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Full text of "A catalogue of the very valuable library of Phillip Carteret Webb, Esq., lately deceased : containing a very fine collection of books, in antiquities, medals, and natural history, with many of the best Spanish authors, and many valuable manuscripts on vellum : which will begin to be sold by auction, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, booksellers, at their house in York Street, Covent Garden, on Monday, February the 25th, 1771, and to continue the sixteen following evenings, beginning each evening at six o'clock"

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Lot BOR eA RY 
a pS 

| PuittipCarTeret WezB,Efq 
ee Lately Deceated ; 

a at ee 


A very FINE Contection or Books, in Antiquities 
Medals, ond Natural Hiftory ; with many of the 
beft Spanifb Authors, and many nena Manu- 
Scripts on V. ee 

nt eri noice Set ne ena er nel a le a Rn bE i A Dann nS EL 
tt nen ngue nnere oee SR ne ne er rs ee A Yn nt 

Which will begin to be fold by Auction, 

oe S. ‘BAKER and G, yeas 


At their Houle in York fret, Covent Garden, 

On n Monday, ‘February the 25th, 1 77%, and to cone | 
= <tinuerthe. ‘Sixteen. following: Evenings, 

fe _ Beginning. each “Divening- ae ‘Six o’Clock.  _ 

Bane FY Z ¥ ca - - € ° 

ae oe 

® B. ‘The Books. may. = viewed on i Monttay the sath, 
tothe Time of Sale. 

a I PU Ht Se ew a aS ROLE 

: ——— rer ag No pe ny ee inh Se oe fe, 

pe PC ataroeurs to be had of the following Bookfellers ¢ M 

ie “Dopstey’: Sy. Pall’ Mall; Rosson’ 's, Bond ‘Street 5 ti 

WaALTER’s Charing Cros; Broruzrton’s and |) 

“s Sewect’s, Cornhill; OwE N's, Temple Bar s ‘and at 
—bhe Place of SALE. 

SI Price Sin penis }> 


5 Cary’s (Sir George) Reports in Chancery; 165¢ 
'26 Memorials for paffing Bills in Partiament, 1689 
27 Royal Charters of the City of London, 

28 Selden’s Fani Anglorum Facies nova, ee 1680 
Tay Proceedings againft Lord Clarendon, — 1700 

3 St. Amand on the Legiflative Power of England, 1725— 

| hs a 

(30 Brown’s Privilegia Parliamentaria, 


Welts’s Manner of creating Peers, _ 1719 
| 32 Orders of the Hoafe of Cominons on Elections, and Sfa- 

tutes at Large on Eleétions, 1734 
33 Pettus on the Conftitution of Parliaments, 1680 
34 Filmer’s Freeholder’s grand Inqueft, a 1679 
35 Hales’s Power and Jurifdiction of Parliaments 1707 
(96 Willis’s Notitia Parliamentaria, 3 vol. 1730, Sc. 

. 37 Afhby and White; or, the great Queftion, whether an 
Adion lies at Common Law for an Elefor who is deny a 

| his Vote, 1705 
38 Petyt’s Rights of the Commons afferted, 1680 
|39 Colleétion of Protetts from 1641 tO 17375 1737 
40 Lex Parhiamentaria, a 1748 
‘gt Atkyns’ s Parliamentary Tracts, —_— 174! 
\42 Maii Hift. Parliamenti Angliz Breviarium, 

43 Perkins of the Laws of Engiand, 1593 

44 Sir Robert Brook’s Cafes, Hen.-VITI. Edw. Vi, &es 157° 

45 Glanville de Legibus Angliz, 1704 | 
40 Herne’s Law of charitable Utes, ; : 1663 
4 Davenport’s Abridgment of Coke on Saeplane, 1652: + 
48 Tothill’s Tranfaétions of the Court of Chancery, 1671 
| 49 Fortefcue de Laudibus Legum Anglia, -—— 1672 
59° Sauterii Praxis Banee-ruptorum, — 1615 
_§1 Williams’s Excellency of the Civil Law, 1686 
52 Williams’s Excellency of the Law-of England, 1689 
(53 Chronica Furidicialia, 1635 
54 ‘Tryal of Sir John Fenwick, 17.02 
.§5 Blount’s jocular Tenures, —— 1679 
/56 Magna & antiqua Charta quinque Portuum, 1675 
'§7 Tryal of Dr. Sacheverell, 1710 


58 Brady’s Anfwer to Petit’s Rights of the Commons, 1681 

159 Pettit’s Vifions of Government, -- 1684 
|60 Stone’s Reading on the Statute on Bankrupts, 1656 
61 Wiagate’s Briton, 1640 
\62 Lambard’s Erienarebi ia;,or, Office of a Juttice, 1619 
63 Touchftone of, Precedents relating to judicial Proceedings 
at Common Law, 1682 
64 Kitchin of Courts Leet, Courts Baron, &c. _ 1675 
6 5 Clerke Praxis Admiralitatis, 1743 

66 Zouch’s Jurifdiction of the Admiralty, — 1663. 

'67 Laws and Cuftoms of Romney Marth, one 2 0 GEO 
68 Heath’s 

68 Heath’s Maxims and Rules of Pleading, 

|'69 Parliamentary Hiftory of England, 24 yol. 
| 70 Proceedings in the Houfe of Commons in 1620 and 1621 
2 vol. Oxford 1766 

a1 Anchitel Grey’s Debates of the Commons, 10 vol, a 

72 Chandler’s Debates of Lords and Commons, 22 vol. 1741 

| 93 ‘Trotman’s Abridgment of Coke’s Reports, 1641 
[74 “Vaughan’s Praéica Walia, 1672 
Ke Magna Charta, cum Statuis antiquis, — 1556 
| 76 Idem Liber, ——————— 1618 
77 Yelverton on Impofitions, 1679 

78 NM Reports of Cafes of Charles I. 1675 
-Phillips’s Regiftry of Lands, ———— 1671 
| Bo Parfon’s Anfwer to Coke’s Reports, — 1606 
| 81 l'welve old Law Traéts, | 
| 82 Zouchei Elementa Jurifpradentiz, Oxon. 1636 | 
| $3 Manwood’s Laws of the orreft,  Y 1665 | 
| 84 Kuricke Jus Maritimum Hanfeaticum, Hamb. 1667 | 
85 Natura Brevium du Fitzherbert, —_ Loud. 1581 | 
| $6 Powell’s Antiquity of Courts Leet, &c. 1642) 

: : : 
, 87 The ancient State, Authorite and Proceedings of the Court | 

' . ‘of Requefts; 1597) 
| 88 The Repertorie of Records, 1631) 
| 89 Six old Traéts on Parliamentary Affairs, _ 
9° ‘Briffonius de Ritu Nuptiarum, & de Jure Conubiorum, 

Par. 1564) 

: 91 Book of Entries, by J. H. ao 1658 | 

' 92 Brownlow’s and Goldfborough’s Reports, 1675 | 

| 93 Brownlow’s Declarations and Pleadings, 1654. 
94 Callis’s Reading of Sewers, rs 168g | 

(95 Weit’s Symboleography, 2 parts, ae 1615 | 

96 Gravine Origines Juris Civilis, 2 val. Neapol. 1713 

' 97 Seldeni Fleta, edit. opt. Lond. 1685 

| 98 'Treatife of Sea Laws, Se Edit, 

199 Barrington on the Statutes, —— 1768 | 
| 100 Swinburne on Teftaments and Wills, vm | OF: 
* « ¥01 Godolphin’s Ecclefiaftical Laws, ———- 1682 
1cz — Orphau’s Legacy, . —— 3685 
103 Selden’s Hiftory of Tythes, ———— 1618 
| 104 Crompton of Courts, _—~ 1637 

195 Natura Brevium; newly correGed with divers Addicions of 

Statutes——eLeteltui’s Tenures, bound in morocco, printed 

by Pynfon, 1646 

196 Regulations and Inflrudtions for Sea Service, bef, 1757: 
Ree sae 197 Sta- 


ee eS er : 


107 Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, >and § Sk: s of 
é War, &c. bef Edit. Ye _ ies 

venue of Ireland, — ———— dDubl. 1741 
tog Fitzherbert’s new Natura Brevium, = —— 1730 
110 Statutes at Large, by Ruffhead, 8 vol. — 1763 
tit Oughtoni Ordo Judiciorum, 2 vol. Lond.1728 
1i2 I] Confelate del Mare, me Pemet 1068 | 
113 Jl Cinfolate del Mare, Venez.17 37 
114 Arrefts pour la Marine, 1661, jufqu’a 1751, avol. 
115 Le Patricien Univerfel, ou le Droit Francois, & Ja Pra- | 
) tique des toutes les Jurifdictions du Royaume, par 
Couchot, 2 tom. Par.3747 - 
1/116 Oeuvres diverfes de Patru, 2 vol. _ ib. 1732 


17 La Nouvelle Pratique civile, criminelle & Beneficiale, par 

Mont, Lanes 2 tom. ib. 1741 
wiping be eee athe Se ee oe Oe ed 
{ ‘ 
! ie o L I 0. 
+ eee nega 
rr 18 AVIES’s Law ibe eae . A744 
1 19 Sheppard’s praétical Counfellor, 1671 | 
/120 Epitome of Laws, —~ 1656 | 
‘zi Hierne’s Pleader, * ed 1657 | 
a 22 Atkyns’s and other Law Traéts, 1685 | 

(123 The Cafe of Tenures upon the Commiffion of defective 
: Titles argu’d in Ireland, Dubl. 1639 
124 Exton’s Sea Jurifdi€tion of England, — 1664 
125 Sir John Davies’s Reports, — ete, 1674 
126 Salkeld’s Reports, 2 vol. 1730 
ly29 Finch’s Reports, 1613 
1128 Petyt’s Yus Parliamentarium, ~ —_— 1739 
1 29 Cuftoms of London. wery fine Copy, black letter, Ley 
130 Gibfon’s Codex Furis Ecclefaftici Anglicani, 2 vol. 1713 
‘13h Prynne’s Ecclefiattical Juriidiction of the Kings of Eng- 

| land, aery rare, bound in ruffia, and large paper, 3 vol. 

Bene ms ernest e 

ing2 Braéton de Legibus, edit. otf. —_—_ 1569, 
133, Seldenus de Jure Naturali & Gentium, Lond. 1640 — 
1334 Lyndewood Provinciale, edit. oft. 1679 © 

1195 Regium Majefiatem Scotiz veteres Leges & Conititutiones | 
Edinb. 1609 

1136 Lambardus de Prifcis Anclorum Legibus, Saxon. & Lat. 
Cantab. 1643 

1 37 Vocet in Pandeétas, east. opt. 2 vol. H. Com. 1723 

138 Coufiumes de Normandie, Reven, . 
#39 Le meme Livre, par ‘Verrien, — Par.1578 | 
140 Le meme Livie, par Godefroy, —  Rowen,1626 © 
[aseamens 1o8, | ae NBs “14a Le * | 

- os PES SRN I ie PRCT RETIN ANS arlene et es hem tar enemas aceite a es 

108 Fleming’s Irifh and Englifh Statutes relating to the Re. 

141 Len meme eme Livre, pa par Berault, — ~ Rouen, 1632 ; 

peo 142 Le meme Liyre, Spuilles dorees, en peau de maroc, Rouen, 

rh 143 Theoria && Praxis Artilterice, Germanicé, Navemb. 1685 

144 Bedze Hiftoria Ecclefiaftice Gentis Angloruam, & Lam- 

. bardus de Prifcis Anglorum Legibus, Saxon. &F Lat. 

 ¢usn multis Notis Manuferiptis Galei, Cantab. 1644 

145 Spelmanni Gloffarium,’ — Lond, 4626 

146 Pereira de Indiarum Jure, __ Mad. 1639 
147 Mirzi Opera Diplomatica & Hiftorica, edit. opt. 2 vol. | 
Brux. 1723 | 
Lugdun, 1610 | 

148 Pierii Hietoglyphica, 
149 Mufeum Romanum, ab Ang. Caufeo, z vol. Rem. 1746 
I 50. F outaninus de Antiquitatibus “eS Colonie Etrufcorum, 

Se SS ee ee St 

151 Cjampinus de Sacris Edificiis, hea. 26.1693 | 
152 Scriptores Poft Bedam, ai Lond.t596 | 

153 Idem Liber, edit. opt. Francf. 160% 
154 Tanneri Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, five de Scrip- 

toribus Angliz, Scotiz, &c. Lend. 1748 

2 Eadmeri Hiltoria Nevorum, ——— tb, 1623 
Math. Paris Hiftoria Anglia, cum mulis Notis Manzfcrip- | 
tases Gale, #1 _ Lond. 1640 | 

1§7 Hiftorie Anglicanz Scriptores varii, e Manufcriptis a 

Sparke, — Lond. 1723 

158 Bede Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, & Leges Anglo-Saxonice, 
exemplar elegaat. foliis deauratis, ac linets rubris, Can- 

Sees ain line teai ental eriane a= 

tab. 1644 

I 59 Galei Scriptores Hiftorie Anglie, 3 vol. Ox. 1687 
160 Hiftorie Anglican Sctiptores decem, & 'Tywfdeno, | 

2 vol. — Lond. 1652 
| 161 Wood Tift. & Antiquitates Oxonienfis, Ox. 1674 | 
| 162 Browh’s Britannia’s te | 
163 Sandys’s Travels, — 1615 | 
| ¥64 Strada’s Hiftory of the ti Gon Countrie Wars, 1667 | 
| 165 Habington’s Life of Edward IV. 1640 
166 Hiftory of Diodorus Siculus, by Cogan, 1653 | 
| 167 Holy Bible, es by Barker, 1 578 
168 Segar’s Honour Civil and Militarie, | 1608 | 
| 169 Hloyiln’ s Biftory of the Reformation, — 1661 
(170° Falkland’s Hiftory of Edward IT. = 1680 
ae ae s Tracts, — aoe 1683 

- | | Second 

Rom. 1723 |. 

, : a 

) | 
te 3 | 

> 2 
% | 
‘= e 





Se ee at rr or me rman peter et seers 
So lee poeta ae Ce ee -——- 

ergnorerenemats SSI 
Second Night s on Tusfday, Feb. 20. 

176 ORNE’s Mirrour of Juftices re 1746 
177 Statutes on High Treafon, moregco 1709 
178 Sir Henry Spelman on Law Terms _—_ 1684 
179 Blount’s Critica Furis Ingeniofa eo _ 1661 
y8o Hatton’s Treatife concerning Statutes 1677 
181 Saunders’s Obfervations on the Statute to prevent Seditious 
Conventicles ee 1685 
182 Hiftory of the Chancery 1726 
183 Fulbecke’s Direétion to the Study of the Law 1620 
134 Theloall le Digeft des Briefes Original 1579 | 
185 Godolphin’s View of Admiral Jurifdiction 1685 | 
186 Hale’s Treatife of Hereditary Defcents — 1699 
187 Report of the Committees to View the Records 1719 
188 Lambard’s 4rcheion; or, Difcourfe upon the High Courts 
of Juftice 162 
18g Wingate’s Briton a 1640 | 
190 The fame Book ee 1640 
19gt Clerke Praxis Curia Admiralitatis -_—_—_— 1743 
192 Petyt’s Mifcellanea Parliamentaria —_——_—:1681 
193 Scobell’s Orders of the Houfe of Lords -— 1689. 
194 Doderidge’s Law of Nobility aa 1685 
195 St. Amand on the Legiflative Power — 1735 
196 Brady againft Petit’s Rights of the Commons 1681 
197 Athly and White on the. Queftion, whether an Aion lies 
at Common Law for an Eleétor who is deny bis Vote for | 
Member 1705 
198 Lords Protefts from t 641 to 1737 a ery 
599 Hale’s Power and JurifdiGtion of Parliaments 1715 | 
200 Sir John Pettus’s Conftitution of Parliaments 1680 | 
zor Petyt’s Rights of the Commons afferted 1680 | 
202 Selden of the Judicature in Parliaments ; 
203 Diicourfe of the Right and Power of Parliaments 1677 
204 Opinions of Antiquaries on the Antiquity, Power, Order, | 
State, &c. of Parliaments ——— 1658 : 
2096 Selden’s Privilege of the Baronage 1641 
206 Vaet de jure Militari “++ Hag. Com. 1705 
207 Ludov. Vives de Officio Mariti — Brug. 1528 
208 Loc- 

oc aed 


[3 a 

LEE LY SC EES the We te pers wes eee katy. 

1 hag a NS _| 
(08 Loccenii Suecie Regni Jus Marimum & de Jure Maritimo 

Holn. 1674. 
| | 409 Ordonnances du Roy, fur le Fait de Ja Marine & Admi- 
rauté vs Rouen, 1612 
ite Theophili Inftitutiones; a Doujatio Par. 1681 
2141 Spotfwood’s Form of Procefs before the Lords of Counci} 
and Seffion Edinb. 1718. 
2:2 Another Copy 26.1718 | 

| 2 13 Scotch Aéts of Parliament from the Sixth Year of Queen 
Anne to the 22d Year of King George the Second, 
very neat, 21 Vol. Edinb. 1718, &c. 
_ 214 Scotch Laws and Aéts of Parliament, 3 vol. 26. 1682 
215 Mackenzie’s Inftitutions of the Scotch Laws ag 694, | 
216 Praétice of the High Courtof Chancery — org 
217 Judge Jenkins’s Works ink 1631 | 
218 Elfynge’s Manner of holding Parliaments _ 1663 
219 Jus Anglorum ab Antiquo . 
220 A Colle&tion of Rump Songs 
221 Poole’s Help to Englith Poefie 
222 Sele& Epigrams of Martial 
223 Bysfhe’s Art of Englifh Poetry 

224 Milton’s Paradife Regain’d —___. = 4705) 

225 Ogilby’s Virgil’ 
226 Waller’s Poems 
227 Machiavel’s Difcourfes on Livy 
228 ———=— Hiftory of Florence 1674. 
229 Cardinal Richlieu’s Letters, 2 vol. 1697, 
230 Weiley’s Hiftory of the Old and New Teft. 3 vol. 1704. 
231 Another €opy, 3 vol. 


> 1704! 
232 Devout Chriftian’s Companion, 2 pone haat el 
233 Hickes’s Devotions ——— + 1761 

234 England’s Converfion and Reformation compared 1725 | 

235 Hoadly on the Lord’s Supper 1735) 
"236 Maundeville’s Free Thoughts on Religion . 17231 
337 Waterland’s Vindication of Chrift’s Divinity 2BI2T 
238 Burnet’s Reformation abride’d —_— Mn 

239 Xeres’s Reafons for leaving | the Jews 
240 The New Jerufalem Paradife State, of God and Chrit fee 
and open to all 1719 | 
241 Patrick’s Witneffes to Chriftianity ~ —- 1703 
242 Devotions in the ancient Way of Offices 1685 
243 Sparke’s Feafts and Fafts of the Church of Eneland, ef- 
ganily bound in morocco, and fmall tools 1673 | 
244 Nellon’s Feafts and Fafts, by Kirke 

245 Ray’s North Country Words - | 
246 Abridzment of the Scots Chronicles Edinb. “aes 
247 Memoirs of Monmouthhhire ene 170 

248 Bale’s Ades of Englifh Votaries 
; 249 Pack’s 

es. = 

273 ee s Principles of Mufick .1656—Batler’ s Difcourfe of 


251 Fraétice of Piety — 1683 
252 Agxeement of the Cutioms iid the Eaft Indies, ; sand the 

249 Pack’s Life © of Pomponins ae Attics | ce. 1719 
2;0 Hearne’s Account of the Charter Houfe 1677 

2UAR To 

253” bRynne’s Divine Meditations —— —ssssil 641 
lao ; — Anti Arminianifme —ow 1630 
255. ———-—— Plea for the ‘Lords ee 1659 
256 : Prelates Tyranny oe 1644 
2 $7 OT oie of Lordly Prelacie — 1641 
258 Demurrerto the Jews 1656 
ieee Records concerning Queen Gold 1668 
\260 ————~ Plea for the Lords 1658 
‘261 ~ Tteachery of Papitfts 1643 
lake —————— Power of Parliaments 1643 

\263 ———--- Power of Parliaments fae 

Parliamentary Writs, énterleaved, 4.vol. 1659 
eet ‘General Hiftory of Europe,; or, Monthly Mercuries from 
_ the Beginning 1688 to the Year 1718, 47 vol, 
266 Elements of Armorie, .cuts,-coloured, 7 nena 1620 
267 'The Accedence of Armoric, es ol 1 OF 
268 Camden’s Remaines concerning Britain — i629 
269 The Life of Merlin -—-- 1641 
270 Kilburn’s Survey of Kent, ‘fine. copy —— 1659 
274 Sir Thomas Overbury’s Vifion, cuts—Beacon’s Difcourfe 
on the Reformation of Common Weales 1504 
272 Owen Harry’s Genealogy of King James the Firft from 
Noah, by divers direét; Lynes to Brutus, and frem 
him to Cadwalader, with the worthy Defcent of Owen 
Tudyr 1604 

Oxf. 1634 
‘27 rE oe s fecond Book on the three Principles of the di- 
vine Effence 1648 
275 Lindfay’s Poems, black letter 

| 276 Taylor’s Liberty of Prophecying — 1647 
277 Lilly’ s Chriitian Aftrology - 1647 
278 Heminge a Dane his Expofition of the Gofpel, black 

letter meen I 569 
279 Clark’s Lives of fue Fathers od 1650 
‘#80 Calvin's Sermons on the Galatians ————ae 1574 
281 Prideaux’s Introductfon to Reading Hiftories 1664 

28 2eLylie’s Euphues and his England, d/ack letter —= 1631 
2%3 Markham’s cheap and good Hufbandry — 1631 
RE 284 The 


uh Le al 
28 4 -a84 The whole Works of George Gafcoigne, Efq Efg; black letter a 
-285 Moxon’s Treatife of the Globes 
286 Stow’s Survey of London ——- 1613 | : 
287 —— Survey of London eee . 1598 | 

288 Ogilby’s Book of Roads, by Bowen — i «1793! 
289 Purchas’s Nature, Worth, the Wonder, and the Manner of 


296 Cave’s Lives of the Fathers, 2 vol. : 
297 Grew’s Rarities of Grefham College © ——— 1685 



right Ordering the Bee —_———- 1657 | 

290 Anttis’s Effay on the Knighthood of the Bath 1725 
291 Sir Thom. Parkyns’s Cornifh Huge Wreftler 1727. | | 
292 Atlas Geographus, vol. 3% i7ee | | 
293 Magna Britannia, Vol, 1 and z. ees 1720 | 

j Sn See eee Cee 
bake sae oO = "es 0. eG 
pen pee ee Sheet 
| 294 PpRynne’s hidden Workes eae to light 1645 
295 Pearfon on the Creed. egies 1692 | 


298 Stow’ s Survey of London ~ ——— - 1633 

299 Brady’s Hiftory of England, 3 vol. 1684 | 

300 Burnet’s Hiftory of his own Times, 2 vol. L724 | 
30% Inigo Jones’s and Charlton’s Stone Henge i725 | | 
go2 Sir Rob. Sibbald’s Works of Antiquity _ 3710 | : 
303 Morery’s Hiftorical Ditionary _——— _ 1699 | ' 
304 Jofephus’ s Works, by L’Eftrange — - ago2 | 

gos Dart’s Antiquities of Weftminfler Abbey, z vol. 

306 Ogilby’s Embafly to China 1669 

307 Eftampes de Jacques Callot 

308 Solenne Comparfa fatta in Roma del Conte di C siPlmcanc : : 
alla Papa Innocenzo XI. Rom. ) A 

309 L’Eneide di Virgilio da Fabrini —_— Vinets 525 

310 Difcours de la Religion des Anciens Romaines, par Du | 

Choul Lyon, 1556 | 
311 Whar dela Contralacion de las dudias Occidentale My lipor Fi of | 
' de Veitia Linage Seat Oy? 4 | 

312 Defcription del Efcorial, por Fran. delosSattas Maar.1657 
313 cua de las Iflas nanan oe Leon, de Arzenfola 

Se Se 

‘S 320 Ori- 

ib. 1609 f 

314 Los Autos y Acuerdos del Confejo ZON7Z3)- 4 
315 Las Cortes de Valladolid 
316 Agricultura, por alonzode Herrera~ = —— tb. 1677 | 
317 Teforo da Lingoa Portuguefa, por Pereyra Lifo. 1647 *| 
318 Pra&ica Créminal y Inftruccion de Subftanciar las Canfas, por | 
Herrera Villaroel ere Madr. 1672 | 

319 of: efero dela Lengua Caftellana, por Sebaff. de Covarrubias 
26. 1616 | 

4 alte 2 t+ 

a A RR A A 


| 1320 Origen y Principio de la Lengua Caftellana, por Bern. Aldreve 






321 Libro de Marco Aurelio : 
(322 Recopilacion de las Leyes de Eftas Reynos, 3 tom. Madr. 1723 

(323 Recepilacion de Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias, 4 tom. 

76. 1681 
(324 Francis’s Maxims in Equity —- 1728 
(325 Treatife of Equity —— 1737 
(326 Scobell’s Aés of Oliver Cromwell — 1658 | 
327 Cay’s Abridgment of the Statutes, 2 vol. 1639 
328 Dalton’s Country Juftice —-— 1727 
329 Nelfon’s Abridgment of the Law, 3 vol. 1725 ) 
(330 Bacon’s Abridgment of the Law, 3 vol. 3736 | 
(331 Rolles’s Abridgment of the Law, 2z vol. ; 1668 © 
332 Fitzherbert’s Abridgment, 2 vol. a 1565 
333 D’Anver’s Abridgment of the Law, 3 vol. 1 1706 | 
334 Winch’s Entries — 1680 | 
335 Clift’s Entries — —— 1719 | 
) 36 Brown’s Entries = —— 1675) 
(337 Levinz’s Entries — —— 1702 | 
338 Cafes in Chancery, 2 vol. _— 1697 
_ 39 Booth’s Law of Real AGtions ——— 1724 | 
| 340 Officina Brevium —— 1679 ) 
341 Index to the Reports 1726 | 

342 Townfend’s and Cornwall’s Tables to Préfidents of Plead- 

ings, 2 vol. —_——— 1705 
| 343 Hanfard’s Book of Entries —-- 1685 
344 Jacob’s common Law common plac’d _—_ 2733 | 
Law Diftienary 1729 


jem eeepc cen nc el i tn NLL NN cA CN A AO GALL CN 

| 946 Vidian’s Exact Pleader 
| 347 Statham’s Abridgment 
| 348 Tremaine’s Pleas of the Crown 



| 349 Hale’s Pleas of the Crown, 2 vol. — ab 
350 Coke’s Inftitutes, 2d, 3d and 4th. def edit. 1685 
351 on Littleton  —— 1729 
352 Refcinded A&s of Parliament ae Edinb. 1637 

| 353 Robinfon’s Book of Entries —_--- 1684 
354 Cowel’s Law Dictionary -_—_—— 1727 
355 Coke’s Entries, 2 vol. —_—— 167t 

*355 Regiftrum Breviym —_—— 1687 



Y 2 
af 4 



Third Night’s Sale, Wednefday, Feb.27. 


356 AY’s Phyfico Theological Difcourfes 1719 | 
357 Catalogue of Dr. Mead’s Library 9 — 1754 
35% Plutarch’s Lives, g vol. ee 1693 
359 Morals, svol. 1694 
360 Suetonius’s Lives of the Cefars wae 1692 
361 Brown’s Collection of State Treatifes come 1702 
362 Lora’s Delamer’s Works ae 1694 
363 Radcliffe’s Ovid Traveftie 1696 
464 Boyer’s Hiftory of Impeachments 1716 
305 Leake’s Account of Englith Money, def edit. 1745 | 
366 Addifon's Travels inte Italy aS | 
367 Eéton’s Liber Valorum, bef? edit. — 728) 

368 Political View-of the Affairs of Great Britain and read 

to the Death of Q. Anne 17! 
369 AtaRegia, 4 saps 1715 
37¢ The Medleys for 1711 1712) 
371 Boyer’s Annals of Queen Anne, 8 vol. 1703 
372 Memoirs of the 4 laft Years of Q. Anne 1779 
373 Vertot’s Revolutions of Rome, 2 vol. ——— 1720 
374 Andree’s Vocabulary of Six Languages 1725 
375 Boyle’s Works, abridged by Boulton, 3 vol. 1699 | 
376 Stanyan’s Account of Switzerland, | 1704 | 

377 Atwood’s Superiority of England over Scotland 1704. 

378 Intereft of Scotland confider’d 4 1730 
379 Lockhart’s Memoirs of Scotland ee W714. 
380 Memoirs of Naval Affairs under the Duke of York from 
1660 to 1673 1729 
381 Eéton’s State of Queen Anne’s Bounty L721 
382 Earl of Peterborough’s Conduct in Spain 1707 | 
383 Spelman’s Life of Alfred, by Hearne Oxf. 1709 
384 Cotton’s Pofthumous Works of AE 1651 
385 Lord Hallifax’s Mifcellanies 1717 
386 Temple’s (Sir William) Memoirs 1693 | 
{387 Plan of Englifh Commerce —— 1728 | 
388 Meteorogical Effays on Springs, Rain, &c. 1715 

389 Letter to Y the Lords of Trade and Plantations, wine ve 
grand Concern of Trade is maintained 
c 2 390 a 


Za Re PRES oe spec ema pe ra EE na a a rahe A Ta I a I TOE NE aE SE SS eae ig ED | 




| 402 



| 419 


c Rav’s Collection of Englith Words oo 169% 


Eight Traéts on Trade and Plantations, 

Sir Jofiah Child on Trade, 1693 
Lowndes’s Efiay for Amendment of Silver Coin, | 1695 
Fleetwood’s Chronicon Preciofum, — 1707 | 
Thorley’s Hiftery of Bees, 1744 
Disiertation on the Variation of the Barometer, 1721 
Peti¢’s Rights of the Commons afferted, — 1680, : 
Rawlinfon’s Britith Librarian, — 1738 
fEfop naturalized, —— 1727 
Tate’s Ovid, © = — 1697 
Huygens’s celeftial Worlds difcovered, 1698 | 
Demoivre on Annuities for Lives, — 1725 | 

Cotton’s (Sir Rob.) choice Pieces of Antiquity, 1679 
Graunt’s Obfervations on the, Bills of Mortality, 

wil 26 
Sherlock’s Ufe and Intent of Prophecy, : i 
Warburton’s Sermons, 2 vol. —— 1753 
3 divine Legation of Mofes, 3 vol. 1742 
Tillard’s Reply to Warburton, 1742 
Examination of Warbarton’s Legation, — 1748 
Somner’s Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, 1693 
The Angler’s fure Guide, © 4706 

Taffo’s Amintas, by Ayres, 

Millar’s Account of Cambridge, —_—— 1717 
Worlidge’s Treatife of Cyder, ad 1678 - 
Laffel’s Voyage of Italy, eet 1636 

Locke on Government, 1690 
Sir Thomas Overbury, his Wife and Charatters, 1632 
Patrick’s Adviceto a Friend, —_—S 
Difcourfes-en modern Comedies, Painting and Painters, 

Poets and Poetry, &c. . 1694 

Humane Prudence, wchtee 1697 
Derham’s artificial Clock-Maker, —_— 1714 
The Gentieman Angler, 1726 
Pardie’s Elements of Geometry, by Harris, - 1717 
Treatife of Canary Birds, 1718 
Mafon’s Method of Short Hand writing, 1662 
Sellers’s Atias Minimus, 

Boyle’s Heads for a Natural Hittory, — 1698 
Blount’s (Sir Thom. Pope) Natural Hiftory, , 1693 
Life of King George the Firf, 1724 
Teh IntroduGions how to read, with an Anfwer for Law- 
yers, Phvficians and Minifters, 1594 Czfar’s Dis 
alogue on the Inftitution of a Subject in Allegiance, 

Eali’s Loathfomneffe of long Haire, — 1654 

431 Vaughan 

431 Vaughan of Coin and Coinage, —— 1675 
432 Britihh Curiofities in Art and Nature, — 1721 


433 Ouiner’s Antiquities of Canterbury, aioe 1640 

| 434 Sprat’s Hilt. of the Royal Society, / . 1667 ° 
435 Mafters’s Hift. of Corpus Chrifti College ; or, Bennet 
College in Cambridge, 2 vol. 1753 

436 Woolafton’s Re.igion of Nature, with Index, 1726 
437 Extracts from 'ireaties between Great Britain and other 
', States, as relate to his Majefty’s Ships of War, 1758 
438 Collection of Treaties, Alliances, &c. relating to the ie- 
curing Commerce and Navigation of the Britifh Domi- 

nions, k 1717 

; | 439 Robertfon’s Hiftory of Scotland, 2 vol. — 1760 

440 Wotton’s View of Hickes’s Treafury of the ancient Nor- 
thern Languages, eff edit. Mere an ae 

441 Smith’s Hiftory of New-York, = 1757 
442 Clarke’s Connection of the Roman, Saxon, and Eng- 
| difh Coins, with Obfervations on Saxon Weights, &c. 

| 1767 
| 443 Warburton’s Vallum Romanum; or, Hiftory and Antiquity 

el of the Roman Wall, ——_— 1753 
| 444 A Collection of all the Papers publifhed on the Scheme | 
~ for augmenting the Stipends of the Clergy of Scote | 
| land,’ ; 1755 
445 Cafley’s Catalogue of the Manufcripts of the King’s Li- 
brary, wth Specimens, 

446 Horfley’s univerfal Merchant, ——— ae 
447 Lawrence’s Duty of a Steward, —_—_—— 17.27 
448 Willis’s Antiquities of Buckingham, = 1755 
449 Thomas’s Antiquities of Worcefter, 1737 
' 450 Stukeley’s Medallick Hift. of Caraufius, vol. 2d° 1759 

45% Recueil de Pieces en Faveur des Compagnies Hollandois 
‘ pour le Commerce des Indes Orientales & Occiden- 
tales, : — Rotterd. 1728 
452 Barbeyrac Defence du Droit dela Compagnie Hollandois 
_ des Indes Orientales, ——— Haye, +72 
453 Stanglini Methode pour apprendre la Langue Italienne, 
Lond. 1724, 

454 DiGtionnaire Italien &% Francoife, par Monf. Veneroni, | 

Ami. 1729 
455 Diccionario de las Languas Efpanola y Francefa, por 

Sobrino, : Braf.1724 | 
456 Fran. Barbarus de Re Uxoria, 1513 ——~\Gaitridi Mo- 

; t SANA W) 

{ igas J | 
~~ numutenfis de Origine & & Geftis Britannorum Libri, ag. 
oe Afcenf, 1608 

) 457 Evangelia Gothica & Anglo-Saxonica, a Junio & Maref- 
chailo, cum Glofario, Dord. 1665 | 
458 Valfechi de Aur. Antonini Elagabili Tribunitia Poteftate 

3 Difiertatio, — Florent. 1711 
| 469 Taylori Methodus Incrementorum, + Lond. 1715 

y Teftamentum Novum, &c. Armenicé, 
1 Ferrarius de Re Veftiaria, 

Patav. 1685 
Claverii Geographia, a Bunone, — Lond. i7\1 
_——- Lond. 

63 Oui Satyra, 

464 Gibfoni Chronicon Saxonicum, — Ox.1692 

65 Swinton de Lingua Etruriz, — 16.1738 
466 Maittaire Annales ‘l’'ypographici, 3 vol. H. Com.17 19 
467 Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica, cum Verfione 
Latina Benzelii, & Grammatica Gothica, per Edw. 

Lye, pe _ Oxon. 1750 
469 Another Copy, 1679 
470 Parfens’s Sermon at Lord Rochefter’s Funeral, 1680 

the 77th Pfalm, doth black letter, 

468 ean! $s penitent pardon’d, sali 1689 



471 Myles Coverdale’s Letters of the Martyrs — Hooper on 

472 W Ntrationum Liber Legum Angliz, — 1546 
473 Bridgman’s Conveyancer, Seff Edit. 2 vole 13725 
474 Sir Rob. “Atkyns’s Law Tras, 2 vol. 1689. 
| | 475 Bird’s practifing Scrivener, 1729 
476 Ericgman’s Conveyancer, omen 1682 
| 1477 Cafes and private Adts, 13 vol. $ 
478 Reports by Sir John, Davis, ae 1628 
t 879 ————- Owen, —, 1650, 
| (480° Winch, ———— _— 1657 
| {4815 — Sir John Bridgman, a 1659 
! 482 ———— Noy, — rr 166y 
ve \483 ——~ Aleyn, ——- —_—- 1681 
) 484 ———— Saville, — — 1674 
| 485 Hetley, — oe 1657 
486 Kelyng, soe —_ 1708 
| 487 ————— Popham, — 1682 
488 Latch, —— 1661 
et eg of Cafes in Equity of George I. 1738 
Re 490 by Benloe and Dalifon, — 1689 
! 491 ~———— Siderfin, 2 vol. — 1683 
| 92 ——————. Yelverton, . AM. gOGe 
) 493 ee aye 1682, and by Ley, 1659. 

494 Reports 

a en DN SASS AE SEE eee 


494 Reports by Style, 

| Cag a during Holt’s Time, 

495 ———— Jenkins, — —_—_ 
496 Littleton, — aes i a : 
497 Palmer, —— 1678 
| 498 —— Hardres,  —— 1693 
499 Vaughan, 1677 
| 590 Sir Will. Jones, ae 1675 
| 501 Salkeild, 3 vol. — 1721 and 24 
5ce2 ———_—— Carthew, ee 172 
| 503 — Hobart, ee 1671 
| 504 ————— Keble, 4 vol. ——— 1685 
- | 595 of Cafes in Chancery, Vol. tr. ee sah 
506 by Levinz, 2 vol. -_— 1702 
| 507 ———-——= Shower, 2 vol. ee 1703 
| §08 Vernon, 2 vol : 
3 ° ees I 20) 
509 ——-—= Pollexfen, — — 1702| 
510 — Rolle, 2 vol. ——— 1676 
4 511 ———— Croke, bef edit. 3 vol. ———e 1685. 
512 —————= Bulftrode, bef edit. Sait 1688 
513 ——— Leonard, ef edit. 2 vol. — 1687) 
| 514 meee Barnardifton, —_—— 1742. 
51S Fitzgibbons, es ) Zz 
' 516 Finch, Se . 
(317 —_——— Ventris 196 
; ee 1694) 
| 518 ———— Farrefley, 1725| 
§1g ———— Keilwey = ——— rae 
520 Holt, — 1733 
| 521 Moor, eee Phe 
» §22 ——__— Comberbatch, ees I 24. 
| §23 —————— Comyns, of 4 
524 ———_—— Lutwyche, 2 vol. ———= pee 
525 Peere Williams, 2d and 3d vol. 1749) 
526 —+_——. Sir Thom. Jones and Raymond, 1695. 
5o4 Skinner, sss SSS 1738 
528 ——_—_—. Dyer, /arge paper, 1688. 
| 529 ——_—_— Coke, 11 parts, —_— 16 
530 Plowden, I fa 
531 ———_——-. Anderfon, 2 vol. +664 
532 ———_—— S.C. — —_ 1688) 
| 533 — suer, 6 parts, repastatjetzol 
| 534 Burrow:, z vol. a iG 

Ta en 


catuneipsndnatsplaadiinaniiiedaaasioaas + 

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Fourth Night’s Sale, Zhur/day, Feb.28. 



3 = °W Alton’s Life of Mr. Hooker, ed 1665) | 
Treatife of Canary Birds ee 17 1B 

he oA Bohun’s Origin and Properties of Wind, 1673 
539 A Pill to purge State Melancholy, Poems 1715 
540 Vertot’s Revolutions in Portugal, —— 1700 
541 Monafticon Faverfoamiense, by Southoufe, 1671 
542 Joitelyn’s New England’s Rarities, od 1675. 
543 Drayton’s Poems, ——_—_—_. 1614) 

544 Haynes on our Silk and Woolen Manufactories, 1755 | 
545 Political Merriment, in Poems, 1714. { 
| 540 Cumberland on Jewifh Weights and Meafures, 1699. 

547 Finett’s Obfervations on the Reception and Precedence of 

foreign Ambaffadors in England, 1656. 
548 Stevens's Hiftory of Bavaria, 1706 
(549 Smith’s Art of Painting in Oyl, 1687 

550 Nolens Volens 3 or, you fhall make Latin, with Youth’s 

: vifible Bible, with 24 cuts, 167 75. 
55K Shirley’s Eflay on the probable Caufes whence Stones are | 
produced in the great World, &c. &c. 1572 

552 Cleveland’s Poems, Orations and Epittles, 1677 
| 553 Seymour’s Court Gamefter 1732. 

554 Hiftory of Madam de St. Phale, —_——-— 1733. 
| 555 - of Fath. de la Chaife, 2 vol. — 1693 

| 556 Walton’s Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c. 1675 

557 Worlidge’s Art of.Gardening, 1669, 
| 558 Steele’s Chriftian Hero,’ . 17tL. 
| 559 Van Etten’s Mathematical Recreations, 1674. 

. tae Effay upon the Government of the Englifh Plantations in 

America, by an Anierican, 1708 

| 561 Leadbetter’s Treatife of Eclipfee, — 1735 
562 Pitt’s Crafts and Frauds of Phyfick expos’d, 1703 | 

563 Rufden’s Difcovery of Bees, 1679) 

564 Herne’s Account of the Charter Houfe, 1677. 

565 Addifon’s (Lanc.) Revolutions of Fez and Morocco, 1675. 

566 Stringer’s Mineral Kingdom within Great Britain dif- 
. play’d, 
567 Shan- 


| 567 Shanaon’s (Lord) Difcourfes and Effays ufeful for the 

vain modith Ladies and their Gallants, 2696 
| 568 Royal Charter of Charles the Second to London, 

: 569 Defaguliers’s Phyfico-Mechanical LeGures, pizig 
570 Gaffarel’s unheard of Cutiofities — = 1650 
571 Harmer’s Errors in Burn .et’s Reformation, 169 98 

572 May’s Lives of Henry the lid, and Edw. the IlId, in 

Verfe, ———— 1633 
573 A Comment upon two Tales of Chaucer, 1665 
574 Warder of the Monarchy of Bees, —— 1726 
575 Anderfon’s Crown of Scotland imperial, 1705 
| 576 Swift’s Tale of a Tub, —_——_— 1704 

(577 Regulating the Silver Coin made eafy, 1696 
| §78, A Vindication of the Scots Defign of eftablithing a Co. 
La -- lonie at Darien, — 1699 
579 Three Letters to the Bp. of Carlifle concerniag Bifhop 
| Merks, ee 1717 | 

580 Steele’s State of the Roman Catholick Religion, with 

Tracts in Anfwer to it, 1715 
| 581 Life and Letters of Bp. Bedell, 1685 | 

Bl ‘ 

| 582 A View of the Coatts, Countries and Iflands within thg 
Limits of the South Sea Company; — 1715 
583 Bohour’s Art of Criticifm, 1705 
584! Pezron’s Antiquities of Nations; — 1706 | 
| 585° Lucretius, tranflated-by Creech; ee 1683 | 
586 Watts’s Treatife of Mechanicks, ——-= 
| 587 Taylor’s Linear Pet{pective, see 1718 
588. Veneroni’s Italian Grammar; _——- 1739 
58g‘ Andree’s Vocabulary of Six Languages; —- 17265 
§90 Edton’s Liber Valorum, 40 Edit: oes 1728 
| $91 Account of the great Storm, 1704 

592 Poll for Weftminfter between Lord Gower aa Sif George | 


Vandeput, 2 vol. | 

593 Another Copy; -|§——— ee 1749 | 
504 Salmon’s Family Didtionary _ 1705 | 
| 595‘ Green’s Principles of natural Philofophy, 1712 
596 The Surveyor’s: Dialogue, very profitable for Rords* of | 
fanors, Stewards of Manor-Courts, &c. 1733. 
597: Hennepin’s Difcovery in America, ——— 1658 

598 Davenant’s Effays on Peace and War, . 1704 

599 ‘on Gratits and Refumptions, 1700 

Bao: Proceedings i in the Arches Court of Canterbury, between 
Mendez da Cofta and Mrs, Catherine da Cofta, relating 

to a Marriage Contract, 
at Nichols’s'Tranflation of Sales on a devout Life, 1708 | 

603 Duty of Inferiors to Superiors, 1701 
604) The Spiritual Year, | —— 1693 
&o5 Nelfon’s Feafts and Fafts es 17@7 

DdD- 606 Com: © 

ee: tl 
606 Common Prayer . 
607 Judge Hale’s Contemplations, compleat, | FOBG 
| 608 Adams’s Effay on Self-Murther 1700 | 
| Gog Villier’s Duke of Buckingham’s Works 1704 

' 610 Le Compte’s Account of China 1697 
G11 Spaccio de la Befla rionfonte. di Fordane Wiens traxflated 
into Engli/b | 

N. B. The above Book was never publifoed 

ee An Enquiry into the State of the Union, and the | 
paft and prefent State of the Trade and Revenues 

613 Hiftorical.Colleftions relating to the Originals and 
| Revolutions, &c. of the Inhabitants of Great Bri- | 
| tain 1706 
| $2 ___-___ zs ae Sasi esabransmatiehdebectiants 

| 614 OOKE of Bice black letter j tag 1Sps | 

615 Whifton on the Revelation of St.. John | 3700 | 
616 Warren againft Burnet’s Theory of the Earth 1690 
617 Book of Homilies, Slack letrer 1587 

618 Bullinger’s One Hundred Sermons, black letter 1 pee 

619 Farewell Sermons 
620, Bible and Common Prayer ‘printed by Fisld 1666 
621 Sadler’s Rights of the Kingdom; or, Cuftoms of our 
Anceftors touching Kings and Parliaments. * 1683. 

| 622 Lambarde’s Perambulation of Kent.J... += 1596 | 

: | 623, The Cabala, in two parts, ee 1654. 

| 624 Effay of the Meanes how to make our Travailers in For- | 

raine Parts moft profitable 1606 

| 62 5, Orders for the Government of St. Batholomew’s Hofpital,. 

. and Difcourfe of the laudable Cuftoms. of London 


3 2 Se 
626 Stow’s Survey of Londor | 
627 Cooke’s Manner of improving Trees. rae 79 
628 A Treatife of Speéters ; or, Strange Sights, Vifions and 
Apparitions appearing fenfibly unto Men 160 

tr? Names of Market Towns, Parithes, Villages, ‘Ham- 
| lets, &c. in England and Wales, «with /mall cuts 
| 630 Daniel’s Poetical Works 1623 
| 631 The Booke of Affize of Bread, &c.. ——— 1610 
| 632 The Peoples ancient and juft Liberties afferted in the 

a A 

| Tryal of Pen and Mead 1670 
633 Taylor’s Hiftory of Gavel-kind as 1663. 
634 Dr. Brown’s Travels Saati 1673: 

635 Ellef-- 


635 Ellefmere’s sais on sie Pot. Nati 1609 —Smith’s 
Common Wealth of England, dlack letter 1621 
636 Two old Traéts on the Plague, and 1 more 

637 Defaguliers’s Experimental Philofophy 171g 
638 Violet’s Proceedings againtt the Ships Sampfon, Salvador 
| and George, their Silver and Lading see 1659 
| 639 Avebury, the Remains of a Roman Work sar ez2c 
640 Extracts of Treaties between Great Britain and other 
Kingdoms and States 1751 | 

| 641 Papers in relation to the augmenting the Stipends am a 
eftablithed Clergy in Scotland 1 
| 642 Philpot’s Catalogue of Lord Chancellors, eek 45 f 
the Seal, Lords Treafurers of England 1636. 

| 643 Phillips’ s Ancient, Legal and Neceflary Rights of Courts 
of Juftice 1676 
644 Hutton’s, Croke’s and Denham’s Arguments upon a 
Scire-facias brought by the King againft Hampden 

645 The Office of his Majefties Exchange Royal 1628 
646 Reformatio Legum Ecclefiatt. Hen. VIE. = Lond. tea 

647 An Apologie for certain Proceedings in Courts Eccle- | 
- fiaftical. -_ 1593 

648 The Office of General Remembrancer ‘ 1627 
649 The City Law 1647 | 
650 Abufes of the Common Laws of England 1656 
651 Howard’s Charges of the Crown Revenue of England and | 
Wales a ———— 16 47 
‘652 Butleri de Propinquitate re eel Impediente Re- 
“<. guia —— Oxon. 1765 

653 The Free Cuftoms and Benefits of the Copyhold Tenants. 
of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney, black letter 


654 The firft Marriage of Katherine Fitzgerald, contracted in. 
Facie Ecclefiz with John Power, now Lord Decies | 


afferted — _ 1677 
a dod F Os DP) ©, | 
ek Cm in Equity zbidde? d 1732 
656 Medern Cafes in Law and Equity ‘of Geo. If.) 
17 39 
657 Year Books, with Maynard’s Edward the Second, bef edit. 
é 10 vol. 1678 
658 Duke’s Law of Charitable Uies 1676 
639 Hawkins’s Pleas of the Crown, 2 vol. — iz 
660 Bohun’s Debates of the Houfe of Commons 
sil aa 660 Ar 


; 661 Arguments and Proceedings i in the Court of King's 's Bench. 

—€ a0 7° 

mete AT 

upon the Quo Warrante of London 
662 Prynne’s Anfwer to Coke’s Reports { 1669 { 

(663 Spelmanni Gloflarium, cwm multis Notis Manuferiptis Galez 

Lond. 1664 
et ap Florentine, corie turcico ac exemplar pulchrum, 
_ Floren. ap. Terrentin 155 

665 wenn Leges Wallicze ~ Lond. 17 = 
666 Wilkios Leges Saxonica, chart. max. —_ 16.1721 
| 667 Flores Hiftoriarom, -per Mathzum Weftmonaflerienfem, 
edit. opt. — Francq. 1601 
668 Camden's Britannia . 1695 
(669 Wharton) AngliaSacra, chart. max. 2vol., Lond. ie 

670 Regiftrum Honoris de Richmond, = —— ib.1722 
671 Minfheu’s Dictionary of nine Languages 1627 
672 Madox’s Firma Burgi —— 1726 
673 Baronia Anglica, 1. paper 1736 
674 Formulare Anglicanum, |. paper 1702 
675 Antiquities of the Exchequer, bound in morocco, 

gilt leaves, large paper aes 1711 

676 Cay’s Statutes at Large, 6 vol. —_- 1758 | 

—— 1762 

(677 Fofter’s Crown Law 
ei Viner’s Abridgment of the Law, 23 vol. 

(679 Journals of the Houfe of Commons to the Year 1766, 
with Indexes, 32 vol. 

‘680 Views of the Royal Palace at Verfailles 1676 | 
'681 The Effigies of the moft famous Painters 1694 | 
683 Antoninus’s Journey thro’ Great Britain, with Burton's 
Commentary 1658 | 
(683 Virgil tranflated into Scottith Verfe, by Douglas 1710 
(684 Cowley’s Works — 1669, | 
'68& Hollinthed’s Chronicle, 2 vol. 
686 Martin’s Chronicles of the Kings of England 1638 | 
687 Bacon’s Refufcitatio, by Rawley = 1657 
688 Advancement of Learning — . 1674 
689 Ricaut’s Hiftory of the Turkith Empire 1680 | 
690 Felibien’s Tent of Darius explained, with the Print, 
by Gribelin 4704. 
691 L’Eftrange’s Alliance of Divine Offices 1699 | 
602 Hobbes’s Tranflation of Thucydides — 1634 
693 Shelton’s Tranflation of Don Quixote 1675 | 
‘694 Johnfon’s Excellency of the Englifh Monarchy 1686 © 
695 Fryer’s Frayels into Perfia. : 1698 
696 Thevenot’s Travels into the Levant 1696 | 

697 Spenier’s Works ————————— ind 1679 | 
698 Sidney on Government 1698 | 
$99 Rufhworth’s CoileGions, 8 vol. 172t | 

790 Scmner’s Saxon, Lat. and Euglifa Diionary | 
708 Sie 

Ae eR A RE SE 

Se AIA. i ea 

“yor Sir ‘Thomas Brown’s Works —— 1686 
7ez Dr. Hooke’ s Pofthumous Works © _—_— 1705 |. 
793 Bers ans a — 4667 


Meer cee ei TET CIM a 






| Lor 

| ye4 OYER’s s Diétionary se He | 
| FOS De Moivre on Annuities upon Lives y25 | | 






706 Afhley’s Memoirs on the Trade and Revenues of the 
__—_— Britith Colonies in America 1740 | 
7°7 Meteorological Effays on Springs, Rain, and Wind | 

732 Sel- 

| 171 
708 Jones’s Syxo wep Péinatitrene Mathifios 17 
'.709 Ronayne’s reatife of Algebra -— ae | | 
so Martin’s Philofophical Grammar — 1735 | 
| 911 Ward’s Mathematician’s Guide 1707 | 
| 912 Regnault’s Philofophical Converfations; or, Syftem of 
Phyfice, by Dale, 5 vol. 17g3t |) | 
_ 713 Pliny’s Epiftles and Life, by Henley, 2 vol. 1724 | | 
714 Greave’s Mifcellaneous Works, 2 vol. 1737 | 
. 715 Daniel De Foe’s Works ——- 1703 | 
916 Rabelais’s ‘Works, by Sir Thom. Urchard, 2 vol, 
1708 | 
| 717 Antoninus’s Meditations, by Collier — 1726 
| 718 Dryden’s Tranilation of Juvenal ——— 1697 | 
| Zig The Monitor ; or, Britifh Freeholder, 4 vol. 1760 | 
720 The Tatler, 8vo. 4 vol. . 1710 | 
| 721 Chamberlay ne’s Prefent State of Britain —_ 1727 | : 
|722 Dying Speeches and Behaviour of State Prifonere 1730 
) 743 Du alde? s Hfftory of China, 4 vol. 1730 | 
724. Milfon’s Voyage to Italy, 4 vol. — 1739 | 
725 Herrera’s Hiftory of America, bexnd in aorecce, gilt leaves, : : 
5 vol. comes _——— 17235 | 
| 726 Rakeigh’s Hiftory of the World abridged, 4 vol. 1708 
727. Colden’s Hiltory of the five Indian Nations 1947 
728 Faile’s Account of Jeriey, bell edit. = —m—— sd 
729 Bruickell’s Hiftory of North-Carolina oa 1737 
_ | 730 Moztfaucon’s Travels through Italy as i7tz | 
| 73% Gulliver's Travels, 2.v0l, —— 1726 | 
| | 

oa al a 

732 Seller’s Antiquities of Palmyra 1696—Kennet’s Lives 

of the Greek Poete 1697 
933 Walker’s Expedition to Canada mee 1720 
734 Soufa’s Hiftory of Portugal, by Stevens 1698 
735 Wiillie’s Survey of St. Afaph, interleaved 1720 

736 Gregory’s Account of the Sepulchres of the Ancients, 

from the Creation of the World 1742 
7 37 Le Neve’s Monumenta Anglicana, 5 vol, 1719 
738 Abingdon’ s Antiquities of Worcefter, 1723 
739 Antiquities of St. Peter’s Weftminfter, cuts, "711 
‘740 Izacke’s Antiquities of Exeter, — 168: 
741 Journey through the Auftrian Netherlands, 1732 
742 Sellers’s Antiquities of Palmyra, ———— 17 og 
743 Second Tale of a Tub; or, the Hiftory of Rabert Powe 

the Puppet-Show-Man pri S2ES 
744 Mun’s England’s Treafpre by Foreign Trade 1743 
745 Thoughts on Trade, and on pene Spirit, aorocco, gilt 


746 Bindon’s Eflay on Commerce 
747 Stevens’s Spanifh Rule of Trade to a Welt Indio 

- §702 

748 Bacon’s Syftem of the Reyenue in Tele 1737 
749 Crouch’s View of the Britifh Cuftoms 1745 
750 Another Copy, 2 vol. —_--- 1745 
(751 Political Reflections upan the Fi inances and Commerce of 
France __ — 1739 

752 Porterfield’s Treatife of the Eye, 2 vol. 1759 
753 Sele& Cafes in Government ~~ 1701 
754 Craig’s Scotland’s Sovereignty afferted 1695 
955 Hardwicke’s (Lord) Order of Chancery 1744 
1756 Bp. of Carlifle’s Border Laws 1705 

(757 Greenwood’s Method of keeping County Courts 1 730 

te 58 Forfter’s Laws relating to Culloms and Trade 1723 
759 Barnes’s Poimt of Practice, 2 vol. 1754 
: 760 Bacon’s Law Traéts wee ee 1737 
761 Bohun’s Law of Tythes -_ 1731 
(762 Altry’s Charge to Grand Juries . _ 1725 

763 Wright’s Law of Tenures — 

lt 764 Legal Judicature in Chancery tated, Te p- 

! 765 Squire’s Indifference in Religion Inexcufable, large pape 

: 75 

| 766 Britith Parliamentary Regifter, /arge paper 175% 

) 767 The Medleys, 1711, Jarge paper 1712 

| 768 Bale’s. Briefe Chronycle concernynge the Examinacyon 
and Death of Syr John Oldcaftell_ wae 

'769 Anderfon’s Genealogical Hiftory of the House of Yvery, 
2 vol. 1742 


770 The Craftfman, 13 vol. a1 The 

Se a 2 

fb a RR EE TE Te RS 

€ #8.) 

| ogy The SpeQtator, 8 vols 
772 Burnet’s Reformation abridg’d, 3 vol. 
773 Tully's: Offices, by Cockman’ Cee 

774 Plato’s Works, by Dacier, 2 vol. 

776 Clarke’s Introduction to making Latin 
976 Ramfay’ s ‘Travels of Cyrus 

777 The Englifhman - —— 
778 Heylin’s Help to Englifh Hittory, Bef vs edit. 
9779 Mifcellanies, 2 vel. 
780 Ree of George a Green Pindar of clear 

pee see a eS 


mo |e 

“$i C\Adler’s Rights of the Kingdom — 1684 
O82 y Ellefmere’s Privileges of Court of Chancery 1646 
383 Racor? s Elements and Ufe of the Law —— 1636 
784 Prynne’s Plea for the Lords _ 1659 
"585 ‘Calthrope’s Readings on Copyholds a 1655 
586 Godbolt’s Reports — 

987 Les Coutumes de Normandie = —— Rouen, t5 
488 Ponderation: fepra Ja} Contrattationi Maritima del Carle 
Varga Be } Genoua, 692 
789 Order of keeping Court Leet and Court Baron 1650) 
790 Godolphin’s Ecclefiaftical Laws we «1687 | 
791 Abridgment of Sea Laws, cd edits ree SN | 
43 Doétrina Placitandi ee GY 

rn ER RS SE 

793 Prynne’s Power of Patiatentd me 1645 
794 Statutes as any way. relative: to the Admiralty; mead pad 
Ships of War ed 1642 
79 5 Exequia Iluft. Philippi Bilin Ox. 1587-——-Peplus Phil. | 
Sidnzeit _—_ 2b. 1889 | 
796 Moebius de Aiieo Serpente Lip/- PAGE LDMiertationes de! 
fre Vacca Rufa Lip/- 1692—Majemoides Ebrecorim jure | 
Divortii eee Tina, 1718 | 
297 Scriverii Batavia luftrata Bat. 160g—Teones & Hit 
toriaComitum Hollandiz ~ mee 
798 Bellus (Petr.) de Re Militari & Bello Ven, v's 363 | 
799 Sturmii Collegium Curiofum  Norimb: 1686 
oo Du Hamiél Reg. Scient. Acad: Hiftoria = Ef. 1700 | 
- 801 Bichatdi & Mantue Vits Jure Confultoram Patav. 1565 
802‘ Syriace Lingua Elementca Wiebe aftr, t55%5 
203 Mercurialiede Arte® Gyimnattica 7 ¥en. 157% 
$04 Tonftallus de Arte Supputandi ==" Lokd. 1522 
B05 ‘Pre-Adamitz, chart max 9 165'5 
806 La Prince de-Machiavel 
807) Il Duelloda Bate. Pipna, Fen. Gp. Folor. #554 
$08 Twenty-fix Volumes of Political and other Traéts 
: 30g Phi- 


a eS oa 

/ $09 Phifofophical pa factions for 1665-1 666—1 700—1 708 


B15 Las Gusrras de Flandes, por Fran. Lanario |§ Madr. 1638 

B12 La Teuscommia windicada, refpusfo a un Papel Anony- 

_— re 
and 1709, 3 Vv 
$10 Soledades de la Vida J defenganos del Mande, por Chrift 
Lozuna Seville, 1712 

B11 Hiftoria de Ant. Herrera de los Swcceffis. de France 
Madr. 1598 

mo contra Id Vida de Juan de Palafox y Mendoza 

Madr. 1698 

813 Amor con Vifta, por Enriquez de Zuinga ib. 1626 
(8:4 Flor de Apolo, per Mig. de Barrios Bruff.166§ 

816 Para Todos Exemples Merales humanos, § divines, por Perez 

de Mortal —— ib. 1666 

47 Viaje del Card. Don Fernando Me Auftria, mi Diego de 







Ado y Gallart Amft. 1645 
813. Chronicon de Ghrift. Adricomie ‘Dil blir traduxide, por Lor: 

Martinex de Marcilla Madr. 163% 

819 Reduccien de las Lettras, 9 Arte ai exfesair a Mudos, por 
Publo Bonet _ —_— id. 1626 

820 La Certena del Cassino, por Pereyra sh 5426 

rt) ee nt a a py nea ESA 

FOL? ©. 

821 Py urchet’s Naval Tranfadione —_ 1720 
822 Mezeray’s Hiftory of Fraace ~—- 1683 
82s Hill’s State of the Ottoman Empire nee 1709 

824 Samuel Johnfon’s Works ~~ 1710 
825 The Works of King James the Ift. _ 1616 
826 Howel’s French and Englith Di@tionary 1660 
827 Le Grand’s Body of Philofephy —— 1654 
828 Lord Clarendon’s Tracts —— 1787 
$29 Gordon’s Lives of Pope Alexander the WIth, and his Sou 
Cxfar Borgia, morocco, gilt leaves —— 1739 

$30 Tillotfon’s Works, 3 vol. eee 1735 
831 Dryden’s Tranflatiox of Virgil — 169$ 
832 Thurloc’s State Papers, 7 vol. — 1743 

| 833 Moll’s Defcription of England and Walax 1724 
834 Fuller's Worthiee of England a 1662 
835 Eufebius’s Hiftory of the Church 1692 


| 636 D’Ewee’s Journal of Q. Elizabeth’s Parliaments 1684 


837 Jofephus’s Works, by L’Eftrange — 1702 

$38 Sir Thomas Roe’s Negociations —— 1749 

839 Badeflade’s State of the Navigation of King’s Lyna 

and Cambridge ——__-— 1725 

840 Spectators, erigiwal edition, 2 vol. a= r71k 

941 Pozzo’s Perfpedtive, Ital. and Engl. 1707 
$4z Fox's 

| S42. ¥ox’s Bock of of Martyrs, b¢/?- we 3 vol... arson GR 
843 Rymer’s Poedera, with tle Additions, 21 val es aie 

844 Carew’s Rights of Eleétions 755 
345 A Catalogue of the. Harleian Manuicripts, ys the oe 
Oi) 2 vol. 175 
846 Charter granted by King William to the Tinea of 

_ the Maffachufets Bay | 

$47 Laws of the Mafiachulets Bay ee 1724) 
848 of the Ifland of Barbadoes —— 17211 
$49 of the Ifland of Jamaica ~ —— 1738 
350 ———— of the Province of New York 1719) 
351 of the Bermuda Iflands — — 1719) 
S 2 Laws of the Britith Plantations _-— 1721| 
$53. of the CaribeéIflands ~ os 173 ‘| 
so of Maryland ———— 1723, 

85 of Virginia —_-— 727| 
85 5 Cafes in Parliament from the Year 1696 to the Year un ATS S| 
_. with the Judgments thereon, 20 vol. | 
856 Raftel’s Statutes at Large, 2 vol. — 1618. 
$57 State Tryals, 8 vol. nee 1730 © 
858 Journal des principales Audiences du Parlement, avec. 
. les Arrets qui y ont été rendus, par Du. Frefne, 7 vol. 

Par. 1733 

359 Tryal of Dr. Sacheverell, and Speeches, /: . 1710 

_ 860 Murray’s Laws of Scotland eer 1681) 

| $861 State Tracts of King Charles IId. 2 vol. 1689 
| B62 K, William the IIId. 3 vol. ee 1608 | 

| 863 Proclamations in K. Charles’s Time, 2 vol. N. B. ae 
a ‘Books ewere Lord Somers’s 

| $64 Nicolfon’s Hiftorical Library r7t | 

| 365 Davenant’s Reflections on the Management of the Trade 

to Africa, 3 parts; and other Traéts on the fame Sub-| 

’ jects, &c.. 2 vol. — 1709 
866 Acts of Tonnage and Poundage 9 = —-— 1726) 
867 An Inventory of the South Sea Directors Eftates, 2 vol. | 

| 1721 | 
68 Nalfon’s Colleétion of the great Affairs of State during 
the Rebellion, 2 vol. 1682. 
869 Roberts’s Merchant’s Map of Commerce 1700 | 
$70, Spelman’s Index Villari is, beff Bit. ence 1700) 
871 Heylin’s Cofmography 5703) 


872 Chambers’s Dictionary, 2 vol. 1728) 
873. Stowe’s Survey of London, by Strype, 2 vol. 1720} 

874 Gentleman’s Recreation, by Blome, bef edit. 1710) 

875 Wynne’s Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, 2 vol. i724) 

876 Burghley’ 8 State Papers, by Haynes and Murdin, 2 vol. | 


1668) | 

878 Pri- | 

ce NN a Va 

377 Wil kins’s s réal Charatter, Rare’ — 
Bal A 



178 Prideaux’s Connetion, 2 vol. Fhtowlen 1718 
879 ‘Conftitutiones Excellentiflimi Ordinis Velleris Aurei, iw- 
pref: in membrana 

(B80 $ Stephanus de Urbibué, Gr, Lat. a Berkelio, 2 vol. ae 
: Bat. 1688 


Sixth} Night’ s Sale, Saturday, March 2. 



$81 HE Examiner for 1714 1712 
$82 Argyle’s (Marg. of) foiieubians to his Son 
! : 1689 

(983 Statutes of the College of Phyficians a 1693 
($84 Tradis; Treatife of Nobilitie, upon a Barony of Aber- 
gavenny 1642—Sir james Ley’s Treatife on Wards 
| and Liveries—1 Lytell Treatife_called the Newe Addicions 
| 1531-—Zouchei Defcriptio Juris & Judicéi Feudalis 


) Oxon. 1634 

| 885 Elfynge’s Manner of holding Parliaments 1660 

) $86 Selden’s Privileges ofthe Baronage 1642 

$87 Rights and Privileges of Englifhmea ae 1957 | 
' $88 Comment ontwo Tales of Chaucer cm 1666 
889 Philips’s Account of the Malabarians 1717 
890 Bp. Burnet’s Paftoral Care ae 1713 
891 Boyer’s French and English Dictionary - 1933 

892 Tracts ; Narien to the Poor deceiy'd Subjefes of the North, 
Det into Rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and 
: Weftmorland — Orations of Arfanes againft Philip the 
trecherous King of Macedone, Sc. €Fc.— Admonition ta the - 

trew Lords, Se. — 1571 
893 The Primer of Salifbury, cets 
394 Menagiana, 4 vol. Amft. 1713 

| 895 Les Conformitez des Ceremonies Modernes avec les An- 

ciennes A Leide, 1667 
|3 965 La Rocque T raite du Ban & Arriereban de fon Origine 

_ Par. 1676 

Boy Argou Inftitution au Droit Francois, 2 vol. ib. 4753 

| 898 Ferriere nouveau Commentaire {ur Ia Coutume de la Pre- 
wiite & Vicomté de Paris, 2 vol. ib. 1751 

899 Code Militaire ou Compilation des Ordonnances des Rois 

) de France, par Briquet, 5 vel. — ib. 1747. 
goo Sta- | 

00 96 Statii Opera SSeS neh Ek. ea 
go1 Plauti Comedia b. 1b, 1652 | 
go2 Senece Opera, exemplar pulchrom, 3 vol. ib. 2b. 1649 | 


commer emcee 

903 Plinii Hiftoria, Solis deayratis, 3.v0l. ~~ ib, 1b. 1635 
904 Virgilius, corio turcice ac foliis deanrat. ib. 16, 1636 
gos Smith de Republica Anglonim —— 1b. 1b. 1641 
906 Pingus de Virginitatis Notis, &c. L. Bat. 1640 
G07 Alftorphius de Lectis & Ledticis Veterum= m/f. 1704 
ge8 Loon de Manumiilione Servorum Uleraj. 1985 f 

| gog Alianus de Animalibus, Gr. Lat. a 161¢ 

| 919° Platonis Opera, Lat. a Ficino, 3 vol, —_ 1692. 
git Zouthzi Quettiones Juris civilis | Loud. 1632 

| 912 Paulus (Pet.) de Jure Afylorum & Afylis 1677 

| org Bapt. Porta Magia Naturalis — L. Bat. 1645 | 

914 Ciacconiiis de Triclinio _ Ani. 1689 | 
Drs Anti-Lucretius, per Card. Polignac, 2 vol. 
916 Sertonii Urfati Explaaatio Notarum & Literarum | 

| que frequentibas i in Antiquis Lapidibus, &c. occurrant 
i Par. 172% 
917 Ideii Libér ib, 1723 | 
Le 18 Gentilis de ARoxibat & Spebiionbas Fabularum & a 
| | 

Abufu Mendacii Hanoy, 1592 
aio Itinerarium Antonini Ailguftis & Burdigalenfe, cum Com: 

Ment. Surite —— ~  Coloz 1600 
920 ~ Provinciarum Antonini Augutti Lugdun' 
gat Wietfen de Avariis _ Amfi. 1673 | 

g22 Ant. Contius de Clandeftinis Matrimoniis Par. 0557 
923 Prancifei Florentis TraGtatus de Nuptiis cenfibrinatura 
_prohibitis aut permiffis, & Butlerus de Propinquitate 
Matrimonium Impediente Francg. 1643 
| 924 Hippocrates Atheifmi falfo aceufatus contra Hieron Gurd-) 
lingium woe _ Radelfad. 1719 
925 Falferse Memoriz Obfcure: de Scriptoribus Romanis, de} 
Ingeniis Romanis, &c. Harb. 7 2z| 
926 Pelyd. Vergilii Hiftoria Anglia oe Bat. 165% 
927 Bayfius de Re Navali Par. 1536 Sylva Frute 
tum; Collis Par. 1538—-Seminarium Earum Ar 

Baraya : Nomina fructus a Car. Stephano — 49. Reb 
. Szeph. 1536———=Car. Stephanus de Re Hortenfi 24. ae 
928 Junckerus de Vita Scriptifque ac Meritis Jobi Ludoi- 
‘ phi, cum Appendice de Lingua Hottento-Hica, &c 

Lipf. \71 
“929 Catalogus Imperatorim; Reguim ac Printipum qui Ae 
logicam artem Amarunt Anty. ap. Plant.15ee 
930 Scip, Marante Expoftulatio in Barth. Germoniuin pro An- 
tiquis Diplomatibus, &c. Lazzarini de Murro De- 
fenfio, Fenet. 1708—-Rime e Profe di Scipi a 
¥ ineg. 170 
Ks 931 Pa- 




931 Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina, 3 vol. |, °° "Hamb. 1708" 
932, Marbodeus de Lapidibus preciofis ~~ — ~~ Par. 1538 
§33 Hickefii Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thefaurus 
Gram. Critici Conf{pectus * Lond. 1708 

934 Goezius de Numis ——_— Vitemb. 1716" 
936 Homeri Odyfiea, Gracé, corio turcice ac feliis deauratis 
Ventt. 1543 

| 937 Pet. Martyr de Orbe Novo, corio turcico Par. 1 §87 
| 938 Camerarii Emblemata, cum figaris’ ' ~~ Mogunt. 1697 
) 939 Titi Livi Vita Henrici V. ab Hearne- 1 OR st Aree 
| 949 Leopold de Itinere fuo Suecico . ~ “Loud. 1727 
941 Baxteri Gloflarium Antiquitatum Rom. ~ ib. 1726 
942 Neutoni Genefis Curvarum, per Umbras, 2 Murdoch 
| ‘Lond. 1746 
943 RelandiFafti Confulares, edit. opt. * °° Tr. Rhen. 1715 
944. Du Port Royal Nouvelle Methode ‘pour’-apprendre fa 
Langue Grecque a "Par. 1696 
945. Sanctii Minerva, feu de Caufis Lingue Latinz, cum Notis 
. Perizonii me Amt. 17th 
! 946 Heineccii Elementa Juris civilis. — ~ =. Bat. 1754 
947 Las Obras de Bofcan, y Gare. de la Vega’ Any. 1597 
! 948 Queftion de Amor, y Carcel de Amor ~~~ (7b. 1576 
949 Milite Gloriefo de Plaute s 26. 1555 

| 950 Eftilo de Cartas Miffoas Barcelona 1693 

951 Saras de Carneffolendas, por Hidalgo’ mh Brug. 1620 
952 El Herce de Ler. Gracian Amp. 1659—Arte de Prudentia, 
de Gracian — ib. 1659 

§ 53 La Copania ae Rompe Columnas, por El Capitan Flegetonte 
Par. 1709 

954 Vanitad del Mundo, por Diego Eftella, 2 tom. Salam. 1683 

955 Examen de Ingenios, por. Huartes 1603 

| 955 Dialoges Efpan y Frances, por Oudiu - Brux. 1675 
: 957 sane o Proverbies, Efpan. ¢ ‘Fras por Oacin . ' 1659 


953. COnsrh ones Apologeticas Jobre la Verdad ‘des las Inveftix 
gaciones Hi ‘Moricas de las Aatiquedas del Regno de Na-~ 

‘ - warra, por Fof. de’ Moret  Pamplon. 1678 

| 959: E/peto dela Vi vita del Mundo, por Pereyra ° 

960 Plaza Univerfal de tedas Ciencias J Artes, por Suares: de 

964. Libro 

bo fig Figuesra (ss Perpin. 1629 
| 961 Obras de Facinto Polo | “Zarag. 1670 
| 962 Emprefas Amorcfas, por Paulo Fouio' Leon. 1561 

| 963 Sueceffes Predigios de Amor, en ocho Novolas, por Juan Perez 
Madr. 1623 



|+—— a & 

“on Libro Axreo del Emp. Ria Une: iG, a Ant. de Guevara 
: Madr. 1658 | 
965 Acadeitas Morales de las Mijas, pm Ant. Enriquez. Gomez 

ib. 1668 | 
966 V avios Poe Gas de Salazar de ee 
967 Difeurfos ‘de. la Noblexa de Efpana, por Bern. Moreno de 

Vargas | ib. 1622) 

968 Seneca Illuftrado, por Banos de Velafco 1b. 1670 
969 Curia Ecclefaftica de Fran. Ortiz = —— 16. 1616 

| 970 Hipolito y Aminta, por Fran Quintana 76, 1627 
oon des de las Iflas la Graw Canaria, por J13% Nunez, 
10. 1076 

ak 2 Vida de Greg. Guadana, por Hexr. Gomez Rehaxz, ie z 

973 3 Obras de Fuan de Tarfs - ane Madr. 1643 
974 Difcourfos varios de Lep. de Vega ib. 1653 
975 Agudexas de Juan Over, por de la Torre "10, 1024.) 
976 Novelas de Miguel de Cervantes — £6. 1051 | 

977 Nevelas de Zayas, 2 vol. 

978 Comedias de los Ingenies de Efpana, 2 ny Madr. 1652 

979 Conedias Efpagnoles, 2 te, | 

sg80 Efpeie Friel de Vidas a) Lond. 5480) 
*980 La Harmonia del Munda 

981, Vita del Giacomino, di Nardi ~— Fiorenz. 1597 

‘982 Difcorfi del Cauriano fopra 'Tacito _ ib. 1597 

983 Confiderationi fopra Tacito, di Pio Mutio  -Brujc. 1623, 

-984 Relationi di Giov. Botero Fenet. 1640) 
985 Magia Naturale, del Bapt. Porta Napol 16114, 
986 Hiftorie di Sleidano , 1557 
987 Prontuario de le Medagiie Lion. ap Rouil, 1577 
988 Gemme Antiche figurate de_Roili, colle Spofizioni dz 
p Maffei » carta granda, 4 ‘vol. Ror. 1707 | 

pogo Haym) Teforo Britannico, Overo_ il Mufeo Nummario, | 
eo), \ carta granda, 2 vol. sa Lond. 17 20 
1990: Pitt’s Aineid of Virgil, 2 vol. \ “17 40| 

* byQ@9I Addifon’s Works, /arge paper, 4 vol _— i72k 

992 Lord Lanfdowne’s Works —— 1722 
(993 Wright's Louthiaua te 1748 
994. Langley’ s Treafury of Defions 
-995  Sheflield’s, Duke of Buckingham’s Works, z2yol. 1723) 
996 .Pemberton’s View of Newton’s Ebuotophy 1728 
997, Gay’s Poems,: 2 vel. moines . 1720} 
a Lord  Myttleton 5 men the Second, Bolan 1707 


ib. 1694. | 


fe a i 

bs 8 BSL to, 
"99 TSALETI Oratioes Vinee, ap. did. v9 8 
| TQCe Robortellus de Ratione corrigendi Antiquorum 
Libros; de Convenientia Supputationis Ann. cum Mar- 
| moribus, &c: Ejufdém Emendationes Patav. 1557 
| | 1oe1 Imhoff Hiftoria Italie & Hifpanie = =  Norimb. 1701 
/yoe2 Scacciade Commerciis & Cambio __ Colon, 1738 
| | 1003 Maittaire Marmora Arundelliana, Seldeniana, &c. coris 
) rxffico — _ Oxon. 1732 
| | 4004 Summa que Deftruétorium Viciorum Apellatur; Colon. 

| Yoos Crcconis Imp. Romancrum Numifmata Mediolan. 1683 
1006 Stephani Thefaurus Linguz Latine, 4 vol. Lond.1734 
|. 1007 Catalogus: Manufcriptorum Angliz Oxon. 1697 

‘1008 Du Frefne Gloffarium ad Scriptores Mediz & Infima 

: | Latinitatis, 3 vol. Par. 1678 

1009 Catalogus Bibliothece Cleri Londinenfis in Collegio 

Sionenfis, a Reading Lond. 1724 

io1o Catalogus Librorum Manufcriptorum Bibliothece Cot- 

tonianz, a Smith oe Oxon. 1696 — 
i011 Idem Liber 16. 1696 — 
| 1012 Merceri Commentarium in ee Salomonis Prover- 


bia & Canticum Canticorum L. Bat. 1657 
1013 Matene & Durand Thefaurus Anecdotorum Compleétens 
Regum & Priacipum aliorumque Virorum Illufttium 

Epiftolas & Diplomata, 5 vol. Par. 17'7 
_ 1014 Alphabeti ex Diplomatibus & Codicibus Thuricenfibus 

| Specimen, a Scheuchzero Tigsr. 1730 
vers Waltheri Lexicon Diplomaticum Gotting. 1747. 
1016 Poli Synopfis Criticorum, 5 vol. Lond. 1674 
| to17 Bianchini Camera & Infcrizioni Sépulchrali de Li- 
' berti, Servi, ed Ufficiali della Cafa di Augufto Rem. 
: ae 1727 
3018 Offervazioni fopra Alcuni Frammenti di Vafi Antichi di 
| Vetro, di Bonarruoti —— Firene. 1717 

io1g Angeloni Hiforia Augufta de Giulio Cefare a Conftan- 
tino 11 Magno Rom. 1685 
1oz0 Canini Iconografia, cice Defegni d’Imagini de Fa- 
mofiffimi Monarchi, Regi, Filofof, Poeti & Ora- 
- toridell’ Antichita, ia marochixe, ¢ foglis derat, Roma; 

A AE: et et tem ns trpaamecemerateneh tt 

| ; 1669. 
| ¥021 Gli Antichi Sepolcri, overo Mautolei Romani & Etrufchi 
da Bartoli 5b. 1704 | 

| _ 1oa2 Vocabulario de gli Academici della Crufca, 6 tom. 
Fireax. 1729 
1o3§ Thea- 

[ — | . — . . = ecenenliaa kl geaincemontiancl re ener 



1023 Gheatro Morals de Toda la Philofophia de los Antigues 
y Modernos, con figure bellis — Bruff. 1669 
1034 Suma de los doxe Tomos de las Refelucionss Morales del Ant. 

Diana, por J Mondes de Porres —- Madr. 1657 

1025 [iforia del Regan Balearico, por Fuen Demeto 1632 | 
1026 - dela Conguifia de la Nueva E/pang, por Bern. 
Dias del Ca/tillo —_————- Maar. 1638 

1027 Te foro de la Lengua Caftellana, per Sebaf. de Cobarruvias 
Madr. 161% 

to2a8 Sitio de Breda, por Herm. Huge ——— Antv. 1627 
yorg Theatre Hiftorico dela Cafa de Seufa, per Manuel de Soufa 

Moreyra Par. 1694. 
| 1030 Genkral Diftionary, a fine /ett, 10 vol. 1734, | 
1031 Pococke’s Travels, /arge paper, 3 vol. 1745 | 
1032 Nalfon’s Colleétion of Affairs of State, 2 vol. 1683 | 
3033 Ludolphus’s Hiftory of Ethiopia 1682) 
1034 Hooker’s Ecclefiaftical Polity : 1676 | 
1035 Lord Clarendon’s Rebellion 1f and ay 1602 | 
1036 Kennet’s Regifter and Chronicle —_—_—_ 1728 
1037 Bedford’s Scripture Chronology —_— 1730. 
1038 Echard’s Hiftory of England —=-— 1720 | 
1039 Camden’s Britannia, by Gibfon, 2 vol. 1722, | 
10,0 Chaucer’s Works, by Urry 1722 | 
1041 Common Prayer and Apocrypha - — 1638 | 
1042 Rapin’s Hiftory of England, 2 vol. — ~—=s 1732 
1043 Kennet’s Hiftory of England, 3 vol. 1706 | 
1044 Burnet’s Aittory of hisown Time, 2 vol. 1724 | 
1045 Breval’s Travels, 4 vol. in two 1626, &e. | 
1946 Bion’s Ufe of Mathematical Initruments, 1723 | 
to47 Blackmore’s King Arthur 1697 : 
1048 Sir Henry Spelman’s Englith Works 1723 | 
Yo49 Prince Cantemir’s Hiftory of the Othman Empire 1734 
1050 Afhmole’s Hiftory of the Order of the Garter 1672 | 
10st Dr, Brown’s Travels, beft edit. 1085 | 
1052 Montfaucon’s Antiquities of ltaly i725 

( Grevii & Gronovit Thefairas Antiquitatum | 
| rum & Grecarum, 25 vol. v L. Bat. 1697 | 

Thefaurus Antiquitatam & Hiftoriarum Siciliz, | 
| Sardiniz, Corfice & ad Jacentium Situ, &c. 33 vol. | 

ISAs Lug. Bat. \ 1723 | 
dos Thefaurus Antiquitatum & Hiftoriarum Tta- | 
liz, g vol. ee Lug. Bat. 1704 | 
N. b. The above Looks are all weatly bound ix 
yos4 Salengre novus Thefaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, 
chart. max. g vol. a Hag. Com. an 

Seven th 


raneunce care gatoniSr oenemmammececmnara 


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¥OSS 77 Antiguidad y Noblexa de los Ladvoues, fer § Garcia 

ar. ee) 
1056 Hifforia se la Muerte de Earico ef Grande quarto Rey dé 

Francie — oe Segow. 1628 
1057, El Corie/ano, traduxido por Bofcan Arverf. 1574 
1058 Epifeto, traduxide por Quevedo Bruf. 1661 
1059 Cologuwio de las Damas een “1607 
1060 Hifforia de Mexico, por Gomare Anverf. 55 4. 
1061 Celeflixa Tragi-Comedia 1595 

3062 Hiff. Guerres civtles de Granada 
1063 El Viage entretenido de Aguft de Roias Barcelon. 1624) , 
i 064 Los Alizios de Caffandra th.. 3640 

1065 Dichos y Hechos del Senor Reg. Don Felipe, por Balt. Por- 
reno —_——_— Madr. 1663 
1066 Vida y Fabulas del Efvpo, con figure Sevil. 1682 

1062 Corénas del Parnajo, y Platos de las * Mufas Madr. 1635 

i 069 foco Seria Burlas Veras, 0 Reprehenfion Moral, y fe/- 
tive de los defordenes Publicos, a Luis Quenones, Val- 
lad. 1653 

be Vida del Guzman de Alferache, 2 vol. Bruff. 1604 
iyo71 LEpifielas de Guevara, 2 vol. Anvers, 1603 | 
1072 Eloquenzia Efpanola, por Barth. Ximenes Toled. 1604 | 

a 073 Dela Rajan de Eftado, por Botero Madr. 1593 
fora Pratica de Efcrivance, por Fran. Goncalez 26,1651} 
hozs Hifforia de la Nueva Mexico, del Cap. Gafpar de Villagre 

' Alcala 1010) 

11076 Vida de 8. Ignacio de Loyala —- Zarag. 1631 
11077 Expulfion Fuftifscada ae los Morifcos E/pansles, por Aznar 

Cardona _———— Hucyea, 16018 
1078 Las Obras ae Ant. Perez, 2 vol. — Genev. 1648 | 
toy Q Papfores de Beien de Lope we Vega Bruj. 1734 

1080 Auroras ee Diana, por Pedro de Caftre Coimbra 1634 
1081 Dialogos curiofos extre ue Philsfapha aguda un Mecrade | 
difcreto, y un Accienifla erudite, per” "Sof, de ja Vega\ 

Av fi. et 

1082 Or- i. 

fe67 Fragrantos Flores, por ‘fof. dela Vega Ambry. t6g2 

1082 Ordenacotse Leys de Reyno de Portugal, 5 wel. Lifboa 1727 

(1083 Grammatica E/pan. e Fran. por Sobrins Braff. 1717 
1084. Efjansla y Ingle/. per Anton Lond. 1711 
1035 Silva de varia Lecion, por Mexia Anv. 1603 
1086 Obras de Corn. Tacito, por Sueyro "76. 1619 

1087 Algebra en Arithmsetica, por Pedre Nunez ib. 1565 
1088 Hifforia de las Guerras ae Granada Par. 1606 
1089 Dela Divina Providercia — Loud. 5476 

1090 Noticias del Procedimiento de las Inquificiones de Efpanay 

I Portugal : —_-_—_, Villafran. 1672 

aoe Vocabulario Ital. e Spagn. di Franciofini Rom. 1638 

1092 Biblia Efpanola Am/f. 5428 
1093 Hifteria de Mexico, por Gomara ae nv. 1554. 
1094 Epifiele Famigliare di Cicerons | Fen, ap. Ald. 1545 
: 1095 Leétura quarta jopra PInferno di Dante, di Bait. Gell 

sha eS oie Ficrenz, 1558 
11096 Eccellenza delle Denne, di Marinella Venet. 1621 
1097 L’Hifforia Ecclefiaftica d Eufebio cee 26.1547 
1098 El Nuevo Teftameuto, foglie dorat. — Amfi.1708 
'1099 Columella de ? Agricoltura —_ Venet. 1543 
1100 Leitere di Card. Bentivoglio Colon. 1546 
4101 Concett? di Girol. Giramberti Vineg. 1553 
2 302 Statutes of the College of Phyficians — 1693 
4103 Pancirollus’s Hitt. of Things loft and found, 2 vol. 


ana 3h as ; ws a 372 

/ 104 Horneck’scrucify’d Jefus aes 1686 
3195 Meditations of a Divine Soul 1703 
1706 Catalogus Bibliothece Harleiate, 5 vol. 1743 
1407 Lord Waipole’s Anfwer to Bolingbroke . 1763 
1108 Miffon’s Voyage to Italy, 2 vol. 1605 
tiog Cuningham’s Laws of billsof Exchange 1765 
iro State Poems, 4 vol. ae 1702 
1114 Colleétion of Tryals, 2 vol. - 1718 

iiiz Traité des‘ Droits Honorifiques des Seigneurs dans les 

ia Eglifes, par Marefchal, 2 val. Par. i714 
1113 Les Oeuvres de Quevedo, 2 vol. Brux. 1718 
3114 Nouvelles de Cervantes, 2 vei. — Amfi. 1720 
aiis Voyage to Bucnos Ayres —— 1716 

1116 The Gentleman’s Pocket Companion for Travelling 

into Foreign Parts 1722 Three Dialogues, in 6 

Languages 1723 

1117 Fontenelle’s Lives of Peter the Great and Catherine 
! = bs 1728 
i118 Rymeron the Tragedies of the laf Age, and his Short 
View of Tragedy aes 1693 
1420 Creech’s Theocritus \ 1634 

4121 Floyer’s Sibylline Oracles compar’d with the facred, 
Prophecies L713 
e 11zz Wal- 




11z2 Walfi ngham’s s Maxims for Statefmen, &c. 
1123 Pitt’s Account of the Mahometans —- 
1124 Harris’s Elements of Trigonometry 
3125 Saunders’s compleat Fifherman —_—— 
7126 Glanvill’s Treatife of Witches 
z127 Antoninus’s Meditations, by Cafaubon 169 
1128 Werburton’s Commentary on the Effay on Man 1742 
1rsg Sir Thomas More’s Utopia 
1130 A Collection of Proclamations and Orders of ae 

/ Prince of Wales, and other Traéts 1745, 
1131 Harvey’s Vanities of Philofophy and Phyfick 1702, 

1 Dennis’s Ufefulnefs of the Stage —-— — 1638 
/ | 3433 Milton’s Hiftory of England 1677 
— 1688 

| 8134 Creech’s Horace 
| 3135 Wafer’s Defcription of the Ifthmus of America 1699 
1136 : s | Depa by Salmon Tae 1720 


| | #197 Wye Notes and Difquifition on the Go- 

| vernment of England, 2 vol. 1766 
1138 Hanway’s Travels, frf edit. 4 vol. 1753 | 

#139 Anderfon’s Collections relating to Mary Gaten of Scot. 

land, Jarge paper, 4 vol. ee 1727 


_4y40 Barrington on the Statutes 1766 
1141 Weift’s Tranflation of Pindar _—_ 1749 

1142 Boerhaave’s Chemiftry, by Shaw nae 1727 | 
1143 Switzer’s Syftem of Water Works, 2 vol. ~ 1934] 
1144 Coriat’s Crudities, compleat and fair —— VOL, 
4145 Horatii Emblemata, ab Otho. Vazno Brax. 1683 
1146 Virgilius ; Horatius ; Terentius ; Catullus, Tibullus & | 

Propertius & Lucretius, g vol. Cantab.170¥ ° 

3347 Vaillant Regum Parthorum Hiftoria, zvol. Par. 1725. 
1148 Aliani Varia Hiftoria, Gr. Lat. Gronovii, 2 vol. 

L. Bat. 1731} 

3149 Middletoni Germanie quedam Antiquitatis erudite 
Monumenta Lond. 1745 | 

1150 Maittaire Senilia a - 26.1742, 

1151 Sacrorum Evangeliorum VWerfio Gcthica, a Benzes| 
lio & Grammat. Gothica, per Lye, chart. max.| 
| Ox.1750 
r152 Argelatusde Monetis Italiz, 3 vol. Mediolan. 1750. 
4153 Trivorii Obfervatio Apologetica ad Infcriptionem Ora-) 
tionis ad Anteceflores Digeftis Juitiniani Preepofite, | 

) corio turcice ac folits deaurat. Par. 1638) 
1154 Newtoni Optice, a Sam. Clarke Lond. 1706 
) 1155 =  =Philofophie Principia = ——— ib. 1726 
: x 0 Pig-— | . 


aca, sit. opt. 

1156 Pignorii Menfa If 
1157 Toallii Epiftol Itinerariz 
1158 Pagnini Hebraice Inftitutiones, corio turcice, Par. ap. 

1 Reb, Steph. 1549 

Hines Battely Antiguitates Rutupine ~ Oxon. 1745 

4160 Begeri Meleagrides & f&tolia Col. Braud. 1696 
; Ejufdem Crane Infula Laconica, Eadem & Helena | 

_ digta 76. 1696— Ejufdem Contemplatio Seaman 
Dattiliothece Gorler ib. 1697 
iyr61 Lyfiz Orationes, Gr. Lat. a Tayloro — Lond. 1749 | 
(‘1162 Fontanini Vindicie Antiquorum Diplomatum adverfus | 
: Bath. Germonium - — Rome, 1705 | 
(7163 Ptolomzi Harmonica, a Wallifio Oxon, 1632 
't165 Vergili Maronis Codex Antiquiffimus in Bibliotheca 
| Mediceo Laurentiana adfervatus, corio turcico ac foliis 
: ¢ deauratis. ane Florent. 17 41 
_ 4166 Bytemeifter de Augufte Domus Brunfvigio Lunebur- 
| genfis Meritis in Rem Literariam, /oliis deawratis 
4 | Elelnffaa. 1730 
(1167 Greg. Nazianzeni in Julianum Invective; Grecé, a Sa- 
| ville £toz 1610—Joan. Metropolitani Verfus Jambici, 
| Greece 76. 1710 

1168 Vafa in Collectione Arundeiligno, ab Holbein & Hollar, 
i coria turcico 
11169 SigebertiChronicon —_ ap. Henr. Stephan. 1513 
13170 Valfechus de Aurelii Antonini Elegabili Tribunitia | 
_ _Poteftate rae aT Florent. 1711 
'y171 De Bie Numifmata Aurea Imperatorum Romaexorum ab | 
Havercampo ————_ * - > Amp. 1739 | 

‘1172 Patini Commentarius in tres Infcriptiones Greecas Smyrna | 
nuper Allatas Patav, 1685 | 


(4173 Macarius in Gemmas Abraxas - Aniv. 1657 | 
1174 Hickefii Inftitutiones Grammatice Anglo Saxonice | 
Oxse. 1689 

1175 Relique Librorum #nex Vici ad Imperatorum Hifto. 
a riam ex Antiquis Numis — Fenet. 1691 | 
lar76 Chifletius de Othonibus #reis, Ejufdem Socrates Aety, | 
Y ap. Plantia. 1656 | 
177 Gronovii Pecunia Vetus, Xc. Lug. Bat. 1691 | 
1478 Bayfius de Re Navali, de Vafculis, & de Colotibus Par. 
ap Rob. Stephan. 1536 | 



: | 
i FQLIQ. | 


1A at aN en eR a tt 

Poor a ot 

Syriz, Numis Veteribus Illuftrati Vien. 1754. 

1180 Chifhulli Antiquitates Afiatice Lond. 1723 

¥181 Ciampini Vetera Nonimenta, 2 vol, Rom. 16g0 

1182 Navigatorés Varii in Novi Orbis Regionibus Par. 1532 




1193 Biblia Sacra Vulgata Par. ap, Colineum 1541: 


1183 Strabonis Geographia, edit. opt. 2 vol. ~~ -Amft.1707 — 

1184 Bifchop Statue 

| | 

Peg 4 

| Ht 79 Y,R-ELICH Annales Compendiarii Regum, & Rerum | 

| | 


1185, Auguitinus de Legibus & Senatus- tuts & Urfini | 

Note ad Leges & Senatus confulta © = Par. 1584 | 
1 186 Marlot Metropolis Rememfis Hiftoria, corio turcico foltis 
Geauratis, z vol. _— _  Infulis 1666 

1187 Bellorii Adnotationes in x11 priorum Czfarum “Numif- | 
mata ab /inea Vico Rom. 2730 | 
1188 Gevartii Regum & Imperatoram Romanorum Numif- | 
mata, & Auguftini Antiquitates Romanarum Hifpa- | 
niarumque in Nummis Veterum . Antv. 1654 


1189 Pharmacopeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londineniis, | | 
corio turcico ac foliis deaurat. —_—— Lond. 172 r 

11g0 Ceremoniale Epifcoporum juffu Clementis VIII. corte 
turcico, ac foliis deauratis Rome 1600 

419% Balei Scriptores Illuftres Hiftorie Britanniz, cum Ma- 
nuferiptis Notis Autheris, corioruffico : Baf. 1557. 

(1392 Pitifei Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum, 3 vol. Hag. 
Com. 1737 

1194 Goltzii Numifmata, 6 vol. od Ant. 1618 
1195 Begeri Thefaurus Brandenburgicus, five Gemmarum 
& Numifmatum Grecorum Series, 3 vol. Col. gest 

Thefaurus ex Thefauro Palatino, five Gemma- 
trum & Numifmatum que in Eledtorali Cimeliarchio 
continentur Heraelb. 1685 
4197 Seldeni Opera omnia, a Wilkins, 6 vol. Lond. 1726 
1198 Hickefii Thefaurus Linguarum Vet. Septentrionalium, 
chart. max. 2 vol. Oxon. 1705 
1199 Stephani (Henr.) Thefaurus Grece Linguz, cum Glof- 
fario, 5 vol. ap. Hen. Stephan. 1572 
[3200 Spanhemius de Preftantia, & de Ufu Numifmatum Anti- | 
quorum, 2 vol. Lond. &F Amj?.1706 | 

[1201 Junii Ety mologicum Anglicanum, per Edv. Lye, chart. 
Wax. * ; Oxon. 1743 : 
1202 QuinGilianus de Inflitutione Oratoria, a Capperonerio, 

tear. wax. Par. 172 

1203 Ma- 

pe cette NTS 

| 1205 Hiltoria Atatum Mundi, ac Defcriptio Urbium 1493 

1203 Mabillon de Re ee edit. opt. Par. 1703 
i204 Wife Nummorum Antiquorum Scriniis Bodleianis Re- 
conditorum Catalogus, chart. max. Oxon. 1750 

1206 I Cefariin Ore raccolti nel Farnefe Mufeo, dal Paolo 
: Pedrufi, 10 vol. Parm. 1694 
1297 Quarefimale di Paolo Segneri, in marechino,. &F Seghe 
dora. —— Firerz. 1679 | 

1208 Le Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali Ggurate, da Pietro Santr 
Bartoli ee Lond. 1704 

| 1209 Memorie della Morea, racquiftata dell’ Armi Venete det | 
. Regno di Negroponte PF ene%. 1687 | 

| #210 Architettura d’Antonio Labaceo 

| iz1i Didtionnaire, Fran. Lat. Par. ap. Rob. Bfiems, 1549] 



| 1213 La Science Perfpettive, — 


4ztz La Bibliotheque, ou Trefor du Droit Francois, par Bene 


fer, 4 tom. Par. pits 

#214 Triftan Hiftoiredes Empereurs, Imperatrices, Cafars, | 

& 'Fyrans de Empire Romain, 3 vol. Par. 1659 

(217 Dictionnaire de Moreri, 4 vol. Anft. 1717 | 

i218 Les cinqué Ordres d’Archite&ture de Scamozzi, feailles 

dorees ~~ = Par, 1685 | 

1219 Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Sainte Genevieve, par! 
Molinet ib. 1692 

1320 Dictionnaire, Fr an. &F Latin, de Trevoux, 5 vol. 
‘ ib. 1720 

y221 Les Edifices Antiques de Rome, par Defgodetz id. | 

1222 Mufeum Veronenfe —_———— Veron. 1749, 
322 3 Ptclomzi Geographia, per Mercatorem, cu tabulis Geo- 
; graphicis colerat. * oe Col. Agr. 1584 

| «1224 Banduri Numif{mata Imperatorum Romanorum, chart. 
max. @VOl. ~ ———<—— Par. 1718 

1225 Wilkins Concilia Magne Britanniz & Hiberniz, 4 vol. 
Lond. 1737) 

1226 Gudii Infcriptiones Antiqua, a Grevio & Heffelio, chai te 

MAK. — ——— Leovara. 1730 

1227 L’Antiquité Expliqueé & reprefenteé en figures, par 
; ‘Montfaucon, avec le Supplement, gi ‘aud papier, en fea 

_ ruffien, & la premiere Edit. 15 tom. Par, 171g) 
i228 Les Monumens de la Monarchie Francoife, par Mont 
faucon, grand papier, 5 tom. ib. 1729 

#29 Mufeun Florentinum, i carie rulfica, 7 tom. Florent. 1738 



ighth Night’s Sale, Twe/day, March 5 








ARRIS on the Univerfal Deluge =: 1697 
Pointi’s Expedition to Carthagena_ 1698 
Shaw’s Travels thro’ Holland, Flanders, &c. 1709 
Sewel’s Poems ; 
Mountague’s Delights of Holland —- 1696 
Blackmore’s Creation, a Poem — 1712 

Sir Charles Sedley’s Works 1702 
Leti’s Life of Pope Sixtus the Vth oe 1704 
Addifon’s Poems, and Differtation on Poets * i7ag 
Bentley on Phalaris’s Epiftles, againft Boyle 1699 
St. Amand on the Legiflative Power (3725 
Nichols’s Confolation to Parents 1701 
Voyages and Difcoveries in South America 1698 

Bacon’s Effays, bef edit. 1701 
Lillinefton’s Reflections on Burchet’s Menroirs 1704 
Collier's Immorality of the Stage 1696 
Collins’s Grounds ane Reafons of the Chrift. Relig. 

> 41724 
Fairfax’s Tran a of Taffo ——— 1687 
Gibfon’s Anatomy of human Bodies — 1694 

Rooke’s Poems and Tranflations 1726 
Fuller’s Account of Jerfey, bef edit. 1734 

Antoninus’s Meditations, by Collier 1726 
Conftabie. on the Accuracy of Style, 1734 
Dictionary of Hutbandry, Gardening, &c. 1717 
Bede’s Ecclefiaftical Hiftory jy Sey 
Kelly’s Colle€tion of Scottith Proverbs 1722 
Geoffroy on Foffil, Vegetable and Animal Subftances 
ufed in Phyfick, by Douglas ae 1736 ° 
Warburton on the Earthquake and fiery Beiter 
that defeated Julian’s Attempt to build Jerufalem 
Mich. Noftradamus’s Prophecies ee sit 5 
Warburton’s Defence of his divine Legation 1744 
Life of Mr. John Kettlewell 1718 
We on the Refurrettion of Jefus os 

1263 Mid. 


OS NE I AY Fe en cere Sennen nr ee LE ON CA OE A TS TC 
— rar ar wow 

| 1363 

| Author . 17 15> eee) 
1265 Baker’s Employment for the Microfcope 175 3 
! 1266 Fleetwood’s Chronicon Preciofum, bef edit. 1745° 
| 4267 Free and Candid Difquifitions relating to a Church of | 
England - 1749 | 
| 4268 Mrs. Rowe’s Friendfhip in Death ees 1743) 
: i269 Cheyne or Health and Long Life eee oes 1724) 
| 4270 Howell’s Hiftory of the Pontificate — 1716 
_ 1271 Barclay’s Apology for the Quakers — 1736 
| 4272 Smith’s Litere de Re Nummaria see 1729 
1273 Prior’s Poems. ts 1709. 
| 1274 Claireconibe’s Mercantile Arithmetick 1707 
| 4275 Hatton’s Treatife of Geography as 1732) 
_ 1276 Grey’s Anfwer to Warburton / 1724| 
; 1277 Hoadly’s Terms of Acceptance with Ged 271k 
, 1278, Antiquities of Litchfield, and Vindication of the King’s 4 
fo 5 Sovereign Rights. 
_ 1279 Wheatly on the Common Prayer —_ 1722 
| 1280 Voltaire’s Letters on the Englifh Nation . 1332) 
1281 Bray’s Bibliotheca Parochialis 1707 



pt Scar ereiReaem 

i299 Sherlock on Religious Aflemblieg ——— 1700 
#300 c 

Middleton’ s Letter from Rome someones I74L 
Afgill’s Argument, proving that Man may be tranf- 
lated from hence into eternal Life without pafling 
through Death, with nine more Tracts, by the fame 

Breval’s Hiftory of the Houfe of Naflau, dound im moroccds 

gilt lemwes 1754 
Clark’s and Leibnitz’s Letters —— FF 
Savage’s Art of Prudence _ 1714) 
Coney’s Devout Soul Saaaineeene 1722, 
Earl of Hallifax’s Poems, with his Life _ 1716) 
Strother’s Effay on Sicknefs and Health. 1725 
Chithull againft Dodwell on the Soul 1706) 
Fuller’s Medicina Gymnaftica 1705) 
Capt. Falconer’s Voyages 1720) 

Colleétion of Ingenious Enigmas, or Riddles 1726 

292 Paul Lorrain’s Popery near a kin to Paganifm and) 

Atheifm, bound in blie morocco oe a 2. 

_ 1293 Hoadly’s Common Rights of Subjeéts 719) 

| 1294 Moore’s Hiitory of tame Pigeons 1735 ile 3} 

hes ie Gentleman’s and Farmer’s Diretor + 1732 

1295 The Ladies Calling ——— 1790 20) 

1296 Sykes’s Authority of the Clergy, and aie Liberties of 

y the Laity vindicated againft Mr. Rogers 1720. 
i297 Origen againft Celfus, by Bel‘amy 

: 1298 Hiftory of Monf. Oufle © I71E 

Dodwell’s Difeourle on she Soul ee 1706 
130% Le- 

#301 Lemery’s Curiofities in Art and Nattire 

1302 Life and Errors of John Dunton — 17065 
| 1303 Wotton’s (Sir Henry) Remains — 1685 
1304 Ray’s Travels thro’ Germany, Italy, &c. 1673 

8305 Sir John Denham’s Poems . 1684 
s306 Walker on Coiris and Medals _ i6gz 

| ; DUAR TO. 

“4407 2 IAMPINI Explicatio diotum Sarcophagorism 

. Rom. 1697 | 
1308 Origines Murenfis Monafterii — Spieremb. 1618 

| 1309 Fabricii Bibliotheca Graca, 14 vol. Hamb. 1718 | 
1310 Bibliographia Antiquaria ib. 1716 



$311 Fulvii Urfini Imagines Iluftrium, a Gallzo, /oliis deax- 
| vatts Ante. ap. Plantin. 1606, 
' 3412 Gorlzi Dactyliotheca, a Gronovio L. Bat. 1695 
4313 Schroderi Théfaurus Linguz Armenice 4a. 1660 
1314 Wallifius de Motu, 2 tom; - Lond. 1670 
1315 Bartholini Poema de Bello Norico Auftriados, impre/- iz 

: raembrana, compact tn corio turcice Argent. 1516 
1316 Havercampus de Alexandri Magni Nurhifmate, & de 
Nemmis Contorniatis — Lug. Bat. 1722. 

(1317 Sweertii Cafarum Romanorum Imagines — Antu: 1603 
9318 Czdmonis Monachi Paraphrafis Poetica, Saxonicé, a 
Fran. Junio ——_— Am/ft. 1655 
1319 Gerfoni Opufculum de Confeflione, & de Arte Mo- 
riendi, Liber perawtiguns fine Anno © Loco, coris’ 
| 1320 Gaffridi Monumatenfis Britannie Hittoria ap. Afcen/.1517 
—Eginharti Vita KaroliMagniImp. Co/en. = Annales 
Regum Francorum Colon. 1521 
| 3921 Major de Scotorum Geftis ——- = ap. Afeenf. 15,21 
(4322 Ephemerides Expeditionis Norreyfi & Draki in Lufita- 
: : 


niam we Lond. 1589 
1928 Seldenus de Nummis, & Bibliotheca Nummaria de 
Monetis, Ponderibus, &c. ' : ib. 1675 

| 1324 Architeéture Hydraulique, ou J’Art de conduire, D’Ele- 
| ver, & de Menager les Eaux, par Belidor, 3 vol. 
Par. 1737 
3425 Medaillesen Or, du Cabinet du Roy de France, graveés 
par Comte Caylus, en peau Maroc, & tee doreés 

) : 76. 1738 
1326 Voyages aux Ifles de l’Amerigque, par Labat, 2 als 

: , Haye, 1724 : 
1327 Hiftoire du Viewx & du Nouveau Tefament, par Mohf. | 


| let See 
oyautiont, avec belles s figures, 62 

euilles doreés 

i ‘ 
& ¥ 328 Hiftoire de la Nouvelle France, pat Monf. Charlevoix, 

3 tom. Par. 1744 
1329 de Caraufius Emp. de la Grande Bretagne, | 
yc) par Genebrier, en peau da maroc, (SP feui ace doreés 
2B. 1740, 
i 1330 Le Blanc Hiftoire des Monnoyes de France Am/?. 1692 
133% Blondel Hift. du Calendrier Romain Par. 699 | 

|4332 Recherches curieufes d’Antiquité, par Spon Lyon, 1683 
1333, Couftumes. du Bailliage de Meleun, par De Thou, 
Barth. Faye, & Jacques Walle, ampreff. fur velia 
Par. 1561 
3334 Medailes del Empereurs & Imperat rices des Rome, par | 
Meneftrier ~- Dijon, 164.2 | 
11335 Confeffiones de San Auguftin, colegida, por Senore Mana Cork | 
 deffa de Argyl, en Cordovan Anber, 1622 |. 
| 13 35 Dilcurfos Politicos fobre algunas Acciones del Senor Card. | | 
_ Duque de Richeliex | 
1337 Catalogo Real y Genealegico de Efpana, por Mendet de 
‘Silva ——_—— Madr. 1656 | ) 
i 338 Rinas de Juan de Moncayo, Marques de San Felices | 
Caragoc. 165% | 
r3 39 Problacion y ae primitiva de Efpana, por Fo. Pellicer 
Falenc. 1672 | 
1340 Direcion de Secretaries de Stuores, . carapise/ae por Gabre | 
Perez, del Barrio Angelo Madr. 1633 | 
I 341 Mujfeo ce Las Medallas defcou ocidas E/panclas, por Juan ae | 
Laft axofa, en Cordevan Huefea TEAS | 
1342 Napoles Recuperauda, por Fran. de Borja Amb. 1658 
i 343 Explicacion de unadas Monedes de Oro de Emperadores Bi. 


mangas, por Fuan de Quinones a idadr. 1620 | 
4344 Idea de un Principe Politico Chriftiana, por Saavedra Fax- 7 
ardo - Amier. 1655 | 

1246 Las Guerras de los Eftados Baxos, por Carla Colenam | 
Amber. 1625. 
wi pihesnle Dink lf 0. 

1347 1B VENTEEN Mitcellaneous Poems and Tranf 

1348 Sleidan’s famous Chronicle of ‘our Time, tranflated by| 

John Daus, black Tetzer 

1349 Gayton’s pleafant Notes on Don Quix ote 485 4. 
‘1350 Heylin’s Life of Archbp. Laud 167 5) 

F350 Churchill’s Colleton of Voyages, 6 vol. 

E 9345 Obras de Dow Luis de Goagora _—— Braff vo5g | 

‘11367 Lhuyd’s Archeclogia Britansica 

tr 42, 

3352 Pormannus’s Art of Surgery, by Sprengel 
1353 Harris’s Lexicon Technicum 
1354 Blackmore’s Prince Arthur 
1355 on Job 

1356 Drayton’s Polyolbion 

1357 Sandys’s Travels into Agypt, &c. bef edit. 
1358 Dryden’s Fables 

1359 Livy’s Roman Hiftory 
1360 Sanfon’s Geography and Maps _ — 
13601 Kempfer’s Hiflory of Japan, 2 vol. ——— 

11362 Le Brayn’s Voyage to the Levant —_——- 
11363 Beaumont’s Pfyche, a Poem ae 
k 364. Shakefpeare’s Works 

1365 Motraye’s Travels, 3 vol. —_— 

1366 Gordon’s Journey through Scotkand _—— 

ee Shaw’s Travels into Barbary, and the Levant 

1369 Eleven'various Tradts 
(3370 Chifhull’s Travels into Turkey Ce eck 

\1371 King Charles the Firft, his Works, bound in merocce, gilt 








lumes, large paper, bound iw merocco, the 3¢ Volume, 

[3372 Burnet’s Hiftory of the Reformation, »f and 2d Vo- 

Jmall paper, bound in red calf, gilt leaves, 3 v0l. 1679 

1373 Ogilby’s Aifop’s Fables —— 1668 
1374 Homer’s Odyfes and Iliad, 2 vol. 1669 
1375 Virgil _ 1668 
1376 Embaffy to China ———— 1669 
11377 Stapylton’s Juvenal 1660 
1378 Drake’s Antiquities of York, large paper, 2V0l. 1736 
1379 Borlate’s Antiquities of Cornwall —- 1754. 
1380 Natural Hiltory of Cornwall§ 1758 
1381 Horfeley’s Britannia Romana homierar 1732 
1382 Harris’s Hiftory of Kent, Jarge paper 17i9 
1383 Morant’s Hiftory of Colchefter 1748 
1384 — Hiftory of Eflex, with Audley End, 2y0l. 1768 
1385 Morton’s Hiftory of Northamptonfhire 1712 
1386 Plot’s Staffordthire —_—-. 1686 
1387 ——— Oxfordthire, bef? edit. 1705 
1388 Somner’s Antiquities of Canterbury —— 1703 
14389 Salmon’s Hift, of Hertfordthire ——— 1728 
1390 Thorefby’s Hiftory of Leedes _—— 1715 
1391 Tanner’s Notitia Monaftica 1744 
3392 Wright’s Rutlandihire, with Additions 1684, 
1393 Collins on Baronies by Writ, and other Honowr 1734 
1394 Stukely’s Ivinerarium Curiofum 1724 
3395 ‘Thorpe’s Church of Rochefter, 1749 
1396 Ducarrel’s Englith Norman Antiquities, 1767 

“dos $9Oe malay 

re nr res ree. 


3397 : 
ing i | 
3398 Life of Lord Clarendon 1760 

1399 Johnfon’s Englifh Diétionary, z vol. 17 ec} 
1400 Wiclif’s New Teftament, by Lewis, large faier i732 i 
~1401 Norden’s Travels into Aegypt, 2 vol. 1757 
. ¥402 Sandford’s Senca oeical Hiltory of England, ie Stebbing, 
large paper, and beft edit. 1707] 

1493 Sacred Seer in Six large Maps, by Senex ae 


Ninth Night’s Sale, Wedne/day, March6. 

» 1404 IR Thomas Pope Blount’s Effays 1697 
‘\\“a40S Patricius to Manlius, morocco, gilt leaves 1720 

_1406 Falconer’s Art of fecret Information 1685—Wilkins’s 
fecret and fwift Meflenger 1685 

1407 Guide to all publick Diverfions 1730 
1408 Samber’s Defcription of the moft beautiful Pieces of 
Painting, Sculpture and Architeture at Rome 1722 
1409 Gentleman Farrier, 1732 — Burdon’s Pocket Farrier 
‘1A10 Fontenelle’s Plurality of Worlds 1515 5 
_ 44ir Lilly’s Hiftory of K. James and Charles the If. 1715 
_ 1412 The compleat Gamefter 1709 

1433 Siblcotas’s deaf and dumb Man’s Diicourfe 1670 

) | Aretinus de Preftantia Virorum fui Avi, Parm. 1689 

- 341q Milbourne’s Pfalms of David 1698 

| 1485 Morris’s Tables for purchakng Leafes. . 1735) 
1416 Debes’s Defcription of Perce, — 1676. 
1417 Two Year’s Joarnal in New York — i701 

1418 Witkins’s Difcavery of a new World, 1658 — Gon- 
falez’s Man inthe Moon, 1558 Pkobal ble Solution 
whence come the Stork, Crane, Turtle and Swailow, 

at their Time of coming 1702 

.14tg Dranken Bamaby’s Journal, Lat, and Eng. 1716 
. 4420 Man wholly mortal, by R. O, mene 1674. 
| 1421 Howard’s Copernicans convicted - ———- © 1705 
| 1422 Sir Jonas Moore’s Mathematical Compendium 1705 
| 1423 England’s Path to' Wealth and Honour 1718 
1424 Saavedra’ s Republick of Letters, a Vifion 1727, 

Gz 1425 Haor- 

ae eh, 

"425 Harris’s Ufe of the Globes —- 1710 
1426 Warburton’s critical Enquiry into the Caufes of Prodi- | 
gies and Miracles as related by Hiftorians 1327 
1427 Sir Will. Hope’s compleat Fencing Mafter 1697 
1428 Sufferings of Ifaac Martin in the Inquifition 1724 
1429 Somner’s Roman Ports and Forts in Kent 1643 
3430 Jurvis’s Farmer’s Harveit Companion — 1733 
1431 Temple of Death, and other Poems —— 1665 
14372 Clergyman’s Companion in vifitting the Sick 1723 
#1432 Tolard’s Account of Praffia and Hanover 1714 
1433 Edwards’s Deficiency of human Knowled ge 1714 
1434 Hearet againtt Dr. Clarke on the Trinity  ¥Fas 
1435 Sherlock’s Difcourfe on Death _—— 3703 
/1436 Sufferings and Martyrdom of Louis de Marolles 1712 
1438 Macky’s Memoirs of Secret Service eae ay 
1439 Dennis’s Remarks on Prince Arthur a 1696 
|1440 Philemon to. Hydafpes, 3d and 4th 1739-———Camp- 

| bell’s Letter on Thurloe’s State Papers Catalogus 
: Librorum Orient, MSS. in Acad. “Cantab. Bibliothe- 

cam, 2 Lewis—Effay on the Maritime Power of France, 

| 1441 Hatton’s Mathematical Manual 1728 
| 1442 Wells’s ancient and prefent Geography — 1726 
| 1443 Bp. Patrick’s Poems divine and moral —_ 1719 
| 1444 Martin’s Weftern Iflands of Scotland — 1793 
| 1445 Dennis’s Poetical and Critical Traéts, 1704, &c. 
| 1446 Woodward’s State of Phyfick and Difeafes, 1718 

/1447 Salmon’s Antiquities of Surrey, © —— 1736 

1448 Secret Hiftory of France, 1714 

1449 Willis’s Hiftory of Mitred Abbies. z vel. 1718 

1451 Reficxions on feveral Subjeéts partly refpecting the pre- | 

| 1450 Gregory’s Catoptricks and Dioptricks, =~ 1715 

fent Times 
/\1452 Pack’s Mifcellanies, 
1453 Derham’s Aftro-Theology, 

$437, Fleet ‘ood’s four Serthons 

202 Whifton’s Aitronomital Leures, —--- 1715 - 
1403 Chryaat 5 

— i71 
| | 1454. Sir Thomas Brown’s Antiquities of Norwich ; Acchalh a 
by 4 of Urns; and Letters between him and Dagdaler7#2 
1455 Burnet’s State of the Dead, by Earbery, 1727 (0 
1456 L etters between Abraham Hill, and others, 1767 fo 
: 1457 A German Book, —_—_--— 1700 
1458 Bradley’s Plague at Marfeilles confider’d 1721—Col- 

he aie IeStion of {carce Pieces on the Plague, _ 1721 
1459 Conftruction of Maps and Globes, _— 1717 

| |4460 Birch’s View of the Negociations between England, 

: _ _France and Braifels, from 1592 to 1617 | 1749 |} 

) 1461 Pafchoud’s Geography, 2 vel. eed 1726 


1710 | 4 






Sa eli pnacacihihahaeencastemscinasencaitd comemnriigptstb etinons ascent idsooactme vy anacon-oneoone 

C “a5 ') 

1463 Ch eyne’s Philof. Principles of Religion, 171g 
1464 Home’s Effays on Britifh Antiquities, — 1749 

1455 Sir Richard Blackmore’s Poems, oe 1718 
1466 Bolton on the Employment of Fime, _ 1750 
1467 Bradley’s Improvements in Gardening; i7Ig 
1463 Sir John Denham’s Piainis, ——— 1714 

1469 Maxwell’s Tranfacions of the Society of Improvers in 

Agricalture in Scotland, 1743 

147¢ Beilicard’s Antiquities of Herculaneam, ‘3753 
' 3471 Fleury’s Manners of the Chriitians —- 1703 
1472 Ray’s Wiidoia of God in the Creation, _ 3704 
1473 Caiamy’s (Ecm.) Sermons on the Trinity, 1722 

1474 Kennet’s (Bp-) Wifdom of looking Backward to. 
Judge one fide and the other in Speeches, Writings, | 

&e. _—_—_—_ 17E ; ; 
2475 Jones’s State of Virginia, 1724 
1476 Farmer’s Antiquities of Waltham Abbey, 1735 
3477 Lives of the Members of the Royal Academy af Sciences, 

at Paris 1721 


1478 ¥ Tali ed altri Strumenti Lufori degli Antichi Romani 
da Ficoroni 

Rem. 1734 | 

1479 La Bibbia da Diodati 1607 
3KS0 Prediche da Paolo Segneri —_—_ Venez. 1694 | 
r481 Le Imagini degli Imperatori, da Enea Vico 15438. 

ag9e Imagini delice Donne Augufedi Enea Vico Ven. 1557 | 

da Barna. Mattei 
r484 Difcorfi di Agoit. Ferentilli 
1485 ———— di Enea Vico fopra le Meda 

Rom. 17it 





1483 Memorie Iforiche dell’ Antico Tuftalo oggi Frafcati_ 
Venez. 1573 | 

£6. 1558 | 

1436 fopra te Medaglie de gli Antichi da Sebait. | 
Erizzo id. 1-68 
#487 Precetti fopra Grammatica, Poetica, Retorica, Hiftoriz, 
&c. 2c. da Tofcanella Ch maa #. 1562 | 
#438 Difcorfi del Seip. Ammirato fopra Tacito tb. 1599 | 
4429 Dei Governo di,diverft-Regni, & Republiche, per Fran. | 
Sanfovino —~-—— Pinez. 15383 
1490 Hiftory of Don Bellianis of Greece, back letter 
1491 Ozgilby’s Book of Roads, by Bowen —— 173 
2492 Lawfon’s Hifiory of Caroliaa -—— 17i 
4493 Elitob’s £ugl:i Saxer Grammar 571 
1494 Haukthee’s Experiments, moracce, gilt leaves 1709 
1495 Adamy’s Microfcope explained 1746 

» 3510 Obfervations fur les Morumens de i’Eglife de Paris, 

(f.46 J 

3496 Quincy’s Le€turesin Pharmacy, by Shaw 1323 
1497 Widmore’s Hiftory of Weftminiter Abbey 1743 | 4 
1498 Thompfon’s Treatife of the Gout — 1742 
1499 Flunt’s Rules of Prattice 7 1720 
1500 Hefiod, tranflated by Cooke, 2 vol. — 1728 |) 

1501 Yfbrant’s ldes’s Tarels from Mofcow to Chisa = r906 | 

1502 Pope’s Dunciad, fe edit. 1743 --- Gee's Decline of | | 

Trade ———- —_—_—— 1744 

1503 Eufebius’s, Socrates’s, Sozomen’s and Theodoret’s Ec- 
clefiattical Hiftories, by Parker 172 

154 Wotton’s View of Hickes’s ‘Treafury of Northern Jane 

guages, deff edit. 1737 

1505 Fope’s Danciad 1729—Pope’s Alexander’s Supremacy 

and Infallibility examined 1729 

1506 Tournefort’s Voyage to the Levant, 2 vol. 1718 

1507 Tracis; Clarke's Conje&ures on an ancient Piece of 

Money found at Eltham in Kent, 75: North’s 

Remarks on Clarke, 1752—-A Diflertation on Oriu- 

na, 1751———Impertinence of Antiquarians — Stu- 

kely’s Palwographia Britannica, 1742 Langwith 

on Arbuthnot on Coins, 1747—Dilffertation on Bar- 

ley Wine, 1750—Ellis on the North-Weft Paflage 


1508 Tradés; Innes’s Summary of the Laws of Scotland 1733 _ 

——-Stephens’s Method of making Pot Afh—Pegge © 

on AngléSaxcn Coins, 1756—Difiertation on Trade, . 
1756—Swinton de quiaario Gentis Metillie, 1750—-. 

Sir Peter Warren's Method of making Pot Athes, &c. | 

&e. _ 1753 

1509 Trads; Browne de Animi Immortalitate 1754 
Hay’s Tranflation of it, 1754 Weit’s Education, | 
a Poem, 1751—The Caufidicade, 1743—The ’Pif- 
_copade, 1748— The Scandilizade, 1750 — Somer- — 
ville’s rural Games, &c. 1749 

1717 fiofmanus de Dea Moneta, i717 —Ob- 

fervations fur Jes deux plus anciennes Medailles 

d’Or Par, 1720-——~- Catalogue of the Earl of Ox- 

ford’s Collection, a74r Catalogue of his Medals, 

1741 — Numifmatum Antiquorum Sylloge, a Wren, 

; 1700 

1511 Dialogos de Medailes, ex Bibl. Anguftini 1587 
Isr Vida del Exep. Carles V. per At. de Fera Madr. 1627 

1513 Napoles Kecuperada Peema Heresce, ds Fran. de Berja | 
Lavage t65t 

1514 Confituciones del Colegio de Ninas Ewverfanes; De la ¥elepa 

de San Antonio ge Paskouwa; De la Santa Hermandad de | 
Senora del Refugio, Se. pastes Madr. 1515 

ists Ke 

I 5 15 Refrazes et J Satisaos Gloffados, por Mart. Care 7 
Ce da Maar. 1675 | 
3516 Varias Actighalade de Efpana, Africa y otras Prowincias, 

por Aldreie Amber 1614 
1517 Obras Metricas de Fras. Manuel Leow, 1665 | 
a518 Medallas da las Colonias de E/pana, por Hear. Florex, 2 tom. | 

Maar. 1756 

1519 Obras de Fran. Quevede, 3 tom. Bruff- 1660 | 
1520 Obfervaciones Aftronomicas, y Phyficas Hecbes de Orden ce | 
S. Mag. ex Pers Madr. 1548 | 


F-GiLE *r. O. 5 


1527 Ugdale’s Summons to Parliament 1635 
1522 Origines Furidiciales, bef edit. 168% 
1523 Monafticon, in Englifh — 1713 
1524 Troubles in England, ru/i« 1635 | 
1525 ——————— Summons to Parliament, raja 1635 — 
1526 Draining of Feas, raz 1662 
1527 — Origines Jeridiciales, ru/ia 1678 | 
1528 Monafticon Anglicanum, iw coris ruffco, 
§ vol. Lozd. 1655 | 

1529 ——————— Monafticon, in English, with Sievens’s | 
Continuation, rsfsa, 3 vol —— 1718 | 

530 Baronage, rufa, 2 vel. 167 5 | 
3531 Hiftory of St. Paul’s, ra/fa 1716. 
1532 Warwickhhire, 2 vol. ruffa 1730 
1553 Epitome de las Hifterias Portugucfas, per Manuel de Faria | 
de Scufa Braff. #677 | 

1534 Hiforia de las Guerras de Flandss, por Efrada, traducida 
por Melch. de Novar, 3 vel. Coloz- 2654 | 

1535 zales de la Corona de dragon, por-Gerse. Curita, 9 100. . 
Ceragec. 1610 | 

1536 Fieffas dela S. Tele fa de Sevilla Sevil. 1674 j 

1537 Origen de las Dignidades Sexlures de Caftilla, y Leon, por | 

Salazar de Mendoza Madr. 1653 | 

1538 H:floria de E/pana, por Mariana, 2 wol. ié- 1a8 | 

1539 — Pintifical y Catolica, por Gonzalo de Tilejcas, § toms | 
ib. 1552 

1540 Errata da nova Recopicam das Leis, e Ordenacoes dese 

Reyno de Portugal, por Forge de Cabedo Lisboa 1603 : 

1541 Hiftoria dz la Congaiftata « de Mexico, por Anianio de Solis | : 
, Bruff, 1704 | 
1542 La Meridiana del Tempio de S. Petronio, per le Offers | 
vationi A ftronomiche, di Ceffiui Belogn. 1695 | 

1543 La Hypnerotamachia di Poliphilo, ia marechino Vener. | 
Ts 5 45] 

1544 Hit 






ie eee 

: 1558 Vidtorii Varix LeGiones, compa. cum feliis deauratis, a 

multis figuris elegant.£5 ia corio ruffico, 3 vol. 1748 
I 1545 Patini Familiz Romane Par. 1663 
1540 ~—— Imperatoram Rom. Numifmata Argent. 1671 
1547 Vaillant Numifmate A:rea Imperatorum Romanorum in. 
| Coloniis, 2 vol. Par. 1688 
| 11548 Numifmata Imperatorum -—~ Am/?.1709 
| 1549 —— Hiftoria Ptolomzorum —— ib. 1703 
. +1550 Nummi Familiarum Rom. 2 vol. 26.1702 
: | 3552 Olai Wormii Fafti Danici, corio turcico, ac foliis deauratis 
| Hafn. 1644 
(3553 Monumenta Danica, corie turcico, ac foliis deauratis 
ib. 164 
“1554 Card. Noris Annus & Epoche Syromacedonum in a 
tuftis Urbium Syria Nummis Florent, 1689 
) (555 Ciampinuade Sacris Asdificiis —— Rom. 1693 
: 4S 56 Philoftrati Heroica-Stephani Nigri Dialogi, crorio turcice, 
; ac foliis deaurat. a Grelierio _ Mediclan. 1550 
; 4557 Joan. Camers in Julii Solini Polyhiftor Vien 1520 

Groliero Florent. ap. Torrentin. 1553 
if 559 BoethiiScotorum Hiftoria, edit, oft. Par.1571 
9560 Daufquii Orthographia Latini Sermonis ib. 1677 

3561 Menetreii Symbola Dianz Ephefiz Statua Rom. 1688 
/2562 Mufeum Odefcalcum 

4563 Heineccius de veteribus Germanorum aliarumque Na- 

tionum Sigillis Lipf. 1719 

| 1564 Veteres Scriptores de Hiftoria Germanorum, a Reubero, 

3 vol. Franof. 1726 
3565 Hugo de Militia Equeftri - — Antv. 1630 | 
3566 Petiti Leges Atticz, cum Commentario Par. 1635, 
1567 Scapule Lexicon, Gr. & Lat. Lond. 1637 
4568 Harduini Opera varia —— Hag. Com. 1723 
- 1569 Herodotus, Gr. Lat. a Gronovio, chart. max. L Bat. 

4570 Terentii Comeediz, Ital. & Lat. cam Perfonarum figuris 

ex Bibliotheca Waticana Urbin 1736 

| 1578 D’Orville Sicula, 2 Burmanno, 2 vol. Amt. 1764 
4672 Bandinius de Obelifco Cefaris Augufti, Jral. Lat. 
Rome, 1750 

1573 Mufeum Capitolinum, a vol. ib. 1750 

1574 Anderfoni Selectus Diplomatum & Numifmatum Scoriz 

Thefaurus, chart. max. _—— Edinb. 1739 

1575 Gruteri Inferiptiones Antique Totius Orbis Roma- 

ni, a Grevio, edit. opt. &f chart. wax. 4 vol. Am/ts 


. 9656 Numifmata rea ScleCiova Meximi Moduli e Mus 
feo Pifane 





1544 Hiftorie Romane Scriptores Latini omnes Veteres, cum 



nes Ry i TINIE et Ee 

1577 FQOHOUR's Abe of sspasitl and Rhetorick 1728) 

1578 Blackmore’s Alfred, a Poem - 
-|1579 Earl of Surry’s Songs and Sonnettes ——— 1727 
1580 Chandler againft Coilins’s Grounds - —— 1725 

_j1§8t Rapin’s critical Works, by Kennet, 2 vol. 1731 
1582 Ball’s Antiquities of Conftantinopley  =— 1729 
1583 Birch’s Life of Archbp. Tiilotfon, J. p. | 1752 

. 1584. Sherwin’s Mathematical Tables, — 1710 
1585 The Englifhman, Jarge paper, a7tA 
1586 Shafttbury’s ee 3 vol. /. papers 1727 
1587 Journey to Mequinez, large paper, 1726 

_\1§88 Brodrick’s Wars in Piandess 2 vol. 17 13 
1589 PaO s PMO TIE® of Surrey; o papers 5 ‘vol. 

_|f5go Atheniin Sports, - —_—_———. 1707), 
1591 Mortimer’s Hufbandry, 2 vol. — —— «1721 

‘(1592 Religious Philofopher, 3 vol. : _—— 171g 

1593 Lhefaurus Dramaticus 3 or, the Poetical Beauties of Eug- 

«ith Plays, /arge paper, 2 vol. 1734. 

¥§94 Dorrington’s Family Devotions, 4 Velie fs 1707 
1595 Mrs, Rowe’s Works, 8vo. zvol..  ..———= —_.: 4739 
Pile Blackmore’s Effays, 2 vol. — 730 
1597: Di@ionarium Pabcnalicees. 2 vol. 1735 
|1598 Curfons’s Library of Aris and Sciences, 2 vol. - 1712 
ingg9 Toland’s Mifcellaneous Works, -2 vol. ..- 1726 
1600 Juriew’s Religio Veterum, 2 vol. ee 1725 
i6o1 Athenian Oracle, 4 vol. a 1704, 
7602 Smollet’s ‘Travels, 2 vol. —_——— BUGS 
603° Burnet’s Theory of the Earth, 2 vol. 1736 
1604 ‘Warburton’s divine Legation, 3 vol. 1738 
1605 L’Eftrange’s A2fop, a vol. a 1728 | 
1606 ‘Polybius’s Hiftcry, by various Hands, 2 vol. 169% 

1607 Tacitus, tranflated by Saville and others, 3 vol. 1698 
1608 Cowley’s Works, 8vo. 3 vol. — 1707 
1609 Echard’s Roman Hiflory, 5 vol. —— 1702 

1611 Tour — 

1610 Oldutixon’s Critical Hiftory of pies lead 2vol, i726( 


a PE nS em oe 

613 Towrthrough Great Britain, 4 vol. 1724 
§12 Robinfon Crufoe, 2 vol. 1719 
1613 Nicolfon’s Englih, Scotch and Irith Libraries, 5 iy 
1614 Beveridge’s private Thoughts, $vo. z vol. 1728 
1615 Biblia Sacra, Edit. Vulgata, g vol. ap. Plantin. 1629 
1616 Novum Teitamentum Grecum, cerie turcico, ac foliis 

deaguratis, 2 vol. Par. ap. Rob. Stephan. 1549 
¥6i7 Rariora Numifmata, ex Biblioth. Carpegne, mf. 

ee Meurfii Elegantis Latini Sermonis, 
1619 Cafaubonus de Linguis, Sexon & Hebr. Load. 1650 
1620 Sydenhami Proceiius Integri, ib. 1726 
hn6a1 Mabilionus de Arte Secernendi Antiqua Diplomata vera 

a Falfis Par. 1703 
1622 Hulfii Imp. Romanorum Nemifmata, Fraacf. 1605 
1623 Ada Germanorum contra Hus, 

1624 Lubini Antiquarius, Maft. 1593 
[tes Twinus de Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis, &c. Lond. 
) 159° 
1626 Burii Rom. Pontificum Notitia Patav. 1724 
(1627 Hegefippus de Bello Judaico oa Gelon. 1575 
1628 Clerke Praxis Admiralitatis — Lond. 1743 

1629 Ramus de Moribus veterum Germanorum, corio turcico, 
) Par. ap. Wechel. +562 
8630 Ferraccii Differtationes critice in Linguam Hebraicam, 
: Patav. igh | 
(1631 Perfius, a Cafaubono, sens Par. 1615 
#632 Betuleii Commentaria in Libros Ciceronis de ed 
Deorum & Paradoxa, ceria turcicty Bafil. 
(3633 Anonymi Oratio Funebris in Conftaninum Imp. Gr. | 
& Lat. 2 Morello, Par. ap. Morrell. 
1634 Philz Animalium Hiftoria, Gr. & Lat. a Camerario, 
ap. Commelin, 1596 
1635 Heraldi Adverfaria Par.1599 
jeg Marmorea Bafis Colofit Tiberio Cafari ereéti, &c. 
Lug. Bat. 1720 
pet Erafms Paraphrafis in ag Vallam, Par. 1548 
4638 Trebellius Pollio; Flavius Vopifcus; Aur. Vidor ; & 
) Pomp. Lzetus, Par. ap. Rob. Steph. 1544: 
1639 De Identitate Cathzdre in qua Sanélus Petrus Roma 
primum Sedit, Rem. ‘1666 | 
1549 Tolandi Oratio ad excitandos contra Gallium Britannos, | 

Lond. 1707. 

1641 Ciaconius de Ponderibus Menfuris & Numimis, ao 

642 Dodwellus de Ztatibus Phalaridis & Pythagorz, Lond, : 

1643 Analetta varia, Mabillon, 4 vol. _ Par. 1675 
1644 Battelli Expofitio Aurei Numifmatis Heracliani, ex 

- - Mufed Clementis xr Rom.1703) - 
Hi Wardi Diflertatio de Medicorum apud veteres Romanos 
Degentium Conditione, fol#s deauratis, Lond. 1727 
#646 Grammatica Anglo Saxonica ex Hick fio, Ox. 1711 
1647 Morelli Specimen Rei Nuinmariz Par. 1683 
1648 Fleetwood Infcriptionum Antiquarum Sy}ioge, re 
1649 Thomas Antiquitates Prioratus Malverne, ib. 1726 | 
1650 Monumenta Vetuftatis Kempiana, — 1.1720 
9651 Maittaire Grece Lingue Dialetti - ib, 1748) 

1652 Mufgrave Antiquitates Britanno-Belgice precipue Ro- 
“manz, 4 vol. Lfcee-Dunm. 1719 
2653 Catalogus Librorum qui in Thefauris Romano, Greco, 

Italico, & Siculo continentur, Leide, 1785 
654 Patarol Series Auguftorum & Czfarum, Venet. 1732 | 
| 1655 Bayeri Mufeum Sinicum, 2 vol. Petropol. 17 30. 

Alin) Oya RAs | 

1656 Ves ala America Meridional, por Forge Fuan » Antonio | 

de Ulloa, 4 tom. —— Madr. 1748 
1657 Tercera Parte de Comedias de Caldes on, ib. 1664) 
1658 Dox Quixote, Parte prima, ee 18.1714 

1659 Vida de Terefa, Vol. 2. Lish. 1628 
1660 Matieh Dar y jecunda parte del Cuxari, Hebr.iS Efpan. 
7. ee Lond. 1544 
1661 Giov. Bait. Palatino infegna 2 Seriver ogni Sorte Lettera 
antica e moderna, —_—_——— Rom. 1561 

1662 Detti i Fatti de Veneti, del Fiorelli, Vin. 1672 
1663 I! Paftor Fido Canbr.1734 
1664 Relatione delle Urate nell’ Anno 1716, per Deftruegere 
le Cavallette, = Firenz. 1716 

1665 Mufeo Capitolino “ Rem. 1750 | 
1666 Il Cannochiale Ariftotelico, del Tefauro, Fens. 1663 
1667 Della Guerra di Fiandra, dal Card. Bentivoglio, -4a-z2 

granda, 2 vol. es Calon. 1834 
1668 Antichita di Roma, dell’ Abbate Veruti, 2 val. Rew. 

1669 Fifonomia del Bapt. Porta, a ib. voap 
1670 litoria Diplomatica, del Maffei Maxtouz, 1727 
1671 Offervazioni Litoriche fopra Medaglioni Antichi, per 
_. . Buonarroti, Ran. 1698 
1672 I Piombi Antichi di Ficoroni, — ib, 1749 

1673 Difcours fur les Medailles: par Le Pois, Par. 1579 
rae Hz 1674 Cai- 





1674 Caftrametation & Difcipline Militaire de Anciens Roz 

Lyon, 1 568 
1675 Les Cefars de |’Emp. Julien, par Spanheim, Par. 1696 | 
1676 Voyage de Conftantinople, par Grelot, 

mains,. par Choul, 

76. 1689 

1677 Lettre de Wincklemann fur les Decouvertes de Hereulan 
Drefd. 1764. 

neum, a Monf. de Brubl, 


1679 BHiftoire de Rois de Thrace, par Cary, 

1680 Lenfant Hitt. da Concile de Pife, 2 tom. 
| 1681 Puffendorf de la Droit de la Nature & des Gens, par Bar- | 

beyrac, 2 vol. 

Par. 1752 
Amt. 1724 

1682 Defeription des Pierres Graveés du Baron de Stofch, par 


Florent. t 1780, 

-16£3 Recueil des Medailles de Rois, par Pallesin, en maroguin 
Par. 1762 


| 1685 Melanges de divers Medgailles, 2 tom. 

de Medailles des Peuples & de Villes, 3 vol. 
a 1763. 

ib 1765 

1686 Luciani Dialogi Grecé, 2 vol. fine Anno && Loco, 

15z21———Luciani Dialogi, Gracé, 

1688 Meibomii Mzecenas, 

Cezfare, 2 vol. 

1690 Variz Statux, a Thomafino, © 
1691 Leeuwenhoek Arcana Nature, 

1692 Coriini Epiftol tres, 

1687 Demofthenis Orationes Olynthiace, Graecé, Lowan. 


Lug. Bat. 1653 
1689 Vaillant Numifmata Imperatorum Romanorum, a Julia 

Par. 1694 

LZ. Bat. 1719 

Liburn, 1761 

(1693 Horeri Ilias, Grece, corio turcico, ac foliis deauratis, 



2 vol, poke ee 

1694 Averanus de Menfibus 7gyptiorum, 
1095 Pocockii Epiftola de Hai Ebn Yokdan, rad. & Lat, 

£0 FS. 

16 AZOCHIE Commentaria in Regii Herculanenfis 
Mufei Eneas Tabalas Heracleenfes, chart. max. — 

2 vol. 

Glafg. 1747 
Florent. 1737 

Oxon. 1 o 3 

Neapol. 1754 

1697 Thefaurus Morellianes, five Familiarum. Romanarum 

Numifmata omnia, chart. max. 2 vol. 
1698. Liebe Gotha Numaria, chart. max. 
1699 Biblia Hebraica, a Buxtorfio, 2 vol. 

4700 Poceckii Inicriptiones Antique Grece & Latine, coria © 



Amp. 1734. 
2b. 1730 * 


1701 Virgilius, ex Bibliotheca Vaticana, ad prifcas Imagines 

formas a Bar tolo, corte ru 


Rom. 1741 

2792 Ph ini Hiftoria Naturalis, ab Harduino, chart. max. ae 


Solis « Aur ELIS, 3 vol. 




Par. 1723 
1793 Bee Oe 

1b..1734. | 


paw nnant viol 

ipies Pontificum, & Bligics; Infignia, Nomina & Cog- 
nomina, Patriz & Dies Promotionis ac Obitus Pontifi- 
cum & Cardinalium Defunétorum ab Anno 1658, ad 
Annum 1721, 3 vol. 
1704 Britannia Mufirata ; or, Views of the Palaces, Seate and 

Buildings in England, 1724, the Months engrayd by 

1703 E 

1705 Lauri Antique Urbis Splendor, — Rom. v6re 
1706 Heads of Kings and great Perfons, taken from Larrey’s | 
Hiftory of England . . 
1707 Edtypa varia ad Hiftoriam Britannicam Ulufrandam, a 
Thom. Hearne __ 1737 
1708 Heroico Splendore delle Citta del Mondo, di itcotan 
Lauro, Rom.1642) * 





| : 

1769 Vite Patrum Eremicolarum, a Dom. de Rubeis, . 

1710 Nova Raccelta de le Animali piu curiofi del Mondo, de | | 

_. Antonio Tempetta, 

5711. Townfhend’s Hiftorical Collection of the four laft Par- 
liaments of Q. Efizabeth, 

1712 Sir Robert Atkyns of the Jurifdi@tion of the Houfe | | 

of Peers, 1695 His Jurifdiction of Chancery, ! 




EL ne 

1695 | 

1713 Exton’s Sea. Jurifai@ion of England, “- ibe 

1714 Tryal of Lords Kilmarnock, Balmerino, &c.- © 1746 | 
1715 of ditto, —— 1748 
1716 of Lord Lovat, large paper, - 1747, 
1717 of Admiral Byng, 1747 | 

1718 ‘of Burrifh, Williams, Ambrofe, &c. 1746, 

1719 of Dr. Sacheverell, 1710 | 


1720 Campion’s and Hanmer’s Hiftory of Ireland, Duél. eae 
1721 Selden’s Traés, 1633 | 
1722 Cowley’s Works, bef edit. = =§« ————_ 1700; 
3723 Noftradamus’s Prophecies, —— 1672 | 
1724 Chaucer’s Works, 1602 
1725 Evelyn’s Difcourfe of Medals, ae 1697 | 
1726 Sir Alex. Murray’s true Intereft of Great Britain, 
‘Treland, and our Plantations, with maps, with his | 
Letter and Remonftrance to Lord Hardwicke, ee 


2 Holland Herwologia Anglica, on 
watt ‘Gefneri Numifma ata Bees Macedoniz, vite 173 58). 

1729 Votes of the Houfe of Commons, from the Year 1691 to} 


the Year 1759; inclufive, 39g vol. 

1730 Corpus Joris Canonici, 3 vol. Lugdun, 1671 | 

1731 Juris Civilis, edit. opt. 2 vol. L. Bat. Elz. 

ment, | 

a 1732 Comps Diplomatique du Droits des as avec le Supple- ! 

ment, & Negociations touchant 14 Paix de Munfter & 
Ofnabrug, 26 vol. Am/fi, G Haye, 1726 
| ¥y733. Atlas Portatif, ou le Theatre de la Guerre én Europe, 

Amfi. 1702 
1734 Romanz Magnitudinis Monumenta, Roma, 
3735 Vedtigi delle Antichita di Roma, Tivolo, Pozuclo & 
altri Luochi, per Sadeler, © 
1738 Smith’s Thirty Drafts of Guinea, 
1737 Forty eight Views, by Buck, 2 vol. 

2b. , 

17:8 Le Fontane di Roma nelle Piazze ¢ Luoghi Publici della 
Va Citta, di Falda, Rom. 
3739 Paiazzi di Roma de piu Celebri Architettii, difegnati 
de Pietro F errerio, , 26. 
1749 Columna Trajana, & Antonina, 2 vol. ib. 


Eleventh Night’s Sale, Friday, March 8. 



1741 USEUM Meadianum, — -. 1955 
1742 Horatii Opera, @ Pine, edit. prima, 2 vol. 173% 
1943 Mes d de Impervic Solis ac Luna, chat. max. 1748 

1744 Benfoni Vocabularium Anglo- Saxonicum, Ox. 1708 
3946 Thwaytes Heptateuchus, Liber i & Evangelium Ni- 

codeni, Angio-Saxonice, 76. 169% 
| eae Idem Liber, ~ ~ 6. 1698 
1747 Carmina Quadragefimalia, -— ib. 1723 

1748 Bexteri Gloflarium Antiquitatum Romanarum & Britan= 

Lond. t719_ 

nicarum, chart. max. 2 vol. 
1749 Cicero de Oratore, a Prouft, chart. max. Ox. 1714 
1750 Symednis Dunhelmenfis Hiftoria Ecclefie Dunhelmen- 
fis, a Bedford, chart. max. Lond. 1732 
175! Traité de ’Indult, par Re enauldin, Par i712 
1752 La Liturgie Anglicane, -— Lond. 1748 
1753 Patin Hitloire des Medailles, — Par. 1695 

1754 Le Clerc Difcours touchant le Pointde Vue, #4. 1719 

1755 Hiteire de 'Inquifition d’Efpague 1568 
1756 de Marie Royne d@’Hicofle, Edinb. ca 

1757 Il Pattor Fido, licl. & Fran. —- Par. rene a 
1758 Vaflet de les Antiquitez Romaines, _ Haye, 1723 

1759 Hiftoire des quatre Gordiens, Par. 1655 

1760 Me- 


val, 22 vol. —_——- 7b. 1721, &Cs 
1791 Bibliotheque Raifoneé, 29 vol. 1b. 17928, &es 
2792 Voltaire Hiftoire de Charles XIE. de Suede, Bafll: 
, | 1737 
1793 Let- 

1760 Methode pour a la mews Grecque, Par. 1608 
4761 Hiftoire de France & Romaine, par Ragois, ib. 7 36 
i762 Elemens de Mechanique & de Phyfique, ~ 26. 1700 
1763 Explication d@’une Medaille d’Or, — 76. if 99 

1764 Les Fantomes & le Jaloax Comedies, Ox. 1731 
2765 Les Chats ———<—<—<$_= — Ami. > +8 
1766 Theorie de ia Figure de la Terre, par Clairaur, Pars 

1767 Riccoboni Hift. du Theatre Italien, ib. 

1768 Explication d’une Infcription Taurobolique, par De Koze; 
Par. 1705— Diflertation fur une Figure de Brenze, 

par Moreau, — ab. 
1769 Theorie de l’Impot. 176 
1770 Hifforia de las Gofas Notables dd Regno si la China, par 

Mendoca, Anver 1597 
1771 Avaucana de Alozfo de Ercilla, Anverf. 1580 
1772 Cartas de Blafco de Garay, ex Cordovan, Braff. +608 
1773 Luciano Efpanol, por Fran. de Herrera, ‘Madr. i62t 

1774 Utilidadei del Agua i de la Niewve de Bewer Frio i Caliente, 

por Fern. Cardofo, Madr. 1637 
1775 La Arcadia de Lope de Vega, a6. 1625 
1776 Vida del Efeudero Marcos de Obregon, Sevil, 1648 
477-7 Advertencias al Adicionador de la Hifforia de Mariana, 
Par. 1676 

1778 La Liturgia Yuglefa, oe Load. 1715 
1779 Trattato della “Sfera; di Gal. Gahiei, Row. 1656 
ee Libro di Pyrrho delle Antichita di Roma, ix marochino, 
Vanet. i553 

a Tk Betrarcha: —_———— ib. 1546 
1732 Dialoghi del Batt. Clario, © - ib. 1688 | 
1783 Il Libro delle Preghicre Publiche, _ Loud. 1685 | 
1784 aoe de Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana, per Haym, | 
Lond. 1726 

1785 Joueaal des Scavans, 126 vol. awants 19th; Anfie 

1669, &¢. 

N. B. The abowe Books are all bound in vellum, and 

1786 Le Clerc Bibliotheque Univerfelle, 24 vol. wants 22d; 
Amf?. 636, &c. 
1987 tie Bibliotheque Choifie, 27 vol. 26. 1713, &C. 
izes a Ancienne & WMieacrae: 29 vol. 
Haye, 1730, &¢. 
1789 Nouvelle Republique des Lettres, 35 vol..4m/?.1684, &c. 
1790 Hiftoire des Ouvrages des Scavans, par Bafnage de Beau- 



'  |4993 Lettres du Marg. de Rofelle, — = Anji. 1764; 
1794 —— Edifiantes & curieufesecrites des Miffionaires de 
oe _la Compagnie des Jefus, 20 vol. Pare ¥7 17, Se: | 
. 2795 L’Ecole de l’Homme, 2 vol. .. Amp. 1752: 
1796 Lettres & Memoires d’Eftrades, 8 vol. Lond. 1743 
. ("1797 Nouveaux Memoires des Miffions de la Compagnie de’ 
_Jefus dans Levant; 7 vol: — Par.A715 

1797 Hiftoire des Decouvertes de Portugais dans le Nouveau 

Monde, par Lafitau, 4 vol: ib. 1734 
(1798 des Pais-Bas, 4 vol. —— Bruff. 1743 
4799 Lettres du Card, d’Offat, 5 vol. Amft. 1632 

1800 Les Vies des Peint res, par Felibien, 5 vol. . Lond. 1705 
‘4801 Penfeés diverfes fur le Comete, avec la Continuation, 
par Bayle, 4 vol. Rotterd. 1704 

_ |1802 L’Homme detrompé, par Gracian, 3 vol. Haye, 1708 
aie Hiftoire de la Papefle Jeannes par Spanheim, 2. vol. 

11804 La Science ie Medailles, 2 vol. Par.i7zig 
ESOS Negociations de la Paix de Ry{wick, 4 vol. Hae 1707 
11806 La Vie de Marianne, 3 vol. ib. 1736 
(1807 Memoires de la Bourdonnais, 3 vol. - * Pot 1752 
(1808 Bayle Reponfe aun Provincial, 5 vol. © Rotterd. 1706 
(1809 Melangede la Literature, par Marville, 3 vol. 1701 
1810 Memotres de Boulainvilliers, —— Haye, 1727 

: ‘4811. Taxe de la Chancelerie Romaine; & de la Banque 
du Pape, ou l’Abfolution des Crimes les plus enormes fe 
donné de l’Argent, _ Lond. 1701 
1812 Recherches curieufes fur toutes les Parties de la Phyfique; 

LL CLE A ny rere “man mete 

Par. 1719 
1813 Memoires touchant la Paix de Munfter, 4vol. Am. 

a ee ge nom sem 8 

“1814 Les Conformitez des Citesioncs Modernes, avec les 
Anciennes, par Mufard, Leide, 1666 
1815 Contes Perinients 2 vol. —-- Amt. 1733 



2°04 RTO. 

| epee 

3816 HIL. a Turre Monumenta Veteris Antii, Rom.1700 
—Turretinus de Ludis Secularibus, — Gexev._1701. 
Rainflant Differtation fur douze Medailles des 
Jeux Seculaires de ’/Emp. Domitian, Ver/ailles, 1684 
—Differtation du Chamillart fas plufieurs Medailles, 

Par. 1711 
4817 Opus preclarifimum Rob. Holkot,. —— 1548 
1818 Laurenbergi Antiquarius, ©. ——— __. . Lugdun, 1622 

11819 Burgus de Dominio Genuenfis Republice in Mari Lie 
| gultice, feltis deauratis, Rom. 164" 

1929 Vail: 

A en a pe nn ne 


13820 Vaillant Hiftoria Regum Syrie, * Bar. 1681 | 

' 4821 Briffonii Opera omnia — 20. nOn8 | 

| 1822 Maittaire Annales Typographici, 5 vol. A, Cor. 71D 
| 3823 Vignolius de Columna Antonini Pii, Ram.1705 
11824 Ollelii Thefsuras Numifnatum, Amp. 1697) 
$825 Patini Thefaures Numifmatum, pon ih am MORE Rey | 

- ~ age ras ’ oe * f 
| 1826 De Bie Numifmata Aurea; a Cafare, foliis deauratts, | 
a ; Brux 715i. 

1827 Kempferi Amznitates Exotice, Lemgou. 1712 | 
7828 Mabiil oni Mufeum Italicum, 2 vol. Pat. tea 

1829 Creuxii Hiftoria Canadenfia, ib. 1664 | 
1830 Boerhaave Methodus Studii Medici, ab Hallero, 2 vol. 

' Ainfi, 1751 | 
1331 Seguini Selecta Numifmata Antiqua, Par. 1684 
1832 Patinus in Cenotaphium Marci Artori Med, Caf. Augulti, | 

Patay.. 1685 Patinus in Menumentum Marcellé n,! 

gr 2b. 1688 | 
1833 Harduini Nummi Antiqui Populorum, 26. 1684 | 
1834 De Camps Sele&tiora Numifiiata, © | — ib. 1694 | 
1835 Corfini Diflertationes Agoniftice, . . Rom. 1747 | 

1336 Duodencrum Numifmatum ineditorum Expofitio, a Phil. | 
~ de Venatis, 
1837 Mofis Chorenenfis Hiftoria Armeniaca, Armen. & Lat. 
a Gul. & Geo. Whiftono, Lond. 1736 
1838 Taylori Marmor Sandvicenfe, Cantab. 1743 : 
1839 Aynfworth lfidis Delubrum Referatum, 
1840 Petavii Antiquarie Supeilectilis Portiuncula, Par.1600 | 
3841 Fran. Ramos Errores Triboniani de Pena Parricidii, | 
is , ‘ Lug. Bat. 1728! 
1842 Gemine Seleétz e Mufeo de Wilde, Anff. 1703 | 
1843 Vulpii Tabula Antiatini, Rom. 17265 
1844’ Numifmata Antiqua Comitis Pembfochiz, cum Indice, | 
chart. max. we Lond. 17465 
1845 Snelling’s View of the Silver and Gold Coin of England, ! 


with plates, 2 parts, woe 1763 | 
1846 Regulations for his Majefty’s Service at Sea, 1743 | 
1847 Goodall’s Royal College of Phyficians, 1684 | 

1848 Hiftory of Suilex — Dr. Ducarel’s Tour through Nor- 

mandy, and four more Tra&s 

ions, and two more ‘T'ra¢ts 

i 1849 Akt of Breeding the Silk Worm—Explanation of Flux’ 
j Ms 
| 1850 Fifteen modern Sermons, by various, . 
- ; £851 Bible, Apocrypha, and New Teftament, ° - ' 
| 1852 Hodgfon’s Syitem of Mathematicks, z vol. 1722 | 
; 1853 Rademaker’s Views in Holland, 1726} 
; 4854 Strahlenberg’s Hiftory of Siberia, 1733 
1855 Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, &c. 3 vol. 171 | 
4 I 1856 Lord | 

a. are SNH SNS Ba REL GRID Bo a 


Be ee 

. 4 § 
rage Sere ee 

r Props ml ae eek St Ul et pep eeecce i 8 SEEN Se et fh i oe Re 

"Tells Bild ackn's sacl onan ALRASAOT a 
(1857 Frezier’s Voyage to the South Sea, = meas 1717 
— sgt Ud EO Ba) 8 ae aces 
| FOB kG 
Pak ale ceils hl sic abit, 
1858 peers Romanarum Antiquitatum, 2, vol. 
1859 Raccolta di Vafi diverfi? da “Artefici Antichi, ¢ di varie- 
Targhe da Architetti Moderne, ib. 1713. 
1860 Imagines Vet. & Novi Teftamenti, a Raphaelo, 
4861 Wells’s Book of Maps, —-_— 1722 
1862z Seventy-four large Heads, by Cooper, Smith, Fa- 
ber, é&c. 
1983 Campbell’s Vitruvius Potanpigans large paper, 3 vol. 

A A ep 


ee he = 

ee 5 

1864 Teatro della Guerra contro it Turco, e le Vedute 
delle Citta, e F ostezze dell’ Ungaria, Morea, &c. 
1865 Bellori Veteres Arcus Auguftorum Triumphis iain’ 
per Jac. de Rubeis, ——— Rom. 1690 
1866 Sea Coafts of France from Calais to Bayone, 1701. 
1867 Views of the principal Towns in various Parts of the 
World, bonad in rufia leather, and finely sugraved, 
4 vol, 
1868. eas of the Towns, &c. in Switzerland, finely engraved, 
ard bound in ruffia leather, 2 vol. 
1869, Views of Towns, Cities, Fortifications, &c. in France, 
~ Jinely engraved, and bound in rufa leather, 4 vole 
1870 Boiffardi Antiquitates Romane,cum figuris, Theod. de Bry». 
6 vol.  Fraaof: 1637, 
1871 Bartoli Figure ad Virgilium Vaticanum, 1677 
1872 Bonanni Hiftoria Templi Vaticani, - Rom 1700. 
1373 Dempfterus de Etruria Regali, 2 vol. .. Florent. 1723 
1875 Goltzii Opera, 3 vol, = — Ant. ap. Plant. 1844 
1876 Czfarum Icones, = AmtvAss7 
3897 Septuaginta Gre€a, a Grabe,, Tom. 1 & 4, corioturcicas 
foliis deaurat. &F chart. max. -——~- Ox. 170@ 
1878 Thucidydis Hifloria, Gr. & Lat. a Dukero, chart. man. 
2 vol. , Amp. 17.3% 
1879 Anaftafii Vite Pontificum, Par. Typog. Regs 1649. 
1880 Agathia de Rebus Geftis Juftiniani, Gr. Lat. id. id. 

1881 Conft. Manaffis Chronicon, & Codinus de Originalibus 
Conftantinopolitanis, Gr. Lat. ib. 1b. 1655 
1282 Codinus de Officiis & Officinalibug Corie & Ecclefie 
Conftantinopolitane, Gr. Lat. ib. 2b. 1648 

Sa ce ah a eye ES a ene 


3323 Cantacuzeni Hiftoria, Gr. Lat. 3 vol. Par. Typoy. Reg. 
| 1045) | 

1884 Cedreni Hiftorie, Gr. Lat. 2 vol. ib. ib. 1647 
‘9885 Mich. Glyce Annales, Gr. Lat. - 16.76. 1660 | 
3886 Acropolite & Duce Hiftoria Byzantina, 16. 76. 1651 
N.B. Qe abowe clever Volumes'of the Byxastize Hifforians, | 

are all bound uniformin morocco, gilt leaves, with the King 

of France’s Arms. 
2887 ‘Tradts and Poems, 3 Vol. et | 
1883 Oldmixon’s Hiftory of the Stuarts, ae 1730 
1889 Strype’s Annals of Q. Elizabeth’s Reign, 1704 
1890 Duke of Newcaitle’s Plays, 1668 
1891 Bartholomeus de Proprietate Rerum, ix Englifh, black’ 

letter, ; fe 

me win one ae ed evens kA SO at NN NE NTE T SA SOE AEE AIRS ae 

1892 Locke’s Works, 3 vol. 1727) 
1893 Patrick’s Commentary, 2 vol. — 1727 
1894 Lowth on the Prophets, ee 1730. 
| 1895 Whitby on the New Teftament, 2 vol. : 1727 | 

1896 Rycaut’s Turkith Hiftory, vol. 3d. — 1700; | 

1897 Lediard’s Naval Hiftory, 2 vol. 1730 | 

| 4898 De Cous’s Invention of Water-Works, 1659. 
(1899 Quick’s Syxodicon in Gallia Reformata, large paper, 2vol. 
i 1692. 
1900 Wood’s Athenz Oxenienfes, 2 vol. se T | 
ago Senex’s General Atlas, —_—_—_——— 1721 

| wgo2 Atlas Maritimus, 1718) 



1903 Ortelii Theatram Orbis Terrarum, cum tabulis Geograph. 

colorat. yphinG bas 

1904 Vifcher’s Cuts to the Bible and Teftament, 1650; | 

1906 Fine Dutch Cuts to the Bible and Teftament, , aya 
1907 The Englythe Bible, Lound in rufa, Rouen, 1566 

1908 The Holy Bible and Teftament, ound in rufia leather, : 
z vol. _ Lond. printed by Field, 1660 

1909 Ludolphi Hiftoria Zthiopica, Francf. 1681 
1910 Solis’s Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexico, yen). | 
t9r1 Schenck’s Views of Cities and Towns, —e 170z | 
4912 Falda’s Gardens of Rome, by Sandrart, 
1913 Voyages de Corneille Le Brun en Mofcovie, en Perfe, & | 

aux Indes Orientales, 2 vol. Ami i718) | 

¥814 Herrera Defeription dés Indes Occidentales, #5. 1622 

1815 Du Choul Difcours de la Religion des Anciens Romains, | 


sea : Lion, 1556. 
| 1816 Pierres Antiques graveés, par Stofch, Ami. 1724; 3 
(1817 WNurifmata Moduli Maximi Ludovici xiv. 1704| | 
‘1818 Wicquefort Hiftoire des Provinces Unies, 2 vol. Haye, 
ie Ree iy 1719 } ( 
| T9r9: Catalogue des Rolles Gafcons Norman & Frangois, 
pres Sayer Loud. 17.43 | : 
Bog 1920 Atlas 

eee baht 
' { zy i 





1920 Atlas Hiftorique, par Guedeville, 3 vol.  Amf. 1708 | 

1921 Dictionnaire de PAcademie Francoife, grand papier, 

2 vol. z Par. 1718 
192z Medailles de Louis le Grand, en peau de maroc, Par. 

Impr. Rog. 1723 

TwelfthNight’s Sale, Saturday, Mar.o. | 


1923 Aftaing’s Intereft Book, ©  ——-= = agzg 
1924 Tradefcant’s Rarities, with-the tavo prints, 1656 ; 
_ 4925 May’s I.ucan, and Continuation, 1059 | 
1926 Burnet’s Life of Sir Mathew Hale, — 1632 | 
1927 Greenwood’s Enghiih Grammar, —— 1715 | 
1928 The Knowigdge of Medals, 1715 | 
- 192g Political and Satyrical Prints, for 1756 and 1757, . | 
1930 Lilly’s Hiftory of his Life and Times, — 1715 | 
1931 Letters to and for particular Friends, — 174r | 
1932 Determinetions on Elections, 1733 ! 
1933 Projodia Chirurgica, 1729 | 

1934 Patin’s Travels into Switzerland, Germany, &c. ° 1697 | 

1935 Welwood’s Memoirs of England, 17138 : 
1936 Dublin Society’s Obiervarions, Dubl. 1739 | 
1937 Orders of the Houfe of Commons on Privileges, &c. | 

° 1756 | 
1938 Prideaux’s Life of Mahomet, ats { 

1939 Artof Pleafing in Converfation, Freach azd Eng. 2 vol. | 

; 1736 
1940 King (Lord) on the primitive Church, i 
3941 Difcovery of Sorcery and Witchcraft praétis’d by Jane | 
Wenham, with fix more.Trads on Witchcraft I 

1942 Confiderations on the State of Scotland, 1744 
1943 Four Traéts on the Longitude at Sea, 1714, &Ce | 
1944 Hillory of Nourjahad, — 1767 | 
1945 Hooper’s Diicourfe on Lent, 1696 

‘1946 Sherlock on a-future Judgment, 1695 

1947 Pitt’s Crafts and Frauds of Phyfick expos’d, 1703 

1948 Catalogue of Medals from Julius Cefar, 1716—— 

Fointer’s Roman Antiquities in Britain, 1724—A 

Catalogue of Bp. Burnet’s Library, wth the prices, 

175 I 

1949 Curfe 



ah A 

t eae The Pon ee en OR 
t - 6 i 
ae ON D8 LESS ST SRE ae att eS t 

is94g Curfe of Popery and Popith Princes, | 171G) + 
19 50 Lives of the Dukes of Mar!borough and Prince Bie 
i 195 1 Arbuthnot’s Tables of Grecian, Roman and 5 ae 
“>. + Weights, Meafures and Coins, 
11952 Temple’s Mifceljanies, three parts, 1697 | 
1953 Coward’s fecond Thoughts on the Human Soul, » 1702, 
3954 Quincy’s Dilpenfatory of the College, _ Pgety 
| 1955 Wotton’s Reflections on Learning, — 1697| | 
1956 View of Paris a a7o8 | 
1957 Bofman’s Delcription of Guinea, — 1705! | 
i 1958 Smith’e State of Waterford, —— Dub. 1740) it 
, 1939 State of Kerry, ae 2b, 1756; | 
' ¥g6o County of Cork, 2 vol. ey 2 1FGO | 
, 1961 Ludlow’s Memoirs, 3 vol. 1721, 
_ 1962 Ray’s ColleGtion of Voyages and Travels, 1693, 
, 1963 Pfalmanzazar’s Defcription of Formofa, 1704 | 
» 1964 Account of Livenia, . es 17a. 
, 1965 Boerhaave’s Method of Studying Phyfick, mips) 6 
! 3960 Journey through Grace, italy, &c. i725; + 
; 1967 Harri.’s Aftronomical Dialogues, © —— 17i4; 
; 1968 Sir Yve’s ‘Treatife of the Eyes, —_——- 1740) 
! 3969 Barry’s Treatifeon a Confumption, 1727) 
i 1979 Pack’s Mifcellaneous Works, rig, | 
1971 Bradiey’s Hufbandry and Gardening, 2 vol. 726) i 
1 4972: Miller’s Gardener’s Di€tionary, 2 vol. = 35) 

1973 Hiftory of the late Minority 1765 
1974 Molyneux’s Conjuné& Egpeditions, that have. been} 

| carried on jointly inthe Fleet and Army, 1759} 
1975 Trial of Admiral Byng, 2 parts, sas? | 
'1976 Lord Orrery’s Life of Dean Swift, aa 1752! 

1977. Vertot’s Revolutions nn Sweden, — 1697' 
: ¥978 Voyages of the Dutch Eait India Company, 1703: 
| 1979 Beeckman’s Voyage to Borneo, 1718; | 
; 1989 Be hrens’s Natural Hiftory of Hartz Foreft, 17401 
198: Aubrey’s Mifcellanies and Lite, E720, ; 
: 31982 Rawlinfon’s E Englih ‘Topographer, — 1720: | 
* 1983 Bp. Wi-kins’s Mathematical Works, .— 1768; |! 
_ | 1984 Hearne’s DuGor Hiftoricus, bef edit. 2 vol. 1724: 
1985 St. Auguitin’s Meditations, by Stanhope, 1708) 

1985 Gravefande’s Natural Philofophy, by Defaguliers, 2 vol. 


Orr ee ee er ee are 



1987 Johnfon’s lof Cranbrook) Sermons and Difcourfes, 2 vol.: 

1988 Stevens’s Life of the Emperor Charles the Vth, He 
1989 Williams’s Sermons at Boyle’s Leétures, 1708; 
1990 Howel’s Medulla Hiftoria. Anglicane, — 1712 
oH 1991 Lobo’s 

| Ly 


1991 Lobo's Voyage to Abyffinia, == ——- 734 
tgg2 Swift’s four laft Years of Q. Anne, — § 1758 
1993 Mather’s Chititian Philofopher;- spas 4 ezek, 

1994 Whifton’s Aftronomical Principles of Religion, 1717 
1995 Chandler’s Vindication of the Chriftian Religion, 1725 
1936 Voyage to Barbary for Redemption of Captives, 7730 

3997 Brown’s Travels and Adventures, 1739, 
/1998 Moore’s Travels into Africa, 1738 
3999 The Antiquities of Arundel, | ———— 1766. 
| aN | 
| QUARTO. | 
2000 Umberland’s Laws of Nature, by Maxwell, > 
/e2oor % Fatis in Defence of his Majefty’s Right to certain 
| ad Fee Farm Rents in Norfolk, Siok BEGET 
‘2002 Littleton’s Dictionary, a vol. — . 1678 
| z043 Ames’s Hiftory of Printing, 1749 
3004 Bell’s Travels, 2 vol. ——— 1763 : 
2005 Walpole’s Hiftoric Doubts on Richard the IIId. 1768) © 
‘2006 Rowland’s Mona Antiqua Re/taurata,” — 1723 | 
2007 Memorials of the Engiith and French Commiffaries con- | . 
cerning che Limits of Acadia, 2z vol. i> 1S 
(2008 Willis’s Hiftory of Buckingham, 1755) 
2009 Lewis’s Antiquities of the ifle of Tenet, | 3723. 
(2040 Antiquities of Favreham, = —— = 1727) 
‘2014 Bacon’s Works abridg’d, by Shaw, 3 vol. 1733: 

2012 Lambarde’s Defcription of England and Wales, 1730) 
2013 Eleven Milcellaneous Traéts, Re 
2914 Fofter’s Difcourfes on Natural Religion, 2 vol. 1749. 
2015 The Caledonian Mercury from 17455 ae 
2016 Junius on the Paintings of the Ancients, large paper, | 
. bound in bluc turkey, gilt leaves, —— 1638 | 
2017 Stukeley’s Medallic Hiftory of Caraulius, 2 vol. 1757) 
‘2019 Defcription of the Pictures at Houghton Hall, 1762 | 
-g0z0 Clayton’s Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, | 
<r) sage | 

| seer Birch’s Hift. of the Royal Society, 2 vol. — Saal 
‘2022 Lord Clarendon’s Hiftory of the Reign of King Charles | 
the Second, 2z vol. | 

2023 Kennedy’s Aftronomical Chronology, 1762. 
2024 Blomefield’s Colle@anea Cantabrigtenfia, i751 . 
_|2025 Laurence’s Duty of a Steward to his Lord, 1727 | 

2026 Bell’s Differtasion on what Caufes principally render a_ 
Nation populous, -1756—Webb’s Account of Dane- ) 
! geld, 1756—Mafon’s Odes, 1756 | 
2027 Argument from the Statutes of Q. Elizabeth to the Uni-. 
verfity of Cambridge, &c. | i727, 
2028 Webb’s | 




an cn a i tt cnarnltetr mnie me = mete 

Oas toy 


| s¢28 Webb’s Account of Dome’s Day Book oe SSE | 

| 2029, Virgil’s Eneis, by Twyne, dlack letter, V5 Se 

| 2030 Hardyng’s Chronicle, black letter, bound in morecco, gilt 

| leaves, I 5 43: 
2031 Langwith on Arbuthnot on Coins, &c 747 

2032 Tovey’ s Hiftory and Antiquities of the Jewsin Bhplande! i. 
£728 | 

| 2033 Wright’s Travels into Italy, sc. 2 vol. 1730 | | 

| 2034 Reuthmell’s Roman Antiquities of Overborough, 1744 , 
: 2035 Birch’s Kemoirs of Queen Elizabeth, z vol. irs 

| 2036 Sale’s Koran of Mohammed, i734 | 
(2057 Mac Allefter’s Letters on a@ Scheme of Brae to iny vade= 
England, 2 vol. ae t er 
| 2038 Kennedy’s Obfervations on Caraufius, &c. 756 
| 2039 Enquiry into the Grounds of ‘the Claim of ‘Archbithooss 
and Bifhops, of.the Difpofal of Preferment he fhall make- 


choice of, 17,6 | 
| 2040 Faéts in Defence of his Majefty’s Right to certain Fee- | 
| Farm Rents ia Nortolk, z parte; © —e— 17 5s 
| Be sink oO | | 
— a nae rt 
| 2041 FYEDA Plitous Ecclefiaftica, Saxon. & Let.a peas 
>} charta max. = Cantab. 73%" 
| 2042 Mifflale ad Ufum Sarifburienfis, impref. ia mex brazay | 
Par. 1527 

| 2043 The Legende of theSayntes, black letter, imper fea 
2044 Tractatus Baldi de Dotibus & Dotatis Muilieram,- 

\ sii cig) : 1479 | 

| 2045, Prifciani Opera, corte tarcice, Venst. i,8t 

| 2046 Virgilii Opera, cerio. turcice, —— ae ib. 1480 

2047 Ciceronis: Tafculane Difputationes, coriv tercica, ib. 


| 2048 Hiftoria Fiorentina, di Poggio, corie turcica, ac edit. prin- 
CEPS,: & 

2049 MartialisEpigrammata; corto turcico, Vem. ap. Joan. de 
Colonia S Foar. Manther, 1175 
| 2050 Decretorum Codex, corie turcice, ac editio princess, Ver. | 

ap. Fenfon, 1473 
| 2051 rae Epiftole Familiares; cor7s turcice, Ven. ap. 

| enfon, 147% 




——e 16. 14.76" | 

2052 Epiftole Familiares, impref. in membrana F corio 
LUrCico, ———— i470 

2053 Epiftole ad Atticum, ceria turcico, & edit, princeps, 

y ; Reme apud Meximis 1470 
2054. Officia, corie tarcica; | Kener: per Vindadlinm, 1472 

meee veneers 
ae ee eee 

2055 Cle 

es ec certnoantienneme ht 

aoe ae nrc 

Moegunt. per Foan. 

Maps elegantly colour’d, a vol, 

‘2060 Seller’s Atlas Celeftis, colorat. 
2061 Prints of various Buildings in 

engraved by Hulvech, &c. 
2064: Bafton’s twenty-two Prints of 
Sea Pieces; 
2065 Sanfon’s and De Wit’s Atlas 
2066 Popple’s Map of America, 


| ee os 
loss | O55 Ciceronis Officia, corio turcico, impref.. it “ merabrandy “+ aa 
‘2056 Perotti Grainmatica, edit. princeps, Viterb. 1468 
(2057 Marthe I’s Chronelogical Tables, 

2058 Pitt’s Atlas, nearly bound in vellum, gilt leaves, and the 

2059 Atlas Mayor en Lingua Caftellana, Sfozlie dorat. 10 vol: 

Fufi & Pet. Scheffer; +406 


Amft. ap. Silomes 1658, &e. 

Rome, ke, 

‘2062 Forty-two large Prints of the Dukes of Florence, &e. 

2063 Nine very fine Prints from Titian, by Smith, 

capital Ships, and other — 

2068 Pine’s- and Tinney’s Plan.of London, | 
2069 Jeffery’s Chart of North and South America, including 

the Atlantic, . 
2070 Nouvum Theatium’ Italie ; 

267 I at eieeanbas Reclefiz, i in eight large Prints, with five ge 

Heads of Popes, 

2072 Forty Prints of Views and Buildingr in ‘Say. &e. 
2975 Pine’s Papeftry Hangings of the Houte of Lotds, 1739 

2074 Defcription de la Colone de 

V’Honneur de l’Emp. Theodole, 
2075 Tlluftri Fatti Farnefiani- coloriti ne} Palazzo di Cappa- 

rola, i# 40 elegant piduret, 
2076 Le Magnificenze di Roma M 

2077 Williams Oxonia depitta, chart, max. Oxoz: 
2078 Avery large Colleftion of Religious Prints, by Perin 
; _ del Vaga, Vouet, and others, bound in morocco» leathers 

gilt leaves, 

7079 Thirty-feven Heads of Philofophers, Divines; Phyficians 
and Lawyers, inlaid on imperial paper, bound in ruffa 
leather, engrav’d by various bauds, 

‘2080 rare ditto of [luftrious Perfons, bound ditto, 

2081 Fifty-five ditto, bound ditto, 

20832 Seventy-five ditto, bound ditto, 
2083 Albert Durer’s Prints, bownd ditto, 
'ec84 Fifty-eight Prints in Chiaro Obf{curo, after Titian, Ha. 

| phael and othsrs, bound ditto. 



es hit ary oceans fan osc ptt a3 li See iS nt Oe lad rN ws Scat ile ORO IONE TS TONSA Ene ee 

2067 Warburton’s Maps of Middlefex, Effex and Herts | 
. : 

Pedeinontii & Sathatee 
exemplar. elegant. ac Soliis deci 3 vol. Hag. Con 


Conftantinople, Dreffe a 

ae da Batt. ‘Piranefis 
Rom, 1751 


2985 Vil- 


rit carey ese nenenar 6" OO EGY | A PRE OE AN h SE NG A RE ANN TE MR © ce So my Dene ernmtn 
' ¢ ~ 

, ‘ThirteenthNight’ sale, , Monday, Mar tt. 


2085 " Vilicher’s Works, 2 vol. bound ik morocco, gilt leaves, 
2086 A very large Colleétion of Prints of Popes, Kings and 
2087 Plans of Rome; by Battifta Falda, 
2088 One hundred Maps, by Sanfon, BY 
2089 Antique Statues, bound in merocce, 3 Ol. nods 
-z0go Inigo Jones’s Def igns, by Kent, large paper, «727, 

acgt Sixty nine Prints of the moft noted publick Buildings | 


| - Gn and about the City of London; 

| 50508 RAMEE MASA | 

| eet ar oc nh en aE Se en 


ocrAvo 3 DUODECIMO. 

gogz FY A Croix’s Hiftory a Tamerlane, 2 vol. 1723. 
| 2093 Bu Maftei’s Hitt. of Amphitheatres, by Gordon, - 
hp 1730. 
ee 2094 Mead’s Influence of the Sun and Moon; . (715 
5 L’Eftrange’s Afop’s Fables, 2 vol. — 1724 
2096 Amnftrong’s Hiftory of Minorca, ce 17 52 
| 2097 Purhhall’s Fabrick of the Univerfey —— 1707 

| _ 2098 Sir John N arborough’s Voyages. W711 | 

| 2099 Kolben’s State of the Cape of Good Hope, a vol. 1731) 

2100 King on the Apoftles Creed, 1703. 
a1o1 Travels of the Miflionaries ! r71a | 
| 2102 Coxe’s Defcription of Florida, | —— 1740 
. 2103 Camberland’s Sanchoniatho’s Phenician Hiftory, 1720, 
| A104 Origines Antiquifine Gentium, 1724 ) 
| 2105 Diétionary of all Religions, 1723 | 
E 2106 Bott’s Anfwer to Warburton’s Legation, 1743 
/2107 Hiftory of the Earlsand Earldom of Flanders, 1701 | | 
2108 Neve’s Builder’s Diéionary, — 1726 | | 
2109 Hoadley on Civil Government, —_— i710) 
| 2110 Voyage to the North, a 1706 | 
| 2118 Memoirs of che Church of Scotland, an 1717 
211g Taubman’s Memoirs of Britifh Squadrons, 1710 | 
2113 Whig and Tory, a Colle@ion of Poems, 17i2 | 
(| 21g Duck's Life of Archbp. Chichele, — 169g | 
2115 The Condu& of the Allies, 3 parts AZM 
2116 Jeffrey of Monmouth’s Britith Hiftory, ie 
2117 Peiree’s Vindication of Diffenters = 717 | 
2118 Reg: 

Co 9 ana 
ai18 Regnault’s Philofophical Conyetistsons; by Dale, 3 vot. 


|211g Duke of Wharton’s true Briton, and Life, z ‘iy 
2120 Larrey’s Hiftory of hates the Firft, 2 vol yak 
2121 Clarendon’s Hiftory of the Rebellion, with the cuts, 7 vol. 
Oxf. 1717 
2122 Oldmixon’s Clarendon and Whitlock compared, 1727 
‘2123 Berkley’s Minute Philofopher, 2 vol, 1732 
2124 Potter’s Antiquities of Greece, 2 vol. 1728 
z21z5 Catalogue of Sclater Bacon’s Library, 1739 
2426 Fables from the Dutch, 2 vol. — 1703 
2127 Hutchefon’s Pieces, 7 ‘vol. 1733 
2128 Markland’s Remarks on Cicero’s Letters to Brutus, 
2129 Ames’s Catalogue of Englith Heads, oa 
2130 Sutton’s Method for extracting the foul Air out of Ships, 
and Mead on the Scurvy, 1749 
2138 Middleton’s Examination of Sherlock, 1750 
2132 Rimius’s Rife and Progrefs of the Moravians, 1753 
2133 Inquiry into Virtue and Happinefs, a 1751 
2134 Czfar’s Commentaries, by Bladen, — 1732 
2335 Somerville’s Chace, a Poem,’ ——— oss 
2136 Nature Difplay’d, 8vo. three fr ft volumes, 1733 
| 2137 Cocke’s Voyage round the World, 2 vol. 1712 
2138 Vecyage for the Difcovery of an North Weft Paffage, 
by the Clerk of the California, 2 vol. hl a Ae 
2139 Bartram’s Account of Eail-Florida, : . 
2140 Effay on Rational Notions and Proof ofa God, - 1733 
2140 Lerd Hallifax’s me ere . 1783 
2142 Dampier’s Voyage round the World, 4 vol. = *—«1697 
| 2143 Futne? s Voyage ‘round the World, 1707 
| 2144 Antiquities of the Chyrch of ‘Rocheiter,*~ ©" 3947 
| 2145 Willis’s Survey of Bangor, a 1721 
| 2146 Afhmole’s Hiltory of Berk thire, 3 vol. 3; F971 
| 2347 Jenkins on th ve Chriftian Religion, 2 vol, © 1698 | 
| 2148 Richardfon’s Difcourfes on Painting, 1719 
| 2149 Account of Statues, Drawings, &c. 1722 
| 2150 Lifeof Sethos, 2 vol. -_ 1732 | 
2151 Evelyn on Navigation and Commerce, — 1674 
2152 Collins’s Enplifi Baronettace, ¢ vol. 1741 
2153 Fautiliar Letters which pafied between Abraham Hill, 
' Efq; and feveral eminent Perfons, -—-: 1767 
2154 Chandler’s Debates of the Houfe of Commons from 1714 
to 17343 3 Vols a 1941 
55 Antiquities of the Church of fercford, _ 41757 
16 Matter Key to Reeds 3 vol. —_— 1725 

pene ae : 



lia fo 

2157 Robertfon’s Gate to the Holy Tongue, 

2168 Fuller's Introduaio ed Prudentian 2 vol. 1731 
2159 Dupin’s Hiitory of the Church, 4 vol. 1724 
2160 Stamma’s Game of Chef, 1745. 
2161 Memoirs of an unfortunate Young Nobleman, 1743 
| 2162 Roderick Random, 2 vol. ee 1743 
2163 Adventures of David Simple, z vol. — 1744 
2164 Card. du Retz’s Memoirs, 4 Se ee 1723 
2165 Terre Filius, 2 vol. —_—_——- 1726 

2166 Jofeph Andrews, 2 vol. 1742 

rd OR Fe! | | 

| 2407 EBB’s Account of two Infcriptions at Heraclea, | 
W 1760 | 

216% Another Guan 17€0 

246g Pettingall’s Account of an Infcription at Heraclea, | 
| 2170 pee 2h Teepe on on the Tafcia —— —~ 1763 

217% Abbé Coyer’s Supplement to Anfon’s Voyage, 1752 | . 

2172 Stukeley’s Paleographia Sacra, 1736 Beauvais 
Maniere de Difcerner les Medailles Antiques, Par. 
ba : . ! 1739 
2173 Glover’s Leonidas, ———-—— 1737 | 
2174 Withy’s 12 Plates of Englifh coelh —— , 1756 

2175, Another Copy, ——-—s:1:756 
2176 Ducarrell’s Norman and Saxon Coins, 1757 | 
21977 Arbuthnot’s Tableeof Ancient Coins, &c. 1727 
2178 Morris’s Ancient Architecture, 1728°| 
2179 Newton’s Milton’s Paradife Loft, 2 vol. 1749 | 
2180 Blackfton’s oe iftand 2d vol. 1765 | 
2182 Bower’s: Lives of the Popes, 7 vol. ce | 
2183 Borlafe’s Account of the Mlands of Scilly, 1756 | 
2184 Hanway’s Journey from Portfmouth, —— 1756 
| 2185 Wander. Meulen’s Cuts on the Whale Fithery, oy | : 
’ 1 Kirkhall, 
2136, Martel’s Account of the Ice Alps, 

2187 ‘Langley’ s Ancient Architecture, . 



| 2181 Chubb’s Traéts, / arge paper 
| 2188 Price’s Account of Salibury Cathedral, — 1753 

2189, Folkes’s Englith Silver and Gold Coins 1753 
2190 Anfon’s Voyage, large paper, firft edit. 1748 

| 2191 Sir John Rerelby’ s Memoirs, 1734 
2192 Simons’s Medals, Coins and great Seals, L763 
2293 Folkes’s Tables of Engli h Silver oo Gold Coins, 

K2 2104 Fer- 




jolts Ne ee re 

2194 Perry’ *s Series of E of Englit Medals, . —— 1762 
2195 Plates of fome Marble Antiquities at Wilton, 

| 2196 Derham’ s Account of Albin’s Hift. of Infeéts, 1724 

2197 Blackftone’s Great Charter, /. popcrs 1759 
| (2198 Philofophical TranfaGtions abridg’d, by Lowthorp a 

Jones, 5 vol. 1705 
2199 Hooke’s Coilection, even mambers, 168z 

| 2200 Philofophical TranfaGtions at Large, in various bindings, 

ez vol. 

2201 The Repertorie cf Records, —_o 1631 
2202 Carew’s Survey of Cornwall, 1602 

| 2203 Lipfii Saturnalia, —_—-— 1685 
2204 Compleat Body of Sea Laws, third edit. 

| 2205 Swintoni Inferiptiones Citiz, — Oxon. 1750 
2266 Antiquities of Seals in England, we 1740. 

2207 Bynkerfhoek Opera Juris Civilis, svol. L. Bat. 1737 
2208 Memoires de divers Monumens finguliers qui ont Raport 
is ala Religion, dee plus anciens Peuples, per un Bene 
hy diction, —_ Par. 1739 
az0g Hiltoire de Academie Royale des Inferiptions & Belles 
' Lettres, 17 vol. Par. 17436, &c. 
4210 Hifloire & Memoires de P’ Academie Royale de Sciences, 

depuis fon Etablifiement en 1666 jufq’a 1766, 69 vol. 

avec les Machines, 6 vol.— Tables, 5vol.—Suite, 2 vol. 

—— Memoires prefenteé: a VAcademie, 2 vol. en © 

tout, es tom. N. B. There are too Velumes want 
ing, viz. the Yeart 1753, 1754. Of the above 
Books, 20 vol. are wtatly bound, all the reft are in 
: boards uncut E 


wan he 

hoy Sail) Bee 


| gets TOLAMSTED*: Atlas Coles, large paper,” eyag 
| 2202 | Overbeke’s Antiquities of Rome, Amp. 709 

2213 Roffi’s Statues of Rome, 1704 
(2214 Infignism Romw Templorum ProfpeGus, a Jac. do 
Rubeis, —__ Rema, 1684 

-2z1¢ Pfyches & Amoris Nuptiz, a Raphaelo, 1693 
2216 Marmora Oxonienfia, Oxon. 1763 

(2287 Wood’s Antiquities of Palmyra, with Barthelemy’s 
. RefleGtions on the Language of Palmyra, Lond. 
| 1753 
2213 Ruins of Balbec, _ 9b, 1757 
22:q@ Sixty Prints of the Views of Venice, and other Prints, 

hea Adams’s Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Dio- 

cletian at Spalatro, Jousd in merecco, gilt Me 

one | 




aa2zi A yery large Colleftion of Prints s after Dominichini, Par- 

mentier, Jordano, and Guido Rheni, bound in morocco, 
gilt haves, . 

2222 Difegni del Reale Palazzo di Caferta, Napol. 1756 

2223 A very large Colledtion of fine Prints, by Schaven, Baver, 

Mich, Angelo, Caracci, Guido, and others, bound ix 

morocco leather, gilt legves, 2 vol. 

azz4 A very large Colieftion of Mifcellaneous Prints, by 
Gribelin, and ethers, bouzd in morocco, gilt leaves, 

2225 A Parcel of Prints and Maps, with a large Port 

2226. La Gallerie de Luxembourg, par Rubens, Par.17 10 

2227 A larce Colleétion of Scripture Prints belonging to ae 


Cabinet of the King of France —A fine Collection of 
Antigue Bufts belonging to the fame, Jound in morocco, 
gilt leaves, 
2228 Tapifferie de Roy de France, dound in. morocco, gile 
2229 Recueil d’Eftampes d’apres les Plus Bbautk Defieine 
qui font en France, contenant |’Ecole Romaine, | 
bound in morocco, gilt leaves, 2vOl. Par. de lImprim. 
Royale, 1729. 
2230 Recueil d’Eftampes des beaux Deffeins contenant fa | 
_ Suite de ?Ecole Romaine, tom. a. ib. (742 
2231 Thirty-eight large Heads, by French Matters, bourd’ 

in ruffia leather, 

Lorso Prints 




2232 Pitome of Heraldry on a large Sheet, coloured, and 
feven Maps and Priats, 

2234 Four large Views in Ireland, by Giles King, 
2235 Four Views in Waies, by Boydeil, 

2236 Three large Heads of Popes, 

2237 Ten large Heads of Ladies, by Frye 

2238 Eight large Heads of Gentlemen, by Frye, 

2239 Seven Prints of Views, by various, - 

2240 Six large Views, by Woolett y 

224t Six large Views, by Mafon, Vivares, &c. 

2242 Seven Views by Vivares, 

2243 Five large Views, by Vivares and Mafon, 

2244 Six very ‘large Views, by Du Boéfc, Mafon, &c. - 

2245 Hogarth’s Marriage Alamode, compleat, 

2246 Nine large Hiftorical Prints, by Vertue, — 

2247 Six Prints of the Paintings in St. Paul’s Cupola, 

2248 Three large Prints from Titian, Carrache and Cor-| i 

regio, ; 


SS ete 

2249 Ken- f 


2249 Five large Prints after Pau! Voronefe, and 4 Titian, 

2250 Four Heads, and 2 of Buildings, , 

2251 Three fine Prints, one after Barochius, and two after 

$253 Cne fine Print of the taking down from the Crofs, after 
Vandyck, ‘ 

2254 A large Port Polio, inmercece, with leaves, 



Fourteenth Night’sSale, Zizef. Mar.12: 


2255 Wy | OVUM Teftamentum, —— Lond. 1725 
(2256 Bibliotheque, Britannique, par Matty. 13 vol. 
| . ' Hag. 1733 
2257 Georgierez de Turcarum Moribus, Lugdun, 1558 
‘2258 Kirchmannus de Funeribus Romanorum, ib. 1672 
22§9 Zouchei Queftiones Juris Civilis, os Ox.1652 
(2260 Defagulier’s Natural Philofophy, 2 vol. 1731 
2261 Potter's Antiquities of Greece, a vol. 1729 
2262 Kennet’s Antiquities of Rome, ——— 1726 
(2263 Congreve’s Works, 3 vol. oad ‘ 1710 
'2264 Rohault’s Philofophy, by Clarke, a vol. 1729 
2255 Gordon’s H:fery of Amphitheatres, ee 1736 
(2269 Kennet’s Cafe of Impropriations, —~— 170 
(2267 Evelyn’s Navigation and Commerce of the Ancients, 
: 1674 
‘2268 Burton’s Genvinenefs of Lord Clarendon’s Pilih aaat 
226g Voltaire’s Letters of the Englifi Nation, 1723 
(2270 Jortin’s Obfervations on Authors, 2 vol. 173! 
(2271 Ockley’s Hiftory of the Saracens, 2 vol. 78 
2272 Archbp. Secker’s nine Sermons, — 1758 
\2273 Art of Ingenioufly Tormenting, —— 1753, 
(2374 Rome no Mother Church to Engiand, 1673" 
‘2275 Beggar’s Opera, Polly, aud 4 more Operas, 
\2276 Catalogue of the Library of ‘Thom. Hearne, 1736 
2277 Sir Thom. Caew’s Proceedings in Parliament 1628, 
2278 A Journal of an Embaffy from Mufcovy to China bee 
: Land, oo +698 
(2279 Sir Thom. More’s Utopia, 4lack etter, 1556 
\22%0 Carelefs Hutbanc, Old Batchelor, anc ¢ more Plays, 
2281. Com. 

cs meroraee 


pas afi 

yo a BIE EE 

2221 New View of London, 2z vol. —— 1708 
2232 Fawkes’s Theocritus, ——————— 1767 
2283 Memoirs of Literature, 8 vol. — 1722 
2284 Swift’s Works, 7 vole = ——— Desi. 1738 
228: Oeuvres de Voltaire, 3 vol. ——— An. 1732 
‘2286 Univerfal ancient Hiftory, 21 vol. 1947, &c. 
2287 Diony&i Orbis Deicriptio, ab Hill, Lond. 1688 
2288 Phzdri Fabule, a Johnfono, ees ib. 1712 
22%9 Suetonias, —————  Oxcn. 1676 
2299 Hiftorie Scriptores Antiqui, Gr. Lat. a Galeo, Par. 
. Beis 16 
2291 Diog. Laertii Vite Philofoph, ——  Astu.4 see 
2292 Juvenal &’Perfius, —— Lené.i1728) & 
_ 2293 Ovidii Metamorphofis, es ib.1730f © 
2294 Epiftola, —— | £6.1727 5 
2295 - Fafti, wae 26. 1720\ & 
‘2296 Florus (Lucius) ed ib. 1714) = 
2297 Ovidii Triftia, aDyke, —— — #1723 
2298 Perfius, 2 Cafaubono, — Par.i60; 
2299 Eutropii Hiftoria, Oxen. 1703 
2300 Homeri Ilias & Odyflea, Grecé, 2 vol. 6.171 

2301 Quintilian, 

2305 Clarke Praxis in Curtis Ecclefiafiicis, Dsl. 1666 
2206 Theorie de !’Impot, Par. 1761 
2307 Itinerarium Terre San&e, | 
2308 Inftitutio Grace Grammat. & Li'ly’s Gram. 1763 
2309 Hebreza, Chaldaica, Greca & Latina Nomina, Locorum 
: quz in Piblis Legunter, Anz. 1565 
2310 Meurfii Regum Atticum, Am. 1633, 
2311 De Bure Bibliograph!,2 Theologie, Par. 1763 
2312 DiGionnaire dee Graveurs, par Bafan, 3 vol. id. 1567 
2313 Catalogue des Curiofter de Ja Nature “& de 

qui compefe le Cabinet de Davila, 3 vol. ib 

- §767 

+2314 Lucrexio di Marchetti, carta graaiie, Soglie dorat. 2 wel. 
teh: a: 
eft. A754. | 

2316 L’Encide di Virgilio, @i Ausib. Cara, ix marochiaae foglie 
See ee 

aerat. 2 wel. Par, 176¢@ 

DUART ®@. 

Fon. ap. Ald. 1514 | 

_ 2302 Roma Antiquaac recens, Lond.1732z 
_ 236g Corm.Nepos, Oxon. 1697 
2304 Offrande aux Autels & a Ja Patris, Auf. 1764. 

PAre | 


#316 Cardinalium Elenchus, & Martini quinti Vita, ate 
; 16 
2317 Owen’s Natural Hiftory of Serpents, —_— 17 : 
2318 Fourteen Mifcellancous Plays, 
319 Archbp. Hutton’s Sermons, = = ———~ 174i 

#320 Durandi Rationale Divinorum Offciorum, Ven. 1609 
2321 Prynne’s Pleafant Purge for a Roman Catholick, 


legea Sacrilege facredly handled, by James Sempil, 719 
(2323 Proceflionale ad ufum Ecclef. Sarum, Lond. 1655 
2324 Barnet’s 18 Papers of Affairs of State of K. James Ild. 

8325 Savillii LeGtiones —Procli Sphera———Ptolomzi Hypo- 
thefis, &c. 

2326 Lanceloti (Epife. Winton.) Opufcula, Lond. 1629 
2327 Burnetii Archzologiz Philofophice, =  id.1692 
2328 Quintilianus de Inftitut, Orat. Gibfoai, Ox. 1693 
&329 Origen contra Celfum, Gr. Lat. a Spencéro, Cant. 
) a 1658 
23 30 Hifloire de Diocefe de Bayeux en Normandie, par Mon 
i Hermant, — Caen, 170§ 

233 Rogeri Baconi Perfpeftiva, © —— Franch. 1614. 
23 32 Elemens d’Orfevrerie, par Germain, 2 vol. Par. 
' 1748 

2333 Recueil de Sculptures Antiques Greques & aed 
par Adam, 1754 

2334 Traité des Arbres Fruitiers, pat Du Hamel, graad papier; 
| ES fewilles dorees, 2 vol, Par.1768 
2335 Voyage en Siberie fait par Ordre du Roy en 1761, 
| par Monf. d’Auteroche, grand papier, feuilles doresiy 
4 vol. — Par. 1768 


8336 Seldeni Maré Claufum; cere Lend. 1663 
2337 Selden’s four Trads, wm ib, 1683 
338 Cafesin Chancery, 3 vol. 1697, &c; 
2339 Calvini Lexicon Juridicum, Genev. 1684 
2340 Calii Secundi Thefaurus Lingux Lat. 3 vol. Bay. 
341 Corpus Juris Civilis, Vel. primum, Am. 1664 
2342 Common Prayer; Slack titer; Bill and Barker, 
2343 Peot- 


"2344 Webb’s Nero Cefar, with Medals, 

2443 ‘Folkes’s Tables of Englifh Coins, L paper, 
2345 Greenway’s Annals of Tacitus, see eee 

2346 Le Neve’s Fafti Ecclef. Anclicang, 
2347 Evelyn’ s Difcourfe on ‘Medals, 

234 ‘Diodorus § iculus, Rhodomanni; Gr. Lat. - Hanov. 1604 

2349 Phvfiqne Secreé, ou Hikcire Naturelle dela Bible, ae 
Scheuchzer, avec grand nombre de tres belles figures | 

8 tom. en 4 vol. Amp. 173% 
2350 Fables Choifies, par Fontaine, aa be eres Levies figures, 
; feuiiles dorees, 4 vol, gO eras tee Pah +755 
2351 Meiffonier’s Works, | 
2352 Girardon’s Gallery, } 
2353 Views of Venice, by Baedouin, 
2354 Antigue Stacieés, by Dalton, 
2455 ‘Count Bruhl’s Gallery, » 
2356 Viewsof Lifbon, Whitehall and the Dack Vardes , 4 
#357 Crozat Collection, 2 vol. 
2358 D’ Aiguille’s Collection, + at ae “i 
g D?Lifle’s Atlas, . tee Pe: OE a ) 
oe School cf Raphael, a ay 
2361 A Collestion of 122 Prints, by Rembrandt, Ofade, ie: ) 
2362 Ruins of Athens, byLeRoy, — Ba | 
2363 Popple’s Map of America, » _ . 

2365 Prefident Lambert’s oT 

| 2370 Impoft .res Innocéntes, 

| 2376 Rugendus’s Battles, &c. :acalfy . 



A Bf 2 ou . | 
2364 Plante Selecte, by Ehret, -7 parte, a es Oe? | 
2366 Englifa Atlas, 
2357 A Book of Trophies, By De la Foffe,. : 
2368 Fountains of Rome, by Paldass | 
2369 Smith’s Mezzotintos, z vol. | 
2371 Onevol. bound in calf, peal papers 
2372 Oneditto, very large, 
2373 ‘One. ditto, rafia, ~ on Ns cli 
2374 Earl of Derby’s Colledton: ern arr | 
2375 A Collection of 233 Landfcapes, &c: 


2377 Gallot’s Sainte,. - Abeshs d sigos is |} 
2378 Scripture Prints, : 
2379 A Drawing Book, 
2380 ‘ Guerre, a EDM | 
2381 Atlas Portatif, par Robert, ; mat | 
2382 Heads of the Cartoons,’ i 
2383 Livredes Principes de Fleurs par’ T effiers | 
2384 Tempefta’ s Works, ound in morecco, | 
238 5 Alarge. Hook of Ornaments, éz MBTOClO, n : | 

’ Prints 
2387 WO, the Prodigal Son, and Wares of Charity, 
2388 Two large Fairs, ditto, 

2339 Tiwo ditto 

2390 Two, Van Falens, by Le Bas, 
2391 Two Cardinals, by Drevet, 

/ 2392 One, Barnard, by ditto 

- 2393 One, Lewis the XIVth. by ditto 

| 2394 Four, Francifco Bolognefe, &c.° 

| 2395 Three after Vernet, . 

| 2396 Six, Alexander’s Battles, by Le Brun, 

| 2397 Two, St. Cecilia and Salutation, 

_ 2398 Three, Raphael, Corregio, &c. 

| 2399 Four, Le Sueur, &c. 

/ 2400 Nine by Watteau, 

| 2401 Four by Baron, 

_ 2408 Three, by Vandike, 

2403 Four by Boullogne, | _ 

_ 2404°Four, by Luca Giordano, 

2405 Four by Woollett, | 

_ 2406 Eight, the Cartoons, by Dorigny, . 

- 2409 Four by Baron, “a 

2408 Four, by Pouffin, &c. 
2409 Eight large land{capes, by ditto, 
2410 Three, by Pouffin, Le Brun, &c. 
2412 Seven facraments, by ditto, 

_ 243 Four, byVernet, Salv. Rofa, &c, 

2414 Two, by Titian and Saadite 


MS tee eee cen en a rian — peat 

icalataon lies Ka 

ie i ae 


a ee st a a re ee eo 
ee a ee 

FifteenthNight’sSale, //edne/. Mar = 


“ f, [ RAPP’s Virgil, fis —— ‘17318 

3416 Frauds of Romifh Monks and Priefts, 3 vol. 
: 1726 | 
| 2417 Pa Marvell’s Works, 2 vol. — Has 

_ 2418 Britith and Irifh Compendium, 3 vol. 1721 | 

_ a4rg Select Tryale at the Old-Bailey, 2 vol. 1724 
. 2420 An- © 

are ante ee a ce 



2420 Antiquities of the Devizes, and z more Tras, 1724 

2421 Memoires du Ducde Noailles, © - t. Amk. ¥70% 
2422 Bizot Hnitoire Metaliique d’Holiande, 3 vol. 25. 1638 
-2423 Dictionaire, Jal. & Fran. par Duez, . | Genev.i664 
2424 Cafe of William Sharpe, 1712 
2425 Elitob’s Zzgii/z Saxen Hemilie, 1709 
2420 Byng’s Expedition to Sicily, large paper, 1739 
2427 Yorke’s Law of Forteitare for High Treafon, large 
paper, — —_— 1748 
2428 Cockburn’s Hiitory of Duels, Jarge paper, 1729 

2429 Narrative of the Traniactions at Bengal, during the 

Government of Mr. Vaniittart, Jarge paper, 3 vol. 

2430 Fortefcue’s Difference between abfolute and limited Mo. 
nerchy, large paper, ~ A714 
2431 Inigo Jones’s Defigns, by Ware, 
2432 Dodwellus de Parma Equeftri, Oxon. a ¥, 
2433 Hemingii Chartularium, 2 vol. 26.1723 } 
7434 Benedicit- Vite Henr. Il. & Richard 1. ae vol. | a 
2435 Annales de Dunftaple, z vol. , id, esa bon 
2436 Rofli Warwicenfis Hittoria, _ a 1743 | y 
2437 Leland’s Itinerary, 5 vol. = Jae, ies |S 
2438 Walter de Hemingford, 2 vol. ef 16.4931) = 
2429 Lelandi Collefanea, 6 vol. ~~ ib. 1716) > 
2440 Titi Livii Vita Henrici quinti, 16.1716 
*2441 Acta Apottolorum, — ib.1715 
’ 2442 Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 vol. 6621728 |. 
2443. Aluredi Beverlacenfis Annales, 15.4716 | wy 
2444 Sprotti Chronica, ib 1719°| & 
2445 Thom. de Elmham Vita Henrici V. 16.1727 m 
2446 Roperi Vita Mori, corio turcico, id. 4716 5 
2447, Colle&ion of Difcourles, —_ < fbn ad] 2D 
2448 Textus Roffenfis, 16,1720 | “2, 
2449 Antiquities of Glaftonbury, 6b. 4722 | S 
2450 Rob. de Avebury Vita Edvardi IE. 16.1720 | = 
2451 Johan. de Trokeloe, ib. +729 | § 
2452 Rofi Warwicenfis Hiltoria Ricardi II. 6. 1729 | = 
2453 Robert of Gloucefter,. = vol. ib, 1724 
2454 Peter Langtofi’s Chronicle, z vol, 16-1775 
2455 Gal. } Neudrigenfis Hiftoria, 3 vol, if i719 

24506 Joan. de Fordua Scoti Chronicon, 5 vol. 7b. 1722 J 
2457 Boethius de Confoiatione Philofophiz, Saxonice, a Raw- 

hinfono, Oxox7. 1698 
2458 Annales £lfridi Magni, a Wife, chart, max. 16.1722 
2459 Triveti Annales, ab Hall, © 2h. 1719 
2460 A Book in the Ruffian Language, 
i, 2 2461 Po- 
ee ee ea ee pe PS Pee al fe 

2461 Political States from the beginning | regularly to Vol, 

;2467 Ammeni Chara¢ter Plan arum Naturalis, 9 Frenc; 1635 
2468 Sutherland's Catalogue of Plants in che Phyfical Gareen 
| ag at ‘Edinburgh, 

aéth, and 13 Volumes irregular after, in the whole : 

40 Volumes, . 

| haaGe Digby on the Vegetatiow of Plants, —~ 1662 | 
2463 sedde’s Methad of bee Hives, _ 1677 | 
2464 Venable’s experienc’d Angier, —~—. 1676 | 

| 2465 Macer de Herbaram Virsiatibus, Bh. 1560—Enco- | 

| imiam Herbarum, — —_ Lug. Pat.1628 | 
4 2466 Hiftoire ¢ Ges. Plantes, per Dodar, Par. 1679 | 


+ Bdinb. 16° 3 
| 2469 Threlkeld Synopfis Stirpiui um Hibernicarum, Dwdl.1727 

' 2470 Car. Stephani Predium’ Rufticum, corio turcico, Srlits | 
. deauratis,- _ ap. Car, Stephan. 1554 
2471 Scharfi Juniperi Defcriptio curiofa, Lipf. 1679 
| 2472: Petiveri Mufeum Petiverianum, Lond. 1695 © 
| 2473. Wardcr’s Monarchy of Bees, —— 1712 
|» | 2474 London and Wife's Gardening, a 1716 | 

Bate 2475 Raii Methodus Plantasum, Lond. 1703 

are —— Synopfis Stirpium Hritannicarum, Load. 1696— 

‘Raii de Variis Plantarum Methodis Differtatio, id. 
: . ; 2477 ———.Stirpium extra Britannia Sylloge, ib. 1694 . 
oa | 2478 Synopfis Avium & Pifcium, se 26.1713 
ix | 2479. Synopfis Animalium, | — ib. 1693 | 
i) 4 | 2480 Cowel’s Fruit end Flower Gardener, 1732 ° 
| | 2484. Linnzi Flora Zeylanica, wae Amft.1738 | 
: 2482 Hortus Upfalienfis me 76.1748 | 
: 2483 = Species Plantarum, 2 vol. Holm. 1753 
2434 Genera Plantarum, _ L. Bat. 1742 | 
2485 Philofophia Botanica, Stockh. 1751 
He . 2486 Flora Lapponica, wee Amp. 1737 
hay 2487 : Fauna Suecica, ania L. Bat. 1746 
| | }24ss Flora Suecica, ——— ib. 1745 | 
Daun | 2489 Fauna Suecica, cee Stockh. 1764 | 
| 2490 — Flora Suecica, ——— cboi7gs | 
Bi (2491 Oratio de Peregrinatione,, L. Bat.1743 
: "2492 ———— Species Piantarum, 2 vol. Holm.1762 | 
Roa | 2493 Bibliotheca Botanica, Amfi-1736 
2494 Hermanni Horti Acad. Lug. Bat. Catalogus, L. | 
Ata) 1687 
le | 
; : 

ee eel 


“2495 NAmerarii Hortus Medicus, Franc/. 18 
2496 y  Thalii Catalogua Plantarum Sponte Nacentium 

2499 Swammerdam Hittoire des Infeftes,  Ufrecht. 1682. 
.2500 Muntingius de vera Antiquorum Herba Britannica,’ 

 agiy Raii Hiftoria InfeGorum, 

eh a aT ee 


in Montibus, & Locis vicinis Hercynie, Francf- 
Fis niche. TEBE 
2497 Mufeo del Manfredo Settala, orton. 1677——-V itis 
de igagropilis, 1568——-Melien Hit. Urne Sepul- 
chralis Sarmatice, Fere,1679—Mufxa Varia Ley- 
denfia, - Leyden, 1633. 

-2498 Schwenckfalt Stirpium & Fofilium Silefiz Catelogus,| 

Lip/. i608 
Amafi. 1682. 

- 2501 Swammerdam Hiftoire des InfeGes, Utrecht. 1685) 

—Bald.e Mich. Campi Spicilegio Botanico, Lucca, 

Ste 1654, 

25ot Volckameri Flora Noribergenfis, Nerib. 1709) 
2503 Laurembergii Horticultura, Francf. 1655 — Laurem=| 
bergii Apparatus Plantarius, Fraacf. 1654, 

2504 Ciampinus de Lapide Amianto, Rem. 1691 — Bruck- 

manni Hitt. Lapidis Incombuttibilis, Lrunf. 1727, 

2505 Jof.Monti Catalogi Stirpicm Agri Bononienfis Prodro- 

mus, Bozon.1719— Idem de Monumento Diluviano in 

4 Agro Bononienh, | Bovon. 1719 
2506 Hoirmanni Flore Altdorfine, Aliorf. 
2507 Jungii Opufcula Botanico Phyfica, - Coburg. 1747 
2508 Lorenzin’s Diliections of the Cramp-Fihh, 1705) 

2509 Joncqueti Index Plantarum, & Bashini Stirpium aliquot 
7 paulo Ob{cuiius Denominatarum OfficinisArabibus, &c,. 

: ; Par. 1659 
2510 Cornuti Canaderfium Plantarum Hifteria, zb. 1635 

a511 Cupani Hortus Catholicus, cus Supplemento, Neapol, 


2512 Tragi Hiftoria Stirpium, 2 vol. Ar gent. a 

- 2513 Heucheri Novi Proventus Horti Medici Academie Vi- 
tenbergenfis, — Vitemb.17 i 1 

2614 Bradley’s Hiitory of fucculent Plants, 1716 

2515 Boate’s Natural Hittory of Ireland, Dublin 1726 

2516 Bocconis Defcriptiones rariorum Plantarum Sicilie) 
Melitz, Gallic & Italie, Ovor = Ofervaziont 
Natwrali di Beccone, Venet, 16a7 Mujzo di Piante 
rare della Sicilian, Malta, Cerfica, Sc. ¢ 

2518 Blair’s 

nn a a 

ee Pe. 

38 Blair’s Difertation on the Britifh Indigenous and Garden 

. Plants, in 7 Decades, ~ 1723 

| 519 Breynii Prodromus rariorum Plantarum,  Gedew. 1680 

520 Cenomanus de Arboribus Coniferis, Refiniferis, &c, 

: | Par. 1553—Cenomanus de Admirabili Operum Anti- 
quorum, &c. &¢. Par. 1553 Belon Hiftoire des 

| ~s. Eftranges Poiffons Marins, Par. 1551 | 

- (@g21 Alpinus des Plantis Agypti, Ven. 1592 Reneal- — 
mi Specimen Hiftorie Plantarum = Par.i611—Bauhiai _ 

Hiftoria Plantarum, Ebroaun. i619 
2522 Alpinus de Plantis Zgypti, —— Venet.15g2 
Patav. 1612 

$2523 de Rhapontico, 
i935 24 de Plantis Exoticis, Venet. 1628+ 
2525 ————de Plantis gypti, edit. opt. 2 vol. L. Bat. | 
3) 1735 
(2526 Opere di Valifnieri, 8 vol. Padoua, 1710, ra 
‘2527 ‘Merian de Erucis, mft. By 
#528 .Vraité des Petrifaétions, Par.i742 

(2529 James’s Theory of Gardening, —— 1728 
'2530 Swintoni Infcriptiones Citice ; & Nummi Samaritani, 
Oxon. 1750—1) innezi Mufa Cliffortiana, ZL. Bat.1636 
|. =—<Pontedera Compendium Tabularum Botanicarum, 
Patav. 1718— Breynii Hittoria Cocci Radicum Tinc- 
torli, Gedsx, 1731 — Vaillant de Structura Florum, 

. L. Bat. 17438 | 
2531 Comelini Amfteledamenfis Plante, ZL. Bat. 1715-——~ © 
Commelini Preludia Botanica, Le Bat. i7ts | 
‘2532 Ellis’s Natural Hiftory of Coralines, 1755 
2533 Bauhini Pinax Theatri Botanici, _ Baf. v67t 
12534 Prodromus Theatri Botanici, ib. 1671 

'2635 Buxbai Plantarum minus Cognitarium, Centuriz tres, — 
Petropol. 1728 

2535 Burmanni Thefaurus Zeylanicus, Am. 1737 
2537 Dillenii Hiftoria Mufearum, — Oxon. 1741 

F-OvT 1 0. | 
2538 A Ufeum Calceolarium Veronenfe, Fenet/ 1623 
2539 | Pettus’s Hiftory, Laws and.Places of the chief . 

Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales, - . 
1673 — 
2540 Bacon’s Natural Hifory, &c. meetin: 1659 __ 
g541 Michelii Noa Plantarum Genera, Florent.1728 
2542 Mufeo Matards, Veron.t673 © 
2543 Pitfield’s Natural Hiftory of Animals, 1701 | 
‘2544 L’Obelii Plantarum Obfervationes, & Stirpiaum Adver- 
| © testa ®3 tom. Antv. ap. Plantin. 1578 | 

1 | oe ar ee es, 

Eres —— + 

ic eee 
a i cee a en a 

ae eee 

| 2369 Ruyfchii—Theatrum Omnium © Animalium, ° Pifcium, 

2575 ——————- Hilloria Pifcium, a Raio, - Oxon. 1686. 
2576 Breynii Exoticarum aliarumque minus Copnitarum Plane 
tarum Centuriz, | eee Gedan. 1678 
*2577 SBauhini'Fheatrum Botanicum, — —_ Bafil, 165% 
257% Mercatt Metaliotheca Vaticana, Rom. 171g 
2579 Scheuchzeri Herbarium Diluvianum, | Tigur. 1709 
2580 Traité des Fougeres de ?Amerigue, par Plumier, Par, 

el ie ere pn rn re 

i ¢ Po. 

pee aC ha Bi 

at46 Brunfelfii Herbarum Icones,  — — Argent. 1539 
as 47 Rea’s compleat Florift, 1076) 

2548 Grew’s Anatomy of Plants, ad i pai 
2549 —— Rarities of Grefham College -, 1681 | 
2550 Evelyn’s'Sylva, bef edit. —  ———-- 1729 | 
251 Aldini Rariorum quarundam Plantarum Defcriptio in 
“Horto Farnefiano, = 3 ————— Rom. 1625 | 
a552 Belon Hiftoire de la Nature des Oyfeaux, = Par. 1555 | 
AAG Hortus Régius, oe aes he _, 1 1605 
2554 Hernandez Plantarum, Animalium, ‘Mineraliom Mexi- | 

canorum Hiftoria, Rom. 165% 
2555 Lawrence’s Syftem of Agriculture, | 1726. 

2556 Barrelieri Plante, par Galliam, Hifpaniam & Italiam | 

Obfervate, eee Par. 1754 | 
2557 Dodonzi Stirpium Hiftoria, Antv.1016 
2558 Garidel Hiftoire des Plantes: qui ‘naiffent ‘aux Environs. 

“dP Aix, &c. rene TTT | 
2559 Parkinfon’s Theatre of Plants, 1640 | 
2560 —— ~ Garden of Pleafant Flowers, _ 1656. 

2561 Tillii Catalogus Plantarum Horti Pifani, Florent.1723 
256z Hughes’s Natural Hiftory of Barbadoes, 1750. 
2563 Bauhini-Hiftoria Plantarum, 3 vol. » Ebrodun.650 
2564 Hiltoria Generalis Plantarum, 2 vol.Lugd. ap, Reuil.as3g 
*2¢64 Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, 12 vol. == dm/?.1678 | 
2565 Matrthiolus in Diofcoridem, foliis deauratis, cum figuris : 
coloratis, > Venat: api Faleris, 155% 

2566 Seats, Catalogue of Ray’s Englith Herbal, ‘ox copper 
ERWptaters | 5H PR POC k | 
3567 Diveries Oifeaux, graveés par Robert, 

a568 Ferrarius de Maloram Aureorum: Cultura & Uf, 
SPST VPA ES RIESE i . - Rom. 1646 

~Avium, Quadrupedum, .Infeétorem, &c. > &c. 2: vol. 

Ami. 718 
‘3570 Mofeam Wormianum, = ——— Lug Bat. 1655 
‘2571 Clufii Exetica,. oe arm EOE 
24572 ———— rariorum Plantarum Hiferia, - ' Antusi€or 

2573 Theophrafti Piftoria Plantarum, edit. opt.  Am/?. 1644 

2574 Willughbeii Ornithologia, » Lond.3676 


258: Hal- 

ais Ore Sanath, 

k aa 
SS ee ee eer renrmane rapeaboerienene 

581 Halleri Enumeratio Stirpium Helvetice Indigenarutt, 

- & vol. tain —. Gotting. 1747 
582 Sweertii Florilegium, » Amfi. 1647 
583, Vaillant Botanicon Parifienfe 8b.1727 

584 Miller’e Gardener’s Didtionary, 2 vol. 1759 
585 Teeicripien des Plantes de l’Amerique, par ‘Plumer, 

Par. 169 
2586 Lionzi Hortus Cliffortiaaus, _. Amft. 1739 
587 Dillenii Hortus Elthamenfis, 2 vol. Lond. 1732 
t58$ Rivini Introdu@io in Rem Hevbariam, & Ordo Plan- 

| . tarum, corio ruffico, ac foliis deaurat. 1690 

SixtenthNigh's Sale,Thurfey Mar. 

a a en errr oa 

ae Santen NGAGE pon Aonbninrnliriqmertpentedealnnnain 
enn chneneainn ~ 

- -ecravo & DUODECIMO. 


2 589. Iller’s Gardener's Piensa aa (1732 

jase. (YL Magnol | Prodromus Hittoriz Flaktatents) Monfp. 
ohh 9689. | 

2591 Switzer’s Manner of raifing Italian Brocoli, . SR ate 

2592. ‘Manetti’ Enumeratio Plantarum in Horto Academico 

{ ... Florentino 1750, — ———  .___s Plovent.. 1751 
(2593 Bradley’ s Fruit and Flower Gardener, 1733-——-Cowel’s 
. curious Gardener ——— Method of Praniag” Froit- — 

| 2594 Bradley’s Difcourfes on the four Elements as they relite 
. to the Growth of; Plants, » me 1738 
| 2 595. Traité des Renoncales, par D’ Ardene, <P gr. 1746 
| 2596 Artedi Ichthiologia, five Opera omnia de Pifcibus, edit. 


on nee es neat. tae 


Car. Linnzus, - a L. Bat. 1738 

2597 Bibliotheca Ichthyologica, = — ib. 1738 
2598 Authores de Re Ruftica, foliis deauratis, Venct. ap. 
| Ald, 

| 2599 Miller Catalogus Plantarum in Horto Chelfeiano, 1730. 

| 2600 Claytoni Flora Virginica, in duas partes, JL. Bat. 



2601 Tull’s Horfe-Hoeing Hufbandry, any “GT | 
2692. Lee’s Introduétion to Botany, —— 49765" 

2603 Hill’s Eflays in Natural Hiftory, 
2604 fatural Hittory of Bees, 

2606 Wood- 

2605 Woodward’s Natoral Hiftory of the Earth, 1702 | | 

3606 Wocdward’s. Fofils of ail il Kinds, tee TB 
2607 — Hiftcof Poffils ir England, 2 vols 172g: 
2609 Another-Copy, 2 vol. ee > 729° 
2610 Lifter de Cochlzis, ~« eee “Loni L694 
26;1 Idem Liber, ——s th. T604 

Jogus Plantarom Circa Cantabrigienfig, 1660 
Index Plantarum Agri Cantabrigienfis, Cantab. 1660 


2612 Catalogus Horti Botanici Oxon. Ox, 1658 | 
| 2613 Vallettade Phalania ‘Apulo, ——  WNeapel. 1706 | 



2614 Teurnefort Hit, .des Plantes Environs de'Paris, 2 volt 
) CiPak. wag 

2615 Dalibard Flora Parificufis Prodromus, 18. 1749 
2616 Sloane Catalogus Plantarum in lamaica, Load. 1696 
2617 Dodovzi Florum, & Coronariarum Odoratarumque Hers 
barium Hiftoria,.... 4atv.1568—Dodanzi Hiftoria Fru- 
“Inentorum, Leguminum Herbarum Hiftoria, Antu. 


2612 Clufii rariorem aliquot Stirpium, per Hifpanias Obferva- 
tarum Hiftoria, 26. 1576 

2619 Deering’s , Catalog ne of Plants about Notinghen, 


| 2623 Dillenii Catalogus Plantarum fponte circa Giflam nat | 
centium, cum Append:ce, Franch. 716 | 

“3624 Magno] Bctanicon Monvfpelientfe, Mois. 1686 : 
| 2625 > ‘Hortus Regius Monfpelienfis, me wees 1697 | 
2626 Commelini Flora Malabarica, ZL. Bat. 1696 | 
2627 Seguierii Planta Veronenfes, 2 vol. Werou. 1748 | 
2622 Mercurius Botanicus, ~ Load. 1634 | 
262g Rand Index Plantarum in Horto Chelf. 18.1730 | 

| 2630 Woodwardi Naturalis Hiftoria Telluris, ib. 29 14 
2631 Goedartius de Iafectis, 18. 168% g 
(2632 Tillogii Lilium Curiofum, —— = Fraicf, 1683 

beige 3 Meriifoni Preludia Botanica, Land. 1699 
2634 Adanfon Familles des Plantes, 2 vol. © | Par. 1763 

2635: Tracts; Linnzi Oratio de Tellaris: tiabitabilis’ Incre= 
:  metito, A Mortimer’s Effects of Chemical -Re= 
medies, 1745+—— Bellorii Setecti Nummi Duo An- 
tonini, Ram. 1676 

2637 Fabregou Defcription des Plantes qui naiflent aux Eo- 
“virons de Paris, 6 val. ie rhe 

2638 Hill’s Gardener’s new Kalender, 

2639 Home’s Virtues of Dunfe Spaw, Edd. 176% 
_— oe s a Willughby’ ¢ Philefophical Letters, © 1 ? 18 

? _ 174% 
2620 Bla ckibone Specimen Ratmicion Loud, a | 
2621 Merrett Pinax rerum Nat. Britannicarum, 4h, 1667 | 
2622 Hermann: Flore Lugduno Bataye, — Te Pat. 1666 | 

- fess 7 


! ax, Derhain’s Phyfico Theology, ——. 17 4 | 
| 2642 Commelyn on Orange and Lemon Trees, 1683 
| 2643 Shaw on Mineral Waters, 173k 
| 2644 Home’s Principles of Agriculture, &c. 1757 
| 2645 Luidii Lithophylacii Britaaaici Ichnographia, 
2646 Linnzi Amanitates, ad 3d and ath, Hole. ro | 
| 2647 Genera Plantarum, —_— ib, 1764. 
| 2648 Hitt’s Treatife of Fruit Trees, —: 1757 
| 2649 Lifterus de Buccinis Marfnis, &c. Lond. 1695 | 
| 2650 Traité de Metallique, per Per. de Vargas, 2 vol. : 
/ Par. 4743 | 
2651 Hifoire des Infectea, par Goedart, 3 vol, _4m/?. 1700 | 
| 2652 Scharf Defcriptio Juniperi, Jena, 1679 | 
| 2053 ee Britannica, a Lond. 1659 | 
| QUART 0, pA | 
. mm. 
| 2654 Gricola’s Hilary and Gardening, by ae . 
i 2e | 
2655 Lifle’s Hufbandry lee . 
'.2656 Columne Phytabeane, feu Plantarum aliquot Hiftoria, | 
: : Medialan. wag 
) 2657 Plantaram minus Cognitarum Rariovumque & | 
is rariorum Ecphrafis, ——...— Roma; 1616. 
_ 2658 Donati Trattato de Simplici, & Pefci Marini che nafs | 
| cono.nel Lito di Venetia, oe Venet. 163% | 
| 2659 L’Obel Stirpium Iluftrationes, — Lond. 165 g 

2660 Hooke’s Defcription of Heliofcopes, 1676——Swam- 

merdam’s Natural Hiftory of the Ephemeron, 168, 
Caus’s new Invention of Water Works, 170% * 

2661 Helwing Plante in Proflia, Gedaa..1712 Davan- 
zati’s Difcourfe upon Coins, 1696 Kederi Cata~ | 
logus Nummorum Sueo- Peete in Mufeo Graina 

) eriano, Loxd.iza¢ ) 

2662 Pomet’s Hiftory | of Drugs, 1735. 

2663 Blair’s Differtation, on all the Britith Indigenous and 
Garden Plants of the College Difpenfatory, 1723 

een at TE er re 

2664 Matthiolus de Plantis, a Camerario, ° Franef. 168e 
2665. Ferrarius de Florum Cultura,a Rottendorfio, Amp. 1664. 

2666 Pontedera de Floris Natura, & Dilfiertationes ee 
Patav. 172 
2667 Trimfettus de Ortu & Vegetatione Plantarum, & Hif- 
teria Stirpium, Rome; 1685 

2663 Boc- 


eae oc 

2668 Bocconis Mufzum rariorum ee te 
2669 Hermanni Paradifus Batavus, . — L. Bat. 1698 
2670 Tourneforti Inftitutionés Rei Herbariz, 3 tom. Par, 

SS ee 

- 1760 
| 2671 Boerhaave Index alter Plantaram, °°) L. Bat. 17ea 
| 2672 Seguierii Bibliotheca Botanica, Hag. Gom.1711 
| 2673, Plumer nova ee Americanaram Genera, Pars 
eee, ipaelens Principles of Gardening, — 1728 
: 2675 Gmelin Flora Sibirica, Petropol. 1747 
: 2676 Ammani Stirpium. rariorum in Imperio Rutheno Icones 
| & Defcriptiones, ae 26.2739 
2677 Da Cofta’s Hiftory of Fofiils,. — L757. | 
2678 Claytoni Flora Virginica, L. Bat, 1762. 
| 2679 Hill’s Review of the Royal Sones Loos 1758 
2680 Bradley’s Works of Nature, coloured, 4 | — 1721 
(2681 L’Hiftoire Naturelle dans: la Lithologie & la Conchylio- 
_ logie, seen Par. 1742 | 
“2682 Defcriptiones Tubulorum Marinorum, ~ Geda#.1730 | 
| 2683 ,Albin’s Natural, Hiftory of Infeas, ined 3720 
| 2684, Hiftory. of Spiders, colonred, 17-36% | 
: 2685 Klein Hiftoria Pifcium Naturalis, Gedan. 1740 
2686 — Difpofitio. Echinodermatum & de Aculeis Echino-: 
ov rum Marinorum,. ae NRE 1734 
2687 Edwards’s Hiftory of Birds, coloured, 7 vol. 1760. 
2688 Schwenckfelt Stirpium & Foffilium ' Silefie .Defcriptio, 
-Lip/. 1701 
‘2689 Walleri Agriculture Bupilamenia, Upfal. - 
z6go Bocconis Icones & Defcriptiones Plantarum Siciliz, 
... Melite, Galliz, & Italia, ee 1674 

2691 Klein Summa Dubiorum circa Claffes er & 

| 1748 
i 2693 A@a Eruditorum, 1632, 1683, 1684, Lipf. 1683 

2694, Tournefort’s Herbal, Vol. 1. 

2695 Reaumur,, Hiftoire des Infeétes, Val. 2, & 3.» Par. 
) 1730 
2696 Vana Royen Occonomia Plantarum Commelini 
Preludia Botanica Siegefbeck Botanofophiz. Scia- 


«) graphia Vaillant de. Stru€tura Florum Wren 
.» Syllpge Numifmatum, 
sa SU Ioan Ce eet lenin sag, 

_ Amphibiorum, in Linnzi-Syfemate Natura, Lip/. 

2a ay 8 

Fh a 

BOE Fo" 

liferis, chart. max. & vl. Cxton. 1680 

(2697 Mie Hiforis Plantaram, cum Plantis Umbel- 
2698 Rati-Hiftoria Plantarom, 3 vo’. + ~~ Lond: 1686 

| 3699 Malpighii Opera, 3 vol. Lond. 1675, 
2706 Pontop; sidan’s Natural Hiftory of Norway, ao) th eee 
. 270% Lhe compleat ¥ ‘armer, -__ npers 
) 2702. Diverfes I leurs, gravécs par Robert, . 

| 2703 Rariora Mulei Befleriani, ai8. 
‘| 270%) Sibaldi Scotia Tilufrata, Edinb. 1684 

2705 Rumphii Thefauras Cochlearum, Cencharum, Conchy- 

liorum & Mineéralium, cat. opt.’ L. Bat. v7ir 

aps Muntingii Phytographia Curiofa, Amit. 1727. 
| 2707 Catefby’ 6 Hiftory of Carolina, coloured by him/elf, 2 vol. 

¢ SU. 9933 

lapee Parkinfon’s Garden of pleafant Flowers, neig 

2709 Grew’s. Anatomy of Plants, Jarge pager, ~ ~~ 3682 - 

29710\Geiner’s Hiftory of four footed Beats, gee) 1658 

271% Matthiolus in Diofcoridem, Penen 1565 
(2712 Jonftoni Hiftoria Quadrupedum;: ‘Avium, Infecterum, & - 
| Pifaium, 2 vol. —- Amft.1657 
(2993 Hiftoria de Arboribus, — Francf. 1662 
2714 Barrelierii Plante, per Galliam, Hifpaniam, & Italiam 
. Obfervate, chart. max. Par.3714 
2715 Jacquin Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Hiftoria, 

Vindobon. 1963 

2716 Commelini Horti Medici Amftelodamenfis Rariorum - 

Plantarum Defcriptio & Icones, 2 vol. | Amf. 1697 
2717 Pifo de Indie utriufque Re Naturali & Medica, dm/t. 
2718 Defctiptio Florum, per De Bry, 
37'9 Hortus Floridus, fecundum quatuor Anni ‘Tempora 

divife a Crip, Paffeo, 1614 —— Altera pare Horti - 

Floriai, a Cri/p. Pafeo, 

2720 Petiveri Aquatilium Animalium Amboine Icones & » 

Nomina —Lifteri Hiftoria‘Conchylioram, 
21 BAentzelii Index Nominum Plantarum Multilinguis, 
Berolin. 1682 
2722 Petiveri ad ae capa Nature & Artis, 
2723 Defcriptio Exoticaram quarundam Plantarum, Florum- 
gue Singulariam, a Theod, De Bry, 1612 
27 24 Archetypa Studiaque Georgica Hoefnagelli, Balth. Caii- 
mox excad. in quatuor partes, f 
| 2725 Sloane’s 

2745 Sloane’s Hiftory of Jamaica, 2 vol. _ 1707 
2726 Eufebii Nierembergii Hiftoria Natura, Antu. 1635 

2727 Linnzxi Plante Horte Upfalientis, Stockh. 1762 

2728 Swammerdam’s Riit. of infeéts, by Hill, 2 p. 1758 

2729 Catalogue of Plants, Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers, pro- 
pagated for Sale near London, cats coloured, » 1730 

273° Douglas’s Deicription of the Guernfey Lilly, | 1725 
2734 Hill’s Hiftory of Plants, /arge paper, ee 3758 
2732 Bapt. Porte Phytognomonica, Neapol. 1588 
2733 Plukenetii Opera omnia Botanica, 6 tom, in duo vol. 
Lond. 169% 
27 34 Iftoria Botanica, di Zanoni, — Bologu, 1675 
2735 Many Plants of Mrs. Blackwell’s Herbal, coloured, 
ts 36 Rumphii Herbarium Amboinenfe, 7 tom. in 4 vol. 
Amp. 1744 
2737 Hortorum Viridariorumque, elegant. forme delineatz, 
a Johan. Uredmanno, 
2738 Ehret’s Plants, fxely colsared, publifhed by Trew, 
2739 Heilteri Defcriptio novi Generis Plante Rarifime & 
' ‘Speciofifime Africane & Bulbofarum Clafle, cum fig. 

coloraiis, Brunfwe 1753 
2740 Britifh Zoology, cuts coloured, 2 vol. = 1766, 
2741 Beyfleri Hortus Eyitettenfis, cum figuris degant. & com- 
pad. in corio turcice, 3 vol, — Baf!l. 1613 

2742 Memoires pour fervir a I’Hiftoire des Plantes, | par 


Monf. Dodart, cum fguris, elegantiffimis, compad. in 

corio turcico, ac foliis deauratis, Par. de [’Imprim. 

Royale, 1677 


2744 Memoires pour fervir a |’Hiftoire Naturelie des Ani- 
maux, par Perrault, avec figures elegant. en maroquin, 
fenillé dorées, 26.1677 

2744 Eight large Prints of ‘Fith and Fowl, after Ryf- 

brack, by Vander-Gucht, collected axd coloured by R. 

Hylton, | 
2745 ee of dry’d Plants, with their Defcriptions, _ 
2 vO 
2746 Albin’ s original Drawings of Infecs, with Terrafon’s 
; Lifts, CF e, 

2747 A very fai ge ColleZion of original Drawings of Fifbes, 

2748 Len very beautiful Drawings of Birds aad Flowers, on 

SNe a 4 cm me 

Ladiz Paper, 

2749 Fifteen Drawings and Prints of Natural Hiftery, 

£& hinele 




| | 
 Ogtiree ae Ble oe a ee west 



| i 

Obie Papers and Books. 

Ground, in.the Chinefe Chara&er, with 2 white 
Levi i 
a75t Arte dela leanne Sd anddrinn, par Fran. Varo, impraff 
in Canton, 703 —~~ Brevis Methodus Confefiionis: In-: 

ia nN Sisko Sheet: ‘of white beteboss, on a black 

their Sounds. in our Letters, ‘and Latin ‘Explanations, : 

in 4 Gatherings, 
753° Three Books in, Spanifh and Chinefe, . | 
2754 Three Books in the Chinefe Language, containing 

’ ; 
A»MSS. of 200 Pages, in Chinefe CheeiSexs. with 

Deferiptions’ of “Provinces in =n : Himpate of . 

| China, 
2755 Ten Chinefe Books of Hiftory, or Noms; 
2756 Ten ditto 

2757 A printed Book, containing 9518 Chinefe Characters, 

ranged in Alphabetical Order, 
2758 A Chinefe Book of the Emperor’s calem 
2799 Four Chinefe Books, 
's7@0 T:-wo ditto, bound in morocco, 
(#761 Ablank Book of Chinefe Paper, » 


Seventeenth N ight’s s Sale, Frid. Mar.1 5. 


| Printed B-O O.K § omitted. 

3 OOF APY OS eet 

‘Lor et 
2762 Elden’s Table Talk, 1716) 
2763 k: Memorial of Father Girard, ~~ 1732 
(2764 Ward’s Mathematician’s Guide, . .  —— #752 

age ieee 

eo ee 

"Printed Books omitted. QuUA R TO. 

2765 ee Memoirs & Negociations du Chevain 

D’Eon, Brana papier, ee 17 64) 
2766 Le meme, grand papier, —_— 1764) 
2767 Le meme, grand papier, 1764 
ey Lambarde de prifcis Anglorum Legibus, Sax. & Lat. 
-cum Notis Manufcriptis, Lambardi, D’ Ewes, ‘Ss Galei, | 
Lond. 1568 ——— Lambarde’s Perambulation of Kent, 


2769 eat Four Hundred and Fifty Volumes of ‘Tracts, on | 
almoft all Subje&s, from the Year 1640, with the! 
Number ofeach Volume on the Back, ‘according | to 2 
-MS. Catalogue of them, which will be givén tot Be | 
-.- Purchafer. N. B. The/e Volumes were PON collected bp 
Sir Edmund oe Cero oe 

“Printed Books omitted. F oO Hb zs 0. 


2770 as s Leicefterfhire, jae op with fome Marti 


2771 Philpot’s Survey of Kent, —- * F659, 
2772 Crofley’s Peerage of Ireland, with /ome Manufeript Addi~ | 
£10055 Dubl. 1925" 

Manuferipe on Pel ellum. va 

— podpinte bepipin ts nt oh ana nate ee ee x. | 
2773 ISSALE Romanum, illuminated, 
2774 Miffale Romanum, firely illuminated, 

2775 Manufcriptus, ix membrana, 

2776 Miffale Romanum, fxely illuminated, 

2777 Miflale Romanum, with illamixations, sat 

.2778 Regiiter de. Briefs, Tempore Edw. II. 

2779 Fragmenta Commentationis ia Prifcianum, 

2780 Biblia Latina. In this Book is this Note Ths Mana-| 
Script Bible was bought, out of the CollzBion of 

Poole, Eq; of Chefter field, in Derbyfdire, and cof? him, 
or the Gentleman of whom be bought. it ffiv Pounds. 
ft avas wrote in the 12th Century, and in the Dedication 
to St. Ambrofe, the Tranfcriber fays, This Werk evas a 
Pennasce be had enjayn'd pimfelf for the beaftly Sin he\ 
had compnitted. 

Ae COANE SEE OS EON Se Lt TO HON ee en shen ee 

reo Bar- 

r 7 aes eae sr eee 




2781 Barthol. Anglicus de Rerum Proprietatibus, 
Manufeript — 

2782 Miffale Romanum, finely Waminated 

2733 Miffale Romanum, with illuminations 

2784 Miffale Romanum, with ditt 

2785 Ricardi de Hampole’ Tocendium Ammotis, &c. coria ture 
cco, foliis deaurat. 

2786 Mifflale Romanum, wi ith fine illuminations axd border; 
bound in rujfia leather, f 

2787 Wanufcriptus in membrana, bound in rufia, 

2788 Miffale Romanum, «with iMuminations 

2789 Miflale Romanum . 

@ Very fair 

2790 Livre de la Fondacion & Gtdbhinailees de l’Ordre de 12 | 

Gartier, with ether curiois Treaties 

2791 Cronica bona de Regibus Anglia’, 4 Wilth. Conquettore 
ad Hear. IV. 

In hoc Libro hee Nota eft. Vide, Report’ from the 
Committee appointed ‘to View the Cottonian Library, 
Page 29, vil, 7- That a great Part of the End of the 
Leaves are burnti’ N.B. This Chronicon is thé fame 
with that, but that wanted the Abbot of Leicefter’s 
Letter te Henry the IVth, with the Anfwer, which 
inay be read here. 

2793 Alanus de Queftione Nature - 

2794 De Homicidio Voliintario, &c. &e. &e, : 

12795 Hore Beate Virginie 
Johan. Quentin. Tee are finely printed, with beauti fue 
cuts engraved on weed 

2796 Liber Pfalmorum Davidis. This is 2 mof beautiful Manus 
JScript, bound ia turkey, and gilt leaves, 

2797 Glanville de Legibus Angliz, 

2798 Vetus Natura Brevium, 

| 279g Statuta in Tempore Elizabethz, 

2800 Ricardi Seeundi, 

2801 Miflale Romanum. N.B. This Book is moft beautifully 
ornamented om the Margin; with Flowers, Infe&s, Ses 
aud futly preferved, 

280z Les Heures a l’Ufagede Rome. This ik a printed Book, 
with vsry fine cuts engrawed on wood 

2804 Mag. Hugonis Liber de Operibus trium Dierum=su 
Apothegmata Ordine Alphabetica, 

2805 Miffale Romanuw. “N. B. This is a mcf beasitiful Ma» 
aufcript, with the Illuminations im the bighe/? celeuring and 
prefarwasion, bcund in morecco, wath /mall tools. 

2806 De - 

Alani- Liber cpg 



Examen de Conftierice, par 



2806 De Rhetorica Joh. Dune Scoti Quoadlibeticz, | 
cum Annotationbus. N. B. bis Book was Lord 

Py Sowmeys’ Sy 

2807 The Bricton, 

#808. Idem Liber, 

2809 Glanville de Lepibus, 

2810 Will. de Coffalie, &c. MS. zx ra Rean Meee, 

28:31 §. Auguftini Opufcula, 

2812 La Paffion, &c. de Jefus Chrift. N.B. This is a very 
fair Manufcript, aoa beautiful Illuminations, 

2213, Original Writs in the Time of Edw. Mid. 

2814 A Kalendar— Ancient Bock of Tenures——-Naturg, 

| 2819 Cronycles de Nich. Trivet, 

| 2820 Gefta Romanorum Morailizata, 

2821 Cronicles d’Angleterre appellez le Brute, jufqua au-temps 
du Roi Edw. I]. &c. &c. 

2822 A Mor] Poem, MS. on vellum, 

2823 Old Chronycles, Statutes, &c. &c. 

VEG EE Manufcripts on Vellum. 
2824. ES Heure . ,N. B. Yhis is a very fixe Mazs- 
Script, - well preferved, with two fine Illumi= 




nations, | 

2825 Statutes, very aucient, 2 vol. 

2826 Hebbes’s Leviathan, 

2827 Year Book of Edward the Firft,° 

_ 2828 Law Manufcript, in membrana, | 

| 2829 Rich. Role’s or Hampole’s Prykel of Confcience, an : 

Englifh Poem. N.B. Ja this Book is this Note. Tis 





no a rn vlinataseucnerpa raj 

excellent Work, call'd Stimulius Confeientie ; or, Prykel of 
Confcience, is bere compleat and perfec, and it is very rare 
zo be fo, 

2830 MiffaleRomanum. Tb:s Manufeript is finely preferv'd, 

‘ bound in turkey, and gilt leaves, 

2331 Gallofridi Monumetenfis Hiftoria Britanniz, and two 
Chronicles Minor and a Major of the Priory of Hy kel« 
ing in Norfolk, 

2332 Evangelium Sancti Mate com Gloffario, 

2833 Les Heures, © 

2334 Statuta Vetera, 

2835 Regiftram Originale Edw. primi, _ 

| 2836 Placita Abbreviata Edw. tertii, 

2337 Placita Itineria Comitatus Northampton Anna’ tertie 
Regis Edw. tertii—Statuta Vetera, &c. &c. 

2838 Sulpitii Severi Opera. N. B. Lbis Book was Load 


2839 Martyrologium Ufuardi, © { 

_ 2840 Auguftinus contra Fauitum, | 

_-2841 Abridgment of Cates in the Reigus of Baw. the Hid, | 

| _and Rich. the Ild, not printed, 


2842 Statutes from the firft of Baw, 

2843, Brevia, 

| 2844 Annales Triveti, ; 
#845 Southoufe’s Coileftion of Kentith Armes, from ancient 
_Colleétions and Office Books in® the Herald’s.O¥ice;— 

Viilth. of Edw. the Fo urth 

alfo from Church Windowes; Graveftones, Seals; and 
Gentlemen Houfes, fxely drawn on vellum, illuminated 
_ very curicufly. ' 

2646 Epet ppi Hiftoria, 

2854 ‘Nova Statuta, 

from the printed one— Iter meer 6th of Pay lid. 
&c. &c. 

ates Maynard’s Edw. the lild. part of this is ek in aby : 

printed one / 
2849 Nova Statuta, 
#850 Brevia de Cancellaria, 
2851 Magna Charta, & Statuta, éx corie turcita, 
2852 Fupiila Oculi, 
2853 Liber Feodor Militum. In this Book is this Note. 


the IiId. to the Viith and i r 




2847 Part of Maynard’s Edw. the. Ifd. ‘but differs materially 

aS ere 

This is a Copy of the Book in the Exchequer, call’d> 

Fefia de Nevill, but more right a the Book of. 
Knights Fees, 


2855 Image de Monde, ¢/lamineé, ° 

2856 A Book of the Ceremonies of ives piitaver; write. 
ten in the Hebrew Language. This a very beau= 

tifel Mawufcript, with Miniatures exquifi tely painted, 

2857 Braéton de Legibus. In this Bock is this Note. -7dis 

MS. is more ancient than the ith Hen. Vth. 

2858 Idem Liber, 
2859 Opera Hugonisde Folieto. This Book zs Suppofid never | 

to have been printed, 

2860 Hiftoria Polychronica— Cronica bonade Rebus Anglise 
: . a Noah ufgue ad Coronationem Richardi id. ares ; 


os et 

Fog s ; 

2861 Regiftram Magiftri Johannis’ Blanchard: “Archid, Wy- . 

2862 Reigns of the Kings of England from Edward the Some 

| 2863 Polycraticus Joannts Sarifburienfis, . a. Beopent 

2868 Perfick Manafcript, é 
| 2869 Hardynge’e Chronicle, Eee Mawufcript, ea vellum, 4 
2850 Chaucer’s Works; a very fue Manufcript, on ve ellen, - 

gorne de Cartis Literis, &c. -concernéntibus » Ma- 

nerium de Bereford joxta Wyltonum in Com 

of Ethelred to Henry the VIlIth. 

2864 Palinertus ag Temporibas, 
2865 Statutes from Mag na Charta to the, dibs oF the Reign of 

Heary the Vth. ¥ > 
2866 Jean Andre fur les Diese 
2867 Law, &c. Manuifcripts, 7 vol. 

Py IS NS Te 

