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OF    THE 




The  major  purpose  of  standards  for  measurement  is  to  provide 
a  basis  to  assure  the  stability  and  compatibility  of  measurements 
from  time  to  time  and  from  place  to  place.  If  the  accuracies  with 
which  measurement  standards  are  known  and  utilized  are  less  than 
the  corresponding  accuracies  required  in  laboratories  and  on  pro- 
duction lines  then  problems  ensue.  Data  cannot  then  be  exchanged 
with  optimum  confidence,  and  tests  performed  on  the  same  mate- 
rials or  devices  in  different  places  may  be  incompatible  or  uncertain 
in  terms  of  predicted  performance.  It  is  therefore  imperative  that 
those  responsible  for  developing,  maintaining,  and  disseminating 
the  measurement  standards  keep  ahead  of  the  important  needs  of 

science  Bfj<g  itiEiedybyTlH^iegl  redeiE^feelrArc^ciiiSifiement  is  the 

dominant  anj^ng^  21^^l^1fftf ffffl  ffbffational  Bureau  of 
Standards.  ^ 

LYRASIS  Members  and  Sloan  Foundation^ 

A.  V.  Astin, Director,  1\BS. 


Luther  H.  Hodges,  Secretary 

J.  Herbert  Hollomon,  Assistant  Secretary  for  Science  and  Technology 

A.  V.  As  tin,  Director 

Research  Highlights 

of  the 

National  Bureau  of  Standards 

Annual  Report,  Fiscal  Year  1962 

December  1962 

Miscellaneous  Publication  246 

For  sale  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office 
Washington  25,  D.C.     -     Price  70  cents 

The  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Washington,  D.C.,  laboratories    (top)   and 
Boulder,  Colorado,  laboratories  (bottom). 




General  review 1 

Standards  and  measurement  methods 2 

Matter  and  materials 4 

Astrophysical  and  plasma  physics  research 7 

Radio  propagation  studies 8 

Automatic  data  processing .  . 10 

Building  research  study 11 

Measurement  services 11 

National  conference  of  standards  laboratories 13 

Cooperative  activities 17 

International  activities 18 

Administrative  activities 19 

Publications 21 

Highlights  of  the  research  program 22 

2.1.  Physics,  electronics,  and  measurement  standards 22 

2.1.1.  Metrology 22 

Photometric  units  internationally  intercompared 23 

Slant  visibility  meter  developed. 24 

Four -filter  thermoelectric  colorimeter 24 

Refractive  index  measurements  extended 24 

Fiber  optics 25 

Luminance   standards    developed    for    photographic    exposure 

meters 25 

Absolute  measurement  of  sphere  diameters 25 

Revised  length  calibration  equipment  and  procedures 26 

Glass  bead  standard  samples 26 

Gaseous  laser  for  interferometry 26 

Gear  metrology  laboratory  established 27 

Wave  front  shearing  interferometer 27 

Standards  of  mass  and  weighing  techniques 28 

Surface  roughness  standards 29 

2.1.2.  Mechanics 30 

Infrasonic  waves  in  the  atmosphere  and  in  the  earth 31 

Elastic  changes  caused  by  static  loads 31 

Acoustical  repulsion  of  birds  at  airports 32 

Reverberation-chamber  technique  for  calibration  of  standard- 
type  noise  sources 32 

Field  measurements  of  airborne  and  impact  sound  insulation .  33 

Pressure  measurement 33 

Hydrodynamic  effect  of  hydrophobic  materials 34 

Culvert  hydraulics 34 

High-temperature  impact  tests 35 

Spectrum  fatigue  of  aircraft  structures 36 

Strain  gage  evaluation 36 

High-temperature  tests  of  vibration  pickups 36 

Rheology 36 

Hypersonic  combustion . 37 

Fluid  metering 37 

High- temperature  thermocouples 38 

Stability  tests  of  a  new  thermocouple 38 

Catalytic  effects  of  thermocouple  materials 39 

2.1.3.  Electricity 39 

Absolute  measurements 39 

Precision  measurements  at  high  voltages 40 

Rapid  calibration  of  resistance  voltage  dividers 41 

Vicious  cycle  in  storage  batteries 41 

Electrolytic  conductance  in  porous  media 41 

Corrosion  of  single  crystals  of  silver  in  molten  salt 43 

Microwave  absorption  in  compressed  nondipolar  gases 43 

Magnetism 43 


Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 

2.1.   Physics,  electronics,  and  measurement  standards — Continued  Page 

2.1.4.  Radio  standards 44 

Radio  physics 45 

United  States  frequency  standard 45 

Atomic  time  scale 4^ 

Ft.  Collins  radio  station 45 

Fundamental  constants 47 

Speed  of  electromagnetic  radiation 47 

Fine  structure  measurements 43 

Millimeter  waves 43 

Coherent  light 49 

Radio  plasma  studies 50 

Bounded  plasma  calculations 50 

Reaction  rate  coefficients 50 

Plasma  waves 51 

Particle-plasma  interaction 51 

Radio  and  microwave  materials 51 

Applied  mathematics 52 

Microwave  spectral  tables 53 

Theoretical  physics 53 

Circuit  standards 54 

Low-frequency  activities 54 

High-frequency  activities 55 

Microwave  activities 57 

2.1.5.  Heat 59 

Analog  computer  for  plasma  thermometry 60 

Fluorine  combustion  calorimetry 61 

Gaseous  heat  transfer  at  low  temperatures 62 

Nuclear  reactions  with  oriented  nuclei 62 

Low-temperature  thermometry 62 

Steady-state  measurements  of  molecular  lifetimes 63 

Thermodynamic  tables 63 

Kinetic  theory  of  dense  gases 64 

Pair-distribution  function  in  dense  gases 65 

2.1.6.  Atomic  physics. 65 

Laboratory  astrophysics 65 

Atomic  energy  levels 65 

Transition  probabilities 67 

Collision  cross  sections 67 

Far  ultraviolet  radiation  physics 68 

Infrared  spectroscopy  of  gases 69 

Infrared  reference  standards 69 

Electron  scattering 69 

Biological  constant  studied 69 

Electron  optics 69 

Solid-state  physics 69 

Lasers 71 

2.1.7.  Radiation  physics 71 

Radioactivity  standards 71 

Radiation  theory 72 

Cross  sections 72 

Penetration  and  diffusion 72 

Shielding  engineering  for  civil  defense 72 

Linear  accelerator 73 

High-energy  radiation 74 

Ionization  dosimetry 74 

Large  ionization  chamber 75 

Cavity  corrections 75 

Scattering  measurements 75 

Photographic  dosimetry 75 

Solid-state  dosimetry 77 

Nucleonic  instrumentation 77 

Neutron  physics 77 

Radiation  protection  recommendations 78 

International  standards 79 


2.   Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued  Page 

2.2.  Chemistry  and  properties  of  materials 80 

2.2.1.  Analytical  and  inorganic  chemistry 80 

Plutonium  standard  issued 80 

Atomic  weight  of  chlorine 80 

Trace  level  analysis 80 

Uranium  analysis  standard 81 

Water  determination  in  commercial  products. 81 

Determining   transition  probabilities   using   the   gas-stabilized 

arc 81 

X-ray  analysis  of  noble  metal  alloys 82 

Trace  element  standard  samples 82 

Test  mixture  for  fractionating  columns  developed 82 

Improvements  in  liquid-solid  chromatography 83 

Dielectric  constant  change. 83 

X-ray  diffraction 84 

Internal  crystal  study .  84 

Crystal  growth 84 

2.2.2.  Physical  chemistry 84 

Precision  calorimetry 85 

Reactions  of  hydrogen  atoms 85 

Ionization  processes  at  surfaces 85 

Field  emission  microscopy, 86 

Conformational  anaylsis 87 

Isotope  effects 87 

Higher  ketoses 87 

Molecular  isomerism 87 

Low-temperature  spectroscopy 88 

Collision  and  ion-decomposition  processes 88 

Collisional  energy  transfer 88 

Vacuum  ultraviolet  photochemistry. 89 

Radiolysis  of  simple  hydrocarbons 90 

lsotopic  abundance  ratio  determined 90 

Thermodynamic  reviews 91 

2.2.3.  Inorganic  solids . 91 

Vaporization  of  refractory  substances 92 

New  microbalance  required  to  study  refractory  substances.  ...  92 

Studies  of  alumina 92 

Plasma  torch  used  in  crystal  growth 92 

Rare  gas  crystals  and  vapor  "snakes" .  93 

Fibrous  form  found  in  silica 94 

Polymorphic  transition  at  high  pressure. 94 

Properties  of  silver  iodide  studied 96 

Symmetry  of  crystals  under  strain 96 

2.2.4.  Metallurgy 97 

Method  developed  for  slack-quenching  steels 97 

Metal  fatigue  phenomenon 97 

Gage  block  stability 98 

Stainless  steel  diagram  completed . 98 

Tensile  properties  of  nickel-aluminum  alloy 98 

Electronprobe  microanalyzer  completed . 98 

Computer  produces  quantitative  metallographic  data  ........  99 

Standards  produced  for  gas  content  in  metals 99 

Corrosion  reactions  observed  on  metal  surfaces 99 

Stress  corrosion  cracking 99 

Polarization  measurements  used  to  study  corrosion  rates 99 

Alloying  behavior  of  uranium 100 

Ni-Cr  alloy  resists  oil-ash  attack 101 

Nuclear  magnetic  resonance 101 

Soft  X-ray  spectroscopy  utilized 101 

Crystal  diffusion  equations  modified 101 

Metal  crystallization  process  investigated 102 

Physical  behavior  of  metals  studied 103 

Low-temperature  study  of  metals  initiated 103 

Electrochemical  reactions 103 

Hydrogen  embrittlement  studied . 103 

Tungsten  deposition 103 

2,  Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 

2.2   Chemistry  and  properties  of  materials — Continued  Page 

2.2.5.  Polymers 104 

Molecular  weight  distributions  of  polymers  studied 104 

Ellipsometry  used  to  measure  polymer  adsorption 105 

Rubber  hardness  testers  compared 105 

Apparatus  measures  thermal  expansion  of  small  specimens ....  106 

Air  drag  on  fibers  under  impact 106 

Interlaboratory  evaluations  of  test  methods 106 

Atomic  radiation  affects  polystyrene  and  cellulose 107 

Thermal  decomposition  of  polystyrene 107 

Fluorescence  of  cellulosic  polymers 107 

Viscoelastic  behavior  of  rubbers  investigated 107 

Color  phenomena  observed  in  polymer  fracture 108 

Ethylene-propylene  copolymers  studied 108 

Polymer  degradation .  , 109 

Wearing  quality  of  U.S.  currency  determined 109 

Fluoropolymers  synthesized 109 

Nonrubber  constituents  of  natural  rubber  identified 110 

Free  radicals  in  small  molecules HO 

Light-scattering  phenomena  studied  in  solutions HO 

Configuralional  distributions  in  polymer  chains HI 

Conformational  changes  in  pep  tide-containing  polymers 112 

Kinetics  of  collagen  precipitation 112 

Mercury-tin  system  investigated 112 

2.3.  Special  technical  service  programs 113 

2.3.1.  Applied  mathematics 113 

Asymptotic  expansions . 113 

Matrix  and  determinant  theory 114 

Numerical  experimentation. 114 

Machine  translation 114 

Mathematical  tables 114 

Digital  computation . 115 

Statistical  engineering 116 

Probability  and  mathematical  statistics 116 

Experiment  design  and  consultation 116 

Mathematical  physics ,  .  117 

Plasma  research 117 

Theory  of  satellite  orbits 117 

Operations  research 118 

2.3.2.  Data  processing  systems 118 

Research  facilities:  SEAC,  ANALOG,  PILOT 119 

Research  information  center 119 

Components  and  techniques 120 

Automatic  data  retrieval 120 

Technical  assistance  for  data  processing 121 

Development  of  information-retrieval  systems 122 

Special-purpose  computer  systems 122 

Pictorial  data  processing 122 

Engineering  applications  . 123 

Engineering  application  devices 123 

Data  processing  applications ,  .  .  .  „ 124 

Mechanization  of  patent  searching 125 

Automatic  mail-sorting  developments 125 

2.3.3.  Instrumentation 126 

Electronic  equipment  fault  location 126 

Second  breakdown  in  transistors 127 

Semiconductor  contact  studies  and  surface  physics 128 


Electronic  scanning  microscope 128 

Hygrometry 129 

Telemetering  pickups 130 

2.3.4.  Radio  propagation 130 

Ionosphere  research  and  propagation 130 

Second  topside  sounder  rocket  test 130 

Solar  flares  and  their  radio  effects 131 

Theory  of  the  formation  of  the  ionosphere 132 

Low-latitude  propagation  effects 133 

Operations  research 133 


2.  Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 
2.3   Special  technical  service  programs — Continued 

2.3,4.  Radio  propagation — Continued  Page 

Tropospheric  propagation  and  radio  noise 133 

Reports  to  the  C.C.I.R 134 

Electromagnetic  theory 135 

Reflection  coefficients 135 

Propagation  in  irregular  layers 135 

Field  intensity  in  waveguide 135 

Reflection  from  changing  strata 135 

Field  at  localized  obstruction 135 

Reflection  from  a  grid  ground  plane 135 

Reflections  at  stratified  plasma 136 

Path  impedance  formulas 136 

Point-point  moon  communication 136 

VLF  microwave  models 136 

Analog  correlation  computer , 136 

Statistical  studies 137 

Samples  of  atmospheric  radio  noise 137 

Efficient  television  assignment 138 

Over-water  transmission  loss  measurements 138 

Bandwidth  of  tropospheric  scatter  systems 138 

Surface-satellite  communication-interference 138 

Air-ground  UHF-T V  measurements 139 

Special  refraction  effects 140 

Refraction  effects  in  microwave  tracking  systems 140 

Sky  temperature  theory 140 

Radio  systems 141 

Frequency  utilization 141 

Applied  electromagnetic  theory 142 

Experimental  ionospheric  propagation 143 

Antenna  research . 145 

Modulation  research 145 

Upper  atmosphere  and  space  physics 147 

Jicamarca  radio  observatory . 147 

Cylindrical  shock  waves  from  exploding  wires 147 

Study  on  radiation  hazard  in  space  completed 148 

Studies  conducted  on  gaseous  electronic  processes 148 

Geophysical  studies  conducted  at  conjugate  points 148 

High-speed  camera  developed  for  plasma  physics  research.  .  150 

Satellite  radio  signals  used  to  study  structure  of  ionosphere.  150 

New  digital  recorder  speeds  analysis  of  airglow  observations.  150 

Atmospheric  spectroscopy , 151 

Cosmic    noise    study    completed    at    USSR    Mirny y    Base, 

Antarctica 151 

2.3.5.  Cryogenic  engineering  . 151 

Properties  of  parahydrogen 152 

Phase  transformations  in  steels 152 

Physical  equilibria 152 

Cold  neutron  moderator 153 

Magnet  research 154 

Instrumentation  and  cryogenic  equipment 154 

Cryopumping 154 

Heat  transfer 155 

Two-phase  fluid  phenomena  and  fluid  flow 155 

Refrigeration  processes 156 

Consultation  and  advisory  services 156 

Low-temperature  seals 157 

Cryogenic  materials  data  handbook . 158 

Cryogenic  engineering  literature 158 

Compilation  of  thermophysical  property  data 158 

Liquefaction  of  gases 159 

2.3.6.  Building  research . 160 

Shear  strength  of  concrete  beams  studied 160 

Effect  of  mortar  properties  on  strength  of  masonry 161 

Instrumentation  for  fire  extinguishment  studies .  161 

Fire  studies  of  gypsum  plasters 161 

Electric  energy  usage  in  houses  equipped  with  heat  pumps.  .  162 

Environmental  factors  in  an  underground  fallout  shelter.  .  .  .  162 


Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 

2.3   Special  technical  service  programs — Continued 

2.3.6.   Building  research — Continued  Page 

New  method  for  predicting  roofing  asphalt  durability 163 

Weathering  resistance  of  plastics  determined 163 

Performance  of  roofings 164 

Safety  codes  revised 164 

Fluid  dynamics  of  plumbing  systems  reviewed 164 

Thermal  conductivity  measurements  and  reference  samples .  .  .  165 

Proceedings  of  Cement  Symposium  published 166 

Standard  samples  now  available  for  portland  cement  analysis.  166 

Cement-aggregate  bond  in  concrete  studied 166 

Resistance  of  exterior-finish  porcelain  enamels  to  weathering.  166 

New  image-gloss  test  method  developed 167 

Standardization  of  thermal  emittance  measurements 168 

2.3.7.    Weights  and  measures 168 

Appendixes 172 

3.1.  Organization 172 

3.2.  Summary  of  NBS  staff 178 

3.3.  Financial  data  on  NBS  program 179 

3.4.  Advisory  committees 179 

3.5.  Awards  and  honors 184 

3.6.  Education  and  training  program 185 

3.7.  List  of  publications  and  patents 187 



Programs  in  measurement  standards,  materials  research,  and  radio  propa- 
gation continued,  during  the  past  year,  to  constitute  the  major  effort  of  the 
National  Bureau  of  Standards.  Because  these  programs  are  in  direct  support 
of  science,  technology,  and  industry,  they  contribute  to  that  complex  of 
forces,  events,  and  factors  which  determine  the  rate  of  the  Nation's  economic 
growth.  Science  and  technology  are  indeed  prime  factors  in  economic 
growth,  and  the  Bureau  plays  a  unique  and  vital  role  in  science  and 

As  industrial  technology  becomes  increasingly  complex,  urgent  demands 
arise  for  greater  measurement  precision,  for  assurance  of  closer  consistency 
among  the  countless  individual  measurements  that  are  being  made  throughout 
the  Nation.  A  radio  transmitter,  a  space  vehicle,  an  automatized  production 
line — each  requires  hundreds  and  even  thousands  of  individual  parts  and 
components  whose  electrical,  mechanical,  and  chemical  characteristics  must 
be  carefully  controlled  for  successful  operation.  And  as  more  complex  sys- 
tems are  developed,  requiring  even  more  parts  to  perform  more  sophisticated 
functions,  the  acceptable  production  tolerances  for  individual  parts  are  con- 
tinually being  reduced.  Thus,  to  an  increasing  extent,  technological  prog- 
ress— particularly  in  such  fields  as  automation,  nuclear  power,  and  the  space 
effort — has  come  to  depend  upon  the  ability  to  make  measurements  with 
extremely  high  accuracy  and  reliabilitv. 

The  central  mission  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  is  to  make  this 
measurement  competence  possible — to  provide  national  leadership  in  the 
development  and  use  of  accurate,  uniform  techniques  of  physical  measure- 
ment. It  is  the  Bureau's  responsibility  to  develop  and  maintain  the  national 
standards  upon  which  our  measurements  are  based  and  to  make  these  stand- 
aids  available  to  American  science  and  industry  through  its  measurement 
services  program  of  calibrations,  reference  materials,  and  measurement 
assistance  to  other  laboratories.  Through  an  extensive  program  of  research 
in  the  pnysical  sciences,  the  Bureau  continually  strives  to  meet  the  expanding 
requirements  of  science  and  industry,  to  provide  the  standards  and  measure- 
ment methods  that  are  required  in  new  or  rapidly-developing  areas 

A  second  important  NBS  responsibility  is  to  develop  and  apply  measure- 
ment techniques  for  determining  the  intrinsic  properties  of  matter  and  mate- 
rials. Here  effort  is  focused  on  obtaining  and  publishing  accurate  measure- 
ment data  that  are  of  great  importance  to  science  and  industry.  Methods 
of  precise  measurement  are  employed  to  make  accurate  determinations  of 
natural  constants  such  as  atomic  weights  or  the  speed  of  light,  and  to  measure 
the  fundamental  properties  of  metals,  ceramics,  plastics,  rubbers,  and  other 


Other  NBS  responsibilities  include  the  operation  of  central  research  and 
technical  service  programs  for  the  Federal  Government.  Such  programs 
are  carried  on  by  the  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory,  the  Data 
Processing  Systems  Laboratory,  the  Building  Research  Division,  the  National 
Hydraulics  Laboratory,  and  the  Cryogenic  Engineering  Laboratory. 

This  report  attempts  to  present  the  highlights  of  the  Bureau's  program 
for  the  fiscal  year  1962.  In  section  2,  the  body  of  the  report,  studies  and 
achievements  from  the  various  fields  in  which  the  Bureau  is  active  have 
been  selected  for  brief  presentation.  However,  the  breadth  of  the  program 
and  diversity  of  projects  may  make  it  difficult  for  the  reader  to  obtain  a 
coherent  picture  of  the  year's  activity.  The  remainder  of  section  1  is  there- 
fore devoted  to  a  brief  summary  of  the  more  important  accomplishments  and 
activities  of  the  year. 


Advances  were  made  in  the  precision  measurement  of  high  voltages. 
Design  of  a  highly  stable,  shielded  100-megohm  resistor  made  it  possible 
to  measure  d-c  voltages  up  to  100,000  volts  to  within  20  parts  per  million. 
For  determining  the  voltage  ratio  and  phase  angle  corrections  of  instru- 
ment voltage  transformers,  a  1-picofarad,  350,000-volt  free-air  capacitor 
was  designed  and  constructed.  With  this  device  an  accuracy  of  3  parts 
per  hundred  thousand  is  obtained  in  calibrating  instrument  transformers 
for  use  on  350,000-volt  power  lines. 

In  other  work  on  electrical  standards,  a  rapid,  convenient  method  was 
devised  for  calibrating  the  standard-resistance  voltage  divider  (volt  box) 
at  its  rated  voltage.  In  recent  years  the  volt  box  has  become  part  of  the 
basic  equipment  of  many  standardizing  laboratories.  Although  this  type 
of  standard  has  usually  been  calibrated  at  NBS  in  the  past,  its  growing 
use  made  necessary  the  development  of  a  method  by  which  other  qualified 
standardizing  laboratories  may  perform  the  task. 

The  dielectric  properties  of  materials  often  set  operating  limits  for  elec- 
trical equipment.  Standard  reference  specimens  of  dielectric  materials  are 
thus  needed  to  check  techniques  and  equipment  for  measuring  these  prop- 
erties. To  aid  in  establishing  the  necessary  standards,  the  Bureau  designed 
and  constructed  an  improved  three-terminal  dielectric  specimen  holder 
with  which  high-precision  dielectric  measurements  can  be  made  at  room 

Progress  was  made  in  research  on  methods  for  measuring  both  very  high 
and  very  low  temperatures.  For  temperature  measurements  up  to  36,000  °F 
by  spectroscopic  means,  an  inexpensive  analog  computing  device  was  devel- 
oped which  greatly  improves  the  efficiency  of  spectroscopic  studies  of  cylin- 
drically  symmetric  temperature  sources,  such  as  high-current  plasma  arcs. 
Previously  extensive  calculations  had  been  required  in  order  to  separate 
the  contributions  of  the  different  radial  zones  of  the  arc.  With  the  analog 
device,  the  true  radial  characteristics  of  the  arc  are  available  in  the  laboratory 
as  the  data  are  obtained. 

In  the  very  low-temperature  region  from  1.5  to  20  °K  (i.e.,  from  2.7  to  36 
Fahrenheit  degrees  above  absolute  zero),  the  Bureau  has  been  investigating 
an  acoustical  interferometer  as  means  for  precise  temperature  measurement. 
With  this  instrument,  temperature  is  determined  by  measuring  the  velocity 
of  sound  in  helium  gas.  Preliminary  results  obtained  during  the  year  indi- 
cate that  the  acoustical  interferometer  is  competitive  with  the  gas  thermome- 
ter for  primary  thermometry  at  low  temperatures;  in  addition,  the  acoustical 
interferometer  eliminates  a  number  of  the  sources  of  error  that  are  inherent 
in  conventional  temperature-measurement  methods. 

In  research  directed  toward  the  extremely  accurate  measurement  of  dis- 
tances up  to  a  meter  or  more,  a  gaseous  (helium-neon)  laser  was  constructed 
and  put  into  operation.  Experimental  results  already  obtained  indicate  that 
it  is  theoretically  possible  with  this  device  to  make  measurements  over  a  dis- 
tance of  100  kilometers  with  a  precision  of  a  part  in  a  million.  Plans  have 
been  developed  for  using  the  laser  to  redetermine  the  speed  of  light  with  an 
accuracy  that  will  meet  the  expected  requirements  of  space  technology. 

The  accuracy  requirements  of  modern  mass  production  have  made  neces- 
sary the  use  of  master  spheres,  whose  sizes  are  known  to  a  very  high  degree 
of  accuracy,  for  size  control  in  manufacturing  plants.  During  the  last  year 
methods  were  developed  for  measuring  the  diameters  of  master  spheres  up 
to  3  inches  in  diameter  with  a  certified  accuracy  of  2  millionths  of  an  inch. 
An  interferometer  was  also  developed  for  measuring  deviations  from 
sphericity  of  small  spheres. 

Modern  technology  is  also  imposing  increasingly  severe  dimensional  re- 
quirements on  gear  elements  and  gear  teeth.  Both  research  in  precision  gear 
metrology  and  the  development  of  highly  accurate  master  standards  for  indus- 
trial use  are  needed.  To  aid  in  this  work,  the  Bureau  established  a  gear 
metrology  laboratory — believed  to  be  the  first  of  its  kind  in  the  country — in 
which  equipment  for  measuring  elements  of  both  large  and  small  gears  is 
operated  under  closely  controlled  conditions  of  temperature  and  humidity. 
As  a  first  step  in  the  gear  metrology  program,  master  gear  involutes  were 
measured  and  compared  with  the  standards  of  commercial  gear  laboratories 
scattered  throughout  the  country;  a  need  for  precision-calibrated  master 
involutes  at  the  various  company  inspection  departments  was  indicated. 

Neutron  sources  are  employed  in  a  wide  variety  of  scientific  applications, 
including  the  production  of  radioisotopes,  the  study  of  the  structure  of  atoms 
and  nuclei,  and  the  initiation  of  nuclear  fission.  In  order  that  the  emission 
rate  of  these  sources  may  be  accurately  known,  the  National  Bureau  of 
Standards  maintains  a  national  standard  neutron  source  consisting  of  an 
aluminum-covered  beryllium  sphere,  inside  of  which  is  a  platinum-iridium 
capsule  containing  1  gram  of  radium  in  the  form  of  radium  bromide.  Dur- 
ing 1962  this  source  was  absolutely  calibrated  by  a  new  method  involving 
the  use  of  a  manganese  sulfate  bath  filled  with  heavy  water.  The  uncertainty 
of  this  measurement  is  about  1  percent,  representing  a  considerable  improve- 
ment over  previous  determinations. 

For  almost  all  experiments  performed  with  X-rays,  such  as  measuring  the 
X-ray  energy  incident  on  a  patient  being  treated  for  cancer,  it  is  necessary 
to  know  the  total  beam  energy.  To  meet  the  need  for  a  simple,  accurate 
means  of  making  such  determinations,  the  Bureau  developed  an  ionization 
chamber  capable  of  determining  the  total  amount  of  energy  transported  in  a 
betatron  or  synchrotron  X-ray  beam  to  within  2  percent.  For  routine  cali- 
brations this  ionization  chamber  will  replace  the  more  time-consuming  abso- 
lute techniques  that  have  been  used  in  the  past. 

Two  sets  of  transfer  instruments  were  prepared  and  calibrated  for  use  by 
the  International  Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures  in  indirect  comparisons 
of  national  standards  for  measurement  of  ionizing  radiations.  In  October 
I960  the  General  Conference  of  Weights  and  Measures  approved  the  extension 
of  the  work  of  the  International  Bureau  into  this  area,  and  NBS  has  been 
providing  technical  assistance  in  the  program. 

The  United  States  Frequency  Standard,  which  is  derived  from  a  natural 
frequency  of  the  cesium  atom,  was  improved  to  the  point  where  its  present 
accuracy  is  better  than  one  second  in  3,000  years.  In  addition,  a  complete 
multiplier  chain  and  servosystem  was  added  to  control  the  frequency  of  a 
quartz  oscillator  with  the  cesium  resonance  frequency.  This  modification 
results  in  increased  stability  of  the  system,  and  greater  precision  than  can  be 
obtained  with  a  manual  method.  In  related  work,  two  approaches,  mechani- 
cal and  mathematical,  are  being  explored  for  counting  the  number  of  cycles 
which  occur  during  elapsed  time  of  atomic  frequency  standards.  This  is 
necessary  in  order  to  use  atomic  clocks  to  actually  measure  time. 


A  new  value  for  the  atomic  weight  of  chlorine  was  determined  during 
the  year.  The  atomic  weight  of  this  element,  together  with  that  of  silver, 
forms  a  basis  for  the  determination  of  atomic  weights  of  many  of  the  other 
elements.  Natural  chlorine  consists  of  two  isotopes  of  mass  numbers  35 
and  37  in  relative  abundance  of  about  3  to  1.  The  new  atomic  weight  de- 
termination was  based  on  a  mass-spectrometric  determination  of  the  iso- 
topic  abundance  ratio  of  natural  chlorine  which  was  carried  out  by  the  Bu- 
reau with  the  cooperation  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 

In  an  effort  to  learn  more  about  the  basic  properties  of  matter,  the  Bureau 
has  been  studying  the  transformations  and  interactions  that  substances 
undergo  at  high  pressures.  During  1962  direct  visual  observations  were 
made  of  phase  transitions  and  other  changes  occurring  in  transparent  solids 
and  liquids  subjected  to  pressures  of  more  than  a  million  pounds  per  square 
inch.  The  experiments  were  carried  out  with  a  tiny  diamond  pressure  cell 
and  a  microscope  which  focuses  through  the  diamond  onto  the  specimen. 
By  passing  infrared  radiation  and  X-rays  through  the  diamond  pressure 
cell  or  viewing  the  transformations  through  a  microscope,  the  investigator 
can  relate  changes  in  crystal  structure  to  changes  in  atomic  bond  energies. 
force  constants,  and  vibration  frequencies.     An  X-ray  diffraction  camera 


A  new  technique  developed  at  the  Bureau  makes  possible  for  the  first  time  direct 
visual  observations  of  phase  transitions  and  other  changes  occurring  in  materials 
under  extremely  high  pressures.  The  four  photomicrographs  above  show  a 
crystal  front  growing  through  potassium  nitrate  as  the  pressure  is  raised.  (See 
P.  4.) 

which  incorporates  the  diamond  cell  was  developed  to  obtain  detailed  infor- 
mation on  the  phases  present  at  the  various  pressures. 

A  preparative-scale  chromatograph  developed  during  the  year  makes  pos- 
sible fully  automatic  purification  of  liquids  by  gas-liquid  chromatography. 
Using  automatic,  timed  sample  injections  and  automatic  collection  based 
on  peak  height  on  a  recorder,  the  apparatus  has  produced  materials  of  99.95 
percent  purity.  In  purifying  large  quantities,  it  can  be  operated  without 
interruption  for  an  indefinite  period.  It  has  been  found  especially  suitable 
for  purifying  the  major  component  in  a  solution  containing  small  amounts 
of  impurities. 

The  requirements  for  extremely  high-purity  materials  in  such  fields  as 
atomic  energy  and  semiconductors  have  brought  about  a  corresponding  need 
for  samples  of  standard  materials,  certified  for  purity  in  the  trace  element 
(parts  per  million)  region,  which  can  be  used  to  calibrate  analytical  instru- 
ments. The  Bureau  has  therefore  been  working  to  extend  the  certification 
of  present  standard  materials  to  include  more  trace  elements,  and  to  de- 
velop new  standards  for  high-purity  metals.     As  a  beginning,  two  sets  of 

three  samples  each  of  zirconium  and  a  zirconium  alloy  were  prepared  in 
cooperation  with  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  and  the  Bureau  of  Mines. 
Zirconium  is  used  for  structural  members  in  atomic  power  units  and  the 
presence  of  even  trace  amounts  of  neutron  absorbers  causes  deleterious  ef- 
fects. These  standards,  when  analysis  is  finally  complete,  will  be  certified 
for  more  than  25  chemical  elements,  at  concentrations  of  a  few  parts  per 
million  or  less.  As  a  step  toward  standards  for  ultra-pure  metals,  a  refer- 
ence sample  of  selected  platinum  wire  of  highest  purity  has  been  prepared 
with  the  cooperation  of  other  interested  laboratories.  This  sample  will  be 
used  in  research  for  the  extension  and  improvement  of  several  methods  of 
trace  analysis. 

By  exposing  substances  to  gamma  radiation  under  high  pressure,  it  was 
found  possible  to  prepare  polymers  (long-chain  molecules)  from  monomers, 
such  as  carbon  disulfide,  which  do  not  normally  polymerize.  With  such  a 
combination  of  conditions,  solid  polymers  can  be  obtained  from  monomers 
which,  at  best,  normally  produce  oils.  This  work,  which  may  provide  a  basis 
for  the  production  of  new  types  of  polymeric  materials,  was  part  of  a  pro- 
gram conducted  for  the  Office  of  Army  Research  to  increase  knowledge  of 
radiation  and  polymerization  processes. 

An  investigation  of  the  fundamental  chemistry  of  aromatic  fluorocarbon 
compounds  was  'conducted  for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons  to  provide 
basic  data  needed  for  the  development  of  heat-resistant  materials,  especially 
elastomers.  New  methods  for  producing  polyfluoroaromatic  species  from 
presently  available  aliphatic  fluorocarbons  were  discovered. 

Problems  in  the  design  of  space  vehicles  have  brought  about  a  greatly 
increased  demand  for  data  on  the  heat  radiation  properties  of  materials. 
Although  many  new  laboratories  have  been  established  to  perform  the 
required  measurements,  widely  divergent  values  have  been  reported  by  differ- 
ent laboratories  on  supposedly  identical  materials.  To  help  correct  this 
condition,  the  Air  Force  requested  the  Bureau  to  establish  standard  equip- 
ment and  procedures  for  measurement  of  normal  spectral  emittance,  to 
prepare  and  calibrate  working  standards  of  normal  spectral  emittance  for 
use  in  verifying  equipment  and  procedures  used  by  Air  Force  contractors. 
and  to  provide  technical  information  in  this  area  to  interested  laboratories. 
Equipment  has  now  been  developed  for  direct  measurement  of  normal  thermal 
emittance,  and  working  standards  representing  low,  intermediate,  and  high 
emittance  have  been  prepared  and  calibrated  for  use  by  other  laboratories. 

Fatigue  failures  in  metal  parts  are  progressive  and  consist  of  two  phases : 
the  first,  crack  initiation,  extending  from  the  start  of  the  stress  application 
to  the  appearance  of  the  first  crack  (which  ultimately  causes  specimen 
failure)  ;  the  other,  a  period  of  crack  propagation,  which  terminates  with 
abrupt  fracture  of  the  piece.  In  a  study  sponsored  by  the  National  Aero- 
nautics and  Space  Administration,  it  was  found  that  the  rate  of  fatigue  crack 
propagation  through  a  metal  specimen  is  significantly  reduced  by  the  presence 
of  an   organic  liquid,  such  as  dodecyl  alcohol,   on  the  test  section.     The 

study  indicates  that  the  coating,  by  limiting  the  access  of  molecules  of  oxygen 
or  water  to  the  metal  surface,  reduces  the  rate  of  detrimental  surface  reactions 
that  normally  occur  when  specimens  are  stressed  in  air. 

A  fast,  dependable  method  has  long  been  sought  for  measuring  asphalt 
degradation  from  weather  exposure.  The  usual  laboratory  method  in  which 
the  specimens  are  exposed  to  accelerated  weathering  conditions  until  failure 
occurs,  is  very  time-consuming.  During  1962,  a  rapid,  reproducible  method 
was  developed  for  predicting  the  durability  of  roofing  asphalts,  In  this 
method  infrared  spectroscopy  is  used  to  determine  the  oxidation  rates  of 
thin  film  specimens;  these  rates  then  provide  an  accurate  measure  of  asphalt 
durability.  Thus,  data  that  would  require  weeks  to  obtain  by  the  usual 
accelerated  weathering  techniques  can  now  be  secured  in  a  few  hours.  The 
rapid  method  should  be  of  particular  value  in  developing  improved  specifi- 
cations for  asphalt  roofing  materials. 



The  Bureau's  program  in  this  area  is  designed  primarily  to  provide  the 
measurement  standards  and  basic  atomic  data  that  are  needed  to  determine 
the  fundamental  properties  of  plasmas  (extremely  hot  gases  occurring  in 
thermonuclear  devices  and  outer  space)  and  to  solve  important  problems 
in  modern  astrophysics.  The  national  space  effort  is  now  providing  a  great 
deal  of  spectroscopic  data  on  the  sun  and  the  stars  from  equipment  carried  on 
rockets  and  satellites  above  the  earth's  atmosphere.  The  value  of  these 
data  can  be  greatly  enhanced  if  they  can  be  accurately  described  in  measure- 
ment units  based  on  precise  laboratory  standards. 

The  Bureau  has  long  been  making  accurate  measurements  of  atomic  prop- 
erties which  provide  a  basis  for  quantitative  interpretation  of  astronomical 
observations.  With  the  increased  need  for  such  information,  the  program 
has  been  unified  and  strengthened.  Significant  advances  have  been  made  in 
the  determination  and  cataloging  of  data  on  atomic  transition  probabilities 
and  in  the  detailed  understanding  of  the  more  complex  atoms  through 
exhaustive  analysis  of  their  spectra.  More  precise  information  on  atomic 
collision  cross  sections  has  also  been  obtained. 

During  the  year,  spectroscopic  studies  of  hydrogen  plasmas  were  carried 
out  in  a  wall-stabilized  high-current  arc  chamber  operating  at  temperatures 
from  11,000  to  27,000  °F.  Precision  measurements  of  the  line  profiles  of 
the  Balmer  lines  of  hydrogen  were  found  to  be  in  very  good  agreement  with 
profiles  predicted  by  line  broadening  theory;  this  result  suggests  that  the 
theoretical  profiles  should  be  applied  to  the  diagnostics  of  dense  plasmas. 

Thermal  plasmas  in  the  temperature  range  from  36,000  to  180,000  °F, 
which  are  needed  for  measuring  the  transition  probabilities  of  ionic  lines 
of  excitation  potentials,  are  conveniently  produced  behind  energetic  shocks. 
For  studies  of  this  kind,  a  magnetically  driven  shock  tube  was  put  into 
operation  and  temperatures  of  about  54,000  °F  were  obtained  behind  the 

shock  fronts.  Measurements  of  relative  transition  probabilities  for  lines 
of  singly  ionized  oxygen  are  now  being  carried  out. 

Experimental  and  theoretical  studies  on  the  special  properties  of  perturbed 
spectral  lines  resulted  in  a  new  approach  to  the  determination  of  the  radiative 
and  collisional  lifetimes  of  molecules.  Information  of  this  sort,  combined 
with  measured  spectral  intensity  distributions  of  such  luminous  gaseous  sys- 
tems as  comets  and  the  terrestrial  upper  atmosphere,  should  make  it  possible 
to  deduce  the  physical  properties  and  conditions  of  excitation  of  these  remote 
systems.  At  present  lifetime  information  on  important  cometary  and  upper 
atmosphere  molecules  is  fragmentary. 

Publication  of  An  Ultraviolet  Multiplet  Table,  NBS  Circular  488,  was  com- 
pleted during  the  year.  This  five-section  series  of  publications  has  been 
prepared  in  conjunction  with  a  program  on  atomic  energy  levels  which  has 
been  in  progress  at  the  Bureau  for  approximately  10  years.  It  will  help  to 
fill  the  need  for  multiplet  data  in  the  interpretation  of  rocket  solar  spectra. 

In  April  1962,  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  and  the  University  of 
Colorado  announced  the  collaborative  establishment  of  the  Joint  Institute 
for  Laboratory  Astrophysics  (JILA)  on  the  campus  of  the  University  at 
Boulder,  Colo.  This  unique  organization  will  provide  a  center  for  both 
research  and  advanced  training  in  areas  of  physics  and  astrophysics  vital 
to  the  space  program.  It  will  bring  together  scholars  in  many  specialties 
for  exchange  of  ideas  and  data;  it  will  also  train  graduate  and  postdoctoral 
students  in  atomic  physics  and  astrophysics,  fields  in  which  there  is  now 
an  acute  shortage  of  qualified  workers.  Through  laboratory  and  theoretical 
studies,  it  will  endeavor  to  provide  better  understanding  of  the  basic  physical 
phenomena  and  properties  of  gaseous  matter,  such  as  the  atmospheres  of 
stars,  which  must  be  understood  to  interpret  astronomical  and  geophysical 


The  NBS  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory  (CRPL)  has  the  central 
responsibility  within  the  Federal  Government  for  collecting  and  disseminat- 
ing information  on  radio-wave  propagation.  Its  technical  program  includes 
research  on  upper  atmospheric  and  solar  phenomena,  studies  of  radio-wave 
propagation,  advance  predictions  of  radio  propagation  conditions,  and  issu- 
ance of  warnings  of  solar  and  ionospheric  disturbances.  Its  findings  are  of 
value  to  radio  and  television  broadcasters,  the  military  services,  space  sci- 
entists, and  operators  of  many  types  of  communication  systems. 

An  installation  for  ground-based  explorations  of  upper  atmosphere  and 
outer  space  was  constructed  by  CRPL  and  the  Instituto  Geofisico  de  Huancayo 
(Peru)  at  a  site  17  miles  east  of  Lima,  Peru.  Known  as  Jicamarca  Observa- 
tory, this  installation  makes  use  of  a  scatter  radar  technique  developed  by 
NBS  in  1959.  It  employs  a  6,000,000-watt  pulse  transmitter  and  a  22-acre 
antenna  to  transmit  to  great  heights  a  very  high  frequency  radio  wave  lasting 
from  50  to  1500  millionths  of  a  second.    The  antenna  is  also  used  to  detect 


the  faint  re-radiation  of  the  pulsed  radio  wave  by  free  electrons  in  the  upper 
atmosphere.  With  this  equipment,  electron  densities  3000  miles  above  the 
earth  have  already  been  measured.  The  installation  will  also  be  used  in 
limited  observations  of  radar  echoes  from  the  sun's  corona  and  from  solar 
gas  clouds  emitted  by  solar  disturbances,  in  studies  of  small-scale  irregulari- 
ties in  the  earth's  outer  atmosphere,  and  in  studies  of  the  Z)-region  of  the 
ionosphere,  particularly  its  turbulence  and  meteorology. 

On  October  13,  1961,  a  second  suborbital  rocket-borne  sounding  of  the 
ionosphere  was  made  at  an  altitude  of  about  600  miles.  Data  collected  during 
this  and  an  earlier  rocket  firing  in  June  1961  confirm  that  the  proposed  Top- 
side Sounder  satellite  should  be  a  valuable  source  of  new  information  con- 
cerning the  ionosphere.  These  experimental  rocket  launchings  thus  pave  the 
way  for  placing  In  orbit  the  S-48  Topside  Sounder  satellite  equipped  to 
probe  the  ionosphere  from  above.  The  instrumentation  to  be  contained  in 
the  S-48  satellite  is  expected  to  remain  operational  for  6  to  12  months.  Dur- 
ing this  period  studies  will  be  made  of  such  ionospheric  properties  as  top- 
side electron  densities,  ionization  diffusion,  vertical  movements  of  the  iono- 
sphere, tidal  fluctuations,  and  the  mechanisms  that  produce  ionospheric 

Both  rockets  were  launched  from  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Ad- 
ministration's Wallops  Island  (Va.)  facility.  NBS  responsibilities  in  the 
program  include  overall  planning,  design  and  performance  of  the  experiment, 
and  analysis  of  the  resulting  data.  Airborne  Instruments  Laboratory  (Cutler- 
Hammer,  Inc.)  is  responsible  for  design  and  construction  of  the  satellite  as 
well  as  the  rocket  payloads.  The  project  is  under  the  technical  management 
and  sponsorship  of  the  NASA  Goddard  Space  Flight  Center  and  is  part  of  an 
international  cooperative  program  for  space  research. 

When  man  lands  on  the  moon,  one  of  his  first  needs  will  be  for  reliable 
means  of  communication  between  points  on  the  moon's  surface.  Under  the 
sponsorship  of  the  Jet  Propulsion  Laboratory,  an  analysis  was  made  of  the 
factors  affecting  point-to-point  radio  communication  on  the  moon.  In  order 
to  specify  suitable  radio  frequencies  for  use,  assumptions  were  made  regard- 
ing lunar  conditions  that  affect  propagation  but  are  not  yet  precisely  known. 
The  data  obtained  were  used  to  determine  the  power  required  for  sample 
transmission  distances  and  bandwidths. 

By  treating  very  short  radio  waves  as  light  waves,  the  Bureau  developed  a 
cavity  resonator  technique  for  probing  "millimeter  waves" — a  largely  in- 
accessible region  of  the  radio  spectrum — and  determining  their  lengths  with 
great  accuracy.  These  waves,  which  form  a  band  of  frequencies  between 
microwaves  and  the  infrared  region  of  the  spectrum,  offer  a  promising  tool 
for  studying  the  properties  of  materials,  such  as  superconductors,  and  for 
investigating  the  electron  density  of  heavily  ionized  gases.  However,  because 
of  their  extremely  short  wavelengths,  there  has  been  no  efficient  way  either 
to  generate  or  to  resonate  them. 

662336  0—62- 


The  Bureau  continued  to  serve  the  Government  as  a  central  research  and 
development  agency  in  automatic  data  processing  and  as  a  readily  available 
information  center  for  the  solution  of  specific  problems  in  this  field.  During 
1962  services  to  other  Federal  agencies  included  assistance  to  the  Weather 
Bureau  in  connection  with  the  processing  of  data  from  the  NIMBUS  satellite 
series,  a  study  for  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration  of 
automatic  data  processing  requirements  for  satellite  control  calculations, 
assistance  to  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons  on  problems  relating  to  missile 
control  and  test  range  instrumentation,  and  studies  of  the  feasibility  of  ap- 
plying automatic  data  processing  techniques  to  the  operations  of  the  Office 
of  Technical  Services,  the  Food  and  Drug  Administration,  and  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission. 

The  Bureau  contributed  both  computational  techniques  and  facilities  in 
a  cooperative  program  of  the  Office  of  Civil  Defense  to  assess  the  usefulness 
of  large  buildings  throughout  the  Nation  as  fallout  shelters.  Purpose  of 
the  nationwide  survey  was  to  identify  not  only  those  buildings  that  can 
serve  as  fallout  shelters  as  they  stand  but  also  those  which  can  be  modified 
for  this  purpose,  and  to  help  identify  geographic  areas  in  which  there  is 
need  for  more  shelter.  NBS  involvement  in  the  program  was  twofold. 
First,  it  developed  the  mathematical  procedures  and  theoretical  data  neces- 
sary for  estimating  the  protection  factors  of  a  wide  variety  of  buildings. 
It  then  used  these  procedures  to  convert  the  field  data  on  several  hundred 
thousand  actual  structures  throughout  the  country  to  protection  factors 
through  the  use  of  high-speed  electronic  data  processing.  Other  govern- 
ment agencies  assisting  in  the  survey  were  the  Census  Bureau,  the  Army 
Corps  of  Engineers,  and  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks. 

A  number  of  computer  programs  were  developed  for  specific  purposes. 
One  of  these  instructs  the  computer  by  means  of  simple  English  sentences 
to  carry  out  mathematical  calculations  or  to  perform  a  wide  variety  of 
numerical  and  statistical  analyses  of  tabulated  data.  It  thus  makes  the  high- 
speed computer  as  accessible  to  the  laboratory  scientist  as  his  desk 

Another  computer  program  developed  during  the  year  made  possible 
automatic  composition  of  the  extensive  tables  of  atomic  transition  prob- 
abilities. This  program  causes  the  computer  to  produce  a  magnetic  tape 
written  in  the  proper  form  to  operate  a  photocomposition  machine.  The 
machine  produces  film  positives  from  which  printing  plates  can  be  made. 
In  recent  years  the  direct  numerical  print-outs  of  automatic  computers  some- 
times have  been  published  to  avoid  the  possible  introduction  of  errors  when 
these  outputs  are  handset  in  type.  However,  the  direct  print- outs  are  not 
comparable  in  appearance  with  hand-set  material.  The  final  published 
material  obtained  using  the  Bureau's  method  is  of  a  quality  comparable 
with  that  of  hand-set  material,  and  the  probability  of  error  is  substantially 
reduced.  In  addition  the  time  required  for  preparation  of  data  for  print- 
ing is  decreased  by  approximately  50  percent,  resulting  in  appreciably 
lower  cost. 



A  special  study  of  the  role  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  in  build- 
ing research  was  completed  during  the  year.  The  study  was  made  by  a 
committee  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences  at  the  Bureau's  request  in 
accordance  with  a  recommendation  of  the  Academy's  1960  report  to  the 
Secretary  of  Commerce  on  the  role  of  the  Department  in  science  and  tech- 
nology. The  committee  reviewed  national  needs  for  building  research  and 
identified  subjects  of  research  now  being  neglected.  In  its  report  (released 
in  July  1962)  it  recommended  a  Federally  coordinated,  comprehensive 
attack  on  the  many  complex  problems  of  the  building  industry.  The  report 
suggests  the  establishment  of  a  National  Institute  of  Building  Research  under 
the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  as  the  mechanism  for  solving  these  prob- 
lems. It  recommends  that  the  Bureau  incorporate  its  long-standing  building 
research  activities  into  a  program  to  stimulate  and  sustain  a  continuing 
effort  in  building  research. 


The  demands  made  upon  the  Bureau  for  measurement  services  increased 
during  the  year,  in  terms  both  of  additional  services  and  refinements  of  exist- 
ing services.  This  situation  is  to  be  expected,  of  course,  in  a  dynamic  and 
expanding  science  and  technology.  Fortunately,  the  importance  of  the 
measurement  sciences  as  a  foundation  for  technology  is  more  widely  recog- 
nized now  than  was  the  case  several  years  ago.  A  supplemental  appropria- 
tion of  $1.5  million  was  made  available  to  the  Bureau  in  Fiscal  Year  1962 
to  provide  for  a  substantial  effort  on  some  of  the  problems  pinpointed  earlier 
by  the  survey  of  the  Aerospace  Industries  Association.  Major  emphasis  was 
given  to  problems  in  radio  standards,  temperature  measurements,  and  atomic 

Statistical  work  has  continued  on  the  determination  of  the  accuracies  at- 
tainable in  various  measurement  areas  at  NBS,  and  on  the  development  of 
generalized  techniques  and  procedures  for  intereomparisons  of  standards 
or  measurement  results  to  confirm  continued  accuracy  of  measurement 

A  special  effort  has  been  made  to  prepare  charts  showing  the  ranges  and 
corresponding  accuracies  of  measurement  and  calibration  capabilities  of  NBS. 
Such  charts  also  provide  a  useful  format  for  showing  the  measurement  capa- 
bilities of  other  laboratories,  or  needs  for  extended  ranges  or  accuracies  in 
relation  to  Bureau  services.  Several  of  these  charts  are  now  being  prepared 
for  publication. 

The  year's  calibration  and  testing  activities  are  summarized  in  tables  1  and 
2.  A  total  of  138,712  calibrations  and  tests  were  performed  for  Government 
and  industry;  fees  collected  for  these  services  totalled  $3,378,820. 

The  Bureau's  activities  in  standard  materials  compliment  the  program  of 
precision  calibration.  Over  500  different  standard  materials  are  available  for 
use  in  controlling  chemical  processes  and  maintaining  the  accuracy  of  ap- 
paratus and  equipment.    The  primary  purpose  of  the  program  is  to  help  pro- 






__,   ._    _TATr.        Frozen  Products, 
SOLID    STATE  Rocket  Liquid 



Super  Conductors, 
NUCLEAR       Guidonce 
l-PHYSICS  Systems 


Plastics  Metallurgical  8 
Petroleum  Products 


Rocket  Solid  Fuels 
Nose  Cones 

















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Tap:  Qualitative  graph  showing  NBS  capability  in  various  regions  of  the  temper- 
ature scale,  compared  with  the  most  immediate  accuracy  demands  of  science 
and  industry.  Bottom:  accuracies  achieved  in  NBS  calibration  of  specific 
temperature-measuring  instruments. 

vide  a  central  basis  for  uniformity  and  accuracy  of  measurement.  Emphasis 
is  given  to  providing  NBS  Standard  Materials  (a)  where  attainment  of 
needed  accuracy  of  analysis  or  accuracy  of  measurement  of  characteristics 
is  not  economically  or  technically  feasible  elsewhere,  and  where  such  ac- 


curacy  is  important  to  users  widely,  (b)  where  industrywide  standards 
for  commerce  are  needed  from  a  disinterested  supplier  who  is  not  otherwise 
available,  and  (c)  where  continuing  availability  of  material  from  a  common 
source  is  important  to  science  or  industry. 

During  the  year,  66,048  samples  were  distributed  to  other  laboratories 
(table  3).  New  standards  issued  during  the  year  include:  plutonium  of  ex- 
tremely high  purity — 99.97  percent — developed  in  cooperation  with  the 
Atomic  Energy  Commission;  cobalt  57,  sodium  22,  and  zinc  65  radioactivity 
standards;  a  standard  paper  for  increasing  the  accuracy  of  measuring  the 
internal  tearing  strength  of  paper ;  and  a  zirconium  alloy  for  calibrating  the 
spectrochemical  analysis  of  zirconium  and  zirconium-base  alloys. 

To  meet  the  need  for  further  information  concerning  thermal  conductivity 
of  building  materials,  a  chromium-nickel  alloy  and  a  microcrystalline  glass 
have  been  adopted  as  reproducible  standards  of  thermal  conductivity.  It  is 
hoped  that  work  with  these  materials  will  allow  accurate  measurements  to  be 
made  to  as  high  as  1,000  °C.  Other  new  standard  samples  made  available 
during  the  year  include  metal  samples  with  known  gas  content;  specifically, 
of  oxygen  in  titanium  and  titanium  alloys. 

The  Bureau  continued,  insofar  as  possible,  to  restrict  its  calibration  work 
to  master  standards  and  high-precision  instruments,  leaving  the  calibra- 
tion of  lower-echelon  standards  to  other  standards  laboratories.  Thus  the 
Bureau  no  longer  accepts  for  calibration,  except  under  special  circumstances, 
unsaturated  standard  cells.  Certification  of  haemocytometer  cover  glasses 
and  testing  of  reference  fuel  gas  standards  have  been  discontinued. 

National  Conference  of  Standards  Laboratories,  The  Bureau  has 
worked  in  close  cooperation  with  the  National  Conference  of  Standards 
Laboratories  since  its  inception  in  September  1961.  This  Conference  and  its 
continuing  committees  bring  together  representatives  from  military,  com- 
mercial, and  university  standards  laboratories,  to  promote  cooperative  action 
on  common  problems  of  management  and  operation  of  measurement  stand- 
ards and  calibration  laboratories.  Several  standards  laboratory  manage- 
ment workshops  have  been  held  by  the  Conference  on  Bureau  grounds; 
the  first  national  meeting  of  the  NCSL  was  to  be  held  at  NBS  Boulder  in 
August  1962;  and  several  Bureau  staff  members  hold  memberships  on  the 
general  or  special  committees  of  the  Conference. 

A  number  of  publications  dealing  with  standards  and  calibrations  were 
issued  during  the  year.  Among  these  were  Miscellaneous  Publication  241, 
which  contains  a  descriptive  listing  of  all  NBS  standard  materials;  Mono- 
graph 39,  which  describes  calibration  procedures  for  direct-current  re- 
sistance apparatus;  and  Technical  Note  121,  Precision  Calibration  of  RF 
Vacuum  Tube  Voltmeters,  Handbook  77,  Precision  Measurement  and  Cali- 
bration, a  3-volume  publication  containing  reprints  of  Bureau  papers 
pertinent  to  the  measurement  field,  underwent  a  second  printing  to  meet 
a  continuing  demand  for  this  information.  A  Standards  and  Calibration 
column  was  established  in  the  Technical  News  Bulletin  to  keep  readers  aware 
of  developments,  both  in  and  out  of  the  Bureau,  in  these  fields. 



























































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In  order  to  bring  the  results  of  Bureau  research  and  technical  programs 
to  bear  on  current  problems  of  science  and  technology,  NBS  cooperates  ex- 
tensively with  Federal,  State,  and  local  governments,  national  professional 
scientific  societies  and  standardization  groups,  and  many  international 
bodies.  Cooperation  with  other  Federal  agencies  ranges  from  the  supplying 
of  technical  information  upon  request  to  long-range  projects  undertaken 
through  various  scientific  and  technical  committees.  An  important  example 
of  interagency  cooperation  is  the  development  of  government  purchase  spec- 
ifications and  test  methods  at  the  request  of  the  General  Services  Admin- 
istration. Cooperation  with  State  and  municipal  governments  is  principally 
in  the  field  of  weights  and  measures.  Although  the  Bureau  itself  does  not 
have  regulatory  powers,  it  offers  technical  advice  and  consultation  to  local 
regulatory  bodies  and  it  calibrates  and  adjusts  State  standards  of  weights 
and  measures. 

Through  the  participation  of  Bureau  staff  members  in  the  work  of  national 
professional  societies  and  standardizing  bodies,  the  Bureau  plays  an  active 
role  in  the  development  of  test  methods  and  criteria,  in  the  application  of 
scientific  discoveries,  and  in  fundamental  research  programs  of  national 
scope.  During  the  past  year  Bureau  staff  members  held  1,250  committee 
memberships  in  150  national  groups  such  as  the  American  Society  for 
Testing  and  Materials,  the  American  Standards  Association,  American  So- 
ciety of  Mechanical  Engineers,  American  Chemical  Society,  Institute  of 
Radio  Engineers,  and  Instrument  Society  of  America.  In  many  of  these 
groups  NBS  staff  members  work  with  industry  to  provide  codes  and  speci- 
fications, standard  test  methods,  and  standard  data  on  the  properties  of  engi* 
neering  materials. 

Other  means  of  Bureau-industry  cooperation  include  the  Research  Associ- 
ate Plan  and  the  donor  program.  Under  the  Research  Associate  Plan,  tech- 
nical, industrial,  and  commercial  organizations  can  support  work  at  the 
Bureau  that  is  of  special  interest  to  them,  yet  of  sufficient  general  interest  to 
justify  use  of  government  facilities.  The  work  is  done  by  research  associates 
who  are  paid  by  the  sponsor  but  otherwise  function  as  members  of  the 
Bureau  staff.  At  the  present  time,  the  following  groups  are  supporting 
research  associates  at  the  Bureau : 

Sponsor  Field  of  Activity 

American  Dental  Association  Dental  research 

American  Electroplaters'  Society  Galvanic    effects    associated    with    coating 

American  Society  for  Testing  and  Materials    Cement  reference  laboratory 
American  Standards  Association  Codes,  specifications,  and  standards 

Asphalt  Roofing  Industry  Bureau  Asphalt  roofing  research 

Bone  Char  Research  Project,  Inc.  Studies  of  adsorption  and  adsorbents 

NBS-Joint  Committee  on  Chemical  Analy-    Standard  X-ray  diffraction  powder  patterns 

sis     by     Powder     Diffraction     Methods: 

ASTM,        American        Crystallographic 

Assoc,    Institute    of    Physics     (British), 

National  Assoc,  of  Corrosion   Engineers 


Sponsor  Field  of  Activity 

National  Science  Foundation-National  Re-    Atomic  physics 

search  Council 
Porcelain  Enamel  Institute  Studies  of  metallic  coatings 

The  donor  program  was  authorized  in  1950  by  Public  Law  619  under 
which  the  Bureau  may  accept  funds  for  the  purpose  of  furthering  its  work. 
This  arrangement  permits  individuals  as  well  as  technical,  industrial,  and 
commercial  organizations  to  support  work  at  the  Bureau  when  the  results  are 
expected  to  be  of  value  to  the  general  public.  During  the  past  year,  the 
following  projects  were  supported  by  gifts: 

Donor  Field  of  Activity 

American  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  Durability  of  steel  pilings 

American  Iron  and  Steel  Institute  Standard  samples  program 

Corrosion   Research   Council  of  the    Engi-  Reactions  at  metal  surfaces  and  stress  cor- 

neering  Foundation  rosion 

Edward  Orton,  Jr.,  Ceramic  Foundation  Research  in  clays 

Expanded  Shale,  Clay  and  Slate  Institute  Shale  aggregate 

International  Activities.  On  an  international  basis,  the  Bureau  rep- 
resents the  interest  of  the  Government  and  American  science  in  matters 
dealing  with  the  establishment  and  maintenance  of  standards  and  estab- 
lishment of  values  for  physical  constants.  Most  of  this  work  is  done  through 
participation  in  a  large  number  of  international  groups  such  as  the  Inter- 
national Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures,  the  International  Union  of  Pure 
and  Applied  Chemistry,  International  Scientific  Radio  Union,  International 
Commission  on  Illumination,  and  International  Organization  for  Standard- 
ization. Staff  members  attend  a  large  number  of  international  meetings 
during  the  year,  and  the  Bureau  frequently  plays  a  major  role  in  organizing 
international  committees. 

An  important  aspect  of  the  Bureau's  international  activities  is  the  con- 
tribution to  the  establishment  or  development  of  foreign  standards  labora- 
tories. This  is  particularly  important  for  newly  developed  countries  where 
the  experience  of  the  Bureau  and  its  personnel  can  be  usefully  applied  toward 
a  new  activity.  This  type  of  aid  takes  two  forms :  the  loan  of  Bureau  experts 
to  the  countries  interested  in  establishing  new  laboratories,  and  foreign 
specialists  coming  for  training  to  the  Bureau.  During  the  past  year,  187 
trainees  and  guest  workers  from  48  countries  came  to  NBS.  In  addition, 
590  foreign  scientists  visited  the  Bureau  from  54  countries. 

There  are  NBS  field  stations  located  in  several  countries  of  the  world, 
as  part  of  the  Bureau's  radio  propagation  program.  One  of  the  most  sig- 
nificant is  the  Jicamarca  Observatory  in  Peru,  set  up  in  cooperation  with 
the  Instituto  Geofisico  de  Huancayo  for  ground-based  explorations  of  the 
upper  atmosphere  and  outer  space. 

For  the  first  time  this  year,  the  Bureau  engaged  in  a  program  of  granting 
funds  to  scientific  institutions  in  certain  foreign  countries,  in  order  to  support 
scientific  research  supplementing  the  Bureau's  own  in-house  research  pro- 
gram. These  grants  are  financed  from  local-currency  funds  accruing  to 
the  United  States  from  the  sale  of  surplus  farm  products:  they  are  therefore 


limited  to  countries  where  an  excess  balance  of  such  funds  has  accumulated. 
The  program  has  thus  far  operated  in  India,  Israel,  and  Pakistan.  Eleven 
grants  were  conferred  during  the  first  year,  about  20  more  were  initiated 
and  are  being  processed,  and  an  additional  30  requests  for  support  are  under 

Grants  already  in  effect  cover  such  topics  as  calculation  of  atomic  proper- 
ties of  rare  earth  elements  from  their  optical  spectra,  lifetime  and  line  shape 
measurements  of  spectra  of  rare  earth  ions  in  crystals,  study  of  molecular 
interactions  by  means  of  infrared  spectroscopy  and  of  the  effects  of  adsorp- 
tion on  infrared  spectra,  theoretical  and  experimental  investigations  of  the 
Moessbauer  effect,  studies  of  the  excluded  volume  in  multi-component  poly- 
electrolyte  systems  and  other  investigations  in  statistical  mechanics,  X-ray 
crystallographic  research  in  solid-state  polymerization,  separation  of  optical 
isomers  by  gas-liquid  partition  chromatography,  and  solution  of  boundary 
value  problems  on  a  digital  computer. 

In  addition  to  the  scientific  results  of  these  activities,  the  program  has 
resulted  in  an  increased  interest  among  foreign  scientists  in  the  kinds  of 
problems  relevant  to  the  Bureau's  mission,  in  greater  awareness  among 
Bureau  staff  members  of  the  scientific  potential  in  other  countries,  and  in 
intensified  communications  and  exchanges  of  visits. 


Several  organizational  changes  were  made  during  1962  to  strengthen 
various  program  areas  and  to  accommodate  changes  in  program  orientation. 
As  part  of  the  Bureau's  intensive  efforts  to  improve  its  standards  and 
measurement  capabilities  in  the  field  of  electronics,  a  Radio  Standards 
Laboratory  was  established  at  Boulder.  The  new  Laboratory,  which  replaces 
the  former  Radio  Standards  Division,  includes  two  divisions,  Radio  Physics 
and  Circuit  Standards  (see  appendix  3.1) .  This  will  provide  for  subdivision 
of  this  rapidly  expanding  program  while  preserving  unified  direction. 

More  appropriate  titles  were  selected  for  two  divisions.  Organic  and 
Fibrous  Materials  was  changed  to  Polymers  Division,  and  a  new  section 
structure  was  established  to  reflect  that  division's  increasing  concern  with 
the  physical  and  chemical  properties  of  polymers.  Mineral  Products  be- 
came the  Inorganic  Solids  Division,  since  this  title  is  more  descriptive  of 
the  division's  current  program.  In  addition,  the  section  organization  of 
the  Metallurgy  Division  was  realined  to  provide  increased  emphasis  on  the 
interpretation  of  properties  of  materials  in  terms  of  their  structure. 

A  new  position,  Assistant  to  the  Director  for  Weights  and  Measures 
Administration,  was  established  with  responsibility  for  administrative 
advisory  services  to  officials  of  the  States  on  weights  and  measures  matters. 
Technical  services  to  the  States  and  business  and  industry  in  this  area 
of  measurement  remains  with  the  office  of  Weights  and  Measures,  which  has 
become  a  technical  division  of  the  Bureau. 

In  a  significant  effort  to  meet  urgent  demands  for  basic  atomic  data 
in  support  of  space  sciences,  and  to  offset  the  growing  shortage  of  scientists 


Architects  rendering  of  the  administration  building  now  under  construction  at 
the  new  NBS  laboratories  in  Gaithersburg,  Maryland.     (See  p.  20.) 

trained  in  atomic  physics  and  astrophysics,  the  Bureau  joined  with  the 
University  of  Colorado  to  establish  the  Joint  Institute  for  Laboratory  Astro- 
physics on  the  University  campus  at  Boulder,  Colo.  (See  p.  8.)  The 
joint  institute  arrangement  is  an  innovation  in  Government-university  rela- 
tionships, providing  for  the  collaboration  of  university  and  government 
scientists  in  an  institute  which  will  undertake  the  training  of  scientists  and 
students  as  well  as  providing  a  unique  center  for  research  in  this  highly 
specialized  field. 

During  fiscal  year  1962  funds  obligated  by  the  Bureau  totaled  $74,238,000. 
This  included  $29,082,000  for  construction  and  facilities.  Of  the  $38,764,000 
devoted  to  research  and  development  activities,  $23,759,000  came  from 
direct  appropriations  to  the  Bureau,  and  $15,005,000  from  other  govern- 
ment agencies  and  private  sources.  Calibration,  testing,  and  other  services 
amounted  to  an  additional  $6,392,000.  A  statement  of  financial  data  is 
contained  in  appendix  3.3. 

By  the  end  of  the  year,  the  total  staff  of  the  Bureau  was  about  4,000  persons. 
Approximately  one-third  of  these  employees  were  attached  to  the  Boulder 
Laboratories.  Additional  information  concerning  the  staff  may  be  found 
in  appendix  3.2. 

Good  progress  was  made  during  the  year  toward  completion  of  the 
Bureau's  new  facilities  near  Gaithersburg,  Md.  Construction  of  Phase  I, 
which  was  started  in  1961,  has  moved  forward  as  planned  and  should  be 
completed  during  the  next  year.  This  includes  the  Boiler  Plant,  which 
will  provide  heat  and  cooling  for  all  buildings  presently  planned  for  the 
site,  and  the  Engineering  Mechanics  Laboratory,  which  will  house  the  large 
force-measuring  machines,  some  of  which  are  urgently  needed  for  more 
precise  measurements  of  the  very  large  forces  involved  in  modern  rocket 
development.  Phase  II  of  the  construction  was  placed  under  contract  in 
June  1962.     It  includes  the  Radiation  Physics  Laboratory,  Administration 


Building,  Instrument  Shops,  Supply  and  Plant  Building,  and  Service  Build- 
ing. During  the  year  much  effort  was  devoted  to  the  detailed  planning  of 
the  seven  General  Purpose  Laboratories  which  will  comprise  Phase  III,  the 
heart  of  the  Bureau's  new  facilities.  In  addition  preparations  for  seeking 
bids  on  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  Nuclear  Reactor  were  nearly 


Publications  are  a  major  end  product  of  the  Bureau's  research  effort. 
They  are  the  principal  means  by  which  the  results  of  NBS  projects  are  made 
available  to  science  and  technology.  The  publications  of  the  Bureau  are 
therefore  suggestive  of  the  scope  and  level  of  its  technical  program.  During 
the  year  these  totaled  989  formally  published  papers  and  documents.  In 
addition  some  367  classified  and  unclassified  reports  were  issued  to  other 
government  agencies. 

Among  the  major  publications  of  the  year  was  Experimental  Transition 
Probabilities  for  Spectral  Lines  of  Seventy  Elements  (NBS  Mono.  53) .  This 
Monograph  presents  further  data  on  the  spectral  lines  tabulated  in  the  two- 
volume  Tables  of  Spectral  Line  Intensities  (Mono.  32)  published  last  year. 
For  the  present  work,  absolute  transition  probabilities  for  25,000  lines  were 
calculated,  and  the  results  are  tabulated  by  spectrum. 

Another  major  publication,  and  two-volume  work,  was  Chemistry  of 
Cement  (Mono.  43).  It  contains  complete  texts  of  all  papers  given  at  the 
Fourth  International  Symposium  on  the  Chemistry  of  Cement,  held  in  Wash- 
ington, D.C.,  in  October  1960.  The  Monograph  is  one  of  the  most  complete 
reference  works  available  on  the  subject,  and  presents  the  latest  informa- 
tion in  most  of  the  fields  of  cement  chemistry  research. 

Also  notable  among  the  year's  many  publications  was  Weights  and 
Measures  Administration  (Handb.  82).  This  publication  presents,  in  con- 
venient handbook  form,  a  comprehensive  guide  for  the  establishment  and 
conduct  of  an  effective  weights  and  measures  program,  whether  at  the  State 
level  or  for  a  smaller  jurisdiction.  Structure  Shielding  Against  Fallout 
Radiation  from  Nuclear  Weapons  (Mono.  42),  summarizes  the  results  of  a 
varied  research  program  at  NBS  which  developed  engineering  methods  and 
data  for  solution  of  fallout  shielding  problems. 

Of  the  989  formal  publications  issued  during  the  year,  160  were  published 
in  the  Journal  of  Research,  and  616  in  the  journals  of  professional  and 
scientific  societies.  Also,  122  summary  articles  were  presented  in  the  Bu- 
reau's monthly  Technical  News  Bulletin.  In  the  nonperiodical  series  of  pub- 
lications, 91  papers  were  published:  19  in  the  Monograph  series,  5  in  the 
Handbook  series,  3  in  the  Circular  series,  6  in  the  Miscellaneous  Publication 
series,  1  in  the  Applied  Mathematics  Series,  and  57  in  the  Technical  Note 

Basic  Radio  Propagation  Predictions,  the  Bureau's  third  periodical,  which 
is  published  for  a  1-month  period  3  months  in  advance,  presented  radio 
propagation  data  needed  for  determining  the  best  radiofrequencies  to  use  in 
long-range  radio  communications. 


A  list  of  publications  for  the  fiscal  year,  which  includes  several  papers 
published  in  the  previous  year  but  not  reported,  is  given  in  the  appendix, 
section  3.7   (p.  187). 

During  the  year,  the  Bureau  participated  in  29  scientific  and  technological 
exhibitions,  with  exhibits  depicting  the  Bureau's  research  programs.  Typical 
of  the  year's  shows  were:  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  Washington, 
D.C. ;  Space  Age  Industries  and  Engineering  Exposition,  San  Francisco, 
Calif.;  International  Conference  on  Spectroscopy,  College  Park,  Md.;  and 
American  Standards  Association,  Houston,  Tex. 

The  Bureau's  motion  picture  program  included  3,148  showings  of  NBS 
films  to  a  total  audience  of  604,222,  including  educational  television. 


The  Bureau's  technical  program  is  carried  out  through  organizational  units 
called  divisions.  These  are  shown  in  appendix  3.1  in  numerical  order.  A 
review  of  selected  research  and  development  programs  is  presented  in  this 
section  under  headings  corresponding  generally  to  these  organization  units 
but  rearranged  to  bring  together  related  types  of  activity. 


2.1.1.  METROLOGY 

The  metrology  laboratories  of  the  Bureau  maintain,  develop,  and  dissemi- 
nate standards  for  the  commonly  used  physical  quantities,  including  length, 
mass,  volume,  density,  and  angle,  as  well  as  light,  color,  radiation,  refractive 
index,  and  other  optical  and  photographic  quantities.  Although  some 
measurements  are  made  of  quantities  measured  by  the  ancients,  scientific 
techniques  now  used  provide  a  considerably  higher  accuracy  than  they  were 
able  to  obtain.  For  example,  studies  of  the  properties  of  a  recently  con- 
structed gaseous  laser  indicate  that  the  laser  output  is  sufficiently  coherent 
to  theoretically  permit  measurements  to  wavelength  precision  over  dis- 
tances of  100  kilometers  or  more.  Plans  have  been  developed  for  using  the 
laser  to  redetermine  the  speed  of  light  with  an  accuracy  consistent  with  future 
space  requirements. 

Industrial  needs  accentuate  the  problem  of  length  measurements  when  the 
shapes  of  objects,  such  as  gears,  ball  bearings,  or  other  moving  parts,  are 
involved.  To  aid  industry  in  meeting  these  needs,  a  gear  metrology  labora- 
tory has  been  established — the  first  of  its  kind  in  the  country — and  master 
involutes  were  measured  and  compared  with  the  standards  of  commercial  gear 
laboratories.  Methods  were  also  developed  for  measuring  diameters  of 
master  spheres  up  to  3  inches  in  diameter  with  a  certified  accuracy  of  two 
millionths  of  an  inch.    The  need  for  extremely  accurate  spherical  components 


of  missile  guidance  systems  is  responsible  for  a  considerable  portion  of  the 
demand  for  precise  measurements  of  spheres. 

Other  developments  having  important  industrial  implications  for  eco- 
nomic growth  and  progress  include  the  measurement  of  standards  for  surface 
finish  by  interferometric  means,  and  the  completion  of  an  interferometer  for 
measuring  gage  blocks  to  one  ten-millionth  of  an  inch. 

An  example  of  contribution  to  national  scientific  needs  is  the  completion, 
in  cooperation  with  investigators  from  outside  of  the  Bureau,  of  a  revision 
of  the  values  of  physical  constants,  such  as  electronic  charge  and  Avagadro's 
number.  This  work  is  particularly  timely  because  of  the  recent  interna- 
tional adoption  of  a  new  scale  for  atomic  masses  based  on  the  isotope 
carbon  12. 

Photometric  Units  Internationally  Intercompared.  Lighting  equip- 
ment (incandescent  lamps,  fluorescent  lamps,  and  luminaires)  made  in  this 
country  is  sold  all  over  the  world  in  competition  with  the  products  of  other 

Ultra-precise  gage  block  interfermoter  developed  as  part  of  a  program  to  pro- 
vide length  calibrations  to  1  part  in  10  million.  During  operation,  the  alumi- 
num bell  jar  (left  background)  covers  the  optics  and  working  area  of  the 
instrument,  and  all  manipulations  are  performed  from  a  control  panel  removed 
far  enough  from  the  instrument  to  prevent  the  operator's  body  heat  from 
affecting  the  measurements.     (See  p.  26.) 


countries.  To  assure  a  fair  competitive  basis,  the  light  output  of  this  equip- 
ment must  be  evaluated  in  comparable  terms.  Hence,  the  various  national 
photometric  units  must  be  in  close  agreement.  Periodically,  these  national 
photometric  units  are  intercompared  at  the  International  Bureau  of  Weights 
and  Measures  by  means  of  photometric  standards  (incandescent  lamps)  from 
each  nation.  The  latest  international  comparison  showed  only  small  devia- 
tions between  the  U.S.  national  standards  and  the  average  of  the  national 
laboratories  of  Canada,  England,  France,  Eastern  Germany,  Western  Ger- 
many, Japan,  and  Russia. 

Slant  Visibility  Meter  Developed.  Application  of  measurements  made 
by  a  slant  visibility  meter  to  airfield  operations  requires  two  assumptions: 
(1)  Transmission  of  the  atmosphere  is  uniform  horizontally  but  may  vary 
vertically;  and  (2)  conditions  are  stable  so  that  the  visual  range  does  not 
change  significantly  between  the  time  an  aircraft  is  cleared  to  land  and  the 
time  the  landing  is  made.  However,  experience  has  shown  that  under  fog 
conditions  the  horizontal  variations  in  transmission  are  as  great  as  or  greater 
than  the  vertical  variations,  and  that  conditions  often  change  significantly 
within  a  very  few  minutes.  Thus  the  accuracy  or  usefulness  of  such  a 
meter  is  limited  by  natural  conditions,  and  a  complex  instrument  will  have 
little  more  value  than  a  much  more  simple  instrument. 

These  factors  were  considered  in  the  design  of  a  simplified  slant  visibility 
meter  for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons.  An  instrument  was  developed  that 
gives  a  clear  indication  of  ceilings  and  the  tops  of  fog  layers  which  are  below 
700  feet  for  any  visibility  greater  than  1/16  mile;  gives  a  readily  interpretable 
indication  of  whether  the  fog  increases,  decreases,  or  does  not  change  with 
height;  and,  if  the  fog  density  changes  with  height,  gives  an  indication  of  the 
rate  of  change. 

Four-Filter  Thermoelectric  Colorimeter.  To  utilize  the  superior 
stability  of  the  thermopile  as  a  detector  of  heat,  such  a  detector  was  substi- 
tuted for  the  less  stable  photocell  in  a  colorimeter  used  at  the  Bureau  for 
calibration  purposes.  Four  filters  designed  to  convert  the  nonselective  re- 
sponse of  the  thermopile  into  responses  proportional  to  the  color-matching 
functions  of  the  average  normal  human  eye  were  designed  and  built.  The 
instrument  provides  a  rapid  means  of  measuring  the  color  coordinates  of 
the  light  filters  used  in  color  measurements,  and,  unlike  photoelectric  color- 
imeters, it  probably  will  not  require  frequent  recalibration. 

Refractive  Index  Measurements  Extended.  Calibrated  wavelength 
standards  are  available  from  the  Bureau  for  making  high-precision  meas- 
urements of  refractive  index  at  discrete  values  of  wavelength.  However,  re- 
refractive  index  over  a  range  of  wavelengths  is  often  needed  by  users  of  op- 
tical materials.  To  provide  an  accurate  means  for  interpolating  the  Bureau's 
measured  values  to  the  desired  range,  refractive  index  data  were  fitted  to  the 
classical  Sellmeier  formula  relating  wavelength  to  refractive  index.  A  three- 
term  Sellmeier  equation  containing  six  parameters  was  used.  Three  of  the 
parameters  enter  the  equation  nonlinearly,  precluding  the  use  of  a  straight- 
forward least-squares  process.     So  an  iterative  least-squares  procedure  was 


developed  by  means  of  a  high-speed  digital  computer.  A  large  number  of 
refractive  index  measurements  can  now  be  fitted  in  only  a  few  minutes  with 
a  precision  consistent  with  the  accuracy  of  the  original  measurements. 

Fiber  Optics,  Although  the  principle  of  fiber  optics  has  been  studied 
for  many  years,  only  recently  has  any  serious  work  been  done  toward  mar- 
keting items  utilizing  this  principle.  As  a  result,  the  refractometry  laboratory 
of  the  Bureau  is  being  called  upon  to  evaluate  the  image-producing  qualities 
involved  in  fiber  optics  materials.  Hence,  methods  are  being  developed  to 
determine  the  resolution,  numerical  aperture,  and  transmittance  of  such 

Luminance  Standards  Developed  for  Photographic  Exposure 
Meters.  To  obtain  a  good  photograph,  the  exposure  must  be  adjusted  to 
the  speed  of  the  photographic  material.  This  adjustment  is  accomplished  by 
a  photocell  which  either  automatically  adjusts  stop  size  and  exposure  time 
or  else  provides  the  operator  with  information  enabling  him  to  do  so.  At  the 
request  of  the  photographic  exposure-meter  industry,  acting  through  the 
American  Standards  Association,  the  Bureau  developed  luminance  stand- 
ards for  the  calibration  of  exposure  meters.  They  take  the  form  of  an  incan- 
descent lamp  combined  with  a  blue  glass  to  duplicate  average  sunlight,  and 
a  diffusing  plate  of  white  plastic.  This  combination  of  lamp,  filter,  and 
diffusing  plate  provides  a  5-inch  square  of  uniform  luminance. 

Absolute  Measurement  of  Sphere  Diameters.  Interchangeability 
in  industry  requires  the  use  of  master  spheres  whose  absolute  sizes  are  known 
to  a  very  high  degree  of  accuracy,  and  a  few  sets  of  these  master  spheres 
having  roundness  deviations  of  less  than  2  microinches  and  diameter  toler- 
ances of  20  microinches,  were  recently  manufactured.  Consequently,  spe- 
cial fixtures  were  designed  and  built  by  the  Bureau  so  that  a  sphere  could 
be  calibrated  by  placing  it  as  a  spacer  between  interferometer  plates. 

Fizeau  interference  fringes  are  produced  when  the  plates  are  in  the  path 
of  a  collimated  beam  of  light  from  either  a  mercury  198  or  a  cadmium  lamp. 
The  fringe  fractions  from  selected  visible  radiations  are  read,  and  the  plate 
separation  at  the  points  of  contact  with  the  sphere  is  determined  by  the 
method  of  excess  fractions.  Corrections  are  made  for  elastic  deformation, 
for  thermal  expansion,  for  phase  retardation  of  the  light  due  to  penetration 
and  reflection  at  the  base  interference  plate,  for  wavelength  due  to  the  effect 
of  air  temperature  and  pressure  and  water  vapor  pressure,  and  for  an  ac- 
cessory block  to  give  sphere  diameter  in  its  free  state  at  20  °C.  Diameter 
measurements  to  an  accuracy  of  2  microinches  were  obtained  on  spheres  up 
to  1%  inch  diameter.     The  apparatus  has  a  capacity  of  3  inches. 

An  interferometer  was  also  developed  for  measuring  deviations  from 
sphericity  of  small  spheres.  It  consists  primarily  of  a  Koesters  double-image 
prism  having  a  portion  of  a  sphere  as  its  base,  combined  with  a  microscope 
objective  of  short  focus  and  large  normal  aperture.  The  center  of  the  sphere 
is  placed  at  the  point  where  the  rays  from  the  interferometer  prism  are 
focused  by  the  objective.  Straight-line  interference  fringes  are  observed  over 
a  relatively  large  area  of  the  sphere  surface  when  it  is  truly  spherical. 

662336  0—62- 



■.%'■■  ''-Hlh-.W1" 


lilff I   llHHflf IMF  1 : 


Photomicrograph  of  interference  pattern  of  a  surface  roughness  standard  used 
for  calibration  of  stylus-type  roughness  measuring  instruments.  The  depth  of 
the  grooves  averages  20  microinches.     (See  p.  29.) 

Revised  Length  Calibration  Equipment  and  Procedures,      The 

intercomparison  method  of  mechanical  measurement  for  0.01-  to  0.09-inch 
gage  blocks  was  developed  to  replace  the  accurate  but  costly  interferometric 
method.  For  the  first  time  gage  blocks  measured  only  by  mechanical 
methods  were  certified  to  an  accuracy  of  ±2  microinches,  equal  to  the 
accuracy  of  routine  interferometric  calibration.  Plans  are  now  under  way  to 
extend  this  service  to  the  size  range  0.1  to  1.0  inch. 

Construction  and  preliminary  testing  of  an  ultra-precise  gage  block  inter- 
ferometer was  completed  during  the  year.  This  instrument  provides  abso- 
lute length  measurements  of  gage  blocks  in  terms  of  the  wavelength  of  light. 
To  achieve  the  uniform  and  constant  temperature  condition  necessary  for 
length  measurements  accurate  to  1  part  in  10  million,  a  polished  aluminum 
bell  jar  is  used  to  cover  the  optics  and  working  area  of  the  instrument. 
Unique  features  include  an  optical  compensating  device  that  modifies  the 
observed  measurement  patterns  to  facilitate  optimum  precision  of  measure- 
ment, and  a  temperature-measuring  system  that  provides  a  representative 
internal  temperature  measurement  of  the  gage  blocks  under  test. 

Glass  Bead  Standard  Samples.  New  standard  samples  of  glass  beads 
were  prepared  to  provide  a  distribution  of  beads  having  specified  diam- 
eters. These  beads  are  used  by  the  scientific  and  industrial  community  for 
routine  calibration  of  sieves.  The  new  sample,  No.  1019,  together  with  the 
two  samples  previously  available,  may  be  used  to  grade  diameters  from 
50  to  2600  microns. 

Gaseous  Laser  for  Inter ferometry.  A  helium-neon  optical  maser  with 
external  confocal  reflectors  was  constructed  to  study  the  mode  patterns  and 


frequency  distribution  of  laser  output.  Interference  fringes  of  the  11,522.82- 
Angstroms  (A)  spectral  line  were  observed  in  Fabry-Perot  interferometers 
up  to  one  meter  in  length.  Analysis  of  the  fringes  showed  that  maser  action 
occurs  at  five  different  infrared  frequencies  spaced  by  about  75  megacycles 
per  second  (Mc/s)  (or  0.0033  A)  within  this  spectral  line.  Radiofrequency 
beat  notes  between  these  frequencies  were  also  observed.  The  beat  note 
spectrum  exhibited  a  splitting  that  varied  between  0  and  20  kilocycles  per 
second  (kc/s),  probably  due  to  a  "hole  burning"  effect  previously  suggested 
by  others. 

Gear  Metrology  Laboratory  Established.  Research  in  precision  gear 
metrology,  and  the  development  and  calibration  of  highly  accurate  dimen- 
sional masters  for  elements  of  gears  and  gear  teeth,  as  well  as  master  gears 
of  improved  design,  are  needed  for  the  improved  performance  of  gear 
trains.  To  fulfill  these  needs,  a  gear  metrology  laboratory  was  established, 
having  temperature  controlled  closely  at  20  °C  and  a  relative  humidity  of 
less  than  50  percent.  Equipment  for  measuring  certain  elements  of  both 
small  and  large  gears  was  installed.  As  a  first  step  in  this  program,  highly 
amplified  charts  of  the  involute  form  of  a  series  of  accurately  made  master 
involutes  were  made  by  means  of  a  recording  involute-form  rolling  instru* 
ment  having  amplifications  up  to  8000  X  .  With  one  of  these  master  involutes 
and  accompanying  charts  for  comparison  purposes,  a  survey  was  made  of 
the  performance  of  involute  checking  instruments  used  by  industrial  plants 
throughout  the  country.  Improvised  high  amplifications  were  applied  to 
these  instruments  in  place  of  the  500  to  1000  X  amplifications  usually  availa- 
ble. Agreement  within  about  50  microinches  (or  1.2  microns)  was  found, 
but  the  comparisons  pointed  up  the  need  for  precision-calibrated  master 
involutes  in  the  various  inspection  departments  of  the  plants. 

Wave  Front  Shearing  Interferometer.  A  prism  type  of  wave  front 
shearing  interferometer  was  developed.  The  instrument  measures  the  abso- 
lute shape  of  wave  fronts  that  are  produced  by  any  optical  element  or  com- 
bination of  elements  (reflectors  or  refractors).  The  magnitude  of  the 
aberration  in  the  interferometer  is  found  to  be  insignificant  for  beams  smaller 
than  an  //3.5  cone.  If  spherical  entrance  faces  are  used,  this  aberration 
can  be  reduced  to  zero  for  any  size  of  beam. 

In  the  construction  of  the  device,  a  ray  trace  through  the  prism  verified 
the  observation  that  the  two  images  of  the  wave  front  were  rotated  relative 
to  each  other  slightly  when  the  shearing  action  was  produced  by  rotating 
one  prism  relative  to  the  other.  However,  other  means  of  producing  shear 
were  found  in  which  no  rotation  of  wave  fronts  occurred.  For  extreme 
accuracy  this  rotation  is  undesirable  when  testing  large  angle  cones  of  light. 

The  fringes  produced  by  the  prism  are  nonlocalized,  so  the  shape  of  the 
wave  front  at  any  position  or  distance  from  the  lens  is  obtained  by  simply 
focusing  the  camera  or  other  receiver  on  the  desired  location.  Thus,  the 
change  in  the  shape  of  a  wave  front,  and  consequently  the  change  in  phase 
at  the  point  of  convergence,  may  be  obtained  by  measuring  the  wave  front 
shape  before,  during,  and  after  it  passes  through  the  point  or  area  of 


It  was  recently  found  that  the  number  of  reference  points  that  may  be 
used  (previously  believed  to  be  limited  to  only  a  few)  is  unlimited.  Thus, 
a  continuum  of  points  may  be  approached  and  all  details  of  the  wave  front 

Standards  of  Mass  and  Weighing  Techniques.  An  arresting  mecha- 
nism was  developed  for  knife-edge  balances  which  requires  only  one  moving 
part  and  permits  all  knives  and  flats  in  the  system  to  remain  in  contact  during 
the  unloading  and  reloading  process.  The  arrestment  error  associated  with 
this  device  is  a  few  parts  in  one  billion,  at  the  one-kilogram  level. 

No  practical  method  has  been  available  for  hydrostatically  weighing  frac- 
tional-gram weights,  due  to  uncertainties  in  the  meniscus  correction.  How- 
ever, the  Cartesian  diver,  operating  completely  submerged,  offered  a  possible 
solution.  Hence,  a  crude  closed-body  Pyrex  diver  was  blown  and  allowed 
to  fall  under  constant  pressure.  It  was  loaded  first  with  one,  then  with  a 
second,  150-milligram  weight,  the  two  differing  by  about  15  micrograms  in 
weight.  The  difference  in  fall  rate,  clearly  visible  to  the  naked  eye,  demon- 
strated the  practicability  of  such  a  device  for  the  hydrostatic  weighing  of 
small  weights. 

Experiments  conducted  in  NBS  shops  showed  that  Hull's  method  of  bur- 
nishing stainless  steel  to  a  high  finish  with  a  diamond  tool  was  satisfactory 
for  standard  weights.  The  use  of  this  process  eliminates  much  of  the  time- 
consuming  and  costly  polishing  which  weight  manufacturers  previously 
performed  in  order  that  weights  would  meet  acceptable  standards. 

For  a  given  material  the  surface-to-mass  ratio  of  weights  increases  as  their 
size  decreases.  It  is  desirable  to  minimize  this  ratio;  however,  fractional 
gram  weights  are  usually  constructed  from  sheet  metal  or  wire  which  tends 
to  increase  this  ratio.  A  method  of  melting  fine  wire  and  letting  the  surface 
tension  of  the  liquid  metal  form  a  sphere — which  has  the  most  favorable 
ratio — was  developed,  and  several  platinum  weights  were  constructed. 

Recent  experiments  demonstrated  that  the  passage  of  small  amounts  of  a-c 
power  through  a  knife-flat  contact  did  not  result  in  a  measureable  change 
in  balance  performance.  A  condenser  plate  was  therefore  attached  to  the 
beam  of  the  NBS  one-kilogram  balance  and  energized  through  the  knife 
edge.  This  device  permitted  mechanical  manipulation  of  the  beam  by  a 
small  externally  controlled  variable  electrostatic  force,  and  eliminated  most 
of  the  uncertainties  of  operation  associated  with  mechanical  members  being 
brought  into  contact  with  the  beam. 

As  a  part  of  a  continuing  program  for  improving  the  precision  of  mass 
measurements  and  mass  standards,  a  200-milligram  torsion  fiber  balance 
was  put  into  service  for  calibrating  weights  200  milligrams  and  smaller.  It 
is  an  equal-arm  balance  in  which  torsion  fibers  (instead  of  the  conventional 
fulcrum  knife  edge  and  plane)  and  suspension  fibers  (instead  of  the  termi- 
nal knife  edges  and  planes)  are  used.  These  fibers,  made  of  fused  silica, 
are  fused  to  the  beam,  which  is  also  made  of  fused-silica  fibers  fused  to- 
gether to  form  a  one-piece  unit.  The  free  end  of  one  of  the  torsion  fibers 
is  fixed  to  the  case  and  the  free  end  of  the  other  torsion  fiber  is  attached 


to  a  rotatable  graduated  dial.  The  pans  are  suspended  in  wells  from  the 
suspension  fibers.  The  position  of  the  beam  is  indicated  by  a  horizontal 
fiber  seen  as  two  parallel  horizontal  lines  in  the  eyepiece  of  an  optical  sys- 
tem similar  to  that  of  a  comparison  microscope.  With  this  system  the  bal- 
ance is  readable  to  0.01  microgram. 

To  improve  the  usefulness  of  the  torsion  fiber  balance  as  a  calibration 
instrument,  the  illumination  of  the  index  fiber  was  improved  and  a  loading 
platform  was  added  at  pan  level.  The  platform  can  be  moved  in  and  out 
of  the  pan  well  with  the  well  door  open.  To  further  facilitate  handling  of 
small  weights,  a  binocular  microscope  is  focused  on  the  balance  pan.  With 
this  arrangement,  a  standard  deviation  of  a  few  hundredths  of  a  micro- 
gram is  attainable.  To  fully  utilize  the  precision  inherent  in  this  balance, 
two  sets  of  suitable  national  reference  standards  were  made  and  carefully 

Surface  Roughness  Standards,  Two  types  of  surface  roughness 
standards  are  used  for  the  calibration  of  3tylus-type  roughness  measuring 
instruments.  One,  a  2  X  3  inch  rhodium-plated  plaque,  has  a  150-degree 
triangular  pattern,  and  the  other,  a  similar  plaque  made  of  glass,  has  an 

Diamond  burnishing  was  shown  to  give  the  necessary  high  surface  finish  to 
standard  weights.  The  process  eliminates  much  of  the  time  consuming  and 
costly  polishing  previously  necessary  in  production.     (See  p.  28.) 


etched  trapezoidal  pattern.  Slight  deviations  from  the  basic  waveforms 
of  these  patterns  recently  caused  difficulty  in  instrument  calibration,  so  a 
reevaluation  of  the  calibration  techniques  used  was  made. 

The  measuring  force  on  the  stylus  was  reduced  to  a  point  where  no  visible 
permanent  deformation  of  the  standard  occurred,  and  the  traversing  velocity 
was  reduced  enough  so  that  dynamic  tracking  effects  were  eliminated.  Inter- 
ferometric  measurements  on  gage  steps  permitted  investigation  of  the 
instrument  magnification,  linearity,  and  hysteresis. 

A  simple  method  was  devised  for  the  measurement  of  radius  of  curvature 
of  the  tracing  stylus.  Measurements  of  the  average  curvatures  in  the 
"corners"  of  the  samples  were  made  by  microinterferometry,  providing 
corrections  for  the  differences  between  the  locus  of  the  stylus  motion  and 
the  true  waveform  of  the  sample.  Measurements  were  also  made  of  the 
uncertainty  in  using  a  planimeter  for  the  evaluation  of  roughness,  and  one 
of  the  triangular-wave-type  standards  was  calibrated  by  the  planimeter 
method  for  use  as  a  master  for  calibration  by  comparison. 

A  series  of  comparisons  of  measurements  on  surface  roughness  stand- 
ards was  undertaken.  A  British  manufacturer  of  surface  roughness  meas- 
uring equipment  supplied  samples,  and  measurements  were  compared  with 
those  of  an  Atomic  Energy  Commission  laboratory.  Average  deviations 
from  the  mean  values  on  four  samples  were  very  small,  and  further  work 
with  other  laboratories  is  contemplated. 

2.1.2.  MECHANICS 

The  Bureau's  work  in  mechanics  is  primarily  in  the  development  and 
improvement  of  methods  of  measurement  of  mechanical  phenomena  in  solids, 
liquids,  and  gases;  the  establishment  of  required  standards  in  mechanics 
and  the  relation  of  such  standards  to  the  prototype  standards;  the  support 
of  these  activities  by  theoretical  and  experimental  researches  into  mechanical 
phenomena;  the  determination  of  physical  constants  of  particular  importance 
in  mechanics;  and  provision  of  assistance  to  other  laboratories  in  relating 
their  measurements  to  a  common  basis  (or  to  established  standards)  by 
transfer  standards,  calibration  services,  and  other  means.  Measurement 
areas  include  sound  pressure  and  intensity,  shock,  vibration,  force,  strain, 
pressure,  vacuum,  viscosity,  and  rate  of  gas  and  liquid  flow. 

These  measurement  areas  are  of  vital  importance  in  the  missile  and  space 
programs,  which  require  great  accuracies  over  widely  extended  ranges  under 
extreme  temperature  environments.  Special  emphasis  therefore  is  given 
to  research  directed  toward  meeting  these  needs. 

Because  of  the  increasing  requirements  for  measuring  mechanical  quan- 
tities in  defense  industries  and  in  government  laboratories,  and  because  of 
the  requirements  of  missile  and  space  projects,  requests  for  calibration 
services  continued  to  increase. 

Considerable  progress  was  made  in  the  design  of  the  special-purpose 
equipment  to  be  housed  in  the  Engineering  Mechanics  Laboratory  now  under 


construction  at  Gaithersburg,  Md.  Detailed  data  necessary  for  the  planning 
of  the  Sound  Laboratory  and  the  Fluid  Mechanics  Laboratory  were  developed 
for  use  in  preliminary  work  on  the  design  of  these  buildings.  The  avail- 
ability of  these  facilities  will  make  it  possible  to  provide  more  comprehen- 
sive services  in  several  of  the  measurement  areas  in  mechanics. 

Infrasonic  Waves  in  the  Atmosphere  and  in  the  Earth,  Infrasonic 
waves  having  fairly  constant  periods  of  about  6  seconds  pass  through  the 
atmosphere  of  the  Washington  area.  These  waves — usually  called  micro- 
baroms — come  mainly  from  easterly  directions  and  travel  parallel  to  the 
ground.  A  mathematical  analysis  of  the  influence  of  ocean  waves  on  the 
atmosphere  shows  that  these  might  be  the  source  of  the  infrasound.  The 
impact  of  waves  on  a  beach  produces  the  familiar  audible  sounds  of  surf, 
and,  in  addition,  the  periodic  arrival  of  the  waves  can  generate  infrasound  of 
the  same  period  in  the  atmosphere.  Experiments  are  being  planned  to  check 
the  validity  of  this  hypothesis. 

The  infrasound  generated  by  geomagnetic  storms  comes  mainly  from 
northerly  directions,  possibly  from  the  auroral  zone  in  the  Arctic.  A  new 
infrasonics  station  is  being  installed  at  the  Bureau's  Boulder  (Colo.)  Labora- 
tories to  obtain  data  that  will  supplement  data  from  the  Washington  station. 
The  two  stations  will  show  a  directional  effect  that  may  make  possible  a 
decision  as  to  whether  or  not  these  waves  originate  in  the  auroral  zone. 

The  microbaroms  in  the  atmosphere  have  their  counterpart  in  the  micro- 
seismic  waves  in  the  earth's  crust,  as  these  waves  also  have  periods  near  6 
seconds.  Three  seismometers  of  a  pattern  developed  at  the  Bureau  are  being 
installed  at  sites  spaced  far  enough  apart  to  allow  determination  of  the 
propagation  speed  and  direction  of  the  microseisms.  It  seems  unlikely 
either  that  the  microbaroms  cause  microseisms,  or  vice  versa.  Whether  or 
not  they  have  a  common  origin  is  one  question  to  be  studied  with  the  com- 
bined infrasonics  and  seismics  stations. 

Elastic  Changes  Caused  by  Static  Loads.  The  nature — even  the  ques- 
tion of  the  existence — of  the  so-called  Fitzgerald  "resonances"  in  various 
crystalline  materials  has  engendered  much  discussion  and  controversy  in 
recent  years.  According  to  Fitzgerald's  theory,  certain  static  stresses,  either 
residual  (built-in)  or  due  to  external  load,  cause  severe  changes  to  occur  in 
the  dynamic  elastic  constants  of  these  materials.  Characteristic  of  these 
changes  are  sharp  resonances  and  high  internal  friction  at  various  frequencies 
in  the  range  100  to  5000  cycles  per  second  (c/s).  There  is  also  a  general 
loss  of  elastic  stiffness  over  this  range,  particularly  at  the  lower  frequencies. 

The  implications  of  such  effects  in  the  fields  of  fatigue  failure  of  machine 
and  structural  elements,  particularly  those  associated  with  aircraft,  are 
serious,  as  are  also  the  fundamental  solid-state  problems  raised.  For  this 
reason,  the  Bureau  undertook  measurements  on  quartz,  fused  silica,  and 
polycrystalline  aluminum.  The  technique  used  was  designed  to  allow  easy 
detection  of  these  effects,  provided  that  they  actually  are  associated  with 
the  theory  proposed  to  explain  them  or  with  any  similar  theory.  No  trace 
of  the  predicted  effects  on  the  elastic  constants  was  found.     This  negative 


Stress-strain  characteristics  of  metals  at  high  temperatures  (up  to  1,460  °F) 
were  obtained  by  impacting  cylindrical  specimens  in  a  furnace  (barely  seen  at 
right)  with  projectiles  impelled  by  an  air  gun  (foreground).     (See  p.  35.) 

result  lends  support  to  the  conception  that  either  the  theoretical  background 
employed  by  Fitzgerald  to  explain  his  results  is  not  relevant  to  them,  or 
that  the  observed  resonances  are  artifactitious. 

Acoustical  Repulsion  of  Birds  at  Airports.  The  Fish  and  Wildlife 
Service  is  studying  the  use  of  acoustical  stimuli  to  repel  birds  from  airports. 
At  airports  near  the  ocean,  the  presence  of  sea  gulls  on  or  about  the  runways 
presents  a  great  hazard  to  aircraft.  In  order  that  the  acoustical  signals 
used  in  this  program  may  be  accurately  controlled,  NBS  is  working  with 
the  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service — giving  technical  advice  on  equipment  and 
on  its  operation  and  calibration.  As  part  of  this  study,  scientists  from 
these  organizations  made  two  field  trips  to  a  nearby  area  frequented  by 
these  birds.  The  scientists  played  at  various  sound  levels  previously  recorded 
tape  of  the  distress  cries  of  sea  gulls.  At  most  of  the  sound  levels,  10  seconds 
of  signal  was  enough  to  repel  the  gulls  out  of  sight.  Generally,  within  an 
hour  or  two  gulls  would  again  be  feeding  at  the  site.  It  is  not  known  at  this 
time  whether  the  same  gulls  returned  or  a  new  group  of  gulls  flew  in. 

Reverberation-Chamber  Technique  for  Calibration  of  Standard- 
Type  Noise  Sources,  A  new  reverberation-chamber  method  of  test  was 
developed  for  the  measurement  of  sound  power  output  of  noise  sources  in 
both  1  and  I/3  octave  bands  covering  the  frequency  range  40  to  10.000  c/s. 
The  development  of  the  method  required  specialized  calibration  of  the  rever- 
beration chamber  and  of  all  instrumentation  over  an  extended  frequency 


The  test  method  was  developed  primarily  for  the  calibration  of  standard- 
type  noise  sources,  which,  by  means  of  a  substitution  technique,  are  used 
in  determining  the  acoustic  power  radiation  of  various  types  of  noise  sources 
in  field  environments.  The  substitution  technique  may  substantially  increase 
the  accuracy  of  such  measurements  in  field  installations,  where  conditions 
depart  drastically  from  the  closely  controlled  ones  in  laboratories. 

Field  Measurements  of  Airborne  and  Impact  Sound  Insulation. 
Many  nations  throughout  the  world  have  had  rather  stringent  noise-control 
requirements  embodied  in  their  national  building  codes  for  the  past  two 
decades.  These  requirements  have  served  to  restrain  the  growth  of  noise 
levels  and  to  suppress  the  tendency  toward  inferior  sound  insulation  often 
produced  by  modern  building  technology  with  its  emphasis  on  economy 
and  lightweight  construction. 

In  the  United  States,  the  building  codes  contain  no  noise-control  require- 
ments. However,  the  FHA  has  recently  taken  positive  action  to  incorporate 
noise-control  requirements  in  its  building  requirements,  which  are  presently 
undergoing  revision. 

A  considerable  amount  of  work  bearing  on  the  development  of  such  re- 
quirements, closely  coordinated  with  the  FHA's  activity,  was  undertaken  at 
the  Bureau.  The  work  dealt  with  the  most  pressing  noise-control  require- 
ment, that  of  developing  impact  sound  insulation  criteria.  Reviews  and 
analyses  were  made  of  numerous  foreign  publications  and  building  codes 
pertaining  to  sound  insulation  in  dwellings  and  of  field  measurements.  A 
series  of  impact  tests  was  conducted  on  more  than  15  basic  types  of  floor- 
ceiling  structures  for  the  collection  of  data  essential  to  the  establishment  of 
noise-control  criteria  in  building  codes. 

Pressure  Measurement.  Providing  standards  and  measurement  tech- 
niques over  the  range  of  pressures  of  current  interest  in  science  and  industry 
is  a  formidable  task,  for  these  range  from  about  10~15  millimeters  of  mercury 
in  the  ultra-high  vacuum  range  to  about  2.5  XlO9  millimeters  of  mercury 
(about  50,000,000  pounds  per  square  inch  (psi)  )  in  shock-wave  measure- 
ments. At  present,  standards  and  techniques  are  adequate  for  only  a  few 
decades  above  and  below  atmospheric  pressure  (760  millimeters  of  mercury 
(mm  Hg) ).  Work  is  in  progress  on  methods  of  generating  and  measuring 
pressures  to  extend  the  range  covered  by  adequate  standards  and  techniques 
to  both  higher  and  lower  pressures.  Production  and  measurement  of  pres- 
sures at  the  extremes  of  the  24-decade  range  of  interest  involve  great  diffi- 
culty because  of  limitations  of  material  properties,  etc. 

Advances  were  made  at  several  levels  of  vacuum  measurement,  such  as 
in  the  evaluation  of  McLeod  and  ion  gages  by  means  of  the  volume  expansion 
technique.  The  first  experimental  model  of  one  of  the  instruments  being  de- 
veloped for  the  vacuum  range  was  put  into  operation.  This  apparatus, 
which  is  known  as  an  interferometer — oil-manometer,  makes  use  of  an  inter- 
ferometer for  measuring  the  difference  in  height  between  the  two  surfaces  of 
oil  in  a  manometer.  Preliminary  results  indicate  that  the  sensitivity  of  the 
instrument  is  adequate  to  permit  its  use  for  measurement  of  pressures  as 
low  as  10-5  mm  Hg. 


In  the  range  of  high-pressure  measurements,  a  new  controlled-clearance 
piston  gage  was  put  into  operation  at  pressures  up  to  120,000  psi.  The  gage 
is  of  an  improved  design  with  a  piston  0.080  in.  in  diameter.  Some  idea  of 
the  performance  of  the  instrument,  which  met  all  expectations,  may  be  gained 
from  the  fact  that  the  oil  leaking  past  the  freely  rotating,  unpacked  piston 
would  amount  to  only  1  cubic  inch  in  20  years  at  a  pressure  of  110,000  psi. 
Readings  were  reproducible  to  ±1  psi  at  100,000  psi.  This  piston  gage  is 
being  used  for  a  new  determination  of  the  freezing  pressure  of  mercury  at 
0  °C  and  approximately  109,800  psi.  These  conditions  are  of  considerable 
importance  as  presenting  a  fixed  point  for  the  calibration  of  other  pressure- 
measuring  instruments. 

Ultra-high  pressure  measurement  work  continued  with  the  multiple  anvil 
devices  capable  of  generating  pressures  in  excess  of  1,000,000  psi.  Explora- 
tory work  was  done  on  additional  types  of  apparatus  in  an  effort  to  evaluate 
transitions  useful  for  fixed  points  at  higher  pressures.  One  of  these  is  a 
"two-stage"  modification  of  the  tetrahedral  device.  This  modification  in- 
creased the  pressure  range  of  the  apparatus  while  retaining  its  capability 
of  generating  high  temperatures  through  internal  heating. 

Hydrodynamic  Effect  of  Hydrophobic  Materials,  It  is  well  known 
that  water  will  not  cling  to  certain  materials  when  their  surfaces  are  clean 
and  no  wetting  agent  has  been  added  to  the  water.  Such  materials  are  termed 
hydrophobic  or,  since  this  is  a  surface  effect,  the  surface  may  be  called  a 
hydrophobic  surface.  Questions  have  often  arisen  in  regard  to  the  hydro- 
dynamic  effect  of  this  property,  such  as  whether  the  friction  between  a  fully 
submerged  surface  of  this  kind  and  the  water  is  less  than  it  would  be  for  a 
wetted  surface.  An  investigation  conducted  a  few  years  ago  with  Teflon  as 
the  hydrophobic  material  showed  no  effect  on  the  friction  to  flow  through  a 

In  a  recent  investigation  supported  in  part  by  the  Office  of  Naval  Research, 
another  situation  was  studied  in  which  a  difference  was  found  between  the 
behavior  of  hydrophobic  materials  and  wettable,  or  hydrophilic,  materials. 
In  this  situation,  the  material  in  the  form  of  a  plate  was  moved  in  and  out 
through  a  water  surface.  The  hydrophobic  material  came  out  "dry,"  while 
the  wettable  material  retained  a  film  of  water  on  its  surface.  An  added 
force  opposing  the  motion  was  found  to  be  associated  with  the  peeling  off 
of  the  water  from  the  hydrophobic  surface  when  the  plate  was  moving  out, 
and  an  equal  and  opposite  force,  again  opposing  the  motion,  was  associated 
with  the  replacement  of  water  in  contact  with  the  surface  when  the  plate 
was  moving  in.  As  soon  as  the  plate  started  to  move  in  or  out,  the  force 
appeared  and  was  independent  of  the  rate  of  motion. 

The  forces  that  in  this  case — of  the  nonwettable  property — affect  the 
movement  of  a  fluid  are  several  times  larger  than  those  due  to  surface  tension. 
While  their  action  is  of  a  different  nature,  the  conditions  under  which  they 
become  significant  are  similar. 

Culvert  Hydraulics.  For  the  past  several  years,  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Roads  has  sponsored  an  experimental  investigation  of  culvert  hydraulics. 


Recording  data  on  the  performance  of  resistance-type  strain  gages  when  sub- 
jected to  varying  thermal  and  mechanical  loads.  Modern  structures,  especially 
missiles  and  space  vehicles,  must  be  designed  to  sustain  high  loads  at  high  tem- 
peratures— environmental  testing  of  such  structures  requires  strain  gages  which 
will  perform  reliably  under  the  same  conditions.     (See  p.  36.) 

A  major  portion  of  the  study  has  been  concerned  with  the  factors  controlling 
the  hydraulic  efficiency  of  pipe  culvert  inlets.  However,  since  the  design 
problems  of  box  culverts  are  also  of  importance,  recent  emphasis  has  been 
directed  toward  the  investigation  of  their  flow  characteristics.  The  box 
culvert  is  a  culvert  of  rectangular  or  square  cross  section,  frequently  used  in 
situations  where  pipe  culverts  would  not  be  economical. 

The  development  of  improved  inlet  structures  for  box  culverts  is  the  prin- 
cipal goal,  as  it  was  for  the  pipe  culverts.  It  has  been  shown  that  culvert 
inlets  are  sensitive  to  the  ventilating  effects  of  vortices  over  the  inlet  and 
are  significantly  affected  by  approach  channel  conditions.  Consequently,  it 
is  difficult  to  define  their  performance  with  a  single  and  unique  discharge 
relationship.  The  investigation  has  furnished  adequate  methods  of  bound- 
ing the  region  of  performance  to  be  expected  in  the  field.  General  design 
criteria  for  the  utilization  of  susbtantially  improved  inlets,  similar  to  those 
derived  for  pipe  culverts,  are  under  development. 

High-Temperature  Impact  Tests.  Techniques  and  equipment  were 
developed  for  impacting  cylindrical  specimens  at  temperatures  up  to  1,460  °F 
with  known  instantaneous  contact  stresses  up  to  90,000  psi.  In  one  method, 
an  air  gun  accelerates  an  elongated  bullet  to  strike  an  anvil  bar  to  which 
strain  gages  are  attached,  which  in  turn  enters  a  furnace  and  impacts  a 
heated  specimen.    As  the  strain  sensors  remain  substantially  at  room  tempera- 


ture,  wire  strain  gages  can  be  used  on  the  anvil  to  yield  impact  stresses  with 
an  accuracy  of  5  percent  or  better.  The  gage  output  is  recorded  continu- 
ously on  oscilloscopes.  The  technique  has  been  used  for  determining  high- 
temperature  stress-strain  characteristics  of  metals  at  rates  of  straining  up 
to  1,000  in./in./see,  and  also  for  evaluating  high-temperature  instrumenta- 
tion under  impact  conditions. 

Spectrum  Fatigue  of  Aircraft  Structures.  Under  sponsorship  of  the 
Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  programed  variable-amplitude  fatigue  tests  were 
carried  out  on  built-up  aluminum  alloy  beam  specimens  using  variations  of  an 
aircraft  loads  spectrum.  The  fatigue  properties  of  the  beam  specimens  were 
found  to  be  similar,  in  several  respects,  to  those  of  certain  full-scale  aircraft 
structures.  The  test  results  showed  that  none  of  the  currently  available 
theories  of  cumulative  fatigue  damage  were  adequate  for  the  dual  purpose 
of  predicting  spectrum  fatigue  life  and  evaluating  the  relative  effects  of  indi- 
vidual load  levels  in  the  spectrum.  However,  the  spectrum  fatigue  behavior 
of  the  specimens  was  consistent  with  the  measured  effects  of  preloading- 
periodic  overloading,  and  periodic  underloading. 

Strain  Gage  Evaluation.  Modern  structures,  especially  missiles  and 
space  vehicles,  must  be  designed  to  sustain  high  loads  at  elevated  tempera- 
tures. Some  of  the  more  severe  operating  conditions  involve  transient  loads 
applied  simultaneously  with  intense  heat.  Strain  gages  capable  of  reliable 
operation  under  these  conditions  are  needed  to  determine  the  capability  of 
materials  and  structural  configurations.  In  cooperation  with  the  Bureau  of 
Naval  Weapons  and  Aeronautical  Systems  Division  of  the  Air  Force  Systems 
Command,  the  Bureau  developed  equipment  for  evaluating  the  performance 
of  various  types  of  strain  gages  as  they  are  subjected  to  rapid  loading  while 
being  heated  at  40  °F  per  second  to  temperatures  as  high  as  1,500  °F. 

High'Temperature  Tests  of  Vibration  Pickups.  Modifications  made 
in  a  commercial  vibration  calibrator  and  special  heat  sources  permit  tests 
and  calibrations  of  vibration  pickups  at  frequencies  from  10  to  2,000  c/s  and 
at  temperatures  up  to  1,000  °F.  A  mounting  table  with  a  built-in  heating 
element  is  isolated  thermally  from  the  shaft  and  driving  coil  of  the  moving 
element  by  a  compact,  circulating  water,  heat  exchanger.  This  simulates  the 
situation  of  a  pickup  mounted  on  a  hot  body  and  surrounded  by  relatively 
cool  gas.  For  the  condition  of  uniform  temperature,  a  furnace  with  radiant 
heat  sources  is  placed  around  the  pickup.  Studies  of  effects  of  temperature 
on  sensitivity  factors  and  measurements  of  temperature  coefficients  were  made 
on  selected  devices  for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons. 

Rheology.  Three  independent  techniques  for  the  absolute  measurement 
of  viscosity  are  under  development.  Studies  are  being  made  of  the  inertial 
effects  of  a  hollow  sphere  full  of  test  fluid,  the  loading  on  a  cylindrical 
crystal  in  torsional  oscillation  immersed  in  a  test  fluid,  and  an  experimental 
technique  to  eliminate  end  effects  in  capillary  flow.  These  studies  should 
result  in  a  check  on  present  standards  of  viscosity,  and  possibly  a  convenient 
way  of  eliminating  the  need  for  standard  viscosity  samples.  Some  unusual 
methods  for  calculating  nonlinear  hydrodynamic  effects  are  being  developed. 


These  refer,  in  particular,  to  the  nonlinear  effects  of  inertia  and  of  viscous 

Stress  relaxation  measurements  were  made  on  certain  rubberlike  polymers 
in  simple  extension.  Concurrently,  a  simple  nonlinear  theory  of  viscoelastic 
solids  was  worked  out.  This  theory,  which  is  only  second-order  in  a  certain 
sense,  seems  to  explain  stress  relaxation  data  over  a  surprisingly  large  range 
of  deformation  ratios  and  accounts  for  several  phenomena  previously  attrib- 
uted to  ad  hoc  molecular  mechanisms.  A  more  crucial  test  of  the  theory  will 
be  undertaken  with  experiments  on  biaxial  stress  relaxation. 

Hypersonic  Combustion.  Stabilization  of  combustion  in  hypersonic 
streams  of  air  and  fuel  is  a  prerequisite  to  application  of  combustion  to 
hypersonic  propulsion.  Research  on  stabilization  and  properties  of  combus- 
tion by  detonation  continued  by  observation  of  a  hypervelocity  missile  in  a 
stationary  combustible  gas.  A  detonation  is  regarded  as  a  shock  wave  fol- 
lowed by  combustion.  Ignition  delays  for  various  fuels  were  determined 
from  observed  separation  of  shock  and  comoustion  waves  at  the  front  of  the 
missile.  Wave  shape  and  position  are  being  used  in  calculations  to  derive 
the  structure  and  rate  of  heat  release  in  the  detonation  wave. 

Fluid  Metering.  In  an  attempt  to  attain  increased  accuracy  in  the  cali- 
bration and  application  of  instrumentation,  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons 
requested  NBS  to  plan  and  conduct  a  Colloquium  on  Fluid  Metering.     Those 

Final  operational  checkout  for  a  velocity  type  vibration  pickup  prior  to  testing 
it  at  elevated  temperatures.  The  pickup  (center)  will  be  heated  in  the  furnace 
at  left  to  determine  the  effects  of  high  temperatures  on  its  operating 
characteristics.     (See  p.  36.) 


attending  were  engineers  and  senior  technicians  from  Naval  Air  Stations 
and  Naval  laboratories.  Speakers  from  industry,  Naval  laboratories,  and 
NBS  presented  selected  topics  which  included  the  theory  and  application  of 
turbine,  variable-area,  positive  displacement,  and  differential  pressure  flow- 
meters with  both  compressible  and  incompressible  fluids.  Calibration  tech- 
niques were  discussed  and  laboratory  demonstrations  were  arranged  to 
illustrate  calibration  procedures  using  liquids,  LP  gas,  and  air  as  the  cali- 
bration fluids.  Data  work  sessions  were  conducted  to  illustrate  the  appli- 
cation of  existing  codes,  standards,  and  recommended  procedures  to  specific 
problems  encountered  in  fluid  metering. 

Calibration  of  transfer  reference  flowmeters  for  the  fuel  flow  rate  stand- 
ardization program  was  continued.  These  meters  are  used  by  others  in 
the  aircraft  industry  to  evaluate  the  accuracy  of  their  calibration  facilities. 
Other  work  included  calibration  of  reference  fuel  control  units  for  gas- 
turbine  engines  and  a  preliminary  investigation  into  swirl  or  rotational 
flow  and  its  influence  on  conventional  flowmeters. 

High-Temperature  Thermocouples.  At  least  three  iridium-rhodium 
versus  iridium  thermocouples  are  in  current  use  in  various  laboratories  for 
measurement  of  high  temperature.  The  alloy  wires  of  these  thermocouples 
contain  40,  50,  and  60  percent  iridium,  and  60,  50,  and  40  percent  rhodium, 
respectively.  Reference  tables  giving  temperature-emf  relationships  up  to 
3,800  °F  have  been  published  for  the  40  percent  iridium-60  percent  rhodium 
versus  iridium  thermocouple. 

Observations  have  been  completed  on  the  60  percent  iridium-40  percent 
rhodium  versus  iridium  thermocouple  up  to  3,900  °F,  and  reference  tables 
for  it  are  being  compiled.  Preliminary  observations  up  to  3,900  °F  have 
been  taken  on  the  50  percent  iridium-50  percent  rhodium  versus  iridium 

Stability  Tests  of  a  New  Thermocouple.  The  Aeronautical  Systems 
Division  of  the  Air  Force  Systems  Command  sponsored  evaluation  tests  of 
a  new  thermocouple  known  as  Platinel  II,  which  was  developed  by  an  indus- 
trial corporation  for  use  in  the  temperature  range  somewhat  above  that  of 
currently  used  base-metal  thermocouples.  Ten  thermocouples  from  three 
lots  of  wire  were  heated  in  oxidizing  atmospheres  at  various  temperatures 
and  for  different  lengths  of  time  to  determine  the  stability  of  their  cali- 

Some  of  the  thermocouple  wires  were  heated  by  passing  an  electric 
current  through  them;  others  were  heated  in  a  muffle  furnace.  With  the 
exception  of  one  sample,  the  thermocouple  calibrations  were  fairly  stable 
after  being  heated  for  1,500  hours  up  to  2,200  °F.  After  heating  at 
2,300  °F,  the  deviations  from  the  original  calibration  were  quite  large. 

Twenty-four  commercial-type  Platinel  II  thermocouple  probes  were 
exposed  to  a  thermal  shock  test.  Most  probes  failed  before  completion 
of  the  specified  duration;  however,  the  test  conditions  are  probably  more 
severe  than  those  encountered  in  most  applications. 


Catalytic  Effects  of  Thermocouple  Materials.  Work  to  determine 
the  catalytic  effects  of  several  of  the  commonly  used  thermocouple  mate- 
rials on  gaseous  mixtures  containing  combustible  gases  and  oxygen  has 
been  completed.  The  work,  sponsored  by  the  Aeronautical  Systems  Division 
of  the  Air  Force  Systems  Command,  included  experiments  in  low-velocity 
gas  streams  of  prepared  mixtures  of  hydrogen,  carbon  monoxide,  propane, 
and  methane  in  air.  Experiments  were  also  made  in  the  more  realistic 
gas  flows  from  the  burning  of  hydrocarbons  in  air.  The  composition, 
velocity,  and  temperature  of  these  gases  simulated  those  in  gas  exhausting 
from  a  conventional  turbojet  burner. 

In  all  these  experiments,  gold,  silver,  Chromel,  Alumel,  and  constantan 
were  found  to  be  noncatalytic.  Platinum,  palladium,  iridium,  and  alloys 
containing  these  metals  were  found  to  catalyze  the  combustion  of  the 
unburned  products.  The  use  of  base-metal  thermocouples  is  therefore 
recommended  where  appreciable  amounts  of  combustible  gases  and  oxygen 
are  present. 


The  Bureau's  work  in  electricity  is  primarily  the  development,  improve- 
ment, and  dissemination  of  the  standards  of  measurement  for  electrical 
quantities;  and  the  study  of  the  electrical  and  magnetic  properties  of  mate- 
rials. Electrical  standards  must  be  established  that  are  constant  over  long 
periods  of  time,  uniform  throughout  the  Nation,  and  compatible  with  other 
standards  used  throughout  the  world.  Measurements  of  electrical  quan- 
tities directly  in  terms  of  length,  mass,  and  time  ("absolute  measurements") 
are  extremely  difficult  and  are  made  only  in  the  realization  and  confirma- 
tion of  electrical  standards  of  resistance,  capacitance,  inductance,  and  volt- 
age; calibration  work  is  done  by  comparison  with  these  electrical  standards. 

Absolute  Measurements,  A  new  evaluation,  in  terms  of  the  prototype 
standards  of  length  and  time,  of  the  unit  of  resistance  maintained  at  the 
National  Bureau  of  Standards  was  completed.  The  evaluation  was  based  on 
a  nominally  1 -picofarad  symmetrical  cross  capacitor  having  a  value  that 
could  be  computed  to  high  accuracy  from  its  mechanical  dimensions.  The 
computable  capacitor  was  used  to  establish  the  value  of  a  0.01-microfarad 
capacitor  which  then,  through  the  medium  of  a  frequency-dependent  bridge, 
established  the  value  of  a  10,000-ohm  resistor.  A  measurement  of  that 
resistor  in  terms  of  the  unit  maintained  by  the  group  of  1-ohm  standard 
resistors  currently  used  to  maintain  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  unit 
of  resistance  agreed  with  the  value  of  the  unit  with  a  precision  of  approxi- 
mately two  parts  in  ten  million.  It  is  expected  that  a  comparable  precision 
will  be  attained  in  the  repetition  of  these  measurements.  Such  a  result  will 
greatly  improve  the  Bureau's  ability  to  check  on  maintenance  of  the  unit 
of  electrical  resistance  using  a  group  of  standard  resistors. 

In  addition,  repetitions  of  determinations  of  the  gyromagnetic  ratio  of 
the  proton  in  a  field  at  the  center  of  a  solenoid  gave  the  same  value  within 
one  part  in  a  million.     As  the  field  in  the  solenoid  was  computed  from  its 


Highly  stable  shielded  100-megohm  resistor  designed  and  constructed  for  use 
in  the  very  precise  measurement  of  high  voltages.  (See  p.  40.)  Measure- 
ments can  be  made  to  within  20  parts  per  million. 

dimensions  and  from  a  current  determined  with  standard  cells  and  stand- 
ard resistors,  as  had  been  done  a  year  previously,  it  may  be  concluded  that 
the  NBS  unit  of  current  did  not  change  during  the  year.  Since  the  other 
experiment  showed  that  the  unit  of  resistance  maintained  with  standards 
did  not  change,  this  experiment  shows  that  the  NBS  unit  of  electromotive 
force  was  also  maintained  without  a  signficant  change  by  means  of  a  group 
of  saturated  standard  cells. 

Precision  Measurements  at  High  Voltages,  Direct  voltages  up  to 
100  kilovolts  can  now  be  measured  to  within  20  parts  per  million  by  using 
a  highly  stable,  100-megohm  resistor  of  unusual  design.  The  resistor  is 
made  up  of  100  individually  shielded  1-megohm  resistors  which  are  con- 
nected in  series  and  arranged  to  form  a  vertical  helix  between  a  ground 
plate  and  a  high-voltage  electrode.  Brass  shields  completely  enclose  each 
resistor  and  prevent  formation  of  corona  at  the  surface  of  the  resistance  coil, 
no  matter  how  high  the  potential  of  the  shield  is  above  ground. 

Standard  instrument  transformers  for  use  at  350,000  volts  can  now  be 
calibrated  with  an  accuracy  of  2  to  3  parts  in  100,000  by  employing  a  ca- 
pacitance voltage-divider  technique.  This  accuracy  is  significantly  better 
than  has  been  available  previously  even  at  lower  voltages.  A  1 -picofarad.  3- 
terminal  free-air  capacitor  is  used.  Its  housing  is  an  aluminum  can  7  feet 
high  and  7  feet  in  diameter.  NBS  measurement  techniques  and  results 
have  been  compared  with  those  of  the  National  Research  Council  of  Canada 


through  cooperative  tests  of  a  350,000-volt  transformer  built  for  the  Ontario 
Hydroelectric  Power  Commission.  Agreement  of  test  results  between  the 
two  national  laboratories  has  been  within  about  2  parts  in  100,000  on  trans- 
former ratios  ranging  from  2,000/1  to  4,000/1,  and  over  a  voltage  range 
from  100  to  350  kilovolts. 

Rapid  Calibration  of  Resistance  Voltage  Dividers.  Because  of  scien- 
tific and  technical  advances  in  recent  years,  the  standard  resistance  voltage 
divider  ("volt  box")  with  its  self -calibrating  feature  has  become  part  of  the 
basic  equipment  of  many  standardizing  laboratories.  In  the  past,  users 
have  generally  depended  on  NBS  for  calibration  of  this  type  of  standard. 
With  more  widespread  use  of  volt  boxes,  however,  it  becomes  necessary  to 
equip  other  qualified  laboratories  to  perform  this  task. 

To  facilitate  the  gradual  transfer  of  the  calibration  of  standard  volt  boxes 
and  the  evaluation  of  their  performance  to  other  standardizing  laboratories, 
the  Bureau  developed  a  method  which  permits  the  rapid  calibration  of 
standard  volt  boxes  at  their  rated  voltages.  The  technique  employs  a  direct- 
reading  ratio  set  and  a  group  of  standard  resistors  or  their  equivalent.  All 
components  are  incorporated  in  a  test  console.  The  only  external  connec- 
tions required  are  those  to  the  d-c  supply  and  standard  volt  box  under  test. 
Since  most  standardizing  laboratories  already  have  the  necessary  com- 
ponents, additional  outlay  for  equipment  is  not  required. 

Vicious  Cycle  in  Storage  Batteries.  Storage  batteries  may  go  into  a 
"vicious  cycle"  during  charging  under  constant  potential  maintained  by  a 
generator  and  suitable  voltage  regulator.  Battery  temperature  invariably 
rises  during  charging,  causing  internal  resistance  to  decrease.  If  this  de- 
crease is  sufficient  to  more  than  offset  the  increasing  counter-electromotive 
force,  the  charging  current  rises.  As  the  current  rises,  so  does  the  tempera- 
ture— leading  to  "vicious  cycling."  Under  these  conditions,  battery  tempera- 
ture becomes  excessive  and  deleterious  effects  result. 

A  theoretical  study  showed  that  "vicious  cycling"  could  be  produced  in 
any  type  of  storage  battery  by  limiting  the  heat  transfer  to  the  surround- 
ings. It  was  found  that  the  rate  of  increase  in  current  is  nearly  linear, 
whereas  that  for  temperature  is  logarithmic.  The  mechanism  controlling 
the  temperature-current  relation  is  the  activation  overpotential  for  the  over- 
charge reactions,  namely,  the  electrolysis  of  water  for  which  the  overpotential 
depends  on  electrode  material  and  condition.  The  theoretical  predictions 
were  checked  by  charging  lead-acid  and  nickel-cadmium  batteries  in  Dewar 
flasks  at  constant  potential.  Experimental  and  theoretical  results  agreed 
except  for  long  charging  periods,  when  heat  losses  to  the  surroundings  be- 
came significant. 

Electrolytic  Conductance  in  Porous  Media.  Close-packed  beds  of 
spheres  provide  an  easily  obtained  reproducible  medium  for  studying  the 
effect  of  capillary  or  pore  size  on  electrolytic  conductivity.  For  a  rhom- 
bohedrally  packed  column  of  equally  sized  inert  spheres,  the  fraction  of 
space  occupied  by  the  spheres  is  0.74.  This  value  is  independent  of  sphere 
size.    Thus,  if  the  electrical  conductance  of  an  electrolytic  solution  is  meas- 

662336  0—62- 


ured  in  a  particular  cell  in  the  presence  of  spheres  (beads)  and  then  in  their 
absence,  the  ratio  of  the  conductances  would  be  0.26  if  the  change  in  volume 
were  the  only  effect  and  the  conductance  of  the  beads  themselves  was 
negligible  relative  to  that  of  the  medium.  With  increasing  dilution  of  the 
electrolytic  solution,  however,  this  ratio  would  be  expected  to  increase  be- 
cause of  surface  conductance,  electro-osmosis,  and  the  increased  importance 
of  the  conductance  of  the  beads. 

The  Bureau  checked  these  predictions  using  glass  and  plastic  beads, 
300  ±50  microns  in  diameter,  in  aqueous  solutions  of  potassium  chloride 
and  hydrochloric  acid.  For  potassium  chloride  of  concentrations  0.02 
normal  or  greater,  the  conductance  ratio  was  slightly  less  than  0.26,  probably 
because  the  unequal  size  of  the  beads  permitted  tighter  packing.  Below  0.02 
normal,  however,  the  ratio  steadily  increased,  reaching  0.31  at  0.002  normal 
after  corrections  were  made  for  the  conductance  of  the  beads  themselves 
(determined  in  distilled  water).  Thus  surface  conductance  and  electro- 
osmosis  produce  a  20  percent  increase  in  the  electrolytic  conductance  in 
porous  media.  For  hydrochloric  acid  and  plastic  beads  over  the  same  con- 
centration range,  the  conductance  ratio  is  nearly  constant  at  0.24.  This 
result  indicates  either  that  surface  conductance  and  electro-osmosis  are 
inoperative  or  that  specific  interaction  occurs  between  the  beads  and  the 
acid  medium. 

As  part  of  an  international  comparison  of  voltage  measurements,  a  Canadian 
350,000-volt  instrument  transformer  (foreground)  was  calibrated  to  an  ac- 
curacy of  a  few  parts  in  a  hundred  thousand  using  a  new  capacitive-divider 
technique.  The  7-foot  high,  1-picofarad  capacitor  to  the  left  of  the  transformer 
was  specially  constructed  for  use  in  such  calibrations.     (See  p.  40.) 


Corrosion  of  Single  Crystals  of  Silver  in  Molten  Salt.     In  the 

presence  of  a  temperature  gradient,  the  corrosion  rate  of  single  crystals 
of  silver  in  molten  sodium  chloride  is  independent  of  the  crystallo graphic 
orientation  of  the  silver,  but  extensive  mass  transfer  of  silver  occurs.  This 
transfer,  resulting  from  dissolution  and  deposition  of  silver,  occurs  from  the 
hot  to  the  cold  end  of  the  crystal  and  results  from  a  shift  in  the  equilibrium 
between  ionic  and  atomic  silver  from  the  ionic  to  the  atomic  state.  In  the 
absence  of  a  temperature  gradient,  some  effects  due  to  crystal  orientation 
occur,  but  no  mass  transfer  of  silver  takes  place.  Spirals  and  square  pits 
form  on  the  [100]  surface  at  dislocations  in  the  interior  of  sub-grains  in 
concentrations  somewhat  less  than  106  per  square  centimeter.  Some  spirals 
and  pits  also  form  on  [111]  surfaces,  but  not  [110]  or  [211]  surfaces. 

Microwave  Absorption  in  Compressed  Nondipolar  Gases.  As  part 
of  the  systematic  study  of  the  dielectric  behavior  of  compressed  gases  in  the 
microwave  region,  measurements  were  made  on  a  number  of  pure  gases  and 
mixtures  which  do  not  have  permanent  dipole  moments  and  therefore  do  not 
produce  ordinary  microwave  spectra.  Significant  loss  was  found  in  carbon 
dioxide,  nitrogen,  and  ethylene.  This  loss  is  attributed  to  the  existence  of 
transient  dipoles  induced  by  molecular  force  fields  during  collisions.  The 
losses  observed  have  so  far  been  confined  to  gases  having  permanent  molec- 
ular electric  quadrupole  moments,  for  which  the  force  field  has  a  compara- 
tively long  range.  These  results  are  of  interest  in  that  they  provide  ,indirect 
information  on  the  magnitude  of  the  quadrupole  moments,  for  which  direct 
methods  of  measurement  are  not  presently  available,  and  on  the  dynamics 
of  collisions.  This  mechanism  of  absorption  can  also  have  a  very  significant 
effect  on  planetary  heat  balance  and  on  the  interpretation  of  observations  of 
the  planets  using  radioastronomy.  Venus  is  of  particular  interest  in  this 
respect  because  of  its  carbon  dioxide  atmosphere. 

Magnetism.  The  nuclear  magnetic  resonance  frequencies  of  various 
cobalt-  and  nickel-rich  alloys  were  determined  so  that  these  values  could  be 
used  in  calculating  the  internal  magnetic  fields  that  exist  at  the  cobalt  and 
nickel  nuclei  for  the  various  alloys.  These  results  will  provide  information 
to  be  used  in  theoretical  studies  of  the  behavior  of  ferromagnetic  alloys.  For 
the  cobalt-rich  alloys,  isotopically  enriched  Ni61  was  used.  This  enriched 
nickel  contained  99.9  percent  of  isotope  61  as  compared  with  approximately 
1.5  percent  of  isotope  61  found  in  ordinary  nickel  metal.  The  alloys  were 
prepared  in  powder  form,  in  which  the  largest  particle  size  was  10  microns, 
and  carefully  annealed.  A  successful  search  was  then  made  for  the  nuclear 
magnetic  resonances  of  Co59  and  Ni61. 

At  the  cobalt  nucleus  in  the  99  percent  and  1  percent  Ni61  alloys,  the 
same  value  of  internal  field  was  found  as  for  the  100  percent  cobalt  metal 
(  —  212,000  gauss).  The  same  value  of  magnetic  field  existed  at  the  nickel 
nucleus  for  the  pure  nickel  metal  as  for  the  99  percent  Ni-1  percent  Co  alloy 
(  —  57,000  gauss).  The  value  of  the  magnetic  field  at  the  cobalt  nucleus 
in  the  99  percent  Ni-1  percent  Co  alloy  was  found  to  be  —112,000  gauss, 


and  the  magnetic  field  at  the  nickel  nucleus  in  the  99  percent  Co- 1  percent 
Ni  alloy  was  found  to  be  — 170,000  gauss. 

The  calculated  magnetic  fields  at  the  nickel  nucleus  are  based  on  a  value 
of  a  nuclear  moment  of  Ni  of  0.9  nuclear  magneton  instead  of  on  the  usually 
accepted  value  of  0.3.  Several  groups  of  investigators  are  presently  at- 
tempting to  remeasure  this  quantity. 

A  series  of  Os+4  complexes  were  prepared  and  measurements  made  of 
their  magnetic  susceptibilities.  The  paramagnetism  of  the  osmium  (iv) 
complexes  was  found  to  be  independent  of  temperature  and  to  increase  as 
the  osmium  ions  are  separated.  An  equation  was  derived  to  describe  the 
results.  The  results  were  shown  to  be  in  agreement  with  the  intermediate 
coupling  scheme,  and  values  for  the  spin-orbit  coupling  constants  and 
coulomb  interactions  were  calculated  to  a  relatively  high  degree  of  accuracy. 

Absolute  measurements  of  susceptibilities  were  made  for  more  than  a 
year  on  two  compounds,  [CoHg(CNS)4]  and  (NH4)2OsCl6,  which  are  being 
considered  for  standards  of  paramagnetic  susceptibilities.  These  materials 
are  performing  in  a  very  satisfactory  manner.  It  is  hoped  that  such  stand- 
ard materials  will  improve  the  accuracy  with  which  equipment  capable  of 
making  only  relative  measurements  can  be  calibrated. 

Deposition  of  silver  on  silver  single  crystal  after  exposure  to  molten  sodium 
chloride  in  a  silver  crucible  for  15  hours.  Such  studies  have  shed  much  light 
on  electrolytic  processes.      (See  p.  43.) 


The  Bureau  program  in  radio  standards,  centered  at  the  Boulder  Labora- 
taries,  plays  an  important  part  in  the  economy  and  defense  of  the  country. 
As  the  electronic  industry  continues  to  expand,  the  role  of  this  program 
becomes  increasingly  important.  Its  aim  is  to  provide  the  central  basis 
for  the  complete,  consistent,  uniform,  and  accurate  measurement  of  physical 
quantities  relating  to  radio  science,  and  to  assure  international  coordination 
in  such  measurements. 


The  results  of  this  program  include,  for  example,  the  determination  of 
new  theories  which  radio  scientists  can  exploit,  the  invention  and  develop- 
ment of  new  instruments  and  measuring  devices  which  the  instruments 
industry  can  produce,  the  provision  of  accurate  data  on  the  properties  of 
materials,  the  provision  of  calibration  and  broadcast  services  which  furnish 
yardsticks  for  radio  measurments  to  hundreds  of  industrial  and  military 
laboratories  over  the  country,  and  consultation  and  instruction  which  assist 
in  the  solution  of  industrial  and  government  research,  development,  operation 
and  training  problems. 

With  the  continued  rapid  expansion  of  the  electronics  industry  and  the 
development  of  systems  and  space  vehicles  of  increasing  sophistication, 
increasing  demands  have  been  made  on  the  Bureau  to  increase  the  scope 
of  its  radio  standards  and  services.  Since  the  requirements  have  increased 
more  rapidly  than  standards  could  be  supplied,  some  standards  are  neces- 
sarily lacking.  This  lack  constitutes  significant  portion  of  what  is  referred 
to  as  a  "measurement  gap." 

As  an  initial  step  in  closing  this  part  of  the  "gap,"  the  radio  standards 
program  was  expanded  appreciably  during  the  year,  following  the  appro- 
priation of  supplemental  funds.  Based  upon  available  information  con- 
cerning measurement  needs  and  apparent  trends,  a  systematic  plan  is  being 
developed  for  defining  the  expansion  of  effort  required  to  meet  these  needs 
and  as  an  aid  in  establishing  the  optimum  program  with  available  facilities. 
Efforts  are  also  being  intensified  to  find  and  use  other  effective  ways  to  assist 
electronic  laboratories  in  their  use  of  the  National  standards.  These  ways 
include  publications,  sponsoring  of  conferences,  conducting  of  courses,  and 
participation  in  the  National  Conference  of  Standards  Laboratories. 

Radio  Physics 

In  its  program  on  radio  physics,  the  Bureau  conducts  research  concerning 
the  interaction  of  electromagnetic  fields  with  matter.  Such  studies  have 
possible  application  to  radio  standards,  frequency  standards,  time  scales, 
atomic  and  aggregate  properties  of  matter,  and  constants  of  nature.  This 
research  leads  to  the  development  and  international  coordination  of  certain 
national  standards  of  measurement.  The  dissemination  of  such  standards 
is  accomplished  by  broadcast  and  calibration  services,  and  results  of  the 
complete  program  are  made  known  by  publication  and  consultation. 

United  States  Frequency  Standard,  The  United  States  Frequency 
Standard,  whose  present  accuracy  is  better  than  one  second  in  3,000  years, 
has  been  modified  to  provide  a  complete  multiplier  chain  and  servosystem 
for  controlling  the  frequency  of  a  quartz  oscillator  with  the  cesium  resonance 
frequency.  This  improvement  will  reduce  the  quartz  spectral  line  width 
by  a  factor  of  one-half,  thereby  increasing  the  stability  of  the  system.  The 
performance  of  the  servo  system  has  been  evaluated  by  observing  frequency 
shifts  as  a  function  of  many  of  the  system  parameters,  such  as  gain,  modu- 
lation frequency,  bandwidth,  phase  shift  and  others.     It  was  found  by  com- 


parison  with  results  of  more  direct  manual  methods  of  measurements  that 
systematic  errors  were  0  ±3  X  10~12.  The  servosystem  approach  to  the 
problem  of  using  cesium  or  thallium  as  a  frequency  standard  permits  the 
realization  of  greater  precision  than  can  be  obtained  with  a  manual  method. 
At  the  same  time,  more  meaningful  long  term  averages  of  the  frequency  of 
the  working  standard  may  be  obtained  less  tediously.  Further,  equipment 
to  permit  the  simultaneous  operation  of  two  cesium  beam  machines  in  the 
servo  mode  has  been  constructed  and  initial  performance  tests  have  been 

Atomic  Time  Scale,  In  order  to  use  atomic  frequency  standards  to 
measure  time  it  is  necessary  to  count  the  number  of  cycles  which  have 
occurred  during  the  elapsed  time.  During  the  past  year  an  apparatus 
which  counts  cycles  directly  has  been  built  and  is  being  improved.  Another 
method  of  obtaining  time  is  by  a  mathematical  analysis  of  data  pertaining 
to  a  number  of  continuously  operating  frequency  standards.  If  the  fre- 
quencies are  measured  at  periodic  intervals  and  plotted  against  the  nominal 
value  of  the  time,  the  exact  time  can  be  shown  to  be  proportional  to  the 
area  under  the  curve:  that  is,  the  integral  of  the  frequency  with  respect  to 
the  nominal  time  evaluated  from  the  beginning  to  the  end  of  the  desired 
interval.  Considerable  effort  has  been  devoted  to  exploiting  this  method. 
The  procedure  was  applied  to  several  quartz  oscillators,  including  the  one 
which  controls  WWV.  Data  going  back  to  1957  are  being  studied.  The 
purpose  of  this  study  was  to  test  the  consistency  of  various  determinations 
of  atomic  time — to  see  whether  it  could  live  up  to  its  expectation  as  the 
ultimate  standard  of  time  suitable  for  such  critical  activities  as  aerospace 
navigation,  etc. 

Ft,  Collins  Radio  Station,  For  many  years  the  Bureau  has  operated 
high-frequency  standard  frequency  stations  WWV  at  Greenbelt,  Md.,  and 
WWVH  at  Maui,  Hawaii.  However,  the  accuracy  attainable  from  the  use 
of  these  high-frequency  broadcasts  is  inadequate  for  many  present-day 
satellite  and  missile  programs.  Experimental  low  frequency  broadcasts 
from  WWVL  Sunset,  Colo.,  at  20  kc/s  and  WWVB  Boulder,  Colo.,  at 
60  kc/s  have  indicated  that  considerable  improvement  in  accuracy  can  be 
obtained  at  these  frequencies.  Since  October  28,  1961,  the  carrier  fre- 
quency of  WWVL  has  been  automatically  phase  locked  to  the  United  States 
frequency  working  standard  located  in  the  Boulder  Laboratories  by  a  radio 
link.  This  arrangement  has  maintained  the  carrier  stability  as  trans- 
mitted to  about  two  parts  in  1011.  The  success  of  these  experimental  broad- 
casts provided  technical  justification  for  the  construction  of  new  facilities 
at  Ft.  Collins,   Colo. 

The  Ft.  Collins  site  was  selected  because  it  most  nearly  met  all  of  the 
required  technical  conditions  including  that  of  exceptional  ground  con- 
ductivity. The  installation  will  cover  a  land  area  of  approximately  379 
acres  and  the  antenna  system  will  be  supported  by  eight  steel  towers  approxi- 
mately 400  feet  in  height,  weighing  about  60,000  pounds  each.  Trans- 
mitters presently  under  construction  are  of  greatly  increased  power  (7-kw 


In  addition  to  improving  frequency  measurements  by  modifying  the  existing 
cesium  frequency  standards,  NBS  has  started  construction  of  an  entirely 
new  cesium-beam  device.  This  NBS  III  atomic  frequency  standard  has  an 
oscillating  field  separation  of  approximately  3  meters.     (See  p.  45.) 

radiated  power  on  60  kc/s  and  1-kw  on  20  kc/s)  and  range  in  order  that  a 
more  favorable  signal-to-noise  ratio  may  be  achieved  and  thus '  a  more 
reliable  coverage  during  any  given  24-hour  period.  The  accuracy  of  the 
present  system  is  analogous  to  a  clock  having  the  capability  to  maintain  the 
time  to  within  two  seconds  in  300  years.  However,  efforts  are  being 
exerted  continually  to  improve  this  accuracy. 

Fundamental  Constants 

Speed  of  Electromagnetic  Radiation.  The  speed  of  electromagnetic 
radiation  is  being  redetermined  using  a  Michelson  interferometer  at  6-milli- 
meter wavelength.  Experimentally,  this  consists  of  a  2-foot  square  horn  and 
a  5-foot  square  plane  mirror  which  can  be  moved  through  a  known  distance 
of  about  one  meter.  The  horn  is  excited  by  a  klystron  of  very  accurately 
known  frequency.  The  wavelength  in  room  air  is  measured  by  counting  the 
number  of  minima  in  the  signal  leaving  the  interferometer  as  the  mirror  is 
moved.  Corrections  must  be  made  for  both  refraction  in  the  air  and  diffrac- 
tion effects.  The  latter  provide  a  serious  difficulty  and  require  extensive 
mathematical  analysis.  The  apparatus  was  placed  in  operation  during  the 
past  year,  and  a  preliminary  value  agreeing  with  the  accepted  one  within  a 
few  parts  in  a  million  has  been  obtained.  It  is  expected  that  the  experiment 
will  be  completed  during  the  next  year. 


A  more  novel  method  for  the  redetermination  of  the  speed  of  electro- 
magnetic radiation  employs  gamma  rays  and  the  Mossbauer  effect.  This 
experiment  is  unusual  in  that  it  involves  radiation  traveling  only  in  one 
direction  over  a  path.  A  source  and  absorber  are  mounted  on  piezoelectric 
transducers  which  vibrate  at  a  frequency  of  about  1000  Mc/s.  The  absorp- 
tion goes  through  a  maximum  when  the  distance  is  such  that  the  time  neces- 
sary for  the  radiation  to  travel  between  the  transducers  is  a  whole  number  oi 
periods  of  vibration.  The  time  is  also  equal  to  the  distance  divided  by  the 
speed  of  propagation.  The  assembly  of  the  apparatus  is  approaching  com- 
pletion, and  it  is  hoped  that  a  preliminary  experiment  will  take  place  shortly. 
Ultimately,  it  is  hoped  that  an  accuracy  of  the  order  of  one  part  in  107  can 
be  achieved. 

Fine  Structure  Measurements.  The  fine  structure  constant  a,  for  which 
two  previous  measurements  have  given  values  containing  significant  differ- 
ences, is  also  being  remeasured.  This  constant  is  related  to  the  charge  of 
the  electron,  e,  the  speed  of  light,  c,  and  Planck's  constant,  h,  by  means  of 
the  equation  a=27re2/hc.  This  direct  connection  with  the  other  atomic 
constants  is  an  indication  of  its  importance. 

A  program  to  redetermine  this  constant  by  a  microwave  measurement  of 
the  fine  structure  of  singly  ionized  helium  has  been  started  in  the  past  year. 
This  new  measurement  is  expected  to  resolve  the  discrepancy  between  the 
two  previously  obtained  values  of  a.  The  measurement  will  also  be  a  test  of 
the  validity  of  the  theory  of  the  fine  structure  of  hydrogenlike  atoms.  When 
the  magnetic  field  is  zero,  the  fine  structure  of  singly  ionized  helium  exhibits 
two  resonances.  The  14  Gc/s  resonance,  known  as  the  "Lamb  Shift,"  has 
been  previously  measured  to  within  ±4.5  Mc/s.  The  present  experiment  is 
intended  to  observe  the  other  resonance  at  161  Gc/s  per  second,  which  has  not 
been  observed  by  microwave  methods. 

Millimeter  Waves.  NBS,  one  of  the  first  to  construct  and  operate  micro- 
wave Fabry-Perot  interferometers  with  both  flat  and  spherical  mirrors,  is 
vigorously  exploring  the  operation  of  these  devices  in  detail.  It  is  expected 
that  the  present  theory  will  be  substantiated  to  a  large  degree  and  modified 
in  some  deails.  Microwave  engineering  has  been  given  a  completely  new 
type  of  resonator  by  this  recent  result  from  physical  optics. 

Attention  is  being  devoted  to  the  application  of  these  resonators  as  refrac- 
tometers  and  spectrometers.  During  the  past  year  an  absorption  cell,  using 
a  parallel  plate  interferometer  for  the  observation  of  Stark  effects  in  molecu- 
lar spectra,  has  been  constructed.  The  Stark  effect  concerns  the  splitting  of 
spectral  lines  by  the  application  of  electric  fields,  and  provides  an  unex- 
ploited  possibility  of  measuring  d-c  and  low-frequency  voltages  to  very  high 
precision.  It  is  expected  that  in  the  next  few  months  preliminary  experi- 
ments on  the  use  of  the  Stark  effect  as  a  method  of  measuring  voltage  will 
be  completed. 

A  very  efficient  method  for  transmitting  millimeter  wave  power  has  been 
designed  in  which  spherical  mirrors  are  used  as  part  of  a  periodically  re- 
focused  transmission  line.     Alternatively,  the  mirrors  may  be  replaced  by 


lenses,  in  which  case  the  Goubau  transmission  line  results.  These  are  prom- 
ising new  methods  for  handling  millimeter  wave  power,  which  suffers  such 
prohibitive  attenuation  in  conventional  waveguide  circuits.  An  experimental 
evaluation  of  these  various  new  transmission  techniques  will  be  undertaken  as 
part  of  the  millimeter  wave  research  activity. 

Coherent  Light.  The  extension  of  the  realm  of  coherent  radiation 
through  the  advent  of  the  optical  maser  provides  many  opportunities  for  new 
methods  of  communication  and  for  measurement  of  fundamental  constants. 
Therefore  it  is  necessary  for  the  Bureau  to  develop  competence  in  this  field. 

During  the  past  year  a  pulsed  ruby  laser  has  been  assembled  at  the  Boulder 
Laboratories.  This  laser,  powered  by  powerful  xenon  flash  lamps,  has  a 
coherent  light  output  at  a  wavelength  of  6943  A  which  can  be  focused  by 
means  of  an  ordinary  lens  to  provide  a  high-energy  density  of  optical  radia- 
tion, making  feasible  experiments  that  a  few  years  ago  were  impossible. 
One  such  experiment  now  under  investigation  consists  of  irradiating  certain 
organic  crystals  with  the  intense  light  of  the  ruby  laser.  These  organic  crys- 
tals have  optical  absorption  bands  at  nearly  twice  the  frequency  of  the  ruby 
laser.  In  order  that  the  crystals  absorb  photons  from  the  laser  beam  one 
must  have  what  is  known  as  a  two-photon  process.  The  organic  crystal  ex- 
cited through  photon  absorption  decays  back  to  the  ground  state  via  a  5000  A 

The  Stark  effect — splitting  of  spectral  lines  by  the  application  of  electric 
fields — is  being  investigated  as  a  means  for  measuring  d-c  and  low-frequency 
voltages  to  very  high  precision.  This  experiment  employs  millimeter  wave 
techniques  which  were  developed  at  NBS.     (See  p.  48.) 


fluorescent  state.  The  detection  of  the  two-photon  process  will  be  accom- 
plished by  observing  the  5000  A  emission  line  on  spectrographs  plates. 
The  experiment  should  provide  a  better  correlation  between  experiment  and 
theory  of  two-photon  processes. 

In  addition  to  this  experiment  two  helium-neon  gas  masers  are  under  con- 
struction, and  it  is  expected  that  they  will  be  placed  in  operation  during  the 
next  year.  They  will  be  studied  with  regard  to  communication  possibilities 
and  with  regard  to  use  in  new  determinations  of  the  velocity  of  light. 

Radio  Plasma  Studies,  A  broad  program  designed  to  delve  into  the 
basic  physics  of  plasmas,  principally  as  related  to  the  interaction  of  plasmas 
with  electromagnetic  radiation,  is  currently  under  way.  A  laboratory  pro- 
gram in  this  field  can  be  expected  to  yield  valuable  information  concerning 
fundamental  processes  of  the  propagation  of  radio  waves  in  the  ionosphere 
and  exosphere  and  in  the  transmission  of  signals  through  the  plasma  sheath 
surrounding  a  satellite.  Moreover,  such  investigations  are  likely  to  lead  to 
the  development  of  new  devices,  such  as  mixers  and  harmonic  generators, 
useful  in  the  millimeter  and  submillimeter  region. 

Bounded  Plasma  Calculations.  An  important  result  of  the  past  year's 
work  has  been  the  theoretical  analysis  of  an  experiment  concerned  with  the 
propagation  of  a  wave  through  an  over-dense,  highly  magnetized  bounded 
plasma.  Carried  out  in  cooperation  with  the  Atomic  Energy  Research  Estab- 
lishment in  Harwell,  England,  this  work  was  predicated  upon  the  so-called 
"whistler"  plane  wave  mode  derived  in  basic  magneto-ionic  theory.  Com- 
plete analysis  of  the  results,  however,  indicates  frequency  regions,  both  of 
propagation  and  of  attenuation,  that  are  not  explained  by  the  original 
"whistler"  mode  theory  for  unbounded  plasma.  The  detailed  bounded 
plasma  solution  not  only  predicts  many  "whistlerlike"  modes,  but  also  new 
sets  of  modes  that  are  relatively  nondispersive. 

Reaction  Rate  Coefficients.  Much  of  the  work  carried  on  in  the  plasma 
area  is  of  particular  interest  to  the  upper  atmospheric  physicist.  One  task 
is  concerned  with  determining  atomic  and  molecular  reaction  rate  coeffi- 
cients, especially  of  gases  associated  with  ionospheric  phenomena.  The 
present  state-of-the-art  is  such  that  the  known  data  constitutes  only  a  small 
part  of  that  which  is  required,  and  even  that  small  fraction  is  subj  ect  to  large 
uncertainities.  Present  work  is  concerned  with  refinement  of  microwave 
and  optical  plasma  diagnostic  tools,  and  with  development  of  new  techniques. 
Two  such  new  techniques,  which  are  particularly  suited  to  investigating  a 
far  afterglow  of  a  nitrogen  discharge,  are  a  microwave  surface  wave  device 
using  a  helical  structure,  and  an  audio  frequency  technique  involving  the 
Hall  effect.  Optical  and  infrared  spectroscopic  techniques  are  being  used 
on  both  carbon  and  nitrogen  atoms  and  on  such  molecules  as  C2,  C3,  CH.  CH:. 
H2,  CN,  and  NO.  The  carbon  processes  are  characteristic  of  comet  tails 
and  the  others  are  evolved  in  upper  atmospheric  mechanisms.  The  partic- 
ular aim  of  this  work  is  to  evaluate  the  probabilities  of  some  of  the  transi- 
tions from  the  excited  states  of  these  species.  In  addition,  the  energy  ex- 
change processes  involving  these  species  are  being  investigated. 


Plasma  Waves.  Plasma  waves,  or  oscillations,  are  a  function  of  such 
properties  as  electron  density  and  temperature  and  consequently  offer  a 
possible  key  to  determination  of  these  parameters.  Further,  various  in- 
stabilities that  are  preventing  successfully  controlled  thermonuclear  re- 
actions are  intimately  related  to  these  plasma  waves.  An  experiment  is  cur- 
rently under  way  in  an  attempt  to  generate  such  oscillations  in  the  form 
of  a  longitudinal  electro-acoustic  wave  and  to  compare  the  propagation 
constant  and  other  properties  of  this  wave  with  those  predicted  by  theory. 

Most  of  the  previous  and  present  work  is  based  upon  various  linear  or 
at  least  linearized  theories.  While  the  most  pressing  need  is  for  completion 
of  these  tasks,  other  future  work  involves  the  extension  into  the  domain  of 
non-linear  phenomena.  This  includes  the  generation  and  detailed  investiga- 
tion of  plasma  "striations"  and  the  use  of  an  arc  discharge  as  a  means  of 
harmonic  generation  in  the  millimeter  wave  region. 

Particle-Plasma  Interaction.  Some  exospheric  and  solor  phenomena 
result  from  the  interaction  of  beams  of  charged  particles  with  plasma,  par- 
ticularly the  generation  of  electromagnetic  waves  in  space.  During  the  past 
year  a  laboratory  experiment  has  been  set  up  to  produce  some  of  these 
effects — particularly  to  study  the  effect  of  the  finite  temperature  on  the 
evolving  of  "pass"  and  "stop"  bands  where  none  are  predicted  for  zero 

Radio  and  Microwave  Materials.  Investigations  of  the  interaction  of 
electromagnetic  waves  with  materials  are  primarily  directed  toward  advancing 
the  present  understanding  of  solid  state  phenomena  as  well  as  toward  improv- 
ing and  developing  standards  and  measuring  techniques  for  determining 
material  properties. 

Studies  of  magnetic  resonance  phenomena  using  a  recently  completed  spin 
resonance  spectrometer  resulted  in  the  observation  of  interesting  electron 
paramagnetic  resonance  spectra  in  amethyst,  topaz,  and  aragonite  crystals. 
Attention  was  concentrated  on  the  amethyst  spectrum  and  a  serious  attempt  is 
being  made  to  characterize  the  spectrum  completely  and  to  correlate  it,  if 
possible,  with  other  known  physical  phenomena  which  take  place  in 
amethyst.  »   \ 

The  synthesis  of  selected  specimens  for  magnetic  spin  resonance  work  also 
received  considerable  emphasis  during  the  year.  In  particular,  a  process 
was  developed  for  growing  single  crystals  of  anhydrous  sulfates  such  as 
copper  or  cobalt  sulfate,  which  are  of  interest  in  studies  of  antiferromagnetic 
properties.  Preliminary  experiments  also  indicate  the  possibility  of  growing 
sizable  single  crystals  of  zinc  sulfate,  dense  with  paramagnetic  ions.  This 
work  is  in  accord  with  the  recommendation  of  the  Aerospace  Industry  Asso- 
ciation which  emphasized  the  desirability  for  a  concentrated  effort  on  the 
study  of  materials  of  known  composition  and  purity. 

Several  contributions  were  made  in  the  continuing  effort  to  obtain  better 
measuring  techniques  for  evaluating  the  properties  of  radio  and  microwave 
materials.  For  example,  more  accurate  measurements  of  very  small  dielectric 
losses  of  material  at  microwave  frequencies  were  made  possible  through 


A  new  technique  utilizing  the  interaction  of  a  surface  wave  with  a  plasma  is 
being  used  to  investigate  the  ambipolar  diffusion  process,  a  fundamental  loss 
mechanism  in  the  plasma.  Knowledge  of  the  details  of  such  processes  is  vital 
to  a  more  complete  understanding  of  plasma  physics,  and  to  its  application 
to  communication  and  energy  generation.     (See  p.  50.) 

the  development  of  improved  TE0  n  mode  cavity  employing  a  concentrated 
dielectric  post.  Research  is  also  continuing  in  the  development  of  better 
variable  length  re-entrant  cavities  for  complex  dielectric  constant  measure- 
ment in  the  region  of  a  few  hundred  megacycles  per  second.  Four-terminal 
techniques  for  making  measurements  in  the  kilocycle  region  were  completed 
during  the  year. 

Improved  techniques  were  developed  for  measuring  the  reversible  complex 
permeability  spectra  of  ferrites  with  d-c  fields  applied  parallel  to  the  RF 
fields,  including  the  development  of  variable  length  cavities  for  measurements 
of  this  type.  This  represents  considerable  improvement  over  previously 
used  slotted  lines.  Facilities  for  paramagnetic  resonance  measurements  on 
ferrite  spheres  at  several  frequencies  ranging  from  L  band  through  K  band 
were  completed,  and  work  continues  in  evaluating  the  merit  of  tensor 
permeability  data  versus  ordinary  ferromagnetic  resonance  data  at  various 
microwave  frequencies. 

The  effort  in  the  area  of  conductivity  phenomena  was  directed  primarily 
toward  a  theoretical  study  of  the  electric  current  density  produced  by  the 
action  of  an  electromagnetic  field  in  electron  gas.  This  work  included  the 
case  where  a  static  magnetic  field  is  applied  to  the  electron  gas.  and  although 
as  yet  the  work  is  preliminary  in  nature  initial  efforts  indicate  promising 

Applied  Mathematics.  Much  of  the  effort  in  this  field  was  devoted  to 
analysis  and  computation  as  related  to  the  diffraction  correction  for  the 
determination  of  the  velocity  of  light  with  a  microwave  Michelson  inter- 
ferometer. Neglecting  the  multiple  reflections  and  assuming  the  mirror  to 
be  infinite,  the  correction  is  obtained  from  a  two-dimensional  integral  over 
the  weighted  product  of  the  complex  vector,  radiation,  and  receiving  pat- 


terns,  which  are  given  by  two-dimensional  Fourier  transforms  of  the  (com- 
plex vector)  field  in  an  aperture  plane.  Analysis  and  programing  have  been 
carried  out  for  the  fitting — with  tests  of  statistical  significance — and  plotting 
of  residuals  of  the  rapidly  varying  aperture  field,  using  a  linear  combination 
of  products  of  generalizations  of  the  Fresnel  integral  functions  (each  arising 
from  an  infinite  slit  with  the  illumination  expressed  by  a  term  of  a  Fourier 
series).  Exact  expressions  have  been  obtained  for  the  Fourier  transform 
of  the  basic  functions,  and  approximate  expressions  for  the  needed  diffrac- 
tion correction  integrals  have  been  obtained  and  programed.  The  analysis 
and  computations  relating  to  the  velocity  of  light  measurements,  including 
studies  of  minor  effects  such  as  mirror  tilt,  finite  mirror,  multiple  reflections, 
variation  of  reflection  with  angle  of  incidence,  aperture  probe  pattern, 
evanescent  waves,  and  transverse  aperture  field  component  perpendicular 
to  the  nominal  direction,  will  be  published  within  the  foreseeable  future. 

Microwave  Spectral  Tables,,  The  primary  aim  of  this  project  is  the 
publication  of  a  comprehensive  set  of  tables  of  observed  microwave  line 
spectra,  their  intensities,  and  molecular  constants  derived  therefrom.  Present 
literature  on  microwave  spectroscopy  has  grown  to  such  an  extent  that  the 
existing  compilation  contains  only  a  small  fraction  of  the  available  data, 
and  some  proposed  work  involving  unstable  molecules  is  impractical  until 
and  up-to-date  catalog  of  information  is  available.  Present  activity  involves 
the  compilation  of  three  volumes  as  follows:  Volume  1 — Line  Strengths  of 
Asymmetric  Rotors,  Volume  2 — Diatomic  Molecules,  and  Volume  3 — Hin- 
dered Rotors, 

Volume  1  contains  a  computation  of  the  subject  transition  possibilities  for 
/=0  to  7=30.  Volume  2  will  contain  tables  of  Casimir's  function  and  of 
the  hyperfine  intensity  splitting  factor  computed  to  I  and  /,  for  I  and  /  half- 
integral  as  well  as  integral.  Volume  3  will  contain  the  microwave  spectra 
of  molecules  undergoing  internal  rotation.  Two  additional  volumes  are 
scheduled  for  publication  during  the  next  year.  They  are:  Volume  4 — 
Symmetric  and  Asymmetric  Rotors,  and  Volume  5 — Serial  Frequency  List- 
ings (of  Lines  of  all  Atoms  and  Molecules) . 

Theoretical  Physics.  Studies  in  theoretical  physics  are  conducted  which 
contribute  to  basic  aspects  of  the  radio  standards  program.  In  addition 
to  being  end  products  in  themselves,  these  studies  occasionally  provide  key 
theoretical  developments  on  which  further  work  may  be  based,  and  form  a 
basis  for  consultative  services  in  both  mathematics  and  physics. 

Perturbation  formulas,  along  with  some  of  the  underlying  theory,  were 
refined  and  applied  to  more  problems.  Specifically,  finite  conductivity  cal- 
culations were  made  for  half-round  inductive  obstacles  in  a  rectangular  wave- 
guide. In  the  same  vein,  the  general  concepts  of  perturbation  theory  were 
restudied  and  some  difficult  points  clarified.  A  particular  point  of  interest 
was  the  realization  that  in  many  problems  to  which  perturbation  theory  is 
applied  the  required  power  series  expansions  in  the  perturbation  parameter 
may  not  be  valid. 


A  good  deal  of  work  was  performed  in  proposing  expository  notes  on 
the  advanced  theory  of  waveguide  junctions.  Many  known  properties  were 
formulated  more  clearly  and  some  new  results  obtained. 

A  major  work  which  was  accomplished  during  the  past  year  involved  cal- 
culating the  bound  state  energies  of  an  exponentially-shielded  Coulomb 
potential,  which  is  identified  with  the  Debye-Huckel  potential  in  ionized  gases. 
The  perturbation  treatment  of  this  problem  appears  to  give  the  most  useful 
results  obtained  to  date. 

Circuit  Standards 

The  Bureau's  program  in  radio  circuit  standards  includes  basic  research 
on  physical  principles  and  fundamental  engineering  techniques  having  appli- 
cations in  the  field  of  precision  electromagnetic  measurements.  This  research 
leads  to  the  establishment,  maintenance,  continued  improvement,  and  inter- 
national coordination  of  a  comprehensive  set  of  national  standards  and  pre- 
cision measurement  techniques  for  fundamental  electromagnetic  qualities 
in  radio  circuits.  Dissemination  of  measurement  accuracy  is  accomplished 
in  large  part  through  calibration  services,  and  information  on  precision 
electromagnetic  measurements  is  disseminated  widely  through  publication, 
consultation,  conference  papers,  invited  talks,  committee  work  with  the 
technical  societies,  individual  visits  to  other  laboratories,  the  NBS-Air  Force 
Working  Group  visits  to  Air  Force  contractors,  and  through  a  Low  Frequency 
Workshop  for  members  of  Department  of  Defense  standards  laboratories. 

Low-Frequency  Activities.  The  design  has  been  substantially  com- 
pleted for  new  instrumentation  for  the  rapid  calibration  of  volt  boxes.    This 

Measuring  the  impedence  of  a  high-frequency  resistance  standard.  The  resistor 
is  one  of  a  new  set,  ranging  from  1  ohm  to  2  megohms,  for  use  in  the  lower 
rf  region.     (Seep.  55.) 


equipment  will  incorporate  a  digitally  programed  analog  computer.  The 
elimination  of  hand  computations  and  data  handling  will  facilitate  operation 
of  the  equipment  and  preparation  of  calibration  results,  and  should  eliminate 
several  potential  sources  of  error. 

Investigation  of  inductive  voltage  dividers  has  led  to  the  construction 
of  a  number  of  single-decade  dividers  having  extremely  small  ratio  errors 
(a  few  parts  in  a  hundred  million  of  input) .  Methods  are  being  developed 
for  using  this  type  of  divider  to  establish  a  ratio  in  a  simple  manner. 

Repeated  measurements  on  a  group  of  six  saturated  standard  cells  at  both 
NBS  Boulder  and  NBS  Washington  indicate  that  calibrations  of  electromotive 
force  of  cells  at  the  two  laboratories  agreed  within  0.4  microvolt. 

Comparisons  of  three  Thomas-type  1-ohm  resistors  at  both  Boulder  and 
Washington  revealed  a  maximum  change  of  only  0.1  microhm.  Measure- 
ment agreement  between  the  two  sites  also  has  been  to  this  order  of  accuracy. 
This  is  better  than  the  best  certified  calibration  accuracy,  so  that  resistance 
calibrations  made  at  Boulder  and  at  Washington  have  been  nearly  identical. 

High-Frequency  Activities,  A  significant  addition  to  the  NBS  meas- 
urement capability  was  made  in  the  field  of  pulse  radiofrequency  power, 
where  no  measurement  capability  has  existed  previously.  In  this  new  method 
the  power  level  of  a  selected  portion  of  the  pulse  is  compared  with  a  known 
amount  of  cw  power  at  approximately  the  safe  frequency.  The  measure- 
ment range  extends  from  0.25  watt  to  10  kilowatts,  with  a  limit  of  error 
of  3  percent.  The  pulse  width  may  be  as  small  as  0.5  microsecond,  the 
minimum  duty  cycle  is  0.0005,  and  the  frequency  range  is  30  kc/s  to  1000 
Mc/s.     This  work  will  form  the  basis  for  a  new  calibration  service. 

On  a  project  sponsored  by  the  Naval  Bureau  of  Ships,  a  special  set  of 
filter  units  covering  the  frequency  range  from  14  kc/s  to  1000  Mc/s  was 
developed  and  constructed  for  use  in  the  measurement  of  spurious  outputs 
of  radio  transmitters.  These  filters  allow  the  measurements  to  be  made 
with  the  transmitters  operating  into  standard  50-ohm  dummy  loads,  thus 
avoiding  the  interference  that  would  be  created  if  antennas  were  used 
during  the  measurements.  Techniques  were  employed  which  made  the 
characteristics  of  the  filters  independent  of  transmitter  power  level.  The 
design  achieved  optimum  bandwidths  while  providing  less  than  10-decibel 
(db)  attenuation  outside  of  the  rejection  band  in  the  frequency  range  from  14 
kc/s  to  1000  Mc/s.  The  high  sensitivity  of  the  units  permits  the  measure- 
ment of  spurious  signals  as  much  as  145  decibels  below  the  carrier  level. 

An  experimental  attenuator  operating  in  the  TM0i  mode  using  cylindrical 
waveguide  was  constructed  for  investigation.  A  special  two-stage  input 
impedance  matching  unit,  necessary  to  prevent  the  burnout  of  some  of  the 
capacitors  due  to  high  currents,  was  incorporated  into  the  attenuator.  The 
unit  worked  well  and,  for  the  minimum  launching  and  pickup  probe  separa- 
tion which  could  be  used  while  maintaining  a  linearity  of  0.001  db,  pro- 
duced a  maximum  output  of  1.5  volts  into  a  50-ohm  load.  Preliminary 
measurements  over  the  maximum  range  (120  db)  of  the  experimental 
attenuator  showed  no  evidence  of  the  presence  of  the  TE1X  mode.     The 


Comparison  of  a  1 -picofarad  incremental  capacitor  with  an  accurate  section  of 
coaxial  line.  The  accuracy  of  the  high-frequency  corrections  to  the  1 -picofarad 
incremental  derived  standard  has  been  improved.     (See  p.  56.) 

measurement  accuracy  at  the  upper  end  of  this  range  has  not  yet  been 

This  investigation  was  made  necessary  by  the  fact  that  the  conductivity  of 
the  waveguide  wall  of  waveguide-below-cutoff  attenuators  operating  in  TEX1 
mode  is  a  limiting  factor  in  the  operation  of  this  type  of  attenuator.  Since 
this  effective  conductivity  is  difficult  to  measure  accurately,  it  may  not  be 
possible  to  use  this  form  of  the  attenuator  as  an  accurate  measurement  stand- 
ard for  frequencies  below  1  Mc/s.  This  effect  is  less  serious  in  attenuators 
operating  in  TM01  mode  (capacitive  type).  For  successful  use  of  this  latter 
mode  in  a  standard  attenuator,  the  less  rapidly  attenuated  TEn  mode  must 
be  adequately  suppressed. 

Several  improvements  were  made  in  high  frequency  resistance  standards. 
A  new  set  of  standards,  ranging  from  1  ohm  to  2  megohms,  was  completed 
for  use  at  the  lower  radiofrequencies.  This  set  has  metal  film  and  solid  wire 
cylindrical  center  conductors  with  linearly  tapered  outer  conductors.  A 
new  type  of  resistor  was  developed  which  can  be  used  at  high  frequency 
with  0.02  percent  nominal  accuracy  and  ±10  parts  per  million  per  degree 
temperature  coefficient.  The  use  of  photoconductors  for  adjustable  resistance 
standards  has  proved  successful  in  calibrating  the  residual  reactance  of 
resistance  standards. 

Improvements  have  been  made  in  high-frequency  capacitance  standards 
by  further  analysis  of  losses  through  utilizing  capacitors  with  different  rela- 
tionships between  loss  and  capacitance,  by  use  of  mercury  contacts  rather 
than  solid  metal  sliding  contacts,  and  by  analysis  of  losses  from  capacity 


coupling  through  the  bearings  supporting  the  rotors  of  variable  capacitors. 
The  accuracy  of  the  high-frequency  corrections  to  the  1  picofarad  (pf )  incre- 
mental derived  standard  was  improved  by  use  of  a  new  1-pf  fixed  capacitor. 

Coaxial  line  techniques  were  advanced  by  the  development  of  a  three- 
terminal  method  of  evaluating  discontinuities  experimentally  and  by  im- 
provements in  the  mathematical  analysis.  A  bead  was  developed  for  use  in 
the  NBS-Woods  connector  which  makes  possible  the  construction  of  trans- 
mission line  standards. 

Radiofrequency  voltage  calibration  services  were  expanded  to  include  500, 
700,  and  1000  Mc/s.  This  was  accomplished  by  using  thermal  voltage  con- 
verters compensated  so  that  their  frequency  response  is  uniform  to  within 
1  percent  over  a  2  percent  frequency  range  at  each  of  the  operating  fre- 
quencies. The  accuracy  of  RF  voltage  calibrations  was  improved  by  reduc- 
tion of  distortion  in  the  sinusoidal  voltage  sources  and  by  improving  the 
long-time  stability  of  the  micropotentiometers  to  better  than  0.1  percent. 

The  high-frequency  impedance  calibration  service  was  considerably  im- 
proved by  the  procurement  and  evaluation  of  two  three-terminal  bridges  and 
associated  standards.  This  service  was  further  improved  by  additions  of 
tapers  and  adapters  to  various  connector  types,  by  improvements  in  the 
system  for  calibrating  the  working  standards  against  the  standard  1-pf 
capacitor,  and  by  addition  of  a  six-terminal  mount  to  connect  as  many  as 
five  impedance  standards  in  parallel. 

The  calibration  accuracy  supplied  for  attenuators  in  field  strength  meters 
was  improved  from  ±0.8  db  to  ±0.2  db  over  the  frequency  range  400  to 
1,000  Mc/s.  By  comparing  balanced  voltages  with  the  unbalanced  voltage 
standards,  dipole  antenna  measurement  accuracy  was  improved  to  ±5  per- 
cent (formerly  ±15%)  over  the  30  to  300  Mc/s  range.  Attenuation  calibra- 
tion services  at  spot  frequencies  from  1  to  300  Mc/s  were  improved  to 
give  an  accuracy  of  ±0.005  db.  The  range  of  attenuation  measurement 
was  increased  by  10  db  to  a  total  of  150  db  by  addition  of  a  new  detection 

Microwave  Activities,  When  microwave  instruments  having  rectangular 
waveguide  inputs  are  calibrated,  they  are  connected  to  NBS  calibration  equip- 
ment having  rectangular  waveguide  outputs.  The  NBS  waveguide  is  usually 
made  to  closer  tolerances  than  commercially  available  waveguide,  and  in 
particular,  the  rectangular  cross  section  of  the  waveguide  has  sharp,  rather 
than  rounded,  corners. 

When  the  calibrated  microwave  instruments  are  used  in  various  applica- 
tions, they  often  may  be  connected  to  apparatus  having  output  waveguide 
with  rounded  corners.  This  difference  between  the  measurement  conditions 
during  calibration  and  during  use,  while  usually  a  small  one,  may  produce 
significant  errors  which  cannot  be  evaluated  without  a  knowledge  of  the 
magnitude  of  the  reflection  at  the  junction  of  a  waveguide  having  rounded 
corners  with  one  having  sharp  corners. 

During  the  past  year  this  problem  was  investigated  both  analytically 
and  experimentally,  and  data  were  obtained  on  the  magnitude  of  the  reflec- 

662336  0—62 5  57 

tion  from  such  a  junction  as  a  function  of  the  radius  of  the  corner.  A  simple 
formula  also  was  obtained  which  closely  fitted  the  measured  data. 

Since  1958  NBS  has  had  a  regular  calibration  service  for  microwave  bo- 
lometer mounts  for  only  one  of  the  many  waveguide  sizes,  WR90  (8.2  to  12.4 
Gc/s).  This  calibration  service  is  based  principally  upon  the  microcalorim- 
eter,  in  which  the  efficiencies  of  bolometer  mounts  can  be  determined  to 
an  accuracy  of  0.2  percent.  Additional  microcalorimeters  have  been  con- 
structed for  WR62  (12.4  to  18.0  Gc/s)  and  WR42  (18.0  to  26.5  Gc/s) 
rectangular  waveguide.  The  evaluation  of  errors  in  the  microcalorimeter 
for  WR62  waveguide  and  the  design,  construction,  and  evaluation  of  bar- 
retter mounts  have  been  completed  to  form  the  basis  of  a  calibration  service 
in  the  WR62  rectangular  waveguide. 

The  development  of  a  microwave  standard  phase  shifter  for  WR90  wave- 
guide has  been  continued.  A  satisfactory  sliding  short-circuit  has  been 
produced.  When  the  sliding  short-circuit  is  used  with  a  tuned  single  direc- 
tional coupler,  a  signal  is  produced  from  the  side  arm  of  the  coupler  which 
has  a  nearly  constant  amplitude  and  a  variable  phase.  The  phase  of  the 
signal  tracks  the  position  of  the  sliding  short-circuit  and  can  be  used  to 
calibrate  phase  shifters.  A  preliminary  error  evaluation  indicates  that  the 
phase  of  the  signal  in  the  side  arm  can  be  determined  to  an  accuracy  of 
better  than  0.1  degree. 

The  pulse  technique  for  horn  gain  calibrations  has  been  developed  to  the 
extent  that  it  gives  results  comparable  with  those  obtained  by  unmodulated 
techniques.  The  pulse  measurements  are  performed  under  regular  labora- 
tory conditions,  while  the  unmodulated  measurements  were  made  in  the 
small  microwave  enclosure  currently  available  at  the  Boulder  Laboratories. 
The  pulse  equipment  is  capable  of  resolving  a  0.02-db  change  in  a  2-nano- 
second  pulse  while  rejecting  a  2-nanosecond  pulse  of  comparable  amplitude 
arriving  at  the  detector  only  4  nanoseconds  later. 

A  calibration  service  for  noise  sources  in  WR90  (8.2  to  12.4  Gc/s)  wave- 
guide was  initiated.  This  service  represents  the  culmination  of  experimental 
and  theoretical  work  in  the  past  several  years  at  NBS,  and  provides  a  useful 
service  to  the  electronic  industry.  Measurements  of  excess  noise  ratio  can 
be  made  to  an  accuracy  of  ±0.1  db  (±250  °C  effective  noise  temperature) . 
The  basis  of  the  service  was  verified  experimentally  with  the  use  of  two 
different  hot-body  standards,  one  consisting  of  a  gold  waveguide  section  with 
silicon  carbide  as  the  load  material,  and  the  other  consisting  of  a  platinum- 
rhodium  waveguide  section  with  zinc  titanate  as  the  load  material.  The 
agreement  between  the  average  of  measurements  made  with  the  two  standard 
noise  sources  was  0.007  db.  The  oven  developed  for  use  with  the  standard 
maintains  the  temperature  to  within  ±0.3  °C  at  1.000  °C,  and  the  modified 
radiometer  developed  for  the  measurement  is  capable  of  0.005  db  resolution. 

The  calibration  of  a  special  cavity  wavemeter  in  WR90  waveguide  was 
performed  with  an  accuracy  of  ±0.0001  percent.  This  is  more  than  ten 
times  the  calibration  accuracy  required  for  the  usual  device  of  this  type  and 
the  full  capabilities  of  the  present  calibration  system  were  required  for  the 


Significant  advances  were  made  in  NBS  measurement  capabilities  in  the  high- 
frequency  power  area.  Here,  a  new  self-balancing  bolometer  bridge  is  used 
for  calibrating  high-frequency  power  standards.     (See  p.  55.) 

first  time.  An  analysis  of  the  rotary-vane  attenuator  has  revealed  that  attenu- 
ators of  this  type  are  potentially  capable  of  better  resolution  than  the  usual 
dial  mechanisms  provided;  a  rotary-vane  attenuator  was  modified  to  demon- 
strate this.  An  improved  procedure  for  the  initial  setting  of  the  vane  has 
been  developed  which  provided  a  substantial  increase  in  the  overall  accuracy 
of  the  dial  readings.  Also,  improved  models  of  fixed  waveguide  attenuators 
have  resulted  in  greater  stability  and  reduced  reflection  at  the  terminals. 

2.1.5.  HEAT 

Heat  measurements,  standards,  and  related  research  play  a  most  important 
role  in  modern  science  and  technology.  The  Bureau  discharges  important 
responsibilities  in  these  areas  through  the  maintenance  of  the  National 
standards  for  such  heat  measurements  as  thermal  diffusivity,  heat  capacity, 
and  heat  of  combustion.  Internationally  agreed  upon  temperature  standards 
are  maintained  to  assure  a  common  scale  upon  which  all  temperature  meas- 
urements are  based.  A  strong  research  program  aims  to  keep  these  standards 
adequate  for  the  expanding  scientific  needs.  In  addition,  supporting  research 
on  the  physical  properties  of  solids  and  gases  at  both  low  and  high  tempera- 
tures includes  studies  in  low-temperature  physics,  statistical  thermodynamics, 
high-temperature  processes,  high-pressure  thermodynamics,  and  in  various 
aspects  of  plasma  physics. 


Substantial  advances  have  been  made  recently  in  thermometry  at  both 
high  and  low  temperatures.  An  inexpensive  analog  computing  device  has 
been  devised  for  the  spectroscopic  investigation  of  high  current  density 
arcs,  and  the  acoustic  resonator  has  been  developed  to  the  point  of  direct 
competition  with  the  gas  thermometer  for  primary  thermometry  at  low  tem- 
peratures. Combustion  calorimetry  employing  fluorine  as  the  oxidizing 
agent  is  leading  to  improved  accuracy  in  the  determination  of  the  heat  of 
formation  of  technologically  important  compounds.  Noteworthy  theoreti- 
cal advances  were  made  in  the  statistical  mechanics  of  time-dependent 
phenomena.  Nuclear  cross  sections  are  being  determined  using  oriented 
nuclear  targets  at  very  low  temperatures.  Experimental  and  theoretical 
work  on  the  special  properties  of  perturbed  spectral  lines  has  resulted  in  a 
new  approach  to  the  determination  of  molecular  lifetimes.  A  new  program 
in  molecular  spectroscopy  has  as  its  aim  the  precise  determination  of  the 
spectroscopic  properties  of  simple  radicals  and  molecules. 

Analog  Computer  for  Plasma  Thermometry.  An  inexpensive  ana- 
log computing  device  has  been  developed  which  greatly  improves  the  effi- 
ciency of  spectroscopic  investigations  of  cylindrically  symmetric  sources. 
The  immediate  application  of  this  instrument  will  be  the  determination  of 
spectral  line  widths  and  intensities  in  high  current  density  arcs.  Such 
information  can  often  be  used  for  determining  electron  densities  and 
temperatures.  It  is  expected  that  the  principles  of  this  computer  also  will 
find  application  in  other  fields  where  "side-on"  measurements  must  be 
made  of  inhomogeneous  objects  possessing  cylindrical  symmetry. 

In  the  determination  of  temperatures  and  other  physical  parameters 
in  cylindrically  symmetric  arcs,  spectroscopic  observations  are  usually 
carried  out  on  a  small  cross  section  of  the  arc  midway  between  the  electrodes 
and  in  a  direction  perpendicular  to  the  axis  of  the  arc.  Such  "side-on" 
measurements  include  contributions  from  the  outer,  cooler  regions  of  the 
discharge  as  well  as  from  the  hot  core.  In  order  to  separate  the  contribu- 
tions of  the  different  radial  zones  and  to  obtain  the  true  radial  characteristics 
of  the  arc,  rather  extensive  data  handling  and  calculations  are  required. 
High-speed  digital  computers  have  been  employed  for  this  analysis,  but  a 
significant  time  delay  (days)  persists  between  the  recording  of  the  "side-on" 
observations  and  the  availability  of  the  true  radial  characteristics.  By 
using  the  recently  developed  analog  device,  this  conversion  is  performed, 
with  an  estimated  accuracy  of  within  5  percent,  in  the  laboratory  as  the 
data  are  obtained. 

The  operating  principle  of  the  new  instrument  involves  scanning  repeatedly 
an  image  of  the  arc  cross  section  across  the  entrance  slit  of  the  spectrometer 
by  means  of  a  rapidly  rotating  prism.  The  waveform  of  the  resulting  train 
of  photomultiplier  current  pulses  is  then  Fourier  analyzed  and  the  Fourier 
coefficients  reassembled  by  the  computer  to  give  the  desired  recorder  signal. 
In  conjunction  with  a  spectrometer  scanning  in  wavelength,  it  is  possible 
to  record  directly  the  spectrum  appropriate  to  whatever  radial  distance  has 
been  dialed  into  the  computer,  just  as  if  the  arc  were  a  homogeneous  unit 


volume  of  gas  with  the  properties  prevailing  at  that  particular  radial 

Fluorine  Combustion  Calorimetry.  The  thermodynamic  quantity 
called  heat  of  formation  is  used  to  predict  chemical  equilibria  and  to  estimate 
heats  in  such  chemical  reactions  as  the  oxidation  of  rocket  fuels.  Values  of 
heats  of  formation  are  usually  obtained  from  combustion  experiments  in 
calorimeters,  using  oxygen  as  an  oxidizer.  Since  in  many  cases  it  is  im- 
possible to  obtain  complete  combustion  using  oxygen,  calorimeters  have  been 
developed  which  use  fluorine  instead  of  oxygen.  The  principal  advantage 
of  fluorine  is  that  the  fluorides  resulting  from  combusion  are  more  volatile 
than  the  oxides,  allowing  better  contact  of  the  fluorine  with  the  sample  for 
more  complete  combusion.  Using  the  special  sample  preparation  technique 
of  mixing  aluminum  powder  with  finely  divided  Teflon,  it  was  found  possible 
to  obtain  combustion  of  better  than  99  percent  of  the  aluminum.  The  heat 
of  formation  of  aluminum  fluoride  has  been  determined  to  be  —357.1  kilo- 
calories  per  mole,  and  the  same  technique  is  now  being  employed  to  determine 
the  heats  of  formation  of  other  metal  fluorides  and  borides. 

In  view  of  the  increasing  importance  of  fluorine  compounds  in  both  na- 
tional defense  and  in  industry,  a  compilation  was  made  of  the  heats  of  for- 
mation of  inorganic  fluorine  compounds,  and  of  organic  fluorine  compounds 
containing  one  carbon  atom  per  molecule.  This  survey,  covering  the  litera- 
ture from  1949  to  1961,  lists  heats  of  formation  obtained  from  625  references. 

Spectroscopic  measurement  of  extremely  high  temperatures  is  a  useful  but  very 
complex  technique.  This  inexpensive  analog  computing  device  was  developed 
to  improve  the  efficiency  of  NBS  investigations  of  high-temperature  arcs.  (See 
p.  60.) 


Gaseous  Heat  Transfer  at  Low  Temperatures.  Experimenters  in  the 
low-temperature  field  frequently  encounter  a  very  large  undesired  gaseous 
heat  transfer  associated  with  tubes  leading  to  the  low-temperature  region. 
This  heat  transfer,  which  may  be  as  large  as  100  to  1,000  times  normal  heat 
conduction,  is  apparently  caused  by  a  gas  vibration  which  can  be  simul- 
taneously detected  in  the  tube.  The  transfer,  for  which  no  completely  ac- 
ceptable mechanism  is  known,  has  often  been  reduced  by  empirical  change 
of  the  mechanical  configuration  in  the  apparatus. 

It  has  been  found  possible  to  eliminate  essentially  all  of  this  vibrational 
heat  transfer  in  one  apparatus  with  a  simple  device  used  as  an  appendage  to 
each  tube  where  the  tube  is  accessible  at  room  temperature.  The  device  con- 
sists of  a  tubular  constriction  leading  to  a  chamber  whose  minimum  size  is 
partially  determined  by  the  size  of  the  constriction.  While  the  device  has 
proved  extremely  useful,  the  data  obtained  in  the  present  investigation  indi- 
cate that  additional  systematic  experiments  are  needed  to  understand  this 
phenomenon  better. 

Nuclear  Reactions  with  Oriented  Nuclei.  Experiments  were  initiated 
on  the  measurement  of  nuclear  cross  sections  using  oriented  nuclear  targets. 
This  interdisciplinary  program  (see  p.  74)  was  aimed  initially  at  meas- 
uring the  (y,rc)  cross  section  for  the  nucleus  Ho165  in  the  region  of  the  giant 
resonance.  A  cryostat  incorporating  a  He3  refrigerator  was  built  for  attain- 
ing temperatures  just  below  0.3  °K,  where  the  nuclear  alinement,  f2,  is 
about  0.27.  The  cryostat  was  of  special  construction  so  that  the  incom- 
ing photon  beam  would  need  to  traverse  only  thin  aluminum  windows  before 
reaching  the  target.  The  target  consisted  of  a  single  crystal  of  holmium 
ethyl  sulfate,  or  in  some  occasions  a  single  crystal  of  holmium  metal,  weigh- 
ing about  7  grams.  The  design  was  such  that  operation  could  continue  with 
the  nuclei  oriented  for  many  hours,  and  provision  was  also  made  for  both 
rotating  the  specimen  and  lifting  it  up  out  of  the  photon  beam.  The  cryostat 
was  made  portable  so  that  after  it  had  been  built  and  tested  it  could  be  moved 
easily  to  the  betatron.  This  work  could  possibly  be  extended  to  other  types 
of  nuclear  reactions,  e.g.,  photo-pion  production,  elastic  and  inelastic  neutron 
scattering,  etc. 

Low-Temperature  Thermometry.  Primary  thermometry  experimen- 
tation in  the  region  of  1.5  to  20  °K  has  led  to  the  development  of  an  acousti- 
cal interferometer  for  measuring  the  velocity  of  sound  in  helium  gas.  Meas- 
urements thus  far  completed  indicate  that  the  acoustically  determined  values 
of  temperature  are  within  0.003  and  0.010  °K  respectively  of  the  temperatures 
associated  with  the  liquid  helium  (at  2  °K)  and  hydrogen  (at  20  °K) 
vapor  pressure  scales,  and  the  reproducibilities  appear  to  be  ±0.002  and 
±0.007  °K,  respectively. 

The  acoustical  thermometry  offers  the  advantage  of  eliminating  some  of 
the  more  serious  concerns  that  are  inherent  in  conventional  thermometry, 
i.e.,  dead  space  corrections,  gas  absorption,  and  required  accuracies  of  pres- 
sure and  volume  determinations.  While  these  results  should  be  considered 
as  preliminary  in  a  precise  thermometry  program,  they  do  indicate  that 
primary  thermometry  based  on  the  velocity  of  sound  in  helium  gas  is  com- 


petitive  with  primary  isotherm  and  gas  thermometry  in  the  region  below 
20  °K. 

Steady-State  Measurements  of  Molecular  Lifetimes.  Several  prob- 
lems of  current  astrophysical  interest  require  for  their  solution  knowledge  of 
the  radiative  and  collisional  lifetimes  of  certain  simple  molecules  and 
molecular  ions  in  their  excited  states.  Information  of  this  sort,  combined 
with  measured  spectral  intensity  distributions  of  such  luminous  gaseous 
systems  as  comets  and  the  terrestrial  upper  atmophere,  would  permit  deduc- 
tion of  the  physical  properties  and  conditions  of  excitation  of  these  remote 

Laboratory  measurements  of  molecular  lifetimes  are  ordinarily  performed 
by  timing  the  fluorescent  decay  of  a  pulse-excited  gaseous  sample.  An  alter- 
native approach  now  being  investigated,  capable  of  achieving  much  better 
sensitivity  and  spectral  resolution,  employs  a  continuous  but  selective  excita- 
tion technique.  The  molecular  lifetimes  are  determined  from  an  analysis 
of  the  spectral  intensity  distribution  of  the  fluorescent  light.  The  analysis 
depends  on  the  special  properties  of  perturbed  spectral  lines,  and  so  is  appli- 
cable only  to  molecular  spectra  which  exhibit  these  perturbations.  Examples, 
however,  include  the  spectra  of  such  important  cometary  and  upper  atmo- 
sphere molecules  as  CN,  N2+,  and  CO+,  for  which  lifetime  information  is 
at  present  fragmentary. 

Recently  a  complete  intensity  analysis  has  been  made  on  the  CN  fluores- 
cence spectrum  emitted  by  the  active  nitrogen  flame — the  luminous  chemical 
reaction  between  active  nitrogen  and  a  carbonaceous  vapor.  The  chemical 
excitation  process  in  this  emission  source  has  the  selective  nature  required 
for  lifetime  determinations,  and  the  intensity  analysis  has  yielded  valuable 
new  information  on  radiative  and  collisional  lifetimes  of  the  CN  molecule. 
Similar  measurements  on  N2+  and  CO+  require  the  development  of  appro- 
priate emission  sources. 

Thermodynamic  Tables.  The  mechanized  computation  of  thermo- 
dynamic and  related  tables  of  physical  data  has  progressed  significantly 
during  the  year.  Calculations  have  been  completed  for  two  monographs, 
one  being  a  detailed  presentation  of  Tables  of  Einstein  Functions  (NBS 
Monograph  49).  These  functions  are  useful  to  research  workers  in  such 
fields  as  spectroscopy  and  molecular  structure,  low-temperature  calorimetry, 
and  the  measurement  of  electrical  and  thermodynamic  properties  of  crystals. 
The  other  work,  Ideal  Gas  Thermodynamic  Functions  for  Atoms  and  Atomic 
Ions,  presents  tables  from  100  to  10,000  °K  for  73  elements  and  their  unipos- 
itive  ions.  These  tables  have  important  application  in  a  wide  variety  of 
fields  ranging  from  the  chemical  industry,  aerodynamic,  jet  and  rocket 
propulsion,  to  research  in  high-temperature  phenomena,  plasmas,  nuclear 
energy,  and  space.     Publication  of  this  work  is  planned  for  late  in  1962. 

Mechanization  of  thermodynamic  calculations  has  produced  general-pur- 
pose computer  programs  which  have  application  outside  the  thermodynamics 
field.  A  second1  generation  general-purpose  computer  program,  OMNITAB, 
was  developed  for  the  Bureau's  electronic  digital  computer  which  makes  the 


Complex  of  equipment  used  to  measure  nuclear  cross-sections  with  oriented 
nuclear  targets.  The  plywood  box  houses  a  neutron  detector  and  the  sample; 
the  plumbing  is  part  of  a  He3  refrigerator  which  maintains  the  sample  at  0.3  °K. 
(See  p.  62.) 

high-speed  computer  as  accessible  to  the  laboratory  scientist  as  his  desk 
calculator.  The  program  instructs  the  computer,  via  simple  English  sen- 
tences, to  carry  out  calculations  involving  elementary,  transcendental,  and 
algebraic  functions,  or  to  perform  a  wide  variety  of  numerical  and  statistical 
analyses  of  tabulated  data.  Although  the  program  was  designed  largely  for 
relatively  small  calculations  of  a  nonrepetitive  type,  the  language,  logic,  and 
operating  feature  are  such  as  to  make  it  highly  efficient  for  more  extensive 
calculations  such  as  tabulations  for  two  or  more  arguments,  and  the  numeri- 
cal evaluation  of  complicated  integrals. 

Kinetic  Theory  of  Dense  Gases.  An  analysis  of  the  assumption,  which 
is  universally  understood  to  underlie  the  kinetic  theory  of  gases,  that  the 
/V-particle  distribution  functions  are  in  some  sense  functionals  of  the  single 
particle  distribution  function,  has  been  made.  This  analysis  gives,  on  the  one 
hand,  an  explicit  expression  for  all  orders  of  density  and.  on  the  other  hand, 
a  series  of  correction  terms  depending  on  initial  circumstances,  as  well  as 


the  single  particle  distribution  function,  which  show  in  some  detail  how  a 
system  of  distribution  functions  obeying  a  functional  assumption  develops 
from  an  arbitrary  system  of  distribution  functions.  This  work  clarifies  the 
theory  of  time-dependent  phenomena  in  gases  and  has  future  applications  in 
the  theory  of  chemical  reactions  in  gases  and  in  quantum  transport 

A  study  was  also  made  of  the  structure  of  the  H02  radical  by  the  LCAO- 
MO-SCF  (Linear  Combination  of  Atomic  Orbitals — Molecular  Orbital — 
Self -Consistent  Field)  methods.  Based  on  computations  using  the  7090  com- 
puter and  an  analysis  of  correlations  of  molecular  states  with  those  of  the 
combined  and  separated  atoms,  the  work  has  developed  a  new  idea  of  the 
structure  of  the  H02  radical.  Instead  of  the  linear  shape  customarily  as- 
sumed, the  work  showed  an  isosceles  triangle  configuration  is  most  likely. 
This  new  idea  of  the  structure  may  yield  information  by  which  this  elusive 
radical  so  well  known  in  chemical  kinetics  will  be  finally  observed  by  phys- 
ical means. 

Pair-Distribution  Function  in  Dense  Gases,  A  two-year  investiga- 
tion of  the  equation  of  state  of  simple  gases  and  liquids,  using  the  newly 
developed  diagram  summation  methods  in  equilibrium  statistical  mechanics, 
has  been  completed.  A  complicated  nonlinear  integral  equation  for  the 
pair  distribution  function  also  has  been  completed.  The  results  these  com- 
putations gave  are  in  very  good  qualitative  and  good  quantitative  agreement 
with  experimental  results  on  liquid  and  gaseous  argon.  In  particular,  the 
critical  constants  are  given  by  the  theory  to  within  10  percent.  The  inves- 
tigation shows  that  this  method  is  a  good  first  approximation  and  that  succes- 
sive terms  of  the  formal  development  can  be  used  to  give  more  and  more 
accurate  computation  of  the  equation  of  state  of  simple  fluids.  The  equation 
was  solved  also  for  the  theoretically  interesting  case  of  the  hard  sphere  gas 
and  shows  no  evidence  of  a  phase  transfer  to  a  solid  state. 


The  emphasis  in  atomic  physics  research  has  continued  to  be  on  the  ac- 
curate determination  of  atomic  constants  and  the  detailed  properties  of 
atoms.  Valuable  contributions  are  being  made  to  the  national  effort  in 
space  and  plasma  research  and  to  the  national  materials  program.  Signif- 
icant progress  has  been  made  in  determining  and  cataloging  data  on  atomic 
transition  probabilities  and  in  gaining  a  better  detailed  understanding  of 
the  more  complex  atoms  through  exhaustive  analyses  of  their  spectra.  More 
precise  information  on  atomic  collision  cross  sections  has  also  been  obtained. 
The  continuing  effort  expended  in  studying  these  fundamental  atomic  prop- 
erties is  yielding  the  data  necessary  for  a  detailed  understanding  of  stellar 
atmospheres  and  hot  plasmas. 

Laboratory  Astrophysics, 

Atomic  Energy  Levels.     Information  concerning  the  various  discrete 
energy  levels  within  an  atom  can  be  obtained  from  the  study  of  spectrograms 


on  which  spectra  of  atoms  in  different  states  of  ionization  can  be  separated. 
Such  spectrograms  are  especially  needed  for  the  interpretation  of  the  com- 
plex spectra  of  rare-earth  elements  of  the  lanthanide  group.  For  this  rea- 
son, emphasis  centered  on  the  development  of  sources  that  will  produce  such 
spectrograms.  One  such  source  is  a  pulsed-arc  type  of  discharge  which 
produces  self-reversed  lines  in  selected  first  and  second  spectra  of  rare-earth 
elements.  These  lines  represent  transitions  to  the  ground  or  nearby  states 
of  the  atom.  Interpretation  of  these  spectra  led  to  the  determination  of  the 
ground  states  of  terbium  I  and  uranium  n. 

Cerium  spectra  from  3300  to  4400  Angstroms  (A)  were  observed  using 
various  sources,  and  some  300  lines  of  cerium  in  between  840  and  2000  A 
were  measured.  A  general  description  of  praeseodymium  I  and  n  spectra 
is  nearing  completion.  An  intensive  study  of  the  energy  levels  and  atomic 
structure  of  these  atoms  is  under  way.  Theoretical  prediction  of  the  posi- 
tions of  unknown  energy  levels  of  praeseodymium  in  has  aided  in  the  classi- 
fication of  about  1,600  lines  and  the  derivation  of  the  ionization  potential. 
Investigation  of  tantalum  II  was  completed.  A  new  description  of  thulium 
spectra  is  being  determined.  The  analysis  of  ytterbium  II  was  essentially 
completed,  and  a  similar  study  of  ytterbium  I  is  in  progress.  Conclusion  of 
the  analysis  of  the  spectrum  of  bromine  I  leaves  this  element  with  one  of 

Pulsed  arc  light  source  which  produces  numerous  self-reversed  lines  in  the 
spectra  of  rare-earth  elements.  Self-reversal  greatly  simplifies  the  interpreta- 
tion of  these  complex  spectra.     (See  p.  65.) 


the  best  known  atomic  spectra  descriptions.  The  energy  levels  were  deter- 
mined from  observations  from  1060  to  23,750  A  and  the  ionization  potential 
was  established. 

Theoretical  research  paralleled  the  laboratory  investigations.  A  Fortran 
code  was  written  which  instructs  the  7090  computer  to  calculate  two-electron 
interaction  integrals  from  orbitals  given  in  analytic  form.  With  the  aid 
of  this  code,  second-order  perturbations  can  be  evaluated  with  minimum 


An  Ultraviolet  Multiplet  Table,  NBS  Circular  488,  was  published.  Sec- 
tion 3  parallels  Volume  III  of  Atomic  Energy  Levels,  including  selected 
spectra  of  the  elements  molybdenum  through  lanthanum  and  hafnium 
through  radium.  Finding  lists  of  sections  1  through  3  constitute  sections 
4  and  5. 

Transition  Probabilities.  Experimental  transition  probabilities  on  an 
approximately  absolute  scale  have  been  derived  for  the  25,000  classified  lines 
listed  in  NBS  Monograph  32.  In  this  Monograph,  the  relative  intensities 
of  39,000  lines  of  wavelengths  between  2000  and  9000  A  of  70  elements  are 
presented  on  a  calibrated  scale  of  radiant  power.  In  the  conversion  of  the 
intensity  values  to  transition  probabilities,  /-values  were  obtained.  A  critical 
analysis  of  the  chromium  I  /-values  yielded  a  normalization  factor  for  the 
reduction  to  absolute  values  that  agrees  well  with  those  factors  derived  inde- 
pendently for  20  elements.  These  data  will  be  used  to  derive  solar  curves 
of  growth  and  to  make  abundance  determinations  for  additional  elements. 

More  precise  transition  probabilities  for  some  neutral  oxygen  lines  in 
the  visible  region  of  the  spectrum  were  determined  in  a  wall-stabilized  arc. 
In  another  arc  experiment,  the  profiles  of  Balmer  lines  were  studied  and  com- 
pared with  those  obtained  using  line-broadening  theory.  The  agreement  is 
excellent  and  makes  possible  the  application  of  line  broadening  to  the  diag- 
nostics of  dense  plasmas. 

A  magnetically  driven  shock  tube  was  put  into  operation,  and  tempera- 
tures of  about  30,000  °K  were  obtained  behind  the  shock  fronts.  Measure- 
ments of  relative  transition  probabilities  for  lines  of  singly  ionized  oxygen 
are  presently  being  made.  Calculations  of  transition  probabilities  of  lines 
of  neutral  helium  and  the  lithium  I  sequence  are  in  progress.  This  work 
is  sponsored  in  part  by  the  Office  of  Naval  Research  and  the  Advanced  Re- 
search Projects  Agency. 

The  Data  Center  on  Atomic  Transition  Probabilities  and  Collision  Cross 
Sections,  under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Office  of  Naval  Research  and  the 
Advanced  Research  Projects  Agency,  completed  a  general  bibliography  of 
all  known  publications  on  atomic  transition  probabilities,  published  as  NBS 
Monograph  50.  All  the  available  data  on  the  ten  lightest  elements  were  crit- 
ically analyzed  and  the  "best"  values  are  being  tabulated. 

Collision  Cross  Sections.  Photodetachment  of  negative  iodine  ions  has 
been  observed  in  a  crossed-beam  experiment.  The  apparatus  used  was 
essentially  similar  to  that  of  previous  photodetachment  experiments.  Good 
"effective"  resolution  was  obtained  close  to  threshold,  but  an  independent 


Measurement  of  the  infrared  absorption  spectra  of  gases  reveals  details  of  mo- 
lecular structure.  This  high-resolution  grating  spectrometer  was  developed  es- 
pecially for  these  studies.     (See  p.  69.) 

determination  of  the  behavior  of  the  cross  section  as  a  function  of  wave- 
length could  not  be  made.  A  step-function  cross  section,  shown  by  Berry 
and  coworkers  to  approximate  closely  the  true  cross-section  behavior,  was 
used  to  provide  an  upper  energy  limit  to  the  electron  affinity  shown  to  be 
close  to  the  actual  value. 

A  unique  method  for  studying  rates  of  certain  types  of  ionic  reactions 
important  in  gases  at  atmospheric  pressures  was  developed  in  connection 
with  a  study  of  mobilities  of  ions  in  gases  in  the  presence  of  uniform  electric 
fields.  The  measured  mobilities  of  ions  are  used  to  distinguish  among  species, 
and  the  relative  populations  of  various  species  are  found  to  depend  on  the 
elapsed  time  following  production  of  the  ions  in  an  electrical  discharge. 
Elaborate  timing  techniques  permit  measurements  of  the  rates  at  which 
ions  are  converted  from  one  species  to  another. 

Far  Ultraviolet  Radiation  Physics.  A  new  group  was  created  at  NBS 
in  September  1961  with  the  support  of  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space 
Administration.  This  group  is  responsible  for  research  activities  in  the 
area  of  far  ultraviolet  radiation  physics — the  absolute  measurement  of  far 
ultraviolet  radiation  and  the  use  of  this  radiation  for  physical  experiments. 
A  program  investigating  the  usefulness  of  thermal  detectors  as  absolute 
standards  and  another  concerned  with  the  physical  mechanisms  operative 
in  flash  discharge  light  sources  are  fully  instrumented  and  under  way. 
The  group  also  calculated  in  detail  the  characteristics  of  the  far  ultraviolet 
radiation  theoretically  expected  from  the  radially  accelerated  electrons  in 
the  NBS  180-Mev  synchrotron.     These  calculations  show  that  the  highly 


polarized  continuum  emitted  by  these  electrons  has  a  unique  application  in 
physical  experiments.  The  radiation  is  also  a  potential  primary  standard 
of  radiant  flux. 

Infrared  Spectroscopy  of  Gases,  Measurements  of  the  absorption 
spectra  of  several  gases  led  to  several  important  results.  The  high-resolu- 
tion absorption  spectrum  of  acetylene-d^  was  studied  in  the  1,900  to  3,400 
cm-1  region,  and  the  ground  state  and  equilibrium  bond  distances  of  the 
acetylene  molecule  were  calculated. 

The  combination  band  v2  +  v6  of  ethane  was  reexamined  in  order  to 
resolve  a  discrepancy  in  the  ground-state  rotational  constants  obtained  in 
earlier  infrared  and  Raman  studies. 

Infrared  Reference  Standards,  A  report  was  issued  on  the  calibration 
of  spectrometers  from  16  to  65  microns.  A  number  of  the  rotational  lines 
of  water  vapor  were  measured  for  the  calibration  in  this  region,  but  the 
final  values  are  based  on  the  measurements  of  the  rotational  structure  as 
found  in  the  near  infrared  as  well  as  the  measurements  in  the  far  infrared 
region.  Work  is  now  in  progress  to  continue  the  measurements  to  200 
microns.  Also,  the  rotational  lines  of  HC1  were  observed  in  the  region  from 
30  to  150  microns  and  found  to  be  useful  for  reference  standards. 

Electron  Scattering,  Most  substances  that  absorb  energy  from  electrons 
do  so  mainly  by  interaction  with  the  atomic  electrons  or  with  those  free 
electrons  in  metals  which  take  part  in  electrical  conduction.  An  exception 
to  this  behavior  that  is  of  considerable  interest  has  been  discovered  in  the 
loss  spectrum  of  polystyrene.  A  prominent  feature  in  this  spectrum  is  a 
loss  due  to  a  resonance  in  the  benzene  ring.  This  loss  is  an  unusual  case 
of  a  collective  interaction  of  limited  extent. 

Biological  Constant  Studied.  An  important  constant  in  biological  radia- 
tion physics  is  the  average  energy  loss  per  inelastic  event,  which  in  electron 
sterilization  is  closely  related  to  the  dosage  necessary  for  complete  bacterial 
kills.  This  constant  is  also  related  to  radiation  damage  in  biological  tissue. 
In  collaboration  with  the  Biophysics  Department  of  Yale  University,  a 
study  of  electron  interaction  with  tissue-equivalent  materials  was  completed. 
The  results  of  this  study,  besides  illuminating  the  overall  nature  of  electron 
scattering,  showed  that  the  value  of  this  biological  constant  had  been  greatly 

Electron  Optics,  Being  a  young  branch  of  science,  electron  optics  has 
proceeded  in  a  nonrigorous  manner  and  many  much-used  devices  are  only 
partially  understood.  As  part  of  a  continuing  effort  to  improve  the  situation, 
the  Bureau  for  the  first  time  undertook  a  systematic  treatment  of  energy 
analyzers  of  the  retarding  type  and  of  the  effects  of  space  charge  in  deflection 
analyzers.  Systematic  procedures  were  developed  for  designing  electron 
guns  for  low-energy  beams.  These  developments  open  the  way  for  greatly 
improved  experiments  of  physical  interest. 

Solid-State  Physics,  Increased  emphasis  was  placed  on  the  capabilities 
for  growing  single  crystals  of  oxide  semiconductors  and  insulators  used  in 
solid-state   studies   at   NBS.     Single   crystals   grown   by   the   flame   fusion 


Inside  of  an  electron  optical  bench  which  is  used  for  testing  electron  optical 
components.  It  was  set  up  at  NBS  to  test  a  retarding  field  analyzer.  (See 
p.  69.) 

technique  at  high  temperatures  ^1800  °C  (Ti02,  ruby,  sapphire),  from  the 
melt  at  rather  low  temperatures  '--'200  °C  (ammonium  sulfate),  and  from 
solutions  (silver  iodide,  lithium  trihydrogen  selenite)  are  now  available  for 
the  many  and  varied  investigations  of  the  solid  state.  The  defect  structure 
and  mechanisms  of  bonding  for  most  of  these  materials  were  investigated 
by  electron  spin  resonance,  nuclear  magnetic  resonance,  and  pure  quad- 
rupole  resonance  techniques. 

Through  studies  of  the  electronic  transport  properties  of  rutile,  under- 
standing of  the  energy  levels  and  conduction  mechanisms  was  appreciably 
advanced.  The  possible  role  of  polarons  and  limitations  of  conventional 
polaron  theory  were  pointed  out.  This  has  stimulated  theorists  to  explore 
this  difficult  field  further.  Improved  methods  of  preparing  homogeneous 
samples  of  reduced  rutile  permitted  the  Hall  coefficient  to  be  measured  at 
lower  temperatures  (~2  °K)  than  had  previously  been  possible.  New 
phenomena  were  revealed  in  this  material  which  were  interpreted  as  impurity 
level  conduction.  Analysis  of  data  near  room  temperature  also  suggests 
that  the  energy-band  structure  of  reduced  rutile  may  be  more  complicated 
than  previously  considered. 

Optical  absorption  studies  on  rutile  doped  with  most  of  the  transition 
metals  were  carried  out  over  the  range  0.1  to  3.0  electron  volts  at  room 
temperature,  and  in  a  few  cases  at  liquid  helium  temperatures.  The  data 
obtained  give  new  evidence  for  absorption  by  the  excitation  and  ionization 
of  the  added  impurities  (doping  material).  A  theoretical  calculation  of 
the  energy-level  system  for  the  case  of  vanadium-doped  rutile  showed  that 


a  reasonable  explanation  of  the  observed  spectrum  requires  considerable 
electronic  bonding  between  the  vanadium  and  the  surrounding  oxygen  ions. 

Theoretical  investigations  of  the  equation  of  state  indicate  that  Gruneisen's 
equation  is  more  general  than  usually  believed  and  applies  when  the  heat 
capacity  is  a  function  of  T/6,  where  T  is  the  absolute  temperature  and 
0  is  a  function  of  the  volume.  When  this  condition  applies  to  the  liquid 
phase,  only  a  minor  additional  assumption  is  necessary  to  derive  the  Simon 
melting  equation. 

Lasers.  The  advent  of  the  laser  has  made  possible  for  the  first  time  an 
experiment  to  check  on  the  frequency  ratio  of  the  fundamental  and  second 
harmonic  generation  in  piezoelectric  crystals  in  the  optical  range.  The  6°43 
A  output  of  a  ruby  laser  was  used  as  the  light  source.  The  accuracy  of  the 
experiments  was  determined  by  the  resolution  of  the  grating  spectrograph, 
the  line  width  of  the  laser  radiation,  and  the  imperfection  of  the  piezoelectric 
crystals,  which  in  the  best  case  was  -*=3  parts  per  million.  Within  this 
accuracy,  the  second  harmonic  generated  in  the  piezoelectric  crystals  was 
found  to  be  exactly  twice  the  fundamental  radiation. 

Early  predictions  based  upon  the  power  level  of  the  ruby  laser  and  the 
coupling  constant  for  the  production  of  the  second  harmonic  suggested  an 
accompanying  d-c  polarization  effect  in  the  piezoelectric  crystal  of  the  order 
of  0.1  millivolt  across  the  crystal.  After  unsuccessful  attempts  to  measure 
this  effect,  the  coupling  constant  was  investigated  and  measured  to  be  some 
two  orders  of  magnitude  smaller  than  was  predicted.  New  attempts  to 
measure  the  d-c  polarization  will  be  made  with  more  powerful  lasers. 


The  increasing  application  of  atomic  and  nuclear  technology  to  industrial, 
medical,  and  defense  activities  has  resulted  in  an  expansion  of  the  demands 
placed  upon  radiation  research.  Industrial  uses  of  radiation  have  brought 
about  a  growing  need  for  improved  standards  and  dosimetry  at  high  dose 
levels  and  high  energies.  Medical  users  increasingly  turn  to  higher  energies 
and  call  for  improved  determination  of  both  source  output  and  absorbed 
dose.  Research  workers  interested  in  the  effects  of  radiation  on  various 
materials  have  need  for  more  information  in  their  field.  The  Bureau  has 
attempted  to  meet  these  increasing  demands  with  its  radiation  research 

The  research  of  the  Bureau  is  directed  toward  obtaining  basic  experimental 
and  theoretical  data  concerning  the  interactions  of  radiation  with  nuclei, 
atoms,  and  molecules,  as  well  as  with  bulk  matter;  the  investigation,  de- 
velopment, and  improvement  of  radiation  sources  and  standards;  and  the 
development  of  improved  techniques  and  instruments  for  the  detection  and 
measurement  of  these  radiations. 

Radioactivity  Standards.  The  growing  use  of  radioactive  materials  for 
industrial  and  medical  applications,  in  addition  to  their  utility  in  scientific 
research,  has  created  an  ever-increasing  demand  for  a  greater  variety  of 
standards  and  greater  accuracy  in  existing  standards.     Effort  to  meet  this 


demand  resulted  in  completion  of  the  following  projects  during  the  past 
year:  (1)  Development  of  chlorine  36  and  calcium  45  beta-ray  solution 
standards;  (2)  development  of  a  cobalt  57  radioactivity  standard;  (3) 
development  of  an  yttrium  88  point-source  gamma-ray  standard  to  supple- 
ment the  existing  gamma-ray  "kit";  (4)  restandardization  of  the  hydrogen 
3  beta-ray  solution  standard  by  gas  counting;  and  (5)  participation  in  five 
international  intercomparisons  involving  four  different  radionuclides. 

Radiation  Theory.  The  broad  long-term  program  in  radiation  theory 
continued,  emphasizing  the  following  areas:  The  evaluation  and  systematic 
tabulation  of  elementary  cross  sections  for  the  interaction  of  high-energy 
radiation  (gamma-rays,  neutrons,  and  charged  particles)  with  matter;  the 
penetration  and  diffusion  of  radiation  in  extended  media  due  to  multiple 
interactions;  and  the  application  of  radiation  transport  theory  to  shielding 
problems  such  as  those  arising  in  the  context  of  Civil  Defense. 

Cross  Sections.  An  exact  quantitative  theory  has  been  developed  which 
allows  the  evaluation  of  gamma-ray  polarization  from  measured  angular  dis- 
tributions of  electron-positron  pairs.  Work  is  also  in  progress  on  the  eval- 
uation of  the  pair  production  and  bremsstrahlung  cross  sections  in  the  sec- 
ond Born  approximation,  and  on  the  large-angle  inelastic  scattering  of  elec- 
trons from  nuclei,  taking  into  account  nuclear  transitions.  This  research 
has  been  supported  in  part  by  the  Office  of  Naval  Research. 

Penetration  and  Diffusion.  The  deep  penetration  of  electrons  has  been 
studied  in  an  approximation  assuming  that  all  scattering  angles  are  small 
and  neglecting  fluctuations  in  energy  loss.  A  computer  program  for  deter- 
mining the  electron  flux  without  making  these  approximations  is  in  an 
advanced  state  of  development.  The  transport  of  electrons  and  positrons 
in  bounded  media  has  been  investigated  by  a  technique  combining  analytical 
and  random  sampling  methods,  and  results  have  been  obtained  for  the  re- 
flection and  transmission  by  foils,  and  for  energy  dissipation  in  semi-in- 
finite media.  The  slowing-down  spectrum  of  neutrons  has  been  studied  by  a 
numerical  method  which  allows  one  to  take  into  account  all  the  available 
information  about  neutron  cross  sections,  in  spite  of  their  irregular  and 
highly  complicated  nature. 

Shielding  Engineering  for  Civil  Defense.  This  program  is  sponsored 
by  the  Office  of  Civil  Defense  (DOD)  and  by  the  Defense  Atomic  Support 
Agency,  and  proceeds  on  various  levels.  The  foundations  and  basic  input 
data  for  radiation  shielding  engineering,  derived  from  the  theory  of  gamma- 
ray  penetration  and  diffusion,  have  been  published  in  NBS  Monograph  42. 
Using  these  results,  a  practical  shielding  manual  was  prepared,  in  collabora- 
tion with  staff  members  of  the  Office  of  Civil  Defense,  for  engineers  and 
architects  concerned  with  protection  against  radiation  from  fallout.  A 
simple  survey  guide  to  evaluate  quickly  the  protective  characteristics  of 
various  types  of  buildings  was  also  prepared.  This  survey  guide  has  been 
programed  for  the  NBS  electronic  computer,  and  the  program  is  being  used 
on  a  large  scale  in  the  National  Shelter  Survey  currently  undertaken  by 
the  Office  of  Civil  Defense.      (See  p.  115.) 


Linear  Accelerator.  Progress  continues  in  the  design  and  construction 
of  the  NBS  linear  accelerator.  Tests  of  the  first  prototype  accelerator  sec- 
tion have  been  valuable  in  fixing  the  final  production  phases  of  the  new 
machine.  Completion  of  the  accelerator  is  expected  in  the  fall  of  1963 
and  installation  in  the  new  laboratory  at  Gaithersburg  in  the  spring  of  1964. 
Research  with  the  accelerator  will  meet  the  increasing  need  for  basic  data 
and  physical  measurement  technique  developments  in  the  uses  of  intense, 
high-energy  electron  beams  in  radiography,  radiology,  nuclear  physics  re- 
search, and  radiation  processing  of  materials. 

Two  investigations  initiated  during  the  past  year  will  allow  definition 
of  the  ultimate  performance  of  the  NBS  linear  accelerator  facility  as  well 
as  other  comparable  facilities  around  the  country. 

(1)  The  theory  of  heavily  beam-loaded  linear  accelerators  has  been  poorly 
understood.  The  traveling-wave  linear  accelerator  waveguide  is  essentially  a 
band  pass  filter  with  a  pass  band  of  only  a  few  megacycles  per  second.  The 
consequences  of  this  fact  are  usually  ignored  in  calculations  of  the  behavior 
of  linear  electron  accelerators.  During  the  past  year,  the  theory  of  linear 
electron  accelerator  operation  has  been  extended  to  include  these  dispersive 

(2)  The  second  investigation  related  to  the  development  and  handling 
of  an  accurately-defined  high-intensity  electron  beam  is  the  production  of  a 
well-collimated  beam  of  krypton  ions.    This  ion  beam  will  have  a  magnetic 

A  viewing  port  has  been  installed  in  the  NBS  100-Mev  synchrotron  to  study  the 
visible  and  ultraviolet  light  radiated  by  high-energy  electrons  moving  in  a  cir- 
cular orbit.  The  port  can  just  be  seen  through  the  opening  in  the  lead  shielding 
wall  at  the  left  of  the  picture.  The  mirror  located  to  the  right  gives  a  front 
view  of  the  port  and  the  visible  synchrotron  light.      (See  p.  74.) 

662336  0—62- 


rigidity  of  250  Mev/c  (where  c  is  the  speed  of  light)  per  elementary  charge 
and  will  simulate  the  momentum  of  250-Mev  electron  beam.  Thus,  the 
optical  properties  of  a  magnetic  beam  deflection  system  or  of  experimental 
magnetic  spectrometers  can  be  measured  in  a  small  laboratory  without  re- 
quiring the  use  of  the  large  accelerator  facility  to  produce  the  test  beam  of 
electrons.  The  ion  beam  is  accelerated  by  a  400-kilovolt  Van  de  Graaff  ac- 
celerator. Preliminary  measurements  show  that  the  position  of  the  center  of 
the  ion  beam  can  be  determined  with  an  accuracy  of  better  than  ±0.05  mm. 

An  investigation  has  been  also  made  of  the  properties  desired  in  a  spec- 
trometer for  elastic  and  inelastic  electron  scattering.  Calculations  show  that 
the  resolutions  obtained  with  the  double-focusing  (rc  =  1/2)  180°  deflection 
magnets  often  used  can  be  substantially  improved  by  reducing  the  deflection 
to  the  "magic  angle"  of  169.8°. 

High-Energy  Radiation.  In  order  to  extend  the  general  utility  of  the 
180-Mev  electron  synchrotron  for  radiation-physics  research  as  well  as 
atomic  spectroscopy,  a  new  accelerator  tube  was  designed,  built,  and  in- 
stalled during  the  past  year.  This  tube  permits  the  study  and  application 
of  the  ultraviolet  and  visible  light  (100  to  500  A  wavelength)  radiated  by 
high-energy  electrons  in  a  circular  orbit.  This  experimental  arrangement  is 
unique  in  that  the  light  produced  is  available  in  a  vacuum,  is  intense,  has  a 
reasonably  well-known  spectrum,  and  is  polarized. 

During  the  last  five  years,  the  Bureau  has  actively  investigated  the  inter- 
action of  high-energy  photons  with  nuclei  known  to  have  large  deformations 
(i.e.,  nuclei  with  large  quadrupole  moments).  Studies  were  made  of  both 
the  scattering  and  the  absorption  of  photons  by  these  nuclei.  The  analysis  of 
these  data  indicated  that  such  nuclei  probably  had  a  large  intrinsic  tensor 
polarizability.  During  the  last  year  this  facet  of  the  polarizability  of  the 
holmium  nucleus  was  confirmed  directly  in  an  experiment  that  showed  that 
the  nuclear  absorption  cross  section  in  the  giant  resonance  energy  region  de- 
pended upon  the  orientation  of  the  nucleus  with  respect  to  a  beam  of  photons. 
This  represented  the  first  direct  experimental  verification  of  the  theoretical 
prediction  that  nuclei  with  large  deformations  should  have  large  intrinsic 
tensor  polarizabilities.  Nuclear  alinement  was  produced  by  cooling  single 
crystals  of  either  holmium  metal  or  holmium  ethylsulfate  to  0.3  °K  by 
means  of  a  He3  refrigerator.  (See  p.  62.)  The  refrigerator  and  a  neutron 
detector  were  designed  such  that  the  yield  of  photoneutrons  produced  by  an 
X-ray  beam  from  the  NBS  50  Mev  betatron  coulld  be  measured  as  a  function 
of  the  orientation  of  the  holmium  nuclei  with  respect  to  the  X-rav  beam  axis. 
This  experiment  represented  the  first  successful  attempt  to  study  a  nuclear 
reaction  using  a  target  of  orientated  nuclei  in  the  beam  from  an  accelerator. 
The  use  of  such  targets  offers  new  possibilities  for  studies  of  nuclear 

Ionization  Dosimetry.  Radiation  effects  on  materials  are  most  closely 
correlated  with  the  radiation  absorbed  in  the  material.  One  of  the  factors 
needed  to  determine  this  absorbed  energy  from  ionization  measurements  is 
the  average  energy  required  to  produce  an  ion  pair  in  gas  (W) .     For  alpha 


particle  radiation,  two  different  methods  of  determining  W  have  been  used 
over  the  past  few  decades.  One  of  these  methods  depends  upon  the  fast 
collection,  and  the  other  upon  the  slow  collection  of  the  ionization  produced 
in  the  gas.  Different  laboratories  in  the  past  have  obtained  differences  of  as 
much  as  5  or  6  percent  between  the  two  methods.  An  investigation  and  in- 
tercomparison  of  the  two  methods  has  been  undertaken  at  NBS.  It  was 
found  that  when  the  electronic  instrumentation  was  carefully  calibrated  and 
the  effects  of  the  chamber  geometry  were  taken  into  account,  the  agreement 
was  within  the  experimental  error  of  a  few  tenths  of  a  percent. 

Large  Ionization  Chamber.  The  development  of  a  large  ionization 
chamber  for  the  rapid  and  accurate  determination  of  the  total  energy  trans- 
ported by  a  high-energy  X-ray  beam  was  completed  during  the  past  year. 
Two  experimental  methods  have  been  used  to  calibrate  this  chamber  with  an 
accuracy  to  within  2  percent  in  X-ray  beams  with  peak  photon  energies 
between  6  and  170  Mev  and  energy  fluxes  of  4  milliwatts.  A  description  of 
the  chamber,  its  calibration,  construction,  drawings,  plus  additional  infor- 
mation about  the  variation  of  this  calibration  with  changing  experimental 
conditions,  has  been  published  in  NBS  Monograph  48.  The  calibration  has 
been  experimentally  transferred  to  betatron  laboratories  in  France,  Germany, 
Switzerland,  and  Yugoslavia. 

Cavity  Corrections.  Collimated-beam  gamma-ray  ranges  are  calibrated 
at  NBS  using  a  cavity  ionization  chamber  whose  characteristics  have  been 
carefully  investigated.  The  use  of  a  cavity  chamber  for  measurement  in 
terms  of  roentgens  requires  corrections  for  various  physical  factors,  most 
of  which  must  be  obtained  experimentally.  Recent  investigations  have  indi- 
cated that  the  end  walls  of  cylindrical  chambers,  under  some  circumstances, 
do  not  contribute  uniformly  to  the  electron  flux  in  the  cavity.  Tests  to  deter- 
mine the  magnitude  of  the  effect  have  been  carried  out  with  cylindrical 
chambers  of  various  dimensions  as  well  as  with  spherical  chambers.  Re- 
sults indicate  that  the  effect  of  orientation  of  cylindrical  chambers  may  be 
as  large  as  2  percent. 

Scattering  Measurements.  Measurements  have  been  made  to  deter- 
mine the  intensity  and  energy  of  scattered  radiation  from  large  cesium  137 
sources  such  as  are  used  for  instrument  calibration  and  radiation  treatment. 
Though  the  investigation  was  based  on  a  source  and  geometry  that  approxi- 
mate that  of  the  2,000-curie  installation  at  the  Bureau,  it  goes  beyond  this 
in  determining  the  effect  of  both  thicker  and  thinner  sources,  of  the  source 
capsule,  and  of  the  head  and  collimator. 

The  measurements  indicate  the  influence  of  source  size  and  collimator 
geometry  on  the  beam  spectra.  These  data  are  of  value  in  the  design  of 
source  assemblies  for  instrument  calibration.  In  addition,  the  information 
provided  on  the  energy  spectra  of  the  radiation  from  cesium  teletherapy 
units  is  useful  in  correlating  physical  data  from  different  sources. 

Photographic  Dosimetry.  The  main  emphasis  of  the  Bureau's  work 
in  photographic  dosimetry  has  been  on  the  extension  and  refinement  of 
knowledge  basic  to  the  photographic  process  and  of  concern  in  the  photo- 


New  control  console  increases  efficiency  in  precise  international  comparison  of 
primary  X-ray  standards  and  routine  calibration  of  laboratory  and  clinical 
instruments.      (See  p.  77.) 

graphic  measurement  of  radiation.  Current  effort  involves  the  extension  of 
the  useful  range  of  photographic  dosimetry  to  exposures  of  1  milliroentgen  or 
less  of  cobalt  60  gamma-rays,  without  introducing  rate  dependence.  Post- 
exposure to  infrared  radiation,  treatment  of  the  films  with  thallium  and  silver 
nitrate  or  thallium  sulfate  before  and  after  exposure,  as  well  as  addition  of 
salicylic  acid,  sodium  hydroxide,  or  sodium  thiosulfate  to  the  conventional 
X-ray  developer,  showed  promise.  Work  was  continued  on  extending  the 
photographic  process  to  dosimetry  of  X-  and  gamma-ray  exposures  in  the 
range  from  1000  to  10,000  roentgens.  Sugar  and  6-nitrobenzimidazole 
were  used  as  development  retarders.  Also,  various  silver  solvents  were  in- 
vestigated in  their  action  of  removing  the  image  from  grain  surfaces,  thus 
freeing  the  internal  image  for  development.  The  methods  were  tried  on 
three  widely  used  dosimeter  films.  Internal  development  with  X-ray  de- 
veloper, to  which  a  small  quantity  of  buffered  potassium  thiosulfate  (hypo) 
was  added,  proved  most  effective.  With  this  method,  a  5.000-r  cobalt  60 
gamma-ray  exposure  could  be  determined  with  a  precision  to  within  5  per- 
cent with  two  types  of  film  and  an  exposure  of  10.000  r  with  comparable 
accuracy  with  a  third  type  of  film.  A  disadvantage  in  the  method  is  that 
a  certain  amount  of  rate  dependence  is  introduced.  However,  internal  de- 
velopment with  hypo  reduces  the  film's  energy  dependence  in  the  15-  to 
50-kev  region. 


A  detailed  study  was  performed  of  the  energy  dependence  of  the  response 
of  X-ray  film  in  the  region  of  medical  diagnostic  X-rays  and  of  means  for 
influencing  it  by  the  use  of  absorbers  and  electron  emitters.  Above  the  silver 
^-absorption  edge,  tinfoil  in  contact  with  the  film  surfaces  was  found  use- 
ful. In  order  to  investigate  the  influence  of  rubidium  below  this  edge,  the 
feasibility  of  pressing  rubidium  sulfate  powder  into  thin  plaques  as  electron 
emitters  is  being  investigated. 

Solid-State  Dosimetry.  An  investigation  was  made  of  the  response  to 
X-rays  of  silicon  radiation  detector  cells  of  the  diffused  p-n  junction  type 
which  are  now  widely  used  for  charged  particle  energy  spectroscopy.  It  was 
expected  that  such  cells  should  be  more  sensitive  to  X-rays  than  silicon  solar 
cells,  previously  investigated,  because  of  their  larger  charge  collecting  volume 
and  higher  resistance. 

The  investigation  has  shown  that  it  is  possible  to  use  silicon  radiation 
detector  cells  as  photodiodes  for  X-rays,  especially  for  relative  measure- 
ments of  high  dose  rates  when  large  voltage  signals  are  required.  For 
small  dose  rates  of  the  order  of  a  few  roentgens  per  minute,  these  cells 
are  preferably  to  be  used  as  photovoltaic  cells,  thus  eliminating  the  dark 
current  which  at  higher  voltages  becomes  unstable  and  at  small  dose  rates 
reaches  values  larger  than  the  photocurrent. 

The  photovoltaic  current  measured  with  low-energy  X-rays  was  found  to 
be  proportional  to  exposure  dose  rate  of  values  up  to  approximately  5000 
r/min,  and  linear  response  could  be  preserved  with  load  resistances  much 
larger  than  those  which  could  be  used  with  silicon  solar  cells.  The  photo- 
voltaic current  per  unit  surface  area  was  approximately  three  times,  and  the 
photo-emf  approximately  a  hundred  times,  larger  than  measured  values  of 
silicon  solar  cells.  The  energy  dependence  of  the  photo-response  to  X-rays 
measured  under  conditions  approaching  electronic  equilibrium  was  found 
to  be  similar  to  that  measured  on  silicon  solar  cells. 

Nucleonic  Instrumentation.  A  new  control  console  has  been  designed 
and  constructed  for  use  in  precise  international  comparison  of  primary  X-ray 
standards  and  routine  calibration  of  laboratory  and  clinical  instruments. 
This  console,  which  makes  possible  high  accuracy  with  minimum  effort, 
includes  equipment  for  automatic  regulation  of  the  X-ray  tube  voltage  and 
current  to  maintain  constant  X-ray  output.  Instruments  are  also  included 
for  the  accurate  measurement  of  minute  ionization  currents  by  determining 
the  time  required  to  accumulate  a  known  charge  on  a  standard  capacitor. 
Auxiliary  equipment  supplies  stable  voltages  to  the  ionization  chambers, 
provides  temperature  measurements,  and  permits  control  of  the  X-ray 

Neutron  Physics.  Standard  radioactive  neutron  sources  are  widely  used 
to  produce  known  thermal  and  fast  neutron  fluxes,  for  neutron  instrument 
calibration,  and  for  calibration  of  film  badges  and  neutron  survey  meters 
used  in  neutron  radiation  protection.  The  national  standard  radium-beryl- 
lium (y,/i)  source  has  been  absolutely  calibrated  by  a  new  method  involv- 
ing the  use  of  a  manganese  sulfate  bath  filled  with  heavy  water.     Most 


Detector  used  in  measuring  scattered  radiation  from  cesium  137  sources  such  as 
are  used  for  instrument  calibration  and  radiation  treatment.  The  detector 
assembly  is  mounted  behind  the  12-inch-thick  lead  colimator  in  the  foreground. 
(See  p.  75.) 

absolute  measurements  of  neutron  source  strength  have  been  made  in  baths 
of  light  water  with  either  calibrated  thermal  neutron  detectors  or  manganous 
sulfate  in  solution  as  the  detector.  In  a  light  water  bath  many  of  the  neutrons 
are  captured  by  the  hydrogen  in  the  bath  and,  as  a  result,  a  large  correction 
must  be  made  for  these  neutrons  which  escape  detection.  In  the  present 
experiment,  hydrogen  (mass  1)  is  largely  eliminated  and  nearly  all  of  the 
neutrons  are  captured  in  the  manganese  55.  When  a  neutron  is  captured 
by  the  manganese,  radioactive  manganese  56  is  produced  and  this  is  ab- 
solutely counted  by  beta-gamma  coincidence  counting.  The  water  of  the 
bath  was  about  94  percent  heavy  and  6  percent  light  water,  and  a  correction 
was  made  for  the  neutrons  captured  by  the  small  amount  of  light  water 
present.  The  uncertainty  of  the  new  value  is  about  1  percent,  a  considerable 
improvement  over  previous  measurements. 

Radiation  Protection  Recommendations.  Research  on  the  funda- 
mental properties  of  radiation  and  on  radiation  standards  has  placed  trie 
Bureau  in   a  unique  position  to   translate  the  latest  information  in  these 


fields  into  practical  recommendations  for  radiation  protection,  quantities,  and 
units.  The  Bureau  has  assisted  in  the  dissemination  of  this  information  by 
publishing  as  NBS  Handbooks  the  recommendations  of  the  National  Com- 
mittee on  Radiation  Protection  and  Measurements  (NCRP)  and  the  Inter- 
national Commission  on  Radiological  Units  and  Measurements  (ICRU). 
During  the  last  year,  three  new  handbooks  have  been  published.  These  in- 
clude: NBS  Handbook  79,  Stopping  Powers  for  Use  with  Cavity  Chambers; 
NBS  Handbook  80,  A  Manual  of  Radioactivity  Procedures;  and  NCRP 
Report  No.  29,  Exposure  to  Radiation  in  an  Emergency  (University  of 
Chicago  Press) .  A  number  of  handbooks  are  presently  in  preparation, 
including  a  series  which  will  comprise  the  1962  report  of  the  International 
Commission  on  Radiological  Units  and  Measurements.  Staff  members  par- 
ticipate actively  in  this  work,  as  well  as  in  the  work  of  the  International 
Commission  on  Radiological  Protection  and  the  Federal  Radiation  Council. 
The  recommendations  of  these  groups  represent  the  latest  scientific  thinking 
in  the  broad  area  of  radiation  protection,  measurement,  quantities,  and 

International  Standards.  In  October  1960  the  General  Conference  of 
Weights  and  Measures  approved  the  extension  of  the  work  of  the  Interna- 
tional Bureau  into  the  area  of  ionizing  radiation.  A  working  group  was 
set  up  to  make  recommendations  on  immediate  and  long-range  programs 
for  this  area,  a  laboratory  design  for  this  work,  laboratory  equipment,  and 
staffing.  Members  of  the  Bureau  staff  involved  in  neutron  measurements, 
radioactivity  measurements,  and  X-  and  gamma-ray  measurements  were 
invited  to  participate  in  this  effort.  During  a  meeting  held  early  in  1961, 
this  group  considered  the  entire  program  and  made  recommendations. 
The  staff  of  the  International  Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures  is  now  in  the 
process  of  implementing  these  recommendations. 

During  the  past  year,  two  sets  of  X-ray  transfer  instruments  were  pre- 
pared and  calibrated.  These  will  be  placed  on  loan  to  the  International 
Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures  for  an  indefinite  period.  The  cavity  cham- 
bers, the  diaphragm,  and  the  capacitors  of  these  transfer  instruments  may  be 
calibrated  at  a  national  laboratory  by  comparison  with  the  standards  of 
that  laboratory.  The  ratio  of  the  calibrations  obtained  at  different  labora- 
tories is  then  a  measure  of  the  relative  values  obtained  by  the  national 

Such  an  indirect  intercomparison  has  just  been  completed  between  the 
National  Research  Council,  Canada,  and  the  NBS.  The  ratios  obtained 
for  the  cavity  chamber  at  the  two  laboratories  may  be  compared  with  the 
results  of  a  direct  intercomparison  of  the  national  standards  themselves. 
The  two  sets  of  intercomparisons  differed  by  a  maximum  of  0.5  percent  with 
a  mean  deviation  of  about  0.3  percent.  Thus,  it  appears  that  transfer  in- 
struments can  be  used  for  international  intercomparisons  instead  of  the 
direct  comparison  of  national  standards.  There  is  considerable  advantage 
in  the  use  of  such  transfer  instruments  as  they  weigh  only  a  few  pounds  even 
in  their  shipping  container,  whereas  the  national  standards  themselves  weigh 
many  hundreds  of  pounds. 





In  response  to  the  general  demand  for  more  detailed  knowledge  on  the 
properties  of  materials,  the  Bureau  carries  out  an  extensive  program  of  re- 
search in  the  areas  of  preparation,  purification,  and  characterization.  Under 
this  program,  new  and  improved  methods  of  measuring  chemical  properties, 
composition,  and  behavior  of  substances  are  developed;  standard  reference 
materials  of  known  composition  or  properties  are  prepared;  fundamental 
investigations  of  chemical  phenomena  on  which  the  behavior  of  chemical 
systems  is  based  are  carried  out;  and  technical  and  advisory  services  in 
specialized  areas  of  modern  chemistry  are  provided. 

Special  investigations  carried  out  during  the  year  include  studies  of  the 
preparation  and  stability  of  inorganic  compounds,  new  and  improved  meth- 
ods of  purification  and  separation  of  chemical  substances,  and  the  develop- 
ment of  criteria  for  measuring  purity  and  chemical  constants  of  pure 
materials.  New  programs  were  initiated  in  X-ray  diffraction,  atomic  ab- 
sorption, electron-spin  resonance,  and  high-temperature  purification 

Plutonium  Standard  Issued,  High-purity  plutonium  for  use  as  a 
standard  reference  material  has  been  prepared  and  analyzed  in  cooperation 
with  the  U.S.  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  Considerable  expansion  of 
atomic  energy  use  has  underlined  the  need  for  standard  materials  on  which 
to  base  measurements  of  high  precision  and  accuracy.  The  plutonium  chem- 
ical standard  can  be  utilized  as  a  comparison  standard  for  all  plutonium 
chemical  analyses.  It  is  issued  as  NBS  Standard  Sample  949,  and  is  available 
to  persons  licensed  to  possess  special  nuclear  materials. 

Atomic  Weight  of  Chlorine.     The  atomic  weight  of  chlorine  has  been 

redetermined  by  coulometric  analysis  to  be  35.45273      j  — 0000071*      (See 

p.  90.)  This  electrochemical  method  employs  the  precise  relationship  that 
exists  between  the  amount  of  electricity  used  in  an  electrolysis  and  the  amount 
of  chemical  reaction  produced.  Modification  of  the  electrolyte  cell  developed 
in  previous  coulometric  work,  and  improved  techniques  in  sample  handling 
and  end-point  determination,  have  resulted  in  analyses  having  a  standard 
deviation  of  five  parts  in  100,000. 

Trace  Level  Analysis.  Methods  for  determining  trace  level  impurities 
in  copper-,  iron-,  and  zirconium-base  alloys  were  developed.  Adaption  and 
extension  of  existing  methods  as  well  as  the  development  of  new  procedures, 
such  as  the  ion-exchange  spectrographic  approach  for  hafnium  in  zirconium- 
base  alloys  (parts  per  million) ,  were  employed. 

The  anion-exchange  process  developed  for  zirconium  in  hafnium  metal 
was  expanded  to  cover  zirconium  up  to  80  percent  in  oxide  or  metal.  This 
procedure  should  be  useful  in  following  the  fractionation  of  hafnium  from 


zirconium  to  prepare  nuclear-grade  hafnium  as  well  as  in  inspecting  the 
final  product. 

Uranium  Analysis  Standard.  Single-crystal  uranyl  nitrate  hexahydrate 
is  being  studied  as  a  primary  analytical  standard  for  uranium  analysis.  Con- 
trary to  expectations,  the  crystals  have  been  found  to  exhibit  weight  changes 
at  relative  humidities  at  which  they  should  have  been  stable;  no  region  of 
moisture  stability  has  been  found.  The  reason  for  this  unexpected  behavior 
is  still  under  investigation. 

Water  Determination  in  Commercial  Products.  Investigation  of 
methods  for  determining  water  content  in  various  materials,  including  agri- 
cultural products,  has  been  initiated  recently.  The  Office  of  Weights  and 
Measures  is  particularly  interested  in  this  program  for  the  possibility  of 
developing  and  calibrating  a  device  for  determining  moisture  content  in 
grains.  The  States  are  looking  to  the  Bureau  for  such  a  device,  as  they  do 
for  the  development  and  calibration  of  other  measuring  equipment.  A  gas- 
chromatographic  method  appears  especially  promising  and  is  being  studied 

Determining  Transition  Probabilities  Using  the  Gas-Stabilized  Arc. 
Transition  probabilities  are  of  basic  importance  to  studies  of  excitation  of 
spectra  in  analytical  and  basic  spectroscopic  research  and  in  astrophysics. 
A  gas-stabilized  arc  giving  accurate  intensity  and  temperature  measurements 
has  provided  particularly  uniform  conditions  for  the  excitation  of  elements 

Experimental  observations  of  spectral  line  intensities  made  with  this  spectro- 
graph formed  the  basis  for  a  catalog  of  39,000  spectral  lines  for  70  elements. 
(See  p.  67.) 


introduced  in  solution  form.  The  arc  was  demonstrated  to  be  an  especially 
useful  tool  in  the  accurate  measurement  of  spectral  line  intensities  for  the 
spectrum  of  iron.  The  ease  with  which  mixed  solutions  may  be  introduced 
into  the  arc  permits  the  measurement  of  transition  probabilities  for  two  or 
more  elements  on  the  same  scale.  Knowing  the  absolute  transition  probability 
of  one  of  these  elements  allows  the  possibility  of  placing  all  measurements 
on  the  aboslute  scale. 

X-Ray  Analysis  of  Noble  Metal  Alloys.  The  application  of  X-ray 
spectrometry  to  the  analysis  of  gold  alloys  was  investigated  to  establish  the 
value  of  the  method  as  a  substitute  for  tedious  chemical  or  assay  methods. 
Procedures  were  established  to  determine  the  alloying  elements  in  the  gold 
alloy — gold,  platinum,  palladium,  silver,  copper,  and  zinc.  Precisions  were 
found  to  lie  between  1  and  2  percent  of  the  amounts  present.  The  spec- 
trometric  procedure  with  a  single-channel  X-ray  spectrometer  required  5 
man-hours  as  compared  to  3  man-weeks  for  chemical  analysis.  A  similar 
procedure  is  under  investigation  for  the  analysis  of  silver-base  alloys. 

Trace  Element  Standard  Samples.  Attention  is  being  given  to  means 
for  extending  the  certification  on  present  standard  samples  to  include  more 
trace  elements  (parts  per  million),  and  to  develop  new  standards  for  high- 
purity  metals.  These  standards  will  provide  certified  values  for  more  than 
25  chemical  elements,  many  at  concentrations  of  a  few  parts  per  million  or 

As  a  beginning  on  trace  element  standards,  two  sets  of  three  samples  each 
of  zirconium  and  zirconium  alloy  (98  Zr-2  Sn)  have  been  prepared  in 
cooperation  with  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  and  the  Bureau  of  Mines. 
Zirconium  is  used  for  structural  members  in  atomic  power  units  and  the 
presence  of  even  trace  amounts  of  neutron  absorbers  causes  deleterious 
effects.  Three  of  the  standards  have  been  issued  by  the  Bureau  with  tenta- 
tive concentration  values  for  the  more  common  impurities;  the  standards 
issued  are  two  for  the  analysis  of  zirconium  metal  and  one  for  Zircalloy. 

A  reference  sample  of  selected  platinum  wire  of  highest  purity  has  been 
prepared  with  the  cooperation  of  interested  outside  laboratories.  This  sam- 
ple and  another  containing  added  impurities  in  the  range  1  to  10  parts  per  mil- 
lion will  serve  in  research  for  extending  and  improving  several  methods  of 
trace  analysis. 

Test  Mixture  for  Fractionating  Columns  Developed.  A  test  mix- 
ture has  been  developed  for  use  in  evaluating  high-efficiency  fractionating 
columns.  The  test  material  consists  of  two  isomers  of  heptane:  2.3- 
dimethylpentane,  and  2-methylhexane.  Because  this  mixture  has  a  low  rela- 
tive volatility  and  each  of  its  components  can  be  easily  identified,  improved 
calibration  and  evaluation  of  high-efficiency  fractionating  columns  will  be 
possible.  The  difference  between  the  boiling  points  of  2.3-dimethylpentane 
and  2-methylhexane  is  0.268  °C,  providing  narrow  limits  within  which  the 
test  column  may  separate  substances  by  fractional  distillation.  The  refrac- 
tive index  difference  between  the  two  components  is  nearly  twice  that  of  test 
mixtures  used  in  evaluating  columns  of  medium  efficiency.     This  property 


permits  the  use  of  a  differential  refractometer  for  identifying  the  separation 
point  of  each  of  the  heptane  isomers. 

Improvements  in  Liquid-Solid  Chromatography.  Closer  control  of 
variables  in  liquid-solid  chromatography  has  resulted  in  an  improved  and 
more  efficient  system.  For  example,  by  recording  the  temperature  of  a 
thermistor  placed  in  a  selected  position  of  a  column  of  adsorbant,  the  prog- 
ress of  the  effluent  front  may  be  followed,  since  the  thermistor  senses  a  func- 
tion of  the  heat  of  adsorption.  The  temperature  generated  bears  a  rela- 
tionship to  the  adsorbability  of  each  of  a  series  of  compounds.  This  may  al- 
low a  reasonable  prediction  of  their  separability  in  an  infinitely  long  column. 

Relatively  constant  pressure  throughout  the  column  is  desirable  in  order 
to  avoid  certain  unwanted  results,  such  as  vaporization  of  the  liquid.  Bet- 
ter results  are  also  obtained  by  pumping  the  starting  material  through  the 
column,  rather  than  using  gas  pressure. 

Dielectric  Constant  Change.  The  dielectric  constant  of  a  liquid 
changes  with  temperature,  primarily  due  to  a  change  in  density.  As  the 
material  begins  to  freeze  there  is  a  very  large  change  in  dielectric  constant 
until  the  sample  is  frozen.     An  investigation  of  this  property  as  a  func- 



Single  crystals  are  often  used  to  investigate  the  fundamental  properties  of 
materials.  This  set  of  ammonium  dihydrogen  phosphate  crystals,  grown  from 
solutions  containing  chromic  ion,  represents  various  stages  of  growth  from  the 
seed  (left)  to  the  final  crystal.  The  tapered  prism  faces  of  the  crystals  are 
contaminated  with  chromium.     (See  p.  84.) 


tion  of  time  and  temperature  is  being  conducted  and  may  offer  a  convenient 
means  for  determination  of  purity. 

X~Ray  Diffraction.  Crystalline  ozone  and  two  forms  of  solid  ammonia 
have  been  used  to  derive  simple  and  direct  information  on  the  molecular 
geometry  of  crystals.  The  radial  distribution  functory,  which  can  be  de- 
rived for  any  phase  from  the  powder  X— ray  diffraction  intensities,  has  been 
tested.  Rather  serious  errors  tend  to  accumulate,  which  indicates  that  only 
the  best  obtainable  data  are  likely  to  yield  useful  results.  This  study  in- 
dicates care  should  be  taken  when  using  the  radial  distribution  method  for 
amorphous  solids  for  which  other  conventional  crystallographic  methods 
are  not  available. 

Internal  Crystal  Study.  Large  single  crystals  can  be  examined  by 
conventional  X-ray  diffraction  procedures  only  at  their  surface  or  by  de- 
structive sectioning.  A  new  method  for  studying  the  perfection  of  large 
single  crystals  has  been  shown  to  be  feasible.  It  employs  high-voltage  (up 
to  250  kilovolts)  X-rays  collimated  and  scattered  coherently  by  the  crvstals. 
The  technique  is  analogous  to  the  Laue  method  of  X-ray  crystallographic 
photography  in  which  the  interior  crystal  structure  is  examined. 

Crystal  Growth.  To  provide  means  for  measuring  and  controlling  the 
supersaturation  of  aqueous  solutions  of  inorganic  salts  during  the  growth 
of  large  single  crystals,  a  method  based  on  the  electrolytic  conductivity  of 
solutions  in  the  saturation  region  was  developed.  The  conductance,  meas- 
ured by  means  of  a  cell  immersed  in  the  growth  bath,  has  been  found  to  be 
most  sensitive  to  small  changes  in  temperature  and  concentration  near 
saturation.  By  using  precise  measurements  and  curve-fitting  procedures. 
empirical  formulas  have  been  developed  for  the  specific  conductance  of 
ammonium  dihydrogen  phosphate  solutions. 


The  Bureau's  program  of  basic  research  in  physical  chemistry  covers  a 
broad  spectrum  of  theoretical  and  experimental  activities.  The  primary 
objective  of  this  program  is  to  develop  an  understanding  of  the  molecular 
basis  of  bulk  properties  and  macroscopic  processes.  Particular  emphasis 
is  placed  on  precise  determinations  of  structural  parameters  of  stable  and 
transient  molecular  species  and  descriptions  of  elementarv  molecular  proc- 
esses in  well-characterized  systems.  Considerable  effort  is  directed  to  the 
design  and  development  of  special  techniques  and  instrumentation  and  to 
the  evaluation  of  theoretical  models  of  molecular  structure  and  processes. 

The  following  examples  of  research  conducted  during  the  year  illustrate 
the  scope  of  the  physical  chemistry  program :  Studies  on  synthesis  of  labeled 
carbohydrates,  isotope  effects,  and  conformations  of  sugars;  spectroscopic 
determinations  of  structural  constants  of  free  radicals  and  simple  organic 
molecules;  analysis  of  elementarv  processes  in  flames:  investigations  of 
radiolysis  and  vacuum  ultraviolet  photolysis  of  organic  molecules:  precise 
measurements  of  heats  of  reaction  and  formation;  studies  of  chemical  reac- 


tions  and  ionization  processes  at  crystal  surfaces;  determinations  of  atomic 
weights;  and  measurements  of  nuclear  spin-spin  interactions. 

Significant  progress  was  made  in  the  following  areas:  Development  of 
special  mass  spectrometric  instrumentation  required  for  studies  of  the  kinetics 
of  ion  decompositions  and  of  photoionization  processes,  the  construction 
of  a  microwave  spectrometer  for  operation  at  high  temperatures,  and  the 
design  and  construction  of  a  calorimeter  for  precise  measurements  of  heats 
of  solution. 

Precision  Calorimetry.  Recent  calorimetric  investigations  have  in- 
volved measurements  of  the  heats  of  solution  and  liquid-phase  reactions  of 
beryllium  compounds.  The  solution  calorimeter  currently  in  use  consists  of 
a  500-milliliter  vacuum-jacketed  glass  vessel  fitted  with  a  100-ohm  glass- 
enclosed  heating  coil,  stirrer,  and  an  assembly  used  to  introduce  the 
sample  into  the  calorimeter  fluid.  Temperature  changes  in  the  calo- 
rimeter are  measured  by  a  platinum  resistance  thermometer.  Uniform 
stirring  is  achieved  by  a  glass  screw-type  impeller  driven  by  a  synchronous 
motor.  Measurements  have  recently  been  completed  for  the  Advanced 
Research  Projects  Agency  on  the  heats  of  solution  of  metallic  beryllium 
and  beryllium  hydride  in  dilute  hydrochloric  acid.  Additional  measure- 
ments on  the  heat  of  solution  of  anhydrous  beryllium  chloride  are  currently 
in  progress. 

Measurements  have  also  been  made  on  the  heat  of  solution  of  sulfur 
dioxide  in  water.  These  data  have  been  combined  with  measurements  made 
at  the  University  of  Lund,  Sweden,  on  the  heat  of  reaction  of  sulfurous 
acid  with  bromine  to  yield  a  value  for  the  heat  of  formation  of  aqueous 
hydrobromic  acid. 

Other  measurements  have  been  completed  recently  on  the  heats  of  forma- 
tion of  lithium,  ammonium,  and  sodium  perchlorates.  These  values  are 
based  on  the  heats  of  reaction  of  the  salts  with  potassium  chloride  solutions, 
and  the  heat  of  formation  of  potassium  borohydride. 

Reactions  of  Hydrogen  Atoms.  Hydrogen  atoms  react  with  unsat- 
urated hydrocarbons  down  to  liquid  nitrogen  temperatures.  In  a  technique 
developed  at  the  Bureau  to  study  these  reactions,  hydrogen  atoms  are  gen- 
erated in  the  gas  phase  and  react  with  a  condensed  film  of  the  unsaturate 
(olefin)  diluted  in  an  inert  matrix.  The  matrix  in  which  the  olefins  are 
deposited  has  a  marked  effect  on  the  rate  of  the  reaction.  This  was  shown 
to  be  the  result  of  a  diffusion-limiting  process.  The  reaction  occurs  on  the 
surface  and  is  maintained  by  a  flow  of  olefin  molecules  from  the  interior  of 
the  film.  If  the  matrix  does  not  permit  ready  diffusion  of  the  olefin  mole- 
cules, reaction  does  not  occur  after  the  surface  molecules  have  been  exhausted. 
These  researches  may  be  expected  to  shed  some  light  on  the  question  of  the 
possibility  of  reactions  occurring  in  interstellar  space  between  hydrogen 
atoms  and  cometary  particles. 

Ionization  Processes  at  Surfaces.  The  importance  of  surface  ionizing 
processes  for  ion-propulsion  systems  has  been  recognized.  A  basic  study 
of  some  of  these  processes  has  been  undertaken  to  determine  the  mean  life- 


Solution  calorimeter  used  in  precise  measurements  of  heats  of  solution  and 
liquid  phase  reactions.  Recent  studies  have  concentrated  on  beryllium  com- 
pounds.     (See  p.  85.) 

time  of  ions  on  refractory  metal  surfaces.  This  was  done  by  directing  a  mo- 
lecular beam  of  cesium  against  a  heated  tungsten  ribbon.  Cesium  ions  re- 
sulting from  the  process  were  collected.  The  variation  in  the  temporal  inten- 
sity of  the  collected  ion  beam  was  analyzed  in  terms  of  the  adsorbed  life- 
time of  the  cesium  atoms  on  the  surface.  The  results  have  shown  that  bind- 
ing force  between  the  cesium  and  tungsten  is  essentially  electrostatic  in 
nature.  Gases  adsorbed  on  the  tungsten  surface  reduce  the  mean  lifetime 
of  the  cesium  ion  and  decrease  the  desorption  energy. 

Field  Emission  Microscopy.  Field  electron  emission  studies  of 
molecules  adsorbed  on  tantalum  surfaces  have  been  made.  The  technique 
permits  observation  of  surface  phenomena  on  an  almost  molecular  scale. 
Studies  of  carbon  monoxide  on  tantalum  showed  that  carbon  monoxide  is 
dissociated.  Both  carbon  and  oxygen  on  tantalum  were  separately  inves- 
tigated. It  was  demonstrated  that  oxygen  is  held  to  the  surface  by  very 
strong  bonds,  while  work  with  carbon  on  tantalum  confirmed  that  tantalum 
carbide  is  extremely  stable.     The  carbide  phase  forms  precipitates  which  are 


deposited  around  the  cube  face  planes  and,  at  somewhat  elevated  tempera- 
tures, cluster  preferentially  along  certain  zones  of  the  tantalum  crystal. 

Conformational  Analysis.  Study  of  the  shape  or  conformation  of 
molecules  of  cyclic  organic  compounds  has  become  a  subject  of  paramount 
importance  for  correlating  chemical  and  physical  properties.  The  first  at- 
tempt to  correlate  reaction  rates  with  ring  conformation  was  made  25  years 
ago  at  the  Bureau.  Recent  work  has  established  that  differences  in  rates 
of  oxidation  of  aldoses  with  bromine,  studied  earlier,  can  be  ascribed  to 
differences  in  the  conformational  stability  of  the  pyranose  ring.  The  rate 
of  oxidation  for  an  aldose  depends  largely  on  the  energy  required  to  change 
the  conformation  of  the  ring,  in  the  ground  state,  to  that  of  a  transition 
state  wherein  the  ring  oxygen  and  carbon  atoms  1,  2,  and  5  lie  in  a  plane. 

Work  was  begun  on  the  determination  of  free-energy  differences  between 
the  various  conformations  for  each  of  several  aldoses,  and  also  of  free- 
energy  differences  between  the  various  aldoses  in  a  given  conformation. 
Correlations  of  structure  with  infrared  absorption  spectra  were  made  for 
a  series  of  sugars  and  glycosides. 

Isotope  Effects.  Isotope  effects  (differences  in  the  behavior  of  isotopi- 
cally  labeled  and  nonlabeled  molecules)  frequently  lead  to  serious  errors  in 
chemical  and  biological  research  in  which  the  isotopes  are  used  as  tracers. 
On  the  other  hand,  isotope  effects  (particularly  of  tritium  and  carbon  14) 
provide  an  extremely  important  tool  for  determining  how  organic  chemical 
reactions  take  place.  Methods  previously  devised  at  the  Bureau  for  measur- 
ing isotope  effects  have  been  used  for  studying  a  variety  of  reactions  of 
aldoses  labeled  with  carbon  14  and  tritium.  These  include:  (1)  oxidation 
reactions;  (2)  rearrangement  (isomerication)  reactions;  (3)  formation  (as 
well  as  recrystallization)  of  phenylhydrazones. 

The  isotope  effect,  k*/k,  for  the  oxidation  of  aldoses- 1-^  to  lactones  was 
found  to  range  from  0.12  to  0.69  and  to  depend  on  whether  the  oxidation 
takes  place  directly,  or  whether  it  is  preceded  by  a  rate-determining 

Higher  Ketoses.  In  the  past  few  years  there  has  been  a  growing  realiza- 
tion of  the  fact  that  higher  ketoses  (seven-carbon  or  more)  play  important 
roles  in  biological  systems;  presumably,  these  materials  are  formed  by  con- 
densation of  smaller  units.  It  has  recently  been  found  at  the  Bureau  that 
a  variety  of  higher  sugars  can  be  formed,  in  vitro,  by  aldol  condensations. 
In  the  synthesis,  the  carbon  chain  of  the  aldose  is  extended  by  three  carbons 
with  the  production  of  new  asymmetric  centers  at  carbons  3  and  4.  Thus, 
condensation  of  2,4-ethylidene-D-erythrose  with  dihydroxyacetone  gave  four 
heptuloses.  Three  of  the  heptuloses  were  separated  in  pure  condition  and 
their  structures  were  determined;  the  fourth  was  identified  chromatograph- 
ically.  The  procedure  provides  a  means  for  preparing  higher  ketoses  of  bi« 
ological  interest. 

Molecular  Isomerism.  A  number  of  molecules  which  exhibit  rotational 
isomerism  have  been  studied  by  the  techniques  of  microwave  spectroscopy. 


These  molecules  are  capable  of  existing  in  two  or  more  distinct  geometric 
forms  which  interconvert  so  rapidly  that  they  cannot  be  separated.  The 
high  resolution  obtainable  in  the  microwave  spectral  region  permits  de- 
tailed study  of  the  individual  isomers  in  the  mixture.  Useful  informa- 
tion has  been  obtained  in  this  way  on  rc-propyl  chloride  and  on  several 
butadiene  derivatives.  In  particular,  the  frequency  of  the  torsional  oscilla- 
tion about  the  carbon-carbon  single  bond  in  butadiene-type  compounds  has 
been  accurately  measured  for  the  first  time. 

Low-Temperature  Spectroscopy,  Recent  research  has  provided  the 
first  definite  evidence  that  hydrogen  halide  molecules  trapped  in  solid 
rare-gas  matrices  do  in  fact  rotate  almost  freely.  The  evidence  is  based  on 
the  observation  of  the  fundamental  rotation-vibration  bands  of  a  hydrogen 
halide,  e.g.,  hydrogen  chloride,  with  grating  dispersion  as  a  function  of 
temperature  over  the  range  4  to  20  °K.  Other  spectral  features  that  were 
detected  have  been  tentatively  attributed  to  rotationless  vibrational  transi- 
tions and  are  being  studied  with  the  expectation  that  they  may  provide  a 
novel  and  important  approach  to  the  measurement  of  intermolecular  forces 
in  molecular  crystals. 

Collision  and  Ion-Decomposition  Processes.  A  retarding-potential 
technique  has  been  developed  for  use  with  time-of-flight  (TOF)  mass  spec- 
trometers. Many  ionic  processes  which  were  formerly  difficult  to  study  can 
be  easily  observed  with  the  new  method.  In  a  linear,  pulsed  TOF  mass 
spectrometer,  ions  of  a  particular  mass  travel  down  a  field-free  drift  tube 
in  a  focused  bunch,  and  give  a  sharp-pulse  electrical  signal  when  they  strike 
a  detector  at  the  end  of  the  tube.  If  events  occur  in  flight  (grazing  collisions 
with  residual  gas  molecules  in  the  tube,  or  spontaneous  ion  dissociation. 
for  example),  the  products  (neutral  species  and  small  fragment  ions)  gen- 
erally travel  along  with  the  group  of  ions  and  arrive  at  the  detector  at  about 
the  same  time.  Thus  a  single  pulse,  or  mass  peak,  may  actually  be  com- 
posite. By  application  of  a  retarding  field  near  the  end  of  the  drift  tube. 
the  mass  peak  can  be  separated  into  its  components:  Neutral  species  are 
not  affected  by  the  field  and  their  arrival  time  does  not  change;  unaltered 
ions  are  retarded  but  still  focused  as  pulses  arriving  after  the  neutrals: 
fragment  ions,  being  lighter,  are  retarded  still  more  and  can  be  separated 
as  a  third  component.  This  technique  provides  a  way  of  detecting  charge 
exchange,  collision-induced  dissociation,  and  spontaneous  ion  dissociation 
during  the  time  of  flight.  It  is  expected  to  be  particularly  useful  in  making 
surveys  of  polyatomic  ion  decomposition  and  in  measuring  kinetic  energies 
of  charged  and  neutral  fragments. 

Collisional  Energy  Transfer.  Collision  processes  involving  transfer 
of  energy  play  an  important  role  in  determining  the  structure  and  properties 
of  shock  waves  encountered  in  supersonic  flight  and  missile  reentry:  also  in 
determining  the  efficiency  of  rocket  combustion.  A  knowledge  of  rates  of 
exchange  of  energy  in  molecular  collisions  is  particularly  important  in  inter- 
preting temperature  measurements  on  hot.  nonequilibrium  gases  such  as 
rocket  exhausts. 


A  prime  objective  is  to  carry  out  the  experimental  isolation  of  selected 
energy-transfer  processes  for  spectroscopic  study,  as  free  as  possible  from 
extraneous  environmental  complications.  Following  this  mode  of  attack, 
probabilities  for  exchange  of  known  quanta  of  energy  in  single  molecular 
collisions  have  been  obtained  for  the  OH  radical,  an  important  reactant  in 
flames,  and  for  nitric  oxide,  a  gas  important  in  atmospheric  phenomena. 

Statistical  treatment  developed  for  interpreting  the  laboratory  data  can 
be  extended  to  the  fluorescence  of  diatomic  molecules  in  comet  heads.  This 
fluorescence  is  responsible  for  most  of  the  observed  luminosity  of  comets, 
from  which  comet  "temperatures"  have  been  estimated  in  the  past.  The  new 
treatment  takes  account  of  the  random  nature  of  successive  absorption  and 
emission  of  light  (in  the  region  of  the  comet  nucleus)  by  the  molecules  undei 
solor  illumination.  It  shows  that  comet  "temperature"  deduced  in  some 
cases  may  have  no  physical  significance  at  all,  and  provides  for  the  first  time 
a  statistical  interpretation  of  the  fluorescence  observed. 

Vacuum  Ultraviolet  Photochemistry.  In  order  to  understand  the 
nature  of  the  chemical  events  attending  the  absorption  of  light  by  hydro- 
carbon molecules,  the  Bureau  is  engaged  in  studying  the  photochemistry  of 
hydrocarbons  in  the  vacuum  ultraviolet  region  of  the  electromagnetic  spec- 
trum. During  the  past  year  it  has  been  discovered  that  when  propane  absorbs 
a  quantum  of  energy  at  1470  Angstroms,  the  most  probable  result  is  that  a 
molecule  of  hydrogen  is  expelled,  both  atoms  having  been  attached  originally 

Chromatographic  purification  of  materials  to  be  used  in  vacuum  ultraviolet 
photochemistry.  The  Bureau  is  systematically  charting  the  many  chemical  re- 
actions triggered  by  absorption  of  light  by  hydrocarbon  molecules.     (See  p.  89.) 

662336  0—62- 


to  the  central  carbon  atom.  Another  highly  probable  process  is  the  molecu- 
lar elimination  of  methane.  Photolysis  of  cyclopropane  and  isobutane  have 
also  been  studied.  The  techniques  employed  involve  labeling  the  hydro- 
carbons with  deuterium  in  specific  positions. 

New  techniques  in  vacuum  ultraviolet  photochemistry  currently  being  used 

are  high-temperature  photochemistry  and  photochemistry  in  the  ionizing 
region  (argon  resonance  line).  The  former  is  being  used  to  explore  the 
chemistry  of  carbenes  formed  in  the  primary  photochemical  process,  while 
the  investigations  involving  the  argon  resonance  lamp  permit  studies  to  be 
made  in  the  overlap  region  between  photochemistry  and  radiation  chemistry. 

Radiolysis  of  Simple  Hydrocarbons.  Deuterium-labeled  compounds 
are  used  to  determine  the  nature  of  the  chemical  processes  occurring  as  a 
result  of  the  absorption  of  ionizing  radiation  by  simple  hydrocarbons.  Proc- 
esses in  which  hydrogen  and  methane  are  eliminated  as  molecules  from  the 
parent  hydrocarbon  have  been  observed.  Work  on  the  radiolysis  of  propane 
and  isobutane  has  been  completed  and  studies  on  Ai-butane  and  neopentane 
will  be  made.  Complicating  factors,  such  as  free-radical  and  ion-molecule 
reactions,  are  controlled  by  irradiating  specifically  deuterium-labeled  hydro- 
carbons in  the  presence  of  scavengers.  Using  this  technique,  the  isomeriza- 
tion  of  alkyl  ions  has  been  demonstrated  and  the  kinetics  of  the  transfer  of 
hydride  ions  to  the  ethyl  ion  are  being  studied. 

New  methods  of  investigating  ion-molecule  reactions  include  radiolysis 
in  an  applied  electric  field.  It  is  possible  by  this  means  to  sweep  out  the 
ions  and  electrons  formed  by  the  ionizing  radiation  and  to  alter  the  product 
distribution  substantially.  This  work  is  partly  sponsored  by  the  Atomic 
Energy  Commission. 

Isotopic  Abundance  Ratio  Determined.  Natural  chlorine  consists  of 
two  isotopes  of  mass  numbers  35  and  37  in  relative  abundance  of  about  three 
to  one.  The  atomic  weight  of  this  element  together  with  that  of  silver  forms 
a  basis  for  the  determination  of  atomic  weights  of  many  of  the  elements. 
The  isotopic  abundance  ratio  of  chlorine  was  determined  by  the  Bureau  with 
the  cooperation  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  using  60°  surface  emis- 
sion mass  spectrometers  with  a  12-inch  radius  of  curvature.  The  instruments 
were  calibrated  with  synthetic  mixtures  made  from  separated  chlorine  iso- 
topes  (see  p.   80)    leading  to  an  absolute  value  for  the  natural  chlorine 

r  _|_  0.0079  i  *  . 

abundance  ratio  of  C135/C137  =  3.1272    \        '  .     This  value,  combined 

I      O.OOoz  J 

with  accurately  known  atomic  masses  led  to  a  new  atomic  weight  value  of 

f  _|_  o  00092  ]  * 
35.45273]      ,v",ww»  I    •     Using  the  chemically  determined  combining  weight 
I  —  U.  00097  J 

ratios  for  chlorine  and  silver,  the  present  atomic  weight  supports  the  physical 



determination  of  the  silver  atomic  weight  which  was  done  earlier  at  the 

*The    quantities    in    brackets    are    estimated    limits    to    the    uncertainties   in    the    reported    value    arising   from 
known  sources  of  error,  both  random  and  systematic. 


The  high  resolution  and  sensitivity  of  the  microwave  spectrometer  reveals  many 
fine  details  of  molecular  structure.  Recent  studies  have  been  made  of  mole- 
cules which  exhibit  rotational  isomerism.     (See  p.  87.) 

Thermodynamic  Reviews.  The  program  on  compilation  and  critical 
evaluation  of  data  on  the  chemical  thermodynamic  properties  of  chemical 
substances  has  continued  under  partial  AEC  support.  A  review  of  all  of  the 
available  data  on  the  heat  capacities  and  heats  of  solution  and  dilution  of 
univalent  electrolytes  in  aqueous  solution  has  been  completed  and  the  data 
assembled  in  tabular  form.  A  review  of  the  entropies  of  a  number  of 
aqueous  ions  has  also  been  completed.  These  reviews  have  been  carried 
out  in  order  to  establish  some  of  the  basic  thermodynamic  values  needed  for  a 
systematic  self-consistent  tabulation  of  the  heats  and  free  energies  of  forma- 
tion of  chemical  substances. 


The  importance  of  obtaining  a  better  understanding  of  the  physical  prop- 
erties of  inorganic  nonmetallic  materials  has  been  accentuated  by  the  rapid 
development  of  space  technology.  Materials  are  now  required  which  must 
meet  extreme  environmental  conditions  such  as  high  temperatures  in  corro- 
sive atmospheres  or  very  low  temperatures  under  constant  irradiation.  One 
of  the  promising  classes  of  materials  for  use  under  these  extreme  conditions 
is  the  metallic  oxides.  Thus,  as  part  of  the  research  on  inorganic  solids,  the 
Bureau  is  seeking  to  develop  new  techniques  of  preparing  and  measuring 
fundamental  parameters  of  well-characterized  specimens  of  these  materials. 
In  addition,  research  is  continuing  on  other  materials  of  specific  interest  to 
industry  and  the  scientific  community.  Such  research  includes  working  on 
crystal  growth,  determining  crystal  structures  and  imperfections  in  solids, 


studying  high-temperature  reaction  kinetics  at  solid-gas  interfaces,  and  in- 
vestigating the  properties  of  glass. 

Vaporization  of  Refractory  Substances,  Investigations  continued  on 
vapor  pressures,  rates  of  vaporization,  and  associated  thermodynamic  and 
kinetic  properties  of  refractory  elements  and  compounds.  In  this  program, 
the  vapor  pressure  of  ruthenium  was  measured  and  its  heat  of  vaporization 
determined.  Similar  measurements  were  started  on  osmium.  At  the  request 
of  the  Defense  Department,  the  application  of  a  mass  spectrometer  to  study 
the  high-temperature  vaporization  of  selected  light-element  compounds  was 
continued;  modifying  the  apparatus  has  increased  its  reliability  and  accuracy. 

Major  emphasis  was  placed  on  the  study  of  the  beryllium-oxygen-fluorine 
(Be-O-F)  system  in  the  temperature  range  900  to  2,000  °C.  The  thermo- 
dynamic goal  of  this  work  is  to  measure  all  of  the  gaseous  and  solid-gas 
equilibria  at  different  temperatures.  Results  so  far  show  several  vapor 
species  of  beryllium  fluoride  (BeF2),  some  of  them  resulting  from  the  pres- 
ence of  water  in  the  condensed  material.  The  existence  of  these  species  is 
also,  however,  of  interest.  The  study  of  this  system  is  complicated  by  the 
widely  different  volatilities  of  BeO  and  BeF2.  A  new  double-oven  experi- 
ment, designed  to  investigate  the  system,  is  currently  being  evaluated. 

New  Microbalance  Required  to  Study  Refractory  Substances,  The 
rate  of  vaporization  of  refractory  substances  is  of  interest  to  the  National 
Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration,  which  requires  such  data  to  select 
suitable  substances  for  the  development  of  thermionic  heat  engines.  The 
necessity  of  making  measurements  under  much  higher  vacuum  conditions 
than  are  usually  employed  has  required  construction  of  a  new  microbalance 
apparatus  which  can  obtain  a  vacuum  of  1 X  10~9  torr  without  bakeout. 
This  apparatus  will  be  used  initially  to  measure  the  rates  of  vaporization  of 
the  nitride  and  borides  of  tantalum,  and  of  selected  faces  of  ultra-high  purity 
tungsten  single  crystals. 

Studies  of  Alumina,  An  arc-image  furnace  was  used  to  study  the  high- 
temperature  vaporization  of  solid  and  liquid  alumina  in  vacuum  and  in  the 
presence  of  other  gases.  Such  studies  indicate  that  liquid  alumina  dissolves 
water  vapor  and  that  the  water  vapor  (or  an  alumina-water  reaction  product) , 
being  less  soluble  in  solid  alumina  than  in  liquid  alumina,  vigorously  boils 
out  of  solutions  when  the  molten  substance  solidifies.  When  liquid  alumina 
evaporates  in  vacuum,  it  deposits  as  a  transparent,  amorphous  film  of  alu- 
minum oxide.  The  characteristics  of  this  film  and  the  crystallographic 
course  of  its  thermal  transformation  to  alpha-alumina  were  investigated. 
The  rate  of  sublimation  of  alumina  in  vacuum  was  also  measured  by  a  micro- 
balance  technique  and  a  novel  method  of  heating  by  radiofrequency  induc- 
tion. These  measurements  indicated  that  the  rate  of  free  evaporation  of 
alumina  is  not  significantly  less  than  the  rate  at  which  it  is  transported  in  an 
equilibrium  vapor. 

Plasma  Torch  Used  in  Crystal  Growth,  An  adaptation  of  the  Ver- 
neuil  process  for  growing  crystals,  utilizing  the  inductively-coupled  radio- 
frequency  plasma  torch  was  successfully  applied  in  recent  studies  of  stabilized 


zirconium,  chromium,  aluminum,  and  titanium  oxides.  The  process  has 
three  distinct  advantages  over  related  techniques:  (1)  the  maximum  tempera- 
ture obtainable  is  sufficient  to  melt  materials  having  melting  points  up  to 
approximately  3,300  °C;  (2)  the  ambient  atmosphere  can  be  controlled  to  a 
greater  degree  than  in  an  oxyhydrogen  torch;  and  (3)  no  contamination 
problem  is  encountered  from  electrode  erosion  of  the  type  found  in  direct 
current  plasma  torch  arrangements. 

Research  is  continuing  to  improve  certain  aspects  of  plasma  torch  opera- 
tion, such  as  thermal  gradient  control  and  feed  delivery,  and  to  solve  the 
problem  of  containing  plasmas  having  an  extremely  high  heat  content. 
Major  efforts  are  being  directed  toward  evaluating  the  chemical  and  crystal- 
line perfection  of  plasma-grown  crystals,  and  toward  producing  hydrogen- 
free  rutile.  Also  efforts  are  being  made  to  grow  other  high-melting-point 
oxide  crystals  using  the  plasma  torch  technique. 

Rare  Gas  Crystals  and  Vapor  ''Snakes."  Studies  of  crystal  growth 
were  carried  out  using  the  rare   gases  argon  and  krypton.     As  atoms  of 

Fibrous  silica  grown  in  a  study  of  the  structural  relationship  of  the  amorphous 
forms  of  silica  to  each  other  and  to  the  crystalline  forms.  The  exact  nature 
of  this  form  of  silica  is  now  being  investigated.     (See  p.  94.) 


these  gases  exert  only  very  weak  forces,  theoretical  analyses  of  their  crystal- 
line states  are  relatively  easy  to  determine.  Idealized  assumptions  which 
loosely  apply  in  the  case  of  metals  and  more  complicated  polar  molecules, 
often  closely  approximate  the  rare  gas-solid  situation.  Extensive  work 
has  been  done  on  applying  crystal  growth  theory  to  rare  gases,  but  so  far 
there  has  been  a  dearth  of  experimental  data  because  large  single  crystals 
are  difficult  to  prepare. 

Since  temperatures  at  which  the  rare  gases  melt  are  much  lower  than 
are  those  of  most  other  substances  whose  crystals  have  been  studied,  and 
since  the  properties  of  rare  gases  are  so  unusual,  other  techniques  were 
recently  adapted  which  produced  striking  results.  For  example,  cooling 
the  melt  under  certain  conditions  resulted  in  the  formation  of  a  long, 
snakelike  cylinder  of  vapor  with  a  solid  sheath  wall.  The  cylinder  travels 
through  the  melt  and  bends  as  it  hits  a  solid  of  any  kind,  hence  the  name, 
vapor  "snake."  These  studies  proved  useful  in  examining  such  phenomena 
as  plastic  crystals,  and  dendritic  growth  and  grain  boundaries.  Other  work 
is  now  under  way  on  the  connection  of  vapor  snakes  to  supercooling  and 
to  crystal  growth  rate. 

Fibrous  Form  Found  in  Silica,  Three-fourths  of  the  existing  solid 
matter  of  the  earth  consists  of  silica,  the  combination  of  silicon  and  oxygen. 
Pure  silica  is  found  in  many  different  crystalline  modifications  and  as  an 
amorphous  substance  in  a  variety  of  forms  such  as  gel  and  glass.  How- 
ever, precise  structural  information  on  silica,  especially  regarding  its  amor- 
phous forms,  is  very  incomplete.  In  studying  the  structural  relation  of 
amorphous  forms  of  silica  to  each  other  and  to  the  crystalline  forms,  silica 
formations  were  grown  by  directing  a  preheated  mixture  of  nitrogen,  silicon 
tetrafluoride,  and  water  vapor  against  an  electrically  heated  platinum  target. 
Experimental  conditions  could  be  produced  under  which  the  deposition 
of  silica  on  the  target  occurred  in  the  form  of  round  fibers  or  whiskers. 
The  silica  thus  produced  has  certain  attributes  of  silica  glass,  such  as  lowT 
refractive  index  and  optical  isotropy,  yet  its  shape  suggests  a  higher  degree 
of  molecular  order  than  is  generally  assumed  for  glass  or  other  amorphous 

Polymorphic  Transition  at  High  Pressure,  The  arrangement  of 
atoms  or  molecules  in  crystalline  solids,  as  determined  by  X-ray  diffraction, 
is  of  fundamental  importance  in  understanding  the  interatomic  and  inter- 
molecular  forces  which  ultimately  determine  the  properties  of  matter. 
Although  most  solids  exist  in  only  a  single  structure  under  normal  condi- 
tions, temperature  or  pressure  changes  often  transform  the  ordinary  struc- 
ture into  a  new  stable  structure  by  a  process  known  as  polymorphic  transi- 
tion, or,  more  simply,  transition. 

In  previous  Bureau  work,  an  instrument  using  diamonds  was  constructed 
to  permit  spectroscopic  studies  of  solids  to  pressures  of  at  least  50.000  atmos- 
pheres (750,000  pounds  per  square  inch)  :  it  was  recently  modified  to  permit 
routine  X-ray  diffraction  studies  of  solids  at  pressures  as  high  as  70.000 
atmospheres.     In  this  device,  X-rays  transverse  two  diamond  anvils  and  a 


Rate  of  vaporization  of  refractory  substances  at  extremely  high  temperatures 
and  low  pressures  can  be  measured  with  this  newly  constructed  vacuum  micro- 
balance.  Such  data  is  needed  for  predicting  the  behavior  of  refractories  in 
thermionic  engines  and  the  other  extreme  environments.      (See  p.  92.) 

thin  film  of  material  squeezed  between  flat  surfaces  of  the  diamond  anvils. 
The  diamonds  are  forced  together  by  hydraulic  pressure  to  produce  a  pres- 
sure on  the  solid  film.  On  passing  through  the  film  of  solid,  the  X-ray  beam 
is  diffracted  and  the  diffraction  pattern  is  recorded  photographically  as  a 
series  of  rings  or  arcs.  Knowledge  of  the  diameters  of  the  rings  or  arcs 
permits  calculation  of  the  interatomic  spacing  of  the  atoms  in  the  solid.  Since 
the  diamond  surface  areas  are  very  small  (approximately  1 X  10~4  square 
inches),  rather  small  forces  on  the  diamonds  are  capable  of  producing  ex- 
tremely high  pressures.  Structures  and  atomic  spacings  were  determined 
with  this  device  for  many  high-pressure  phases  of  metals  and  salts. 


Properties  of  Silver  Iodide  Studied.  The  physical  properties  of  silver 
iodide  crystals  were  extensively  investigated  with  respect  to  their  structures 
and  imperfections.  A  marked  change  of  intensity  after  extended  exposure 
to  light  was  found  for  several  lines  in  an  X-ray  powder  diffraction  pattern. 
This  change  apparently  indicates  a  decreased  crystal  perfection  involving 
lattice  distortion  and  the  separation  of  colloidal  silver  particles.  A  number 
of  chemicals  were  found  which  would  inhibit  this  process  with  varying 
degrees  of  effectiveness.  The  shapes  of  the  ice  crystals  nucleated  could  be 
correlated  with  the  process,  supporting  a  theory  of  epitaxial  growth. 

The  structure  of  the  hexagonal  phase  of  silver  iodide  was  redetermined 
from  precise  single  crystal  X-ray  diffraction  data.  The  refinement  was  per- 
formed by  a  least-squares  reduction  on  an  electronic  computer.  The  results 
showed  virtually  no  deviation  from  an  ideal  wurtzite-type  structure,  but  a 
much  greater  thermal  motion  for  the  silver  than  for  the  iodine  atoms.  The 
oscillation  was  only  slightly  anisotropic  for  both  atoms.  This  program  was 
sponsored  by  the  National  Science  Foundation. 

Symmetry  of  Crystals  Under  Strain,  A  study  of  the  symmetry  of 
crystals  resulted  in  a  scheme  for  reducing  the  32  crystallographic  point 
groups  to  subgroups  by  homogeneous  strain.  It  might  be  supposed  that  the 
point  group  of  a  crystal  could  be  lowered  to  any  of  its  subgroups  by  such 
strain,  but  this  is  not  so.  Only  those  subgroups  can  be  reached  which  require 
a  change  of  crystal  system  and  which  preserve  the  centrosymmetric  or  non- 
centrosymmetric  properties  of  crystals.  For  example,  the  piezoelectric  coeffi- 
cients of  point  group  43/71  can  be  changed  to  those  of  point  group  3m  by 
homogeneous  strain,  but  a  crystal  with  point  group  m3m  cannot  have  the 
coefficients  appropriate  to  3m,  even  though  3m  is  a  subgroup  of  m3m. 

"Vapor  snake"  growing  in  crystallizing  argon.  Starting  with  a  bubble  at  the 
surface  of  the  melt  (left)  the  snake  grows  downward  as  a  vapor-filled  solid 
sheath  (right).  This  unusual  phenomenon  is  shedding  much  light  on  the 
fundamental  crystallization  processes  in  the  rare  gases.      (See  p.  93.) 


The  scheme  developed  in  this  study  was  applied  in  internal  friction  experi- 
ments on  crystals,  and  rules  were  formulated  for  predicting  the  splitting  of  a 
set  of  equivalent  positions  in  an  unstrained  crystal  into  inequivalent  subsets 
in  strained  crystals.  Large  strains  are  known  to  exist  in  the  neighborhood  of 
dislocations,  and  point  defects  in  such  neighborhoods  should  have  a  decided 
preference  for  one  subset  when  splitting  exists.  This  preferred  distribution 
may  help  to  make  dislocations  easier  to  observe. 


Metallurgical  research  is  directed  primarily  toward  increasing  our  under- 
standing of  the  properties  of  metals,  in  order  to  encourage  the  optimum  use 
of  existing  metals  and  alloys  and  to  stimulate  the  development  of  new  ones 
having  desirable  properties.  Broad  programs  of  fundamental  and  applied 
research  are  conducted  which  attempt  to  relate  the  macroscopic  properties 
of  metals  and  alloys  to  their  known  structure.  Crystal  structure  and  the 
role  of  dislocations  and  point  defects  are  of  primary  importance,  although 
in  some  cases  more  gross  structural  features  such  as  grain  size,  shape,  and 
distribution  are  investigated.  The  electronic  structure  of  metals  and  alloys 
is  investigated  to  obtain  basic  knowledge  of  the  cohesion  of  metals.  Im- 
portant phenomena  in  metallurgy  such  as  diffusion,  crystal  growth,  fatigue, 
plastic  deformation,  and  corrosion  are  studied  intensively,  and  explanations 
in  terms  of  atomic  mechanisms  are  developed. 

The  metallurgy  laboratories  also  provide  advisory  services  to  other  Gov- 
ernment agencies,  particularly  in  connection  with  the  investigation  of  serv- 
ice failures  of  transportation  equipment.  Participation  in  the  Bureau's 
standard  samples  program  by  the  development  of  specific  standards  of  gases 
in  metals  is  another  activity. 

Method  Developed  for  Slack-Quenching  Steels,  The  best  combina- 
tion of  high  strength  and  ductility  of  structural  steels  is  usually  obtained  by 
complete  hardening  and  tempering.  Although  it  is  known  that  complete 
hardening  (slack  quenching)  without  tempering  results  in  an  inferior  com- 
bination of  strength  and  ductility,  quantitative  evaluation  of  its  deleterious 
effect  has  not  been  possible  because  no  means  have  been  available  for  com- 
pletely controlling  the  amount  of  slack  quenching.  Such  means  were  de- 
veloped during  the  year  and  the  effect  of  slack  quenching  upon  the  mechani- 
cal properties  of  certain  selected  steels  is  being  studied. 

Metal  Fatigue  Phenomenon.  Under  certain  circumstances  gas  is 
evolved  at  the  surface  of  metal  specimens  undergoing  repeated  stressing. 
This  observation,  first  made  at  the  Bureau  several  years  ago,  was  investi- 
gated further  in  recent  work  sponsored  by  the  National  Aeronautics  and 
Space  Administration.  Gas  evolution  can  be  readily  detected  under  a  piece  of 
transparent  pressure-sensitive  tape  that  has  been  applied  to  a  specimen  before 
fatigue  testing.  The  gas  forms  bubbles  under  the  tape  as  the  specimen  is 

In  the  present  study,  analysis  with  a  mass  spectrometer  indicated  that  the 
gas  was  hydrogen,  probably  resulting  from  surface  reactions  associated  with 


fatigue  damage  and  crack  propagation.  Experiments  are  now  under  way 
to  attempt  to  use  this  phenomenon  as  a  tool  to  learn  more  about  the  nature 
of  fatigue  failure  in  metals. 

Gage  Block  Stability.  Observations  of  gage  block  materials  and  treat- 
ments that  show  promise  of  fulfilling  the  target  requirement  for  dimensional 
stability  of  0.1  microinch  per  year  are  continuing.  This  extremely  minute 
tolerance  (it  may  be  visualized  by  the  fact  that  this  is  the  amount  of  change 
that  would  be  caused  in  a  1-inch  length  of  steel  by  a  temperature  change 
of  0.01  °C)  is  being  met  by  five  materials  or  treatments.  In  addition,  these 
blocks  have  all  other  characteristics  that  are  considered  necessary  for  gage 
blocks.  Studies  are  now  in  progress  to  establish  the  nature  and  kinetics 
of  some  of  the  less  understood  processes  causing  instability  in  some  of  the 
additional  materials  under  investigation. 

Stainless  Steel  Diagram  Completed.  Hardenable  stainless  steel  con- 
taining approximately  16  percent  chromium  and  2  percent  nickel  is  widely 
used  in  applications  requiring  high  strength  and  corrosion  resistance.  How- 
ever, its  constitution  diagram  had  never  been  established.  Because  such 
a  diagram  is  necessary  to  a  basic  understanding  of  the  steel,  various  analyses 
of  the  material  were  conducted  during  the  year  to  provide  the  necessary  data 
for  constructing  the  diagram.  Its  recent  completion  provides  useful  infor- 
mation on  the  several  phases  present. 

Tensile  Properties  of  Nickel- Aluminum  Alloy.  The  effects  of  tem- 
perature on  the  tensile  deformation  of  an  age-hardenable  alloy  containing 
94  percent  nickel  and  41/4  oercent  aluminum  were  evaluated.  As  this  is  a 
metastable  alloy,  its  tensile  properties  were  influenced  markedly  by  prior 
aging  and  by  precipitation-hardening  during  deformation.  Mechanical 
properties  such  as  hardness,  ductility,  and  strength  were  found  to  be  affected 
both  by  the  number  of  active  slip  systems  present  in  the  system  and  by  the 
nature  and  distribution  of  the  precipitation,  principally  Ni3Al. 

Electronprobe  Microanalyzer  Completed.  An  electronprobe  micro- 
analyzer  was  completed  and  put  into  service.  With  this  instrument  a  quan- 
titative chemical  analysis  in  situ  may  be  performed  at  a  one-micron  level  of 
spatial  resolution.  Characteristic  X-rays  emitted  from  the  one-micron  spot 
undergoing  bombardment  are  collected  and  measured  with  the  aid  of  two 
focusing  spectrometers.  A  light  optical  system  centered  on  the  electron- 
beam  axis  permits  the  spot  being  irradiated  to  be  observed  directly. 

The  superconducting  phase,  Nb,;Sn,  of  the  niobium-tin  system,  recently 
found  to  resist  fields  of  188  kilogauss  at  liquid  helium  temperatures,  was 
identified  with  the  aid  of  this  microanalyzer.  Identification  of  the  other 
phases  present,  NbjSn,  Nb^Sn,  and  Nb2Sn3,  by  the  same  technique  permitted 
the  construction  of  a  new  constitution  diagram  of  the  system.  Microstruc- 
tures  such  as  impurities  in  silver  grain  boundaries,  columnar  nitride  grains 
in  a  nitrided  titanium-aluminum-vanadium  alloy,  and  impurities  in  uranium- 
palladium  alloys  were  also  successfully  investigated  and  analyzed  with  the 
newly  constructed  instrument. 


Computer  Produces  Quantitative  Metallographic  Data.  The  physi- 
cal and  mechanical  properties  of  metallic  objects,  as  considered  in  engineering 
applications,  bear  only  an  indirect  relationship  to  the  physical  and  chemical 
properties  of  metallic  atoms.  Qualitative  information  on  the  sizes  and 
shapes  of  the  individual  crystalline  metal  grains  and  on  the  manner  in  which 
different  varieties  of  grains  are  fitted  together  is  supplied  by  micrographic 
inspection  of  metallic  specimens.  The  Bureau  is  now  obtaining  correspond- 
ing quantitative  data  by  feeding  photomicrographs  directly  to  an  electronic 
computer  which  reads  the  micrographs,  performs  the  desired  measurements, 
produces  descriptions  of  the  individual  grains,  provides  statistical  tabulations, 
and  plots  the  distributions  of  the  various  geometrical  parameters. 

Standards  Produced  for  Gas  Content  in  Metals,  The  Bureau  is  now 
in  the  process  of  producing  standards  for  oxygen  content  of  unalloyed 
titanium  metal,  a  titanium  alloy  containing  8  percent  manganese,  and  an 
alloy  of  titanium  containing  6  percent  aluminum  and  4  percent  vanadium. 
Work  is  also  under  way  on  gas  standards  for  an  ingot  iron,  a  stainless  steel 
(type  431) ,  a  vacuum-melted  and  cast  alloy  steel,  and  a  valve  steel  containing 
high  nitrogen. 

Such  standards  are  necessary  for  the  calibration  of  chemical  analytical 
equipment  used  to  measure  the  gas  content  of  metals.  Low  gas  content 
is  a  characteristic  of  metals  with  desirable  properties,  and  the  acceptable 
amount  of  gases  present  is  often  stipulated  in  procurement  specifications  for 
metal  products. 

Corrosion  Reactions  Observed  on  Metal  Surfaces,  A  study  was 
undertaken  on  the  influence  of  light  on  the  film-growth  kinetics  of  copper 
surfaces  immersed  in  pure  water  containing  oxygen.  The  results  so  far 
indicate  that  white  light  speeds  up  the  formation  of  cupric  oxide.  Both 
the  rate  of  oxidation  and  the  type  of  rate  law  obeyed  are  influenced  by  the 

Studies  of  the  kinetics  of  metal  oxidation  are  also  being  made  with  an 
ultra-high-vacuum  field  emission  microscope.  In  this  work,  the  rates  of 
formation  of  the  initial  oxide  monolayers  are  being  determined  on  clean 
metal  single  crystals  of  iron  and  nickel.  Preliminary  iron  experiments 
showed  that  crystal  growth  could  be  initiated  by  heating  in  an  electric  field. 

Stress  Corrosion  Cracking,  Stress  corrosion  cracks  occurred  in  type 
304  stainless  steel  specimens  exposed  at  57  °F  to  corrodents  containing  as 
little  as  5  parts  per  million  of  chloride  ion,  provided  oxygen  was  also  present. 
The  specimens  were  subjected  to  stresses  of  20,000  pounds  per  square  inch 
(psi).  In  notched  specimens  of  low-carbon  steels,  cracks  occurred  in  pairs 
in  the  regions  where  shear  strains  were  believed  to  be  highest.  Crack  propa- 
gation most  probably  results  from  strain  rates  of  the  order  of  0.001  to  0.01 
per  second. 

Polarization  Measurements  Used  to  Study  Corrosion  Rates, 
Polarization  techniques  used  at  the  Bureau  in  calculating  corrosion  rates 
(based  on  total  weight  loss)  of  low-alloy  ferrous  metal  exposed  to  aqueous 
media,  and  of  aluminum  and  steel  underground,  were  successfully  applied 


The  NBS-developed  electronprobe  microanalyzer  performs  a  nondestructive 
quantitative  chemical  analysis  on  a  preselected,  1-micron  diameter  spot  of  a 
metal  specimen.  An  optical  system  permits  simultaneous  visual  observation  of 
the  spot  being  irradiated  and  analyzed.     (See  p.  98.) 

to  measuring  the  total  corrosion  on  a  series  of  ferrous  alloys  containing 
up  to  18  percent  of  chromium  and  3.5  percent  of  silicon.  In  this  work. 
the  apparent  area  corroded  varied  from  85  percent  of  the  exposed  surface 
for  unalloyed  iron  under  cathodic  control  to  less  than  one  percent  for 
the  18-Cr  iron  under  anodic  control.  Thus,  since  the  polarization  method 
seems  to  be  quite  flexible,  it  may  be  of  value  in  studying  the  effects  of 
alloying  constituents  on  corrosion  behavior,  or  for  the  screening  of  alloys 
for  long-time  exposure  tests. 

Alloying  Behavior  of  Uranium.  Studies  of  metal  reactions  are 
dependent  upon  the  results  of  phase  equilibrium  studies,  which  at  the  Bureau 
are  presently  concerned  with  uranium  alloyed  with  the  individual  elements 
of  the  platinum-metal  family.  Recently  completed  binary  phase  diagrams 
for  the  various  systems  reveal  apparent  anomalies  existing  between  these 
diagrams  that  are  as  intriguing  as  are  their  similarities.     For  example,  the 


compound  adjacent  to  the  uranium-rich  side  of  the  uranium-iridium  system 
is  the  U3Ir  phase;  in  the  uranium-ruthenium  system  it  is  U2Ru;  and  in  the 
uranium-platinum  system  it  is  UPt.  This  program,  undertaken  to  pro- 
vide information  on  the  reactions  of  the  platinide  metals  with  uranium  for 
nuclear  reactor  applications,  was  sponsored  by  the  Atomic  Energy 

Ni-Cr  Alloy  Resists  Oil-Ash  Attack,  Recent  studies  of  the  reaction  of 
experimental  alloys  to  vanadium-rich  salts  showed  the  superiority  of 
chromium-nickel  binary  alloys  and  of  ternary  alloys  based  on  chromium- 
nickel  in  resisting  the  attack  of  oil  ash  in  oil-fired  naval  boilers.  The 
resistance  properties  of  these  alloys  can  be  further  improved  by  utilizing 
alloying  techniques  such  as  vacuum  melting,  and  by  selecting  ternary  addi- 
tive elements  such  as  magnesium,  titanium,  and  yttrium.  This  research 
was  sponsored  by  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Ships. 

Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance,  An  improved  technique  was  developed 
for  measuring  nuclear  resonance  frequency  shifts  that  are  much  smaller 
than  the  resonance  line  width.  In  this  method,  resonances  are  obtained  by 
varying  the  frequency  of  the  radiofrequency  magnetic  field  of  a  crossed- 
coil  spectrometer,  instead  of  by  the  usual  method  of  varying  the  steady 
magnetic  field.  Nuclear  magnetic  resonance  holds  this  field  constant. 
Voltage  pulses  from  a  frequency  counter  are  used  to  mark  frequency  pips 
that  are  200  to  300  cycles  per  second  apart  on  the  recorded  resonance  line, 
and  the  value  of  the  frequency  corresponding  to  each  pip  is  simultaneously 
printed  out.  Thus,  the  central  frequency  of  a  broad,  weak  line  can  be 
measured  to  within  one  percent  of  the  line  width.  The  technique  is  being 
applied  to  the  study  of  lead-indium  and  other  lead  alloy  systems  to  obtain 
information  on  their  electronic  structures. 

Soft  X-Ray  Spectroscopy  Utilized,  Soft  X-ray  spectroscopy,  using  a 
grating  spectrometer  at  grazing  incidence,  was  selected  to  obtain  infor- 
mation on  the  distribution  of  electronic  states  in  the  valence  band  of  metals 
and  alloys.  With  this  technique,  it  is  possible  to  develop  distribution  data 
throughout  the  width  of  the  valence  band,  although  other  techniques  often 
yield  more  detailed  information  about  the  shape  of  the  Fermi  surface.  In 
the  present  program,  studies  are  planned  of  the  effects  of  crystal  structure 
transformations,  of  magnetic  transformations,  of  superconducting  transition, 
of  temperature,  of  intermetallic  compound  formation,  and  of  solid  solution 
alloying.  The  results  will  help  in  formulating  a  quantitative  theory  of  metal 

Crystal  Diffusion  Equations  Modified.  When  diffusion  in  crystals 
occurs  by  means  of  vacancies,  the  random-walk  diffusion  equations  must 
be  modified.  Theoretical  research  on  these  modifications  now  in  progress 
include  studies  of  (1)  vacancy-flow  effects  with  an  external  driving  force 
and  (2)  correlations  between  successive  atom  jumps  in  the  absence  of  an 
external  driving  force.  Equations  modified  according  to  (1)  and  (2)  were 
recently  applied  to  the  simultaneous  diffusion  of  two  isotopes  of  an  ionic 


impurity  in  an  electric  field.  The  results  obtained  provide  additional 
information  on  vacancy- jump  frequencies. 

Metal  Crystallization  Process  Investigated.  In  Bureau  studies  of  the 
basic  process  of  metal  crystallization,  the  growth  kinetics  of  potassium- 
whiskers  were  observed  by  means  of  an  electron  field  emission  tube,  and 
crystallization  rates  were  measured  as  a  function  of  time,  temperature,  and 
supersaturation.  These  metal  whiskers,  grown  from  the  vapor  phase,  are 
nearly  perfect  crystals,  extremely  small  in  size.  However,  the  patterns 
appearing  on  the  fluorescent  screen  of  the  tube  during  crystal  growth  are 
greatly  magnified  so  that  precise  measurements  may  be  made. 

Results  of  the  present  study  indicate  that  sputtering  and  photoemission 
may  play  important  roles  in  the  growth  of  alkali  metal  whiskers  when  an 

An  optical  pyrometer  is  used  to  determine  the  furnace  temperature  of  the 
vacuum  fusion  gas  analysis  apparatus  which  measures  quantitatively  the 
amounts  of  gases  in  metals  to  be  issued  as  NBS  standard  samples.      (See  p.  99.) 


electron   field  emission   technique   is   employed.     The  work   represents  the 
first  known  use  of  an  alkali  metal  as  a  field  emitter. 

Physical  Behavior  of  Metals  Studied.  Single  crystals  of  99.999  per- 
cent copper  were  deformed  from  12  to  20  percent  by  rolling,  and  then 
thinned  for  examination  by  transmission  electron  microscopy.  A  high  con- 
centration of  small  prismatic  dislocation  loops  was  observed,  in  addition  to 
a  cellular  distribution  of  glide  dislocations.  Quantitative  data  were  obtained 
on  the  dislocation  loop  density  and  line  density  as  a  function  of  deformation. 
The  experiments  revealed  the  large  numbers  of  point  defects  generated  dur- 
ing plastic  deformation,  as  well  as  some  of  the  annealing  processes  that  reduce 
these  defects. 

Low-Temperature  Study  of  Metals  Initiated.  A  program  was 
recently  undertaken  to  study  the  thermal  properties  of  metals  at  low  tempera- 
tures. Investigations  will  be  made  of  specific  heats  of  various  metals  at  low 
temperatures  to  obtain  information  on  the  electronic  density  of  states  at 
the  Fermi  surface.  Also,  the  nuclear  magnetic  and  electrical  quadrupole 
interactions,  and  the  magnetic  and  superconducting  transitions  of  the  metals 
will  be  studied.  The  resulting  data  are  expected  to  aid  in  the  understanding  of 
fundamental  interactions  in  metals. 

Electrochemical  Reactions.  A  new  technique  for  studying  electro- 
chemical reactions  was  developed.  In  this  technique,  a  column  of  liquid  is 
suspended  under  tension  in  a  glass  tube  about  1  meter  long.  Electrodes 
are  inserted  into  the  top  of  the  tube,  and  the  most  minute  discharge  of  gas 
at  an  electrode  causes  the  column  to  drop.  This  "dropping"  is  used  as  an 
indicator  for  studying  the  decomposition  potentials  of  liquids,  hydrogen 
and  oxygen  overvoltage,  and  rates  of  electrode  reaction,  and  for  determining 
the  concentration  of  electrolytes  in  a  solution. 

Hydrogen  Embrittlement  Studied.  High-strength  steel  subjected  to 
electrodeposition  absorbs  a  small  amount  (in  parts  per  million)  of  hydrogen 
which  apparently  causes  some  loss  of  ductility  in  the  metal.  In  a  study  of 
this  effect,  the  gas  content  of  embrittled  steel  was  measured.  Both  hydrogen 
and  deuterium  were  used  as  embrittling  agents.  Data  from  the  experiments 
showed  the  concentration  of  gas  in  the  steel  did  not  vary  in  a  systematic 
manner  with  the  degree  of  embrittlement.  Thus  it  appears  that  the  present 
theory  accounting  for  the  phenomenon  may  have  to  be  revised. 

Tungsten  Deposition.  In  investigating  some  of  the  variables  affecting 
the  deposition  of  tungsten  from  the  vapor  phase,  it  was  found  that  the  rate 
of  deposition  was  increased  by  increasing  the  concentration  of  tungsten 
hexafluoride  in  the  vapor  phase,  even  though  the  concentration  was  greater 
than  that  which  corresponded  to  stoichiometric  proportions.  However,  since 
tungsten  hexafluoride  is  rather  costly,  a  simple  and  inexpensive  process  for 
its  production  was  developed.  In  this  method,  hexafluoride  is  prepared  by 
passing  hydrogen  fluoride  gas  through  tungsten  hexachloride  at  about  70  °C. 
The  reaction  produces  tungsten  hexafluoride  which,  being  gaseous,  can  be 
led  directly  into  the  reaction  chamber. 


2.2.5.  POLYMERS 

Research  on  polymeric  materials — rubber,  textiles,  paper,  leather,  and 
plastics — is  directed  toward  (1)  development  of  new  and  improved  measure- 
ment techniques  for  evaluating  the  physical  and  chemical  properties  of  these 
materials:  (2)  determination  of  the  structure  and  properties  of  pure  polymers 
to  advance  our  understanding  of  the  chemical  and  physical  factors  involved 
in  their  behavior;  and  (3)  utilization  of  these  measurement  techniques  and 
fundamental  data  in  standardization  programs  of  scientific  and  technological 
organizations.  The  contribution  made  by  such  activities  to  the  Nation's 
economy  is  reflected  in  the  continuing  expansion  of  the  polymer  industries 
and  in  the  corresponding  demand  for  national  standards  for  polymeric 

During  the  year  studies  were  made  of  molecular  weight  distributions  in 
polymers,  thicknesses  of  adsorbed  polymer  films,  methods  for  measuring  hard- 
ness of  rubber,  thermal  expansion  of  microspecimens,  air-drag  effect  on 
fibers  subjected  to  high-velocity  impact,  and  interlaboratory  evaluations  of 
test  methods.  Among  the  properties  of  materials  investigated  were  atomic 
radiation  effects  on  polymers,  thermal  decomposition  of  polystyrene, 
fluorescence  of  cellulosic  polymers,  viscoelastic  behavior  of  rubbers,  fracture 
phenomena,  structural  relationships  in  ethylene-propylene  copolymers, 
degradation  of  polymers,  and  the  wearing  quality  of  U.S.  currency.  Chemi- 
cal studies  were  made  of  fluoropolymers,  nonrubber  constituents  in  natural 
rubber  latex,  and  free  radicals  in  small  molecules.  Basic  investigations  were 
undertaken  of  light  scattering  in  solutions,  configurational  distributions  in 
polymer  chains,  conformational  changes  in  peptide-containing  polymers, 
kinetics  of  collagen  precipitation,  and  the  constitution  of  mercury-tin  dental 

Molecular  Weight  Distributions  of  Polymers  Studied,  All  synthetic 
polymers  have  a  distribution  of  molecular  weights  which  theoretically  can 
be  determined  from  the  moments  of  this  distribution.  Evaluation  of  each 
successive  moment  requires  a  successively  higher  order  derivative  of  the 
equilibrium  sedimentation  curve.  However,  it  is  difficult  to  measure  even 
the  first  few  moments  accurately,  in  particular  the  third  and  fourth,  both 
of  which  are  needed  to  interpret  the  rheology  and  polymerization  kinetics  of 

In  a  recent  study,  samples  of  polystyrene,  in  which  the  actual  distribution 
was  known  from  laborious  fractionation,  were  analyzed  in  three  different 
ultracentrifuges.  These  centrifuges  represent  the  most  advanced  type  of 
existing  instrumentation.  However,  even  with  this  advanced  equipment  it 
was  not  possible  to  determine  an  accurate  third  moment  of  molecular  weight. 
The  ratio  of  the  third  moment  to  the  second  moment  differed  from  the  true 
value  by  8  percent  in  the  most  favorable  determinations  and  deviated  by  15 
percent  in  others.  Even  greater  difficulty  was  encountered  in  experiments 
with  different  solvents  and  very  high  molecular-weight  samples.  The  fourth 
moment  could  not  be  determined  with  any  reliability. 


Ellipsometry  Used  to  Measure  Polymer  Adsorption,  When  polar- 
ized light  is  reflected  from  a  substrate  surface  with  or  without  a  thin  film 
coating,  the  differences  in  the  state  of  polarization  that  occur  can  be  meas- 
ured with  an  ellipsometer.  The  resulting  data  can  be  used  to  calculate  the 
optical  properties  of  the  surface  or  the  thickness  and  refractive  index  of  the 
covering  film.  In  investigations  sponsored  by  the  Army  Research  Office  and 
the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  this  technique  was  used  to  determine  the 
thickness  of  polymer  layers  adsorbed  from  solution  onto  highly  polished 
chrome  and  optical  glass  surfaces. 

In  both  polystyrene  from  cyclohexane  and  poly  (ethylene  orthophthalate) 
from  acetone,  the  adsorbed  polymer  layers  were  found  to  be  100  to  400 
Angstroms  (A)  thick,  depending  on  the  concentration,  and  to  contain  from 
10  to  30  percent  polymer,  with  the  remainder  being  a  solvent.  When  dried, 
the  thicknesses  decreased  to  about  25  A.  This  investigation  is  being  extended 
to  determine  film  thicknesses  adsorbed  from  polymer  solutions  in  solvents  of 
various  efficiencies. 

Rubber  Hardness  Testers  Compared,  A  comparison  of  the  results 
obtained  with  both  the  standard  and  microtesters  for  measuring  hardness  of 
rubber  indicated  that  the  two  instruments  are  equivalent.  The  microtester 
was  more  responsive  to  surface  conditions,  such  as  surface  hardening  caused 
by  oxidation,  and  to  nonuniformities  in  the  rubber  at  or  near  the  surface. 

,r  j  2043$  Stmr  " 

Automatic  recording  interferometric  apparatus  for  measuring  thermal  expan- 
sion of  solid  materials.  Specimens  are  in  the  interferometer  in  the  cylindrical 
furnace  to  the  right  of  the  observer.  Data  on  length  change,  temperature  and 
time  are  collected  electronically  and  automatically  recorded  on  the  printer  while 
the  specimens  are  being  heated  or  cooled.     (See  p.  106.) 

662336  O— 62- 


This  feature  makes  the  instrument  useful  in  research  investigations  as  well 
as  for  the  measurement  of  hardness  on  small  rubber  parts,  but  causes  a  small 
increase  in  replication  error. 

Apparatus  Measures  Thermal  Expansion  of  Small  Specimens.  A 
digital-recording  interferometric  apparatus  was  developed  for  measuring  the 
thermal  expansion  of  small,  solid  specimens  of  dental  materials,  in  a  study 
sponsored  by  the  American  Dental  Association  and  the  Federal  dental  serv- 
ices. The  instrument  contains  two  quartz  plates,  one  placed  under  and  one 
over  the  specimens.  In  the  apparatus,  interference  fringes  are  produced  by 
the  5461— A  green  line  from  a  mercury  198  source  reflected  from  the  two 
plates.  Expansion  or  shrinkage  of  the  specimens  is  indicated  by  movement 
of  the  fringes,  with  the  passage  of  each  fringe  representing  a  change  in 
length  of  approximately  0.00001  inch.  A  step,  one-eighth  wavelength  in 
height  on  one  of  the  interferometer  plates,  displaces  a  portion  of  each  fringe 
by  one-quarter  of  the  fringe-to-fringe  distance,  and  thus  provides  a  means 
for  directional  (expansion  or  contraction)  fringe  counting  by  means  of 
photomultiplier  tubes.  A  recorder  with  a  shaft  position  encoder  attachment 
provides  temperature  data  and  automatically  controls  the  rate  of  heating  of 
the  specimen  over  a  wide  range  of  temperatures.  Fringe  count,  temperature. 
and  time  are  printed  automaticallv  on  a  tape  at  the  passage  of  each  fringe. 

Air  Drag  on  Fibers  Under  Impact.  When  a  textile  fiber  is  subjected 
to  high-speed  transverse  impact,  transverse  waves  are  initiated  which  travel 
along  the  fiber  away  from  the  point  of  impact.  Although  the  fiber  between 
the  impact  point  and  front  of  the  transverse  wave  was  expected  by  theory  to 
be  straight,  it  was  found  to  be  curved.  This  curvature  was  shown  to  be  due  to 
air  drag,  and  an  equation  for  calculating  the  amount  of  curvature  was  de- 
rived. The  results  will  aid  in  the  interpretation  of  transverse  impact  measure- 
ments on  fibers  at  very  high  rates  of  straining. 

Interlaboratory  Evaluations  of  Test  Methods.  A  procedure  orig- 
inated at  the  Bureau  for  evaluating  the  reproducibility  of  test  measurements 
made  in  various  laboratories  was  applied  to  analyses  of  minerals,  measure- 
ments of  physical  properties  of  textiles,  rubber,  papers,  and  other  materials. 
and  chemical  determinations  on  cellulose,  leather,  oils,  rubber,  and  blood. 
Two  standardizing  groups,  the  American  Society  for  Testing  and  Materials 
(ASTM)  and  the  Technical  Association  of  the  Pulp  and  Paper  Industry 
(TAPPI),  adopted  "recommended  practices"  based  on  this  approach. 

Several  interlaboratory  studies  of  test  methods  were  conducted  at  the 
request  of  technical  and  industrial  groups,  including  a  tongue  tear  test 
of  textiles  for  ASTM  Committee  D-13,  a  spectrophotometric  test  for  bright- 
ness of  paper  for  TAPPI,  tensile  energy  absorption  of  paper  for  the  Paper 
Shipping  Sack  Manufacturers  Association,  and  internal  tearing  resistance 
of  paper  for  TAPPI.  The  last  investigation  showed  that  a  reference  material 
for  calibration  of  the  measurement  process  would  reduce  the  coefficient  of 
variability  to  less  than  one-half  of  the  value  found.  Accordingly.  NBS 
Standard  Sample  No.  704,  Reference  Paper  for  Tearing  Test,  was  developed 
and  issued  with  a  certified  average  value  for  internal  tear  strength. 


Atomic  Radiation  Affects  Polystyrene  and  Cellulose.  Atomic  radi- 
ation alters  the  structure  of  polymers  in  many  ways,  and  the  chemical  and 
physical  mechanisms  of  the  process  vary  from  polymer  to  polymer.  Electron 
spin  resonance  studies  showed  that  two  or  more  radicals  are  produced  by 
irradiating  polystyrene,  deuterated  polystyrenes,  and  cellulose  derivatives. 
The  lifetimes  of  these  radicals  were  measured  in  post-irradiation  studies 
and  the  changing  character  of  the  electron  spin  resonance  spectra  was  ob- 
served. The  results  yield  an  improved  comprehension  of  the  mechanisms 
involved  in  atomic  radiation  processes  and  of  the  molecular  structure  of 
irradiated  materials. 

Thermal  Decomposition  of  Polystyrene.  Earlier  Bureau  studies  on 
the  thermal  decomposition  of  polystyrene  at  elevated  temperatures  in  a 
vacuum  showed  that  the  long  polymer  chains  of  the  material  split  at  random 
positions  along  the  chain  to  form  smaller  molecules  with  free-radical  chain 
ends.  These  smaller  molecules  do  not  continue  to  split  at  random;  they 
decompose  by  "unzipping"  from  the  free-radical  end  into  very  small  com- 
ponents, chiefly  monomer  units.  At  pyrolysis  temperatures  near  350  °C 
the  rate  of  degradation  increases  to  a  maximum  and  then  immediately  de- 
creases; at  lower  temperatures,  however,  the  rate  remains  at  the  maximum 
value  over  an  extended  range  of  decomposition. 

Recent  decomposition  studies  at  the  lower  temperatures  on  fractionated 
polystyrene  samples  of  molecular  weights  varying  from  24,000  to  5,000,000 
showed  that  the  rate  of  decomposition  maintains  a  constant  value  only  when 
the  molecular  weight  is  high.  Evidently,  under  these  conditions,  a  state 
of  equilibrium  is  established  in  which  the  number  of  polystyrene  chain  ends 
disappearing  through  the  unzipping  reaction  is  exactly  balanced  by  the  num- 
ber of  chain  ends  formed  through  the  random  scission  reaction  of  the  larger 
chains.  This  constant  rate  of  decomposition  indicates  that  the  overall 
degradation  reaction  is  of  zero  order. 

Fluorescence  of  Cellulosic  Polymers.  Ultraviolet  radiation,  which 
causes  many  polymeric  materials  to  fluoresce,  was  recently  used  to  identify 
and  analyze  cellulose  derivatives.  Results  of  the  study  showed  that  these 
polymers  consistently  fall  into  three  groups:  (1)  cellulose  nitrate,  which 
has  a  weak  fluorescence  with  a  maximum  at  3200  A;  (2)  aliphatic  esters 
and  ethers  of  cellulose,  which  have  fluorescent  maxima  at  3400  to  3600  A; 
(3)  cellulose  derivatives  containing  either  double  bonds  (e.g.,  benzyl)  or 
carboxyl  groups  (e.g.,  cellophane)  which  have  maxima  at  4400  A.  Cellulose 
itself  exhibited  strong  fluorescence  with  a  maximum  at  3650  A. 

Viscoelastic  Behavior  of  Rubbers  Investigated.  Measurements  of 
the  indentation  of  a  flat  rubber  surface  by  a  rigid  sphere  as  a  function  of 
time  and  temperature  were  made  over  a  range  of  times,  beginning  at  the 
lowest  temperature  at  which  rubberlike  deformation  becomes  perceptible 
and  extending  upward  to  room  temperature.  The  compliance  /  (limit  of 
the  ratio  of  strain  to  stress  at  zero  deformation)  was  computed  from  each 
observation.  /  was  multiplied  by  the  absolute  temperature  T  and  an  empiri- 
cally-determined number  was  added  to  the  logarithm  of  the  time  at  each 
temperature  to  make  the  values  of  JT  agree. 


The  shift  required  for  a  pure-gum  vulcanizate  of  natural  rubber  from  +  25 
to  —  40  °C  corresponded  to  a  constant  "activation  energy"  of  38  kilocalories 
per  mole  (kcal/mole)  ;  that  required  for  butyl  rubber.  20  kcal/mole;  and 
styrene-butadiene  rubber,  22  kcal/mole.  The  resulting  curve  of  JT  against 
log-time  had  a  sigmoid  form,  with  an  increase  of  slope  over  2  to  3  decades 
and  a  decrease  at  higher  values.  An  extended  region  of  nearly  constant 
slope,  corresponding  to  the  conditions  of  normal  use  of  rubber  products,  was 
usually  found.  For  natural  rubber  this  slope  was  1  to  2  percent  per  decade; 
for  the  synthetics  it  was  appreciably  higher,  reaching  a  value  of  15  percent 
per  decade  for  nitrile  rubber.  This  behavior  differs  from  the  behavior  of  a 
classical  idealized  polymer  network,  for  which  the  compliance  would  ap- 
proach an  equilibrium  value  at  long  times. 

Color  Phenomena  Observed  in  Polymer  Fracture.  A  film  contain- 
ing predominantly  red  and  green  colors  was  recently  observed  on  the  frac- 
tured surface  of  a  poly  (methyl  methacrylate)  specimen  after  it  was  broken 
under  static  tensile  conditions.  Specific  colors  differentiated  individual 
markings  in  the  surface  and  the  colors  were  reversed  in  the  two  matching 
sides  of  broken  surfaces.  Strong  colors  were  also  observed  in  large  internal 
cracks,  called  "craze"  cracks,  developed  by  tension  in  polystyrene  and  in 
copolymers  of  styrene. 

Data  obtained  from  light  and  electron-optical  studies  indicate  that  the 
colors  were  due  to  interference  effects  in  a  thin  layer  of  oriented  molecules 
which  were  sheared  by  the  primary  fracture  front.  Fracture  films  and  craze 
films  were  found  to  vary  greatly  in  their  physical  properties  and  in  their  ad- 
herence to  the  polymer  matrix. 

Ethylene-Propylene  Copolymers  Studied.  Ethylene-propylene  copol- 
ymers, currently  the  subject  of  intense  developmental  activity  by  industry 
because  of  the  low  cost  of  the  raw  materials  and  the  wide  range  of  physical 
properties  attainable,  were  investigated  for  the  Office  of  Naval  Research. 
Specimens  used  consisted  of  industrial  pilot-plant  copolymers  and  experi- 
mental copolymers  varying  in  propylene  content  from  10  to  50  mole  percent. 

Left:  Multiple-beam  interferogram,  and  right:  electron  micrograph  of  a  frac- 
ture surface  of  poly  (methyl  methacrylate).  The  numbers  identify  displaced 
lengths  of  the  same  interference  fringes.  Study  of  the  failure  of  materials 
under  stress  yields  much  information  on  intermolecular  forces.       (See  p.  108.) 


The  degree  of  unsaturation  of  the  specimens  was,  in  general,  about  0.15 
percent,  and  one  pilot-plant  sample  had  0.90  percent  unsaturation,  com- 
parable to  that  of  butyl  rubber.  Observations  of  specimen  compliance  and 
creep  at  temperatures  from  —50  to  +25  °C  indicated  that  a  copolymer  con- 
taining 50  mole  percent  propylene,  compounded  with  carbon  black  and  cured 
according  to  an  American  Society  for  Testing  and  Materials  formula,  be- 
haves similarly  to  commercial  styrene-butadiene  rubber,  type  1500. 

Polymer  Degradation,  To  provide  data  needed  for  the  utilization  of 
polymers  in  outer  space  environments,  studies  are  being  made  of  polymer 
degradation  by  thermal,  radiative,  and  chemical  processes.  The  work  is 
sponsored  by  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration. 

Recent  studies  of  thermal  decomposition  during  and  after  irradiation 
showed  that  the  kinetics  of  the  degradation  process  differ  for  polyolefins  and 
polytrifluoroethylene.  An  increase  in  the  amount  of  irradiation  prior  to 
heating  promotes  a  more  rapid  thermal  decomposition  in  both  polymers. 
Alkali-treated  halopolymers,  particularly  pc  lytrifluoroethylene,  decompose 
more  slowly  and  leave  an  increasingly  greater  amount  of  a  thermally  stable 
residue  as  the  alkali  treatment  is  increased. 

These  results  indicate  possible  new  approaches  to  the  production  of  mate- 
rials of  improved  heat  resistance. 

Wearing  Quality  of  U.S.  Currency  Determined.  A  comparison  of 
the  wearing  properties  of  two  types  of  one-dollar  notes,  one  printed  by  a  wet 
intaglio  process  and  one  by  a  dry  intaglio  process,  was  made  in  an  investiga- 
tion sponsored  by  the  Bureau  of  Engraving  and  Printing.  Data  on  the  type, 
fitness,  and  age  were  obtained  for  30,000  notes  representing  several  sam- 
plings of  dollar  notes  in  circulation  in  the  Washington,  D.C.,  area. 

Statistical  survival  curves  were  drawn  for  each  of  the  two  types,  relating 
the  percentage  of  remaining  "fit"  notes  to  the  time  of  their  circulation.  Ac- 
cording to  U.S.  Treasury  Department  standards  for  the  evaluation  of  fit- 
ness, the  median  life  of  the  notes  printed  by  the  dry  intaglio  process  was 
found  to  be  approximately  30  percent  longer  than  was  that  of  the  notes 
printed  by  the  wet  method. 

Fluor o polymers  Synthesized.  The  fundamental  chemistry  of  aromatic 
fluorocarbon  compounds  is  being  investigated  for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weap- 
ons to  provide  basic  data  needed  for  the  development  of  heat-resistant  mate- 
rials, especially  elastomers.  In  one  part  of  the  research,  the  nucleophilic 
reactions  of  hexafluorobenzene  were  found  to  be  convenient  for  replacement 
of  a  fluorine  atom  by  a  hydroxyl,  amino,  alkoxy,  alkene,  or  aryl  group.  Con- 
densation polymerization  of  the  resulting  pentafluorophenol,  pentafluoro- 
aniline,  and  pentafluorotoluene  into  long  chain  polymers  is  being  studied. 

New  methods  were  found  for  producing  polyfluoroaromatic  species  from 
presently  available  aliphatic  fluorocarbons.  For  example,  4-chloroperfluoro- 
heptadiene-1,6  could  be  "telomerized'  to  cyclic  compounds  capable  of  de- 
halogenation  to  polyfluoroaromatics.  The  heptadiene  thus  produced  poly- 
merized to  give  a  polymer  of  greater  thermal  stability  than  polychlorotri- 


Other  new  monomers  prepared  for  polymerization  studies  were  trifluoro- 
vinylphenyl  ether,  trifluorovinylpentafluorophenyl  ether,  octafluorostyrene, 

Nonrubber  Constitutents  of  Natural  Rubber  Identified.  An  analy- 
sis of  Hevea  brasiliensis  latex  was  made  to  determine  the  identity  of  the  com- 
pounds present  other  than  the  natural  rubber  hydrocarbon,  c«-l,4-polyiso- 
prene.  Paper  chromatography  showed  that  the  serum  of  latex  had  nine  amino 
acids — alanine,  aspartic  acid,  glutamic  acid,  glycine,  lysine,  ornithine,  serine, 
threonine,  and  tyrosine — present  in  the  free  state.  Glutathionine  (glutamyl 
cystenyl  glycine)  was  also  identified  in  the  latex,  but  cysteine  was  not  found 
to  occur  in  the  free  state. 

A  protein  of  latex  having  an  isoelectric  point  of  pH  9.5  was  isolated  by 
paper  electrophoresis  methods;  its  /V-terminal  amino  acid  was  identified  as 
phenylalanine,  and  it  also  contained  aspartic  acid,  glutamic  acid,  glycine, 
serine,  tyrosine,  and  leucine  and/or  isoleucine.  Of  the  trace  metals  studied, 
copper  was  found  associated  only  with  the  rubber  hydrocarbon;  magne- 
sium and  zinc  were  associated  with  the  serum  as  well  as  with  the  polyiso- 
prene.  The  nucleoprotein  of  latex  was  identified  as  having  an  isoelectric 
point  of  pH  4  to  4.5. 

Free  Radicals  in  Small  Molecules.  Free  radicals  and  atoms,  elusive 
and  extremely  reactive  species,  are  intermediates  in  numerous  chemical  reac- 
tions and  in  radiation  chemistry.  At  4  °K  these  species  can,  in  many  in- 
stances, be  trapped  in  solid  matrices  and  observed.  A  recent  study  of  the 
kinetics  of  buildup  and  disappearance  of  species  such  as  hydrogen,  deuterium, 
and  nitrogen  atoms  and  small  radicals  such  as  hydroxyl  and  methyl  demon- 
strated the  complex  nature  of  the  formation  and  decay  processes.  An  auto- 
ignition  theory  may  explain  the  observed  behavior.  The  results  obtained 
will  aid  in  predicting  and  choosing  conditions  for  observing  free  radicals 
in  irradiation  studies. 

Light-Scattering  Phenomena  Studied  in  Solutions.  Many  solutions 
have  a  phase  transition  similar  to  the  transition  of  a  gas  to  a  liquid.  At  one 
particular  "critical"  composition,  an  initially  homogeneous  solution  becomes 
increasingly  turbid  as  the  temperature  is  lowered  to  a  "critical"  temperature. 
Below  this  critical  temperature,  the  homogeneous  solution  separates  as  two 
distinctly  different  phases  of  differing  composition.  An  investigation  was 
made  of  the  intense  scattering  of  light  which  gives  rise  to  the  milky  appear- 
ance of  an  otherwise  clear  solution  just  prior  to  phase  separation.  Solutions 
of  polystyrene  in  cyclohexane  were  used  for  the  work. 

The  angular  correlations  of  scattering  differed  from  the  earlier  theoretical 
predictions  of  statistical  mechanics.  The  activity  isotherms  and  phase  dia- 
grams obtained  may  provide  a  basis  for  refinement  of  the  theory  of  phase 
equilibria  and  for  the  determination  of  molecular  weight  distributions. 

In  other  work,  light  scattered  from  solutions  of  cyclohexane-aniline  was 
measured  to  within  0.001  degree  of  the  critical  temperature.  The  correla- 
tion of  concentration  fluctuations  was  found  to  be  very  long-range  near  this 


Data  on  light  scattering  in  solutions,  obtained  with  this  apparatus,  can  be  used 
to  calculate  the  weight-average  molecular  weight  of  polymers,  to  characterize 
molecular  size,  shape,  and  distribution,  and  to  define  interactions  between 
solvent  and  polymer  molecules.     (See  p.  110.) 

temperature.  However,  further  work  with  less  intense  scattering  solutions 
is  necessary  before  it  can  be  stated  definitively  that  there  are  clear  deviations 
from  the  classical  theory  of  light  scattering. 

Configurational  Distributions  in  Polymer  Chains,  One  feature  of 
linear  polymeric  systems  is  the  capability  of  their  elements  for  being  ordered 
in  one-dimensional  (that  is,  straight-line)  arrays.  In  certain  cases,  the 
position  or  state  of  a  given  element  is  a  random  variable  influenced  only 
by  its  predecessor  in  the  array.  The  process  of  ordering  the  elements  in 
such  systems,  known  as  a  regenerative  process,  was  applied  to  some  problems 
of  configurational  distributions  in  real  polymer  chains.  One  of  these  prob- 
lems dealt  with  length-force  relationships  in  an  array  of  mesh  points  con- 
nected by  flexible  chains.  This  array  simulates  in  one  dimension  a  real 
rubber  network  in  which  individual  chains  cannot  cut  through  each  other, 
and  thus  it  preserves  the  topology  of  the  network  under  the  influence  of  ex- 
ternal forces.  Another  of  these  problems  dealt  with  the  arrangement  of 
alternating  crystalline  and  amorphous  sequences  of  chain  units  in  a  semi- 
crystalline  polymer. 

Not  all  problems  in  polymer  configuration  may  be  treated  by  the  method 
applicable  to  regenerative  processes.  For  example,  polymer  configurations 
with  excluded  volume  affects  arising  from  solvent-polymer  interactions  are 
no  longer  regenerative.  The  probability  that  a  given  element  of  the  polymer 
can  be  found  in  a  given  location  depends  on  the  locations  of  every  other 
element  of  the  same  polymer.     The  best  approach  to  such  problems  is  a 


numerical  one.  Random-walk  polymers  subject  to  given  preimposed  restric- 
tions on  the  propagation  of  their  elements  can  be  generated  on  a  high-speed 
digital  computer.  The  effect  of  the  configuration  of  the  entire  polymer 
chain  on  the  distribution  of  individual  elements  can  thus  be  considered.  This 
method  was  utilized  in  calculating  the  mean  dimensions  of  polymers  subject 
to  solvent-polymer  interactions. 

Conformational  Changes  in  Peptide-Containing  Polymers,  Nat- 
urally occurring  proteins  and  synthetic  polypeptides  contain  peptide  bonds 
whose  ordering  (as  in  a  crystal)  and  disordering  (as  in  a  liquid)  allow 
the  remarkable  dimensional  changes  of  fibrous  proteins  (wool,  hair)  and 
the  conformational  changes  in  solution  of  soluble  proteins  (gelatin).  In 
recent  research,  lithium  salts  caused  dimensional  changes  in  alpha-keratin, 
beta-keratin,  and  elastoidin  fibers  that  appeared  to  follow  all  of  the  criteria 
adduced  previously  for  melting  in  synthetic  polymers.  The  transformation 
of  alpha-keratin  to  beta-keratin  that  occurred  was  reversible  and  thus  was 
considered  to  be  a  crystal-liquid  transformation. 

Ribonuclease  in  solution  underwent  a  change  of  optical  rotation  in  lithium 
bromide  solutions  analogous  to  transitions  of  length  or  volume  in  a  melting 
process.  Poly-L-proline  also  showed  the  same  type  of  optical  rotation  change 
when  the  solvent  composition  was  changed  from  pure  acetic  acid  to  almost 
pure-/i-propanol.  The  environmental  effects  on  bulk  protein  systems  like 
the  keratins  or  on  solutions  like  those  of  ribonuclease  therefore  appear  to 
be  related. 

Observations  of  the  effect  of  anhydrous  lithium  perchlorate  on  /V-methyl 
propionamide  indicated  that  the  carbonyl  bond  of  this  low  molecular  weight 
amide  interacts  with  the  lithium  ion  and  disrupts  the  hydrogen  bonding  in 
the  liquid  amide  system.  These  same  effects  may  account  for  the  conforma- 
tional changes  in  the  synthetic  and  natural  polypeptide  systems. 

Kinetics  of  Collagen  Precipitation.  It  is  well  known  that  degraded 
collagen  in  the  form  of  gelatin  solutions  forms  aggregates  on  cooling  and 
redisperses  on  warming.  Only  recently,  however,  was  it  established  that 
native  undegraded  collagen  in  solutions  of  proper  concentration,  /?H,  and 
ionic  strength  forms  a  rigid  opaque  gel  as  the  temperature  is  raised  to  37  °C. 
This  change  occurs  without  alteration  of  the  unique  helical  structure  of  the 
collagen  monomer  units. 

The  kinetics  of  this  change  were  analyzed  over  a  wide  range  of  temperature, 
concentration,  pH,  and  salt  content  of  the  medium.  The  rate  of  gelation 
was  found  to  be  markedly  sensitive  to  temperature,  decreasing  a  thousand- 
fold over  a  10-degree  temperature  drop.  This  reaction  is  consistent  with 
a  system  possessing  a  negative  temperature  coefficient  of  solubility.  The 
analysis  substantiated  the  concept  that  a  phase  transition  was  involved. 

Mercury-Tin  System  Investigated.  The  mercury-tin  binary  system 
was  investigated  because  of  its  importance  in  the  setting  reactions  of  mercury- 
silver-tin  dental  amalgams.  Thermal  analysis,  diffusion-chemical  analysis, 
metallographic  microhardness,  and  X-ray  diffraction  data  showed  that  the 
system   is   more   complicated   than   previously    reported.     The   beta    phase 


indicated  by  Pytherch  was  confirmed  by  determining  the  separate  peritectic 
temperatures  of  the  beta  and  gamma  phases.  The  limits  of  the  gamma 
phase  were  shifted,  Gayler's  delta  phase  was  confirmed,  and  a  new  epsilon 
phase  was  discovered.  On  the  basis  of  these  results,  a  revised  tin-mercury 
diagram  was  proposed.  This  study  was  sponsored  by  the  American  Dental 
Association  and  the  Federal  dental  services. 




The  Bureau's  applied  mathematics  facility  performs  basic  and  applied 
research  and  renders  advisory  services  in  various  mathematical  fields.  These 
services  are  available  to  other  government  agencies  as  well  as  to  the  Bureau's 
staff.  Modern  computing  equipment  is  used  by  the  facility  in  support  of  its 

During  the  past  year  the  Bureau  continued  to  give  special  attention  to  the 
mathematical  fields  fundamental  to  its  mission,  such  as  statistical  and 
numerical  analysis,  mathematical  physics,  and  operations  research.  Exten- 
sive assistance  was  rendered  in  these  areas  and  in  digital  computation.  Em- 
phasis was  placed  on  problem  formulation  and  analysis  in  order  to  select 
and  develop  numerical  methods  for  the  solution  of  problems  in  engineering 
and  the  physical  sciences.  Automatic  high-speed  computing  machines  were 
utilized  when  appropriate.  An  appreciable  share  of  the  mathematical  pro- 
gram was  devoted  to  government  problems  of  business  management  and 
operation,  sometimes  called  data  processing  problems.  Significant  progress 
was  achieved  in  exploring  the  use  of  modern  digital  computers  in  the  mechani- 
cal translation  of  scientific  publications,  for  which  there  is  an  urgent  need. 

As  in  previous  years,  the  Bureau's  applied  mathematics  program  was 
strenthened  by  the  active  interest  and  support  of  other  government  agen- 
cies. The  Office  of  Naval  Research,  the  USAF  Office  of  Scientific  Research, 
the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  and  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space 
Administration  supported  basic  and  applied  research  in  numerical  analysis 
and  mathematical  physics.  The  National  Science  Foundation  continued  to 
support  the  compilation  of  a  handbook  of  mathematical  functions.  The 
study  of  mechanical  translation  of  scientific  publications  was  jointly  sup- 
ported by  the  U.S.  Army  Signal  Corps  and  the  U.S.  Army  Research  Office. 

Asymptotic  Expansions,  Frequently,  in  calculating  a  function  f(x)  for 
large  values  of  the  argument  x,  mathematicians  must  use  what  is  known  as 
an  asymptotic  series.  These  series  are  divergent,  but  they  have  the  property 
that  their  early  terms  steadily  decrease  in  size,  and  at  first  the  nth  partial 
sum  sn  appears  to  be  settling  down  as  n  increases.  After  n  passes  a  certain 
value,  however,  the  terms  begin  to  increase  and  the  series  assumes  its  true 
divergent  character.  If  an  asymptotic  series  is  truncated  at  (or  near)  its 
smallest  term,  the  resulting  partial  sum  is  often  a  good  approximation  to  the 


wanted  function  fix),  particularly  for  large  values  of  x.  Because  of  this 
property  these  series  are  frequently  used  in  computations,  even  though  they 
are  really  divergent.  Only  a  few  scattered  special  results  are  known  con- 
cerning the  precise  magnitude  of  the  error  committed  by  approximating  a 
given  function  by  a  partial  sum  of  its  asymptotic  series. 

Current  research  is  directed  toward  filling  this  gap.  Considerable  success 
has  already  been  achieved  with  certain  types  of  asymptotic  series  originating 
from  second-order  ordinary  differential  equations;  some  general  theorems 
have  been  established  giving  precise,  and  realistic,  errors  bounds  which  are 
easily  evaluated.  The  theorems  also  show,  for  example,  why  these  series 
provide  inaccurate  results  near  the  boundaries  of  their  regions  of  validity  in 
the  complex  #-plane. 

Applications  of  the  theorems  have  been  made  to  determine  error  bounds 
for  asymptotic  expansions  of  Bessel  functions,  parabolic  cylinder  functions, 
and  Hermite  polynomials.  Another  application  has  been  to  determine  error 
bounds  for  the  so-called  WKB  approximation  frequently  used  by  mathe- 
matical physicists,  particularly  in  diffraction  problems. 

Matrix  and  Determinant  Theory,  A  significant  breakthrough  was 
achieved  in  the  study  of  a  function  of  fundamental  importance,  the  "perma- 
nent-function." A  long-standing  conjecture  concerning  the  nature  of  this 
function  was  proved  to  be  true  for  the  positive  semidefinite  case.  The  per- 
manent was  characterized  as  an  inner  product  in  a  suitable  unitary  space,  and 
application  of  the  well-known  Schwarz  inequality  yielded  a  large  number  of 
significant  facts  about  this  function. 

Numerical  Experimentation.  There  are  areas  of  numerical  analysis 
in  which  either  no  theory  exists  or  existing  theory  is  merely  suggestive  of 
possible  approaches  to  problem  solution.  In  these  areas,  numerical  experi- 
mentation may  provide  insight  into  a  method  of  problem  solution.  The 
Bureau  has  undertaken  a  series  of  numerical  experiments  to  investigate  one 
such  area  of  great  importance  in  engineering  and  physics,  the  evaluation  of 
\  ighly  multiple  integrals,  such  as  those  of  fundamental  importance  in  sta- 
tistical mechanics. 

Machine  Translation,  Further  progress  was  made  on  the  mechanical 
Russian  language  translation  scheme  being  developed  by  the  Bureau.  Special 
attention  has  been  given  to  one  of  the  significant  innovations  by  the  Bureau 
in  this  field,  called  "profiling,"  by  which  clause  and  phrase  boundaries  are 
recognized  mechanically  and  which  effects  a  substantial  speed  of  translation. 
Computer  programs  for  a  rather  large  portion  of  the  Bureau's  translation 
method  have  been  prepared  and  successfully  tested  on  selected  sentences  of 
considerable  grammatical  complexity. 

Mathematical  Tables.  Ten  volumes  of  the  Bureau's  applied  mathe- 
matics series  of  publications,  eight  of  which  were  mathematical  tables,  were 
reissued  in  response  to  demand.  Completion  of  a  Handbook  of  Mathematical 
Functions  is  near.  Still  to  be  accomplished  are  only  the  updating  of  biblio- 
graphical material,  preparation  of  indexes,  and  checking  of  galley  and  page 


Digital  Computation.  The  Bureau  strengthened  its  computational 
facility  by  replacing  the  IBM  704  with  an  IBM  7090-1401  computing  system. 
Extensive  application  of  digital  computers  continued  in  both  the  scientific  and 
data  processing  fields.  In  addition  to  performing  computations  on  its  own 
equipment,  the  Bureau  assisted  other  government  agencies  in  setting  up 
problems  for  other  computing  machines.  The  experience  gained  in  the 
performance  of  service  computations  stimulated  significant  research  in  pro- 
graming and  computational  methods. 

About  half  the  computing  services  tasks  performed  during  the  year  orig- 
inated in  the  Bureau.  The  remainder  were  performed  as  services  to  such 
agencies  as  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  Diamond  Ordnance  Fuze 
Laboratory,  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration,  Bureau  of 
Public  Roads,  Weather  Bureau,  Treasury  Department,  Veterans  Administra- 
tion, and  Federal  Communications  Commission.  Significant  computations 
were  performed  on  problems  in  the  thermal  dissociation  of  diatomic  mole- 
cules, diffusion  and  reactions  in  gases,  trajectory  computations,  multilayer 
adsorption  studies,  thermal  boundary-layer  studies,  paramagnetic  relaxation 
investigations,  and  contour  plotting  of  magnetic  fields.  Important  data 
processing  problems  handled  were  mortgage  loan  surveys,  tax  deprecia- 
tion revisions,  availability  of  television  service  by  ultrahigh  frequency  TV 
stations,  analysis  of  interhospital  differences  of  effective  treatment  of 
patients,  and  a  fallout  shelter  survey.  Services  were  provided  on  a  con- 
tinuing basis  throughout  the  year  on  domestic  airline  traffic  surveys,  electro- 
cardiographic analysis,  highway  planning  and  traffic  studies,  and  monetary 
research  reports. 

The  fallout  shelter  survey  deserves  special  mention.  This  task  was  per- 
formed at  the  request  of  the  Department  of  Defense,  Office  of  Civil  Defense. 
The  technical  data  needed  were  furnished  by  the  NBS  radiation  physics 
laboratory;  the  field  data  were  collected  under  the  direction  of  the  Army 
Corps  of  Engineers  and  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks,  and  were 
prepared  by  the  Bureau  of  the  Census  for  transmittal  to  NBS  for  processing. 
In  performing  this  task,  the  Bureau  received  the  whole-hearted  and  effective 
collaboration  of  the  other  agencies  involved.  The  Bureau  itself  made  a 
significant  contribution  by  decreasing  the  time  and  cost  required — the 
latter  decrease  being  one  of  millions  of  dollars — through  modification  of 
computational  techniques  made  possible  by  analysis  of  the  mathematical 

Extensive  research  was  continued  in  the  fields  of  automatic  programing 
and  artificial,  programer-oriented  computer  languages.  A  monitoring  sys- 
tem which  utilizes  the  1401  computer  as  a  secretary  for  the  7090  computer 
was  installed.  This  system  accepts  programs  in  the  Fortran  language,  trans- 
lates these  into  machine  code,  supplies  useful  subroutines,  and  assists  in 
code  checking.  The  Bureau  cooperated  in  efforts  to  maintain  and  improve 
the  Algol  60  programer-oriented  language.  Studies  were  conducted  on 
artificial  mechanical  languages  as  participation  in  the  work  of  the  Business 


Equipment  Manufacturers  Association  subcommittee  on  standard  computer 

Statistical  Engineering.  The  principal  function  of  the  Bureau's  statis- 
tical engineering  program  is  to  advise  the  Bureau's  scientific  and  technical 
personnel  on  the  application  of  modern  probability  and  statistical  methods 
to  physical  science  and  engineering  experimentation.  The  aim  of  this 
service  is  to  help  the  Bureau's  scientists  and  technicians  conduct  their 
research,  development,  and  testing  programs  so  as  to  reach  conclusions  of 
desired  scope  and  reliability  at  the  lowest  possible  cost.  This  goal  must  be 
achieved  under  existing  limitations  of  funds,  equipment,  materials,  and 
personnel,  through  effective  use  of  modern  probability  and  statistical 
methods.  Extensive  services  were  rendered,  ranging  from  short  informal 
conferences  to  active  collaboration  with  project  leaders  for  periods  of  several 

Probability  and  Mathematical  Statistics.  Basic  research  in  probability 
theory  and  mathematical  statistics  was  conducted  to  maintain  and  increase 
the  effectiveness  of  the  statistical  engineering  program.  This  research, 
geared  to  fit  the  particular  needs  of  the  Bureau's  laboratories,  was  concerned 
with  (a)  the  shortcomings  of  confidence  limits  derived  from  a  small  number 
of  measurements,  as  part  of  a  program  related  to  the  evaluation  of  the  pre- 
cision and  accuracy  of  measurement  processes;  (b)  methods  for  making 
confidence  interval  estimates  of  the  variances  of  two  measurement  processes 
in  a  situation  where  simultaneous  measurements  of  a  series  of  objects  are 
obtained  by  two  instruments,  but  repeated  measurements  of  the  same  object 
are  unobtainable;  and  (c)  studies  of  nonparametric  statistical  techniques. 
i.e.,  techniques  that  do  not  depend  upon  assumptions  regarding  the  under- 
lying distribution. 

Research  was  also  continued  on  applications  of  probability  theory  and 
mathematical  statistics  to  problems  and  measurement  of  the  reliability  of 
complex  systems.  New  methods  were  developed  for  the  derivation  of  approx- 
imate nonparametric  confidence  limits  for  the  reliability  of  multicomponent 
systems,  using  data  obtained  from  component  tests.  These  methods  can  be 
applied  when  the  probability  distributions  of  component  characteristics  are 
unknown,  and  can  be  adapted  to  many  forms  of  functional  relationship  be- 
tween system  performance  and  component  characteristics. 

Experiment  Design  and  Consultation.  Major  cooperative  activities  were 
carried  out  in  connection  with  the  Bureau's  calibration  programs.  Methods 
for  representing  the  precision  and  accuracv  of  measurement  processes,  and 
statistical  designs  for  eliminating  the  effect  of  environmental  factors  were 
the  subjects  of  most  of  the  consulting  activities. 

One  especially  noteworthy  achievement  in  statistical  engineering  was  the 
development  of  statistical  tests  for  use  in  the  interpretation  of  experiments 
involving  the  measurement  of  a  number  | of  objects  bv  different  methods, 
operators,  laboratories,  or  other  such  categories.  The  interpretation  of  such 
tests  is  almost  always  complicated  by  the  presence  of  one  or  two  categories 
having  results  which  are  fairly  consistently  divergent  from  the  consensus  of 


the  remaining  values.  A  test  was  developed  based  on  the  ranking  of  the 
results  for  use  in  detecting  those  categories  having  systematic  differences 
with  respect  to  the  others.  The  mathematical  properties  of  the  test,  such 
as  its  asymptotic  properties  and  its  power  under  different  conditions,  were 

This  test  is  simple  to  compute  in  that  it  involves  only  sums  of  small  whole 
numbers,  is  easily  understood  and  interpreted,  and  has  all  the  mathematical 
advantages  associated  with  tests  that  do  not  require  that  the  measurements 
follow  a  specified  distribution  such  as  the  normal  (i.e.,  Gaussian)  in  order 
that  the  interpretation  of  the  results  be  correct  in  the  probability  sense. 

This  new  test  is  of  great  value  in  the  interpretation  of  interlaboratory  test 
programs  as  it  calls  attention  to  nonconforming  laboratories  by  a  simple, 
easy-to-understand  method  based  on  a  minimum  of  mathematical 

Mathematical  Physics.  In  its  research  in  mathematical  physics,  the 
Bureau  continued  to  emphasize  the  formulation  of  mathematical  theories 
basic  to  the  development  of  theoretical  physics  and  engineering  science.  In- 
vestigations included  research  in  the  dynamics  of  plasmas,  the  determination 
of  bounds  on  the  solutions  of  various  types  of  problems  in  linear  elasticity — 
for  example,  the  solution  of  the  first  boundary-value  problem  of  plate 
theory — a  combined  theoretical  and  experimental  study  of  nonlinear  visco- 
elasticity,  and  the  behavior  of  the  trajectories  in  the  phase  plane  of  a  non- 
linear differential  equation  which  arises  in  acoustical  problems  and  vibration 

Plasma  Research.  Increased  knowledge  of  the  physics  of  ionized  gases 
is  essential  for  the  Bureau's  performance  of  its  mission  and  is  extremely 
important  to  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration.  This 
fact  has  been  demonstrated  by  studies  of  the  propagation  of  electromagnetic 
waves  through  the  ionosphere,  and  by  phenomena  occurring  in  devices  pro- 
posed for  plasma  propulsion.  During  the  past  year,  the  mathematical  re- 
search in  the  field  was  pursued  from  three  different  but  fundamental  view- 
points: kinetic,  magnetohydrodynamic,  and  stochastic.  Results  obtained 
were  applied  to  find  the  mathematical  structure  of  electric  shielding  and 
plasma  oscillations,  and  as  an  application  of  the  magnetohydrodynamic  ap- 
proach, turbulence  in  plasma  was  studied.  A  weekly  seminar  discussing 
fundamental  advances  in  plasma  dynamics  was  instituted  for  the  purpose  of 
stimulating  and  coordinating  research  in  this  important  field. 

Theory  of  Satellite  Orbits.  Investigations  concerning  satellite  orbits 
were  continued.  Emphasis  was  placed  on  the  development  of  the  theory  of 
perturbations  produced  in  the  intermediate  orbit  of  a  satellite  of  an  oblate 
planet  in  the  case  where  the  orbit  has  been  calculated  by  theory  developed  by 
the  Bureau.  Such  an  orbit  is  associated  with  an  assumed  gravitational  po- 
tential which  is  closer  to  the  empirically  accepted  value  for  the  earth  than 
those  which  have  been  proposed  earlier.  Work  was  begun  and  substantial 
progress  was  made  on  improving  the  accuracy  of  the  calculated  orbit  by 
taking  into  account  deviations  from  the  model  used,  such  as  equatorial 


Operations  Research.  General  areas  of  investigation  during  the  year 
included  game  theory,  graph  theory,  weapon  simulation,  Boolean  functions, 
and  mathematical  models  of  distribution  networks. 

Significant  progress  was  made  in  devising  a  procedure  for  finding  maxi- 
mum matchings  (isolated  sets  of  edges)  in  linear  graphs.  Algorithms  were 
developed  generalizing  the  Hungarian  method  from  bipartite  graphs  to  more 
general  ones.  Investigations  continued  on  the  embeddings  of  graphs  in 

In  connection  with  a  study  of  optimal  radar  site  distribution,  systematic 
computer  experiments  were  carried  out  to  compare  several  methods  for 
maximization  of  analytically  intractable  functions.  Work  continued  on  a 
long-range  study  of  mathematical  models  of  distribution  networks,  with  a 
view  to  optimizing  the  location  of  sorting  centers  and  the  degree  of  system 
centralization.  Other  major  activities  included  continuation  of  the  analysis 
and  computer  simplification  of  Boolean  functions  (important  in  network  and 
circuit  theory)  and  the  analysis  and  simulation  of  missile  system  operation. 

The  Bureau's  endeavors  in  operations  research  have  been  geared  to  a  two- 
fold objective — the  determination  of  appropriate  approaches  to  problems 
encompassing  several  professional  fields,  and  the  achievement  of  the  inter- 
disciplinary collaboration  for  necessary  successful  handling  of  such  problems. 
Significant  accomplishment  was  made  in  this  direction  during  the  past  year. 
In  addition,  there  was  increasing  demand  for  consulting  and  advisory  serv- 
ices in  operations  research. 


As  one  of  the  special  mission  laboratories  of  the  Bureau,  the  data  processing 
systems  division  continued  to  provide  information-processing  services  to  the 
Bureau's  own  research  laboratories  and  to  other  agencies  of  the  Govern- 
ment. A  primary  function  is  to  devise,  test,  and  demonstrate  theoretical  and 
operational  approaches  to  both  systems  design  and  the  appropriate  equip- 
ment for  the  handling,  processing,  and  presentation  of  information  necessary 
for  the  varied  activities  of  the  Government.  In  meeting  its  central  responsi- 
bility to  provide  such  services,  the  division  engaged  in  a  program  of  research 
and  development  using  the  techniques  of  several  scientific  disciplines.  The 
Bureau  maintains  a  technical  facility  and  staff  competence  to  foster  and  assist 
in  automation  studies  within  the  Government. 

Present  areas  of  activity  include  study  of  new  components  for  use  in  com- 
puter circuitry;  exploratory  investigations  in  artificial  intelligence,  particu- 
larly the  syntax  of  natural  and  artificial  languages,  the  logic  of  computing 
processes,  and  the  theory  of  automata;  design  procedures  for  assembling 
electronic,  magnetic,  electromechanical  and  optical  components  into  proto- 
type equipments;  application  of  computer  technology  to  laboratory  data 
gathering;  the  solution  of  data  processing  problems  involving  both  human 
performance  and  equipment  operation;  and  application  of  related  sciences 
in  solving  information  processing  problems  arising  in  government  activities. 


Research  Facilities:  SEAC,  ANALOG,  PILOT.  During  the  design 
and  construction  of  the  new  PILOT  data  processor,  the  SEAC  continued  to 
be  utilized  as  a  major  research  tool,  particularly  in  the  fields  of  linguistic 
data  processing,  picture  processing,  and  patent  search  experiments.  The 
addition  of  four  tape  units  made  possible  the  preparation  of  patent  data  for 
an  exhaustive  series  of  tests  of  the  HAYSTAQ  search  system.  Instruction 
in  using  the  analog  facility  for  research  problems  was  given  to  a  selected 
number  of  the  Bureau's  scientists.  The  analog  facility  was  used  for  the 
following  problem  types:  multivariable  derivatives,  temperatures  in  refrac- 
tory furnace,  squaring  and  rooting,  dynamics  of  scale-pan  balances,  mass  cor- 
rections, ordinate  selection  for  spectrometer  flux,  optimum  postal  distribution, 
membrane  transport  properties,  magnetization  reversal,  and  mechanism  of 

The  initial  configuration  of  the  PILOT  Data  Processing  research  facility 
was  completed  and  is  now  available  for  use  on  selected  information  processing 
tasks.  The  installation,  essentially  a  network  of  computers  served  by  a 
variety  of  input-output  devices,  consists  of  (1)  a  primary  computer  with 
a  256-word,  1-microsecond  memory  for  arithmetic  and  logical  processing 
operations,  (2)  a  secondary  computer  having  a  register-memory  for  manipu- 
lating pieces  of  data,  keeping  track  of  them,  and  supplying  them  as  needed 
to  the  primary  computer,  (3)  a  format  controller,  the  third  computer,  to 
select  and  convert  data  in  anticipation  of  their  requirement  as  input  to  the 
primary  computer,  (4)  input-output  facilities  comprised  of  a  Flexowriter,  a 
magnetic  wire  unit,  a  high-speed  paper  tape  punch  and  reader,  and  four 
magnetic  tape  units.  Plans  are  already  being  made,  on  the  basis  of  best 
technical  appraisal  of  additional  requirements  for  handling  government 
problems  in  the  forseeable  future,  for  the  first  set  of  auxiliaries  augmenting 
the  present  installation,  i.e.,  a  large-volume,  high-speed  magnetic  core  mem- 
ory, a  large-volume  magnetic  disk  file,  several  high-speed,  high-performance 
magnetic-tape  units,  and  an  off-line,  high-speed  printer-plotter.  An  interim 
computer-assembler  was  prepared  for  the  programer's  uses  as  well  as  diag- 
nostic and  service  routines  for  the  maintenance  staff. 

Research  Information  Center.  The  Research  Information  Center  and 
Advisory  Service  on  Information  Processing,  under  joint  sponsorship  of 
the  National  Science  Foundation  and  NBS,  continued  its  collection  and  or- 
ganization of  literature  and  bibliographic  references  concerning  information 
storage,  selection,  and  retrieval.  The  compilation  of  literature  and  biblio- 
graphic references  (now  over  10,000  items),  information  on  current  and 
proposed  research  projects,  and  the  list  of  research  workers  continued  to 
grow.  The  work  of  abstracting,  indexing,  and  establishing  subject  control 
of  the  pertinent  literature  received  expanded  attention.  Two  state-of-the-art 
studies,  one  a  revised  guide  to  the  literature  of  automata  theory  and  the 
other  a  survey  of  information  selection  systems  yielding  facsimile  copies, 
were  completed  and  two  more  studies  contracted  for.  The  survey  of  informa- 
tion selection  systems  was  partially  supported  by  the  Council  on  Library 
Resources,  Inc. 


Work  was  initiated  on  a  report  reviewing  psychological  research  poten- 
tially applicable  to  the  problems  involved  in  improving  the  utilization  of 
scientific  information. 

The  center  continues  to  give  bibliographic  and  other  services  to  cooperat- 
ing workers  in  the  field,  government  agencies,  and  interested  correspondents. 

A  comprehensive  literature  search  of  character  recognition  efforts,  includ- 
ing a  survey  of  existing  equipment  and  developments  for  printed  character 
recognition,  speech  recognition,  and  code  recognition,  is  being  made  under 
the  sponsorship  of  U.S.  Army  Signal  Supply  Agency.  The  special  problems 
associated  with  recognition  of  Chinese  characters  and  possible  approaches 
to  Chinese  character  recognition  are  also  being  studied. 

Components  and  Techniques,  New  components  were  evaluated  and 
old  ones  investigated  further  for  their  possible  contributions  in  the  develop- 
ment of  faster,  more  complex,  and  more  reliable  computers  and  data  proc- 
essors. A  study  of  the  rotational  mode  of  magnetization  reversal  elucidated 
the  role  of  the  magnetocrystalline  anisotropy  energy  and  the  demagnetizing 
energy  peculiar  to  this  film  geometry.  A  number  of  iron  films  were  studied 
by  means  of  electron  diffraction  in  an  attempt  to  correlate  the  crystal  struc- 
ture with  anisotropy  energy.  A  study  of  the  hysteresis  loop  tracer  indicated 
its  possible  usefulness  for  quantitative  anisotropy  determinations  with  some 
changes  in  its  design.  Thus  strip  chart  recorders  were  added  to  the  vacuum 
evaporator  to  obtain  a  simultaneous  recording  of  pressure,  crucible  current, 
and  substrate  temperature  during  deposition.         N 

The  tunnel-diode  large-signal  simulation  study  was  continued,  using  an 
analytic  approximation  to  the  static  voltage-current  characteristics  displayed 
by  the  diode  in  the  negative-resistance  region.  Investigation  and  measure- 
ment of  high-speed  junction  transistor  parameters  also  continued.  Charge 
control  techniques  for  optimum  high-speed  circuit  design  were  investigated 
and  a  50-megacycle  per  second  (Mc/s)  pulse  generator  and  a  collector-trig- 
gered flip-flop  designed.  Semiconductors  and  storage  devices  are  still  being 
studied  for  use  in  basic  solid-state  circuits  for  memory  and  logical  func- 
tions in  computing  and  control  devices.  A  reappraisal  of  the  requirements 
for  signal  stability  in  the  general  binary-signal  computer  net  led  to  a  mathe- 
matical description  of  the  net  in  terms  of  the  signal-script  transfer-functions 
of  the  digital  repeaters.  This  description's  independence  of  particular  physi- 
cal realization  and  logical  organization  makes  it  possible  to  compare  com- 
puter nets  that  differ  widely  in  physical  and  logical  aspects.  Feasible  appli- 
cations in  the  design  of  new  high-speed  circuits  are  in  the  planning  stage. 

Automatic  Data  Retrieval,  Work  continued  on  the  development  of 
automatic  programing  systems  for  processing  information  in  collections  of 
documents,  under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Patent  Office  and  the  National 
Science  Foundation,  using  syntactic  analysis  of  natural  language  text  and 
associated  pictorial  information. 

The  machine  sentence  grammar  was  enlarged  to  accommodate  more  Eng- 
lish syntactic  structures  and  research  begun  on  a  new  type  of  constituent 
structure  grammar  which  will  allow  more  than  two  constituents  per  construc- 


Control  module  for  special  multi-purpose  data-logging  equipment  developed 
to  record  experimental  observations.  Pin  board  (left)  is  used  to  program  the 
control  sequence.  The  modular  approach  makes  possible  assembly  of  data- 
logging systems  appropriate  to  individual  experiments.      (See  p.   121.) 

tion  but  disallow  discontinuous  constituents.  Programs  for  generating 
sentences  from  grammars,  compiling  concordances  of  elements  within  gram- 
mars, and  checking  grammars  for  mistakes  and  inconsistencies  were  writ- 
ten, debugged,  and  run  on  the  704  computer,  in  the  COMIT  language  of  the 
7090,  and  on  the  7090  itself.  A  recognition  routine,  also  written  in  the 
COMIT  language,  analyzes  input  strings  with  respect  to  the  generative  gram- 

Research  continued  on  formalizing  (in  a  logical  notation)  the  English 
sentences  produced  by  a  grammar  for  a  fragment  of  English.  The  formaliza- 
tion is  expressed  in  an  applied  first-order  functional  calculus.  The  "forma- 
lizer,"  which  converts  an  English  sentence  and  its  syntactic  analysis  into  an 
expression  in  the  functional  calculus,  is  a  necessary  step  in  developing  a 
question-answering  routine,  which  has  been  designed  but  is  not  yet  pro- 

Technical  Assistance  for  Data  Processing.  Increased  assistance  in 
using  automatic  data  processing  techniques  to  laboratories  throughout  the 
Bureau,  many  of  which  have  special  data-conversion  problems,  led  to  the 
identification  of  several  more  potential  areas  for  automatic  data  recording 
and  processing.  Technical  assistance  included  determining  whether  analog 
and/or  digital  techniques  were  applicable  and  demonstrating  the  feasibility 
of  selected  techniques.  The  program  of  designing  special  data-logging 
equipment  for  other  laboratories  was  expanded  through  the  development  of 
five  wide-utility  modules,  each  including  several  functional  circuit  "pack- 
ages." These  modules  are  capable  of  flexible  interconnection  and  operation 
^under  the  control  of  a  supervisory  module  equipped  with  an  internally  stored 
program  similar  to  that  of  a  digital  computer.    This  modular  approach  per- 

662336  0—^62- 


mits  the  ready  assembly  of  data-logging  systems  appropriate  to  the  par- 
ticular requirements  of  the  individual  experiments. 

Typical  problems  on  which  assistance  was  provided  include  photodetach- 
ment  of  negative  ions,  study  of  electron  scattering  in  gases,  and  determination 
of  color  of  light  sources. 

Development  of  Information-Retrieval  Systems.  Under  the  spon- 
sorship of  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Ships,  the  specifications  for  a  new  improved 
film  transport  for  high-speed  coded  microfilm  search  were  completed  and 
a  contract  let  for  its  construction.  It  will  be  incorporated  in  the  new  infor- 
mation selector  system  for  retrieving  information  from  large  files  of  docu- 
ments stored  on  coded  microfilm.  Other  modifications  included  (1) 
redesign  of  the  interrogator  to  set  up  the  search  Question  by  use  of  a  punched 
card,  and  (2)  the  preparation  of  specifications  for  two  types  of  input 
cameras,  one  a  flow  camera  and  the  other  a  fixed  frame  camera  to  provide 
a  built-in  code  raster  using  separate  optics  to  insure  precise  alinement  and 
permit  the  use  of  various  reduction  ratios.  An  IBM  026  card  punch  and 
printer  were  modified  for  preparing  the  encoding  and  question  cards;  a 
6-bit,  45-character  punch  was  ordered  for  encoding  alphanumeric  symbols. 

An  automatic  message-generating  system,  developed  for  the  Navy  Bureau 
of  Supplies  and  Accounts  for  ordering  Federal  stock  items,  was  completed 
and  its  operation  analyzed.  A  systems  study  of  the  input  and  output  require- 
ments of  the  data  processing  installation,  the  cataloging  procedures,  and  the 
data  transmission  requirements  was  begun. 

Work  was  started,  under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Naval  Intelligence  Agency, 
on  the  design,  development,  and  updating  of  an  efficient,  low-cost,  informa- 
tion-retrieval system  centered  around  the  Lodestar  reader  /printer. 

Special-Purpose  Computer  Systems.  AMOS  IV,  a  special-purpose 
digital  computer,  was  developed  in  a  program  sponsored  by  the  Weather 
Bureau  as  the  central  element  in  an  automatic  weather  station  to  collect 
and  reduce  weather  data  prior  to  transmission.  Five  AMOS  IV  machines 
were  assembled  by  the  Weather  Bureau,  based  upon  the  design  of  the  proto- 
type unit  built  by  NBS  for  use  at  field  sites.  A  training  program  conducted 
for  the  Weather  Bureau  on  the  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  machines 
included  working  out  a  variety  of  sample  programs  and  concluded  with  the 
development  of  various  operational  routines. 

A  high-capacity  system  capable  of  multipurpose  data  conversion  and  editing 
is  being  developed  and  constructed  under  the  sponsorship  of  Office  of  Emer- 
gency Planning  for  damage  assessment  and  resource  status  information  in 
case  of  a  national  emergency.  The  integrated  system  design  has  as  major 
components  a  central  data  processor,  a  FOSDIC  scanner  and  control,  a 
Flexowriter,  a  communications  system,  four  magnetic  tape  units  and  control, 
and  a  plotter  controlled  by  the  processor.  A  map  scanner  with  preprocessor 
and  display  is  an  additional  component  now  under  development.  Approxi- 
mately 80  percent  of  the  system  was  designed  in  detail  and  about  30  percent 
constructed  and  tested. 

Pictorial  Data  Processing.  Continuing  research  in  and  development 
of  techniques  for  scanning  aerial  stereophotographic  information  and  com- 


puter  programs  for  translating  the  scanning  information  into  a  form  suitable 
for  auomatic  production  of  three-dimensional  terrain  models  was  sponsored 
by  the  Naval  Training  Device  Center.  A  high-resolution  scanner  was 
developed  for  use  with  a  digitizer  and  magnetic  tape-recorder  to  convert 
pictorial  information  into  a  form  suitable  for  computer  processing- 
Additional  research  efforts  were  directed  to  processing  pictorial  informa- 
tion from  photomicrographs  of  metallic  crystals.  A  program  for  determin- 
ing the  perimeter  length  of  a  crystal  boundary  was  written  and  technical  as- 
sistance was  provided  to  the  Metallurgy  Division  in  developing  computer 
methods  for  quantitative  metallography. 

Engineering  Applications,  An  evaluation  of  the  automatic  data 
processing  requirements  at  the  Goddard  Space  Flight  Center  for  orbital 
determinations,  telemetered  data  reduction,  and  satellite  control  calculations 
for  nonmilitary  satellites  was  undertaken  for  the  National  Aeronautics  and 
Space  Administration.  Preliminary  recommendations,  hardware  sugges- 
tions, and  refinements  in  the  specifications  for  two  new  automatic  data  proc- 
essing systems,  were  made. 

Consultative  services  were  supplied  to  the  Weather  Bureau  in  connection 
with  processing  and  transmitting  photographic  and  infrared  data  from  the 
new  weather  satellites  of  the  NIMBUS  series.  On  the  basis  of  this  advice, 
the  Weather  Bureau  decided  to  replace  the  alphanumeric  dial  indicators  in 
the  high-speed  photographic-copy  camera  systems  used  in  the  TIROS  satel- 
lite with  the  more  versatile  CRT  character  generation. 

Technical  assistance  was  rendered  to  the  Defense  Communications  Agency 
in  connection  with  procurement  and  use  of  a  simultation  program  for  the 
defense  communications  system.  The  DCA  controls  a  worldwide  communi- 
cation system,  a  composite  of  the  separate  long-line  communication  systems 
of  the  three  services,  that  provides  service  to  defense  and  related  organiza- 
tions on  both  regular  and  emergency  bases.  The  Bureau  simulated  the  oper- 
ation of  this  system  to  determine  effects  of  proposed  changes  in  equipment 
and  operating  procedures,  without  the  cost  or  disruption  which  would  result 
from  trial  runs  of  the  fully  integrated  systems. 

Studies  of  evaluation  and  test  procedures  for  analog-digital  encoders  were 
continued  for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons.  The  increased  use  of  digital 
techniques  for  test-range  instrumentation  and  for  missile  control  and  sensing 
elements  created  a  need  for  procedures  to  determine  the  performance  of 
interface  equipment.  The  prototype  system  procured  and  assembled  by 
NBS  demonstrated  to  the  sponsor  an  approach  to  testing  and  evaluating 
analog-digital  encoders.  In  addition,  consultative  services  were  provided 
for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons  to  a  contractor  developing  a  direct  digital 
transducer  for  measuring  pressure  from  0  to  15  psi,  and  specifications  were 
developed  to  prove  the  feasibility  of  a  unique  and  promising  technique  for 
high-speed  digitizing  of  analog  voltages. 

Engineering  Application  Devices,  A  combined  analog-digital  differ- 
ential analyzer  (CADDA)  was  under  development  for  the  Bureau  of  Naval 
Weapons  to  demonstrate  the  feasibility  of  representing  each  variable  in  a 


computing  system  partly  in  digital  and  partly  in  analog  form.  Critical 
areas  in  two  of  its  major  components,  integrators  and  multipliers,  were  exam- 
ined, and  their  appropriate  circuitry  and  logic  evaluated  and  redesigned  as 
necessary.    The  revised  integrator  is  now  nearing  completion. 

A  prototype  personnel  peer-rating  machine,  to  make  rapid  measurements 
of  performance  and  evaluations  of  leaders  for  platoons,  was  designed  under 
the  sponsorship  of  the  Department  of  Army  and  is  nearing  completion. 
The  logical  design,  the  electronic  and  mechanical  design,  and  the  procure- 
ment of  all  necessary  components  were  completed.  A  technical  description 
of  the  overall  operation,  including  keying  of  plug-in  packages,  color-coding 
for  system  wiring,  and  the  design  of  a  new  type  of  package  used  in  this  de- 
vice, was  written. 

Technical  assistance  was  given  to  the  U.S.  Air  Force  in  connection  with 
evaluating  proposals  for  a  Versatile  Automatic  Test  Equipment  (VATEl 
for  Inertial  Guidance  Packages  including  the  Error  Signal  Computer.  Five 
proposed  systems  were  studied  and  evaluated  prior  to  Air  Force  award  of  a 
contract  for  standardized  automatic  test  equipment  capable  of  insuring  the 
readiness  of  complex  inertial  guidance  systems  now  employed  in  ballistic 

Data  Processing  Applications,  Study  of  the  objectives,  functions,  and 
operational  units  of  the  Office  of  Technical  Services,  Department  of  Com- 
merce, was  continued  to  determine  the  feasibility  of  applying  automatic  data 
processing  techniques  to  its  operations.  This  necessitated  a  survey  of  the 
information  processing  activities  of  the  Armed  Services  Technical  Informa- 
tion Agency,  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  and  the  National  Aeronautics 
and  Space  Administration,  the  principal  contributors  to  the  OTS  document 
collection,  to  determine  the  feasibility  of  exchanging  data  in  machineable 
form.  Study  objectives  were  set  and  a  sequence  of  mechanization  was  pro- 
posed and  accepted. 

A  feasibility  study  was  made  of  the  information-handling  procedures  of 
the  Bureau  of  Medicine,  the  Bureau  of  Biological  and  Physical  Sciences,  and 
the  several  District  Offices  of  the  Food  and  Drug  Administration,  to  deter- 
mine to  what  extent  such  procedures  could  be  improved  in  speed,  efficiency. 
and  economy  by  use  of  mechanized  systems.  Attention  was  centered  on  the 
Pesticides  Branch  of  the  Food  Division  of  the  Bureau  of  Biological  and  Physi- 
cal Sciences,  since  its  problems  were  typical  of  those  in  other  parts  of  FDA 
and  the  sets  of  data  were  fewer  in  number.  A  preliminary  report  of  the 
NBS  findings  and  recommendations  to  date  was  submitted  to  FDA  in  Feb- 
ruary 1962  and  a  final  report  in  May  1962.  In  addition,  an  experimental 
computer  program  was  written  to  process  findings  reported  by  hospitals  on 
adverse  reactions  to  drugs. 

Exploratory  investigations  were  conducted  into  possible  computer  appli- 
cations in  some  of  the  Public  Health  Service's  Division  of  Radiological 
Health's  long-range  studies  dealing  with  radionuclide  intake  distribution. 
diet  selection  for  minimal  radiation  hazard,  and  methods  for  control  radio- 


nuclide  testing.  Two  operational  programs  were  started :  a  linear  regression 
program  for  the  IBM  1620  and  a  geographically-oriented  printout  system 
for  processing  radiation  sample  data. 

Technical  assistance  was  continued  in  analyzing  the  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission's  major  objectives,  functions,  and  operational  units  to  determine 
the  feasibility  of  applying  automatic  data  processing  techniques  to  selected 
activities  and  operations.  Computer  programs  were  written  for  several  of  the 
cost-finding  activities  and  are  currently  in  production-run  status.  A  system 
analysis  of  the  Inventory  of  Motor  Carrier  Authorities  was  completed,  and 
the  design  and  programing  of  an  experimental  retrieval  system  were 

New  computer  programs,  needed  because  of  changes  in  legislation  effective 
January  1,  1962,  were  written  to  aid  the  Public  Housing  Administration  in 
its  review  of  reports  on  low-rent  housing  occupancy.  These  reports  cover 
reexaminations  for  continued  occupancy  and  new  admissions.  The  computer 
program  analyzes  the  reports  for  errors  aiid  inconsistencies,  makes  correc- 
tions where  possible,  writes  letters  to  the  authority  submitting  the  report,  and 
accumulates  approximately  30  statistical  arrays  comprised  of  about  9,500 
tally  counts. 

Mechanization  of  Patent  Searching,  Major  emphasis  in  the  coopera- 
tive program  with  the  Patent  Office  for  mechanizing  composition-of-matter 
patent  search  operations  was  on  preparing  data  for  trial  runs  of  the  com- 
puter search  program,  HAYSTAQ,  and  on  establishing  record-keeping  pro- 
cedures for  each  stage  of  the  data  preparation.  A  report  describing  the 
system's  data-checking,  data-compiling,  and  assembly  routines  was  written. 
Research  on  methods  of  file  organization  continued,  the  objective  being  to 
develop  more  effective  screening  techniques  to  increase  the  efficiency  of 
mechanized  search  operations.  Preliminary  investigation  of  mathematical 
models  for  information  retrieval  was  undertaken  to  ascertain  whether  any 
existing  models  can  be  applied  to  Patent  Office  operations  and  requirements. 
An  attempt  is  being  made  to  model  the  HAYSTAQ  system  in  such  a  way 
that  the  philosophy  of  the  system  will  be  more  generally  applicable.  A 
preliminary  survey  of  the  attitudes  of  patent  examiners  was  conducted  to 
assess  the  opinions  of  the  examining  corps  toward  their  profession  and  the 
idea  of  mechanized  search.  The  report  submitted  recommended  a  full-scale 

Automatic  Mail-Sorting  Developments.  The  Bureau  continued  its 
assistance  to  the  Post  Office  Department's  Office  of  Research  and  Engineering 
in  applying  automatic  equipment  and  data-handling  techniques  to  mail- 
sorting  operations.  A  new  computer  program  developed  selects  "optimal" 
paths,  for  which  speed  and  cost  are  the  criteria,  in  routing  mail;  this  is  a 
variation  of  the  well-known  "shortest  route  problem."  The  new  program 
can  handle  45  cities  and  2,500  scheduled  nonstop  trips.  Adaptations  of 
the  Washington,  D.C.,  manual-sorting  procedures  for  use  with  codesort 
equipment  were  designed  to  take  full  advantage  of  its  flexibility  and  to  serve 
both  as  a  model  for  short-term  system  planning  and  as  a  base  for  future 


research  and  development.  The  updated  sorting  schemes  were  written  and 
procedures  for  routine  updating  of  the  codesort  schemes  developed.  Liaison 
with  the  contractor  developing  the  equipment  was  maintained  to  assure 
compatibility  between  the  sorting  schemes  and  the  equipment.  NBS  per- 
sonnel also  assisted  in  monitoring  a  large-scale  simulation  project  and  in 
initiating  and  coordinating  several  human  factors  projects  in  connection 
with  development  contracts  of  the  Post  Office  Department.  The  network 
studies  of  the  overall  sorting  and  transportation  problem  also  were  continued. 


Measurement  precision  depends  on  two  factors:  The  natural  limitations 
of  the  measurement  process,  and  the  realizable  performance  of  measuring 
instruments.  Under  a  broad  instrumentation  program,  the  Bureau  investi- 
gates both  of  these  factors  to  improve  its  measurement  capability  in  research 
and  calibration  activities.  The  fundamental  properties  and  limitations  of 
instruments,  their  components  and  materials,  as  well  as  measuring,  record- 
ing, and  signal-processing  methods,  are  studied.  The  program  also  includes 
study  of  basic  phenomena  that  may  be  usefully  applied  to  instrumentation. 

Modern  instrumentation  frequently  uses  electronic  techniques,  even  when 
the  initial  measurement  problem  is  not  fundamentally  electrical.  The  elec- 
tronic program  includes  investigation  of  the  materials  used  in  vacuum  and 
semiconductor  electron  devices,  study  of  the  characteristics  and  capabilities 
of  electron  devices  themselves,  the  development  of  improved  electronic 
instruments  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  Bureau's  research  program,  and  a 
variety  of  projects  undertaken  for  other  Federal  agencies. 

Mechanical  instrument  activities  include  development  of  standard  hygrom- 
eters and  humidity  generators,  calibration  methods  for  pressure  and  displace- 
ment transducers,  and  study  and  development  of  instruments  needed  specifi- 
cally by  other  Federal  agencies. 

To  avoid  duplication  of  scientific  research  effort,  it  is  necessary  to  keep 
abreast  of  the  instrumentation  art.  The  Bureau  therefore  maintains  an 
extensive  reference  file  of  literature  on  instruments  and  measurement  meth- 
ods. The  file  itself  is  designed  so  that  its  data  can  be  retrieved  partly  by 
mechanical  means. 

Electronic  Equipment  Fault  Location.  The  goal  of  the  fault  location 
program  sponsored  by  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Ships  is  to  develop  measuring 
techniques  to  replace  present  manual  techniques.  Much  research  is  being 
undertaken  today  in  the  area  of  semiautomatic  fault  location  in  electronic 
equipment.  Unfortunately,  however,  most  of  the  fault  location  test  sets  are 
large,  costly,  complex,  specialized,  or  require  highly  trained  operators.  The 
NBS  fault  location  program  is  intended  to  develop  quick  and  easy  measure- 
ment devices  for  such  variables  in  electronic  equipment  as  the  following: 
a-c,  d-c,  and  RF  voltages;  peak  voltages  of  periodic  waveforms:  pulse  widths: 
pulse  rise  time;  rate  of  rise  time;  amplification;  limiting  action:  frequency 
response;  resistance;  inductance;  capacitance:  a-c  impedance:  current:  and 


Cross  section  photograph  of  a  failed  transistor  sliced  in  half  shows  the  perfora- 
tion (large  vertical  dark  region)  which  forms  a  short  circuit  between  the 
emitter  (top)  and  the  collector  (bottom).  (Small  divisions  of  comparison 
scale  through  middle  of  view  are  approximately  0.00035  inch.)  Recent  NBS 
transistor  failure  studies  have  clarified  the  mechanisms  of  such  breakdowns. 
(See  p.  127.) 

temperature.  All  of  these  measurements  are  automatically  programed  in  a 
simple  manner  and  the  test  information  so  displayed  that  no  interpretation 
of  the  measurements  or  special  training  is  required  of  the  operator. 

Second  Breakdown  in  Transistors,  The  Bureau  undertook  a  study 
of  the  second  breakdown  of  transistors  in  response  to  a  need  expressed  by 
industry.  It  was  believed  that  a  better  understanding  of  the  physical  proc- 
esses involved  must  precede  either  the  elimination  of  the  effect  or  the  develop- 
ment of  a  basis  for  rating  transistors  to  permit  avoiding  the  effect. 

Second  breakdown  of  transistors  is  evidenced  by  an  emitter-to-collector 
short  circuit  resulting  in  the  catastrophic  failure  of  the  device.  It  occurs 
under  many  operating  conditions  and  some  internal  changes  accompanying  it 
are  well  known.  In  typical  alloy  junction  transistors  which  undergo  second 
breakdown,  the  emitter  alloys  with  the  collector  through  a  tunnel  crossing 
the  base  region.  Hypotheses  previously  advanced  to  explain  second  break- 
down did  not  aid  in  obtaining  a  practical  solution  to  the  problem. 

The  Bureau  study  disclosed  new  characteristics  of  the  second  breakdown 
phenomenon  which  indicated  that  it  was  more  fundamentally  rooted  in  the 
character  of  the  transistor  than  previously  thought.  The  energy  absorbed 
by  the  transistor,  the  ambient  temperature,  and  the  duration  of  the  causative 
conditions  were  found  to  control  initiation  of  second  breakdown,  which  was 
further  found  to  occur  in  all  types  of  transistors  and  under  all  base  bias 


conditions.  A  means  of  rating  transistors  on  the  basis  of  the  factors  identi- 
fied was  introduced  for  use,  pending  further  results  of  this  continuing 
research  program. 

Semiconductor  Contact  Studies  and  Surface  Physics.  A  study  of 
the  effects  of  various  electrodes  on  such  semiconductors  as  silicon  and  sili- 
con carbide  has  provided  new  insights  into  processes  taking  place  at  the  elec- 
trode and  within  the  semiconductor.  Work  function  considerations  con- 
trolled conduction  of  pulses  near  100  volts;  the  effects  of  surface  states  were 
so  inconsequential  that  two-terminal  resistivity  measurements  could  be  made. 

Data  obtained  with  the  use  of  low  and  intermediate  voltages,  however, 
were  used  to  calculate  surface  barrier  height  and  width.  Porous  electrodes 
were  used  in  a  variation  of  the  experiment  to  determine  the  effects  of  various 
gases,  such  as  water  vapor  and  ammonia,  in  the  ambient.  Selection  of  par- 
ticular ambients  transformed  the  normally  ohmic  interface  into  a  rectifying 
one.  By  applying  pulses  to  such  selectively  conducting  layers  in  p-type 
silicon,  it  became  possible  to  measure  the  charge  stored  in  the  surface  states. 
The  current  conducted  was  found  to  be  independent  of  the  applied  pulse 
voltage,  but  controlled  by  a  small  bias  (such  as  ±  1  volt  at  ±0.1  milliam- 
pere)  which  could  change  the  surface  potential. 

The  use  of  porous  electrodes  has  opened  up  a  new  method  of  studying 
semiconductor  physics  and  also  has  made  possible  the  design  of  new  de- 
vices for  such  applications  as  pulse  shapers,  delay  lines,  and  logic  circuits. 

FOSDIC.  A  Film  Optical  Sensing  Device  for  Input  to  Computers. 
FOSDIC  V,  is  being  developed  for  the  Office  of  Emergency  Planning.  The 
new  unit  is  part  of  a  large  data  processor  being  developed  by  the  NBS  Data 
Processing  Systems  Division  for  OEP.  Features  of  the  FOSDIC  V  include 
a  scanning  unit  that  is  a  transistorized  version  of  that  of  FOSDIC  III.  elec- 
tronic programing  of  all  FOSDIC  functions,  low  heat  dissipation,  and  com- 
pactness. Electronic  programing  using  the  magnetic  core  and  drum  memo- 
ries of  the  data  processor  will  greatly  increase  the  versatility  of  the  FOSDIC 

As  the  processing  of  the  1960  Decennial  Census  data  came  to  an  end  at  the 
Bureau  of  the  Census,  FOSDIC  III  was  applied  to  other  data-collecting  sur- 
veys of  the  Government.  The  monthly  collection  of  employment  and  unem- 
ployment information  of  the  Census  Bureau  was  converted  to  FOSDIC  III 
processing  in  October  1961.  The  National  Fallout  Shelter  Survey?  con- 
ducted by  the  Department  of  Defense,  was  carried  out  by  means  of  a 
machine  system  using  FOSDIC  as  the  input  device.  Both  the  Census  Bureau 
and  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration  are  converting  their 
personnel  records  to  magnetic  tape,  using  FOSDIC  as  the  primary  vehicle. 

Electronic  Scanning  Microscope.  An  improved  model  of  the  electro- 
mechanical scanning  microphotometer  was  constructed  to  read  data  from 
spectrographic  plates  more  nearly  automatically.  This  device  measures  the 
light-transmission  density  of  an  incremental  area  on  a  previously  exposed 
and  processed  spectrographic  plate  as  it  is  slowly  moved  by  mechanical 
means  across  the  area  sensed.     The  photometer  signal  and  a  signal  repre- 


senting  the  plate  position  are  converted  into  a  display  of  wavelength  versus 
density  on  X-Y  coordinates. 

In  practice  the  density  signals  from  a  pair  of  microphotometers  are  scaled 
by  a  digital  voltmeter  and  the  density  and  wavelength  readings  automatically 
recorded  in  digital  form  on  punched  cards.  The  densities  are  obtained  as 
three-digit  numbers  on  a  logarithmic  scale  and  the  wavelengths  as  seven- 
digit  numbers  by  micrometric  translation  of  the  spectrograph  plate  position. 
Resolution  of  the  plate's  position  is  obtained  with  a  consistency  better  than 
0.001  millimeter. 

The  X-Y  coordinate  display  provided  by  the  equipment  as  an  oscilloscope 
presentation  is  a  greatly  magnified  plot  of  density  versus  wavelength  for  a 
small  portion  of  the  spectrographic  plate,  obtained  by  a  combination  of  the 
mechanical  and  an  electronic  scan.  It  is  used  in  making  manual  settings  on 
the  equipment. 

Hygrometry.  The  development  of  a  secondary  humidity  standard, 
arranged  in  a  Wheatstone  bridge  configuration  was  begun.  A  pneumatic 
bridge  hygrometer,  containing  four  critical-flow  nozzles,  with  a  pressure 
gage  connected  across  the  bridge,  and  with  a  desiccant  inserted  in  one  branch, 
was  constructed  and  tested.     The  differential  pressure  across  the  bridge  is 

Improved  electro-mechanical   scanning  comparator  makes  reading  data  from 
spectrographic   plates   more   nearly   automatic.       (See  p.    128.) 


a  measure  of  the  moisture  content  of  the  test  gas  flowing  through  the  bridge. 
The  bridge  response  is  essentially  linear  with  vapor  pressure  over  a  range 
of  1  to  22  mm  Hg  vapor  pressure.  An  effort  is  being  made  to  improve 
the  design  and  to  determine  the  accuracy  with  which  this  instrument  will 
measure  the  moisture  content  of  gases. 

Telemetering  Pickups.  The  Bureau  is  conducting  a  continuing  investi- 
gation of  the  characteristics  of  telemetering  transducers,  a  program  sponsored 
jointly  by  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  the  Army  Ordnance  Corps 
(WSMR),  and  the  Air  Force  Aeronautics  Systems  Division.  During  the 
year  the  Bureau  was  concerned  principally  with  the  development  of  test 
methods  and  equipment. 

Work  on  a  liquid  step  function  pressure  calibrator  which  will  produce 
a  monotonic  step  function  of  pressure  of  500  psi  with  a  1 -millisecond  rise  time 
and  1,000  psi  with  a  2-millisecond  rise  time  is  nearing  completion.  It  is 
anticipated  that  this  equipment  will  permit  the  determination  of  nonlinear 
creep,  commonly  associated  with  hysteresis,  in  transducer  responses  of  5- 
millisecond  duration  or  longer.  Selected  transducers  were  tested,  calibrated, 
and  evaluated  to  keep  abreast  of  the  state  of  the  art  of  commercial  pickups 
and  to  determine  the  adequacy  of  test  methods  and  equipment. 


The  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory,  located  at  Boulder,  Colo.,  has 
the  primary  responsibility  within  the  U.S.  Government  for  collecting,  analyz- 
ing, and  disseminating  information  on  the  propagation  of  radio  waves  at  all 
frequencies  along  the  surface  of  the  earth,  through  the  atmosphere,  and  in 
outer  space. 

Ionosphere  Research  and  Propagation 

The  Bureau  conducts  and  coordinates  research  on  the  propagation  of 
radio  waves  as  affected  by  the  ionosphere  and  on  the  special  factors  (such 
as  solar  flares)  which  can  give  rise  to  large  departures  from  the  normal  be- 
havior. It  is  also  concerned  with  research  on  the  nature  of  the  media 
through  which  these  radio  waves  are  transmitted  and  the  interaction  of 
radio  waves  with  the  media.  One  of  the  important  functions  of  the  Bureau 
is  the  preparation  of  predictions  of  radio  wave  propagation  and  warnings  of 
solar  and  geophysical  disturbances. 

Second  Topside  Sounder  Rocket  Test.  The  second  rocket  test  of  a 
topside  ionospheric  sounder,  conducted  at  about  midnight  on  October  13. 
1961  from  Wallops  Island,  Va.,  was  characterized  by  excellent  instrumenta- 
tion performance  and  provided  much  useful  data  on  the  nature  of  ionospheric 
irregularities.  In  this  test  the  rocket  was  fired  into  the  ionosphere  during 
known  disturbed  conditions,  bearing  a  4.07  megacycles  per  second  (Mc/s) 
ionosonde  to  an  altitude  of  about  1,070  kilometers  (km)  to  the  east  of  the 
launching  site.  This  experiment  was  performed,  like  the  previous  rocket- 
borne  sounding  of  June  1961,  to  determine  if  ionized  layers  appear  the  same 


when  probed  from  above  as  when  investigated  by  conventional  earth-bound 
sounders,  as  well  as  to  observe  soundings  made  during  transit  through  the 
ionized  layer. 

The  rocket  was  intentionally  fired  while  spread-/1  echoes  were  observed 
using  the  bottomside  sounder,  to  determine  if  similarly  disturbed  condi- 
tions prevailed  on  the  upper  side  also.  Both  normal  echoes  and  spread  echoes 
were  observed  during  the  first  half  of  the  flight.  The  spread  echoes  were 
at  a  range  six  to  eight  percent  greater  than  the  normal  echoes,  suggesting 
that  they  were  due  to  longitudinal  propagation  in  ducts  caused  by  ionization 
alined  along  the  earth's  magnetic  field. 

Analysis  of  data  obtained  in  this  experiment  showed  that  ionization 
irregularities  responsible  for  spread-/^  conditions  noted  in  bottomside 
measurements  actually  extend  into  the  upper  ionosphere  to  an  altitude  of  at 
least  1,000  km.  The  local  ionization  irregularities  detected  were  typically 
about  2  km  in  diameter  and  at  an  east-west  spacing  of  1  to  30  km.  Analysis 
of  the  variation  of  virtual  ionospheric  depth  with  rocket  altitude  determined 
the  neutral  atmosphere  scale  height  to  be  53  ±2  km  between  the  altitudes  of 
375  and  600  km,  equivalent  to  a  temperature  of  about  850  °K  in  an  atmos- 
phere composed  predominantly  of  atomic  oxygen.  This  can  be  compared 
with  a  scale  height  of  72  km  and  temperature  of  about  1,150  °K  obtained 
in  the  first  rocket  test,  which  took  place  about  sunset  in  late  June  1961. 

These  results  have  several  important  effects  on  the  design  of  a  satellite 
topside  sounder  experiment.  The  receiver  characteristics,  for  example, 
are  being  modified  to  accommodate  the  strong  signals  received  as  the 
ionosonde  passes  through  a  duct.  Also,  preparations  are  being  made  in 
the  satellite  sounder  data  analysis  program  for  handling  longitudinally 
propagated  echoes  as  well  as  normally  propagated  returns.  This  program 
is  a  joint  effort  with  the  Airborne  Instruments  Company  and  is  sponsored 
by  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration. 

Solar  Flares  and  Their  Radio  Effects,  Recent  worldwide  cooperation 
of  more  than  fifty  solar  observatories  achieved  an  almost  continuous  solar 
flare  patrol.  This  is  of  interest  to  NBS  because  the  appearance  of  solar 
flares  is  accompanied  by  marked  radio  disturbances.  Unfortunately,  sys- 
tematic errors  in  estimates  of  flare  areas  and  magnitude  are  inevitably 
present  because  of  the  large  number  of  investigators  involved.  A  machine 
program  to  group  reports  of  a  single  flare  and  to  normalize  on  a  common 
scale  each  reported  area  and  importance  value  was  completed.  The  pro- 
gram was  applied  to  the  flares  reported  in  the  CRPL  F-series  for  the  IGY; 
the  resulting  grouped  and  normalized  flare  list  and  a  description  of  the 
methods  used  were  published  in  the  IGY  Solar  Activity  Report  Series, 
No.  17. 

The  phase  of  VLF  radio  waves  is  proving  to  be  a  sensitive  indicator  of 
radiation  from  solar  flares.  Changes  in  phase  indicates  a  change  in  reflec- 
tion height  and  is  a  measure  of  the  ionizing  effect  in  the  lowest  part  of  the 
ionosphere.  It  is  found  that  the  phase  excursion  can  indicate  quite  different 
ionizing   properties    for    the    flare    than    would    be    deduced    from    optical 





Four-stage,  solid-propellant  rocket  which  carried  the  second  topside  sounder 
package  to  a  height  of  1070  kilometers  for  soundings  of  a  disturbed  ionosphere. 
Results  of  the  sub-orbital  flight  suggested  modifications  to  make  the  proposed 
satellite  package  more  effective.     (See  p.  130.) 

measurement  of  flare  importance,  based  on  the  affected  area  of  the  suns 
physical  surface.  An  example  is  a  flare  of  optical  importance  3+  on 
March  22,  1962  which  produced  small  ionospheric  effects. 

The  ionospheric  effects  of  solar  flares  have  also  been  studied  by  spectral 
analyses  of  reflected  HF  radio  signals.  A  statistical  study  of  transmissions 
from  WWV  and  Boulder  transmitters  showed  that  more  flare  events  can 
be  detected  by  this  technique  than  by  those  which  depend  on  increased  ioniza- 
tion produced  in  the  D-region.  In  this  technique  excursions  of  received 
frequency,  from  a  few  tenths  of  a  cycle  to  the  order  of  ten  cycles,  identify 
the  presence  of  ionization  produced  between  the  E  and  F  layers,  in  addition 
to  that  in  the  D-region.  The  frequency  variations  observed  bear  a  direct 
relationship  to  the  time  variation  in  the  flux  of  solar  ionizing  radiation. 

A  study  of  certain  solar  flares  indicates  that  large  solar  flares  followed 
by  cosmic  ray  increases  at  sea  level  often  produce  a  short  increase  in  F-region 

Theory  of  the  Formation  of  the  Ionosphere.  Recently  H.  E.  Hin- 
teregger  of  the  Air  Force  Cambridge  Research  Laboratories  made  accurate 


rocket  observations  of  the  solar  extreme  ultraviolet  flux  for  various  heights. 
The  rates  of  photoionization  of  the  atmospheric  gases  can  be  computed  from 
these  fluxes.  With  known  rates  of  photoionization  and  a  reasonable  scheme 
of  recombination  reactions  it  is  now  possible  to  achieve  a  fit  between  the 
theoretical  and  observed  ionospheres  by  adjusting  the  rate  coefficients  of 
the  different  reactions.  For  this  it  was  necessary  to  assume  that  (a)  the 
rate  of  the  ion-atom  exchange  reaction,  N+2  +  0->NO  +  N,  is  greater  than 
the  dissociative  recombination  of  N+2;  (b)  the  rate  coefficients  for  dissocia- 
tive recombination  of  02+  and  N0+  are  of  the  order  of  10~7  cm3/sec  (con- 
sistent with  laboratory  measurements  but  ten  times  larger  than  most 
previous  ionospheric  determinations)  ;  and  (c)  that  these  rate  coefficients 
are  proportional  to  T~n  where  n  lies  between  ^2  and  1« 

Further  study  of  these  processes  should  lead  to  more  precise  values  of  the 
rate  coefficients,  to  an  evaluation  of  other  reactions,  and  to  a  more  detailed 
understanding  of  the  neutral  atmosphere. 

LoW'Latitude  Propagation  Effects.  Low-latitude  radio  propagation 
experiments  were  performed  in  Africa,  sponsored  jointly  by  the  United 
States  Information  Agency  and  the  Bureau.  Time-delay  and  fading  meas- 
urements over  a  six-week  period  in  September  and  October  1961  were  made 
of  high-frequency  transmissions  over  the  3,300-km  path  from  Tripoli,  Libya, 
to  Accra,  Ghana.  The  most  interesting  phenomenon  discovered  was  the 
appearance  of  highly  spread  echoes  on  the  records  just  after  sunset,  at 
maximum  frequencies  exceeding  50  Mc/s.  The  time-delay  varied  from 
one  ionogram  to  the  next,  suggesting  that  the  reflections  resulted  from 
scattering  by  rapidly  moving  clouds  of  electrons. 

A  similar  conclusion  was  obtained  from  spectral  analyses  of  fading 
signals.  It  was  deduced  that  during  the  evening  signals  are  reflected  from 
electron  clouds  elongated  along  the  earth's  magnetic  field  and  moving  from 
west  to  east  with  velocities  on  the  order  of  100  meters  per  second. 

Operations  Research.  The  previously  used  methods  of  predicting  the 
monthly  median  value  of  the  critical  frequency  were  analyzed  statistically, 
with  the  assistance  of  the  mathematical  statistics  consultant,  in  a  study  of 
the  ionospheric  prediction  services.  A  new  method  of  predicting  the  critical 
frequency  developed  is  based  solely  on  past  data,  but  produces  prediction 
accuracies  comparable  to  those  using  present  counts  of  sunspot  numbers. 
This  study  is  being  continued. 

Tropospheric  Propagation  and  Radio  Noise 

Most  efficient  use  of  the  radiofrequency  spectrum  is  the  aim  of  the  Bureau's 
program  in  tropospheric  propagation  and  radio  noise.  Attaining  this  objec- 
tive requires  a  basic  understanding  of  radio-wave  propagation,  noise,  and 
interference.  To  this  end  theoretical  and  semi-empirical  prediction  methods 
are  developed  and  compared  with  statistical  samples  of  data  on  radio-wave 
propagation  and  radio  noise.  During  the  past  year,  a  major  part  of  the 
effort  was  devoted  to  work  in  support  of  the  activities  of  the  Consultative 


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Array  of  25  antennas  used  to  study  the  effects  of  ionospheric  irregularities  on 
radio  signals  propagated  over  long  distances.     (See  p.  144.) 

Committee  on  International  Radio.  This  change  of  emphasis  was  made  in 
anticipation  of  the  Xth  Plenary  Assembly  of  the  C.C.I.R.  to  be  held  in  New 
Delhi,  India,  in  January  and  February  of  1963  and  the  International  Tele- 
communications Union  Extraordinary  Administrative  Radio  Conference  on 
Space  Radiocommunication,  including  Radio  Astronomy,  to  be  held  in 
Geneva,  Switzerland,  in  September  1963. 

Reports  to  the  C.C.I.R.  The  advent  of  space  radio  communication 
focused  attention  on  the  need  for  more  precise  methods  for  predicting  the 
characteristics  of  radio  signals  after  propagation  through  the  troposphere. 
It  is  now  generally  recognized  that  the  large  portions  of  the  radio  spectrum 
needed  for  long-range  space  satellite  communications  systems  can  be  obtained 
only  by  developing  cooperative  use  techniques  for  the  portions  of  the  spec- 
trum (between  1  and  10  gigacycles  per  second  (Gc/s) )  now  extensively  used 
for  line-of-sight  radio  relays.  Such  sharing  appears  feasible  and  it  only 
remains  to  develop  (1)  methods  for  assigning  the  locations  of  the  earth  space 
service  stations  for  negligible  mutual  interference  between  the  space  and 
terrestrial  radio  relay  services  and  (2)  methods  for  maintaining  a  proper 
balance  between  the  radio  power  radiated  by  the  two  systems. 

In  support  of  the  C.C.I.R.  program  the  Bureau  prepared  16  reports  for 
several  C.C.I.R.  study  groups.  Reports  were  made  to  the  receiver  study 
group  on  figures  of  merit  for  radio  receiving  systems  in  the  presence  of  noise, 
system  sensitivity,  receiver  and  operating  noise  factors,  and  operating  noise 
temperature.  The  three  reports  to  the  study  group  on  space  systems  dealt 
with  spectrum  sharing  by  earth  and  space  telecommunication  links,  tropo- 
spheric  factors  affecting  this  sharing,  and  the  feasibility  of  radioastronomical 


observations  in  bands  used  by  terrestrial  communications  systems.  The 
reports  to  the  propagation  study  group  covered  the  topics  of  transmission  loss 
prediction,  climatological  data,  radio-meteorological  parameters,  the  radio 
refractive  index  of  air,  and  tropospheric  factors  affecting  sharing  of  space  and 
terrestrial  communications  systems.  The  reports  submitted  to  the  iono- 
spheric propagation  study  group  discussed  the  measurement  of  atmospheric 
and  manmade  radio  noise.  The  C.C.I.R.  study  group  on  standard  frequen- 
cies and  time  signals  was  given  a  report  on  a  cause  of  reduced  stability  and 
accuracy  of  received  time-  and  frequency-standard  signals. 

Electromagnetic  Theory.  A  number  of  seemingly  unrelated  topics, 
loosely  classified  under  electromagnetic  theory,  were  considered  by  methods 
having  much  in  common. 

Reflection  Coefficients.  Previously  developed  theory  for  propagation 
between  a  spherical  earth  and  a  concentric  ionosphere  was  advanced  by  em- 
ploying an  idea  of  Brekhovskikh  to  derive  an  expression  for  the  reflection 
coefficient  of  a  continuously  stratified  ionized  medium.  The  result  is  in  the 
form  of  a  series  whose  first  term  is  a  Fresnel-type  coefficient  and  succeeding 
terms  account  for  the  finite  thickness  of  the  transition  layer. 

Propagation  in  Irregular  Layers.  Understanding  propagation  in 
irregular  layers  was  aided  by  an  approximate  treatment  of  modes  in  a  wave- 
guide of  variable  width.  It  was  assumed  that  the  boundaries  satisfy  imped- 
ance-type boundary  conditions.  The  model  used  consists  of  two  parallel- 
plate  waveguide  regions  connected  by  a  linearly  tapered  section.  The  results 
have  application  to  the  theory  of  VLF  radio-wave  propagation  when  the  ion- 
ospheric heights  are  not  constant  along  the  path. 

Field  Intensity  in  Waveguide.  A  simplified  treatment  of  propagation 
in  the  earth-ionosphere  waveguide  was  carried  out  to  describe  some  of  the 
broad  features  of  VLF  propagation  in  a  relatively  concise  fashion.  It  was 
shown  that  if  the  square  of  field  amplitude  is  averaged  over  the  width  of  the 
waveguide  a  very  simple  formula  for  the  averaged  intensity  is  obtained. 

Reflection  From  Changing  Strata.  The  oblique  reflection  of  plane 
electromagnetic  waves  from  a  continuously  stratified  medium  was  considered 
by  means  of  various  approximations.  The  WKB  (Wentcel-Kramers-Bril- 
louin)  method  and  its  extension  are  most  suitable  for  slowly  varying  profiles, 
but  certain  modifications  must  be  made  when  the  ray  has  a  turning  point.  It 
was  shown  that  under  this  situation  the  phase  integral  method  is  applicable 
and  that  when  the  medium  is  rapidly  varying  the  adoption  of  an  alternative 
approach  is  particularly  suitable  at  low  frequencies. 

Field  at  Localized  Obstruction.  The  field  of  an  electric  dipole  at  a 
smooth  spherical  or  cylindrical  surface  containing  a  localized  obstruction 
was  studied  for  application  to  ground  wave  propagation.  An  approximate 
solution  was  obtained  by  combining  the  rigorous  theory  of  diffraction  by  a 
sphere  and  the  approximate  Kirchoff  diffraction  theory  for  black  screens. 

Reflection  From  a  Grid  Ground  Plane.  The  reflection  of  electro- 
magnetic waves  from  a  parallel  wire  grid  near  the  interface  plane  of  two 
media  was  applied  in  the  design  of  radial  wire  ground  systems  for  vertical 


monopole  systems.  It  was  found  that  when  the  incident  wave  is  polarized 
with  the  magnetic  vector  perpendicular  to  the  grid  wires  the  grid  can  be  rep- 
resented by  a  pure  shunt  element  in  the  equivalent  transmission  line  circuit. 

Reflections  at  Stratified  Plasma.  Boundary  value  problems  involving 
plasma  media  in  certain  two-dimensional  configurations  were  analyzed  for 
exact  solutions.  Explicit  results  were  obtained  for  the  reflection  coefficients 
of  stratified  plasma  in  planar  and  cylindrical  geometry. 

Path  Impedance  Formulas.  Mutual  impedance  formulas  were  devel- 
oped for  two-  and  three-section  paths  between  two  vertical  electric  dipoles  on 
the  surface  of  an  inhomogeneous  spherical  earth  in  a  form  suitable  for  compu- 
tation. The  path  parts  between  the  dipole  antennas  were  homogeneous  and 
surface  impedances  were  constant.  Specific  numerical  results  were  presented 
for  combinations  of  frequencies  from  20  to  1000  kc/s  and  conductivities  from 
10  millimhos/meter  to  4  mhos/meter. 

Point-Point  Moon  Communication.  Manned  flights  to  the  moon  were 
anticipated  in  a  program  sponsored  by  the  Jet  Propulsion  Laboratory  to 
establish  guides  for  planning  communications  between  exploring  parties 
and  base  installations  on  the  surface  of  the  moon.  The  transmitter  power 
needed  to  obtain  a  desired  receiver  signal-to-noise  ratio  at  specified  distances 
was  predicted.  Plots  of  lunar  ground-wave  attenuation  were  derived  in  this 
project  and  ground-proximity  losses  for  the  antennas  suggested  and  the 
expected  noise  sources  discussed  in  the  report  on  this  work. 

VLF  Microwave  Models.  A  multimode  waveguide  is  being  constructed 
for  simulating  low-frequency  propagation  between  the  earth  and  ionosphere 
with  frequency  scaled  upward  to  the  microwave  region.  This  waveguide. 
now  nearing  completion,  is  approximately  8  free-space  wavelengths  in  height 
and  250  wavelengths  long.  In  this  double-height  waveguide,  the  field  in  the 
lower  half  of  the  guide  corresponds  to  the  field  in  the  earth-ionosphere 
"waveguide."  It  was  constructed  in  such  a  manner  that  perturbations  in  the 
ionosphere  can  be  simulated  in  it.  During  construction  of  the  waveguide, 
experimental  and  theoretical  studies  were  conducted  on  launching  the  desired 
modes  in  the  waveguide  and  on  methods  of  measuring  the  field  in  the  guide  to 
determine  the  effect  of  perturbations  in  the  walls. 

Analog  Correlation  Computer.  An  analog  system  for  computing  the 
statistical  correlation  coefficients  for  radio  propagation  and  associated  data 
was  developed.  Signals  to  be  analyzed  are  derived  from  data  recorded  on 
magnetic  tape.  The  analysis  can  be  performed  in  either  real  time  or  speeded 
up  in  playback  time  by  factors  as  high  as  100,  referenced  to  recorded  time. 
The  system  was  designed  to  provide  two  basic  types  of  correlation  analysis. 
using  both  standard  and  modified  analog  computing  techniques.  Auto-  or 
cross-correlation  parameters  can  be  computed  for  discrete  values  of  time 
delay  (r)  for  a  wide  range  of  sample  lengths  or  averaging  time,  chosen  for  a 
sample  length  or,  with  a  series  of  averaging  periods,  a  time-history  of  the 

A  complete  correlogram  can  be  derived  and  plotted  automatically  as  a 
continuous  function  in   (r),  in  place  of  the  conventional  point  plot  of  the 


function  for  discrete  values  of  (t).  This  type  of  analysis  is  performed  on 
finite  data  samples,  using  a  dynamic  time  delay  translated  to  the  computer 
from  a  special-purpose  tape  transport  as  a  linear  function  in  time.  The  com- 
puter contains  an  automatic  self-normalizing  system  for  computing  the  cor- 
relation coefficient  and  accepts  input  data  in  the  —100  to  +  100-volt  range 
over  a  bandwidth  of  0  to  10  kc/s. 

Statistical  Studies,  Data  on  distribution  functions  of  vector  time  series 
were  studied,  with  the  assistance  of  the  mathematical  statistics  consultant,  to 
obtain  more  reliable  estimates  of  distribution,  density,  and  other  functions 
of  transmission. 

Samples  of  Atmospheric  Radio  Noise.  A  magnetic-tape  system  for 
recording  atmospheric  radio  noise  was  developed  and  put  into  operation. 
The  various  statistical  analyses  performed  on  the  recorded  sample  of  the 
noise  envelope  are  extremely  useful  in  determinating  the  correlation  be- 
tween various  parameters  of  the  noise  and  error-rate  measurements. 

The  tape  system  consists  of  a  seven-track  tape  recorder  and  auxiliary 
equipment  using  the  noise  to  frequency-modulate  the  recorded  signal.  The 
auxiliary  equipment  breaks  up  the  IF  signal  received  from  the  ARN-2 
Radio  Noise  Recorder  into  five  detected  noise  envelopes  of  specific  band- 
widths  and  amplitudes  for  the  tape  recorder.  The  radio  noise  in  the  20-c/s 
(approximate)  bandwidth  is  recorded  on  one  track  and  the  low-probability, 
high-amplitude,  and  the  overlapping  low-amplitude  noise  in  the  200-c/s  and 
2000-c/s  (approximate)  bandwidths  are  recorded  on  individual  channels  of 
the  tape. 

Tape  recordings  of  VHF  signals  scattered  from  the  ionosphere  are  analyzed  to 
determine  the  characteristics  of  this  type  of  propagation.     (See  p.  144.) 

662336  O— 62- 



The  recorded  noise  information  is  reduced  to  the  following  statistical 
functions  by  equipment  previously  developed  at  NBS:  The  amplitude-prob- 
ability distribution  function,  the  amplitude-probability  density  function, 
the  envelope  crossing  rate  distribution  for  varous  levels,  and  the  pulse-spac- 
ing duration  distribution  function  for  various  levels.  The  autocorrelation 
function  is  also  to  be  investigated.  Parameters  derived  from  these  functions 
are  compared  with  error  rate  measurements  by  an  electronic  computer  to 
predict  the  performance  of  a  given  communication  system  in  the  presence 
of  atmospheric  noise. 

Efficient  Television  Assignment.  The  growth  in  the  number  of  tele- 
vision channel  assignments  makes  it  advisable  before  making  future  assign- 
ments to  determine  the  geographical  separation  of  VHF  television  stations 
required  for  interference-free  reception.  Meeting  the  demands  for  assign- 
ments now  anticipated  will  require  that  this  portion  of  the  spectrum  be  used 
as  efficiently  as  possible,  which  implies  that  station  separation  be  reduced 
until  service  is  limited  by  interference,  rather  than  by  natural  noise. 

Methods  of  making  television  channel  assignments  are  now  being  studied 
by  the  Bureau,  making  use  of  alternating  polarization,  precise  offset  carriers, 
and  antenna  directivity,  to  discriminate  between  the  wanted  and  unwanted 

The  study  indicates  that  present  minimum  co-channel  spacings  could  be 
halved  with  only  a  minor  reduction  in  the  areas  served  by  individual  stations. 
Assignments  from  the  12  VHF  channels  could  be  made  to  twice  as  many 
markets  as  at  present,  with  the  possibility  of  six  outlets  for  102  markets  and 
four  or  more  for  167  markets,  instead  of  for  only  17  markets,  as  at  present. 

Over-Water  Transmission  Loss  Measurements.  Transmission  loss 
measurements  are  being  made  over  a  300-km  path  across  a  portion  of  the 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  in  cooperation  with  the  U.S.  Air  Force,  to  improve  propaga- 
tion prediction  methods.  Simultaneous  radio  and  meteorological  measure- 
ments will  be  made  for  a  period  of  one  year.  The  data  obtained  will  help 
to  improve  prediction  methods  for  over-water  scatter  paths,  for  which  data 
at  this  latitude  are  very  limited. 

Bandwidth  of  Tropospheric  Scatter  Systems.  Tests  have  been  made 
which  will  lead  to  improved  prediction  of  the  bandwidth  capabilities  of  long- 
distance tropospheric-scatter  radio  paths.  Tests  in  a  continuing  series  of 
experiments  indicate  that  the  commonly  used  distance  dependence  may  not 
adequately  describe  the  variations  actually  encountered  on  paths  of  different 
lengths.  The  present  experiments  are  investigating  the  correlation  of  band- 
width to  the  performance  of  specific  systems. 

Surface-Satellite  Communication-Interference.  Artificial  earth  sat- 
ellites have  opened  up  new  horizons  in  long-distance  communication  possibili- 
ties. Optimum  frequencies  for  satellite  communication  purposes  lie 
generally  in  the  1  to  10-Gc/s  portion  of  the  radiofrequency  spectrum.  This 
portion  of  the  spectrum  is  now  used  by  many  communication  services,  with 
which  satellite  communication  systems  using  these  frequencies  would  be 
expected  to  share  the  use. 


The  conditions  under  which  these  frequencies  can  be  shared  by  conven- 
tional point-to-point  microwave  relays  and  satellite  systems  were  predicted. 
Studies  indicate  that  frequency  assignments  can  be  shared  with  adequate 
geographical  separation  of  terminals  and  proper  consideration  to  antenna 
directivity.  Theoretical  studies  and  an  experimental  program  using  60- 
foot  parabolic  antennas  were  conducted  to  determine  the  minimum  separation 
distance  and  antenna  elevation  angles  for  the  space  communication  system, 
to  keep  the  unwanted  signals  at  the  receiver  input  terminals  below  the  inter- 
fering level.  The  effects  of  scattering  from  aircraft  were  reported.  Meas- 
urements of  the  cumulative  distributions  of  the  directive  gain  of  a  60-foot 
diameter  parabolic  antenna  provide  the  basis  for  a  tentative  description  of 
antenna  patterns  for  predicting  possible  interference.  These  measurements 
will  be  conducted  over  an  extended  period  in  order  to  make  reliable  estimates 
of  interfering  conditions. 

Air'Ground  UHF~TV  Measurements.  Data  on  air-to-ground  trans- 
mission are  now  being  collected  to  predict  coverage  attainable  for  airborne 
broadcasts.  The  study  of  signal  variability  is  of  primary  importance  in 
determining  the  reliability  of  service  fields  and  the  potental  interference  to 
other  services  for  air-ground  communication  systems.  Only  relatively  low 
terminals  (with  a  mountain  top  simulating  the  aircraft  in  flight)  were  used 
in  previous  systematic  data  recording  plans,  and  the  applicability  of  such 
data  to  aircraft  flying  at  great  heights  was  not  known.  Signal  variations 
depend  on  the  terminal  height  as  well  as  on  the  steepness  with  which  radio 
waves  traverse  atmospheric  irregularities,  such  as  layers. 

The  complex  antenna  system  of  the  U.S.N.S.  Eltanin  was  evaluated  using  a 
60:1  scale  model  ship  and  the  NBS  antenna  test  range.  The  Eltanin  is  a  Na- 
tional Science  Foundation  ship  designed  for  geophysical  research  in  the  Ant- 
arctic.    (See  p.  145.) 


A  unique  opportunity  for  the  systematic  collection  of  data  on  transmission 
was  presented  by  the  television  transmissions  from  an  aircraft  flying  at  23,000 
feet  elevation,  undertaken  in  connection  with  the  Midwest  Program  on  Air- 
borne Television  Instruction.  Signals  in  the  800  to  850  Mc/s  range  received 
over  several  different  paths  from  within  to  slightly  beyond  the  radio  horizon 
are  being  recorded.  Analysis  methods  now  being  developed  will  permit 
separation  of  the  flight  pattern  of  the  aircraft  as  a  component  in  the  observed 
signal  variations  recognizable  from  the  variability  introduced  by  the  atmos- 
phere. Ultimate  results  of  this  study  may  permit  performance  prediction 
of  air-ground  communication  systems  in  the  UHF  range  for  given  system 
parameters  and  for  a  given  flight  pattern  of  the  airborne  terminal. 

Special  Refraction  Effects.  A  system  of  equations  has  been  derived 
for  determining  range  errors  as  a  function  of  refractive  index  characteristics 
(primarily  the  surface  value,  Ns).  The  system  forms  a  general  method  for 
correcting  baseline  type  tracking  systems  at  any  arbitrary  location,  and 
allows  between  97  percent  and  98.5  percent  of  the  systematic  error  due  to 
tropospheric  refraction  to  be  removed.  This  method  was  checked  against 
hypothetical  cases  for  targets  located  in  observed  two-dimensional  /V-profiles. 

Refraction  Effects  in  Microwave  Tracking  Systems.  Modern  pre- 
cision missile  radio  guidance  systems  using  microwaves  are  limited  in  ulti- 
mate accuracy  by  refractive  index  irregularities  in  the  troposphere.  An 
improvement  in  accuracy  is  being  sought  by  conducting  a  program  to  measure 
the  effects  of  atmospheric  inhomogeneities  and  turbulence  on  such  systems. 
An  experimental  tracking  system  was  constructed  on  the  unique  terrain  of 
the  Boulder  area,  using  specially  developed  techniques,  to  simulate  the  basic 
functions  of  the  Mistram  system  being  built  for  the  Air  Force.  This  system 
is  being  used  to  record  variations  in  apparent  positions  resulting  from 
atmospheric  variations.  Simultaneous  recordings  are  made  of  atmospheric 
variations  and  refractive  index  at  each  of  the  antennas  in  the  system  and 
at  various  levels  on  a  tower  near  the  system  terminals.  Microwave  refrac- 
tometer  measurements  are  made,  in  addition,  by  aircraft  flying  approximately 
along  the  propagation  paths.  These  data  are  being  examined  for  correlation 
with  the  apparent  position  variations  of  a  fixed  target  simulating  a  missile  to 
investigate  the  feasibility  of  using  such  data  for  correcting  the  radio  system 
data.  Preliminary  work  showed  that  some  of  the  long-term  (several  hours 
and  more)  errors  can  be  reduced  significantly  by  proper  atmospheric  meas- 
urements. However,  no  methods  have  been  found  as  yet  to  make  significant 
or  reliable  correction  for  the  short-term  (hourly  or  less)  effects. 

Sky  Temperature  Theory.  A  computer  program  was  developed  to 
calculate  the  thermal  noise  temperatures  to  be  expected  in  the  troposphere. 
Preliminary  calculations,  made  using  older  estimates  of  water  vapor  and 
oxygen  molecules,  are  now  being  revised  in  accordance  with  the  present 
estimates  of  water  molecule  parameters.  Further  modification  may  be  neces- 
sary when  more  exact  parameters  for  the  oxygen  molecule  are  known. 

The  program  includes  rain  absorption  parameters.  Sufficient  information 
for  other  gaseous  and  nongaseous  components  is  not  available  for  inclusion 
in  the  present  calculations. 



— ./'.  ., 

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The  NBS  Jicamarca  Radio  Observatory  located  near  Lima,  Peru.  This  facility 
provides  a  powerful  and  very  sensitive  research  tool  for  ground-based  observa- 
tions of  the  ionosphere,  exosphere,  interplanetary  medium,  and  the  sun.  (See 
p.  147.) 

Radio  Systems 

The  aim  of  the  Bureau's  program  in  radio  systems  is  to  provide  technical 
information  to  Government  and  industry  on  radio  propagation  factors  affect- 
ing design  and  use  of  radio  systems.  The  emphasis  of  this  work  is  on  long- 
range  radio  transmission  problems  and  methods  of  measurement  for  radio 
communication,  navigation,  timing,  detection,  and  positioning  systems. 
Radio  wave  propagation  studies  are  carried  out  for  ionospheric,  ground- 
wave,  and  line-of-sight  paths  to  define  the  limitations,  disturbances,  and 
capacity  of  the  transmission  medium  as  a  channel.  The  information  ob- 
tained is  directed  toward  guidance  of  engineering  practices,  allocation  and 
use  of  radio  frequencies,  and  evaluation  of  system  capabilities  and  limita- 
tions. Standards  and  methods  of  measurement  are  developed  for  radio  sys- 
tems to  fulfill  the  needs  of  federal  agencies  and  industry  involved  in  radio 
telecommunication  operation  and  regulation.  Studies  of  information  theory 
and  coding,  modulation,  and  antenna  design  are  directed  toward  improve- 
ment of  the  reliability  of  systems  and  to  the  efficient  utilization  of  the  radio 
frequency  spectrum.  Consulting  and  advisory  work  is  done  in  accordance 
with  the  needs  of  other  government,  commercial,  and  scientific  agencies. 

Frequency  Utilization.  New  services  were  established  for  computation 
of  HF  radiopath  performance  and  optimum  frequencies.  Comprehensive 
computer  programs  were  completed  for  obtaining  maximum  usable  frequency, 


frequency  of  optimum  transmission,  lowest  usable  frequency,  field  strength, 
signal-to-noise  ratio,  and  circuit  reliability.  A  fee  schedule  was  proposed 
for  services  such  as  making  these  computations  for  government  and  com- 
mercial agencies. 

Applied  Electromagnetic  Theory.  The  nature  of  low-frequency 
radio  wave  propagation  around  the  earth  is,  in  large  measure,  determined 
by  the  shape  of  the  lower  ionosphere  electron-ion  density  transition  region. 
A  computational  technique  which  has  been  developed  utilizes  a  flexible 
theoretical  plasma  model  which  can  fit  most  measured  electron-ion  altitude 
profiles.  The  reflections  and  transmissions  in  the  ionosphere  can  be  deter- 
mined with  the  aid  of  this  model,  together  with  available  geophysical  data 
on  the  ionosphere  and  with  the  aid  of  classical  magneto-ionic  theory  for 
quiescent  and  disturbed  propagation  conditions.  The  complex  indices  of 
refraction  of  the  medium  were  deduced  and  a  coupling  in  the  plasma  between 
ordinary  and  extraordinary,  upgoing  and  downgoing  modes  of  propagation 
investigated.  The  corresponding  reflection  and  transmission  coefficients 
were  then  calculated  and  certain  phenomena  predicted  as  the  expected  results 
of  a  solar  disturbance  on  the  reflection  process.  The  average  electron-ion 
collision  frequencies  of  the  classical  magneto-ionic  theory  were  modified  to 
introduce  electron  collisions  with  a  linear  Maxwellian  energy  distribution 
dependence.  Although  some  interesting  changes  of  detail  in  the  reflection 
coefficients  were  obtained,  in  general  the  application  of  the  continuously 
stratified  layer  concept  to  models  of  the  ionosphere  having  such  electron 
collisions  does  not  drastically  change  the  coefficients. 

The  rigorous  mathematical  treatment  for  the  propagation  of  a  radio  wave 
from  a  Hertz  dipole  source  current  moment  around  a  finitely  conducting 
spherical  earth  surrounded  by  a  concentric  electron-ion  plasma  can  be 
expressed  as  a  series  of  zonal  harmonics.  Such  a  solution  to  the  problem 
was  previously  obtained  for  the  terrestrial  sphere  without  a  concentric 
plasma,  but  the  summation  of  the  series  was  then  considered  to  be  imprac- 
tical and  the  Watson  transformation  was  introduced.  A  new  numerical 
technique  was  developed  at  the  Bureau  whereby  the  field  of  the  propagated 
radio  wave  less  than  50  kc/s  can  be  evaluated  by  a  summation  of  a  series 
of  zonal  harmonics.  The  speed  with  which  the  terms  can  be  summed  on  an 
electronic  computer  makes  it  feasible  to  use  the  summation  technique. 
despite  the  large  number  of  terms,  instead  of  the  Watson  transformation. 
The  structure  of  the  field  in  the  absence  of  a  concentric  plasma  is  charac- 
terized by  the  quite  regular  behavior  of  the  ground  wave  as  a  function  of 
distance.  The  steady  decrement  of  the  ground  wave  field  is  modified  only 
near  the  antipode,  at  which  a  standing  wave  pattern  which  is  a  function  of 
distance  is  created  where  waves  circling  the  sphere  in  different  directions 
meet.  The  concentric  electron-ion  plasma  shell  traps  the  waves  heading 
out  into  space  and  reflection  from  the  plasma  augments  traveling  waves  at 
increased  distances  from  the  transmitter.  Thus,  the  series  of  zonal  har- 
monics is  comprised  of  individual  waves  traveling  in  the  radial  direction 



Receiving  stations  at  opposite  ends  of  a  magnetic  line  of  force  can  often 
observe  the  same  geophysical  event  simultaneously.  Many  such  events  were 
recorded  at  the  conjugate  stations  of  Le  Relais,  Canada,  and  Eights  (Sky-Hi), 
Antarctica.  The  information  contributed  to  a  better  understanding  of  the 
behavior  of  energetic  particles  and  their  effect  on  the  earth's  ionosphere,  and 
the  mechanisms  of  the  production  and  propagation  of  VLF  emissions.  (See 
p.  148.) 

with  respect  to  the  center  of  the  sphere  and  standing  in  the  direction  of 
increased  angular  distance  around  the  sphere,  building  up  in  the  direction 
of  increased  angular  distance.  Under  special  circumstances,  standing 
waves  can  be  noted,  especially  near  the  antipode  of  the  transmitter. 

Experimental  Ionospheric  Propagation,  The  continuing  program 
using  the  Loran-C  navigation  system  (,100  kc/s)  in  propagation  studies  has 
revealed  that  some  solar  flares  produce  a  phase  advance  in  the  first-hop 
sky  wave,  corresponding  to  a  lowering  of  the  D-region,  while  other  flares 
produce  a  phase  retardation,  and  still  other  flares  cause  little  if  any  change. 
Usually  an  increase  in  signal  amplitude  accompanies  the  phase  advances, 
while  either  an  increase  or  a  decrease  in  amplitude  may  be  associated  with 
the  retardations.  A  sparsely  ionized  begion  below  the  D-layer  could  con- 
tribute significant  attenuation  with  virtually  no  influence  on  the  phase, 
while  somewhat  greater  ionization  would  affect  the  phase.  The  measure- 
ments tend  to  confirm  that  such  a  sparsely  ionized  region  below  the  ZMayer 
does  exist,  and  that  some  sort  of  particle  bombardment  is  responsible  for 
the  ionization  in  this  region,  since  amplitudes  have  been  related  to  magnetic 

High-frequency  propagation  studies  have  been  carried  on  in  behalf  of  the 
Department   of   Defense   Advanced   Research   Projects   Agency.      Measure- 


ment  of  wave-phase-path  changes,  wave-group  path  time  delays,  and  relative 
absorption  of  continuous  wave  (cw)  signals  reflected  from  the  ionosphere  at 
near  vertical  incidence  have  been  made  to  determine  the  short-term  behavior 
of  the  natural  ionosphere  in  relation  to  limitations  in  detection  of  nuclear 
explosions  at  long  ranges.  Both  short-  and  long-term  variations  are  being 
measured  in  an  effort  to  determine  sporadic  and  cyclic  effects.  Observations 
of  solar  flare  events  indicate  that  phase  path  change  is  much  greater  at 
4  Mc/s  than  at  2  Mc/s,  abnormal  rates  of  phase  change  occur  from  a  fraction 
of  a  minute  to  several  minutes  after  time  of  visual  observation,  and  the  mag- 
nitude of  phase  change  has  not  shown  a  relation  to  the  visual  importance  of 
the  flare.  This  program  is  being  expanded  to  study  short-term  phase  changes 
occurring  on  HF  oblique  paths. 

A  study  is  being  conducted  for  the  U.S.  Navy  Bureau  of  Ships  to  obtain 
information  on  sun-earth  relationships  and  ionospheric  variations  to  im- 
prove predictions  of  HF  circuit  performance.  Special  problems  studied  were 
the  inclusion  of  the  sporadic-^"  mode  in  prediction  computation,  worldwide 
patterns  of  f0F2  variation  and  repeatability,  and  backscatter  techniques  for 
monitoring  ionospheric  conditions. 

A  comprehensive  HF  propagation  study  was  undertaken  for  the  Rome  Air 
Development  Center  to  obtain  information  on  ionospheric  irregularities  and 
their  effect  upon  signals  propagated  over  long  distances.  Observations  of 
the  time  variation  in  phase,  range,  and  angle  of  arrival  are  being  made  on 
both  backscattered  and  forward  propagated  signals.  A  direction-finding 
array  of  25  log  periodic  antennas  covering  the  range  of  12  to  25  Mc/s  was 
recently  put  into  operation,  using  a  beam-scanning  rate  of  500  per  second  to 
observe  azimuthal  variations  of  signal  arrival.  Another  scanning  array  is 
under  construction  to  provide  data  on  the  variation  in  vertical  angle  of 

The  study  of  VHF  signals  scattered  from  the  D-region  was  continued. 
Analyses  of  fade  duration  at  different  thresholds  of  scattering  loss  at  five  fre- 
quencies gave  characteristic  wave  length  dependencies  of  speed  and  duration 
of  fading.  Little  difference  was  found  in  diurnal  curves  of  signal  intensity 
obtained  in  1958  and  in  1961.  This  is  another  confirmation  that  sunspots 
have  negligible  control  of  scatter  signals.  Observation  of  the  azimuthal 
variation  of  angle  of  arrival  of  the  scatter  signal  began,  utilizing  a  VHF 
scanning  array.  Cumulative  distributions  of  the  signals  received  at  various 
angles  of  arrival  differ  greatly  from  a  Rayleigh  distribution,  however,  and 
indicate  that  the  system  noise  level  is  so  great  that  the  data  obtained  so  far 
are  due  principally  to  reflections  from  bursts. 

A  program  for  investigating  the  characteristics  of  HF  signals  propagated 
through  the  exosphere  along  the  earth's  magnetic  field  lines  was  continued. 
Around-the-world  echoes  were  observed  on  numerous  occasions.  Signals 
which  could  be  ducted  exospheric  echoes,  or  other  than  around-the-world 
echoes  were  small  in  number  and  very  low  in  amplitude  when  observed. 

Surplus  radar  equipment  from  the  Ballistic  Missile  Early  Warning  System 
was  obtained  to  serve  as  a  nucleus  of  a  5-megawatt  transmitter  to  be  built 


as  a  basic  ionospheric  and  propagation  research  tool.  One  possible  future 
application  is  for  solar  radar  research.  Further  planning  for  construction 
of  the  transmitter  is  underway. 

Installation  of  equipment  to  make  infrasonic  observations  at  Boulder  was 
begun.  Observation  of  the  low  frequency  atmospheric  pressure  variations, 
made  in  conjunction  with  a  similar  station  operated  in  the  Washington,  D.C., 
laboratories,  will  be  correlated  with  other  investigations  of  ionospheric 

Antenna  Research.  The  principles  of  electronic  scanning  previously 
developed  were  adapted  for  long  range  ionospheric  radar  study  to  an  array 
of  25  planar  type  log-periodic  dipole  antennas.  The  broadside  array  is 
operable  over  a  frequency  range  of  12  to  25  Mc/s;  its  beamwidths  vary 
from  3°  at  12  Mc/s  to  1%°  at  25  Mc/s,  and  its  azimuthal  scan  sectors  vary 
from  90°  at  12  Mc/s  to  40°  at  25  Mc/s.  A  method  of  vertical  scanning 
to  determine  the  elevation  angle  of  arriving  signals  is  in  process  of  develop- 
ment. The  vertical  scanning  system  will  use  10  planar  log-periodic  dipole 
antennas  mounted  16  meters  apart  on  a  500-foot  supporting  tower.  The 
vertical  scan  will  extend  from  0  to  51°  at  an  operating  frequency  of  12 
Mc/s  and  from  0  to  22°  at  25  Mc/s. 

Studies  are  being  conducted  to  provide  an  antenna  with  a  relatively 
narrow  beam  which  can  be  steered  through  360°  in  azimuth.  A  receiving 
array  of  this  type,  made  up  of  concentric  circles  of  elements  with  close 
spacing  between  elements,  was  developed  under  Air  Force  sponsorship  for 
air/ground  communication  applications.  The  load  on  amplifiers  resulting 
from  varying  mutual  impedances  between  closed-spaced  elements  of  the 
array  would  cause  problems  during  steering  in  a  transmitting  array.  Large 
element  spacings  in  a  lattice  array,  with  phasings  departing  from  "co-phasal" 
just  enough  to  suppress  the  secondary  lobes,  are  being  considered  to  over- 
come the  variations  in  load.  Separate  RF  power  amplifiers  driven  by  a 
central  driver  stage  could  be  used  at  each  element  of  the  array  to  minimize 
the  problems  inherent  with  high  voltage  and  high  power  transmitters. 

Gain  contours  for  rhombic  antennas  can  be  plotted  directly  by  use  of 
programs  written  for  the  electronic  computer.  Contours  of  constant  gain 
for  elevation  and  azimuthal  angles  and  elevation  angle  as  a  function  of 
frequency  can  be  obtained  directly  from  the  computer  printer.  Programs 
are  also  available  for  plotting  the  radiation  patterns  in  any  plane. 

A  study  is  being  conducted  on  techniques  and  methods  of  measuring  radio- 
frequency  fields  under  practical  conditions.  An  aperture-synthesis  method 
developed  for  measuring  amplitude,  direction  of  arrival,  polarization,  and 
relative  phase  of  multipath  components  of  a  complex  field  is  now  being  tested. 
Field  strength  meters  are  being  examined  to  determine  their  adequacy  for 
both  cw  and  pulse  measurements. 

Modulation  Research.  Theoretical  element  error  rates  in  multiple- 
frequency-shift  keying  systems  were  calculated.  Symbol  error  rate  in  fre- 
quency-shift keying  systems  and  the  signal-to-noise  figures  of  frequency  mod- 
ulation and  pulse  code  modulation  frequency  shift  systems  were   studied 


for  wide  ranges  of  system  parameters.  A  continuing  analysis  is  being  made 
of  the  advantages  and  capabilities  of  error-detecting  and  error-correcting 
digital  codes  when  used  in  radio  links  that  are  subject  to  signal  fading  and 
interference.  It  was  found  that  for  certain  shifting  of  bits  within  a  cyclic 
code  word  the  linear  encoding  matrix  is  invariant  and  that  certain  error- 
correcting  patterns  are  more  effective  than  others.  Calculations  were  made 
which  show  the  effectiveness  of  a  number  of  Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghen 
codes  for  realistic  conditions  of  atmospheric  noise  interference  and  Rayleigh 
signal  fading.  Instrumentation  was  partially  completed  on  a  large,  flexible. 
digital  encoding-decoding  system  for  studying  error  rates  and  distributions 
and  their  relationship  to  noise  and  fading  of  digital  HF  signals. 

A  program  was  initiated  to  determine  experimentally  the  optimum  param- 
eters of  a  LF  digital  communication  circuit  which  will  provide  extremely 
reliable,  low-error-rate  long-distance  communication  under  all  ionospheric 
conditions.  Investigations  of  effective  methods  of  reducing  the  interference 
of  atmospheric  noise  in  VLF  communication  systems  were  continued. 

An  investigation  is  now  in  progress  to  determine  the  maximum  information 
rate  at  10  Gc/s  of  signals  between  a  space  vehicle  and  the  earth  at  low  ele- 
vation angles.    The  maximum  information  or  bandwidth  will  be  determined 

A  digital  recorder  of  the  data  output  from  night  airglow  photometers  has  re- 
duced the  time  necessary  for  processing  of  the  data  through  the  high-speed 
computer.      (See  p.  150.) 


by  multipath  propagation  effects  of  the  atmosphere,  since  the  ionosphere  has 
negligible  effect  on  propagation  at  this  frequency.  Propagation  information 
applicable  to  space  vehicle-to-earth  links  will  be  obtained  by  operation  of 
an  experimental  system  now  nearing  completion.  It  consists  of  equipment 
to  transmit  nanosecond  pulses  from  a  mountaintop  to  lower  receiving  sites,  at 
which  the  arrival  times  of  the  short  pulses  will  differ  for  different  transmis- 
sion paths. 

A  study  of  the  psychological  aspects  of  visual  perception  was  made  in 
cooperation  with  the  University  of  Colorado  Medical  Center  to  determine 
how  patterns  of  visual  perception  can  be  used  in  reducing  television  band- 
width requirements.  Tests  on  the  five  cognitive  styles  involved  in  visual  per- 
ception studied  verified  that  the  styles  do  not  involve  value  judgments  and  are 
not  independent  of  one  another.  The  results  of  this  program  can  be  very 
significant  in  evaluating  television  bandwith  reduction  tests. 

Upper  Atmosphere  and  Space  Physics 

The  research  program  in  upper  atmosphere  and  space  physics  made  nota- 
ble progress  during  the  past  year,  using  three  very  different  experimental  ap- 
proaches: Ground-based  geophysical  observations,  satellites,  and  experiments 
conducted  in  the  laboratory.  All  three  approaches  are  valuable  and  neces- 
sary in  the  continuing  search  for  new  knowledge  and  understanding  of  the 
physical  properties  of  and  processes  in  the  media  surrounding  the  earth  and 
in  interplanetary  space.  Such  knowledge  and  understanding  are  essential 
to  the  expanding  application  of  radio  communications  in  the  space  age 
and  to  inform  man  of  his  environment  in  space. 

Jicamarca  Radio  Observatory,  The  Jicamarca  Radio  Observatory, 
located  close  to  the  magnetic  equator  near  Lima,  Peru,  was  completed  after 
a  major  construction  effort  over  the  past  two  years.  The  transmitter  was 
successfully  tested  for  reliability;  results  from  the  antenna  tests  exceeded 
expectations  for  gain  and  sidelobe  configuration.  Measurements  of  the  in- 
tensity of  the  incoherent  scatter  are  in  excellent  agreement  with  predictions 
based  on  the  theory  of  incoherent  scatter  of  radio  waves  from  free  electrons. 
This  achievement  marks  one  of  the  first  known  times  when  precise  findings 
from  a  plasma  experiment  agree  with  theory,  thus  providing  a  firmer  basis 
for  continuing  experiments. 

This  powerful  and  sensitive  research  facility  achieved  some  notable  new 
observations  during  the  past  year.  Measurements  of  electron  density  were 
made  to  a  height  of  7000  kilometers  and  prospects  are  favorable  for  extend- 
ing measurements  to  greater  heights.  Also  of  significance  is  the  fact  that 
direct  measurements  were  made  of  diffraction  due  to  spread-/1  irregularities 
in  the  F-region.  Radio  star  signals  observed  were  spread  over  a  5°  to  10° 
beam  width,  providing  a  definite  explanation  for  radio  star  and  satellite 
signal  fadeout  in  the  equatorial  regions. 

Cylindrical  Shock  Waves  from  Exploding  Wires.  A  series  of  experi- 
ments in  plasma  physics  is  being  performed  in  an  attempt  to  duplicate  in 


the  laboratory  the  phenomena  occurring  when  bursts  of  plasma  enter  and 
perturb  the  media  surrounding  the  earth.  The  radio  properties  of  similar 
perturbations  can  be  studied  in  detail  in  the  laboratory  by  controlled  and 
reproducible  experiments  using  diagnostic  techniques. 

Shock  waves  from  exploding  wires  are  used  to  produce  a  dense,  highly 
ionized  plasma  in  a  current  series  of  experiments.  The  velocity  of  the 
ionization  front  is  measured  by  a  microwave  Doppler  technique  at  pressures 
ranging  down  to  1/100  atmosphere.  The  energy  in  the  shock  wave,  deter- 
mined from  the  velocity  measurements,  can  consist  under  optimum  conditions 
of  nearly  half  of  the  energy  available  from  the  capacitor  bank.  Unexpected 
ionization  far  in  advance  of  the  shock  front  has  been  detected  and  studied. 
Hydromagnetic  interactions  have  been  observed  between  the  expanding 
shock  front  and  a  strong  magnetic  field  parallel  to  the  wire  axis. 

Study  on  Radiation  Hazard  in  Space  Completed.  An  understanding 
of  the  variation  with  time  of  the  energy  spectrum  of  solar  cosmic  rays  near 
the  earth  is  essential  for  estimating  radiation  hazards  in  nearby  space.  A 
study  based  on  the  results  of  continuous  radio  observations  of  the  effect  of 
solar  cosmic  radiation  on  the  very  low  ionosphere  at  high  latitudes  was 
completed  and  published.  These  observations  were  combined  with  the  direct 
determinations  of  the  solar  cosmic-ray  fluxes  and  energy  spectra  made  with 
balloons,  rockets,  and  satellites  during  the  past  three  years.  This  investiga- 
tion indicates  that  solar  cosmic  radiation  near  the  earth  is  not  the  severe 
hazard  predicted  by  earlier  estimates.  Such  studies  have  a  significant  impact 
on  the  design  of  the  radiation  shielding  used  in  spacecraft. 

Studies  Conducted  on  Gaseous  Electronic  Processes.  During  the 
past  year  the  ability  to  calculate  electron  energy  distribution  functions  in 
air  in  the  presence  of  electric  and  magnetic  fields  was  steadily  improved 
to  permit  application  under  wider  ranges  of  experimental  conditions.  As 
a  result  a  number  of  researches  were  undertaken  which  would  not  otherwise 
have  been  possible.  The  conditions  controlling  stimulation  of  optical  emis- 
sions from  the  atmosphere  in  the  presence  of  high-power-density  radar  beams 
were  calculated  for  a  number  of  wave  lengths.  Recent  studies  also  con- 
sidered the  point  at  which  atmospheric  breakdown  can  occur. 

The  theoretical  studies  of  the  behavior  of  the  atmosphere  in  a  high-density 
radio  field  was  the  basis  for  two  investigations  of  d-c  electric  fields  in  the 
atmosphere,  being  carried  out  in  collaboration  with  scientists  from  other 
laboratories.  In  addition  this  work  was  part  of  the  motivation  for  starting 
a  gaseous  electronics  laboratory,  the  experimental  data  from  which  will  be 
interpreted  with  the  aid  of  the  theory  which  has  been  developed  here. 

Geophysical  Studies  Conducted  at  Conjugate  Points.  It  is  well 
known  that  auroral  disturbances  occur  at  high  latitudes  in  both  hemispheres, 
but  detailed,  quantitative  information  on  the  degree  of  correlation  between 
events  occurring  simultaneously  in  the  two  hemispheres  is  almost  completely 
lacking.  This  information  would  be  of  considerable  importance  in  auroral 
theory,  particularly  when  referred  to  events  occurring  at  opposite  ends  of 


a  magnetic  field  line.  For  this  reason  a  pilot  study  was  set  up  during  the 
1961-62  Antarctic  summer. 

A  temporary  station  was  established  in  a  previously  unvisited  region  of 
Antarctica  and  three  similar  stations,  one  at  the  conjugate  point  and  the 
other  two  80  km  north  and  south  of  it,  were  set  up  near  Quebec,  Canada. 
Magnetometers,  ionosondes,  riometers,  and  VLF-receiving  equipment  were 
used  at  the  Antarctic  and  the  central  Quebec  stations;  riometers  and 
magnetometers  were  used  at  the  two  outlying  Quebec  stations. 

Although  analysis  of  the  data  obtained  in  the  eight  weeks  of  simultaneous 
measurements  in  the  two  hemispheres  is  taking  place  at  present,  it  is  possible 
to  make  some  clear  statements  now  about  the  correlation  observed  between 
geophysical  phenomena  occurring  simultaneously  at  both  ends  of  the  60 
degree  geomagnetic  field  line  (L  value  — 4.0).  Excellent  and  detailed  cor- 
relation was  observed  on  many  occasions  between  riometer  and  magnetometer 
data  obtained  at  the  points  in  the  two  hemispheres,  separated  by  14,000  km 
along  the  earth's  surface  and  55,000  km  along  the  field  line.     At  times  the 

Balloon-borne  spectrometer  used  to  measure  the  composition  of  the  atmos- 
phere by  means  of  its  infrared  absorption  spectrum.  The  sun  serves  as  the 
infrared  source. 


correlation  between  the  data  at  the  conjugate  stations  was  better  than  between 
the  two  outlying  Quebec  stations,  separated  by  the  160  km. 

One  unexpected  result  was  that  the  riometer  absorption  at  the  northern 
end  is  typically  twice  as  great  as  at  the  Antarctic  station,  despite  the  fact 
that  both  the  mirror  height  for  energetic  particles  and  the  solar  zenith  angle 
are  lower  for  the  Antarctic  station.  Information  obtained  on  the  size  and 
shape  of  the  conjugate  areas  suggests  that  the  northern  one  is  not  fixed, 
but  tends  to  move  toward  the  equator  as  the  magnetic  activity  increases. 
In  addition,  the  observation  of  many  VLF  events  at  both  conjugate  points 
contributed  to  an  improved  understanding  of  VLF  emissions,  the  mechanisms 
of  their  production  and  propagation,  and  their  relationship  with  subsequent 
absorption  events.  The  initial  results  of  the  short-term  experiment,  analysis 
of  which  is  still  proceeding,  are  sufficiently  exciting  to  warrant  a  year-round 
study  at  conjugate  locations  during  1963  and  1964.  This  work  wTas  in 
large  part  supported  by  the  National  Science  Foundation. 

High-Speed  Camera  Developed  for  Plasma  Physics  Research,  A 
high-speed  framing-type  camera  was  perfected  for  use  in  conjunction  with 
experiments  in  laboratory  plasma  physics.  The  original  design  of  a  camera 
developed  at  the  Aberdeen  Proving  Grounds  was  modified  and  improved  to 
enable  the  camera  to  be  used  for  streak  photographs,  stroboscopic  effect 
photographs,  and  single-exposure  photographs.  The  precision  and  flexibility 
of  this  laboratory  instrument  permit  diagnostic  analysis  of  the  behavior  and 
characteristics  of  the  luminosity  front  in  a  strong  shock  wave.  These  studies 
are  basic  to  understanding  of  shock  wave  effects  in  a  hot  plasma  and  the 
mechanisms  leading  to  the  generation  of  radiofrequency  radiation  by  a 

Satellite  Radio  Signals  Used  to  Study  Structure  of  Ionosphere. 
Radio  waves  received  at  the  earth  from  a  vehicle  in  space  are  frequently  per- 
turbed by  irregularities  in  the  electron  density  of  the  ionosphere.  Observa- 
tion of  variations  in  the  polarization  of  the  radio  wave  provide  a  particularly 
sensitive  measurement  of  large-scale  irregularities  which  have  dimensions  of 
50  to  300  km.  Recordings  were  obtained  of  satellite  radio  signals  received 
simultaneously  at  three  separate  field  sites,  selected  at  spacings  of  30  to  100 
km  and  in  both  triangular  and  straight-line  configurations.  Information  con- 
cerning magnetic  alinement,  height,  location,  and  shape  of  the  large  scale 
ionospheric  irregularities  is  expected  to  result  from  these  records. 

The  spaced-station  technique  permits  the  observation  of  ionosphere  struc- 
ture irregularities  in  electron  density  along  the  track  of  a  satellite.  The  three- 
dimensional  structure  of  these  irregularities  is  not  revealed  by  conventional 
techniques  of  resolution  of  radio  signals  from  either  above  or  below  the 
ionosphere.  The  "strip  photographs"  obtained  should  show,  when  compared 
and  analyzed,  the  large-scale  internal  irregularities  within  the  ionospheric 
layers.  This  work  is  supported  by  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space 

Neiv  Digital  Recorder  Speeds  Analysis  of  Airglow  Observations. 
During  the  past  year  the  flow  of  new  airglow  observation  data  increased  sub- 


stantially,  largely  as  a  result  of  the  successful  operation  of  the  observatory 
on  Mount  Haleakala,  Maui,  Hawaii  in  collaboration  with  the  University  of 
Hawaii.  Particular  interest  in  the  red  line  (6300  A)  airglow  intensities  en- 
couraged development  of  an  efficient  method  for  observing  and  recording 
airglow  data  automatically.  A  digital  punched-paper-tape  recorder  was 
designed,  constructed  in  the  instrumentation  laboratory,  and  placed  in  service 
at  the  Fritz  Peak  Observatory  near  Boulder  to  record  the  data  output  from 
airglow  photometers.  Its  use  substantially  reduced  the  time  required  to 
process  the  raw  data  through  a  high-speed  computer  to  prepare  it  for  analysis. 

The  finished  recorder  can  record  and  visually  indicate  the  intensity  of 
the  airglow,  the  orientation  of  the  photometer,  and  the  time  of  the  observa- 
tions. Such  auxiliary  data  as  the  observing  station  designation,  filter  color, 
photometer  sensitivity,  and  date  are  also  recorded.  Measurements  of  air- 
glow intensity  can  be  made  at  rates  up  to  17  per  second  and  are  recorded  at 
an  accuracy  of  one  percent.  In  normal  operation  a  survey  of  the  whole 
sky,  consisting  of  2160  measurements  of  intensity,  is  made  each  five  minutes. 

Atmospheric  Spectroscopy.  The  constituents  of  the  atmosphere  are 
being  determined  in  a  continuing  study,  using  the  services  of  the  Consultant 
in  Physics  of  the  Atmosphere,  of  radiation  transfer,  transmission,  and  spec- 
troscopic measurements  of  atmospheric  absorption  and  emission.  A  prom- 
ising technique  uses  a  balloon-borne,  far-infrared  spectrometer  kept  con- 
stantly aimed  at  the  sun,  used  as  light  source,  by  a  "sun-seeker."  It  is  hoped 
that  this  technique  will  produce  concentration  measurements  of  carbon  diox- 
ide, ozone,  methane,  heavy  water,  and  other  constituents  of  the  troposphere 
and  lower  stratosphere. 

Spectrometer  measurements  of  the  OH  emission  of  the  night  sky  have 
also  been  made  with  a  specially  designed  Ebert  instrument,  permitting  ex- 
tremely fine  spectral  resolution. 

Cosmic  Noise  Study  Completed  at  USSR  Mirnyy  Base,  Antarctica. 
A  cosmic  noise  absorption  experiment  conducted  by  an  American  scientist 
attached  to  the  USSR  Antarctic  Base,  Mirnyy  as  part  of  the  cultural  exchange 
program  has  been  completed.  This  work  provided  the  first  systematic  data 
on  anomalous  ionospheric  absorption  recorded  within  the  southern  auroral 
zone.  The  data  were  compared  with  similar  data  obtained  from  Spitsbergen 
which  is  near  the  magnetic  conjugate  to  Mirnyy.  Since  there  is  a  wide 
variation  in  the  solar  zenith  angle  difference  between  the  two  stations  in 
the  course  of  a  year,  it  has  been  possible  to  make  quantitative  measurements 
of  the  strong  solar  zenith-angle  control  of  the  ionospheric  absorption  dur- 
ing polar  cap  events.  Funds  for  the  conduct  of  this  program  were  supplied 
by  the  National  Science  Foundation. 


The  Bureau's  activities  in  cryogenic  engineering,  a  rapidly  growing  spe- 
cialized field,  center  at  the  Boulder  Laboratories.  The  Bureau  provides 
information  needed  for  practical  applications  of  materials,   systems,   and 


techniques  at  very  low  temperatures,  and  assists  Government  and  industry 
with  problems  arising  in  this  field. 

Demand  for  assistance  in  projects  involving  cryogenics  has  increased 
greatly  as  a  result  of  missile  and  space  programs  which  rely  on  cryogenic 
liquids  as  propellants.  The  growth  of  cryogenic  engineering  has  been  ac- 
companied by  emphasis  on  purely  scientific  programs  which  require  the  use 
of  extremely  low  temperatures.  To  cooperate  in  these  activities,  the  labora- 
tory conducts  research  on  the  physical  properties  of  materials  and  proper- 
ties of  fluids,  as  well  as  on  cryogenic  processes  and  equipment.  In  addition, 
it  maintains  a  national  Cryogenic  Data  Center  where  information  on  cryo- 
genic engineering  is  collected  and  organized  for  use  by  other  government 
agencies,  industry,  and  the  public. 

Properties  of  Parahydrogen.  The  most  advanced  chemical  and 
nuclear  rockets  utilize  hydrogen  as  a  fuel  and  as  a  propellant  fluid,  respec- 
tively. Data  on  the  thermodynamic  and  transport  properties  of  hydrogen 
now  need  to  be  known  with  higher  accuracy  and  over  wider  ranges  of 
temperature  and  pressure  than  have  been  necessary  before.  With  the  sup- 
port of  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration  and  the  Air 
Research  &  Development  Command,  the  Bureau  has  been  engaged  in  an 
extensive  program  to  determine  these  properties.  In  the  past  year,  in 
response  to  urgent  demands,  provisional  tables  and  charts  of  the  thermo- 
dynamic functions  of  parahydrogen  were  prepared  and  published.  These 
were  based  on  pressure-volume-temperature  measurements  recently  made  by 
the  Bureau.  Measurements  of  the  specific  heat  were  completed  while  refine- 
ment of  the  calculations  of  thermodynamic  functions  and  experimental 
measurements  of  viscosity,  thermal  conductivity,  sonic  velocity,  and  dielec- 
tric constant  remain  to  be  completed. 

Phase  Transformations  in  Steels.  Austenitic  stainless  steels  are 
widely  used  in  cryogenic  equipment  because  of  their  toughness  at  low  tem- 
peratures. Certain  of  these  steels  transform  partially  to  martensite  on  cool- 
ing or  during  plastic  deformation.  This  has  been  a  cause  for  concern,  as 
the  martensite  phase  is  brittle.  However,  extensive  experimentation,  car- 
ried out  under  sponsorship  of  the  Advanced  Research  Projects  Agency,  has 
shown  that  the  austenite-martensite  matrix  produced  on  cooling  the  alloys  in 
question  is  generally  well-behaved  as  a  structural  material,  although  minor 
anomalies,  found  at  temperatures  below  100  °K,  are  attributable  to  the  trans- 
formation. A  recently  discovered  new  phase  having  hexagonal  crystal  struc- 
ture has  been  shown  by  X-ray  techniques  to  be  present  in  surprisingly  large 
proportions  (up  to  35  percent)  at  intermediate  stages  of  plastic  deformation. 
Mechanisms  were  deduced  for  the  austenite-martensite  transformation  via 
the  hexagonal  phase  as  an  intermediate  structure. 

Physical  Equilibria.  A  major  problem  in  liquefaction  and  refrigera- 
tion processes  is  to  eliminate  the  collection  of  frozen  impurities  in  low-tem- 
perature heat  exchangers  through  adequate  purification..  Research  in  physi- 
cal equilibria  is  necessary  to  establish  accurate  design  criteria  for  impurity 
removal.     In  addition,  physical-equilibria  research  yields  information  on  the 


Instrument  for  measuring  densities  of  flowing  cryogenic  fluids.  The  develop- 
ment of  new  measuring  techniques  and  devices  is  essential  to  the  rapidly 
expanding  cryogenic  field.     (See  p.  154.) 

nature  of  forces  between  molecules  of  different  species  that  is  vital  to  under- 
standing mixtures  and  solutions^  Experimental  studies  were  conducted  in 
the  areas  of  pure  component  and  impurity  adsorption.  Second  virial  coeffi- 
cients for  several  fluids  of  cryogenic  interest  have  been  calculated.  In  addi- 
tion, the  vapor  pressures  of  nitrogen,  oxygen,  hydrogen,  methane,  and 
ethylene  have  been  calculated  to  temperatures  well  below  the  normal  boiling 

Cold  Neutron  Moderator,  In  certain  types  of  solid-state  physics  in- 
vestigations it  is  desirable  to  have  available  an  intense  beam  of  low-energy 
neutrons.  This  may  be  accomplished  by  extracting  a  neutron  beam  from  a 
moderator,  maintained  near  20  °K,  located  close  to  a  nuclear  reactor  core. 
The  thermalization  of  neutrons  liberates  energy  within  the  moderator  that 
must  be  removed  by  a  cryogenic  refrigeration  system.  A  preliminary  study 
of  feasible  refrigeration  systems  was  made  under  the  joint  sponsorship 
of  the  Argonne  National  Laboratory  and  the  NBS  reactor  group.  Two 
basic  refrigeration  processes  are  considered  applicable.  The  first  is  a  con- 
ventional Joule-Thomson  hydrogen  refrigerator  coupled  to  a  cold  helium 
gas  loop  for  in-pile  service;  the  second  utilizes  an  expansion  engine  in 
an  all-helium-gas  refrigerator  circuit.  A  further  study  was  performed  relat- 
ing to  the  final  design,  acquisition,  assembly,  and  installation  of  a  refrig- 
erated cold  moderator  system. 

662336  O — 62- 



Magnet  Research.  Problems  associated  with  the  production  of  high- 
intensity  magnetic  fields  by  means  of  low-temperature,  normally-conducting, 
solenoids  are  being  investigated.  The  results  of  these  investigations  are 
expected  to  be  useful  for  thermonuclear  power  reactors,  particle  accelerators, 
and  other  applications  where  large  volumes  of  high-intensity  fields  are  re- 
quired. A  liquid  hydrogen  cooled,  high-purity  aluminum-foil  magnet  has 
been  built  and  is  operational.  This  magnet,  designed  to  produce  a  steady- 
state  field  of  100,000  gauss  in  a  cylindrical  volume  3  inches  in  diameter  by 
8  inches  long,  is  being  evaluated  while  it  is  being  used  as  a  research  tool, 
the  maximum  field  depending  upon  the  research  needs.  To  date,  the  maxi- 
mum field  produced  is  70,000  gauss.  Measurements  of  the  effects  of  tem- 
perature, strain,  purity,  and  magnetic-field  intensity  on  the  electrical  resistiv- 
ity of  aluminum  are  being  made.  The  results  are  most  important  to  progress 
in  this  area,  and  will  permit  the  optimization  of  these  types  of  solenoids. 

A  high-energy  power  supply  (130,000  joules)  for  pulsed  magnets  has 
been  designed  and  built  and  is  being  used  for  research  on  superconducting 
materials.  It  is  also  to  be  used  in  the  development  of  very  high  field  inten- 
sity, low-temperature  pulsed  solenoids  with  long  time  constants. 

Instrumentation  and  Cryogenic  Equipment.  The  growing  use  of 
cryogenic  fluids  in  general,  and  liquid  hydrogen  in  particular,  necessitates 
research  into  measurement  problems  and  into  considerations  which  limit 
ability  to  design  and  predict  the  behavior  of  equipment.  Investigations 
concerned  with  the  characteristics  of  pressure  transducers  down  to  20  °K 
have  been  completed.  Both  theoretical  and  experimental  work  on  the  dy- 
namic characteristics  of  temperature  sensors  has  been  undertaken ;  one  piece 
of  experimental  apparatus  has  been  completed  and  data  are  being  accumu- 
lated and  analyzed.  A  cryogenic  prototype  for  measuring  the  density  of 
flowing  cryogenic  (and  normal-temperature)  fluids  has  been  built  and 
evaluated.  The  tests  indicate  that  the  densitometer  performs  satisfactorily 
with  both  single-  and  two-phase  fluids;  however,  due  to  the  low  density  of 
hydrogen,  some  modifications  may  be  necessary  to  obtain  the  desired  accu- 
racy with  that  fluid.  An  experimental  program  to  determine  all  of  the 
information  necessary  for  the  design  of  carbon  resistance  liquid  level  instru- 
mentation is  almost  complete.  An  apparatus  for  the  evaluation  of  hydrogen 
liquid  level  instrumentation  has  been  designed,  and  is  being  fabricated. 

A  program,  undertaken  with  the  Air  Force,  NASA,  and  the  AEC,  to  de- 
velop standardized  liquid  hydrogen  couplings,  is  in  the  active  testing  and 
evaluation  phase.  Two  units  have  been  designed  and  built,  and  are  ready  to 
be  evaluated  in  the  test  apparatus  which  is  now  operating.  More  advanced 
designs  have  been  completed  and  will  be  fabricated  in  the  near  future. 

Cryopumping.  The  most  promising  method  for  achieving  the  low 
pressures  found  in  outer  space  and  for  obtaining  the  pumping  speeds  re- 
quired for  space  simulation  is  cryopumping,  the  freezing  and  adsorption 
of  gases  on  cold  surfaces.  Investigations  oriented  towards  the  evaluation 
of  cryopumps  as  vacuum  pumps  have  been  pursued.  Pumping  speeds  and 
capture  coefficients  of  readily  definable  cryopump  configurations  have  been 


measured.  The  data  indicate  that  pumping  speeds  greater  than  theoretical 
can  be  achieved.  To  date,  data  have  been  accumulated  and  analyzed  for 
C02  and  N2  on  surfaces  at  77  °K  and  20  °K. 

Heat  Transfer,  As  heat  transfer  must  be  controlled  and/or  predicted 
in  most  cryogenic  systems,  there  are  numerous  problems  in  this  area  which 
must  be  investigated.  A  current  study  is  concerned  with  heat  transfer  be- 
tween the  atmosphere  and  surfaces  at  low  temperatures  (20  to  90  °K) .  The 
experimental  apparatus  for  conducting  this  investigation  has  been  perfected 
and  information  is  being  accumulated  and  analyzed.  The  ranges  of  the 
atmospheric  parameters  are:  wind  velocity,  5  to  60  mph;  temperature,  40 
to  100  °F;  and  specific  humidity,  17  to  325  grains  per  pound.  Tests  with 
a  horizontal  cylindrical  surface  at  77  °K  have  been  completed.  Information 
on  heat  transfer  mechanisms,  the  mechanism  of  frost  formation,  and  frost 
conductivity  has  been  obtained.  A  most  interesting  result  is  that  the  con- 
densation which  takes  place  in  the  boundary  layer,  but  which  does  not  con- 
tribute to  the  frost  layer  on  the  surface,  has  an  important  effect  on  the  heat 
transfer;  it  is  expected  that  the  theoretical  analysis  being  done  on  frost  for- 
mation will  quantitatively  predict  this  effect. 

Two-Phase  Fluid  Phenomena  and  Fluid  Flow.  Because  the  fluids  in 
cryogenic  systems  are  usually  close  to  saturation,  the  simultaneous  existence 
of  both  liquid  and  vapor  phases  together  (two-phase  fluids)  is  common.  A 
fundamental  understanding  of  the  behavior  of  these  systems  therefore  re- 
quires basic  knowledge  of  two-phase  fluid  phenomena.     To  contribute  to 

Miniature  high-speed  turbine  expander  is  a  vital  component  in  a  cryogenic 
refrigeration  system.  The  turbine  rotates  at  speeds  up  to  9000  revolutions 
per  second.  The  shaft  is  supported  by  hydrostatic  helium  gas-lubricated 
bearings.     (Seep.  156.) 


such  understanding,  choked  flows  of  two-phase  fluids  are  being  investigated 
theoretically  and  experimentally,  basic  work  concerned  with  cavitation  is 
being  pursued,  and  an  investigation  of  the  behavior  of  cryogenic  systems 
during  cooldown  is  well  under  way. 

Work  on  the  bulk  density  of  boiling  liquid  oxygen  is  essentially  com- 
pleted. This  work  was  stimulated  by  needs  in  the  rocket  propulsion  pro- 
grams— what  weight  and  what  volume  of  propellant  are  aboard  a  vehicle 
at  any  time  during  loading?  Preliminary  computations  based  upon  the 
theoretical  analysis  compares  favorably  with  the  experimental  results.  Ex- 
perimental work  will  be  extended  to  liquid  hydrogen  to  determine  the  pre- 
dictive accuracy  of  the  theory  for  this  fluid. 

A  project  concerned  with  the  cooling  of  cryogenic  liquids  by  the  injec- 
tion of  a  noncondensible  gas  has  been  completed.  The  results  of  this  inves- 
tigation are  extremely  important  to  our  space  effort  because  gas  injection 
is  one  of  the  most  effective  techniques  for  achieving  the  cooling  necessary 
for  the  reliable  starting  of  large  rocket  propulsion  systems.  The  experi- 
mental results  which  were  obtained  with  liquid  hydrogen,  using  helium  as 
the  injection  gas,  agree  extremely  well  with  the  predictions  of  the  theoretical 

Refrigeration  Processes,  The  development  of  methods  for  providing 
refrigeration  in  the  cryogenic  temperature  range  is  of  considerable  impor- 
tance in  present-day  military,  industrial,  and  research  programs.  With  the 
partial  support  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  the  Bureau  has  con- 
ducted a  theoretical  study  of  feasible  cycles  adaptable  to  the  temperature 
region  1.5  to  30  °K  and  a  consideration  of  components  necessary  to  provide 
a  reliable,  maintenance-free  refrigeration  unit. 

A  vital  component  of  refrigeration  systems  is  the  expansion  engine  needed 
to  produce  the  required  refrigeration.  Considerable  progress  has  been 
made  on  the  development  of  a  miniature  high-speed  turbine  expander  sup- 
ported by  hydrostatic  helium  gas-lubricated  bearings.  The  turbine  is  0.3116 
inch  in  diameter  and  rotates  at  speeds  up  to  9,000  revolutions  per  second. 
Successful  tests  have  been  performed  on  a  system  which  provides  200  watts 
of  refrigeration  at  21  to  30  °K  and  8  watts  4.2  °K. 

Computational  work,  with  the  aid  of  a  digital  computer,  is  being  per- 
formed on  the  analysis  of  refrigeration  systems  applicable  to  a  particular 
task.  This  work  has  centered  on  the  compilation,  correlation,  and  tabulation 
of  the  properties  of  helium,  hydrogen,  nitrogen,  and  neon  gas. 

Consultation  and  Advisory  Services,  The  Bureau  is  providing  con- 
sultation and  advisory  services  of  a  cryogenic  engineering  nature  in  several 
areas.  The  broad  accumulated  experience  of  NBS  personnel  is  being  utilized 
by  commercial  contractors  to  government  agencies  in  the  design  of  equip- 
ment and  in  the  handling  of  cryogenic  fluids. 

Assistance  is  being  given  to  Projects  Centaur,  Rover,  and  NERVA  under 
the  sponsorship  of  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration.  The 
Centaur  is  the  first  space  vehicle  to  use  liquid  hydrogen  as  a  propellant.  The 
nuclear  engine  development  programs,  Rover  and  NERVA.  are  now  using, 


and  are  planning  more  extensive  use  of,  liquid  hydrogen.  The  physical 
properties  of  hydrogen  are  sufficiently  different  from  other  propellants  to 
present  many  new  problems  to  the  industry.  Support  has  been  given  to  the 
principal  contractors  on  these  programs  in  the  areas  of  ground  support 
equipment,  insulation,  low-temperature  seals,  and  rolling  element  bearings. 
In  addition,  an  investigation  was  started  on  solid  formation  in  cryogenic 

Facilities  and  operating  staff  were  provided  to  test  a  zero-gravity  centrif- 
ugal liquid-vapor  separator  for  a  government  contractor,  Beechcraft  Re- 
search and  Development.  The  separator,  designed  by  General  Dynamics/ 
Astronautics  as  part  of  the  Centaur  program,  was  operated  at  exhaust  pres- 
sures of  1  to  3  pounds  per  square  inch  absolute.  NBS  has  the  only  known 
facility  which  can  conveniently  pump  the  turbine  exhaust  to  such  a  low 
absolute  pressure. 

Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  assistance  was 
given  to  establish  equipment  and  techniques  for  producing,  transporting, 
storing,  and  handling  large  quantities  of  liquid  helium.  As  a  consequence, 
large  shipments  of  helium  may  be  transported,  in  liquid  form,  at  a  greatly 
reduced  freight  rate  compared  to  compressed  gas  transport.  Technical 
guidance  was  given  in  the  development  of  a  portable  helium  liquifier  with  a 
capacity  of  65  liters  per  hour,  an  850-liter  liquid-helium  transport  container, 
and  a  722,000-standard-cubic-foot  capacity  (7700  gallons)  helium  transport 

A  study  was  performed  relating  to  the  storage  and  distribution  of  liquid 
nitrogen  from  different  sites  of  the  University  of  California  Lawrence  Radia- 
tion Laboratory.  On  the  basis  of  facts  accumulated  during  the  engineering 
evaluation,  recommendations  were  made  leading  to  more  efficient  use. 

The  Bureau  is  providing  consultation  and  advisory  services  to  the  Air 
Force  Cambridge  Research  Laboratory  in  connection  with  the  cryogenic 
problems  encountered  in  the  development  of  a  cryogenic  "whole  air"  sam- 
pler. The  sampler,  which  is  carried  by  rockets  into  the  upper  atmosphere, 
uses  liquid  hydrogen  to  condense  the  sample  of  atmosphere  which  is  collected, 
and  will  provide  a  means  for  sampling  the  atmosphere  which  promises  to  be 
much  more  effective  than  equipment  currently  in  use. 

Low-Temperature  Seals.  There  are  numerous  applications  in  indus- 
trial and  research  activities  for  seals  which  must  operate  successfully  at  all 
temperatures  from  ambient  to  cryogenic.  A  study  of  elastomeric  seals  for 
these  applications,  sponsored  by  the  Aeronautical  Systems  Division  of  the 
U.S.  Air  Force,  has  progressed  from  the  initial  development  and  functional 
testing  to  a  more  analytical  and  fundamental  program.  Several  pertinent 
physical  properties  of  elastomeric  polymers,  such  as  thermal  expansion, 
resilience,  and  force-temperature  relationships,  as  well  as  seal  performance 
under  standardized  conditions,  are  being  measured.  These  measurements 
will  provide  data  which  will  aid  in  predicting  seal  effectiveness.  The  me- 
chanical behavior  of  plastics  and  elastomers,  which  are  derived  from  chain 
polymers,  is  in  itself  a  subject  of  great  fundamental  interest. 


Cryogenic  Materials  Data  Handbook.  Under  Air  Force  sponsorship, 
a  handbook  consisting  of  800  loose-leaf  pages  in  two  volumes  has  been 
completed.  The  handbook  presents  mechanical  and  physical  properties 
data  on  about  fifty  structural  materials,  mostly  alloys  but  including  a  few 
plastics.  Some  of  the  data  were  compiled  from  the  literature,  but  a  large 
part  resulted  from  new  experimental  measurements  by  the  Bureau.  The 
original  goal  was  to  make  possible  improved  reliability  of  missile-control 
components  through  making  available  more  extensive  and  accurate  design 
data.  However,  the  handbook  should  prove  to  be  generally  useful  in  low- 
temperature  technology.  The  Air  Force  has  arranged  to  make  it  available 
through  the  Office  of  Technical  Services,  U.S.  Department  of  Commerce. 

Cryogenic  Engineering  Literature.  The  Cryogenic  Data  Center 
maintains  a  centralized  activity  for  the  procurement,  distribution,  storage, 
and  retrieval  of  world  literature  of  cryogenic  interest  and  the  preparation 
of  bibliographies  for  both  the  Bureau  staff  and  the  cryogenic  industry. 
Nearly  2,000  documents  were  procured  for  projects  during  the  last  year: 
over  half  of  these  documents  were  not  previously  recorded  and  were  there- 
fore added  to  the  bibliography  system.  More  than  1,000  additional  citations 
were  also  added  to  the  system  as  a  result  of  systematic  searching  of  current 
journals  and  abstract  bulletins.  This  search  for  citations  was  restricted 
to  literature  concerning  "properties  of  fluids"  and  "properties  of  solids"  in 
order  to  be  able  to  provide  a  comprehensive  coverage  of  these  categories. 
Over  16,000  items,  including  reprints,  reports,  and  thermodynamic  charts, 
have  been  distributed  to  the  cryogenic  industry  during  this  past  year. 

More  than  5,000  listings  of  properties  of  fluids  and  solids  are  now  coded 
on  magnetic  tape  for  automated  bibliography  searching.  A  computer  pro- 
gram using  the  CDC  1604  digital  computer  has  been  developed  that  will 
process  as  many  as  99  requests  for  selected  bibliographies  in  one  pass  of 
this  search  tape.  Considerable  progress  has  also  been  made  in  converting 
the  bibliography  citations  to  an  eight-channel  flexowriter  tape.  These  tapes 
are  currently  being  used  for  assembly  of  bibliographies  and  will  later  be 
printed  out  as  a  Catalog  of  References.  Ultimately  they  will  be  transferred 
to  magnetic  tape  for  automatic  printing  of  bibliographies. 

Compilation  of  Thermo  physical  Property  Data.  The  Cryogenic 
Data  Center  has  accelerated  the  collection  and  evaluation  of  thermophysical 
property  data  from  the  scientific  literature,  with  the  emphasis  on  the  evalu- 
ation and  the  selection  of  "best  values."  These  data  are  compiled  for  a  wide 
range  of  temperature  and  pressure  in  tables  and  charts  of  property  values  in 
a  form  convenient  to  the  engineer  and  scientist  engaged  in  the  design  of 
cryogenic  systems. 

During  the  year,  considerable  progress  has  been  made  in  the  compilation 
and  evaluation  of  the  thermodynamic  property  data  for  several  cryogenic 
fluids.  A  compilation  of  the  thermodynamic  properties  of  helium  has  been 
published;  a  compilation  of  P-V-T  values  of  neon  extending  the  range  of 
values  to  higher  pressures  and  lower  temperatures  by  the  "theory  of  corre- 
sponding states"  has  been  completed  for  publication ;  and  considerable  prog- 


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Helium  transport  container  with  a  capacity  of  7,700  gallons.  With  this  con- 
tainer, large  shipments  of  helium,  in  liquid  form,  are  possible  at  a  reduced 
freight  rate  compared  to  compressed  gas  transport.  Development  of  the  con- 
tainer by  a  private  firm  was  supervised  by  NBS.     (See  p.  157.) 

ress  has  been  made  in  the  evaluation  of  the  data  for  argon,  oxygen,  and 
carbon  monoxide.  A  compilation  of  the  surface  tension  data  for  the  cryo- 
genic liquids  is  essentially  complete  and  additional  property  compilations 
for  cryogenic  materials,  such  as  surface  tension,  dielectric  constant,  thermal 
conductivity,  viscosity,  and  Prandtl  number,  are  in  progress.  A  series  of 
graphs  of  the  thermodynamic  properties  of  parahydrogen  has  been  con- 
structed for  the  new  data  from  the  Bureau  project  on  hydrogen  properties. 
Bibliographies  of  the  literature  on  these  subjects  have  been  compiled  and 
copies  of  the  pertinent  literaure  obtained.  A  comprehensive  bibliography 
on  the  properties  of  oxygen  has  been  published,  and  bibliographies  on  the 
properties  of  fluorine  and  on  the  two-phase  properties  of  the  cryogenic  fluids 
have  been  undertaken. 

In  all  of  these  studies,  use  is  made  of  the  large  digital  computer  for  the 
many  calculations  made  in  the  evaluation  of  data.  Considerable  effort  is 
also  given  to  theoretical  considerations  and  mathematical  analysis  tech- 
niques. Procedures  for  producing  extensive  and  comprehensive  graphs  of 
properties  have  also  been  instituted  to  assure  accurate  representation  of 
the  data  on  charts  particularly  useful  in  cryogenic  systems  design. 

Liquefaction  of  Gases,  Until  liquid  helium  became  commercially 
available  in  the  spring  of  1962,  the  CEL  helium  liquefier  was  operated  and 
over  3500  liters  of  liquid  helium  were  produced  this  year  for  NBS  projects 
and  for  several  research  laboratories  throughout  the  country.  Liquefied 
gases  purchased  for  distribution  during  the  year  included  52,000  liters  of 
liquid  hydrogen,  410,000  liters  of  liquid  nitrogen,  and  100  liters  of  liquid 
helium.  Purified  gases  handled  included  215,000  scf  of  hydrogen  gas  re- 
covered from  liquid  evaporation,  100,000  scf  of  nitrogen  gas  produced  in 
CEL  facilities,  and  180,000  scf  of  helium  gas  which  was  purchased  and 
included  107,000  scf  used  for  liquid  helium  production.     Liquefied  and 


pure  gases  were  also  distributed  to  19  laboratories  outside  of  NBS  which 
had  no  other  convenient  source  of  supply;  this  included  the  liquid  helium 
and  purified  hydrogen  and  nitrogen  gas  produced  in  NBS  facilities  and  a 
small  amount  of  liquid  hydrogen,  liquid  nitrogen,  and  gaseous  helium  to 
a  few  others  in  the  vicinity  of  the  NBS  Boulder  Laboratories. 


An  objective  of  the  building  research  program  is  the  development  of  new 
knowledge  through  chemistry,  physics,  and  engineering  research  to  solve 
problems  related  to  building  materials,  structures,  equipment,  and  facilities. 
Another  objective  is  the  development  of  measurement  and  test  methods  so 
that  such  knowledge  may  be  used  by  the  building  industry.  In  one  part  of 
the  program,  assistance  is  given  to  other  laboratories  by  devising  techniques 
for  accurate  measurements,  by  developing  and  supplying  calibrated  labora- 
tory reference  standards,  and  by  participating  in  interlaboratory  programs 
for  checking  measurement  precision.  The  program  also  provides  for  ad- 
visory services  to  government  agencies  on  building  problems,  and  to  public 
and  private  organizations  on  the  formulation  of  specifications  and  national 
standards  affecting  the  building  industry. 

During  the  year,  experimental  data  were  obtained  for  developing  and 
improving  building  codes,  standards  for  materials,  and  methods  of  testing 
materials  and  building  equipment.  Other  typical  work  dealt  with  the  shear 
strength  of  concrete  beams,  and  the  effect  of  the  properties  of  the  mortar 
on  the  strength  of  masonry  walls. 

Studies  were  made  of  a  family-size  underground  fallout  shelter  tc  obtain 
engineering  data  on  environmental  factors  that  affect  shelter  habitability. 
Methods  of  predicting  the  performance  of  building  materials  when  exposed 
to  the  weather  were  continued  with  emphasis  on  asphalt  roofing  materials, 
plastics,  and  porcelain  enameled  steel. 

Investigations  were  continued  on  methods  of  retarding  and  extinguishing 
fires,  ranging  from  experimental  studies  of  the  effects  of  variations  in  the 
composition  of  gypsum  plaster  to  studies  of  the  possibility  that  ionic  proc- 
esses are  important  in  fire  extinguishment.  Progress  was  made  in  devel- 
oping both  standard  methods  for  measuring  thermal  conductivity  and  the 
reference  materials  to  be  used  with  these  methods. 

Shear  Strength  of  Concrete  Beams  Studied.  It  is  known  that  the 
resistance  to  shear  of  reinforced  concrete  beams  depends  to  a  great  extent 
on  the  level  of  stress  in  the  longitudinal  reinforcement.  In  order  to  formu- 
late satisfactory  design  criteria  for  beams  in  which  the  stresses  in  the  rein- 
forcement are  at  various  levels,  a  series  of  beams  made  without  web  rein- 
forcement and  designed  to  fail  in  shear  were  tested;  both  the  ratio  of  shear 
span  to  beam  depth  and  the  ratio  of  reinforcement  were  varied.  In  beams 
with  the  same  shear  span  to  depth  ratio,  the  shear  stresses  at  diagonal  tension 
cracking  decreased  roughly  linearly  as  the  stresses  in  the  reinforcement 
increased.     An   empirical   formula   was   developed   that   predicts   the  shear 


strengths  of  beams  with  highly  stressed  reinforcement  with  greater  accuracy 
than  does  the  formula  currently  in  use. 

Effect  of  Mortar  Properties  on  Strength  of  Masonry.  A  compre- 
hensive study  of  the  structural  properties  of  masonry  walls  constructed  with 
mortars  made  from  different  types  of  cementing  materials  was  sponsored  by 
the  National  Research  Council — National  Academy  of  Sciences.  The  com- 
pressive, flexural,  and  racking  strengths  of  specimens  of  full-scale  walls  were 
determined  for  masonry  of  hollow  concrete  unit  construction,  and  for 
masonry  of  composite  construction.  The  compressive  strength  of  the 
walls  increased,  in  general,  with  the  compressive  strength  of  the  mortar. 
The  racking  and  flexural  strengths  of  the  walls  increased  with  the  bond 
strength,  as  determined  with  a  test  specimen  developed  to  measure  the  bond 
between  the  masonry  mortars  and  masonry  units.  The  data  provide  infor- 
mation not  previously  available  on  the  effect  of  properties  of  mortars  on 
the  structural  properties  of  masonry. 

Instrumentation  for  Fire  Extinguishment  Studies.  A  study  of 
about  25  fire-extinguishing  agents  indicated  that  a  general  property  of  such 
agents  is  their  tendency  for  attaching  electrons.  This  observation  sug- 
gested that  an  ionic  process  may  be  important  in  the  mechanism  of  extin- 
guishment. Hence,  a  new  type  of  time-of-flight  mass  spectrometer  was  built 
to  study  the  reactions  involved.  In  this  instrument,  the  ions  to  be  analyzed 
are  sent  with  equal  initial  energy  through  a  field-free  drift  tube.  A  radio- 
frequency  (RF)  voltage  is  applied  at  the  ends  of  the  drift  tube  so  that  the 
electric  field  at  the  entrance  is  negative  to  that  at  the  exit.  Ions  which  pass 
through  the  drift  tube  in  a  whole  number  of  RF  cycles,  therefore,  lose  the 
energy  at  the  exit  which  they  received  at  the  entrance.  Ions  of  different 
masses  which  do  not  traverse  the  drift  tube  in  a  whole  number  of  cycles 
experience  some  change  in  energy.  The  number  of  ions  with  unchanged 
energy  is  measured  by  a  technique  known  as  the  retarding  field  method. 
The  new  instrument  needs  no  narrow  resolving  slits  as  do  magnetic  mass 
spectrometers,  and,  unlike  other  time-of-flight  instruments,  it  utilizes  a  con- 
tinuous nonpulsed  stream  of  ions.  The  first  investigations  conducted  with 
the  spectrometer  involved  electron  bombardment  studies  of  extinguishing 
agents  without  a  flame.  However,  it  is  expected  that  this  instrument  will 
be  useful  in  experiments  using  a  flame  as  the  ion  source. 

Fire  Studies  of  Gypsum  Plasters.  An  experimental  study  intended  to 
furnish  information  on  the  effects  of  "variations  of  mix"  ratio,  aggregate, 
and  aging  conditions  on  the  fire  performance  of  gypsum  plaster  was  com- 
pleted. Small  specimens  tested  without  either  structural  load  or  restraint 
were  exposed  to  controlled  fires  similar  to  the  fires  large  building  elements 
are  subjected  to  in  tests  by  a  recognized  standard  method.  Performance 
of  the  small  specimens  was  evaluated  on  a  time-to-temperature-rise  criterion. 
It  was  found  that  mix  ratio  and  density  of  lightweight  aggregate  materials 
over  the  ranges  normally  used,  had  little,  if  any,  effect  on  performance. 
The  times-to-temperature  rise  for  such  aggregate  plasters  was  essentially 
equal,  but  shorter  times  were  observed  for  sanded  gypsum  plasters.     Dura- 


In  fundamental  research  to  clarify  the  mechanism  by  which  chemical  com- 
bustion inhibitors  work,  a  new  type  of  mass  spectrometer  is  used  to  study 
electron  capture  behavior  of  inhibiting  agents.     (See  p.  161.) 

tion  of  aging  periods  and  relative  humidity  of  the  ambient  had  significant 
effects  only  for  short  aging  periods  and  very  high  relative  humidity  condi- 

Electric  Energy  Usage  in  Houses  Equipped  with  Heat  Pumps.     An 

analysis  was  made  of  metered  electrical  energy  usage  and  power  demand 
for  all  purposes  in  16  sample  houses  out  of  a  total  of  1,535  houses  constructed 
at  Little  Rock  (Ark.)  Air  Force  Base.  The  monthly  and  annual  energy  uses 
by  the  air-to-air  heat  pumps,  the  electric  water  heater,  the  electric  range,  and 
the  miscellaneous  electric  devices  were  determined,  and  the  effect  of  the 
electric  energy  used  by  appliances  other  than  the  heat  pump  on  the  heating 
and  cooling  loads  was  evaluated.  Energy  usage  factors  relating  the  amount 
of  energy  used,  the  severity  of  the  weather,  and  the  size  of  the  house  were 
computed  for  winter  and  summer  conditions.  The  daily  pattern  of  power 
demand,  the  coincidence  of  component  and  total  power  demands,  and  the 
frequency  of  recurrence  of  high  power  demands  were  studied.  Program 
devices  were  suggested  for  limiting  the  maximum  demand  in  the  entire  hous- 
ing area.  These  and  other  facts  regarding  the  use  of  energy  in  all-electric 
houses  were  published  in  NBS  Monograph  51.  The  analysis  was  made  in 
a  study  sponsored  by  the  Army,  Navy,  and  Air  Force. 

Environmental  Factors  in  an  Underground  Fallout  Shelter.  Clas- 
sical mathematics  and  digital  computer  methods  were  used  to  predict  the 
temperature  and  humidity  conditions  in  an  underground  shelter  in  terms  of 


the  variables  of  shelter  construction,  climate,  earth  characteristics,  ventila- 
tion rate,  and  internal  heat  release.  Predicted  values  of  temperature  agreed 
well  with  the  values  observed  in  the  family-size  shelter  installed  at  the  Bu- 
reau. The  digital  computer  technique  is  more  versatile  and  requires  less 
information  about  the  test  conditions  than  do  classical  methods.  Shelter 
humidity,  condensation  in  the  shelter,  interior  surface  temperature,  heat 
flow  rate  into  the  walls,  heat  removed  by  the  ventilating  air,  and  the  tem- 
peratures in  the  earth  surrounding  the  shelter  were  also  determined  by  com- 
puter techniques.  The  study  was  sponsored  by  the  Office  of  Civil  Defense. 
Further  work  is  under  way  to  simplify  and  shorten  the  computation  time  and 
to  compare  predicted  and  observed  results  in  other  shelters. 

New  Method  for  Predicting  Roofing  Asphalt  Durability.  A  fast, 
dependable  method  has  long  been  sought  for  measuring  the  degradation  of 
roofing  asphalt  from  weather  exposure.  Based  on  experiments  with  eight 
roofing  asphalts  procured  from  four  different  sources,  California,  south- 
eastern United  States,  central  United  States,  and  Venezuela,  a  rapid,  repro- 
ducible method  for  predicting  resistance  of  roofing  asphalts  to  weathering 
was  developed.  Thin  films  (25  ±2  microns)  of  the  samples  are  made  by 
pressing  vacuum-dried  pellets  (4  millimeters  in  diameter)  between  sheets 
of  unlacquered  cellophane  in  a  hydraulic  press  heated  to  250  °F.  The  thin 
films  are  separated  from  the  cellophane,  mounted  in  holders,  and  scanned 
in  an  infrared  spectrophotometer.  The  specimens,  at  a  temperature  of  120 
°F  and  a  relative  humidity  of  40  percent,  are  then  exposed  to  the  radiation 
from  a  carbon  arc  for  selected  periods.  The  increased  absorbance  at  the 
5.88-micron  wavelength  is  used  to  determine  the  oxidation  rates  of  the  speci- 
mens. Results  obtained  with  this  method  showed  oxidation  rates  and  time 
to  film  failure  of  the  asphalts  to  be  in  the  same  order  with  respect  to  resist- 
ance to  weathering  as  were  results  obtained  with  other  techniques  and  from 
actual  outdoor  exposure  tests. 

Weathering  Resistance  of  Plastics  Determined.  The  increasing  use 
of  plastics  as  building  materials  has  focused  attention  on  their  weathering 
properties.  In  a  program  to  develop  rapid  methods  for  comparing  the 
weathering  resistance  of  plastics,  it  was  found  that  weathered  specimens  de- 
velop a  pronounced  color  when  treated  with  a  diamine,  one  of  the  most 
effective  being  /V,/V-dimethyl-p-penylenediamine.  Two  methods  of  measure- 
ment may  be  used,  either  independently  or  together,  to  evaluate  the  extent 
of  degradation.  One  method  is  based  on  the  treatment  of  the  specimen 
with  a  known  amount  of  the  diamine  in  a  benzene-methanol  solution.  The 
extent  of  coloration  is  determined  by  reflectance  measurements,  with  a  differ- 
ential colorimeter,  of  treated  weathered  and  unweathered  specimens.  The 
other  method  depends  upon  the  quantitative  determination  of  the  amount 
of  diamine  that  has  reacted  with  the  surface  of  the  weathered  specimen.  The 
two  methods  yield  results  with  samples  exposed  to  either  natural  or  accel- 
erated weathering  conditions  that  agree  within  the  limitations  imposed  by 
the  nature  of  the  material. 


Performance  of  Roofings.  The  construction  agencies  of  the  Defense 
Department  have  long  recognized  that  roofing  failures  account  for  a  large 
portion  of  building  problems  both  in  new  construction  and  in  the  mainte- 
nance of  existing  structures.  The  elimination  of  these  problems  in  the  de- 
sign and  construction  stages  of  a  project  would  result  in  substantial  savings. 
Hence,  the  Directorate  of  Civil  Engineering,  U.S.  Air  Force;  the  Office  of  the 
Chief  of  Engineers,  U.S.  Army;  and  the  Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks,  U.S. 
Navy,  are  "sponsoring  a  program  to  investigate  the  performance  of  roofing 
materials  and  roof  systems  for  both  flat  and  steep  roofs.  The  program  in- 
cludes investigations  of  the  chemical  and  physical  properties  of  organic 
roofing  materials  and  of  the  durability  and  performance  of  a  roof  system 
when  exposed  to  various  climatic  conditions.  The  study  will  be  accom- 
plished in  three  phases:  Laboratory  experiments  to  determine  composition 
and  chemical  and  physical  properties;  simulated  service  tests;  and  field  sur- 
veys to  observe  actual  performance.  Information  thus  obtained  is  to  be 
incorporated  into  material,  design,  and  construction  specifications  of  the 
Defense  Department. 

Safety  Codes  Revised.  The  Bureau  participated  in  a  revision  of  Part  2 
of  the  National  Electrical  Safety  Code,  and  the  results  of  this  work  were 
published  as  NBS  Handbook  81.  Through  membership  on  committees,  as- 
sistance was  given  in  developing  or  revising  other  codes  under  the  procedures 
of  the  American  Standards  Association.  They  include  the  National  Elec- 
trical Code,  sponsored  by  the  National  Fire  Protection  Association  (NFPA)  ; 
the  Code  for  Protection  Against  Lightning,  sponsored  by  NFPA,  the  Ameri- 
can Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers,  and  the  Bureau;  the  National  Plumbing 
Code,  sponsored  by  the  American  Public  Health  Association,  the  National 
Association  of  Plumbing  Contractors,  and  the  Building  Officials  Conference 
of  America;  Dimensional  Standardization  of  Plumbing  Equipment,  spon- 
sored by  the  American  Society  of  Mechanical  Engineers  and  the  American 
Society  of  Sanitary  Engineering;  and  Standards  for  Mobile  Homes  and 
Travel  Trailers,  sponsored  by  the  Mobile  Homes  Manufacturers  Association 
and  the  Trailer  Coach  Association. 

Fluid  Dynamics  of  Plumbing  Systems  Reviewed.  Rational  economic 
design  of  plumbing  systems  depends  on  adequate  knowledge  of  hydraulic  and 
pneumatic  capacities,  and  of  probable  peak  demands  by  plumbing  fixtures. 
Traditionally,  Bureau  publications  on  the  fluid  dynamics  of  plumbing  have 
provided  the  basis  for  pipe  sizing  criteria  utilized  by  plumbing  codes. 

In  this  area,  publications  are  now  in  preparation  which  outline  (1)  the 
application  of  experimental  results  to  the  computation  of  hydraulic  loads 
on  horizontal  drain  systems,  and  (2)  methods  for  estimating  loads  on  plumb- 
ing systems  in  terms  of  actual  plumbing  fixtures.  Another  publication 
(NBS  Monograph  31)  was  recently  issued  on  the  criteria  for  sizing  main 
vertical  drains  and  vents. 

Preliminary  findings  in  a  laboratory  study  of  the  fundamental  mechanisms 
of  venting  indicate  that  certain  significant  factors  may  not  be  satisfactorily* 
accounted  for  in  current  methods  for  sizing  vent  pipes. 


Thermal   Conductivity   Measurements    and   Reference    Samples. 

Industry,  defense  agencies,  and  research  laboratories  have  pressing  needs 
for  thermal  conductivity  reference  materials,  which  will  enable  them  to  check 
their  own  measurements,  or  to  use  simplified  comparative  methods  for  de- 
termining thermal  conductivity.  In  efforts  to  satisfy  these  needs,  conductiv- 
ity measurements  were  made  by  two  or  more  independent  absolute  methods 
on  two  materials  which  appear  promising  for  reference  use:  a  chromium- 
nickel  alloy  and  a  microcrystalline  glass.  Results  obtained  in  the  alloy 
measurements  by  three  methods,  covering  the  temperature  range  — 150  to 
1200  °C,  agree  within  a  few  percent  where  the  temperature  ranges  overlap. 
Samples  of  the  alloy  were  furnished  as  informal  references  to  seven  labo- 
ratories in  this  country,  and  they  were  also  sent  to  another  laboratory  in 
this  country  and  to  three  national  laboratories  in  other  countries  for  co- 
operative independent  measurements.  The  measurements  on  microcrystal- 
line glass  are  not  complete,  but  they  indicate  good  stability  of  conductivity 
up  to  1,000  °C. 

Samples  of  low  and  moderate  thermal  conductivities  for  use  as  references 
in  checking  or  calibrating  apparatus  for  determining  the  conductivity  of 
insulating  materials  are  now  made  routinely  available  on  a  fee  basis.  De- 
velopments of  apparatus  and  methods  are  in  progress  so  that  reference  sam- 
ples for  use  at  temperatures  up  to  and  over  500  °C  may  also  be  made 

Measuring  the  bond  between  concrete  aggregate  (quartz,  granite,  etc.)  and 
Portland  cement  paste  in  pure  shear  (torsion).  The  study  is  aimed  at  finding 
how  the  mineral  nature  of  the  aggregate  affects  the  bond  strength.  (See 
p.  166.) 


Proceedings  of  Cement  Symposium  Published,  The  Proceedings 
of  the  Fourth  International  Symposium  on  the  Chemistry  of  Cement,  held 
at  the  Bureau,  are  now  available  as  a  Bureau  publication,  NBS  Monograph 
43,  in  a  set  of  two  volumes.  The  work  provides  a  comprehensive  review 
of  all  aspects  of  cement  chemistry,  and  also  includes  67  research  papers  on 
special  topics  in  this  field.  In  collaboration  with  the  Portland  Cement  As- 
sociation, the  Bureau  undertook  the  editing,  proofreading,  and  indexing 
of  the  material  presented  during  the  symposium.  It  is  expected  that  the 
Proceedings  will  become  a  major  reference  work  in  cement  chemistry. 

Standard  Samples  Now  Available  for  Portland  Cement  Analysis. 
In  the  chemical  analysis  of  portland  cement  and  related  materials,  new 
techniques  are  frequently  replacing  traditional  methods  of  gravimetric  chem- 
ical analysis.  Two  examples  are  the  use  of  a  flame  photometer  to  measure 
the  alkali  constituents  in  portland  cement  and  the  use  of  a  quantitative  X-ray 
fluorescence  spectrometer  to  measure  its  other  constituents.  In  some  cases 
the  apparatus  employing  these  new  techniques  must  be  calibrated  by  the 
use  of  samples  of  known  composition,  and  in  others  the  use  of  such  samples 
is  required  in  the  evaluation  of  the  performance  of  the  instruments.  In 
addition,  the  availability  of  accurately  analyzed  samples  may  be  useful  in 
the  older  methods  of  analysis.  During  the  past  year  the  Bureau  made  avail- 
able for  sale  five  such  standard  samples  whose  composition  covers  the 
range  generally  encountered  in  commercial  cements. 

Cement" Aggregate  Bond  in  Concrete  Studied.  It  has  long  been 
recognized  that  the  particle  shape  and  texture  of  concrete  aggregates  affect 
the  bond  strength  between  the  aggregate  and  cement  matrix  in  portland 
cement  concrete.  The  nature  of  the  mineral  is  also  thought  to  influence 
the  bond  strength,  and  experiments  to  find  if  such  a  relationship  exists  are 
under  way.  A  bond  test  was  developed  in  which  polished  cylindrical  pieces 
of  aggregate  with  one  end  embedded  in  cement  mortar  are  subjected  to  tor- 
sion, and  the  shear  strength  at  the  mortar-aggregate  surface  is  measured. 
Concurrent  experiments  are  being  made  in  which  the  surface  charges  on  the 
aggregate  materials  are  measured  by  electrophoretic  techniques.  It  is  an- 
ticipated that  a  relationship  between  the  two  properties  will  be  found. 

Resistance  of  Exterior-Finish  Porcelain  Enamels  to  Weathering. 
The  use  of  porcelain  enamel  on  steel  and  aluminum  as  an  exterior  finish  for 
various  building  structures  has  been  expanding  rapidly  during  the  past 
decade.  The  factors  responsible  for  this  increase  are  the  trend  in  the  build- 
ing industry  towards  curtain  wall  construction,  the  emphasis  on  color  in 
modern  architecture,  the  ease  with  which  most  porcelain  enamel  finishes 
can  be  cleaned,  and  the  good  stability  of  most  porcelain  enamel  finishes. 

An  earlier  Bureau  investigation  resulted  in  the  development  of  tests  that 
would  eliminate  the  use  of  porcelain  enamels  having  poor  durability.  Four 
geographical  sites  were  used  in  making  the  survey,  all  in  the  eastern  part 
of  the  United  States. 

Recently  a  new  investigation  was  started  in  order  to  compare  older  enamel 
types  with  those  introduced  since  World  War  II.  and  also  to  obtain  addi- 


An  image-glossmeter  was  developed  to  measure  the  image-forming  properties 
of  a  surface.  Image-gloss  is  an  important  attribute  of  some  types  of  building 
exteriors.     (Seep.  167.) 

tional  information  on  the  effect  of  geographical  location  on  the  rate  of 
weathering.  An  examination  of  specimens  exposed  for  three  years  in  the 
southwestern  and  western  parts  of  the  country  showed  that  exposure  condi- 
tions are  less  severe  than  they  are  in  the  east.  Air  pollution  by  acid  gases 
was  found  in  the  present  study  to  be  an  important  factor  in  determining  the 
rate  of  attack.  The  investigation  resulted  in  the  development  of  an  improved 
laboratory  test  that  provides  increased  reliability  for  the  selection  of  the 
most  durable  enamel  types. 

New  Image-Gloss  Test  Method  Developed,  Exterior  walls  of  build- 
ings with  smooth  finishes  often  reflect  distorted  images  of  adjacent  objects 
and  structures,  as  a  result  of  small  deviations  from  flatness  and  from  minor 
misalinements  in  panel  mountings.  Because  this  condition  detracts  from 
appearance,  many  architects  and  owners  in  their  specifications  now  stipulate 
finishes  that  do  not  form  images. 

A  portable  image  glossmeter  for  measuring  this  property  of  a  surface  was 
developed  during  the  year.  In  this  apparatus,  the  image  gloss  of  a  speci- 
men is  determined  by  observing  the  reflected  images  of  a  series  of  randomly 
oriented  characters   (Landolt  C's)    through  a  suitable  optical  system.     The 


observer  starts  with  a  pattern  containing  characters  that  are  too  small  to 
be  discernible,  and  views  successively  larger  ones  until  he  sees  an  image 
distinctly  enough  so  that  he  can  report  its  orientation  correctly.  The  image- 
gloss  rating  is  the  number  assigned  to  the  smallest  pattern  that  the  observer 
can  identify  correctly. 

The  equipment  and  test  method  were  adopted  as  a  tentative  standard  of 
the  Porcelain  Enamel  Institute  in  1962.  Although  the  test  was  designed  for 
porcelain  enameled  metal,  it  is  also  applicable  to  any  material  that  may 
form  images  by  surface  reflection. 

Standardization  of  Thermal  Emittance  Measurements,  Thermal 
radiation  properties  of  materials  have  always  been  important  in  the  design 
of  buildings  and  structures,  but  with  the  advent  of  the  space  age,  the  demand 
for  these  data  has  greatly  increased.  Dozens  of  new  laboratories  established 
to  perform  the  required  measurements  were  necessarily  manned  largely  by 
personnel  with  scant  background  in  the  field.  Hence,  widely  divergent 
values  were  reported  by  different  laboratories  on  supposedly  identical 

To  help  correct  this  condition,  the  Air  Force  requested  the  Bureau  to  estab- 
lish standard  equipment  and  procedures  for  measuring  normal  spectral 
emittance,  to  prepare  and  calibrate  working  standards  of  normal  spectral 
emittance  for  use  in  verifying  equipment  and  procedures  used  by  Air  Force 
contractors,  and  to  conduct  an  educational  program  for  interested  labora- 

A  report  was  issued  shortly  after  the  project  was  undertaken,  briefly  re- 
viewing the  basic  principles  of  radiant  heat  transfer,  and  making  general 
recommendations  with  regard  to  instrumentation  and  procedures  for  meas- 
uring thermal  emittance.  The  educational  program  resulted  in  over  200 

The  equipment  developed  at  the  Bureau  for  direct  measurement  of  normal 
spectral  emittance  makes  use  of  a  double-beam  ratio-recording  infrared 
spectrometer.  The  hot  specimen  serves  as  the  source  for  one  beam  of  the 
spectrometer,  and  a  laboratory  blackbody  furnace  for  the  other.  Extensive 
tests  indicate  that  the  precision  of  measurement  on  platinum  specimens,  ex- 
pressed as  the  standard  deviation  of  repeated  measurements  on  the  same 
specimen,  is  within  ±0.005  in  emittance,  and  that  the  measurement  bias  is 
less  than  0.01. 

Working  standards  of  platinum,  oxidized  Kanthal.  and  oxidized  Inconel. 
representing  low,  intermediate,  and  high  emittance,  respectively,  were  pre- 
pared and  calibrated  for  use  by  other  laboratories  at  temperatures  of  800. 
1100,  and  1300  °K  (1400  °K  for  platinum)  over  the  wavelength  range  from 
1  to  15  microns. 


In  the  United  States,  the  actual  control  over  weighing  and  measuring  in 
the  buying  and  selling  of  goods  and  services  is  largely  within  the  respon- 


sibility  of  the  country's  political  subdivisions,  that  is,  the  States,  the  coun- 
ties, and  the  municipal  governments.  To  preclude  the  possibility  of  many 
different  weights  and  measures  systems,  the  U.S.  Department  of  Commerce — - 
and  through  it,  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards — has  been  charged  by 
the  Congress  with  the  custody,  maintenance,  and  development  of  the  na- 
tional standards  of  measurement,  and  with  the  provision  of  means  and 
methods  for  making  measurements  consistent  with  those  standards.  Par- 
ticularly with  relation  to  the  State  weights  and  measures  programs,  the 
Bureau  performs  the  testing,  calibration,  and  certification  of  standards  and 
standard  measuring  apparatus,  provides  technical  advisory  service,  and 
extends  general  cooperation  in  securing  uniformity  in  weights  and  measures 
laws  and  in  methods  of  inspection. 

To  implement  this  cooperation,  the  Bureau  maintains  an  Office  of  Weights 
and  Measures  which  is  responsible  for  (1)  technical  services  to  the  States 
and  to  business  and  industry  in  the  area  of  measurement;  (2)  the  design, 
construction,  and  use  of  weights  and  measures  standards  and  of  instruments 
associated  with  such  standards;  (3)  the  training  of  weights  and  measures 
officials  in  the  technical  aspects  of  their  programs;  and  (4)  the  collection, 
arrangement,  and  dissemination  of  technical  data  on  measurement  units 
and  systems. 

Technical  Services  Provided,  Among  the  technical  services  provided 
to  industry  during  the  year  was  the  establishment  of  methods  for  determin- 
ing the  exact  quantity  in  packages  of  caulking  compound  and  in  aerosol 

Checking  the  fifth  wheel  distance-measuring  device  used  to  obtain  informa- 
tion regarding  the  accuracy  of  vehicle  odometers.  The  investigation  is  designed 
to  provide  car-rental  agencies  with  accuracy  requirements,  and  to  provide 
weights  and  measures  officials  with  a  performance  code,  testing  equipment 
design,  and  test  methods.     (See  p.  170.) 

662336  O— 62- 



containers.     A  study,  including  a  test  series,  was  made  of  a  positive-dis- 
placement meter  designed  to  measure  the  flow  of  fresh,  raw  milk. 

An  extensive  investigation  of  the  performance  of  odometers  on  automo- 
biles rented  by  the  mile  was  undertaken.  This  will  ultimately  provide  rental 
car  agencies  with  accuracy  requirements,  and  will  provide  weights  and 
measures  officials  with  a  performance  code,  testing  equipment  design,  and 
test  methods. 

In  other  studies,  testing  equipment  was  designed  for  large-capacity  scales 
and  vehicle-tank  meters,  special  glass  flasks  were  developed  for  the  control 
of  packaged  commodities  sold  by  liquid  measure,  and,  cooperatively  with 
industry,  refinements  were  brought  about  in  the  weighing  instruments  used 
by  weights  and  measures  officials  in  their  general  package-control  programs. 

Mass  Standards  Material  Developed,  Recent  metallurgical  develop- 
ments led  to  a  stainless  steel  of  unusual  composition  for  mass  standards. 
Special  melting  techniques  were  used  in  which  a  consumable  electrode  under 
vacuum  insures  low  gas  and  nonmetallic  inclusion  content  and  provides 
uniformity  in  structure  and  analysis.  The  resulting  austenitic  alloy,  ex- 
tremely stable  and  having  a  density  of  8.0  ±0.1  grams  per  milliliter  at  25 
°C,  seems  ideally  suited  for  State  reference  standards. 

The  Technical  Training  Program.  Technical  training  of  State  and 
local  weights  and  measures  officials  falls  into  three  categories:  Formal 
courses  of  one-week  duration  offered  to  small  classes  of  supervisory  per- 
sonnel in  a  training  laboratory  at  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards;  two, 
three,  or  four-day  formal  courses  conducted  in  the  various  States  for  all 
State  and  local  officials;  informal  training  at  NBS  and  in  the  field  to  cover 
laboratory  procedures  and  the  use  of  special  testing  equipment.  Such 
technical  training  undoubtedly  is  a  factor  in  the  rapidly  developing  uni- 
formity and  effectiveness  of  weights  and  measures  regulatory  services  in 
the  United  States. 

Technical  Information  Provided.  A  basic  responsibility  is  the  dis- 
semination of  accurate  information  on  units,  systems,  and  equivalents  of 
weights  and  measures.  Tables  of  interrelation  in  forms  that  facilitate  ready 
leference  are  published,  and  a  large  volume  of  inquiries  is  handled  even* 
year.  Two  indexed  collections  of  books — an  archival  collection  and  a  ref- 
erence collection — and  other  documents  comprise  a  weights  and  measures 
library.  This  library  affords  the  staff  and  outside  researchers  and  students 
complete  references  on  the  history  and  present  status  of  weights  and  measures. 

National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures.  The  Bureau 
sponsors  an  annual  National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures,  a  rela- 
tively informal  meeting  of  weights  and  measures  officials,  representatives  of 
various  agencies  of  the  Federal  Government  and  of  equipment  manufacturers 
and  users,  and  others  interested  in  orderly  and  effective  weights  and  meas- 
ures control.  The  Conference  sessions  develop  technical  and  general 
recommendations  for  weights  and  measures  administration,  contribute  to  in- 
terstate coordination  of  weights  and  measures  activity,  and  explore  the  entire 


I~~l  BOTH 



Map  shows  technical  training  classes  for  weights  and  measures  officials,  con- 
ducted by  NBS.  The  classes  are  a  major  factor  in  maintaining  uniform  and 
effective  weights  and  measures  administration  within  the  United  States.  (See 
p.  170.) 

area  of  this  economically  important  segment  of  governmental  regulatory 
service.  Among  Conference  accomplishments  are  a  Model  State  Law  on 
Weights  and  Measures,  and  model  regulations  covering  devices  and  packages. 
The  Model  Law  is  included  among  recommended  legislative  efforts  of  the 
Council  of  State  Governments. 

The  47th  National  Conference  was  held  during  the  year.  Thirty-eight 
States,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Puerto  Rico,  Canada,  Japan,  and  Scotland 
were  officially  represented  among  a  registered  attendance  of  420.  The  prin- 
cipal topic  discussed  was  package  labeling  and  quantity  control.  The  tech- 
nical papers  presented  dealt  with  subjects  such  as  odometers  on  rental  cars, 
mechanical  measurement  of  milk,  and  the  weights  and  measures  programs 
in  Japan  and  in  Scotland. 





The  Bureau  is  headed  by  a  Director  who  is  appointed  by  the  President  with  Senate 
confirmation.  The  Director  is  assisted  by  a  Deputy  Director,  who  is  responsible  for 
internal  operations.  Several  Associate  Directors  participate  in  the  leadership  function. 
coordinating  related  technical  work  across  division  lines,  heading  important  policy 
committees,  and  handling  special  assignments  in  a  staff  capacity.  One  of  the  Associate 
Directors,  in  addition  to  being  responsible  for  administration  and  support  activities 
of  a  continuing  nature,  is  in  charge  of  an  extensive  special  project — planning  for  the 
Bureau's  new  laboratories  which  are  being  constructed  at  Gaithersburg,  Maryland. 
In  charge  of  the  Boulder  Laboratories  is  a  Director  who  also  has  the  status  of  Associate 
Director  of  the  Bureau.  Program  activities  are  conducted  in  25  scientific  divisions. 
Most  divisions  correspond  roughly  to  a  major  field  of  physical  science  or  engineering, 
and  are  divided  into  sections  responsible  for  technical  areas  within  each  field.  Six- 
teen of  the  divisions  are  located  in  Washington  and  nine  in  Boulder.  Below  the  sec- 
tion level,  the  staff  is  organized  into  project  groups  which  may  be  easily  regrouped, 


Allen  V.  Astin 


Robert  D.  Huntoon 

Associate  Directors 

I.  C.  Schoonover 
R.  S.  Walleigh 


F.  W.  Brown,  Director,  Boulder  Laboratories 

Assistants   to   the   Director 

G.  E.  Auman 
W.  S.  Bussey 

Special   Research   Group 

H.  P.  Broida 
U.  Fano 

Staff   Advisers 

NBS   Reactor   Program  C.  0.  Muehlhause 

Patent  Adviser  D.  Robbins 

Program  Adviser  C.  N.  Coates 

Director   Emeritus 

Lyman  J.  Briggs 

*  As  of  September  1,   1962. 



(In  numerical  order) 


Resistance  and  Reactance 
Electrical  Instruments 
Magnetic  Measurements 
High  Voltage 

Assistant  Chief 

Photometry  and  Colorimetry 


Photographic  Research 


Engineering  Metrology 

Mass  and  Scale 

Volumetry  and  Densimetry 




Assistant  Chief  for  Thermodynamics 

Temperature  Physics 

Heat  Measurements 

Cryogenic  Physics 

Equation  of  State 

Statistical  Physics 




Radiation  Theory 
High  Energy  Radiation 
Radiological  Equipment 
Nucleonic  Instrumentation 
Neutron  Physics 

C.  H.  Page 
J.  L.  Thomas 

W.  J.  Hamer 
F.  M.  Defandorf 

I.   L.   COOTER 

J.  D.  Hoffman 
F.  R.  Kotter 

A.  G.  McNish 

D.  B.  Judd 
L.  E.  Barbrow 

F.  E.  Washer 
C.  S.  McCamy 
T.  R.  Young 
I.  H.  Fullmer 
P.  E.  Pontius 
J.  C.  Hughes,  Acting 

R.  P.  Hudson 
C.  W.  Beckett 
J.  F.  Swindells 

D.    C.    GlNNINGS 

E.  Ambler 
J.  Hilsenrath 

M.  S.  Green 

L.  S.  Taylor 

H,  O.  Wyckoff 

W.  B,  Mann 

M.  Berger,  Acting 

H.  W.  Koch 

S.  W.  Smith 

L.  Costrell 

R.  S.  Caswell 



Assistant  Chief 

Pure  Substances 
Solution  Chemistry 
Standard  Reference  Materials 
Applied  Analytical  Research 
Crystal  Chemistry 



Pressure  and  Vacuum 

Fluid  Mechanics 

Engineering  Mechanics 


Combustion  Controls 


H.  C.  Allen,  Jr. 
R.  G.  Bates 
R.  Gilchrist 
C.  P.  Saylor 
F.  L.  Howard 
B.  F.  Scribner 
R.  G.  Bates 
J.  L.  Hague 
J.  K.  Taylor 
H.  S.  Peiser 

B.  L.  Wilson 
J.  M.  Frankland 
E.  C.  Lloyd 
R.  K.  Cook 
D.  P.  Johnson 
}.  B.  Schubauer 
L.  K.  Irwin 
R.  S.  Marvin 
F.  R.  Caldwell 



Macromolecules :  Synthesis  and  Structure 
Polymer  Chemistry 
Polymer  Physics 
Polymer  Characterization 
Polymer  Evaluation  and  Testing 
Applied  Polymer  Standards  and  Research 
Dental  Research 



Assistant  Chief 

Engineering  Metallurgy 

Microscopy  and  Diffraction 

Metal  Reactions 

Metal  Physics 

Electrolysis  and  Metal  Deposition 



Assistant  Chief 


Engineering  Ceramics 


Solid  State  Chemistry 

Crystal  Growth 

Physical  Properties 





Structural  Engineering 
Fire  Research 
Mechanical  Systems 
Organic  Building  Materials 
Codes  and  Safety  Standards 
Heat  Transfer 

Inorganic  Building  Materials 
Metallic  Building  Materials 

G.  M.  Kline 

D.  McIntyre 
L.  A.  Wall 

E.  Passaglia 
N.  P.  Bekkedahl 

R.  D.  Stiehler 

R.  B.  Hobbs 

W.  T.  Sweeney 


G.  A.  Ellinger 
L.  L.  Wyman 
S.  J.  Rosenberg 
H.  C.  Vacher 
G.  A.  Ellinger 

L.    M.   KUSHNER 

A.  Brenner 

A.  D.  Franklin 
C.  H.  Hahner 
R.  E.  Lippincott 
M.  D.  Burdick 
C.  H.  Hahner 
F.  Ordway 
J.  B.  Wachtman,  Jr. 
H.  F.  McMurdie 

D.  E.  Parsons 
W.  F.  Roeser 
D.  Watstein 
A.  F.  Robertson 


W.  W.  Walton 


H.  E.  Robinson 

B.  E.  Foster 

W.  N.  Harrison 



Assistant  Chief 


Numerical  Analysis 
Statistical  Engineering 
Mathematical  Physics 
Operations  Research 




Research  Information  Center  and  Advisory 
Service  on  Information  Processing 
Components  and  Techniques 
Computer  Technology 
Measurements  Automation 
Engineering  Applications 
Systems  Analysis 

E.  W.  Cannon 
F.  L.  Alt 
W.  J.  Youden 
P.  Davis 
D.  I.  Mittleman 


W.  H.  Pell 
A.  J.  Goldman 

S.  N.  Alexander 
J.  F.  Rafferty 
P.  D.  Schupe 

Miss  M.  E.  Stevens 

R.  D.  Elbourn 

J.  A.  Cunningham 

R.  T.  Moore,  Acting 

N.  Alexander.  Acting 

N.  Alexander.  Acting 




Infrared  Spectroscopy 
Far  Ultraviolet  Physics 
Solid  State  Physics 
Electron  Physics 
Atomic  Physics 
Plasma  Spectroscopy 

K.  G.  Kessler 

W.  C.  Martin,  Jr. 

E.  K.  Plyler 

R.  P.  Madden 

H.  P.  R.  Frederikse 

J.  A.  Simpson 

H.    BOYNE 
W.   L.  WlESE 



Engineering  Electronics 
Electron  Devices 
Electronic  Instrumentation 
Mechanical  Instruments 
Basic  Instrumentation 

G.  F.  Montgomery 

G.  Shapiro 

C.  P.  Marsden 

G.  F.  Montgomery,  Acting 

A.  Wexler 

J.  Stern 


Chief    • 
Assistant  Chief 


Surface  Chemistry 

Organic  Chemistry 

Molecular  Spectroscopy 

Elementary  Processes 

Mass  Spectrometry 

Photochemistry  and  Radiation  Chemistry 

M.  B.  Wallenstein 

F.  Buckley 

E.  J.  Prosen 

R.  Klein 

H.  S.  Isrell 

D.  E.  Mann 

R.  E.  Ferguson 

H.  Rosenstock 

J.  R.  McNesry 



M.  W.  Jensen 


Office  of  Technical  Information 



Administrative  Services 



Management  Planning 


Internal  Audit 


NBS  Library 

W.  R.  Tilley 

J.  P.  Menzer 

G.  R.  Porter 

H.  P.  Dalzell 

F.  P.  Brown 

G.  B.  Kefover 

A.  J.  Muller 

J.  E.  Skillington 

J.  Seidenberg 

F.  P.  Brown,  Acting 

Miss  S.  Jones 


Director,    Boulder    Laboratories 

F.   W.   Brown 


Mathematics  Group  and  Computation  Facility 

Mathematical  Physics  and  Educational  Director 


Radio  Wave  Propagation 

Physics  of  the  Atmosphere 

Communications    Liaison    Officer 

CRPL  Liaison  and  Program  Development 

Executive  Officer  and  Chief  of  Administrative  Division 

Technical  Information  Officer 

J.   J.    SOPKA 

E.  H.  Brown 

E.  L.  Crow 

J.  R.  Wait 

D.  M.  Gates 

Allen    Barnabei 

A.  H.  Shapley 

S.  W.  J.  Welch 

J.  R.  Craddock 




Assistant  Chief 

Cryogenic    Equipment 
Cryogenic  Processes 
Properties   of   Materials 
Cryogenic   Technical   Services 

R.  B.  Scott 

B.  W.  Birmingham 

R.  B.  Jacobs 

B.  W.  Birmingham 

R.   J.  Corruccini 

V.  J.  Johnson 



Assistant  Chief 

Assistant  Chief 

Assistant  to  Chief  for  Technical  Planning  &  Coordination 


Low  Frequency  and  Very  Low  Frequency  Research 

Ionosphere  Research 

Prediction  Services 

Sun-Earth  Relationships 

Field  Engineering 

Radio  Warning  Services 

Vertical  Soundings  Research 

E.  K.  Smith,  Jr. 
T.  N.  Gautier 
R.  W.  Knecht 
J.  A.  Kemper 
D.  K.  Bailey 
H.  H.  Howe 
A.  G.  Jean 
K.  Davies 
Miss  J.  V.  Lincoln 
R.  W.  Knecht 
H.  G.  Sellery 
Miss  J.  V.  Lincoln 
J.  W.  Wright 



Assistant  Chief  for  Research  and  Development 

Consultant — Terminal  Equipment 

Data  Reduction  Instrumentation 

Radio  Noise 

Tropospheric  Measurements 

Tropospheric  Analysis 

Propagation-Terrain  Effects 

Radio  Meteorology 

Lower  Atmosphere  Physics 



Assistant  Chief 
Assistant  Chief 

Applied  Electromagnetic  Theory 

High  Frequency  and  Very  High  Frequency  Research 

Frequency  Utilization 

Modulation  Research 

Antenna  Research 


K.  A.  Norton 
J.  W.  Herbstreit 
E.  F.  Florman 
W.  E.  Johnson 
W.  Q.  Crichlow 
M.  T.  Decker 
P.  L.  Rice 
R.  S.  Kirby 
B.  R.  Bean 
M.  C.  Thompson,  Jr. 

R.  C.  Kirby 

D.  W.  Patterson 

W.  F.  Utlaut 

G.  W.  Haydon 

J.   R.  JOHLER 

W.  F.  Utlaut 

G.  W.  Haydon 

C.  C.  Watterson,  Acting 

H.  V.  Cottony 

G.  Hefley 



Upper  Atmosphere  and  Plasma  Physics 
High  Latitude  Ionspheric  Physics 
Ionosphere  and  Exosphere  Scatter 
Airglow  and  Aurora 
Ionospheric  Radio  Astronomy 



Assistant  Chief  for  Planning  and  Coordination 


C.  G.  Little 
R.  J.  Slutz 

D.  K.  Bailey 
R.  M.  Gallet 

H.  J.  A.  Chivers 

K.  L.  Bowles 

F.  E.  Roach 

R.  S.  Lawrence 

M.  Richardson 

E.  C.  Wolzien 

D.  M.  Kerns 

*The9e    divisions    comprise    the    Central    Radio    Propagation    Laboratories. 




Assistant  Chief  for  Technical  Planning  and  Coordination 

Radio  Broadcast  Service 

Radio  and  Microwave  Materials 

Atomic  Frequency  and  Time  Interval  Standards 

Radio  Plasma 

Millimeter- Wave  Research 

Yardley  Beers 
W.  D.  George 
P.  F.  Wacker 
W.  D.  Goring 

A,  H.  Morgan 

J.  L.  Dalke 

R.  C.  Mockler 

B.  Wieder,  Acting 

R.  W.  Zimmerer,  Acting 



Assistant  Chief 

Assistant  to  the  Chief  for  Technical  Planning  and  Coordination 


Coordinator  Calibration  Service 
High  Frequency  Electrical  Standards 
High  Frequency  Calibration  Services 
High  Frequency  Impedance  Standards 
Microwave  Calibration  Services 
Microwave  Circuit  Standards 
Low  Frequency  Calibration  Services 

G.  E.  Schafer 
H.  W.  Lance 
W.  J.  Anson 

R.  W.  Beatty 
M.  C.  Selby 

W.  F.  Snyder 
C.  M.  Allred 

R.  C.  Powell,  Acting 
R.  C.  Powell 
R.  E.  Larson 
R.  W.  Beatty 

F.  D.  Weaver,  Acting 


Chairman  L.  M.  Branscomb 


Visual  Landing  Aids  Field  Laboratory 
Master  Railway  Track  Scale  Depot 
Materials  Testing  Laboratories: 

Radio  Transmitting  Station  WWV 
Radio  Transmitting  Station  WWVL 

Central  Radio  Propagation 




Eights  Station** 


(Floating  Research  Vessel) 
Marie  Byrd  Station** 
Pole  Station** 



Laboratory  Field  Stations: 
La  Paz** 


Sao  Jose  dos  Campos** 


Cape  Jones** 

Great  Whale  River** 




Areata,  Calif. 

Clearing,  111. 

Allentown,  Pa. 

Denver,  Colo. 

San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Seattle,  Wash. 

Greenbelt,  Md. 

Sunset,  Colo. 


Chalk  Cliff  Site 

Cheyenne  Mountain 


Fritz  Peak 

Gunbarrel  Hill 







Table  Mesa 


**Contract  or  Mutual  Cooperation. 


Central  Radio  Propagation 

Laboratory  Field  Stations — C 






Garden  City 







Jicamarca  Radio 






Poro  Point** 

Maui  (WWVH) 






Mt.  Haleakala 


San  Juan 












Long  Branch 





Salt  Lake  City** 

New  Delhi** 





Fort  Belvoir 



Front  Royal 











Total  permanent  staff 

Other  staff** 




Total  on  rolls 

Research  associates  &  guest  workers 




Total  on  rolls  at  NBS 




Professional  staff*** 














Total  professional  staff 




*Asof  June  30,  1962. 

**WAE,  consultants,  students,  teachers,  postdoctoral  fellows,  and  temporary-limited  employees. 

***Full-time  permanent  (excludes  any  under  **). 



The  activities  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  are  financed  from 
three  sources:  from  appropriations  provided  by  the  Congress;  from  pay- 
ments by  other  agencies  for  specific  research  and  development  tasks; 
and  from  payments  by  industrial  concerns,  universities,  research  institu- 
tions, and  government  agencies  for  specific  calibration  or  testing  services. 
The  following  tabulation  is  a  summary  of  the  financial  aspects  of  the 
Bureau  programs  for  1962: 

Program  and  source  of  financing 

Obligations  incurred  (rounded) 

Supported  by  NBS  appropriations: 
Operating  programs: 

Research  and  technical  services .  . 
Special  foreign  currency  program . 

$23, 359, 000 
400, 000 

$23,  759,  000 


27, 454,  000 

Construction  and  facilities  program: 

Plant  and  facilities 

Construction  of  facilities 


14,  674, 000 
331,  000 

Total  NBS  appropriation 


15,  005,  000 

5, 282, 000 


Supported  by  other  funds: 

Research  and  development  programs: 

Other  Federal  agencies 

Nongovernmental  sources 

Calibrations,     testing,     standard 
samples,    and    other    technical 

Reimbursable  administrative 

Total  supported  by  other  funds . 



Total  program 

74, 238, 




(Reports  annually  to  Secretary  of  Commerce  on  NBS  activities   (Dates  indicate  expira- 
tion of  appointment) ) 

Dr.  M.  J.  Kelly,  Former  President  and  Chairman  of  the  Board,  Bell  Telephone  Labora- 
tories, Inc.  (1962),  Chairman 
Professor  Frederick  Seitz,  University  of  Illinois  (1966) 
Dr.  Lloyd  V.  Berkner,  President,  Graduate  Research  Center,  Inc.  (1963) 
Mr.  Crawford  H.  Greenewalt,  President,  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  &  Co.  (1964) 
Professor  Charles  H.  Townes,  Provost,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (1965) 



(Appointed  by  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences-National  Research  Council  in  co- 
operation with  the  leading  scientific  and  technical  societies  to  advise  NBS  Director 
in  specific  technical  areas.  Cooperating  societies  are:  American  Ceramic  Society 
(ACerS)  ;  American  Chemical  Society  (ACS)  ;  American  Institute  of  Chemical  En- 
gineers (AIChE)  ;  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers  (AIEE)  ;  American 
Institute  of  Mining,  Metallurgical,  and  Petroleum  Engineers  (AIME)  :  American  In- 
stitute of  Physics  (AIP)  ;  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers  (ASCE)  ;  American 
Society  of  Mechanical  Engineers  (ASME)  ;  Conference  Board  of  the  Mathematical 
Sciences  (CBMS)  ;  and  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers  (IRE).  Appointments  at 
large   (AL).     Members  listed  served  during  fiscal  year  1962.) 

Dr.  Paul  D.  Foote,  National  Research  Council,  Executive  Secretary 

Advisory   Panel   to  Electricity   Division 

Prof.  W.  A.  Lewis,  Illinois  Institute  of  Technology,  Chairman  (AIEE) 

Prof.  Norman  I.  Adams,  Jr.,  Yale  University  (AIP) 

Dr.  William  G.  Amey,  Leeds  &  Northrup  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Richard  M.  Bozorth,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (AIP) 

Dr.  John  Brainerd,  University  of  Pennsylvania  (IRE) 

Prof.  Henry  B.  Linford,  Columbia  University  (ACS) 

Mr.  J.  T.  Lusignan,  The  Ohio  Brass  Company  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Ernest  Weber,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn  (AIEE) 

Advisory   Panel   to  Metrology   Division 

Dr.  Brian  O'Brien,  Pomfret,  Conn.,  Chairman  (AIP) 
Prof.  Isay  A.  Balinkin,  University  of  Cincinnati  ( ACerS) 
Prof.  Clarence  E.  Bennett,  University  of  Maine  (AIP) 
Dr.  Alsoph  H.  Corwin,  The  Johns  Hopkins  University  (ACS) 
Mr.  C.  L.  Crouch,  Illuminating  Engineering  Society  ( AL) 
Mr.  A.  M.  Dexter,  Pratt  and  Whitney  Company,  Inc.  (AL) 
Dr.  Robert  E.  Hopkins,  Tropel,  Inc.  ( AL) 
Mr.  Floyd  W.  Hough,  Arlington,  Virginia  (ASCE) 
Mr.  J.  J.  Moran,  Kimble  Glass  Company  (ACerS) 
Mr.  Louis  Polk,  The  Sheffield  Corporation  (ASME) 
Prof.  John  Strong,  The  Johns  Hopkins  University  (AIP) 
Dr.  J.  H.  Webb,  Eastman  Kodak  Company  (AIP) 

Advisory  Panel   to   Heat   Division 

Prof.  Joseph  E.  Mayer,  University  of  California,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Prof.  James  A.  Beattie,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Prof.  Henry  A.  Fairbank,  Yale  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  Joseph  Kestin,  Brown  University  (ASME) 

Dean  R.  B.  Lindsay,  Brown  University  (AIP) 

Dr.  Charles  Squire,  United  Aircraft  Corporation  (AIP) 

Prof.  Glenn  C.  Williams,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology   (AICE) 

Advisory   Panel   to   Radiation   Physics   Division 

Dr.  H.  M.  Parker,  General  Electric  Company,  Chairman  (AIP) 
Mr.  Everitt  P.  Blizard,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  (AIP) 
Dr.  Martin  Deutsch,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 
Dr.  A.  0.  Hanson,  University  of  Illinois  (AIP) 

Dr.  William  A.  Higinbotham,  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  ( IRE) 
Prof.  Harold  A.  Lamonds,  North  Carolina  State  College  (AIEE) 
Prof.  George  T.  Reynolds,  Palmer  Physical  Laboratory  (AIP) 
Dr.  Leonard  Schiff,  Stanford  University  (AIP) 

Advisory  Panel   to  Analytical  and  Inorganic  Chemistry  Division 

Dr.  T.  Ivan  Taylor,  Columbia  University,  Chairman  (ACS) 
Dr.  Clark  E.  Bricker,  Princeton  University  (ACS) 


Dr.  Norman  D.  Coggeshall,  Gulf  Research  and  Development  Company  (AIP) 

Dr.  W.  D.  Cooke,  Cornell  University  (ACS) 

Dr.  Herbert  A.  Laitinen,  University  of  Illinois  (ACS) 

Dr.  W.  Wayne  Meinke,  University  of  Michigan  (ACS) 

Dr.  J.  R.  Ruhoff,  Malinckrodt  Chemical  Company  (ACS) 

Dr.  Charles  E.  White,  University  of  Maryland  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel   to   Mechanics   Division 

Prof.  S.  R.  Beitler,  Ohio  State  University,  Chairman  (ASME) 

Prof.  Lynn  S.  Beedle,  Lehigh  University  (ASCE) 

Prof.  Arthur  T.  Ippen,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (ASCE) 

Dr.  Harry  F.  Olson,  Radio  Corporation  of  America  (AIP) 

Prof.  Jesse  Ormondroyd,  University  of  Michigan  (ASME) 

Dr.  Milton  Plesset,  California  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Advisory  Panel   to  Polymers   Division 

Dr.  C.  G.  Overberger,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Dr.  Raymond  F.  Boyer,  Dow  Chemical  Company  (ACS) 

Dr.  J.  H.  Dillon,  Texile  Research  Institute  (AIP) 

Dr.  Milton  Harris,  Harris  Research  Laboratories,  Inc.  (ACS) 

Dr.  Frank  C.  McGrew,  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  &  Co.  (ACS) 

Dr.  Norman  A.  Shepard,  Stamford,  Connecticut  (ACS) 

Dr.  J.  F.  Downie  Smith,  Carrier  Research  and  Development  Company  (ASME) 

Dr.  Charles  Scott  Venable,  Wallingford,  Pa  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel   to   Metallurgy  Division 

Mr.  Francis  L.  Laque,  International  Nickel  Company,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Dr.  D.  J.  Dienes,  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  (AIP) 

Dr.  Morris  Eugene  Fine,  Northwestern  University  (AIME) 

Mr.  A.  R.  Lytle,  Linde  Company  (AIME) 

Dr.  Oscar  Marzke,  United  States  Steel  Corporation  (AIME) 

Prof.  E.  F.  Osborn,  Pennsylvania  State  University  ( ACerS) 

Dr.  Joseph  A.  Pask,  University  of  California  (ACerS) 

Dr.  Albert  J.  Phillips,  American  Smelting  and  Refining  Company  (AIME) 

Mr.  D.  B.  Rossheim,  M.  W.  Kellogg  Corporation  (ASME) 

Mr.  J.  H.  Scaff,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (AIME) 

Advisory  Panel   to   Inorganic   Solids   Division 

Prof.  Pierce  Selwood,  Northwestern  University,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Dr.  Orson  L.  Anderson,  Summit,  New  Jersey  (ACerS) 

Prof.  C.  Ernest  Birchenall,  University  of  Delaware  ( AL) 

Dr.  Joseph  E.  Burke,  General  Electric  Research  Laboratory  (ACerS) 

Dr.  James  R.  Johnson,  Minnesota  Mining  and  Manufacturing  Company  (ACerS) 

Dr.  Norbert  J.  Kreidl,  Bausch  and  Lomb  Optical  Company  (ACerS) 

Prof.  J.  W.  Mitchell,  University  of  Virginia  (AL) 

Dr.  E.  F.  Osborn,  Pennsylvania  State  University  (ACerS) 

Mr.  Karl  Schwartzwalder,  General  Motors  Corporation  (ACerS) 

Dr.  Robert  B.  Sosman,  Rutgers,  The  State  University  (ACerS) 

Advisory  Panel   to   Building   Research   Division 

Dr.  W.  C.  Hansen,  Valparaiso,  Indiana,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Prof.  Jesse  H.  Day,  Ohio  University  (ACS) 

Dr.  Albert  G.  H.  Deitz,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Techonology  (ASCE) 

Prof.  Robert  A.  Hechtman,  The  George  Washington  University  (ASCE) 

Mr.  Paul  V.  Johnson,  Structural  Clay  Products  Research  Foundation  (ACerS) 

Prof.  James  T.  Lendrum,  University  of  Florida  (AIA) 

Dean  Warren  L.  McCabe,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn  (AICE) 

Dr.  John  S.  Parkinson,  Johns-Manville  Products  Corporation  (AIP) 

Prof  E.  R.  Queer,  The  Pennsylvania  State  University  (AL) 

Mr.  Raymond  C.  Reese,  Toledo,  Ohio  (ASCE) 


Advisory  Panel   to   Applied   Mathematics   Division 

Prof.  A.  H.  Bowker,  Stanford  University  ( AL) 

Prof.  Jesse  Douglas,  City  College  of  New  York  ( AL) 

Prof.  William  Feller,  Princeton  University  (CBMS) 

Prof.  George  E.  Forsythe,  Stanford  University  (CBMS) 

Dr.  Alston  S.  Householder,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  (CBMS) 

Prof.  B.  O.  Koopman,  Columbia  University  (CBMS) 

Dr.  Elliott  W.  Montroll,  International  Business  Machines  Corporation   (CBMS) 

Prof.  R.  D.  Richtmyer,  New  York  University  (CBMS) 

Dr.  J.  Barkley  Rosser,  Cornell  University  (CBMS) 

Prof.  M.  M.  Schiffer,  Stanford  University  (CBMS) 

Advisory   Panel   to   Data   Processing   Systems   Division 

Dr.  Alston  S.  Householder,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,  Chairman  (CBMS) 

Prof.  George  E.  Forsythe,  Stanford  University  (CBMS) 

Mr.    John    C.   McPherson,   International   Business   Machines   Corporation    (IRE) 

Prof.  Charles  L.  Miller,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  ( ASCE) 

Prof.  Raymond  Pepinsky,  Pennsylvania  State  University  ( AIP) 

Prof.  William  H.  Radford,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology   (IRE) 

Prof.  Morris  Rubinoff,  University  of  Pennsylvania  ( AIEE) 

Advisory  Panel   to  Atomic   Physics   Division 

Prof.  R.  H.  Dicke,  Princeton  University,  Chairman  (AIP) 

Prof.  Benjamin  Bederson,  New  York  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  Peter  Franken,  University  of  Michigan  (AIP) 

Prof.  Jesse  L.  Greenstein,  California  Institute  of  Technology  ( AL) 

Prof.  Vernon  W.  Hughes,  Sloane  Laboratory  (AIP) 

Prof.  Mark  G.  Ingrham,  University  of  Chicago  (AIP) 

Dr.  Benjamin  Lax,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Dr.  M.  Kent  Wilson,  Tufts  University  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel  to   Instrumentation  Division 

Mr.  R.  W.  Larson,  General  Electric  Research  Laboratories,  Chairman  (AIEE) 

Dr.  A.  0.  Beckman,  Beckman  Instruments,  Inc.  (AL) 

Mr.  D.  G.  Fink,  Philco  Corporation  (IRE) 

Dr.  R.  J.  Jeffries,  Data-Control  Systems,  Inc.  (AL) 

Col.  J.  Z.  Millar,  Western  Union  Telegraph  Company  (AIEE) 

Mr.  Leon  Podolsky,  Sprague  Electric  Company  (IRE) 

Mr.  Ivan  G.  Easton,  General  Radio  Company  (AIEE) 

Mr.  William  R.  Hewlett,  Hewlett-Packard  Company  (AIEE) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Physical   Chemistry  Division 

Prof.  Henry  Eyring,  University  of  Utah,  Chairman  (ACS) 
Dr.  A.  0.  Allen,  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  (ACS) 
Dr.  Paul  Cross,  Mellon  Institute  (ACS) 
Prof.  Hans  H.  Jaffe,  University  of  Cincinnati  (ACS) 
Dr.  Daniel  R.  Stull,  The  Dow  Chemical  Company  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel   to  Cryogenic   Engineering  Division 

Dr.  Clyde  McKinley,  Air  Products  Incorporated,  Chairman  (AICE) 

Prof.  S.  C.  Collins,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (ASME) 

Dr.  Hugh  M.  Long,  Tonawanda,  New  York  (AIP) 

Dr.  Loyd  B.  Nesbitt,  General  Electric  Laboratory  (AIP) 

Dr.  David  White,  Ohio  State  University  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel   to   Central   Radio  Propagation   Laboratory 

Prof.  Arthur  H.  Waynick,  The  Pennsylvania  State  University,  Chairman  (IRE) 
Mr.  Stuart  L.  Bailey,  Washington,  D.C.  (IRE) 
Prof.  Henry  G.  Booker,  Cornell  University  (IRE) 


Mr.  A.  B.  Crawford,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (AL) 

Dr.  R.  A.  Helliwell,  Stanford  University  (IRE) 

Dr.  S.  W.  Herwald,  Westinghouse  Electric  Corporation  (AIEE) 

Dr.  John  B.  Smyth,  Smyth  Research  Associates  (AIP) 

Dean  George  Town,  Iowa  State  University  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Alrert  D.  Wheelon,  Space  Technology  Laboratories,  Inc.  (IRE) 

Advisory   Panel   to   Radio   Standards   Division 

Prof.  Arthur  A.  Oliner,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn,  Chairman  (IRE) 

Prof.  Walter  Gordy,  Duke  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  E.  L.  Hahn,  University  of  California  (AIP) 

Dr.  E.  W.  Houghton,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (AIEE) 

Prof.  E.  C.  Jordan,  University  of  Illinois  (IRE) 

Dr.  R.  Kompfner,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (IRE) 

Prof.  W.  A.  Lewis,  Illinois  Institute  of  Technology  (AIEE) 

Prof.  N.  F.  Ramsey,  Harvard  University  (AIP) 

Dr.  John  C.  Simons,  National  Research  Corporation  (IRE) 



(Members   are    nominated    by   the   American    Standards    Association    (ASA)    and   the 
American  Society  for  Testing  and  Materials  (ASTM)  ) 

Mr.  W.  A.  Wildhack,  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Chairman 

Dr.  A.  A.  Bates,  New  York  University  (ASTM) 

Mr.  Roger  E.  Gay,  American  Standards  Association  (ASA) 

Mr.  F.  L.  LaQue,  The  International  Nickel  Company,  Inc.  (ASTM) 

Mr.  John  W.  McNair,  American  Standards  Association  (ASA) 

Mr.  N.  L.  Mochel,  Westinghouse  Electric  Corporation  (ASTM) 

Mr.  Frank  H.  Roby,  American  Standards  Association  (ASA) 



(Members  are  appointed  on  the  basis  of  their  broad  personal  knowledge  of  industrial 
measurement  problems) 

Mr.  W.  A.  Wildhack,  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Chairman 

Dr.  William  G.  Amey,  Leeds  &  Northrup  Company 

Mr.  H.  C.  Biggs,  Sandia  Corporation 

Mr.  E.  J.  Brazill,  The  Martin  Company 

Mr.  Ivan  G.  Easton,  General  Radio  Company 

Mr.  Bruno  Weinschel,  Weinschel  Engineering 

Mr.  L.  B.  Wilson,  Sperry  Gyroscope  Company 

Mr.  A.  J.  Woodington,  Convair  Astronautics 


(Members  are  nominated  by  the  National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures) 

Mr.  W.  S.  Bussey,  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Chairman 

Miss  Genevieve  Blatt,  Secretary  of  Internal  Affairs,  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania 

Mr.  C.  G.  Gehringer,  Howe-Richardson  Corporation 

Prof.  L.  J.  Gordon,  Weights  and  Measures  Research  Center,  Denison  University 

Mr.  Rollin  E.  Meek,  State  Board  of  Health,  Indiana 

Mr.  J.  E.  Moss,  American  Petroleum  Institute 

Mr.  E.  C.  Westwood,  City  Sealer  of  Weights  and  Measures,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah 



Recognition  of  the  Bureau's  contributions  to  science  and  technology  often  takes  the 
form  of  awards  and  honors  from  government,  academic,  professional,  and  industrial 
groups.  The  following  list  reflects  such  recognition  bestowed  on  Bureau  staff  members 
during  fiscal  year  1962. 



Ambler,  Ernest 
Astin,  Allen  V. 
Branscomb,  L.  M. 

Brenner,  Abner 
Harrison,  William  N. 
Hoffman,  John  D. 
Jddd,  D.  B. 
Kline,  G.  M. 
Michaelis,  Robert  E. 

Montgomery,  G.  F. 
Ondik,  Helen  M. 
Plyler,  E.  K. 
Schiefer,  Herbert  F. 
Scribner,  Bourdon  F. 

Sitterly,  C.  M. 
Smith,  J.  C. 
Joint  Award : 

Lawrence,  Robert  S. 

Little,  C.  Gordon 

Fellowship    from   the   John   Simon    Guggenheim   Memorial   Foundation 

American    Ordnance    Association's    Scott    Gold    Medal    Award 

Arthur    S.    Flemming    Award    of    the    Junior    Chamber    of    Commerce, 

Washington,  D.C. 
Scientific   Achievement   Award   of  American   Electroplaters'   Society 
John  Jeppson  Award  by  American  Ceramic  Society 

Certificate    of    recognition    from    the    Washington    Academy   of    Sciences 
Gold  Medal  of  Illuminating  Engineering  Society 

Elected  a  Distinguished  Member  of  the  Society  of  Plastics  Engineers 
Steel   Ingot  Award   of  the   Ferrous   Metals    Subcommittee,  ASTM   Com- 
mittee E-2  on  Emission  Spectroscopy 
Elected  Fellow  in  the  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers 
Hunter  College   Award  for  Outstanding  Achievement 
Elected   Honorary   Fellow   of  Indian   Academy  of  Sciences 
Honorary  Doctor  of  Science  Degree  from  North   Carolina  State  College 
Medal  Award  in  Spectroscopy  of  the  Society  for  Applied  Spectroscopy, 

New  York  Section 
Honorary  Doctor  of  Science  Degree  from  Swarthmore  College 
Elected  a  Fellow  of  the  British  Textile  Institute 

RESA  Boulder  Scientist  Award 





Bay,  Zoltan  L. 

Bfown,  William  W. 
Ehrlich,  Marcarete 
Goodwin,  Robert  D. 
Haven,  Clyde  E. 


Krucer,  Jerome 
Lance,  Harvey  W. 
Meyerson,  Melvin  R. 
Mijares,  Anilo 
O'Brien,  Aucusta  H. 
Richmond,  Martha  S. 
Roth,  Robert  S. 
Schilling,  Reinhold  F.  P. 
Schlarman,  Wilfred  L. 
Scott,  Arnold  H. 
Sera,  Frederick 
Swan,  Reta  K. 
Thompson,  Moody  C,  Jr. 
Wiese,  Wolfgang  L. 
Joint  Award  : 

Spencer,  Lewis  V. 

Eisenhauer,  Charles  M. 

Calibration  of  "long  distance"  tapes 

Determinations   of  average    energy    required   to   produce   an   ion   pair  in 

Long-wave    standard    frequency   broadcast    stations 
Photographic    emulsions    for   measurement    of   radiation 
Low-temperature  physics 
Dimensional  metrology  and  standardization 
"Loran-C   Clock"   development 
Surface  metallurgy 

Electronic  standards,  measurements,   and  calibrations 
Physical  metallurgy 
Instrument  craftsmanship 
Administrative  competence 
Analytical  chemistry  of  uranium 
Non-metallic  mineral  products 
Instrument  craftsman 
Instrument   craftsman 

Precision  measurements  of  the  dielectric  properties  of  matter 
Technical  radio  services  from  station  W\^  V 
Administrative  competence 
Troposphere  physics 
Plasma  physics 

Radiation   shielding  engineering 




Cannon,  Edward  W.  Electronic  digital  computers 

Kessler,  Karl  G.  Atomic  physics 

Koch,  H.  William  Radiation  physics 

Norton,  Kenneth  A.  Radio   propagation   research 

Plyler,  Earle  K.  Infrared   radiation  physics 

Wall,  Leo  A.  Fluorocarbon    compounds   for  preparation   of   organic   polymers 

Youden,  William  J.  '  Mathematical  statistics 


The  Bureau  sponsors  a  broad  employee  development  program  oriented  to 
the  education  and  training  needs  of  all  staff  members.  Primary  program 
objectives  are  the  increase  of  efficiency  in  the  conduct  of  official  assigned 
duties  and  systematic  preparation  for  increased  responsibilities.  The  pro- 
gram is  implemented  primarily  through  the  NBS  Graduate  School  and  train- 
ing through  nongovernment  facilities.  It  covers  educational  levels  up 
through  postdoctoral  research  and  includes  general  staff  development  courses. 
Comparable  programs  are  available  in  both  the  Washington  and  Boulder 

The  curriculum  of  the  Graduate  School  includes  graduate  and  undergradu- 
ate courses  in  the  physical  sciences,  mathematics,  and  certain  branches  of 
engineering;  and  a  series  of  scientific  colloquia  and  seminars  led  by  research 
leaders  from  the  Bureau  staff  and  from  other  research  centers.  A  series 
of  general  staff  development  courses  is  also  offered  through  the  Graduate 
School.  Typical  examples  in  this  category  are  scientific  German,  practical 
metallurgy,  and  mathematical  symbolism  and  terminology.  Educational 
counseling  and  a  program  of  thesis  accreditation  are  also  provided. 

Course  offerings  are  determined  by  the  NBS  Educational  Committee 
through  periodic  need  surveys.  The  curriculum  is  divided  into  NBS  in- 
hours  and  NBS-university-sponsored  out-of-hours  courses  and  is  flexible  to 
meet  the  varied  and  changing  needs  of  the  staff.  The  Technician  Career 
Program,  for  example,  was  established  in  1960.  Through  a  series  of  in-hours 
courses  in  the  fundamentals  of  science  and  mathematics,  the  Program  helps 
to  increase  job  efficiency  and  offers  educational  opportunities  for  subprofes- 
sional  laboratory  personnel.  The  Clerical  Training  Center,  initiated  in  1961, 
makes  it  possible  to  fill  clerical  vacancies  with  fully-oriented  employees  who 
can  become  productive  in  their  permanent  assignments  in  the  shortest  length 
of  time. 

Since  the  establishment  of  the  Washington  educational  program  in  1908, 
282  graduate  degrees  have  been  awarded  by  45  different  universities  partly 
on  the  basis  of  credits  obtained  or  thesis  work  carried  on  under  the  Bureau 
Graduate  School  program. 

During  the  year  the  Graduate  Program  at  Boulder  has  been  strengthened 
by  the  initiation  of  a  Joint-Course  program  and  an  Adjoint  Professor  plan 
with  the  University  of  Colorado.  Under  the  Joint-Course  program,  courses 
are  offered  simultaneously  by  the  appropriate  graduate  departments  of  the 

662336  O — 62 13  185 

University  and  by  the  NBS  Graduate  School  with  mutual  benefit  to  both 
the  Government  and  the  University.  Bureau  staff  members  who  teach  the 
courses  have  the  title  of  Adjoint  Professor  at  the  University.  Another 
cooperative  program  with  the  University  of  Colorado  was  the  three-week 
Radio  Propogation  Course  offered  during  the  summer  of  1962.  Thirty 
Boulder  scientists  and  seven  noted  authorities  from  outside  the  Bureau 
prepared  the  lectures  for  this  highly  successful  program.  In  addition  to 
NBS  staff  members,  approximately  200  students  from  other  government 
agencies,  industry,  universities,  and  foreign  research  laboratories  participated 
in  the  course. 

In  another  phase  of  the  Bureau  employee  development  program,  NBS 
sponsored  three  major  training  programs  through  nongovernment  facilities 
under  authority  of  the  Government  Employees  Training  Act  of  1958. 
These  are: 

1.  Full-time    (3   to    12   months)    postdoctoral   study   and   research    assignments   at 
universities  and  research  centers,  both  in  this  country  and  abroad. 

2.  Full-time  (less  than  3  months)  attendance  at  institutes,  seminars,  short  con- 
centrated courses,  workshops,  etc.  Generally,  these  are  offered  through  the  educational 
facilities  of  major  universities  and  industrial  laboratories  throughout  the  country. 

3.  Part-time  job-related  academic  courses  at  local  educational  institutions,  generally 
in  early  evening  classes. 

Three  hundred  and  eighty-nine  staff  members  at  Washington  and  Boulder 
were  trained  through  nongovernment  facilities  in  1962.  Fourteen  selected 
career  scientists  were  selected  for  full-time  research  assignments  at  univer- 
sities and  research  centers.  Seventy-four  staff  members,  primarily  scientists 
and  subprofessional  laboratory  personnel,  attended  short  concentrated 
courses  and  training  programs  at  universities  and  in  industry.  Three  hun- 
dred and  one  employees,  mostly  from  technical  divisions,  attended  job- 
related  courses  at  local  educational  facilities.  The  Bureau  paid  full  salaries 
and  expenses  for  participants  in  approved  full-time  nongovernment  training 
programs.  These  included  tuition,  related  fees,  travel  and  per  diem,  as 
well  as  transportation  of  family  and  household  effects  for  long-term  training. 

Each  summer  the  Bureau  sponsors  a  student  trainee  program  open  to 
college  students  majoring  in  the  physical  sciences,  mathematics,  and  certain 
branches  of  engineering.  An  integrated  work-study  program,  this  activity 
includes  lectures,  tours,  demonstrations,  supervised  laboratory  assignments, 
and  professional  counseling.  The  purpose  of  the  program  is  to  acquaint 
young  people  with  career  opportunities  in  scientific  research  at  the  NBS 
Laboratories  and  to  prepare  select  students  for  such  careers.  The  1962 
student  program  had  a  total  enrollment  of  212  students  which  included  120 
returnees  from  previous  summers.  The  new  group  included  10  high  school 
students  who  had  obtained  recognition  through  the  \^  estinghouse  Science 
Talent  Search  or  other  national  science  competition.  Approximately  40 
percent  of  the  1962  group  were  at  the  graduate  level.  Students  from  65 
colleges  participated  in  the  1962  program. 


In  collaboration  with  the  National  Research  Council,  the  Graduate  School 
offers  postdoctoral  resident  research  associateships  to  young  scientific  investi- 
gators of  unusual  ability  and  promise  of  becoming  creative  leaders  in  basic 
research  in  the  various  branches  of  the  physical  and  mathematical  sciences. 
While  acquiring  basic  knowledge,  they  have  opportunities  for  developing  new 
scientific  approaches  and  laboratory  skills,  thus  advancing  scientific  knowl- 
edge. Twenty  new  Research  Associateships  are  open  each  year  and  are 
tenable  at  both  the  Washington  and  Boulder  Laboratories.  During  1962, 
the  following  young  men  were  selected  and  served:  Robert  A  Beaudet, 
Merritt  M.  Birky,  Gerald  T.  Cargo,  George  E.  Chamberlain,  Sam  R.  Coriell, 
Richard  D.  Doepker,  Gordon  H.  Dunn,  John  A.  Eddy,  John  L.  Hall,  Sigurd  Y. 
Larsen,  William  S.  Layne,  Melvin  Linzer,  John  T.  MacQueen,  Billy  W. 
Mangum,  Terence  L.  Porter,  Joseph  Powers,  Terry  E.  Sharp,  William  A. 
Thompson,  Jr.,  and  Edward  S.  J.  Tomezsko. 

Scientific  staff  meetings,  held  weekly  from  September  through  May,  are 
also  included  in  the  Bureau's  educational  program.  The  staff  meetings  are 
of  a  less  specialized  nature  than  colloquia  and  seminars  offered  in  the  Grad- 
uate School  program.  They  are  open  to  all  professional  staff  members  of  the 
Bureau  and  to  scientific  personnel  from  neighboring  laboratories. 


Publications  in   the  Bureau's   Series* 

Journal  of  Research.  Contains  full  research  papers,  including  laboratory  data,  ex- 
perimental procedures,  and  theoretical  and  mathematical  analyses.  Advances  in  meas- 
urement standards  and  techniques  .  .  .  physical  constants  .  .  .  properties  of  materials 
.  .  .  instrumentation  .  .  .  radio  propagation. 

The  Journal  is  published  in  four  separate  sections  .  .  . 

A.  Physics  and  Chemistry — issued  six  times  a  year. 

B.  Mathematics  and  Mathematical  Physics — issued  quarterly. 

C.  Engineering  and  Instrumentation — issued  quarterly. 

D.  Radio  Propagation — issued  six  times  a  year. 

The  papers  listed  below  have  appeared  in  the  four-section  Journal  since  July  1961 

Volume  65A  (Phys.  and  Chem.),  No.  4   (July-Aug.  1961) 

Electrical  properties  and  kinetics  of  electrode  reactions.     R.  J.  Brodd. 

Effect  of  hydrostatic  pressure  upon  the  relaxation  of  birefrigence  in  amorphous  solids 

R.  M.  Waxier  and  L.  H.  Adams. 
Vapor  pressures  of  platinum,  iridium,  and  rhodium.     R.  F.  Hampson,  Jr.,  and  R.  F 

Crystallization  of  bulk  polymers  with  chain  folding:  theory  of  growth  of  lamellar  spheru 

lites.     J.  D.   Hoffman  and  J.   I.   Lauitzen,  Jr. 
Phase    equilibrium    relations    in    the    binary    system    barium    oxide-niobium    pentoxide 

R.  S.  Roth  and  J.  L.  Waring. 
Solid  state  reactions  involving  oxides  of  trivalent  cations.     S.  J.  Schneider,  R.  S.  Roth, 

and  J.  L.  Waring. 
Gamma  irradiation  of  fluorocarbon  polymers.     R.   E.   Florin  and  L.   A.   Wall. 
Inhibition  of  diffusion  flames  of  methyl  bromide  and  trifluoromethyl  bromide  applied  to 

the  fuel  and  oxygen  sides  of  the  reaction  zone.     E.  C.  Creitz. 

♦Publications  in  these  series  are  available,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Docu- 
ments, U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.C.  For  a  discussion  of  the  publications  program, 
see  p.  21. 


Volume  65A  (Phys.  and  Chem.),  No.  5  (Sept.-Oct.  1961) 

Calibration  of  a  monitor  for  use  in  bremsstrahlung  beams.  E.  G.  Fuller  and  E.  Hayward. 
Mass  spectrometric  study  of  NF2,  NF3,  N2F2  and  N2F4.  J.  T.  Herron  and  V.  H.  Dibeler. 
Rate  of  the  reaction  NO-f-N,  and  some  heterogeneous   reactions  observed  in  the  ion 

source  of  a  mass  spectrometer.    J.  T.  Herron. 
Synthesis  of  the  humites  raMg2Si(VMg(T,OH)2.     A.  Van  Valkenburg. 
Phase     equilibria     in     systems     involving     the     rare     earth     oxides.       Part     III.      The 

Eu2Os-In20:i  system.     S.  J.  Schneider. 
Heats   of  hydrolysis  and   formation   of  dimethoxychloroborane.      M.   V.   Kilday,  W.   H. 

Johnson,  and  E.  J.  Prosen. 
Tritium-labeled    compounds   VII.      Isotope    effects    in    the    oxidation    of    D-mannitoIs-C14 

and  D-manitols-£  to  D-fructoses.     L.  T.  Sniegoski,  H.  L.  Frush,  and  H.  S.  Isbell. 
Franck-Condon   factors   to    high   vibrational   quantum   numbers   I:    N2   and    NI.     R.   W. 


Volume  65A  (Phys.  and  Chem.),  No.  6  (Nov.-Dec.  1961) 

Comparison  of  lens  response  for  sinusoidal  and  square-wave  targets  at   several  focal 

positions.     S.  H.  Emara. 
Wavelength  shifts  in  Hg  198  as  a  function  of  temperature.    S.  H.  Emara. 
Variability  of  spectral  tristimulus  values.     I.   Nimeroff,  J.   R.   Rosenblatt,   and  M.   C. 

Extension  of  the  Flory-Rehner  theory  of  swelling  to  an  anisotropic  polymer  system.     S.  D. 

Fiber  structure-property  relationships:  a  disulfide-crosslinked  self-crimping  polyamide, 

S.  D.  Bruck. 
Acidity  functions.     Values  of  the  quantity  p(«HyCi)for  buffer  solutions  from  0  to  95  °C. 

R.  G.  Bates  and  R.  Gary. 
2,3-O-Isopropylidene-a-D-lyxofuranose,  the  monoacetone-D-lyxose  of  Levene  and  Tipson. 

R.  Schaffer. 
Effect  of  perchloryl  fluoride  additions  on  the  flame  speed  of  methane.     C.  Halpern. 

Volume  66A  (Phys.  and  Chem.),  No.  1   (Jan.-Feb.  1962) 

Absolute  isotopic  abundance  of  terrestrial  silver.    W.  R.  Shields,  E.  L.  Garner,  and  V.  H. 

Temperature  of  a  copper  arc.     C.  H.  Corliss. 
Melting  process  and  the  equilibrium  melting  temperature  of  polychlorotrifluoroethyleiu. 

J.  D.  Hoffman  and  J.  J.  Weeks. 
Tritium-labeled   compounds   VIII.     Confirmation  of  the  position  of  the  tritium  in   0- 

glucose-6-f  and  D-glucitol-5-£.    L.  T.  Sniegoski  and  H.  S.  Isbell. 
Infared  absorption  spectra  in  the  study  of  mutarotational  equilibria  of  monosaccharides. 

R.  S.  Tipson  and  H.  S.  Isbell. 
Preparation  of  high  purity  trimethylborane.    G.  S.  Ross,  D.  Enagonio,  C.  A.  Hewitt,  and 

A.  R.  Glasgow. 
Reaction  of  several  aminopyrimidines  with  formaldehyde.     G.  L.  McLeod. 
Acidic   dissociation   constant   and    related   thermodynamic    quantities    for    diethanolam- 

monium  ion  in  water  from  0  to  50  °C.    V.  E.  Bower,  R.  A.  Robinson,  and  R.  G.  Bates. 
Fiber  structure — property  relationships  II:  Macroscopic  deformations  of  alkylene  sulfide 

crosslinked  polycaprolactam  fibers.     S.  D.  Bruck. 
Ion  transport  across  membranes:  I.  Definitions  of  membrane  electromotive  forces  and  of 

flows  of  electrolytic  solutes.     B.  C.  Duncan. 

Volume  66A  (Phys.  and  Chem.),  No.  2  (Mar.-Apr.  1962) 

Correction  factors  for  the  calibration  of  encapsulated  radium  sources.     R.  M.  Lee  and 

T.  P.  Loftus. 
Description  and  analysis  of  the  second  spectrum  of  tantalum,  Ta  II.     C.  C.  Kiess. 
Vibration-rotation   bands  of  carbonyl  sulfide.     A.   G.   Maki,   E.   K.  Plyler.   and   E.  D. 

Ionization  in  the  plasma  of  a  copper  arc.    C.  H.  Corliss. 
The  vapor  pressure  of  palladium.    R.  F.  Hampson  and  R.  F.  Walker. 
Revised  standard  values  for  pH  measurements  from  0  to  95  °C.     R.  G.  Bates. 
Conductometric  determination  of  sulfhydryl  groups  in  swollen  polycaprolactam  fibers 

having  disulfide  and  alkylene  sulfide  crosslinks.     S.  D.  Bruck  and  S.  M.  Bailey. 
Chromatographic  analvsis  of   petroleum   fractions  used  in  oil-extended  rubber.     D.  j. 

Termini  and  A.  R.  Glasgow. 
Cross-sectional  correction  for  computing  Young's  modulus  from  longitudinal  resonance 

vibrations  of  square  and  cylindrical  rods.     W.  E.  Tefft  and  S.  Spinner. 


Volume  66A   (Phys.  and  Chem.),  No.  3   (May-June  1962) 

Glass  filters  for  checking  performance  of  spectrophotometer-integrator  systems  of  color 

measurement.     H.  J.  Keegan,  J.  C.  Schleter,  and  D.  B.  Judd. 
Calibration  of  small  grating  spectrometers  from   166  to  600  cm-1.     L.  R.  Blaine,  E.  K. 

Plyler,  and  W.  S.  Benedict. 
Franck-Condon  factors  to  high  vibrational  quantum  numbers  II:  SiO,  MgO,  SrO,  AlO, 

VO,  NO.     R.  W.  Nicholls. 
Oxidation  of  aldoses  with  bromine     H.  S.  Isbell. 

An  analysis  of  the  solid  phase  behavior  of  the  normal  paraffins.     M.  G.  Broadhurst. 
Methylene  groups  in  determination  of  disulfide  and  methylene  sulfide  crosslinks  in  poly- 

caprolactam  fibers.     S.  D.  Bruck. 
Purification  by  automatic  gas  chromatography.     M.  Tenenbaum  and  F.  L.  Howard. 
High  resolution  investigation  of  some  infrared  bands  of  carbon  disulfide.     D.  Agar,  E.  K. 

Plyler,  and  E.  D.  Tidwell, 

Volume  65B  (Math,  and  Math.  Phys.),  No.  3   (July-Sept.   1961) 

Theory  of  an  accurate  intermediary  orbit  for  satellite  astronomy.     J.  P.  Vinti. 
Note  on  the  "baffled  piston"  problem.     F.  Oberhettinger. 

Some  results  on  non-negative  matrices.     M.  Marcus,  H.  Mine,  and  B.  N.  Moyls. 
Probability  inequalities  of  the  Tchebycheff  type.     I.  R.  Savage. 

Volume  65B   (Math,  and  Math.  Phys.),  No.  4  (Oct.-Dec.  1961) 

Physical  entities  and  mathematical  representation.     C.  H.  Page. 
On  the  range  of  a  fleet  of  aircraft.     A.  J.  Goldman. 

Measurement  of  wave  fionts  without  a  reference  standard:  Part  I.  The  wave-front-shear- 
ing interferometer.     J.  B.  Saunders. 

On  the  evaluation  of  the  function  <p(\)=- — .  I  eulnu+Xudu 

for  real  values  of  \.     W.  Borsch-Supan. 
Analyticity  and  probability  properties  of  one-dimensional  Brownian  motion.     A.  Ghaffari. 
Some  higher  order  integral  identities  with  application  to  bounding  techniques.     J.  H. 

Bramble  and  B.  E.  Hubbard. 
A  priori  bounds  in  the  first  boundary  value  problem  in  elasticity.     J.  H.  Bramble  and 

L.  E.  Payne. 

Volume  66B   (Math,  and  Math.  Phys.),  No.   1    (Jan.-Mar.  1962) 

Error  bounds  for  eigenvectors  of  self-adjoint  operators.     N.  W.  Bazley  and  D.  W.  Fox. 

Intermediary  equatorial  orbits  of  an  artificial  satellite,  J.  P.  Vinti. 

Selected  bibliography  of  statistical  literature  1930  to  1957:  V.  Frequency  functions,  mo- 
ments, and  graduation.     L.  S.  Deming. 

Measurement  of  wave  fronts  without  a  reference  standard:  Part  2.  The  wave-front- 
reversing  interferometer.     J.  B.  Saunders. 

Volume  66B   (Math,  and  Math.  Phys.),  No.  2    (Apr.-June  1962) 

Hindsight  technique  in  machine  translation  of  natural  languages.     I.  Rhodes  and  F.  L. 

An  extension  of  Jensen's  theorem  for  the  derivative  of  a  polynomial  and  for  infrapoly- 

nominals.     O.  Shisha. 
Two  matrix  eigenvalue  inequalities.     S.  Haber. 
Graphs  for  determining  the  power  of  Student's  Mest.     M.  C.  Croarkin. 

Volume  65C   (Eng.  and  Instr.),  No.  3    (July-Sept.  1961) 

Prediction  of  symptoms  of  cavitation.    R.  B.  Jacobs. 

Heating  and  cooling  of  air  flowing  through  an  underground  tunnel.     B.  A.  Peavy. 

Stress-corrosion  cracking  of  the  AZ31B  magnesium  alloy.     H.  L.  Logan. 

Coatings  formed  on  steel  by  cathodic  protection  and  their  evaluation  by  polarization 

measurements.     W.  J.  Schwerdtfeger  and  R.  J.  Manuele. 
Calibration  of  inductance  standards  in  the  Maxwell-Wien  bridge  circuit.     T.  L.  Zapf. 
Calibration  of  loop  antennas  at  VLF.      A.  G.  Jean,  H.  E.  Taggart,  and  J.  R.  Wait. 
Location  of  the  plane  of  best  average  definition  with  low  contrast  resolution  patterns. 

F.  E.  Washer  and  W.  P.  Tayman. 
Influence  of  temperature  and  relative  humidity  on  the  photographic  response  to  Co60 

gamma  radiation.     M.  Ehrlich. 

Volume  65C    (Eng.  and  Instr.),  No.  4   (Oct.-Dec.  1961) 

A  new  airglow  photometer.     C.  M.  Purdy,  L.  R.  Megill,  and  F.  E.  Roach. 
A  guide  to  the  use  of  the  modified  reflectometer  technique  of  VSWR  measurement. 
W.  J.  Anson. 


662336  0—62 14 

An  X-ray  diffractometer  cryostat  providing  temperature  control  in  the  range  4  to  300  °K. 

F.  A.  Mauer  and  L.  H.  Bolz. 

Apparatus  for  determination  of  pressure-density-temperature  relations  and  specific  heats 

of  hydrogen  to  350  atmospheres  at  temperatures  above  14   CK.     R.  D.  Goodwin. 
The   use   of   a   thermistor   for   detecting    eluent   fronts    in   liquid-solid    chromatography. 

G.  S.  Ross. 

Radiation  field  from  a  circular  disk  source.  J.  H.  Hubbell,  R.  L.  Bach,  and  R.  J. 

The  Bauschinger  effect  and  residual  microstresses  in  alpha  brass.     C.  J.  Newton. 

A  study  by  polarization  techniques  of  the  corrosion  rates  of  aluminum  and  steel  under- 
ground for  sixteen  months.     W.  J.  Schwerdtfeger. 

Volume  66C   (Eng.  and  Instr.),  No.   1    (Jan.-Mar.   1962) 

Reference  tables  for  40  percent  iridium-60  percent  rhodium  versus  iridium  thermocouples. 

G.  F.  Blackburn  and  F.  R.  Caldwell. 
A  method  for  the  self-calibration  of  attenuation-measuring  systems.     R.  L.  Peck. 
Special  shielded  resistor  for  high-voltage  d-c  measurements.     J.  H.  Parks. 
Voltage  ratio  measurements  with  a  transformer  capacitance  bridge.     T.  L.  Zapf. 
Weight  calibration  schemes  for  two-knife-edge  direct-reading  balances.     H.  E.  Aimer. 

L.  B.  Macurdy,  H.  S.  Peiser,  and  E.  A.  Week. 
Tunnel  diode  large-signal  equivalent  circuit   study   and  the   solutions   of   its  nonlinear 

differential  equations.     S.  B.  Geller  and  P.  A.  Mantek. 
A  missile  technique  for  the  study  of  detonation  waves.     F.  W.  Ruegg  and  W.  W.  Dorsey. 
Creep  of  cold-drawn  nickel,  copper,  70  percent  nickel-30  percent  copper,  and  30  percent 

nickel-70  percent  copper  alloys.     W.  D.  Jenkins  and  W.  A.  Willard. 

Volume  66C   (Eng.  and  Instr.),  No.  2    (Apr.-June  1962) 

Effect  of  vibration  and  shock  on  unsaturated  standard  cells.     R.  J.  Brodd  and  W.  G. 

Eicke,  Jr. 
Experiments  on  the  burning  of  cross  piles  of  wood.     D.  Gross. 
Transfer  of  NBS  X-ray  beam  calibrations.     J.  S.  Pruitt,  A.  Allisy,  G.  Joyet,  W.  Pohlit,  M. 

Tubiana,  and  C.  Zupancic. 
Identification  of  metallurgical  reactions  and  their  effect  on  the  mechanical  properties  of 

17-7  PH  stainless  steel.     H.  C.  Burnett,  R.  H.  Duff,  and  H.  C.  Vacher. 
The  ideal  Lovibond  color  system.     D.  B.  Judd,  G.  J.  Chamberlin,  and  G.  W.  Haupt. 
Systems  of  electrical  units.     F.  B.  Silsbee. 

Volume  65D   (Radio  Prop.),  No.  4   (July-Aug.   1961) 

Almost  fifty  years  of  URSI.     J.  H.  Bellinger. 

Power  density  requirements  for  airglow  excitation  by  gyrowaves.     V.  A.  Bailey. 

On  the  validity  of  some  approximations  to  the  Appleton-Hartree   formula.     K.  Davies 

and  G.  A.  M.  King. 
Amplitude  and  angular  scintillations  of  the  radio  source  Cygnus-A  observed  at  Boulder. 

Colorado.     R.  S.  Lawrence,  J.  L.  Jespersen,  and  R.  C.  Lamb. 
Digital  methods  for  the  extraction  of  phase  and  amplitude  information  from  a  modulated 

signal.     R.  S.  Lawrence,  J.  L.  Jespersen,  and  R.  C.  Lamb. 
Comparison  between  mode  theory  and  ray  theory  of  VLF  propagation.     H.  Volland. 
Antenna  coupling  error  in  direction  finders.     C.  W.  Harrison,  Jr. 
The  electrically  short  antenna  as  a   probe  for  measuring   free  electron   densities   and 

collision  frequencies  in  an  ionized  region.     R.  W.  P.  King,  C.  W.  Harrison,  Jr.,  and 

D.  H.  Denton,  Jr. 
Effect  of  multiple  atmospheric  inversions   on   tropospheric   radio   propagation.     F.    H. 

A   few   observations   of  the   perturbations   in   the   phase   of  the   low-frequency    ground 

wave.     J.  M.  Ross  and  J.  E.  Kirch. 
Smooth  earth  diffraction  calculations  for  horizontal  polarization.     L.  E.  Vogler. 
On  the  theory  of  mixed-path  ground-wave  propagation  on  a  spherical  earth.     J.  R.  Wait. 

Volume  65D   (Radio  Prop.),  No.  5    (Sept.-Oct.  1961) 

Frequency  dependence  of  D-region  scattering  at  VHF,  J.  C.   Blair.  R.   N.  Davis.  Jr.. 

and  R.  C.  Kirby. 
Theoretical  scattering  coefficient  for  near  vertical  incidence  from  contour  maps.  H.  S. 

Hayre  and  R.  K.  Moore. 
Mutual  interference  between  surface  and  satellite  communication  systems,  W.  J.  Hartman 

and  M.  T.  Decker. 
VHF  and  UHF  signal  characteristics  observed  on  a  lone  knife-edae   diffraction   path. 

A.  P.  Barsis  and  R.  S.  Kirby. 


Experimental  study  of  inverted  L-,  T-,  and  related  transmission-line  antennas,  S.  Prasad 

and  R.  W.  P.  King. 
Reflection  from  a  sharply  bounded  ionosphere   for  VLF   propagation   perpendicular  to 

the  magnetic  meridian,  D.  D.  Crombie. 
Resonance  of  the  space  between  earth  and  ionosphere,  H.  Poeverlein. 
Observed  attenuation   rate   of  ELF    (region   below   1   kc/s)    radio  waves,  A.    G.   Jean, 

A.  C.  Murphy,  J.  R.  Wait,  and  D.  F.  Wasmundt. 
A  note  concerning  the  excitation  of  ELF  electromagnetic  waves,  J.  R.  Wait. 
Computation  of  whistler  ray  paths,  I.  Yabroff. 
On  the  analysis  of  LF  ionospheric  radio  propagation  phenomena,  J.  R.  Johler. 

Volume  65D   (Radio  Prop.),  No.  6   (Nov.-Dec.  1961) 

The  solar  wind,  E.  N.  Parker. 

Attenuation  coefficients  for  propagation  at  very  low  frequencies  (VLF)  during  a  sudden 

ionospheric  disturbance  (SID),  E.  T.  Pierce. 
Dipole  radiation  in  a  conducting  half  space,  R.  K.  Moore  and  W.  E.  Blair. 
Reliability  of  atmospheric  radio  noise  predictions,  J.  R.  Herman. 
Effects  of  the  ionosphere  on  VLF  navigational  aids,  W.  T.  Blackband. 
On  the  spectrum  of  terrestrial  radio  noise  at  extremely  low  frequencies,  H.  R.  Raemer. 
The  nonsingular  embedding  of  transition  processes  within  a  more  general  framework 

of  coupled  variables,  J.  Heading. 
Worldwide  VLF  standard  frequency  and  time  signal  broadcasting,  A.  D.  Watt,  R.  W. 

Plush,  W.  W.  Brown,  and  A.  H.  Morgan. 
Design  of  panoramic  ionospheric  resources,  L.  H.  Heisler  and  L.  D.  Wilson. 
A  quick  method  for  estimating  the  stage  of  the  sunspot  cycle,  W.  B.  Chadwick. 
Measurements  of  low-angle  radiation  from  a  monopole,  A.   C.  Wilson. 

Volume  66D    (Radio  Prop.),  No.    1    (Jan.-Feb.   1962) 

A  survey  of  the  very  wide  band   and   frequency   independent    antennas — 1945    to   the 

present.     J.  D.  Dyson. 
Numerical   investigation  of  the  equivalent   impedance   of   a   wire   grid   parallel   to   the 

interface  between  two  media.     T.  Larsen. 
Current   on   and  input   impedance  of  a   cylindrical  antenna.     Y.    M.   Chen  and   J.    B. 

Radar  corner  reflectors  for  linear  or  circular  polarization.     G.  Latmiral  and  A.  Sposito. 
On  the  theory  of  wave  propagation  through  a  concentrically  stratified  troposphere  with  a 

smooth  profile.     H.  Bremmer. 
On  the  propagation  of  VLF  and  ELF  radio  waves  when  the  ionosphere  is  not  sharply 

bounded.     J.  R.  Wait. 
Fields  of  electric  dipoles  in  sea  water — the  earth-atmosphere-ionosphere  problem.     W.  L. 

Reflection  of  electromagnetic  waves  from  thin  ionized  gaseous  layers.     F.  H.  Northover. 
Reflection   and  transmission  of  radio   waves   at   a   continuously   stratified   plasma   with 

arbitrary  magnetic  induction.     J.  R.  Johler  and  J.  D.  Harper,  Jr. 
On  the  diffraction  of  spherical  radio  waves  by  a  finitely  conducting  spherical  earth.     L. 

C.  Walters  and  J.  R.  Johler. 
An  approximate  full  wave  solution  for  low  frequency  electromagnetic  waves  in  an  un- 
bounded magneto-ionic  medium.     W.  C.  Hoffman. 
VHF  radio  propagation  data   for  the  Cedar  Rapids-Sterling,   Anchorage-Barrow,    and 

Fargo-Churchill  test  paths,  April  1951  through  June  1958.     G.  R.  Sugar  and  K.  W. 


Volume  66D   (Radio  Prop.),  No.  2    (Mar.-Apr.  1962) 

Atmospheric  phenomena,  energetic  electrons,  and  the  geomagnetic  field.     J.  R.  Winckler. 
The  summer  intensity  variations  of  [01]  6300  A  in  the  tropics.     D.  Barbier,  F.  E.  Roach, 

and  W.  R.  Steiger. 
Generation  of  radio  noise  in  the  vicinity  of  the  earth.     P.  A.  Sturrock. 
Fading  characteristics  observed  on  a  high-frequency  auroral  radio  path.     J.  W.  Koch 

and  H.  E.  Petrie. 
Some  problems  connected  with  Rayleigh  distributions.     M.  M.  Siddiqui. 
Impedance  of  a  monopole  antenna  with  a  radial-wire  ground  system  on  an  imperfectly 

conducting  half  space,  part  I.     S.  W.  Maley  and  R.  J.  King. 
Theory    of    the    infinite    cylindrical    antenna    including    the    feed-point    singularity    in 

antenna  current.     R.  H.  Duncan. 
The  .E-field  and  //-field  losses  around  antennas  with  a  radial  ground  wire  system.     T. 

The  electric  field  at  the  ground  plane  near  a  disk-loaded  monopole.     J.  Hansen  and 

T.  Larsen. 


Volume  66D   (Radio  Prop.),  No.  3    (May-June   1962) 

A  theory  of  radar  reflections  from  a  rough  moon.     D.  F.  Winter. 

A  lunar  theory  reasserted.     K.  M.  Siegel  and  T.  B.  A.  Senior. 

Statistical  distribution  of  the  amplitude  and   phase  of  a  multiply   scattered   field.     P. 

Amplitude  distribution  for  radio  signals  reflected  by  meteor  trails,  II.     A.  D.  Wheelon. 
High  resolution  pulse  measurements  of  meteor-burst  propagation  at  41   Mc/s   over   a 

1,295-km  path.     R.  J.  Carpenter  and  G.  R.  Ochs. 
Ionospheric  irregularities  and  long-distance  radio  propagation.     H.  A.  Whale. 
On  the  role  of  the  process  of  reflection  in  radio  wave  propagation.     F.  du  Castel,  P. 

Misme,  A.  Spizzichino,  and  J.  Voge. 
Correlation  between  hourly  median  scattered  signals  and  simple  refractivity  parameters. 

A.  S.  Dennis. 
Observations  of  radio  wave  phase  characteristics  on  a  high-frequency  auroral  path.     J.  W. 

Koch  and  W.  M.  Beery. 
Diurnal  and  seasonal  changes  in  structure  of  the  mid-latitude  quiet  ionosphere.     J.  W. 

Schumann  resonances  of  the  earth-ionosphere  cavity — -extremely  low  frequency  reception 

at  Kingston,  R.  I.     C.  Polk  and  F.  Fitchen. 
Propagation  of  plane  electromagnetic  waves  past  a  shoreline.     J.  Bazer  and  S.  N.  Karp. 
Currents    induced   on   the   surface   of   a   conducting    circular   cylinder   by    a    slot.     G. 

Hasserjian  and  A.  Ishimaru. 

Technical  News  Bulletin.  This  monthly  publication  summarizes  the  current  research, 
development,  and  test  activities  of  the  Bureau.  The  articles  are  brief,  with  emphasis 
on  the  results  of  research  and  their  significance,  chosen  for  their  importance  to  other 
scientists,  engineers,  and  to  industry.  Resumes  of  longer  research  reports,  important 
national  and  international  conferences  On  fundamental  science  in  which  the  Bureau  has 
represented  the  Nation,  and  a  bibliography  of  all  publications  by  members  of  the  staff 
as  published  are  included.  The  Bulletin  is  designed  to  give  a  succinct  account  of  the 
current  work  of  the  Bureau.     (Annual  subscription:  domestic,  $1.50:  foreign,  $2.25.) 

Basic  Radio  Propagation  Predictions.  This  is  a  monthly  publication  for  those  con- 
cerned with  radio  communication  in  determining  the  best  skywave  frequencies  over  any 
path  at  any  time  of  day  for  average  conditions  for  the  month  of  prediction,  which  are 
made  3  months  in  advance.  Charts  of  extraordinary-wave  critical  frequency  for  the  F2 
layer  and  of  maximum  usable  frequency  for  a  transmission  distance  of  4.000  km.  of 
highest  frequency  of  sporadic  E  in  excess  of  15  Mc  are  included.  In  addition,  there  are 
various  maps,  charts,  diagrams,  and  nomograms  needed  to  make  practical  application  ol 
the  world-contour  charts,  together  with  examples  of  their  use.  (Annual  subscription: 
$1.50;  foreign,  $2.00.) 

Monographs.  These  are  usually  contributions  to  the  technical  literature  which  are 
too  lengthy  for  publication  in  the  Journal  of  Research.  They  often  provide  extensive 
compilations  of  information  on  subjects  related  to  the  Bureau's  technical  program. 
Until  July  1959  most  of  this  type  of  material  was  published  in  the  Circular  series. 

25.  Standard  X-ray  diffraction  powder  patterns.  Section  1.  Data  for  46  substances, 
H.  E.  Swanson,  M.  C.  Morris,  R.  Stinchfield,  and  J.  H.  deGroot.  March  9.  1962. 
40  cents. 

31.  Capacities  of  stacks  in  sanitary  drainage  systems  for  buildings,  R.  S.  Wyly  and  H. 
N.  Eaton.    July  3,  1961.    35  cents. 

32.  Tables  of  spectral-line  intensities,  Pt.  I,  Arranged  by  elements,  and  Pt.  II,  Arranged 
by  wavelengths,  W.  F.  Meggers,  C.  H.  Corliss  and  B.  F.  Scribner.  Pt.  I.  Decem- 
ber 29,  1961,  $4.00;  Pt.  II.  October  2,  1961,  $3.00. 

33.  An  experimental  study  of  phase  variations  in  line-of-sight  microwave  transmissions. 
K.  A.  Norton,  J.  W.  Herbstreit,  H.  B.  Janes,  K.  O.  Hornbers,  C.  F.  Peterson.  A.  F. 
Barghausen,  W.  E.  Johnson,  P.  I.  Wells,  M.  C.  Thompson,  Jr..  M.  J.  Vetter,  and  A  .W. 
Kirkpatrick.     November  1,  1961.     55  cents. 

34.  Tables  of  chemical  kinetics.  Homogeneous  reactions.  (Supplementary  Tables). 
September  15,  1961.    $2.75. 

35.  Bibliography  and  index  on  vacuum  and  low  pressure  measurement.  W.  G.  Brom- 
bacher.     November  10,  1961.     60  cents. 

36.  Effect  of  mortar  properties  on  strength  of  masonry,  C.  C.  Fishburn.  November  21. 
1961.    30  cents. 

37.  International  practical  temperature  scale  of  1948.  text  revision  of  1960.  H.  F. 
Stimson.    September  8,  1961.    10  cents. 

38.  Radiation  patterns  in  the  lower  ionosphere  and  Fresnel  zones  for  elevated  antennas 
over  a  spherical  earth,  R.  G.  Merrill  and  W.  V.  Mansfield.     April  2.  1962.     .0  cents. 


39.  Calibration  procedures  for  direct-current  resistance  apparatus,  P.  P.  B.  Brooks. 
March  1,  1962.    40  cents. 

40.  Thermocouple  materials,  F.  R.  Caldwell.    March  1,  1962.    30  cents. 

41.  Theory  and  methods  of  optical  pyrometry,  H.  J.  Kostkowski  and  R.  D.  Lee.  March  1, 
1962.     25  cents. 

42.  Structure  shielding  against  fallout  radiation  from  nuclear  weapons,  L.  V.  Spencer. 
June  1,  1962.    75  cents. 

44.  Effect  of  exposure  site  on  weather  resistance  of  porcelain  enamels  exposed  for  three 
years,  D.  G.  Moore  and  A.  Potter.    April  10,  1962.    15  cents. 

45.  Fire  test  of  precast  cellular  concrete  floors  and  roofs,  J.  V.  Ryan  and  E.  W.  Bender. 
April  12,  1962.    15  cents. 

46.  Analysis  of  coaxial  two-terminal  conical  capacitor,  M.  C.  Selby.  April  6,  1962. 
20  cents. 

47.  Basic  magnetic  quantities  and  the  measurement  of  the  magnetic  properties  of  mate- 
rials, R.  L.  Sanford  and  I.  L.  Cooter.     May  21,  1962.     (Supersedes  C456).     30  cents. 

48.  Determination  of  total  X-ray  beam  energy  with  a  calibrated  ionization  chamber, 
J.  S.  Pruitt  and  S.  R.  Domen.    June  5,  1962.    20  cents. 

Circulars.  The  National  Bureau  of  Standards  Circular  series  was  discontinued  in 
July  1959  with  the  inauguration  of  the  NBS  Monograph  series.  However,  since  the 
first  two  Sections  of  Circular  488  were  published  before  1959,  the  Circular  designation 
is  being  retained  for  the  remaining  three  Sections  of  this  Circular. 

488.  An  ultraviolet  multiplet  table,  C.  E.  Moore.  Sections  3,  4,  and  5  (April  6,  1962). 
Section  3,  60  cents;  Section  4,  45  cents;  Section  5,  30  cents. 

Miscellaneous  Publications.  As  the  name  implies,  this  series  includes  material, 
which,  because  of  its  character  or  because  of  its  size,  does  not  fit  into  any  of  the  other 
regular  publication  series.  Some  of  these  are  charts,  administrative  pamphlets,  Annual 
Reports,  Weights  and  Measures  Conference  Reports,  and  other  subjects  appropriate  to 
the  Miscellaneous  series. 

238.  Hydraulic  research  in  the  United  States  1961,  H.  K.  Middleton.  August  15,  1961. 

239.  Report  of  the  46th  National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures,  1961.  Jan- 
uary 18,  1962.     65  cents. 

241.  Standard  materials  issued  by  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards.  A  descriptive 
list  with  prices.    March  2,  1962.     (Supersedes  C552.)     30  cents. 

242.  Research  highlights  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Annual  Report  1961. 
December  1961.    75  cents. 

243.  Index  to  the  Reports  of  the  National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures,  from 
the  first  to  the  forty-fifth,  1905  to  1960.  June  28,  1962.  (Supersedes  M203.)  40 

Handbooks.  These  are  recommended  codes  of  engineering  and  industrial  practices, 
including  safety  codes,  developed  in  cooperation  with  the  national  organizations  and 
others  concerned.  In  many  cases  the  recommended  requirements  are  given  official  status 
through  their  incorporation  in  local  ordinances  by  State  and  municipal  regulatory  bodies. 

70.  Tabulation  of  data  on  microwave  tubes,  C.  P.  Marsden,  W.  J.  Kerry,  and  J.  K. 
Moffitt.     November  1,  1961.     $1.00. 

79.  Stopping  powers  for  use  with  cavity  chambers.     September  1,  1961.     35  cents. 

80.  A   manual  of  radioactivity  procedures.     November  20,   1961.     50  cents. 

81.  Safety  rules  for  the  installation  and  maintenance  of  electric  supply  and  communi- 
cation lines.  Comprising  Part  2,  the  definitions,  and  the  grounding  rules  of  the 
sixth  edition  of  the  National  Electrical  Safety  Code.  November  1,  1961  (Supersedes 
H32  and  amends  in  part,  Pt.  2,  Definitions  and  the  Grounding  Rules  of  H30  and 
H43).     $1.75. 

82.  Weights  and  measures  administration.     June  22,  1962.      (Supersedes  H26.)      $1.75. 

Applied  Mathematics  Series.     Mathematical  tables,  manuals,  and  studies. 

58.  Fractional  factorial  designs  for  experiments  with  factors  at  two  and  three  levels, 
W.  S.  Connor  and  S.  Young.     September  1,  1961.     40  cents. 

Technical  Note  Series.  This  series  was  initiated  in  1959  to  supplement  the  Bureau's 
regular  publications  program.  Technical  Notes  provide  a  means  for  making  available 
scientific  data  that  are  of  transient  or  limited  interest.  They  are  available  by  purchase 
from  the  Office  of  Technical  Services,  U.S.  Department  of  Commerce,  Washington  25, 
D.C.      (Order  by  PB  number  only.) 


18-10    (PB151377-10).     Quarterly  radio   noise  data— March,   April,  May  1961,  W.  Q. 

Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A,  Jenkins.     August  14,  1961.     $1.50. 
18-11    (PB151377-11).     Quarterly   radio   noise   data— June,  July,  August   1961.  W.  Q. 

Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     November  16,  1961.     $1.50. 
18-12     (PB151377-12).     Quarterly    radio    noise    data — September,    October,    November 

1961,  W.  Q.  Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     February  23,  1962.     $1.00. 
18-13   (PB151377-13) .     Quarterly    radio    noise    data — December.    January,    February 

1961-62,  W.  Q.  Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins,  May  22,  1962.     $1.75. 
40-4    (PB151399-4) .     Mean   electron   density   variations   of   the   quiet   ionosphere.   No. 

4— May  1959,  J.  W.  Wright,  L.  R.  Wescott,  and  D.  J.  Brown.     May  1961.     $1.50. 
40-5    (PB151399-5) .     Mean   electron    density  variations   of   the   quiet   ionosphere.   No. 

5— July  1959,  J.  W.  Wright,  L.  R.  Wescott,  and  D.  J.  Brown,  August  1961.     $1.50. 
40-6   (PB151399-6) .     Mean  electron  density  variations  of  the  quiet  ionosphere.  No.  6 — 

August  1959,  J.  W.  Wright,  L.  R.  Wescott,  and  D.  J.  Brown.     September  1961.     $1.50. 

13,  Summary  of  one  year  of  data,   May  1959-April  1960,  J.  W.  Wright.     April   15, 
40-7    (PB151399-7) .     Mean    electron    density   variations   of   the    quiet    ionosphere,   No. 

7— September   1959,   J.  W.  Wright,   L.   R.   Wescott,   and   D.   J.   Brown.     April  1962. 

40-13   (PB151399-13) .     Mean  electron  densitv  variations  of  the  quiet  ionosphere.  No. 

13,  Summary  of  one  year  of  data,  May  1959-April  1960,  J.  W.  Wright.     April  15. 

1962.  $1.50. 

81  (PB161582).  An  evaluation  of  Kacser's  second  order  Born  approximation  to  the 
bremsstrahlung  differential  cross  section,  G.  S.  Ofelt.     June  1961.     75  cents. 

89  (PB161590)r  Collisions  of  liquid  drops  with  liquids,  0.  G.  Engel.  May  1961. 

90  (PB161591).  Flux  switching  mechanisms  in  ferrite  cores  and  their  dependence  on 
core   geometry,  G.  W.  Reimherr.     May  1961.     $1.25. 

91  (PB161592).  Determination  of  the  K  fluorescence  yield  of  argon  by  proportional- 
counter  spectrometry,  C.  Godeau.     May  1961.     50  cents. 

92  (PB161593).  Research  program  of  the  Radiation  Physics  Division,  National  Bureau 
of  Standards,  W.  R.  Ney  and  L.  S.  Taylor.     May  1961.     $1.50. 

93  (PB161594).  An  experimental  study  of  beta  decay  using  the  radiations  from  oriented 
nuclei,  D.  D.  Hoppes.     August  1961.     $1.50. 

94  (PB161595).  Bibliography  on  meteoric  radio  wave  propagation.  W.  Nupen.  Mav 
29, 1961.     $2.75. 

95  (PB161596).  Characteristics  of  point-to-point  tropospheric  propagation  and  siting 
considerations,  R.  S.  Kirby,  P.  L.  Rice,  and  L.  J.  Maloney.     October  19,  1961.     $2.50. 

96  (PB161597).  On  the  climatology  of  groundbased  radio  ducts  and  associated  fading 
regions,  E.  J.  Dutton.     June  16,  1961.     $1.75. 

97  (PB161598) .     Techniques  for  computing  refraction  of  radio  waves  in  the  troposphere. 

E.  J.  Dutton  and  G.  D.  Thayer.     October  17,  1961.     $1.50. 

102  (PB161603).  Performance  predictions  for  single  tropospheric  communication  links 
and  for  several  links  in  tandem,  A.  P.  Barsis,  K.  A.  Norton,  P.  L.  Rice,  and  P.  H.  Elder. 
August  1961.     $3.00. 

106  (PB161607).     The  integrated  starlight  over  the  sky  March  1961,  L.  R.  Megill  and 

F.  E.  Roach.     June  1961.     $2.00. 

107  (PB161608).  A  fixed  frequency,  9.1  Gc,  field  intensity  recording  receiver  with 
extremely  narrow  bandwidth,  R.  W.  Hubbard  and  J.  V.  Cateora.     June  1961.     75  cents. 

108  (PB161609).  A  compilation  of  the  physical  equilibria  and  related  properties  of  the 
hydrogen-carbon  monoxide  system,  D.  E.  Drayer  and  T.  M.  Flynn.     May  1961.     $2.25. 

109  (PB161610).  A  compilation  of  the  physical  equilibria  and  related  properties  of 
the  hydrogen-helium  system,  T.  M.  Flynn  and  D.  E.  Drayer.     June  1961.     $1.25. 

110  (PB161611).  A  compilation  of  the  physical  equilibria  and  related  properties  of 
the  hydrogen-nitrogen  system,  D.  E.  Drayer  and  T.  M.  Flynn.     May  1961.     $1.75. 

111  (PB161612).  Data  reduction  instrumentation  for  radio  propagation  research.  \\ . 
E.  Johnson.     July  1961.     $1.00. 

112  (PB161613).  Automatic  character  recognition:  a  state-of-the-art  report.  M.  E. 
Stevens.     May  1961.     $2.50. 

113  (PB161614).  A  transistor-magnetic  core  digital  circuit,  E.  W.  Hosue.  June  1961. 

114  (PB161615).  Mode  calculations  for  VLF  propagation  in  the  earth-ionosphere 
waveguide,  K.  P.  Spies  and  J.  R.  Wait.     July  17,  1961.  ^$1.50. 

115  (PB161616).  Load  carrying  capacity  of  gas-lubricated  bearings  with  inherent  ori- 
fice compensation  using  nitrogen  and  helium  gas,  H.  Sixsmith,  W.  A.  Wilson.  B.  W. 
Birmingham.     August  1961.     $1.00. 


116  (PB161617).  Astrophysical  and  plasma  physics  research  at  the  National  Bureau 
of  Standards — Highlights  for  1961,  L.  M.  Branscomb,  K.  E.  Shuler,  and  J.  A.  Suddeth. 
October  1961.     $1.00. 

117  (PB161618) .  Variations  in  frequency  of  occurrence  of  sporadic  E,  1949-1959,  W.  B. 
Chadwick.     October  1961.     75  cents. 

118.  (PB161619).  A  note  on  the  propagation  of  certain  LF  pulses  utilized  in  a  radio 
navigation  system,  J.  R.  Johler.     October  27,  1961.     75  cents. 

119  (PB161620).  Computer  simulation  of  street  traffic.  M.  C.  Stark.  November  1961. 

120  (PB161621).  A  tabulation  of  the  thermodynamic  properties  of  normal  hydrogen 
from  low  temperatures  to  300  °K  and  from  1  to  100  atmospheres,  J.  W.  Dean.  Novem- 
ber 1961.     $1.75. 

121  (PB161622).  Precision  calibration  of  RF  vacuum  tube  voltmeters,  L.  F.  Behrent. 
December  1961.     50  cents. 

122  (PB161623).  A  survey  of  the  literature  on  heat  transfer  from  solid  surfaces  to 
cryogenic  fluids,  R.  J.  Richards,  W.  G.  Steward,  and  R.  B.  Jacobs.  October  1961. 

123  (PB161624).     Functional   and   design   problems   of   the   NBS    RF   voltage    bridge. 

1961.  $1.00. 

124  (PB161625).  Papers  from  the  Symposium  on  Collision  Phenomena  in  Astrophysics, 
Geophysics,  and  Masers,  M.  J.  Seaton,  M.  J.  Dalgarno,  and  C.  Pecker.  December  1961. 

125  (PB161626).  OMNIFORM  1:  A  general  purpose  machine  program  for  the  calcu- 
lation of  tables  of  functions  given  explicitly  in  terms  of  one  variable,  J.  Hilsenrath  and 
G.  M.  Galler.     May  1962.     $1.00. 

128  (PB161629).  Bibliography  on  auroral  radio  wave  propagation,  W.  Nupen.  January 
12,1962.    $2.75 

129  (PB161630).  The  thermodynamic  properties  of  nitrogen  from  64  to  300  °K  between 
0.1  and  200  atmospheres,  T.  R.  Strobridge.     January  1962.     $2.25. 

130  (PB161631).  Provisional  thermodynamic  functions  for  para-hydrogen,  H.  M.  Roder 
and  R.  D.  Goodwin.     December  1961.     $3.00. 

131  (PB161632).     Photoionization   of   atoms   and   molecules,    F.    L.    Mohler.     January 

1962.  $1.25. 

132  (PB161633).  Evaluation  of  convolution  integrals  occurring  in  the  theory  of  mixed 
path  propagation,  J.  R.  Johler  and  C.  M.  Lilley,  November  8,  1961.     $1.00. 

133  (PB161634).  Historical  survey  of  fading  at  medium  and  high  radio  frequencies, 
R.  K.  Salaman.     January  1962.     75  cents. 

134  (PB161635).  Airborne  television  coverage  in  the  presence  of  co-channel  inter- 
ference, M.  T.  Decker.     January  1962.     $2.00. 

135  (PB161636).  Ionosonde  observations  of  artificially  produced  electron  clouds,  Fire- 
fly 1960,  J.  W.  Wright.     April  1, 1962.     $2.50. 

136  (PB161637).  Some  problems  of  fatigue  of  bolts  and  bolted  joints  in  aircraft  appli- 
cations, L.  Mordfin,     January  1962.     $1.25. 

137  (PB161638)  A  bibliography  of  the  thermophysical  properties  of  oxygen  at  low 
temperatures,  J.  C.  Hust,  L.  D.  Wallace,  J.  A.  Crim,  L.  A.  Hall  and  R.  B.  Stewart.  Feb- 
ruary 1962.     $2.25. 

138  (PB161639).  Vertical  cross  sections  of  the  ionosphere  across  the  geomagnetic 
equator,  J.  W.  Wright.     April  6,  1962.     $1.00. 

139  (PB161640).  Siting  criteria  for  HF  communication  centers,  W.  F.  Utlaut.  April 
1962.     $1.25. 

140  (PB161641).  Detailed  techniques  for  preparing  and  using  hard  gallium  alloys,  G. 
G.  Harman.     April  1962.     75  cents. 

142  (PB161643).  Atlas  of  fourier  coefficients  of  diurnal  variation  of  foF2,  W.  B.  Jones. 
April  1962.     $2.50. 

143  (PB161644).  Numerical  results  for  the  surface  impedance  of  a  stratified  conductor, 
C.  M.  Jackson,  J.  R.  Wait  and  L.  C.  Walters.     March  19,  1962.     $1.25. 

144  (PB161645).  Dielectric  constant  of  liquid  para-hydrogen,  R.  J.  Corruccini.  April 
1962.     50  cents. 

146  (PB161647).  Analysis  of  ionospheric  vertical  soundings  for  electron  density  profile 
data,  III.  Procedures  for  obtaining  monthly  summary  virtual  height  curves  for  N(h) 
analysis  (composite  virtual  height  curves),  J.  W.  Wright.     May  1,  1962.     75  cents. 

147  (PB161648).  Cryogenic  temperature  measurement  with  platinum  resistance  ther- 
mometers— Is  fixed-point  calibration  adequate?  R.  J.  Corruccini.  April  30,  1962. 
50  cents. 

148  (PB161649).  A  wire  exploder  for  generating  cylindrical  shock  waves  in  a  con- 
trolled atmosphere,  D.  L.  Jones  and  K.  B.  Earnshaw,  May  1962.     50  cents. 


Publications    in    Outside    Journals* 

Achenbach,  P.  R.,  Chilled-air  distribution  in  refrigerated  trailers,  Suppl.  Bull.  Intern. 

Inst.  Refrigeration,  p.  9  (1961-1962). 
Achenbach,  P.  R.,  Design  requirements  for  mechanical  systems  in  protective  shelters, 

Heating,  Piping,  Air  Conditioning  34,  No.  2,  73-79  (Feb.  1962) . 
Achenbach,  P.  R.,  The  ventilating  problem  in  fallout  shelters,  Am.  Artisan  99,  No.  5, 

64-70  (May  1962). 
Achenbach,  P.  R.,  Drapeau,  F.  J.  J.,  Phillips,  C.  W.,  Environmental  characteristics  of  a 

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Allred,  Charles  M.,  and  Hudson,  Paul  A.,  No.  2,991,430,  July  4,  1961.  Automatic  R-F 
level  control.     (Commerce.) 

Barbrow,  Louis  E.,  and  Wyly,  Robert  S.,  No.  3,009,751,  November  21,  1961.  Externally 
illuminated  exit  indicator  for  an  enclosure.     (  Commerce.) 

Brenner,  Abner,  and  Sherfey,  Joseph  M.,  No.  3,019,174,  January  30,  1962.  Process  for 
electrowinning  titanium  from  lower  valent  titanium  alkali  chlorides.      (Army.) 

Carter,  Thomas  J.,  No.  3,028,755,  April  10,  1962.  Apparatus  for  water  penetration  test- 
ing of  sole  leather.     (Commerce.) 

Chelton,  Dudley  B.,  No.  3,034,319,  May  15,  1962.  High-efficiency  fluid  transfer  line 
coupling.      (Commerce.) 

Cleek,  Given  W.,  and  Hamilton,  Edgar  H.,  No.  3,022,182,  February  20,  1962.  Infrared 
transmitting  glasses.      (Navy.) 

Davis,  Benjamin  L.,  and  Nyberg,  Wilbur  C,  No.  3,019,150,  January  30,  1962.  Tape 
capacitor.      (Navy.) 

Davis,  Merlin,  No.  3,030,806,  April  24,  1962.     Seebeck-Peltier  flowmeter.      (Commerce.) 

Duncan,  Richard  L.,  Miller,  David  J.,  Caldwell,  Frank  R.,  Ruegg,  Fillmer  W.  and  Fiock, 
Ernest  F.,  No.  3,016,704,  January  16,  1962.  Apparatus  for  introducing  a  reactive 
chemical  into  the  pilot  zone  of  a  combustion  chamber.      (Navy.) 

Engen,  Glenn  F.,  No.  2,997,652,  August  22,  1961.  Self-balancing  D.C.  bolometer  bridge. 

Hakkarinen,  William,  No.  3,020,963,  February  13,  1962.     Cup  anemometer.      (Navy.) 

Hudson,  Paul  A.,  and  Allred,  Charles  M.,  No.  2,995,708,  August  8,  1961.  Dry  static 
calorimeter  for  RF  power  measurement.      (Commerce.) 

Lederer,  Paul  S.,  No.  3,034,332,  May  15,  1962.  Step  function  pressure  calibrator. 

Loebenstein,  William  V.,  No.  3,009,121,  November  14,  1961.  Adjustable  frequency  re- 
jection filter.      (License.) 

McClintock,  Ralph  M.,  No.  3,005,332,  October  24,  1961.  Strain  gage  calibration  device. 

Macpherson,  Alan  C,  No.  3,030,577,  April  17,  1962.  Apparatus  for  calibrating  micro- 
wave reflectivity  coefficient  standards.     ( Commerce.) 

Montgomery,  George  Franklin,  No.  2,995,712,  August  8,  1961.  High-input-impedance 
transistor  amplifier.      (Commerce.) 

Montgomery,  George  Franklin,  No.  3,032,611,  May  1,  1962.  Combined  frequency-phase 
modulation  telegraph  system.      ( License.) 

Moon,  Charles,  and  Driscoll,  Raymond  L.,  No.  3,012,502,  December  12,  1961.  Depth 
regulating  device  for  subfloating  bodies.     (License.) 

Paquette,  Donald  R.,  No.  3,031,617,  April  24,  1962.  Linear  capacitive  probe  detecting 
device.     (Commerce.) 

Petree,  Ben,  No.  3,033,985,  May  8,  1962.     Radiation  calorimeter-dosimeter.    (Commerce.) 

Plitt,  Karl  F.,  No.  3,028,351,  April  3,  1962.  Pressure  sensitive  adhesive  composition 
comprising  polyvinylpyrrolidone  and  polyethylene  polyamine  article  coated  there- 
with and  method  of  making  same.     (Commerce.) 

Reid,  Walter  E„  Jr.,  No.  3,002,899,  October  3,  1961.  Adhesion  of  nickel  to  chromium. 

Saunders,  James  B.,  No.  3,031,914,  May  1,  1962.  Parallel  testing  interferometer. 

Saunders,  James  B.,  No.  3,034,397,  May  15,  1962.  Parallel  testing  interferometer. 

Skramstad,  Harold  K.,  Wright,  Julius  H.,  and  Taback,  Leonard,  No.  2,998,193,  August 
29,  1961.  Electronic  analogue  computers  for  radioactive  fallout  prediction.  (Com- 

Skramstad,  Harold  K.,  Wright,  Julius  H.,  and  Taback,  Leonard,  No.  3,012,729,  December 
12,  1961.    Function  generator  for  analogue  computers.     (Commerce.) 

Taback,  Leonard,  No.  3,025,000,  March  13,  1962.  Function  generator  for  generating  a 
function  of  two  independent  variables.     (Commerce.) 

Witt,  Richard  P.,  No.  3,036,222,  May  22,  1962.  Plug-in  packages  for  electronic  circuits. 

Selby,  Myron  C,  Behrent,  Lewis  F.,  and  Ries,  Francis  X.,  No.  3,041,533,  June  26,  1962. 
R-F  voltmeter  calibration  console.     (Commerce.) 


U.S.  GOVERNMENT  PRINTING  OFFICE:  1962      O — 662336 

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