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Full text of "Annual report of the National Bureau of Standards"

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O  F    TH  E 







I  often  say  that  when  you  can  measure  what  you 
are  speaking  about  and  express  it  in  numbers  you 
know  something  about  it;  but  when  you  cannot 
measure  it,  when  you  cannot  express  it  in  numbers, 
your  knowledge  is  of  a  meaner  and  unsatisfactory 
kind;  it  may  be  the  be|,innin^  of  knowledge,  but 
you  Have  seareely,  in  your  tbou|KtSj  advaneed  t® 
the  stale  of  science,  whatever  the  matter  may  ht, 

Lord  Kilvin    HIS, 

In  this  sixtieth  year  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards, 
Lord  Kelvin's  perceptive  statement  ffittlt  be  lead  in  terms  of 
its  critical  application  to  every  significant  area  of  modern 
science  and  technology,  Our  ability  to  control  or  to  make 
use  of  nature's  resources  is  directly  dependent  upon  our  quan- 
titative understanding  of  the  physical  world,  and  on  our 
ability  to  practice  precision  measurement,  The  gaps  between 
basic  data  and  applied  research  and  between  research  and 
development  are  bridged  by  precision  knowledge  and  ad- 
vanced measurement  processes,  Measurement  thus  serves 
as  the  languap  of  science  as  well  as  the  means  for  applying 
research  for  the  advancement  of  our  general  welfare,  From 
this,  wc  derive  the  inescapable  conclusion  that  excellence  in 
the  science  of  physical  measurement  is  au  essential  founda- 
tion for  leadership  in  the  progress  of  science  and  technology, 

A,  V.  Astin,  Director^  NBS, 


Luther  H.  Hodges,  Secretary 
Hickman  Price,  Jr.,  Assistant  Secretary  for  Domestic  Affairs 

A.  V.  Astin,  Director 

Research  Highlights 

of  the 

National  Bureau  of  Standards 

Annual  Report,  Fiscal  Year  1961 

December  1961 

Miscellaneous  Publication  242 

For  sale  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.  S.  Government  Printing  Office 
Washington  25,  D.  C.  -  Price  75  cents 

The  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Washington,  D.C,  laboratories   (top)  and 
Boulder,  Colorado,  laboratories  (bottom). 



General  review 1 

Progress  in  measurement  standards 2 

Studies  of  matter  and  materials 5 

Astrophysical  and  plasma  physics  research 6 

Radio  propagation  research 8 

Data  processing  systems 9 

Calibration,  testing,  and  standard  samples 9 

Cooperative  activities 14 

Administrative  activities 17 

Publications 13 

Highlights  of  the  research  program 20 

2.1.     Physics,  electronics,  and  measurement  standards 20 

2.1.1.  Metrology 20 

Wavelength  standard  of  length 21 

Frustrated  total  reflection 22 

Mass  standards 22 

Weighing  techniques 22 

Ultraviolet  wavelength  standard  developed 23 

Filters  selected  for  checking  color  measurement  equipment.  .  23 

Irradiance  meters  calibrated 23 

Color  names  standardized 23 

Artificial  daylight  standard 24 

Color-rendering  index  developed 24 

Specular  reflectance  standard 25 

Color  scale  for  vegetable  oils 25 

Refractive  indices  provided 25 

Image  analysis 25 

Ray-tracing  equations  developed 26 

Interference  microscope  techniques 26 

Absolute  testing  of  wavefront  shapes 26 

Calibration  of  crash  flight  record 26 

Photographic  density  measurements 27 

2.1.2.  Mechanics 28 

Measurement  of  vibration  amplitudes 28 

Calibration  of  microphones 28 

Recording  on  magnetic  tapes 29 

Analysis  of  transients 29 

Infrasonic  waves  in  the  atmosphere  and  in  the  earth 29 

Ultra-high-pressure  measurements 30 

Study  of  convective  currents  in  water 31 

Internal  waves  in  water  with  uniform  density  gradients.  ...  31 

Force  measurements 31 

Clamping  force  of  high  strength  aircraft  bolts 32 

Mechanical  properties  of  materials  at  elevated  temperatures .  32 

Rheology  of  liquids 33 

High-temperature  thermocouples 33 

Catalytic  effects  of  thermocouple  materials 34 

Hypervelocity  missile  in  a  combustible  gas 35 

Fuel  flowrate  studies 35 

2.1.3.  Electricity 36 

Absolute  measurement  of  resistance 36 

Standard  cells  under  vibration 36 

Electrode  kinetics 37 

Electrical  properties  of  molecular  solvents  at  high  tempera- 
ture    38 

Metal  oxide  solubilities  in  molten  salts 38 

Metal-molten  salt  interactions  and  stoichiometry 38 

Differential  thermocouple  voltmeter 38 

Magnetism 39 

Analysis  of  the  melting  point  of  polychlorotrifluoroethylene .  40 
Analysis  of  the  dielectric  properties  of  polychlorotrifluoro- 
ethylene    40 

Dielectric  properties  of  polyparachlorostyrene  and  polymeta- 

chlorostyrene 41 

•  •  • 

2.   Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 

2.1.  Physics,  electronics,  and  measurement  standards — Continued  Page 

2.1.4.  Radio  standards 41 

Theoretical  physics 42 

Radio  plasmas 43 

Atomic  frequency  and  time  interval  standards 44 

Radio  broadcast  service 44 

High-frequency  electrical  standards 45 

Microwave  circuit  standards 47 

Millimeter- wave  research 48 

Radio  and  microwave  materials 48 

Electronic  calibration  center 50 

2.1.5.  Heat 51 

High-temperature  thermocouple  furnace 51 

Photoelectric  pyrometer 51 

Specific  heat  of  diamond  at  high  temperatures 53 

Thermodynamic  properties  of  light-element  compounds  ....  53 

Laboratory  measurements  of  interstellar  radio  spectra 55 

Low  temperature  thermometry 56 

Acoustical  interferometer 56 

Resistance  thermometers 56 

Vapor  pressure  method 56 

Pressure  transducer  for  PVT  measurements 56 

Transport  properties  of  air 57 

International  cooperative  activities 58 

Temperature  symposium 58 

2.1.6.  Atomic  physics 58 

Laboratory  astrophysics 58 

Transition  probabilities 58 

Atomic  energy  levels 59 

Collision  cross  sections 60 

Standard  wavelengths 60 

Infrared  spectroscopy  of  gases 60 

Infrared  spectroscopy  of  solids 61 

Solid-state  physics 61 

Electron  scattering 62 

Atomic  constants 63 

Atomic  standards  of  frequency 63 

2.1.7.  Radiation  physics 64 

Radioactivity  standards 64 

Radiation  theory 64 

Computer  programs 64 

Data  collection 66 

Civil-defense  shielding  problems 66 

Linear  electron  accelerator 66 

High  energy  radiation 67 

X-  and  gamma-ray  dosimetry 68 

Photographic  dosimetry 68 

Chemical  dosimetry 69 

Irradiation  facilities 69 

Nucleonic  instrumentation 69 

Neutron  physics ~0 

Radiation  protection  and  radiation  standards  and  units ....  70 

International  standards 71 

2.2.  Chemistry  and  properties  of  materials 71 

2.2.1.     Analytical  and  inorganic  chemistry 71 

Applied  analytical  research 72 

Chemical  preparations 72 

Spectrochemical  advances 72 

Separation  of  zirconium  from  hafnium 74 

Distillation  techniques  improved 74 

Accuracy  for  pH  standards  increased 74 

A  standard  for  blood  pH 75 

Standard  hydrocarbon  blends 75 

Preparative  scale  chromatography 75 

Round-robin  purity  determinations 75 

Crystal  chemistry 77 

Coordination  chemistry 77 

Radiochemistry 77 


2.   Highlights  of  the  research  program— Continued 

2.2.  Chemistry  and  properties  of  materials — -Continued  Page 

2.2.2.  Physical  chemistry 77 

Reactions  of  atoms  at  low  temperature 78 

Gas-solid  reactions  at  high  temperature 78 

Light  elements 78 

Measuring  isotope  effects 79 

Enolic  acids 80 

Molecular  spectroscopy 80 

Uranium  standards 82 

Isotopic  abundance  in  silver  checked 82 

Photolysis  of  simple  molecules 82 

Radiolysis  of  simple  hydrocarbons 82 

Radical  reactions  formed  by  irradiation 83 

Electron  emission  from  surfaces 84 

2.2.3.  Mineral  products 84 

Crystal  growth 84 

Model  defect  structure 85 

Vaporization  data 86 

Mechanical  properties  of  ceramic  bodies 87 

Resonance  techniques  for  determining  elastic  moduli .  88 

Effects  of  roughness  on  the  oxidation  of  iron 89 

Standard  X-ray  diffraction  patterns 89 

Deuterium  isotope  effect  in  glass  transformation 90 

Ultra  low-conductivity  water 91 

Index  of  refraction  of  liquids 91 

2.2.4.  Metallurgy 92 

Vapor-phase  crystallization  studied 92 

Oxidation  processes  studied 93 

Nuclear  magnetic  resonance 93 

Superconductor  materials 93 

Soft  X-ray  spectroscopy 94 

Diffusion  studies  continued ' 95 

Dislocations  observed  in  metal  foils 95 

Phase  diagram  of  quaternary  system  completed 95 

Mechanical  properties  of  17-7  PH  stainless  steel  investigated .  95 

Properties  of  iron  reviewed 96 

Quantitative  metallography  obtained  with  digital  computer.  97 

Gases  in  metals 97 

Gage  blocks 97 

Creep  studies  continued 97 

Organic  films  increase  fatigue  strength 98 

Metal  polarization  indicates  corrosion  rate 98 

Stress  corrosion 98 

Heat  effects  of  electrochemical  processes 98 

Research  with  molten  salts 98 

Mechanism  of  metal  deposition  studied 99 

Electrodeposition  from  organic  solutions 100 

2.2.5.  Organic  and  fibrous  materials 100 

New  method  for  analyzing  synthetic  rubber 101 

Model  compounds  used  in  vulcanization  studies 102 

Crosslinks  determined  in  anisotropic  fibers 102 

Impact  loading  of  fibers 102 

Mechanism  of  retannage  studied 102 

Synthetic  fibers  structurally  modified 102 

Polymer  crystallization  studied 103 

High  pressure  polymerization. 104 

Thermal  stability  of  polymers 104 

Free  radicals  in  polymers 105 

Fungicidal  analysis 105 

Meteorite  erosion  of  materials 105 

Calcified  tissues  investigated 105 

Dimensional  changes  in  dentures 105 

Dental  amalgams  from  spherical  particles 106 

2.3.  Special  technical  service  programs 107 

2.3.1.     Applied  mathematics 107 

Combinatorial  analysis 107 

Eigenvalue  theory 108 

Matrix  theorv 108 

Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 

2.3.      Special  technical  service  programs — Continued 

2.3.1.      Applied  mathematics — Continued  Page 

Approximation  theory 108 

Numerical  experimentation 108 

Machine  translation 108 

Mathematical  tables 109 

Digital  computation 109 

Experiment  designs 109 

Life  testing  and  reliability 110 

Probability  and  mathematical  statistics.  .  . 110 

Mathematical  physics 110 

Operations  research Ill 

2.3.2.  Data  processing  systems Ill 

PILOT  data  processor 112 

Technical  assistance  for  data  processing 112 

Components  and  techniques 113 

Automatic  data  retrieval 114 

Development  of  information  selector 114 

Special  purpose  digital  computer  (AMOS  IV) 114 

Data  source  automation 115 

Weapons  systems  evaluation 115 

Airways  systems  analysis 116 

Pictorial  data  processing 116 

Psychological  data  processing 116 

Data  processing  applications 116 

Research  information  center 118 

Developments  in  automatic  mail  sorting 118 

Mechanization  of  patent  searching 118 

Simulation  of  traffic  flow 119 

2.3.3.  Instrumentation 119 

Meteorological  instrumentation 120 

Antarctica  assistance 121 

Hygrometry 121 


Telemetering  pickups 121 

Electronic  fault  location 122 

Electron  emission  of  thermionic  cathodes 122 

Vapor  pressure  of  alloys 123 

Instrumentation  reference  service 123 

Technical  communication 123 

2.3.4.  Radio  propagation 123 

Ionosphere  research  and  propagation 124 

VLF  phase  stability  studies 125 

Magnetic  field  micropulsations  and  electron  bremsstrah- 

lung 125 

Ray  tracing  through  the  real  ionosphere 125 

Doppler  fading  studies 126 

First  rocket-borne  soundings  of  the  topside  of  the  iono- 
sphere    127 

Studies  of  the  interplanetary  medium 127 

Radio  reflections  from  artificial  electron  clouds 128 

Radio  propagation  engineering 128 

Tropospheric  transmission  loss  predictions 128 

Wideband  data  transmission 128 

Mutual  interference  between  surface  and  satellite  com- 
munication systems 129 

Technical  factors  influencing  allocations 130 

Signal  characteristics  of  mountain  obstacle  paths 130 

Refraction  effects  in  microwave  tracking  systems 130 

Radio  meteorological  sensors 132 

Atmospheric  refractivity  models 132 

Automatic  amplitude  distribution  analyzer 132 

Engineering  standards  for  tropospheric  communication.  133 

Prediction  of  radio  noise  from  thunderstorm  counts.  .  .  .  133 

Radio  systems 133 

Low  and  very  low  frequency  systems  (30-300  kc/s) ....  134 

High  frequency  systems 134 

Very  high  frequency  systems 136 


2.   Highlights  of  the  research  program — Continued 

2.3.      Special  technical  service  programs — Continued 
2.3.4.      Radio  propagation — Continued 

Radio  systems — Continued  Page 

Antenna  research 136 

Modulation  research 137 

Navigation  and  timing  systems 138 

Upper  atmosphere  and  space  physics 139 

Preliminary  measurements  of  electron  densities  to  1200 

k'lometers 140 

Radiation  produced  from  a  plasma 140 

Investigations  in  particle  processes 140 

Cosmic  noise  study  at  USSR  Mirny  Base,  Antarctica.  .  .  140 
Satellite  radio  signals  used  to  study  structure  of  iono- 
sphere   141 

Meteor  burst  propagation  observations  successful 141 

Observatory  installed  at  Maui,  Hawaii 141 

Numerical  representation  of  the  ionosphere 142 

IGY  world  data  center  A 142 

2.3.5.  Cryogenic  engineering 143 

Superconducting  electromagnets 143 

Properties  of  para-hydrogen 143 

Cryogenic  materials  data  handbook 144 

Practical  thermometry 144 

Two-phase  fluid  phenomena 145 

Heat  transfer 145 

Cryogenic  equipment  and  instrumentation 146 

Magnet  research 146 

Low  temperature  seals 146 

Refrigeration  processes 146 

Consultation  and  advisory  services 147 

Cryogenic  engineering  data 147 

Gas  liquefaction 148 

2.3.6.  Building  research 148 

Air  void  systems  in  hardened  concrete 150 

Creep  and  shrinkage  of  structural  lightweight  concretes.  ...  150 
Characterization  of  cement  compounds  by  infrared  spectros- 
copy    150 

Crack  propagation  and  the  fracture  of  concrete 150 

Calcium  aluminate  complex  salts 150 

Extinguishment  of  fires 151 

Flammability  of  materials 151 

Heat  pump  studies 151 

Field  studies  of  air-to-air  heat  pumps 151 

Water  vapor  permeance  of  building  materials 152 

Underground  jaeat  distribution  systems 153 

Moisture  in  flat  insulated  roof  constructions 153 

Standards  for  refrigerated  vehicles 154 

Design  loads  for  plumbing  systems 154 

Advances  in  thermal  conductivity  measurements 154 

Organic  coatings  manual 155 

Safety  codes 155 

Symposium  on  Chemistry  of  Cement 155 

2.3.7.  Weights  and  Measures 156 

3.  Appendixes 159 

3.1.  Organization . 159 

3.2.  Summary  of  NBS  staff 165 

3.3.  Financial  data  on  NBS  program 165 

3.4.  Advisory  committees 167 

3.5.  Awards  and  honors 172 

3.6.  Education  and  training  program 173 

3.7.  Cooperative  research  with  industry 175 

3.8.  List  of  publications  and  patents 176 


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On  March  3,  1961,  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  completed  60  years 
of  service  to  science,  industry,  and  commerce.  Throughout  this  period  it 
has  been  concerned  with  precision  physical  measurement,  with  the  pro- 
motion of  reliable  and  uniform  measurement  in  the  United  States,  and  with 
a  wide  variety  of  research  activities. 

For  measurements  to  have  general  meaning  and  validity,  they  must  be 
based  on  common  units  and  standards  that  are  precisely  and  reliably  known. 
Only  then  can  there  be  effective  interchange  of  information  among  scientists, 
realistic  utilization  of  scientific  data  by  engineers  and  technologists,  orderly 
exchange  of  goods  in  commerce,  and  realization  of  the  concept  of  inter- 
changeable parts  throughout  industry.  It  is  the  Bureau's  responsibility  to 
develop  and  maintain  the  national  standards  upon  which  all  measurements  in 
this  country  are  based,  and  to  see  that  these  standards  are  made  available 
to  science  and  industry  through  suitable  calibration  services. 

A  second  important  responsibility  of  the  Bureau  is  to  provide  reliable 
and  precise  data  on  the  basic  properties  of  matter  and  materials  that  are  of 
importance  to  science  and  industry.  As  such  data  are  obtained  by  precise 
measurement,  the  performance  of  this  function  both  draws  upon  and  at  the 
same  time  increases  the  Bureau's  background  of  knowledge  and  competence 
in  the  field  of  measurement. 

Through  a  broad  program  of  research  in  the  physical  sciences,  the  Bureau 
continually  strives  to  keep  abreast  of  the  measurement  requirements  of 
American  science  and  technology.  To  insure  that  measurement  inadequacies 
do  not  retard  progress,  it  must  anticipate  tomorrow's  measurement  problems 
and  lead  in  their  solution,  developing  new  standards  and  measurement 
techniques  as  new  fields  open  up  or  become  more  active. 

Such  a  research  program  provides  a  broad  basis  for  service  to  the  Govern- 
ment and  the  Nation  in  a  variety  of  other  ways.  These  include  the  develop- 
ment of  test  methods  for  materials,  cooperation  in  the  establishment  of  codes 
and  specifications,  and  advisory  services  to  other  Government  agencies  on 
technical  problems. 

A  third  major  NBS  responsibility  is  the  operation  of  central  research  and 
technical  service  programs  for  the  Federal  Government.  Included  in  this 
category  are  the  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory,  the  Data  Processing 
Systems  Laboratory,  the  Building  Research  Division,  the  National  Hydraulics 
Laboratory  and  the  Cryogenic  Engineering  Laboratory. 

This  report  attempts  to  present  the  highlights  of  the  Bureau's  program 
for  the  fiscal  year  1961.  In  section  2,  the  body  of  the  report,  representative 
studies  and  achievements  from  the  various  fields  in  which  the  Bureau  is  active 

have  been  selected  for  brief  presentation.  However,  the  breadth  of  the  pro- 
gram and  the  diversity  of  projects  may  make  it  difficult  for  the  reader  to 
obtain  a  coherent  picture  of  the  year's  activity.  The  remainder  of  section  1 
is  therefore  devoted  to  a  brief  summary  of  the  more  important  accomplish- 
ments and  activities  of  the  year. 

Progress  in  Measurement  Standards 

To  provide  a  basis  for  accurate  electrical  measurements,  the  Bureau 
maintains  very  precise  standards  of  electrical  resistance  and  voltage  from 
which  all  other  electrical  and  electronic  standards  are  derived.  The  values 
assigned  to  these  two  basic  electrical  standards  are  calculated  from  extremely 
precise  measurements  made  in  terms  of  the  basic  units  of  length,  mass,  and 
time.  Such  measurements,  which  must  be  periodically  repeated,  serve  to 
fix  the  relation  between  the  electrical  and  mechanical  units  so  that  they  may 
be  used  together  with  consistent  results. 

During  the  year,  the  NBS  unit  of  resistance  was  redetermined  by  a  new, 
more  accurate  method.  The  determination  made  use  of  a  capacitor  whose 
value  can  be  calculated  to  a  high  degree  of  accuracy  from  its  dimensions. 
The  NBS  unit  of  resistance  was  then  evaluated  by  comparison  with  this 
capacitor.  The  value  obtained  was  self-consistent  to  better  than  a  part  in 
a  million  and  was  within  approximately  two  parts  per  million  of  the  value  of 
the  ohm  as  maintained  by  NBS  on  the  basis  of  earlier  measurement  techniques. 

A  basic  problem  in  electrical  standardizing  laboratories  has  been  to 
translate  direct-current  measurements,  which  are  closely  related  to  the  funda- 
mental standards,  into  alternating-current  measurements  at  the  frequencies 
used  in  electrical  power  generation  and  in  radio  and  electronics  work.  A 
recent  contribution  to  the  solution  of  this  problem  was  the  development  of  a 
"differential  thermocouple  voltmeter"  which  indicates  directly  the  percentage 
difference  between  an  unknown  alternating  voltage  and  a  previously  stand- 
ardized voltage. 

The  Bureau's  atomic  standard  of  frequency,  which  is  now  maintained  by 
means  of  a  natural  frequency  of  the  cesium  atom,  was  operated  on  a  regular 
basis  throughout  the  year  and  was  used  to  monitor  the  NBS  standard  fre- 
quency broadcasts.  International  comparisons  showed  continued  agreement 
between  this  standard  and  the  atomic  frequency  standards  of  Switzerland  and 
the  United  Kingdom  to  1  or  2  parts  in  10  billion.  The  high  stability  of  atomic 
frequency  standards  led  to  active  consideration,  on  the  international  level, 
of  specific  plans  for  a  redefinition  of  the  second  in  terms  of  an  atomic 

To  disseminate  the  frequency  standard  more  effectively,  the  Bureau  is 
working  toward  the  construction  of  a  standard  frequency  broadcast  station 
to  be  located  near  Fort  Collins,  Colo.  The  new  station  will  transmit  fre- 
quencies of  20  and  60  kilocycles.  Because  these  lower  frequencies  are  trans- 
mitted directly  along  the  surface  of  the  earth  rather  than  by  reflection  from 
the  ionosphere,  the  received  signals  are  much  more  stable.     This  permits 

their  transmission  over  great  distances  with  greater  accuracy  than  the  short- 
wave broadcasts  of  NBS  stations  WWV  and  WWVH.  The  new  station  will 
have  a  much  higher  radiated  power  than  the  Bureau's  existing  low-frequency 
stations  near  Boulder,  Colo. 

Intensive  research  programs  were  continued  to  develop  standards  and 
measurement  techniques  for  very  high  temperatures  and  pressures.  Reliable 
temperature  measurements  were  made  by  spectroscopic  techniques  in  the 
vicinity  of  16,000  °C,  and  extremely  compact  equipment  recently  developed 
for  generating  pressures  in  excess  of  1  million  pounds  per  square  inch  was 
further  refined.  Pressures  reached  in  an  experiment  with  this  equipment  can 
now  be  predicted  within  a  few  percent,  as  compared  with  20  percent  a  year 

In  recent  years  there  has  been  great  scientific  interest  in  research  at  ex- 
tremely low  temperatures,  within  a  few  degrees  or  less  of  absolute  zero.  In 
this  temperature  region  the  molecules  of  which  matter  is  composed  become 
less  active  in  their  constant  motion,  so  that  much  can  be  learned  about  the 
ultimate  nature  of  matter. 

As  the  success  of  physical  research  at  the  low  temperatures  depends  to 
a  great  extent  upon  the  accuracy  with  which  temperatures  can  be  measured 
in  this  region,  the  Bureau  has  been  conducting  an  active  program  to  provide 
a  temperature  scale  and  thermometer  calibration  service  in  the  range  from 
1.5  to  20  °K  (  —  457  to  —423  °F) .  In  1961  an  acoustical  interferometer  was 
constructed  and  used  successfully  to  measure  very  low  absolute  temperatures 
in  the  liquid  helium  range.  Further  development  of  this  instrument,  which 
makes  use  of  the  change  in  the  velocity  of  sound  in  helium  gas  with  tempera- 
ture, is  continuing.  Favorable  results  were  also  obtained  in  investigations 
of  carbon  and  germanium  resistors  for  use  as  precision  secondary 
thermometers  in  the  liquid  helium  temperature  region. 

Reliable  precision  measurement  techniques  and  standards  for  neutrons 
are  urgently  needed  both  in  the  power  reactor  field  and  in  various  areas 
of  basic  and  applied  research,  such  as  the  study  of  radiation  effects  and  the 
development  of  health  physics  instrumentation.  Although  the  Bureau  has 
developed  a  low-intensity  neutron  standard,  it  has  lacked  facilities  for  measur- 
ing the  high-intensity  fluxes  that  occur  in  a  nuclear  reactor.  At  the  close  of 
the  year  design  work  was  nearly  complete  for  a  high-flux  research  reactor 
to  be  constructed  at  the  Bureau's  new  site  at  Gaithersburg,  Md.  The  reactor, 
to  be  known  as  the  NBSR,  will  enable  the  Bureau  to  fill  its  growing  responsi- 
bilities in  the  many  rapidly  expanding  fields  of  atomic  energy.  The  reactor 
will  advance  the  measurement  and  understanding  of  the  effects  of  radiation 
on  substances  of  all  kinds,  and  will  provide  a  powerful  tool  for  analysis  of 
atomic  and  molecular  structure.  Of  particular  importance  among  the  basic 
processes  to  be  studied  is  that  of  fission.  Inadequate  understanding  of  this 
process  still  limits  the  design  of  fissile  material  breeding  plants. 

The  value  of  a  uranium  reactor  fuel  depends  on  the  abundance  of  the 
uranium-235  isotope  and  accurate  standards  of  composition  are  required  to 
make  precise  mass  spectrometric  determinations  of  this  abundance.     During 

the  past  year,  a  special  mass  spectrometer  was  developed  for  analyzing 
uranium  hexafluoride;  it  is  being  used  to  evaluate  standards  having  low 
concentrations  of  uranium  235.  This  instrument  has  also  been  used  to 
compare  the  natural  abundances  of  uranium  in  samples  from  different 
geographical  areas. 

In  the  past  several  years,  measurements  of  very  low  levels  of  radio- 
activity have  become  more  numerous  and  exacting  in  such  fields  as 
archeological  dating,  biological  and  medical  studies,  and  health  physics. 
Because  of  this  increased  activity,  a  thorough  investigation  into  the  radio- 
active contamination  of  materials  used  in  radiation  detection  has  become 
necessary,  and  a  demand  for  radioactivity  standards  at  very  low  concentra- 
tions has  arisen.  To  meet  this  need,  a  new  laboratory  facility  for  the  measure- 
ment of  very  low  levels  of  radioactivity — down  to  a  millionth  of  a  curie — was 
constructed.  This  facility  is  being  used  to  study  methods  of  measuring  the 
amounts  of  radionuclides  present  at  very  low  concentrations  and  in  making 
international  comparisons  of  radioactive  samples  at  these  concentrations.  It 
will  also  be  used  to  prepare  accurate  radionuclide  standards  for  a  number  of 
scientific  and  industrial  applications. 

Other  work  on  radioactivity  standards  resulted  in  the  development  of 
a  manganese-54  point  source  standard,  a  scandium-46  gamma-ray  standard, 
an  iron-55  electron-capturing  nuclide  standard,  and  a  promethium-147  beta- 
ray  standard.  In  addition,  a  more  accurate  value  for  the  half-life  of  carbon 
14 — important  in  geological  and  archeological  dating — was  obtained.  The 
new  value  is  5,760  years  with  an  overall  probable  error  of  1  percent,  and  is 
about  4  percent  greater  than  the  previously  accepted  value  of  5,568  years. 

Measurements  of  the  acidity  or  basicity  of  solutions,  expressed  on  the 
pH  scale,  are  of  critical  importance  not  only  in  chemical  analysis  and  medical 
research  but  in  the  control  of  many  industrial  processes.  Some  years  ago 
the  Bureau  took  the  lead  in  establishing  a  standard  pH  scale  that  would  meet 
the  needs  of  both  science  and  industry.  Standards  for  the  adjustment  of  pH- 
measuring  equipment  to  conform  to  this  scale  have  been  issued  by  NBS  for 
more  than  15  years.  However,  fundamental  difficulties  in  the  calculation  of 
a  standard  pH  have  made  it  necessary  to  limit  the  accuracy  in  the  assignment 
of  pH  values  to  ±0.01  unit.  Within  the  past  year  a  mutually  satisfactory 
convention  was  developed  in  cooperation  with  the  pH  committee  of  the  British 
Standards  Institution,  and  the  third  decimal  place  is  now  being  assigned  to 
pH  standard  values. 

In  response  to  many  requests,  a  new  standard  was  established  especially 
for  the  measurement  of  the  pH  of  blood  and  physiological  media.  Accurate 
measurements  of  the  pH  of  blood  are  of  great  importance  both  in  medical 
research  and  in  the  diagnosis  of  pathological  conditions.  However,  the 
changes  in  pH  that  must  be  detected  are  very  small.  To  increase  the  accuracy 
with  which  these  measurements  can  be  made,  the  new  standard  was  required 
to  have,  at  body  temperature,  about  the  same  pH  as  blood.  It  was  prepared 
from  pH  standard  materials  already  issued  by  the  Bureau. 

Studies  of  Matter  and  Materials 

Water,  because  of  its  abundance,  its  importance  to  the  physical  sciences, 
and  its  role  as  a  life-supporting  liquid,  has  been  the  subject  of  intense  study 
for  many  years.  Recently,  by  applying  an  electrophoretic  ion-exclusion 
technique,  the  Bureau  succeeded  in  preparing  water  of  extremely  low  ion 
content.  This  water  has  an  electrical  conductivity  of  0.039  X  10~6  ohm-1  at 
18  °C,  indicating  a  residual  ion  content  which  is  equivalent  to  a  sodium 
chloride  concentration  of  one  part  per  billion.  Containing  less  than  one- 
third  of  the  ionic  impurities  of  the  water  prepared  by  Kohlrausch  and  Hey- 
dweiller  in  their  historic  purification  experiments,  this  water  approaches  the 
theoretical  conductivity — and  ideal  purity — more  closely  than  any  previously 

In  1960  Bureau  scientists  found  that  ethane  molecules  lose  molecular 
hydrogen  when  subjected  to  ultraviolet  light  of  very  short  wavelength.  Dur- 
ing the  past  year  additional  studies  were  made  of  the  effect  of  radiation  on 
other  simple  molecules.  Ethylene  was  found  to  decompose  by  a  similar 
process,  and  further  experiments  with  ethylene  showed  that  molecular  detach- 
ment of  hydrogen  also  occurs  under  the  action  of  gamma  rays.  Such 
experiments  give  valuable  insight  into  the  detailed  processes  induced  by 
high-energy  radiation  and  provide  information  on  the  origin  of  radiation 
damage  to  materials.  The  formation  of  molecular  hydrogen  by  action  of 
ultraviolet  radiation  on  water  vapor  was  also  observed;  this  process  may 
account  for  the  presence  of  hydrogen  molecules  in  the  upper  atmosphere. 

Detailed  investigations  of  the  structures  of  several  important  molecules 
were  carried  out  by  spectroscopic  studies  in  the  ultraviolet,  visible,  infrared, 
and  microwave  regions  of  the  spectrum.  Through  the  use  of  microwave 
techniques,  it  was  possible  to  measure  interatomic  distances  with  very  high 
accuracy  in  a  variety  of  hydrocarbons  and  their  simple  derivatives.  Small 
variations  were  detected  in  the  lengths  of  the  bonds  between  carbon  atoms 
in  these  molecules,  and  these  changes  shed  some  light  on  the  nature  of  the 
chemical  bonds.  The  microwave  studies  also  provided  other  molecular 
information,  such  as  electric  dipole  moments  and  quadrupole  coupling  con- 
stants, which  can  be  correlated  with  the  geometric  structure  of  the  molecules. 

High  magnetic  fields  have  important  uses  as  deflectors  of  charged  particles 
in  the  particle  accelerators  and  detection  devices  of  nuclear  physics,  in  nu- 
clear power  converters,  and  for  plasma  containment  in  fusion  reactors.  If 
the  magnet  is  cooled  to  low  temperatures  so  as  to  greatly  reduce  its  elec- 
trical resistance,  a  considerable  amount  of  power  that  would  otherwise  be 
lost  as  heat  becomes  available  for  producing  a  higher  magnetic  field.  To 
take  advantage  of  this  principle,  a  high-purity  aluminum  foil  magnet  with 
liquid  hydrogen  cooling  for  low-temperature  operation  was  recently  designed 
and  is  nearing  completion.  Using  only  4  kilowatts  of  power,  it  is  designed 
to  produce  a  magnetic  field  of  100,000  gauss  in  a  cylindrical  volume  3  inches 
in  diameter  by  8  inches  long. 

At  very  low  temperatures  some  metals  such  as  lead  and  tin  become  super- 
conductors, that  is,  they  completely  lose  their  electrical  resistance.  Obvi- 
ously a  superconducting  electromagnet  would  provide  a  very  effective  means 
of  obtaining  extremely  high  magnetic  fields.  Until  recently,  however,  such 
a  superconducting  magnet  was  not  regarded  as  practical  because  most  super- 
conductors are  driven  into  the  normal,  conducting  state  by  rather  small 
magnetic  fields.  Within  the  past  year  several  alloys  or  compounds  have 
been  discovered  that  remain  superconducting  in  the  presence  of  high  mag- 
netic fields  and  while  carrying  large  currents.  One  of  these,  a  niobium-tin 
compound  (Nb3Sn)  clad  in  niobium,  has  been  investigated  by  the  Bureau, 
with  the  support  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  in  fields  up  to  190,000 
gauss.  The  results  indicate  that  this  material  can  be  used  to  make  solenoidal 
magnets  that  will  produce  magnetic  fields  of  well  over  100,000  gauss  if  oper- 
ated from  1  to  4  degrees  above  absolute  zero. 

Astrophysical  and  Plasma  Physics  Research 

In  recent  years  there  has  been  great  scientific  interest  in  the  nature  and 
physical  behavior  of  extremely  hot  gases  such  as  occur  in  thermonuclear 
devices  and  in  outer  space.  Yet  this  field  of  physics  is  still  very  poorly 
understood.  As  a  result  of  this  lack  of  knowledge,  progress  is  being  held  up 
in  a  number  of  important  branches  of  science  and  technology — among  them 
space  exploration  and  astronomy,  thermonuclear  power  and  plasma  physics, 
ultra  high  temperature  research,  atmospheric  research,  and  ballistic  missile 
defense  systems. 

In  this  situation  the  major  problem  is  a  lack  of  precise  measurement 
techniques,  standards,  and  basic  data  on  the  fundamental  properties  of  the 
hot  gas  or  plasma.  Many  of  the  laboratories  attempting  to  apply  plasma 
physics  to  practical  objectives  are  thus  forced  to  rely  on  costly  and  in- 
efficient empirical  methods.  To  help  solve  this  problem,  the  Bureau  in  1960 
began  a  special  effort  to  unify  and  strengthen  its  work  in  plasma  physics 
and  astrophysics.  This  work  is  now  being  carefully  coordinated  to  develop 
the  necessary  measurement  standards,  basic  data,  theoretical  guidance,  and 
interpretative  techniques  for  determining  the  relevant  properties  of  hot  gases 
and  for  the  solution  of  important  problems  in  modern  astrophysics. 

The  most  immediate  need  for  such  knowledge  and  services  arises  in  the 
space  sciences,  where  satellites  are  used  to  carry  equipment  outside  of  the 
earth's  atmosphere  to  study  the  sun  and  the  stars.  The  value  of  the  spectro- 
scopic data  thus  obtained  can  be  greatly  enhanced  if  they  can  be  accurately 
described  in  measurement  units  based  on  precise  laboratory  standards.  The 
Bureau  is  making  accurate  measurements  of  atomic  properties  to  provide  the 
data  necessary  for  quantitative  interpretation  of  these  astronomical  obser- 

To  study  the  probabilities  of  atomic  transitions  associated  with  hydrogen 
and  oxygen  lines  observed  in  solar  and  stellar  spectra,  the  Bureau  developed 
a  wall-stabilized  high-current  arc  chamber  operating  in  hydrogen  at  12.000 

A  high-current  arc  chamber  operating  in  hydrogen  at  12,000  °K,  a  tempera- 
lure  twice  that  of  the  sun.  The  arc  is  used  in  research  on  the  fundamental 
properties  of  extremely  hot  gases  such  as  occur  in  thermonuclear  processes  and 
outer  space.  Lack  of  precise  measurement  techniques,  standards,  and  basic 
data  on  the  fundamental  properties  of  plasmas  is  a  major  problem  in  the  space 
sciences   (page  6). 

°K,  a  temperature  twice  that  of  the  sun.  A  characteristic  red  light  emitted 
by  the  hydrogen  through  slits  in  the  arc  chamber  is  photoelectrically  re- 
corded with  a  spectrometer  and  provides  information  to  determine  tempera- 
ture and  particle  concentrations  within  the  plasma. 

A  tabulation  of  the  relative  intensities  of  39,000  spectral  lines  was  com- 
pleted during  the  year,  providing  intensity  values  on  a  uniform  energy  scale 
for  70  elements  over  the  wavelength  range  from  2000  to  9000  Angstrom  units. 
The  new  tables  will  supply  much-needed  quantitative  intensity  values  for  those 
elements  most  commonly  encountered  in  spectrochemical  analysis.  The 
intensity  values  may  be  transformed  into  atomic  transition  probabilities 
and  used  to  determine  temperatures  of  laboratory  light  sources  emitting 
atomic  spectra  and  of  stellar  atmospheres. 

In  addition  to  the  data  center  on  atomic  transition  probabilities  which  was 
set  up  last  year,  a  data  center  on  atomic  collision  cross  sections  was  established 
to  gather  and  index  all  published  information  in  this  field.  A  complete  file  of 
scientific  papers  on  low-energy  electron  cross  sections  has  been  collected,  and 
about  one-half  of  the  papers  have  been  coded  on  punched  cards.  Plans  call 
for  extending  the  data  collection  to  other  atomic  cross  sections  as  soon  as  is 

Through  the  production  of  radio  waves  from  plasmas  in  the  laboratory,  a 
major  step  was  taken  toward  duplicating  under  controlled  conditions  the 
electromagnetic  processes  which  occur  in  the  upper  atmosphere.  Plasmas 
were  produced  in  helium  by  a  high-velocity  shockwave  travelling  over  100 
times  the  speed  of  sound.  When  the  plasmas  were  studied  in  the  presence  of 
a  transverse  magnetic  field,  radio  waves  resulting  from  interaction  between 
the  shockwave  and  the  magnetic  field  were  observed.  A  high-speed  camera, 
capable  of  operating  at  over  100  million  frames  per  second,  was  devised  to 
study  the  luminous  phenomena  in  the  Shockwaves. 

Radio  Propagation  Research 

The  NBS  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory  (CRPL)  has  the  primary 
responsibility  within  the  Federal  Government  for  collecting  and  disseminating 
information  on  radio  wave  propagation.  The  results  of  its  research  program 
are  of  value  to  radio  and  television  broadcasters,  the  military  services,  space 
scientists,  and  operators  of  many  types  of  communication  systems. 

A  large  part  of  CRPL  research  deals  with  the  properties  of  the  series  of 
electrically  charged  layers  in  the  upper  atmosphere  known  collectively  as  the 
ionosphere.  Through  their  ability  to  reflect  radio  waves,  these  layers  play 
an  important  part  in  long-distance  radio  communication. 

By  analyzing  radio  signals  received  from  satellites,  CRPL  has  been  able 
to  study  the  structure  of  the  upper  part  of  the  ionosphere,  measuring  the 
density  of  electrons  and  other  characteristics.  Current  studies  are  investi- 
gating the  size,  shape,  and  motion  of  various  ionospheric  irregularities  as 
observed  at  a  number  of  stations.  The  results  obtained  in  this  work  should 
aid  communication  with  space  vehicles  since  radio  signals  from  space  are 
seriously  affected  by  irregularities  in  the  electron  density  of  the  ionosphere. 

On  June  24,  1961  the  first  rocket-borne  soundings  of  the  topside  of  the 
ionosphere  were  made  by  means  of  a  four-stage  rocket  carried  to  an  altitude 
of  over  600  miles.  Successful  radio  pulse  reflections  from  the  topside  of  the 
ionosphere  were  obtained  for  about  13  of  the  14  minutes  that  the  payload 
was  above  the  ionosphere. 

The  rocket,  a  Javelin,  was  launched  from  the  National  Aeronautics  and 
Space  Administration's  Wallops  Island  (Va.)  facility.  The  purpose  of  the 
experiment  was  to  test  the  sounding  system  that  is  to  be  used  in  a  topside 
sounding  satellite  to  be  placed  in  orbit  at  a  later  date.  Such  a  satellite  will 
be  of  great  value  in  advancing  man's  knowledge  of  the  ionosphere.  NBS 
responsibilities  in  this  program  include  overall  planning,  design  and  per- 
formance of  the  experiment,  and  analysis  of  the  resulting  data.  Airborne 
Instruments  Laboratory,  a  division  of  Cutler-Hammer,  Inc.,  is  designing  and 
building  the  rocket  and  satellite  payloads  and  the  ground  data-handling 
equipment.  Technical  management  and  sponsorship  is  by  the  NASA 
Goddard  Space  Flight  Center. 


Data  Processing  Systems 

The  Bureau  continued  to  serve  the  Government  as  a  central  research  and 
development  agency  in  automatic  data  processing  and  as  a  readily  available 
information  center  for  the  solution  of  specific  problems  in  this  field.  During 
1961  services  to  other  Federal  agencies  included  assistance  to  the  Bureau  of 
Naval  Weapons  on  problems  of  weapons-systems  evaluation  and  test-range 
instrumentation  of  the  Pacific  Missile  Range;  studies  of  a  future  air-traffic 
control  system  for  the  Federation  Aviation  Agency;  research  for  the  Navy 
on  computer  methods  for  translating  aerial  photographic  information  into 
elevation  profiles;  and  development  of  a  program  for  simulating  municipal 
traffic  flow  by  high-speed  automatic  data-processing  equipment  for  the 
Bureau  of  Public  Roads. 

In  studies  of  computer  components,  significant  advances  were  made  in  the 
theoretical  analysis  of  solid-state  semiconductor  devices  operating  as  circuit 
elements.  For  example,  a  large-signal  equivalent  circuit,  valid  for  all  modes 
of  circuit  operation,  was  produced  for  junction  transistors.  Equations  were 
developed  that  make  possible  the  analytic  solution  of  modes  of  junction- 
transistor  operation  previously  considered  untractable. 

Calibration,  Testing,  and  Standard  Samples 

The  Bureau  continued  to  be  faced  with  the  demands  of  a  rapidly  expand- 
ing technology  for  calibration  services  to  insure  accuracy  in  laboratory,  shop, 
and  plant,  and  to  meet  the  need  of  state  and  local  weights  and  measures 
enforcement  officers.  In  meeting  these  critical  needs  it  was  aided  by  the 
extensive  calibration  programs  that  are  being  established  in  the  military 
agencies  and  in  many  industries  and  private  standards  laboratories.  The 
Bureau  continued,  insofar  as  possible,  to  restrict  its  calibration  work  to  master 
standards  and  high-precision  instruments,  leaving  the  calibration  of  lower- 
echelon  standards  to  the  other  standards  laboratories  that  have  been  set  up. 
To  an  increasing  extent,  the  Bureau  was  called  upon  for  assistance  to  these 

The  activity  of  the  Aerospace  Industries  Association,  in  surveying  the 
measurement  needs  of  its  member  firms,  has  proved  very  useful  and  infor- 
mative to  the  Bureau  in  planning  and  developing  calibration  services.  In 
1959,  the  Association  questioned  70  companies  in  its  field  and  found  greatly 
increased  measurement  needs  in  several  critical  areas  such  as  microwave, 
temperature,  vibration,  and  shock  measurements.  Over  100  of  these  needs 
were  for  measurement  and  calibration  services  not  then  offered  by  NBS. 
Either  the  Bureau  did  not  provide  any  service  for  the  particular  physical 
quantity  involved,  or  the  range  of  measurement  or  accuracy  required  was 
not  available.  This  survey  clearly  showed  the  immediate  need  for  more 
basic  research  on  measurement  problems  and  increased  industry-wide  dis- 
semination of  calibration  procedures. 

616114  O— 61- 

As  a  followup  to  the  AIA  Industry  Calibration  Survey,  a  series  of  16 
meetings  between  measurement  specialists  from  AIA  member  firms  and 
NBS  technical  staff  members  was  held  at  the  Bureau  over  the  past  14  months. 
Aimed  at  bringing  into  sharp  focus  the  impact  of  the  "measurement  pinch" 
as  it  affects  the  aeronautical  and  missile  industries,  these  conferences  dealt 
with  the  following  subjects:  Temperature;  infrared  radiation;  humidity; 
vacuum  and  flow;  force  and  acceleration;  shock  and  vibration;  internal 
diameters;  surface  flatness  and  finish;  gear  calibration  and  measurement; 
pulsed  voltage;  radiofrequency  impedance  and  phase;  radiofrequency  power, 
current,  and  impedance;  radiofrequency  voltage  and  field  strength;  micro- 
wave power;  microwave  attenuation;  microwave  VSWR,  impedance,  and 
phase.  The  conferences  identified  many  specific  areas  in  which  the  air- 
craft and  space  industries  face  severe  measurement  problems.  For  example, 
an  industry  representative  cited  a  million-dollar  development  of  radomes 
which  had  to  proceed  more  by  trial  and  error  than  by  test  and  analysis, 
because  precise  phase  and  amplitude  measurement  capabilities  do  not  exist 
in  the  required  frequency  range.  As  a  result  of  the  meetings,  the  Bureau's 
planning  in  all  the  measuremer<t  areas  that  were  covered  has  benefited,  and 
steps  have  been  taken  to  immediately  place  greater  emphasis  on  calibrations 
and  related  work  in  the  most  critical  areas  such  as  microwave  power  and 
attenuation,  high  temperature,  infrared  radiation,  and  engineering  metrology. 

To  facilitate  liaison  with  those  who  use  the  Bureau's  services,  a  new  Techni- 
cal Advisory  Committee  on  Calibration  and  Measurement  Services  was  es- 
tablished. The  committee  includes  leaders  in  specialized  fields  drawn  from 
industry,  and  will  foster  NBS-industry  cooperation  in  precision  measurement. 
It  will  advise  the  Bureau  concerning  current  and  anticipated  needs  of  industry 
for  measurement  and  calibration  services,  indicating  the  extent  and  relative 
urgency  of  these  needs  and  suggesting  how  the  Bureau's  skills  and  resources 
may  best  be  utilized  toward  meeting  them. 

The  Bureau  has  also  been  working  closely  with  the  Department  of  Defense 
and  its  contractors  to  keep  informed  of  new  measurement  problems  and 
calibration  needs.  During  1961  a  series  of  visits  to  the  plants  of  Air  Force 
contractors  was  made  by  a  Joint  NBS-U.S.  Air  Force  Working  Group  on 
Standards.  It  was  found  that  significant  progress  has  been  made  in  measure- 
ment standards  activities  over  the  past  few  years  and  in  most  plants  a  keen 
awareness  of  the  need  for  highly  accurate  standards  of  physical  measurement 
has  developed.  At  the  suggestion  of  several  defense  agencies,  the  Bureau's 
Electronic  Calibration  Center  held  a  5-day  workshop  on  microwave  frequency 
measurements  for  technical  supervisors  from  standards  laboratories  in  the 
Department  of  Defense. 

The  greatly  increased  activity  in  measurement  standards  throughout  the 
country  was  indicated  by  proposals  from  various  sources  for  the  establish- 
ment of  associations  to  deal  with  technical  and  administrative  problems  of 
the  industrial  standards  laboratories  that  are  being  set  up  to  serve  as  inter- 
mediaries  in   the   calibration    chain    between    NBS    and    industrial    plants. 








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During  the  year  the  Bureau  participated  in  several  meetings  initiated  by  rep- 
resentatives of  industrial  standards  laboratories  to  determine  the  need  for 
and  possible  role  of  an  association  of  standards  laboratories. 

A  three-volume  Handbook  entitled  Precision  Measurement  and  Calibra- 
tion was  issued  to  provide  a  "textbook"  and  reference  source  for  the  many 
scientists  and  engineers  who  must  be  trained  in  the  shortest  possible  time  to 
fill  responsible  positions  within  the  new  standards  laboratories.  This  2800- 
page  Handbook  is  a  compilation  of  technical  papers  on  measurement  and 
calibration  by  the  NBS  staff.  The  three  volumes,  extensive  as  they  are, 
include  only  a  fraction  of  the  Bureau's  work  relating  to  measurement;  how- 
ever, supplementary  references  are  listed  and  many  of  the  reprinted  papers 
include  bibliographies  in  this  field. 

An  important  medium  for  the  exchange  of  information  on  electronic  meas- 
urements was  the  Conference  on  Standards  and  Electronic  Measurements, 
during  the  summer  of  1960,  at  the  Boulder  Laboratories.  Sponsored  jointly 
by  the  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers,  the  Institute  of  Radio 
Engineers,  and  NBS,  the  three-day  meeting  was  attended  by  more  than  800 
scientists  and  engineers  from  industry,  universities,  and  Government.  The 
Bureau  also  cooperated  with  the  American  Institute  of  Physics  and  the 
Instrument  Society  of  America  in  sponsoring  a  Symposium  on  Temperature — 
Its  Measurement  and  Control  in  Science  and  Industry,  held  in  Columbus, 
Ohio,  March  27-31.  More  than  250  papers  were  presented  at  this  Sympo- 
sium, the  fourth  in  a  series  begun  in  1919. 

The  nature  and  scope  of  the  activity  in  calibration  and  testing  are  shown 
for  fiscal  year  1961  in  tables  1  and  2.  A  total  of  129,540  calibrations  and 
tests  were  performed  for  Government  and  industry. 

Closely  related  to  the  calibration  effort  is  the  standard  materials  program 
(table  3).  During  the  past  year  the  Bureau  distributed  78,148  samples  of 
standard  materials  to  other  laboratories  for  use  in  controlling  chemical 
processes  and  in  maintaining  the  accuracy  of  apparatus  and  equipment. 
Over  600  different  standard  materials  are  at  present  available — principally 
chemicals,  ceramics,  metals,  ores,  and  radioactive  nuclides.  All  are  certified 
either  for  chemical  composition  or  with  respect  to  a  specific  physical  or 
chemical  property  such  as  melting  point,  viscosity,  color,  or  index  of 

Cooperative  Activities 

The  Bureau  cooperates  extensively  with  Federal,  State,  and  local  govern- 
ments; with  national  professional  societies  and  standardizing  bodies;  and 
with  many  international  groups.  In  this  way  the  results  of  Bureau  research 
are  brought  to  bear  on  many  current  problems  of  science  and  industry, 
particularly  those  relating  to  measurement  standards,  building  and  safety 
codes,  engineering  and  purchase  specifications,  and  test  methods. 

Cooperation  with  other  Federal  agencies  ranges  from  the  supplying  of 
technical  information  upon  request  to  long-range  projects  undertaken  through 


various  scientific  and  technical  committees.  An  important  example  of  inter- 
agency cooperation  is  the  development  of  Government  specifications  and  test 
methods.  During  the  year  at  the  request  of  the  General  Services  Adminis- 
tration, the  Bureau  accepted  responsibility  for  developing  and  maintain- 
ing 7  additional  Federal  Specifications,  making  a  total  of  157  for  which  it 
now  has  this  responsibility.  The  Bureau  also  reviewed  approximately  400 
proposed  specifications  both  for  GSA  and  for  other  agencies  to  determine 
their  suitability  for  use  by  the  Federal  Government. 

Cooperation  with  State  and  municipal  governments  is  principally  in  the 
field  of  weights  and  measures.  Although  the  Bureau  itself  does  not  have 
regulatory  powers,  it  offers  technical  advice  and  consultation  to  local  regula- 
tory bodies  and  it  calibrates  and  adjusts  State  standards  of  weights  and 
measures.  A  major  medium  of  cooperation  is  the  National  Conference  on 
Weights  and  Measures.  Thirty-five  States,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Puerto 
Rico,  Canada,  and  the  United  Kingdom  were  officially  represented  at  the 
46th  annual  meeting  of  this  Conference,  held  in  Washington,  D.C.,  June  12- 
16,  under  NBS  sponsorship. 

Through  the  participation  of  Bureau  staff  members  in  the  work  of  national 
professional  societies  and  standardizing  bodies,  the  Bureau  plays  an  active 
role  in  the  development  of  test  methods  and  criteria,  in  the  application  of 
scientific  discoveries,  and  in  fundamental  research  programs  of  national 
scope.  During  the  past  year  Bureau  staff  members  held  1,250  committee 
memberships  in  150  national  groups  such  as  the  American  Society  for  Testing 
Materials,  the  American  Standards  Association,  American  Society  of  Me- 
chanical Engineers,  American  Chemical  Society,  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers, 
and  Instrument  Society  of  America. 

In  many  of  these  groups  NBS  staff  members  work  with  industry  to  provide 
codes  and  specifications,  standard  test  methods,  and  standard  data  on  the 
properties  of  engineering  materials.  To  help  the  Bureau  cooperate  with 
industry  in  these  areas,  a  new  Technical  Advisory  Committee  on  Engi- 
neering and  Related  Standards  was  established.  This  Committee  will  be 
concerned  with  national  needs  in  the  general  field  of  standard  practices  and 
will  seek  to  maintain  awareness  of  the  efforts  of  private  organizations  in  this 
field,  fostering  cooperative  programs  and  recommending  use  of  the  Bu- 
reau's special  competence  where  needed. 

Other  means  of  Bureau-industry  cooperation  include  the  Research  Asso- 
ciate Plan  and  the  donor  program.  Under  the  Research  Associate  Plan, 
technical,  industrial,  and  commercial  organizations  can  support  work  at 
the  Bureau  that  is  of  special  interest  to  them,  yet  of  sufficient  general  interest 
to  justify  use  of  Government  facilities.  The  work  is  done  by  research  asso- 
ciates who  are  paid  by  the  sponsor  but  otherwise  function  as  members  of 
the  Bureau  staff.  At  the  present  time  11  groups  are  supporting  research 
associates  at  the  Bureau  (appendix,  p.  175) . 

The  donor  program  was  authorized  in  1950  by  Public  Law  619  under  which 
the  Bureau  may  accept  funds  for  the  purpose  of  furthering  its  work.    This 


arrangement  permits  individuals  as  well  as  technical,  industrial,  and  com- 
mercial organizations  to  support  work  at  the  Bureau  when  the  results  are 
expected  to  be  of  value  to  the  general  public.  During  the  past  year,  eight 
projects  were  supported  by  gifts  from  six  organizations  (p.  175). 

On  an  international  basis,  the  Bureau  represents  the  interest  of  the  Gov- 
ernment and  American  science  in  matters  dealing  with  the  establishment  and 
maintenance  of  standards  and  establishment  of  values  for  scientific  constants. 
Most  of  this  work  is  done  through  participation  in  a  large  number  of  inter- 
national groups  such  as  the  International  Union  of  Pure  and  Applied  Chem- 
istry, International  Scientific  Radio  Union,  International  Commission  on 
Illumination,  and  International  Organization  for  Standardization.  Approxi- 
mately 124  staff  members  attended  meetings  of  international  societies  during 
the  fiscal  year. 

In  October  1960  the  Director  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  and 
the  Chief  of  the  NBS  Metrology  Division  attended  the  11th  General  Con- 
ference on  Weights  and  Measures,  in  Paris,  as  head  and  member,  respec- 
tively, of  the  American  delegation.  An  outstanding  accomplishment  of  this 
Conference  was  the  adoption  of  a  new  international  standard  of  length — a 
wavelength  of  light — replacing  the  meter  bar  which  had  served  as  the  standard 
for  over  70  years.  The  meter  was  thus  defined  as  1,650,763.73  wavelengths 
of  the  orange-red  line  of  the  isotope  krypton  86.  Other  actions  taken  by 
the  Conference  included  the  establishment  of  a  central  facility  at  the  Inter- 
national Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures  for  international  coordination  of 
radiation  measurements,  confirmation  of  a  new  definition  of  the  second  of 
time  in  terms  of  the  tropical  year  1900,  and  adoption  of  refinements  in  the 
scales  for  temperature  measurements. 

In  April  1961  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  was  represented  at  the 
Pan  American  Standards  Committee  Meeting  in  Montevideo,  Uruguay,  by  an 
Associate  Director  and  a  Consultant  to  the  Director.  These  staff  members 
also  visited  several  other  South  American  countries  to  confer  with  representa- 
tives of  Government  and  industry  regarding  the  development  and  promotion 
of  standards  for  Latin  American  raw  materials  and  semi-manufactured  prod- 
ucts, to  discuss  exchange  of  personnel  between  NBS  and  Latin  American 
standards  laboratories,  and  to  inquire  into  the  effect  on  commerce  and  trade 
of  the  disparity  between  the  English  units  of  measurement  used  in  the 
United  States  and  the  metric  system  employed  in  Latin  American  countries. 
Another  aspect  of  international  cooperation  involves  a  program  whereby 
scientists  or  diplomatic  representatives  from  other  countries  are  accepted 
at  the  Bureau  as  guest  workers  or  visitors.  Approximately  1.100  foreign 
scientists  and  technicians,  representing  61  countries,  visited  the  Bureau 
during  the  year.  Forty-five  of  these  visitors  were  specialists  who  came  as 
guest  workers  to  spend  from  1  to  12  months  in  cooperative  research.  Twenty 
were  trainees  who  were  being  prepared  for  leadership  in  the  national 
laboratories  of  their  own  countries. 


Administrative  Activities 

A  number  of  administrative  changes  were  made  as  part  of  the  Bureau's 
efforts  to  meet  the  expanding  needs  of  modern  science  and  technology.  The 
divisional  reorganization  which  began  in  1960  was  completed  in  1961  with 
the  subdivision  of  the  former  Chemistry  Division  into  two  more  cohesive 
divisions:  Analytical  and  Inorganic  Chemistry,  and  Physical  Chemistry.  In 
another  change,  the  technical  Associate  Directors  were  relieved  of  responsi- 
bility for  supervision  of  particular  divisions  so  that  they  could  spend  full 
time  in  staff  work  for  the  Director  and  Deputy  Director.  (See  appendix,  p. 
159,  for  revised  organization.)  Also,  advisory  committees  of  outside  ex- 
perts were  set  up  in  the  areas  of  calibration  and  measurement  services 
(p.  171 ) ,  and  engineering  and  related  standards  (p.  171 ) . 

In  addition  to  the  existing  technical  advisory  panels  appointed  by  the 
National  Academy  of  Sciences-National  Research  Council  (appendix  3.4), 
a  special  NAS-NRC  study  was  initiated  on  the  Bureau's  building  research 
program.  The  study  implements  a  recommendation  of  the  1960  report  to 
the  Secretary  of  Commerce  by  NAS-NRC  on  the  role  of  the  Department  in 
science  and  technology. 

On  June  14,  Secretary  of  Commerce  Luther  H.  Hodges  broke  ground  for 
a  new  Engineering  Mechanics  Laboratory.  This  laboratory  is  included, 
along  with  the  power  plant  and  initial  site  development  work,  in  the  first 
construction  contract  let  for  the  Bureau's  new  research  center  at  Gaithers- 
burg,  Md.  At  the  Boulder  Laboratories  construction  of  a  sixth  wing  for  the 
main  laboratory  building  was  well  under  way. 

At  the  end  of  the  year,  the  total  staff  was  about  3,900  persons,  slightly 
less  than  one-third  of  them  at  the  Boulder  Laboratories.  Appendix  3.2 
gives  further  data  on  staffing. 

Two  new  types  of  positions  were  established  during  the  year:  Senior 
Research  Fellow  and  Senior  Visiting  Scientist.  Their  purpose  is  to  afford 
recognition  to  distinguished  scientists  and  to  enable  them  to  do  independent 
research  and  consultation  of  a  broad  character  beyond  the  scope  of  a 
particular  division. 

Funds  obligated  during  the  year  totaled  $52,244,000  including  $13,406,000 
for  facilities.  Of  the  $32,812,000  total  for  the  research  and  development 
effort,  $19,578,000  came  from  the  direct  appropriation  for  Research  and  Tech- 
nical Services  and  $13,234,000  from  other  agencies  and  private  sources.  In 
addition,  calibration,  testing,  and  other  services  totaled  $6,026,000.  A  more 
complete  presentation  of  financial  data  is  contained  in  appendix  3.3. 

One  of  the  groups  interested  in  the  Bureau's  future  capabilities  is  the 
House  Committee  on  Space  and  Astronautics.  After  hearings  with  Bureau 
officials,  the  Committee  published  a  report  (House  Report  No.  711,  87th 
Congress,  1st  Session)  which  included  the  following: 

"The  Bureau  of  Standards  provides  a  number  of  services  to  industry  and  commerce, 
to  the  scientific  community  generally,  and  to  Federal  agencies.  ...  its  range  of  interest 
has,  perhaps,  a  wider  scope  than  that  of  any  other  Federal  research  institution. 


"The  programs  of  the  Bureau  are  a  large  contribution  to  the  work  of  scientists  and 
engineers  of  the  country.  They  provide  a  technical  foundation  for  space,  military,  and 
atomic  energy  programs.  Technology  and  research  and  development  in  technological 
fields  play  an  ever  increasingly  important  part  in  the  life  of  today.  Dr.  A.  V.  Astin, 
Director  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  sums  up  this  situation  as  follows: 

'By  almost  any  measure,  the  growth  of  science  and  technology  in  this  century 
has  been  phenomenal.  Regardless  of  whether  we  look  at  the  rapidly  increas- 
ing number  of  scientists,  the  greatly  increased  amounts  of  funds  applied  to 
research  and  development,  the  staggering  growth  in  the  volume  of  technical 
literature,  or  the  tremendous  multiplication  of  new  devices  and  materials  from 
our  industrial  machines,  we  find  a  rate  of  expansion  very  much  in  excess  of 
the  rate  at  which  the  general  population  is  increasing. 

'For  some  time  the  rate  of  growth  of  the  U.S.  population  has  been  doubling 
about  every  50  years  whereas  the  number  of  scientists  in  several  of  the  major 
disciplines  has  been  doubling  about  every  10  years.  Comparable  exponential 
growth  rates  are  found  with  other  indices  of  scientific  progress.'  " 

In  light  of  the  growth  picture,  efforts  were  continued  and  extended  to 
determine  present  and  future  needs  for  standards  of  measurement  and  associ- 
ated calibration  services.  Within  the  Bureau  a  more  systematic  procedure 
was  adopted  for  evaluation  of  current  programs.  Also,  program  planning 
began  to  be  projected  further  into  the  future  as  part  of  the  Government- wide 
effort  to  develop  tentative  budget  estimates  for  at  least  five  years  in  advance. 


Publications  are  a  major  end  product  of  the  Bureau's  research  effort. 
They  are  the  principal  means  by  which  the  results  of  NBS  projects  are  made 
available  to  science  and  technology.  The  publications  of  the  Bureau  are 
therefore  suggestive  of  the  scope  and  level  of  its  technical  program.  During 
the  year  these  totaled  937  formally  published  papers  and  documents.  In 
addition  some  390  classified  and  unclassified  reports  were  issued  to  other 
Government  agencies. 

A  major  publication  of  the  year  was  Precision  Measurement  and  Calibra- 
tion (Handbook  77).  This  three  volume  Handbook  (p.  14)  is  a  compila- 
tion of  the  more  important  NBS  publications  of  recent  years  dealing  with 
precision  measurement  and  the  calibration  of  standards. 

Another  three-volume  reference  work  was  completed  with  the  publication 
of  part  III  of  Screw  Thread  Standards  for  Federal  Services  (Handbook  28) . 
This  Handbook  represents  the  work  of  the  Interdepartmental  Screw  Thread 
Committee,  which  is  sponsored  by  the  Departments  of  Defense,  Army,  Navy, 
Air  Force,  and  Commerce  to  promote  uniformity  in  screw-thread  standards 
in  the  Departments  concerned. 

Other  significant  reference  works  were  X-ray  Protection  Up  to  Three 
Million  Volts  (Handbook  76),  which  gives  National  Committee  on  Radia- 
tion Protection  and  Measurements  recommended  safety  standards  in  this 
field;  and  Bibliography  of  Temperature  Measurement  (Monograph  27 1 
which  contains  more  than  500  references  published  between  January  1953 
and  June  1960  in  the  field  of  temperature  measurement. 



Secretary  of  Commerce  Luther  H.  Hodges  formally  breaks  ground  for  the  con- 
struction of  the  new  NBS  laboratories  at  Gaithersburg,  Maryland.  The  Bureau 
expects  to  be  relocated  in  its  new  campus  by  1964.  On  the  speakers'  platform 
behind  the  Secretary  are  Dr.  A.  V.  Astin  (left),  NBS  Director,  and  John  L. 
Moore,  Administrator  of  the  General  Services  Administration   (page  17). 

Unique  among  the  year's  publications  was  The  Metric  System  of  Measure- 
ment (Miscellaneous  Publication  232),  a  46-  by  29-inch  wall  chart  for 
classroom  use.  An  updated  version  of  an  all-time  favorite  visual  aid,  this 
new  metric  chart  includes  the  recent  redefinition  of  the  meter  in  terms  of 
a  wavelength  of  light.  The  chart  shows  the  interrelationships  among  the 
units  of  the  International  Metric  System  of  measurement,  and  the  relation- 
ships between  the  metric  units  and  the  units  of  the  English  system. 


Of  the  937  formal  publications  issued  during  the  year,  188  were  published 
in  the  Journal  of  Research,  and  573  in  the  journals  of  professional  and  scien- 
tific societies.  Also,  106  summary  articles  were  presented  in  the  Bureau's 
monthly  Technical  News  Bulletin.  Seventy  papers  were  published  in  the 
nonperiodical  series  of  publications:  14  in  the  Monograph  series,  8  in  the 
Handbook  series,  2  in  the  Circular  series,  8  in  the  Miscellaneous  Publica- 
tion series,  and  38  in  the  Technical  Note  series. 

Basic  Radio  Propagation  Predictions,  the  Bureau's  third  periodical,  which 
is  published  for  a  1-month  period  3  months  in  advance,  presented  radio 
propagation  data  needed  for  determining  the  best  radiofrequencies  to  use 
in  long-range  radio  communications. 

A  list  of  publications  for  the  fiscal  year  is  given  in  the  appendix,  section 
3.8  (p.  176). 

During  the  year,  the  Bureau  participated  in  21  scientific  and  technological 
exhibitions,  with  exhibits  depicting  the  Bureau's  research  programs.  Typi- 
cal of  the  year's  shows  were  the  Instrumentation-Automation  Exhibit  of  the 
Instrument  Society  of  America,  the  Northeastern  States  Exposition  of  In- 
dustrial Progress,  and  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences  Annual  Exhibit. 

The  Bureau's  motion  picture  program  included  3,111  showings  of  NBS 
films  to  a  total  audience  of  261,493,  including  educational  television. 



The  Bureau's  technical  program  is  carried  out  through  organizational 
units  called  divisions.  These  are  shown  in  appendix  4.1  in  numerical  order. 
A  review  of  selected  research  and  development  programs  is  presented  in  this 
section  under  headings  corresponding  generally  to  these  organizational  units 
but  rearranged  to  bring  together  related  types  of  activity. 


2.1.1.     METROLOGY 

The  metrology  laboratories  of  the  Bureau  maintain,  develop,  and  dis- 
seminate standards  for  commonly  used  physical  quantities,  such  as  length, 
mass,  volume,  density,  angle,  light,  color,  refractive  index,  and  other  optical 
and  photographic  parameters.  Included  in  work  of  the  past  year  was  the 
development  of  interferometric  methods  for  measuring  both  the  surface 
finish  and  sphericity  of  ball  bearings,  a  need  arising  from  space-age  require- 


ments.  New  single-pan  two  knife-edge  balances,  constructed  in  accord  with 
Bureau  specifications,  were  tested  and  found  suitable  for  rapid  high-precision 
weighing.  The  refractive  index  of  specimens  of  calcium  fluoride  was 
measured  over  a  50-fold  range  of  wavelengths,  bracketing  the  visible 
spectrum.  Progress  was  achieved  in  the  re-evaluation  of  physical  constants, 
such  as  electronic  charge,  electronic  mass,  and  Avogadro's  number,  through 
the  use  of  newly  developed  experimental  data.  During  the  year  over  50,000 
individual  standards  were  calibrated  for  scientific  and  industrial  use  through- 
out the  country.  Thus  the  metrology  laboratories  carry  out  one  of  the 
Bureau's  basic  functions — to  provide  the  means  for  accurate  measurements 
consistent  with  the  national  standards. 

Wavelength  Standard  of  Length,  Direct  measurements  of  the  length 
of  the  standard  meter  bar  in  terms  of  the  krypton  wavelength,  prior  to  its 
adoption  as  an  international  standard,  verified  that  the  new  standard  would 
not  alter  effectively  the  unit  of  length  which  had  been  internationally  main- 
tained for  over  70  years.  At  the  time  of  the  adoption  of  this  wavelength 
standard  for  length  by  the  General  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures  on 
October  14,  1960,  only  one  other  laboratory  besides  the  Bureau  had  meas- 
ured a  meter  bar  directly  in  terms  of  the  krypton  wavelength. 

In  this  work,  determinations  were  made  of  the  number  of  wavelengths 
of  the  orange-red  radiation  of  krypton  86  (6054  A)  in  a  meter.  The  meas- 
urements were  made  by  comparing  50-  and  100-cm  quartz  standards  and 
a  100-cm  steel  standard  with  the  national  prototype  meter  bar  and  then 
determining  the  number  of  wavelengths  of  the  orange  radiation  in  these 
lengths.  The  average  of  a  series  of  observations  on  the  two  quartz  standards 
and  the  steel  standard  gave  the  number  of  wavelengths  in  a  meter  as  1,650,- 
764.13  as  compared  with  1,650,763.73,  the  value  which  was  adopted.     How- 


'■    : 

Apparatus  used  in  studies  of  the  relationship  between  the  Krypton-86  wave- 
length and  the  meter  as  denned  prior  to  the  adoption  of  the  wavelength  stand- 
ard. Shown  is  the  special  Michelson  interferometer  setup  with  50-cm  quartz 
end  standard  which  has  been  compared  with  the  National  Prototype  Meter  Bar 
(page  21). 


ever,  measurements  on   the   steel  standard,  believed  to  be  the  most  trust- 
worthy, gave  1,650,763.88  as  the  number  of  wavelengths. 

A  similar  series  of  measurements  on  a  number  of  different  standards  at  the 
National  Research  Council  in  Canada  agreed  closely  with  the  Bureau  average, 
although  one  measurement  on  a  Bureau  meter  bar  by  the  National  Research 
Council — in  which  Bureau  personnel  participated — gave  1,650,763.90  as  the 
number  of  wavelengths.  Bureau  representatives  and  others  at  the  General 
Conference  agreed  to  adopt  1,650,763.73  wavelengths,  since  this  had  the 
effect  of  defining  the  Angstrom  unit  as  exactly  10~10  meter. 

The  interferometric  measurements  were  made  with  a  large  Michelson  inter- 
ferometer, which  is  enclosed  in  an  insulated,  airtight  chamber  with  remote 
controls  for  positioning  the  standards  and  optical  elements.  Remote  meas- 
urements of  temperature  at  eleven  stations  throughout  the  chamber,  and  of 
relative  humidity  and  pressure,  can  also  be  made.  The  chamber  is  so  well 
insulated  that  the  variation  in  temperature  along  the  length  of  a  one-meter 
standard  does  not  exceed  0.003  °C;  it  can  be  filled  with  air  of  known  analy- 
sis and  the  pressure  maintained  to  0.01  millibar. 

Frustrated  Total  Reflection.  Frustrated  total  reflection  involves  the 
effect  of  a  second  surface  on  the  complex  energy  existing  on  the  dark  side  of 
a  first  surface  that  totally  reflects  incident  light.  This  phenomenon  was  used 
to  measure  the  film  thickness  existing  between  a  glass-metal  interface.  The 
technique,  which  has  a  theoretical  sensitivity  of  20-billionths  of  an  inch,  was 
also  employed  to  determine  the  proximity  of  a  spherical  surface  to  a  plane. 
The  errors  in  gage-block  calibration  which  may  arise  from  wringing-film 
thickness  will  also  be  investigated  by  this  technique. 

Mass  Standards.  A  study  was  initiated  to  increase  the  accuracy  of 
mass  measurement  that  is  conveniently  attainable  through  use  of  bulk  buoy- 
ancy computations  of  the  air  buoyancy.  This  measurement  is  now  limited  to 
about  3  parts  in  106  because  of  uncertainties  associated  with  cavities  closed 
by  screw  knobs.  Tests  were  started  on  weights  of  a  new  design  which  retain 
the  advantages  of  two-piece  construction  and  provide  the  higher  precision 
and  increased  constancy  now  provided  by  one-piece  design. 

Weighing  Techniques.  Four  experimental  balances  were  completed. 
The  first  two,  of  6-  and  50-pound  capacities,  are  intended  for  use  in  state 
laboratories  where  increased  precision  and  speed  of  operation  are  required 
(see  p.  157).  The  third  is  a  novel-type  quartz  microbalance  of  2-gram 
capacity  and  the  fourth  is  a  1 -kilogram  balance  of  advanced  design  which  will 
be  used  in  experiments  where  the  maximum  attainable  level  of  precision  is 
demanded.  The  first  three  were  developed  jointly  with  American  industry 
and  the  fourth  was  constructed  at  the  Bureau. 

Apparatus  developed  for  use  in  knife-edge  research  included  devices  for 
the  measurement  of  knife-edge  radii,  friction,  erosion,  and  the  effect  of 
electric  current  through  the  knife-flat  combination.  Lathe  techniques  were 
devised  for  achieving  3-  to  4-microinch  finishes  on  experimental  weights 
without  lapping  or  polishing.     Materials  used  included  aluminum,  titanium. 


tantalum,  brass,  tungsten,  stainless  steel,  and  a  nickel-chromium  alloy. 
Balance  component  development  included  an  arrestment  with  no  moving 
parts  and  a  suspension  assuring  minimum  swinging. 

Ultraviolet  Wavelength  Standard  Developed.  Glasses  whose  ab- 
sportion  spectra  exhibit  sharp  maxima  or  minima  have  long  been  used  to 
calibrate  the  wavelength  scale  of  recording  spectrophotometers  within  the 
wavelength  range  of  380  to  1080  millimicrons,  but  none  has  been  available 
in  the  ultraviolet  range  from  240  to  380  m/A.  Hence  a  study  was  made,  in 
cooperation  with  a  glass  manufacturer,  to  provide  a  holmium-oxide  glass  for 
use  in  this  range.  The  standard  glass  developed  has  five  sharp  absorption 
bands  between  240  and  380  m/x  sufficiently  symmetrical  that  the  wavelength 
of  maximum  absorptance  indicated  by  the  recorder  remains  constant  for  slit- 
widths  up  to  2  m/A.  The  standard  also  shows  other  bands  between  380  and 
650  m/A  that  are  useful  to  supplement  other  standards  used  for  this  range. 
The  new  glass,  with  certified  values  of  the  wavelengths  of  11  absorption 
maxima  now  being  issued,  makes  possible  a  wavelength  calibration  accurate 
to  0.1  m/A. 

Filters  Selected  for  Checking  Color  Measurement  Equipment. 
A  recent  advance  in  routine  color  measurement  has  been  the  development 
of  automatic  computers,  either  digital  or  analog,  that  can  be  attached  to  an 
automatic  spectrophotometer  to  yield  by  routine  measurement  the  tristimulus 
values  specifying  a  particular  color.  About  one  hundred  such  systems  are 
now  in  operation  in  American  industry,  and  the  current  rate  of  increase  is 
about  fifty  per  year.  To  provide  a  means  for  checking  the  performance  of 
such  systems,  the  Bureau  selected  glass  filters  of  five  spectral  types,  and 
determined  the  tristimulus  values  of  100  specimens  of  each  type.  If  any 
given  spectrophotometer-integrator  system  yields  the  certified  tristimulus 
values  for  all  five  filters  within  satisfactory  tolerances,  it  may  be  concluded 
that  the  system  is  properly  designed  and  adjusted.  Furthermore,  from  the 
pattern  of  any  significant  differences,  definite  clues  are  yielded  as  to  the  type 
of  malfunction  (wavelength-scale,  photometric-scale,  stray-energy,  slit-width) 
affecting  the  system. 

lrradiance  Meters  Calibrated.  Cooperative  work  was  undertaken 
with  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences-National  Research  Council  and  the 
Department  of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,  in  their  study  of  the  effect 
of  ultraviolet  radiant  energy  in  reducing  the  rate  of  staphylococcus  infection 
in  hospitals.  Several  meters  for  measuring  irradiance  of  2537  A  flux  were 
calibrated  and  one  of  the  meters,  used  as  a  control  meter,  was  checked 
periodically  during  the  year. 

Color  Names  Standardized.  Progress  was  made,  in  a  program  ini- 
tiated with  the  Inter-Society  Color  Council,  to  establish  and  promote  the  use 
of  a  system  of  simple,  precisely  defined,  color  designations.  In  this  study,  a 
set  of  paint  chips  was  prepared  showing  the  most  representative,  or  centroid, 
colors  for  214  of  267  ISCC-NBS  color  designations.  Arrangements  were 
completed  for  the  mass  production  of  sets  of  these  color  standards,  mounted 
on  charts  for  convenient  use. 


Frustrated  total  reflection  of  light  was  investigated  through  the  interaction  of 
a  steel  ball  and  a  plane  glass  surface.  The  technique  has  a  theoretical  sensi- 
tivity of  20  billionths  of  an  inch,  and  may  provide  an  improved  method  for 
measuring  wringing-film  thickness  in  gage  block  calibration  (page  22). 

The  resulting  charts  will  be  suited  for  a  variety  of  scientific  and  industrial 
uses.  For  example,  they  will  serve  for  approximate  color  specification 
wherever  the  ISCC— NBS  color  designations  are  applicable,  namely,  in  descrip- 
tions of  drugs  and  chemicals,  in  qualitative  chemical  analysis,  in  dermatology, 
and  in  descriptions  of  mica,  building  materials,  soils,  and  rocks.  They  will 
also  form  the  basis  for  statistical  studies  of  trends  in  industrial  color  usage, 
and  they  may  be  useful  in  planning  lines  of  merchandise  having  coordinated 

Artificial  Daylight  Standard.  Since  1931  the  standard  artificial  day- 
light for  color  measurements  in  the  laboratory  has  been  based  by  international 
agreement  on  two-cell,  liquid  filters  developed  at  the  Bureau.  During  the  past 
year  a  cooperative  study  was  carried  out  with  Corning  Glass  Works  in  which 
a  three-component  glass  filter  was  developed  for  converting  incandescent- 
lamp  light  into  a  closer  duplication  of  the  spectral  character  of  natural  day- 
light than  has  previously  been  possible.  These  filters  may  form  the  basis  of  a 
new  international  agreement  on  standard  sources  for  colorimetry.  In  the 
meantime  they  can  be  used  as  superior  color-temperature-altering  filters  by 
science  and  industry. 

Color-Rendering  Index  Developed.  The  widespread  acceptance  of 
fluorescent  lamps  of  high  luminous  efficacy  poses  the  problem  of  how  closely 
object  colors  are  rendered  in  their  natural  colors  by  these  sources.  Since 
1952  joint  effort  has  been  made  with  the  Illuminating  Engineering  Society 
to  solve  this  problem.  During  the  year  a  tentative  method  for  specifying  a 
color-rendering  index  was  developed  and  validated  for  use  when  the  chro- 


maticity  of  the  light  source  to  be  tested  is  closely  identical  to  that  of  the 
standard  against  which  it  is  to  be  compared. 

This  tentative  method  has  been  accepted  by  the  Committee  on  Color  Rendi- 
tion of  the  International  Commission  on  Illumination  as  one  of  two  closely 
similar  methods  on  which  the  future  work  of  that  committee  is  to  be  based. 
This  is  one  step  toward  international  agreement  regarding  methods  of 
appraising  the  merit  of  the  various  fluorescent  lamps  available  in  world 

Specular  Reflectance  Standard.  In  cooperation  with  the  Bureau's 
enameled  metals  laboratory  and  the  Army  Engineer  Research  and  Develop- 
ment Laboratory,  a  spectral  directional  reflectance  study  was  made  of  a 
number  of  metals  and  evaporated  metal  films  on  glass.  The  work  was  under- 
taken to  find  a  suitable  standard  of  specular  reflectance  in  the  ultraviolet, 
visible,  and  near  infrared  spectra.  It  was  found  that  a  deposit  of  rhodium 
on  glass  gave  the  best  promise  of  being  a  permanent  standard.  This  tentative 
standard  was  used  in  a  cooperative  test  for  the  University  of  Wisconsin,  in 
their  work  on  the  solar  effect  on  soils. 

Color  Scale  for  Vegetable  Oils.  For  many  years  Lovibond  red 
glasses  have  been  calibrated  for  use  in  measuring  the  colors  of  vegetable  oils 
(cottonseed,  peanut,  palm)  for  commercial  evaluation.  These  calibrations 
have  been  based  on  a  Bureau  scale  (Priest-Gibson)  set  up  in  1927.  As  a 
result  of  negotiations  between  the  American  Oil  Chemists  Society  and  the 
makers  of  Lovibond  glasses,  and  based  on  NBS  color  measurements,  an  AOCS 
color  scale  has  been  established  for  the  vegetable-oil  industry  in  this  country. 
It  is  anticipated  that  the  manufacturer  will  be  able  to  supply  working  standards 
of  color  to  the  American  vegetable-oil  industry  which  will  agree  with  current 
practice  and  that  future  Bureau  calibrations  will  not  be  required. 

Refractive  Indices  Provided.  The  critical  components  of  most  op- 
tical instruments  are  the  lenses,  prisms,  and  windows.  Designers  of  infrared 
and  ultraviolet  devices  must  have  accurate  values  of  refractive  index  of  all 
available  transparent  materials  to  select  optimum  materials  and  designs  for 
such  components.  In  a  continuing  program  to  provide  such  information,  the 
index  of  refraction  of  a  natural  and  a  synthetic  prism  of  calcium  fluoride 
was  measured  over  a  wide  range  of  wavelengths  (0.23  to  10/x)  at  several 
temperatures.  The  refractive  index  of  six  experimental  infrared  glasses 
developed  at  NBS  was  also  determined.  Various  components  of  a  vacuum 
monochromator  system,  used  in  extending  the  measurement  of  refractive  index 
and  other  optical  properties  of  transparent  materials  into  the  short  wave- 
length region  of  the  spectrum,  were  installed  and  tested. 

Image  Analysis.  The  evaluation  of  imagery  concept  was  extended  to 
include  the  measurement  of  lens  resolution  in  terms  of  frequency  response 
using  either  sine  wave  or  square  wave  targets.  In  this  method,  the  aerial 
image  of  an  infinitely  distant  target  is  scanned  by  a  slit  and  photocell  to  read 
out  variations  in  image  intensity.  The  lens  is  then  treated  as  a  low  pass 
filter  of  spatial  frequencies  and  response  is  determined  by  comparing  the 
calibrated  with  the  modulated  image. 

616114  0—61 3  25 

Ray-Tracing  Equations  Developed,  In  the  last  decade  a  new  prin- 
ciple in  optical  design,  called  common  path  interference,  has  been  intro- 
duced and  applied  to  interference  microscopes  and  lens  testing  interferom- 
eters. These  devices  have  double-focus  lenses  made  of  uniaxial  crystals  that 
divide  a  beam  of  light  into  ordinary  and  extraordinary  rays.  The  design 
of  a  common  path  interference  device  is  based  on  the  difference  in  refraction 
of  these  two  rays.  However,  because  simple  ray-tracing  equations  for  the 
extraordinary  ray  were  not  available,  few  double-focus  lenses  have  been 

The  Bureau  therefore  developed  equations  which  are  not  much  more 
difficult  to  apply  than  are  those  employed  for  skew  rays.  Moreover,  they 
make  use  of  data  from  an  ordinary  ray-tracing  program.  These  equations 
are  derived  from  the  purely  geometric  point  of  view.  They  presuppose  a 
knowledge  of  the  ordinary  ray,  obtainable  from  ordinary  ray-tracing  pro- 
cedures together  with  the  normal  to  the  refracting  surface.  In  the  final 
derivation  both  Huygen's  principle  and  the  ellipsoidal  indicatrix  for  a 
uniaxial  crystal  are  employed. 

Interference  Microscope  Techniques,  In  recent  measurements  of 
very  fine  surface  finishes  on  prepared  steel  surfaces,  it  was  found  that  two- 
beam  interference  microscopy  did  not  provide  sufficient  resolution  to  dis- 
tinguish small  differences.  Hence,  commercial  metallurgical  microscope 
components  were  employed  to  produce  multiple-beam  interference  and 
achieve  the  desired  resolution.  These  components  consist  of  cover  glass 
slides,  coated  for  maximum  reflectivity  on  one  side  with  zinc  sulfide  and 
coated  on  the  other  side  for  minimum  reflectivity  with  cryolite.  The  tech- 
nique was  applied  to  the  study  of  surface  finishes  on  spherical  surfaces  of  0.5- 
inch  radius  and  on  cylindrical  surfaces  of  0.002-inch  radius. 

Absolute  Testing  of  Wavefront  Shapes,  A  method  was  developed 
for  making  absolute  tests  by  interferometry.  The  process  compares  (1) 
an  unknown  wavefront  with  a  sheared  image  of  itself,  or  (2)  one  part  of  a 
wavefront  with  one  or  more  different  parts  of  the  same  wavefront,  or  (3) 
different  parts  of  one  wavefront  with  another  unknown  wavefront.  A  unique 
solution  is  then  obtainable  by  combining  simple  mathematical  operations. 
This  manner  of  compounding  interferometry  with  mathematical  operations 
eliminates  the  need  for  reference  standards  and  thus  improves  the  accuracy 
of  the  results  obtained.  The  process  has  been  tested  and  reports  have  been 
prepared  on  the  absolute  testing  of  wavefront  shapes  that  are  characteristic 
of  aberrations  of  lenses  and  lens  systems  (entire  optical  imaging  forming 
units)  ;  shapes  of  optical  mirrors;  and  image  quality  of  simple  or  compound 
optical  systems. 

Calibration  of  Crash  Flight  Record,  Jet  aircraft  are  required  to 
carry  an  automatic  flight  recorder  which  makes  a  permanent  graph  record 
of  such  parameters  as  air  speed,  altitude,  azimuth,  and  acceleration  as  a 
function  of  time.  One  of  these  recorders,  retrieved  from  the  crash  of  an 
aircraft  in  New  York  in  December  1960,  was  submitted  to  the  Bureau  for 
calibration  of  the  record.     Such  a  calibration  consists  of  measuring  the  co- 


Experimental  one-pan  balance  designed  to  investigate  the  limitations  of  such 
an  apparatus  in  experiments  where  the  maximum  attainable  level  of  precision 
is  demanded — work  with  the  National  Standard  Kilogram,  for  example 
(page  22). 

ordinates  at  numerous  positions  of  traces  made  by  diamond  stylii  on  a  metal 
foil  capable  of  retaining  the  record  and  of  maintaining  its  mechanical 
strength  after  exposure  to  fire,  shock,  and  salt  water  immersion.  The 
Bureau  succeeded  in  extracting  the  record  from  the  battered  recorder,  re- 
moving the  heavy  carbon  and  polymer  deposits  from  the  portion  of  the  foil 
showing  the  latest  recording  from  Chicago  to  New  York,  measuring  the 
coordinates  of  the  traces,  and  with  the  help  of  the  manufacturers  and  the 
Civil  Aeronautics  Board,  interpreting  the  measurements  as  quantitative  and 
correlated  values  of  the  parameters  which  they  represented. 

Photographic  Density  Measurements.  Fine  photography  in  science, 
industry,  and  art  largely  depends  on  the  photographic  effect  on  a  film  of  a 
given  exposure.     To  determine  the  optical  density  of  these  films,  photo- 


graphic  step  tablets  calibrated  at  the  Bureau  are  made  available  for  cali- 
brating the  transmission  densitometers  used  to  measure  optical  density. 
During  the  past  year,  the  apparatus  and  method  used  for  calibrating  step 
tablets  were  refined  so  that  the  uncertainty  of  measurements  previously 
ranging  from  0.02  to  0.09  on  the  density  scale  were  reduced  to  0.01. 

2.1.2.     MECHANICS 

The  Bureau's  work  in  mechanics  is  primarily  in  the  development  and  im- 
provement of  methods  of  measurement  of  mechanical  phenomena  in  solids. 
liquids,  and  gases;  the  establishment  of  required  standards  in  mechanics 
and  the  relation  of  such  standards  to  the  prototype  standards;  the  support 
of  these  activities  by  theoretical  and  experimental  researchers  into  mechanical 
phenomena;  the  determination  of  physical  constants  of  particular  impor- 
tance in  mechanics;  and  provision  of  assistance  to  other  laboratories  in 
relating  their  measurements  to  a  common  basis  (or  to  established  standards  l 
by  transfer  standards,  calibration  services,  and  other  means.  Measurement 
areas  include  sound  pressure  and  intensity,  shock,  vibration,  force,  strain, 
pressure,  vacuum,  viscosity,  and  rate  of  gas  and  liquid  flow. 

These  measurement  areas  are  of  vital  importance  in  the  missile  and  space 
programs,  which  require  great  accuracies  over  widely  extended  ranges  under 
extreme  temperature  environments.  Special  emphasis  therefore  is  given  to 
research  directed  toward  meeting  these  needs. 

Because  of  the  increasing  requirements  for  measuring  mechanical  quan- 
tities in  defense  industries  and  in  government  laboratories,  and  because  of 
the  requirements  of  missile  and  space  projects,  requests  for  calibration  serv- 
ices continued  to  increase.  For  example,  during  the  year,  more  devices  for 
measuring  force  and  flow  were  calibrated  than  in  any  previous  year. 

Measurement  of  Vibration  Amplitudes.  The  calibration  of  vibra- 
tion pickups,  used  for  measuring  vibrations  in  machines,  missiles,  satellites, 
and  aircraft,  can  now  be  accomplished  by  means  of  a  recently  developed 
photometric  system.  The  amplitude  of  vibration  of  one  plate  of  a  Fizeau 
optical  interferometer  is  deduced  from  photometric  measurements  on  the 
interference  pattern.  This  new  technique  was  used  to  calibrate  pickups  over 
the  audiofrequency  range  and  amplitude  range  72-4400  Angstroms  (0.3- 
17.3  microinches) ,  with  estimated  errors  no  greater  than  2  percent.  Vibra- 
tion amplitudes  as  small  as  5  A  (0.02  ^in.)  can  be  measured  with  uncertain- 
ties no  greater  than  10  percent. 

Calibration  of  Microphones.  Condenser  microphones  calibrated  by 
the  reciprocity  technique  serve  as  the  basic  standard  instruments  for  measure- 
ment of  sound  pressure  over  a  wide  range  of  frequencies.  A  simple  method 
was  developed  for  measuring  the  relative  response  of  a  microphone  by  means 
of  carrier-frequency  circuits.  First  of  all,  diaphragm  motion  is  brought 
about  by  voltage  of  various  frequencies  applied  to  the  microphone.  Then  the 
carrier-frequency  measurement  yields  relative  response  over  the  frequency 


range  from  1  cycle  per  second  to  50,000  cycles  per  second.  The  absolute  re- 
sponse can  be  determined  at  any  convenient  frequency  by  means  of  reci- 
procity technique,  and  is  then  readily  computed  for  other  frequencies  from 
the  relative  response  determined  by  the  new  technique. 

Recording  on  Magnetic  Tapes.  A  recording  on  magnetic  tape  under- 
goes amplitude  and  phase  changes  at  frequencies  near  the  upper  limit  of 
the  pass  band  for  the  entire  record-tape-playback  system.  For  recordings  of 
speech  or  music,  phase  distortion  is  not  a  serious  drawback  since  a  person's 
hearing  is  relatively  insensitive  to  this  effect.  But  the  amplitude-equalizing 
circuits  frequently  used  in  tape  systems  cause  an  intolerable  amount  of 
phase  distortion  on  tapes  used  for  recording  of  data  from  measuring  instru- 
ments. In  work  sponsored  by  Patrick  Air  Force  Base,  a  method  for 
minimizing  this  distortion  was  developed,  thus  allowing  the  more  accurate 
reproduction  of  complex  waveforms.  A  new  equalizer  which  is  used  can  be 
regarded  as  a  filter  consisting  of  an  amplitude-equalizing  network,  followed 
by  an  all-pass  phase-shift  network.  The  method  will  facilitate  researches 
into  short-wavelength  recording  on  magnetic  tapes. 

Analysis  of  Transients.  Signals  of  importance  in  acoustics  can  be 
studied  as  waveforms  of  voltage  varying  as  a  function  of  time,  but  are  usually 
contaminated  with  noise.  It  has  been  found,  moreover,  that  there  are 
limitations  on  the  amount  of  information,  about  the  distribution  of  sinusoids, 
which  can  be  deduced  in  a  finite  time  interval  from  a  noise-contaminated 
signal.  The  limitation  depends  only  on  the  signal-to-noise  energy  ratio  at 
the  input  to  the  system.  The  distribution  of  the  sinusoidal  components  is 
found  by  analysis  using  a  filter  system.  It  appears  from  a  study  sponsored  by 
the  Office  of  Naval  Research  that  uncertainty  in  determination  of  a  sinusoidal 
component  with  any  filter  system  is  never  less  than  that  resulting  from 
analysis  with  a  simple  damped  resonator. 

Infrasonic  Waves  in  the  Atmosphere  and  in  the  Earth.  Re- 
searchers on  naturally  occurring  infrasonic  sound  waves  in  the  atmosphere 
disclosed  that  those  generated  by  geomagnetic  storms  approach  Washington 
from  directions  which  vary  during  the  course  of  the  day.  The  variations 
suggest  that  the  source  of  sound  in  the  upper  atmosphere  is  approximately 
fixed  relative  to  the  sun.  The  earth  rotates  under  the  source  and  thus  the 
source  seems  to  move  over  the  earth's  surface. 

Preliminary  measurements  on  infrasonic  waves  having  quite  constant 
periods — near  6  seconds — showed  that  these  waves  usually  come  from  east- 
erly directions,  and  seem  to  travel  through  the  atmosphere  almost  parallel  to 
the  earth's  surface.  These  atmospheric  waves,  usually  called  microbaroms, 
occur  often  in  the  Washington  area. 

Research  having  to  do  with  infrasonic  waves  in  the  earth  also  was  carried 
on  during  the  year.  This  research  was  aided  by  a  reliable  instrument  system 
for  measuring  vibrations  of  the  earth,  developed  from  study  of  the  electro- 
mechanical equations  of  motion  of  a  seismometer-galvanometer  system.  The 
seismometer  itself  is  stable  with  respect  to  variations  in  the  local  gravitational 


Calibrating  an  infrasonic  microphone  (front,  connected  by  a  hose  to  the  cali- 
brating barrel)  used  to  study  naturally  occurring  infrasonic  sound  waves  in 
the  atmosphere  (page  29). 

field,  as  well  as  for  large  variations  in  barometric  pressure,  and  temperature 
changes  in  the  range  —40  °F  to  120  °F.  The  instrument  was  designed  for 
the  pass  band  1  to  5  cycles  per  second  with  a  system  noise  level  at  least  one 
decade  lower  than  the  seismic  noise  at  the  quietest  known  location  on  the 
earth's  surface.  It  can  be  used  for  other  pass  bands  at  some  sacrifice  of 
signal-to-noise  ratio. 

It  is  planned  to  use  at  least  three  of  these  systems  in  the  Washington  area 
with  seismometers  spaced  far  enough  apart  to  allow  determination  of  the 
propagation  speed  and  direction  for  microseism  waves  in  the  earth's  crust. 
Such  waves  have  periods  of  about  6  seconds,  as  do  the  microbarom  waves  in 
the  atmosphere.  The  origins  and  interactions  of  these  two  types  of  waves  are 
still  obscure  and  require  elucidation. 

Ultra-High-Pressure  Measurements*  Work  continued  with  the  mul- 
tiple anvil  devices  capable  of  generating  pressures  in  excess  of  a  million 
pounds  per  square  inch.  The  technique  of  preparation  of  the  samples  and 
operation  of  the  apparatus  was  refined  until  the  pressures  reached  in  an 
experiment  can  be  predicted  within  a  few  percent,  as  compared  with  20 
percent  a  year  ago.  A  device  using  six  anvils  pressing  on  the  faces  of  a 
cube  was  put  into  operation.  This  can  reach  pressures  nearly  as  high  as 
those  obtained  with  the  four-anvil  tetrahedral  apparatus.     With  the  six-anvil 


device  the  pressures  are  more  nearly  hydrostatic  and  somewhat  more 

Study  of  Convective  Currents  in  Water,  In  an  investigation  of  pos- 
sible methods  for  detecting  motions  within  a  body  of  water,  schlieren  optical 
techniques,  commonly  used  to  observe  shock  waves  in  supersonic  aero- 
dynamics, were  found  to  be  so  sensitive  that  convection  currents  resulting 
from  evaporative  cooling  at  the  surface  could  be  studied  in  detail.  The 
schlieren  method  proved  to  be  important  in  detecting  and  measuring  motion 
involving  temperature  differences  as  little  as  0.01  °C  and  possibly  smaller. 
The  phenomenon  observed  was  a  pattern  of  plunging  currents  resulting  from 
instability  of  the  cooled  surface  layer. 

When  a  container  of  still  water  was  first  uncovered,  a  cooled  surface  layer 
was  seen  to  develop.  Within  seconds,  local  thickening  developed  along 
irregular  lines;  and  in  these  regions  the  cooled  liquid  plunged  in  descending 
sheets.  Simultaneous  photographs  from  the  top  and  side  of  a  glass  con- 
tainer revealed  configurations  which  changed  slowly  with  time  but  persisted 
indefinitely.  Independent  measurements  of  the  temperature  gradient  deter- 
mined the  conditions  under  which  instability  of  the  surface  layer  set  in  and 
conditions  for  maintaining  the  currents.  Thus,  in  what  to  the  naked  eye 
appeared  to  be  still  water,  there  were  usually  present  the  sharply  defined 
sheet-like  currents  descending  through  the  surrounding  water  whenever 
evaporation  was  taking  place  from  the  surface. 

Internal  Waves  in  Water  with  Uniform  Density  Gradients.  As 
part  of  an  investigation  of  internal  waves,  sponsored  by  the  Office  of  Naval 
Research,  the  phenomenon  of  wave  production  was  studied  when  there  existed 
a  uniform  density  increase  from  the  surface  downward.  It  was  known 
beforehand  that  waves  would  form  at  the  interface  between  two  distinct  layers 
of  different  density  much  as  they  do  at  a  water  surface.  The  year's  work 
showed  that  motions  wavelike  in  character  also  ensued  due  to  the  movement 
of  a  body  through  liquid  when  there  was  a  uniform  variation  in  density. 

The  body  in  this  case  was  a  lenticular  cylinder  moved  through  water  50 
centimeters  deep  in  a  long  channel.  A  density  gradient  from  top  to  bottom 
was  produced  by  varying  the  salinity.  The  motions  were  observed  in  part 
by  instruments  and  in  part  by  photographic  techniques  through  dyeing 
alternate  layers  to  produce  a  field  of  parallel  stripes. 

Force  Measurements.  The  advent  of  missiles  and  space  exploration 
has  led  to  requirements  for  load  or  force  measurements  that  exceed  the 
Bureau's  present  capabilities  for  accuracy  and  magnitude.  To  meet  these 
needs  three  new  dead  weight  machines  of  113,000-lb,  300,000-lb  and  1,000,- 
000-lb  capacities  will  be  installed  in  the  new  Engineering  Mechanics  Labora- 
tory at  Gaithersburg,  Maryland  to  supplement  the  two  existing  machines  of 
10,100-lb  and  111,000-lb  capacities.  Meanwhile,  the  existing  machines  will 
be  modernized  before  being  moved  to  Gaithersburg. 

During  the  year  the  designs  of  the  new  dead  weight  machines  were  almost 
completed  and  some  of  the  major  components  were  under  contract.    These 


machines  will  apply  loads  accurate  to  0.01  percent  or  better  in  tension  and 

The  Bureau's  1,000,000-lb  and  3,000,000-lb  elastic  load-measuring  devices 
were  recalibrated  and  used  to  calibrate  a  load  cell  to  6,000,000  lb.  This  is 
though  to  be  the  largest  portable  load  measuring  device  in  existence.  It  is 
believed  that  the  error  of  the  applied  loads  did  not  exceed  0.3  percent. 

Clamping  Force  of  High-Strength  Aircraft  Bolts,  At  the  request 
of  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  tests  were  made  to  determine  the  feasibility 
of  predicting  the  clamping  force  of  an  installed  high-strength  aircraft  bolt 
by  measuring  the  amount  of  torque  applied  to  the  nut  or  bolt  under  dry  and 
lubricated  conditions.  This  method  has  long  been  in  use  for  installing  non- 
lubricated  low-  and  intermediate-strength  aircraft  bolts,  but  limited  data  are 
available  for  the  intermediate-strength  type. 

Tests  were  carried  out  during  the  year  to  evaluate  performance  of  a  special 
machine  for  applying  torques,  and  of  special  load  cells  for  measuring  torque 
and  clamping  force.  Modifications  were  made  to  obtain  optimum  perform- 
ance. The  relationships  between  torque  and  clamping  force  were  determined 
for  two  diameters  of  bolts  with  minimum  tensile  strengths  of  180,000  lb/in.2 
when  used  as  fasteners  of  aluminum,  steel,  and  titanium  joints. 

Mechanical  Properties  of  Materials  at  Elevated  Temperatures, 
Nose  cones  of  manned  spacecraft  should  be  fabricated  from  materials  which 
can  withstand  very  high  temperatures  without  loss  of  structural  integrity  and 

Diamond  grown  in  multi-anvil  (tetrahedral)  apparatus  at  a  temperature  of 
3000  °F  and  one  million  pounds  per  square  inch  pressure.  This  work  is  aimed 
at  establishing  fixed  reference  points  on  the  pressure  scale  (page  30). 


which  will  dissipate  heat  by  radiation.     This  will  be  particularly  critical 
when  such  craft  must  make  more  than  a  single  flight. 

To  provide  means  of  evaluating  materials  for  this  purpose,  apparatus  and 
techniques  for  conducting  mechanical  tests  at  temperatures  approaching  the 
melting  points  of  the  refractory  metals  were  developed  under  a  program 
supported  in  part  by  the  Office  of  Naval  Research.  An  optical  technique  for 
accurate  measurement  of  strain  was  pursued  for  use  on  tensile  specimens 
tested  at  3,000  to  4,000  °F  in  a  vacuum.  Using  carefully  selected  filters, 
water-cooled  viewing  ports,  and  motorized  cameras,  high-resolution  photo- 
graphs of  the  specimens  were  made;  and  the  relative  displacements  of  grid 
lines  on  the  specimen  surfaces  were  measured  with  reference  to  a  fixed 
fiduciary  grid  network  which  was  a  part  of  the  optical  system. 

Rheology  of  Liquids,  Rheology,  which  is  the  study  of  the  flow  of 
various  materials,  is  important  for  an  understanding  of  the  behavior  of  these 
materials.  One  phase  of  rheological  study  at  NBS  concerned  a  mathematical 
bounding  technique,  which  permits  the  calculation  of  exact  limits  for  the 
effects  of  inertia  on  certain  flows.  The  technique  was  described  in  1960 
"Research  Highlights"  (p.  55) .  Further  applications  of  this  technique  were 
investigated  during  the  year  with  the  objective  of  establishing  limits  on 
inertial  effects  for  selected  flow  geometries.  A  first  step  toward  the  separation 
of  rheological  nonlinearities  from  thermal  effects  was  accomplished  through 
the  calculation  of  the  effect  of  viscous  heating  on  the  flow  through  a  pipe  of 
a  liquid  whose  viscosity  varied  exponentially  with  temperature.  The  results 
suggested  that  certain  experimental  observations  generally  attributed  to  non- 
linear constitutive  equations  of  the  material  might  be  due  instead  to  these 
thermal  effects.  Further  calculations  for  a  geometry  which  should  permit 
a  definitive  experimental  verification  are  underway. 

New  measuring  techniques  which  will  permit  the  absolute  measurement 
of  the  viscosity  of  a  liquid  by  eliminating  inertial  effects  from  the  measured 
quantities  are  also  under  development.  These  techniques  will  still  require 
some  independent  estimate  of  the  magnitude  of  possible  thermal  effects. 

Additional  information  on  the  relation  of  the  effects  of  temperature  and 
pressure  on  the  rheological  properties  of  rubberlike  polymers,  which  are 
essentially  complicated  liquids,  was  obtained  through  the  study  of  the  complex 
bulk  compliance  of  polyvinyl  acetate.  These  results  suggested  that  the  free 
volume  concept,  which  has  led  to  a  simple  presentation  of  the  influence  of 
temperature  on  the  rheological  properties  of  a  wide  variety  of  polymers  and 
the  effect  of  pressure  on  these  properties  for  a  limited  number  of  polymers, 
may  need  some  modification  or  elaboration. 

High-Temperature  Thermocouples.  Measurements  of  thermal  emf 
were  completed  on  thermocouples  of  40  percent  iridium-60  percent  rhodium 
versus  iridium  at  temperatures  up  to  3,800  °F.  Reference  tables  were  com- 
piled for  this  combination.  Work  was  continued,  using  the  same  experi- 
mental procedure,  on  alloys  of  iridium  with  40  and  50  percent  rhodium 
against  iridium. 


Calibrating  the  world's  largest  proving  ring,  capable  of  measuring  forces  up 
to  1,200,000  lb.  With  present  facilities,  the  Bureau  can  calibrate  such  devices 
only  to  110,000  lb.  with  deadweights;  beyond  that,  indirect  methods  are  used, 
with  a  resulting  loss  of  accuracy.  Three  deadweight  machines,  the  largest 
having  a  capacity  of  1,000,000  lb.,  are  being  designed  for  the  new  NBS  labora- 
tories in  order  to  increase  the  accuracy  of  such  calibrations  (page  31). 

Catalytic  Effects  of  Thermocouple  Materials.  In  analysis  of  many 
industrial  processes  involving  combustion  of  fuels  such  as  hydrocarbons  in 
air,  it  is  often  necessary  to  determine  the  temperature  of  exhaust  products 
containing  appreciable  amounts  of  combustible  gases  and  oxygen.  This  is 
particularly  true  in  performance  evaluations  of  gas-turbine  power  plants. 

In  this  connection,  it  has  long  been  known  that  platinum  is  a  fairly  good 
catalyst  for  many  oxidation  reactions;  and  early  work  at  NBS  showed  a 
platinum  shielded  Chromel-Alumel  thermocouple  to  indicate  as  much  as  25 
°F  higher  than  the  temperature  of  exhaust  gases  containing  a  small  amount  of 
unburned  hydrocarbon.  As  a  result  of  these  findings,  the  Aeronautical 
Systems  Division  of  the  Air  Force  sponsored  a  program  at  NBS  to  determine 
the  catalytic  effects  of  all  of  the  commonly  used  thermocouple  materials. 


The  experimental  technique  utilized  the  resistance  of  electrically  heated 
test  wires  of  thermocouple  elements  to  determine  their  temperatures.  Power 
requirements  at  given  wire  temperatures  were  compared  for  low-velocity 
streams  of  dry  air  and  of  combustible  mixtures  to  determine  the  magnitude 
of  the  thermal  contribution  from  catalytic  combustion.  Experiments  were 
conducted  in  mixtures  containing  up  to  3  percent  by  volume  of  hydrogen, 
carbon  monoxide,  methane,  and  propane  in  air  flowing  at  gas  velocities  from 
0.16  to  4.38  cm/s  over  the  resistance  element. 

No  catalysis  was  exhibited  by  resistance  elements  made  of  gold,  silver, 
Chromel,  Alumel,  or  constantan.  However,  all  resistance  elements  containing 
either  platinum  or  palladium  catalyzed  the  reaction  of  all  combustible  mix- 
tures tested  except  those  of  methane.  The  magnitudes  of  the  catalytic  effects 
and  their  temperature  limits,  up  to  2,000  °F,  were  determined;  and  some 
anomalous  behaviors  were  explained. 

Hyper  velocity  Missile  in  a  Combustible  Gas.  Stabilization  of  hyper- 
sonic combustion  appears  to  be  a  prelude  to  its  application  to  propulsion  at 
hypersonic  speed.  With  a  view  to  this  application,  research  on  stabilization 
and  properties  of  this  kind  of  combustion  continued  by  observation  of  a 
hypervelocity  missile  in  a  stationary  combustible  gas.  In  this  program, 
sponsored  by  the  Air  Force,  experiments  showed  that,  as  in  nearly  all  com- 
bustion processes,  oscillations  driven  by  combustion  may  be  expected  at 
extremely  high  frequency.  The  likelihood  of  generation  of  thrust  by  com- 
bustion on  external  missile  surfaces  is  suggested  by  a  large  reduction  of  the 
drag  coefficient  of  the  missile  under  certain  conditions. 

The  experimental  technique  developed  for  these  studies  also  permitted 
observations  on  the  structure  of  detonation  waves.  Detonation  appears  as  a 
shock  wave  followed  by  a  combustion  wave.  The  observed  spatial  separation 
was  converted  to  ignition  delay  times,  which  in  these  experiments  ranged 
from  about  one  to  ten  microseconds.  Chemical  kinetics  of  chain-branching 
and  chain-breaking  reactions  in  the  mixture  of  hydrogen  and  air  were  used 
to  correlate  and  explain  the  observed  delays. 

Fuel  Flowrate  Studies.  Under  sponsorship  of  the  Bureau  of  Naval 
Weapons,  progress  continued  on  the  fuel  flowrate  standardization  program 
for  the  aircraft  industry,  and  on  the  evaluation  of  flowmeters.  Many 
transfer  reference  meters  were  calibrated  with  liquid  hydrocarbons  for  the 
Armed  Services  and  for  industry,  in  order  to  evaluate  the  accuracy  of  cali- 
brators installed  at  other  locations.  The  results  of  investigations  over  the 
past  several  years  on  turbine  flowmeters  were  summarized  for  publication. 
It  was  shown  that  metering  precision  better  than  0.2  percent  was  obtained 
for  selected  ranges  of  flowrate  and  viscosity  when  entrance  conditions  and 
meter  orientation  were  suitably  controlled.  The  readout  instrumentation 
and  transient  response  were  also  discussed. 

Through  such  work  more  accurate  flowrate  calibration  facilities  are  being 
maintained  in  the  aircraft  industry,  and  more  suitable  fuel  flowmeters  are 
being  developed  and  manufactured. 


2.1.3.     ELECTRICITY 

The  Bureau's  work  in  electricity  is  primarily  the  development,  improve- 
ment, and  dissemination  of  the  standards  of  measurement  for  electrical 
quantities;  and  the  study  of  the  electrical  and  magnetic  properties  of  mate- 
rials. Electrical  standards  must  be  established  that  are  constant  over  long 
periods  of  time,  uniform  throughout  the  Nation,  and  compatible  with  other 
standards  used  throughout  the  world.  Measurements  of  electrical  quantities 
directly  in  terms  of  length,  mass,  and  time  ("absolute  measurements")  are 
extremely  difficult  and  are  made  only  in  the  realization  and  confirmation 
of  electrical  standards  of  resistance,  capacitance,  inductance,  and  voltage. 
Calibration   work  is  done  by  comparision  with  these  electrical  standards. 

Absolute  Measurement  of  Resistance,  An  evaluation,  based  on  the 
prototype  standards  of  length  and  time,  of  the  unit  of  resistance  maintained 
at  the  Bureau  was  completed.  The  evaluation  was  based  on  a  nominally 
1-picofarad  symmetrical  cross  capacitor  having  a  value  computable  to  high 
accuracy  from  its  mechanical  dimensions.  The  computable  capacitor  was 
used  to  establish  the  value  of  a  0.01-microfarad  capacitor  which  then,  through 
the  medium  of  a  frequency-dependent  bridge,  established  the  value  of  a 
10,000-ohm  resistor.  A  comparision  of  that  resistor  with  the  group  of 
1-ohm  standard  resistors  currently  used  to  maintain  the  NBS  unit  of 
resistance  established  the  value  of  the  unit  with  an  estimated  accuracy  of 
the  order  of  2  ppm. 

It  is  expected  that  an  even  higher  accuracy  will  be  attained  in  the  repetition 
of  these  measurements.  This  method  will  greatly  improve  the  Bureau's 
ability  to  check  maintenance  of  the  unit  of  electrical  resistance  through  the 
use  of  a  group  of  standard  resistors.  When  combined  with  repetitions  of 
determinations  of  the  gyromagnetic  ratio  of  the  proton,  the  method  can  be 
used  as  a  check  of  the  stability  of  all  types  of  electrical  standards  to  a  much 
greater  accuracy  than  previously  possible. 

Standard  Cells  Under  Vibration,  Standard  cells  are  normally  used 
under  vibration-free  conditions.  Even  so,  the  question  frequently  arises 
as  to  the  effect  of  vibration  on  the  electromotive  force  of  standard  cells. 
The  Bureau  exposed  a  number  of  unsaturated  standard  cells  to  vibrations 
at  frequencies  from  5  to  2,000  c/s  and  applied  forces  from  1  to  30  g.  With 
a  d-c  galvanometer  used  as  null  detector,  such  vibrations  appeared  to  have 
insignificant  effects.  However,  when  observations  were  made  with  a 
cathode-ray  oscilloscope,  an  a-c  voltage  was  observed.  At  frequencies 
above  150  c/s,  the  magnitude  of  the  a-c  voltage  appeared  to  be  dependent 
on  the  applied  force  and  to  range  from  20  to  120  microvolts.  At  frequencies 
below  150  c/s,  the  magnitude  of  the  a-c  voltage  was  no  longer  proportional 
to  the  applied  force  because  of  the  resonance  of  various  components, 
especially  free  mercury  above  the  cell  septa.  Vibrations  of  these  magnitudes 
have  no  lasting  effects  on  the  electromotive  force  unless  the  cells  are  quite 
old  or  exhibit  excessive  hysteresis;  in  such  cases  several  days  may  be  required 
for  the  cells  to  recover  their  initial  electromotive  force. 


Electrode  Kinetics.  Electrode  reaction  mechanisms  may  be  studied 
in  many  ways.  One  method,  presently  under  consideration  at  the  Bureau, 
involves  the  measurement  of  the  impedance  of  electrode-electrolyte  systems 
as  a  function  of  the  frequency  of  an  applied  alternating  field.  The  kinetics 
were  studied  in  terms  of  electrode  relaxation  processes  using  alternating 
currents  of  frequencies  from  50  c/s  to  50  kc/s.  Electrodes  studied  included 
silver,  cadmium,  zinc,  and  manganese  dioxide.  The  last  two  electrodes  were 
also  studied  in  combination  in  dry  cell  electrolytes.  Equations  based  on 
electrostatics  and  electrodynamics  were  developed  to  explain  observed 
phenomena.  Two  electrode  processes  occur  at  manganese  dioxide  electrodes ; 
whereas  a  single  process,  namely,  simple  charge  transfer,  occurs  at  the  other 
electrodes.  The  exchange  currents  of  silver  in  silver  nitrate  and  of  cadmium 
in  cadmium  sulfate  were  found  from  impedance  measurements  at  low  and 
high  frequencies  to  be  110  amp/m2  and  140  amp/m2,  respectively. 

Assembling  the  gage  blocks  used  to  form  the  NBS  computable  cross  capacitor. 
The  capacitor  was  used  to  re-evaluate  fundamental  unit  of  resistance  in  terms  of 
the  prototype  standards  of  length  and  time  (page  36). 


Electrical  Properties  of  Molecular  Solvents  at  High  Temperature. 

There  are  very  few  data  on  the  behavior  of  dilute  solutions  of  electrolytes 
in  molecular  solvents  at  high  temperatures.  Nonionic  solvents  at  high 
temperatures  are  few  in  number  and  there  is  a  need  for  extensive  study  of 
their  properties.  At  present,  the  dielectric  constant  of  boric  oxide  is  under 
study  at  the  Bureau.  At  frequencies  from  1  to  2  kc/s,  both  dielectric 
constant  and  loss  increase  sharply  above  500  °C;  the  dielectric  constant 
rises  to  above  300  at  900  °C,  indicating  that  very  large  units  of  the  three- 
dimensional  boric  oxide  must  be  inferred  if  one  is  to  interpret  the  electro- 
lytic conductivity  and  the  interionic  attractions  of  salt  solutions  made  with 
boric  oxide  solvent.    Measurements  of  these  values  are  now  in  progress. 

Metal  Oxide  Solubilities  in  Molten  Salts.  Electrochemical  corro- 
sion of  metals  in  molten  salts  at  elevated  temperatures  is  greatly  influenced 
by  the  oxygen  content  of  the  environment.  As  a  part  of  a  broad  study  on  this 
problem,  the  Bureau  determined  the  solubility  of  the  oxides  of  the  metals  of 
the  first  transition  series  (titanium,  vanadium,  chromium,  manganese,  iron, 
cobalt,  nickel,  and  copper)  in  molten  sodium  chloride  at  900  °C.  Vanadium 
pentoxide  reacts  violently  with  molten  sodium  chloride  to  form  chlorine, 
whereas  the  oxides  of  the  other  first  transition  metals  are  stable  and  only 
slightly  soluble  (less  than  0.1  mole  percent)  in  molten  sodium  chloride. 
Results  for  Cu20,  CoO,  and  Mn304  indicated  that  the  mechanism  of  dissolu- 
tion is  complex,  since  the  metal-oxide  ion  ratio  is  several  times  greater  than 
would  be  expected  for  a  simple  solution  process.  Furthermore,  the  solubilities 
of  the  oxides,  although  low,  are  much  greater  than  would  be  indicated  by 
thermodynamic  calculations. 

Metal-Molten  Salt  Interactions  and  Stoichiometry.  Extensive  mass 
transfer  is  commonly  observed  for  metals  immersed  in  molten  salts  at  elevated 
temperatures.  Such  transfer  limits  the  use  of  molten  salts  as  heat  exchangers 
and  the  range  of  use  of  reference  electrodes  in  molten  salt  systems.  Reactions 
between  silver  and  molten  sodium  chloride  were  investigated  at  820  °C  and 
940  °C  in  a  pure  oxygen  atmosphere  and  in  a  nearly  oxygen-free  (10~5  arm) 
environment.  In  each  case,  silver  and  oxide  ions  are  formed  in  the  melt  with 
the  concentration  of  the  silver  ions  exceeding  that  expected  from  the  stoi- 
chiometry of  monovalent  silver  oxide.  At  low  oxygen  pressures,  less  than 
0.2  atm,  the  rate  of  silver-oxygen  interaction  is  zero,  or  independent  of  the 
oxygen  pressure.  At  higher  oxygen  pressures,  the  rate  is  controlled  by 
diffusion  of  reaction  products  away  from  the  reaction  site.  If  the  solubility 
product  of  the  oxide  is  exceeded  locally  by  slowness  of  diffusion,  metallic 
silver  crystallizes  out  since  the  oxide  is  unstable.  This  process  accounts  for 
extensive  mass  transfer  of  metallic  silver  in  molten  sodium  chloride. 

Differential  Thermocouple  Voltmeter.  A  basic  problem  in  elec- 
trical standardizing  laboratories  is  the  transition  from  d-c  measurements 
(which  are  closely  related  to  the  fundamental  standards)  to  a-c  measurements 
at  power  and  higher  frequencies. 

A  recent  contribution  of  the  Bureau  to  the  solution  of  this  problem  con- 
sists of  the  development  of  a  "differential  thermocouple  voltmeter."'     This 


A  study  of  the  effects  of  vibration  on  the  performance  of  standard  cells  showed 
that  an  a-c  voltage  was  produced  during  vibration,  but  that  no  permanent 
damage  resulted  (page  36). 

instrument  includes  two  equal  thermoelements,  one  supplied  by  an  unknown 
voltage  and  the  other  supplied  by  a  highly  stable  reference  voltage.  The 
thermoelement  supplied  by  the  unknown  voltage  is  in  series  with  a  decade 
resistor.  The  dials  of  this  resistor  are  read  directly  in  volts  and  so  can 
be  set  to  indicate  the  nominal  value  of  the  unknown  voltage.  The  percentage 
difference  between  the  unknown  voltage  and  its  nominal  value  as  determined 
from  comparison  with  the  reference  voltage  is  then  read  directly  on  a 

Magnetism*      The  nuclear  magnetic  resonance  of  Ni61  was  observed  in 
99.97  percent  pure  nickel  metal.     It  was  found  that  the  resonance  occurs 


at  a  frequency  of  26.1  Mc/s  at  room  temperature  with  a  line  width  of  about 
50  kc/s.  The  temperature  dependence  of  the  frequency  was  measured  over 
a  temperature  range  from  77  to  536  °K,  and  the  effect  of  an  externally 
applied  field  on  the  intensity  of  resonance  was  observed.  The  Ni61  resonance 
was  also  observed  in  99.7  percent  pure  nickel  with  substantially  the  same 
results  as  with  the  purer  sample.  Studies  are  in  progress  on  the  resonance 
in  nickel-rich  alloys. 

A  special  susceptibility  apparatus  was  constructed  for  measuring  the  abso- 
lute susceptibility  of  small  samples  (less  than  0.5  gram)  and  single  crystals 
by  means  of  a  quartz  beam  balance.  This  apparatus  is  designed  to  measure 
the  primary  static  susceptibilities  of  paramagnetic  substances  while  a  given 
microwave  magnetic  field  is  being  applied.  The  apparatus  also  provides 
for  relative  measurement  of  greater  sensitivity  of  susceptibilities  by  use 
of  a  vibrating  magnetometer  method.  Preliminary  measurements  are  now 
being  made  with  the  apparatus  of  the  primary  susceptibility  of  single  crystals 
grown  in  this  laboratory. 

Analysis  of  the  Melting  Point  of  Polychlorotrifluoroethylene.  The 
observed  melting  point  of  the  linear  polymer  polychlorotrifluoroethylene  was 
experimentally  determined  to  depend  strongly  on  its  original  crystallization 
temperature.  The  observed  melting  point  rises  with  crystallization  tempera- 
ture. (Results  of  this  type  have  been  known  in  other  polymers  for  many 
years.)  This  interesting  phenomenon  was  explained  in  terms  of  the  behavior 
of  chain-folded  crystals,  and  the  experimental  data  were  used  to  estimate 
the  equilibrium  melting  temperature  of  the  polymer. 

Analysis  of  the  Dielectric  Properties  of  Polychlorotrifluoro- 
ethylene. Data  obtained  from  a  previous  detailed  experimental  study  on 
polychlorotrifluoroethylene  were  analyzed  to  reveal  the  contributions  of  the 
crystalline  and  amorphous  regions  of  this  semicrystalline  polymer.  One  of 
the  loss  processes  in  the  polymer  is  associated  with  the  freezing  out  of  long- 
range  molecular  motions  that  are  associated  with  the  onset  of  the  glass 
transition  in  the  amorphous  component  at  52  °C.  At  a  given  frequency. 
say  1  c/s,  the  dielectric  loss  peak  associated  with  this  mechanism  corresponds 
closely  with  a  mechanical  loss  peak  observed  by  others.  The  activation 
energy  exhibited  by  this  process  is  large  and  strongly  dependent  on  tem- 
perature. At  low  temperatures,  far  below  the  glass  transition,  the  amorphous 
component  exhibits  an  additional  and  very  prominent  dielectric  loss  mecha- 
nism, which  is  a  result  of  short-range  motions  in  the  glassy  state  of  the 
polymer.  The  activation  energy  of  this  process  is  small  (about  60  kj  /mole) 
and  independent  of  temperature.  This  process  also  possesses  a  mechanical 
analog — the  crystals  in  the  polymer  exhibit  a  marked  dielectric  polarization 
which  is  associated  with  a  very  rapid  dipolar  re-orientation  process,  probably 
a  twisting  mode.  Evidence  exists  that  in  highly  crystalline  specimens  the 
amorphous  material  still  remaining  has  somewhat  abnormal  properties. 
Foremost  among  these  is  an  elevated  glass  transition  temperature.  The  prop- 
erties of  the  liquid  polymer  above  the  melting  point,  which  is  221  °C,  exhibit 
the  customary  negative  temperature  coefficient. 


Finding  the  frequency  response  of  a  differential  thermocouple  voltmeter.  This 
instrument  is  a  recent  contribution  to  the  solution  of  the  problem  of  transfer 
from  d-c  and  a-c  measurements  at  power  and  higher  frequencies  (page  38). 

Dielectric  Properties  of  Poly par achlorostyrene  and  Polymeta- 
chlorostyrene.  Polyparachlorostyrene  is  a  molecule  which,  in  effect,  has 
a  large  dipole  moment  that  is  attached  at  a  right  angle  to  the  main  polymer 
chain  backbone.  Thus,  a  motion  of  the  main  chain  is  required  to  permit 
reorientation  of  the  dipole  moment  and  dielectric  loss.  Dielectric  measure- 
ments on  this  noncrystalline  polymer  in  the  glassy  state  reveal  no  evidence 
of  molecular  motion,  even  at  low  frequencies. 

The  situation  is  radically  different  in  the  case  of  polymetachlorostyrene. 
In  this  material,  dipolar  orientation  can  be  effected  by  allowing  the  benzene 
ring  side  group  to  turn  about  the  bond  connecting  it  to  the  polymer  chain 
backbone.  Dielectric  measurements  have  confirmed  that  such  a  motion 
exists  even  well  below  the  glass  transition  temperature,  since  a  large  di- 
electric loss  is  observed.  This  work  discloses  an  excellent  example  of 
dielectric  loss  due  to  hindered  internal  rotation  in  a  polar  side  group 
substituent  on  a  polymer  chain. 

2.1.4.     RADIO  STANDARDS 

The  Bureau  program  in  radio  standards,  centered  at  the  Boulder  Labora- 
tories, consists  of  basic  research  and  development  of  national  standards  of 
fundamental  electromagnetic  quantities,  measurement  techniques,  and  prop- 
erties  of  materials.     A   large  calibration   service  is  provided   from  direct 

616114  o— 61- 


current  through  microwave  frequencies,  and  radio  broadcasts  are  made  of 
the  national  primary  standards  of  frequency  and  time  intervals. 

Probably  the  most  striking  developments  during  the  past  year,  scientifically 
and  internationally,  were  in  the  area  of  frequency  standards.  International 
comparisons  of  the  atomic  beam  frequency  standards  of  the  United  States, 
England,  and  Switzerland  indicate  continued  agreement  to  within  1  or  2 
parts  in  1010.  The  United  States  standard  has  also  been  compared  daily 
with  commercial  standards  and  has  operated  on  a  routine  basis  throughout 
the  year.  All  indications  are  that  the  United  States  Frequency  Standard  is 
performing  at  the  estimated  level  of  stability.  This  performance,  and  the 
performance  of  frequency  standards  in  other  parts  of  the  world,  has  led  to 
active  consideration  on  the  international  level  of  a  redefinition  of  the  second 
in  terms  of  an  atomic  transition. 

During  the  year  several  conferences  designed  to  define  and  resolve  major 
problems  in  electronic  measurement  were  held.  A  series  of  measurement 
research  conferences  between  industry  and  NBS,  initiated  by  the  Aerospace 
Industries  Association,  is  continuing  to  probe  each  field  of  measurement 
in  depth.  In  the  area  of  electronic  measurement  the  first  such  conference 
was  held  during  May  1960,  and  considered  measurement  and  calibration 
problems  in  the  fields  of  microwave  power  and  attenuation.  Additional 
conferences  in  this  area  were  held  during  January  and  June  1961,  and  con- 
sidered the  same  problems  in  the  fields  of  pulsed  signals,  sinewave  rf  signals, 
and  rf  and  microwave  noise  and  impedance.  These  conferences  help  define 
what  ranges  and  accuracies  are  most  needed  in  these  fields,  why  they  are 
needed,  and  what  immediate  and  long-range  action  might  best  be  taken  by 
the  Bureau,  industry,  the  military,  and  scientific  organizations. 

At  the  suggestion  of  several  defense  agencies,  the  Electronic  Calibration 
Center  provided  a  5-day  workshop — covering  microwave  frequencies — for 
about  40  technical  supervisors  from  a  large  number  of  standards  laboratories 
in  the  Department  of  Defense.  Basic  theory  of  the  precision  measurement 
of  power,  impedance,  frequency,  attenuation,  and  noise  was  covered  in  half- 
day  sessions  for  each  quantity.  Equal  time  was  spent  in  the  laboratory  to 
provide  the  opporunity  of  viewing  measurement  equipment  in  actual  use. 
This  kind  of  effort,  by  improving  measurement  competence  in  laboratories 
of  industry  and  defense,  multiplies  the  effectiveness  of  NBS. 

The  Bureau  also  served  as  host  for  a  meeting  on  high  precision  con- 
nectors. It  is  expected  that  the  ideas  expressed  at  this  meeting — by  dif- 
ferent manufacturers  and  NBS — will  lead  to  much  better  measurement 
equipment  in  this  field  and  to  a  standardization  of  the  instruments  and  tech- 
niques involved. 

Theoretical  Physics.  Studies  in  theoretical  physics  and  applied 
mathematics  (including  numerical  analysis)  contribute  to  the  more  basic 
work  of  the  entire  radio  standards  program.  These  studies  are  an  end 
product  in  themselves  and,  on  occasion,  provide  key  theoretical  develop- 
ments upon  which  further  work  in  other  projects  may  be  based. 


Perturbation  formulas,  based  on  a  "compensation  theorem"  stated  for 
waveguide  junctions,  were  used  to  obtain  approximate  results  in  a  variety 
of  waveguide  problems.  One  such  problem,  for  example,  was  that  of  re- 
flection at  the  junction  of  a  perfectly  rectangular  waveguide  with  a  filleted 
rectangular  waveguide  of  the  same  main  dimensions.  The  theoretical  re- 
sults of  this  problem  are  being  compared  with  NBS  experimental  results. 
The  perturbation  formulas  were  also  applied  to  theoretical  results  which 
are  already  available  and  it  was  found  that  the  common  expedient  of  using 
an  unperturbed  field,  as  an  approximation  to  an  unknown  field,  does  not 
always  lead  to  a  correct  lowest-order  approximation. 

Radio  Plasmas,  Radio  waves  and  plasmas  are  intimately  connected 
in  that  each  can  be  used  as  a  tool  to  study  tr  other.  For  example,  radio 
waves  are  used  to  create  plasmas  and  to  determine  their  properties ;  plasmas 
are  used  in  such  microwave  devices  as  TR  switches,  noise  sources,  modula- 
tors, couplers,  and  harmonic  generators. 

A  current  objective  in  this  area  is  to  understand  all  modes  for  the  propa- 
gation of  energy  through  plasmas,  including  both  electromagnetic  and 
plasma  waves.  Theoretical  and  experimental  progress  was  made  in  under- 
standing the  many  possible  electromagnetic  modes  in  a  cylindrical  plasma, 
and  especially  the  effect  of  placing  bounding  surfaces  on  a  medium  sup- 
porting the  "whistler"  mode. 

A  Fabry-Perot  Interferometer,  designed  to  operate  at  millimeter  wavelengths, 
is  being  used  as  the  cavity  resonator  for  a  hydrogen  cyanide  gaseous  maser. 
The  device  shows  promise  for  frequency  standard  applications,  and  in  micro- 
wave spectroscopy.  Bi-conical,  spherical  cavity  (inset)  illustrates  the  design 
flexibility  of  the  perforated  cavities  (page  44). 


Atomic  Frequency  and  Time  Interval  Standards.  The  previously 
observed  difference  of  1.5  X  10"11  between  the  two  NBS  atomic  frequency 
standards  was  carefully  remeasured  and  found  to  have  remained  constant 
to  at  least  2  X  10-12  over  the  year.  In  an  initial  experiment  with  thallium,  a 
thallium  beam  was  successfully  detected  but  with  low  efficiency.  Experi- 
ments which  used  an  ammonia  maser  to  excite  the  cesium  resonance  resulted 
in  measurement  precisions  of  3  X  10"12  in  periods  of  only  a  few  minutes. 

In  these  measurements  precision  refers  to  the  reproductibility  of  several 
consecutive  measurements  of  a  very  stable  oscillator.  Each  such  measure- 
ment may  require  several  minutes  and  consists  of  an  average  of  15-25  sep- 
arate determinations  of  the  oscillator  frequency.  The  accuracy  of  the  NBS 
standards  is  considered  to  be  1  X  10"11  and  refers  to  the  maximum  expected 
deviation  of  the  measured  frequency  of  either  standard  from  the  idealized 
Bohr  atomic  resonance  frequency.  The  accuracy  estimate  is  obtained  by 
adding  up  all  uncertainties  associated  with  certain  parameters  in  the  system 
which  may  affect  the  measured  frequency. 

A  servo  system  for  locking  a  5  Mc/s  quartz  crystal  oscillator  to  the  cesium 
atomic  resonance  was  completed  and  extensively  tested.  The  system  op- 
erated satisfactorily  although  a  small,  systematic  frequency  shift  may  be 
introduced  if  proper  precautions  are  not  taken.  Tests  were  begun  on  a 
servo  system  for  the  second  cesium  standard. 

Refinements  of  an  ammonia  beam  maser  permits  the  maser  frequency  to 
be  reset  to  about  3  parts  in  1011  by  comparison  with  the  cesium  beam.  This 
was  accomplished  by  construction  of  a  new  servo  system  which  constantly 
controls  the  cavity  tuning  of  the  maser.  The  correction  signal  is  obtained 
by  Zeeman  modulation  of  the  ammonia  line.  With  this  development  the 
ammonia  maser  can  be  seriously  considered  as  a  secondary  standard  of 

A  Fabry-Perot  maser  was  constructed  which  offers  the  potential  of  a 
highly-stable  signal  source,  at  millimeter  wavelengths,  for  frequency  stand- 
ard applications,  and  for  applications  in  microwave  spectroscopy — both 
maser  and  absorption  spectroscopy — at  similar  high  frequencies.  This  in- 
strument, a  hydrogen  cyanide  gaseous  maser,  is  designed  to  operate  at  a 
wavelength  of  3-4  millimeters  and  uses  a  millimeter  wave  Fabry-Perot  inter- 
ferometer in  place  of  the  conventional  cavity  resonator.  The  Q  of  the  inter- 
ferometer was  observed  to  be  32,000,  and  work  is  in  progress  to  observe 
maser  oscillation  at  88.6  Gc/s. 

Construction  was  begun  on  a  new  beam  tube  to  increase  the  length  of  the 
U.S.  Frequency  Standard  apparatus,  and  thus  reduce  the  spectral  line  width 
by  a  factor  of  %;  on  a  third  atomic  beam  frequency  standard  which  will 
have  an  oscillating  field  separation  of  about  three  meters;  and  on  a  hydrogen 
atomic  beam  maser  which  should  have  a  higher  ultimate  stability,  at  micro- 
wave frequencies,  than  existing  masers. 

Radio  Broadcast  Service.  Propagation  data  continue  to  demonstrate 
that  low  and  very  low  frequencies,  because  of  their  high  phase  stability,  are 
a  much  more  accurate  method  of  distributing  standard  frequencies  over  great 


distances  than  the  short  wave  broadcasts  of  WWV  and  WWVH.  The  lower 
frequencies  also  offer  the  potential  of  greatly  increasing  the  accuracy  of 
time  signal  transmission.  This  is  of  particular  importance  to  the  satellite 
and  missile  programs  of  the  armed  forces  and  of  the  National  Aeronautics 
and  Space  Administration. 

Therefore,  substantial  effort  is  being  devoted  to  the  establishment  of  a 
20-  and  60-kc/s  station  at  Fort  Collins,  Colo.,  which  will  have  a  much  higher 
radiated  power  than  the  existing  stations  near  Boulder.  The  60-kc/s  trans- 
mission will  include  precise  time  information,  and  both  transmissions  will 
be  directly  controlled  by  the  U.S.  Frequency  Standard  (USFS) .  Designs  have 
been  established  for  the  major  components  of  both  transmissions,  and  con- 
tracts were  let  for  many  of  the  20-kc/s  components. 

The  standard  frequency  20-kc/s  transmissions  from  WWVL,  Sunset,  Colo, 
(about  20  miles  from  Boulder),  have  been  given  continuously,  as  scheduled, 
since  April  1960.  Broadcasts  were  monitored  in  Boulder  by  three  different 
methods,  all  methods  were  referred  to  the  USFS,  and  all  results  were  the  same 
except  for  very  small  instrumentation  errors.  The  long-term  stability  of  the 
transmitted  signal  (quartz  oscillator  control)  was  normally  maintained  within 
2  parts  in  1010  of  its  assigned  value. 

WWVL  is  also  serving  as  an  important  experimental  tool  for  studying 
the  design  problems  of  the  20-kc/s  station  to  be  built  at  Fort  Collins.  A 
closed-linked  radio  system — to  phase  lock  the  WWVL  carrier  to  a  standard 
frequency  at  Boulder — was  designed,  built,  and  tested.  Results  indicate 
that  the  phase  of  the  20-kc/s  transmission  can  be  held  well  within  one 
microsecond  of  the  USFS. 

Initial  steps  were  taken  toward  the  establishment  of  an  atomic  time 
scale — capable  of  being  synchronized  or  related  to  clocks  at  any  remote 
location — by  completing  part  of  the  redundant  circuitry  for  supplying  an 
unfailing  frequency  source  referenced  to  the  USFS. 

The  accuracy  of  the  WWV  frequency  transmission  was  increased  by  using 
measurement  methods  based  on  the  LF  and  VLF  transmissions.  The  maxi- 
mum uncertainty  is  now  5  parts  in  1011  Also,  WWV  began  regular  broad- 
casts of  a  timing  code  which  gives  the  second,  minute,  hour,  and  day  of 
year.  This  code  is  used  to  synchronize  time  generators  at  widely-scattered 
observation  stations,  and  to  automatically  place  time  information  on  re- 
corded telemetry  signals  from  satellites  and  rockets. 

High-Frequency  Electrical  Standards.  In  the  high-frequency  range, 
approximately  30  kc/s  to  1,000  Mc/s,  the  emphasis  and  major  achievements 
were  in  the  fields  of  noise,  power,  and  attenuation. 

A  comprehensive  theory  of  a  spectral  density  noise  comparator  was  com- 
pleted. This  comparator,  now  under  construction,  should  provide  high 
stability,  high  sensitivity,  and  be  capable  of  precisely  measuring  the  ratio 
of  noise  sources  over  extremely  wide  ranges. 

An  experimental  model  of  a  stable,  temperature-limited,  thermionic-diode 
noise  generator — with  its  plate  current  stabilized  to  the  equivalent  of  0.001  db 


Reflectometer  used  to  measure  VSWR  of  coaxial  components,  extensively  used 
in  radio  and  telephone  communication  links.  The  instrument  measures  mag- 
nitudes of  reflection  coefficients  to  better  than  one  percent  (page  47). 

of  noise  power — was  developed,  and  construction  was  nearly  completed  on 
a  permanent  laboratory  model. 

A  series  of  directional  coupler  power  meters  were  developed  and  calibrated 
for  the  NBS  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory.  These  were  built 
for  use  at  40.92  Mc/s  and  49.92  Mc/s  at  power  levels  of  300  kw  cw  and 
1.5  megawatts  peak  pulse. 

A  directional  coupler  transfer  standard  was  developed  for  international 
comparison  at  300  Mc/s  and  an  absolute  power  level  of  100  milliwatts.  Pre- 
liminary results  from  the  initial  comparison  (with  Great  Britain)  indicate 
agreement  of  better  than  0.5  percent. 

A  coupler  for  600-ohm  balanced-line  power  measurements,  with  an  ac- 
curacy of  better  than  10  percent,  was  developed  and  built  for  4  to  60  Mc/s 
at  1  megawatt  peak  pulse  power.  The  variations  in  repeated  measurements 
of  a  calorimetric  power  standard,  whose  power  range  is  from  0.05  to  5 
watts,  was  reduced  from  0.2  percent  to  less  than  0.05  percent. 

A  sensitive  detector,  to  be  used  for  systems  of  precise  attenuation  measure- 
ment, is  under  design  and  construction.  This  will  simultaneously  indicate 
the  direction  of  adjustment  for  both  phase  and  magnitude  controls  in  com- 
plex attenuation  measuring  systems. 

When  systems  of  attenuation  measurement  have  sensitivities  of  0.001  db 
or  better,  the  stability  of  the  various  components  can  be  very  critical.  To 
detect  and  evaluate  instabilities  a  device  was  developed  which  has  detected 
impedance  changes  in  the  order  of  0.001  percent.  It  is  also  applicable  to 
other  quantities. 


Microwave  Circuit  Standards.  Measurements  of  the  field  strength 
and  gain  of  microwave  antennas  are  required  to  lay  out  radio  and  telephone 
communication  links  and  to  determine  if  radiation  levels  near  the  transmit- 
ters are  hazardous  to  personnel.  However,  when  measuring  the  gain  of  stand- 
ard microwave  horns  in  the  laboratory,  one  problem  has  been  that  measure- 
ments of  the  antenna  itself  are  complicated  by  multiple  reflections  from  the 
walls  and  nearby  objects. 

During  the  past  year  substantial  progress  has  been  achieved  in  develop- 
ment of  a  technique  which  can  discriminate  between  radiation  from  the 
horn  and  reflections  from  within  the  laboratory.  This  involves  the  genera- 
tion of  pulses  which  are  only  a  few  nanoseconds  (a  thousandth  of  a  millionth 
of  a  second)  in  length,  methods  to  detect  the  amplitude  of  these  pulses  to 
0.01  db,  and  methods  to  discriminate  against  pulses  arriving  as  little  as  5 
nanoseconds  after  the  main  pulse.  The  short  pulses  have  been  produced  and 
a  method  to  detect  their  amplitude  to  within  a  few  hundredths  of  a  db 
appears  to  be  successful.  Discrimination  against  the  delayed  pulses  is  pres- 
ently limited  to  about  10  nanoseconds  but  a  method  of  reducing  this  appears 
feasible  and  is  being  evaluated. 

During  the  fall  of  1960  three  papers  were  published  which  specify  the 
techniques  required  to  measure  microwave  phase  shift  and  which  analyze 
the  errors  involved.  This  method  is  being  adopted  by  various  laboratories 
to  establish  a  calibration  service  and  also  to  measure  phase  shift  in  certain 
types  of  antennas. 

A  technique  was  developed,  and  the  instrumentation  completed,  for  a  sys- 
tem to  accurately  measure  VSWR  of  coaxial  components  at  4  Gc/s.  This 
system  is  constructed  entirely  of  rectangular  waveguide  except  for  the  coaxial 
unit  being  measured  and  the  uniform  line  to  which  this  unit  is  attached. 
The  instrument  can  measure  magnitudes  of  reflection  coefficients  (over  an 
intermediate  range)  to  better  than  one  percent. 

The  largest  single  source  of  error  was  eliminated  in  the  NBS  microwave 
radiometer.  In  the  radiometer  method  of  noise  source  comparison  used 
at  NBS  the  bandwidth  is  determined  by  a  superheterodyne  receiver.  An 
inherent  characteristic  of  such  receivers  is  that  they  respond  simultaneously 
to  two  discrete  frequency  intervals  (signal  and  image  channels).  Hereto- 
fore the  radiometer  has  been  tuned  for  the  median  frequency  between  these 
two  bands.  A  new  technique,  however,  permits  the  radiometer  to  be  tuned 
for  optimum  performance  at  the  two  frequencies  simultaneously. 

The  impedance  technique  of  measuring  barreter  mount  efficiency  has  been 
refined  to  the  point  that  calorimetric  and  impedance  measurements  agree 
within  a  few  tenths  of  one  percent.  Since  the  two  techniques  are  completely 
independent,  the  impedance  technique  provides  a  valuable  cross  check  in 
microwave  power  measurements  and  it  is  also  more  easily  adapted  to  the 
larger  waveguide  systems. 

Thirty  bolometer  mounts  were  calibrated  and  turned  over  to  the  Electronic 
Calibration  Center  to  support  its  calibration  service.    A  new  microcalorim- 


eter  was  nearly  completed  which  will  extend  the  frequency  range  of  the 
national  standards  to  the  region  of  12.4  to  18.0  Gc/s. 

Millimeter- Wave  Research.  The  millimeter  region  of  the  electro- 
magnetic spectrum — between  wavelengths  of  about  3  mm  and  the  long 
infrared — is  virtually  unused  since  these  waves  cannot  be'  generated  or 
detected  with  conventional  electronic  techniques.  NBS  research  in  this  area 
is  aimed  at  developing  the  special  techniques  and  radio  standards  required 
to  use  these  frequencies  effectively. 

New  plates,  used  to  contain  the  resonance  region,  were  designed  for  the 
millimeter  wave  Fabry-Perot  inteferometer.  These  consist  of  perforated 
films  of  silver  deposited  on  glass  and  have  resulted  in  better  performance, 
easier  adjustment,  and  easier  fabrication.  The  interferometer  has  been  used 
to  measure  the  length  of  millimeter  waves  and  has  achieved  accuracies  of 
better  than  four-hundredths  of  one  percent.  In  experiments  with  waves 
about  6  mm  long  the  resonant  cavity  attained  Q  values  of  around  100,000. 

A  theory  and  technique  were  developed  for  using  the  interferometer  to 
measure  dielectric  constants  and  loss  tangents  of  materials  in  sheet  form. 
Measurements  were  made  on  plexiglass,  polystyrene,  and  teflon  with  satis- 
factory results — the  first  such  measurements  known  to  be  made  in  this  region 
of  the  electromagnetic  spectrum. 

The  perforated  reflectors  are  not  limited  in  shape  and  a  reentrant  bi- 
conical  sphere  was  designed  to  test  the  spherical  concept.  This  particular 
unit  is  four  inches  in  diameter,  and  two  sides  of  the  sphere  are  perforated. 
Energy  was  focused  at  the  center  of  the  sphere,  and  it  operated  successfully 
at  a  wavelength  of  eight  millimeters.  This  type  of  device  shows  great 
promise  as  a  tuned  resonant  cavity  for  the  generation  of  harmonic  power  at 
millimeter  wavelengths.  It  offers  a  possible  solution  to  the  problem  of 
designing  a  resonator,  at  these  wavelengths,  for  two-  and  three-level  solid-state 

A  specific  objective  in  this  area  is  to  make  a  redetermination  of  the  speed 
of  light,  using  a  wavelength  of  6.28  mm,  and  a  millimeter  wave  Michelson- 
type  interferometer  operating  in  the  Fresnel  region  of  diffraction.  A  five- 
foot  square  aluminum  reflector  with  precision  carriage  has  been  set  up  and 
most  of  the  preliminary  adjustments  have  been  made.  The  refractometer 
is  operable,  and  the  instrumentation  for  the  antenna  pattern  analysis  is 
almost  completely  assembled. 

Radio  and  Microwave  Materials.  Research  in  this  area  emphasizes 
the  viewpoint  of  solid  state  physics  in  studying  the  interaction  of  electro- 
magnetic waves  and  matter,  particularly  as  this  applies  to  the  establishment 
and  improvement  of  standards  and  measurement  techniques.  The  prime 
interest  is  to  acquire  an  understanding  of  the  magnetic,  dielectric,  and  con- 
ductive behavior  of  materials  at  radio  and  microwave  frequencies  in  terms  of 
the  atomic  constitution  and  structure  of  matter. 

An  important  aspect  of  this  work  is  the  beginning  of  a  materials  measure- 
ment center  to  provide  information  on  materials  which  is  not  readily  avail- 
able elsewhere.  During  the  past  year  emphasis  was  upon  the  establishment 
of  a  group  which  is  specifically  concerned  with  studies  of  magnetic  materials. 


A  waveguide  cavity,  containing  a  crystal  specimen,  is  placed  between  the  poles 
of  a  magnet  in  studies  of  magnetic  resonance.  The  objective  is  the  establish- 
ment of  standards  and  measurement  techniques,  based  on  a  better  understand- 
ing of  the  interaction  of  electromagnetic  waves  with  matter  (page  48). 

In  the  measurement  of  magnetization  of  materials  a  significant  contribution 
was  the  development-  of  an  absolute  technique  for  calibrating  vibrating 
sample  magnetometers.  The  new  technique  greatly  improves  the  accuracy 
of  determining  spontaneous  magnetization,  a  significant  parameter  in  funda- 
mental magnetic  investigations,  as  well  as  a  figure  of  merit  in  many  micro- 
wave material  engineering  problems. 

An  improved  Maxwell  bridge  was  completed  to  measure  resistance  as  low 
as  10~7  ohms,  and  inductance  as  low  as  10"11  henrys,  at  frequencies  from 
1  to  100  kc/s.  It  is  unique  in  that  the  sample  of  material  can  be  inserted 
without  opening  the  unknown  arm  of  the  bridge.  Contact  resistance  is  thus 
eliminated  and  low  permeability  measurements  can  be  made  with  greater 
accuracy  than  previously  possible. 

A  study  of  the  dynamic  magnetoelastic  properties  of  several  ferrites  resulted 
in  a  new  technique  for  analyzing  the  mechanisms  responsible  for  magneti- 
zation in  a  material.  This  method  is  based  on  the  fact  that  domain-rotation 
and  domain-wall  phenomena  are  apparently  separated  when  magnetostrictive 


measurements  are  made  on  selected  ferrites  subjected  to  mechanical  shock. 
The  dependence  of  Young's  modulus  on  a  static  magnetic  field  was  reported 
for  the  first  time. 

The  accuracy  of  the  rf  permeameter  was  increased  through  the  develop- 
ment of  exact  working  equations.  This  has  improved  measurements  on 
extremely  low  loss  materials  by  at  least  an  order  of  magnitude. 

Magnetic  resonance  studies  were  initiated  to  determine  the  magnetic 
energy  levels,  relaxation  times,  and  transition  probabilities  of  paramagnetic 
and  antiferromagnetic  crystals.  This  will  provide  information  on  internal 
crystalline  fields  and  exchange  interaction.  An  investigation  on  the  effect 
of  impurities  on  the  spontaneous  magnetization  of  nickel  was  also  instituted. 

Electronic  Calibration  Center,  The  Electronic  Calibration  Center 
provides  an  extensive  calibration  service  for  various  agencies  in  the  Depart- 
ment of  Defense  as  well  as  for  scores  of  industrial  laboratories.  There  is  a 
continued  effort  to  improve  the  instrumentation  and  thus  increase  the 
efficiency,  accuracy,  and  scope  of  the  Center's  calibration  services. 

The  method  developed  for  the  accurate  calibration  of  inductive  voltage 
dividers — using  a  transformer  capacitance  bridge — has  surpassed  all  ex- 
pectations of  accuracy.  By  a  conservative  estimate,  this  method  of  measure- 
ment is  accurate  to  within  0.2  parts  per  million  of  input.  Calibration  serv- 
ices for  inductive  voltage  dividers  were  established  for  several  values  of  ratio 
at  an  input  voltage  of  100  volts  and  a  frequency  of  100  c/s. 

This  year  the  Center  had  the  opportunity  to  observe  a  group  of  saturated 
standard  cells  soon  after  the  group  had  been  measured  by  the  NBS  labora- 
tories in  Washington.  Results  indicate  that  agreement  between  the  two 
laboratories  is  within  0.6  millionth  of  a  volt,  or  well  within  the  estimated 
limits  of  accuracy. 

A  modification  of  the  rf  voltmeter  calibration  consoles,  which  will  improve 
their  accuracy  by  a  factor  of  10  for  frequencies  up  to  100  Mc/s,  was  nearly 
completed.  These  consoles  cover  the  range  of  30  kc/s  to  100  Mc/s  from 
0.2  to  500  v,  and  the  frequencies  of  300  and  400  Mc/s  from  0.2  to  100  v. 

An  attenuation  calibration  console  which  will  permit  very  accurate  measure- 
ment at  1,  10,  30,  60,  100,  and  300  Mc/s  was  essentially  completed.  Its 
total  dynamic  range  is  140  db,  and  it  is  estimated  to  be  accurate  within 
0.07  db  at  the  upper  limit.  Some  of  the  more  precise  laboratory  standards 
may  be  calibrated  over  a  range  of  0  to  60  db  within  an  accuracy  of 
±  (0.002  db  +  0.01  percent  of  the  total  attenuation  in  db) . 

A  technique,  accurate  to  within  one  percent,  was  developed  and  services 
provided  for  the  calibration  of  dry  calorimeters  for  measurement  of  micro- 
wave power  over  a  range  of  10  to  100  milliwatts  and  a  frequency  range  of 
8.2  to  12.4  kilomegacycles. 

A  new  high-temperature  oven  was  designed  and  constructed,  for  the  micro- 
wave noise  measurement  system,  with  a  control  circuit  that  maintains  the 
temperature  of  the  oven  at  a  given  point  to  1  degree  at  approximately 
1,000  °C.  The  hot-body  noise  standard  was  redesignated  so  that  its  operation 
is  more  reliable  and  its  structure  is  easier  to  analyze. 


2.1.5.     HEAT 

Heat  measurements,  standards,  and  related  research  play  a  most  important 
role  in  modern  science  and  technology.  The  Bureau  discharges  important 
responsibilities  in  these  areas  through  the  maintenance  of  the  National 
standards  for  heat  measurements.  Internationally  agreed  upon  temperature 
standards  are  maintained  to  assure  a  common  scale  upon  which  all  tem- 
perature measurements  are  based.  A  strong  research  program  aims  to  keep 
these  standards  adequate  for  the  expanding  National  needs.  In  addition, 
supporting  research  on  the  physical  properties  of  solids  and  gases  at  both 
low  and  high  temperatures  includes  studies  in  low  temperature  physics,  in 
statistical  thermodynamics,  in  high-temperature  processes,  in  high-pressure 
thermodynamics,  and  in  various  aspects  of  plasma  physics. 

During  the  year  significant  progress  was  made  in  the  generation  and 
accurate  measurement  of  high  temperatures  and  pressures.  An  acoustical 
interferometric  method  was  used  successfully  to  measure  very  low  absolute 
temperatures  in  the  liquid  helium  range.  The  investigation  of  the  thermo- 
dynamic properties  of  light-element  substances  important  in  rocket  propulsion 
was  continued.  In  addition,  advances  were  made  in  long-range  experi- 
mental and  theoretical  programs  devoted  to  characterizing  and  predicting 
the  properties  of  hot  gases  and  highly  ionized  gases  (plasmas) . 

High-Temperature  Thermocouple  Furnace.  A  tantalum-tube  fur- 
nace has  been  designed  and  constructed  to  study  the  high-temperature 
properties  of  refractory  metal  and  rare  metal  thermocouple  materials.  The 
furnace  has  been  operated  at  temperatures  up  to  2,000  °C  and,  with  minor 
modifications,  temperatures  up  to  2,200  °C  are  anticipated.  The  heating 
element  in  the  furnace  is  a  tantalum  tube  heated  through  its  own  resistance. 
Thermocouples  to  be  calibrated  in  the  furnace  are  placed  inside  of  the  tan- 
talum tube  and  are  free  from  insulating  and  protection  tubes.  Blackbody 
temperatures  at  the  measuring  junctions  of  the  thermocouples  are  determined 
by  a  calibrated  commercial  optical  pyrometer  with  a  modified  optical  sys- 
tem. Thermocouples  can  be  calibrated  in  a  high-purity  helium  atmosphere 
or  a  moderately  high  vacuum. 

Electrical  power  to  the  furnace  is  regulated  by  a  saturable  core  reactor. 
Stable  furnace  temperatures  are  maintained  through  the  use  of  an  automatic 
controlling  unit  which  receives  a  feed-back  voltage  from  the  furnace  trans- 
former winding.  At  1,500  °C  the  maximum  temperature  fluctuations  in- 
dicated by  a  thermocouple  over  a  10-min  period  were  less  than  1  deg  C. 
A  limited  amount  of  data  have  been  obtained  on  tungsten-rhenium  and  ir- 
idium-iridium-rhodium  type  thermocouples.  Other  thermocouple  combina- 
tions to  be  investigated  include  tungsten-tungsten  26  percent  rhenium,  tung- 
sten-iridium,  and  tantalum-tungsten  26  percent  rhenium   (see  p.  33). 

Photoelectric  Pyrometer.  Above  the  freezing  point  of  gold,  1,063 
°C,  the  disappearing  filament  optical  pyrometer  is  used  for  the  realization 
of  the  International  Practical  Temperature  Scale  ( IPTS ) .  The  precision  of 
brightness  temperature  determinations  with  this  instrument  is  limited  by  the 


contrast  sensitivity  of  the  human  eye.  This  limitation,  however,  can  be  re- 
duced significantly  by  using  a  physical  detector  rather  than  the  eye  to  make 
brightness  matches. 

During  the  past  few  years  NBS  has  been  developing  a  photoelectric  optical 
pyrometer  which  uses  a  photomultiplier  tube  rather  than  the  eye  as  a  de- 
tector. This  instrument,  now  completed,  has  a  precision  at  1,063  °C  of 
0.02  deg  C  when  a  time  constant  of  1  2/3  seconds  and  a  target  size  of  0.2 
mm  by  0.6  mm  are  used.  In  comparison,  the  precision  of  the  NBS  visual 
optical  pyrometer  at  1,063  °C  is  about  0.3  deg  C.  Moreover,  the  higher 
precision  of  the  photoelectric  pyrometer  has  been  achieved  with  a  spectral 
passband  of  only  100  A,  or  about  1/4  that  of  the  visual  pyrometer.  This 
is  important  because  the  mean  effective  wavelengths  of  the  pyrometer  can 

As  part  of  an  effort  to  extend  the  range  and  accuracy  of  temperature  measure- 
ments, the  thermoelectric  properties  of  high-temperature  thermocouples  such 
as  tungsten-rhenium  and  tungsten-iridium  are  studied  in  this  experimental 
tantalum  tube  furnace.  Operating  temperatures  of  2,000  °C  and  higher  are 
obtained  (page  51). 


be  determined  more  accurately.  The  increased  precision  and  the  more  ac- 
curate mean  effective  wavelengths  are  expected  to  improve  the  accuracy 
with  which  the  IPTS  can  be  realized. 

The  long-term  stability  of  the  photoelectric  pyrometer  is  now  being  inves- 
tigated in  order  to  determine  how  often  the  instrument  will  have  to  be  cali- 
brated. The  heart  of  an  optical  pyrometer  is  the  pyrometer  lamp.  This 
lamp  serves  as  a  reference  standard  for  the  pyrometer  much  as  an  electrical 
standard  cell  does  for  a  potentiometer.  Therefore,  the  stabilities  of  various 
types  of  pyrometer  lamps  are  being  determined.  Preliminary  results  show 
that  some  lamps,  previously  considered  excellent,  change  by  an  amount 
equivalent  to  0.5  deg  C  in  150  hours  of  use  at  the  gold  point.  These  in- 
vestigations are  expected  to  result  in  recommended  procedures  for  the 
optimum  design,  aging  and  use  of  pyrometer  lamps. 

Specific  Heat  of  Diamond  at  High  Temperatures.  Accurate 
measurements  of  the  specific  heat  of  gem  diamonds  between  273  and  1,100 
°K  have  recently  been  completed.  These  measurements  will  be  used  for 
comparison  with  values  calculated  theoretically  from  lattice  dynamics  over 
a  wide  temperature  range.  Such  investigation  should  lead  to  a  better 
understanding  of  the  covalent  bonds  important  to  chemistry.  It  will  also  be 
possible  to  evaluate  the  energy  contribution  from  nonharmonic  vibrations  in 
the  diamond  crystal.  These  assume  greater  importance  with  increasing 

The  high  accuracy  of  this  research  will  permit  extrapolation  of  the  meas- 
ured specific-heat  values  to  higher  temperatures  with  less  uncertainty  than 
has  been  possible  in  the  past.  Other  thermodynamic  properties  of  diamond 
derived  from  this  work  permit  examination  of  the  temperature  and  pressure 
relationships  which  exist  when  diamond  is  formed  from  graphite. 

Thermodynamic  Properties  of  Light-Element  Compounds. 
Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Department  of  Defense,  the  Bureau  is  contin- 
uing its  comprehensive  interdisciplinary  program  of  thermodynamic  research 
on  simple  light-element  substances  which  are  important  in  rocket  propulsion. 
The  compounds  being  specially  investigated  are  those  of  lithium,  beryllium, 
aluminum,  and  zirconium  with  hydrogen,  oxygen,  fluorine,  and  chlorine,  as 
these  compounds  are  potential  fuel  components,  fuel  oxidizers,  and  combus- 
tion products.  During  the  past  year  the  program  extended  its  emphasis  to 
include  compounds  of  "mixed"  type  (such  as  intermetallic  compounds, 
double  fluorides  of  two  metals,  and  oxyfluorides)  whose  use  may  lead  to 
substantial  gains  in  propulsion  efficiency. 

Though  propulsion  efficiency  depends  on  the  simultaneous  operation  of  all 
the  thermodynamic  properties  being  separately  investigated  in  the  program, 
the  most  critical  property  is  the  heat  of  formation.  The  Bureau  has  re- 
cently contributed  reliable  values  for  this  property  for  several  important 
substances.  A  series  of  measurements  established  accurately  the  heats  of 
formation  of  three  alkali-metal  perchlorates  and  ammonium  perchl orate,  the 
last  substance  in  particular  being  a  widely  used  fuel  oxidizer.  Nitronium 
perchlorate  may  have  similar  application,  and  measurements  on  it  are  under- 


Photoelectric  pyrometer,  which  eliminates  the  variability  due  to  human  error 
in  strip  lamp  and  optical  pyrometer  calibrations,  has  greatly  increased  the  pre- 
cision of  temperature  measurements  above  1,063  °C.  A  phototube,  rather  than 
the  human  eye,  is  used  to  make  brightness  matches  between  the  internal  lamp 
and  the  source  (page  51). 

way.  Another  recent  achievement  was  the  successful  development  of  a 
method  for  the  complete  combustion  in  a  bomb  calorimeter  of  a  metal  in 
fluorine  when  the  product  is  relatively  non-volatile.  This  work  gave  a 
heat  of  formation  of  aluminum  fluoride  which  closely  substantiates  a  value 
which  had  been  determined  by  a  less  direct  method,  and  raises  this  property 
to  15  percent  above  that  accepted  a  few  years  ago.  Similar  measurements 
are  being  initiated  to  resolve  a  large  discrepancy  in  the  heat  of  formation 
of  another  important  combustion  product,  beryllium  fluoride. 

The  development  and  testing  of  new  apparatus  to  measure  other  proper- 
ties is  nearing  completion.  In  one  of  these,  an  exploding-wire  device  to 
study  systems  thermodynamically  up  to  6,000  °K  and  100  atmospheres 
pressure,  a  major  goal  was  achieved.  The  accuracy  of  measuring  the  total 
electrical  energy  entering  an  exploding  wire  during  a  few  microseconds  was 
verified  when  two  independent  types  of  comparison  with  the  heat  energy  pro- 
duced had  an  uncertainty  of  less  than  2  percent.  This  agreement  is  con- 
sidered very  good  for  such  short  time  intervals.  The  method  of  calibration 
employs  a  fixed  resistance  element  as  a  calorimeter.  The  element  is  inserted 
in  the  discharge  circuit  in  place  of  the  exploding  wire,  and  the  calorimetric 
heating  of  the  element  is  measured  with  high  accuracy.  This  is  used  as 
a  reference  for  comparing  the  ohmic  heating  and  the  electrical  energy 
obtained  from  the  measured  current  through  the  element  and  the  measured 
voltage  across  the  element. 


A  high-speed  shutter  has  been  developed  in  order  to  permit  photographic 
observation  of  any  portion  of  the  electrical  wire  explosion.  The  shutter 
consists  of  two  parts:  a  fast-opening  part  and  a  fast-closing  part.  Using 
Edgerton's  method,  the  fast-closing  action  is  obtained  from  the  blackening 
of  a  window  by  exploding  a  series  of  parallel  lead  wires.  The  fast-opening 
of  the  shutter  consists  of  a  piece  of  aluminum  foil  (approximately  1  in.  x 
3  in.)  placed  directly  in  front  of  the  camera  lens  so  that  no  light  may  pass 
into  the  camera.  The  opening  action  is  obtained  when  a  capacitor,  charged 
to  high  voltage,  is  suddenly  discharged  through  the  foil.  During  the  dis- 
charge the  magnetic  forces  set  up  by  the  passage  of  current  cause  the  edges 
of  the  foil  to  roll  inward  toward  its  center  line,  thus  allowing  light  to  pass 
into  the  camera.  Experiments  have  shown  that  the  shutter  is  75  percent  open 
in  about  60-80  microseconds.  The  shutter  aperture  may  be  made  larger 
or  smaller  by  changing  the  foil  area  and  adjusting  the  electrical  energy 
input  to  the  foil. 

Laboratory  Measurements  of  Interstellar  Radio  Spectra.  Besides 
the  well-known  hydrogen  line  at  21  cm  wavelength,  the  spectra  of  extraterres- 
trial radio  sources  may  contain  sharp  lines  characteristic  of  other  atoms, 
ions,  and  small  molecules.  The  detection  and  study  of  such  line  spectra 
would  add  considerably  to  present  information  on  interstellar  gas  clouds 
and,  perhaps,  planetary  atmospheres.  Among  the  most  likely  producers 
of  detectable  radio  line  spectra  are  the  light  diatomic  hydrides  OH  and  CH; 
somewhat  le'ss  likely  sources  are  the  heavier  hydrides  SH,  SiH,  and  ScH. 
Very  small  concentrations  of  these  hydrides  should  be  detectable;  in  inter- 
stellar gas,  concentrations  as  low  as  10~6  molecules/cm3  may  be  sufficient,  as 
compared  to  the  10~2  hydrogen  atoms/cm3  required  for  detection  of  the  21-cm 

High  sensitivity  in  radio  telescopes  is  achieved  by  reducing  the  bandwidth 
of  the  receiver;  therefore,  only  with  precise  foreknowledge  of  the  line  fre- 
quencies is  an  astronomical  search  for  the  radio  spectra  of  these  molecules 
feasible.  To  secure  precise  measurements  of  these  frequencies,  a  research 
program  in  free  radical  microwave  spectroscopy  has  been  started.  Since 
conventional  methods  are  insensitive  at  the  low  frequencies  of  these  molecular 
transitions,  the  paramagnetic  resonance  method  is  being  used  instead.  This 
involves  the  application  of  a  strong  magnetic  field  to  the  radical  vapor, 
which  shifts  the  low-frequency  spectra  to  a  conveniently  high  microwave 
range,  where  they  may  be  measured  with  optimum  sensitivity. 

The  first  diatomic  hydride  investigated  by  the  paramagnetic  resonance 
method  was  the  OH  radical.  Results  of  this  experiment  include  the  fre- 
quencies of  the  two  strong  spectral  lines  by  which  OH  may  be  identified  in 
interstellar  gas;  the  frequencies  are  1665.32  and  1667.36  Mc/s,  with  an 
uncertainty  of  0.10  Mc/s.  Success  in  observing  these  spectral  lines  has 
so  far,  apparently,  been  confined  to  the  laboratory;  extraterrestrial  observa- 
tions have  yet  to  be  reported.  Preparations  are  being  made  for  similar 
experiments  on  CH  and  SH  radicals. 


Low  Temperature  Thermometry.  The  Bureau  is  pursuing  an  ac- 
tive program  to  provide  a  temperature  scale  and  thermometer  calibration 
services  in  the  range  1.5  to  20  °K.  The  efforts  and  accomplishments  fall 
into  three  main  categories:  absolute  thermometry  based  upon  the  velocity 
of  sound  in  helium  gas,  secondary  thermometry  involving  principally  studies 
of  the  behavior  of  germanium  resistors,  and  helium-4  vapor-pressure  measure- 
ments (see  p.  144) . 

Acoustical  Interferometer.  An  acoustical  interferometer  has  been 
constructed  and  used,  with  helium  gas  as  the  thermometric  fluid,  to  measure 
temperatures  near  4.2  and  2.1  °K.  Such  an  interferometer  provides  a 
means  of  absolute  temperature  measurement,  and  may  be  used  as  an  alterna- 
tive to  the  gas  thermometer.  When  values  of  temperature  derived  with  this 
instrument  were  compared  with  the  accepted  values  associated  with  liquid 
helium-4  vapor  pressures,  differences  of  about  10  and  7  millidegrees  re- 
spectively were  found.     This  result  is  preliminary,  and  work  is  continuing. 

Resistance  Thermometers.  Carbon  resistors  and  impurity-doped 
germanium  resistors  have  been  investigated  for  use  as  precision  secondary 
thermometers  in  the  liquid  helium  temperature  region.  Several  germanium 
resistors  have  been  thermally  cycled  from  300  to  4.2  °K  and  their  resistances 
have  been  found  to  be  reproducible  within  %  millidegree  when  temperatures 
were  derived  from  a  vapor  pressure  thermometer  whose  tubing  is  jacketed 
through  most  of  the  liquid  helium.  Preliminary  calibrations  of  the  resistors 
have  been  made  from  4.21  to  2.16  °K  at  every  0.1  °K.  The  estimated 
standard  deviations  of  the  data  for  two  of  the  resistors  were  ^  1  milli- 
degree; and  for  the  third  resistor,  ^  3.3  millidegrees. 

Vapor  Pressure  Method.  The  reproducibilities  of  helium  vapor-pres- 
sure thermometers  have  been  investigated  in  conjunction  with  a  "constant 
temperature"  liquid  helium  bath  from  4.2  to  1.8  °K.  Surface  temperature 
gradients  have  been  found  to  exist  in  liquid  helium  baths  contained  in 
15-  and  25-liter  metallic  storage  dewars.  The  gradient  was  about  one  half 
of  a  millidegree  at  4.2  °K  but  increased  to  several  millidegrees  for  bath 
temperatures  slightly  greater  than  the  A  point.  A  hydrostatic  head  correc- 
tion has  been  neither  necessary  nor  applicable  in  the  determination  of  vapor 
pressures  or  temperatures  for  the  bulk  liquid  helium.  However,  the  surface 
temperature  gradient  can  produce  erroneous  vapor-pressure  measurements 
for  the  bulk  liquid  helium  unless  precautions  are  taken  to  isolate  the  tube 
(which  passes  through  the  surface  to  the  vapor  pressure  bulb)  from  the  liquid 
helium  surface.  It  has  also  been  observed,  in  helium  II,  that  large  discrep- 
ancies can  exist  between  surface  vapor  pressures  and  those  pressures  meas- 
sured  by  a  vapor  pressure  thermometer.  This  has  been  attributed  to  helium 
film  flow  in  the  vapor  pressure  thermometer.  In  this  case  also  the  design  of 
the  thermometer  can  be  modified  to  reduce  the  helium  film  flow. 

Pressure  Transducer  for  PVT  Measurements.  Precise  pressure- 
volume-temperature  measurements  on  corrosive  gases  are  dependent  on  a 
sensitive  yet  rugged  pressure  transducer.  A  prototype  which  fulfills  the 
requirements  was  developed  and  thoroughly  tested.     The  transducer  is  a  null- 


type  instrument  and  employs  a  stretched  diaphragm,  0.001  in.  thick  and 
1  in.  in  diameter.  A  small  pressure  unbalance  displaces  the  diaphragm  and 
changes  the  capacitance  between  the  diaphragm  and  an  electrically  insulated 
plate  spaced  0.001  in.  apart  (for  AP=10  microns  of  mercury,  the  average 
displacement  =  10~6  in.  and  AC  =  0.014  pf ) .  Spherical  concave  backing 
surfaces  support  the  diaphragm  when  excessive  pressures  are  applied  and 
prevent  the  stresses  within  the  diaphragm  from  exceeding  the  elastic  limit. 
Over  a  temperature  range  from  25  to  200  °C  and  at  pressures  up  to 
250  atm,  an  overload  of  300  psi,  applied  for  a  period  of  one  day,  results 
in  an  uncertainty  in  the  pressure  of,  at  most,  one  millimeter  of  mercury. 

Transport  Properties  of  Air.  A  6-year  study  of  the  transport  prop- 
erties of  air  at  elevated  temperatures  has  been  completed.  This  project  was 
carried  out  under  sponsorship  of  the  Ballistic  Missile  Division  of  the  Air 
Research  and  Development  Command,  U.S.  Air  Force,  and  had  as  its  goal 
the  investigation  of  the  transport  by  diffusion  of  the  heat  energy  of  chemical 
binding.  A  significant  effect  discovered  during  the  study  is  the  existence  of 
Prandtl  numbers  reaching  values  of  more  than  unity  in  the  nitrogen  dis- 

Absolute  temperature  measurement  in  terms  of  the  speed  of  sound  in  helium 
gas  at  liquid  helium  temperatures  is  one  phase  of  the  program  to  provide  a 
temperature  scale  and  thermometer  calibrations  in  the  range  1.5  to  20  °K 
(page  56). 

616114  O— 61 -5  57 

sociation  region.  Another  effect  discovered  is  the  large  coefficient  of  thermal 
diffusion  tending  to  separate  nitrogen  from  the  oxygen  when  temperature 
differences  straddling  the  nitrogen  dissociation  region  are  present.  The 
results  of  the  study,  based  on  collision  integrals  computed  from  the  latest 
critically  evaluated  data  on  intermolecular  forces  in  air,  will  be  reported  in 
the  form  of  a  table  of  viscosity,  thermal  conductivity,  thermal  diffusion,  and 
diffusion  coefficients  at  temperatures  of  1,000  to  10,000  °K  and  of  logarithm 
of  pressure  in  atmospheres  from  10s  to  103  times  normal  density. 

International  Cooperative  Activities.  In  March,  1961,  representa- 
tives of  the  national  laboratories  of  Australia,  Canada,  The  Netherlands, 
United  Kingdom,  U.S.S.R.,  United  States,  and  West  Germany,  met  at  the 
NBS  to  devise  means  for  reaching  international  agreement  on  a  temperature 
scale  between  10  and  90  °K.  As  a  first  step  toward  this  goal,  arrange- 
ments were  worked  out  for  comparing  the  scales  now  in  use  through  circula- 
tion of  a  group  of  standard  platinum  resistance  thermometers  for  calibration 
by  each  national  laboratory.  Such  a  group  of  thermometers  was  obtained 
and  calibrated  at  the  NBS.  These  thermometers  have  now  been  sent  to  the 
United  Kingdom  for  calibration  at  the  National  Physical  Laboratory. 

Temperature  Symposium.  During  the  last  week  of  March  1961, 
Columbus,  Ohio  was  the  site  of  the  Fourth  Symposium  on  Temperature,  Its 
Measurement  and  Control  in  Science  and  Industry.  The  Symposium,  which 
was  jointly  sponsored  by  the  American  Institute  of  Physics,  the  Instrument 
Society  of  America,  and  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  attracted  nearly 
one  thousand  registrants,  including  many  from  abroad.  The  Bureau  con- 
tributed to  the  planning  and  success  of  the  Symposium  through  the  efforts 
of  Mr.  W.  A.  Wildhack,  General  Chairman,  and  Dr.  C.  M.  Herzfeld,  Program 
Chairman.  Dr.  A.  V.  Astin,  NBS  Director,  opened  the  5-day  session  with 
introductory  remarks,  following  which  a  total  of  twenty-six  papers  were  given 
throughout  the  week  by  NBS  scientists,  from  both  the  Washington  and 
Boulder  Laboratories. 

2.1.6.     ATOMIC  PHYSICS 

In  addition  to  the  basic  programs  in  wavelength  standards,  spectroscopy, 
solid  state  physics,  interactions  of  the  free  electron  and  atomic  constants 
which  are  necessary  to  provide  the  foundation  for  technological  progress,  the 
Bureau  has  strengthened  its  activities  in  laboratory  astrophysics.  The  pro- 
grams in  infrared  spectroscopy  are  undergoing  reorientation  toward  wave- 
length standards  in  the  far  infrared,  the  application  of  infrared  techniques 
to  solid  state  studies,  and  increased  emphasis  on  high  resolution  instrumenta- 
tion. Two  data  centers  have  been  established  for  the  collection,  indexing, 
critical  evaluation,  and  dissemination  of  bibliographies  and  critical  values 
in  the  fields  of  transition  probabilities  and  collision  cross  sections. 

Laboratory  Astrophysics. 

Transition  Probabilities.     Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Office  of  Naval 
Research  and  the  Advanced  Research  Projects  Agency,  a  data  center  was 


The  spectral  intensities  of  over  39,000  lines  for  70  elements  were  determined 
and  published  in  tabular  form.  The  new  tables  provide  spectrochemists  with 
much-needed  quantitative  intensity  values  for  those  elements  most  commonly 
encountered  in  their  analyses  (page  59). 

established  to  gather  and  index  all  published  information  on  atomic  transi- 
tion probabilities.  An  exhaustive  survey  was  made  of  the  literature,  and  a 
primary  reference  file  of  approximately  600  references  was  catalogued. 
Selected  bibliographies  and  tables  of  available  data  are  now  in  preparation. 

A  wall-stabilized  high-current  arc  source  was  constructed  and  used  to  study 
transition  probabilities  of  atomic  hydrogen  and  oxygen.  This  apparatus 
will  also  be  used  to  measure  transition  probabilities  of  a  large  number  of 
other  elements.  A  study  of  the  hydrogen  line  profiles  indicates  that  a 
measurement  of  these  profiles  can  be  used  to  calculate  a  temperature  for  the 
arc  plasma  that  is  reliable  to  about  ±  2  percent. 

A  set  of  tables  containing  spectral  intensities  for  39,000  lines  of  70  ele- 
ments, as  observed  in  a  copper  matrix  in  a  d-c  arc,  was  completed  and 
published.  Studies  of  the  intensity  data  indicate  that  they  may  be  con- 
verted to  approximate  transition  probabilities.  These  data  are  not  of  the 
precision  obtainable  by  the  methods  previously  mentioned,  but  the  vast 
number  of  approximate  values  available  will  be  useful  in  many  areas. 

Atomic  Energy  Levels.  Research  continues  on  the  very  complex  spec- 
tra of  the  rare  earth  elements.  New  computer  and  automation  techniques 
were  applied  to  these  spectra  with  considerable  success.  A  number  of 
energy  levels  were  found  in  the  spectrum  of  cerium;  none  had  previously 


been  known  in  this  spectrum.  Substantial  progress  was  made  in  the  an- 
alyses of  the  spectra  of  thorium,  praseodymium,  ytterbium,  bromine,  and 

The  work  on  spectrum  analysis  has  been  aided  greatly  by  theoretical 
prediction  of  the  positions  of  energy  levels  in  low,  even  configurations. 
Extensive  computations  were  made  on  the  first  spectra  of  hafnium  and  tan- 
talum and  the  third  spectrum  of  praseodymium. 

Collision  Cross  Sections.  The  measurement  and  calculation  of  low- 
energy  collision  cross  sections  was  continued,  with  efforts  concentrated  on 
construction  of  apparatus  and  refinement  of  instrumentation.  Special  em- 
phasis is  being  given  to  the  development  of  sources  of  low-energy  mono- 
energetic  electron  beams  for  use  in  measurement  of  elastic  and  inelastic 
collision  cross  sections. 

Theoretical  studies  of  the  use  of  refined  wave  functions  in  the  calculation 
of  electron  scattering  and  photodetachment  are  continuing.  Several  high- 
vacuum  instruments  for  measuring  electron  collision  cross  sections  are 
essentially  completed. 

The  photodetachment  of  electrons  from  carbon  negative  ions  was  ob- 
served and  studied.  Careful  measurements  of  detachment  near  threshold 
for  the  process  lead  to  a  value  for  the  electron  affinity  of  carbon  of  1.25  ±  .03 
ev  (28.6  kcal).  Values  of  upper  limits  for  the  photodetachment  cross  sec- 
tions of  several  of  the  important  atmospheric  negative  ions  were  determined 
at  a  wavelength  of  4000  A. 

Studies  involving  very  precise  measurements  of  the  dependence  of  drift 
velocities  of  argon  ions  in  the  parent  gas  on  the  electric  field  have  been  com- 
pleted. The  results  raise  serious  doubts  concerning  the  validity  of  current 
theory  describing  the  motions  of  charged  particles  in  gases. 

A  data  center  was  established  to  gather  and  index  all  published  informa- 
tion on  collision  cross  sections.  A  complete  file  of  reprints  of  papers  on 
low-energy  electron  cross  sections  was  collected.  A  code  has  been  worked 
out  for  tabulating  the  large  number  (over  800)  of  references  on  punch  cards. 
About  one-half  the  papers  have  been  coded.  The  data  collection  will  be 
extended  to  cover  other  atomic  cross  sections. 

Standard  Wavelengths.  The  wavelength  of  the  resonant  line  emitted 
by  an  atomic  beam  of  mercury  198  was  measured  relative  to  the  standard 
wavelength  emitted  by  the  krypton-86  isotope,  which  was  adopted  in  1960 
as  the  new  international  standard  of  length.  The  line  emitted  by  the 
mercury-198  beam  is  nearly  ten  times  as  sharp  as  the  krypton  standard 

Several  atomic  beam  devices  are  under  development  that  show  promise  of 
producing  wavelength  standards  potentially  superior  to  the  present  inter- 
national standard  (see  2.1.1.,  p.  21) . 

infrared  Spectroscopy  of  Gases.  During  the  past  year  a  great  deal 
of  materials  research  was  conducted  on  the  infrared  spectra  and  vibration- 
rotation  energy  levels  of  various  compounds.     This  research  was  sponsored 


by  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  Work  was  completed  on  the  analysis  of 
the  infrared  spectrum  of  acetylene.  In  this  work,  the  values  of  a  number 
of  vibrational  and  rotational  constants  for  C2H2  were  very  accurately  estab- 
lished. Similar  studies  on  the  deuterated  acetylenes,  C2HD  and  C2D2,  were 
initiated.  When  the  constants  for  all  three  of  these  molecules  have  been 
obtained,  it  will  be  possible  to  anive  at  very  accurate  values  for  the  bond 
lengths  and  other  structural  parameters  for  acetylene.  This  work  is  of  great 
importance  as  it  offers  the  best  way  of  obtaining  these  parameters  for  a 
compound  which  is  considered  by  chemists  to  be  a  classic  example  of  a  triple 
carbon-carbon  bond. 

Infrared  Spectroscopy  of  Solids.  Work  has  been  initiated  on  fun- 
damental studies  of  the  infrared  spectra  of  solids  and  the  effects  of  crystal 
structure,  temperature,  and  purity  on  these  spectra.  Because  of  the  com- 
plexity of  the  problem  and  of  the  state  of  knowledge  of  intermolecular  forces 
and  the  manner  in  which  they  affect  the  infrared  spectra  of  solids,  much 
fundamental  work  is  needed  in  this  field.  A  study  of  CO  has  shown  that 
because  of  interactions  between  neighboring  molecules  in  the  solid,  the  ab- 
sorption frequency  of  the  most  abundant  isotopic  species  is  shifted  slightly, 
while  that  of  the  isotopic  species  present  in  smaller  abundance  is  unaffected. 

Solid-State  Physics.  Pure  rutile  (Ti02),  has  a  large,  low-frequency 
dielectric  constant  (ec  =  173  and  ea  —  ^9  at  room  temperature) .     The  Bureau's 

Studies  of  the  photodetachment  of  electrons  from  negative  atomic  and  molecu- 
lar ions  provide  a  better  understanding  of  the  ionized  layers  of  the  upper 
atmosphere  (page  60). 


work  reconfirmed  these  values  and  explained  disparities  in  previously  pub- 
lished data.  Because  of  the  close  relation  between  rutile  and  several  ferro- 
electric titanates,  the  temperature  dependence  of  the  dielectric  constant  was 
studied  between  1.6  and  1,060  °K.  In  both  the  c-  and  a-directions,  the  di- 
electric constant  changes  only  by  a  factor  of  2  or  3  and  no  anomalies  occur. 
Lorentz  corrections,  polarizabilities,  and  effective  charges  were  calculated. 
It  appears  that  the  polarizabilities  in  rutile  are  within  10  percent  of  the 
critical  values  for  the  ferroelectric  catastrophe  over  the  entire  temperature 

A  considerable  amount  of  data  was  taken  on  the  electrical,  magnetic,  and 
optical  properties  of  rutile.  There  is  now  strong  evidence  that  one  of  the 
major  defects  in  reduced  rutile  is  an  interstitial  Ti-ion. 

Titanium  sesquioxide  with  excess  oxygen  has  been  shown  to  be  a  /?-type 
semiconductor  below  the  transition  point  at  480  °K,  while  the  conduction 
is  metallic  in  character  above  that  temperature. 

A  theoretical  study  was  made  of  the  electrical  conductivity,  Hall  coefficient, 
and  thermoelectric  power  of  decomposing  oxides  as  a  function  of  the  oxygen 
vapor  pressure  at  high  temperatures.  As  a  result  of  this  analysis,  methods 
were  selected  to  derive  intrinsic  parameters  such  as  energy  gap  and  effective 
masses  from  measurements  of  the  pressure  dependence  of  the  transport 

Investigations  of  electron  spin  resonance  absorption  in  oxides  were  ini- 
tiated in  collaboration  with  the  mineral  products  laboratory   (see  p.  84). 

Electron  Scattering,  A  single  scattering  experiment  tied  together 
three  previously  unrelated  topics  (diffraction,  characteristic-loss  scattering, 
and  plural  scattering  theory)  and  provided  new  insight  into  the  theoretical 
model  of  electron  scattering  in  solids.  The  measurements  represent  the  first 
detailed  experimental  example  of  a  theory  of  electron  scattering  proposed 
in  1921  by  Wentzel,  and  support  a  model  of  inelastic  scattering  proposed  by 
U.  Fano  of  NBS  in  1956.  They  show  that  electrons  elastically  scattering 
from  aluminum  foils  have  the  same  angular  distribution  for  all  foil  thick- 
nesses, indicating  that  the  elastic  scattering  process  is  a  type  of  diffraction. 
Moreover,  the  inelastically  scattered  electrons  undergo  repeated  collisions 
of  a  type  involving  long-range  interactions  with  the  electrons  of  the  target 

Culminating  several  years  of  research  effort,  the  first  time-resolved  photo- 
graphs of  a  pulsed  cadmium  atomic  beam  (density  ^lO11  particles/cm3, 
equivalent  to  ~10-5  mm  Hg  pressure)  was  achieved  by  means  of  an  electron- 
optical  stroboscopic  method.  The  purpose  of  this  work,  which  is  sponsored 
by  the  Office  of  Naval  Research,  is  to  develop  a  method  to  measure  the  vector- 
velocity  distributions  of  gas  molecules  reflected  from  solid  surfaces  and  to 
use  these  data  to  compute  the  coefficients  of  thermal  accommodation  and 
viscous  slip.  Low-density  collimated  pulses  of  gas  atoms  (or  molecules), 
moving  rectilinearly  in  a  narrow  velocity  range  (around  300  msec),  are 
photographed  by   an   electron    optical   schlieren   technique.     The  electron 


An  electron  scattering  experiment,  utilizing  an  improved  electron  filter  lens, 
provided  new  insight  into  the  theoretical  model  of  electron  scattering  in  solids 
(page  62). 

beam  is  pulsed  stroboscopically,  thus  providing  a  picture  of  the  instantaneous 
distribution  of  atoms  at  a  known  time  after  the  formation  of  the  atomic 
beam  pulse.  The  time  delay  between  the  atomic  beam  pulse  and  the  electron 
beam  pulse  is  varied  so  that  the  velocity  distribution  in  the  atomic  beam  may 
be  studied. 

Atomic  Constants,  Plans  were  developed  and  equipment  is  being  as- 
sembled for  a  new  precision  measurement  of  the  cyclotron  frequency  of  the 
electron.  This  experiment  will  provide  a  sensitive  check  on  the  predictions 
of  quantum  electrodynamics  concerning  the  anomalous  magnetic  moment 
of  the  electron. 

Atomic  Standards  of  Frequency.  The  construction  of  several  proto- 
type frequency  standards  based  on  hyperfine  resonances  in  rubidium  vapor 
was  completed,  and  the  performance  of  the  standards  is  being  evaluated  by 
systematically  intercomparing  them  with  the  primary  standards  at  the 
Bureau's  Boulder  Laboratories.  Plans  to  use  a  miniaturized  version  of  the 
clock  for  a  test  of  relativity  theory  were  discontinued  as  a  result  of  measure- 
ments made  elsewhere  using  the  newly  discovered  Mossbauer  effect. 

A  rubidium  vapor  maser  with  an  oscillation  parameter  of  about  0.6  was 
developed.  Further  improvements  being  attempted  at  Columbia  University 
are  expected  to  achieve  unity  oscillation. 



The  increasing  application  of  atomic  and  nuclear  technology  to  industrial, 
medical,  and  defense  activities  has  resulted  in  an  expansion  of  the  demands 
placed  upon  radiation  research.  Industrial  uses  of  radiation  have  brought 
about  a  growing  need  for  improved  standards  and  dosimetry  at  high  dose 
levels  and  high  energies.  Medical  users  increasingly  turn  to  higher  ener- 
gies and  call  for  improved  determination  of  both  source  output  and  absorbed 
dose.  Research  workers  interested  in  the  effects  of  radiation  on  various 
materials  have  need  for  more  information  in  their  field.  The  Bureau  has 
attempted  to  meet  these  increasing  demands  with  its  radiation  research 

The  research  of  the  Bureau  is  directed  toward  obtaining  basic  experi- 
mental and  theoretical  data  concerning  the  interactions  of  radiation  with 
nuclei,  atoms,  and  molecules,  as  well  as  with  bulk  matter;  the  investigation, 
development,  and  improvement  of  radiation  sources  and  standards;  and 
the  development  of  improved  techniques  and  instruments  for  the  detection 
and  measurement  of  these  radiations. 

Radioactivity  Standards,  A  manganese  54  point-source  standard,  a 
scandium  46  gamma-ray  solution  standard,  an  iron  55  electron-capturing 
nuclide  standard,  and  a  promethium  147  beta-ray  standard  were  developed 
during  the  year.  Using  the  NBS  internal  compensated  gas  counters,  the 
half -life  of  carbon  14  has  been  redetermined  as  5,760  ±50  years,  where  the 
indicated  uncertainty  denotes  an  estimated  overall  probable  error  of  the 

The  low-level  counting  facilities  have  been  completed  and  the  "white"  room 
which  was  designed  to  exclude  99.9  percent  of  all  dust  particles  greater  in 
size  than  1  micron  has  so  far  revealed  none  larger  than  0.1  micron.  This 
facility  is  for  studying  methods  of  measuring  the  amounts  of  radionuclides 
present  at  very  low  concentrations  and  in  making  international  intercompari- 
sons  of  radioactive  samples  at  these  concentrations.  The  program  has  also 
included  an  examination  of  low  levels  of  contamination  of  materials  and 
reagent  chemicals  by  any  radionuclide. 

Radiation  Theory,  To  provide  information  on  the  basic  processes  of 
radiation  production,  on  the  characteristics  of  the  radiations,  and  on  their 
absorption  by,  or  other  interactions  with,  matter  the  Bureau  maintains  a 
broad  program  in  radiation  theory.  Work  on  photon  and  neutron  penetra- 
tion, together  with  application  to  structure  shielding  against  radiations  from 
nuclear  weapons,  has  been  partially  supported  by  the  Office  of  Civil  and 
Defense  Mobilization  and  the  Defense  Atomic  Support  Agency.  Work  on 
charged  particle  penetration  and  elementary  cross  sections  has  been  partially 
supported  by  the  Office  of  Naval  Research. 

Computer  Programs.  Major  and  sophisticated  computer  programs 
have  been  developed  for  calculations  of  electron  and  gamma-ray  penetration. 
The  Monte  Carlo  program  of  calculating  the  multiple  scattering  of  charged 
particles  has  been  so  refined  that  it  is  now  possible  to  analyze  the  differences 


"White"  room  constructed  for  use  as  a  low-level  radioactivity  laboratory  and 
a  sample-preparation  room.  This  facility  is  used  in  studying  methods  for 
measuring  very  low  concentrations  of  radionuclides  and  for  international  com- 
parisons of  radioactive  samples  at  these  concentrations  (page  64). 

between  electrons  and  positrons  in  regard  to  phenomena  such  as  back- 
scattering  or  transmission  by  thick  foils.  The  Monte  Carlo  program  has 
also  been  applied  to  the  analysis  of  proton  range  and  stopping  power  ex- 
periments, with  the  aim  of  extracting  the  best  value  of  the  "mean  excitation 
potential,"  which  is  a  key  parameter  in  the  stopping  power  formula.  A 
program  for  calculating  neutron  penetration  distributions  by  moment  methods 
has  been  nearly  completed.  This  program  should  make  it  possible  to  study 
the  physics  of  neutron  penetration  in  detail,  and  should  also  make  possible 
a  much  wider  variety  of  deep  penetration  data  than  has  ever  been  available 
before.     Exploratory  applications  of  this  program  are  underway. 


A  nuclear  optical  model  code  was  written  to  predict  neutron  elastic 
scattering  cross  sections.  This  code  includes  an  estimate  of  the  compound 
elastic  scattering  in  addition  to  the  shape  elastic  scattering  which  comes 
directly  from  the  nuclear  optical  model.  A  report  was  prepared  on  the  elastic 
scattering  cross  sections  for  calcium. 

Data  Collection.  Data  collection  activity  during  the  past  year  included 
a  tabulation  of  X-ray  spectra  in  uniformly  contaminated  media.  This  tabu- 
lation was  also  used  for  a  detailed  analysis  of  the  errors  that  arise  in  the 
numerical  solution  of  the  X-ray  degradation  equation. 

Results  of  the  proton  Monte  Carlo  work  at  340  Mev  and  660  Mev  on  range 
and  range  straggling  has  been  analyzed  and  an  estimate  has  been  obtained 
of  the  small  systematic  error  resulting  from  the  particular  Monte  Carlo  model 
that  has  been  used.  The  sampled  data  was  also  used  to  obtain  an  estimate 
of  the  statistical  distribution  of  the  difference  between  path-length  and  depth 
of  penetration  for  high-energy  protons. 

Civil-Defense  Shielding  Problems.  Considerable  work  has  been  done 
toward  the  theoretical  solution  of  shielding  problems  associated  with  the 
"fallout"  of  fission  products  from  nuclear  explosions.  A  monograph,  "Struc- 
ture Shielding  Against  Fallout  Radiation  from  Nuclear  Weapons,"  has  been 
virtually  completed.  Work  has  been  started  to  develop  engineering  data 
applicable  to  initial  radiations,  in  analogy  to  the  work  completed  for  fallout 
radiations.  Some  work  on  Monte  Carlo  calculations  for  the  analysis  of  simple 
structure  geometries  has  continued  but  the  emphasis  has  shifted  to  more  com- 
plex geometries  than  slabs.  The  computer  programs  for  calculating  gamma- 
ray  penetration  have  been  revised  and  made  more  general,  in  order  to  make 
possible  their  use  by  other  investigators ;  their  use  to  produce  more  detailed 
information  about  flux  angular  distributions;  and  to  make  possible  reliable 
calculations  at  high  energies  (  <  10  Mev) . 

Linear  Electron  Accelerator,  The  Bureau  has  been  engaged  for  some 
time  in  the  design  of  a  new  linear  electron  accelerator  to  be  housed  in  its 
new  Gaithersburg  facility.  This  accelerator  will  produce  a  100-Mev  electron 
beam  with  40  kilowatts  in  the  beam.  The  design  of  the  accelerator  has  been 
completed  and  the  machine  is  now  under  construction.  It  is  expected  to 
be  completed  in  November  1962.  During  the  past  year  considerable  effort 
has  been  devoted  to  completing  the  design  of  the  laboratory  in  which  the 
accelerator  will  be  housed  and  the  design  of  a  beam-handling  and  analysis 
system.  Since  the  accelerator  will  provide  a  beam  with  an  energy  spread  of 
less  than  2  percent,  it  will  be  possible  to  utilize  a  large  fraction  of  the  electron 
beam  even  after  energy  analysis  by  the  beam-handling  and  analysis  system 
of  magnets,  which  will  provide  energy  resolutions  as  small  as  0.05  percent. 

The  magneto-optical  properties  of  systems  of  magnets  were  studied  dur- 
ing the  course  of  the  design  of  the  linac  beam-handling  system.  A  con- 
venient matrix  method  was  developed  and  applied  to  combine  by  a  first- 
order  procedure  analyzing  and  quadrupole  magnets  in  order  to  predict  the 
focusing  and  dispersing  properties  of  combinations  of  magnets.    This  method 


has  now  been  published  in  a  paper  that  demonstrates  the  general  applicability 
of  the  matrix  techniques  to  general  deflection  magnets.  The  method  has  also 
been  used  to  predict  by  a  second-order  theory  the  properties  of  precision 
particle  spectrometers.  It  has  now  been  demonstrated  that  an  energy 
resolution  better  than  0.05  percent  is  obtainable  for  reasonable  target  sizes 
with  particles  having  momenta  up  to  250  Mev/C  and  with  solid  angles  in 
the  range  from  0.005  to  0.01  steradians. 

High-Energy  Radiation.  Research  utilizing  the  betatron  and  synchro- 
tron included  two  studies  partially  supported  by  the  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission. One  of  these  dealt  with  the  measurement  of  neutral  meson  produc- 
tion for  carbon,  aluminum,  copper,  cadmium,  and  lead.  The  other  involved 
a  measurement  of  the  photoneutron  yield  and  photon-scattering  cross  sec- 
tions for  the  highly  deformed  nuclei  of  holmium  and  erbium. 

Angular  distributions  of  neutral  mesons  photoproduced  by  170  Mev 
bremsstrahlung  from  the  synchrotron  have  been  measured.  The  experi- 
mental distributions  have  been  compared  to  Monte  Carlo  predictions  and 
thereby  have  provided  a  measurement  of  the  root  mean  square  radii  of 
nucleon  center  distributions  having  an  estimated  uncertainty  of  three  per- 
cent. These  results  are  about  0.2  fermi  lower  than  the  electron  scattering 
measurements  of  the  rms  radii  of  charge  distributions  obtained  at  Stanford 
University.  About  one-half  of  this  difference  is  understandable  on  the  basis 
of  the  proton  size.  The  remaining  difference  is  approximately  equal  to  the 
present  uncertainties  in  the  experiment  and,  therefore,  may  or  may  not  be 

The  observed  X-ray  scattering  cross  sections  for  holmium  and  erbium 
were  large  compared  to  those  calculated  from  the  observed  absorption 
(photoneutron)  cross  sections  by  means  of  the  optical  theorem  and  the 
dispersion  relations.  The  absorption  and  scattering  cross  section  are 
consistent  if  it  is  assumed  that  these  nuclei  have  a  large  intrinsic  tensor 
polarizability.  The  data  also  suggest  that  in  the  energy  region  between  10 
and  23  Mev  as  much  as  10  to  20  percent  of  the  integrated  absorption  cross 
section  is  not  associated  with  the  tensor  polarizability. 

A  third  nuclear  physics  program  that  was  actively  investigated  during  the 
past  year  was  the  measurement  of  total  nuclear  cross  sections.  This  work 
has  required  the  development  and  improvement  of  the  energy  resolution 
of  high-energy  scintillation  X-ray  spectrometers.  The  best  results  were 
provided  by  a  sodium-iodide  spectrometer  with  a  resolution  of  2.5  percent 
at  17.6  Mev. 

Total  nuclear  absorption  cross  sections  are  being  measured  with  this 
spectrometer  by  examining  the  X-ray  spectrum  of  90  Mev  bremsstrahlung 
transmitted  by  long  absorbers  in  a  good-geometry  experiment.  The  use  of 
the  spectrometer  combined  with  the  high-intensity  NBS  synchrotron  beam 
made  it  possible  to  attenuate  the  primary  X-rays  by  a  factor  of  over  10,000 
with  a  resulting  enhancement  in  the  transmitted  spectrum  of  the  effect  of 
small  changes  in  the  attenuation  coefficient.  The  transmitted  spectra  show 
clearly  the  giant  resonance  nuclear  cross  section,  as  well  as  fine  structure 


Model  of  the  linear  electron  accelerator  complex  which  will  be  built  as  part  of 
the  NBS  Radiation  Physics  Laboratory  at  Gaithersburg,  Maryland.  Dotted 
line  on  the  model  indicates  the  ground  level  (page  66) . 

in  such  absorbers  as  oxygen,  carbon,  and  magnesium.  The  detailed  evalu- 
ation of  the  total  nuclear  and  the  total  interaction  cross  sections  in  a  wide 
range  of  elements  will  be  completed  at  the  end  of  the  present  series  of 

X-  and  Gamma-Ray  Dosimetry.  It  is  often  assumed  that  cobalt  60 
beams  used  for  instrument  calibration  and  radiation  treatment  contain  only 
gamma  rays  with  energies  of  1.17  and  1.33  Mev.  Though  it  is  widely 
recognized  that  this  assumption  is  not  strictly  valid  because  of  the  energy 
degradation  due  to  scattering,  adequate  experimental  data  was  not  previously 
available  to  show  the  magnitude  of  the  discrepancy.  Therefore,  experi- 
ments were  conducted  to  determine  the  intensity  and  energy  of  scattered 
radiation  from  multicurie  cobalt  60  sources  and  its  variation  with  source 
and  collimator  geometry. 

Photographic  Dosimetry.  The  Bureau  has  investigated  the  effects  of 
exposure  of  X-ray  film  to  two  successive  types  of  radiation.  The  results 
of  this  study  show  that  the  shapes  of  the  density-versus-exposure  curves  re- 
sulting from  such  dual  exposures  are  essentially  the  same  as  those  of  the 
curves  resulting  from  the  second  exposure  alone.  This  work,  supported  by 
the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  may  lead  to  a  better  understanding  of  the 
nature  of  the  photographic  latent  image  and  may  also  be  of  some  interest 
in  industrial  and  military  applications  of  photographic  dosimetry  of  X- 
and  gamma-radiation. 


A  simple  film  method  of  measuring  X-  and  gamma-ray  exposure  doses  in 
the  megaroentgen  range  has  been  developed  at  the  Bureau  with  the  support 
of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  The  method  extends  the  exposure  range 
of  commercial  photographic  film  to  108  roentgens  by  employing  a  special 
densitometric  procedure.  Since  the  print-out  effect  is  utilized,  no  photo- 
graphic processing  of  the  film  is  required.  A  preliminary  study  has  been 
performed  on  extending  the  method  to  exposures  lower  than  10,000  roentgens 
by  a  chemical  treatment  of  the  films  prior  to  exposure.  Results  obtained 
with  one  film  type  pre-treated  with  a  ten-percent  solution  of  sodium  sulfite 
showed  some  promise. 

Chemical  Dosimetry.  An  investigation  has  been  made  of  the  spectro- 
photometric  method  of  measuring  the  ferric  ion  yield  in  the  ferrous  sulfate 
dosimeter.  The  ferric  ion  yield  produced  by  ionizing  radiation  in  a  ferrous 
sulfate  dosimeter  is  usually  determined  by  measuring  the  absorbance  (op- 
tical density)  of  the  irradiated  solution  at  a  wavelength  of  304  millimicrons. 
By  measuring  the  ferric  ion  yield  at  224  m/x,  instead  of  at  304  m/x,  the  sen- 
sitivity of  the  spectrophotometric  method  can  be  approximately  doubled  and 
the  measuring  range  of  the  ferrous  sulfate  dosimeter  using  this  method  can 
be  extended  to  lower  doses.  The  molar  extinction  coefficient  at  224  m[x  is 
much  less  temperature  dependent  that  at  304  mix,  and  shows  also  a  smaller 
dependence  on  sulfuric  acid  concentration  than  at  304  m/x.  Values  of  the 
ferric  ion  yield  produced  by  Co60  gamma  rays  determined  by  measuring  the 
absorbance  at  224  imx  and  304  m/x  agreed  within  experimental  errors. 

Irradiation  Facilities,  Through  the  cooperation  of  the  Atomic  Energy 
Commission,  a  50,000-curie  high  specific  activity  cobalt  60  source  has  been 
obtained  and  installed  at  the  bottom  of  a  12-foot-deep  water  pool.  This 
source  gives  a  gamma-ray  field  of  more  than  107  roentgens  per  hour,  thus 
shortening  required  exposure  times  by  a  factor  of  about  25  over  that  for  the 
Bureau's  2,000  curie  source.  The  new  source  will  be  utilized  in  dosimetric 
studies  involving  high  intensities,  studies  of  the  effects  of  intense  gamma 
radiation  on  various  fluorocarbons,  studies  of  gamma-ray  production  of  radi- 
cals at  low  temperature,  and  in  an  investigation  of  the  relationship  between 
radiolysis  and  photolysis. 

Nucleonic  Instrumentation.  In  a  program  supported  by  the  Atomic 
Energy  Commission  a  new  type  of  pulse-height  analyzer  was  developed  and 
placed  in  operation,  in  conjunction  with  the  NBS  180-Mev  synchrotron 
This  analyzer,  designated  as  a  "charge-storage  analyzer"  since  it  uses  tempo- 
rary electrostatic  charge  storage,  is  designed  for  use  with  pulsed  accelerators. 
Efficient  operation  of  pulsed  accelerators  necessitates  the  analysis  of  many 
pulses  during  the  bursts  of  radiation.  This  often,  involves  dealing  with 
pulses  separated  in  time  by  only  a  few  microseconds  and  is  accomplished 
with  this  analyzer  by  temporarily  storing  the  pulse-height  information  on 
the  face  of  a  cathode-ray  tube,  followed  by  analysis  of  this  stored  data  during 
the  relatively  long  dead  intervals  between  bursts.  This  instrument  is  cur- 
rently being  used  in  nuclear  absorption  experiments  that  would  be  extremely 
difficult  to  perform  with  conventional  analyzers. 


Neutron  Physics.  In  research  supported  by  the  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission and  the  Defense  Atomic  Support  Agency,  the  Bureau  is  conducting 
fundamental  experiments  on  neutron  penetration  and  neutron  cross-sections. 
This  research  provides  information  important  for  the  protection  of  personnel. 
for  investigation  of  the  interaction  of  radiation  with  materials,  and  for 
understanding  nuclear  structure. 

During  the  year  a  precision  long  counter  was  constructed,  calibrated,  and 
compared  with  a  similar  instrument  built  at  Hanford,  Washington.  Agree- 
ment to  within  one  percent  was  obtained. 

The  emission  rate  of  the  NBS  standard  neutron  source  (NBS-I)  is  being 
redetermined  by  comparison  with  an  antimony-beryllium  neutron  source  in 
an  absolutely  calibrated  heavy-water  manganous  sulfate  bath. 

Measurements  of  elastic  and  inelastic  scattering  of  14  Mev  neutrons  by 
time-of-flight  from  Ca40  and  C12  were  made.  The  results  yield  the  ratio 
of  elastic  to  inelastic  scattering  and  show  an  angular  distribution  of  elastic 
scattering  in  agreement  with  theory. 

Radiation  Protection  and  Radiation  Standards  and  Units.  Re- 
search on  the  fundamental  properties  of  radiation  and  on  radiation  standards 
has  placed  the  Bureau  in  a  unique  position  to  translate  the  latest  information 
in  these  fields  into  practical  recommendations  for  radiation  protection,  quan- 
tities and  units.  The  Bureau  has  assisted  in  the  dissemination  of  this  infor- 
mation by  publishing  as  NBS  handbooks  the  recommendations  of  the  Na- 
tional Committee  on  Radiation  Protection  and  Measurements  (NCRP)  and 
the  International  Commission  on  Radiological  Units  and  Measurements 
(ICRU).  During  the  last  year,  five  new  handbooks  have  been  published. 
These  include:  Handbook  72,  "Measurement  of  Neutron  Flux  and  Spectra 
for  Physical  and  Biological  Applications";  Handbook  73,  "Protection 
Against  Radiations  from  Sealed  Gamma  Sources";  Handbook  75,  "Measure- 
ment of  Absorbed  Dose  of  Neutrons,  and  of  Mixtures  of  Neutrons  and  Gamma 

The  Bureau's  new  50,000-curie  eobalt-60  source  at  the  bottom  of  a  12-ft  water 
shielding  pool,  pictured  with  light  from  its  own  Cerenkov  glow.  The  largest 
single  isotope  source  ever  shipped  by  the  AEC's  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory, 
the  new  source  greatly  extends  NBS  capabilities  in  radiation  calibration  and 
the  investigation  of  the  effects  of  radiation  on  the  properties  of  materials.  At 
right,  the  geometry  of  the  50,000-curie  source;  the  Co60  is  contained  in  the 
vertical  metal  tubes  at  the  center  (page  69). 


Rays";  Handbook  76,  "Medical  X-ray  Protection  up  to  3  Mev";  and  Hand- 
book 78,  "Report  of  the  International  Commission  on  Radiological  Units 
and  Measurements  (ICRU)  (1959)."  Two  handbooks — Handbook  79, 
"Stopping  Powers  for  Use  with  Cavity  Chambers,"  and  Handbook  80,  "A 
Manual  on  Radioactivity  Procedures," — are  presently  in  preparation.  Staff 
members  have  been  very  active  in  the  work  of  the  groups  preparing  these 
handbooks,  as  well  as  in  the  work  of  the  International  Commission  on  Radio- 
logical Protection  (ICRP)  and  the  recently  established  Federal  Radiation 
Council.  These  groups  have  formulated  recommendations  which  represent 
the  latest  scientific  thinking  in  the  broad  area  of  radiation  protection,  quan- 
tities and  units. 

International  Standards.  The  Bureau  has  always  been  an  active  par- 
ticipant in  the  activities  of  the  International  Bureau  of  Weights  and  Measures. 
In  October  1960  the  General  Conference  of  Weights  and  Measures  approved 
the  extension  of  the  work  of  the  International  Bureau  into  the  area  of  ioniz- 
ing radiation.  A  working  group  was  set  up  to  make  recommendations  on : 
Immediate  and  long-range  programs  for  this  area,  a  laboratory  design  for 
this  work,  laboratory  equipment,  and  staffing.  Members  of  the  Bureau 
staff  involved  in  neutron  measurements,  radioactivity  measurements,  and 
X-  and  gamma-ray  measurements  were  invited  to  participate  in  this  effort. 
During  a  meeting  held  early  in  1961  this  group  considered  the  entire  program 
and  made  recommendations.  The  staff  of  the  International  Bureau  is  now 
in  the  process  of  implementing  these  recommendations. 

The  National  Bureau  of  Standards  has  constructed  and  is  presently  cali- 
brating transfer  instruments  for  X-  and  gamma-ray  measurements  which  will 
be  loaned  to  the  International  Bureau.  These  instruments  will  be  calibrated 
by  the  International  Bureau  as  well  as  by  many  of  the  national  laboratories 
participating  in  the  program.  NBS  has  agreed  to  participate  in  one  such 
intercomparison  during  1962. 

The  International  Bureau  is  also  arranging  for  exchanges  of  radionuclide 
standards.  NBS  has  participated  in  two  such  intercomparisons  so  far  and 
others  are  planned  for  the  future. 




As  part  of  its  program  in  the  preparation,  purification,  and  characteriza- 
tion of  materials,  the  Bureau  develops  and  improves  methods  for  the  measure- 
ment of  the  chemical  properties,  composition,  and  behavior  of  substances; 
prepares  standard  reference  materials  of  known  composition  or  properties; 
and  makes  accurate  measurements  of  and  collects  data  on  chemical  systems. 
It  also  studies  the  properties  of  molecules  and  atoms  in  their  relation  to 
chemical  reactions,  and  provides  technical  and  advisory  services  in  specialized 
areas  of  modern  chemistry. 


The  special  investigations  pursued  during  the  past  year  in  inorganic, 
analytical,  and  solution  chemistry  included  studies  of  new  as  well  as  con- 
ventional methods  for  chemical  separations  and  analyses  by  spectrochemical 
and  other  applied  analytical  processes.  Substances  of  high  purity  were 
prepared,  criteria  developed  for  measuring  purity,  and  chemical  constants 
determined  from  pure  materials. 

New  programs  were  initiated  in  the  fields  of  crystal  chemistry,  coordina- 
tion chemistry,  and  resonance  spectroscopy. 

Applied  Analytical  Research.  The  establishment  of  a  program  on 
applied  analytical  research  increased  Bureau  emphasis  on  instrumental 
methods  of  analysis.  The  program,  concerned  with  the  development  and 
application  of  methods  for  analyzing  and  characterizing  solids,  liquids, 
and  gases,  incorporates  classical  and  instrumental  methods  using  both 
macro-  and  micro-techniques.  New  equipment  obtained  includes  a  high- 
temperature  linear-programmed  gas  chromatograph,  infrared  spectrometer, 
mass  spectrometer,  automatic  spectrometric-electrometric  titrater,  coulometric 
titrater,  high-sensitivity  polarograph,  Kjeldahl  nitrogen-determination  equip- 
ment, and  three  types  of  micro-combustion  apparatus:  the  Schoniger,  the 
semi-automatic  Dumas  for  nitrogen  micro-determinations  and  the  semi- 
automatic for  carbon-hydrogen  micro-determinations.  In  combination  with 
spectrometric,  electroanalytical,  and  microchemical  equipment  previously 
acquired,  the  Bureau  is  now  well  equipped  to  undertake  a  wide  variety  of 
analytical  instrumental  investigations  and  analyses. 

Chemical  Preparations,  An  interdisciplinary  program  was  conducted 
on  the  redetermination  of  the  atomic  weights  of  chlorine  and  bromine. 
For  the  chlorine  study,  isotopic  concentrates  obtained  from  Oak  Ridge  Na- 
tional Laboratory  were  chemically  purified  and  mixtures  of  known  composi- 
tion were  prepared  approximating  the  isotopic  abundance  ratio  of  normal 
chlorine.  Only  analysis  of  stock  solutions  of  the  isotope  concentrates, 
also  obtained  from  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,  was  involved  in  the 
bromine  preparation.  From  mass  spectrometric  determinations  of  the  abso- 
lute isotopic  abundance  ratio  of  these  specimens  the  atomic  weights  of 
chlorine  and  bromine  were  calculated. 

Spectrochemical  Advances.  A  critical  investigation  on  methods  for 
the  direct  spectroscopic  analysis  of  materials  in  solutions  led  to  the  develop- 
ment of  a  gas-stabilized  arc  of  high  stability.  This  arc  burns  in  a  chamber 
between  a  graphite  anode  and  a  water-cooled  tungsten  cathode.  A  flow  of 
argon  within  the  chamber  and  a  graphite  ring  orifice  control  its  position. 
For  analyzing  a  sample,  a  capillary  atomizer  introduces  the  solution  into  the 
arc  at  a  steady  rate.  The  elements  in  the  vaporized  sample  are  excited 
to  emit  characteristic  spectra  with  highly  reproducible  intensity.  The  arc 
offers  promise  as  a  source  for  analyzing  materials  in  solution  and  for  study- 
ing specific  substances  when  a  steady  arc  discharge  is  required. 

In  an  investigation  of  the  spectroscopic  determination  of  gases  in  metals, 
a  self-contained  portable  apparatus  for  handling  gases  and  exciting  their 
spectra  was  developed.     The  system  is  mounted  on  a  metal  table  equipped 


Arc  source  of  high  stability  for  exciting  the  spectra  of  materials  in  solution. 
The  source  may  be  used  for  spectroscopic  analysis  or  in  other  work  where  high 
stability  is  required  (page  72). 

with  a  hydraulic  lift  and  includes  gas  flow  and  pressure  monitors  as  well 
as  a  chamber  for  evolving  gases  from  metals  and  for  exciting  their  spectra. 
The  equipment  may  be  moved  and  alined  for  use  with  different  spectro- 
graphs or  spectrometers  throughout  the  Bureau  laboratory. 

During  an  X-ray  spectrometric  study  of  surface  condition  effects  on  the 
analysis  of  metals,  the  usual  procedure  of  grinding  a  smooth  surface  on  the 
sample  was  found  to  cause  serious  errors  in  some  cases  where  hard 
and  soft  constituents  are  present  in  the  metal.  For  example,  if  lead  particles 
were  smeared  over  the  surface  in  leaded  steel,  high  readings  for  lead  were 
observed.  Errors  from  this  source  were  minimized  by  polishing  the  surfaces 
with  diamond  dust. 


616114  O — 61^ 


Separation  of  Zirconium  from  Hafnium,  Hafnium  and  zirconium, 
ordinarily  very  difficult  to  distinguish  chemically,  can  now  be  separated  by 
a  single-step  anion-exchange  process.  The  separation  for  analysis  is  obtained 
by  using  a  strong  quaternary-amine  anion-exchange  resin  column  with  diluted 
sulfuric  acid  as  eluting  solution.  After  separation  of  a  mixture  containing 
approximately  100  mg  each  of  hafnium  and  zirconium,  a  spectrochemical 
examination  showed  only  a  few  ppm  (parts  per  million)  cross  contamination. 

The  method  results  from  a  systematic  study  of  the  elution  behavior  of  a 
variety  of  zirconium  and  hafnium  complexes.  It  is  better  adapted  to  the 
examination  of  hafnium-base  alloys,  because  the  hafnium  is  removed  first  in 
the  elution  cycle,  and  less  trouble  is  encountered  in  the  hydrolysis  of  ions 
of  this  element.  In  connection  with  this  work,  a  procedure  was  developed 
for  the  quantitative  analysis  of  zirconium  in  hafnium  metal,  which  is  used 
as  a  control-rod  material  in  nuclear  reactors. 

Distillation  Techniques  Improved.  Vapor-liquid  chromatograms  re- 
sulting from  successive  fractions  of  precise  laboratory  distillations  are  gen- 
erally more  informative  than  the  boiling  temperatures  or  the  refractive  indices 
because  the  progress  in  constituent  separation  is  usually  clearly  shown.  The 
method  is  now  being  used  routinely  in  the  distillation  laboratory  with  im- 
proved results. 

A  new  and  better  procedure  for  maintaining  a  constant  flow  of  vapor  to 
the  column  of  a  laboratory  still  was  developed.  Control  of  this  vapor  velocity 
is  important  because  better  separations  of  materials  are  obtained  when  the 
velocity  is  low  but  constant.  The  method  depends  on  the  use  of  a  thermistor 
as  a  flowmeter  to  control  the  heat  supplied  to  the  vaporizer  of  the  still.  This 
process  has  a  number  of  advantages  over  the  usual  method  of  controlling 
the  heat  supply  by  the  changes  in  the  vaporizer  pressure. 

A  simple  and  reliable  method  was  developed  for  cooling  the  reflux  heads 
of  laboratory  stills  to  low  temperatures.  With  this  technique,  the  low  tem- 
peratures may  be  maintained  for  long  periods  of  time. 

Accuracy  for  pH  Standards  Increased.  Measurements  of  the  acidity 
or  basicity  of  solutions,  expressed  on  the  pH  scale,  are  of  far-reaching  im- 
portance in  chemical  analysis,  medical  research,  and  modern  industry. 
Because  control  of  the  pH  is  essential  in  many  industrial  processes,  some 
years  ago  the  Bureau  took  the  lead  in  establishing  a  standard  pH  scale 
which  would  meet  the  practical  needs  of  industry  and  possess,  as  well,  the 
fundamental  meaning  demanded  by  science.  Although  standards  for  the 
adjustment  of  pH-measuring  equipment  have  been  issued  by  the  Bureau  for 
more  than  15  years,  fundamental  difficulties  in  the  calculation  of  a  standard 
pH  have  made  it  necessary  to  limit  the  accuracy  in  the  assignment  of  standard 
pH  values  to  ±0.01  unit.  However,  during  the  past  year,  a  mutually  satis- 
factory convention  was  developed  in  cooperation  with  the  pH  committee  of 
the  British  Standards  Institution,  and  the  third  decimal  place  is  now  being 
assigned  to  pH  standard  values. 


A  Standard  for  Blood  pH.  To  discover  the  relationships  that  exist 
among  physiological  function,  pathological  condition,  and  pH,  medical  and 
biological  laboratories  have  long  studied  the  acid-base  relationships  in  blood 
and  other  physiological  fluids.  Because  blood  is  a  well-buffered  fluid,  the 
changes  in  pH  are  very  small  and  must  be  detected  with  precise  pH-measur- 
ing  equipment.  To  increase  the  accuracy  with  which  these  measurements 
can  be  made,  the  Bureau  established  a  pH  standard  for  determining  the  pH 
of  blood  and  other  physiological  media  with  a  pH  of  7.382  at  37  °C 
(98.6  °F) .  The  new  standard,  a  mixture  of  phosphate  salts,  can  be  prepared 
from  pH  standard  materials  already  issued  by  the  Bureau. 

Standard  Hydrocarbon  Blends,  Eight  standard  hydrocarbon  blends 
are  now  available  from  the  Bureau  for  calibrating  instruments  used  in 
analyzing  gasoline  and  blending  stocks.  These  standard  samples — primarily 
intended  for  mass  spectrometer  calibration — are  mixtures  containing  seven 
or  eight  pure  hydrocarbons  representing  C7  and  C8  paraffins  and  cyclo- 
paraffins  in  typical  virgin  and  catalytically  cracked  naphthas.  The  standards 
may  also  be  applicable  for  infrared  and  gas  chromatographic  techniques. 
The  development  of  this  new  group  of  standard  materials  is  part  of  an  exten- 
sive and  continual  Bureau  program  to  provide  standard  substances  for 
chemical  and  physical  uses. 

Preparative  Scale  Chromatography.  During  the  past  decade,  vapor- 
liquid  chromatography  has  developed  into  an  effective  and  widely  used 
method  of  separating  mixtures.  Although  it  was  utilized  chiefly  for  anal- 
ysis, its  use  in  preparing  small  amounts  of  pure  materials  gradually 
expanded.  As  part  of  a  program  to  extend  the  applicability  of  this  method 
to  routine  purification,  a  process  for  automatically  injecting  samples  and 
"cutting  out  peaks"  to  reject  undesirable  substances  was  devised.  That  is, 
to  purify  a  specimen,  any  component  which  has  a  peak  different  from  the 
characteristic  peak  of  the  specimen  is  automatically  directed  to  a  trap  instead 
of  the  main  ampoule.  With  these  innovations,  the  chromatographic 
apparatus  will  operate  automatically  for  long  periods. 

Additional  improvements  are  being  designed  f  or  'preparative  scale  chro- 
matography. Because  purification  of  small  amounts  of  samples  is  more 
effective  in  columns  of  relatively  small  capacity  than  that  of  large  samples 
in  large-diameter  columns,  the  automatic  cyclic  operation  of  small  to  inter- 
mediate-size columns  was  chosen  for  further  development. 

Round-Robin  Purity  Determinations.  Although  any  program  di- 
rected toward  the  preparation  of  pure  materials  is  completely  dependent 
upon  procedures  for  determining  purity,  the  methods  of  gaging  extent  of 
contamination  unfortunately  do  not  have  the  necessary  reliability.  To  ob- 
tain the  best  techniques  for  such  a  determination,  a  committee  from  the 
Bureau  organized  an  international  cooperative  study  several  years  ago  of 
those  techniques  for  determining  purity  which  depend  upon  freezing-point  de- 
pression by  impurities.  Four  groups  of  samples  were  prepared  under  con- 
ditions designed  to  assure  uniformity  and  verifiable  purity.     These  speci- 


mens  were  issued  to  20  leading  laboratories  in  six  countries,  including  the 

During  the  past  year,  the  round-robin  results  that  became  available 
demonstrated  that  accurate  results  can  be  achieved  by  this  method.  How- 
ever, they  also  show  that  the  sources  of  error  are  not  always  understood. 
From  the  results,  the  most  effective  processes  for  determining  purity  were 
found  to  be  those  in  which  changes  in  volume,  heat  content,  or  control  of 

Eight  new  standard  hydrocarbon  blends  were  issued  for  calibrating  instru- 
ments used  to  analyze  gasoline  and  blending  stocks.  Ampoules  are  filled  in  a 
controlled  atmosphere  with  sufficient  blend  for  one  calibration  (page  75). 


the  rate  of  freezing  or  melting  were  employed  to  judge  the  proportion  of  a 
sample  which  was  in  the  liquid  state  at  any  temperature. 

Crystal  Chemistry.  Research  on  crystal  chemistry  was  expanded  to 
obtain  fundamental  data  on  the  formation,  transformation,  and  purification 
of  crystalline  chemicals  in  terms  of  molecular  structure.  As  all  physical 
and  chemical  properties  of  solids  are  ultimately  dependent  upon  structure, 
it  is  necessary  to  understand  the  relationship  between  structure  and  behavior 
of  materials. 

During  the  past  year  methods  were  evaluated  for  automatically  recording 
precise  single  crystal  X-ray  diffraction  intensities,  for  deriving  the  approxi- 
mate atomic  structure  of  crystals  from  X-ray  diffraction  data,  for  obtaining 
"flash"  X-ray  data  from  transient  phenomena  and  for  recording  defects  in 
high-purity  crystals. 

Three  types  of  investigations  were  continued  on  purification  by  single- 
crystal  growth:  formation  of  pure  single  crystals,  retention  of  impurities, 
and  effect  of  defect  structure  on  the  properties  of  crystals. 

Coordination  Chemistry.  Both  theoretical  and  practical  interest  in 
the  field  of  coordination  compounds  has  increased  in  recent  years  because  of 
the  unusual  properties  that  these  compounds  exhibit.  Through  coordina- 
tion with  suitable  complexing  agents  many  metal  ions  can  be  either  acti- 
vated or  deactivated.  In  addition,  many  of  the  coordination  compounds  were 
shown  to  be  useful  catalysts  whereas  others  were  found  to  exist  as  inter- 
mediates in  reactions.  To  study  the  preparation,  stability,  and  mechanism 
and  kinetics  of  formation  of  such  compounds,  the  Bureau  began  an  investi- 
gation of  coordination  compounds  of  the  first  transition  metal  series.  The 
structure  of  these  compounds  is  being  studied  with  resonance  spectroscopy 
and  X-ray  diffraction  techniques. 

Radiochemistry.  Considerable  effort  was  devoted  to  designing  a  new 
radiochemical  facility  for  conducting  fundamental  investigations  in  radio- 
chemical methods  and  for  applying  modern  radiochemical  techniques  to 
existing  research  problems.  By  detecting  tracer  atoms  and  measuring  the 
energy  released  from  artificially  radioactive  species,  the  Bureau  will  study 
mechanisms  of  chemical  processes  and  develop  sensitive  analytical  methods. 
As  part  of  this  program,  the  analysis  of  trace  constituents  by  neutron  activa- 
tion analysis  will  be  stressed. 


In  response  to  the  demand  for  more  detailed  information  on  the  structure 
of  molecules  and  elementary  molecular  processes,  the  Bureau  initiated  a 
program  to  consolidate  and  strengthen  fundamental  research  on  bulk  proper- 
ties of  materials  and  macroscopic  physicochemical  processes.  In  the  basic 
experimental  phase  of  this  program,  special  instrumentation  was  developed 
and  precise  data  obtained  on  a  wide  variety  of  stable  and  short-lived  molecular 
species  and  systems.  An  associated  phase  of  theoretical  research  was  be- 
gun to  develop  a  coherent  theory  of  molecular  structure  in  relation  to  specific 
molecular  reactivity. 


Research  activities  during  the  year  include  the  elementary  chemistry  in- 
volved in  the  synthesis  of  specially  labeled  compounds,  in  the  processes 
induced  by  radiation  and  particle-impact,  and  in  the  reactions  at  surfaces. 
In  addition,  the  structural  and  electronic  parameters  of  relatively  simple 
stable  and  transient  molecules  were  determined  and  special  apparatus  was 
designed  to  measure  relative  isotope  abundances  for  heavy  elements,  field 
emission  and  ionization  at  surfaces,  reactions  at  very  low  temperatures, 
and  fast  reactions  in  transient  complex  systems. 

Reactions  of  Atoms  at  Low  Temperature.  Chemical  reactions  be- 
tween very  reactive  materials  normally  proceed  extremely  rapidly.  By  lower- 
ing the  temperature  at  which  these  processes  occur,  it  is  possible  to  slow 
down  the  rate  of  reaction  and  thus  make  observations — for  example,  energies 
of  activitations — which  are  difficult  to  make  at  higher  temperature.  Through 
recently  developed  techniques  used  in  low-temperature  research,  chemical 
reactions  with  low  activitation  energies  can  now  be  studied.  The  virtual 
elimination  of  many  secondary  reactions  at  temperatures  below  100  °K  sim- 
plifies the  interpretation  of  kinetic  data  and  permits  an  accurate  determina- 
tion of  kinetic  parameters. 

In  NBS  studies,  hydrogen  atoms  were  found  to  react  with  oxygen  at  20  °K, 
with  olefins  at  77  °K,  and  with  halogens  at  90  °K.  The  primary  reaction 
products  are  free  radicals  which  have  transient  existence  and  subsequently 
dimerize  and  disproportionate  to  form  stable  compounds.  The  primary 
addition-reaction  of  hydrogen  atoms  to  propylene  was  studied  in  detail  and 
the  activitation  energy  for  this  process  was  determined.  At  present,  the  effect 
of  substituents  on  the  addition  of  hydrogen  to  substituted  olefins  is  being 

Gas-solid  Reactions  at  High  Temperature.  The  failure  of  metals 
at  high  temperatures  caused  by  corrosive  attack  of  hot  gases  is  often  a  limit- 
ing factor  in  the  advancement  of  high-temperature  technology.  Because 
physical  and  chemical  data  relating  to  these  phenomena  are  often  lacking, 
the  Bureau  is  conducting  research  on  various  aspects  of  high-temperature 
gas-solid  interactions  at  the  request  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 
To  facilitate  this  research,  special  equipment  for  molecular-beam  studies 
was  developed.  By  using  the  molecular  beam,  the  reaction  between  chlorine 
atoms  and  a  polycrystalline  surface  of  nickel  heated  to  temperatures  between 
1,100  and  1,600  °K  was  extensively  investigated.  Based  on  this  study, 
the  relative  reactivities  of  different  crystal  planes  of  copper  and  nickel  to 
halogens  are  being  determined. 

Light  Elements.  Data  on  the  thermodynamic  properties  of  light  ele- 
ments are  essential  for  evaluating  compounds  composed  of  these  elements 
as  potential  high-energy  fuels.  To  obtain  such  data,  the  Bureau  is  conduct- 
ing a  comprehensive  interdisciplinary  program  of  experimental  and  theoret- 
ical work  on  light  elements.  For  this  research,  which  is  under  the  joint 
sponsorship  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  and  the  Department  of  De- 
fense, "best"  values  were  selected  for  the  heats  of  formations  of  a  variety  of 


Apparatus  for  obtaining  nuclear  magnetic  spectra,  which  reveal  important  in- 
formation on  the  local  electronic  environment  of  nuclei  in  complex  molecules, 
on  the  sites  of  specific  chemical  reactivity,  and  on  the  pathways  for  communi- 
cating electronic  effects  within  these  molecules  (page  82). 

boron  compounds  containing  hydrogen,  oxygen,  fluorine,  chlorine,  and 
bromine,  and  tables  of  thermodynamic  functions  for  selected  compounds  were 
compiled.  Codes,  which  were  prepared  for  high-speed  digital  computer  cal- 
culation of  thermodynamic  functions,  were  used  to  extend  these  functions  to 
6,000  °K  for  over  forty  compounds  in  the  boron-oxygen-hydrogen-halogen- 
nitrogen  system.  (See  2.1.5,  p.  53,  2.2.3,  p.  86.) 

Measuring  Isotope  Effects,  By  substituting  radioactive  isotopes  for 
an  atom  in  a  molecule,  the  course  of  a  substance  can  be  traced  through  an 
entire  series  of  complex  chemical  processes.  However,  sometimes  a  bond 
joining  the  isotope  is  altered  in  a  rate-limiting  step,  causing  a  difference 
between  reaction  rates  for  the  isotopic  and  non-isotopic  modifications  of  a 
substance.  The  ratio  of  these  rates  is  called  the  isotope  effect.  When  the 
isotopic  atom  is  involved  directly,  large  isotope  effects,  designated  primary, 
are  obtained;  when  the  isotopic  atom  is  involved  to  a  lesser  degree,  smaller 
effects,  designated  secondary,  are  obtained. 

Recently  the  Bureau  developed  a  simple  method  for  measuring  isotope 
effects.  Two  modifications  of  the  reactant  are  used:  One  is  labeled  with  an 
isotope  at  or  near  the  reaction  center,  and  the  other  is  labeled  with  a  second 
isotope  at  a  point  remote  from  the  reaction  center,  where  it  does  not  affect 
the  rate  of  reaction.  If  the  first  isotope  alters  the  rate  of  reaction,  the  ratio 
of  the  two  isotopes  in  the  residual  reactant  and  in  the  product  changes  as  the 


reaction  proceeds.  The  value  of  the  isotope  effect  can  be  calculated  from  this 

The  method  has  been  applied  to  the  study  of  a  variety  of  chemical,  physical, 
and  biological  processes.  Thus,  a  five-fold  tritium  isotope  effect  was  found 
in  the  oxidation  of  D-glucose-i-Z  with  iodine.  The  commonly  accepted  mech- 
anism for  the  oxidation  of  D-glucose-i-£  with  chlorous  acid  was  disproved 
by  the  large  isotope  effect.  Secondary  isotope  effects  found  in  the  oxidation 
of  D-mannitol-3-£  were  attributed  to  hyperconjugation  of  the  tritium  in  the 
activated  enzyme-substrate  complex.  The  method  opens  up  a  vast  field  for 
the  study  of  reaction  mechanisms. 

Enolic  Acids.  Enolic  acids,  just  recently  recognized  and  considered 
as  a  large  class  of  organic  compounds,  have  not  previously  been  investigated 
in  any  detail.  Because  these  acids  enter  into  unusual  reactions,  and  because 
only  isolated  data  have  been  recorded  on  any  specific  enolic  acid,  the  Bureau 
is  attempting  a  systematic  determination  of  the  reactions  and  properties  of  this 
new  class.  Enolic  forms  were  found  for  beta  diketones,  hydroxyquinones, 
ascorbic  acids,  and  many  substances  commonly  considered  as  having  acti- 
vated hydrogen  atoms.  It  is  known  that  these  acids  differ  from  carboxylic 
acids  in  that  they  contain  a  characteristic  C-C  =  C-OH  group  in  lieu  of  the 


well-known  carboxyl  group. 

A  series  of  enolic  acids  can  be  prepared  by  chemical  treatment  of  hexa- 
hydroxycyclohexane.  Removing  hydrogen  and  eliminating  water  from  the 
hexane  produces  hexahydroxybenzene,  hydroxyquinones,  rhodizonic  acid 
and  ultimately,  cyclohexanehexone.  The  intermediates  of  this  series  estab- 
lish reversible  oxidation-reduction  systems  and  provide  a  wealth  of  material 
for  correlating  molecular  structure  with  chemical  and  physical  properties. 
Improved  methods  were  developed  for  preparation  of  tetrahydroxyquinone, 
rhodizonic  acid,  croconic  acid,  and  other  compounds  needed  for  studying  the 
acids.  Mechanisms  for  aromatization  and  oxidation  of  the  intermediates  in 
the  production  of  these  compounds  were  formulated  and  are  now  being  tested 
by  model  experiments. 

Molecular  Spectroscopy.  As  part  of  a  continuing  program  devoted  to 
solving  fundamental  problems  in  molecular  structure,  detailed  investigations 
of  the  structures  of  several  important  molecules  were  carried  out  by  spectro- 
scopic studies  in  the  ultraviolet,  visible,  infrared,  and  microwave  regions. 
Through  the  use  of  microwave  techniques,  interatomic  distances  in  a  variety 
of  hydrocarbons  and  their  simple  derivatives  were  measured  with  very  high 
accuracy.  Small  variations  detected  in  the  carbon-carbon  bond  lengths  in 
these  molecules  shed  some  light  on  the  nature  of  the  chemical  bonds  which 
are  involved.  The  microwave  studies  also  provided  such  scientific  data  as 
electric  dipole  moments  and  quadrupole  coupling  constants,  which  can  be 
correlated  with  the  geometric  structure  of  the  molecules. 

Other  spectroscopic  studies  involved  free  radicals  and  molecular  frag- 
ments containing  fluorine.     The  short-lived  CF2  molecule,  which  is  an  im- 


portant  intermediate  in  flames  and  electric  discharges  involving  fluorine, 
was  examined  by  flash  photolysis  and  matrix  isolation  techniques.  In  the 
former  method,  the  ultraviolet  absorption  spectrum  was  recorded  during  the 
very  small  fraction  of  a  second  that  the  molecule  exists ;  in  the  latter,  the  CF2 
molecules  were  stabilized  by  isolating  them  in  an  inert  matrix  at  a  very  low 
temperature.  Related  studies  were  carried  out  on  the  emission  spectrum  of 
CF  from  flames  and  discharges.  In  addition,  an  intensive  investigation  of 
the  recently-discovered  NF2  radical  was  initiated.  By  measurement  and 
analysis  of  the  infrared  spectrum  of  NF2,  the  structure  and  vibrational  fre- 
quencies of  this  free  radical  were  established. 

The  nonresonant  microwave  absorption  in  compressed  quadrupolar  gases 
provided  the  basis  for  estimating  molecular  quadrupole  moments.  This 
type  of  absorption  can  be  used  as  a  sensitive  probe  for  examining  the  nature 
of  molecular  interactions  and  relaxation  processes.  Values  for  the  quadru- 
pole moments  determined  for  nitrogen,  ethylene,  and  carbon  dioxide  are  in 
good  agreement  with  the  estimates  calculated  by  other  methods. 

The  mechanism  by  which  hydrogen  atoms  are  removed  from  ethane  during 
vacuum  ultraviolet  photolysis  was  determined.  Such  investigations  give  insight 
into  the  interactions  of  various  materials  with  high-energy  radiation 
(page  82). 


The  techniques  of  high-resolution  nuclear  magnetic  resonance  were  applied 
to  the  structural  classification  of  isomeric  conformers  of  derivatives  of  cyclo- 
hexane.  In  general,  the  methods  of  analysis  developed  for  the  methyl  disub- 
stituted  cyclohexane-l,3-diols  appear  to  be  applicable  to  the  analysis  of  a  wide 
variety  of  saturated  cycloparaffins. 

Uranium  Standards.  Because  the  value  of  a  uranium  reaction  fuel 
depends  on  the  abundance  of  the  U235  isotope,  accurate  standards  are  re- 
quired to  make  precise  mass  spectrometric  determinations  of  this  abundance. 
In  cooperation  with  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  a  surface-ionization 
mass  spectrometer,  which  measures  the  isotope  abundance  in  uranium  oxide, 
was  developed  and  used  to  check  a  series  of  standard  samples.  Relating 
to  this  work  is  the  development  of  a  method  for  determining  the  abundance 
of  U234. 

A  special  mass  spectrometer  was  developed  for  analyzing  uranium  hexa- 
fluoride  and  is  being  used  to  evaluate  standards  having  low  concentrations 
of  U235.  This  instrument  has  been  used  to  compare  the  natural  abundances 
of  uranium  in  samples  from  different  geographical  areas.  Differences  as 
large  as  0.1  percent  were  detected. 

Isotopic  Abundance  in  Silver  Checked.  In  the  recent  determination 
of  the  absolute  isotopic  abundance  ratio  of  silver,  one  of  the  natural  silver 
samples  from  Cobalt,  Ontario,  appeared  to  have  a  ratio  significantly  dif- 
ferent from  all  the  other  samples.  This  difference  suggested  a  naturally  oc- 
curring variation  in  isotope  abundance  for  silver.  Consequently,  mass  spec- 
trometric study,  partly  sponsored  by  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  was 
made  on  13  samples  of  native  silver  from  widely  distributed  deposits,  in- 
cluding samples  from  Cobalt.  No  significant  variation  from  normal  abun- 
dance was  noted  for  any  of  the  samples.  It  is  possible  that  the  original 
Cobalt  specimen  was  a  portion  of  an  extraterrestrial  sample. 

Photolysis  of  Simple  Molecules.  To  gain  insight  into  the  detailed 
processes  induced  by  different  types  of  high-energy  radiation,  the  Bureau  is 
continuing  work  on  the  photolysis  of  simple  molecules.  The  mechanism  by 
which  hydrogen  atoms  are  removed  from  ethane  during  vacuum  ultraviolet 
photolysis  was  determined.  When  subjected  to  far  ultraviolet  light,  ethane 
molecules  lose  molecular  hydrogen.  Investigations  on  ethylene  showed  that 
molecular  detachment  of  hydrogen  occurs  under  the  action  of  gamma  rays, 
as  well  as  under  far  ultraviolet  light.  The  formation  of  molecular  hydrogen 
by  the  action  of  far  ultraviolet  radiation  on  water  vapor  was  also  observed. 
This  formation  may  account  for  the  presence  of  hydrogen  molecules  in  the 
upper  atmosphere. 

In  another  investigation,  excited  hydrogen  atoms,  which  are  present  in 
the  upper  atmosphere,  were  produced  in  the  laboratory  in  sufficient  concen- 
trations to  study  their  reactions.  Extremely  active  chemically,  the  hydrogen 
reacts  rapidly  with  nitrogen  molecules  to  form  ammonia,  and  may  produce 
small  amounts  of  this  gas  at  very  high  altitudes. 

Radiolysis  of  Simple  Hydrocarbons.  Knowledge  of  the  effects  of 
ionizing  radiation  on  organic  compounds  is  of  great  importance  because  of 


Knowledge  of  the  effects  of  ionizing  radiation  on  organic  compounds  is  im- 
portant because  of  the  rapid  development  and  extensive  use  of  nuclear  reactors, 
and  because  of  the  potential  uses  of  high  energy  particles  in  synthesis.  The 
mass  spectrometer  (background)  and  gas  chromatograph  (foreground)  are 
used  in  the  determination  of  primary  processes  in  irradiated  systems 
(page  82). 

the  rapid  development  and  extensive  use  of  nuclear  reactors,  and  because  of 
the  potential  uses  of  high-energy  particles  in  synthesis.  In  order  to  provide 
fundamental  data  on  the  behavior  of  irradiated  compounds,  the  Bureau  is 
cooperating  with  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  in  research  on  the  radi- 
olysis  of  simple  hydrocarbons.  Molecular  elimination  processes  which  oc- 
cur in  the  gas-,  liquid-,  and  solid-phase  radiolysis  of  ethylene,  ethane,  propy- 
lene, propane,  and  isobutane  were  investigated.  In  general,  by  utilizing 
partially  and  fully  deuterated  compounds,  the  several  ways  in  which  these 
molecules  may  decompose  can  be  unambiguously  determined.  For  in- 
stance, in  all  the  hydrocarbons  studied,  hydrogen  molecules  were  found  to 
split  off  from  a  single  carbon  atom  as  well  as  from  adjacent  carbon  atoms. 
In  addition,  by  using  radical  scavengers  to  eliminate  radicals,  methane  was 
observed  to  be  produced  by  molecular  elimination  from  ethane,  propane, 
and  isobutane.  Studies  of  the  effects  of  temperature,  pressure,  and  inert 
gases  on  the  different  processes  aided  in  determining  the  relative  importance 
of  excited-molecule  decompositions  in  radiolysis. 

Radical  Reactions  Formed  by  Irradiation,  Detailed  information  on 
elementary  reactions  is  required  to  understand  such  complex  phenomena  as 
oxidations  and  thermal  decompositions.     To  obtain  these  data  vapor-phase 


radiolysis  of  selected  organic  compounds,  such  as  azomethane  and  acetone, 
was  intensively  investigated  for  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  The  re- 
sults can  be  explained  on  the  basis  of  free  radical  reactions  similar  to  those 
occurring  in  the  photochemical  decomposition  of  these  compounds.  The 
excellent  agreement  between  the  rate  constants  for  the  reactions  which  the 
methyl  radicals  undergo  in  the  radiolysis,  as  compared  to  the  rate  constants 
obtained  in  earlier  photolysis  studies,  indicates  that  only  thermalized  methyl 
radicals  take  part  in  the  reactions. 

Electron  Emission  from  Surfaces,  As  part  of  a  program  to  charac- 
terize the  surfaces  of  materials,  the  field  distribution  of  electron  emission 
near  the  surface  is  being  determined.  For  this  research,  the  temperature 
variation  of  electron  emission  in  the  field-emission  region  was  studied. 
Results  confirmed  the  theoretical  relation  that  the  fractional  increment  in 
emission  current  varies  as  the  square  of  the  temperature.  For  an  emitter 
of  known  work  function,  the  slope  of  the  curve,  depicting  current  increment 
versus  the  square  of  the  temperature,  yields  a  precise  value  of  the  average  field 
at  the  surface  of  the  emitter.  This  graphic  method  gives  values  which  are 
more  accurate  than  those  obtained  by  the  conventional  method  which  depends 
on  the  measurement  of  the  radius  of  the  emitter  with  an  electron  microscope. 
Field  emission  from  niobium,  both  above  and  below  its  superconducting 
transition  temperature,  failed  to  reveal  a  current  increment  attributable 
to  an  energy  gap  associated  with  this  transition. 


To  provide  basic  information  on  a  wide  variety  of  inorganic,  nonmetallic 
substances,  the  Bureau  conducts  a  two-fold  program.  One  aim  of  this  pro- 
gram is  to  obtain  precise  values  of  specific  constants  and  fundamental  data 
that  are  important  to  the  scientific  community.  Related  standard  samples 
and  information  on  engineering  research  are  developed  as  required.  A 
second  aim  is  to  devise  techniques  for  preparing  materials  and  measuring 
their  properties  under  carefully  controlled  conditions.  This  work  includes 
the  extension  of  physical  property  measurements  to  the  extremes  of  high  and 
low  temperature,  to  high  pressures,  and  into  the  realm  of  very  pure  substances. 

During  the  year  significant  advances  were  made  in  developing  techniques 
for  growing  single-crystals  of  inorganic  nonmetallic  materials  from  the  melt. 
This  research  is  being  expanded  to  the  study  of  fundamental  mechanisms 
of  crystal  growth  processes. 

Crystal  Growth.  Single  crystals  of  high  purity  and  perfection  are  ex- 
tremely important  for  many  fundamental  studies  of  the  solid  state  and  for 
developments  in  electronics  technology.  Some  of  the  techniques  now 
used  in  basic  and  applied  research  are  so  sensitive  that  they  are  affected  by 
the  residual  impurities  or  imperfections  present  in  refractory  oxide  crystals 
of  the  highest  quality  now  available.  Thus,  methods  are  needed  for  growing 
such  refractory  crystals  as  sapphire  (A1203)  and  rutile  (Ti02)  with  much 
greater  control  over  purity  and  perfection. 


As  part  of  a  program  for  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  the  well-known 
Verneuil  process,  which  uses  an  oxyhydrogen  flame,  was  used  to  produce 
single-crystal  rods  of  rutile  with  the  conventional  orientation  of  crystallo- 
graphic  axes  as  well  as  various  uncommon  orientations.  The  Verneuil 
apparatus  was  modified  to  incorporate  a  radiofrequency  plasma  torch  capable 
of  considerably  higher  temperatures  than  the  oxyhydrogen  flame.  Improve- 
ment upon  the  Verneuil  process  is  expected  to  give  better  control  over  growth 
of  many  refractory  crystals. 

Model  Defect  Structure,  The  presence  of  an  impurity  atom  in  a 
crystal  causes  a  distortion  or  defect  in  the  crystal  structure  at  that  point.  As 
various  types  of  defects  are  possible,  it  is  usually  difficult  to  predict  what 
type  of  defect  will  result  from  the  introduction  of  a  given  impurity  into  a 
given  crystal.  Sometimes  the  type  of  defect  can  be  determined  by  assuming 
a  model  for  the  defect,  calculating  the  contribution  of  the  defect  to  various 
physical  properties,  and  comparing  the  results  with  measurements  of  these 
properties.  The  Bureau  developed  a  particular  model  and  a  method  of 
calculating  the  temperature  and  frequency  dependence  of  the  resulting  energy 
loss.  Predictions  determined  from  this  work  were  compared  with  experi- 
mental results  of  thorium  oxide  containing  small  amounts  of  calcium  oxide. 

It  was  assumed  that  calcium  atoms  would  substitute  for  thorium  atoms 
in  the  thorium  oxide  structure  and  that  one  oxygen  vacancy  would  be  asso- 

The  well-known  Verneuil  apparatus  for  growing  single  crystals  of  mineral  sub- 
stances was  modified  by  using  a  radiofrequency  plasma  torch  instead  of  the 
usual  oxyhydrogen  flame.  Single  crystals  of  high  purity  and  perfection  are 
important  in  studies  of  the  solid  state  and  the  fundamental  properties  of 
materials  (page  85). 


ciated  with  each  calcium  atom  if  the  temperature  was  not  too  high.  In  the 
absence  of  stress  or  electric  field,  each  oxygen  vacancy  under  the  influence 
of  thermal  vibration  will  move  around  its  associated  calcium  atom;  that  is, 
the  vacancy  will  "jump"  randomly  from  one  to  another  of  the  eight  oxygen 
sites  neighboring  the  atom.  If  an  alternating  electric  field  is  applied,  the 
motion  will  no  longer  be  completely  random  but  will  have  a  superimposed 
regular  motion  driven  by  the  field.  Although  this  type  of  motion  will  also 
occur  if  an  alternating  shear  stress  is  applied,  the  details  of  the  regular 
motion  depend  on  the  type  of  drive  (stress  or  electric  field)  and  on  the 
orientation  of  the  crystal  with  respect  to  the  driving  force. 

The  theory  was  worked  out  in  detail  and  a  peak  was  predicted  in  both 
the  mechanical  loss  (internal  friction)  and  electrical  loss  (dissipation  factor) 
as  a  function  of  temperature.  Experimental  results,  which  fit  this  function 
very  well,  suggest  that  the  model  correctly  describes  the  behavior  of  oxygen 
vacancies  associated  with  calcium  atoms  for  low  concentrations  of  calcium. 
Work  is  now  underway  on  other  defect  models  and  other  experimental 

Vaporization  Data.  As  part  of  a  continuing  program  to  furnish  basic 
data  on  some  of  the  thermodynamic  properties  of  light-element  refractory 
metals  and  oxides,  investigations  on  the  vapor  pressures  and  rates  of  vaporiza- 
tion of  such  substances  were  undertaken  at  the  request  of  the  Advanced 
Research  Projects  Agency.  Heats  of  vaporization  of  platinum,  iridium, 
rhodium,  and  palladium  at  25  °C,  as  calculated  from  measurements  of 
the  vapor  pressures,  are  respectively  134.9,  159.9,  132.5  and  89.2  kcal/mole. 
Preliminary  data  was  obtained  on  the  rates  of  vaporization  of  alumina  in 
a  vacuum  and  in  the  presence  of  water  vapor.      (See  also  2.1.5,  p.  53.) 

A  major  uncertainty  in  determining  the  thermodynamic  data  arises  from 
the  measurement  of  temperature.  Although  the  uncertainty  for  the  palladium 
data  was  considerably  reduced  with  a  technique  in  which  a  blackbody  hole 
was  drilled  in  the  sample,  the  uncertainty  can  generally  be  best  reduced  by 
having  more  complete  data  on  the  emissivities  of  the  samples.  To  facilitate 
such  measurements,  apparatus  was  constructed  to  determine  the  angular 
spectral  emissivities  of  samples  over  a  wide  temperature  range.  This  ap* 
paratus  is  being  used  to  measure  the  emissivities  of  many  light  elements  and 

A  second  problem  in  interpreting  vaporization  data  is  associated  with  the 
identification  of  the  vaporizing  species.  For  example,  to  obtain  the  vapor 
pressures  and  heats  of  vaporization  of  the  platinum  metals,  the  gas  species 
were  assumed  to  be  monatomic,  although  diatomic  molecules  could  also  be 
present.  Only  with  the  aid  of  a  mass  spectrometer  can  the  species  be  deter- 
mined with  a  high  degree  of  assurance.  Such  a  mass  spectrometer  was 
specially  designed  for  high-temperature  vaporization  studies  in  a  program 
sponsored  by  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Agency.  The  direction 
focusing  instrument  used  by  the  Bureau  is  of  the  Chupka-Inghram  design 
which  pioneered  the  application  of  mass  spectrometers  in  this  type  of  research. 


One  of  the  basic  problems  in  studying  the  behavior  of  materials  at  high  tem- 
peratures is  identification  of  the  vaporizing  species.  This  special  mass  spec- 
trometer was  designed  to  identify  the  gas  molecules  which  vaporize  from  solids 
or  liquids  at  temperatures  up  to  2,500  °C  (page  86). 

By  using  the  apparatus,  it  is  possible  to  identify  the  gas  molecules  which 
vaporize  from  solids  or  liquids  at  temperatures  up  to  2,500  °C.  In  addition, 
the  relative  abundance  or  partial  pressures  of  the  gas  species  may  be  deter- 
mined. The  instrument  will  be  used  to  obtain  basic  data  on  the  vaporization 
of  a  wide  range  of  high-temperature  metals  and  compounds  which  are 
important  for  rocketry,  direct-energy  conversion  systems,  and  other 
technological  advances. 

Mechanical  Properties  of  Ceramic  Bodies.  The  progress  of  high- 
temperature  technology  is  hampered  by  the  inability  of  materials  to  with- 
stand environmental  design  conditions  and  stresses.  One  of  the  foremost 
obstacles  blocking  the  improvement  of  existing  materials  and  development 
of  better  ones  is  the  lack  of  fundamental  knowledge  on  the  structural  and 
thermal  dependence  of  the  mechanical  properties  of  polycrystalline  solids. 


To  bridge  this  gap,  the  Bureau  is  conducting  a  study  on  the  influence  of 
microstructure  on  the  mechanical  properties  of  brittle,  glass-free  polycrystal- 
line  bodies.  One  phase  of  this  program,  sponsored  by  the  Atomic  Energy 
Commission,  involves  theTstudy  of  strength,  a  structure-sensitive  property  of 
a  ceramic.  Although  strength  is  known  to  be  very  dependent  on  porosity  and 
grain  size,  only  the  general  trend  of  this  dependency  is  known.  An  empirical 
general  expression,  which  relates  strength  in  terms  of  porosity  and  grain  size, 
was  formulated.  This  equation  has  been  applied  to  a  number  of  ceramic 
bodies  such  as  alumina,  thoria,  urania,  and  chromium  carbide. 

The  apparent  temperature  dependence  of  the  two  constants  involved  in  the 
equation  indicates  either  that  the  form  of  the  expression  is  incorrect  even 
though  it  is  generally  applicable,  or  that  the  apparent  porosity  and  grain-size 
effect  is  not  produced  solely  by  internal  geometry  changes,  but  also  by  some 
other  temperature-dependent  factors  acting  in  concert  with  the  above  changes. 
The  temperature  dependence  of  the  constants  is  currently  being  investigated 
to  determine  the  existence  and  nature  of  any  associated  factors. 

The  strength  of  a  porous  body  is  partially  dependent  on  the  extent  of  con- 
tinuity within  its  weakest  section.  It  has  been  proposed  that  the  weakest 
region  within  a  brittle  polycrystalline  body  is  the  area  of  contact  or  bonding 
between  grains.  Accordingly,  the  strength  of  such  a  body  would  depend 
on  the  relative  size  of  the  total  projected  area  of  contact  or  bonding  traversed 
by  an  irregular  surface  of  minimal  area  passing  intergranularly  across  the 
load-bearing  cross-section.  Because  porosity,  as  related  to  strength,  is  be- 
lieved to  be  but  an  indirect,  relative,  inverse  measure  of  the  relative  size  of 
such  a  projected  area,  an  attempt  is  being  made  to  determine  the  relative  size 
of  this  area,  and  to  define  the  structure  sensitivity  of  strength  directly  in  terms 
of  this  parameter  instead  of  porosity. 

Similar  related  studies  are  being  conducted  on  the  structural  dependence 
of  the  elastic  properties  of  brittle  polycrystalline  bodies. 

Resonance  Techniques  for  Determining  Elastic  Moduli,  Reso- 
nant vibration  techniques  for  measuring  elastic  moduli  of  glasses  and  ceramic 
materials  both  at  room  temperature  and  elevated  temperatures  were  de- 
veloped during  the  past  few  years.  As  the  techniques  were  improved,  it  was 
found  that  the  equations  which  were  used  for  computing  the  moduli  from 
the  resonance  frequencies  were  not  accurate.  After  systematic  studies,  the 
technique  for  determining  these  frequencies  was  refined  to  the  point  where 
the  primary  limitation  on  their  use  for  computing  the  elastic  moduli  is  the 
accuracy  of  the  corresponding  theoretical  equations  themselves.  Solution  of 
these  equations  depends  on  the  geometry  of  the  specimens,  and  generally  can- 
not be  obtained  in  closed  form.  Empirical  relations  for  specific  geometries 
were  developed  by  accurately  machining  steel  specimens  of  uniform  elastic 
moduli  and  experimentally  determining  their  resonance  frequencies.  The 
results  are  usually  in  the  form  of  a  table  of  correction  factors  of  the  theoreti- 
cal solution  for  various  geometries. 

Similar  empirical  relations  were  also  developed  for  other  modes  of  vibra- 
tion.    For  example,  Young's  modulus  can  be  computed  from  the  flexural 


vibrations  of  cylindrical  and  rectangular  bars,  and  shear  modulus  can  be 
accurately  determined  from  torsional  vibrations  of  square  bars.  At  present, 
equations  are  being  developed  for  calculating  Young's  modulus  from  the 
longitudinal  vibrations  of  square  and  cylindrical  bars. 

Effects  of  Roughness  on  the  Oxidation  of  Iron.  Rough  and  smooth 
metal  surfaces  have  been  observed  to  oxidize  at  different  rates.  For  example, 
roughened  iron  surfaces  oxidize  at  a  lower  rate  than  smooth  ones.  This  dif- 
ference, thought  to  be  related  to  variations  observed  in  the  bond  strength 
of  alumina  and  zirconia  coatings  flame-sprayed  on  rough  and  smooth  iron 
surfaces,  was  systematically  investigated  to  determine  the  oxidation  rates  of 
both  types  of  iron  surfaces.  This  work  is  one  phase  of  a  research  program 
on  particle-impact  coatings  requested  by  the  Wright  Air  Development  Center. 

Experiments  demonstrated  that  the  over-all  oxidation  rate,  and  even  the 
rate  per  unit  area,  decreased  for  ingot  iron  roughened  by  grit  blasting  and 
oxidized  in  air  at  800  °C.  This  reduction  in  rate  was  found  to  be  caused 
by  neither  surface  contamination,  nor  surface  cold  work,  but  by  stress- 
induced  voids  that  form  in  the  scale  layer  on  roughened  surfaces.  By  acting 
as  barriers  to  the  outward  diffusion  of  iron  ions,  the  voids  lower  the  rate  at 
which  roughened  specimens  oxidize.  This  interpretation  was  confirmed  by 
microscopic  examination  of  specimens  roughened  by  simply  machining  small 
grooves  in  the  surface.  The  voids  clearly  formed  over  convex  portions  of 
the  iron  surface  with  small  radii  of  curvature. 

This  effect  determines  the  complex  course  of  the  oxidation  of  impure  iron 
with  an  initially  smooth  surface.  In  the  early  stages  of  oxidation,  the 
rate  followed  a  parabolic  curve  with  the  rate  constant  equal  to  the  slope 
of  the  curve.  With  continued  oxidation,  however,  the  surface  became 
roughened  and  the  rate  constant  decreased.  After  a  transition  period,  para- 
bolic oxidation  was  re-established  but  with  a  lower  rate  constant.  On  the 
other  hand,  specimens  of  high-purity  iron  (99.9903%)  with  smooth  surfaces 
not  only  remained  smooth  throughout  a  three-hour  oxidation  period  but  they 
also  oxidized  parabolically  with  a  single  rate  constant. 

Standard  X-Ray  Diffraction  Patterns,  Standard  X-ray  diffraction 
patterns  in  the  form  of  card  files  are  widely  used  in  research  and  industry  as 
a  rapid  and  accurate  means  of  identifying  crystalline  materials.  To  aid  in 
producing  new  patterns,  the  Bureau  developed  a  controlled  humidity 
chamber.  This  chamber  provides  the  appropriate  atmosphere  in  which  any 
hydrate  may  be  maintained  in  equilibrium  while  X-ray  patterns  are  being 
made.  By  utilizing  this  technique,  hydrates  not  previously  available  can 
be  effectively  measured. 

A  camera  was  designed  to  measure  the  unit  cell  parameters  of  crystals  to 
an  accuracy  of  one  part  in  100,000.  A  back  reflection  focusing  type,  the 
camera  has  a  glass  photographic  plate  to  minimize  film  shrinkage  errors. 
It  employs  a  microfocus  X-ray  source  and  is  placed  in  an  insulated  chamber 
with  a  temperature  control  constant  to  0.01  °C.  Data  obtained  with  this 
instrument  will  be  useful  for  studying  the  relation  of  cell  size  to  variation 

616114  0—161—7  89 

of  composition  and  to  defect  population  as  well  as  for  determining  the  inter- 
relationship of  atomic  constants  such  as  Avogadro's  constant,  wavelength  of 
X-rays,  and  atomic  weights. 

Deuterium  Isotope  Effect  in  Glass  Transformation.  Explicit  un- 
derstanding of  the  glass  transformation  process,  which  results  in  formation  of 
the  vitreous  state,  requires  identification  of  modes  of  molecular  motion. 
Such  motions,  immobilized  when  a  substance  is  cooled  through  the  tem- 
perature region  of  glass  transformation,  can  be  studied  in  glass-forming 
aqueous  solutions  by  measuring  and  interpreting  deuterium  isotope  effects 
on  glass  transformation  temperatures.  A  glass  transformation  temperature 
of  a  non-crystalline  substance  is  an  operationally  specified  temperature  below 
which  the  substance  exists  as  a  glass,  and  above  which  it  exists  as  an 
equilibrium  super-cooled  liquid. 

Many  aqueous  solutions  form  glasses  which  have  transformation  tem- 
peratures in  the  neighborhood  of  — 150  to  — 125  °C,  as  determined  by  differ- 
ential thermal  analysis.  The  value  for  an  individual  solution  does  not  vary 
with  solute  concentration  below  approximately  10  mole  percent.  Complete 
substitution  of  D20  for  H20  as  the  solvent  in  sulfuric  acid  solution  raises 
the  glass  transformation  temperature  2.6  °C,  from  —129.5  to  —126.9  °C. 
For  partial  D20  substitution  the  rise  is  linear  with  the  extent  of  substitution. 
For  hydrochloric  acid  the  rise  for  complete  substitution  is  3.7  °C,  from 
-145.0  to  -141.3  °C. 

An  improved  understanding  of  intermoleeular  forces  is  the  objective  of  this  in- 
vestigation of  the  effects  of  pressure  on  the  refractive  index  of  liquids.  The 
liquid  under  investigation  is  placed  between  the  plates  of  a  special  interferom- 
eter (in  box,  right)  and  the  interference  fringes  are  observed  visually 
(page  91). 


These  deuterium  isotope  effects  are  caused  by  the  difference  in  atomic 
masses  of  deuterium  and  hydrogen — deuterium  is  twice  as  heavy  as  normal 
hydrogen.  Because  the  two  types  of  atoms  are  isotopes,  they  are  approxi- 
mately equivalent  in  most  other  aspects.  Thus,  with  other  variables  remain- 
ing nearly  constant,  the  isolated  effect  of  the  mass  change  can  be  measured. 
Final  molecular  interpretation  of  these  results  requires  additional  informa- 
tion about  the  magnitude  of  the  potential  energy  barriers  separating  successive 
molecular  configurations  in  the  equilibrium  super-cooled  liquid.  However, 
these  data  are  roughly  consistent  with  the  existence  of  successive  molecular 
configurations  differing  in  the  relative  position  of  individual  water  molecules 
with  respect  to  their  neighbors. 

Ultra  Low-Conductivity  Water.  Water,  because  of  its  abundance,  its 
importance  to  the  physical  sciences,  and  its  role  as  a  life-supporting  liquid, 
has  been  the  subject  of  intense  study  for  many  years.  Yet,  despite  all  this 
research,  water  apparently  had  not  been  produced  with  a  small  ionic  content. 

The  Bureau,  however,  recently  succeeded  in  preparing  water  of  extremely 
low  ion  content  by  applying  an  electrophoretic  ion-exclusion  technique.  The 
water  obtained  has  an  electrical  conductivity  of  0.039  X 10"6  ohm  ~}  at 
18  °C,  indicating  a  residual  ion  content  which  is  equivalent  to  a  sodium 
chloride  concentration  of  one  part  per  billion.  Containing  less  than  one- 
third  of  the  ionic  impurities  of  the  water  prepared  by  Kohlrausch  and 
Heydweiller  in  their  historic  purification  experiments  in  1894,  this  water 
approaches  ideal  purity  and  its  conductivity  is  closer  to  the  theoretical  value 
than  that  of  any  water  preparation  of  which  has  been  previously  reported 
in  the  literature. 

In  designing  the  purification  procedure,  two  principal  considerations  were 
involved.  First,  instead  of  using  multiple  distillation  as  in  the  classic  ex- 
periments, an  electrophoretic  procedure  was  applied.  In  this  way  purest 
water  was  obtained  in  2  hours.  Second,  the  purification  apparatus  was 
designed  to  recirculate  the  purified  water  continuously  through  the  electric 
field,  thus  immediately  removing  any  ions  which  might  originate  from  the 
walls  of  the  apparatus  and  contaminate  the  already  purified  water. 

Because  this  pure  water  has  ultra  low  conductivity,  it  was  used  to  study 
the  dissociation  equilibria  at  different  temperatures.  The  cross  relations  of 
physical  data  which  describe  such  important  properties  of  water  as  the  dis- 
sociation constant,  were  verified  from  this  study. 

Index  of  Refraction  of  Liquids,  To  develop  a  better  understanding 
of  intermolecular  forces,  the  effect  of  pressure  on  various  materials  is 
being  studied.  As  part  of  this  program,  the  effects  of  pressure  upon  the 
refractive  indices  of  benzene,  carbon  tetrachloride,  methanol  and  water  were 
determined.  An  interferometric  technique  was  developed  to  measure  the 
index  of  refraction  to  the  fifth  decimal  at  pressures  as  high  as  1  kb  and  at 
temperatures  between  10  and  60  °C. 

For  the  measurements,  the  desired  liquid  is  enclosed  in  part  of  the  inter- 
ferometer (the  etalon)  which,  in  turn,  is  contained  in  a  pressure  vessel 
having  observation  windows.     A  collimated  beam  of  light  enters  the  con- 


tainer  and  produces  an  interference  pattern  which  is  observed  outside  the 
vessel.  As  pressure  is  applied  to  the  system,  the  effect  of  pressure  on  this 
pattern  is  recorded.  Distortions  in  the  windows  of  the  vessel  produce  no 
significant  errors,  while  distortions  of  the  interferometer,  which  is  subject 
to  hydrostatic  pressure,  can  be  evaluated  satisfactorily. 

In  the  absence  of  intermolecular  interactions  strong  enough  to  alter  the 
electronic  energy  levels  in  the  molecules  significantly,  the  index  of  refraction 
is  expected  to  be  a  function  only  of  the  specific  volume.  However,  inter  - 
ferometric  data  show  that  even  at  constant  volume,  the  index  of  refraction 
for  a  given  liquid  depends  upon  the  temperature.  This  dependence  can 
arise  from  a  change  in  either  the  resonant  frequency  or  the  intensity  of  spec- 
tral absorption  lines.  To  understand  better  the  nature  of  the  interactions 
involved,  the  Bureau  is  extending  the  study  of  pressure  and  temperature 
effects  over  the  whole  visible  spectrum. 

2.2.4     METALLURGY 

Metallurgical  research  at  the  Bureau  is  directed  toward  a  better  under- 
standing of  the  properties  of  metals  in  order  that  improved  metals  and 
alloys  may  be  developed  to  meet  new  requirements  or  to  give  better  per- 
formance. Fundamental  information  is  needed,  and  much  of  the  work  is 
designed  to  further  our  understanding  of  metals  and  alloys  in  terms  of  their 
constituent  atomic  units.  Particular  emphasis  is  placed  on  problems  related 
to  metals  subjected  to  high  temperatures,  and  to  corrosion  and  fatigue,  and 
to  the  preparation  of  pure  metals.  Crystal  growth,  electronic  properties, 
atom  mobility,  and  lattice  imperfections  of  metals  are  studied  as  well  as  the 
effect  of  treatment,  fabrication,  and  conditions  of  service  on  their  structure, 
behavior,  and  properties. 

Vapor-Phase  Crystallization  Studied,  To  obtain  a  better  under- 
standing of  the  process  of  crystallization  of  metals,  quantitative  measure- 
ments of  vapor-phase  crystallization  under  precisely  known  conditions  are 
being  made.  This  work  includes  kinetic  studies  of  the  growth  of  potassium 
and  mercury  crystals  as  a  function  of  vapor  supersaturation,  temperature, 
and  amount  of  impurities  present.  Recent  results  on  high  purity  potassium 
distilled  in  ultra-high  vacuum  showed  that  potassium  crystals  could  grow 
at  very  low  vapor  supersaturations ;  that  is,  in  the  absence  of  surface  nuclea- 
tion.  The  experiments  were  performed  in  carefully  baked-out  and  outgassed 
tubes  and  contradict  the  results  obtained  in  experiments  with  crystals  of  lower 
purity  or  less  well  prepared  growth  tubes.  Growth  rates,  measured  across 
two  opposite  faces  on  a  potassium  single  crystal  about  1  mm  in  diameter, 
were  as  low  as  1  A  per  second  at  the  lower  supersaturations.  The  mercury 
crystals  under  study  are  in  the  form  of  "whiskers,"  about  100  A  in  diameter 
and  5-25  microns  in  length.  As  these  nearly  perfect  crystals  grow  in  an 
electron  field  emission  tube,  precise  measurements  of  length,  radius,  and 
other  properties  can  be  made  as  a  function  of  time,  temperature,  and 


Oxidation  Processes  Studied,  During  the  year  a  study  was  made 
of  the  influence  of  a  metal  substrate  on  the  properties  of  the  oxides  formed 
on  the  metal  surface.  Experiments  with  aluminum  single  crystals  disclosed 
that  the  crystallographic  orientation  of  the  substrate  upon  which  the  oxide 
grew  decidedly  influenced  the  shape  and  orientation  of  the  markings  appear- 
ing in  the  oxide  film.  When  the  substrate  was  melted,  the  oxide  film — 
because  of  its  higher  melting  point — remained  intact.  When  the  substrate 
recrystallized,  the  film  retained  its  original  markings,  with  new  markings, 
characteristic  of  the  new  substrate  orientation,  being  introduced.  Each  time 
this  process  was  repeated,  new  markings  appeared. 

Another  study,  concerned  with  the  sites  of  passive  film  breakdown  on  iron, 
revealed  the  influence  of  the  crystallographic  orientation  of  the  metal  sur- 
face. This  breakdown  occurs  at  discrete  sites  whose  number  per  unit  area 
depends  upon  the  crystallographic  orientation  of  the  surface  bearing  the  film. 
This  study  also  revealed  that  the  formation  of  the  passive  film  is  a  two-step 
process.  To  gain  a  better  understanding  of  this  phenomenon,  studies  on  the 
formation  of  the  first  monolayers  of  oxide  were  initiated.  The  surfaces  of 
iron,  nickel,  titanium,  and  mercury  whiskers  were  observed  in  a  field  emis- 
sion microscope  and  studies  of  the  oxidation  process  are  under  way. 

Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance,  Nuclear  magnetic  resonance  tech- 
niques are  being  applied  to  the  investigation  of  the  electronic  band  structure 
of  hard  metals  ( intermetallic  compounds)  having  the  crystal  structure  of 
sodium  chloride.  In  metals,  the  position  of  the  center  of  the  nuclear  reso- 
nance line  usually  shows  a  relative  displacement  toward  lower  fields,  com- 
pared with  salts  of  the  same  atom.  This  paramagnetic  displacement  (known 
as  the  Knight  shift)  is  thought  to  have  its  origin  in  the  contact  hyperfine  inter- 
action between  the  "s"  conduction  electron  spin  and  the  spin  of  the  nucleus 
under  observation.  Both  the  tantalum  resonance  in  tantalum  carbide  and 
the  niobium  resonance  in  niobium  carbide  were  measured  and  found  to  have 
diamagnetic  Knight  shifts.  These  results  suggest  the  atomic  s-levels  are  de- 
pressed in  the  solid  completely  below  the  Fermi  level  and  thus  do  not  con- 
tribute to  the  high  electrical  conductivity  of  these  materials. 

Superconductor  Materials,  A  recent  observation  that  the  nio- 
bium-tin (N'b3Sn)  intermetallic  compound  retains  its  superconducting  prop- 
erties in  magnetic  fields  of  the  order  of  100  k  Gauss  stimulated  interest  in 
the  basic  understanding  of  "hard"  superconduction,  and  in  the  possibility 
of  fabricating  superconducting  magnets  for  the  production  of  very  high  mag- 
netic fields.  The  Bureau's  cryogenic  engineering  laboratory  at  Boulder 
(Colo.)  plans  to  make  a  magnet  from  Nb3Sn  specimens  prepared  in  the 
Washington,  D.C.,  laboratories  (see  p.  143).  The  specimens  are  com- 
posite wires  0.015  in.  in  diameter  consisting  of  a  core  of  Nb3Sn  sheathed  in 
pure  Nb.  These  wires  remained  superconducting  in  magnetic  fields  as  high 
as  185  k  Gauss. 

Little  information  is  available  on  other  types  of  alloys  which  may  be 
utilized  as  windings  for  high-energy  cryogenic  magnets.  Hence,  extensive 
research  and  testing  programs  are  being  formulated  to  enhance  our  knowl- 


edge  of  these  alloys  and  broaden  their  applicability,  particularly  in  the  area 
of  controlled  nuclear  energy. 

Soft  X-ray  Spectroscopy.  Interest  has  recently  been  stimulated  in 
soft  X-ray  spectroscopy  because  it  provides  information  on  the  density  of 
electronic  states  in  the  valence  band  of  solids.  To  provide  such  data  on 
metals,  the  Bureau  is  constructing  a  soft  X-ray  spectrometer  which  employs 
a  curved  glass  grating.  It  is  ruled  with  30,000  lines  to  the  inch,  and  has 
photomultiplier  detection.  Initially  the  research  effort  will  be  directed 
toward  obtaining  emission  spectra  from  intermetallic  compounds  and  their 
constituents  over  a  wide  temperature  range.  The  results  will  contribute 
critical  data  for  the  eventual  formation  of  a  quantitative  theory  of  bonding 
in  metals  and  alloys. 

A  measuring  microscope  is  used  to  measure  the  distance  between  two  faces  on 
a  potassium  crystal  growing  from  the  vapor  phase  inside  a  dewar  vessel.  In- 
set shows  potassium  crystal  about  0.9  mm  in  diameter.  Studies  of  funda- 
mental crystallization  processes  in  metals  provide  a  better  understanding  of 
the  physical  properties  of  the  materials   (page  92). 


Diffusion  Studies  Continued.  Theoretical  studies  of  the  details  of 
atomic  motions  which  cause  diffusion  in  crystalline  solids  were  continued. 
If  a  metal  containing  dissolved  impurities  is  held  in  a  temperature  gradient, 
a  current  of  impurities  is  induced  until  a  steady  state  gradient  is  established. 
The  induced  current,  the  steady  state  gradient,  and  the  mean  atom  drift 
velocity  in  a  dilute  alloy  were  calculated  in  terms  of  the  kinetic  parameters 
describing  the  jumps  of  the  atoms  from  one  lattice  site  to  another.  General 
equations  were  developed  which  can  also  be  applied  to  diffusion  in  other 
types  of  gradients,  such  as  a  chemical  concentration  gradient  in  a  non-dilute 
alloy  or  an  electrical  gradient. 

Dislocations  Observed  in  Metal  Foils,  A  study  was  made  of  the  re- 
lation of  surface  chemical  etch  pits  to  dislocations  in  thin  single-crystal  cop- 
per foils.  The  experimental  technique  involves  direct  observation  of  dis- 
locations by  transmission  electron  microscopy.  The  results  indicate  that 
certain  etching  solutions  are  sensitive  to  the  presence  of  dislocations  and 
other  crystal  defects,  but  that  a  precise  one-to-one  relation  is  not  generally 
obtained.  The  method  should  be  applicable  to  many  fundamental  studies  of 
corrosion  reactions  on  metal  surfaces. 

Phase  Diagram  of  Quaternary  System  Completed.  The  increas- 
ing use  of  multicomponent  alloy  systems  to  obtain  desirable  mechanical  prop- 
erties and  corrosion  resistance  of  metals  at  high  temperatures  has  focused 
attention  on  the  solid-state  reactions  occurring  when  a  complex  alloy  is  heated 
at  different  temperatures  for  prolonged  periods.  Alloys  whose  basic  com- 
positions include  iron,  chromium,  nickel,  and  moylbdenum  compose  one  of 
the  important  alloy  systems  in  this  class.  In  determining  the  composition 
limits  of  the  reacting  phases  at  various  temperatures  in  this  system  it  was 
found  necessary  to  redetermine  portions  of  the  equilibrium  phase  diagrams 
in  the  Cr-Ni  and  Fe-Mo  binary  systems.  Considerable  new  data  also  had 
to  be  obtained  on  the  Fe-Mo-Ni  and  the  Ni-Cr-Mo  ternary  systems  before  the 
Fe-Cr-Mo-Ni  quaternary  system  could  be  completed. 

Mechanical  Properties  of  17—7  PH.  Stainless  Steel  Investigated. 
The  mechanical  properties  of  17-7  PH  (17  percent  chromium-7  percent 
nickel)  stainless  steel  foil  were  determined  following  various  aging  treat- 
ments. An  explanation  for  the  brittle  condition  resulting  from  aging  at 
temperatures  less  than  about  970  °F  was  evolved.  It  was  found  that  the 
improved  strength  properties  and  retention  of  significant  ductility  of  material 
aged  above  970  °F  results  from  the  simultaneous  precipitation  of  an  extremely 
fine  compound  within  the  martensite  grains,  and  the  reversion  by  transforma- 
tion of  some  body-centered  cubic  alpha  (martensite)  to  face-centered  cubic 
gamma  (austenite) .  The  change  in  properties  and  structure  was  observed  by 
using  X-ray  diffraction,  integrated  intensity  measuring  techniques,  and  re- 
cently developed  bulge-test  equipment. 

Identification  of  the  hardening  compound  formed  during  aging  was  accom- 
plished using  an  electron  microscope  and  selected  area-diffraction  techniques. 
Examination  of  carbon  extraction  replicas  of  samples  aged  for  68  hours 


Studies  of  physical  and  chemical  processes  on  metal  surfaces  are  made  at  mag- 
nification of  a  million  times  by  field  emission  microscopy.  The  image  of  the 
metal  surface  shows  up  on  the  fluorescent  surface  of  the  bulb  in  the  lower 
right  corner  of  the  picture  (page  93). 

revealed  crystallographic  structure  of  the  precipitate  to  be  the  cesium  chloride 
body-centered-cubic  type  with  a  lattice  parameter  of  2.909  A. 

Properties  of  Iron  Reviewed.  A  comprehensive  review  and  com- 
pilation of  all  of  the  known  physical,  mechanical,  and  thermodynamic  prop- 
erties of  iron  was  completed  and  published.     The  data  include  all  property 


values  so  far  established  for  the  NBS  high-purity  irons,  as  well  as  values  for 
other  irons  of  higher  than  commercial  purity. 

Quantitative   Metallography   Obtained   with    Digital    Computer. 

The  Bureau's  SEAC  computer,  SADIE  picture  scanner,  and  "STRIP-II" 
library  of  computer  sub-routines  were  used  to  work  out  methods  for  perform- 
ing quantitative  metallographic  operations  on  micrographs,  both  of  metal 
powders  and  of  normal  polished  sections.  With  this  process,  metallographs 
are  automatically  scanned  and  translated  into  language  suitable  for  computer 
input.  Particle-size  and  grain-size  analyses  are  typical  of  the  operations 
performed.  An  additional  sub-routine,  producing  11  parameters  descriptive 
of  metallographic  grains,  was  composed  and  incorporated  into  the  STRIP- 
II  series.  Preliminary  planning  was  completed  for  additional  routines  and 
for  the  extension  of  the  work  to  larger  pictures  when  the  Bureau's  new  Pilot 
computer  becomes  fully  operative. 

Gases  in  Metals.  The  first  standards  for  the  hydrogen  content  of  ti- 
tanium and  its  alloys  were  certified  and  made  available.  These  standards 
consist  of  titanium  sheet  at  three  levels  of  hydrogen  content,  32,  98,  and  215 
ppm.  A  study  is  now  being  conducted  to  establish  standards  for  the  oxygen 
content  of  several  of  the  titanium  alloys.  In  the  ferrous  alloys,  work  is 
progressing  on  two  new  standards  representing  vacuum-melted  steel  and 
stainless  steel. 

Gage  Blocks.  The  Bureau  is  continuing  its  long-range  program  to 
develop  gage  blocks  that  will  maintain  a  dimensional  stability  of  0.1  or  0.2 
microinches  per  inch  per  year.  Thus  far,  several  groups  of  experimental 
blocks  have  met  this  stability  requirement.  Nitrided  410  stainless-steel 
blocks  with  annealed  cores  demonstrated  especially  good  stability  over  a 
period  of  three  years.  In  addition,  these  blocks  have  other  desirable  char- 
acteristics, such  as  high  hardness,  ability  to  take  a  high  degree  of  surface 
finish  and  parallelism,  resistance  to  corrosion,  and  a  favorable  coefficient  of 
linear  expansion.  Other  promising  series  include  blocks  of  52100  steels,  and 
experimental  steels  were  designed  and  processed  that  are  expected  to  exceed 
the  performance  of  the  410  composition.  Studies  are  being  conducted  to 
establish  the  inter-relations  of  chemical  composition,  heat  treatment,  structure, 
residual  stresses,  surface  films,  case  depths,  and  dimensional  stability  of 
gage  blocks. 

Creep  Studies  Continued.  To  provide  basic  information  on  the  creep 
of  metals,  studies  are  continuing  to  be  carried  out  on  the  creep  characteristics 
of  the  nickel-copper  system  under  carefully  controlled  conditions.  In  a 
recent  investigation,  the  effects  of  cold-drawing  on  the  creep  resistance  of 
high-purity  nickel,  and  two  nickel-copper  alloys  (70  percent  Cu-30  percent 
Ni;  30  percent  Ni-70  percent  Cu)  were  evaluated,  and  the  results  were 
correlated  with  those  previously  obtained  on  cold-drawn  copper  and  annealed 
metals  and  alloys.  It  was  found  that,  in  general,  the  resistance  to  creep  at 
temperatures  below  recrystallization  was  increased  by  cold-drawing  and 
(at  all  temperatures  investigated)  by  mutually  alloying  the  nickel  and  copper. 
At  creep  temperatures  above  recrystallization,  the  effects  of  cold-working 


were  practically  eliminated  and  the  creep  behavior  of  the  initially  cold-worked 
metal  was  similar  to  the  corresponding  metal  as  annealed. 

Organic  Films  Increase  Fatigue  Strength.  Fatigue,  or  the  failure 
of  metals  under  repeated  loads  is  profoundly  affected  by  the  environment 
at  the  surface  of  the  metal.  With  many  metals,  the  surface  reactions  oc- 
curring in  a  normal  indoor  atmosphere  are  sufficient  to  reduce  fatigue 
strength  below  that  observed  in  vacuum  or  in  an  inert  atmosphere.  Recent 
work,  under  the  sponsorship  of  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Ad- 
ministration, showed  that  the  deleterious  atmospheric  effect  was  virtually 
eliminated  when  the  surface  was  coated  with  certain  organic  liquids  that 
form  adherent  films  on  metal  surfaces.  In  extensive  tests  the  beneficial  effect 
of  the  films  was  operative  during  both  the  crack  initiation  and  crack  propa- 
gation stages  of  fatigue  failure. 

Metal  Polarization  Indicates  Corrosion  Rate.  During  the  past  sev- 
eral years  the  polarization  characteristics  of  metals  were  studied  while  the 
metals  were  corroding  in  aqueous  solutions.  The  studies  definitely  show  that 
the  effects  of  factors  such  as  precipitation,  temperature,  inorganic  coatings, 
and  metal  composition  upon  the  rate  of  corrosion  can  be  determined  directly 
from  polarization  curves,  and  that  the  performance  of  metals  can  be  rea- 
sonably well  predicted  under  many  corrosive  conditions. 

Stress  Corrosion.  In  stress-corrosion  research  it  was  found  that  some 
plastic  deformation  must  take  place  in  a  magnesium  alloy  before  stress-cor- 
rosion cracks  can  develop.  Cracking  probably  does  not  occur  in  those  crys- 
tals which  are  favorably  oriented  for  slip  to  occur,  but  it  does  take  place 
in  those  crystals  which  are  resistant  to  easy  plastic  deformation.  This  work 
was  partially  supported  by  the  Corrosion  Research  Council  and  the  Atomic 
Energy  Commission. 

Heat  Effects  of  Electrochemical  Processes.  The  various  heat  effects 
that  are  associated  with  electrochemical  processes  are  being  investigated 
calorimetrically  at  the  request  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  This 
work  is  concerned  with  the  measurement  of  the  enthalpy  change  (Ai7)  of 
electrochemical  reactions,  and  with  electrode  polarization  and  complex 
equilibria  in  solution.  Another  study  of  the  entropy  change  (AS)  of  half- 
cell  processes,  dealt  with  the  entropy  of  ions  in  water  solution  and  with 
transport  processes  in  electrolytic  cells.  The  heat  effect  caused  by  the  pas- 
sage of  an  electric  current  across  the  interface  between  two  electrolytes  is 
also  being  investigated. 

Research  with  Molten  Salts.  In  an  earlier  program  to  provide  basic 
data  on  the  electrochemistry  of  molten  salt  systems,  a  new  type  of  reference 
electrode  employing  a  sodium  ion  conductive  porcelain,  was  developed.  In 
further  work  this  year,  a  similar  porcelain  was  found  suitable  for  the  elec- 
trodes in  a  cell  used  for  measuring  the  transference  numbers  of  molten 
sodium  nitrate.  It  was  also  found  that  similar  porcelains  can  be  made  that 
are  conductive  to  other  monovalent  ions,  when  in  contact  with  a  correspond- 
ing melt.  Another  fused  salt  project  in  progress  consists  of  a  study  of 
complex  equilibria  by  means  of  high-temperature  calorimetry. 


Rotating  beam  fatigue-testing  equipment  used  to  study  the  effect  of  various 
components  of  the  atmosphere  on  the  fatigue  properties  of  metals.  Studies 
in  controlled  atmospheres  show  that  fatigue  is  profoundly  affected  by  the  en- 
vironment at  the  surface  of  the  metal  (page  98). 

Mechanism  of  Metal  Deposition  Studied,  The  mechanism  of  elec- 
trodeposition  is  the  subject  of  two  experimental  investigations,  one  on  the 
mode  of  growth  of  copper  crystals,  and  the  other  on  the  phenomena  oc- 
curring when  a  metal  is  deposited  by  microsecond  pulses  of  current.  The 
growth  of  crystals  is  being  studied  by  electrodepositing  copper  on  isolated 
faces  of  single  crystals  and  examining  the  topography  and  structure  of  the 
deposits  by  metallographic  methods  and  X-ray  diffraction. 

In  this  work  valuable  information  is  being  developed  on  the  relationship 
between  the  conditions  of  electrodeposition,  the  crystal  face  on  which  the 


deposition  occurs,  and  the  mode  of  growth  of  the  deposit.  Under  some  con- 
ditions the  deposit  has  a  single  crystal  structure  and  appears  as  a  continua- 
tion of  the  seed  crystal.  Under  other  conditions  the  deposit  may  start  as  a 
single  crystal  and  gradually  become  polycrystalline  with  time,  or — as  a 
consequence  of  topographic  features — it  may  form  as  a  single  crystal  with 
boundaries  parallel  to  the  direction  of  growth. 

Preliminary  experiments  with  extremely  short  pulses  of  current  show  that 
copper  deposits  from  a  sulfate  bath  at  high  current  efficiency  with  current 
pulses  of  one  microsecond,  but  that  efficiency  decreases  with  shorter  pulses. 
During  a  single  pulse  of  about  one  microsecond  duration,  at  a  high  current 
density,  a  deposit  of  copper  in  the  form  of  a  dendrite  was  formed.  An  ex- 
tended study  of  the  characteristics  of  deposition  of  metal  with  short  pulses 
of  current  is  expected  to  contribute  information  on  the  mechanism  of 
electrode  reactions  and  deposit  formation. 

Electrode  position  from  Organic  Solutions.  Aqueous  solutions  are 
not  suitable  for  electroplating  on  chemically  reactive  metals  such  as  uranium 
if  the  coating  is  to  be  strongly  adherent  to  the  substrate.  A  study,  par- 
tially supported  by  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  was  therefore  under- 
taken to  investigate  the  electrodeposition  of  metals  from  organic  solutions. 
Although  the  problem  of  coating  adhesion  was  not  completely  solved,  sound 
coherent  coatings  of  zinc  and  of  copper  were  obtained  from  solutions  of  their 
respective  salts  in  formamide.  Under  suitable  conditions,  coatings  could  be 
easily  built  up  to  several  hundred  microns  in  thickness.  It  was  also  found 
that  tin  could  be  readily  electrodeposited  from  dimethylformamide  solutions 
of  stannous  chloride.  None  of  these  deposits,  however,  formed  as  smooth 
coatings.  Instead,  they  grew  in  the  form  of  large  ductile  crystals  which  were 
shown  to  be  single  crystals  by  X-ray  diffraction. 


Research  on  the  properties  of  organic  and  fibrous  materials  covers  both 
natural  and  synthetic  polymeric  structures.  To  gain  a  better  understanding 
of  the  relationships  between  the  composition  and  the  properties  of  polymers, 
studies  are  being  conducted  on  rubbers,  textiles,  papers,  leathers,  plastics, 
dental  resins,  and  related  materials.  The  properties  of  polymers  depend 
upon  the  size,  shape,  distribution,  and  flexibility  of  their  molecules,  and 
on  the  interactions  of  the  molecules  with  each  other.  A  more  basic  knowl- 
edge of  their  fundamental  properties  and  improved  measurement  techniques 
are  necessary  for  the  development  and  efficient   utilization  of  these  materials. 

During  the  past  year  fundamental  studies  were  made  of  the  kinetics  of 
crystallization,  the  melting  temperatures  of  crystallites,  the  nature  of  free 
radicals  formed  in  gamma-irradiated  polymers,  the  thermal  stability  of 
polymers  exposed  to  a  temperature  of  1,200  °C,  and  the  polymerization 
induced  by  ionizing  radiation  of  monomers  confined  under  high  pressure. 
The  propagation  of  strain  waves  in  fibers  subjected  to  high-velocity  tensile- 
impact  loading  was  investigated  as  well  as  the  energy-erosion  relationships 


involved  in  collision  of  meteorites  with  potential  spacecraft  structural  mate- 
rials. Chemical  studies  included  vulcanization-type  reactions,  chrome-vege- 
table tannages,  and  crosslinking  mechanisms  and  effects  on  properties  of 
synthetic  fibers.  Analytical  methods  were  developed  for  alum-coagulated 
styrene-butadiene  rubber  and  for  5,6-dichlorobenzoxazolinone  to  be  used  as 
a  mildew-preventive  in  leather.  Hydrogen  bonding  in  calcified  tissues,  the 
dimensional  stability  of  resin  dentures,  and  particle  size  and  shape  effects 
on  strength  of  amalgam  alloys  were  investigated. 

New  Method  for  Analyzing  Synthetic  Rubber,  The  extraction  pro- 
cedure generally  used  for  the  analysis  of  alum-coagulated  styrene-butadiene 
rubber  gives  low  results  for  organic  acid,  probably  because  of  interference 
from  aluminum  ions  which  tie  up  some  of  the  organic  acid.  A  procedure 
was  therefore  devised  for  preventing  this  interference  by  preferentially  re- 
acting the  aluminum  ions  with  8-hydroxyquinoline,  and  thus  freeing  the  total 
organic  acid  for  titration.  The  technique  employs  meta-cresol  purple  as 
an  indicator  to  distinguish  the  organic  acid  from  the  mineral  acid  formed 
in  the  reaction.  Both  the  reaction  and  titration  are  carried  out  in  an  organic 
solvent  suitable  for  dissolving  the  rubber.  With  the  use  of  only  a  single 
weighed  sample,  the  procedure  may  be  adapted  to  the  determination  of  other 
gross  constituents  of  alum-coagulated  SBR. 

Nylon  fiber  (above)  develops  helical  coils  (below)  after  chemical  treatment. 
Such  artificially  induced  structural  changes  may  lead  to  fibers  which  will  resist 
extreme  environmental  conditions  (page  102). 


Model  Compounds  Used  in  Vulcanization  Studies,  Natural  rub- 
ber reacts  with  sulfur  and  organic  accelerators  in  the  normal  vulcanization 
process,  but  details  of  the  reaction  are  obscure.  Apparently  double  bonds 
are  necessary,  since  the  reaction  does  not  occur  with  hydrogenated  rubber. 
Studies  of  the  reaction  of  sulfur,  hydrogen  sulfide,  and  accelerators  with  two 
simple  model  compounds,  one  a  propylene  containing  one  double  bond,  and 
the  other,  a  butadiene  containing  two  double  bonds,  showed  the  formation 
of  sulfides,  disulfides,  and  carbon-to-carbon  bonds.  Butadiene  with  its 
conjugated  double  bonds  served  as  a  model  compound  for  the  conjugated 
system  formed  in  the  vulcanization  of  rubber.  A  dithiocarbamate  accelera- 
tor was  found  to  facilitate  the  formation  of  hydrogen  sulfide  and  then  to 
promote  the  reaction  of  hydrogen  sulfide  with  propylene  or  butadiene.  Some 
reactions  included  the  formation  of  compounds  from  free  radicals  originally 
present.     Appreciable  portions  of  the  products  were  nonvolatile. 

Crosslinks  Determined  in  Anisotropic  Fibers.  The  Flory-Rehner 
theory  of  isotropic  swelling  of  rubber  crosslinked  in  the  dry  state  was  extended 
to  an  anisotropic  system  crosslinked  (short  crosslinks)  in  the  dry,  oriented 
state.  The  new  parameters  introduced  into  the  equation  were  readily  deter- 
mined from  dimensional  changes  of  the  fiber  in  a  suitable  solvent  using  a 
photomicrographic  technique.  With  this  technique  swelling  equilibrium  can 
be  attained  within  30  minutes.  In  the  study,  surprisingly  good  agreement 
was  found  between  the  equivalents  of  crosslinks  calculated  from  swelling 
measurements  and  from  chemical  analyses. 

Impact  Loading  of  Fibers.  In  many  civilian  and  military  applica- 
tions the  performance  of  textile  materials  subjected  to  high  rates  of  strain 
by  impact  loading  is  not  well  understood.  An  investigation  was  therefore 
made  of  the  behavior  of  representative  textile  yarns  subjected  to  impact 
loading  at  velocities  of  150  ft/sec  in  which  Von  Karman's  concept  of  critical 
velocity  (that  velocity  at  which  a  filament  breaks  immediately  upon  impact 
in  tension)  was  extended  and  applied.  In  the  study,  critical  velocity  estimates 
were  arrived  at,  ranging  from  400  ft/sec  for  glass  fibers  to  950  ft/sec  for 
nylon  and  some  high  strength  rayons. 

Mechanism  of  Retannage  Studied.  A  combined  chrome-vegetable 
tannage  not  only  converts  hides  more  rapidly  into  leather  than  a  single  tannage 
but  the  combination  improves  abrasive  wear  and  tannage  stability.  Recent 
work  showed  that  a  reaction,  probably  of  the  chelate  type,  occurs  between 
chrome  and  the  vegetable  tannage,  and  that  the  affinity  of  the  substrate  for 
tannin  is  at  a  peak  when  2.5-3.5  percent  of  a  chromium  complex  (percentage 
calculated  as  chromic  oxide)  is  present.  Experiments  indicated  that  a  copper 
compound  gave  results  similar  to  those  obtained  with  chromium.  It  there- 
fore appears  that  other  metallic  salts  may  be  developed  for  future  uses  in 
combination  tannages. 

Synthetic  Fibers  Structurally  Modified.  To  provide  basic  informa- 
tion for  the  development  of  structurally  modified  fibers  that  will  resist  extreme 
environmental  conditions,  the  Bureau  conducts  fundamental  research  on  the 
properties  of  synthetic  fibers.  In  this  program,  efforts  are  made  to  correlate 
the  chemical  properties,  heat  and  radiation  resistance,  and  polyelectrolytic 


Polymers  have  been  produced  from  materials,  such  as  carbon  disulfide  and 
nitrogen,  which  do  not  form  polymers  under  ordinary  conditions.  A  combi- 
nation of  high  pressure  and  subsequent  exposure  to  intense  gamma  radiation 
was  used  to  induce  polymerization  (page  104). 

behavior  of  structurally  modified  fibers  with  size,  number,  and  kind  of  cross- 
links and  grafts  in  the  polymer  fibers. 

In  preliminary  investigations,  unexpected  crimping  and  helical  coiling 
occurred  when  solid  nylon-6  homofibers  (homogeneous  one-component  fibers 
with  round  cross  sections)  are  treated  with  a  swelling  agent  and  disulfide  and 
poly  (methylene  sulfide)  crosslinks  inserted  while  the  fibers  are  in  the  swollen 
state.  Subsequent  crimping  in  the  dry  state  is  attributed  to  heterogeneous 
crosslinking.  Helical  coiling  occurs  when  the  crimped  fibers  are  treated  with 
a  strong  swelling  agent  which  completely  destroys  the  remaining  crystallites. 

Polymer  Crystallization  Studied.  Although  thermodynamic  equi- 
libria can  be  applied  to  the  crystallization  and  melting  of  polymeric  materials, 
these  large  molecules  behave  somewhat  differently -from  small  ones,  partly 
because  they  never  become  completely  crystallized.     If  crystallization   of 



high  molecular  weight  polymers  takes  place  at  temperatures  below  the 
equilibrium  melting  temperature,  the  resulting  crystals  will  melt  at  a  lower 
temperature  than  if  they  had  formed  nearer  to  the  equilibrium  temperature. 

In  a  recent  study,  an  equation  was  developed  that  gives  a  mathematical  rela- 
tionship between  the  melting  temperature  of  a  crystallite  formed  at  non- 
equilibrium  temperatures,  the  equilibrium  melting  temperature,  and  the  tem- 
perature of  crystallization.  This  relationship  was  found  to  agree  very  well 
with  experimental  values  obtained  from  studies  of  the  crystallization  and 
subsequent  melting  of  rubber  under  nonideal  conditions. 

A  theoretical  study  of  polymer  crystallization  mechanisms  revealed  that 
crystallization  rates  and  isotherm  shapes  are  sensitive  to  small  amounts  of 
structural  irregularities  in  a  polymer  chain.  This  behavior  results  from  a 
compositional  change  in  the  melt,  which  causes  a  marked  decrease  in  the 
nucleation  rate  during  crystallization.  The  theoretical  conclusions,  which 
were  confirmed  by  experimental  observations,  indicate  that  chain  irregular- 
ities as  little  as  one  mole  percent  should  be  detectable. 

High  Pressure  Polymerization.  Many  molecules  that  have  double 
or  triple  bonds  in  their  chemical  formulas — for  example,  carbon  disulfide  and 
nitrogen — do  not  form  polymers  under  usual  conditions.  In  general,  when 
attempts  are  made  to  polymerize  such  molecules,  the  chemical  equilibrium 
favors  monomer  instead  of  polymer  production.  However,  if  very  high 
pressures  are  applied,  the  equilibrium  will  be  displaced  to  favor  polymeriza- 
tion. Reaction  can  be  initiated  by  heat,  catalysts,  or  ionizing  radiation.  In 
work  for  the  Office  of  Ordnance  Research,  materials  were  placed  under 
pressure  in  a  bomb  and  exposed  to  gamma  radiation.  When  irradiated,  per- 
fluoroheptene  polymerized  to  a  moderate  degree,  whereas  when  unirradiated, 
no  polymer  formed.  At  10,000  atm,  50  °C,  and  under  irradiation,  carbon 
disulfide  formed  a  polymer  which  was  previously  obtained  only  at  50,000 
atm  and  high  temperature. 

Thermal  Stability  of  Polymers.  The  relationship  between  thermal 
stability  and  molecular  structure  of  polymers  was  investigated  at  pyrolysis 
temperatures  up  to  1200  °C.  In  this  program,  sponsored  by  the  Air  Force, 
polymers  which  are  originally  highly  crosslinked — such  as  polytrivinyl- 
benzene  and  phenolic  and  epoxy  resins — and  polymers  which  develop  cross- 
links at  the  pyrolysis  temperatures — such  as  polyvinylidene  fluoride  and 
polyacrylonitrile — were  observed  to  yield  carbonaceous  residues  and  low 
molecular  weight  volatile  fragments.  When  polymers  which  do  not  become 
crosslinked — such  as  polystyrene,  polymethylene,  and  polytetrafluoro- 
ethylene — were  heated  to  pyrolysis  temperatures,  only  volatile  products  of 
low  molecular  weight  were  noted.  In  either  case,  the  higher  the  tempera- 
ture, the  greater  is  the  fragmentation  of  the  degradation  products.  This  re- 
search has  yielded  additional  proof  that  the  energy-absorption  capacity  of  a 
polymer  during  thermal  degradation  is  inversely  proportional  to  the 
molecular  size  of  the  volatile  fragments.  Furthermore,  it  has  demonstrated 
that  polymers  which  leave  a  carbonaceous  residue  and  liberate  gases  at  the 
elevated  temperatures  generally  give  superior  ablation  resistance  in  missile 
nose  cones. 


Free  Radicals  in  Polymers.  Free  radicals  can  be  observed,  estimated 
quantitatively,  and  sometimes  identified  in  very  small  amounts  by  electron 
spin  resonance  spectroscopy.  As  part  of  a  program  sponsored  by  the  Air 
Force  to  investigate  the  reactions  of  free  radicals  in  polymeric  systems, 
a  number  of  polymers,  including  polystyrene,  cellulose,  and  fluorocarbon 
polymers,  were  irradiated  and  examined.  Considerable  new  information 
was  obtained  on  the  mechanism  of  polymerization  and  on  the  chemical 
changes  induced  in  these  polymers  by  ionizing  radiation.  In  addition, 
fluorocarbon  monomers  were  observed  to  yield  appreciable  amounts  of  free 
radicals  when  irradiated  at  liquid-nitrogen  temperatures. 

Fungicidal  Analysis.  A  study  was  undertaken  to  find  a  means  for 
determining  the  quantity  of  5,6-dichlorobenzoxazolinone  in  leathers.  This 
compound  is  used  as  a  fungicide  to  prevent  mildew  in  leather,  and  an  analyti- 
cal technique  was  required  by  the  Office  of  the  Quartermaster  General  for 
treatment  control.  A  colorimetric  method  was  devised  which  consists  of 
the  conversion  of  5,6-dichlorobenzoxazolinone  to  2-amino-4,5-dichlorophenol 
by  alkaline  hydrolysis,  diazotization  of  the  aminophenol,  coupling  with  resor- 
cinol  to  give  a  colored  azo  compound,  and  photometric  measurement  of  the 
color.  A  chloroform-water  mixture  is  used  to  extract  the  fungicide.  Vege- 
table tannins  which  would  interfere  with  color  measurements  are  precipitated 
with  lead  acetate  and  removed  in  the  aqueous  phase  of  the  extract  which  is 
discarded.  The  interfering  effect  of  chromium  is  also  overcome,  either  be- 
cause the  water  in  the  mixture  prevents  formation  of  a  chrome-fungicide 
complex,  or  because  the  chrome  itself  is  removed  in  the  aqueous  phase. 

Meteorite  Erosion  of  Materials.  The  possible  hazard  of  meteors  to 
the  space-craft  of  the  future  has  recently  been  made  more  significant  by  the 
discovery  of  a  charged  zone  around  the  earth  which  attracts  meteoric  par- 
ticles. When  small  masses,  traveling  at  the  velocities  at  which  meteors  travel, 
collide  with  solids,  the  transformed  energy  is  so  large  that  both  the  projectile 
and  the  target  in  the  immediate  vicinity  liquefy  after  collision.  The  extent 
of  this  meteorite-erosion  hazard  is  being  investigated,  in  research  sponsored 
by  the  Air  Force,  by  examining  the  craters  produced  in  collisions  of  liquid 
drops  with  liquids,  and  in  collisions  of  metal  spheres  with  metal  plates,  at 
velocities  up  to  20,000  ft/sec.  An  equation  was  derived  relating  the  maxi- 
mum depth  of  the  cavity  produced  in  a  target  liquid  as  a  result  of  collision 
with  a  liquid  drop,  to  the  kinetic  energy  of  the  impinging  drops. 

Calcified  Tissues  Investigated.  Hydrogen  bonding  in  calcium-de- 
ficient apatites  was  investigated  by  infrared  spectrophotometry  in  work  sup- 
ported in  part  by  the  U.S.  Public  Health  Service.  A  direct  correlation  was 
found  between  the  number  of  calcium  ions  missing  per  unit  cell  volume, 
obtained  by  chemical  analysis  and  refractive  index  measurements,  and  the 
hydrogen  bond  content. 

Dimensional  Changes  in  Dentures.  A  study  sponsored  by  the 
American  Dental  Association  and  the  Federal  dental  services  established 
that  the  dimensional  changes  of  dentures  in  service  are  too  small  to  be  of 
clinical   significance.     In  the  investigation   more  than  200  dentures   were 

616114  o — 61- 


measured,  some  over  a  period  of  six  years.  They  had  been  made  of  12  dif- 
ferent types  of  polymers  processed  by  a  variety  of  currently  used  methods. 
Acrylic  resin  dentures  processed  with  simple  conventional  equipment,  em- 
ploying compression  molding,  were  just  as  accurate  and  as  dimensionally 
stable  as  dentures  made  with  other  types  of  resins  using  complex  and  costly 

Dental  Amalgams  from  Spherical  Particles.  The  particle  size  of 
the  alloy  (Ag-Sn-Cu-Zn)  used  in  making  dental  amalgams  was  investigated. 
independently  of  other  variables,  in  a  study  sponsored  by  the  American 
Dental  Association  and  the  Federal  dental  services.     A  standard  alloy  corn- 

Data  were  obtained  on  the  mechanism  of  polymerization  and  on  the  chemical 
changes  induced  in  polymers  by  ionizing  radiation.  Here  free  radicals  pro- 
duced by  ultraviolet  radiation  are  studied  by  electron  spin  resonance 
(page  105). 


position  was  used  in  the  form  of  spherical  particles  produced  by  spray 
atomization.  The  particles  were  separated  into  eight  different  sizes,  the 
smallest  1-4  microns  and  the  largest  105-150  microns  in  diameter.  Par- 
ticles from  15-50  microns  diameter  exhibited  the  highest  strength  of  all  those 
studied.  The  study  showed  that  an  alloy  in  this  spherical  shape  produces 
an  amalgam  equal  or  superior  to  those  in  current  use,  and  offers  a  new 
approach  to  the  control  of  critical  amalgam  properties,  such  as  early  strength, 
setting  time,  and  flow,  and  promises  major  advances  in  the  simplification  of 




The  Bureau's  applied  mathematics  facility  conducts  basic  and  applied 
research  and  renders  advisory  services  in  various  mathematical  fields.  These 
services  are  available  to  other  Government  agencies  as  well  as  to  the  Bureau's 
staff.  Modern  computing  equipment  is  used  by  the  facility  in  support  of  its 

During  the  past  year  the  Bureau  emphasized  activities  in  statistical  and 
numerical  analysis,  mathematical  physics,  and  operations  research.  Exten- 
sive assistance  was  rendered  in  these  areas  and  in  digital  computation. 
Special  attention  was  given  to  problem  formulation  and  analysis  in  order 
to  select  and  develop  numerical  methods  for  the  solution  of  problems  in 
engineering  and  the  physical  sciences,  utilizing  both  automatic  and  non- 
automatic  computing  machines.  An  appreciable  share  of  the  mathematical 
program  was  devoted  to  government  problems  of  business  management  and 
operation,  sometimes  called  data-processing  problems.  Significant  progress 
was  achieved  in  the  exploration  of  the  utility  of  modern  digital  computers  in 
the  mechanical  translation  of  scientific  publications,  for  which  there  is  a 
continuing  urgent  need. 

As  in  previous  years,  the  Bureau's  applied  mathematics  program  was 
strengthened  by  the  active  interest  and  support  of  other  Government  agencies. 
The  Office  of  Naval  Research  and  the  USAF  Office  of  Scientific  Research 
supported  fundamental  and  applied  research  in  numerical  analysis  and 
mathematical  physics,  respectively.  The  National  Science  Foundation  con- 
tinued to  support  the  compilation  of  a  handbook  of  mathematical  functions 
and  mathematical  research  related  to  information  retrieval.  The  study  of 
mechanical  translation  of  scientific  publications  was  supported  by  the  U.S. 
Army  Research  Office  and  the  Office  of  the  Chief  Signal  Officer,  U.S.  Army. 

Combinatorial  Analysis.  Work  continued  in  combinatorial  analysis, 
a  branch  of  mathematics  concerned  with  the  arrangements  of  finite  sets  of 
objects.  It  was  applied  to  the  selection  of  the  best  pattern  of  linkages  in 
transportation  or  communication  networks,  in  the  determination  of  the  most 
efficient  method  for  encoding  messages  to  provide  automatic  correction  of 


possible  transmission  errors,  and  in  the  design  of  experiments  to  maximize  the 
useful  information  obtained  from  a  given  number  of  measurements. 

Eigenvalue  Theory,  The  determination  of  eigenvalues  for  operators 
is  a  central  problem  in  mathematical  physics  which  frequently  involves  con- 
siderable numerical  difficulty.  A  method  of  "generalized  special  choice" 
has  been  developed  for  determining  lower  bounds  to  the  eigenvalues  of  self- 
adjoint  linear  operators.  Numerical  results  carried  out  for  the  anharmonic 
oscillator  are  satisfactory  even  when  perturbation  theory  fails.  The  method 
has  also  been  used  to  estimate  the  eigenvalues  of  the  spheroidal  wave  equation. 
The  numerical  results  obtained  by  this  method  were  found  to  be  excellent  in 
regions  where  difficulties  were  experienced  with  other  procedures. 

Matrix  Theory,  Various  schemes  were  investigated  for  the  solution  of 
matrix  eigenvalue  problems.  Extensive  research  continued  in  the  develop- 
ment of  techniques  for  obtaining  the  characteristic  roots,  the  determinant, 
and  the  F-condition  number  of  matrices.  Several  new  results  in  doubly 
stochastic  matrices  have  been  obtained  through  the  exhibition  of  the  per- 
manent as  an  inner  product  in  a  suitable  space.  Inequalities  were  derived 
which  lead  to  new  bounds  for  the  determinants  of  nonnegative  Hermitian 

Approximation  Theory.  Research  in  approximation  theory  was  em- 
phasized because  of  its  fundamental  importance  in  numerical  analysis.  Ex- 
tensive investigations  of  best  approximation  by  nonlinear  families  were  con- 
tinued. A  study  was  conducted  concerning  the  approximation  to  convex 
functions  by  means  of  convex  polynomials  and  trigonometric  polynomials. 
The  results  contain  some  explicit  constructions  and  estimates  of  accuracy. 
Tchebycheff  approximation  by  rational  functions  was  investigated,  with 
emphasis  on  the  computational  aspect.  Significant  research  on  infrapoly- 
nomials  and  their  generalizations  was  also  performed. 

Numerical  Experimentation.  In  areas  of  numerical  analysis  where 
no  theory  exists  or  existing  theory  is  merely  suggestive,  numerical  experi- 
mentation may  provide  insight  into  a  method  of  problem  solution.  Such 
experiments  were  performed  in  the  numerical  solution  of  nonlinear  partial 
differential  equations.  The  partial  differential  equation  determining  the 
pressure  distribution  in  a  gas-lubricated  bearing  was  studied.  The  final 
aim,  once  a  method  of  solution  was  found,  was  to  compute  a  set  of  design 
curves  for  such  bearings.  Also,  a  system  of  three  nonlinear,  ordinary 
differential  equations  arising  in  a  study  of  the  internal  structure  of  stars  was 

Machine  Translation.  Further  progress  was  made  on  the  automatic 
Russian  language  translation  scheme  being  developed  by  the  Bureau.  In 
contrast  with  other  machine  translation  projects,  the  Bureau  project  is 
characterized  by  emphasis  on  syntax  in  the  conventional  sense  and  by  a 
system  of  predictions.  A  Russian  word  in  a  sentence  "predicts"'  certain 
other  grammatical  forms;  for  example,  a  transitive  verb  predicts  a  direct 

A  significant  innovation  has  been  the  development  of  a  procedure  called 
profiling,"  by  which  clause  and  phrase  boundaries  are  recognized  mechani- 


cally  before  the  detailed  analysis  by  use  of  predictions  begins.  This  tech- 
nique will  greatly  increase  the  speed  of  translation  through  the  proper 
placement  of  subject  and  predicate  in  the  syntactic  analysis. 

Mathematical  Tables,  The  main  concentration  in  mathematical  tables 
during  the  year  has  been  on  the  completion  of  the  Handbook  of  Mathe- 
matical Functions.  All  chapters  of  the  Handbook  now  exist  in  manuscript 
form.  A  modest  amount  of  revision  of  expository  text  and  updating  of 
bibliographies  remain.  The  Chapters  in  press  comprise  about  one-quarter 
of  the  volume. 

Digital  Computation,  Digital  computers  were  applied  in  both  the 
scientific  and  data  processing  fields.  Scientific  computing  was  centered 
about  measurement  and  calibration,  i.e.,  primarily  concerned  with  problems 
on  gage  blocks,  thermometers,  bead  sizing,  heat  pump  capacity,  transistor 
aging,  etc.  Problems  such  as  those  arising  in  studies  of  crystal  structure, 
the  thermodynamic  properties  of  gases,  spectrum  analysis,  and  colorimetry 
also  required  extensive  computing  techniques.  Significant  computations 
were  performed  on  problems  related  to  radiation  patterns  of  antennas,  light 
scattering,  heat  transfer  in  crystals,  and  the  radiative  envelopes  of  model 
stars.  Important  problems  in  data  processing  included  the  assignment  of 
radio  frequencies,  traffic  studies,  mathematical  investigations  related  to 
postal  operations,  analysis  of  electrocardiograms,  airline  traffic  surveys,  and 
the  simulation  of  military  engagements. 

Extensive  research  was  continued  in  the  field  of  automatic  programing, 
where  the  primary  objective  is  to  render  easy,  fast,  and  inexpensive  com- 
munication between  electronic  computers  and  human  users.  The  Bureau 
pursued  this  objective  with  direct  practical  applications  as  well  as  through 
research  and  long-range  development.  The  Black  Box  Computer — a  tool 
devised  to  speed  a  problem  from  originator  to  machine — was  improved  and 
its  applications  expanded.  By  use  of  this  tool,  Bureau  laboratory  workers 
can  prepare  their  problems  for  direct  introduction  into  electronic  computers 
to  produce  least-square  fits,  numerical  integration  and  interpolation,  com- 
pilation of  physical  tables,  evaluation  of  certain  desired  statistics,  such  as 
the  mean  or  the  standard  deviation,  etc. 

The  Bureau  has  performed  research  in  the  area  of  artificial  languages 
and  their  translation  by  machine.  It  participated  during  the  year  in  the 
establishment  of  programer-oriented  languages — ALGOL  for  scientific  appli- 
cations and  COBOL  for  business  or  data-processing  problems.  Significant 
contributions  were  made,  also,  to  the  program  on  standardization  of  symbols, 
languages,  and  equipment  of  the  Office  Equipment  Manufacturers  Institute. 

Experiment  Designs,  Work  on  the  mathematics  of  experiment  de- 
sign resulted  during  the  year  in  the  substantial  revision  and  preparation  for 
publication  of  the  "catalog"  of  fractional  factorial  designs  for  the  2mSn 
series  developed  during  the  preceding  year  in  preliminary  form.  A  special 
class  of  "weighing"  designs  of  the  fractional  factorial  type  was  studied. 
These  designs  approach  the  classical  weighing  designs  with  respect  to  the 
small  numbers  of  observations  required,  but  still  permit  identification  of 


two-factor  interactions  and  thus  are  particularly  appropriate  for  use  in  ex- 
periments on  the  determination  of  fundamental  physical  constants.  In  addi- 
tion, they  are  applicable  to  the  evaluation  of  routine  calibration  and  testing 
procedures.  Explicit  construction  and  "cataloging"  of  a  series  of  magic  rec- 
tangles for  use  as  trend-elimination  designs  were  accomplished.  These 
rectangles  provide  orders  for  running  the  "treatment"  combinations  in  a  two- 
way  classification  so  that  comparisons  of  the  resulting  "main  effects"  of 
the  respective  "treatments"  are  not  upset  by  linear  trends  or  drifts  in  the 
measurements.  A  special  operational  calculus  for  symmetrical  and  asym- 
metrical factorial  arrangements  was  developed. 

Life  Testing  and  Reliability.  The  intensive  investigations  of  the 
measurement  of  reliability  conducted  by  the  Bureau  were  summarized  to 
show  the  possible  weaknesses  of  current  life-testing  procedures  being  applied 
when  the  assumptions  on  which  they  are  based  are  not  valid.  New  and  im- 
proved results  were  obtained,  including  excellent  approximations  to  the  dis- 
tribution of  a  sum  of  Weibull-distributed  random  variables  and  to  the 
OC-curves  and  average-sample-size  expressions  for  sequential  tests  based  on 
sums  of  Weibull-distributed  random  variables. 

Probability  and  Mathematical  Statistics.  Studies  in  probability  and 
mathematical  statistics  took  various  forms.  Work  was  resumed  on  the  NBS 
tables  of  power  points  of  the  noncentral  F-  and  X2-distributions.  A  detailed 
numerical  investigation  was  initiated  of  properties  of  a  special  family  of 
probability  distributions  derived  from  the  uniform  distribution  on  (0,  1) 
by  a  transformation  suggested  by  J.  W.  Tukey.  Information  theory  was 
applied  to  the  analysis  of  a  four-way  contingency  table.  The  fourth  in  a 
Bureau  series  of  selected  bibliographies  of  statistical  literature  for  the  period 
1930-1957  was  completed. 

Mathematical  Physics.  Research  in  mathematical  physics  emphasized 
the  formulation  of  mathematical  theories  basic  to  the  development  of  theoret- 
ical physics  and  engineering  science.  Investigations  included  research  in 
the  kinetic  theory  of  plasmas  and  magnetohydrodynamics.  in  which  the 
previously  developed  theory  for  homogeneous  plasma  was  generalized  to 
include  the  long-range  collective  behavior,  the  effect  of  memory  in  oscilla- 
tions, and  the  expansion  wave  problem  in  neutral  gases. 

Investigations  concerning  satellite  orbits  were  continued.  Emphasis  was 
placed  on  the  central  problem  of  satellite  astronomy,  namely,  the  determina- 
tion of  the  motion  of  an  artificial  satellite  around  an  axially  symmetric  but 
oblate  planet.  The  method  developed  reduces  the  relevant  Hamilton-Jacobi 
equation  to  separable  form,  and  provides  for  the  application  of  well-known 
techniques  in  successive  approximation  to  the  problem  of  satellite  motion. 

Other  work  in  mathematical  physics  included  studies  of  Brownian  motion, 
as  governed  by  the  Chapman-Kolmogoroff  functional  equation:  elliptic 
boundary-value  problems,  in  which  important  bounds  for  the  deflection  of 
elastic  plates  were  derived;  the  deflection  of  circular  plates  with  radially 
varying  thickness  under  a  radially  symmetric  traverse  load  and  edge  condi- 
tions; and  the  flexure  of  elastic  beams. 


Operations  Research,  General  areas  of  investigation  during  the  year 
included  game  theory,  graph  theory,  weapon  simulation,  Boolean  functions, 
and  mathematical  models  of  distribution  networks. 

The  problem  of  optimal  frequency  allocations  for  a  network  of  radio 
transmitters  is  similar  to  that  of  finding  a  minimum  point-cover  of  a  linear 
graph.  Graph-theoretic  algorithms  were  investigated.  A  significant  develop- 
ment was  that  of  a  general  algorithm,  suggesting  characterization  for  optimal 
coverings  of  a  set,  providing  promising  alternatives  to  known  algorithms,  and 
specializing  to  the  minimum  point-cover  problem. 

Three  major  areas  were  explored  in  connection  with  the  analysis  of  mathe- 
matical problems  related  to  postal  operations.  These  areas  were:  (1)  a  long- 
range  study  of  mathematical  models  of  distribution  networks,  with  a  view 
to  optimizing  the  location  of  distribution  centers  and  the  degree  of  system 
centralization;  (2)  determination  of  the  appropriate  parameters  for  a 
specified  mail-sorting  device;  and  (3)  studies  concerning  procedures  in 
existent,  partly  automated  post  offices. 

Other  significant  activities  in  operations  research  during  the  year  included 
the  analysis  and  computer  simplification  of  Boolean  functions  ( important  in 
network  and  circuit  theory),  the  analysis  and  simulation  of  missile  system 
operation,  a  study  of  optimal  radar  site  distribution,  and  the  analysis  and 
simulation  of  electronic  countermeasures. 


The  Bureau  has  been  conducting  a  broad  program  of  research  and  develop- 
ment in  analog  and  digital  technology  and  in  application  techniques  needed 
to  foster  effective  use  of  data  processing  systems  by  the  many  agencies  of  the 
Government.  A  major  purpose  was  to  extend  the  areas  of  application  beyond 
conventional  "paperwork"  as  well  as  to  expedite  the  data  handling  problems 
of  the  experimental  sciences  and  the  storage,  search,  and  retrieval  of  infor- 
mation. The  Bureau's  data  processing  systems  laboratory  acts  as  a  centrally 
available  technical  facility  for  providing  assistance  and  advisory  services 
for  such  purposes  within  the  Bureau  and  to  other  government  agencies. 

Some  present  areas  of  activity  include  research,  design,  and  evaluation  of 
improved  circuitry;  logical  organization  of  data  processing  and  control  sys- 
tems; automated  collection,  transmission,  and  presentation  of  experimental 
data;  and  techniques  for  machine  processing  of  syntactic  and  graphic  forms 
of  data.  Of  particular  significance  is  the  continued  expansion  of  the  pro- 
gram of  assistance  to  the  Bureau's  own  research  laboratories  in  identifying 
problem  areas  particularly  adaptable  to  automatic  data  processing  techniques 
and  demonstrating  the  feasibility  of  preparing  experimental  data  in  acceptable 
form  for  input  to  and  output  displays  from  a  central  high-speed  automatic 
data  processing  facility.  The  range  of  data  processing  applications  both 
for  NBS  and  for  other  government  agencies  increased  materially  during  the 
past  year. 


The  PILOT  data  processor,  now  nearing  completion,  will  provide  a  highly  flex- 
ible research  facility  for  new  and  unusual  Government  data  processing  prob- 
lems (page  112). 

PILOT  Data  Processor.  The  engineering  design  and  physical  struc- 
ture of  the  NBS  PILOT  Data  Processor,  a  highly  flexible  research  tool  de- 
veloped for  investigating  new  and  unusual  data  processing  problems  for  the 
Government,  was  completed.  Power  distribution,  clock  distribution,  circuit 
protection,  and  logical  wiring  for  all  parts  of  the  machine  were  installed. 
The  secondary  diode-capacitor  memory  is  already  functioning  as  a  part  of 
the  PILOT  system,  while  the  completed  primary  diode-capacitor  memory  is 
ready  to  be  mated  to  the  central  machine.  Performance  tests  were  completed 
on  the  logical  wiring  of  the  system  and  on  7,000  individual  stages  of  the 

The  peripheral  equipment  presently  attached  includes  an  automatic  type- 
writer, magnetic  wire  handler,  magnetic  tape  handler,  and  high-speed  paper 
tape  reader.  Initial  service  programs  were  prepared,  and  specifications 
were  established  for  the  preliminary  compiler  for  the  main  computer.  The 
first  set  of  training  courses  in  both  programing  and  maintenance  and 
operation  was  conducted  in  preparation  for  routine  operation. 

Technical  Assistance  for  Data  Processing,  The  continuing  aid  and 
assistance  to  the  laboratory  operations  throughout  the  Bureau  led  to  the 
identification  of  a  considerable  number  of  potential  areas  for  automatic  data 
recording  and  processing,  many  of  which  had  special  data-conversion  prob- 
lems. Technical  assistance  was  provided  through  study  of  the  problem  to 
determine  whether  analog  and/or  digital  techniques  were  applicable  and 


through  demonstration  of  the  feasibility  of  such  applications.  Additional  as- 
sistance was  given  in  the  form  of  design  and  development  of  special  data- 
logging equipment,  some  of  which  was  constructed  by  the  "user"  laboratories 
with  advice  in  the  utilization  of  packaged  circuitry  provided  by  the  data 
processing  systems  laboratory  in  order  to  convert  the  data  to  input  form 
acceptable  to  the  computer. 

Typical  problems  on  which  assistance  was  provided  included  gas  analysis 
by  infrared  spectrometry,  plasma  traverse,  transmission  of  data  from  radia- 
tion physics,  coulometric  titration,  heat  transfer  by  radiation,  concentration 
of  near-saturated  solutions,  separation  of  signals  from  noise,  radial  distribu- 
tion of  plasma  properties,  search  of  atomic  nuclei  in  crystal  structures,  model 
loop  for  process  control  with  dead  time,  stability  constants  of  complex  ions, 
nuclear  reactor  transients,  probability  of  convoluted  probability  functions, 
theory  of  reflection  from  metallic  surfaces,  processing  metallurgical  photo- 
micrographs, plotting  of  continuous  curves  by  interpolation  of  discrete  data 
on  magnetic  tape,  storage  and  examination  of  1,000  points  in  the  focal  plane 
of  a  lens,  and  handling  of  data  from  an  electron  paramagnetic  resonance  unit. 

Components  and  Techniques.  The  development  of  faster,  more  com- 
plex, and  more  reliable  computers  and  data  processors  has  led  to  the  study  of 
new  components  and  further  investigation  of  existing  ones.  Measurement  of 
the  properties  of  these  components  is  fundamental.  Several  significant  con- 
tributions were  made  to  the  theoretical  analysis  of  solid-state  semiconductor 
devices  operating  as  circuit  elements. 

A  large-signal  junction  transistor  equivalent  circuit  and  switching  theory 
study  was  completed.  This  study  produced  a  new  large-signal  junction  tran- 
sistor equivalent  circuit  that  is  valid  for  all  modes  of  circuit  operation.  The 
physical  charge-concept  approach  to  semiconductor  devices  was  bridged 
mathematically  to  the  area  of  device  application,  resulting  in  nonlinear  dif- 
ferential equations  that  could  be  solved  by  graphical,  analytic,  and  computer 
techniques.  These  equations  made  possible  analytic  solution  of  modes  of 
junction  transistor  operation  which  were  previously  untractable.  The  use  of 
new  time  domain  measuring  techniques  was  incorporated  into  the  study  as 
a  means  of  evaluating  elements  of  the  equivalent  circuit.  The  study  also 
resulted  in  a  characterization  of  the  transient  input  base  current  of  the 
junction  transistor  for  all  driving  conditions.  The  static  base-to-emitter 
voltage-current  characteristic  and  a  unique  time  constant  factor  were  shown 
to  be  the  principal  data  required  for  the  large  signal  switching  analysis. 

A  tunnel  diode  large-signal  simulation  study  was  undertaken  which  in- 
volved the  development  of  an  analytic  approximation  to  the  static  voltage- 
current  characteristics  of  the  tunnel  diode  that  displayed  the  required  nega- 
tive-resistance region.  A  complex  second-order  nonlinear  differential  equa- 
tion and  techniques  for  its  solution  by  analog  computer  and  graphical  analy- 
sis methods  were  developed.  These  equations  are  of  considerable  value  in 
determining  the  large-signal  switching  response  of  the  tunnel  diode  in  digital 


The  investigation  of  high-speed  transistor  flip-flop  circuits  was  initiated. 
Several  basic  configurations  such  as  current-controlled,  collector-clamped 
(nonsaturating) ,  and  saturating  types  are  under  investigation. 

Research  was  continued  in  determining  the  relation  between  properties  of 
films  which  show  promise  as  very  fast  memory  and  switching  elements  and 
their  structure  and  chemical  composition.  Major  effort  was  devoted  to 
developing  a  fast  transmission  line  magnetization  reversal  tester  and  an  ac- 
companying sampling  oscilloscope  system,  perfecting  the  thickness-measuring 
techniques,  and  making  microchemical  analysis  of  the  films.  The  test  set-up 
for  measuring  the  fast  magnetization  reversal  consists  essentially  of  a  parallel- 
plane  transmission  line  or  wave  guide  operating  in  the  TEM  mode. 

Experimental  study  of  the  high-speed  partial  switching  behavior  of  fer- 
rite  memory  cores  for  use  in  the  design  and  development  of  improved  digi- 
tal circuits  in  advanced  digital  computing  and  information-handling  systems 
and  for  performing  switching  and  memory  functions  was  continued.  A 
report  covering  the  mathematical  analysis  of  a  transistor-magnetic-core  digi- 
tal circuit  was  completed.  The  concepts  and  analytical  methods  presented 
in  this  report  have  general  application  in  the  design  of  very  high  speed 
digital  circuits. 

Automatic  Data  Retrieval,  Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Patent  Of- 
fice and  the  National  Science  Foundation,  investigation  continued  leading  to 
the  development  of  automatic  programing  systems  for  processing  informa- 
tion contained  in  collections  of  documents,  through  syntactic  analysis  of 
both  natural  language  text  and  associated  pictorial  information.  A  se- 
quence of  grammars  was  written  for  a  fragment  of  English  concerned  with 
simple  pictorial  subjects.  Programing  procedures  were  developed  that  en- 
able a  linguist  to  test  the  grammars  for  adequacy  by  producing  samples  of 
sentences  with  their  assigned  syntactical  analyses.  In  addition,  theoretical 
models  for  language  grammars  and  for  picture-processing  mechanisms  were 
explored  by  both  simulation  and  analytical  study.  Results  from  automata 
theory  were  applied  to  classification  of  the  grammar  model  used  in  the 
linguistics  research,  and  mechanical-theorem-proving  literature  was  searched 
for  results  usable  for  formal  inference  in  the  development  of  a  general- 
purpose  research  tool,  such  as  a  Picture  Language  Machine,  which  will  pro- 
vide the  capability  for  exploring  more  complex  problems  in  pattern 
recognition  and  linguistic  analysis. 

Development  of  Information  Selector,  The  design  of  an  improved 
model  of  an  information  selecting  device  for  retrieving  information  from 
large  files  of  documents  stored  on  coded  microfilm  was  developed  for  the 
Navy  Department's  Bureau  of  Ships.  This  new  model  of  the  rapid  selector 
provides  increased  speed  and  reliability,  simplicity  of  film  handling,  multi- 
word selection,  and  programed  logic  control  of  output.  An  improved  input 
preparation  device  for  producing  original  coded  master  film  was  also  de- 
veloped as  part  of  the  system. 

Special-Purpose  Digital  Computer  (AMOS  IV),  Under  a  program 
sponsored   by  the   Weather   Bureau,   a   special-purpose   digital   computer, 


AMOS  IV,  was  developed  as  the  central  element  in  an  automatic  weather 
station  to  collect  and  reduce  weather  data  prior  to  transmission.  During 
the  past  year  this  prototype  has  undergone  extensive  testing  and  modifica- 
tion. A  number  of  diagnostic  routines  were  written  and  checked  on  the 
machine;  circuitry  for  pre-processing  signals  of  the  variety  produced  by 
weather-sensing  elements  was  developed  and  tested  insofar  as  practical;  an 
oscilloscope  was  added  for  displaying  the  contents  of  any  memory  channel 
and  for  displaying  characters  or  graphical  information;  and  new  circuitry 
for  counting  against  a  variable  time  base  was  included  for  versatility.  In 
addition,  a  closed  circuit  teletype  line  was  established  between  the  NBS 
laboratory  installation  and  the  Weather  Bureau,  with  low-speed  printers 
connected  at  each  end.  Several  low-speed  messages  were  transmitted  over 
this  line.  The  Weather  Bureau  began  constructing  additional  machines 
similar  to  the  AMOS  IV,  under  NBS  technical  guidance.  Training  of 
Weather  Bureau  personnel  in  the  use  of  digital  and  transistor  circuitry  and 
in  computer  programing  has  continued  in  conjunction  with  the  system 

Data  Source  Automation.  An  automatic  data-recording  system  was 
developed  for  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Supplies  and  Accounts  in  connection  with 
the  preparation  of  Naval  supply  messages  for  ordering  Federal  stock  items. 
The  envisioned  system  consists  of  the  format  control  and  preparation  of 
messages  for  teletype  transmisison  on  punched  paper  tape,  and  catalog  item 
selection  and  transcription  of  descriptive  catalog  information.  The  initial 
system  will  contain  an  operator's  panel  for  hand  selection  of  the  variable 
information  with  visual  display  of  message  before  printing  out.  The  ob- 
jective is  to  minimize  the  number  of  errors  in  the  Navy  supply  system  orig- 
inating in  the  initial  process  of  ordering  stocks.  The  supply  catalogs  con- 
tain approximately  one  and  one-quarter  million  items  in  76  major  categories 
printed  on  one-quarter  million  pages. 

Weapons  Systems  Evaluation,  Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Bureau 
of  Naval  Weapons,  continuing  assistance  was  provided  on  computation, 
simulation,  and  data  processing  problems  as  applied  to  weapons  systems 
evaluation  and  test  range  instrumentation  for  the  Pacific  Missile  Range.  A 
study  was  completed  of  the  real-time  computation  system  to  provide  on-line 
computation  of  test  missile  trajectories,  some  vehicle  control  functions,  and 
tracking  acquisition  aids  for  remote  tracking  installations  with  extremely 
fast  repetitive  computations  of  impact  points  for  range  safety  purposes.  This 
study  led  to  the  preparation  of  specifications,  evaluation  of  initial  phase  de- 
signs submitted  by  contractors,  and  review  of  the  final  multicomputer 
design.  In  addition,  an  advanced  flexible  system  was  planned  for  handling 
various  types  of  multichannel  telemetry  inputs  either  on-line  or  post-flight, 
at  very  high  speed  with  computer  control  of  data  format,  location,  and 
sampling  rate.  This  was  a  cooperative  effort  with  the  Naval  Air  Develop- 
ment Center. 

Attention  was  also  directed  to  methods  of  specifying  performance  of  very 
fast,  very  accurate  analog-digital  conversion  systems  and  the  necessary  lab- 


oratory  instrumentation  for  measurements.  A  facility  for  very  high  ac- 
curacy static  measurements  was  established,  and  three  production  types  and 
one  developmental  type  of  analog-to-digital  converter  are  being  evaluated. 

Airways  Systems  Analysis.  Detailed  studies  of  the  information  con- 
tent of  a  future  air  traffic  control  system  utilizing  large-scale  automatic  data 
processors  were  continued  under  Federal  Aviation  Agency  sponsorship.  Pre- 
liminary design  specifications  of  the  display  and  control  requirements  for 
an  adaptive  controller-equipment  module  (CEM)  were  developed.  Concur- 
rent with  logical  design  studies,  hardware  implementation  of  a  breadboard 
system  was  planned  and  initiated. 

Pictorial  Data  Processing.  Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Naval  Train- 
ing Device  Center,  research  efforts  were  continued  in  developing  methods  and 
techniques  for  scanning  aerial  stereophotographic  information  and,  in  writing 
computer  programs,  for  translating  this  information  into  elevation  profiles. 
A  three-dimensional  model  with  relatively  small  black  and  white  areas  was 
photographed,  scanned,  and  transcribed  into  SEAC;  and  computations  of 
altitude  and  planimetric  position  were  made  that  were  within  the  accuracy 
of  the  scanner  resolution.  In  addition,  processes  for  the  removal  of  objects 
outside  the  given  overlap  regions  and  for  producing  outlines  have  been  coded. 
The  programs  for  deriving  photogrammetric  data  from  pictures  containing 
relatively  large  areas  will  continue  to  be  investigated  in  the  hope  that  similar, 
possibly  identical,  programs  will  be  applicable  to  continuous-tone  photo- 
graphs after  image  processing. 

Psychological  Data  Processing.  The  system  previously  developed  at 
the  Bureau  for  processing  electrocardiograph  data  was  redesigned  to  meet 
the  need  of  the  Air  Force  Office  of  Scientific  Research  for  a  low-cost  system 
for  processing  psychological  data.  As  finally  constructed,  the  new  system 
provides  for  scanning  and  recording  ten  analog  voltages  in  digitized  form  on 
magnetic  tape.  In  addition,  a  translator  is  provided  to  change  the  output 
from  binary  to  binary-coded  decimal.  This  experimental  equipment  was 
sent  to  the  University  of  Georiga,  where  it  will  be  put  into  operation. 

Data  Processing  Applications.  The  mechanized  NBS  personnel  data 
recording  and  reporting  system,  including  file  maintenance  and  the  produc- 
tion of  44  regularly  recurring  personnel  reports  and  one  budget  report,  was 
put  into  routine  operation.  Several  new  reports  were  added  to  the  system 
and  approximately  15  special  on-request  reports  were  also  generated  during 
the  year.  Several  other  government  agencies  have  expressed  considerable 
interest  in  the  project  (Tennessee  Valley  Authority,  Railroad  Retirement 
Board,  General  Services  Administration,  Bureau  of  the  Census) . 

The  feasibility  study  for  determining  the  applicability  of  automatic  data 
processing  techniques  to  certain  operations  of  the  Federal  Communications 
Commission  was  concluded.  Assistance  was  given  to  the  Public  Health 
Service  in  developing  mechanized  collection  of  information  on  radiological 
hazards  from  food  and  water  supply,  medical  and  dental  diagnosis  and 
therapy,  atmospheric  fallout,  industrial  and  research  laboratories,  and  other 


sources,  including  catastrophic  release  of  hazardous  radiation.  The  Division 
of  Radiological  Health,  Public  Health  Service,  was  given  assistance  in 
analyzing  equipment  and  methods  to  be  used  in  the  determination  of  the 
amounts  of  specific  radioisotopes  from  the  gamma-ray  spectrum  readings 
obtained  on  food  samples.  In  addition,  equipment  was  designed  and  con- 
structed for  collecting  data  from  a  gamma  spectrum  analyzer  along  with 
identifying  comments  from  a  manual  keyboard.  It  is  planned  to  use  this 
same  equipment  to  provide  on-line  operation  of  the  gamma  spectrum  analyzer 
with  an  electronic  computer. 

A  final  report  was  submitted  to  the  Research  Grants  Division,  National 
Institutes  of  Health,  in  connection  with  a  preliminary  study  of  the  applica- 
bility of  automatic  data  processing  methods  and  techniques  to  more  effec- 
tively maintain  and  select  information  concerning  their  research  grants 

The  Public  Housing  Authority  constantly  reviews  a  tremendous  volume  of 
reports  of  eligibility  for  continued  occupancy  of  low-rent  housing.  Con- 
tinued advice  and  assistance  were  given  in  programing,  debugging,  and  run- 
ning various  statistical  routines. 

Under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  an  explora- 
tory investigation  was  initiated  of  the  major  objectives,  functions,  and  oper- 
ational units  of  ICC  to  determine  feasibility  of  applying  automatic  data 
processing  techniques  to  selected  activities  and  operation.  Several  short- 
range  projects  and  several  long-range  tasks  with  substantial  potential  gains 
in  effectiveness  or  savings  of  funds  were  identified,  and  work  on  the  next 
phase  of  this  study  was  outlined. 

The  feasibility  study  undertaken  for  the  Maritime  Administration  to  deter- 
mine the  use  of  automatic  data  processing  techniques  and  equipment  in 
support  of  their  regulatory  functions,  including  complex  subsidy  determina- 
tion and  marine  engineering  calculations,  was  terminated.  The  routine  paper- 
work associated  with  the  consideration  of  subsidies  for  the  construction  and 
operation  of  ships  was  analyzed,  and  it  was  concluded  that  mathematical 
calculations  relating  to  the  characteristics  of  ship  hulls  and  propulsion  equip- 
ment could  be  successfully  transferred  to  a  large-scale  computer  for  routine 

Preliminary  investigation  of  the  objectives,  functions,  and  operational 
units  of  the  Office  of  Technical  Services,  U.S.  Department  of  Commerce,  was 
initiated  to  determine  the  feasibility  of  applying  automatic  data  processing 
techniques  to  its  activities  and  operation.  OTS  collects  scientific  literature 
and  reports  of  Government-sponsored  research,  reproduces  them,  and  sells 
them  at  the  cost  of  printing  and  handling  to  scientific  and  industrial  labora- 
tories, private  individuals,  and  business  enterprises.  In  addition,  OTS  pre- 
pares catalogs  and  indexes,  and  conducts  searches  (for  a  fee)  of  technical 
documents  originating  in  Government  agencies  and  in  the  offices  of  their 
contractors.  A  general  survey  of  the  operations  of  each  of  the  organizational 
units  of  OTS  was  begun  as  the  first  step  in  a  detailed  analysis  of  the  functions 
of  this  agency  and  the  demands  made  upon  it. 


Research  Information  Center.  The  collection  and  organization  of 
literature  and  bibliographic  references  covering  a  wide  range  of  interests  in 
information  storage,  selection,  and  retrieval  continued  for  the  Research 
Information  Center  and  Advisory  Service  on  Information  Processing,  which 
is  under  joint  sponsorship  of  the  National  Science  Foundation  and  NBS. 
During  the  past  year  the  collections  of  the  pertinent  literature,  references, 
and  other  related  material  have  more  than  doubled.  Abstracts  and/or  com- 
plete texts  are  now  available  for  over  5,000  literature  items  in  the  several 
fields  of  interest. 

Work  continued  on  a  systematic  glossary  of  terms,  and  specialized  lists 
of  workers  active  in  the  fields  of  character  recognition  and  the  theory  of 
automata  were  selected  from  the  files.  In  addition,  specialized  bibliographies 
were  prepared  and  checked  in  connection  with  the  preparation  of  several 
state-of-the-art  reviews  pertinent  to  the  subject  areas  of  information  storage 
and  retrieval  systems  and  of  mechanized  translation.  Two  state-of-the-art 
studies — a  survey  of  the  present  status  of  automatic  character  recognition 
and  a  guide  to  the  literature  of  automata  theory  with  special  reference  to 
potential  applications  in  mechanized  information  selection  and  retrieval 
systems — were  prepared  for  publication.  The  Center  continues  to  give 
bibliographic  and  other  services  to  cooperating  workers  in  the  field,  govern- 
ment agencies,  and  interested  correspondents. 

Developments  in  Automatic  Mail  Sorting.  The  Bureau  continued 
its  assistance  to  the  Post  Office  Department  Office  of  Research  and  Engineering 
in  applying  automatic  equipment  and  data  handling  techniques  to  the  im- 
provement of  mail-sorting  operations.  A  program  was  developed  for  testing 
and  demonstrating  prototype  letter  sorting  equipment,  and  for  emphasizing 
the  experimental  use  of  the  installation  to  obtain  human  factors  data  and 
basic  statistical  data  now  lacking.  In  preparation  for  this  program,  manual 
sorting  schemes  or  procedures  were  rewritten  and  further  adapted  for  use 
with  the  code-sort  equipment.  These  rewritten  schemes  were  designed  to 
utilize  the  flexibility  of  the  code-sort  equipment  and  to  serve  as  a  model  for 
future  sorting  studies  or  new  schemes.  In  addition,  the  revised  sorting 
schemes  were  translated  into  a  punched  card  format,  and  the  code-sorting 
schemes  are  continually  updated  to  reflect  changes  in  the  manual  schemes 
resulting  from  changes  in  transportation  schedules,  adjustments  to  carrier 
routes,  etc.  A  computer  program  was  developed  to  assist  in  the  analysis 
of  possible  future  coding  procedures,  and  an  attempt  was  made  to  develop 
a  computer  program  that  selects  "optimal"  paths  for  routine  mail.  This  is 
a  variation  of  the  well-known  "shortest  route  problem"  and  is  expected  to 
yield  procedures  for  evaluating  new  plans  such  as  the  "National  Integrated 
Postal  Service  Plan."  The  operations  of  two  new  Post  Offices  that  were 
designed  to  utilize  the  present  state  of  the  postal  mechanization  art  were 
evaluated.  The  network  studies  of  the  sorting  and  transportation  problem  in 
its  entirety  were  begun. 

Mechanization  of  Patent  Searching.  Major  emphasis  in  the  co- 
operative program  with  the  Patent  Office  for  implementing  the  mechaniza- 


tion  of  composition-of-matter  patent  search  operations  was  devoted  to  plan- 
ning, developing,  and  debugging  large-scale  data  preparation  and  data 
checking  routines.  These  routines  are  required  in  the  preparation  of  error- 
free  library  files  of  disclosure  information  for  use  in  trial  runs  using  diverse 
types  of  realistic  questions.  The  pactical  applicability  of  chemical  search 
strategies  such  as  those  incorporated  in  HAYSTAQ  can  then  be  determined. 
It  is  hoped  that  these  experiments  will  result  in  meaningful  statistics  as  to 
the  most  frequently  recurring  errors  and  the  variation  in  incidence  of  error 
among  individuals.  Preliminary  research  on  methods  of  file  organization 
have  also  been  in  progress,  the  objective  being  the  development  of  powerful 
screening  methods  for  increasing  search  efficiency. 

Simulation  of  Traffic  Flow,  At  the  request  of  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Roads,  which  is  concerned  with  the  design  of  more  efficient  highway  signal 
systems,  a  program  for  simulating  municipal  traffic  flow  by  means  of  high- 
speed automatic  data  processing  and  display  equipment  was  completed.  The 
program  prescribes  the  rules  for  movement  of  randomly  generated  cars  along 
the  several  blocks  of  13th  Street  NW,  Washington,  D.C.  between  Euclid 
and  Monroe  Streets.  A  scanning  program  spots  car  positions  and  writes 
the  coordinates  on  a  magnetic  tape.  A  computer  using  this  information 
projects  the  car  positions  onto  an  oscilloscope  and  actuates  a  camera  to 
take  pictures  of  the  successive  position  displays.  Detailed  tables  that  catalog 
all  vehicles  as  they  enter  the  test  course,  clock  and  count  the  vehicles  as  they 
pass  a  key  intermediate  point,  and  finally  check  out  the  vehicles  at  the  end 
of  the  course  noting  their  running  time,  are  produced  as  a  byproduct  for 
further  analysis.  Other  information  furnished  includes  the  type  of  vehicle, 
speed,  and  lane  use.  These  tables  furnish  an  abundance  of  quantitative  data 
for  measuring  and  evaluating  the  performance  of  the  model. 


Measurement  precision  depends  on  two  factors:  The  natural  limitations  of 
the  measurement  process,  and  the  realizable  performance  of  measuring  in- 
struments. Under  a  broad  instrumentation  program,  the  Bureau  investi- 
gates both  of  these  factors  to  improve  its  measurement  capability  in  research 
and  calibration  activities.  The  fundamental  properties  and  limitations  of 
instruments,  their  components  and  materials,  as  well  as  measuring,  record- 
ing, and  signal-processing  methods,  are  studied.  The  program  also  includes 
study  of  basic  phenomena  that  may  be  usefully  applied  to  instrumentation. 

Modern  instrumentation  frequently  uses  electronic  techniques,  even  when 
the  initial  measurement  problem  is  not  fundamentally  electrical.  The  elec- 
tronic program  includes  investigation  of  the  materials  used  in  vacuum  and 
semiconductor  electron  devices;  study  of  the  characteristics  and  capabilities 
of  electron  devices  themselves;  the  development  of  improved  electronic  in- 
struments to  meet  the  needs  of  the  Bureau's  research  program;  and  a  variety 
of  projects  undertaken  for  other  Federal  agencies. 


Right:  The  anchored,  unmanned,  automatic 
weather  station,  "Nomad,"  developed  for  the 
Navy,  was  the  first  automatic  weather  station 
to  detect  formation  of  a  hurricane.  Above: 
NBS  engineers  also  helped  the  Navy  to  de- 
velop and  set  up  a  chain  of  automatic 
weather  stations  in  the  Antarctic  (page  120). 

Mechanical  instrument  activities  include  development  of  standard  hy- 
grometers and  humidity  generators,  calibration  methods  for  pressure  and 
displacement  transducers,  and  study  and  development  of  instruments  needed 
specifically  by  other  Federal  agencies. 

To  avoid  duplication  of  scientific  research  effort,  it  is  necessary  to  keep 
abreast  of  the  instrumentation  art.  The  Bureau  therefore  maintains  an 
extensive  reference  file  of  literature  on  instruments  and  measurement 
methods.  The  file  itself  is  designed  so  that  its  data  can  be  retrieved  partly 
by  mechanical  means. 

Meteorological  Instrumentation.  The  Bureau  developed  an  anchored 
automatic  weather  station,  and  during  the  year  weather  information  was 
telemetered  from  the  station  after  it  had  been  placed  in  a  remote  location 
on  the  ocean  surface.  The  station  was  called  NOMAD  (Navy  Oceano- 
graphic  Meteorological  Automatic  Device) .  It  was  the  first  such  station 
to  be  anchored  successfully  for  a  substantial  period  in  more  than  11.000 
feet  of  water.  It  also  was  the  first  anchored  automatic  station  to  detect 
formation  of  a  hurricane  and  alert  weather  observers  on  land.  A  special 
storm-sensing  device  contributed  to  this  achievement.  The  station  was  de- 
veloped as  part  of  the  ocean  test  and  evaluation  program,  begun  in  1957 
for  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  with  NBS  responsible  for  technical 


Antarctica  Assistance.  At  the  request  of  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weap- 
ons and  Navy  Task  Force  43,  NBS  engineers  participated  in  Operation  Deep- 
freeze 60  and  Operation  Deepfreeze  61.  During  the  former  a  network  of 
automatic  weather  stations  was  established  on  the  Ross  Ice  Shelf,  and  along 
the  coasts  of  Ross  Sea  and  Rellinghausen  Sea.  The  stations  were  developed 
by  the  Naval  Research  Laboratory,  based  on  a  World  War  II  development 
at  NBS. 

During  Operation  DF  61  a  more  extensive  network  of  stations  was  estab- 
lished on  the  Ross  Ice  Shelf  and  the  Polar  Plateau.  Several  prototype 
weather  stations  were  used  operationally  for  the  first  time.  The  data  col- 
lected and  transmitted  automatically  by  these  stations  aided  Navy  meteor- 
ologists materially  in  forecasting  weather  for  flights  to,  from,  and  within  the 
Anarctic  continent. 

Hygrometry.  The  Bureau's  basic  reference  for  humidity  measurement 
is  a  gravimetric  hygrometer  that  determines  the  moisture  content  of  gases 
on  an  absolute  basis.  All  known  sources  of  error  for  this  instrument  were 
analyzed  and  evaluated.  As  a  result,  it  is  estimated  that  the  absolute  hu- 
midity of  a  gas  sample  now  can  be  measured  with  a  standard  deviation  of 
4  parts  in  104. 

Upper-atmosphere  ballon  flights  were  made  from  the  Bureau  with  the 
NBS  fast-responding  electric  hygrometer  element,  used  with  an  improved 
a-c  radiosonde  circuit,  to  study  performance  of  the  hygrometer  under 
field  conditions.  This  work  was  partly  supported  by  the  Bureau  of  Naval 
Weapons.  The  experiments,  which  are  still  in  progress,  indicate  that  large 
humidity  gradients,  discrete  humidity  changes,  and  humidity  microfluctua- 
tions  can  be  observed.  The  element  also  was  used  on  the  Office  of  Naval 
Research  high-altitude,  manned  balloon  flight  (Strato-Lab  High  No.  5)  for 
measuring  atmospheric  relative  humidity  throughout  the  flight. 

FOSDIC.  An  advanced  type  of  Film  Optical  Sensing  Device  for  Input 
to  Computer  (FOSDIC)  is  being  developed  for  the  Weather  Bureau,  where  it 
will  read  and  collate  records  of  weather  data  prior  to  electronic  data  process- 
ing. The  new  FOSDIC  will  examine  microfilmed  punch  cards  being  prepared 
by  the  Weather  Bureau  in  its  existing  FOSDIC  program.  Features  of  the 
new  machine  include  programed  capability  for  detecting  illogically  punched 
or  damaged  data  cards  and  ability  to  monitor  its  own  errors  and  malfunctions. 
Alternative  punch-card  or  magnetic-tape  outputs  are  provided  to  ensure  com- 
patibility with  both  present  and  proposed  data  systems. 

Telemetering  Pickups.  The  Bureau  investigates  the  characteristics 
of  telemetering  transducers,  and  methods  for  their  measurement,  as  part  of  a 
program  sponsored  jointly  by  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Weapons,  the  Army 
Ordnance  Corps,  and  the  Air  Force.  During  the  year,  a  facility  was  acti- 
vated for  wave  analysis  of  transducer  responses  excited  by  a  shock  tube.  The 
resonant  frequencies  of  pressure  transducers  can  be  ascertained  with  this 
equipment,  and  the  resulting  information  determines  the  upper  frequency 
limitation  on  faithful  reproduction  of  pressure  transients.  The  useful  fre- 
quency range  of  the  analyzer  is  1  to  100  kcs. 

616114  O— 61 9  121 

During  the  year,  a  pneumatic  stepfunction  pressure  calibrator,  which  gen- 
erates known  pressures  in  the  range  from  2  to  100  psi,  was  completed.  The 
generated  stepfunction  attains  an  amplitude  constant  to  within  ±2  percent 
within  15  milliseconds.     The  final  pressure  is  known  to  within  ±0.1  psi. 

Electronic  Fault  Location,  A  program,  sponsored  by  the  Navy  Bu- 
reau of  Ships,  is  underway  to  develop  techniques  for  measuring  rapidly  the 
performance  of  electronic  circuits  in  working  equipment.  Such  equipment 
often  is  composed  of  electric  subassemblies,  or  modules;  and  a  method  is 
sought  to  enable  the  semiskilled  maintenance  man  to  quickly  locate  and  re- 
place any  defective  module.  Simple  procedures  using  bridge  methods  are 
being  worked  out  for  testing  amplifiers,  waveform  generators,  and  timing 
circuits.     A  catalog  of  these  techniques  will  be  prepared. 

Electron  Emission  of  Thermionic  Cathodes,  Carbonates  of  barium, 
strontium,  and  calcium  were  deposited  on  nickel  cathode  surfaces  by  an  im- 
proved electroprecipitation  process.  This  is  an  alternative  method  for 
applying  the  emissive  material  to  the  cathode  of  electron  tubes.  The  method 
is  a  simple  plating  procedure  using  a  filtered  solution  of  the  bicarbonate  in 
water.  Its  principal  advantage  is  ultracleanliness,  yielding  coatings  of  pure 
carbonates  uncontaminated  by  the  ball-milling,  organic  vehicles,  and  soluble 
salts  involved  in  conventional  techniques.  The  process  can  be  adapted  for 
various  cathode  shapes — cylindrical,  plane,  conical,  etc. — and  the  small 
laboratory  now  can  maintain  control  of  coating  density  and  texture  as  well 
as  purity. 

Because  of  hydrogen  evolution  at  the  cathode,  mechanical  motion  of  the 
electrolyte  over  the  cathode  surfaces  is  essential.     An  electrolyte  tempera- 

Microcite,  a  close-coupled  searching  machine  developed  for  use  with  the  NBS 
punched-card  (peek-a-boo)  instrumentation  index.  The  operator  can  locate 
references,  view  abstracts  on  the  screen  at  the  top,  and  make  copies  of  the  se- 
lected abstract  automatically  (page  123). 


ture  of  approximately  10  °C  is  desirable.  The  throwing  power  is  poor,  so 
that  any  simple  means  is  effective  for  surface  masking. 

Vapor  Pressure  of  Alloys.  A  vacuum  microbalance  with  a  sensitivity 
better  than  one  microgram  was  used  to  determine  vapor  pressure  of  the  minor 
constituent  in  nickel-base  alloys.  Alloys  of  this  type  are  important  in  man- 
ufacture of  electron  tubes.  Samples  containing  approximately  0.1  percent 
of  magnesium,  aluminum,  and  titanium  were  measured  successfully.  For 
satisfactory  measurement,  the  impurity  diffusion  rate  must  exceed  its  loss 
at  the  alloy  surface,  and  a  vacuum  pressure  less  than  10~9  torr  is  needed  to 
prevent  combination  of  the  impurity  with  gas  at  the  surface. 

Instrumentation  Reference  Service.  A  searching  machine  was  de- 
veloped for  use  with  the  punched-card  (microcite)  instrumentation  index. 
The  machine  enables  an  operator  to  identify  quickly  all  information  in  the 
index  on  a  particular  instrumental  or  measurement  subject,  Meanwhile, 
simple  methods  were  developed  for  replicating  the  punched  cards  used  in 
the  Bureau's  reference  index.  The  same  techniques  are  expected  to  be  useful 
in  performing  information  searches  based  on  logical  sum  and  logical 

Technical  Communication.  Communication  among  scientists  and  or- 
ganizations is  an  effective  means  for  avoiding  needless  duplication  of  effort. 
A  study  of  the  state  of  such  communication,  relative  to  the  electronic  research 
program  of  the  Federal  Government,  was  made  for  the  Senate  Subcommittee 
on  Government  Reorganization  and  Internal  Organizations  of  the  Senate 
Committee  on  Government  Operations. 


The  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory,  located  at  Boulder,  Colo., 
has  the  primary  responsibility  within  the  U.S.  Government  for  collecting, 
analyzing,  and  disseminating  information  on  the  propagation  of  radio 
waves  at  all  frequencies  along  the  surface  of  the  earth,  through  the  atmos- 
phere, and  in  outer  space.  To  carry  out  its  responsibility,  this  Laboratory 
conducts  research  on  the  nature  of  radio  waves  and  the  media  through  which 
they  are  transmitted,  the  interaction  of  the  waves  with  media,  and  the  nature 
of  the  radio  noise  and  interference  effects.  A  network  of  field  stations  is 
operated  from  the  Arctic  to  the  tropics,  and  data  are  exchanged  with  other 
laboratories  throughout  the  world.  A  newly  established  mathematics  group 
is  responsible  for  mathematics  and  computational  procedures  at  the  Boulder 
Laboratories.  To  assist  this  program  a  large  transistorized  computer  was 
acquired,  and  is  now  being  used  in  the  solution  of  such  problems  as  propa- 
gation of  VLF-LF  radio  waves,  the  true  height  of  the  inonosphere,  radio  ray 
tracing,  ionospheric  mapping,  and  cryogenic  properties  of  materials.  The 
work  of  the  Laboratory  is  divided  into  four  areas:  Ionosphere  research  and 
propagation,  radio  propagation  engineering,  radio  communications  and  sys- 
tems, and  upper  atmosphere  and  space  physics. 



The  Bureau  conducts  and  coordinates  basic  research  on  the  propagation 
of  radio  waves  as  affected  by  the  ionosphere  and  on  the  special  factors  which 
can  give  rise  to  large  departures  from  the  normal  behavior;  conducts  basic 
research  on  the  nature  of  the  media  through  which  these  radio  waves  are 
transmitted  and  the  interaction  of  radio  waves  with  the  media ;  prepares  pre- 
dictions of  radio  wave  propagation  and  warnings  of  disturbances;  acts  as 
a  central  repository  for  data,  reports,  and  information  in  the  field  of  ion- 
ospheric radio  wave  propagation;  and  provides  consultation  services  on  the 
characteristics  of  the  ionosphere  and  on  radio  wave  propagation  to  other 
government  agencies  and  industry. 

Javelin  rocket  which  carried  an  ionosonde  to  an  altitude  of  1,000  kilometers. 
For  thirteen  minutes,  the  ionosonde  made  topside  soundings  of  the  ionosphere. 
The  experiment  was  made  to  test  the  sounding  system  for  the  fixed-frequency 
satellite  topside  sounder  to  be  orbited  in  1962  (page  127). 


VLF  Phase  Stability  Studies.  Propagation  characteristics  of  phase 
stabilized  transmission  in  the  very  low  frequency  (VLF)  band  of  the  radio 
spectrum  are  studied  to  provide  data  on  the  state  of  the  lower  ionosphere. 
A  record  of  the  phase  and  amplitude  of  a  VLF  transmission  discloses  the 
normal  variation  in  the  phase  resulting  from  changes  in  the  effective  height 
of  reflection  of  the  ionosphere  from  day  to  night.  Abnormal  variations 
in  the  phase  of  a  VLF  signal  are  observed  to  accompany  both  magnetic 
storms  and  solar  flares  (Sudden  Phase  Anomalies).  An  unusually  large 
Sudden  Phase  Anomaly  (SPA),  produced  by  a  solar  cosmic  ray  flare,  was 
observed  at  1030  UT,  4  May  1960  on  the  record  of  the  16  kc/s  GBR  trans- 
mission from  Rugby,  England,  to  Boulder,  Colo.  The  high  energy  cosmic 
ray  particles  produced  by  this  solar  flare  ionized  a  region  well  below  the 
normal  Z)-region  of  the  ionosphere,  thus  producing  the  large  SPA.  (Only 
10  such  solar  flare  cosmic  ray  events  have  been  observed  in  the  period  from 
February  1942  to  December  1960.) 

In  addition,  analysis  of  the  16  kc/s  data  has  revealed  variations  in  phase 
coincident  with  meteor  shower  activity.  The  use  of  the  phase-coherent  de- 
tection technique  at  VLF  is  apparently  a  sensitive  indicator  of  the  worldwide 
ionizing  effects  of  meteors  which  are  not  as  easily  seen  in  smaller  volume 
samples,  such  as  those  obtained  by  VHF  forward  scatter,  radar,  and  optical 

Magnetic  Field  Micro  pulsations  and  Electron  Bremsstrahlung. 
Enhanced  magnetic  micropulsation  activity  in  the  auroral  zone  near  College, 
Alaska,  has  been  observed  simultaneously  with  increases  in  electron  brems- 
strahlung intensity.  Measurements  of  the  magnetic  field  fluctuations  were 
made  with  a  2-m-diam  loop  antenna  of  21,586  turns  with  its  axis  in  the  mag- 
netic North-South  direction.  The  system  had  a  flat  response  to  magnetic  flux 
density  in  the  frequency  range  of  0.4  to  0.04  c/s.  Bremsstrahlung  from 
bombarding  electrons  having  energies  greater  than  50  kev  were  observed  with 
balloon-borne  Geiger  counters.  X-ray  bursts,  representing  high  energy  elec- 
tron influx,  were  found  to  be  coincident  with  the  magnetic  field  micropulsa- 
tion amplitudes.  Balloon  measurements  of  electron  bremsstrahlung  using 
rapid  time  response  scintillation  counters  give  some  indication  of  the  exist- 
ence of  bunching  in  the  incoming  electron  density.  Further  observations 
should  show  whether  such  fluctuations  are  also  simultaneous  with  the 
magnetic  field  pulsations. 

Ray  Tracing  Through  The  Real  Ionosphere.  Ionospheric  data  col- 
lected during  the  IGY  show  that  large  regions  of  high  electron  density  exist 
in  the  vicinity  of  the  magnetic  dip  equator.  Under  such  conditions  the  as- 
sumption of  a  spherically  stratified  ionosphere  is  invalid  and  it  becomes 
necessary  to  plot  the  radio  wave  ray  paths  in  detail  so  as  to  ascertain  the 
modes  of  propagation. 

Cross  sections,  along  the  75°  west  meridian,  have  been  made  for  noon 
and  evening  conditions  in  March  1958.  Neglecting  the  earth's  magnetic 
field,  rays  have  been  constructed  from  a  point  located  at  20°  North  latitude 
for  several  frequencies  and  angles  of  elevation. 


Mountain-top  transmitting  location  for  studies  of  fading  characteristics  in 
wide-band  transmission  systems.  Receivers  are  located  at  a  distance  of  70 
miles  on  the  plains  within  the  line-of -sight.  Problems  of  space  telecommuni- 
cations have  led  to  a  need  for  more  data  on  long  line-of-sight  transmission 
paths  (page  128). 

Of  particular  interest  is  the  presence  of  supermodes.  These  involve  ray 
paths  that  undergo  two  successive  reflections  from  regions  of  high  electron 
concentration  without  the  usual  ground  reflection  in  between.  In  this  way 
signals  can  propagate  at  frequencies  considerably  higher  than  the  classical 
maximum  usable  frequency. 

Doppler  Fading  Studies.  Over  the  past  year  a  sensitive  technique 
has  been  developed  for  the  recording  of  the  frequency  variation  of  ionospheri- 
cally  propagated  radio  waves.  These  frequency  variations  are  of  the  order 
of  a  few  cycles  per  second  and  for  purposes  of  analysis  they  are  recorded 
on  magnetic  tape  traveling  at  a  speed  of  y50  ips.  By  playing  the  tape  back 
at  a  speed  of  30  ips  the  frequency  variations  appear  as  an  audio  tone  which 
can  be  analyzed  by  conventional  techniques. 

The  20  Mc/s  transmission  of  WWV  has  been  recorded  at  Boulder  for  a 
number  of  months  in  the  winters  of  1959-1960  and  1960-1961.  Within  a 
minute  of  the  optical  onset  of  a  large  solar  flare  of  November  12,  I960,  the 
frequency  started  to  increase.  This  increase  can  be  interpreted  as  a  down- 
ward motion  of  the  reflecting  level.  Later  the  ionosphere  stopped  moving 
and  the  frequency  returned  to  normal.  This  technique  can  also  be  used 
to  identify  magnetic  storm  effects  and  traveling  disturbances  in  the  F  region. 
During  a  severe  magnetic  storm  it  has  been  observed  that  the  F  layer  loses 
its  specular  reflection  character  and  degenerates  into  a  turbulent  medium. 


First  Rocket'Borne  Soundings  of  the  Topside  of  the  Ionosphere, 

Shortly  after  1800  EST  on  June  24,  1961,  a  two-frequency  ionosonde  was 
carried  to  an  altitude  of  over  1000  km  off  Wallops  Island,  Va.,  by  means 
of  a  four-stage  rocket  (Javelin).  Successful  radio  pulse  reflections  from 
the  topside  of  the  ionosphere  were  obtained  for  about  13  of  the  15  minutes 
that  the  payload  was  above  the  height  of  the  F  region  maximum  electron 
density.  The  experimental  technique  involved  is  essentially  the  same  as 
that  used  by  the  network  of  bottomside  sounders  except  that  the  rocket-borne 
sounder  was  completely  transistorized  and  operated  at  a  lower  power. 
Unexpected  effects  were  observed  as  the  sounder  passed  through  levels  in 
the  ionosphere  where  the  plasma  frequency  was  equal  to  the  sounding  fre- 
quency. Also,  some  evidence  for  the  presence  of  ionization  irregularities 
at  altitudes  of  700-900  km  was  obtained.  A  preliminary  analysis  of  the 
rocket  results  suggests  a  neutral  atmosphere  scale-height  of  about  70  km 
between  the  altitudes  of  400  and  600  km,  implying  a  temperature  of  about 
1,200  °K  (assuming  an  oxygen  atmosphere). 

The  purpose  of  the  rocket  experiment  was  to  test  the  sounding  system 
that  is  to  be  used  in  a  fixed-frequency  satellite  topside  sounder  scheduled 
to  be  placed  in  orbit  in  1962.  NBS  responsibilities  in  this  program  include 
overall  planning,  design  and  performance  of  the  experiment,  and  analysis  of 
the  resulting  data.  Airborne  Instruments  Laboratory,  a  division  of  Cutler- 
Hammer  Company,  is  designing  and  building  the  rocket  and  satellite  pay- 
loads  and  the  ground  data  handling  equipment.  Technical  management  and 
sponsorship  is  provided  by  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administra- 
tion (Goddard  Space  Flight  Center) . 

Studies  of  the  Interplanetary  Medium.  A  study  of  the  relation  of 
solar  emission  of  medium-energy  particles  to  other  types  of  solar  activity 
has  revealed  new  facts  about  the  interplanetary  medium.  These  particles, 
first  suspected  in  the  large  solar  event  of  February  1956,  have  been  detected 
in  the  earth's  atmosphere  and  their  effects  studied  by  means  of  VHF  forward- 
scatter  signals.  These  data,  and  others  measuring  the  ionospheric  effects 
of  the  solar  particles,  show  that  around  the  time  of  maximum  solar  activity 
the  solar  cosmic  ray  particles  take  much  longer  to  reach  the  earth  from 
the  sun  than  they  do  near  minimum  activity.  Comparison  with  character- 
istics of  solar  particles  of  higher  and  lower  energies  show  that  these  medium- 
energy  particles  must  move  in  the  interplanetary  magnetic  field  not  as  single 
particles,  but  as  a  group.  Consideration  of  directly-observed  energy  spectra 
of  the  various  solar  particles  show  that  this  group  behavior  is  to  be  expected 
if  the  interplanetary  field  is  regular  but  weak  near  solar  minimum  activity, 
and  contains  regions  where  the  magnetic  field  intensity  is  10"4  or  10"5  gauss 
near  the  maximum  of  the  solar  activity  cycle.  Linear  dimensions,  field 
strength,  and  frequency  of  occurrence  of  these  regions  of  enhanced  magnetic 
field,  estimated  from  the  behavior  of  the  solar  particles,  are  found 
to  be  consistent  with  the  hypothesis  that  the  clouds  are  formed  through 
the  action  of  low-energy  solar  particles.  The  effect  of  these  outward-moving 
magnetic  clouds  on  the  velocity  distribution  of  cosmic  rays  accounts  for  the 
main  features  of  solar  modulation  of  cosmic  rays. 


Radio  Reflections  from  Artificial  Electron  Clouds,  In  a  coopera- 
tive program  with  the  Air  Force  Cambridge  Research  Laboratory,  the  Bu- 
reau has  been  involved  in  the  operation  of  strategically  located  ionosondes 
during  rocket  experiments  aimed  at  the  creation  of  electron  clouds.  In  these 
experiments  relatively  small  amounts  of  various  substances  (such  as  sodium) 
are  injected  into  the  atmosphere  at  ionospheric  heights.  In  one  class  of 
experiments,  clouds  of  free  electrons  result  through  the  ionization  of  the 
ejected  material  by  sunlight.  By  permitting  a  measurement  of  the  radio  dis- 
tance to  ionized  clouds  over  a  wide  range  of  radio  frequencies,  the  ionosonde 
is  a  valuable  tool  for  the  study  of  cloud  position,  drift,  and  growth.  Studies 
of  the  drifts  of  these  clouds  allow  determination  of  wind  velocities  and  the 
height  gradients.  For  example,  a  value  of  about  —  7m/s/km  was  deduced 
for  the  East-West  height  gradient  of  the  drift  speed  at  100  to  120  km  during 
July-August  1960  over  northern  Florida. 


More  efficient  use  of  the  radiofrequency  spectrum  is  the  aim  of  the  Bu- 
reau's program  in  radio  propagation  engineering.  This  objective  requires 
a  basic  understanding  of  radio  wave  propagation,  noise,  and  interference. 
To  this  end  theoretical  and  semi-empirical  prediction  methods  are  developed 
and  compared  with  statistical  samples  of  data  on  radio  wave  propagation  and 
radio  noise.  During  the  past  few  years  it  has  been  found  desirable  to  in- 
crease emphasis  on  the  direct  measurement  of  the  characteristics  of  the 
atmosphere  which  affect  the  propagation.  Further  emphasis  is  also  being 
given  to  studies  of  propagation  and  noise  at  the  two  extremes  of  the  useful 
spectrum:  above  5,000  Mc/s  and  below  30  kc/s.  In  this  way  it  is  hoped 
that  a  better  understanding  of  these  portions  of  the  spectrum  will  lead  to 
their  more  extensive  and  efficient  use. 

Tropospheric  Transmission  Loss  Predictions.  New  methods  were 
published  in  the  past  year  for  predicting  the  transmission  loss  expected  on  a 
point-to-point  tropospheric  radio  circuit.  These  thus  provide  an  accurate 
basis  for  designing  such  radio  systems.  The  accuracy  of  these  prediction 
methods  is  such  that  costly  path  loss  measurements  prior  to  the  installation  of 
such  a  communications  system  are  no  longer  necessary :  These  measurements 
can  often  be  misleading  unless  they  are  made  over  a  sufficiently  long  period 
of  time,  which  in  some  cases  may  be  several  years. 

Wideband  Data  Transmission.  Current  use  of  radiofrequencies, 
with  the  transmission  of  large  amounts  of  information,  often  involves  very 
wideband  systems.  The  advent  of  space  telecommunications  and  high- 
altitude  space  vehicles  has  made  it  necessary  to  consider  very  long  line-of- 
sight  paths  involving  transmission  through  the  troposphere.  A  measure- 
ment program  has  been  initiated  to  investigate  the  maximum  effective  band- 
width that  the  troposphere  can  support  without  serious  distortion  due  to 
multipath  effects  both  within  and  beyond  the  line-of-sight.  The  within-line- 
of-sight  observations  have  been  made  from  a  mountain  site   in  Colorado 


towards  the  plains,  using  two  microwave  signals  separated  by  a  difference 
in  frequency  corresponding  to  very  wide  communication  bandwidths.  The 
beyond  line-of-sight  measurements  are  being  made  between  Boulder,  Colo., 
and  Altus,  Okla.,  using  large  parabolic  antennas  ranging  in  size  from  14  to 
60  ft  in  diameter  at  the  receiving  and  transmitting  terminals.  The  informa- 
tion obtained  will  help  to  determine  the  ultimate  volume  of  information  that 
can  be  transmitted  over  long  tropospheric  paths  and  assist  in  the  design  of 
systems  employing  this  type  of  propagation. 

Mutual  Interference  Between  Surface  and  Satellite  Communica- 
tion Systems.  Artificial  earth  satellites  have  opened  up  new  horizons  in 
long  distance  communication  possibilities.  Optimum  frequencies  for  satel- 
lite communication  purposes  lie  generally  in  the  1,000  to  10,000  Mc/s  por- 
tion of  the  radiofrequency  spectrum.  Since  this  portion  of  the  spectrum  is 
presently  in  use  by  many  communication  services,  satellite  communication 

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Receiving  antennas  used  in  studies  of  obstacle-gain  propagation  over  Pikes 
Peak.  Under  certain  conditions,  signals  propagated  across  mountain  ridges 
are  found  to  be  far  stronger  than  if  the  obstacle  were  not  there  (page  130). 


systems  will  be  expected  to  share  frequencies  with  these  existing  services. 
Predictions  have  been  made  of  the  conditions  under  which  these  frequencies 
can  be  shared  by  conventional  point-to-point  microwave  relays  and  satellite 
systems.  A  study  sponsored  by  the  Joint  Technical  Advisory  Committee  of 
the  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers  predicts  that  frequency  assignments  may 
be  shared  if  adequate  geographical  separation  of  terminals  is  provided. 
Theoretical  studies  and  an  experimental  program  using  the  NBS  60-foot 
parabolic  antennas  were  conducted  to  determine  the  minimum  separation  dis- 
tance and  the  minimum  antenna  elevation  angles  for  the  space  communication 
system,  such  that  the  interfering  signal  power  appearing  at  the  receiver  input 
terminals  was  below  the  interfering  level.  In  order  to  make  reliable  estimates 
of  these  interfering  conditions,  these  measurements  will  necessarily  be  con- 
ducted over  an  extended  period. 

Technical  Factors  Influencing  Allocations,  The  advent  of  space 
telecommunications,  together  with  the  increasing  use  being  made  of  the 
crowded  radio  spectrum,  requires  the  application  of  technically  sound  pro- 
cedures in  radio  frequency  allocations  to  assure  maximum  efficiency  of  usage 
and  adequate  provision  for  all  radio  services.  The  Central  Radio  Propaga- 
tion Laboratory,  in  cooperation  with  the  Interdepartment  Radio  Advisory 
Committee  and  the  Federal  Communications  Commission,  has  undertaken 
a  general  study  of  propagation  factors  important  in  radio  frequency  alloca- 
tion, giving  consideration  to  all  types  of  radio  service  presently  in  use  or  of 
future  concern. 

Signal  Characteristics  of  Mountain  Obstacle  Paths.  Under  cer- 
tain conditions  signals  propagated  across  mountain  ridges  are  found  to  be 
far  stronger  than  if  the  mountain  were  not  there.  In  order  to  take  optimum 
advantage  of  this  effect  it  is  necessary  to  be  able  to  estimate  the  variation  in 
transmission  loss  over  these  paths  and  to  understand  the  conditions  under 
which  space  diversity  may  be  used  to  overcome  fading.  A  long-term  series  of 
measurements  was  completed  in  eastern  Colorado  using  Pike's  Peak  as  a 
knife-edge  type  obstacle.  Sample  recordings  were  made  at  two  frequencies 
(100  and  750  Mc/s)  over  a  period  of  nine  months.  Empirically  derived  func- 
tions based  on  line-of-sight  fading  phenomena  specially  adapted  to  this  type 
of  propagation  give  results  which  closely  approximate  the  measured  fading 

Refraction  Effects  in  Microwave  Tracking  Systems.  Modern  pre- 
cision missile  radio  guidance  systems  using  microwaves  have  their  ultimate 
accuracy  limited  by  the  refractive  index  irregularities  in  the  troposphere. 
A  program  is  being  conducted  to  measure  the  effects  of  atmospheric  in- 
homogeneities  and  turbulence  on  such  systems.  Using  specially  developed 
techniques  on  the  unique  terrain  of  the  Boulder  area,  an  experimental  track- 
ing system  was  constructed  to  simulate  the  basic  functions  of  the  Mistram 
system  being  built  for  the  Air  Force.  This  system  is  being  used  to  record  the 
variations  in  apparent  positions  which  result  from  atmospheric  variations. 
Simultaneous  recordings  are  made  of  various  atmospheric  quantities  such  as 


Airborne  refractometer  equipment  used  in  studying  the  effects  of  atmospheric 
inhomogeneities  and  turbulence  on  missile  radioguidance  systems  using  micro- 
waves (page  130). 

Radio  propagation  paths  under  study  by  the  Bureau  to  provide  information  on 
factors  affecting  the  design  and  use  of  radio  systems.  Ionospheric,  ground- 
wave,  and  line-of-sight  paths  are  investigated  to  define  the  limitations,  disturb- 
ances, and  capacity  of  the  transmission  medium  as  a  channel  (page  128). 


refractive  index  at  each  of  the  antennas  in  the  system,  and  at  a  number  of 
height  levels  on  a  tower  near  the  terminals  of  the  system.  In  addition,  micro- 
wave refractometer  measurements  are  made  by  an  aircraft  flying  approxi- 
mately along  the  propagation  paths.  These  data  are  being  examined  for  cor- 
relation with  the  apparent  position  variations  of  a  fixed  target  simulating  a 
missile  to  investigate  the  feasibility  of  using  them  for  correcting  the  radio 
system  data.  Preliminary  work  has  shown  that  some  of  the  long-term 
(several  hours  or  more)  atmospheric  effects  can  be  reduced  significantly  by 
proper  atmospheric  measurements.  However,  no  methods  have  been  found 
as  yet  to  make  significant  or  reliable  correction  for  the  short-term  effects 
(hourly  or  less). 

Radio  Meteorological  Sensors.  The  results  of  an  investigation  con- 
cerned with  the  problem  of  time-lag  constants  in  the  humidity  and  tempera- 
ture sensors  of  standard  radiosonde  instruments  currently  in  use  by  civilian 
and  military  weather  organizations  shows  clearly  that  corrections  for  the 
time  lag  in  the  sensors  of  both  parameters  are  necessary  for  correct  inter- 
pretation of  the  observed  readings.  Radiosonde  observations  have  been 
universally  used  for  determining  the  radio  refractive  index  properties  of 
the  atmosphere  with  altitude;  such  observations  are  required  not  only  for 
predicting  the  normal  refraction  of  radio  waves  around  the  curved  surface 
of  the  spherical  earth,  but  are  also  used  for  predicting  the  strength  of  signals 
resulting  from  atmospheric  turbulence  and  tropospheric  waveguide  propaga- 
tion commonly  known  as  ducting.  It  is  especially  important  to  take  into 
account  the  time  lag  of  these  radio  meteorological  sensors  in  studying  the 
climatological  occurrence  of  radio  ducts.  By  ignoring  sensor  time  lag  one 
tends  to  underestimate  ducting  incidence;  by  correcting  only  for  humidity 
sensor  lag,  ducted  incidence  is  overestimated. 

Atmospheric  Re fr activity  Models.  The  variation  of  the  refractivity 
of  the  atmosphere  with  height  above  the  surface  of  the  earth  is  important 
in  the  prediction  of  tropospheric  radio  field  strengths.  A  study  of  refrac- 
tivity with  height  made  by  radiosonde  observations  throughout  the  world 
indicates  that  a  satisfactory  model  of  the  atmosphere  can  be  represented  by 
the  sum  of  two  exponential  quantities,  one  dealing  with  the  dry  properties 
of  the  atmosphere,  and  the  other  dealing  with  the  humidity  properties  of  the 
atmosphere.  The  dry  and  wet  exponential  terms  are  sensitive  indicators  of 
climatic  differences,  and  in  the  course  of  the  study  maps  of  each  were  pre- 
pared for  the  United  States  for  both  summer  and  winter.  The  bi-exponential 
model  yields  more  accurate  estimates  of  refractivity  structure  in  the  tropo- 
sphere than  the  earlier  single  exponential  model,  and  consequently  gives 
more  reliable  estimates  of  refraction  for  initial  elevation  angles  in  excess  of 
3°.  Only  negligible  improvement  for  the  near  zero  angles  of  departure 
commonly  used  in  tropospheric  propagation  are  obtained. 

Automatic  Amplitude  Distribution  Analyzer.  An  analysis  system 
for  determining  the  principal  statistical  parameters  of  time  varying  radio 
propagation  data  was  completed.  These  parameters  are  cumulative  ampli- 
tude distribution,  fade  rate  versus  data  level,  fade  or  enhancement  duration 


distribution  at  specific  data  levels,  and  the  distribution  of  percent  of  time 
preset  fade  or  enhancement  durations  are  exceeded.  The  system  is  designed 
to  analyze  data  recorded  on  magnetic  tape,  making  it  possible  to  analyze 
most  field  data  at  a  rate  100  times  the  speed  at  which  it  was  recorded.  The 
input  data  is  in  the  form  of  variable  voltage,  representing  the  fading  charac- 
teristics of  the  strength  of  the  measured  radio  signal.  The  results  are  auto- 
matically recorded  on  a  digital  printer  at  the  end  of  each  analysis  period. 

Engineering  Standards  for  Tropospheric  Communication.  A  re- 
vised and  updated  360  page  handbook  of  engineering  standards  for  tropo- 
spheric telecommunications  was  prepared,  partly  in  response  to  demand  in 
excess  of  the  1960  edition  and  partly  at  the  request  of  the  Air  Force  for  a 
shorter  version  of  the  material.  Methods  for  calculating  system  perform- 
ance and  equipment  requirements  for  line-of-sight,  knife-edge  diffraction, 
smooth  and  rough  earth  diffraction,  and  forward  scatter  are  given  with 
several  new  concepts  and  a  general  updating  over  the  original  handbook. 

Prediction  of  Radio  Noise  from  Thunderstorm  Counts.  Since  at- 
mospheric radio  noise  originates  in  thunderstorms,  an  attempt  has  been  made 
to  predict  the  radio  noise,  at  any  location,  from  world-wide  thunderstorm 

From  available  records  of  thunderstorms,  the  probability  of  a  thunder- 
storm occurring  during  any  hour  in  each  of  the  four  seasons  has  been  com- 
puted for  any  geographic  location.  Using  the  computed  number  of  thun- 
derstorms over  the  globe  for  any  time,  and  season  and  propagation  charac- 
teristics for  the  various  frequencies  and  paths,  the  noise  power  received 
at  any  location  may  be  calculated  for  the  same  time  and  season,  providing 
the  average  power  from  an  average  thunderstorm  is  known.  By  assuming 
a  value  for  this  average  power,  comparisons  of  measured  power  and  cal- 
culated power  at  each  of  the  seventeen  stations  in  the  CRPL  radio-noise- 
recording  network  can  be  made.  The  average  power  from  a  thunderstorm 
found  from  this  comparison  can  then  be  used  to  calculate  the  noise  power 
at  any  other  location. 

To  date,  due  to  the  volume  of  computation  necessary,  only  one  check 
(at  50  kc/s)  has  been  computed  for  one  continental  location.  In  this  one 
check,  the  computed  diurnal  and  seasonal  variation  of  noise  are  in  good 
agreement  with  the  recorded  noise. 


The  aim  of  the  radio  systems  program  is  to  provide  technical  information 
relating  to  propagation  factors  affecting  the  design  and  use  of  radio  systems. 
The  emphasis  of  this  work  is  on  long-range  radio  transmission  problems — 
and  methods  of  measurement — for  radio  communication,  navigation,  timing, 
detection,  and  positioning  systems.  Radio  wave  propagation  studies  are 
carried  out  for  ionospheric,  ground  wave  and  line-of-sight  paths  to  define 
the  limitations,  disturbances,  and  capacity  of  the  transmission  medium  as  a 
channel.  The  information  obtained  is  directed  toward  guidance  of  engi- 
neering practices,  allocation  and  use  of  radio  frequencies,  and  evaluation 


Array  of  25  Yagi  antennas  used  to  pinpoint  the  direction  of  radio  signals  re- 
ceived from  "forward  scatter"  transmission  (page  136). 

of  system  capabilities  and  limitations.  Standards  and  methods  of  measure- 
ment are  developed  for  radio  systems  to  fulfill  the  needs  of  federal  agencies 
and  industry  involved  in  radio  telecommunication  operation  and  regulation. 
Studies  of  information  theory  and  coding,  modulation,  and  antenna  design 
are  directed  toward  improvement  of  the  reliability  of  systems  and  to  the 
efficient  utilization  of  the  radio  frequency  spectrum. 

Low  and  Very  Low  Frequency  Systems  (30—300  kc/s).  Theo- 
retical computations  of  the  propagation  of  ELF  and  ULF  electromagnetic 
waves  have  been  carried  out  to  provide  a  solution  for  the  propagation  of 
spherical  waves  in  and  about  a  spherical  earth  of  finite  conductivity.  A  flexi- 
ble theoretical  computing  model  for  the  lower  ionosphere  was  developed 
for  VLF-LF-MF  and  HF  wave  propagation.  The  model  is  a  multi-slab 
electron-ion  plasma  with  superposed  magnetic  induction  of  arbitrary  direc- 
tion. Computations  have  been  made  of  the  effects  of  various  types  of  dis- 
turbances on  waves  propagated  via  the  lower  ionosphere.  Graphs,  curves, 
and  charts  are  being  prepared  to  assist  in  practical  system  studies  in  the 
ELF,  VLF  and  LF  region. 

Analysis  of  transient  propagation  of  LF  radio  waves  has  been  conducted 
to  assist  in  evaluating  the  accuracy  of  pulse  navigation  systems.  Techniques 
for  transforming  from  the  frequency  domain  to  the  time  domain  for  analysis 
of  linear  systems  were  further  developed.  A  method  was  devised  and  tested 
for  measuring  effective  ground  conductivity  and  long  paths  by  comparison 
of  recorded  complex  spectra  of  atmospheric  (lightning  discharge)  wave- 
forms. The  nature  and  occurrence  of  atmospherics,  as  well  as  modulation 
and  receiving  techniques,  are  studied  to  improve  methods  for  elimination 
or  reduction  of  noise  effects  in  VLF/LF  systems. 

High-Frequency  Systems.  Experimental  studies  of  high-frequency  ion- 
ospheric radio  propagation  over  Arctic  paths  were  completed  for  the  Air 
Force  and  the  Navy.     Results  were  obtained  on  the  attenuation,  or  transmis- 


sion  loss,  of  radio  signals  as  a  function  of  frequency  over  paths  subject  to 
severe  ionospheric  disturbances.  Galactic  noise  (VHF  riometer)  absorption 
measurements  taken  at  vertical  incidences  near  the  path  midpoint  were  com- 
pared with  the  oblique  path  transmission  loss  to  determine  useful  relation- 
ships between  galactic  noise  absorption  and  oblique  high-frequency  radio 
signal  attenuation.  The  dependence  of  transmission  loss  on  the  geographical 
location  of  terminals  and  the  angle  of  signal  arrival  was  investigated  for 
paths  transiting  the  Arctic.  The  short  term  pulse-to-pulse  and  amplitude 
perturbations  during  ionospheric  disturbances  were  investigated  to  determine 
modulation  limitations  for  HF  arctic  circuits. 

A  study  was  completed  showing  the  effect  of  the  radiation  angle  upon  high- 
frequency  transmission  loss  for  long-range  transmission. 

Previous  experiments  have  suggested  that  certain  high-frequency  radio 
waves  may  be  propagated  by  ducting  along  the  magnetic  field  lines  of  the 
earth  through  the  exosphere.  The  experimental  program  is  being  expanded 
by  higher  pulse  powers  and  a  continuous  wave  radar  technique  for  more 
detailed  study  of  propagation  of  backscatter  echoes.  Frequency  shifting 
will  be  used  to  obtain  the  wavelength  dependence  of  this  propagation  mode. 
The  statistics  of  the  occurrence  of  this  mode  of  propagation  will  be  examined, 
including  the  change  in  path  transmission  loss. 

An  electronic  computer  program  for  computing  the  path  Maximum  Usable 
Frequency  and  Optimum  Traffic  Frequency  has  been  completed  for  the  Navy. 
The  program  utilizes  for  ionospheric  input  data  the  numerical  mapping  tech- 
nique developed  by  another  NBS  laboratory.  With  this  program  it  is  only 
necessary  to  know  the  path  coordinates,  month,  and  solar  index  to  determine 
the  usable  frequencies  as  a  function  of  time  of  day.  The  program,  which 
can  be  readily  changed  to  accommodate  any  particular  system,  is  being 
extended  to  cover  Lowest  Useful  Frequency  computations. 

A  study  is  being  conducted  for  the  Navy  to  determine  the  applicability 
of  electronic  computers  to  real  time  computation  of  the  optimum  operating 
frequency  for  any  HF  circuit.  All  known  factors  influencing  the  performance 
of  HF  radio  circuits  are  being  examined  to  determine  their  predictability 
and  usefulness  for  the  computer  techniques. 

Comprehensive  high-frequency  propagation  studies  on  behalf  of  the  Ad- 
vanced Research  Projects  Agency  are  being  undertaken  to  measure  phase 
and  path-length  changes,  and  group  path  time  delays.  This  program  is 
directed  toward  determining  the  short-term  behavior  of  the  natural  iono- 
sphere in  relation  to  limitations  of  nuclear  detection  at  long  ranges.  Both 
short  and  long  term  variations  will  be  measured  to  determine  sporadic  and 
cyclic  effects.  A  study  was  undertaken  to  determine  instrumentation  re- 
quirements for  observations  of  the  fine  structure  of  the  ionosphere  by  the 
observation  of  the  amplitude,  phase  and  polarization  of  both  backscattered 
and  forward  propagated  signals. 

Planning  has  begun  for  a  new  high-power  ionospheric  radar  research  facil- 
ity for  HF  and  VHF  studies,  to  be  located  at  CRPL  near  Boulder  Laboratories. 


The  U.S.  Air  Force  has  made  available  components  of  a  Ballistic  Missile 
Early  Warning  System  radar  transmitter  which  will  serve  as  the  power  supply 
and  nucleus  of  the  5-million-watt  research  radar. 

Very  High  Frequency  Systems.  A  long-term  project  on  the  study 
of  signals  scattered  from  the  D  region  was  continued.  Signals  were  recorded 
at  30,  40,  50,  74,  and  108  Mc/s  through  September,  and  at  30  and  50  Mc/s 
following  completion  of  the  frequency-dependence  program  at  that  time.  It 
was  determined  that  signals  at  the  lower  VHF  frequencies  suffered  longer 
fade  durations.  Characteristic  depths  of  fade  are  dependent  upon  prevailing 
transmission  loss  and  are  greater  under  weak  signal  conditions.  The  power 
spectrum  of  the  received  signal  increases  with  carrier  frequency  and  antenna 
beamwidth.  Average  signal-envelope  fading  is  greatest  near  midnight  and 
lowest  near  noon. 

Antenna  Research.  An  electronically  scanned  antenna  capable  of 
high  scan  rates  was  expanded  to  25  elements,  giving  a  1%°  beamwidth.  Ob- 
servations of  path  direction  variation  of  ionospheric  scattered  signals  were 
demonstrated.  This  technique  of  antenna  steering  is  expected  to  be  valua- 
ble in  observing  the  direction  of  arrival  of  radio  signals  arriving  from  the 
great  circle  path. 

The  principles  of  the  electronic  scan — demonstrated  by  the  successful  opera- 
tion of  the  seven-element  array — were  further  developed.  The  array  was 
increased  in  size  to  25  Yagi  elements  so  that  the  overall  width  is  now  approxi- 

Part  of  a  single  antenna,  consisting  of  18,000  dipoles  and  covering  22  acres, 
built  near  Lima,  Peru.  The  antenna  will  be  used  to  probe  the  ionosphere, 
exosphere,   interplanetary  medium,   and  sun   by  means  of  radar   (page    140). 


mately  800  feet  (33.6  wavelength).  The  width  of  the  main  beam  was  re- 
duced to  between  1.5  and  1.7  degrees,  giving  a  rather  fine-grain  resolution 
between  the  components  of  signals  arriving  from  different  directions. 

The  equipment  was  operated  successfully  in  order  to  collect  data  and  to 
develop  techniques  for  recording,  interpreting  and  displaying  the  data.  On 
June  16th  an  observation  was  recorded  of  signals  arriving  simultaneously 
from  two  directions  via  sporadic-^  reflections.  It  is  believed  to  have  been 
the  first  such  observation  on  record. 

Studies  and  experimental  measurements  are  being  conducted  to  provide 
an  improved  antenna  capable  of  receiving  multiple  steerable  beams  for  any 
direction  of  transmission  or  reception.  Concentric  circular  arrays  of  verti- 
cal monopoles  using  phasing  and  amplitude  tapering  are  being  studied. 
Measured  results  approaching  theoretical  expectations  have  been  obtained 
on  an  array  of  one  center  element,  an  inner  ring  of  ten  elements,  and  an  outer 
ring  of  20  elements  operated  at  90  Mc/s.  Construction  of  a  20  Mc/s  model 
is  underway. 

A  comprehensive  study  is  being  conducted  on  techniques  and  methods  of 
measuring  complex  fields.  Waves  of  arbitrary  polarization  and  with  multi- 
ple propagation  paths  and  directions  of  arrival  are  being  considered.  The 
purpose  is  to  develop  a  procedure  for  determining  the  response  of  any  an- 
tenna (of  known  response  pattern)  to  a  complex  field.  Methods  are  being 
developed  and  tested  for  measuring  amplitude,  direction  of  arrival,  polariza- 
tion, and  relative  time  phase  of  several  multipath  components  of  a  complex 
field.  Field-strength  meters  are  being  examined  for  their  adequacy  for  both 
cw  and  pulse  measurements. 

Modulation  Research,  The  chief  obstacles  to  obtaining  reliable  sig- 
nal transmission  through  the  ionosphere  are  atmospheric  noise,  time-variant 
transmission  loss,  and  multi-path  propagation.  One  of  the  principal  aims 
of  the  modulation  research  program  is  to  characterize  the  time-variant,  dis- 
persive nature  of  ionospheric  channels  and  the  noise  limitations  at  the  re- 
ceiver. In  order  to  study  the  effect  of  channel  distortions  on  signals  it  is 
also  necessary  to  study  the  nature  of  the  "communication  source  function" 
or  the  input  modulation  to  the  channel. 

During  the  past  year  a  survey  of  results  obtained  in  many  laboratories 
throughout  the  world  on  statistics  of  human  speech  as  a  modulating  signal 
envelope  has  been  made  and  supplemented  by  laboratory  measurements. 
The  effects  of  pre-emphasis  of  high  audiofrequencies  and  clipping  and  filter- 
ing of  speech  signals  has  been  studied.  In  channel  characterization,  signifi- 
cant advancements  were  made  in  the  observations  of  pulse-to-pulse  phase 
stability  and  pulse-amplitude  fading  over  high-frequency  auroral  paths. 
Using  pulses  of  1  to  20  milliseconds  duration,  phase  perturbations  between 
successive  pulses  were  analyzed  over  the  path  from  Barrow,  Alaska,  to 
Boulder,  Colo.  Interpretation  of  the  results  was  aided  by  concurrent  sweep- 
frequency  ionospheric  soundings  and  oblique  incidence  measurements  over 
the  same  path.  It  was  found  that  the  phase  variations  on  this  path  mainly 
represented  rapid  movements  of  ionospheric  irregularities  rather  than  inter- 
ference effects  between  separate  modes  of  propagation. 

616114  0—61 io  137 

A  new  program  has  been  initiated  in  information  theory  and  coding  for 
radio  channels.  New  requirements  for  great  communication  capacity  and 
reliability,  with  corresponding  demands  to  reduce  congestion  in  the  radio 
spectrum,  suggest  a  trend  toward  digital  transmission  in  the  design  of  com- 
munication systems.  This  trend  is  fostered  by  developments  in  digital  com- 
puters and  the  theoretical  tools  of  information  theory  and  coding.  To  ap- 
proach the  accuracy  and  efficiency  of  transmission  indicated  by  Shannon's 
Theorem,  digital  transmission  is  essential.  In  this  program  a  preliminary 
study  and  report  has  been  made  of  the  applicability  of  error-correcting  codes 
in  radio  circuits  as  compared  with  existing  error-detection  automatic- repeti- 
tion systems  such  as  the  ARQ. 

Further  improvements  were  made  in  techniques  for  noise  reduction  and 
multiple  frequency  shift  digital  transmission  in  the  VLF  band  for  defense 

Navigation  and  Timing  Systems.  A  year  ago,  feasibility  was  estab- 
lished for  time  synchronization  of  clocks  separated  by  up  to  1,500  miles, 
to  an  accuracy  of  one  microsecond,  using  clocks  associated  with  a  low-fre- 
quency Loran  C  navigation  system.  The  100  kc/s  ground  wave  pulse  is  used. 
Time  synchronization  obtained  by  this  means  is  approximately  1,000  times 
more  precise  than  that  obtainable  by  using  high-frequency  radio  techniques 
such  as  WWV  radio  signals,  and  probably  10  to  50  times  better  than  obtain- 
able with  very-low-frequency  transmissions.  The  study  was  carried  out 
for  the  U.S.  Air  Force,  and  the  synchronization  was  demonstrated  on  the 
Atlantic  Missile  Range  for  application  to  launching  and  tracking  problems. 
Further  studies  have  been  carried  out  on  possible  extension  of  the  distance 
range  by  use  of  sky-wave  signals. 

The  work  on  the  Loran  C  clock  provided  background  for  design  and  con- 
struction of  instrumentation  for  an  atomic  time  accumulator,  for  use  with 
the  NBS  national  primary  standard  of  frequency.  Times  derived  from  astro- 
nomical sources  are  subject  to  errors  of  the  order  of  1  millisecond  for  any 
given  observation.  A  clock  operating  from  the  best  available  frequency 
source  is  capable  of  measuring  time  intervals  to  better  than  1  microsecond 
as  related  to  that  frequency  source.  This  program  will  provide  a  means  for 
the  Bureau  to  maintain  a  time  scale  based  on  the  period  of  an  atomic  transi- 
tion. Several  such  times  scales  are  being  maintained  internationally,  and 
their  comparison  is  of  scientific  importance,  in  view  of  international  con- 
sideration of  redefining  the  second  in  terms  of  an  atomic  transition.  A 
means  is  also  provided  for  the  Bureau  to  check  various  time  signals  against 
an  atomic  source  and  to  publish  corrections  of  these  time  signals  as  they 
relate  to  the  atomic  time  source. 

The  basic  concept  of  this  instrumentation  is  first,  a  number  of  pulse 
dividers  to  provide  redundancy  and  allow  for  checks  against  each  other;  sec- 
ond, battery  standby  power  to  provide  for  uninterrupted  service  if  primary 
power  is  interrupted;  and  third,  a  means  for  reading  out  or  checking  the 
dividers  one  against  another.     The  objective  of  the  entire  instrumentation 


Magnetic  probes  are  used  to  study  the  hydromagnetic  interaction  between  a 
shockwave  and  a  magnetic  field.  Radio  frequency  radiations  resulting  from 
the  interaction  have  been  observed.  This  creation  in  the  laboratory  of  electro- 
magnetic radiation  from  plasma  should  lead  to  a  better  understanding  of  elec- 
tromagnetic processes  which  occur  in  the  upper  atmosphere  (page  140). 

is  to  provide  one  second  and  one  minute  pulses  derived  from  the  1  Mc/s  stand- 
ard frequency  on  a  fail-safe  basis.  Instrumentation  was  essentially  com- 
pleted during  the  past  year  and  component  units  will  be  integrated  into  the 
clock  system  early  in  the  next  year. 


The  research  program  in  upper  atmosphere  and  space  physics  recognizes 
the  urgent  need  to  increase  the  knowledge  and  understanding  of  the  physical 
properties  and  processes  in  the  media  surrounding  the  earth  and  in  inter- 
planetary space.  Such  knowledge  and  understanding  is  essential  to  the  ex- 
panding application  of  radio  communication  in  the  space  age. 


Preliminary  Measurements  of  Electron  Densities  to  1,200  Kil- 
ometers, A  new  ionospheric  research  facility,  based  on  the  incoherent 
scatter  of  radio  waves  from  free  electrons,  will  provide  the  Bureau  with  a 
powerful  and  very  sensitive  research  tool  for  important  ground-based  observa- 
tions of  the  ionosphere,  exosphere,  interplanetary  medium,  and  the  sun. 
This  major  constructional  effort  is  now  underway  at  the  new  Jicamarca  Radio 
Observatory  near  Lima,  Peru,  and  important  new  advances  are  anticipated 
as  soon  as  the  6  megawatt  peak-power  radar  system  is  fully  operational, 
probably  during  late  FY  1962.  Already  one-half  of  the  huge  18,000-dipole 
broadside  antenna  has  been  completed.  Preliminary  observations  using 
part  of  the  antenna  system,  and  a  relatively  low-power  transmitter,  have 
given  several  electron  density  profiles  to  heights  of  1,200  kilometers.  These 
preliminary  observations  indicate  that  the  decay  of  electron  density  with 
height  above  the  maximum  of  the  F  region  is  usually  exponential  for  several 
hundred  kilometers.  On  several  occasions  a  rather  abrupt  discontinuity  has 
been  observed  in  this  exponential  decay,  in  that,  at  great  heights,  the  ioniza- 
tion is  found  to  decay  much  more  slowly  than  in  the  first  several  hundred 
kilometers  above  the  peak  of  the  F  layer. 

Radiation  Produced  from  a  Plasma.  Plasmas  produced  by  a  high- 
velocity  shockwave  traveling  at  speeds  in  excess  of  Mach  100  in  helium 
have  been  studied  in  the  laboratory  in  the  presence  of  a  transverse  magnetic 
field.  Radiofrequeney  radiations  resulting  from  the  hydromagnetic  inter- 
action between  the  shockwave  and  the  magnetic  field  have  been  observed. 
This  creation  in  the  laboratory  of  electromagnetic  radiation  from  plasmas 
is  a  major  step  towards  duplicating  under  controlled  conditions  electro- 
magnetic processes  which  occur  in  the  upper  atmosphere.  An  additional 
important  advance  has  been  the  development  of  a  high-speed  camera,  capable 
of  operating  at  a  rate  in  excess  of  one  hundred  million  frames  per  second 
and  designed  to  study  the  luminous  phenomena  in  the  shockwaves. 

Investigations  in  Particle  Processes.  Normal  HF  communications 
are  notoriously  unreliable  at  high  latitudes  due  to  disturbances  resulting  from 
bombardment  of  the  upper  atmosphere  by  energetic  particles  guided  to  these 
regions  by  the  geomagnetic  field.  A  major  advance  was  made  in  studying 
this  field  when  a  10  Mc/s  riometer  system  was  designed  and  constructed  to 
measure  cosmic  noise  absorption.  This  system  records  continuously  the 
cosmic  noise  strength  on  both  circular  polarizations,  and  offers  the  advan- 
tages over  earlier  systems  of  a  tenfold  improvement  in  sensitivity,  together 
with  a  greater  dynamic  range  and  an  indication  of  the  height  at  which  the 
absorption  occurs. 

Cosmic  Noise  Study  at  USSR  Mirny  Base,  Antarctica.  In  coopera- 
tion with  USSR  scientists,  an  important  quantitative  study  of  cosmic  noise 
absorption  as  observed  in  the  high  southern  latitudes  was  undertaken.  This 
work  will  not  only  produce  important  data  for  the  southern  hemisphere,  but 
it  will  also  permit  the  determination  of  the  relationships  between  absorption 
events  occurring  simultaneously  in  the  two  polar  regions. 


Satellite  Radio  Signals  Used  to  Study  Structure  of  Ionosphere, 

Communication  with  vehicles  in  space  poses  difficulties  since  signals  from 
space  as  received  on  earth  are  perturbed  by  irregularities  in  the  electron 
density  of  the  ionosphere.  By  studying  radio  signals  received  from  satel- 
lites it  has  been  possible  to  measure  the  ionospheric  electron  content  and 
irregularities  above  the  region  of  maximum  electron  density.  Previous 
studies  of  signals  from  radio  stars  and  satellites  provided  evidence  of  ion- 
ospheric irregularities  which  are  100  to  500  km  in  horizontal  extent,  and 
which  occur  during  daylight  hours  on  about  one-third  of  all  days.  The  cur- 
rent studies  include  investigations  of  the  size,  shape  and  motion  of  these  ir- 
regularities as  observed  at  separate  multiple  observing  stations. 

Meteor  Burst  Propagation  Observations  Successful,  A  full  scale 
field  observational  program  was  conducted  to  provide  statistical  informa- 
tion on  the  radio  energy  scattered  by  transient  meteor  ionization.  This 
information  is  of  great  importance  in  studying  the  feasibility  of  meteor-burst 
communication  between  widely  separated  points,  and  in  designing  appro- 
priate communication  equipment.  Measurements  of  propagation  charac- 
teristics of  transmissions  at  30,  50,  and  74  Mc/s  were  conducted  over  three 
paths  of  similar  length.  Two  paths,  crossing  at  right  angles  at  the  midpoint, 
were  used  in  the  U.S.  to  determine  the  dependence  of  meteor  echoes  on  path 
orientation.  The  third  path,  in  Alaska,  was  used  to  identify  and  measure 
meteor  propagation  characteristics  peculiar  to  the  auroral  region.  With 
successful  completion  of  the  field  observations,  the  digitized  data  are  now 
being  analyzed  to  determine  the  pertinent  propagation  parameters. 

Observatory  Installed  at  Maui,  Hawaii,  The  Bureau  and  the  High 
Altitude  Observatory  of  the  University  of  Colorado  have  cooperated  for 
some  time  in  a  study  of  the  zodiacal  light.  Recently  the  collaboration  has 
been  extended  to  include  the  Hawaii  Institute  of  Geophysics.  An  observa- 
tory has  been  established  with  National  Aeronautical  and  Space  Administra- 
tion support  on  Mount  Haleakala,  Maui,  Hawaii.  The  program  includes, 
in  addition  to  studies  of  the  zodiacal  light,  systematic  observations  of  the 

Of  particular  interest  is  a  strong  correlation  between  the  intensity  of  the 
atomic  oxygen  radiation  (6300  A)  and  certain  ionospheric  parameters  ob- 
served by  the  NBS  ionosonde  on  the  island  of  Maui.  It  has  been  found 
that  the  red  (6300  A)  line  airglow  intensities  can  be  quite  accurately  pre- 
dicted by  a  formula  involving  the  parameters  foF2  and  h'F  on  the  iono- 
grams.  The  nature  of  the  correlation  supports  the  hypothesis  that  the  red  line 
is  due  to  excitation  of  atomic  oxygen  by  a  photochemical  reaction  involving 
either  O2  and  electrons  or  NO+  and  electrons. 

The  photometric  observations  cover  the  entire  sky  and  extend  over  a  re- 
gion of  radius  some  1,000  kilometers,  in  contrast  with  the  ionosonde  vertical 
soundings  which  are  essentially  overhead.  The  two  techniques  thus  serve 
to  complement  each  other  and  extend  the  scope  of  the  investigation  of  the 


A  mobile  satellite  observing  station,  in  conjunction  with  permanent  facilities  at 
Table  Mesa,  is  being  used  to  study  ionospheric  irregularities  and  their  effect  on 
the  reception  of  satellite  signals  (page  141). 

In  mid-latitudes  the  relationship  between  the  6300-A  emission  and  the 
ionosphere  is  less  clear  and  it  seems  that  the  photochemical  reaction  is  only 
one  of  several  effective  mechanisms.  The  results  in  the  tropics  may  thus 
serve  to  give  information  clarifying  ionospheric  processes  which  occur  in 

Numerical  Representation  of  the  Ionosphere.  Further  work  un- 
der this  program  has  provided  the  first  automatic  computer  methods  for 
predicting  long-term  changes  in  useful  frequencies  for  ionosphere  radio 
communication  systems.  The  methods  used  incorporate  recent  advances 
in  applied  mathematics  and  statistics  in  such  a  way  as  to  respect  as  far  as 
possible  the  empirical  knowledge  accumulated  in  ionespheric  studies.  The 
method  developed  provides  important  flexibility  in  solving  problems  of 
ionospheric  radio  propagation  by  treating  separately  the  three  basic  areas 
involved:  ionosphere  mapping,  correlation  of  ionosphere  characteristics  with 
various  indices  of  solar  activity,  and  application  of  the  theory  of  radio  wave 


The  Data  Center  continues  to  receive  IGC  and  post-IGC  data  at  a  high 
rate.  A  special  effort  is  underway  to  acquire  and  catalog  all  outstanding 
IGY  data.  During  the  year  there  was  a  notable  increase  in  requests  for  data, 
most  of  the  requests  coming  from  scientific  industry.  Plans  have  been  made 
to  collect  and  exchange  reprints  and  reports  concerning  Airglow  and  Iono- 
sphere. This  new  service  will  aid  scientists  in  the  use  of  the  materials  avail- 
able from  the  Data  Center. 



The  Bureau's  activities  in  cryogenic  engineering,  a  rapidly  growing  spe- 
cialized field,  center  at  the  Boulder  Laboratories.  The  Bureau  provides  in- 
formation needed  for  practical  applications  of  materials,  systems,  and  tech- 
niques at  very  low  temperatures,  and  assists  Government  and  industry  with 
problems  arising  in  this  field. 

Demand  for  assistance  in  projects  involving  cryogenics  has  increased 
greatly  as  a  result  of  missile  and  space  programs  which  rely  on  cryogenic 
liquids  as  propellants.  The  growth  of  cryogenic  engineering  has  been  ac- 
companied by  emphasis  on  purely  scientific  programs  in  which  the  use  of 
extremely  low  temperatures  can  be  an  important  aid.  To  cooperate  in  these 
activities,  the  laboratory  conducts  research  on  the  physical  properties  of 
materials  and  properties  of  fluids,  as  well  as  on  cryogenic  processes  and 
equipment.  In  addition,  it  maintains  a  national  Cryogenic  Data  Center 
where  information  on  cryogenic  engineering  is  collected  and  organized  for 
use  by  other  Government  agencies,  industry,  and  the  public. 

Superconducting  Electromagnets,  High  magnetic  fields  have  im- 
portant uses  as  deflectors  of  charged  particles,  as,  for  example,  in  the  particle 
accelerators  and  detection  devices  of  nuclear  physics,  in  magnetohydrody- 
namic  power  converters,  and  for  plasma  containment  in  nuclear  fusion  re- 
actors. Substantial  reduction  of  the  power  dissipated  as  heat  in  electromagnets 
can  be  achieved  if  the  magnet  conductor  is  cooled  to  low  temperatures  so  as  to 
greatly  reduce  its  electrical  resistance.  Until  recently,  the  further  step  of 
utilizing  a  superconductor  was  not  regarded  as  practical,  because  most  super- 
conductors are  driven  into  the  normal  state  by  rather  small  magnetic  fields. 
However,  in  the  past  year  several  alloys  and  compounds  have  been  found  to 
remain  superconducting  in  the  presence  of  high  fields  and  while  carrying 
large  currents.  One  of  these,  niobium-clad  Nb3Sn,  has  been  investigated 
by  NBS,  under  Atomic  Energy  Commission  sponsorship,  in  fields  up  to  190,- 
000  gauss.  The  results  indicate  that  solenoids  can  be  made  of  this  material 
that  will  produce  fields  of  well  over  100,000  gauss  if  operated  at  1  to  4  °K. 
There  is  now  intense  activity  in  a  number  of  laboratories  on  high-field  super- 

Properties  of  para-Hydrogen.  The  specific  impulse  of  a  rocket  pro- 
pellant  varies  inversely  with  the  square  root  of  the  masses  of  the  ejected 
particles.  Consequently  the  most  advanced  chemical  and  nuclear  rocket 
schemes  utilize  hydrogen  as  a  reactant  and  as  a  propellant  fluid,  respectively. 
Data  concerning  the  thermodynamic  and  transport  properties  of  hydrogen 
must  now  be  known  with  higher  accuracy  and  over  wider  ranges  of  tempera- 
ture and  pressure  than  have  been  hitherto  necessary.  With  the  support  of  the 
Air  Force  and,  more  recently,  the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Admin- 
istration, the  Bureau  has  completed  precise  measurements  of  the  pressure- 
volume-temperature  characteristics  of  liquid  and  gaseous  para-hydrogen  from 
20  to  100  °K  and  at  pressures  up  to  350  atmospheres.  Measurements  of 
the  specific  heat  are  in  progress.  Detailed  thermodynamic  charts  and  tables 
will  be  prepared  from  these  data. 


Cryogenic  Materials  Data  Handbook,  The  performance  of  a  liquid- 
propellant  rocket  depends  critically  on  the  reliability  of  valves  and  other  con- 
trol components.  In  turn,  the  design  of  such  devices  depends  on  the  avail- 
ability of  accurate  data  on  the  physical  properties  of  the  materials  used. 
The  Bureau,  under  Air  Force  sponsorship,  is  compiling  mechanical  properties 
data,  thermal  expansions,  and  certain  other  physical  properties  data  on  about 
fifty  metals,  alloys,  and  plastics  that  are  used  in  low-temperature  equipment, 
and  is  making  laboratory  determinations  where  the  data  are  lacking  or  are 
insufficiently  accurate.  A  Handbook  containing  over  500  data  sheets  on 
these  materials  used  in  cryogenics  is  available  from  the  Office  of  Technical 
Services,  U.S.  Department  of  Commerce. 

Practical  Thermometry.  The  thermoelectric  characteristics  of  copper 
versus  constantan,  iron  versus  constantan,  Chromel  versus  Alumel,  gold- 
cobalt  versus  copper,  gold-palladium  versus  platinum-iridium,  and  "normal" 
silver  versus  copper  have  been  determined  down  to  4  °K.  This  completes 
the  present  program  on  the  low-temperature  characteristics  of  commonly 
used  thermocouple  materials. 

Some  of  the  first  germanium  resistance  thermometers  to  become  available 
commercially  were  calibrated  at  liquid  hydrogen  temperatures  and  were  tested 
for  stability  under  thermal  cycling.  Because  of  their  small  size,  ruggedness, 
high  resistance,  and  reproducibility,  these  thermometers  should  fill  an  im- 
portant need  for  a  practical  thermometer  for  the  region  1  to  40  °K. 

A  simple,  empirical,  interpolation  method  for  platinum  resistance  ther- 
mometers was  found  which  can  provide  the  basis  for  a  scheme  of  calibration 

The  amount  of  power  needed  to  produce  high  intensity  magnetic  fields  can  be 
greatly  reduced  by  cooling  the  magnet  assembly  with  cryogenic  liquids.  Above 
is  a  liquid  hydrogen  cooled  solenoid  which  was  constructed  using  a  stack  of 
"flat  doughnuts"  made  of  turns  of  aluminum  foil  separated  by  paper  (see  sec- 
tion, left).  The  hole  in  the  center  of  the  solenoid  is  three  inches  in  diameter; 
radial  ducts  in  the  "doughnuts"  conduct  the  liquid  hydrogen  through  the 
solenoid  (page  146). 


at  low  temperatures.  By  calibrating  at  the  ice  point,  and  the  boiling  points 
of  hydrogen  and  oxygen,  use  of  this  method  provides  interpolation  accurate 
within  a  few  millidegrees  down  to  20  °K  for  precision  capsule  thermometers. 
(For  other  low-temperature  thermometry,  see  page  56.) 

Two-Phase  Fluid  Phenomena.  Because  the  fluids  in  cryogenic  sys- 
tems are  usually  close  to  saturation,  the  simultaneous  existence  of  both  liquid 
and  vapor  phases  (two-phase  fluids)  is  common.  A  fundamental  under- 
standing of  the  behavior  of  these  systems  therefore  requires  basic  knowledge 
of  two-phase  fluid  phenomena. 

Critical  flows  of  two-phase  fluids  are  being  investigated  theoretically  and  ex- 
perimentally. An  ability  to  predict  these  flows  is  necessary  for  the  design 
of  such  cryogenic  systems  as  those  handling  rocket  propellants.  Experi- 
mental work  performed  during  the  past  year  indicates  that  even  when  usual 
calculation  procedures  predict  the  contrary,  limitations  imposed  upon  two- 
phase  flow  systems  by  the  existence  of  critical  flows  will  occur. 

Basic  investigations  concerned  with  cavitation  are  also  being  undertaken. 
The  emphasis  in  the  present  study  is  on  metastability  and  nucleation  charac- 
teristics of  systems.  Preliminary  experimental  results  show,  for  example, 
that  liquid  nitrogen  can  be  maintained  in  a  greatly  superheated  condition 
for  long  time  periods. 

A  study  of  the  behavior  of  cryogenic  systems  during  the  transient  period 
when  the  system  is  being  cooled  to  operating  conditions  is  underway.  A 
very  complete  mathematical  model  is  being  solved  numerically  with  the  aid 
of  a  high-speed  computer  while  dynamic  instrumentation  is  being  used  to 
measure  the  pertinent  variables  (e.g.,  static  pressures,  momentum,  flow  rate, 
fluid  and  wall  temperatures,  geometry)   in  an  experimental  program. 

The  bulk  density  and  density  distribution  of  boiling  fluids,  and  the  bubble 
dynamics  therein,  are  being  studied.  The  present  emphasis  of  this  work 
is  toward  liquid  oxygen,  for  application  to  space  vehicles.  The  problem  of 
cooling  cryogenic  liquids  by  passing  non-condensible  gases  through  them 
is  also  being  studied. 

Heat  Transfer,  As  heat  transfer  must  be  controlled  and/or  predicted 
in  most  cryogenic  systems,  there  are  a  number  of  problems  in  this  area  which 
must  be  investigated.  The  current  emphasis  is  on  heat  transfer  from  the 
atmosphere  to  surfaces  at  low  temperature  (from  20  to  90  °K).  An  experi- 
mental apparatus  has  been  built  for  these  studies.  The  surfaces  can  be  held 
at  20  °K,  77  °K,  or  90  °K;  the  air  velocity  can  be  varied  up  to  60  knots; 
the  air  temperature  controlled  between  0  and  100  °F;  and  the  relative 
humidity  controlled  between  0  and  100  percent.  The  condensation  of  the 
components  of  air  on  the  surfaces  can  be  studied  in  detail.  The  formation 
of  water  frost  on  surfaces  is  being  analyzed  theoretically  with  the  assistance 
of  a  high  speed  computer. 

The  behavior  of  liquid  hydrogen  under  pressurization  (up  to  600  psia) 
and  rapid  outflow  conditions  is  being  investigated  so  that  gas  requirements 
and  fluid  conditions  during  pressurized  transfers  can  be  predicted.  In  con- 
nection with  the  cooldown  studies,  mentioned  previously,  as  well  as  with 


the  condensation  work,  information  on  heat  transfer  between  solid  surfaces 
and  cryogenic  fluids  is  being  obtained. 

Cryogenic  Equipment  and  Instrumentation.  The  growing  use  of 
cryogenic  fluids  in  general,  and  liquid  hydrogen  in  particular,  has  neces- 
sitated the  development  of  some  standard  equipment  and  research  into 
measurement  problems.  A  standard  coupling  for  use  with  vacuum-insulated 
hydrogen  equipment  is  being  developed  in  cooperation  with  the  Air  Force, 
the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration,  and  the  Atomic  Energy 
Commission.  Programs  for  the  evaluation  of  pressure  transducers  at  low 
temperatures,  the  determination  of  dynamic  characteristics  of  temperature 
sensors,  the  measurement  of  liquid  level,  and  the  measurement  of  mass  and 
volume  flow  rates  are  underway.  A  device  for  measuring  the  density  of 
flowing  fluids  has  been  designed  and  is  being  perfected.  A  survey  of  the 
state  of  the  art  of  cryogenic  instrumentation  has  been  completed. 

The  most  promising  method  for  achieving  very  low  pressures  (those  found 
in  outer  space)  and  high  pumping  speeds  at  these  pressures  is  cryopumping. 
Cryopumps  are  being  investigated  to  obtain  information  that  will  permit 
such  systems  to  be  designed.  The  experimental  apparatus  has  been  built 
and  a  reliable  method  for  measuring  pumping  speeds  has  been  developed. 

Magnet  Research.  Problems  associated  with  the  production  of  high- 
intensity  magnetic  fields  by  means  of  low-temperature  solenoids  are  being 
investigated.  The  results  of  these  investigations  will  be  used  for  thermo- 
nuclear power  reactors,  particle  accelerators,  and  other  applications  where 
large  volume  high  fields  are  required.  A  high-purity  aluminum  foil  magnet 
has  been  designed  and  is  nearing  completion.  It  is  designed  to  produce  a 
steady-state  field  of  100,000  gauss  in  a  cylindrical  volume  3  in.  in  diameter 
by  8  in.  long.  The  power  requirement  is  anticipated  to  be  only  4  kilowatts ; 
the  current  will  be  only  135  amperes;  and  there  will  be  forced-convection 
cooling  with  liquid  hydrogen. 

Low  Temperature  Seals.  Last  year  the  discovery  of  a  method  of 
using  ordinary  elastomeric  O-rings  to  make  excellent  static  seals  at  cryogenic 
temperatures  was  reported  by  the  Bureau.  These  seals  are  now  finding  use 
in  many  types  of  cryogenic  engineering  applications.  During  the  past  year, 
methods  have  been  found  for  making  successful  seals  between  flat  flanges 
with  O-rings,  replacing  the  more  cumbersome  tongue  and  groove  flange 
required  previously. 

Several  pertinent  physical  properties,  such  as  the  thermal  expansion  of 
compressed  elastomeric  specimens  as  a  function  of  temperature,  are  being 
measured.  It  is  hoped  that  these  measurements  will  provide  data  which 
will  aid  in  predicting  seal  effectiveness. 

Refrigeration  Processes.  During  the  past  year,  an  experimental  pro- 
gram was  completed  which  made  it  possible  to  construct  design  charts  to 
aid  the  analytical  design  of  stable,  externally-pressurized  gas  bearings.  A 
miniature  helium  expansion  turbine  supported  on  gas  bearings,  designed  in 
accordance  with  a  method  proposed  by  the  Bureau,  has  been  developed  and 


Disassembled  view  of  apparatus  for  studying  heat-transfer  coefficients  in  liquid 
hydrogen  systems.  Studies  are  made  of  the  heat-transfer  processes  occurring 
at  the  surface  of  the  tube  in  the  foreground  under  various  conditions  of  tem- 
perature and  heat  flux.  Heat  transfer  must  be  controlled  and /or  predicted  in 
most  cryogenic  systems  (page  145). 

evaluated.  The  bearings  have  proven  to  be  stable  over  a  wide  range  of  inlet 
pressure  conditions. 

Further  computational  work  is  being  done  on  refrigeration  methods  suit- 
able for  use  in  the  2  to  30  °K  region.  Emphasis  is  being  placed  on  process 
simplicity  and  reliability. 

Consultation  and  Advisory  Services*  The  Bureau  is  providing  con- 
sultation on  cryogenic  engineering  problems  to  the  National  Aeronautics  and 
Space  Administration  in  support  of  Projects  Centaur  and  Rover.  Both  of 
these  projects  involve  the  use  of  liquid  hydrogen  propellants,  and  the  Bu- 
reau's past  experience  in  handling  liquid  hydrogen  under  a  variety  of  con- 
ditions is  being  utilized.  Support  has  been  given  to  the  principal  contractors 
on  these  two  programs  in  the  areas  of  ground  support  equipment,  insulation, 
low  temperature  seals,  rolling  element  bearings,  and  low  temperature  window 
design.  Attempts  are  being  made  to  standardize  hydrogen  properties  data 
and  other  pertinent  properties  of  materials  to  aid  in  uniformity  of  analyses. 

Cryogenic  Engineering  Data.  The  documentation  unit  of  the  Cryo- 
genic Data  Center  is  adding  from  50  to  100  new  literature  references  a  week 
to  the  storage  and  retrieval  system.  Expansion  of  this  acquisition  effort  is 
planned,  as  this  number  appears  to  be  less  than  half  of  the  articles  of  cryo- 
genic interest  currently  being  published.  Recoding  of  a  substantial  portion 
of  the  reference  listings  has  already  been  accomplished  for  conversion  to 
mechanized  storage  and  retrieval  using  the  NBS  Boulder  computer  facility. 
Upon  completion  of  the  recoding,  an  automated  bibliography  service  will  be 
provided  to  the  cryogenic  industry.  There  has  been  an  increasing  number 
of  requests  from  the  laboratory  staff  for  literature  procurement  and  from  out- 
side the  laboratory  for  reports  and  data. 


The  selection  and  evaluation  of  thermodynamic  data  has  continued  at  a 
somewhat  accelerated  rate.  With  the  use  of  the  large,  high-speed  computer, 
data  from  a  great  number  of  sources  can  be  considered  and  a  more  accurate 
determination  of  "most  probable  values"  can  be  made.  In  a  three  year 
period  under  sponsorship  of  Wright  Air  Development  Division,  two  com- 
pendia of  "Properties  of  Materials  at  Low  Temperatures"  (Phase  I  and 
Phase  II)  have  been  completed.  Early  in  1961  sponsorship  was  transferred 
to  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration  and  the  work  will  be  con- 
tinued to  cover  additional  properties  of  the  same  and  other  materials  for 
which  data  are  needed. 

Gas  Liquefaction,  The  increased  availability  of  liquefied  gases  from 
commercial  and  other  government  sources  permitted  an  appreciable  reduc- 
tion in  gas  liquefaction  activities  at  the  Boulder  Laboratories.  About  20,000 
liters  of  liquid  hydrogen  were  procured  from  other  sources,  making  it  nec- 
essary to  liquefy  only  an  additional  20,000  liters  to  take  care  of  NBS  lab- 
oratory needs.  Similarly,  some  360,000  liters  of  liquid  nitrogen  were  pur- 
chased and  only  190,000  liters  produced  with  NBS  facilities.  As  liquid 
helium  is  not  yet  generally  available  from  commercial  sources,  the  production 
of  liquid  helium  remained  about  the  same  as  for  previous  years,  amounting 
to  about  3,000  liters.  The  liquefaction  facilities  are  being  maintained  in 
fully  operable  condition  for  production  of  liqefied  gases  whenever  needed 
and  on  moderately  short  notice.  The  facilities  are  also  being  used  for  other 
programs  of  research  and  developments  and  for  purification  studies. 


Advances  and  new  developments  in  science  and  technology  often  can  as- 
sist in  solving  problems  related  to  building  materials,  structures,  equipment 
and  facilities.  A  major  objective  of  the  Bureau's  building  research  program 
is  therefore  the  development  of  new  knowledge  through  research  in  chemis- 
try, physics,  and  engineering.  Another  important  objective  is  development 
of  measurement  and  testing  methods  needed  before  some  of  the  modern 
knowledge  can  be  applied  to  the  building  industry.  To  facilitate  the  use  of 
new  knowledge,  the  Bureau  provides  aid  to  other  laboratories  by  devising  tech- 
niques for  accurate  measurements,  by  developing  and  supplying  calibrated 
laboratory  reference  standards,  and  by  participating  in  interlaboratory  pro- 
grams for  checking  the  precision  of  measurements.  The  Bureau  also  pro- 
vides advisory  and  consultative  services  on  building  problems  to  government 
agencies  and  others.  It  cooperates  with  public  and  private  organizations 
in  the  formulation  of  specifications  and  national  standards  affecting  the 
building  industry. 

During  the  year,  various  investigations  looking  to  improved  cement  and 
concrete  were  carried  forward.  Creep  and  shrinkage  of  structural  light- 
weight concretes  were  studied  because  of  increasing  interest  in  these  mate- 
rials. Meanwhile  an  apparatus  was  being  developed  to  use  electronic 
counters  and  a  digital  recorder  to  measure  air  voids  in  concrete,  thus  paving 
the  way  to  increased  durability. 


Above:  Measuring  the  deflection  of  a  notched  concrete  prism  during  a  study 
of  the  mechanism  of  crack  propagation  in  reinforced  concrete  structures.  Be- 
low :  Determining  the  size  and  distribution  of  air  voids  in  a  polished,  hardened 
concrete  specimen.  Air  voids  have  a  definite  effect  on  the  durability  of  con- 
crete (page  150). 

In  other  projects  the  mechanisms  by  which  fires  are  extinguished  were 
studied,  as  was  the  effectiveness  of  various  fire  retardants.  Improved 
measuring  techniques  were  sought  for  heat  pumps  and  air  conditioning 
units,  and  performance  of  air-to-air  heat  pumps  was  evaluated.  With  a 
view  to  protecting  the  perishable  cargoes  in  refrigerated  trailers,  chilled  air 
distribution  inside  these  vehicles  was  investigated. 

Several  problems  related  to  the  moisture  menace  in  construction  were 
studied.  An  apparatus  was  constructed,  and  a  method  devised,  for  measur- 
ing water  vapor  permeance  through  building  materials.  The  moisture 
problem  in  underground  pipe  insulation  was  studied,  and  test  methods  for 
moisture  barrier  materials  for  use  in  underground  heat  distribution  systems 
were  worked  out.     To  combat  moisture  in  flat  insulated  roofs  as  a  threat 


to  economy  and  efficiency  of  air-conditioning  and  heating,  roof  specimens 
were  studied  and  information  obtained  with  which  to  prepare  specifications 
for  self-drying  roofs. 

Air  Void  Systems  in  Hardened  Concrete.  The  quantity  and  dis- 
tribution of  entrained  air  in  concrete  is  related  to  the  production  of  durable 
concrete,  and  especially  to  the  concrete's  resistance  to  freezing  and  thawing 
and  salt  scaling.  In  this  connection,  knowledge  of  the  amount  and  size 
distribution  of  air  voids  in  the  hardened  concrete  is  essential  for  study  of 
the  mechanisms  by  which  damage  occurs  and  of  the  means  to  produce  the 
more  lasting  concretes.  To  secure  the  needed  knowledge,  a  linear-traverse 
apparatus  is  being  developed,  to  enable  polished  specimens  to  be  traversed 
under  a  microscope  to  determine  the  distribution  of  bubble  sizes.  Electronic 
counters  and  a  digital  recorder  are  used  in  the  apparatus.  When  it  is  ready, 
work  will  commence  on  an  automatic  method  for  obtaining  the  bubble-size 
measurements,  and  this  will  mean  saving  in  time  and  in  operator  fatigue. 

Creep  and  Shrinkage  of  Structural  Lightweight  Concretes.  In 
recent  years  expanded  shale  aggregates  have  been  used  extensively  in  rein- 
forced concrete  structures.  In  order  to  formulate  satisfactory  standards  and 
design  practices  for  lightweight  aggregate  concretes,  in  structures  subjected 
to  high  sustained  stresses,  the  Bureau  conducted  experiments  on  the  creep 
and  shrinkage  in  expanded  shale  concretes.  This  work  is  supported  by  the 
Expanded  Shale  Clay  and  Slate  Institute.  The  creep  properties  are  being 
determined  for  concretes  of  different  strengths  and  different  stress  level- 
strength  ratios.  For  purposes  of  comparison,  parallel  tests  are  being  made 
on  specimens  of  normal  weight  concretes. 

Characterization  of  Cement  Compounds  by  Infrared  Spectros- 
copy. Infrared  absorption  spectra  were  obtained  for  a  number  of  com- 
pounds which  occur  in  portland  cement,  or  are  related  to  compounds  formed 
in  the  hydration  of  portland  cement.  The  patterns,  in  many  cases,  were 
found  sufficiently  distinctive  to  identify  single  phases.  In  addition,  infrared 
was  used  to  distinguish  between  water  of  crystallization  and  hydroxyl  groups 
and  to  detect  hydrogen  bonding.  Most  of  the  stable  combined  water  in  the 
calcium  silicate  hydrates  was  found  to  be  in  the  form  of  hydroxyl  groups, 
and  all  of  the  calcium  silicate  hydrates  showed  some  degree  of  hydrogen 

Crack  Propagation  and  the  Fracture  of  Concrete.  Knowledge  of 
the  mechanism  of  propagation  of  cracks  in  concrete  is  necessary  for  better 
understanding  of  the  behavior  of  reinforced  concrete  structures.  Experi- 
ments on  the  properties  of  concrete  beams  with  crack-simulating  notches 
indicated  that  the  concept  of  a  critical  strain  energy  release  rate  being  a 
condition  for  rapid  crack  propagation  and  consequent  fracture  was  appli- 
cable to  concrete.  Estimates  of  critical  strain  energy  release  rates  based  on 
the  locally  elevated  stress  fields  in  the  vicinity  of  a  crack  yielded  values  for 
beams  with  different  notch  depths  which  were  in  close  agreement. 


Calcium  Aluminate  Complex  Salts,  The  complex  compounds  of 
calcium  salts  with  tricalcium  aluminate,  important  in  the  hydration,  harden- 
ing, and  durability  of  cements,  were  further  investigated.  A  thermo- 
chemical  study  of  calcium  aluminate  monocarbonate  was  completed,  and  one 
on  the  corresponding  monosulfate  and  tricarbonate  compounds  is  under  way. 

Extinguishment  of  Fires.  Investigations  were  continued  and  ex- 
panded in  regard  to  the  mechanism  by  which  extinguishing  agents  suppress 
combustion  reactions.  Experiments  on  extinguishment  of  diffusion  flames 
by  halogenated  inhibitors  gave  results  which  appear  to  be  more  readily 
explained  in  terms  of  reactions,  or  other  properties  of  the  intact  inhibitor 
molecules,  than  in  terms  of  reactions  of  the  halogen  fragments  obtained  from 
the  pyrolytic  degradation  of  the  inhibitor.  A  search  of  the  literature  re- 
vealed an  unexpected  correlation  between  the  efficiency  of  an  extinguishing 
agent  and  the  yield  of  negative  halogen  ions  produced  in  the  dissociative 
resonance  capture  of  low-energy  electrons  by  inhibitor  molecules.  The 
subject  is  receiving  further  study. 

Flammahility  of  Materials,  The  radiant  panel  test  for  flammability, 
developed  by  NBS  and  recently  adopted  as  an  ASTM  tentative  method,  was 
the  subject  of  cooperative  studies  to  determine  its  usefulness  for  evaluating 
performance  of  fire  retardant  and  other  paint  systems.  Data  obtained 
indicate  the  method  provides  a  sensitive  way  of  measuring  the  relative 
effectiveness  of  paints  in  reducing  surface  flammability  of  the  base  material. 
Results  show  that  when  the  paint  is  applied  to  a  hardboard  base,  rather  than 
to  the  commonly  used  fiberboard  base,  the  test  provides  a  superior  method 
of  measuring  the  paint's  fire-retardant  effectiveness.  The  study  further 
indicates  that  commonly  available  alkyd  or  latex  base  paints,  when  applied 
at  coverage  rates  in  the  range  of  250  to  125  ft2/gal,  are  effective  fire 

Heat  Pump  Studies,  Experiments  were  conducted  to  improve  meas- 
uring techniques  for  heat  pumps  and  air-conditioning  units,  in  which  ac- 
curate determinations  of  average  wet-  and  dry-bulb  temperatures  of  a  stream 
of  moving  air  are  required.  An  apparatus  was  built  to  study  the  principles 
and  techniques  for  mixing  a  nonhomogeneous  air  stream  for  precise  tem- 
perature measurement.  This  apparatus  includes  a  means  for  providing  a 
known  degree  of  nonhomogeneity  before  the  air  stream  enters  the  mixing 
device  as  well  as  precise  measurements  of  the  wet-  and  dry-bulb  temperatures 
after  the  air  stream  leaves  the  mixing  device.  Performance  data  on  orifices, 
baffles,  screens,  and  rotating  blades  are  being  correlated  with  fluid  mechanics 
theory  to  develop  mixing  devices  that  will  provide  more  precise  determina- 
tions of  the  "state  condition"  of  an  air  stream.  The  suitability  of  thermom- 
eters, thermistors,  and  thermocouples  for  measuring  dry-bulb  temperatures 
in  an  air  stream  for  a  range  of  velocities  from  300  to  2,000  ft/min  was 

Field  Studies  of  Air-to-Air  Heat  Pumps,  Field  studies  of  air-to-air 
heat  pumps  were  sponsored  by  the  Office  of  the  Chief  of  Engineers,  the 


Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks,  and  the  U.S.  Air  Force.  The  studies  were 
carried  out  under  summer  and  winter  conditions  in  three  housing  projects 
of  the  Air  Force.  The  purpose  was  to  obtain  data  on  performance  factor, 
as  well  as  on  use  of  supplementary  resistance  heat,  the  contribution  made 
to  heating  and  cooling  loads  by  the  miscellaneous  uses  of  energy  in  the 
houses,  and  the  relation  between  computed  and  measured  heating  and  cool- 
ing loads.  Similar  data  on  energy  use  in  three  other  Air  Force  housing 
projects  employing  gas  heating  equipment  and  electric  air-conditioning 
units  were  obtained  for  comparison. 

Fundamental  studies  of  the  nature  of  combustion  and  the  mechanisms  of  fire 
extinguishment  are  part  of  a  broad  fire  research  program.  Here  the  effective- 
ness of  a  fire  inhibitor  is  investigated  (page  151). 


Water  Vapor  Permeance  of  Building  Materials.  The  building  in- 
dustry long  has  recognized  that  control  of  moisture  and  its  migration  in 
and  through  building  materials  is  a  major  problem.  However,  present 
techniques  for  measurement  of  the  permeance  of  water  as  vapor  do  not  give 
results  of  sufficient  precision.  Therefore,  there  is  a  critical  need  for  refer- 
ence standards  in  this  area  and  for  test  methods  for  making  measurements 
consistent  with  established  standards.  With  a  view  to  this  need  an  apparatus 
was  constructed,  and  a  method,  based  on  an  indirect  gravimetric  procedure, 
was  devised  to  measure  water  vapor  permeance.  The  method  eliminates 
many  errors  and  variables  inherent  in  most  procedures.  The  same  basic 
equipment  also  can  be  adapted  for  study  of  radioactive  tracer  techniques, 
reducing  the  time  for  a  single  determination  from  days  to  minutes. 

Two  materials  in  film  form  were  selected  for  possible  reference  samples. 
They  were  polyethylene  terephtholate  for  low  permeance,  and  polycarbonate 
film  for  higher  permeance.  Ultimately,  it  is  expected  the  method  and  the 
reference  samples  can  be  used  for  the  calibration  of  techniques  and  equipment 
in  other  laboratories. 

Underground  Heat  Distribution  Systems.  Investigations  of  under- 
ground pipe  insulation  systems  were  essentially  completed  under  the  spon- 
sorship of  the  Office  of  the  Chief  of  Engineers,  the  Bureau  of  Yards  and 
Docks,  and  the  U.S.  Air  Force.  The  investigations  revealed  the  necessity 
for  long-term  integrity  of  the  moisture  barriers  used  to  protect  the  insula- 
tion. Moreover,  the  provision  of  air  passages  around  or  through  the  in- 
sulation to  permit  moisture  removal  by  ventilation  was  demonstrated  to  be 
useful  as  an  aid  to  protection  and  preservation  of  insulating  materials. 

An  air-pressure  test  was  recommended,  to  establish  initially  the  absence 
of  leaks  in  the  moisture  barrier  of  field  installations,  where  free  water  is 
likely  to  be  in  contact  with  the  heat-distribution  system.  Desirable  physical 
characteristics  and  test  methods  for  moisture  barrier  materials  for  use  in 
underground  heat  distribution  systems  were  worked  out.  A  report  on  the 
investigation  is  being  prepared  for  publication. 

Moisture  in  Flat  Insulated  Roof  Constructions.  The  actual  insu- 
lating effect  of  insulated  flat-roof  constructions  may  depart  greatly  from  the 
design  values,  due  to  moisture  in  the  insulation.  The  moisture  may  be  in 
the  insulation  when  it  is  installed,  or  it  may  get  into  it  later.  As  a  result, 
the  air-conditioning  or  heating  of  a  building  may  be  impaired,  and  the 
operating  cost  for  these  services  may  become  excessive. 

In  an  investigation  sponsored  jointly  by  the  Office  of  the  Chief  of  Engi- 
neers, Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks,  and  U.S.  Air  Force  over  the  past  5  years, 
tests  of  about  60  roof  specimens  under  conditions  simulating  natural  winter 
and  summer  roof  exposures  with  daily  solar  heating  were  conducted.  The 
results  demonstrated  that  many  common  insulated  flat-roof  constructions 
are  markedly  reduced  in  insulating  value  by  moderate  amounts  of  moisture, 
and  that  under  service  conditions,  substantial  drying  of  wet  constructions 
often  is  impracticably  slow.     However,  some  constructions  were  found  to 

616114  o— 61 11  153 

have  good  self-drying  characteristics.  The  properties  conducive  to  self- 
drying  appear  to  be  thermal  conductivity,  vapor  permeability,  moisture 
absorptive  capacity,  and  possibly  the  hygroscopicity  or  capillarity  of  the 
component  layers  of  roof  construction,  as  well  as  their  thickness  and  arrange- 
ment. Although  investigations  are  continuing,  sufficient  information  was 
obtained  to  prepare  a  specification  for  self-drying  roof  constructions. 

Standards  for  Refrigerated  Vehicles,  A  study  of  chilled  air  distri- 
bution inside  refrigerated  vehicles  loaded  with  a  closely-packed  perishable 
cargo  was  supported  in  part  by  the  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture.  The 
study  showed  that  the  chilled  air  must  circulate  around  the  cargo  and  absorb 
the  heat  transmitted  through  the  surrounding  walls  to  protect  the  cargo 
adequately.  Provision  of  sufficient  air  space  for  chilled-air  circulation  under 
the  load  was  found  to  be  the  factor  of  greatest  importance  in  improving  the 
temperature  distribution.  The  results  further  showed  that  the  flow  resist- 
ance of  each  parallel  path  for  air  flow  must  permit  an  air  flow  approximately 
proportional  to  the  heat  transmission  into  the  corresponding  part  of  the 
air  circuit.  It  developed  also  that  under  favorable  conditions  there  was 
little  heat  exchange  between  the  chilled  air  and  the  cargo.  The  maximum 
temperature  variation  in  the  cargo  was  about  equal  to  the  temperature  differ- 
ence between  the  supply  air  from  and  return  air  to  the  cooling  unit.  This 
investigation  is  still  in  progress. 

A  related  program,  supported  by  the  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture  and 
the  Truck  Body  and  Equipment  Association,  was  initiated  to  develop  a  test- 
ing and  rating  method  for  refrigerated  trucks  that  would  take  into  account 
the  solar  load  and  the  heat  transfer  caused  by  intermittent  opening  of  the 
doors  in  stationary  vehicles. 

Design  Loads  for  Plumbing  Systems.  Analyses  of  experimental  data 
on  the  hydraulics  and  pneumatics  of  plumbing  drainage  systems  produced 
criteria  aimed  at  providing  pipes  adequate  to  carry  maximum  expected 
loads,  without  being  unnecessarily  large  and  costly.  The  results  indicate 
that  substantial  reductions  in  pipe  sizes  may  be  achieved  safely  in  some 
cases.  This  research  is  related  to  main  vertical  drains  and  vents,  and  to 
horizontal  drain  systems. 

Advances  in  Thermal  Conductivity  Measurements.  Many  engi- 
neering undertakings  involve  measuring  or  increasing  or  limiting  the  flow 
of  heat.  For  this  reason,  industry,  research  laboratories,  and  defense 
agencies  need  reliable  data  on  thermal  conductivity  of  materials  ranging 
from  insulators  to  highly  conducting  metals,  at  temperatures  from  the 
cryogenic  range  to  1,000  °C  and  higher.  To  meet  these  needs,  the  Bureau 
developed  new  and  improved  steady-state  methods  for  measurement  of  con- 
ductivity, covering  extended  temperature  ranges  for  a  variety  of  materials. 
Thermal  conductivity  of  these  materials  ranges  from  0.00025  to  5  w/cm  °C. 

The  different  methods  made  possible  thermal  conductivity  reference 
standards  for  other  laboratories.  Through  such  references,  concordance  of 
results  can  be  confirmed  or  improved,  and  simpler  apparatus  used  where 
reference  standards  for  its  calibration  are  available. 


Organic  Coatings  Manual,  With  the  advent  of  new  synthetic  resin 
binders  and  other  components  of  coatings,  a  need  for  a  modern  organic 
coatings  manual  has  arisen.  Preparation  of  such  a  publication  was  under- 
taken, and  it  is  now  nearing  completion.  It  will  include  discussions  of  speci- 
fication products  and  information  on  late  developments  not  yet  covered  by 

Safety  Codes.  NBS  actively  participated  in  formulation  of  an  Elec- 
trical Standard  for  Machine  Tools,  sponsored  by  the  National  Fire  Protec- 
tion Association.  It  was  adopted  as  a  tentative  standard.  Through  mem- 
bership on  committees,  NBS  also  cooperated  in  revision  of  codes  developed 
under  procedure  of  the  American  Standards  Association.  These  included 
the  National  Electrical  Code,  sponsored  by  the  National  Fire  Protection  As- 
sociation; the  Safety  Code  for  Building  Construction,  sponsored  jointly  by 
the  American  Institute  of  Architects,  and  the  National  Safety  Council;  and 
the  Code  for  Protection  Against  Lightning,  sponsored  jointly  by  the  Na- 
tional Fire  Protection  Association,  The  American  Institute  of  Electrical 
Engineers  and  NBS. 

Symposium  on  Chemistry  of  Cement.  The  Fourth  International 
Symposium  on  the  Chemistry  of  Cement  was  held  at  NBS  from  October  3d 
to  7th,  1960.  It  was  sponsored  jointly  by  the  Bureau  and  the  Portland 
Cement  Association. 

This  apparatus,  used  with  an  indirect  gravimetric  procedure,  was  developed  to 
measure  water-vapor  permeance  of  building  materials  (page  152). 


Attendance  at  the  symposia  has  increased  from  the  11  at  the  first  (in  Lon- 
don in  1918)  to  the  267  from  28  countries  at  the  last.  Meanwhile  the  pro- 
ceedings have  grown  from  69  pages  covering  10  papers  and  5  discussions 
to  68  papers  and  88  discussions  requiring  over  1,500  pages  to  be  published 
by  the  Bureau  in  two  volumes. 

In  attendance  at  the  Washington  meeting  were  outstanding  research 
workers  and  leaders  from  this  hemisphere  and  abroad.  The  meeting,  in 
the  manner  of  its  predecessors,  brought  up  to  date  the  present  state  of 
knowledge  of  the  chemistry  of  cement  clinker,  as  well  as  the  hydration  of 
cement  compounds  and  cements,  the  properties  of  cement  pastes  and  con- 
crete, the  destructive  processes  in  concrete,  and  the  properties  of  special 
cements.  It  furnished  an  opportunity  to  take  stock  of  progress  made,  and  to 
assess  needs  for  and  direction  of  continuing  research. 


One  of  the  statutory  responsibilities  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards 
is  "cooperation'  with  the  States  in  securing  uniformity  in  weights  and  meas- 
ures laws  and  and  methods  of  inspection."  The  responsibility  of  regulatory 
control  over  commercial  weighing  and  measuring  devices  and  commercial 
transactions  involving  quantity  has  been  left  by  the  Congress  to  the  indi- 
vidual States.  The  Bureau  contributes  by  offering  consultative  and  ad- 
visory services  to  the  States  and  calibration  and  physical  adjustment  of 
State  reference  weights  and  measures  standards. 

This  program  has  been  implemented  through  the  Bureau's  Office  of 
Weights  and  Measures.  The  range  of  services  is  quite  broad,  including  the 
development  of  ( 1 )  model  weights  and  measures  statutes,  rules,  and  regula- 
tions, (2)  properly  designed  and  accurate  physical  standards  of  length,  mass, 
and  capacity,  (3)  effective  procedures  for  testing  commercial  weighing  and 
measuring  devices,  (4)  specially  designed  testing  equipment,  (5)  plans  for 
systematic  and  effective  quantity  checking  of  prepackaged  merchandise,  (6) 
administrative  procedures,  (7)  specifications  and  tolerances  for  commercial 
devices,  (8)  training  schools  for  weights  and  measures  officers,  (9)  visual 
aids,  and  (10)  publications. 

With  the  assistance  of  the  Office  of  Weights  and  Measures,  important 
amendments  were  made  to  existing  weights  and  measures  statutes  in  several 
States  and  completely  new  statutes  were  enacted  in  Alaska  and  Tennessee. 
Appropriate  modernizing  amendments  were  made  in  the  Model  State  Law 
on  Weights  and  Measures,  the  Model  Package  Regulation,  and  the  Specifica- 
tions, Tolerances,  and  Regulations  for  Commercial  Weighing  and  Measuring 

The  national  weights  and  measures  training  laboratory  facility  was  com- 
pleted and  the  first  course  for  supervisory  personnel  of  the  States  was  suc- 
cessfully conducted.  The  requests  for  Bureau  assistance  in  the  conduct  of 
technical  training  schools  at  the  State  level  have  greatly  increased. 


New  equipment  was  designed  specifically  for  the  testing  of  large  weighing 
scales,  and  liquid  meters  dispensing  corrosive  liquids,  both  pressure  and 

Studies  were  continued  and  recommendations  to  the  States  were  made  re- 
garding equipment  and  procedures  in  the  area  of  control  of  prepackaged 
commodities.  It  is  now  estimated  by  the  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture 
that  at  least  three-quarters  of  each  retail  food  dollar  is  spent  for  packaged 
food.  In  addition,  many  other  commodites  are  offered  at  retail  in  package 
form.  With  the  tremendous  increase  in  packaging,  more  and  more  weights 
and  measures  effort  will  undoubtedly  be  devoted  to  package  control.  A 
special  study  of  the  measurement  practices  in  one  of  the  nation's  largest 
manufacturers  of  soaps  and  detergents  resulted  in  a  series  of  recommenda- 
tions that  are  being  placed  into  effect.  These  changes  will  lead  to  a  much 
closer  relation  to  the  national  measurement  standards  throughout  the  plants 
of  that  organization  and  may  serve  to  guide  the  industry  to  greater  accuracy 
in  measurement  activities. 

A  project  covering  new  standards  of  weight  and  measure  for  the  States  is 
making  excellent  progress.  In  1836  and  1866  the  Congress  provided  the 
States  with  reference  standards  that  became  the  basis  for  nationwide  uni- 
formity. Since  then,  through  obsolescence  and  some  individual  purchases, 
nonuniformity  in  the  physical  characteristics  of  the  standards  has  developed 
among  the  States.  The  Bureau's  current  efforts  will  provide  a  sound  basis 
for  repeating  the  19th  century  actions.  This  would  bring  about  complete 
uniformity  among  tHe  States  in  weights  and  measures  reference  standards. 
An  entirely  new  stainless  steel  has  been  developed  commercially  that  pro- 
vides excellent  corrosion  resistance,  machinability,  high-gloss  finish,  and  the 
proper  density  for  mass  standards.  Purchase  and  performance  specifications 
for  complete  sets  of  such  standards  have  been  drawn,  bids  awarded,  and 
prototype  sets  are  now  being  fabricated.  Three  very  special  high  precision 
balances  of  a  design  not  heretofore  applied  to  weight  calibration  have  been 
constructed  and  are  undergoing  test.  These  balances  are  simple  to  manipu- 
late, rapid  to  operate,  and  afford  mass  measurements  with  a  precision  of  1 
part  in  5  million  (see  p.  22) . 

Experimental  studies  on  liquid-capacity  standards  molded  of  glass  and  of 
unusual  design  are  nearing  completion.  Standards  of  this  design  will  bring 
utility,  versatility,  and  high  precision  to  a  State  laboratory.  In  length 
standards,  a  highly  useful  length  bench  for  testing  rules,  tapes,  and  the  like  has 
been  designed,  fabricated,  and  tested.  This  device,  along  with  a  yard-and- 
meter  end  standard  and  appropriate  stainless  tapes,  will  make  available  to 
a  State  laboratory  for  the  first  time  precise  test  of  various  length-measuring 

The  Office  of  Weights  and  Measures  has,  as  one  of  its  basic  responsibilities, 
the  dissemination  of  accurate  information  on  units,  systems,  and  equivalents 
of  weights  and  measures.  Tables  of  interrelation  in  forms  that  facilitate 
ready  reference  are  published,  and  a  large  volume  of  inquiries  are  handled 


every  year.  Two  collections  of  books  and  other  documents  make  up  the 
Weights  and  Measures  Library — the  archival  collection  and  the  reference 
collection.  A  complete  indexing  operation  has  been  under  way  and  is 
nearing  completion.  This  library  affords  the  staff  and  outside  researchers 
and  students  complete  references  on  the  history  and  present  status  of  weights 
and  measures. 

Traditionally,  the  National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures  has 
been  one  of  the  principal  means  of  promoting  uniformity  and  raising  per- 
formance standards  in  weights  and  measures  administration  in  the  United 
States.  Sponsored  by  the  Bureau,  the  46th  Annual  Conference  was  held  in 
Washington,  D.C.,  during  the  year.  Thirty-five  States,  the  District  of 
Columbia,  Puerto  Rico,  Canada,  and  Great  Britain  were  officially  repre- 
sented at  this  5-day  meeting.     The  total  registered  attendance  was  393. 





[The  Bureau  is  headed  by  a  Director  who  is  appointed  by  the  President  with  Senate 
confirmation.  The  Director  is  assisted  by  a  Deputy  Director,  who  is  responsible  for 
internal  operations.  Several  Associate  Directors  participate  in  the  leadership  function, 
coordinating  related  technical  work  across  division  lines,  heading  important  policy 
committees,  and  handling  special  assignments  in  a  staff  capacity.  One  of  the  Associate 
Directors,  in  addition  to  being  responsible  for  administration  and  support  activities 
of  a  continuing  nature,  is  in  charge  of  an  extensive  special  project — planning  for  the 
Bureau's  new  laboratories  which  are  being  constructed  at  Gaithersburg,  Maryland. 
In  charge  of  the  Boulder  Laboratories  is  a  Director  who  also  has  the  status  of  Associate 
Director  of  the  Bureau.  Program  activities  are  conducted  in  22  scientific  divisions. 
Most  divisions  correspond  roughly  to  a  major  field  of  physical  science  or  engineering, 
and  are  divided  into  sections  responsible  for  technical  areas  within  each  field.  Six- 
teen of  the  divisions  are  located  in  Washington  and  six  in  Boulder.  Below  the  section 
level,  the  staff  is  organized  into  project  groups  which  may  be  easily  regrouped.] 


Allen  V.  Astin 


Robert  D.  Huntoon 

Associate   Directors 

C.  M.  Herzfeld  R.  S.  Walleigh 

A.  T.  McPherson  Edward  Wichers 


F.   W.   Brown,   Director,  Boulder  Laboratories 

Assistants  to  the  Director 

W.  S.  Bussey 
C.   N.  Coates 

Special  Research  Group 

H.    P.    Broida 
U.  Fano 

Consultants   to  the   Director 

J.    I.     Hoffman 
K.   E.  Shuler 

Staff  Advisers 

NBS  Reactor  Program  C.  0.  Muehlhause 

Financial  Management  Officer  N.  L.  Christeller 

Legal  Advisor  H.  J.  Johnson 

Patent  Advisor  D.  Robbins 

Director  Emeritus 

Lyman  J.  Briggs 

*Aa  of  September  1,  1961. 



(In  numerical  order) 

Chief        C.   H. 


Resistance  and  Reactance 

J.  L.  Thomas 


W.  J.  Hamer 

Electrical  Instruments 

F.  M.  Defandorf 

Magnetic  Measurements 

I.  L.  Cooter 


J.  D.  Hoffman 


Chief                        A 

.  G.  McNish 

Assistant  Chief 

D.  B.  Judd 

Photometry  and  Colorimetry 

L.  E.  Barbrow 


F.  E.  Washer 

Photographic  Research 

C.  S.  McCamy 


B.  L.  Page 

Engineering  Metrology 

I.  H.  Fullmer 

Mass  and  Scale 

A.  G.  McNish,  Acting 

Volumetry  and  Densimetry 

J.  C.  Hughes,  Acting 

3.  HEAT 


C.  M.  Herzfeld,  Acting 

Assistant  Chief  for  Thermodynamics 

C.  W.  Beckett 

Temperature  Physics 

J.  F.  Swindells 

Heat  Measurements 


Cryogenic  Physics 

R.  P.  Hudson 

Equation  of  State 


Statistical  Physics 

M.  S.  Green 


Chief        L.  S.  Taylor 


H.  0.  Wyckoff 


W.  B.  Mann 

Radiation  Theory 

L.  V.  Spencer,  Acting 

High  Energy  Radiation 

H.  W.  Koch 

Radiological  Equipment 

S.  W.  Smith 

Nucleonic  Instrumentation 


Neutron  Physics 

R.  S.  Caswell 


Chief                        H. 

C.  Allen,  Jr. 

Assistant  Chief 

R.  G.  Bates 


R.  Gilchrist 

C.  P.  Saylor 

Pure  Substances 

F.  L.  Howard 


B.  F.  Scribner 

Solution  Chemistry 

R.  G.  Bates 

Standard  Reference  Materials 

3             J.  L.  Hague 

Applied  Analytical  Research 

J.  K.  Taylor 


Chief                          E 

1.  L.  Wilson 

Consultants        J.  M. 


E.  C.  Lloyd 


R.  K.  Cook 

Pressure  and  Vacuum 

D.  P.  Johnson 

Fluid  Mechanics 

G.  B.  Schubauer 

Engineering  Mechanics 

L.  K.  Irwin 


R.  S.  Marvin 

Combustion  Controls 

F.  R.  Caldwell 


Chief        G.  M.  Kline 





Testing  and  Specifications 

Polymer  Structure 


Dental  Research 

L.  A.  Wood 


R.  B.  Hobbs 

J.  R.  Kanagy 

R.  D.  Stiehler 

N.  P.  Bekkedahl 

F.  W.  Reinhart 

W.  T.  Sweeney 


Assistant  Chief 
Thermal  Metallurgy 
Chemical  Metallurgy 
Mechanical  Metallurgy 
Metal  Physics 


L.  M 

Kushner,  Acting 

T.  G.  Digges 

T.  G.  Digges 

L.  L.  Wyman 

J.  A.  Bennett 

G.  A.  Ellinger 

L.  M.  Kushner 

Electrolysis  and  Metal  Deposition 

A.  Brenner 



Assistant  Chief 

Engineering  Ceramics 



Enameled  Metals 

Crystal  Growth 

Physical  Properties 

Constitution  and  Microstructure 

A.  D.  Franklin 

C.  H.  Hahner 

R.  F.  Geller 


M.  D.  Burdick 

C.  H.  Hahner 


W.  N.  Harrison 

F.  Ordway 

A.  D.  Franklin,  Acting 

H.  F.  McMurdie 



Structural  Engineering 

Fire  Research 

Mechanical  Systems 

Organic  Building  Materials 

Codes  and  Safety  Standards 

Heat  Transfer 

Inorganic  Building  Materials 

D.  E.  Parsons 
W.  F.  Roeser 

D.  Watstein 

A.  F.  Robertson 

P.  R.  Achenbach 

W.  W.  Walton 

R.  L.  Lloyd,  Acting 

H.  E.  Robinson 

R.  L.  Blaine 



Assistant  Chief 

Numerical  Analysis 
Statistical  Engineering 
Mathematical  Physics 
Operations  Research 

E.  W.  Cannon 
F.  L.  Alt 


P.  Davis 


W.  H.  Pell 
A.  J.  Goldman 



Research  Information  Center  and  Advisory 
Service  on  Information  Processing 

Components  and  Techniques 

Computer  Technology 

Measurements  Automation 

Engineering  Applications 

Systems  Analysis 

S.  N.  Alexander 

J.  F.  Rafferty 

P.  D.  Schupe 

Miss  M.  E.  Stevens 

R.  D.  Elbourn 

J.  A.  Cunningham,  Acting 

J.  A.  Cunningham,  Acting 

S.  N.  Alexander,  Acting 

E.  Glaser 




L.  M.  Branscomb 
F.  L.  Mohler 

Infrared  Spectroscopy 
Solid  State  Physics 
Electron  Physics 
Atomic  Physics 

K.  G.  Kessler 

E.  K.  Plyler 

H.  P.  R.  Frederikse 

L.  L.  Marton 

S.  J.  Smith 

Chief        G.  F.  Montgomery 

Engineering  Electronics 
Electron  Devices 
Electronic  Instrumentation 
Mechanical  Instruments 
Basic  Instrumentation 

G.  Shapiro 

C.  P.  Marsden 

G.  F.  Montgomery,  Acting 

A.  Wexler 

J.  Stern 



M.  B.  Wallenstein 

Assistant  Chief 
Surface  Chemistry 
Organic  Chemistry 
Molecular  Spectroscopy 
Molecular  Kinetics 
Mass  Spectrometry 

F.  Buckley 
E.  J.  Prosen 
R.  Klein 


D.  E.  Mann 

R.  E.  Ferguson 

V.  H.  Dibeler 

Chief        M.  W.  Jensen 


Office  of  Technical  Information 



Administrative  Services 



Management  Planning 


Internal  Audit 


NBS  Library 

W.  R.  Tilley 
J.  P.  Menzer 
G.  R.  Porter 

H.  P.  Dalzell 
F.  P.  Brown 

G.  B.  Kefover 

I.    ASAY 

E.  Skillington 

J.  Seidenberg 

H.  Graham 

Miss  S.  Jones 




Math-Analysis  and  Computation  Facility  Group 
Mathematical  Physics  and  Education  Director 

Radio  Wave  Propagation 

Physics  of  the  Atmosphere 

Communications  Liaison  Officer 

CRPL  Liaison  and  Program  Development 

Executive  Officer  and  Chief  of  Administrative  Division 

Technical  Information  Officer 

J.  J.  Sopka 

E.  H.  Brown 

E.  L.  Crow 

R.  N.  Thomas 

J.  T.  Jeffries 

J.  R.  Wait 

D.  M.  Gates 

Allen  Barnabei 

A.  H.  Shapley 

S.  W.  J.  Welch 

J.  R.  Craddock 




Assistant  Chief 
Cryogenic  Equipment 
Cryogenic  Processes 
Properties  of  Materials 
Cryogenic  Technical  Services 

R.  B.  Scott 
B.  W.  Birmingham 

R.  B.  Jacobs 

B.  W.  Birmingham 

R.  J.  Corruccini 

V.  J.  Johnson 



Assistant  Chief 

Assistant  Chief 

Assistant  to  Chief  for  Technical  Planning  and  Coordination 


Low  Frequency  and  Very  Low  Frequency  Research 

Ionosphere  Research 

Prediction  Services 

Sun-Earth  Relationships 

Field  Engineering 

Radio  Warning  Services 

Vertical  Soundings  Research 

E.  K.  Smith,  Jr. 
T.  N.  Gautier 
R.  W.  Knecht 
J.  A.  Kemper 
D.  K.  Bailey 
A.  G.  Jean 
K.  Davies 
W.  B.  Chadwick 
R.  W.  Knecht 
H.  G.  Sellery 
J.  V.  Lincoln 
J.  W.  Wright 


Chief  K.  A.  Norton 

Assistant  Chief  for  Research  and  Development         J.  W.  Herbstreit 

Consultant — Terminal  Equipment 

Data  Reduction  Instrumentation 

Radio  Noise 

Tropospheric  Measurements 

Tropospheric  Analysis 

Propagation-Terrain  Effects 

Radio  Meteorology 

Lower  Atmosphere  Physics 

E.  F.  Florman 

W.  E.  Johnson 

W.  Q.  Crichlow 

M.  T.  Decker 

P.  L.  Rice 

R.  S.  Kirby 

B.  R.  Bean 

M.  C.  Thompson,  Jr. 



Assistant  Chief  for  Radio  Frequencies 

Assistant  Chief  for  Microwave  Frequencies 

Assistant  Chief  for  Technical  Planning  and  Coordination 


High-Frequency  Electrical  Standards 

Radio  Broadcast  Service 

Radio  and  Microwave  Materials 

Atomic  Frequency  and  Time  Interval  Standards 

Electronic  Calibration  Center 

Millimeter- Wave  Research  L 

Microwave  Circuit  Standards 


Chief  R.  C.  Kirby 

Assistant  Chief  D.  W.  Patterson 
Consultant  G.  W.  Haydon 

High  Frequency  and  Very  High  Frequency  Research 

Modulation  Research 

Antenna  Research 

Navigation  Systems 

J.  M.  Richardson 
W,  D.  George 
D.  M.  Kerns 
E.  C.  Wolzien 
W.  W.  Brown 
P.  F.  Wacker 
M.  C.  Selby 
A.  H.  Morgan 
J.  L.  Dalke 
R.  C.  Mockler 
H.  W.  Lance 
Y.  Beers,  Acting 
R.  W.  Beatty 

W.  F.  Utlaut 

W.  C.  Coombs 

H.  V.  Cottony 

G.  Hefley 


Chief  C.  G.  Little 

Consultants  R.  J.  Slutz 

D.  K.  Bailey 

Upper  Atmosphere  and  Plasma  Physics 

Ionosphere  and  Exosphere  Scatter 

Airglow  and  Aurora 

Ionospheric  Radio  Astronomy  R 

R.  M.  Gallet 

K.  L.  Bowles 

F.  E.  Roach 

.  S.  Lawrence 

♦These  divisions  comprise  the  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory. 



Visual  Landini 

g  Aids  Field  Laboratory 

Areata,  Calif. 

Master  Railway  Track  Scale  Depot 

Clearing,  111. 

Materials  Testing  Laboratories: 

Allentown,  Pa. 

Denver,  Colo. 

San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Seattle,  Wash. 

Radio  Transmitting  Station  WWV 

Greenbelt,  Md. 

Radio  Transmitting  Station  WWVL 

Boulder,  Colo. 

Central  Radio  Propagation 

Laboratory  Field  Stations : 













Marie  Byrd  Base** 



Pole  Station** 


Mirny  Base  (Soviet) 


Exchange  Scientists 



with  Byrd  Base 

Maui  (WWVH) 




Mt.  Haleakala 








La  Paz** 


Jicamarca  Radio 



Sao  Jose  dos  Campos** 

Long  Branch 

Poro  Point** 





New  Delhi** 




San  Juan 











Chalk  Cliff  Site 



Cheyenne  Mtn. 

Garden  City 



Fritz  Peak 


Salt  Lake  City** 

Gunbarrel  Hill 


Ha  swell 




Fort  Belvoir 



Front  Royal 












Table  Mesa 



♦♦Contract  or  Mutual  Cooperation. 






Total  permanent  staff 





Other  staff*  * 


Total  on  payroll 




Research  associates  and  guest  workers .... 


Total  working  at  NBS 




Professional  staff: 











*As  of  June  30,  1961. 

**WAE,  full-time  consultants,  students,  teachers,  postdoctoral  fellows,  and  temporary -limited  employees. 


The  activities  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  are  financed  from 
three  sources:  from  appropriations  provided  by  the  Congress;  from  pay- 
ments by  other  agencies  for  specific  research  and  development  tasks;  and 
from  payments  by  industrial  concerns,  universities,  research  institutions, 
and  government  agencies  for  specific  calibration  or  testing  services.  The 
following  tabulation  is  a  summary  of  the  financial  aspects  of  the  Bureau 
programs  for  1961: 

Program  and  Source  of  Financing 

Obligations  Incurred  (Rounded) 

Supported  by  NBS  Appropriations: 
Operating  Programs: 

Research  &  Technical  Services . 
Construction    and    Facilities    Pro- 

Plant  and  Facilities 

$2,  976, 000 

13, 406, 000 

Construction  of  Facilities 


12, 806, 000 
428, 000 

Total  NBS  Appropriation 

Supported  by  Other  Funds: 

Research    and    Development    Pro- 

Other  Federal  Agencies 

Nongovernmental  Sources 

4,  892, 000 
1, 134, 000 

$32, 984, 000 

Calibrations,  Testing,  and  Standard 

Reimbursable  Administrative  Serv- 

Total  Supported  by  Other  Funds . 

19, 260,  COO 

Total  Program 

52, 244,  000 


The  $19,578,000  program  financed  by  the  Bureau's  Research  and  Tech- 
nical Services  appropriation  reflects  a  continuation  of  the  major  program 
increase  provided  in  1960  and  about  a  $1 -million  increase  in  salary  costs 
due  to  the  general  pay  raise. 

The  $2,976,000  expended  in  the  Plant  and  Facilities  program  represents 
partial  progress  on  several  important  facilities  authorized  in  1961,  as  well 
as  completion  of  previously  authorized  facilities.  The  1961  authoriza- 
tions included  the  following: 

(1)  A  new  radio  propagation  research  station  near  Lima,  Peru,  in 

which  a  6  megawatt  (peak  power)  radar  transmitter  and  a  25- 
acre  antenna  array  will  be  used  to  exploit  the  incoherent  scatter 
technique  for  atmospheric  research. 

(2)  A  $1.2-million  addition  to  the  main  laboratory  building  at  Boulder, 


(3)  An  atomic  beam  frequency  standard. 

(4)  Design   and  engineering  for   a   nuclear  research  reactor   of  the 

water-moderated,  enriched-fuel  type,  to  operate  initially  at  a 
power  level  between  5  and  10  megawatts. 

The  construction  of  facilities  obligations  were  for  continued  design  effort 
on  the  new  laboratories  at  Gaithersburg,  Md.,  and  for  the  construction  con- 
tract for  the  first  buildings:  The  Engineering  Mechanics  Laboratory  and 
the  Power  Plant.  Appropriations  provided  in  1961  will  also  finance  the 
Radiation  Physics  Laboratory  and  the  high-intensity  linear  electron 

Total  Program  Levels,  For  a  number  of  years  the  Bureau  has  been 
attempting  to  achieve  a  more  adequate  level  of  effort  on  basic  Bureau  work 
and  to  reverse  the  imbalance  between  that  work  and  work  for  other  agencies. 
The  following  charts  show  the  progress  to  date  toward  these  objectives. 

Chart  I  is  perhaps  the  best  index  because  it  reflects  the  level  of  effort  and 
is  not  distorted  by  changes  in  salary  rates  or  other  cost  factors.  The  chart 
shows,  for  example,  that  in  1960  the  research  and  development  effort 
financed  by  the  NBS  appropriation  finally  rose  above  the  1950  level.  It 
shows  also  that,  since  1958,  50  percent  of  the  increased  effort  on  the  Bureau's 
basic  responsibilities  has  come  from  staff  formerly  financed  by  other 





gj     1,500 



1948   1949    1950   1951    1952    1953   1954    1955  1956   1957   1958  1959  1960  1961 


NBS  APPROP    1004   1075   1071    896     914    947    672    669  710    776    822  928  1141  1299 

OTHER  R&D    I  1056  974  861     8  21 

CALIB  &  SVCSJj4!   £1^8   137£   1776    ^£^1^^  1284   1262   ^°  283  296     3 1 3 











*0"^    """      —   •. 

■    NBS   APPROP. 


CALIB.  a   svcs. 



1853   2223   2442   2672    3578   3734   2402   1939    1994   2038   2122    2185   2298    243  3 
































CALIB.   8  SVCS, 

1948   1949   1950    1951   1952   1953    1954   1955    1956  1957   1958  1959  1960  1961 


NBS  APPROP    6.5    7.9    7.9    7.5     7.1   7.0     5.3    5.6    6.9  8.2    9.7  12.4  17.1  19.6 

OTHER  R&D   1  14  8  14.2  13.7  13.2 

CALIB  &  SVCS/^   U.7   11.6   31,7    45.6   ^   ^   ^    13.1  16.9   ^J  3|9  k\'2  4.6 


16.6   19.6   19.5   39.2    52,7   47.6   23.4   18.2    20.0   25.1   27.3   30.5   35.0    37.4 



[Reports  annually  to  Secretary  of  Commerce  on  NBS  activities  (Dates  indicate  expira- 
tion of  appointment)  ] 

Dr.  M.  J.  Kelly,  Former  President  and  Chairman  of  the  Board,  Bell  Telephone  Lab- 
oratories, Inc.  (1962),  Chairman 
Professor  F.  Seitz,  University  of  Illinois  (1961) 

Dr.  Lloyd  V.  Berkner,  President,  Graduate  Research  Center,  Inc.  (1963) 
Dr.  Crawford  H.  Greenewalt,  President,  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  &  Co.  ( 1964) 
Professor  Charles  H.  Townes,  Columbia  University  (1965) 



[Appointed  by  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences-National  Research  Council  in  co- 
operation with  the  leading  scientific  and  technical  societies  to  advise  NBS  Director 
in  specific  technical  areas.  Cooperating  societies  are:  American  Ceramic  Society 
(ACerS)  ;  American  Chemical  Society  (ACS)  ;  American  Institute  of  Chemical 
Engineers  (AIChE)  ;  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers  (AIEE)  ;  American 
Institute  of  Mining,  Metallurgical,  and  Petroleum  Engineers  (AIME)  ;  American 
Institute  of  Physics  (AIP)  ;  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers  ( ASCE)  ;  Ameri- 
can Society  of  Mechanical  Engineers  (ASME)  ;  Conference  Board  of  the  Mathe- 
matical Sciences  (CBMS)  ;  and  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers  (IRE).  Appointments 
at  large  ( AL) .     Members  listed  served  during  fiscal  year  1961.] 

Dr.  Paul  D.  Foote,  National  Research  Council,  Executive  Secretary 

Advisory  Panel  to  Electricity  Division 

Prof.  W.  A.  Lewis,  Illinois  Institute  of  Technology,  Chairman  (AIEE) 

Prof.  Norman  I.  Adams,  Jr.,  Yale  University  (AIP) 

Dr.  William  G.  Amey,  Leeds  &  Northrup  Company  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Richard  M.  Bozorth,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (AIP) 

Dr.  John  Brainerd,  University  of  Pennsylvania  (IRE) 

Prof.  Henry  B.  Linford,  Columbia  University  (ACS) 

Mr.  J.  T.  Lusignan,  The  Ohio  Brass  Company  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Ernest  Weber,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn  (AIEE) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Metrology  Division 

Dr.  Brian  O'Brien,  Pomfret,  Conn.,  Chairman  (AIP) 
Prof.  Is  ay  A.  Balinkin,  University  of  Cincinnati  (ACerS) 
Prof.  Clarence  E.  Bennett,  University  of  Maine  (AIP) 
Dr.  Alsoph  H.  Corwin,  The  Johns  Hopkins  University  (ACS) 
Mr.  C.  L.  Crouch,  Illuminating  Engineering  Society  (AL) 
Mr.  A.  M.  Dexter,  Pratt  and  Whitney  Company,  Inc.  (AL) 
Dr.  Robert  E.  Hopkins,  Tropel,  Inc.  (AL) 
Mr.  Floyd  W.  Hough,  Arlington,  Virginia  (ASCE) 
Mr.  J.  J.  Moran,  Kimble  Glass  Company  (ACerS) 
Mr.  Louis  Polk,  The  Sheffield  Corporation  (ASME) 
Prof.  John  Strong,  The  Johns  Hopkins  University  (AIP) 
Dr.  J.  H.  Webb,  Eastman  Kodak  Company  (AIP) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Heat  Division 

Prof.  Joseph  E.  Mayer,  University  of  California,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Prof.  James  A.  Beattie,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Prof.  Henry  A.  Fairbank,  Yale  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  Joseph  Kestin,  Brown  University  (ASME) 

Dean  R.  B.  Lindsay,  Brown  University  (AIP) 

Prof.   Glenn   C.  Williams,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology    (AIChE) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Radiation  Physics  Division 

Dr.  H.  M.  Parker,  General  Electric  Company,  Chairman  (AIP) 

Dr.  Everitt  P.  Blizard,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  (AIP) 

Dr.  Martin  Deutsch,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Dr.  A.  0.  Hanson,  University  of  Illinois  (AIP) 

Dr.  William  A.  Higinbotham,  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  (IRE) 

Prof.  Harold  A.  Lamonds,  North  Carolina  State  College  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Leonard  Schiff,  Stanford  University  (AIP) 


Advisory  Panel  to  Analytical  and  Inorganic  Chemistry  Division 

Dr.  T.  Ivan  Taylor,  Columbia  University,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Dr.  Clark  E.  Bricker,  Princeton  University  (ACS) 

Dr.  N.  D.  Coggeshall,  Gulf  Research  and  Development  Company  (AIP) 

Dr.  W.  D.  Cooke,  Cornell  University  (ACS) 

Dr.  Herbert  A.  Laitinen,  University  of  Illinois  (ACS) 

Dr.  W.  Wayne  Meinke,  University  of  Michigan  (ACS) 

Dr.  J.  R.  Ruhoff,  Malinckrodt  Chemical  Company  (ACS) 

Dr.  Charles  E.  White,  University  of  Maryland  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Mechanics  Division 

Dean  Dana  Young,  Yale  University,  Chairman  (ASME) 

Prof.  Lynn  S.  Beedle,  Lehigh  University  (ASCE) 

Prof.  S.  R.  Beitler,  Ohio  State  University  (ASME) 

Prof.  Arthur  T.  Ippen,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (ASCE) 

Dr.  Harry  F.  Olson,  Radio  Corporation  of  America  (AIP) 

Prof.  Jesse  Ormondroyd,  University  of  Michigan  (ASME) 

Dr.  Milton  Plesset,  California  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Organic  and  Fibrous  Materials  Division 

Dr.  Norman  A.  Shepard,  Stamford,  Conn.,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Dr.  J.  H.  Dillon,  Textile  Research  Institute  (AIP) 

Dr.  Milton  Harris,  The  Gillette  Company  (ACS) 

Prof.  Herman  F.  Mark,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn  (AIP) 

Dr.  C.  G.  Overberger,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn  (ACS) 

Dr.  J.  F.  Downie  Smith,  Carrier  Research  and  Development  Co.  (ASME) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Metallurgy  Division 

Mr.  Francis  L.  LaQue,  International  Nickel  Co.,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Dr.  D.  J.  Dienes,  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  (AIP) 

Mr.  A.  R.  Lytle,  Linde  Company  (AIME) 

Dean  E.  F.  Osborn,  Pennsylvania  State  University  (ACerS) 

Dr.  Joseph  A.  Pask,  University  of  California  (ACerS) 

Dr.  Albert  J.  Phillips,  American  Smelting  and  Refining  Co.  (AIME) 

Mr.  D.  B.  Rossheim,  M.  W.  Kellogg  Corp.  (ASME) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Mineral  Products  Division 

Mr.  Karl  Schwartzwalder,  General  Motors  Corp.,  Chairman  (ACerS) 

Mr.  Herbert  Insley,  Washington,  D.C.  (ACerS) 

Dr.  James  R.  Johnson,  Minnesota  Mining  and  Manufacturing  Co.  (ACerS) 

Dr.  Norbert  J.  Kreidl,  Bausch  and  Lomb  Optical  Co.  (ACerS) 

Dean  E.  F.  Osborn,  Pennsylvania  State  University  (ACerS) 

Prof.  Pierce  Selwood,  Northwestern  University  (ACS) 

Dr.  Robert  B.  Sosman,  Rutgers,  The  State  University  (ACerS) 

Prof.  Bertram  E.  Warren,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Dr.  Clarence  Zener,  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp.  (AIME) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Building  Research  Division 

Dr.  W.  C.  Hansen,  Valparaiso,  Indiana,  Chairman  (ACS) 

Prof.  Jesse  H.  Day,  Ohio  University  (ACS) 

Prof.  Robert  A.  Hechtman,  George  Washington  University  (ASCE) 

Prof.  James  T.  Lendrum,  University  of  Florida  ( AIA) 

Mr.  Paul  V.  Johnson,  Structural  Clay  Products  Research  Foundation  (ACerS) 

Dean  Warren  L.  McCabe,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn  (AICE) 

Dr.  John  S.  Parkinson,  Johns-Manville  Products  Corp.  (AIP) 

Prof.  E.  R.  Queer,  Pennsylvania  State  University  (AL) 

Mr.  Raymond  C.  Reese,  Toledo,  Ohio  (ASCE) 

616114  O— ©1 12  169 

Advisory  Panel  to  Applied  Mathematics  Division 

Prof.  Mark  Kac,  Cornell  University,  Chairman  (CBMS) 

Prof.  A.  H.  Bowker,  Stanford  University  (AL) 

Prof.  Jesse  Douglas,  City  College  of  New  York  ( AL) 

Prof.  William  Feller,  Princeton  University  (CBMS) 

Dr.  Alston  S.  Householder,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  (CBMS) 

Prof.  B.  0.  Koopman,  Columbia  University  (CBMS) 

Prof.  Philip  M.  Morse,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (CBMS) 

Prof.  J.  L.  Walsh,  Harvard  University  (CBMS) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Data  Processing  Systems  Division 

Dr.  Alston  S.  Householder,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,  Chairman   (CBMS) 

Mr.  John  C.  McPherson,  International  Business  Machines  Corporation  (IRE) 

Prof.  Charles  L.  Miller,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (ASCE) 

Prof.  Raymond  Pepinsky,  Pennsylvania  State  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  William  H.  Radford,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (IRE) 

Prof.  Morris  Rubinoff,  University  of  Pennsylvania  (AIEE) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Atomic  Physics  Division 

Prof.  R.  H.  Dicke,  Princeton  University,  Chairman  (AIP) 

Prof.  Benjamin  Bederson,  New  York  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  Jesse  L.  Greenstein,  Mount  Wilson  and  Palomar  Observatories  (AL) 

Prof.  Vernon  W.  Hughes,  Sloane  Laboratory  (AIP) 

Prof.  Mark  G.  Ingrham,  Universiy  of  Chicago  (AIP) 

Dr.  Benjamin  Lax,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (AIP) 

Prof.  Peter  Franken,  University  of  Michigan  (AIP) 

Dr.  M.  K.  Wilson,  Tufts  University  (ACS) 

Dr.  David  Z.  Robinson,  Baird  Atomic  Incorporated  (AIP) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Instrumentation  Division 

Mr.  R.  W.  Larson,  General  Electric  Research  Laboratories,  Chairman  (AIEE) 

Dr.  A.  0.  Beckman,  Beckman  Instruments,  Inc.  (AL) 

Mr.  D.  G.  Fink,  Philco  Corporation  (IRE) 

Dr.  R.  J.  Jeffries,  Data-Control  Systems,  Inc.  (AL) 

Colonel  J.  Z.  Millar,  Western  Union  Telegraph  Company  (AIEE) 

Mr.  Leon  Podolsky,  Sprague  Electric  Company  (IRE) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Physical  Chemistry  Division 

Prof.  Henry  Eyring,  University  of  Utah,  Chairman  (ACS) 
Dr.  A.  0.  Allen,  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  (ACS) 
Prof.  Paul  Cross,  University  of  Washington  (ACS) 
Prof.  Hans  H.  Jaffj6,,  University  of  Cincinnati  (ACS) 
Dr.  Daniel  R.  Stull,  The  Dow  Chemical  Company  (ACS) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Cryogenic  Engineering  Division 

Dr.  Charles  Squire,  United  Aircraft  Corporation,  Chairman  (AIP) 

Prof.  S.  C.  Collins,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  (ASME) 

Mr.  Allen  Latham,  Jr.,  Arthur  D.  Little  Company  ( AIChE) 

Dr.  Hugh  M.  Long,  Tonawanda,  New  York  (AIP) 

Dr.  Clyde  McKinley,  Air  Products  Incorporated  (AIChE) 

Dr.  Loyd  B.  Nesbitt,  General  Electric  Laboratory  (AIP) 


Advisory  Panel  to  Central  Radio  Propagation  Laboratory 

Prof.  Arthur  H.  Waynick,  Pennsylvania  State  University,  Chairman  (IRE) 

Mr.  Stuart  L.  Bailey,  Washington,  D.C.  (IRE) 

Prof.  Henry  G.  Booker,  Cornell  University  (IRE) 

Mr.  A.  B.  Crawford,  Bell  Telephone  Laboratories  (AL) 

Dr.  R.  A.  Helliwell,  Stanford  University  (IRE) 

Dr.  S.  W.  Herwald,  Westinghouse  Electric  Corporation  (AIEE) 

Dr.  John  S.  Smyth,  Smyth  Research  Associates  (AIP) 

Dean  George  Town,  Iowa  State  University  (AIEE) 

Dr.  Albert  D.  Wheelon,  Space  Technology  Laboratories,  Inc.  (IRE) 

Advisory  Panel  to  Radio  Standards  Division 

Prof.  Arthur  A.  Oliner,  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Brooklyn,  Chairman  (IRE) 

Prof.  Walter  Gordy,  Duke  University  (AIP) 

Prof.  E.  C.  Jordan,  University  of  Illinois  (IRE) 

Prof.  W.  A.  Lewis,  Illinois  Institute  of  Technology  (AIEE) 

Dr.  John  C.  Simons,  National  Research  Corporation  (IRE) 

Mr.  Robert  C.  Sprague,  Sprague  Electric  Company  (AIEE) 



[Members    are   nominated   by   the   American    Standards   Association    (ASA)    and   the 
American  Society  for  Testing  Materials  (ASTM)  ] 

Mr.  W.  A.  Wildhack,  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Chairman 

Dr.  A.  A.  Bates,  Portland  Cement  Association  (ASTM) 

Admiral  George  F.  Hussey,  Jr.,  USN  (Ret),  American  Standards  Association  (ASA) 

Mr.  F.  L.  LaQue,  International  Nickel  Company  (ASTM) 

Mr.  John  W.  McNair,  American  Standards  Association  (ASA) 

Mr.  N.  L.  Mochel,  Westinghouse  Electric  Company  (ASTM) 

Mr.  John  R.  Townsend,  American  Standards  Association  (ASA) 



[Members  are  appointed  on  the  basis  of  their  broad  personal  knowledge  of  industrial 
measurement  problems] 

Mr.  W.  A.  Wildhack,  National  Bureau  of  StandardsrChairman 

Dr.  W.  G.  Amey,  Leeds  &  Northrup  Company 

Mr.  H.  C.  Biggs,  Sandia  Corporation 

Mr.  E.  J.  Brazill,  The  Martin  Company 

Mr.  C.  H.  Brumley,  Bausch  &  Lomb  Incorporated 

Col.  William  J.  Darmody,  USA  (Ret) ,  The  Sheffield  Corporation 

Mr.  Ivan  G.  Easton,  General  Radio  Company 

Mr.  L.  H.  LaForge,  Jr.,  Sylvania  Electronics  Systems 

Mr.  L.  B.  Wilson,  Sperry  Gyroscope  Company 

Mr.  A.  J.  Woodington,  Convair  Astronautics 


[Members  are  nominated  by  the  National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures] 

Dr.  A.  T.  McPherson,  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Chairman 

Prof.  L.  J.  Gordon,  Weights  and  Measures  Research  Center,  Denison  University 

Mr.  Rollin  E.  Meek,  State  Board  of  Health,  Indiana 

Commissioner  P.  C.  Brinkley,  State  Department  of  Agriculture  and  Markets,  Virginia 

Mr.  L.  T.  Gustafson,  Creamery  Package  Manufacturing  Company 

Mr.  J.  E.  Moss,  American  Petroleum  Institute 

Mr.  E.  C.  Westwood,  City  Sealer  of  Weights  and  Measures,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah 



Recognition  of  the  Bureau's  contributions  to  science  and  technology  often  takes  the 
form  of  awards  and  honors  from  government,  academic,  professional,  and  industrial 
groups.  The  following  list  reflects  such  recognition  bestowed  on  Bureau  staff  members 
during  fiscal  year  1961. 


Ambler,   Ernest 

Astin,  A.  V. 
Bailey,   Dana   K. 
Brlnner,  Abner 

Briggs,   Lyman  J. 
(Director    Emeritus) 
Davis,    P.   J. 
Deitz,  Victor  R. 
Douglas,    Charles    A. 
Frederikse,  H.  P.  R. 
Havens,    Clyde  E. 

Hayward,    Evans 
Kline,  G.   M. 
Knudse.»j,  Fred 
Koch,    H.    William 
Shapiro,  Gustave 
Sitterly,   C.   M. 
Wait,  James  R. 

Arthur   S.    Flemming    Award   of   the    Junior    Chamber   of    Commerce,    Washington, 

Lifetime     Honorary     Membership     by     the     Instrument     Society     of     America 
The     University     of    Arizona's     Seventy-Fifth     Anniversary     Medallion     of    Merit 
Hothersall    Memorial    Lecturer    1961    of    the    Institute    of    Metal    Finishing 
Blum    Award    from    the    American    Electroplaters'    Society 
The  President's  Citation  from  the  Franklin  Institute  of  the  State  of  Pennsylvania 

for  his   loyal    and  valued  services   to  the  Institute 
National    Academy   of   Sciences   Annual   Award   for  Scientific  Achievement 
Achievement    Award   in    Sugar   Technology    by   the   Sugar    Industry    Technicians 
Elected    a    Fellow   in    the    Illuminating    Engineering    Society 
Fellowship   from   the   John    Simon    Guggenheim   Memorial   Foundation 
Certificate    of    appreciation    by    the    General    Committee    of   the    Division    of    Pro- 
duction of  the  American  Petroleum  Institute 
Fellowship    from    the    John    Simon   Guggenheim   Memorial   Foundation 
Elected    Director  of   the   American    Society   for    Testing  Materials 
Edgar    Orton   Award    by    American    Ceramic    Society 
Alumnus  of  the  Year,  Queens  College 
Elected  a  Fellow  in  the  Institute  of  Radio  Engineers 
Federal  Woman's  Award  by  Civil  Service  Commission 
RESA   Boulder   Scientist  Award 


Cavallo,   Lucy  M. 
Christeller,  Norman  L. 
Cottony,   Herman  V. 
Couch,  Dwight  E. 
Cutkosky,    Robert   D. 
Engen,   Glenn   F. 
Glaze,  Francis  W. 
Grote,  William 
Kipps,   Charles   B. 
Leslie,   Robert   T. 
PoKempner,    Minadora 

Saylor,   Charles    P. 
Smith,  Jack   C 

TORGENSEN,     JOHN      L. 

Wright,   John  W. 

Joint    Award : 

Greenspan,    Martin 
Tschiegg,    Carl    E. 

Group    Award : 

Chidester,    Raymond 
Koepper,    Walter 
Matway,    John 
Stadler,     William 

Radiation  physics 
Fiscal    management 
Antenna   research 

Electroplating  metals  and   coatings 
Electrical   measurements   and   standardization 
Microwave  power  standards 
Analytical    chemistry 
Instrument  craftsmanship 
Procurement  of  supplies  and  equipment 
Fractional   distillation 
Frequency    allocation,     frequency    usage,    and    specifications    for    the    design    of 

communications   equipment 
Microscopical    techniques   for  the   evaluation   of  pure    substances 
Textile   physics 

Growth  of  single   crystals  and   mechanisms   of  purification 
Ionosphere  research 

Physics  of  sound  in  water 

Mechanical  support  for  the   development  of  high  precision  instruments 




Bowles,   Kenneth   L.  Ionosphere  and  exosphere  scatter 

Branscomb,    Lewis   M.  Atomic    processes    of    stellar    atmospheres,    the    terrestrial    ionosphere,    and    inter- 

planetary  space 
Brown,    Frederick   W.  Administration  of  major  scientific  research  programs 

Craig,    D.    Norman  Accurate  determination  of  the  faraday 

Digges,    Thomas   G.  Metallurgy 

Mockler,    Richard    C.  Atomic  frequency  and  time  standards 

Pararas,    John  Unique    extra    high   vacuum    and   very   low   temperature   laboratory    equipment 

Roach,   Franklin    E.  Upper  atmosphere  physics 

Schoonover,    Irl    C.  Materials    research,    program    and    organization    planning,    development    and    utili- 

zation  of  scientists 


The  Employee  Development  Program,  oriented  to  the  education  and  train- 
ing needs  of  all  staff  members,  is  directed  toward  improving  the  skills  and 
knowledge  of  the  staff,  increasing  efficiency  in  the  conduct  of  assigned  duties, 
and  preparing  staff  members  in  a  systematic  fashion  for  increased  respon- 
sibilities. This  program  is  implemented  through  two  major  educational 
media:  the  NBS  Graduate  School,  and  training  through  non-Government 
facilities.  The  program  covers  educational  levels  up  through  postdoctoral 
research  and  includes  general  staff  development  courses. 

An  average  of  40  courses  a  year  are  offered  in  the  curriculum  of  the  NBS 
Graduate  School,  including  graduate  and  undergraduate  courses  in  the 
physical  sciences,  mathematics,  and  certain  branches  of  engineering;  and 
a  series  of  scientific  colloquia  and  seminars  led  by  research  leaders  from  the 
Bureau  staff  and  from  other  research  centers  in  this  country  and  abroad. 
Educational  counseling  and  a  program  of  thesis  accreditation  are  provided. 
A  series  of  general  staff  development  courses  is  also  offered  through  the 
Graduate  School.  Typical  courses  in  this  category  are  scientific  Russian, 
mathematical  symbolism  and  terminology  for  clerical  staff,  and  mechanical 

The  NBS  Educational  Committee  determines  course  offerings  through 
periodic  need  surveys.  The  curriculum  is  divided  into  NBS  in-hours  and 
NBS  university-sponsored  out-of-hours  courses  and  is  flexible  to  meet  the 
varied  and  changing  needs  of  the  staff.  For  example,  the  Technician  Career 
Program,  established  in  1960,  helps  to  increase  job  efficiency  and  offers 
broader  educational  opportunities  for  subprofessional  laboratory  personnel. 

Since  the  establishment  of  the  Graduate  School  in  1908,  more  than  16,700 
registrations  have  been  recorded,  and  272  graduate  degrees  have  been 
awarded  by  42  different  universities,  partly  on  the  basis  of  credits  obtained, 
or  thesis  work  carried  on,  through  the  Graduate  School.  During  the  past 
year  there  were  1,217  registrations  in  78  courses  offered  at  the  Washington 
and  Boulder  Laboratories.  Of  these  registrations  560  were  from  the  Army's 
Diamond  Ordnance  Fuze  Laboratories  and  other  government  agencies  in 
the  Washington  area. 


Three  major  training  programs  are  sponsored  by  the  Bureau  through  non- 
Government  facilities  under  authority  of  the  Government  Employees'  Train- 
ing Act  of  1958.     These  are: 

1.  Full-time  (3  to  12  months)   postdoctoral  study  and  research  assign- 

ments at  universities  and  research  centers,  both  in  this  country 
and  abroad. 

2.  Full-time    (less  than  3  months)   attendance  at  institutes,  seminars, 

short  concentrated  courses,  workshops,  etc.  Generally,  these 
are  offered  through  the  educational  facilities  of  major  universities 
and  industrial  laboratories  throughout  the  country. 

3.  Part-time,  job-related,  academic  courses  at  local  educational  insti- 

tutions, generally  in  early  evening  classes. 

Non-Government  facilities  were  used  to  train  262  staff  members  in  1961. 
Fourteen  selected  career  scientists  were  sent  on  full-time  research  assign- 
ments to  universities  and  research  centers.  Forty-one  staff  members,  pri- 
marily scientists  and  subprofessional  laboratory  personnel,  attended  short 
concentrated  courses  and  training  programs  at  universities  and  in  industry. 
In  addition,  207  employees,  largely  from  technical  divisions,  attended  job- 
related  courses  at  local  educational  facilities  under  the  tuition  reimbursement 
plan.  The  Bureau  paid  full  salaries  and  expenses  for  participants  in  ap- 
proved full-time  non-Government  training  programs.  These  included  tui- 
tion, related  fees,  travel,  and  per  diem,  as  well  as  transportation  of  family 
and  household  effects  for  long-term  training. 

Each  summer  the  Bureau  sponsors  a  student  trainee  program  open  to 
college  students  majoring  in  the  physical  sciences,  mathematics,  and  cer- 
tain branches  of  engineering.  An  integrated  work-study  program,  this 
activity  includes  lectures,  tours,  demonstrations,  supervised  laboratory  as- 
signments, and  professional  counseling.  The  purpose  of  the  program  is  to 
acquaint  young  people  with  career  opportunities  in  scientific  research  at 
NBS  and  to  prepare  select  students  for  such  careers.  Approximately  220 
students,  representing  60  colleges  and  universities,  participated  in  the  1961 
summer  student  programs  in  Washington  and  Boulder;  130  of  these  were 
returnees  from  previous  summers.  The  new  group  included  eight  outstand- 
ing high  school  students  who  had  obtained  recognition  through  the  Westing- 
house  Science  Talent  Search  or  other  national  science  competition. 

The  Bureau,  in  collaboration  with  the  National  Research  Council,  offers 
postdoctoral  resident  research  associateships  to  young  scientific  investigators 
of  unusual  ability.  Associates  are  given  an  opportunity  for  advanced  train- 
ing in  basic  research  in  the  various  branches  of  the  physical  and  mathe- 
matical sciences.  While  acquiring  basic  knowledge,  they  have  opportuni- 
ties for  developing  new  scientific  approaches  and  laboratory  skills,  thus 
advancing  scientific  knowledge.  Associateships  are  limited  to  20  new  ap- 
pointments each  year  and  are  tenable  at  both  the  Washington  and  Boulder 


Weekly  Scientific  Staff  Meetings,  which  run  from  September  through 
May,  are  also  included  in  the  Bureau's  educational  program.  The  Staff 
Meetings  are  of  a  less  specialized  nature  than  colloquia  and  seminars  offered 
in  the  Graduate  School,  and  are  open  to  all  professional  staff  members  of 
the  Bureau.  They  are  also  regularly  attended  by  scientific  personnel  from 
neighboring  laboratories.  The  lectures,  which  are  designed  to  keep  Bureau 
personnel  abreast  of  current  developments  in  the  various  fields,  are  given 
by  members  of  the  staff  and  by  scientists  from  universities  and  other  labora- 
tories in  the  United  States  and  abroad.  Lectures  by  members  of  the  Bureau 
staff  include  a  yearly  report  to  the  staff  by  the  Director,  lectures  on  current 
research  of  broad  general  interest  to  other  members  of  the  staff,  reports  by 
staff  members  on  international  meetings,  and  reports  from  fellowship  scien- 
tists on  research  work  at  other  foreign  and  domestic  institutions.  About 
two-thirds  of  the  program  is  devoted  to  lectures  by  guest  scientists. 


The  Bureau's  Research  Associate  Plan,  a  cooperative  program  with 
American  industry,  has  resulted  in  many  significant  developments  in  science 
and  technology.  Under  this  plan,  technical,  industrial,  and  commercial  or- 
ganizations can  support  work  at  the  Bureau  on  projects  that  are  of  special 
interest  to  them,  yet  are  of  sufficient  general  interest  to  justify  use  of  gov- 
ernment facilities.  These  projects  must  also  be  important  from  the  stand- 
point of  the  Nation's  sum  total  of  technological  knowledge.  Supporting 
industries  donate  both  funds  and  personnel  for  the  projects.  At  the  present 
time  11  groups  are  supporting  research  associates  at  NBS  in  the  following 

Sponsor  Field  of  Activity 

American  Dental  Association Dental  research. 

American  Society  for  Testing  Materials Cement  reference  laboratory. 

American  Standards  Association Codes,  specifications,  and  standards. 

Asphalt  Roofing  Industry  Bureau Asphalt  roofing  research. 

Bone  Char  Research  Project,  Inc Studies  of  adsorption  and  adsorbents. 

Calcium   Chloride   Association Hydration  of  portland  cement. 

NBS-Joint  Committee  on  Chemical  Analysis  by  Standard  X-ray  diffraction  powder 

Powder  Diffraction  Methods:  ASTM,  Ameri-  patterns, 
can    Crystallographic    Assoc,    Institute    of 
Physics  (British),  National  Assoc,  of  Corro- 
sion Engineers. 

Porcelain  Enamel  Institute Development  of  standard  tests. 

Sinclair  Oil   Company Thermoconductivity  of  thin  films. 

An  important  and  similar  area  of  cooperation  between  the  Bureau  and 
industry  is  the  program  authorized  in  1950  by  Public  Law  619  under  which 
the  Bureau  is  authorized  to  accept  funds  for  the  purpose  of  furthering  its 
work.  This  arrangement  permits  individuals  as  well  as  technical,  indus- 
trial, and  commercial  organizations  to  support  work  at  the  Bureau  when  the 
results  are  expected  to  be  of  value  to  the  general  public. 


During  the  past  year  eight  projects  were  supported  by  gifts  from  six 
organizations  as  follows: 

Gift-Supported  Projects 

Donor  Field  of  Activity 

American  Iron  and  Steel  Institute Durability  of  steel  pilings. 

American  Iron  and  Steel  Institute Ship  plate  steels. 

American  Iron  and  Steel  Institute Standard  samples  program. 

Corrosion     Research     Council     of     the     Engineering  Reactions  at  metal  surfaces  and 

Foundation    on  stress  corrosion. 

Edward  Orton,  Jr.,  Ceramic  Foundation Research  in  clays. 

Expanded  Shale,  Clay  and  Slate  Institute Shale  aggregate. 

Georgetown  University Variable  heart  pump. 

National  Electrical  Manufacturers  Association Refrigerator  safety  devices. 


Publications    in    the    Bureau's    Series* 

Journal  of  Research.  Contains  full  research  papers,  including  laboratory  data,  ex- 
perimental procedures,  and  theoretical  and  mathematical  analyses.  Advances  in  meas- 
urement standards  and  techniques  .  .  .  physical  constants  .  .  .  properties  of  materials 
.  .  .  instrumentation  ...  radio  propagation. 

The  Journal  is  published  in  four  separate  sections  .  .  . 

A.  Physics  and  Chemistry — issued  six  times  a  year. 

B.  Mathematics  and  Mathematical  Physics — issued  quarterly. 

C.  Engineering  and  Instrumentation — issued  quarterly. 

D.  Radio  Propagation — issued  six  times  a  year. 

The  papers  listed  below  have  appeared  in  the  four-section  Journal  since  July  1960. 

Volume   64A    (Phys.    and    Chem.),   No.   4    (July-Aug.    1960) 

Gamma  irradation  of  hexafluorobenzene,  R.  E.  Florin,  L.  A.  Wall,  and  D.  W.  Brown. 
Behavior  of  isolated  disturbances  superimposed  on  laminar  flow  in  a  rectangular  pipe, 

G.  C.  Sherlin. 
Standard  of  spectral  radiance  for  the  region  of  0.25  to  2.6  microns,  R.  Stair,  R.   G. 

Johnston,  and  E.  W.  Halbach. 
Photovoltaic  effect  produced  in  silicon  solar  cells  by  X-  and  gamma  rays,  K.  Scharf. 
Phase  equilibria  in  systems  involving  the  rare-earth  oxides.     Part  I.     Polymorphism  of 

the  oxides  of  the  trivalent  rare-earth  ions,  R.  S.  Roth  and  S.  J.  Schneider. 
Phase    equilibria    in    systems    involving    the    rare-earth    oxides.     Part    II.     Solid    state 

reactions  in  trivalent  rare-earth  oxide  systems,  S.  J.  Schneider  and  R.  S.  Roth. 
Some  observations  on  the  calcium  aluminate  carbonate  hydrates,  E.  T.  Carlson  and  H.  A. 

Acid   dissociation  constant  and  related  thermodynamic  quantities  for  triethanolammo- 

nium  ion  in  water  from  0  to  50  °C,  R.  G.  Bates  and  G.  F.  Allen. 
Ionization  constants  of  four  dinitrophenols  in  water  at  25  °C,  R.  A.  Robinson,  M.  M. 

Davis,  M.  Paabo,  and  V.  E.  Bower. 
Dissociation  constant  of  anisic   (p-methoxy benzoic)   acid  in  the  system  ethanol-water  at 

25  °C,  E.  E.  Sager  and  V.  E.  Bower. 
Preparation  of  sulfur  of  high  purity,  T.  J.  Murphy,  W.  S.  Clabaugh.  and  R.  Gilchrist. 
Tritium-labeled    compounds    IV.     D-glucose-6-?,    D-xylose-5-f,    and    D-mannitol-1-f.    H.    S. 

Isbell,  H.  L.  Frush,  and  J.  D.  Moyer. 
Tritium-labeled  compounds  V.  radioassay  of  both  carbon-14  and  tritium  in  films,  with 

a  proportional  counter,  H.  S.  Isbell,  H.  L.  Frush,  and  N.  B.  Holt. 

♦Publications  in  these  series  are  available,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Docu- 
ments, U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.C.  For  a  discussion  of  the  publications  program 
see   p.   18. 


Volume   64A    (Phys.    and   Chem.),   No.   5    (Sept.-Oct.    1960) 

Infrared  spectrum  of  hydrobromic  acid,  E.  K.  Plyler. 

Determination   of  the  value   of   the  faraday  with   a  silver-perchloric   acid   coulometer, 

D.  N.  Craig,  J.  I.  Hoffman,  C.  A.  Law,  and  W.  J.  Hamer. 

Systems    silver    iodide-sodium    iodide    and    silver    iodide-potassium    iodide,    G.    Burley 

and  H.  E.  Kissinger. 
Conformations    of    the    pyranoid    sugars.     III.     Infrared    absorption    spectra    of    some 

acetyiated  aldopyranosides,  R.  S.  Tipson  and  H.  S.  Isbell. 
Dissociation  constant  of  4-aminopyridinium  ion  in  water  from  0  to  50  °C  and  related 

thermodynamic  quantities,  R.  G.  Bates  and  H.  B.  Hetzer. 
Tritium-labeled    compounds    VI.      Alditols-1-f    and    alditols-2-f.      H.    L.    Frush,    H.    S. 

Isbell,  and  A.  J.  Fatiadi. 

Volume   64A    (Phys.   and   Chem.),   No.   6    (Nov.-Dec.    1960) 

The  spectrum  of  singly  ionized  atomic  iodine   (I  n),  W.  C.  Martin  and  C.  H.  Corliss. 

The  third  spectrum  of  gold  ( Au  in) ,  L.  Iglesias. 

Tolerances  for  layer  thicknesses  in  dielectric  multilayer  coatings  and  interference  filters, 

K.  D.  Mielenz. 
Note  on  particle  velocity  in  collisions  between  liquid  drops  and  solids,  0.  G.  Engel. 
Resistance  of  white  sapphire  and  hot-pressed  alumina  to  collision  with  liquid  drops, 

0.  G.  Engel. 
Note  on   the  thermal  degradation  of  polytetrafluoroethylene  as  a  first-order  reaction, 

S.  L.  Madorsky  and  S.  Straus. 
Heat    of    formation    of    titanium    trichloride,    W.    H.    Johnson,    A.    A.    Gilliland.    and 

E.  J.  Prosen. 

Heat  of  formation  of  decaborane,  W.  H.  Johnson,  M.  V.  Kilday,  and  E.  J.  Prosen. 
Ultra   low-conductivity   water  by  electrophoretic  ion  exclusion,   W.   Haller  and   H.   C. 

Spectrophotometric    determination   of    the    ionization    constant   of    dimethylpicric    acid 

(2,  4,  6-trinitro-3,5-xylenol)    in  water  at  25   °C,  M.  M.  Davis,  M.  Paabo,  and  R.  A. 

Spectrophotometric  determination  of  the  ionization  constant  of  2,4,6-trinitro-ra-cresol  in 

water  at  25  °C,  M.  M.  Davis  and  M.  Paabo. 
Method  for  the  separation  of  titanium,  zirconium,  iron,  and  aluminum  from  one  another 

and    for    their    subsequent    determination,    T.    J.    Murphy,    W.    S.    Clabaugh,    and 

R.  Gilchrist. 

Volume    65A    (Phys.    and   Chem.),   No.    1    (Jan.-Feb.    1961) 

Faint  lines  in  the  arc  spectrum  of  iron  (Fe  i),  C.  C.  Kiess,  V.  C.  Rubin,  and  C.  E.  Moore. 

Infrared  absorption  of  spectra  of  some  1-acetamido  pyranoid  derivatives  and  reducing, 
acetyiated  pyranoses,  R.  S.  Tipson  and  H.  S.  Isbell. 

Monolayers  of  linear  saturated  succinate  polyesters  and  air-liquid  interfaces,  W.  M.  Lee, 
J.  L.  Shereshefsky,  and  R.  R.  Stromberg. 

Heat  of  formation  of  beryllium  chloride,  W.  H.  Johnson  and  A.  A.  Gilliland. 

Heat  of  decomposition  of  potassium  perchlorate,  W.  H.  Johnson  and  A.  A.  Gilliland. 

Heats  of  formation  of  lithium  perchlorate,  ammonium  perchlorate,  and  sodium  per- 
chlorate, A.  A.  Gilliland  and  W.  H.  Johnson. 

Heat  of  formation  of  N-dimethylaminodiborane,  W.  H.  Johnson,  I.  Jaffe  and  E.  J.  Prosen. 

Separation  of  hafnium  from  zirconium  by  anion  exchange,  J.  L.  Hague  and  L.  A. 

Reaction   of  sulfur,   hydrogensulfide,  and  accelerators  with  propylene  and   butadiene, 

F.  J.  Linnig,  E.  J.  Parks,  and  L.  A.  Wall. 

Volume   65A    (Phys.    and    Chem.),    No.    2    (Mar.-Apr.    1961) 

Mass  spectra  of  some  deuteroethanes,  E.  I.  Quinn  and  F.  L.  Mohler. 

Heats  of  hydrolysis  and  formation  of  potassium  borohydride,  W.  H.  Johnson,  R.  H. 

Schumm,  I.  H.  Wilson,  and  E.  J.  Prosen. 
Heat  of  combustion  of  borazine  B3N3H6,  M.  V.  Kilday,  W.  H.  Johnson,  and  E.  J.  Prosen. 
Thermodynamic  properties  of  thorium  dioxide  from  298  to  1,200  °K,  A.  C.  Victor  and 

T.  B.  Douglas. 
Calculated  energy  dissipation  distribution  in  air  by  fast  electrons  from  a  gun  source, 

J.  E.  Crew. 
Vitrons  as  flow  units  in  alkali  silicate  binary  glasses,  L.  W.  Tilton. 
Tetragermanates  of  strontium,  lead,  and  barium  of  formula  type  AB40B,  C.  R.  Robbins 

and  E.  M.  Levin. 


Volume    65A    (Phys.    and    Chem.),   No.    3    (May-June    1961) 

International    practical    temperature    scale    of    1948.      Text    revision    of    1960,    H.    F. 

Evaluation  of   the  NBS  unit  of  resistance  based   on   a  computable   capacitor,   R.   D. 

Wavelengths  and  intensities  in  the  first  spectrum  of  bromine,  2000  to  13000  A,  J.  L.  Tech 

and  C.  H.  Corliss. 
Torsional   resonance  vibrations  of  uniform  bars  of  square  cross  section,  W.   E.  Tefft 

and  S.  Spinner. 
Infrared  studies  of  aragonite,  calcite,  and  vaterite  type  structures  in  the  borates,  car- 
bonates, and  nitrates,  C.  E.  Weir  and  E.  R.  Lippincott. 
Dielectric  properties  of  polyamides:  polyhexamethylene  adipamide  and  polyhexamethyl- 

ene  sebacamide,  A.  J.  Curtis. 
Heat  of  formation  of  calcium  aluminate  monocarbonate  at  25   °C,  H.  A.  Berman  and 

E.  S.  Newman. 
Thermodynamic   constants   for  association   of  isomeric   chlorobenzoic   and  toluic   acids 

with  1,3-diphenylguanidine  in  benzene,  M.  M.  Davis  and  H.  B.  Hetzer. 
Heats  of  combustion  and  formation  of  trimethylborane,  triethylborane,  and  tri-rc-butyl- 

borane,  W.  H.  Johnson,  M.  V.  Kilday,  and  E.  J.  Prosen. 
Pyrolysis  of  linear  copolymers  of  ethylene  and  propylene,  S.  Straus  and  L.  A.  Wall. 
Pyrolysis  of  fluorocarbon  polymers,  L.  A.  Wall  and  S.  Straus. 
Preparation  of  fluoro-  and  bromofluoroaryl  compounds  by  copyrolysis  of  bromofluoral- 

kanes,  L.  A.  Wall,  J.  E.  Fearn,  W.  J.  Pummer,  and  R.  E.  Lowry. 
Thermal    stability   of   polydivinylbenzene   and   of  copolymers  of   styrene   with   divinyl- 

benzene  and  with  tribinylbenzene,  S.  Straus  and  S.  L.  Madorsky. 
Conformations  of  the  pyranoid  sugars.     IV.     Infrared  absorption  spectra  of  some  fully 

acetylated  pyranoses,  R.  S.  Tipson  and  H.  S.  Isbell. 
A  standard  for  the  measurement  of  the  pH  of  blood  and  other  physiological  media, 

V.  E.  Bower,  M.  Paabo,  and  R.  G.  Bates. 

Volume   64B    (Math,    and    Math.    Phys.),    No.    3    (July-Sept.    1960) 

Electric  polarizability  of  a  short  right  circular  conducting  cylinder,  T.  T.  Taylor. 
Distribution  of  quantiles  in  samples  from  a  bivariate  population,  M.  M.  Siddiqui. 
Split  Runge-Kutta  method  for  simultaneous  equations,  J.  R.  Rice. 
A  reduction  formula  for  partitioned  matrices,  E.  V.  Haynsworth. 

Selected    bibliography   of    statistical   literature,    1930   to    1957:     III.     Limit   theorems, 
L.  S.  Deming. 

Volume   64B    (Math,    and    Math.    Phys.),   No.   4    (Oct.-Dec.    1960) 

Magnetic  polarizability  of  a  short  right  circular  conducting  cylinder,  T.  T.  Taylor. 
Accuracy  of  Monte  Carlo  methods  in  computing  finite  Markov  chains,  N.  W.  Bazley 

and  P.  J.  Davis. 
Error  bounds  in  the  Rayleigh-Ritz  approximation  of  eigenvectors,  H.  F.  Weinberger. 
Sequence  transformations  based  on  Tchebycheff  approximations,  J.  R.  Rice. 
Numerical  solution  of  the  frequency  equations  for  the  flexural  vibration  of  cvlindrical 

rods,  W.  E.  Tefft. 

Volume    65B    (Math,    and    Math.    Phys.),   No.    1    (Jan.-Mar.    1961) 

On  transient  solutions  of  the  "baffled  piston"  problem,  F.  Oberhettinger. 

Special  types  of  partitioned  matrices,  E.  V.  Haynsworth. 

Bound  for  the  P-condition  number  of  matrices  with  positive  roots,  P.  J.  Davis,  E.  V. 

Haynsworth,  and  M.  Marcus. 
Some  computational  problems  involving  integral  matrices,  O.  Taussky. 
Computational  problem  concerning  the  Hilbert  matrix,  J.  Todd. 
Index  to  the  distributions  of  mathematical  statistics,  F.  A.  Haight. 
Selected  bibliography  of  statistical  literature,   1930  to   1957:    IV.  Markov  chains   and 

stochastic  processes,  L.  S.  Deming  and  D.  Gupta. 

Volume   65B    (Math,    and    Math.    Phys.),   No.    2    (Apr.-June    1961) 

Optimal    approximation    for    functions    prescribed    at    equally    spaced    points,    H.    F. 

Truncations  in  the  method  of  intermediate  problems  for  lower  bounds  to  eigenvalues. 

N.  W.  Bazley  and  D.  W.  Fox. 


Comparison  theorems  for  symmetric  functions  of  characteristic  roots,  M.  Marcus. 

Some   properties  of  the   empirical  distribution   function  of  a  random  process,  M.  M. 

Another  extension  of  Heinz's  inequality,  M.  Marcus. 
Mean  motions  in  conditionally  periodic  separable  systems,  J.  P.  Vinti. 
Some  boundary  value  problems  involving  plasma  media,  J.  R.  Wait. 

A  new  decomposition  formula  in  the  theory  of  elasticity,  J.  H.  Bramble  and  L.  E.  Payne. 
Pointwise  bounds  in  the  Cauchy  problem  of  elastic  plates,  L.  E.  Payne. 

Volume    64C    (Eng.    and    Instr.),    No.    3    (July-Sept.    1960) 

A  new  method  of  measuring  gage  blocks,  J.  B.  Saunders. 

Gage  blocks  of  superior  stability:  initial  developments  in  materials  and  measurement, 
M.  R.  Myerson,  T.  R.  Young,  and  W.  R.  Ney. 

Variation  of  resolving  power  and  type  of  test  pattern,  F.  E.  Washer  and  W.  P.  Tayman. 

A  multiple  isolated-input  network  with  common  output,  C.  M.  Allred  and  C.  C.  Cook. 

Phase  angle  master  standard  for  400  cycles  per  second,  J.  H.  Park  and  H.  N.  Cones. 

Disturbances  due  to  the  motion  of  a  cylinder  in  a  two-layer  liquid  system,  L.  H.  Car- 
penter and  G.  H.  Keulengan. 

Volume    64C    (Eng.    and    Instr.),    No.    4    (Oct.-Dec.    1960) 

Error  analysis  of  a  standard  microwave  phase  shifter,  G.  E.  Schafer  and  R.  W.  Beatty. 

A  method  of  controlling  the  effect  of  resistance  in  the  link  circuit  of  the  Thomson  or 
Kelvin  double  bridge,  D.  Ramaley. 

Automatic  precise  recording  of  temperature,  G.  S.  Ross  and  H.  D.  Dixon. 

Gimbal  device  to  minimize  the  effects  of  off-center  loading  on  balance  pans,  H.  A.  Bow- 
man and  L.  B.  Macurdy. 

Response  of  microchemical  balances  to  changes  in  relative  humidity,  H.  E.  Aimer. 

Chemical  changes  occurring  during  the  weathering  of  two  coating-grade  asphalts, 
S.  H.  Greenfeld. 

Characteristics  of  fifteen  coating-grade  asphalts,  S.  H.  Greenfeld. 

Volume    65C    (Eng.    and    Instr.),    No.    1     (Jan.-Mar.    1961) 

Electronic  scanning  microscope  for  a  spectrographic  plate  comparator,  M.  L.  Kuder. 
Viscoelastometer   for   measurement   of  flow  and   elastic  recovery,   R.  J.   Overberg  and 

H.  Leaderman. 
An  ultra  low  frequency  bridge  for  dielectric  measurements,  D.  J.  Scheiber. 
The  Ephi  system  for  VLF  direction  finding,  G.  Hefley,  R.  F.  Linfield,  and  T.  L.  Davis. 
Fast  counting  of  alpha  particles  in  air  ionization  chambers,  Z.  Bay,  F.  D.  McLernon, 

and  P.  A.  Newman. 
X-ray  diffraction  measurement  of  intragranular  misorientation  in  alpha  brass  subjected 

to  reverse  plastic  strain,  C.  J.  Newton  and  H.  C.  Vacher. 
Enthalpy    and    specific    heat    of    nine   corrosion-resistant   alloys   at   high    temperatures, 

T.  B.  Douglas  and  A.  C.  Victor. 
Determination  of  minor  constituents  in  low-alloy  steels  by  X-ray  spectroscopy,  R.  E. 

Michaelis,  R.  Alvarez,  and  B.  A.  Kilday. 

Volume    65C    (Engr.    and    Instr.),   No.    2    (Apr.-June    1961) 

An  experimental  study  concerning  the  pressurization  and  stratification  of  liquid  hydro- 
gen, A.  F.  Schmidt,  J.  R.  Purcell,  W.  A.  Wilson,  and  R.  V.  Smith. 

Temperature  dependence  of  elastic  constants  of  some  cermet  specimens,  S.  Spinner. 

Analog  simulation  of  zone  melting,  H.  L.  Mason. 

Residual  losses  in  a  guard-ring  micrometer-electrode  holder  for  solid-disk  dielectric 
specimens,  A.  H.  Scott  and  W.  P.  Harris. 

A  bolometer  mount  efficiency  measurement  technique,  G.  F.  Engen. 

Telescope  for  measurement  of  optic  angle  of  mica,  S.  Ruthberg. 

An  automatic  fringe  counting  interferometer  for  use  in  the  calibration  of  line  scales, 
H.  D.  Cook  and  L.  A.  Marzetta. 


Volume    64D    (Radio    Prop.),    No.    4    (July-Aug.    1960) 

Relation  of  turbulence  theory  to  ionospheric  forward  scatter  propagation  experiments, 

A.  D.  Wheelon. 

Propagation   at   oblique   incidence  over  cylindrical  obstacles,  M.   P.   Bachynski. 
Diffraction  by  smooth  conical  obstacles,  H.  E.  J.  Neugebauer  and  M.  P.  Bachynski. 
Characteristics  of  488  megacycles  per  second  radio  signals  reflected  from  the  moon, 

B.  C.  Blevis  and  J.  H.  Chapman. 

Tho  use  of  polarization  fading  of  satellite  signals  to  study  the  electron  content  and 

irregularities  in  the  ionosphere,  C.  G.  Little  and  R.  S.  Lawrence. 
Note  on  a  test  of  the  equivalence  theorem  for  sporadic  E  propagation,  J.  W.  Wright 

and  T.  N.  Gautier. 
Daytime  attenuation  rates  in  the  very  low  frequency  band  using  atmospherics,  W.  L. 

Measured  electrical  properties  of  snow  and  glacial  ice,  A.  D.  Watt  and  E.  L.  Maxwell. 
Half- wave  cylindrical  antenna  in  a  dissipative  medium:  current  and  impedance,  R.  King 

and  C.  W.  Harrison. 
Preface  to  ELF  papers,  J.  R.  Wait. 
Some  ELF  phenomena,  E.  T.  Pierce. 

Mode  theory  and  the  propagation  of  ELF  radio  waves,  J.  R.  Wait. 
Studies  of  natural  electric  and  magnetic  fields,  G.  D.  Garland  and  T.  F.  Webster. 
Natural  electromagnetic  energy  below  the  ELF  range,  W.  H.  Campbell. 
Possible  application  of  the  system  loss  concept  at  ELF,  K.  A.  Norton. 
Measurements  of  the  spectrum  of  radio  noise  from  50  to  100  cycles  per  second,  M.  Balser 

and  C.  A.  Wagner. 

Volume   64D    (Radio    Prop.),    No.    5    (Sept.-Oct.    1960) 

ELF  electric  fields  from  thunderstorms,  A.  D.  Watt. 

Field  strength  measurements  in  fresh  water,  G.  S.  Saran  and  G.  Held. 

Electrical  resistivity  studies  on  the  Athabasca  Glacier,  Alberta,  Canada,  G.  V.  Keller 
and  F.  C.  Frischknecht. 

Amplitude  distribution  for  radio  signals  reflected  by  meteor  trails,  A.  D.  Wheelon. 

Computation  and  measurement  of  the  fading  rate  of  moon-reflected  UHF  signals,  S.  J. 
Fricker,  R.  P.  Ingalls,  W.  C.  Mason,  M.  L.  Stone,  and  D.  W.  Swift. 

On  the  theory  of  wave  propagation  through  a  concentrically  stratified  troposphere  with 
a  smooth  profile,  H.  Bremmer. 

Polarization  and  depression-angle  dependence  of  radar  terrain  return,  I.  Katz  and 
L.  M.  Spetner. 

Methods  of  predicting  the  atmospheric  bending  of  radio  rays,  B.  R.  Bean,  G.  D.  Thayer, 
and  B.  A.  Cahoon. 

Loss  in  channel  capacity  resulting  from  starting  delay  in  meteor-burst  communication. 
G.  R.  Sugar. 

Elementary  considerations  of  the  effect  of  multipath  propagation  in  meteor-burst  com- 
munication, G.  R.  Sugar,  R.  J.  Carpenter,  and  G.  R.  Ochs. 

Use  of  logarithmic  frequency  spacing  in  ionogram  analysis,  G.  A.  M,  King. 

Guiding  of  whistlers  in  a  homogeneous  medium,  R.  L.  Smith. 

Propagation  of  microwaves  through  a  magneto-plasma,  and  a  possible  method  for  de- 
termining the  electron  velocity  distributions,  A.  L.  Cullen. 

On  electromagnetic  radiation  in  magneto-ionic  media,  H.  Kogelnik. 

Radiation  and  admittance  of  an  insulated  slotted-sphere  antenna  surrounded  by  a 
strongly  ionized  plasma  sheath,  J.  W.  Marini. 

A  contribution  to  the  theory  of  corrugated  guides,  G.  Piefke. 

High-gain,  very  low  side-lobe  antenna  with  capability  for  beam  slewing,  A.  C.  Wilson. 

Shielding  of  transient  electromagnetic  signals  by  a  thin  conducting  sheet,  N.  R.  Zitron. 

Cylindrical  antenna  theory,  R.  H.  Duncan  and  F.  A.  Hinchey. 

Volume    64D    (Radio    Prop.),    No.    6    (Nov.-Dec.    1960) 

URSI  National  Committee  Report: 

Commission  1.  Radio  measurement  methods  and  standards 

Commission  2.  Tropospheric  radio  propagation 

Commission  3.  Ionospheric  radio  propagation 

Commission  4.  Radio  noise  of  terrestrial  origin 

Commission  5.  Radio  astronomy 

Commission  6.  Radio  waves  and  circuits 

Commission  7.  Radio  electronics 


Volume   65D    (Radio    Prop.),   No.    1    (Jan.-Feb.    1961) 

Incoherent  scattering  by  free  electrons  as  a  technique  for  studying  the  ionosphere  and 
exosphere:  some  observations  and  theoretical  consideration,  K.  L.  Bowles. 

Radio  wave  absorption  of  several  gases  in  the  100  to  117  kMc/s  frequency  range, 
C.  O.  Britt,  C.  W.  Tolbert,  and  A.  W.  Straiton. 

On  the  theory  of  diffraction  by  a  composite  cylinder,  R.  D.  Kodis. 

An  atlas  of  oblique-incidence  ionograms  (a  digest),  V.  Agy,  K.  Davies,  and  R.  Salaman. 

A  new  approach  to  the  mode  theory  of  VLF  propagation,  J.  R.  Wait. 

East-west  effect  on  VLF  mode  transmission  across  the  earth's  magnetic  field,  D.  Dobrott 
and  A.  Ishimaru. 

Magneto-ionic  propagation  phenomena  in  low-  and  very-low-radiofrequency  waves  re- 
flected by  the  ionosphere,  J.  R.  Johler. 

Correlation  of  monthly  median  transmission  loss  and  refractive  index  profile  characteris- 
tics, B.  R.  Bean  and  B.  A.  Cahoon. 

Characteristics  of  waveguides  for  long-distance  transmission,  A.  E.  Karbowiak  and 
L.  Solymar. 

Useful  radiation  from  an  underground  antenna,  H.  A.  Wheeler. 

Observation  of  F-layer  and  sporadic-E  scatter  at  VHF  in  the  Far  East,  K.  Miya, 
T.  Sasaki,  and  M.  Ishikawa. 

A  high-resolution  rapid-scan  antenna,  H.  V.  Cottony  and  A.  C.  Wilson. 

Volume    65D    (Radio    Prop.),    No.    2    (Mar.-Apr.    1961) 

Ionospheric  motions  observed  with  high-frequency  back-scatter  sounders,  L.  H.  Tveten. 

Relationship  between  red  auroral  arcs  and  ionospheric  recombination,  G.  A.  M.  King 
and  F.  E.  Roach. 

Fresnel  region  fields  of  circular  aperture  antennas,  M.  K.  Hu. 

Free-balloon  borne  meteorological  refractometer,  J.  F.  Theisen  and  E.  E.  Gossard. 

Weather  and  reception  level  on  a  troposphere  link — annual  and  short-term  correlations, 
L.  G.  Abraham,  Jr.,  and  J.  A.  Bradshaw. 

Initial  results  of  a  new  technique  for  investigating  sferic  activity,  G.  Hefley,  R.  H. 
Doherty,  and  R.  F.  Linfield. 

Effect  of  antenna  radiation  angles  upon  HF  radio  signals  propagated  over  long  dis- 
tances, W.  F.  Utlaut. 

Graphical  determination  of  radio  ray  bending  in  an  exponential  atmosphere,  C.  F. 
Pappas,  L.  E.  Vogler,  and  P.  L.  Rice. 

A  formula  for  radio  ray  refraction  in  an  exponential  atmosphere,  G.  D.  Thayer. 

The  impedance  of  a  monopole  antenna  with  a  circular  conducting-disk  ground  system 
on  the  surface  of  a  lossy  half  space,  S.  W.  Maley  and  R.  J.  King. 

Radio-wave  propagation  in  the  earth's  crust,  H.  L.  Wheeler. 

Volume    65D    (Radio    Prop.),    No.    3    (May-June    1961) 

Propagation  studies  using  direction-finding  techniques,  E.  C.  Hayden. 

Diversity  effects  in  long  distance  high  frequency  radio  pulse  propagation,  S.  A. 

Influence  of  ionospheric  conditions  on  the  accuracy  of  high  frequency  direction  finding, 
P.  J.  D.  Gething. 

Phase  difference  observations  at  spaced  aerials  and  their  application  to  direction  find- 
ing, W.  C.  Bain. 

Research  at  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  applicable  to  long-distance  location  and 
direction-finding  problems,  R.  Silberstein. 

Design  for  spinning  goniomeier  automatic  direction  finding,  W.  J.  Lindsay  and  D.  S. 

Resolution  characteristics  of  correlation  arrays,  I.  W.  Linder. 

Instrumentation  for  propagation  and  direction-finding  measurements,  E.  C.  Hayden. 

Brooke  variance  classification  system  for  DF  bearings,  E.  M.  L.  Beale. 

Estimation   of  variances   of  position   lines   from  fixes   with   unknown  target  positions, 

E.  M.  L.  Beale. 

Statistics  of  a  radio  wave  diffracted  by  a  random  ionosphere,  S.  A.  Bowhill. 

Space  analysis  of  radio  signals,  J.  B.  Smyth. 

Effect  of  receiver  bandwidth  on  the  amplitude  distribution  of  VLF  atmospheric  noise, 

F.  F.  Fulton,  Jr. 

Excitation  of  VLF  and  ELF  radio  waves  by  a  horizontal  magnetic  dipole,  J.  Galejs. 


Technical  News  Bulletin.  This  monthly  publication  summarizes  the  current  research, 
development,  and  test  activities  of  the  Bureau.  The  articles  are  brief,  with  emphasis 
on  the  results  of  research  and  their  significance,  chosen  for  their  importance  to  other 
scientists,  engineers,  and  to  industry.  Resumes  of  longer  research  reports,  important 
national  and  international  conferences  on  fundamental  science  in  which  the  Bureau  has 
represented  the  Nation,  and  a  bibliography  of  all  publications  by  members  of  the  staff 
as  published  are  included.  The  Bulletin  is  designed  to  give  a  succinct  account  of  the 
current  work  of  the  Bureau.     (Annual  subscription:  domestic,  $1.50;  foreign,  $2.25.) 

Basic  Radio  Propagation  Predictions.  This  is  a  monthly  publication  for  those  con- 
cerned with  radio  communication  in  determining  the  best  skywave  frequencies  over  any 
path  at  any  time  of  day  for  average  conditions  for  the  month  of  prediction,  which  are 
made  3  months  in  advance.  Charts  of  extraordinary-wave  critical  frequency  for  the  F2 
layer  and  of  maximum  usable  frequency  for  a  transmission  distance  of  4,000  km,  of 
highest  frequency  of  sporadic  E  in  excess  of  15  Mc  are  included.  In  addition,  there  are 
various  maps,  charts,  diagrams,  and  nomograms  needed  to  make  practical  application  of 
the  world-contour  charts,  together  with  examples  of  their  use.  (Annual  subscription: 
$1.50;  foreign,  $2.00.) 

Monographs.     These  are  usually  contributions  to  the  technical  literature  which  are 
too  lengthy  for  publication  in  the  Journal  of  Research.     They  often  provide  extensive 
compilations   of    information    on   subjects   related   to   the   Bureau's   technical  program. 
Until  July  1959  most  of  this  type  of  material  was  published  in  the  Circular  series. 
12.  Stabilization  of  free  radicals  at  low  temperatures.     $1.50. 

17.  New  description  of  thorium  spectra,  R.  Zalubas.     65  cents. 

18.  Heat  treatment  and  properties  of  iron  and  steel,  T.  G.  Digges  and  S.  J.  Rosenberg. 
35  cents. 

19.  Atomic  energy  levels  in  crystals,  J.  L.  Prather.     60  cents. 

20.  Ideal  gas  thermodynamic  functions  and  isotope  exchange  functions  for  the  diatomic 
hydrides,  deuterides,  and  tritides,  L.  Haar,  A.  S.  Friedman,  and  C.  W.  Beckett.     $2.75. 

21.  Specific  heats  and  enthalpies  of  technical  solids  at  low  temperatures.     A  compila- 
tion from  the  literature,  R.  J.  Corruccini  and  J.  J.  Gniewek.     20  cents. 

22.  Climatic  charts  and  data  of  the  radio  refractive  index  for  the  United  States  and  the 
world,  B.  R.  Bean,  J.  D.  Horn,  and  A.  M.  Ozanich,  Jr.     $2.00. 

23.  Amplitude-probability   distributions  for  atmospheric  radio  noise,  W.  Q.  Crichlow, 
Q.  D.  Spaulding,  C.  J.  Roubique,  and  R.  T.  Disney.     20  cents. 

24.  A  spectrophotometric  atlas  of  the  spectrum  of  CH  from  3000  A  to  5000  A,  A.  M. 
Bass  and  H.  P.  Broida.     20  cents. 

26.  Development  of  high-temperature  strain  gages,  J.  W.  Pitts  and  D.  G.  Moore.     20 

27.  Bibliography  of  temperature  measurement,  January  1953  to  June  1960,  C.  Halpern 
and  R.  J.  Moffat.     15  cents. 

28.  Causes  of  variation  in  chemical  analyses  and  physical  tests  of  portland  cement,  B.  L. 
Bean  and  J.  R.  Dise.     25  cents. 

29.  Thermal  expansion  of  technical  solids  at  low  temperatures.     A  compilation  from  the 
literature,  R.  J.  Corruccini  and  J.  J.  Gniewek.     20  cents. 

30.  Corrected  optical  pyrometer  readings,  D.  E.  Poland,  J.  W.  Green,  and  J.  L.  Margrave. 
55  cents. 

Circulars.  Circulars  are  compilations  of  information  on  various  subjects  related  to 
the  Bureau's  scientific  and  technical  activities.  They  not  only  include  the  results  of 
Bureau  studies  but  give  data  of  general  interest  from  other  sources.  The  Circular  series 
was  discontinued  in  June  1959.  After  this  date,  material  that  would  formerly  have  been 
published  in  the  Circular  series  has  been  largely  directed  to  the  Journal  of  Research  and 
the  new  Monograph  series. 

510,  Suppl.  2.     Alphabetical  index  to  tables  of  chemical  kinetics.     Homogeneous  re- 
actions.    35  cents. 
539,  Vol.  10.     Standard  X-ray  diffraction  powder  patterns.     H.  E.  Swanson.  M.  I.  Cook. 
E.  H.  Evans,  and  J.  H.  deGroot.     40  cents. 

Miscellaneous  Publications.  As  the  name  implies,  this  series  includes  material. 
which,  because  of  its  character  or  because  of  its  size,  does  not  fit  into  any  of  the  other 
regular  publication  series.  Some  of  these  are  charts,  administrative  pamphlets.  Annual 
Reports,  Weights  and  Measures  Conference  Reports,  and  other  subjects  appropriate  to 
the  Miscellaneous  series. 

230.  Standardization    activities  in   the   United    States.     A    descriptive   directory.    S.   F. 
Booth.     $1.75. 

231.  Hydraulic  research  in   the   United  States,   1960,  H.  K.   Middleton.     $1.00. 

232.  The  metric  system  of  measurement.     50  cents. 


233.  Units  of  weight  and  measure  (United  States  customary  and  metric).  Defini- 
tions and  tables  of  equivalents,  L.  V.  Judson.     40  cents. 

234.  Household  weights  and  measures.     5  cents. 

235.  Report  of  the  45th  national  conference  on  weights  and  measures,  1960.     75  cents. 

236.  Standard  frequencies  and  time  signals  from  NBS  stations  WWV  and  WWVH. 
10  cents. 

237.  Research  highlights  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  annual  report  1960. 
65  cents. 

240.  Publications  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  July  1,  1957,  to  June  30,  1960. 
(Includes  titles  of  papers  published  in  outside  journals  1950  to  1959.)  B.  L.  Arnold. 

Handbooks.  These  are  recommended  codes  of  engineering  and  industrial  practice, 
including  safety  codes,  developed  in  cooperation  with  the  national  organizations  and 
others  concerned.  In  many  cases  the  recommended  requirements  are  given  official  status 
through  their  incorporation  in  local  ordinances  by  State  and  municipal  regulatory  bodies. 
28.   (1957) — Part  III.     Screw-thread  standards  for  federal  services  1957.     60  cents. 

72.  Measurement  of  neutron  flux  and  spectra  for  physical  and  biological  applications. 
35  cents. 

73.  Protection  against  radiations  from  sealed  gamma  sources.     30  cents. 

74.  Building  code  requirements  for  reinforced  masonry.     15  cents. 

75.  Measurement  of  absorbed  dose  of  neutrons,  and  of  mixtures  of  neutrons  and  gamma 
rays.     35  cents. 

76.  Medical  X-ray  protection  up  to  3  million  volts.     25  cents. 

77.  Precision  measurement  and  calibration.  Vol.  I.  Electricity  and  electronics.  $6.00; 
Vol.  II.  Heat  and  mechanics.  $6.75;  Vol.  III.  Optics,  metrology,  and  radiation. 

78.  Report  of  the  International  Commission  on  radiological  units  and  measurements 
(ICRU)  1959.    65  cents. 

Technical  Note  Series.  This  series  was  initiated  in  1959  to  supplement  the  Bureau's 
regular  publications  program.  Technical  Notes  provide  a  means  for  making  available 
scientific  data  that  are  of  transient  or  limited  interest.  They  are  available  by  purchase 
from  the  Office  of  Technical  Services,  U.S.  Department  of  Commerce,  Washington  25, 
D.C.  (Order  by  PB  number  only.) 
2-2  (PB151361-2)    Supplementary  world  maps  of  F2  critical  frequencies  and  maxi 

mum  usable  frequency  factors,  D.  H.  Zacharisen.     $3.50. 
18-3   (PB151377-3)    Quarterly  radio  noise  data— June,  July,  August  1959,  W.  Q.  Crich 

low,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     $1.00. 
18-4  (PB151377-4)    Quarterly  radio  noise  data — September,  October,  November  1959 

W.  Q.  Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     $1.50. 
18-5   (PB151377-5)    Quarterly  radio  noise  data — December,  January,  February  1959-60 

W.  Q.  Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     $1.75. 
18-6   (PB151377-6)    Quarterly  radio  noise  data— March,  April,  May  1960,  W.  Q.  Crich 

low,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     $1.75. 
18-7   (PB151377-7)    Quarterly  radio  noise  data— June,  July,  August  1960,  W.  Q.  Crich 

low,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.    $1.75. 
18-8   (PB151377-8)    Quarterly  radio  noise  data — September,  October,  November  1960 

W.  Q.  Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     $1.75. 
18-9   (PB151377-9)    Quarterly   radio  noise   data — December,  January,   February   1960- 

1961,  W.  Q.  Crichlow,  R.  T.  Disney,  and  M.  A.  Jenkins.     $1.75. 
40-3   (PB151399-3)    Mean  electron  density  variations  of  the  quiet  ionosphere,  May  3, 
_  1959,  J.  W.  Wright,  L.  R.  Wescott,  and  D.  J.  Brown.     $1.50. 

55   (PB161556)    Investigation  of  bearing  creep  of  two  forged  aluminum  alloys,  L.  Mord- 
_  fin,  N.  Halsey,  and  P.  J.  Granum.     $1.00. 

59  (PB161560)  Measurements  and  standards  in  plasma-physics  and  astrophysics  at  the 
National  Bureau  of  Standards.     $1.00. 

60  (PB161561)  Amplitude  and  phase  of  the  low  and  very  low-radiofrequency  ground 
wave,  J.  R.  Johler,  L.  C.  Walters,  and  C.  M.  Lilley.     75  cents. 

61  (PB161562)  Proceedings  of  the  1960  conference  on  the  propagation  of  ELF  radio 
waves,  J.  R.  Wait.     75  cents. 

62  (PB161563)  Rapid  determination  of  the  order  of  chemical  reactions  from  time- 
ratio  tables,  J.  H.  Flynn.     $3.00. 

63  (PB  16 1564)  Single  scattered  neutrons  from  an  isotropic  point  source,  E.  R.  Mosburg, 
Jr.,  and  W.  M.  Murphey.     50  cents. 

64  (PB161565)   Design  and  operation  of  the  Coilometer  computer,  P.  Meissner.     $2.00 

66  (PB161567)    Radio  refractometry,  J.  W.  Herbstreit.     50  cents. 

67  (PB161568)  On  the  nature  of  the  crystal  field  approximation,  K.  Goldberg  and 
C.  M.  Herzfeld.    $2.50. 


68  (PB161569)  Transistorized  building  blocks  for  data  instrumentation,  J.  A.  Cun- 
ningham and  R.  L.  Hill.     $2.00. 

69  (PB 161570)  Low-  and  very  low-radiofrequency  model  ionosphere  reflection  coef- 
ficients, J.  R.  Johler,  L.  C.  Walters,  and  J.  D.  Harper,  Jr.,     $2.00. 

70  (PB161571)  Vapor  pressures  of  organic  compounds  in  the  range  below  one  milli- 
meter of  mercury,  E.  E.  Hughes  and  S.  G.  Lias.     75  cents. 

71  (PB161572)  Calibration  of  five  gamma-emitting  nuclides  for  emission  rate,  J.  M.  R. 
Hutchinson.     75  cents. 

72  (PB161573)   Table  of  magnitude  of  reflection  coefficient  versus  return  loss  (LB=20 

logl0  _L-  ) ,  R.  W.  Beatty  and  W.  J.  Anson.     $1.25. 

73  (PB161574)  Some  experiments  on  the  deposition  of  gases  at  4.2  °K,  T.  Braurer. 

74  (PB161575)  Scattering  of  cobalt-60  gamma  radiation  in  air  ducts,  C.  Eisenhauer. 
75  cents. 

75  (PB161576)  Soviet  research  in  field  electron  and  ion  emission,  1955-1959;  an 
annotated  bibliography,  T.  W.  Marton  and  R.  Klein.     $1.25. 

76  (PB161577)  ISOPAR.  A  new  and  improved  symbolic  optimizing  assembly  rou- 
tine for  the  IBM  650,  H.  H.  Howe.     $1.50. 

77  (PB161578)  VHF  and  UHF  power  generators  for  RF  instrumentation,  A.  H.  Morgan 
and  P.  A.  Hudson.     75  cents. 

78  (PB161579)  Oblique  incidence  receiving  antenna  array  for  a  relative  ionospheric 
opacity  meter,  A.  C.  Wilson.     50  cents. 

79  (PB161580)  VHF  radio  propagation  data  for  Cedar  Rapids-Sterling,  Anchorage- 
Barrow,  and  Fargo-Churchill  test  paths,  April  1951  through  June  1958,  G.  R.  Sugar 
and  K.  W.  Sullivan.     $4.00. 

80  (PB161581)  Bibliography  of  tropospheric  radio  wave  scattering,  R.  L.  Abbott. 
$2  25 

82  (PB161583)    A    survey  of   spread-F,    F.    N.    Glover.     $1.75. 

83  (PB161584)    On  the  scattering  of  y  rays  by  nuclei,  U.  Fano.     75  cents. 

84  (PB161585)  Bibliography  on  ionospheric  propagation  of  radio  waves  (1923-1960), 
W.  Nupen.     $7.00. 

85  (PB  16 1586)  A  survey  of  computer  programs  for  chemical  information  searching, 
E.  C.  Marden  and  H.  R.  Koller.     $2.25. 

86  (PB161587)  The  NBS  meteor-burst  propagation  project — a  progress  report,  C.  E. 
Hornback,  L.  D.  Breyfogle,  and  G.  R.  Sugar.     $1.25. 

87  (PB161588)  A  theoretical  study  of  sporadic-^1  structure  in  the  light  of  radio  meas- 
urements, K.  Tao.     $1.25. 

88  (PB  161589)  Prolonged  space-wave  fadeouts  in  tropospheric  propagation,  A.  P.  Barsis 
and  M.  E.  Johnson.     $2.00. 

Publications   in   Outside   Journals* 

Achenbach,  P.  R.,  Drapeau,  F.  J.  J.,  Phillips,  C.  W.,  Environmental  factors  in  a  family- 
size  underground  fallout  shelter,  Proc.  Natl.  Acad.  Sci.-Natl.  Research  Council 
Meeting  on  Environmental  Engineering  in  Protective  Shelters,  p.  69-118  (Feb.  I960). 

Achenbach,  P.  R.,  Drapeau,  F.  J.  J.,  Phillips,  C.  W.,  Studies  of  environmental  factors 
in  a  family-size  underground  shelter,  Report  OCDM-NBS-60-1  issued  by  Office  of 
Civil  and  Defense  Mobilization  (Mar.  1961). 

Agy,  V.,  Spiral  patterns  in  geophysics,  J.  Atmospheric  and  Terrest.  Phys.  19,  No.  2. 
136-140  (1960). 

Alexander,  S.  N.,  Trends  in  the  technology  of  automatic  data  processing,  AMA  Report 
41,38-42  (1960). 

Allen,  H.  C,  Jr.,  The  structure  of  the  vibrational-rotational  bands  of  an  asvmmetric 
rotor,  Phil.  Trans.   Roy.   Soc.    (London,  England)    [A]   253,  No.   1030,  335   (1961). 

Allred,  C.  M.,  Cook,  C.  C,  A  precision  RF  attenuation  calibration  system,  IRE  Trans. 
Instrumentation  1-9,  No.  2,  268-274  (Sept.  1960) . 

Alt,  F.  L.,  Arithmetic,  Handbook  of  Physics,  Ed.  by  E.  U.  Condon  and  H.  Odishaw, 
Ch.  1,  Pt.  1,  p.  1-4-1-9  (McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.Y.,  1958). 

Alt,  F.  L.,  Computers,  Encyclopedia  of  Chemistry  Suppl.,  p.  91-92  (Reinhold  Publ. 
Corp.,  New  York,  N.Y.,  1958) . 

Alt,  F.  L.,  Electronic  digital  computers — their  use  in  science  and  engineering.  Book, 
Applied  Mathematics  and  Mechanics  IV,  336  (Academic  Press,  Inc..  New  York. 
N.Y.,  1958). 

Ambler,  E.,  Methods  of  nuclear  orientation,  Book,  Progress  in  Cryogenics  2,  235-280 
(Hey wood  and  Co.,  Ltd.,  London,  England,  1960). 

♦For  completeness,  a  few  references  to  publications  issued  previous  to  July  1959  are 


Ambler,  E.,  Some  experimental  aspects  of  nuclear  orientation,  Proc.  Xth  Intern.  Con- 
gress of  Refrigeration,  Copenhagen,  Denmark,  1959,  Progress  in  Refrigeration  in 
Science  and  Technology  I,  195-198   (Pergamon  Press,  Inc.,  London,  England,  1960). 

Ambler,  E.,  Dove,  R.  B.,  Continuously  operating  He3  refrigerator  for  producing  tempera- 
ture down  to  %  °  K,  Rev.  Sci.  Instr.  32,  No.  6,  737-739  (June  1961). 

Arms,  R.  J.,  Pipberger,  H.  V.,  Stallman,  F.  W.,  Automatic  screening  of  normal  and 
abnormal  electrocardiograms  by  means  of  a  digital  electronic  computer,  Proc.  Soc. 
Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine  106,  130-132  (1961). 

Armstrong,  G.  T.,  Marantz,  S.,  The  heat  of  combustion  of  dicyanoacetylene,  J.  Phys. 
Chem.  64,  1776-1777  (1960) . 

Arp,  Y.  D.  Kropschot,  R.  H.,  Simple  adiabatic  demagnetization  apparatus,  Rev.  Sci. 
Instr.  32,  217-218  (Feb.  1961). 

Arp,  V.  D.,  Kropschot,  R.  H.,  Superconducting  magnetics,  Proc.  1960  Cryogenic  Eng. 
Conf.,  Book,  Advances  in  Cryogenic  Engineering  6,  Paper  C-4,  166-173  (Plenum 
Press,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.Y.,  1961) . 

Arp,  V.  D.,  Kropschot,  R.  H.,  Wilson,  J.  H.,  Love,  W.  F.,  Phelna,  R.,  Superconductivity 
of  NB3Sn  in  pulsed  fields  of  185  kilogauss,  Phys.  Rev.  Letters  6,  No  9,  452-453 
(Mar.  1,  1961). 

Astin,  A.  V.,  Our  measurement  system  and  national  needs,  Sperryscope  15,  No.  6,  16- 
19  (1960). 

Astin,  A.  V.,  Physical  measurement-challenge  to  science  and  engineering,  SPE  J.  17, 
No.  5,  455-458  (May  1961). 

Astin,  A.  V.,  The  role  of  Government  research  laboratories,  Elec.  Engr.  78,  No.  7, 
738  (1959). 

Ausloos,  P.,  The  effects  of  solvents  on  the  gamma-ray  radiolysis  of  methyl  acetate  and 
acetone,  J.  Am.  Chem.  Soc,  83,  No.  5,  1056-1060  (Mar.  1961) . 

Ausloos,  P.,  Murad,  E.,  The  fluorescence  and  phosphorescence  of  trifluoroacetone  vapor, 
J.  Am.  Chem.  Soc.  83,  1327  (1961) . 

Bailey,  D.  K.,  Ionospheric  "forward"  scattering,  Proc.  Xlllth  Gen.  Assembly  of  URSI 
(London,  England,  1960),  Natl.  Acad.  Sci. -Natl.  Research  Council  Publ.  Report  No. 
880,281  (1961). 

Bailey,  D.  K.,  Pomerantz,  M.  A.,  The  cosmic  ray  increase  of  July  17,  1959,  Can.  J.  Phys. 
38,  332-333  (1960). 

Ballard,  D.  B.,  Use  of  the  bulge  test  for  determining  the  mechanical  properties  of 
stainless  steel  foil,  Materials  Research  and  Standards  (ASTM  Bull.)  1,  No.  6,  471- 
473  (June  1961). 

Barger,  R.  L.,  Kessler,  K.  G.,  Sealed-off  Hg198  atomic-beam  light  source,  J.  Opt.  Soc.  Am. 
50,  No.  7,  651-656  (July  1960) . 

Barnes,  J.  A.,  Heim,  L.  E.,  A  high-resolution  ammonia-maser-spectrum  analyzer,  IRE 
Trans.  Instrumentation  I— 10,  4-8  (June  1961) . 

Barnes,  J.  A.,  Mockler,  R.  C,  The  power  spectrum  and  its  importance  in  precise  fre- 
quency measurements,  IRE  Trans.  Instrumentation  1—9,  No.  2,  194-195  (Sept.  1960). 

Barnes,  M.  W.,  Noyce,  R.  H.,  Inert  enclosed  pump  for  shaped  flow  of  ultraclean  solu- 
tions, Rev.  Sci.  Instr.  32,  No.  3,  353  (Mar.  1961) . 

Barone,  J.,  Huff,  R.  L.,  Dickson,  G.,  Surface  roughness  of  dental  gold  castings, 
Dental  Prog.  1,  No.  2,  78-84  (Jan.  1961) . 

Bates,  R.  G.,  Amine  buffers  for  pH  control,  Ann.  N.Y.  Acad.  Sci.  92,  341  (1961). 

Bates,  R.  G.,  Electrodes  for  pH  measurements,  J.  Electroanalytical  Chem.  3,  93  (1961). 

Bates,  R.  G.,  Electrometric  pH  determination,  Chimica  14,  111   (Apr.  1960). 

Bates,  R.  G.,  The  glass  electrode,  Book,  Reference  Electrodes,  Ed.  by  D.  J.  G.  Ives  and 
G.  J.  Janz,  ch.  5,  p.  231-269  (Academic  Press,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.Y.,  1961). 

Bates,  R.  G.,  Guggenheim,  E.  A.,  Report  on  the  standardization  of  pH  and  related 
terminology,  Intern.  Union  Pure  and  Appl.  Chem.  1,  No.  1,  163-168  (1960). 

Bates,  R.  G.,  Hetzer,  H.  B.,  Dissociation  constant  of  the  protonated  acid  form  of  2-amino- 
2-(hydroxymethyl)-l,3-propanediol  [tris(hydroxymethyl)  aminomethane]  and  related 
thermodynamic  quantities  from  0  to  50°,  J.  Phys.  Chem.  65,  667-671    (1961). 

Bay,  Z.,  Newman,  P.  A.,  Comparison  of  the  ionization  produced  in  air  by  alpha  particles 
near  5  Mev  and  by  beta  particles,  Radiation  Research  14,  No.  5,  566-572  (May  1961). 

Bay,  Z.,  Newman,  P.  A.,  Seliger,  H.  H.,  Absolute  measurement  of  W  for  Po210  alpha 
particles  in  air,  nitrogen,  and  carbon  dioxide,  Radiation  Research  14,  No.  5,  551-565 
(May  1961). 

Bay,  Z.,  Seliger,  H.  H.,  Collection  of  ions  produced  by  alpha  particles  in  air,  Phys.  Rev. 
120,  No.  1, 141-143  (Oct.  1,  1960) . 

Bean,  B.  R.,  Atmospheric  bending  of  radio  waves,  Book,  Electromagnetic  Wave  Propa- 
gation, p.  163-181  (Academic  Press,  Inc.,  N.Y.,  1960). 

Bean,  B.  R.,  Cahoon,  B.  A.,  Limitations  of  radiosonde  punch-card  records  for  radio- 
meteorological  studies,  J.  Geophys.  Research  66,  No.  1,  328-331  (Jan.  1961). 

Bean,  B.  R.,  Horn,  J.  D.,  Concerning  the  potential  refractive  index  and  the  molecular 
refractivity,  J.  Meteorology  18,  No.  3,  427^28  (June  1961) . 

616114  0^h61 13  185 

Beatty,  R.  W.,  A  microwave  impedance  meter  capable  of  high  accuracy,  IRE  Trans. 

Microwave  Theory  and  Tech.  Letter  MTT-8,  No.  4,  461-^63  (July  1960). 
Beatty,  R.  W.,  Engen,  G.  F.,  Anson,  W.  J.,  Measurement  of  reflections  and  losses  of 
waveguide  joints  and  connectors  using  microwave  reflectometer  techniques,  IRE  Trans. 
Instrumentation  1-9,  No.  2,  219-226  (Sept.  1960). 
Bechtoldt,  C.  J.,  Vacher,  H.  W.,  Redetermination  of  the  chromium  and  nickel  solvuses 
in  the  chromium-nickel  system,  Trans.  Metallurgical  Soc,  Am.  Inst.  Mining  Engrs. 
221,  14-18  (Feb.  1961). 

Beehler,  R.  E.,  Mockler,  R.  C,  Snider,  C.  S.,  A  comparison  of  atomic  beam  frequencv 
standards,  Nature  187,  No.  4738,  681-682  (Aug.  20,  1960) . 

Bender  P.  L.,  Atomic  clocks  for  space  experiments,  Astronautics,  p.  69-71  (July  I960). 

Bennett,  L.  H.,  Budnick,  J.  I.,  magnetic  resonance  determination  of  the  nuclear  moment 
of  tantalum-181  in  KTa03,  Phys.  Rev.  120,  No.  5,  1812-1815  (Dec.  1960). 

Bestul,  A.  B.,  Blackburn,  D.  H.,  Condensation  coefficient  of  arsenic  trioxide  glass,  J. 
Chem.  Phys.  33,  No.  4,  1274-1275  (Oct.  1960) . 

Bienenstock,  A.,  Determination  of  crystallite  size  distribution  from  X-ray  line  broaden- 
ing, J.  Appl.  Phys.  32,  No.  2,  187-189  (Feb.  1961) . 

Birmingham,  B.  W.,  Chelton,  D.  B.,  Mann,  D.  B.,  Herandez,  H.  P.,  Cryogenic  engineer- 
ing  of  hydrogen  bubble  chambers,  ASTM  Bull.  No.  240,  34  (TP164)    (Sept.  1959). 

Blackburn,  D.  H.,  An  interferometric  instrument  for  the  rapid  measurement  of  small 
diameters,  Rev.  Sci.  Instr.  32,  No.  2,  137  (Feb.  1961).  . 

Bloss,  R.  L.,  Evaluation  of  resistance  strain  gages  at  elevated  temperatures,  Materials 
Research  and  Standards  (ASTM  Bull.)   1,  No.  1,  9-15  (Jan.  1961). 

Boischot,  A.,  Lee,  R.  H.,  Warwick,  J.  W.,  Low  frequency  solar  bursts  and  noise  storms, 
Astrophys.  J.  131,  No.  1,  61  (Jan.  1960). 

Borkowski,  R.,  Ausloos,  P.,  Intramolecular  rearrangements.  I.  Sec-butyl  acetate  and 
sec-butyl  formate,  J.  Am.  Chem.  Soc.  83,  No.  5,  1053-1056  (Mar.  1961). 

Bose,  R.  C,  Connor,  W.  S.,  Analysis  of  fractionally  replicated  2'"3"  designs,  Bull.  Inst. 
Intern.  Stat.  XXXVII,  No.  3,  141  (1960) . 

Bouche,  R.  R.,  Improved  standards  for  the  calibration  of  vibration  pickups,  Exp.  Mech. 
1,  No.  4,  116-121  (Apr.  1961). 

Bower,  V.  E.,  Paabo,  M.,  Bates,  R.  G.,  A  pH  standard  for  blood  and  physiologic  media. 
Clin.  Chem.  7,  No.  3,  292  (1961). 

Bower,  V.  E.,  Robinson,  R.  A.,  The  ionization  constants  of  2-chloro-4-nitrophenol  and 
2-nitro-4-chlorophenol,  J.  Phys.  Chem.  64,  1078  (1960). 

Bowles,  K.  L.,  Incoherent  scattering  by  free  electrons  as  a  technique  for  studying  the 
ionosphere  and  exosphere:  some  observations  and  theoretical  considerations,  p.  223- 
243  of  AGARDograph  42,  The  Upper  Atmosphere  Above  F2-Maximum.  North  At- 
lantic Treaty  Organization,  Advisory  Group  for  Aeronautical  Research  and  Develop- 
ment, Avionics  Panel.  Papers  presented  at  the  Symp.  of  the  Ionospheric  Research 
Coram.,  Paris,  France,  May  1959. 

Bowles,  K.  L.,  Cohen,  R.  S.,  Equatorial  region  ionospheric  scatter  research  by  the  NBS 
during  IGY,  QST,  p.  11-15  (Aug.  1957) . 

Boyd,  A.  E.,  Morris,  E.  E.,  Spatial  distribution  of  energy  dissipated  by  fallout  beta- 
rays,  Health  Phvs.  2,  321-325  (Oct.  1960). 

Brennan,  J.  A.,  Wilson,  W.  A.,  Radebaugh,  R.,  Birmingham,  B.  W..  Testing  of  ball  bear- 
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The  following  U.S.  patents  have  been  granted  to  NBS  inventors;  assigned  (or 
licensed  as  indicated)  to  the  United  States  of  America,  as  represented  by  the  Secretary 
of  the  department  noted  in  parentheses : 

Ambler,  Ernest,  No.  2,982,106,  May  2,  1961.  Low  temperature  refrigeration  apparatus 
and  process.     (Commerce.) 

Bryan,  Ray  K.,  No.  2,945,922,  July  19,  1960.  Micro-adjustable  switch.  (Licensed  to 
the  United  States  of  America  as  represented  by  the  Secretary  of  Commerce.) 

Corliss,  Edith  L.  R.,  Burkhard,  Mahlon  D.,  and  Koidan,  Walter,  No.  2,968,695,  Jan- 
uary 17,  1961.  System  for  monitoring  and  controlling  the  motion  of  a  sound  source. 

Harris,  William  P.,  and  Cooter,  Irvin  L.,  No.  2,960,652,  November  15,  1960.  Bridge 
method  for  the  measurement  of  core  losses  in  ferro-magnetic  material  at  high  flux 

Hoffman,  John  R.,  and  Carlson,  Robert  E.,  No.  2,962,706,  November  29,  1960.  Aerial 
Navigation  aid.  (Licensed  to  the  United  States  of  America  as  represented  by  the 
Secretary  of  Commerce.) 

Hogue,  Ephraim  W.,  No.  2,946,046,  July  19,  1960.  Magnetic  digital  computer  circuit. 
( Commerce. ) 

Lesti,  Arnold,  and  Baechtel,  Andrew  R.,  No.  2,945,220,  July  12,  1960.  Analogue-digital 
converter.     ( Commerce. ) 

Minor,  Irene  C,  and  Bennett,  John  A.,  No.  2,984,101,  May  16,  1961.  Tape  method  for 
detecting  fatigue  cracks.     (Commerce.) 

Parkhurst,  Douglas  L.,  No.  2,955,467,  October  11,  1960.  Pressure-type  tide  recorder. 
(Licensed  to  the  United  States  of  America  as  represented  by  the  Secretary  of  Com- 
merce. ) 

Perls,  Thomas  A.,  and  Kissinger,  Charles  W.,  No.  2,958,216,  November  1,  1960. 
Resonant-beam  calibrator.     (Commerce.) 

Plitt,  Karl  F.,  No.  2,985,609,  May  23,  1961.  Aqueous  pressure-sensitive  adhesive  com- 
position comprising  polyvinylalcohol  and  a  polyethylene  amine,  and  method  of  making. 
( Commerce. ) 

Pummer,  Walter  J.,  Wall,  Leo  A.,  and  Florin,  Roland  E.,  No.  2,967,894,  January  10, 
1961.     Method  for  the  preparation  of  aromatic  fluorocarbons.     (Army.) 

Rabinow,  Jacob,  No.  2,961,093,  November  22,  1960.  Conveyor  belt  sorters.  (Com- 
merce. ) 

Reaves,  John  H.,  No.  2,955,246,  October  4,  1960.  Low  capacitance  power  supply. 

Reaves,  John  H.,  No.  2,970,278,  January  31,  1961.  Direct-coupled  amplifier  construction. 

Reaves,  John  H.,  No.  2,978,658,  April  4,  1961.  Low  capacitance  power  supply. 

Sargent,  Jack,  and  Birnbaum,  George,  No.  2,964,703,  December  13,  1960.  Recording 
microwave  hygrometer.     (Commerce.) 

Slutz,  Ralph  J.,  No.  2,953,774,  September  20,  1960.  Magnetic  core  memory  having 
magetic  core  selection  gates.      (Commerce.) 

Thompson,  Moody  C,  Jr.,  Freethey,  Frank  E.,  and  Waters,  Donald  M.,  No.  2,981,908. 
April  25,  1961.     Cavity  resonator.     (Commerce.) 

Weaver,  Elmer  R,  No.  2,966,864,  January  3,  1961.  Refrigerator  lock  with  inside 
release.     ( Commerce. ) 


U.S.  GOVERNMENT  PRINTING  OFFICE:  1961       O 616114 

REPORTING  .  .  .  NBS  Re§earch  and  Development 

if  Journal  of  Research  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards  contains  full  research  papers, 

inoluding  laboratory  data,  experimental  procedures,  and  theoretical  and  mathematical 
analyses.    Advances  in  measurement  standards  and  techniques  ,  ,  ,  physical  constants 
»  •  i  properties  of  materials  ,  ,  ,  instrumentation  .  .  ,  radio  propagation. 
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if  National  Bureau  e!  Standards  Tiehnteal  News  M/el^—lllustrated  concise  articles 
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