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Play  the 
game  that  'II  keep 
you  going  around  in  circles  as 
The  Body  Politic  goes  back  to  court  for  retrial 


The  Toronto  Gay  Patrol  gears  up  for  another 
season  —  and  so  does  the  Judy  Garland 
Memorial  Bowling  League 


Movies^  theatre,  dance,  music  —  all  in 
TBP  's  great  guide  to  goings-on 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Arciiive 

in  2011  witii  funding  from 

Canadian  IVIuseum  for  Human  Rigiits. 


Number  83  •  May  1982  •  $1.75  •  UK80p 




Excerpts  from  the  life 
of  the  lesbian  poet 
who 's  still  going  strong 
—  at  83 

Now  you 

can  play  the  game 

that's  had  us  going  around 

in  circleSy  as  The  Body  Politic 

goes  back  to  court 




Welly  sort  of. 

Robin  Wood 
and  Richard  Lippe  on 



(for  them) 
Risky!!  (for  you) 
Expensive!!  (for  everybody) 
A  game  they'd  iove  to  piay  with  you!! 

Double  jeopardy. 

It  refers  to  the  traditional  right  of  citizens  not  to 
be  tried  more  than  once  on  the  same  set  of  charges 
and,  especially,  the  right  not  be  tried  again  after 
being  found  innocent. 

It's  a  phrase  that  smells  of  raids  in  the  middle  of 
the  night,  show  trials,  the  sledgehammer  tactics  of 
authoritarian  regimes  around  the  world. 

There's  a  good  reason  why  double  jeopardy 
carries  the  odour  of  authoritarianism.  A  regime 
with  an  unsavory  political  agenda  could  dissuade 
opponents  by  bringing  charges  against  them  over 
and  over  again,  regardless  of  the  findings  of  its 
own  courts.  It  could  do  so  until  it  secured  a 
verdict  more  to  its  liking  or  until  it  wrung  a  plea  of 
guilty  from  the  exhausted  victim. 

It  doesn't  happen  just  in  faraway  places.  It's 
happening  here  and  now. 

In  1979,  a  searching  five-day  trial  ended  in  the 
acquittal  of  The  Body  Politic  of  charges  laid  after 
a  police  raid  on  the  magazine's  office.  But  Ontar- 
io Attorney  General  Roy  McMurtry  didn't  like  the 
verdict.  So  he  just  asked  the  courts  to  do  him  a 

favour,  cancel  the  verdict  and  order  a  new  trial. 

The  courts  obliged.  And  people  were  shocked. 
They  knew  you  could  appeal  a  guilty  verdict; 
that's  all  part  of  giving  the  accused  the  benefit  of 
the  doubt.  But  appeal  an  acquittal?  It  seemed  to 
fly  in  the  face  of  justice. 

But  that's  what  double  jeopardy  is  all  about.  It 
contravenes  our  sense  of  justice,  but  there's  no 
law  to  stop  it  from  happening  in  Canada  when- 
ever an  attorney  general  feels  the  itch. 

And  there's  no  doubt  McMurtry  and  his 
cabinet  colleagues,  including  Premier  Bill  Davis, 
are  feeling  the  itch,  especially  where  gay  people 
are  concerned.  In  the  past  two  years,  they've 
refused  to  extend  human  rights  protections  to 
include  us,  ignored  police  intervention  against  a 
gay  candidate  in  Toronto's  municipal  elections, 
financed  an  extensive  spy  network  in  the  city's  gay 
community  and  okayed  the  brutal  raids  on  our 
baths.  An  unsavory  political  agenda  indeed. 

On  May  3 1 ,  the  second  trial  of  The  Body  Politic 
begins.  The  defence  at  the  first  trial  —  which  cost 
more  than  $30,000  —  was  entirely  financed  by 

people  who  were  angered  by  the  campaign  against 
this  magazine.  The  second  trial  won't  cost  as 
much,  but  it  still  won't  be  cheap.  We  need  your 
help  to  win  again. 

In  the  game  of  double  jeopardy,  they  may  set 
the  rules,  but  we  can  still  win.  Make  your 
contribution  today. 




Send  donations  to 

Ttie  Body  Politic  Free  the  Press  Fund 

c/o  Box  7289,  Station  A,  Toronto,  Ontario 

Canada  M5W  1X9 

Cheques  payable  to:  Lynn  King  in  Trust  forTBP 
Information:  (416)  977-6320 


MAY  1982 

"The  liberation  of  homosexuals 

can  only  be  the  work  ol 

homosexuals  themselves." 

-  Kurt  Hiller,  1921  - 

The  Collective 

John  Allec,  Christine  Bearchell,  Rick  Bibout, 

Gerald  Hannon.  Ed  Jackson,  Stephen  MacDonatd, 

Tim  McCaskell.  Ken  Popert,  Roger  Spalding 

Design/ Art  Direction 
Kirk  Kelly/Hick  Bibout 

The  News 
Chris  Bearchell 

Danny  Cockerline,  Ian  Dannyck,  Philip  Fotheringham, 

Barbara  Harding,  Ed  Jackson,  Gerry  Keith,  Bill  Loos, 

Kevin  Orr  Craig  Patterson,  Stephen  Riggins, 

Roger  Spalding,  Robert  Trow 

(Toronto  News  Stall) 

Maurice  Beaulieu  (Quebec),  Vt^yne  Bell  (Kitchener), 

David  Garmaise  (Ottawa),  Jon  Gates  (Vancouver), 

Bill  Kobewka  (Saskatoon),  Ric  Langlord  (Victoria). 

Vince  l^anis  (Vancouver),  Andrew  Mitchell 

(Saskatoon),  Rick  Parry  (Vancouver),  Joe  Szalai 



Tim  McCaskell 

Reviews  and  Features 
John  Allec,  Rick  Bebout,  Stephen  MacDonald 

Paul  Baker,  Edna  Barker,  Colin  McEnry,  Joy  Parks. 
Phil  Shaw,  Stephen  Stuckey 

Out  in  the  City 
Ed  Jackson/David  Townsend 

Bill  Coukell,  Jon  Kaplan.  Colin  McEnry,  Paul  Murphy, 
Michael  Wade,  Andrew  Zealley 


Jeff  O'Malley,  Joy  Parks,  Ian  Young 

Letters/ Network 
Paul  Baker/John  Allec 

Layout  and  Production 
Rick  Bebout 

Paul  Aboud,  George  Akrigg,  Carol  Auld, 

Victor  Rooster,  Danny  Cockerline,  Michel  Lozier, 

Elinor  Mahoney,  Lionel  Morton,  Sr  Opiate  ol  the 

Masses.  OPI.  Michael  Petty,  Colin  Smith,  Don  Ullyot, 

and  members  and  triends  ol  the  collective. 

Printing:  Delta  Web  Graphics,  Scarborough 

Gerald  Hannon,  Ken  Popert 

Victor  Bardawill,  Jr,  Clillord  Chan,  Ian  Campbell, 
Gerry  Keith,  Gerry  Oxford 

Ken  Popert,  Gerald  Hannon 

Subscriptions  and  Distribution 

Roger  Spalding,  Robert  Trow 

Greg  Bourgeois,  Bill  Brown,  Terry  Farley,  Jeft  Ferst, 

Gerald  Hannon,  Chris  Headon,  Bill  Loos. 

Ian  McKinnon.  Dan  Schneider.  Tony  Trask, 

Bob  Wallace,  Grant  Weaver 


Chris  Bearchell,  Rick  Bebout,  Gerald  Hannon, 
Ed  Jackson,  Ken  Popert 

John  Balatka.  Greg  Bourgeois.  Jell  Ferst, 

Smee  Holzberg,  Gerry  Hunt,  Richard  McDonald. 

Tony  Trask,  Ken  West 

Tilt  Body  Politic  is  published  ten  limes  a  year  by  Pink  Triangle 
Press,  a  non-prolil  corporation,  as  a  contribution  to  the  building  ol 
the  gay  movement  and  tlie  growth  ol  gay  consciousness 
Responsibility  lor  the  content  ol  The  Body  Politic  resis  with  the 
Body  Politic  Collective,  an  autonomous  body  operating  within  Pink 
Triangle  Press  The  colleclive  is  a  group  ol  people  who  regularly 
give  their  lime  and  labour  to  the  production  ol  this  magazine  The 
opinions  ol  the  collective  are  represented  only  in  edilorials  and 
dearly  marked  editorial  essays  Oltices  ol  The  Body  Politic  are 
located  at  24  Duncan  Street  (tilth  lioor)  in  Toronto 

The  publication  ol  an  advertisement  in  The  Body  Politic  does  nol 
mean  thai  the  collective  endorses  the  advertiser 

Mailing  address  The  Body  Polilic.  Box  7289.  Sin  A 

Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada  MSW  1X9 

Phone  (416)  977-6320 

Available  on  microlilm  Irom 

MacLaren  Micropublishing,  Box  972,  Sin  F 

Toronto,  Onlaiio,  Canada  M4Y  2N9 

Copyright  fr  1982  Pink  triangle  Press 

2nd  Class  Mail  Begislralion  Ho  3245 

ISSN  0315  3606 




The  Body  Politic  is  a  member  ol  the  Coalition  for 

Gay  Rights  in  Ontario  and  the  Canadian 

Periodical  Publishers'  Association 


Sappho  at  83 


"I  am  going  to  get  a  room  of  my  own, "  she  wrote  in  tier  diary  in  1917,  "I  am 
going  to  find  my  kind  of  people. "  How  could  a  sensitive  woman  of  19,  trapped 
in  a  menial  job  in  Montreal  during  ttie  First  World  War,  find  her  own  kind  of 
people?  Elsa  Gidlow  cast  a  net.  An  excerpt  from  her  autobiography. 

Victor/Victoria 31 

Critics  Robin  Wood  and  Richard  Lippe  take  a  look  at  what  makes  the  new 
Julie  Andrews  flick  "the  most  radical  of  the  recent  outcrop  of  Hollywood 
movies  on  gay  themes"  —  and  the  most  fun. 

Protection  against  hepatitis  B? 11 

A  new  vaccine  due  for  release  soon  in  Canada  and  the  US  provides 
immunity  against  "one  of  the  most  serious  and  common  sexually  transmitted 
diseases  among  gay  men."  It  was  made  from  gay  blood  and  tested  on  gay 
volunteers  —  but  will  it  be  available  to  the  gay  community? 

Kitcliener:  Beating  City  Hall 9 

The  mayor  said  "no  dance"  —  at  least  not  in  a  city-owned  building.  That, 
the  Gay  Media  Collective  decided,  was  where  a  great  story  might  begin. . . 

Patrolling  the  Streets— and  alleys 70, 73 

With  the  arrival  of  spring,  the  Toronto  Gay  Patrol  is  stepping  up  its 
programme  to  keep  the  streets  safe  for  gay  men  and  lesbians,  while 
teams  in  the  Judy  Garland  Memorial  Bowling  League  battle  in  the  alleys 
for  the  coveted  Ruby  Slippers  trophy. 

Ireland:  Sad  news,  not  Gay  News 17 

Irish  Customs  officials  have  impounded  copies  of  Britain 's  biggest  gay  paper, 
while  the  police  seem  intent  on  creating  a  few  hassles  of  their  own  for  the 
community.  This  and  much  more  in  World  News. 

Double  Jeopardy! 

Thrills,  chills,  fun  for  the  whole 
community!  Start  a  magazine,  see  it 
raided,  go  to  trial. . .  all  In  a  new  board 
game  to  mark  TBP's  return  to  court  for  a 
rerun  of  our  original  1979  trial  for 
"immorality,  indecency,  and 
scurrilousness."  It  all  starts  on  page 
46,  many,  many  years  ago. . . 

Out  in  the  City 

Toronto  entertainment  and  community 
listings  for  the  lusty  month  of  May, 
beginning  on  page  20,  with  a  centrefold 
calendar  you  can  pull  out  and  put  up  for 
easy  reference. 

Regular  departments 

Classifieds 40 

The  Ivory  Tunnel 39 

Letters 4 

Network 44 

SharedGround 38 

Taking  Issue 8 

The  cover:  Elsa  Gidlow.  in  a  1982 
ptiotograpti  by  Laura  Willensky.  courtesy  of 
Elsa  Gidlow.  Pfioto  ol  James  Garner,  Julie 
Andrews  and  Robert  Preston  in  Victor/ 
Victoria  courtesy  of  WGW.  Design  by 
Rick  Bebout. 

MAY  1982 



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Oppressive  habits 

Re:  John  Alice's  "No  More  Guilt!  A 
Tour  of  the  Territory  of  Perpetual 
Indulgence"{7"flP,  March): 

Recently  the  "Sisters  of  Perpetual 
Indulgence"  have  received  a  sizable 
amount  of  coverage  in  the  Gay  press, 
both  in  the  western  United  States  and 



I      % 




L  ^^B 












now  in  Canada.  To  date,  however,  the 
other  side  of  the  picture  has  not  been 

Although  I  can  write  only  from  the 
San  Francisco  experience  of  these  "male 
nuns,"  I  imagine  that  the  situation  in 
Canada  is  not  that  different.  I  must  also 
point  out  that  the  context  in  which  I 
write  is  that  of  a  Gay  man.  Christian, 
Gay  Liberationist  and  Feminist- 

That  the  soi-disanl  "Sisters"  are  a 
group  of  men  is  so  self-evident  that  its 
import  is  very  likely  to  be  discounted. 
Nonetheless,  that  is  the  heart  of  the 
problem.  As  a  group  of  men,  the  "Sis- 
ters" trivialize  a  group  of  women 
(nuns).  Likewise,  by  the  particular  form 
of  their  "drag,"  they  trivialize  those 
transpersons  (transsexuals  and  trans- 
vestites)  who  cross-dress  out  of  a  gen- 
uine self-identity.  As  Gay  people  we  are 
all  too  well  aware  that  to  trivialize  is  to 
oppress:  all  of  the  "fag"  and  "dyke" 
jokes,  the  "sissy"  and  "tomboy"  epi- 
thets, "Little  Black  Sambo,"  "Frito 
Bandito,"  "Sister  Hysteroctoria"  pre- 
sent us  with  just  a  few  examples. 

As  a  Christian  Gay  man  and  priest,  I 
would  be  the  very  last  to  argue  that 
organized  religion  has  not  been  a  major 
historic  source  of  gay  oppression.  How- 
ever, what  we  see  in  the  "Sisters," 
despite  their  contrary  claims,  is  not  a 
depotentiating  of  that  oppression,  but 
men  who  stand  with  the  oppressor  by 
continuing  to  oppress  women  and  trans- 
persons  by  trivialization  —  and  all  in 
the  name  of  "justice."  That  is  what 
makes  it  truly  insidious  and  what  calls 
us  to  openly  oppose  it. 

The  "Sisters"  not  only  reify  the  anci- 
ent oppression  of  man  over  woman. 
They  also  give  assent  to  their  and  our 
own  oppression  by  reinforcing  the  miso- 
gynistic  attitudes  and  male-chauvinist 
structures  which  are  the  roots  of  anti- 
Gay  oppression. 

As  one  who  has  been  privileged  to 

know  such  saintly  nuns  as  Mother 
Teresa  of  Calcutta  and  others  in  the 
peace  and  civil  rights  struggles  over  the 
years  —  many  of  whom  I've  been 
arrested  with  in  civil  disobedience  from 
time  to  time  —  I  find  the  "Sisters" 
mockery  of  nuns  to  be  particularly 
insensitive.  If  they  truly  believe  they 
"present  the  inner,  personal  reaHty  of 
spirituality"  (as  "Sister  Adi"  said  in  an 
interview  recently),  this  may,  in  their 
minds,  conform  to  their  earlier  claim 
that  they  are  "a  neo-pagan  earth 
religion  to  dispel  guilt  and  spread  joy" 
(as  one  of  their  number  proclaimed 
from  the  platform  at  the  1980  Harvey 
Milk  Memorial  in  San  Francisco).  In  a 
pluralistic  society  such  as  ours  is 
intended  to  be,  that  is  certainly  their 
right.  However,  if  they  are  sincere  in 
those  claims,  it  would  seem  that  there  is 
no  reason  for  them  to  take  the  sacred 
habit  of  Christian  nuns  and  make  mock 
of  it.  If  they  truly  perceive  themselves 
to  have  their  own  "spiritual  path,"  they 
should  pursue  that  rather  than  attacking 
other  people's  faith! 

I  would  like  the  record  to  show  that 
there  are  those  of  us  in  the  Gay  Com- 
munity —  Christian  and  non-Christian 
alike  —  who  not  only  are  not  amused  by 
the  antics  of  the  "Sisters  of  Perpetual 
Indulgence,"  but  are  deeply  offended 
by  their  reactionary  and  oppressive 
trivialization  of  women,  transpersons 
and  nuns. 

TheRt.  Revd Mikhael  Itkin,  C.L.C., 
San  Francisco 

Politics  first 

I  noted  with  some  dismay  that  I  was 
quoted  in  a  news  article  in  the  last  issue 
("Rural  Outreach,"  TBP,  April)  as  say- 
ing, "Politics  is  getting  people  up  off 
their  asses"  and,  "The  important  thing 
is  to  put  politics  last." 

Aside  from  the  fact  that  these  two 
statements  appear  to  be  mutually  con- 
tradictory, I  admit  to  uttering  the  first, 
but  deny,  or  at  least  don't  recall,  utter- 
ing the  second.  If  I  did  say  it,  it  was  cer- 
tainly taken  out  of  context. 

What  I  recall  saying  was  this:  When 
an  organizer  goes  into  a  small  town  or 
city  to  organize,  he  or  she  is  dealing 
with  gay  people  to  whom  dancing  with  a 
member  of  the  same  sex  or  holding 
hands  without  fear  of  physical  violence 
is  a  revolutionary  activity.  Getting  such 
people  together  for  a  meeting  where 
they  can  talk  about  being  gay  on  a  level 
other  than  the  immediately  sexual  is  a 
major  step  forward  in  building  a  com- 
munity, because  in  these  places  contact 
between  gay  people  is  so  infrequent  that 
when  it  does  take  place  it  is  usually  for 
nothing  more  than  immediate  sexual 
gratification.  Sexual  gratification  is 
wonderful,  but  not  enough.  The  point 
of  grassroots  organizing  is  to  encourage 
people  to  build  a  community  of  shared 
goals  and  values. 

An  organizer  cannot  go  into  a  region 
where  gay  life  is  underdeveloped  and 
begin  by  insisting  that  people  march 
down  Main  Street  carrying  banners  and 
demanding  sexual  orientation  protec- 
tion from  town  hall.  That  kind  of 
politics  comes  last,  but  it  will  come  in 
time.  The  first  and  most  important 


MAY  1982 

''The  battle  for  homosexual 
liberation  is  being  fought,  in  terms  of 
sheer  numbers,  on  more  fronts  by 
males  than  by  females. " 

political  activities  are,  as  I  mentioned 
above,  the  banal  —  holding  hands,  dan- 
cing, kissing,  talking.  Once  people  in 
small  cities  and  towns  become  used  to 
being  able  to  do  these  things  in  a  com- 
fortable environment  of  their  own  mak- 
ing (socials,  dances,  meetings,  rap  ses- 
sions, parties),  they  will  soon  come  to 
consider  them  as  inalienable  rights  of 
affection  —  which  they  are.  Once  that 
realization  is  made  it  can  only  be  a  mat- 
ter of  time  before  some  start  the  long 
march  down  Main  Street.  But  to  begin 
an  organizing  campaign  with  such  ex- 
hortations would  be  a  disaster.  The  first 
political  step  is,  as  I  did  say,  getting 
people  off  their  asses  to  begin  reaUzing 
their  power  to  do  things  for  themselves. 
I  would  never  make  a  statement  such 
as  "Put  politics  last"  except  in  a  very 
specific  context,  or  possibly  if  I  were 
ascribing  a  very  narrow  meaning  to  the 
word  "politics."  As  far  as  I  am  con- 
cerned pontics  comes  first,  and  almost 
every  human  action,  activity  and  beha- 
viour is  in  some  way  political. 
Robin  Hardy 

Disch  and  disbelief 

I  was  disappointed  to  read  the  letter 
entitled  "Deep  Disch"  (from  Walter 
Phillips  )  in  your  March  issue. 

This  is  typical  of  the  "ghettoization" 
mentality  a  lot  of  gays  have.  I  think 
gays  need  exposure  to  all  sides  and 
points  of  view,  and  that  this  is  an  im- 
portant part  of  liberating  ourselves  that 
is  often  overlooked.  I  did  not  come  out 
as  a  gay  individual  just  to  be  locked  into 
a  gay  only  approach.  The  type  of  soul- 
searching  needed  to  find  yourself  as  a 
gay  person  can  raise  your  conscious- 
ness, but  only  if  your  are  open-minded. 
Here's  to  more  liberal  input  into  hbera- 
tion  magazines! 
Jonathan  Bowe 
Bale  D'Urfe,  Quebec 

I  hope  that  Thomas  Disch  {TBP,  Decem- 
ber 1981)  is  still  serious  about  his  Do 
You  Still  Believe  in  Santa  Claus?  A 
Young  Person 's  Guide  to  Disbelief  \ 

I  used  to  believe  in  Santa  Claus:  the 
Roman  Catholic  Church.  It  took  me 
over  thirty  years  finally  to  overcome  the 
effects  of  its  propaganda. 

Will  the  children  of  the  Moral  Major- 
ity grow  up  happier  than  many  Catho- 
lics I  know? 
Francis  Gallant 
Charlottetown,  PEI 

Better  to  differ? 

Eve  Zaremba  laments  that  Gay  Libera- 
tion is  a  male  movement  {TBP  Letters, 
March)  but  does  not  attempt  to  say  why 
this  is  so.  Can  it  be  that  male  homosex- 
uals/or the  most  part  are  the  ones  get- 
ting arrested  and  therefore  testing  the 
legal  system;  getting  elected  to  official 
positions  as  openly  homosexual  individ- 
uals; dealing  with  police  surveillance 
and  harassment  at  numerous  levels; 
launching  and  maintaining  publications 
of  international  repute  (some  of  which 
are  journalistically  excellent);  fighting 
publicly  in  an  organized  fashion  for 
dignity  and  recognition  while  being 

oppressed  or  victimized? 

I  could  go  on.  The  point  is  that  the 
battle  for  homosexual  liberation,  and  by 
this  I  mean  the  right  to  live  and  love  as  a , 
homosexual  individual,  is  being  fought, 
in  terms  of  sheer  numbers,  on  more 
fronts  by  males  than  by  females. 

We  are  constantly  hearing  from 
female  homosexuals  about  how  differ- 
ent their  goals,  interests,  politics,  sexu- 
ality, etc  are  from  those  of  males,  and 
much  less  about  areas  where  some  of 
these  things  coincide.  Many  female 
homosexuals  probably  think  that  bath 
raids  and  washroom  arrests  have 
nothing  to  do  with  female  homosexual- 
ity or  behaviour.  What  they  do  have  to 
do  with  is  the  right  of  consenting  adults 
to  engage  in  sexual  activity  of  their  own 
choosing  free  of  police  surveillance  and 
harassment.  That  is  human  liberation. 

The  laws  that  these  homosexual  males 
are  running  up  against  could  be  applied 
to  much  of  what  goes  on  in  the  bed- 
rooms of  heterosexuals  and  female 
homosexuals  if  a  police  officer  hap- 
pened to  be  around.  Each  time  a  male 
homosexual  wins  a  point  in  the  battle 
against  homophobia  and  oppression,  he 
wins  it  as  well  for  any  female  homosex- 
ual who  could  be  victimized  in  similar 

Zaremba  suggests  it  is  "better  to  dif- 
fer where  we  obviously  differ  and  agree 
to  work  together  freely  where  our  inter- 
ests coincide."  What  bothers  me  is  the 
number  of  female  homosexuals  who  are 
preoccupied  with  these  differences,  who 
refuse  to  "work  together  freely  where 
our  interests  coincide."  The  homosex- 
ual community  here  in  Vancouver  is  cur- 
rently experiencing  the  fragmentation 
and  disunity  this  creates. 

As  a  female  homosexual,  I  cannot 
forget  that  it  was  male  homosexuals 
who  helped  me  with  their  open  friendli- 
ness when  I  was  coming  out.  And  I,  for 
one,  would  not  like  to  speculate  on 
where  homosexual  Uberation  would  be 
if  they  all  suddenly  disappeared. 

Lastly,  Zaremba  suggests  that  TBP 
does  not  speak  for  her  because  "its  con- 
tent, choice  of  issues,  presentation,  em- 
phasis, advertising  policy  do  not  repre- 
sent my  political  or  sexual  orientation." 
This  can  also  be  said  of  almost  all  other 
newspapers,  most  of  the  literature  writ- 
ten down  through  the  ages,  the  bulk  of 
the  contents  of  the  public  library  system 
and  any  other  heterosexually-oriented 
media.  Does  she  therefore  read  lesbian 
literature  only? 

I  personally  find  TBP  to  be  a 
refreshing  escape  from  the  persistent 
hetero  suggestion  that  all  I  need  to  be 
fulfilled  is  a  man  and  a  baby. 
Eleanor  LeBourdais 
Port  Moody,  BC 

Ridiculous  trial 

My  main  reason  for  writing  is  to  say 
how  much  I  enjoyed  your  January /Feb- 
ruary issue,  particularly  the  article  on 
how  your  collective  operates,  describing 
the  main  members  or  stalwarts. 

Congratulations  to  all  concerned  and 
my  fervent  hope  and  wish  that  you  will 
be  successful  in  your  totally  unnecessary 
and  ridiculous  trial. 

As  you  no  doubt  know,  gay  life  be- 
tween consenting  adults  is  now  legal 


'i::f  V3r-«m*wcwim^  ri«r*i-^  i . 





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here,  but  harassment  still  goes  on.  Your 
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ilar groups  throughout  the  world.  Best 
wishes  for  success. 
P  G  Nation 
Dulwich,  South  Australia 

Cold  anger 

"Angus  Mackenzie's"  article  on  fist- 
fucking  has  left  me  cold  with  anger. 

I  am  not  angry  about  fist-fucking  in 
general.  It  is  none  of  my  business  that 
two  potentially  pleasant  people  would 
care  to  inflict  upon  each  other  probable 



permanent  physical  damage. 

I  am  not  writing  to  complain  that  one 
less-than-large  article  would  contain  the 
terms:  "noblesse,"  "class,"  "San 
Pellegrino,"  "simpatico,"  and  "French 
nail-clipper"  (all  of  this  so  "refeened" 
and  non-U  that  the  small  hairs  on  the 
back  of  my  neck  are  made  to  stand  on 

What,  in  fact,  is  really  so  damned 
annoying  about  "Mr  Mackenzie's"  arti- 
cle is  that  Rick  Bebout  and  the  rest  of 
the  production  gang  had  to  waste  sever- 
al valuable  hours  throwing  together 
such  meaningless,  poorly  written  drivel, 
inked  by  a  bounder  too  cowardly  to  sign 
his  real  name. 
Paul  Bartlet 

Inaccuracies,  innuendo 

As  a  person  who  has,  over  the  past  half- 
dozen  years,  been  a  strong  supporter  of 
TBP  (including  resigning  from  the 
Ontario  Arts  Council  because  they 
refused  to  give  TBP  its  recommended 
and  well-deserved  grant  in  1978),  I  can 
only  say  how  disappointed  I  am  that 
TBP  is  guilty  of  the  same  biased  report- 
ing as  the  Globe  and  Mail  was  in  its 
"backlash"  article  of  February  25,  1982 
(see  "Article  on  local  feuds  sparks  libel 
action,"  TBP,  April). 

Rather  than  contain  what,  in  its  own 
words,  is  a  "tempest  in  a  teapot," 
rsP's  reporter  promptly  smashed  the 
teapot,  let  the  genie  out  of  the  bottle 
and  created  a  whirlwind  of  useless  and 
bitter  debate  and  recriminations. 

As  the  Globe  and  Mail  article  was  a 
deliberate,  unwarranted  and  unforgive- 
ably  vicious  attack  on  Peter  Maloney 
and  George  Hislop,  full  of  inaccuracies 
and  innuendo,  sleazily  scissored  and 
pasted  together  using  highly  provocative 
and  out-of-context  statements  made  by 
individuals  in  the  gay  community,  so 
TBP  's  article  was  a  deliberate,  unwar- 
ranted and  unforgiveably  vicious  attack 
on  those  same  individuals  (presumably 

to  "punish"  them  for  having  been 
"stupid"  enough  to  trust  the  Globe  and 
Mail's  City  Hall  reporter). 

Already  victims  of  the  Globe's  jour- 
nalistic "Pit,"  these  individuals  must 
now  endure  the  injustice  of  TBP's  sli- 
cing "Pendulum."  A  pox  on  both 
papers  as  far  as  I'm  concerned!  It  is 
journalistic  ethics  and  objectivity  as  well 
as  the  credibility  of  the  reporters  which 
is  at  stake  here,  and  some  very  impor- 
tant principles  are  being  jettisoned  in 
the  interests  of  good  copy,  scoring  trite 
debating  points  or  just  simply  getting 

For  example,  when  TBP  called  Doug 
Chin  to  ask  him  why  he  considers  him- 
self a  "community  organizer  and  youth 
worker,"  he  told  the  reporter  that  he 
was  trained  at  Ryerson  Polytechnical 
Institute  as  a  social  worker  with  speciali- 
ties in  youth  work  and  community 
organizations.  He  said  that  he  worked 
with  the  Canadian  Council  of  Christians 
and  Jews  as  a  delegate  and  youth  work- 
er; that  he  was  President  of  the  Canadi- 
an Chinese  Association;  that  he  was 
Chairman  of  the  Steering  Committee  of 
a  special  City  Hall  Committee  to  look 
into  the  needs  of  Toronto's  Chinese 
community;  that  he  introduced  the 
small  group  homes  concept  to  Scarbor- 
ough and  was  co-founder  of  Kennedy 
House  for  Boys  there;  that  he  was  the 
founding  President  of  the  Chatsworth 
Charitable  Foundation  (charitable 
branch  of  the  Community  Homophile 
Association  of  Toronto),  the  founding 
President  of  Gays  at  Ryerson,  the 

Gay  families  for  prisoners 

I  am  an  inmate  at  Indiana  Refor- 
matory, and  I  want  to  introduce  you 
to  our  newly  planned  group  "Gay 
Family  for  Prisoners." 

For  the  past  several  weeks  the  ad- 
ministration here  has  been  increasing 
pressure  on  and  harassment  of  gay 
prisoners  in  such  a  way  that  we  have 
no  grounds  for  legal  action. 

What  we  hope  to  do  is  make  con- 
tact with  gays  all  over  the  US  and 
Canada.  We  want  to  be  able  to  exert 
public  pressure  when  we  need  it.  This 
can  be  done  by  mail  if  we  are  in  con- 
tact with  a  large  number  of  gays  who 
are  willing  to  voice  their  support  by 
mail.  We  plan  to  develop  an 
organization  that  can  help  gays  all 
over  by  uniting  into  one  voice. 

There  are  groups  that  aid  gay  pris- 
oners with  legal  actions,  but  most 
harassments  we  undergo  are  due  to 
the  negative  attitude  of  the  prison 
staff  toward  gays.  Most  gay  pris- 
oners are  rejected  by  family  and  the 
public  either  because  they  have  been 
incarcerated  or  because  they  are  gay. 
So  we  have  no  one  to  whom  we  can 
protest  our  mistreatment.  For  this 
reason  we  are  calling  our  group 
"Gay  Family  for  Prisoners." 

We  ask  each  of  your  readers  to 
write  and  make  contact  with  us,  so 
that  we  can  depend  on  your  help  in 
the  future. 
Ron  Crichfield 
Box  30-4 149-27-2 J 
Pendleton,  Indiana  46064 


MAY  1982 

"Rather  than  contain  what,  in  its  own 
words,  is  'a  tempest  in  a  teapot,  TBP  promptly 
smashed  the  pot  and  created  a  whirlwind  of 
useless  and  bitter  recriminations. " 

founding  President  of  the  TVi-Aid  Char- 
itable Foundation  and  the  founder  and 
director  of  Canada's  first  gay  group 
home,  Tri-Aid  House.  TBP's  reporter, 
however,  anxious  to  discredit  Mr  Chin, 
makes  no  mention  of  any  of  this,  but 
writes  the  following  about  him  calling 
himself  a  community  organizer:  "He 
explains"  (when  he  did  no  such  thing!) 
"this  means  he  has  been  on  welfare  for 
the  last  seven  years  because  of  ill  health 
and  that  he  does  his  work  on  a  volun- 
tary basis." 

TVue,  Mr  Chin  is  not  well,  having  suf- 
fered a  heart  attack  in  1976  and  having 
been  given  only  a  50/50  chance  of  living 
through  his  open  heart  surgery  in  1977. 
That  same  year,  however,  this  worka- 
holic, who  suffered  a  heart  attack  at  the 
age  of  35,  started  Tri-Aid  as  "occupa- 
tional therapy."  He  has  worked  with  50 
young  gay  people  through  the  Tri-Aid 
House  residential  programme  and  coun- 
selled over  300  others  and,  yes,  collected 
about  $2,600  medical  welfare  a  year 
from  the  City  for  the  past  four  years, 
since  March  1978.  (So  much  for  accura- 
cy and  innuendo,  and  to  think  that  TBP 
has  Mr  Chin's  resume  on  file  from  pre- 
vious mailings!) 

The  reporter  also  wrote  that  Mr  Chin 
"admitted"  (when,  again,  he  did  no 
such  thing!)  that  Tri-Aid  has  a  "token" 
board  of  five  persons.  Tri-Aid  no  more 
has  a  "token"  board  than  TBP  has  a 
"token"  collective.  Tri-Aid  has  had  a 
total  of  12  people  on  its  board  in  the 
last  five  years:  nine  men,  three  women, 
some  straight,  some  gay,  some  lesbians, 
seven  of  them  in  some  way  directly  con- 
nected with  social  services  and  four  of 
which  were  professionally  trained  social 
workers  Uke  Mr  Chin.  And  that  doesn't 
include  half  a  dozen  volunteers  who 
worked  on  the  Tri-Aid  House  project 
without  sitting  on  the  board. 

The  Globe  and  Mail  article  made  Mr 
Chin  out  to  be  a  "decent,"  "moderate" 
"homosexual"  in  bed  with  the  police, 
which  is  not  only  hysterically  funny 
considering  his  table-thumping  gay  mili- 
tancy and  sexual  proclivities,  but  is  cer- 
tainly a  measure  of  how  skewed,  inaccu- 
rate and  unreal  the  Globe  article  was. 

TBP  has  compounded  that  injury  and 
magnified  the  distortion  in  the  other 
direction  by  making  him  out  as  an  insig- 
nificant, shiftless  rabble-rouser  in  bed 
with  the  gay  community's  malcontents. 
Neither  is  accurate  and  neither  is 

Karsten  Kossman,  Secretary, 
The  Tri-Aid  Charitable  Foundation 

The  collective  responds: 
Karsten  Kossman  may  think  Denys 
Morgan 's  article,  "Backlash  against  mil- 
itants forms  among  some  gays,  "  was  an 
"unwarranted  and  unforgiveably 
vicious  attack  on  Peter  Maloney  and 
George Hislop,  "but  that  wasn 't  Doug 
Chin 's  reaction  when  our  reporter  inter- 
viewed him  in  connection  with  our  cov- 
erage. Chin  never  complained  to  us  thai 
he  was  either  misquoted  or  quoted  out 
of  context.  His  concern  at  the  time  was 
to  establish  that  the  allegations  he  was 
reported  to  have  made  against  Hislop 
were  justified. 

When  asked  about  his  role  as  a  street 
worker  and  community  organizer.  Chin 

MAY  1982 

did  indeed  cite  his  qualifications,  as 
outlined  in  Kossman 's  letter.  He  also 
said  he  was  on  welfare  (he  didn  't  say 
medical;  he  did  say  for  seven  years). 

However,  we  were  (and  are)  less  con- 
cerned with  his  professional  qualifica- 
tions than  with  his  accountability  to  the 
gay  community;  we  asked  about  Tri- 
Aid 's  board  because  it  seemed  a  likely 
mechanism  for  monitoring  Chin 's 
volunteer  work.  But  rather  than  provide 
assurances.  Chin  noted  that  the  same 
lack  of  concern  for  the  needs  of  young 
gay  people  that  had  forced  him  to  take 
on  his  street  work  voluntarily  had  also 
made  it  difficult  to  get  members  for  the 
Tri-Aid  board.  "Token"  was  his  adjec- 
tive, meant,  we  assume,  to  convey  that 
board  membership  is  not  an  onerous 

While,  as  Kossman  states,  Tri-Aid  has 
had  a  dozen  board  members  in  the  past 
five  years,  it  now  has  five,  including 
Kossman,  Chin  and  Chin 's  mother.  Gay 
community  activist  Tom  Warner  once 
agreed  to  sit  on  the  Tri-Aid  board,  but 
later  withdrew.  At  the  time,  he  says. 
Chin 's  mother  didn 't  attend  meetings 
(though,  as  owner  of  the  property  where 
Tri-Aid  operates,  she  had  a  number  of 
proxy  votes;  who  these  proxies  repre- 
sented, Warner  was  never  able  to  dis- 
cover), and  that  the  two  other  members 
of  the  board,  in  addition  to  Chin  and 
Kossman,  were  a  social  worker  who  was 
a  cousin  of  Chin 's  and  another  man 
who  was  said  to  have  professional 
qualifications  but  was  "too  paranoid  to 
come  to  meetings.  "  Warner  says  he 
decided  not  to  remain  involved  because 
this  situation  created  problems  with  Tri- 
Aid 's  true  accountability  to  the 

Our  article  was  not  meant  to  be  an 
attack  on  Doug  Chin  or  on  Tri-Aid,  but 
the  fact  remains  that  Chin  was  quoted 
in  Horgan  's  article  as  a  credible  voice 
representing  the  sentiments  of  at  least  a 
part  of  the  gay  community,  and  that 
this  apparent  credibility  rests  at  least  in 
part  on  his  professional  status.  George 
Hislop,  in  the  same  article,  said  that 
while  he  supported  the  idea  of  gay-run 
social  services  for  street  youth,  '  7  don 't 
think  he  (Chin)  is  a  good  social 
worker.  ...I  don 't  support  the  idea  of 
him  running  it.  "  Others  may  share  these 
doubts,  but  there  is  no  way,  other  than 
Tri- Aid's  own  accounts,  of  verifying 
and  evaluating  the  work  the  organiza- 
tion does. 

Karsten  Kossman  has  indeed  been  a 
strong  and  welcome  supporter  of  this 
magazine  for  many  years.  We  remain 
grateful  for  that,  but  we  cannot  accept 
his  portrayal  of  Doug  Chin  as  both  a 
seasoned  social  worker  and  gay  militant 
(which  he  undoubtedly  is)  and  a  naive 
innocent  in  the  hands  of  manipulative 
media.  Mr  Chin  has  lent  the  credibility 
of  his  position  to  "inaccuracies  and  in- 
nuendo, sleazily  scissored  and  pasted 
together"  in  such  a  way  as  to  under- 
mine institutions  and  activists  in  the  gay 
community.  We  feel  we  have  a  responsi- 
bility to  point  out  that,  despite  his  per- 
ceived position,  he  is  not  accountable  to 
that  community  for  either  his  actions  or 
his  words. 

We  welcome  your  letters.  Address  ihem  lo 
letters.  TBP.  Box  7289.  Stn  A,  Toronto  ()i\ 
M5W  1X9.  l.eliers  may  he  edited  for  Icngih. 




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Gay  in  Asia:  emotions  and  exploitation 

Two  articles  have  recently  appeared  in 
TBP  dealing  with  homosexuality  in  Cen- 
tral Asia.  The  first,  in  September  1981, 
dealt  with  a  report  to  the  Third  Interna- 
tional Congress  on  Child  Abuse  and  Ne- 
glect, which  claimed  that  gay  tourists 
were  "exploiting"  and  "corrupting" 
local  (Sri  Lankan)  boys.  The  second  arti- 
cle, by  Australian  writer  Peter  Jackson  in 
the  January /February  issue,  detailed  an 
encounter  in  Calcutta  on  New  Year's 
Eve,  1981.  I  would  like  to  outline  my 
own  experience  with  homosexuality  in 
this  part  of  the  world,  and  in  doing  so  I 
hope  to  expand  upon  some  of  Peter 
Jackson's  remarks  and  clarify  some  of 
the  misconceptions  which  may  have  aris- 
en from  the  commentary  of  man /boy 
love  in  Sri  Lanka. 

In  July  1980,  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  I 
began  participating  in  an  exchange  pro- 
gramme called  Canada  World  Youth.  I 
was  assigned  a  Sri  Lankan  partner,  (aged 
twenty)  and  we  lived  and  worked  togeth- 
er for  six  months,  half  of  which  was 
spent  on  a  dairy  farm  near  Toronto  and 
half  with  a  family  of  rice  farmers  in  Sri 
Lanka.  When  we  met  we  knew  only  a 
few  words  of  each  other's  language,  and 
our  knowledge  of  each  other's  cultural 
milieu  was  limited  to  a  few  inaccurate 
stereotypes.  By  January  1981,  we  could 
both  converse  in  each  other's  language. 
While  we  certainly  did  not  know  all  of 
the  each  other's  cultural  nuances,  we 
both  agreed  that  we  knew  each  other  bet- 
ter than  either  of  us  had  ever  known 

One  night,  shortly  after  we  first 
arrived  in  Sri  Lanka,  my  partner  and  I 
were  discussing  Buddhism  and  Catholi- 
cism and  their  respective  attitudes 
towEirds  sex.  My  partner  then,  much  to 
my  surprise,  asked,  "You  have  sex  some- 
times with  boys?"  In  a  split  second  I 
tried  to  analyze  what  motivated  my  part- 
ner to  ask  the  question;  whether  it  was  to 
confirm  a  rumour  he  had  heard;  whether 
it  was  because  he  found  my  attitudes 
towards  sex  so  shocking  that  he  figured 
my  actions  might  meet  even  that  level  of 
perversity;  whether  he'd  overheard  a 
conversation  between  myself  and  another 
Canadian  on  the  subject;  or  whether  in 
fact  he  was  simply  curious.  I  tried  to 
evade  the  question  with  a  generalized 
answer  that  most  Canadian  boys  do  not; 
that  many  people  think  it  is  wrong  but 
that  I  myself  do  not  consider  it  wrong. 
At  least,  I  hoped,  I  could  gauge  his 
reaction  to  that  partial  answer.  The  next 
night  the  question  was  again  raised,  this 
time  with  an  additional  inquiry  as  to  why 
I  did  not  answer  him  in  a  straightforward 
manner  the  first  time. 

Within  a  few  minutes  I  had  revealed 
that  I  not  only  had  sex  with  boys  some- 
times, but  regularly.  I  also  introduced  a 
new  word  into  his  English  vocabulary: 
"gay."  Far  from  being  disgusted  or 
shocked,  my  partner  then  asked  if  Tom, 
the  guy  I  always  seemed  to  be  getting  let- 
ters from,  was  my  favourite  "gay  sex 
friend."  Very  curious  by  that  point,  I  of 
course  reversed  the  questioning. 

The  Sparlacus  International  Gay 
Guide's  contention  that,  until  recently,  a 
"positive  healthy,  loving  attitude"  exist- 
ed in  Sri  Lanka  in  regard  to  homosexual- 
ity among  adolescents  is,  quite  simply, 
wrong.  My  partner  has  been  an  active 
homosexual  since  he  was  fourteen,  and 

his  tales  of  societal  pressure  against  that 
tendency  match  the  tales  any  Canadian 
might  tell  about  being  gay  in  the  Fifties. 

Three  boys  in  his  village,  aged  seven- 
teen to  twenty,  were  caught  having  a 
threesome  by  one  of  the  boy's  fathers. 
He  proceeded  to  take  them  all,  his  son 
included,  to  the  local  police  station.  The 
police  shaved  their  heads,  bound  them 
and  led  them  through  their  village  public- 
ly denouncing  their  misdeeds.  They  were 
then  released.  They  certainly  did  not  in- 
terpret the  subsequent  atmosphere  in 
their  homes  and  schools  to  be  a  "loving, 
healthy"  one.  No  Western,  morcilistic 
imperialists  were  responsible  for  that 
atrocity;  my  partner  is  from  one  of  the 
most  traditional  villages  in  Sri  Lanka. 

Peter  Jackson  said  much  more  which  I 
would  interpret  as  accurate.  Marriages 
are  generally  arranged;  my  partner  has 
known  his  future  wife  since  the  age  of 
four.  His  homosexuality  must  remain 
"utterly  separate  from  the  social  order 
and  expectations  that  framed  his  life, 
that  were,  for  him,  reality." 

However,  "gay"  is  still  more  than  just 
a  Western  concept.  While  in  all  likeli- 
hood my  partner  and  his  lover  of  six 
years  will  each  marry  his  respective  bride, 
he  explained  that  they  do  indeed  love 
each  other  very  much  and  will  be  very 
sad  when  they  must  separate.  This  is 
much  more  than  Peter  Jackson's  descrip- 
tion of  physical  release.  As  far  as  I'm 
concerned,  when  a  man's  consciousness 
focuses  on  another  man  to  the  extent 
that  love  is  created,  that  is  "gayness"  in 
its  purest  form.  To  avoid  "gayness," 
homosexuality  must  occur  in  an  emo- 
tional vacuum.  While  homosexuality 
does  occur  in  Asia  in  the  form  of  a  strict 
physical  release,  especially  amongst  ado- 
lescents, gay  people  exist  as  well.  My 
partner,  who  had  never  read  a  piece  of 
literature  dealing  with  homosexuality, 
estimated  that  as  many  as  ten  per  cent  of 
the  boys  he  knew  attached  emotion  to 
homosexual  experiences. 

The  final  point  I  wish  to  address,  one 
of  the  main  focuses  of  both  TBP  articles, 
is  that  of  tourists'  utilizing  prostitutes  in 
Third  World  countries.  While  I  would 
not  agree  that  all  man /boy  relationships 
are  exploitative,  I  do  feel  that  tourists 
who  buy  sex  in  Third  World  countries  are 
exploiting  their  sexual  partners, 

Peter  Jackson  is  correct  when  he 
points  out  that  for  most  boys  hustling  in 
Asia,  their  bodies  are  their  sole  com- 
modity. The  Spartacus  contention  that 
"boys  who  became  sexual  companions 
of  adults,  even  foreign  adults..,  lived 
happily  and  proudly"  offended  me.  I  be- 
friended boys  who  were  homosexual 
prostitutes  in  both  Columbo,  Sri  Lanka, 
and  Bangkok,  Thailand,  For  these  boys, 
homosexuality  is  not  "gayness"  nor  is  it 
"physical  release,"  It  is  not  even  a  free 
choice,  but  a  matter  of  survival. 

When  Westerners  go  to  Asia  looking 
for  cheap  prostitutes,  they  are  engaging 
not  only  in  economic  exploitation,  but  in 
a  destruction  of  the  last  remaining  ves- 
tiges of  pride  which  the  Third  World  can 
rely  on.  Congratulations  to  Peter  Jack- 
son for  touching  on  this  issue  of  cultural 
sensitivity  in  a  way  few  gay  tourist  have 
considered,  and  shame  on  Spartacus  In- 
ternational for  advocating  an  exploitative 
and  damaging  practice.  D 
Jeff  O'Malley  lives  in  Winnipeg. 


MAY  1982 

Fightii^  city  hall 

It  is  a  matter  of  speculation  why  20 
cub  scouts  who  were  attending  an 
April  5  Kitchener  city  council  meeting 
to  learn  about  civic  government  were 
suddenly  ushered  out  of  the  chambers 
as  Greg  Meadows  of  the  Kitchener- 
Waterloo  Gay  Media  Collective  began 
to  speak. 

Collective  members  were  at  city  hall 
to  protest  a  ruling  that  they  not  be 
allowed  to  rent  a  municipally-owned 
building  for  a  gay  dance. 

The  collective  approached  the  city's 
Department  of  Recreation  April  1  to 
lease  the  pavilion  in  downtown  Victoria 
Park  for  a  June  4  dance.  They  were  told 
that  the  pavilion  was  available  for  that 
date  and  received  a  standard  rental  con- 
tract the  next  day. 

On  the  morning  of  April  5,  however, 
collective  member  Joe  Szalai  received  a 
phone  call  from  a  clerk  who  said  that 
the  pavilion  was  not  available.  Szalai 
was  told  that  there  had  been  problems 
with  gay  dances  held  a  few  years  ago  by 
the  Riverside  Social  Club  at  the  subur- 
ban Bridgeport  Community  Centre, 
where  pressure  from  nearby  residents 
led  to  cancellation  of  the  dance  permits. 
The  problems  at  Bridgeport  had  involv- 
ed straight  thugs  harassing  patrons  at 
the  dances.  Riverside  organizers  had 
met  privately  with  Kitchener  Mayor 
Morley  Rosenberg  to  try  to  have  the 
decision  reversed,  but  were  unsuccessful. 

Szalai  was  in  no  mood  for  a  private 
meeting.  He  immediately  called  the 
Kitchener- Waterloo  Record.  "I  was 
furious,"  he  said,  "that,  as  a  taxpayer, 
I  was  being  denied  use  of  a  city  facility. 
Using  that  logic,  it  was  as  if  the  city  was 
telling  me  that  what  happened  with  one 
heterosexual  group  was  reason  enough 
for  denying  sevices  to  all  heterosexual 
groups.  That's  clearly  ridiculous.  When 
applied  to  a  minority  like  gays,  it's 
clearly  discriminatory." 

The  Record  carried  the  story  that 
day,  which  also  happened  to  be  a  city 
council  meeting  day.  The  collective  sent 
Szalai  and  Greg  Meadows  to  council  to 
demand  an  explanation. 

Meadows  presented  the  group's  case 
before  an  attentive  council  and  repre- 
sentatives of  local  news  media.  He 
demanded  either  a  reversal  of  the  deci- 
sion or  the  resignation  of  two  men 
apparently  responsible  for  the  discrim- 
ination —  Director  of  Recreation  Bob 
Arnot  and  Rick  Antaya,  a  department 

Mayor  Rosenberg  admitted  to  council 
that  he  had  personally  intervened  to 
stop  the  dance.  He  read  a  letter,  ad- 

Victoria  Park  Pavilion:  the  dance  will  go  on 


Greg  Meadows  of  gay  media  collective:  a  furious  response  to  Mayor  Rosenburg  (foreground) 

dressed  to  Szalai,  from  the  Recreation 
Department,  outlining  the  reasons  for 
the  decision.  The  problems  which 
plagued  the  Riverside  Social  Club  dan- 
ces figured  prominently  among  the  rea- 
•sons.  It  immediately  became  clear  that 
the  mayor  assumed  the  collective  and 
the  Riverside  Social  Club,  which  had 

sponsored  the  Bridgeport  dances,  were 
the  same  group.  When  Meadows  made 
the  point  that  there  was  no  connection 
between  the  two,  council's  mood 
changed  abruptly. 

"Frankly,  I  don't  see  any  reason  to 
refuse  them  a  permit,"  said  Alderman 
Al  Barron.  Alderman  Don  Travers  felt 

that  the  collective  "should  not  be  tarred 
with  the  same  brush"  as  the  social  club, 
but  rather  be  treated  as  any  other  new 

Mayor  Rosenberg  sat  quietly  as  coun- 
cil voted  9-3  in  favour  of  granting  the 
dance  permit. 

Szalai  then  took  the  podium  and 
demanded  that  the  city  pass  a  bylaw 
prohibiting  discrimination  on  the  basis 
of  "sex,  colour,  creed,  religion,  physical 
ability  and  sexual  orientation  so  that  all 
people  have  equal  access  to  city  jobs, 
services  and  facilities." 

Alderman  Judy  Balmer  responded  by 
saying  that  she  saw  no  discrimination  in 
this  case,  and  added  that  the  collective 
should  not  generalize  because  of  one 
"misunderstanding."  She  further  stated 
that  the  question  of  human  rights  ex- 
tends beyond  municipal  authority  and 
bylaws.  Alderman  Will  Ferguson  asked 
that  city  solicitor  Jim  Wallace  provide  a 
report  on  the  subject  of  human  rights. 
Alderman  Balmer  supported  the  request. 

According  to  Szalai,  "The  city  is  in  a 
position  to  augment  existing  provincial 
and  federal  human  rights  laws,  as  have 
Toronto,  Windsor  and  Ottawa,  regard- 
ing sexual  orientaton  for  their  own  ser- 
vices. It  is  a  city's  prerogative  to  make 
contractual  agreements  between  itself 
and  its  own  citizens  —  in  this  case,  an 
agreement  prohibiting  discrimination." 

Meanwhile,  organizers  are  continuing 
their  planning  for  the  June  dance.  The 
pavilion  holds  more  than  200  people 
and  a  good  turnout  is  expected.  Funds 
raised  will  be  used  by  the  collective  for 
its  radio  show,  Gay  News  and  Views, 
and  for  its  forthcoming  magazine,  to  be 
called  Gay,  eh? 

The  radio  show  has  been  running  for 
more  than  three  and  a  half  years,  play- 

Another  park,  another  politician 

TORONTO  —  Alderman  John  Sewell 
seems  uncertain  about  supporting  a  Les- 
bian and  Gay  Pride  Day  Committee 
(LGPDC)  request  to  use  Grange  Park  for 
this  year's  June  27  celebration. 

Sewell  offered  his  support  to  the 
organizers  February  16,  but  withdrew  it 
soon  after  because  he  felt  "that  the 
proposed  use  is  more  regional  than  local 
in  nature  and  thus  would  be  better 
accommodated  in  a  regional  kind  of 
park."  He  suggested  Queen's  Park.  After 
receiving  a  number  of  calls  and  letters 
protesting  this  move,  Sewell  reversed  his 
decision  "with  considerable  reluctance," 
and  is  once  again  backing  the  use  of 
Grange  Park. 

Tom  Warner,  speaking  for  the  Toronto 
Gay  Comunity  Council  (TGCC),  says, 
"We're  surprised  that  John  Sewell  would 
be  putting  forth  that  kind  of  position. 
It's  something  we  would  have  expected 
from  the  more  conservative  elements  on 
city  council."  The  TGCC  passed  a  motion 
March  24  supporting  the  LGPDC  in  its 
efforts  to  use  Grange  Park. 

Last  year's  Pride  Day  festivities  in 
Grange  Park  ran  into  difficulties  when  a 
few  area  residents  complained  about  the 
noise  level  that  evening.  This  prompted  a 
discussion  of  the  matter  in  a  city  Neigh- 

bourhoods Committee  meeting  and  led  to 
the  establishment  of  a  new  rule  requiring 
that  future  events  in  city  parks  be  super- 
vised to  avoid  such  problems. 

In  a  letter  to  the  TGCC,  Sewell  ex- 
plained that  a  "larger,  more  regional  facil- 
ity than  Grange  Park  should  be  chosen 
(because)  one  does  not  manage  to  win 
friends  by  foisting  on  a  community  an 
event  which  is  too  large  for  the  facility." 

Warner  says  the  size  of  the  facility 

"didn't  pose  any  problems  from  our 
point  of  view."  There  were  no  more  than 
about  700  people  in  the  park  at  any  one 
time,  with  plenty  of  room  for  more, 
according  to  Warner. 

Kyle  Rae  of  LGPDC  scoffs  at  Sewell's 
concern  that  Grange  Park  is  too  small  for 
the  event  planned.  "John  Sewell  is  play- 
ing games.  He  is  manufacturing  excuses 
for  opposing  the  use  of  the  park  because 
he  does  not  want  to  be  seen  to  be  aligned 
with  the  gay  community,"  Rae  told  TBP. 

Sewell  was  out  of  town  when  TBP  tried 
to  reach  him  for  comment. 

Dannv  Cockeriiner! 

1981  gay  pride  march  leaving  Grange  Park:  not  big  or  regional  enougti,  says  Sewell  (left) 

MAY  1982 


ing  a  variety  of  gay  and  lesbian  music 
and  presenting  issues  of  interest  to  the 
gay  community.  The  magazine,  sched- 
uled for  a  premiere  issue  in  June,  will  be 
a  gay  forum  aimed  at  a  southwestern 
Ontario  readership. 

Collective  members  were  surprised  by 
the  extensive  coverage  this  incident 
received  in  local  straight  news  media. 
Contrary  to  their  fears,  the  media  han- 
dled it  fairly  and  thoroughly,  although 


members  were  very  conscious  of  the 
need  to  speak  clearly  and  choose  words 

As  far  as  the  collective  can  tell,  reac- 
tion from  the  local  gay  community  has 
been  quite  favourable.  The  case  opens 
the  door  to  other  gay  groups  in  the  city 
who  might  want  to  rent  municipal  facili- 
ties. And  there  is  a  feeling  of  pride  in 
fighting  city  hall  —  and  winning. 

Wayne  P  Bell  □ 

Would-be  killer  finally  locked  up 

TORONTO  —  A  man  who  vowed  to 
police  that  he  was  going  to  "kill  a  fag" 
every  night  until  he  had  "cleaned  up" 
the  city  has  been  sent  to  jail. 

Describing  Gordon  Fudge,  29,  as  "a 
very  dangerous  man,"  County  Court 
Judge  Hugh  Locke  gave  Fudge  a  five- 
year  sentence  April  18  after  he  pleaded 
guilty  to  a  charge  of  possessing  a  wea- 
pon for  a  purpose  dangerous  to  the 
public  peace.  The  charge  arose  out  of 
an  incident  which  took  place  December 
23,  when  Fudge  went  to  a  gay  bar  and 
met  David  Ratz,  who  invited  him  home. 
After  the  two  men  had  sex,  Fudge  went 
to  the  kitchen,  found  a  large  butcher 
knife  and  returned  with  it  to  the  bed- 
room. Ratz  escaped  unharmed  to  a 
next-door  apartment  and  called  police. 
Fudge  was  arrested  in  Ratz's  apartment. 

In  a  statement  shortly  after  his  arrest. 
Fudge  declared,  "I  went  to  a  fag  hotel 
to  kill  as  many  fags  as  I  could  get.  If  I 
could  kill  one  I  could  kill  them  all." 
Fudge  said  he  hated  homosexuals  be- 
cause he  had  been  raped  during  a  recent 
term  in  prison.  Ironically,  Fudge  was 
himself  serving  time  for  rape  (his  victim 
was  a  woman);  at  the  time  of  his 
December  arrest  he  was  on  parole. 

Fudge  was  kept  in  custody  until  Feb- 
ruary 3,  when  he  appeared  for  a  prelim- 
inary hearing  before  Provincial  Court 
Judge  June  Bernhardt.  The  judge  was 
not  told  of  Fudge's  damaging  state- 
ments to  police  and  the  defendant's 
counsel  asked  for  a  show-cause  hearing 
into  his  client's  continued  detention 
without  benefit  of  a  bail  hearing.  Before 
the  day  was  out,  he  was  released  on  bail 
of  $15,000  on  the  condition  that  he  stay 
away  from  gay  bars. 

Fudge's  unexpected  release  sent  rip- 
ples of  fear  through  the  gay  community, 
and  David  Ratz  went  into  hiding  for 
fear  of  his  life.  Concern  soon  spread 
beyond  the  gay  community.  Officials  of 
Attorney-General  Roy  McMurtry's  off- 
ice moved  quickly  when  lawyer  Peter 
Maloney  informed  them  of  the  danger- 
ous situation  created  by  Fudge's  release. 

Before  Fudge's  preliminary  hearing 
resumed  February  4,  he  was  re-arrested 
on  a  parole  warrant.  Judge  Bernhardt 
heard  a  Crown  application  for  detention 
and  agreed  that  Fudge  was  a  danger  to 
the  public  and  issued  a  detention  order. 
As  a  result,  the  would-be  killer  re- 
mained in  custody  until  his  trial. 

Bill  LoosG 

Gay  Awareness  101? 

TORONTO  —  A  pilot  project  in  gay 
awareness  for  police  officers  working  in 
this  city's  52  Division  may  be  in  the 
works.  A  committee  composed  of  three 
police  officers  and  three  gays  has  been 
struck  to  draw  up  a  curriculum  for  an 
experimental  course.  52  Divsion  was 
chosen  because  it  is  a  downtown  pre- 
cinct with  a  large  gay  population  and  a 
history  of  abysmally  poor  relations         ^ 
between  police  and  gay  residents. 

The  project  was  decided  upon  at  a 
meeting  March  16  between  representa- 
tives of  the  Toronto  Gay  Community 
Council  and  the  police  commission's 
Minority  Liaison  Committee.  That 
meeting  marked  the  first  tentative  step 
in  opening  the  dialogue  between  police 
and  the  gay  community  recommended 
by  the  Bruner  inquiry  six  months  ago. 

The  curriculum  committee  will  work 
to  improve  upon  what  presently  consti- 
tutes a  Toronto  cop's  education  on  the 
subject  of  homosexuality  —  two  45-min- 
ute  lectures  on  "abnormal  sexual  beha- 
viour" conducted  by  a  physician  from 
the  Queen  Street  Mental  Health  Centre. 

The  curriculum  committee  was  given 
two  months  to  work  out  its  proposals, 
which  will  have  to  be  approved  by  sen- 
ior 52  Division  officers  before  anything 
is  implemented.  How  far  they  are  will- 
ing to  move  from  the  insulting  myths 


dished  out  in  the  present  courses  will  be 
viewed  by  the  gay  community  as  a  test 
of  police  willingness  to  work  for  a  better 
relationship  with  gay  men  and  lesbians. 


Cop  probe:  change 

TORONTO  —  A  consulting  firm  hired 
by  the  Metropolitan  Toronto  Police 
Commission  has  recommended  far- 
reaching  changes  in  the  management  of 
the  police  force. 

In  its  report  to  the  commission,  made 
public  April  8,  the  firm  of  Hickling- 
Johnston,  Ltd  pointed  to  a  number  of 
problem  areas  in  the  force,  including 
shortcomings  in  relations  with  the 
public  at  large  and  with  minority  com- 
munities in  particular,  weaknesses  in 
management  and  accountability,  and  an 
outdated  paramilitary  approach,  especi- 
ally on  the  part  of  senior  officers. 

The  comissioners,  of  course,  have 
heard  all  this  before,  but  since  the  study 
carries  a  $400,000  price  tag,  the  criti- 
cisms might  hit  home  this  time. 

The  report  comes  at  a  time  when  the 
reputation  of  the  Metro  Toronto  police 
is  in  tatters,  and  pressures  for  change 
are  at  an  all-time  high. 

March  saw  the  arrest  of  two  members 
of  the  Intelligence  Bureau  when  the 
RCMP  broke  up  an  international  drug- 
import  conspiracy,  and  the  charging  of 
an  officer  from  another  unit  with  traf- 
ficking in  narcotics. 

On  April  5,  County  Court  Judge 
Joseph  Kane  convicted  two  police  offi- 
cers on  charges  of  forcible  confinement. 

They  had  ordered  two  East  Indian  men 
into  an  unmarked  squad  car  and  driven 
them  to  a  secluded  area  behind  a  sewage 
plant,  where  the  men  were  slapped 
around  and  terrorized.  While  the  offi- 
cers have  not  yet  been  sentenced,  the 
Crown  has  argued  for  a  jail  term  on  the 
grounds  that  anything  less  would  cause 
a  "public  scandal." 

Meanwhile,  police  are  still  smarting 
because  allegations  of  systematic  torture 
of  suspects  by  members  of  the  Holdup 
Squad  have  been  turned  over  to  the 
human  rights  organization.  Amnesty 
International.  Paul  Walter,  head  of  the 
police  union,  has  retaliated  by  publish- 
ing the  names  of  71  Toronto  criminal 
lawyers  in  the  April  issue  of  his  associa- 
tion's publication,  News  and  Views. 
The  list  of  names  carries  a  warning  that 
the  lawyers  are  "anti-police"  and  that 
officers  should  "be  guided  accordingly" 
in  dealing  with  them.  The  lawyers  all 
signed  a  petition  to  Amnesty  asking  it  to 
investigate  the  torture  charges. 

For  comic  relief  from  the  scandals, 
there  has  been  the  spectacle  of  internal 
police  trials  of  officers  for  such  crimes 
as,  in  one  case,  eating  a  pear  while  on 
duty  and,  in  another  case,  for  growing  a 
moustache  half-a-centimetre  longer 
than  regulations  permitted.  (The  pros- 
ecutor in  the  moustache  case  said  it  con- 
stituted a  "breakdown  in  discipline" 
which  could  lead  to  "chaos.") 

After  a  month  of  public  discussion 
and  reaction,  the  police  commission  will 
consider  which  of  the  consultant's 
recommendations  to  implement,  if  any. 


Gay  patrol:  a  different  kind  of  streetwalking 

TORONTO  —  With  the  smell  of  doggy- 
do  in  the  air,  the  Toronto  Gay  Patrol 
(TCP)  is  once  again  intensifying  its 
efforts  to  make  downtown  streets  safe 
for  lesbians  and  gay  men.  This  does  not 
mean  a  massive  "Stoop  and  Scoop" 
campaign;  rather,  it  is  an  effort  to  deal 
with  a  much  more  serious  kind  of  shit, 
namely  the  harassment  gay  men  and  les- 
bians are  forced  to  endure  on  the  streets 
of  their  city. 

The  patrol  organized  last  May  to 
compensate  for  inadequate  police 
protection  and  to  embarrass  police  into 
taking  action  against  queer-bashing 
incidents.  These  attacks  are  no  longer 
seen  as  isolated  events,  but  as  examples 
of  a  pastime  that,  if  not  actually 
condoned  by  police,  is  certainly  not 
discouraged.  "Until  we  feel  that  the 
police  are  doing  an  adequate  job  of 
protecting  us,  we  will  continue  to 

A  Toronto  Gay  Patrol  team  on  duty:  spring  has  reappeared,  but  so  have  queer-bashers 


patrol,"  says  TCP's  Paul  Aboud. 

Liz  Devine,  also  of  TCP,  adds,  "We 
are  not  the  'gay  police.'  There  is  a  mis- 
conception in  the  community  that  the 
patrol  will  work  gay  dances  or  marshal 
demos  to  keep  gay  people  in  line.  This  is 
not  our  function." 

The  patrol  sees  itself  as  a  reminder  to 
gay  people  of  the  need  to  be  wary  of  the 
threat  of  attack.  "Awareness  of  danger 
is  the  key  to  prevention,"  says  patrol 
member  Rob  Fulton. 

TOP  is  presently  recruiting  new 
members  who  must  undergo  24  hours  of 
training  in  self-defence  and  medical  and 
legal  matters.  The  emphasis  in  the  train- 
ing is  non-violent.  As  Fulton  says,  "We 
are  here  to  prevent  violent  situations, 
not  to  encourage  them.  'Straight-bash- 
ing' is  not  tolerated." 

A  desire  to  do  something  about 
queer-bashing  is  cited  by  patrol  mem- 
bers as  their  primary  reason  for  joining 
TCP.  Another  reason  is  the  chance  to 
meet  like-minded  lesbians  and  gay  men 
who  share  a  desire  for  community 
action.  As  Jack  Fowler  of  TOP  explains, 
"There  are  lots  of  fringe  benefits  in- 
volved, but  the  emphasis  remains  on 
community  responsibility." 

Lesbians  are  encouraged  to  join  the 
patrol.  Chris  Higgins  explains,  "Queer- 
bashing  is  not  just  the  concern  of  gay 
men;  lesbians,  too,  are  targets  of  these 
attacks."  She  adds,  "I  joined  the  patrol 
to  expose  myself  to  gay  men  and  learn 
more  about  them."  This  year  the  patrol 
will  expand  its  territory  to  include  a  bar 
frequented  by  lesbians. 

Anyone  wishing  to  join  TOP  or  to 
start  a  patrol  in  another  city  is  invited  to 
call  928-3325,  488-2578,  or  961-8046. 
Classes  will  begin  in  May. 

Danny  CockerlineD 

MAY  1982 


Mayors  afraid  of 
scaring  the  horses 

VICTORIA  —  The  methods  that  prosti- 
tutes and  their  customers  use  to  "get  to- 
gether" have  come  under  fire  recently 
from  various  British  Columbia  politi- 
cians who  want  to  see  changes  in  Cana- 
dian laws  dealing  with  soliciting. 

Municipal  officijils  in  Vancouver  and 
Victoria  are  urging  the  federal  govern- 
ment to  amend  the  Criminal  Code  to 
make  it  easier  for  police  to  charge 
people  with  soliciting,  which  now  has  to 
be  "pressing  or  persistent"  to  be  an 
offence.  Prostitution  itself  is  legal  in 
Canada,  but  people  can  be  charged 
under  various  soliciting,  loitering,  or 
"bawdy  house"  laws  (See  analysis  in 


TBP,  October  1981). 

Vancouver  recently  adopted  its  own 
bylaw,  with  fines  ranging  from  $350  to 
$2,000  for  anyone  trying  to  buy  or  sell 
sex  on  the  city's  streets.  After  the  bylaw 
was  passed  April  6,  Mayor  Mike 
Harcourt  explained  that  residents  of  the 
West  End  neighbourhood  had  been  pre- 
paring to  confront  and  photograph 
prostitutes  if  the  city  had  not  taken  such 
action.  According  to  Harcourt's  execu- 
tive assistant,  Jane  MacDonald,  the 
bylaw  is  only  an  interim  measure,  and 
Vancouver's  municipal  officials  will 
continue  to  seek  changes  to  the 
country's  Criminal  Code.  MacDonald 
emphasized  that  the  mayor  is  "not 
against  prostitution.  There  are  101  ways 
of  people  getting  together  to  do  this," 
she  said.  "Prostitutes  shouldn't  be 
taking  over  entire  neighbourhoods. 
What  the  mayor  is  saying  is,  'Be 
discreet;  don't  use  the  street.' " 

In  the  first  week  of  enforcing  the 

bylaw,  Vancouver  police  presented  ele- 
ven people  —  three  prostitutes  and  eight 
customers  —  with  summonses. 

Victoria's  mayor,  Peter  Pollen,  says 
that  no  similar  bylaw  is  planned  for  his 
city  because  of  the  expected  two-year 
challenge  of  the  Vancouver  law's  valid- 
ity in  the  courts.  "The  whole  thing  has 
been  blown  up,"  he  told  TBP.  "The 
cause  of  it  was  the  growing  frustration 
and  group  paranoia  among  police  offi- 
cers. The  public  looks  upon  the  police 
officer  with  great  expectations,  and 
when  he  doesn't  have  a  law  to  use,  he 
gets  frustrated." 

Pollen  said  that  he,  like  Harcourt, 
was  not  against  prostitition  itself,  but 
was  opposed  to  its  public  manifes- 
tations. "I  guess  it  shows  hypocrisy  to  a 
degree,"  he  admitted.  "Lady  Astor 
said,  'I  don't  care  what  you  do  as  long 
as  you  don't  scare  the  horses.' 
And  that's  about  how  I  feel  with 
prostitution."  KevinOrrD 

Will  we  get  the  vaccine  we  helped  make? 

Representing  one  of  the  most  significant 
medical  advances  of  the  past  decade,  a 
vaccine  to  combat  hepatitis  B  is  soon  to 
be  released  for  general  distribution. 

Tests  over  the  past  five  years  on  sever- 
al thousand  American  gay  men  have 
already  shown  that  the  vaccine  is 
extremely  effective  in  providing  long- 
term  protection  against  infection  with 
the  hepatitis  B  virus. 

Merck,  Sharpe  and  Dohme  (MSD), 
the  Pennsylvania-based  pharmaceutical 
firm  which  developed  the  vaccine, 
recently  announced  that  the  product 
will  be  available  for  purchase  July  1  in 
the  US,  and  in  Canada  as  soon  as  the 
federal  Department  of  Health  and  Wel- 
fare issues  a  licence.  The  MSD  distrib- 
utor in  Canada  estimates  that  they  will 
begin  distribution  here  by  September  or 
October.  But  fears  are  mounting  in  the 
gay  community  that  the  high  cost  and 
the  limited  quantities  likely  to  be  re- 
leased initially  in  Canada  may  mean 
that  most  gay  men  will  not  get  the 

Hepatitis  B  is  one  of  the  most  serious 
and  common  sexually-transmitted  dis- 
eases among  gay  men.  In  any  twelve- 
month period,  as  many  as  one  out  of 
every  four  sexually  active  gay  men  will 
contract  the  disease.  Those  affected 
may  exhibit  mild  to  severe  symptoms, 
such  as  inflammation  of  the  liver,  jaun- 
dice, fever,  weakness,  loss  of  appetite, 
malaise,  headache  and  muscle  pain. 
About  6  to  10%  of  patients  will  become 
chronic  carriers,  with  virus  or  viral  pro- 
tein continuing  to  circulate  in  their 
blood.  Up  to  one  in  a  hundred  cases  will 
result  in  death,  either  from  acute  Hver 
failure  or  from  the  eventual  appearance 
of  liver  cancer. 

In  addition  to  gay  men,  other  persons 
at  high  risk  of  contracting  the  disease 
are  those  routinely  exposed  to  blood 
(surgeons,  dentists,  nurses,  medical  lab 
technicians,  kidney  dialysis  patients)  as 
well  as  individuals  in  mental  and  penal 
institutions.  With  100,000  new  cases  of 
hepatitis  B  occurring  each  year  in  North 
America,  demand  for  the  vaccine  prom- 
ises to  be  fierce. 

MSD  representatives  have  said  that,  at 
least  initially,  quantities  of  the  vaccine 
will  be  limited.  It  is  the  first  vaccine  to 
be  made  from  human  blood,  and  the  65 
weeks  necessary  for  production  and 
testing  is  longer  than  the  manufacturing 
time  of  any  other  vaccine. 

The  process  begins  with  the  collection 


of  blood  plasma  from  individuals 
known  to  be  chronic  carriers  of  the 
virus.  Because  of  their  high  infection 
and  carrier  rate,  gay  men  have  supplied 
much  of  the  starting  material  for  the 
vaccine's  production. 

During  the  manufacturing  process  the 
blood  plasma  is  treated  to  inactivate  any 
residual  virus,  subsequent  to  the  purifi- 
cation of  viral  proteins.  Studies  on  gay 
men,  first  in  New  York  City  and  then  in 
five  other  major  US  centres,  have 

shown  that  three  injections  of  the  puri- 
fied viral  protein  given  over  a  period  of 
six  months  result  in  complete  protective 
immunity  in  almost  all  cases. 

The  vaccine  does  not  provide  any 
protection  against  hepatitis  A,  which  is 
caused  by  a  completely  different  virus 
and  which  is  responsible  for  about  half 
the  hepatitis  cases  in  gay  men.  Hepatitis 
A,  however,  is  not  considered  as  serious 
an  illness  because  it  does  not  give  rise  to 
the  carrier  state  nor  to  Uver  cancer.  The 
vaccine  also  will  not  provide  protection 
against  much  rarer  viruses  which  can 
also  cause  hepatitis. 

Hubert  Martel,  vice-president  of  MSD 
Canada,  told  TBP  that  the  company 
hopes  there  will  be  no  shortage  of  vac- 
cine in  Canada.  "Hundreds  of  thou- 
sands of  doses  will  be  available,"  he 
said,  "and  while  there  is  a  limited  sup- 
ply, we  expect  to  be  able  to  meet 
demand."  Martel  also  remarked  that 
the  vaccine  will  be  very  expensive,  per- 
haps $150  for  the  three  injections.  Prov- 
incial health  insurance  programmes  will 
not  cover  this  expense  in  most  circum- 
stances, leaving  a  heavy  financial  bur- 
den upon  individuals. 

However,  TBP  has  learned  from 
reliable  sources  in  the  US  that  the  quan- 
tity of  vaccine  to  be  released  here  is 
almost  certain  to  be  far  less  than  "hun- 
dreds of  thousands"  of  doses.  Because 
of  production  shortfalls,  Canada  will 
likely  receive  enough  vaccine  to  immu- 
nize only  30,000  people.  This  will  clearly 
be  far  less  than  the  demand,  given  that 
in  Ontario  alone  there  are  20,(X)0  high- 
risk  health  professionals  and  10,(X)0  ins- 
titutionalized persons  in  addition  to  a 
large  gay  male  population. 

With  the  threat  of  a  shortage  loom- 
ing, some  provincial  governments  are 
considering  purchasing  quantities  of  the 
vaccine  for  distribution.  Saskatchewan 
apparently  has  already  placed  an  order 
with  MSD  Canada's  head  ofice  in  Mon- 
treal. Dr  R  Andreychuk  of  the  Ontario 
Ministry  of  Health  told  TBP  that  they 
are  presently  holding  discussions  to 
decide  the  extent  to  which  the  province 
will  become  involved  in  the  distribution 
of  the  vaccine.  If  substantial  quantities 
are  purchased  by  provincial  'govern- 
ments, the  priority  for  distribution 
would  lie  with  the  provinces  instead  of 

In  either  case,  gay  men  may  find 
themselves  ranked  with  low  priority 
compared  to  dentists,  doctors  and  ins- 
titutionalized persons,  it  would  be 
ironic  indeed  if  a  vaccine  made  from 
gay  blood,  and  safety  tested  on  gay  vol- 
unteers, were  not  readily  available  to 
our  community. 

Bill  Lewis  I] 

Mandatory  VD  testing  dropped 

TORONTO  —The  local  Board  of  Heath 
has  officially  "canned"  the  court  pro- 
gramme that  led  to  20  men,  charged  as 
"keepers"  in  last  year's  bath  raids,  be- 
ing ordered  to  undergo  VD  testing. 

The  VD  Review  Committee,  in  a  recent 
report  to  the  board,  recommended  that 
the  programme  be  terminated  on  the 
grounds  that  its  social  benefits  did  not 
justify  the  threat  to  individual  liberties. 

The  issue  of  mandatory  VD  testing  was 
called  into  question  after  Dr  William 
Frank  of  the  Department  of  Public 
Health  VD  Control  Section  was  quoted  in 
the  media  on  February  12,  1981,  stating 
that  the  men  charged  as  "keepers"  would 
be  required  to  undergo  testing.  This  ac- 
tion prompted  a  letter  from  two  Toronto 
physicians,  Randall  Coates  and  Stephen 

Atkinson,  to  the  Board  of  Health  criti- 
cizing the  programme  and  questioning 
the  motive  in  maintaining  it.  "We  are 
hard  pressed  to  view  these  issuances  as 
measures  of  VD  prevention.  Rather,  they 
appear  to  us  as  additional  indications  of 
harassment  of  the  gay  minority  under  the 
guise  of  an  archaic  legal  mandate,"  wrote 
Coates  and  Atkinson. 

The  rationale  for  the  court  pro- 
gramme, which  routinely  ordered  those 
charged  with  certain  sexual  offences  to 
undergo  VD  testing,  was  that  these  indiv- 
iduals ran  a  greater  risk  of  being  infected. 
Although  the  VD  Review  Committee 
found  this  to  be  true  of  prostitutes,  they 
found  no  sound  epidemiological  evidence 
to  justify  mandatory  screening  of 
"keepers  of  steambaths." 

The  report  also  emphasized  that  confi- 
dentiality was  being  breached  by  the 
court  programme,  since  it  was  public 
knowledge  that  people  charged  with  cer- 
tain sexual  offences  would  be  required  to 
undergo  VD  testing.  The  VD  Prevention 
Act  guarantees  that  all  information  rela- 
ting to  individuals  tested  would  remain 
strictly  confidential. 

In  a  similar  incident  in  Montreal  in 
October  1977,  144  men  charged  as  found- 
ins  after  a  police  raid  on  the  Truxx  bar 
were  forced  to  undergo  medical  examina- 
tions for  VD,  and  then  ordered  to  submit 
to  further  tests  as  one  of  the  bail  require- 
ments pending  trial.  After  a  long  battle, 
the  Quebec  Court  of  Appeal  decided  in 
August  1979  that  the  municipal  court  had 
exceeded  its  jurisdiction  in  ordering  these 
subsequent  tests.  The  legality  of  the  first 
test,  however,  since  the  Public  Health 
Act  regulation  allows  ihcm,  was  upheld. 
I)ann>  C'ockerline 


MAY  1982 



Lesbian  action  sparks  new  groups 

Montreal,  Toronto  and  five  British 
Columbia  cities  were  the  sites  of 
organized  lesbian  activity  against  the 
right  March  27.  The  day  of  simulta- 
neous events  was  planned  at  last  May's 
lesbian  conference  in  Vancouver. 

In  the  province  where  the  idea  first 
caught  fire,  coordination  was  provided 
by  the  Lesbian  Action  Committee  of  the 
British  Columbia  Federation  of 
Women.  While  only  small  numbers  of 
women  attended  a  workshop  on  lesbians 
and  the  law  in  Vernon  and  a  video 
screening  in  Terrace,  in  both  centres  les- 
bian support  groups  have  been  formed 
as  a  result.  Northern  Lesbians,  based  in 
Terrace,  has  established  links  with  gay 
people  in  Prince  Rupert  and  Alaska, 
while  Vernon  has  already  arranged  a 
social  event  involving  lesbians  from  all 
over  the  Okanagan  Valley,  including 
women  from  mixed  gay  organizations  in 
Kelowna  and  Kamloops. 

In  Victoria,  a  series  of  social  and  edu- 
cational activities  was  organized  by  an 
ad  hoc  group  of  lesbians  from  the  Les- 
bian Caucus  of  Rape  Assault  and  the 
Vancouver  Island  lesbian  newspaper, 
Flagrant.  It  included  radio  and  televi- 
sion interviews,  a  display  at  the 
women's  bookstore,  a  film  and  video 
festival  and  the  first  mixed  (lesbian  and 
gay  male)  dance  the  city  has  seen  in  six 
years.  The  dance  was  co-sponsored  by 
the  Island  Gay  Community  Centre  and 
proceeds  went  to  the  lesbian 

A  group  of  eight  Vancouver  women 
took  only  three  weeks  to  pull  off  the 
most  ambitious  of  the  March  27  pro- 
jects. The  festivities  ranged  from  a  Sat- 
urday lunch,  to  a  rally  emceed  by  come- 
dian Lorna  Boshman  and  entertained  by 
singers  Maura  and  Luna,  to  a  march  led 
by  marshalls  wielding  lavender  pom 
poms,  which  wound  its  way  through 
throngs  of  Saturday  shoppers  in  fash- 
ionable Gastown.  A  day  of  workshops 
took  place  on  Sunday. 

Montreal's  Day  of  Lesbian  Solidarity 
seems  to  have  been  the  most  serious  of 
the  affairs.  A  day  of  workshops,  con- 
ducted in  French,  began  at  9  am  with  50 

participants.  Attendance  had  tripled  by 
the  time  the  discussions  concluded.  Ac- 
cording to  one  observer,  discussing 
topics  like  Differences  Among  Lesbians 
and  Lesbian  Visibility  kept  the  day  from 
living  up  to  its  name  or  the  hopes  of  the 
organizers.  "Beginning  with  the  ques- 
tion of  what  a  lesbian  is  really  brought 
out  divisions  rather  than  solidarity," 
she  noted. 

The  workshops  were  followed  by  a 
plenary,  a  film  showing  and  a  dance.  In 
the  plenary,  some  lesbians  raised  objec- 
tions to  other  women  participating  in 
this  year's  gay  pride  march.  Two  deci- 
sions were  made:  to  prepare  a  manifesto 
and  to  meet  again  in  October. 

The  Lesbian  Day  of  Action  held  in 
Toronto  also  departed  from  the  fighting 
the  right  theme  set  out  by  the  Vancouver 

The  afternoon  began  with  ballroom 
dancing  (essential  for  the  socially  cor- 
rect dyke  this  season,  according  to  the 
poster)  and  a  self-defence  demonstra- 
tion. Discussions  of  politics  and  sex 
drew  the  most  enthusiastic  response 
from  the  more  than  1(X)  women  in  at- 
tendance. "Women  were  attracted  by 
our  fun  approach,"  said  organizer 
Weir,  "but  once  they  got  there  they 
were  interested  in  serious  discussions." 

The  sex  workshops  were  the  first  such 
public  discussions  organized  by  a  les- 
bian group  in  Toronto.  "It  wasn't  possi- 
ble for  everyone  to  open  up  in  such  a 
large  group,"  one  participant  com- 
plained afterwards.  "I  couldn't  have 
said  what  I  was  really  thinking,  when  we 
were  talking  about  what  turns  us  on,  for 
fear  of  being  judged,"  said  another. 

It  was  an  important  beginning,  Weir 
insists.  "We're  moving  away  from  les- 
bian feminism  as  defined  by  the  Furies 
in  1970  when  everything  was  wonderful 
and  we  were  all  supposed  to  think 
alike,"  she  said.  "That  orthodoxy  is 
breaking  down;  knee-jerk  responses 
aren't  good  enough  any  more.  I  think 
that's  the  best  that  can  be  hoped  for." 

The  day  was  financed  by  a  grant  from 
the  Gay  Community  Appeal. 

Chris  BearchellD 

Getting  set  for  Doing  It! 

TORONTO  —  "Doing  It!  Lesbian  and 
Gay  Liberation  in  the  80s,"  a  national 
conference  and  festival,  will  be  held 
here  June  26  to  July  4. 

A  dance  put  on  by  Toronto's  Gay 
Community  Dance  Committee  will 
launch  the  festivities,  followed  by  Les- 
bian and  Gay  Pride  Day  celebrations 
the  next  day. 

The  conference  will  begin  June  30  and 
will  include  lots  for  the  brain  (discussion 
on  policing,  lesbian  and  gay  youth,  the 
right,  the  politics  of  sex),  lots  for  the 
soul  and  brain  (movies,  theatre  events, 
art  displays)  and  lots  for  the  soul  alone 
(dances,  picnics,  opportunities  to  meet 

Groups  like  Gay  Fathers  and  the 
North  American  Man /Boy  Love  Asso- 
ciation will  be  holding  mini-confer- 
ences. There  will  be  sessions  with  names 
like  "Wilde  82"  (herstory  and  history), 
and  "Lesbians  in  the  Gay  Movement" 
(sponsored  by  the  Coalition  for  Gay 
Rights  in  Ontario)  and  a  gay  media  con- 
ference sponsored  by  TBP. 

A  highlight  of  the  conference  will  be 
the  world  premiere  of  a  film  on  Toron- 
to's 1981  bath  raids,  with  a  cast  of  four 

For  registration  or  further  informa- 
tion, contact  "Doing  It!"  in  care  of  the 
Toronto  Gay  Community  Council,  730 
Bathurst  Street,  Toronto,  ON  M5S  2R4, 
or  telephone  (416)  533-6824. 

Come  and  "Do  It"  in  Toronto  this 

Danny  CockeriineD 

Gay  council  a  new 
umbrella  for  Toronto 

From  an  underground  subculture  a 
decade  ago  to  thousands  of  angry  —  or 
celebratory  —  lesbians  and  gay  men  in 
the  streets  (not  once,  but  eight  or  nine 
times  in  the  past  year),  Toronto's  gay 
community  has  seen  some  dramatic 
changes.  Growth  hasn't  always  been  an 
easy,  or  an  even,  process. 
The  early  Toronto  gay  movement  was 

dominated  by  one  or  two  umbrella  or- 
ganizations, much  like  those  that  thrive 
in  many  Canadian  cities  today.  The 
typical  gay  liberation  umbrella  group 
has  a  newsletter,  a  lesbian  caucus,  an 
education  committee,  a  phoneline,  a 
political  action  committee  and  a  dance 
committee.  And  nowadays,  in  larger 
cities,  much  of  its  activity  is  probably 
geared  to  what  the  Moral  Majority  calls 
recruitment  —  making  it  easier  for  more 
of  us  to  come  out. 

In  the  course  of  a  decade  in  Toronto, 
a  disjointed  collection  of  60  or  more  so- 
cial, religious,  political,  cultural,  pro- 
fessional, recreational  and  community 
service  organizations  (not  to  mention 
many  gay-identified  businesses  and  in- 
dividual professionals)  has  emerged. 

Somewhere  along  the  way,  though, 
they  or  their  forebears  gave  up  trying  to 
fit  under  one  organizational  umbrella. 
By  1978,  when  a  meeting  was  called  to 
organize  a  common  response  to  Anita 
Bryant's  visit,  many  lesbian  and  gay 
male  activists  were  surprised  at  how 
many  others  showed  up,  at  how  many 
people  they  knew,  and  at  how  many 
they  didn't. 

Since  then,  especially  through  George 
Hislop's  attempts  to  enter  municipal 
politics,  Toronto's  gay  population  has 
acquired  a  much  higher  public  profile 
which  has  contributed  to  its  own  confi- 
dence and  development.  The  higher 
profile  has  proven  to  be  a  mixed  bless- 
ing, bringing  with  it  increased  hostility, 
most  notably  from  the  police,  which  has 
in  turn  hastened  the  community's  trans- 

In  the  wake  of  the  bathhouse  raids, 
an  idea  that  had  been  kicking  around 
for  a  while  took  on  new  urgency.  The 
Gay  Community  Council  was  formed. 

Membership  has  ballooned  since  the 
first  dozen  groups  began  meeting  in  the 
drafty  basement  of  the  519  Community 
Centre  in  March  1981.  As  many  as  25 
organizations  at  a  time,  from  among  a 
total  of  about  35  participants,  send  rep- 
resentatives to  meetings  held  the  fourth 
Wednesday  of  every  month. 

A  temporary  structure  for  the  council 
was  adopted  in  January  of  this  year  and 
it  is  still,  carefully,  unfolding.  A  com- 
mittee of  five  coordinators  keeps  things 
going  between  meetings.  Standing  com- 
mittees have  been  formed  to  investigate 
gay  community/police  relations  (the  sin- 

Find  the  answers  to  these  and  other  grave 
questions  at  the 



jf^^ic^  The  Late  Great  Cafe  •  580  Parliament  (At  Wellesley)  •  Toronto,  Canada  •  922-6655 


MAY  1982 

gle  biggest  item  on  the  council's  agenda 
since  the  release  of  the  Bruner  Report), 
social  services  for  young  lesbians  and 
gay  men,  a  committee  to  organize  "Do- 
ing it!"  Lesbian  and  Gay  Liberation  in 
the  '80s  —  a  conference  scheduled  for 
June  30  -  July  4,  the  inescapable  finance 
committee  and,  working  closely  with  it, 
a  membership  committee. 

This  last,  modest-sounding  project  — 
a  membership  committee  —  is  pivotal  to 
the  council's  future,  according  to  con- 
ventional wisdom  among  existing  coun- 
cil representatives.  They  know  they  have 
to  be  able  to  sell  the  organization  as  a 
more  innovative,  vital  version  of  the 
too-often-disputed  "umbrella,"  both  to 
the  members  of  their  own  groups  and  to 
the  many  groups  that  have  so  far  only 
received  council  minutes. 

With  a  membership  structure  that  al- 
lows each  group  to  choose  its  own  level 
of  participation,  fees  designed  to  cover 
costs  while  not  taxing  anyone's  re- 
sources beyond  what  they  can  afford 
and  a  commitment  to  an  efficient  ver- 
sion of  consensus  decision-making,  they 
shouldn't  have  too  much  difficuhy.  Gay 
people  not  affiliated  with  other  groups 
may  participate  directly  in  the  council 
through  its  own  committees  and  by  sup- 
porting its  projects  —  particularly  "Do- 
ing it!"  and  the  24-hour  recorded 
telephone  calendar  (923-GAYS),  for 
which  the  council  has  now  taken  re- 
sponsibility. The  council  has  two  impor- 
tant things  going  for  it:  a  lot  of  exciting 
things  cue  happening  in  the  community, 
and  many  of  the  people  who  make  them 
happen  recognize  the  value  of  talking  to 
each  other. 

Chris  BearchellD 

City  pays  GO  stafT 

OTTAWA  —  Gays  of  Ottawa  has 
received  a  $10,000  municipal  grant  to 
hire  a  volunteer  coordinator,  whose  job 
will  include  improving  liaison  between 
the  gay  community  and  social  service 
agencies,  as  well  as  generating  greater 
gay  community  involvement  in  the  ac- 
tivities of  Gays  of  Ottawa. 

The  grant  was  awarded  on  April  7, 
after  being  initially  rejected  in  the  city's 
committee  system.  According  to  one 
GO  activist,  much  lobbying  was  re- 
quired for  City  Council  to  overturn  the 
Social  Planning  and  Development  Com- 
mittee's initial  verdict. 

On  the  day  of  the  vote,  broadcaster 
Lowell  Green  used  his  three  hour  hot- 
line radio  show  to  get  155  people  to  reg- 
ister their  opposition  to  the  grant  by 
phoning  city  hall.  Green  admitted  that 
he  didn't  know  what  the  grant  was  for, 
just  that  it  was  going  to  Gays  of 

Apart  from  that,  GO  deliberately 
tried  to  keep  media  coverage  to  a  mini- 
mum before  the  grant  was  approved. 
"We  were  more  interested  in  getting  the 
money  than  the  publicity,"  gay  activist 
John  Duggan  said.  "But  the  extensive 
coverage  that  did  occur  after  the  vote 
A-as  surprisingly  non-sensation- 


In  pursuit  of  the  coveted  ruby  slippers 


In  last  issue's  story  on  submissions  to 
the  Alberta  Human  Rights  Commis- 
sion ("Groups  pressure  AHRC," 
page  11),  the  name  of  Henry  Berg 
was  incorrectly  substituted  for  that 
of  Ben  Berg,  the  member  of  Gay  In- 
formation and  Resources  Calgary 
who  presented  a  brief  to  the  commis- 
sion on  April  7. 

Our  apologies  lo  Ben  Berg  for  this 
error.  The  Collective 

TORONTO  —  The  Judy  Garland 
Memorial  Bowling  League  played  the 
last  evening  of  its  regular  season  April 
19  and,  for  the  second  year  running,  the 
team  with  the  unlikely  name  of  Rain- 
bow High  captured  the  coveted  Ruby 
Slippers  trophy. 

The  JGMBL  is  one  of  the  oldest  gay 
sports  leagues  in  North  America,  dating 
its  origins  in  the  mid  1960s. 

In  the  1966-67  season,  the  St  James 
Bowling  League  consisted  of  eight 
teams,  one  of  which  boasted  four  les- 
bians and  one  gay  male  known  to  the 
league  as  "Gypsy."  When  one  of  the 
team  members  took  ill,  Jim  Smith  (not 
his  real  name),  a  friend  of  Gypsy,  was 
asked  to  substitute.  The  next  year  there 
were  two  gay  teams,  and  by  the  follow- 
ing year  half  the  league  was  gay. 
Jim  Smith  became  secretary,  the  only 
official  position  the  league  had  then.  In 
1969  the  league  declared  itself  all-gay 
and  changed  its  name  to  the  Judy 
Garland  Memorial  Bowling  League. 

Smith  recalls  the  early  days  of  mixed- 
orientation  play  with  amusement.  To 
the  dismay  of  straight  bowlers  the 
members  of  one  of  the  early  gay  teams, 
who  called  themselves  the  Butter  Tarts, 
were  not  at  all  closety  about  their  sex- 
uahty.  They  developed  disconcerting 
habits  such  as  shrilling  in  unison  "oh 
no!"  whenever  a  team  member  bowled 
a  gutterball.  One  night  the  straights  got 
so  upset  they  challanged  the  gays  to 
"step  outside."  Unimpressed,  the  But- 
ter Tarts,  hands  on  hips,  retorted  "Are 
you  kidding?" 

With  the  formation  of  the  JGMBL, 
such  problems  were  eliminated.  The 
new  name  was  taken  from  a  spot  on 
Fire  Island  between  the  Pines  and 
Cherry  Grove  then  called  the  Judy 
Garland  Memorial  Park  (now  spoken  of 
as  the  Meat  Rack).  The  Judy  Garland 
theme  has  inspired  team  names  such  as 
Emerald  City,  Friends  of  Dorothy,  and 
Toto  Too. 

In  1980  the  International  Gay  Bowl- 
ing Organization  (IGBO)  was  formed, 
the  JGMBL  being  one  of  the  founding 
members.  All  the  other  leagues  were 

American.  The  proliferation  of  gay 
bowling  leagues  in  most  large  American 
cities  since  then  has  been  remarkable. 
There  are  eight  in  Milwaukee  alone. 

Smith,  still  the  league  secretary,  at- 
tributes bowling's  success  to  the  fact 
that  it  is  an  equahzing  sport.  Under  the 
handicap  system,  each  player  competes 

against  his  own  averge  score,  so  that 
anyone  can  be  a  "star  for  a  night"  by 
bowling  much  better  than  her  average. 
Smith  contrasts  this  to  softball  (of 
which  he  is  a  avid  player)  where  the  less 
skilled  team  members  never  really  get  a 
chance  to  save  a  game. "Bowling  is 
something  you  can  do  outside  the  bars 
on  a  week  night  that  includes  competi- 
tion but  not  too  much  pressure,"  Smith 
said.  "It's  very  social.  In  the  course  of 
the  season  you  get  to  meet  almost 
everyone  in  the  league." 

The  American  leagues  are  continually 
amjized  by  JGMBL's  outrageousness  at 
international  tournaments.  At  the  Texas 
Roll-Off  Tournament  (TROT  II)  in 
Houston  which  took  place  at  the  time  of 
last  July's  royal  wedding,-  the  Rainbow 
High  team  sported  tiaras  and  handed 
out  royal  couple  matchboxes  "from  the 
family"  "All  those  big  hunks  said 

things  Uke,  'Can  I  have  two?  My 
mother  collects  them,'  "  Smith 

Thirty-five  JGMBL  players  attended 
the  Second  Dixie  Classic  in  Atlanta  over 
the  Easter  weekend.  They  took  "lots  of 
Toronto  postcards  and  those  Dominion 
shopping  bags  that  say,  'You'll  love  us 
for  more  than  our  meat'."  Obviously 
the  Americans  do;  Houston  for  one 
won't  play  in  a  tournament  unless 
Toronto  is  invited. 

But  the  history  of  the  league  hasn't 
been  all  smooth  rolling.  In  the  summer 
of  1979,  the  downtown  Olympia  Ed- 
ward bowling  alley  closed,  causing  the 
other  Toronto  gay  league  (SLY  I)  to  fold 
and  the  JGMBL  ,  with  a  depleted 
membership,  to  play  the  following 
season  at  an  alley  in  suburban  North 
York.  Since  then  membership  has  swell- 
ed again  and  this  past  year  has  seen  a 
switch  to  ten-pin  bowling  (which  the 
Americans  play)  from  five-pin. 

With  nicknames  for  its  members  like 
Betty  Anne,  Gypsy,  and  Porno  (Jim 
Smith),  and  a  nightly  Tessie  Time  fea- 
turing the  tacky  jokes  of  "Tessie",  who 
has  become  almost  a  league  institution. 
Bowling  night  for  the  Judy  Garland  is 
as  much  a  party  as  anything  else. 

As  this  season  draws  to  a  close  with 
the  playoffs,  the  league  looks  forward 
to  its  infamous  annual  banquet.  True  to 
the  tradition  started  by  the  Butter  Tarts 
in  1969,  when  they  affronted  the  for- 
mally-dressed straights  by  arriving  in 
tennis  shorts  and  elbow-length  gloves 
and  handing  out  two  dozen  butter  tarts 
(the  edible  kind)  to  their  "favourite 
players,"  the  banquets  have  always 
been  the  occasion  of  much 

The  banquet  has  been  held  at  the 
Town  and  Country  and  at  the 
Metropolitan  Community  Church.  Both 
places  told  them  never  to  come  back. 
For  three  years  the  banquet  was  also 
held  at  the  now-defunct  Carriage  House 
Hotel  and  at  the  old  King  Edward 
Hotel.  Quipped  Smith,  "we're  good  at 
closing  places  down." 

Gerry  Keith  D 

MAY  1982 


On  the  road  with  the  found-in  follies 

TORONTO  —  With  its  cast  of  thou- 
sands and  its  three  locations,  Toronto's 
famous  bath-raid  trials  seem  to  be  all 
over  the  map.  Here's  an  update: 

Back  Door  Gym  and  Sauna 

Allan  C  Fetterly,  owner  of  the  Back 
Door  Gym  and  Sauna,  was  found  guilty 
of  keeping  a  common  bawdy  house  in  a 
judgement  handed  down  by  Judge  H 
Meen,  March  26.  Fetterly  was  fined 
$3,000.  A  sum  of  $1 ,200,  confiscated  by 
police  on  the  day  of  the  raid,  was 
ordered  returned  to  Fetterly  over  Crown 
objections.  Co-accused,  Dale  DeLong 
and  Gerald  Willett,  were  given  condi- 
tional discharges  and  one  year's 

Fetterly  is  appealing  the  conviction,  a 
process  which  could  take  up  to  ten 
months.  However,  the  Crown  is  report- 
ed to  have  advised  the  Back  Door's 
landlord  of  the  convction.  Such  a  notice 
obliges  the  landlord  to  "take  all  reason- 
able steps  to  prevent  a  recurrence  of  the 
offence,"  which  means  the  bath  could 
well  be  closed. 

Until  the  appeal  is  heard,  however, 
closure  is  halted.  The  Back  Door  Gym 
and  Sauna  remains  open.  "Business  is 
booming,"  Fetterly  told  TBP. 

Barracks/Club  Baths 

Did  police  have  "reasonable  and 
probable"  grounds  for  laying  con- 
spiracy charges  against  the  owners  of 
the  Barracks  and  the  Club?  As  defence 
counsel  Morris  Manning  sees  it,  they 
did  not. 

A  preliminary  hearing  began  before 
Judge  D  F  Graham  April  1,  the  details 
of  which  we  cannot  report.  However, 
Manning  brought  the  proceedings  to  an 
abrupt  halt  by  giving  notice  of  appeal  of 
a  decision  made  within  the  hearing, 
which  is  now  not  expected  to  resume 
until  September  at  the  earliest. 

The  conspiracy  charges  were  laid  by 
Sgt  Carter  of  Intelligence.  His  inves- 
tigation, he  told  Manning  before  the 
hearing,  did  not  discover  any  links 
between  the  bath  owners  and  organized 

■ifiiWwiwiiiniiiiii'iii»*>jiiiSf  m 

RTPC  legal  co-ordinator  Dennis  Findlay:  how  one  helping  hand  can  get  two  found-ins  off 

Scarborough  Fare 

"Scarborough?  Isn  't  that  where  the 
bluffs  are?"  "Yeah.  They  used  to  be 
along  the  shore.  Now  they've  moved 
them  indoors.  "  (Overheard  in  the  court 

Site  of  the  indoor  bluffs  is  Scarbor- 
ough's Courtroom  405.  April  16  saw  the 
conclusion  of  the  first  eight  of  19  trial 
days  set  aside  in  Scarborough  to  try 
bath-raid  found-ins.  Over  135  cases 
were  parachuted  into  Toronto's  eastern 
suburb  at  a  marathon  trial-setting  ses- 
sion February  19.  Of  these,  two  have 
already  been  lobbed  back  into  the  city. 

So  far,  all  found-ins  have  pleaded  not 
guilty,  leaving  the  onus  on  the  crown  to 
prove  otherwise.  Trials  can  be  short  or 
long,  but  the  shortest  are  those  in  which 
the  Crown  fails  to  produce  evidence,  as 
when  arresting  officers  are  unable  to 
appear  in  court. 

Bawdy  house  status  of  bar  upheld 

MONTREAL  —  The  Quebec  Court  of 
Appeal  on  March  9  upheld  a  1980  ruling 
that  the  owner  of  the  Truxx  bar  was 
guilty  of  keeping  a  common  bawdy- 
house.  The  court  also  maintained  the 
fine  of  $5,000  levied  against  owner 
Giuseppe  Salvaggio  while  reducing  his 
prison  term  from  10  to  three  days. 

Truxx  was  originally  raided  by  police 
in  October  1977  and  140  men  were 
arrested  as  found-ins.  These  men  have 
not  yet  been  tried,  nor  have  they  had 
even  one  court  appearance,  presumably 
because  the  Crown  was  awaiting  the 
outcome  of  the  keeper's  appeal. 

The  raid  caused  considerable  anger  in 
the  gay  community  towards  the  police, 
who  descended  on  the  club  in  full  riot 
gear,  forced  many  of  the  patrons  to  sub- 
mit later  to  VD  tests  and  locked  up  20 
men  in  jail  overnight.  The  subsequent 
trial  only  increased  gay  animosity,  as  the 
presiding  judge,  Roland  Langlois  (now 
retired),  was  blatantly  partial  to  the 
Crown's  case  and  often  questioned  the 
accused  in  an  aggressive  manner.  His 

judgment  paid  no  attention  to  defence 
testimony  and  rested  entirely  on  police 
accounts  of  activities  in  the  bar. 

In  the  appeal  court  decision.  Judge 
Montgomery  admitted  that  Langlois's 
cross-examination  of  defence  witnesses 
was  uncalled  for,  but  maintained  he  was 
not  in  error  in  giving  more  credibility  to 
police  testimony.  The  court  also  found 
that  acts  of  gross  indecency,  by  which 
the  trial  judge  specified  he  meant  mutu- 
al masturbation  and  anal  intercourse, 
had  taken  place,  and  that  even  though 
these  acts  were  performed  in  the  toilets, 
the  stall  doors  were  open,  allowing 
anyone  to  see  what  was  going  on. 

Montgomery  added  that  he  felt  even 
if  the  majority  of  the  Truxx  clientele  did 
not  participate  in  indecent  acts  them- 
selves, they  went  there  to  watch.  Part  of 
his  reason  for  this  was  the  full  name  of 
the  establishment,  "Truxx  Cruising 
Bar,"  which,  he  said,  was  suggestive  of 
"habitually  promiscuous"  behaviour. 

It  is  not  yet  known  whether  the  owner 
intends  to  appeal  the  matter  further. 


Observers  have  noted  a  possible 
advantage  for  found-ins  brought  to  trial 
in  Scarborough.  They  have  a  long  way 
to  travel,  but  so  do  Crown  witnesses. 
The  latter  very  often  don't  make  it  and 
charges  are  then  withdrawn. 

Fully  adjudicated  trials  have  been 
occurring  on  average  of  one  trial  per 
trial-day.  Identification  of  the  accused 
has  become  a  crucial  issue  in  these 
trials.  Judges  have  been  allowing 
counsel  to  keep  their  clients  concealed 
in  the  body  of  the  court  until  identified 
and  pointed  out  by  a  Crown  witness, 
usually  the  arresting  officer. 

In  order  to  protect  the  rights  of  the 
found-ins  in  this  regard,  Crown  witnes- 
ses have  been  sent  out  of  the  court  to 
prevent  them  from  seeing  the  accused 
during  the  reading  of  the  charges. 
However,  one  observer  found  that  by 
standing  in  the  court  hallway  it  was  easy 
to  see  a  defendant  through  windows  in 
the  courtroom  door  when  he  left  the 
body  of  the  court  to  stand  before  the 
judge  while  the  charge  was  read. 

Fears  were  expressed  that  the  win- 
dows thus  provided  excluded  Crown 
witnesses  with  an  unnoticed  opportunity 
to  refresh  their  memories.  The  Crown 
vehemently  declared  such  fears  were 
groundless,  but  the  same  observer  later 
noticed  Crown  witnesses  had  suddenly 
become  quite  scrupulous  about  not 
appearing  near  the  windows. 

Protection  of  the  identity  of  the 
defendants  has  in  some  cases  been  car- 
ried to  comic  extremes.  One  court  visi- 
tor, incorrectly  identified  by  an  officer 
as  the  man  he  arrested  the  night  of  the 
raid,  stood  up  to  deny  that  he  was  the 
person  charged.  Dismayed,  the  Crown 
demanded,  "What  is  your  name?"  Un- 
dismayed, the  visitor  refused  to  state  his 
name:  "I  have  a  driver's  licence.  I'll 
show  that  to  you,"  he  offered.  "What 
is  your  name?"  the  Crown  shouted.  The 
visitor  remained  silent,  looking  at  the 
defence  counsel.  Argument  broke  out 
between  the  contending  attorneys.  The 
visitor  remained  nameless.  The  over- 
looked defendant  came  forward  and 
identified  himself.  The  case  was 

Defendants  have  also  been  winning 

acquittal  on  the  ground  of  "lawful 
excuse."  Judges  have  been  accepting  a 
variety  of  explanations  from  accused 
persons:  a  cheap  room  for  the  night; 
sauna  used  for  therapeutic  reasons 
(arthritis,  asthma);  poor  late-night 
transit  service  to  home  in  the  suburbs;  a 
visit  to  check  gym  facilities;  newly- 
painted  apartment  unpleasant.... 

Found-in  charges  may  well  be  the 
most  boring  to  prosecute.  Until  the  1981 
raids  they  had  never  been  extensively 
fought.  By  fighting  the  charges,  gay 
defendants  have  been  igniting  a  proce- 
dure that  had  previously  degenerated 
into  rubber  stamping. 

Dennis  Findlay,  court  monitor  for  the 
Right  to  Privacy  Committee,  learned  of 
a  defendant  who  had  come  to  court 
April  6  wanting  to  plead  not  guilty.  The 
only  drawback  was  that  the  accused  had 
no  lawyer.  Findlay  advised  the  Crown 
that  he  would  appear  for  the  found-in. 
The  practice  was  not  unheard  of,  but  it 
was  Findlay's  first  try.  At  the  end  of  his 
presentation,  the  judge  gave  the  defend- 
ant an  acquittal.  Two  days  later,  Find- 
lay argued  a  second  case.  He  won  that 
too.  A  rueful  Crown  remarked  after  the 
first  win:  "He  did  a  good  job.  A  fellow 
with  no  legal  training  at  all!"  and  then 
added  sceptically,  " —  he  says." 

Crown  Attorneys  have  a  way  with 
words.  Two  of  them  say  "heeterosex- 
ual,"  giving  the  word  a  thermal  touch. 

An  undercover  officer  testifying  at 
the  Barracks /Club  conspiracy  hearings 
told  of  seeing  a  naked  male  with  his  legs 
drawn  up  "in  what  is  known  as  the 
'military'  position."  Sexologists  in  the 
court  concluded  that  the  officer  meant 
to  say  the  "missionary"  position,  but 
assumed  the  Barracks  would  have  a 
martial  word  for  it. 

Found-in  Tally 

Completed  trials  as  of  mid-April:  100. 
Wins:  79;  losses:  18;  pending:  2\J 

Prominent  Canadians 
sign  up  for  privacy 

TORONTO  -  What  do  Pierre  Berton,  John 
Sewell,  the  Student  Christian  Movement  of 
Canada,  the  Cooperative  Housing  Federation 
of  Toronto,  Robert  Fulford,  Leo  Panitch,  June 
Callwood,  and  the  Qual<er  Committee  on 
Jails  and  Justice  all  have  in  common? 

They  all  want  to  see  Canada's  '  'bawdy 
house"  laws  repealed,  and  they've  all 
signed  an  advocacy  ad  which  the  Right  to 
Privacy  Committee  will  run  in  the  Globe  and 
Mail,  stating  just  that. 

The  full-page  ad  is  scheduled  to  run  at 
some  point  during  deliberations  by  the 
federal  government's  Justice  and  Legal  Af- 
fairs Committee  on  Bill  C-53.  This  omnibus 
bill  will,  if  passed,  bring  changes  to  various 
parts  of  the  Criminal  Code,  including  sec- 
tions dealing  with  age  of  consent  and  a  host 
of  sexual  offences.  The  legislation  does  not, 
however,  include  repeal  of  the  Code's  bawdy 
house  provisions.  As  of  TBP's  mid- April 
press  date,  the  bill  was  scheduled  to  be 
before  committee  from  April  21  through  the 
end  of  May. 

There 's  still  time  to  '  'sign  up  for 
privacy.  "  Send  your  name,  signature  and  a 
cheque  for  $10  (to  help  pay  for  the  ad)  to 
Privacy  Ad  Campaign,  730  Bathurst  St, 
Toronto,  ON  M5S  2R4. 

Kevin  OrrB 




'"""  «'M  "m  If,.  „ 



Teacher  faces 
indecency  charges 

MONTREAL  —  A  Montreal  teacher 
was  charged  on  two  counts  each  of 
gross  indecency  and  contributing  to 
juvenile  delinquency  April  8,  when  it 
was  discovered  he  had  been  having  sex 
with  two  male  students,  aged  15  and  16. 

Roch  Menard,  43,  a  music  teacher  at 
I'ecole  polyvalente  La  Magdeleine  in  the 
Montreal  suburb  of  Laprairie,  was 
charged  following  complaints  by  the 
students'  mothers.  Menard  resigned 
immediately  after  the  charges  were 
made  public. 

The  story  received  sensational  cover- 
age in  the  Journal  de  Montreal  and 
particularly  in  the  scandeil  sheet  Photo 
Police  which  rsm  a  two-page  spread 
complete  with  photos.  Both  papers 
alleged  that  prostitution  was  involved, 
and  hinted  that  Menard  has  had  rela- 
tions with  at  least  10  students  over  the 
past  few  years. 

Menard  emphatically  denied  the 
prostitution  allegations,  stating  the 
students  were  willing  participants,  and 
that  he  had  given  them  money  for  taxi 
fare  and  other  expenses,  but  not  for  sex. 
In  fact,  Menard  told  Photo  Police  he 
had  been  living  with  the  mother  of  one 
of  the  adolescents,  and  that  she  had 
been  fully  aware  of  his  relationship  with 
her  son. 

Even  school  board  president  RoUand 
Charlebois  was  quoted  in  the  Journal  as 
saying  he  felt  that  while  Menard  was 
primarily  responsible,  the  students  had 
had  sex  with  him  of  their  own  accord. 
"At  15  years  of  age,"  he  said,  "one  is 
no  longer  a  child." 

The  trial  date  is  set  for  May  4. 

Robert  IVowD 


"A  delicate  matter": 
School  bars  speaker 

MONTREAL  —  A  high  school  prin- 
cipal refused  to  allow  a  speaker  from 
Gay  and  Lesbian  Friends  of  Concordia 
(University)  to  address  a  grade  11 
humanities  class  recently  because  the 
topic  was  "a  delicate  matter  and  parents 
might  object." 

The  speaker  was  to  be  part  of  a  pres- 
entation by  a  group  of  Wagar  High 
School  students  to  their  classmates  on 
the  subject  of  homosexuality.  One  of 
the  students  in  the  group,  Peggy  Donen- 
feld,  said  the  project  had  already  been 
approved  by  parents.  However,  princip- 
al Herre  de  Groot  refused  to  take  this 
into  account  and  vetoed  the  speaker. 

Gay  and  Lesbian  Friends  of  Concor- 
dia member  Jon  Wolfe  has  sent  a  letter 
of  complaint  to  Quebec's  human  rights 
commission,  since  the  province's  rights 
code  prohibits  discrimination  on  the 
grounds  of  sexual  orientation.  Due  to 
the  backlog  of  cases,  the  complaint  will 
probably  not  be  heard  for  several 
months,  according  to  Giselle  Cloutier  of 
the  commission. 

The  class  presentation  went  ahead, 
with  the  students  using  an  audiotape  of 
an  interview  with  members  of  the  Con- 
cordia group  rather  than  the  live  speak- 
er. According  to  Peggy  Donenfcld, 
"The  class  was  very  interested  and  1 
think  the  students  learned  a  lot  from 

The  incident  received  some  coverage 
in  local  news  media,  including  two  artic- 

Flghting  to  clear  his  name:  Gay  social  worker  Rob  Joyce  at  Vancouver's  Senator  House 

les  in  the  Montreal  Gazette.  "Consider- 
ing the  controversy  generated  by  this 
issue,  I  think  we  raised  more  awareness 
than  we  planned  on,"  said  Donenfeld. 
Philip  Fotheringham  D 

Fired  social  worker 
seeks  compensation 

VANCOUVER  —  A  gay  social  service 
worker  continues  the  battle  to  have  his 
name  cleared  of  allegations  that  he  had 
sex  with  a  fifteen-year-old  hustler. 
Rob  Joyce  was  fired  February  3  from 
his  position  as  a  job  counsellor  at 
Senator  House,  a  multi-faceted  pro- 
gramme for  street  kids  in  the  Granville- 
Davie  Street  area  (see  TBP,  March).  His 
employer,  the  British  Columbia  Correc- 
tions Association  (BCCA),  dismissed 
Joyce  for  reasons  ranging  from  using 
working  hours  "to  attend  to  matters  of 
a  personal  nature"  to  being  "un- 
cooperative, unpleasant,  demanding 
and  hostile."  The  reasons  were  supplied 
after  Joyce  repeatedly  demanded  writ- 
ten clearance  of  the  unsubstantiated 
charges  that  he  had  paid  a  youth  $60  for 
a  blow-job. 

"I  was  in  a  Catch-22  situation,"  said 
Joyce.  "If  I  had  said  nothing  the  allega- 
tion would  stand;  since  I  complained, 
I'm  punished  for  complaining." 

In  a  carefully  worded  letter  March  8, 
William  Kelley,  chairman  of  the  Man- 
agement Committee  of  the  BCCA,  told 
Joyce  that  he  was  "satisfied"  that  there 
was  no  reason  for  his  employer  to  dis- 


miss,  suspend  or  discipline  Joyce  as 
there  was  no  "evidence"  to  support  the 
allegations.  Included  with  this  statement 
was  a  letter  of  reference  praising  Joyce 
for  his  tenacity  and  his  ability  to  work 

Joyce  called  Kelley' s  statements  "val- 
ueless" and  vowed  he  will  continue  to 
prepare  a  case  for  wrongful  dismissal 
against  his  employer.  "In  fact,  the  letter 
really  has  done  nothing  but  aggravate 
the  situation,"  Joyce  told  TBP. 

Still  pending  is  a  report  from  the 
provincial  ombudsman's  office  which 
was  initiated  in  February  and  is  ex- 
pected to  be  released  shortly.  "I  think 
the  (ombudsman's)  report  will  clear  me 
beyond  a  shadow  of  a  doubt,"  Joyce 

Joyce  is  determined  to  receive  com- 
pensation for  both  his  dismissal  and  the 
"three  months  of  agony"  which  have 
resulted  from  his  pleas  for  just  treat- 
ment. He  feels  his  credibiUty  as  a  social 
service  worker  is  jeopardized  until  all 
parties  concerned  denounce  the  allega- 
tions in  writing. 

Joyce  continues  to  plan  legal  action 
against  the  provincial  Ministry  of 
Human  Resources  and  the  Alternate 
Shelter  Society,  the  body  which  oversees 
the  Senator  House  Project. 

Craig  Patterson  D 

Forces  fight  rights 

OTTAWA  —  The  Canadian  Armed 
Forces  has  asked  the  federal  govern- 
ment for  exemption  from  certain  sec- 
tions of  the  new  Charter  of  Rights  and 

Freedoms  barring  discrimination  on  the 
basis  of  opinion  or  belief,  criminal 
record,  sex  and  mental  or  physical  han- 
dicap. However,  government  officials 
indicate  that  the  request  will  almost 
certainly  be  denied,  and  that  the  Armed 
Forces  Act  might  even  be  tightened  up 
to  ensure  that  the  miUtary  compHes  fully 
with  the  new  Charter. 

A  National  Defence  Department 
spokesperson  told  the  Globe  and  Mail 
March  10  that  the  exemptions  were 
needed  "to  ensure  the  discipline  and 
order  that  is  necessary  in  the  Armed 

Although  sexual  orientation  is  includ- 
ed in  neither  the  Charter  nor  the  Cana- 
dian Human  Rights  Act,  the  Armed 
Forces  have  made  clear  their  opposition 
to  extending  protection  to  homosexuals. 
National  Defence  deputy  judge  advo- 
cate Col  Frank  Karwandy  told  the  na- 
tional defence  subcommittee  of  the  Sen- 
ate Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs  that 
homosexuals  are  open  to  blackmail  even 
when  their  sexuality  is  known,  and  that 
"History  has  shown  that  homosexual 
conduct  undermines  morale  and  creates 
conflicts  in  interpersonal  relationships 
which  would  have  a  detrimental  effect 
on  the  operational  efficiency  of  the 
Forces."  He  added  that  he  felt  the  Can- 
adian public  was  not  prepared  to  accept 
homosexuals  in  the  military. 

Karwandy  also  listed  a  number  of 

other  factors  which  he  said  could  under- 
mine the  standards  of  the  Forces,  such 
as  certain  political  beliefs,  criminal 
records,  mental  handicaps  and  women 
in  combat  roles. 

It  is  uncertain  if  or  when  the  matter 
will  be  dealt  with  by  parliament. 

Robert  Trow  □ 

A  gay  United  Church  moderator? 

TORONTO  —  A  prominent  local  clergy- 
man has  publicly  prayed  that  his  church 
will  elect  a  homosexual  to  its  highest 

Rev  Clifford  Elliott,  minister  of  down- 
town Bloor  Street  United  Church,  made 
the  remark  April  17  in  his  column  in  the 
Toronto  Star.  It  came  at  the  end  of  a 
point-by-point  refutation  of  five  argu- 
ments used  recently  by  the  Hamilton 
Conference  of  the  United  Church  of 
Canada  to  justify  its  refusal  to  ordain 
openly  lesbian  and  gay  ministers. 

Elliott  wrote  that  the  Hamilton  body's 
decision  "fills  me  with  great  sadness. 
More  than  that.  Shame....  We  are 
presently  celebrating  the  election  of  our 
first  woman  moderator.  1  pray  it  will 
not  be  long  before  we  elect  our  first 

To  the  argument  that  it  would  be 
difficult  to  place  gay  ministers,  Elliott 
replied  that  his  church  "has  ordained 
women  for  over  40  years  —  long  before 
congregations  were  open  to  receiving 

He  countered  the  fear  that  lesbian  or 
gay  ministers  would  molest  children  with 
a  flat  denial,  stating  that  "homosexuals 
are  no  more  likely  to  be  child  molesters 
than  are  heterosexuals." 

While  the  Hamilton  group  thought 
that  lack  of  protection  for  homosexuals 
in  human  rights  codes  argued  for 
excluding  them  from  the  ministry,  Elliott 
wrote,  "Surely  the  church  should  cam- 
paign for  such  protection,  not  bow  to  the 

Elliott  showed  the  folly  of  the  fourth 
argument,  thai  it  vsinild  not  he  reason 

able  to  ask  homosexual  ministers  to  be 
celibate,  by  stating  the  simple  fact  that 
celibacy  is  not  required  of  any  United 
Church  clergy. 

The  final  reason  given  by  the  Hamilton 
conference  was  that  there  is  no  theological 
support  for  a  "gay  theology."  According 
to  Elliot,  that  is  "merely  to  say  that  some 
theologians  disagree  with  others  on  the 
matter  of  homosexuality." 

The  decision  of  one  conference  does 
not,  however,  represent  the  views  of  the 
church  as  a  whole.  The  personnel  com- 
mittee of  the  Toronto  conference,  for 
example,  has  recently  recommended  that 
a  person's  sexual  orientation  not  be  con- 
sidered when  judging  candidates  for  or- 
dination. And  the  church's  next  General 
Council  will  consider  adopting  wide- 
ranging  policy  changes  on  sexual  moral- 
ity, including  a  recommendation  (hat 
openly  gay  and  lesbian  candidates  be 
accepted  for  ordination. 

Roger  Spalding" 

MAY  1982 





Then  The  Body  Politic 

is  right  where  you  are.  Check 

the  list  below  for  the  location 

of  the  outlet  nearest  you, 

and  get  your  copy  of  TBP 

hot  off  the  press. 


Glad  Day  Bookshop.  648A  Yonge 

David  Beard's  Bookshop,  730  Yonge 

International  News,  663  Yonge 

Longhouse  Books,  630  Yonge 

Queen  of  Hearts,  599C  Yonge 

Galaxy  Books.  329  Yonge 

Phantasy  Books,  329  1/2  Yonge 

Topper  Books,  289  Yonge 

Times  Square  Books,  369  Yonge 

A&S  Smoke  and  Gift,  273  College 

Romans  II  Health  Spa,  742  Bay 

Min-A-Mart,  557  Church 

Together,  457  Church 

Atalanta  Variety.  368  Church 

Parliament  Smoke  and  Gift, 

609  Parliament 

Fairway  Variety,  520  Parliament 

Vegas  Books,  439  Parliament 

The  f^anatee,  11  St  Joseph 

Boots  at  the  Selby,  592  Sherbourne 

The  Back  Door  Gym,  12  1/2  Elm 

XOX  Postcard  Store,  140  Baldwin 

I  Edwards  Books  and  Art,  356  Queen  W 

Pages  Book  Store,  256  Queen  W 

This  Ain  7  the  Rosedale  Library, 

110  Queen  E 

Lichtman's  News,  34  Adelaide  W 
Olympia  Gift  Shop.  Toronto  Star 
Building,  Yonge  &  Queen 's  Quay 

W  H  Smith,  TD  Centre,  King  and  Bay 

W  H  Smith,  Hudson 's  Bay  Centre, 

Bloor  &  Yonge 

Book  Cellar,  142  Yorkville 

Lovecraft,  63  Yorkville 

I  McPherson  Discount,  214  lyiacpherson  \ 

Avenue  Road  Cigar  Store, 

136  Avenue  Rd 

University  Bookroom,  UofT  Campus 

Toronto  Women 's  Book  Store, 

85  Harbord 

Bob  Miller  Book  Room,  180  Bloor  IV 

Reader's  Den,  208  Bloor  W 

SCM  Book  Room,  333  Bloor  W 

Book  City,  501  Bloor  W 

Bloor  Discount  Variety,  610  Bloor  W 


Cambridge  Tuck  Shop 

50  Cambridge 

Cameo  Club,  95  Trinity  St 

18  East.  18  Eastern  Ave 


Rosedale  Smoke  &  Gift  Shop, 

11 18  Yonge 

Lichtman's  News.  1430  Yonge 

Book  Cellar.  1560  Yonge 

The  Book  Nook.  2481  Yonge 


I  Nu-Claire  's  Cigar  Store,  1636  Bayview  \ 

Thorncliffe  News  Stand,  45  Overlea 

York  University  Bookroom, 

Keele  &  Steeles  campus 

Insight  Books,  Sheridan  Mall, 


lerrHE  body  politic 

DO:  Indefinite  term  for  non-violent  "crimes" 

George  Milne  is  a  prisoner  in  the  federal 
penitentiary  in  Mission,  British  Colum- 
bia. He  is  serving  an  indeterminate  sen- 
tence for  committing  acts  of  indecency 
with  males  under  the  age  of  19. 

According  to  the  Criminal  Code  of 
Canada,  gross  indecency  (section  157) 
carries  a  maximum  sentence  of  five 
years  in  prison.  George  Milne  may  be  in 
jail  for  much  longer  than  that.  He  has 
been  classified  as  a  "Dangerous 
Offender"  (DO). 

Milne  was  originally  arrested  in  Febru- 
ary 1979  on  five  counts  each  of  gross  in- 
decency and  indecent  assault.  He  pleaded 
guilty  to  the  former  charges  later  that 
year  and  was  awaiting  sentence  when  the 
Crown  announced  it  was  going  to  apply 
for  DO  classification. 

Milne  had  two  convictions  for  inde- 
cent assault  on  his  record,  both  more 
than  10  years  previously.  However, 
Milne's  current  lawyer,  Richard  Brail, 
suspects  that  the  DO  appUcation  would 
not  have  been  made  had  Milne  been 

During  Milne's  1980  hearing  before 
Judge  G  Stephen  Denroche,  psychiatrists 
testifying  for  both  the  Crown  and  the  de- 
fence said  they  felt  Milne  could  not  con- 
trol his  sexual  desires.  Denroche  accord- 
ingly declared  Milne  a  DO  and  sentenced 
him  to  the  indeterminate  jail  term. 

In  September  1981,  as  part  of  an 
appeal  of  Milne's  DO  status,  two  pro- 
gressive psychiatrists  agreed  that  Milne's 
sexuEil  preference  could  not  be  changed 
without  treatment,  but  they  maintained 
that  he  was  not  a  harmful  person.  They 
recommended  continued  treatment  rath- 
er than  incarceration. 

On  March  10  of  this  year,  however,  the 
British  Columbia  Court  of  Appeal  unan- 
imously upheld  Judge  Denroche's  deci- 
sion. If  Milne  had  won  this  appeal,  he 
would  still  have  faced  sentencing  on  the 
original  gross  indecency  charges.  Now, 
he  will  be  jailed  indefinitely. 

Milne's  plight  is  a  graphic  demonstration 
of  the  inhumane  treatment  so-called  sex 
offenders  receive  under  Canada's 
Criminal  Code.  As  a  DO  he  will  probably 
be  required  to  submit  to  psychiatric 
rehabilitation  in  order  to  demonstrate 
that  he  is  willing  to  change  his  sexual  pat- 
terns. He  will  also  be  in  constant  danger 
of  physical  abuse  at  the  hands  of  other 
prisoners.  In  a  letter  to  TBPlast  fall, 
Milne  wrote:  "Things  have  gotten  so  bad 
I  voluntarily  signed  myself  into  'the 
hole,'  a  segregated  unit  in  the  prison,  for 
my  own  safety." 

But,  like  many  other  men  classified  as 
DOS  (most  of  whom  are  gay  pedophiles), 
Milne's  history  shows  that  he  could  hard- 
ly be  considered  dangerous.  When  he 
was  tried  for  gross  indecency  in  1979,  the 
Crown  dropped  the  five  additional 
counts  of  indecent  assault  because  there 
was  no  evidence  of  force,  violence  or 
coercion.  During  the  tricil,  the  youths  tes- 
tified that  they  had  been  willing  particip- 
ants. Even  the  sentencing  judge  des- 
cribed Milne  as  a  gentle,  non-coercive 

Section  689  of  the  Criminal  Code 
defines  a  DO  as  someone  who  "has 
shown  a  failure  to  control  his  sexual 
impulses,  and  a  likelihood  of  causing 
injury,  pain  or  other  evil  to  other 
persons,  through  failure  in  the  future  to 
control  his  sexual  impulses."  Under  Sec- 
tion 689,  all  that  is  necessary  as  evidence 
is  a  sex-related  conviction  and  testimony 

from  at  least  two  psychiatrists. 

In  1976  the  National  Gay  Rights  Coali- 
tion (NGRC)  presented  a  brief  to  the 
House  of  Commons  Standing  Commit- 
tee on  Justice  and  Legal  Affairs  calling 
for  the  abolition  of  DO  legislation.  The 
brief  cited  a  number  of  flaws  in  the 
Criminal  Code  which  reveal  an  inherent 
bias  against  the  DO  and  deny  him  the 
rights  guaranteed  to  persons  charged 
under  other  sections  of  the  Code. 

The  strongest  criticism  made  by  the 
NGRC  brief  arises  from  the  lack  of  clear 
definition  of  what  a  DO  is.  The  Code 
gives  courts  little  direction  in  determin- 
ing dangerousness.  Like  other  ill-de- 
fined Criminal  Code  concepts  (such  as 
indecency),  dangerousness  must  be  sub- 
jectively determined  by  the  presiding 

A  former  professor  of  social  work  at 
McMaster  University,  Cyril  Greenland, 
studied  the  cases  of  17  DOs  in  Ontario 
penitentiaries  in  1971.  He  concluded  that 
"only  three  of  the  17  had  been  dangerous 
in  the  sense  of  seriously  threatening  the 
life  or  safety  of  others.  The  other  men 
were  apparently  guilty  of  grossly  offen- 
sive or  indecent  behaviour  but  were  not 
physically  violent.  In  view  of  this,  the 
practice  of  sentencing  pedophiles  and  ex- 
hibitionists to  years  of  inceu-ceration  can 
hardly  be  justified." 

The  DO  is  somewhat  unique  among 
sexual  offenders  in  that  his  sentence  is 
determined  as  much  on  the  basis  of  psy- 
chiatric evidence  as  on  the  so-called  crim- 
inal activities  he  may  have  committed. 
But  there  is  no  reason  to  think  psychiat- 
rists are  in  any  better  position  to  assess 
dangerousness  than  the  courts  are.  In  a 
1976  report  in  the  Globe  and  Mail,  Univ- 
ersity of  Toronto  criminologist  Richard 
V  Erickson  noted  that  "psychiatrists  can- 
not make  reliable  or  valid  judgments 
about  dangerousness,  are  more  likely  to 
be  wrong  than  right  in  predicting  future 
violent  offences  and  tend  to  err  on  the 
side  of  caution,  causing  persons  to  be  in- 
carcerated for  longer  periods  than  they 
should  be." 

On  February  9  of  this  year,  Russell 
Fleming,  a  director  of  the  Penetanguish- 
ene  Mental  Health  Centre,  was  quoted  in 
the  Globe  and  Mail  as  saying  that  "the 
courts  should  stop  foisting  the  question 
on  psychiatrists"  and  should  make  the 
decision  based  on  the  offender's  previous 
record.  "The  courts  shouldn't  ask  us  to 
get  involved  in  this  adversarial  nonsense 
where  a  Crown  attorney  shops  cU"ound 
for  a  right-wing  psychiatrist  to  say  the 
man  should  go  (to  an  institution),  while 
the  defence  shops  around  for  a  left-wing 
psychiatrist  to  say  he  shouldn't," 
Fleming  said. 

The  law  further  reveals  its  anti-sexual 
bias  in  allowing  the  DO  classification  to 
be  conferred  after  only  one  offence. 
While  the  Criminal  Code  states  that  a 
pattern  of  repetitive  behaviour  must  be 
established  before  habitual  criminal  sta- 
tus can  be  conferred,  no  such  require- 
ment exists  in  the  DO  provisions.  Further 
injustices  arise  from  the  Code's  failure  to 
provide  for  adequate  opportunities  for 
defence  against  a  Crown  application  for 
DO  status.  Although  indefinite  confine- 
ment is  one  of  the  most  serious  sentences 
anyone  can  face,  there  is  no  provision 
for  a  jury  trial  or  for  a  hearing  at  a 
superior  court  level. 

The  Code  also  guarantees  only  seven 
days'  notice  that  a  person  will  be  subject 
to  consideration  as  a  DO.  Since  the  per- 

son is  already  in  jail,  he  has  virtually  no 
opportunity  to  consult  a  lawyer  and  pre- 
pare an  adequate  defence.  Once  incarcer- 
ated, the  DO  is  allowed  a  yearly  review 
by  a  parole  board  only,  not  by  a  judge. 
Even  when  he  is  finally  released,  he  is 
still  on  parole  indefinitely. 

Protection  from  the  law  is  one  matter. 
In  prison,  the  DO,  like  others  convicted 
on  sex-related  charges,  is  in  continual 
danger  of  reprisals  from  fellow  inmates. 
In  his  study,  Cyril  Greenland  summed  up 
the  prison  experience  for  the  sexual  of- 
fender: "While  incarceration  for  an  inde- 
terminate period  may  provide  some  de- 
gree of  protection  for  society,  it  cannot 
in  any  sense  be  regarded  as  anything  but 
a  brutal,  fearful  and  destructive  experi- 
ence for  the  inmate." 

The  attitudes  of  the  courts  and  the 
psychiatric  profession  toward  DOs  can- 
not be  considered  in  isolation  from  cur- 
rent public  opinion.  In  recent  years,  pub- 
licity about  violent  sex  crimes  by  adults 
against  children  has  hardened  attitudes 
towards  intergenerational  sex  itself.  The 
most  recent  example  of  this  occurred  last 
fall  when  a  British  Columbia  man, 
Clifford  Olson,  was  convicted  of  the 
murder  of  several  BC  teenagers  of  both 
sexes.  Brail  feels  that  Milne's  appeal  may 
have  suffered  from  the  aftermath  of  the 
Olson  tried,  despite  the  vaunted  objectiv- 
ity of  the  courts. 

Richard  Brail  suspects  that  homo- 
phobia was  a  major  factor  in  the  BC 
appeal  court's  decision  to  uphold 
Milne's  DO  status.  The  court  seemed 
unmoved  by  defence  arguments  that 
Milne  had  neither  harmed  the  youths 
nor  coerced  them  into  having  sex.  "All 
they  seemed  interested  in  was  the  fact 
that  he  had  been  having  sex  with 
teenage  boys,  and  had  a  continuing 
interest  in  doing  so.  In  their  minds,  this 
was  clearly  sufficient  evidence  of  'evil  to 
other  persons'  to  maintain  George's 
status,"  Brail  told  TRP. 

The  DO  question  also  raises  the  larger 
issue  of  what  have  been  called  victimless 
crimes.  DO  status  can  be  seen  as  part  of  a 
much  larger  category  of  offences,  inclu- 
ding buggery,  indecent  assault  and  gross 
indecency,  where  no  actual  harm  has 
been  done  by  the  act  itself.  Most  convic- 
tions in  these  cases  involve  consensual 
sexual  acts  prosecuted  because  the  acts 
were  performed  in  so-called  public  pla- 
ces, or  with  underage  persons  or  prostit- 
utes. Many  convictions  under  these  laws 
result  from  police  entrapment.  And  the 
three  offences  mentioned  are  used 
primarily  against  gay  men,  just  as  the  DO 
classification  is  used  for  the  most  part 
agEiinst  homosexual  pedophiles. 

The  Criminal  Code  must  be  amended 
to  protect  George  Milne,  and  men  like 
him,  from  a  system  bent  on  legislating 
personal  morality.  As  the  NGRC  brief  put 
it,  "(these)  laws  are  based  on  moral 
judgments  of  sexual  acts,  rather  than  on 
a  desire  to  protect  society  from  injury. 
Offences  involving  coercion  or  violence 
of  a  sexual  nature  should  be  dealt  with 
by  the  same  laws  which  deal  with  any 
kind  of  coercion  or  violence." 

Meanwhile,  George  Milne  is  still  in 
jail.  Despite  the  defeat.  Brail  feels  Milne 
is  holding  up  well.  He  is  now  planning  to 
apply  for  a  move  to  a  different  institu- 
tion, where  he  could  have  the  kind  of 
psychiatric  treatment  which  would,  he 
hopes,  allow  an  earlier  parole. 

Robert  TVowD 

MAY  1982 

Irish  Customs  seize  Gay  News 

DUBLIN  —  As  a  police  witch-hunt 
continues  to  spread  in  the  Irish  gay 
community,  Britain's  largest  circulation 
newspaper  for  homosexuals.  Gay  News, 
has  been  impounded  by  Irish  Customs 

Customs  and  Excise  authorities  in 
Cork  impounded  subscription  copies  of 
Gay  News  in  mid-February,  and  any 
issue  of  the  paper  entering  Ireland  is 
now  subject  to  detention.  According  to 
Noel  Faughnan,  a  commissioner  at  the 
National  Customs  Office  in  Dublin  Cas- 
tle, three  recent  issues  of  the  paper  are 
being  examined  by  the  Censorship  of 
Publications  Board.  If  the  board  rules 
the  paper  is  indecent.  Gay  News  might 
be  banned  from  the  Irish  Republic 

This  is  the  second  time  that  Irish  offi- 
cials have  moved  against  the  popular 
British  newspaper.  Gay  News  was  im- 
pounded in  1977,  but  the  publishers  won 
a  case  challenging  the  action. 

A  massive  police  offensive  against  the 
gay  community  was  touched  off  by  the 
murder  of  prominent  Dublin  television 
designer  Charles  Self  in  February.  Gay 
organizations  cooperated  in  the  investi- 
gation until  it  became  clear  that  the 
police  were  using  the  murder  as  a  pre- 
text for  an  investigation  of  the  gay  com- 
munity itself. 

To  date  more  than  1,500  lesbians  and 
gay  men  have  been  questioned  by  poHce 
in  the  course  of  the  investigation,  and 
several  hundred  have  been  fingerprinted 
and  photographed.  Police  are  being  sta- 
tioned outside  well-known  gay  clubs 
and  are  demanding  people's  names  and 
addresses  as  they  leave.  Speaker^  at  a 
March  24  meeting  described  police  call- 
ing at  their  homes  and  workplaces  and 


t§m  wiym  reiiBiPpm  to  the  hiish 


Impounded:  Britain 's  largest  circulation  gay  paper  responds  to  the  Irish  Customs  ban 

informing  parents  and  employers  of 
their  sexual  preference.  At  least  one 
man  is  losing  his  job  as  a  result  of  the 

Gay  sex  is  still  completely  illegal  in 
Ireland,  and  there  are  fears  that  police 
are  building  a  master  file  of  the 
country's  gay  community. 

A  meeting  in  DubUn's  Trinity  College 
set  up  a  Gay  Defence  Committee  March 
24.  The  Committee  includes  members  of 
the  National  Gay  Federation,  the  Pris- 
oners' Rights  Organization  and  the  Irish 
Council  for  Civil  Liberties. 

The  Defence  Committee  is  setting  up 
a  special  phone  line  for  people  to  call 
for  legal  advice  in  the  face  of  police 
interrogation,  and  a  leaflet  detailing 
what  to  do  in  case  of  arrest  is  being  cir- 
culated. Plans  are  underway  to  involve 
other  Irish  gay  organizations  in  the 
Defence  Committee,  and  arguments  will 
be  raised  in  the  Irish  parliament 
demanding  an  end  to  the  wave  of 
harassment.  D 

Boy-lovers'  charges  dismissed 
as  "victim"  cites  Fifth  Amendment 

BOSTON  —  Tom  Reeves,  founder  of 
the  North  American  Man /Boy  Love 
Association  (NAMBLA),  and  Michael 
Thompson,  a  photographer  for 
Boston's  Gay  Community  News,  have 
been  cleared  of  charges  of  "indecent 
assault  and  battery  on  a  minor  under 
the  age  of  fourteen." 

Judge  Darrell  Outlaw  dismissed  the 
charges  after  the  alleged  "victim" 
invoked  the  Fifth  Amendment  and  re- 
fused to  testify. 

Reeves  and  Thompson  were  arrested 
January  19  after  the  now  16- year-old 
boy  underwent  police  interrogation  and 
stated  that  each  of  the  men  had  engaged 
in  consensual  fellatio  with  him  in  1979. 
The  whole  case  is  widely  believed  to  be 
part  of  a  police  vendetta  against 
NAMBLA  and  Reeves  in  particular. 

The  courtroom  was  packed  by  mem- 
bers of  groups  that  had  rallied  to 
Reeves's  defence.  A  support  statement 
deploring  the  arrests  and  its  sensational 
coverage  by  the  Boston  media  was 
released  jointly  by  Gay  and  Lesbian 
Advocates  and  Defenders,  the  Metro- 
politan Community  Church  of  Boston, 
Lesbian  and  Gay  Media  Advocates,  Gay 
Hispanic  Men,  the  Committee  Against 

Racial  Violence,  the  Boston  Alliance 
Against  Registration  and  the  Draft,  and 
Gay  Community  News.  When  the  ver- 
dict was  announced  the  crowd  shouted 
its  approval  and  the  boy's  foster  mother 
embraced  Reeves  in  congratulation. 

"Boys  are  very  often  coerced  and 
threatened  as  Joey  was  into  making 
statements  about  sexual  contact  with 
gay  men,"  said  Reeves.  "In  this  case 
there  had  been  no  sex  between  us  and 
Joey,  and  his  statements  were  lies. 

"Judge  Outlaw's  ruling  should  indi- 
cate that  any  boy  who  is  thus  coerced, 
even  when  the  statements  are  true,  may 
invoke  the  Fifth  Amendment  and  thus 
remain  silent  in  court,"  Reeves  added. 
"Joey's  attorney  gave  him  correct  ad- 
vice, which  would  keep  about  90%  of 
all  similar  cases  from  coming  to 
trial."  D 

Worid  News  credits 

Gay  News  (London);  Gay  Community 
News  (Boston);  Campaign  (Sydney); 
iVashington  Blade  (Washington  DC); 
TiVN  (Miami);  Bay  Area  Reporter  (San 
Francisco);  Ken  Lovett  (Sydney); 
Nambia  Newsletter  (New  York). 

Indecency  trial  flops, 
Whitehouse  must  pay 

LONDON  —  The  Romans  in  Britain 
trial,  touted  as  the  morality  battle  of  the 
'80s,  fizzled  out  after  two  days  when  the 
prosecution  withdrew  its  case 
March  16. 

The  trial  was  instigated  by  anti-gay 
crusader  Mary  Whitehouse,  who  rose  to 
fame  after  she  successfully  brought  a 
charge  of  blasphemy  against  England's 
Gay  News  \n  1976. 

Now  president  of  the  National  View- 
ers and  Listeners  Association,  White- 
house  charged  that  a  scene  in  the  Na- 
tional Theatre's  production  of  the 
Howard  Brenton  play  contravened  the 
1956  Sexual  Offences  Act  because  of  a 
simulated  homosexual  rape.  The  play's 
director,  Michael  Bogdanov,  was 
charged  with  "procuring  and  being  par- 
ty to  an  act  of  gross  indecency." 

The  Sexual  Offences  Act  is  specifical- 
ly designed  to  criminalize  male  homo- 
sexual activity  in  washrooms.  Such  are 
the  peculiarities  of  the  law  that,  had  the 
director-of  the  play  been  a  woman  or 
had  the  simulated  rape  been  of  a 
woman,  there  would  have  been  no  legal 
grounds  for  prosecution.  Whitehouse 
said  she  felt  "the  unsuccessful  male 
homosexual  rape  would  be  an  incite- 
ment to  some  men." 

Defence  costs  were  awarded  out  of 
public  funds,  but  Whitehouse  will  have 
to  pay  her  own  legal  bill,  between 

Case  closed:  Director  Bogdanov  and  wife 

$25,000  and  $50,000,  for  her  unsuc- 
cessful attempt  to  "clean  up"  the 
theatre.  D 

Gay  cancer foundln 
straight  men,  women 

NEW  YORK  —  Kaposi's  sarcoma,  the 
so-called  gay  cancer,  has  been 
discovered  in  women  and  heterosexual 

US  researchers  have  diagnosed  the 
disease  in  nine  women  and  at  least  23 
straight  males,  according  to  The  Wall 
Street  Journal.  It  was  originally  specu- 
lated that  the  disease  was  somehow 
related  to  the  gay  lifestyle  because  many 
of  its  victims  were  young,  previously 
healthy  gay  men.  However,  the  new 
cases  do  not  appear  to  be  correlated 
with  either  promiscuity  or  drug  use. 

Nearly  100  deaths  have  resulted  from 
the  disease  in  the  past  seven  months.  It 
emerges  either  as  cancer  or  pneumonia 
after  the  body's  immunity  system  has 
broken  down.  Doctors  are  now  consid- 
ering the  possibility  that  environmental 
factors  may  be  responsible  for  the 
unusual  immuno-suppression  character- 
istic which  enables  the  disease  to  take 

Gay  groups  oppose 
Aussie  law  ref  onn  bill 

SYDNEY  —  For  the  fourth  time  in  ten 
months,  the  New  South  Wales  govern- 
ment is  debating  a  bill  to  reform  the 
state's  laws  against  homosexual  activity. 

Legislative  Council  member  Barrie 
Unsworth,  a  right-wing  member  of  the 
Labour  Party,  introduced  the  bill  to  the 
upper  house  of  the  state  parliament 
February  18  without  consulting  gay 
movement  leaders.  Unsworth  claims  his 
bill  is  a  "compromise"  in  light  of  the 
defeat  of  another  reform  attempt,  the 
so-called  Petersen  Bill,  last  December. 
Unsworth's  bill  passed  second  reading 
in  the  Council  March  16. 

Critics  of  the  bill,  who  include  28  gay 
organizations  in  Sydney  and  progressive 
members  of  parliament,  charge  that  it  is 
"dangerous  and  discriminatory."  In  the 
proposed  legislation  buggery  and  gross 
indecency  between  males  will  continue 
to  be  criminal  unless  the  acts  occur  be- 
tween two  consenting  adults  over  18 
years  of  age,  in  private.  The  age  of  con- 
sent for  heterosexual  sex  is  16. 

Heterosexual  sex  in  public  (there  is  no 
"two  person"  clause)  is  punishable  by  a 
$200  fine  only  if  someone  complains. 
However,  gay  sex  in  private  between 
more  than  two  persons  is  classified  as 
"gross  indecency,"  and  can  incur  a  two- 
year  prison  term  even  if  there  is  no 

Five  hundred  lesbian  and  gay  demon- 
strators marched  on  parliament  early 
this  March  to  protest  the  bill  and  to 
demand  full  equality.  Gay  rights  lobby- 
ists are  now  concentrating  on  killing  the 
bill  in  the  lower  house,  having  given  up 
all  hope  of  being  able  to  significantly 
amend  it. 

"The  politics  of  the  possible  has 

MAY  1982 


Peter  Maloney 


467  CHURCH  ST, 



is  pleased  to  announce  the  relocation  of  his  office 
effective  April  79,  1982  to 

467  Church  Street 

Toronto,  Ontario   M4Y  2C5 

Telephone:  (416)  968-9054 

where  he  will  carry  on  the  practice  of  law 
in  association  with  Peter  Maloney. 


Sat  May  15 1982 

519  Church  St.  Community 

11am— 4pm 

Free  admission  - 

John  968-0302 
To  donate  itenns  please  call:  Charlie  465-2603 

TAG  964-6600 

denied  real  equality  and  justice  for 
homosexual  men,"  said  Barry  Charles, 
co-convenor  of  the  Gay  Rights  Lobby 
and  member  of  the  Homosexual  Law 
Reform  Commission.  "Our  chance  for 
genuine  reform  is  being  short-circuited 
by  a  conservative  parliament  and  its 
cynical  politics,"  he  added. 

In  the  interim,  right-wing  National 
Country  Party  members  are  rallying 
behind  Reverend  Fred  Nile  to  oppose 
any  pro-gay  reform.  Nile  was  elected  to 
parliament  on  a  morality  platform  at 
the  last  state  elections.  He  claims  the  bill 
"will  further  promote  the  moral  and 
spiritual  decadence  of  Western  society." 

The  conservative  clergyman  suffered 
a  setback  in  his  anti-gay  campaign, 
however,  when  the  Board  of  Social 
Responsibility  of  his  own  Uniting 
Church  called  for  the  decriminalization 
of  homosexual  acts  between  consenting 
adults.  Nile  is  also  trying  to  organize  a 
Moral  Majority-style  boycott  of  televi- 
sion advertisers  who  buy  "unwhole- 
some" programmes,  but  has  achieved 
little  success'.  D 

NOLAG  threatened 
as  coordinators  quit 

SAN  FRANCISCO  —  The  March  14 
resignation  of  12  members  of  the  coor- 
dinating committee  of  the  National 
Organization  of  Lesbians  and  Gays 
(NOLAG)  seems  to  spell  the  death  of  the 
organization  only  a  year  after  it  began. 

NOLAG  was  founded  in  April  1981  by 
the  organizers  of  the  National  March  on 
Washington,  which  occurred  in  October 
1979.  The  new  organization  assumed  a 
$19,000  debt  incurred  by  the  march. 
Amidst  accusations  of  financial  mis- 
management, the  debt  has  been  an 
albatross  around  the  group's  neck. 

Originally  conceived  as  a  national 
mass-action,  grassroots  organization 
with  a  coordinating  committee  of  52 
people  representing  1 1  regions,  there  are 
reportedly  only  five  or  six  coordinating 
committee  members  left,  and  the 
national  headquarters  has  been  moved 
to  Anchorage,  Alaska. 

Resigning  NOLAG  members  an- 
nounced plans  to  form  a  new  National 
Activists'  Union  of  Gays  and  Lesbians, 
and  plan  to  organize  a  founding  confer- 
ence this  summer.  D 

Gay  "Olympic"  Games 
fight  to  keep  name 

SAN  FRANCISCO  —  Despite  a  contin- 
uing dispute  with  the  United  States 
Olympic  Committee  (USOC)  which  may 
end  up  in  court,  the  Gay  Olympic 
Games  are  going  ahead  in  San  Fran- 
cisco, August  28  to  September  5. 

The  USOC  objects  to  the  word 
"Olympic"  in  the  advertising  and  is 
threatening  organizers  with  legal  action 
unless  the  Gay  Olympic  Games  drops 
the  word  from  the  name.  The  organizers 
declare  they  are  willing  to  negotiate  with 
the  USOC  and  suggest  inserting  a  dis- 
claimer whenever  the  word  is  used,  but 
steadfastly  refuse  to  change  the  name. 

On  another  front  the  committee  is 
cancelling  a  fund-raising  showing  of 
Leni  Riefenstahl's  film  Olympia.  Rief- 
enstahl,  a  Nazi  sympathizer,  made  the 
film  of  the  1936  Olympics  in  Berlin  as  a 
propaganda  piece  for  Hitler.  The  show- 
ing was  cancelled  after  gay  Jews  and 
other  activists  objected. 

Organizers  hope  the  Olympics  will 
provide  a  "unique  opportunity  for  gay 
sports  people  to  influence  social  atti- 

tudes" and  to  combat  "popular  stereo- 
types about  gays  on  a  global  scale 
through  mass  media  coverage  of  the 
events."  Opening  ceremonies  will  be 
held  in  San  Francisco's  Kezar  Stadium. 

To  date,  16  countries  are  indicating 
they  will  send  contingents.  A  cross- 
country run  will  bring  the  Olympic 
torch  from  the  east  coast  early  this  sum- 
mer, and  the  Olympiad  will  also  sponsor 
a  week-long  festival  of  lesbian  and  gay 
artists  to  coincide  with  the  sports.  D 

Council  of  Europe 
slaps  Catholic  church 

STRASBOURG  —  The  Council  of 
Europe  issued  a  strongly  worded  state- 
ment criticizing  the  Roman  Catholic 
Church's  attitude  toward  homosexuality 
April  14. 

The  criticism  followed  the  Catholic 
Diocese  of  Strasbourg's  decision  not  to 
allow  delegates  to  a  meeting  of  the  In- 
ternational Gay  Association  to  use  its 
Young  Christian  Worker  Hostel  over 
Easter  as  planned. 

IGA  delegates  were  attending  an  in- 
formal Easter  conference  before  the  or- 
ganization's yearly  International  Con- 
ference which  will  be  held  in  Washing- 
ton from  July  12  to  17. 

The  120  delegates,  representing  27 
gay  organizations  from  seven  countries, 
were  eventually  housed  in  tents  on  a  dis- 
used airfield.  D 

Australians  celebrate 
Mardi  Gras,  Gay  Day 

SYDNEY  —  This  year's  annual  gay 
Mardi  Gras  exceeded  all  expectations 
and  outdid  Sydney's  official  Mardi  Gras 
as  10,000  lesbians  and  gay  men  paraded 
with  25  floats  through  the  city's  enter- 
tainment area  on  the  night  of  Saturday, 
February  27. 

The  city's  first  gay  "Mardi  Gras"  was 
held  in  1978  at  the  end  of  Gay  Pride 
activities  in  June,  and  resulted  in  hun- 
dreds of  arrests  after  a  series  of  violent 
confrontations  with  city  poUce. 

This  year's  event  took  place  without 
trouble  in  an  atmosphere  of  mutual 
cooperation  between  organizers,  gay 
businesses,  city  council  and  police.  Syd- 
ney now  takes  its  place  as  the  third  lar- 
gest "gay  city"  in  the  world. 

A  smaller  but  significant  gay  festival 
took  place  two  weeks  later,  on  March 
14  in  Melbourne.  More  than  3,000  gay 
people  assembled  in  the  grandstand  of 
the  city's  Olympic  Park  for  an  after- 
noon of  song,  theatre,  and  revelry. 

Gay  Day  '82  was  the  second  for  the 
Melbourne  community.  According  to 
Campaign,  Australia's  largest  circula- 
tion gay  newspaper,  the  event  achieved 
what  it  set  out  to  do  —  to  "find  some 
common  ground  between  the  commer- 
cial and  political  interests  within  the 
community  and  to  Celebrate  the  change 
of  law  regarding  homosexuality  which 
inspired  the  first  Gay  Day  last  year. "HI 

Austin  groups  win 
protection  in  housing 

AUSTIN  — The  city's  gay  community 
scored  its  second  major  victory  of  the 
year  February  18  as  city  council  ap- 
proved an  amendment  to  its  anti-dis- 
crimination by-law  designed  to  protect 
lesbians  and  gay  men  against  discrimin- 
ation in  housing. 

Last  autumn  a  group  calling  itself 

lerrHE  body  politic 

MAY  1982 

Austin  Citizens  for  Decency  (ACD)  went 
on  the  offensive  and  organized  a  peti- 
tion drive  calling  for  the  adoption  of  an 
ordinance  reading,  "It  shall  not  be 
unlawful  to  deny  housing  on  the  basis 
of  sexual  orientation."  AUhough  ACD 
succeeded  in  getting  the  question  on  a 
January  16  ballot,  the  anti-gay  measure 
was  soundly  defeated  by  a  63%  margin 
as  a  result  of  the  work  of  Citizens  for  a 
United  Austin  (CUA),  which  was  organ- 
ized to  oppose  the  ordinance. 

The  February  18  decision  to  protect 
lesbians  and  gay  men  cannot  be  re- 
pealed by  a  referendum,  and  another 
initiative  cannot  be  held  on  the  identical 
question  for  at  least  two  years. 

Despite  the  double  defeat,  ACD's 
Steven  Hotze  said  the  unsuccessful  ini- 
tiative still  let  gay  people  know  that 
"Austin  is  not  going  to  let  them  come 
and  take  over  the  city  like  they  have  in 
other  parts  of  the  country."  He  added 
that  his  organization  will  concentrate  on 
the  city  council  elections  next  year. 

Gay  activists  see  little  threat  of  a 
homophobic  election  victory.  "If  (the 
homophobes)  have  the  same  sophistica- 
tion in  working  on  the  City  Council 
campaigns  that  they  showed  in  their 
own  campaign,  it  would  be  very  good 
news  for  us,"  said  CUA's  Steve 
Thomas.  "They  were  really  awful." D 

Mother  church  fires 
long-time  employees 

BOSTON  —  A  long-time  reporter  for 
The  Christian  Science  Monitor  and  an 
executive  for  the  church's  world  head- 
quarters have  been  fired  because  of 
their  sexual  orientation. 

Thirty-year-old  Christine  Madson  was 
called  "evil  and  immoral"  and  "an 
adulterer"  by  the  manager  of  the  Chris- 
tian Science  Publishing  Society  before 
her  dismissal  January  4.  She  had  been 
employed  by  the  paper  for  seven  years, 
and  has  the  unanimous  support  of  her 

Jim  Ogan,  a  36-year-old  business  and 
cost  analysis  supervisor  for  the  Build- 
ings and  Grounds  Division  of  the 
church,  was  dismissed  March  11  after 
nine  years  of  employment  when  an 
anonymous  letter  was  received  by  the 
personnel  department  denouncing  him 
as  a  homosexual.  Neither  Madson  nor 
Ogan  were  "out"  at  work,  but  Madson 
would  not  deny  her  lesbianism  when 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  all  non- 
procreative  sex  requires  "healing,"  and 
affihated  churches  generally  exclude 
men  and  women  who  come  out. 

"Anybody  who  is  proud  of  being  gay, 
who  brings  a  lover  to  church  and  says, 
'This  is  my  spouse,'  is  thrown  out," 
says  Bob  McCullough  of  Gay  People  in 
Christian  Science.  "Frankly,  the  church 
is  filled  with  gay  men.  But  most  of  them 
are  very  closeted  and  beaten  down;  they 
are  working  for  a  'healing'." 

McCullough  says  women  and  gay 
men  are  often  attracted  to  Christian 
Science  "because  the  teachings  are  filled 
with  androgyny  —  descriptions  of  God 
as  female  as  well  as  male.  In  Christian 
Science  each  person  must  bring  out  the 
male  and  female  within  them." 

Madson  remains  a  church  member 
and  has  not  decided  whether  she  will  sue 
her  former  employer  for  wrongful  dis- 
missal. Courts  have  previously  ruled 
that  religious  institutions  have  the  right 
to  hire  and  fire  employees  in  accordance 
with  their  moral  dogmas,  and  discrimin- 
ation on  the  basis  of  sexual  preference  is 
not  illegal  in  Massachusetts.  Ogan  has, 
however,  launched  a  suit  against  the 

church  for  damages  amounting  to  one 
year's  salary. 

Madson  claims  she  didn't  recognize 
the  church's  homophobia  until  she 
started  working  at  the  centre.  "I've 
spent  years  thinking  about  the  two  and 
can't  find  any  way  that  the  two  can't  go 
together,"  she  says.D 

Black  and  white  men 
charge  ghetto  racism 

The  San  Francisco  branch  of  Black  and 
White  Men  Together  (BWMT)  has 
released  a  survey  on  racism  in  99  of  the 
city's  gay  bars.  The  group's  New  York 
branch  has  suspended  its  weekend  pick- 
et of  the  Ice  Palace  after  intervention  by 
the  state  of  New  York's  Division  of 
Human  Rights  convinced  the  disco's 
owners  to  negotiate. 

According  to  the  survey,  "Gay  bars  in 
San  Francisco  are  highly  segregated  in 
terms  of  employment  and  patronage." 
The  clientele  of  78%  of  the  bars  surveyed 
was  at  least  88%  white  and  29%  of  the 
99  bars  were  exclusively  white.  Ethnic 
minorities  are  employed  mostly  in  bars 
not  patronized  by  whites.  Of  300 
employees  visibly  on  duty  on  the  night  of 
the  survey,  only  27  were  non-white. 

Only  two  of  the  99  bars  are  exclusive- 
ly non-white.  Both  are  small  Latin  bars. 
Only  14  can  be  described  as  integrated, 
with  a  racial  mix  of  which  whites  consti- 
tuted between  40%  and  80%. 

BWMT  spokesperson  Jim  Ivory  said 
he  hoped  the  survey  would  lead  to  dis- 
cussions with  bar  owners  resulting  in  the 
hiring  of  more  members  of  ethnic 

The  picketing  of  the  Ice  Palace  began 
last  December  after  owners  refused  to 
commit  themselves  to  a  nondiscrimin- 
atory door  policy  and  to  apologize  in 
writing  to  two  black  members  of  BWMT 
who  were  denied  entry.  BWMT  took  the 
case  to  the  Human  Rights  Division, 
which  organized  a  meeting  between  the 
two  parties  February  4.  Although  the 
representatives  of  the  disco  did  not 
show  up,  the  disco's  owner  subsequent- 
ly agreed  to  negotiate  with  the  group. 

Ice  Palace  manager  Kevin  Cahill 
denied  the  disco  discriminated.  "We 
hire  everything  {sic)  here:  black  people, 
Chinese  people,  lesbians,  straight 
people...  the  only  thing  we  screen  for  at 
the  door  is  age." 

John  Klauder  of  BWMT  testified  that 
he  and  another  black  man  were  turned 
away  from  the  disco  on  November  15 
when  they  could  not  produce  three  pic- 
ture IDs.  At  the  same  time  whites  and 
non-whites  accompanied  by  whites  were 
admitted  without  being  "carded." D 

Lesbian  Sex  Mafia 
promotes  "PI"  sex 

NEW  YORK  —  Lesbians  who  "prac- 
tice, advocate  or  have  fantasies  which 
involve  'politically  incorrect  sex"*  have 
formed  a  new  group,  the  Lesbian  Sex 
Mafia  (LSM). 

According  to  the  group's  press 
release,  the  LSM's  bi-monthly  pro- 
gramme for  members  only  includes  such 
wide-ranging  subjects  as  "Therapeutic 
S/M,"  "Role  Playing  from  Butch /Fem 
to  Mommy/ Daughter,"  "Recreational 
Drugs  and  Sex"  and  "Pornography: 
How  it  Changed  My  Life." 

The  group  is  planning  a  "Speak  Out 
on  Politically  Incorrect  Sex"  to  coincide 
with  the  Scholar  and  Feminist  Confer- 
ence at  Barnard  College  this  April. D 

Womynly  Way  Productions  Presents: 

May  1,  9:00  p.m.,  Harbourfront, 
the  Brigantine  Room,  235  Queen 's  Quay  West 

Tickets  $6.00  at 
Toronto  Women's  Bookstore  (.40 service  charge),  85  Harbord,  SCM Books, 
333  Bloor  West,  DEC,  427  Bloor  West,  Parliament  Gold  Records,  Parlia- 
ment St.  and  the  Harbourfront  Box  Office  and  all  BASS  outlets. 
Interpreted  for  the  Hearing  Impaired,  Wheelchair  Access,  Free 
Childcare  (961-1768  to  reserve). 

Articles  from  recent  and  forthcoming  issues. 
Socialist-Feminism  in  the  Eighties 

Barbara  Epstein 
Sexuality  and  Feminism 

English.  Hollibaugh,  Rubin 
Race  in  the  U.S. 

Michael  Omi  &  Howard  Winant 
Ei  Salvador  John  Womack 

Nuclear  Disarmament  E.  P.  Thompson 

Writers,  Communities,  and  Poiitia 

Kate  Ellis  et  al. 
Labor  LasN  Karl  Klare 

Gay  History  and  the  Future  of  the  Gay  Movement 

Jeff  Escoffier 

Subscribe  now. 


OAKLAND.  CA  94609 



(.  IfV  STATE  ^IP 

D  SI8  One  year  subscription  (6  issues)     D  S20  Oijtside  of  USA 

MAY  1982 



TV/RddiO    Stephen  Stuckey 

CThe  World  of  Women  —  Opposing  Views 
on  Women  and  Pornography.  Second  of  two 
CBC  Stereo  Ideas  programmes.  Includes  dis- 
cussion on  free  speech,  censorship.  Partici- 
pants include  Susan  Griffin,  author  of  Por- 
nography and  Silence.  Fri,  April  30,  8  pm. 
D  And  .Now  For  Something  Completely  Dif- 
ferent. A  selection  of  the  best  bits  from  the 
landmark  TV  series  Manly  Python 's  Flying 
Circus.  Features  Graham  Chapman,  Basil 
the  Killer  Sheep  and  the  Pantomime  Princess 
Margaret.  CITY-TV,  Fri,  April  30,  8  pm. 
DThe  Shulman  File.  "Take  a  Shot  at 
Morty."  Outraged  viewers  get  to  tell  off 
Mort  Shulman,  the  offensive  muckraking 
Toronto  Sun  columnist  and  TV  celebrity. 
Gay  activists  participate.  CITY-TV,  Sat,  May 
1,  8  pm. 

DFran  Leibowitz.  In  a  special  one-hour  in- 
terview with  City  Lights'  irrepressible  Brian 
Linehan,  the  author  of  humour  books  Met- 
ropolitan Life  and  Social  Studies  speaks 
frankly  on  her  admiration  for  cigarettes  and 
George  Bernard  Shaw.  CITY-TV.  Sun,  May  2, 
7  pm  and  again  Sat,  May  8  at  7  pm. 
D Legal  Sex.  Lome  and  Fay  Rozofsky, 
authors  of  Legal  Sex,  including  gay  sex,  chat 
to  talk-show  hostess  Mikki  Moore,  You're 
Beautiful,  CITY-TV,  Wed,  May  5,  3  pm. 

Music    Andrew  Zealley 

DThe  Human  League.  The  most  popular 
group  in  Britain  at  the  moment.  Their  last 
album  Dare!  has  reached  number  one  in 
most  countries  of  the  Western  world.  Proba- 
bly the  best  electro-pop  today.  Massey  Hall, 
Shuter  St.  Fri,  y\pril  30.  Tickets  at  BASS 

C  Alive!  The  San  Francisco-based  women's 
jazz  quintet  makes  its  Toronto  debut  in  the 
Brigantine  Room  at  Harbourfront,  235 
Queen's  Quay  W.  In  the  last  several  years  the 
group  has  received  a  sheaf  of  very  good  re- 
views and  built  a  devoted  following.  Their 
lyrics  express  a  feminist  consciousness  in 
terms  of  concrete  experience  while  avoiding 
abstract  rhetoric.  Sat,  May  1  at  9  pm.  $6  at 
BASS,  Toronto  Women's  Bookstore,  SCM 
Bookroom  and  Parliament  Gold  Records. 
Interpreted  for  the  hearing-impaired;  wheel- 
chair-accessible. Free  childcare. 
[Z  Rough  Trade.  Carole  Pope  and  Kevin 
Staples  fry  the  stage  of  Hamilton  Place  and 
still  have  sizzle  to  spare.  Worth  a  drive  to 
Steel  City.  Call  1-800-263-6972  toll-free.  Fri, 
May  7  at  9:30  pm. 

CDepeche  Mode.  Finely  polished  British 
electro-pop.  First  North  American  tour.  The 
cleanest  looking  group  of  youngsters  to  play 
synthesizers.  "Hey,  you're  such  a  pretty  boy 
—  what's  your  name?"  Sun,  May  9.  Concert 
Hall.  Tickets  at  BASS  698-2277. 
[J Baroque  Women  Composers.  The  final 
presentation  in  the  Lost  Women  Composers 
series.  The  featured  speaker  is  Jean  Lamon, 
the  musical  director  of  Tafelmusik  Baroque 
Orchestra.  A  vocal  and  string  ensemble  will 
also  perform.  Tues,  May  18,  5-7:30  pm. 
Trinity  United  Church,  427  Bloor  St  W. 
Info:  920-9797. 

DCTand  April.  Classical  guitarist  April 
Kassirer  and  violist  Carol  T  Rowe  play 
together  publicly  for  the  first  time  in  four 
years  in  this  reunion  performance  at  Innis 
College  Town  Hall,  2  Sussex  Ave  (at  St 
George).  They  perform  a  blend  of  classically 
oriented  original  material,  folk  and  blues,  en- 
hanced by  April's  high,  easy  vocals.  Part  of 
Womynly  Way  Productions  "Reaching  Out 
on  the  Environment"  series.  Advance  tickets 
$5.50  at  Toronto  Women's  Bookstore,  SCM 

Joe  Brainard  meets  Marilyn  Monroe:  Sky  Gilbert's  latest  play  running  April  29th-May  16th 

Bookroom  and  Parliament  Gold  Records; 
$6.50  at  the  door.  Interpreted  for  the  hearing- 
impaired;  free  childcare.  Fri,  May  21,  8  pm. 
DMartha  Reeves.  Original  Motown,  "Heat- 
wave." Ei  Mocambo  Tavern,  464  Spadina 
Ave.  8  pm.  Fri-Sat  May  21-22.  Tickets  at 
BASS  698-2277. 

DThe  Jam.  Post-punk  pop  trio  whose  style 
has  been  changing  rapidly  over  the  past  few 
years.  Their  present  album  and  tour  deals 
with  white  funk  music.  Politically  active  in 
Britain  in  human  rights  and  Rock  Against 
Racism.  CNE  Coliseum.  Mon,  May  24. 
Tickets  at  BASS  698-2277. 
DMama  Quilla  IL  Toronto's  hot  women's 
band  have  just  recorded  their  first  album 
and  are  looking  for  money  to  pay  for  the 
pressing.  Check  them  out  at  the  Cameron 
House,  408  Queen  St  W.  Thurs-Sat,  May 

DPAN  AM  at  (he  RivolL  Dance  music  with 
live  DJ,  Andrew  Zealley  of  the  pop  quartet 
TBA.  Modern  mixed  crowd.  Cover  charge. 
Tbes  nights  at  the  Rivoli,  334  Queen  St  W. 

Stage  JonKaplan 

D  Marilyn  Monroe  Is  Alive  and  Well  and 
Living  in  Joe's  Brain.  A  production  by  Bud- 
dies in  Bad  Times  Theatre,  directed  by  Sky 
Gilbert.  A  theatrical  fantasy  based  on  the 
work  of  New  York  poet  Joe  Brainard,  con- 
cerned with  gay  love,  art  and  movies  in  the 
Sixties.  Explores  "queer  bars,"  masturba- 
tion in  the  shower,  with  an  intimate  glimpse 
of  Marilyn  Monroe  on  her  way  to  that  big 
close-up.  Thurs,  April  29  to  Sun,  May  16. 
Thurs-Sat,  8:30  pm;  Sun,  2:30  pm.  The 
Theatre  Centre,  666  King  St  W,  862-0659. 
DThe  Club.  Another  production  of  Eve 
Merriam's  play.  Sends  up  male  views  of 
women  by  having  women  take  the  parts  of 
men  in  an  exclusive  turn-of-the-century  male 
club.  Through  May  1,  8:30  pm.  Alumnae 
Theatre,  70  Berkeley  St,  364-4170. 
DBIoolips.  This  crazed  group  of  drag 
queens,  proprietors  of  the  Nuclear  Launder- 
ama,  get  sent  by  the  Queen  on  a  cultural  ex- 
change programme  to  the  moon.  Lunacy, 

sexual  satire,  lust  in  space,  conformity  com- 
puters, tap  dancing,  a  paean  to  androgyny 
—  expect  it  all  from  Bloolips.  Co-produced 
by  Stage!  and  CFNY-FM.  T\jes-Sun.  Through 
May  2  at  8  pm.  Special  Sat  late  show  1 1  pm 
and  Sun  show  3  pm.  Bathurst  St  Theatre, 
736  Bathurst  St.  Tickets  at  Box  Office 
(595-5088)  or  BASS  (698-2277). 
DTom  Kneebone.  A  cabaret  performance  by 
one  of  Toronto's  established  cabaret  per- 
formers. The  Mainstage,  251  Sherbourne  St. 
365-9972.  T\ies-Sun,  through  May  16.  T\vo 
shows  nightly  at  8:30  and  11  pm.  Sunday 
showbrunch  from  12  noon. 
CUThe  Desert  Song.  A  "pocket  version"  of 
the  Harbach/Hammerstein/ Romberg  oper- 
etta, in  the  style  of  last  year's  version  of 
Rose  Marie.  Romance  in  the  desert,  where 
the  bandit  Riffs  strikes  terror  in  the  hearts  of 
the  locals.  Previews  begin  May  19;  opening 
May  27.  At  the  Royal  George  Theatre  as  part 
of  the  Shaw  Festival,  Niagara-on-the-Lake. 
361-1544  (Toronto  direct  line). 
D  Arlene  Meadows  and  David  Walden. 
Toronto  comedy  and  singing  revue  team. 
The  Mainstage,  251  Sherbourne  St. 
365-9972.  TXies-Sun,  May  19- June  6.  Preview 
May  18. 

DCamllie.  A  revival  of  Robert  David  Mac- 
Donald's  three-focus  version  of  the  Camille 
story  —  history,  theatre  and  opera.  Last 
year's  production  was  superbly  theatrical, 
and  this  year's  once  again  features  Goldie 
Semple  in  the  title  role.  The  play  also  has 
several  gay  characters.  Previews  May  21 ,  22, 
26;  opens  May  28.  In  repertory  with  other 
productions  at  the  Shaw  Festival,  Niagara- 
on-the-Lake,  through  August  1.  361-1544 
(Toronto  direct  line). 

D Funeral  Games  and  The  Good  and  Faith- 
ful Servant.  TNvo  short  plays  by  Joe  Orton, 
originally  written  as  television  plays  for  the 
BBC.  One  play  deals  with  the  problems  of 
aging  and  working;  the  other  is  about  a  TV 
evangelist  who  tries  to  kill  his  wife.  The  pro- 
ductions are  by  a  new  theatre  company, 
SchrOdinger's  Cat.  May  25-30,  8  pm.  The 
Theatre  Centre,  666  King  St  W.  862-0659. 
DLet  My  People  Come.  A  musical  about 
sex,  including  some  lesbian  and  gay  material. 
Basin  St  Cabaret,  180  Queen  St  W.  Mon- 
Thurs,  8  pm;  Fri-Sat,  8  and  1 1  pm.  598-3013. 
Unlimited  run. 

Call  It  Jazz:  The  quintet  Alive!  brings  an  exciting  blend  of  piano,  bass,  percussion  and  vocals  to  TO  from  SF.  At  Harbourfront,  May  1st 


Dance   ColmMcEnery 

n  Toronto  Dance  Theatre.  Recent 
works  by  two  of  the  company's  founding 
directors:  Tango;  so!  and  Enter  the  Dawn  by 
Peter  Randazzo,  and  Exit,  Nightfall  by 
David  Earle.  Also,  premiere  of  new  work  by 
resident  choreographer  Christopher  House. 
Toronto  Dance  Theatre,  80  Winchester  St. 
TUes-Sat,  May  4-8  at  8  pm.  967-1365.  Open 
House  for  TDT,  featuring  performances, 
open  classes,  photo  and  costume  displays. 
Sat,  May  1  in  the  afternoon. 
D National  Ballet  of  Canada.  Canada's  dow- 
ager of  classical  ballet  presents  Bournon- 
ville's  1843  romp,  Napoli,  May  5-9,  Les  Syl- 
phides  and  Washington  Square  May  13-16, 
and  Cranko's  glorious  Romeo  and  Juliet 
May  19-23.  Special  Gala  performance  May 
12  featuring  Paolo  Bortoluzzi,  Jennifer  Pen- 
ney and  Wayne  Eagling  of  the  Royal  Ballet 
with  members  of  the  National  Ballet  School 
in  an  evening  of  divertissements.  Wed-Sat  8 
pm.  Sat  matinee  2  pm.  Sun  matinee  3  pm. 
O'Keefe  Centre.  698-2626. 
DDanceworks.  Spring  Workshop  for  stu- 
dents and  experienced  choreographers  to 
show  experimental  work.  Discussion  to  fol- 
low; the  audience  is  invited  to  participate. 
Sat,  May  9  at  8  pm.  Workman  Auditorium, 
Queen  Street  Mental  Health  Centre,  1001 
Queen  St  W. 

DTheatre  Ballet  of  Canada.  The  fusion  of 
Entre  Six  and  Ballet  Ys  and  the  artistic  direc- 
tion of  Lawrence  Gradus  has  produced 
Theatre  Ballet  of  Canada,  the  country's  new- 
est chamber  ballet  company.  Among  the 
works  performed  will  be  the  Toronto  pre- 
miere of  Gradus's  new  piece.  Corridors. 
Tues-Sat  May  18-22.  Ryerson  Theatre,  43 
Gerrard  St  E.  Tickets  at  Ticketron  or  Ryer- 
son Box  Office  595-5088. 



Michael  \Na6e 

!    Partners.  Dir:  James  Burrows.  With  Ryan 
O'Neal,  John  Hurt.  Two  cops  are  duty- 
bound  to  "impersonate  homosexuals"  in 
order  to  inTiUrate  a  gay  community  and 
solve  a  murder.  The  vulgar  premise  is  that 
hot  topics  like  "gay  murders"  and  lisping 
lavender  make  for  frolicsome  comedy. 
Famous  Players  Theatre  to  be  announced. 
n Personal  Best.  Dir:  Robert  Towne.  With 
Mariel  Hemingway.  A  precision  piece  in 
which  a  lesbian  pentathlon  athlete  struggles 
to  prove  herself  as  both  a  lover  and  com- 
petitor. Presented  with  sober  grace  and  fine 
strength,  although  the  David  Hamilloncsque 

photography  borders  on  titillation.  Uptown 
Three,  Yonge  at  Bloor.  922-31 13. 
D Making  Love.  Dir:  Arthur  Hiller.  With 
Michael  Ontkean,  Kate  Jackson.  This  teary 
rendition  of  a  married  man's  coming  out  has 
become  this  year's  richest  resource  of  cock- 
tail chatter.  As  attractive  and  respectable  as 
a  Lacoste  shirt  —  and  about  as  bland. 
Uptown  Backstage  One,  Yonge  at  Bloor. 

DBoys  in  the  Band.  Dir:  William  Freidkin. 
This  filmed  staging  of  a  gathering  of  New 
York  queens  at  a  calamitous  birthday  party 
was  widely  condemned  by  gay  activists  when 
it  first  appeared  in  1970.  A  cultural  artifact 
that  deserves  to  be  unearthed  to  see  how 
we  understand  ourselves  —  and  the  film 
—now.  Eaton  Centre  Cineplex. 
One  Dundas  St  W.  396-3456. 
\      D Richard's  Things.  Dir:  Anthony 
Harvey.  With  Liv  UUman,  Amanda 
Redman.  Lesbianism  as  meta- 
phor. A  man's  death  brings 
together  his  wife  and  his  mis- 
tress for  the  first  time.  They 
soon  find  themselves  in  love,  adrift 
in  a  deluge  of  affected  symbolism 
and  tidy  paradoxical  dialogue.  But 
their  love  is  only  a  surrogate  for  their  long- 
ing for  the  dead  man.  Carlton  Cineplex, 
Carlton  St.  396-3456. 
lD  Victor/ Victoria.  Dir:  Blake  Edwards.  A 
fizzy,  elaborate  farce  with  Julie  Andrews  as 
a  chanteuse  posing  as  a  Polish  count  cum 
drag  queen,  James  Garner  as  a  tough  guy 
gangster  who  falls  uncomfortably  in  love 
with  him/her  and  Robert  Preston  as  her  gut- 
sy gay  guardian  angel.  Didactic  without 
being  ponderous,  it's  worth  ten  Making 
Love's.  Sheraton  Centre  One,  Queen  St  W 
opposite  City  Hall.  864-1412. 
D Deathtrap.  Dir:  Sidney  Lumet.  With 
Christopher  Reeve,  Michael  Caine.  A  slap- 
happy  thriller  whose  complications  have  just 
begun  when  two  gay  lovers  bump  off  the  un- 
necessary wife  who  comes  between  them. 
Uptown  One,  Yonge  at  Bloor.  922-31 13. 
DThe  Devil's  Playground.  Dir:  Fred 
Schepisi.  With  Simon  Burke,  John  Diedrich. 
"Your  body  is  your  worst  enemy,"  a  priest 
warns  in  this  rambling  diatribe  about  sexual 
repression  in  a  recklessly  Catholic  boys' 
school.  Although  the  pubescent  students  tit- 
ter on  and  on  about  things  sexual,  the  extent 
to  which  the  film  wants  their  desires  fulfilled 
is  left  unclear.  Carlton  Cinemas,  20  Carlton 
St.  269-3456. 

n Visiting  Hours.  Dir:  Jean-Claude  Lord. 
With  Lee  Grant.  A  Canadian-made  shocker. 
After  a  female  newscaster  editorializes  some 
liberal-feminist  sentiments  on  air,  she  re- 
ceives eerie  death  threats  from  a  woman- 
hating  psychopath  who  wishes  to  film  her 
being  murdered.  Opens  May  21,  Theatre 


I  I  United  Arlisis  Showcase.  With  MGM  hav- 
ing bought  United  Artists  from  Trans- 
amcrica,  they  have  now  assembled  a  two- 
month  series  of  films  from  the  UA  archives 
that  will  run  until  the  end  of  May.  The  result 
is  an  eclectic  mixture  of  movies  which  in- 
cludes: Fellini's  hysterically  erotic  Satyricon 
(May  7  at  9:25  pm).  Some  Like  It  Hot  (May 
8,  9:30  pm)  featuring  Jack  Lcmmon  in  joy- 
ous drag;  R  W  Fassbinder's  parody  of  Nazi 

excess,  Lili  Marleen 
May  9,  6:30  pm  and  9  pm); 
the  rowdy  eroticism  of  Pasolini's 
Decameron  (May  19,  7:15  pm);  some  New 
York  homo-greasiness  from  Midnight  Cow- 
boy (May  20,  7  pm);  and  an  inventive  double 
bill  of  sexual  and  emotional  entrapment, 
Sunday  Bloody  Sunday  (May  29,  7:25  pm) 
and  Women  in  Love  (May  29,  9:30  pm). 
$3.50.  The  Revue  Cinema,  400  Roncesvalles. 

Play  it  again,  sliam 

Yes,  the  costumes  are  marvellous  —  a 
parade  of  the  detritus  of  western  culture 
sewn,  glued  and  safety-pinned  together  with 
not  a  hint  of  good  taste.  Garbage  a  la  glitz. 
Bracelets  that  need  ironing.  Hats  you  can 
hear  at  78  rpm.  Skirts  that  shine  with 
Windex.  Hose  with  more  holes  than  Swiss 

Cheese?  But  of  course.  This  is  a  show  in 
which  the  costumes  are  definitely  food  for 
thought.  Precious  Pearl  as  f\/liss  Gouda. 
Bossy  Bette  as  l^iss  Gorgonzola.  Diva  Dan 
as  Miss  Cottage  Cheese.  Lavinia  Co-op  as 
n/liss  Brie  (too  runny  to  appear).  Grettle 
Feather  as  Jane  Fondue,  stealing  the 
limelight  but  not  the  show.  That's  left  to  the 
audience  who.  if  they're  smart,  will  hoard  a 
line,  a  laugh  or  one  of  Bloolips '  indelible 
images  for  that  inevitable  rainy  day  when  a 
sunny  memory  is  just  what 's  needed. 

Lust  in  Space  is  the  bright  side  of  being 
gay.  It's  Toto  and  Tinkerbelle  and  trash 

without  a  tear  or  trauma  in  sight.  This  show 
doesn't  explain  the  pink  triangle,  it  wears  it 
—  in  yards  and  yards  of  fluorescent  borg. 

Clothes,  it  is  said,  make  the  man.  Well, 
Bloolips  costumes  make  much  more  —  an- 
drogynous clowns  whose  tacky  pantomime 
throws  into  high  relief  the  fakeries  of  con- 
sumer culture.  Bloolips  are  the  bag  ladies  of 
glamour,  rummaging  through  the  garbage  of 
our  entertainment  industry  to  display  its  lies 
and  truths.  They  reduce  the  politics  of 
costume  to  new  lows  while  they  lly  us  to  the 
moon  and  back. 

Bravo  Bloolips!  Play  it  agam.  sham 

Robert  Wallacen 
Vancouver  is  next!  Bloolips  play  the  Van- 
couver East  Cultural  Centre  May  12  through 
May  29. 

Roderick  Johnson:  Taking  off  in  a  new 
chamber  ballet  group.  Threatre 
Ballet  of  Canada, 
May  18-22 



DThe  Albany  Tavern.  1 58  King  St  E.  861-1 155. 
Large  lounge,  beverage  room,  dance  floor,  patio, 
now  dining  lounge.  Open  Sunday. 
DThe  Barn.  83  Granby  St.  977-4702.  Leather  and 
western,  casual  stand-up  bar  and  disco. 
DBoots  at  the  Selby.  592  Sherbourne  St. 
921-3142.  Beverage  room  (Ttie  Saloon),  large 
lounge  (The  Long  Bar)  and  upstairs  piano  bar. 
DBuddy's  Backroom  Bar.  370  Church  St. 
977-9955.  Casual  stand-up  bar. 
DCatneo  Club.  95  Trinity  St.  368-2824.  Licensed 
private  dance  club  for  women.  FrI  and  Sat  only. 
DDudes.  10  Breadalbane  St  (laneway  behind 
Parkside  Tavern).  923-6136.  Small  stand-up  and 
after-hours  bar  and  restaurant. 
DIB  East.  18  Eastern  Ave.  368-4040.  Leather  and 
denim  tavern.  Home  of  the  leather  clubs. 
DHotel  California  featuring  The  Outpost.  319  Jarvis 
St  (soutti  of  Gerrard,  side  entrance).  925-6215. 
Lounge  with  stand-up  bar.  Dining  room,  pool  room. 
DKatrina's.  5  St  Joseph  St.  961-4740.  Stand-up 
bar  with  dance  floor.  Open  Fri  and  Sat  to  4  am 
Cover  charge  on  weekends.  Dining  lounge. 
Dies  Cavaliers.  418  Church  St.  977-4702.  Piano 
bar  popular  with  older  men. 
DThe  Mainstage.  251  King  St  E  (at  Sherbourne). 
365-9972.  Nightclub  and  bar  featuring  musi- 
cal/comedy acts.  Tues-Sat,  two  shows  nightly  at 
8:30  and  1 1 :00  pm;  Sunday  showbrunches.  Ham- 
burger menu  plus  pre-show  dinner. 
D Parkside  Tavern.  530  Yonge  St.  922-3844.  Bar, 
dining  room  and  men's  beverage  room. 
DThe  Quest.  665  Yonge  St.  964-8641 .  Bar,  dining 
room  and  upstairs  disco. 
DSt  Charles  Tavern.  488  Yonge  St.  925-5517. 
City's  landmark  straight-owned  gay  bar. 
DTogether.  457  Church  St.  923-3469.  Bar,  dining 
room.  Comfortable  space  for  women. 


DThe  Backdoor  Gym  and  Sauna.  12  1/2  Elm  St 
(laneway  west  of  Yonge  St.  2  blocks  south  of  Ger- 
rard St).  977-5997.  Open  24  hours. 
DThe  Barracks.  56  Widmer  St.  593-0499.  Leather 
and  denim.  Open  6  pm  to  10  am  during  week  and 
24  hours  on  weekend. 

DThe  Club.  231  Mutual  St.  977-4629  Open  24 

DRoman's  Health  and  Recreation  Spa.  742  Bay  St 
598-2110.  Open  24  hours. 


DCharly's.  488  Yonge  St,  925-5517.  Men  only.  Fri 

and  Sat  10  pm  to  3:30  am. 

nManatee.  IIASt  Joseph  St.  922-1898  Men 

only  Fri.  Sat  and  Sun 

;  Stages.  530  Yonge  St.  928-0492.  Mixed.  Sat 

12-5  am.  Sun  10:30  pm-4  am. 


Gay  management/gay-positive  ambience 

The  Chuck  Wagon.  592  Sherbourne  St 
921-3142  Inexpensive  steak  and  chicken 
restaurant  Salad  bar 

Crispins.  64  Gerrard  St  E  977-1919  Medium- 
priced  restaurant 

Empire  OIner.  678  Yonge  St  967-331 1 . 
Restaurant  and  after-hours  caf6 

MAY  1982 


DFare  Exchange.  4  Irwin  Ave.  923-5924.  Small 
neighbourhood  caf6. 

DThe  Fat  Squirrel  Catering  Company.  18  Eastern 
Ave,  368-4040.  Informal,  reasonably  priced  home- 
cooked  meals.  158  King  St  E,  861-1 155.  Burger, 
delicatessen  and  outdoor  barbeque  menu. 
HJennie's,  360  Queen  St  E  (at  Parliament). 
861-1461  Casual  restaurant  with  light  snacks, 
fixed-price  menu.  Fully  licensed. 
□Lipstick.  580  Parliament  St.  922-6655.  Caf6-bar 
with  informal  dining. 

DMajor  Roberts  Upstairs  and  Downstairs.  124  Mar- 
bord  St.  968-7000.  Neighbourhood  bar  upstairs, 
dining  room  downstairs.  Inexpensive  lunches. 
Fixed-price  Sunday  brunch. 
IZMushrooms.  49  Front  St  E.  368-1898.  Casual 


Both  sides  now 

An  Evening  by  Sky  Gilbert.  Factory  Theatre 
Lab,  April  3-4. 

"How  do  you  turn  an  evening  into  a 
work  of  art...  a  play...?"  the  fretful 
Lover  asks  in  the  opening  moments  of 
Sky  Gilbert's  An  Evening,  presented  in 
a  series  of  "Brave  New  Works"  by  Bud- 
dies in  Bad  Times  Productions. 

Mixing  doses  of  Pirandello  and 
Brecht,  Gilbert's  new  theatre  piece  (with 
lively  musical  insertions  created  by 
Micah  Barnes)  examines,  from  a  num- 
ber of  conflicting  points  of  view,  the 
romantic  implications  of  a  single  even- 
ing's encounter  between  two  gay  men. 
The  older  Lover  (he's  26!)  can't  resist 
turning  a  "beautiful  and  feathery" 
22-year-oId  info  his  fantasy  of  a  perfect 
Lovee,  dreaming  that  their  single  (and 
rather  dull)  date  marks  the  inception  of 
an  ecstatic  affair.  Naturally,  the  prosaic 
resistance  of  the  young  man  undermines 
this  rapture. 

Gilbert  constantly  plays  with  our 
sympathies,  turning  them  towards  and 
against  each  character,  refusing  to  vil- 
lainize  either  the  possessive  Lover  or  the 
elusive  Lovee.  The  latter  reveals  that  he 
too  has  anxieties,  in  such  amusing  num- 
bers as  "I'm  Perfect"  and  the  torchy 
"Tall  Boys." 

Gilbert  neatly  sidesteps  the  usual 
excesses  of  preachiness  or  cuteness  to 
explore  ways  in  which  gays  often  fall 
victim  to  their  own  fantasies.  Mono- 
gamous possession,  infatuation  and  sex- 
ual objectification  are  all  thoughtfully 
dissected  by  Gilbert's  sharp  wit.  He 
combines  the  romantic  conventions  of 
The  Music  Man  with  the  harder-edged 
self-revelation  of  A  Chorus  Line  to 
question  the  dubious  values  and  plati- 
tudes which  gays  have  absorbed  from 
such  popular  entertainments. 

With  the  help  of  James  Plaxton's  fit- 
ting module  designs  and  the  assured 
performances  of  two  talented  actors, 
Andrew  MacBean  and  Greg  Campbell, 
playwright  Gilbert  forces  us  to  confront 
the  strangely  funny  and  often  painful 
gap  between  our  romantic  yearnings 
and  harsher  truths.  Paul  BakerD 

Black  success 

Rude  Noises  (for  a  blank  generation) 

Theatre  Passe  Muraille,  April. 

The  faded  singing  of  fey  blonde  Petula 
Clark  ("Downtown")  deceivingly  opens 
this  bitter  play  about  sexually  confused 
men  running  wild  in  TO.  The  characters 
have  no  money,  no  hope.  They  die 

A  virgin  hustler  wears  a  T-shirt 
glamourizing  that  other  blonde,  Marilyn 
Monroe.  A  pair  of  Scarborough  runa- 
ways hit  the  Yonge  Street  strip  in  search 
of  sex,  fun,  drugs  and  Brenda,  the  miss- 
ing sister  of  one  of  the  boys,  who  is  a 
naive  romantic  stud  in  a  ripped  black 
T-shirt.  The  handsome  ingenue  Eddy 
(Lawrence  King  Phillips)  learns  about 

basement  restaurant.  Business/suburban  clier^ele 
changes  to  show- biz  and  gay  crowd  in  late  eve. 
□Neighbours,  562  Church  St.  924-1972.  Medium- 
priced  restaurant. 

□Pimblett's.  249  Gerrard  St  E.  929-9525.  English 
bistro  with  dinner  menu. 
□The  Queen  Mother  Caf6,  206  Queen  St  W 
598-4719.  Cosy,  informal  eating  place  with 
reasonably  priced  soups,  salads,  sandwiches  and 
desserts.  Licensed. 

Evening:  Andrew  McBean,  Greg  Campbell 

Real  Life  from  the  suicidal  anorexic 
Beehive  (Karen  Woolridge).  His  friend 
is  coached  into  the  lucrative-but- 
degrading  world  of  gay  hustling  by  an 
obnoxious  creep  in  a  dog  collar.  The 
poor  kid  from  Scarberia  is  so  disgusted 
by  the  seamier  side  of  himself  that  he 

□The  VS  Restaurant.  251  King  St  E  (at  Sher- 
bourne),  upstairs.  365-9972.  Comfortably  elegant, 
'  continental  menu.  Dinner  for  two  with  wine:  $40. 
Pre-show  dinner  downstairs  in  The  l^ainstage. 


□Catnaps  Guesthouse.  246  Sherbourne  St. 
968-2323.  Eight  rooms,  TV  lounge,  laundry  and 
kitchen  facilities,  sundeck.  One  person:  $15:  two 
people:  $18.  Also  weekly  rates. 
□18  East  Hotel.  18  Eastern  Ave.  368-4040. 
Recently  renovated  older  hotel  with  bar  and  dining 
room.  22  rooms,  TV  lounge.  One  or  two  people: 

slits  his  wrists  while  high-priestess  of 
depression  Marianne  Faithfull  croaks, 
"Why'd  you  do  what  you  did?  Why'd 
you  let  her  suck  your  cock?" 

A  black,  black  success  for  Theatre 
Passe  Muraille.  Stephen  StuckeyD 

IVIood  fusion 

TIDE.  Harbourfront,  April  8-11. 

Members  of  Toronto  Independent 
Dance  Enterprises  (TIDE)  and  the  New 
Music  Co-op  recently  presented  a  vir- 
tuoso performance  evening  entitled 
"Colliding"  at  Harbourfront.  Using 
sound  sources  as  diverse  as  the  spoken 
word,  electronic  tapes,  manipulation  of 
conventional  instruments  and  the 
sounds  of  the  human  body  in  motion, 
the  eight  dancers /musicians  interacted, 
collided  and  supported  each  other  in  a 
multi-mood  fusion  of  two  usually  separ- 
ate arts.  Portions  of  the  evening  drew 
heavily  on  contact  improvisation  be- 
tween random  couples.  The  resulting 
pairings,  regardless  of  gender  or  size 
disparity,  were  adept  and  intriguing  — 
truly  non-sexist  partnering.  This  calm 
celebration  of  potential  and  relation- 
ships, set  under  painted,  jointed  lathes 
and  intimately  lit,  contrasted  sharply 
with  much  of  the  brittle  "conventional" 
dance  in  the  city  and  created  —  briefly 
—  a  warm  centre  to'an  inhospitable 
Spring.  Colin  McEneryD 

Danny  Grossman 's  new  piece  of  choreography,  Portrait,  at  the  Young  People 's  Theatre  April 
13-18,  is  often  as  angular  as  the  off-centre  furniture  that  makes  up  the  set.  A  study  of  the 
influence  that  a  man 's  family  has  on  his  growing- up.  sexual  and  otherwise.  Portrait  shows 
the  central  figure  (Grossman,  in  the  stranglehold  above)  trying  out  both  a  female  lover  and  a 
male  lover.  Grossman 's  emphasis  is  not  specifically  on  coming  out,  but  rather  on  the  domes- 
tic forces  surrounding  the  young  man.  "We  were  born  to  be  certain  things,"  Grossman  said, 
'  'but  different  energies  set  us  off  in  other  directions. ' ' 

There  are  enough  hostilities  in  this  family  scene  to  fill  several  psychoanalytic  case  books. 
The  central  figure  often  hangs  childlike  onto  other  characters,  and  sex  is  performed  to  the 
sound  of  fire  crackling.  Mother  and  father  (Susan  tJlacPherson  and  Greg  Parks)  both  accept 
and  then  reject  the  man,  and  he  constantly  returns  to  wrap  himself  in  a  security  blanket 
which  resembles  a  large  red  tongue.  His  relationship  with  the  male  lover  (Randy  Glynn)  is 
sometimes  as  violent  as  his  own  parents '  relationship  —  which  is  the  point  of  the  work, 
apparently,  since  the  four  characters  change  partners  for  a  while  to  waltz  around  the  stage  — 
and  he  ultimately  rejects  that  lover  for  a  trick. 

Long  and  unfocussed,  the  work  has  the  potential  to  make  a  strong  statement  about  how 
one  family 's  interactions  can  affect  a  person 's  sexual  orientation .  Jon  Kaplan  D 

□The  Selby  Hotel.  592  Sherbourne  St. 
921-3142.  Victorian-style  hotel  with  bar  and  din- 
ing room.  72  rooms  with  private  bath.  No  house- 
keeping. One  person:  $23.50;  two  people' 
$29  50. 


□Toronto  Gay  Community  Council.  730  Bathurst 
St,  IVI5S  2R4.  Umbrella  organization  of  Toronto  les- 
bian and  gay  groups.  Forum  for  sharing  informa- 
tion and  discussing  political  strategies. 

Social/political  action 

□After  You're  Out.  Weekly  groups  for  gay  men 
meeting  for  10  weeks  to  discuss  personal  goals, 
problems,  topics  of  interest.  Organized  by  TAG. 
Info:  964-6600. 

□Black  and  White  Men  Together.  Drawer  C446, 
c/o  The  Body  Politic,  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X9. 
An  interracial  support  group  for  men. 
□Coalition  for  Gay  Rights  in  Ontario  (CGRO).  Box 
822,  Stn  A.  IVI5W  1G3.  533-6824.  Toronto  office: 
730  Bathurst  St,  M5S  2R4. 
□Committee  to  Defend  John  Damien.  Box  608, 
Stn  K,tVI4P2H1.  925-6729. 
□Doing  It!  Lesbians  and  Gay  Liberation  in  the 
'80s:  Conference  Organizing  Committee.  730 
Bathurst  St.  I^5S  2R4.  Info:  Philip  at  461-9188. 
Committee  planning  Canada-wide  conference 
scheduled  for  Toronto  June  26-July  5, 1982. 
□Fat  Lesbians.  730  Bathurst  St.  IVI5S  2R4.  Info: 
Christine  Donald  at  533-6824.  Consciousness- 
raising  group. 

□Foundation  for  the  Advancement  of  Canadian 
Transsexuals  (FACT)  —  Toronto.  Box  281 ,  Stn  A, 
Rexdale,  ON  M9W5L3.  741-7223. 
□Gay  Academic  Union  (GAU).  275  Broadview  Ave, 
No  47,  M4I^  3H5.  469-4244. 
□Gay  Alliance  at  York.  c/oCYSF,  105  Central  Sq, 
York  University,  4700  KeeleSt,  Downsview,  ON 
M3J  1P3.  667-2515.  Sept-April. 
□Gay  Asians  of  Toronto.  Drawer  R999,  c/o  The 
Body  Politic,  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  IVI5W  1X9. 
□Gay  Community  Appeal  of  Toronto.  Box  2212, 
Stn  P,  M5S  2T2.  869-3036.  Fund-raising  organi- 
zation for  gay  and  lesbian  community  projects. 
□Gay  Community  Dance  Committee  (GCDC),  730 
Bathurst  St,  M5S  2R4.  Organizes  community  fund- 
raising  dances. 

□Gay  Fathers  Support  Group.  Box  187,  Stn  F, 
M4Y  2L5.  532-2333  or  967-0430. 
□Gay  Liberation  Against  the  Right  Everywhere 
(GLARE).  Box  793,  Stn  Q,M4T2N7. 
□Gay  SIG.  Drawer  C622,  c/o  The  Body  Politic,  Box 
7289,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X9.  Group  of  gay  members  of 
MENSA  in  Canada. 

□Gay  Self-Defence  Group,  Box  793,  Stn  0, 
M4T  2N7.  960-5579.  Organizes  courses  in  self- 
defence  in  and  outside  of  Toronto. 
□Gays  and  Lesbians  at  University  of  Toronto 
(GLAUT).  c/o  SAC  Office,  1 2  Hart  House  Circle, 
University  of  Toronto,  MbS  1A1,  978-4911.  Sept- 

□GEM  Gay  Community  Outreach.  Box  62,  Bramp- 
ton, ON  L6V  2K7.  Peel  Region  (Brampton- 
Mississauga)  group  for  gays  and  lesbians.  Gayline 
West:  453-GGCO. 

□  Lesbian  and  Gay  History  Group  of  Toronto. 
Box  639,  Stn  A,  M5W  1G2.  961-7338. 
□Lesbian  and  Gay  Pride  Day  Committee.  Box  793, 
Stn  Q,  M4T  2N7.  Organizes  June  27  celebration. 
□Lesbian  and  Gay  Youth  Toronto.  730  Bathurst  St, 
M5S  2R4.  533-2867.  Phone  counselling;  Mon, 
Fri,  Sat7  pm-10:30  pm. 

□Lesbian  Mothers'  Defence  Fund.  Box  38,  Stn  E, 
tVI6H4E1.  465-6822. 

□  Lesbian  Speakers  Bureau.  Box  6597,  Stn  A, 
(VI5W  1X4.  Info:  IVIichelle  at  789-4541  or  Debbie  at 
964-7477.  Speakers  for  myth-shattering  seminars 
and  workshops  about  lesbians. 

□Lesbians  Against  the  Right  (LAR).  Box  6579,  Stn 

A,  IVI5W  1X4.  Lesbian-feminist  political  action 


□New  Democratic  Party  Gay  Caucus.  Box  792, 

Stn  F,  M4Y  2N7.  964-1049. 

□NOVA.  Box5794,StnA,M5W1P2,  921-1938.  A 

collective  concerned  with  theory  and  practice  of 

non-violent  direct  action. 

□Parents  and  Friends  of  Lesbians  and  Gays.  100 

IVIaitland  St,  No  506,  IVI4Y  1E2.  Info:  June  Tattle  at 


□  Potluck  Suppers.  Box  6771,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X5. 
Lesbian  social  group.  977-7670. 

□Right  to  Privacy  Committee  (RTPC).  730  Bathurst 
St,  M5S  2R4.  Defence  committee  for  gays  arrested 
under  bawdyhouse  laws.  Cheques  or  charges 
payable  to:  Harriet  Sachs  in  trust  for  RTPC.  Info: 

continued  on  page  26 


MAY  1982 

A  New  Nightclub  at  the  VS:  Restaurant 

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APRIL  20  -  MAY  16 

Tues.,  Wed.,  Thurs.  8:30  &  1 1 :00,  $6.50 
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Two  Sunday  Showbrunches,  $  1 3.00  inclusive 

1  St  Brunch  from  1 2:00  &  Show  2:00.  2nd  Brunch  from  3:30  &  Show  5:00. 







The  most  captivating  artists  to  appear  in  Toronto  revue 

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Sunday  Showbrunch,  $  1 1 .50  inclusive 

Brunch  from  1  00,  Show  3:00 

Showbuffet  Dinner,  S  1  3.00  inclusive 

Dinner  from  6:00,  Show  7:30 


Continental  a  la  carte  Dining 

Sunday  Brunch,  Prix  fixe.  $9.95 

Fully  licensed 



King  &  Sherbourne  Streets 



•  I  1 1 

'  Ik  I 

f  1 

V  T   r  T 


Wed/April  28 

CToronJo  Gay  Community  Council.  Com- 
munity forum  for  sharing  information  and 
debating  important  issues.  519  Church  St, 
7:30  pm.  Info:  923-GAYS. 

Thurs/April  29 

n  Marilyn  Monroe  is  Alive  and  Well  and 
Living  in  Joe's  Brain.  See  Stage. 
DGays  in  Health  Care.  Presentation  on 
suicide.  519  Church  St,  8:30  pm. 

Fri/April  30 

D  Partners.  Toronto  opening.  See  Cinema. 
DTAG  Friday  Night  Group.  Evening  of  dis- 
cussion for  lesbians  and  gay  men.  519 
Church  St,  8  pm.  Coming  out  group,  open 
discussion  group,  women's  only  group  and 
special  topic  group  meet  simultaneously. 
Info:  964-6600.  Discussion  topic:  the  Gay 
Community  Council.  Speakers  Philip 
Fotheringham  and  Chris  Bearchell. 
D  Lesbian  Phoneline  Collective.  Monthly 
meeting.  348  College  St,  3rd  floor,  7  pm. 
Business  and  general  meeting.  Interested 
women  and  prospective  members  welcome. 
DThe  Human  League.  See  Music. 

Sat/May  1 

n  Alive!  See  Music. 

D Fighting  the  Right  Festival.  Harbord  Col- 
legiate, 286  Harbord  St,  12  noon-5:30  pm. 
Cultural  events:  Arlene  Mantle,  David 
Welch,  Gayap  Rh^hm  Drummers,  Marcia 
Cannon,  Latin  American  Cultural  Work- 
shop, Red  Berets,  dances  by  Gay  Asians  of 
Toronto.  Workshops:  "Fighting  the  Right 
South  of  the  Border,"  "Old  Bigots,  New 
Politics:  You  Can't  Fight  the  Right  Without 
Feminism  and  Gay  Liberation,"  "Police 
Harassment  and  People's  Rights,"  "Les- 
bians Fighting  the  Right."  And  much  more. 
Daycare:  pre-register  with  Robert  (661-9375) 
or  Ken  (922-8780  or  964-6560). 

DGay  Self-Defence  Group.  Reunion  of  all 
former  students  at  519  Church  St,  9  pm. 
Cash  bar. 

Sun/ May  2 

nOut  and  Out  Hike.  A  ramble  through 
Kortright  Conservation  Area,  sponsored  by 
the  Out  and  Out  club  ($2  fee  for  non-mem- 
bers). Call  Rick  (445-5787)  for  details  and  to 
arrange  transportation,  before  Fri, 
March  30. 

D Lesbian  Mothers'  Defence  Fund.  Potluck 
brunch,  1-4  pm.  Share  food,  friendship  and 
thoughts  on  raising  children.  Info  on 
location:  465-6822. 

'  ~York  Rainbow  Society  of  the  Deaf.  730 
Bathurst  St,  1  pm. 


LlThe  Women's  Group.  Collectively 
run  support  and  consciousness-raising 
group  for  lesbians.  519  Church  St, 
8-10  pm.  Contact  Raechel  (690-9410)  or 
Diane  (483-4490,  10  am-3  pm). 
uLesbian/Lesbienne:  the  National 
Lesbian  Newsletter.  Meetings  at 
7:30  pm.  Contact  Kerry  for  more  info: 
367-0589.  All  lesbians  welcome. 
riFat  Lesbians.  Consciousness-raising 
group  in  a  private  home.  Contact 
Christine  Donald  at  533-6824  (days). 

CT and  April:  reuniting  for  May  ^  >  ^u.i^ert 

Partners:  Ryan  O'Neal,  John  Hurt  on  duty 

M  on/May  3 

DJudy  Garland  Memorial  Bowling  League 
Playoffs.  Somewhere  over  the  rainbow  —  or, 
at  least,  on  the  subway  line  —  the  battle  to 
the  death  for  the  coveted  Ruby  Slippers 
Trophy.  This  may  be  right  down  your  alley. 
Ask  any  bartender  in  the  usual  watering 
holes  for  location.  Spectators  welcome. 
DRyerson  Lesbians  and  Gay  Men.  Meeting 
at  Scott's  at  7  pm  to  organize  a  student 
conference  and  to  plan  a  dance  for  May. 
Info:  Danny  at  463-5625. 


n  Together  THal  Continues.  7  people 
charged  with  assaulting  a  police  officer:  The 
trial  resumes  after  March  4  police  testimony 
on  an  incident  outside  lesbian  bar  Together 
in  January.  Old  City  Hall,  Ctrm  31,  II  am 
before  Judge  RD  Osborne. 
DGay  Anglicans  (integrity).  Informal  con- 
temporary Eucharist;  coffee  house  follow- 
ing. Chancel  and  vestry  meeting  place.  Holy 
Trinity  Church,  Eaton  Centre,  8  pm.  All 

DGay  Equality  Mississauga.  General 
meeting,  8  pm;  John  Damien  invited  as 
speaker.  Unitarian  Hall,  84  South  Service 
Rd,  Port  Credit.  Info:  Gayline  West 

Wed/May  5 

DGay  Self-Defence  Group.  8- week  course 
begins.  Cost:  $45  ($25  for  former  students). 
Info  on  location:  960-5579. 

Thurs/May  6 

DGay  Fathers  of  Toronto.  Discussion  at 
8  pm.  Further  info:  532-2333  or  967-0430. 
DSpearhead.  Bar  night  at  18  East. 

Fri/ May  7 

D  Carole  Pope  and  Rough  TVade.  See  Music, 

I  Trouble  with  the  Police?  | 

I  Phone  960-6318.  24-hour  hotline.  Confidential-  t 
$  ity  guaranteed.  Citizens'  Independent  Review  I 
i  of  Police  Artlvities  (CIRPA).  Call  us  first! 



D  Lesbian  and  Gay  Youth  Toronto. 

7:30  pm,  519  Church  St. 

D  Lesbians  Against  the  Right.  730 

Bathurst  St,  7:30  pm.  May  4  and  18. 
Info:  Gay  Bell  at  466-3801. 

Sat/May  8 

DMen  Making  Contact.  One  of  a  series  of 
,,  consciousness-raising  events  for 
',        gay,  straight  and  bisexual  men 

interested  in  working  toward  a 
non-sexist  society.  Workshops  9:30 
am  to  5  pm.  761  Queen  St,  west  of 
Bathurst.  Info:  Spencer  Brennan  691-4175. 
DPoint  Pelee  Gay  Migration.  Birds  who 
missed  the  gay  migration  to  Long  Point  on 
April  4  will  have  another  chance  this  week- 
end, when  members  of  Toronto's  Out  and 
Out  Club  make  their  annual  appearance  on 
this  otherwise  unremarkable  peninsula  for  a 
camp-over.  For  reservations  and  details  call 
Tony  (967-3399)  by  May  1. 
DGay  Equality  Mississauga.  Bowling  night 
at  Dixie  Bowlarama.  Info:  Gayline  West 

DU  of  T  Women's  Newsmagazine  Benefit 
Dance.  University  College  Refectory, 
15  King's  College  Circle,  8:30  pm.  Licensed; 
tickets  $3,  available  in  advance  at  SAC, 
12  Hart  House  Circle,  or  at  the  door.  All 
women  welcome. 

DJudy  Garland  Memorial  Bowling  League. 
Annual  banquet  with  reputation  for  being  a 
"crazy,  wonderful  party,"  Costumes  to  bowl 
you  over.  Ever  see  six  husky  Evita's?  Rain- 
bow High  was  the  team  that  managed  to 
clone  the  Argentinian  lady  at  last  year's 
extravaganza.  Costumes  by  Stephen  Searle, 
awards  for  days!  Info  at  the  bars. 
DCabbagetown  Softball  Pennant  Dance. 
CGSL  fundraiser  at  the  Albany  Tavern,  with 
contest  to  decide  the  best  team  pennant  in 
the  league.  9  pm. 

DConference  Benefit  Dance.  Homo  Hop 
sponsored  by  Gays  and  Lesbians  at  U  of  T 
on  behalf  of  "Doing  It!"  (see  Sundays).  The 
Buttery,  Gerald  Larkin  Building,  Devonshire 
Place,  U  of  T,  9  pm. 

Sun/May  9 

DMetropolitan  Community  Church. 

Parents'  Sunday.  7:30  pm,  730  Bathurst  St. 
DDepeche  Mode.  See  Music. 

Mon/May  10 

D  Anti-Cruise  Missile  Demo  THal.  34  people, 
including  lesbian  Kari  Reynolds,  were 
charged  with  trespassing  during  non-violent 

Deathtrap:  Christopher  Reeve  unveils  a  clue 


DMetropolitan  Community  Church. 

Midweek  services.  730  Bathurst  St. 
D Lutherans  Concerned/Toronto.  8  pm 
in  a  member's  home.  Call  James  or 
David  at  463-7354  for  info  on  location. 
May  5  and  19. 

D  No-Name  Cafi.  For  people  who 
want  an  alternative  to  the  bar  scene.  A 
place  to  relax  with  coffee,  tea  and  con- 
versation on  the  menu.  519  Church  St, 
8-10  pm. 

D  International  Women's  Day  Commit- 
tee. Meetings  at  7:30  pm.  Info: 


The  Human  League:  '  'Probably  the  best  electro-pop  today, ' '  at  Massey  Hall.  Friday,  April  30 

demonstration  at  Litton  Systems  plant  in 
Rexdale  April  8  (Litton  manufactures  guid- 
ance system  for  Cruise  nuclear  missiles). 
Trial  begins  at  Etobicoke  Courthouse,  Rm 
210,  80  The  East  Mall.  Toronto  contingent  of 
Cruise  Missile  Conversion  Project  leave  city 
April  24  to  participate  in  World  Peace 
March,  walking  to  New  York  to  arrive  at 
United  Nations  in  time  for  Session  on  Dis- 
armament June  7.  Info:  532-6720. 
D Right  to  Privacy  Committee.  Annual 
meeting  and  election  of  officers.  Members 
should  come  and  vote.  519  Church  St,  8  pm. 

Tues/May  11 

D  Integrity  (Gay  Anglicans).  Sung  Eucharist 
(traditional  prayer  book  rite).  Guest 
preacher,  discussion  programme  TBA.  Chan- 
cel and  vestry  meeting  place.  Holy  Trinity 
Church,  Eaton  Centre,  8  pm. 

Thurs/May  13 

DWard  6  NDP.  Nomination  meeting  to 
choose  aldermanic  candidates  for  Nov  muni- 
cipal elections.  Toronto  City  Hall,  council 
chamber,  7:30  pm.  Candidates:  Jack  Layton, 
teacher  of  urban  politics  at  Ryerson;  Arnold 
Bruner,  law  student  and  author  of  report  on 
police/gay  community  relations;  Morris 
Soldov,  housing  activist. 
D  Toronto  Organization  of  United  Church 
Homosexuals.  7:30  pm.  Info  on  location: 

Fri/May  14 

D Foundation  for  the  Advancement  of 
Canadian  Transsexuals.  519  Church  St, 
7:30  pm. 

Sat/May  15 

DOut  and  Out  Hike.  Devil's  Glen  area. 

Phone  Ian  (921-6947)  well  ahead  of  time  for 


D  Astrology  of  Gay  Male  Relationships. 

3-hour  seminar  at  OISE,  252  Bloor  St  W, 
2  pm.  Sponsored  by  Toronto  Guild  of 
Astrologers.  With  Gregory  Heitz-Mann,  pro- 
fessional astrologer  from  Vancouver  Island. 
Discussion  of  freedom-closeness  dilemma  of 
gay  m^''-  '■elationships,  with  case  histories. 
Participants  are  invited  to  bring  sample 
charts  for  discussion.  $6  entrance  fee. 
DTAG  Bazaar.  Proceeds  to  Toronto  Area 
Gays,  a  phone-line  counselling  service.  519 
Church  St  Community  Centre.  II  am-4  pm. 

Sun/May  16 

DGay  Naturalists.  Out  and  Out  stalks  the 
elusive  gay  varieties  of  Ontario's  provincial 
symbol  at  Trillium  Woods  Provincial  Nature 
Reserve.  Call  Martin  (533-0970)  by  Saturday 
morning  to  arrange  transportation. 

M  on/ May  17 

LlGay  Equality  Mississauga.  Married  men's 
group,  7:30  pm.  Unitarian  Hall,  84  South 
Service  Rd.  Port  Credit. 

Phone  counselling  lines 

DLesblan  Phonellne:  960-3249.  Tues 

7:30-1030  pm. 

[1  Lesbian  and  Gay  Youth  Toronto:  533-2867. 

Mon,  Fri.  Sat.  7-10  30  pm 

nSpouses  ol  Gays:  967-0597.  Wed  and 

Thurs6  30-8  30  pm 

DToronto  Area  Gays  (TAG):  964-6600.  Mon- 

Sat  7-10:30  pm.  Counselling  and  inlo. 

D  Lambda  Business  Council.  General 
meeting,  8  pm.  Wine-tasting  at  Raclette 
Restaurant,  361  Queen  St  W.  $15 /person. 
Limited  space:  reserve  in  advance  with  Isobel 
Smyth  (960-1291)  or  John  Higgins 

Tues/May  18 

n  Integrity  (Gay  Anglicans).  Informal  con- 
temporary Eucharist;  coffee  hour,  literature 
table.  Downstairs  community  room.  No.  II, 
the  Parish  House,  Holy  Trinity  Church, 
Eaton  Centre,  8  pm. 
D  Parents  and  Friends  of  Lesbians  and 
Gays.  Regular  meeting.  519  Church  St, 
8  pm.  Info:  961-3415. 
D  Baroque  Women  Composers.  See  Music. 

Wed/May  19 

DThe  Desert  Song.  At  the  Shaw  Festival. 

See  Stage. 

DArlene  Meadows  and  David  Walden.  See 


Thurs/May  20 

D Lanyard  Bar  Night  at  18  East. 

Great  screen  kisses:  Boys  in  the  Band  (top) 
and  Sunday  Bloody  Sunday  At  the  Revue 

D Backpacking  T^ip.  The  Out  and  Out  Club 
returns  to  its  favourite  provincial  park, 
Killarney,  where  SG  met  PM  but  a  year  ago. 
An  annual  event!  Reservations  and  full 
deposit  ($35-$40)  due  by  May  14  to  Stuart 
(921-6033).  Limited  to  16. 
DGay  Fathers  of  Toronto.  Potluck  supper 
and  discussion,  6:30  pm.  Further  info: 
532-2333  or  967-0430. 
DCamille.  At  the  Shaw  Festival.  See  Stage. 
DCTand  April  Concert.  See  Music. 
D  Martha  Reeves.  See  Music. 

Sat/May  22 



Canadian  (iay  Archives.  Open  for 
research  and  tours,  7-10  pm.  24  Duncan 
St,  fifth  noor.  Info:  977-6320. 
nCSGL  Baseball  Bar  Nights.  Fund- 
raisers at  the  Albany  Tavern. 
n  Lesbian  and  Gay  Pride  Day  Committee. 
Planning  for  June  27  celebration.  519 
Church  St,  8  pm.  Apr  29,  May  13  &  27. 
IITAG  Coming  Out  Group.  Weekly 
meeting  in  a  private  home.  Supportive 
atmosphere  for  people  coming  to  terms 
with  their  sexuality.  8  pm.  Info: 

I  1  Women  Against  Violence  Against 
Women  (WAV AW).  519  Church  St, 
7:30  pm.  May  6  and  20. 

DCoalition  for  Gay  Rights  in  Ontario.  An- 
nual meeting,  II  am-7  pm,  730  Bathurst  St. 
CGRO  hopes  to  see  representatives  from  all 
31  member  groups  across  the  province. 
Workshops  on  how  to  make  money  and 
choosing  priorities.  Potluck  supper  5-7  pm. 
DGay  Self-Defence  Group.  Self-defence 
coiirse  begins,  I  pm.  Info  on  location: 

DComic  Co-op  Benefit.  An  evening  of  en- 
tertainment, featuring  guest  artists,  magi- 

Can  you  spot  ttie  gay  trillium?  May  16  outing 

cians,  clowns,  mime  artists  and  other  com- 
edy acts.  Music  by  the  pop  quartet  TBA.  To 
raise  money  for  the  production  of  an 
original  play  called  The  Rise  and  Fait  of 
Tony  Trouble  by  a  new  group  called  Comic 
Co-op  and  featuring  rising-star  comic  Bruce 
Bell.  "Alternative  New  Wave  comedy."  Ad- 
mission $7.50  (includes  buffet  and  bar). 
Tickets  available  from  Tallulah  Bankroll  at 
920-1483.  519  Church  St  Community  Centre. 
D Spring  Prom.  Drag  that  gown  you  never 
had  a  chance  to  wear  out  of  storage,  and  un- 
freeze that  corsage!  Last  March's  "Star 
Gays"  was  the  Gay  Community  Dance  Com- 
mittee's biggest  hit  yet,  with  almost  2,000  at- 
tending. Eight  hours  of  uninterrupted  music, 
and  dressing  to  the  theme  is  highly  encour- 
aged. Two  dance  floors,  a  laser  show,  and 
lots  of  fun.  Tickets  at  usual  outlets;  proceeds 
go  to  18  lesbian  and  gay  groups.  The  Concert 
Hall  (Yonge  and  Davenport),  9  pm  to  5  am. 

Sun/May  23 

DCoalition  for  Gay  Rights  in  Ontario.  An- 
nual meeting  continues,  11  am-4  pm.  See 
May  22. 


DThe  Jam.  See  Music. 



DGay  Asians  of  Toronto.  519  Church 
St,  2  pm.  March  27,  May  8  and  22. 
nCabbagetown  Group  Softball 
League.  Games  weekly  except  for  long 
weekends,  II  am-6  pm,  Riverdale  Park. 


1 1  Dignity/Toronto.  Worship  followed 
by  discussion  meeting.  Our  Lady  of 
Lourdes  Church,  Sherbourne  St,  4  pm. 
Info:  960-3997. 

nCabbagetown  Group  Softball 
League.  Games  weekly  except  for  long 
weekends,  II  am-6  pm,  Riverdale  Park. 
riMelropolitan  Community  Church. 
Regular  Sunday  services.  Singspiration 
at  7:10,  worship  at  7:30  and  fellowship 
following.  730  Bathurst  St. 
I  I  Conference  Organizing  Committee. 
Commiiice  lo  plan  "Doing  It!  Lesbian 
and  Gay  I  ibcration  in  the  Eighties,"  to 
be  held  June  26-July  4.  More  info: 
Christine  at  533-6824  daytime.  May  2, 
16  and  .^0. 

Tues/May  25 

D  Funeral  Games  and  The  Good  and  Faith- 
ful Servant.  See  Stage. 

D Integrity  (Gay  Anglicans).  Sung  evensong. 
Programme  TBA.  Downstairs  community 
room  at  No.  11,  The  Parish  House,  Church 
of  the  Holy  Trinity,  Eaton  Centre,  8  pm. 

Wed/ May  26 

DToronto  Gay  Community  Council.  Com- 
munity forum  for  sharing  information  and 
debating  important  issues.  519  Church  St, 
7:30  pm.  Info:  923-GAYS. 

Thurs/May  27 

DGay  Equality  Mississauga.  Newcomer's 
coffee  night.  Unitarian  Hall,  84  South  Ser- 
vice Rd,  Port  Credit,  8  pm. 
DMama  Quilla  II.  See  Music. 

Fri/May  28 

DTAG  Friday  Night  Group.  519  Church  St, 

8  pm.  Info:  964-6600.  See  April  30.  Discus- 
sion topic:  parents  of  gays  —  coming  out 
from  their  point  of  view. 

DGay  Equality  Mississauga.  Licensed 
dance,  8:30  pm-1  am.  Unitarian  Hall,  84 
South  Service  Rd,  Port  Credit.  Buffet. 
DGays  in  Health  Care.  Social  meeting, 

9  pm.  Info  on  location:  920-1882. 

Sat/May  29 

DWalkathon  for  El  Salvadorean  refugees. 

20  km  walk  begins  10  am  at  St  James  Cathe- 
dral Park.  Organized  by  COSPES  Christian 
Action  Committee.  All  welcome  to  parti- 
cipate. Info:  485-5972  or  656-0455. 



DTBP  fVial.  Pink  Triangle  Press  and  its  3 
officers  go  on  trial,  for  the  second  time,  on 
the  charge  of  sending  immoral  indecent  and 
scurrilous  material  through  the  mails. 
Defence  lawyer  Clayton  Ruby;  crown  attor- 
ney and  judge  unknown.  Spectators  are 
encouraged  to  show  up  and  lend  support. 
College  Park,  Ctrm  503,  10  am.  Continues 
June  I  and  2. 

Summer  softball:  At  bat  in  Riverdale  Park 

Want  to  get  your  event  listed? 
Want  to  update  info  on  your  group? 
Send  all  information  to: 
Out  in  the  City,  The  Body  Politic, 
Box  7289,  StnA,  Toronto  M5W 1X9 

Deadline  for  the  June  issue: 
Wednesday,  May  12. 

For  more  up-to-date  info, 
call  923-GAYS  weekly. 



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''^''^^^'/'As  Neiqhbour\\oo^^^^^ 

Social/political  action 

continued  from  page  22 

DRyerson  Lesbians  and  Gay  Men.  c/o  SURPI, 
Ryerson  Polytechnical  Institute,  Jorgensen  Hall, 
380  Victoria  St,  MSB  1W7.  Office:  Rm  A374, 
Jorgensen  Hall.  Hrs:  Mon  1-6  pm.  Ryerson 
Gayline:  593-4030  Uon  1-6  pm,  Thurs6-9  pm. 
DSpouses  of  Gays,  c/o  Caryn  Miller,  260  Carlton 
St,  MSA  2L3.  Pfioneline:  967-0S97  Wed  and  Tfiurs 
6:30-8:30  pm. 

DToronto  Gay  Community  Clioir.  158  Brunswick 
Ave,  M5S  2M2.  Pfi:  Kathy  Anthony-May, 
534-8710.  Practice:  Wed  8  pm  at  519  Cfiurcfi  St 
Community  Centre. 

DToronto  Gay  Patrol.  730  Batfiurst  St,  M5S  2R4. 
Self-governing  group  of  lesbians  and  gay  men 
patrolling  downtown  core  of  city.  New  members 
needed  for  final  series  of  training  classes  (first  aid, 
legal  aid,  self-defence  awareness)  beginning  mid- 
May.  Info:  Owen  698-3869  or  Rob  488-2578. 
DThe  Women's  Group.  519  Church  St  Community 
Centre.  Info:  Raechel  690-9410  or  Diane  483-4490 
(10  am-3  pm).  Collectively  run  support  and 
consciousness-raising  group  for  lesbians. 
DYork  Rainbow  Society  of  the  Deaf.  Box  671 , 
Stn  F,  M4Y  2N6. 

New  this  issue: 

DYoung  Lesbians.  Support  group  in  process  of  for- 
ming. Info:  Lesbian  and  Gay  Youth  Toronto 
Phoneline  533-2867. 

Health/social  services 

DA  Way  Gut.  530-GAYS.  24-hour  recorded 
messages  for  young  lesbians  and  gays.  Four  to  five 
minutes  of  supportive  info  on  dealing  with  parent, 
friends,  fears  and  coming  out  problems.  Drawer 
C614,  c/oTBP,  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X9. 
DAIcoholics  Anonymous.  Lesbian/gay  fellowships. 

DGaycare  Toronto.  Info:  923-2778.  Free  face-to- 
face  drop-in  counselling  service  in  the  downtown 
area.  Thurs  7-10  pm.  519  Church  St  Community 
Centre.  Group  sessions  planned. 
DGay  Counselling  Centre  of  Toronto.  730  Bathurst 
St,  M5S  2R4.  534-8207.  Open  Tues  and  Thurs 
6:30-9:30  pm.  Soon  on  Wed.  Professional 
counselling  clinic  for  lesbians  and  gay  men.  Call  for 
appt  or  drop  in.  Volunteers  needed. 
DHassle-Free  Clinic  —  Men.  556  Church  St, 
second  floor.  922-0603.  VD  info,  testing  and  treat- 
ment. Hours:  Mon,  Wed,  4-9  pm;  Tues,  Thurs, 
10  am-3  pm;  Fri,  4-7  pm;  Sat,  11  am-4  pm.  Call 
ahead.  VD  testing  at  baths:  Roman's,  Fri  from  9 
pm;  The  Backdoor,  every  second  Tues  from  9  pm; 
The  Club,  every  second  V\fed  from  9  pm. 
DLesbian  Phoneline.  Box  70,  Stn  F,  M4Y  2L4. 
960-3249.  Tues  7:30-10:30  pm.  Recorded 
message  other  times.  Speakers  available. 
DSex  Ed  Centre.  Devonshire  and  Bloor  Sts,  behind 
Admissions  BIdg.  978-3977.  Sex  counselling  for  U 
of  T  campus. 

DToronto  Area  Gays  (TAG).  Box  6706.  Stn  A, 
M5W  1X5.  964-6600.  Free  peer  counselling  and 
info  for  lesbians  and  gay  men.  Discussion  groups, 
women's  groups  and  coming  out  groups.  Call  Mon- 
Sat:  7pm-10:30pm. 

DTri-Aid  Charitable  Foundation.  8  Irwin  Ave, 
M4Y  1 K9.  Gay  youth  counselling  and  street  work. 



D Association  of  Gay  Social  Workers.  Box  182, 
0,  M4A  2N3.  Social  work  students  welcome. 
DGays  in  Health  Care.  Box  5712,  Stn  A, 
M5W  1N8.  920-1882.  Includes  nurses,  physi- 
cians, medical  students  and  psychologists. 
DToronto  Lambda  Business  Council.  Box  513, 
Adelaide  St  Stn,  M5C  2J6. 



D Dignity/Toronto.  Box  249,  Stn  E,  M6H  4E2. 
960-3997.  Group  for  gay  and  lesbian  Catholics  and 

DIntegrity/Toronto.  Box  873,  Stn  F,  M4Y  2N9. 
961  -1 707  or  487-7406.  Pastoral  ministry  for  gay 
and  lesbian  Anglicans  and  friends. 
DLutherans  Concerned,  c/o  Edward  Schlauch, 
980  Broadview  Ave,  Apt  2309,  M4K  3Y1 .  Support 
and  fellowship  for  gay  and  lesbian  Lutherans  and 
their  friends. 

DMetropolitan  Community  Church.  730  Bathurst 
St,  M5S  2R4.  532-2333.  Christian  church  with 
special  ministry  to  gay  community 
DSalvatlon  Army  Gay  Association  (SAGA).  730 
Bathurst  St,  M5S  2R4.  743-8948.  Support  group 
for  gay  and  lesbian  Salvationists  and  friends. 
DThe  Sisters  of  Perpetual  Indulgence.  Drawer  OPl, 
c/oTBP  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X9. 
DToronto  Organization  of  United  Church  Homo- 
sexuals (TOUCH).  Box  626,  Stn  Q,  M4T  1 LO. 

DCabbagetown  Group  Softball  League  (CGSL).  Box 

42,  Stn  L,  M6E4Y4.  Games  Sat  and  Sun  11 
am-6:30  pm  at  Riverdale  Park,  north  diamond. 
Watch  for  league  dances  and  bar  nights  at  Albany 

DJudy  Garland  Memorial  Bowling  League.  Info: 
bulletin  boards  in  Buddy's,  18  East,  Dudes,  The 
Barn  or  Boots.  Sept-May  season.  Tenth  annual  ban- 
quet May  8. 

DOut  and  Out  Club,  c/o  Drawer  C322,  The  Body 
Politic,  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X9.  466-2709. 
Outdoor  activities  for  gay  people.  Include  phone 
number  with  enquiry. 

DRiverdale  Volleyball  League.  Sept-April  season. 
Info  at  Dudes,  Buddy's,  Albany  Tavern  and  18  East. 


DAction!  Irregular  publication  of  Right  to  Privacy 
Committee,  730  Bathurst  St,  M5S  2R4.  924-4523. 
DThe  Body  Politic.  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X9. 
977-6320.  Monthly. 

DCanadian  Gay  Archives.  Box  639,  Stn  A, 
M5W  1G2.  977-6320. 

DGay  Community  Calendar.  Call  923-GAYS.  Box  8, 
Adelaide  St  Stn,  M5C  2H8.  Twenty-four-hour 
recorded  message  of  weekly  events  in  Toronto's 
gay  community.  To  get  information  listed  call 
656-0372  between  7-10  pm  Mondays. 
DGayline  West.  453-GGCO.  Community  info  for 
Mississauga  and  parts  west  of  Metro. 
DGIad  Day  Bookshop.  648A  Yonge  St,  2nd  floor, 
M5Y  2A6.  961-4161.  Hours:  Mon  10-8;  Tue-Wed 
10-6;  Thurs-Fri  10-9;  Sat  10-6. 
DIntegrity/Toronto  Newsletter.  Box  873,  Stn  F, 
M4Y  2N9.  487-7406.  Bimonthly  publication  of  gay 
Anglican  movement. 

Worven's  resources 

The  following  is  a  select  list  of  women's  services  in 
Toronto  of  particular  interest  to  lesbians. 
DBroadside.  Box  494,  Stn  P,  M5S  2T1. 
598-3513.  Monthly  feminist  newspaper.  Substan- 
tial contributions  by  lesbians. 
DFIreweed.  Box  279,  Stn  B,  M5T  2W2.  922-3455. 
Feminist  quarterly  of  politics  and  the  arts.  Special 
lesbian  theme  issue  to  be  published  in  June. 
DHassle-Free  Clinic  —  Women.  556  Church  St, 
second  floor,  M4Y  2E3.  922-0566.  Free  medical 
clinic.  Birth  control  and  gynecological  info.  VD  and 
pregnancy  testing,  abortion  counselling  and  refer- 
rals. Hours:  Mon,  Wed,  Fri,  10  am-3  pm;  Tues, 
Thur,  4  pm-9  pm.  Call  ahead. 
D International  Women's  Day  Committee.  Box  70, 
Stn  F,  M4Y  2L4.  789-4541 .  Independent  socialist 
feminist  organization  with  many  lesbian  members. 
DJessie's  Centre  for  Teenage  Women.  154 
Bathurst  St,  M5V  2R3.  365-1888.  Multi-service 
agency  for  teenage  women.  Lesbian-positive. 
DMacphail  House.  389  Church  St,  M5B  2A1 . 
977-1037.  Long-term  YWCA  residence  for  women 
16-25.  Shared  co-op  apartments. 
DNellie's  Hostel  for  Women.  275A  Broadview  Ave, 
M4M  2G8.  461-1084.  Temporary  hostel  for  women 
16  and  over,  including  mothers  with  children. 
DRape  Crisis  Centre.  Box  6597,  Stn  A,  M5W  1X4. 
Crisis  line:  964-8080.  Business  line:  964-7477. 
Counselling  and  info.  Self-defence  courses. 
DStop86.  86  Madison  Ave,  M5R  2S4.  922-3271. 
Crisis  housing  and  social  service  centre  for  women 
under  25. 

DTImes  Change  Women's  Employment  Centre. 
932  Bathurst  St,  M5R  3G5.  534-1161.  Employ- 
ment counselling,  job  search  and  career  planning 

DToronto  Women's  Bookstore.  85  Harbord  St, 
M5S  1G4.  922-8744.  Hours:  Mon-Sat,  10:30  am- 
6  pm. 

DWomen  Against  Violence  Against  Women 
(WAVAW).  Box  174,  Stn  D,  M6P  3J8.  536-5666. 
Committed  to  action  from  a  feminist  perspective 
against  various  aspects  of  violence  against  women. 
DWomen  for  Survival.  427  Bloor  St  W,  M5S  1 X7. 
Group  concerned  about  nuclear  proliferation  and 

DWomen  in  Trades,  c/o  Times  Change,  932 
Bathurst  St,  M5R  3G5.  534-1161. 
DWomen  s  Counselling,  Referral  and  Education 
Centre  (WCREC).  348  College  St,  M5T  1S4. 
924-0766.  Therapy,  counselling,  referrals  and  info. 
DWomen's  Resource  Centre,  OISE.  252  Bloor  St 
W,  M5S  1V6.  923-6641,  Ext  244.  Books,  periodi- 
cals, audio  &  video  tapes  for  feminist  research. 
DWomynly  Way  Productions.  427  Bloor  St  W, 
M5S  1X7.  925-6568.  Company  bringing  concerts, 
dance  and  theatrical  performances  to  city. 

New  this  issue: 

DU  of  T  Women's  Newsmagazine.  6  issues  yearly 
Feminist  journal  for  women  on  and  off  campus. 
44  St  George  St,  2nd  fir,  M5S  2E4.  Info:  Susan 
Prentice  978-4903. 


MAY  1982 

mm  .AH  mki  mm 


I  ontreal,  1916:  How  is  a 
smart,  sensitive  seventeen-year-old 
beginning  to  discover  her  lesbianism, 
to  find  kindred  spirits?  With  lots  oj 
imagination  and  not  a  little  courage, 
one  woman  found  a  way. 




"/  believe  that  part  of  the  lesbian  temper- 
ament is  that  we  are  —  those  of  us  who 
are  conscious  of  it,  at  any  rate  —  more 
creative  in  our  souls  than  in  our  bodies.  I 
never  wanted  to  have  children,  never 
wanted  to  be  a  mother.  But  from  the 
earliest  time  that  I  can  remember,  1 
wanted  to  write  poetry.  That  was  my 
creative  expression.  That  was  what  meant 
most  to  me  in  life.  " 

Elsa  Gidlow,  now  83  years  old,  spoke 
these  words  in  1978  while  being  filmed  for 
the  Mariposa  Film  Group's  documentary. 
Word  is  Out.  They  are  clearly  words  she 
has  lived  by;  throughout  her  long  life  she 
has  given  ample  rein  to  her  creativity. 
Without  benefit  of  formal  education,  she 
has  produced  hundreds  of  poems,  numer- 
ous short  stories  and  several  poetry- 
dramas  and  novels.  Some  of  these  works 
have  remained  unpublished;  others  she, 
in  the  same  independent  spirit  that  in- 
forms her  writing,  has  published  herself. 
Naiad  Press  is  to  distribute  her  latest 
work,  Sapphic  Songs:  Eighteen  to  Eighty, 
an  enlarged  edition  of  her  collection  of 
lesbian  love  poetry  written  over  a  period 
of  sixty  years,  originally  published  in 

She  lives  on  a  stretch  of  land  in  the  hills 
of  California's  Marin  County,  just  north 
of  the  Golden  Gate.  Acquired  more  than 

MAY  1982 

The  dreariness  of 
typing  shipping 
advices  eight 
hours  a  day,  six 
and  a  half  days  a 
week  had  become  barely  en- 
durable. In  my  despondency  I 
was  so  withdrawn  even  from 
the  respite  of  pranks  and  lim- 
erick-making that  my  work 
associates  teased  me  about  be- 
ing in  love.  "Who  is  he?"  they 
kept  asking.  And  I,  scornfully: 
"There  is  no  he."  The  as- 
sumption, for  them,  was  the 
obvious  one.  Into  the  mono- 
tony of  the  days  they  injected  what  relief  they  were  able  with 
flirting.  Between  the  half-dozen  women  and  the  greater 
number  of  men,  including  those  who  came  through  with 
errands  or  requests  from  the  yards  or  machine  shops,  there 
was  a  perpetual  atmosphere  of  sensual  potential.  The  two 
women  with  desks  next  to  mine  whose  husbands  were 
overseas  exuded  amorous  need. 

Blonde,  blousy  MoUie  Simms  and  Nellie  Pritchard,  who  had 
a  plain.  Cockney  earthiness,  in  undertones  while  they  typed 
bewailed  having  to  go  to  bed  alone.  "Dribble,  dribble,  drib- 
ble, what  do  you  do  when  there  is  nothing  to  put  in  there  — 
stick  something  in  yourself?"  And  Mrs  Simms,  lugubriously: 
"What  fun  is  that,  no  one  behind  it.  My  feet  get  cold,  too, 
without  him." 
The  machine  shop  workers  who  came  by  with  their  lists  of 

I  Casting 


needed  parts  sensed  the  sexual 
aura  like  tomcats,  but  in  the 
wives,  ingrained  virtue  of  sorts 
and  patriotic  loyalty  to  their 
"fighting  men"  kept  it  all  on  a 
level  of  tension  that  was  ex- 
pressed mainly  in  ribald  verbal 
exchanges  that  introduced  me 
to  new  sorts  of  language. 
French-Canadian  Davilla 
Benoit,  whom  I  liked  best,  had 
a  different  approach  to  life's 
basics.  Slight,  dark,  sinewy, 
widowed  or  divorced,  she 
talked  with  unself-conscious 
gaiety  of  her  lover.  Jack. 
Lightheartedly,  she  told  of  their  nights  together,  whether  their 
lovemaking  had  been  good  or  not-so-good,  told  of  their  spats 
and  making  up,  always  with  a  humorous  tenderness,  however 
frank,  and  with  no  coarseness.  We  heard  how  he  brought  her 
gifts  or  took  her  out  to  a  special  dinner  and  theatre  to  win  her 
back  when  he  had  behaved  in  a  way  to  annoy  her.  "I  just  let 
that  happen  sometimes,  it  keeps  it  interesting.  He  always 
apologizes,  he  wants  me  so  much.  A  man  will  do  anything  if 
he  has  a  hard-on."  She  would  laugh  gaily,  never  breaking  the 
rhythm  of  her  expert  typing:  "He  knows  1  can't  do  without 
him  either."  It  sounded  to  me  so  very  different  from  mar- 
riage. In  that  working-class  environment  no  one  appeared 
disturbed  by  the  liaison. 

The  specific  and  physical  confidences  of  these  middle-aged 
women  were  for  me  another  sort  of  education,  but,  like  so 


forty  years  ago,  complete  with  a  "decrep- 
it summer  cottage"  which,  after  learning 
amateur  carpentry,  she  fixed  up  herself, 
this  has  become  Druid  Heights,  her 
home.  Here  she  has  raised  goats,  still 
grows  her  own  vegetables  and,  with  a 
group  of  younger  women,  makes  plans 
for  a  retreat  therefor  "beleaguered,  lov- 
ing and  creative  women. " 

Here  as  well,  she  writes.  The  last  few 
years  have  been  spent  on  her  memoirs. 
"I'd  rather  be  working  on  a  novel  I  have 
also  started,  "she  says,  "but  everyone 
seems  to  want  the  autobiography.  " 

Understandably.  Only  in  the  last  dozen 
years  has  it  become  relatively  easy  for  us 
as  gay  people  to  reach  out  to  each  other, 
beyond  our  own  small  circles  of  acquain- 
tances, to  find  out  who  we  are  and  how 
we  live.  We  know  more  (though,  really, 
not  much)  of  each  other  than  any  other 
generation  of  lesbians  and  gay  men  in 
history.  But  how  many  of  us  yet  know 
that  history?  How  many  know  what  life 
might  have  been  like  for  a  sensitive  six- 
teen-year-old discovering  her  lesbianism 
and  reaching  out  for  others  like  herself  in 
the  east  end  of  Montreal  during  the  First 
World  War? 

"To  my  younger  sisters  who  continu- 
ally ask,  What  was  it  like  when  you  were 
young  so  long  ago,  I  can  only  reply:  It 
was  like  jumping  naked  into  an  ocean 
knowing  only  imperfectly  how  to  swim.  " 

Born  in  England  in  1898,  Elsa  Gidlow 
came  to  Canada  with  her  parents  at  the 
age  of  six.  They  first  settled  in  a  small 
village,  moving  to  Montreal  when  she  was 
fifteen.  She  took  her  first  job  a  year  later 
in  the  offices  of  the  Canadian  Pacific 
Railroad 's  A  ngus  Machine  Shops.  '  'I  had 
to  find  ways  to  relate  to  my  fellow 
workers  at  Angus,  and  one  way  was  to 
write  verses  on  their  worst  grumbles  or  on 
office  happenings,  lampooning  the  rules 
and  requirements  governing  our  employ- 
ment. "She  gained  a  reputation  for  prac- 
tical jokes;  once,  finding  a  mouse  trapped 
in  a  carton,  she  impertinently  stuck  it  in  a 
drawer  of  the  chief  clerk 's  desk  and 
waited  for  him  to  open  it.  Later  she  was 
to  recall  the  mouse's  frantic  efforts  to 
escape  —  and  to  devise  a  few  of  her  own. 

In  Montreal  she  also  fell  in  love  with 
her  "best  friend,  "  Frances.  Elsa  wrote 
poems  "about  her  eyes  like  bits  of  smiling 
sky  on  a  sunny  day,  her  red-gold  hair  and 
graceful  body"  —  but  lost  Frances  to  the 
jingoism  of  an  Empire  at  war  (which  Elsa 
detested)  and  to  the  "romance"  of  a 
young  man  in  uniform. 

In  1920,  she  left  Montreal  for  Manhat- 
tan, "to  seek  fame'  and  friends,  but  with 
no  hope  of  fortune.  '"It  was  an  early 
step  along  the  road  that  would  lead  her 
through  the  rich  and  independent  life  she 
still  lives. 

An  early  step  —  but  not  the  first.  That 
had  come  in  1917.  That  story  Elsa  Gidlow 
tells  here. 

—  Rick  B4bout 

Right:  Roswell  George  Mills, 
photographed  in  New  York  in  1926. 

much  already,  I  could  not  relate  it  to  myself.  Over  Celine 
Droualt,  also  French-Canadian,  the  talk  flowed  as  over  snow 
without  warming  it.  The  pale,  soft-voiced  girl,  maybe  a  year 
older  than  myself,  reiterating  her  felt  vocation  of  becoming  a 
nun,  definitely  was  not  interested  in  the  beau  they  also  teased 
her  with  until  they  ceased  in  the  face  of  her  unaltered  tran- 
quillity. Towards  me,  it  was  a  different  matter.  I  plainly  was 
not  convent  material.  ("Not  with  your  bedroom  eyes," 
Davilla  tried  laughingly  to  draw  out  confession,  "I  bet  he 
loves  your  devilment....  Oh,  come  on,  you  can't  hide  it.") 

My  truthful,  "I  am  not  interested  in  men,"  made  them 
laugh  and  tease  the  more.  They  did  not  believe  me  but  could 
not  make  me  out.  They  could  see  that  I  more  or  less  ignored 
the  men  in  the  office  beyond  the  necessary  interchanges.  I 
would  not  have  rejected  male  companionship,  but  soon  I 
decided  there  was  not  a  man  there  with  whom  I  could  hold  a 
conversation  about  anything  except  what  was  described  in  the 
shipping  advices,  certainly  none  who  thought  poetry  or  poets 
were  important. 

There  was  one  other  woman  in  the  office,  Rebecca  Stuart, 
who  aroused  my  curiosity.  She  was  muscular,  handsome,  with 
a  strong  voice  and  hearty  laugh.  Above  us  in  office  status,  she 
sat  on  a  high  stool  at  a  sloping  desk  and  did  bookkeeping.  She 
joked  more  with  the  men  than  with  the  women,  but  like  one 
of  them,  not  flirtatiously.  Each  day  at  the  lunch  hour  she 
would  be  on  the  telephone  for  a  long  time,  speaking  low, 
tender-sounding,  in  a  voice  quite  different  from  her  jovial 
office  tone  and  manner.  When  she  hung  up,  there  was  a  soft 
look  in  her  eyes.  One  evening  a  remarkably  lovely  young 
woman  with  red-gold  hair  and  a  gorgeous  figure  (as  the  men's 
eyes  attested)  came  to  call  for  Rebecca.  They  walked  out  with 
closely  linked  arms  pressed  against  one  another's  sides. 

The  following  morning  I  could  not  forebear  saying  to 
Rebecca:  "What  glorious  hair  your  friend  has"  (thinking, 
with  pain,  "like  Frances"). 

Rebecca  glowed  as  if  I  had  complimented  her:  "Ah  she's  a 

The  visitor,  like  a  ray  of  glory  in  the  drab  office,  had 
aroused  envious  attention  from  the  men.  It  surprised  me  to 
overhear  disparaging  remarks  about  Rebecca,  with  whom  all 
of  them  previously  had  seemed  to  be  on  such  comradely 
terms.  There  were  peculiar  snickers,  whispers.  From  one,  a 
Scot:  "Sure,  and  ye  know,  don't  ye,  she's  a  mofredite." 

That  was  how  I  heard  it.  With  all  my  attention  to  dictionar- 
ies, my  widening  reading  and  study  of  the  encyclopedia,  never 
had  I  come  across  such  a  word.  I  hunted  now  and  could  find 
nothing  resembling  it,  although  I  tried  various  spellings.  It  was 
not  until  a  year  later,  looking  through  a  volume  of  photo- 
graphs of  ancient  Greek  statuary,  that  the  word  "hermaphro- 
dite" leapt  to  my  eyes.  I  realized  it  was  of  that  that  I  must 
have  heard  an  ignorant  pronunciation.  Putting  it  together 
with  the  personality  of  Rebecca  and  the  leer  with  which  the 
man  had  mouthed  the  word,  I  guessed  it  must  have  been  used 
as  a  slur  on  the  woman's  supposed  masculinity.  Something  to 
puzzle  over  the  more  —  until  nearly  a  year  later  I  took  a  step 

that  catapulted  me  into  a  more  sophisticated  human 

Before  then  there  were  months  of  dejected  aching,  in  body 
and  heart  and  with  fury  of  mind  at  what  appeared  to  me  as 
sordid  grown-up  life.  I  felt  myself  at  some  extremity,  like  the 
mouse  dropped  by  what  malevolence  or  chance  into  the  car- 
ton, in  darkness  and  frustration,  struggling  to  climb  the  sides. 
At  that  point,  two  resolutions  were  born,  written  and  under- 
lined in  the  journal  I  kept  spasmodically:  /  am  going  to  get  a 
room  of  my  own.  I  am  going  to  find  my  kind  of  people. 

The  resolve  was  made,  like  casting  a  net  blind  into 
unknown  waters.  How  bait  Fate's  hook? 
The  seventy-five  dollars  a  month  had  looked 
large.  When  I  calculated  paying  the  rent  and  sup- 
porting myself  entirely,  it  shrank  to  nothing, 
especially  as  I  was  sharing  it  at  home  to  help  Mother.  I  wished 
to  continue  doing  that.  The  impossibility  of  going  to  college, 
lacking  both  money  and  the  preliminary  schooling,  had  to  be 
accepted.  It  must  be  added  that  I  lacked  also  the  bodily 
robustness  that  can  make  obstacles  and  hardships  no  more 
than  incentive  to  overcome  them.  Since  none  of  us  went  to 
doctors  or  had  physical  examinations  when  I  was  young,  I  did 
not  learn  until  years  later  that  my  heart  was  not  strong.  The 
colds,  bronchitis,  influenza  that  plagued  me  were  treated  with 
home  remedies  or  ignored  and  taken  for  granted.  Survival 
had  always  required  a  stoicism  of  which  Mother  was  a  prime 
example.  There  was  no  model  or  encouragement  for  self-pity. 
What  happened  was  the  human  condition. 

But  let  us  bless  books,  poets,  artists,  music-makers  of  all 
sorts.  As  I  found  greater  access  to  them,  they  taught  me  that 
drabness,  tedium,  injustice  were  not  the  whole  of  life,  that 
there  were  worlds  of  high-hearted  realities,  of  spiritual 
transcendence.  No  angels  with  flaming  swords  were  guarding 
entrance  to  those  worlds  against  those  who  dared  the  adven- 
ture of  claiming  citizenship. 

The  young,  and  maybe  their  elders  as  well,  tend  to  believe 
that  what  they  seek  is  somewhere  else.  It  was  my  faith  then 
that  if  I  could  travel  I  should  begin  to  discover  the  wider  life, 
the  more  challenging  and  rewarding  experiences,  the  people 
informed  by  wisdom  and  love  of  beauty  that  reading  con- 
vinced me  existed.  Today,  the  imagination  of  the  young 
bounds  out  into  space  for  realization  of  a  science-fiction  sort 
of  fantasy.  Earlier,  in  the  United  States,  it  was  continental 
exploration  and  down-to-earth  pioneering  that  fed  imagina- 
tion. I  am  of  the  sea-going  English  and  of  an  earlier  genera- 
tion when  oceans  were  the  perilous,  little  known  routes  to 
ports  of  glamour.  Ships  and  seas  were  always  the  content  of 
my  dreams. 

The  fall  of  the  year  was  and  is  my  most  restless  time,  as  if  I 
have  in  me  some  urge  to  seasonal  migration.  One  autumn  day 
of  special  desperation  and  aloneness,  I  said  to  Davilla  Benoit 
as  we  ate  our  sandwich  lunch,  "I  am  going  to  run  away  to 
sea."  Of  course  that  was  very  funny  for  a  girl.  She  simply 
smiled.  I  knew  that  this  expedient  for  exploring  the  great 
beckoning  world,  open  to  moneyless  young  men,  was  denied 
to  me  because  of  my  sex.  Yet  so  persistently  did  it  haunt  my 
imagination  that  I  thought  of  cutting  off  my  hair,  wearing 
male  garb  and  "signing  on"  as  cabin  boy  on  a  ship  bound  for 
any  port  of  Orient  or  Antipodes.  Simply  to  be  sailing  the 
unknown  seas  was  lure  enough,  they  were  so  much  in  my 
night  dreams.  Jeer  at  my  romantic,  ignorant  projecting  and 
tell  me  I  should  first  explore  my  own  inner  ocean.  I  was  doing 
that  too,  though  holding  the  feeling  that  Life  with  a  capital  L 
was  "out  there." 

Hallowe'en  came.  My  sisters,  brother  Stanley  and  I  always 
had  devised  masks  and  costumes  to  go  masquerading  with  our 
pumpkin  lanterns  on  All  Hallows'  Eve.  This  year  I  let  them  go 
alone.  Stanley,  though  younger,  had  caught  up  with  me  in 
height.  His  clothes  would  just  about  fit  me.  I  borrowed  some 
old  ones,  wound  and  pinned  my  abundant  hair  up  tightly, 
stuffed  it  into  a  cap  of  Father's  and  went  bare-faced  to  call  on 
Davilla.  It  thrilled  me  that  a  black-eyed  French  girl  on  the 
streetcar  kept  looking  at  me  as  if  flirting.  I  was  too  shy  to  do 
more  than  smile. 

Davilla  laughed  heartily  when  she  realized  I  was  seriously 
considering  the  adventure  I  had  threatened.  "Whether  the 
captain  thinks  he  sees  a  girl  or  a  pretty  boy,  he  will  quickly 
discover  for  himself  a  delightful  adventure.  You  will  not  very 
long  be  a  virgin." 

That  possibility  —  rape  —  had  not  occurred  to  me.  With 
discouragement  I  listened  as  Davilla  took  me  to  her  tall  mir- 
ror. "Look  —  your  delicate  figure  —  hands  —  lady's  hands, 
so  pretty  —  eyes  —  you  think  a  young  man  would  have  such  a 
mischievous  smile?  —  and  your  voice!  Ma  petite,  you  may  not 
be  born  to  make  babies  —  I  am  not,  either,  but  you  are  all 
woman.  You  cannot  deceive."  n^ 

I  had  to  admit  that,  although  I  might  appear  a  bit  boyish. 


MAY  1982 

there  was  nothing  masculine  about  me.  I  never  had  wanted  to 
be  male,  only  to  be  free  to  do  things  men  could  do.  Now  I 
know  there  have  been  not  a  few  women  who  dared  the  male 
masquerade  to  achieve  the  freedom  they  were  denied,  many 
succeeding  lifelong,  but  they  may  have  been  more  convincing- 
ly male-featured.  I  was  forced  to  admit  the  impossibility  of 
getting  on  a  ship  to  discover  wider,  more  shining  horizons  — 
for  the  present  at  least,  until  I  could  buy  a  ticket.  But  I  would 
not  be  defeated.  I  devised  a  bait  and  cast  my  net  into  nearer 
unknown  waters  to  bring  to  me  what  I  might  not  yet  go  in 
search  of. 

In  the  late  autumn  of  1917,  a  letter  appeared  in  the  people's 
column  of  the  Montreal  Daily  Star.  It  inquired  if  any  group  or 
organization  of  writers  and  artists  existed  in  the  city  which  a 
person  seriously  interested  in  such  pursuits  might  join.  There 
was  no  reply,  but  a  little  more  than  a  week  later  a  second  let- 
ter appeared  responding  to  the  first.  It  stated  that  a  group  of 
writers  was  being  formed,  and  suggested  that  the  inquirer  and 
any  others  interested  should  "communicate  with  the  under- 
signed at  the  address  given." 

Both  letters  were  written  by  that  lonely  young  woman 
groping  towards  her  kind,  the  first  under  a  pseudonym.  Over 
the  course  of  a  week  I  received  nearly  a  dozen  replies  from 
individuals  of  both  sexes  asking  for  information  about  the 
proposed  group.  I  invited  them  all  to  a  meeting  at  my  parents' 
on  an  evening  when  Father  would  be  away,  telling  Mother 
what  I  was  doing.  With  the  help  of  my  sister  Thea,  who  was 
also  interested,  I  made  the  little  parlour  as  tidy  and  attractive 
as  I  could,  bought  fiowers,  asked  Mother  if  she  would  bake 
some  sweet  buns  and  added  a  bottle  of  port  wine. 

An  odd  assortment  of  people  came,  all  declaring  interest  in 
writing  except  one  gentle-mannered  Jew  who  said  he  was  a 
painter.  A  large,  blonde,  lame  woman  was  helped  up  the  two 
flights  of  steps  to  our  fiat  by  her  husband,  who  left  saying  he 
would  return  for  her  at  ten.  She  was  crippled  with  arthritis, 
passed  her  time  writing  and  trying  to  sell  short  stories  to 
women's  magazines.  There  was  a  pretty,  freckled,  red-haired 
girl,  Edith  Strachan,  not  much  older  than  myself,  who  had 
won  prizes  for  writing  at  school.  A  man  in  a  lieutenant's 

J^'-f  uniform  from  some  other  part  of 

■^   k  Canada  diffidently  confided  he  thought 

W      I  his  experiences  in  the  war  might  be  ex- 

citing to  write  about  when  he  returned 
from  fighting  to  save  democracy.  Doris 
Reid  also  came  with  her  husband,  who 
left  her  there  and  departed;  originally 
from  England,  she  had  lived  in  India.  A 
number  of  middle-aged  men  came  pri- 
marily hoping  to  find  amorous  compan- 
ionship, attracted  by  the  female  name 
signed  to  the  second  letter.  The  one  ex- 
ception was  Alfred  Gordon;  he  arrived 
with  a  fat  sheaf  of  typewritten  verse 
which  he  said  would  come  out  as  a  book 
when  he  had  collected  the  retail  price  of 
its  publication  from  two  hundred  spon- 
sors. He  was  ready  with  sign-up  sheets 
and  promised  to  honour  us  with  a 
reading  later  in  the  evening. 

The  most  astonishing  of  all  was  a 
being  of  elegance  and  beauty,  a  willowy 
blond:  "God  made  him  for  a  man  so  let 
him  pass  as  such,"  Gordon  quoted  in 
sibilant  sotto  voce  to  the  lieutenant.  The 
anomalous  being  ("Roswell  George 
Mills,"  he  announced  himself,  "of  the 
Montreal  Star")  overheard  Gordon's 
quotation  from  Shakespeare  and  gave 
him  a  supercilious  stare.  The  remark 
was  spiteful  and  uncalled-for.  I  could 
not  blame  its  target  for  as  spiteful  a  re- 
taliation when  the  opportunity  arose.  At 
the  point  in  the  evening  when  Gordon 
proposed  starting  his  reading,  Mills 
vetoed  it  and  won  support  from  the 
rest.  "Let's  get  to  know  one  another 
first.  We  are  not,  I  assume,  gathered 
here  to  begin  by  boring  one  another  to 

R  G  Mills  of  the  Star,  the  shy  Scottish 
girl,  Edith,  the  Jewish  artist  whose 
name  was  Gershon  Benjamin,  Mrs  Reid 
from  India  and  possibly  the  poet,  Gor- 
don, were  the  only  members  of  the 
group  who  appeared  promising.  All  the 
middle-aged  men  left  early,  put  off  by 
the  indifference  to  their  advances  of  the 
two  young  women  and  bored  by  talk  of 
writing  techniques.  The  lieutenant,  who  obviously  could  bare- 
ly contain  his  horror  and  distaste  for  Mills,  failed  to  show  up 
at  the  next  meeting,  scheduled  for  Mills's  home  (he  lived  with 
his  parents). 

The  arthritic  woman,  Maisie  McBane,  arrived  faithfully  at 
all  of  the  weekly  gatherings,  escorted  by  her  husband  until  he 
rebelled.  Then  she  appealed  to  Edith  or  me  to  pick  her  up  at 
her  home  in  an  outlying  part  of  the  city  and  help  her  on  and 
off  the  streetcars.  All  of  us  found  her  tiresome,  her  sentimen- 
tal stories  boring,  her  conventional  attitudes  a  restraint  on 
conversation.  For  a  time  I  acquiesced,  without  enthusiasm,  to 
the  demand  for  escort  service.  It  meant  I  had  to  rush  home 
from  work  and  bolt  dinner  without  a  moment's  pause.  The 
McBane's  house  was  more  than  half  an  hour  by  streetcar,  for- 
ty minutes  from  there  to  the  Mills's  where  we  most  often 
gathered.  One  night  I  rebelled  and  told  a  lie.  "I  am  not  feel- 
ing very  well,"  I  told  her  on  the  telephone.  "I  don't  think  I'll 
be  going." 

When  I  arrived  at  the  meeting,  Roswell  said,  "Thank  God 
she's  not  coming.  I  was  getting  ready  to  shock  the  wits  out  of 
her  by  announcing  I  should  like  to  make  love  to  her  son.  Did 
you  know  she  has  a  quite  good-looking  boy  of  seventeen  or 
so?  I  met  them  on  the  street  one  Saturday.  Now  if  she  would 
have  him  bring  her...." 

The  doorbell  rang.  It  was  Mrs  McBane.  She  stared  at  me 
and  turned  chilly.  "I  thought  you  weren't  coming." 

Feeling  badly  that  she  would  guess  now  we  did  not  want 
her,  I  tried  to  salve  the  situation.  "I  was  tired  after  a  hard 
day's  work,  but  took  a  rest  and  felt  better,  so  I  came 

Maisie,  looking  aggrieved,  eased  herself  into  the  most  com- 
fortable armchair,  reposing  her  cane  at  her  feet,  muttering 
that  young  people  no  longer  cared  to  help  a  poor  crippled 
woman.  Roswell,  fioating  past  her  to  the  kitchen,  sweetly 
asked,  "Did  your  son  bring  you?  He  is  such  a  pretty  boy.  I'd 
like  to  know  him." 

Maisie  turned  red.  "There is  a  vicious  young  man.  I  am 
coming  to  the  conclusion  1  do  not  belong  here."  She  left 
early,  refusing  tea  which  Edith  passed  around  with  the  cake 


was  forced 
to  admit  the  impossi- 
bility of  getting  on  a 
ship  to  discover 
wider,  more  shining 
horizons,  for  the 
present  at  least,  until 
I  could  buy  a  ticket. 
But  I  would  not  be 
defeated.  I  devised  a 
bait  and  cast  my  net 
into  nearer  unknown 

Left:  Elsa  Gidlow  at  17  in  Montreal. 
Below:  Elsa  in  her  garden  at  Druid 
Heights,  California,  around  I960. 

"/  y  I 


MAY  1982 



Instead  of 
accepting  society's 
rejection,  we  two 
iconoclasts  rejected 
our  rejectors,  proud 
to  be  the  spiritual  and 
passional  kin  of 
Sappho,  the 
Shakespeare  of  the 
Sonnets,  Jesus, 
Michelangelo  and 
hundreds  more  whose 
secret  lives  we 
ferreted  out  from 
forbidden  chronicles. 

Etsa  Cidlow's  autobiography,  tentatively 
titled  Elsa:  A  Life  from  Oblique  Angles,  is 
still  in  progress.  Book  One,  which  covers  her 
life  up  to  the  time  she  moved  to  New  York, 
and  from  which  this  piece  is  excerpted,  is 
complete;  Ms  Gidlow  is  now  working  on  the 
next  volume. 

Elsa  endow 's  work  has  appeared  in  many 
magazines,  among  them  Soujourner,  Fron- 
tiers, and  Feminist  .Studies.  Inquiries  con- 
cerning Elsa  Gidlow  can  be  addressed  to  The 
Body  Politic,  Box  7289,  Station  A.  Toronto, 
Ontario  M5W 1X9.  Attention:  Rick  Bibout. 


Roswell  had  made.  To  our  suprise,  she  managed  nicely  alone, 
limping  out  and  down  the  stairs  with  the  aid  of  her  cane. 
Roswell  turned  from  watching  her  through  the  living-room 
curtains.  "Do  you  reeilize  she  came  here  without  help  and  is 
leaving  the  same  way?  It  a-Maisies  me  she  has  the  gall  to 
expect  you  to  go  all  the  way  out  to  Westmount  to  fetch  her 
and  take  her  back."  There  was  laughter  and  a  couple  of 
groans  at  his  pun.  But  I  still  feh  badly,  both  about  the  lie  and 
having  hurt  the  woman's  feelings,  although  I  was  convinced  I 
had  been  justified.  With  fiercely  youthful  intolerance  I  burst 
out,  "People  should  not  be  boring  and  ugly  and  pitiable, 
making  others  feel  like  beasts  for  not  catering  to  them."  It 
was  the  last  we  saw  of  her. 

Gradually  a  wide  variety  of  individuals  joined  us:  musi- 
cians, medical  students,  painters,  amateur  actors  and  some 
out-of-work  professional,  but  interesting,  men.  At  last  I  had 
found  people  I  could  enjoy,  converse  with,  learn  from  and 
perhaps  love.  The  most  interesting  to  me  was  Roswell.  He  was 
only  nineteen,  but  older  in  his  mind  and  in  experience.  Con- 
scious also  of  being  an  "outsider"  and  of  the  need  to  com- 
pensate for  it,  he  worked  hard  despite  his  languid  manner. 
His  main  interest  was  music;  he  took  piano  lessons  and  prac- 
tised tirelessly  to  a  ticking  metronome.  His  job  on  the  Star 
was  assisting  the  editor  of  the  financial  page.  On  the  side  he 
conducted  a  lovelorn  column  where,  cynical  tongue  in  cheek, 
he  gave  very  proper  counsel  under  a  female  name.  And  he 
found  time  to  write  music  and  drama  criticism,  which  brought 
him  free  passes  to  the  city's  cultural  events.  To  some  of  these 
he  took  me  when  there  was  no  likely  young  man  to  court  or 
impress.  I  thus  enjoyed  my  first  concerts,  operas,  theatrical 
productions,  to  which  I  could  rarely  have  afforded  tickets.  A 
marvellous  new  world  opened. 

Besides  these  events  and  people,  Roswell  also  introduced 
me  to  a  whole  new  range  of  literature  I  might  not  so  quickly 
have  discovered,  along  with  the  lives  of  its  makers:  Oscar 
Wilde  and  Alfred  Douglas,  Baudelaire,  Verlaine,  Mallarme, 
Swinburne,  MaeterHnck,  Max  Beerbohm,  Joris  Karl 
Huysmans.  All  were  bourgeois-scorning,  "decadent"  rebels 
of  the  Nineties  and  early  Twenties  with  their  glamorous  sin- 
fulness or  metaphysical  retreat  from  unendurable  middle-class 
hving.  Haunting  libraries,  I  made  discoveries  of  my  own: 
Nietzche,  whose  Thus  Spake  Zarathustra  transported  me  to 
delirious  heights  of  recognition;  de  Quincy's  Confessions  of 
an  English  Opium  Eater  which  roused  in  me  a  desire  to  make 
like  experiments.  When  I  found  small  brown  tablets  of  opium 
among  Father's  first-aid  supplies,  I  stole  some  and  hid  them 
away  for  later  experimentation.  I  studied  French  by  myself  on 
streetcars  so  as  to  be  able  to  read  in  the  original  Baudelaire's 
Les  Fleurs  du  Mai,  excited  to  find  him  writing  of  love,  pas- 
sionate love,  between  women. 

Roswell  confided  to  me  his  personal  crusade.  He  wanted 
people  to  understand  that  it  was  beautiful,  not  evil,  to  love 
others  of  one's  o\in  sex  and  make  love  with  them.  Roswell 
had  divined  my  lesbian  temperment  and  was  happy  to  prose- 
lytize; the  veil  of  self-ignorance  began  to  hft.  Together  we 
read  Havelock  Ellis's  Psychology  of  Sex,  and  other  such 
volumes  (available  mainly  to  the  medical  profession)  as  we 
were  able  to  get  our  hands  on.  We  read  Edward  Carpenter's 
The  Intermediate  Sex  and  his  Towards  Democracy.  I  still  have 
a  copy  of  that  thin  India  paper  volume,  much  marked. 

A  new  member  of  our  group,  Louis  Gross,  a  graduate  med- 
ical student  from  McGill  University,  helped  us  to  get  access  to 
some  of  the  forbidden  books.  He  introduced  us  to  Krafft- 
Ebing,  Guy  Lombroso,  who  argued  that  "genius"  was  deca- 
dent, to  Freud  and  Albert  Einstein.  Try  to  grasp  how  explo- 
sive all  of  this  was  to  a  young  mind  in  1916.  I  began  to  look 
for  books  on  psychology  to  seek  deeper  understanding  of  why 
I  had  always  felt  myself  an  "outsider"  in  ordinary  Hfe. 

Rosswell  developed  an  unrequited  love  for  the  young 
medical  student  who  did  not  walk  the  lavender  path,  and 
lamented  to  me  at  length  of  his  sufferings.  He  relieved  them 
writing  plays  celebrating  erotic  love  between  men,  in  the 
mood  of  Maeterlinck.  He  wrote  of  the  tragedy  inherent  in  the 
scorn  and  persecution  with  which  this  love  was  met  by  a  crass 
society.  The  trial  and  jailing  of  Oscar  Wilde  were  not  far  in 
our  past  and  very  real.  We  read  his  Ballad  of  Reading  Gaol. 
Tragedies  of  Sex  by  Frank  Wedekind  was  another  of  the 
books  that  instructed  us  in  the  cruelties  of  society  to  those 
who  did  not  walk  in  its  prescribed  paths. 

In  response  to  Roswell's  confidences  about  his  unhappy 
love  life,  I  in  turn  told  him  of  the  feelings  I  had  had  for 
Frances.  I  spoke  of  her  "betrayal,"  now  recognizing  that  I 
had  been  "in  love."  At  this  point  Roswell  told  me  of  Sappho. 
I  went  searching  for  all  I  could  find  of  her  translated 
fragments,  not  much,  and  anything  written  about  her,  also 
scarce  at  the  time.  Instead  of  accepting  society's  rejection,  we 
two  iconoclasts  rejected  our  rejectors,  proud  to  be  the 
spiritual  and  passional  kin  of  Sappho,  the  Shakespeare  of  the 

Sonnets,  Jesus,  Michelangelo,  Leonardo  da  Vinci, 
Carpenter,  Walt  Whitman,  and  hundreds  more  of  the  world's 
admired  individuals  whose  secret  lives  we  ferreted  out  from 
forbidden  chronicles.  We  delved  into  the  mores  of  Ancient 
Greece,  read  Plato's  dialogues,  dreamed  of  an  ideal  society  as 
we  studied  his  Republic.  In  all  of  this  and  more  we  found 
reasons  for  loving  ourselves  and  each  other. 

I  thought  Roswell  was  the  most  ambiguously  beautiful 
being  I  knew,  with  his  metallic  blond  hair  and  pale,  perfect 
features,  his  languidly  intelligent  grey  eyes  and  soft,  slim 
body;  his  was  a  hothouse  beauty,  like  a  Uving  flower  that 
appeared  artificial.  He  went  scrubbed  in  tweeds  to  his  work 
on  the  newspaper,  but  at  home  among  friends,  at  the  theatre 
and  concerts,  he  was  delicately  made-up  and  elegantly 
dressed,  wearing  exotic  jewelry  and  as  colourful  clothes  as  he 
dared.  Receiving  at  home,  he  donned  a  bronze  green  robe  of 
heavy  silk.  He  gently  maintained  that  it  was  necessary  to  star- 
tle the  bourgeoisie,  not  for  the  sake  of  shocking  but  to  shake 
them  out  of  their  smugness,  make  them  realize  they  were  half 
alive  and  doing  their  best  to  destroy  all  who  did  not  fit  into 
their  mould.  "Greasy  domesticity"  was  not  godly  but  a 
blight.  In  one  way  or  another,  every  generation  repeats  such 
revolt.  Older  men  had  been  Roswell's  mentors  when  he  was 
younger.  I  also  was  grateful  to  them  for  helping  to  open  up 
the  worlds  of  thought  and  art. 

I  inquired  one  day  how  Roswell  had  escaped  being  drawn 
into  the  maw  of  war.  "Oh,  I'm  Four-F —  physically,  mental- 
ly, emotionally  and  morally  incompetent  for  the  glory  of  kill- 
ing," he  explained.  Mabel,  his  mother,  was  most  relieved  not 
to  have  borne  a  soldier.  "My  father  can't  stand  the  sight  of 
me;  it's  mutual.  He's  in  the  last  stages  of  alcoholism:  sclerosis 
of  the  liver,  poor  idiot.  No  wonder  Mabel  couldn't  endure  it 
any  longer  and  took  a  lover." 

I  had  seen  the  man  who  was  Mabel's  lover  and  imagined 
him  to  be  a  relative  of  some  sort.  Mabel  was  as  beautiful  as 
her  son,  with  the  same  colouring  but  voluptuous  and  healthy 
Hke  one  of  Titian's  women.  She  dressed  smartly;  her  son 
helped  design  her  clothes.  They  were  more  like  elder  sister  and 
brother  than  mother  and  son  and  went  out  a  lot  together. 
They  shared  cosmetics.  She  accepted  him  as  he  was. 

^^  ^F"   "yr  1^  ishing  to  add  sophistication  to  my 
I    I  ^r  ^r       unassuming  appearance,  Roswell  designed 
I    B^^r  for  me  a  draped,  goddess-like,  close-fitting 

■^•^r  evening  dress,  which  I  sewed.  He  suggested 

P^  P^  I  carry  a  calla  lily  with  it  when  we  went  to 

concerts  or  receptions  of  friends  together.  I  balked  at  that 
Wildean  extravagance.  He  also  tried  to  persuade  me  to  use 
make-up,  but  I  could  not  be  bothered.  It  was  fun  occasionally 
to  "dress  up"  for  a  dramatic  appearance,  but  generally  I  was 
too  preoccupied  with  writing.  I  preferred  to  be  admired  for 
my  mind  and  could  accompUsh.  "One  can  also  be 
beautiful,"  he  argued.  "You  didn't  even  know  you  had 
beautiful  hands,  the  most  beautiful  I  have  seen."  He  wrote 
poetry  to  them  and  other  supposed  charms. 

Some  of  the  other  young  men  also  were  flattering.  Ger- 
shon,  the  painter,  said  I  was  beautiful  and  he  wished  to  paint 
me.  Louis,  a  sculptor,  told  me,  "You  have  a  Burne- Jones 
body  and  a  Rosetti  neck,"  reciting  Dante  Gabriel  Rosetti's 
lines:  "The  blessed  damozel  leaned  out/From  the  gold  bar  of 

Roswell  gave  me  the  pet  name  of  Sappho  ("You  are  strong 
and  independent  Hke  her  and  a  true  poet").  The  others  picked 
it  up  and  it  was  my  name  among  them  for  years  until  I  left 
Montreal.  All  heady  emd  romantic  —  but  I  knew  I  was  not 
pretty;  there  was  nothing  remailcable  about  my  apperarance. 
"No,  you  are  not  pretty,  thank  God,"  Roswell  said,  "but  you 
are  an  individual.  Make  the  most  of  it.  Learn  how  to  dress. 
I'll  help  you."  The  situation  at  least  was  pleasant  and  added 
to  my  self-confidence. 

Roswell  and  I  became  inseparable,  feeling,  if  not  altogether 
knowing  why,  that  we  complemented  one  another,  loving 
with  a  pure,  Platonic  love.  His  gender  ambiguity  both  attract- 
ed me  and  left  me  feeling  safe.  I  was  constantly  defending  him 
to  people,  mainly  men,  who  regarded  him  as  corrupt.  He 
could  have  a  viper's  tongue  against  those  he  disliked,  against 
smugness  and  persons  who  went  out  to  their  way  to  insult 
him,  as  was  not  infrequent,  but  I  knew  him  for  a  loyal,  gentle 
and  generous  friend,  one  to  whom  I  already  owed  a  great  deal 
and  was  to  owe  more.  Our  friendship  was  to  be  lifelong. 

Fascinating  fish  my  homemade  net  had  caught.  Whatever 
contributed  to  my  devising  remains  unanalyzable.  But  from 
that  action  in  a  desperate  moment  I  learned  never  to  tolerate 
stagnation.  Even  in  the  most  deprived  circumstances  it  is 
possible  to  proclaim:  "I  am  here,  world:  where  are  you? 
What  do  you  want  of  me?" 

The  rest  of  my  life  depended  on  the  threads  of  that 
innocently  cast  net.D 

MAY  1982 

Upsetting  convention  witli  Mai7  Poppins 

Victor/Victoria.  Directed  by  Blake  Edwards. 
MGM/United  Artists,  1982 

The  direct  social  effect  of  a  film  (in  so 
far  as  it  can  be  guessed)  has  no  neces- 
sary correlation  with  its  interest  as  a 
work  of  art.  For  example,  we  think 
Cruising,  whose  social  effect  was  prob- 
ably entirely  negative,  a  far  more  inter- 
esting film  than  Making  Love,  whose 
social  effect  must  be  predominantly 
positive.  The  former  draws  on  a  rich 
legacy  from  the  horror  movie  and  film 
noir  and  can  be  read  as  a  radical  cri- 
tique of  authority  patterns  in  contem- 
porary culture,  while  the  latter  has  little 
more  complexity  or  resonance  than  a 
made-for-TV  "social  problem"  drama. 
What,  then,  are  the  criteria  of  value? 

Happily,  such  quandaries  of  evalua- 
tion are  largely  resolved  by  Victor/ Vic- 
toria, at  once  the  most  pleasurable,  the 
most  widely  accessible,  the  most  com- 
plex, the  most  intelligent,  the  most  fun- 
damentally serious  and  the  most  radical 
of  the  recent  outcrop  of  Hollywood 
movies  on  gay  themes.  (Which  is  not  to 
say  it's  perfect  —  we'll  return  later  to  its 
quite  important  limitations.) 

As  for  discernible  social  effect,  the 
film  consistently  reverses  the  general 
conditioning  of  audiences  to  laugh  at  or 
despise  homosexuals  from  the  secure 
vantage  point  of  identification  with 
"straight"  male  characters,  and  the 
huge  audiences  currently  flocking  to  the 
film  seem,  for  the  most  part,  trium- 
phantly won  over  by  it.  Consider  the 
following:  early  in  the  film  Richard 
(Malcolm  Jamieson),  who  has  been  sex- 
ually exploiting  Toddy  (Robert  Preston) 
and  is  now  walking  out  on  him,  calls 
him  an  "old  queer";  in  spontaneous 
response  Victoria  (Julie  Andrews) 
erupts  from  a  closet  to  punch  him  in  the 
face  and  literally  boot  him  out  of  the 
apartment.  On  the  two  occasions  we 
saw  the  film,  the  audience  laughed  de- 
lightedly and  applauded.  The  reponse 
was  similar  when  Norma  (Lesley  Ann 
Warren),  the  stereotypical  "dumb 
blonde,"  tells  Toddy  that  she  thinks  a 
good  woman  could  reform  him,  and  he 
retorts  that  he  thinks  a  good  woman 
could  reform  her.  By  the  later  stages  of 
the  film  anything  becomes  possible,  and 
the  audience  can  take  in  its  stride  the 
magnificent  moment  when  James  Gar- 
ner's bodyguard  (Alex  Karras,  a  won- 
derfully delicate  performance),  thinking 
he  has  found  his  macho  boss  in  bed  with 
another  man,  promptly  "comes  out" 
and,  tears  in  his  eyes,  kisses  him. 

What  is  most  remarkable  about  the 
film  is  its  completely  successful  fusion 
of  delight  and  didacticism;  it  manages 
to  be  at  once  a  continuously  inventive 
and  captivating  musical  farce  and  a 
veritable  sermon  on  sexuality,  gayness 
and  gender-identity,  without  either  facet 
undermining  the  other.  Seldom  has 
"entertainment"  been  so  effectively 
used  as  a  means  of  educating  the  audi- 
ence. It  is  especially  important  that  the 
most  explicit  radical  statements  are 
given  to  Julie  Andrews  (they  might  be 
regarded  as  following  from  her  splendid 
feminist  lecture  to  Dudley  Moore  in  bed 
in  10).  Her  attempts  to  transcend  or 
negate  her  star  image  (in  Star,  for  exam- 
ple, or  the  extremely  underrated  Darling 
Lilt)  have  hitherto  not  been  commercial- 
ly successful;  for  most  people,  she 
remains  the  star  of  The  Sound  of  Music 
and  Mary  Poppins,  a  screen  persona 

which  might  well  have  gained  the 
unqualified  approval  of  Anita  Bryant  in 
her  heyday.  It  is  startling  enough  to  be 
informed  by  a  Hollywood  movie  that 
the  only  people  who  regard  homosexu- 
ality as  sick  or  sinful  are  "pure  clergy- 
men and  terrified  heterosexuals";  for 
such  a  speech  to  emerge  from  the  lips  of 
Mary  Poppins  is  nothing  short  of 

Perhaps  the  film's  most  deeply  satis- 
fying achievement,  however,  is  its  crea- 
tion, without  fuss,  pretension  or  self- 
consciousness,  of  a  positive,  happy,  lov- 
ing and  mutually  supportive  relation- 
ship between  a  gay  man  and  a  hetero- 
sexual woman.  The  gains  here  arguably 
offset  what  initially  struck  us  as  one  of 
the  film's  Hmitations:  although 
Andrews  (as  a  woman  pretending  to  be 
a  man  pretending  to  be  a  woman)  is  cen- 
tral to  its  play  on  gender-roles  and  the 
chief  spokesperson  for  its  discussion  of 
sexual  ambiguity  and  defence  of  free- 
dom of  orientation,  the  character's  own 
sexual  identity  is  never  called  into  ques- 
tion. Victoria  is  allowed  to  look  and 
fight  like  a  man,  defending  gays  with 
words  and  fists,  but  she  is  never  allowed 
to  acknowledge  that  she  might  feel 
attracted  to  women.  Yet  the  gay/ femin- 
ist alliance  embodied  in  the  Andrews/ 
Preston  relationship  remains  one  of  the 

film's  major  delights.  They  sing  and 
dance  together,  face  problems  together, 
hug,  kiss,  love  each  other,  share  the 
same  bed,  are  regarded  by  the  world  as 
(male)  lovers,  while  fully  accepting  each 
other's  different  sexual  needs  and 
without  ever  trespassing  on  each  other's 
freedom  of  choice.  In  this,  the  film  ac- 
curately reflects  one  of  the  most  positive 
side-effects  of  the  coalition  of  the  gay 
and  women's  movements. 

In  the  best  tradition  of  the  American 
musical,  the  "numbers"  are  consistently 
used,  not  as  decorative  appendages,  but 
to  crystallize  themes  and  narrative 
developments.  Hence,  the  Preston /An- 
drews alliance  is  summed  up  in  their 
public  duet  in  the  club  Chez  Lui,  a 
number  that  also  extends  the  film's 
complex  play  on  gender-identity  by 
being  posited  on  a  double  vision:  the 
audience  within  the  movie  thinks  it  is 
watching  two  men,  the  cinema  audience 
knows  it  is  watching  a  gay  man  and  a 
woman.  The  song  asserts  not  only  the 
togetherness  of  the  couple  but  the  idea 
that  everyone  envies  such  people  and 
would  like  to  be  like  them.  One  can  take 
it  either  way. 

It  is  fitting  that  a  film  so  dedicated  to 
educating  the  "straight"  audience 
should  centre  its  narrative  on  the  educa- 
tion of  a  "straight"  male  (Garner),  the 

recipient  of  Victoria's  lectures.  One  of 
the  movie's  unquestionable  weaknesses 
is  that  Garner  learns  the  truth  about 
Andrews  identity  too  early  (and  in  a 
manner  that  is  more  distasteful  than  the 
film  seems  ready  to  acknowledge).  The 
logic  of  the  thematic  progress  is  surely 
that  he  should  admit  to  being  in  love 
with  Victoria  while  still  believing  that 
she's  a  man:  when  he  tells  her  he  wants 
to  kiss  her  and  doesn't  care  if  she's 
male,  the  potential  of  the  moment  is 
severely  undercut  by  the  fact  that  he 
knows  she  isn't.  Nonetheless,  the 
character's  development  (in  order  to 
continue  a  relationship  with  Victoria,  he 
has  to  learn  to  accept  that  people  will 
think  he's  gay)  provides  some  of  the 
movie's  strongest  moments.  One  of  its 
most  notable  reversals  of  conventional 
assumptions  is  the  implication  that 
Garner  finally  demonstrates  his  strength 
and  integrity  by  refusing  to  reveal  that 
he  isn't  gay,  even  under  extreme 

As  to  the  film's  other  shortcomings 
(though,  when  it  goes  so  far  and  does  so 
much,  it  seems  ungrateful  to  insist  on 
them):  we  are  bothered  somewhat  by 
the  treatment  of  Lesley  Ann  Warren 
(hilarious  as  she  mostly  is),  or,  more 
specifically,  by  the  film's  strategy  of 
making  a  woman  its  ultimate  butt  or 
"fall  guy."  The  corollary  of  this  is  the 
capitulation  of  Victoria  herself  to  the 
male  order  against  which  she  has  previ- 
ously held  out. 

More  serious  is  its  failure,  in  the  last 
resort,  to  take  gay  relationships  as 
seriously  as  heterosexual  ones.  It  seems 
to  us  the  one  edge  that  Making  Love 
has  over  Victor/Victoria  —  the  only 
one,  but  crucially  important  in  terms  of 
gay  politics  and  contemporary  society 
—  is  that  it  confronts  general  audiences 
with  the  possibility  that  gays  are  capable 
of  the  same  commitment,  and  the  same 
pain,  as  heterosexuals.  Edwards's  film 
falls  finally  into  the  pattern  long  estab- 
lished in,  for  example,  Shakespearian 
comedy  and  Mozartian  opera,  as  well  as 
in  Hollywood  movies  such  as  the 
Astaire/ Rogers  films,  whereby  a  "seri- 
ous romantic  couple  is  counterpoint- 
ed  with  a  comic  one;  here,  the  serious 
couple  (Andrews  and  Garner)  happen  to 
be  heterosexual,  the  comic  couple 
(Preston  and  Karras)  gay.  Though  enor- 
mously superior  to  it  in  every  way,  the 
film  is  not  quite  as  far  removed  from  La 
Cage  Aux Folks  as  we  would  wish. 

Robin  Wood  and  Richard  LippeH 

Garner  (right)  with  bodyguard  Karras:  a  sur 

prise  come-out  —  and  surprising  integrity 
Andrews/Victor/Victoria  (rigtit):  abandon- 
ing an  image  Anita  Bryant  migtit  have  loved 
Dumb  blonde?  Lesley  Ann  Warren  (below): 
tiilarious,  but  the  film's  ultimate  "fall guy" 

MAY  1982 


Coming  to  Power:  Writings  and  Graphics  on 
Lesbian  S/M  (S/M:  A  Form  of  Eroticism 
Based  on  Consensual  Exchange  of  Power). 
Edited  by  samois  (a  lesbian/feminist 
organization),  Box  11798,  San  Francisco, 
CA  94101.  1981.  $6.95. 

Some  whisper  about  it.  Some  accuse 
with  it.  Some  are  truly  repulsed  by  the 
very  thought  of  it.  A  few  are  genuinely 
curious.  Of  those  asking,  most  have 
predetermined  it  to  be  Dangerous  to 
Your  Health,  and  if  not  yours,  then  at 
least  to  the  General  Public's  (maybe 
naive  but  not-so-innocent)  Morality.  If 
you  happen  to  be  a  lesbian  and  you 
happen  to  engage  in  it,  you  might  easily 
be  considered  Anti-Feminist,  a  Pervert, 
a  Menace,  a  Sickie,  a  Reactionary  or 
even  a  Fascist.  And  not  necessarily  in 
that  order.  Not  surprisingly,  you  will 
enrage  the  poUce,  the  right  wing's 
fanatic  Moral  Majority,  and  even  a  few 
of  our  own  all-too-holy  and  politically 
correct  lefties.  But  to  youF  shock  and 
horror,  you  may  also  enrage  many, 
many  of  your  own  Lesbian-Feminist 
Sisters  —  and  if  you  do,  you  will  be 
condemned  by  them  as  a  Sexist  Male  in 
Female  Genitalia  Drag.  Be  prepared. 
Brace  yourself.  Allow  yourself  the  hard- 
won  right  to  experience  Our  Bodies! 
Ourselves!  For  as  the  Ministry  of  Truth 
correctly  proclaims.  Coming  To  Power 
"is  an  outrageous  book."  It  is  also  a 
profound  book.  And  it's  the  best  thing 
that's  been  published  on  feminist 
theory /practice  in  a  long,  long  time. 

If  you  can  actually  find  a  copy  —  dif- 
ficult, since  the  very  bookstores  normal- 
ly carrying  feminist  writing  waver  be- 
tween fear  and  anger  about  its  contents 
or,  when  they  don't,  order  such  a  lim- 
ited amount  that  it  sells  out  immediately 
upon  arrival  —  you  will  discover  or 
affirm  many  general  things  about  sex- 
ual/erotic relations  and  fantasies.  But 
you  will  have  to  come  to  terms  with 
three  basic  lesbian  things  in  particular: 
(1)  that  what  we  "do  in  bed"  involves 
more  than  endless  discussions  on  wom- 
en's oppression,  non-monogamy  and 
guih;  (2)  that  what  we  "do  in  bed" 
involves  consensual  erotic  sexual  fanta- 
sies/activities that  may  or  may  not 
involve  the  use  of  leather  straps,  silk 
ropes,  vibrators,  orgasms,  and  more 
than  one  other  person,  and  (3)  that  the 
understanding  of  sex  as  consensual,  ero- 
tic, powerful  and  political  constitutes 
not  only  the  basis  of  S/M  sexual  play, 
but  the  very  foundation  of  feminism 

Now  sit  down,  catch  your  breath  and 
read  on. 

Let's  start  with  SAMOIS's  rather  ap- 
propriate title:  Coming  to  Power.  As  we 
all  know  from  listening  to  old  Lenny 
Bruce  albums,  "coming"  is  a  fun  little 
word  imbued  with  a  variety  of  meanings 
that  can  include  mundane  things  like 
"in  the  pursuit  of  or  "reaching 
toward"  something.  But  it  also  carries 
another  meaning,  an  erotic  meaning, 
having  to  do  explicitly  with  orgasm(s). 
Statements  like  "Are  you  coming?" 
"Did  you  come?"  "I'm  coming!"  or  "I 
came  three  times!"  —  in  the  right  con- 
text —  mean  something  other  than  can 
you /did  you /will  you  meet  me  for  lunch 
on  Tuesday.  SAMOIS  is  certainly  not 
innocent  of  this  (or  any  other)  point.  By 
choosing  the  word  "coming,"  these  les- 
bian-feminists underline  the  fact  that, 
on  the  one  hand,  women  are  continuing 

their  pursuit  of  power  in  this  society, 
that  that  pursuit  is  solidified  by  getting 
{ie  coming)  together,  and  that  that  com- 
ing together  (ie  sisterhood)  is,  in  itself,  a 
serious  political  statement  about  power. 
Perhaps  this  might  seem  vaguely  remin- 
iscent, if  we  carefully  blow  away  the 
layers  of  dust,  of  the  old  and  important 
slogan:  Sisterhood  is  powerful. 

On  the  other  hand,  by  employing 
"coming"  they  also  succeed  in  re-estab- 
lishing a  key  point  about  feminist  poli- 
tics often  forgotten  in  today's  struggle 
for  women's  liberation:  It  has  some- 
thing to  do  with  Sex,  a  "something" 
that  is  politically  liberating,  exciting, 
strengthening  and  erotic.  But  it  also  re- 
establishes a  key  point  about  (lesbian) 
sexual  relations  and  fantasies:  Sex  in 
general  and  lesbian  sex  in  particular,  has 
something  definite  and  positive  to  do 
with  power,  where  power  is  understood 
as  erotic,  sensual  and  socially/ historic- 
ally created  (that  is,  political),  rather 
than  something  to  be  reduced  (as  is 
often  done)  to  the  crude  equation 
Power  =  Patriarchy  =  Male,  or  in 
short,  as  something  anti-woman. 

But  although  it  is  important  to  be 
clear  about  the  multiplicity  of  meanings 
behind  the  word  power,  we  should  be 
equally  clear  that  SAMOIS  is  not  just 
talking  about  any  old  sisterly  coming 
together,  nor  any  old  erotic  form  of 
power.  They  are  talking  about  lesbian 
sado-masochistic  sexual  encounters. 
They  are  talking  about  consensual 
dominant  /  subordinate,  tension  /  release, 
costume /reality,  sexual  relations /fan- 
tasies by,  for  and  among  women.  In  the 
full  and  total  sense  of  the  phrase  (and  in 
no  less  than  thirty  articles,  stories  and 
fantasies),  SAMOIS  debates,  writes 
about  and  otherwise  explores  coming  to 

So  let's  go  for  that  long-awaited  walk 
on  the  wild  side.  Let's  explore  and 
debate  with  SAMOIS  what  constitutes 
lesbian  S/M  sexual  play. 

If  you  fiip  through  articles  such  as 

"How  I  Learned  to  Stop  Worrying  and 
Love  My  Dildo"  (Sophie  Schmuckler), 
"Dangerous  Shoes  or  What's  a  Nice 
Dyke  Like  Me  Doing  in  a  Get-up  Like 
This?"  (Virginia  Barker),  "Silk  and 
Leather  Dream"  (Anonymous),  "Act  II 
Scene  I"  (Janet  Schrim),  "Giri  Gang" 
(Gappy  Kotz),  or  "Handkerchief 
Codes:  Interlude  11"  one  thing  stands 
out:  lesbian  sado-masochism  means  all 
things  to  all  lesbians. 

Some  claim,  for  example,  that  it's 
just  a  matter  of  tension  and  its  release 
via  bodily  orgasms: 

Slowly  she  takes  the  long  red  silk 
scarf  from  her  pocket  and  lovingly 
wraps  it  around  my  wrists,  drawing 
my  arms  up  and  over  my  head  to  the 
headboard  of  the  bed.  I  lie  there 
spread-eagled,  arms  out  of  my  con- 
trol, as  her  breasts,  covered  in  the 
cool  self-contained  silk  rub  over  my 
body...  The  leather  against  me, 
pushing  between  my  legs,  hard,  hot, 
impossible  to  avoid,  even  as  the  silk 
tells  me  how  cool  and  distanced  she 
could  be  at  any  time. 

Raising  her  knee,  she  grinds  into 
my  clit...  On  and  on  until  the  leather 
glistens  with  my  juice.  Another  piece 
of  silk  appears  and  she  rubs  it  over 
my  breasts  in  ever  larger  circles  until 
my  sides  and  thighs  and  every  part  of 
me  is  drawn,  electric...  Her  hand 
descends,  and  my  legs  spread  wider 
than  should  be  possible,  as  first  one 
finger,  then  another  and  another 
join  and  pierce,  pushing  hard  and 
fast,  forcing  bone  against  clit. 
Another  finger  enters  my  asshole  — 
rubbing,  massaging,  ignoring  the 
tightness  of  muscles  fighting  inva- 
sion. The  silk  keeps  rubbing. 
Breasts,  ribs,  ass,  never  stopping  un- 
til I  come,  and  keep  coming...  The 
smell  of  leather  filling  the  air,  the 
creaking  of  her  leather  coming  in 
time  to  my  own  cries  of  joy.  ("Silk 
and  Leather  Dream") 
Some  claim,  on  the  other  hand,  that 

S/M  sex  has  to  do  with- a  discovery  of 
the  body,  a  searching  for  and  finding 
the  very  boundary  between  agony  and 

"No."  More  a  moan  than  a  word. 

The  heavy  strands  of  black  braid- 
ed leather  bit  into  my  ass  and 
shoulder  blades  once  more.  And 
again.  And  again. 

And  my  cries  continued,  breath- 
less, reverberating  in  my  throat, 
barely  making  it  into  the  air.  My 
body,  bound  and  helpless,  jerked  at 
the  blows,  writhing  without  my  will. 

"No.  Ohh."  A  moan  trailing  off 
into  a  shuddering  sob... 

Suddenly  the  whipping  stopped.  I 
felt  as  if  I  were  awakening  in  a 
strange  place  with  no  recollection  of 
how  I  had  gotten  there.  A  sudden 
stab  of  pain  in  each  nipple,  followed 
by  relief,  brought  me  back  as  she 
removed  the  clamps.  She  undid  the 
wrist  cuffs  from  the  chains  and  half 
carried  me  to  bed. 

"We  need  a  break,"  she  said  to  me 
urgently.  I  murmured  wordless 
agreement.  Holding  her  holding  me  I 
felt  renewed  energy  surging  through 
us.  I  knew  we  weren't  finished  yet 
tonight.  Curtain.  ("Act  II  Scene  I") 

Then  again,  some  claim  S/M  to  mean 
more  than  tension  and  release,  more 
than  simple  limitation  and  discovery. 
They  claim  it  to  mean  discipline  and 

I'm  wearing  army  fatigues  and  a 
form-fitting  military  shirt.  I  apply  a 
gash  of  cruel  red  lipstick  to  remind 
her  that  I  am  all  woman  within  my 
command  outfit. 

I  put  her  through  her  paces, 
watching  her  tits  jiggle,  her  ass 
sweat,  her  cunt  drip. 

Yet  she's  not  quite  sexy  enough  for 
me.  Nor,  really-,  for  her  own  plea- 
sure. So  I  put  her  in  the  cage  and 
allow  her  to  lick  my  big  black  boots 
through  the  bars. 

When  we  are  both  thoroughly 
aroused  I  return  to  my  bed  and  we 
^  listen  to  each  other  masturbate. 

Later  I  punish  her  for  experiencing 
pleasure  unsuitable  for  a  prisoner 
and  for  spying  on  an  officer. 

When  I  take  her  across  my  lap  for 
her  punishment  she  follows  instruc- 
tions to  keep  her  fist  in  my  cunt 
as  I  paddle  her.  She  comes  just 
seconds  before  I  do  and  she  is  pun- 
ished for  preceding  an  officer. 
("Handkerchief  Codes:  Interiude") 

Well.  You've  no  doubt  noticed  that 
these  scenes  include  silk  (as  in  ropes, 
scarves  and  shirts),  paddles  and  nipple 
clamps.  No  doubt  you  also  noticed  they 
include  Tops  and  Bottoms,  Dominants 
and  Submissives,  fist-fucking,  anal  sex, 
pain,  sweat,  orgasms.  But  what  you 
might  not  have  grasped  in  its  entirety  is 
the  reality /fantasy  level  of  each  scene. 
It's  up  to  you  to  decide,  to  know  which 
is  which.  For  the  question  is  never  simp- 
ly what  is  real  or  not  about  these  sexual 
encounters,  but  what  do  you  hope/de- 
sire to  be  real?  This,  too,  is  central  to 
S/M  play,  the  interweaving  of  fantasy 
with  real-life  played-out  scenes. 

There  is  one  other  point  that  may 
have  escaped  your  analytic  eye:  the  fact 
of  mutual  consent  and  trust  necessary 
for  each  sexual  encounter.  For  lesbian 
sexual  S/M  is  not  (and  this  should  be 
stressed)  performed  against  a  woman's 
will.  Moreover,  it  is  not  emotional  S/M 
blackmail  —  the  typical  "mind-fuck" 
game-playing  often  present  in  lesbian 
relationships.  Lesbian  sexual  "S/M  is 
not  abusive,  rape,  beatings,  violence, 
cruelty,  power-over,  force,  coercion, 
non-consensual,  unimportant,  a  choice 


MAY  1982 

made  lightly  (or)  growth  blocking...". 
And,  as  Martha  Equinox  quietly  adds, 
it's  certainly  not  boring.  People  agree  to 
do  it  together,  consensually,  and  they 
agree  to  stop  immediately  when  either 
partner  wishes  to  do  so. 

How  do  you  know  when  to  stop,  or  if 
you're  the  Bottom,  how  do  you  let  your 
lover /partner  know  you've  had 
enough?  By  using  code  words,  like 
"pink"  for  "ease  it  up"  or  "red"  for 
"stop."  How  do  you  know  whether  a 
sex  toy  is  safe  or  unsafe  to  use?  You 
check  it  out  before  engaging  in  an  S/M 
sex  scene.  After  all,  not  every  potential- 
ly erotic  object  is  necessarily  safe  —  this 
goes  particularly  for  glass  bottles  (which 
form  a  vacuum  in  the  vagina  or  anus 
and  have  to  be  surgically  removed)  or 
hard  plastic  dildoes  and  vibrators  that 
may  spHnter  under  pressure.  These  and 
other  safety  tips  can  be  found  in  Janet 
Bellwether's  important  lesbian  S/M 
safety  guide:  "Love  Means  Never  Hav- 
ing to  Say  Oops."  It  is  up  to  both  (or 
more)  partners  to  know  exactly  what 
they're  getting  into  and  the  limits  of  the 
play.  But  it's  particularly  important  for 
the  Top  to  understand  the  complexity  of 
each  scene,  since  she  will  usually  be  the 
one  with  the  most  freedom  of  move- 
ment and,  therefore,  the  one  exercising 
continual  judgment  of  the  situation. 

Lastly,  how  do  you  know  if  you 
might  be  into  S/M  if  you've  never  tried 
it  before?  Will  you  want  to  be  a  Top  or 
a  Bottom,  a  Dominant  or  Submissive? 
Will  you  want  to  be  Versatile?  Are  you 
going  to  want  to  try  whipping  someone 
or  wanting  yourself  to  be  whipped?  Or 
will  you  want  it  to  be  just  tension/ 
release  without  the  use  of  toys  or  ropes? 
These  questions  do  not  have  self-evident 
answers.  And  it  is  precisely  because 
there  are  no  pat  answers  that  SAMOIS 
provides  many  varied  personal  state- 
ments about  lesbian  S/M.  These  state- 
ments often  include  comments  about 
feeling  nervous,  curious,  even  scared. 
But  even  if  Curiosity  Killed  the  Cat,  we 
all  know  that  Satisfaction  Brought  Her 
Back.  "Proper  Orgy  Behaviour"  (by 
"J")  testifies  to  this  dual  fear/satis- 

Thoughts  I  keep  to  myself: 
Oh  jeez,  look  at  those  women  over 
there.  One  is  whipping  the  other.  Uh 
oh  and  I  promised  myself  I'd  be  cool 
and  nonjudgemental...  but...  but... 
how  can  they  do  that?  Why  would 
she  want  to  be  whippedl 

Oh  it's  just  too  weird.  Why  did  I 
come  to  this  orgy  anyway?  Me, 
monogamous  me,  who's  never  done 
a  three  way  with  friends.... 

Orgy  2 

...there  are  those  two  women 
again.  All  that  leather  she's  wearing. 
I  wonder  if  she  gets  hot  in  it? 
...I  wonder  what  it  feels  like?  Why  is 
it  such  a  turn  on?  Oh,  it's  just  too 

Orgy  3 

Listen,  I  know  this  might  sound 
unusual  coming  from  me,  but  well... 
I'd  like  to  see  what  it  feels  like  to  be 

My  friends  are  delighted,  and  we 
find  a  swing  board  for  me  to  lie 
down  on.  I  tell  them  I  am  feeling 
very  vulnerable  and  do  not  want  any 
sexual  play  at  this  time,  only  whip- 
ping. "Only  whipping"  I  gulp.  1 
then  tell  them  that  my  safe  word  for 
stopping  the  action  is  "red,"  and 
"pink"  for  lightening  up. 

One  by  one  they  take  turns.  They 
ask  my  permission  first,  and  are  lov- 
mg  and  gentle  in  their  manner...  I 
am  anxious.  Will  it  hurt?  Can  I  take 

it?  What  am  I  doing?  I  wait  nervous- 
ly, then...  SMACK!  The  first  hit... 
"Ayyy,  that  hurts,"  I  protest.  I  am 
surprised  at  how  much  it  stings. 
They  laugh  and  I  relax.  So,  it  really 
does  hurt. 

(After  several  smacks  with  variations 
on  the  Scene:) 

She  says,  "I  think  that's  enough 
for  your  first  time."  "Oh,"  I  say 
disappointedly.  I  want  to  go  on.... 
"No,  enough  for  now.  You  think 
you  can  take  more  but  you  really 
can't."  And  then  she  reassures  me. 
"You  can  always  do  it  again."  Yes,  I 
smile,  feeling  very  peaceful  and  self- 

We  are  left,  in  the  end,  with  a  burning 
(shall  I  say  stinging?)  indictment,  an  in- 
dictment that  brings  us  full  circle  to  the 
beginning  of  our  walk  on  the  wild  side: 
if  lesbian  S/M  sex  is  so  powerful,  so  in- 

teresting and  so  much  fun,  why  is  it  not 
more  openly  talked  about,  let  alone    " 
practised?  The  answer  has  to  do,  in 
part,  with  a  two-pronged  development 
within  lesbian /feminist  poUtics. 
On  the  one  hand,  S/M  sex  is  seen  to  be 
scary,  often  thought  to  be  a  Heterosex- 
ual Aberration  of  the  Scars  of  Patriar- 
chy, and  therefore  seen  as  something  to 
be  contained,  sealed  off,  in  a  word,  cen- 
sored by  some  of  the  major  elements 
within  the  feminist  community.  On  the 
other  hand,  to  admit  to  yourself  and  to 
your  once  cosy  lesbian-feminist  world 
that  you're  an  S/M  dyke  means  to  come 
out  once  again,  but  this  time  in  an  ever 
more  vicious  atmosphere  where  you  will 
definitely  be  discredited  by  the  very 
sisters  whose  support  you  once  held  in 
high  esteem.  It  is  a  maddening  emo- 
tional drain.  And  our  SAMOIS  sisters 
are  keen  on  presenting  exactly  how 
disturbing  and  how  tortuous  it  has  been 

for  them  in  their  uncomfortable  role  as 
the  new  cutting  edge  of  the  lesbian  sex- 
ual liberation  movement.  (See  in  par- 
ticular Gayle  Rubin's  excellent  analysis, 
"The  Leather  Menace:  Comments  on 
Politics  and  S/M"  reprinted  in  the  April 
issue  of  TBP.) 

But  Coming  to  Power  is  more  than  an 
attempt  to  put  sex  back  into  lesbian 
politics.  It  is  an  attempt  to  show, 
through  stories,  graphics  and  analysis, 
just  how  political  (ie,  socially  construct- 
ed) lesbian  sex  really  is.  It  is  an  attempt 
to  remind  all  of  us  that  we  must  contin- 
ue our  fight  to  define  sexual  relations  on 
our  own  terms  as  something  valid  and 
important.  It  is  an  attempt  to  remind  us 
that  the  personal  is  political. 

Only  one  small  question  remains:  are 
you  going  to  be  part  of  the  problem  or 
part  of  the  solution  in  the  fight  for  the 
sexual  liberation  of  women? 



He's  about  your  age,  well-educated,  likes  life  in  the  city. 
Like  you,  he  sees  that  the  world  needs  some  changes, 
wants  to  make  those  changes  happen.  Like  you,  he 
gives  some  of  his  time  or  money  to  a  gay  organization. 

Unlike  you,  he  doesn't  read  The  Body  Politic.  He  may 
have  seen  the  magazine  at  your  place,  but  he  hasn't 
really  looked  us  over. 

We  want  to  reach  him  —  and  you  can  help  us.  At  no 
cost  to  you. 

We'd  like  you  to  help  us  give  your  friend  a  gift:  a  six- 
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friends,  use  a  separate  sheet  of  paper.  Clip  it  and  mail  it 
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neat,  brown  envelope)  along  with  a  note  saying  it's  from 
you.  We'll  do  the  work  —  you  just  take  the  credit. 

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Mail  to:  The  Body  Politic,  Box  7289,  Stn  A,  Toronto  M5W  1X9 



MAY  1982 



Dramatic  tricks  and  dubious  intentions 

Deathtrap  directed  by  Sidney  Lumet. 
Released  through  Warner  Brothers,  1982 

A  close-up  of  a  nervous  young  man 
peering  around  a  corner;  he  is  afraid  he 
is  being  watched.  Cut  to:  two  eyes  look- 
ing out  from  behind  a  drape:  he  is  being 
watched.  The  young  man  emerges  from 
behind  the  wall,  cradling  in  his  arms  a 
woman's  corpse. 

The  camera  pulls  back,  showing  the 
murderer,  the  wall,  a  door...  and  in  the 
foreground,  a  restless  audience.  The 
acting  in  this  thriller,  they  mutter,  is 
horrible  —  and  the  script  worse.  The 
voyeur  behind  the  drapes  is  sweating:  he 
is  the  play's  author  and  standing  at  the 
back  of  the  theatre  he  senses  this  pro- 
duction is  going  to  bomb. 

This  intriguing  unfolding  of  layers  of 
theatrical  artifice  and  theatrical  reality  is 
endemic  in  Deathtrap.  Being  a  thriller, 
its  success  should  depend  on  how  well  it 
creates  suspense,  how  long  it  enticingly 
withholds  the  actual  outcome  of  events, 
how  effectively  it  teases  us  into  believing 
in  its  inevitability.  Yet  Jay  Presson 
Allen's  screenplay  isn't  content  to  do 
only  that:  its  trickery  is  not  just  a  matter 
of  concealing  outcomes,  but  of  hiding 
whole  events. 

The  sweating  playwright,  Sidney 
Bruhl  (Michael  Caine)  is  devastated. 
Once  the  Neil  Simon  of  thrillers,  he  is 
now  observing  the  fourth  in  a  numbing 
series  of  flops.  And  when  he  returns 
home  to  his  wife  Myra  (Dyan  Cannon), 
he  confides  to  her  his  worst  fear:  he  has 
received  a  script  in  the  mail  from  a  fan 
of  his,  an  aspiring  playwright,  one  Clif- 
ford Anderson  (Christopher  Reeve).  It's 
a  thriller  and  it's  very  good  —  perfect, 
in  fact,  so  perfect  that  Anderson  may 
usurp  Bruhl's  title  of  Thriller  King.  He 
must  be  stopped  —  eliminated,  as  it 

were.  He  is  invited  to  Bruhl's  East 
Hampton  home  so  they  can  iron  out 
some  of  the  script's  "small  problems." 

By  this  time,  the  scenario  seems 
familiar  enough  as  these  things  go:  hus- 
band and  wife  team  up  to  wipe  out  what 
they  consider  a  threat  to  their  security. 
But  soon  the  machinery  appears  to 
backfire,  when,  through  a  series  of 
shocking  events,  Myra  is  bumped  off  in- 
stead. Anderson  is  terribly  pleased  with 
this  development.  And  Bruhl?  Couldn't 
be  happier! 

The  reason  for  their  elation  is 
nebulous  at  first,  but  when  the  two 
embrace  and  kiss  triumphantly,  the 
clouds  quickly  dissipate:  after  all,  what 
a  burden  this  woman  was!  That  kiss  dis- 
closes for  us,  at  last,  the  premise  that  we 
all  have  been  watching.  The  gay  coup- 
ling is  used  as  a  dramatic  trick,  the 
assumption  being  that  this  is  the  last 
thing  we  should  expect.  Like  the  camera 
shots  which  pretend  to  know  all  the 
action  but  purposely  omit  important 
information,  this  deception  and  provo- 
cation are  all  part  of  the  film's 

And  Deathtrap  gets  up  to  more 
mischief.  The  two  lovers  soon  become 
rival  playwrights,  each  setting  out  to 
write  the  ultimate  whodunit  —  even  if 
one's  cunning  necessitates  the  other's 
demise.  They  threaten  each  other  with 
plots,  effects,  props,  performances  — 
with  their  own  scripts'  outlandishly 
morbid  clever  pranks.  What  forges  the 
tension  and  dramatic  gravity  here  is  the 
rivals'  relationship.  It  is  the  spectre  of 
betrayal  between  lovers,  through  profes- 
sional competition  and  suggestions  of 
murder,  that  anchors  the  suspense. 

Not  that  these  two  have  any  mono- 
poly on  duplicity;  every  character  in  this 
film  has  dubious  intentions.  Even  the 

screenplay  is  not  without  its  chicanery. 
It  may  be  that  Allen  is  using  this  male- 
male  relationship  to  set  the  complexities 
in  bizarre,  alien  territory.  Few  things 
could  complete  this  film's  vertiginous 
atmosphere  better  than  the  sight  of  two 
men  kissing  and  calling  each  other 
"dariing"  and  "sweetie."  Yet  it  is  to 
the  advantage  of  cheery  twaddle  like 
this  to  keep  its  cameras  aimed  only  at 
what  appears  to  be  pertinent. 

Michael  WadeD 


Alternative  merits 

Popular  Songs.  Written  and  performed  by 
Clive  Robertson.  Available  through  The 
Record  Peddler,  115  Queen  St  E,  Toronto 
M5C  1S1. 

This  collection  of  nine  songs  by  Tor- 
onto-based artist  and  writer  Clive 
Robertson  addresses  a  number  of  sub- 
jects more  common  than  popular.  Patri- 
archal dominance,  media  manipulation, 
police  harassment,  unemployment, 
inflation  —  Robertson's  concerns  are 
hardly  the  material  of  a  hit  record.  But 
they  are  the  stuff  of  our  lives.  That  the 
album  has  been  reviewed  more  than  it 
has  been  played  is  an  irony  its  title 
anticipates.  Produced  on  a  shoestring 
budget  outside  the  corporate  record 
industry.  Popular  Songs  acknowledges 
its  sub-cultural  position  by  flaunting  its 
anti-commercial  attitudes  in  a  no-frills 
package.  It  is  marginal  music,  written 
for  and  about  people  who  experience 
the  anger  and  enervation  of  oppression. 
Robertson's  use  of  the  song  format  to 
explore  the  reasons  and  manifestations 
of  powerlessness  in  our  society  make 

him  an  easy  target  for  musical  and  polit- 
ical purists.  Complicated  issues  rarely 
make  for  easy  listening;  when  they  do, 
they  invariably  suffer  from  oversimplifi- 
cation. Popular  Songs  is  vulnerable  on 
both  counts.  Robertson's  attempt  to 
reduce  the  concept  of  hegemony  to  two- 
and-a-half  minutes,  for  example,  is 
inevitably  problematic.  How  do  you 
turn  political  theory  into  a  catchy  tune? 
Some  will  say  you  shouldn't  even  try, 
that  the  result  will  demean  the  idea, 
deaden  the  song,  or  both.  And  do  we 
really  want  to  dance  to  a  ditty  about  the 

Robertson:  cofnmon,  if  not  popular,  concerns 

Toronto  bath  raids,  entitled  "No  More 
Shit"?  Are  we  not  defusing  our  anger 
and  diluting  our  politics  no  matter  what 
the  musical  quality? 

I  think  not.  The  co-opting  of  minori- 
ty and  sub-cultural  groups  by  mass  cul- 
ture is  a  process  as  old  as  slavery.  As  we 
watch  our  lovemaking  fill  the  nation's 
cinemas,  this  process  appears  all  too 
benign.  In  such  a  climate,  art  that 
asserts  its  oppositional  status  by  remain- 
ing a  deliberate  alternative  to  the  struc- 
tures of  mainstream  culture  serves  a  val- 
uable political  purpose.  Popular  Songs, 
if  only  because  of  its  problems,  reminds 
us  of  the  merits  of  being  different  and 

Listen  for  it.  In  a  culture  where  famil- 
iarity breeds  content,  what  you  don't 
hear  matters. 

Robert  Wallace  D 

U.S.  Dream 

TWo  sixth-graders 

finally  bought 

eleven  dollars'  worth 

of  chocolate  bars  and 

left  town 

at  the  end  of  the  winter 

walking  toward 

the  headwaters  of  the  Amazon 

and  the  blessed 

jungle  tree  where 

they  would  build  a  home 

in  the  strong  limbs 

and  be  loved 

by  the  birds  and  monkeys 

until  the  turn  of  the  century. 

Jed  FifeD 

This  issue's  writers 

Jed  File  was  born  in  Moscow,  Idaho,  but  now  lives  In 
Pullman,  Washington.  .  All  of  Sue  Gelding's  friends  are 
anxiously  awaiting  her  return  fronrEngland.  .  George  K 
Sax  Is  a  film  critic  and  social  scientist  in  Buffalo.  New 
York .  .  Michael  Wade  has  given  up  go-fering  for  a  job  as 
a  busboy. ,  Teacher  and  playwright  Robert  Wallace  will 
be  reviewing  Bloolips  in  the  June  issue, , .  Tom  Waugh 
teaches  film  at  Montreal's  Concordia  University  . ,  Robin 
Wood  and  Richard  LIppe.  who  have  been  together  for 
three  years,  both  teach  film  in  Toronto. 


MAY  1982 


Confusing  life,  art,  liistoiy  and  Oscar  Wilde 

Lord  Alfred's  Lover.a  play  by  Eric  Bentley. 
Personal  Library  (439-17  Queen  St  E,  Tor- 
onto, M5C1P9),  1981.  $6.95. 

Oscar  Wilde  should  have  a  special  sig- 
nificance for  gay  men  and  women,  one 
linking  his  name  to  the  development  of 
liberation  struggles  and  gay  conscious- 
ness. Yet,  until  the  pubHcation  of  this 
play  (with  the  dubious  exception  of 
Lord  Alfred  Douglas's  viciously  self- 
serving  autobiography),  there  has  been 
no  important  examination  of  Wilde's 
life  and  times  informed  by  a  gay 

Bentley  brings  undeniably  impressive 
credentials  to  his  task,  as  a  scholar, 
playwright  and  democratic  socialist  (he 
pays  tribute  to  Wilde's  essay  "The  Soul 
of  Man  Under  Socialism"  in  the  preface 
to  this  work).  Like  many  of  us,  he 
seems  to  feel  an  affinity  with  Wilde  as 
both  artist  and  as  the  eventual  martyr  in 
a  struggle  Wilde  himself  predicted 
would  be  "long  and  red  with  monstrous 
martyrdoms."  But  it  is  a  pity  that  so  lit- 
tle has  resulted  from  Bentley's  efforts. 
Lord  Alfred's  Lover  does  little  to  illu- 
minate or  explain  its  subject's  success  or 
the  forces  which  carried  him  to  an  early 
and  ignoble  end. 

It  would  be  inappropriate  to  com- 
ment here  on  the  performance  potential 
of  the  play  (to  be  performed  in  New 
York  later  this  year,  with  Quentin  Crisp 
in  the  cast),  but  read  as  either  a  work  of 
biography  or  imagination  it  is  a  disap- 

Designed  as  a  reminiscence  and  con- 
fession by  Douglas  at  the  end  of  his  life 
in  1945,  the  play  telescopes  the  last  nine 
years  of  Wilde's  life,  from  his  meeting 
with  Lord  Alfred  in  1891  to  his  exile  in 
Paris  after  serving  a  two-year  sentence 
for  committing  acts  of  "gross  indecen- 
cy." Much  of  the  dialogue  is  taken 
from  the  writings  of  Wilde  and  others, 
which  may  lend  an  impression  of  auth- 
enticity but  which  does  not,  unfortun- 
ately, produce  a  work  of  historical 
accuracy:  the  play  is  rife  with  errors, 
most  of  them,  it  must  be  assumed, 
intentional.  ^ 

For  example,  Douglas's  confession  of 
his  affair  with  Wilde  can  scarcely  have 
been  revelatory  in  1945,  since  by  that 
time  he  had  been  gradually  revealing  the 
truth  and  correcting  his  lies  for  about 
twenty  years.  And  unlike  the  play's  ver- 
sion of  events,  Douglas  was  not  in  Lon- 
don when  his  father  left  the  famous  call- 
ing card  at  Wilde's  club  accusing  him  of 
posing  as  a  sodomite,  and  so  Wilde's  in- 
itial anger  and  decision  to  bring  suit  was 
made  without  his  lover's  encouragement. 
Such  inaccuracies  would  matter  less  if 
they  were  committed  in  the  service  of  a 
greater  truth,  an  euiist's  insight  into  a 
complex  man's  character.  But  Bentley 
covers  much  while  revealing  little. 

He  hurries  the  action  along  with  a 
series  of  brief  scenes  until  he  arrives  at 
the  denouement,  the  one  big  scene 
which  seems  to  be  the  raison  d'etre  for 
the  work.  Set  in  Reading  Gaol,  it 
depicts  a  visit  by  the  Prime  Minister, 
Lord  Rosebery  (a  fictitious  event,  of 
course).  Rosebery  comes  to  announce 
the  government's  decision  not  to  rescind 
the  remainder  of  Wilde's  .sentence,  des- 
pite his  repentance.  He  also  wants  to 
explain  to  Wilde  why  he  is  suffering 
humiliation  and  imprisonment.  Rose- 
bery is  in  the  play  to  speak  the  author's 
message:  Bentley  apparently  believes 

that  Wilde's  crime  was  not  sodomy  but 
his  challenge  to  bourgeois  morality  and 
therefore  the  bourgeois  state,  and  that 
this  challenge  had  to  be  met  by  the 
state's  impersonal,  overwhelming 
power,  marshalled  by  official  defenders 
of  a  faith  who  do  not  practice  this 
morality  themselves.  Rosebery  was, 
Bentley  contends,  a  closet  homosexual. 

There  is  a  modicum  of  truth  in  all 
this,  but  not  enough  to  support  the 
polemical  energy  of  this  work  or  to  war- 
rant such  manipulation  of  historical  ma- 
terials. Rather  than  clamping  down  on 
Wilde  like  a  trap,  Her  Majesty's  govern- 
ment acted  only  after  Wilde  declined  to 

avail  himself  of  a  delay  sufficient  to 
allow  a  retreat  to  France  before  the  war- 
rant for  his  arrest  was  issued. 

More  importantly,  Wilde  was  the 
chief  engineer  of  his  own  destruction,  as 
when,  with  self-dramatizing  recklessness, 
he  sued  Queensberry  for  libel.  Long 
before,  Wilde  had  carefully  exhibited  a 
cavalier  indifference  to  public  opinion 
about  his  morals.  He  was  not  punished 
for  the  relationship  that  Lord  Alfred's 
father  found  so  objectionable,  but  for 
consorting  with  working  class  youths, 
thus  violating  the  Victorian  rules  and 
openly  flouting  class  divisions.  A  man 
who  sat  in  cafes  with  telegraph  boys  and 

unemployed  valets  drinking  champagne 
should  have  known  better  than  to  ask 
society  to  validate  his  honour.  But  on 
the  eve  of  his  lawsuit,  Wilde  told  a 
friend  not  to  worry  because  "the  work- 
ing classes  are  with  me  —  to  a  boy." 
Was  this  insouciance  knowing  or  blind? 

It  has  been  suggested  more  than  once 
that  his  excesses  were  related  to  his 
aesthetic  creed,  which  stressed  the  value 
of  intense  experiences,  the  worship  of 
beautiful  forms  and  "creative  decep- 
tions." Did  he  confuse  his  life  and  his 
art,  or  simply  refuse  to  acknowledge  a 
distinction?  He  once  wrote:  "What  the 
paradox  was  to  me  in  the  sphere  of 
thought,  perversity  became  to  me  in  the 
sphere  of  passion." 

This  Wilde  doesn't  seem  to  interest 
Bentley.  His  Wilde  is  too  much  the  tool 
of  the  author's  argument.  Oscar  Wilde 
remains  to  be  captured  by  a  gay  writer. 

George  K  SaxD 

You  know  what 
she's  missing. 


Do  you  know  this  woman?  She's  a  friend  of  yours. 

She's  well-educated,  about  your  age,  works  in  the 
city  and  lives  with  a  lover  or  with  a  bunch  of  friends. 
Like  you,  she  gives  sonne  of  her  time  or  money  to  a 
lesbian  or  gay  group.  Like  you,  she  sees  that  things 
need  to  change  and  she  wants  to  change  them. 

Unlike  you,  she  doesn't  read  The  Body  Politic.  She 
knows  about  us,  but  she  doesn't  really  l^now  us. 

Help  us  get  acquainted. 

Most  people  find  out  about  The  Body  Politic  from 
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advertising  a  magazine  can  get. 

Together  with  you,  we'd  like  to  give  your  friend  a 
gift:  a  six-issue  trial  subscription  to  The  Body  Politic 
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Just  fill  in  the  form  below,  clip  it  out  and  mail  it  to  us 
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Mail  to:  The  Body  Politic,  Box  7289,  Stn  A.  Toronto  M5W  1X9 



MAY  1982 



Uncovering  a  forgotten  Canadian  gay  f ilm-f rom  1965 

The  first  gay  movie  from  English 
Canada  is  not  an  obscure  museum 
piece,  but  a  fine  dramatic  feature  that 
played  to  festival  acclaim  around  the 
world  in  1965.  It  is  now  forgotten. 

Winter  Kept  Us  Warm  was  made  on  a 
shoestring  at  the  University  of  Toronto 
by  David  Secter,  a  22-year-old  English 
major  from  Winnipeg.  It  wasn't  easy. 
After  student  council  money  launched 
the  filming  of  Secter' s  script  of  an 
"ambiguous"  (as  they  used  to  say  in  the 
Sixties)  male  friendship  in  a  campus 
residence,  finishing  grants  were  predict- 
ably refused  by  the  Canada  Council,  the 
Ontario  Arts  Council  and  the  National 
Film  Board. 

But  Secter  persisted  and  went  on  to 
prove  the  bureaucrats  wrong.  The  critics 
loved  it,  despite  its  black-and-white 
"Canadian"  aura  and  its  forbidden 
theme  (which  some  even  acknowledged 
in  print).  After  Winter's  splash  at  the 
1965  Cannes  Festival,  a  French  critic 
wondered  whether  Secter,  this  "jeune 
chien  fou"  from  Toronto,  would  soon 
outpace  his  Quebec  conterparts,  who 
were  at  that  time  the  toasts  of  Paris. 

It  was  not  to  be.  After  a  modest 
release  in  the  art  houses  and  campuses 
across  North  America,  Winter  Kept  Us 
Warm  disappeared  from  the  screens  and 
the  history  books.  Secter's  hopes 
seemed  permanently  dashed  the  follow- 
ing year  with  the  failure  of  a  second 
feature,  an  intercultural  heterosexual 
love  story. 

Three  years  later  it  is  1969:  Stonewall 
erupts,  the  University  of  Toronto  sees 
its  first  homophile  association  and  the 
Canadian  Film  Development  Corpora- 
tion has  begun  its  mission  of  ushering 
Canadian  movies  into  the  world  of 
economic  survival.  But  David  Secter 
doesn't  wait;  he  moves  to  New  York  for 
a  second  career  as  a  theatrical  producer. 

Winter  still  looks  good  today.  It  is 
sad  but  strong,  rough-edged  but  mov- 
ingly tender  and  honest.  To  see  it  is  to 
rediscover  not  only  an  unjustly  negelect- 
ed  Canadian  film,  but  also  a  poignant 
moment  in  gay  history  —  an  image 
from  those  winters  in  Toronto  that  we 
must  never  forget. D 

Winter:  The  finest  sequence  of  the  film  shows  Peter  and  Doug  romping  in  shirtsleeves  across 
the  new-fallen  snow  of  the  residence  quadrangle,  chasing  squirrels  and  exulting  in  the 
innocence  of  quickie  hugs  and  caresses.  As  the  film  progresses,  the  physicality  of  their 
friendship  grows,  from  jock-style  handshakes  and  back-slapping  to  the  half-drunk  arm-over- 
the-shoulder  routine  and  even,  at  one  point,  a  furtive  peck  on  the  cheek.  But  when  Peter 
finally  gets  laid  (as  they  used  to  say  on  campus  in  1965),  it's  with  Sandra,  not  Doug,  and 
Doug  angrily  and  confusedly  realizes  that  it's  all  over.  The  springtime  brings  distrust  and 
rejection,  with  Doug  awakening  to  something  he  will  not  be  able  to  suppress  anymore. 

Pink  triangles:  Doug  (centre,  in  photo  at 
right)  sizes  up  Sandra,  his  rival  for  Peter's 
affection  who  wins  out  in  the  end.  For  some 
years,  the  triangle  has  been  a  basic  formula 
of  the  gay  feature,  two  loving  men  and  the 
heterosexual  woman  who  either  comes 
between  them  or  gets  left  out. 

Do  the  " three 's-a-crowd"  stories 
express  a  misogynist  myth  about  our  alleged 
misogyny,  or  simply  part  of  our  reality  as  gay 
men.  many  with  heterosexual  pasts  and 
strong  friendships  with  straight  women? 
Or  are  they  just  an  index  of  the  overwhelm- 
ingly straight  market  at  which  big-budget 
films  aim?  Whatever  the  case,  among 
Winter's  many  virtues  are  the  relative 
integrity  of  the  two  women  characters  and 
the  clarity  with  which  the  film  exposes  the 
degrading  and  sexist  courtship  games  that 
were  (and  still  are?)  part  of  male 
undergraduate  culture. 

The  Great  Canadian  one-shot  queer  flick 

There  is  a  whole  Canadian  film  genre,  as 
Canadian  Forum's  Peter  Harcourt  recent- 
ly commented,  of  feature  films  about 
young  people,  by  young  people.  The 
directors  have  been  promising  neophytes 
who  have  been  given  a  chance  to  direct 
because  of  the  erratic  conditions  of  film 
production  in  this  country,  but  who  have 
either  not  been  permitted  or  able  to  build 
on  their  one-shot  achievement  with  any 
consistency  or  integrity. 

While  many  of  these  quintessentiaily 
Canadian  youth  movies  are  about  alien- 
ated straight  men  in  a  state  of  prolonged 
adolescence,  what  Harcourt  did  not 
notice  is  that  a  surprisingly  high  propor- 
tion of  them  are  about  gays,  by  gays,  or 
express  a  gay  sensibility.  (There  are  even 
a  few  about  lesbians.) 

This  sub-list  is  impressive,  but  sad 
because  so  few  of  these  often  widely 
praised  works  have  been  widely  seen  or 
substantially  followed  up:  alongside 

Winter  Kept  Us  Warm,  think  of  Outra- 
geous! (Richard  Benner,  1977),  Fortune 
and  Men 's  Eyes  (Harvey  Hart,  197 1 ), 
Montreal  Main  (Frank  Vitale,  1974),  The 
Rubber  Gun  (Allan  Moyle,  1977);  about 
lesbians  there  are  August  and  July  (Mur- 
ray Markowitz,  1972),  By  Design  (Claude 
Jutra,  1981)  and  P4W:  Prison  for  Women 
(Holly  Dale  and  Janis  Cole,  1981);  from 
Quebec,  there  are  //  etail  unefois  dans 
I 'Est  (Andre  Brassard /Michel  Tremblay, 
1974)  and  A  tout  prendre  (Claude  Jutra, 

If  we  can  surmise  why  such  films  were 
never  followed  up,  the  question  remains 
how  they  ever  got  made  in  the  first  place. 
Are  there  so  many  simply  because  a 
highly  subsidized  film  industry,  colonized 
and  marginalized  by  Famous  Players  and 
the  other  arms  of  the  Hollywood  mono- 
polies, doesn't  have  enough  energy  or 
coherence  to  be  systematically 

Overturning  expectations:  As  Sight  and 
Sound 's  Richard  Poud  noticed,  '  'it  is  the 
womanising  older  boy  who  falls  desperately 
—  and  unrequitedly  —  in  love  with  the 
younger  one,  "  providing  a  "(stunning) 
moment  when  all  of  a  sudden  one  realises 
that  one  has  got  it  all  wrong,  that  something 
quite  different  is  happening  up  there  on  the 
screen,  but  that  that  something  is  neverthe- 
less completely  convincing  and  right. " 
To  please  the  Finnish-Canadian  Peter 
(above,  at  the  window),  Doug  learns  a  Fin- 
nish folksong,  "Far  Away  is  My  Love, "  on 
his  guitar  and  sings  it  staring  intently  into 
Peter's  eyes.  Doug's  "steady  girlfriend" 
Bev,  who  is  present,  squirms  with  embar- 
rassment: the  audience  squirms  with 

Fantasies  from  the  closet:  Not  one  but  two 
steamy  bathing  scenes  of  male  intimacy  and 
sensuality  —  the  first  (top)  in  a  Finnish 
sauna  when  Peter  is  sharing  his  ethnic 
heritage  with  his  new  friend;  the  second  in  a 
campus  locker  room  where  a  towel-snapping 
scene  with  the  whole  residence  gang  leads 
to  Doug  helping  Peter  wash  those  hard-to- 
reach  areas  of  his  back. 
The  classic  setting  for  closet  gay  eroticism. 
Think  of  all  the  filmmakers  who  have  been 
attracted  to,  terrified  by  —  or  otherwise 
engaged  with  —  inter-male  sexuality  and 
who  have  resorted  to  the  old  rub-a-dub-dub 
formula  to  exorcise  or  covertly  celebrate 
desires  for  which  the  script  has  no  room. 
The  basic  bath  list:  Visconti  (The  Damned; 
Death  in  Venice;  Ludwig;  The  Innocent), 
Pasolini  (Accatone;  Canterbury  Tales; 
Arabian  Nights),  Lindsay  Anderson  (This 
Sporting  Life;  If),  Hector  Babenco  (Pixote), 
Fred  Schepisi  (The  Devil's  Playground),  R  W 
Fassbinder  (Fox  and  his  Friends;  AH:  Fear 
Eats  the  Soul),  and  an  interesting  current 
Hollywood  representative,  James  Bridges 
(The  Paper  Chase;  Urban  Cowboy). 

John  Labow,  the  student  actor  who  played 
Doug,  now  a  TV  Ontario  producer,  remem- 
bers no  discussion  whatsoever  of  the  gay 
theme  of  the  film;  for  him  and  the  rest  of  the 
overwhelmingly  straight  cast  and  crew. 
Winter  was  about  heterosexual  male  friend- 
ship. Director-writer  Secter  remembers 
otherwise.  Regardless  of  who  was  kidding 
whom,  Secter  himself  knew  exactly  what 
was  going  on.  For  him.  Winter  was  deeply 
personal,  autobiographical  even,  the  probing 
of  a  reality  that  was  still  unspoken  at  the  U  of 
Tin  the  mid-Sixties.  It  was  so  unspoken,  in 
fact,  that  the  gay  element  had  to  be  soft- 
pedalled  to  ensure  campus  support.  Even 
so,  some  administrators  saw  through  the 
discretion  of  a  script  that  never  stated  the 
obvious  (even  today,  Personal  Best  says 
"fuck"  and  "pussy,"  but  never 
"lesbian"),  and  denied  permission  to  use 
locations  under  their  jurisdiction.  But,  look- 
ing back  from  a  post-Stonewall  vantage 
point  seventeen  years  later.  Winter's  tactical 
coyness  is  overwhelmed  by  its  more  funda- 
mental honesty. 

Winter  Kept  Us  Warm  is  available  from  the 
Canadian  Filmmakers  Distribution  Centre, 
144  Front  Street  W,  Toronto,  ON M5J  2L7. 
Thanks  for  assistance  with  the  article  to 
David  Secter,  John  Labow,  the  Audio-Visual 
Department  of  Concordia  University  and 
David  Poole. 


MAY  1982 


•  Independent  filmmaker  Donna 
Deitch,  who  won  awards  for  her  docu- 
mentary Woman  To  Woman  is  gathering 
$1  million  to  film  Jane  Rule's  Desert  of 
the  Heart.  The  rights  to  the  novel, 
about  two  women  among  the  divorce 
courts  and  casinos  of  Reno  who  decide 
to  take  a  gamble  themselves  and  make  a 

Filmmaker  Deitch:  bringing  Rule  to  screen 

commitment  to  each  other,  had  been 
sought  by  a  major  studio,  but  Rule  was 
afraid  the  theme  would  be  exploited  by 
them.  Desert  Heart  Productions  can  be 
contacted  at  1524  Cloverfield  Blvd, 
Santa  Monica,  CA  90404. 

•  Miss  Fit?  Dept:  After  receiving  objec- 
tions from  tennis  star  Billie  Jean  King 
about  the  title  of  her  autobiography  (to 
be  released  in  June),  Viking  Press  has 
changed  it  from  Misfit  to  Billie  Jean. 
King  had  been  out  of  the  country  and 
was  not  consulted  when  the  promotion 
for  the  book,  co-written  with  Frank 
Deford,  was  launched.  The  book  does 
touch  upon  the  nonconformist  role 
King  had  to  play  when  growing  up  and 
when  trying  to  get  ahead  in  the  male- 
dominated  tennis  world,  but  King  felt 
the  title  would  be  seen  as  applying  to 
her  entire  life.  A  double  page  ad  in  Pub- 
lishers Weekly  January  8  also  had  King 
describing  herself  as  "that  pushy,  loud- 
mouthed, paranoid  bull-dyke,  with  fat 
legs  and  bad  eyes..."  and  King  has 
asked  that  that  sentence,  which  was 
edited  from  final  manuscript  of  the 
book,  be  dropped  as  well. 

•  Good  Fairy  Productions,  "Songs  of 
Changing  Men,"  is  announcing  two  ex- 
tensive projects.  The  Seattle-based  col- 
lective has  organized  a  local  concert  se- 
ries throughout  May  and  June,  which 
will  draw  upon  such  talents  as  Charlie 
Murphy,  David  Sereda  and  Chris 
Tanner.  They  have  also  formed  a  mjiil 
order  service  with,  at  present,  a  dozen 
records  of  "alternative  men's  music" 
available.  Good  Fairy  can  be  contacted 
at  Box  12188,  Seattle,  WA  98102. 

•  Vancouverites  will  experience 
Bloolips,  the  out-of-this-world  gender- 
fuck  theatre  group,  at  the  Vancouver 
East  Cultural  Centre,  May  12-29. 

•  The  Marquis  de  Sade,  one  of  the  most 
talked  about  but  least  read  writers  of  all 
time,  is  being  represented  in  three  new 
editions  of  his  work  by  Bookthrift,  45 
W  36th  St,  New  York,  NY  10018.  At 
$7.95  each,  the  volumes  include  Justine, 
The  120  Days  of  Sodom,  Juliette  and 
Philosophy  in  the  Bedroom. 

New  books: 

Gravedigger  by  Joseph  Hansen.  Holt, 
Rinehart  &  Winston,  $11 .95.  The  sixth 
and  best  Brandstetter  mystery. 
A  Private  Life  by  Cynthia  Propper 
Seton.  Norton,  $10.95.  A  woman  is  sent 
to  France  to  report  on  her  Aunt  Carrie, 
rumoured  to  live  a  life  of  lesbian 

A  History  of  Shadows  by  Robert  C 
Reinhart.  Avon,  $2.95.  "To  love  as  men 
they  had  to  hide."  Four  friends  survive 
four  decades  of  closetry  together. 
The  Black  Queen  Stories  by  Barry 
Callaghan.  Lester  &  Orpen  Dennys.  The 

title  story  is  about  two  aging  "boys  in 
the  band"  and  their  stamp  collection. 
Hometown  by  Peter  Davis.  Simon  & 
Schuster,  $13.95.  Documentary  about  a 
small  town  in  Ohio,  including  the  scan- 
dal of  a  popular  high-school  teacher 
charged  with  openly  masturbating  in  a 
public  washroom. 

E  M  Forster:  Centenary  Revelations  by 
Judith  Scherer  Herz  and  Robert  K  Mar- 
tin. University  of  Toronto  Press,  $25. 
Flaws  in  the  Glass:  A  Self -Port  rait  by 
Patrick  White.  Viking,  $20.95.  Auto- 
biography of  the  Nobel  winning  writer, 
and  how  being  gay  gives  him  insights  in- 
to human  nature  denied  those  who  are 
"unequivocally  male  or  female." 
Who  Killed  Sal  Mineo?  by  Susan 
Braudy.  Wyndham.  $15.95.  A  novel 
inspired  by  the  actual  murder. 

May  releases: 

Green  Island  by  Michael  Schmidt. 
Vanguard,  $10.95.  A  white  child's 
intense  friendship  with  a  poor  Mexican 
boy  is  eventually  destroyed  by  their  dif- 
ferences in  class. 

A  Coin  in  Nine  Hands  by  Marguerite 
Yourcenar.  Farrar.  $12.95. 
Sex  Without  Shame:  Encouraging  the 
Child's  Healthy  Sexual  Development  by 
Alayne  Yates,  MD.  Quill,  $7.00. 
The  Christopher  Street  Reader.  Cow- 
ard, McCann  &  Geoghegan,  $15.95. 
Nice  Jewish  Girls:  A  Lesbian  Anthol- 
ogy, edited  by  Evelyn  Torton  Beck.  Per- 
sephone Press  (PO  Box  7222,  Water- 
town,  MA,  02172),  $8.95. 
Sons  of  Harvard:  Gay  Men  from  the 
Class  of  1967  by  Toby  Marotta.  Mor- 
row, $13.  The  first  person  accounts  of 
10  men  portray  the  progress  of  gay  lib. 

Cartoon  from  Real  Men  Don't  Eat  Quiche 

Real  Men  Don 't  Eat  Quiche:  A  Guide- 
book to  All  That  Is  Truly  Masculine  by 

Bruce  Feirstein.  Pocket  Books,  $3.95. 
Or  fioss,  or  meditate,  or  cry  during 
"The  Mary  TVler  Moore  Show."  In  case 
you  were  wondering. 

Top  12  fiction  sellers: 

(at  Glad  Day  Bookstore,  Toronto) 

1 .  A  History  of  Shadows  by  Robert  C 

2.  A  Brother's  Touch  by  Owen  Levy 

3 .  The  Boy  Who  Picked  the  Bullets  Up 
by  Charles  Nelson 

4.  Making  Love  by  Lenore  Fleischer 

5.  Song  of  the  Loon  by  Richard 

6.  /4n /45/an  M/Vjor  by  Felice  Picano 

7.  Creation  by  Gore  Vidal 

8.  Tomcat  by  Thorn  Racina 

9.  Couplings  by  Richard  Hall 

10.  Outlander  by  Jane  Rule 

1 1 .  Earthly  Powers  by  Anthony  Burgess 

12.  The  Door  Into  Fire  by  Diane  Duanc 


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MAY  1982 


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Second  waves  and  self-publishing 

Shared  Ground  is  only  three  months  old 
and  already  the  volume  of  mail  I  receive 
from  publishers  and  magazine  collec- 
tives is  unbelievable.  Thank  you  to  all 
the  women  who  have  shown  an  interest 
in  Shared  Ground  and  have  sent  in 
periodicals  and  books  to  be  reviewed. 

I  received  a  very  encouraging  letter 
from  Laurie  Knight  and  the  Second 
Wave  Collective  in  Cambridge,  Massa- 
chusetts, along  with  a  copy  of  the  tenth 
anniversary  issue  of  Second  Wave  (Vol 
6,  No  1).  Since  it  first  appeared,  the 
magazine  has  gained  quite  a  reputation. 
Its  pages  have  reflected  battles  over  les- 
bian rights,  abortion,  daycare,  racism 
and  the  patriarchal  system.  However, 
with  economics  the  way  they  are.  Sec- 
ond Wave  needs  help.  The  anniversary 
issue  contains  fine  examples  of  the  good 
work  offered  in  Second  Wave.  In 
"Notes  From  Just  Over  the  Edge:  A 
New  Lesbian  Speaks  Out,"  a  woman 
(who  must  remain  anonymous  due  to 
custody  considerations)  writes  about 
first  coming  out,  about  her  love  for 
women  and  her  painful  glimpses  into 
the  oppression  many  lesbians  have  had 
to  carry  all  the  years  of  their  lives. 
Almost  every  lesbian  has,  at  some  time, 
experienced  what  the  author  describes: 
the  newness  of  the  feelings,  the  power 
of  being  honest  with  one's  own  sexual- 
ity, the  energy  a  woman  feels  the  first 
time  she  finds  herself  in  a  room  full  of 
other  lesbians.  In  "Triptych,"  three 
short  fiction  pieces,  Judith  Treewoman 
describes  the  trauma  felt  by  a  woman 
who  loves  women  but  can't  express  her 
love  and  the  experience  of  wanting 
women  but  fucking  men  to  work  one's 
self  through  the  maze  of  one's  sexuality. 
Treewoman  also  details  the  problems  of 
political  correctness  and  describes  the 
pain  we  inflict  on  ourselves  by  being 
dishonest  with  one  another.  Second 
Wave  also  contains  poetry,  book 
reviews  and  political  features  as  well  as 
photography  and  graphics. 

I  also  received  word  from  Broad- 
sheet, New  Zealand's  feminist  maga- 
zine. Reading  through  Broadsheet 
proves  that  our  problems  are  interna- 
tional: an  article  on  pornography  by 
Andrea  Dworkin,  advice  on  how  to  dis- 
cuss your  lesbianism  with  your  children, 
notices  for  the  local  rape-crisis  centre. 
One  item  that  drew  my  attention  was  a 
feminist  fairy  tale  called  "Once  there 
was  a  beautiful,  strong,  gentle,  wild 
young  woman,"  by  eleven-year-old 
Rachel  Sutton,  complete  with  a  princess 
who  loves  archery,  running  and  her  kit- 
chen maid.  The  women  win  their  free- 
dom from  the  mean  old  King,  who 
locks  them  up,  by  beating  all  the  men  in 
the  kingdom  with  their  archery  skills. 
They  run  away  to  other  kingdoms  to 
gather  together  all  the  amazing  women 
they  can  find.  Broadsheet  should  appeal 
to  readers  who  want  a  look  at  women's 
lives  from  an  international  perspective. 

Many  women  who  try  unsuccessfully 
to  get  their  work  published  are  turning 
to  self-publication.  Despite  financial 
constraints,  many  of  these  self-pub- 
lished books  are  well  designed.  But  not 
all  of  them  are  well  written.  You've  Got 
to  Ride  the  Subway,  by  Madge  Rein- 
hard  appears  to  have  been  pushed  into 
print  too  quickly;  the  story  seems  un- 
directed and  is  difficult  to  follow. 

The  subtitle  reads,  "a  sort  of  femin- 
ism," and  the  story  continues  in  this  in- 
decisive manner.  It  is  about  a  multi- 
talented  but  fanatically  religious  house- 
wife who  leaves  home  and  falls  in  love 
with  a  woman,  cruises  bars  and  tries  to 
be  a  lesbian  —  but  isn't;  she  attempts  to 
rid  herself  of  her  husband's  oppression 
—  but  doesn't;  and  she  ends  up  prefer- 
ring silence  to  the  struggle  necessary  to 
become  a  whole  person.  This  book  was 
"sort  of  banned  in  Boston,"  according 
to  the  publisher,  but  I'm  still  looking 
for  something  in  it  that  would  warrant 
censorship.  The  design  of  the  book  is 
reminiscent  of  bound  printer's  galley 
proofs  and  the  hand-doodled  front 
cover  is  also  second-rate.  You've  Got  to 
Ride  the  Subway  is  an  example  of  the 
unpolished  work  that  vanity  presses 
sometimes  produce. 

A  Wild  Patience  Has  Taken  Me  This 
Far  is  a  new  collection  of  poetry  by 
Adrienne  Rich.  Rich  continutes  to 
search  for  a  "common  language"  and 
writes  poetry  that  conjures  up  the  spirit 

Rich:  strength  ttirougti  a  common  language 

of  women  of  the  past,  writers  and  artists 
and  the  poet's  own  grandmothers.  She 
attempts  to  find  ways  to  link  these 
women  to  us  so  that  we  can  gather 
strength  from  the  vast  matriarchal  his- 
tory behind  us.  "For  Julia  in  Nebras- 
ka," a  poem  written  in  tribute  to  Willa 
Gather,  demonstrates  Rich's  search  for 

In  the  Midwest  of  Willa  Gather 
the  railroad  looks  like  a  braid  of  hair 
grandmother's  strong  hands  plaited 
down  a  grand-daughter's  back. 

A  Wild  Patience  is  not  a  small-press 
publication,  but  it  provides  an  excellent 
showing  of  the  craft  of  Adrienne 

The  Second  Wave,  Box  344,  Cambridge  A, 
Cambridge,  MA  02139.  Four  issues,  $12.00 

Broadsheet,  Box  5799,  Wellesley  Street, 
Auckland,  New  Zealand.  Monthly,  $15.00. 
You  've  Got  to  Ride  the  Subway,  by  Madge 
Reinhardt.  Back  Row  Press,  1803  Venus 
Ave,  St  Paul,  MN  551 12.  Paperback  $5.50. 
ISBN  0-917162-02-1. 

A  Wild  Patience  Has  Taken  Me  This  Far,  by 
Adrienne  Rich.  W  W  Norton,  500  Fifth  Ave, 
New  York,  NY,  101 10,  paperback  $4.95. 
ISBN  0-393-00072-9. 


MAY  1982 

Who  was  Chariotte  Bach? 

Some  readers  may  remember  my 
previous  mentions  of  the  work  of  British 
theorist  Charlotte  Bach  and  her  col- 
leagues Bob  Mellors  and  Don  Smith. 
Mellors  and  Smith  are  both  gay  activists, 
and  Mellors  vk'as  one  of  the  founders  of 
Britain's  Gay  Liberation  Front  in  the 
early  '70s.  Bach  was  a  Hungarian-born 
psychologist  who,  in  a  series  of  lectures 

Bach/Karoly:  Compendium  pic  of  a  double  life 

and  bulky  privately-printed  tracts,  devel- 
oped a  meamdering  set  of  questions, 
speculations  and  theories  about  human 
character  types,  sexual  variations  (she 
called  them  "deviations")  and  the  nature 
of  human  evolution.  Her  work  dealt  ex- 
tensively with  homosexuality:  an  impor- 
tant question  for  her  was  "Why  has 
homosexuality  survived?  Why  hasn't 
evolution  eliminated  it  thousands  of 
years  ago?"  She  gave  her  theories  the 
label  "Human  Ethology,"  and  her  small 
movement  was  beginning  to  attract  at- 
tention when  she  died  suddenly  last  year. 

At  the  time  of  her  death,  Bach's  own 
theoretical  book  and  two  other  books 
about  her  and  her  ideas  were  moving 
towards  publication.  The  well-known 
novelist  and  writer  on  psychology  and 
philosophy  Colin  Wilson  was  also  about 
to  publish  a  major  article  on  Bach's 
theories.  Bach's  unexpected  death  might, 
in  the  ordinary  way,  have  stimulated  in- 
terest in  her  ideas.  As  it  happened,  it  h£is 
resulted  in  a  good  deal  of  embarrass- 
ment. For  on  her  death,  it  was  revealed 
that  Charlotte  Bach  was  a  man. 

Born  in  Hungary  shortly  after  the  First 
World  War,  Carl  Bach,  alias  Michael 
Karoly,  Jilias  Michael  Hadju,  apparently 
graduated  in  philosophy  and  psychology 
before  joining  the  SS  during  the  Second 
War.  Bob  Mellors,  in  a  recent  article  in 
the  British  magazine  Forum,  writes, 
"Although  Charlotte  wrote  about  seeing 
people  tortured  and  watching  executions, 
what  part  he  played  in  all  this  is  obscure. 
Certainly,  after  the  war...  Carl  was  im- 
prisoned for  several  months.  Eventually 

he  got  away  to  England As  a  man 

Carl  had  married  and  gained  a  stepson. 
For  over  ten  years  the  family  prospered 
in  London.  Then,  suddenly,  the  wife 
died  in  an  emergency  operation  and  two 
weeks  later  the  son,  then  aged  19,  was 
killed  in  a  car  crash."  It  was  after  this 
double  tragedy  that  Carl's  previous 
transvestite  tendencies  "returned  with  a 
vengeance....  Friends  who  visited  him  or 
her  were  never  quite  sure  who  was  going 
to  open  the  door,"  Mellors  writes. 
"After  a  while,  Charlotte  simply  never 
changed  back." 

While  Bach  was  experimenting  with 
dress  reform,  Michael  Karoly  worked  as 
a  consulting  psychologist  in  Mayfair  and 

wrote  articles  for  the  popular  press. 
Soon,  Charlotte /Michael  began  to  adver- 
tise —  for  people  involved  in  transves- 
tism, fetishism,  S/M  and  other  sexual 
experiences.  Employing  the  name  and 
personaHty  of  "Mrs  Daphne  Lyell- 
Manson,"  she  became  sexually  involved 
with  some  of  these  people,  who  paid  her 
for  the  privilege.  Sometimes,  according 
to  Mellors,  she  asked  her  clients  for 
samples  of  their  pornography  —  "an  in- 
valuable research  tool."  Before  long, 
Charlotte  had  set  herself  up  as  a  "spank- 
ing madam"  (one  of  many  in  London), 
and  it  was  in  that  capacity  that  she  began 
to  gather  the  "research  notes"  from 
which  her  later  writings  grew. 

While  she  was  alive,  even  her  close  col- 
leagues such  as  Mellors  and  Smith 
apparently  did  not  suspect  she  was  a  man 
(though  she  was  six  feet  tall,  with  broad 
shoulders  and  a  deep  voice);  they  were  as 
surprised  as  anyone  when  the  truth  came 
out.  The  revelations  have  been  taken  in 
stride  by  Bach's  gay  followers,  but  not 
by  the  publishers  about  to  solemnly  issue 
their  respective  tomes  on  Human 
Ethology  and  its  august  founder.  They 
are  not  quite  sure  how  to  proceed  in  the 
light  of  the  latest  news. 

Bob  Mellors  concludes  his  fascinating 
article  on  Bach,  "No  Sin  Unsinned," 
with  even  more  scandal.  "It  has  to  be 
said,"  he  writes,  "that  there  is  a  dark 
side  to  Charlotte's  life....  As  I've  said, 
he  was  probably  in  the  SS.  In  1956  he 
was  accused  of  embezzling  funds  collect- 
ed for  freedom  fighters  in  Hungary.  She 
was  a  shoplifter  and  petty  thief.  He  was 
imprisoned  twice  for  debt.  Her  dealings 
with  her  clients  as  a  spanking  madam 
were  sometimes  less  than  scrupulous.  In 
later  life,  she  had  a  boyfriend  who  took 
her  to  the  pictures  once  a  week  —  then 
she  got  a  colour  telly  and  ditched  him! 
The  catalogue  could  go  on. 

"All  in  all,"  he  concludes,"  she  beat 
the  devil  at  his  own  game." 

Anyone  interested  in  Charlotte's  life  or 
work  or  obtaining  pamphlets  on  Human 
Ethology  or  a  reprint  of  Mellors'  article 
should  write  to  Another  Orbit  Press,  5 
Caledonian  Road,  London  Nl,  England. 
Please  enclose  enough  to  cover  postage 
and  photocopying  costs. 

Larry  Townsend  is  a  prolific  author  of 
gay  erotic  novels,  many  of  them  with 
S/M  content.  The  best  of  these,  pub- 
lished in  1971,  was  The  Long  Leather 
Cord,  a  hot  and  heavy  mystery  story 
about  a  pair  of  young  gay  brothers 
whose  kinky  dad  may  or  may  not  be  a 
murderer.  The  book's  original  publisher, 
who  shall  be  nameless  —  Greenleaf 
Classics  —  issued  it  in  a  somewhat  trun- 
cated version.  Now  Townsend  has  pub- 
lished the  complete  text  as  a  magazine- 
size  paperback  about  18  pages  of  photos 
sure  to  please  readers  who  like  cute  & 
hunky  young  guys,  or  bondage,  or  both. 
A  worthwhile  collector's  item,  it's  $10.95 
from  Box  302,  B-verly  Hills,  CA  90213. 
And  those  who  enjoyed  Townscnd's  The 
Leatherman  's  Handbook  will  be  happy 
to  know  that  a  sequel  is  in  the  works! 

The  answer  to  the  last  contest  ques- 
tion was  Chris  Robison.  Copies  of 
David  Sereda's  Chivalry  Lives  album  go 
to  Dave  Hingsburger  of  Toronto  and 
Waller  Phillips  of  New  York.G 

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Keith  &  Bill  of  Shear  Design  (Hairstyling-Design-Form- 

Perms  &  Colour  Specialist) 

are  merging 

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100  Scollard  Street, 

call  for  appointment  or  free  consultation. 


•  Nutritional  Counselling 

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MAY  1982 



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Toronto's  finest 
leather/denim  bar 



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Eastern  Avenue  Toronto,  Ontario 
(416)  368-4040 

100  %  Gay  owned  and  operated 


eer  nt'BBA-cup" 

hr  freshly  roasted  coffee  beans 

and  a  fine  selection  of 

loose  andba^ed  teas 


'Boal^;  Coffee  cmb  Teas 





METRO  Lie* B 6042 




The  Definitive  Gay  Travel  Guide 
For  Canada ,  America  and  Puerto  Rico 

Unique  Because  It's  Loose-Leaf 
Listings  Are  Updated  Regularly 

Accomodations,  Bars, 
Baths,  Bookstores, 
Cinemas,  Discos,  Private 
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Taverns,  Women's  Places 
and  Much  More! 



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$9.00  U.S.  Funds     Includes  postage  and  handling 
Satisfaction  Guaranteed  or  Money  Refunded! 

|j  &  J  PUBLISHERS  2318-2nd  Avenue,  No.50 

Dept.  TBP 
Seattle,  WA  98121 




BETTE  MIDLERISH  LOOK,  29,  female.  Wants 
friends  possibly  leading  to  relationship.  Likes  jour- 
nalism, music,  movies,  children.  Professional  busi- 
nesswoman. Romantic.  Monogamous.  Non-smoker. 
Send  photo  and  letter  to  Drawer  C849. 



WHITE  AMERICAN  seeks  correspondence  with 
youth.  I'm  25, 6'  145  lbs,  lonely.  You  throwaway,  run- 
away, needing  home,  relationship.  I'll  answer.  Draw- 

er  C6%. 

SENSITIVE,  SENSUOUS,  science-professional, 
late  40s  seeks  smooth,  muscular  younger  brother  rela- 
tionship. Interests  include;  gardens,  walking,  run- 
ning, cycling,  alternative  energy,  home  building, 
reading,  cooking,  metaphysics,  bodybuilding,  mas- 
sage.... Appreciate  warmth,  cuddhng,  honesty,  love 
life.  Please  avoid  this  opportunity  if  you  use:  tobacco, 
alcohol,  drugs,  "gay  social  scene";  are  not  actively 
athletic  or  can't  come  to  Rochester,  NY.  Recent  photo 
helpful  —  returned.  Drawer  C805. 


^    FILM  •  FOTO  »  BOOKS  gy-rT  .^ 



BOX30«DK-4300  j:»;> 

FRENCH  GUY,  26,  tall,  dark  hair,  seeks  pen  friends. 
Frank,  detailed  letters,  photos  appreciated.  Write 
Francois  Tavernier,  16  all6e  du  chateau,  62700 
Labuissidre,  France. 


IF  YOU'RE  A  GAY  or  bisexual  truck  driver  with  a 
rig,  you  can  help  me  with  my  fetish  if  you  do  not  ob- 
ject to  a  paying  passenger  on  one  of  your  trips.  Details 
on  request.  Discretion  assured  and  expected.  Drawer 

C807. ■_ 

SOUTHERN  CALIFORNIA;  33-year-old  male 
wishes  to  establish  acquaintances  in  various  Canadian 
areas.  Write;  Jack  Miles,  334  No.  Oakhurst  Drive, 
Beverly  Hills,  CA  90210,  USA. 


SM  fN/k  C/4Yti  fcr  HEN 

ICCr  Main  Street 


GWM,  22,  seeks  GWM,  farmer  or  rancher  (or  hobbi- 
est)  lasting  one-to-one  companionship.  Unlimited  in- 
terests. Enjoys  a  hard  day's  work  (masculine).  Draw- 
er  C830. 

Northwest  Territories 

YELLOWKNIFE,  NWT  — GWM,  29,  5'11"  I601bs. 
Good-looking  and  athletic,  wishes  to  meet  other  gays 
and  straight-appearing.  Dominant,  yet  versatile  and 
easygoing.  Understanding  and  quiet.  Enjoys  jogging, 
movies  and  get-togethers.  Write  with  phone  number 
and  address.  Discretion  assured.  Drawer  C69I. 


MODELS  REQUIRED  in  Calgary.  Prefer  straight- 
looking  guys  with  form,  to  30.  I'm  27,  6'2"  eyes  of 
blue,  155  lbs,  blond.  Send  photo  if  possible.  Sorry, 

unable  to  remunerate.  Drawer  C683. 

GWM  LOVERS  seeking  couples,  singles,  M  /  W,  close 
down  to  earth  friendship.  Honesty,  sincerity  expect- 
ed. Replies  from  anywhere,  also  penpals.  Write  True 
Friends,  Box  1192,  Mayerthorpe.  AB  TOE  INO. 
EDMONTON,  QUIET  22-year-oId,  tired  of  game 
players  and  insincerity,  seeks  sensible  guy  for  compa- 

nionship.  Drawer  C808. 

OPPOSITES  ATTRACT?  Bi-guy,  30,  masculine, 
5'H"  180  lbs,  hairy,  curly,  likes  to  love  young  guys 
with  slender  hairless  bodies.  I'm  a  sucker  for  a  pretty 
face.  My  face  shows  intelligence,  warmth,  and 
strength.  I  like  people  who  are  growing  and  happy.  If 
you  too  are  sexually  frustrated,  write;  Box  715,  Sta- 

tion  M,  Calgary  AB  T2P  2J3. 

MARRIED  WITH  KIDS  but  gay,  30,  6'  175  lbs,  suc- 
cessful businessman  looking  for  man  in  similar  situa- 
tion for  relationship.  Consider  others  who  can  handle 
frustrations  of  relationship  with  married  man.  Dis- 
cretion required.  Photo  and  telephone  number 
please.  Drawer  C8I3. 

BI  WHITE  MALE,  50,  5'7"  tall,  164  lbs,  in  good 
heahh,  seeks  friend  40  to  55.  Must  be  discreet  and 
honest  and  in  good  health  and  living  in  Peace  River 
country  if  possible.  Will  answer  all  ads.  Drawer  C837. 
FRIENDLY  AND  ATTRACTIVE  gay  male,  28, 
finding  it  lonely  in  Banff  Would  like  to  meet  other 
guys  under  35  for  friendship,  possible  relationship. 
Discretion  appreciated.  Photo  and  phone  if  possible. 
Drawer  C840. 


eyed,  good-looking  (what  more  can  you  ask?)  wants 
to  meet  other  bodybuilders.  Discretion  essential. 
Drawer  C657. 

A  Cafe  for  the  Lesbian 

and  Gay  Community 

277  Sherbrook  St. 

Winnipeg  786-1236 

open  5:30pm  for  supper 

:00pm  Sunday  afternoons 

Fully  licenced 


Southern  Ontario 

38,  MOUSTACHE,  150  lbs,  average  guy,  5'9"  seeks 
all-around  together  guy  to  touch,  hold  and  be  held.  A 
friend  masculine,  reliable  for  a  solid,  lasting  friend- 

ship.  Drawer  C761. 

companionship  of  intelligent  person(s)  and  —  possib- 
ly —  a  broader  relationship  given  the  correct  varia- 
bles. 25,  5'6"  170  lbs.  Looking  for  similar  age  and 
outlook.  P.S.  I  love  moustaches.  Joseph,  Apt  503, 
483  North  Christina,  Sarnia,  ON  N7T  5W3. 
OSHAWA-COBURG  AREA;  eager,  horny  34-year- 
old  GWM  seeks  similar  for  friendship  and  possible  re- 
lationship. You  name  it.  I'm  discreet  but  self-assured. 
Photo  appreciated.  Include  phone  number.  Drawer 

PROFESSIONAL,  27,  S'll"  180  lbs,  seeking  attrac- 
tive, younger  male  to  share  a  secure  relationship  with 
comfortable  home  and  future  in  London.  (519) 


HOT,  HUNG,  HUNGRY,  handsome,  slim,  stud 
wants  attractive  bottom  man  who  can  service  and 
please  me.  Please  be  specific  as  to  services  provided. 
Photo  a  must.  Box  3673,  Station  C,  Hamihon,  ON 

L8H  7N1.         

HAMILTON;  MALE,  40,  5'8"  140  lbs.  Attractive, 
bright  and  active.  Enjoys  swimming,  cycling,  travel- 
ling, photography,  music,  reading  and  films.  Seeks 
warm,  heavy-set  gentleman  to  share  sensual  encoun- 
ters.  Photo,  phone  and  letter  please.  Drawer  C815. 
GAY  EAST  INDIAN  MALE,  43,  5'9"  140  lbs,  mas- 
culine, would  love  to  meet  a  masculine  friend  for  a 
possible  relationship.  I'm  professional,  quiet,  easy- 

going  and  sincere.  Drawer  C812. 

GAY  WHITE  MALE,  24,  5'7"  135  lbs,  wishes  to 
meet  same,  25-35.  Interests  include  jogging,  dining, 
politics,  conversation  and  camping.  Conservative  in 
nature.  Considered  to  be  a  well-adjusted  person.  En- 
joys the  finer  things  in  life.  Box  144,  Station  A,  Ham- 

ilton,  ON  L8N  3A2. 

HUMPY  GWM,  22,  looks  25,  athletic  build,  into 
hairy  muscular  men,  25-40.  Basically  bottom,  will  top 
in  right  situation.  Into  leather,  levis,  roles,  toys,  kinky 
times;  try  anything  once,  usually  twice.  No  piggery  or 
filth.  Photo  and  letter  get  same.  London,  Niagara, 
Toronto  areas  only.  Drawer  C843. 


GAY  MALE,  22,  SINCERE,  seeks  same,  22  to  30  for 
honest  friendship,  possible  relationship.  Photo  ap- 

preciated.  Drawer  C764. 

easy-going,  sensual,  sincere,  artistic,  intelligent  male 
27,  6'2",  average-looking,  would  like  to  meet  same 
25-35  for  friendship  and  mutual  pleasure;  phone 
number  and  photo  really  appreciated,  but  not  neces- 

sary.  Will  answer  all.  Drawer  C806. 

WELI^ENDOWED  DUDE  not  into  bars,  baths, 
seeks  loving  sensuous  enduring  relationship  rather 
than  quick  sex.  Will  answer  all  anywhere.  Drawer 


MASCULINE  GUY,  35,  5'9"  150  lbs,  with  cropped 
beard  and  hair,  good-looking,  casual,  open,  educat- 
ed, very  athletic,  sexually  aggressive  but  often  socially 
retiring,    thoughtful,    romantic,    attentive,    stable. 

MAY  1982 

seeks  a  good  and  lasting  friendship/relationship.  En- 
joy art  and  collectibles,  exercise  (running,  light 
weightlifting,  cycling),  travel,  movies,  the  outdoors, 
sunning,  homelife,  quiet  evenings.  Have  much  to  of- 
fer but  my  good  life  is  hollow  without  a  special  com- 
mitment. Love  to  hear  from  guys  of  similar  physique, 
outlook,  interests.  Drawer  C801.  

Tired  of  bars? 

Are  you  an  intelligent  gay  man  or 
woman  who  would  like  to  meet 
other  intelligent  people?  Are  you 
looking  for  a  new  relationship,  a 
lover,  friends  or  roommates? 
Hundreds  and  hundreds  of  our 
members  would  like  to  get  to 
know  you. 

Serving  Toronto  —  Ontario  —  all 
areas  of  Canada,  most  areas  of 
the  United  States  —  and  world- 
wide. Call: 


(21 2)  232-5500 

Monday  through  Thursday 
1  p.m.  to  8  p.m. 

GWM,  30,  GOOD-LOOKING,  wheelchair-bound 
with  cerebral  palsy,  seeks  sexual  relief.  Private  apart- 
ment downtown.  Experience  with  disabled  unneces- 
sary, will  teach.  A/P  french,  JO.  Not  keen  on  greek. 
Revealing  letter,  phone  number,  photo  if  possible. 

Scott.  Drawer  C802. 

AFFECTIONATE  GWM,  28,  5'6"  130  lbs,  honest, 
intelligent  and  romantic.  Moving  to  Toronto  and 
seeking  friends  who  are  under  30,  slim  and  sincere. 

Photo  and  phone  appreciated.  Drawer  C717. 

ARE  YOU  LIKE  ME?  Alone  and  fed  up  cruising  and 
one-night  stands.  I  am  a  45-year-old  GWM,  average- 
looking  who  seeks  a  strictly  one-to-one  relationship 
with  a  big /husky  hirsute  butch  type  male  with  a  view 
to  living  together.  T\vo  can  live  cheaper  than  one.  I  am 
honest,  sincere  and  reliable.  Out-of-town  replies  in- 

vited.  Drawer  C804. 

I  HAVE  A  DREAM  that  everybody  lives  happily.  Will 
my  dream  come  true?  Handsome,  masculine,  sincere, 
honest  guys  please  answer.  I  am  26,  oriental,  educat- 
ed, mature  and  monogamist.  Box  5796,  Station  A, 
Toronto,  ON  M5W  1P2. 

"GOOD-LOOKING  GUY,  41,  active,  healthy,  physic- 
ally fit,  loves  the  outdoors,  outdoor  activities  and 
sports:  swimming,  canoeing,  camping,  kayaking,  ski- 
ing, cycling,  back-packing,  nature  study,  bridge, 
movies  and  the  arts;  am  seeking  a  close  relationship 
with  another  masculine  guy,  either  gay  or  bisexual, 
who  shares  these  interests.  My  goal  is  to  build  a  log 
home  northwest  of  Metro,  and  live  a  simple,  conserv- 
er-type  lifestyle.  Surely  there  is  another  guy  out  there 
who  shares  this  dream.  Box  290,  Station  M,  Toronto, 


IF  YOU  ARE  A  REAL  SLAVE  with  a  high  pain 
threshold  digging  a  rough  fantasy  trip,  if  you  enjoy 
being  slapped  across  the  face,  the  bite  of  the  belt  on 
your  ass,  being  put  in  bondage  and  abused,  then  be 
prepared  to  act.  This  is  no  sissy  stuff  Total  submis- 
sion is  the  limit.  1  am  32,  attractive,  well-buih.  Got  my 
head  well  together.  Only  explicit  letter  of  your  capaci- 
ty and  description  gets  reply.  Age  or  race  irrelevant  if 
you  are  slim  and  well-built.  Marc,  Box  l(X)-385,  2 

Bloor  St  W,  Toronto  ON  M4W  3E2. 

bars  and  attitude  of  Toronto  men.  Looking  for  attrac- 
tive man  interested  in  theatre,  sports,  travel.  Some- 
one who  enjoys  sharing  quiet  times  with  special  per- 
son. There  must  be  interesting  men  out  there  who 
want  more  than  a  one-night  stand  and  who  have  a 
positive  attitude  toward  themselves.  You  are  25-38, 
sincere,  intelligent  professional,  honest,  sensitive  and 
seeking  relationship  with  caring  man.  Please  provide 

detailed  response.  Drawer  C811. 

seeks  younger  brother  who  doesn't  do  his  camping  on 
Yonge  Street.  Adventure,  travel,  employment  possi- 

ble.  Discretion  assured.  Drawer  C809. 

ATTRACTIVE  GWM,  32,  physically,  socially,  emo- 
tionally weU  together,  masculine,  easygoing,  sincere. 
Tired  of  cheating  myself  sexually,  wants  to  meet  same 
to  fulfill  unconditional  fantasies.  I  am  ready  to  ex- 
plore anything  as  top  or  bottom  with  adventurous 
man.  We  decide  our  limits  together.  No  bullshit  could 
lead  to  complete  "ownership"  of  each  other.  If  com- 
patible nothing  can  be  too  far.  I  am  into  everything 
related  to:  S/M,  heavy  B&D,  CBTT,  enema,  complete 
ass  work,  F  and  G  active /passive,  WS,  blindfold, 
toys,  humiliation,  confinement,  abuse,  smoke,  pop- 
pers, spanking,  jockey  shorts,  role-playing,  fantasy 
trips,  shaving  (FF?)  and  anything  kinky  or  unusual. 
Scat  and  mutilation  are  out.  Cleanness  and  respect  are 
in.  You  are  slender,  well-built  (boyish  looking,  little 
hair  a  plus)  masculine  acting  and  looking.  Direct,  un- 
inhibited. Detailed  letter  and  photo  (returned)  a 
must.  Box  100-385,  2  Bloor  St  W,  Toronto,  ON 

M4W  3E2. 

and  wears  silky  nylon  lingerie.  Would  like  to  meet 





3:30  —  11:30 

West  of  Yonge,  2  blocks 
south  of  Gerrard,  Toronto 
(416)  977-5997 

other  masculine  men  35  to  55  interested  in  this  pastime 
for  fun  and  games.  Discretion  assured  and  expected. 
Descriptive  letter  and  phone  number  secures  prompt 

reply.  Drawer  C772. 

TALL,  WORLD-TRAVELLED,  passable  TV,  ex- 
dancer,  now  33.  Seeks  clean,  raunchy,  dominant  top 

males  for  most  scenes.  Drawer  C782. 

BLOND  BLUE-EYED  slim  male  late  20s,  5*8"  130 
lbs,  average  looks,  searching  for  big  built  males  to 
forty,  for  hot  times,  almost  anything  goes.  Leather, 
S/M,  B&D,  jockstraps,  jackoffs,  underwear,  greek, 
french,  active,  passive,  etc...  Frank  letter  appreciat- 

ed,  will  answer  all.  Drawer  C814. 

WHITE  MALE,  40s,  seeks  educated,  intelligent,  lov- 
ing black  male,  any  age.  I'm  masculine  and  affection- 
ate, physically  trim,  enjoy  music  and  theatre,  believer 
in  interracial  harmony  and  understanding.  Drawer 


TALL  DARK  HANDSOME  early  30s,  masculine 
white  male,  wants  same  who  wants  what  I  have  to  of- 
fer: understanding,  caring,  honesty,  stability,  tired  of 
bar  scene,  sense  of  humour,  possible  healthy  lasting 
relationship  with  right  man,  who  knows  what  he 

wants.  No  games.  Drawer  C8I7. 

MALE,  EUROPEAN  ORIGIN,  fond  of  leather  and 
boots,  wants  friend,  preferably  with  motorcycle.  Box 
572,  Concord,  ON  L4K  1C6. 

SHARE  GOOD  TIMES,  photography,  classical 
music,  cooking,  country  walks,  beaching,  etc.  Things 
go  better  with  a  warm  friend.  GWM  5'6"  130  lbs, 
moustache,  short  beard,  blonde,  36 years,  looking  for 
someone  with  similar  interests  to  share  meaningful 
times.  Do  us  both  a  favour,  take  a  chance.  Drawer 

GAY  WHITE  MALE,  5'10"  blue  eyes,  attractive, 
looking  for  serious  tennis  pjutner  friend  etc.  Over  30 
preferable.  I  am  a  student.  Club  member  would  be 
great.  Photo,  phone  appreciated.  Reply  109  Pem- 
broke  St,  Apt  2,  Toronto,  ON  M5A  2N9. 

BIG,  FUZZY,  CUDDLY  teddy  bear  who  is  well-used 
(40s)  and  comfortable  is  in  need  of  well-adjusted,  in- 
telligent,  interesting  and  caring  person.  Drawer  C839. 
GWM,  ATTRACTIVE,  28, 5'10"  155  lbs,  sincere  and 
affectionate  seeks  friends  21-28  possible  relationship. 
Interests:  outdoor  activities,  literature  and  good 
times  with  friends.  Photo  please.  Drawer  C838. 
YOUNG  TORONTO  GUY,  mid  20s,  into  scat,  wishes 
to  make  friends.  Enjoy  movies  and  cycling.  Write 
Jim,  Box  203,  Station  K,  Toronto,  ON  M4P  2G5. 
erotic  self-stimulation,  sharing  sensuous  pleasure 
with  men,  all  races,  30-65.  Phone  number  requested. 
Drawer  C836. 

GWM,  30,  BRIGHT,  stable,  masculine,  handsome, 
148  lbs,  5'H"  brown  hair,  moustache,  French.  Look- 
ing for  a  sincere  masculine  male  for  friendship,  affec- 
tion and  possible  relationship.  Reply  with  phone 

number.  Drawer  C829. 

HOT  PASSIVE  GUY,  26,  5'7"  135  lbs,  into  having 
his  ass  explored  by  cocks,  dildoes,  toys.  Also  into 
B&D,  enemas,  new  experiences.  Would  like  to  meet 
skilled  explorers  of  any  age  to  discover  and  expand 
horizons.  Have  own  toys  but  bring  yours  too.  Drawer 

HAVE  YOU  EVER  been  hurt  by  a  lover,  afraid  to  try 
again?  I  was  deeply  hurt  but  am  prepared  to  try  again. 
I  seek  someone  to  share  my  life  on  a  one-to-one  basis. 
I  like  music,  dancing,  plants,  cuddling.  If  you  are  sin- 
cerely looking  for  a  companion  and  lover  in  all  ways 
please  answer.  If  not  please  don't  waste  my  time  and 
yours.  Write  today  and  don't  delay.  It  could  be  a  beau- 

tiful  spring.  Drawer  C832. 

GWM,  47,  QUIET  TYPE  seeks  same  for  friendship 
and  possible  relationship.  Photo,  phone  number  ap- 
preciated. Discretion  assured  and  expected.  Drawer 

WARM,  FURRY,  FUN,  sensitive,  positive,  appreci- 
ative, humpy,  mature,  fit.  Homo  Canadensis.  Ready 
to  mate  with  dewhiskered  male  of  same  species.  Plen- 
ty of  primal  comfort.  If  given  phone  number,  purrs. 
Given  photo,  purrs  riotously.  Drawer  C835. 


Welcome  to  TBP  classifieds  -  gay  people  out  to  meet  other  gay  people,  right 
across  Canada  and  beyond  our  borders  too. 

Cost.  Just  25(1;  per  word,  minimum  charge  $5.00.  Business  ads:  50(i;  per  word, 
minimum  charge  $10.00,  or  call  977-6320  between  3:00  pm  and  5:00  pm,  Mon- 
day to  Friday,  for  reasonable  display  rates. 

You  can  save  if  you  subscribe.  Body  Politic  subscribers:  you  can  deduct  $1.00 
from  the  cost  of  your  ad. 

You  can  save  if  you  repeat  your  ad.  New  discount  system:  15%  off  for  2  runs, 
20%  off  for  3  to  4  runs,  25%  off  for  5  to  9  runs,  and  30%  for  10  runs  or  more. 
Conditions.  All  ads  should  be  fully  prepaid  by  cheque,  money  order  or  charge 
card,  and  mailed  to  arrive  before  the  advertised  deadline.  Late  ads  will  be  held 
over  for  the  following  issue,  unless  you  instruct  otherwise. 

We  cannot  accept  ads  over  the  telephone. 

If  you  do  not  wish  to  print  your  address  or  phone  number,  you  can  request  a 
drawer  number.  We  will  forward  replies  to  you  every  week  in  a  plain  envelope. 
This  service  costs  $2.50  per  ad  per  issue. 

Replies  to  your  drawer  cannot  be  picked  up  at  our  office. 

Gay  sex  is  still  illegal  if  either  or  both  parties  are  under  21,  or  if  more  than  2 
people  are  involved,  regardless  of  their  ages.  Please  word  your  ad  accordingly. 
We  reserve  the  right  to  alter  or  refuse  any  ad. 

Remember,  too,  your  ad  is  reaching  other  people,  not  just  a  box  number.  So 
it's  smart  to  be  positive  about  yourself,  not  insulting  to  others.  We  will  edit  out 
phrases  like  "no  blacks"  or  "no  fats  or  ferns." 
Answering  an  ad.  No  charge  -  just  put 
your  reply  in  an  envelope  and  address 
it  as  in  the  diagram.  Be  sure  the  draw- 
er number  is  on  the  outside  of  the  en- 
velope. Office  staff  do  not  open  any 
mail  addressed  to  a  drawer. 


Postage  here 

Box  7289,  station  A 
Toronto,  ON  M5W  1X9 

How  to  do  it.  Write  one  word  per  box.  The  amount  in  the  box  when  you  finish  is 
the  basic  cost  of  your  ad.  Mail  your  ad  along  with  your  payment  to  us  at:  TBP 
CLASSIFIEDS,  Box  7289,  Station  A,  Toronto,  ON  M5W  1X9. 













































































$19  25 

$19  50 



More  to  say?  Just  keep  writing  on  a  separate  sheet  of  paper,  at  a  cost  of  25e  per  word. 
Business  ads:  50a;  per  word. 

G  CostofadS tinnesnumber ofruns  $ 


n  Two  runs.  Deduct  15%  -$ 

D  Threeorfourruns.Deduct20%  -$ 

D  Five  to  nine  runs.  Deduct  25%  -$ 

D  Ten  runs.  Deduct  30%  -$ 

n  I'm  a  subscriber  I  can  deduct  $1.00.  -$ LOO 

Subtotal  $ 

Drawer  service  

D  Please  assign  number  and  forward  replies. 

I  enclose  $2.50  per  ad  per /ssL/e. 


n  I  want  to  subscribe. 

(Add  subscription  cost  to  subtotal.) 

Subtotal  $. 

D  Canada  $ 

n  International      $ 

Total  enclosed  $  


Name  ,  Ctieque/money  order  enclosed 

Address    Charge  my       Visa       Mastercharge 

City Card  number 

Province Code Expiry  date    



Clip  this  form  and  mail  it  with  payment  to:  TBP  CLASSIFIEDS.  Box  7289,  Station  A, 
Toronto  ON  IV15W  1X9. 

MAY  1982 


guest  houses 

for  the  nan's  Wai|  to  stay 


new york city  (212)695-5393 
fire  island  (516)597-6230 
new  Orleans   (504)525-3983 

torontO  (416)368-4040 

houston  (713)520-9767 

glenrosetx    (817)897-4972 


Monkcf  bcciutij  cctitrc 








le  sex-shop  gai 
1661  est,  Ste-Catherine,  Montreal,  Que.  H2L2J5(514)  521-8451 





$  9.95      BARBELLS  $  29.95 

Stainless  Steel 

Payment  by  Visa,  Mastercard,  Cheque  or  Money  Order. 
Amount: Card  no: Expiry  date:. 





Quebec  residents  add  8%  tax  s.v.p. 








M6R2N5  seeks  M                       forenroiintpr<:  '^■xiial 

three  years  study  in  England.  Male,  26,  blond;  nice 
looks  and  body,  sexy.  Energetic,  bright,  complicated, 
decent,  radical.  Sexually  versatile,  open.  Seek  new 

proclivities  negotiable,  though  waxing  bambi.  Not  in- 
to those  not  into  the  bar  and  bath  scene.  Send  letter— 
photo  optional  —  to  Drawer  C848. 

contacts,  twenties,  for  mutual  personal  and  physical 
pleasure  (and  respect).  Write  with  details  of  interests, 
fantasies  and  photo.   Discretion  assured.   Drawer 

MASCULINE  GUY  33,  5'7"  145  lbs  seeks  attractive 
companion  to  share  closet.  We  have  demanding  ca- 
reers and  live  life  in  straight  surroundings,  but  long 
for  a  discreet  and  mutually  satisfying  one-to-one  rela- 
tionship. Enjoy  movies,  books,  ocean,  sunshine, 
travel.  We  could  be  sharing  all  these  things.  Drawer 

DENT non-smoker  (John  Denver  sans  god  and  coun- 
try) wanted  (William  Hurt  please  reply)  by  tall,  attrac- 
tive blond,  26.  Into  films,  dancing  with  friends, 
theatre  and  a  little  exercise.  Starving  for  an  honest, 
direct  relationship /friendship.  Perfect  people  need 
not   reply.    Preps   welcomed.    Photo   appreciated. 
Drawer  C828. 

Dr.  1.  Von  Lichtenberg  Ph.D., 

Initial  visit  —  No  charge 

Strictly  confidential 



ATTRACTIVE  MAN,  MID-40s,  5'8"  135  lbs,  seeks 
masculine  yet  sensitive  man  interested  in  music, 
theatre,  movies,  summer  outings.  Moustache  OK, 
but  no  beards  please.  I'd  appreciate  full  description  of 
you  and  your  interests.  Drawer  C8I8. 

INTERESTED  IN  MEN  of  action  above  35  possess- 
ing strength  of  body  and  mind  who  feel  good  about 
themselves  and  enjoy  the  satisfaction  that  results 
from  one-to-one  sexual  encounters  which  mav  devel- 

BLACK  FRIEND  WANTED  by  sensitive,  warm,  in- 
telligent male,  46,  who  enjoys  people,  music,  conver- 
sation, sex.  Please  write  with  phone  number.  Drawer 

op  into  a  friendly  buddy  relationship.  rm32, 5'8"  140 
lbs,  muscular,  agile,  greek  passive,  french  active,  fill- 
ed with  a  zest  for  Ufe.  Get  the  message?  Drawer  C819. 

MALE,  26,  LIKES  MUSIC,  movies,  theatre,  etc, 
seeks  sincere,  affectionate  companion.  Photo  appre- 
ciated. Drawer  C852. 

WITH  TASTE,  PLEASANT  clean-cut  male  seeks 
meaningful  spring-summer  romance  with  spicy  taste- 
ful sincere  gay  male.  Rodnee  (416)  922-8484. 

RUBBER  TURNS  ME  ON,  how  about  you?  I  am  a 
gay  guy,  looking  for  a  guy  (single,  married,  any  race) 
to  share  the  pleasures  of  gay  rubber  sex.  Frank  letter 

WANT  TO  MEET  well-endowed  black  man  up  to  35 
years.  I  am  45  years,  good-looking,  and  very  generous 
to  the  right  person.  Love  to  travel.  Drawer  C821. 

with  phone  requested.  Will  reciprocate.  Absolute  dis- 
cretion assured.  Drawer  C853. 

GWM,  26,  5'7"  interested  in  movies,  domestic  life. 

I  WANT  SOMEONE  who's  willing  to:  go  slow,  go  on 
dates,  get  involved  and  is  honest  with  me  and  himself. 
I'm  35,  WM.  Let's  talk  and  exchange  details.  If 
you're  between  25-35,  then  write.  Risk  it!  Contact  is 
adventurous   Drawer  C822 

animals,  bicycling.  Looking  for  masculine,  gentle,  ro- 
mantic and  affectionate  male  to  35  to  share  life  and 
love.  Not  into  "dance  till  you  drop"  nightlife.  Enjoy 
giving  massages.  I  know  you're  out  there  and  I  want 
to  meet  you.  Drawer  C854. 

MISSING  FROM  MY  LIFE:  a  young  affectionate 
and  charming  friend.  Won't  you  help  me  find  you? 

PRETTY  TRANSVESTITE,  33,  tall  but  convincing, 
seeks  randy  men  for  parodies  of  heterosexuality. 
Phone  number  please.  Drawer  C851. 

stable,  romantic  but  rational,  35, 5'6"  150  lbs,  blond, 
blue-eyed  individual.  Have  a  great  sense  of  humour 
and  wide  interests.  Looking  for  a  mature,  sharing  and 
lasting  relationship.  Photo  appreciated  but  will  an- 
swer all.  Drawer  C823. 

Ottawa/Eastern  Ontario 

YOUNG  MALE  COUPLE  beginning  farming  in 
Glengarry  county  looking  for  others  with  similar  life- 
style for  friendship  from  Cornwall  to  Montreal.  Any 
age.  Penpals  welcome.  Drawer  C796. 


OTTAWA  AREA,  affectionate,  masculine  male,  tall, 
slim,  discreet,  40s,  varied  interests,  seeks  a  one-to-one 
relationship  with  another  sincere,  honest  male  35-50, 
not  afraid  of  a  commitment.  Closet  types  welcomed. 
Drawer  C748. 



other  Ways 


this  spring  together,  get  out  of  our  solitude,  have  a 
full,  lasting  relationship!  Let's  share  our  evenings  and 
more....  Don't  think  you  can't  find  the  right  man: 
give  it  a  try  and  write.  If  you  are  looking  for  a  dynam- 
ic, non-possessive,  financially  independent  man  in  his 
late  (but  crisp)  thirties,  6'  170  lbs  —  he's  waiting  for 
your  letter!  You  should  be  35-45,  have  a  job,  good 


body,  like  privacy,  reading,  music.  Remember:  write 


call  (416)  222-9330  or -9331 
meet  other  sincere,  responsible 
people  for  lasting  or  short  term 

"  relationships  „ 
Annual  fee— Discretion  Assured 

toaay,  not  tomorrow  — it  couia  be  a  Deautitul  spring!    , 
Drawer  C762. 

GAY  —  MONTREAL  honest  male  in  business  likes 
outdoor  wilderness,  quiet  life  and  cities,  enjoys  trav- 
elling, has  good  sense  of  humour,  social,  gentle,  dis- 
creet, naturist,  sensible,  financially  secure,  independ- 
ent, healthy,  fully  alive,  enjoys  outside  dinners,  open 
minded.  Welcome  decent  attractive  good-looking 
men,  18-21  to  visit  or  stay  at  Montreal  or  Swiss  chalet, 
will  give  hospitality  and  good  times,  to  enjoy  the  finer 

TWO  GAY  PROFESSIONAL  men  (lovers)  seek  so- 
phisticated gentleman  or  couple  to  share  very  discreet 
rendezvous.  We  are  both  mid-30s  — clean-cut—  who 
both  enjoy  the  finer  things  in  life.  Let's  fulfill  our  fan- 
tasies? Please  write  and  send  telephone  number  and 
photo.  Absolute  discretion  assured.  Drawer  C825. 
GOOD-LOOKINGGUY,  30,  5'8"  140 lbs,  adequate- 
ly endowed,  light  brown  hair,  blue  eyes,  neatly  trim- 
med beard  and  moustache,  masculine  appearance. 
I'm  interested  in  meeting  other  guys  between  25  to  35 
who  are  available  for  afternoons  or  late-night  ses- 
sions. I'm  not  interested  in  serious  relationships,  only 
sex  that  will  be  mutually  satisfying  to  both  of  us.  If 
you  need  a  good  sex  buddy  without  all  the  emotional 
entanglement  then  drop  me  a  hot  letter,  photo  and 
phone  number.  This  could  be  the  hot  time  you've  been 
looking  for.  No  limits,  anything  goes.  Drawer  C826. 
GWM  DEVELOPING  INTEREST  in  heavy  rubber 
seeks  others  with  same  interest  for  mutual  enjoyment 
or  correspondence.  Ray,  Box  214,  Station  M,  Toronto 
ON  M6S  4T3. 

things  of  life.  Affectionate,  agreeable,  educated,  re- 
fined if  possible.  1  am  generous  for  the  right  compa- 
nion. I  adore  animals.  Serious  repUes  and  recent 
photo  a  must.  Andri  BenoTt,  5991  rue  de  la  Roche, 
Montreal,  QC  H2S  2C8,  (telephone  1-514-277-7834 
weekdays  only). 







66  Gerrard  Street  East 
Toronto,  ON  MSB  1G5 

(416)  977-4718 

VERY    SINCERE    YOUNG    man,    affectionate, 
honest,  good-looking,  non-smoker,  27,  5'8"  135  lbs, 
many  interests.  Looking  for  positive  man,  between 
27-39,  who  is  kind,  sincere,  mature,  and  in  desire  and 

need  of  enlightening  friendship  (relationship).  Do  we 
have  the  same  quest  in  life?  Photo  appreciated.  Tor- 
onto area  please.  Drawer  C844. 

TBP  RE-INVENTS  THE  WHEEL  with  our  brand 
new  "frequency  discount"  scheme  for  classified 
advertisers.  Check  the  order  form  for  details. 

ATTRACTIVE  MARRIED  GUY,  masculme,  quiet, 
gentle,  30, 5'7"  142  lbs,  seeks  attractive  married  man. 


preferred  to  40  to  teach  and  instruct  me  in  the 
pleasures  of  gay  sex.  Drawer  C845. 

KENTVILLE  AREA,  40,  5'10"  180  lbs,  clean,  mas- 
culine, muscular,  white,  sincere,  versatile  male;  en- 

ATHLETIC BLACK  MALE,  29,  attractive  mascu- 
line, open,  considerate,  honest  and  together,  with 
many  interests,  seeks  thoughtful,  open,  attractive 
masculine  male  for  friendship  or  possibly  more. 
Photo  and  phone  number  appreciated  and  answered 
first.  Drawer  C846. 

joys  quiet  times  with  good  friends,  good  food,  drink, 
music,   movies,   bodybuilding,   outdoors,  reading. 
Would  like  to  hear  from  guys  with  similar  interests  for 
casual  visits  or  long-term  sharing  relationship.  Pos- 
sibly interested  in  vacation  exchange  with  guys  in  Tor- 
onto or  other  parts  of  Canada.  Drawer  C803. 


MAY  1982 


CANADIAN  MAN,  23,  returning  from  England  this 
summer,  seeks  position  as  personal  assistant,  re- 
searcher from  August.  Well  educated.  Administrative 
and  office  skills.  Genuine  offers  please.  Toronto  area. 

Drawer  C820. 

BUSINESS  RATES  in  TBP  classifieds  have  hit  a  new 
low  —  only  50<t  a  word ! !  Get  'em  while  thay  last ! 


The  Island  For  A II  Seasons. 

For  free  map  and  brochure: 

write  Key  West  Business  Guild, 

P.O.  Box  1208-B3. 

Key  West,  FL  33040. 


DEAR  LADY  PRUDENCE,  what  can  we  say.  May  it 
be  twice  as  much  fun  now  that  it's  legal.  We  would 
also  say  twice  as  often,  but  that  is  too  too  mind-bog- 
gling-making. Happy  Birthday  and  love  from  the 

muffins  at  the  office. . 

LOW!  LOWER!  LOWEST!  That's  right  folks,  TBP 
classifieds  have  new  lower  business  rates.  For  just  50<t 
a  word,  your  message  could  be  reaching  thousands  of 
committed  readers. 


A  NOTE  TO  PRISONERS  who  wish  to  have  pen-pals 
—  Metropolitan  Community  Church  is  offering  a 
pen-pal  service  to  men  and  women  prisoners  through 
the  church's  prison  ministry.  The  address  is  Prison 
Ministry,  730  Bathurst  St,  Toronto  ON  M5S  2R4. 
I  AM  A  35-YEAR-OLD  INMATE  at  the  Southern 
Ohio  Correctional  Facility  who  would  like  to  receive 
letters.  Arkmail  Ray  Sales,  No  156-781,  Box  45699, 

Lucasville,  OH  45699  USA. 

GAY  CHRISTIAN  IN  PRISON  would  like  to  start  a 

gay  monastery  when  I  get  out  in  about  3  years.  If  you 

would  like  to  help  in  this  please  write.  I  would  like  to 

have  some  gay  Christian  pen  pals  from  all  over  the     forOntO 

world.  R  Scott,  No  624655,  Cedar  Hall,  B-U,  Box  wiiiw 

900,  Shehon,  WA  98584  USA. 

NON-SMOKING  PROFESSOR  on  leave  seeks  fur- 
nished 2-bedroom  apartment  in  downtown  Toronto 
from  June,  July  or  August  1982  to  June,  July  or  Aug- 

ust  1983.  Drawer  C728. 

WANTED  —  PLEASANT,  friendly,  quiet  person  to 
share  gentleman's  home.  Most  reasonable  rent  in  ex- 
change for  light  housekeeping.  Prefer  (but  not  re- 
stricted to)  Asian  male — student  or  employed.  Draw- 

er  C833. 

ROOM  IN  STUDENT/ WORKER  co-op  house  — 
M/F,  G/ST.  Approximately  $180/month  including 
utilities.  Bathurst /Dupont  area,  phone  533-7800. 
SHARE  HOME  CLOSE  to  downtown.  Will  consider 
reduced  rent  to  student  in  exchange  for  light  house- 

keeping.  John  363-9972  after  5  pm. 

SHARE  WITH  2  OTHERS:  renovated  home— south 
Riverdale.  Fireplace,  5  appliances,  good  TTC.  Look- 
ing  for  responsible  person  24-35.  463-1567  evenings. 
DON  MILLS:  ALIVE  40s  GWM  seeks  similar  re- 
sponsible gay  male  to  share  fully  equipped  townhouse 
with  full  private  garden,  parking.  Close  to  park 
system.  Must  love  animals.  $300  plus  utihties,  first 

and  last.  Drawer  C842. 

DOWNiSVIEW  NEAR  York  University.  Female  pre- 
ferred. Share  3-bedroom  with  2  other  women.  $167 

monthly.  References  required.  636-5492. 

DAVISVILLE/BAYVIEW    MALE   has   house  to 

share.  Serious  inquiries  only.  481-1076. 

LARGE  1-BEDROOM  fiat,  renovated,  lots  of  sun- 
light, 1  1/2  bathrooms,  basement  study,  fireplace, 
deck,  garden.  Gay  man  or  woman,  references. 
Brunswick /Harbord  area  from  July  1.  Drawer  C855. 
QUEEN  AND  CARLAW.  Huge,  3-bedroom  semi- 
furnished  apartment  over  store.  Corner  property. 
Skylights.  Mature  professionals  only.  $600,  all  includ- 

ed.  482-5243,  evenings. 

3  PAISLEY,  DUNDAS  /  LOGAN,  totally  renovated, 
modern,  bright  retreat,  close  to  downtown,  move-in 
condition,  all  new  apphances,  sauna,  fireplace,  fin- 
ished basement.  A  Benegbi  RE  Ltd,  A  Hotter, 

FOR  EXTRA  FUN,  take  more  than  one!  We're  not 
suggesting  anything  illegal  or  fattening,  but  simply 
that  TBP  classifieds  are  now  cheaper  by  the  dozen  (or 
the  deuce).  Check  the  order  form  for  details. 




SHARE  MY  LARGE  2-stOrey  house,  5  minutes  from 
downtown  Calgary.  Separate  rooms  $250  plus  utili- 
ties. Write  Otto,  228  llth  Ave  NE,  Calgary,  AB 
T2E  0Y8  or  call  276-6165  or  263-1114. 


GWM  44  trim,  business-oriented,  returning  to  Reg- 
ina.  Seeks  2  discreet  males  under  30  to  share  furnished 
house.  Must  be  responsible,  law-abiding,  perhaps 
students.  Photo,  letter  to  Cam,  TGA-4825,  Box  5332, 
Denver,  CO  80217  USA.  Good  home,  very  low  cost. 

Southern  Ontario 

Couple  Counselling.  Also  sexual  dysfunction  coun- 
selling.   Confidence    guaranteed.    Eugene    Allen 

Schoentag,  524  Bathurst  St,  967-0272. 

relieve  tension   pain   by  professional   MASSAGE 

therapist  T  Fung,  PhD,  RMT.  966-5159. 

the  comfort  of  your  home  DOES  NOT  HAVE  TO 
COST  AN  ARM  AND  A  LEG.  Massage  stimulates 
circulation,  helps  relieve  fatigue,  eases  nervous  ten- 
sion, helps  relieve  muscular  pain,  reduces  edema,  en- 
courages relaxation  and  sleep.  Jack  Gilead,  MA, 

RMT.  By  appointment.  %8-0580. 

CAREER  COUNSELLING  and  resume  prepara- 

tion.  Phone  469-0002. 

MASSAGE.  THERAPEUTIC  —  no  sex.  St  Clair 
West  area.  Reasonable  rates.  By  appointment.  Call 
Bill  967-9195. 

ROOM  HOUSE  pleasant  accommodation.  Come  en- 
joy country.  Relax.  Have  fun.  Low.  Write:  FGarry,  32 
Richmond  St,  Chatham.  ON  N7M  1N6. 



HOUSE  TO  SHARE  with  discreet  gay  males.  Bloor/ 
Dufferin  /  Davenport  area.  Must  be  employed.  Refer- 

ences  may  be  required.  Drawer  C756. 

ROOM  FOR  RENT  in  gay  house.  $289  a  month  (with 
sun-room  attached).  2  blocks  from  Gerrard,  between 
Pape  and  Greenwood.  Close  to  subway  and  all-night 
streetcar.  Share  rest  of  house  including  big  kitchen, 
living  room  with  working  fireplace,  yard.  Carpeting 
and  utilities  included.  Can  furnish.  Call  463-%88. 
DELAWARE,  NORTH  OF  BLOOR,  semi.  2  large 
bedrooms,  I  small  bedroom,  kitchen  with  sun-room, 
available  May  1,  $650  plus  utilities.  482-5179  or 


LARGE  3-STOREY  HOUSE  in  Riverdale  to  share. 
Fully  equipped  with  washer,  dryer  and  dishwasher. 
There  are  4  bedrooms,  2  living  rooms,  2  bathrooms 
and  3  fireplaces.  Handy  to  TTC.  Available  June  1. 
Call  Stan  after  6  pm  at  461-2262. 

BOSTON,  US.  The  Parkview.  Private  guest  rooms  in 
the  heart  of  Boston.  85  Westland  Ave.  (617)  536-3608. 
—  The  Philbeach  Hotel,  30/31  Philbeach  Gardens, 
London  SW5,  UK,  Europe's  largest  gay  hotel.  Bar, 

disco,  restaurant.  Tel:  01-373-1244/4544. 

ing guest  house  in  centre  of  New  England's  hottest 
gay  resort,  (617)  487-0094,  7  Winthrop  St,  Province- 
town,  MA  02657.  Brochure  available. 


WE  NEED  YOUR  HELP  to  run  the  TAG  Friday 
night  discussion  groups.  Volunteers  needed  to  join  the 
collective  to  help  plan  and  facilitate  the  meetings.  All 
that  is  required  is  2  nights  a  month.  For  moreinform- 

Fort  Lauderdale,  Florida 

Spend  a  pleasant  vacation  at  the  Lauder- 
dale Manor,  located  300  feel  from  our 
beautiful  beach  and  overlooking  the 
Iniracoaslal  Waterway.  Party  at  the  world- 
famous  Marlin  Beach  Hotel  next  door  and 

come  back  to  a  quiet  and  friendly 

atmosphere.  Modestly  priced  hotel  rooms, 

efficiencies  and  apartments.  Call  or  write 

Lauderdale  Manor,  2926  Valencia  Street, 

Fort  Lauderdale,  FL  33316. 

Telephone  (305)  463-3385. 


WANTKD:  GAY.  XRATII),  Super  8  or  Standard  8 
gay  films  in  good  shape.  Discretion  required  and 
promised.  Drawer  C767. 


PHOTO  OF  YOUNG  (18  f  )  nude  guys  $3.00.  Info 
Box  244,  Succ  D,  Montreal,  QC  H3K  3G5  Canada. 
Guys  from  Mexico.  Brazil,  Thais.  Canadians,  black 
and  white. 

SOLSTICE.  Gay  astrological  &  tarol  consultations. 


Richard  Plowright 

-  Portfolios 

-  Fashion 

-  Commercial  arts 

-  Publicity 

-  Pet  portraits 

-  Office  decor 

Himagery  Photographies 

P.O.  Box  6245 

Station  'A'  Toronto 


24  hr  telephone  tape  service 

Canada's  oldest  penpal  club 
for  gay  men. 


Members  across  Canada 
and  the  U.S. 

P.O.  Box  3043b,  Saskatoon 
Sask  S7K  3S9 

Need  help? 

Looking  for  some  professional 

stiort-term  accounting  lielp? 

Or  maybe  some  legal  advice? 

Don 't  know  where  to  turn? 

If  you  're  a  gay  community 

organization,  you  can  put  an 

ad  in  our  classified  section  at  a 


Ask  us  to  put  your  ad 

under  VOLUNTEERS,  and  you 

automatically  qualify. 


12  Johnson  St.,  Provincetown,  Ma.  026S7 

Dr.  Waiem  H.  Otto 


Private  practice  in  individual,  couple 

and  family  therapy  at  44  Jackes  Avenue 

(Yonge  and  St.  Clair  area), 

Toronto,  Ontario  M4T  15E. 

Confidentiality  guaranteed. 
Telephone  962-5328. 

MAY  1982 



ZLAIcoholics  Anonymous.  International  Advisory  Council 
for  Homosexual  Men  and  Women.  lAC.  PO  Box  492.  Vil- 
lage Sin.  Hew  York.  NY  WOU. 
ZAIIantic  Gay  Alliance/Association  des  Gaile)s  de  I'At- 
lantique.  contac^bAE(Halilax).  FLAG  i  Fredencion)  or 
Northern  Lambda  Nord  (Western  NBj 
^Canadian  Gay  Archives,  Box  639.  Stn  A.  Toronto.  ON 
M5W  1G2  (4161977-6320 
Z^Committee  to  Defend  John  Damien.  Box  608.  Stn  K. 
Toronto.  0NM4P  2H1 

ZDignity/Canada/Digniti.  Box  1912.  Winnipeg.  MB 
R3C  392  (204)  772-4322 

Z Foundation  for  the  Advancement  of  Canadian  Transsex- 
uals (FACT).  Box  291.  Sin  A.  Hamilton.  ON  L8N  308 
(416)529-7884  Central  Canada:  Box  2666.  Winnipeg. 
MB  R3C  4B3  Southwest  Ontario:  MsRM  Schwartzen- 
iruOer  21  Cherry  St.  Kitchener.  ON  N2G  205  576-5248 
H  Integrity  (Gay  A nglicans  and  their  Friends) .  Canadian 
regional  representalive.  c/o  Box  34.  Stn  C.  Calgary.  AB 
T3A2G1   (403)233-7404 

^International  Gay  Association.  Secretariat.  c/oCHLR. 
Box  931.  Dublin  4,  Ireland  International  Lesbian  Infor- 
mation Secretariat.  NVIH-OOC.  Frederiksplein  14. 
1017  XM.  Amsterdam.  Netherlands:  ph: 
234596/231192  International  Co-ordination  &  Informa- 
tion Centre  on  Religion.  POBoxl.  Cork.  Ireland:  ph: 

ZLigo  de  Samseksamaj  Geesperantistoj  (LSG),  gay  Es- 
peranto organization.  lOOCrerarAve.  Ottawa.  ON 
K1Z  7P2. 

~Ntw  Democratic  Party  Gay  Caucus,  Box  792.  Stn  F. 
Toronto.  ON  M4Y  2N7 

bisection  on  Gay  and  Lesbian  Issues  in  Psychology,  c/o 
Gary  McDonald.  Dept  ot  Psychology.  U  of  Windsor. 
N9A  3P4 

^Women's Archives,  Box 928,  Stn  Q,  Toronto,  ON 



ZGay  Association  in  Newfoundland  (GAIN),  PO  Box 

1364.  Stn  C.  SlJohn's.  A1C  5N5. 



Z  The  Atternate  Bookshop,  1588  Barrington  St.  2nd  lloor 
Mailing  address:  Box  276.  Stn  M.  B3J  2N7.  (902) 
423-3830  II  busy  422-4545 
i: Gay  A lliance  lor  Equality  Inc(GAE),  Box  3611.  Halifax 
South  Postal  Stn.  83J  3K6  (902)  429-4294. 
r Gay  Artists  Musicians  Entertainers  Society  (GAMES)  of 
Atlantic  Canada.  Box 3611.  South  Sin.  B3J  3K6 
ZGayline.  (902)  429-6969.  Mon-Wed.  7-9pm.  Thurs- 
Sat.  7-10  pm  Info,  referrals  and  peer  counselling.  Oper- 
ated by  GAE 

Gay  Youth  Society  of  Halifax.  For  info,  call  Gayline  or 
422-4545  (Mon) 

'ZLesbian  Drop-In,  2nd  and  4th  Fnot  month,  1225  Bar- 
rington St  Info  429-4063  Music  and  conversation 
ZSparrow,  (Gay  Christians).  Box  3611.  South  Postal  Stn. 
B3J  3K6  Meets  Sun  at  8  pm.  2435  Brunswick  St  Col- 
leehouse  every  Sun  at  The  Turret.  9  pm  -1  am  Call  Gay- 
line  or  The  Turret  lor  into 

r  The  Turret  Gay  Community  Centre,  1588  Barrington  SI 
(902)423-6814  Mailing  address  Box  3611.  Hatilax 
South  Postal  Stn.  B3J  3K6 



Jredericton  Lesbians  and  Gays  (FLAG),  (506) 
457-2156  Meets  2nd  Wed  ol  month 


^Metropolitan  Community  Church,  c/o  Box  2362,  Stn  A. 
Etc  8J3 

Western  NB 

^Northern  Lambda  Nord,  Box  990.  Caribou.  Maine 
04736  USA  Serving  Western  NB  and  Northern  Maine 
(Madawaska/Victoria/Carllon.  NB:  Timiscouata. 
Quebec:  and  Aroostook.  Maine)  (207)496-0188. 



Association  Gaie  de  rOuest  Ouibicois  (AGOG),  CP 

1215  Succ  B.  J8X  3X7  (819)  778-1737 


Alpha  Kira  Fraternity,  CP  153,  Succ  Victoria,  H3Z  2V5 
Association  pour  les  droits  de  la  communauti  gale  du 
Ouibec  (ADGQ).  CP36.  Succ  C.  H2L  4J7  Bureau  263 
est  rue  SamteCatherine.  2eetage  (514)843-8671 
IThe  Capables,  Box 966.  SuccH.  H3G2M9  (514) 
486-4404  Support  group  lor  bisexual  men 

Comite  de  soutien  aux  accusis  de  Truxx,  a/s  Librarie 
L  Androgyne  (see  below) 

ZDignity/ Montreal,  Newman  Centre.  3484  rue  Peel. 

H3A  1W8- (514)392-6711. 

Z  Eglise  Communautaire  de  Montreal,  Montreal  Commu- 
nityChurch.  CP610.  SuccNDC.  H4A  3RI  (514) 

~ Federation  canadienne  des  transsexuels,  16  rue  Viau. 
VaudreuilJ7V  1A7 

ZFemmes  gales  i  I'ecoute.  (514)  843-5661. 
—Gay  Health  Clinic.  Montreal  Youth  Clinic/Clinique  des 
Jeunes  de  Montreal.  3465  Peel  Street.  H3A  1X1.  (514) 
842-8576  General  practice.  Mon-Fri.  9-5  pm:  open  until 
8  pm  Mon  &  Fri  only.  Closed  daily  12:30- 1 :30  pm. 
ZGaylnfo,  CP610.  SuccNDG.  H4A  3R1.  (514) 
486-4404.  ThursandFri,  7-11  pm  Recorded  message 
other  times. 

r Gayline,  (514)  931-5330  (women).  931-8668  (men).  7 
days  a  week.  7-11  pm. 

DGay  Social  Services  Project,  5  rue  Weredale  Pk,  West- 
mount  H3Z  1Y5  (514)937-9581. 
OIntegrity:  Gay  Anglicans  and  their  friends,  c/o  305  ave- 
nue Willibrord.  Verdun  H4G  2T7  (514)  766-9623. 
CLambda  Youth,  c/o  The  Yellow  Door.  3625  Aylmer. 
H2X  2C3  Meets  Fri  eve. 

OLesbian  and  Gay  Friends  of  Concordia,  c/o  CUSA,  Con- 
cordia University.  1455  boul  de  Maisonneuve  ouest. 
H3G  1M8.  (514)879-8406.  Oltice:  room  307.  2070 
MacKay.  open  1-4  pm  weekdays.  Meetings  Thurs  al  4  pm 
in  room  H-333-6. 

aUbrairie  I  Androgyne,  3642  boul  St  Laurent.  H2X  2V4. 

aUgue  Lambda  Inc.  CP  701.  Succ  N.  H2X  2N5.  Into: 

HNaches:  Montreal's  Gay  Jewish  Group.  (514) 

aParents  of  Days,  a/s  CP  153,  Succ  Victoria.  H32  2V5. 

aProductions88,  CP  188,  SuccC.  H2L  4K1.  Television 
programme  Cote  a  cote.  Mon  10  pm  and  Thurs  1 1  pm, 
Channel  9  Radio  program  on  CIBL-FM.  104.5  MHz.  Wed 
7:30  pm  and  on  CINQ-FM.  102.3MHz.  Thurs  10am. 
□ta  Rumeur  des  Berdaches,  radio  programme.  Mon 
20h.  CIBL-mt,  104.5.  CP36.  SuccC.  H2L  4J7  (514) 
843-8671  or  526- 1489 

ClTravesties  a  Montrial,  social  support  tor  transvestiles. 
CP  153.  Succ  Victoria.  H3Z  2V5.  (514)  486-4404  (Thurs 
and  Fri  only). 


OGroupe  gai  de  r University  Laval  (GGUL),  CP2500.  Pa- 
vilion Lemieux.  Cite  universitaire,  Ste-Foy.  G1K  7P4. 
=  Le  Groupe  Unigailnc.  CP  152.  Succ  Haute- Ville 
G1R  4P3  Social  and  cultural  activities  for  men  and 
women  (418)522-2555. 

□i  'Heure  Gale.  Pavilion  De  Koninck,  Citi  Universitaire, 
Sainte-Foy  Radio  program  CKRL-FM.  89. 1  MHz.  Thurs 
7  pm. 

ZJiligai.  (418)522-2555.  Gay  info.  Mon-Fri.  7-11  pm. 
Recorded  message  other  limes 

The  Festival 

June  2&July  5 

The  Confefence 


For  more  information: 

Toronto  Gay  Community  Council 

730  Bathurst  St,  Toronto,  ON  M5S  2R4 


L  'A  ssociation  pour  I  'epanouissement  de  la  communau- 
ti gale  de  I'Estrie  (ACGE).  CP  1374.  JIH  5L9 


r  Coalition  for  Gay  Rights  in  Ontario  (CGRO).  Box  822. 

Stn  A.  Toronto  M5W  1G3.  (416)533-6824. 

Ear  Falls/ Red  Lake  Area 

DEar  Falls  Gays,  PO  Box  487.  Ear  Falls.  P0V1T0.  (807) 


OGeorgetown  Gay  Friends,  Box223,  L7G  4T1.  (416) 


OHomophiles  ol  Halton  Hills  (HHH).  35  Lynden  Circle. 

L7G  4Y7  (416)877-5524.  Drop-ins  every  Wed. 


OGuelph  Gay  Equality,  Box  773,  N1H  6L8.  Gayline: 
(519)  836-4550.  24  hrs. 


OGay  Archives/ History  Project  for  Hamilton-Wentworth 
(GAHP).  (416)639-6050.  Looking  lor  photos,  clippings, 
correspondence,  personal  accounts  about  gay  life  and  lib- 
eration in  Hamilton,  especially  pre-1979. 
UGay  Fathers  of  Hamilton.  Support,  advice.  Meets  twice 
a  month.  Call  Gayline  lor  info. 
OGayline  Hamilton,  into  on  all  groups  and  activities,  peer 
counselling.  (416)  523-7055  Wed  through  Sat.  7-11  pm. 
OHamilton  United  Gay  Societies  (HUGS),  a  meeting  ol 
men  and  women,  young  and  old.  with  discussions  and 
speakers  Meets  on  alternate  Weds.  Gay  Community  Cen- 
tre. Suite  207  41  King  William  St.  7:30  pm.  Call  Gayline 
tor  further  info. 

dAddress  lor  all  Hamilton  groups  listed  above:  Box  44. 
Sin  B.  L8L  7T5. 

OMetropolitan  Community  Church,  PO  Box  344,  Stn  A, 
LBN  3C8.  Call  Gayline  for  info. 


OGay  Liberation  of  Waterloo  (GLOW),  c/o  Federation  of 
Students.  Uol  Waterloo.  Waterloo  N2L  3G1.  (519) 
884-GLOW.  Coffeehouse  every  Wed  at  8:30  pm,  Campus 
Ctr.  rm  1 10 

OGay  News  and  Views,  radio  programme,  Tues,  6-8  pm, 
CKMS-FM.  94.5  MHz.  105. 7  MHz  on  Grand  River  Cable. 
200  University  Ave  W.  (519)  886-CKMS. 
OGays  ol  Wilfrid  Laurier  University,  c/o  GLOW. 
HKitchener-Waterloo  Gay  Media  Collective,  Box  274 1 . 
Stn  B.  Kitchener.  N2H  6N3.  (519)  579-3325. 
OLeaping  Lesbians,  radio  programme.  Thurs.  6  to  8  pm. 
CKMS-FM.  94.5  MHz.  105. 7  MHz  cable.  Write  c/o 

OLesbian  Organization  of  Kitchener  (LOOK),  Box  2422. 
Sin  B.  Kitchener  N2H  6M3.  (519)  744-4863.  Womyns 
colleehouse  first  Thurs  ol  month  at  4 1  Margaret  Ave,  Kit- 


'  iGay  Youth  London,  c/o  HALO.  Meets  Thurs  at  7  pm. 
2nd  floor.  649  Colborne  SI.  (519)  433-3762. 
iJGayline,  (5 19)  679-6423.  Info  24  hrs/day.  Peer  coun- 
selling Mon  and  Thurs.  7-10  pm. 
]Homophile  Association  of  London,  Ontario  (HALO),  649 
Colborne  St.  N6A  3Z2.  (519)433-3762.  Coffee  House: 
Sun  and  Mon.  7-10  pm.  Disco/Bar:  Fri  and  Sal.  9  pm 
-1:30  am. 

1  iMetropolitan  Community  Church,  Box  4724,  Stn  D, 
N5W  5L7  Services  Sun.  7:30  pm  al  Unitarian  Church.  29 
Victoria  SI  W,  north  entrance  to  Gibbons  Park.  Into:  Wor- 
ship Coordinator.  (519)  433-9939  Rides:  (519) 

Mississauga/ Brampton 

[3GEM:  Gay  Community  Outreach,  Box  62,  Brampton 

L6V  2K7 

OGayline  West,  (416)453-GGC0.  Peer  counselling. 

Niagara  Region 

UGayline.  (416)  354-3173. 
OGay  Unity  Niagara,  Box  692,  Niagara  Falls  L2E  61/5. 
f  \Gay  Trails,  lor  lesbians  and  gay  men  who  enjoy  hiking. 
Day  and  overnight  trips  planned.  Visitors  welcome.  Write 
Gay  Trails.  Box  1053,  Mam  PO.  St  Catharines,  L2R  7 A3, 
or  call  (416)  685-6431  belore9  am. 

North  Bay 

'  Waring  Homosexuals  Association  of  North  Bay 
(CHANB).  Box  649  Callander  POH  IHO.  (705)476-3080. 


Dignity/ Ottawa/ Dignity,  Box  2102.  SinD.  K1P5W3. 

Gay  People  at  Carleton.  c/o  CUSA.  Carleton  University 
For  more  info,  call  (613)  237- 1717 

Gays  of  Ottawa/Gals  de  t'Outaouais,  Box  2919  Stn  D. 
KIP  5W9  GO  Centre.  175  Lisgar  St:  open  7:30-10:30 
pm  Mon-Thurs.  Thurs:  lesbian  drop-in.  8  pm:  Fri:  social. 

7:30  -  1  am:  Sal:  women's  night.  7:30pm  -  1  am:  Sun: 
AA  Live  &  Let  Live  group.  8  pm.  Gayline:  (613)  238-1717 
Mon-Fn  7:30-10:30  pm.  recording  other  times.  Office: 

OGay  Youth  Ottawa/ Hull/ Jeunesse  Gai(e)  d 'Ottawa/- 
Hull.  For  into  call  or  write  Gays  ol  Ottawa.  Meeting/drop- 
in.  Wed  8  pm.  175  Lisgar  St. 

OIntegrity/ Ottawa,  (gay  Anglicans  and  their  friends)  c/o 
St  George  s  Anglican  Church.  152  Metcalle  St.  K2P  1N9. 
(613)235-2516.  9-5.  Mon-Fn.  Meets  2nd  and. 4th  Weds 
at  7:30  pm.  at  St  George's 

OLesbiennes  et  gals  du  campus/ Lesbians  and  Gays  on 
Campus,  c/o  SFUO.  85  rue  Hasley  Street.  KIN  6A/5 
OParents  of  Gays.  Box  9094.  K1G  3T8. 


OGays  of  Trent  and  Peterborough.  262  Rubidge  St, 
K9J  3P2.  (705)  742-6229 


OSudbury  Lesbians  and  Gays  (SLAG).  Box  395.  Stn  B. 
P3E4P6.  (705)675-5711. 

Thunder  Bay 

ONorthern  Women's  Centre,  316BaySt.  P7B  1S1. 
(807)  345-7802. 

OGays  of  Thunder  Bay  (GTB),  Box  2155,  P7B  5E8.  (807) 
345-8011.  Wed  and  Fri  7:30-9:30  pm.  Recording  other 
times.  Meets  Tues.  Dances  held  monthly 


For  information  on  groups  in  Toronto,  check  the  Commu- 
nity section  in  Out  in  The  City. 


OGay/Lesbian  Information  Line,  Box  7002,  Sandwich 
Postal  Stn.  N9C  3YC.  (519)973-4957 
OIntegrity,  (gay/lesbian  Anglicans),  c/o  Box  7002, 
Sandwich  Postal  Stn.  N9C  3Y6.  (519)  973-4957 
OLesbian  and  Gay  Students  on  Campus  (LGSC).  c/o 
Students'  Activities  Council,  U  of  Windsor.  (519) 
973-4957.  Rap  sessions  weekly 
OLesbian/Gay  Youth  Group,  c/o  Box  7002.  Sandwich 
Postal  Stn.  N9C  3Y6.  (519)  973-4957 



OManitoba  Gay  Coalition.  Box  27.  UMSU,  University  of 
Manitoba.  Winnipeg  R3T  2N2.  (204)  269-8678. 


OGay  Friends  of  Brandon,  Box  492.  R7A  5Z4.  (204) 


OGay  Friends  of  Thompson,  Box  151  R8N  1N2.  (204) 
677-5833  (8- 10  pm.  Tues  and  Thurs). 


OCouncil  on  Homosexuality  and  Religion,  Box  1912. 
R3C  3R2.  (204)269-8678.  772-8215.  Worship,  counsel- 
ling, library 

ODignity/Winnipeg,  Box  1912.  R3C3R2. 
OGayAA  New  Freedom  Group.  Box2481.  orcontact 
through  Manitoba  Central  Otiice.  (204)  233-3508. 
OGay  AlAnon  Group.  Info:  (204)  269-8678. 
OGay  Community  Centre,  277  Sherbrooke  St.  (204) 
786- 1236.  Incorporating  Giovanni's  Room,  a  cafe  lor  les- 
bians and  gay  men.  Open  every  day  at  5:30  pm.  Sun  al 
1  pm.  Fully  licensed. 

OGays  for  Equality,  Box  27  UMSU.  Uol  Manitoba. 
R3T  2N2.  (204)  269-8678. 
OLesbian  Drop-In,  Thurs.  7-10  pm  at  730  Alexander 
Ave.  Entertainment  &  coffee. 
OOscar  Wilde  Memorial  Society.  Box  2221.  R3C  3R5. 
Variety  ol  social,  cultural  and  educational  activities. 
OProject  Lambda,  Inc,  gay  community  services.  Box 
3911.  Sin  B.R2W5H9 

OWinnipeg  Gay  Media  Collective.  Box  27  UMSU.  Uol 
Manitoba.  R3T  2N2.  (204)269-8678.  Produces  "Coming 
Out, ' '  weekly  halt-hour  cable  cast  (Thurs.  1 1  pm.  Chan- 
nel 13W). 

OWinnipeg  Gay  Youth,  Box  27  UMSU.  Uol  Manitoba, 
R3T  2N2.  (204)  269-8678. 

OUniversity  of  Winnipeg  Gay  Students  Association.  Info: 
(204)  269-8678 

OThe  Women'sLine.  (204)  774-0007.  Thurs,  7:30-10 



ODignity/ Saskatchewan  (gay  Catholics  and  friends). 

Box  3181.  ReginaS4P3G7 

OGay  Rights  Subcommittee,  Saskatchewan  Association 

tor  Human  Rights,  305- 1 16  3rd  Ave  S,  Saskatoon. 

S7K  1L5.  (306)  244-1933. 

OLesbian  and  Gay  Saskatchewan,  Box  7508,  Saskatoon 

S7K  4L4. 


OBaltfelord  Gay  Community,  c/o  Box  401,  Saskatoon. 
S7K  3L3. 

Carrot  River 

t  \Carrot  River  Gays,  c/oBox401.  Saskatoon.  S7K3L3. 


MAY  1982 

Prince  Albert 

OPrince  Albert  Gay  Community  Centre,  (The  Zodiac 
Club).  Box  1893.  S6V  6J9-  1-24  WW  St.  E.  (306) 
922-4650.  PtJoneline  Wed-Thurs.  8-10 pm.  social  eve- 
nings Fn-Sat,  I0pm-2am. 


ORumours  (gay  community  centre),  2069  Broad  St  (back 

entrance).  (306)522-7343. 

nRegina  Women 's  Community  and  Rape  Crisis  Centre. 

219-1810  Smit/l  St.  S4P  2N3.  (306)  522-2777. 


aGay  &  Lesbian  Support  Services,  217- 1 16  3rd  Ave  S. 

Operates  Gayline.  Mailing  address:  Box  858 1 . 

OGay  Community  Centre,  Box  1662.  S7K  3R8.  245-3rd 

Ave  S.  (306)  652-0972. 

OGayline,  (306)665-9129  Mon-Ttiurs,  7:30-10:30 pm. 

Counselling,  support  groups  available. 

DLutherans  Concerned.  Box  8187  S7K  605. 

astubble  Jumper  Press,  21-303  Queen  St.  S7K  0M1. 

West  Central  Region 

aWest  Central  Gays,  c/o  Box  401.  Saslotoon  S7K  3L3 



I  iAIberta  Lesbian  and  Gay  Rights  Association  (ALGRA). 

Box  1852.  Edmonton  T5J  292. 


;  Calgary  Camp  181  Association,  Box  965.  Stn  T, 

T2H  2H4.  Dances,  campouts.  sports  and  ottier  activities 

tor  lesbians  and  gays. 

DCalgary  Gay  Fathers,  Call  or  write  GIRO  lor  info. 

ODignity/ Calgary.  Box  1492.  Stn  l  T2H  2H7 

OGay  Information  and  Resources  Calgary  (GIRC),  Old  Y 

BIdg.  Stes  317-323.  223  12AveSW.  T2P  0G9  (403) 

234-8973.  Into  and  counselling  Mon-Fri.  7-10  pm. 

Dances,  discussion  groups,  newsletter,  gay  rights  action. 

Mailing  address.  Box  2715.  StnM.  T2P3C1. 

DIntegrity:  Gay  Anglicans  and  their  friends,  c/o  Box  34. 

StnG.  T3A2G1. 

DLesbians  and  Gays  at  University  of  Calgary,  Students 

Club.  MacEwanHall.  U  of  Calgary.  T2N  1N4. 

ZMetropolitan  Community  Church,  204-16  Ave.  NW. 

T2M  0H4  (403)277-4004.  Services  Sun  11:30amand 

7  pm  at  above  address. 

^Right  To  Privacy  Committee,  Box  2943,  Stn  M, 

T2P  3C3.  Info  on  gays  and  the  law,  legal  referrals. 


DDignity  Edmonton  Digniti,  PC  Box  53.  T5B  2B7. 

^Edmonton  Roughnecks  Recreation  Association,  (403) 
488-7981.  Volleyball.  Softball,  gymnastics  -  glee  club 

OGay  Alliance  Toward  Equality  (GATE),  Box  1852. 
T5J  2P2.  Office:  10173-104  St.  (403)  424-8361.  Into 
and  counselling.  Mon-Sat.  710  pm.  Sun  2-5  pm.  Also 
coffeehouses,  socials,  newsletter,  resource  library. 

ZGay  Fathers  &  Lesbian  Mothers.  For  info  calf  (403) 

^Metropolitan  Community  Church  of  Edmonton.  PC  Box 
1312.  T5J  2M8.  (403)482-4213.  Worship  Sun  at  7:30 
pm.  Unitarian  Church.  12530-110  Ave. 
Privacy  Defence  Committee,  c/o  Box  1852.  T5J  2P2. 
Womonspace,  No  1.  8406-104  St.  T6E  4G2.  (403) 
433-9344  (Jeanne).  Social  &  recreational  group  for  les- 

Red  Deer 

Gay  Association  of  Red  Deer  (GARD),  Box  356. 
UH  5E9 



[  Gays  and  Lesbians  in  the  United  Church  in  BC.  Box 

46586.  Sin  G.  Vancouver  V6f1  4G8.  Support  group  and 
educational  resources. 


Thompson  Area  Gay  Group  (TAGG).  Box  3343. 
V2C  6B9  welcomes  women  and  men  to  regular  meetings, 
discussions,  social  events  Into,  newsletter  peer  sup- 
port, friendship. 


Managan  Gay  Organization.  Box  1165.  Sin  A.  Kelowna 
VI Y  7P8  Mutual  support  The  group  can  be  contacted 
directly  by  phone  through  the  Kelowna  Crisis  Centre 

Prince  Rupert 

Gay  Peopfe  of  Prince  Rupert,  Box  881.  V8J  3Y1. 
(604)  624-4982  (eve). 


Archives  Collective.  Box  3130.  MPO.  V6B  3X6 

Coming  Out  (Gay  Radio),  c/o  Vancouver  Cooperative 
Radio.  337  Carrall  St.  V6f^J4  Thurs  at  6:30  pm.  102  7 

Congregation  Sha'ar  Hayam,  Jewish  gay  synagogue. 
Box  69406.  VbK  4W6  (604)  255- 1076 

Dignity/ Vancouver.  Box  3016.  V6B3X5  (604) 

Gay  and  Lesbian  Caucus  of  the  BC  NDP.  (604) 

OGayblevision.  TV  show  by  gay  people  about  gay  lite, 
culture  and  art.  Regular  monthly  and  special  pro- 
grammes. 837  Bidwell  St.  V6G2J7  (604)689-5661 
nCay/ Lesbian  Law  Association.  Faculty  ot  Law.  Univer- 
sity of  British  Columbia.  Vancouver 
OGay  and  Lesbian  Peopfe  of  Simon  Eraser  University. 
c/o  SFU  Student  Society  Simon  Eraser  University.  Bur- 
naby  V5A  1S6.  (604)  291-3181  or  291-4539. 
OGays  and  Lesbians  of  UBC,  Box  9.  Student  Union  BIdg. 
U  of  British  Columbia.  V6T  1 W5.  (604)  228-4638  Meets 
Thursat  12:30pm(see  '■The  Ubyssey"  for  room) 
Ointegrity:  Gay  Angficans  and  their  friends.  Box3416l. 
Stn  D.  V6J4N1.  (604)  873-2925. 
OLesbian  and  Gay  Health  Sciences  Association,  c/o  Gay 
People  of  UBC.  Box  9.  Student  Union  BIdg.  UBC. 
V6T  1W5. 

OLesbian  Information  Line.  (604)  734-1016.  Sun  and 
Thurs.  7-10  pm. 

OThe  Lesbian  Show.  Co-op  Radio.  337  Carrall  St. 
V6B2J4.  102.7  MHz  FM.  Thurs.  7:30  pm 
OSociety  for  Pofiticaf  Action  for  Gay  People  (SPAG).  Box 
2631.  Mam  PC.  V6B  3W8.  Ph:  James  Trenholmeat 
(604)  224-7738  or  Vince  Mams  at  435-7376. 
riVancouver  VD  Clinic.  Rm  100.  828  W  10th  Ave  (near 
Gen  Hosp).  (604)  874-2331.  Ext  220 
O  Vancouver  Gay  Community  Centre  (VGCC),  Box  2259. 
MPO.  V6B  3W2.  (604)253-1258. 
OWomen  in  Focus.  204-456  W  Broadway.  V5Y  1R3. 
(604)  872-2250 
OZodiac  Fraternal  Society.  Box  33872,  Stn  D.  V6J  4L6. 


OThe  Island  Gay  Community  Centre  Society,  1318 
Balmoral  Rd.  VSR  1L7  Sponsors  Gay  Cafe  at  1923  Fern- 
wood  every  Thurs  till  midnight,  and  bowling,  self-defence 
classes,  volleyball  and  swimming. 
ONeed  (Victoria  Crisis  Line),  (604)  383-6323.  24  hrs. 
Some  gay  into  available. 

OUniversity  of  Victoria  Gay  Focus  Club,  Student  Union 
BIdg.  U  of  Victoria,  Box  1700,  V8W  2Y2. 


OAfter  Stonewalf,  Box  7763,  Saskatoon.  SK  S7K  4R5. 

Die  Berdache,  CP36,  Succ  C,  Montreal,  PQ  H2L  4J7. 


OThe  Body  Politic ,  Box  7289  Stn  A.  Toronto.  ON 

M5W  1X9.(416)977-6320. 

OCHANB  Bulletin,  Box  649  Callander,  ON  POH  1H0 

OFLAGMAG,  Box  1556.  Stn  A.  Fredericton.  NB 

E3B  5G2. 

OThe  Gay  Gleaner,  PC  Box  1852,  Edmonton,  AB 

T5J  2P2. 

OGay  Information  Cafgary,  No317.  223-  12  Ave.  SW. 

Calgary.  AB  T2R  0G9 

OGay  Niagara  News,  Box  692,  Niagara  Falls.  ON 

L2E  6V5. 

OGay  Phoenix,  Box  44.  StnB.  Hamilton.  ON  L8L  7T5. 


OGEM  Journal,  Box  62.  Brampton.  ON  L6V  2K7 

OGrassroots,  Box  7508.  Saskatchewan.  SK  S7R  4L4 

OGO  Info,  Gays  of  Ottawa/Gais  de  IVutaouais.  Box  2919. 

Stn  D.  Ottawa.  0NK1P5W9 

OGuelph  Gay  Equality  Newsletter,  Box  773,  Guelph,  ON 

N1H  6L8. 

OHALO  Newsletter,  649  Cotborne  Street.  London.  ON 

N6A  3Z2. 

OInternationat  Justice  Monthly.  c/oRR4.  Harrow.  ON 

NOR  1G0. 

OLesbian/ Lesbienne,  PO  Box  70.  Stn  F.  Toronto.  ON 


OMaking  Waves:  An  Atfantic  Quarterly  for  Lesbians  and 

Gay  Men.  Box  8953.  Station  A.  Halifax.  NSB3K  5M6 

ONetwork  Victoria,  Dept7.  Box  4276.  Stn  A,  Victoria.  BC 

V8X  3X4  (902)381-2225. 

ONorthern  Lambda  Nord  Communique.  Box  990. 

Caribou.  Maine  04736.  USA. 

OThe  Radical  Reviewer  (lesbian/feminist  literary 

tabloid).  PO  Box  24953.  StnC.  Vancouver.  BC.  V5T  4E3. 

0  Thompson  Area  Gay  Group  Newsfetter,  Box  3343.  Kam- 
loops. BC  V2C  6B9 

OThuntierGay.  c/o  Box  2155.  Thunder  Bay.  ON. 
OVGCC  News.  Vancouver  Gay  Community  Centre  Soci- 
ety Box  2259  MPO.  Vancouver.  BC  V6B  3W2  (604) 
Voices,  (lor  lesbian  feminist/separatists),  c/o 

1  Andrews.  RR  2.  Kenora.  ON  P9N  3W8 

1  iWilde  Times,  Box  2221,  Winnipeg  MB.  R3C  3R5. 

Is  your  group  listed? 

Network  is  TBP's  listing  of  lesbian 
and  gay  groups  throughout  Canada 
and  Quebec.  It's  a  way  of  letting 
people  in  your  part  of  the  country 
know  what's  happening,  and  a  way 
of  getting  others  involved. 

We'll  gladly  change,  add  or  delete 
any  information  on  your  group  — 
just  drop  us  a  line!  Network,  Box 
7289,  Stn  A,  Toronto,  ON 
M5W  1X9 



celebrating    ten    years  of    community 
Sept.    2-6 

For  more  information 
Gay  &  Lesbian  Support  Services 
P.O.  Box  8581,  Saskatoon,  Sask 








>1070  MacKay  St  .Monlrear.PO  Hx^  ?Hi 
514  878  9393 





1070  Rue  MacKdy  Montreal.  PQ  hso  ;mi 
514   878  9393 





May  21  •  24.  1982 
Hotel  MacUonald 


•  Oxford  theologian  and  Dominican  priest  •  GILES  HIBBERT. 

•  RICHARD  R.  PALMER  ■  Episcopalian  priest  from  Dignity  Denver. 

•  Holy  Name  Sister  -  SUE  WOODRUFF  -  from  Portland.  Oregon.  Leader  in 
SIGMA  (Sisters  in  Gay  Ministry  Associated)  and  co-chair  of  Womens 
Concerns  Committee  of  Dignity  Inc. 

•  BRO.  WILLIAM  ROBERTS  ■  from  New  York  and  member  of  National 
Assembly  of  Religious  Brothers.  Has  developed  an  educational  series  on 
the  non-sexual  aspects  of  homosexuality. 


Dignity  Edmonton  Dignite 

P.O.  Box  53. 

Edmonton,  Alberta  T5J  2G9 

MAY  1982 




^  DOU51E  ^^-^,, . 

>1  game  of  legal  legerdemain!! 
Costs  only  $80,000!!  (so  far...) 
Takes  years  to  play!! 


November  1971: 

Form  a  collective  to  publish  a  gay 

liberation  magazine  —  any  number 

can  play! 

July  1975: 

Incorporate  as  Pink  Triangle 

Press.  Choose  three  players  to  serve 

as  nominal  directors. 

Publish  38  issues  through 
October  1977. 




Nov  21, 1977: 

Publish  Issue  39, 

a  review  of  the  major 

themes  of  the  year. 

Include  an  article  on 

Anita  Bryant's 

favourite  subject. 

Call  it  "Men  Loving 

Boys  Loving  Men" 

Dec  22-27, 1977: 

Toronto  Sun  colum- 
nist and  notorious 
homophobe  Claire 
Hoy  attacks  you  for 
"promoting  child 
abuse."  The  Sun 
editorializes  against 

Dec  27, 1977: 

Get  nervous! 

(but  give  'em  hell) 

Issue  a  press  release 

denying  Hoy's  charges 

and  defending  your  right 

to  discuss  controversial 

issues.  Hire  the  city's 

best  civil  rights  lawyer. 


Apr  24, 1978: 

The  police  give  you 

permission  to  copy 

your  material  at  their 

office  —  for  a  fee. 

Mar  23, 1978: 

The  Body  Politic 

Free  the  Press  Fund 

holds  a  demo  at 

McMurtry's  office, 

demanding  return  of 

the  materials. 

(Somehow,  it  doesn't 


Dec  30, 1977: 

The  five  cops  from 
Operation  P(the 
joint  provincial/mun- 
icipal police  porn 
squad)  carry  off  12 
cartons  of  business 

records,  manu- 
scripts and  subscrip- 
tion lists. 
Send  off  one  player 
to  get  it  all  back. 

Feb  21, 1978: 

Lawyer  says  the  warrant 

used  to  seach  your 

office  was  so  broady 

worded  the  cops  could 

have  taken  everything. 

Send  one  player  off  to 

challenge  the  legality 

of  the  warrant. 

Mar  15, 1978: 

A  County  Court 
judge  rules  that  the 
warrant  was  legal. 


You  appeal  to  a 
higher  court. 

Apr  14, 1978: 

The  Ontario  Court  of 
Appeal  upholds  the 
County  Court  ruling. 


You  seek  leave  to 

appeal  to  the 



June  5, 1978: 

The  Supreme  Court 

refuses  to  hear  the 




Proceed  to  July  12, 1978 

July  18, 1978:       ■ 
Appointment  with   \ 

A  date  for  trial  is  set: 
January  2, 1979.  Start 
looking  for  witnesses. 

July  12, 1978: 
Church  and  State 
dig  for  witnesses: 

Anti-porn  priest  Brad 

Massman  asks  MCC 

pastor  Brent 

Hawkes  to  testify 

against  you.  He 



Feb  4, 1978: 

Supporters  donate 

more  than  $10,000  in 

just  one  month. 

Feb  3, 1978: 

Alive  &  Kicking! 

You  publish  Issue  40 

—  3  weeks  late.  The 

Fund  holds  a  benefit 

showing  of  Word 

Is  Out. 

Jan  24-27, 1978: 

In  San  Francisco, 
Harvey  Milk  calls  for 
a  tourist  boycott  of 

English  Canada; 
supporters  demon- 
strate at  Canada 
House  in  London. 

Jan  14, 1978: 

Anita  Bryant  comes 
to  town;  community 


against  her  — and  in 

support  of  your  right 

to  publish. 


Dec  31, 1977: 

Hold  a  press  conference 

with  lawyer  Clayton 
Ruby  denouncing  raid  as 
an  attack  on  freedom  of 

the  press  and  an  at- 
tempt to  intimidate  the 
gay  community. 

Jan  1-4, 1978: 
Get  support! 

GATE  Vancouver 
becomes  the  first  group 
to  demonstrate  against 
the  raid.  Other  groups 
and  public  figures  pro- 
test as  well. 

Jan  5, 1978: 

The  Press  and  its 
directors  (you  3 
lucky  players!)  are 
charged  under  Sec 
164  of  the  Criminal 
Code  (mailing  "inde- 
cent, immoral  or 

$Jan  4, 1978: 
Get  money! 
Form  The  Body 
Politic  Free  the 
Press  Fund; 
send  a  letter  to  your 
subscribers  and  friends 
seeking  support. 

MAY  1982 

$   Aug  26, 1978: 
The  Fund  has  col- 
lected $24,000  — 
and  spent  $15,000. 

Witnesses:  You  get  sexolo- 
gist John  Money,  journalist 
June  Callwood;  they  get  ho- 
Tiophobe  Hoy  &  fundamen- 
talist Ken  Campbell. 

...copies  of  The  Joy  of  Gay 
Sex  and  The  Joy  of  Les- 
bian Sex  —  held  for  8 



Jan  2, 1979:  Trial  begins 
before  Provincial  Court 
Judge  Sydney  Harris. 


May  31, 1982: 

Retrial  begins.  You've  got 

your  community  and  your 

witnesses  behind  you  — 

but  what  about  the  judge? 

Jan  3, 1979: 

Local  artists  perform  at  a 
benefit  for  you;  Toronto 

Mayor  John  Sewell 

speaks  in  defence  of  the 

gay  community.  The 

media  go  crazy. 

Jan  2-8, 1979: 

In  six  days  of  testimony, 

the  Crown  presents 

none  of  the  seized 

material  — 
except  one  copy 

of  Issue  39 
—  as  evidence. 

Feb  14, 1979:  Judge 
Harris  delivers  his 
verdict:  NOT  GUILTY! 



Dec  21, 1981: 

Re-appointment  with 


Date  for  retrial  is  set: 
May  31, 1982. 

Dec  31, 1981: 

Fund  has  raised  $67,800 

—  spent  $56,000.  Relax? 

Well,  you'll  need  $18,000 

more  to  cover  retrial.. 

■  lyuft" 


Oct  6, 1981: 
Word  from  the  top: 


The  Supreme  Court 

refuses  to  hear  your 


June  15, 1981: 

Three  Supreme 
Court  justices, 
including  Chief 
Justice  Bora  Laskin, 
hear  your  applica- 
tion. They  reserve 
judgment.  You  hold 
your  breath. 

Feb  19, 1979: 

You  serve  notice  of 
intent  to  sue,  but 
get  nasty  reac- 
tions from  the 
media  and  your 
community.  You 
cool  off  and  let  the 
idea  die.... 

•^^''*'^'"^'  Feb  15, 1979: 
The  Toronto  Star  reports  your  acquittal  in  a 
front-page  story  with  a  misleading  headline 
(You  say  it  means  "Now  kiss  our  ungrateful 

bums.  Body  Politic  says"). 
Send  one  player  off  to  scream  at  the  editor. 

Feb  16, 1979: 
Get  litigious! 

The  Sfar  prints  a  tiny 

correction  —  and  an 

editorial  based  on  their 

own  false  story,  calling 

you  "truculent"  and 

"provocative."  You 

decide  to  sue. 


Mar  6, 1979: 
The  Crown  appeals: 

Attorney  General 
McMurtry,  citing  "errors 

of  law"  in  decision, 

seeks  to  overturn  your 


Apr  11, 1979: 
Finders  keepers: 

Despite  your 
acquittal,  the  Crown 

refuses  to 

return  the  material; 

they  say  they'll  need  it 

for  the  retrial.... 


Mar  15, 1982: 

County  Court  grants  the 

Crown  their  appeal, 

letting  them  hold  onto 

the  material. 


Feb  2, 1982: 

County  Court  hears  the 
Crown's  appeal  of 
Judge  Harris's  deci- 
sion. (You  wonder  why 
they  could  still  want  all 
that  old  stuff.) 



Jan  21, 1980: 

The  Crown  announces 

it  will  appeal  Judge 

Harris's  decision  — 

and  until  the  appeal  is 

heard,  they'll  keep  the 


Mar  16, 1982: 

Gather  all  players  for 


Discuss  whether  to 

proceed  any  further 

with  court  action  to 

get  materials  back. 

With  a  retrial  date 

already  set,  you 

speculate  you  won't 

have  much  luck.  You 

decide  not  to. 


Proceed  to  retrial 

Special  dice  (well,  one  die) 
included.  Remember:  you  can  only 
move  one  step 
at  a  time... 

Apr  1,1981: 
Off  to  Ottawa: 

You  decide  to  seek 

leave  to  appeal  to 

the  Supreme  Court. 

Mar  26, 1981: 

Gather  all  players  for 


Deliberate  on  whether  to 
try  to  appeal  the  Court  of 

Appeal  decision  to 

—  trumpet  fanfare  here  — 



Mar  25, 1981: 

The  Ontario  Court  of 

Appeal  upholds  the 

County  Court  decision. 

Which  means: 


Mar  4, 1981: 

The  Ontario  Court  of 
Appeal  hears  your  appeal 
of  the  County  Court  deci- 
sion granting  the  Crown's 
appeal  (still  with  us?)  of 
your  acquittal. 

Oct  26, 1979: 

Judge  Harris  (acting 

as  a  Justice  of  the 

Peace)  hears  your 

application  for  a 

court  order  forcing 

the  Crown  to  return 

your  records. 

Dec  27, 1979: 

Judge  Harris 

orders  the 

Crown  to  return 

all  the 


—  and  to  pay 

your  court 



Proceed  to  Mar  25, 1981 

Mar  4, 1981: 

The  Court  rejects 
your  arguments  — 
and  makes  you  pay 

the  Sun's  and  the 
Crown's  costs! 


Mar  4, 1981: 

The  Court  of  Appeal 

hears  your  case.  The 

Crown  attorney  says 

you  are  tjeing 


Mar  3, 1981: 

You  see  the  article 
as  an  attempt  to 
influence  justice. 

Send  off  one  player 

to  have  McMurtry 

and  the  Sun  cited  for 

contempt  of  court. 



Mar  31, 1979: 

The  Fund  has  collected 

$32,000  —  but  spent 



Mar  3, 1981: 
Loose  talk: 

McMurtry  says  in  the 
Toronto  Sun  that  gay 
leaders  are  "t>ent  on 

confrontation."  He  means 
you:  he  mentions  "Men 

Loving  Boys  Loving  Men." 

Feb  6, 1980: 

Fund  gets  800  signa- 
tures and  $9,500  for 
a  huge  ad  in  the 
Globe  and  Mail 
urging  McMurtry  to 
drop  his  appeal. 

Feb  7-8, 1980: 

County  Court  hears 
Crown  appeal  of 
your  acquittal.  The 
Canadian  Civil  Liber- 
ties Association 
speaks  on  your 
behalf,  claiming  that 
Sec  164  violates 
the  Bill  of  Rights. 

Very  pretty,  but.. 

Mar  7, 1980: 

County  Court  agrees 
with  the  Crown,  over- 
turns your  acquittal 
and  orders  a  new 
trial.  In  other  words: 



Mar  7, 1980: 

You  can  play  this 

game,  too: 

You  appeal  the 
County  Court  deci- 
sion to  the  Ontario 
Court  of  Appeals. 


Dec  31, 1980: 

The  Fund  has  raised 

$53,600  —  spent 



MAY  1982 


.„  we'll  l»'"  Sion  A,  '"■  -    p.,  spe* 

d  no  n.oney  """box  7289,  S«'    ^^,«,ere.  f »' 

send  "° '  criptio"^'  ^       ms$1  5.9°  *" 
TBPSubsf;^,,,  Canada.  U 

delivery,  a" 

Please  enter  a  free, 
six-issue  gift  subscription 
to  The  Body  Politic  for. 

Name . 


City Code 

And  for: 



City Code 

And  for. 



City Code 

And  say  it's  from: 



City Code 


Ma//  this  card  to:  Ttie  Body  Politic,  Box  7289,  Statiort  A.  Toronto, 
ONM5W1X9.  We'll  begin  free,  SIX  issue  subscriptions  lor  eacti  of  g 
the  people  named  above,  beginning  with  the  next  issue.  ^ 

There's  a  cheaper  way  to  get 
that  long-distance  feeling. 

Just  about  all  of  us  in  Toronto  have  old  friends 
scattered  across  the  country,  friends  we  want  to 
stay  in  touch  with,  if  only  just  to  say  hello. 

Calling  is  expensive.  But  we  have  a  cheap  and 
easy  way  to  say  hello  from  Toronto  once  a  month: 
a  free  introductory  subscription  to  The  Body 

All  you  have  to  do  is  fill  in  the  other  side  of  this 
card  and  mail  it  to  us.  The  only  thing  you  have  to 
pay  for  is  that  one  postage  stamp  —  we'll  cover 
the  rest.  As  soon  as  we  hear  from  you,  we'll  start 
a  free,  six-issue  subscription  for  each  of  your 
friends,  starting  with  the  very  next  one.  And  we'll 
include  a  note  saying  it's  from  you. 

So,  why  not  take  a  minute  and  say  hello?