,  iv.  7,  8. 
Amygdalua,  iv.  7. 
Amyris,  i.  33. 
Amyris  balsamifcra,  i.  83. 
Amyris  dyatripa,  i.  85. 
Aniyri."*  Kiemifera,  xiv.  98. 
Amyris  Etemifera,  i.  85. 
Amyris  Floridana,  i.  85  ;  xiv.  08. 
Amyria  Hypelate,  ii.  78. 
Amyris  maritima,  i.  83,  85  ;  xiv.  08. 
Amyria  maritima,  xiv.  03. 
Amyria  maritima,  var.  angustifoUa,  i.  85  ;  xiv, 

Amyris  parvifolia,  i.  83, 
Amyris  Plnmicri,  xiv.  08. 
Amyris  sylvatica,  i.  83. 
Amyris  ayli'otti'a,  i.  85  ;  xiv.  08. 
A  myria  sylvatica,  var.  Plumieri,  xiv.  98. 
Amyrifi  toxifera,  i.  83. 
Anacithuita,  vi.  73. 
Anncahuita  wood,  medical  properties  of,  vi. 

Anacabdiace.*:,  iii.  1. 


'  1 



\i  \  . 

Aiiumtiiiiit,  V.  nt. 

Anmmiiiiiit  dichotuiUK,  t.  32. 

AiMiiioniis  esculiMiU,  v.  31. 

Anammnis  fhknctaUU  v.  32. 

AiiH<)iiii,  vi.  HI. 

Aiuleruont  Nili  Juhiin,  ii.  t38. 

.■I  m/roi/ynr,  viil.  -l. 

Aiidmgyituua  Howers  of  INoeft,  lii.  20. 

AmlntgvDous  tloweni  of  TinuR,  xi.  4. 

Aiidruiiieda,  v.  1*29. 

Andtomtda,  v.  I'Ul. 

AniimmetUi  arhorfx^s.  135. 

AntiwtMiia  lirbfirpu'etia,  v.  135. 

Au'lmmfdit  fllifttira^  t.  13(). 

Amtroincdii  fcrrtiginfiif  v.  131  ;  xiv.  102. 

A  uiiromf^Uit^rruginni^  var.  nrhorrscttiat  v.  13'2. 

Andrvmrdu  frrruifinen^-^KT.  fmtxctisti^  v,  132. 

Aiidrumeda,  fun^iil  enemies  of,  v.  130. 

Afuiromedii  gUttuopHtflla,  v.  130. 

Andnnneda  Miiriiuiii.  v    IIKV 

AiitlroiuMla  ovalif '.  <i.  f.  KU). 

Atuirtnn^'fn  plum  fta,  ii   3. 

Andro  r    ifidi...  v.  130. 

Andm.  y:lr        :30. 

.^f»rf^fm^€'  v»(M(i.    j      .  132. 

i4  ru/romrtft.  /rt,  v.  ISttf 

Andrnmfiia  t  I   ^Kirtiu/iWia,       »,*?>. 

AniHtila  pellucida,  viii.  12. 

AiiiHutH  senatoria,  viii.  12. 

Anisota  Stigma,  viii.  12. 

Aniioiia,  i.  28. 

Anoiia,  i.  27. 

Awma,  i.  21. 

Aiiona  Chfrimolia.  i.  28. 

Aiiona  f^Ubra,  i.  -9. 

Anntiit  liiurif'tha,  i.  29. 

Atioiia  nturicatA,  i.  28. 

Anona  /lalitstng,  i.  23. 

Auona  jimdula,  i.  23. 

Anoiia  reticulata,  i.  28. 

Anuna  ftqiiaiiioAa.  i.  27. 

Anonit  trtliiha,  i.  23. 

AXONACRJC,  i.  21. 

Annnyrtos  aquatu"^,  vii.  01. 

AtitKfUfhima,  i.  49. 

Autlu-npa  Koylei,  viii.  10. 

AnthiMleudrtm,  v.  113. 

Anlhf**lendron  jiat^im^  v.  145,  140. 

AnthomeUs,  iv.  83. 

AnthifneUs  (tftivalif,  iv.  119. 

,ln/Artmf/rji  Ifouglasii,  iv.  80. 

.-|fiMi»m<'/'rjy/flt(i,  iv.  113. 

Arithfunelft  ylaruiidMa,  iv.  113. 

JfiMtrni'"//'!  nttutuii/oiiiit  iv.  95. 

.^ riM"mf*/f'jt  lurfnnafd,  iv.  113. 

Aiithoiiomiis  Crata-gi,  iv.  H4. 

Antliuiiomu.H  qnadrigibbus,  iv.  It,  70. 

Antbustimia  atru[iuiictata,  viii.  12. 

AntliMtoma  (IrpiKbiphnes,  vii.  20. 

Anthiistoiiiflla  bracliyMtoiiia,  xii.  01. 

AiitlitiNttiini-na  iii^roHiinuluta,  x.  5. 

Alili«|til:*  i'onnfnlirlI;i,  v.  (to. 

.\iiti«pila  nyuut'folielU,  v.  74. 

AiitV'i.  v.  17."i. 

ApaU!  bajiilHriti,  vii.  133. 

.\|iutur)t  ('cltLN.  vii.  tVI. 

Apatiira  Clytuii,  vii.  04. 

A/iHitmUy  li.  07. 

.A[ilii!i  Dioispyri,  vi    1 

A|»lii»  Vibiiriii,  v.  IM. 

Aptuus,  xi.  1. 

Apirriphurum,  iv.  07. 

ApiUin,  vi.  25 

Apocarytt,  vii.  i;i2. 

Apple,  Crab,  iv.  71,  75. 
Apple  Haw,  iv.  lit). 
Apple,  KoAe,  v.  41. 
Applu-tree  Horvr,  iv.  70. 

Apricot.  tht<,  iv.  H,  9. 

Atpiifoliuin,  i.  103. 

/tr/tji/IWium,  i.  lOIi,  !().>. 

Aralia,  v.  57. 

Aralia  l^aliforiiica,  v.  57. 

Ariditt  aiurxrrm,  v.  (K). 

Amlui  Chtnetuiu,  v.  (K). 

Aralia  conlata,  v.  58. 

Aralia  Dfiititufitno,  v.  00. 

An.lui  eduhs,  v.  58. 

Andui  flatiit  v.  00. 

Aralia  hinpida,  v.  58. 

Aralia  biimiliii.  v.  ')7. 

Aralia  hypoleuea,  v.  58. 

Anjlin  I.fnnvm,  v.  tKK 

AntUa  Mandshurtca,  v.  QO. 

Anilia  iiiidicaiiUs,  r.  58. 

Aniliii  /'/(inrAd'iiana,  v.  (M). 

Aralia  quiiujue folia,  v.  58. 

Aralia  raeemoaa,  v.  58. 

Aralui  raceitukin,  v.  57. 

Artilia  raifmona,  var.  occidentalis,  v.  57. 

Aralia  itpiiiosa,  v.  59. 

/Ir(i/«i  npitiiua,  V.  00. 

Anilia  npiuosii,  $,  v,  59. 

A  ntiiti  .«;»iN(W(i,  var.  rdnMrerw,  v.  60. 

Aralia  spinoaa,  var.  Cbineiisis,  v.  00. 

Aralia  vpinoaa,  rar.  elata,  v.  (K). 

Aritliaiptnfi.fn,  var.  ylahreiCftu,  v.  00. 

Akai.ia(  t.K,  V.  57. 

Arlxil  dt>  llierro,  iii.  49. 

Arlwr  VitH",  x.  120. 

Arbor-vitu',  .lapaneAe,  x.  124. 

ArbiituB,  v.  121. 

Arbiitiis  Andntclinc.  v.  122  ;  xiv.  102. 

Arliiitiis  Andnu'hne,  fruit  of,  v.  121. 

Arbutus  Arizoiiica,  v.  127. 

Arf/utus  intfffri/iiliatV.  122. 

Arhitus  laun/i)iia,  v.  123,  125. 

.'  Arhutw  macruphi/Utt,  v.  125. 

Arbutui)  Mt-nzieitii,  v.  123. 

Arhutia  .>/mr«iii,  v.  125,  127. 

Arfiutux  tmtllii,  ?.  125. 

f  Arhutus  ohtujiij'oiius,  v.  119. 

Arfmtfis  priKfra,  v.  12i(. 

ArhulttA  pnmi/olia,  v.  125. 

Arbiittis  iterrntifuiia,  v.  122. 

Arhul'i*  VVjuJirt,  v.  125. 

Arbutus  l.'iiedo,  v.  121. 

Arbutus  I'lit'do,  fruit  of,  v.  121. 

ArhutuM  (virian.*,  v.  125. 

ArbufiiA  Xalapensin,  v.  125. 

Arftutu.i  Aolfip^ruLs,  v.  127- 

Arhittm  A'fi/a/wTMw,  var.  .Inznriioi,  v.  127. 

Arbutut  Xaiap^nsis,  var.  Trrana,  v.  125. 

AriruthfiSt  X.  09. 

.trrvxMfw  dmpticea,  x.  72. 

A  rrexUhus  dnt/mrm,  var.  a  arrriun,  i.  72. 

Arcnilhitf  dniftaceat  var.  H  <>/*/(« iwcti/a,  x.  72. 

Ardisin,  V.  l.'il. 

Ard Litfi    Puirrinifia,  v.  153. 

,-lrrr(j  idrrncrn^  x.  30. 

Argpiitpv,  ix.  90. 

Argonpn,  ix.  tfc'». 

Argyll.  Dukfof,  i.  108. 

Argyrt'stliia  fuprcHm-lla,  x.  100. 

ArhnpiituH  fuliiiiuuiis,  ix.  10, 

Aria.  iv.  liT,  ftH. 

Ariit,  iv.  07. 

Armeniaoji,  iv.  7,  8. 

Armmaica,  iv.  7. 

Arnold,  Jamen,  xiii.  lOt. 

Aronia,  iv.  07,08. 

Artmia,  iv.  07,  125. 

AroTiia  alni/olia,  iv.  131. 

/trrmtii  arhoffa,  iv.  127. 

/inmiu  arhidifidia,  iv.  123. 

/IrimiVi  .1  iiiVirird,  iv.  120. 

Aronia  }Uttryapium,  iv.  127. 

Arimia  mrdala,  iv.  127. 

/ln"it(i  fji-fi/iji,  iv.  128,  129. 

Arouia  mitttid'/olia,  iv.  125. 

Arrow-woiNl,  ii.  12. 

Arthrit.ipnim,  iii.  115. 

Aitarara,  iii.  73. 

Awcara  fH/uuftWi,  iii.  79. 

A^affraa,  iii.  lUt. 

X^iir/nrd  jiyiiwisci,  iii.  35. 

Aaeiuuni  iiiwHtuni,  xi.  11. 

Aih,  vi.  29,  ;i;»,  39,  41,  5;»,  57  ;  xiv.  33,  37. 

Aah,  Hlaok,  vi.  37. 

Alb,  iniie.  vi.  :r>. 

AHb,  Kringe-Howpred,  vi.  31. 

Ash,  MounUin,  iv.  00,  79,  81;  vi.  47. 

A»b,  I'unipkin,  xiv.  35. 

Ash,  lied,  vi.  49. 

Asb,  Swamp,  vi.  55. 

Aah,  Water,  vi.  5.") ;  xiv.  39. 

Ash,  White,  vi.  13. 

Ash-leaved  Maple,  ii.  111. 

Asbe,  William  Willard,  xiii.  149. 

Asimina,  i.  21. 

A-timiua  angustifolia.  i.  22. 

Asimina  camftanifiora,  i.  23. 

A  imiua  cuneata.  i.  22. 

Asimina  grandiOora,  i.  21,  22. 

Asiniiu.i  ]>arviriora,  i.  21,  22. 

Asimiua  pygmna,  i.  21,  22. 

Asimina  triloba,  i.  21,  22,  23  ;  xir.  07. 

Asimine,  i.  24. 

Asiminier,  i.  22, 

Asp,  Cjuuking,  ix.  158. 

Afti>en,  ix.  ir>5,  158. 

Aspidiotus  Abietia,  xii,  0!. 

Aspidiotus  JuglandiH,  vii.  110. 

Aspidiotus  rapax,  vii.  20. 

Aspidifca  diospyriella,  vi.  4. 

Aiipidisca  jnglandiella.  vii.  110. 

Aspidisca  ostryiefuliella,  ix.  32. 

Asterina  uuda,  xii.  101. 

Athrtftaxif,  x.  139. 

AtbysanuH  variabilis,  ix.  48. 

Attacus  Promelbea,  vi.  20  ;  vii.  15  ;  x.  124. 

AurufMtria,  iv.  07. 

Au.'ftrHlfS,  xi.  4. 

Auiitralian  Illack-wood,  iii.  110. 

AuHtratian  I^idybinl  Ht'ttlc,  vii.  20. 

Auatrnliaii  Myrtle,  ix.  23. 

Austrian  I'im*,  xi.  0. 

Avieenna,  vi.  100. 

Avicennia.  vi.  HC». 

Avieennia  Afrii-una,  vi.  10.'>.  100. 

Avi*'eunta  alim,  vi.  100. 

Avicennia,  economic  usert  of,  vi.  100. 

Avirennia  elliptira,  vi.  |(HJ, 

Artrrnnia  Flfridaun,  vi.  107. 

Avirruma  ttiU-nnedia,  vi,  100. 

Anreriuni  jAVnarkinua,  vi.  100. 

Avicetium  .\ftyn-i,  \i.  107. 

Avicennia  iiitidit,  \i.  107. 

Aviceniiia  obloii^ifoliji,  vi.  107. 

Avu-enniii  uniiiimli.t,  vi.  10."),  100. 

Avirennia  uj/itinalui,  var.  ailm,  vi.  100. 

Avictfmia  resini/ero^  vi.  100. 


57  ;  liv.  33,  37. 

Aviremia  lomentota,  tI.  108, 106, 107. 

AtocuIo  I'car,  vii.  2. 

Ajlmisria,  zi,  3U, 

Azalea,  v.  144. 

Azalfo,  V.  143. 

Azalea  arhitreiicent,  r.  146. 

AzaUa  hiroior,  v.  140. 

AztilfH  cttleniluiacfu,  v.  146. 

AzaUa  canescena,  v.  140. 

Azalea /rngraiu,  v.  146. 

Azalea  Imtiea,  v.  14tl. 

Azalea  Japonica^  v.  146. 

Azalea  Lappimim,  v.  144. 

1  Azalea  liitea,  v.  140. 

Azalea  nwllii,  v.  140. 

Azalea  mttlijlom,  \.  140. 

Azalea  occidenlalu,  v.  140. 

AzaUa  pericltimeuoiden,  v.  140. 

Azalea  t*fmtifa,  v.  145. 

Azalea  I'onlica,  var.  Sintmit,  T.  146. 

Azalea  Sinentit,  t.  146. 

Azalea  vitcota,  v.  146. 

Azaleas,  Ghcut,  v.  146. 

Aialeaa,  Ir.dian,  v.  146. 

Azaleastrum,  v.  144. 

Azarolutt,  iv.  67. 

Badamia,  t.  19. 

Bag-worm,  i.  73. 

Bailejr,  Liberty  Hyde,  ir.  24. 

BaUnitiuB  caryatrypes,  ix.  10. 

BalaiiiiMis  naaicus,  vii.  134  ;  viii.  12. 

BRlaniiiiis  Qiiercus,  viii.  12. 

Balaniniia  rectus,  vii.  134  ;  ix.  10. 

Ualaiiiuus  uniformis,  viii.  12. 

Balata,  v.  182. 

llalata-giim,  v.  182. 

Bald  Cypress,  z.  151. 

Bald  Cypress,  Mczican,  i.  150. 

Balfour,  John  Hutton,  xi.  60. 

Balfourodendron,  li.  60. 

BaliD,  cupalm,  v.  8. 

Balm  of  Kir,  zii.  100. 

Balm  of  Gilead  Fir,  zii.  107. 

Balsam,  iz.  167. 

Balsam,  Canada,  zii.  109. 

Balsam,  Carpathian,  zi.  10. 

Balsam  Cottonwood,  ii.  175. 

Balsam  Fir,  xii.  105,  10'',  Ua 

liaUamea,  zii.  07. 

Banister,  .John,  i.  6. 

Barharina^  vi.  13. 

Baretta,  i.  81. 

Barney,  Eliam  Eliakim,  vi.  90. 

Barratt,  Joseph,  ziv.  04. 

Bartram,  John,  i.  8, 

Bartram,  William,  i.  10. 

Basket  Oak,  viii.  07. 

Basswuod,  i.  >')2. 

Bastard  Cedar,  x.  136. 

Batinlendron,  v.  115. 

BattMlentlroii,  v.  115. 

liatoilenilrim  arboreum^  v.  119. 

Hay,  i.  41. 

Kay,  Red,  vii.  4. 

Bay,  Hose,  v.  148, 

Hay  shillings,  xi.  20. 

Bay,  Svamp,  vii.  7. 

Bayonet,  Spanish,  x.  6,  9. 

Bay-tree,  vii.  21. 

Beiidlo,  Chnuneey  Delos,  ziii.  GO. 

Beam-tree,  White,  iv.  60. 

Bean,  Coral,  iii.  03. 

Bean,  Moroe,  iii.  89. 


Bean,  Indian,  vi.  80 

Bean,  Screw,  iii.  107. 

Boarberry,  ii.  37. 

Bear  Gross,  z.  4. 

Bear  Oak,  viii.  155. 

Boar-woo<l,  ii.  38. 

Beaufort,  Diiohess  of,  ix.  1£ 

lleaufortia,  ix.  10. 

Ik'aver-trce,  i.  0. 

Behb,  Michael  Kohuck,  ix,  1,12. 

Bedford  .lunipcr,  i.  OU  ;  ziv.  00. 

Bedford  Willow,  ix.  09. 

Beech,  ix.  27. 

Beech,  Blue,  iz.  42. 

Beech,  Bull,  ix,  23. 

Beech,  Copper,  ix.  24. 

Beech,  Cut'leavcd,  ix.  24. 

Beech,  Evergreen,  ix.  23. 

Beech,  Fern-leaved,  ix.  24. 

Beech,  Japanese,  ix.  22. 

Beech,  New  Zealand  Black,  ix.  23. 

Beech,  New  Zealand  Silver,  ix.  23. 

Beech,  Purple,  iz.  24. 

Beech,  Red,  ix.  23. 

Beech,  Water,  vii.  103. 

Beech,  Weeping,  ix.  24. 

Beech- nuts,  poisonous  properties  of,  iz.  23. 

Beech-oil,  ix.  24 

Beech-tar,  ix.  V 

Beef  Woo<l,  vi.     .1. 

Beer,  Spruce,  zii  >il. 

Bee-tree,  i.  51    ')7. 

Belerio  myrot .  '  i\ -,  v.  JO. 

Belluccia,  i,  75. 

Bembecia  Sequoiie,  z.  140  ;  zi.  11. 

lienlhamia,  v.  6E 

Benlhamia  fragi     a,  v.  64. 

Benthaw'i  Japonica,  v.  64. 

Benlho)      i,  v.  63. 

Benthan        JloridGf  v.  06. 

Berberina,  i.  00. 

Berlandier,  Jean  Louis,  i,  82. 

Berry,  Miraculous,  v.  104. 

Beasera,  vi.  109. 

Bessera  xpinota,  vii.  27. 

Betula,  ix.  45. 

Belula,  ix,  07. 

Betula  acuminata,  ix.  46,  56. 

Betula  Alaskana,  xiv.  69. 

Botula  alba,  ix.  47, 

Belula  alba,  ix,  47. 

Betula  alba,  economic  properties  of,  iz.  47. 

Betula  alba  in  ,Japan,  ix.  48. 

Betula  alba  odorata,  ix.  47. 

Belula  alba,  u  milgara,  ix.  47. 

Belula  tdbtt,  B  populi/olia,  ix,  56. 

Btlula  alba,  f  papyri/era,  ix.  57. 

Betula  alba,  subspeo.  5  occidenlalis,  a  typica, 

ix,  06. 
Betula  alba,  subspeo.  5  occidenlalu,  x  typica, 

xiv,  57. 
Belula  allia,  subspec.  5,  /3  commulata,  iz.  57. 
Betula  alba,  subspec,  0  rurdi/oUa,  xiv,  55. 
Betula  alba,  subspec,  0,  a  communui,  ix.  57. 
Betula  allxi,  siibspec.  0,  0  cordifolia,  ix,  57, 
Belula  alba,  subspec,  populi/olia,  ix.  55, 
Betula  alba,  subspec,  pubcsccns,  ix.  47. 
Betula  alba,  subspec.  vemtcosa,  a  vulgaris,  ix. 

Belula  alba,  subspec,  vermcota,  var.  retinifera, 

xiv,  09. 
Betula  alba,  var,  popuhfulia,  ix.  57. 
Betula  Mmibetula,  il.  ('.8, 
Betula  alnuides,  ix.  40. 


Bthda  Alma  (rugoiia),  iz.  00. 

Betula  Alnu$,  0  glutiuo$Q^  ix.  00. 

Betula  Almm,  0  iucana,  ix.  00. 

Betula-Alnwi  g!auca,  iz.  00. 

Betula-Alnus  maritima,  ix.  81, 

Betula- A  Inwi  nUtrfit  ix.  00. 

Betula  airpini/olia,  ix.  50. 

Betula  cordifolia,  ix.  57  ;  liv.  65. 

Betula  crixpa,  iz.  68. 

Bfltila  cyiindr  '^f'*'\i/St  iz.  40. 

betiilu,  oconou        "operties  of,  iz.  48. 

Betula  Krniaiii,     .  48. 

Betula  Krmai  '  -x  57. 

Betula  excelsu,  »     511,  57. 

Betula  exceUa  CtinadensiSf  iz.  55. 

Betula  fontinalii,  ziv.  58. 

Betula,  fungal  (liscHses  of,  iz.  40. 

Betula  f^landuloaa,  iz.  47. 

Betula  ylulinosn,  ix.  47,  00  ;  xiv.  101. 

Betula  Orayi,  ix.  40. 

Betula  hyhrida,  iz.  40. 

Betula,  iiybri(U  uf,  ix.  40. 

Betula  incana,  iz.  OU. 

Betula,  insect  enemies  of,  ix.  48. 

Betula  intermedia^  ix.  40. 

Betula  Kenaica,  xiv,  53. 

Betula  lanulosa,  iz.  01. 

Betula  lenta,  ix.  50  ;  xiv.  101 

Betula  leutat  ix.  55,  57. 

Betula  lenta,  a  genuina,  ix.  53. 

Betula  lenta,  0  lutea,  ix.  53. 

Bettda  Littelliana,  ix.  47. 

BetiUa  lutea,  ix.  53. 

Betula  Maximowicziana,  ix.  48. 

Betula  Mazimowiczii,  ix.  48. 

Betula,  medical  properties  of,  ix.  48. 

Betula  miorophylla,  xiv.  58. 

Betula  nana,  ix.  45,  47. 

Betula  nana,  ix.  47. 

Betula  nana,  inflorescence  of,  ix.  45. 

Betula  nana,  var.  flabellifolia,  ix,  47. 

Betula  nana  x  ptibescens,  ix.  48. 

Betula  nigra,  ix.  01. 

Betula  nigra,  ix.  50. 

Betula  uccidentalJs,  ix.  05  ;  xiv.  57. 

Betula  occidentalii,  ix,  57  ;  xiv.  58. 

Betula  odorata,  ix. "% .'. 

Betula  odorata,  vnr,  tortuosa,  xiv.  55. 

Betula  ovata,  ix.  08. 

Betula  papyracea,  ix.  57. 

Betula  papyracea,  a  cordifolia,  ix.  57. 

Betula  papyracea,  0  minor,  ix.  57. 

Betula  papyracea,  0  occidentalis,  ix.  57. 

Betula  papyracea,  X  cordifolia,  xiv.  55 

Betula  papyiifera,  ix.  57  ;  xiv.  104. 

Betula  papyrifera,  xiv.  57. 

Betula  papyrifera,  0  minor,  xiv.  55. 

Betula  papyrifera,  var.  cordifolia,  xiv.  55. 

Betula  papyrifera,  var  minor,  ix.  57. 

Betula  papyrifera,  var.  minor,  xiv.  55. 

Betula  populifolia,  ix.  ^. 

Betula  pubescenn,  ix.  47. 

Betula  puniila,  ix.  45,  40. 

Betula  pumiUi,  ix.  47. 

Betula  pumila,  intlorescence  of,  ix.  45. 

Betula  pumila  x  lonta,  ix.  40. 

Betula  resinifera,  xiv.  59. 

Betula  rhomhifolia,  xiv.  58. 

Betula  rtd>ra,  ix.  01. 

Betula  serrulata,  ix,  09. 

Betula  torfacea,  ix.  47. 

Betula  riridis,  ix.  08. 

Bkti'i.ack,*:,  ix.  45  ;  xiv,  53. 

Betulastor,  ix.  40. 







lietuUuier,  ii.  40. 
lietiilin,  ii.  47. 
lirurrena,  vi.  7A. 
iiewick,  IteiiJAiiiin,  i.  49« 

lUiuUii  I'iiit',  xl  0. 

llig  Hud  Ilickor>.  vii.  101. 

lligShvlltMrk.  vii.  167. 

Hig  VtTv,  %.  n.v 

Hi^Krrvftu  CtivrriM,  ir.  0. 

Itigf  low,  John  Milton,  i  H8. 

iUggina,  ix.  1>5. 

lUgttoniit  CaUiipn,  vi.  M,  HO. 

Jii^tonut  /ifinirM,  vi.  IC». 

lUgnomn  langunima^  vi.  t^. 

Big^umui  QuercMM,  vi.  84. 

II11INONIACK.IC,  vi.  H3. 

Ifillwrript,  v.  110. 

/i.i/ia.  li  :.i. 

Rillui  Citiumfnana,  ii.  52. 

Billiii  HtypocnMianumt  ii<  52. 

UiUUul.  V.  10. 

liineclaria,  v.  181. 

Biographii'al  Notei. 

Aiulenuun,  Nils  Juhan,  ix.  138. 

Argyll.  Ditke  uf,  i.  U)8. 

Arnold,  James,  xiii.  1(>4. 

Ashe,  WiUiain  Willard,  xiii.  110. 

lUili'V.  l.ilMTty  ll\di>,  iv.  *Jt. 

Halfoiir,  Julin  HuttoD,  xi.  (H). 

Hauister,  .lohn,  i   <»■ 

HnrnpY,  F.liniii  Kliakim,  vi.  \fO. 

Itnrratt,  Jiwupl),  xiv.  tVt. 

Hartrau),  Jidiii,  i.  8. 

iUrlrani,  WiUiam,  i.  U\. 

IWatilis  t'haumov  iVlos.  xiii.  00. 

Ik'aufurt,  OiK'heM  of,  ix.  \\i. 

Debit,  Michael  Sihuck,  ix.  132. 

Iterlnndifr,  Jean  Loui.%,  i.  H2. 

Hewick,  lienjomin.  i.  VJ. 

Bigeloir,  John  Milton,  i.  88. 

Bligh.  WilUani.  ii.  IK. 

Hlmlgett,  John  I^oiuU,  i.  33. 

tiuiitticr,  Pierre-Kdmoiid,  vi.  74. 

Buynton,  Krank  KIlis,  xiii.  00. 

Brainerd,  Kzra,  xiii.  11-- 

Brewer,  William  ileiiry,  vtii.  28. 

Brown,  KoU-rt,  viii.  02. 

Buckley,  Samuel  BoUfonl,  iii.  3. 

Burke,  Joseph,  ix.  4. 

Burter,  Joachim,  i.  95. 

Bn«b,  Benjamin  Franklin,  vii.  110. 

Cabanin,  Jean,  xiv.  30. 

Campbell,  Ari-liibald.  i.  108. 

Cnnby.  William  Mariott,  xiii.  41. 

Cap*i,  Mary.  ix.  10. 

Carey,  John.  i.  115. 

Carpenter,  William  M.,  iv.  93. 

C«te»by,  Mark.  vt.  10. 

CeU,  .lar()ui-n  Martin,  ii.  4. 

Chapn).4n,  Alvan  Wentworth.  vii.  110. 

Chahe,  VirBuiius  IlelMT,  xiii.  10. 

Chouteau,  V.  1...  vii.  80. 

Ciritlo.  l)ouieni<'n,  ii.  2. 

Clayton,  John,  i   8. 

Clifton,  Francitt,  ii.  5. 

Colden,  Cadwalluder,  i.  GO. 

Coltinson,  iVter,  i.  8. 

Compton.  Henry,  i.  0. 

Condal,  Antunio,  li.  23, 

Cooper,  J.  (;..  i.  :w). 

CorduH,  ValeniR,  vi.  09. 

Coulter.  ThoniaJi,  iii.  84. 

Coville,  Frederirk  Vernon,  xiv.  67. 

Crewenzi,  I*iftn>  de',  ^i.  08. 

Croom,  Hardy  B.,  x.  58. 

Curtiu,  Allen  Hiram,  ii.  fiO. 

Dale,  Samuel,  iii.  34. 

I>»n|{lai,  David,  ii.  94. 

Douglas,  Hobert,  vi.  IK). 

Dnimniund,  Thuman,  ii.  20. 

D'inbar,  John,  xiii,  121. 

Dunbar,  William,  vii.  m. 

Dii    I'ont    do    Wemoura,     El«iithtre-Irene, 

ix.  0. 
Kggvrt,  Heinrich  Karl  Daniel,  xiii.  fil. 
Khret,  (ti>org  Dionyiiii,  vi.  80. 
Klliott,  Stephen,  xi.  159. 
KIlii,  .fobn,  i.  40. 
Kllwaiiger,  (leurge.  xiii.  100. 
Kniory,  William  Heiiuley,  iv.  00. 
Kngelmann,  (ieurge,  viii.  81. 
K?(chr('holt/,  tlohann  Fricdrich,  ii.  39. 
Kvaus.  Walter  HarriMon.  xiv.  .'kI. 
F.ytenhanlt,  Karl  Wilhelm,  iii.  30. 
Fairi'hild.  Thomaa,  v.  OH. 
FHrnese,  Odoardo,  iii.  121. 
Fendler,  August,  xii.  123. 
Foihergtll,  •lohn,  vi.  10. 
FrajH'r.  tlohn,  i.  8. 
(iandwi.  William,  viii.  Xi. 
(tarber,  Abraham  PaAral,  i.  05. 
(iarden,  Aleiander,  i.  40. 
(iiblM's,  LewiA  Keeve,  xii.  70. 
(iledititch,  .loUann  (tottlieb,  iii.  74. 
(fordon,  James,  i.  10. 
(towen.  James  llo)M>rt,  x.  108. 
(Jray,  Christopher,  iv.  70. 
Greene,  KMwartl  lA'ft  viii.  84. 
(iregg,  Jusiah.  iii.  I'JO  ;  vi.  .'13. 
(irisebach,  Heinrich  Uudolph  Auguittii*  13. 
Guess,  George,  x.  140. 
(tuettjinl,  Jean  Ktienuo,  r.  112. 
Harbison,  ThomnH  Grant,  xiii.  152. 
Hartweg,  Karl  ThetKlor,  ii.  31. 
Havard,  Vali^ry.  i.  81. 
lli^lic,  Loui<t  r)i(<<Mlore,  i.  79. 
Hill,  KlUwurth  Jerome,  xiii.  99. 
Hinds,  Hichard  Brini^ley,  ii.  14. 
Holm«!(.  Jo.seph  Austin,  xiii.  1-0. 
Howell,  Tbonms,  xii.  52. 
Jack.  John  George,  xiii.  105. 
Jacipiin.  Nicttlaus  J'jMpb,  v.  15Si 
Jaiues,  Kdwin,  ii.  90. 
Jeffrey,  John,  xi.  41. 
Jones,  Beatrix,  xiii.  1.30. 
Kalm,  Peter,  ii.  80. 
K.irwinsky.  Wilhelm  Freiherr,  i.  M. 
Kellogg,  Alliert,  viii.  120. 
Kennedy,  Louis,  iv.  10. 
Knowlton,  Frank  Halt,  ix.  38. 
Kueberlin,  C.  L.,  i.  03. 
Lambi'rt.  Aylmer  Bourke,  xi.  30. 
I*andn-tb,  David,  vii.  87. 
LawHon,  Charles,  x.  120. 
I^eavrnworth,  Meltins  C,  iii.  00. 
L*'  Cunte,  John  Katttm,  xiv.  41. 
l>ee,  James,  iv.  10. 
I.*ee  &  Kennedy,  iv.  10. 
I>>minonier,  I.ouin  (tuillaume,  tit.  40. 
Ijv  I'age  ilu  Vntt/-,  v.  17. 
Ix'tternian,  George  Wa»hington,  xiii.  79. 
Lindheimer,  Ferdinand,  i.  74. 
Little.  Henry,  xiv.  t>4. 
Ix*bb,  William,  x.  (><). 
Lowrie,  Jmiathan  Uobcrtf,  iv.  28. 
I.yall.  David,  xii.  10. 
Lyon,  John,  v.  80. 
Lyon,  William  Scnigham,  iv.  133. 
Macfadyen,  James,  ii.  73. 
Mackenzie,  Alexander,  xii.  75. 

MftoMahon,  Bernard,  vii.  86. 

MacNab,  James,  x.  110. 

Maguol,  Pierre,  i.  2. 

Marggraf,  (ieorg,  v.  24. 

Marshall,  Humphrey,  viii.  39. 

Marshall,  Moses,  i.  4tl. 

Maximilian,  Alexander  Philipp,  IViuz  tod 

Neuwied,  ix.  138. 
Mnehan,  Thomas,  ix.  82. 
Melliclmmp,  Joseph  Hinson,  viii.  144> 
Menzies,  Archibald,  ii   0I>. 
Mertens,  Karl  Heinrich,  xii.  80. 
Michaux,  Andn<,  i.  58. 
Michaux,  Frnni^itis  Andr^,  xi.  15fi. 
Miller,  Pliiiip,  i.  ,'I8, 
Mohr,  Charles,  iv.  1N>  ;  xiii.  'J5. 
MuehlenlM^rg,  Gotthilf  Heinrich,  ii.  GO. 
Murray,  Andrew,  xi.  03. 
N'iU<,  I.<ouis.  viii.  25. 
NewlK'rry,  John  Strong,  vi.  39. 
Nuttall.  rhomas.  ii.  .'M. 
Olney,  Stephen  Thayer,  iii.  47. 
Palmer,  Kdwanl,  viii.  100. 
Parkinson,  John,  iii.  10. 
I'arry,  Charles  Christ"phcr,  vii.  130. 
Patterson,  Harry  N<        [|,  iv.  2-1. 
Petre,  BoU'rt  James,  Lord,  i.  8. 
Pinckney,  Charles  Coteswurth.  v.  108. 
Pi|>er,  Charleh  N'aneouver,  ix.  146. 
Piso,  Willcm.  vi.  110. 
Planer.  Joliann  .lakob,  vii.  00. 
Plunk,  Klisha  Newton,  xiii.  13. 
PoiCeau.  Alexandre,  ii.  75. 
Porter.  Thomas  Coiirad,  iv.  28. 
Pratz,  Le  Page  du,  v.  17. 
Pringle,  Cyrus  Guernsey,  ix.  129. 
Purah,  Frederick,  ii.  117;  xiv.  100. 
liavenel,  Henry  William,  viii    100. 
Heasoner,  Pliny  Ward,  xiv.  77. 
lit^verchun,  .liilien.  xiii.  175. 
Iteynoso,  Aivaro,  ii.  19. 
U<d)in,  Jean,  iii.  38. 
Bobin,  VeH|»ajiien,  iii.  38. 
Uonians,  Bernard,  iv.  5. 
UothriH'k,  Joseph  Trimble,  viii.  92. 
Bugid,  Ferdinand,  ix.  110. 
Hydberg.  Per  Axel,  xiv.  09. 
Sabine.  Joseph,  xi.  97. 
Sadler,  .lohn,  viii.  02. 
Sehaeffer,  .hikob  Christian,  ii.  15. 
Schott,  .\rlhur  Carl  \'ictur,  x.  18. 
Scolder,  John.  ix.  0«i. 
Sequoyah,  x.  140. 
Sherard.  James,  i.  77. 
Sieber,  Franz  Wilhelm,  v.  184. 
Small,  John  Kunkel,  xiii.  21. 
Swartz,  Olof.  v.  44. 
Swieten.  Gerard  von,  i.  99. 
Thomas,  David,  vii.  18. 
Thurber.  (ieorge,  iii.  30. 
Torrey,  John,  xi.  72. 
Toumey,  James  William,  viii.  93. 
Tradescant.  .lohn.  i.  2<>. 
Tra^k.  Luella  Btanrhe,  xiii.  29. 
Tr<*<'ul,  AuguNte  Adoiph  Lucien,  x.  10. 
VabI,  Martin,  v,  'Xi. 
Vail.  Anna  Murray,  xiii.  15^1. 
Vauquelin,  Louis  Nicolas,  iv.  57. 
Ventenat,  Ktienne  Pierre,  i.  58. 
Widter,  Tluinias,  xi.  132. 
Wanl,  l^'ster  Frank,  ix.  108. 
Warder.  John  Aston,  vi.  90. 
Ware,  Nathaniel  A.,  i.  8(J. 
Wataon,  Sereno,  vii.  108. 



WUliiflDui,  Friedrich  Adolf,  y\.  04. 

WixnUioum,  Samuel  WiuhiDgtoa,  vUi.  88. 

Wright.  Charlei,  i,  t>ft. 
ItioU,  I.  124. 
Ilioin,  I.  J23. 
liiatn  M«ld«n$ut,  x.  70. 
liiotn  orirnlttiui,  i.  124. 
liutfii  iirienlttlu,  &  pendula,  x.  124. 
liioUi  orientdlin  fili/urmin,  x.  124. 
tttotn  pentiida,  x.  124. 
liircli,  xiv.  r>7. 

hjri'h.  Hlaok,  ix.  fiO,  Ofi  ;  liv.  53. 
Itjn-li,  (juiiH!,  ix.  67  ;  xiv.  Co. 
liirt'h,  CluTry,  ix,  50. 
Uircl),  FrHj^rmit,  ix.  47. 
Birch,  Gray,  ix.  53,  55. 
Diri'li,  Mahogany,  ix.  52. 
Birch,  Mour,  ix.  17. 
Itirch,  Old  Field,  ix.  50. 
ilirch,  Paper,  ix.  57. 
Hirch,  Red,  ix.  Gl  ;  xiv.  53. 
Birch,  Uivcr,  ix.  (tl. 
Birch,  Sweet,  ix.  52. 
Birch,  White,  ix.  47,  55  ;  xiv.  59. 
Birch  wine,  ix.  47. 
Birch,  YeHow,  ix.  53. 
Birch-bark  utiioea,  ix.  59. 
Birch-hark  oil,  ix,  47. 
Birch-ui),    iimniifacture    of,    in   the    United 

Statex,  ix.  51. 
Birchun  ill  China,  ix.  48. 
Birches  ill  Japan,  ix.  48. 
Birtl  Dhcrry,  iv,  3*>. 
Bitter  Hark,  ii.  38. 
Bitter  Pecan,  vii.  149  ;  xiv.  43. 
Bittcrnut,  vii.  141. 
Black  Ash,  vi.  37. 
Black  Birch,  ix.  50,  r>5  ;  xiv.  53. 
Black  Calabash,  vi.  IK). 
Black  Cottonwood,  ix.  KKt,  175. 
Black  Cyprc'SB,  x.  153,  154. 
Black  (ium,  v.  77. 
Black  Haw,  v.  99;  xiv.  23. 
Black  Hickory,  vii.  103,  107. 
Black  Iron-wo<Kl,  ii.  29. 
Black  Jack.  viii.  145,  101. 
Black  Jack,  Furk-leaved,  viii.  145. 
Black  Knot,  ir.  12. 
Black  Locust,  iii.  77. 
Black  Manj^rovn,  vi.  107. 
Black  Maple,  xiii.  9. 
Black  Mulberry,  vii.  77. 
Black  Oak,  viii.  103,  137,  141. 
Black  Olive  Tree,  v.  21. 
Black  IVrsimnion,  vi.  11. 
Black  Pint"  of  Japan,  xi.  7. 
Black  Plum-tree,  v.  41. 
Black  Slots  iv.  33. 
Black  Spruce,  xii.  28. 
Black  Tree,  vi.  108. 
Black  Walnut,  vii.  121. 
Black  Willow,  ix.  103, 107,  113, 115, 141, 
Black  Wowl,  vi.  108, 
lilackburnia,  i,  05. 
Blacknian  IMuin,  iv.  24. 
Blackthorn,  iv.  10. 
Blackthr)rn  canes,  iv.  11, 
Btack-woud,  Australian,  iii.  110. 
/iladhia,  V.  151. 
HUldh'm  /KitiirulaUt,  v.  153. 
Blu»to|)lia^a  jjrossorum,  \ii.  03. 
Blepharida  rhuis,  iii.  10. 
Btif^h,  William,  ii.  18. 
Ulighia,  ii.  18. 

Blight,  Alder,  ix.  70. 

Blodgeit,  John  Looml«.  \.  33. 

Blolly,  i.  42;  vi.  HI. 

Blue  Ash,  vi.  35. 

Blue  Beech,  ix.  42. 

Blue  Ja(!k.  viii.  171. 

Blue  Myrtle,  ii.  43. 

Blue  Oak.  viii.  79. 

Blue  Spruce,  xii.  47. 

Blue-wood,  ii.  25. 

Blueberries,  v.  110, 

Blueberry,  High-bush,  v.  117. 

Blytridium  signatum,  xii.  01 

liuhu,  vi.  13. 

liitbua,  vi.  13, 

Bogus  Yucca  Moth,  x.  3. 

Bois  de  St.  Lucio,  iv.  11. 

Bois  Fid6lo,  vi.  101. 

Boissier,  Pierre-Kdmond|  vi.  74* 

Boissiera,  vi.  74. 

BoneiUa,  v.  155. 

Bontin,  vi.  105. 

liontia  t/enninitni,  vl.  106. 

iiortUia,  vi.  07. 

Borer,  Apple-tree,  iv.  70. 

Borer,  Flat  headed,  iv.  70  ;  viii.  11. 

Borers.  Oak,  viii.  11. 

BoRKAOINACK.K,  vi.  07. 

Botryospha^ria  (fleditschiic,  iii.  74. 

Botryosplueria  Persimmons,  vi.  4. 

Botrytis  cinerca,  xii.  84. 

Botrytis  Douglasii,  xii.  S-l. 

Bottom  Shellbark,  vii.  157. 

Bourreria,  vi.  75. 

Bourrfrui  glabra^  vi.  08, 

Bourreria  Havanenais,  vi.  77. 

Bourreria  lluvancnsis,  vnr.  radula,  vi.  77. 

Bourreria  ovata^  vi.  77. 

Bourreria  rmlida,  vi.  77. 

Bourreria  rerurra,  vi.  77,  78. 

Bourreria  tomenUmi,  y  Kavanensist  vi.  77. 

Bourreria  virgata,  vi.  77. 

Bow  Wood,  vii,  89. 

Box  Elder,  ii.  111. 

Box-wood,  ii.  17. 

Boynton,  Frank  Ellis,  xiii.  60. 

Bracteatcrt,  xii.  97. 

Brahea  duicin  (?).  «■  47. 

Brithea  nemdata,  xiv.  70. 

BrainenI,  Ezm.  xiii.  112. 

Bread  from  bark  uf  Hemlock,  xi.  93. 

Bread  from  bark  of  Pinus  contorta,  xi.  93. 

Brewer,  William  Henry,  viii.  28. 

Itrcwerina,  viii.  28. 

Briani;oii  manna,  xii.  4. 

Brittle  Thatch,  x.  53  ;  xiv.  87. 

Broad-lfaved  Maple,  ii.  89, 

Bruad-nut,  (iloucester,  xiv.  103. 

Broom  Hickory,  vii.  107. 

Brnusmnetia,  iii.  59. 

Broitjisonetia  seruudijlorn,  iii.  03. 

Broussonetia  tindoriat  vii.  89, 

Brown  Hickory,  vii.  107. 

Brown,  Robert,  viii.  02. 

Bruchus  desertorum,  iii.  100. 

Bruchus  prosopis,  iii.  100. 

Brushes,  Palmetto,  x.  41. 

Bucculatrix  thuicUa,  x.  124. 

Bucida,  v.  19. 

Burida  ntigusti/olia,  V.  21. 

Bui'iila  Bucera.i,  v.  21,  29. 

Bucida  Bureras,  var.  (ingusti/olia,  v.  21. 

Buckeye,  ii.  01  ;  xiii.  3. 

Buckley,  Samuel  Botsford,  iii.  3. 

Buckleyi,  iii.  4. 

Buukthorn,  v.  173. 

Buckwheat-tree.  11.  7. 

Bull  Bay.  i.  .3. 

Bull  Beech,  ix.  23. 

Bull  Nut,  vii.  103. 

Bull  Pine,  xi.  77,  05,  140. 

Bullock's  heart,  i.  28. 

Bully  Tree,  v.  182. 

Bum  W(hm1,  iii.  14. 

Bumelia,  v,  107. 

Bimelia,  v.  177, 

Bumelia  angustifoUa^  v.  175. 

Bumelia  arnihnoidea,  v.  171. 

Bumelia  arhorea,  v.  171. 

Bumelia  vhrtjmphyUoideit,  v.  109. 

Bumelia  aitmUa,  v.  175. 

Bumelia  dulrijicot  v.  104. 

Bumelia  ferruf/inea,  v,  171. 

Bumelia  fiKtidisMimn,  v.  105. 

Bumelia  lanuginosa,  v.  171  ;  xiv.  102. 

Bumelia  lanuginoNa.  var.  rigida.  v.  172. 

Bumelia  lycioides,  v,  173. 

Bumelia  lycioide»,  var.  reclitiata,  v.  108. 

Bumelia  Mafttichodendron^  v.  105. 

f  Bumelia  otdongifolia^  v.  171. 

Bumelia  pallida,  v.  105. 

Bumelia  parvi/olia,  v.  175. 

Bumelia  reclinata,  v.  108. 

Bumelia  rerlimUa,  v.  175. 

Bumelia  mlivi/nlia,  v,  105,  179. 

Bumelia  serrata,  iv.  49. 

Bumelia  spinosa,  v.  172. 

Iluinelia  toiiax,  v.  109. 

Bumelia  lomeutosat  v.  171. 

Bur  Oak,  viii.  43. 

Burgundy  pitch,  xii.  23. 

Burke.  Joseph,  ix.  4. 

Burkea,  ix.  4. 

Burless  Chestnut,  ix.  14. 

Burning  Bush,  ii.  11. 

Hurser,  Joachim,  i.  95. 

Bursera,  i.  05. 

Bursera  (/ummi/era,  i.  97. 

Bursera  Siinaruba,  i.  97. 

BURSKKACE.K,  i.  95, 

Buflli.  Bunjauiin  Franklin,  vii.  110. 
Bush.  Mutton,  xiv.  20. 
Bustic,  V.  179. 
Butternut,  vii.  118. 
Button  Bush,  xiv,  20. 
Button-ball  tree,  vii.  103. 
Buttonwoml,  v.  24  ;  vii.  102. 
Buttonwood,  White,  v.  29. 

Cabanis,  Jean,  xiv.  39. 
Cabbage  Palm,  x.  30. 
Cabbage  Palmetto,  x.  41. 
Cabbage  Tree,  x.  41. 
Cactace.*:,  v.  51  ;  xiv.  9. 
Cactus  Bonphindiif  xiv,  12. 
Cactus  cochr>     ''Vir,  xiv.  11. 
Cactu!^  Ddleiiii,  xiv.  13. 
Cactus  Ficus-Indica,  xiv.  12. 
Cactus  heiaffonus,  v.  52. 
Cactus  ludicus,  xiv.  13. 
Cactus  nana,  xiv.  12, 
Cactus  Opuntia,  xiv.  12. 
Cactus  Opuntia  inermis,  xiv.  12. 
Cactus  Opuntia  Tuna,  xiv.  12. 
Cactus  Opuntia  vulgaris,  xiv.  12, 
Cactus  Peruvianus,  v.  52. 
Cactus  Tuna,  xiv.  12. 
Cadamba,  v.  HI. 

!     1 






Cadamha  ja$min\fiorat  t.  \Vi. 

Cwlilu  Cbi«(  i'lum,  iv.  *iO. 

TuU,  huilc  ilv.  I.  7'J- 

Cvutuft  Abicti»-(*ftnA<leiitii,  lii.  01. 

CwumA  Abietm-iwctinaUp,  lii.  *ll. 

C'ipuiii*  l^rit'i*,  lii.  5. 

CttitiitOf  V.  lAU. 

CnmiUi  pamifrrum^  v.  lOOl 

('Rjitpiit,  vii.  *21. 

CaUbwh,  llUok*  vi.  00. 

CjUalMub-tn>e,  vi.  07. 

('KUniAndcr  wuod,  vi.  3. 

Caliciupcia  INnea,  si.  I'J. 

Cfttieu  Hiuh.  v   HO. 

Calico  \V(kk1,  vi.  2*.'. 

Cftlirurnift  llully.  iv.  124. 

California  Ijiun'l.  vii.  'Jl. 

California  Liliic,  li.  43. 

Califuriiia  Niitnir^,  i.  ti'Q, 

California  Olive,  vii.  'Jl. 

Caligula  Japouicft,  ii.  0. 

CallirtMiarpui,  ii.  *J. 

CalUrocarputt  iz.  1, 

CalUpbia  betulclla,  iz.  4A. 

Calluliiim  rreuiu,  iz.  lU. 

Callidiiim  aiittnnatuni,  i.  Tl ;  li.  11. 

Callitfrapha  M>alahft,  iz.  70. 

Callipt<*rua  Caslane*.  it.  10. 

Calloidet  nobilin,  iz.  10. 

ValoctHrut^  z.  VXV 

Caloctdrua  macnUrpuif  z.  134. 

Calonobe,  ziv.  I'J. 

Calolhifrtut,  M.  o], 

CalothyrtuM  Cali/amira,  ii.  61. 

Catpidia,  vi.  100. 

Calyptoapura  (■(Fpperiiana,  zii.  01. 

Calyptranthes,  v  :ifi. 

Calyptrantbea  aroinatica.  v.  3A. 

Calyptnuithea  Chytraculia,  v.  30. 

Calyptranthrt  Chytrmoulim  a  ^enuiiu^  T.  30. 

Calyptranthes  Cbytraculia,  $  ov»li»,  t.  30. 


Calyptruitbi**  Cbytraculia,  t  ftaiiciflora,  v.  3fl. 

Calyptranlbf I  Cbytraculia,  •  Ziiiypuxn,  t.  36. 

Cattfptranthei  JamhiUana^  v.  41. 

Calyptrantbes  obacura,  t.  3A. 

Calyptranthfi  paniculata,  t.  ^15. 

Calyptrantbea  Scbiedevia,  v.  35. 

Calyptranthei  S<'bleoht«ndalianA,  t  35. 

Califptmnthfi  Zuzygium,  v.  30. 

Caltfptranthuf,  v.  35. 

Camellia  axUlaru,  i.  39. 

Campbell.  Arcbibald,  i.  108. 

Caiuixleria,  vi.  113. 

Camptieria,  vi.  113. 

Campkorvmattt  vii.  0. 

Canada  baluni,  zii.  100. 

Canada  pitch,  zii.  t>5. 

Canada  Plum,  iv.  15. 

Caiiby,  William  Mariott,  ziii.  41. 

Canbra,  ziii.  41. 

Canel,  i.  36. 

Cant* lla,  i  3>j. 

Cai>f-lla  alba,  i.  37  ;  zir.  07. 

CcuelUi  laun/oliat  i.  37. 

Caiiella  ubtuiifulia,  i.  35. 

Canrlla  Winterana,  i.  37  ;  zir.  07. 

Canhi-LACE.*:,  i.  35. 

Canker  of  Larcb,  zii.  5. 

Canop  Itircb,  iz.  57  ;  ziv.  5S. 

Can.K-  Ci'dar,  z.  IL'O. 

Cauuea,  Hircb-bark,  iz.  59. 

Canotia,  i.  87. 

Canuti*  holacantba,  i.  88. 

Capri,  Mary,  ii.  10. 

CapvAMin.uKjc,  t.  31. 

Capparia,  i.  31. 

Cap|iuri«  aphylla,  i-  H'J. 

Capiwriii  Itreynia,  i.  3*J. 

Capiwru  tyuophallophorm,  i.  31. 

Capitarti  Dahi,  i.  3'.'. 

f 'fi/'/Miru  tmtirtffuiUi,  i.  .13. 

Ciipparia  fnmduaa,  i.  32. 

CappariH  Janiaict'nai*,  i.  :t2,  33. 

Cappiina  Jatnowrfnu,  var.  emarjinata,  \.  33. 

Capparm  Mitbrulalica.  i.  32. 

Capimrii  puU'herriiiia,  i.  tl2. 

('apparm  irpiaria,  i-  32. 

CappariH  ipinoaa,  i.  31, 

Capparu  Yco,  i.  32. 

Caprrro,  ii.  Ofi. 

Crtprrie,  iz.  IW 

CapriflcatiuD,  vii.  03. 

Caphrirui^  vii.  01. 

Capfificui  insecti/erftt  vii.  03. 

CapriHg.  vii.  03.  v.  85  ;  liv.  23. 

Capulin,  it  23. 

Capulinua,  iv,  47. 

Canlen,  v.  52. 

Vnrttioifpii,  ii.  31. 

Ciirdiolepis  obhuia,  ii.  37. 

Carey,  Jubn,  i.  UA. 

Cargillta,  vi.  1. 

Carica,  ziv.  1. 

Carica  Candaniarcenaii,  ziv,  3^ 

Carica  caudata,  ziv.  1,  2, 

Carica,  di^^fHive  properties  of,  kit.  2. 

Carica  crytbrocarpa,  ziv.  2. 

Carica,  fungal  diacascn  uf,  ziv.  3. 

Canca  haatata,  ziv.  3. 

Carica  hermnfrttiiita,  ziv.  5. 

Carica,  bybridi  <if,  ziv.  2. 

Carica,  medical  proi>crtipa  of,  ziv,  3. 

Carica  Tapaya,  ziv.  5. 

Carica  quiTcifulia,  ziv,  2,  3. 

Caricack.k,  liv.  1. 

Carlea,  vi.  13. 

Carlffmohria^  vi.  10. 

Cariofnvhria  Cnrulinn,  vi.  21. 

Carlamohria  litfttrm,  vi.  23. 

Cart'tmnhriit  purvijlttra,  vi.  10. 

Cariiifnta  Krazini,  vi.  27. 

Cartnima.  vi.  79. 

CarpHtbian  balum,  zi.  10. 

Carpenter,  William  M.,  iv.  03. 

Car]>ent4'riii,  iv.  93. 

Carpinui,  ii.  39. 

Carpinuit  iz.  31. 

Carpintis  Amertcanat  iz.  42. 

Carpitiut  Am^nrnna,  var.  tropicotit,  ix.  43. 

Carpinua  IWtuIus,  iz,  40. 

Carpinus  HfttUuM^  ix.  42. 

Carpinui  Iktulus,  borticultural  forml  of,  ix. 

Carpinus  fiftuluM  Virgxnianat  iz.  42. 
Carpinui  Caruliniana,  iz.  42  ;  ziv.  101. 
Carjnnits  ("nrptnizzn,  ix.  4*). 
CarpintiR  Carpinun,  ix.  41. 
Cnr)iitmii,  Cbincii«>,  ix.  40. 
Carpinus  cordtita,  ix.  10,  41. 
CarpinuA  UuinenniH,  ix.  4o. 
Carpinui,  ccuiioniic  properties  of,  iz.  41. 
Carjiinuii  eruHn,  iz.  41. 
CiirpinuH,  fungal  diacaw'8  of,  iz.  41. 
Carjiinus,  insect  i'iieniii'.i  nf,  ix.  41. 
CnrpiuMM  intermrrlin,  ix.  40. 
Carpimit  Japmaca^  ix.  41. 

Carpinui  laziflora,  ii.  40,  41. 

CufjHnuM  itntntttlu^  ii.  40. 

CarpinttM  ihtr^fn^  ii.  32,  'M. 

CarpmuM  (hirifo  .    AtMriatrut^  ii.  34. 

Carpinui  'riclmmMkii,  ix.  41. 

Car)>iniii  Turcxaninovii,  ix.  40. 

Carpinui  viminea,  ix   40,  41. 

CtirfHma  rir^>ihinfi,  ii.  IM. 

Carpmtit  rir^nirii,  ix.  31. 

Carpinui  Yed«>«nai«|  iz.  41. 

Carrta,  i.  ;>0. 

Oif/d,  vii,  131. 

Cnrifii  nlU,  vii.  153,  lAl. 

Curyri  iimoni,  vii,  141. 

Can/a  nmom,  var.  mttrt*tiarfitrmi»,  v|i.  14n. 

Oiryri  nrmirtt,  var.  ftorrttui,  vii.  105, 

Carifit  iittifuntt/oltn,  vii.  137. 

Caryti  n'/itfirirn,  vii.  149. 

Carya  mlhitrtira,  vii.  118. 

CarffU  ctmlt/ormiSt  vii.  157. 

Carya  glnhra,  vii.  105. 

Citryn  lUinointiii,  vii.  l.')7. 

Cart/a  intft/ri/nlui,  vii.  149. 

Can/n  }ffxtrana,  vii,  132. 

Cdryn  miirorarpa,  vii.  Itt7. 

Cnrya  myristirirfomm,  vii.  145. 

Carya  ohcttrtinta,  vii.  K15. 

Caryn  ttlitw/ormit,  vii.  137. 

Caryn  pttrritui,  vii.  105. 

Caryii  puitftcen^,  vii,  157. 

Carya  tulrata,  vii.  157. 

Cary*i  tftmptfra,  vii.  137. 

Carya  Texana,  vii.  137  ;  ziv.  43. 

Caryn  Itrmentom,  vii.  101. 

Caryit  Unwntona,  var,  maxima,  vii.  101. 

Caryca  maamyn,  ziv.  5. 

Caryocedrus,  i.  70. 

CaryophylluM,  r.  30. 

Caryophyllun  aromatinit,  v.  40. 

Caryotax^t*,  z.  55, 

CaryittniMi  grnndin,  x.  56. 

Carytttaxiui  Afyrintica,  z.  50, 

Caryitinxra  ntwi/ertt,  z.  50. 

Caryotaxtis  Inxi/olia,  x.  57, 

Casatiiiphorum,  ix.  7. 

Caicara  Sagrada,  ii.  39. 

Cauada,  v.  179. 

Caawna,!.  111. 

Cauie,  iii.  110. 

Cauie,  culture  of,  iii.  120. 

Casiine  (\inihnuiua,  \.  111. 

Ctuaine  Prraipni,  i.  til, 

Casiirie  rtimulo^tt,  i.  111. 

Caitagno  dei  Centi  Cavalli,  iz.  8. 

Caitanea,  iz.  7. 

CoMtanra,  iz.  1. 

Caitanea  alnifolia,  ix.  10. 

Cantawn  Amertattui,'it.  13. 

Coftaufa  AmfTirana,  var.  (in7t«fi/o/in,  it.  13. 

Castauea  AmrrininOt  var.  lati/ulta,  ix.  13. 

Cantttnen  ftutigfona,  ix.  9. 

Caitanea  Caitanea,  iz.  8. 

Caitanea  CaiitHnea,  var.  laciniata,  iz.  0. 

Caitanea  Ciutanea,  var.  puliincrvis,  iz.  0, 

Caitanea  Catitanea,  var.  variegata,  iz.  0. 

Ca:xUv\en  rhryiopHylln,  ix.  3. 

Cdftanea  chryfophylln,  var.  minitr,  iz.  3. 

Caxtnneii  crenatd,  iz.  9. 

Caitanea  dcntata,  ix.  13. 

Caitnnea,  rcoiioinic  pn>perticR  of,  iz.  10, 

Castanen  Fagus,  ix.  22. 

Caitanea,  fertilization  of,  ix.  7. 

Caitanea,  fungal  disoaaes  uf,  iz.  10. 

Caitanea,  insect  euemiea  of,  iz.  10. 

^  Ml 


jtisti/olui^  ii,  13. 
f'olia,  it.  13. 

s  of,  ii.  10. 

CtuUtntn  Jnponitvi,  it.  0. 

CiuUina*,  infl<lit!«l  proiMrtiH  of,  tx.  10. 

Catliinfn  ufirifi,  ii.  tl), 

CMtam-R  piiiniU,  ii.  17. 

Cojifiittfti  ptimila,  $  rMina,  ii.  10, 

Cattimfii  iifi/iif],  ix.  H. 

Caa1nn«ft  mttivn,  var.  AmeriennOt  ti.  13. 

Ctulanrn  urmp^rvirtnit  ix.  3. 

Coii^iri^ri  itru-Ut^  ix.  \). 

CMUntiti  L'lignri,  ii.  10. 

Cwtnnm  vfnrttt  ii.  H,  9,  VI. 

CoMlanfit  t'MCfi ;  .Im^tVfimi,  ix.  13. 

Vn*tnufii  ufWfi,  0  /)iiftin«riPM,  ix.  0. 

(  Vi^/firifii  t'ulifariA,  ix.  H. 

f 'fl,<^lflfa  ru/f/tiru,  y  .^fntfri'iYimi,  ix.  13. 

( '(t</(iri«(i  vttiyitriM,  t  Japonica^  ix.  0. 

Cnthtu^ofuiM,  viii.  4. 

C'aNtunopNJii,  ix.  1. 

C'lwtiuiopiiiii  ahryiiophyllAf  ix.  3. 

('tiNtftiiiipni«  uhryiiophylln,  B  minor,  ix.  3. 

i 'a$Uvutf}»i»  chriftnphffUnt  viir.  pumila,  ix.  3, 

Ciutatiopiiiii,  cuuiioniii'  pruiwrtioi  of,  ix.  *2. 

CoHtiinHpiiii,  fungal  diiviui*!  of,  ix.  2. 

Catiilpn,  vi.  H3,  H4). 

Ciittil/ut  hit/HiinioiiUst  vi.  WI,  80. 

Calal/m  hufuimiuiilf*,  var.  Kirmp/eri,  vi.  8-1. 

Catalpa  Itmif^ei,  vi.  HI. 

Cntiilpti  lUmiffi,  vi.  8H. 

(^ittjilpa  CiitalpH,  vi.  HO  ;  xiv.  KKJ. 

(')itatpa  (.'titulpa,  K'^dIimi  fi>riiiH  of,  vi,  88, 

CtUttlpn  rotniUHitin,  vi.  Hit  ;  xiv.  102. 

CalnliHi  nn-fltfn/ut,  vi.  80,  80, 

Cutalpa  fniriAifoliii,  vi,  H4. 

Catiilpii,  fcrtiliratioii  of  tlio  flowers  of,  vi,  83. 

Catalpa,  fungal  nitMiiiei  of,  vi.  84. 

Catiilpa,  iiMi'ct  iJiiciiiicH  uf,  vi.  8-1. 

(\iffi//Mi  hirmp/eri,  vi.  ftt. 

Cntttlptt  liiuijiniliiptn,  vi,  84. 

Catulpa  loiigisiiinia,  vi.  HI. 

Catalpa  loii^iAiiiinu,  wm<hI  of,  vi,  A4. 

Catalpa,  imtdical  propprtien  of,  vi.  8-t, 

C'atalpA,  neetjiriferuiu  glaiuli  of  tbu  leaves 

of,  vi.  87. 
Catalpa  ovata,  vi.  H4. 
CntAlpft  fipi  ciosA,  vi.  HO. 
CaUtlpa  ^i/ritiffifhliii,  vi.  8-1,  80. 
C'ntalpa,  IVus'  hybrid,  vi.  84. 
Catalpa,  Western,  vi.  80. 
('ittitlpiutHt  vi.  83. 
CatiipfHi^  V.  10. 
Catastoga  haniainoliolla,  v.  'J, 
ratawl)it>i)Hu  Uliotiodcmlrouif  T.  140,  147. 
Cutci'liti,  iii.  110. 
Catt-!il)H>a,  vi.  10. 
Catt'jdty,  Mark,  vi.  10. 
Cnthormiou,  iii.  131, 
CiiUnijti,  v.  30. 

Cat'.H  Claw,  iii.  123,  12^,  i:i3. 
Cattle  ill  soiitlieni  pineries,  xi.  l'>0, 
Cavanxileti,  vi,  1. 
Carinium,  v,  ILj. 
Ci'unotliu'4,  ii.  11, 
Crnnnthiis,  ii.  47, 
CcaiiotliUH  AinericaittiR,  11,  42. 
('tatn)thtiy  (irborfwt,  ii.  {'}. 
Crnuitlhus  .\sHUic\t.*,  ii,  47. 
Ci-aMHtliuH  a/urcuH,  ii.  42. 
Cffiniifhu.i  roluhrinu.^f  ii.  47. 
(.'ranolhuM  frrrfiis,  ii.  20. 
Ccaiiothiis  ('.IiiiriMU'  Versailles,  ii.  42, 
(V'aiiotluiN,  tiytirids,  ii.  12. 
Cfiiuolhii.i  lirviffittus,  li.  21. 
Cfaiinthiis  LolihiaiiUA,  ii.  13. 
Cmuolhin  redinatiin,  ii.  40. 


C*nn(Hhw  tartfiiatua,  ii.  4A. 

Ceanuthiii  ipinoiiia,  xiii.  1. 

Ccaiiotliiis  tliyraiHonis,  ii.  43. 

CiNiiiotliuii  VuitL'tiianui,  ii.  43. 

CranuthuN  valiitiniii,  ii.  4A. 

(VaiiotliMi  vflliitiiiiis,  var.  arbnr«ua,  ii.  4A. 

CiM'iiloiityia  CiiprrNsi-anannssa,  x.  lAO, 

CeuidoinyiA  gltiditsuliia*,  iii.  71. 

Cucidoinyia  ltri(Mliiiidri,  i,  18. 

Ccvidotnyia  Salicis-iilitpm,  ix.  101. 

Cuaidoiiiyia  Saliriv-strobilisciis,  ix.  101. 

Cfoidoinyia  Salicis-triticoidfls,  ix.  101. 

Cuuropia  moth,  v.  0. 

Ct'dar,  X.  t)l. 

(*udar*Kpplfs,  x.  73. 

Ct<dar,  Itustanl,  x.  130. 

(Vdar,  CaiHM),  x.  120. 

C«dar  Klin,  vii.  57. 

Cedar,  (iroiind,  x.  7A. 

(^'dar,  IiiceitNe,  x.  135. 

(Vdarof  lioa,  X.  100. 

Cedar,  Oregon,  x.  120. 

Cedar  I'ine,  xi.  131. 

Cedar,  Port  Orford,  x.  119. 

(Vdar,  I'oHt,  X.  IMl 

Ce.Ur,  Kml,  x.  03,  120  ;  xiv.  89,  93. 

(Vdar.  K.H>k,  X,  01, 

Ci-dar,  Stinking,  x.  •)7, 

Cedar,  White,  x.  Ill,  I'JO.  120,  lai 

Crdrella  iHlorata,  i.  lol. 

Cfiiru*  Muhogtmi,  i.  100, 

Cki.asthai'K.k,  ii.  0. 

Ci'In,  .Jai'fpies  Martin,  ii.  4. 

Cfltts,  vii.  03. 

('eltia  Attihi,  vii.  (H. 

O-ltin  avulrnUi,  vii.  01. 

Chit  nllH^,  vii.  71, 

Cfltiit  Awiiht'tiana^  vii,  07. 

Crltii  Awlihfr  iana,  vur.  oblongatQt  *''■  07. 

Cfllis  Awixhcriintm,  var.  uvatOt  vii.  07, 

Celtis  nnstraiis,  vii.  01. 

f'fltis  lirrlaudierif  vii.  71. 

Cflli*  hrffiftn,  vii,  72. 

Cfllii  ranitui,  vii.  07. 

Cfltia  <  'ourtmait  vii.  04. 

Cfltis  ntnlattt,  vii,  07, 

Cfllin  crdHMijhlitt,  vii.  07. 

CW/w  rrnmii/olia,  var.  eucnlt/ptijhlia,  vii.  07. 

CfUi*  irfni.ii/iitiat  var.  mnrtfolia,  vii.  07. 

f  V//W  (Tfi.Mi'/;»/tVi,  var.  lilitr/olia,  vii.  07. 

Cellu  IhmtjUmiy  vii.  07. 

Celtic  Khrftihen/iana,  vii.  04. 

Cflti.1  rriiH'iirfHt,  vii.  04. 

Cfltii  Flftriiiiiuti,  vii.  07. 

Celtis,  fungal  iliHeases  of,  vii.  04. 

(^flti.i/u,*ctUii,  vii.  71. 

f  CtfltiM  (prnutlitleulaUj,  vii.  07. 

Celtiji  hfU  rtiphfiWi,  vii.  07. 

Celtis  i^uanipu>i,  vii.  01. 

Celtis,  i'lsect  enemies  of,  vii.  64. 

Celtis  inld/ri/iilia,  v-i.  71. 

Cfltit  lirvigala,  vii.  71. 

Cfltii  Liudheijiwri,  vii.  71. 

CfUii  liinf/i/i)lia,  vii.  71. 

Cflthmnritima,  vii.  07. 

Celtis  MisMissippiennis,  vii.  71  ;  xiv.  103. 

Celtis  Mississippieiisis,  var.  reticulata,  vii.  72. 

Cellis  morifitliaf  vii.  ()7. 

CfltU  ofAiipta,  vii.  07. 

Celtin  oceidentalis,  vii.  07  ;  xiv.  103. 

CfUis  iH'rlilrtUnlis,  vii.  71. 

(Cfltii  (H'riiletitali-'i,  var.  Awliherlinmi,  vii.  G8. 

C-//M  ncrifieiitnli.'it  var.  vonUitn,  vii.  07. 

CeltU  occidetitaliij  var,  crtis.iifolia,  vii.  08. 


9  CtUia  occidtmtntut  o  graruiultntatat  vii.  08. 

f  Ctltis  itcvui^ntalu,  var.  ffrarulutttUata,  vii.  07. 

C»Uu  oi'riHtntalis,  var.  irUegn/tAui,  vii.  71. 

Callia  uceidantalia,  var.  pumila,  vii.  09. 

Ctltit  iMvittentatiMt  var.  Mttmlatu,  vii.  72. 

Cellta  fHTuitrUalu,  var.  Hrtihrinaculitt  vii.  07. 

CtltiM  ocndentatis,  var.  trrrulnta,  vii,  07. 

CtUis  ficriilentnlu,  var.  tmu^'oita,  vU,  07. 

Ctliit  ptiUidn,  vii.  Ot, 

Ctltis  /Ki/ii/a,  vii.  07. 

Cfltu  prttcfra,  vii.  07. 

(  fllu  pumila,  vii.  (10. 

Vrlti*  rrtinUitUt,  vii.  08,  72. 

Cflti*  rhiim-wifirn,  vii.  04. 

Celtis  Tata,  «  pallida,  vii.  04. 

CW/u  t^iuifi^ia,  vii.  07, 

Cfltii  Tifiann,  vii.  71. 

(^emhra,  xi.  1, 

Cembrn,  xi  4. 

Cenangium  Ahietis,  xi.  12. 

Ceuangium  deforniatiim,  x.  73. 

Cenangium  ferruginosum,  xi.  12. 

Cenangium  seriutum,  ix.  40. 

Centrodera  deeolrrutn,  vi.  27. 

Cephalanthus,  xiv  20. 

i 'rphilnnthuM  nrnlioidm,  xiv.  25. 

('fpfmlanthu.*  nanrlroidi'ii,  xiv.  25. 

Ceplinlantlius  oceidentalis,  xiv.  20. 

('rphnliiuthuM  oeridtntnlix,  xiv.  25. 

Cephalanthus  oocidentalis,  medical  properties 

uf,  xiv.  27. 
Cephalanthus   occidentalui,   var.   hrachypodua, 

xiv,  20. 
Cephalanthui  occidentnlitt,   var.  mncrophyllus, 

xiv.  20. 
Cfjthalanthtu  occidtnlalin,  var.  ofHuti/oliwi,  xiv. 

Cfphttlanthus  ocrideutnlit,  var,  pit/i<sr«is,  xiv. 

Cephalantbua  oecidentalis,   vnr,   salicifolius, 

xiv.  27. 
Cephalanthwi  oppimtifoliut^  xiv.  20. 
C^-phalnnthua  mlin/oliiUt  xiv.  27. 
Cephalanthus  tetramlrus,  xiv.  26. 
Cephalnrerfftn,  v.  51. 
Ceplialoitiaii  Kir,  xii.  09. 
Cfphalophitrus,  v.  51. 
Cephalotomandrn,  vi.  109. 
Ceraneidm,  iv.  7,  8. 
Cerasin,  iv.  11. 
Vermophorat  iv.  7,  8. 
Cerasus,  iv.  8. 
C^nwtw,  iv.  7,  8. 
Cernms  Amfricnna^  iv.  10. 
Cfrasui  horealin,  iv.  35. 
Crrtt.iu.i  Iira.'<iliensi,%  iv.  51. 
Ceraaun  Ca/i/omica,  iv.  38. 
CerttittiS  Capollin^  iv.  40. 
Ccraiiiji  Capuli,  iv.  40. 
Cfmsm  Caroliniand,  iv.  49. 
Cera.vts  Chirtwi,  iv.  25. 
Cenwts  demij^m,  iv.  42. 
Ceranut  demi/iora,  iv.  41. 
Cera.m.t  Ihterinci-U,  iv.  41. 
Cermus  emarffinala,  iv.  37. 
Cemmui  rrecta,  iv.  37. 
Cem.iuK  Jimhriata,  iv.  41. 
CeranHS  (jlandulo.tat  iv.  37. 
Ceraatia  hiemnlis,  iv.  10. 
Cera.m.*  hirsutit,  iv.  41. 
Cfnwm  iliri/itlia,  iv.  53. 
CrrfiHH.1  LnunicemmHy  iv.  iO. 
Ctyam»  Lmittinica,  \y.  11. 
Ceram»  MahaUb^  iv.  10. 


!!  li 



Cfmsus  micrantha,  iv.  41. 

Cerasus  moilis,  iv.  38. 

CerasMS  nignt,  iv.  15,  19. 

Cerastif  obovala,  iv.  41. 

Cerasus  Padua,  iv.  10. 

Cerasus  Pattonianay  iv.  37,  38. 

Ctrasus  Pennsiflvanica,  iv.  35. 

Cerasus  persici/olia,  iv.  35. 

Cerasits  rejiexa,  iv.  51. 

Cemsus  salid/oiia^  iv.  46. 

Cerastis  serotina,  iv.  41,  42,  45. 

CmiSMs  sphfrrorarpUt  iv.  51. 

Cem.ftis  umhelhUa,  iv.  33. 

Cerxmis  Tiri^nmnfi,  iv.  41,  45, 

Cfnisw  Virginianat  var.  0,  iv.  41. 

Crni/o-t/rtrAy-*,  v.  73. 

Ceratostachya  itrborfa,  v.  73. 

Corcidiuin,  iii.  81. 

Cerciilium  fluridimi,  iii.  83. 

Cerciditim  rioriiium,  iii.  85. 

Cerciiiium  Texanuiu,  iii.  81. 

Cen'iilium  Turreyauuin,  iii.  85. 

Cervi»,  iii.  93. 

Cercia  Canadensi:),  iii.  UTi  ;  xiv.  100. 

Cercis  Cauadettsist  var.  imf}fscefis,  iii.  9& 

Cercis  Clniifnsis,  iii.  93. 

(Vrcis  (iriRithii,  iii.  93. 

Ccreis  ut'ciilen talis,  iii.  04. 

Cercis  (tccidentalis,  iii.  97. 

Cercis  ocvidentalist  var.  iii.  97. 

Cercis  itccidentaliat  var.  Texetisis^  iii.  97. 

Cercis  racemusA,  iii.  93. 

<  Vrrii  rtnifarmity  iii.  97. 

Cerois  Siliquastrtiiii,  iii.  93. 

Cerris  SiUqtMiatrufti,  var.  iii.  'M. 

Cercis  Texeiisis,  iii.  97  ;  xiv.  lOU. 

Ceroocarpus,  iv.  Gl. 

Cercocarpm  .-(rumticti.*,  iv.  64. 

Cercvrarpus  heUUfr/itims,  iv.  GO. 

Cerax^rfniS  hetuloidea,  iv.  GG. 

Cei  HHrarpus  breviriorus,  xiii.  27. 

Cercffcorpus  hrenfionui,  iv.  61,  t»6. 

Cercoi-arpus  fotlicr^lluides,  xiii.  *J9. 

Cercthorpfis/'tthergiiliiidef,  iv.  61,  65. 

Cerrocarpris  intricattis,  iv.  '>4. 

Cercocaii>iis  ledifoliit.i,  iv.  63  ;  xiv.  KX). 

Cen'ocarpus  ledifulius,  var.  iittricattis,  iv.  6-1. 

Ccri'iK-nrpus  parvifuIiuD,  iv.  tV). 

Cerci>carptL*  jHirvtfoUiui,  xiii.  L'7. 

Cerntcxirf-ns  ftan-i/uiiiis,  var.  htttJotdeft  iv.  66. 

CerccM'arpus  parvifulius,  var.  brevitlurus,  iv. 

Cereocarput  pan-ifoiius,  var.  brevifioruSf  xiii. 

Cerc»''irpiLi  pari'i/'*liu$,  var.  tjlnber,  iv,  66. 
C«rcooarpus  parvifulius,  var.  [uiucidenUtus, 

iv.  t\Ct. 
Cerrtxfirpiu  pauadentatux,  xiii.  'J7. 
Cercocarpiu  TraAkio!,  xiii,  *J9. 
Cen'oft|Mtr;»  a>'iTiua,  ii.  HI, 
C'cnospora  t.'atalpip,  vi.  HJ, 
O-n-ospuni  I>iosp\ri,  vi.  1. 
OrcnsjKjra  fiiliginuAa,  vi.  4. 
Cercu«^{M)ra  llumaiiiflitlis,  v.  2. 
('ercu«pi>ra  Jiiglaii(ii.t.  vii.  117. 
CerctiHpora  Kaki,  vi.  \. 
("errdspora  Muricola,  vii.  77. 
Cerctrtpora  purpiir«H,  vii.  2. 
Cercospiira  Vurcw,  x.  5. 
C'erc<wp«»rt*!la  I'trsicii',  iv.  12. 
( 'erdana,  vi.  67. 
Cerdana  alluMlora,  vi.  68. 
Cf n?uii,  V.  .11, 
Cereui  {;ig^.iDt«uB,  t.  53. 


Cer«U8  Pectfln-aboriginum,  t.  52. 

Ceretia  Feruvianus,  v.  52. 

Cer«us  Pringlei,  v,  52. 

CtTocarpuSy  v.  39. 

CerophorQi  ix.  83. 

Cerophom  anff»sti/otia,  ix.  84. 

Cerophora  intxiora,  ix.  91. 

Cerophora  Uinceoiata,  ix.  87. 

Cerophom  spicatis,  ix.  84. 

Cerrist  viii.  4. 

CerrouUSf  viii.  4. 

Cbieuoyiicca,  x.  3. 

f  Chirrophj/llum  arhortsctns^  v.  59. 

Cfurtoptelea,  vii.  39. 

Ch(rioptelea  Mericana,  vii.  40. 

Cbalciiphora  caiu(H:stri8,  vii.  101. 

ChalcupUura  Virgiiiicnais,  xi.  11. 

Chaiim!i'jpari.*t,  x.  98. 

t.ianurcypar'ft  x.  97,  i>8. 

Chatrurci/ptiru.  brefirameat  x.  98. 

Channrcyparii  ericoides,  x.  112. 

CA(jm/rrvpa*M  Latcatmiaua,  x.  119. 

Chamirci/paria  Latraomi,  x.  119. 

ChamactffMirLi  Nuti-rns:.i,  0  ylauca^  x.  115. 

ChanurciffHiris  XuthUensis,  x.  115. 

Chamircyparis  obtuaa,  x.  98. 

Chauurci/paria  pendtda,  x.  98. 

Chamircyparis  pisi/era,  x.  99. 

Chamtnyfforin  pisijWa  ^^li/era,  x.  99. 

ChanurrujHiris  pmfeni  atpiarroaa^  x.  99. 

CHnnurctffHiri'i  sphirroidca,  x.  111. 

Chamtrcyjxtris  aifuarrosa,  x.  '.18. 

Chamirct/jHiris  ihyoidta,  x.  111. 

Channrmeapilua,  iv.  67. 

Chamirropa  amuUsy  x.  38, 

Chanurrnpa  y/u/'rn,  x.  38. 

Chanuerops  Palmetto,  x.  41,  43. 

ChamfTTopx  aerruiala,  xiv.  76. 

Chapman,  Alvun  Wfiitwortb,  vii.  110. 

Cbapniannia,  vii.  100. 

Cbaputc,  vi.  11. 

Chaac,  Virjpiiiiia  liebcr,  xiii.  46. 

Chnaaeloupiit,  vi.  13. 

Chf  bulic  niynibalaii!*,  v.  20, 

Cbei'keriMl-barked  .liiniper,  x.  85, 

CnKiKANTiionEMUti:.*:,  i.  47. 

Chrirfinthiideudrim,  i.  47. 

Chr-miuthiMleudnm  ('tiSt/iirriimm,  i.  47. 

Cbeirantb(Klfii(lr(in  pUlauuides,  i.  47. 

Cbem-y  INiini,  iv.  20. 

CberiiiiiMa,  i.  28. 

Chernic!)  laricifubn*,  xii.  5. 

Cbcriiieii  piiiifulia',  xi.  11. 

CherrifB,  Hi^arroati,  iv.  9. 

Cb  *rrit')i,  Duke,  iv.  9. 

CberricH,  Ili-art,  iv.  9. 

Cbrrrics,  Murello,  iv.  9. 

C'berry,  v.  153. 

Cberry  Hirch,  ix.  50. 

Cberry,  Hird.  iv,  :W. 

Cberry.  Chnkf,  iv.  41. 

Cherry  t'onhal- water,  iv.  10. 

Cherry,  cultivation  uf,  iv.  0. 

Cberry,  Dog,  vii.  6it. 

Cbrrry,  Maranca,  iv.  10. 

Cherry,  Mountain,  iv.  26. 

Cberry,  Mountain  KvergrwD,  iv.  54. 

Cherry,  INgeon,  iv,  '*6. 

Cherry,  Pin,  iv.  'Mi. 

Cberry,  Kuni,  iv.  45. 

Cherry,  Si-fiiush  Wild,  iv.  £4. 

Cherry,  Surinam,  v.  11. 

Cherr'j,  WiM.  iv  37,  41  ;  xiii.  25. 

Cberry.  Wild  hiack.  ir.  45. 

Cherry,  Wild  Red,  iv.  36. 

Cherry-gum,  iv.  10. 

Cherry-oil,  iv.  10. 

Cherry-tree,  Mexican,  iv.  46. 

Cherry-tree,  New  Mexican,  iv.  46. 

Cheituut,  ix.  13. 

Chestnut,  American,  cultiTation  of,  ix.  14. 

Chestnut,  tiurlcas,  ix.  14. 

Chestnut,  Golden-leaved,  ix.  3. 

Chestnut  Oak,  viii.  51,  55,  183, 

Chestnut  Spinner,  ix.  9. 

Chestnut-tree,  Chinese,  ix,  9. 

Chestnut-tree,  Kuropean,  cultivation  of,  ix.  8. 

Cbestnut-tree,    Kurupean,    introduction    into 

the  United  States,  ix.  9. 
Chestnut-tree,  Japanese,  ix.  9. 
Chestnut'tree,  the  Turtwortb,  ix.  8. 
Chestnut-trees  uf  Mt.  Ktna,  ix.  8. 
Cli  est  nut-wood,  extract  of,  ix.  10. 
Chestnuts,  Spanish,  ix.  9. 
CMcharronia,  v.  19. 
Chickasaw  Plum,  iv.  25. 
Chickasaw  Plum,  origin  of,  iv.  26. 
Chicot,  iii.  70. 

Chilonectria  cucurbitula,  xi.  12. 
Cbilupsis,  vi.  93. 
Chilopsis  {flutit.oaa,  vi.  95. 
Chilu|i8is  line&ris,  vi.  95. 
Chiiop.sis  .maligna,  vi.  95. 
Chinmntbus,  iv.  7. 
ChinuinthiiS  amyydalina,  iv.  49. 
Chinese  Carpinus,  ix.  40. 
Chinese  Chestnut-tree,  ix.  9. 
ChincHc  gulls,  iii.  9. 
Chinese  Hemlock,  xii.  60. 
Cbiiiese  Liquidanibar,  v.  8. 
Chinese  white  wax,  vi.  26. 
Chinquapin,  ix.  3,  17. 
Chinquapin  Oak,  viii.  56,  59 
Chion  einctuH,  vii.  133. 
CbionantbiiH,  vi.  59. 
ChiourtHthis  angiislif'olias  vi.  00. 
C.\ionanthut  Chinetutis,  vi.  59. 
Chionanthtis  rotiui/itlia,  vi.  r»0,  61. 
Chiouanthus  fraxinl/iilia,  vi.  31. 
Chionantbus  hetcritphylla,  vi.  60. 
Chionantbus  b)ngifnlia,  vi.  tiO. 
Cbiiiiiiintbu.s  iniiritini".,  vi.  60. 
Chionantbus,  niediciil  properties  of,  vi.  59. 
ChiotuvithuA  mvfifdiui,  vi.  60. 
Chionantbus  n'tusji,  vi.  59. 
Chiounuthns  trtfida,  vi.  60. 
ChiirtiatUHiis  Irifiiyra,  vi.  r>0. 
Chionafithtis  verriali^,  vi.  60. 
CbionantbiiH  Virginiea,  vi.  60. 
Chitmanthfis    \  'tnjiuica,   var.    angxuti/ulia,  vi. 

Chumanthis  Virginirat  var.  tiitifolia,  vi.  ()0. 
Chioitauthua  Vinjoiintf  var.  tmiriltmn,  vi.  60. 
Chiofiiin(hiiS  Vtrffinicii,  var.  mont'^ua,  vi.  60. 
Chiononthus  /Crylf.nint,  vi   64). 
Chionaspis  furfurus,  iv.  70. 
Cl.ionaspiH  Nyswp,  v.  74. 
Cbiunaspis  pinifoliie,  xi.  11. 
Cbionaspin  Quercus,  viii.  11, 
Chithtmatilhua,  Iii.  115. 
Cbittani  \\'(>od,  iii.  3. 
Cbiltim  WikkI,  v.  171. 
Cblamydubalanus,  viii.  4. 
Chloromeles,  iv,  Gl. 
Chlornmrlea  armiyen'trens,  ir.  75. 
Choke  Cherry,  iv.  41. 
Cholla,  xiv.  15. 
CKomeUia,  i.  103. 

iltivntion  of,  ix.  8. 
iutroductiou    into 

rtios  of,  vi.  59. 

ani/u»ti/oliat  vi. 

luttfoli/i,  vi.  (tO, 
maritimti,  vi.  (>0. 
montizua,  vi.  00. 

Choniastmm,  v.  144. 
Chouteaa,  I^erro,  vii.  80. 
ChroineaoB  looriEB,  vii.  133. 
Chrifttmas  Berry,  iv.  124. 
Chrysobalantis,  iv.  1. 
Chrygobalanus  elliptictta,  iv.  4. 
Clirysobalaiuis  Icaco,  iv.  3. 
Chrysubalanus  Icaco,  a  genninus,  iv.  4. 
Chrysobalanua  Icaco,  0  pollocarpuB,  iv.  4. 
Chryaobalanus  Icaco,  $  pttr/iureus,  iv.  3. 
Chrysobalanua  Icaco,  y  ellipticus,  tv.  4. 
Chryiobalanus  luteuSf  iv.  4. 
Chryaobalaiiiis  oblongifolius^  iv.  1. 
*Jhryiiobalanu8  orbicularis,  iv.  4. 
Chryaobalanus  pellocarptu,  iv.  4. 
Chrysobothris  fcmorata,  ii.  81  ;  iv.  11,  70  ; 

viii.  11. 
Chrysobothris  octocola,  iii.  100. 
Chrysobothris  0-aignaia,  ix.  48. 
Cbrysomela  pallida,  ix.  loO. 
Cbrysomeia  Bcalaris,  i,  51. 
Chrysomyza  Abietis,  xii.  01. 
Chrysoniyxa  Ledi,  xii.  26. 
Chrysomyza  Rhododendri,  xii.  26. 
Chrysophylliiin,  v.  150. 
Chrysophylliim  Cainito,  v.  160. 
Chrysophyllum  Caimlo,  v.  161. 
ChryfiophyUuin  Cainito,  $,  x\v.  102. 
Chrysophyllum  Carolinense,  v.  160. 
ChrymphyUum  femigineum,  v.  161. 
Chrysophyllum  Ludoricianum,  v.  171. 
Chrysophyllum  micrnphyllum^  v,  161. 
Chrysophyllum  monopyrenum,  v.  101. 
Chrysophyllum  olivifoniie,  v.  161  ;  xiv.  102. 
Chrysophyllum  oUviforme,  var.  monopyrenumf 

v."  101. 
Chrysophyllum  Roxburghii,  v.  160. 
ChU-ling,  V.  8. 
ChuncfHi,  V.  19. 
Chyfralia,  v.  35. 
Cicmla  septendecim,  viii.  11. 
Cicada,  The  Sevcuteen-year,  viii.  11. 
Cider,  niaoufacture  of,  iv.  08. 
Cidorkin,  iv,  68. 
Ciliciaii  Kir,  xii,  99. 
Cimbcx  Americana,  ix.  101. 
Cinchnna  Caribira,  v.  105. 
Ciuchorui  Carnliuhna,  v.  100. 
Cinchona  jloributulit,  v.  103. 
Cinchona  Jamaicensis,  v.  105. 
Cinchona  Luciana,  v.  103. 
Cinchona  montana,  v.  103. 
Cinctosandra,  v.  110. 
CinnamiHtendroi)  corticosiim,  t.  37. 
Cinnamomuin  Zeylaiiicuiu,  i.  36. 
Cinnamon  Hark,  i.  37. 
C'l/t'miwKi,  vi.  13. 
Cirillo,  Dumnuco,  ii.  2. 
('irr)ia  platant'lla,  \ii.  101. 
Cithari'xylon,  vi.  101. 
Citharexylun  villosum,  vi.  103. 
Citheronia  rrgidis,  vii.  116. 
Cladra.Htis,  iii.  5.''>  ;  xiv.  100. 
(^lailrastis  friitjrttns,  xiv.  1(X). 
Cladrastis  lutea,  iii.  57  ;  xiv.  100. 
Cladra.ttis  tinctoria,  iii.  57. 
Claiiuiiy  [.^,  iii.  45. 
Clarimyrtus,  v.  39. 
Clayton,  John,  i.  8. 
Cleisl'H'alyx,  v.  39. 
riethropsis,  ix.  68. 
Clefhrnpais,  ix.  G7. 
CIrtfiropsis  Nfpalgnsii,  ix.  70. 
Clethropsis  nitida,  ix.  70. 


ClifiP  Elm,  vU.  48. 

GliftoDi  Francis,  ii.  5. 

Cliftoniai  ii.  5. 

Cli/tonia  ligustrinaf  ii.  7. 

Cliftonia  luonophylla,  ii.  7. 

Clijionia  ni'fu/a,  ii.  7. 

Clisiocampa,  ii.  36. 

Cliaiocampa  Californica,  viii.  11. 

Clisiocampa  constricta,  viii.  11. 

Clisiocampa  disstria,  viii,  11 ;  ix.  84. 

Clisiocampa  sylvatica,  i.  51. 

Clistoyucca,  z.  3. 

Cloves,  V.  40. 

Cloves,  oil  of|  V.  41. 

Clove-stalks,  v.  41. 

Clove-tree,  v.  40. 

Clove-tree,  cultivation  of,  v.  40. 

Cluster-cups,  iv.  70. 

Cocci/erOf  viii.  4. 

Coccotoba,  vi.  113. 

Coccolobis,  vi.  113. 

Coccolobin  CurtL'-siif  vi.  119. 

Coccolobis  Floridana,  vi.  119. 

Coccolobis  laurifolia,  vi    '19. 

Coccolobis  LeoganensiSf  vi.  115,  119. 

Coccolobis,  medical  properties  of,  vi.  114. 

Coccolobis  pan' if oliat  vi.  119. 

CocccAubis  tenui/olia,  vi.  119. 

Coccolobis  Uvifera,  vi.  115. 

Coccololiis  Uvifera,  var.  Leoganensis,  vi.  115. 

Coccolobis  Uvifera,  var.  ovalifolia,  vi.  115. 

Coocomyces  triangularis,  viii.  13. 

Coccothrinax,  xiv.  85. 

Coccothrinax  argentea,  xiv.  85. 

Coccothrinax  Garberi,  xiv.  85. 

Coccothrinax  jucunda,  xiv.  87. 

Coccothrinax  radiata,  xiv.  85. 

Coccus  Cacti,  xiv.  11. 

Coccus  [licis,  viii.  10. 

Coccus  Pe-la,  vi.  20. 

Cochineal,  xiv.  11. 

Cockscomb  Gall'louse,  vii.  41. 

Cockspur  Thorn,  iv.  01  ;  xiii.  39. 

Cocoa  Plum,  iv.  3. 

Codlin-moth,  iv.  70. 

Codimocrinum,  x.  1. 

Cuffee-tree,  ii.  37. 

Coffee-tree,  Kentucky,  i'.i.  09. 

Colden,  Cadwall.TifT,  i.  60. 

Culeophora  caryipfoiiclla,  vii.  133. 

Coleophora  eorneUa,  v.  (>5. 

Coleophora  laricella,  xii.  5. 

Coleophora  Ostryir,  ix.  32. 

Coleophora  viburniella,  v.  94. 

Coleosporium  Pini,  xi.  12. 

Coleosporium  Senccinnis,  xi.  12. 

Coloospitrium  Vibunii,  v.  94. 

Colleta  Plum,  iv.  26. 

Collinson,  Peter,  i.  8. 

CoUosphieria  curticata,  vii.  87. 

Coloplm  rtn)icul.i,  vii.  41. 

Colomdo  Spruoe,  xii,  47, 

ColpoMia  inorbidum,  xii.  20. 

Colubrina.  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  Americana,  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  Asiatica,  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  Culubrina,  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  Kcrnientum,  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  femtginosa,  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  (Ireggii,  ii.  47. 

Colubrina  rcclinata,  ii.  19. 

Colubrina  Texcnsis,  ii.  47. 

Columella,  vi.  109. 



Compton,  Henry,  i.  6. 

ComptonU,  iz.  84. 

Complonia,  iz.  83. 

Comptonia  asplmi/olia,  ix.  84. 

Condal,  Antonio,  ii.  23, 

Condalia,  ii.  23. 

Condalia,  ii.  19. 

Condalia /errea,  ii.  29. 

Condclia  infectoria,  ii.  23. 

Condalia  Mexicana,  ii.  23. 

Condalia  microphyllR,  ii.  23. 

Condalia  obovata,  ii.  25. 

Condalia  spatbulata,  ii.  23. 

CoNIFER£,  X.  GU  ;  xi.  1 ;  xii.  1  ;  xiv.  89. 

Conocarpus,  t.  23. 

Conocarpu)  acuti/olia,  v.  24. 

Conocarpus  erecta,  v.  24. 

Conocarpus  erecta,  var.  arborea,  v.  24. 

Conocarpus  erecta,  var.  procumbens,  v.  24. 

Conocarpus  erecta,  var.  sericea,  v.  24. 

Conocarpua  procumbens,  v.  24. 

Conocarpiu  racemoaa,  y.  29. 

Conotracbelus  Juglandis,  vii.  116. 

Conotrachelus  Noso,  iv.  84. 

Conotracbelus  Nenupbar,  iv.  11, 

Conotracbelus  posticatus,  iv.  84. 

Consntea,  xiv.  9. 

Cooper,  J.  G.,  i.  30. 

Copalillo,  ii.  74. 

Ccpalm  balm,  v.  8. 

Copper  Beecb,  ix.  24. 

Coral  Bean,  iii.  G3. 

Coral  Sumacb,  iii.  14. 

Cordia,  vi.  07. 

Cordia  A/rivana,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  alliodora,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  alliodora,  woo<l  of,  \i,  69. 

Cordia  angmtifotia,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  Boissieri,  vi.  73. 

Cordia  /Iroicnii,  vi.  68. 

Cordia  Imllala,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  rampanidata,  vi.  68. 

Cordia  Cerdana,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  dirhntonui,  vi.  08. 

Cordia,  economic  uses  of,  vi.  08, 

Cordia  Floridana,  vi.  77. 

Cordia  Gcrascantbus,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  globosa,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  hexandra,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  Indit-a,  vi.  08. 

t  Cordia  juijlannifolic,  vi.  71. 

Cordia  lati/olia,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  Myxa,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  Myia,  uses  of,  vi.  68. 

Cordia  olJirinalis,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  orienlatis,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  panindata,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  podocepludn,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  reticidata,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  lllitimphii,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  Uothii,  vi.  08. 

Cordui  Sebcstcnn,  vi.  71. 

Cordia  Sebf-itena,  vi,  08. 

Cordia  Setn'Mena,  var.  mbra,  vi.  71. 

Cordia  spet'iosa,  vi.  71. 

Cordia  suboortlata,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  mhopposita,  vi.  08. 

Cordia  thjrsijiora,  vi.  79. 

Ccrdia  vestita,  vi.  08. 

Cordial-water,  Clierry,  iv.  10 

Cordus,  Valerius,  vi.  09, 

Cordi/iohlasle,  vi.  13, 

Cork  Elm,  vii.  47. 

Cork,  barvcsting  of,  viii.  8. 


,f  i 



Cork  Oak,  viii.  8. 

Cork  Wood,  vii.  111. 

CoKNACEAC,  T.  63  ;  xiv.  21. 

Coniularia  Penicie,  iv.  12. 

Coriiu8»  V.  63. 

Com»»,  iv.  67. 

Corftui  aiha,  xiv.  21. 

f  Cortnts  alha,  v.  64. 

C(tmu$  altertutj  v.  71. 

Cornua  altcriiifolia,  v.  71. 

Comus  Amomumj  v.  64. 

Corniis  asperifolia,  xiv.  21. 

Cttmus  asperi/olia,  ''ar.  Drummondi,  xiv.  iJl. 

Comut  awfrfi/w,  v.  1 1. 

Comwi  bmchf/poda,  v.  64. 

Cornua  capitata,  v.  64. 

f  Ct?miti  ramiiwi,  v.  64. 

Comus  crijepula,  v.  64. 

Comui  lyanocarpa,  v.  64. 

Comui  Drummoruli^  xiv.  21. 

Cunms  Horida,  v.  66  ;  xiv.  101. 

Comus  Jiorida,  v.  69. 

Cornus  Horida,  pondiilous  variety,  v.  68. 

Comus  Horida,  red-ltracU'd  variety,  v.  68. 

Comuii,  fungal  eiieiuios  of,  v.  65. 

Comus,  insect  enemies  of,  v.  65. 

Comus  Kousa,  v.  64. 

Comta  lanuffinosa,  v.  61. 

Comus  macrophylla,  v.  64. 

Comus  mas,  v.  64. 

Comus  Nuttallii,  v.  69. 

Comus  t-fiiigua,  v.  61. 

Cornus  officinalis,  v.  61. 

f  Camus  petlf/gnma,  v.  64. 

0>mi*jr  punrlata,  v.  71. 

Comus  riparia^  v.  71. 

Comus  njHtria,  var.  nigosa,  v.  71. 

Comus  rotuTnli/olia,  v.  71. 

t  Cornus  rubiginosa^  v.  (J4. 

Cornus  sanf^uinoa,  v.  6-1. 

Cornus  sericea,  v.  6t. 

Comus  sericea,  y  asprri/oiiaf  xiv.  21. 

Comus  undufata,  v.  71. 

Coromande'  wood,  vi.  3. 

Corrections,  xiv.  97, 

Cor^icftu  Pine,  xi.  6. 

l'ort*'X  CanelliP  allw,  i.  3.'i. 

Ciirlcx  thynii.'nnal)!t,  v,  8. 

Curtiriuni  aceritium,  var.  iiivcum.  i.  73. 

Corticiuni  cnientum.  ix.  101. 

Ciirtioiiim  (Hkesii,  ix.  tOl. 

Cortii'ium  pezizoideum,  ix.  156. 

{^orypha  minor,  x.  .'18. 

Citr^pha  Paitnettn,  x.  41. 

Corypha  pumila,  x.  38. 

Cossula  inagnifka,  viii.  It. 

Cussnt*  (Vntrn-usirt.  ix.  l.VJ. 

CosRus  lipnijM'rda,  i.  50 

CuAKU.t  Qii'Tciperda,  \\x\.  11. 

Cossuft  rt'tirulatUN,  viii.  11, 

CcMMu  ruhiniv,  iii.  38. 

CoHU'a,  ii  2. 

Cdtiniis,  iii    I. 

Cotinus  Americanus,  iii.  .3  ;  xiv.  00. 

i'lttvxus  f^ogffyyno,  iii.  ii,  3. 

Cotinus  CiitinuH,  iii.  L'. 

CiAif^^fistrr  sjnUhulata,  iv.  105. 

Cutt4tii  (tuii),  v.  H.'t. 

Ci>ttnnw.MMl.  ix   170.  \K\  :  xiv.  69,  71,  73. 

Cott^mwcMHl.  HalMiut,  ix.  175. 

Ciitonw.K.*),  HUrk,  ix.  163,  175. 

(VittiiiiwMHl,  Narrciw-leaved,  ix.  171. 

Cottonwood,  Swamp,  ix.  I(>.3. 

Coulter,  Thomas,  iii.  M. 

Covrllia,  vii.  92. 

Covellia,  vii.  01. 

Coville,  Frederick  Veraoa,  zit.  67. 

Cow  Oak,  viii.  67. 

Crab,  Kraf^rant,  iv,  71. 

Crab,  Soulanl,  iv.  72. 

Crab  Wood,  vii.  30. 

Crab-apple,  iv.  71,  75. 

Crab-apple,  Oregon,  iv.  77. 

Cranberries,  v.  116. 

Cranberry,  cultivation  of  the,  r.  116. 

Crataegus,  iv.  83  ;  xiii.  31. 

Crtit(Tgu9  aceti/olia,  iv.  107 

CratieguB  aciitifolia,  xiii.  51. 

Cratiegus  feHtivalis,  iv.  119. 

Cratityus  Amelamhier,  iv.  125. 

Cratffigus  anomala.  xiii.  1U7. 

Crategiia  npiifdia,  iv.  111. 

Cratagus  apii/Mia  minor,  iv.  111. 

Crataegus  aprica,  xiii.  169. 

Crnttrgus  arhortscfns,  iv.  109. 

Cmtaegus  arhuti/oUa,  iv.  123. 

Crataegus  vVrkansana,  xiii.  85. 

Crnttegus  Arnoldiana,  xiii.  103. 

CratA>gti8  Asbei,  xiii.  140. 

Cratjegus  atnjrubens,  xiii.  181. 

Cratcrgus  ItadiaUi,  iv.  92. 

Crata'gus  berl>erifolia,  xiii.  30. 

Crattrgus  herbrrifUia,  Iv.  93  ;  xiii.  43. 

Crata>gua  Berlandieri,  xiii.  91. 

Cratiegus  blaiida,  xiii.  177. 

(^rahrgus  liosriana,  iv.  J*2. 

Crataegus  Iloyntoni,  xiii.  (io. 

Cratfngus  bractiyacantha,  iv.  80. 

Crntji'gus  Hrnzoria,  xiii.  77. 

Craui>gus  Husliii,  xiii.  o.^. 

Cr.itjegus  Canatli'usis,  xiii.  89. 

Cratiegus  Cunbyi,  xiii.  41. 

Cratjegiia  Candida,  xiii.  05. 

Crattrgus  Carol inintut,  iv.  113. 

Cmtirgus  Curntrft,  iv.  91. 

Crataegus  Chauiplainensis,  xiii.  105. 

f  Crnl(tgus  rhlortM-arpii,  xiii.  61. 

CratiFguH  coct-inca,  iv.  05  ;  xiii.  133. 

CraUrgus  coccinea,  iv.  96  ;  xiii.  13'l. 

Crutirgfis  ciicriufn  marrattintha,  xiii.  135. 

Cratirgns  foccinen  pruinma.  xiii.  61, 

Cnttwg':'  coccincR  rotiindifolia,  xiii.  134. 

Cniltrgits  cucrinen  subviilosti,  xiii.  101. 

(ytit(rgus  ntrcinea,  •  .'  motlis,  xiii.  83. 

Crata-giis  (MK-rinea,  var.  niucracantba,  iv.  06. 

Cratcrgus  ax-rinea,  var.  macrocafUha,  xiii.  KH, 

1.39,  147. 
Crataegus  n>rfinra,    var.  moHis,   iv.    00 ;    xiii. 

Cratcrgus  carrinra,  var.  Uigtindro,  iv.  95. 
Cratjpgus  coccinea,  var,  populifulia.  iv.  97. 
Crattrgyis  ntcriutfo,  var.  tf/piiyi,  iv.  97. 
Cratcrgus  an-finfa,  var.  viridix,  iv.  05,  96. 
CnitjpgiiR  cm'cinioides,  xiii.  115. 
Cnittrgus  coilirnla,  xiii.  7.3. 
Crataegus  c<i)lina,  xiii.  7!t. 
Crnttrcjus  Cnhi^hinua,  xiii.  05. 
Cratfl*guA  coiiNangiiinca.  xiii.  157. 
Cratfl'giis  riirdatn,  iv.  10". 
Cnitit'gii!^  conlata.  distriliuiiun  of,  xiii.  35, 
Cratagut  cnrcmarin,  iv.  71. 
Crntflpgus  rurusca,  xiii.  99. 
Cratirgus  Caurirtianci,  iv.  02. 
Crataegus  Crus-giiUi,  iv.  01. 
CraUrtpui  Cms'galii,  iv   103, 
CratN'gua    Crus-gatli,    distribution    of,   xiii. 

Crata'gus  Crus-galll,  var.  berberifolia,  iv.  93. 

Cratagus  Crui-galli,  var.  berberifolia^  xiii.  53. 

Cratwgua  Crus-galli,  var.  Fontauesiana,  vr. 

CratAgiis  Crus-galli,  var.  linearis,  iv.  02. 

Cratiegns  Crus-gaUi,  var.  ovalifolia,  iv.  92. 

Crata'gus  Crus-galli,  var.  pruntfolia,  iv,  02, 

Cratiegus  Cras-galli,  var,  pyracanthifolia,  iv. 
\Y1  ;  xiii.  39. 

Cratirgus  Crus-gaUi,  var.  pyracarUM/cdia,  iv. 

Cratiegus  Crus-galli,  var,  salicifolia,  xiii,  39. 

Cratagus  Crus-galli,  var.  salicifolia,  iv.  02. 

Cratctgus  Cms-galli,  var.  splenden$f  iv.  91. 

Cratcrgus  c^neifolia,  iv,  103. 

Crata-gusdiUtata,  xiii.  113. 

Crattegiis  dis(mr,  xiii.  I(»5. 

Cratiegus  Douglasii,  iv.  86. 

Cratcrgus  Douglasii,  iv.  Oti. 

Cratirgus  Douglasii,  distribution  of,  xiii,  35. 

Cratiegus  Douglasii,  var.  rivularis,  iv.  87, 

CiatieguH  Douglasii,  var,  rivularit,  distribu- 
tion of,  xiii.  IVi. 

Cratcrgus  Ihwningii,  xiii,  140. 

CratiPgua  cdita,  xiii.  57, 

Cratcrgus  Eggertii,  xiii.  116. 

Cratirgus  elliptim,  iv.  114,  110  ;  xiii.  53,  167. 

Cratiegus  Kllwangeriana,  xiii.  100. 

Cratiegus  Kngelmannl,  xiii.  43, 

Cratiegus  erecta,  xiii.  40. 

Cratfcgua  fecunda,  xiii.  47. 

Crata'gus  Huva,  iv.  113  ;  xiii.  155. 

Cratcrcpis  Jiava,  iv.  10.3,  114  ;  xiii.  156,  159. 

Cratiegus  Hava,  var.  elliptica,  iv.  114. 

Cratorgus  fiava,  var.  elliptica,  xiii.  165. 

('ratcrgus  •'      \  var.  lnhata,  iv,  113  ;  xiii,  151J. 

CratitgtL^  Jlava,  var.  puftt-scens,  iv.  114, 

Oatacpis  jUruasa,  iv.  117, 

Crata'gus  KInridana,  xiii.  159. 

Cratiegus,  fuugnl  eurntiea  of,  iv.  84. 

CrnUegus  goniinusa,  xiii.  141. 

Crata'guj  (leorgiann,  xiii,  63. 

Cratiegns  glabriuscula,  xiii.  175. 

Cratirgus  glanduUaa,  iv.  96,  113,  114  ;  xiii. 

Cm  'fgus  glatulidcK^a,  d  aucndeuta,  riii.  139. 

Cratirgus  glcvululma,  8  macracantha,  xiii.  147. 

f  (^atcrgits  glandulosa,  $  rolimdifvlia,  xiii.  134. 

Cnittrgus  glaudulosa,  var.  ma<Tacatitha,  iv. 

Cratcrgus  glauduliwi,  var.  rotundifoliaf  iv.  95. 

CrntiegUH  llurbisoni,  xiii.  151. 

Crata'gus  IIolincHiaiia,  xiii.  110. 

Cnittrgus  fiitlmesiaua  vdlipes,  xiii.  119> 

Cratircpis  hornda,  xiii.  l.'VI. 

CratM^giiA  Itlinoieusis,  xiii,  143, 

Crataegus,  iiiM'Ot  enemies  of,  iv.  84. 

('mta'gus  intcgriloba.  xiii.  145. 

Crntiegiis  dunewi!,  xiii.  VXi. 

Cmtiegn.H  lacera,  xiii.  127. 

CratH'guh  lacriuiHta,  xiii.  161. 

Cratcrgus  UiUf>iia,  iv.  HU,  103. 

Cratirgus  laurif'ijlia,  iv.  91. 

Cratirgus  Larallei,  iv.  01. 

Crotn'ifUfl  lA'lterniani,  xiii.  79. 

Cnittrgus  IfWitphUms,  iv.  101. 

Crattrgus  hnrtin.i,  Iv.  {fJ. 

Cnittrgus  littntla,  iv.  113. 

Cratiegti.H  lobul-ita,  xiii.  117. 

Cniltrcjus  lucnta,  iv.  01,  110. 

Cratiegtis  lucorum,  xiii.  125. 

Cratiegus  miuTiuantha,  xiii.  U7, 

Crtiiirgus  tnaiTnt^antha,  iv.  \H\. 

f  Cnittrgus  macracantha,  xiii.  139. 

Cratcrgus  macracantha,  var.  minor,  xiii.  147. 

rberi/olia^  xiii.  63, 
Fontanesiano,  ir. 

iiearis,  iv.  02. 
ralifulia,  iv.  02. 
ninifulia,  iv.  02. 
fracanthi folia,  iv. 

ymcanthiffitia,  iv. 

lici folia,  xiii.  30. 
Ud/oliat  iv.  02. 
lendenif  iv.  91. 

ition  of,  xiii.  36. 
niluris,  iv.  87. 
vularis  distribu- 

Iftiia,  riii.  130. 
icnuthn,  xiii.  M7. 
/(/"o/((i,  xiii.  134. 
nacractinthat    iv. 

nndi/oliat  iv.  IM>. 

Cratiegtu  Margaretta,  xiii.  137. 

Cratagiu  Michauxii,  iv.  114. 

Crataffta  microcarpa,  iv.  105. 

CraUegus  Muhri,  xiii.  50. 

CraUegua  mollis,  iv.  00  ;  xiii.  83,  84. 

CrataguM  mollist  xiii.  03,  101. 

Cratiegus  nitida,  xiii.  170. 

Cratagus  obovati/olia,  iv.  103. 

Craingua  opaca,i\.  110. 

CratieguB  opiina,  xiii.  171. 

Cratagu*  ovaUfoVta^  iv.  02. 

Cratiegus  Oxyacantha,  iv.  84. 

Crat(rgu,t  Oxyacanthay  iv.  111. 

Cratagui  OxyacanthOf  var.  AmericaTUif  iv.  111. 

Cratirgua  Oxyacantha,  var.  apiifoliat  iv.  111. 

CratctgMS  parvifolutt  iv.  117. 

Cratiegus  paBtorum,  xiii.  134. 

Crataegus  podicellata,  xiii.  121. 

Crat«egufl  peritaudra,  xiii.  120. 

CratasgiiB  Peoriensifl,  xiii.  45. 

CrafTsguB  pinnatiflda,  iv.  84. 

Cratagus  poptUi/olia,  iv.  07,  107. 

Cratiegus  pratensis,  xiii.  81. 

Cratiegus  Pringlci,  xiii.  111. 

CratceguB,  properties  of,  iv.  84. 

Cratiegus  pruinosa,  xiii.  61. 

Crat(tgits  pruneUifolia^  iv.  02. 

Cratagus  pruni/olia,  iv.  02. 

Cratiegiis  punctata,  iv.  103. 

Cratiegus  punctata,  distribution  of,  xiii.  35. 

Crat(rgtu  punctuta,  var.  aurea,  iv.  103. 

Cratagus  punctata^  var.  brevupina^  iv.  86. 

Cratftgiis  punctata^  var,  ruhrat  iv.  103. 

Crat(tgu9  punctata,  var.  xanthocarpa,  tv.  103. 

Cratagtu  pyri/olia,  iv.  101. 

Cratiegus  pyriformis,  xiii.  07. 

Cratiegus  quercina,  xiii.  05. 

Crntagtu  racemosa,  iv.  127. 

Cratiegus  Kavenelii,  xiii.  163. 

Cmt(rgu.i  riviUarut,  iv.  8*>,  87. 

Crat(tgu3  rotundifolia,  iv.  05,   125  ;  xiii.  65, 

Cratftgux  rotund i/olUi,  a  miiwr,  xiii.  147. 
Cruttrgux  mfundi/oliat  b  succulentaf  xiii.  130. 
Cralirgun  xalicifolia,  iv.  92. 
Cratiegus  saligim,  xiii.  37. 
Crattegwi  Htinguinea,  iv.  86,  06. 
Cralirgiis  sanguinea,  iMuglasii,  iv.  86. 
Crataegus  Surgenti,  xiii.  60. 
Crata'gus  Hcabrida,  xiii.  123. 
Crataegus  senta,  xiii,  167. 
Cratiegus  sera,  xiii.  S7. 
Crata'gtis  itigimta,  xiii.  53. 
Cratiegus  siUicola,  xiii.  131. 
Cratiegus  sinistra,  xiii.  43. 
Cratiegus  sortlida,  xiii.  75. 
Cratiegus  spntlnilatn,  iv.  105. 
CriiUrgux  sp<ithuliita,  iv.  SO,  114. 
Crntirgns  spivota,  iv.  120. 
Cratiegus  stipulusa,  iv.  H4. 
Cratiegus  sulnmitlis,  xiii.  101. 
Cnttiegus  s.ihorbiiMilata,  xiii.  71. 
CrnttrgM-t  suhvilloxu,  iv.  00. 
CratirgtiA  suhrillom  f,  xiii.  83. 
Cratiegus  succuleiitn,  xiii.  130. 
Cratiejjus  'IVxaiin,  xiii.  03. 
( 'rutirtfus  Tenttui,  iv.  Ot>. 
Cratirgnu  tilifpfotitt,  viii.  H-t. 
Cratiegus  touipnt'ina,  iv.  101. 
Cnttinjti.i  tiimfntosa,  iv.  00,  117  ;  xiii.  101. 
Crtitiegiis  tonu'utosa,  distrtbiitioii  itf,  xiii.  35. 
Cralitgu.1  tomeulom,  var.  mollu,  iv.  1>0  ;  xiii. 

('rrt/<ry»<  tomentosa,  var.  plicata,  iv.  103. 


Cratagus  tomentosOf  var,  punctaiaf  iv.  103. 

Cratagus  tomentosa,  vrt.  pyri/olia,  iv.  101. 

Cratagus  turbinata,  iv.  113. 

CratffiguB  uniflora,  iv.  117. 

Cratagus  unilateralis,  iv.  117. 

Cratiegus  Vailis,  xiii.  153. 

CratiBgUB  venusta,  xiii.  67. 

Cratagus  Virginica,  iv.  114. 

Cratcegus  viridis,  iv.  100. 

Cratagus  viridis,  iv.  06,  114  ;  xiii.  61, 170. 

Cratagus  viridis,  var.  nitida,  xiii.  170. 

Cratiegus  vulsa,  xiii.  173. 

Cratagus  Watsoniana,  iv.  01. 

Creniatomiat  vi.  76. 

Crepidodera  HclxineB,  ix.  101,  156. 

Cresaentia,  vi.  97. 

Crescentia  aruminara,  vi.  97. 

Creseentia  alata,  vi.  08. 

t  Crescentia  coriacea,  vi.  00. 

Crescentia  cucurbitiua,  vi.  00  ;  xir.  102. 

Crescentia  Cujete,  vi.  07. 

Crescentia  Cujete,  uses  of,  vi.  97. 

Crescentia  cunei/oliOt  vi.  97. 

Crescentia  lati/olia,  vi.  99. 

Crescentia  lethi/era,  vi,  00. 

Crescentia  obovata,  vi.  99. 

Crescentia  mmta,  vi.  00  ;  xiv.  102. 

Crescentia,  species,  vi,  00. 

Crescenzi,  Pietro  dc*,  vi.  08. 

Criocephalus  agrestis,  xi,  U. 

CnssuB  latitarsus,  ix.  48. 

Cronartium  ai^rlepiateum,  ix.  86. 

Crouartium  ribieolum,  xi.  12. 

Croom,  Hardy  B.,  x.  58. 

Croomia,  x.  58. 

Cryptolechia  cryptolechiella,  i.  108. 

Cryptolechia  faginelia,  ix.  24. 

Cryptolechia  quercicella,  viii.  12. 

Cryptolechia  Sehlagenellii,  viii.  12. 

Cryptorbynchus  Lapatbi,  ix.  100,  155. 

Cryptosn'^-'-'v;  ^1.1,.'  "lluin,  ix.  10. 

Cucur.oer-tree,  i.  7. 

Cucuniber-ttse  Large-leaved,  i.  11. 

Cucumber'tree,  Long-leaved,  i.  15. 

Cuiete,  vi.  07,  08. 

Cumberland  Plum,  iv.  24. 

Cupania  glabra,  i.  42. 

Cuprespitinala t  x.  140. 

Cupre-tpinnala  disticka,  x.  151. 

Cupressua,  x.  07. 

CuprenKus  Amerirnna,  x.  115. 

Cupresaus  Arbor-vita,  x.  126. 

Cu|  rcssus  Arizunica,  x.  10<%. 

Cupressus  Arizimira,  var.  bonila,  x.  105. 

Ctipremtus  attenwilOt  x.  110. 

Cupressus  Bnl/ourinrui,  x.  119. 

CuprfsHus  lienthami,  var.  Arizonica,  x.  105. 

Cuprffsus  Hnur.tifrii,  x   110. 

Cuprctsivt  Cali/ornira,  x.  107. 

Cuprfsnus  Cali/oniirn  gracilis,  x.  107,  100. 

Cupre.ssu,t  conoidea,  x.  00. 

CuprenKits  coniula,  x.  107. 

CuprcssHs  di.ttii'/in,  x.  l.'il. 

Cupre.isus  difttirhii,  $  imfiricnr.a,  x.  152, 

Cupressus  di,<tirh(i,  var.  nutans,  x.  153. 

CupresnHS  di.itichn,  var.  paten,«,  x.  151. 

CupressuB,  econoinic  prt»pertie8  of,  x.  08. 

Cupressus  elongntn,  x.  100. 

Cnpressus  fa.<tiffialtt,  x.  iH). 

Cupresftus  J'nigriin.t,  x.  110. 

Cuprr.Hsus  fuucbris,  x.  KM). 

Cuprcs^uH,  fungal  diseases  of.  x.  100. 

('upre:isus  glnndulitsn,  x.  109. 

Cupresstiit  (jhiHi-n,  x.  100. 


Cupreasus  globuli/era,  x.  100. 
CupresBUS  Goveniaua,  x,  107  ;  xiv.  05. 
Cupressus  Ooveniatm,  var.  pygmaa,  xiv.  06. 
Cupressus  Guadalupensia,  x.  08. 
Cupressus  Guadalupensit,  x.  105. 
Cupressui  Harlwegii,  x.  103. 
Cupressus  Hartwegii,  v&r.  fastigiata,  x,  103. 
Cupressus  horizouUilis,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  horizontalis,  $  pendula,  x.  100, 
Cupressus,  insect  enemies  of,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  Lambertiana,  x,  103,  104, 
Cupressus  Lambertiana,  \tLr.fastigiata,x.  103. 
Cupressus  Lawsoniana,  x.  119. 
Cupressus  lugubris,  x.  99. 
CupressuB  Lusitanica,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  Macn  biana,  x,  100  ;  xiv.  105. 
Cupressus  niacr'icarpa,  x.  103. 
Cupressus  macrocarpa  Crippai,  z.  104. 
Cupressus  macrocarpa  flagelliformis,  x,  104. 
Cupressus  macrocarpa,  ?  var.  Farallonensis,  x. 

Cupressus  macrocarpa,  tot.  fastigiata,  x.  103. 
Cupressus  macrocarpa,  var.   GuadatoupensiSf 

z.  08. 
Cupressus  macrocarpa,  var.  Lambertiana,  z, 

Cupressus  Nabiana,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  Nootkatensia,  x.  115  ;  xiv.  105. 
Cupressus  Nutkana,  x.  110. 
Cupressus  Nutkatensis,  x,  115, 
Cupressus  obtusa,  z.  98. 
Cupressus  obtusa,  ecouomic  properties  of,  z. 

Cupressus  obtusa,  var.  breviramca,  x.  98. 
Cupressus  palustris,  x.  111. 
Cupressus  patula,  x.  100,  124. 
Cupressus  pendula,  x.  100,  124. 
Cupressus  pisifera,  x.  '.'8. 
Cupressus  pisifera,  var.  a  squarrosa,  x.  99. 
Cupressus  pisifera,  ^  \r.  c  Hlifera,  x,  00. 
Cupressus  pygmiea,  xiv.  95. 
Cupresstis  pyramidally,  x.  99. 
Cupressus  Reinioardtii,  x.  104. 
Cupressus  sabinoides,  x.  01. 
Cupressus  scinpervircns,  x.  90. 
Cupressus  sempervircns  liorizontalis,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  sempervirens  stricta,  x.  00. 
Cupressus  sempervirens,  a,  x.  00. 
Cupressus  s''mi>eri'irens,  a  fastigiata,  x.  90. 
Cupressus  sempervirens,  j9,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  sempervirens,  y  spfnerorarpa,  x.  100, 
Cupressus  sempervirens,  y  umhilicatu,  x.  90. 
Cupressus  sempervirens,  8  globuli/era,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  sempervirens,  «  Indira,  x-  00. 
Cupressus  spharocarpa,  x.  100. 
Cupressus  st^uarrosa,  x.  09. 
Cupressus  Thuya,  x.  124. 
Cupressus  tliyoides,  x.  111. 
Cupressus  thyoidts,  x.  71. 
CupresstiS  (hyoidvs  aurea,  x.  112. 
Cupressus  tbyoidt's  eriodides,  x.  112. 
Cupressus  torulosn,  x.  Oi). 
CupresKus  (orulosa^  x.  103. 
Cupressus  Toume/ortii,  x.  i>l>. 
Cupressus  umbilicata,  x.  00. 
CupresKus  Whitleyana,  x.  00. 
Crpui.iFKR.4-:,  viii.  1  ;  ix.  1  ;  xiv.  49. 
CurtUia,  i.  65. 

Curtiss,  .Mien  Hiram,  ii.  50, 
Custard  apple,  i.  28. 
Cutob,  iii.  116. 
Cut-leaved  Ueeeh,  ix.  24. 
Cyanococous,  v.  ll.'i. 
Cyclobalanopsis,  nii.  4, 


tJt    '.! 



Cyeli>h^'mopiis,  viii.  1. 

Cyclobi.  K  lu  .  viii.  4.  •,  vu*'.  1. 

Cylindropn  itia,  xiv.  10. 

C5I ijdroipurium  ou*anicoluDi,  ix.  10. 

CifUpogwx,  iii.  33. 

Cyllene  autennfttus,  iii.  100. 

Cyllene  piotus,  Wi.  116,  133. 

Cyllene  robiniie,  iii.  [\^. 

Cynipa  Gnllfe  tinctoriie,  viii.  9. 

Cjfnozylon,  v.  03. 

CypbelU  fulva,  ix.  70. 

Cyprew,  x.  105,  107,  101) ;  xi?.  05. 

Cypres*.  Bald.  x.  151. 

Cypreu.  Hlnck,  x.  153,  154. 

Cypr-ti,  l>(H!iduou8,  x.  151. 

Cyprew  kuees,  x.  151. 

Cypre.w,  LawRon's.  %.  110. 

CyprcM,  Mexican  Bald,  x.  150. 

Cypre«9,  Montert^v,  x.  103. 

CypivM  of  Montezuma,  x.  150. 

Cypress  of  Peopatella,  x.  150. 

Cyprefcs  of  Tule,  x.  150. 

Cypres*.,  Pyramidal,  x.  100. 

Cypress,  Ked.  x.  l.>4. 

Crpreis,  Sitka,  x.  115. 

Cypr«S8,  White,  x.  153,  154. 

Cypress,  Yollow,  x.  116. 

Cypresses,  Mexican,  x.  98. 

Cyrilla,  ii.  1. 

Cyrilla  Antillana,  ii.  2. 

C^riUa  Caroiiniana,  ii.  3. 

Cyrilla  funciita,  li.  3. 

Cyrilla  fKtninilata,  v.  153. 

Cynlia  parvi/olta,  ii.  3. 

Cyrilla  poly^tarhia^  ii.  3. 

Cynlla  racemi/era,  ii.  2. 

Cyrilla  «acen)idora,  ii.  3. 

Cyrilla  raremnta.  ii.  3. 

Cynlla  raoeniosa,  var.  racemifera,  ii.  2. 

Cyrillace.e,  ii.  1. 

Cyrtophorus  verrucosus,  iv.  11. 

Cy$togyrie,  \ii.  lU. 

Dacrydium  plumosum^  x.  134. 

Dartylu/,  vi.  1. 

Dacfylus  Tmpfzuntinus,  vi.  2. 

Diedalia  quercioa,  viii.  12. 

I>ipdaiia  vorax,  x.  134. 

Dftpgcr.  Spanish,  x.  9,  13,  15.  17, 113.  2/. 

I>ahu<in,  i.  109. 

Dale,  Samuel,  iii.  34. 

Dali'a,  iii.  3^). 

Oalea  arborescens,  iii.  33. 

Ualea  Hpinosa,  iii.  .'15. 

Iktphrii/thyllopri'i  capitala,  v.  73. 

iMp-uliu  rutiUiia,  x.  73. 

Darlini^  Plum,  ii.  21. 

Dasyscypha  Af^aasuii,  xii.  5,  101. 

DaxyKcypha  calvciim,  xii.  5. 

l>[uty!h'vpha  Willkommii,  xii.  5. 

Dutana  intc^errima,  \\i.  110. 

I>alana  n.inistra,  it.  70  ;  \ix.  116,  133. 

IkUvra  Air.'d,  xjv.  99. 

I)a%id*s<>ak,  viii.  10. 

f  OrcaJut,  vi.  13. 

Deciduous  Cypress,  x.  151. 

Deep  Cre*'k  Plum,  iv.  20. 

Dei-rlterry,  v.  117. 

DeiUnia  varinUria,  ix.  101. 

IhloMtrHi,  \.  181 

'lendroctonufl  fruntaliA,  xii.  26. 

( 'endn>ctonuA  ruflponiiis,  xii.  25. 

UendroctnnuK  tircbraus,  xi.  11. 


Dendrodaphnc,  vii.  9. 

f  J)fndrodaphne,  vii.  9. 

Doprej^saria  robiniella,  iii.  38. 

Dfrmatophyllum,  iii.  59. 

J)ermatophyllum  gpeciosumf  iii.  03. 

Desert  Palm,  x.  47. 

Desert  Willow,  vi.  95. 

Dfxmanlhits  mlinartimf  iii.  101, 

Do  Soto  Pluro,  iv.  *20. 

Devil  Wood,  vi.  05. 

IHamaripSy  ix.  1*5. 

Diamond  Willow^  ix.  130. 

Diandne,  ix.  90. 

Diuporthe  Carpini,  ix.  41. 

DiaspLs  Carueli,  x.  73. 

Diatryiw  disciformis,  ix.  49. 

Diatry|H<lla  Tucciieana,  ix.  70. 

Ihcalyx,  vi.  13. 

Dioerea  divanoata,  iv.  11. 

DidymiwiM'cus,  ii.  G7. 

Di^p^r  Pine,  xi.  95. 

Dilly,  Wild,  v.  183. 

Dimerosporiuni  pulchrum,  v.  65. 

DimitrjihanthfiS,  v.  57. 

IHmorphafthus  c/aru.*,  v.  60. 

Dimorpkatithwi  Mandshuriruif  v.  00. 

Diospyros,  vi.  1. 

Diwpynn  Hmsilifujiiji,  \i.  3. 

Dio*pyro>  Ca'olitiiana,  vi.  7. 

Diospyros,  character  of  the  wood  of,  vi.  2. 

f  Diofpyroti  Chiuenjiis,  vi.  4. 

Ihofpyrat  riliata,  vi.  7. 

Diimpyrim  rorirohr,  vi.  7. 

t  THospyrtift  cmtata,  vi.  4. 

Diospyros  Cunulon,  Ti.  3. 

DiospyroM  de*'ayulra,  *!.  3. 

Diospyros  Dendo,  vi.  3. 

Diospynis  diffyna^  vi.  3. 

Duxipyrox  duliia,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  Kl>onai)ter,  vi.  3. 

Ihiixpyros  Khrna^tti-r,  v\.  2, 

Diospyros  Kbenaster,  fniit  of,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  KlM-num,  vi.  2. 

JJufjipyrtin  Ehftium,  vi.  3. 

Diospyrot  Kmbryoptfj Ia ,  vi.  3. 

iHmpyrox  ftTTJttjinra,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros,  fitn^l  enemies  of,  \i.  4. 

Difiipyras  tjMnirrima,  vi.  2. 

Diatpyr'Mi  glutirf\:>j,  vi.  3. 

Diospyru*  ( luajai'ana,  vi.  7. 

Dio^t-;         ■•  *cct  eneoiies  of,  vi.  4. 

lMc:.f"  •■  >.'  Ji'ponicn,  vi.  2. 

f  />■'■  •I'v'-'  ■  '-'iFmp/eri,  vi.  4. 

I>ioe{.;   .  s  Kuki,  \i.  4. 

Diatpyrot  Kftl'i,  var.  B,  vi.  2. 

f  Ihiapf/ros  Ktiii,  var.  rnntata,  vi.  4. 

DiospyrtM  Kaki,  mikkI  of,  vi.  4. 

J}\o$pyrn%  laun/oita,  vi.  3. 

IHoxpyrnn  limfji/oiia,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  I^tui,  vi.  2. 

IHoxpyrtki  Mnlaffanra^  vi.  3. 

Jhimpyrta  Matrix,  vi.  4. 

Diofl])yro«,  iiie<lieal  properties  of,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  nielaniiTvlon,  vi.  3. 

Puifpyron  tuflauttjtfimf  vi.  2. 

Diospyros  melanoxylon,  wimmI  uf,  \i.  3. 

Ihoxpyritt  mrmbranarea,  vi.  3. 

JHuspyron  mtmM'arpa,  vi.  2. 

fhospyron  ntgra,  vi.  3. 

Ihitfpyros  nigriratui,  vi.  3. 

iHotpymt  ohtwii/iilia,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  opponittfolia,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  Paraleu,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  peref^hiiA,  Ti.  3. 

hioif-j'  w   "*    ■■■,•?'■',  ^i,  7 

In^pyroa  P'  ^o-Lotu     n.  ?.. 

i>i*A','e  yiu/ivcT'*,  .1   7. 

Diospyrr    lUft-  ■':»,  ▼?.  'A. 

D'  v>v.:«  rttt  '\lata,  vi.  H. 

2 *i apyt-o*  '■eiUrlntt,,  vi.  »». 

Diospyro.t  A'oJ^'.^»/<...^,  vi.  4. 

i)iVw/»yrfW  Sapota,  vi,  3. 

f  Diofpyros  Schi-Tse^  vi.  4. 

f  Diospyros  Sim  h*w,  vi.  4. 

Diospyros  tcsaellaria,  vi.  3. 

Diospyros  Tcxana,  vi.  11. 

Diospyros  toxicaria,  vi.  '^. 

DioHpyros,  uses  of,  vi.  o. 

Diospyros  Virginiana,  vi.  7. 

Diospyros  Virginii  in    medical  properties  of, 

vi.  9. 
Diospyrr.t  Virgitiiai  .,  var.  concolor,  vi.  7. 
IHaipyrtut  Virffiniawi,  var.  tnarrocarptt^  vi.  7. 
iHmpyron  Virginiana,  var.  microcarpa,  vi.  7. 
Dioxpyrns  Virginiatia,  var.  puliescenSf  vi.  7. 
Ditupyran  U'i(/A/uina,  vi.  3. 
Dipholis,  V.  177. 
Diphohn  salicifolui,  v.  179. 
Ihplima,  ix.  95. 
Diplisfa,  ii.  47. 
ihplisca  elliptica,  ii.  49. 
Diplodea  Taxi,  x.  03. 
Diplosis  Catalpfe,  vi.  84. 
Diplosis  Vini-ri^idtc,  xi.  11. 
Dif>ttaion,  ix.  95. 
JhpU"'->9pfrmumy  i.  39. 
Dissemination  of  Yuocft,  x.  3. 
DistegocitPpa«,  ix.  40. 
Digteg-.i-irwn,  ix.  39. 
lHsteyj('jr;!U!t  C«r/n'niw,  ix  41. 
IHsteg-c^'^.'us  f  rordata,  ix.  41. 
Ihfttg'^orptis  laTi/turOf  ix.  41. 
Disterigma,  v.  116. 
D'K'tor  (lum,  iii.  14. 
Do)5  Cherry,  vii.  09. 
Hngwood,  V.  09,  71  ;  xiv.  21, 
T'o^wimkI,  Flowering,  v.  06. 
D(i|;  voo)!,  Jamaica,  iii.  53. 
T\>f"«'rrMl.  Poison,  iii.  23. 
I'-iintia,  vi.  105. 
Dimiielaari(i,  v.  111. 
Don*ifvw'lema  Wildii,  vii.  87. 
Dothidea  PringUi,  x.  5. 
Douglas,  l>avid,  ii.  IM. 
Douglas,  Kolwrt,  vi.  90. 
Douglas  .Spruce,  xii.  S7. 
Dowuwanl  JMuui,  v.  175. 
Drepnwles  varus,  x.  7.3. 
ihnmophyllutn,  vii.  19. 
Ihimvphyllum  /Miucijlorumt  vii.  21. 
Dninanon<l,  Thomas,  ii.  25. 
Drummoiulia,  ii.  25. 
f  /Mjwifn.*,  VI.  13. 
Drvi>eamp.'\  rubicunda.  ii.  81, 
Dr><M-hu>teH  afTalier,  xii.  25. 
DryopteI?a,  vii.  10. 
DryiK'tes,  vii.  23. 

J}rvpetea  alha,  var.  latifolia,  vii.  27. 
i>rypetrs  crtxea,  vii.  27. 
Ih-yftetrn  mM-en^  0  l»*ngijtfit,  vii.  27. 
Ihypeten  <To*-f(i,  7  lalifiUin,  vii   27. 
JPryftrtf.*   nnfa,  var.  Ititt/ntta,  vii.  25. 
Dryprfe.*  glnui'a,  vii.  25,  27. 
Drjpetcs  Keyensis,  vii.  25. 
Drypetes   Ateriflora,  vii.  27. 
Ihypftes  lati/olia,  vii.  27. 
Ihypetfn  »W)ti7t//(>m,  vii.  27. 
Dry  rot  of  Taxodiuiu,  x.  150. 


Duck  Oak,  riii.  166. 

Uuke  Cberrjr,  iv.  0. 

Dunbar,  John,  .ri  121. 

Uunbar,\ViUiai'>,  vU.  80. 

Du  1    lit  I'e  Neinoun,  £leutl:6ii)-liene,  ii.  9. 

Dutch  i.liii,  vit.  '0. 

Dwarf  Maplo,  ii.  95. 

D;iiast«i  Titjriu,  Ti.  27. 

Eaolen  impcrialis,  x.  160. 

Earl;  Red  I'lum,  iv.  26. 

Kbknack.1':,  vi.  1. 

Kl>uny,  iii.  137  ;  vi.  2. 

Kbunj,  Indian,  vi.  3. 

Kburia  quadrigctninata,  iii.  74. 

Eccopsia  {agigsmmieana,  iz.  24. 

Kchenopa  binutata,  i.  77. 

Ec'liinocereus,  v.  51. 

Kchinocereui,  v.  51. 

Echinonyctanlhxa,  y,  61. 

KchinopsiB,  v.  61. 

Echinopiit,  v.  51. 

Edible  seeds  of  Pinus,  xi.  3. 

EJtvardBia,  iii.  59. 

Edicardiia  chry  ophylla,  iii.  00. 

Eggort,  Heinrioh  Karl  D.iniel,  mi.  61. 

Khrot,  Georg  Dionysius,  vi.  80. 

Eliretia,  vi.  79. 

Khretia  acuniiuala,  vi.  79. 

Klirotia  acuminata,  uses  of,  vi.  79. 

Ehrclia  liourreria,  vi.  T^,  78. 

Khretia  ciliata,  \i.  81. 

Eliretia  ulliptica,  vi.  81. 

Khretia  eiasperata,  vi.  81. 

Khretia  glabrOt  vi.  68. 

Khretia  llavatieruin,  vi.  77. 

Khretia  oiati/olia,  vi.  79. 

Khretia  pyri/otia,  vi.  79. 

Khretia  radtUa,  vi.  77. 

f  Khretia  acabra,  vi.  81. 

Khretia  serrata,  vi.  79. 

Kiehleria,  v.  181. 

Klapbidion  villosum,  vii.  133  ;  viii.  11. 

Klaphrium,  i.  96. 

Klnphrium  integerrimum,  i.  97. 

Elder,  \.  88,  91. 

Elder,  Hoi,  ii.  111. 

Elder,  Poison,  iii.  24. 

Klcmifera  marilima,  xiv.  98. 

Elk-wood,  i.  13. 

EKiott,  Stephen,  xi.  169. 

Elliottia,  ii.  2  ;  xi.  159  ;  xiv.  29. 

EUiottia  bractcnta,  xiv.  'J9. 

Elliottia  paniculata,  liv.  29. 

Elliottia  racemosa,  xiv.  31. 

Ellis,  John,  i.  40. 

Ellwaiigcr,  George,  xiii.  109. 

Elm,  American,  vii.  45. 

Elm,  Cedar,  vii.  57. 

Elm,  Cliff,  vii.  48. 

Elm,  Ccrk,  vii.  47. 

Kim,  Dutch,  vii.  40. 

Kim,  Etiglisb,  vii.  40. 

ESiii,  Kalse,  vii.  09. 

Elm,  Illokory,  vii.  48. 

Kim,  Mountai'i,  vii.  52. 

Elm,  Uod,  vii.  52,  63  ;  xiv,  41. 

Elm,  K,)ck,  VU.  45,  17. 

Klui,  Slippery,  vii.  53. 

Eiin,  Swamp,  vii.  45. 

Elm,  Wiiter,  vii.  43,  01. 

Elm,  White,  vii.  43,  40. 

Elm,  Winged,  vii.  61. 

Elm,  Wjch,  vii.  40. 


Elm-Ieaf  Beetle,  vii.  41. 

Eraaturgn  Fuvdpi  ,  x   124. 

ii;»»wrv  pieris,  vi.  1. 

Embryopieria  ^elatini/era,  vi  3 

ErtUfryopleru  glutmifera^  vi.  3. 

Embryo; 'teria  Kaki,  vi.  4. 

Embrijopteris  peregrina,  vi.  3. 

Emetila  ramulosa,  i.  Ul. 

Kiuoryi  William  Heiualey,  ir.  60. 

Emorya,  iv.  60. 

EmplectooladuB,  iv.  7,  8. 

EmpUclocladusj  iv.  7. 

Euallagma,  vi.  97. 

Encina,  viii.  111. 

Enrleistocarpon,  viii.  4. 

Endotropu  clei/olia,  ii.  37. 

Kiigelinnnn,  George,  viii.  84. 

Kngelniann  Spruce,  xii.  43. 

Kngehiianiiia,  viii.  84. 

English  Elm,  vii.  40. 

EngliBh  Laurel,  iv.  11. 

Kuglisb  WalnuU,  vii,  115. 

Entomoft^orium  maculatum,  iv.  70|  84. 

Epigyiiium,  v.  110. 

Epigynium,  v.  115. 

Ericace.*:,  v.  115  ;  xiv.  29. 

Kriosma  Caryic,  vii.  133. 

Kriusma  Querci,  \iii.  11. 

Erysiplie  aggrcgata,  ix.  71. 

Krythrina  Pnrl/iulay  iii.  53. 

ErythrobalanoSt  viii.  4. 

Erythrogyne,  vii.  91. 

Eschftchultz,  Juhann  Friedr^ch)  ii.  39. 

Eschseboltzin,  ti.  39. 

Esculwi,  ii.  54  ;  viii.  4. 

Euabie»,  xii.  07 

Kuandromeda,  v.  120. 

Euaralia,  v.  57. 

Eubetula,  ix.  46. 

EucarpinuH,  ix.  40. 

Euearya,  vii.  132. 

Eucastanopsis,  ix.  2. 

Euceltis,  vii.  G3. 

Euceisus,  V,  51. 

Eucoccoloba,  vi.  113. 

Eucrescentia,  vi.  07. 

Ei'cupressus,  x.  97. 

Eudia:ius  tityrus,  iii.  3^. 

Kufagus,  ix.  22. 

Eugenia,  v.  39. 

Eugenia  arutniitica,  v.  40. 

Eugenia  axillaris,  v.  45. 

Eugenia  Baniensi^,  v.  *7. 

Eugenia  buxifi>lia,  v.  43. 

Eugenia  caryopfiyllata,  v.  40. 

Eugenia  f  dichotonui,  v.  32. 

Eugenia  escuUnta,  v.  31. 

Eugenia  fragran-,  \.  32. 

Eugenia  (Jarberi.       49. 

Eugenia  Jaiubulana,  v.  41. 

Eugenia  Janibos,  v.  41. 

Eugenia  lougipea,  v.  40. 

Eugenia  Michelii,  v.  41. 

Eugenia  Mouticola,  v.  45. 

Eugmia  M<mrei,  v.  41. 

Eugenia  myrloides,  v.  43. 

Eugefiia  ptiUens,  v.  30. 

Eugenia  Parkeriana,  v.  41. 

Eugenia  procera-  v.  47  ;  xiv.  101. 

iAijenia  prorera,  v.  49. 

Eugenia  triplinerviay  v.  45. 

Eugenia  tripHnervia,  y  buxi/oUOi  V.  43. 

Eugenia  ttnitlum,  v.  41. 

Eugenia  ?  Willdenuwiif  y.  41. 

Euqenia  Zeylanica,  t.  41. 

r..f/  nioides,  vi  13. 

hugevioidi    'inctn.  t  .m    A-  1h. 

Eugonia  subsip  -  -.rig,  vii  U  ;  in.  10. 

Eugordonia,  i.  39. 

Eukrania,  v.  63. 

Euonio  acid,  ii.  10. 

Eupapaya,  xir.  2. 

Eupemea,  vH.  i. 

EuPHORBiAC'.^^,  yii.  2'i. 

Eupicca,  xii.  \iO. 

Eupitbecia  mii^erul  '.-    -  i^. 

Eupsalia  minuta,  viii 

Eurbudodendron,  v.  I4i). 

European  Hop  llornbeaai,  ix.  32,  40. 

European  L&rcb,  xii.  3. 

European  Spruce,  xii.  2o. 

Eustrobi,  xi.  4. 

Eusyoe,  vii.  92. 

Euterpe  Can"6aa,  x.  30. 

Euthrinax,  x.  49. 

Eulhrinax,  xiv.  85. 

Eutbuya,  x.  123. 

Eutsuga,  xii.  60. 

Eur&cciuium,  v.  115. 

Euyucca,  x.  3. 

Evana,  Walter  Harriaon,  xiv.  53. 

Evergreen  Beecb,  ix.  23. 

Evergreen  White  Oak,  viii.  83. 

Everyx  chcerilus,  v.  74. 

Evonymus,  ii.  9. 

Evonymua  atropurpureus,  ii.  11 ;  ziv.  98. 

Evonymus  Australianus,  ii.  10. 

Evonymus  CarolinensLi,  u.  11. 

E«onymiis  Europseua,  ii.  9,  10. 

Evonymua  Japonicus,  ii.  10. 

Evonymus  Japonicus,  var.  radicana,  ii.  10. 

Evonymus  Javanicua,  ii,  9. 

Evonymus  latlfolius,  ii.  10. 

Evonymua  lati/olitis,  ii.  11. 

Evonymus  radicans,  ii.  10. 

Evonymus  tingens,  ii.  10. 

Evonymus  verriioosn-i,  ij.  10, 

Excaca,  /a,  vii.  ^'9. 

Excatcaria  ludda,  vii,  ' ). 

Exoascus  amentorum,  ix.  71. 

£    -"tscus  Havus,  ix,  49, 

i*.      >. "'dium  Ar.:lron  ■  ':e,  v.  130. 

Exonasiuium  A.^aleft?.  v.  147. 

Exobar     "  .  di-coidr  ;m,  v.  147. 

I.iLbn?'     ira  3yin   iuci,  vi.  14. 

F<  )1     '.'.Uuin  Vaciiiii,  v.  117. 

,'  ..   >l*>aia,  V.  103. 

Eio.  'ema  Caribiuum,  v.  105. 

Exostt  im  Hni  bujdum,  v.  103. 

ExoJr-^.  ii.  73. 

Esothon  Copp.ull!'.  ii.  74. 

ExoiKea  ohl '.  r^-^^'-i,  ii.  75, 

Exn'^.  .1  paniculata,  ii.  75. 

Extrai  t  of  rheBtnnt-wood,  ix.  10. 

Eysenhardt,  K*  vl  Wilhelin,  iii.  30. 

Eysenbanltia,  iii.  29. 

Eysenbardiia  adenostylis,  iii.  20. 

Eys-^nhardti'j  amcphoide.i,  iii.  29,  31, 

Et/aenhardtia  amurphoideit  var.  orthocarpa,  iii. 

Eysenliardtia  nrthoeaipa,  iii,  31. 
Eyseiibivdtia  polyptachya,  iii.  29. 

Fagara,  i.  05  ;  xiv.  97. 
Fagarajl'ivn,  xiv.  OS. 
Fagara  frarmi folia t  i.  67. 
Fagara  lenti\cifolia,  i.  73, 
Fagara  Ptcro(a,  i,  73  ;  xiv.  98. 





Fagara  tragode$,  \.  73. 

Fagus,  ix.  21. 

FaguSf  ix.  7. 

Fagu*  alba,  ix.  27. 

FHgiis  Aiuerioaim»  ix.  27  ;  xiv.  104. 

Fagu$  A  mmcwia  latifoiiay  ix.  27. 

Fftgiis  anUrcUcm  Ix.  22,  23. 

Fagxa  atropunicta,  ix.  27- 

Fagua  betuloiilcs,  ix.  22. 

Fag^it  CiUtanea,  ix.  8,  O,  13. 

Fagu*  Cnstanea  dentata,  ix.  13. 

Fagus  Castanea  ;mmt/a,  ix.  17. 

Fagus  crenata,  ix.  22. 

Fagus  Cunniughamii,  ix.  23. 

Fagus  echinata,  ix.  22. 

Fagus,  oconoiuic  properties  of,  ix.  23. 

Fagu.-  ffrruginea^  ix.  22,  27. 

Fagua  femtgineat  Caroiiniana,  ix.  27. 

Fagus  ferrugitttOt  laCi/oiia,  ix.  27. 

Fagiis,  fungal  diseases  of,  ix.  24. 

Fagus  fusca,  ix.  23. 

Fagu$  heten^phylla,  ix.  27. 

Fagus,  iasect  enemies  uf,  ix.  2A. 

Fagtia  JaponioA,  ix.  22. 

Fagus,  medical  properties  of,  ix.  24. 

Fagus  Menzicsii,  ix.  23. 

Fagus  nigra^  ix.  27. 

(agiis  obliqua,  ix.  23. 

Fagus  procent,  ix.  23. 

Fagus  pumila,  ix.  17. 

f  Fagtts  pumila,  vnr.  pnrcnx,  ix.  10. 

Fagi^  punuia,  var.  serotinOy  ix.  17. 

Fagus  prgtripn,  ix.  23. 

FagtiM  rotuudif'fHia,  ii.  27. 

Fagxts  Sifholiii,  ix.  22. 

Fagtis  Solamlri,  ii.  23. 

Fsgus  lyh'atica,  ix.  22. 

Fagus  nylratica,  ix.  27. 

I'agui  Mtflvntica,  atro-punicfa,  ii.  27. 

Fa^^-ts  sylvHllcu  fuliiti  atrorubcntibus,  ix.  24. 

Fagus  sylvatiea,  heterupbylla,  ix.  24. 

Fagus   sgltxttica,  c   Americana,  laii/oliat   ix. 

Fagus  tuU-atica,  0  Americana,  ix.  27. 
Fagus  k^.'  ii/k-a,  0  pur/iurfit,  ix.  24. 
Fagus  tii'tfttlicii,  y  Atiati-a,  ix.  22. 
Fagus  sylvatiea.  var.  8  ^!  iMjIili,  ix.  22. 
Fag^Lt  ty!'-'Slrit,  ix.  22,  "J?. 
Fairohild,  Thomas,  v.  (W. 
Fall  Wol'worni.  v.  9;  vii.  41,   n,  IIG  ;  ix. 

l(t.  24,  :J2,  U,  18,  101. 
Ffll.-iT  Klni.  vii.  »jy. 
Fan  Palm,  X.  .7. 
Farkleberry,  v.  I  ID. 
Farnew,  ^Moardo,  iii.  121. 
F'lrnesia,  iii.  115. 
Famesia  mlora,  iii.  119. 
Fat.  rork-tret-,  iv.  A. 
Fatrpa,  v.  1  ■- 

Fatua  '^mu<latA,  vi.  27  ;  ix.  (i*. 
/byi,  ix.  83. 
Fftya  fagi/'ra,  ix.  86. 
F'lyana^  is.  H.^ 
i'^Q^ana  A7vnr,.\  u.  86. 
FeU.Ie»f  ViHu*.  .m\-.  (15. 
TcnUU)     August,  i  ;.  123. 
l->-ndlera,xii.  1  '1. 
FenusA  \«ri^-.  -,  ij,  T*f 
Kem-lenvti!  liet  "h,   x  '.'4. 
Fern,  S-.-.eet,  ix.  M. 
F*ttid  liiif  Vcyi',  ii.  66. 
Fxciruiirn,  \\\.  9. 
Ficua,  vii.  t  \. 
Fieus  ajfmw  .  vii.  9*. 

Fiei  A  aurea,  vii.  05. 

FiciS  aurta,  var.  tati/olia,  vii.  06. 

Ficus  brtvij'oliat  vii.  07. 

Fiaus  Carica,  vii.  03. 

Fious  Carioa,  cultivation  of,  vii.  03. 

Fims  cawiata,  vii.  IM. 

Fious  elastica,  vii.  03. 

Ficus,  fertilixation  of,  by  insects,  vii.  03. 

Ficus,  gall-Huweni  of,  vii.  02. 

Ficus  j*efiutwulata,  vii.  07. 

Ficus  populnea,  vii.  1)7. 

Ficus  religiosa,  vii.  9t. 

Ficus  lloxburghii,  fertilixation  of,  vii.  03. 

Ficus  Sycomorus,  vii.  03. 

Fiddle  Wood,  \i.  101,  103. 

Fig,  vii.  93. 

Fig,  Indian,  xiv.  12. 

Fig-tree,  vii.  03. 

Figs,  vii.  03. 

Fir,  Algerian,  xii.  100. 

Fir,  Halm  of  Giload,  xii.  107. 

Fir.  lUlsam,  xii.  UXi,  107,  113. 

Fir,  Cephaloninn,  xii.  09. 

Fir,  Cilician,  xii.  00. 

Fir,  Greek,  xii.  00. 

Fir,  Himalayan,  xii.  08. 

Fir,  Mexican,  xii.  07. 

Fir,  Nordmann,  xii.  98. 

Fir,  Red,  xii.  87.  133,  137. 

Fir,  Scott^h,  xi.  6. 

Fir,  Silver,  xii.  120. 

Fir,  Wnitf»,  xii.  117,  121,  126. 

Firensia,  vi.  07. 

Fires  in  tu>utbcrn  pineries,  xi.  ItiiS. 

Fistubna  Ilcpntica,  %iii.  13. 

Flat-headiul  Applo  tree  Itorcr,  iv.  13. 

Flat-ht-nded  Hort,  iv.  11,  70  ;  viii.  11. 

Horence  t\>urt  Yi-w,  x.  62. 

Flowering  Dugwitod,  v.  GG. 

Floyd  nut,  tbe,  vii.  157. 

Fluted  Seab%  vii.  20. 

Faetatax^ts,  x.  55. 

F<rta:       ■.  montanti,  x.  67. 

Fcetalaxus  Myristira,  x.  59. 

Ftzlalaxus  nucifmi,  %.  5(1. 

Forest  (iartlen  I'lum,  iv.  VO. 

Fores    KoRo  l*lnni,  iv.  '.H),  24. 

Forest  'IVnt-ratorpillar,  \x.  _l. 

Kork-It'ftvc'd  HIiHrk  .lack,  viii.  145. 

Forrrxtia,  ii.  41. 

Fotljergil),  .Tuhii,  vi.  10. 

rotbiT^nlla,  vi.  10. 

Foxtail  I'inc,  xi.  50,  fi3. 

Fr^.^  Jiia*a  t'alli.sta,  ix.  41. 

Fragiles,  ix   00. 

Fragrant  Hin'h,  ii.  47. 

Fragrant  Crab,  iv.  71,  75. 

Frtitiifiiiti,  ii,  31. 

Frartffuh  ('alt/orturn,  ii.  37. 

Frantjuiii  Ctili/irrntrn,  var.  ttnnentrlla,  ii.  30. 

Fraugiiln  Cantltniitna,  ii.  35. 

Fruugula /nigilu,  ii.  [Vt. 

Framjula  I'urshinna,  ii.  'i7. 

Fraiikliiiia,  i.  30,  45. 

Fnviliinia,  i   30. 

FniitUitiut  Allainaha,  i.  45. 

Krasi-r.  .Inbo,  i.  H 

Fraxinastnim,  vi.  26. 

FraxiuuB,  vi.  2."». 

Fraximit  aruminato,  vi.  43. 

FnuviuJi  <tlh<i,  vi,  L*0,  (3. 

Frarimut  ulhu-nn*,  vi.  44,  47. 

Krnx:nut  Amcrirana,  vi.  \'.\. 

Frnxinus  Amennma,  \i.  50,  .Vj. 

Fraxiniu  /4fnmcawi,  subspeo.  Novct-Anglia, 
vi.  50. 

Fraxinus  Amencana,  subspec.  Oreguna,  vi.  67. 

Fraxinm  Anwricana,  var.  acuminata,  vi.  43. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  JJerlandieriana,  vi. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  Caroiiniana,  vi.  56. 

Fraximts  ATnericana,  va/.  epiptera,  vi.  43. 

J-'raxintu  Americatui,  vtir.juglantlijUia,  vi.60. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  tati/olia,  v|.  43. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  microearpa,  \\.  44. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  normale,  vi.  43. 

f'yaximts  Americana,  \aT.  piftacitr/olia,  vi.  41. 

Fraxintis  Americana,  var.  profunda,  xiv.  36. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  pubescens,  vi.  40. 

Fnuinus  Americana,  var.  t/uadrangtilata,  "i. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  quadrangulata  ner- 
vosa, vi.  35. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  sambudfolia,  vi.  37. 

Fraxinu*  .imericaua,  var.  Texen»is,  vi.  47. 

Fraxinus  Americana,  var.  triptera,  vi.  55. 

Fraxinus  aiiomala,  vi.  30  ;  xiv.  102. 

Fraxinus  lierlandieriana,  vi.  53. 

Vraxinus  liiltinoreana,  xiv.  37. 

Fraxinus  Canadensis,  vi.  43. 

Fraxinus  Caroliniaua,  vi,  55. 

Fraxinus  Caroiiniana,  vi.  50  ;  xiv.  30. 

Fraxinus  Caroiiniana,  B  lati/olia,  vi.  50. 

Fraximu  Carolinienxis,  vi.  43. 

Fraxinus  Chinensis,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  Chinensis,  var.  rhynchophglla,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  cinerea,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  coriaeea,  xiv.  33. 

Fraxinus  citriai'ea,  vi.  4!,  47. 

Fraxinus  Cuhensis,  vi.  55,  50. 

Fraxinus  Curtutsii,  vi.  44. 

Fraxinus  curvidrns,  vi.  66. 

Fraxinus  cu.<tpidAtn,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  di{>etnla,  vi.  31. 

Fraxinus  diiH-tala,  var.  bracbyptcra,  vi.  31. 

FraxinuH  dip«'tala,  var.  trifoliiita,  vi.  31. 

*  Fraxinus  discolor,  vi.  40. 

Fraxinus,  econ<iniic  uhch  uf,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  eUiutica,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  e/nptern,  vi.  43. 

Vraxinus  exrtUinr,  vi.  26,  27. 

Fraxinus  exvelamr,  vi.  5.%. 

Fraxititi.t  tijmnsa,  vi.  Tit). 

Fraxinus  lloribundii,  vi.  2^ 

Fraxinus  Floridnnii,  xiv.  3-.> 

Fraxinus jinrif'era,  vi.  26. 

Fraxinus,  fungnl  enemies  of,  vi.  27. 

Fraxinus /iLscti,  vi.  20. 

Fmxinus  Grejjgii,  vi.  33. 

FrsxinuH,  inset-t  enciinrs  of,  vi.  27. 

Fraxinus  juglauilifiilui,  vi.  50, 

f  Fraxinus  Juijlandi/tili.t,  vi.  43,  55. 

Fraxinus  ju^ttandifoiui,  fl  snbiutfgnrima,    vi. 

Fraxinnn  Inuceolata,  •  i.  50. 

Fraxiuus  Intifiilia,  vi.  ."i7. 

Frnxmus  Umtjxfoim,  vi.  10. 

Fraxinus  .Miiiidslniriea,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  .Milril•^ii,  vi.  25. 

FraxiiHii*.  nirdifal  properties  of,  vi.  26. 

Frtixiniis  miifn,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  nigra,  vi.  37. 

Fniximis  nitjra,  vi.  20. 

Fraxinus  nigra,  tiubMpec.  Caroiiniana,  vi.  56. 

Frarintis  nigra,  stilwpcc.  nigra,  vi,  'M. 

Frnrynit.*  nii/resretis,  vi.  iVi. 

•  F^'axiniLs  ,Vor<i  Ani/lut,  vi.  4.'i, 

Frtixinus  yovct'AngUir,  vi.  37,  50. 

f)raxinua  NuttaUii,  \\.  5B, 

Praximis  obtongocarpa,  vi.  49. 

Fnudnui  Oregona,  vi.  57. 

Fraxinua  Oregotm  ;,,  vi.  ut. 

Fraxinus  Oregona,  var.  ripariOf  vi.  57. 

Fnuiniis  Orntis,  vi.  20,  27. 

Fmxinus  ovatUt  vi.  20. 

Fr<ixinu»  pallida,  vi.  /ifi. 

FraxinuM  pannom,  vi.  20. 

Fraxintts  paucijlora,  vi.  56. 

Fmxiiiiis  PeiuisylvHiiica,  vi,  49  ;  xir.  102. 

FraxinuM  reiinsylvaiiiea,  var.  lanceolata,  vi. 

50  ;  xiv.  KVJ. 
Fmximis  putacio'folia,  vi.  41  ;  xiv.  33. 
Fraxinui  pintacutfolia,  var,  coriacea,  vi.  41  ; 

xiv.  33. 
Fraxinus  platifcarpa,  vi.  55. 
Fraxinun  platycarjm,  var.  FlondanOt  vi.  56  ; 

xiv.  39. 
FraxiiiuR  profunda,  xiv.  36. 
Fraxinus  puhencenn,  vi.  49,  50,  56. 
Fraxinu»  pubescetu,  B  longi/olia,  vi.  49. 
FraxinuM  puhescenn,  y  lati/olia,  vi.  49. 
Fraximis  pubeacetis,  var,  lierlnndieriana,  vi.  53. 
Fraxinug  pubescens^  var.  Limlhdmeri,  vi.  53. 
FraxiniLH  puhexceru,  var.  suhpubexcenji,  vi.  49. 
/■^tiiinu.*  fmbencen."*,  var.  ^,  vi.  57. 
i^roxinw  pulrer»Uult},  vi.  20. 
Fraxinus  quadrangulata,  vi.  35  ;  xiv.  102. 
Fraxitiwi  ifuadrangnlatny  var.  nervosa,  vi.  36. 
/■VarmfH  iptaflrangulalti,  var.  subpufiescens,  vi. 


Fraxinua  rliyticophylla,  vi.  20. 

Fraxiniu  liichardi,  vi.  20. 

Fraxintu  rtp  indifolia,  vi.  20. 

/Vajrtnu.1  ruhicunda,  vi.  20. 

/'Vaxmu;'  m/"«,  vi.  20. 

Fraxim  s  aambuci/olia,  vi.  37. 

Fraxiti  m  St'hiediana,  var.  parvi/oUa,  vi,  33. 

/^xi>  tw  aubt'illosa,  vi.  49. 

Fraxitus  tetragona,  vi.  35. 

Fraxim  i  Texensitt,  vi.  47. 

Fraxinnj  iDmentaia,  vi.  49. 

Fraxinus  triatata,  vi.  53. 

Fraxinus  triptera,  vi.  55. 

i^rarinu,*  urophylla,  vi.  27. 

Fnuiiuis  velutiiiu,  vi.  41  ;  xiv.  33. 

Fraximts  viridis,  vi.  50. 

Frnrintis  viridis,  var.  Berlandieriana,  \i.  53. 

Fraximis  viridis,  var.  puhescens,  vi.  49. 

FreireodK  ndron,  vii.  23. 

Fremontia,  i.  47  ;  xiv.  97. 

Freinontia  Califdniioa,  i.  47.       * 

FrenionttxlfudroM,  xiv.  97. 

Froutuntodeiidroit  Californicum,  xiv.  97. 

Frijolito,  iii.  (>3. 

Fringe-flowered  Ash,  vi.  31. 

Fringe  Tree,  vi.  00, 

Fruit  of  Opuntia  \\&  footi,  xiv.  12. 

Fultmni  Oak,  the,  viii.  7. 

Fun^ut  diseases  of 

Abies,  xii.  101. 

Carica,  xiv.  3. 

Celtis,  vii.  CA. 

Ilicoria,  vii.  131. 

Julians,  vii.  110. 

Larix.  xii,  5. 

Moras,  vii.  77, 

Ferseu,  vii.  2. 

Picca,  xii.  25. 

PiiiUH,  xi.  11. 

riatanu.s,  vii,  101. 

PseudotHUga,  xii.  H4. 

Sassafras,  vii.  16. 


S«renoat  xiv.  70. 

Toxjion,  vii.  87. 

Tauga,  xii.  01. 

Vlmus,  vii.  42. 

Umbellularia,  vii.  20. 
Fungal  enemies  of 

Amelrnchier,  iv.  120. 

Andromeda,  v.  130. 

CaUlpa,  vi.  84. 

CornuB,  v.  06. 

Cratffigus,  iv,  84. 

Diospyros,  vi.  4. 

Fraxinus,  vi.  27. 

!lamamelis,  v.  2. 

Liquidanibar  StyraoiHua,  v.  0. 

MohrodeudroD,  vi.  20. 

Nyssa,  v.  74. 

PrunuR,  iv.  11. 

Pynis,  iv.  70. 

Rhododendron,  v.  147. 

Sambitcus,  v.  80. 

Symplocos,  vi.  14. 

Vaceinium,  v.  117. 

Viburnum,  v.  94. 
Fusidadium  Treniula,  ix.  156. 
Fuaisporium  Berenice,  xii.  101. 

Gale,  ix.  83. 
Gale,  ix.  83. 
Gale  lielgica,  ix.  84. 
Gale  Cali/omica,  ix.  03, 
Gale-oil,  ix.  84. 
Gale  u'iffinosa,  ix.  84. 
Galeruca  decora,  ix.  101. 
Galeruca  xantbomclfena,  vii.  41. 
(iail-flowers  of  Ficus,  vii.  92. 
Gallifera,  viii.  4. 
(iail  insects  on  Quercus,  viii.  12* 
Galls,  Chinese,  iii.  9. 
Galls,  Nut,  viii.  9. 
Galls,  Oak.  viii.  9. 
Galls  on  Bctulit,  ix.  48. 
Galls  on  Populus,  ix.  150. 
Galls  on  Willow,  ix.  101. 
Galoglychia,  vii.  91. 
(tanilwl,  William,  viii.  36. 
Gaiubelin,  viii.  35. 
(tarl>er,  Abraham  Pascal,  i.  05. 
(Marcinia  Malafmrica,  vi.  3. 
Garden,  Alexander,  i,  40. 
Garfield  Phini,  iv.  24. 
Geiger  Tree,  vi.  71. 
(leleehia  abietisclla,  xii.  01. 
Gelechia  carytevorella,  vii,  133. 
(telechia  cercerisella,  iii,  94. 
Gelechia  obIii]ui.<itrigclla,  xii.  25. 
Gelechia  pinifoHella,  xi.  11. 
Gelplea,  v.  39. 
(Jcorgia  Bark,  v.  109. 
Georgia  Piuo,  xi.  150. 
GeraseanthuSf  vi.  07, 
(tcrniinatiou  of  PInus,  xi.  4. 
(iermination  of  (jurrcus,  viii.  4. 
(termination  of  Yucea,  x,  3. 
Ghent  Azaleas,  v    ^  0. 
Gihbes,  Lewis  Hcuvc,  xii.  70. 
Gigantabie.t,  x.  139. 
Gigantabies  turifolia,  x.  141. 
Giganttibiea  Williugtotiia,  x.  145. 
Gimhernalia,  v.  19. 
Gin,  flavoring  of,  x.  72,  78. 
(linger  Pine,  x.  120. 
Ginseng,  v.  57. 
Giuscng,  Amoricau,  v.  58. 


Ginseng,  Chinese,  v.  58. 

Ginseng  quinquefolium,  v.  68. 

Glaucous  Willow,  ix.  133. 

Gleditsch,  Johann  Gottlieb,  iii.  74. 

Gleditaia,  iii.  73. 

Gleditsia  Afrioano,  iii.  73. 

Gleditsia  oquatica,  iii.  79  ;  xiv.  100. 

Gleditsia  hrachycarpa,  iii.  70. 

Gleditsia  Bujotii,  iii.  77. 

Gleditsia  Carolinensis,  iii.  79. 

Gleditsia  Caspica,  iii.  73. 

Gleditsia  elegans,  iii.  75. 

Gleditsia  ferox,  iii.  76. 

Gleditsia  heterophylla,  iii,  75. 

Gleditsia  intrmis,  iii.  75,  79, 

Gleditsia  Japouica,  iii.  73. 

Gleditsia  Japonica,  economic  uses  of|  iii.  74. 

Gleditsia  Meliloba,  iii.  76. 

Gleditsia  monosperma,  iii.  79. 

Gleditsia  spinosa,  iii.  75. 

Gleditsia  Texana,  xiii,  13. 

Gleditsia  tnacantha,  iii.  79. 

Gleditsia  triocanthos,  iii,  75  ;  xiv.  1(X). 

Gleditsia  triacanthos,  ^,  79. 

Gleditsia  triacanthos,  fi  aqttatica,  iii.  79, 

Gleditsia  triacanthos,  ecouomio  uses  of,  iii. 

Gleditsia  triacanthos,  var.  inermis,  iii.  76. 
Gleditsia  triacanthos,  var.  j9  brachycarpos,  iii. 

Glenospora  Curtisii,  v.  74. 
GIteosporium  acerinum,  ii.  81. 
GItDosporium  Canadense,  viii.  12. 
Glceosporium  Celtidis,  vii.  05, 
Glceosporium  nervisequum,  vii.  101. 
GIteosporium  Opuntiie,  xiv.  13. 
Glceosporium  Populi,  ix.  150. 
Gloucester  Broad-nut,  xiv.  103, 
Glycobius  speciosus,  ii.  81. 
Glyptostrobtis  pendulus,  x.  152. 
Gnathotrichus  asperulus,  xi.  11. 
Gnathotrichus  materiarius,  xl.  11. 
Cnomoniella  tubiformi8>  ix.  70. 
Goa,  Cedar  of,  x.  100. 
G(Ebelia,  iii.  69. 
(iocs  pulverulentus,  ix.  24. 
Goes  tigrinus,  vii.  133. 
Golden  Beauty  Plum,  iv.  24. 
Goldeu-leaved  Chestnut,  ix.  3. 
Gotiosuke,  vii.  91. 
Gopher  Wood,  iii.  57. 
Gonlon,  James,  i.  40. 
Gordonia,  i.  39. 
Gordonia  acuminata,  i.  39, 
Gordonia  Altamaha,  i,  40,  46. 
Gordonia  anomala,  i.  39,  40. 
Gordonia  excelsa,  i.  39. 
Gordonia  Franklini,  i.  45. 
Gordonia  Lasianthus,  i.  39,  41, 
Cioi'onia  obtusa,  i,  39. 
Gordonia  pubescens,  i.  45. 
Gordonia  pt/ramidalis,  i.  41. 
(fOSflyparia  I'lmi,  vii,  41. 
(towen,  James  Kobert,  x.  108. 
(irAoilaria  jnglandinigneella,  vii.  110, 
Gracilaria  oatrvfcella,  ix,  32. 
Gracitaria  sassafrasella,  vii,  15. 
(Tiacilaria  suiH-rbifrontella,  v.  2. 
Grnndes,  xii.  97. 
Grftpe,  Sea,  vi.  115. 
Grnphiola  congesta,  x,  38. 
Graphisunis  triangutifer,  vii,  04. 
(irapholitha  bractcatann,  xii.  84, 
Grapholithea  caryana,  vii.  134. 




U  I 


Vtny  Uirch,  ii.  53,55. 

(irftj,  Ckhitopher,  iv.  70. 

(tniy  Pine,  li.  147. 

Vmj  PopUr,  U.  154. 

(trent  Laiirol.  v.  IIH. 

(ireiit  SwAiitp  Pine,  xi.  113. 

Greek  Fir,  lii.  W*. 

Oreen-tuirked  Acaoia,  iii.  H^l,  85. 

(ireeiie,  l-l<)wanl  Lee,  Tili.  H4. 

(ireenelln,  viii.  HI. 

iirtgg,  .lotiiKh.  iii.  126  ;  Ti.  33. 

(iraf^gia,  vi.  :i4. 

(irriti/iii,  V.  31*. 

(trtacbftch,  Ileiiiricb  Rudolph  August,  ii.  13. 

(tritebacliia,  ii.  13. 

fffound  CiMlar.  i.  75. 

(intenfntt  ix.  1*5. 

Gtiaiacana,  vi.  4. 

(iuaiacidium,  i.  GO 

ffuaiar^o,  i.  01. 

(tuaiacum,  i.  59. 

(inKiaeiiin  angUBtifoHuni,  i.  59,  GO. 

(tiiaiacum  artHtrcunt,  i.  (iO. 

(tiiaiacum  Cuulteri,  i.  00. 

CiuaiaRum  hv^t^motriiMun,  i.  60. 

Ittiaiacum  ofKcitialc,  i.  50,  ttO. 

Guaiacum  parvitloruni,  1.  59. 

(iuaiacuiu  reaiii,  i.  GO. 

ffiiaiacum  sanctum,  i.  59,  GO,  03. 

Gwiuinim  sauctttm^  var.  fHirri/oliutn^  i.  Gi\, 

Guauirum  irrticale,  i.  03. 

(iiuiacum  wood,  i.  60. 

(iiiaiiabauus,  i.  ""JS. 

(iiiopurium,  v.  39. 

Guayat'iin,  i.  61. 

Guess,  (ioorf^,  x.  140. 

Guettartl,  Jean  Kiienue,  v.  11^. 

(tuettarda,  v.  111. 

Ottettarda,  v.  111. 

GtiftUirda  ambifjua,  v.  112. 

Guettania  lUodyettti,  v.  113. 

Gtiettanla  elliptica,  v,  113. 

GiifUania  HnviVttnsii,  v.  112. 

Guettania  hinuta,  r.  111. 

GufUart{i\  rmjiim,  v,  11-. 

(tuettarda  scabra,  t.  112. 

Guettfjrd'i  fjierinsay  T.  111. 

Guiohiira,  vi.  113. 

Guiana  Plum,  vii.  27. 

''htUandina^  iii.  07. 

t\uuaful\na  dutxca^  iii.  69. 

Gum,  Hlack,  v.  77. 

Gum,  Chcrrr,  iv.  10. 

Gum,  Cottun,  v.  d^). 

(iuni,  Duotur,  iii-  14. 

ftiim,  Kliutic,  V.  171. 

(titin,  Mo^,  iii.  r^  14. 

(lum,  Ut'tl,  V.  12. 

Gum,  S4)ur,  v.  77. 

Gum,  Spruce,  xii.  31. 

Gum,  .Stur-leaved,  V.  12. 

(ium,  Sweet,  v.  10. 

Gum-tree,  Hof;,  iii.  14. 

Gum,  Tu|tel<>,  v,  83. 

(lumlm  HIet,  vii.  14. 

(rumbu  Limbo,  i.  97. 

GuuiMnthui,  vi.  1. 

(iurneon  Stopi)er,  v.  43. 

Gymmda,  ii.  13. 

Gyniinda  ririftebaohii,  ii.  14. 

Gyniinda    (iriacbacbii,   vnr.   glauceMcns,    i 

Gymnantbes,  vii,  29. 
Gjmnaxttbes  lucida,  vii.  30. 


QymnobaUimui,  \  W.  9. 

f  Gymnohalanw  CatesHifanwit  vii.  11. 

(tymuwladus,  iii.  07. 

GtfmmH-ladiui  Canadensis,  iii.  09. 

Gymmwladus  CbiueuAis,  iii.  67. 

(tymmtrladus  diuious,  iii.  09. 

(iymnocladut  dioiuus,  economic  uses  of,  iii. 

Gymnosporangium  liermudianum,  i.  73. 
(tyu)i)(>tiporaii);ium  biMeptatum,  x.  101,  I'M. 
Gymnoiipurangiuni  clavariwforuie,  x.  73. 
(lynuK'fipnrangium  i'lavi|)eH,  x.  73. 
GymmiM|H)rangium  KUiflii,  x.  lOl. 
(lymnoxp^trangium  glubuiuiii,  x.  73. 
(tymtioAporangium  macropun,  x.  73. 
(tyn)U(M[>orangiiini  Nidus-avis,  x.  73. 
Gynini)A|H>rangiuni  apeciusum,  i.  73. 
Gt/tnnolhifrsw,  ix.  08. 
GynaUm,  vi.  67. 
GiftmUm  vfntttum,  vi.  (>8. 
(tvroceras  C'ettidii*,  vii.  65. 
Gitriilecana^  vui.  4. 

HaokWrry,  vii.  67,  71. 

H'lhnia,  iv.  67. 

lIn1op(>n»es,  xi,  4. 

IlnUsia,  v.  Ill  ;  vi.  19. 

Half  fin  (Viro/infi,  vi.  21. 

lialfnifi  diptfra,  vi.  2iJ. 

Unlexia  fHirfijiora,  vi.  10. 

litilftia  rftindfita,  vi.  23. 

ll'dfsia  gtetiOi-<jr/Hi,  vi.  21. 

finlefia  tftrnptera,  vi.  21. 

Ilnlesia  tftrnptera  .UrcArtni,  vi.  22. 

tlalenidnta  Caryie,  v.  2  ;  vti.  \'X\, 

Hales'  paper-ahell  Hickory  nut,  vii.  154. 

Hnlmia,  iv.  83. 

llalmta  romifitlia,  iv.  103. 

linlmin  jiaMUUn,  iv.  95. 

lialmia  InfMJta,  iv.  101. 

Halmia  punctata,  iv.  103. 

lialmia  tomnttoMi,  iv.   lOl. 

llnlmia  timxe.Unun,  $  pt/n/i^ia,  iv.  I(t1. 

Halmiii  tiitnerUiii'fi,  8  Inirophltta,  iv.  101. 

lialmia  tomenitMa,  «  CalfHuifndron,  iv.  101. 

Ilithkirmlrum,  vi.  105. 

{inUflnidnim  ThimarnH,  vi.  100. 

Haltica  bimarginata,  ix.  70. 

Hamamklidkx,  v.  1. 

Hamamclis,  v.  1. 

Unmnmelis  nndrogyna,  v,  3. 

Ifiimnmrliji  nrhttr^n,  v,  'J. 

fliimnmelis  cnryUfoUa,  v.  3. 

Hatmimrlis  diouti,  v.  3. 

Haiuaiiiclis,  fungal  enemies  of,  v.  2. 

HainanieliH.  iiitu>et  eneiiiies  uf,  v.  2. 

HuniatneliH  .laponiea,  v.  2. 

l/iimnmelts  macropht/lla,  v.  3. 

HamuiiieliH  mollis,  v.  2. 

Ifttmamtlin  fMjn'i/nlui,  v.  3. 

Hatnanielis  Virginianii,  v.  3  ;  xiv.  101. 

Haniamelis  Virginiana,  disobarge  of  seeds  of, 

v.  2. 
J/amameliA  \'it(pniann,  var.  Japonica,  v.  2. 
Ilamam*h.f  Vtri/iniafnt,  y/nr.  ftarvijttiut,  v.  3. 
J/nmamfliJi  /^urcanniana,  v.  2. 
H^iiinn,  i,  28 

Harbison,  'Diomaii  Grant,  ziii.  152. 
Hard  Pine.  xi.  l'A\. 
Hantionia  Pini.  xi.  11. 
,    HnrrHphoruH  vananus,  v.  65. 
Hartwc^'.  Karl  Tbe«Mlor,  ii.  94. 
Hartwfgia,  ii.  'M 
Havard,  Vmliiry,  i.  81. 

Haw.  iv.  80,  101,  103,  100,  117  ;  xiii.  37,  41, 
43,  45,  47,  49,  51,  5;»,  55,  57,  59,  Oi*.  (Wi, 
67,  tm,  73,  75.  77,  79,  87.  89,  01.  t»5,  97. 
90,  la-i,  107,  111,  121,  123,  127,  131,  i:W, 
1.37,  141,  149,  151.  I5:i,  155,  157,  159, 
10.3.  167,  169,  171,  173,  175.  177,  179. 

Haw,  Apple,  iv.  119. 

Huw,  Hiai-k.  V.  99  ;  xiv.  23. 

Haw,  Hog's,  iv.  H9. 

Haw,  May.  iv.  119. 

Haw,  Parsley,  iv.  HI. 

Haw,  Red.  xiii.  71,  81,  83,  85.  101,  113,  115. 
117.  119,  125,  129.  i;U,  145,  181. 

Haw,  Sandhill,  xiit.  161. 

Haw.  .Varlet,  iv.  \*.\  1»9  ;  xiii.  01,  03,  103, 
109.  139.  143.  147. 

Haw,  Small-fruited,  iv.  105. 

Haw,  Summer,  iv.  113,  114  ;  xiii.  165. 

Haw,  Yellow,  iv.  113  ;  xiii.  161. 

Hazel,  V,*,tcn.  v.  3. 

Heart  Cherries,  iv.  9. 

Helie,  I^ouis  Tlu^tHlore,  i.  79. 

Helietta,  i.  79. 

HeliettH  apieuUta,  i,  79. 

Helietta  muUiHora,  i.  79. 

Helietta  parvifolia.  i.  79,  81. 

Helietta  Pla>ana,  i.  79. 

Iletininlboflporinn)  i'almetto,  x.  38* 

//rmtyymniVi,  vi.  67. 

Hemileuca  Maia,  viii.  12. 

Hemileuca  yavnpai,  iii.  100. 

ilemiocotea,  vii.  9. 

Hemipapaya,  xiv.  2. 

Hemi|N'rHcn,  vii.  1. 

Heniithrinax,  x.  49. 

Ilemithrinax,  x.  49. 

HeinbH>k,  xii.  63.  09.  73,  03. 

HenibH'k,  Chinese,  xii.  GO. 

HeuiliK'k,  llinialayaii,  xii.  61, 

Heni1(M-k,  Mountain,  xii.  77. 

HemliK'k,  oil  of,  xii.  (>.5. 

lit -uiloi'k  resin,  xii.  65. 

Henil<H'k,  Sargent's,  xii.  0*J. 

Hemlocks,  .lapanese,  xii.  00. 

Hepialiis  argenteoniaeulatus,  ix.  70. 

Heri'ules'  Club.  v.  59. 

I/rfj>en>jtruf^,  xii.  .'>9,  60. 

Hf.ff>rioprucr  I'atttmianat  xii.  77. 

Hes|»eroyueea,  x.  3. 

Heterandrn,  vii.  1. 

Hrtenmieles,  iv.  121. 

Heterumeles  arbiitifolio,  iv.  123. 

Jleleromflfs  Frrmimtiana,  iv.  123. 

ilfzarhiamyr,  v.  39. 

Hexanthera,  vii.  1. 

Hfyi^na,  x.  I'Xi. 

Hrydrrui  lierurrent^  x.  136. 

HiU-rnia  tiliaria,  i.  51. 

Hiearoji.  jv.  Ti. 

Hiekory,  xiv.  47, 

Hieknr'y,  Hig  Hud,  vii.  161. 

Hickory,  lilaek,  vii.  10i»,  167. 

Iliekury  Borer,  vii.  110. 

Hiekory,  Itroom,  vii.  167. 

Hiekury,  Hrown,  vii.  107. 

Hiekory  Kim,  vii  48. 

Hu-kory,  Nutmeg,  vii.  115. 

Hickory  Oak,  viii.  107. 

Hickory,  origin  uf  the  name  of,  vii.  134. 

Hiekury  Pine,  xi.  r,3,  K15. 

Hickory,  .Shagburk,  vii.  I."i3  ;  xiv.  45. 

Hickory.  Shellbark,  vii    153. 

Hickory.  .Swamp,  vii.  141. 

UickuiT',  Water,  vii.  149. 


Iliokory.  White  Ilcart,  vii.  103. 

Ilicoria,  vii.  131. 

Uieoria  acuminata,  vii,  157. 

ilieuriu  allin,  vii.  101. 

Ilirtma  ulha,  vnr.  maxima,  vii.  101. 

llicorift  aquiitit'ii,  vii.  149. 

llionria  Cnroliiuo^Septeiitrionalii,  xiv.  45. 

Ilicoria  Fernowinna,  vii.  146. 

Jlicoria,  fungnl  <IiHeasci  of,  vii.  134. 

Ilieuria  glabra,  vii.  105. 

Hicorin  glabra,  var.  odorats,  vii.  107. 

Iliooria  glabra,  var.  villoM,  vii.  107. 

Hicorin  gUihra^  var.  villosa,  xiv.  47. 

Ilicoria,  insect  cneniicii  of,  vii.  133. 

Ilicoria  laciiiiosa,  vii.  157  ;  xiv.  103. 

Hicona  laciiiiou,  hybrids  of,  vii.  158. 

litcoria  maxima,  vii.  161. 

Ilicoria,  medical  pro|)erties  of,  vii.  133. 

Ilicoria  Moxicana,  vii.  132. 

I/iroria  inivrocarpa,  vii.  107. 

Ilicoria  ininiuia,  vii.  141  ;  xiv.  103. 

Ilicoria  myriaticieforinis,  vii.  145. 

liicitria  othralat  vii.  107. 

Ilicoria  ovuta,  vii.  153. 

ilicoria  pallida,  xiv.  47. 

Hicoria  Pucau,  vii.  137. 

Uicoria  Pecan,  cultivated   varieties  of,    vii. 

Hicona  Pecan,  cultivation  of,  vii.  139. 
Ilicoria  Pecan,  hybrids  of,  vii.  13ti. 
Hicoria  gulrata,  vii.  l.">7. 
Ilieoria  Texana,  xiv.  43. 
flicoria  Texana,  vii.  137. 
Hicoria  villosa,  xir.  47,  103. 
Hicoria  viUo*a  pallida,  xiv.  47. 
Ilicoria,  wood  of,  vii.  132. 
Hicoriua  albiiA,  vii.  101. 
Hicoriua  amara,  vii.  141. 
Hicorim  aquaticua,  vii.  140. 
Hii'orius  t/laber,  vii.  105. 
Hicorim  itUefjri/olia,  vii.  149. 
Hicorius  minimus,  vii.  141. 
Hicorin*  myristic(rformijt,  vii.  145. 
Hicorius  (Mioratus,  vii.  167. 
Hii'orixis  ooatus,  vii.  153. 
Hicoritts  Pecan,  vii.  137. 
Hiatrius  nulcatiu,  vii.  157. 
Iliekorytrcs  in  Europe,  vii.  159. 
Hifrophyllufi  Cassine,  \.  111. 
Iligh-bufth  IV.ui'borry,  v.  117. 
Hill,  Kllsworth  .leronie,  xiii.  99. 
Uilsenbergia,  vi.  79. 
Himalayan  Kir,  xii.  98. 
Himalayan  Hemlock,  xii.  01. 
Himalayan  Larch,  xii.  3. 
Himalayan  Spruce,  xii.  2*J- 
Hin(l!i,  Uichard  Bnusloy,  >,.  44. 
Himlsiii,  ii.  44.,  x.  08. 
Hipp'H-<t.*fanum,  ii.  51. 
H!np()nmne,  ^ii.  33. 
Hip'iumuno  Mancinella,  vii.  35. 
Hipponmne,  poiscmou.s  properties  of,  vii.  3-1. 
Ilippomane,  wood  of,  vii.  34. 
Hogljerry,  vii.  09. 
HiigGum,  iii.  13.  14. 
Ilnj;  (lum  'ree,  iii.  14. 
Ht.g'^  Haw,  iv.  89. 
Holly,  i.  107. 

Holly,  California,  iv.  124. 
Holmea.  Joseph  Austin,  xiii.  120. 
Holt.H,  Oftior,  ix.  UK). 
Honey-drop  Plum,  iv.  24. 
Honey  Locust,  iii.  75,  101. 


Honey  Shucks,  iii.  77. 

Hop  Hornbeam,  ix.  'M. 

Hop  llornlwam,  European,  ix.  32,  40. 

Hop  Hornbeam,  Japanese,  ix,  32. 

Hopea,  vi.  13. 

Hopea  tincioria,  vi.  15. 

Ho|>*tree,  i.  70. 

T  Horau,  v.  27. 

Hormapbis  Ilamamelidis,  v.  2. 

HormapbiN  papyracea,  ix.  48. 

Ilormapbis  spinosus,  v.  2. 

Hornbeam,  ix.  42. 

Hornbeam,  European,  horticultural  forms  of, 

ix.  40. 
Hornbeam,  Hop,  ix.  34. 
Horse  Hear    iii.  89. 
Horse  Sugar,  vi.  15. 
Horse-chestnut,  oil  of,  ii.  52. 
Horse-chestnut,  the  history  of,  ii.  63. 
Horso-ehostnuts,  fungal  diseases  of,  ii.  54. 
Horseflesh  Mahogany,  iii.  127. 
Howell,  Thomas,  xii.  52. 
Huajillo,  iii.  135. 
Hudmnia,  v.  19. 
lluile  do  cade,  x.  72. 
Huisache,  iii,  119. 
HumboldtianiD,  ix.  00. 
Hybrid  Abies,  xii.  97. 
Hybrid  Walnuts,  vii.  114. 
Hybrid  Yuccas,  x.  4. 
Hybrids  of  Pinus,  xi.  4. 
Hybrids  of  Quercus,  viii.  5. 
Hydnum  cornlloidea,  ix.  25. 
Hyleainus  snriceus,  xii.  25. 
Hylobius  Pales,  xi,  11. 
Hylotoma  dulciaria,  ix.  48. 
Hylotrupcs  ligncus,  z.  72. 
Hylurgopa  pinifex,  xi.  11. 
Hymenexthen,  vi.  67. 
Hypolate,  il.  77. 
Hy/telate,  ii,  73. 
Hypelate  panicxilatQi  ii.  75. 
Hypotate  trifoliatn,  ii.  78  ;  xiv.  99. 
Hyf}cranthera,  iii.  07. 
Ifuperanthern  dioica,  iii,  69. 
Hypericum  Laxianthu^,  i.  41. 
Hyphantriu  cunea.  i,  51,  108  ;  ii.  12,  30  ;  iv. 

70  ;  V,  9,  91  ;  vii.  41,  77,  116  ;  viii.   11  ; 

ix.  48,  181, 
Hypocrca  rufa,  x.  140. 
Hypmlorma  brncbysporum,  xi.  12. 
Hypodermella  Lariei.H,  xii.  5. 
Hyjwnomenta  euonymclla,  ii.  12. 
Hypopogon,  vi,  l.'t, 
Hypoxylon  multiforme,  ix.  49. 
Hypoxylon  pruinatum,  ix.  156. 
Hypoxylon  Sassafras,  vii.  2. 
Hypoxylon  transversum,  ix.  49. 
Hypoxylon  turbinulatum,  ix.  24. 

Icnco,  iv.  1. 

Icacorea,  v.  151. 

Icacorca  panieulata,  v.  153. 

IcatpuN  Prunicr  do,  iv.  4. 

Icaques,  Prunes  dc,  iv.  4. 

Iiatpiier,  iv.  4. 

Icerya  Purchaai,  vii.  20. 

lothyomotliia,  iii.  51. 

lethyonu'thia  Piscipula,  iii.  53. 

llcx,'i   103. 

Ilex,  viii.  4. 

Ilex  aistivali,<i,  i.  1 1 3. 

Ilex  ambigum,  i.  113,  115. 

Ilex  angustij'olia,  i.  1 10. 


Ilex  Aquifolium,  i.  107. 

Ilex  .4(ju{/'olium,  vi.  63. 

Ilex  Cassena,  i.  111. 

Hex  Cassino,  i.  109. 

Hex  Castine,  \.  111. 

Hex  Casnine,  $,  i.  111. 

Hex  Cassiue,  var,  angustifolia,  i.  110. 

Ilex  Catsine,  var,  lati/olia,  i,  109. 

Ilex  Cassine,  var.  myrtifolia,  i.  110. 

Ilex  cauinoidet,  i.  109, 

Ilex  Dahoon,  i,  109. 

Ilex  Dahoon,  var,  anguit\folia,  i,  110. 

Ilex  Dahoon,  var.  myrtifolia,  i.  110. 

Ilex  daphne phylloides,  v.  73. 

Ilex  decidua,  i,  113  ;  xiv.  98. 

Ilex  Floridana,  i.  111. 

Ilex  'aurifolia,  l  109. 

Ilfj  laxiftora,  i.  107. 

/.Vx  liyustri/olia,  i.  110. 

Ilex  ligiistrina,  i.  110,  HI. 

Ilex  montana,  i.  115. 

Hex  Monticola,  i.  115. 

Ilex  myrtifolia,  i.  110. 

Hex  opaca,  i,  107. 

Ilex  Parngunriensis,  i.  104  ;  xiv.  98. 

Ilex  prinoide.i,  i,  113. 

Ilex  prionitig,  i.  113. 

Ilex  quercifolia,  i.  107. 

ilex  religioaa,  i.  111. 

Ilex  rosmarifolia,  i,  110, 

Hex  spinescens,  i.  101. 

Ilex  stcnopbylla,  i.  101. 

Ilex  vomitoria,  i.  Ill, 

Ilex  Watfonia,  i.  110. 

luciNE/f:,  i.  103. 

Imhricaria,  v.  181. 

Incanic,  ix.  97. 

Incense  Cedar,  x.  135. 

India  Rubber  from  FicuB  elastioa,  tU.  93. 

Indian  Almond-tree,  v.  20. 

Indian  Azaleas,  v.  140. 

Indian  Hean,  vi.  86. 

Indian  Cherry,  ii.  35. 

Indian  Chief  Plum,  iv.  24. 

Indian  Fig,  xiv,  12. 

Indiana  Chief  Plum,  iv,  24. 

Indiana  Ucd  Plum,  iv.  24. 

Inga  forfex,  iii.  133. 

Ingn  Guadaluj*ensis,  iii.  132. 

lugu  microphylla,  iii.  133. 

Inga  rosea,  iii.  133. 

Inga  Unguu^cati,  iii.  133. 

Ink-wood,  ii.  75. 

Insect  enemies  of 

Abies,  xii,  101, 

Anielanubier,  iv.  120, 

Catalpn,  vi,  84. 

Celtis,  vii.  (i-l. 

Cornua,  v.  05. 

Cratirgns,  iv.  84. 

Diosi>yros,  vi.  4. 

Fraxinu8,  vi.  27. 

Hamanieli.s,  v.  2. 

Hicoria,  vii,  HW. 

Juglans,  vii.  110. 

Larix,  xii.  5. 

Liqiiidanibar  Styraciflua,  v.  9. 

Mobrodondrun,  vi.  20, 

Moms,  vii.  77. 

Nyssa,  v.  74. 

Ficea,  xii.  25, 

Pinus,  xi.  11. 

Platanus,  vii.  101. 

Prnnus,  iv.  11. 



5   I 

m  i 


i  s- 


rseiidoUugm,  ni.  S4. 

rjrnu,  iv.  70. 

SuMfru,  vii.  15. 

Tuiyloo,  vii.  87. 

TiiigWf  lii.  61. 

(IMiMiB,  vii.  41t 

rmbclluUria*  vii.  20. 

Viburniiin,  v.  M. 
In'egrifolijp,  x\.  4. 
loxjflon,  vii.  H5, 
Irifth  Yew.  x.&2. 

Irunwootl,  v.  lUO,  173  ;  ii.  34,  37. 
Iron-wood.  ii.  3,  7,  75. 
Iron  Wo«>d,  iii.  41) ;  iv.  135. 
UUy,  iv.  ftlV 

(ijuiiA  piuiii.iv.  ao. 

Itfii  Ct/nJIa,  ii.  3. 
Iteft  nu'emiRoim  ii.  'J. 
Ivy,  V.  no. 
Ivy,  Pottoii,  iii.  0. 

.Iiu-k.  HUck.  viii    115.  101. 

.Urk.  Hhie,  fiii.  171 

Jaok,  .Idhn  Grorge,  xiii.  106. 

Jack  Oikk.  viii.  101. 

Jdck  Fine,  xi.  147. 

.lack  Pine  plains,  xi.  118. 

Jack,  Sand.  viii.  172. 

Jai'<{uin,  Nicolaua  .fuaepb.  v.  155. 

Jacquinia,  r.  IJV). 

Jarifuinia  arhtrttt,  v.  157. 

Jacquinia  arniillarit,  v.  l/>7. 

Jacpiitna  armiUarui,  $  iirtHim,  v.  167. 

.lacqninia  ariniUiirifl,  ffiiU  of,  v.  155. 

JamaicA  Dogwood,  iii.  53. 

Jamhttf,  T.  3W. 

Jamhtisa,  r.  39. 

Jamhota  r%il(^ris,  v.  41. 

James.  I-^win,  ii.  06. 

Jimeiia,  ii.  06. 

Japan,  cultivation  nf  Pines  in,  xi.  11. 

Japanese  Arbor-vitjp,  x.  124. 

Japanese  lieecb,  ix.  22. 

JajKinese  Hiirh,  ix.  48. 

.fflpanetw  Cheitnut-tree,  ix.  0. 

Jnpanete  Hcni)iM>ks,  xit.  VAi. 

Jnpunpse  Hop  llorntieam,  ix.  32. 

JapanoM  Ijirch,  xii.  2. 

.Tapane^e  Perniinmon,  vi.  4. 

Japanese  IV-udotsuf^,  xii.  84. 

Japanese  Walnut,  vii.  110. 

Jatminum  hirmtum,  v.  112. 

Javanese  HliudcMlrndroof,  t.  146,  147. 

Jeffrey,  John,  xi.  41. 

Jennie  Lucas  Plum.  iv.  20. 

Jersey  Pine,  xi.  123. 

Joe  \V(mk!,  v.  ir>7. 

Juned.  Ileatrix,  xiii.  130. 

Joahua  Tree.  x.  19. 

Jttttinia,  v.  30. 

Judas-treo,  iii.  95. 

JniLA.NPACE^:,  vii.  113  ;  xiv.  43. 

Jii);laiis.  vii.  113. 

Juylans  nUttnti/oiia,  vii.  110. 

Juglant  alba,  vii.  ir>3,  101, 

Juylnrui  aUm  nruminata^  vii.  105. 

Jutflans  fj/M  minima,  vii.  141. 

Jugiant  aiftt  odamta,  vii.  107. 

JuglarvM  nlfxi  ot'titn,  vii.  153. 

Juglam  altni,  «  ftarana,  vii.  137. 

JuglanM  nmuru,  vii.  141. 

Juglans  afn,'talitt>iui,  vii.  137,  141. 

Juglani  O'fualira,  vii.  149. 

Juglans  Calif oruica,  vii.  129. 


JuglnrtM  Crt/i/nmird,  vii.  125. 

Juglans  cathartica,  yii    118. 

Juglans  oinerea,  vii.  118  (  liv.  103. 

Jugtaru  einena,  vii.  115. 

Juglans  oinere*,  medical    propertiea  of,  vii. 

Juglans  cinereo-nigra,  vii.  114. 
Juglatm  t-^ymprt$»n,  vii.  ITht. 
JugUiM  coniif\trmu,  vii.  110,  141. 
Juglans  ryliruiricti,  vii.  137. 
Juglans,  fungal  diseases  of,  vii.  110. 
Juglann  glahm,  vii.  105. 
.Tuglaitii,  hyhrtil^  of,  vii    III. 
Juglans  IlUn^nensi*,  vii.  137. 
Juglans,  in»e«ft  <'nemi«H  of,  vii.  110. 
Juglans  in  South  America,  vii.  115. 
Juglans  insularis,  vii.  115. 
f  Juglam  intfrmtdui  alafa,  vii.  115. 
Juglanii  iiiterme<lia  pyriformis.  vii.  114. 
f  Juglans  tntermettia  'ptadmngxtiata,  vii.  115. 
Juglans  intermedia  Vilnioriniaiia,  vii.  114. 
Juglans  ianniiua,  vii.  157. 
Juitla'is  marrophffUaf  vii.  110. 
Juglans  M^ndshuricn,  vii.  115. 
Juglans  Man-hhurica,  vii.  110. 
Juglatis  Mfticnnat  vii.  115. 
Juglans  mtriitmi,  vii.  141. 
Juglans  mollis,  vii.  115. 
Juglans  murronata,  vii.  141. 
Juglans  tn\/nslinr/"rinit,  vii.  145. 
Juglans  nigra,  vii.  121  ;  xiv.  1U3. 
Juglans  nigra,  vii.  110. 
Juglant  nigra  ohhuga,  vii.  121. 
Juglanxniffra,  fl,  vii.  1|S. 
Juglans  nigra,  var.  Itulivian*,  vii.  115. 
Juglans  ttltcortlata,  vii.  153,  lO.*!. 
Juglanx  ol'hmrjti,  vii.  118, 
Juglans  (tblonga  alha,  vii.  118. 
Juglans  olivfr/ormis,  vii.  137. 
Juglans  otntlis,  vii.  153. 
Juglans  <ir<ifci,  vii.  \nS\. 
Juglarut  /Wan,  vii.  137. 
Juglans  Pittturaii,  vii.  121. 
Juglans  /utrrina,  vii.  105. 
Juglans  p»trcina,  a  ttlH-ordata^  vii.  105. 
Juglann  pttrnna,  0  firifi/rmix^  vii.  1(>5. 
f  Juglans  pubrxcrns,  vii.  1(i1. 
Juglans  pyriformts.  vii.  115. 
Juglans  regia,  vii.  115. 
Juglaiu  regia,  cultivation  and  uses  of,  vii. 

Juglans  rt'gia  gibboaa,  vii.  114. 
Juglans  regia  intermedia,  vii.  114. 
Juglans  regia  octognna,  vi.  110. 
JuglatiM  rrgia,  var,  A'uffW'niri,  vii.  115. 
Juglans  regia,  var.  .Sinenjiijt,  vii.  115. 
Juglaru  nJtru,  vii.  101. 
Juglans  rupestris,  vii.  125, 
Juglann  rujyextris,  var.  ruijifr,  vii.  125. 
Juglans  Sieboldiana,  vii.  110. 
Juglans  njuamo»a,  vii.  \'u\  \W\. 
Juglans  ftpMmosa,  $  microrarpa,  vii.  107. 
f  Juglans  stemtrarjfa,  vii    115. 
Juglans  sulmta,  vii.  141,  157. 
JuglauM  lomenlnna,  vii.  101. 
Juniper,  x.  "5,  79,  HI,  8.3,  85,  87,  89. 
,Iuni|>er,  IWdford,  x.  9(t  ;  xiv.  110. 
JunifH'r,  rheckert'd-liarked,  x.  85. 
JunifHT,  Swedish,  x.  78. 
Juni|>rr,  tar  uf,  x.  72. 
Juniperus,  x,  09. 
Junijtertis  alpina,  t.  76 
Junij)erus  Andina,  x.  h7 
Juniperus  arboreseens,  x.  93. 

Juniperus  lUrbadeniis,  liv.  H9. 

Juntpenu  Itarhailefisis,  x,  70,  93. 

Juniprrus  iiet{foniia^Mt  x.  00. 

Juni|M*nis  Itvrmudiana,  i.  70. 

Juntfierus  liermwiiana,  i.  93  ;  civ.  80. 

Junif>erus  horealis,  t.  75, 

Juni|H>nis  Califiirnioa,  x.  70. 

Junifierw  Cali/omtra,  var.  ostenspenna,  x.  70. 

Juniperus  Cali/ortiiiti,  var.  Utahensis,  x.  81. 

Juni/teniM  Canadensis,  x.  76. 

Jutiif>erus  Cantliniatui,  x.  93. 

Juniperus  Cerrotiana.  x.  70. 

Juniperus  mmmunis,  x.  75. 

Juniperus  communi*  nana,  x.  70. 

Juniperus  uommunis  ol)lungn-|)eadula,  i.  78. 

Juniperus  rommunM  pyramidalis,  x.  78. 

Juniperus  cummunis  Suecica,  x.  78. 

Juntperus  nimmunin  vulgarin,  x.  70, 

Juniperus  communis,  H  rejlexa,  $  i}entiuia,  x. 

Junijierus  rommunu,  •  erectat  x.  70. 
Juniftena  communis,  «  vulgaris,  x,  75. 
Junif*er*ts  cvmmunis,  0,  x.  70, 
Junifterus  communis,  0  alpina,  x.  70. 
Juniperus  communtn,  0  depresna,  x.  76. 
Juniperus  Ci)mmunis,  0  fastigiata,  x.  78. 
Juntperun  cttrnmunif,  0  hemisphfrrica,  x.  75. 
Juniftents  citmmuni.i,  0  Hiipanica,  x.  75,  78* 
Juniperus  communis,  0  rejlexa,  x.  78. 
Junifterus  communi*,  y,  x.  70. 
Juniftems  communis,  y  Caucastca,  x.  75. 
Junifttrus  communii.*,  y  mtmtana,  x.  70. 
Juniprru*  cnmmunis,  B  arfmrescens,  x.  75. 
Juniperus  cummunis,  t  "f'longtt,  x.  75. 
Juni}>criis  euminunis,  \.ir.  Sibirica,  x.  75. 
Junipems  dealbatat  x.  75. 
Juniperus  de/ormis,  x.  75. 
Juniperus  densa,  x.  71. 
Juniftenis  depressa,  \.  75. 
tluni|>rrus  drupacea,  x.  72. 
.lunipenis,  eciuiuniic  proporties  of,  x.  71. 
Juni}>eruR,  r.<iscntinl  oil  uf,  x.  72. 
Juniperus  i-xcelsa,  x.  71. 
Juniperus  rxcHsa,  x.  87  ;  xiv.  03,  04. 
Juniperus  exreha,  0  natui,  x.  71. 

Juniperus  tlaccida,  x.  H3. 

Junipetiix  fielila,  t  eicrlsa,  x.  71. 

Juniperus  f'tltda,  if  I'ln/iniana,  x.  93. 

Junifterus  ffttida,  9 jlaccida,  x.  83. 

Juniperus  f'ragrans,  x.  93. 

tluiiipenis,  fungal  ditieiiHes  of,  x.  73. 

tluniiHiruH  gigantea,  x.  70. 

Juniperus  glauca,  x.  0(i. 

Juniperus  ftMsamthanea,  x.  06. 

Junifirrus  gracilis,  x.  S3,  90. 

Juniperus  hemisph(frica,  x.  75, 

Juniftentti  Itermanni,  x.  87,  93. 

Juniperux  Iludsomtii,  x.  71. 

Juni})erus,  insect  enemies  uf,  x.  72. 

Juntfterus  isnphylla,  x.  71. 

Juniperus  Knighti,  xiv.  105. 

JuuiftcrtiS  marntcarpa,  x.  72. 

Junifterus  mairi>/H>ita,  x.  71. 

Juniperus  Mencana,  x.  70,  91. 

Juni{>orus  munosiM'rnm,  x.  89. 

Junif>ern-t  nririd,  x.  70. 

Jumfterus  nana,  A  mofUana,  x.  70. 

Juniftrrus  nana,  Walpiua,  x   70. 

Junifterus  itfjli/tiga,  x.  75,  78. 

Junifterus  obltmga  ftetaiula,  x.  78. 

.Juniperus  (iccidentalis,  x.87. 

Juniperus  occidenlalis,  x.  79,  81,  89,  03  ;  xir. 

Juniperus  oceidenUilis,  «  pUiospermat  i.  87. 

i»ftfnna,  i.  70. 
hemu,  X.  81. 

Jimiptrut  oceidentalii,  $  monoMperma,  i.  RO. 
Junijtema  tHvidentatii^  v«r.  gymmtcarpa,  i.  80. 
Juniperus  iHriUmtalu,  viir.  7'«xarui,  i,  01. 
Junipenu  itcruienlaiu,  var.  l>lahensUf  i.  HI. 
Junipena  occitientatis,  Tar.  ?  y  coryurij^eru,  X. 

JunijifTut  Otivieri,  i,  71. 
Junipmu  oppo/iiti/olia,  i,  70. 
Jiiiii|H'riii  ()xyci*<lrut,  i.  72. 
Junifwr\i$  OxyrMru»,  •  gibbota^  X.  72. 
Juni|>eru)i  pachyphliea,  i.  85. 
JuniperuM  p^tulula,  x,  HO. 
Junipena  plochyderma,  x.  8fi. 
Juni/)erus  pviycarpott  x.  71. 
FtiniptTtis  procpn,  x.  70. 
Juniperux  prostrata,  x.  71. 
Juniperu*  pygmtta,  t.  70. 
Junifterus  pyramuiali»t  x.  70. 
Juniptrrus  pyri/ormit,  x.  70,  80. 
JiinipeniH  recurva,  x.  70. 
Juni{H.'rus  recurvai  var.  iquamaU,  x.  71. 
Juniperwi  reptnSt  x.  71,  75. 
Junif}frn»  m/etcenjit  x.  TZ. 
Junii>eTUi  ruffscena,  var.  •  Noeif  x.  72. 
Juniperus  Sabina,  x.  71. 
Junipfrwi  Sabina,  x.  71. 
Junipenu  Sabina  proitratn,  x.  71. 
Junipfrus  Sabina,  $  humilii,  x.  71. 
Juniperus  Sabina,  var.  eiceliia,x.  71. 
Juniperui  Sabina,  var.  procumbentf  x.  71. 
Juniperus  snbinuidcH,  x.  1)1  ;  xiv.  105. 
Junifwrus  scopuluruni,  xlv.  03. 
Junifterui  Sihirira,  x.  70. 
Junipents  »«iuamata,  x.  71. 
Juni/ierus  SuecicOt  x.  78. 
Junipenu  tetrat/ona,  x.  70,01. 
Juniprrutt  trtraguna,  var.  oiigospermat  X.  01. 
Juniftentii  tetragona,  var.  (tatemperma,  x.  79. 
Juniperus  Utahensis,  x.  81  ;  xiv.  105. 
Juniprrua  Virginiaiia^  x.  03. 
Juniprms  Virginianat  x,  80  ;  xiv.  89,  03. 
JunipfrH.i  Virginiana  Barbatlennis,  x.  OU  ;  xiv. 

J  uttif lemi 


xiv.  H9. 

xiv.  93. 

Virginiana  Cnrolinianat  x.  96. 
Virgininna  };racitis,  x.  *.K5. 
Virginiana  Hfniuvmit  x.  93. 
Virginians  prontrata,  x,  71. 
Virginiana,  U  australi.i,  x.  1)3  ;  xiv. 

Virginianot  a  vuigarut,  x.  93. 
Virginiana,  &  CaroHniamt,  x.  93. 
Virginiana,  B  glnucat  x.  1)0. 
Virginiana,  >  liedfitrdiann,  x.  90. 
Virfriniana,  distribution  uf,  xiv.  89. 
Virginiana,  var.  liermwliaiutf  x.  93  ; 

riryifitanrt,  var.  humilis,  x.  71. 
l*ir*;inia«a,  var.  mon/afm,  x.  93; 

K(rlera  /aun/o/ia,  vii.  27. 

Kaki,  vi.  4. 

Kakis,  urigin  uf  the  cultivated,  vi.  4. 

Kakis,  UHi's  of,  vi.  4. 

Kalm,  IVter,  ii.  80. 

Kalniia,  v.  137. 

Kalniia  anf;ustifulia,  v.  138. 

Kalmia  oricoiJes,  v.  137. 

Kalmia  ghiura,  v.  137. 

Kalniia  latifnlia.  v.  139. 

Kalmlu  tatifulia,  fertilization  of,  v.  \^1. 

Kalmia  Utifolia,  niuristrous  form  uf,  v.  140. 

Kalmia  polifolia,  v.  137. 

Kampmania  J'raxiui/oUat  i.  07. 


Karwinskr*  Wilhalm  Freiherr.  i.  04. 
Kaja,  X.  50. 

Kaya-no-abura,  x.  50. 

Kallomiannia  yiieevgena,  x.  5. 

KelloKg,  Albert,  viii.  120. 

Kelluggia,  viii.  120. 

Kennedjr,  Louis,  iv.  10. 

Kennedja,  iv.  10. 

Ktntuoky  Cuffe't^tree,  iii.  60. 

Kemiei,  tbe  Oak,  viii.  10. 

/  •ysertingia,  iii.  50. 

Keysia,  v.  144. 

Khaja  Senegalensia,  1.  101. 

Kiokapoo  IMum,  iv.  20. 

King  nuts,  vii.  157. 

Kinuikinnie,  v.  <14. 

Kirsvhwasser,  manufactur*  of|  !▼•  10. 

Kiikjthomas  nut,  vii.  134* 

Knaokaway,  vi.  81. 

Knajia,  ix.  95. 

Knees,  Cypress,  x.  161. 

Kniphnjia,  v.  10, 

Kuub>cone  IMne,  xi.  107. 

Knowlton,  Frank  Hall.  ix.  38. 

Kirborlin,  C.  L.,  i.  03. 

K(ul>erlinia,  i.  93. 

Kieberlinia,  i.  88. 

Kuiberlinia  spinosa,  i.  03  ;  xiv.  08. 

Kura-tnatsu,  xi.  7. 

Labramia,  v.  181. 

Lavaihfa,  i.  39. 

Laaitheajlorii/a,  i.  45. 

Lachnea  Scipioiw,  x.  140. 

Laobnns  Abictis,  xii.  25. 

Lacbnus  australis,  xi.  11, 

Lacbnus  Caryie,  vii.  133. 

Laobnns  laricifex,  xii.  5. 

I.Acbniis  IMatanicola,  vii.  101. 

Lacbnus  Strobi,  xi.  11. 

Lacisteinn  altemum,  ix.  87. 

Lacistema  Derterianum,  ix.  87. 

Lacquer,  niauufacture  of,  iii.  8. 

Lacquer-tree,  iMiltivation  of,  iii.  8. 

Lndvbird  Heetlo,  Australian,  vii.  20. 

La*iitadia  cousociata,  x.  140. 

Laguncularia,  v.  27. 

Laguncrilaria  glabri/olia,  v.  29. 

Lngnncularia  racemosa,  v.  29. 

l^kb,  iii.  110. 

Lambert,  Ayhnor  Hou-ke,  xi.  30. 

Lamp-black  from  i'inus  Pinaster,  xi.  8. 

Lnmlri'tb,  David,  vii.  87. 

Lang.ulorfia,  i.  05. 

Laplaeea  Iliematuxylon,  1.  42. 

Larch,  xii.  7,  127,  133. 

Larcb,  Canker  of,  xii.  5. 

Larcb,  Kiirupcan,  xii.  3. 

Lari'b,  Himalayan,  xii.  3. 

Larcb,  Japanese,  xii.  2, 

Larch  Sack-bearer,  xii,  5. 

Larch,  Saw-fly,  xii.  5. 

Uirj^e-luaved  Cucumber-tree,  i.  11. 

Larix,  xii.  1. 

Larix  Altaica,  xii.  4. 

Larix  Americana,  xii.  7  ;  xiv.  106. 

Larix  Americana pendnlii,  xii.  7. 

Larix  A  niericana  prolifrra,  xii.  7. 

Larix  Ameriiana  nibra,  xii.  7. 

Larix  Archangtlira,  xii.  4. 

Larix  caduci/olia,  xii.  3. 

/.wri>  communis,  y  liomca,  xii.  4. 

Larix  coinmtmi.1t  var.  3  Sihirica,  xii.  4, 

Larix  communis,  var.  i  penduUtuif  xii.  3. 


Larix  Dahnrioa,  xii.  4. 

Larix  Vahurica,  m  typiatt  lU.  4. 

Larix  ItaHnrica,  $  prostrata,  xii.  4. 

I^rix  Haburica,  var.  Kurilensis,  xii.  4. 

Lartx  Dahurica,  var.  y  Japoniea,  xii.  4. 

Larix  decititui,  xii.  3. 

Larix  deritiua,  m  communis,  xii.  3. 

Larix  decidua,  y  A  mericarta,  xii.  7. 

Larix  decutua,  •  jtettditla,  xii.  3. 

I^rix,  ecouumie  properties  of,  xii.  8. 

Larix  Europaa,  xii.  3,  4. 

Larix  Eurofxga  communis,  xii.  3. 

Larix  Kuroptra  comjxicta,  xii.  3. 

Larix  Europtra  laxa,  xii.  3. 

Larix  Europira  peruiula,  xii,  3, 

Larix  Euroftira,  m  fypica,  xii.  3. 

Larix  Europira,  var.  Dahurica,  xii.  4t 

Larix  Europira,  var.  Sibirica,  xii.  4. 

Larix,  fungal  diseases  of,  xii.  0. 

Larix  GriJfilHiatut,  xii.  2. 

Larix  Griflithii,  xii.  2. 

Larix,  insect  enemies  of,  xii.  5* 

Larif  intermedia,  xii.  4,  7. 

Larix  Jafxmica,  xii.  2. 

Larix  JdfHmica  macrocarpOt  xii.  2. 

I«arix  Kiempferi,  xii.  2. 

Larix  Ktempferi,  var  minor,  xii.  2. 

Larix  Kamtsrhatika,  xii.  4. 

Larix  Kurilensis,  xii.  4. 

Larix  taricina,  xii.  7. 

Larix  laridna,  var.  tnicrocarpa,  xii.  8. 

Larix  taricina,  var.  pendula,  xii.  8, 

Larix  I^rix,  xii.  3. 

Larix  r^rix,  economic  properties  of,  xii.  3,  4. 

Larix  Ledebourii,  xii.  4. 

Larix  leptolepis,  xii.  2. 

Larix  leptolepis,  0  Murrayana,  xii.  2. 

Larix  leptolepis,  var.  minor,  xii.  2. 

Larix  Lyallii,  xii.  15  ;  xiv.  100. 

Larix  miiroi'arpa,  xii.  7. 

Larix  occidontalis,  xii.  11. 

Larix  pendula,  xii,  7. 

Larix  pyramidalLi,  xii.  3. 

Larix  liomca,  xii.  4. 

Larix  Sibirica,  xii.  3. 

L>irix  tenuifolia,  xii.  7, 

Larix  vulgaris,  xii.  3. 

Lasianthus,  i.  42. 

Lasiosphtcria  Htuppca,  xii.  61. 

Laugeriti,  v.  111. 

Laugierin,  v.  111. 

Laugicria  hirsuta,  v.  112. 

LArKACEiK,  vii.  1. 

Laurel,  v.  139. 

Laurel,  California,  vii.  21. 

Laurel,  Knglisb,  iv.  11. 

Laurel,  tJreat,  v.  148. 

Laurel,  Mountain,  v.  139  ;  vii.  21. 

Laurel  Oak,  viii.  175. 

Laurel,  Portugal,  iv.  11. 

Lauroccra.su9,  iv.  8. 

Laurocerasus,  iv.  7,  8. 

Laurocera.ixis  Caroliniana,  iv.  49. 

Laurocerasus  ilici/oUa,  iv.  53. 

Laurocerasus  salici/olia,  iv.  40. 

Laurocerasus  sph^rrm-arpa,  iv.  51. 

Lanroccrasus  sphn;rucarpa,  jB  Urosillensis,  iv. 

Laurus,  vii.  1. 
Launtjt  alhida,  vii.  17. 
Laurus  Jiorbonia,  vii.  4. 
Laurus  hullata,  vii.  10. 
Launis  Carolinensi,i,  vii.  4,  7. 
Launa  CaroUnensLi,  a  glabra,  vii.  4. 


TOy;g"?'B-?-.:  aiAJT^a  W?«ESmp?ErT 






US  1^ 



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WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14580 

(716)  872-4503 



laurus  Canlineniu,  fi  i)iibe$emt,  ni.  7. 

Zdurui  Carolirmuu,  y  obtuta,  rii.  4. 

Launu  Canliniana,  tU.  4. 

Lttun    fatetbai,  TU.  11. 

Launu  I  iilesbj/ana,  vii.  Jji. 

Lnurui  diveni/olia,  vii.  17. 

I  aurui  faeteni,  vii.  10. 

.'.aunu  Injica,  f  ii.  2. 

Lu-trut  Maderientit,  vii.  10. 

Zau.tu  Penta,  vii.  2,  Sauafnu,  vii.  17. 

ZainM  Tmeriffit,  vii.  2. 

Z<-.urui  riV/,  vii.  10. 

hauTua  varilfoiUit  vii.  17. 

Laurut  Wintemna,  i.  37  ;  xir.  97. 

Launutinus,  v.  Ot. 

IjivMiD,  Charles,  z.  120. 

Lamon'B  Cjpran,  x.  110. 

Lvanlut,  iv.  67. 

Lvaf-minen  on  QuerciUi  viii.  12. 

Leather-wuud,  ii.  3. 

Leavenworth,  Mellina  C,  iii.  60. 

Leavenworthia,  iii.  66. 

Lecaniuin  Carjie,  vii.  133. 

Leoanium  JugUndifez,  vii.  116. 

Leornium  Quercifez,  viii.  11. 

Lecaoium  Queroitronis,  viii.  11, 

Lecaniam  Tulipifere,  i.  18. 

Le  Conte,  John  Eatton,  ziv.  44. 

Lee,  Jainea,  iv.  16.  &  Kennedy,  i>.  16. 

Leea,  iv.  16. 

Leta  ipinota,  v.  60. 

LiQUMiNOSX,  iii.  29  ;  xiii.  13. 

Leitneria,  vii.  109. 

Leitneria  Floridana,  vii.  111. 

LEiriiERiACKf,  vii.  109. 

Lemouoicr,  Louis  (iuillaame,  iii.  46. 

Lemon-wood,  i.  83. 

Lentajo,  t.  93. 

Lentago,  v.  93. 

Le  Page  du  I'ratz,  v.  17. 

Lepidobalanus,  viii.  4. 

LepiJobalanus,  buda  of,  riii.  4. 

Lepidocereus,  v.  SI. 

Let'tjiii,  vi.  25. 

Leptocoris  trivittatui,  ii.  81. 

Ltplodapkne,  vii.  9. 

Leptoaphieria  filamentosa,  z.  S. 

Leptoipbsria  taxicola,  z.  63. 

Lcptoatroma  hjpophyllum,  iii.  74. 

Leptoetroma  Sequois,  z.  140. 

I^ptotbainnia,  v.  110. 

Leptura  vagans.  ix.  4X. 

Lettfrnion,  George  WaabingtoD,  xii>.  79. 

LeiicKna,  iii.  109. 

Leuctnus  fifrmota^  iii.  127. 

Lfwrtrul  Fttxteri,  iii,  109. 

Leursna  glandulosa,  iii.  109. 

I,.eiu>H>na  j^lauca,  iii.  111. 

Lfurirna  iflawa,  xiii.  17. 

I.4;uccna  Greggii,  xiii.  17. 

lA'ucft-ua  (tri^ggii,  Rtipiilee  of,  iii.  109. 

Ivcurena  niacrophylla,  stipules  of,  iii.  109. 

l.t!U04ena  pulvcrulentfl,  iii.  113. 

liCitcirna  retusa,  iii.  109. 

Lrtn-e,  ix.  l.Tl,  l.'>2. 

I^eucobalanus,  viii.  4. 

Leucoifie^,  ix.  I.VJ. 

T^uitthiif  Mariana,  v.  130. 

Leurttrffhtntt  vi.  1. 

Liboc(><lru.l,  x.  133. 

Libocedrus,  austro-caledonica,  x.  i:)3. 

Libocedrus  llidwillii,  x.  134. 


Libooedrus  Chilensis,  x.  134. 
Libocedrus  oupressoidea,  z.  134. 
Libocedrus  decurrens,  z.  135  ;  ziv.  106. 
Liboeednu  Doniaua,  z.  134. 
Libocedrus,  economio  properties  of,  z.  134. 
Libocedrus,  fungal  diseases  of,  z.  134. 
Libocedrus  macrolepis,  x.  134. 
Libocedrus  Papuana,  x.  133. 
Libocedrus  plumosa,  z.  134. 
Liboeednu  tetragona,  z.  134. 
Libytbea  Bacbmanni,  vii.  64. 
Light  wood,  xi.  164. 
Lignum-vitffi,  i.  60,  63. 
Lilac,  xiii.  1. 

LIUACE.K,  X.  1. 

Limaeia  lauri/olia,  vii.  27. 

Lime,  Ogeechee,  v.  70. 

Lime-tree,  i.  53. 

Lin,  i.  53. 

Lina  Lapponica,  iz.  101. 

Lina  scripla,  ix.  101, 156. 

Lina  Tremuhe,  ix.  156. 

Linden,  i.  52, 55,  57. 

Linden-bast,  i.  60. 

Lindbeimer,  Ferdinand,  i.  74. 

Linociera  cottni/oiia,  vi.  60. 

Liopus  oinereus,  vii.  133. 

Liopus  Querci,  viii.  11. 

Liparena,  vii.  23. 

Liparis  monarcha,  zii.  24. 

Liquidambar,  v.  7,  8. 

Liquidambar  aceri/olia,  v.  8. 

Liquidambar  aspleni/olia,  iz.  84. 

Liquidambar  Califomicum,  v.  7. 

Liquidambar,  Chinese,  v.  8. 

Liquidambar  Formoaac&,  v.  8. 

Liquidambar  Formoaana,  cork;  ezcresocDoea 

of,  V.  8. 
Liquidambar  Formosana,  resin  of,  v.  8. 
Liquidambar  imberbe,  v.  7. 
Liquidambar  macrophylta,  v.  10. 
Li<fuidambar  Majimoiciczii.  v.  8. 
Liquidambar,  Oriental,  v.  7. 
Liquidambar  orientalis,  v.  7,  8. 
Liquidambar  peregrina,  ix.  84. 
Liquidambar  protensium,  v.  7. 
Liquidambar,  species,  v.  8. 
Liquidambar  Styraciflua,  v.  10. 
Liquidambar  Styraciitua,  fungal  enemies  of, 

V.  9. 
Liquidambar  Styraciflua,  insect  enemies  of, 

V.  9. 
Liquidambar  Styraciflua,  medical    uses  of, 

V.  8. 
Liquidambar  Styraciflua,  resin  of,  v.  8. 
Liquidambar  Styraeijiua,  var.  Mexicana,  v.  10. 
Liquidamber,  v.  12. 
Liquid  storax,  v.  8. 
Liriodcndron,  i.  17. 
Liriodeudron  I*rocaccinii,  i.  17. 
Liriodendrort  procrrum,  i.  19. 
Liriodcndron  Tulipifera,  i.  19  ;  xir.  07. 
Lithucarpus,  viii.  4. 
Lithocarpia,  viii.  1. 
l.ttlitM-olletia  bctulivora,  ix.  48. 
I.itliucolU'tia  caryiealliella,  vii.  1,')3. 
LithucoUetis  cjiryoifuliella,  vii.  133. 
LithocolletiB  celtifoliella,  vii.  G4. 
Lithocolletis  ccltisella,  vii.  01. 
Lithocotletis  cratjegella,  iv.  84. 
Lithocolletis  gtittiHuitulla,  var.  lesculisella, 

ii.  .'■.3. 
Lithocolletis  jnglandiclla,  vii.  110. 
Lithocolletis  ostryiefuliella,  ix.  32. 

Lithocolletis  populiella,  tz.  166. 

Lithocolletis  Umbellulariie,  vii.  20. 

Little,  Henry,  ziv.  64. 

Live  Oak,  viii.  09, 105,  111,  119. 

Live  Oak,  U.  S.  reaerrationi  of,  viii.  101. 

Lobadium,  iii.  7. 

Lobb,  William,  x.  60. 

Loblolly,  i.  42. 

Loblolly  Bay,  i.  41. 

Loblolly  Pine,  zi.  HI. 

Loblolly-wood,  i.  42. 

LochmBus  manteo,  viii.  12. 

JxKust,  iii.  39,  43  ;  xiii.  13. 

Locust,  Black,  iii.  77. 

Locust,  Clammy,  iii.  45. 

Locust,  Honey,  iii.  76,  101. 

Locust,  Sweet,  iii.  77. 

Locust,  Water,  iii.  79. 

Locust,  Yellow,  iii.  30. 

Lodge  Pole  Pine,  xi.  00,  91. 

Lodhra,  vi.  13. 

Lodhra  cralitgoidet,  vi.  14. 

Log-wood,  ii.  26. 

iKimbardy  Poplar,  ix.  163. 

Lombardy  Poplar  in  the  United  States,  ix. 

Longifoliie,  iz.  90. 
Long-leaved  Cucumber-tree,  i.  IS. 
Long-leaved  Pine,  zi.  161. 
Lopbodermium  juniperinum,  x.  73. 
Lophoderniium  Pinastri,  xi.  12. 
Lophoderus  triferanns,  vii.  87. 
Lophotonia,  ix.  21. 
Lophyrus  Abietis,  x.  124. 
Louisa  Plum,  iv.  20. 
I.curo,  vi.  08. 

Lowrie,  Jonathan  Roberts,  iv,  28. 
Loxoatege  Maclune,  vii.  87. 
Loiotienia  rosaceana,  iii.  10. 
Lucombe  Oak,  the,  viii.  7. 
Luna  moth,  v.  0  ;  vii.  110. 
Lusekia,  ix.  05. 
Lyall,  David,  zii.  16. 
Lyallia,  zii,  16. 
Lyon,  John,  v.  80. 
Lyon,  William  Scrugham,  iv.  133. 
Lyonetia  alniclla,  ix.  70. 
Lyonia,  v.  80,  130. 
Lywiia,  v.  120. 
Lyonia  arborra,  T.  135. 
Lyonia  ferrugirtea,  v.  131. 
Lyonia  Mariana,  v.  130. 
Lyonia  rhomboulali$,  v.  132. 
Lyonia  rigida,  v.  132. 
Lyom  tbauinus,  iv.  133. 
Lyanoihamnui  a$plenifolius,  iv.  135. 
Lyonutliaiiums  tloribundua,  iv.  135  ;  xiv.  101. 
Lyonolhamnut  Jioribundm,  var.  atfUeni/oliut, 

iv.  136. 
Lysiloma,  iii.  127. 
Lyxiloma  liahamensis,  iii.  120. 
Lysiloma  latisiliqua,  iii.  129. 
Lysiloma  polyphylla,  iii.  127. 
Lysiloma  Sabicu,  iii.  127. 

Maacikia,  iii.  66. 

Maboln,  ■,■!.  1. 

Macfadycn,  James,  ii.  73. 

Macfadyenii,  ii.  73. 

Mai-itlia,  vi.  07. 

Mnckoiizie,  Alexander,  zii.  76. 

Mtii'luro,  vii.  8,5. 

Mnrlurn  aurantiaca,  vii.  89. 

MacMahoii,  Bernard,  vii.  86. 



MaeNib,  Jamei,  z.  110. 

Macoucoua,  i.  VXi. 

Uacria,  vi.  67. 

MacTamyrUu,  r.  30. 

Maoropclma,  v.  116. 

Macroptkalma,  vii.  01. 

Maorosporium  Catalpa,  vi.  84. 

MaCTOthui/a,  z.  123. 

MaerNhyrtui,  ii.  CI. 

Madeira  mahogany,  vii.  2. 

MadroBa,  v.  12?  '25, 127. 

Magna),  Pierre,  i.  2, 

Magnolia,  i.  1. 

Magnolia  aouminata,  i.  7  ;  xiv.  07. 

Magnolia  acuminata,  Tar.  cordata,  i.  8. 

Magnolia  aurieularit,  i.  15, 

Magnolia  auricxdala,  i.  IS. 

Magnolia  Campbellii,  i.  2. 

Magnolia  oonspioua,  i.  2. 

Magnolia  cordata,  i.  8. 

Magnolia  Dt  CandoUii,  i.  7. 

Magnolia  fcstida,  i.  3  ;  xiv.  07. 

Magnolia  fotida,  rar.  anguatifolia,  i.  4. 

Magnolia  fcetida,  var.  Ezoniensis,  i.  4. 

Magnolia  fistida,  var.  praooz,  i.  4. 

Magnolia  fragrant,  i.  5. 

Magnolia  Kraseri,  i.  15. 

Magnolia  frondota,  i.  13. 

Magnolia  fuacata,  i.  2. 

Magnolia  glaiiua,  i.  5  ;  xiv.  07. 

Magnolia  glauoa  longifolia,  i.  6. 

Magnolia  glauca,  var.  lati/'olia,  i.  6. 

Magnolia  glauca,  var.  longifolia,  i.  5. 

Magnolia  glauca,  var.  pum'Ua,  i.  5. 

Magnolia  grandiftora,  i.  3  ;  xiv.  07. 

Magnolia  grandiftora,  var.  tUiptica,  i.  3. 

Magnolia  grandiftora,  var.  lanceolala,  i.  3. 

Magnolia  grandiftora,  var.  obovata,  i.  3. 

M'grdia  Harttoegut,  i.  4. 

^  ii<nolia  hypotouca,  i.  2. 

Ma^u'i'ia  laglefleldi,  i.  3. 

Magnolia  longifolia,  i.  v. 

Magnolia  niaorophyUa,  i.  11. 

Magnolia,  Mountain,  i.  7, 16. 

Magnolia  obovata,  i.  2. 

Magnolia  pyramidata,  i.  16. 

Magnolia  Tbompsoniana,  i,  6. 

Magnolia  tripetala,  i.  13  ;  xiv.  07. 

Magnolia  Umbrella,  i.  13. 

Magnolia  Virginiana,  a  glauca,  i.  6. 

Magnolia  Virginiana,  fifatida,  i.  3. 

Magnolia  Virginiana,  S  tripetala,  i.  13. 

Magnolia  Virginiana,  •  acuminata,  i.  7. 

MAONOUACE.IC,  i.  1. 

Mahagoni,  i.  09. 

Mahogany,  i.  100  ;  iil.  27. 

Mahogany,  Afrlonn,  i  101. 

Mahogany,  Bastard,  i   101. 

Mahogany  Birch,  ix.  52. 

Mahogany,  Horsefloab,  iii.  127. 

Mahogany,  Madeira,  i.  101  ;  vii.  2. 

Mahogany,  Mountain,  iv.  G3,  06  ;  ziii.  27. 

Mnhoiiia,  vii,  87, 

Mallodon  niclanopui,  vii.  64  ;  viii,  11, 

Mains,  iv.  07,  C8, 

MalM,  iv.  07. 

Malut  anguatifolia,  iv.  7S, 

Malus  rommunia,  iv,  68, 

Malut  coronaria,  iv.  71. 

Malut  diversifolia,  iv,  77, 

Malut  microcar}>a  coronaria,  iv,  71, 

Malut  micromr/Ki  sempervirent,  iv,  76. 

Malut  rirularit,  iv,  77, 

Malut  tempenirtni,  iv.  75. 

Matut  tubcordala,  iv.  77. 

Malut  Toringo,  iv.  00. 

Mancanilta,  vii.  33. 

Mancbineel,  vii,  35. 

Manchineel,  Muuntaio,  Ui.  14. 

MancineUa,  vii.  33, 

Mancintlla  venenata,  vii,  36. 

Mangle,  v.  13. 

Mangrove,  v.  15. 

Mangrove,  Black,  vi.  107. 

Mangrove,  White,  t.  20. 

Manilkara,  v,  181. 

Manna,  vi.  26. 

Manna,  Brianf^n,  xii.  4. 

Mannaphorut,  vi.  26. 

Mrple.  Alb  Leaved,  ii.  111. 

Maple,  Black,  xiii,  0, 

Maple,  Broad  Leaved,  ii.  80. 

Maple,  Dwarf,  ii,  05, 

Maple,  Mountain,  ii,  83, 

Maple,  Red,  ii,  107  ;  xiii,  11, 

Maple,  Red,  distribution  of,  liii.  11. 

Maple,  Rock,  ii,  07. 

Maple,  Scarlet,  ii.  107. 

Maple,  Silver,  ii,  103, 

Maple,  Soft,  ii,  103, 

Maple,  Striped,  ii,  85, 

Maple,  Sugar,  ii.  07  ;  xiii,  7. 

Maple,  Vine,  ii.  93. 

Maples,  fungal  disease  of,  ii.  81. 

Maple-sugar,  making  of,  ii.  08. 

Marasca  Cherry,  iv.  10. 

Maraschino,  manufacture  of,  iv.  10. 

Marcgravia,  v.  24. 

Marcorella,  ii.  47. 

Marggraf,  Georg,  v.  24. 

Maritime  Pine,  xi.  7. 

Maritime  Pine-belt,  xi.  152. 

Marlberry,  v.  153. 

Marrons,  ix.  0. 

Marsh  Pine,  xi.  ItO. 

Marshall,  Humphrey,  viii.  39. 

Marshall,  Moses,  i,  46, 

Marshallia,  viii,  39, 

Massaria  Comi,  v,  06. 

Massaria  epileuca,  vii.  77. 

Massaria  Ulmi,  vii.  42. 

Mastic,  V.  165. 

Mastic,  Young,  iii.  2. 

Maitotuke,  vii.  91. 

Matlhiola,  v.  111, 

Matthiola  tcabra,  v,  112. 

Maul  Oak,  viii,  105. 

Maximilian   Alexander   Philipp,  Frinz   von 

Neuwied,  ix.  138. 
Maximiliana,  ix,  138, 
May  apples,  v,  147. 
May  Haw,  iv.  110. 
Mecas  inornata,  ix.  155. 
Medical  properties  of  Carica,  xiv.  3. 
Medical  oroperties  of  Screnoa  scrrulata,  xiv, 

Medical  uses  of  Opuntia,  xiv.  13, 
Meehan,  Thomas,  ix,  82, 
Mcgathymus  Yuccie,  x,  5, 
Melanipsora  betulina,  ix.  49, 
Melampsora  Goeppcrtiana,  v,  117, 
Mclampsora  Tremula;,  xii,  5, 
Melampsora  Vacclnionim,  v,  117, 
Mclanconis  Alui,  ix,  70. 
Melanobalanus,  viii.  4. 
Mrlanocarya,  ii,  9. 
Melanococca,  iii.  7, 
Melauopsamma  oonfertiasima,  z.  140. 

MalexitoM,  zii.  5. 

Meuaceje,  i.  00. 

Melicocca,  ii.  73,  77. 

Melicocca  paniculata,  ii.  76. 

Meliiobut,  iii.  73. 

Melilobut  helerophylla,  iii.  76. 

Meliola  balsamicola,  xii.  101. 

Meliola  furcata,  x.  38. 

Meliola  palmicola,  x.  38  ;  xiv.  76. 

Mellichamp,  Joseph  Hinson,  viii.  144. 

Melliohampia,  viii.  144. 

Menetlrata,  tU.  1. 

Menzies,  Archibald,  ii.  00. 

Menziesia,  ii.  00. 

Mortens,  Karl  Heinrich,  xii.  80. 

Mertensia,  xii.  80. 

Mertentia,  vii.  63. 

Mertentia  rhamnoidet,  vii.  64. 

Mertentia  tizypkoidet,  vii.  04. 

Mespilodapbne,  vii.  10. 

MetpHodaphne,  vii.  0. 

Metpilodaphne  opifera,  vii.  10. 

MetpUut  acerifolia,  iv.  107. 

Metpilut  attivalit,  iv.  110. 

MetpUut  Amelanchier,  iv.  126, 127. 

Metpilut  apiifolia,  iv.  111. 

Metpilut  arbnrea,  iv.  i2T 

MetpUut  arbutifolia,  iv.  6c,',  123. 

MetpUut  arbutifolia,  var.  melanocarpa,  iv.  68. 

Metpilut  axillarit,  iv,  117, 

Metpilut  berberifolia,  iv,  03, 

Metpilut  Botciana,  iv,  02, 

MetpUut  Calpodendron,  iv,  101, 

Metpilut  Canadentit,  iv,  127, 

MetpUut  Canadentit,  var,  cordata,  iv.  127. 

MetpUut  Canadentit,  var.  obovalit,  iv.  128. 

MetpUut  Canadentit,  var.  oligocarpa,  iv,  126, 

Metpilut  Canadentit,  var,  rotundifolia,  iv,  120. 

MetpUut  Caroliniana,  iv.  113. 

MetpUut  coccinea,  iv.  05,  00. 

MetpUut  coccinea,  0  pubetcent,  iv,  00, 

MetpUut  coccinea,  var,  viridit,  iv,  05. 

MetpUut  corallina,  iv.  107. 

t  MetpUut  corallina,  xiii.  139. 

MetpUut  cordata,  iv.  107. 

Metpilut  comifolia,  iv.  103. 

MetpUut  Crut-galli,  iv.  91. 

MetpUut  Crut-galli,  var.  pyracanthifolia,  ir. 

92  ;  xiii,  30, 
Metpilut  Crut-galli,  var.  talicifolia,  iv.  02. 
Metpilut  cuneifolia,  iv,  01,  103, 
Meapilut  cuneiformit,  iv,  103, 
Me,^pilut  elliptica,  iv,  02,  114. 
Metpilut  ftabellata,  iv,  05. 
Metpiliit  flava,  iv,  113, 
Metpilut  ftexitpina,  iv,  113,  117, 
MetpUut  ftexuosa,  iv,  117, 
MetpUut  Fontanetiana,  iv,  02, 
Metpilut  gtanduloia,  iv,  90 ;  xiii.  134. 
Metpilut  hyemalit,  iv,  114, 
MetpUut  lariniata,  iv.  117, 
Metpilut  latifolia,  iv,  101, 
Metpilut  linearit,  iv.  92. 
Metpilut  lobata,  iv,  101, 
Metpilut  htcida,  iv,  91, 
Metpilut  lucida,  var,  anguttifolia,  iv,  92. 
Metpilut  maxima,  iv,  95, 
Metpilut  Michauxii,  iv,  114, 
Metpilut  nivea,  iv,  127. 
Metpilut  odorata,  iv,  05  ;  xiii,  147.  - 
Metpilut  ovalifolia,  iv.  92. 
Metpilut  Oxyacantha  aurea,  iv.  117. 
MetpUut  parvifolia,  iv,  117, 
MetpUut  Phanopyrum,  iv,  107. 







MetpUui  fxjmli/olia,  ir,  97. 

MetpUut  pnunota,  ziii.  61. 

MapUm  prunelli/blia,  ir.  93. 

MapUm  pruni/iilia,  iv.  02. 

Mttpiim  pubetceru,  it.  99. 

iltipUm  punclala,  ir.  103. 

MetpUut  pijrifolia  iv.  101, 103. 

MetpUut  rivularit,  ir.  87. 

MetpUut  mundi/'oiia,  iv.  05  ;  xiii.  134. 

MetpUut  talici/olia,  iv.  03. 

MetpUut  tanguinta,  ir.  06, 

MetpUut  tpalhulala,  ir.  106. 

MetpUut  tlipulota,  iv,  84. 

MetpUut  tuccutentOt  xiii.  1<40. 

MetpUut  tUiafolia,  ir.  09. 

MetpUut  lomeniota,  ir.  101,  117. 

MetpUut  turbinata,  ir.  113. 

MetpUut  tmifiora,  ir.  117. 

MetpUut  unUaleralit,  ir.  117. 

MetpUut  viridit,  xiii.  61. 

MetpUut  Wattoniana,  ir.  01. 

MetpUut  Wendlandn,  ir.  96. 

MrtpUui  xanOuxarpa,  ir.  117. 

Meaquite,  iii.  101  ;  xiii.  15. 

Mesquite,  Screw-pod,  iii.  107. 

Mftagonia,  r.  115. 

Metagonia  orata,  r.  117. 

Metupbam  carernosk,  x.  150. 

Metopiuni,  iii.  11,  14. 

Metopium,  iii.  7. 

Metopium  liniuei,  iii.  13. 

Mttopium  Linnm,  rar.  Ozymtlopium,  iii  13. 

Mexican  Bald  Cjrprcu,  x.  ISO. 

Mexican  Cherry-tree,  ir.  46. 

Mexican  Fir,  xii.  07. 

Mexican  Mulberry,  vii.  83. 

Mexican  species  of  Pinui,  xi.  5. 

Michaux,  Andr^,  i.  68. 

Mlchaux,  Francois  Kaiti,  zi.  155. 

Michauxia  tettUit^  i.  45. 

Michelia,  i.  2. 

Micracis  birtella,  rii.  20. 

MUroceratut,  ir.  7,  8. 

Microjambotaf  r.  30. 

Micr«melea,  ir.  67. 

MirrvmeUt,  iv.  67. 

Micropeace,  xii.  60. 

Microptelea,  rii.  40. 

Micmpleteat  vii.  39. 

Mitroptelea  parvi/olia,  rii.  41. 

Micrcnpbiera  AIni,  r.  65,  05  ;  ix.  70. 

Miorosphwra  elevata,  ri.  84. 

Microtpbera  erineopliila,  ix.  25. 

Microephiera  quercina,  riii.  13. 

Micro«pb»r«  Rarenelii,  iii.  74. 

Miorosphcra  Vaccinii,  r.  117. 

Microitroms  Juglandia,  vii.  117, 134. 

Microtiniu,  r.  93. 

Micratinut,  r.  03. 

Miller,  Philip,  i.  38. 

Mimosa,  iii.  113. 

Mimota  bictpt,  iii.  111. 

Mimosa  Cumoria,  iii.  101. 

Mimofa  Farnetiana,  iii.  119. 

Mimota  fnmttota,  iii.  111. 

Mimota  furcata,  iii.  101. 

Mimota  glandulota,  iii.  100. 

l*limota  glauca^  iii.  111. 

Mim/txa  juUjIora,  iii.  101. 

Mimota  liri'igata,  iii.  101. 

Mimota  latitilitjua,  iii.  129. 

Mimota  teucocephah,  iii.  111. 

Mimota  palUila^  iii.  101. 

Mimota  peiluncuiata,  iii.  1^9. 

Mimota  roiea,  iii.  133. 

Mimota  «a/tnorum,  iii.  101. 

Mimota  icorpioidet,  iii.  119. 

Mimota  lortuota,  xiii.  19. 

Mimota  Unguu<ati,  iii.  133. 

Himuaops,  r.  181. 

Mimuiopa  Balata,  r.  182. 

Mimutopi  Halola,  r.  18!>. 

Mtmutopt  Browniana,  r.  182. 

Mimutopt  ditteda,  r.  182, 183. 

Mimusops,  eoonomic  properties  of,  r.  182. 

Mimusops  Klengi,  r.  182. 

Mimutopt  Floriilana,  r.  183. 

t  Mimutopt  globota,  r.  182. 

Mimusops  hexandra,  v.  182. 

Mimutopt  Hookeri,  r.  182. 

Mimutopt  Indiea,  r.  182. 

Mimusops  Kauki,  r.  182. 

Mimutopt  Kauki,  var.  Broaniana,  r.  182. 

Mimusops  parvidora,  r.  182. 

Mimusops  Sieberi,  r.  183. 

Miner  Plum,  ir.  20,  24. 

Minnetonka  Plum,  ir.  20. 

Hiraculous  Berry,  r.  164. 

Missouri  Apricot  Plum,  iv.  24. 

Mistletoes  on  Juniperus,  z.  73. 

Mocinna,  xir.  1. 

Mock  Orange,  ir.  49. 

Hookemut,  rii.  161. 

Mobr,  Charles,  ir.  90  ;  ziii.  2S. 

Mohria,  vi.  10. 

Mohria  Carolina,  vi.  21. 

Mohria  diplera,  vi.  23. 

Mohria  parriflora,  vi.  19. 

Mobrodendron,  vi.  19. 

Mohrodcndron  Carolinum,  vi.  21. 

Mobrodendron  dipterum,  vi.  23. 

Mobrodendron,  fungal  enemies  of,  vi.  20. 

Mobrodendron,  insect  enemies  of,  vi.  20. 

Mobrodendron  parviflonim,  vi.  19. 

Mumi,  xii.  101. 

Momisia,  \-ii.  63. 

Momitia,  vii.  63. 

Momisia  aiiUeata,  vii.  64. 

Momitia  Ekrenbergiana,  ni.  64. 

Monella  carjella,  vii.  134. 

Mongezia,  vi.  13. 

Monilia  fructigena,  iv.  12. 

Monilia  Linbartians,  iv.  12. 

MonUittut,  ix.  151. 

Monnieria,  iii.  40. 

Monodaphnus  bardus,  ri.  27. 

Monohammus  confusor,  xi.  11  ;  xii.  25. 

Monobammus  dentator,  xii.  25. 

Monohammus  marmoratus,  xi.  11. 

Monobammus  soutellttus,  xi.  11. 

Monohammus  titillator,  xi.  11. 

Monterey  Cypress,  x.  103. 

Monterey  Pine,  xi.  103. 

Montezuma,  Cypress  of,  x.  150. 

Moor  Birch,  ix.  17. 

Moose-woud,  ii.  85. 

Moraceie,  vii.  75. 

Morella,  ix.  83. 

Morella,  ix.  83. 

Morello  Cherry,  iv.  9. 

Morelotia,  vi.  75. 

Moronobea  coccinea,  iii.  14. 

Morophorum,  vii.  75. 

Moms,  vii.  75. 

Mortis  alba,  vii.  76. 

M'o'js  alba,  introduction  into  the    United 

States,  vii.  70. 
Moms  alba  Tatarica,  vii.  70. 

Mont  Canadeniii,  rii.  70. 

Moms  oeltidifolia,  vii.  83. 

Monit  Contlanlinopoiitaiia,  vii.  76. 

Moms,  fungal  diseases  of,  rii  77. 

Morus  Indiea,  vii.  77. 

Moras,  insect  enemies  of,  rii.  77. 

Horu*  berigata,  rii.  77. 

Moms,  medical  properties  of,  rii.  77. 

Morut  Mexicona,  rii.  83. 

Momt  micropkylla,  rii.  83. 

Morus  multioaulis,  cultiration  of,  rii.  70. 

Moms  nigra,  vii.  77. 

Morus  nigra,  uita  of,  rii.  77. 

Morut  reticular',  vii.  79. 

Morut  riparia,  vii.  79. 

Morus  rubra,  vii.  79  ;  xiv.  103. 

Morut  rubra,  var.  heterophylla,  rii.  70. 

Morut  rubra,  var.  tncua,  vii.  70. 

Morut  rubra,  var.  pallida,  vii.  79. 

Morut  rubra,  var.  purpurea,  vii.  79. 

Morut  rubra,  var.  lomeniota,  rii.  79. 

Morut  teabra,  vii.  70. 

Morus  serrata,  vii.  77. 

Morut  Tatarica,  vii.  70. 

Moruc  tomentota,  vii.  79. 

Mossy  Cup  Oak,  riii.  43. 

Moth,  Nun,  xii.  24. 

MotberMslores,  r.  41. 

Mountain  Ash,  ir.  69,  79,  81 ;  vi.  47. 

Mountain  Cherry,  iv.  26. 

Mountain  Elm,  vii.  52. 

Mountain  Evergreen  Cherry,  iv.  64. 

Mountain  Hemlock,  xii.  77. 

Mountain  Laurel,  v.  139 ;  vii.  21. 

Mountain  Magnolia,  i.  7,  15. 

Mountain  Mahogany,  iv.  63,  65  ;  xiii.  27. 

Mountain  Manchineel,  iii.  14. 

Mountain  Maple,  ii.  83. 

Mountain  White  Oak,  viii.  79. 

M   .>blenb8rg,  Gotthilf  Ileinrich,  ii.  56. 

MiiehlenLdrgia,  ii.  56. 

Mulberry,  vii.  83. 

Mulberry,  Black,  vii.  7T. 

Mulberry,  Mexican,  vii.  83, 

Mulberry,  Red,  vii.  70. 

Mulberry,  Russian,  vii.  76. 

Mulberry,  White,  vii.  76. 

Muriea,  r.  181. 

Murray,  Andrew,  xi.  03. 

Mggintia,  ii.  13. 

Mgginda  integri/otia,  ii.  14,  29. 

Mygindn  lati/otia,  ii.  14. 

Mygindii  Utti/olia,  var.  ii.  14, 

Myginda  paitent,  ii.  14. 

Mylocnrium,  ii.  5. 

Mylocarium  liguttrinum,  ii.  7. 

Myrcia  f  /lalhitiana,  v.  32. 

Myrciaria,  v.  39. 

Myrica,  ix.  83. 

Myrica  altera,  ix.  87. 

Myrica  argula,  ix.  85. 

Myrica  argttto,  fi  macrocarpa,  ix.  86. 

Myrica  argvta,  y  tinctoria,  ix.  85. 

Myrica  arguta,  t  Peruviana,  ix.  86, 

Myrica  atplcnifftlia,  ix.  84. 

Myrica  Ilrabantica,  ix.  84. 

Myrica  Califoniica,  ix.  03. 

Myrica  Caracataua,  ix.  86. 

Myrica  Carulinicnsis,  ix.  H4. 

Myrica  Carolinensit,  ix.  87. 

MyricB  ccrifrrn,  ix.  87  ;  xiv.  104. 

Myrica  ccri/era,  ix.  84. 

f  Myrica  ctrifera  humUit,  ix.  84. 

Myrica  ceri/era,  a  anguitifolia,  ix.  87. 

Afj/riea  ctri/era,  •  arboracmt,  a.  87. 

Myrica  ceri/era,  P,  ix.  84,  87,  88. 

Mj/rica  cerifera,  fi  lali/olia,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  certfera,  0  media,  ix.  84. 

Myrioa  Mrifam,'^  pumila,  iz.  88. 

Myriea  Comptonia,  ix.  84. 

Mjrica  cordifolia,  iz.  85. 

Myriea  Farquhariana,  iz.  86. 

Mfrica  Faya,  iz.  86. 

MyrioF,  fangal  diaeaaea  uf,  iz.  86. 

Myrioa  Gale,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  Oalt,  ix.  84. 

Myriea  Gale,  eoonomio  propertiea  of,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  Gale,  medioal  propertiea  of,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  QaU,  fi  tomtntota,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  Gate,  y  Portugaltmit,  ix.  84. 

Myriea  Hartwegi,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  heterophytla,  ix.  87. 

Myrioa,  hybrida  of,  iz.  94. 

Myriea  inodora,  iz.  01. 

Myriea  integri/olia,  ix.  86. 

t  Myriea  Laureola,  iz.  01. 

Myriea  maeroearpa,  iz.  86,  87. 

t  Myriea  maeroearpa,  fi  anjuttifotia,  iz.  87. 

Myriea,  medical  propertiea  of,  ix.  86. 

Myriea  Nagi,  iz.  86. 

Myriea  ohovata,  iz.  91. 

Myriea  paluatris,  ix.  84. 

Myriea  Pennsylvanica,  ir  84. 

Myriea  peregrina,  iz.  84. 

Myriea  peregrina,  medical  properties  of,  iz. 

Myrioa  pubeseena,  iz.  85. 
Myriea  puiilla,  iz.  88. 
Myriea  rubra,  ix.  86. 
Myriea  saplda,  ix.  86. 
Myriea  tesaUifolia,  ix.  84,  88. 
Myriea  tessilifolia,  var.  latifolia,  iz.  84. 
Myriea  wax,  iz.  85. 
Myiucace£,  iz.  83. 
Myrobalana,  t.  20. 
Myrobalans,  belerio,  t.  20. 
Myrobalana,  cbebulio,  y.  20. 
Myrobalanxa,  v.  )9. 
MyR8INKACE£,  v.  151. 
MYRTACEiG,  T.  31. 

Myrtle,  Auatralian,  iz.  23. 
Myrtle,  Waz,  iz.  87,  91,  93. 
Mytus,  V.  31. 
Myrlia  axillarii,  v.  43. 
Myrtua  Brasiliana,  v.  41. 
Myrtus  buxi/olia,  v.  43. 
Myrtus  Caryophyllus,  v.  40. 
Myrlus  Chylraeulia,  y.  36. 
Myrtus  dichotoma,  v.  32. 
Myrtus  Jamhos,  v.  41. 
Myrtus  Monlicola,  y.  45. 
Myrtus  Poireli,  y.  43. 
Myrtus  procera,  v.  47. 
Myrtus  Willdenowii,  v.  41. 
Myrtus  Zuzygium,  v.  36. 
Mytilaapis  pinifoliie,  xi.  11. 
Mytllaspis  pomicurticis,  iv.  70. 
Myzoaporium  nitidum,  v.  65. 

Nwmaapora  aurea,  ix.  41. 
Nieraaspora  ebrysospcrma,  ix.  156. 
Nioniiupom  crocea,  ix.  24. 
Naked-wood,  ii.  49  ;  v.  32. 
Nannybcrry,  v.  il6. 
Narrow-leaved  Cottonwood,  ix.  171. 
NaucUa  tetramlru,  xiv.  25. 
Naval  stores,  xi.  154. 
Naval  Timber  I'ine,  xi.  lia 


Ifteatiitii,  vii.  01, 

Neoklac*  Poplar,  iz.  181. 

Jftelandra  eoriacta,  Tli.  11. 

Ntelandra  tanguima,  vii.  11. 

Iftelandra  Willdmoviana,  tU.  11. 

Nectar  glanda  of  Yuooa,  z.  3. 

Neetoli;  ix.  96. 

Neelopix,  ix.  95. 

Neotria  baliamea,  xil.  101. 

Nectria  cuourbitula,  zi.  13. 

Neotria  depauperata,  z.  6. 

Neotria  Umbelliila.'ia,  tII.  iiO. 

Neclusion,  iz.  08. 

N4e,  Louia,  viii.  26. 

Neea,  riii.  26. 

Ntgundium,  ii.  70. 

Negundiumfraxin^foiimn,  11.  111. 

Negundo,  ii.  70. 

Negundo  aeeroides,  ii.  Ill,  112. 

Negundo  aeeroides,  var.  Cnl\fomicum,  ii.  112. 

Negundo  Cali/omieum,  ii.  Ill,  112. 

Negundo  fraxinifolium,  ii.  111. 

Negundo  lobatum,  ii.  111. 

Negundo  Mexieanum,  ii.  HI. 

Negundo  Negundo,  ii.  111. 

Negundo  tr\foliatum,  ii.  Ill, 

Nematua  Kricliaonii,  zii.  6. 

Nematua  aimilaria,  iii.  38. 

Nematua  ventralia,  iz.  101. 

Nemodaphne,  vii.  0. 

Nooolytua  Caprea,  vi.  27. 

Neomorphe,  vii.  02. 

Nephoteryz  Zimmormanni,  xl.  11. 

Nephritic-tree,  iii.  13t. 

Nepticula  amelanehierella,  iv.  126. 

Nepticula  oaryaifoliella,  vii.  133. 

Nepticula  Clomcnaells,  vii.  101. 

Nepticula  cratngifoliella,  iv.  84. 

Nepticula  juglauditoliella,  vii.  116. 

Nepticula  maximclla,  vii.  101.. 

Nepticula  nyasitiella,  v.  74. 

Nepticula  oatryiefoliella,  ix.  32. 

Nepticula  platanella,  vii.  101. 

Nepticula  ptoleieella,  i.  77. 

Nestylix,  ix.  05. 

Nettle-tree,  vii.  00. 

Neurodoaia,  v.  116. 

Neuwiod,  Prim  von,  ix.  138. 

Newberry,  John  Strong,  vi.  39. 

Newberrya,  vi.  40. 

Newcaatlo  Thorn,  iv.  01. 

New  Jeracy  Tea,  ii,  42. 

New  Mexican  Chorry-treo,  iv.  46. 

New  Zealand  niack  Boooh,  ix.  23, 

New  Zealand  Silver  Beech,  ix,  23, 

Nitidulm,  ix,  07, 

Niveffi,  ix,  97, 

Nobilos,  xii.  07, 

Noltia,  vi.  1, 

Nopalea  coohenillifer,  xiv,  11, 

Nordmann  Fir,  xil.  08, 

Norway  Pine,  xi,  07, 

Norway  Spruce,  xii.  24. 

Notbofagus,  ix.  22. 

Notho/agus,  ix,  21. 

Nunimularia  Clypeua,  viii.  12. 

Numniularla  diseretn,  iv.  70, 

Nunimularia  nili'roplacn,  vii,  2, 

Nummulnria  puuetulatn,  viii,  12. 

Nun  moth,  xii,  24, 

Nuasbaumor  nut,  the,  vii,  157, 

Nut  Pine,  xi,  43, , 17,  .51,56. 

Nut-|^lla,  viii,  0. 

Nutmeg,  California,  z.  60. 


Nutmeg  Hickory,  vii.  146. 

Nuttall,  Thomaa,  U.  S4. 

NuttaUia,  ii.  34. 

Nux,  vii.  117. 

NrOTAOINAOEJt,  vi.  109. 

Nyelanlhei  hireula,  y.  Ill, 

Nycterisition,  y.  169. 

Nyaaa,  v.  73.  ' 

Nysia  anguliians,  v.  83. 

Nyita  anguiosa,  y.  83. 

Nyaaa  aquatica,  v.  83  ;  ziv.  101. 

Nyssa  aqtuitiea,  y.  75,  76, 83. 

Nyaaa  arborea,  v.  73. 

Nyisa  biflora,  y.  76. 

Nyua  Canadensis,  y.  75. 

JVyMO  eandieans,  v.  79. 

Nyssa  eandtcans,  var.  grandidentala,  v.  83. 

Nyssa  capitata,  v.  79. 

Nyssa  Caroliniana,  v.  76. 

Nyssa  eoeeinea,  y.  79. 

Nyssa  denlieulata,  v.  83. 

Nyaaa,  fungal  enemiea  of,  v.  74. 

Nyssa  grandidentala,  v.  83. 

Nyaaa,  ioaect  enemiea  of,  v.  74. 

Nyssa  inlegri/olia,  v.  75. 

Nyssa  montana,  v.  79. 

Nyssa  multijiora,  v,  75. 

Nyssa  multijiora,  var.  sylvatica,  v.  75. 

Nyaaa  Ogeche,  v.  70  ;  xiv.  101. 

Nyssa  palustris,  y.  83. 

Nysia  sessU\flora,  v.  73. 

Nyaaa  aylvatico,  v.  75. 

Nyaaa  aylvatiea,  var.  biflora,  t.  76. 

Nyssa  tomentosa,  v.  70,  83. 

Nyssa  unijiora,  y.  83. 

Nyssa  villosa,  y,  75. 

Oak-apple,  viii.  12. 

Oak,  Baaket,  vui.  67. 

Oak,  Bear,  viii.  166. 

Oak,  Black,  viu.  103, 137, 141. 

Oak,  Blue,  viii.  70. 

Oak,  Bur,  viii.  43. 

Oak,  Chestnut,  viu.  51,  55, 183. 

Oak,  Chinquapin,  viii.  66, 59. 

Oak,  Cork,  viii.  8. 

Oak,  Cow,  viii.  67. 

Oak,  David's,  viii.  10. 

Oak,  Duck,  viii.  166. 

Oak,  Evergreen  White,  viii.  83. 

Oak  galls,  viii,  9. 

Oak,  Hickory,  viii.  107. 

Oak,  Jack,  viii.  161. 

Oak  kermes,  viii,  10. 

Oak,  Laurel,  viii.  175. 

Oak,  Live,  viii.  09,  105,  111,  119. 

Oak,  Maul,  viii.  105. 

Oak,  Mossy  Cup,  viii,  43, 

Oak,  Mountain  White,  viii.  79. 

Oak  of  Mamre,  viii,  10. 

Oak,  Overeup,  viii.  47. 

Oak,  Pin,  viii.  51,  50, 151, 181. 

Oak,  Poasum,  viii,  ICO, 

Oak,  Post,  viii.  37. 

Oak,  Punk,  viii.  1C6. 

Oak,  Quercitron,  viii.  139. 

Oak,  Red,  viii.  123, 129  ;  »iv.  51. 

Oak,  Uock,  viii,  56, 

Oak,  Kock  Chestnut,  viii.  51. 

Oak,  Running,  viii.  115. 

Oak,  Saul's,  viii.  18. 

Oak,  Scarlet,  \iii.  133. 

Oak,  Scrub,  viu.  75,  05, 123, 146, 156. 

Oak,  Shin,  viii.  27,  33,  75. 


^.^ixi,»3nfltin^-:  - . 



Otk,  Shingl*,  viii.  ITS. 

Okk,  Spanish,  nii.  U7. 

Oak,  Swamp  Spaniih,  liii.  ISl  ;  ST.  61. 

Oak,  Swamp  White,  viii.  47,  63. 

Oak,  Tan  Buk,  viii.  183. 

Oak,  the  Culharo,  viii.  7. 

Oak,  the  Luoomb*,  viii.  7. 

Oak,  tb«  Wadiworth,  viii.  6J. 

Ouk,  Turkaj,  vui.  143. 

Oak,  Upland  WiUow,  viu.  172. 

Oak,  Valbr,  riu.  23. 

Oak,  Valonia,  viii.  8. 

Oak,  Water,  viii.  IBS,  169,  181. 

Oak,  White,  viii.  16,  23,  29,  33,  71, 87, 89. 

Oak,  Willow,  viii.  179. 

Oak,  Yellow,  vui.  SS,  127, 139. 

Oak,  Yellow-bark,  viu.  137. 

Oaka,  Ameriean,  cultivated  io  Europe,  viii. 

Ochnaylim,  i.  6S. 
Ooneria  ditpar,  i,  51  ;  ii.  S4. 
Oootea,  vii.  9. 
Oeotea  bullata,  vii.  10. 
Oeotaa  Catetbjana,  vii.  11. 
Oeotea,  eoonomio  uiei  of,  vii.  10. 
Oeotea  fcetene,  vii.  10. 
Oeotea  Guianeniia,  vii.  10. 
Oootea  opifera,  vii.  10. 
OaAta  Mrtcra,  vii.  10. 
Oeotea  iplendena,  viL  10. 
Oetandi*,  ix.  96. 
Oetimia,  iz.  ISl. 
Odontota  donalii,  iii.  38. 
(Edemaaia  concinna,  iv.  70. 
(Enocarjmt  frigidut,  x.  30. 
(Bnoecrpua  rtgiut,  x.  31. 
(Enocarput  SanconOt  z.  30. 
Ogeeehee  Lime,  v.  79. 
Ohio  Buckeye,  ii.  66. 
Oidium  radioenm,  iz.  156. 
Oiketieui  Abbotii,  z.  160. 
Oil,  Almond,  iv.  9, 10. 
Oil,  Aprieot,  iv.  10. 
Oil,  Birch-bark,  iz.  47. 
Oil  of  Birch,  iz.  61. 
Oil  of  clovea,  v.  41. 
Oil  of  Hemlock,  xii.  66. 
Oil  of  Red  Cedar,  z.  95. 
Oil  of  SaMafrai,  vii.  14. 
Oil  of  turpentine,  xi.  3,  9. 
Oil  of  Umbellularia,  vii.  20. 
Oil,  lavin,  z.  72. 
Oilnut,  vii.  118. 
Oiotodiz,  ix.  95. 
Old  Field  Birch,  ix.  66. 
Old  Field  Fine,  xi.  111. 
Old  Man'i  Beard,  vi.  60. 
OUa  Amtricana,  vi.  65. 
OUa  fragrant,  vi.  63. 
OUa  ilid/olia,  vi.  63. 
OtJUkCKM,  vi.  26  ;  ziv.  33. 
Oleum  Juniperi,  x.  72. 
Olive,  California,  vii.  21. 
Olive-tree,  Black,  v.  21. 
OIney,  Stephen  Tbajer,  iii.  47. 
Olneja,  iii.  47. 
Olneya  Tenota,  iii.  49. 
(Xuntot,  YU.  91. 
Olynlhia,  v.  39. 
Omorika,  xii.  20, 23. 
Onciderei  cingnlatni,  vii.  133. 
Onvgena  fa^nea,  ix.  25. 
Ooepora  Abietnm,  zii.  84. 
Opa,  T.3». 

Opalua,  V.  93. 

Opubu,  V.  93. 

Opuntia,  ziv.  9. 

C{pun(ia  arhoructnt,  xiv.  17. 

OputUia  co^Untli/era,  xiv.  11. 

Opuntia  Dillenii,  xiv.  13. 

Opuntia  Dillenii,  economic  niei  of,  ziv.  13. 

Opuntia  Ficut-Indioa,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia,  fruit  of  at  food,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia  fidgtru,  xiv.  16. 

Opuntia  fulgida,  xiv.  16. 

Upuntia  fulgida  mamillatn,  xiv.  16. 

Opuntia  Galapagvia,  xiv.  11. 

Opuntia  Korruia,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia  intermedia,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia  Italioa,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia  mamillata,  xiv.  16. 

Opuntia  maritima,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia,  medical  uies  of,  ziv.  19. 

Opuntia  Opuntia,  ziv.  12. 

Opuntia  spinoeior,  xiv.  17. 

Opuntia spinosior,  var.  Neo-Mezicaoa,  ziv.  IB. 

Opuntia  Tuna,  ziv.  12. 

Opuntia  Tuna,  xiv.  12. 

Opuntia  venioolor,  xiv.  19. 

(^niia  mdgarit,  xiv.  12. 

Otpuntia  vulgariM,  B  nana,  xiv.  12. 

t^mntia  Whipplei,  fi  tpinotior,  ziv.  17. 

Otange,  Mock,  iv.  49. 

Orange,  Oiage,  vii.  89. 

Orange,  Wild.  iv.  49. 

Orchitiflcarpum,  i.  21. 

Orchidorarpitm  arietinum,  i.  23. 

Oregon  Cedar,  x.  120. 

Oregon  Crab-apple,  iv.  77. 

Oregon  Pine,  iii.  90. 

Oreillct  de<  Indei,  iii.  9. 

Oreinotinus,  v.  93. 

Oreinotinui,  v.  93. 

Oreodaphne,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne,  vii.  9. 

Oreodaphne  huUata,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne  Cali/omiea,  vii.  21, 

Oreodaphne  fatent,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne  Guianentit,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne  opifera,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne  tericea,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne  tplendem,  vii.  10. 

Oreodaphne,  aubgen.  Umbellularia,  vii.  10. 

Oreodoza,  x.  20. 

Oreodoxa,  ecuuomic  propertiei  of,  z.  30. 

Oreodoia  frigida,  z.  30. 

Oreodoxa  oleracea,  z.  30. 

Oreodoxa  oleracea  (7),  x.  31. 

Oreodoia  regia,  x.  31  ;  xiv.  106. 

Oreodoia  Sancona,  i.  30. 

Oreoptelea,  vii.  40. 

Orgyia  inomata,  x.  150. 

Orgyia  leucostigina,  i.  61  ;  vii.  41. 

Oriental  Liquidnmbar,  v.  7. 

Orrtantkei,  vi,  25. 

Omix  cratagifoliella,  iv.  84. 

Omix  ((uadnpunctella,  iv.  126. 

Omu>,  vi.  20. 

Onuj,  vi.  25. 

Omta  dipetala,  vi.  31. 

Omus  Europita,  vi.  26. 

Omut fiorihunda,  vi.  27. 

Omut  rotundifolia,  vL  26. 

0mu3  uroph)lla,  vi.  27. 

Osage  Orange,  vii.  89. 

Osier  holu,  ix.  100. 

Osmanthus,  vi.  63. 

Oimanthni  Americasus,  vi.  6S. 

Onaanthna  Aqnifolium,  vi.  tO. 

Oimantbus,  economio  usee  of,  tI.  63. 

Oimaotbui  fragiaas,  vi.  63. 

Otmanthut  Uieifolim,  vi.  63. 

Osmothamnui,  v.  143. 

Omothaimut,  v.  143. 

Ostrjra,  ix.  31. 

Oitrya  carpintfolia,  iz.  32. 

Oitrya,  economic  properties  of,  iz.  32. 

Ostrya,  fungal  diseases  of,  iz.  33. 

Ostrya,  insect  enemies  of,  iz.  32. 

Oilrya  Italico,  iz.  32. 

Ostrya  Japonica,  iz.  32. 

Ostrya  Knowltoai,  iz.  37. 

Ostrya  Mandsburica,  iz.  32. 

Ostrya  Ostrya,  iz.  32. 

Oilriia  Ottrya,  iz.  34. 

Ostrya  Virginiana,  ix.  34  ;  ziv.  104. 

Otirya  Virginica,  iz.  32,  34. 

Oitrga  "irginica,  a  glanduloia,  iz.  34. 

Otirjia  i  irginica,  $  eglandulota,  iz.  34. 

Oitrya  vulgarit,  iz.  32. 

Overcup  Oak,  viii.  47. 

Ozyacanlha,  iv.  83. 

OtyeedruB,  z.  70. 

Ozyooccin,  v.  117. 

Oxycoccns,  v.  116. 

Oxycoccut,  V.  116. 

Ozycocau  macrocarput,  v.  116. 

Oxycoccut  paluttrii,  v.  116. 

Oxyeoceiu  paluitrit,  var.  (?)  macrocarpui,  t. 

Oxycoccut  vulgarit,  v.  116. 
Ozydendrum,  v.  133. 
Ozydendrum  atboreuin,  v.  136  ;  ziv.  103. 

Pfiean,  vii.  134. 

Pachylobius  picivonis,  zi.  11. 

Pachypsylla  Celtidis-gemma,  vii.  64. 

Pachypsylla  Celtidis-mamma,  vii.  64. 

Pachypsylla  Celtidis-veaioulum,  vii.  64. 

Pachypsylla  vanuata,  vii.  64. 

Pad  us,  iv.  8. 

Padut,  iv.  7,  8. 

Padut  Carolina,  iv.  49. 

Padut  Caroliniana,  iv.  49. 

Padut  cartilaginea,  iv.  46. 

Padut  demitta,  iv.  42. 

Padut  dentijlora,  iv.  41. 

Padut  fmbriata,  iv.  41. 

Padut  hirtuta,  iv.  41. 

Padut  micrantha,  iv.  41. 

Padut  oblonga,  iv.  41. 

Padut  ohotMta,  iv.  41. 

Padut  rubra,  iv.  41. 

Padut  lerotina,  iv.  46. 

Padut  Virginiana,  iv.  46. 

Palaomorphe,  vii.  92. 

Paleaorita  vernata,  vii.  41. 

Paliurut,  ii.  41,  47. 

Pallaeia,  vi.  109. 

Paltavia  acxileata,  vi.  110. 

Palm,  CabUge,  x.  30. 

Palm,  Desert,  x.  47. 

Palm,  Kan,  z.  47. 

Palm,  Royal,  z.  31. 

PALM.E,  I.  29  ;  ziv.  76. 

Palmer,  Edward,  viii.  106. 

Palmerella,  viii.  100. 

Palmetto,  i.  43. 

Palmetto  brushes,  z.  41. 

Palmetto,  Cabbage,  x.  41. 

Palmetto,  Silk-top,  x.  51. 

Palmetto,  Silver-top,  x.  63. 

Fklo  V«id«,  Ui.  80, 

Palloria,  i.  103. 

Palura,  ri.  IS. 

Pamta,  r.  19. 

Panax  Americanum,  i.  68. 

Panax  Gitumg,  t.  S8. 

Panax  quinque/olium,  t.  B8. 

PwiouUte,  Ti.  113. 

Puui  oonobmtui,  ix.  28. 

Puut  dealbatuf,  tU.  42. 

Fanui  domlU,  ix.  2S, 

Pao  Judau,  vi.  110. 

Pao  L«pn,  n.  110. 

Ptpain,  xiT.  2,  3. 

Ptpaw,  i.  23  ;  xir.  A, 

Papaya,  xiv.  1. 

Papaya  Carica,  xir.  5. 

Papaya  eommunii,  xir.  S. 

Papaya  cueumtrina,  xir.  S. 

Papaya  tdulis,  fi  pyriformu,  xir.  S. 

Papaya  edulit  X  mocraauTia,  xir.  8. 

Papaya  loHm,  xir.  6. 

Papaya  vulgarit,  xiv.  5. 

WpayoUn,  xir.  3. 

Paper  Birob,  ix.  67. 

P*p«r-pu!p  manafutund  from  Yaooa  arlio- 

raioeiu,  x.  20. 
Pap«r-ihell  Hickory  nut,  Halu',  rii.  164. 
Papilio  Eurymedon,  ii.  30. 
Papilio  Troilui,  rii.  16. 
Paradigma,  ri.  07. 
Paradiie-tree,  i.  91. 
Paralta,  ri.  1. 
ParaUa  Ouianemit,  ri.  3. 
Paraaol  Aoaoia,  iii.  41. 
Faria  atcrrima,  rii.  116. 
Farkinwn,  John,  iii.  16. 
Patkintonia,  iii.  17,  87. 
Farkinaonia  aouleata,  iii.  89. 
Farkintonia  aouleata,  natire  country  of,  iii. 

Parkinnnia  Af  ricana,  iii.  87. 
Parkintoniajiorida,  iii.  83. 
Parkinionia  microphylla,  iii.  91. 
Farkinionia  micropbyUa   .oouomto  UMt  of, 

iii.  88. 
Parlanuma  Texana,  iii,  81. 
Parldnvmia  Tomyana,  iii.  83,  86. 
Parmmtiera  alata,  ri.  08. 
PanuUa,  iii.  33. 

Parry,  Charles  Chriitopher,  rii.  130. 
ParryeUa,rii.  130. 
Parsley  Haw,  ir.  111. 
Parsons  Plum,  iv.  24. 
Pasauia,  riii.  4. 
Patania,  riii.  1. 
Pasania,  buds  of,  riii.  4, 
Pasania  den$\fU)ra,  riii,  183. 
Patrinia,  iii,  69, 

Patterson,  Harry  Norton,  ir.  24. 
Patton  Spruce,  xii.  77, 
Paria,  ii,  51, 
Pavia  bicoior,  ii,  69. 
Pavia  Caii/omica,  ii.  01. 
Pavia  camea,  ii,  63. 
Pavia  discoloTf  ii.  00. 
Pavia  flam,  ii.  63. 
Pavia /ulva,  ii.  69. 
Pavia  glabra,  ii,  66, 
Pavia  hibrida,  ii.  00. 
Pavia  Indica,  ii.  62. 
Pavia  lutea,  ii.  69, 
Pavia  neglecta,  ii,  69. 
Pavia  Ohioemit,  ii.  6S. 


Pavia  pallida,  ii.  66. 

Pavia  rubra,  ii.  62 

Pavia  WaUoniana,  ii.  83. 

Pamanaflava,  ii,  69, 

Fawcohicoora,  rii,  134. 

Peach,  oultiration  of,  ir.  0. 

Peash,  properties  of,  ir.  10. 

Peaoh-tTM  Borer,  ir.  11. 

Peach  Willow,  ix.  111. 

Pear,  Alligator,  rii.  2. 

Pear,  Aroeado,  rii.  3. 

Pear-tree,  ir.  68. 

Pecan,  rii.  137. 

Pecan,  Bitter,  rii,  149  ;  xir.  43. 

Feireskiopuntia,  xir.  10. 

Pempelia  gleditschiella,  iii.  74. 

Pemphigus  tnudnifolii,  ri.  27. 

Pempbigua  rbois,  iii.  10, 

Femphigui  ulmifusui,  vii.  41. 

Pentandne,  ix,  06. 

Pentaptera,  r,  19. 

Peopatella,  Cypreu  of,  x.  160. 

Fepperidge,  r.  76, 

Perfonm  Uturi/olium,  ii.  37,  39. 

Peridermium  Abietinuct,  xii.  26. 

Feridermiam  Abietinum,  rar.  deoolonuu,  xii. 

Peridermium  balsameum,  xii.  101. 
Peridermium  Cerebrum,  li,  12. 
Fetidermium  eoluninare,  xii.  61. 
Peridermium  Harkoesiii,  xL  12. 
Peridermium  oblongisporuni,  xi.  12. 
Peridermium  Peckii,  xii.  61. 
Peridermium  Pini,  xi.  12. 
Peridermium  Strobi,  xi,  12, 
Ferry,  manufacture  of,  ir.  69. 
Fenea,  rii.  1, 
Penea  argenUa,  riL  10. 
Peraea  Borbonia,  rii.  4. 
Pertea  Carolineniii,  rii.  4. 
Periea  CaroUnentis,  a,  rii.  7. 
Ptnta  Caroiinentit,  a  glabriutcula,  rii.  4. 
Penea  Carolinemii,  fi  pubeteeru,  rii.  7. 
Per$ea  Carotinemii,  rar,  palutlrit,  rii,  7. 
Penea  Catetbyana,  rii.  11. 
Penea  fatent,  rii.  10. 
Persea,  fungal  diseases  of,  rii.  2. 
Penea  gratittima,  rii,  2, 
Peraea  Indica,  i.  101 ;  riL  2. 
Peraea  lingue,  rii.  2. 
Penea  longipeda,  ir.  1. 
Fersea  Persea,  rii.  2. 

Persea  Persea,  cultivation  and  uiea  of,  rii.  2. 
Fersea  pubesoens,  vii.  7. 
Penea  Sauafrai,  rii.  17. 
Penica,  ir.  7. 
Persimmon,  ri.  7. 
Persimmon,  Black,  ri,  11. 
Persimmon,  Japanese,  ri.  4. 
Penimon,  ri.  1, 
Perula,  rii,  01, 
Festalozzia  funerea,  x.  124. 
Petalanthera,  vii,  9. 
Petra,  Robert  James,  Lord,  i,  8. 
Peuplic  Suisse  ix.  181. 
Pezioula  ca<;>in  !a,  ix.  41. 
Peiiza  crocpa,  xii,  101, 
Pbacidium  orustaceum,  xi.  12. 
Phacidium  Pini,  il,  12. 
Phcenopyrum,  iv,  83, 
Phanopyrum  aeerifolium,  iv.  107, 
Phanopyrum  arborescent,  iv,  109, 
Phamopyrum  CarMinianum,  iv,  113. 
Phanopyrum  coccineum,  iv.  96. 


t  phanopyrum  corattinum,  xiii.  139. 

Phanopyrum  cordalum,  iv.  107. 

Phanopyrum  elliplicum,  iv.  114, 

Phanopyrum  parvi/olium,  ir.  IIT. 

PAonopyrum  popui\foiium,  iv.  07. 

Phanopyrum  /ruinoium,  xiii.  61. 

PAan(]>pyrum  epathulatum,  iv.  106. 

Phanopyrum  tubvillotum,  iv.  09. 

PAonopyrum  un^/lcrum,  iv,  117. 

Phanopyrum  Virginicum,  iv.  114. 

PAonopyrum  Wendlandii,  iv.  06. 

PhakuTOt,  iv.  83. 

Phalacroe  cordatue,  ir.  107. 

PAarmanuycea,  rii.  91. 

}  'hego$,  ix.  21. 

t  PhUbolUhit,  V.  m. 

Fhlehia  radiata,  ix.  26. 

Fhleoapora  Aceria,  ii.  81. 

Fhleoapon  Celtidis,  rii.  66, 

Fhleoepora  Mori,  vii,  77. 

Fhleoapora  Ulmi,  vii.  42. 

FhlcBosinua  oristatua,  x.  100. 

Phloeosinua  dentatns,  x.  72. 

Phoma  minima,  ii.  81. 

Phoradendron  junipeiinum,  x.  73. 

Fhorodon  Uumuli,  iv,  11. 

PAod'nta  arbuli/olia,  iv,  123. 

Pkotinia  lalici/olia,  iv.  123. 

Pbryganidia  Califomioa,  riii.  11, 112. 

Pbyoii  rubrifaaciella,  vii.  133. 

Fhylicifolio,  ix.  96, 

Fbyllachora  soapincola,  x.  6. 

Pbyllaotinia  guttata,  r.  66. 

Phyllaotinia  suffulta,  vi.  84  ;  ix.  11. 

PhylloaUyx,  v,  39, 

Phyllocuistia  liquidamhariselU,  T.  9. 

Phyllocniitia  liriodendrella,  i.  18. 

FhyUocnistis  magnoliieella,  i,  2. 

Fbyllocnistia  populiella,  ix.  166. 

Phyllceous  integer,  ix,  101, 

Fhylloatiota  acericola,  ii.  81. 

Phylloaticta  Caiyae,  rii.  134. 

PbylloetioU  Celtidis,  vii.  66. 

Phy'losticta  Hamamelidis,  r.  2. 

Fhyl  osticta  micropunctata,  rii.  2. 

Ffaylioaticta  Palmetto,  x.  38. 

Fby  losticta  Saccardoi,  v,  147. 

PhylloBticta  Sassafras,  rii.  16, 

Phyllogticta  sphieropBoideR,  ii.  bl. 

PhyUolhyrmt,  ix.  68. 

Phylloxera  caiyiecaulis,  rii,  133. 

Phylloxera  Caatanea,  ix.  10. 

Phyteuma,  v.  S^, 

Phytoptua  Fraxini,  ri.  27. 

Phytoptus  Thuye,  x.  124. 

Phytoptus  Ulmi,  rii.  42. 

Pioea,  xii.  19. 

Pi'cea,  xii.  96, 

Picec  Abies,  xii,  20,  23, 

Picea  Abies,  androgynoua    flowers  of,  xii. 

Ficea  Abies,  economic  propertiea  of,  xii.  23, 

Ficea  Abiea  medioxima,  xii.  23. 
Ficea  Abiea  riminalis,  xii.  24. 
Picea  Abies  rirgata,  xii.  24. 
Ficea  Abies,  rar.  invertn,  xii.  24. 
Pioea  Abies,  var.  mons'  >sa,  xii.  24. 
Ficea  Abies,  var,  penduln,  xii,  24, 
Picea  Abiea,  var,  pyramidalia,  xii,  24. 
Picea  Abies,  var,  strigosa,  xii.  24. 
Pi«a  acuti»$ima,  xii.  33. 
Picea  Ajanemi),  xii.  21,  55. 
Picea  Ajanemie,  a  ;«nuina,  xii.  21. 




Picm  Ajanmni,  $  luHnUgtrrima,  di  31. 

/Vm  AJai—nsii,  ju.  micro$ptrma,  lii.  81. 

Pina  aiba,  sU.  37. 

Piem  ilba  amlta,  lii.  40. 

Pieta  alia,  w.  arctka,  sU.  30. 

Pieta  AlcoeUana,  lii.  il. 

Picea  Atco^iana,  *>.,  M.  ' 

Piem  amahUit,  tii.  113,  US. 

Pieta  ApoUiruM,  xii.  09. 

i'icta  baltamta,  xii.  107. 

Pina  baltamea,  nr.  longifolia,  ni.  107. 

Pieta  baltami/tra,  xii.  107. 

Pio^k  bioolor,  xii.  20,  21. 

Pieta  bi/olia,  xii.  113. 

Pina  hrachfplifUa,  xii.  109. 

Pieta  liraetiala,  xii.  120. 

Pieta  hrtri/iilia,  xii.  28. 

Pieta  hreri/oiia,  rtr.  imiifroKnKa,  xii.  28. 

Pices  Bnwerium,  xii.  61. 

f  Pieta  Cali/omica,  xii.  77. 

Ficck  Cuudeuit,  xii.  37  ;  xir.  106. 

Pina  Canadentii,  xii.  63. 

Piom  Canadauii,  udra,    noiu  flowvn   of, 

xu.  20. 
PioM  Canwlciiiix  glwiea,  xii.  40. 
Pieta  Ctphalomea,  xii.  00. 
Ana  CUieiea,  xii.  9B. 
Pietu  carulta,  xii.  40. 
Pieta  Columbiana,  xii.  43,  44. 
Pieta  eoncolor,  xii.  121. 
Pieta  eoneolor,  tu.  no^ona,  xii.  121. 
Pieta  DougUuii,  xii.  87. 
Picem,  flcoDomio  prupvitiM  of,  xiL  20,  23. 
Pion  Engelmuwi,  xii.  43. 
Pieta  Enjelmanni,  rut.  Frandteana,  liL  43. 
Pi-ta  txetUa,  xi'.  23. 
Pieta  tzcelta  dtvidala,  xii.  24. 
Pina  tzcelta,  d  mtdioxima,  x  i.  24. 
Pina  txetUa,  0  iriminaJii,  xii  24. 
Pieta  exctba,  nt.  sirigota,  xii  24. 
Pieta  ezcttta,  tu.  virgata,  ri.  24. 
Pieta  Jirma,  xii.  101. 
Pieta  Jirma,  var.  A,  xii.  102. 
Pieta  Jirma,  rar.  B,  xii.  101. 
Pieta  Fratiri,  xii.  105, 107. 
Pieta  Frateri  liudtonia,  xii  100. 
Pieta  Frateri  Hudtoniea,  xii.  109. 
Picea,  fungal  diieaMi  of,  xiL  2S. 
Pieta  glauceteertt,  xii.  91. 
Picea  Glehni,  xii.  20,  21. 
Pieta  grandit,  xii.  117,  Vil,  12S. 
I'ieea  hirtella,  xii.  07. 
Pieta  liondoentit,  xii.  21. 
Picea,  ioMct  enomief  of,  xii.  25. 
Pieta  Japonica,  xii.  102. 
Pioea  Jeioeiuis,  xii.  20,  21. 
Pieta  KhulroK,  xii.  22. 
Pieta  kutunaria,  xii.  90. 
Pieta  luioearpa,  xii.  113. 
Ptcca  laxa,  xii.  37. 
Pieta  Lotriana,  xii.  121. 
Pino  Loicii.  xii.  121. 
Pieta  magnijtea,  xii.  137. 
Picea  Mariana,  xii.  28  ;  xir.  106. 
Picea  Mariatui,  xii.  33. 
Picea  Mariana,    ar.  Doumetii,  xii.  31. 
Picea  Maximowiczii,  xii.  25. 
Pina  Mmzieiii,  xii.  47,  05. 
Pieta  Mtnzietii,  var.  eritpa,  xii.  65. 
Pino  mierotperma,  xii.  21. 
Pieta  monf.iui,  xii.  23. 
Pieta  Mtrimia,  lii.  22. 
Pina  nigra,  xii.  28,  33. 
Pieta  nigra  t  •  ,i>elu,  xii.  31< 

PicM  nigra,  •  ifuamra,  xii.  28. 

PioM  nigra,  Tar.  glauea,  xii.  37. 

I'icta  nigra.  Tar.  gritta,  xii.  S3. 

Piet  t  nigra,    ar.  rubra,  xii.  33. 

Pia  1  iM>Mi<,  xii.  133. 

Pkta  nabUii  (baltamta  f),  xii,  IM. 

Pino  .A^anfmamiana,  xii.  98. 

P\eta  Sumdiea,  xii.  100. 

I'ioea  oborata,  xii.  20, 24. 

Pioea  oboTata,  Tar.  0  Sebraaakiaaa,  xiL  25 

Pioea  Umorika,  xii.  20,  22. 

Pioea  orieulalii,  xii.  20,  22. 

Pioea  Parrjana,  xii.  47. 

Pino  Partofuiana,  xii.  124. 

Pina  ptelinata,  xii.  100. 

Pieta  Piehta,  xii.  08. 

Pieta  Piniirow,  xii.  08. 

Pieta  Pintapo,  xii.  100. 

Pieta  polila,  xii.  21. 

Pieta  (Pmulotmga)  nobilit,  xii.  133, 

Pina  putig^u,  xii.  47. 

Pieta  pungent  glauea  ptnJula,  xii,  48. 

Pieta  pungent,  a  oiridit,  xii.  47. 

Pina  pungent,  0  glauea,  xii.  47. 

Pir«a  pungent,  Tar.  KUnig  Albtrl  von  Sachttn, 

xii.  48. 
Pieta  rtligiota,  lii.  07. 
Pieta  rtligiota  glauctteeni,  xii.  01. 
Picea  rubene,  xii.  33. 
PicMi  rubra,  xii.  28,  33. 
Pina  rubra  putilla,  xii.  37. 
Pieta  Sehrtnehana,  xii.  2& 
Picea  Sitoheniia,  xii.  65. 
Pieta  Sitk(mtit,  xii.  55. 
Picea  Smithiana,  xii.  20,  22. 
t  Pieta  Tianichaniea,  xii.  25. 
Pioea  Torano,  xii.  20,  21. 
Pioea  VeitchI,  xii.  101. 
Piev  vulgarit,  xii.  23. 
Pieta  vulgarit.  Tar.  Allaiea,  xii.  25. 
Pieta  M'tNiiana,  xii.  08. 
Pini  Willmanniana,  xii.  98. 
Piektringia  paniculata,  v.  153. 
Pieroeoeeut,  t.  115. 
Picrocoecut  tlr-atut,  t.  117 
Pieroeoeeut  F:  nidanut,  T.  117. 
Pirrococfuf  ufaitiinru,  T.  117. 
Pieridia,  t.  129. 
Pieri*,  t.  130. 
Pierit,  T.  129. 

Plerii  Henapia,  xi.  11 ;  xii.  8. 
Purit  ovalifolia,  t.  130. 
Pigeon  Cherry,  It.  36. 
Pigeon  Plum,  Ti.  119. 
Pigeon  Wood,  Ti.  111. 
Pignut,  Tii.  165. 
Piga'  tubera,  t.  8. 
Pileolaria  effuait,  <ii.  10. 
Piltotlegia,  i.  103. 
Pilooereus,  t.  51. 
Pilocereut,  r.  51. 
PHoetrtut  Engelmanni,  T.  53. 
Pilocereut  giganttut,  r.  53. 
Pin  Clierry,  iv.  36. 
Pin  Oak,  Tui.  [<!,  SO,  151,  181. 
Pinaater,  xi.  4. 

Pincknry,  Charles  Cotetwortb,  t.  108. 
Pincknoja,  T.  107. 
Pinckncya  pubenx,  t.  109. 
Pinekneya  pubttetnt,  t.  109. 
Pine,  Aleppo,  xi  0. 
Pine,  Austrian,  u.  6. 
Pine,  Bhotan,  xi.  6. 
Pine,  Black,  of  Japan,  xi.  7. 

Fbw,  Ball,  xl.  77,  OB,  146. 

Pine,  Cedar,  xi.  131. 

Pine,  Conioaa,  xi.  6. 

Pina,  Digger,  «i  06. 

Pin*,  FoxUil,  xi.  SO,  6S. 

Pine,  Georgia,  xi.  166 

Pine,  Ginger,  x.  120. 

Pine,  Gray,  xi.  147. 

Pine,  Great  Swamp,  xi  11& 

I>in*,  Hard,  xi.  156. 

Fine,  Hickory,  xi.  03, 136. 

Pine,  Jaok,  xi.  147 

Pine,  Jers*;,  xi.  123. 

Pine,  Knob-cone,  xi  107. 

Fine,  Loblolly,  xi  111. 

Pine,  Lodge  Pole,  xi.  90, 91. 

Pine,  Long-leayed,  xi.  161. 

line,  Maritime,  xi.  7. 

Pine,  Marsh,  xi  119. 

Pine,  Monterey,  xi.  103. 

Pine,  Norway,  xi.  67. 

Pine,  Nut,  xi.  43,  47,  61, 58. 

Pine,  Old  Field,  xi.  111. 

Pine,  Oregon,  ri  00. 

Pine,  Piteh,  xi.  99, 115, 146, 166. 

Pine,  Pond,  xi.  119. 

Pine,  Prickle-cone,  xi.  139. 

I*ine,  Pumpkin,  xi.  19. 

Pine,  Bed,  xi.  67. 

Pine,  Red  of  Japan,  xi.  7. 

Pine,  KIga,  xi.  5. 

Pine,  Rosemary,  xi.  113. 

Pine,  Sand,  xi.  127. 

Pine,  Scotch,  li.  6. 

Pine,  Sorub,  xi.  89, 123. 

Pine,  Shoit-leaTed,  xi.  143. 

Pine,  Slash,  xi.  113,  167. 

Pine,  Soledad,  xi.  71. 

Pino,  Southen,  xi.  151. 

Pine,  Spruce,  xi.  127,  131, 146. 

Pine.  Swne,  xi.  9. 

Pine,  tugar,  xi.  27. 

Pine,  Swwmp,  xi.  157. 

Pine,  Table-Mountain,  xi  138. 

Pine,  Tamarack,  xi.  90. 

Pine,  Weymouth,  xi.  21. 

Pine,  White,  xi.  17,  23,  33,  35, 39. 

Pine,  YeUow,  xi.  75,  77,  85, 143, 156. 

line  belt,  maritime,  xi.  152. 

Pine  wool,  xi.  3. 

Fine-bread  from  bark  of  Pinus  oontorta,  xi. 

Pine-tree  money,  xi.  20. 
Pineries,  southern,  cattle  in,  xi.  i56. 
Pineries,  southern.  Ares  in,  xi.  li  6. 
Pines,  cultivation  of,  in  Japan,  x. .  11. 
Pinipestis  reniculella,  xii  28. 
PiBon,  xi.  43, 47,  51,  65. 
Pinsapo,  xii.  100, 
Pinus,  xi.  1. 

Pinus,  xi.  1  i  xu.  1, 19,  59,  83,  05. 
Pinus  Abiei,  xii  23,  24,  98,  00. 
f  Pinut  Abitt,  xii.  :ii 
f  Pinut  Abitt  aeutittima,  xii.  33. 
Pinus  Abiti  alba,  xii.  90. 
Pinut-Abiet  Americana,  xii.  03. 
Pinus  A  bitt  baltamta,  xii.  107. 
Piniu  A  biet  Canadentii,  xii.  28,  63. 
Pinus  Abitt  laxa,  xii.  37. 
t'^inus  Abiet  Picea,  xii  23. 
P'fius  Abitt,  b  Regina  Amalict,  xii.  90. 
Pinus  A  bitt,  a  jurUnata,  xii.  100. 
Pinui  A  bitt,  $  Apollinut,  xii.  09. 
Pinut  Abiti,  9  Apollinut,  xii.  09. 







Plnii*  AUh;  I  Paoaohaioa,  ni.  00. 
A'niu  Abia,  t  mminalii,  lii.  124. 
Pmut  Abin,  •  Ctpkalonica,  ni,  00. 
/'■'nut  iiAwi,  Tkr.  meduxtima,  sii.  iM. 
/^'nui  attunra,  li.  103. 
<'tniM  a<Aa,  lii.  33,  37. 
"mut  alba  Canadttuir,  li.  IT. 
Pinut  alba,  $  arelica,  lii.  30. 
Pinui  albiwiilu,  n.  30. 
Pima  Alcaiuiana,  lii.  21. 
PinuM  Alepenau,  xi.  8. 
f  Pinut  aloptcunidet,  xi.  110. 
Piniu  amabilv,  xii.  113, 1!2S,  187. 
i'iniit  Americana,  xii.  28, 63. 
Pinm  Americana  rubra,  xii.  33. 
Pinut  Americana,  »  alba,  xii.  37. 
Pinut  Apocheca,  xi.  81. 
Pinut  Aiiollinin,  xii.  00. 
/>inuf   '.raragi,  xii.  60. 
Pinui  uuUU,  xi.  63. 
Pinui  Arinmioa,  xi.  7S. 
Pinut  Arti'ena,  xi.  S. 
Pinua  atteiiL'aU,  xi.  107. 
i>inu<  autlralit,  xi.  161. 
f  f  inw  au>(ra/M  excelta,  xi.  iSl. 
ih'niu  Auilriaca,  xi.  0. 
/^'nf*<  /lyacaAuuj,  xi.  33. 
Pinut  Baborentii,  xii.  100. 
Pinut  Bahamentit,  xi.  167. 
PinuB  Balfouriana,  xi.  60. 
Pinut  Balfouriana,  xi.  63. 
Pinut  Balfouriana,  rar.  arittata,  xi.  63. 
Piniu  buUamea,  xii.  105, 107. 
A'niu  lialtamea,  var.  Frateri,  xii.  105. 
nniM  iabqmca,  var.  longifolia,  xii.  107. 
Piniu  fianbiarui,  xi.  80, 147. 
Pinut  Beardileyi,  xi.  77. 
Pinut  Benlbamiana,  xi.  77. 
/'I'niu  bifida,  xii.  101. 
Pmut  binato-folio,  xi,  5. 
Pinut  Bolanderi,  xi.  80. 
Pi'nuJ  borealit,  xi.  S. 
/'I'nuj  Bourtieri,  xi.  80. 
fi'niu  brachypkylla,  xii.  102. 
PintM  brachyptera,  xi.  77. 
PiniM  braeleata,  xii.  120. 
Pinut  Brunoniana,  xii.  61. 
f  /'iniij  Ca/i/om'ana,  xii.  103. 
AniM  Co/i/omica,  xi.  103, 107. 
Pinut  Canadmtit,  xii.  .17,  63.  73. 
Pinut  Canadentit,  0  ?,  xii.  87. 
Pinut  Canadentit,  $  nigra,  xii.  'J8. 
Pinus  Canariensis,  xi.  4. 
Pinut  Cedrut,  xi.  10. 
Piiiua  Ceinbra,  xi.  3,  10. 
Pinus  Cembra  pygmtea,  xi.  10. 
Pinus  Cemhra,  b  pumila,  xi.  10. 
Pinus  Cembra,  y  Helvetica,  xi.  10. 
Pinus  cembroi<les,  xi.  47. 
Pinus  eembroiden,  xi.  39. 
Pinus  Cephalonica,  xii.  99. 
Piiiiia  Chibiiahuniia,  xi.  86. 
Pinut  Cilicica,  xii.  98. 
Pinut  cinerea,  xii.  23. 
Pinus  clausa,  xi.  127  ;  xir.  106. 
Pinus  commulnia,  xii.  43. 
Pinus  concolar,  xii.  121. 
Pinus  contorta,  xi.  89. 
Pinut  contorta,  xi.  91, 139. 
Pinus  contorta,  var.  Bolanderi,  xi.  80. 
Pinus  contorta,  Tar.  latifoliu,  xi.  91. 
Pinus  contorta,  var.  Murrayann,  xi.  90. 
Pi'nuj  contorta,  var.  (b)  Her.    raoni,  xi.  89. 
Pinus  Coulteri,  xi.  09. 

Pinut  Craigana,  xi.  77. 

Finui  Cubantii, ).  43. 

Pinut  Cubtntii,  xi.  167. 

Pinu^  Cubtniit,  var.  7  lerlhrocarpa,  zi.  1S7. 

f  inu<  euprtuoidet,  z.  134. 

Pinut  Dahurica,  xii.  4. 

Pinut  d^fttxa,  xi.  'lO. 

Finui  deiuifloni,  xi.  3,  7. 

Pinui  divarioaU,  zi.  147  ;  xir.  100. 

Pinus  Douglatii,  zii.  87. 

Pinut  Douglatii,  $  pendiUa,  xii.  87. 

Pinus  Douglatii,  rar.  brevibracleala,  xii.  87. 

Pinui  Dnuglatii,  var.  lax\folia,  zii.  87. 

Pinus  dunmta,  xii.  60. 

Pious  eohinaU,  zi.  143. 

Pious  (ohinata,  itomp  growth  of,  zi.  4. 

Pinus  eoliiiuita,  turpentine  from,  xi.  146. 

Finus,  eoononio  r .   nertiea  uf,  zi.  3. 

Pinus  Edgariona,  J.  130. 

Pious,  edible  leeda  uf,  zi.  3. 

Pious  edulis,  zi.  68. 

Pinus  edulit,  var.  monophylla,  zi.  61. 

Pinus  Elliolia,  xi.  167. 

Pinut  Sngelmanni,  zi.  77,  81. 

Pinus  excelta,  xi.  6  ;  xii.  23. 

PiniM  excelta,  B  mediozima,  xii.  24. 

Piniu  fattuoia,  zi.  0. 

Pinus  Pinlaysoniomi,  zi.  S. 

Pinut  firina,  xii.  101. 

Finns  fleiilis,  xi.  36. 

Pinut  Jtexilit,  zi.  39. 

Pinut  JiezUit  megalocarpa,  zi.  36,  36. 

Pinut  Jlexilis,  0  macrocarpa,  zi.  36,  36. 

Pinut  flexUit,  f  refiexa,  xi.  33. 

Pinut flexilit,  var.  albicau'.it,  zi.  ?0. 

Pinut  ftexilit,  var.  a  lerrulata,  zi.  36. 

Pint  J  Fraseri,  xii.  105. 

Pit,ut  fWmonliana,  n.  61. 

Piiius  Frietiana,  xi.  6. 

Finus,  fungal  diseases  of,  xi.  11. 

Finns  Gerardiana,  zi.  3, 10. 

Pinus,  germination  of,  xi.  4. 

Pinus  glabra,  xi.  131  ;  xir.  106. 

Pinus  glabra,  xii.  40. 

Pinus  glomerata,  zi.  7. 

Pintu  grandis,  xii,  117, 126. 

PinrM  Griffithii,  xi.  6  ;  xii.  3. 

Pinm  Grozelieri,  xi.  23. 

Pinus  Halepensis,  xi.  3,  8, 

Pinus  Harryana,  xii.  102. 

Pinus  beterophylln,  xi.  167. 

Finus  boteropbylla,  acjrogynooa  flowers  of, 

xi.  4. 
Pinus  hirlella,  xii.  07. 
Pinus  homolepif,  zii.  102. 
Pinus  Hookeriana,  xii.  77. 
Pinus  Hudsonia,  xi.  147. 
Pinuf  Hwttonica,  xi.  147. 
Pinus  humilis,  xi.  6. 
Pinus,  hybrids  of,  xi.  4. 
Pinut  inopt,  xi.  89,  91, 123. 
Pinus  inops,  var.  ?,  xi.  139. 
Piniu  inops,  var.  clauta,  xi.  127. 
Finns,  insect  enemies  of,  xi.  11. 
Pinus  insignis,  xi.  103. 
Pinut  insignis  jnacrocarpa,  xi.  103. 
Pinut  insignis,  var.  binata,  xi.  101. 
Pinu,«  iwignis,  var,  (a)  radiala,  xi.  103. 
Pinut  insignii,  var.  (b)  Ittvigata,  xi.  103. 
Pinus  insularts,  xi.  6. 
Pinus  intermedia,  xii.  7. 
Pinus  Japonica,  xii.  21. 
t  Pinut  Japonica,  xi.  7. 
Pinut  Jeffreyi,  xi.  79. 

Pinus  J^ff^tyi,  var.  ni^noans,  xi.  70. 

Pinut  Jeffreyi,  var,  penintularit,  zi.  80. 

Pinus  Jeffreyi,  var,  (b)  d^exa,  zi.  70. 

Pinut  J^rtyi,  var.  (e)  montana,  xi.  79. 

Pinus  Jetotntit,  zii.  21. 

Pinus  Kampferi,  zii.  2. 

Pinus  XamlsMa<iit«i,  xii.  4. 

Pinut  KItulrow,  xii.  23. 

Pinut  ioia,  zii.  3. 

Pinui  Lambertiana,  xi.  37. 

Pinus  Lambertiana,  7  B  brtvifoUa,  zi.  36. 

Pinus  Lambertiana,  t  ?,  zi.  35. 

Pinut  Lambertiana,  var.  minor,  xi.  27. 

Pinut  Lambertiana,  nt. pu-purea,  xi.  27. 

Pinus  Lambertiana,  sugar  of,  xi.  20. 

Pinus  laricina,  zii,  7. 

Finns  Larioio;  a.  3, 6. 

Pinus  Laricio,  u.  6,  7. 

Pinus  Laricio  in  the  United  States,  zi.  6. 

Pious  Laricio  Calabrica,  zi.  0. 

Finns  Laricio  Cebennensis,  zi.  6. 

Finus  Larioio  Pallatiaoa,  zi.  6. 

Pious  Laricio,  3  Austriaoa,  zi.  6. 

Pinut  Laricio,  g  nigricant,  zi.  6. 

Pinus  Laricio,  y,  zi.  67. 

Pinus  Larix,  zii.  2,  3,  4. 

Pinus  Larix  alba,  zii.  7. 

Pinut  Larix  Americana  nigra,  xii.  7. 

Pinus  Larix  (Americana),  zii.  4. 

Pinus  Larix  Canadentit,  zii.  7. 

Pinut  Larix  nigra,  zii.  7. 

Pinus  Larix  rubra,  xii.  7. 

Pinus  Larix,  a  communis,  xii.  3. 

Pinut  Larix,  g  rubra,  xii.  7. 

Pinus  Larix,  y  nigra,  xii.  7. 

Pinut  Larix,  9  aiia,  xii.  7. 

Pinus  Larix,  8  iazo,  xii.  3. 

Pinut  Larix,  s  compacta,  xii.  3. 

Pinut  Larix,  1}  ru^,  xii.  3. 

Pinus  Larix,  t  rosea,  xii.  3. 

Pinut  Larix,  1  alia,  xii.  3. 

Pinus  lasiocarpa,  xii.  113, 125. 

Pinut  latifolia,  xi.  81. 

Pinut  Latleri,  xi.  6. 

Pinus  iaio,  xii.  37,  70. 

Pinut  Ledebourii,  xii.  4. 

Pinus  leptolepit,  xii.  2. 

Pinus  Llaoeana,  zL  43, 47. 

Pinut  longifolia,  xi.  S,  161. 

Pinus  lophosperma,  xi.  71. 

Pinut  Zowiana,  xii.  121. 

Pinut  lutea,  xi.  151. 

Pinut  Lyallii,  xii.  16. 

Pinut  fflacrofar/)0,  xi.  99. 

Pinut  macrophyila,  xi.  80. 

Pinut  Maderiensis,  xi.  9. 

Pinut  magnijica,  xii.  137. 

Pinut  Mandshurica,  xi.  10. 

Pinut  Mariana,  xii.  28,  63. 

Pinui  Mariana  ndira,  xii.  33. 

Piniw  maritima,  xi.  6,  7,  8. 

Pinus  Massoniana,  xi.  7. 

Pinut  Mayriana,  xi.  81, 

Pinus,  medical  properties  of,  xi,  3. 

Pinut  Menzieaii,  xii.  21,  65. 

Pinus  Menziesii,  var.  crispa,  xii.  66. 

Finus  Mcrlcusii,  xi.  6, 

Pinus  Mertensiana,  xii,  73,  77. 

Pinus,  Mexican  species  of,  xi.  6. 

Pinut  microcarpa,  xii.  7. 

Pinut  mitis,  xi.  143. 

Pinus  mitis,  0  paupera,  xi.  131. 

Finus  monophylla,  xi.  51. 

Pinut  mmophylla,  var.  edulit,  xi.  6S. 



PiHus  mmlami,  ti.  A,  10, 13& 

I'iniK  ninntioulm  li.  '2'X 

PinuM  mtrntittUa,  vftr.  i/iyi/n/a,  li.  93. 

/Nnitf  nimtutiiut  vftr.  mtmnni,  li.  U3. 

/>mw  I  imlimla,  »ar.  /Nir;)*jfn«arpq,  li.  23. 

/'iMUi  .Uti$<(i,  li.  A. 

IHiiua  itturiciiU,  si.  19U. 

/'iNUj  mMnciirn,  li.  H!t, 

/'iMbj  munctirn,  var.  AniKtmj/i,  li.  139. 

/'inuj  .Ui4rrfiy(ina,  li.  IM. 

/SniM  .UMrniynria,  var.  Sargtnlii,  li.  01. 

i'inui  Nrpklaiuii,  li.  3,  fl. 

I'inut  Nriwlaiuil  in  th*  t'nitwl  8ut«,  li.  0. 

Pmui  niffiit,  li.  0  ;  iii.  28,  33. 

PtHut  nij/ricdrM,  li.  0- 

/Vriuj  noAiVij,  lii.  133. 

IVriiM  A'ifn/ma'inianfl,  lii.  06. 

Pinut  XuHntlii,  lii.  11. 

/'lulu  (iNirurii,  lii.  2'J,  'iH. 

Pinui  ithot'iUa,  $  S<-krmckiana.  lit.  2d. 

Pinui  Omuriia,  lii.  22. 

Pinui  orwnfdiu,  lii.  22,  2A. 

/*i'niM  ormtlalit,  t  Innji/olio,  ai.  3& 

/*inu>  otlemiMtrma,  li.  47. 

INiiua  paluitrii,  li.  151. 

I'inui  piilii>tri«,  ntilwty  ti«i  from,  li.  IM. 

I'inui  paluitrit,  turpentine  from,  a.  IM. 

Pinut  Parriinna,  li.  43,  77. 

Pinui  Pallimiana,  lii.  73,  77. 

PiuuM  pectinnta,  lii.  W. 

Pmus  ftnwtula,  lii.  7,  fK). 

/•inuj  /'irm,  lii.  'JO,  117,  90. 

/'tnui  /'iVfti  m^i<»xtmd,  lii.  24. 

/'inu<  rirttu,  lii.  UH. 

I'inui  l'inut«r,  xi.  3,  7. 

/•inu»  Piruultr,  li.  6,  7. 

I'inui  I*inutrr,  cultivation  of,  li.  H. 

I'iuui  Pinuter,  reiino'u  product!  of,  zi.  7. 

Pinui  Pindrov,  lii.  96. 

Pinua  I'inrii,  li.  ,1,0. 

Pinut  Pinto,  li.  7. 

Pinut  Pintapo,  zi<.  100. 

Pinut  Pityuia,  li.  8. 

P\nui  ptilila.  lii.  21. 

I'inui,  pollen  of,  si.  4. 

I'inui  iwnderow,  <i.  77. 

Pinut  poniimta,  li.  80. 

Pinut  porulerota  (>)  hmtkamiann,  il.  77. 

Pinut  fiondmtn  (p)  brnchfplera,  x'l.  77. 

/'inu/  pondtToia,  var.  (»)  nijnitiM,  li.  77. 

Pima  pondfrtuia,  var.  /tmfAamia'Mi,  xi.  77. 

I'inui  pomlero«a,  var.  Jeffreyi,  li.  79. 

I^nui  pontleroM,  var.  Mr.yriana,  li.  81. 

I'inui  ponileroaa,  var.  Kopuluruni,  xi.  80. 

Pinut  Poutictlt  xi.  5. 

/'in»*  ^Hirpkyrocar/Hl,  a.  23,  24. 

ISnitt  pnniila,  xi.  10. 

I'lnufl  puni^ni.  xi.  135. 

I'inui  quadrifulia,  xi.  43  ;  lir.  106. 

I'lUUM  railiata,  xi.  liXi. 

Pinut  radtatUt  var.  (a)  tuhnruUita,  xi.  103. 

I'inui  railialm  var.  (b)  biuata,  xi.  104. 

Pinut  rrjirtn,  xi.  ."B. 

1  Pinut  rrjtfxa,  xi.  IW. 

Pinut  religiimt,  xii.  97. 

I*itius  reiinota,  xi.  07. 

Pmut  rftiiiiita,  xi.  .'>.  77,  80. 

I'inui  rigida,  li.  ll.'t. 

/'inuj  nyiV/n  f.  li.  103. 

I'inui  riKida,  ittuinp  i^wth  of,  xi.  4. 

Pinut  nffifta,  var.  /u/m,  xi.  115. 

Pinut  nijula,  far.  terftlina,  li.  Hi*. 

I'inui  KuiliurKliii,  xi.  3,  9. 

I'inui  Roiburghii,  turpantine  from,  li.  U 

Pinui  rubra,  xi.  B,  67  ;  lii.  .13. 

I'iniM  rubra,  II  viotarta,  xii.  40. 

Pinui  rubra,  vmr.  arttica,  lii.  37. 

/'■nu<  rutim,  var.  urrtufi  longi/ulia,  lU.  87. 

i'inuj  ru^ra,  var.  nrru/fci,  ui.  37. 

/'inu<  rupeilrii,  xi.  147. 

I'inui  Sabiuiana,  li.  OB. 

Pinui  Si'breiifliana,  lii.  25, 

Pinui  iciipt/era,  li.  7. 

IHnut  ifopijiirum,  li.  80. 

Pinut  leUmtlfpit,  xii.  101. 

I'inui  lerotina,  xi.  110. 

Pinut  Skatia,  li.  30. 

Pinui  Sihiriea,  ni.  07. 

Pinui  Sirboldii,  lii.  00. 

firiiif  Sini-lairittna,  li.  103, 

Pmut  Sinctairii,  xi.  103,  105. 

Pinui  Silrbmiii,  xii.  60. 

/h'niw  Smitbiana,  xii.  22. 

Pinui  ip.,  xii.  113. 

Pinut  ipKtabUii,  xii.  06. 

Pinut  mwimiia,  xi.  14^1. 

I'inui  itrobiformii,  xi.  33. 

I'inui  Strobui,  xi.  17. 

Pinun  Strubui  nana,  xi.  21. 

I'inui  Strobui  nivea,  xi.  21. 

Pmut  Strobui,  p  montitoia,  li.  23. 

I'inui  ijflvaitrii,  xi.  3,  S. 

rinua  iflvnirii,  xi.  B,  0,  7,  8. 

/'itiu<  tylmlrii,  t,  xi.  7. 

finuf  tyletttrii,  B  Sorrtgiea,  li.  07. 

Pinui  tylrtitrii,  f  Nimy-Citiaritniii,  n.  123. 

/'inu<  tytvttlrii,  I  divaricala,  xi.  147. 

Anu<  tyleeilrii,  t  niaridnu,  xi.  6. 

I'inui  ijlveitrii  in  tba  United  Statea,  li.  S. 

Pima  Syrfiru,  xi.  7. 

I'inui  Tnda,  xi.  111. 

Pinut  Trrda,  xi.  fl. 

Pinut  Tirda,  a  Irtiui/olia,  n.  111. 

I'inui  Tada,  g  tcMnala,  xi.  143. 

I'inui  Tnda,  g  rigiiln,  xi.  llfl. 

I'inia  Titda,  y  variahHit,  xi.  143. 

f  Pinui  Tadxi,  I  aloperuroidea,  xi.  119. 

."inui  Tmia,  >  paluilrit,  xi.  ISl. 

Pinut  Tada,  var.  A  (rigida),  xi.  IIB. 

/'iniu  Titila,  var.  htlerophylla,  li.  157. 

/'inw  7"amrflc,  xi.  91. 

/'iriui  Tartaricn,  xi.  B. 

/•inu*  lari/iJia,  xii.  87, 107. 

Pinui  tenuifolia,  xi.  17. 

/'inui  tetraguna,  xii.  37. 

I'inui  Thunber^,  xi.  3,  7. 

f  Pinm  Thutihergii,  xii.  21. 

Pinut  Timoritraii,  xi.  5. 

I'inui  Torreyana,  xi.  71. 

Pinut  Ttcbonoikiana,  xii.  102. 

Pinut  Ttuga,  xii.  CO. 

/'inuf  Ttuga,  B  nana,  xii.  00. 

Pima  luhrrrulala,  xi.  103,  107. 

Pinut  luhrri-uliUa,  var.  ai^M,  xi.  107. 

Pinua,  umlw  of  tbe  cone-icale  of,  xi.  4. 

Pinut  rariahilii,  li.  143. 

Pima  Vritchi,  xii.  101. 

I'ima  rmuttn,  xii.  129. 

Pima  vimiiuttil,  xii.  24. 

I'inui  Virf^niana,  xi.  123 

Pinui  I'lnTiniana,  b  echinata,  xi.  143. 

Pinut  Wrbbiana,  xii.  98. 

I'ipal  Tree,  vii.  91. 

Piper,  Charlei  Vanooaver,  ix.  145. 

Pimphorwn,  iv.  67. 

Hrua,  iv.  70. 

Pitcidia,  iii.  fll. 

Pitcidia  Carlbagenemii,  iii.  5,1. 

Piieidia  Srylbrina,  iii.  53. 

Piieidia  Piieipula,  iii.  S3. 

Piioidin,  Ui.  fit. 

Piio,  Willem,  vi.  110. 

Ilaonia,  vi   100. 

Piaonia  aculeata,  vi.  100,  110. 

Piionia  runii/iiiia,  vi.  111. 

Ilaonia,  aoononiic  uaea  of ,  vi.  1 10. 

Piiimia  loranlhaidit,  vi.  110. 

Piionia  noxwi,  vi.  110. 

Piaonia  obtuiata,  i.  42  |  vi.  Ill, 

Piaonia  rutnndala,  vi.  110. 

Piaonia  auboonlata,  i.  42. 

Piaonia  tomentoaa,  vi.  110. 

y'uonia  villoia,  vi.  110. 

Piaaodra  Ktrobi,  xi.  II. 

Pitlacia  Simaruba,  i.  90,  07. 

Pitch,  liurguudy,  xii.  23. 

Pitch,  C'anaila,  xii.  U5. 

Pitch  line,  xi.  09,  IIB,  140,  IBO. 

Pithecolobium,  iii.  131  ;  xiv.  100. 

Ilthei-olubii'.m  brevifolium,  iii.  135. 

Pithecolobium  dulee,  iii.  132. 

Ilthecolobium  flexicaule,  iii.  137 

i'ubtcoiobium  /or/ez,  iii.  133. 

Pithecolobium  tiuadalupenie,  iii.  13SI. 

Pitherolohium  microphyUun,  iii.  133. 

Pithecolobium  Saniaii,  iii.  132. 

PUKtcolobium  Textnie,  iii.  137. 

Pithecolobium  L'n|;uia-cati,  iii.  133. 

Pithtcitlubium  Vnguii-cati,  iii.  1.12. 

Pithecolobium  Unguii.«ati,  economic  ui«a  of, 

iii.  132. 
Pitja  Cupreiai,  i.  101,  125,  140. 
Pit.vophthorui  puberulua,  xii.  25. 
I'itjrophtborui  pubipennii,  viii.  11. 
Pitjrophtboma  queiciperda,  viii.  11. 
Plailtra,  vi.  13. 
Phgioitigma,  vii.  91. 
Planer,  Jobann  Jakob,  vii.  00. 
Planera,  vii.  59. 
Planera  aquatica,  vii.  01. 
Planfra  parvijlora,  vii.  41. 
Planera  Hirhardi,  vii.  01. 
Planera  idmi/olia,  vii.  01. 
Plank,  Kliaha  Newton,  xiii.  13. 

I'LATANACI.K,  vii.  00. 

Platanua,  vii.  90. 

Plalanui  CaliJ'omica,  vii.  lOB. 

Platanua,  funf^l  diaeanea  of,  vii.  101, 

Plalama  hybrulia,  vii.  102. 

Platanua,  inaect  rncmica  of,  vii.  101. 

Plalama  lofiata,  vii.  102. 

Platanua  Mexicaaa,  vii.  101. 

Plalanut  Mexifana,  rii.  105,  107. 

Platanua  occidentalia,  vii.  102. 

Platanui  orcidentalit,  vii.  105. 

i'lalanut  occidentalit,  fi  ttthtila,  vii.  102. 

Plalama  occidentalit,  var.  Ilitpanica,  vii.  102. 

Plalama  occidenlatii,  var.  .1/exicona,  vii.  101. 

Plalama  in-ientalit,  vii.  100. 

Platanua  racenioaa,  vii.  105. 

Plalanut  racemota,  \ii.  107. 

Platanui  fulgant,  vii.  100. 

Plalanut  vulgarit,  t  anguloia,  vii.  102. 

PlaUnua  Wrightii,  vii.  107. 

Platopuntia.  xiv.  10. 

I'latyacantlue,  xiv.  10. 

Platydadui,  x.  97,  123. 

Platyvladut  ttricta,  x.  124. 

Platjraamia  Cecropia,  iv.  11. 

Plectrodera  acalatur,  ix.  155. 

Pleiandne,  ix.  90. 

PUiarina,  a.  05. 



VUthotflkia,  Ti.  ST. 
Plinia,  y.  99. 
Plmia  induneutala,  T.  41. 
/'/inia  rubnx,  t.  41. 
llowrightia  murboM,  It.  \X 
I'liim,  Hlnakiiuii,  iv.  IM. 
I'luin,  Cuddo «  hiaf,  iv.  !M. 
I'lum,  ('(DMla,  IT,  10. 
Plum,  ChioluMw,  It.  30. 
fluiii,  Cocoa,  It.  3. 
I'tiim,  CollnU,  Iv.  '20. 
PInm,  eiiltlTatlun  iif.  It.  0. 
I'luin,  CiimlwrUnd,  It.  'J4. 
Plum,  I)««p  Cmk,  Iv.  !M). 
Plum,  Us  Hoto,  It.  W. 
I'luin,  DownwKrd,  t.  178. 
Plum,  Karl;  Ktil,  iv.  '». 
Plum,  Korait  (i*rd«n,  It.  itO. 
Plum,  Pureit  Hum,  It.  20,  34. 
Plum;  Gitrlliild,  iv.  34. 
Plum,  (iolden  llMutjr,  It.  34. 
Plum,  Oulana,  vii.  37. 
Plum,  Indian  Chief,  iv.  34. 
Plum,  Indimnk  Chief,  iv.  34, 
Plum,  Indiana  Red,  iv.  34. 
Plum,  Itatka,  iv.  30. 
Plum,  Jennie  Luoat,  It.  96. 
Plum,  Kiokapoo,  iv.  20. 
Plum,  LouIm,  iv.  30. 
Plum,  Miner,  iv.  30,  34. 
Plum,  Minnetonka,  iv.  30. 
Plum,  Miuuuri  Aprioot,  iv.  iM. 
Plum,  Pigeon,  vi.  119. 
Plum,  Pottawattamie,  It.  30. 
Plum,  Purple  Yoeemite,  It.  10. 
Plum,  Quaker,  It.  10. 
Plum,  Red,  It.  IS. 
Plum,  Suoker  Citjr,  It.  34. 
Plum,  Tranaparent,  It.  30. 
Plum,  Wayland,  iT.  34. 
I'lum,  WenTer,  iv.  16. 
Plum,  Wild,  iv.  10,  33,  31. 
Plum,  Wild  UooM,  iv.  34. 
Plum-pockeU,  iv.  13. 
Plum-tree,  Black,  t.  41. 
Poeophorum,  ill.  7. 
Podocarptu  (?)  nucifera,  i.  60. 
PodoMiia  Sjringte,  vi.  37. 
Podoiphar*  biuncinata,  t.  8. 
Fodoiphnra  Oxyacanths,  iv.  12. 
Pogmolmpke,  vii.  01. 
Pnhlana,  i.  05. 
Puiion  Dogwood,  iii.  33. 
Poieon  Elder,  iii.  24. 
Poison  Ivy,  iii.  9,  10. 
Poiion  Sumach,  iii.  23. 
Poiion  Wood,  iii.  13, 14. 
Poison-tree,  iii.  24. 
Poitiea,  ii.  75. 
Poiteau,  Aleiandre,  U.  7S. 
Polita,  ix.  0. 
Pollen  of  Pinus,  xi.  4. 
Pollination  of  Y'icca,  x.  2. 
POLYOONACIO:,  vi.  113. 
Potygonum  Umifera,  vi.  118. 
Polygmphus  ruflpennis,  xii.  28. 
Polyphemus  moth,  v.  0. 
Polyporus  amorphus,  vi.  30. 
Polyporus  annosiis,  xi.  11. 
Pulyporus  .  <r.lanatus,  ix.  40. 
Polyporus  betulinus,  ix.  40. 
Polyporus  cinnabarinus,  iv.  12. 
Polyporus  conehifer,  vii.  42. 
Polyporus  graveolena,  vili.  13. 

Pnlyponii  Haleala,  vi.  30. 

Polyporus  officinalis,  xii.  8. 

Polyporus  piceinus,  sii.  30. 

Polyporus  Pilota,  xii.  61. 

Polyporus  salieinus,  Ix.  101. 

Pulyporus  Hcbweintiil,  xi.  11. 

Polyporus  Tolvatus,  xi.  13  |  xii.  90. 

Puiyi/torrt,  i.  :I0. 

Polftpura  axiUaru,  i.  30. 

Poinette  Hleue,  iv.  80. 

Pond  Apple,  1.30. 

Pond  Pine,  xi.  110. 

Pond's  extract,  t.  4. 

Ponderosa,  xi.  4. 

Poplar,  ix.  161. 

Poplar,  Gray,  ix.  184. 

Poplar,  Lombardy,  ix.  183. 

Poplar,  Necklace,  ix.  181. 

Poplar,  Trembling,  ix.  ISA. 

Poplar,  White,  ix.  IM. 

Populin,  ix.  1S8. 

Populus,  ix.  101. 

Populus  acuminata,  Ix.  173  |  lir.  00. 

Populus  alba,  ix.  184. 

Populus  alba,  f,  ix.  184. 

Pvpulus  alha,  $  pyramUtalu,  ix.  184. 

Populus  alba,  var  Bolleana,  ix.  104. 

Populus  alha  x  trtmula,  b  eantu»n$^  ix.  184. 

Populm  alhoAremuta,  ix.  lOt. 

Populus,  androgynous  aiiicnts  of,  is.  101. 

Populm  angulala,  ix.  170. 

Populus  anuulala  lorluo$a,  iz.  179. 

Pnpulun  atiyulnla,  a  lernlina,  ix.  170. 

PopuluM  angulosa,  ix.  170. 

Populus  angustifolia,  ix.  171  ;  ziT.  100. 

Populus  angutli/otia,  ix.  170. 

Populus  argtntea,  ix.  163. 

Populus  AtheniensiSt  ix.  158. 

Populus  auslralis,  ix.  106. 

Populus  luilsaniifera,  ix.  107  ;  xiv.  106. 

Populus  balsamifera,  ix.  153,  103,  178. 

Populus  balsamifera  laneeolata,  ix.  167. 

Populus  balsamifera  suaveolens,  ix.  103. 

Populus  balsamifera  viminalis,  ix.  103. 

Populus  balsamifera^  a  genuina,  ix.  167. 

Populus  balsamifera,  g  laurifolia,  ix.  103. 

Populus  balsamifera,  y,  ix.  175. 

Populus  balsamifera,  var.  angustifolia,  ix.  171. 

Populus  balsamifera,  var.  (7)  Catifornica,  ix. 

Populus  balsamifera,  var.  caodiouu,  ii.  109. 
Populus  hetulifolia,  ix.  103. 
Populus  hiformis,  ix.  li>5. 
Populus  liolleani',  ix.  104. 
Poiiului  Canadensis,  ix.  179,  183. 
Populus  Canadensis,  jB  discolor,  ix.  170. 
Populus  Canadensis,  y  angustifolia,  ix.  171. 
Populus  candirani,  ix.  100. 
Populus  canescens,  ix.  164. 
Populus  Carolinensis,  ix.  179. 
Populus  eaudina,  ix.  163. 
Populus  Certinensia,  ix.  163. 
Populus  ciliata,  ix.  152. 
Populus  cordifolia,  ix.  103. 
Populus  deltoidea,  ix.  179. 
Populus  dilataia,  ix.  153. 
Populus  dilataia,  $  Carolinensis,  ix.  170. 
Populus  diversifolia,  ix.  156. 
Populus,  economic  properties  of,  ix.  156. 
Populus  Eupbraleniis,  ix.  166. 
Populus  Euphratica,  ix.  155. 
Popului  fastigiata,  ix.  153. 
Populus  Fremontii,  ix.  183. 
Pof  ..IS  Frtmontii,  xiv.  71,  73. 

Pofiutm  Fremontii,  var.  (7)  Wi^iuni,  ix.  183 1 

xiv.  71. 
Populus,  fungal  dlaeases  of,  ii.  180. 
Populus  glandulosa,  ix.  170. 
/'«pWu<  (Jriwi-a,  ix.  104,  108. 
Populus  grandidentata,  ix.  161 ;  xiv.  108. 
Populus  gramlidsnlata,  f  pmduta,  ix.  101. 
Populus  heterophylla,  ii.  163  |  xiv.  100. 
Populus  hstsropHylla,  ix.  170, 
Populus  hsteropkylla,  f  argenlea,  ix.  163. 
Populus  l.'udioniea,  ix.  10.1. 
Populus  hybrida,  ix.  104. 
Populus,  hybrids  of,  ix.  102. 
Populus,  insect  enemies  of,  i .    UIS> 
Populus  Italiea,  ix.  103. 
Populus  larigala,  ix.  170. 
Populus  lati/olia,  ix.  161, 170. 
Populus  laurifolia,  ix.  103. 
Populus  longifotia,  is.  103. 
Populus  mqjor,  ix.  IM, 
Populus  Marila.ilica,  ix.  170. 
Populus,  medical  properties  of,  ix.  188. 
Populus  Mexicana,  xiv.  73. 
Populus  micrucarpa,  ix.  102. 
Populus  mmiltfera,  ix.  179, 183  ;  xiv.  71- 
Populus  monticola,  ix.  103. 
Populus  monticola,  wood  of,  ix.  169« 
Populus  Neapolitarut,  Ix.  103. 
Populus  nigra,  Ix.  163. 
Populus  nigra,  ix.  170. 
Populus  nigra  Italimi,  li.  153. 
Populus  nigra,  II  Helvetica,  ix.  170. 
Populus  nigra,  S  pyramidalis,  ix.  153. 
Populus  nigra,  $  Virginiana,  ix.  170. 
Populus  nigra  in  the  United  States,  iz.  163. 
Populus  nivea,  ix.  104. 
Populus  petvtula,  ix.  158. 
Populus  pseudobalsamifera,  ix.  163. 
Populus  pgramidalis,  ix,  163, 
Populus  pyramidala,  ix.  153. 
Populus  salicifolia,  ix.  171. 
Populus  serolina,  ix.  179. 
Populus  Sieboldi,  ix.  166. 
Populus  suaveolons,  ix,  162. 
Populus  trerauhi,  ix.  164. 
Populus  tremula,  var.  villosa,  ix.  156. 
Popul'js  tremula,  var.,  ix,  158, 
Populus  tremula  pendula,  ix,  188. 
Populus  Irtmuliformis,  ix,  168, 
Populus  tremuloides,  ix,  168  ;  xiv,  108. 
Populus  tremuloides,  a  ptndula,  ix.  168. 
Populus  trepida,  ix.  158. 
Populus  trichocarpa,  ix.  175. 
Populus  trichocarjia,  var,  cupulata,  iz.  175. 
Populus  versicolor,  ix.  153. 
Populus  villofa,  ix.  155. 
Populus  Virginiana,  ix.  170. 
Populus  Wislizeui,  xiv.  71. 
Porcelia,  i.  21. 
Porceliii  parv\floTa,  i.  29. 
I'orcetia  triloba,  i.  23. 
Pork-Treo,  Fat,  iv.  4. 
Pork  Wood,  vi.  Ill, 
Porlieria,  i,  60, 

Porlieria  hygrometrica,  i,  60, 60. 
I'orotbrinax,  x,  40  ;  xiv,  79. 
Port  Orford  Cedar,  x,  119, 
Porter,  Thomas  Courad,  iv,  28. 
Portugal  Laurel,  iv.  11. 
Portuna,  v.  130. 
Porluna,  v,  129, 
Possum  Oak,  viii,  160. 
Post  Cedar,  x.  130. 
Post  Oak,  viii.  37. 



l'olUi»IUial*  llum,  It.  St, 

Homohwon,  «U.  134. 

I'raaUlania,  vl.  i:t. 

I'ntalttmua  Ikn^tanmi,  r\.  XA. 

I'nli,  U  riHT*  •I",  V.  17. 

I'ru'kl*-«am  I'liw,  li.  130. 

IVIiklj  Aih,  i.  (17. 

rriiuMi  WiHifl,  V.  U)A. 

i'nngU,  (';ru>  (iu*niM)r,  li.  129. 

I'nngliHipbjrtiiin,  ii.  130. 

i'rinuiilu,  i.  1<X>. 

IViniM,  i.  I(K1. 

/Vinuj,  i.  IIKI. 

fnmtt  dttviuut,  i.  113. 

/VirwM  mimtana,  i.  IIA. 

rrini  TOD  Neuwied,  li.  138. 

I'riuiMiiyituf  KulHnia,  riii.  1 1  j  ii.  10. 

l*nouiu  UticuUu,  viii.  11 ;  ii.  100. 

PntcAarfliiit  i.  -W. 

Pntrhnniia  Jilanmtiwi,  i.  47* 

I'mckardia/ili/m,  i.  47. 

PnNloiut  <lecipi«nt.  i.  3. 

rruiiM>h»  moth,  v.  U. 

I'mniitM  maciilfttii,  i.  2. 

IVonubk  ■jtnthrtira,  i.  '2. 

I'ninub*  jruMiuclU,  i.  2. 

i'ropiilidiuiii  TnugB,  lii.  61. 

I'mopU,  iii.  00. 

Prmojtit  ajfittii,  iii.  101. 

I'rmnpid  braftfiUtUa,  iii.  101. 

Protupif  oiuerftMeot.  iii.  00. 

l*nmnftiii  Cumaneruu,  iii.  101, 

I'rnmtpu  AmiinyffwM,  iii.  101. 

I'rfuitpis  tluirit,  iii.  101. 

Pmtopit  Kmorifif  iii.  lOT. 

l'ro4»pu  jUjnwtat  iii.  101. 

VriuopU  fruticnttt^  iii.  101. 

Pmopis  glandulota,  iii.  tUl     liii.  15. 

l*ro*opu  hurritln,  iii.  101. 

Protopu  inrrmUf  iii.  101. 

FriMopit  jiiliflora,  iii.  101  ;  liii.  18. 

Protopu  jnlifitira^  liii.  l.**. 

I'roMipis  juliHuni,  var.  ^IiukIuIom,  ziii.  15. 

I'ruaopii  juliHora,  Titr.  rtlutina,  xiii.  15. 

I'rtMupit  ubluiigm,  iii.  01^ 

Protopu  o<lorala,  iii.  101,  107. 

Profopis  paltujit,  iii.  101. 

I'mwpii  pulwMsiu,  iii.  107. 

Protopu  SUtipMUtrum^  iii.  ICl. 

rrotupit  ipirigf'rm,  iii.  99,  lUO. 

I'n»»pi>  8tf  phaniiiu,  iii.  90. 

Prtttopit  vrUtina,  ziii.  15. 

I*rot«ot«nu  .-VKuUna,  ii.  53. 

Protokopta,  vi.  I'X 

Protohopra  linctoria,  ri.  15. 

I'ruiiiowe,  ii.  OU. 

!*rune  d'Am^rique,  ir.  2. 

Priinei,  iv.  9. 

Prunes  d'loa(|uc>,  ir.  4. 

I'mnier  d'Kiite,  ir.  9. 

I'ruiiier  d'IeAi('ie,  ir.  4. 

PrunopKora,  iv.  7. 

Pruntia,  ir.  7,  8. 

Pnimu,  ir.  7. 

I'niniu  Alabamenii*,  lili.  25. 

I'runuii  .'Vlle^jImiiicfiHtii,  iv.  27. 

Prunus  Americana,  iv.  I'.K 

Pntum  Ammrann,  iv.  15. 

Pnmut  Amrrirnnii,  var.  (?),  23. 

I'ruiiiit  Amprirana,  var.  mctUia,  ir.  19. 

PriinuB  Ainvf^iliiltiN,  ir.  8. 

Pruntis  an^iifltifolia,  iv.  25. 

Primus  Armfuiaca,  ir.  8. 

Prunus  Avitiiii,  iv.  8,  9,  10. 

Prnniu  AriuRi,  ru.  maaroawpai  iv.  10. 

/Vwiiu  hiirmlu,  ir.  3A. 

Pruniu  /Inui/ifMW,  ir.  51. 

/*runu  Cimailmtit,  ir.  4B. 

Prunia  I'apult,  ir.  40. 

Prunut  ('(ifmim,  ir.  40. 

I'niDUi  Carolinianm  ir.  40  i  tir.  100. 

I'rtinui  Caruliniana,  eilj  ardiiuuiM  on,  Ir.  0. 

Prunut  cartUat^mtitt  iv.  45. 

I'riiiiiu  Oruiu,  ir.  8,  10. 

l*runiU'Ceratus  (^anadttuitt  Ir.  41. 

Pruma-Ctmtus  mimtana,  ir.  35. 

Pruniu  Ckuvto,  ir.  2.1,  25. 

I'nmut  Uenuua,  iv.  42. 

i'runus  dumattioa,  ir.  8, 0,  20. 

I'runuB  dumutioa,  rar.  .luliana,  ir.  0. 

I'runus  doDiMtioa,  rar.  PniMauliana,  Ir.  0. 

Prunut  liutrmcktit  ir.  41. 

i'runui  •kwrginaU,  ir.  37  ;  lir.  100. 

Prunua  emarglnata,  rar.  nioUii,  Ir  38. 

Prunut  errcta,  ir.  37. 

I'runus,  fungal  ancmiM  o(,  It.  11. 

Prunia  kumalit,  Ir.  10. 

Pruniit  Kiriula,  Ir.  41. 

I'runus  hurtulana,  Ir.  23  ;  lir.  100. 

i'runus  ilirifolia,  Ir.  53. 

Prunus  ilicifolia,  rar.  intogrifolia,  It.  S4. 

/'ri<nuj  iYin/i4ia,  rar.  acrutenlaiis,  ir.  54. 

J^runut  injucumta,  liii.  21. 

I'runus,  inseet  anenilas  of,  ir.  11. 

I'runus  insititia,  ir.  0. 

Pninta  intUitM,  ir.  25. 

/'rwiwj  tani-ft^iata,  ir.  35. 

I'runus  Launicerasus,  Ir.  10,  11. 

Prunus  l^aurocerasus,  pn>p«riieB  of,  iv.  10, 

I'runiu-tauro-Certuwi  itrrat\folia,  ir.  40. 

i'runus  Lusitanioa,  ir.  It, 

Prunut  Lutitanira,  ir.  40. 

/'ninuj  Lutilanica,  var.  lermH/nlia,  ir.  40. 

I'runus  Malwleb,  ir,  10,  II. 

I'runus  niaritima,  var.  B,  ir.  28, 

Prunut  Mutittippi,  iv.  19. 

Prunut  motlit,  ir.  15,  38. 

I'ninus  Mump,  ir.  8,  0,  11, 

Prunut  rujmi,  ir.  41. 

I'runus  nit(nk,  iv,  15  ;  or.  100, 

Prvnut  nigra,  Ir.  10, 

Prunut  ohoiiUa,  ir,  41. 

Prunut  orculmlalit,  ir,  54. 

Prunut  irrontmica,  ir.  0. 

Prunus  Padus,  Ir,  8,  10, 

Prunus  Peiinsjrlranica,  iv.  35. 

I'runus  i'ersica,  ir.  8. 

Pntnut  pfrniri/utia,  iv,  3,'*, 

Prunut  /Ueumdmia,  iv,  51, 

Prunus,  pro|)ertieB  of,  iv.  0, 

Prunus  Ps4'udu-Ceraaus,  ir.  11, 

Prunut  pumila,  iv.  33,  31, 

Prunut  ruhnt,  ir,  41. 

/'nifiiu  tiilin/olia,  iv.  40. 

Prunut  tnlid/rjia,  var.  nniti/olia,  IT.  46. 

Pruniu  trmprrrirfnt,  iv.  40. 

Prunus  serutina,  iv.  45, 

Pruniu  terotimi,  iv.  41. 

Prunut  lerotma  nro-monlana,  liii.  25. 

I'runus  serotina,  prt>i)erties  uf,  ir.  10. 

I'runus  sphfertjoarjia.  iv.  .'it, 

Prunus  spinusn,  ir.  10,  11,  20. 

Prunus  tpinttta,  iv,  19, 

Prunus  sulicordatn,  iv.  31  ;  &iv.  TOO. 

Prunus  subcordnta,  var.  Kelloggii,  iv.  31, 

I'runus  tania,  liii.  2^1. 

Prunus  umU'lluta,  iv.  33. 

I'runui  umbellaU,  rar,  iujncunda,  liii,  21, 

Pniana  VlrglaiwM,  Ir.  41. 

/'rwiMU  I'lryinMM,  Ir.  40. 

PruHHi  yirgmiano,  rar.  dtmiua,  It.  49. 

Praaut  VIrginiana,  rar.  lauooearpa,  Ir.  4Z 

Prunua  VIrginiana,  prupariiM  of,  W.  10. 

Prunus,  wood  of,  ir.  11. 

Ptalkrnpt,  is.  Wl. 

Pituilmarui,  iii.  3R. 

Pttudiu-ncui  iiioni'a,  iii.  30, 

Pttwltkrrlul,  i,  toil. 

PttuilofitUtUm,  i.  05. 

Pituitoi**inlon  gtanduiiitumt  i.  67. 

Ptfutiofwtalon  Irvnrpum.  L  67* 

pBcuduplusnii,  I.  33. 

I'sauduphiauii  .Sarganti,  i.  3S. 

I'seudotsuga,  iii.  H3. 

Pitudoltugn  Dougttuii,  iii.  87. 

Pttutittttugii  l*imgtiitit  tttnudata,  lii,  87, 

I'lrwloliuga  Ihmglatii  laii/olia,  ni,  87. 

Pttudultwja  DfHigliuii,  rar.  glawa,  ill.  88. 

I'leudoltuga   iJouglani,  var.  maemcarpa,  iii. 

PsaudoUugm,    •oonomio    proptriiu    of,  iii. 

Psaudotaugm,  fungal  disaaaai  of,  iii.  84. 
PtnAoliuga  glaucttcmt,  ill,  01, 
Psaudotsuga,  instot  anamiai  of,  iii.  84. 
PsaudoUuga,  Japanese,  lii,  84. 
Pseudotsuga  Ja|M>nioa,  ill.  84  ;  lir.  100, 
J*teutlottuga  LinttUifanfi,  iii.  87. 
Pseudotsuga  macrot'arpa,  lii,  03. 
Pseudotsuga  mucrunata,  iii.  87, 
Pteudottuyn  laii/olia,  rar.  tlongnia,  lii,  88, 
I'lruiioltugn  lar\/'otia,  rar.  tuienua,  lii.  88. 
Psjrlla  Dioapjrri,  rl.  4. 
Psjila  rhois,  iii,  10, 
Pti'li'a,  i.  75. 
Ptelea  angiistifolia,  i.  TS. 
I'telea  aptera,  I.  75. 
Prelea  Balilirinii,  1.  75, 
Pltlea  mollit,  i,  77, 
Plelra  monophgUa,  li.  7, 
Ptrtra  fmrri/oiia,  i.  81, 
Plrlnl  iwnlaiihyUit,  i.  70. 
rtolea  trifoliata,  I,  75,  70  ;  ilr,  08. 
Ptelea  trifoliata,  var,  muUli,  I,  77, 
Pltlm  nixei/olia,  I,  70. 
Pterocarya  torbi/otia,  rii.  116. 
Pter<»t)'rai,  vi.  19. 
Pttr^la,  i.  05. 
Plerula  tubipinota,  I.  73. 
IHilinus  basalis,  rii.  20. 
Puceinia  l.iuliii,  r.  (M. 
Puccinia  Pnini  spinosie.  ir.  12. 
Pulviuaria  innumerabilia,  ii.  81 ;  rii.  87. 
Pumpkin  Ash,  lir.  35. 
I'umpkin  Pine,  li.  10. 
Punk  Oak,  viii.  100. 
Purjibi  Iteecb,  ii.  24. 
Purple  Haw,  ii.  25. 
Pur^ile  Vosemite  Plum,  ir.  16. 
Purpurea,  ii.  07. 
Punh,  Frederick,  ii.  30  ;  liv.  100. 
Putzfittiii,  ii.  51. 
PtUzrifiit  rotea,  ii.  52. 
Pjrramidal  Cvprt'ss,  i.  lUO. 
/'yryiu,  v.  l.'Jl. 
Pyriileiini  cadinuni,  i.  72. 
Pynis,  iv.  07,  08. 
Pifrut  titni/oliil,  iv.  131. 
Pymt  Amrlitnrhier,  iv.  125, 
Pyrui  Anicrirana,  iv.  79  ;  liv.  101. 
Pynu  Amrrit-anii,  iv.  81. 
Pjrrua  Americana,  var,  decora,  liv.  101. 

Tjm  Amtrlaui,  *w.  mlaroMrp*,  It.  M, 

Tjrrut  Mfualifollk,  iv.  7fl. 

PjrriM  krbutifuli*,  it.  08. 

I'fnu  arhuti/ulia,  »r.  tiuUmorarpa,  ir.  08. 

l')TUM  arhul^folin,  far.  niym,  I*.  W. 

P^rua  Ari*.  iv.  OU 

I'jrrui  tncupuU,  W.  HP. 

/'ynu  aueuparia,  iv.  TO,  81  ;  ■)*.  101. 

Pjrrui  bacoaU,  iv.  00. 

/'yru>  /iarframuirui,  ir.  I37> 

P^rut  Btttryapium,  iv.  1U7. 

Pjrui  oonimunii,  iv.  08. 

/'yruj  rommuiiM,  Iv.  00. 

I'jrrui  ooronkris,  iv.  71. 

/'yrw  coronaria,  Iv.  78. 

/'yrut  roronaria,  v«r.  (inyiafi/Mia,  iv.  TB. 

I'jrrut  ooroniiri*,  vkr.  lotniii,  iv.  73. 

/'ynu  ilivtrn/atia,  iv.  77. 

I'jrrui,  fungiU  •naroiM  of,  It.  70. 

Pynu/utm,  it.  77. 

Pjpvt  glanjuloia,  iv.  00. 

Pjtrua,  iuaact  anamlaa  of,  iv.  70. 

ryiiu  lotntj,  iv.  72. 

I>yrua  Malua,  iv.  08. 

t'frus  mieroearpa,  Iv.  80. 

I'jrrua  nign,  iv.  08. 

I'jrua  niviilia,  iv.  08. 

Pfm  occidenlalu,  It.  83. 

/'ynu  ovalit,  iv.  138,  130. 

I'yrua  prunifolin,  iv.  08. 

I'jrrua  rivularU,  iv.  77. 

Pj/nu  rivularit,  0  Uvipet,  It.  77. 

Pjtrua  mlloifuli*,  Iv.  00. 

Pjrrui  •aiiiliuoifalia.  It.  81  ;  liv.  101. 

Pynu  lamhuci/otia,  liv.  101. 

I'yrua  aainbuclfolU,  var.  pumiU,  iv.  83. 

Pymt  tanguitim,  Iv.  138,  131. 

Pyrui  SuliMii,  iv.  0". 

I'jrua  Sinenaia,  iv.  60. 

Pyrvt  Soulnrdi,  iv.  73. 

Pjrua  ipecUbilia,  iv.  00. 

Pi/rui  lubcordala,  iv.  77. 

I'yrua  Toringo,  iv.  60. 

/'yrua  UuurimtiM,  Iv.  00. 

Pyrm  Wnngenkeimiana,  it.  1S7. 

Qutdrella,  i.  33. 

Quaker  Plum,  iv.  16. 

Quakiiig  Aap,  ix.  108. 

Quercitron  Uak,  viii.  130. 

Quercua,  viil.  1. 

Queroua  acuminata,  viii.  6S. 

Quercua  acuminata  >;  maarooarpa,  Tiii.  66. 

Quercua  acuta,  viii.  4, 11. 

Qutrcui  aculiiimt,  viii.  OS. 

Quercua  ilCgilopa,  viil.  3,  8. 

Quercua  ^gilopi,  viil.  7. 

Quercua  i£gilopa,  ff  macrolepii,  viii.  8. 

Quercua  agrifolia,  viii.  111. 

Querciu  agrifolia,  y  berberifolia,  viii.  111. 

Qiterctu  agrifolia,  yht.frutfM'em,  viii.  111. 

Quercua  alba,  viii.  10  ;  xiv.  103. 

Quercua  alba,  hybrida  of,  viil.  18. 

Quercua  alba,  medical  properties  of,  Tiii.  3. 

Qutrcus  alba  (rrpaitda),  viii.  16. 

Qutrexu  alba  minor,  viii.  37. 

Quernu  alba  palmlrif,  viii.  03. 

Qufrcut  alba  pinnnlijida,  vlll.  16. 

Quemu  alba,  a  pinnalifdo-iinuata,  viii.  16. 

Quercus  alba,  g  f  Ounnitonii,  viii.  33. 

Qutrcui  alha,  0  <inu<i(a,  viil.  10. 

Quercus  alba,  y  mieroearpa,  vlll.  10. 

Quercua  alba  x  macrocarpa,  viii.  18. 

Quercus  alba  x  minor,  vKi.  18. 


Qnaraiu  alba  x  Frinua,  viU.  18,  tO. 

f  Quemu  atitna,  viil.  0. 

Qutreut  amhiguo,  viii.  130. 

(Jutmu  annulala,  viii.  71. 

Qutmt  aqualiea,  viii.  100. 

Qutrrus  dyuafim,  a  euneata,  Vti.  lOO. 

Quercut  aipmliia,  a  laur\/'otin,  viii.  100. 

Uu<rcM<  aipMlicn,  (  hileropKi/lta,  viii.  180. 

Qutrcui  atptatiea,  y  ettmgata,  viii.  100. 

Qutrcut  aipialica,  I  imlivita,  viil.  100. 

Qutrtut  aiiualira,  i  atltnuala,  viii.  lOA. 

QuercvM  a'/ua/ini,  ( t  myrltfiilia,  viii.  133. 

Qutreut  aijvalira,  var.  hybrida,  viil.  100. 

(^u<reuJ  arriiglandiM,  viii.  111. 

Queroua  Ariau'-ioa,  viii.  80. 

(^mtf  Autlriaca,  viii.  7. 

Querrm  Ballola,  viii.  7. 

Qutreut  Baloul,  viil.  7. 

Qutrau  lialoul,  vlli.  7. 

Qutrcut  Baniileri,  viii.  100. 

Quertui  berbtridf/olia,  viil.  IK. 

Qutrcut  bicolor,  viii.  03,  07. 

(^urnui  bieolnr,  $  mollit,  viii.  03. 

Qutrcut  bicnlor,  g  plalanoidt;  viii.  03. 

Qu«r<?u<  bicolor,  lubapec.  Mickauxii,  viii.  67. 

Quercua  brevlfolia,  viil.  171. 

Quercus  brevlfolia  x  Cateabiai,  viii.  173. 

Quercua  brevlfolia,  hybrida  of,  viii.  173. 

Quercua  breviloba,  viii.  71. 

Quercus  Ureweri,  viii.  37. 

Quercta  Britloni,  vlli.  103. 

Quercua,  buda  of,  vlll.  4. 

Qutrcut  Butrjerii,  viii.  11. 

Quercus  Bungeana,  viii.  3, 10. 

Qutrcut  calicina,  viii.  7. 

Quercus  Callfornica,  viii.  141. 

Qutrcut  Calliprinot,  a  arcuala,  viii.  10. 

Qu<rfu<  Catlanea,  viii.  61,  60. 

Quercus  Cateabtei,  Till.  143. 

Quercus  Caletbtri  X  aqualiea,  viii.  144. 

Queroua  Cateabni  x  laurifolia,  viii.  144. 

Quercus  Catesbai  X  nigra,  viii.  144. 

Quercus  Cerris,  viil.  3,  7. 

Quercus  Cerria,  buds  of,  viii.  4. 

Querous  Cerris  dentioulata,  viil.  7. 

Qu<rciM  Cerrit  f\itkamentis,  viil.  7. 

Quercus  Cerria,  hybrids  of,  vlli.  6. 

Quercus  ChapmanI,  viii.  41. 

Qutrcui  Chincapin,  viii.  60. 

Qutrcut  Chineniit,  vlll.  10. 

Quercus  chrysolepia,  viii.  105 ;  xiv.  103. 

Qu«rcui  chryiolepit,  viii.  100. 

Querous  chrysolepia,  subapeo.  Falmeri,  viil. 

Querous  chrysolepia,  subspeo.  vacciuiifolia, 

viil.  100. 
Qutrcut  eintrea,  viii.  171. 
Qu<rru<  cinrrra,  0  denlalo-lobata,  viii.  171. 
Quercui  cinerea,  y  kumilit,  viil.  171. 
Quercut  cinerea,  var.  pumila,  viii.  116. 
Quercus  coccifera,  vlli.  3, 10. 
Quercus  coccifera,  (  Palcstina,  viil.  10. 
Quercus  oocclnea,  viii.  133. 
Qufrctu  coccinea,  viil.  120. 
Quercu*  coccinea,  a  coccinea,  vlli.  133. 
Quercut  coccinea  fi,  viii.  130. 
Quercut  coccinea,  B  nigretceni,  viii.  137. 
Quercut  coccinea,  y  tinctoria,  viii.  137. 
t  Quercut  coccinea,  S  Rugelii,  viii.  137. 
Quercut  coccinea,  var.  ambigua,  viil.  125. 
Quercut  coccinea  var.  f  mieroearpa,  viii.  120. 
Quercua  coccinea  X  ilicifolia,  viii.  100. 
Qu«rcu<  conferlifolia,  viil.  117. 
Qu<rciM  crauipocula,  vlli.  106. 

Qutrcui  erinlla,  tII!.  T. 

Quercua  oriapula,  vlli.  0. 

Qutrcui  Cubana,  viii.  00. 

Qutrcui  oiiimta,  viil.  147. 

Querous  cuapidata,  vlli.  4,  11. 

QiMTCua  dtcipitni,  viil.  01, 

Quercua  danalHora,  viii.  18.1, 

Qutrcui  dini\/lora,  viii.  183. 

Quercua  denalHora,  var.  eohiooides,  viii.  188. 

Quercus  dentata,  viil.  3, 10. 

Quercus  digiUU,  viii.  147. 

Qutrrui  digilalii  pngodafolia,  zIt.  B1. 

Quercua  dilatata,  viii.  3,  0. 

Qiiercui  diicolor,  viii.  137,  147. 

Qutrcui  diicolor,  y  Baniiliri,  viii.  106. 

Queroua  Douglaaii,  viii.  70  |  xiv.  103. 

Qutrcui  Ihuglaaii,  g  t  (iamhelii,  viii.  ,'13. 

Quercut  Douglaiii,  y  Nommittieana,  viii.  33, 

Quercua  thuglaiii,  1 1  ffini,  viii.  30, 

Quercua  Drummonitii,  viii.  37. 

Qujroua  dumoea,  viil.  00. 

Quercua  dumota,  y  aculidmt  viii.  06. 

Quercua  dumota,  var.  bullala,  viii.  06. 

Quercua  dumom,  var.  munitu,  viii.  OC, 

Quercut  dumoia,  var.  polgcarpa,  viii.  OS. 

Quercus  dumosa,  var.  revoluta,  viil.  M. 

Quercut  Dunnii,  viii.  107. 

Quercut  £>uranifii,  viil.  71. 

Quercut  ecAinacen,  viii.  183. 

Querciu  ecbinoidit,  viil.  ITS. 

Querous,  econom'o  properties  of,  tUI.  3. 

Querous  ellipsoidalia,  xiv.  49. 

Quercut  tlongala,  viii.  147. 

Queroua  Emoryi,  viii.  103. 

Quercut  Emoryi,  vlli.  75,  89. 

Querous  Engelmnnni,  viii.  83. 

Q..eraus  Esculus,  li.  61. 

Quercut  Eiculut,  viii.  7. 

Quercut  expanta,  Tiii.  7. 

Quercut /a/ca(a,  tIU.  147. 

Quercut /a/cala,  0  Ludoviciana,  Tiii.  147. 

Quercut /ajcala,  0  triloba,  Till.  147. 

Quercut /a/cn(a,  var.  b  pagodcefolia,  viii.  147 ; 

xiv.  61. 
Quercui  Fendleri,  viii.  75. 
Quercui  ferruginea,  viii.  101. 
Quercut /u/oetcmt,  viii.  106. 
Querous,  fungal  diaeaaes  of,  viii.  4, 13. 
Queroua  Gamhelil,  viii.  33. 
Quercut  Oambelii,  var.  Ounniionii,  viii.  33. 
Queroua  Garryana,  viii.  20, 
Quercua  Garryana,  dwarf  form  of,  viii.  30. 
Quercus  Geurgiana,  vlll.  160. 
Quercus  Georglana  x  Marllandica,  viii.  150. 
Quercui  Oeorgiana  x  nigra,  viil.  ISO. 
Quorcua,  germination  of,  viii.  4. 
Quercut  Gilberli,  viii.  20. 
Querous  glabra,  vlli.  4, 11. 
Quercua  glauea,  viii.  4, 11. 
Quercut  Gramunlia,  viii.  7. 
Quercua  GrifBtbii,  vlll.  3, 6. 
Quercut  griiea,  viii.  75,  80. 
Queroua  groaaeaerrata,  viii.  6. 
Quercut  haitala,  viii.  103. 
Quercut  hemiipharica,  vlll.  105. 
Quercut  hemuiphasrica,  var.  nana,  viii.  105. 
Quercut  heterophylla,  viil.  180. 
Quercut  Hindsii,  viil.  23. 
Quercui  humilis,  viil.  171. 
Quercua,  hyb' i'    of,  viii.  5. 
Queroua  hy^i;.i(.u.  \,  viii.  117. 
Queroua  Ilex,  v      .  .  7. 
Quercut  Ilex  lubt.   ,a,  viii.  8. 
Quercua  Ilex,  7  Ballota,  viii.  7. 





Qiicmis  Hex,  var.  Ballota,  tiU.  3. 

Quercui  Uirtfolia,  riii.  1A5. 

Quercui  ilici/olia  X  rocrinM,  viii.  156. 

Querout  inibrieari*,  viii.  175  ;  xiv.  101. 

Quercui  imbricaria,  $  ipinulosHf  viii.  175. 

Queraa  imbricaria  X  comnfo,  viii.  176. 

Quarcus  imbricaria  x  Mariiandica,  viii.  176. 

Querctis  iMbricaria  X  ni^.-a,  viii.  176. 

Quercui  imbricaria  x  paluitri«,  viii.  177. 

Qiiercua  imbricaria  x  velutina,  riii.  170. 

Queroiis  ineaoa,  viii.  3,  10. 

Quercut  in/ecforta,  viii.  0. 

Qaftrcui,  insect  enemies  of,  viii.  4,  11. 

QuercuM  Iihabureruis,  viii.  8. 

Querouf,  ita  inoreaaa  in  North  America,  viii. 

Qufm$9  Jacobi,  viii.  29. 
Quernts  KeUogffii,  viii.  141. 
h>mtl-uji  ianata^  m  incana^  viii.  10. 
Qucrcus  laurifolia,  viii.  169. 
Quercttt  laurifiilia  hybridut  viii.  169. 
Querctu  lauri/olia,  a  acutu,  viii.  169. 
QuerciiS  lauri/oiia,  jB  oAftua,  viii.  169. 
Qucrcus  Leana^  viii.  170. 
Queniua  lobata,  viii.  23. 
Qttercus  lobata^  subapec.  fruticota,  viii.  27. 
Qucraui  lobata,  var.  Bicwerit  viii.  Ii7. 
QuercuM  lobata,  var.  Hindiii,  viii.  23., 
Querela  ImgiyUmda,  viii.  23. 
Qneroiu  Luaitanica,  viii.  3,  6. 
Qucrcus  Lusitanii  i,  a  gcnuina,  viii.  0- 
Querrus  Lu*'.t,fcnica,  m  infoctoria,  viii.  9. 
Q'.'.rrcus  Luaitanica,  aubapeo.  Batica,  «  Hir- 

bockii,  vi'i.  6. 
Qucn'u.;  Urata,  viii.  47. 
Querents  Mactkmaldi,  viii.  95. 
Qucrcus  Maclhmaldi,  var.  eUgantula,  viii.  95. 
ijuercua  macrocarpa,  viii.  43  ;  xiv.  103. 
fiufrcus  macrocarpa,  &  abbrcviata,  viii.  43. 
Qufrats  macrocarpa,  y  minor,  viii.  43. 
Querctis  macrocarpa,  var.  o/itw/ormu,  tiii.  43. 
Qiicmts  macroiffHS,  viii.  8. 
Qticmis  marginata,  viii.  11. 
Cjitercus  MariUndica,  viii.  101. 
Quercua  Marilandica  x  nana,  viii.  162. 
Qucrcus  maritime,  viii.  100. 
Qiiercua,  medical  properties  of,  viii.  3. 
Qturcus  Mexicana,  y  Cfm/erti/olia,  viii.  117. 
Quercus  Miehauxii,  viii.  07. 
QuercuB  minor,  viii.  37. 
Qucrcua  minor  x  alba,  viii.  38. 
Qucrcus  ^f^rhccl'ii,  viii.  6. 
Quercua  Mongoliea,  viii.  3,  6. 
Qucrcus  montana,  viii.  51. 
Qucrcus  Morehus,  viii.  120. 
Qucrcus  jfuehlcnl^ergii,  viii.  'tii. 
Qicrcus  MuchUnbcrgii,  var.  humilis,  viii.  59. 
Quercui  myrtifalia,  viii.  12^t ;  xiv.  103. 
Qiiercua  nana,  v)>i.  155. 
f  Quercus  nana,  viii.  105. 
Querrus  nana  X  coccittea,  vi.;    150. 
QuemiK  liana  x  velutina,  viii.  I.'jO. 
Quercus  AVfW,  viii.  1*9. 
QuercMS  nifp*a,  viii.  lO-***. 
Quercus  nigra,  viii.  8,  137,  101. 
<^ii*rotiji  nigra  iligitata,  viii.  147. 
Q'iercus  ntgra  int»  gri/oiia,  viii.  101. 
Q'lercus  ntgra  trijidn,  viii.  Km. 
Qtercus  nigra,  a  a'juatira,  viii.  105. 
Quercus  nigra,  B,  viii.  101. 
Querctis  nigra,  fl  latifttlia,  viii.  161. 
Quercus  nigra,  0  'luintjuflofia,  viii.  101. 
Quercut  nigra,  6  truUntata,  viii.  170, 
t  Quercut  nigra,  y  sinuata,  viii.  1 14. 

Quercui  nigra,  var.,  viii.  180. 

Queroua  oblongifolia,  viii.  87. 

Quercus  oblongi/olia,  viii.  75,  83  ;  xiv.  103. 

f  Qttercus  oblongi/oliat  viii.  79. 

Quercus  ohlongi/olia,  var.  brevilobata,  viii.  79. 

Quercus  obovfUCt  viii.  10. 

Quercus  obtufa,  viii.  100. 

Qucrcus  obtusi/olia,  var,  f  brevilobOi  \iii.  71. 

Quercus  obtusiloba,  riii.  37. 

Quercui  oblusiioba,  var.  parvi/olia,  viii.  41. 

Queroua  occidentalis,  viii.  3,  9. 

Quercus  (ErsttdUma,  xiv.  103. 

f  Qttercus  (Srstcdiana,  viii.  27, 29. 

Qtttratit  oltoidcs,  viii.  99. 

Quercus  div<tformis,  viii.  43. 

Quercus  oxyadenia,  viii.  111. 

Queroua  pag;odie folia,  xiv.  51. 

QtiCTfUh  PaUstina,  viii.  10, 

Qticrcui  Palmeri,  viii.  107. 

Quercua  paluatris,  viii.  151  ;  xiv,  104. 

Quercus  palustris,  viii.  129. 

Quercut paluitrit,  $  cucullata,  viii.  151. 

Quercui  parvttla,  viii.  119. 

Quercus  pcduncuiata,  vir.  6. 

Queroua  Persica,  viii,  8. 

Querctu  Phelloa,  viii.  179. 

Quercus  PhcUos  {maritima),  viii.  100. 

Quercxts  Phellos  (pumila),  viii.  116. 

Querctts  Phellos  sempercirens,  viii.  99. 

Quercus  Phellos  (sylmtica),  viii.  179, 

Querc*u  Phellos,  c,  viii.  99. 

Quercus  Phellos,  a  longifolia,  viii.  179. 

Querela  Phellos,  a  viridis,  viii.  179. 

Quercut  Phelha,  &,  viii.  99,  171, 

Quercus  Phellos,  $  hrevi/olia.  viii.  171. 

Quercus  Phellos,  $  humilis,  viii.  171. 

Querrus  Phellos,  0  imbricaria,  viii.  175. 

Quercus  Phelloa.  B  tati/oiia,  viii.  171. 

Quercus  Phellos,  B  sericea,  viii.  171. 

Quercut  Phellos,  0  sufitmbriraria,  viii.  181. 

Queraa  Phellos,  y  ofttusiftilia,  viii   99. 

Querrns  Phellos,  B  subrepanda,  viii.  179. 

Quercut  Phellos,  »  nana,  viii.  115. 

Quercus  Phellos,  t  subUtlmta,  viii.  179. 

Quercut  Phellot,  var.  viii.  180. 

Quercus  Phellits,  var.  armaria,  viii.  123. 

Quercut  Phellos,  var.  lauri/oliu,  viii.  169. 

Quercus  Phellos  x   coccinea,  viii.  180. 

Quercut  Phellos  X   ilici/olia,  viii.  181. 

Queroua  Phellos  x  Mariiandica,  viii.  181. 

Quercus  Phellos  x  nana,  viii.  181. 

Quercus  Phellos  X   nigra,  viii.  181. 

Quercus  Phellos  x   rubra,  viii.  180, 

Querctts  Phellos  x   tindtn-ia,  viii.  180. 

Quercut  Phellos  x   velutina,  viii.  180. 

Q'iercus  pinnatifida,  viii.  10. 

Qucrcus  platatioides,  viii.  63. 

Qncrcni  prinuidas,  viii.  59. 

Quercus  prinoides,  viii.  55. 

Quercus  Prinus,  viii.  51. 

Quercus  Prinus,  viii.  67. 

Qtterais  Prinus  amminata,  viii.  55. 

Qiierrtwt  Prinus  Chincnpin,  viii.  59. 

Qtierrii*  Prinus  ttiscoior,  viii.  Oil. 

QueritiS  Prinus  humilis,  viii.  59. 

Qiiemis  Prinus  (mnntitfila),  viii,  51. 

Querriij  Pnmts  (fialusfris),  viii,  07. 

Qtiercus  Prinus  {pumilo),  viii.  59. 

Quernw  Prinus  tometitosa,  vii'.  63. 

Qft^cus  Primis,  a  lata,  viii.  51. 

f  Querctis  Prinus,  a  jfOrvi/oUa,  viii.  51. 

Quen'^is  Prinus,  0  hirolor,  viii.  03. 

7  Qucrcus  PrinuH,  0  oMon^ata,  viii.  51. 

Quercru  Prinus,  0  ptatanoides,  viii.  63. 

Quereus  Prinus,  var.  discolor,  viii.  67. 

Quercus  Prinus,  var.  Miehauxii^  viii.  67. 

Quercut  Prgami,  viii.  8. 

Quercut  pteudo-cocci/era,  viii.  10. 

Quercui  pubetcent,  viii.  8. 

Quuroua  pumila,  viii.  115. 

Quercus  pumila,  var.  tericea,  viii.  116. 

Quercus  pungent,  viii.  75. 

Quercus  Pyrenaiea,  viii.  8. 

Quercus  Ramomi,  viii.  79. 

Queroua  reticulata,  viii.  91. 

f  Quercus  reticultUa,  $  Ortggii,  viii.  91. 

Quercut  rttusa,  viii.  99. 

Quercua  Robur,  viii.  3,  6. 

Quercus  Robur,  viii.  0. 

Quercus  Robur  pedunaUata,  viii.  6. 

Quercus  Kobur,  aubspeo.  pedunoulata,  viii.  61 

Quercua  Robur,  aubapeo.  aeuiliflora,  viii.  6. 

Quercut  rotundifolia,  viii.  7. 

Quercus  rubra,  viii.  125. 

Quercut  rubra,  viii.  129,  141,  147. 

Quercttt  rttbra  dtssecta,  viii.  151. 

Qiercus  rubra  maxima,  viii.  126. 

Quercus  rubra  montana,  viii.  125. 

f  Queratt  rubra  tnontana,  viii.  147. 

Querrus  rubra  nana,  viii.  155. 

Qttercus  rubra  ramosissima,  viii.  161. 

Quercus  rubra,  a  tnridit,  viii.  125. 

Quercus  ru/;ra,  b,  viii.  125. 

Quercus  rubra,  c  Schre/eldii,  viii.  126. 

Querois  rubra,  a  latifoliu,  viii.  125. 

Q  lercus  rubra,  0,  viii.  Vl't,  147, 

7  Qttercat  rubra,  0  coccinea,  viii.  133. 

QueroiS  rttbra,  jB  Hispanica,  viii.  147. 

Quercus  rubra,  0  rttncinata,  viii.  120. 

f  Quercus  rubra,  y  Muhlenbergii,  viii.  125. 

Qiierctw  rubra,  y  subserrata,  viii.  125. 

Quercus  rubra,  S  heterophylla,  viii.  126. 

Quercua  rubra,  •  aurea,  viii.  126. 

Quercttt  rttha,  var.  Texana,  viii.  129. 

Quercus  rubra  X  digitata,  viii.  120. 

Quercua  rubra  x  imbricaria,  viii.  120. 

Quercus  rubra  X   velutiiia,  viii.  126. 

Quercus  Rudkini,  viii.  181. 

Quercua,  Baccbarine  exudationa  from,  viii,  8. 

Quercua  Sndlenuna,  viii.  01. 

Quern*s  Sagrcrana,  viii,  1)9, 

Querctts  San-Sabeana,  viii.  71. 

Quercus,  aections  of,  viii.  4. 

Qtjercus  scmftcrvirens,  viii.  99. 

Qucrcus  sericea,  viii.  115, 

Quercua  serrata,  viii.  3,  10. 

Quercus  terrata,  viii.  10. 

Quercus  scrrntn,  a  Vhinensit,  viii.  10. 

Quercus  aerrata,  0  Uoxburghii,  viii.  10. 

QuM-cus  sessiliflora,  viii.  6, 

Qttercus  sessilijlora,  var.  Afongolica,  viii.  6. 

Quercus  Shumarati,  viii.  137. 

Quercus  stnttata,  viii.  144. 

Qttercus  Sonomensis,  viii.  141, 

Quentts  spii'ota,  viii.  91. 

Querctts  ftellata,  viii.  37,  41. 

Quercus  stellata,  0  Flondana,  viii.  37. 

Qu^rn.'.*  stellatn,  y  depressa,  viii.  45. 

Querctis  stellata,  8  Utahetisis,  viii.  33. 

Qrj^rru*  st'tloni/rra,  viii.  8. 

Quercus  Suber,  viii.  3,  8. 

Qttercus  7\iitzin,  viii.  8. 

Quercus  Texana,  viii.  129;  xiv,  104, 

Querriix  (inrforia,  viii.  137. 

Qnerrtis  tinrturin,  a  anipdosa,  viii.  137. 

Qutmin  tinrttiria,  a  di*r>ni>r,  viii.  137- 

Quernts  tinrturia,  0  tHaijHifira,\m.  137. 

Quercus  tinctoria,  0  sinuoxa,  viii.  137. 




QunvtM  tineloria,  y  maerophylla,  viii.  137. 
QutTcm  lincloria,  I  nobilii,  viii.  137. 
Querau  lincloria.  Tar.  Califomica,  nii.  141. 
Quereui  tomGntells,  viii.  100 ;  zir.  103. 
Queroas  Toumeyi,  viii.  03. 
Qnenu$  Tourne/orlii,  viii.  7. 
Quaroiu  Tout,  viii.  3,  7. 
Quercut  triloba,  viii.  147. 
Qutrcut  Trojana,  viii.  8. 
Quercut  lurbintlla,  viii.  75,  95. 
Quermt  uliginoia,  viii.  165. 
Querous  undulata,  viii.  75. 
Quercut  undulala,  viii.  33,  71. 
Quercut  undulala,  ■  Oambelii,  viii.  33. 
Quercut  undulala,  fi  obluti/olia,  viii.  75. 
Quel  cut  undulala,  yJamesii,  viii.  76. 
Quercut  undulala,  y  peduneulala,  viii.  76. 
Quercut  undulala,  >  gritea,  viii.  87. 
Quercut  undulala,  I  WrigHtii,  viii.  76. 
Quercut  undulala,  var.  gritea,  viii.  76,  87,  80. 
Quercut    undulala,  var.   oblongata,  viii.   76, 

Quercut  undulala,  var.  pungent,  viii.  75,  05. 
Qucrciu  Ungeri,  viii.  8. 
Qiwrctu  vacciniifolia,  viii.  100 
QiwrctM  Faljonea,  viii.  8. 
Queroiu  velutina,  viii.  137  ;  xiv.  104. 
Quercut  venuslula,  viii.  33. 
f  Quercut  villota,  viii.  37. 
Quercut  virent,  viii.  90. 
Quep^ut  virent,  var.  dentala,  viii.  101. 
I  j<rciM  in'retu,  var.  marilima,  viii.  100. 
QuercuB  Virginiana,  viii.  90. 
Quercua  Virginiana,  var.  maritima,  viii.  100. 
Quoroiia  Virginiana,  var.  minima,  viii.  101. 
Quercua  Wislizeni,  viii.  110. 
Quercut  Witlizeni,  ytit.  frutetceni,  viii.  110. 
Quercua  Wializeui  x  Californica,  viii.  120. 
Quercut  Wiiliteni  X  Kelloggii,  viii.  120. 
Quick  Beam,  iv.  80. 

Racka,  vi.  105. 

Railway  tiea  from  Pinue  paluatria,  xi.  164. 

Kaki,  iv.  10. 

Ramnlaria  albo-maoulata,  vii.  134. 

Ramularia  Celtidia,  vii.  05. 

Ramulara  Hamameliilis,  v.  2. 

Ramularir.  monilioidea,  iz.  86. 

Rattle  'ioz,  vi.  22. 

Rauwofia,  vi.  101. 

Ravent  I,  Henry  William,  viii.  160. 

Ravenelia,  viii.  IGO. 

Ueasoner,  Pliny  Ward,  xiv.  77. 

Red  Ash  vi.  40. 

Kt'd  Bay,  vii.  4. 

Kc('.  lieech,  ii.  23. 

Kcil  Hircb,  ix.  01  ;  xiv.  53. 

Kcdbnd,  iii.  96,  97. 

Red  Cedar,  x.  93,  129  ;  xiv.  89,  93. 

Ked  Cedar  oil,  x.  95. 

Rod  Cypress,  x.  154. 

Ui-d  Khii,  vii.  52,  53  ;  xiv  41. 

R.d  Fir,  xii.  87,  133,  137. 

Rvil  Gum,  V.  12. 

Rod  Maw,  siii.  71,  81,  8.1,  85,  101,  113,  115, 

117,  119,  125,  129,  13;i,  146, 181. 
Rrd  lroii-wo<Hl,  ii.  21. 
Red  Miiple,  ii.  107  ;  liii.  11. 
Rrd  Mnplo,  distriliutinii  of,  xlii.  11. 
Red  Mullwrry,  vii.  79. 
Red  Oak,  viii.  12."),  129  ;  xiv.  51. 
Red  I'ino,  xi.  07. 
Red  I'Ine  of  .liipnn,  xi.  7. 
Red  riuiii,  iv.  15. 

B«d  Spruce,  xii.  33. 

Red  Stopper,  v.  40. 

Redwood,  x.  141. 

Rephetit,  vii.  01. 

Reain,  Hemlock,  xii.  6.j. 

Reain  of  Liquidaunbav  Formoiana,  v.  8. 

Rcain  of  Liquidambar  Styraei6ua,  v.  8. 

Reainoua  product*  of  Piuua  Pinaatar,  zi.  7. 

Retema,  iii.  80. 

Retinia  fruatrana,  xi.  117. 

Retinotpora,  x.  97. 

Relinotpora  flicoidet,  z.  08. 

Retinotpora  Jilifera,  x.  09. 

hetinotpora  lycopodioidet,  x.  98. 

Retinotpora  obluta,  z.  98. 

Retinotpora  piti/era,  z.  08. 

Retinotpora  tquarrota,  z.  00. 

Ratinoaporaa,  Japaneae,  forms  of,  x.  09. 

P«verchon,  Julian,  ziii.  176. 

Reynosia,  ii.  10. 

Reynoaia  latifolia,  ii.  21. 

Reynoao,  Alvaro,  ii.  10. 

Rhagium  lineatum,  zi.  11 ;  zii.  26. 

RnAHNACEjE,  ii.  19. 

Rhamuidium,  ii.  27. 

Rhamnidium  ferreum,  ii.  29. 

Rhamnidium  revolutum,  ii.  21. 

Rhamuua,  ii.  31. 

Rkamnut  alni/olia,  ii.  37. 

Rhamnut  Califomica,  ii.  37,  30. 

Rhamnut  Califomica,  var.  rubra,  ii.  37. 

Rhamnut  Califomica,  var.  tomenlella,  ii.  39. 

Rbamnus  Caroliniana,  ii.  35  ;  ziv.  90. 

Rhamnus  cathartica,  ii.  32. 

Rhamnut  chiorophora,  ii.  32. 

Rhamnut  colubrina,  ii.  47. 

Rbamnua  crocea,  ii.  33. 

Rhamnut  crocea,  ii.  34. 

Rbamnus  crocea,  var.  insularia,  ii.  34. 

Rbamnua  crocea,  var.  pilosa,  ii.  33. 

Rbamnua  Davurica,  ii.  32. 

Rhamnut  ellipfca,  ii.  40. 

Rhamnut  ftrrea,  ii.  20. 

Rbamnua  Frangula,  ii.  32,  36. 

Rhamnut  iguaneui,  vii.  64. 

Rhamnus  ilirifolia,  ii.  33. 

Rhamnus  infectoria,  ii.  32. 

Rhamnut  imutarit,  ii.  34. 

Rhamnus  lavigatus,  ii.  21. 

Rhamnus  laurifolia,  ii.  37. 

Rhamnus  oteifolia,  ii.  37. 

Rbamnua  Purshiana,  ii.  37  ;  xiv.  00. 

Rbamnua  Purshiana,  var.  tomentella,  ii.  39. 

Rhamnus  rubra,  ii.  37,  38. 

Rbamnus  tinctoria,  ii.  32. 

Rhat^nus  tomentella,  ii.  30. 

Rhamnus  tililis,  ii.  32. 

Hhapis  acaulis,  x.  38. 

Rhelinophlceum,  iii.  81. 

Rhigin,  vi.  113. 

Rliizucoccus  Quercua,  viii.  11. 

Rhizophora,  v.  13. 

Rhizophora  Americana,  v.  15. 

Rhizophora  api'tdata,  v.  14. 

Rhizophora  cawlelaria,  v.  14. 

Rhizophora  coiijugata,  v.  13. 

Rhizophora  marrorrhiza,  v.  14. 

Rliizophura  Mniigle,  v.  15  ;  xiv.  101. 

Ithiziiphora  Mangle,  v.  14. 

Rluzoptiont  Mnuf^le,  a,  v.  15. 

Rhizoph-irii  Mangle,  var.  raeemosa,  v.  15. 

Klii/itphom  iiiurroniita,  v.  14. 

Jthizitphora  raremitsu,  v.  15. 

RlLIZOl'IHUlACK.V.,  v.  13. 

Rhododendron,  v.  143. 
Rhododendron,  v.  143. 
Rhododendron  aaruginoium,    .  146. 
Rhododendron  Afghanioum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  Anthopogon,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  arboreacena,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  arboreum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  aurevm,  v.  145. 
Rbodoi^endron  azaleoidea,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  bicolor,  v.  1-16. 
Rhododendron  calendulaceum,  v.  140. 
Rhododertdron  calendulaceum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  campanulatum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  Camtacbaticum,  v.  144. 
Rhododendron  canescent,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  Catawbienae,  v.  147. 
Rhododendron  chryaantbum,  t.  146. 
Rhododendron  cinnabarinum,  v.  146, 
Rhododendron  Due  de  Brabant,  v.  160, 
Rhododendron  elatagrmdes,  v.  145. 
Rhododendron  ferrugineum,  v.  144. 
Rhododendron  flavum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron,  fungal  enemiea  of,  v.  147. 
Rhododendron    hybrid,    Delicatiaaimum,  r. 

Rhododendron  Indicum,  v.  146, 147. 
Rhododendron  jaaminiHorum,  v.  147. 
Rhododendron  Javanicum,  v.  147. 
Rhododendron  Lapponicum,  v.  144. 
Rhododendron  lepidotum,  v.  145. 
Rhododendron,  Madame  van  Houtte,  v.  150. 
Rhododendron  maximum,  v,  148. 
Rhododendron  maximum,  var.  album,  v.  140. 
Rhododendron  maximum,  var.  purpureum, 

v.  140. 
Rhododendron  maximum,  var.  roseum,  v.  140. 
Rhododendron,  medical  properties  of,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  motle,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  nudiflorum,  v.  140. 
Rhododendron  oecidontale,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  odoratum,  v.  140. 
Rhododendron  officinale,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron,  poiaonoua  propertiea  of,   v. 

Rhododendron  Ponticnm,  v.  147. 
Rhododendron  Ponticum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  procerum,  v.  "48. 
Rhmtodendron  purpureum,  v.  149. 
Rhodmtendron  Purshii,  v.  149. 
Rhododendron  salignum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  Sinense,  v.  140. 
Rhododendron  speciosum,  v.  147. 
Rhododendron  visrosum,  v.  146. 
Rhododendron  Wellsianum,  v.  150. 
Rhododendrons,  Catawbienae,  v.  146, 147. 
Rhododendrons,  cultivated,  v.  145. 
Rhododendrons,  hybrid,  v.  145. 
Rbo<lodcndrons,  .Tavanesc,  v.  ?40, 147. 
Rhmlodemiros,  v.  129,  137. 
Rhodora,  v.  143. 
Rbodornstrum,  v.  144. 
Rhotlothamnus  Kamlsihaliais,  v.  144. 
Rhus,  iii.  7. 
Rhus,  iii.  1. 

Rhus  aromatica,  iii.  10. 
Rhus  Canadensis,  iii.  10  j  xiv.  99. 
Rhus  copnllina,  iii.  19  ;  xiv.  100. 
Rhus  copallina,  var.  angiistiulnta,  iii.  21. 
Rhus  copallina,  var.  angustifnlia,  iii.  21. 
Rhus  copallina,  var.  integrifolia,  iii.  21. 
Rhus  L'opalliim,  var.  Itineeoluta,  iii.  20. 
Uliiis  oopullina,  var.  latialata,  iii.  21. 
Ulms  copntliua,  var.  latifolia,  iii.  21. 
Rhus  copallina,  var.  Icucanthn,  iii.  21. 





Rbui  copallina,  rar,  Mrnta,  iii.  21. 

Rhui  CoriarU,  iii,  0. 

Rhm  colinoida,  iii.  3. 

Hhui  Colimu,  iii.  2,  3. 

RhuB  glabra,  iii.  9,  IG. 

Rhus  liirta,  liv.  99. 

Rhus  hypKlodtndron,  lir.  99. 

Rhut  integrifolia,  iii.  27. 

Hhus  integri/olia,  iii.  10. 

Rhm  integrifolia,  var.  $errttla,  iii.  27. 

Rhui  leucatuha,  iii.  21. 

Rlius  liicida,  iii.  10. 

Rhut  Metopiuni,  iii.  13  ;  xiv.  99. 

Rhus  ovata,  iii.  10. 

Rhm  Orfnulopium,  iii.  13. 

Rhua  semialata,  iii.  9,  10. 

Rhus  succedanea,  iii.  8. 

Rliiu  Toxicodendron,  Iii.  0,  10. 

Rhiu  Toxicodendron,  poitouoiu  properties  of, 

iii.  10. 
Rhua  tjrphina,  iii.  15  ;  xir.  99. 
Rhm  tjiphina,  xiv.  90. 
Rhm  ti/phiiui,  fi  viridiflora,  xir.  100. 
Rhus  tjfphina,  rar.  arborfscms,  iii.  15. 
Rhm  ii/phina,  yu.  frutescens,  iii.  15. 
Rhm  renenala,  ill.  23. 
Rhua  Tcmicifera,  Iii.  8. 
Rhua  Vemix,  iii.  2a 
Rhus  Vemiz,  iii.  8. 
Rhm  viridijiarum,  xiy.  99,  ICO. 
RhuB-tallow,  iii.  0. 
Rhjtiama  acerinum,  ii.  81. 
Rhytlama  punctatam,  ii.  81. 
Rbjtisnia  sallclnum,  ix.  101. 
Rhjrtiama  Si  aaafraa,  vii.  15. 
Rhytiaiua  Vaocinii,  t.  117. 
"Riga,  Pine,  xi.  6. 
Rigidie,  ix.  96. 
Ringach.  le,  xi.  11. 
Ripselaiis,  ix.  95. 
Ripsoctis,  ix.  95. 
River  Uircb,  ix.  61. 
Roberlia,  v.  163. 
Robin,  Jean,  ill.  38. 
Robin,  Veapaaien,  iii.  38. 
Robinia,  iii.  37. 
Robinia  bella-roaea,  iii.  46. 
Robinia  dubia,  ill.  46. 
Robiuia  fasligiata,  iii.  42. 
Rflbinia  fraffiliSf  iii.  39. 
Robinia  giutinosa.  III.  45. 
Robinia  blapldx.  ill.  37. 
Robinia  inermis,  til.  41. 
Robinia  N'eo-Meiicana,  III.  43. 
Robiuia  Paeudacacia,  ill.  39. 
Robinia  Pseudacai:la,  va..  crlspa.  III.  42. 
Robinia   Paeudavocia,  rar.    Deoaiineana,  iii. 

Robinia  Paeudacacia,  var.  diaaecta.  III.  42. 
Koblnia  Paeudacacia,  var.  inermis,  III.  41. 
Hobinia  Paeudacacia,  var.  latiBlli(|ua,  ill.  42. 
Robinia  Paeudacacia,  var.  macrophylla,  111.42. 
Koblnia    Paeudacacia,   var.  inlcropbylla,   ill. 

Robinia  Paeudacacia,   var.   monophylla,  ill. 

Robinia  Paeudacacia,  var.  pendula,  ill.  42. 
iiobluia  Paeudacacia,  var.   pyramidalla,   Hi. 

Robinia  Paeudacacia,  var.  tortuoaa,  ill.  42. 
Robinia  Pscudacacla,  var.  umbracullfera.  III. 

Robinia  aiKdabilif,  iii.  41. 
Robtnia  stncta,  III.  42. 

Robinia  UUerharti,  iii.  41. 

Robinia  viaooMt,  iii.  45. 

Robur,  riii.  4. 

Rock  Cedar,  x.  01. 

Rook  Cheatnut  Oak,  vUi.  Bl. 

Rock  Elm,  vii.  45,  47. 

Rock  Maple,  ii.  97. 

Rook  Oak,  riii.  66. 

Roatelia  aurantiaoa,  x.  73. 

Raatelia  Botrjapitei,  x.  101. 

RiBatcKa  comuta,  iv.  70. 

Raatelia  pjrata,  It.  70,  84. 

Ro>BtelLi<  on  Pjrrua  and  Cratogni,  iv.  70,  M 

Romaleum  atomarium,  vii.  04. 

Romana,  Pnmard,  iv.  6. 

RoeACi«,  It.  1 ;  xiii.  21. 

Soae  Apple,  v.  41. 

Rose  Bay,  v.  148. 

Boaes,  ix.  96. 

Roeemarjr  Pine,  xi.  113. 

Roain,  xi.  3. 

Rospidios,  vi.  1. 

Rothrock,  Joeeph  Trimble,  riii.  92. 

Roumea  coriacea,  vii.  27. 

Rowan-tree,  Scottiah,  iv.  69. 

Royal  Palm,  i.  31. 

RuBiACit.K,  T.  103  ;  xiv.  25. 

Rudbfchia,  v.  23. 

Rugel,  Ferdinand,  ix.  110. 

Rugelia,  ix.  110. 

Rugenia,  v.  30. 

Kum  Cherry,  Iv.  46. 

Running  Oak,  viil.  116. 

Rnaaian  Mulberry,  vii.  76. 

Ruat,  Spruce,  xii.  26. 

Ruata  on  Pyrua,  iv.  70. 

Rutacej:,  1.  65. 

Rydberg,  Per  Axel,  xir.  69. 

Sabal,  X.  37. 

Sabal  Adansoni,  x.  38. 

Sabal,  economic  properties  of,  x.  38. 

Sabal  iCtonIa,  x.  38. 

Sabal,  fungal  diaeases  of,  x.  38. 

Sabal,  germination  of,  x.  38. 

Sabal  glabra,  x.  38. 

Sabal  Meiicana,  x.  43. 

Sabal  minor,  x.  38, 

Sabal  Palmetto,  x.  41. 

Sabal  Palmetlo  (7),  x.  43. 

Sabal  pumita,  x.  38. 

Sabal  temlata,  xir.  76. 

Sablcd,  ill.  127. 

Sablua,  x.  70. 

Sahina,  x.  09. 

Sahina  Dermudiano,  x.  70. 

Sabina  Cali/omica,  x.  79. 

Sabitia  cictlia,  x.  71. 

Snhitiajlacatln.  x.  83. 

Sabina  yigantm.  x.  70,  141,  146. 

Sabina  isnphylt"s,  x.  71. 

Sabina  Mexicann,  r.  70. 

Sabina  occiilentalni,  x  87. 

Sabina  otteosprrma,  x.  79. 

Sabina  pachyphlaa,  x.  85. 

Sabina  ptoi-hydfrma,  x.  86. 

Sabina  potycarpof,  x.  71. 

Sabina  proctra,  x.  70. 

Sahina  rentrva,  x.  70. 

Sahina  rerurva,  var.  a  tenuifolia,  x.  70. 

Sahitia  rfcurva,  var.  0  dfnsa,  x.  70. 

Sahina  n-ligiusa,  x.  70. 

Sahina  souatnata,  x.  71. 

Sabina  Itlragona,  x.  01. 

Sabina  Virjiniana,  x.  03. 

Sabine,  Joseph,  xi.  07. 

Sabinea,  xi.  07. 

Saoidium  Symplooi,  ri.  14. 

Saok-bearer,  Larch,  xii,  6, 

Sadler,  John,  viil,  62, 

SauCACEiK,  ix.  95, 

Saliolne,  ix,  100, 

Salix,  ix.  96. 

Salix  ^gypHaea,  ix.  06. 

Sollx  Alaxenais,  xir.  05. 

Salix  alba,  ix.  08. 

Salix  alba,  oconomio  properties  of,  ix.  98. 

Salix  alba  in  the  United  States,  ix.  08. 

Salix  alba,  $,  ix.  98. 

Salix  alba,  B  viltllina,  ix.  08. 

Salix  alba,  y,  ix.  98. 

Salix  alba,  aubapeo.  Pavuachiana,  ix.  97. 

Salix  alba,  var.  ccerulea,  Ix.  96. 

Salix  alba  x  lucida,  ix.  97. 

7  Salix  amblgua,  ix.  103. 

Salix  ampUxicaulis,  ix.  100. . 

Salix  amplifolia,  xir.  67. 

Salix  aniygdaloidea,  ix.  111. 

Sollx,  androgynoua  amenta  of,  ix.  OS. 

Salix  angmlala,  ix.  136. 

Salix  anguslata  crassa,  ix.  136. 

Salix  argula,  Ix.  116. 

Salix  arguta  lasiandra,  ix.  115. 

Salix  argyrocarpa  x  pbylicifolia,  ix.  97. 

Salix  argyrophyUa,  ix.  124. 

Salix  amtralis,  ix.  08. 

Salix  Amiriaca,  ix.  100. 

Salix  balsamlfera,  xir.  6i. 

Salix  balsamlfera  alpestria,  xiv.  63. 

Salix  balaamifera  lanceolata,  xir.  03. 

Salix  balsamlfera  typica,  xiv.  63. 

Salix  balaamifera  rcgeta,  xir.  63. 

Salix  liaumgarteniana,  ix.  100. 

Salix  Bebbiaua,  U.  131  ;  xi-  104. 

Salix  bifurcala,  ix.  100. 

Salix  Bigelorii,  ix.  130. 

Salix  Bigelovii,  a  lali/olia,  ix.  139. 

Salix  Bigelovii,  b  angusti/olia,  ix.  139. 

Salix  Bigelorii,  rar.  fmcior,  ix.  139. 

Salix  bigemmis,  ix.  99. 

Salix  Donplandiana,  ix.  110. 

Salix  Bonplandiana,  f> /Hillida,  ix.  119. 

Salix  Bonplandiana,  aubapec.  pallida,  ix.  119. 

Salix  brachystachys,  ix.  142. 

Salix  brachystachys,  $  Scouleriana  crassijtilis, 

ix.  142. 
Salix  brachystachys,  aubspec.  Scouleriana,  Ix. 

Salix    brachystachys,     subspec.     Scouleriana 

tenuijulis,  Ix.  142. 
Salix  Cautonienala,  ix.  08. 
Salix  Cajiensis,  Ix.  98. 
Salix  capreoides,  ix.  142. 
Satix  Carniolica,  Ix.  100. 
Salix  Cnroliniana,  ix.  103. 
Satiz  cinerea,  ix.  99. 
Salij  coerulea,  ix.  98. 
Salix  conrnlor,  ix.  100. 
Salix  cordata,  Ix.  135. 

Satii  cordata,  B  anguslata,  1°  discolor,  ix.  107. 
Salix  cordata,  y  Mackcnzieina,  Ix.  135. 
Salix  cordata,  auljapec.  angustata,  Ix.  1.16. 
.SVi/i>  curdata,  aubapec.  angustata  discolor,  Ix. 

Salix  cordata,  subspec.  angvslata  viridula,  ix. 

Salix  cordata,  subspec.  angmtata  vitellina,  ix. 




Sola  cordala,  inbtpM.  Maeimxieana,  'a.  136. 
Salix  cordala,  aubipeo.  rigida,"a.  136. 
Saiix  cordala,  >ubsp«a.  rifida,  %  tal\folia,  ix. 

Salix  cordala,  subapco,  rigida,  b  angutli/olia, 

U.  136. 
Salix  coril"'!,  sub«p«c.  rigida,  d  vtttila,  a. 

Salix  cordala.  Tar.  haUamifera,  liT.  63. 

Salix  cordala,  var.  lulea,  ix.  136. 

Salii  cordata,  var.  Maokenzieana,  ix.  136. 

Salix  cordala,  var.  myricoida,  ix.  07. 

Salix  eordata,  rar.  rigida,  ix.  136. 

5a/iz  cordala,  var.  vatila,  ix.  136, 137. 

Salix  eordata  X  Candida,  ix.  07. 

Salix  eordata  X  incana,  ix.  07. 

Salix  eordata  X  petiolaria,  ix.  07. 

Salix  cordala  X  rotlrala,  136. 

Salix  eordata  X  Kricea,  ix.  97. 

Salix  cordala  X  va^ru,  ix.  136. 

Saiix  Coulleri,  ix.  149. 

S<Uix  cratta,  ix.  134. 

Salix  cuntala,  ix.  140. 

Salix  daphnoides,  ix.  00. 

Salix  daphnoidea,  economio  prop«rtiea  of,  ix. 

Salix  decipietu,  ix,  00. 
Salix  discolor,  ix.  133. 
Salix  discolor,  ix.  100. 
Salix  discolor,  iubip«e.  eriocephala,  ix.  134. 
Salix  discolor,  aubapec.  eriocephala  var.  parvi- 

flora,  ix.  134. 
Salix    discolor,    aubapec.    eriocephala,    var. 

ru/escens,  ix.  134. 
Salix  discolor,  aubapec.  prinoides,  ix.  134. 
Salix  diaeolor,  var.  eriocephala,  ix.  134. 
Salix  discolor,  var.  prinoidea,  ix.  134. 
Salix,  economic  propertiea  of,  ix.  100. 
5a/tx  Elbrtuensis,  ix.  100. 
Salic  eriocephala,  ix.  134. 
Salix  exceUa,  ix.  99. 
Salix  exigua,  ix.  124. 
Salix  falcala,  ix.  07, 104. 
Salix  Fendleriana,  ix.  116. 
Salix  Jissa,  ix.  99. 
Salix  flavetceru,  ix.  141, 142. 
Salix  ftavescens,  var.  capreoides,  ix.  142. 
Salix  flavescetu,  var.  Scouleriana,  ix.  142. 
Salix  Jtavo-cireru,  ix.  103. 
Salix  flexibilis,  ix.  08. 
Salix  fluTiatilia,  ix.  123. 
Snlix  Huviatilis,  var.  argyrophylla,  ix.  124. 
Salix  lluviatilia,  var.  eiigua,  ix.  124. 
Salix  Forhyana,  ix.  09. 
Salix  fragilior,  ix.  99. 
Salix  fragilia,  ix.  99. 

Salix  fmgilis  in  the  United  Statea,  ix.  09. 
Salix  fragilUma,  ix.  99. 
Salix,  'ungal  diseases  of,  ix.  101. 
Salit  Gariepina,  ix.  08. 
Salix  Omelini,  ix.  99. 
Salix  Helix,  ix.  99. 
Salix  helerophylla,  ix.  98. 
Salix  lliitdtiana,  ix.  127. 
Saiix  llindsiann  Irnui/olia,  ix.  127. 
Salix  hippophai folia,  ix.  100. 
Salix  hirsuUt,  ix.  08. 
Salix  lloffmanniana,  ix.  115. 
Salix  llookerinna,  ix.  147. 
Salix  Ilottstnnidtut,  ix.  103. 
Salix  llumboldtiana,  ix.  97. 
Salix  Humbotdliaiia,  sulispcc. /a/oom,  ix.  98. 
Salix  Huml/oldliana,  subspec.  Marliana,  ix. 


Salix  Humboldtiana,  lubapeo.  oxyphylla,  ix. 

Salix,  bjtbrida  of,  ix.  07. 
Salix,  insect  enemies  of,  ix.  100. 
Salix  Kochiana,  ix.  100, 
Salix  Invigata,  ix.  113. 
Salix  Invigata,  var.  aoguatifolia,  ix.  113. 
Salix  Invigata,  var.  congeata,  ix.  113. 
Salix  Lambertiana,  ix.  09. 
Salix  lanci/olia,  ix.  116. 
Salix  laaiaadra,  ix.  116. 
Salix  laaiandra,  var.  caudata,  ix.  116. 
Saiix  latiandra,  var.  Fendleriana,  ix.  116. 
Salix  latiandra,  var.  lanci/olia,  ix.  116. 
Salix  laaiandra,  var.  Ljrallii,  ix.  116. 
Salix  tasiandra,  var.  lypica,  ix.  116. 
Salix  lasiolepia,  ix.  139. 
Salix  lasiolepit,  var.  Bigelovii,  ix.  139, 140. 
Salix  lasiolepis,  var.  (7)/aiiax,  ix.  130, 140. 
Salix  Ledebouriana,  ix.  100. 
Salix  liguslrina,  ix.  103. 
Salit  long'ifolia,  ix.  90, 123. 
Salix  longi/olia  anguslistima,  ix.  124. 
Salix  longi/olia  argyrophylla,  ix.  124. 
Salix  longi/olia  opaca,  ix.  124. 
Salix  longi/olia  pedicellata,  ix.  123. 
Salix  longi/olia,  var.  exigua,  ix.  124. 
Salix  longipes,  ix.  109. 
t  Salix  longipes  pubescent,  ix.  103. 
Salix  longiatylis,  xiv.  06. 
Salix  lucida,  ix.  121. 

Salix  lucida  angusli/olia  laaiandra,  ix.  116. 
Salix  lucida  lali/oiia,  ix.  121. 
Saiix  lucida  ovali/olia,  ix.  121. 
Salix  lucida  pilosa,  ix.  121. 
Salix  lucida  rigida,  ix.  121. 
Saiix  lucida  tenuis,  ix.  121. 
Salix  lucida,  aubapec.  macrophylla,  ix.  116. 
Salix  lucida,  var.  angusli/olia,  forma  pilosa, 

ix.  121. 
Salix  lutea,  ix.  136. 
Salix  Madagaseaiieusia,  ix.  98. 
Salix  Magellanica,  ix.  97. 
Saiix  Marliana,  ix.  07. 
Salix,  medical  properties  of,  ix.  160. 
Salix  membranacea,  ix.  00. 
Salix  microphylla,  ix.  129. 
Salix  mirabilis,  ix  100. 
Salix  Missouriensis,  ix,  137  ;  xiv.  104. 
Salix  mollissima,  ix.  09. 
Salix  inotiadelpha,  ix.  100. 
Salix  monandra,  ix.  99. 
Salix  Monspeliensis,  ix.  99. 
Salix  mucronata,  ix.  98. 
Salix  myricoides,  ix.  97, 136. 
Salix  myricoides,  a  cordala,  ix.  136. 
Salix  myricoides,  b  rigida,  ix.  136. 
Saiir  myricoides,  c  an^iuiaia,  ix.  136. 
Salix  Nerademia,  ix.  123. 
Salix  nigra,  ix.  103.  ^ 

Saiix  nigra  amygdaloides,  ix.  111. 
Salix  nigra  cenulosa,  ix.  109. 
Srtiir  nigra,  a  angtisti/olia,  &  longi/olia,   ix. 

Salix  nigra,  b  lati/olia,  a  brevijulis,  ix.  103. 
Salix  nigra,  b  lali/olia,  0  longijulis,  ix.  103. 
Salix  nigra,  h  lati/olia,  y  brevi/ulia,  ix.  103. 
Salix  nigra,  b  lali/olia,  y  breci/olia  testacea, 

ix.  103. 
Salii  nigra,  ff  lali/olia,  ix.  103. 
Salir  nigra,  subspec.  longipes,  ix.  109. 
?  Salix  nigra,  subspec.  longipes  oougylocarpa, 

ix.  103. 
Saiix  nfi^ro,  subspec.  longipes  venutosa,  ix.  100. 

Saiix  nigra,  anbapeo.  marginala,  ix.  103. 

Salix  nigra,  aubapec.  Wrightii,  ix.  109. 

Saliz  nigra,  var.  faloato,  ix.  104. 

Saiix  nigra,  var.  Wardi,  ix.  107. 

Salix  nigra  x  alba,  ix.  07. 

Salix  nigra  X  amygdaloidea,  ix.  07. 

Salix  Nuttallii,  ix.  141. 

Salix  Nuttallii,  var.  bracbjatacbya,  ix.  142. 

Salix  Nultallii,  var.  capreoides,  ix.  142. 

Salix  oceidentalia,  ix.  109. 

Salix  oceidentalia,  var.  longipes,  ix.  100. 

Salix  olivacea,  ix.  00. 

Salix  oppotili/olia,  ix.  100. 

Saiix  oxyphylla,  ix.  97. 

Salix  pallida,  ix.  98, 100,  110. 

Salix  pendulina,  ix.  100. 

Salix  pentandra,  (?)  ix.  103. 

Salix  pentandra,  g  caudata,  ix.  116. 

Salix  persici/otia,  ix.  99. 

Salix  petiolaris  X  Candida,  ix.  97. 

Salix  Piperi,  ix.  146. 

Saiix  Pomeranica,  ix.  00. 

Salix  Pontederana,  ix.  100. 

Salit  prcecox,  ix.  00. 

Salix  pratensis,  ix.  99. 

Salix  prinoides,  ix.  134. 

Salix  purpurea,  ix.  99. 

Salix  purpurea,  n  Lamberliana,  ix.  100. 

Salix  Purshiana,  ix.  104. 

Salix  pyri/olia,  xiv.  63. 

Sulix  Reuleri,  ix.  09. 

Salit  rigida,  ix.  136. 

Salix  rosea,  ix.  100. 

Salix  roslrata,  ix.  131. 

Salix  rubra,  ix.  00, 123. 

Salix  Russelliana,  ix.  99. 

Salix  Scouleriana,  ix.  142, 140. 

Salit  sensitiva,  ix.  133. 

Salix  serotina,  ix.  99. 

Salix  sessilifolia,  ix.  127. 

Salix  sessili/olia  Hindsiana,  ix.  127. 

Salix  sessili/olia,  8  villosa,  ix.  127. 

Salix  Sitcbeuis,  ix.  149 ;  xiv.  105. 

Salit  Sitchensis  congesta,  ix.  140. 

Salix  Sitchensis  denudala,  ix.  140. 

Saiix  speciosa,  ix.  116  ;  xiv.  65. 

Saiix  speciosa,  B  Alaxemit,  xiv.  66. 

Saiix  splendent,  ix.  98. 

Salix  toxifolia,  ix.  129. 

Saiix  laii/olia,  var.  a  sericocarpa,  ix.  129. 

Salix  taxi/olia,  var.  0  leiocarpa,  ix.  129. 

Salix  tenuijulis,  ix.  100. 

Salit  Torreyana,  ix.  136. 

Salix  vagant,  b  occidenlalis,  ix.  131. 

Saiix  vagans,  0  roslrata,  ix.  131, 

Salix  vagans,  subspec.  roslrata,  ix.  131. 

Salix  viminalis,  ix.  99. 

Salit  I'irescena,  ix.  90. 

f  Sniir  virgata,  ix.  103. 

Salix  vilellina,  ix.  98. 

Salix  Wardi,  ix.  107  i  xiv.  104. 

Saiix  Wargiana,  ix.  99. 

Salix  Wininicriana,  ix.  100. 

Saiix  M^oolgnriana,  ix.  100. 

Salix  Wriyhtii,  ix.  109. 

Samarpses,  vi.  25. 

Samarpses  triptera,  vi.  55. 

Sambucus,  v.  85. 

Sambucus  adnata,  v.  86. 

f  Sambucus  australis,  v.  80. 

Sambucus  bipinnata,  v.  80. 

.Sambiu'tis  bipinnata,  v.  89. 

Sambucus  Cali/ornica,  v.  91. 

.'  Sambucus  callicarpa,  v.  91. 



Sambuotti  CuuuIeiMU,  r.  88. 

Sambucni  Canadeniit,  var.  Mczioant,  t.  88. 

Samtnicm  ctrulta,  v.  91,  92. 

Sambucut  CMnftuu,  t.  86. 

Sambuoui  Kbuliu,  t.  86. 

Sambucui,  fuogul  enemies  of,  T.  86. 

Samhucui  Gaudicltaudiana,  t.  86. 

Sambucui  glauoA,  t.  91  ;  xiv.  101. 

Sambuaa  gluuca,  t.  88,  89. 

Samhuau  grartolcm,  t.  86. 

Samhucus  Aiimi/u,  v.  89. 

Sarobttcui  Javanica,  t.  86. 

Sanibucui  Madeirentia,  r.  86. 

Sambuait  Mexicana,  t.  88,  91. 

SambucuB  nigra,  t.  86. 

Snmbuciu  nigra,  v.  85,  89. 

Sainbuciu  Palmensia,  t.  86. 

Sambiiciu  Peruviana,  v.  86. 

Sambueut  pubent,  t.  86. 

Samhucus  pubent,  var.  arborfjcent,  v.  85. 

Sambuatt  pubetcens,  v.  85. 

Sambuciia  racemosa,  t.  85. 

Sambticw  rrpmt,  v.  89. 

Sambucut  Thunhergiana,  t.  86. 

Sambttcut  vehtina,  v.  88. 

Sambucut  rulgarit,  v.  86. 

Sambucut  WiUiamtii,  r.  85. 

Sambuous  xantbooarpa,  t.  86. 

Sand  Jack,  riii.  172. 

Sand  Fine,  li.  127. 

Sand-bar  Willow,  u.  123. 

Sandhill  Haw,  xiii.  161. 

Saperda  bivittata,  it.  70. 

Saperda  calcarata,  ix.  155. 

Saperda  discoidea,  vii.  133. 

Sa)n'n)a  tridentata,  vii.  41. 

Sa[H'rda  veatita,  i.  60. 

Sapindacex,  ii.  61  ;  xiii.  3. 

Sapindua,  ii.  67. 

Sapindut  acuminatut,  ii.  71  ;  xiii.  5,  6. 

Sapindua  Drummondi,  xiii.  5. 

Sapindut  Drummondi,  iL  71. 

Sapindut  falcatui,  ii.  71  ;  xii.  6. 

Sapindut  lucidut,  ii  76. 

Sapindut  Manatentit,  ii.  71  ;  xiii.  6. 

Sapindua  marginatua,  ii.  71  ;  xiii.  5. 

Sapindut  marginatut,  xiii.  6. 

Sapindua  Mukorosai,  ii.  68. 

Sapindua  Saponaria,  ii.  69. 

Sapindut  Saponaria,  ii.  71  ;  xiii.  5,  6, 

Sapindua  Saponaria,  deteraive  propertiM  of, 

ii.  68. 
Sapindua  trifoliatua,  ii.  68. 
Sakjtace*:,  t.  159. 
Sapota  rottata,  t.  163. 
Sapola  Miillrri,  v.  182. 
Sapota  nigra,  vi.  3. 
Sarrofriphatut,  ii.  31. 
Siirrnmphaittt  CaroUnianut,  ii.  35. 
SarroTucca,  x.  3. 
Sargenlia  Aricticca,  l.  ."Vl. 
.'^argent's  Hemlock,  xii.  66. 
Sariava,  vi.  13. 
.■^aflaafraa,  vii.  13,  17. 
Sas>n/rat  albidum,  vii.  17. 
.SatMafraa,  fungal  diaeaaea  of,  vii.  15. 
Saflftafra»,  inacct  cneiiiiea  uf,  vii.  1.^. 
.Saa^afraa,    medical    propertiea    of,    vii.    14, 

Sa^tn/rat  officinale,  vii.  17. 
Sa^aafraa,  oil  of,  vii.  14. 
Sasaafraa  Saasafraa,  vii.  17  ;  xiv.  102. 
Satm/rrtt  i*aritfi*tium,  vii.  17. 
.Satinwood,  i.  71. 

Saul'a  Oak,  viii.  18, 

Sariod,  iii.  127. 

Savin,  z.  03. 

Savin  oil,  x.  73. 

Sawara,  z.  09. 

Saw-fljr,  Laroh,  xii.  5. 

SAXirRAaArit.E,  iv.  133. 

Scale,  Fluted,  vii.  20. 

Scarlet  Haw,  iv.  06, 90 ;  xiu.  61, 03, 103, 109, 

139,  143,  147. 
Scarlet  Maple,  ii.  107. 
Scarlet  Oak,  viii.  133. 
Sctura,  vi.  106. 
Sceura  marina,  ri.  106. 
SobaelTer,  Jakob  Cbriatiaa,  ii.  IS. 
SchieSeria,  ii.  15. 
Scbafferia  buxi/olia,  ii.  17. 
Schafferia  completa,  ii.  l7. 
Schnfferia  ouneata,  ii.  '6. 
Schafferia  fruteacena,  ii.  17. 
Schitfferia  laleriflon,  vii.  27. 
Schinut  Fagara,  i.  73. 
Scbiioneura  Americana,  vii.  41. 
Scbixoneura  pinioola,  xi.  11. 
Scbiioneura  teaaellata,  ix.  70. 
SchmaUia,  iii.  7. 
Sebollera,  v.  116 
Schollera  Ojycoccui,  v.  116. 
Schott,  Arthur  Carl  Victor,  z.  18. 
5cAoua6oa  commutata,  v.  29. 
Sekubtrtia,  x.  149. 
Scbubcrlia  ditlicha,  x.  151. 
Schuberda  ditlichia,  0,  x.  162. 
Sckuberlitt  ditlicbo,  y,  x.  152. 
Schubcrtia  tempervirent,  x.  141. 
Sciadopbila,  ii.  31. 
SciadophjUuni  Jacquinii,  i.  42. 
Sciapteron  robinin,  ii!  38. 
Sctrracladus,  v.  167. 
Sclfrocladui  lenax,  v.  169. 
Scleroderria  Sequoiie,  i.  140. 
Sclerozut  tenax,  v.  100. 
Scoljrtua  Fagi,  vii.  64. 
Scolytus  4-apinoaua,  vii.  133. 
Scoljrtua  uniapinoaua,  xii.  84. 
Scopeloaoma  Moffatiana,  v.  2. 
Scoria,  vii.  131,  134. 
Scoriae  apongiosa,  iz.  124. 
Scotch  Fir,  xi.  5. 
Scotch  Pine,  xi.  5. 
Scouler,  John,  ix.  66. 
Scouleria,  ix.  66. 
Screw  Hcan,  iii.  107. 
Screw-pod  Meequite,  iii.  107. 
Scrub  Oak,  viii.  75,  05,  123, 145,  165. 
Scrub  Pine,  xi.  89,  123. 
Scurfy  Bark-louae,  iv.  70. 
Srutia  ferrea,  ii.  21,  29. 
Sea  (irape,  vi.  115. 
Seaaide  Alder,  ix.  81. 
Sefiattiania  lucida,  vii.  30. 
Sfbeilen,  vi.  07. 
Sebealma  officinalis,  vi.  08. 
Sehestena  tcabra,  vi.  71. 
Sebeatena,  vi.  68. 
Seiridiuni  I.iqtiidambaria,  v.  9. 
S<>Inn(lria  Ceraai,  iv.  11. 
Selaiidria  Qucrcua-alba,  viii.  12. 
Sfmiilopn*,  ix.  07. 
Semiothii^a  binif^nata,  xi.  It. 
SfunelHTia,  vii.  0. 
Septoria  aceriiut,  ii.  HI, 
Septoria  ceraaiiia,  iv.  12. 
Septoria  coruicola   v.  06. 

Septoria  Liquidambarii,  t.  9. 

Septoria  ochroleuca,  ix.  10. 

Septoria  Sjmploci,  vi.  14. 

Septoria  Tuco»,  x.  6. 

Septoeplueria  Maclura,  vii.  87. 

Sequoia,  x.  139  ;  xiv.  106. 

Sequoia,  fungal  diaeaaea  of,  z.  140. 

Sequoia  giganlea,  x.  141, 146. 

Sequoia,  inacct  enemies  of,  x.  140. 

Sequoia  religiota,  x.  141. 

Sequoia  aempervirens,  z.  141  ;  ziv.  100. 

Sequoia  Wellingtonia,  z.  146  ;  xiv.  106. 

Sequoia  Wellingtonia,  weeping,  x.  147. 

Sequojah,  x.  140. 

3erenoa,  vii.  108  ;  xiv.  76. 

Serenoa  arboreacens,  xiv.  77. 

Serenoa,  fungal  diseases  of,  xiv.  76. 

Serenoa  serrulata,  xi-/.  76. 

Serenoa  serrulata,  economic  properties  of, 

xiv.  76. 
Serenoa  serrulata,  medical  properties  of,  xiT. 

Service  Berry,  iv.  127, 131. 
Sevrnteen-jear  Cicada,  viii.  11. 
Shad  liusb,  iv.  127. 
Shagbark  Hicknrjr,  vii.  163  ;  xiv.  46. 
She  Balsam,  xii.  106. 
Sheepberry,  v.  96. 
Shellbark,  Big,  vii.  167. 
Shellbark,  Bottom,  vii.  157. 
Shellbark  Hickorj,  vu.  163. 
Sherard,  James,  i.  77. 
Shibu,  vi.  4. 

Shii-take,  cultivation  of,  viii.  11. 
Shillinga,  baj,  xi.  20. 
Shiu  Oak,  viii.  27,  33,  75. 
Shingle  Oak,  viii.  176. 
Shining  Willow,  ix.  121. 
Sbittim-wood,  ii.  38. 
Short-leaved  Fine,  xi.  143. 
Siberian  Spruce,  xii.  25. 
Sideroiylon  chrysophyHoidei,  v.  169. 
Sideroxylon  decandrum,  v.  173. 
SideroTylon  Ittve,  v.  173. 
Sideroxylon  tanuginotum, ",    ^71. 
Sideroxylon  lycioides,  v.  173. 
Sideroxylon  reclinatum,  v.  168. 
Sideroxylon  satici/olium,  v.  179. 
Sideroxylon  tericeum,  v.  169.  "* 

Sideroxylon  lenax,  v.  169. 
t  Sideroxylon  lenax,  v.  171. 
Sideroxylum,  v.  163. 
Sideroiylum  attenuatum,  v.  164. 
Sideroxylum  coatatum,  v.  163. 
Sideroxylum  dulci.lcnm,  v.  164. 
Sideroxylum  incmic,  v.  163. 
SideroiyluDi  Maatichodcndrun,  v.  IfiS. 
Sideroxylum  Mormulana,  v.  163. 
Sideroxylum  pallidum,  v.  106. 
Sieber,  Franz  Wilhehu,  v.  164. 
Siliquaslrum,  iii.  93,  91. 
Siliquaslrum  cordalum,  iii.  96. 
Silk-cultu.-e,  vii.  76. 
Silk-top  Palmetto,  i.  51. 
Silk-worma,  Oak,  viii.  3. 
Silk-wonna  on  Toxylon,  vii.  87. 
Silver  Bell  Tree,  vi.  21,  23. 
Silver  Fir,  xii.  1;!9. 
.Silver  Maple,  ii.  103. 
Silver-tnp  Palmetto,  x.  53. 
Simamuba,  i.  90. 
Siinaruba,  i.  89. 
Simaruba  nmara,  i.  89. 
Siinaruba  glauca,  i.  89,  01. 



iSimiirtiia  midmtudU,  i.  01. 

Simttruba  officinalii,  i.  91. 

Sinuruba  Tube,  i,  89. 

Simarubs  >enioolor,  i.  80. 

SlMARUBK/G,  i.  89. 

Sinoxylon  basilare,  vii.  133. 

Sinoiylon  decline,  vii.  20. 

Siphoneugena.  v.  39. 

8iphonophora  liriodendri,  i.  18. 

Sitka  Cypreu,  i.  115. 

Sitka  Spruce,  tii.  55. 

Slaah  Pine,  xi.  113, 167. 

Slippery  Elm,  i.  47  ;  vii-  63. 

Sloe,  iv.  10, 27,  33  ;  xiii.  21, 23. 

Sloe,  Black,  iv.  33. 

Small,  John  Kunkel,  xiii.  21. 

Small-fruited  Haw,  ir.  106. 

Smerinthiis  Juglandia,  vii.  116. 

Sioilia  Caitanen,  ix.  10. 

Smoke-tree,  iii.  2. 

Snake  Sprucu,  xii.  24. 

Snowdrop  Tree,  vi.  22,  23. 

Soapberry,  ii.  69,  71  ;  xiii.  S. 

Soft  Maple,  U.  103. 

Sokolojia,  ix.  95. 

Soled&J  Pine,  xi.  71. 

Soltnandra,  v.  103. 

Solenoitigma,  vii.  63. 

SoUnostigma,  vii.  63. 

Solenotinus,  v.  93. 

SoUttclinut,  v.  93. 

Sophora,  iii.  59. 

Sophora  afflnis,  iii.  66. 

Sophora  chrysopbylla,  iii.  60. 

Sopbora  Europiea,  iii.  60. 

Sophora  glauca,  iii.  60. 

Sopbora  heptaphylla,  iii.  60. 

Sopbora  Japonica,  iii.  60. 

t  Sophora  Kenluckea,  xiv.  100. 

Sopbora  aecunditlora,  iii.  63. 

Sophora  aecundiflora,  economic  uaea  of,  iii. 

Sophora  Sin.'co,  iii.  60. 
Sophora  $pfcio»<i,  iii.  63. 
Sopbora  tetraptera,  iii.  60. 
Sophora  tomentosa,  iii.  60. 
Sophora  vetutinot  iii.  60. 
Sophori,  iii.  60, 
Sorbus,  iv.  67 
Sorbu),  iv.  67. 
Sorhua  Amelanchier,  iv.  125. 
Sorbus  Amtricauaf  iv.  79. 
Sorhus  Americana,  var.  microcarpa,  iv.  80. 
Sorbus  awtiparia,  iv.  69,  79,  81. 
SorbuA  am'uparia,  0,  xiv.  101. 
S»rb\is  aucufxiria,  var.  A  mericanOf  iv.  79. 
Sorbus  aucuparia,  var.  a,  80. 
Sorbus  aucupariti,  var.  (8,  81. 
Sorbus  microt'ttrpOt  iv.  80. 
Sorbus  occuleiitatis,  iv.  82. 
Sorbus  pumila,  iv.  82. 
S  trbus  riparia,  iv.  80. 
Sorbus  sitmbucifoUa,  iv.  81. 
Sorbus  Sitchenm,  iv.  81. 
Sorrel  Tree,  v.  135. 
Soulard  Crab,  iv.  72. 
Sour  (iuni,  v.  77. 
Sour  Tupelo,  v.  79. 
Sour  WoikI,  v.  135. 
SourBop,  i.  27. 
Southern  Pine,  xi.  151. 
Soyniida  febrifuga,  i.  101. 
Spanish  Itayunet,  x.  0,  9. 
Spanish  Ituckcyc,  ii.  65. 

Spaniih  Chutnut,  ix.  9. 

S|>aniih  Dagger,  x.  0,  13,  IS,  17,  23,  27. 

Spaniah  Oak,  viii,  147. 

Spaniih  Oak,  iiwamp,  xiv.  61. 

Spaniah  Stopper,  v.  43. 

Spaniah  Wild  Cherry,  iv.  64. 

Sparkleberry,  v.  119. 

Sphnrolla  larieiiia,  xil.  6. 

Sphnrella  MaolunB,  vii.  87. 

8ph«<rella  aabaligena,  x.  38. 

Sphnrella  Taxudii,  x.  160. 

Spbainilla  Umbellularin,  vii.  20, 

Splueria  Cacti,  xiv,  13. 

Sphieria  ooUeota,  vii.  87, 

Spbioria  Collinaii,  iv.  126. 

Sphnria  niorl)oaa,  iv.  12. 

Sphieronema  Robinin,  iii.  38. 

Spbnronema  Spina,  vi.  27. 

Sphieropaia  (ileditaohiie,  iii.  74> 

Sph»ro{>aia  raaiuillaria,  iii.  74, 

Sphieropaia  minima,  ii.  81. 

Npbarutlieoa  laneatria,  viii.  13, 

Spherotbeca  phytoptophylla,  vii.  66, 

SpheiiocarpuSf  r.  27. 

Sphinx  CataliHe,  vi.  84. 

Sphinx  drupiferarum,  iv.  11. 

Sphyrapiaua  variua,  ii.  109. 

Spice  Tree,  vii.  21. 

Spindle-tree,  ii.  10, 12. 

Spiniluma,  v.  163. 

Spinner,  Cheatnul,  ix.  9. 

Spinta  Cali/omica,  iv.  59. 

Spirita  of  turpentine,  xi.  0, 

Sponioceltia,  vii.  03. 

Spoon  Wood,  v.  140, 

Sporooybe  Uobinin,  iii,  38, 

Spruce  beer,  xii.  31. 

Spruce,  Black,  xii.  28. 

Spruce,  Blue,  xii.  47. 

Spruce,  Colorado,  xii.  47. 

Spruce,  Uouglaa,  xii.  87. 

Spruce,  Kngelmaun,  xii.  43. 

Spruce,  European,  xii.  23. 

Spruce  gum,  xii.  31. 

Spruce,  Himalayan,  xii.  22. 

Spruce,  Norway,  xii.  24. 

Spruce,  Patton,  xii.  77. 

Spruce  Pine,  xi.  127, 131, 140. 

Spruce,  Ked,  xii.  XI. 

Spruce  Rust,  xii.  26. 

Spruce,  Siberian,  xii.  26. 

Spruce,  Sitka,  xii.  66. 

Spruce,  Tidoland,  xii.  56. 

Spruce,  Weeping,  xii.  51. 

Spruce,  Whiti',  xii.  37,  43. 

Spruce-bud  Worm,  xii.  25. 

Spruce-cone  Worm,  xii.  26. 

Spruces,  Snake,  xi;.  24. 

Slag  Duab,  v.  W>. 

Staghorn  Sumach,  iii.  16. 

Star-apple,  v.  ItH). 

Star-leaved  (luni,  v.  12. 

^l  itanoptycba  claypuloana,  ii.  53. 

Slt-ganoptycha  ptnicolHua,  xii.  5. 

Strgnnuptycha  Uatiburgiauu,  xii.  25. 

SlemmoUkiiphum,  vi.  13. 

Stetim'tilifr,  v.  Ml). 

Stnwfulf/x  Mirhrlii,  v.  41. 

enosphtMiuH  nutntus,  vii.  133. 
Stiotis  vrrsit'nlor,  x,  MO. 
Stink-hnut,  the,  vii.  10. 
Stinking  Crdar,  x.  57. 
Stissfria,  v.  IHl. 
Stone  Pine,  xi.  9. 

Stopper,  T,  46,  47. 
Stopper,  Gurgeoo,  t.  43. 
Stopper,  Red,  v.  49. 
Stopper,  Spaniah,  v.  43. 
Stopper,  White,  v.  46. 
Storax,  liquid,  v.  8. 
Straaburg  Turpentine,  xii.  100. 
Streptotbrix  atra,  x.  73. 
Striped  Maple,  ii.  86. 
Strobua,  xi.  4. 
Sirobus,  xi.  1. 

Strombocarpa  cineraseeni,  iii.  99. 
Stnmboearpa  odorala,  iii.  107. 
Strombocarpa  putiescens,  iii.  107. 
Strong  Back,  vi.  77. 
Stror.g  Bark,  vi.  78. 
Slrongylocalyx,  v.  39. 
S'.rychnodaphne,  vii.  9. 
Stump  growth  of  Pinua,  xi.  4. 
Styphnolobium,  iii.  59. 
Slyphnolobium  affine,  iii.  65. 
Styphnolobium  Japonicum,  iii.  60. 
Stypbonia,  iii.  11. 
Styphonia,  iii.  7. 

Slyphonia  inlegri/olia,  iii.  10,  27. 
Styphonia  serrata,  iii.  27. 

STYRACEJi,  vi.  13. 

Styrax  liquida  folio  miuore,  T.  8. 

Suber,  viii.  4. 

Sucker  City  Plum,  iv.  24. 

Sugar  Apple,  i.  27. 

SugarbeTry,  vii.  67,  71. 

Sugar  Maple,  ii.  97  ;  xiii.  7. 

Sugar  of  Pinna  Lambertiana,  zi.  29. 

Sugar  Pine,  xi.  27. 

Sumac,  iii.  11. 

Sumach,  iii.  19. 

Sumach,  Coral,  iii.  14. 

Sumach  of  commerce,  liL  0* 

Sumach,  Poison,  iii.  23. 

Sumach,  Staghorn,  iii,  15. 

Sumach,  Venetian,  iii.  2. 

Sumach-beetle,  Jumping,  iii.  10. 

Summer  Haw,  iv.  113, 114  ;  xiii.  165. 

Surinam  Cherry,  v.  41. 

Suwarro,  v.  63. 

Swamp  Ash,  vi.  56. 

Swamp  Bay,  i.  5  ;  vii.  7. 

Swamp  Cottonwood,  ix.  163. 

Swamp  Elm,  vii.  45. 

Swamp  Hickory,  vii.  141. 

Swamp  Pine,  xi.  157. 

Swamp  Spanish  Oak,  viii.  151  ;  xiv.  5^ 

Swamp  White  Oak,  viii.  47,  03. 

Swartz,  Olof,  v.  44. 

Swartzia,  v.  44. 

Swedish  Juniper,  x.  78. 

Sweet  Bay,  i.  5. 

Sweet  Birch,  ix.  52. 

Sweet  Buckeye,  ii.  59. 

Sweet  Fern,  ix.  84. 

Sweet  Fern,  medical  properties  of,  ix.  84. 

Sweet  Gum,  v.  10. 

Sweet  Leaf,  vi.  15. 

Sweet  Locust,  iii.  77. 

Sweetaop,  i.  27. 

Swieten,  Gerard  von,  i.  99. 

Swietenia,  i.  99. 

Swietcnia  Angolcnsia,  i.  99. 

Swietenia  huntilis,  i.  99. 

Swietenia  niocrophyUa,  i.  99,  100. 

Swietenia  Mahagoni,  i.  99,  100. 

Sycamore,  vii.  102,  103,  105, 107, 109. 

Sycidium,  vii.  92. 



Sfcomorplu,  vii.  01. 

Sjooiuoruf,  Tii.  103. 

Syeomonu,  vii.  01. 

Sycomonu  anfiV/uoruffii  rii.  93i 

Sytlgiium,  T.  30. 

Sflvttira,  a.  4. 

Sjnipluccw,  TJ,  13, 

Sjfmptocott  vi.  13. 

S^ploau  AUlonia,  ri.  14. 

SjrmplocM  crmtagoidu,  vi.  14. 

Hjmplocos,  economic  uhb  of,  vi.  14. 

Kf  mploeos,  funpil  enemiea  of,  vi.  14. 

St/iitpioeo$  Hamiltimiana,  vi.  14. 

S^mplocoi  Loka,  ii.  14. 

Sjmplocoa,  medical  propertiei  of,  ti.  14. 

StfmfUoris  nerviwa,  Ti.  14. 

Symplocoe  phyllocaljx,  vi.  14. 

S^mplocot  potycarpa,  Ti.  14. 

Sj/mptocoi  propinqua,  vi.  14. 

Sj-mpluGoa  racomoea,  vi.  14. 

Sjmplucoi  apicaU,  vi.  14. 

Symplocce  theaformia,  vi.  14. 

Sjbiplocof  tinctoria,  vi.  IS. 

Symtdru,  viii.  1. 

Sjrnandne,  ix.  07. 

Sjfnarrhenat  v.  181. 

Sjracbf  trium  Vacoinii,  t.  147. 

SyiuBcia,  vti.  02. 

5y:((rria,  viL  01. 

Syz)ji\im,  T.  30. 

Sifzygium  Jambolanum,  v.  41. 

Table-Mountain  Pine,  zL  13S> 

Tacamabac,  ix.  167. 

Tacamahica,  ix.  152. 

Teds,  li.  4. 

Tallow,  RbuB,  iii.  0. 

famaUit  vii.  1. 

Tamala  Bttrhotiia,  vii  4. 

Tamaia  palmtru,  vii.  7. 

Tamarack,  xii.  7, 11,  15. 

Tamarack  Pine,  xi.  00. 

Tamarind,  Wild,  iii.  I'JO. 

Tamarinda,  Manilla,  iii.  132. 

Tail  Bark  Oak,  viu.  183. 

Tan-bark,  viii.  6. 

TanUicucat  v.  10. 

Taphrina  c<eruleaoens,  viii.  13  ;  ix.  2. 

Taphrina  deformana,  iv.  12. 

Tkiphrina  deformana,  var.  Wiuioeri,  iv.  12. 

Taphrina  Oatrjrie,  ix.  32. 

Taphrina  Pruni,  iv.  12. 

Taphrina  pttrpurascena,  iii.  10. 

Taphrina  rhizopbora,  ix.  156. 

Tar,  li.  3,  8,  0. 

Tar  of  Juniper,  i.  72. 

Tasaajo,  xiv.  17. 

Tauzin,  viii.  8. 

Taxacka;,  x.  55. 

Taxine,  x.  03. 

Taxodium,  x.  140. 

Taxoftium  ascmderu,  x.  152. 

Taxodium,  buda  of,  x.  140. 

Taiodium,  economic  prupertiea  of,  x.  150. 

Taxodium  diatichum,  x.  l.'il. 

Taxodium  distichum,  x.  150. 

Taxod\um  dUtichum  Meximnum,  x.  150. 

Taxodium  ditlichum  perididum,  z.  152. 

Taxitdittmdutirhum  Smenie  ftftidulum,  x.  132. 

Taxwitum  dUtichum,  A  patent,  z.  151. 

Taxodium   diatichum,   var.    im^iricariufu,    x. 

Taiuiliuo),  dry  rot  of,  i.  150. 
i'aiudium,  fungal  diaeaaea  of,  x.  160. 

Taxodium  giganltum,  x.  1 15. 

Taxodium,  inaect  enemieb  at',  z.  ISO. 

Taxodium  Mezicanumt  x.  1^0. 

Taxodium  microphylluit:,  x.  i52. 

Taxodium  mucronulatum,  i.  150. 

Taxodium  t'mptrvireru,  x.  141. 

Taxodium  itmptrviren^  %  xii.  12^. 

Taxodium  Sittenje,  x.  1I52. 

Taxiidittm  Sineruf,  y  pendulum,  x.  lL!s. 

Taxodium  iVatkinglonianum,  x.  145. 

Taxua,  x.  61. 

Taxua  baccaU,  x.  62. 

Taxui  bacrala,  x.  63,  65. 

Taxua  baocata  ailpreaaa,  x.  62. 

TaxuM  baccata  r.ap-aala,  x.  63. 

Taxua  baccata  Dovaatnoii,  x.  62. 

Taxua  baccata,  economic  propcTtiea  of,  x.  62. 

Taxua  baccata  'latigiata,  x.  02. 

Taxua  baccata,  poiaonoua  prupertiea  of,  x.  63. 

TVuui  baccnttt,  0,  x.  63. 

Taxui  barcata,  8  minor,  x.  03. 

Tazut  haemlo,  vrr  Canadmsit,  x.  G3,  66. 

Taxus  baccata,  var.  microcarpa,  x.  62. 

Taxui  baccata,  var.  a  brtvi/olia,  z.  66. 

Taxut  lioursieri,  z.  65. 

Taxua  brevifolia,  x.  05. 

Taxua  Canadenaia,  x.  63. 

raxui  Canadenaia,  x.  65. 

Taxua  cuapidata,  i.  62. 

Taxua,  economic  propertiea  of,  x.  63. 

Truua  Hotidana,  x.  67. 

Taxua,  fun^l  fliseaaea  of,  x.  63. 

Taxua  globuaa,  x.  63. 

T'oxui  Lindleyana,  z.  65. 

Torus  lugubria,  x.  62. 

Taxut  minor,  z.  63. 

Taxut  montana,  z.  58,  67. 

7*0X0  nuci/rra,  z.  66,  62. 

T'oxui  urientalit,  z.  62. 

Tiuut  }Htiypl(xa,  X.  62. 

Taxtu  tardiea,  x.  63. 

Tttxuj  Watlichiafia,  z.  62. 

Teicboapora  Opuntiie,  xiv.  13. 

Telea  Pulypheniua,  viii.  12  ;  iz.  32. 

Teleiandra,  \\\.  0. 

Tetesmia,  iz.  06. 

Tenorea,  vii.  01. 

Tent-oater|iillar,  Foteat,  ix.  24. 

Teohrocadus,  xiv.  0. 

Teraa  baatiaiia,  vii.  47. 

Tcraa  variana,  xii.  Vi. 

Terminalia,  v.  10. 

Terminalia,  v.  10,  23. 

Terminalia  Uelerica,  v.  20. 

Terminalia  Ituceras,  v.  21. 

Terminalia  Catappa,  v.  20. 

Terminalia  Chebula,  v.  20. 

Tesola,  iii.  40. 

Tetracheilot,  iii.  115. 

Tetraneura  t'lnii,  vii.  41. 

Tftranthtra  aihida,  vii.  17. 

Tetrantkeraf  Califnmica,  \ii.  21. 

TetranychuB  telariua,  viii.  12  ;  r'i.  5. 

lctraa[>ermie,  iz.  U). 

Thatch,  xiv.  81. 

Thatch,  Brittle,  i.  53  ;  xiv.  87. 

Theriiia  fervidaria,  vi.  20. 

Therurho<lion,  v.  1-14. 

Thomaa,  David,  vii.  48, 

Thorn,  Cuckspur,  iv.  01  ;  xiii.  30. 

Thorn,  Newcastle,  iv.  01. 

Tlioru,  Wajthiiijfton,  iv.  107. 

Thorn,  While,  iv.  05. 

Threo-tborned  Acacia,  iii.  75. 

Thrinax,  z.  40 ;  zir.  70. 

rArinoi,  xiv.  86. 

TAn'nax  argmtea,  z.  63  ;  xiv.  SB.  87. 

Thrinax  argmtta,  var.  Oarberi,  xiv.  88. 

lliriuax,  economic  propertiai  of,  z.  60, 

Thrinax  excelaa,  xiv.  TJ. 

Thrinax  exctUa,  xiv.  81. 

Tlirirax  Floridaua,  xiv.  81. 

Thrinax  Uarbe.n,  i.  50. 

Thrinax  Garberi,  xiv.  83. 

Thrinax  Keyenaia,  xiv.  83, 

Thrinax  microcarpa,  x.  63  ;  xiv.  80. 

Thrinax  parviflora,  x.  61  ;  xiv.  79. 

Thrinax  parviftora,  xiv.  81,  87. 

T'Annox  radiata,  xiv.  85. 

Thuia,  X.  125. 

Thuiacarpui,  x  60. 

ThuicKorpui  Juniperinus,  x.  76* 

Thuioptit  borealii,  x.  116. 

Thuja,  z.  126. 

Thujin,  i'.  124. 

Thu/optit,  X.  07. 

ThujopsiM  horealit,  x.  110. 

Thujoptia  t  Standithii,  x.  124. 

Thujoptit  Tehugaltkoy,  x.  116. 

Thujopiit  Tchugatikoya,  z,  110. 

Thurber,  George,  iii.  30. 

Thurberia,  iii.  30. 

Thuya,  X.  123. 

Thuya,  X.  07,  1.13. 

Thuya  acuta,  x.  124. 

Thuya  .    idina,  x.  134. 

Thui,-    ChUentii,  x.  134. 

Thuya  Craigana,  z.  136. 

Thiiya  decora,  x.  124. 

Thuyu  Doniana,  x.  134. 

Thuya,  economic  uaea  of,  x,  124. 

Thuya  excelta,  x.  115. 

Thuya  fli/ormit,  x.  124. 

Thuya,  fungal  diaeaaea  of,  i.  124. 

Tliuya  gigantea,  x.  120  ;  xiv.  105. 

Thuya  gigantea.  x.  124,  135,  136. 

Thuya  gigantea,  var.  Japonica,  x.  124, 

Thuya,  iuacct  cnemioa  of,  x.  124. 

Thuya  Japonica,  x.  124. 

ThUf'a  Lobbiana,  x.  130. 

Thuya  Lobbii,  x.  130. 

Thuya  Atemiesii,  x.  120. 

Thuya  obluaa,  x.  08,  120. 

Thuya  occi  lentalia,  x.  120  ;  xiv.  lOS. 

Thuya  odorata,  x.  126. 

Thuya  orientalia,  x,  124. 

Thuya  orientalia,  var.  g  penduU,  z.  124. 

Thuya  penduta,  x.  124. 

Thuya  pisi/era,  x.  08. 

Thuya  pisifera,  var.  flifera,  x.  00. 

Thuya  pisifera,  var.  S'luarrusa,  x.  00. 

Tliuya  plicata,  xiv.  105. 

Thuya  plirata,  z.  120,  130  ;  xiv.  106. 

Thuya  procera,  z.  126. 

Thuya  tphttroidalit,  x.  Ill, 

Thuya  sphteroidea,  x.  111. 

Thuya  Ktandiahii,  x.  124. 

Thuya  Ittragnna,  x.  134. 

Thuyopsis,  x.  08. 

Thyn,  X.  125. 

Thyridupteryz  ppbemeneformif,  x.  73,  124. 

Thyrsusma,  v.  03. 

Tidclaud  .Spruce,  xii.  55. 

Tilia,  i.  40. 

Tilin  alba,  i.  50,  67. 

Tilia  Americana,  i.  52. 

Tdia  .imericana,  i.  55. 

Tilia  AmcricauA  Multke,  i.  53. 



TUia  Amtricona,  var.  htttrophylla,  i.  67. 

TUia  Americana,  var.  puheicetu,  i.  60, 

TUia  Americana,  var.  WaUeri,  i.  66. 

Tilia  argentea,  i.  50. 

TUia  Canaderuit,  i.  62. 

TUia  Caroliniana,  i.  63. 

Tilia  daayitfla,  i.  60. 

TUia  euchlora,  i.  60. 

TUia  glabra,  i.  62. 

riVid  grata,  i.  66. 

Tilia  beterophjila,  i.  60,  67  ;  xir.  07. 

TiJia  helerophylla-nigra,  i.  67. 

T'l/io  heleropkyUa,  var.  a{6a,  i.  S7. 

Tilia  hybrida  lupcrba,  i.  63. 

TUia  lalifolia,  i.  62. 

TUia  laz\ftora,  i.  65. 

Tilia  Malmgrxoi,  i.  49. 

Tilia  Me  .ioana,  i.  40. 

Tilia  neglecta,  i.  62. 

TUia  nigra,  i.  52. 

TUia  parvifolia,  i.  60. 

TUia  paucifolia,  i.  60. 

Tilia  petiolaria,  i.  60. 

Tilia  platyphjilos,  i.  60. 

Tilia  pubescena,  i.  66. 

TUia  pubescent,  i.  62. 

Tilia  pubcBoeiu,  var.  leptopbjlla,  i,  86. 

TUia  tlenopelala,  i.  62. 

Tilia  Iruncata,  i.  66. 

Tilia  ulmifolia,  i.  60. 

Tilia  Tulgaria,  i.  60, 

TIUACE.K,  i.  49. 

Tijiuroya,  vi.  109. 

Tingi*  Jiiglandii,  ni.  116, 

Tiuus,  T.  93. 

Tinut,  T.  93. 

Titi,  ii.  7. 

Tobinia,  i.  66. 

Tollon,  iv.  123. 

Tomioui  cacograpbua,  xi.  11, 

Tomiciis  calligrsphus,  zi.  II. 

Tomious  Pini,  li.  11  ;  zii.  26. 

Tootbaobe-tree,  i.  07. 

Torob-wood,  i.  86. 

Torminalis,  iv.  67. 

Torminaria,  iv.  67. 

Tornillo,  iii.  108. 

Tomj,  Jobn,  zi.  72. 

Tomya,  z.  67. 

Torreya,  i.  55. 

Torreya  Cali/omica,  z.  69. 

Torreya  (7)  grandia,  z.  56. 

Torreya  Myriitica,  z.  69. 

Torreya  nueifera,  z.  66. 

Torreya  laxi/olia,  x.  67. 

Torrubia,  vi.  109. 

Tortriz  fumiferana,  zii.  25, 

Tortriz  politana,  zi.  11. 

Tortriz  queroifoliana,  viii.  12. 

Tortwortb  Chestnut-tree,  iz.  8. 

Touniey,  Jamea  William,  viii.  93. 

Tozicodendron,  iii.  11. 

Toxico<iendrof^  pinnatum,  iii.  23. 

Toxicodendron  lyphinum,  ziv.  99. 

Tozyloii,  vii.  85. 

Toxylon  aurantiaatm,  vii.  89. 

Tnzylon,  economic  uaea  of,  vii.  88. 

Tozylon,  fungal  diaeaseB  of,  vii.  87. 

Tozylon,  insect  enemies  of,  vii.  87. 

Tozylon  Madura,  vii.  80. 

Tozylon  poTniferum,  vii.  80. 

Toyon,  iv.  123. 

Tradescant,  ,Tohn,  i.  20. 

Tragia  Aloi,  iz.  70. 

Tragia  oriipa,  iz.  70. 

Trametea  Pini,  zi.  11, 

Trametea  auaveolena,  iz,  101, 

Tranaparent  Plum,  ir.  26. 

Traik,  Lualla  Blanche,  ziii.  29. 

Tr^ul,  Auguate  Adolph  Lucien,  x.  10. 

Tree,  Lacquer,  iii.  8. 

Trembling  Poplar,  iz.  166. 

Tremez  Columba,  vii.  133  ;  iz.  24. 

Tremolit,  vii.  01. 

Tremula,  iz,  151. 

Trichoearpu),  iv.  7. 

Trichopodium,  iii.  33. 

Trichoaphieria  paraaitioa,  zii.  101. 

TrUopiu,  V,  1. 

Triloput  denlala,  v.  3. 

Trilopm  etlivaliM,  y.  3. 

Triloput  nigra,  v.  3. 

Trilopu*  parvifolia,  v.  3. 

Triloput  rolundi/olia,  v.  3. 

Triloput  Virginica,  v.  3. 

Trimmatoatroma  Amerioanum,  iz.  101. 

Trimmatoatroma  Salioia,  iz.  101. 

Tripelaleia,  ziv.  29. 

Tripelelut,  v.  85. 

Tripelelut  Autlralatimt,  j.  86. 

Trilkrinax,  z.  38. 

Tauga,  zii.  69. 

Ttuga,  zii.  83. 

Ttvga  Ajanmiit,  zii.  21. 

Ttuga  Albertiana,  zii.  73. 

Tauga  Anragi,  zii.  60. 

Tauga  Araragi,  var.  nana,  zii.  60. 

Ttuga  Brunoniana,  zii.  61. 

Tauga  Canadenaia,  zii.  63  ;  zir,  106, 

Tauga  Caroliniana,  zii.  69. 

Tauga  diveraifolia,  zii.  60. 

7>u^  Douglatii,  zii.  87. 

Ttuga  Douglatii  brevibracteata,  zii.  87. 

Ttuga  Douglatii  fattigiala,  zii.  87. 

Ttuga  Douglatii,  var.  taxifolia,  zii.  87. 

Tauga  dnmoaa,  zii.  60. 

Tsuga,  economic  propertiea  of,  zii.  61. 

Tsuga,  fungal  diaeaaea  of,  zii.  61. 

Tsuga  heteropbylla,  zii.  73. 

7<u^  Hookeriana,  zii.  77. 

Tauga,  inaeot  enemies  of,  zii.  61. 

Ttuga  Lindleyana,  zii.  87. 

T'lu^a  macroearpa,  zii.  93. 

Tauga  Mertenaiana,  zii.  77  ;  ziv.  106. 

7<u;a  Merleniiana,  zii.  73. 

Ttuga  Pattoniana,  zii.  77. 

Tsuga  Pattoniana,  var.  Hooieriana,  zii.  77. 

7tu^  (Pteudnltuga)  Japonica,  zii.  84. 

Ttuga  Roezlii,  zii.  77. 

Ttuga  Sieboldii,  zii.  60. 

Ttuga  Sieboldii,  B  nana,  zii.  60. 

Ttuga  SUchentit,  zii.  56. 

Ttuga  taxi/olia,  zii.  88. 

Ttuga  Ttuja,  zii.  60. 

Tsusia,  V.  144. 

Tuber  brumale,  viii.  7. 

Tuber  melanoaporum,  viii.  7. 

Tubopadut,  iv.  7. 

Tule,  Cypress  of,  z.  160. 

Tulipattrum  Americanum,  i.  7. 

Tulipattrum  Americanum,  var.  lubcordatum, 

i.  8. 
Tulipi/era,  i.  17. 
Tulipi/era  Liriodendron,  ziv.  97. 
Tulip-tree,  i.  19. 
Tulip-tree,  Chineae,  i.  17. 
Tumion,  z.  68. 
Tumiou  Californicum,  z.  69. 

Tumion  Californicum,  var.  littoralt,  z.  60. 

Tumion,  econ.  nic  propertiea  of,  z.  66. 

Tumion  grande,  z.  66. 

Tumion  nuciferum,  z.  66. 

Tumion  tazifolium,  x.  67. 

Tupelo,  V.  76. 

Tupelo,  V.  73. 

Tupelo  Gum,  v.  83. 

Tupelo,  Sour,  v.  79. 

Turkey  Oak,  viii.  143. 

Turpentine  from  Pinus  echinata,  zi.  146. 

Turpentine  from  Pinua  palustris,  zi.  154. 

Turpentine  from  Pinus  Rozburgbii,  zi.  9, 

Turpentine,  oil  of,  zi.  3,  8,  9. 

Turpentine,  spirita  of,  zi.  9. 

Turpentine,  Strasburg,  zii.  100. 

Turpentine,  Venice,  zii.  4. 

Turpinia,  iii.  7. 

Tnaaock  Moth,  iz.  10, 101, 166. 

Tuasock  Motb,  White-apotted,  vii.  41. 

Ulhacea,  vii.  39  i  ziv.  41. 

Ulmua,  vii.  30. 

Ulmna  alata,  vii.  61. 

Ulmui  alba,  vii.  43. 

Ulmua  Americana,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  Americana,  vii.  47. 

Ulmut  Americana,  a  glabra,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  Americana,  a  rubra,  vii.  53. 

Ulmut  Americana,  $  alba,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  Americana,  $  icabra,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  Americana,  y  alala,  vii.  61. 

Ulmut  Americana,  y  t  Bartramii,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  Americana,  ypendula,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  Americana,  var.  7  atpera,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  aquatica,  vii.  61. 

Ulmua  campeatria,  vii.  40 ;  ziv.  102. 

Ulmut  campettris,  vii.  40, 41. 

Ulmut  campettrit  Chinentit,  vii.  41. 

Ulmut  campettrit  parvifolia,  vii.  41. 

Ulmut  Chinentit,  vii.  41. 

Ulmut  ciliata,  vii.  41. 

Ulmas  crassifolia,  vii.  67. 

t  Ulmut  critpa,  vii.  63. 

.'  Ulmut  denlata,  vii.  43. 

t  Ulmut  dimidiata,  vii.  51. 

Ulmua,  economic  uaea  of,  vii.  41. 

Ulmut  effuta,  vii.  41. 

Ulmut  excelta,  vii.  40. 

Ulmut  Floridana,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  foliacea,  vii.  40. 

Ulmua  fulva,  vii.  63  ;  xiv.  103. 

Ulmua    fulva,  medical    properties    of,    vii. 

Ulmua,  fungal  diaeaaea  of,  vii.  42. 
Ulmua  glabra,  ziv.  102. 
Ulmut  glabra,  vii.  40. 
Ulmut  Hollandica,  vii.  40. 
Ulmut  Hookeriana,  vii.  40. 
Ulmua,  insect  enemies  of,  vii.  41. 
Ulmua  Uevis,  vii.  40,  41 ;  ziv.  102. 
Ulmus  lancifolia,  vii.  40. 
Ulmut  latifolia,  ziv.  102. 
f  Ulmut  longifolia,  vii.  51. 
Ulmus  Mezicana,  vii.  40. 
Ulmut  mollifolia,  vii.  43. 
Ulmut  monlana,  vii.  40. 
Ulmut  nitent,  xiv.  102. 
Ulmut  nuda,  vii.  40. 
t  Ulmua  obovala,  vii.  43. 
Ulmut  octandra,  vii.  41. 
Ulmut  opaca,  vii.  57. 
Ulmus  parviHora,  vii.  41. 
Ulmua  pedunculata,  vii.  40. 




I'i   I 

UImm  pendula,  TJi.  43. 

t  Ulmta  pmpuit,  vii.  53. 

f  I'lmut  pulittctfit  7,  fiS. 

Uimiu  pumila,  rii.  SI, 

Ulmut  rsMmou,  tU.  47  ;  xir.  4V  109. 

V!mu$  rubra,  vii.  B3. 

Ulmut  saiim,  vii.  40. 

Ulmui  Mabn,  rii.  40,  41  ;  iit.  102. 

Ulmi-i  Kibra,  W'  iiwinliiU,  vii,  40. 

L'lniu>  MrotiDK,  xiv.  41,  102. 

Ulmut  tubrrota,  vii.  40. 

Ulmut  turcutota,  xiv.  lOii. 

Vtmut  ie'randra,  vii.  40. 

L'liuiii  T^oinll•i,  xiv.  102. 

f  L'lmut  tomentosa,  vii.  43. 

Ulmut  virMla,  vii.  41. 

Ulmut  vuifjarit,  vii,  40. 

Vltiius  Wallichiana,  vii.  41. 

Ulubelluliiri*,  vii.  19. 

Cmbclliilarik  Californios,  vii.  21. 

L'mbelliilari*,  fungitl  diuaict  of,  vii.  20. 

Umb«llulariii,  iuaect  enemiei  of,  vii.  20. 

UmbellulnriA,  mediral  properties  of,  vii.  20. 

Umbcllularia,  oil  of,  vii.  20. 

Unibellulir  acid,  vii.  20. 

Umbo  of  Pinui,  <i.  4. 

I'luhrpllk-tree,  i.  13. 

L'lU  de  Gato,  iii.  125. 

UncinuU  Aoeria,  ii.  81. 

Uncinula  ^^ircinatft,  ii.  81. 

I'liciniila  flexuoaa,  ii.  M. 

UncinuU  geniculata,  vii,  77. 

Uncinula  intermedia,  vii.  42. 

Uncinula  maorotpora,  vii.  42. 

Uncinula  polvchcta,  vii,  04, 

Uncinula  Salitia,  ii.  101.  166. 

Untdo,  V.  121. 

Unedo  edulit,  v.  122. 

Ungnadia,  ii.  63. 

Vngnadia  heptaphj/lla,  ii.  65. 

Ungnadia  htlerophylla,  ii.  05. 

Un^adia  speciota,  ii.  C5. 

Upata,  vi.  105. 

Upata,  vi.  105. 

Upland  ^\nilow  Oak,  viii.  172. 

Urediner  on  Pyrus,  iv.  70, 

Uredo  Cilri,  vii,  87, 

Uredo  Querent,  viii,  13. 

Umectu,  ix,  95, 

Uroniyces  brevipei,  iii.  10. 

Uroftigma,  vii,  92, 

Urottigma,  vii.  01, 

UmiliiTma  affint,  vii,  94. 

Uroiiigma  po/nJneum,  vii.  97. 

Urottigma  rtligumim,  vii.  M. 

Uiionit,  ix.  95. 

Uraria,  i.  21. 

Uivria  Irilohr,  i.  23. 

Uviffra,  vi,  113, 

Uvi/tra  Curtitttii,  vi,  119, 

Uvifera  lauri/olia,  vi.  119. 

Uvi/era  Ltoganmiit,  vi.  115. 

Taceinium,  v.  115, 
Varrinium  album,  v,  117, 
Vaccinium  arboreum,  v,  119  ;  xiv,  102. 
Vaccinium  conrmbosum,  v,  117, 
Vactinium  diffutum,  v,  119. 
Ya':cin\um  difomorpXum,  v.  117, 
Vaccinium  rlrvatum,  v,  117, 
Vaccinium,  fungml  enemies  of,  v,  117, 
Varrinium  hitpiaulum,  v,  ItO, 
Vaccinium  lanctoiatum,  v,  117, 
Vaccinium  aacrocarpon,  v,  116. 

Vaccinium  mueronatwn,  v.  110. 

Vaccinium  Mjrrtillus,  v.  110. 

Vaccinium  oocidentala,  v.  110. 

Vaccinium  t    .tum,  v.  117. 

Vaccinium  Oxjroocent,  v,  116. 

Vaccinium  Oxycoccos,  v.  116, 

Vaccinium    Otycoccut,   var,  Mongifotium,  v. 

Vaccimum  Oxneoceut,  var.  ovali/oiium,  v.  ilO. 
Vaccinium  piJieicent,  v.  116. 
Vaccinium  punctahtm,  v.  116. 
Vaccinium  Scdncnte,  v.  116. 
Vaccinium  stamiueum,  v.  117. 
Vaccinium  uliginosum,  v.  110. 
Vaccinium  Vilia  Miea,  v.  116. 
VachtUia,  iii.  115. 
VacMlia  Famttiana,  iii.  UG. 
Vahl,  Martin,  v.  33. 
Vablin,  v.  3!), 

Vail,  Anna  Murray,  xUi,  154. 
Valley  Oak,  viii.  23. 
Valonia,  viii,  8. 
Valonia  Oak,  viii,  8. 
Valsa  comtophora,  iii.  38. 
Valsa  Liquidambaris,  v  89, 
Valsa  Maclune,  vii.  87. 
Valsa  nivsa,  ix,  1,'^, 
Valsaria  Diospyri.  vi,  4. 
Valsaria  Kabiuin,  iii.  38. 
Vanessa  An'iopa,  ix.  100. 
Varach  r    -^t.  iv.  4, 
Varcnnta,       JO, 
Varennea  ptttyttackjfa,  iii,  29. 
Van'nju.  vii.  01. 
Varronia,  vi.  67. 
Varrnrtia  bttllata,  vi.  68. 
I'drronia  glohoia,  vi.  68, 
Vasconccllea,  xiv.  2. 
V(Uco>icellta,  xiv.  1. 
VatconcelUa  qurrci/olia,  xir.  •''. 
Vatconfellatia,  xiv.  1. 
Vatc(mcello:iia  hattata,  civ.  3. 
Vauquelin,  Louis  Nico.  ai,  iv.  67, 
Vauquelinia,  iv.  57, 
Vauquelinia  Lalifomic^,  iv.  60. 
Vauquelinia  coryn.lxMa,  ,'v.  67. 
Vautfuelinia  corymbota,  iv.  59, 
Vauque.inia  Karwinskyi,  iv,  .57. 
Vauf'-Minia  Ttnrryi,  iv.  59. 
V,.-dAlia  eardinalis,  rii,  20. 
Vegetable  wax,  iii,  8, 
Venetian  Sumach,  iii,  2. 
Venice  turpentine,  xii.  4, 
Ventenat,  F'.lenne  Pierm,  i.  68. 
^'snturia  Orbicula,  -^iii,  13, 

mturia  sabalicola,  x,  38, 
\  en  de  Coyote,  xiv,  16. 
V.ralaxut,  x,  61, 
Vehhenack.*:,  vi.  101. 
Vemir,  iii.  7. 
Vftrir,  ix.  95. 
Vibwfiuia,  iii.  29. 
V*ihor(juia  polystachya,  iii.  29* 
Viburnum,  v.  93. 
Viburnum,  v,  93, 
Vibun\um  amhltxtft,  v,  99, 
Viburnum  Americanum,  v,  94. 
Vilmmum  edute,  v,  M, 
Viburnum  ellipticiim,  v.  94. 
IVA  iium  ferrugineum,  xiv.  23. 
Viburnum,  fungai  enemies  of,  v.  94. 
Viburnum,  tnscct  uncroies  of,  v.  91. 
Viburnum  Ijuitaiw,  v.  IM. 
Viburnum  Lentagn,  v.  96  ;  xiv.  101. 

Viburnum  Opnlus,  v,  9t, 

Viburum  Opuiut  Americanum,  v,  91, 

Viiurnum  Opuiut  edule,  v,  94, 

ViWnum  Opuiut  Eurnpennum,  r.  04, 

Vihumum  Opuiut  I'imina,  v,  04. 

Viburnum  Opui.t  Piminn,  rar.  lubtordalum, 

V,  M. 
Viburnum  Oxycoccut,  v.  94. 
Viburnum  prunifolium,  v.  99. 
Viburnum  prunifolium,  xiv,  23. 
Vibur  urn  prunifolium,  0  ferrugineum,  xiv.  23. 
Ui^mum  ;injrii/(i.ium,  yw.  /errugineun,  v,  00, 
Vibuntum  pyrifolium,  v,  96,  99, 
Viburnum  r:iitdulum,  xiv,  23, 
Vibu    Mni  ruftUomentotum,  xiv,  23, 
Vibunium  Tinus,  v,  9t, 
Viburnum  tomcntotum,  v.  84. 
Viburnum  Iritobum,  v.  91. 
Vieillardia,  vi.  100. 
'im«n,  ix.  05. 
Viminalit,  ix.  97. 
\  matico,  vii.  2. 
>'ine  Maple,  ii.  03. 
Virrya,  v.  143, 
Virgilia,  iii,  67, 
Vir^ilin  lutta,  iii,  57, 
Virgilia  irr>"\diJlora,  Iii.  63. 
Vitiania,  vii.  01. 
Vitii  Idna,  v.  116. 
Vitit  Idm,  V,  116. 
Vyenomut,  ii,  9. 

Wadsworth  Oak,  the,  viii.  63. 
Wafer  Ash,  i,  76. 
Wahoo,  ii.  11,  :)8  ;  vii.  SI. 
Wallia,  vU.  113. 
Wallia  cinerea,  vii.  118. 
H'aWid /roriniyiWio,  vii.  121. 
Il'a//ui  nigra,  vii.  121. 
Wallia  nigra  macrocarpa,  vii.  12i. 
Wallia  nigra  microcarpa,  vii.  121. 
Wallia  pyriformit,  \i\.  115. 
Walnut,  vii.  125,  129. 
Walnut,  DIack,  vii.  121. 
Walnut  Case-bearer,  the,  vii.  110. 
Walnut,  Japanese,  vii.  110. 
Walnuts,  Engli.b,  vii.  115. 
Walnuts,  hybrid,  vii.  114. 
Walter,  'itomaa,  li,  132, 
Walteriana  Carulinienais,  ii.  7. 
Ward,  Lester  Frank,  ix,  108. 
Warder,  John  Aston,  vi.  UO. 
Ware,  Nathaniel  A.,  i.  86, 
Washington  Thorn,  iv,  107, 
Washingtonia,  x,  46, 
Watkingtonia  Cali/omica,  x.  146. 
W-uhingtunia  6lamentosa,  x.  47. 
i»  lihingtonia  ^/ili/era,  x.  47. 
W^ashingtonia  robusta,  x.  46. 
Washingtonia  Sonune,  x,  46. 
Watape,  xii.  40. 
Water  Ash,  vi,  55  ;  xiv.  39. 
Water  Beech,  vii.  103. 
Water  Elm,  vii,  4.3,  01, 
Water  Hickory,  vii,  149. 
Water  Locust,  iii.  79. 
Water  Oak,  viii,  105,  109,  181. 
Watson,  Sereno,  vii,  108, 
^V'ax,  Chinecc  white,  vi,  20. 
Wax,  Myrica,  ix,  85. 
Wax  Myrtle,  ix,  87,  91,  93, 
W)ix,  \egetablc,  iii,  8. 
Wax-tree,  cultivation  of,  iii.  9. 
V\yland  Plum,  iv,  2^1, 




in,  xir.  23. 
turn,  T.  96. 

Wranr  ?luin,  It.  16. 

Weeping  Botch,  ii.  24. 

Weeping  Spruce,  lii,  51. 

Weevil,  White  Pine,  li.  11. 

WMingImm,  x.  139. 

Wellinglonia  giganlttt,  t.  140. 

Weil  Iniliit  Birch,  i.  97. 

Western  Catalpa,  vi.  89. 

Weymouth  I'ine,  xi.  21. 

White  Aih,  vi.  43. 

White  Hekin-treo,  if.  09. 

White  Birch,  ii.  47,  US  ;  xir.  60. 

White  BiittnnwoocI,  v.  29. 

White  Oedar,  x.  lit,  120,  120,  130. 

White  CjtpreM,  x.  153,  1S4. 

White  Elm,  vii.  43,  48. 

White  Fir,  xii.  117,  121,  123. 

White  Heart  Hickory,  vii.  103. 

White  Iron-wood,  ii.  77. 

White  Mangrove,  r.  29. 

White  Mulberry,  vii.  70. 

White  Oak,  viii.  10,  23,  20,  33,  71,  87,  80. 

White  Oak,  Evergreen,  viii.  83. 

White  Oak,  Sv  amp,  viii.  47,  03. 

White  Pine,  xi.  17,  23,  33,  3S,  30. 

White  Pine  Weevil,  xi.  11. 

White  Poplar,  ix.  154. 

White-spotted  Tuuovk  Moth,  vii.  41. 

White  Spruce,  xii.  37,  43. 

White  Stopper,  v.  45. 

White  Thorn,  iv.  95. 

White  Willow,  u.  139. 

White  Wood,  vii.  28. 

Whitewao<l,  i.  37,  63. 

Wild  Aih,  iv.  80. 

Wild  BUck  Cherry,  iv.  46. 

Wild  Cherry,  iv.  37,  41  ;  xiii.  26. 

Wild  China  Tree,  ii.  71. 

Wild  Cinnamon,  i.  37. 

Wild  Dilly,  T.  183. 

Wild  Goose  Plum,  ir.  24. 

Wild  Lime,  i.  73. 

Wild  Orange,  iv.  49. 

Wild  Plum,  iv.  19,  23,  31. 

Wild  Bed  Cherry,  iv.  36. 

Wild  Tamarind,  iii.  120. 

Willow,  ix.  109, 119,  127, 129, 131, 136, 137, 

146, 147,  149  ;  xiv.  03,  07. 
Willow,  Almond,  ix.  111. 
Willow,  Bedford,  ix.  99. 
Willow,  Black,  ix.  103,  107,  113, 116, 141. 
Willow,  cultivation  of,  for  baaket-makiug, 

ix.  100. 
Willow,  Desert,  vi.  05. 
Willow,  Diamond,  ix.  130. 
Willow,  Keltleaf,  xiv.  05. 
Willow,  GInuoous,  ix.  133. 
Willow  Oak,  viii.  179. 
Willow  Oak,  Upland,  viii.  172. 
Willow,  Peach,  ix.  111. 
Willow,  Sand-bar,  ix.  123. 
Willow,  Shining,  ix.  121. 
Willow,  White,  ix.  139. 
Wine,  Birch,  ix.  47. 
Winged  Elm,  vii.  51. 
Winterania,  i.  35. 
Winifranij  Cnntlla,  i.  37. 
Wislizenia,  vi.  91. 

Wislizenus,  Friedrioh  Adolph,  vi.  94. 
Witch  Haxel,  v.  3. 

Woodhousc,  Samuel  Washington,  viii.  88. 
Wool,  Pine,  xi.  3. 
Wright,  Charles,  i.  94. 
Wycb  Elm,  vii.  40. 

Xanthopierite,  i.  00. 
Xanthoxylum,  i.  06  ;  xiv.  97. 
Xtnthoxylum  Americanum,  i.  06. 
Xanthoxylum  arotna/irum,  i.  07. 
Xanthoxylum  braohyacanthum,  i.  06. 
Xanthoxylum  Carihttum,  i.  08,  71  ;  xiv.  98. 
Xanlhaxylum  Carihaum,  var.  Floridanum,  xiv. 

Xanlhnxylum  Carolinianum,  i.  07. 
Xanlhoiytum  Catahianum,  i.  07. 
Xanthoxylum  Clava-Uerculis,  i.  67. 
Xanlhiaylum  Clam-Ilerculu,  xiv.  08. 
Xanthoxylum  Olava-Heroulis,   var.    fruticc- 

sum,  i.  08. 
Xanthoxylum  cribrosum,  i.  71  ;  xiv.  68. 
Xanthoxylum  erihrtuumf  xiv.  98. 
Xanthoxylum  elatum,  i.  60. 
Xanthoxylum  emarginatum,  i.  66. 
Xanthoxylum  Fagara,  i.  73. 
Xanthoxylum  Havum,  xiv.  08. 
Xanthoxylum  Florulanum,  i.  71  ;  xiv.  08. 
Xanthoxylum /raxini/oliumt  i.  67. 
Xanthoxylum  Airsufum,  i,  08. 
Xauthuiylum  nitidum,  i.  00. 
Xanthoxylum  piperitum,  i.  60. 
Xanthoxylum  Plernia,  i.  73. 
Xanthoxylum  Rhetsa,  i.  74. 
Xanthoxylum  Sumach^  xiv.  98. 
Xanthoxylum  tricarpum,  i.  67. 
Xyleboruii  calatus,  xii.  26. 
Xylodalea,  iii.  33. 
Xylosma  nitidum,  vii.  27. 
Xyloterui  bivittatui,  xi.  11 ;  xii.  26. 

Taupon,  i.  Ill- 
Yellow  Birch,  ix.  63. 
Yellow  Cypress,  x.  116. 
Yellow  Haw,  iv.  113  ;  xiu.  161. 
Yellow  Locust,  iii.  30. 
Yellow  Oak,  vui.  56, 127, 130. 
Yellow  Pine,  xi.  76,  77,  86,  143, 156. 
Yellow  Poplar,  i.  10. 
Yellow  Wood,  iii.  67. 
Yellow-bark  Oak,  viU.  136. 
"ellow-wood,  ii.  17. 
Yew,  X.  62,  65,  07. 
Yew,  Florence  Court,  x.  62. 
Yew,  Irish,  x.  62. 
Young  Mastic,  iii.  2. 
Yucca,  X.  1. 
Yucca  acuminata,  x.  23. 
i'ucca  agavoidea,  x.  10. 
Yucca  aloifolia,  x.  6. 
Yucca  aloifolia,  var.  /3  Draconis,  x.  7. 
Yucca  aloifolia,  var.  y  conspioua,  x.  7. 
Yucca  angiutifolia,  fi  data,  x.  27. 
Yucco  anguali/olia,  /3  radiosa,  z,  27. 
Yucca  arborescens,  x.  10. 
Yucca  arcuata,  x.  0. 
Yucca  aapera,  t.  0. 
Yucca  Atkinsi,  x.  7. 
Yucca  auatralis,  x.  4, 13. 
Yucca  baccata,  x.  10. 
J'ucra  baccata,  x.  10,  15,  17. 
yucca  baccata,  p  australis,  x.  4, 13. 
yucca  baccata,  var.  macrocarpa,  x.  13. 
yucca  Boerhaavii,  x.  23. 
yucca  brerifolia,  x.  10. 
Yucca  canaliculata,  x.  0. 
Yucca  Carrierei,  x.  4. 
Yttcca  concava,  x.  10. 
Yucca  conspicua,  x.  7. 
Yucca  constricta,  x.  27. 
Yueca  comula,  x.  10. 

Yueea  crmulala,  z.  6. 

Yucca,  dissemination  of,  x.  3. 

Yueca  Draconia,  x.  4,  7. 

Yucca  Praconia,  var.  arboreaeeru,  x.  10. 

Yuoca,  economic  properties  of,  x.  4. 

yucca  >/a(a,  x.  27. 

yucca  EUacomhti,  x.  23,  26. 

Yucca  mai/olia,  x.  26. 

Yuoca,  fertilization  of,  x.  1. 

Yucca  flbre,  x.  4. 

Yucca  fllamentoia,  x.  4. 

Xucca  filamtntoaa  t,  x.  16. 

Yucca  fllifera,  i.  4. 

Yucca  Jili/era,  x.  13. 

Yucca,  fungal  diseases  of,  x.  6. 

Yuoca,  germination  of,  x.  3. 

yucca  ijlauca,  x.  26. 

Yucca  gloriosa,  x.  23. 

Yucca  glorioaa  acuminata,  x.  23. 

Yucca  gloriosa,  fructifloation  of,  x.  24. 

Yucca  glorioaa  glauceacena,  x.  23. 

Yuciii  glorioaa  maculata,  x.  23. 

ytuva  glorioaa  viarginata,  x.  25. 

Yucca  glorioaa  medio  pieta,  x.  26. 

Yucca  glorioaa  minor,  x.  23. 

yucca  glorioaa  mollia,  x.  23. 

Yucca  glorioaa  noliilia,  x.  23,  24. 

Yucca  glorioaa  nobilia  parvijiora,  x.  23. 

Yucca  glorioaa  rohuata,  x.  23. 

Yucca  glorioaa  Iriatia,  x.  23. 

Yucca  glorioaa,  var.  Ellacombei,  x.  23. 

Yucca  nlorioaa,  var.  obliqua,  x.  23. 

Yucca  gloriosa,  var.  plicata,  x.  24. 

Yucca  glorioaa,  var.  pruinoaa,  x.  23. 

Yucca  glorioaa,  var.  auperba,  x.  24. 

)'ucca  glorioaa,  var.  lortulata,  x.  23. 

Yucca  gloriosa,  var.  y  recurvifolia,  x.  24. 

Yucca  gloriosa,  var.  t  planifolia,  x.  26. 

Yucca  Guatemalensis,  x.  4. 

Yucca  Haruckeriana,  x.  7. 

Yuoca,  hybrids  of,  x.  4. 

Yucca,  insect  enemies  of,  x.  6. 

Yucca  integerrima,  x.  23. 

yucco  Jammica,  x.  25. 

Yucca  lineata  lutea,  x.  7. 

Yueca  longi/olia,  x.  0. 

Yucca  macrocarpa,  x.  13. 

Yucca  macrocarpa,  x.  15, 17. 

Yucca  Mohavensis,  x.  15. 

Yucca  Moth,  x.  2. 

Yucca  Moth,  Bogus,  z.  3. 

Yucca,  nectar  glands  of,  x.  3. 

Yucca,  nocturnal  opening  of  the  flowors  of, 

X.  2. 
Yucca  obliqua,  x,  23. 
yucca  patma,  x.  23. 
Yucca  pendula,  x.  24. 
Yucca  pendula  variegata,  z.  26. 
Yucca,  polliuation  of,  x.  2. 
Yucca  polyphylla,  x.  27. 
Yucca  pruinoaa,  x.  23. 
Yucca  puberula,  x.  17. 
yucca  purpurea,  x.  7. 
Yucca  quadricolor,  x.  7. 
Yucca  radioaa,  x.  28. 
Yueca  recuna,  x.  24. 
Yueca  recurrifolia,  x.  24. 
Yucca,  redexiun  of  the  leaves  of,  z.  1. 
Yueca  reroluta,  x.  10. 
Yucca  nifocincta,  x.  24. 
Yucca  Schottii,  x.  17. 
yucca  aerrata,  y  argenteo-marginata,  x.  7. 
y'ucca  aerrata,  8  roaeo-marginata,  z.  7. 
yuccu  aerrulata,  x.  0. 


Kimn  itrTulata,  n  wm,  i.  6. 
I'wva  irrrulalo,  $  roinula,  i.  9. 
Kurm  iu|wrAa,  i.  M. 
>'m<y«  rmu{/u/iii,  I.  0. 
I'lirt-a  (iirfu/iiM,  1.  23. 
Yiioo*  rrwulwuit,  1. 1), 
I'lMTri  trii\)l,tr,  I.  7. 
furni  uiu/Wa/a,  t.  10, 
YttOM  VuiwUva,  ■  4. 


Zulbovlum,  i.  W. 

ZanUkfnu,  iii.  AO. 

Z4*D,  tlw  Alftrun,  riil.  tf, 

Z«IMlbi»,  T.  130. 

ZtnolHo,  T.  129. 

ZtuMn  Mouli,  i,  M. 

>Uuuni  pjrriu,  ii.  M  ;  tU.  41  j  is.  la 

Zitypktu  eimmutala,  vli.  (H. 

iTuypAui  /lomuifnuu,  ii.  49, 

Hui/pkm  rmarjinahu,  ii.  Si9. 

Xufpitu  igwaua,  vii.  04. 
Zoiiima,  T.  129. 
Zugiliu  Virginint,  ii.  34. 
Zw«Ut;h«n«rMMr,  iv.  10. 
Z;i{i»,  lir.  ino. 
/jrgi*  brtrlfolis,  lir.  100. 
Zjrgin  Haiicanlu,  ii«.  100. 

Zjg\»  liiiriiMiti,  liv.  inn. 

Ztuophyllacix,  i.  SO. 
ZygophjiUum  arbomm,  i.  60.