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AmlEXPO California '88 

By Stephen Kemp 

Hot — All the news. Commodore announces 

two new Amiga's 

Converting Patch Librarian Files 

by Phil Saunders 

Get your sounds from there to here. 

The Creation of Don Bluth's 
Dragon's Lair 

by Randy Linden 

A look behind the scenes. 

Easy Menus in JForth 

by Phil Burk 

The EZMenu system makes it quite easy to 

implement simple text based menus. 

Extending AmigaBasic 

by John Kennan 

The use of library calls from 

within AmigaBASIC. 


Amazing Mail 6 

Index of Advertisers 96 

Public Domain Software Catalog 104 

Getting Started In Assembly 


An introduction to assembly language 

programming on the Amiga. 

AmigaDOS, Assembly Language, 
and FileNotes 

by Dan Hutb 

Weapons in the war against file overload; 

accurate, descriptive file naming. 

I demand a retraction! 

Photograph by Laura Audrey 

Your Original AMIGA Monthly Resource 


Volume 3, Number 12 
December 1988 

|MM|[||11W l|B[l|[]|lliBI1)i^^ 



The Command line 

by Rich Falconbwg 

What to do when the commands 

of AmigaDOS fail. 

Hot on the shelves 

by Michael T. Cabral 

Adventure, Preferences, Postscript, 

Animation, & a deal for user groups 

PD Serendipity 

by C. W. Flatte 

Fred Fish disks 158-162 

Bug Bytes 

by John Steiner 
Bugs & upgrades. 


by The Bandito 

More on Aegis-Amiga oscilloscope, AmiExpo, 

CD. the latest from Commodore and more. 

C Notes From The C Group 

by Stephen Kemp 

Program or function control coding; 

the case history. 


by Stephen Kemp 

EJMPIRE, the Amiga game of conquest 

Better Dead Than AHen 

byjeffery Scott Hall 
The title says it all! 

Virus Infection Protection (V.I.P.) 

byjeffery Scott Hall 

What makes a computer sick and the cure. 

E.C.T. SampleWare 

by Tim Mohansingh 

Multisampled sounds in IFF & SoundScape 


by Bryan Catley 

Release 1.3 of Absoft's compiler 


by Bruce Jordan 

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Magellan: The AMIGA Gets Smart 

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Amiga is a Irademafk of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. 68020, 68030, 68881, 688S2 are trademarks of Motorola. 
Hurricane \i a trademark of Ronin Research & Development Inc. VAX is a trademark of Digital Equipment Inc. 


Assistant Publisher: 
Circulation Manager; 
Asst. Circulation: 
Asst. Circulation: 
CorponUe Trainer: 
Traffic Manager: 


Joyce Hicks 

Robert J. Hicks 
Doris Gamble 
Traci Desmarais 
Donna Viveiros 
Virginia Terry Hicks 
Robert Gamble 

Inemational Coordinator: Marie A. Raymond 
Marketing Manager: Ernest P. Viveiros Sr. 


Managing Editor: 

Hardware Editor: 
Music !( Sound Editor: 
Copy Editor: 
Copy Editor: 
Art Director: 
Production Manager: 

Don Hicks 

Ernest P.Viveiros Jr. 
Emest P. Viveiros Sr. 
Richard Rae 
Michael Creeden 
Amy Duarle 
William Fries 
Paul Michael 
Brian Fox 
Donna M. Garant 


Advertising Manager: 
Marketing Assistant: 

Alicia Tondreau 
Melissa J. Bernier 

FAX 1-508-675-6002 


Buddy Terrell S Byrd Press 
Betsy Piper at Tech Plus 
Bob at Riverside Art, Ltd. 
Swansea One Hour Photo 
I3oston Jewelry & Loan of Fall River 

Amazing Computing™ {ISSN 0886-9480) is ptjb- 
lished nonthly by PiM Publications, Inc., Currant 
Road, P.O. Box 869, Fall River, MA 02722-0869. 

Subscriptions in the U.S., 12 issues for $24.00; in 
Canada & Mexico surface, $36.00; foreign surface 
for $44.00. 

Applicaiion to Mail at Second-Class Postage Rates 
pending at Fall River, MA and additional mailing 

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PiM 
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02722-0869. Printed in tJie U.S.A. Copyright© Nov. 
1988 by PiM Publications, Inc. All rights reseAfed. 

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Send ar:icle submissions in both manuscript and disk 
format to the Co-Editor. Requests for Author's 
Guides should be directed to the address listed 

Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

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Tlie following are Amazing Dealers, dedicated to supporting the Commodore-Amiga'™. They carry Amazing Computing^", your resource for 
information on the Amiga"'. !f you are not an Amazing Dealer, but would like to become one, call PiM Publications, Inc.: 


















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This edition of the Amazing Computing 
letters is entirely concerned with 
'Roomers". We felt the overwhelming 
response by our readers made this a 
necessity. The letters belotugive a truthful 
proportion to the pro and con reaction of 
our readership. Along tvith the overall 
support for the column, there have been 
two negative responses (the most eloquent 
response has been reproduced in this 

We welcome your comments and 
suggestions. We hope to find a suitable 
end to this matter which unll maintain 
the integrity of our "Roomers" column 
tvhile allowing a level of fair response for 
the inditnduals mentioned in each issue. 

Since responditig to each letter separately 
would be awkward, we have taken a 
longer view. A general response and 
possible solution is the subject of this 
issue's editorial. 

Dear AC: 

After following the "ROOMERS" column 
debates since day one, I've decided to 
put my two cents worth of comments on 
the table. 

I think the column is absolutely 
wonderful and 1 salute the BANDITO for 
his covert investigative skills ( any job 
offers from the CIA or NSA yet ?). 
Roomers provides exciting, insightful, 
speculative, controversial reporting and 
gives your magazine a unique look 
amongst the predominantly boring crop 
of computer tabloids. It also reinforces 
the reader's image of AC as being FOR 
the reader and not being intimidated or 
corrupted by the developers in the 
AMIGA market. I've had quite a few 
enjoyable laughs reading ROOMERS 
rebuttals from overiy sensitive developers 
crying "foul", making excuses, and 
threatening legal action Coooooo- aren't 
you scared?) unless retractions are 
printed and apologies issued. 

From the request you published in the 
last issue (October) for reader comments 
on the ROOMERS column's 
"controversy", I sensed that maybe you 
were thinking of buckling in to the 
commercial pressure and terminating the 
column. Please assure me and the rest of 
the readership that you will not ! I won't 

threaten you with anything foolish like 
subscription cancellation (because the 
rest of the magazine is ver>' good also), 
but I will tell you that if you do shut off 
the BANDITO, my respect for AC will 
drop by several notches. 


Anthony DaSilva Jr. 

Clay, N.Y. 

Dear AC: 

Re the Bandito. My jjersonal observation 
is that, however elaborately rationalized, 
the intent of many manufacturers is to 
deceive. "We subscribers and consumers 
need your help and that of die Bandito. 
When a mistake is made, a simple 
retraaion and correction should suffice. I 
urge you to continue Roomers. 

If anyone is looking for a good Bridge 
program, I recommend Grand Slam 
Bridge. It is IBM compatible so a 
Bridgeboard is necessary. It is available 
from: Baron Bridge Supplies, 131 
Thierman Lane, Louis%'ille, KY 40207, 1- 

I should like to say a good word for 

WordPerfect. They have the best 
customer service I have ever 
encountered for any produa of any kind. 

Hubert C. Minard 

Dear AC: 

As a loyal reader and recent subscriber, 1 
would very much like to have my say as 
to the "Roomers" column. Frankly, I love 
it. I subscribe mainly because of it, and 
would be incredibly disappointed if you 
were to discontinue it. You are one of 
the ver^' few magazines willing to risk 
such a column and 1 hope you will 
continue it. 

The only complaint that I could possibly 
have with your magazine, is that you 
have elected to divide your articles 
across several pages, e.g. please turn to 
page 26, from page 9. 


Lars Benton 

Lagima Hills, CA 


I am writing to you regarding your 
••Roomers" column. I read a great deal of 
criticism about this column and the 
"Bandito". 1 also noticed that the sour 
attitudes were from developers that feel 
that their products have received unfair 

Well, I for one, would like to offer my 
support for the "Roomers" column. As 
you have siated over and over again, this 
particular pian of the magazine is offered 
as ENTERTAINMENT. One of the primary 
reasons (among others) that I purchase 
your publk:adon is to read the Bandito's 
latest gossip. I know that the information 
provided by him/her is not substantiated 
and I believe most, if not all, Amiga- 
Owners/ Amazing-Readers, know this 
also. Even given that many of the rumors 
printed are not supported, the fact 
remains; Tliis is for fun. 

Please do not let a few sour-apples spoil 
the fun for the rest of us. Continue tire 
Bandito's column without any restrictions 
or modifications. Don't give into any 
developer's pressure if you can help it. 

Thanks for the fantastic magazine! 

Hank Macklen 
Bedford, Mass. 


True story; Today I went to the local 
bookstore to check for new Amiga mags 
and was glad to see the new Amazing 
Computing on tlie shelf. The cover 
looked kird of familiar though I thought 
that maybe I had seen this issue before, 
so I turned to the Roomers column by 
the Bandito. I knew that I could tell if 
this was an old issue because I would 
recognize the Bandito's column. The first 
thing I al'ft'ays turn to is Roomers by the 
Bandito. I actually get excited about 
getting the new issue of AC because I 
eagerly look forward to the Roomers 
column. I noticed diat Roomers has 
grown to ;5 pages and I think that's great. 

Why I thiTik Roomers is great: 

-It has a lively, candid writing style with 

a great sense of humor. 

"TENpoiniO The Bandito figures they 


Amazing Computing V3 .12 01988 






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went through that many versions of a 

real name, then gave up." 

-It gives us insight into the computer biz. 
"It also seems as though Aegis's attempt 
to enter the Mac market has collapsed: 
Vultures are circling, and buyout rumors 
are hot and heavy." 

-And of course , new product info. "The 
Bandito's informers in Sacremento report 
that DeluxeVideo II should arrive early 
next year. It will finally support all the 
different graphics modes, and 
substantially improve the power and 
flexibility of presentation." 

Roomers is chock-full of these delightftil 
morsels of information. 

I understand the problem that companies 
have when they are the object of these 
rumors. I suggest that these companies 
give the public credit for understanding 
die difference betv-'een rumors and 
'facts'. I also enjoy hearing their 
responses when they feel that they have 
been wronged by the Bandito. Any 
insight into the Amiga develop>ers' world 
is interesting. If these companies are not 
satisfied with the space for their replies 
in Amazing Mail then you should point 
out the service you do for them hyping 
their products in Hot On The Shelves. 

I hope that you do not put any restraints 
on the Bandito because of their 
pressures. That would be like putting 
David Lenerman on in the morning, like 
making a new formula for Coke, like 
cancelling Star Trek. (You know many of 
the loyal ST fans still don't watch NBC) 

Don't be rash- listen to the complaints 
and give them their space but remember- 
WE LOVE THE BANDITO!!! I hope that 
you get tons of mail in support of him 
(or her). I would like to have the time to 
write to each of the whiners and scold 
them for their lack of understanding. 
Roomers is Roomers and we the readers 
understand that ( even without a 
disclaimer). I mean geez, really! Cut the 
Bandito some slack! 

I believe in putting my money where my 

mouth is so I've enclosed a check for a 
subscription. I am offering this support 
so that you will support the Bandito. 

Very truly yours, 
Eric Donaldson 


I have enjoyed your magazine and 
congratulate you on a job well done. I 
have recently purchased a subscription 
but am dismayed by the letters to the 
Editor in the first issue of my subscrip- 
tion. I am speaking of the letters con- 
cerning the column entitled "Roomers". 

One of the main reasons I chose to read 
and to aibscribe to your magazine was 
the presence of the "Roomers" column. 
There are numerous magazines that 
purport to examine the Amiga but they 
all seem to spend their time hyping the 
various companies that would give me 
the pros and the cons of programs and 
hardware and report these things 

While I will readily state that your article 
has as occasional pro-industry slant, I 
have come to trust your reports and 
reviews more than other magazines. The 
"Roomers" column often tells the 
possible bad side of the industry' and 
tells which products are over-hyped. It 
doesn't matter whether these rumors are 
true, the important thing is that you had 
the courage to print them C and the 
wisdom to make certain everyone knows 
they are just rumors ). 

I can see why the rumors upset the 
executives from the computer industry 
but I believe they are over-reacting. I will 
buy a product because it appears to be 
what 1 want. I could not care iess what 
the management of that company does 
or does not do in its packaging and 
development of products. The only effect 
the "Roomers" column may have on my 
buying habits is to plant the name of a 
company or product in my mind and 
cause me to give that company or 
product some added consideration 
(usually favorable) when it is time to 
buy. To paraphrase the old saying, it 
doesn't matter what they say as long as 
they spell your name right. 

As an attorney, I am only too aware of 
the weight rumors should be given. I feel 
confident that, thanks to your disclaimer 
at the beginning of each article, your 
other readers also read these rumors as 
entertainment and perhaps fmd them to 
show your magazine's willingness to 
admit that the computer industry is still 
run by human beings. We all do strange 
or unintelligent things and I am glad the 
computer industry is the same. 

In short, please continue to run the 
"Roomers" column and congratulate the 
Bandito or. giving your magazine a high 
grade in tnithfulness by freely fmding 

■With kind regards, I am 

Very truly yours, 

W.T. Geddingsjr. 

Manning, Soudi Carolina 

Dear AC: 

In response to your call to keep involved 
and write comments to your publication, 
I have to cast my vote for the Bandito, 
and the "RDomers" column. 

I have talked my sister into buying an 
Amiga 500, but showed her die 
"Roomers" column wherein a predicted 
new Appk: IIGS plus was/is going to 
seriously tlireaten the future of the 
Amiga. I a. so told her that the 
information in the column was of 
variable significance and accuracy. The 
charm of triis regular feature is well 
written sp<;culation, which is periodically 
proved out. The strength of this 
"unconfirmed and printed for 
entenainrrent value only" material I feel 
lies in its potential for keeping every- 
body in the Amiga community on their 
toes (read honest). Keep the Bandito. 

As for the rest of the magazine, your 
scope is impressive. Keep up the good 

Ward C. Martin 
San Diego, CA 

Dear AC, 

I have been a subscriber to AC almost 
since the beginning and have enjoyed 
the magazine ver>' much. I am writing in 
regard to the "Roomers" column debate. 

I, personally, read "Roomers" for 
"kicks" — waiting to see which rumors 
will later b'C proven true or false. I 
understand — before reading a word of 
it — ^that ncne of the statements have 
been confrmed and that much of the 
column simply reflects the Bandito's own 

In its present format, it is imperative that 
the AC disclaimer preface the column, so 
that readej s (particularly first-time 
readers) will not misinterpret the 
information as fact-based reportage. 


Amazing Computing V3. 12 ®1988 

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However, there will always be readers 
who consider ANYTHING thai has 
reached print to be FACT, even with the 
presence of such a disclaimer. 

For that reason, it may be wise to 
eliminate any statements that could 
potentially damage the reputation of an 
individual or company until such 
statements can be proven true. After all, 
the Amiga community should not set out 
to discourage developers and related 
companies from producing new Amiga 
software/products by hurting them 
before they have had a chance to 
demonstrate their intentions. 

By the same token, a publication in your 
position has (or should have) the 
reponsibility to inform its readers of any 
product that is inferior, over-priced, or 
hyped-up and should also notify readers 
of companies who have mistreated or 
deceived the consumer in any way. 

That is where AC must cross the fine line 
between loyalty to its readers versus 
loyalty to its advertisers. Understanding 
fully thai you cannot publish a quality 

magazine without extensive advertising 
revenue, crossing this line certainly puts 
you in an unfortunate position. However, 
I have always felt that a magazine's first 
responsibility is to its readers. After all, 
witliout readers, you don't need 
advertisers anyway, right? 

You mentioned that in trying to confirm 
rumors before printing them, you often 
receive no response or , worse, a denial 
"followed by an explanation which 
restructures the original information to 
be favorable to the company." 

In my experience, refusing to deny or ac 
least acknowledge a rumor is as good as 
saying it is true. As far as a company 
restructuring the information, that, of 
course, would be unacceptable to your 

Perhaps you could borrow a solution 
from another publication (non- 
competing) who found themselves in a 
similar situation. Instead of risking 
offense to their advertisers by printing an 
unconfirmed rumor, they'd print both 
sides of the story. First, they'd list the 

rumor and its source ( not an actual 
name but something like "a leading 
developer said"). Next, the person/ 
company- in-question would be contacted 
and given a chance to make a statement. 
Then, both the rumor and the company's 
statement (or indication of tlieir refusal to 
make a statement) were printed in the 
same issue. This gave the reader a 
chance to judge for himself who was 
telling the truth. It's not hard to read 
between the lines and discover a 
"restructuring of the facts". 

I'd hate to see "Roomers" cut altogether 
because I find it amusing. However, if it 
becomes more trouble than it is worth, 
by all means get rid of it. ...and replace it 
with a column that reports problem 
software/products/companies tliat 
readers should stay clear of! 

Irene Kobelski 
Colchester, CT, 

Dear AC: 

Let me say that number 1, the BANDITO 
writes one of my favorite columns!! I 
know enough NOT to take everything as 

Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 


.or ril sue. 

By Lewis Tilley 

Dear Amazing Computing, 

I demand a retraction! Tliis may develop into a case of libel! Your 
magazine printed an insulting article by one of the Durand-Durand boys 
entitled "The Kideo Tapes" (September issue focusjig on "Teaching with tlie 
Amiga). This letter is to inform you that I, Lew Tilley, am NOT an elf!... 
especially I am not " a jolly, old elf as stated by scmeone calling himself 

You should have known that anyone capable of making a pun like Kideo 
when referring to videos made by children would ^^e capable of any number 
of other insulting crimes of desecration. 

My intemational reputation as a serious writer, artist and lover has been smeared with a brush and a scurrilous name 
which may never be removed. In your position as the editor of the "Original AMIGA Monthly Resource", surely you must be 
aware that anyone who writes regulariy for such distinguished magazines as YOUR AMIGA of London, England and a 
leading Swedish computer weekly; a writer who even now is developing an article on Video for the German Editor, Ulrich 
Brieden of Markt & Technik Amiga, must maintain an image of impartial hostility toward all software reviewed and discussed. 

How can I now maintain tliis attitude 
so ably pioneered by men like Ben 
Dunnington of INFO when I have been 
labeled "jolly?" 

The use of the term "illustrator" may 
be justified since I was, many years ago, 
the winner of a Limited Editions Book Club 
award for my iUustradons to the old 
Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward Angel"; 
and I have to my credit many sets of illus- 
trations for various magazines, school texts 
and television and film productions. It is 
the "retired" before the illustrator to which 
I object. 

This Christmas, JUMPDISK is to 
present Charies Dickens' "A Christmas 
Carol" illustrated by Lewis Tilley in a 
special disk edition. Now, is that a "retired 

Humph! Why can't tliese young 
whippersnappers who make tlie kind of 
foreign rock music the Durand boys make 
stick with things they know about? 
Messing around with loud music the way 
diat they do, maybe they just don't hear 

too well. "Emeritus" doesn't mean "retired". I am, I'll admit, an "emeritus professor" from the University of Southern Colorado 
m Pueblo, Colorado. Emeritus really means in its Latin sense "without merit", that is to say, "without reward. ..or, not getdng 
paid anymore." That, alas, is true, but I do get a free office AND secretarial assistance (when available) to continue all the 
more pleasurable activities of a full professor of fme art, except teaching classes, from this exciting new technical university in 
Soudiem Colorado. 

"Old elf - that really did it! Have you ever seen a young elf?.,, of course not. It is this final insuh which makes me seek 
redress. To people who deal every day with eight-year-olds, anyone over the age of thirty must seem "old". If this Durand 
man, who can't even spell his own name correcdy, continues to slander me in such a fashion, I shall be compelled to enter 
direa competition with him in the production of Kiddyos which feature elves who never retire, are aJways young, and are 
never, never jolly. 

Mr. Tilley clearly illustrates the obvious error made to bis character 

Photographs by Laura Audrey 


Yr. humble, obedient, elf, servant, 
Lewis Tilley 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

1<XI% "gospel" and to take the column as 
what it is meant to be - entertainment. 
Most of your readers also have the good 
sense to realize that most of the 
information is based on rumors and 
speculations, but if you read Bandito's 
back columns it is very apparent he has 
been "right on" a very large percentage 
of the time. I hope the recent pressure 
does not succeed in eliminating the 
"ROOMERS" column. His column, like 
your magazine, provides a ' breatli of 
fresh air ' to AMIGA owners who 
quickly tire at the lack of skepticism at 
some other publications. We need 
honesty and objectivity not another 
"house organ'. I have never felt "THE 
BANDITO" was being malicious in any 
of his columns and feel that some of the 
complaints against the column have 
basically been "MUCH ADO ABOUT 
NOTHING!" In summary, let me say- 

Earl Davis 

Dear AC: 

I feel the "Roomers" column should be 
left just the way it is. I personally love 
The Bandito's writing style, and I find the 
column a substitute for all tlie chatter 
that goes on at the trade shows which I 
cannot attend. 

The magazines responsibilities in this 
area are : 1) to state explicidy that the 
column is for unsubstantiated rumors; 
and 2) to only publish material after 
attempts at clarification and /or 
substantiation have failed. According to 
your comments at the end of Amazing 
Mail V3.10, you DO perfomi obligations. 

The developers and publishers are as 

much to biarae for the proliferation of 
false rumors as is the Bandito! If they 
don"t want products announced, or want 
to keep details of their product secret, 
then it is THEIR responsibility to keep 
their people quiet until the proper time. 
The Bandito hears all this stuff from 

Also, they should look to tliis column for 
information on how the Amiga 
community may have an inaccurate 
perception of their produa. When they 
see a rumor listed in the column, instead 
of lamb-basting the Bandito, they should 
be glad someone "caught" the rumor, 
and they can then put it to rest. 

Let's keep the Bandito, and remember 
the first amendment — as long as it's 
handled responsibly. 

Derek Buckley 
Spokane, WA 

Dear AC, 

I received your October issue in the mail 
today ( thank you for putting the month 
on them). I wonder if it is coincidence 
diat die issue with tliree letters of 
complaint against tlie Roomers column is 
also one of the funniest Roomers 
columns ever. For instance, a certain 
software package "had more bugs than 
the American embassy in Moscow, was 
as slow as Jack Tramiel reaching to pick 
up the check for lunch...". 

By now you may have guessed that this 
is a letter in favor of Roomers! Roomers, 
however, is my favorite column. I read it 
first, tlien the rest of the magazine. I can 
understand that no one wants to see 
their name or product associated with 
bad publicity-and righdy so. But that is 
no reason to write threatening letters 
along the "my attorney will be 
contacting you" vein. 

Your disclaimer states that it is "printed 
for entertainment only" and it certainly 
entertains me. Keep it up. 


Michael Carpenter 

San Jose, California 

Dear AC, 

A "Tempest in a Teapot" has struck 
Amazing Computing magazine in tlie 
Amazing Mail section. 

It is indeed "Amazing" and amusing to 
fuid that certain people feel libeled by 
rumors in a magazine such as Amazing 
Computing. In my opinion the "rumors" 
column is the "National Inquirer" section 
of the magazine. It is full of half trutlis 
and wishful diinking and is there for die 
entertainment value. I enjoy the column 
and it is the article I read before all 
otliers. But if I based my purchase 
decisions, whether to purchase now or 
wait for the rumored product, on 
information in the column I'd be a fool 
waiting forever for something that may 
never see the light of day. If I'm 
interested in a product I always look for 
legitimate reviews of the produa to base 
my purchase decision on. I never base a 
purchase on something written in an 
amusement column. If a rumor says that 

an upgraded produa will be available 
"soon", I still purchase ttie initial issue of 
the product knowing that reputable 
companies always have an upgrade 
policy which 1 may avail myself of later. 
In ±e meantime I've used the basic 
product and will be ready for the 
upgrade features when and if they arrive 
on die market, 

I hope more peole learn to dispense wiQi 
the "tempest" and enjoy die "tea". By the 
way, when did you say diat die Amiga 
75,000 was due for release? 

Bill Braun 
Vallejo, CA 

Dear Amazing! folk- 
Keep the disclaimer. 
Keep the Bandito. 
Keep die Roomers department. Please. 

I do not read your fine magazine to see 
what someone in a lawyer suit thinks is 
ok for you to print. Nor do I read it to 
have established manufacturers/ 
deveiojsers tell me to postpone my 
purchases for just a little wliile because 
dieir soon-to-be-released vaporware is 
truly (honest! trust me!) what I've been 
waiting for all my life. 

I read Amazing! for news, for insight, for 
opinion, for all your contributions to die 
Amiga community. And I read it for 
entertainment, gossip and rumors: Tlie 
'flavor' of our industry /community. 

Amazing! is unique. Please keep it that 


Yours Truly, 
CapE.B, Schwartz 
San Francisco, CA 

Dear AC, 

One of the most appealing points your 
magazine has going is the lack of self- 
proclaimed importance (some blue-suit 
companies call this "polish" or 
"commercialism"). Please excuse those in 
blue suits whose scadiing letters may 
have left bums, they come from a crowd 
that thinks "tongue-in-cheek" means an 
armouncer stumbled while reading from 
a prompter. 

Please let those who never loosen their 
ties know that "Roomers", to tile layman, 
is synonomous with "Rumors". The 
Shorter Oxford defmes rumor as " 
General talk, report, or hearsay, not 

Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 11 

based upon definite knowledge." It also 
lists "Talk or report of a person or thing 
as some way noted or distinguished", but 
that definition is listed as archaic. Maybe 
those who take their products and the 
stories about same seriously , should try 
getting in touch witli "dieir public". I 
asked 22 people who read AC what they 
tliought of the Bandito & if they took 
"Roomers" seriously. With no exception, 
llie Bandito is an ok kind-of guy, and 
anyone who gives credence to a column 
tided Roomers deserves whatever they 
get. One said he gets as much 
entertainment from the Bandito's column 
as from software houses' product 
announcemenLs, and finds one just as 
credible as the other. (For those who 
aren't sure about that, it means a person 
can't put any stock in either.) 

In an industry taken as seriously as 
computers, it's nice to have some humor 
now & again. Leave "Roomers" alone. 


B. Gray 

Sun Valley, CA 

Dear AC, 

I'd like to add my input about the 
■Roomer" column in your magazine. As 
long as the roomer starts outside of the 
column, it should be fair game. I take 
what I read diere with a grain of salt. 
After a user group meeting we find 
ourselves talking about some rumor that 
was in the last AC, and asking "Do you 
diink diat it might be true?" It is a fun 
column , as long as it is understood that 
these bits are indeed rumors. 

Keep up the good work! 

Scott W. Smidi 
Sherman Oaks, CA 

Dear AC, 

I recendy heard that your magazine was 
being forced to drop the roomers 
column, due to legal matters. Having just 
purchased the 3/10 issue of your 
magazine I find info in "Amazing Mail" 
that appears to support the possibility of 
such. Being aware of lag time in 
magazine production and die fact that 
there was no label of "rumor" or e\'en a 
disclaimer given by the individual who 
told me such, I feel there is enough to 
enquire about. 

Being a bit more than a reader of AC ( I 

have a copy of all the issues) even the 
first issue had a "Roomers" column 
(without a disclaimer and mendoned 
Commodore to soon be releasing "Amiga 
LIVE!" to be available before the end of 
February->87?). Now it seems to me diat 
rumors get started by even the best of us 
and the thing to do is check die facts 
(even the world was flat until the facts 
were checked out). AC has been doing a 
great job of giving users a quality 
magazine and to lose tlie "Roomers" 
column would not only be an injustice to 
AC but to the readers as well. 

Rumors are a fact of life and AC does 
justice by putting diem under the 
heading "Roomers" which is more than 
most do who create and pass such non- 
verified information, I hope the 
"Roomers" column stays, besides rumors 
are a pan of the evoludon of the Amiga 
and a bit of reality would be missing 
without diem. What better place to 
mention such things as VaporWare while 
leaving hope for such and perhaps 
measure reader interest?- enquiring 
minds want to know!- 

(name withheld) 
Tucker, GA 

Dear AG 

The Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra of 
Boston acquired an Amiga 2000 this past 
year. I was responsible for the choice; 
and while I would like to tell you that I 
picked the Amiga because I made a 
reasoned and informed selection based 
on our needs, tlie tnidi is that I was 
dazzled by the Hi Tech demos. The real 
reason for my choice was a lust for all 
the fantastic graph and audio capabilities. 

It has turned out diat die very qualities 
which led me to the Amiga, are the 
features which have proved to be the 
most important. The world of the 
Cultural Non-Profit, like tliat of the 
software houses, is a Darwinian Jungle 
where you either outshine, outperform, 
or otherwise distinguish yourself from 
the competition, or you go out of 

Our first software came from Aegis. 
Sonix, VideoTilter, Audio Master, and 
Draw Plus, were the programs on which 
we learned to operate the Amiga. Since 
then, we have added nearly twenty 
additional programs from other 

I like the products from Aegis. I found 
them to be uncomplicated, well 
documented, and easy to use. They do 
useful work, and they do it well. Once 
you have iearned an Aegis program, 
mouse use becomes a joy. The and pull down menus used 
by Aegis are standard. You know where 
to look for "print", "save", "open", "new", 
etc. from program to program; and once 
learned, it applies to other company's 
software as well. 

We have used Draw Phis to design a 
potential concert hall and to visualize 
stage settings. Sonix allowed our 
conductor to hear an unknown score 
before committing himself to a 
performance; and VideoTitler gets lots of 
lise on our sample video cassettes. Audio 
Master op>ens horizons to us as 
musicians and acousticians. In short. 
Aegis has quality products at sensible 
prices, an<l in my opinion. Aegis 
soft?v'are helped to put die Amiga in 
die race as a serious machine. 

I am appalled at the ca\falier statements 
made in your ''Roomers" column in your 
October issue. ''Vultures are circling" and 
the suggestion that they are in a state of 
collapse is irresponsible and destructive 
SOurnalism. If I were a first time buyer, I 
would avciid a company described in tlie 
language used by your magazine. I want 
your readcjrs to know that if my 
experience is any guide. Aegis products 
are a solid value and deserve to be 
bought and used. 

I do not believe that your wishy-washy 
response to Aegis in the November issue 
is sufficient. In the years in which I 
published as a music critic, no editor in 
his right mind would have printed 
anything like the scurrilous language in 
your "roomers" column had I said such 
libelous d:ings about a performance 

As long as there are people like me who 
continue to buy, use, and recommend 
Aegis products, their company is secure. 

Yours truly, 

Arthur Frank Benoit, 

Executive Director 

Metropolitan Symphony Ordiestra 

Boston Light Opera Company 

Do you have a concern? Don't Just sit 
behind your keyboard. WRirE'!! 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©JS>88 

From The Managing Editor: 

Putting "ROOMERS" to rest! 

It started innocently enough. I received a 
telephone call from a member of the 
Amiga community who wanted to write a 
monthly column for Amazing Computing. 
They argued there wa,s a need for an 
avenue of "leaks" to die Amiga 
community from Amiga developers. Wliy 
not a column dedicated to viewing the 
inner workings of the Amiga market. In 
order to get the best information from 
sources who would not be judged by 
their association with a kno^Ti 
columnist, a pseudonym was invented. 
"Roomers" was bom. 

"Roomers" has become an institution 
(cursed or otherwise) in the ,\miga 
community. The column has seen several 
authors (each leaving when they could 
no longer maintain the pace of a 
monthly column), yet each individual has 
carried a commitment to providing die 
Amiga community a penetrating look 
Into the movement of this growing 
market. In my opinion, each individual 
worked hard to provide insight and an 
honest reflection on the expansion of our 
favorite computer and the individuals 

The column has always been well 
received by our readership. Readers want 
a hint of the new products or 
improvements on the horizon. From the 
letters we receive, our readers maintain a 
distinction from the factual reporting in 
Amazing Computing and the rumors 
presented by The Bandito. 

However, the column has remained a 
bane to developers and advertisers. 
Through phone calls and individuals 
cornering me at Amiga conventions, 
some Amiga deveIof)ers have let me 
know they are not amused. However, 
few have pointed to factual inaccuracies 
in the articles. Even the most negative 
responses have been followed by an 
explanation of why The Bandito may 
have misunderstood their meaning and 
efforts. Almost all have neglected to 
place their dissension in the form of a 
letter to be presented in this forum. 

One individual challenged me in public 
by stating his company would not 
advertise in Amazing Computing wliile 
we carried "ROOMERS". I mentioned the 
rather obvious fact diat "ROOMERS" was 
only one to tliree pages of a magazine 
which carried between 112 to 128 pages 
each issue. Did he feel he was applying 
a little too much weight to this rather 
small percentage of the magazine? 

No, there was a principle involved. He 
sincerely felt we were committing a 
disservice to the entire Amiga community 
by continuing "ROOMERS". It did not 
matter how much we worked in every 
other effort of our publication, he was 
insistent that we be judged by 
"ROOMERS" alone. He remarked that our 

"Is that all?" 

"That's all I can see." I replied. 

"But that's not bad, in fact its 
complimentary. Why would 
someone tell me that 
"ROOMERS" said we were 

"ROOMERS" column made us the 
"National Enquirer" of Amiga journalism. 
To this day we have not received his 
promised letter to print in Amazing 

Even The Bandito receives an 
occasional "Bad Rap" 

Recendy, I received a call from an 
anxious developer who had been told 
The Bandito had written some bad things 
about his company ki an issue of AC. 
The individual openly admitted he had 
not yet seen the anide and wanted to 
know what was said. 

I read the portion of "ROOMERS" which 
mentioned his organization to him over 
the telephone. When I finished, he said, 

"Is that all?" 

"That's all I can see." I replied. 

"But that's no: bad, in fact its 
complimentary. Why would someone tell 
me that "ROOMERS" said we were 

Why indeed. Is it possible The Bandlto's 
column is now seen by some readers as 
a constant negative, disdaining voice? Are 
the insights in "ROOMERS" being read by 
individuals who have already made up 
their minds as to what the column says, 
and not taking time to read the full lexL' 

Let's be honest, The Bandito rarely puUs 
a punch, but I have seen many positive 
statements and compliments wrinen in 
"ROOMERS". Yet, if a good many people 
are allowing bias to rule their 
interpretation, we will quickly perceive 
everytliing in "ROOMERS" as negative. 

Asking The Right Questions 

There are no easy answers. However, the 
best way to discover the right answer to 
a problem is to ask the right questions. 

To The Readers: 

Do the readers of Amazing Computing 
view The Bandlto's comments as the 
statements of a single individual? Are our 
readers aware that this individual speaks 
on the topics and concerns which affects 
us all from a single lone viewpoint? Do 
our readers balance their intake of 
rumors with a good dose of common 

To The Developerss 

Does the Amiga developser community 
understand the importance of an 
alternative viewpoint? Do diey see the 
need to counter the overpowering 
crescendo of superiatives from 
individuals whose occupation is to 
demonstrate the better points of their 
product, while down playing the 
negatives? Do they understand the sense 
of balance that "ROOMERS" gives AC 
Cout of 112 to 128 pages a month only 
two or three are used by "ROOMERS")? 

Amazing Computing V3 .12 ©1988 



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To The Bandito: 

Is our avenging force consistently 
balanced in the reporting being 
conducted? Is this person taking the wide 
vie'w on every issue? Is he maintaining a 
level of fairness? Is he saying things 
through the guise of The Bandito, which 
he would openly say to the individuals 
he is reporting abouG" 

To Amazing Computing: 

Are we doing all we can to maintain an 
even course by allowing the Bandito 
complete free reiga' Is the fact that these 
are rumors enough of an explanation to 
the general public for tlieir existence? 
How extensively should we monitor diis 
column? When should we contact 
Individuals for their side of an issue? 
How much weight should we give a 
negative response from an angered 

Getting The Right Answers 

While there are no complete answers, as 
a publication dedicated to serving the 
needs of the entire Amiga community, 
we must find a means to keep the 
integrity of the "ROOMERS" column and 
still be as fair as possible to all involved. 

This must be done in such a way as to 
allow The Bandito the freedom to report, 
and individuals the right to be free from 
any unjust persecution. 

For this reason, in the future "ROOMERS" 
will maintain a disclaimer, but we at AC 
wilt reserve the right to periodically 
contact organizations and individuals for 
responses. While leaving the original 
column, these responses will appear 
witliin the "ROOMERS" column as asides 
from the editor following tlieir related 

In this way, the "ROOMERS" column 
remains an open forum. Yet, we will be 
allowed to give a second viewpoint to 
some of the more controversial 
statements made within the column. 

The Developer's ResponsibUity 

This procedure will only work if the 
developers concerned return our calls 
and respond to our questions. We know 
that they will not readily admit to 
producing a top secret product, or an 
inner war between members of their 
firm, but this will give individuals an 
opportunity to respond in the same issue 

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and in tf.e same forum as the statements 
to which they object. 

If these individuals have a problem with 
the written response or feel they were 
not allos/ed enough space to respond 
properly, we will maintain our open 
suggestion to write the magazine. If they 
have an alternative view, we want to 
hear it and print it. Our purpose is to 
cover the entire market, not just that with 
which we are most comfortable. 

I want to take this opportunity to say a 
special inank you to all who have 
respondi^d on either side of this issue. It 
is tliroug;h communication we are able to 
reach deeper widiin ourselves and 
farther towards each other. The sense of 
Amiga CiDmmunity is a major focus of our 
effons at AC and this response has 
shown how involved our fellow Amiga 
users can become. Thank you. 


Don Hicks 
Managing Editor 

14 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

Hot on the Shelves 

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slurping Clones 

Five life force-hogging alien 
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Of course, tracking down your 
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Your fmal enemy is time. An on- 
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And as time slips away, the arm begins 
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Captain Blood also adds some 
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Captain Blood $49.95 

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Preferred Preferences 

Slavery to Preferences is a liability 
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Trudge into Preferences, make all 
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Soft-Link Inc. is out to end 
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Multi-Prefs also lets you combine 
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For complete control of Preferences, you 
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In addition to the Multi-Prefs 
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and non-interlaced modes. 


Soft-Link, Inc. 

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PostScript Print Perfection 

If one good utility deserves 
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print utility, brings typeset quality 
printing to your Amiga. The program 
translates Pro Write documents to the 


Captain Blood 

Amazing Computing VS. 12 ©1988 15 

PostScript language for output to a laser 
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For the PostScript uninitiated, 
ProScript lets you scale fonts, texts, and 
graphics to any size on your Axniga. 
Since PostScript fonts are defined by 
filled lines and cun'cs, the characters 
escape "jaggies" and the "dotty" look of 
bitmapped fonts. PostScript is also fast 
and device indep>endent. Whedier you 
are printing on a Ltnotronic or a basic 
dot-matrix printer, your PostScript file 
works fine. 

ProScript enhances the PostScript 
capability with other useful, related 
features. For instance, PostScript fonts 
can be automatically substituted for non- 
PostScript fonts, or you can download 
non-PostScript fonts to your printer. In 
the WYSIWYG tradition, PostScript pages 
print precisely as they appear on-screen. 
ProScript also allows you to save the 
PostScript file to disk, in lieu of printing 
immediately. And for ease of transition 
for ProWrite users, ProScript's user 
interface is similar to the ProWrite 


New Horizons Software 

P.O. Box 43167 

Austin, TX 78745 

(512) 328-6650 

Photon Animation 

As Microillusions series of Photon 
products continues to grow, so do the 
demands on the creativity of Amiga 
users. Once upon a time, a stunning still 
drawing or a revealing framegrabbed 
image were strokes of creati\'e genius. 
Now with the Photon Mdeo: Cel 
Animator, you are dared to spring any 
and all of your Amiga images to life! The 
latest addition to the Photon family 
allows you to sequence live action 
animation frames captured by a frame- 
grabber, paint or draw a series of frames, 
or even create stop-motion animation 
with a video camera and digitizing 

Cel Animator frees you to mold 
your animation at all stages. With the 
program's Pencil Test option, you can 
preview crystal clear black-and-white 
video camera scenes and check tlie 
motion on your Amiga screen. From 
there, you can select your playback 
speed per second and set on-screen 
delays. Your scenes loop automatically, 
so you are free to polish your work 
without die nuisance of constantly 
rewinding. Timing is also under your 
control with a simple switch of die 
display time. The Pose Test option lets 
you adjust your timing without 
reshooting. Once you've got the timing 
roughly where you want it, you can add 
breakdown drawings, and re-time your 
delays for pinpoint accuracy. 

Cel Animator also throws off the 
constraints of 
media. Rather 
than forcing 
you to shoot 
and reshoot 
film or video 
scenes in exact 
sequence, the 
program lets 
you shoot each 
image only 
once. As you 
record, each 
frame is tagged 
with a number, 
so you can 
move frames 
change your 

and add 01 delete frames without the 
tedious work of reshooting. With Cel 
Animator, useless backtracking and 
reshooting are not parts of the editing 

Ce! Animator also recognizes that 
your animation is only half complete 
without sound. The program lets you 
digitize and save an audio track with any 
Amiga sound digitizer and dien load it 
into Cel Animator. You can tlien .step 
your audic dii'ough, frame-by-fi'ame in 
real-time with no distonion to see and 
hear preci;;ely how your animation will 
fly. Deciphering sounds and storing 
phonemes and sound effects according 
to frame n'-imber allows you to print out 
an "exposure sheet" and track die bits 
sound in yaur animation frame-by-frame. 

Cel Animator includes many other 
features to open up your animation 
options and make your work easy. The 
program loads images in all 40 Amiga 
graphics formats, and opens and saves 
any IFF files. Your playback choices are 
highlighted by reverse piayback, 
playback with sound, and slo-mo. .4 box 
of drawin}.; tools is stuffed witli pen 
select, line, flood fill, circle, color cycle, 
and more. 

Photon Video: Cel Animator 



17408 Chatsworth St. 

Granada Hills, CA 91344 

(800) 522-2041 

WordPerfect at a Price 

WordPerfect for the Amiga may 
not be new, but WordPerfect 
Corporation has worked out a new deal 
for user groups. Through December 31, 
1988, the s.cclaimed word processor is 
available to U.S. user groups for S155, a 
far cry from the S329 retail price. 
Interested users must show proof of 
Amiga user group membership, and all 
orders must be accompanied by a WP 
Corp. user group purchase agreement 
(available directly from WP Corp.). Can 
you think of a better reason to latch onto 
a user group? 

WPCorp Amiga Orders 

Specal User Group Price, SI 55 

315 N. State St. 

Orem, UT 84057 

(800) 321-4566 


16 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

AmiEXPO California '88 

The Amiga Event 

by Stephen Kemp and Stephen Pietrowicz 

From the moment the doors opened to 
the public, AmiEXPO California was a 
sight-and-sound extravaganza. This was 
the fourth AmiEXPO to be held and the 
second for California this year. As with 
each of its predecessors, this show 
proved to be larger and even more 
exciting than the last. 

Even before the show opened, you could 
feel the excitement in the air. We 
arrived at the Westin Bonaventure hotel, 
in Los Angeles, about two o'clock in the 
morning. By the time we finished 
checking into our room, we had already 
seen several exhibitors and organizers 
roaming the lobby and halls, waiting for 
die show to begin. Wlien AmiEXPO 
opened at noon on Friday, the eager 
people waiting in the long lines outside 
the exhibition hall began to pour in 
through the doors. 

The first stop for most people was the 
NewTek booth. They were greeted by 
Laura Longfellow, the "face" that you see 
in many of their demos, including 
"Maxine" Headroom. Demonstrations of 
their main products, Digi-View and 
DigiPaint, were held in the booth, as 
well as, the new NewTek Demo Reel IL 
This "reel" is as impressive (if not more) 
than their first and included a number of 
sequences from popular sci-fi shows like 
"Star "Wars", "Star Trek", and "Aliens". 
NewTek was also discussing tlieir newest 
product, the Video Toaster, which is a 
real time, full color digitizing, video 
effects, genlock system. 

Most Impressive! 

Perhaps the most impressive thing at the 
show (which is saying a lot since almost 
every booth had something impressive) 
was at the ASDG exhibit. Perry 
Kivolowitz, president of ASDG Inc., 
announced that their new color image 
input system, SpectraScan, would begin 
shipping by the end of October. This 

software and hardware package provides 
impressive, state-of-the-art, high 
resolution, full color image input and 
output processing. I know that sounds 
like a mouthful, but it appeared to be 
everything that ASDG claims and 
perhaps more. 

this product seemed to be how easy it is 
to scan an image. Every operation takes 
place on the screen, in real-dmc, on the 
image that you are scanning. A "trial 
scan" can be selected to quickly input a 
black and white image of the original, 
which then allows you to select a 

AmiEXPO California '88 attendees arrive early 

Driving a Sharp JX-450 color scanner, 
SpectraScan is capable of inputting a 
color image up to 11 X 17 inches in size. 
The input resolution is variable from 30 
to 300 dots per inch and will report 24 
bits per pixel of color information. That 
results in a palette of l6 million colors! 
One of the most fascinating things about 

subrange to concentrate on and enlarge. 
The "fine scan" has all the capabilities 
that the package allows and will input a 
full color image of the subject material 
that surpasses anything currently 
available in the Amiga market. 

Now if you are sitting out there with 

The first stop for most people was the NewTek booth 

Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 11 

Perry KwoUnoils, president ofASDG Inc., deinonstraled SpectraScan 

your calculator, you might have figured 
out that a full 11 X 17 inch, 300 DPI, 24 
bit color image would require a 
tremendous amount of memory. Don't 
worry, ASDG has addressed this problem 
by implementing a demand paged virtual 
memory environment. With as Htde as 
two megabytes of FAST memory and a 
"large" hard disk, the image can be 
handled quite easily. They demonstrated 
that scrolling through the image using 
SpectraScan was actually faster than 
some paint programs currently available. 
And there isn't another one available 
which can handle a picture near this 

inexpensive, if you are considering 
entering the professional publishing or 
merchandizing markets then you better 
not overlook this offering from ASDG. 

Another offering from ASDG (which is 
included in the SpectraScan package) is 
the Twin-X general purpose I/O board. 
This is an Amiga 2000 compatible 
expansion card which can host two 
standard IEEE 959 modules or one 
double- wide IEEE 959 module. A 
standard IEEE 488 interface module, 
available from ASDG, can be attached Co 
the Twin-X board which will allow your 

Amiga, to communicate with a 
number of mechanical devices 
including, test equipment, 
plotlers, and medical equipment. 
The Twin-X retails for S329 while 
the IEEE 488 interface module 
cost; $199. 

Moving around the floor, it was 
obvious that many attendees 
spent a lot of time drooling over 
the hardware expansion booths, 
tryir.g to determine who was 
offei"ing the most hard drive or 
memory expansion for the 
mor.ey. Great Valley Products 
(GVP) was one such exliibit. At 
GVI"s booth everyone had the 
opportunity to view hard disk drives and 
controllers available for the Amiga 500 
and 2000, as well as, FAST RAM cards. 
Amiga 500 owners may want to make 
note that GWs Impact A500 hard drive 
system provides an intemal connector for 
installing up to 2 megabytes of additional 
memory. For the 2000 owners, a 
"HardCard" may be just what the doctor 
ordered. GVP offers a hard drive on a 
card, available in 30MB or 45MB sizes. 
The advantiige of the HardCard is that 
the expansion bay is left open, making it 
available for other peripherals. 

"Okay, it handles color input 
and manipulation quickly and 
easily, but how about output?" 
Is this your next question? 
Well, SpectraScan can convert 
its 24 bit per pixel data into a 
standard Amiga HAM image as 
■well as other standard image 
formats. In fact, future releases 
are expected to support 
conversion to popular Apple 
and IBM image foraiats. 
Several "hard copy" images 
were on display in the booth 
and most were printed by the 
H-P Paint Jet printer. This 
hjrther demonstrated the 
power of this package. 

ASDG believes SpectraScan 
may change what the words 
"desktop publishing" means in 
the future. SpectraScan lists at 
$995 for the software and 
hardware interface and the 
Sharp JX-450 scanner lists for 
$6995. Aldiough it is not 

ovteSettei* VLB <c> Gold Di^k Inc. 


MovieSetter, by Gold Disk, is billed as the first true WYSIWYG Amiga animation program 

18 Amazing Computing V3.1 2 ©1988 

Supra Corporation was on hand with a 
full line of Amiga peripherals including 
hard drives, memor>' boards, and 2400 
baud modems. The drive systems are 
full SCSI compatible and available in 
sizes up to 250MB. Memory boards 
containing up to 2MB can also be 
included into the drive systems available 
for the 500. Supra representatives were 
demonstrating just how quickly a series 
of IFF files could be read from the disk, 
achieving an almost "animation" 

Three new boards were shown at 
Interactive Video Systems' exhibit. Tliey 
introduced a new multi-function board 
called the Grand Slam for the Amiga 
2000. Tfiis board includes a SCSI hard 
disk controller, parallel port, serial port, 
and can contain up to 8 megabytes of 
RAM. What more could you wanL' 
Attendees who didn't need all the 
capabilities of the Grand Slam were 
shown IV's new hard disk controller, 
TrumpCard. The TrumpCard is a new 
entry into the low-cost SCSI disk 
controller market, retailing for $189- It 
can support up to 7 drives chained 
together, and has a socket for the new 
1.3 Auto Boot ROM. Interactive Video 
didn't stop there. Those waiting to 
"build" their own boards were 
introduced to Prototyping Tools, a fully 
functional, auto-configurating, bareboard 
for the Amiga 2000. With these three 
offerings Interactive Video can certainly 
say they have something for just about 

Spirit Technology was on hand to 
demonstrate a 2 megabyte memory 
board for the Amiga 500. This is an 
internal expansion board that fits under 
the radiation shield in the ventilation air 
flow. It uses 1 megabit 256k x 4 DRAMs 
and requires no jumpers and no 
soldering for installation. Also 
demonstrated was a ST-506 hard drive 
adaptor for the A500. This adaptor (also 
available for the AlOOO) attaches to the 
expansion bus and provides a slot that 
can hold a standard ST-506 hard drive 
controller (half size card). The ST-506 
interface is compatible with a wide range 
of hard drives found in the IBM and 
compatibles marketplace. 

Memory And Storage Technology (MASD 
was present demonstrating their unique 
hard drive (Tiny Tiger) that interfaces 
through the parallel port. That's right, 


335 Talcottville Road 
Vernon, CT O6066 

(800) 544-3665 

In CT 872-2667 






the printer port! Ft incorporates 
something they call "Transparent 
Transfer" circuits that allows it to 
distinguish between disk I/O request and 
other parallel port functions. MAST also 
had a few other of their "Matchbox 
Collection" on hand, which included a 
dual floppy disk drive set that is about 
the size of the standard Amiga external 
drive box. 

Want to speed up your A2000? 
Computer Systems Associates was on 
hand to demonstrate several products 
that would do just that. CSA offers 
accelerator boards for the A500, AlCXM, 
and A2000, These boards are designed 
to replace the 68000 with a more capable 
68020 running at I4mhz. This can cut 
the time required by CPU intensive 
programs dramatically. If you have an 
A2000, CSA is offering the DragStrip 
which can pack up to 1 6 megabytes of 
memory and features lightening fast 
screen updates and hard drive accesses. 

For those of us with A5(X)s and AlOOOs, 

who want the A2000 capability without 
giving up our cunent machines, Comp- 
U-Save may have just the ticket. The 

BusExpander, manufactured by Bill's 
Boards, is a motherboard that can be 
attached via cables to the A50O or 
AlOOO's expansion bus. Once placed 
inside an IBM AT style case with a 
power supply, you can then use any of 
the A2(XX) or IBM expansion cards that 
will fit in the A2000, Of course it takes a 
little work and requires more room than 
a 2000 would, but it may be a more cost- 
effective way to upgrade. The 
BusExpander sells for S495 and an AT 
case with power supply should cost less 
than $200. 

Naturally, the exhibitors demonstrating 
genlock capabilities and video titlers 
drew their share of the crowds. The 
video interface technology seems to be 
growing by leaps and bounds due to the 
Amiga, opening doors to a large nimiber 
of potential vertical markets. 

The people at A-Squared Distributions' 
booth were hard at work demonstrating 
their newest hardware for video effects, 
the LIVEI2000. LIVE!2000 rounds out 
their line of LIVE! video frame grabbing 
hardware which has already been 
available for the A500 and AlOOO. The 

Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 19 


tnky dink 

ink-jet ink for printers 

speciaily Ibrmulaicd for ihe Xerox 4020 
and Diablo c-150 primers. 

3 sizes, 4 colors, 
tesled over a year 

iiajf the price of 
the manufaclures 

Br u mmb a r 's 

a series of IFF painted 
backgrounds, brushes and 
objects. Brummbar is recog- 
nized throughout the indus- 
try as a master of the Amiga 

^■■^iis??' a cable inlerfacc 
connecting Y-C video to S-vidco 
(super vhs, ed beta) VCR's and 

(213) 277-8272 

A2QQ0 version has two video input jacks 
and allows you to fade, wipe, and cut 
between the two video sources. The list 
price for the LIVE!2000 board is $450. 

Elan Design was on hand demonstrating 
their software which relies upon the 
LIVE! hardware. Invision allows the 
Amiga to become a real-time video 
efTects system. With this product you 
can change the image color, mix it with 
an image from your favorite paint 
program, or stop the action. Anyone 
thinking about making their own "film", 
mixing animations with real life, will 
have to give Elan Design a look. 

Several vendors were on hand 
demonstrating the latest hardware 
available for broadcast quality genlock. 
Two such exhibitors were Digital 
Creations, offering SuperGen, and Magni 
Systems with ±ieir 4000 Series. The 
products offered by these companies had 
a number of people mesmerized for long 
periods of time. Both products look 
surprisingly similar on the outside, 
although there were some significant 
differences. Each product comes with its 
own "controller" panel which has two 

slide pots to control the mix of the video 
signal from an external source and the 
Amiga. Adjusting one of the slides from 
one end to the other causes the image 
on tlie screen to switch gradually from 
one source to the other. Magni's 
controller also offered the ability to mask 
out one of the colors from the Amiga 
source allowing the video signal to show 
dnrough from behind. Perhaps the most 
significant difference between the 
products is that SuperGen is compatible 
with all three Amiga Systems, whUe 
Magni Systems' 4000 Series is only 
available for the 2000 and another 
computer called die IBM. 

Most everyone in the Amiga communit>' 
knows what a Boing Ball is, but how 
about the Boing Mouse? What's a Boing 
Mouse? It's an- optical, three button 
mouse for the Amiga that was 
demonstrated at AmiEXPO! Instead of a 
roller in the bottom of the mouse, it has 
a LED and comes with a mirror pad. 
The mirror pad has a grid on it that tells 
the mouse where it is moving. No more 
"click-click-dick" when you roll across 
the table! The Boing Mouse is 
compatible widi the existing Amiga 

mouse port and comes with a 4 foot 
cable. Boing Mouse is slated for release 
on December 7, and will be available 
from: Boing, 1881 EUwell Dr., Milpitas, 

If their interest in Amiga Hardware 
waned, attendees of AmiEXPO had a 
variety of software exhibits to visit, Of 
course some of the most popular booths 
were the bootlis demonstrating grapliics 
and animation software. A number of 
new tides were demonstrated at the 
show or announced for "eminent" 

Antic Publishing, a familiar name in the 
Atari arena, is making a big splash in the 
Amiga marketplace by introducing two 
new software packages and a disk 
collection that users of Sculpt 3D and 
Videoscape 3D might find interesting. 
Zoetrope, autliored by Jim Kent who 
brought the Aegis Animator to the 
Amiga, is Antic's new animation system, 
Zoetrope gives the user the ability to 
create cell animations over any range of 
frames. Jim didn't forget compatibility 
either — Zoetrope accepts the fde 
formats of IFF, 'VideoScape 3D, Aegis 
Titler, Aegis Animator, and LIVE!. Antic 
has also entered the games market by 
introducing the first HAM mode graphics 
game, Pioneer Plague! Pioneer is a 
multi-level, arcade style, strategic action 
game that uses the HAM graphics mode 
and stereo sound. This one may be the 
first of a new generation of video games. 

Not to be left out, B)te by Byte was on 
hand fielding questions and 
demonstrating Sculpt 3D, Animate 3D 
and their latest offering, Sculpt Animate 
4D. Needless to say, there was always a 
crowd at their booth watching with 

MovieSetter is another interesting 
animation product announced by Gold 
Disk. MovieSetter is billed as "the first 
true what you see is what you get 
animation program for the Amiga". Gold 
Disk says that this product includes 
animation techniques that were 
pioneered by Walt Disney studios. It wiU 
allow you to create several minutes of 
"movies" without tremendous memory 
requirement (1 meg is recommended). 
MovieSetter also handles animation 
speeds up to 60 frames per second, and 
supports fijll stereo sound and panning. 
For those of us who aren't artists, a set of 

20 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 



9 pin, 23 pin, 25 pin D-Subs 
3 pin, 5 pin, 6 pin, 14 pin Dins 

Other sizes and Hoods also in stock 

Aii sizes of Centronics Connectors, 
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IDC Socl<et Connectors 

Call or write today for price list or quote. 


1103 Royal Parkway, #109 

Euless, TX 76040 

(817) 354-0946 

"charaaers" is included with the 

By Che way, if you have produced an 
impressive graphics and/or animations 
demo for the Amiga, then you might be 
interested in knowing that AmiEXFO has 
announced a graphic and art contest! 
Categories and prizes for the contest will 

Two Dimensional Image - An A-Pro 
Draw Package from R & DL Productions, 
Three Dimensional Image - A 
"Piggyback" Accelerator from CSA 
Digitized Image - A "Perfect Vision" 
Digitizer from Sunrize Industries 
Animation - A 20meg Hard Drive from 
Supra Corporation Mixed Media Video - 
"Live" from A-Squared and "Invision" 
from Elan Design 

The contest will be judged during 
AmiEXPO in New York, March 3-5, 1989. 
Official rules and application forms for 
the contest can be obtained by 
writing to: 

AmiEXPO: ArtA'ideo Competition 
Attn: Stephen Jacobs 
211 E. 43rd St Suite 301 
New York. NY 10017 

A sight and sound extravaganza 

As we stated at the beginning of this 
column, AmiEXPO California '88 was a 
sight and sound extravaganza. Even 
before that first attendee walked through 
the door, the exhibitors with offerings in 
the "sound" area were tuning (or 
turning) up the band. At several points 

during the show, the sound level 
reached that of a rock concert. 
Fortunately, nobody suffered any 
permanent damage and most seemed to 
actually enjoy the competition. 

MicroIUusions had one of the larger 
booths in the hall, exhibiting a variety of 
available titles. Demonstrations of 
Photon Paint were shown on a large 
screen projector so no one had any 
trouble getting a good view. On the 
otlier side of the exliibit, MicroIUusions 
had Music-X, a music software package 
that interfaces with MIDI devices. It was 
apparent that a great amount of effort 
has been put into making the software 
an excellent product. The system 
supports real-time recording, includes a 
number of editing features, and has a 

Zorro II 
Prototyping Board 

* Over 4400 Plated Holes on a 0.1" Grid. 

* Gold Plated Edge Connector. 

* "D"-type I/O Conncclor Piiitcrn. 

* Accepts 64 Pin DIPs unci 14.\14 PGAs. 

* Low Inducl:ince Power and Ground 

Pattern lor Migli-Spocd Designs. 

* [iosigncd for Maxinuin) Flexibility. 

* Includes Mounting llracket. 

1(1 order, stfnd: 

clicck or mimcj order for S49.95 + 

local sales lai (California only) t 

shipping & handling (US: S3!oO. Foreign: S6.00J 
m US dollars lo: 

Celestial Systems 

Department M 

2175 Agate Coun 

SimI Vailev. CA 9.^065- 1 g.i9 

(805) 582-0729 

configurable librarian that is capable of 
handling almost any size sample. 

Brown- Wagh Publlshing's booth 
contained packages from most of the 
developers that they market, including 
Zuma Group, PAR Software, and the 
Softwood Company. Brown-Wagh just 
announced a new product they will be 
publishing called MIDI Magic, developed 
by Circum Design. MIDI Magic appears 
to be a promising product for the music 
novice, as well as, the music expert. The 
screens use windows, gadgets, and 
menus, much like other Amiga products 
currently available. If you can't 
remember what to do, just press the 
HELP key and the online help screen will 
be displayed. The program's controls are 
based upon the standard tape deck, with 

play, record, pause, rewind and fast 
forward. Other interesting features 
include the use of a "fuel gauge" for the 
amount of memory left and a metronome 
to count the beats. Beginners wiU 
probably have no difficulty using this 
package to delve into the world of MIDI. 

Precision Incorporated's newest product 
is Pro'Sound Designer. It is a new 
sound sampler that will sample up to 
32kH2 in mono and l6kHz in stereo. 
With the software included in the 
package, it is possible to edit up to four 
sound samples at once. The user 
interface looked very good and seemed 
quite easy to use. Midi-Plus software 
included in the Pro'Sound Designer 
package allows sounds recorded with the 
sampler to be played back through a 
MIDI keyboard, or the Amiga. 
Pro'Sound Designer lists for S159.95. 

Owners of Precision Incorporated 
products can now get technical 
assistance through the Official Superbase 
Information Network (OSIN) on 
American People/Link. According to a 
press release, Precision plans to 
implement a support program for 
developers wishing to develop and 
market their own Superbase applications. 
The OSAD (Official Superbase 
Application Developer) program will 
give developers access to proprietary 
information about Superbase, as well as 
marketing assistance for products 
developed with Superbase. This 
program should be in place after 
November 30. 

New Store! 


Comp u ters & Software 

Authorized Amiga Dealer 

8005 Archibald 

RanchoCucamonga, CA 91730 


The Inland Impire 

Amazing Computing VJ. 12 ©1988 21 

Aegis astounded a great many attendees 
■with its impressive list of audio and 
visual products including two or their 
newest titles, Lights! Camera! Action!, and 
AudioMaster II. Lights! Camera! Action! 
offers the ability to combine IFF pictures, 
IFF sounds, Aegis Sonix scores, and 
ANLM style animations into a single 
presentation. Aegis thinks this product 
supplies the necessary capabilities to 
develop business and educational 
presentations, as well as, videos for 
product demonstrations. AudioMaster II 
is a full blown digital sampling and 
editing package. It allows you to alter 
and store full stereo sounds into a true 
digital stereo sample. Sampling rates up 
to 44K are supported and if your Amiga 
is equipped with a 68020, AudioMaster II 
will support a rate of 56000 samples per 
second in mono or 52.6K in stereo. Of 
course the samples produced by 
AudioMaster II are usable with Lights! 
Camera! Action!. 

The Business side of the Amiga 

Business and productivity tools are 
proving that the Amiga is, indeed, a 
powerful machine. Anyone who is 
inclined to say the Amiga is just a great 
graphics machine has not seen what is 
available. Numerous vendors had 
exhibits to demonstrate their wares for 
the home and business. 

One of the newest programs to enter the 
productivity world is MAGELLAN, from 
Emerald Intelligence. iVLAGELLAN is a 
software system designed to simplify the 
development of expert systems. Using 
this package, it is possible to capture 
information from human experts, which 
can then be used to help aide "non- 
experts". The system is built around "IF 
- THEN" rules or constructs, the same 
way that a great many "human" decisions 
are made. Using these rules and 
statements like, "If the system won't turn 
on then the electricity must be off, 
MAGELLAN makes it possible to build an 
expert system to help solve computer 
problems. In fact, it would be interesting 
to find out if they have thought about 
designing a teclinical support expert 
system using MAGELLAN. 

Software Visions flew coast-to-coast to let 
visitors to AmiEXPO see their latest 
version of Microfiche FUer. Microfiche 
Filer Plus has all the same capabilities of 
its predecessor and has added a number 
of new features. Now included in the 

product is the ability' to store HAM and 
overscan graphics images, automatic 
number formatting, automatic field 
calculations, and a full AREXX interface. 
The AREXX interface is especially useful 
because it allows the product to 
"communicate" with other AREXX 
compatible products. Using Microfiche 
Filer, it is possible to store thousands of 
records while being able to retrieve or 
sort tliem quickly and easily. The new 
HAM graphics support means tliat it is 
possible to build databases of high 
resolution pictures that could be used by 
"pictorial" based businesses like real 
estate or produa marketing. 

For those requiring modem 
communications, Oxxi Incorporated now 
offers A-Talk lU. Tliis package was 
developed by Felsina Software and 
includes all the standard features that 
everyone expects from communications 
software, plus a few more. It offers 
Specific support for 10 different modems 
and a generic modem for custom 
corifiguraiions. A-Talk is also capable of 
emulating 7 different popular terminal 
types. It supports graphics exporting to 
such programs as Deluxe Paint and Aegis 
Draw. If you don't like to type or can't 
always seem to remember a complicated 
sequence required to log into a bulletin 
board then the script language will help 
you out. A "learn" mode is offered that 
will build the script from recording the 
steps you perform. Once you have a 
script, it is then possible to edit it to 
make specific changes. Finally, A-Talk 
III has also joined those offering AREXX 
support. As an example of how useful 
this feature is suppose you don't have a 
client's number in your phone list in A- 
Taik III. Using the AREXX interface it is 
possible to query a database product 
(like iVticrofiche Filer Plus) to retrieve the 
number and return it to A-Talk III, which 
can then place your call. 

Oxxi also offers several other packages 
for the home and business use. 
MaxiPlan 500 and MaxiPlan Plus are high 
powered spreadsheet programs offering 
traditional Rinctionality while taking full 
advantage of the Amiga's unique 
environment. Nimbus 1, a small 
business accounting package, is offered 
for those who don't need or want overly 
complicated features. Witli Nimbus all 
the accounting functions are running 
concurrently, which means that in the 
middle of ujxlating an account you could 

write a check to someone. It is good to 
see that vendors recognize and use the 
power of a multi-tasking machine like 
the Amiga. 

Micro-Systems Software received a lot of 
attention by demonstrating the usefulness 
of its packages Excellence! and The 
Works! Platinum Edition. Excellence! is a 
WYSIWYG word processor that allows 
graphic images to be placed in the 
document and has a "spell check as you 
type" feature. The Works! is five 
programs integrated into one. Included 
is word processing, telecommunications, 
a database, a spreadsheet, and a 
sideways printing utilirj^ With The 
Works!, Micro-Systems has tried to 
address the most common needs of the 
home or small business user. 

Micro-SysteiTis Software attracted a lot of 
attention to themselves by using an 
"actor" inside the booth. A Madonna 
look-a-like lift-synced several songs, 
drawing people from all pans of the hall. 
Although, it may have been a little 
overdone, it did work. At a get together 
arranged by MSS on Saturday night, 
another person that closely resembled 
Elvira was out on the dance floor 
drawing looks from everyone. 

WordPerfect Corporation was present 
demonstrating tlie power and ease of use 
of its word processor. WordPerfect 
offers a new product called the Library' 
for die Amiga. The WordPerfect Library 
includes a Calendar to help keep track of 
important dates :md appointments; a File 
Manager to help organize and manage a 
personal database; a Calculator so you 
won't have to dig around on your desk 
looking for your real one; a Notebook to 
help maintain lists; and finally a Program 
Editor. This is a powerful text editor 
which has left out those word processing 
features that aren't useful to writing 
programs, while including programming 
features that aren't useful to word 

Prescript is the latest product offered 
from New Horizons Software. This 
softu'are package now makes it possible 
to print their Pro Write word processor 
files on a Postscript printer. If you don't 
have a Postscript compatible printer, 
ProScript can output the document to 
disk and you can send that file to 
someone that does, like a professional 
printing service. Having access to the 

22 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 


f E 5*. 


■ CJ.K'JiTJigiTTg' 

available foiik§,^^peU-A.s-You-'IVpe 90,000+ word Dictionary, Grammatical/Style Checker, Thesaurus^ 

Index and Tkblc of Contents generator, Headers, Footers and Footnotes! Skate through PostScript outpi 

Tmc WYSIWYG, automatic HyphenaUon, Math, beautiful resizable Color Graphics, flexible Mall Met^e, Co 

1^ and an easy-to-use Macro-Language making complex actions more hin than a sleigh ride! The fastest'; 

ssQC_fiD£.vour Amiga is the only one you'll ever needl Have an excellencet holldayr 




Micro-Systems SoltvwjiE 
Committed to excclle^-' 


©rest Hill Boulevard • West Palm Beach, Florida'33414 • 4O7-790i^ 

Sec your local dealer or call our Sales Uiij- 
iga is a r«:gistcrcd trademark of Commodore Business Machines • PostL, 
/.;_^:^>iieis>)l^cel is a registered trademark of Midtti 


*ed trademark of Adobe S 


Don Hicks Jrom Amazing Computing 
asked all Amiga users to get involved! 

Postscript world means that you will be 
able to produce "near" typeset quality 
documents without the need of a 

Soft-Logik Publishing Corporation has 
gone a step further than most by offering 
a complete desktop publishing product 
called Publishing Partner Professional. 
This package offers the features of a full 
blown word processor as well as many 
of the features required for t>'pesetting, 
including Postscript output. If you don't 
have a Postscript printer, it offers full dot 
matrix support, including color printers. 
The program also includes a number of 
graphics import capabilities and has its 
own art program too, allc^sing you to 
include art inside you documents and 
flow text around it. 

Of course few of the great products 
avaOable on the Amiga are possible 
without program languages. Lattice, Inc. 
has armounced that Lattice C 5.0 should 
be shipping in November. We were 
impressed with the new features and 
improved capabilities of Lattice C. 
Building on the many features that have 
been offered in past versions, 5.0 will be 
the new state-of-the-art C programming 
language for the Amiga. It will come 
with two binders of documentation that 
appears to be well written and 
organized. One of the new additions to 
the produa is a debugger that will allow 
breakpoints to be set in multiple task 
simultaneously. If you have ever tried to 

debug a program that communicates 

with another, you can appreciate this 
feature. Several other programs and 
utilities will be included with the product 
to aide in program development. If you 
are considering purchasing a C language 
or upgrading your existing one then 
check into Lattice. 

Naturally a great many games were on 

display at AmiEXPO. Some we have 
already mentioned but many we have 
not. Games attracted a lot of attention at 
the show, which just goes to prove that 
Amiga users also know how to have a 
good time. 

Haitex Resources stayed busy from 
beginning to end demonstrating their X- 
Specs 3D glasses. These enable the 
wearer to experience a new dimension 
in computer graphics and game software. 
Programs have to be written to support 
the glasses which contain high-speed 
liquid crystal shutters. Opening and 
closing the shutters independendy at 30 
frames per second causes each eye to 
see a slighdy different version of die 
screen. This is similar to the technology 
used to make 3D movies, except they 
use filters to alter what each eye sees. 
Looking at the screen without the glasses 
is much the same as looking at a 3D 
movie without their glasses. 

Another interesting game just out is 
called StellarX from Laser 
Gamesmanship. This game might 
remind you of the old Asteroids arcade 
game, but it is much more than that 
game ever was. There are dozens of 
levels to traverse, more aliens to conquer 
and terrific arcade type action in this 
game. I wish I had a quarter for 
everyone that tried this game at 
AmiEXPO. A unique feature of the game 
is that is has online help, which is 
available by pressing the Help key. 

Microdeal had several interesting titles on 
display at their booth. Their latest game 
is called Tanglewood. Tanglewood is a 
graphics adventure game, but no text 
entry is required. The basic story 
revolves around your search for some 
very important documents. It's not as 
easy as you might think — because you 
are on an alien planet with a harsh 
environment and hostile competitors. 
You have 5 old style "mobiles" at your 
disposal but they each have different 
abilities. To solve the game you will 









Perry Kitolowits received the first 

Amazing Computing 

Amiga Achievement Award 

have to leam which to use in cenain 

One title that turned a lot of heads at the 
show was in the Free Spirit booth. 
Hardly anyone could resist stopping (at 
least for an instance) to look at the 
package for Sex Vixens From Space. 
The only thing that we'll tell you about 
this game is the disclaimer that appears 
on the box: "Free Spirit Sofhvare, Inc. 
disclaims any responsibility for alleged 
damages, consequential or 
inconsequential, resulting from 
inappropriate use of this game. This 
includes, but is not limited to, allegations 
of eyestrain, near-sightedness, high 
blood presstire, feeble-mindedness, 
priapism, nymphomania, nervousness, 
insanity (temporary or permanent), 
unwanted hair growth or loss, mental 
incapacitadon, excessive perspiration or 
general physical debilitation." What 
more could we say? 

Starvision International introduced three 
new entertainment games that are to be 
released this year. Mega Finball is an 
arcade style pinball machine game 
boasting hyper sound effects and superb 
graphics. Twin Ranger is another arcade 
style game that can handle 2 players 
while smoothly scrolling horizontally and 
vertically. Snowberry is a game based 
upon a weekly televised program. In 
this game you control Snowberry, a litde 
bear, by making him jump from one ice 

24 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

When it^s all been done 

Pioneer Probe Mark IV: 

the answer to planetary over- 
population. A self-replicating, 
terra-forming robotic space- 
ship. At first, it worked like a 
dream. But then, something 
went wrong. And now, it's out 
of control, mindlessly spewing 
its destructive offspring 
throughout the galaxy. 
It's coming — but maybe, just 
maybe, you can stop it. 
You must try! 

The first game with 

"HAM Mode" 

for the Amiga 


E10NEER Plague: 


: for Pioneer PI 
only $39.95, at yo^i 
vaote computer ^ore, 
i^ ' or AH 800-234-7^01 

.;. V^- 

yuefines the future in Amiga game develop- 

• Executed in "HAM mode", bringing 4,096 
colors to the screen. 

• Designed to instantly challenge you with the 
excitement of its arcade-style action while 
drawing you into an adventure set against a 
vast galactic tapestry. 

• Sub-Euclidian hyper travel 

• Orca Drories: programmable combat support 
aircraft. You design your own offensive and 
defensive tactics. Every timej^ou play, it's 

A sinister cast of increasingly clever oppo- 

Qualitative scoring to help you improve your 
game play. 

Original stereo music score 
Digitized sound effects 









TKRR[nC50FTWARE™ is i divisSonof Aniic Sollware, 5M Sctond StrMi, S>n FrJnciKO, CA 94107 
(415) re?-*!***. Tcirific Softwirc, Antic Softwirt jnd AnIU ite tradcm^irks of Anik I'ublishing, Inc. 
'Amiga is a re^Slf red trademark of Amiga-Commodore, Inc. 

block lo another without falling in the 
icy water. 

There were itmny more exhibitors and 
products at the show than could be 
covered in this article. These we have 
mentioned were just a few of the most 
noticeable at the California AmiEXPO. 
Of course, there's more to "The Amiga 
Event" than products and booths. 
Several keynote addresses were made by 
prominent people from the Amiga 
industry and seminars were held to 
exchange information about program 
development on the Amiga. Joel 
Shusterman, vice president of Marketing 
for Commodore, gave the first keynote 
address. A large audience was on hand 
to hear from the former president and 
founder of the Franklin Computer 
Corporadon. (Franklin made Apple 
compatible equipment). He expressed 
great enthusiasm at the prospjea of being 
able to market the Amiga, calling it "the 
best kept secret in the industry". He 
hopes to turn around the Amiga market, 
and get the word out to the rest of the 

Shusterman said that Commodore will 
begin focusing on the professional video, 
home video, graphic arts, and multi- 
media markets. A videotape aimed at 
the graphic arts market was shown 
during die speech. Mr. Shusterman 
indicated that, in the near future, 
Commodore would be making more 
video tapes aimed at other markets. 

According to Shusterman, within the next 

ninety days, die following products wiU 
be shipping from Commodore: 

o A2620 - The 68020 board. 

o A2286 - The AT bridge board (XT and 

AT compatibility), with 1 MB RAM. 
o Amiga 2000HD - A bundled package 

that includes an Amiga 2000, a 40 

MB/20 ms hard drive, and the 2090A 

hard disk controller, 
o Amiga 2500 - A bundled package 

consisting of the Amiga 20(X)HD and 

the A2620 card. 

Hard disks that are shipped will already 
be formatted and configured, meaning 
that purchasers will be able to use them 
right out of the box Mr. Shusterman 
also stated that there will be an upgrade 
program for owners of tlie 2090 hard 
drive controller to the newer 2090A card. 

Don Hicks, managing editor of Amazing 
Computing gave the second keynote. Mr. 
Hicks talked about a variety of different 
things concerning Amazing Computing 
magazine and the Amiga community. 

Mr. Hicks applauded all the developers 
and Amiga owners who are helping to 
make the Amiga a success. He stated 
that two years ago, there were 186 
developers in the Amazing Computing 
product guide. As of this writing, tlie 
product guide that is currently being 
compiled will have over 600 developers, 
and almost 1200 products for the Amiga. 

Continuing his discussion about the 

magazine and the Amiga, Don suggested 
every Amiga user had a responsibility to 
tell the Amiga developers and vendors 
what they exf)ected and needed in 
Amiga products. He suggested, "If you 
have any comments or suggestions for 
Amazing Computing, or any Amiga 
company, send them a letter! Letters 
receive a tremendous amount of respect. 
Remember, you are the best resource we 
Amiga developers have." 

Don Hicks had the honor of announcing 
the winner of the first Amiga Community 
Service Award. This award was given to 
Perry Kivolowitz, president of ASDG. 
Don spoke of Perry's contributions, not 
only through ASDG, but also throughout 

the /Vmiga community in both hardware 
and software. Perry, who co-authored 
the Amiga Working groups proposal, is 
working to bring developers in the 
Amiga community together to help 
enhance the Amiga. Congratulations 

Fred Fish gave the keynote address on 
the last day of AmiEXPO. A sizeable 
audience gathered that morning to listen 
to tlie famous software "packrat" (as he 
called himself) of freely redistributable 
software. In his address, he explained 
how the library got started and how he 
decides what software will appear on the 
Fred Fish disks. He also addressed what 
the terms "public domain" and "freely 
redistributable" really mean and how 
important such software is to the Amiga. 
Mr. Fish also spoke of what he hopjes tlie 
future of the Amiga will hold and ended 
his talk by fielding questions from the 

Of course Amiga shows are more than 
just products and sp>eeches — tJiey're fun 
too. It's a time and place where Amiga 
users can get together to rub elbows 
with each other and have a good time. 
In faa, they are almost like family 
reunions! The next time AmiEXPO is in 
your part of the country, try to take a 
day and visit. You won't be 


Three Amiga users won a complete set of 
Public Domain Software from Amazing Computing 

Chris Lavoire 
Carson, CA 
Ron Wilson 
Garden Grove, CA 

Penny M. Kariberg 

Long Beach, CA 

A special thank you to all diose 

individuals who participated. 

^ Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 





The largest collection of fonts and clip art available in a 
single package for the AMIGA. 


This doesn't mean 10 sizes of 11 fonts. It means 110 


Specially designed for video work. 95 % of the fonts 
are over 100 pt. tall. Easily resized smaller. 


141 hi-res DPaint II pages. There are thousands of 
objects and examples. 


BRUSHES - 2 disks full of color brushes. 

COLORFONTS - 4 full disks. 

100 PAGE MANUAL - Full size font printouts. 

20 DISK SET- ONLY $199.00 

Contact your local AMIGA dealer or order direct from 

AROCK Computer Software, 1306 E. Sunshine, 

Springfield, >10 65804 1-800-288-AROK 

DPaint II is a registered trademark of Electronic Arts. 

AmiEXPO California '88 Exhibitors 

A-3quarcd Distributions^ Inc. 


Oakland, CA !>46tl 
(415) 339-0339 



Santa MoixUa, CA 09405 

1(800} 458-5078 

Amazifig Compntlng 

P.O. Box 859 
FaURixr.J.U 02720 

Amiga Sentry 

7B<S Old Marple Bd 
SpHngfieid, PA 19064 
(215) 544-6394 


Pderborough, .VW 03459 
(603) 924-947} 


5124 Ss. Laurent 
Suite 100 
VilteSte. Calberine 
Quetiea JOL lEO Canada 
(5 W 636-6303 

AMnews Corporation 

P.O Box 1389 

GuemevlUe, CA 95446-1389 


AMU9C, The New York Amiga 

Users Grotip 

151 tsi Aivnue, Suite 182 

New Yorlc. KY 

(212) 460-8067 

Antic Publishing 


Son Pmrtcisco, CA 94107 



14! Del Medio Am, Su. 210 
Ml. Vt£w. CA 94040 
(408) T42-S817 


925 Siewim Smei 

Madison, WI 53713 

Audio Transcripts 

610 Madison Slnxi 
Alsamdria, VA 22314 

B^Stde Design 

701 Sophia Street 
Predrtclaburg, VA 

Brmnn -Wagb PubUiblxg 

Suae 210 

lot Galas, CA 050300 
1(800) 451-0900 

Byte by Byte Corpomtion 

3736 Bee Cave Rd. 


Auslilt, TX 73746 


Commodore Amiga User UttcraalloiMl 

40 Bouiing Green Lane 
London, L'tiUed Kingdom 
01 M41-2780333 

CnmniodoiT Business Madilncs, Inc- 

1200 Wilson Dnve 
Wbest Chester, PA 19380 
(215) 431—9100 


P.O. Soar 712, Vtaoria SUuiCm 
Montreal, Quebec H3Z 2V8 Canada 


414 Mt^ Ate 
Westbury, AT 11590 


324 If. VendouerAve 


Crtensborv, ,fC 2740B 


Creative Compiiters 

4453 Hedondo Beach Bculevard 

Laivndale, CA 90260 

(213) 542— 2292 

Creative Microsystems, Inc- 

101 10 S.\C'. Nimbus 


Portland, OK 97223 


DIgiul Creatioas 

Suite F 

Sacramento, CA 95827 
(916) 446-0270 


739 Navy SL 

Santa Monlai, CA 90405 


Elan Design 

P.O. Hoc 31725 

San franctsca, CA 94131 

(415) 621-8673 

Emerald Intelligence 

334 Souib Stale Suvet 

Ann Arbor, .Michigan 48104 

(313) 663-8757 


1900 Brooklane, E-9 
Elk-nsbuTg. OP 98926 
(509) 962-6S70 

noally Technologies 

1377 9lb Avenue 

San Pmnctsco, a 94122 

(415) 564-5903 

Free Spirit Software, Inc. 

3S Nobkc Street 
Kutnoum, PA 19530 

Puller Computer Systems 

706 r. Braadu'ay 

Glendale. CA 91204 

Gold Disk 

P.O. Box 789. anjHsutfte 
MiSSissatAgts, Ontario 
Canada L5M 2C2 

Great Valley Products 

,Valixm, PA 19355 

Hallcx Resources 

208 Carmllion Park 
Suite 1207 

CarroUlon, TX 15006 
(2 14)) 24 1-8030 

Innovislon Tecbnoiogy 

P.O. Box 743 
Hayward, CA 94543 

Interactive Video Systems 
15201 Santa CerirudtsAve. 

Suae y 102 

la Miranda, CA 90638 
(714) 994-4443 


1493. 'iU. VIewAix 
Cbtco, CA 95926 
(916) 343-7658 

Lattice Inc. 

2500 South Highland Ave. 
Lombard, Illinois 60148 


.'^1tigni Systems, Inc. 
9500 Sll' Gemini Drive 
Beaivrton, OR 97005 

Manx Software 
1 Industrittl Way 
Eatoniam, NJ 07724 
(201) 542-2750 

Memory And Storage 

Technical Excellence 
7631 East Greentaty Rd 
SoMsdale, Arizona 85260 
(602) 483-6359 


576S. nkgitpb 
Pontiac, Ml 48053 


1 7408 Chalsuarth St. 
Granada HUis, CA. 91344 


1800 iV. [ligbland Street 
Suite 220 

Holfyuxxd, CA 90028 

Mlcro-Sysicms Software, Inc. 

4301 -IS Oak Circle 
Boca Haton, EL 33431 

Mlodware International 

230 Bayvleiii Drive 

Suite 1 

Barrie, Ontario L4N 4YS (jtnada 

(705) 737-5998 

Monllcrm Corporation 

5140 Gnvn Circle Drit/e 
Minnetonia, MS 55343 

New Horizons Software 

P.O. Box 43167 
Austin. Texas 78745 

NewTek, Inc. 

IIS v. Crane St 
Tnpeia, US 66603 

Oxxi Incorporated 


Long Beacb, CA 90809 


Precision Incorporated 

8404 Sterling St. 


Irvtng, TX 75063 

(214) 929-4888 


*3 Lagoon Or, 

Suite 180 

Redwood City, CA 94065 



P.O. Box 1093 
Alameda. Ci 94501 
(415) 769-9325 

Scdona Software 

1 1828 Ranclia Bernardo Road 


San Diego, Ol 92128 

(619) 451-0151 

Silent Software, Use 

706 W. Broadway 
Suite 202 

Glendale, CA 91204 

Soft'LcigUi PubUstiing Corporation 

11131 South TowneSquare 

Suite F 

St. Louis. MO 63123 


Software \1s1oqs. Inc. 
Framingbam, .'<fA 01701 

Spirit Tccnology 

220 West 2950 South 
Salt Lalie City. Utah 84115 

Starvislon International 

3fi5 Madison Au! 

Suite 41 1 

New York, NY 10165 


Supra Corporation 

1133 Commercial Wt^ 
Albany, OR 97321 

TritTec Corporation Intemational 

9276 Adelpbi Road 

Suite 102 

Adelpbi, MD 20783-2029 


WordPerfect Corporation 

288 It'ai Center St. 
Oram, Utah 84057 

Your Amiga 

AS J'. 

One Ijolden Square 

London, Wl R 3AB United Kingdom 


28 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 



by John Steiner 

The time has finally come to 
announce a long awaited upgrade notice. 
If you have not been living in a vacuum, 
you may have already heard about the 
availability ofWorkbench 1.3. For 
those of you who have not yet received 
the upgrade, here are the details. 

Workbench 1.3 has a suggested 
retail price of $29-95 and comes with 
both Kickstart and Workbench 1.3 disks 
plus documentation. Amiga 2000 and 
500 owners do not, of course, need the 
kickstart disk, as your Kickstart is internal 
to the computer in ROM. This brings up 
a question of the necessity of upgrading 
the Kickstart ROMs. The only feature 
that the new Kickstart ROMs have that is 
not in the original 1.2 Kickstart ROM is a 
hard disk auto-booting feature. If you 
wish to have your Amiga 2000 or 500 
boot direcdy from a hard disk, you will 
have to order a new Kickstart ROM. The 
ROM upgrade has a suggested retail 
price of S45.O0. 

The availability ofWorkbench 1.3 
is expected to be in short supply. The 
upgrades may be purchased at your local 
Amiga dealer, if he has them. One local 
dealership was told when the upgrades 
were ordered, that all dealers would be 
receiving only 40% of the total number 
ordered with the first shipment. The 
remainder of the order would be filled as 
production catches up with demand. 

Two other upgraded products 
have been released by Commodore. The 
A209OA auto-booting (with 1.3 kickstart) 
controller has replaced the A2090 which 
has been discontinued. The pricing 
remains unchanged. The A2052 RAM 
expansion board with 2 MB of RAM has 
been replaced by the A2058 board. The 
latter board has 8 MB of sockets, with 2 
MB chips included. Pricing on this board 
is expeaed to be slightly higher than the 

older board, however, the current price 
was not available as of this writing. 
Also, for current owners of tliis 
hardware, there was no announced 
upgrade path, and none was expected. 

According to a notice posted to 
Peoplelink, the HP PaintJet driver in 
WordPerfect needs a slight modification 
to make the bold function shut off The 
command passed to the printer from the 
8/10/88 version of WordPerfect is 
<27>(s)B. It should be <27>(sOB. The 
posting recommends correcting the 
mistyped character with WordPerfect's 
PrintDef program. 

Early shipments of Gold Disk's 
unique publishing program Comic 
Setter have a problem with the printer 
drivers. If you have recendy purchased a 
Comic Setter and it will not print a comic 
, you can return your disk to the dealer 
for replacement. After shipping several 
hundred of these packages (I was told by 
the folks at Gold Disk that the number of 
copies of the program that were pre-sold 
was tremendous), they found that they 
had accidentally shipped version 1.3 
printer drivers with an incompatible 
version of printer.device. If you have a 
hard disk and have not tried to boot and 
print direcdy from your Comic Setter 
disks, you probably won't have noticed a 
problem. They were very apologetic diat 
this problem occurred, and they 
promised that they were sending 
correaed disks to dealers directly for 
replacement. They also said that if a 
dealer could not help the customer with 
this problem, to contact Gold Disk 
direcdy. According to the representative 
from Gold Disk, dealers were shipped 
enough corrected disks to match the 
number of units originally ordered. 

Gold Disk, Inc. 

Box 789 


Mississauga ONT Canada 

L5M 2C2 


Aegis VideoTltler has a bug that 
involves operation from the WorkBench 
when used from a hard drive. It seems 
that VideoTider only operates properly 
from the CU when it is started from a 
hard drive. This same problem also 
exists with Aegis Draw Plus, as was 
reported in Bug Bytes in volume 3.1. 
Aegis technical support suggests starting 
both programs from the CLI rather than 
the Workbench. 

One suggested workaround for 
those who really want to start their 
software from the Workbench is Xicon 
which is on the Fred Fish disks, and can 
now be found in the C directory of 
Workbench 1.3. Xicon allows you to 
execute CLI only batch files and 
programs by clicking on an icon. I 
haven't tried this fix with eidier of these 
programs, but it is worth the attempt. 

Aegis Development 

2210 Wilshire Bivd Suite 277 

Santa Monica, CA 90403 

(800) 345-9871 

The exploding crop of computer 
viruses may be an annoyance for 
computer owners, but they are a real 
headache for software manufacturers. 
Developers need to be especially aware 
of their responsibilities in making sure 
their master disks don't become infected 
by one of the numerous viruses that are 
floating around the computing 
community. It would be easy to spread 
the virus to hundreds, e\'en thousands of 


Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 29 

previously uninfected computers with 
just one mistake. Unfortunately this 
problem has occured on several 

I almost hesitate to single out any 
manufacturer by pointing out that their 
originals might be infected, but a 
spokesperson for Sound Quest, 
manufacturer of Texture, provided a 
statement regarding the release of an 
upgrade to this high quality music 
oriented software package which I felt 
presented a clear view of the problems 
encountered by any software 
manufacturer in this age of viruses. 

Unfortunately, in our haste to 
release The Quest I: Texture, tliere 
were several disks shipped with two 
versions of song fiJes. The song files 
NOT in the Song Drawer are the proper 
ones. In addition, without our 
knowledge tiie SCA Virus cropped up. 
Needless to say, this did not improve our 
day. It can be removed by running die 
Install program, using a dean write- 
protected Workbench on the Quest disk. 
This will not damage the program. We 
have learned a real lesson and apologize 
to those inconvenienced. We believe in 
providing software support to our 
customers. And, anyone still concerned 
with their disk should call us witli their 
warranty numb)cr and we will replace 
their disk happily. Tliis is our 12th 
software product for tlie Amiga and we 
hope to provide many more in the 

What we did to The Quest I: 
Texture was to: 

1) Remove the need for the Roland 
MPU-401 hardware 


2) Maintain its ROCK-SOUD timing. 

3) Provide a comprehensive pull- 
down menu/mouse/keyboard 
screen display. 

4) Reduce the list price of Texture 
from $700 to $150. 

We can be reached at: 

Sound Quest, Inc. 

5 Glenaden Avenue East 

Toronto, Canada M8Y 2L2 


While on the topic of viruses, a 
program that everybody should have in 
their startup-sequence, VlrusX, has been 

upgraded to version 2, VirusX, once 
executed, remains active and unnoticed 

until you put an infected disk in the 
drive, whereupon it notifies you of chat 
fact. Viru.sX is public domain, and 
available on information sen'ices and 
bulletin boards ever>Tvhere as well as the 
Fred Fish collection. 

3-Demon is a graphics program 
from Mimetics that has just recently been 
upgraded, adding several new features 
including ilie ability to save Turbo Silver 
2.0 files, VideoScape Binary files, and 
Wavefront files. Also, bug fixes and 
improvements have been made to the 
package. Previous owners of the 
program can get an upgrade from 
Mimetics for just seven dollars to cover 
postage and handling. Send them your 
program disk and a check or money 
order for $7. 

Mimetics Corp. 

Box 1560 

Cupertino, CA 95015 


Harry Evangelou has recendy 
been hired as Haitex's X-CAD product 
manager. Harry has recently completed 
two add-on programs for use with X- 
CAD. A HPGL to X-CAD converter allows 
users to import their symbol databases 
from otlier packages until the DXF 
reader arrives, and an IFF brush to 
screenmenu convener that allows users 
to use any of the IFF drawing packages, 
such as Deluxe Paint to design custom 
menus. Harry has also created a custom 
menu template with several highly 
productive features. 

These files have been made 
available to X-Cad users and can be 
found on Bix, CompuServe, PeopleLink, 
and other BBS systems by now, If you 
do not have access to any of the 
networks, you may receive the programs 
by sending a blank disk with a SASE 
(make sure you include enough postage) 
to the address below. 

Harry Evangelou 

X-CAD Product Manager 

Haitex Resources 

208 Carroilton Park - Suite 1207 

CarroUton, Texas 75006 

(214) 241-8030 

Last month, I reported that 
Impulse, Inc. is now shipping Turbo 
Silver version 3.0 in both "Integer" and 
"Fast Floating Point" versions. At that 
time, complete details on the upgrade 
policy was not available. The upgrade to 
version 3,0, for owners of Turbo 2,0, is 
only $5.00 including a completely 
rewrinen 150 page manual punched to fit 
into your Silver 3-ring binder. 

If you are a registered owner of 
Turbo Silver, you should be receiving an 
upgrade letter from Impulse direcdy. If 
you haven't received a notice of the 
upgrade by die time you read this, call 
them about upgrading. 


6879 Shingle Creek Pkw>' Suite 112 

Mirmeapoiis, MN 55430 

According to tlie Gallery 3-D 
Newsletter from Byte-by-Byte, there will 
be an upgrade policy' for those who own 
Sculpt-3D and/or Animate 3D to Sculpt- 
Animate 4D. The new program will 
have a list price of S499. If you already 
own Sculpt 3D and Animate 3D and 
have sent your warranty cards in, the 
upgrade price will be SI 95- 

There are many new features to 
the program, including an enhanced user 
interface, grids and grid snap, user 
defmable keystroke macros, suppon for 
68020/30 and 68881/82, and many 

Byte by Byte 

9442 Capital of Texas Highway N. 

Austin, TX 78759 


That's all for this month. If you 
have any workarounds or bugs to report, 
or if you know of any upgrades to 
commercial software, you may nofify me 
by writing to: 

John Steiner 

c/o Amazing Computing 

Box 869 

Fall River, MA 02722 

...or leave EMail to 
Publisher on People Link 
73075,1735 on CompuServe 

30 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 


A. M. A Z I ISf G R E V I E 'W S 

The Amiga Gets Smart 

by Steve Gillmor 


Remember the day you first turned on your Amiga and entered the multitasking 
world of computing. How about the thrUl of DPaint 2, where you suddenly had a 
Paintbox on your desktop witii features and effects rivaling those previously available 
only at two or three hundred dollars an hour. 3D animation and raytracing you can't 
buy at any price. Desktop video when desktop publishing was barely out of its 

In every aspect of computing, the Amiga has ventured where no computer has 
gone before, pushing out at tiie boundaries of the state of the art while offering power 
at prices so low they brought in the first-time user in numbers now nearing one 

Now comes the worid of artifical intelligence in the form of MAGELLAN, expert 
system software for the Amiga from Emerald Intelligence. With the aid of a well- 
written manual, you can jump right in, but first let's backtrack with a little history. 


The story of AI is really the story of 
computing at an early crossroad. With the 
end of World War II, American and British 
scientists began applying their resources 
toward the development of what was to 
become the computer. Each team began with 
the same basic system-. An electronic 
machine driven by stored program directions 
to carry out numerical calculations. The 
British wanted these instructions to be based 
on logical operators such as "and," "or," and 
"not." These operators could be used to 
assemble more specialized numerical 
operators for arithmetic calculations, and to 
manipulate symbolic material such as 
statements in ordinary language. 

The Americans, however, were more 
interested in a simpler, faster machine to do 
arithmetic calculations, so they used 
numerical operators such as "+," "-," "<," etc. 
The British went along with this and 
confined AI work to a loose consortium of 

computer scientists and psychologists in theoretical research at the university level. In 
1950 Alan Turing, leader of the British team, tested the theory of "machine intelligence 
in a paper entitled "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." He posited placing a 
human in room A, an "intelligent" computer in Room B, and a second human 
"interrogator" in Room C. He or she communicates with Rooms A and B via teletype, 
and does not know who or what is in which room. If the intenogator cannot 
distinguish between the two responses then the computer in Room B is declared "as 
intelligent" as the person in Room A. 

(w^vvs^v^vvs^s v^vvrtVi 



Hy is it sKtssfff tfl detemine Aat ^ HEHER IISWCE is ? 

i^t msmi mi ffiii ft! fim the imm fsms. 

cmm %\imMi 



IF the IHEAIER BISIMTE is > 5.888188 

to ffselvt Isa^PiPt clanse 1 . , . . .^.„ 

(1). liO thf IHWER MOM is JHVE . ctttainty is l.MIIM. 

Why? explains why information is 

requested. The rule clause being 

investigated is displayed as well as the 

value sought to prove the rule. 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 51 

mfffitXuJrf^ I .F 

:::: Conclusions :::::::":::::::"""""=" 
tost recent assertion of this cell. „„„„„„, 
rherHEAIERME/^IS is DRIVE [certainty:!. 688689] 
all vstlues of this cell; 
IHEAIER HE^S is MVE [certainty = 1. 

HSfiliAl i."? • 1= 

Please enter the OBJECT to ft 
theater ^ ^ ^ 

The systeh can reason to dete: 

Hhat is the IREAUK MEANS 

Hhat AIIRIBIIE do you wish to find out about 'theater' 

Systen will select first solution to iwtch goal 
Forward chaining can resolve no new inforwation. 
Backward chaining has terninated, 

That was the theory. Getting a computer 
sman enough to do that, or a human smpid 
enough, has occupied much of the past fort)- 
years. It is only now with the advent of 
high-speed powerful chips and sophisticated 
software that we are learning how to 
inculcate a machine with the properties of 
the "expertise" of the human in various 
disciplines. Most expert systems work by 
encapsulating the knowledge of the expert 
in a series of IF-THEN rules. These rules are 
made up of the stuff of what we call 
intelligence: facts and heuristics, or ailes of 
thumb. This surface (or experiential) 
knowledge is distinguished from deep 
knowledge of formal principles and tlieories. 
Existing exfjert systems only provide good 
advice when they are used to assist users in 
solving problems that lie within narrowly 
defmed domains. One good rule of diumb 
for MAGELLAN is that IF you can do 
something with your Amiga, THEN the 
chances are good you can do it under 
control of a rule base. 


Let's do just that: Fire up MAGELLAN 
and go through its paces under the "control" 
of its 132-page manual and two disks, the 
program on a bootable 1.2 Workbench, and 
a data disk ftiU of sample knowledge bases. 
The manual is divided into tliree main 
sections: Level One, a Menu Options 
Overview; Level Two, Usage of the afore- 
mentioned Options; Level Three, Getting 
Started and a walkthrough tutorial on 
building a small expert system. A glossary 
that efficiently brings you up to speed in AI 
terminology follows, and an Appendix 
Introduction to Al runs the gamut from 
answering "What is Artificial Intelligence?" to 
"What applications has AI been successful 

(Top) On opening MAGELLAN, the bottom 
of the screen is filled with the DIALOG 
uAndow, which acts as an interactive 
message board. The top third of the screen 
is the CONTROL window, where help 
messages are displayed upon request. 

(Bottom) Build rules in the Rulebuild 
window using a simple, English-like 

The Components 

An Introduction describes the three major components of expert systems: 

1. The Inference Engine - the program that makes decisions, asks questions, and 
does the 'work'. 

2. The Interface - all of the software and hardware that connects the Inference Engine 
to the outside world including input via menus, keyboard, mouse, sensors, etc, and 
output through screens, -windows, printers and displays. 

3- The Knowledge Base - what the expert system knows about. An expert system to 
diagnose an automobile would have a specialized KB containing info about carburators 
and alternators. 

32 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ®1988 

This separation of powers, if you 
will, is one of the secrets of AI. Ninety 
five percent of tlie time spent debugging 
computer software is writing, waiting for 
compilers to compile, linking, re-editing, 
compiling. Witli knowledge-based 
programming, you change a rule, click 
and enter it, and that's it. MAGELLAN 
lets you break down a problem into 
simple IF-THEN rules that you enter in 
simple sentences like; IF car is not 
starting AND weather is rainy, THEN 
distributor cap is cracked. As few as 10 
or 20 rules can form a useful system. But 
unlike software where -we may never see 
DeluxePaint 3, we can change and add 
to the rules of a knowledge base to 
respond to new information as we get it. 
The Inference Engine remains intact, but 
the separate Knowledge Base and a 
variety of inputs changes. 

You're in CONTROL 

When you load MAGELLAN you 
come upon two windows set against 
the Emerald Intelligence green color 
background. The bottom of the screen is 
filled with the DLALOG window, which 
acts as an interactive message board. The 
top third of the screen is the CONTROL 
window, where help messages are 
displayed upon request. Clicking in die 
CONTROL window with die left button 
allows you to activate the Menu Options 
with the right button. There are seven 
general categories as you move left to 
right: Session, Rules, Cells, Words, 
Inference, Display, and Explanation. 

Session is just another word for 
Project, and its choices are basically 
familiar functions with the vernacular of 
expert systems. Khowledge bases are 
composed of rules; rules are made up of 
object, attribute, and value. For 
example, IF ftir (objea) color (attribute) 
is brown (value), THEN dog (object) 
type (attribute) is watchdog (value). 

So the Session sub-menu gives 
you the choice of Loading a complete 
Knowledge Base, Loading or Saving 
specific sets of values, Clearing all 
inputed values, Help, Quit, or Status 
Display. The latter displays current 
program and system information 
including the current directory and 
existing knowledgebase files as well as 
the number of rules, words, and cells in 
the current KB. This command offers 
immediate gratification at any moment, 
something you will appreciate as you 
fijmble your way toward Intelligence, 
Artificial and otherwise. 

Commands added since printing 
the manual include Lock, a feature for 
use in testing different combinations of 
rules and values, and New CO, which I 
am using right now to multitask with 
Scribble! as I write this article. Also 
added since the manual went to press 
are opdonal keyboard commands for 
most menu items. 

Rule Options include: Select, 
Create, Display, Save Rules, Edit, Delete, 
and Help. You can enter new rules with 
Create, or change existing ones by 
Selecting, then Editing or Deleting. 
Saving Rules allows you to store tested 
rules in a separate file and "back up" a 
current rule base while experimental 
changes are made. Help, as with all 
such menu choices, directs you to the 
appropriate pages of the manual. 

Cell Options are Select, Display, 
and Help. Each rule created, 
automatically creates a cell. A cell is one 
of a number of combinations of the 
object, attribute, and value (OAV triplet) 
in a rule. We'll get back to cells in a 
minute, but they are important because it 
is by Selecting cells that you can attach 
variables, text files, images, or 
programmed functions to an individual 
cell to expand the complexity and 
intuitive reasoning of your expert system. 

Words Options allow you to Add 
Words, Display tlie dictionary list of 
word and phrase entries, create 
Synonyms, and Edit mispelled words or 
change them to another word. Such 
changes are automatically global in the 
rule base. Help is a Synonym for Pages 
59-64 in the manual. 

It's Logical 

Inference is defined in the 
glossary as "The process by which new 
facts are derived from established facts." 
Our Menu choices in the manual are 
Backchaining, Forward Chaining, and 
Synergistic. MAGELLAN tries to derive 
the information it needs from the rules 
already in the system before it quesdons 
you for input. Let's recall that rule about 
the dog. Backchaining is initiated by a 
goal. The system attempts to determine 
a Value for the goal and identifies rules 
that conclude with a Value for the goal. 
If the goal is "watchdog", then the rule 
that pertains is our "fur type is brown, 
THEN dog type is...." So having located 
that rule, the process then Backs up and 
attempts to determine if the IF clauses of 
the related rules are true by determining 







Alle auslandische 
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Computing'™ war die erste 
Zeitschrift . die iiber das CLI 
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Prograramhilfsassrstenz anbot. 

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die Stelle des Amazing Verkaufers 
oder Amazing Werbefachsmanns 
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Mane A. Raymond 

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(508) 678-4200 

(800) 345-3360 

FAX: (508)675-6002 



Your Original AMIGA 

Monthly Resource 

Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 33 




T117 iJ'is IPmlbD, 

Am^Jnc Computing''^ hji vowed, fram our be^^inning, 10 amiss ihe 
largssr scleai<>n oT Public Domain SoTlwaiv in \t\e Ann^a Comin^nity. 
and wiih ihe help of Jolin Foosi and h"fcd Fish, wc sec a great iclcciion of 
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■Picic Fi:falit Domiin sofiwarc piccet we pftser.ied by 1 wofia of authors 
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and pftigrams. If you agree, pl»sc jcnd check or money order to: 

PiM Publications Inc. 

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FIcaH jiittw 4 10 6 weeks for ieUitrf 
Amatlng Compullni;'^; Your resource to I ne Cummodore Amiga 

values based on yet other rules. 
Evenmally the backchaining sequence 
arrives at either a pause as it asks the 
user for information it doesn't have, or it 
may halt with the result stated as 
unknown. Successful backchaining can 
result in an answer to the original goal; if 
more than one solution is possible, a list 
of acceptable solutions is displayed. 
Forward Chaining begins by 
reviewing the known facts and then 
"firing" all the rules whose IF clauses are 
true. The system then begins another 
cycle, checking what additional rules 
may now be true, and so on until the 
program reaches a goal or runs out of 
new possibilities. Synergistic inference 
uses both backward and forward 
chaining, backchaining to resolve a goal, 
then moving forward to locate ail 
associated conclusions and triggering 
related processes like IFF and text files 
or external program commands. 
Synergistic is the default mode, since its 
result reflects the most comprehensive 
up-to-date analysis of information 
available to the system. 

Attempt and Goals 

Scrolling down tlie Inference 
menu, you come to several important 
additions to the program, Attempt and 
Goals, documented in MAGELLAN 
Manual Supplement 1.0 included in the 
package. With Attempt, the goals you 
initiated Backchaining with previously 
can no'w be created, once prioritized and 
stored with a knowledgebase. As the 
knowledgebase is retrieved with the 
Load KB command from the Session 
menu, the saved goals are restored. 
Goals Option has a sub-menu with 
choices to Add, Delete, Display and 
Clear. By selecting Attempt you initiate 
Backchaining in decreasing order of 
priority from 100 (high) to (low). All 
in all, a neat time saver that encourages 
experimentation and automates the user 
interface for those of us like me who 
appreciate digital hand-holding. 

Display Options 

Display Options include Preview 
Picture, Output Mode, and Results Mode 
(the latter yet another recent addition). 
Preview lets you search for graphics or 
pictures without leaving MAGELL-^. 
Output can be directed via a sub-menu 
to Screen, Printer, or File. A Voice setting 
is grayed out, indicating a "hook" to be 
activated in revisions forthcoming soon. 
Default is to the screen, of course, but 
you can direct to multiple destinations 
simultaneously. Occasionally, it is 
desirable to suppress the display of 
resolved information and goals during 
backchaining. Results Mode allows this, 
and via tire Wait sub-menu command, a 
time delay between results windows. 

Let me Explain 

Our last Menu Option is 
Explanation, and not a minute too soon. 
But seriously, these options show the 
path of reasoning used to conclude the 
current result. Why? explains why 
information is requested, The rule clause 
being investigated is displayed as well as 
the value sought to prove die rule. 
Trace shows the path of reasoning that 
was followed to get to a particular result. 
This is especially helpful for the 
beginning Knowledge Engineer, as it 
shows how tlie system came to its 
conclusions and where the rule base 
took any wrong turns. As tlie manual 
points out, expert system development 
programs are called shell programs 
because they themselves contain no 
knowledge about a problem, but instead 

enable you to create your own expert 
systems rapidly. You - the expert - teach 
the computer how to solve the problem 
by entering rules explaining the steps 
involved in the decision -making process. 
Wliy? and Trace are like litde windows 
into MAGELLAN'S brain; if MAGELLAN 
asks tlie wrong question or returns an _ 
unexpected result, these options let us 
track down where we went wrong and 
help to correct our reasoning. 

Creating a Rule 

Now that we've checked out the 
Menus, MAGELLAN is ready to go. So 
are we, once we've learned a few more 
terms as we explore Level Two. The 
manual navigates back through the menu 
selections, this time in depth. We leam 
how to create a rule, opening the 
Rulebuild window and entering rules in a 
simple, English-like mediod. The first 
box below the IF statement is the Object. 
The Attribute goes next to the right, and 
can best be defined as a characteristic of 
the object. The attribute in turn is best 
described by the Value. 

In between Attribute and Value is 
the Operator. It characterizes the 
relationship between the contents of 
these two elements. Operators describe 
various relationships including: 

verbal - 

is, is not, are, are not. 
mathematical - 

less than (<), greater than (>), 

<-, >=, =,!=. 
Special (in THEN Result clause) - 
Execute ($), Print (!), 
Show (*), and Parse(5*). 
These operators execute an 
AmigaDOS command, start a 
printing job, show an IFF image, 
and parse ati equation to solve a 
dependent variable. 

Also explained are threshhold and 
certainty values entered to the right of 
the values in the Premise and Result 
clauses respectively. A threshhold value 
of .20 represents the minimum degree of 
certainty a condition must possess before 
the related rule will be recognized by the 
inference process. A THEN clause that [ 
dog ][ type ][ is ][ watchdog 1I.501 implies 
that there is a fifty percent chance (a 50% 
chance of being 100% certain) tliat the 
dog type is watchdog, IF it is determined 
that the [ fur ][ color ][ is ][ brown ![.201. 
Clicking on the Auto gadget sets default 
threshholds at .20 and certainties at l.CX) 

34 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

which is good enough for most rules. 
ReaJ-world problems rarely have absolute 
answers. Confidence factors, like 
ihreshhold and cercaincy, allow you to 
include rules that imply or suggest a 
solution, but are not absolutely 

More on Ceils 

That reminds me: I promised to 
get back to cells, didn't I. By Selecting in 
die Cell option, you access the Cell Edit 
window. This contains boxes for the 
now familiar Object, Property (don't 
worry, it's a synonym for Attribute), 
Operator, and Value. Right and left 
arrow gadgets below the Object box are 
clicked on to locate particular OAV cells 
from the rule base currendy in memory. 
Also displayed are gadgets labeled 
Legals, Variable, Inquiry, and Info. 
These buttons allow you to attach 
gadgets, files, and variables holding 
floating point numeric values to cell 
values. Selecting the Cell Display menu 
option helps you to see if values need to 
be cleared out before discrete inference 
processes, and, as with all edit windows, 
this one can be resized and put away by 
clicking on the box in the upper left 
comer of the display window. The 
program remembers all resizing and 
screen relocations. 

Applying AI 

Level Three, Getting Started, 
begins witli some general suggestions for 
how to go about applying artificial 
intelligence techniques to real-world 
problems. It recommends using expert 
systems where the technology is useful 
and appropriate, anticipating the usage 
by providing users with easy, simple to 
use "handles", augmented with graphics, 
audio, and text explanation. It is 
strongly suggested to focus the problem 
tightly, breaking it down into smaller, 
specific problems. Many problems can 
then be handled with just a few rules. 
MAGELLAN can handle up to 100 rules 
in 512K, and will hold several thousand 
rules on a fully configured Amiga. 

The tutorial is based on a 
diagnostic system of symptoms and 
possible failures of chips in the Amiga 
1000. IF symptom is a black screen with 
a white bar OR symptom is a black 
screen only, THEN possible failure is 
Agnus Chip (8361). Rule entry is 
demonstrated with various screen shots 
and explicit directions. Be sure to pay 
attention to carriage returns, and make 

sure to click in the appropriate window 
before entering characters. (It is 
somewhat annoying to navigate between 
Dialog and Control windows via left 
button mouse clicks, but it is rumored 
that updates will advance the user 
interface to reflect the sophistication of 
the rest of the program.) 

The various symptoms and 
appropriate failures are reduced from 
seven chart entries to four rules. The 
program automatically checks each rule 
when entered for recursion, so that 
backchaining does not send the program 
into an endless loop. Now it's time to 
test our first rule - first Clear All from die 
Session menu, This clears all certainties 
to zero prior to execution, and can be 
checked by Displaying in the Cell Option 
menu. If cleared, all cell values wUi be 
"unknown." Then we select the 
backchain option of the Inference menu. 
The Dialog screen wiU read 
"Backchaining Goal Entry; hit <CR> to 
begin." Click in the lower window and 
do just that; the system wUl now request 
the Object to reason about. It is looking 
for the Object of the THEN clause of our 
rule about [ Possible ][ Failure ], so enter 
"Possible" and <CR>. The system 
"knows" about possible failure, so it says 
"The system can reason to determine: 
What is the Possible Failure" and tlien 
"What Attribute do you wish to find out 
about 'Possible'?" We enter "Failure" and 
<CR> and a new window opens. 

The Data Entry window is 
MAGELLAN'S way of asking questions. It 
asks "Is the Symptom A Black Screen 
Only?" and if you click on the no button 
at the bonom, comes up again to ask the 
second IF clause of the original rule, "Is 
die Symptom A Black Screen With A 
White Bar Only?" If you dick yes, you 
have given the system a Value that it can 
use to resolve the search for the goal, 
and the final result is given in the form 
of a Conclusion that is displayed in its 
own window: die Possible Failure is 
Agnus Cliip (8361) [certainty = 1.000000]. 

A Great Start 

The tutorial concludes by showing 
how to bring up an IFF image in 
conjunction with die conclusion, and 
how to use MAGELLAN to generate legal 
values as suggested responses to 
quesdons. Included on the data disk are 
several sample knowledge bases that are 
worth loading and examining with the 
various Display options to see how rules 








Magasins d'ordinateurs a 
I'Etranger et Marchands 
de Magazines 

Bienvenue au monde atupefiant de 
Amazing Computing^'^ - un des 
magazines les plus importants pour les 
utilisaleurs du Commodore Amiga aux 
Etats-Unis. jimaziugCompuliDg^'^fulle 
premier magazine a documenter CLI, le 
premier magazine ayant developpe le 
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Ne refusez pas a cette large partie de 
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(508) 678-4200 
(800) 345-3360 
FAX: (508)675-6002 


Your Origiital AMIGA 

Monthly Resource 

(continued on page S7) [J 

Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 33 



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BBS: (817). 244-4151 

are constructed and how cells fill up as 
you Attempt back and forward chaining. 
You may have some difficulty in getting 
IFF pictures to come up, but make sure 
to direct die pathway to the data disk as 
KBasesiAgnus, for example. Or load 
your images into RAM for faster display. 

That's aU folks! 

That's as far as MAGELLAN goes 
in its Intro package. Once you've spent 
some time playing with die rules you've 
entered in the tutorial, and dissected the 
data disk examples, you may wonder 
what to do next. Don't discourage 
yourself by attempting too complex a 
system. Start by training yourself in how 
to reduce an everyday situation into a set 
of rules. 

A good way of generating rules is 
by describing how you go about solving 
a problem. For example, let's say you 
want to figure out what to do tonight. 
There are a variety of options: Go to a 
movie, take a walk, get some Chinese 
food, stay home and use MAGELLAN to 
figure out this problem - no, that might 
be recursive! Each of these alternatives 
can have associated facts and rules of 
thumb. IF you like movies AND IF it's 
not raining THEN you might Go To The 
Movies .70 certainty. A further rule 
might relate to your preferences for 
comedy over drama, etc. You can see 
how quickly such a simple question can 
begin to generate rules. And then you 
have to factor in what your better half 
wants to do. You'll soon be developing 
an expert system on just who I wears the 
pants ] in this house, let me tell you. 

MAGELLAN, don't forget, is an 
Introductory package. It is also the first 
release of the first micro-based multi- 
tasking AI program. As such, it is strong 
on concept, deep in access and hooks to 
emerging technologies, but also tentative 
in interface and right-now application. 
This is as it should be; the .Amiga user 
base is growing rapidly and many are 
new to computing in general. There is 
plenty to sink your teeth into now with 
MAGELLAN, and by the time you've 
learned how to choose an area for 
knowledge engineering and apply 
MAGELLAN to its domain, Revision 1.1 
will be on the scene, Free to registered 
MAGELLAN owners for' one year, 
additional features and improvements are 
promised including: 

Arexx front end — 

Currentiy, MAGELLAN can 
command the execution of Arexx macros 
via the 'S' operator in the result clauses 
of rules. With the Arexx interface, it will 
be possible to use MAGELLAN as a 
"Knowledge Server" to provide AI 
inference processing on demand from 
other, Arexx-supportive programs. 

Inference loop mode — 

continually 'waits' for new data 
and responds. 

Real time clock — 

automatic creation of 'Current 
hour', etc., cells and tlie upkeep of their 
current values. In combination with loop 
mode, a powerfijl feature. 

Improved Rule-Management 
Tools — 

better display, editing features 

More 'Meta-Logic' — 

greater control of MAGELLAN 
features from within a knowledge base 
itself — to allow users to control 
knowledge base loading, clearing values, 
etc., under rule control. 

These revisions will go a long 
way toward answering the questions that 
need to be asked of MAGELLAN. The 
appearance of AJ applications in the 
Amiga market is significant; there is an 
enormous body of research and 
commercial application in expert systems 
available for study and incorporation. 


With the proliferation of "main- 
frames on a chip" goes hand-in-hand an 
explosion of information and the need to 
manage it. Expert systems are here to 
Slay; they're embedded in your VCR, 
your coffee-maker, your cash machine. 
MAGELLAN gives you the keys to the 
future, as in: Gentiemen and women, 
start your [ inference ] engines! 


Emerald Intelligence 

334 South State Street 

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 

613) 663-8757 










AH Foreign Computer 
Stores / Magazine Dealers 

Welcome to the amazing world of 
Amazing Computing^^ - one of 
America's leading magazines for 
Commodore Amiga users. Amazing 
Computing'^' was the finst magazine 
to document CLI, the first magazine 
with a 1 Meg Amiga upgrade 
hardware project, and the first 
magazine to offer serious 
programming assistance. 

Don't deny your large English- 
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P.O. Box 869 

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Your Original AMIGA 

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Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 37 

A. Ad A. Z I N G R E V I E V^ S 

P,C. f. oa^fifel/Va^e 

' Incredible multisampled sounds 
in SoundScape and IFF formats 

by Tim Mobansingb 

Long before MIDI, and even 
before the personal computer, there was 
the first sampling keyboard. It didn't 
have a single byte of memory yet it 
could play back samples seconds long. 
It was the Mellotron, played avidly by 
many, including the Beatles and the 
Rolling Stones. Just listen to Days of 
Future Passed (The Moody Blues) or 
Strawberry Fields Forever (The Beades) 
to hear the "mutative organ". People 
reproduced anything by recording a 
sound onto a dozen closed loop tapes (it 
was the first multisampler, too!) and 
controlling the tapes with a Rhoads sized 

The technique to play notes 
ranging between the twelve samples was 
the same as it is now, The tapes were 
played faster to get higher notes. Today, 
tajses and speeds are replaced by bytes 
and sampling rates. A recent 
introduction to this modem musical 
software corps is E.C.T. SampleWare, 
created by Drew Neumann and Todor 
Fay, the programmer of SoundScape. 
The samples from E.C.T. were generated 
with the Mimetics SoundScape Sampler 
using the SoundScape Pro Midi Studio. 
Four disks are currently available in 
either SoundScape or IFF format Rock, 
Orchestral, Grab Bag and Digital 
Synthesis, containing a total of 88 
samples. These will be reviewed here 
along with some comments on their 
application and background. 

Why sampled sound? 

Sampled sound has a distinct 
advantage over traditional synthesis 
because the character of the sound 
doesn't depend on a particular kind of 
hardware or software. Not only can you 
reproduce traditional stationary tones, 
but complex, evolving patterns can also 
be created. When the sound has a 
regular pattern, it can be looped to 
create a continuous sound, a feat difficult 
to accomplish with traditional 
synthesizers. The E.C.T. samples contain 
several gems that take advantage of this 
ability. ElectroBoil and ElectroBubble 
are two examples that sound exacdy as 
they read. 

Measuring up 

The piano imitation in any sample 
package (or synthesizer) often serves as 
a good measure of the instrument's 
overall quality. The piano for E.C.T. was 
multisampled for 5 octaves, and like all 
the other samples, has good fidelity. The 
E.C.T. piano is over 50% bigger than the 
IFF piano sample from Deluxe Music, but 
shows considerable improvement in 
character (thanks to multisampling) and 
less aliasing distortion (the benefit of a 
higher sampling rate). The envelope 
settings needed a little adjustment, 
however, when first loaded, the velocity 
sensitivity was zero (not good for a 
piano with any feeling) and the attack a 
little too sharp. Softening the attack was 
necessary' to eliminate some bothersome 


I usually don't get too excited 
when somebody hands me a grab bag of 
sounds because it's difficult to find a 
practical application for a nutty variety 
pack. In Grab Bag, though, there are 
many noises that actually sound musical. 
Careful thought went into the production 
of masterpieces like Glug Glug, Wet 
Blorch and Wacky Flower Pot. Grab 
Bag has sounds that will work as the 
spice for your music, or even as 
alternative rhythms. 

Digital Synthesis is the newest 
addition to die E.C.T. SampleWare 
collection and has some of the most 
gutturally impressive sounds. The deep 
vibrations coming from Gnarly Stack and 
Phlangarama make the Amiga sound 
much bigger than it looks. 

Rock has pretty much what you 
would expect, samples of all sorts of 
guitars: stacked, fuzzed, clean, acoustic 
and synthetic. The drum kits are 
excellent. Orchestral is also pretty 
straightforward with wind instruments, 
strings, horns and percussion. Orchestral 
Hits is a very spieciai sample tliat is 
guaranteed to keep anyone awake 
during your music. It's a snapshot 
collection of the "bangs" where an entire 
symphony is blasting the same staccato 
note. Pretty impressive. Overall, 
Orchestral demonstrates well tlie night 
and day difference between professional 
samples and home samples. 

38 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

What do you get? 

On ±ie outside, the E.C.T. 
package comes with a 7 page booklet, 
and the four descriptively labelled disks. 
The booklet describes what went into 
making die samples, how to use the 
samples widi your system (whether it be 
SoundScape or an IFF compadble 
application), and how to custom tailor 
the samples to fit in less memory. It also 
describes how to use SoundScape to 
create a vibrato effect. 

AU this and IFF too! 

For folks who don't have 
SoundScape and want to use the IFF 
samples with other software, E.C.T. also 
offers multisampled sounds in IFF format! 
Using proprietary software written by 
Todor Fay, separate sounds were 
recorded on different octaves and 
combined into one sample. 
Multisampling preserves the quality at 
higher and lower octaves for wide range 
instruments like the piano, and is 
indispensible for creating a good drum 
kit. The IFF samples also have icons 
allowing them to tie dragged into 
different directories without using the 
CU. This is handy for people with 
Instant Music and other software that 
need sounds in a special instrument 
directory. Sonix users will need to 
rename their samples witli tire suffix 
".instr". In addition, Sonix users will 
need to play with the keyboard note 
assignments in order to hear the sounds 
once they are loaded. 

The Making of a Sample 

Creating a good sample takes a 
few tricks: First, good audio equipment, 
and then careful attention to sampling 
rate, envelope and loop point. 
Unfortunately, even with the most careftil 
setting of the looping point, nasty clicks 
can show up in the sound. Todor Fay 
got rid of this problem by using a 
crossfade module in SoundScape (see 
Amazing Computing volume 2, number 
9). By crossfading the beginning of a 
sample witli the end, smooth transitions 
occur as die sound is held. Most of the 
time crossfading works well. It was used 
heavUy with die E.C.T. sampleware to 
ensure that the samples could be 
sustained without distracting attention. 

Make those sounds more 

AU sampled sounds have an 
inherent disadvantage, they sound 
exacdy the same every time they are 
played. That's why it's hard to sample a 
saxophone and fool anyone into diinking 
what you then play is live. Quite often, 
acoustic instruments depend heavily on 
drastic variations to make the sound alive 
and to convey a human feel. So when a 
guitar or flute is sampled and used to 
play a sequence, it can be pretty dull. 
Fortunately, there are several tricks you 
can use to make samples sound more 

1. You can add a vibrato to a 
sound in SoundScape by using a 
pitchbend track and the Tapedeck. This 
is explained in the manual that comes 
widi the samples, and an example track 
sequence is provided on the SoundScape 
version sample disks. Vibrato generated 
this way is very realistic since it is 
independent of the sampling rate. That 
means no chipmunks as you play 
different notes, the vibrato rate doesn't 
change. NICE. 

2. The Echo module in 
SoundScape (see Amazing Computing™, 
Volume 2, Number 5) does wonders for 
a sound by improving the depdi and 
hiding litde glitches in the sample. 
Aldaough it's expensive in terms of the 
audio resource (you may not be able to 
play more than one sample when using 
Echo), this effect can turn an other^'ise 
dull instrument into a great solo. Synth 4 
on the Rock disk sounds incredible with 
an Echo effect. 

3. If you don't want to go as far as 
the Echo module, things can still be 
improved for lush sounds by lengtliening 
the envelope to get soft fades. Here 
again is a compromise between smooth 
sound transitions and running out of 
audio channels. 

4. Pay attention to your playing 
style. Hold notes just long enough to 
hear the character, then let go or play 
something else before looping becomes 
obvious. This may hie hard to do if you 
are playing a piece by strict time, but 
keep it in mind when composing. 

You may fmd that just as everything is 
fattened up to where you like it and 
you're ready to add the drum track, 
you've run out of audio channels. The 

next step is to add an external 
synthesizer and control it with MIDI to 
get the extra sounds. Alternatively, the 
combinadon of an inexpensive 
synthesizer and the Amiga playing notes 
together (called stacking) can make very 
impressive single sounds diat imitate 
much more expensive keyboards. 

Sampling rates and filters 

For someone with lots of memory 
and a picky ear, sampling rate becomes 
an important issue. Sampled sounds on 
the Amiga have until now depended on 
a hardware filter to eliminate aliasing 
distortion caused by a low sampling rate. 
Now the fJter can be switched out with a 
software button and many want to hear 
the higher frequencies that the Amiga is 
capable of reproducing. The E.C.T. 
samples were sampled at 14 kHz, which 
is a reasonable compromise between 
high fidelity and nicely sized samples. 
Another solution which would allow the 
user to make compromise decisions 
would be to sample the sounds at the 
maximum rate (about 28 kHz) and dien 
provide a filtering program that would 
allow sample sizes to be reduced when 
memory is short. 

Good stuffl 

The bottom line criteria for a good 

sample is musical utility. Answer the 
question: Can I really use this sample? 
E.C.T. SampleWare was designed with 
this principle in mind. The sounds were 
professionally recorded and well 
groomed characteristics thai are hard to 
get w^ith a home sampler and litde 
patience. If you're interested in trying 
these samples for yourself, send an order 
with S24.95 for one disk or $79.95 for all 
four to; 

RCT. SampleWare 

PO Box 36 
Sierra Madre, CA 91024 

Don 't forget to specify whether 
you want the IFF or Mimetics version. 


Amazing Computing VJ. 12 ©1988 39 



Wargame of the Century 


by Stephen Kemp, PUNK: SKEMP 

EMPIRE has finally made it to the Amiga — perhaps one 
of, if not, THE greatest computer game ever written! I have 
waited and waited for this game to appear on the Amiga, Now 
that it has, I am not disappointed! 

Ancient History 

Many of you may be familiar with previous versions of 
EMPIRE that were available on other machines. EMPlIiE was 
originally written by Walter Bright while he attended Caltech. 
Later he rewrote the program to run on the PDP-11. After that, 
many people became "addicted" to tlie game and it was destined 
to migrate to other machines. A version of EMPIRE was translated 
into C for the IBM PC around 1984. Although that program was 
being marketed, like all popular games, imitations sprang up in 
the public domain. Mr. Bright and the marketers of EMPIRE may 
have been "annoyed" by these unauthorized duplicates, but it 
may all turn out to dieir advantage. Once it becomes known diat 
this version of EMPIRE is the greatest yet available, EMPIRE 
"addicts" will not be able to resist. 

The Warning 

Yes, EMPIRE is -addictive". I have been an EMPIRE 
addict for many year. When I heard diat INTERSTEL's EMPIRE 
was going to be distributed by EA, I thought how 
appropriate. ...EA — Electronic Arts or maybe EMPIRE Anony- 
mous. Apparendy, INTERSTEL was concerned enough about 
the addictive nature of the game to include this warning on 
the box: 

■EARNING: This program is highly addicti\'e. Consider- 
able otherwise productive time might be lost. Play only during 

Do not take diis warning lighdy. Believe me, once you 
start this game, all sense of time is lost. Hours will pass by in 
seconds and days will pass by unnoticed. Before you know it, 
you will be just like me, an EiVIPIRE addict. You will look at 
your watch at 3:00 AM and say, "Oh, I'll go to bed just at soon 
as I do this one thing," And after that one thing is accom- 
plished, you will say it again, and again. 

40 Amazing Computing V3.1 2 ©1988 


EMPIRE is a game of conquest. 
INTERSTEL has done a nice job of 
working the scenario into its Star Fleet 
saga. You are sent to a planet to conquer 
the inhabitants and increase the reign of 
the EMPIRE. However, one or more of 
your EMPIRE'S enemies have the same 
intentions. Now it is more than a simple 
conquest, you must also eradicate your 

Planetary conquest is accom- 
plished by bringing the planet's cities 
under your control. Once you have cities 
under your control, they can be directed 
to build armies, fighters, and ships so 
that you can expand your control and 
plan to meet your enemy. When you 
finally do meet the enemy it will be a 
test of strength and endurance. Ulti- 
mately, the one who makes the most 
strategic use of their resources will be 
the viaor. 

EMPIRE is not disk copy-protected 
but it is play-protected, which means that 
you are annoyed at the beginning of 
each session by having to type in a word 
from the documentation. The only 
problem I have with this protection 
method is that nobody seems to imple- 
ment it properly. When they ask you for 
a word, they give you tiie word number, 
the line number and then the page 
number. When you look it up, you need 
the page number, the line 
number and then tlie word 
number. Am I the only one 
who has noticed that they 
give it to you exacdy 

War Pieces 

In order to take over 
a planet and defeat your 
enemies you will need a 
number of war units. Here 
is a brief description of the 
pieces that you can make 
during a game: 

Armies — These are 
the most important units 
when conquering a planet 
and fighting a war. Armies 
can be produced in tlie 
least amount of time and 
are the only piece that can 
conquer cities. This makes 
them indispensable, since 
you need cities to make 
more weapons. 

Fighters — • Unsurpassed in their 
ability to quickly discover new territory, 
the fighters are also good in combat. This 
is due to the fact that fighters can "move" 
a greater distance in a single tum than 
any o±er piece. This gives them the 
ability to get to the front quickly once 
the enemy is detected. 

Troop Transports — Troop 
transports are used to move armies 
between continents. They are not well 
suited for combat, but will perform when 

Submarines — One of the most 
useful batde units in the sea is the 
submarine. They are hard to detect by 
your enemies and can inflict tremendous 
damage when they attack other vessels. 

Destroyers — These are the fastest 
ships. Because of their speed, they can 
be sent to enemy sightings quickly. 
Destroyers are good in battle and as 
escorts for transports. 

Cruisers — Cruisers are not as fast 
as destroyers but are much stronger. 
When engaging the enemy at sea, the 
cruiser is a good weapon. 

Aircraft Carriers — These are 
large sea vessels which can carry up to 8 
fighters. Since fighters require periodic 
refueling, it is sometimes Liconvenient to 
send them back to a city. Carriers can be 
used to refuel fighters and, unlike cities, 
they can move to where the action is. 

Battleships — The final and larg- 
est unit available to you is the battleship. 
They are heavily armored and almost in- 
destructible when engaging a single 
opponent (unless it is another batde- 

Of course each unit has some dis- 
advantages. The pieces might be thought 
of in the same manner as the old "Paper, 
Rock, Scissors" game. Some pieces are 
not as effective against one type of piece, 
while extremely effective against others. 
Additionally, you have to wait for a city 
to build the units. I have listed them in 
the order of the amount of production 
time required to make each item. Armies 
require 5 turns and batdeships require 
50. A tot can happen in the 50 turns it 
takes a city to produce a batdeship. You 
may have needed the 10 armies that 
could have been produced in those 50 
turns. Also, by the time you discover the 
enemy, the front could be so far away 
from the city making a batdeship, that it 
might not get there in time to help. Don't 
let tlie produaion time prevent you from 
making strong pieces, just keep in mind 
that when you meet the enemy, you 
want to have as large a force as possible. 
That means you will want to have plenty 
of armies, fighters and cities. They are 
the foundation of a strong front. 

(continued on page 46) 

Building a map of the world, in the Production mode. 

Amazing Computing V3.12 ®1988 41 

7^ naiin^ o^Doft S^aCi <f 

(Dragons Lair 

by Ra ndy Linden 

Insert Coin 

In the summer of 1983, a revolutionary new game appeared in the arcades. 
This game featured high quality stereophonic sound, the likes of which had never 
been heard in the arcades. But even more importantly, this game dazzled the arcade 
going public with it's high quality cartoon style animation. This game was, of course. 

Dragon's Lair, and the arcade scene has never 
been the same since. Dragon's Lair ushered in 
a new age of high quality graphics for both 
laser disk and nonlaser disk games aUke. 
Gone are the rudimentary graphics of early 
arcade games to be replaced by dazzling, 
realistic displays. 

Seeing Dragon's Lair in an arcade first 
seminated the notion of high quality graphics 
on computers. It seemed only natural that 
similar results could be achievable on a 
personal computer. With that thought in 
mind, the hunt was on for a computer which 
could keep up with the demands of real time 
full screen animation. As it turned out, 
however, the search was difficult and the wait 

Dragon's Lair on a C64? 

Visionary' Design Technologies' first real 
attempt at recreating Dragon's Lair on a 
personal computer was undertaken using the 
Commodore 64, then, the most giaphically 
sophisticated jjersonal computer around. After 
lowering expectations time and time again 
to allow for hardware limitations, it was 
concluded that satisfactory results could not 
be achieved and the idea was put aside to 
collect dust until a revolutionary new 
computer came along. 

This revolutionary new computer did 
come along in 1985 in tlie form of the 
Amiga which astounded everyone with it's 
graphic and audio capabilities. However, it 
was not until two years later, when the 
Amiga had matured sufficiently, that the 
project became truly feasible. Whjls the 
actual computer was there, there was 
neither the support software nor sufficiently 
powerful hardware to aid in tlie 
development of the game. 

Why wait for tbe Amiga? 

The Amiga's most important trait, from 
the point of view of the game, is the 
incredible color graphics. While many 
other computers are capable of acliieving 

(Top and Bottom) Scenes from the Amiga version of Dragon's Lair. 

42 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

similar results, few can do it as well, 
and even fewer can claim that every 
owner will be able to achieve such 
results. Further, the Amiga lends itself 
to graphically intensive operations 
because of it's bliner coprocessor. The 
bUtter can, in effect, take over some of 
the more mundane operations from the 
microprocessor and, as well as 
executing them faster than the 
microprocessor, frees it up to work on 
more sophisticated operations. 

It is tliis splitting of 
responsibilities between the 
microprocessor and the blitter which 
allows for the very advanced 
compression techniques diat are used 
throughout tlie game. Similarly, more 
efficient and better sounding audio 
compression is made possible by this 
unique combination. Unlike the 
industry standard IFF format with it's 
limited compression abilities, die VDT 
compression formats push the machine 
to it's limits. These new formats 
achieve significantly better results with 
a combined increase in play speed and 
a decrease in storage requirements. 

Animation with CAST 

The Amiga's unique blend of 
inherent graphic abilities and processing 
speed makes it ideally suited for 
animation. It was this combination 
which convinced Visionary Design 
Technologies to begin working on a 
powerful Cel Animation Sequencer 
Tool, code named CAST. This program 
would allow cartoonists to easily 
animate with their computer while 
emulating some of the processes they 
were accustomed to from classical 
animation techniques. CAST may yet 
be released commercially if sufficient 
interest exists within the Amiga 
community to justify the completion of 
this very large project. 

It was while trying to come up 
with a creative demonstration of die 
power of tlie CAST package tliat the 
idea of resurrecting the computer 
version of Dragon's Lair, now under the 
official title of Don Bludi's Dragon's 
Lair, came up. From our point of view, 
this course of action had two 
advantages. First, the animation was 
already done, so we had only to digitize 
and touch up the actual animation 
frames. Furthermore, the product 
would have an easily recognizable 
animation sequence to show off it's 

power. Don Bluth's animation is 
recognized intemauonally as being of 
the highest quality, and is a perfect 
compliment to the technical excellence 
of the CAST animation system. 

Looking back 

Our first step was to research the 
market for all currently applicable 
hardware and software to make the task 
at hand easier. After an exhaustive 
examination of all image and sound 
capturing hardware available at the 
time, we finally settled for Sunrize 
Industries' Perfect Vision and Perfect 
Sound digidzers. Of the many digiUzers 
we looked at, their hardware simply 
outperformed the others. They were 
faster, easier to use, and the results 
were much better. The people at 
Sunrize Industries were very helpful 
with tlieir excellent support, and tliey 
produced custom versions of dieir 
digitizing software suited to our needs. 

Digitizing and animation 

Once we had picked our 
hardware, we could get on widi the 
actual job of producing Don Bluth's 
Dragon's Lair. The processing of the 
animation is actually quite tedious as it 
involves digidzing each frame from the 
laser disc, and passing it tlirough the 
hands of an Amiga artist who "lifts" the 
animated parts off the background. 
That is to say, the artist replicates a 
picture which contains only tliose 
images that are currently moving in the 
animadon. This is necessary because, 
even with die fine digitizing equipment 
we had available to us, no two frames 
come out exacdy the same. This lack of 
consistency would have caused all the 
animated characters to appear as 
though they were shimmering. Other 
anists are assigned die task of 
reconstructing the background for the 
given animation sequence. This 
process is very artistic in nature, and 
requires a good knowledge of both 
classical art techniques as well as the 
limitations of the Amiga. It is up to the 
background artist to create the illusion 
of depth and perspective for the 
animation, because the animated 
characters are very two dimensional. 
Once both the foreground and 
background pictures have been cleaned 
up, diey are combined and sequenced. 

The work now passed into the 
laps of the four rotoscop>ers who put 
both sets of imagery together, and made 
sure it was consistent. Along with 
combining the foreground and 
background art, die rotoscopers were 
responsible for making sure all the 
trivial rules were observed; Such things 
as matched color palettes for a given 
sequence, centering and die like, are all 
important for the final product to look 
bodi clean and professional. 

Now for a little music 

Once the animation sequence is 
established, it has to be synchronized to 
the audio track. While this process is 
fairly straightforward for rooms which 
were transferred direcdy from the 
original game, rooms which needed to 
be edited required some audio 
manipulation. As each animation 
sequence was adjusted, the sound had 
to be resynced with tlie video tracks so 
that everything remained consistent. 
When all the sound sequences were 
finalized, we went into the studio and 
digidzed the complete sound track for 
the game widi the perfect sound 
digidzers. The audio was compressed, 
and combined with the animadon to 
form die finished rooms. 

Creating the code 

While the artistic process was 
going on, there were also programmers 
working out the technical wizardry 
which needed to take place before Don 
Bludi's Dragon's Lair on the Amiga 
could become a reality; making the 
Amiga run faster and more efficientiy 
than ever before. As well as creating 
die software which generates the game, 
the actual game, and all of the 
compression algoridims needed to be 
designed and implemented, it was 
decided early on in the project that we 
would cake the original Dragon's Lair 
concept and extend it beyond it's 
arcade rendition. The result was die 
incorporation of an entire arcade game 
in the computer version. This maze 
section pits a smaller animated version 
of the player against monsters in a 
large, omnidirectional scrolling maze. 
The player must find his way through 
the maze and pass through each of the 
animated rooms diat are beliind the 
doors in the corridors. The maze 
portion of die game and all of it's 
support software needed to be written 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 


flkkerFixer and Mkroway 

arc rrademarks o^ Microwoy, Inc 
Aniigo ii o regisferpd Irodemorii of Commodore 
Mullijync IS o regiilered frodemarlc oi NEC. 

flkkerFixer eliminates your Amiga 20O0's interlace 
fliclcer ond visible scan lines. The result: superior 
quality color or monochrome graphics and text — 

for a full range of demanding opplications, including 
CAD, desktop presentation, grophics, animation, and 

Reviews ore impressive: Commodore Magazine 
12/88: Best of 1988 Award. AMIGAWORLD 12/88; 
#1 Readers' Choice Award. Amiga GURU 5/88: "The 
display is fantastic . . . It is the best display we have ever 
seen on any computer system." 

flickerFixer fits into the Amiga video slot, is fully 
compatible with all user software, and does not modify 
the standard Amiga video signals. The board upgrades 
the Amiga 2000 with o flicker free 4096 color palette, has 
on overscan mode that features a screen size of 704 x 470 
pixels and drives most of the popular PC Multiscan and 
VGA monitors, including the NEC Multisync ond 
Mitsubishi XC1429C. 



Advanced Graphics Adapter For TheAMIGA* 2000 

flickerFixer is priced at $595. It is made in the USA 
and is FCC Class B approved. For more information or 
to order, call MicroWoy Sales at (508) 746-7341 or your 
Amiga Dealer. 


P.O. Box 79 

Kingston, Mass. 02364 USA 


32 High St„ 

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58 Atchison St., 

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complete the work. A total of four 
programmers took pan in the effort 
with the overwhelming majority of the 
programming time spent on the 
generation software and player portions 
of the game. 

Another programming Jtrst! 

This game is also unique in that 
it accomplishes several programming 
"firsts" in the Amiga community. Aside 
from the fact that this is the first ever ce! 
animated game for any computer 
anywhere, it is also the Ptrst ever fully 
over scanned video game for the 
.\miga. Add to this it's high resolution 
and interlaced modes, as well as 
stereophonic sound, and you have a 
dazzling product. There are also 
several firsts which are transparent to 
the user. This is the first piece of 
software which can utilize the Writable 
Control Store, or in plain English, tlie 
256k of RAM found in all Amiga lOOO's 
but not normally accessible for anything 
but Kickstart. This, effectively, gives 
Amiga 1000 owners with a 256K 
expander 768K of RAM. That is why 
the game requires an Amiga 500 or 
2000 with 1 Meg of RAM, but only a 

512K Amiga 1000. Another transparent 
but valuable feature is concurrent 
loading; while the game is being 
played, it is also transparently loading 
information from the disk. This is 
accomplished without any loss of speed 
in either animation or audio, and allows 
smooth running animation much larger 
than available memory to be played 
with no interruptions in game play. 

Because of our commitment to 
support as many Amigas as possible, 
we had very serious size limitations on 
the player code which actually executed 
the program. It is, of course, written 
completely in 68000 machine language, 
but was written and rewritten many 
times to improve efficiency and speed, 
as well as to shrink it down. Similarly, 
the generation software is also written 
entirely in 68000 as is the maze portion 
of tlie game. 

Finding the talent to 
make it possible 

We realized quite early on that 
we would quickly exhaust normal 
channels for finding artists when our 
requirements were so higli. We 

decided to be true to our usual form, 
unconventional and find new talent 
through local BBSs. We decided to opt 
for local BBSs for obvious 
organizational reasons, but we would 
be happy to hear from any of you who 
are interested in working on future 
projects. In our experience, many 
people who may not have considered 
working as artists (or programmers, in 
fact) actually make for a great addition 
to the development team if given a 
chance. The response from the BBS 
public was tremendous, and it is largely 
due to the help of the various users and 
SYSOPs that this project was completed. 

Of Drawbridge rooms 
and Hard drives 

When the game was first 
introduced to the Amiga market place at 
a preview at AmiEXI^O Midwest '88 in 
Chicago, the rwo most frequently asked 
questions were "Is the room no one 
ever saw in there?"' and "Will there be 
hard drive support'". The first question 
refers to the Drawbridge room which 
was not seen on most of the Dragon's 
Lair arcade machines, and the answer to 
that question is yes. The second 

44 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

^^Mi liiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit; 

te ggSifcfefeB^S^ 





The internal sound capabilities of the Amiga are better than 
that of any other personal computer These capabilities mean 
nothing though, without quality digital sounds, which up till 
now have been scarce. Sound Oasis gives Amiga owners 
access to a large library of sludio-tested digital samples, by 
using the Amiga's built in disk drive to read disks made for 
the Mirage Digital Sampling Keyboard. Sounds can then be 
played from a MIDI keyboard, the computer keyboard, or 

saved as an IFF standard file. Mirage is a irademafk of Ensoniq inc. 

Transform your Amiga into a professional-quality drum 
machine with this software package. Easier to use than 
hardware-based drum machines because everything is 
displayed graphically on screen. Enter drum patterns quickly 
and easily in real time with visual feedback and editing. Create 
realistic drum tracks with any of the 100 drum and percussion 
samples that are included or use your own unique IFF one- 
shot samples. Dynamic Drums also has full MIDI 
implementation and even becomes velocity sensitive when 
triggered from a MIDI keyboard. 

A powerful MIDI sequencer that takes full advantage of the 
Amiga's sound, graphics, and sophisticated user-interface. 
Dynamic Studio is perfect for professional applications due 
to its sophisticated editing capabilities and SMPTE support. 
It is also ideal for home studios, because in addition to 
sequencing MIDI instruments. Dynamic Studio has a built-in 
drum machine, and the ability to playback instruments 
translated with Sound Oasis. 

No Copy ProteCliOn 


PO. Box 438 Si. Clair Shores, Ml 480B0 (313) 771-4465 

answer was, unfortunately no, or rather, 
a qualified yes. With the obvious need 
for hard drive support we added this 
problem to our list of programming 
challenges to be overcome. We soon 
realized that to include any typje of hard 
drive support we would require large 
amounts of dme and cooperation from 
the hard drive manufacturers. A 
thorough understanding of each hard 
drive's software and hardware is 
necessary before it can be incorporated 
into the program. Actual hard drive 
code must be inserted into the game 
and this requires that hard drive 
manufacturers release to us their source 

With the help of the fine people 
at Comspec, and their great hardware, 
we set about making it possible. Not 
only is the game installable on dieir 
hard drives, but diis installation is 
transparent to the user. The user has 
only to insert the master disk, and the 
game will automatically adjust to any 
Comspec device that happens to be 
present. This means that not only are 
hard disk drives supported, but also 
Bernoulli boxes as well as any other 
SCSI device. We are hoping to add 

other hard drives to our list of 
supported devices, but cannot do so 
without the help of the individual 
manufacturers. At dais time, only the 
Comspec SCSI controller is supported. 

Game Over 

When compared with other 
games available for the Amiga, and 
there are many fine entertainment 
products out diere, Don Biudi's 
Dragon's Lair is indeed a ground 
breaking product which may 
irreversibly affect the standards by 
which Amiga games are judged. With 
it's real time animation and sound, 
combined with it's exciting arcade 
gaming, Don Bluth's Dragon's Lair 
promises to be a big favorite for the 
foreseeable future. As Michael T. 
Cabral wrote in his AmiEXPO Midwest 
'88 report, "When you first see the 
graphics and animation, you'll take a 
look around to make sure you didn't 
somehow stumble into a video arcade." 

Versions of Don Bluth's Dragon's 
Lair are currendy under development 
for other popular personal computers, 
but very few of those machines appear 

to be capable of handling the enormous 

amount of work the Amiga must 
accomplish in order to achieve these 
spectacular results. Whether or not 
other versions are released will depend 
largely on the success of our 
programmers in pushing machines 
which were not designed for the task of 
animation to that lofty goal. With the 
Amiga setting the standard by which to 
measure our success on other machines, 
we can make no promises right now. 

On behalf of the whole Don Bluth's 
Dragon's Lair development team, we 
hope you enjoy this game. 

We would love io bear from any 
programmers or artists out there who 
would like to work on Amiga projects, or 
from those of you who have projects in 
mind you would like to see. 

For more information contact: 

Visionary Design Technologies 

45 Whitehom Cres. 

Willowdale, Ontario, Canada 

(416) 492-9954 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 45 

"If an Oscar were to be presented 
for Technical Excellence in Amiga 
Graphics, the winner would 
certainty be (the envelope, please) - 
The Director. exciting, unique 
program... likely to become a 

Steve King 

Commodore Magazine 
April 1988 

"For intricate custom presenta- 
tions...The Director is the way 

Sheldon Leemon 
June 1988 

"I must give The Director top marks 
for ease of use and capability. For 
the novice or serious presentation 
creator, this package is unequaled. 
It belongs on the shelf of anyone 
who considers himself an Amiga 
graphics connoisseur." 

Oran J. Sands III 
Info Magazine 
June 1988 

"The Director runs 24 hours a day, 
controlling our entire cable 
channel. There would be no 
channel without it" 


Cable Channel 32 

Ellensburg. WA 


Amiga is a trademark ol Commodore Amiga. Inc. 

(EMPIRE, continuedfrompage41) 

Playing EMPIRE 

If you have ever played EMPIRE, 
you will have no trouble playing this 
version of the game. For the novice, 
ne\'er fear, the documentation is good 
and the menus are easy to use. 

There can be up to three forces 
\'ying for control of the planet. Any or all 
of the forces can be controlled by 
players or the computer. EMPIRE offer a 
play-by-mail option, but modem play is 
not available (yet). Each force has a 
different color, so they can be easily dis- 
tinguished. The playing ability of the 
computer can be changed as can the 
combat and production efficiencies of 
the game pieces. 

The world is usually divided up 
into several islands or conunents. Your 
map of the world is divided into a 60 x 
100 grid. To begin the game you are 
given a single city. Eventually you must 
produce an army from that citj' if you 
want to conquer another cit>'. Each unit 
(including cities) only knows about its 
immediate surroundings. Any area of the 
map that you ha\'e not yet visited will 
remain black until you move into that 
area. As your units move around, the 
map will be filled in with the information 
relayed from tliem. However, once your 
piece moves away from an area, the only 
thing that is certain is whether the area 
was land or sea. The enemy can and will 
be moving, just as you are. Opponents 
can only be seen while they are next to 
one of your units, but you will be able to 
tell where you last sighted them. 

To attack the enemy or a city, 
simply attempt to move your piece onto 
die occupied square. Then the battle 
begins. You never know who will be tlic 
victor of an engagement. It depends 
upon the fighting ability of your piece, 
the defensive ability of the opponent's, 
and a little luck. 

You control your pieces by giving 
diem "orders". Some pieces can be sent 
out on random, while any unit can be 
given a direct order as to move to an 
exact location or in a general direction. If 
a piece cannot follow its orders it will 
wait for you to help it out, but once you 
get die hang of giving orders this will 
seldom happen. Orders can be given to 
pieces via the keyboard, mouse, or 


One of the most impressive im- 
provements of this version of EMPIRE 
over all the others is the inclusion of 
sound. 1 could not belie^'e how much 
difference it made in the game. The 
armies' tanks rumble, the fighters buzz, 
and the ships swish (?). At first I thought 
the sounds would get old, but now I 
can't play witliout them. If you feel 
otherwise you can turn the sounds off. 
When you take weapons into battle, you 
hear tlie boom of large guns while the 
engaged pieces flash on the screen. 
When the guns go silent there will be 
only one survivor. 

The graphics are also an improve- 
ment over the previous versions of 
EMPIRE. As you might expect, land is 
green and water is blue. Unlike older 
versions of the game, the war units are 
no longer simple letters. An army looks 
like a tank when active and a row of 
tents when on sentry. Fighters naturally 
look like planes, and the ships ail have 
different designs. It is supposed to be 
possible to tell whether a troop transport 
or carrier has troops on board, but I 
found it fairly difficult. Aside from this 
short coming, I found the graphics 

Creating Worlds 

Finally I should note that you can 
create your own worlds to conquer. 
There is a map editor included with the 
game. A number of pre-designed maps 
are also included, so you won't have to 
produce a world right away. Once you 
have played with these worlds long 
enough, you may be able to start 
recognizing them. Unfortunately, the 
program only randomly selects a game 
map, it will not randomly generate one. 

Final Words 

The point of ElviPIRE is to be tlie 
sole survivor. It can only be accom- 
plished by careful planning. This version 
of EMPIRE is easy to play and hard to 
put down. Once you get your hands on 
this game you won't care about anything 
else. In fact, it was almost impossible to 
write this review, because it tore me 
away from my game. 


Electronic Arts 

1820 Gateu'-ay Dr. 

San .\iateo, CA 94404 

(800) 245-8525; in CA (800) 562-112 


46 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

A. M A Z I M G 

R E V I E W S 


byjeffery Scott HaU 

Better Dead Than AJien, from Electra, is being exclusively marketed in the U.S. 
by Discovery Software in their first attempt at affiliated labels. After the game has 
loaded, you will find yourself at the main options screen where you will find four 
options which are: Start The Slaughter, One/Two player mode. Input Options, and 
Level: Practice. If you wish to change your input device for game play, then you 
should select the Input Options from the main screen. This will allow you to select 
either mouse, joystick, or keyboard for both ports one and two. The last option on the 
screen, Level: Practice, will allow you to enter the name of the level you wish to 
practice. Since each level in the game has a name, you may also use this option to skip 
past the levels that you've already mastered. Once game play has started, you will fmd 
yourself surrounded by wave after wave of mean and ugly aliens. 


Mom always said there 
would be days like this 

You assume the role of Brad 
Zoom, a very happy space 
exploration guy until he landed on 
Mars. Suddenly, you find the ever so 
peaceful planet to be corrupted by 
aliens inside of what they refer to as 
the "batde zone", which is 
appropriately named. Your job is to 
enter the battle zone and destroy as 
many aliens as possible as they come 
at you laser ready. At your disposal is 
a rocket ship fully equipped witlr 
lasers. You have full control of the 
ship which can be moved left, right, 
up, and down the screen. The game 
will start with your ship at the bonom 
of the screen, and three tanks of 
energy (or lives) for shields. You will 
fmd your ship to be flying over a 
vertically-scrolling background which 
contain some of the best visual effects 
I have ever seen in a shoot'em-up. 

Aliens will enter the screen in many different attack formations, causing their defensive 
and offensive powers to be very strong. They will start at the top of the screen and 
slowly drop down to the bottom. As they are doing this, one of the aliens will go for 
what I call a "suicide dive" in which it will drop from the attack formation and go 
direcdy for your ship. Of course, while aU this is happening, they are firing a barrage of 
lasers aimed direcdy at you. 

You will find Better Dead Than Alien to contain a whopping 72 levels of play, 
each one with completely different aliens, attack formations, and backgrounds. As you 
progress from level to level, you wUl fmd each one more challenging than the last. I 
have been playing the game for about 30 to 35 hours, and I still have not made it past 
level 10. This is due to what they call the "bonus rounds". I call them the "freeway 
express rounds" because they require you to have the reflexes of a Sunday driver on a 
downtown expressway. 

t^ t*^ f^ f^ |IZ :^'^ 

ft^ iVi iw% tiiii' 

^ %| ^ t- 

^1 fSJt £. 







Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 47 


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Bonus rounds? 

After you have managed to 
successfully destroy three waves of 
aliens, you wilt be presented with one of 
three different bonus rounds which are: 
Rocky Ride, Master Alien, and Super 
Alien. These have got to be the toughest 
bonus rounds I have ever seen for a 
game. They claim you can rack up some 
high scores here, I claim you can panic! 
The last two, Master Alien and Super 
Alien are just large aliens which are 
almost indestructible requiring you to 
have fast reflexes as you attempt to 
destroy them. However, the Rocky Ride 
is a different story all together. This 
round contains three very large boulder 
aliens with mean looking eyes that when 
hit split into smaller boulders. The best 
way to describe this is to think of the old 
Atari classic Asteroids, increase its speed 
by twenty times, and you have a good 
idea of what this bonus round is like. 
These are just a few of the bonus rounds 
you wUi encounter in the game, others 
await at higher levels to really challenge 
your reflexes. 

Don't fire until you see the 
greens of their eyes 

That's right, aliens don't have 
white eyes so you must fire when you 
see their green eyes. What does this 
mean? WeU, it certainly doesn't mean 
you're flirting with an outer space 
creature, but it does mean you've caught 
it at the weakest moment, When this 
happens, a power capsule will float 
down towards your ship for you to pick 
up by flying over it. The pane! icons are 

to the far right of the screen, and 
depending upon which one is lit up at 
the time you pick up the power capsule, 
an enhanced feature will be given to 
your ship. The laser scatter bolts allow 
your ship to fire multiple lasers, auto 
repeat saturation blasts will destroy 
multiple hit aliens with one shot, stun 
effect causes the aliens to freeze and 
stop movement, and clone ship doubles 
your ship (not lives) for added fire 
power. Others include multiple blast 
which fires a burst of missiles, armour 
missile takes out an entire rank of aliens, 
neutron bomb weakens all the aliens, 
and shield gives you limited protection 
from enemy fire. If one of the panel 
icons is not lit up at the time you pick up 
a power capsule, an extra energy tank 
wUl be given to you. 


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After playing the game for quite 
some time, I have found only one major 
complaint. That is, the inability to store 
the top ten scores to disk. If you get a 
really high score, you will be asked to 
enter your name, and when you stop 
playing the game you will lose your 
score forever. This hardly seems right, 
especially when you want to boast your 
score of over 500,000 to your friends. 
Hopefully Etectra will change this in a 
future version of the program. 

Better Dead Than Alien combines 
a great blend of arcade-action, superb 
graphics, and sound effects to make it 
the best shoot'em up I've seen. Due to 
the many levels of play and changing 
scenery, you will find it difficult to get 

bored with playing the game. If you like 
lots of arcade action where your fire 
button is used to squeeze off millions of 
shots, then this one is for you! 

Hints and Tips 

1. Never stay in one spot for 
more than several seconds. If you do, it 
will give the aliens an easy target for 
them to fire at and go for a suicide dive. 

2. Make sure and collect any 
power capsules that are available, for this 
is the key to making it out of really tight 
situations. If your timing is right, you can 
wait for the panel icon lights to go off 
before you have to shoot the alien with 
the green eyes. By doing this you will be 
given an extra energy tank ( or life). Be 
careful though, not reacting quick 
enough could result in no power capsule 
at all. 

3. When you encounter the 
Rocky Ride, use the following techniques 
for survival. You should concentrate on 
only one boulder alien at a time. Shoot 
this one first, then keep shooting the 
smaller boulders until it is gone. Repjeat 
this process until you've made it through 
the Rocky Ride. 

Better Dead Than AUen (Amiga) 

Elecira Software 

Distributed in the U.S, by: 
Discovery Software 

163 Conduit Street 

Anrupolis, MD 21401 

Phone: (301)-268-9877 

Price; 34,95 




Please don't forget to let us knavj. 
If you are having a problem with youf 
subscription or if you one planning to 
move, pteose write to; 

Amazing Compuling Subscdptlon Queslloin 
PJM Publications. Inc. 

P.O. Box M9 
Fall River. MA 02722 

Plecee nsmsTfcer vje ccrrof rroi you" mogaare 
to ycxJ H we do not knew whefe vou ere. 

PleasB maw itrj lo *« weeks fw procoalng. 

48 Amazing Computing VS. 12 ©1988 



by Bruce Jordan 

Touted as the most popular video game in Japan, 
THEXDER is a futuristic, arcade-type game that actually 
lives up to every promise made on the outside of tlie box: 
action, adventure, fantastic sound, and stunning graphics. 
Written by talented 68000 machine language programmers, 
THEXDER turns out to be a real screamer, 

The Package 

The package consists of a single disk and a very 
brief set of instructions covering how to use the numeric 
pad as controls, how to use a joystick, the meaning of the 
status indicators that will appear at the bottom of the 
screen, and your objective; To penetrate all sbsteen levels 
of this heavily defended, erie underworld and destroy the 
central computer. To aid you in your mission, you've 
been given Thexder, a robot fighting machine complete 
■with lasers, and the capability of transforming itself into a 
jet fighter. Transformation is accomplished by pulling 
down on the joystick or by pressing any of the bottom 
three numeric keys. However, you're warned that there's 
only one Thexder, and death on any level sends you right 
back to level one. 

Ingeniously, when the instructions are unfolded, they form a wall-sized map of 
the first level of play, giving directions and a few hints. Around the border of the map 
are pictured some of the intriguing nasties you'll be facing. Some twenty in all are 
displayed, but there's a heck of a lot more than just these lurking out there. 

Plug in tbatjoystickf 

On booting the copy protected disk, up 
comes a quick title slide displaying an alien 
landscape and the digitized voice of some young 
woman saying in Japanese, "Sierra On-line 
presents THEXDER". Next comes the main title 
slide, listing copyrights and credits, while in the 
background plays the Moonlight Sonata by 
Ludwig van Beethoven. The game begins as 
soon as any key is pressed. Pressing the "J" key 
sends control to the joystick. If you have a 
joystick, I strongly suggest you use it! 

When play starts, you find yourself literally 
up against a wall as the instructions warn, "There 
is no turning back!". Suddenly, you hear the 
same woman's voice proclaim, "Warning! 
Intruder!". There's nothing to do but turn, try to 
stay alive for as long as possible, and find you're 
way to the next level. The battle is on! Almost 
instantly you find yourself fighting off an army of 
the most imaginative and interesting criners to 
come along in quite a while. You'll face Tribars, 
Blademills, Rimquarts, and Clobters to name just 

(continued on page 52) 

u I I i rii I 1 

U I ! I 1! f 




. ^■■■■ai 





■11 1 



Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 49 


retnewed byjeffery Scott Hall 

Virus Infection Protection (V.I.P) 
from Discovery Software takes tlie first 
step in helping you protect your 
valuable software from the deadly 
disease. By acknowledging that this 
exists in the Amiga community, we are 
providing end users with not only 
information, but also a solution to the 
problem. Before we move on, let's 
further explore what exactly a 
computer virus is. 

What makes a 
computer sick? 

Did you know that your 
computer can catch a deadly and 
harmful disease? Well, while it might 
not be like you and me catching a virus 
it can certainly cause the computer to 
reaa violently. What I mean by this is 
that it can destroy your precious 
computer disks, any and all without 
discriminating, A virus will get inside 
your computer's RAM memory residing 
there until the computer is turned off. 

While it's present, any disk that is 
inserted in the computer can be infected. 
However, this is only true for disks that 
are autobooting (i.e. Workbench, games, 
etc.). The way the virus gets from the 
computer's RAM to disk is that the virus 
itself will be copied onto the vital boot 
block sector, without which your disk 
will not function. When we are referring 
to a virus in essence we mean an "evil" 

Eiitpy; Arkafioid 

Date Disk Created 
15-HOV-87 - 

WPEl 1 ! 

VIF Checksei: 24^19 

m e<2a4iee %%imil 72Sld258 51c8mc .iA..-p.p..)^... 

%l% 46413881 4er988fc 8ll24ir9 %mmk FM.N. . . . .0. . . . . 

336 4e7i4e71 4e714e71 4e714e7i 4f faille K#NHMkNO... 

352 3e3c8813 4cdfim 2a4m8b c342e?89 K..l...«...B.. 

m el4i48e7 f8fl2e4d Slefffei ffec4rrr .a. . . .W. . . . .0. 

ice ....K..7A..X.0. 

1 488 838flll3 3f4llll2 4ff illU n3787e2 ... .79. .0. . . .7. ., 

416 3c2832b3 faleSlll llH7raV c(f3l68l <(2. . .1. ....... . 

432 if5d51ff cSfallff fafe41tll il3cll32 .]0.......K..<.2 

448 m?9£3l 34fdim meaMf fbfaSI34 ...M. 0...S 

computer program written by people 
wishing to derive pleasure from knowing 
that they've destroyed someone's 
valuable software. What is worse is that 

it's not just the Amiga community either, 
but rather all computer companies are 
finding themselves confronted with the 
same bad situations. For more 
information on computer viruses you 
should locate a copy of Time Magazine 
September 26, 1988 issue. Now that 
we've briefly discussed computer 
viruses, let's introduce the vaccination. 

Ttje cure for sick software 

Virus Infection Protection will 
restore your damaged software to its 
original state by destroying any virus 
which is on the disk. Once the program 
is loaded, you will find five pull down 
menus which are: project, check, 
language, file, and viff entry. The project 
menu has four items on it which cell 
about the product, a brief description of 
the concept behind it, help witli all the 
menu items, and quitting the program. 
On the check menu you'U find three 
items which are; examine, classify, and 

The examine option allows you to 
insert a disk into any disk drive and 
check it for a possible virus. You will be 
happy to know that V.I.P. cunently 
supports six of the most widely known 
and dangerous viruses which are: SCA, 
Byte Bandit, Byte Warrior, Obelisk, 
North Star, and Revenge. If your disk 

Checking for a rArus tvith VJP 

50 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

contains a virus, a window will appear 
saying so along with the name of tiie 
virus which was found. The classify 
command allows you to enter new virus 
information into the database. 

If you discover a disk to contain a 
virus which V.I.P. will not recognize, 
then you may select this command 
which will store the information so that 
from that point on it will know when it's 
encountered. Whenever one of your 
disks becomes infected witli a virus, and 
it's standard AmigaDOS boot code, then 
you may use the install command to 
correct it. 

The file menu has six items on it 
which are: new, load, save, save as, 
delete, and print. "When first starting out, 
you should select the new option which 
will create a viff file. What this file will 
contain is all the boot blocks from the 
disks you wish to store, and can be 
given any name (i.e. If you want to store 
boot blocks for games, simply name the 
file games.) The viff file must be stored 
on an already formatted disk, don't use 
the V.I.P. disk for storage. The load 
option allows you to work with an 
already existing viff file, which may 
either be empty or contain boot blocks. 
Other options are self explanatory so I 
won't botlier to describe them. 

The viff entry menu contains 
seven items which are: view, make, 
remove, sort, verify, write, and print. You 
may view the boot code of any viff entry 
by selecting this option from the menu. 
The make command allows you to create 
a boot block from the disk of your 
choice to be stored in the viff database. 
For example, if you've checked Arkanoid 
for a virus and found nothing then you 
may wish to back it up in case disaster 
strikes. To do this, you simply insert 
Arkanoid into a disk drive and select 
make which will read the boot block so 
that it may be stored and recalled later. 

The remove item allows you to 
delete any boot block which is stored in 
the viff database. 

Sort allows you to organize your 
boot blocks according to date, 
alphabetically, date disk was created, and 
ID number. 

The verify command allows you 
to compare die boot block in the viff 
database to the one which is on the disk. 

If your disk gets a virus, you may 
destroy it providing you've already 
stored tliat boot block in die viff 
database. Using the write command 
allows you to select the appropriate boot 
block which will destroy any virus on the 
infected disk (i.e. If Arkanoid gets 
infected, select the Arkanoid boot block.) 
The print command allows you to get a 
hard copy of the actual data contained in 
a viff entry. 


What makes V.I.P. so simple is its 
easy to use operating environment. AH 
the user has to do is follow the manual 
and on screen instructions, which are 
designed very nicely. I think it's time that 
we all stood up and said, "Enough is 
enough and we're not going to take any 
more of tliis kind of abuse from people 
wanting to destroy the Amiga 
community!". That's just what I feel 
Discovery Software did by publishing 
such a valuable product as Virus 
Infection Protection. I commend them for 
keeping software users in mind, and for 
taking that first gigantic step in 
preventing valuable data loss. 

I've been told that as more strings 
of viruses are found, tliey will keep 
updating V.I.P. to vaccinate diem. In my 
opinion V.I.P. should stand for Very 
Important Product, which is exacdy what 
it is and no user should be without one! 

Virus Infection Protection (V.I.P.) 


Discovery Software 

163 Conduit Street 

Annapolis, MD 21401 




Do Tliat! 

When you need to improve your 
rendering time from I or 2 frames 
of animation per day to 25 or 30. 
It's time to consider CSA's new 
FasTrack" A2000 accelerator and 
DragStrip"' combination. 

CSA's new FasTrack" 68020 or 
68030 CPU requires NO 
iVlODIFICATIONS to your Amiga, 
yet allows you to re-seiect your 
68000, CSA's DragStrip '■' is 
uniquely designed to convert your 
slow 16 bit DRAM into fast 32 bit 
memory at about half the cost of 
other 32 bit RAM. The 
competition can't do that. 
They also can't give you all the 
features of Kickstart ■ 1.3 in hi- 
speed ROM. 

It's time to set the record straight. 
CSA still offers the fastest and 
most economical means to 
accelerate your Amiga. Don't 
settle for second best, call CSA, 

CSA. We set the standards in 

Associates, Inc. 

7564 Twile Street. San Diego, CA 92121 
Telephone 619-566.3911 Telex: 333693 
Tech Hotline: 619-566-3923 
Fax: 619-566-0581 

Amazing Computing VJ. 12 ©1988 51 













LIST PRICE:$ 189.9 5! 


PHONE: (714) 994-4443 


(THEXDER, continued from page 49) 

a few. Each is animated and has its own 
unique personality. Of course, lliere's the 
odd lava pit and acid lake to watch out 
for as well. 

If you have time to look at the 
bottom of the screen, you'll see 
displayed your score, your energy level, 
the level of play you're currently on, and 
your Enmax: the highest amount of 
energy you're allowed to possess. 
There's also an indicator for shields 
status. Shields are activated by pressing 
the left Shift key on the Amiga keyboard, 
and can be a real lifesaver. However, try 
to use them sparingly. Activating your 
shields takes ten energy points, and 
completing a level of play without 
shields is rewarded by extra energy. 

As you frantically scurry and fly 
through mazes, vast cargo bays, and 
caverns, you run into wave after wave of 
attackers, sometimes twenty and thirty at 
time. However, it doesn't take long to 
discover that the bad guys can be broken 
down into three groups: (1) Actively 
hostile: those determined to kick your 
metallic backside no matter what, (2) 
Passively hostile: these aa as barriers 

and will not attack, but on contact will 
suck your energy dry in seconds, and (3) 
Semi-hostile: non-attacking, but again, 
lethal to the touch. However, destroying 
any of the third category of creamres 
gives you energy. Finding and destroying 
this third type of creature is essential for 
staying alive, as energy is the name of 
the game. Many of these energy* 
creatures are cleverly hidden in the walls 
and must be blasted out. Fortunately, in 
robot mode, your lasers are heat seeking, 
and if your beams are suddenly aitraaed 
to a wall, it's a good bet that there's 
someone hiding there. Alternately, in 
fighter mode, your laser fire is always 
directed straight ahead, and with no heat 
seeking ability. So if you're getting low 
on energy, try to stay in robot mode as 
much as possible. 

More than just your average 
shoot-'em-up, THEXDER has an added 
dimension. Many of the situations you 
find yourself in are actually clever, logic 
puzzles, where the solutions may consist 
of finding ways of getting free energy, or 
suckering out the nasties by some special 
means. This helps keep repeated play 
from becoming boring, and motivates 
you to try a new strategy on the thing 

that wasted you the last time out. Ai the 
same time, THEXDER is so rich in 
complex, little details that you're almost 
guaranteed to notice something new 
each time you play. Praises go to the 
authors, S. Uesaka and G. Godai! 


As for the overall game; as a 
"quarter saver", I found it flawless. It's 
visually stunning, the animation is as 
smooth as silk, all of the creatures are 
interesting and clever, and the forbidden 
underworld is exceedingly intricate and 
full of surprises. Obviously written for l6 
bit machines, this game does real justice 
to the capabilities of your Amiga. If you 
like action/arcade games, THEXDER is 
defmitely worth the money. Check it out, 
and I'll see you on level eight. 


Sierra On-line, Inc. 

P.O. Box 485 

Coarsegold, CA 93614 

(209) 683-4468 


52 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 


by the Bandito 

/The statements and projections 
presented in "Roomers" are rumors in the 
purest sense. The bits of information are 
gathered by a third party source from 
tvhispers inside the industry. At press 
time, they remain unconfirmed and are 
printed for entertainment value only. 
Accordingly, the staff and associates of 
Amazing Computing™ cannot be held 
responsible for the reports made in this 

Aegis is looking hale and hearty 
these days, thanks to a healtJiy infusion 
of capital (more than a million, it's said). 
Their booth at AmiEXPO was impressive, 
displaying their new confidence. The 
word is d:at their cash flow cri.sis is 
solved, new people are being hired to 
replace the old guard that left, and 
product development is proceeding 
apace. See how rapidly things can 
change in this business? It [ust goes to 
show you. (Remember what Mark Twain 
said about his premature obituary?) 

Aegis's new Audiomaster 11 
sound editing program iooks like a 
winner: it turns your Amiga into an 
oscilloscope and gives you real-time 
effects like echoing — speak into the mike 
and your voice is processed dirough the 
Amiga in real time. Very impressive. 
Aegis also announced a new program 
called Videola — designed for editing 
ANIM files; and a new version of Sonix 
that offers more editing features and full 
MIDI compatibility. 

Also at AmiEXPO, Allen Hasting's 
new mini-movie Rush Hour was a hit, 
drawing crowds at every showing at the 
NewTek booth. No new movies for a 
while, since he's at work programming 
on a top secret project with NewTek. 
(The Bandito's informant proved 
extraordinarily fragile during routine 
questioning, so no details yet. They just 
don't make informants like they used to.) 

Possibly the strangest thing at 
AmiEXPO was the lack of new products, 
Oh, there were plenty of games, and 
some new versions of old products were 
announced or hinted at, but nothing to 
make you jump up and run down to 
your local Amiga dealer. Most companies 
were showing the same old things in the 
same old way. Seems like the turmoil at 
many Amiga developers has slowed 
down product development a bit, and 
most developers are putting their effort 
into marketing their current product for 
Christmas rather than introducing new 
product. Look for a slew of new product 
introductions in the first quarter of next 
year, including some long-awaited 
hardware and software. 

AmiEXPO also had smaller crowds 
than expected. The problem could be 
related to tiie prices: $20 for one day 
admission, $15 to park at the hotel 
parking lot, plus the aggravation of 
having to deal with LA traffic (which is 
abysmal even on the weekends). So 
throw in a little bit of money for food, 
and you're talking about nearly fifty 
clams just to pick up a bagful of flyers 
and see a Madonna imitator. Some 
developers were grumbling that it's not 
worth it unless there's a better turnout, 
It will be interesting to see how this 
compares to the upcoming World of 
Commodore show in Philadelphia. 

Is Mediagenic (actually, their 
Activision division) negotiating to buy 
one of their affiliated labels that's made a 
name for itself in the Amiga market? 
Well, it certainly sounds like a good 
match-up. Stay tuned to this space for 
more information. 

The Bandito mentioned Dragon 's 
Zair before, and here's an update. The 
game comes on sis disks, retails for $60, 
and they're distributing a demo that has 
about six to ten seconds of really superb 
video on one disk. But cynical observers 

note that the original game had about 20 
minutes of video, Sbc disks at 10 seconds 
per disk yields about 1 minute of game. 
Either they've got some incredible 
compression, or the whole game doesn't 
look quite like the demo we've seen. 
What will the game really be like? 

New Technologies Department: A 
new CD format has been created — 
CD+MIDI, which stores up to 16 
channels of MiDI data (along with 
graphics) in the subcode area of the disc. 
Making a CD player compatible with CD- 
MIDI adds about $2 to the manufacturing 
cost, so expect to see a number of the 
new players with this capability. CD- 
MIDI lets you relocate instruments or 
voices in die playback mix, change the 
sound of the arrangements by revoicing 
parts with your own MIDI equipment, 
and change the tempo or key. You can 
even print out sheet music, resequence, 
or repeat sections if you've got a 
computer hooked up. Makes an interest- 
ing addition to an Amiga music studio. 

In other news, an interesting 
conference on computer game design 
just took place in California. It was 
described by attendees as similar to 
Electronic Arts' Artist Conference, only 
independent of any software developer. 
It was put on by Chris Crawford, the 
grand old man (or enfant terrible, 
dep>ending on your point of view) of 
computer game design. There were 
seminars for game design, technical 
issues, and legal stuff to do with com- 
puter games. Mainly, of course, people 
were cutting deals in the hallways and 
exchanging juicy gossip. 

The Amiga seems to be com- 
manding more respect as a target 
machine for games that can make money 
and generate great PR value, though the 
first targets for development are usually 
MS-DOS machines and the C64. The 
develof)ers were near unanimous in their 


Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 53 

hatred for the marketing people at 
almost every publisher, regaling each 
other with stories of the ignorance and 
cupidity of market-droids. According to 
the developers, it seems that many of the 
marketing people at the biggest publish- 
ers come from strange backgrounds, like 
selling dog food, shampoo or fertilizer. 
Many of tliese market-droids are not only 
ignorant of computers and games, but 
tliey don't WANT to leam anything, 
which is really annoying. At least tlie 
smaller publishers don't have the 
problem (well, maybe not lo the same 

Lotus is planning to do 1-2-3 for 
the Macintosh, IBM mainframes, and 
other odd Vfpes of computers. Could 
they be looking at WordPerfect's success, 
and seriously considering an Amiga 
versioa' The market's getting big 
enough. If they aren't, they should be. 

Commodore is spreading its 
advertising dollars a little further afield 
these days. New ads, appealing to the 
professional graphic artist, are appearing 
in Advertising Age and Print magazines. 
There's a very nice Amiga ad in Mix 
magazine, the recording industry' rag. It's 
a tw^o page spread with ver^' slick 
graphics and text. It looks like Commo- 
dore is getting serious about going after 
the music market. They're signing up 
many music dealers, especially targeting 
the ones that Atari acquired during their 
big push into the music market. Unfortu- 
nately for Atari, their success has paved 
the way for Commodore to do the same 

Overall, Commodore's doing 
great, showing better profit numbers 
every quarter. The Amiga is accounting 
for a bigger percentage of their sales 
with each passing quarter, which is just 
fine since it's the most profitable of all 
the computers they sell (the A2CX)0 is 
especially profitable). Commodore's great 
fear, that C64 sales would collapse 
before the Amiga has a chance to pick 
up the slack, has proven unfounded as 
yet. Wliile C64 sales continue to slow, 
there's no sign of the bottom falling out 
of the market. Commodore's busy 
picking up new retail accounts for the 
Amiga: Computerland will carry the 
A2000 in .some stores; Entre computers 
carries it; and Fry's, the hacker's com- 
puter store in Silicon Valley, has dumped 
the Atari ST and is carrying the Amiga. 

The A500 is developing as the 
premier game machine, and that's what's 
driving sales. The A2000 has a tougher 

road to travel. It needs somediing to 
really break into the business market, 
something like the LaserWriter/Page- 
Maker combination that made tlie 
Macintosh sell. The Bandito thinks the 
answer lies somewhere in tlie desktop 
video market... 

Look for some good deals on 
Amiga 2000s this Christmas. The price 
may not be lower, but dealers will 
probably bundle software and hardware. 
This is a result of Commodore giving 
them better profit margins in an attempt 
to boost A2000 sales. Don't look for any 
price decreases for the foreseeable 
future; Commodore will likely use 
rebates, bundling, or otlier promotions 
rather than reduce the list price. 

There's a new problem for Amiga 
dealers — finding shelf space for all of 
the Amiga software titles. Many dealers 
are having to rearrange their shelves, or 
at least tliink more about what to stock. 
At last count there were about 500 
different Amiga titles available (about 
half of them are games). This portends 
some big changes in the Amiga software 
market. Gone are the days when any 
software title could find a spot on the 
shelf. It's becoming dog-eat-dog out 
there, and the days of the ziploc bag, 
software are just about over. With every 
passing day, tlie cost of bringing a piece 
of Amiga software to market (witli 
distribution, packaging, and advertising) 
increases. Which probably means we'll 
see a little less innovation (.sigh) as the 
products are brought out by larger and 
larger companies. 

Don't be surprised you see one or 
two major Amiga developers pulling 
back on [lieir advertising. There's a little 
bit of the cash-flow flu going around, 
and some developers have a bad case. 
Not to wony, they'll feel better after 
Christmas, when Santa brings them 
hearty sales figures for their stocking. 

The ST is fading fast — develop- 
ers no longer even discuss doing a 
version of a successful IBM or Amiga 
product for the ST, since there's no 
money in it. So many of the staunch 
Atari developers are looking other places 
for revenue. Some are trying to aack the 
IBM market, and others are trying to take 
their 68000 expertise to the Macintosh 
and Amiga markets. Antic, one of die 
ST's most fervent supporters and a long- 
time Amiga-basher — look at some back 
issues of tlie magazine — has now 
deciphered the text font on the wall and 

started Amiga software development. 
They annoimced that Zoelrope, Jim 
Kent's animation program for the Amiga, 
will be available soon. They're also 
selling Pioneer Plague, billed as tlie first 
all HAM mode action game. They're very 
careful not to mention the word '"Atari" 
when the)' talk to Amiga fans... 

David Klein, Electronic Arts' 
superstar salesman, has left to become 
Commodore's new Vice-President of 
Marketing. Those in the know say that 
he should do a whiz-bang job. Look for 
some new and different approaches to 
Commodore's marketing and distribution 
next year. By the way, Klein's sfjecialty 
at EA was selling to mass-market 
accounts like Toys R Us. 

Deep C, the Bandito's Commo- 
dore connection, reports several interest- 
ing developmenLs in the Commodore 
laboratories. The first one is a better 
blitter chip, more than twice as fast as 
the current model. And of course diey're 
working on 15-bit color (that's a palette 
of 32,000 instead of 4,096), witii a new 
HAM mode diat allows all of those colors 
to be displayed at once. (This ties in with 
something the Bandito heard elsewhere, 
about a developer who's working on 
applications that work in many more 
than 4096 colors on tlie Amiga.) 

But the hottest idea being bandied 
about at Commodore is this; take an 
Amiga 500, remove some of the unneces- 
sary stuff like die keyboard, the disk 
drive, the mouse, and most of the ports, 
put in a cartridge port, and what do you 
have? A Nintendo-Killer, if you can price 
it around $200. That's right, Commodore 
is thinking about taking a shot at the 
videogame market. The big discussion 
centers around liow much memory to 
build in — some reactionaries are 
arguing for 256K, but tlie progressives 
want 1 megabyte. Bet on at least 512K so 
they can run the majority' of current 
Amiga games. If this happens, there'll be 
a tremendous oppominity to make 
money from the current crop of Amiga 
games, so you can bet that developers 
are watching with great interest. 

■Wliile we're on the subject of 
videogames, let's talk a bit more about 
CD-I. Adding to the confusion surround- 
ing this new hardware is RCA's Digital 
Video Interactive (DV-I), which is similar 
to CD-I except tliat it offers full-screen, 
full-motion video (by using some sneak>' 
compression tecliniques). RCA initially 
demoed DV-1 at a CD-ROM conference 
and completely upstaged CD-I. After- 

54 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

wards, RCA said that they were just 
presenting the technology' and didn't 
know what kind of product it -would 
make. The consensus at that time was 
that DV-I would be just a high-end 
business hardware option, since RCA's 
first guess was that a DV-I board for a PC 
AT computer would cost about $3000, 
putting it well out of reach for any but 
the most esoteric applications. But now 
Intel (makers of the 80x86 chips) has just 
bought the rights to the DV-r chip set 
and the technology, so we could see DV- 
I as a consumer device after all. Or 
p>erhaps as a computer industry standard, 
extending the CD-ROM format. But don't 
expect anything until the 1990's. 

There's a flood of games coming 
from overseas, and the Bandito has 
noticed that each has its own distinctive 
packaging — from CD jewel boxes to 
albums to boxes to baggies. Some of the 
"artwork" (to use the term loosely) 
would gag a maggot. (But then, a few 
packages from our side of the Big Ditch 
look like old road kills, themselves.) 
While the graphics and sound are usually 
pretty good, most of the imports are 
lacking when it comes to game design. 
The Bandito wishes there was somebody 
reliable out there who could review ALL 
of them as they come out, so that people 
wouldn't waste $30 on trashy games (and 
add to the trade deficit, besides). 

Yet another flight simulator, 
Skychase, is coming out, and this one 
boasts the fastest frame rate of any 
flightsim on die market (it's wire-frame 
instead of filled solids). You can fly all 
sorts of planes, even a paper one, in 
head to head competidon with another 
player or the computer. 

Dale Luck (one of the original 
Amiga development team who's still 
hanging in there at Amiga Los Gatos) has 
developed a three-bunon optical mouse 
for die Amiga. It's pan of his X- Windows 
development effort; on sale in January, 
or thereabouts. The mouse is twice as 
accurate as the ordinary mouse, and less 
prone to mechanical trouble. 

New Hardware Dept.: The NeXT 
computer was introduced October 12 to 
great hullabaloo. It does have some neat 
gimmicks (a 256 megabyte erasable 
optical disk, for one), but it won't even 
be available in quantity until the middle 
of next year, and then only to universi- 
ties (and at a hefty S650O price tag for a 
monochrome machine). Of course, 
they'll probably start selling it to every- 


Stein & Associates, Inc. 

Public Relations Cansultant;s 

Because the quality of your 
reputation is just as important 
as the quality of your product. 

F'O Box B95 

Denver. Colorado Q0201 

TEL [3Q3] 733~370'7 

body in 1990, but by that time the Amiga 
will have much of NeXT's capability... 
won't IL' Hello, Commodore? 

Speaking Of Other Guy's Hard- 
ware Dept.; According to inside sources 
at Apple, IIGS sales are disappointing, 
and the recent price hike won't help 
matters any. Apple seems to think the 
Amiga is one reason — which may be 
why dealers are reportedly being 
pressured NOT carry Amigas if they carry 
Apple products. And don't look for the 
IIGS Plus real soon; it now looks like 
they won't bring it out until the summer- 
time, or maybe even the fall. They're 
busy concentrating on Macintosh sales. 

One thing to keep your eye on — 
will Apple drop the Mac Plus from the 
product line, or drop the price and keep 
it around? Things would be easier for the 
Amiga if it didn't have to compete with a 
$995 Macintosh. Sure, technologically it's 
not much of a contest, but remember 
Apple's marketing muscle. Let's hope the 
plug gets pulled on the Mac Plus. 

There is no truth whatsoever to 
the rumor that a major Amiga developer 
is porting its animation software to the 
Etch-A-Sketch, even if die interfaces are 

More Amigas in the media; they're 
in the John Carpenter film Prince of 
Darkness (even using Amiga text fonts 
and wire-frame animation); they're 
generating some of the graphics for the 
Max Headroom Coke commercials; 
they're being used by the good guys in 
the newWarofthe WorldsTV series; 
they're helping out with the production 
of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. A few 
more liit films, and maybe we'll see good 
ol' Ami written up in Hollywood gossip 
columns; "Ami was seen out on the town 
partying hearty with Ashton Tate, 
spuming her recent boyfriend Mike O. 
Soft..." From there, it's only a short step 
to the Betty Ford Clinic to deDOSify... 


Amazing Computing V3J2 ©1988 55 

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56 Amazing Computing VS. n ©1988 

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Amazing Computing V3. 11 ©1988 



Insight into the World of Freely Redistributable Software for the Amiga'' 

byCW. Flatte 

In this episode ofPD Serendipity, we'll 
cover Fred Fish 155 - 161. Let's get 

Fred Pisb 155 


A couple of assembly code examples by 
Henrik Clausen. Executables are useful 
but the code is of considerable benefit to 
beginning assembly language 


(Update to Fred Fish 136) 

A replacement for unix "yacc" command 
(Yet Another Compiler Compiler). Tliis 
is from the GNU (GNU is Not Unbc) 
effort. Contains updates to the version 
on disk number 136, submitted by two 
separate sources. Includes the entire 
source. The programmers involved are 
Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman, 
updates by William Loftus and Scott 


This is a sample program showing the 
use of a recoverable alert whUe 
displaying a personal health message. 
Includes source by Thee Kermanidis 


A very nice assembly language random 
scenery generator. Generates very 
realistic looking landscapes. Includes 
intuition interface and lots of menu 
options. Version 1.0, binary only. By 
Brett Casebolt 

Fred Fish 156 


Amusing and colorful display of a 
moving trail of "blocks". Update to 
version on disk number 71, however this 
version also includes source. By Gary 


Flex is a replacement for the UNIX "lex" 
(lexical analyzer generator) program that 
is faster than lex, and freely 
redistributable. Includes source. 
Authors: Jef Poskanzer, Vem Paxson, et. 
al. Submissions by William Loftus and 
Scott Henry 


Another screen hack aimed at an earlier 
Commodore product (Not to be 
confused with the commercial product 
Go-64! from Software Insight Systems), 
Includes source. By Joerg Anslik 


A group of lexical grammar files for Ada, 
C and Pascal for use in conjunction widi 
the flex program on this disk and the 
bison program on disk #155 Authors: 
Various, submitted by William Loftus 


Tired of the monochrome background 

color of your Workbench or CLI? Then 
try this colorful screen hack to brighten 
things up! Includes source. By Joerg 


Fred Fish 157 


A small utility to toggle the 60/80 column 
text modes without having to go through 
preferences. Works from either the CU 
or the Workbench. Includes source. By 
Mark Schreden 


Creates a phonebook containing only 
those areacodes and exchanges 
reachable through PC-Pursuit. Input any 
of Chet Solace's Finalist BBS lists and it 
creates the phonebook in a form usable 
by AmicTerm and a number of other 
popular terminal programs. Version 1.3, 
Binary only. By John Motsinger 


A nifty little animation program that 
allows you to create a collection of balls 
in three-space and then interactively 
rotate them in real time using the mouse. 
Includes source. By Jim Guilford 


A handy little utility to copy and save the 
boot block from a disk, then later restore 
it should the disk get stomped on by 
some ugly virus. Includes source. By 
David Joiner 


A CP/M emulator for the Amiga. 
Emulates an 8080 along with H19 
terminal emulation. Update from version 
on disk number 109- Includes source. 
Author: Jim Cathey; Amiga port by 
Charlie Gibbs; Significant improvements 
by Willi Kusche 


58 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 



The Text Editor for the Amiga; 
Plus a whole lot more. 

"Dl -j -J- r/TV -J qIt- Disk cache, speeds up floppy and hard disk 
±JllLZiJ_/i&lV reads up to 2000%. 

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Hotkey window manipulator. 

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TxEd Plus is a powerful yet simple text editing environment designed to meet all 
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macro language connection makes TxEd Plus an ideal foundation for your com- 
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"As a programming and general-purpose text editor, TxEd Plus sets the standard. ' 

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"( TxEd VI. 3 is) ...a very good editor and an excellent value." 

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"FastFonts / BlitzDisk provides much more than Face II for a similar price." 

-Warren Block, July '88 INFO Magazine 

"Yes, get TxEd if you're editing almost anything on the Amiga. " 

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'1 found the ARP commands to he smaller, faster, and more powerful than their 
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Jeff Blume, July '88 Amiga World 

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Aniipa and AmigaDOS are rradtnuirks of Commodoro-Amig.i. Inc 


A BBS message file sorter that allows 
sorting by keyword. Includes a 
textreader, Soundex matching, and 
limited wUdcard capabilities. Version 
1.0, Binary only. By John Motsinger 


A little utility to clean away screens that 
are left by iU-behaving programs. It wUl 
kill every screen behind the WorkBench, 
noting how many it gets. The screens in 
front of WB are not affected. Includes 
source. By Lars Clausen 


Allows you to buUd a whole library of 
preference settings and instantly switch 
back and forth between them. Affects all 
preference settings not just the colors. 
Very useful for machines with multiple 
users or multiple external devices. 
Includes Amiga's default and various 
sample preference settings. Binary only. 
Bv Martin Hippele 


Xicon lees you use icons to call up scripts 
containing CLI commands. This is 
version 2.01, an update to the version on 
disk 102. Includes source. By Pete 

Fred Fish 158 


Nicely done Seaor-based disk editor. 
Binary only By Steve Tibbett 


Originally designed for production 
testing of AlOOO memory boards. Very 
nice inaiition interface. Version 2.'i, 
Includes source in JVIodula. By George 


A program to list files written in standard 
MS-Dos or Atari ST format. The files can 
then be copied to Ram and rewritten to 
disk in Amiga-Dos format. Binary only, 
Shareware, Version 0.1. By Frank 


An early version of a shareware PC 
Board layout program Lots of options 
including variable size pads and traces, 
grids, grid snap, layers, zoom, selectable 
centering, text and more. This version 
does not support printer/ plotter dumps 
or libraries. Version 2.6, binary only. By 
George Vokalek 


A handy little background utility that 
provides a small clock/memory counter 
in its inactive mode and a versatile 
screen manipulator when called upon. 
Binary only with source available from 
author, Version 2.1. By Steve Tibbett 


A "real-time" task editor. Lets you list 
and set the priorities of all the currently 
running tasks. Binary only. Version 2.0. 
By Steve Tibbett 


Update to the version on disk number 
154, checks for a couple of additional 
new strains. Includes source. Version 
1.6. By Steve Tibbett 


Update to the Yachtc program on disk 
»10, contains some fixes and 
incorporates a simple sound process. 
Version 3, includes source. Author; 
Sheldon Leemon, with enhancements by 
Mark Schretlen 

Fred Fish 159 


A litde command to put in your c 
directory that returns memory status and 
number of tasks currently served by 
EXEC. Includes source. By Joerg Anslik 


A group of .several different utility 
programs for those who run a Midi 
system. Binary only. By Jack Deckard 


Nicely done intuition based program to 

display and identify about 600 stars, 
galaxies and nebulae visible in die 
Northern hemisphere. Version 1.2, 
includes source. By Ray R. Larson 


Nicely done task-handling program 
allowing you to put to sleep, kill or 
change priorities of tlie all the currently 
loaded tasks. Also potentially GURU- 
producing, so be careful what task.s you 
kill, change priorities of, etc. Handy 
window sizer will reduce it almost to an 
icon to hang around until you want to 
use it. Binary' only. By J. Martin Hippele 


"The Ultimate Clock". Another window 
title clock/memory minder. This one is 
in 132 columns! Also gives the free 
memory on drives DFO, DFl & DF2. 
Includes source. By Joerg .Anslik 

Fred Fish 160 


A little utility to help analyze the flow of 
a C-program by laying out the fi.mciions 
called in a iiierarchical manner. Author: 
Originally from Usenet with major 
revisions by Kevin Braunsdorf, Amiga 
port by George MacDonald 


A useful little utility for finding structural 
errors in C-source code. Many 
command-line options. Version 1.03, 
binary only. By Keith Elbertson 


A 68000 disassembler, written in 
assembly, this is an update to the version 
on disk «128. Includes source. Author: 
Greg Lee with enliancements by Willi 

60 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 


A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto 
window activator, mouse accelerator, 
pDpcli, pop windo^v to front, push 
■window to back, etc, widget. Version 
1.09, includes source. Update to version 
on disk number 145. By Matt Dillon 


"1 Daisy ^>7heel IFF Printer". A graphics 
printing utility that allows the printing of 
II'"F pictures on a daisy wheel printer. 
Includes source. By Ken Van Camp 


A UNIX M4 look-atike macro processor 
intended as a front end for Ratfor, 
Pascal, and other languages that do 
not have a built-in macro processing 
capability. Pd M4 reads standard 
input, the processed text is written on 
tlie standard output. By Ozan S, Yigit 


A. shareware intuition-based memo 
reminder program. Nicely done. Update 
to version on disk #146, version 1.2, 
binary only. By Michael Griebling 


A neural network example using the 
generalized back-propagacion delta rule 
for learning, specifically applied to the 
tabula rasa Little Red Riding Hood 
distance. Byjosiah C. Hoskins 

VPredfish 161 


Cute little screen hack with command- 
line options to keep your mouse pointer 
c:ompany when you step away. Includes 
source. By Michael Warner 


A simple little program to convert Dpaint 
brushes into C-source, Binary only. Bv 
Jvlichael Warner 


A handy little program that will 
automatically increment the revision 
number of a program every time it is 
recompiled.Binary only. By Bryan Ford 


A Map generator/editor for the LG2 
game. Not extremely useful if you don't 
happen to play that game, but good 
source example of intuition interfacing. 
Vesion 0.1. By Lars and Henrik Clausen 


A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based 
on POPCLI with a unique method of 
"screen-blanking". I won't say more, just 
try it! Version 1.1, includes source. By 
Thomas Rokicki 


A shareware appointment calendar with 
it's own editor and a unique 'nagging' 
feature utilizing the Amiga's voice and 
audio devices.Version 1.6, binary only. 
By Richard Lee Stockton 


Practical Extraction and Report Language, 
an interpreted language optimized for 
scatming arbitrary text files, extracting 
information from those text files, and 
printing reports based on that 
information. By Larry Wall 


Another anti-virus utility that allows 
visual inspection of ram starting a 
$7E7FE, ram cleaning, bootblock 
inspection and vector monitoring/ 
reseting. Written entirely in assembly 
language. Version 3-2, binary' only. By 
Babar Khan 


A very simple utility to convert a boot 
block into an executable file so you can 
use your favorite debugger CWack, Dis, 
etc.) to study it. Includes source. By 
Francois Rouaix 

That's all that I have time for! 
Until next time... 


.W. Flatte 

Send your PDS Questions to: 

aw. Flatte 

c/o Amazing Computing 

P.O. Box 869 

Fall River, MA 02722 


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Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 61 

New Cli Window 


|> by Rich Falconburg 

The Command Line 

Although AmigaDOS is a powerful operating system with 
some very useful commands and a fair amount of flexibility, the 
creators left a few things out. Fortunately, the Amiga has 
attracted a lot of attention from top notch programmers that 
have helped to fill in these gaps. These developers occasionally 
write small programs to ftll a specific need diat arises during 
program development. To our great fortune, many place the 
utility program in the Public Domain. 

These programs are free for the downloading or copying 
time you wish to invest. Some of the authors request a modest 
donation if you tike the program and use it. Others are 
classified as "Shareware" meaning that the program is free for 
you to use to determine if it fills your need. If you use it, you 
are asked to send a payment to the author ranging from SIO to 
S25. Quite reasonable. Particularly if you consider that many of 
tiie programmers will reciprocate by sending you the latest 
version of die program, complete documentation, and often, 
additional sample programs of other utilities offered. 

AmigaDOS don tfail me now! 

When tlie commands of AmigaDOS fail us, we can often 
turn to the wide range of "freely distributable programs" that 
exist in numerous User Groups and on hundreds of Bulletin 
Board Systems throughout the country. In the next few issues, I 
will examine some of the programs that have been written to 
address several weak spots in AmigaDOS. If you already own a 
modem, you have at your disposal a door to a fantastic worid 
offering something for everyone. If you don't own a modem, I 
strongly urge you to put one on your list of "Toys I MUST 

User Groups 

A User Group is the next best thing. You will find 
people of varying ages and backgrounds with a dedication to 
your favorite machine that could be classified as "fanatical". Ask 
some of the "Old Timers" what utility' programs diey find most 
useful. There are hundreds of tides in the Public Domain and 
finding just the right program to fit your needs can often be dis- 
couraging. The list provided at the end of this magazine. The 
AMICUS & Fred Fish Public Domain Software Library, is a re- 
source of unparalled distinction. Use it. 


The line editor used in the console windows must have 
been written in the dark ages. It's a real pain to retype an 
entire line that is rejected because of a typographical error. 
Several solutions to this problem were introduced early on with 
each having various inconsistencies of their own. Then along 
comes William Hawes with ConMan and the sun begins to 

The keyboard communicates to the Amiga through a 
type of driver that interprets the key codes and displays the 
results. The one supplied by Commodore has a single distin- 
guishing editing feature: the BACKSPACE key. How can you 
build the greatest computer of the decade and then curse it with 
a keyboard interface seemingly derived from the Teletype? We 
may never know. ConMan up-roots the default console handler 
and replaces it with one that provides powerful editing capabili- 
ties. Once ConMan is installed, every console window opened 
will use the new console handler. So what does ConMan do? 

A. Editing 

1 . Complete editing facilities using the Left and Right 
cursor keys. 

2. The DELETE key works as it should. Delete words 
backward (F7) and forward CF8). Delete from tlie cursor to the 
end of die line (Control Y) or to die start of die line (Control U) 
or delete die entire line (Control X). Delete all lines, including 
type ahead lines (Control 2) or return diem (Control R). 

3- Skip to next word backwards (Shift Left Arrow) and 
forward (Shift Right Arrow). 

4. Toggle between Insert and Overstrike (Control A) 
or force Insert mode (Control a). 

5. Support of Xon (Control S) and Xoff (Control Q). 

B. Command History 

1. Recall previously entered lines by pressing the Up or 
Down Arrow keys, Shifting each of diese will recall ilie latest 
and oldest lines respectively, 

2. Clear the history buffer widi Control B. 

3. Buffer size and recall mode options diat may be set 
when ConMan is first started. This affects all console windows. 
If you need to change these later, the utility program SetCMan 
makes it easy. The default buffer size is large enough to hold 
25 to 30 lines. 



Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

Har dFr ame /2000 

Tliie Super-speed, DMA, SCSI Hard 
E>i3k Interfece with 1 .3 Autobootirig 

8-UP! The eght Megabyte 
Memory Card with Amiga-specific 
DRAM Controller Logic 

How fast is fast? HardFrame/2000 transfers data 
at Amiga bus speeds! It's actually faster thar^ the 
hai'd disk mechanism, itself! And even more important 
in the Amiga's multitasking environment, HardFrame/2000 has 
extremely efficient DMA circuitry to get on and off the bus in al- 
most no time at all: 280ns to get on; 200ns to get off. HardFrame/ 
2000 autoboots under AmigaDOS'"'''' 1.3 and is fully compatible 
with the new Fast File System. The core of any DMA SCSI inter- 
face is its SCSI protocol chip and DMA chip. MicroBotics has 
chosen the new, high performance Adaptec AIC-6250 SCSI chip, 
capable of up to 5 megabytes per second raw transfer speed, and 
the Signetics 68430 DMA chip running at 12.5 megahertz. Then 
we added additional FIFO buffering and enabled 16-bit wide 
data transfers for maximum throughput. The sophisticated de- 
sign of HardFraine/2000 provides for automatic SCSI arbitration, 
selection and reselection. The hardware supports either syn- 
chronous or asynchronous data transfer. HardFrame/2000 can 
function as either the SCSI bus initiator or the target and can re- 
side in a multiple master environment. Physically, HardFrame/ 
2000 is optimally flexible: the compact, half-size card comes at- 
tached to a full length, plated aluminum frame. The frame has 
mounting holes positioned to accept standard, 3.5" SCSI hard 
disk units such as those manufactured by MiniScribe, Seagate, 
Roc'.ime, and others (hard disk mechanisms must be supplied by 
the user or his dealer as a separate purchase item). Alternatively, 
you can cable-connect to a SCSI drive mounted in your Amiga's 
disk bay or in an external chassis. As many as seven hard disks 
may be connected to a single HardFrame. There is no size limit 
on each disk. HardFrame/2000 includes a 50-pir. SCSI cable and 
header connectors for either 50-pin or 25-pin cable connection. 
Also included is a current tap to power frame-mounted drives di- 
rectly from the slot itself. HardFrame/2000 comes complete with 
driver, installation, and diagnostic software. Available September 1988. 
Sug^;e&ted list price, £329 (hard disk not included). 

All the memory space you and your Amiga 2000 
need -in a modern, highly integrated FastRAM 

expansion board, in 8-UP!, MicroBotics went all the way to 
provide you with a truly Amiga-specific memory design to meet 
the special demands of the Amiga's high speed multitasking en- 
vironment: The heart of any memory expansion is its DRAM con- 
troller circuitry. Rather than compromising with off-the-shelf 
parts, MicroBotics developed its own, custom controller design 
and built it into high-speed. Programmable Macro Logic chips (Sig- 
netics PLHS501). These new, super chips (each 8-UP! uses two 
PML's) permit MicroBotics to employ sparse refresh technology to 
assure that your 8-UP! is a truly zero wait-state/minimal-refresh- 
collision memory design. If you're putting eight megabytes in 
only one slot, that means that you probably have plans for your 
other A2000 slots. 8-UP! gives you new freedom to do that plan- 
ning since, unlike other ram peripherals, it is an extremely low- 
power memory card- a single, fully-loaded, 8-megabyte 8-UP! 
draws an astoundingly efficient 0800 milliamps! That's less than 
two-fifths of the power "budget" for a single slot! Low power draw 
also means that the card is cool-running for reliability and long 
life (not to mention a cooler Amiga!). 8-UP! offers you maximum 
flexibility in memory configuration: it is organized into two sep- 
arate PIC's (Amiga-speak for autoconfiguring peripherals). Each 
8-UP! PIC consists of four SIMM module sockets; these sockets 
accept either 256k-byte or 1 megabyte SIMM's (Single Inline 
Memory Modules). You can also purchase optional PopSIMM 
boards from MicroBotics; fill thenn with conventional RAM ; then 
use PopSIMM's to fill your 8-UP! The card can run with as little 
as 512k of memory or as much as eight megs -with many inter- 
mediate configurations possible (particularly the six megabyte 
configuration, most desirable for use with a BridgeCard '''"). 8-UP! 
is speedy, efficient, custom memory technology for your Amiga 
2000 -and it's available now! 8-UP! suggested list price is $199 (Ok installed). 
Optional PopSIMM's are $49.95 per pair. 

Ttie HardFrame/2000 photo shows the 
product with a MiniScribe 20 megabyte 
hard disk installed. Hard disks are not 
included in the purchase price of Hard- 
Frame. Note that if placed in the first 
slot. HardFrame uses only one slot. 


The 8-UP I photo shows the card half 
populated with conventional SIMM 
modules and half with MicroBotics 
PopSlf\/IM's. PopSlf^f^'s (without DRAM 
installed) are available as separate 
purchase items. 

Great Products Since the Amiga Was Bom! 
811 Alpha Drive, Suite 335, Richardson, Texas 75081 (214)437-5330 


Tell your dealer tie can quick-oider from MicroBotics directly -no minimum quantity -show him this ad! 

"Amiga' is a registered trademark of Commodore- Amiga. "HardFrameffiOOO", 'e-UP!', "PopSimm", are trade names of MicroBolics 

4. Search the buffer forward (F6) or backward (F5) for 
a match on a partial string. 

5. If you've entered a long line and accidentally hit 
the up or do'wn cursor keys (thereby recalling a previous line), 
you can get it back with Control - (minus). 

C. Window Manipulation 

1. Shrink (Fl) or expand (F2) the console window. 

2. Pop the window (FIO) or tlie screen (F9) to the 
back or to the front. 

3. New window attribute options for including or 
excluding the gadgets and other features. (Very Nice!) 

4. Clear the window with Control W. 

Included with all of this is several utility programs for 
manipulating the command buffer in various ways. THIS is the 
type of console the Amiga should have had to begin with. 
Once installed, ConMan is transparent to the user. Each 
NEWCU command will automatically engage the mastery of 
ConMan when the window is opened. I commend Mr. Hawes 
for his fme effort to bring this most welcome addition to the 
Amiga. He has also written a program he calls WShell which I 
■will be using soon. I will cover WShell, Matt DUlon's Shell and, 
if available by then, AmigaShell (WB 1.3) in a future issue. A 
Sheil is a command environment with some spiecial features to 
make CLI operations much easier. This should not be confused 
with console handling software such as ConMan which gives 
you a better ANSI Terminal. 

All of the escape sequences described in the last issue 
are still accessible and I've found ConMan to be compatible 
with everything I use. The latest version of ConMan may be 
found on Fred Fish Disk i!^133 or you can order it direcdy from 
the author - 

WiUiam S. Hawes 

P.O. Box 308 
Maynard, MA 01754 

ConMan is distributed as Shareware and the author 
requests a donation of 510. 

I stumbled across an interesting window manipulation 
feature using the Fl and F2 keys as described above. If you 
create a window -with NEWCLI that is some portion smaller than 
the full screen, the F2 key may be used to increase the window 
size to full screen while the Fl key will collapse the window. 
Try this: 

1 > NEWCU CON:0/200/640/200/Neato 

Now press F2. The window opens to full screen. Press 
Fl and it collapses into a small window at die top left comer. 
Press Fl to open it to full screen again. Press F2 and the 
window returns to the original size when opened. Press Fl and 
it will collapse and stay in the middle of the screen. VChat's so 
great about this? If you want a smaller window but need a full 
screen display once in a while, you don't need to have several 

console windows hanging around. Mr. Hawes indicates that the 
next release will include "an improved iconify state" which I 
hope will work similar to the next program described. 


Wouldn't it be nice if you could click on a gadget or 
something and cause a console window to get out of the way? 
We're all used to Icons. VPhy not provide a way to make a 
window disappear and leave an Icon behind to let you pop it 
back to full size when needed? Davide P. Cervone apparendy 
feit that tills would be a nice feature and wrote wiconifj' to 
solve the problem. Great job Davide! Several attempts have 
been made to get the window out of the way, from TinyWin- 
dows to Smartlcon. I feel wiconify provides the most elegant 
solution. Once installed, neariy any window on the Workbench 
screen will Iconify, even some commercial program windows. 
Because the program operates on the Workbench screen, you 
must run LoadWB before wiconify is started. To collapse a 
window press and hold tlie left mouse button then tap the right 
mouse button. 

Although this works well enough, I think it might be 
better to provide a new window gadget instead. When col- 
lapsed, a small icon resembling a console window appears near 
the bottom of the Workbench screen with the tide of the 
window underneath it. You can manipulate it the same way 
you would a Disk icon. New menu items are added to the 
Workbench menu for manipulating the icons. Below the DIS- 
CARD item on the WORKBENCH pop-down menu you should 
fmd an ICONIFY item which produces VERSION, CLEANUP, 
will neady arrange multiple icons similar to the Clean Up selec- 
tion on the SPECIAL pop-down menu. OPEN ALL v^'ill cause all 
iconified windows lo open back up, END terminates wiconify 
and VEPtSION displays information about the program. You 
may also use die OPEN and CLOSE items from the WORK- 
BENCH pop-down menu as you would with other Workbench 

Although Davide warns that he cheats some to make the 
program work and that it may not be compatible with a newer 
release of Workbench, my spies tell me that only the menu 
items seem to be inoperative with AmigaDOS 1.3- 


One of the problems we ran into whQe writing batch files 
was in determining what volumes are mounted without causing 
that blasted requestor to pop up. Bryce Nesbitt gives us a 
program called MOUNTED that eliminates the problem. 
MOUNTED will test for the presence of the volume specified in 
the command string and return a value that may be used by the 
IF command. The format is; 

MOUNTED <volume;> 

(command to execute If the volume Is present) 



Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 





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This could be expanded to allow you customize the envi- 
ronment easily. Here is an example script for starting a paint 

MOUNTED Pictures: 

ASSIGN HR: Plctures:HIRes 
ASSIGN [H: Pictures:LoRes 
ASSIGN BRUSH: Pictures; Brushes 

RUN Painter 

If the volume Paint: is not present, nothing happens. No 
requestor pops up and the batch file continues on. If it is 
present, then we test for the data disk. If the data disk is 
present then make some assignments and finish up by running 
the paint program. You can see another problem right away. 
What if you forgot to put the data disk in the drive? No 
assignments are made but the paint program is still started. 
How can we improve this? Read on. You will find MOUNTED 
on Fred Fish Disk #79- 

Now, if the the data disk is not mounted we ask the user 
what to do. If the WABN string is entered (C) the WARN 
condition is set to true and the file is executed again from the 
top. (This makes sure that the volume WAS mounted by testing 
again.) If the OK string is entered (A), the TIMEOUT value 
expires, or the RETURN key is pressed, the ELSE section is 
executed and it skips to the bottom. If something other than 
the WARN or OK strings is entered, ASK will re-display the 
prompt and wait for a valid response. The default values for 
Prompt, WARN, and OK are "?", "Y", and "N" respectively so it's 
not mandatory that you specify a string for each. Most of the 
other available ASK type of programs will only work widi a "Y" 
or "N" answer. The ability to define a specific keyword to 
match for the True and False answers is what sets this AEP 
command apan from tlie rest. 

ASK and the rest of die ARP commands can be found on 
Fred Fish Disk *123 or may be ordered from: 

Microsmiths, Ina 

P.O. Box 561 

Cambridge, MA 02140 


Another problem that arises when working with batch 
files is that there is no easy way to make decisions based on 
user input. This would be handy in the script just shown. 
Although there are several P.D. programs that address this 
problem, I prefer the flexibility provided by the ASK command 
found in the ARP collection. I will be covering the AmigaDOS 
Replacement Project commands next issue. ASK allows you to 
suspend execution and wait for input from the keyboard. The 
syntax is: 


Prompt is a string that will be displayed in the console 
window. TIMEOUT is a set time limit in seconds. To test the 
WARN and OK values we can use IF WARN and ELSE state- 
ments. Let's modify the script shown above to handle a 
forgetful user. For this purpose the file is saved as "Paint.stu". 


MOUNTED Pictures: 

ECHO "The Data disk Is not mounted.' 
ECHO "Place volume Pictures: in any drive and enter" 
ASK "C to continue or A to abort." "C" "A" TIMEOUT 10 

EXECUTE Paint.stu : execute this file again 

SKIP Exit 

ASSIGN HR: Plctures:HIRes 
ASSIGN LR: Pictures:LQRe5 
ASSIGN BRUSH; Pictures: Brushes 

RUN Painter 
LAB Exit 


I have shown you a method for changing the Assign- 
ments needed by AmigaDOS to make another disk your system 
CWorkbench) disk. A quicker way to do this is to use the 
DefDisk command. By providing the name of the volume to 
change the assignments to, DefDisk wiU re-assign the logical 
names needed by Workbench to point to the new volume or 

DefDisk <volume name> 

DefDisk DHO; 

This is a lot easier and just as flexible as the original 
metliod. DefDisk may be found on AMICUS Disk #18. 

I'll be covering batch files in detail in an upcoming issue. 
With the help of these and other Public Domain commands we 
will discover some of the power that the Amiga provides. .N"e.xt 
issue I will discuss the differences and improvements in 
command line processing provided by the ARl' command col- 

If you have any questions about the programs I dis- 
cussed in this column or about other programs that pertain to 
the CLI tliat you would like to see covered, let us know. 

Send your questions to: 

Rich Faiconburg 

c/o Amazing Computing 

P.O. Box 869 

Fall River, MA 02722 



Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 


A compiler that makes AmigaBASIC a viable 

development language! 

by Bryan Catley 

Release 1.3 of Absoft's AC/BASIC compiler for the Amiga is now shipping. 
Registered users should receive the upgrade automatically. This release contains no 
external differences, but instead concentrates on improving compatibility with 
AmigaBASIC and fixing bugs. Additionally, a number of routines were rewritten to 
increase execution speed. The result is a compiler that makes AmigaBASIC a viable 
development language! 

The distribution disk includes a number of examples, plus a full set from the 
reference manual. Also included is a short AmigaBASIC program that creates a HAM 
screen and then fills the screen with pixels drawn in random colors. There are two 
problems with this program you may wish to correct before using it. 

First, change both "CALL CleanUpEverythingO" statements to "CALL 
CleanUpEverything", and change the "SUB CleanUpEver)tlTingO STATIC" to "SUB 
CleanUpEverything STATIC". If you do not make this change, and you run the program 
under the interpreter, you receive a syntax error. 

Second, change the two "pen% = INT(RND*31+1)" statements to "pen% - 
INT(RND'63+1)". Tills change allows the full effea of HAM colors to be seen. As 
originally written, only the blue intensity ever gets modified (and even then, only when 
the random number is above 15), so the result is a screen of mostly standard colors! 
The difference is dramatic! 

Other example programs are the BSpread AmigaBASIC spreadsheet (AC V3.1.) 
and programs that show how to access command line or Workbench arguments from a 
compiled program. AC/BASIC also supports a number of language extensions, 
including the CASE statement. If you have been using this extension, you should be 
aware of some usage rule changes — made at the request of Microsoft Corporation — 
with this release. 

My original review of AC/BASIC Release 1.2 (AC V2.9, V2.10.) included a list of 
all the bugs I encountered. With one exception, all those bugs have been fixed. The 
exception is that collision detection is still not handled correctly. As indicated, many 
other changes have been made for increased compatibility, and the mouse handling 
routines are among those which were completely rewritten. They now work 
beautifully... and all the time! 

The documentation has also been changed; rather than a small three-ringed 
binder, it is now a standard soft bound book. Its contents have not been changed 
much, but some additional examples have been added. The print is also larger and 
easier to read. Overall, the documentation is superb, and you will probably find 
yourself using it rather than the AmigaBASIC manual (even when using the interpreter). 

If you are not familiar with the compiler, Absoft does not charge royalties for 
distribution of compiled programs. They do request that you mail in die licensing 
agreement included in die package before distributing a program. 

This release of AC/BASIC is really worth having! If you do any j'XmigaBASIC 
programming, buy it. (It's not expensive!) 

AC/BASIC Compiler V1.3 

Retail price S50 

Absoft Corporation 

2781 Bond Street 

Auburn Hills, MI 48057 

(313) 853-0095 or G13) 853-0050 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 67 

A. M A Z I M G P R O G R A Ad M I N G 

Extending AmigaBASIC 

Accessing Intuition Functions From AmigaBASIC 

by John Kennan 

For about 2 years. I have been an active member in the 
Tri-City Amiga User's Group in Midland, MI. As the current 
president, part of my role is helping group members use their 
Amigas more effectively. Recently one of our members ap- 
proached me and asked if it were possible to create borderless 
windows in AmigaBASIC. He was working on a project involv- 
ing overlaying text on a video signal using a genlock and an 
Amiga. The genlock substituted the video signal for the back- 
ground color in Amiga windows and screens. An AmigaBASIC 
program generated text for the video. The problem was that 
windows created from within an AmigaBASIC program always 
included a window border which was visible in the final 
videotape. I took a quick look through the AmigaBASIC manual 
and found that AmigaBASIC gave the user very few options on 
window management. None of the available options allowed 
creating borderless windows. Since AmigaBASIC always creates 
windows with borders, I needed to come up with a way of 
making a window border transparent. The simplest way would 
be to tell the Amiga to make the border color the same as the 
background color. Once again, AmigaBASIC offered no obvious 
way of doing this. 

After studying the problem, I realized the only way to 
remove a window border was to access Intuition data structures 
and functions. Unfortunately, tliis advanced topic is not covered 
in the AmigaBASIC manual. This article attempts to remedy this 
problem by demonstrating the procedure for calling some of the 
Intuition routines. Intuition.bas, the program accompanying this 
article, includes some of the most useful calls. The program 
name is derived from the fact that the routines are available as 
Rom Kernel calls when the Intuition Library is opened. 

For those of you in a hurry, I'll start with a quick 
description of how to get Intuition.bas up and running, and 
then we'll go into a brief discussion on how the program works. 

Before typing in listing 1, you'll have to do a few things. 
For AmigaBASIC to access Intuition calls, the Libs: directory of 
your Workbench must contain a file named 'intuition.bmap' . 
Unfortunately, it is very likely that you don't have that file. Don't 
worry, all is not lost. The file is ver>' easy to create using a 
B.\SIC program found in the BASICDemos drawer of the Extras 
disk that came with Workbench 1.2. Simply load the program 
ConvertFD and enter 'run'. The program will prompt you for the 
name of an .fd file to convert. At this point, enter 'Extras:FD1.2/ 
intuition_lib.fd'. The program prompts you for the name of a 
•bmap file to create. If you have a dual drive system, you can 
have ConvertFD create die file direcdy in the Libs: directory by 
entering 'Libs:intuiiion.bmap'. If you have a single disk drive, 

you can save yourself a lot of disk swaps by entering 
'Ram:intuition.bmap'. The file intuition. bmap will be created in 
the Ram: disk. It is then a simple matter of going to a CU 
window and entering 'Copy Ram:intuition.bmap to Libs:'. 

If you already have a copy of the file intuition.bmap, you 
may want to go through the trouble of creating a new version of 
the file. The reason is that the file 'intuition.bmap' contains in- 
formation that tells AmigaBASIC how to call Intuition functions 
by name. Older file versions might not include function calls 
added to version 1.2 Cor 1.3) of the operating system. 

Now type in and save listing I. Intuition.bas is a program 
to demonstrate some of this new function calls. Included are 
routines for making window borders invisible, resizing win- 
dows, moving windows, and moving screens. To see the 
demonstration, enter 'run' . 

Understanding how this program works will allow you to 
better understand the inner workings of the Amiga. This should 
allow an AmigaBASIC programmer to explore other Library 
calls. Furthermore, if at some future time you decide to make 
the transition to another programming language such as C, 
Forth, Modula-2, or assembly language, this information will 
help you get started. 

Most of the Amiga operating system's inner workings 
revolve around structures. In the "C" programming language, a 
structure type is first defmed as having a certain format. The 
format defmes die number of bytes of memory an occurrence of 
the structure requires, and the sequence and size of the data to 
be stored in the structure. After that die program can allot space 
for an occurrence of die structure and store data in the structure 
according to the structure's format. Any program can then 
access the information if it knows the format and the starting 
address of the structure, 

A powerful feature of structures is that they will often 
contain addresses which point to other structures (thus a 4 byte 
address is referred to as a pointer). In this way structures can be 
linked together through a series of pointers. Thus a single 
structure can form the beginning a linked group of structures 
(sometimes referred to as a linked list). Linked lists of this type 
are fundamentally import to die Amiga Rom Kernel in keeping 
track of what occurs in the .\miga multi-tasking environment. 

An example of one of die most important structures 
available in Intuition - the Window structure will make this 
dear. The Amiga uses this struccure to keep track of information 
pertinent to window management. Rather than describe die 
entire structure (it contains 48 different entries), we'll just look 
at some of the highliglits to get a flavor for the type of informa- 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

don stored in tliis particular structure. Think of the Window 
sinjcture as an address in memory at which the following 
information is stored: 




















Che address of another window 

the left edge of the window 
the top edge of the window 
the width of the window 
the height of the window 
mouse position 
mouse position 
the minimum width of a resizable 

the minimum height of a resizable 

the maximum width of a resizable 

the maximum height of a resizable 

Intuition flags describing attrib 

utes of the window 
A pointer to a structure describing 

the menus for the window 
A pointer to the title of the window 
A pointer to a requester structure 
A pointer to a double click re 

quester structure 
Number of requesters currently 

active which are blocking window 

A pointer to a structure describing 

the screen in which this window 

appears. This value is used by 

ScreenToFront and ScreenToBack. 
A pointer to a rastport structure 

which describes the contents of 

the window. This is the number 

returned by the BASIC coitmand 

Window (3) . The number is used by 

many of the Rom Kernel graphics 

library commands. 

DetailPen A number representing the color 
register used to draw gadgets or 
text in the title bar, 

BiockPer. The color register use for area 
fills and line rendering in the 
window border. 

"C reference' 


















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Notice that the above structure contains a variety of 
inlbrmation. Data within a structure may be stored as a byte, 
short word (two bytes), long word (4 bytes), or just about 
anything else. Fortunately Amiga BASIC includes the commands 
a iDrogrammer to easily access data in a structure no matter how 
ths data is stored. 

The most important thing to remember about structures 
is that while there are many structure types (i.e. Window, 
Screen, Gadget, Requester, etc. are all structures defined by 
Intuition), once a structure type is defined, all structures of that 
type will have the same layout. Thus there may be many 
Window structures resident in memory, but tlie 10th and 1 1th 
b^te of each of those structures will always describe the height 
of diat Window structure's window. 

Anyway, a structure's real power is in passing informa- 
tion from one part of a program to anotlier part, such as a 
subroutine. Rather than passing the 48 variables defined in the 
■Window structure, we can pass just one number — the starting 

address of the Window structure. The subroutine can then 
extract any information it needs from the strucaire simply by 
knowing the offsets that define where the information is stored. 
Most of the Intuition Rom Kernel routines require as input the 
address of the Window structure that describes the window of 

In principle, all of the Intuition Library calls could be im- 
plemented from AmigaBASIC. In practice, most of die calls 
require a great deal of preparadon which might make them 
difficult to use. We will focus on the ones which are easy to 
implement and offer the added benefit of overcoming some of 
AmigaBASIC's more serious limitations. For example, once you 
create a window or screen from within an AmigaBASIC pro- 
gram, the program has virtually no control over that window or 
screen. Fortunately, the Intuition library calls change this 
situation dramatically. Below is a list of die calls used in listing 
1 . Within the program, Rom Kemel routines are called by name. 
The more useful calls (from a BASIC programmer's point of 
view) are as follows: 

WindowToFront(MyWindow&) - Moves the specified 
window to the front of the screen 

WindowToBack(MyWindow&) - Moves the specified 
window to the back of the screen. 

RefreshWindowFrameCMyWindoiv&)- When you move 
or resize a window under program control, Intuition sometimes 
gets confused and fails to redraw the window's border. This 
routine was added to version 1.2 of the operating system to 
allow programmers to force Intuition to redraw the border. This 
routine is useful as it allows a programmer to modify the 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 


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Window structure and then force the Amiga to redraw the 
border. Tliis is how we make the border disappear in the demo. 
ScreenToFronrCMyScreen&) - Moves the specified screen to the 
front of the display. 

ScreenToBack(MyScreen&) - Moves the specified screen 
to the back of die display. 

Move\Vindow&(My'Window&,dx%,dy%)- Moves the 
window by die specified number of pixels left or right and up 
or down. 

SizeWindow&(MyWindow&,dx%,dy%)-lncrezses or 
decreases the size of the window by the specified number of 
pixels left or right and up or down. 

In the calls listed above, function's name is followed by 
its required parameters. I have substituted variable names for 
the parameters. The '&.' symbol indicates eitiier that the variable 
is a long integer, or diat die ROM call returns a long integer. 
The '%' symbol indicates that the variable is a short integer. 

All of the calls listed above require the address of die 
window's window structure as a parameter (as indicated by tlie 
variable MyWindow&). This address is readily obtained by 
forcing die window to become the current window witli the 
AmigaBASIC command WINDOW OUTPUT <window-id>, and 
then getting the address of the window structure with the 
statement WINDOWCT). Save this value in a variable for later 
use. Listing 1 includes examples using all the above calls. 

All the calls l^ecome available when the Intuition Library 
is opened with the LIBRARY statement. AmigaBASIC restricts 
use of Library calls. If a Library call has multiple parameters or if 

it returns a value, it must be defined in advance with a DE- 
CLARE FUNCTION statement. Furthermore, once a call is 
defined in a DECLARE FUTs'CTION statement, it can only be 
used in an arithmetic expression. For example, the following 
program will open the intuition library and then decrease the 
size of the default AmigaBASIC window. (Make sure the 
window is open and of sufficient size so diat shrinking the 
window 5 pixels in the x and y direcdons won't crash the 

LIBRARY "Intultion.iibrary- 



My Window&=WI NDOWC7) 



Exercise caution when using Inmition ROM Kerne! 
routines. Remember ROM calls are outside of the control of 
AmigaBASIC and errors will not result in the relatively benign 
AmigaBASIC error codes. To recover from an error in a ROM 
Kernel call, you will probably have to reboot die machine. To 
avoid errors, make sure the window to be operated on is open 
and that the parameters passed to the routine are in an accept- 
able range. 

Listing one also includes some subprograms which make 
ROM Kernel calls a little easier to use. CALL 
SetWindowSize(MyWindow&, WWiddi%, WHeight«/o) will set tlie 
window to the desired width and heiglit. The advantage of 
SetWindowSize over SizeWindow is that SetWindowSize accepts 
the desired window size as parameters and dien does tlie 
required error checking before calling die ROM Kernel rouUne 
SizeWindow. CALL KiliBorder(MyWindow&) and CALL 
RestoreBorder(MyWindow&) are used for removing or reinstat- 
ing the border on an AmigaBASIC window. 

By the way, KillBorder and RestoreBorder only effect the 
border. These subprograms will not effect gadgets within the 
window border. Therefore if you want the border to completely 
disappear, create windows without gadgets (read over the 
Window command in die AmigaBASIC manual). It is also 
advisable to leave out the Window Close gadget since this 
prevents the user from closing a Window the program may later 
try to manipulate. 

Listing two contains a small demo program which I used 
at our club meeting to demonstrate borderless windows in Ami- 
gaBASIC. The program superimposed scrolling text on a 
background video signal using a genlock de\ice. As an aside I 
might mention that in my first version of this program I used the 
BASIC SCROLL command. I discovered that repeated Lise of the 
SCROLL comniand causes die Amiga to use up memory rapidly. 
Furthermore, the memory is not deallocated when the BASIC 
program is terminated. Left on its own, a program repeatedly 
using the SCROLL command will crash die machine. I suspect 
diat die problem originates in a bug in die Rom Kernel routine 
ScrollRaster. Hopefully this will be fLxcd in the next revision of 
die operadng system. 

That about covers our introduction to using LIBRARY 
calls from AmigaBASIC. If you want to learn more about the 
ROM calls that are available, you might want to examine die FD 
files in the FD1.2 drawer on the Extras disk. AH Rom Kernel 
routines are listed in these files. Learning how to use them 
might be a litde tricky. You might want to seek help from other 



Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

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Listing One ^^^^MMHnHHHHMRnHHHHHi 

REM Intuitior,,Bas - John Kennan 

REM A program to demonstrate the various functions 

REM available throught the use of Intuition Library Calls 

REM Some of the Intuition functions we can use 

REM RefreshwindowFrame, windowToFront, windowToBack,SizeWindow 

REM SoreenToSaok, ScreenToFront, and MoveWindow 

REM DECLARE FUNCTION should only be necessary If the Library 


REM returns a value. This does not seem to be the case, 

REM If t:he intuition library call returns a value 

REM or if it requires inore than one parameter 

REM we have to declare it as a function 


REM The next line requires that the file 

REM "Intuition. bmap' be present in 

REM the Libs: directory of your workbench disk. 

LIBRARY "intuition. library" 

REM First we get the addresses of the window and screen 
REM structures for the default AmigaBasic window 

MyScreenOs=PEEKL(MyWindowlS + 46) 

REM Now we open a new screen and 2 new windows 
SCREEN 1, 320, 200,2, 1 

WINDOW 2,"windQw2", (10, 10) -(250,150) ,16,1 
WINDOW 3, "Window3", (15,1S)-(280,1B0) ,16,1 

REM Next get the addresses of the window and screen 
REM structures for the new windows and new screen 

MyWindow2s=WINDOW n ) 

MyScreenls-PEEKLmyWindow3i + 46) 

REM Now lets try out some new commands 

PRINT "This is a standard" 

PRINT "AmigaBasic window" 

PRINT "in a standard AmigaBasic" 

PRINT "screen" 

SeosIoWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 

PRINT "Let's move this window" 
PRINT "Behind the other window" 

SeesToWait = ii GOSt33 TimedWait 
WindowToBack (MywindowSs) 
SecsToWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 

PRINT "And we can go baclf" 
PRINT "to the other window" 
SeosToWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 

WindowToFront (Hywindow3s) 
SecsToWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 
PRINT "I'm back" 
SecsToWalt=2: GOSUB TimedWait 

PRINT "Let's get rid of this" 
PRINT "annoying border" 

SecsTaW3lt=2: GOSUB TimedWait 
CALL KillBorder (MyWindow3sl 
SecsToWait-1: GOSUB TimedWait 

PRIHT "And now let's get the border back" 
SecsToWait«2: GOSUB TimedWait 
CALL RestoreBorder (MyWindow3S) 
SecsToWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 


PRINT "Now let's make the window" 

PRINT "smaller" 

SecsToWait=2: GOSUB TimedWait 

CALL SetWindowSize(MyWindOw3s, 240,60 

SecsToWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 

PRINT "We can also make the window" 
PRINT "big again" 

SecsToWait-2: GOSUB TimedWait 

CALL SetWindowSize (MyMindow3S, 240, 140) 

SecsToWait"2: GOSUB TiiaedWait 

PRINT "We can even make the" 
PRINT "Window Move" 

SecsToWait=l; GOSUB TimedWait 
xS=MoveWindowS (MyWindow3s, 20, 20) 
SecsToXait=l ; GOSUB TimedWait 
x£=MoveWindowS IKyWlndowjS, -20, -20) 
SecsTo«ait=2; GOSUB TimedWait 

PRINT "How about checking on" 
PRINT "the other Screen" 

SecsToWait-2: GOSUB TimedWait 
ScreenToFront (.MyScreenOs) 
SecsToWait=l: GOSUB TimedWait 


PRINT "Not much going on here" 
PRINT "Let's go back and finish up" 
SecsToWait=2: GOSUB TimedWait 


Amazing Computing V3J2 ©1988 

ScreenloFront (MyScreenli) 
SecsToWalc=l: GOSUB TlmedWait 
PRINT ^^Tirne to close up shop" 
SecsToWait=l: GOSUB TlmedWait 


PRINT "All done" 



SUB KillBorder (MyWindowS) STATIC 
blockpens=MyWindowS + 99 
POKE blockpens, 


SUB RestoreBorder (MyWlndowi) STATIC 

blockpenfi^MyWindowfi -^ 99 

POKE blockpens, 1 

RefreshWlndowFrame (HyWindowS) 

SUB SetWindowSlze(MyWindows,HWldch%,WHeight;%) STATIC 
CurWldt;h%= PEEKW (MyWindowi+8) 
MinWidth%= PEEKW(MyWindciwS + 161 
MlnHelght %~PEEKW (MyWindowS + 1 8 > 
MaxWidth%- ?EEKW(MyWindow&+20) 
MaxHeight %=PEEKW (MyMindows + 221 
IP ( (WWidthi < MaxWidth%l AND (WWidth% > MinWidth*)) THEN 

DeltaHidth%=WWidth% - CurWidth% 


IF ( (WHeight% < MaxHeigh-%) AND |WHeight% > MinHelghtl) ) THEN 

DeltaHeight%=WHeight% - CurHeight* 



xs=Sizewindows (My windows, Del taWidth%, Belt aHeight%) 

REM I tried to make the next routine a subprogram, 

REM but ON Tira:R(nl GOSUB 

REM doesn't appear to work from within a subprogram 

TlmedWait ; 


ON TIMER (SecsToWait) GOSUB EndTlmer 


REM The next line is necessary because other events besides 

REM timer will cause AmigaBasic to continue 


EndTlmer : 


REM Now we disable the timer event 



REM Display. Bas - John Kennan 

REM Displays scrolling text ON a borderless WINDOW 

LIBRARY "intuition. library" 

SCREEN 1, 640,200,2,2 

WINDOW 2,"Window2", ( 0, ) - 1 631 , 185) , 16, 1 



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HyWindow2S=WIND0W (7) 

MyScreenl£=PEEKL(MyWlndovv2i + 4 6) 
CALL KillBorder(Mywindow2s) 

ArraySlze=6^( (144-136+1) *2) »INT( (600-15+16) /16) »2 

DIM Array* (ArraySize) 

textS=" Welcome to the TRI CITY A.MIGA User's Group 



LOCATE 18,72 

PRINT MIDS (texts, counter,!) 

count er=counter+l 

IF counter>LEN (texts 1-1 T.4EN counter=2 

FOR n=l TO 4 
GET (17,1361 -(600, 144) ,Array% 
PUT (15, 136) , Array*, PSET 






SUB KillBorder(MyWindow£) STATIC 

blocltpenS=MyWlndow£ -t 99 

POKE bloclcpeni, 

RefreshWlndowFraitie (MyWindowS) 

SUB RestoreBorder(MyWindowS) STATIC 

blockpeni=MyWlndowS + 99 

POKE blocltpen4,l 

Ref reshWindowFrame (Mywlndowfi) 


Amazing Computing V3. J 2 ©1988 


Patch Librarian Files 

(or, '^How to get your sounds from there to here^') 

by Phil Saunders 

When I bought my Yamaha DX7 synthesizer, I also 
bought a used patch editor for the Macintosh. The musician I 
bought it from told me he had, "about a thousand patches", 
stored on the disk. I started using the DX7 with my Amiga 1000 
and a MIDI interface, but tlie thought of those thousand patches 
haunted me. I knew there must be a way to use them M/ith my 

One afternoon I hooked my girlfriend's Macintosh to my 
Amiga with a null modem cable and transferred all the patch 
files. Now I had tlie files on an Amiga disk, but my Amiga patch 
editor refused to recognize them. Whenever I tried to load the 
Macintosh files, my patch editor showed a screen full of 
garbage. I soon realized that the Macintosh editor stored DX7 
patch data in a different format from Dr. T's DX-Heaven. What I 
needed was a way to convert the Macintosh files into Dr. T's 
files. After some research, I was successful. 

The techniques I used can be modified to translate 
sounds for any syntliesizer to Amiga format, regardless of the 
editor or computer used to save the patches. The same tech- 
niques can also be used to convert other kinds of data for use 
in Amiga programs. Here's how to go about the task. 

Compare 'em 

The first step is to compare a few of your existing Amiga 
patches to the "foreign" patches. In my case, after USTing both 
files, I saw thiat the Macintosh file was 4352 bytes long, while 
the Amiga file was 8192 b>-tes long. Checking Howard Mas- 
say's, "The Complete DX7^ I discovered that the Yamafia format 
for a bulk voice dump is 4096 bytes long (128 bytes times 32 
voices). "The Complete DX7" also showed how the various 
parameters of each voice were stored within those 4096 bytes. I 
now knew the Yamaha format for a voice dump. (This informa- 
tion is usually in the oack of a synthesizer manual, under the 
MIDI implementation section or the system exclusive code 

The next step is to compare both patch files to the 
synthesizer's own patch format. You could use a disk or file 
editor to do this; I used the TYPE command with the OPT H 
extension. (TYPE AmigaPile to PRT: OPT H). This gave me a 
printout of both the hexadecimal and the ASCII codes of each 
file. (See Listings I and 2.) The T\TE command is useful 
because it provides two ways of looking at ever>' byte in the 
file. The ASCII printout on the right side allows you to scan the 
file for intelligible information; the hexadecimal values on the 
left let you get precise values of the data. 

In this case we can quickly locate the name of the first 
patch in the Amiga file. Yamaha DX7 patch names have ten 
characters in ASCII format. Looking at tlie right column we see 
tliat "AC.PLANO" starts at $76 and ends at $7F. The ASCII char- 
acters in the patch name are a good due to how the patch data 
is stored. Examination of the Amiga file shows that voice names 
recur every 128 bytes until location $OFFF. (The first name is at 
$76-$7F, the second name is at Sf6-$FF, the diird is at $176- 
S17F, and so on through the thirty-second, which is at $FF6- 

Since a DX7 patch takes up 128 bytes in bulk dump 
format, the patch data is clearly stored in this first part of the 
file. If we compare our listing of the Amiga file to the DX7 
system exclusive data in the book, we see that DX-Heaven 
appjears to store data in the same order as the DX7 system 
exclusive commands. (Most voice editors will conform to the 
manufacturer's bulk dump format because they need to send 
the data to tlie synthesizer in that format.) Looking at the ASCII 
dump after $1000, we see text strings showing the performance 
function data for the DX7. Since this information is not included 
in the 32 voice bulk data dump, we will ignore it. (Some 
synthesizers do save performance data with dieir patches. 
Usually this data will be pan of the patch, so no special steps 
will be necessary to retrieve it). 

What 's you rname? 

We now know that the first 4096 bytes of the Amiga file 
are the same as the standard Yamaha format. But what about 
the Macintosh file? Let's try the same technique of looking for 
the patch names. The third through sixth bytes have some ASCII 
data, but they are surrounded by hexadecimal zeroes. That 
doesn't seem right, so we keep scanning. Looking further on, 
we see the string "A-2" starting at $F8-$101. The patch names in 
the Macintosh file also recur every 128 bytes, so we find the 
next name at $178-5181, followed by another at $1F8-S201, and 
so on. We'll assume that Opcode didn't devise a custom data 
format since die amount of space between patch names is the 
same as the Yamaha specificafions. So, the Macintosh file looks 
like the Yamaha bulk dump format, but with a lot of extra data 
tacked on to the begirming. 

In the Yamaha format, the patch name takes up the last 
10 bytes of the 128 allocated for eacli voice. The first 118 bjtes 
contain data for the other parameters in the voice. So, if we 
want to find the first byte of any patch, we need to look for the 
location of the first byte of its name and then subtract 1 18. If we 
do this for the Amiga file, we find the first byte of the patch 
name at $76 (decimal 118). If we subtract 118 from this value, 
we get zero. The file starts at $0000, so diis makes sense. 


Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

The Macintosh file has its first patch name at SF8 
(decimal 248). If we subtract 118 from 248, we get 130 (S82). 
This means that the first voice in the Macintosh file starts at S82 
and runs for 128 bytes (to SlOl). The second goes from S102 to 
Sl81, with the last patch ending at $1081. We want to extract 
the data from $82 to $1081 (Decunal 130 to 4225) and discard 
the rest of the file. I wrote a simple utility, CONVERT, which 
will skip a user specified number of bytes into a file and then 
write a new file of the specified length. 

Convert It! 

To convert "Macflle" to Amiga format, we would use the 
following command: "CONVERT dfOrMacfile 
dfO:AmigaFormat.TX7 130 4096". ("Convert Macfile to 
AmigaFormat.TX? by copying 4096 bytes after skipping 130 
bytes".) The output file created by the CONVERT command is 
ready to be loaded into DX-Heaven or a public domain program 
like DX-fer. The actual conversion of the file is easy; the 
difficulty is in finding what bytes need to be skipped and which 
need to be kept. There are several standard steps in doing this 
kind of file conversion. I will summarize them in general terms. 

1: Get hexadecimal dumps of the different file formats. 
The "TYPE OPT H" command is useful for this purpose. If you 
have access to the program that generated the file you wish to 
convert, try entering the same data in both programs and then 
comparing the resulting files. This is about the only way to do a 
conversion if a program rearranges data. (Few^ patch editors will 
do this). 

2: Examine the "standard" format. Most manufacturers list 
their system exclusive data formats in the synthesizer manual. 
Even if the information is not listed in the standard manual, it 
may be available in other books or by request from the manu- 
facturer. A public domain program that accepts raw MIDI 
system exclusive dumps is another way to get a look at what 
format tlie synthesizer expects. 

3: Look for landmarks. In our example we looked for the 
ASCII codes tliat represented patch names. Once we found 
these we could look for patterns that recurred (patch names 
being 128 bytes apart, for example). This kind of analysis gives 
you useful information about how data is stored. 

4: Compare the different files. Do the patterns repeat the 
same way in each file? Where is the "good" data stored? How do 
the files you are trying to convert differ from the standard 
format' These are the kinds of questions you should ask 

5: Find the start and end points of the data you want. If 
you know that each voice in the file starts and ends a certain 
distance after your "landmark", you should be able to locate the 
data you want. The CON'VERT utility is a very useful tool for 
extracting data — once you know which data you want. 

6: Put the new file in proper format. This step is unnec- 
essary in our example. But if we needed to add a "header" so 
that data could be read by an application program (a program 
that required IFF format samples, for example) we would have 
to create the header and then JOIN it to our new data file. One 
easy way would be to use CONVERT to extract an existing 
header, then use a disk editor to alter it to match the foreign 
file. The header could then be JOINed to the new file. You can 
also use CONVERT several times on a file to extract different 
data, then use JOIN to rearrange the pieces. This hasn't been 
necessary in my applications, but it is certainly possible. (See 
Richard Rae's article in the Sept. 1988 issue of Amazing Comput- 
ing for more details on IFF format sounds). 

A general rule for translating Yamaha DX7 files is to find 
the location of the first patch name and then subtract 118. The 
result i,s both the start of the patch data and the number of bytes 
that should be skipped. In the example cited in the article, the 
first patch name starts at SF8 (Decimal 248). If we subtract 118, 
we get 130 (S82), Since the first byte of the file is numbered at 
SCXXX). the byte located at 130 is actually the 131st byte in the 
file. By skipping the first 130 bytes and extracting the next 4096, 
we extract the patch data. I have compiled a list of skip values 
for several DX7 patch formats, Refer to Table 1 to get the 
correct value, then use the CONVERT command to convert the 
file to Amiga format. (Other synthesizers are handled in the 
same way, although the starting offset,H8 in this case, will 
probably be different.) 

The CONVERT utility gives you access to the thousands 
of public domain sounds that exist on bulletin boards across the 
country. I have used it to convert more than three thousand 
DX7 patches for use on my Amiga. It does require a little work, 
but once you learn how a file is stored, you can conven all files 
of that type with little additional effort. I hope you find CON- 
VERT as useful as I do. 

Listing One 

Amiga DXlFile (Dr. Ts Format) 






. ,/cZ ,.!.;. 






Ts..2cz..l.. .R.D 






..X..2cZ,.l. . .;. 






B.. ../cz C.J 






.o..x\g;cc[z' . , , 












, : .C 2222.. 












K...C ...R.,4.S. 






.K..tCl Q.Z 






..P..5C- ;. 






C..X..+CI 3.. 























t PIANO 9 


contlnu«g. . . ) 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 


listing Two 

Macintosh DXJFile (Opcode Format) 




0004«n6 63310000 

00000000 OOOOOODO 

00000000 oooooooo 

00000000 oooooooo 

004D5044 374D3250 
OOSaOOOO 00100200 
SS4CiFO0 oooooooo 

OOOOOOOO oooooooo 

00203540 2C4663SC 
360EOF56 '43264056 
04S4020Q 60131441 
3A085804 19323423 
093A0463 0200S347 
0000390D 5602323A 
OOOOOOBB 04630000 
0E0F0300 03611918 
20206350 165A6363 
60043263 S0165A63 
00600400 6350165A 
60006002 00635036 
00580060 04326311 
OAOOOSOO 63040163 
63000028 00630000 
Ic0e23e2 OODOISOC 
3036SE00 63636300 
4207030A 02636363 
0057052E 29006363 
38004500 1S200063 
0038003E 061C3200 
00003800 45020907 
00000038 00560600 
110F2300 OQOQOIOO 
2E3S5a2S 100A635E 
continues. . - 1 



. . avcl 












UL. . 



C. .. 



. 5lS,Fc\8 :. 



6..VCseV\J..;. .. 



.T. . '. .AcW 



: .X..24I9C\[.?B< 






. . 9 . V . 2 : . . Ac\Z . . 



...;.C..cC <2222 



a. .A-2 



cP.Zcce 8. 



'.2CP.ZCCC a 



. '. -cP.Zccc 



'. '..CP6RCCC 



.31. '.2C. .Zcca. . . 






C. [.C..KPK<2222 






06',ccc. ..... -fi. 



B ccc 8 



. K . . ) . CCC 



e . E . . . ecc 



. 8 . > . . 2 . coc 



. .B.E 3c3. . . 



. ..8.V CG2.C 



..( A.FCE 30 



.5X*..C-.Cf . . .-. 

Table One 


Skip Value 

Length (before conversion) 







Gen Patch 



DX Android 






Convert VI. 

CONVERT accepts the following command line: 

CONVERT infile outfile skip (length) 

Infile Is the file to be converted. 

outfile Is the file to be created. 

SKIP Is frie number of bytes to be skipped. 

(LENGTH) is an optional parameter giving the number of bytes 
to be transferred. If omitted, CONVERT will transfer ttie rest of the 
me. "CONVERT dfO:infiiedfO:outfiie 20 1000' would skip the first 
20 bytes of dfO:lnfile. then read the next 1000 and write them to 

/* Convert is wiittun by Phil sounders 

Mith {incourd^dPent: and advica 'rom Pon Cuciis 

Coriver^ expects Xha following ccncndnd line: 

Convart infila oucfUe skip [lengrii] 

in£iXa 13 c^« £lle cc dd converted, 
outtile ts tna coiivortod rile, 
SKIP is tfia r:uirJier of byCos to b« skipped^ 
LEMGTH la ttio nusnl>ec of b/tcs co M copied 

If LElKSTH ia omlcced, Coftveci. will copy until it reachca Che 
end of cho Input file. 

f Include <;3Cdia.H> 

void m*LRl9igc, «cgv] 
int AEgCf 

ehJt£ 'Ae^tlj 

FILE -infile, -cucftle; 

int skipcQuntr length, data, reL: 

/■ Ara there A or 5 argijsents from CLl ? ■/ 

if {argc < 4 || flrgc > 5> | /•Chock for illegal nambor of argirBonts-/ 
prlntf ("Bad Arguaients. .. Usage : infilo outfile aklp [length] \n~) ; 
exit {20); 
else if (Acgc -- ^l 

length - -1; /"no leng^fi parsjieter passed"/ 

else I 

length - acoi (aigv[43 1 .- /'gee leng^Ji paira!C£reE and convert ro Inc*/ 

if (Length < li { 

pclncfCCan't convert a negative nuirljcr of b>xos\n'|.' 
exit {20}; 

sfcipcouiLC - aL0l(acg%"f31 1 : /"get bytes skipped paraz-acer ar^d conver 

if (skipcounc < Oj I 

printf (^Can' t alcip a negative nuzlbez of bytes\n'!; 


infile - fopen{irgv[3], -r'} ; 
if Unfile -- KULL) ( 

print: I'Cauldn't Op«i: input lileVn'J ; 

fclo^e I Infile) ; 


oytfilw - f5pen(argv[23 , "wb»"}; 
if (outfile — ' NULL) { 

prifiifCC&ul.dn'c Open output file\n"M 
fcloae(infLle) r 
fclosetDutflle) ; 
exit (20) I 

/•open Input file*/ 

/"open Output file*/ 

' fsee)c (infile^ (iongr alcipcount., 0) : 
Iret !- 0) I 

prlntf Clrsput file too snort \n") ; 
fCloae (infile) ; 
fclosc (outfile) ; 
exli (20 J .- 

/•Skip bytes In input file*/ 

vhile |l~l) { 

daie-fgetcUnfilel ; 

if (data - 

/•get input byte*/ 

/■chaclt foe EOF"/ 

toe " fputcldaCa, outfile)? /'write co output file*/ 
if tret " EQD ( 

prlntf ("Eiror writing Output flleXn")!; 
fciose ttnfilej ; 
fclose (outfile) ; 
exit (20) ; 

if t-ienfltn -- 0) 

break; /■Transferred length I of bytes, so exit"/ 

ret " fclose (infilel r 
sat '- fclose {Dutfile> ; 

close files-/ 



Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

C niotee ^Mtn tke C (ff^-oap 

by Stephen Kemp, PUNK ID: SKEMP 

Program or function control must often be determined by 
the value contained in a variable, or by tlie results of an 
expression. For instance, most programs that accept keyboard 
input have code that determines the program functions to 
execute — based on the keystroke. The evaluation of the 
keystroke determines what happens next in the program. 

There are several ways to write the code to handle this 
type of program control. The first method that springs to mind 
is use of multiple "if' statements to check the conditions and 
then direct the program. This is a ver)' logical choice, especially 
when there are only a few possible branches. But when there 
are many possible branches, the best method to control 
program flow may be the "switch" statement. 

The Switch Statement 

The "switch" statement evaluates an expression (or 
variable) and uses the results to match the expression with one 
of many branches. The syntax of the switcli statement is: 

switch (expression) ( 

cose constant 1 : statements 
case constant 2; statements 

cose constant n: stortements 
default: statements 

The expression determines branching within a switch 
statement. The results are compared to each "case" that has 
been defmed and the statements foUowing a match are exe- 
cuted. If no matching "case' is found, the "default case" is 
executed (if it is defined). 

W}}icb Case? 

Lets take a closer look at the switch statement. The 
expression can be a single variable, the result of a function call, 
or any other valid statement. "Case" statements within a switch 
statement serve as branch labels and must include a CONSTAJ^ 
value notz variable. For example "case 3: " is a valid case 
statement, while "case vaix:" is not valid, since varx is not a 
constant. Remember, the case must be labeled by a con Lant 
vaJue or a constant expression. 

A switch statement can contain any number of cases, but 
no two case constants may have the same value. To cause a 
branch to occur, the constant value must exactly match the 
expression's results. The only exception to this rule is the 
"default" case. (Notice that the "default" label does not actually 
have the word "case" preceding it.) If a default case is included 
(it is optional), and the expression does not match one of the 
cases, control branches there. 

It is important to note that the cases are merely labels. 
Once the label is "jumped" to, control continues to fall through 
the remainder of the switch statement. (This is analogous to the 
goto statement and label.) When more than one "case" is 
expected to execute the same code, this "fall through" condition 
can be used to your advantage. However, more often you want 
execution of code to end before following into another case. 
This is accomplished with tlie "break" statement. 

Gimme a Break,' 

The break statement serves a similar purpose in the 
switch statement and within loops. When a "break" is encoun- 
tered, program control jumps to the next statement following 
the switch statement. The break statement is important to 
proper functioning of the switch statement. To see how the 
break can be used, look at this example: 


/' detefmine what to do with value '/ 

easel: /' if value = 1 then '/ 

statements /" do some statements 7 
breal{; /'cose ! Is complete, end switch 7 

case 2: /* if vaiu© =■ 1 then "/ 

statements /* do these statements 7 
break; /• case 2 now complete "/ 

default: /■ if value is some other value '/ 

statements /* do these statements 7 
break; /' the default cose is complete 7 


Break statements transfer program control once a case is 
completed. If the break statement is omitted between case 1 and 
case 2, whenever the value matches the first case, the state- 
ments of both case 1 and 2 are executed. Notice that a break 
statement again occurs after the default case. Although it is not 
necessary to have a break after the last case in a switch state- 
ment (because the next statement to be executed comes after 
the switch instruction), it is still a good practice. The break may 
help avoid an error in execution if another case is later added to 
the end of the switch. 

Notice the format used within the switch statement. The 

syntax diagram shows that ihe statements can begin anywhere 

after the colon in a case statement. To make the code more 

readable, most people prefer to place the case labels on 

separate lines. Additionally, notice tlie indentation. Some people 

like to keep tlie case statements lined up with the switch 

statement; otliers prefer to indent. Almost everyone agrees, 

though, that the statements should be indented after the case 



Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 




Amazing Computer Systems is 
hoi Our sizzling selection of 
Amiga products has become the 
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than 1000 software titles in stock 
to the hottest selections of 

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All at red-hot prices. So 
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you're not shopping Amazing 
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Each case is compared to the value, and the default case 
is taken only if no match is found. This means the order of the 
case statements is not important. In our last example, the default 
case could be at the top (case 1 could follow case 2), and the 
statement would still function the same way. For easy mainte- 
nance and understanding, I recommend tliat you order the case 
statements whenever possible, and place the default at the 
bottom. This set-up makes it easier to detennine if every 
possible branch has been included. 

You may notice that I mention little regarding the 
statements following the cases. These statements can be any 
valid C instructions, including other switch statements. The only 
important point to remember is that once execution has begun 
at a case label, it continues through the remainder of the switch, 
unless a break statement is encountered (or a goto statement, of 

Let's Code.' 

To help us understand the switch statement let's write a 
program. Here are the parameters this program should follow: 

1.) Count the number of times the keystroke '1' is entered. 
2.) Count the number of times '2' or '3' or '9' are entered. 
3.) Count the number of times any other keystrokes are entered. 
4.) Print die results of each count then terminate the program 
when 'Q' or 'q' are entered. 

When you have finished writing the program, it should 
look something like the program in Listing one. If you have 
problems, don't be afraid to seek assistance from my example 
or a language reference manual. After your program works suc- 
cessfully, proceed to expanding or alterations. Remember, you 
can learn a lot from experimenting. 

Listing One 

/* program Switch. c *{ 

/• This program will demonstrate tt)e use of the switch */ 

/" Keyboard input will be accepted and a tally will be jtept ■/ 

/■ for each of the following ■/ 

/■ Is that are entered ■/ 

/• 2s or 3s or 9s that are entered "/ 

/' all other keys that are entered excapt Q and q •/ 

/» these will terminate Che program "/ 

/" si.^ce keyboard input is normally buffered on the */ 

/■ A.T.iga it will be necessary to press enter before input keystrokes '/ 

/ ■ ca-a be evaluated •/ 

♦include <sCflio.h> 

.Tain (1 

shott ores; 

short two^3 9; 

short others; 

/• start of program */ 

/' place to hold ones •/ 

/■ place to hold 2s 3s and 9s */ 

/• place to hold others */ 

initialize all to "/ 

printfPInput some keys Chen press enter \n") ; 
printf ("Press Q or q then enter to end \n") ; 


; ; 1 1 

/• forever loop */ 

switch (getcharfl 1 1 

/" get the keystroke to evaluate 

case 'q' : 

/• quit key "/ 

case 'Q' : 

/" other quit key */ 

prlntf r 


= %d, 2s 3s or 9s » »d, others = %d 

ones, Lwo_3_9, others) ; 
exitlOj; /• exit will end the program */ 

/* a bceas sca^eime.':!: is not needed •/ 
/* slr.ce exit ends the program •/ 


'1' i 



It a 1 ■/ 
increment •/ 
end of case */ 


'2' : 




if a 2 -/ 
if a 3 •/ 
it a 9 -/ 
increment */ 
end of cases •/ 



all others go here -/ 
increment '/ 

/* end of switch scatement */ 

/' boccom of farever loop */ 

/" end of prograc and function main */ 


Send any questions or comments to: 

The C Group 

c/o Amazing Computing 

P.O. Box 869 

Fall River, MA 02722 


Amazing Computing VJ. 12 ©1988 


Easy Menus in JForth 

The EZMenu system makes it quite easy to implement 
simple text based mentis 

by Phil Burk 

Never Used Forth? 

If you have already programmed in Forth, skip ahead to 
the next section! 

I won't try to teach you Forth in this article. But hope- 
fully I can explain enough so thai the program listing makes 
some sense. In Forth, subroutine, or function is called a 
"word". The defmition of a word is started wth a colon, ':', 
followed by the name of the word. The definition is terminated 
with a semicolon, ';'• A program called HI that prints out "Hello 
World!" would be defined as follows: 

:HI .'Hello World!-; 

This could be compiled interactively in any Forth in 1 or 
2 seconds. Once compiled it is added to a dictionary of com- 
mands, any of which can be executed interactively or refer- 
enced in another program. Thus, Forth is both a compEer and 
an interactive environment. 

Forth code looks a little strange at first since it uses 
Reverse Polish Notation. In Forth, numbers and addresses are 
held on a stack. The Forth words operate on this stack in the 
order of their appearance in the code. The syntax is therefore 
very simple, being much like English. Here is some code that 
places two numbers on the stack, adds them together with 
"plus", then prints the answer using "dot". 

23 45 + . 

The answer, 68, would be printed if you ty]>ed this into 
any Forth. 

Most of the common Hinctions in Forth are standardized. 
However, the way in which Foith is interfaced to an operating 
system has not been standardized. Thus, this program, which 
uses Amiga Intuition Menus, will only compile under JForth 
from Delta Research. The EZMenu toolbox is unique to JForth, 
but almost every Forth on the Amiga allows you to access 
Intuition Menus in some way. 

Wtiy Use Pull Down Menus? 

If you're like me, when you buy a new interactive 
program you want to tr>' it out NOW! You pop in the disk, click 
on some likely looking icon and you're in. Now what.' While the 
manual sits unopened in tlie box you probably start exploring 
the puU down menus. If the user interface is well designed you 
can get pretty far this way. After your initial frenzy subsides, and 

you get in deeper, you can always consult the manual to teU 
you what you've missed. 

If you are writing a program for others, providing a good 
set of menus is obviously important. Adding menus to your 
Amiga program, however, is no trivial matter. The Amiga menu 
system is so flexible, and has so many options, that it can take a 
lot of work even to do somed^ing simple. I am very grateful to 
the folks at Amiga for providing a very well thought out menu 
system that can handle almost anything. But when I was just 
writing a simple text menu, I used to wish for an easier way. 
For this reason, I wrote the EZMenu system and included it with 
the JForth compiler. The EZMenu system makes it quite easy to 
implement simple text based menus which are the most 
common type. If you choose to do something fancier, like 
including graphics in your menus, you will have to do a bit 
more work. 

[Note: JForth is a Forth '83 based compiler similar to the 
MultiForth system described in previous Amazing Computing 

Amiga Intuition Menus 

To understand how EZMenu system works, it helps to 
have some idea of how the Intuition Menu system works. 
Intuition Menus use several different structures linked together. 
(See Figure 1. for a diagram of this system.) The primary 
structure is the Menu structure. This structure determines where 
the menu appears on the menu bar, its name, and its size. Tlie 
Menu structure points to a linked list of Menultems. 

Each Menultem has its own size and position, plus 
information on how to draw it. Each Menultem points to either 
an IntuiText structure or an Image structure. Thus you can mix 
text and graphic images in a menu. Menultems also have a 
number of flags that control whether it has a checkmark, how it 
is highlighted, whether it has a command key, etc. Menultems 
may also have a pjointer towards a list of Subltems. 

The IntuiText Structure has a pointer to the text, plus in- 
formation on position, font, colors, etc. Multiple IntuiText 
structures can be linked together into lists. Image structures 
allow you to specify a bit mapped image, which bit planes to 
use for highlighting, size and position, etc. Images can also be 
linked together. 

The primary Menu structures can be linked together to 
form a Menu Strip which can be connected to a window. When 
you select a window, its Menu Strip is made available. When 
you pick from a menu, a MENUPICK event is sent to die 
window for use by your program. (continued) 

Amazing Computing VS. 12 ©1988 


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MBnuitem Menultein 1 

V^l NBHtltem —^ 







MulualEHclud e i 

I LeftEifge 

i TopEdge 

j f liigs 



I Command 

Sublteni kl 









IntulTBHt 1 





□ ratuMode 







Optional EKtra IntulteHls 

Inuillon data set automatlcallg by JForth EZMenus. 

EZMenu data set automatically by JForth EZMenus. 

Data typically set by user. Users can optianally set 
any member of any structure far custom menus 

figure 1 

Although complicated, the Intuition Menu system is very 
powerful and flexible. The JForth EZiMenu system was designed 
to make it easier to use these menus in your programs. 

JForth EZMenu System 

The JForth EZMenu system makes some assumptions 
about how you'd like your menus to look. Using these assump- 
tions, it can do most of the work required to set up an Amiga 
Intuition menu. EZMenu assumes diat the Menultems will be 
lines of text arranged vertically, "regular menus". You simply 
specify how many items to liave and what the text will be. You 
can then deEermine a Forth word to be executed when you pick 
each item. You may also add command key equivalences, 
checkmarks with mutual exclusion, and other custom features as 

The EZMenu system is based around a special JForth 
structure called the EZtMENU. This structure contains a complete 
Intuition Menu structure, plus a pointer to a block of IntuiText 
strucaires and a pointer to an array of CFAs, one for each menu 
item, and a count of how many menu items there are. You 
create one of these structures for each menu wanted. Most of 
the EZMenu routines uses this structure as one of its parameters. 

l£t's look at a simple interactive graphics program 
written in JForth to see how this EZMenu system is used. 

Step by Step 

This program will open a window and begin drawing 
colored lines or boxes in a random walk pattern. The puU down 
menu offers four choices. You can select between lines or 
boxes, clear the window, or quit. 

The numbers in parentheses in this article correspond to 
numbers in the listing. This should make it easier to match code 
with the text. 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

(1) Compile any code needed for this program. This 
includes the graphics toolbox, the event handling tools, the 
EZMenu system, and a random number generator. 

(2) Declare a copy of an EZMENU structure as described 
above. We will be using only one menu. 

(3) Define the words and variables that control the 
drawing mode. The variable DRAW-MODE is set by picking 
Lines or Boxes from the menu. This variable is then used by 
another routine to decide what to draw, 

(4) Define a word to dear the window. This demon- 
strates how to call an Amiga library routine from JForth. We will 
use the Amiga SetRast function to set the entire RastPort to the 
background color. The first line in CLEAR. WINDOW gets the 
address of the current RastPort. This variable will be set when 
the windo'w is opened. The routine is called with the line; 


The CALL word in JForth builds a call to the named 
routine by searching the Amiga "FD" files for the necessary 
information. It figures out which parameters go in which 68000 
register, determines the offset of the routine in the library, then 
builds the proper 68000 machine code. This system will work 
with any Amiga library that has an FD file including the ARP 
library, custom MIDI libraries, or whatever. 

(5) The word MY-MENTJ.INIT initializes the menu. First 
we set die width for the menu items to 10 pixels. Then we dy- 
namically allocate the structures needed for our 4 menu items 
with the line: 


The word EZMENU.ALLOC allocates enough memory for 

4 Menultems and 4 IntuiText structures and attaches them to 
MY-MENU. It also allocates space for 4 CFAs. The next com- 
mand line uses EZMENU.SETUP to give the menu a name. It 
also initializes all of the Menu, Menu Item, and IntuiText 
structures to reasonable defaults, then links these structures 
together into a complete Intuition menu. 

We now use die word EZMENU.TEXT! to specify the text 
for each menu item. Notice how we use the word 0" to 
generate the NUL terminated, 'C like, text strings needed by 
Intuition. We now use EZMENU.CFAO to tell the EZMenu system 
what to do when a menu item is picked. We could set each one 
individually like we did with the text above, but I decided to 
use a DO LOOP just for fun. We could stop here and have a 
workable pull down menu. Let's continue, however, and make 
them a litde fancier. 

C6) Put a checkmark beside the Lines or Boxes item in 
the menu to show which one is current. We can use the 
Amiga's mutual exclusion feature to make one check mark 
automatically disappear when the other appears. Intuition 
allows you to give each menu item a bit pattern. When you 
select a menu item, its pattern tells Intuition which other menu 
items to turn off. There are 32 bits in the pattern but we will 
only look at the 4 lowest bits since we have only four items. 

When we select menu item I, "Boxes", we want menu 
item 0, "Lines" to become unchecked. The "Boxes'* item would 
now have the checkmark. The other items will be unaffected. 
Thus the exclusion pattern for Boxes should have bit set to 1. 
The bits are numbered from right to left, 0-31. Thus the pattern 


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Amazing Computing VS- 12 ©1988 


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for "Boxes" should be 0001. For "lines" to turn off "Boxes" the 
pattern should be 0010. The binary patterns for each menu item 
are shown below. 


= item # for each bit 




= turn otf item 1 . Boxes 




= turn off item 0, Lines 


-bit 2 


= ieave others aione 


-bit 3 


We also need to put a checkmark beside the "lines" item 
since the program starts that way. 

(7) We can easily assign a command sequence for menu 
items using the E2MENU.COMMSEQ! word. Now when the 
program is running you will be able to hold down the "right 
Amiga key" and then hit a 'C on the ASCII keyboard to Clear 
the window. The menu initialization is now complete. 

(8) This code is responsible for drawing the lines and 
boxes. SAFE. RE CT sorts the comers of a rectangle before 
drawing it. The Amiga does not check for backwards rectangles 
(for speed reasons) and freaks out if you try to draw one. 
Notice the use of GR.RECT, is one of theJForth graphic routines 
which start with the prefix "GR". (The JForth graphics toolbox is 
based on the concept of a current window. Most JForth graphics 
words operate on the RastPort of that window.) 

The word WANDER.XY is interesting because it uses 
JForth's structure referencing tools. If you have done any Amiga 
programming, you have no doubt encountered the use of 
structures. Stnictures allow you to package together the data 
needed to describe something in the computer, like a window 

or menu. In this word, I wanted to keep the lines and boxes 
from going outside the window. I couldn't just use the original 
sizes because people might resize the window. Luckily, the 
current widtli and height are stored inside the window structure. 
The X position is dipped to the window by the line: 


Let's examine this line in detail. The x value has been left 
on the stack by the previous line. The word MAX takes two 
numbers off the stack and remms the biggest. Thus if our x 
position is negative, zero is bigger and we are left with zero. If 
X is positive, we are left with x. We then get our window 
strucnjre pointer from the variable GR-CURWINDOW. This is 
passed to ..© which fetches the width of the GIMMEZEROZERO 
window from the structure. In 'C this line would look some- 
thing like; 

If (X < 0) X = 0; /* equivalent 'C' code! 7 
xlimit= gr_curwindow->GZZWidth; 
If (x > xllmit) X = xllmit; 

TheJForth word ..® calculates an address by adding the 
offset for die wdGZZWidth member to the structure. It then calls 
either C@ , W@ or @ depending on whether the width is an 8 
bit, l6 bit or 32 bit value. You don't have to know the size of a 
structure member to reference it. We have a saying around here, 
"The size of your member is not as important as what you do 
with itl". The fmal word, MIN, clips the x value to the window 
width. There are more examples of accessing structures in 
section (10). 

C9) This section contains the program's main loop. The 
word LOOP. DRAW draws a line or box then checks to see if the 
user has generated any events. The events are associated with a 
specific window so we must pass EV.GETCLASS our window 
address. It returns an event class. If the class is zero, there was 
no event so we just keep looping. If there was an event we pass 
it to HANDLE.EV'ENT for processing. HANDLE.EVENT only 
checks for two kinds of events, MENUPICK and CLOSEWIN- 
DOW. If a menu is picked, the menu code is passed to 
EXMEIW.EXEC which then figures out the item selected. 
E2MENU.EXEC then caUs the word you specified in section 5 
using EZMENU.CFAO. If the CLOSEWINDOW gadget was hit, 
we set QUIT-NOW which causes LOOP.DRAW to exit later. 

(10) I find it very helpful to separate most programs into 
three sections: Initialization, Execution, and Termination. If you 
look at the fmal word EZWALKER, you can see diis organiza- 
tion. When debugging, I can initialize the application with one 
word, e.g. EZMENU.INIT, I can then examine structures, test 
graphic words, look at variables, etc., under the same conditions 
that the program would execute. When I am done, I can clean 
up with one word. 

At the beginning of this section we declare a NewWin- 
dow structure. This is used as a template for how we want our 
window to look when we op)en it.. We can set the default 
values for this window using: 



Amazing Computing V3. 12 ®1988 

We can dien override these defaults to customize our 
window. In the next two lines, we can give it our own title b>' 
storing the absolute address of a string in the title field of the 
NewWindow structure. The example in section (8) used a 
pointer to a structure. Here we use the structure directly. Note 
also that we use 0" since the Amiga uses zero terminated strings 
instead of Forth style strings. The word ..! is the opposite of ..@ 
as it is used to store values in a structure. 

We need to change a few of the flags to make menus 
work with this application. We set the IDCMP flags to give us 
menu picks and closewindow events using the line; 


The equivalent code in 'C would be; 


By also setting the ACTIVATE flag, we don't have to click 
in the window to active when it opens. This flag is ORed with 
the existing flags. We now open ilie window and associate our 
menu with it using SetMenuStripO. 

The Termination word clears the menu strip, closes the 
window, then frees any memory' associated with the EZMenu. 
The last word EZWAIKER ties everything together. Finally I 
print a message that tells me how to run the program immedi- 
ately after compiling. 


I hope this article will encourage you to use menus in 
your application (if you are not already doing so). To get the 
most out of Amiga's menus you should read the Intuition 
manual. Menus can make your programs easier to use and help 
give them a professional look. 

1 will try to upload this program onto most bulletin 
boards so you don't have to typ)e it in. It shouldn't take too long 
to download. The source code is 5215 bytes. The executable 
image is 9324 bytes and the small image size is because of 
CLONE: an optimizing target compiler to be released in late 

If you can't find EZWalker on a BBS you can send $5.00 to: 
Delta Research, P.O. Box 1051, San Rafael, CA 94915 

We will send you a public domain disk containing this 
program and others. The S5.00 can be applied toward the price 
of JForth when purchased from Delta Research. More extensive 
examples are included with the JForth compiler that demon- 
strate multiple menus, enabling menu items, etc. If you have 
questions about this program, call me at (415) 485-6867. 

Listing One ' 

\ Demonstrate the use of JForth' s EZMenu system. 

\ Use pull down menus in a simple graphics application. 


\ Author: Phil Burk 

\ Delta Research, Box 1051, San Rafael, CA, 94915 

\ 1415) 485-6867 

\ July 8, 1988 


\ This code is hereby placed in the Public Doaain 

\ and may be freely distributed. 

gE (i)P?c©r3 




nKF (MrrocMt^e bore. 


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Abo •(jailiblB 30 MfiPS, X FOMTS, 30 UTLfTTES ($29.95) 
All prcdLKt TocUk ir* Tr^ncrkc of thiir rtiFOciiuc conpmes. 

\ (1) Conditionally compile support code not already loaded 
include? nevrrfindou. setup ju:amiga_graph 
include? ev.getclasa ju:amiga_events 
include? ezmenu ju:amiga_inenus 
include? choose Ju:random 

\ Forget this code if already loaded. 

\ (2) Declare an EZMenu structure. 

\ (31 ■ 

\ Variables used to control application, 
variable DSAH-MODE ( lines or boxes ) 

constant USE_LINES 

1 constant USE BOXES 

variable QUIT-HOW 
variable LAST-X 
variable LAST-Y 

I time to stop? ) 

\ Define words (functions I to call when menu itea picked. 
: USE. LINES ( - , set application drawing mode to lines) 

use_lines draw-mode 1 

last-x G last-y 3 gr.move 

USE. BOXES ( - , now draw boxes ) 
use boxes draw-mode '. 

\ 14) Call any Amiga Library routine by name 

\ using the JForth CALL facility. 

: CLEAR. WINDOW ( - , set rastport to color ) 

gr-currport S ( get absolute addr of window rastport) 

( background color ) 


Amazing CompuHng V3.12 ©1988 


call grachics_lib SetSast ( call Amiga routine ) 
drop ( don't need return value ) 

quit-now on 

set termination flag ) 


Set up Menu and Menu items using EZMENU system. 
MY-MENU.INIT ( - , initialize menu ) 

110 menuitem-def width ! ( set default item width ) 
Allocate space for A menu items with intuitext structures 

4 my-menu ezraenu. alloc 

Set name of menu and position in list, 
0" Choose" my-raenu ezmenu. setup 

Define the text for each menu item. 

0" Lines" my-menu ezmenu.textl 

0" Boxes" 1 my-menu esroenu.text! 
0" clear" 2 my-menu ezmenu.textl 
0" Quit" 3 ray-menu ezmenu.text ! 

Set the function to call for each menu item. 
Pull off stack in reverse order. 

" quit. drawing " clear. window 

* use. boxes ^ use. lines 

4 DO i my-menu[] I LOOP 

(6) Sec lines and boxes item to have exclusive checkmar)ts 
[ BINARY 1 ( Use base 2 to express exclusion pattern.) 
0010 my-menu ezmenu. exclude 1 

0001 1 my-menu ezmenu. exclude i 
CHECKED my-menu ezmenu. set. flag 

(7) Set Command Sequence keys for Clear and Quit, 
ascii C 2 my-menu ezmenu. commseq! 

ascii Q 3 my-menu ezmenu. commseq! 

\ (8[ 

\ Code for drawing lines and boxes. 

: SAFE.RECT { xl yl x2 y2 - , sort corners and draw ) 

>r swap >r 2sort ( sort X values ) 

r> r> -2sort ( sort "i values 1 

-rot ( - X y X y ) 


DRAW. NEW. XY ( X y — , draw either a line or a box ) 
draw-mode @ 
use_lines = 
IF 2dup gr.draw 

2dup iast-x @ last-y 9 safe.rect 
last-y ! last-x ! 

NEXT. COLOR ( - , Cycle through colors 1,2,3 ) 
gr. colors 1+ dup 3 > 
IF drop 1 
THEN gr.colorl 

\ Select random distances for random walk. 
! CALC. DELTA. X ( - dx ) 
41 choose 20 - 

! CALC. DELTA. Y ( - dy ) 
21 choose 10 - 

: WANDER. XY ( — , random walk ) 

\ Add a number between -20 and +20 

last-x 6 calc. delta, X + 
\ Clip to and current window size, 
\ Note reference to window structure. 

max gr-curwindow 9 ..9 wd_gzzwidth min 

last-y 8 calc. delta. y + 

max gr-curwindow @ ..8 wd_gszheight min 

draw. new. xy 

\ (9) 

\ Process IDC^!? events. 

: HANDLE. EVENT ( event^class - 1 

\ Call functions set using EXMENU.CFA[1 ! 


OF ev-last-code & my-menu ezmenu. exec 



\ Set quit flag if CLOSEBOX hit. 


OF quit-now on 


." Unrecognised event!" cr 

\ Draw lines or boxes until told to quit. 
: LOOP. DRAW ( - ) 
quit-now off 

wander. xy ( do graphics ) 
next. color 

gr-curwindow 9 ev.getclass ?dup 
IF handle. event 

quit-now 8 

\ Declare new window structure. 
NewHindow HY-WINDOW 

: SZWALKER.INIT ( - , set everything up ) 

gr.init ( initialize graphics system ) 

my-window newwlndow. setup ( set defaults ) 
\ Change window title using structure access word . . ! 

0" EZHAlJcer in JForth by Phil 3urk" >abs 

my-window . . ! nH_Title 
\ Set flags for window to allow menus. 


my-wlndaw . . ! nw_IDCMPFlags 
\ Make window automatically active. 


MY-WINDOW , , ! nw_riag5 
\ Open window based on NewWindow template 

ray-window gr.openwindow gr, set .curwindow 
\ Initialize menu and attach to window. 

my-menu. init 

gr-curwindow 9 my-menu SetMenuStrip () 
\ Start in middle of window 

gr_xmax 2/ last-x ! 

gr_ymax 2/ last-y ! 
use. lines 

: EZWALKER . TERM ( — , Clean up menus and close window. ) 
gr-curwindow 8 ClearMenuStripO 
my-menu ezmenu. free 

: EZWALKER ( - , do it all) 
loop. draw 
EZWALKER . term 

to see demo." cr 



Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

Getting Started in Assembly 

Learn to write the software in the 7nost efficient 
computer language available: Assembly 


The surest way to make a powerful computer an 
impotent collection of deficient electronics is to run a program 
written in an inefficient programming language. If the applica- 
tion involves intricate calculations such as floating point math or 
needs to perform a real-time function such as music sequencing 
or animation, a high level language just won't work. The only 
solution is to write the software in the most efFident computer 
language available: Assembly. 

Although C has become the language of choice for many 
programmers, and the de facto standard for the Amiga, it is 
certainly incapable of matching assembly's speed performance. 
In applications where unnecessary, extra machine instructions 
can cause a humanly perceptible delay, a high level language 
like C can ruin a perfecdy good algorithm. 

Unfortunately, there is precious little information about 
programming in assembly on the Amiga. Now I wish to present 
an example implementing some very elementary functions. Al- 
though there is no urgent need for speed in executing tliese 
functions, they demonstrate, in assembly, how to perform the 
following aspects of Amiga programming: 

1) Making a program that runs from the CU 

or WorkBench. 

2) Opening and calling routines in Amiga libraries. 

3) Opening windows and fonts. 

4) Setting up and decoding menus. 

5) Getting and interpreting messages from Intuition 
including keyboard and mouse events, 

and gadget selections. 

6) Outputting text and changing pen colors. 

If you can't do the preceding functions in the language 
of your choice, then you aren't really ■wTidng Amiga software. 

The first step in programming in assembly on the Amiga 
is to become familiar with the Motorola 680OO's instruction set. 
If you don't know what a move instruction is then proceed no 
further. You need to study a book on the 68000. 1 recommend 
"68000 Assembly Language Programming" by Leventhal, 
McGraw-Hill publications. 

Next, purchase an assembler. Amazing Computing, June 
1988, contained a review of several products. The assembler 
should come with some include files which defme certain 
structures and values that we need to reference. 

The disc should contain a start-up code module as 
described in the RKM Libraries and Devices manual on page 
489. You can obtain this start-up code on Fish Discs 101 or 55. 
By calling the first program routine to be executed _main, and 
linking with this start-up code, you will automatically acliieve 

the first goal: a program executable from the CLI or WorkBench 
(provided that you make an Icon for WorkBench). Also, the 
start-up code gets the Exec library's base, called _SysBase, and 
opens the DOS library with the base address stored at 

In describing the example assembly program, Example!, 
I will step through the code in basically the same order the 
68000 executes the instructions, referring to the symbolic labels 
at certain lines. At the top of the listing are some external 
references that the include files with the assembler will resolve. 
These include flies supply the actual values for the symbolic 

The first line to be executed is El in _main. The contents 
of all of the non-scratch registers that will be used are saved 
here. Tl^e registers dO, dl, aO, and al are considered scratch. 
This means these registers can be used without saving die 
original contents. All other registers must be saved if they are to 
be used. Never violate this mle unless you prominendy com- 
ment, at the head of die routine, which non-scratch registers 
will be "destroyed". If a call is made to an Amiga library 
function which uses a non-scratch register, save the register 
before the call, and restore it upon return. At line E2, a call is 
made to the routine, open_libs. 

The routine, openjibs, opens the libraries, font, and 
window die program will access, attaches the menu, and sets 
the initial drawing mode and primary pen color. If all goes well, 
it returns to _main with dO = 1. If an>tliing fails to work, it is set 
up to return dO = 0. If you link with the start-up code, the Exec 
and DOS libraries have already been op>ened, and the base ad- 
dresses stored at _SysBase and _DOSBase respectively. When 
linking, always specify the start-up code first so that it calls the 
application's _main routine. A library' must be opened before 
accessing the routines in it. Whenever a library routine is called, 
the base address of that routine's library must be in a6. 

To open the Intuition library (as shown at line Bl), we 
must call the OpenLibrary routine which is itself a routine in die 
Exec library. That is why _SysBase is placed in a6. The return 
value (in dO) will be the base address of the Intuition library, or 
if the Intuition library doesn't opten. 

Many Amiga funaions return certain values for an error. 
An alphabetical listing of available library routines starts on page 
A-12 of the RKM Libraries and Devices. It tells what parameters 
must be placed in whidi registers, and how to interpret any 
return value. If OpenLibrary returns dO = (error), then storing 
the value at _IntuitionBase will set the Z flag, and we will 
branch to BIO before even proceeding to B2. (There is no need 
for a tst instruction here. In fact, moving a value into another 


Amazing Computing V5. 12 ©1988 




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register is quicker than using the tst instruction to set the flags in 
the status register. Just be careful that the register moved to is a 
data, not address, register. Moving to an address register 
automatically uses the movea instruction which doesn't affect 
ANY flags.) 

At B2, the Graphics library is opened just like Intuition 
except that _SysBase needn't be placed back in a6. It's sull there 
since the Amiga libraries never destroy a6. The address of the 
main task is obtained at B3. Although this particular program 
doesn't use this info, any program that uses multi-tasking and 
ports probably will Since future articles will demonstrate how 
to add these features to the Example 1 skeleton code, we'll get 
the address now. 

At B4, the TextFont structure's address, TextAttr, is 
passed to a routine called OpenFont in the Graphics library. If 
you examine the TextAttr structure in the data section of the 
program, you will note that I want to open the Topaz 8 Font. 
By changing the FontName string to 'sapphire.font', and the 
ySize in TextAttr, I could open a different font. Also I can 
change the FC_STYLE to UNDERUNED (1), BOLD (2), ITALIC 
(4), or EXTENDED (8). 

At B5, the main window is opened via a call to Intuition 
lib. One of the passed parameters is the base of the newWin- 
dow structure. This structure, called WindowSirua, is in the data 
section of the program, and it contains info about where the 
window will be placed, how big it will be, what pen colors to 
use for the foreground and background, which types of 
messages Intuition will send to the window, what type of screen 
the window will be opened upon, what should appear in tlie 

title bar, what types of system gadgets will be in the window, a 
pointer to the list of gadgets that you wish to add to the 
window, as well as info about sizing dimensions. 

Page D-155 of RKM presents a summation of die various 
fields. The IDCMPflags are particularly important to the program 
diat needs to communicate with Intuition. Page D-152 of the 
RKM contains list of the values for all possible messages that 
can be sent. Here are the messages that Example 1 wants 
Intuition to send, the values for the messages, and the bit -s 
which are set by these values. 

Bit « When Inhittlon wnds the mestoge 

With evarv right mouse button pfess, 

or release. 
Every time ttie mouse moves. 
Wtien the right mouse button is 

depressed over a {usef ) godoet. 
Wtien the rlgtit mouse button is 

released atlet selecting a godget, 
Wtien o menu selection Is made, (not 

simply wtien the menu Is displayed). 
Wtien the close gadget In ttie top left 

comer Is selected, (ttie Wir>!DOWCLOSE 
flag of Window Hogs must be set). 
10 When a key Is pressed or released. 
























Simply add up the values for the desired flags and put 
this value in the IDCMPflags field of the window structure. 
(Remember to convert hex values to decimal before adding 
them). Now when the window is opened, Intuition sets up a 
port for the window which is where these messages will be 
sent. Intuition also gets a particular signal which it associates 
with the ".main" task. This will enable the task to wait for 
messages to arrive at this port from Intuition, and when the 
message does arrive, exec will send tlie program the signal 
Intuition has allocated. 

Many Graphics library routines require the address of the 
window's RastPott. This address can be found at an offset of 50 
bytes from the base of the opened window. The window's 
RastPort address is obtained at B6. 

At B7, the opened font, topaz 8, is set for this window. 
This means any text output to the window will be rendered 
with this font. Also, in the menu strucujres (and any user gadget 
structures) I have deliberately sec any pointers to a TextFont 
structure, to TextAttr in the data section. It is not necessary to 
open and set a font because the default font in Preferences will 
be used, but it is a good idea to do so. Especially with gadgets, 
if text is to be "fit tnbetween" two images, and the co-ordinates 
are set based on an 80 column display. When the program is 
run on a 60 column display, the larger letters may trash some of 
the adjacent image. Wlien you open a specific font, you get 
exactly the size and style desired. 

Ac 58, the pre-initialized menu strip is added to the 
window. This program contains 3 menus, each menu containing 
3 items. An item in the first menu, Color, will also have 3 
subitems. A menu strip is a long, linked list of structures 
containing Menu, Menultem, and Incuitext structures. The data 
section contains examples of each structure. Menu and Menu- 
Item structures contain info about the item or menu's placement 
(always relative to the top left comer), the dimensions of the 
select box (the box which is drawn around the item that die 
mouse pointer is over), the address of the next member of tlie 
list, the address of any IntuiText or Image structure (the text or 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

image that appears in the menu), and a bit mask describing 
which other items need to be excluded when this one is 
selected. A flags field describes what features are to be used for 
this item. A list of possible features for menu items is available 
on page D-146 of the RKM. 

For example, in the PenlSubltem structure, these features 
are set: CHECKIT (1), ITEMTEXT (2), COMMSEQ (4), ITE- 
MENABLED ($10), HIGHCOMP ($40), and CHECKED (SlOO). 
These 6 values are summed, and this sum is placed in the flags 
field of die structure. One of the flags set is COMMSEQ. This 
gives the alternate keyboard command which is indicated in the 
menu by the symbol for the right Amiga key followed by the 
chosen ascii value. I chose to use tlie '1' key as an alternate 
keyboard shortcut for Penl, and so the ascii value for T must 
be placed in the Command field of the structure. 

There are several different methods for highlighting the 
select box. For most items, the familiar HIGHCOMP flag has 
been set, but for one item, Infoltem, HIGHBOX is set instead. 

Note that in the menu, a box is drawn around the item as 
opposed to the entire area being complemented. There will be 
3 subitems for the Color item: Penl, Pen2, Pen3. The seleaed 
pen should have a check drawn before it (CHECKIT), and 
initially, Penl must be CHECKED. Only one pen may be 
selected at a time. The other two must be deselected and 
unchecked. Do this by mutually excluding each pen from the 
other two pens. 

The mutual exclude field is a bit map of excluded items. 
Notice diat for the PenlSubltem, all the bits of the mask (except 
for bit »0 because this is Subltem *0 under the Color Item) are 
set. This means tliat when Penl is selected, all the other 
Subitems (Pen2 and Pen3) will be deselected. Notice also that 
the mutual exclude fields of Pen2 and Pen3 have the appropri- 
ate bits set to exclude tlie other pens. 

LntuiText structures are used for every text string Intuition 
must display. They are used for text with gadgets, menus, and 
requesters. The various fields give info about where the text 
should be printed, what colors to use for the fore and back- 
ground, the drawing mode, and tlie addresses of the actual 
string to be printed, the TexlFont sLrucnjre, and any other 
IntuiText structures linked to this one. An example of this is 

Once the menu has been attached to the window, the 
drawing mode and pen colors are initially set at line 39. The 
drawing mode is JAM2 which means that 2 f)en colors are to be 
used for rendering text. Pen A is set to the color of color register 
*1. This pen draws the actual "outline of the letter to be 
rendered". Pen B is set to color register *0. This pen draws the 
"background beneath the letter". Since this program opens its 
window on the WorkBench screen, we can use only 4 of the 
possible 32 color registers — registers to 3. The background 
jjen is always going to be register 0. (The decision is yours It 
can be changed at any time). The color menu subitems will 
allow Pen A to be set to register 1 , 2, or 3. This is what the 3 
subitems, Penl, Pen2, and Pen3 are for. It allows the letters that 
are printed to the screen to be one of 3 different colors. 

The last operation open_libs performs is to move a 1 
into do. This clears the Z flag so that _main wiU know that 
everything went ok. Upon returning to _matn, the low byte of 
dO is moved into dl. (Again, tliis is quicker than a tst instruc- 
tion). If a zero, something went wrong and the code immedi- 
ately branches to a call to quit_all. Quit_all closes everything 
that managed to open in openjibs. Always dose anything that 

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was opened before you exit a program. This includes libraries, 
fonts, devices, windows, screens, spawned tasks, and deallocate 
any allocated memory. 

If openjibs was successful, the next step is to find the 
signal number that Intuition allocated in OpenWLndow. This 
signal notifies the task of an arriving message. This signal is 
stored in the message port that Intuition also allocated and 
attached to the opened window. At E3, the base of the open 
window is placed into aO. Then the address of the message port 
is obtained at an offset of 86 bytes. The signal number has been 
stored at an offset of 1 5 bytes. When the signal number is 
obtained (its a number from to 31), its respective bit * of 
register d7 is set. This is essentially a bit mask of the signal. 

At E4, a call is made to GetMsg to determine if there are 
any messages at the port. Perhaps the user was moving the 
mouse while open_libs was executing. (Never trust a user to sit 
quietly by during critical operations), if tliere is a message, its 
address is returned in dO. If no messages, dO = 0. If a message 
exists, the code branches to E7. The message contains info 
about the class of message (mousemove, gadget, etc), as well 
as other info that can be interpreted different ways depending 
upon the class. Intuition uses tlie first 20 bytes of the message 
structure to keep track of the messages. The info we need starts 
at die class field, so its effective address is loaded into aO and 
post-decrement addressing mode is used to jam the other, 
following fields into registers. 

At this point, it should be noted that normally, indexed 
addressing mode is used in accessing Amiga system struaures, 
and symbolic labels are used to represent the offsets. For 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 





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Volume 1 Number 1 Premiere 1986 

DtltVlna ByJFoua Adseasanuyatack^ftf Ai:;^ 
EZ-Tsfn byKe^KauRnun AnABsicTenvulprogfaD 

ImtdeCtJ byCKAissetaoiidedinsJgMnuiluAnJgaOos^ 
CUSumnwY tirG. Mussa.^. AbtorCUcaitnandi 
Ajn^SaFwum byB. Lijticn vJsiiCarrpuHnq'i AingjSIG 
ComiTKXlDr* AmiQi DvwIoprKn! Pingrvn by 0. Hiclq 
An^Pnriucu Agstu^ofprnenterdaqHOudpnAuca 

Volume 1 Number 2 March 19fl6 

EJKlTOfiilc Art* Come* TTirough A review of sofwar a tr«n EA 
InslciaCUiparttwo G.MLSser Irr^esGsaics CU&ED 
ASuirnnoTy of ED Conmantfa 
Uvel by Rich Hns A rff/iwolfw Beta version of Lve! 
OnUne ind the CT5 Fxbile 2424 AOH Uodem b/ J. Foust 
Supeflermyi.Q &/ K. Kauttman A term. prop. In Afnipa Basic 
AWDrUMnch'UocrPTDt^m by RickW^ 

Volume 1 Kumber3 April 1966 

Analy»I a r?tnew by Emes! Vfvaios 

ReMwt of Ractef, BsrsSsccas n>d UUxtiiUiKnr 

Forth IThD firti cJ DtE cn-gong tLSyiaf 

EWuxt DtbwII by R. Wrcrt An Amga Basic art protran 

lr*dtCU:p*n3 tiy5e»BeMLssaf Qaof^e flfca m ppe 

Volume 1 Number 4 May 1986 

aqrFta UMJ Antdsx Rtvttwtd 

BuidfCuawnSMDTtvtConraetix B/EmslVSwGS 

AiBlOi BuiC T^ by Rjch VAdi 

SalmfMr P«1 On byP.Kwotwe! pnjabpnrt A-nigasaBan 

iDcroHflCOROUConlennn by^CrKaana 


Volume 1 Numbers 1986 

TTm HSI to RGB Conwtlon Tool 

byS.Pietru*ita CofornwipJaltonljl BASIC 
AmlflaHotw by flic* flag Tlie first o! the AmparrwsJcro'wTiig 
SWecarAFltrtLookDy JchiFousi A first "irterPifl hood" 
J<yin FDUBt TalXfi wtth R. J, Ulnl t1 O^UD^"' 
KowiloetSMetaranBCl D» Tranibfincf 

iS\ inteni^ wicti [>Di^tas Wyman dI Similo 
Tt* Commodote Ljyoth by J Fcxsl A Icclt Comn^tae 'aiCs' 
Scrlmpcf Part Two by Peny Krrokwili 
hUraudcf ;evtew«d b^ Ri(*Wirch 
BidMIng Toots tT)' Ds.'^i el Kary 

Volume 1 Number G 1986 

Tefliple Dt Apihal Tricriogy rnvtri by ^bpheci p«trmv2 

TtKHaOer Project: A Mission reviewed by S Piet^jwci 

Farm-. E^iriewsd by Ejv BdU 

TtxIotftPhijaFbilLook byJceLowoy 

Howld$iarfyouri>inAnrigilJlur(lRwp by V^iam Simpson 


liilungtifl [;y Kelly <a£jftVLan a basic maibtprogf an 

Pfilniii Iraagt EdUor by Ssspfien PeCtwa 

Scf1npi(:pinlhrH:>> ParylCvMM'Ei 

Ftii Whti PwAmlgi Dlik ConUDller by TTiom Staring 

Op4nilaYaurAffll9iBaticProf)ninilDrSp»<tt>y P«i>rtcz 

Volume 1 Number? 1986 

A*gb Dnw: CAD coma lottwAAilgi byKafyAdaos 
Trv30 by JfnUHdnaaninTocSucacnOoDgrapfica 
Atgia bniQtii'AntmaWr arovewtiyBvBobo 
CMuxt VUeo CooitTucaon S»1 ra^wedbyJoelmery 
WMcwrK|UHtefihA{rtigaBulc byEbvQkic^ld 
flOT bySoSnFtercna30graptiiraK(& 
"1 C Whil I TNnJi' Ron P«1e>sCxiwi!ri 2 I^C graphic ptc^ 
VogiUffigSirl tjy B CaSpy pnjgram Anig,a aaw rwciues 
IFF Bnj4ritpAmlg«aislc 'BOS' gascediUby MSwr^ 
Unk^nQ CPTpgrtfn$vrlth AutmbMc Rou1lnH_i:iy GecalilH'jl 

Volume 1 Number 8 1986 

TTm Unlvf riHy AmlQa By G.GaimtiilaMiigaalWas'iinglDn State 

.Mtcr^Ed a rook aJ a one man amy t» tie Amiga 

HfcnjEtf.Tho Lewis and dart EipwEtton reviewd Frtietla 

ScnbbbfrVeT3Mi2.0 a review 

Coraputef t bn tfie ClaHroom by RoCsn FFiietie 

Two lor Ibiti B^ Fuzeiio DucovDrii I ThoTaKng Cotarina Book 

TnH Bitic fcrvtcwcd D^ Bfad G[«f 

Utlng your prtrltrwtih til Amh(}i 

HarUe IMmu leviCM^ tiy Stepson Pietrowici 

Uklng Forli fiorr Aitii(()sB4i4c by Tm Jones 

SawiSaVw b/ P.KvMwitzAfmao'prDbaionprDg.inC 

UttJC«UAXEUigity reviewed tTy ScKl P. Evemden 

A Ta3« ot ThTH ENACS by Stove Pcing 

.frtntpFiK RMd^rlAAmSga Basic E^T,ton£!$ 

Volume 1 Numbers 1936 

injunUuiic RpiipwdbySBvePiarowa 
y^walitf R^'CwedtTfRjcnardKnepper 
TTh AJ(^ H«(Tiory Beard RffAwetibyf^^'^ 
Ti£d Rcw#ad by Jan and CSB Kant 
Among CHndory AgiHlgbGiasamffiandFescurcss 
Ainlgi Divtiopfln A ising o4 S^icTat art! Davetopers 
Public Dooiain Citatog A is5ngDfAmia3afBiFrMF¥iPDS 
Diu2[>oa leviaw R. KMpp3(TransSerffle5*onP&"WS-DC6 
lUilPUn rfft'ew Dy Regard Kneppe(T^eAr^ga Spreadsheet 
Qlzmoz by r9vt'n«a] by Peter Wayner A^niga eilrs! 
ThtlAu^fomMtloflPrDgnni by&nanCaSey 
basiC prog, b ter your [inarciaf opbofis 
Stinii>Q Your Own Am^ Refeled Buslnets by W. Simpfion 
Kttp TncX qI YDur Business Uas^a hr Tasai by J. Kutnrrer 
The Absatt AmIgBFortran Conipllef -?/iewKl by H A. Re^ 
Using Fonts from AmlgaBwic, Pan Two by Tm Jones 
ewOOMacTM on the Amiga ljyG.NulAi)vartKyowabffiy. 
TDI Mo(lla-2 Amtgi Comply mew by S Fawisze 

Volume 2 Number 1 1987 

WhainjI-VkwlL.. Or.WhalGenkKkShodd&tEtyJ.Foust 
AmlgiBaile Deliull Colori by Bryan Ca3ey 
AmiQiBatJe Tifltt by Bryari Cailey 
A Pubte Domiln UoduU'2 Syilecn reviewed liy Warrei Bbdt 
OrHDf1nCarnj}llibyi:>oug(3SLovdl LaOtceCwrthortaDrwe 
A Uegtbyle wm>w1 Uegebucfc* tv Chris Irving 

An iniemai Meja^ upgi^da 
Dlgi-Vlpr rjviEWffI by Ed Jabber 
Dtltfv>er pf ffie Ocwn rEr-ewsd t^ KeSi Cwtoni 
L#j^ &wnl f?vow«i by Cfv^c RaJtfcnis 
Rourtdhiti Compultf Syittn'i PANEL riaviewed by R^ Lanoi 
CH$l-P(iiL_^ N«« Ttfc pr«vi»iv9^ ty Jc^ FousL 
Ottwf Pitil II -Jtom 0Kiw<*c Am p'ewewed ijy J, Fouit 

Volume 2 Number 2 1987 

TTh Modem ty JoBii^ L. Rotnnan Btlorts of a BBS S^liDp 
HaoUodem re*iflwed t^SBpfwri R Perowia 
GEHJM Of Utaiinlw])? Tinge' byJ>nMeadi>v3 

&r:vg behf«n rracJiir«s 
BBS-PCl revewd by S:Mhen ft f^tjwici 
TTm TnMjble with Xjnode^ by Jirseph L Rcnman 
The ACO Pro{KL- Gnplilc TtkMni'KtrKlrtg on Vit Amiga 

6^ S R. Pewwia 
FUght Slmulaior IL. A Ctdi CDuntry TutafUl by Jdfw Raflarty 
A E>[»k Ubnrlan Ici AmtgiBASIC by John Xeman 
Crtatlng nrid Uilrtg Aml^ Wortibencfi Ihkvs by C. Karsaf 
AmJgaDOS veriion 1.2 1^ Ciiffttcl Koni 
The Amazing WD I Irlertice buHd your own by Richard Ras 
Amiga DOS 0:;Kntlng SyilemCads and 
DiskRIe HBnagwtenl by D. Haynle 
WorUfig with the Workbenofi by Louis A. MamaioK P/og r C 

Volume 2 Number 3 


ARnl looiKtllhoww.fiijhend Amigd™ 
Th* Artilga 5W™ Cy John FmsJ 

A Ik* « trie nw*. iTw priced Amiga 
Afl Ar^y til 04 Ifw ntm Amiga PCt £y J. i^u« 

SpKiMwn Cft ri9 Wew Amiga 
Oernbti Ptfl H by Jin hMx]ew$ 

TTa oDfxSjdnj artdo cft two-pto|fef ganes 
SubKripti VKl Supenoiptf In Amtgi BASIC by Ivan C. Sntffi 
TlM WlnUr Coniiifner £]edranlca SAow by Jdl'.n FaaT 
Ainlo>Trta byW Eioi^LAnga'^tfioitans 
tnbjItlonGidoell by HanetMaytn^Toiy 

A jcKjney Mcu^h {jadjai-^and. ttfiig C 
Shmgriil rivtrwfd byKeiji M ConM 
□ttximutef ZOW i C^ns^1Blt re««wecS^ Ei^mri V Apel, Jr. 
Zing I troffl Uerfdan SclVan re> iewed by Ed B9<rt^itz 
Forlfil by Jon Btyan Ge! stEteo stxind «nfi your Fern pc^giams- 
AMemWy L*«qo*9b w tt» Amlji™ by ChHs Martin 
Roofiwn by ir*efiar>d:lo OonSocks at i^-aJy shwing , & MOflE!!! 
ArMgiHotM by ft ftaehirieision-'Nosiereg?Ynor?-. 
TtwAJJlCUSHetwDricbrJ Fwsi 
CE3, user ciDup bsites arxl Amiga E>po' 

Volume 2 Number 4 1987 

Amizing li^iervitwi Jim Sadu by S. Hul Amiga ArlSst 
Ttte Moidd Ttui Got Rtnarea by Jorry HiJI anii Bob Rhode 
Sliclhlng PutHIc Domali Disks w^thCU by John Fcust 
mjhllghis: ihe San Francisco Commodore Shew by S Hud 
SptaSct: Stsiloni: San Francisco CommodornShow HTody 
HouuhokJ hverMory S>£tMn In AmlgaBASIC^ by B CaSoy 
SKnn eH Screen Dumpi by Na3uji I>un 
Jilng Funcikm Keys with MicroEnaca by &eg Douglas 
Amlgiitrl]tllt?yWivronBock Mors Amiga snorCuts 
Bitic GidQeti by Sna.i Zitef Creata gadget luncaons 
Grtdlrar\ reviawod by K. Conlorti Real Kxffiail lor itvAm^ 
Star Fkel I Venkxi 2.1 reviewed ty J Tracy Auigain Spk@ 
TtteTK:revew«]byJ. Fousi BanarypDwradOocfcCaierdar 
U#ttteo{M re^ew by H. Tgly Aji easy-&Lse EJebugfjar 

Volume 2 Number 5 1987 

TtM Perfect SouDdDlgMtitr rtnnewbyFI 8^*96 
TheFuhtftSoundDfglCurby W. BJ«» AppiedViiion'iSO 
Forth I byJ. Bryancoqparog ^.'i^orJh and UiA-Forji 
Bulc kipul t^ B. Ca]l«]r A/TMjaaASlCrpul routine krise^ 

aiynr programs. 
WrttngaSorndSopf U0ijut«EnCbyT.F«]r Pr^?sir$mning wi^ 
HDl. Amiga arti SoundScape ^ SoridScape auBw. 

Volume 2 Number 5 1987 wtorwM 

PragnjwiiJr)gIr^6HO0Atfembty Language bf C. Mrfti 

Cor t,%ifi^ W71 Coulter? & AdiJessng Modes. 
Uilng FutuciSound wtCi AmtgoBASlC by J MeaXxn 
Ajrt9a3ASiDP:ogiaririf^uti:y*-n lesldigeiedSTEREO 
AmJgaNotes f^ r^ :^fs^ So-jtjScape Sokixl Sartfar. 
IhireAnisaMoieisyR.RasAfjrjieriockai Pfti«aSoi«J, 
WintHir Wockihop bi AmtgiBASIC t^ J- SrteW e*l fi tM 

iirjifllonTi tw UM iri OffW AmhgiiaASiC prflgr»f* 
ITw HImeta Pro HICK Studio by SiJbwn. JitKfy 

A review oJ l*ne5cs' rmsc vMri^^im- 
lnhjitto)<!«)s«t)P*rtBby H Mayt]»ckT[?rv Boolean ^aogaB 
pftivioa [ha LS6I wig^ an ocvo'l jsv inierTaia 

Volume 2 Number 6 1987 

Fanfilb/J.EfyantoESS rK0^Jl-'K^inl^aROHKef^«I. 
The Amazing CompuUng Hard DItit Ritriew by J Foust & S. 
Leemon Irr^epth looks at tt>e C Ud. Herd Ortve, McrobotJcs' 
liAA$-[)rn«20, BytebyByle'sPALJ., Supra's4it4Hanll>lv«ind 
Xabdc's 972014 HaidOilve. Aiu.i look al Osh chaoc solMace 
cunwtfiy urda OAv^vTHru. 

llodula-2An)lga[>OS"'Udltil»tbyS.FilwtBnni( A 

Ca^s Q A.Ti^aDOS and tne RDM iamaL 
Amiga Expansion Perlptwnl t^ J. Foust 

Ejp^.a3C(] d Arragaexp^anun peripheral, 
Amiga Ttcluictl Suppon E7y J. fousi 

Ikiw jrd Kh^ Q 0^ Amiga wti tufipQn 
GooAyt Lot a*M by J Fouii Qosin; LosGaci 
TltlA*l(aaH»tM(ltiiyJ. Fiui WattCoiilCompuMfFaN. 
MI M D WB OW HadtbaWty J. Fouri A<wiM 
Hit HigleftaB b|r i. Foust ftfi Uk programa on jroir AmIgL 
WM Y0B awuH KiKM Brim ChOMhg an Amiga lOOO 

EipiMlonOevSci byS.Grarr 
7 Aaum&lan torttH Ainlgi by G. Kid ChcoM rour assembler 
ShakeiipiteptacuTopUaruQement ilCDnniodortbyS.Hul 
Ptter J. BaczoTby S. KlA Uaraper at C 3M grvK an insicfa look 
la^aSa. A miw by Rd-ia;a Kneppe* 
Oi;pint»!3y ArtvHwfktianf Knoppcrdalabasa. 
63000 Aftiecn biy Langmgi Program[nlr>g on. the Aralga 

StJperbaM Pencmal RelatiorkBl Ditabaw try Ray McCabe 
Amlg&Nol(S ^ Ras, Ri^lurd A kxA at FutueScund 
Conunotiort Eivma tfie Amiga 2000 and 500 at llw Botton 

Comput«Socleryt:yHHaytw± Itfly 

Volume 2, Number? 1987 

Hew Breetf of Vidw Pr*tfuC« by Jofw FouH. 

Very VlvW I by Tin Granlham . , 

VMeo znd Your Amiga by Ora;i Sirdi III 

Ariigai & Wuitw Fonuiilng by Biendan Lanon 

A-SquifM tm] tlx Uvtl VklKDJ-gltlitt by Johnfoufi 

Aegli AnImtijM Scripts irHl Cel Animitlon by John Fousl 

Quatl^ VIdH from a Qutlhy Conputtr t!y Ow Sands IIL 

tiFF Really iSundardI Sy JchnFousL 

Amazing Slocles and the Amiga™ by Jorm FOutt 

AJ about Prtrter Drivef i by Fki^sd BiftaJq 

htUlion Gadget by Hamel Maybedt TGttay. 

DeiuieVMeo 1.St!y Bcbtlef 

Prg VWro CGI by 0*n Sands III. 

Dtgl-V)n> Vi CHgitteff .'Sottwtn by ..^nntltf U Jar* 

PTHm HAU Editof tvn knpuUt by Jemler U Jai4 

Eatyl drawing tabtel by Joivi FousL- 

CSA's TurtH-Amlaa Tow*r by ARred Abuno 

63000 Atitmbiy Luguifla t;^ CnnS Uk&n. 

Volume 2, Numbers 1987 

SOI. Eiri Wui« BuadaL, Portf. TtH Stf^Hn. UM ConvtMr 
PaocdB, Sttwl. StarGider. 1^1 OuK] t.i ind il. FMry Tiit A^ 
wMin. Utria 10. FeA c' Ac>(v«n. VjOoO vtpift H B>tf t TlM- 

Plus Amtring rncnrnryaltiirm.^ Amgi Han. fVnmsn, Mriul»- 

Wik- J-OW by hAas*w U«« 

tm ^lDif«nU SSMad by Jatr FouSl 

SMttnr C ProgriBt > R^tvl Ri«n«9iB. Ji 

Mddm M«Hft0tt h Ycu Anr^"^ »y Jcfn F«At 

Tht COMufur BKDaniet SAear and Condubr J Fousl 

Volume 2 Number 9 1987 

Aiufyzi 2.0 rcpyiewed bi Wn &JaffH 

bnfud &uiEneti GripMcs rsv^ by Qiuck Rajdonts 

lifcrofiche FUtr ipnew by Karv Lffiw 

PlflMWtW irgwe* t?y R»Cfi Wr?i 

GteKS ProductMty Sd U rcvm Gy ett Siv 

KIClMW* review Dy Han lasff 

D4gi Ti^CQiainiiinlciihin Piekag* rtviM bf Svvt Hj 

UOUH Tlot Md TlRMUVir tewM E]) Jcslio Fc»ast 

tnthlH UHMtry EiqM [uSon .reviAw bf Jamas OXdano 

MlcniboilciSurboo[d-2fev->ewby5 FaKkisrawnki 

LuUurGoddeiu ol Pticboi oy Kartiel Moybeck'Toly 

Unice C CompiKf V<f slon S-tQ rwiewKE by Qa^ Sarfl 

lliru3.4i Updiie reveiNra] by JoCvi FiXBt 

AC-BASJC fpfiewe*] br S^e^^ton Lwmcn 

AC-fiASiC ConpIM sn Eflamasw eafflfdf oon &)' a Ce% 

Boduifri Pw gw wilflq SFaw4t«wlUH»«Con$9l»D9«. Ev4nS 


MoiBAaGPMHni by Brian Cafliy 

PngtHHBlngwniSoindicipiTokiriFirrunpjIaitf^ wrftai 

ea VcO, Vka4>mldHl Aigli DnMopiMnl, try Sim hti 

JtaGoMlm.OmftapMfllllaBi'C^ bMrnvbyHamBl MToty 

Volume 2 NumberlO 1987 

Wtx Httdroon Hd A* tad0a by John Ftut 
Tlking tH PirtKl Scnu Stm by Xeitv Coniora 
Ani0l Arttt: Brian WWhri bf Jcriv^ Foust 
Airl0t ForiA iM Coasfttotntt™- 3o(nnri PuUthlng 
OonAnnc* TtioKilpt by Hdynl ftu 
Al Alnui OnllM Caotannekig b]t Rjdurd RjB 
dBUAN wsMd by CiOoil KM 
A^ PhoI rflv«Md ^ Ud^ McNll 
AC«ASICC«M*"naKl bf BjnCMir 
«8Mtt AHMUr UnoBV by Chrt> Mrt) 
ADiQi ProQnrunlnQi 
AA^ BASCSimetmi :¥ SftMi hkflii 
Quick ind Wiy Bote by ]«n»«l Swinov 
Plii 1 grwl colKtIon or nwninfy ntinnt- 
VoEume 2 Number 11 1987 
Word Processors Rundown ^ Gait GamUs 

ProWnte. Scriatiie!. and Wortf^erfed compared 
LPD Wrttif R«vif w t^ M3:cn Deiand 
VbiWrflt Hivlni t^ Ham Laur 
Aiidn Rtvm by w jrren 5lcKi< 
WortPfrtW PW*lfw ty Hmr Vbv 
Jn Shi IntffYitw t^r =^ Bvccvm-StafGidv aufcr tpsitai 
Ot^t-yourHtl knprDVtmna lo Ih Altti)t G«nkKli 
IM^Mra Rivliw [^ H^( Laser 
Seil|p(3DR>v)«w by Steve PiMOwiu 
g w i wUil *fl«v'«w t?y Linda Ksfilan 
TdlBBDH Revtfw b)* MiT^el T. Cflbral 
Itauon Pnvlfw: an Irterts grammar eumhaSon vfAsfcin 
AtlSMh byBUdChunni WofdP^ftoct&mtuVZOandZlng' 
AiDiQaNeM by R Rae 4 «ieanxic ndic tcokt 
UDdul*-2 ProgrininUng by S.Fawlu«wtliJdn«». LC. iMiiai port 
«HW A*H cnUy Unguvge by Ctvq MMrtn Dtipliir rn;fr^ 
Iht AMICUS Hirwort by J:^ Foud-DHidDp hiMvg. SffytKiU 
CAnlmaUon P»na by MAci SwirtQor A/wnalnnObiecls 
BASIC Tdl by Bran CaMy Pk^ perted Iob[ joBitlonog 
Seundicip4 Pan U Dy Toca Fay VU iMbrard maa 
Rui wj A Amlgii Humberi by Al2n Bat^ua 
fl» BrEWicr by Bryan CaJley^-FtiFnut BASIC Fla Bfowvig 
PM I flntt coBmUhi of noMWf coMbiw- 

Volume 2 Number 12 1987 

iTMUIIinHteVldnAcctHonr by Larry VfliAi 
TTHSonyCDnrtectlon byStmrtCobe' 
IS^HodtlnAmloiBASIC by Zottin SztptJ 
Llte,Partr: TTHBcgkinirq by GtfaMHul 
Tbe tAKonfMi ninti bit sjfaton b r« 1»amt tf Ui. ' 
AjUgiVlrwi tryJotHFoiitt 
CUAigimtttaC Pi PtUCtMAgufy 

HDimiriKf Adt^lVby BtlTjUMJHd 
An^ IQO&fl^ UDi MvtaH wi fl A200(b a SOGs 
UadutiKZby &F*ilBtMHP«t1:ooinmindiiwalaji2iDr 
AMIgriWH by flkk Hm udo ctar^ nadt ^ m ASOQ &A200D. 
JuDoHllontorCPoouniPvtV by U. Swhgtr OajOk^Dan^. 
Hh Big nourg by Wimr Hlng AssarVTy languaga pragramrnirig 
KmtoNdlitvitwby Stopftwi FLPtoktowtCT 

rnrriiii iiiii r^ umi r 1. 1— ■ mtiini. imi nii ii TfHi n 

That C-G< « ifin neslpli a na Aojgi GJ eni2or. 

A-TA-Plunntow tif BnodtaUnoB 

CiMgnphtrRwkw b^rJofanFotai 

AflkBttr AppreiDnBnhM&y JohnFmst 

PtojrlngDyTwnleDnpitDnDHAmfBibv DivU N. Btanli 

WordPcflKl Rivliw by SUvv Hul 

Insider XwEkitirtRtvtew by ErmilP.VIvtlnxSf 

RAMJRCMarpan&on Comrrvu nl nUtucxi a(B 

f«rW by Joa airvi C)VEpflPod t#4 «r ytv l«*^tic» ln«B>. 

AtlStti br EMitClllir«iDfBM*lM.PDrBit4Wncipt3D. 

Pkii i Qfttt coStctfon of DHXiAtf ntisHttw 

Volume 3 Number 1 1988 

AiniBiHotii by FUtfiudftHAoioadigaitEnaiciprvaKn. 
CAiritnttBAPirttV by M tflB «i |p 
Faff) by JtfrBryanSa«gedAfliO>CMPlMFASTmvr<ry 
TlwHgHckin by waraAMng OwtaeiiHRCitriirtguao* 
pro^ranRiing: CLI tyflvn cmM iind imnfUUng doh Sh 
MDOQji rf lii niH tyLinauMfliPfByiaaiim byOwiMTW 
"CftMa B fnin^ola lOHn iilnai uiing hunri routnas'* 
UflduU-SPregnmnkkg by S FaMszewshAnEhKmodulrZf 
Aralad Haworic SpKW R»pon: Fall COUOEX by J. FouU 
ThtuMcRaltVlcMoAccetHryiPwil by l^WMp 
UI»:PwtH by GoiidHulTMAfnDoEtiaBi.- 
FcfmfllMlBf.ftBiwilorilPMFumUli tm^wbyCUMn 
Pu Baitfi' taoQUBQi B Mrk on IH drudQHy ol dsk lonnMnc . 
BSpratd by SranC^ttfhAitikfwiKnffatS^tsnaikmil 
AffllgaForwqTnnKT^td Ay (tek Rii AnHgil Dm Hiynv 
HaicalcRnini by OuAnjjdonfi«Biyb(n.i(n4dsnMi 
VIP Proftuionai Pfvitw tyS Mt^tMMansgtslcKlpwtDlc 
Uon«yUen!orP(viN by SKerppl^erscnalfinancaiYStem 
lnv«)|or'aAdvinlig«^evltw by FbCfiArd Kwff« 
(ha -Poor !*r<5 Gjid^ O ih^ SWt Marks.' 
nvtt sniCOfltCikM M montDity nbRTEi- 

Volume 3 Number 2 1988 

Ljs«f UQtii Sfnwi irtiri ttw Anttgi by Pautft Murphy 
Lasoraandtr»Arn>oa:ADaulng Tanclom 
lTwlAlmi1>V1d»Acc««torv: ?»tll by LArryWhlU 
lakB tH btf stops toward dosignir^ yojr OATi vidcKB. 
Our RntOrtkWpytdto by [ArffVfm 

HooktdonMJunlQawHhFmlFISh ^lErnewby EdBfrVAitl 
PTkho QuMry Ri^producttofi irtth Btt Arrlgi and DtQl-Vln 

BalBiKlna you Ctadita* ii«in WgnfPfrfKI Ufloot tTy S Hui 
Hand you d«dd»oii mnn Diw to fie ATipa 
UoritoUTfil by Bryiini:M«y«»wr)QJ|aianAm^!£iun 
Ltt«:PMHbr GvaUHui 

Snn wr^ W w4i Imv) i^n*-bU [XikuUtai A source u UFEH- 
Sobiloni to Uwar Algibn Bhrough yatrb Conpidittani 


Sofiiymiltcv^li^HVibMlCOpiiAreS rouinai. 

llQdi*4PngqMlB0 ly S»tf FrtHznsM 

CadCfiing lift ati CilM »tfO MffH^ 

Mffm A w a w Mn Unquiy P i ugn wii fty by (Wi Urtv 

&iftai- Pan II o( Aa iCTflf a m. 

Anssk'iTonb irHrv«wb)r KanniltiE.Sdiaalv 

AVTT tf S FannuwM inno* a ft* tortatiat pfoyaw lang. 

FornubiFUght by S PMtoalsRHndarl AninsiH3DotfBCB 

aMoADrHMBrilHJmlslOMkiMaby K tStfiMMr 

UkMarilLjny ty K«n«ESchHiir 

TMNnrEBMHFiQflMcnttoBGi ty Jdit Foust 

M501 Eipan^ S Stutnanl n McruKtntiwil 

l*ndBghi7md Paofihllitv by JtfnFojsi 

Pi^inUiM Km E. Schaalv AflwHng nvnaaitChiriciir Ediot. 

PKv 1 9i*«i cobtcfion etiKfttMfectumtit- 


[>»tMDpV1dwJ>anw byUnyWira 

PiA Ai tw pisoBs bQatw-tw d«hno vidDo cefTTneroai 

Thi WdMPonrotCUBtfdlFliProcttslngbyJ Roevnan 

btaw )Of A/npa uiier D us* wti CU Sach Oss. 

AConhnncaitthEikQrihM «SiadbyJarinFQui| 

Tttt rriQSlcrmirxl tMMrd Sculpt 30 ind AriMtt 30. 

Pwry Khnlowiti bitorvlfiitd by Ed B«fc«irtb Amp;^ ifiaigrits 

irDm a major divelopw and pononaiiy. 

Jam nioaUii' Qtraud Mantowtd by Edward L Fad|>an 

Atvu-ganM art arwi to M ^^nya-n daidng Icm 

PAL Hrip by P«ny K»TA?rti A10:C pipanun rcMlArr 

BoOlMn Funcflnt UMMutian by Steven U. Kvl 

A wtM *3« *«vi ipol n AjTjfliiflASlC 

Amiga SerliiPort ttnd UitfiCompAtlMllty ftx Yewt AKXXII by L 

RlloraruG Fefi:; AtUian A]ffifr£tyl9£eriaJpD.ltoir«AfOQD! 

Etoorlc N*tworiL SoluTloni \hi UtlHi Wty tiy R&tian El^ 

En^nwmi PracDcSQfouWsiD'us'xiT^^fi^a^bri 

TN AJlua e eS Uat CQfnplHl by Jm ftotvnv. Chtl Sctaca. 

& DoDGiy Dun 5U BBS pruna rumon II eu US 1 Canada. 

FACC I rDyip4«d by &aAim Kirwy Spwd yni Boffy dw«i 

Ur^ivIM revcwBd by K E, SttwlBf 

Fhiw reM«wtti by Pamela Rotfvnan braJruiorTns Inb manal art 

B«fK/iinirkHoduts-3Conipll*r reviewed by RicHa BieUh 

Hodulk^2 PTogriirnfTitng by Sieve FaiivisJewshi 

Tlio gii^pcrt defce and umpto spr-tes r acton. 

AjnlQiHolH by (^ (iwA100CSofr*are-wik:babieaj4p;lSlB(. 

Ftooftiri byTlvBsictciAriiEipD. xidG^ M. Co^vnolci'a 

tnaNgPtcltn byW>wRrf-ljrtctftjF«UTriBOfyu 

Plus I grafi CQlKdon 0* nenfltfy niuniRi... 


Hl9Ml0ntirrDnLAmlEjcpa,LikiAAetlH bySbrtHut 
WrUng a SoaodSapt Pitch Libnrin T F^ Sy$tM EjcdujA^ 
Upgradi Yow A torn to AJOO^OOO Audo PowH-by K Basaen 
btoMoDom b hilp irotf A! 000 mrfia sMd rruc too' 
Antga Audio fiidda LUirtaoIri Arnica audocndudi 
OA In lUa-Forti by JD'm BuBhAra 
VKTotoOa byPakttj Horgan Eass ttt rajma o! MaHTUy 
Ungua^ prOf ail >1 v ly 

Anilea Audio Sourt*t T^ fcala W>« 4e r>n* auCto prodvO- 

TakiRvtl bySl«v«IU)h<tAn>piganisrfHmd. 

Andf^Noii* byRc^RHiA HsicbtforAA^kjdd 

nHljlFeriiiflVUMAcc«««T,PviV SyUrrylWili 

BuQByM Cy Jem Stan* 

TTHngPtaun &yWitwiR^ Parte UnfiaoFMBT^MOry 

Roantn pfJtuBmito 

HinM«i r^ » ToMBd vdao .. r>t Awn Ariga - ard mere! 

kitHhMeDeiiita brCW.nik 

TkHBudU ivvlfwtvKVWCenton 

AudtoMuMr mlHb|rB.LtiHnRai^BmfriioAzing(ampl0i. 

Uuttelkxtat rvAimbfJHtfTfijattwqati 

Uloiq mjsc Miruii EAn^ a flr^ ton K inouu 

Anlet*TcbCarwaan Vtinioo f*v«« by Et3 BaroNXi 

A Cvattan lKcr:v ta.( [Mrirvig . pr^iara£)crL i arVyM package. 

SAM BASIC mfn by Br>-an Caley 

A nw BASC wfMn 0x9013 ovftn mor* ifiquB AmisA liitium. 

Volume 3 Numbers 1988 

hmctve Startup ScqutAC* by UM P*n::i|2 

Tn( OOBOtand Lno piii tpy Fl(n rflCDro/Q 

AalOalHi ■ by Wano BUd— l\pi «i Ubli D aau AriQa ■» 

Airiga Predua Gulto: MrAMi Eflton 

ProMarlal Pngrnming by P Quad— Pubic Oman coTQdn 

ThaCoTipanionby P Ckfsefin An^i Ever< Kvdbig OHbtty 

yMLight 7 ip'ie^td by D^-Tl U Siarii 

VtdnScapt 3-D U ret«wd by Dti^ Hopfars 

Eitnd rwi»Qd by Bryan D CdJey— Aji ArngaBASiC cjcfefiscn 

AiMmPro runeweo Cy Stfipien Kemp 

Oponng a dOOr 10 tssttittf bn^uago pfogramwiQ. 

MljeMWiwilMltvRegv Niton 

Book Rntiirt by PMvd GraCfr— Ttiw'C^OfliiffliiwjUffl 

CBTHEE rtvtoirtd by Mch^ benan 

AWyoateaonQltjoorspaidiwCprogf a ri w af. 

n* BI9 PKtiX» by Hrren Bing 

The rhr«e-^ Lhfioci F«id Theory winds Ljp 

Uodula-2 by Sieve Fa.nMt£jewsld 

TsrmiruKin rrodJeafa BandYT^ark and TDI mrptfen 

680OQ Asstmbty LanQuage by Chrs KtarW 

Psefir^ away ne QC>cip6ca&x of dopiay routnes. 

i^B a BTHt coBectlon ol nomNy cohfmu- 

Volume 3 Number 6 1988 

Bw Tim* Revttmd by St^viQ Canst 

Wr;ai rrukes mi^ lrK)pcnsr.<aAtO0O baimry^adiod dock tbtT 

Aequlitllon RtvUwed by Davd h:. Blank 

A look irsitis ta ;a^t reJessa cf a powertii roJabonad tlatabasa 

BuKftif ZO FteYiewed ty GeraJd Hiil 

A tdy coEaaon f (f^efK inege prKw^ig gU»& 

RKSSlgnlng Workbench DbJii by Jtfti K*f«*1 

EndffiS (^ swappng comes tQ a rrvciU tf4, 

ProdbClGukM: Softwan Toote EdMoii 

A iHiing of alBu praaLCS you nud to pji you AniQB to wvv. 

An IFF Raadw In Uullt^orth by Warran Blocic 

Out! an eaay lo loo IFF ruder in MM Fortt. 

Buic OrKtory Stnrtct ftopam by Bryan CuMy 

A prograripng aftornaftve b }« G^rarveZar^Zer? wndoiQ- 

C Hd(h iTQin the c Grwp by S)3phen Xenv 

Ategfrgsg-rieDreFcwerorCprogi a mnang. 

Aa Ajiiga ForiCTi Conference vltt Jbn Hactm 

Ihe Ari^ rr-.a.'kf: £ $9en by tn ^Mplanar s) hUhn' 

Son of Savffl At»mbief s ReviBind by GeraU >hi 

A anH>ar3£va barh] bcttN^ei sflvon nahe-oxM' assarrtieri. 

TTh lUd CDmrnodon Ajnigi Drrftopin ConJnwKa 

Al«*ins«ii JieD3--!«enoesbeid ri Wu^figttn. D C 

AiBlga WoiUng Groups try Ptrry Klvolowlti md Ertc Lnttaky 

An Duflre Di re nvdM Ai4gi VlRMng Grojpa corcept 

Tht C wia w arri Unity Hgir fcrt m 

Expbmg 3v nil-tatartdlJSTGonniand 

RiH a BTHt coCecSon ot Hondi^ nkffint- 

Volume 3 Number 7 1988 

Look, up Oq Sm Stncn, ITS an AnL. Iff a Pro- fft 

SopvOM nrinod by Urry W^ £— 0«rtodt ccnvarwra 

An hMninrwIfi 'Mm Ifan.' Gary Bonhan by B. Larson 

An arwnaiBd xrrffirsdbT w-r: r^ rr.11 beTird tw trnaL 

Tha AaUsa H Sprfr^ COUD EX h AUsnia by £f Bartnti 

Aoilgi pTHlucI Quidei V)dea Graphics Edton 

Iticseei pa9« (Jeviscfj n tic A.T.i^'s <Uzzlng itrtrtg sUL 

TTh Dtvtksplng Am^ by SSve P«SO«ricz 

^cwltipers iBies: PDvE.5^.^fe>ra^ert.lrBely(lstr^)utabte9t 

HonTWM Pnssesl by Baney SCTwau 

WaicoDa D Sie darVy. dErr'artSr^ <vorV] cT diMop publitfiing! 

Unktd Uits In C by W. E Garm^FuldyrwncmemrytoiKirV 

FraowGnUwr PnVkv by Oan Smdt 

CsfAiing in hagt on rpv be » IM » p^nfiirig > fngtB k«y ■ 

A F^ Lode u htUKhang* rvviewfld by pBvid HoplxTT 

fridge t« 0^ betnnen (t»o$g icomp^bie BTwiitcn packagK- 

pffrtKt vlikm iwiewed by Bryan Cstey 

Csphire. diQ^^^ Af^ £^v$ pii^es ^crri any video scvcd- 

PreWfltt W Ravipe renewed by ParTietaRoCman 

A i^aptiCKad processor speoabJng in aOkMn adArq 

Doug's Malh AquKlum: Tne An ol MfSwnattei by R. B«iafi 

B«r Producti UegaRex I Expansion RAy by Sliv* Carfe 

The Cormund Una by Rdi Fafcontug 

Anii^ Notts by RiOtRae 

Tba Otfw Gi/ys' SyniNa: A dfiHaE syniheiL»f hauas wo(iTll3p 

C Noiei trooi Ow C Group by &e(^ Kemp 

Wsaiherrig ina ixiknwr 'C'o! basic ct^jea and dan Types. 

Pkia a grut coflectlon d monWy columns^ 

Volume 3 Number 8 1988 

The Geriwund urw ty Rcti FatortMTj 

Tbajoimey ru ne CU crrbues. 

The Devatoping An^ by Stephen R. PMrowci 

A ga^ Dt g r«^ prograwiing leolt 

Uodult-a ProofaouDtaig by Swt FaM&twiM 

Lbf9r«5 and Iha FP and lEE Uan Rou«i«t 

C Notes burn the C Grouf) bjr Stephen Kemp 

Arrays ani pocsr; miasi^d 

Dvt Casda r?^ewd by <&£! CoftirS-The Btadi Kni^ kiln 

Ports ol Cal r&.«<red by Jule Landry 

LMtHfTMCk ferinnd by Iftrari Qvadsn-RimOai rot 50 Eu^! 

Cspone renewed byJoyctandRaMyHchsljgnjGLf^tijza 

Cn^ Fsvtt wie«atf br Ucf«f T. Caba^Vegai on Am<H 

FtmH rvivwad by Mlacy Scott HbH-Sh ytv erg ine 

ArUrald ievit«ad By Graham ICnHr-^AxMislBr 

^ofobr by Ka# Cocdcrf -tack hole Mong 

DekEU P!OdUdM*»iCW by H«nf laar— Vil«ci irizardr? 


TrKtMoait ty DvrrlJ^ 

Ccnnri a lUndln) AtaH taiMaf into a pepf^ AiTtga 

Volume 3 Number 9 1986 

The Kktco TapH by Jcrvi Danxeand 
A Georgia atorwory scfcc* puS okKci} vtleo to mrt 
Speedng Up Yo(jr Systtn by rx/PrescnnocpydokocNng 
A^PndtnGuUt: EAialon EdHon 

E«t^Mi$ |iou r«ed B liod itiw Amiga b r« haai or r* dw 
^^wfM^tfW^rtiftHfw# w tT'*tu'^^^1 r^^?^v ■t|f 

Au^flring SyMem In AmigiBASlC 
G«tslnlli«l^orth,PviN: Sor*enpl»y by .uw Bufiluiaa 
l^k* F« IFF OTvripr fttjn Part I easy » ia*-g*igtf5. 'T*nu*,«t 
An^&cpo Ukhoesi '« by bkJiaei T.CaOrd 
Afiara«^r«co2satqfStrm,lheAn3^iKPiis Cfio^o 
toWUrype by Harv LBiat-UliTinBle]|rpaaHla BBy . jnd Ut? 
SMuipeati cy Ba^nay SttHiftz-DadAipputitahing trv U oAv. 
XSpeci 30 by Sfrrt >-k#=A rwn iflwision r Amiga sraphts 
AnilgiHotH by RcTo-d Rao— Hi»r IFF tan: sanpiet ari ibred? 
Tthi F^vtlbyiievo Mul— Be2i iTw buA-mivxt bkioi ' 
Th»Comr«r>dLlnibyR<hFa)oorb(j-j— conjnjogiftjf ol CLI 
Hot on t^e Shdvei oy Ma^ac^ T Cabrai i Uc^r^ Oeoilon 
Wnat * you ge< *frw you ron^ne rl? r^sa *a: M-'jlegy *rji ■ 
rrcrocfvonerTCfi&afxJtJesklopprese'ilaScri'' C-'5e*Jla;l 
Bug Oytn by Jom Stoner 
C Holes irom I'M C Ckoupby Sleo^vi '^c 
Operttm. f iprKSOK, and stllomoriU n C i.-na)Vffe(J 
Rooflwa try Tht aardJto Can Ap(Aa Ugs Rus )«*p Amiga aivay? 

Volumes Number 10 1988 

A Fbil Looh A1 Dtluii PholoLab rovvuretj by D^^ Duborman 
A pan! package. pcstor-maUr, and ^nage processing program 
CHiUltslef reviewed by S we Hui—BiimanagemaoluOi4y, 
DSrI: A HOGBOOOO Hiaiseinbler mvmd by Gertfd IM 
iooidrtg tar easly mdrbUe. ataamolBr'rsady code? 
FBailc Language By tma r»irit««d by Pnritt Oidid 
BASIC corrfkief arti davabpmirt i yMm. 
Hot on the ShilvH by UctiMl T. Cabril-Oaviait cSoe. grippino 
gray xal«. coior canograptry, mulrtg moderns, and mudi more. 
The Comnand Lbw by Ricfh ^atonCurg 
N EV/CU : A pajrtBSS way tQ cruB I new cc^Oe wtndDK . 
1h«Df«f4otilna Amiga by S P«roiirctUHn«|-24-k^He»s 
C Notos from the C Croup ^ Stephen KaOp—bopB 
Rooinn ^ Th; Bar4io wp irirs. i^ttaniois Haiteae. & ion 
PD Serentfpfty by CW.Ftete-fredFhhCDl HJu i 1— 150. 
Conpamon DflMtlScan Uontton by Sitvcn B«ndv 
Fm muKscan aOerrittves iqiiara otr on Bh OesMDp 
ReeonI Keeping toe Free-la ncvn : 
A Superbasa Proleulonal Tutortaf by Maron CMand 
Record kaepf^ lysjcm brt-ae-iiraiphGiDTaorwiandotfws. 
On The Cnfitog or Prognrrts Oy [] Aid J Ha^kns— A look al 
optrnizakyi kicks o^ a uret or ar:oas on prograrrvnng wrvy 
Bob and Ray Heel Fnnfciratetti by ^^obert CAatMCrease. 
arvnale. and iPetamcrprtBe grapTKa Dbiects n AingaBA5>L; 
Digital Signti Procnting In Ani^ BA9C by Ftobert Eia 
Perform your own 4giU eq»nraerjs w4i f a5[ Foircr Trambrnq. 
HAU I Ani^iBASIC by Bryan Ca9ey-Pft^ fOurAmigd BASIC 
program wcTi mary ol te An^iga') 40H tFiadsi! 
CAI-Csnpuw Aided ktitnfilen: I^R I by PaU Caiionguay 
The Eaaji popam «T|H « tu iuncmg $yi!vm n AmqtBASC 

Volume 3 Number 11 1988 

Dtsbop Pubtshlng ivttn PnrtiBStonil Ptge by Samey StfiMm 

ftjisTdlindoa^THr^ceaHn plus soma jaziyemancamena. 

OamtPtEoiibyJ Haiganir^ r»i:&. i(s.rigrt-icar«$eqvis 

Sinicturnin C b? Paul Cassr^y C piogran:!^ in annuSML 

On Thi Cnttlng of Programi by □ Hanuns ^leed up your pre^ 

Dtsklop VIdM VT: Adding itie ThA'd OtoMnsion by L2/ry Whie 

\}rfitt-'jr^ r* ccrj^nTj ol ]01c* y(w rtJeo ciassons 

AlHH Hard Drtve Rotnd Up by SvJdon Loenon 

Keydtt&y kUL4 lA LXffiDng a type^'rBr do ri jnur keyboard 

Uon Unted U>t> in C: Ttchr>k)uei end Ap^ilcaHna by Fn-est 

W. Amoid PfOceduK Isr tnaTiijir^ kss, sionng tfwrso data types 

ntheume kst and puttnglers la wofi, inyourprc^aiTB. 

BASIC Unker by Snan Zupke Ccfnbra inchidjal routinos from your 

program iitrary toocato an citKutat>e ptognin. 

The Davftoplna Amlei by Suvon Pie9o«ric2 

A tx^ at niytlerw and succa udi Mhind et^ciefit beta tsuirig. 

U0d«4a( 30 Prr^tfw r»r«»>«d by Df/d Hapkjnt 

A peekrade a new. opon-crttotf 31) [lA^luige 

APraOitw QnpTikt Tib*«i rpv#wod by Keilh Conttxt 

ArBg B ! MpB [ ?« ^ulw e cJ Am iga QrB(:rii3 , 

StarGtldpr H iBvjjwed by JelHiry Scon Kal 

TloM imutng Ergons are ba* tar another laser -iBfting. 

W3fHll imemsd by Lawranca Lichiman CU &i)m;i«. 

Hot on Oia Swivts by M C^ralvinAai.r7u$i;. mAofiMmasiery 

PO SerffbdlpAy by C W FlaraFradFEthesk^KMSS 

Roonwrs by The BOftilO CaCmi RAM. I&tilv^teogw, CO-l. 

anoner HAMsk/mn wWooudpeau^beNtXT? 


AalQalMertace tor Bind Uiancniemd by Cart W Um 

Ariinganiix4 lr«na:a mt opan» nt Angi H 4vin more users! 

VUao to ihe Sunshine SUM rnwrtd by S^«rv< R PiairoMQ 

R;^ Vi36o Crutkn} hoa4 a rtiH uwiing> 

Aoriga Pioduci Guide: Games EdMoft 

TunMn' Tots by David Ajney-esoTifyy EarpuaQa leiiOf^atrL 

nsi greet col#ciion ol DoriSMy cohmnt^ 

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Back Issues, 

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form on page 112 

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example, the previous paragraph mentioned two offsets of 86 
and 15 bytes to obtain the port address and the signal number. 
These numbers can be replaced by the labels wd_UserPort and 
MP_SIGBIT respectively. Adding the statement, INCLUDE 
"intuition/intuition.i" will get the two values from this include 
file. This is done so that if the structure is changed in future 
revisions of the operating system, the program will only need to 
be re-assembled with new updated include files. Personally, I 
loathe include files, and prefer to add my own EQU directives 
to resolve the symbolic labels, but this would have made the 
listing too long here. 

My biggest complaint about using include files is that 
they "hide" important information from you. If I had used 
symbolic labels for accessing the fields of the IntuiiMessage, I 
might not have noticed that all of the fields are adjacent in 
memory, and that post-increment addressing mode could be 
used. The 2 fastest ways to access blocks of memory is via post- 
increment and pre-decrement modes. I use them wherever 
possible though this may make it more difficult to update the 
program if the structures are changed in new operating soft- 
ware. If you are interested in churning out code, and execution 
speed is a minor consideration, program in C. By the way, 
extreme use of indexed addressing mode is one reason why 
Amiga libraries and devices are rather slow. 

Once all the info from the message is stored somewhere 
(in this case 68000 registers), it is imperative that the message 
be replied. Intuition will free the memory. We have all the info 
we want. We don't need the message anymore. 

The class of the message is determined at E9. Remember 
that each of the available classes has its own bit. Depending 
upon which bit is set, that is the class. Refer to the above 
IDCMPflags chart for the bit assignment. At this point, the 
program branches to the proper handler for the class. For 
brevity, I have substituted dummy handlers for all of the classes 
except MenuPick (not one of my attributes). In future articles, 
some useful handlers for the other classes will be devised and 
substituted for the dummy ones. 

If the message is MENUPICK, then _main branches to 
decode_menu. The important field is the Code, which was 
stored in d5. For a MENUPICK, the Code contaiiis the selected 
subitem number (if there was one), the item number, and the 
Menu number where the item resides. AH these numbers are bit 
packed into that one WORD in d5. First, we check if the user 
backed off without selecting anything at all. If so, d5 will = -1 
(MENUNULL). If sometliing was selected, the menu number 
must be determined since tlie program has 3 menus. By 
AND'ing with SIF, the bits that represent the menu number are 
isolated from the bits representing the item number and the 
subitem number. Once the menu is determined, the appropriate 
handler is called. Tlie item number within this menu must be 
determined next. This is done precisely the same way as 
determining the menu number, except that the bits which need 
to be examined must be shifted to the low bits of the register. 
Finally, if a subitem of an item was selected, this needs to be 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1938 


Let's assume that the user selected the Pen3 subitem in 
the Project menu. The class of the IntuiMessage is ME^^JPICK, 
so _main branches to decode_menu. At Fl, the menu number 
bits witliin tlie Code are isolated and evaluated. Since the 
Project Menu is the first in the linked list of menus, it is menu 
#0. The branch is taken to F4 which calls do_menuO. At Gl , dne 
item number bits within the Code are isolated and since Pen3 is 
a subitem of Color (which is the Item #0 in the Project menu) 
the branch is taken to G4. The routine, do_colors, isolates 
which of the 3 subitems under Color was selected, and sets the 
foreground pen color to that color register + 1 . The reason 1 is 
added is so that the foreground pen can't be set to register 0, 
which is the background color. 

The other two menus simply print one of 3 messages to 
the window, and erase the same messages (by printing spaces 
over the area). The byte PrinuMode determines which operation. 
Rather stupid, right' This program is meant to be only a 
skeleton example of using Intuition. Experiment with adding 
menus and items, and more meaningful handlers. 

"When returning back to _main from any one of the 
handlers, the code always branches back to E4 to check for any 
more messages at the pon. GetMsg only returns one message at 
a time. It is entirely possible that Inniition has "queued" several 
messages. GetMsg returns them in die order that they arrived at 
the port. When the last message is removed from the port and 
processed, the program has nothing more to do, and so tells 
Exec to "put it to sleep" with a call to Wait. The signal mask for 
the UserPort is passed to this function in dO. hi essence, the 
program is asking Exec to allow resumption only when Intuition 
puts a message to the port and signals the task. Never let a task 
go to sleep before all messages have been gotten and replied. 

The routine, print_message, uses a structure of my own 
creation. Each string has a IvisgStruct. It contains the address of 
the NULL-terminated string (LONG) and the X and Y window 
co-ordinates where the string will be printed (WORDS). Since I 
need to output one of 5 possible strings, there are 5 of these 
structures all adjacent in memory beginning at the label 
MsgStruct. I prefer to have related structures adjacent in memory 
rather than using the popular linked list approach. This prefer- 
ence is based on execution speed. With adjacent structures, 
post-increment and pre-decrement addressing modes can be 
used. Also, I only need to know the base of the first structure, 
and the size of one structure in order to locate the desired 
structure. Searching linked lists can be very time-consuming. 
Also, I try to make the size of a structure a power of 2, (i.e. 8, 
l6, 32, etc). This is so that instead of calling a multiplication 
routine to fmd the offset from structure *1, I can use left shifts 
or simple adds (as demonstrated at line K2). Arrange the 
members of the structure in the order that they need to be 
accessed so that post-increment addressing mode can be used 
(as in K3). 

The last aspect of the program is exiting it. The user exits 
by either clicking on the close gadget (which sends a 
CLOSEWINDOW message to the port) or by selecting the Quit 
item from die Project menu. Bodi actions clear the byte Quit 
which was initially set to a 1. This happens in line El6 of _main, 
and line G2 of do_menuO, respectively. Note that I don't 
immediately branch to an exit routine. This is because there 
might be more IntuiMessages queued at the port. Never exit a 
program before all messages sent to the task are replied, so that 

these messages can be freed. The point where Quit is examined 
to see if the user wishes to exit, is when GetMsg returns dO = 
(indicating no more messages). This occurs in line E5 of _main. 
If so, then the branch to El 5 is taken, and quit_all closes/ 
deAllocates everything that was opened/Allocated in exactly the 
opposite order. 

By using this example program as a starting point, you 
should be able to quickly develop a program in assembly 
language that utilizes the most unique aspects of the Amiga: 
Intuition and libraries. Later, I wtU present some examples of 
how rawkey and mouse messages might be interpreted, as well 
as adding gadgets to the window. These will be "plug-in" 
modules to replace the dummy calls, so for now, assemble the 
program and experiment with menus, fonts, and outputting text. 


If you are using the Manx Asm, disable the small code, 
small data feature. 

Execution speed is best obtained by the following: 

1) Using alll4 of the 68000's registers. 

2) Using post-increment and pre-decrement addressing 
modes instead of indexed. 

3) Passing values in registers wherever possible. 

4) Using conditional branching for loops wherever 

The Manx method of speeding up code requires the use 
of register a4, and may impose limits upon the size of the pro- 
gram. It is best to use die more conventional methods men- 
tioned above. 

If you want to eliminate all external references, the _LVO 
labels can be replaced by the hex or negative decimal absolute 
values in the chart starting on page D-5 of the RKM Exec 
manual. Since the libraries and devices are what really undergo 
changes between system software updates, this is not recom- 
mended though. 

If you do not have a start-up code and are too lazy to 
type in the example in the RKM Libraries and Devices (pg. 489), 
this program can be made to run from the CU by adding the 
following code at the beginning of of)en_libs: 

fflovea.l 4,a6 ;The base address of Exec libcary Is always 

move.l a6,_Sys3ase ;scored at address S00000004. 


iiioveq #29, do 


jsr _LVOOpenLibrary (a6) 

mQve.l dO,_DOSBase 

beq.s BIO 

and in the data section 5dd: 

_SysBase del 
_DOSBase del 
DOSName deb Mas. libra ry' , 

Delete the XR£F to _Sy3Base and _D0SBa3e. 


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listing One 
Example 1 Code 

SECTION ExamplelCode.CODE 

XREr _SysBase,_DOSBase 

XREF _LVOOpenI.lhrary,_l,vocioseUt!rary 

XREF _I-V0C1 oseFonc , _LV00penF ont , _LVOSetFont 

XREF _LV0Cio3eWindow,_i.V00penWindow 

XRBF _tV0SetMenuStrip,_LVOClearMenuStrip 

XREF _LV0GetM5g,_LV0ReplyM3g,_LVaWait 

XSEF _LVOMove, _LVOText , _LVOD raw 

XREF _LVOSetA?en,_i.voSeT:3Pen,_LV05etDrMcl 


XREF ^LVOFindTaslc 

;4++++f+-++ + + + ++++ + + 4 + +++++* ++4++++++++ + + + + *++ + + 

; This is the main module where program execution begins. 

PUBLIC main 

/needed far Manx Asm 


d2-d7/a2*'a3,- {a^J ;Save all these regs before we use them. 

-taa^jtOpen Every chlng="-"-— *"*""- 

open_lib5 ;Use bsr.s instead of jsr because open_libs 
; is close enough to branch there. 

dO^dl ;Test for an error in open_ltbs, 

E15 ;If an error, branch to eitic che program. 

a inasic of the Window's mp_Slgbit^**"*'= 

MyWindow, aO ;the address of our main window. 

36(a01,a3 ;get the UserPort of KyWindow. 

15{a3J,dO ;get the UserPort' s iirip_Sl9bic number, 


dO.dl ;set this bit f in d7 . d7 is now our masjc. 

-—Get the message that arrived at our UserPort"*-" 
moves, 1 a3,a0 ;thie address of the UserPort of MyVfindow 

_Sy3Base, a£ 


dO,dl ;the address of the message. 

E7 ; Branch If a iressage at che port. 

=Check if we are ready to exit the pro9ram===== 
move.b Qiiit,dQ ;If Quit - 0, then we want ta exit. 

beq,s E15 

■Wait for a message to our Window (from Intuition)'**** 
move.l d7,d0 ;This is the mask of the bits to wait for* 

J SysBase already in a6. 


movea . 1 
move . b 

movea . 1 

move , 1 





move - w 






move . w 


move , w 


Jsr _LVOWait taS) 
bra.s E4 
;™-Copy all the info we want from the IntulKessage^^'^'' 
E7 fflovea.l dO,al 

,'get the address of the first field to copy. 
;Copy the Class field to d6 
;Copy the Code field to dS 
;Copy the qualifier field to d4 
,'Copy the Ifiddress field to a2 
;Copy MDUseX position to d3 
;Copy MouseY position to d2 
;Ba»ajiow reply to the message so Intuition can dispose of it 
£6 ;Addres9 of the message is in al. 

;_SysBase is still in a6. 
jsr _LVOReplyMsg ( a 6 > 

"Decode the Class of the Message— -"--" 

;Branch if CLOSEWIHPOW {$200) 

;Branch if RAWKEY (S400I 


; Branch if GADGSTDOWN (S201 

;Branch if KOUSEMOVE tSlO) 
/Branch back if not MOUSEBUTTONS (B) 
.-Check for any more messages at UserPort, 
M0USE3UTTON— — »" — -="==^ 
;The qualifier [in d4) tells us whether the user has pressed the button 
fdown, or is letting it up. In either case. Intuition sends a message. 
;Also, we may want to know where the user clicked in the window. The 
;MouseX (in d3) and MouseY (in d2) give the co-ordinates. 
£13 bsr.s button 
bra.s E4 

;rhe code (in d5) contains the key # that was depressed. See page 341 
;of the RKM Libraries and Devices for the key numier map. The qualifier 
; (in d41 gives info about whether a Ctrl, shift, alt, Amiga key, etc was 
;being pressed simultaneously- See page D-116 for the bit masks- 
£10 bsr.s rawkey 

bra . s E4 
;tii*M-fc-i---SERVICE A GADGET DOWN REQUEST™""— "«-- 
;The address of the selected gadget structure is lAddress (in a2) , 
Ell bsr.s gadget_down 

bra.s E^ 


9 Bclr.l 

19, d6 




•10, d6 











♦ ■ 







Amazing Computing V3 J 2 ©1988 


;— -™«=«_™-MENU decoding™™—"-™™-™— 

;The code (in cl5} gives Info about the menu, item, and subltem nunbers, 
E12 bsr.s detDde_iiienu 
bra.s £4 

; == =======E=EOBnaDaaM0lISE HOVE = - = ---==— -- = - - = »^^-"^^-- 

;The MouseX (in d3) and MouseY (in d2) give our c5-ord3 In the vlndow, 
E14 bar. St iiiciy3e_nOve 

bra.s £4 
; ==_=^=^^=«___-,_„CL03E WINDOW GAnG£T=="«»=-""»o 
E16 clr,b Quit ;Indicate Chat user wants to exit. 

bra.s E4 ;Answer any remaining incuimessages. 

;== = = = = = =;^=.o-.:.=.«»nBEXIT PROGRAM^ ---- — —- = - -^- = — — 

.■Here's how we get out of the program. Quit must have been set to 0. 
E15 bst.s quit_3il 

movem.l (a7) +, d2-d7/a2-a3 /restore the original contents 

move^ tOfdO ; return error code 


+ + * + + + + + + + + + + + ■(-+ + ■»- + ■<- + * + + + ++ + -H- + + ++ 1- + + + -*- 

Open intuition, graphics libs, font^ window, set menu 
returns dO = 1 if successful, if soraething failed. 

oFen_libs ; 

;======open The Intuition 3;iibraify-=»==== 

Bl moveq 129, dO ;the version t that we want opened, 

le<a IntuitionName, al ; address of the string 
^intuition .library' , 

raovea.l _SysBase,a6 jOpenLibrary is in the Exec Library. 

jsr _l.V00penLibrary (a6!i 

move.l dO,_IntultionSase ;the base address of the Intuition lib. 

beq.s BlO ;If 0^ there was an error. Exit with dO 

;equals zero, so that _inain will know. 
; a*itc*:ijOpen The Graphics Librar/=-='^--=»^ 
B2 moveq #29, dO ;the version t that we want opened. 

lea /address of the string 

'graphics . library' , Q 

;_Sys3ase is still in register a6. 

jsr _LVO0penLibrary ia6) 

move,! dO,_Gf xBase 

beq.s BlO ;lf 0, then there was an error. Exit. 

;o==:=====^Flnd this TasSt' s address======== 

B3 ;_SysBa3e is still in a6, 

suba.l .-passing a means ""find this task" 

jsr _LV0FindTask(a6) 

move.l dO.MainTaskAddr ;the address of our _main Tas]^ 
;^=======Open the Topaz 8 Font----'^----- 

B4 lea TexcAccr, aO ;address of Text Attribute structure. 

movea.l _GfKBase,a6 iOpenFont is in the Graphics library. 

jsr _LVOOpenFont (a6) 

fflove.l dO,FontPtr 

beq.s BIO ,-If 0, the font couldn't be opened. 

;==n==x=»»open the main window=========i= 

B5 lea WindowStruct,aQ ;the address of our window structure. 

movea*! _IntuitionBase, a 6 ,'OpenHindow is in Intuition lib. 

jsr _LV00penWindow(a6l 

move ,1 dO , MyWindow 

beq.s BIO ;Af 0, our window couldn't be opened. 


;».^ec Pointer to Window's KastPort^^'—- 
B€ movea.l dO,aO 

movea . 1 5Q (aO) , al 

move.l al,R.astPort ;the address our this window's 

;====Set the Font for this window to Tcpa^ 8==== 
B7 ; rastport address is in al, 

raovea.l FontPtr^aO ;the address of the opened Topaz Font. 

njovea-l _GfxBase^a6 ;SecFont is in the Graphics lib- 

jsr _LVOSetFDnt (a6) 
;====Attach our menus to the windov=^^=^= 
B8 lea Pro jectMenu, al ,-The address of the first rsenu in list 

raovea.l MyWindow, aO ,-The address of window to attach to. 

movea. 1 _IntuitionBa3e, a 6 /EetMenuStrip is in Intuition lib. 

jsr _LVOSetMenuStrip (a6> 
;«=itSet the Draw Mode^ Back and ForeGround ?ens""" 
B9 raoveq #l,dO ;mode = JAM2 

movea . 1 RastPort, al 

movea . 1 _Gfx3ase, a6 

jsr _LV0SetDrMd(a6) 

moveq II , dO ; front pen ^ color reg 1 

movea . 1 RastPort, al 

jsr _LVOSetA?en (a6) 

ffioveq 10, dO ;back pen = color reg 2 

niovea . 1 RastPort , al 

jsr _LV05etB?en(a6} 
;na==indicate that everything worked==a== 

moveq #l,dO ;If we got here, show success by dO™ 1 

BIO rts 

; +++++++++■(-++ +++++ + + ++++ +++++■♦-+++++ + ++++ 

; closes window, font, graphics, intuition libs 


; B.=«.=»tiir-LCicj35 the Topaz B Font^'^^-^^-^** 

CI move.l FontPtr^idO ;Check if the font was ever opened. 

beq.s CZ ;I>on't txy to close it if not opened!! 

fflovea.l dO,aX 

movea. 1 _Gfxaase,a6 /CloaeFont is in the Graphics lib 

Jsr _LVGC10seE"ant (aS) 
;-.^=B>^— «««=Close the window— »-"-"— ™ 

C2 move.l MyWindow, dO 

beq . s C3 

movea. 1 dO,aO 

movea. 1 _IntuitionBasei aS ;ClQseWiiidflw is i.i the Intuition lib. 

jsr _LVOClaseWindow(a6) 

;«=«-Cioge -Whichever Libs are opan—--- 

C3 movea. 1 _SysBase,a6 ;CloseLibrary is in Exec Library, 

move . 1 _Gf xBase, dO 

beq.s C4 

novea.l dO, al 

jsr ^LVOCloseLibrary {a6l 

CA move.l _XntuitionBase,dO 

beq.s C5 

movea. 1 dO, al 

''_SysBase is already in a6. 

jsr _LVOClo3eLibrary tag) 
C5 rts 

t + + +- + + + t-t + + + + + + + + + + + + 4- + + + + -t- + -i--*- + + + + + + + + + — i-4 + + -f + + + 

For now^ we just recognize the following intuimessages, but we only 
call a dummy routine. Later, a useful handler can be made for each. 




mouse move; rts 

+ + ■+■ + +++++ + ++ + + +++++++■(■++ +-H-I-++-I-+ ++4 + + +++*++++ + +++ 

This decodes which menu t has been selected. 
The Code is passed in d5 (WORD) . 

decode_raenu : 

; o>«-D^etermine which of the 3 Menus (Project, Print, or Erase)—" 

Fl move,w d5,dO jDuplicate the Code. (We need it later). 

cmpi .w *-l,dC 

beq.s F5 ,-Sklp if MENTJNULL (-1), i.e, nothing selected 

andi.w #$lf,dO ;l5olate the menu ♦ from the item and subiteifl. 

beq.s F4 ;Branch if Menu #0 {Project) 

SUbq.w #l,dO 

beq.s F3 jBranch if Menu *1 {Print). 

^Otherwise, must be Menu *2 {Erase). 
/"""—-Decode the Erase Menu^-^"""" 
F2 bsr.s do_menu2 

f "-""Decode the Print Kenu-^'^^-^"-™- 
F3 bsr.s do_menul 

jf -^HwvDacode the Project KenuetM*«ta 
F4 bsr.s do_inenuO 
r5 rts 

?++++++++++IM?LEMENr MENU tO [Project Menu) +++++++++++ 
,- The Code has been passed in d5 (WORD) . 

do_menuO t 

('■■■HKnaDetermino which item--"-"""" 

Gl move.w d5,d0 ;Duplicate Code. We still may need it later. 

Isr.w 15, dO ;Ehift the item # bits into lowest bits of reg. 

andi.w #53f,dO /Isolate the Item # from the Menu & subltem |, 

beq.s G4 ;branch if Item 10 (Color) 

subq.w #l,dO 

beq.s G3 ; branch if Item #1 (Info) 

sobq.w tl,dO 

bne.s G5 ;branch If not Item #2 {Quit) 

;— "-Indicate to Main that we wish to exit the prograra— 
G2 cir.b Quit 

;i^^^-^»=»===r;o the Info ltem======='=^^ = 

G3 bsr.s what_is_this_crap 

G5 rts 

;""""""-Do the color Item's Subltetri""""" 

G4 bsr.s do_colocs 

;++++++++-h+ + lMPLEMEHT MENU #1 (Print Menu) + + t + + t + + +++ 
do_menul : 

;=B=«iifBiiEjetermine which icem^^^wnaa 
HI isr.w #5,d5 ,-shift Item number bits 

andi . 1 #S3f, d5 ; Isolate Item I and pass it to print message. 

Bset.b iO,PrintMcde ;PEintMode - I (Print) 

bsr.s print_message 

/++ + + ++ ++++IMPLEMENT MEMU 42 (trase Menu) ■^+++■^■^++++■^ 
do_menu2 : 
;"»"-"»Deterniine which item======- 

K2 Isr.w 15, d5 

andi.l |S3f,d5 

Eclr.b #0, PrintMode ;PrintMode " (Erase) 

bsr, s print^message 

rts " 

; ++HH-+++4+ +++ + t + ++++++++ + + + + + + +++.+++ +++++4++ + + + 
; Determines which of the 3 drawing pen colors we have chosen. 


;""»-»»Get the SubMenu Selection iPen color) ====== 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

JI moveq til,dO 

Isr.w d0,d5 ;Shlft our copy or code to the subicea field. 

andl.b ♦Slf,d5 ;IS3late the siibltem I froffl iter: and menu #. 

j,^.— -Set the foreground pen to this color t * !■■■■ 

noveq 10^ dO 

nsovo-b dS/dO ;color register * must be in dO. 

addq-b #l,dO /don't allow sane »s the background color 

mo^/ftft,! _Gfx3ase^ a6 

jnovea . 1 RastPort, al 

jsr _LV0SetA?en(a6> 


;+++ + + + + + + + ++ + + +++^-(-+-+-f- + + +-*-++ + -f + + *++ + t**+ + +++++t 

; Print a message to the window. Passed the message * in dS. 


movem.l a2/a3,-{a"71 ; aave these registers before «e use them. 
Kl movea.l RastPoEt,a2 

movea.l _GfxBase,a6 
;™«Get the address of the message"""""" 
K2 lal.w #3,d5 

movea.l d5j,aO ;the message Utem t} * ^ 

adda.l tMsgStruct, aO ;add to the base of the first structure 

movea.l {aO)+ra3 ;gec the address of the string to print 
;*m-Get the XY posltioris where the string to be displayed-™ 
K3 jsovaq fO,dO 

move.w (aQ)+rdD ;the x co- ordinate 

moveq fO,dl 

tnove.w (aO),dl jthe y co-ordinate 

;»»Move to Position where message CO be Output""-" 
K4 Eiovea-1 a2^aL ;our window's RastPort 

; Gf:cBase already in a6. 

jsr _LVC»!ove(a6) 
; ----Determine the i of Bytes in the string—— 

K3 movea.l a3,a0 ;Dupllcate the starting address of Che 

K6 move.b ta3)+,dD ;I3 this the terminating NULL byte? 

bne.s K6 ;Branch if noc, co checlc the next byte. 

subq.l #l,a3 ;Backup to the NULL byte* 

suba-1 a0,a3 /determine the njisber of bytes fron head to 


; —-■Check whether to print the niessage, or spaces-— 
K7 movcb PrlntMode^dl 

bne-3 K8 rBrarich if "Print" 

lea SpaceSraO ;Erfl3e by outputting spaces over old text. 
;—— Print out the message""—^- 
K8 move- I a3>dO ;# of bytes to oucpuc . 

,-The address of the string is in aO. 
;_GfjiBase is still in aS. 

movea. l a2, al ;RastPort 

jsr _LV0Text{a6» 

mdvBm,l (a71+,a2/a3 


y + + + + + + + 4. + 4- + + + + + + +4"k + + + + + + + + ***4 + + + + + * + + + ++++ + +* + 

; Flashes an explanation to the window (prints, delays for a interval, 
; and then erases the message) . D5 can be freely used, since _main saved 
i it for us, and doesn't expect it back intact. 

what_l s_th i s_crap ; 

move-l d2,-(a7) ; save d2 before using 

moveq f3-l,d2 ; flash it 3 times 

;>BBBBBB««-<Prlnt out the 2 line message— - 
LI Bset.b iO.frintMode 

moveq t3jd5 ;print message #3 

bsr . s print_n:essage 
L2 moveq #4,d5 ; print message I 4 

bsr.s print_aiessage 
j — — --— Delay for an interval- ^--"-"»--''^" 
L3 moveq 190, dl 

movea . 1 _DOSBase, a6 
jsr _LV0Delay(a6l 
;«««BPTi==:=r=£rase the 2 line message—-—— 

Bcir.b *0,PrintMode ;PrintMode - "Erase" 

L4 moveq t3,d5 jerase message #3 

bsr.s print^message 
L5 moveq #4,d5 

b3r,s print_message 
;—.—— Delay for an interval-— ---——"* 
L6 moveq 150, dl 

movea. 1 _DCSBase,a6 
jsr _LVODelay (a6) 

Dbra d2,Ll ; flash it again 

move.l {a'?l+,d2 
SECTION ExamplelData,DATA 

dc*w ;leftedge 
dew D ;topedge 
dc^w 640 ;width 
dc»w 200 ;height 
deb ;decailpen 
dc.b 1 ,'bloc)cpen 
del S77B .-IDCMPflags - 

del S120F jWindow flags - 

dc^l ;firstGadget (for nowj no gadgets) 
del ^Checkmark 



im nwmm w®od s 

Amazing Computing™ connot determine tiie dependabii- 
ity of advertisers from their advertisements aione. We need 
your feedback. If you hove a problem with an advertiser in 
AC™, please send a complete description of the incident, 
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Ad Complaints 

PiM Publications, Inc. 

Amazing Computing 

P.O Box 869 

fall River. MA 02722 

Be sure to Include any correspondence you hove hod with 
the advertiser, along with the names of the individuals in- 
volved. Your assistance Is greatly appreciated. 



;ptr to title 


;ptr to screen 



;ptf to bitmap 















;HB screen type 


;This is a Menu structure, 
ProjectMenu : 

del PrlncMenu ;The address of the next Menu 

dew C,Q ;X, X offset frosi upper left corner of window 

dew 90,0 ;the width and height of the select box 

dew 1 ;monu Flags ■ MENUENABLED 

del ProjectTitle ;The ascii string name of Kenu |0 

del Colorlteja ,-The address of the first Menulcem structure 

dew 0^0,0,0 ;these are for Intuition's use only 

;M«=^rhe Items in Menu ■■■■■■■■ 

;These are Menultem structures for the preceding Menu Structure. 
Colorltem del Infoltem ;Che address of the next Item 

dew 0,0 ;X,V from top left of menu box 

dew 100,10 ;width, height of the select box 

dew $52 ;item flags 

del .'Mutual Exclude 

del ColorText /address of the IncuiTexc for this Item 

del ; SelectFill, for an alternate image 

deb ;the ascii value for the keyboard shortcut 

deb /pad 

del PenlSublterr, /address of Color's first Subltem 

dew ;NextSelect, for drag select (Intuition's usej 

Infoltem del Quitltem 

dew 0, 10,100, 10 


del 0,InfoT«xt,0 

dc.b 'I' /Command^ Keyboard shortcut of *!' 



Quitltem del ;No more items in Project Menu 

dew 0,20,100,10,556 

del 0,QuitTeKt,0 

deb ^Q',0 

del Q 


Amazing Computing V3.12 ^988 



Reader Friendly - Reader Service 

Wow, AC has done It again! 

Due to the tremendous response of our original Reader Service 
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Now it is easy to find all the information you want for any AC 
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Index of Advertisers 

Adveitiser Page 

Reader Service 



Reader Service 



Amazing Computer Systems, Inc. 



MicroMaster Inc. 



Antic Publishing 



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Antic Publishing 



Micro-Systems Software 



Antic Publishing 



Micro Way 



AROCK Computer Software 



Mindware International 



Benetech Electronic Supply 



New Tek 



Ceielstial Systems 



New Wave 



Computer Outlet 



OTG Software 



Computer System Associates Inc. 



Poor Persons Software 



Creative Solutions, Inc. 



Quality Business Systems 



D-Five Associates 



Rainbow's Edge Production 



Delphi Noetic Systems 



Ronin Research & Development Inc. 



ECT Sampleware 



Soft Link 



Erich Stein & Associates, Inc. 



Software Sensations 






Software Terminal 



Emerald Intelligence 



Software Visions Inc. 






Sedona Software 






Software Advantage Consulting Corporation 

Fisher's Computers & Software 





Graphic Expresions 



Supra Corporation 



Great Cover-Ups 



SURFSIDE Components International 






The Memory Location 



Interactive Video Systems 



The Right Answers Group 



Megatronics, Inc. 



The Trumor Company 



MicroBotics, Inc. 






96 Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 

; Flags 

Exclude all other Itess linlced co this one 



• ...=The Pen subitar-.s for chs Color Iteai' 
; Syblceins use the Menultera struccufe, 
PenlSubltem del Pen2SubICeiB 

{Jew 65,0,100,10 

dew S157 


del FenlTexcO 

deb >1' 



Pen2SubItem del PenJSuhltem 

dew 65,10,100,10,557 

del SFFFFFFFD ,-axclilde other subitems 

del Pen2Text,0 

deb "J'.O 


Pen3SubIEero del ;no more Subltems under Color 

dew 65, 20, 100, 10, S57 


del Pen3Texc,0 
deb •!' ,0 



iText Structures for KenuO««=«== 

InfoText deb 


1 ; Baekpen 


1 .-Draw Kode = JA>!2 


;Pac: byte 






TexEAttr jTexcFont 


InfoString ;ptr to String 


; Next Text, If any 

Quit Teste deb 





TextAttr, QultString, 

ColorTeKt deb 






PenlText deb 



19 ,-allow room for Che 




TextAttr, PenlScring, 

Pen2TeKt deb 





TextAttr, Pen2Scrlng, 

Fen37ext deb 




,-"-=— --The P! 
PrintMenu del 

TextAttr, Pen3scrlng, 



100,0, 90,0,1 







Jtmazeltesi del 









Amigalteis del 



0,10, 100, 10, SS2 







Cltem dc . 1 


0,20, 100, ID, S52 







AmazeText deb 0,1,1,0 

dc, w 0,0 

del TextAttr, AmazeStrlng, 
Ajaigalext deb 0,1,1,0 

dew 0,0 

del TextAttr, AmlgaStrlng.O 
Clext deb 0,1,1,0 

dew 0,0 

del TextAttr, CStrlng, 

.-.■■■■■■■THE ERASE ^ffil^U••— — •• 

; Since the erase raenu'a Items are exactly the sane as the print menu 
; except for the initial menu position, use the same Item structures. 
EraseMenu del 

dew 200,0 .-Note the different X position than Print menu. 

dew 90,0,1 

del EraseTitle 

del Afflazeltem 

de w 0,0,0,0 

MyWndow del 

RafltPoet dc.l 

_IntuitlonBa3e del 

GfxBase del 

An entire store dedicated to the commodore AMIGA. 

Genlocks, Digitizers, Harddrives, Printers, Monitors, 

Modems, Memory Expansion, Books, and Magazines. Along 

with all of the latest software, in stock and on display. 

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I I, «r^^^«-I,-|. t, 1, ■■ I ll I- ll I; t 

I li t, 1 I, ■■ t. ll H li_l:il t). " " 


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(617) 237 - 6846 

MaLnTaaicAddr dc.l 

FoncPtr del ;where co store the address of the Fo^it 

;-----7eKC Actclbute Structure=3«"-- 

TexcAttr del FontHame ; address of ^copaz.foat' , C 

FontHeight dc-w B /desired height of Font (ySire) 



;-"— The Kessage Structures for 5 Strings™-*" 
; These structures are my cwn creation, Ariga s/atea structs. 
MagStruct del Asaalr.gMess ;the address of String tl 

dew 130,50 ;the X, Y co-ocdlnatea of String tl 

del AmigaKess ;the address of String 12 

dc.« 150,100 ;the X, Y co-ordinates of String t? 

del CKess 

dew 150,150 

del ZxplainlMess 

dew 95,30 

del £:xplaln2KeS£ 

dew 95,40 

deb 1 ;When this is set to 0, we exit the program, 

deb 1 ;1 for Princ, for Erase. 




deb * 
rant Name 
Intuit ionName 

AMIGA ASSEMBLY EXAMPLE (1,0) by Jeff Glatt JULY 88', 
deb *Project',0 
deb 'Pcint'.G 
deb ^Erase'.O 
deb *Qijit',0 
deb 'Subvert' , 
deb 'Amazing' , 
deb ''Amiga' , 
deb 'lnfo',0 
deb ^Color',Q 
deb *topa2,£onc' ,0 
deb "intuition. library' , 
deb 'graphics . library' , 
deb ^Buy Amazing Computing' , 
deb 'Deputy Dan has no friends. ',0 
deb 'Threw away your C compilers today !',0 
deb *Pen 1^0 
deb 'Pen 2^,0 
deb *Pen 3',C 

;tho following string of Spaces is for erasing purposes. 



deb ' \0 

deb ^This is an assembly language exasaple of how co',0 
deb *uSB Amiga window, menu, and intuition functions.' , 


Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©J 988 



AmigaDOS, Assembly Language, and FileNotes 

by Dan Huth 

Accurate, descriptive file naming is one of our weapons 
in the war against infonnation overload. Unfortunately, disk 
filenames have often been limited to ridiculously short lengths: 
computer users constandy try to cram accurate file descriptions 
into as few as eight characters. But systems programmers are 
lately becoming more concerned about such things, and have 
been designing disk operating systems that allow lengthy, even 
verbose, filenames. Witness my trusty old Commodore-64 
(vintage 1983) and its generous l6-character filenames. How- 
ever, the doors to file naming verbosity didn't open for me until 
March 1986, when I became tlie proud owner of a sparkling 
new Amiga 1000 that boasted (Amigas are very proud ma- 
chines) huge thirty-character filenames. 

Thirty characters are an awful lot. For example, 
Assembler_Macros_&_Constants.i is a legal filename under 
AmigaDOS. Pretty descriptive, eh.' But there's more. For those 
situations in which even a thirt^'-character filename isn't long 
enough, AmigaDOS provides its users with the ability to append 
an eighty-character comment to any disk file via the FileNote 
command. To add a filenote to a disk file named Warm- 
FuzzyData in the UFO directory on the disk in my external 
drive, I'd use this command: 

1> FileNote DFl :UFO/WarmFuzzyDoto "Info about the warm 
fuzzy ttiings that landed in ttie backyard Ttiursday night." 

But filenotes are rather elusive creatures. The only way 
to fmd out if a directory possesses one is to list the directory 
containing that directory, using the AmigaDOS LIST command. 
To determine if an individual file possesses a fdenote, you have 
±e option of listing either that file, or 
the directory containing it. Thus, to 
read all the filenotes on a particular 
disk, the poor AmigaDOS user must 
list each direaory on that disk. For 
example, to fmd out if any of the files 
on a standard Workbench 1.2 disk 
contain filenotes, I'd use this series of 

and so on. (Fourteen more list commands would be required to 
complete my search.) As you can see, accessing a filenote isn't 
as easy as accessing a filename. (The names of all the files on 
the disk would be displayed if I used the command DIR 
Workbench 1.2: opt a.) I suspea that, because of their relative 
inaccessibility, filenotes are used less often than they should be. 
If filenotes were more accessible, people would be more 
apt to use them. Very late one night I started feeling sorry for 
the poor tilings. I decided to become a filenote partisan, and 
wrote a program diat would free all those forlorn filenotes out 

list Workbench! 
list Workbench! 
list Workbench 1 
list Workbench 1 
list Workbench! 
list Workbench! 
list Workbench! 
list Workbench! 
list Workbench! 
list Workbench! 










98 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

there from their dark jail cells of obscurity and let them in the 
bright sunshine of prominence. In oilier words, I wroie a 
program that can search an entire disk, and display any filenotes 
it finds. 

How to use SbowFiteNotes 

The program is ShovvFilcNotes. Its I/O is like this; 

1 > ShowRleNotes Work; 


This is o test subdirectory. 


Tl^is file lias absoiutely no significance, it Is a test file only. 

Work;Source/PopToFront.a (FILE) 

From Transactor 

WorkiSource/Heoder.a (FILE) 

Skeleton for assembly language source files 

Wo;k:Source/TestForm (FILE) 

Test form for EmergencyDB 


Note that ShowFileNotes accepts a command line 
argument. Only the first argument is useful, since ShowFileNotes 
ignores anything on the command line after the first argument. 
A quoted argument is allowed, and must be used if the file or 
directory name specified contains spaces. If no argument is 
specified, then ShowFileNotes uses the current directory, so that 
the command ShowFileNotes Dfl : is equi\-alent to t!ie command 
CD Dfl: followed by ShowFileNotes. If the directory or file 
given as an argument can't be found, ShowFileNotes displays an 
error message, then exits. 

How ShowFileNotes Works 

(Note: since I need to use the phrase "file or directory " so 
often, I'm going to substitute the term "object "for that phrase in 
the remainder of this article.) 

ShowFileNotes's job is to check each object in a given 
directory and aU its subdirectories, searching for any objects that 
have filenotes specified for them. If any such objects are found, 
both the objea's name and its associated filenote are displayed 
in the AmigaDOS window. 

Filenotes are stored on the disk in the objea's file header 
block, but fortunately there's no need to actually read the file 
headers from the disk to spot objects that possess filenotes. 
Instead, we can use the DOS library functions ExamineO and 
ExNextO, which take care of the low-level disk accessing for us. 

ExamineO is a function that takes a lock and a pointer to 
a block of memory called a FilelnfoBlock (FIB) as its arguments, 
and copies information from the disk into the FIB concerning 
the object associated witli the lock. We obtain a lock by using 
the DOS library function LockO, and we receive a pointer to a 
FIB when we call the Exec library function AllocMemO. The 
assembly language code fragment below illustrates the process. 

; — Obt 

ain a Lock 

move . 1 


/aaauming dicectocy name Is ac 




;we only Mane to read the object 



;assumin9 DOSBaae la in a4 

move * 1 


,-the Lock is now in dT 



; LockO returns if it fails 

; — Obtain a FilelnfoBlock 
move.l *fib_SIZEOF,dO 
move.l #MEl-IF_CLElAR,dl 
jsr _LVOAllooMem(a6) 

;3lze of FIB in bytes 
; zero the memory region 
.■assuming ExecBase is in a6 




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tst.l dO 

beq Fi.nished 

ir.ovea.l d0,a2 

; — Finally call Examine 

move.l d7,dl 

move.l a2,d2 

jsr _LV0Examlne<a4) 

;AllocMem() returns if it fails 
;the FIB pointer Is now in a2 

;directory lock 

,-FIB pointer 

,-DOSBase is still in &4 

Now that we have all the relevant information about the 
object in our FIB, we can access it in this manner: 

,- — Determine whether the object Is a file or a directory 
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a2( ;che FIB pointer is still in a2 
bgt Directory ,-if it's positive, it's a directory 

bit File ,-if It's negative, it's a file 

;— Determine if the object possesses a filenote 

tst.b fib_Comment (a2) 
beq NoComment 
bne Comment 

the FIB painter is still in a2 
if it's zero, there's no filenote 
if it's nonzero, there's a 

; — Get a pointer to the object's name 

lea fib_FileName |a2) ,aO .-pointer ta filename Is now in aO 

inove.l aO,dl ;now the pointer is also in dl 

The first thing we should check is fib_DirEntiyType, to 
fmd out whether the object we've obtained a lock on is a file or 
a directory. If it's a file, ShowFileNotes will look only at this file, 
and nothing else on the disk. If, however, it's a director)-, we'll 
need to look at each object in it. 


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We can look at each object ui a directory by calling 
ExNextO- ExNextO is designed to be called after ExamineO, but 
only if the object examined turned out to be a directory. 
ExNextO returns information in the FIB about the next entr>' in 
that directory. And, succeeding calls to ExNextO return informa- 
tion about succeeding entries in the directory, until the last entry 
in the directory is encountered. At that time ExNextO returns a 
vaJue of 0, telling us there are no more entries in this directory. 
(Actually, we can't be sure that the error resulted from reaching 
the end of the directory, unless we call tlie DOS library function 
loErrO immediately after receiving the error return value from 
ExNextO. In such a case, if loErrO returns the value 
ERROR_NO_MOKE_ENTRIES we can be sure. ShowFileNotes 
isn't this fussy; it assumes that an error return from ExNextO is 
due to a "no more entries" condition.) 

In pseudocode, the process of examining the contents of 
a director^' is as follows: 


Obtain Lock and FIB for the filing system object in question 

Call Examine [) 

( — Process data returned in FIB - ) 
If (the object is not a directory) then branch to Label2 
Call ExNext (I 
while (ExNextO didn't return zero) 

( — Process data returned in FIB — 1 

If (this directory entry is a subdirectory) then 
Save necessary register values 
Perform recursive subroutine branch to Label 1 
Restore register values 

End If 

Call SxNext 
End While 

Release Lock and deallocate FIB 
Return from subroutine 

The careful reader may have noticed that the above 
pseudo-code is general in nature; the two lines of ( — Process 
data returned in FIB — ) are where all of ShowFileNotes's 
specific code goes. Ln fact, just about any program that needs to 
examine the entries of disk directories, including nested 
subdirectories, can use the above code skeleton. I imagine 
about an hour's work would suffice to transform ShowFileNotes 
into a program displaying a disk directory a la either of the 
AmigaDOS commands DIR or LIST. 

Since the source code for ShowFileNotes is included with 
this article, you can examine it to gain further insights concern- 
ing the interaction between AmigaDOS and the assembly 
language programmer. In particular, the sections of code that 
deal with the manipulation of file and directory names may be 
of interest to you, as they illuminate the handling of deeply- 
nested directory trees: ShowFileNotes will without a gulp tell 
you that a certain file named 


has as a fdenote 

HI. Didn't think you'd find me. 

One last note: There's no error message generation in 
ShowFileNotes. This would be a worthy programming 
exercise for anyone who wants to sharpen his or her 
Amiga assembly language programming skills; it won't be 
difficult, and it will be instructive. 


*************************************** W***AW* 

« ShowFileNotes. a — displays filenote S 

« filename for all files in a given directory 

* (and all subdirectories the:reof) that have 

* filenotes attached to them. 

* Version 0.08 

* Copyright (C) 

10 May 88 

Dan Huth P ,0. Box 402 

Bolivar, OH 44612 

* Permission is hereby granted for unrestricted 

* use of the accompanying source code, and 

* executable code resulting therefrom, with the 

* provision that this header must renain intact 
» in any distribution of the source code, and 

* must accompany (in human-readable form) any 

* distribution of executable code resulting 

* therefrom. 

****JritTt***************************5»*Kir***K ******* 


include "exec/types. i" 

include "exec/memory, i" 

include '^libraries/do.'sextenE.i'' 


CALL macro 




DOSCALL macro 




KLIB macro 




RETURN macro 











XI 13 
























ERROR equ 


;exports for _printf 


100 Amazing Computing V3. 12 ©1988 

Main progcaiti section 

Register use: a0-al/d0-d2 are scratch 

a2 FIB pointer d3 #fib_SIZEOF 

a3 ArgBuffer pointer d4 Old curreny dir'y lock 

ai _DOSBase d5 error flag 

aS frame pointer d6 NULL byte in ArgBuffer 

a6 ExecBase dT argc / directory lock 

_DOSBase must be in a4 for DOSCALL to work. 
****»«********« ******************* ************** 


link aS, I- (MAXLINELEH«4| 
movea.l SP,a3 ;a3 »= EArgBuffer 
bar ProcCmdLine ; returns if 
tst.l do ; successful 

bne.s Finished ;exit— cmd line err 
move.l #fib_SIZE0F,d3 ,- f or efficiency 

;-Open DOS library (dO must be zero) 

movea.l _AbsExecBaseia6 ;using Exec lib 
lea DosName (PC) ,al 

.•any version (dO already holds zero) 
CALL OpenLibrary 

movea.l dQ,a4 ;a4 -" _DOSBase 
move.l dt),_DOSBase ; f or ^printf 

.--Obtain standard output file handle 
move.l dO,_stdout ; for _prir.t:f 

* Obtain lock on directory. If a dir'y name was 
' specified on the cmd line, try to lock that 

• dir'y. Otherwise, use the current directory. 


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;-07 holds dir'y lock, not a 
;— Argc «»" 0; use CLI's curre 
suba.l al,al 
CALL FindTask 
movea.l d0,a2 
move.l pr^CurrentDir 
move.l dO,d7 

movea .1 
adda . 1 
movea . 1 









movea.l a3,a0 

;d7 == argc 

;argc > — branch 

rgc, from now on 
nt directory 
rfind this task 

(process struct ptr 
(a2) ,dl 

;dup curr dir lock 
;d7 == dir lock 

;CLI struct BPTR 
;BPTR conversion 
;now it's a pointer 
l),al ;cur dir BSTR 
;BPTR conversion 
,-dir'y length/name 
;d0.b holds length 
.•convert to word 
;aO "■ fiArgBuffer 

j-Move current dir'y name into ArgBuffer 
;— al points to dir'y name, aO to ArgBuffer, 
;-dO holds string length, d6 will index NtJLL 
;— (d6 was zeroed by ProcCmdLine. ) 

subq.w II, do ?dbra quits on -1 

mo ve . b 

addq . w 



bra . s 

lal)+, laOlt 

#l,d6 ,'keep track of NULL 
do, MoveCDName 

(aO) ;NULL termination 
Finally ,-0(a3,d6.w) ==■ NULL 

;— Argc ■■■ 1; try to lock directory (or file) 
;— specified in command line 

move.l a3,dl ,-direotoryy name 

moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2 


move.l dO,d7 

.■d7 == dir'y lock 

bne.s Finally 

/returns for fail 

moveq tERROR, dO 


Design your own menus and use them 
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Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 101 

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bra.s Finished .-exit on error 


Finally bsr.s KeatAndSpuds 


unik aS 

movecj #0,dO 


.•—Allocate a FilelnfoBlock (FIB) 

move.l d3,d0 ,'d3 
move.l #MEHF_CLEAR,dl 
CALL AllocHem 
tst.l dO 
beq EndMAS2 
movea.l d0^a2 

•fib SIZEOF 

.-returns for fail 
.-exit on failure 
ja2 " SFIB 

.•—Examine this thing 
move. 1 d7, dl 
move.l a2,d2 
DOSCALL Examine 
tst.l dO 
beq EndMAS 
tst.l flb_DirEntryType(a2) 
bgt.s Directory 
bsr File 
bra EndMAS 

;— This thing is a directory 
.--Make it the current directory 

move.l d7,dl ,-dl 
DOSCALL CurrentDir 
move.l d0,d4 ;d'l 

.•directory lock 

; returns for fail 
;exi^ on failure 

d7 - dir loc)t 
= Old CD lock 

;— If it has a filenote. display it 

tst.b fib_Co!mnent (a2) 

beq.s ExaitiNext ,-no filenote 

pea fib_Comment (a2) 

move.l a3,-(SP) .-directory name 

pea DFormatStr (PCI 

jsr _printf 

lea 12(SP),s? ;pop three arguments 

;— Examine entries in this directory 

move.! d7,dl .-directory lock 

move.l a2,d2 .-sFIB 


tst.l do .-returns on fail 

beq.s EndDlrectory ;no more entries 

tst.l fib_DirEr4tryType Ia21 

bgt.s SufaDirectory 

bsr.s File 

bra.s ExamKext 

.--Handle subdirectory 

movem.l a2/d4/d6-d7,- |SP) 
lea flb_FileName (a2) ,aO 
move.l aO.dl 
raoveq tACCESS_READ,d2 

DOSCALL Lock .-Lock this subdir'y 
move.l d0,d5 ;ret val from Lock{) 
move.l dO,d7 .-subdirectory lock 


-Build new directory path 

,- returns for fail 


lea fib_FlleName (a2J , aO .-filename 

lea (a3,d6.w) ,al /NULL position 

cmpi.b #':',-l|al) 

beq.s 2$ 

move.b #'/' , (al) + 

addq.w #l,d6 

move.b (aO) + , (al) + 

bne.s 1$ 

.-keep track of NULL 
.-stop after NULL 

;— Recurse 


MeatAndSpuds ; RECURSION 

1 (SPI+,a2/d4/d6-d7 

d5 .'Lockd error? 

EndDlrectory .-yes — exit 
0{a3,d6.w) .-restore NULL byte 


EndDi rectory 

move.l d4,dl 
DOSCALL CurrentDir 

SndMAS movea.l a2,al 
move.l d3,d0 
CALL FreeMea 



move.l d7,dl 

.-restore orig' 1 cd 


.-deallocate fib 
;Fall through 

.■directory lock 

;— If this file has a filenote, display it 

File tst.b fib_Comment (a2) 

beq.s EndFile ;no filenote 

pea fib_Comment (a2) 

pea fib_FileMame (a2) ; file narae 

cmpi.b »' :' ,-1 Ia3,d6.w) ; in root dir 

bne.s IS .-no — branch 

pea ColonStrlPC) .-yes 

bra.s 2S 

15 pea SlashStr(PC) .-no 

2S move.l a3,-lSP) .-directory name 

pea FFormatStr IPCl 

jsr _printf 

lea 20(SP),SP ,-pop five arguments 

• ProcCmdLine subroutine 


Enter with cmd line address in aO, cmd line 
length in dO.- exit with error code 10 for no 
error) in dO. argc in d7. position of 
.^.rgBuffer NULL byte in d6, and (one only) arg 
copied into ArgBuffer if any cmd line args 
-«'ere found. 

Register use: 

102 Amazing Computing V3. 12 019S8 

aO pointer co next byte in command line 

al pointer to next byte in AcgBuffer 

do bytes remaining in coirraiand line 

dl current chsr from command line 

d6 position of terminating NULL in ArgBuffer 

d7 argc 




move a 

♦ 0,d7 

.•d? » argc 



;dS = NULL position 

movea . 1 



.--Strip off ASCII chars < 33 

or > 127 

GetArg move.b 






;exit - no argument 

cmpi . b 

#' \dl 



.•-Check for quoted argument 



bne . E 




;— Process quoted argument 

1 $ cmpi . b 




.•exit (discard " 1 

move . b 

dl, (al) + 



; track NULL 

2$ move.b 


; enter (discard ~ ) 







-no trailing quote 



?exit on error 

; -Process unquoted argument 

3S move.b 

dl, |al) + 



-track NULL 

move . b 




cmpi . b 

#' ',dl 



; -Handle end o 

f argument 



return argc in d7, 
NULL position in d6, 



success code in dO 



null- termination 


* data storage declarations 

***** ****** 

,-NOTE: after DosName is used to open the 
;DOS library, the 12 bytes occupied by 
r'that string aren't accessed at all,- I 
;use them to store two LONG variables. 


DosName dc.b 

'dos . ' 

stdout dc.b 



'ary' ,0 



'%ls (DIR)' 



' %ls',13 







(FILE) ' 



' %ls',13 











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Amazing Computing V3.12 ©1988 103 


r/ie AMICU^ 
'ublic Domain 

S& Fred Fish 
Software Tdbr 


This software is collected from user groups and electronic bul 

etin boards around the nation, bach Amicus disk is nearly full, 

and is fully accessible from the Workbench. If source code is 

provided for any program, then the executable version is also 

present. This means that 

you don't need the C compiler to run these programs. An exception is granted for those programs 

only of use to people who own a C compiler. 

The Fred Fish disk are collected by Mr. Fred Fish, a good and active friend of the Amiga. 

Nato: Each doscnplion lino beJow may include somathing like 'S-O-E-D", which stands lor 'source, objeci Me. ojiecutaOle and documentation'. Any combinalion of ihese ifttters indicates | 

wna! forms ol the program are present. Baste programs are presented entirely in source code formal. 



serittflc tests senafponconmsfidt 

AmH}! Bute Prograna: 

ASme prognm: GnpHa 


sertsantpi: eun pie otsarU! port ^jh 

(Moll: Wany!Jir*seprogfznsarepreEerjon AMICUS 

30So:'fis 3dsoS<JSrtMe4ng;«0,irtsanpie 

atb AFii93tX)Soe]rectitrarY(na'^er,&E 

pnnirti.c tarns* pfiw fflartK* «>« 

Dttki. Seven^o!ir:ese'iwreconvtnsdlo AiigaBatic, 


V tBriti«'ardriwp'Dgrarn.5-£ 

pritiaseJi pmBt de^KB detrttons 

md are incijoed net.) 

EHocU oraMrsbbcte 

txabi aui>chQps eieoju&la Bes 

ntmst njanlKllmgnm 

AddrmBoo* asnpt&adgegtnotriafahra 

Cubn tv^aJba 

ttlBl Eir:i>* C!.l if^. 5-E 

MtfiMc tnm H Mwm Gfwfl picfm 

Bai drzMsabal 

Dtnr dr»« pidms r P» siy»a [* CKjt* 

^.ujg niecoTEres«onprogran;s.S'E 

a«nMx MraiMMHiilniimMpoii 

OMd prDTJrtVBosnMenConipusifyttWT 

FScvH cnM ticai landscapM 

YacrnC a Ivnbar pame. SE 


HdMn iQflrswinQpregwH.K'niftiwine 

luUkt atirnpieTftiWprogtimTwiciJC'ly. S-E 

AigpUrt titqapKitMuvtM 

CU re Q8ITH, muMn drtjwi 


Enax an earV version of naAr^bzi editor. S-E-D 

ipHtfloyx EoutoclD rvntof vd pfionstci d4^3 

C(^Ar an arawiiftg progran 

jPad smtpte ^jrt pntgrsm 

AiMmUtr proQranii: 

tnmMfH srrMGmcfitemo 

OMiAfiOaw K <niinng pr:?gra,T n K 3n] AC. $-D 

Op«Oi c»« seveot optical Ebaons 

twafpusn binary $$»w cade 

tivf ex$cB«(nn!n«Mic&on» 

Sba orversaions! corrpuia- ps>aiotogisi 

PvtBGi siffl^ pirt prcqram 

qsoUs^ Uru ccmpaitite c)50>t) trtSofl. lOtfte 

imti£ n)gfeaittKj(jpuitur4i itfido(4 

OMb [he sanis, as Xncnw as 'go* 

and C fcsl prDgran 

MidlF[>l.c kudianditidaiidiaSaliletrmkinls 

Rcuue aOratmaajame 

SfBoAil gnprtodgino 

tei)mp±sn «evnpOcode^La&ica3J32 

pnxxuj md pittUHi u>m«Mr nrkjiH fin: 

FKfl tx>3(^ grapncs dento 

SpHktr ipwcMAy 

JtBrqsff_w wanw9iDrdudaaiH<9^Ajl»4g«im 

SruOie aams 3C3pidim of n space stu:le 

n4U UnnanipafiMtMOkK»n.CH) 

cmoieOU raprcElta^MctfiBMIOCfwMr 

Spafcng srnfle speOng pogrsn 

SpM aarimwipwi 

dAtaiUEl wamngcmsiilvtiDMk^tug 

voYo tmir^wD-{rav!lyyo-rodemo.(Kki 

ttmOm UkfidbrtiM 

tts spK d csnslar«r updtfKl, ft FF spec Hss hvA Inn 

Utrc^ liHdlHernM.m»au,h«iaofti 

yo-jo to l» mouse 

Topograph)* aftCdd ksfsgraphy 

nav«d 10 EKtf own d$k in the AUCUS COMOion.) 

InpuUHJU f^ir.rifr)af,imr^<inaaiicui 

ExMJbbli pragrxra: 

wiBsIs (hws Of06 prSfftcs 

Mn [}ripv Anisi TutcrUs: 

Lnnse ricvrulxvi OT WyVbencn ditrl&kjtnn loense 

30cu(» Wsdoa-Edemoofarc&irqajCB 

Xenos draws l-acial planet lanscapes 

AncnaiB dsscr^es anvTiafion^lfion^vTis 

ntloon sets a secord icon ^a^, dsptayed 

ABatcpfognnq: Toots 

&x^eG Uc:^ on gadgets 

wnen 5ie iwi is **ft3 

AddnassSock so^daasas program bradAeties 

Heojs IflamaboulirtLtoonnwrus 

»2a« mf (ilindj!»riecriangos torn vwion ami 

ArcigiSpel aso»t».tsin-ifiespelOK»ef,6.D 

CvdFlp simpto card fie (3aiabasepn>gram 


M«CU3Dte>i Flits ITom tm AiHO' Unk ' 

art ff» ARC file CDnc«es5flnF«)9ra 

Ovno WilllMnftJOai d^n? 


JMga mlaniyUiiii NtMoli 

mustJiavB ter le*cori. E-D 

KtyCodss s^(T<nl<e'yc«fHfo^a)os)[youp^su 

Xral a C cross reference gen , S E 

Nota Itui lOTia olThaie Aba ATA old, and ratwui older vAfiioni 31 

Benrand praprKSttemo 

Menu rui many Aflasic programi Irwn a m*nu 

eoiwiof flflra-hatf-tmcfn cfnp gfj demo. S-€ 

he eptrieng syshm, Trww Wti art from Am 15a Urtk, Fuf a Iffl !. 

dsKsaiiiage prog.ioresftje lrasredc6sh5.E.D 

MoteCdOT war 10 gei nwa ootots on fie soew 

Cnop truicaSg {chop) Nes down to siie. S-E 

Ccmmodore supporlK] Ani^ Unk, aka AIFJ, ^r ontne Davrjtopfr 

KniHkCo^ a qud^ bul nasty ctsk copy 

at ona, using alasing 

Claanjp romovas sran^a charters Hon texi fies 

ledmol suppon II»ui«yupiinJruir>nglo;««r»l*«k!. 

pogramiigna'es ktots. E.D 

shapes simpla color sfiape desi^ier Speaktt 

CR2LF convem carriage tewns lo lir^e feeds in 

TtisH files do nol cany a worranly. and era loreducahonaj ptT- 

ytOr lisistiunHilianobiealileE.D 

speetfi ajTcJ rwrasjf ftrao 

Amija fJes. S E 

posesor^. Ofcourse. that's not loaytwydcnlwoA, 

SavctLaH saves anysoeen as IFFpicE-D?? 

ABasIc prognms; Gimra 

Error adds compile {•rrors to a C tie, S 

Adwno ol InlulUon mtnut called 'rmnydemo'. In C Mutte 

SoBcnDump sharawara Kreen ftjmp prt^. E or4y 

SnckOui dassc compLfB! bncK wiQ game 

HelU w^UDwej.lrDmir«RKU.S 

wtiereis find aide »o/cfi^ ai suMirecWcs 

SlaiTetm vsrsw 2.&. terni pn^am, XniodemE.D 

OtBlto also known as "get" 

Kflmit oenertc K&rmit fiptemertaiori, Hahey, 

!»t)18SLc BOQ ptoiliaJTimingeiiampte 


Saixef sJ/npiflsnooi-eni-^jBBme 

ra terminal pnodo.SE 

swtt^jt: sognd $yTtD^sis eiam^c 

LaaceMaJn &psonFbdng_main.cflLaBca 

Speling simpla tahng spelling game 

Scales »tf^«no plays seai«t.S^E 


QDisJrDnve make your twm 5 U* do« 

TDyBoi w;eciabi«0'i>r''iCiE)4^ 

Sfcaw9 RubStcitt demo in hiir« co*ors, S-E 

mydovjsn umffe dcvte dnver 

IjumkMd erplains itie Giru nunbefs 

ABulc prognms: Sounds 


nytftjiffl tafflpiaiJtjrarr example 

Ll!3-03cugs bug hst ol lz3xa C version 3.03 

Enuntiinef pU^tnaiwie 

AulomaB ceUUa: autmaa amJa^nn 


HFwgeRev user's view of Hie Mcraforge K> 

HAL3000 pretends irs a real compmer 

CrazyEigm cardgams 


PrtntSSMlei ESECUTl-tased prti: spool frag. 

Po&oa simple poox sj?n souid 

Grapn IXOW grapftrg progrsiis 


.BHAP nes: 

Suffirf»Mn pUjfl The Dance of its Suga/pMn 

WlEhhgHou agame 

nxn&l asmbieriniijdian 

Ttiese aretfa nece$sa.7 ink* between Miga Basic and ffia 


ABasIC profiTwni: 


system ibranei. TDlai(eax?.Qr.ia^ollieA.T^^capabii.l)es 


C2sro cames of pole(.Ba{*j«*i.*». and craps 

arrigatnclu Bps on CLI xnvTvjnds 

ir gaiK. you need rese fies. aMAPs are indu»d !cr 'cisi'. 

ATwm simph wnunl prograDi, S-E 

Gomoku aiscwiewftas wwta" 

exKisit aiwnal lUi apodnaaan 

'ajntoia*, 'tSsklonf. aiuc, Icar, 'u^tjsan', TayeT, -mas^'. 

ee akjtocaKpingwiriljaceC 

SatDSage sxic'anadmtifVQame 

^mapoft gvntponipec 

itmmmtia. maJwoenigBas', ■irjanrjns-, po^o'. 

d«Wt Ote(*»cta>JVERTforcrD» 

EucutttM progtvra: 

p«M pMMpatiiiK 



Oiaam « 60000 dsaiMcnMr.E-D 

will ntHpgrttpK 


Oovy SDut9 cade d me -«Dy «nr47w d^mo 

DpSlde snnnasn«nKtorilTpcax«i,E-0 

«<.ii«Mt HolnwlMUHliiMtaiwi.i 


stfm i.nx-siytafier3Tiiee<pans>on,p3nialS,0-D 

A/rarge a lart tofinatSng progrBn. E-0 

FigttSoi snfSeS^timuuu'pngrani 

Eulorfp eqJlansiiSDCribsI-Iloaingpoirtmati 


Fist br tiMng jw OHI pftw drtifn; InCLdno dH{)idil^ 

»tiePlM9 eiplaiB>tie,SalLratsn.l1nEftsly 

FpDiu beskArtdunsntffifesonidstS^ 

Ajgotem BmMial progran Mift speech ard Xmodeni. 

*SA'rtlMJ Ci inlBsd, JanBrx, pMvJM. ^IIHIayjsri, 


nndart. nxatm. TMiMdoaoMninnMrtlln 

Grtp MrMstoritMnttmginiiawtfi 

UHQJSOtakA Fl« (Tom the crlQM Arrtga 

dteiirg M FF iMCiatai. ItM n nol ta ttka xl 
gnitulH. tut null hnlgiNiwal lupnti. TKiy 

WortUat n«imjpo(i»e«B«i 


docL MnAonoBtatioid-anlHTKidry 

NOM m ton** D( 9«H fiei ara Did . arti refer b older vwiiara ol 

EnciAUe pngnra: 

BNfBdflr ceiergBiwaui 

n flporairg syslen . These lies came tram ttt Si/1 lysMn to) 

itmfn k) M Rny. 

Borgi laHt Boeigl i»no.«itn st«=atlt lpeed.E 

BMZMiigi iajtfara(WE3C]leir3ns!ef3C»iw«n 

nnwfnMgilKfnalmvwtrtQtymctKotides. TIcse 

HMOisniin iFFPIcani 

EfvaftgC c5r^erBan:?f Cn;sr>bCaaa 

an im and an A;rj^ 

AHtentcarryaMrranty, and n tv educaliona puposes 

Ths tisJr rcJuOei tne OPSade ^it»grw . Nfn:^ car ^inr a Tvm 

msjucwns, n:a,'^»n cede. E 

UpidQl Ma-noeiUtM sei proeran. £-E 

arty. OfaxBa,ltiannatloiayihS]rdontwQr(L 

Enj«lcon a-^e!SfrO\sia2r.<sr..£ 

find paScnned qf^^^'k detno, S-E. 


Danle graplKS dens, uadts to rtuuse, E 

Ot^ makes Latbce C ocjaa % symhoti 

Conptoto ant nsatjT L(H(Hla)e C soLra u Vnage^. sn eaily 

ArtcFoT.aOe^dancaF.laguyiat QKtn»^c Jk.ii, a porf^. 

DociGEL iSsefft^rprogriTitorstoppng 

vtjiw te W». S-£ 

wrxkMQfrielconEAor. nisis&ltOeftaliy.butcompAesand 

hoi^.icngTLr.aiqWaiH.aictHiilwn Mann Madness. r< 


qiidc qiidt sisn smQS lOiicinQ 


6u^ Sifrrf Martian, a aU Irani an old mow, Ifv Ore Snj 3 

Boot iwvDarSocH and date dspia^E 

i9t •nanipie sampig vrindow 10 

moving conipa.ny, a lowi tnm PrtaJl OwirMon Set, i TV 

k» He game ot Ills, E 

HiUc« UTti on iemrxM modi. &£ 

ne«cu]ar, Itia ParlCan, a world map, a Porsaw, a iTLftre 

TmeSei ttuMvbasedMytisettialrnel dw 

ipvkj i^-tff]eaiiK;Ncdefl«.5^ 

danarnanuSA diaicrw].c s^tau^j. Idftnoc, k)en».guide. 

mission paten, a rfamosai/us rti, a pfanel tnew. a VISA carl. 

EUEmaci A'Vjl^erEnl^cs,llweo'ilaMdn 

OMr tucuttM pngnnft 

UecHjnalce. bamtfJi nodos c, aid trwnia c 

ends len-speeo- 

word pocesung, S-E-D 

JfldBitffii addBrtHnaJtwaofyioTBsyasm 

MyCU a<;Llsne«.««lis«eBMt«» 

WhdiFoni dsptajnalavaiaUelona 

boMestc exarapiaoraoguse 

Tlts dst has pKuti Im hg Oigivm fc*)«iiMiodlr video 



consoieiOi: canjde lO exangEe 


SEOZO descrtieiGBCQg speedup OoardlmmCSA 

creapdrtc create and deie'j pors 

an, tn OAtuer, Iha tote and buggif. tie eye »w, n 

FncffKeil real fijictwi keys him Amiga Basic 

ALaaes eipiarts uses o! n ASSIGN cvnnm] 

croasUr cruu (tandvd VO itit^ta 

licsonaiTpage.tiintolifidnoMi if>»ncu<e>aprogaint> 

ha:ker$ln Brplamna(Uwfireg^~ve y^atiusf 

Bu^ kj'wnbugkunLa»oaC3.Q2 

cr«u*$k.c eivalvig OA aiwTiptes 


tsOOK Jjde a rstating a SSOtO n jw An^j 

CUCad retewiCBCi-diaAnijaDOSai 

dstex exainpie ol sack r«ad and nrea 

■cnens. Tla tmtf cngw. b un t.iy Kreen no «t IFF 

Borgi lllesl3ooi(ioei».Y«rjeleaaSespe«,E 

CllCammanei j^aoe Q nt^ n CU 

dodf* KwatODe-dtfflywrtJDWOeiTia 


BnuhK taiytmanJTtinjsnBCOaa 

Conmanb sfryierguttVAmipaDOS 

aaitty-c Ouai^iaySetfeEam^f 


InstuMs, iiialaatain code. E 


hxKtc BcedUtanpse 


^Uft2^cn QsnvemfFtnjsntoaiiaaE 

EdCtfMBnS gudtlDtuHJadtar 

frtentpu: oUwAnorinn^r 

Bnme vtatioiaHaiiM,ii*igaiiu»») 

Caide grashcs demo. traSsB mouse. E 

l=tonaniH AoigifiOSlnmwIdctfd 

gettmu bctilyVSlpiiHaRiaoei 

DedGEL lssea;blerpngn.-iilior5Dpprj 


(^»nern_c gnfUiC EBflflurr lA^ Mcttr 



HtK&nfi oiSansiaregraptKStfiipstiaicando 

hei::^: wtidM exvnpte ftnn RXU 

IconEiec EXEarreinflei!<ajnmn)i 

KkKk in0Vtej:locir3.ndda#ds;^y.E 

Tura CQlofs 

inpJdtv-C atfctng en mput htf4er b re irvut siream 

from Wortiientfi S-£ 

Be Isganeolite.E 

ModSfflPira 0»cr«tion el r« wal pot pirout 

jojatu rw»ngr«j0yitci( 

POScreen Dunp dimpe Raalport ol hsnet! KIWI 10 pnnlr 

TneSel tnukneasee wly b set n loie dale. 

FlAMfaki IfHonHangi^iyarRAUidah 

ksytidc tJfwtktytoardrwdrg 

S«l*l)lim« setsaiKonfiiiueatirvibn 

EtEmacs ano»r£maca,loon«anlidlD 

ROUWadi Ips on using ROMWa* 

laivteic laywi eiampiei 



SiS(A» eipanwjnol fcistuneri demo souH 

mousonc Klfflowpori 

kfyai aaisneii.«o>ls«iRMt« 



B 1U1 mer Mnnnoi s^ 

WlUerEh, S.E.0 

Spaed mfuotcnofAnuga^CPUandcusefflCftpipoBd 

SmalOock aimaldl^cli:cUniMiito>Teaibai 

V^CkCffldS t^ VI using iVadi 

pMleSLc btis pndU pQft coomande 

Saimper AiiseenprlntilnBieloiiltiACS^ 

104 Amazing Computing V3.12 © 1988 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 


tmn Aniga Base 
HKfctrSk) ftipiihihoivbwntiaQarna Tadfff' 
lli6S0IO gix]Qtotnj5fiipgaEI90lOin)iD(jArr;iga 

PrintorTIp taMnQ escape sequences b your prinler 

^nj|)Tip tptonH3rgupjmxst3rh«-l<quenceEl9 
JUrmBfrviN hstsj Tram^onner pTDgrwTt] Ciai imk 
Pitrtir Dilvn: 

pump ffum lor Ehs Cmon PJ ■ 1 oec A. W C noTi Prwfl tr. an 
Im^nTvwJ Epson cJrtyff fial eiinrates sErMtanQ. 3v Epson 
10400, Die Gecr^n Star-iO, the KEC B025A, ^eOK^a ML- 
92, &c Panasonic KX PIOjih lamJy, and tho Smith-Corona 
D300, wt[h a documeni ct(>saibinQ itu insiaiLatlon prK«s$ 
AHCUS DUk 1D Innruntnt Kun4 Mtam 
TI^ t£ an icon-drivan Ovaa, ooialacE to nor^ duten. I 
indudn n souitt d ■) Koudc ^Jbr, jrt aim, ( borfD, II 
bui gutar. 1 bair*.tcilamctr honi.clti*H.«lirllripL 
e^tonc EF^ltf. a tiM. I rvpkrpe;^. a)4c*dnm. 1 nwfmtn, 
i wgan. minor tfiord, peopla lahifig, p>gi, « pipi ofEian. a 
Ritxm pdro, a laiophDna, a snar, a tn&t 4\ni. a steei 
dnn. bed), a vii3ropr«r«, a vioiin. a wailng gutar. a hona 
wt*¥Ty. anci a wTilsBe. 

(SruS hLiun-based. CL! refUeernvv Rtaragr 

Cpri tfv^wi and accuses protyotCU 

pmwiser &£ 

(M ihoirt rdo on CLI pncttttt. S-E 

vtflax (li(AyiCotTipuierv«nLEpic$.$-E 

ArngaBasc progra^nt 

panKH and spnts Bdur program 
QpwntaSon nxnfilB him AC ande 
lifQt, rtffulKl catanbv, iSary and 

bno^tDBOB convcfa small FF brushn lo Affl^jaSasic 

gndl draw and ptay waveformi 

hiben dnwi Hfeart bjevai 

maAB mad 1^ ttory gtwiKi' 

mttiah laiivigriainglslprooran 

cnuckMnSD 3D [irapncs pngram, tun A C^ artcie 
mouseeadt mMw ncigng siarpia h hr«j mode 
li<H tlDlmx^iineoajTig 

bctacbe ffie^^fl 

(wtcn pachinWi-iike ijarw 

weird mahoa stranga sounds 

EjKubUe program I 

tp unli-l*dCDpycDnimancJ,E 

ds U3-«)ncl«^,S-E 

dfl iTiir-ukiastrunedilorLfies'ditr 

Ddput lo Ri tj« 
pni Ovn rewdef p«f(omancei iridcator 


ds tcreflnciBarandCUa^tlifnentseieampie 


raU inovlrtp-iwrmfraphladerTK: 

oieoonwi convtct UMUa-S kerHor(» b uKircase 
Forffi Brnhfhan orM ajgomhrn eumpifl 

AroljTe 12 ierr;^4S 1^ trw Epr^a^^vct AnatyS 

TTiefB afB ift/p«g(imj rwra j-^l read to-nrroAye H 
pcuBfiQi. TTie]rantranslaiBK£iaJaPad.Do!d4.Prini 
5rupaindNevr$Ro<3'ngraphiatoiFFbrTTiai. Geiirgtie 
llb« fron your C-61 to )>OLr Ani;^ is tfw hard part. 


Writ -ainlf conipatU iir*ir. but lisar. E-D 

{Mn vratHtUclor (ishclHnn.E-0 

dplonaH ttn^EpRnmbnQiBPAHIvnrninuE-Q 

ihowtig ii1n«hi-mpcstotw-rasM)vtitniap,E^ 

^MaMinH W ?iQtinif, E-P 

\fd(tt» \AM«las a He, E-D 

cjnapktYn a>rTvertiAp{)l<K1«w,rTvedinanj 

laanjM iiwuKtbrprDduoasC cods tor 

quA «MtMi-to<UkrAit»ea3per.E-0 

quckEA a>piai Bactoiic Ans dak), rwiuvn 

prQUOion. E-D 
bed 1.3 dermol teKi edtlofrrorn Uicrotnmihs.E^ 


s^ roi3iingtilDCMgraphK»defflO.S-E'D 

pDpdi start a new Cltal the press Ola 

Dunon, EM S*kicK S-E-D 
vRhta VSpniB Qxamsie code Irwii 

Conimodors, S-E-D 
AnigaBBS AaiI^ Bastc buietn boa/d pnjg.. S-D 
ttarlO maltas star ItMs h)(fl StarTiek 


U«rt Mandetirot 30 Mm d uandetrpt M 
StarDesfrTyv nkHSarltastt^ 
Robot rotntwin'gottingi.cylralw 


widen Anvga nntitn, narrws, adcVefwi 

cardco bei to AanyCAnJcorniitnory board;. 

dnduM mt-nlnnn&ClncludtllH 

tntOtattt eluHi»ph|itogtitoime««i 
IfcluftM mkf yo(f QiinildiifiMtlnjmIhe 

Aniga Base progranu 

Roirtnes tron Caro^fi Sct^eppn? oi CeU Tedi Support O 
md and tfaptaf IFF ^ares hjm Amigj Buit Mfi docu- 
nwttaton. AJw Imduded It a pcogiani to do «nm prints n 
Aoiga Basic, tnd ffw nfwcft BUAP Bh, Mh a conttied Corv 
WTFDprogqm. lWtisain(M|M>ns. tndPwSavglLBU 
KTHn cafAft proQHL 

Ptoulnn to Ud w p^ FuuiSoiM ind FF tnM Bn 
lam Amiga BasK, by JoTv F«5t br Afvted Visons. nlffi 

(SxutTwiia&w and Card asfvnSiariotfwiorMningycuroiiir' 
4TariH.andJ>«riaQng C toassenibiet nEbrar^n. VWTBuri(ite 


Executatie programs 

gr^viity 5oAni«rj4ne€oravqa»n graphic 

svnuiation, S-t-O 
UlDl maliayQu'ownMOiretviiervirttrtacg.wfh 

dxunentation and a fi m stfwnaSc ptdm 

Several programs trom ArraunQ Qomf/jar^ \iSMi: 

CLanKarys CstnxturahdaKprogram.S-E-D 
Amiga Basic prigrams: 
BMAP Readet bf T<m Jon» 
SFF&ush£BOB bj «te S«*igof 
Autol^aqueSer eia-ipie 
OOSHetov Windowed he4piyiieffllofCU 

»fflffi*nd4. S-E-D 
PCTrarts ffanitatoj PET ASCII HesloASCn 

C SqwarM Graces program (rom Scentitc 

Afwrian,Septe6. S=E-D 
04 addsorrBrnovescaTageTEtirmlrDni Uss, 

dpdecode dGa>ps Deliat Puic wu 
wescQpy pnMacBQi%E-0 

qutryWB sila V« or No trnn tn uMf rtUrvnit 


K ^AsiC«lci^KVfM}rwfi.norn«(M»'«o'. 

iWt* views toll dm wBiwnSw and 

slidar (^ige1.E-D 

Oing. Sprging. yaSorg. Zovig are scrtB-Ciaseo 
Bo^! styie demos, 5-E-O 
CLK^ocii, sQock, wOock n mnaiw border oocu, S-E-0 

An article on tang^wsislanct pttsper moritors. Bps on mttotQ 
brjihn or odd shapQi ii Mui e Pa^ arid [KocnmandaSora on 
kxn Mertaces bm Coenmodora'A/niQa. 
uaa isMK 
Iha C pragmiQ IncMv: 
V 2Kiepr\Fflnguilty,HticficanpmiBShtto 

background, and wtf) ina fun&en Kid oorvQ' 

cfBf3Cto( Uervig- 
tni' dspiays a cfuil ol Vie blocks aDoatod 

'tiiX que$(orYt&n^iecule'Jiie. cecums an 

enorcodd to cnntioi tno eiDcuwin In 

'Sttf an enhanced version of Arn^aDOS 

tKsso've' random -dot ds£>ivid«nodap(ayslf^pictLjn 

sJOKriy. dot by dot, n a ranran tashloin. 
"PopCLI? invoke nw CLI irrtiifn ai me preu st 

a key. 
TTh ixecutabha programa Intiudi: 
"Form' iifl formintna pragafn ITvoooh PH 

prjxeronytf ioi«i«a prnsrytn 
tktifCar cai«eig»Aa,n«ron,agiUjn«cgft 

TSojnf $jflatiduitrtHranviedsuid 

'tofra^def nukfts icons lor mosi program^ 


'30Braahar 30Btas$es,crBa]atirnlQU!inanew*TWiiion 
'Arni0aMor4V dilpElytkSstf OQenteL 
ranwrruse. tati%d*viCM«i]pDrtilnuM. 
iCogmaraar vntanolWattrtarmAc^. 
^izdn" lii^iiioluMonoapMcidKN'Hfloin 



'3i-[Si,trr fi^lains nape Ht^jSflCftS M COh: 

dswicB iHpondi to. 
TK^y kKUHMnplMilorniiMngpipino 

iN ki nt tiy 11 ff» top d Btt AaiiQi 

•Spawn' proTHTiiiief"! dceumert hjn Cannxxtoro 

Amiga, deserts ways lo use Vie Amiga's nuliiiaikjng capablttts 
ifi your own progoms. 
AffljgaSulc progrtmi: 

'GrkJs' oraw sound vvavelonnis, and twar turn pCayed. 

Ughf a vision' oE!heTn3n^)h;<yclsvtdK{)ame, 

'WgaSoT a gariie of so^lajr?. 

'Siats' Fngrani to cajcuiafa baitng aYcrage; 

'Uone/ IryUgrabAtchabagsofmoneyEhaiyoucan; 

AM ^ClJ S 1 S a so rncbdas two beiufi U FF pcttre 1 , or the owny 
walkers from LielceplanetinSlarWara,andaF»cture otacfioetah. 
AMICUS Dbk 16 

■juBOtei' demo tiy£/eGranam. a robot juggler hoircrj 

nrn mimired bals. wich sa/id efKit. Tweniy-lour Irvnet of 
KAM animal are Miped qxMy to proCua cris niago. You 
control tne swed at tv pg^rig. The aunx^ docuMftabon 
hire ihaj rs proy am Tajhj sar^Oiay be av3Jat*e « a prpdua 
pan>5n cl trc coven oi Aniga WorU and Amazing Conipuling 

C proQrtmi; 

Inptdtundier' eamptoormahinganinputtiandef. 

rtaZapT tdngry Us KNCtog program 

'SiDNPrair (^sptaysirFpcan^sndprktSL 

Ijenr proT^i nxtn and retints C 

£r^=,m Aft) Ar.»ies dednd ii 
fie Arrvi^ trttjds He wfibtn. 

EzKV!a&ti Pragnms: 

11xHuni(2' repairs «r;exKuHUs program Us lor flipnM 

-mn^tmut* cor>«tt H^Aic Sludo SiH to FF uindanl 

-SMU^bnnaL I ran hevdhs program m^K 
hfi« I Itw bug*, f^Wttfy hi ragardi to very 
long songt. tu R «w1a kinatt eas« 
Airiga vonton o( r« 'Usae Cornrr.and' 
video gsTfl. 

This dsit also omars sevtrai lies of scenaws tor Anwp F^ 
Smiialorb. BypaBngon9orN»»v«nB9SQnaUarkdisK, 
and nseflng Jt Iri ?« drive alfBr pertonriing a speoal cornriiand ir 
tii game, a number ol inlGres:ting locaScns ar? prsset inta ihe 
FlgtqSsrUabrprograirr. For eumpte. one scenarn places your 
plane on Atcatraz, whie anotfw puts you in Cental Part 

Ttftonrnmc^Dns dsk wtucfi comara tin tsrmnal programs. 
'Cornm* Vt J3 term prog, mffi Xmodem, WXpodem, 
*AT*m* V7.t term pr^, mcUes Sipct Kerr™! 
•V7-lOO'V2 6 Dave W«tefs VT-IOO amuiatcr wlh 

Xmodem.Kenrihi. and 5cnp4ffig 
'Amiga Kemir V*D(060)ponoltfwUnioiC-Kermi3 
"VTeit" VZ J.1 TekroTa grapnics ffirm^ emiiaior 

based on. the VT-1 00 prog. V2,3 ard nxiiaiis 

laleil 'arc" fi* campresaon 
'AmigiHosr V0.5 tor Corrpuserv«. includes RLE 

g^rta a&idtt A C ;S-8 te tansfer protoooi . 
'rliHiMr KqnraioniMnnry rvctssty 
fbGtir rvDowigvtogaclWKwibQen 

Twdtn fnstvttl tits 
Itf liners 3e)cl files Irom otfier systems 

to be j^ by ^e Arr^i^a E- C- 
'addrwn' emcufiable version lor use Mih mem 

tipsnsien article in AC vi.1 
'vc' Sedocx^srUcn and afiasc Uorial 

on ui "artVio Sips 
*araq' brmai^sJng'arc'HesEC. 

iogo Arriiga version oinepoQUaoompua' 

Language, Mti axampla projams, E-0 
lyHaa Demo*«icnplWTVTw 

t^'acts^ gensratar 
PaQe5ei:ef Free^iiso'aiuBUtwiiacvafCtoqicfeM 

Fage^Tirt ani PagtFF pA^nBS tor IiB 

PajeSeOgag^dgppu tjbli ^j pjJa ge. 
FilWndg* Resii«3nyClliW»«usin!)enrjr 

Uto3d 3D wsion ol ConAay^ LFE 

progrvn. E-0 
DeUsk CLlutblybrv-usv^anew 

Catondar.WKS LDius-a]m(tatMwQrt>5heeir<3l ^'^3kes 

SeiKty Deno q( kejtoaid key re- 

prDgnmmet,* IFF piojre u 

make lundioftlieylatKlS. E-D 
VPG Video pattern ganefaior tor 

aligning moniiws. E 
HP-iOC Hewiett-fartard lite calniatw. E-D 

StlPr^tj Change the Preferences saan^ 

on ttn liy. r C, S-E-0 
StarProba Progra.m siudes suHlar evoiueor. 

C sOLTce included tor AiTniga and 

MS-DOS, S-E-0 
ROT CvOTMKi of Colin French's 

AmigaaaK ROT prograjr; froni 

Amajing Compuflng_ HOT vjes 

and dtfiays polygons to ovate 

free dmenwyia) obfoca. Up» of arvnasQn can pe 

neaied and dopiayKl. E-D 
Scat Uke^H widows on sewn rtfi 

away iTDcn IJie mouse, E-D 
DK Deceit' rneCll window Into dud, 

in ModUa 2, S-E-0 
DrDpS^ttdTwS Adds layeiKl shadows \d 

VVsrlOencti wndows. E-0 

T»»**ct(rtiJ»tv«(pg7*njfrgfnfcr4;ngG5Cpj6hg. The 

FF piClrtI 4rt hs daA nduOe the ATMia Wak par. T-shrt logo , 

a sti»rHSlcir hl-rss riage cf Andy Gr rttfi. and Rvi Amiga Uvfr! 

piOLtn hvn tn A/naiin^ Stones ep3ode IM leaiur«d The 


So*« Unev equaion jo»ver in iiseflftijr 

iangisga, S-E-0 
Gadgets Bryan CaSeyiAn-JgaBasic&ibrtat, 

HaitehM BrysiCttty^AnigaSac 

hOisstioU Invmtory progm, S+0 
Wava^m Jm Sri^ka Wawtoim W(AdnSs£. 5-0 
DiskUi Johr^KennaniAmlgaBasict^sk 

librarian pmgram. SD 
Sdbsotpis tvanSmiEh'sA;r.igaBa$ic$ub$cript 

Stnng, Booisan CprD7ams.anJBiiecutablesbr 

Hamei uaybedi To»y^ tntiton 

tutor^s, S-E-D 
Slcnny C Bob R«mefsr;^a's oiafnpta lor 

makng smaN C programs, E'E<0 
C0MAL.h Mak^ C look Jike COMAL m^Ser file. 
EiTvscsKey Wakss Emacs Ijnction key 

aeSnttons by Gf«Q Doujlas. S-0 
AMont.t Snoopon system resoirce use. E^ 

BTE BaL^r s Tale charaoer edxx, E-D 

yriff\ set of tin, E-D 
WnStzs CLI window utity resizes OJTVI 

windffw, S-E-0 







Compacaor, Dacodar Sto« UcM AmtgaSasic locf s. S-D 
Bot&J eOQan0Bpr|B«tftorwf!»n^C,S-E-O 

SprDeUastorlt SpritoedtorBrxlarvr.BlorbySfadigeier^E-0 
BfSLab Bittef cfo cjciloraoon C laDTani 

FPic knage pnxessing ppograi! byBobBusMoads 

vd »«« IFF imagn, granges hem v^ 

s«W3l lectriquas, E-D 
Banlvi Compfeto hone banking pnfram, 

taitfvt yax E;fw0c»c^! E-0 
Target Makes eadi mouse cackauid In a 

girsnoi, S-E-0 
Sand Scrpe game of sand thai iDilMttis 

notsa potfiter, E-D 

Hvmt UaybBdc Toty'i proisavinri 

Et& ChedutoseelfyQuhcveBitn'mHhiyf 

graphics. S-E-0 
Pia.ia SiDpie piano sound proj^am 

CeSolpts Makes eel anir^iation sotpu tor Aegis 


T1« di» has sKcnnc ctiatogi tor AM CUS dilhl t to 20 
indritndMllon. TbeyariMiwdwlhrHDiiKCai 
program, kncLidtdhn. 


Cycles Ughtcyde game, E-D 

Show_Pfriii Views and fxvn FF piciirts. «iwJrg 

ia;gtH' than sa»n 

La to« verstoi of a pnnief driver generator 

VideeScape awnawisoi planes m* 


Makes Iradai canMnacapes 

EzimpiH o< binary Hirth and instrOor 



An AMCLIS d«k camplei«V (>d<^t*^ K rnuK on M 
Amiga- ThsdSkconUirqlwoniUlC 
piiy4ri, longt, iwnirtK, 3tC p^ajvi b 
bring ntrt sf pliytng'Bg SouiTon 

acoMctonofSinsniiwtstof playing 
and crMing Mtc TTitmecion w^b 
tvn Canrent} Uaikiibi 
prognn to m Ht nounenti OMCS Hfl 
not bad U Mt as In r« ongns tor any 

t eaiaaon o< u Cia$tiai p«cn 

The tSmrufedasscartealmoQnv'Bl^ 


irvw Amiga IMic Paytf^r 


£ecivama AdtkBCcridtorlDranyAnlgaDOSfiia- 
mxtAd dtun. rfcover «« >«n a 
tashod hard dslL By Darid Joinef q( 
UcTD Hustons 

iqonns RedycesthesiwctiFFimaget. 

companion program. RecoioF, remaps the 
paiettfi colors ot one pctura lo use the 
palettn cobrs Qt ano^. UiJngrass 
programs arri a tool to convofi IFF 
brmhet w Workbench cons. maXi ton* 
kMhUu mnabns of trn picutm. 

CodeOwno ModM-2 program convr^j aj.MfPb*er 
oc^Bd Sles to rljne COOE s^abemera. 
Comes witi a saeen scrstlng etampie 

AriiSug Wariip$rdiha6(ma>£s the same ityn^Jk 

aooss the Kieen ai random intervals. 
Ofiepwte. cofi^c'eteii t^arm*tt. 

BKTooii Thw eiampieso! aissmUyianguagt 

coda ihxn Sryce Seuxi: 
t , StlLao9.prog » smwi nartact or^tofl. 
2.W)y. raptace AmigaOOS CU nhy 
3. InA. prpg B told I Hi W memory 
ur«t a rebooi (Onfir n mMlflMiieic 
hackers wi! rind UladiunUI 

Uonolatt CUprograns rusts PrtkWBtt to wrir 
Cokn or jTxyx>:ATKnB t intirtaDa sevens. 
C loirce s /iduded, works wit) 
0«ttyPril. I CLI pregram ¥*itf'n*Jpt*yt 
tw cuivrl PtaJtrvncvi HByt 

BopgUacfn An|r«acadar*iialonolaperprtfll 
mooon Bofig-maUng na^int, mduM} 
T* lamt vcfscn ot the Movie program, 
wfwn has IM abLty u day sounds along 
MCh the andnaim 3;^ '^ Offer 

Da^ Eivn^eoTusingtrvtartitatorBnd 

narrator devices 10 muaawAjTigalah. Q 
ia wilst-tinC 

QJdkPb SdV-drtwianmatiDnandriidsiruw 
pngwD Bpv ivBugh FFAugH. 

BUsn SyMmmoritoA/i^gaSasic program: 

poffprm simple manipiJations ol memory. 

MoosS' Ranoam tiaotgrO'jndprDgnm. asmall 

window 5pei3 wt^ a moose icBembioing 
fiuhrinWesaflng wirty pfvases user 

DGCS Oebte Grocery Constncton SeL Jimple 

totulKvHased prog to assemtitngond 
prtntng I grocery list. 

The VhUt ChKkdIrKtvy holdt Kveiai programs retatrg 
to no software ma that cane b the US 
torn piratos n Europe as detaMd in 
Amaorig Corrpubng Sffti. Qti Ktwtters 
U exptviaton Dt tne vffus code is 
JTcuted. One program cfwcks tor the 
software wus on a WodMncn d4k; the 
second program dwda tor lie vfus in 
momory, Mhicn coiid inleci ofw dUc$. 

r^Bmnte OrBphtos demo psHtt trougti ^itca 

ItMards ttit mytiical tttddMnof Itvui 
wVi mrtftfU music and ipHt gnpNcfc 

The Md^Ptay dractory hoktt mi M diastoH atvMf 
paJirtssuitvlQclatartdWt. ForAAga 
1000 nadtffiiirfio MffiDtorWe 
(istofng idshin hnadaonaE, ICctftay 
Qfln V« tiw» to luBRUfetfy do an 
AOOMDit ter oU emartfort mifflory, e 
Ml ai tiB ibUly to ttwige itiB picttft 0* 
tw-trwiWorkbenehThand, Apregram 
it atnuduiKtl lor rtuvlng nt coned 
tfMksun. of Ihe lOdtstari tisk. 

Kefiti BASK:pragedbktyniapt.a4unt« 

Workbencfi iceymacs tf craan yov own. 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 

Amazing Computing V3J2 © 1958 105 

Modtes De WoriiiEnch so trie tipimitt 
loed, icons :an na^ e^oaiix;. instead ol 
tw^eifirt-coio"' cwsara inciydea. P\£ic 
doioain pmgran 'lapcack' v tm^^ixan" 
oanMBTts eight-ailor FF bnshes b iosns, to 
uso DehM Pairt tQ make icons tot Bnis DEW 

Brushksr C^orv^s bn/!hes Ed icons (tttarr ifecs^), 

E^aph; t3/3prv^ prsg reads |i!.y] vatjesttcfn « fig 

ard ci^iiays :hem on The screen, BTdar b l« 

KHpl.i ^tesBse-fnaTagng pfpyam tor b tacwmuPt- 

>ca£iQ<n&, lets ]rou save messages hwi an 

orljns t3ns?vpib anoTief E«. unde;3an^ 

Ihe message locnal cl tt^ raiorai neMcrtts 

anj severe types t>f bdieijn |»3^ soriwa'%. 

Movw throush tie transcript anc3 save 

KlJasKIr &f»edupdrKiQrracx8s>.itcrBatosatn)tl 

Hfr in oach (Sredory on t CtA w^iicti oorKair^ 

M MonnaSon Btioul Ihfl tDBB, wJD also ranwvt 

aflPwiastSf'Bftstfomeaditfrecofy. ty 

CLimale's SL^nrs 
TM UnWE progrBTi changes between intffllKe and non- 

inteHacfi VMiench- Prew&usfy.youwtra 

breed Lo reboot aHm changng Prst&rences id 

an iniedac9d screen. This program tips 

between ine rnrmaj and eKleccled Eaeen 

PW.UlkSiy A shareware utiity tor PraWrae users, cnanoes 

na;^ settl-gs and larvi types. 
Guru A CLI prograd, prints out probable causes lor 

Guru meftasKins; s*jt«( ifKijJed- 
Di^Wpe Latest trom Soitivara Dist^ry. r^noves fi^ 

frwn directories or dsli drives, much taste- 

6ian "deiete.' 
Stkw AniigaBasic makes srvwHaHs designs. 

MisI Mailing ts! datatiase. 

Sfittbalstais Maint^ sotitialf statistic^ leacn records. 
DMga Sruri WMula-S prsgr am movfls the 

WofUierch screen around a(ief a period ai 

BEiiB, prevents mwiilof bum^. 
TDflor Fay's SouidScape modUe coda hon his ^jnaMig 

Computrig articles. Its souce b Edu. 

Chcrd. TX. sn vu fcsinciwfee- The U*» 

and Msm C souxs code is iKre. along wlTi 

^ exeoitabi? modiies. 
tnageMalier ^^^stin^toTlecKsfrnasresfucajreiltfC. 

loxisA saves C code direc3y. 
C!az2 Update of prog 10 concert IFF tma[|as b 

PosiSer^ H4« for prvigng on bser prvws 
SDBadojp Hani [fciJtbadajp prog wir^Lempel-ZJv 

conpresaon to reOu» M necessary rxinter 

TCB PrirtsjTtfomu&in about tasb and pmc^us 

in the syssm : assHT^ier source li incUM 
FunBul Lets a Imcticfi key ad Baa rapid sarin of lefl 

mouse tii;i1ofl evefss. 
DC Anarvypipgraffllorpeopldwrousfiar^jniga 

10205 i/Ajnchdriveas^anAmigaDOS loppy. 

AWorteench prDgram nai sends a 

OsScCn^ige s^ to Vv operabng sysieni: 

irsteaJ d! typr:ig 'cisJtchange atz: over and 

ove- again, just cUck on tv coa C sou'ce 

Sirslem cQrtig Fie rrakes soeen BO colunrts wide of Icict in 

it$ ScriKiie! nwo proceww, 
OCUf^ 2 programs lo move the Scntbie! speDing 

dctonary b and Irom Ehe RAM dist 
leatai Anaiyifls a lexi f*e ajv gfws ^ Gunrmg- 

Fog. Hescii. and Kincaid indices which 

n^ssm rea^aOdiiy, 
flejcDijTip ModUa-ZprDgrHTiio display meTxxybcations 

Tanan AinigaBasJc; design Taaian plaids. 

DrMastw Ois)(cab>ogprogra.-T]. 

BMP piaysBSVXsampiedsouidslntw 

baet^^iyrd wMs soraecfiing &tse Is happening 

in tfie A;:ii^, as your Antlga is booting, lor 

ShOftPt CLlprografrchajiQesyeurpolntt(»agi>m 

AMICUS 26 ^50 has a collecban ol niouse potniofs, i 

Worttberdi pro^rsn: B Sspiay fiem 

Fred Fish Public Dommn Software 


arriigadfifno Graphical bemhmartt lor corrparing amigas. 

ami^^Ienn simpiaccfTimjnicaiDonsprDgramwitl^ 

baf^ Eimulalionof ihe'kineEiclhingy'iwEr^bals 

csltfAi Shjws off usj oi hold-ardina% mode. 

dhrY^bne DhrystsnebentirtarkprDTam. 

dtSfy ScuxebBTe'docywindffiK'ctenw 

b'cedraw Asn!ial'pafiriypeprDgrani<Mi|hlnn, 

boxes, eb. 
gad John [papers Gadget iutorl3lprograr;i 

gfiniem GrapricatrpeTioryisagectsitayprog. 

hatlbnte demonstaies 'Eitra-Halt-Sriie' mode, 

h^ sjpptewatKwdem 

lattp acces^ Die Mobioia Fast Roabng 

pdieite Sanpie F»og K desi^rt cobr paieEe&. 

tadaSsk Derronslralesuseolhellrachiskdrver. 

rsquesters JodiOrapaftroQuestDrtutoflaland 

eiampla programu 
seech Sample spsech demg proBfam. 

StnpjjEf down 'speetftjoy*. 
speedncy AnoiTKr speech derr« pr^grarni. 


cc Una ^totronlHd tor Lattice C 

dbug Uacro based C debug^ng pochage. 

Macfiim rdependert 
laake Subset ol Uru make command. 

IRIMS AnoffwrnakfiBliweonuninil 

iQkiiwixs Srnsl'vsftiono'BniifisedioriwVi 

imcm. no emions 
portai Pottade IM aithvtr. 

til oeCUSCdOU reference uiUry. 

goViC GditK torn banker priner. 

rofl A "rofl" type ten tonnalBf. 

fl A very last Kit looalxf 

cigm Ahigr«ypcrtaMlorTiiniplenieftaiion. 

iJijp Xltpi.4,nDtwQrbngconBcd)r. 


tianrw Prints houarrial tamt 

bgrep A Soyer-Mooro giep^ite uMty 

bison GNU Unix replacement yax", not 

bm Another Bayer Moore gr^-tke utetly 

giep OECiJSgrep 

kernil sirrpie portaWa Kerniii with no comnecl 

Myai R^jlacarnenl CLI lor the Amiga. V. 1 .0 

mandel A Mandetrot set program, by Robert 

Frendi sM RJ Heal 
cons Console Oevice «fno progfam with 

suppwting macro rcutnas. 
freerriap Creates a visuat diagram 0! Iree ttmtif} 

tr^puLdev sample ir^Ld handler, 1 raps iia^ or mouse 

joysltd^ ShDwshowti!5elupTw§a;T>spor1 

keytoard dernonstraies dcKl conmunicalkirts 

mth the keyboa'd. 
layers Shows use ct the layers library 

rr^nde^l iFiF Manoeihrat program 
mouse hooks up mnae[onghttoySt)cKpo<l 

one.window corBotewndowdemo 
pafaflel Oenunstraiesaccessioihepara^port 

pdnJer opening and lorg tie priner, does a 

soBen dunip. not wnVing 
pMLtuppori Printer suppon routines, not Marking. 
prrElBsl sampta process crsaliDr code, rvt 

region demos ifii arawing regions 

sampMlont sample tontwffi Into on craallng your own 

sartal Decrios fie seiaJ port 

viglgPtayteU &Ht(rs3Si)i204p^ytieid 

spseenoy lalssl verwn of ode speech demo 

tpeeefvaeno smpnfieflwerwn^speechBy.withiO 


Hxtdeino lisptaysavaibMbni} 

imar demot bmer.devioa uh 

taduSstc demos lTaka$sk[tiver 

compress i^Uni{sinprBSS.a file squeezer 

dadc anaJog dock impersonabr 

mkroemaa upgraded version of microemacs from dsii 2 

trail rtfAOWsmulbpiaDocuririg^r^esinites 

saki d&mos using sound ancauctatirxrjons 

Mlparaiiel Aiowjtrian^lftgparaieipoflparamciers 

saisenal ABcwsc^an3iTllg striai pal parameters, 

sortc qLicksori based son program. In C 

sinpc Stnpscommenls and extra 

Mhriespace Ictxr C source 


This diskcoritans Pe exeort&bles at fa game Hack V 1.0.1. 


Vm dsk conies ihe C source to Hack on disk 7. 


moiiB Dtbas moire pansma in back and white 

MVPFOflTH HotfSlijn Viffw Prcsj Forth, rersion 

1iX}.03A. A shareware version ol 

FOflTH Irom Fantasia Syaems. 
prolt a more powrU text lormatung pro-am 

setliace Prog b Vggle Interiaa mode on and art 

SffftAi a niic's aie type demo 

soarlcs moving snaJu Graphksdemo 

Fred R»h ask ID: 

c^jr^Quest Aninffi^ie'iaradventinsimiiaiiongame 

deheir convert a hsuEle to binary 

SSazap PaishprogramlxanyrifpeolB*. 

Aiobj Stnp garbage oil XifodemtranstenedFito. 

iR Roubles is read and wtiie it brmaines, 

k) sifl^ i^rectory prugap 

Is l^nlmal UNIXI5, with Urti-sCyie wiUca£ding,inC 

sq,usq file squeeze and unsqieeze 

sek73 SOfTiekgame 

yadtc ^ce^ame. 

dpsid? srashowpn[»granibrdsplaying[FF 

irr.ages wih iiuceilaneous pox^ 

a-ruga3d Showf awingjtfrrertiionafH^-Amiga 

ArgoTefm a tenninalefliuiaior program^ imnen 

n assembler 
aTo«i3d Shows a rotating 3 dmeisionalinre 

b4 direc^ Uting prsgrvn 

SelWnbw ttn progs tx lain^ progi twn Wodc- 

bench. presently only works t^ioer CLL 
SeiAiiemaie Makes an ion tfnw a secon] image 

when dicked once 
Sa/Tenn tormtnal o<miaior, wihASCit Xmoden. 

diaiief^ more. 

f rwl Ritfi Dfek 13: 

A Bunde ol Basic programs, ickxtng: 







































eispeak rrundefro' 

adAwk Atgebra 

ar^iga-copy band 

brickou; canvas 

cotordrdes Copy 

mxstu !nr:ttd 

dart tahu 

haumeeu nam 

mantel merxi 

OnhGdo pach 
gbonndDn -oir^ s 

rfiiMl Rord 

sftsdej shades 





{Tute: scene programs a:^ Abaslc, most am ArfLi^at^asic, and 
some ptDTims are presented tfi boiti tanguages) 


ijpiiiis ol #1 Z. indLties C source b a 

lull tiridderv stftace removal and 3D graphics 


SourcB tor a lunaion fal generaws a 



ejflracts text tran wtfin C source ties 


demonstrates N cSmensionalgraptKS 


ifidaie ol (fsit 10. a ftie paten uSEty 


i^idala oldsJcl, graphic memory usage 



converts IFF brush fes to image stnjct. in 



simple ANSI VT too terminal emjatof, 

in 8a 1 25 screen 


simple Unix -csh* style Shel 


mostly Unix corapattbto Tenncap' 



Bbbs gfs^na demo, H^ Unix Vrorms' 

dock ^ple 6^ :lodk progr^ lor ^ litto bar 

Dazzle An eight-tofd symnHtr/ dauter pro-am. 

Resiy ^BiTyl 
RSh double buHered sequence cycle 

anrutbn Ola fish 
Monopoly Arealyrtcemerapotyf^meMisenln 

OJddalaDixnp Okjdala M19Z dr»ef and WorkBencn 

iscfeendi^p program. 
PotytiTM A (iBwmg prograiti wricen in AbasC. 

PolytraaaSs A frsm program wfflm in AtasC, 

A complete copy oi the talest deveiopef IFF tfSK 


TTw NewTek Digi<iAew vdoo H^fiaer HAM demo Ssl^ 


AmigaDisplay OuTJjterminalprograj'nwiirtibeA, 

seiecQbie tonts 
Asn Pf&^ease C Shel-li* sfieii program. 

tistsry, bops. etc. 
Browser wa/ders a 5e tree, displays ties, all 

witMhe mouse 
tKSBOi^ docs on LpTadng your Amiga to use a 

Multidm rQia« an N cftmensional cube win a joysbck 

PigUiin 5AV command that talks in PjgLaSn 

S(7mipef Screen image printer 

Xli^i .S sau^:e, Oks, and enecul lora Uspmte^^L 

BiackJacii tejit-onentedb'^cl^gafne 
JayMharSikles Slides by Jay Uner. Amiga gratis cHsp 

designer, showing flomhaJl at the Amiga 

IntsmaFs, in 6^0x400. 

lest program lo lest the key inapping fOi'jnot 

Pnd irctosed He locks, tor programs 



AinigaToAtari corrvefts Amiga objed code loAtahlorm 

program b recovsr ties trom a trashed 


esample ot ihe AmigaDOS dsk hashing 


tfei dum p u65ty ala Computor 

Language maga^. ^ 86 

MartdelbrQt caittSI wh'iera 

Tutorial and eiam:prBS br Eitec leveJ 


str^ Hfitesjace ft:>m C soiree 

sample Port h^^dfer prDgram thai 

performs- Shows BCPL erwronmert 

Random nxnber gertorabr n assembly, r or 


sets the moise por^ to nghi orlef: 

lerrnina) Emtiakx widi ^eech 

capabri^es, XModerTi 

Oerra edior Erom UcoimLth's C^arte Heath 

This IS a copy c! Thomas VAcox^ Mar^eilfiroi Set Eipiofer 
tfSk- Veryjwdf 

"Rm dsk contains h« new *stnwis" oJ mcrgffnats. 
LBdiacs vefwn 3.6 by temS Lawrence. For 

Ur»^ V7. BSO *.2, Am^ MSMS. 

VMS. Uses Am^tuncian; keys. 

status ine. e^ecuB. startup rites, more. 
Pemacs By Andy Pogso. Newleatresrtiude 

-cALT> keysas Meta keys, mouH 

support, higher prionty, backup Sies. 

wordwrap, tjTcicn keys. 











Disk ol soiree tor MoroEmacj, several verstons tar most 

popUaj'OpeiaBngsysien!scnm*(5sa.ic3main!rames- Fa- 

people who want b port MccEmacs b Deir lavonte 



Conques inftntanera^>«ntii«simuialiongaciie 

Csh ijpdaletoshelanDiakU,wttibdlln 

conmanjs,named nrtables sutHikjQsn. 
PJtodUa-Z Apre-retoanvenkntflhBBingltpass 

Mo4Ua-3 cooler ah^ftaSy oevebped be WacmEoih n 
E7HL ThscodewasJiram:;edtotheAWiGA^idiS 
aifflaiHJonirH AMIGA wahispeoatbader. B>nar/oniy. 
GrapricHaO: A!;paprKYersionof:heE^eoncf£ks 

7ande Ths is the graphics-orienBd Hack 
(pmeby>>it>TDebes. Onfyfie 

exeoJiaUa is preserV. 

UnHur* Processes tte Amiga "hirt' toaiSiiej. 

Coied coda, data, and bss HvrMs togerw, alowi indviduaf 
{{KCiScaH Ql cede, aaa, and tes origtns. anS generates 
tjnaryfiiewilTiformat:*min«scenioiUnii"aour tormaL "Pw 
output li^ c£n be easdy processed by a separate program to 
produce Mosoroia *S-ie«iis' suiahia br ocwfJeai*r^ 10 
PROM programmef. By Eric 3!acl<. 
C-kermit Port of the Ifenni! He iransler 

program aryJ server. 
Ps Display and set process pnoriUes 

Mi\x yei^«iherpoorsnik)r(widimgup 

Iflvt filet arw ma^ir^ or posting tiem 

as a Single Tie uml 

ABderrvos Amiga Baste defnos;CarD[yScheppner. 

NewConvertFD creaiesbraaps from M files. 

BitPtanes linds adctresses cl and wn^s to 

biiplanes ol 'Jb saetn's bitmap. 

AboutSmaps A tutorial on u saiion and use ot bmaps. 

loadtieH badiand dcW*ys iff ilSM pi«, 

LjWlACBM baHsanddrspiaysACBhlppcs. 

So^nPrlni oeaiesa demo sctmh and dumps i: b a 
paphic printer. 

[>5assem SimplaeSDOOdisassembier. Reads 

siardard Afr.jga oC>eci ^les ar^ 
ds^serntHs the Code sectors. Data 
sadions aredunped in tiex. The aOu^ 
dsass^mber loutnes are set up to be 
caliaPIe trom 3 user pr^ so msTudions 
in memory can be disauiemJ:ied 
Oytiapncaiiy- By B* Rogers, 

DvorakKeymap EiampieorakeymapstrutiirQlorihe 
D>orakkeyte3rQ layout UniesiedbLl 
ircuted beca-jse assemtsly exam pies are 
lew and !arbetw«n. By Robert Bums 

HypgcyiSoitfJ Sprpgraph. trom Feb &4 Byte. 

UrwsOemo Excite ot propcrrcri! gadgets to 
scro* a SyperS^tUap. 

MemEqansKK^ SchomabaanddireclonslDrbuldng 
yauiowihonwtirewi htomenwy 
txptfabn. by Michael Feflnger. 

SaieMaloc Program to debug '^^iqc(|' eels 

SoonceDemos ConveflAto&sofar and sidereal 
bme. s»9aj posibons and nia} 
velocity epoch c^oiations and Ga^Bean 
sai^EitefoBsr. By David Ea^. 


ABaacspjTKSDyOavKiAiMison: Backijamimon . Cnbtags, 

Mbsboe, aij 0?wlio 

Cpp DECUS 'cpp' Cpreprofflssff. & a rrwdified 

a! thai Knows about he 'cfp', lor Maru C. 

Shar Unix-compaubie shell archrver. for 

pacbrg lies loi travel 

SuperBIMap Exampta ot using a Scrol^Layer, syrdng 
Super&tMaps lor printing, and creating 
dummy Bas:f^rts. 


Aei^Draw Demo Demo program without save and no docs. 

AnonatorDomo P-aynr lor Ov Aagfs Animaio' Rtos 

Cc Llmfcko fjwt-end kjr Manx C 

Enough Tests tor exiiisnce ol system 

^sources, n^s. and devices 

^uPh Animaied Rubles cube program 


\t100 VT-tOO lerminal emulator wicn >Cern^il a^xl 

Xmodem prciocois 

Sevefai shai^ware programs. The authors request a donafion 

tl you rnd twir program useKJ, so [hey can write more 


BSS an Amiga Ba&c BBS by Ev^an Granmang 

RneArt Armgaan 

FonCdhw edl tonis, c^ Tim Pobtf^son 

MeniEdltar Create crtenus, save ihem as C source, 

by Oavid Pe^s^n 
Sta.'Tenft3-0 Very nice letecom py J. Kan^aru 
{FredRsh[>skt30isfr^ir requested wt^ ordered with ^ 
teast iree OT«r tf sks Irom he coiect<oal 


Lie ble game, mes bller b da I9.B 

gerwaborts a second. 

MandeibfOI Version I.Q of ftobert Frereti's program. 
MxErampie WjUjaleac^Mn gadget eiajnpte. 
HamSpeed Measure reiairre Ram weed, cn^ a-xJ fast 
Set Replaoemenl br the Manx vr 

comina;^ in erttonmeni v3nables,>Hh 

Tree Cnrws a rconiveree, green le^ type. 

TiEd Cripptedderno version dMicrosmJeis 

VDraw Fulteawed drawling program by 

Stephen Venr>etten. 
Xian tivokes CLI scipis Itw Icon 

Tfion Displays bit ties from on icon. 

106 Amazing Computing V3.12© 1988 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 



uiff tes I HP-iOC cttUMOf, wrtw h M**it-J 


VtlOO VUorDav«isVli00t«rmnkeniutUirMOi 




Sjves Itie lowrt u an FT= Bb 


upaaB 01 efeOHic spiosrapn Imm tia 2 J 

kermiinjxmodera. by Dave WecMr 


CalerdafiOafy pfDgrani, AniigaBASIC 


[>^^Jn*) about vi IFF lit 


Eriancsa »mw 01 [irU8 Hon oi$t as 



Frs irtraj ol CU wiMM iXWIOpSf tools 




Scans a set 01 objed noiAes and itrai^s 


2ncl vDUKOlOJonsnlsddinlopvlools. 


STATU S*a progfun, ittMrspnony, pnxBC&u 

£ean:tiing tor nuitpy dotnod syirMs 

a standard irtwiace ty Andy Frtde 





Disk uttfale uSIty »» opMrv l» 

ConPaduits Demos tie use otD^PacWi, 


Vie«j lUcfsrt pis n Aniiji tor t» rv 


TraroiaiB bntry Mb Id lt*L l/u-** fngrvm 

stVF^ coi^fnerA ktxn C noader Bfes. IM 

res. no s3ripiE pcun, bjf SooQ cwriton. 


irWacti* wfiatnn ol fit updiiSnQ prooisi 

GttDAi Piii7vnbfindtfMMiladA««t 


SnutaSxn oT puzze wiffi [CHMq KILarK. 


□X MIDI lyniwuir voict ■« pregnn 


rwnes and ntm MR) at an nte IH. by 


Vi» HAM [Kira frwn Cti 


ExtfflM o< ming a OS Kint)K on a 







Von !>pe pafism gerwuor w»t\ cobr cydi^ 

Hond^. from David Mdjoa 



OuerwswheJw i mouse bucon Is Fn«ad 

miimc rw 1 ^w fit nMn on. 


Graphics damo of splming cubos, 


KfB'. Toucfi'. tar. tij* wfflien In asMmbBr. 

This can give a reun coi^ nai can 


doubiftiiiAered Aomfjlc. 


Q^iitfi KAU im«0M torn a tar 

customize a Hart^Hqueixe iasK «r 

lanSC Heads an ton M and wtes out a 


Swuti of Faaen A/igel 164 K>4ncire 

nona praoran. wffi eiamp* pares. 

hgnwntoT Ccode wtm tne con data 

game WTfflen ki Ar^ Buc. 


Exs/^ dsvcfl mw ttxfca. am Bia RAU: (U( 


Exxnpe oTsetrig tiedatastanp ocia r^, 

stnjcbres. by Carciyn Scf^pper 


Laivci iVai befwid ruuh. in llofUi-2 



usng a bc^nqje tnyn Com-TKiaorMm^a 

MlfpeMeni ftogiam b met^e tw MemLa! efffwoi 




Hquv4aiy w-tgirrt BAM boantt. 


M wra»n or ITw *sani' proflTBTi b«w. 


Tefininal WKiaxr win Xmoden, Kami 


by Carorrn Scrvffier 


Liw-(gv« grsphicsQJcampM htdHi 

4rt(! CtSe prckKCiJ. UnSon ktys. Kilpa, 

ruCAD Anot)iMm(TttdE»crmgprQgraffl. 


flLE grapfra and corteence rrode. 


Vwsion M oJ a Ehartware 6B00O macro 



Doubig'bdtafed antmatlDn siampie 

Dynamk:aly doplajrs Pw macNne suta. 

uwmE^, compai^e wim tna Mea^amoo 



tueti u c^pen Elet. acDvg lasKs. resourced. 

assanEtef. THs In0ute5a.neian:pie startup 

flapfead bK FF97 Due » CopyrtsM probtomj 


Displ^ seox- atbcaOon Ql loppy diiks. 

device sutes, inwrrufU, Ibrares, ports, e^ 

modle and more Motorola mneuncnics. 

fttuFten MtkiH 


V«w cnvnorr h cuJ lew, AIM win joystdL 


Poptiar »B comprtulon ■ytiacn. ft 


A brick breatoui game* uses 3-D glasses 

ASM -rrtf EJc3r^n«^y useW tf^ware 



stanjv4 fcjr tiantlBlng ■« 


recovvabte ra.T Ssk. by Perry Knotornz 


Oinj, wiSi sQMid bUkQ- 


and binary Ses 

BigView Dtsplays any IF? pc^jre. mOependenl 


DuTTTpa hijjdesJ sc^en onwndow b Iw printff. 

into stati and baity. 


A sfnan CLI ie0«enwi mTt wi 

oE (he physic^ display sie, us^ 


S*npifl oaiatjaM pragiairi from a DECUS lapo 


■i\fk- rcplvcenivnt lnk«f . ytr^aft 6JS 

Bailing arxJ recall o< prevtoui commands 

rwflwve sffoH. oy Jiim hsodjfson 


Star rtaJdAwTiD. Ike SufTi^h. 




A Mcsstie Conmand t)pQ game, mIi 

EGriph ^leadspairsofiflndyvaiuofronaifi 


Temiinal progfam wiBi caplure, 


Daa iSenofEJ 0^210 TormlnaJ emuUiof 

sound. ii a$sefiUer 

Ot llH and draws a brrraltod grapTi. 

iyary. IU£Ck>n keys, Xmcxieii, CIS-B protocol. 


WittwKJ £)0S htarlaca pnorara, V i .4 


SoLndeditorlofalowcoEt sound Sgibier 

by Laureneoe Turrw 


vefsian 2.0 ci Dave w«j*fs VT-iOO 


WiittwwJ/jrJoaDOS CLI rwp pn^ram 


Graphics demos 

HyperSose Starewra data management syjlem. VI i 

er^Jaiof. wiCi scrpteA hjrx^bDn 


Prints leu fies Mil haadftr;. page 


Vcf ol art' hjrUrM Sy»Hm V rrvKfweJ^ C 

MeisCUr Wail(ai^nugh»tHmeflwyidtE.zen)in$ 


breaks, Enantir ben 



frw rMfflory alofiQ lie way- 


Suppol ties lor CmpO'i InC synbx {fncher 


Sara a new CL 1 witi B srgia 


by JoTim Hodigson 


PD 'aHnk- cornpabU rnhv.iasW^tler. 


WewZAP A (nrd^rwatw mi>B-ptfpo» in* 


Ecrnn-savcr (Main. Verskir 2, wOirH. 


QNU Iv Uix yacc', worUng updaM la FF4 

Mcioi wJtrg Lditf, V3,0 b^Jorm Hodges* 

Mara, wttitenji ban. bug fees. 


Sprtb Edtar edits hn spnei al a time 


Update IQ ^ Vie c£xnprBsU>n 

RainBow AMaL^LXler-SlyientJn&ovrgenafalsr. 


■Km data sVuctm examplgs 


Sp&iing tfieckor aft?ws edu loHei 


by ^ohn Hodgwi 




■Wtiael cl FMluifl'type game in Amigaaasic 

SMJSPUT«rt TmSMUS plays, k) play SMUS IFF 


Af<ni«nv4 calandv Mffi lUnn , 


Crtatt four orm tedKMnLTB 


Ufii4ks if ana ^*«f tor inang w 

music bmtadid Ues. by 


rte vwwcT, sssTcrnQ r posim by 

pKdrwt) in Aini0aBBit 

(Srerwces beftww two iiei,«tl 

Jotn Hodgson 



Versor Z.03 oi Difcm C tft#a shel 

Ihen iKTBaifig the otw, given one 

Vtew A {iiy IBM wewT by Jofn Hodgson 


Stf 01 2a new Amiga totw frora M Rsdier 



WSdunp JX-fiOopthnizeanorkbenTipririK 


Bxkoiaiu iiliK KIKy, syK ectcns. oUa.'ds. 


Maoo Eased C Oetugvng padaQqsdato b FF R 



iT^tdossnotuseOumpRPoitbyJ. Hodgson 



Bompie ton CBM, iplaM b tnition manual 





Heati'i fit requnkr, wiffi rovue 


Btowsw Update btrtww program snfttJi* 16 



Croia ra4wna or Laba 3 10 readw ries 


Reptvemant tar An^gaDOS ^ssl^ 


cals to a COS namer, Mtgan Ik C4 



Ctfii'iiVid t\C 

Bnwser2 Nvtv dfRerent troAser prDgrun. E 

ConsDlBWridQW C txmpis t^ -QCDfiQ ns tBjun 


Cranpei Ion uKd n 4 CU Mndm 



Ctak Clock pii(riiiiitfilati.B»n. E 

ponn 1 C0«<; or !UW mka. fcr 


Virsw ZJol r» <^-100 temiiai po^vn. 

Poiy.HAUPory mnaeni)H)pid«aloimtt« 

On* DllonlutdKrV1,2torprognnnKn£CI 




DnoClol!! PuapomonVferaiiatiaekintiED 



TM dsk coritairs an Mip wnm o( Ucn}GHUEniacL 


E]3nicie Oi n!ulus 'Drcusion QadbBCs 

DrtpSfttlBM Puts irudwl on Wsrttancn «^rTOjrt£-D 

optfsjon tofli nfiu 


wVi Gadgi^tTesct 

RiWB SnlangOdtOlIi.tljtlKesminrkyel 




Anisaettc program denx^s page Hpfvig o( 


Te^Oxnn rdOlO terminal emiiator 



Uiin c Bi reqwner moduli, oWi 



Versions l.iBanti t.i9 of a Dehia 

dn« Otnr. tor Crarle Huti. 


Dema copy or B.ES.T. BusnMS 

P;^4ke AtHinng woAVn 

1 J J. kkjcfl imtrond oYwUik M. 


Vrni UacPm (icun n Amqa loo 

ungenrt Synm. 


RotoM DemoclanhaMpwwionlwnttndi. 

wNgnrttms: iwifi* Jartl. 6y 


A bl 0/ Amiga Biie«n Board £)«rT!S 





C »mpiir rorwndi lv Uam and LUM C 


Sucmor: Gww]<c9npcui4ngwnorniaaonio«& 


Snic*8 FF«a*f praflfara 



Cmass cwama soiptt tor files wiffi Jong 

idoblor. tD 


Sideiocif-style [roTVi xwokna nm 


rones, so meycan be easi^ arc'atf and 


CUwCiautwnax sown Etenhng. 



Varous snarfware 9r4 ttitnan prograirts 


D9«wp«iasksipera ft^ftsB eopy 


AiJjjisI flG3 mtors ol any sawn 


PreBmnaryAraigaDOS rtpiaameris lor 

Bit Memory resdert Jle liewr. Vey lad. E-0 

pmleded isks. 


S4mplQ docle IS dipia^ on a sprite above al icreens 

^rc^, 'cif , "crtiiotf. 'Kfw'. lltencs' and ' 

BitFcrts Makes ted ouOut taster. E-D 


Dual playfield examph, fcwn C-A, 


Nwv«rt)gt Aiari ST em jiaaf 


HardSiake TermraJ emUator win VT52Yri oa 

stmrt W I xq 1 2 M plant pltyMd on t 


{.HI WbrMieficfi program 1 be Ft/itnynETv CLI 


Hot Uy porBd to ffie Aji 01. ttB i a 68000 C 


^ < 20] 1 2 pant peep pla|«old. 


Tk LJnb uiefl Uyti Mtt] card mJOtrq rouOnti 

esmpief. twIprodmssmFU ajswifily 

Uid l*usMrT«rlBilKlljrv«w)n2.l. E-0 


Gengoj p/pose ajproutna lo und 


language du$)A but nsedi aiot clwlt. 

PnOrvGan Gan4a)aspiTr«rdirv«ri,vwaion1.1.S 

AmijaDo! patkas. 



Updata Miti soume or fu vc 

aviilaM hw uBior. ED 


SpniB edtor, can saw wyt( as C ilala 



S)r9554r««l on dW 36 

Stiew Sideino»^*s IFF tinw, VZ.I . E-D 

tnjcore, Shareware by Ray Larson. 

sanpiefl voce and mirec lies 


Port d! ptogram to jp(ii Una tar'a.'cfiws 

IMH CusBmiabU KJi eaw VJ-0, E-D 


Converts any asJL into SlBS. tor etecuonic 


Tlie famous ray- tracing pciur?s, IromFFISS, ruw 


liirtnes to enctxle and d@Qod8 binary &les be 

UalrlB Eianple LMI sesjp maoos. S-E-0 

iransmissijn. PisserwswtrtfiHtHjttM. 

ccnvened b IFF HAU tormalbr 'inuch' ^ter 

ASCI transrrsisson. eaandina Biem by 35% 

Fred Hill Dam 




ATPatn PaJJiesTransforoernxorkiflJer 


sp3Cfl Im/Bsori qkm, lutMnf 


Ospuy) rwmaf vnj HAM ILBU Hn 


StAfls TowOT Ol Hjnci Piofclem in lr» 

AmijjDOSU. S-E-D 

comrr«rci^,nwpU]lcdomaia Frwn 


own WcfVbencti wnfcm. by At Oxer 

Riask Wrt«! inns Blreebkxia Mil 

GrSodQ&ic PuUcabons. 




Pofi &i i Unu screen onenfM, inftwsfve 



FWK bu! siie ol ^! files in iubdwiodei. 


Another Inuke', ntih more leaUes 

spellr^ checker, {^panston FlAM requred) 

LPatn Paxn lor progams mat aborl 


C prepriKxssDf b remove gi mi 


Hsceflaneoua pictures 

by Pace IWlason 

stwi kjartr^ under AnigaOOS 1 -1 S-E-0 

lIUDrcf sectjors al a Ble. ieav)r>9 ine 


UpflaBJ okJor ix&t wUti rwviflr bigs fwianotfier «sk 



MicroEmacs Conroy McroEmacs V3.te, newer 

waaio™. ByDaveYoH 


Seanihes a dsK tor Ues of given name 

windwrsby Lbo Bots EwtHC" Schwab 

*ani»sk22. 5-E-D 


VT-100 emiialKTi \ssi pn^^m. 



Displays [unbw Dl bsXs in nn queue. 

Psaafoni LikjTspiLtoinuiOedewi. 



aver^ovef iisii.5.aiV iSrMue 

Teoah Gerwass liacti scenery. S-E-D 

Fud Rai PM 36 


'fHOM' ^ p'O^isni dews Ei^jcnct ol mown 


pgriocs. bf Wism rt£M«jge 

Progtamj k play .recofiJ firtttfi (tie 

VSpriBS M*rt(!8Vsprb8s.i™iPe£lBok. 




UpdMd wiion o4 dock on Elsk 9 S. 


MOI^. by^redCasBret 

Ths ii a port or !ti« uru Qarne Hack", py d« SoiMrare 


Mara 'oh-'ike CU . r^flwy. vartaUd. ec 


TiwjiOfflii 1 m Irom Fngi jn v> Jivfl. 


Pf^on 10 m*u} ra Wrt Sencfi Sown 



DM planning bU organiZH redpes, calortes 


A Unary ont^ copy ol Ua trs altenuH 

Uiv« tian nonnal. by r^eil Katn and 



hiprini9j ^ecfo' command wlih color, 

rxmme Itnry. Aymor Mau Wbn 


Ttisli a port of Ehg LIntt game Urn-, trt t<6 ScftttVi 



Subsel BeiMey "ms^ and -mm* macrDS br >^rr 


ft^jgrarn to maite you Amigi !ook *e 

DistlHry, wrion 12J)fl. 


Fsa pragranis 13 lei ffwn rui n 


Transkvms a Ue Inyn Esi^ b Vaiey Speak. 

i: ddn pass vttrzoon tesbng. 


tztfTQl raeinonr. 

bv US' Bali Ei<»t«-Scfii(3b 

■FtK is an oScJ IFF specrtcaWi ** hm ConmMort. ar 


Uaps Bis sectora a ^ uses on the dA. 


SfTuaion or a roboSc a ftr, wy good 


Lcda* u Ask IL 


Oocs> prpgrsn B mate a »r08 «* 

grapMo. SWliing M. nlii«is C ioira. 


ViOE ol Hati OiDon s csJi Ike tfel [MotWod 


toi wor^ te a K)c)3iaim] Wotttnnch 


br Mam C). by Man 0*W. 

Bttk UmtiJlprDcassDr. li^'anti'. Doesnl 


Comfules Fog, Rffsch, and KhciU 


MocHed by Stew Drm 

wok, txe. uuta isirduded. S-E-0. 



Vmion 2.< m DM WidaCt wnm muiinr, .iti 


MWa Eiam0«olrefwtnjWort*Bncn»iTn*Mr 


[bvid Adddon ABasc 3D man panpedm 


witfi U fovsardfieQerguDle tdnifing 

open cals to amttwr cuslam tcrwi. 



1YrsS3iip49n ofensasidowndm.tjsaigusarsws-l'y 

Venieni.Ql, S-E-D 



Atna wson ol 1 rM dtt Re aittMi 


Ci»eWB EumtMtorMngteuiun 


VerKT 2_2 d Dave Wedtfr's leJworn ^xagram 


Vtiwil JO 01 a BTnird eruaiy 

pcs^ to ace by Cvtfyn SdK^per 

WarkbHtfiicmrL S£4) 


0^5' sVe pa™ ("T^Ofi^ W»?« 



B^anQe anomef proynn's scnw. ostars. 

Cootob G«wilBOi**«1orkfw<o(Me 

spftte ccQscn ostsQs 



5y C«*|fn Stfieppw 

a(ftirsims, S^-0 


CU niaantftt, kdjdrg Latioe t Mara C »/oe 


M(?*s trie sOfliSffl (njw °1 1« p™»s3 u 

JTmt B^Al-yow-wn ncuse port Opc*l 

TKs (Ssk ts a port of Tjricffiy BiflJs UOo Smafllah lyswm. dona 


be led b ^e standard nipuEfir tf^T^t. 

MenuQuUer CreattsC sane Hes lor ^nerm. 

by au Kinne^ ai wasfvigvn SmB Lhiwnjtjr. 


CoRVUn (W( IBnOB ol a rie or dncbry 


based on text descriptions. S-£-D. 


Pn^am H men kv (ngnni iw mniw 


Save a nomal Of HAM mode screen as 

NewPKMU C3M tukKvi on new paoats and 


S«>e6SaApenc3n.CJrcieSquawl *joi1Jini 

Bwmoiy. Raaernpntonpvirvdafflaoa, 

an IFFHe. DyCarahi:^ Scheppef 



Ssipi partQQC 3u XiTiodRffl trirBiWH 

and pjtl up I raqiMlK b riorm you od ir« 

Sran^xiOeini DBioofMAOvsenojiMSJiaiglai. 

PascafToC Pascal to Cbanslabr. not «07t«i-5-E-0 


dantage. frera tia Soltnti DtsOtfy. 


A OaHe Buftered lotrd tiarr.c*e iw 

Rep Yador-tta FOHTFWI prvprocsssof. S-E-D 


AnigaOOS hsder(devicg| Banpk 


A reaAM Mottn pnaei IV uan 

Uaru C. by in GooOim 

RxSack Scam programs Irom CLI, akhMng CO 


Cprc^ams. kvludes C soics. 


Ancrlwig vspnto eiarrtple. by Ere Cooon 

mretowtottHe. E-D 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 

Amazing Computing V3.12 © 1988 107 

When itiem5«seis moved ev«f mem. Vi.fl. E-0 
AmScsi pFaliniharypiamforaSCS[<£sk 

conirDfier board. 
AtRi68it HaoQ iu^»er. v9rs4n i^.i. E-0 

ASS^ied Eump'e iQf avvc^ DOS Imert- 

dsk requesXf, by sca/nng the ist 

o^'assign'ednarrej. SE-D 
Ok Preiw^ioBaiawayaiCLlwinfltjw. S-E-O 

flip Fkps*ifioiesa»nas2)Okfl. S-£-0 

iFQO0Ol Focgol crosi^ximpder gerufaies 

VAX assenyy Co*. S-EO 
Fm PrinCsaniOLn!Qtlreespa::sonaSQnvei.S-E-Q 

MaBocTea maflocrlree mennry Est pre^am. S-E-D 
UeTE Prewids B tn^ the screw S-e-0 

Hilt Gt^ili^fv^SrsiQtiffTn. S-EQ 

Pu^ Easywayi] set primer aitlhji» 

tror\ WoiVSorefi E-0 
RlyTrH9f SxnplQ ray racing prggrvn. E-0 
SflrtiPaduB Upd^dC&WsxampiHDlpxkel 

nUhst on disk 3S. S-E^ 
SnapShu Memory mdanitonendunp. E-O 

Tti(^8S Sriam<arcd8Ssysem,versiDnl.Ctl 


MnCai Sriareviar«($£)teaiatog^pr^QjTi. 

AiTbgiaSpel Shareware IHuibai SKttngtfiedW, VIO. E-D 
BcuiQer 3-D bDm:ir^ 1»] wnsefi in hMaFat^. SEP 

Comfn TflrtfiHal program vwswV^.E 

DuxS Anoff*rwiTtoaorDtrUd. S-ED 

H«iCdlc H«f. ooal. & ij»mat caJcUalv. EQ 

leoru Vftnous big ind atttmaie Irnage ctvis. 

Manbla ManctalagrspficsandsoLnl E 

PtnMaii Denu sharMare personal fte mana^ef. 

RSlClodt Moti bar Oocfi version 13. E-D 

RTCuWS Gfascia Oem? ol 3D cubes. £-D 

Wheel "Wheel of Fwluie't^ pan>e,Amiga3ASX: 


Th3isver5lD^MG1bDt[he)■6cn!0^U£macs. Scute and 
exBCulablQ arecidudeC, a( wH as SOMrn ky oiher cvRpuers 
besklas the A/ni^a. 

Asniesil Macn5ass«i*tef.*\.0J.£-D 

SHjb BftMrfixpbringpcDgizmjnC.S-E-D 

Coransi Reptacernenl console device hander a^ 

0($ling and ti£$)vy 10 an? apptcaibn tnai 

UE« CON, vO.9. E-D 
Coraole Reptacemeni consc^ n>udne5. t\ C. S-E-D 

Dh DecajfstfwsownyitiyM.iipdaieto 

E»Sk6e, In Ma]uta-2, S-E-D 
FfBQS DispJajnm^nofyl^aomdntatkvibylisiing 

Ehe siifi dI rrao rn^moiy Isiocks, In Cj S-E-D 
IconTirpe Chanse rho [yps ol an icon, in C, S-E-D 

Make rvaka' in bUni; C, S-E-0 

MonProc Morttora proceswj lor packet activiiy. in 

MouseClDCJi Mouse polntar Into atiQital dockjn C.SEO 
Sb Browses if&Em stnxsuras, Irom 

Transactor maoaElnfl,vi_0. in C. S-E-D 
Spew Gernr^bBS 'National Enqijref'-type 

heacSinos Irwn rules Hie. ]n CS-E'D 
Spool TTvM programs la tterrunsiraie fflUliiailiJng 

aspooTtnginaprtmerEpsoWf. tnC.vI.E. S-E-D 
Wc Counts wordsala Uniix "wc', but tasler, inC^S-ED 

Ttitj is a disk Bl shawwaea pnjgrams, 
fittnifiMfiia Eiptores state oE tie system, v1 .13 
Arc Stantfardfieeorr.fressorandil*faria;i, 

vO.Z3. a port Ol MS-DOS v5.0, E-D 
BadiBook Phone book program, 
Don k^ton^ivenllemanipulatefproQi^fn.vlO. 

GraviC>Waj3 Game ot ptarwls, sTiips and black ho(, 
Jobs MstnuB user infflrtac* B ai and WB, rt.l . 

Ltra Magmtes area a/oifid mouse, 

Ule-3d 3D vstsjon s( n Cia&sic ce>uiar- 

U>BO Logo language iHerpifter 

SaiKsy DernolUymapedtor, vlJ) 

Vpg Maicss dsMrs ^^ ^V*^ v^^ mofiksrs, 


Aifoi Mak« airfoAj using [he Joi^owsla 

irarqfeniaini, in C, S^-D 
A.-TiigaBasic ktsosBaneocsprogranvlnclkj^SDiilat 


pmgrani He coraparttonuBiy firing mrch 

pnogran, S-E-D 
BMci AwtotJwiDiiir^'.buiwtfi 

Codim GmtitanDinifprDgram.v1^.E-D 

OtskX UUlykvaxitoiAg aBiyflBn£<D 

Fpic Sirrpia Image prwnshgimonra let 

ope^«s CO FF pctiiBSv will seveal 

tilten, rrvergLng images^ E-D 
toftWt Makes iojnj for^ E-0 | 

l»ns New icons 

Nflwforti Twonowtori3;"shal|l8.anH«&tf*:c¥ul 

#fenw( lom. and tmS", a Pt-lke tort 
PdCU AnAni>gaBASiCCLIshelpn>Qram. 

PWOenw Der^ ol !r» Mmraenaa] produci 

PmwrWnahBj.i'i 5, ! atis crsatjon ol 

cus.'offl wncbitfs.nierus.andgad9e[£, 

giving C or assembly soifce. E-D 
Ret CfEa!e4andanimai«3-0 Objeca. vOi. E.D 

riTteSet S«is itrm bun Woriibenc^. E-0 

Fred FWi DIsK TS 
Tfis 15 a disk of IFF petLres. 
Ajld CuWniies eussng prograrr menus nJtn 

Amiga-kef Uarto/ts. AJio indudet 'tuer. 

wtiii^waiis until a given wtndm is omated. 

Shawwart. hC. S-E-D 

Ai*))conOpen FcohWB into thrtdr^g mouse has 

dQvete<iick«} iconsn inC.S-E-O 
Dio Gervfic E^ec device nterlace mde tor opening 

Mranes, gs^iira miitiple 10 channels, asynchronous 

opcQltar^, eb. In C, S-E-D. 
Dissolve Slowly (fspiayslFF files. saNcvee Dr. 

DobtJ s program. In C, S^-0 
DTerm Ftentia. repragrammabia Wminal progam v^.lO. E-0 

Expose Re-arranges windows so that at leaslore 

pxei cfmefu bar gadgets a^eipCHd- lnC.S-€-D. 
Ut Scansat!ilGie.convertslDC-s^ 

pnrroible Hrings.C,v2i), 5 ED 
Lmy long Msrt9".pfograffi«ews!er*sc! lipids in 

qiK^ succession, upto 19 fjss. Shareware. E-D 
MuLseOn UDusepolni?{isappeaisa.tertensecon(a 

otroMjss. hC, S-E-D 
PsfQut Ei3fnpisso(wn4nQ parallel port witfii 

restxnes hstead of 9ie PAR: dev^.ln CS-E-O 
PcnFafont Chid«elor4. 
RunBacfcGnxnd Sintar ta RunBadc on dsh 66, rum progtam tnin 

ft CU alowifig ffiQ (Xl wndow b dose. hCS-E-D 
Sn^iShDt Screendunp utlfy,ijpdate Ff €&£^D 
TypeAnfTd E]Qnipleinsia£sadek^ha.'xterbe(ix:e 
k«jiicn.£id£^a>ise^keya5il is 

pressed. hCanjasse.'nbier, S-E-D 
Xpfcjr Piireirdo about system fets.iria&ffiCTi&ier.S-E-O 


Clod EdtsandrscatsCLIcomnands.vl.3. E-D 

Cvsroi hienwpis yapfnc pri-'iiera/rp cais and aisesas 

coior f;:iap, iwaJi.ajT(J saeen resokrxfl. C,S-E-D 
Dmo Stnpie wrsiWYG text cdur for i5. Update oi FF 59.ED 
DiopShatow WB(h:^Eha)wrs.v2.0.Upcla!eFF59. E-D 
Funds AmigaBASlC prog tracks nuXjalotsioc^-D 

Lks Texl viewing prDgram. tka Unii 

■mft-e'. irt.1, ypdatete c**3i. S-E-D 
MaKemaXe Scars C souce files and constfuOs a 

vyOi 'makeflfl' in tn currern ftreoory. S-E-D 
mCAO Otiacl-ooenled draiwng pnsg. ¥3 2i, 

update 10 FFSS.Shar?wjirs, E-D 
Rardom Simple rancbmrunbef generator in C. S-E-D 

TDebug Monitors devces by intercepting Eiec 

Sencoo anflDoOiJ vectors. in 

Units Convens measjr^ens in ^He^eni i/iits. 

includes "charr option, in C. S-E-D 
XCcpy Replacement lor AmigaDOS copy", doasnl 

i^tangs ihe das, usas Unit r^tJGi&. E-D 
Seiffl- PEay witt: Belief curves poir^te and 

^farularlcy, E-E-D 
BSpTines Play wteh thspfiftes. as above, S-E-D 

Comm C Eounia lo: Comm terminal pfograjn v1 3*. S-E-D 

Copy Repteeraent'copy" command vl.O. preserves 

dale, lnC,S-E-0 
DW Simple ^ff In C.S'E-D 

DuM2 Anjlier DirUta in l«lo$>la-2. vl ,5. S-E-C 

Eless Fast '*• prt^ram In C. S-E-D 

Fd Faster 'eless" in C,S-E-D 

HardCopy Sends a Eransoipt ol a CU session lo a lile. In 

C, S-E-D 
MouS^Ofl Update FF73. tuns off mouse poinjer, S-E-D 

SetFofli Changes IJie font in a Workbeichscreflrv 

v2.fl, E-E-D 
Spe$dOir AftttTisr fast 'ttr.hassemUer, S-E-D 


These are dsScs 1 and 2 o! Chri5 Clay's Draft) dsHtutoi ky the 
Amiga. Draco is a conpiied, strjctuKJ lan^iage rsmnscfini of both 
Cancf Pascal. AMinartKetsArnigaDOSand WubonijsijppSed. 
Be sure to gel cmh disk 76 and 77. 

Cydas Cyee game lie Trm", vl.0, E-D 

EOUS Experts Oriy Mertenary Simiiaior [^ime. E-D 

MandelVraom Mandeftro[ generator with enhancadpalfflte 

cardn^. ixeanoafing poix, presets, 

AsmTods ClflDo!9ffia5semblerecto,k»clii,nKuvisd, 

seflace.wny: S-E-D 
AfSignDev G.w beviss mufipie names, in C. S-E-D 
AuKHandof Examplaota^handefnalalowsusaota 

CU via ff>a serial poft. IrdbdessoLrc^. 

AuEhor SoveCr?* 
Cm] Hafre£&prinfer(KitpiJtoaBe.inC.S-E-D 

Info Ar^]aOOS^nta':^]£acemen(.inC374 

assemtter. S^-0 
KB Removes a task and its rBsoums,hC,5-E-D 

MSError Dispiays envs From TDI MJdti-S COmfties, S-E-D 

UonProc Update b pvxss paAel prog, trafi F¥mjn C,S.E.D 

Mftnied PiogramSories::ngifadr1ve!&pras$nt.ina 

satxmc. S-E-D 
Nm Another '[D-T-styia tert lorrraitef. in C, S-E-D 

ParTasfc Fnds parent tas< in C, S-E-D 

ajeryAny For sptpts,a5iLs a quesfcr, accepts YiK 

S^ves retuncode. In ass&nEder, S-E-D 
ScnSiar Hesete pier settngs lor sown siiB.hC.5ED 

SnaradLi^ &an0e, shsed K^ in C & assecnbicf, S-E-D 
Task SJcnpbCiBa^Ta^eEamf^i^C. S-E-D 

l>r Urii»Win(*>»cBOTvl.O,inC.S-E-Q 

Who Uits tasks on ready and wait queues, *iC.S-E-D 

FfeJ Hih Dtte BD t w Fred Fis-h ») 
Fred Fah 60 has teen •nitai-'Sf^ due to oopjflTgrt problems. 

AsrtSak V] .1.00! a macro assembte 

AuoFacc Shrinks the FACC window and rmfls it [Q (he back 

Snjshes 53 cussim IFF brushes oieiectrDric symbols 

ChedtSFF CheOts stucSjrE of an IFF So CfedVI .4 

update FF7d of a simpte C'J 
Conman HepEac^scensolehandlerbaddedBngand 

history b many programs 
Fofits hCsceilaneous fonts 

bon V6.0 ol me Icotl prvgrartming language 

KeyLod Fn&ezes ffw teytcanJ and mouse until pass 

wonj entered. 

ScatOisp^y hack crwMd looming' 

SmiBh Smushes an I Ff fh. 

Target Each mouse c^kc becomes a girisnoi 


Advenue Port si me cMtssic CrwPier anJ WhMs game 

AmcTerm VOiOota telecom muications program, wtBi 

scripts, rediai, beeps, enha/iced fie rtquesisr 
OED-Domo Oen» ffirskxi of Dbk-2-Ddh by CeoiraJ Coast ikitrwafS 
DX-Synm Voic* ite program for Yamjna Oi series 

synffvsizen. update ta i)» 3S 
DtskMan V1.0 0'. ancSw DrUtJ program 

k»n$ Usceaineou$ new icons 

fdii Unn«naj MIDI paa^ panel. v1.2 

Rocket Another Wcrybencfi hack, pta^lijnar Lander 

Sand Game of sands lokwrirg yon pdmst . 

Tt*Ktsk cortainj ft Sefw version of TeX from N Squared- 
1 is trilGd b srnal ties, and iha prtviMref 
can orty display ten pages « iw*, and or*j' 
I tmaB ruT^ ol lortt are pnMded. 


AuSoTooisPrDgrams trom floD PBdfiJulKf August Mi^ World articie 
Bflab Bitw ii|3iAMntalanpnei». Vi JS. updab t ffm 

Ed S^pteedKr,iniartoUnlz'etf.tased 

on tie edOor in SOftwt TootS- 
&3vtt]|V/an; Gam«olptar«ts.sriipsaridblBCJ(noles, 

H(^^?ad Ados legal pao^ 10 aiecutaoiesbr 

Xmodem bwmistxxi. 
PipeKander An Am^aDOS pipa device twhicih s^:pc>ns 

named pipes and taps, vi.z 
PopCLI V^.0 ol a hot-key to bvoke a ai wrvbw, 

Mh $c*en Banker, update to ask 40, 
Requester update F|^J4. Hb requester sinl^r C DPairl 
ScoCDevice V33.1 of a mooifabie VJcroForge SCSI drfvef. 
Vacora AncSier SCwrab hact makes TV4ite 


C$h V2.D6 ot Dillon's CSh'-il^ shot 

FieReq Sourco to wiidcani hie requesler 

Kda Hid^s «icpansion m^mc/y from pro(;ram.t 

bnagg Tools Shaireware bols to monipuiation tFF images 

LowMeni SenerShared IibraiY to aid n low rumofy situaiKMis 

Plate A Kar ptotUng program witn sojte, 

RawlO Example of setting raw mode on Sandard input 

Rocket LLnary Lander br WorU»nch. with Ki/ce, 

VHOre *n]orB*4ike tett viewing utiif^. vlO S£ 

Vnews Simple Unix news roader. 


AutoPoiniAuto- selects Mindow under t« hnuse {nkter, 

with screen sairgr. 
CickloFmnt Doubie-dcks b window brings H to ^roni. vt .1 , S-E-D 
Cmd V3.Col a tool bredrsciprfnief output loa Tie. 

FHaltSG-Demo Demo d Sottwod Ria llsg. a data^so 

manajsr with sou«l and gtaphics. 

FfM Rah DiaK 57 

AdvSys AdventJfB syslem from Byte May \^7. i-i .t E-D 

AutolconDpan FooE&Wor^rKh to cfien disk icons, VI2 

update lodsk 73. S-E-D 
Claz Corwerts IFF Elos lo PoalSplpt, V2.0, SEO 

Cwnmod t:osM3ckra2's Commotfb&s Exchange, an 

eieclbrarylo manage bput hanSer, vO.A 
Oiff Update to (fck 75 of Ur^x-ito 'tJir. S-E-D 

Dnw Vl 27 ol Dillon's lait fliS»f. ifxlate FF74,E-D 

DropShsflw V2.0 of ptog, thai puts shadows on Workbwtfi, S-E-D 
Sb Shared ibrzry example in Mani C- 

ID-Hanij9f A;i Am^DOS device handler generaEs 

uniqje identhers. Vl .0. S-E-D 
bslaB AJiemaie AmigaDOS retair pograms,&ED 

MemWatch Waits for tovrmerriory sashing, V2 0, 3ED 
MovePoirw Moves pointer lo {^ven location. S-E-D 
MoveWlnflow Move wnbow logtvtn bcatijn, SE D 
MinchingSq Min:Mig St^es hack. S-E-D 
PaTTest Test b see if Bis rs a PAL machne, S-E-D 

Sc Generates rsndom scenery, S-E-D 

TeM6SS Tek4695 printer 44vir 

WBDualPF ExinipieotduaJ-piayM]Knen,Lf]da> 

WarpTsxt Fast toil rwueiing niutnes, S-E-0 

Yati rEamfie FF reader. S-E-D 

Z» Aftoan;titveriike'vc'.ki.4ZA,E-0 

Fi»cl Rlh [Hrt Bfi (SM Fred Fis/l 89) 
FF Disk 88 has b«fi rejTovft] due b copyright prtfaena 
FfrtFhhPfak B9 (r^^iacesFrcdRshaO) 
DifMasler Disk caaiogue pro^-n, vi XJa, £-0 
FtficKey SharwarBf(jicWinkeyedScf,Vii)i.E-0 

hcFF-Derao Demo dUcn>Fi(iie Filer database prog 
ScreenShiR A4JitHMn|9c«ii9nieFV«lerenctti,SEO 
Snake BouclfQiqLjInl^lniAdBiiH, S-E-D 

AuCfngUrer icrMnevinptoortquetfefimprovemert S-E^D 
Demoyiton DisfOy Hk* S-E-D 
Frrt Rah &tik 90 (rej^aces Fred Ftsh 80) 
AmiGaier N^skyviawrof 1573 stars, set dib, 

ttme.Oay. E-0 
Ca.njFle AmigaBasi: card &19 study aid. £-D 

Conman Console haute repttccmen gives in* 

fldhlng and tijiofy b mojj progs, y3 9S.E0 
iMandelVioom Sight i^ie b dsk 7B Ma.'deitrD] tvogram. E-D 
NewOenoi Reptacemens tot Ines and t£iet demos 

Oiheib GATReCOinno.E-O 

PilnTex! Dispiays bit Ties wlln gadgets, speech. 

IFF *sp£ay.vlZE-D 
PrtDvjen AuWnaJcpnnlerdnv. generator, v2-2b.ED 
Hiin3ench Cydes oslors ol WB backdrop or lart ED 
SftoilCut Miakes sing*- key sheriutsbr entering 

0omrwniytypedCLlcDmmand5,icu!tDmmacrfti, E-D 
ShowPhnt Displays and pnnts ail sizos of IFF ptwes 

i conr*s prtmer output siyles. vJO E-0 
Stubrs Graphics demos, vi.7.0, E-D 

Timer Small Workbench timaf couna (me and S-' minutfi. ED 


Adveraura Definition Un^ge (AOL) a superset ol an older langiuge 
called DOi ti? Michael Urtsan, Chris Kosianich. Michael Sbm, Brue 

Adef. and Warren LhHi. ADL emhancemenjs by Ross Cimilf. 

bcUded an^ sfhjrces 10 ihe ADL compiler, irterpr^ier, and 

debugger. Bir^3nes»mcinedb:fflo5iw.ih Lattice 3.03. CU 

en^Ortvnentonry. Occurwntaikn is available ^or:: ihe authors. 


AS6502 pcnabia 6502 assamblef, C source,^ J Van Omurv, 

Anvji. pon by Joet Swank 
BavA Te« flfwessot update frwn FF65 Irapifed by U^lX 

sink. Searches files ^ patterns, pertorms acUns 

based on paDams. By Bob Brod): Amiga port by 

HiH^Pad LpddB ti FFB^ versioa by J. HamiRoruads an otied 

fie 10 a muAfpta ol 1 28 byiestcr better modern 

Les U>* Unix ■mors", better, version 1 2 jptiss oJ FF74. 

ScroDs Back and I CMan). S E by Ma.'k Nude^an, 

Am^por: by Bob LeMan. 
N* Library wi iraplemems W -(BSD un dr access 

iwjtnet trf WkeMejW. S 
Parse flecursrve flescen! expression parcer, com puBs. and 

pnnts oipressiorTS. ^Aides transcendentel luicion 

HfiptKl. i Soiree irduded. by J Osn 
Sha* Two prograjTis b pack a.'H tr^pacJi she! I'ch^es 

includes C source, by Fabbian G. Dufoe 
S-ftaBUb S times srah«Am^lbreptacement,E*na7oriy. by 

UU«hx«ie Encod&deoode binary (ilesbrs man or bit-only 

mMhodL Ltxlata ol FF53, incUes ctactcsuni 

lKtY«]M. complIM Htfi oUer nmorts. pkA 

tt n pa m looidvvefttoni opiioni. By Man Hvion, 

mod tied by Alar Rosenffial & Bryce NesbiD. 
FfKi RsJi Piak M 
Dfne VefSiofi 1 .27 WYSIWYG progtammer adtor. Not a 

wort pcwessor. Ifciudes key mapping, tas Krcnlng, 

etld4ne statsJics. fr.!i^ windows, atil^ to iconty 

windows. UpOaie 0! FFe7. SE by Matt DIbn 
ttcn;£macs VerMn3.e, update to FF61 includes souie. Origby 

Daw Confoy modfcabons by Daniel Lawmncs 
FttA fhahOhkM 
AudtoToqis Demo from Roto Peck'sJUy'Auguitiissue Of 

Amiga World on accessrtj the audfO device. 

V2,updaEeoIFFe4. S.byR^^bP^c^ 
C**UpFron!t S(niiiafi.*5l\ret>oobOckToFrontpf03(FFfl6),b™ig 

windows tfllrcffl Of cidyng on any pan of them. V 1.0- 

tjy Davide Ce/vone SE 
HetosMcKsa AutomaticaJI/ activata a tvindw simpty by 

nwing ine mousa poini$f into the window. V 1.0. 

Includes Ecurce. By Davids Cervone 
IFFZPs CcTTrtrt any IFF file to postsoipt for printing or vowing 

on a posi&Tlpi compaitbie device. Verswi l.z, by 

V^iiam Mason and Sam Paokjcd E 
Modula Tools Various Modula 2 prog, roubnes. by Jeny Mack 
TenainSd Pseydo-ranttom 3d relief soene/y generator, update of 

■so'. FFB?. by Chris Gray, 3d by Howard Hyfl 
Cmd redirects the 5enal.device or pa/allei. device outpuito 

a lie. Capiure prinijobs, detxjg or 'offline' print r^V4 

By C Scheppner SE 
CygnusEdOems Demo 0! CygnusSofirs CygnusEd editor, a 

muTbplei'ile, multiple Feati^ edtor Ir^udes ^mo 3,0 

ol MandFXP. by CygnusSoft Soltwara E 
Gomf 'GetOuia MyFace'maltesiheGurugoavraytoaicw 

Oean-up 4 shuidowr more cfearty. V t,0. by Chtist^ 

Journal records sequent ol mouse i. keyboard events. 

stored In a lie lor fufcjra pJayoacit Good tar demos or 

Mcumenimg Dugs. E. E^ 0. Cervone 
MergeMem aaemptsmer^ngofMemUstentrtesoftequentielV 

oyifgured ram bQa;:;s. AJours allocating a seoioni of 

memory which sparabon boards. V z. upoets ol 

FF56, by Carolyn Sdieppner SE 
PrmerSteaJer AsuTiiBrto'CmiT.a.'iowsdve/sionol oupi;! 

dflstned br primer tt a «e. anary oniy, Source avai. 

Jrora aulhors. Ijy A. Livshtts 4 J-M Forgeas 
flacord-Hepiay simJaftt 'JauTiaT, reconis and plays baSfrrcuse 

andkeyedanSev«:4s. Bonly. sctjce avaiS. from 

ffiithor^Alei Lr/shrtsA J-M Forge as 
ArimPttyBT Artmatton reader antJ diSptayer by ine combined 

eflcTsot V'deoscapa, SoiipOD, Sdver. Forms- b- 

Fight, and ArnTiaiorAppfstieecy M Hasfietai. 
Chess Am^a porL ncn-Amoa ntertace. High ptayaadty. V 

lA S.byj.Startai:k,Aini9aponbyB,Ler/ian 
Hactfiench provides sotfte tor WB^Jceprog, for expennermion 

£ vaMaibn ol new interface ideas. Not a WB 

repiaceinsn by Bit Kimersiey 
LatHi Pilnt^belswiriatii'ayleiivu, Scureavalatte 

from auffw, w:.Harisan 
UneawHBT Produces fine flraiMfgs based on orjwjigcofrmar^s 

stored In a ten tie. InObdes demo f^idrawsan 

ouEine mapoi fie USAand sate bor[3efs.Vt.D,SE 

PsgupWenj EjajnpJe code nptementing pop-up mBnu5,J^asor.- 

asly compatible wiCilrtuiSonriBrus^E byT>ef^ 

Tekias Itvtvit 469Sr<^ priniBf drrver. S£. by P Sauo 
Trseflam Fast and Chip ran test pr^.E by B TSahas.'i 
WB;pTeil Faitbirtrendenrq^ouSfies.bbel^nJaJwu 

apf]|<aton progs.Tect cispia^ *as fasi or tasvr rum 

»[;■■. V2.0teda!ec(FFS7,S byBtiKeOy 


flep&ces FF57 V CopywitB proSfems 

CuiAndPaste h-plemenaions o^ Unii ewl ano fasK comma-Tds. 

by John Weald 
Grapliit Pn^ran 10 piot simple fuxtsens mS or3 dirvansions. 

by Ft|mn Fishnan 
JuBE^ VI J oli«»t juggler arimaUon, Uses HAH rvodeir^ 

ray racing, py Eric (kaham 
MorteReader Shareware program u read ie:it files £ view I? 

Bles usng only trw n»use. by WDiam Beti 
Spfcnai Ptog b demonstrale :uivo filling i len-oenrig 

tedviquej by Helene tlee) Taran 
Shm Graphics oama. approwmatefy simtiates ma motion ol 

tm jTileracinj pendduns. Encjudes S by Chris Ediss 

108 Amazing Computing V3.1Z © 1988 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 

taw 10colvtennraiprogwnbasMonC;'»mvi^. 
ItUes hbcn willow, cusnm gadgets, colQrued 
mtna, etv. Bee O.ta by KeitiYoifig: txtnm ty 
OJ^^mw. E- 

rwjvw ties t:m :hQ bacM: (J5^ Rieqwnmaut 
dnsora ondsk srxjore. Dy Aian Ken S£ 

OEilDoing ICO tos U a time, by Ed Allord, Mjcru^ca 
HdOtw WD-l(]02-a5 hanl dsh oonmOer drrver. Card capactear 

capaUe dI Dfijy one ^.dnd cfs*:. t?y Alan Kent S£0 
OBasa Ouick-Base, a 'MaiE^se ManaQemeiit uSICy*. define and 

mstrwliii i majdmun cl 200 reejfdJ E»f 1^. by K(v!ft 

ThaJ Thai langu^ quz program. Speak of type engidVTruJ 

unierces trom supflied Ele. byAtanXeniSE 
Fnd Hih tMi|c K> 
A-RendftT Version h3 a Ray- Tradng Constmcton Set tor the 

Arri{p Computer by Srian Reecl EO 
Bmetii lAGt see antmalton, by Leo Schwab 

OQfnmsnd irv hisins msf&i9i4 to ap p li ca ii yi proQ 
u«HXN:Mlr<kws.SnarN3eVl.O byWHaiW. E. 

WBUMir VfttttmdidqlaylalLpvne.Ljpcndeol 
IIOdEir on FF8S. now wcn Buid eftects- 
Brl>ttarikSln. E 


Cirnana Crcutarpun^gefviaiivltf V)s«Scape3D. Qenmnt 
ctoc^se cirt;^^ pc^ygsn wilTi K ^eofied itin»r 0^ 
verKte. Vi.ObyTFkxyanSS 

IconAsttrrUH- Change WDrttsncti leans MtiFF-bru^Sas by 
Sftfor^ LJndan E 

hicntpel Standilofies;Klingtf«:tef scans ton 9ea and raporti 
•rrort. 1 000 rnnmon mrd Ist 43 ,OCX] word main 
tfctonvy wti m^tpit user iMonvy Djppoc 
kUBTtaces wli l«tcro£WACS 3.9 wti an emacs nacro to 
wp turou^ me soLTce Fike, siopfM^ ai sjspea wordi 

IML mklttrarvsndtaitir&elincJbdesUdrvriiicf.iQutino 

ufMy,5&lusuSty,anJ;TiQre. by^BahonSED 

Pilrtrp Pos&oiptlnterprBiarrBaftaandprEvfettsfiesonacraea 

Sla^llpa TTm C starftf) he r^Uceneres tor standard 
Asian^i Qb^^^id LSaa<i-ati. OpAoRS indude (ij 
BoriSlac^-DCj. IvUe WoiiiBfW p>«1^«Ta vCU 
pogran^s w!:n or wtYx.1 conmand ine parameMfi. |2] 
WBSBni4].otj^ for WofkBench programs or CU pragnrrti 
thai require no comnarC line parame)er3^ (3 } 
CLlSbrtLip.oQf br CU pm^^uis Ihal requrc oonimand 
:^ para-Tieters tut do not need b be WorhSenc^ 
nmabia. &r Bryca ^^estitl S£ 


[)bu(} UKhineindefiendafitrnacro based Cdfr-bugging 

pKkago. Utxtala FF41.byf Flsfiprollrgnffcrtby 

BmayaV Bane<)efl SE 
UjiOrs-»in Heavy A.1y lefl paK*m maichng sul*. inowKt simpK) 

imalcf) toictii^p'acernenlcapa&iiJly. Sy Peie Goodave 
SacDnma Recs'ver 1m: or (la.-Tiag»] data tram Soppy or had diks 

or repair a damagec wJtfTH. by Davkj Joiner E 
ShCw SrTierTJn(^;ti«inie?pfeterwffiiKn*wbrtje»in3, 

i;pQrade FF50byP&»dew..E 
Keen UsetcoTkStDcaiupsoipfiaintairingCLlQoinmands. 

V2-0 upC^U ol FF31 .E^ Peifr Goodevt E 
Ff«l FIJI DIU 103 
AvH'mt Library «idi«tproo.l'n;<9ffi«niroutin«tl#CTtti'iOVd 

usTQ trves heti ki memory.S. 
C«le A programmattt RPN catoiaur. 

Civf A C CTDss feT. prog. S. 

E>0£K»{h Apairo{pQgi.anowsyDuQ5aveSesb:onBornKHf 

1^^ ttif c^idk batfng. Pcwsnt smre 0» lormtt 
MiDm AprDg.birnproveavilriilandhsiclingDflheinalDrialDn 

UFF^JtJdait A lU imm u:L br UcnFiche Fler I dWH ori FF S9) 
and LdAM k) ttfitt PO ifek Hnry dabXHsei 

PkM TahHilBHl»aHntdrLonadsliSpaekslhem 
JnuaitfiglaBe. tor tiMxlem. 

Sol Apiga nrsun ol sdJan. 

AnifyPcaic !s a targe and ptweHui spr^Kls^eet p>^ 

AsnPogj Mk. Msenbty Bots- tickjfles swne S. 
BascProQs LeastSquarq solves ieasl sqtare probs .grajihs resdts,S. 
Btsofi Arftp£a»mem brim 'race' wmmartS. 
Dmov« AncDW preo ^ ra irai^fon cA cSsplay haclis'. S^ 
RamKey Alcwi Iwytnanl ard mtxise hputf to be bcked iritl a 

password ts CfTteied. 
GravityWars Gams el pianea.ships iWacfc holes. v2.o .FF*4 update. 
iPpZC a LJti. b wnte a C-lang detini6on la mime Ihe iniitwn 

pa inter .S 
Pere-el-fHl Ex. of creatng A isng rwnirant pnKcSseS. S 
Racortl Fkeplay Simiiuia 'HnrroT v2i) update to FF95. 
FinM)' Sha;vwar^ Imtbn key «dlor, v1 .lupdale to FFG9. 

Sftjra avai- ton tuWir(An$en Ujh}. 
McraArt A Gnalsebdonol some Amiga artwork. 
QuckFla An IFF sJiiJesfvw and cd a/HTtation prDg.v0.l2. 
RtstNoOa ARrTtstigame.Al»ca])edGo-h)oku.vl^ 

Csfi van? Bf Uas DOon's cA aie sfiel£. 

Qit! A utl-i9<inSar b otier cominari 'liT pu^antUn 

}>n&M Pnn^dtt«i.«def tacWessu^nFaeiQRo^jHW. 

XTtit DoFlAjupsl. a uiiil on !nv to pnvw M 


AUti t»lidbg prog. Eased on UHpiQS 

DvUuttr CI<^caaiagar.vtXlb.i4]cSaliSFFB9.S. 
DottPertBct PrMerDrnvrbranEpsanUXaaprinierwei 
upipdelit insiafled.S. 

UofiOCUP LW you morw nir^Uttstget KI pm VvAj^ 
VI DCttf^ iintow. ('Ttntt r« rriessage das3;ra£e 
oooRinaxsjguatfief values. Gru: br deOugginc. S. 

PfrtPop Aya/BsefumTLTaicontolMOnssB PRT:S. 

Secbrama LVdnb recover loti or {:ar*.a^Cz:a:n>nncnx5 
& riard iftu. vi . 1 . an Lp(J» icFF 1 oz. 

Tele VtlUamutaivlviTchovtcUiauU.IVZf} 

ifOW b FF^ S- 

Zm fl4arcmw.»i1rcr.ir1248.t4XliiaiDFF«7 


Machctt A now animihrL 

SimCPM ACPrM|knjiniUabte«aOtlgngwinhl9eaiUlaSon5, 

UUpc HookupyourA7i^aiaiaanalnod9.S. 


Aesfi Aeaowas»fflb^wn»n^c,s. 

Pdc AnopttnlrinQ Ccompilof lor ttwEWOO processor. 

upcla1»bFFS3.bijtnot'&asiEKJoiiinai oode. 


AmyUad Agrpphtcil mwitsr q! ;pj.. bthr, t mensry un, 
hctjbei. two components; iMd.dwte/norin's 
tp»m pvunflton, £ amybad. iirfiich is 9ts user 
inertan (iStapiay program. t>y :^ KeleySE 

AflignOsv A»gnirruclpHruni«$ia4gr^«n(tevin.ino«l$4 
wriion Bi tht origin^ released en dsK nunber 79. 9y 
Pt*^ Unany. niM byCtef S*«i1 SE 

Gauge Corfruuily dspdyi iTvnorf uage in a verticaJ bar 
graph Brary onty. ByPeter a Sha 

Hii w Uo uM Anefwr 'iwiiMyw'prcg. AuamaScaD? 

actNilot a ifuikn* by mouse parte- V ^ I , ^xbb b 
FFM. By^MOi Cervona SE 

UMi A^^tibMictrvwlcvdtndastinmnaiitsol 

iMAnw) tysm CWIUntt. HlCOfM)irK)ld tof 

dstugging pifposu ottf, use ffv s^boGc nbes ti 

MsnOe' Miroc^rvt gsnerabr f^iLydm, *r!ifi b^ 1 pecSs- d 

oodo tail C. ^«a9i & aj. Mc^ Byfiai Scfceft S 
PopUt Anif)Ci.lfy(»iulpia)iilliilowynriona 

Lw of Uti i P40H kVQ Tws RoWclift bitfflfi' A 

Jofn Toetm' PopCLl. BrOUt Setierl S 
Buche«d» Beacn K«ne pomynj by sprm & soAd 51 2K 

nuefv«. SyJefToMl TLinel Bonly. 
Byly Pi*iwa3epenscr«nj»rouKj{twltienam9 

"buliri-^fnwmDrerianonedemoalatiTia BfMx 

V»j« S 
DropSnad^M Oroos^acbwvso.iffitvnffiBryceNeseirt 

WartbsnOi demo. B oetf. Bfjim Mackraz 
haganOnrm'RGB'l'Foa-f'. RGarBqLtr«oneineg,Bon(y. 

Vteom LHHtsvrtionotvUcomtorusohcoriuclKinwitn 

WfrtBancti derru. B only. ByiLn Schwab &Bryoe 

WaveBendi A nut KTven nadi, & nits on 5 1 ZK macti^ws. For 
mere taugrts. try h cwjtnsioo wiiTi Viacom ef Ds 
(Dr^pshadm). incudos S. By-.Br>oa HestAl 


AmiCron Snpl* Unu 'crofv'typ* progfani j background BSK 
usesa dsX-feKten] l^ie b ALibmascaity n^ ceitan 
tuu on a regular basis, at speo^ liTiCs. V 2J, S. 
By;Stevt 5«rr(»on. Amqa port oy Fkk Sc^i^er 

One V 1.20 ol MalTi teitedbi. A sirpie WV&rmG 

editor tor prcgramrwi. Hot i WSWi'G *Ofd 
procesur Fean/es : a/tirary hty mapfvig, fast 
Scrsiing. tSe-ire sialtstcs m Jipe wsTtows. imrify 
wrdDws^eia Update to PF33, S- Bfim Qlon 

IXtcOav Eumiiie DOS davice dm«r ^ thiUm C. Verscn 1.1Q, 
irojki S. By Man Dibn 

UZAmigi Oem ol MZArr.igL Atast tnjie pa» lAxJUa^ 

Qompiw Mih ttfbr, bnMr, a small set d mertacs £ 
standard Hbrwtn. Compiles on^ vmS Oemo 
pnjgramtbytfmingwleiin&iTiporu. Fulw 
Mi«lOpnw4 o( the ETHZompHt on FF24. 8 oriy. 
Osmos wiri S«/ca. By^R Degar\ C. MecJer, U. 

NobOf^Pn Citan povtoni ■r'o ol ft^y boni^ atan tAMl^ench 
to ptdi a new pm lor ta toon. UmU tar dUc & 
Omer icora wtwv Snapvhal iwriM ffa ban & tit 
virdow inlDinaHn. tylodA-2. new dww tor 
HZinga BrMvbs. Stfaub 


COM En^bC[rOiimverH)WQJ«i9rbrC 

dKlvatDns. a mAi tar anyone except pt^ib^ te 
mcti h*Ttor« C gnu ayCraham Boss. S 

VI1D0 VZ7o(vtlO&lBnnnaJeniJator<«?tKefral4 

anodim He hnstef . bdule^ a tnr bug fiios posted 
bUi*ntti'w^a'*t4rT«pcst.igoJv2.7, t^p^eu 
FF^. trvbdesS-ByDa^Weaer 

WBLmosr itpKitrv«rKirL0l7teWBUnMrpr9gcBnb?cn 
FF^OO- EnOlng It iticfjt. Ettecitve use of sound, 
htJudes $. 3y: Paler oa SiNa& Kar^ Lerieroaixr 


Kller MiiVrM ^<Mo cc^merclal Ql ^e Amiga, SeaSes 

rmsic, requires one meg ot rwnory b nn Bnary 
oriy. ay J1. Wilt 

Martcewa Anoltw devious tpmeorienteafefflOwiSibls of "in" 
|o]«s. &i2Kmquired,lncLidesS.By:LeoSctwab 


Moviei A ram irrnaton system win ttree difterenl example 
ttUfflationt. Wrwikas, Rocker, & F-15 Ka^nankai 
i nodwnnonaSl^K Amiga Ks^owctf Overscan 
HAUirofb ixiudsi a BHnaKT payer pro^'an 
(movie], anmaioabuidef prDgramsfdibm. pitm]. Ii 
I Vfsriphc} iisf^f program {vtSra). 3y£!^ 
Graham A Ken Ofler 

AUUC D«nioArmlyna«horUisnUtaQlng{Mrio}Bt(sa 
ilOO I iOO FI4I » Obr IFF fkOMt oompoaad or 
dJOMnnptftott o( Minb«rt«riw AMgt Um of 
C^gvy, MarkfiMid on I wy rid* piekrt of lie 
CilBwSk)ti*. SBriy.Sr:SbpranVmilan& 
SHpfw Jim 

ExP^Dinw Ohio wHon of Express Palit 1 .t . used n otw 
tn actoing iliino pbue b l« AJiJUC_^Detm tfanKT 
oAffidrtlL BofV)r.By;Siephi!nVenT«Uen 

FndRtfiOisfcni I 

Er.^T Corr.;le« nMnb. in Draco, ol Peter Langsans Empn >A 
tniTfUfttnanal^i^ktvein. tanma. war. etc. on 
last moriTtiiise bai ictyboan] or ma)Am.v\ 0. ifiarewn. 
& S . BfCfrs Gny. or^ni game by Peter Langtbn 

HAJdmnm OijFbyilneswnHewiCpQiniWf UMiQnganiindrH 
KTcen. wncA i j a Mtf* hAnd HMI KWi. Tt* V 
poston of tie pDiu ait cdrflrum^ caglM ma m ludo 
iNOvtbrm and {trjAd on tf lour dwnab, a rv pkfi of J 
[LEsmaned tfurd IS dartrtd &Qm fie ivtnga X poiiKin of 
ffvse pontL JForti. Some ByPN Btrk 

Stai Based on oognai code by Leo Stfwib.cTedlistonDerl^an 
actualdemo. RuuonStZK Amiga. Bonfy. By^bbJeOrrls 

WiraDefTU tSernonsiraiBS ine Acre's tine tirarving speed. Huns or a 
S^ZK Amiga. Includes S. ByiMaSOtbn 


WchjEXWCS V35* Ol Difwi Liwence'j lartim ol Davt Conray* 
mboemacs. Updata ID FF93. Also hduded. lor Mnttt 
ime, is eideniJye doomentaMi In mKhirw readable lorm. 
£E, Aj;ihgr: Dave Conroy, Enhanced by Dariei Lgwence 

Frri Rah Ptik i» 

AmoetB Clone of Space tTvadan. one ct W PDSganeStOin 
Amiga. B only BYr UtefilioM Devebpmefds 

BuliGammonGc^pfiic&l Backoawnon [m urilfrrgrUjais A.I. cow 

pro^ VBrttMiii),S.By: Robert Pitsier 
Barin AompUa (tiecfctuok r^am oiered by me autror as 

ihaiewaft. Vii*nli,t)i]ioroniy.Br: H«c«ner 
EByplirfliJi^tttdiaoa#lttllidlK'|)iptgm< Version I I.Boryy, 

tfW i W H. wwa i iiall U l I t iiMw. By QvisHarwi 
iconknage AepteavioUlEonkugiwViantiiiirna^.intnovi 

afSectng bantype.drwerdatLetc SE.By: Dens Green 
eascanp AfrjgaaASCpreo-Wpjioeonvenpregrimjwrifienfi 

cffiar lom-.s D( Bate a fer.igaBASiC. &y. Gewge Trepji 
DaaPtot Stamra-T^igaaASC, piozrg pQ/am. Aiso ncLdes a 

tHst squares otvq !i program, B^ DU HcQ 
Ptof Sharmare;}-DAn<gaBASiC9a(hlnap(00.lHCipta 

ot^ulplots. SoifceavatatlaiiliautBrJBf.GaoroeTrepal 
Sttin An^BASICprog aemoiairuricalifttiiantitMdiuiMn 

fwcfl(Aar ctrourity oJ widely ipeeed loriei wfios* ^loiutttt 

are delned as a mMtU reialonirip to ther Irequency. 

By: Gary Cuba 
Uedi V2.3D«HsrMttiftara«irtadto. WitHAimoda. 

corrmund lariguagw, mnj cutmlEiian, indefw u»r 

onfigvibftyandajsnmintfnritttjnL eirwyorty, 

thamrara, update toFF60. By: FWcSdes 
WBOobri Prog bdvigtlVorMwn^catxs for progs trial eipeci to 

be booted on Pvir {JiGi&uticn Eloii but vt run from a tiard 

{£siL SE Author Stefan UndaM 


Asbnsds AftoroMl game. T>ie m^get ard Wundi are rtplacsaM by 

tie end user. Anyitiing goes' By: PUcoMtnan 
tt2Pc3 inferaoive puue prog. itl4i «ny IFF me win mp b i^ 

cokn, and brealu Jt up nb squares b make a puule wfiicn 

ne t«r can Jien pie« bgeiTwr. VI 0,5. By: AE Qier 
I'^ames A sF^eware program b create and manage mining Ists. 

Brwyorly. By: EmeNetion 
Pr UBityb print itstrgsbdHanrttarmaU. SimflattottHUm 

>* pro-am. bxbdettOtfceBy; Samuel Paoboei 
PushOvef Board s^-atogy game. Amiga9ASlC Push yo/ pieces onto 

lie board ui(iyrtcbarowfiaiy*ec3on.S. By: R.Yosl 
PunlePrQ Cttua a puuie iram an If F picLrg. wtiicli tna user can 

r«n p«cfl tiKK bgethr agan. AmigiBASlC. vi.0. 8 otty. 

sfdrenraie, source a<ra<lAbie Irom author. By: Syd Boton 

A.-P AHP toftti ier-MiigiDOS Repaatfwrt Prsject*. Arp is 

anelbn led by Charte Heali ol fATT^smiTis irx.. b replace 
tM onent DOS in a compafitio tairion, u thai ofrani 
piOgrami wQ mriArue to w>v A^ip also nu^i wtmevtr 
lnipn}ve<nanlSBiipoutiQ, lothatairtntAftiUija 
programs wii woit Mtbr. Vancui a^riws nmribuied woric 

Car Cna of Alen's entiles bine Badge KHer DeoQ ConiesL H 

apparerdy is an nadfi' )t>ke reCaiuig u a nefl imcpiMi 
Afnigan's eipervnce wiTia certain fkgiwtl graphics 
hantmre maniactxer. Atdw: AMn Hastngs 


icora Sona tamc^ animaMl iwv. Br L pioh 

Tarot An«gieASlCNicegrapi>caitinican)LMrv. LPIotI 


QGW Afltoialon inry b fv BX □ Ceraut Backgnxni music 
KH P fl affern. i«qini Sonn b uat. &y Kevin S^km 

Fred FWi Dirt 1» 

Colou' UapipUwnooloriofvwlcnimedtqHns^saiAng 

oirem cotar sets b data ties, badrg new cobr ats ^ 

daa Bes, or ineraahvly cfunpng cobra. S. By J. Mussel 
Dance Two procrafni'danong polygons', vaemrits to tv BXD 

Conbst. Tl«yamimiUr, but demonstrate the range cf 

colors amiable on the Amiga. 5. @y: Je^Qtsen 
HBHU Animation tmry to f* BOK CdntesL First known a^l^^aliar^ 

using ttw 'Erta Halt Bnio* mode. By: Kevn Suiivan 
tccnfy Sutxnotine creates an Icon on tne Amiga scrnn ffiat can be 

sutHcqpjer^ttraggesii^und. snddouDb-dcKedon. you 

can use I?t5 b have your programs 'loonify' [hemsetve^ b 

temporariygetoutoltheuMf'sway. With sourcg & defr^ 

program. By Lfto Scfwrab 
On/yAmiga AnnaEiori entry b BOX Coniesl TlYee bait&eingjugg^ 

by pyramiflj roHing en Pwirtopi By k)bai Singh Hana 
Suplb Support VatTi leeded torebutU various (ngramso! MaiTs 

Irom sa/CG,inc!b(kngDME.DT£ Uanoaori 
VCheCk VI 2 of wus deiecton prcg irwi Comrntxtenr Anvigi 

Tactvical Supcon. Ml lest b< the pretem ol a vinair; 

rnemory, fir DrispBOficdtkLB only. 6y^ BilKoester. 
Fred Fls^ Dish 177 
Bears Er«y lor BOKCsrMsi Cream lOetttsntboiiice 

arouidandinutply. Sfly: Slew t lw del aw Tom riawai 
HeuiBss EnyttBOKCcnuL llaqi*aMitar«Mltdoai,and 

wonli(»iplac«ht«cerieA Bor^r- BifUHfen^r 
Rcptos EnavstaBOKCoTMi iTAi nostDfvaran«tea«,lt 

shoH J lied oQt»d r^om a moving poni dI iriew. irwead ol 

Mct wsa. Br Afbn htastngs 

Da eeCioO dsasie>::ibier. Mtkn m auentWr. 5 Bf Crtg Lee 

Dropt^m Pijce a pazeni. a 2 biptane IFF image or a combrainn of 

a paoem and inage. no mi VftytBencti badcdrop. 
VeTg)n;z.5fary.*».B8y: ErtelavBky 

UMCtock AneurcmetysnipiedDa irjei^aad 

scretftsonfy. SBy: AlOter 
MRBaek:^ Ham (fesit tadup uliry. does a He by He CGpy on 

A^vgaDOS kfpy tUs. WBi an irUon hcertaa a Sie 

coPiprf M iofv vuj.Sotfce. Qy: UaritRMei 
PairC SfTiple screen peettig infant, wrtwi In nab. 


souce. incJUWeotfCBhweb-AJior QragLaa 
PrtOwr Apn'ttr*iverlerrtToil*a*3lnene"p(1niifr!ili 

Oime |l>e$n mode. Includes loure in C and 

assembler. ByiRoManan 
SOeacKUp A hard dJit backup uHity CLI mariace Qr»)(. Ooeilire 

compression. Vlt.birtaryDniy. By SlftvoDtew 
Sed Adoneol the Unused (Steam EtJibr) program. 

Inebdes sotfca. By: Enc RayraoreM 
Keys A "hoi-Keys' program binds keyboard hrtSOfl keys 10 

windcw manifHiation futtiofts {wmdmr adavalun, Ironl 

b bade. moving Kreeni. etcj. S By. DavKM Cervone 

DosXwIV Apalrolprogramswriaialbwyouiouveliifls.ofa 
group of IMS, to one or more If^ppres ^Quckkudng. 
does not sisre Tiles in DOS lormai, tor speed. V2.0. 
upOaie IP FF1C3 B, SraiewVB. By; Gary Kemper 

kRBackUp Ahardt^ tudiup utiT), does a lie by fie ccpy b 
standa-T) Aftr.'gjDOS Boppy*s*ii- tncMJas muiton 
interlace & 6ie omprestoa VZ-O |*f-n sowaijand 
2,1 Cbnaryoni^, sotxce svaiittie trDm ai.tuti. Updak 
ofFiie. ByMaitRrtrn 

PaintJet HP ParOelpmbr driver Irom HP lomei 

Ru9i Two tfidapactieri pods tf Urtxuoqrliaictr.Httfi 
f pf*ttw ^la^fl1llila^llffl^l^lp^^^w*illcl^y^?tfl^ 
MRi. PaUlVl^«U^«Mttl»MQafaynd( 
CoLpland and pakhVZil MS poled br Jotwi MkHTL S 


DrUasttr Shamarsdbkcaiabger.vl.i.LpdatoDrfFiaLrfew 
iNtiRS and artimcaiMnL Beefy. a|rQn0l>ian 

Em HtfnanavQtfornpymBialw»tQtwaJ)fS.Bonnif 

Hp nPNahajUwprog.iucportiGalBUilonawftiblnaiy, 

octal, dedmai, hei, ibat and cimpin ruRbers. 
Ixhjdes 32 regiitefS brsnrvig utai iranxendenuf 
kncfions. V1.0,S By: Sieve Bonner 

Mach 'm o u w ac cai e r aar'prQa.wtn hoSieys. baturei ol lui 
tnous&daaitton. and popc!i. a t.% bar clock «Mia 
Us onine charge accumula lor. e)c.V] .Sa, S By: Brian 

PatEdl A paten efS&r lor creatng pasems b inpu! to 
He Amiga SeiAJPrrr^a^ call Caflseistne 
area in paEem tor ffia a-ea filing gnapNCi ( RectFfi, 
AreaDraw. eto). Inctudes source. By [>onMyde 

QMan Mandejbroi generator wiiiien pomaty in assem. for 
speed. toc^Jd4S Sftite. By S»ve Sonner 

Ffid Fish msh 131 

Die Copies disks Ike Utai^i^, but miflnasXs. Replaces 

didcopyandtonnallsn-sReii^anei^r). irajion 
intfface. SBy: TomasRc^itj 

HyperBue Sharewara database manageneni s^u^. vi.€, Brary 
or^. souca avaialiie Ir^ i^xtux FF$a upttli, By; 
Uduef MacKenne. Max Mengnt, & Craig Norborg 

ble Anew(fmiono(Tomas'(BncientLileganie,wifian8w 

Riacrelanpuaee lar au^ up p4!iBrm. ^x4 exampbs. 
SBy: Twos FtoldcM 

Uackia APopdlnplaeeiTHnffiaKkawiprasykiMontia 
screen in tianUng mode, bdudeasotfce. AuOv: 
So^ware Disiifcn^ enhancemerts by Tofiaa RoUcM 

MglI^ A version of MgibMVh an ARaa: port and olw 

inprofememsE^TomaiFtoMtll D«lnaaiacn«&btnd 
riembluxbyikeytrisart^il. Mudntouroa, 
Auitvir Vanous:enhanamwMbyRolddo 

WFraga Another verscn ol Fregj. Pegs up 4 tiW wr«J)w thai 
updates Dccadionaly. Goodtardeittcperstonwirtor 
wTiij progs, a/e do<ng b r>emary. S By: Tonkas Roiuclii 


Berserk Animal a 'must see' for every Amiga loer, and rar«s 
wnlti 'Juggler' aj a prenw de?no tor the Amiga. T>^ 
dflerence between C% ^^■A.^TV and FFlOO, F .« 
bcUJes'SDifce'. L^eitasanennipielDreaat ' 
anmailcns. FrQdFisl1lel!JlNuat:prepr1alsb^ 
laasi one animatiori Viai was avaiaM at Vie *ta 
oode'leweL Autfor LaaScfMib 


Corvnai ShaiewafeivplKemeniQrtiBUandanlcons&ie 

tiandar.pnnidKlnaeM^antco'TvnaRllnariiS' as 
comfMely nns{Brw( to any ap(icalon program Hal 
iMtCON:irindMS. Vi.i^binaryorrif.updaeofFlOO. 
New battns bdbda wkttnnai ecfitingkayl (afl warth 
fcays. tfido key, dearhiiiofy tsommafid, and mort. 
Au?tor: W^kamHawes 

trc Two programs tJH)ulfcrgeneflhng1ft^)ilCRCllS^f7S 

of rie contents ot disks, and venhrng 3ia[ a gniin disk i 
Ihes ssris compuie b t^ sarre CRC's as hsted. V1 .0, 
birwyorty. Efy: DonlOnOfBd 

CrcUsts Complete CRCcfteck fj«is for FFMZS using Pie Crc 
program InciuE^ ori nis.<isit. Thesewere made 
drecHy Irom Fied's master dsks, Aufftjr: Fred Fsn 

Overscan Palches Sie mtuil^on Ibrary » that siiabTe windows ivith 
MaiHeigfi! ol 200 1*00 in iniailaci)) and screens witn 
Height ol 20G {400 ^ ntertatx) win lake advamage ol 
pHPALovfifKancapUktyciinifKnVl 2. UseU 
orty lor Euopean isers wfn wiiJi to ru^ so tvrare Mitien 
br the US markei, MiFioui motyig ine applcalbra, 
bulstltiaingreaddSorsJspace.SBy AnFreuid 


BoingThrows 50tixnet{AUaricnabgn[toVwifi$o4][-3D.and 
D^Paita. TTeaniaiaaan boll abou 325 hctfioi 
nrtadtoBwaH- By WarvtiLanis 

Bevaar Wstttandiwiuiaigwq-flrtyHlndowi, makes aattei 
Ifi fA lyflin acoaatfjH Iw aitcuihgL copying, iDovnQi 
(anaDttiQ, dsUnQ, alt Sflad at a i^DOfafii'iian 
ti9lb#tt*. Vtl. Urwy crty. SyPoMra Stw 

Dnv V]^ofMtin)9i3Bd)Dr. SinFtt WTSMTG edior 

de9gnedtorprogram.ttfi Aftinry 14; mappng, tst 
scralng. tiltlne staosECS ntia^ wndows. & a&ky » 
cor^wn}ows.FFii3^i«aie.S. ayMattaion 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 

Amazing Computing V3,12 © 1988 109 

Frti utity»afchesivKlnr3t»itsfr4ii^^^bo6«an 

pamrame and suixiing nojiiy^y ajtm DTougf! 
me ^■9f?^cfl/ or ^ ^ sysiem. LAe Ehe Unix Ind 
pn>grara. VI jO. induOeii soute. By RMney Lf?wis 

L£3fa^ [>en>Qvsfsonolasruj?MrarE prograjTithatssnf 
IBitmJ ifdymaJionwtvui regani u stmcueor 
mrisrt. aPC iivMQ cpnpicwd &«arct^ fat ifuc^ 
paOems. .Eloeilv. By: EMBmmson 

Smanicsn Shareware l-Jution Db<ecB tonlwr. Vl.OtslmiCd 

txti wndoA. ivfwi cfict^. cDnies [he wmcJow inb 
aniconlnihar^Tiidsk. B onff , aoiute avaiable 
Inwn aupor, By; GauPw GfOyH 


TeXF A seJection o( 7B "eX fonts, wiffi a conversion 

program b coTr^n Lhcm ^ Anitgabnis. 22'Memnt 
lonti Bl vaiviii sizes, rgn^ng !wn i& paeis hgh u 
mora than 150 pxcis. CofMirsjon prolan can also 
be usft) w.|nihe hnis tfisnixiied win Amiga TeX, 
^eUng an additicnai ^OOOt lo^tis Iqi us^ wEnoir^r 
Amifla programs. VZi.binafyoofy. By: AllOzer 

AjnTnJBoi AssemUsrlooaxii'O'eaieduma^te 
irflmlKing bchvwn aisembfer programs and 
AmigaDOS easy. Vfm source. By Wan^n RiJig 

Bbon Areptaanenttorifiiji'yax'aynmancl. Fiomttie 
G^lGNUisNotUnblinon. PonoflhslatQSlGNU 
vorscn. irf WiLam Lphm. wtffi lie goal o! praiwving 
aJl a' tMon's cifTent leatufrs. Cndutti soutq & tnl 
pro. *cafc'. Bi^: Bob CortBtl and flcM StaTlmaa 

IGPa lriW3aiv« puul« p!^. ta)t&3 any IFF Ha coriairiing 
14) 10 16 CDicn. and bTBokj ri into squ3/«S p [r<lk« a 
pii£!l« [f« LJSOf «Ji Eien piece badi bgetner again. 
V1.t,upda»Dl FF122,inclu(3eS£oura. By AJOzer 

Pee Verwn 9! pie Una puts t/iiy. P^^ie czmcaBnass 
cofresponttny hnes ot ffv spBOttodttM inbflStfiQto 
output ins pwtzontil or pvaM nwiyinQ) v 
CDncatonnn two k« tfgnitit frvs twlcal or 
mWriMrtn)- 5. Sy: David Frat 

YaBoingJI Game prop, damonoafing hardware ^iriBuuea, 
mdUfnffCoKHontMKCoa Updai9oiFF3& S. 9^ 
Al Ozer. based on EK^QinaE by LeQ SchwaB 

Zoo Fie anitvcf ,. like 'a.'c' en zonxpi, txit Otfersfti in 

iffiptwnenasonantjysefinierfacewtaas- lne*j*s 
■utim [hat 'arc' lacXs |$ucti as Ha^m rames ifv 
b£55[:nara£lenLnlen^). V^.7t.ijpdatBQ4 
FFlOa B.By; RjfxJ DTWSl. pM by B^W W«« 


Cl Program 10 ctsp^y imaoas hiwi a CT jonnef . along 

wnth several rrleresting sanipie images et sca/ti ol 
[?a] poopio, kidudng a skiil, brain, heart, and spim. 
Ea^ image te ZS6 by 2S& piiBfs jn Z&4g gray scale. 
ThBdspiaysolTwarG, aprimimveuseflit^ctaajs 
qute powrfj, IrnJuding l^nciiorttlAfl ftvivsiirisfls. 
avafsging. lapiadans, i;nsriarp masiung^ed^ 
[felecljon. ffratSerft. elc B^jy- by: J,Ham\an 

JtanslnrB Misceiia/wous culs icons crea^ iot AhtUC's 
monlMirnewsHancf i^slt SobmiRoidby Stsphon 
Vcmtuton. Author: Stovo Joans 

h^jncho A<v{i9lit!le program wi'ttQhpeay) 4 (bgittiedsourtd 
ample w*w ^inserter reflwva a Sskfrwi yeur 
drrve. [Ivoudontliujhaswiic!s.youcan:e{]^ 
BKfii with your mfi Etwy only. By: Andrevii Werlh 

Si UpOafe » the Sei icon Type pteg. orj FFI07. VI. 10, 

incMles soim. hiTar: Stephen VenrwiJen 

VG£d AnwroadgsfadWflBitahHrinpidLjmaoltie 

wntow3nltt'O3dO0ts,ont MnQlM nxttiM gaiJgBi 
Blito anc! Vie off«r be^ V« rury setoded stale, ffien 
merges (r« data and converls b C sourts code. 
VIA hnajyoniy. AuTor Siephan Venwiien 

ViruiX A«elieawwrlJ?l:^ec*prl?ar^rlat^^r3lrtW 
backgrotjnd and automaiicaly checks aJI inseftd 
dislcs !oc a nons]2.iJarcl bocE sfoor. Sjchc^scan 
opj^anaJiy have L'uir bwi secof rewr:ssfi id r^ruve 
ne wus. Incfuaes sou'ce, AuTior: Slev? Tttietl 

VLabEd Pn^n lo prim larxy oonmiied ddk labeis. 

Ccmbmts an IFF pc^ffl arti up K 50 1«!S d »fl 
(wTicftmay De placed amtraniy r any fcni or port 
siza) Sien print ttia resi^. The IFF picbyecanbe 
vfmjalyartySEtsijgioiOOdbyfOOO). Hwi^so 
prim labels twr a balcii f^ prMuced by Supe'Sase. 
Vl.20,t:inaryon!y. By: Sie^pnien Varmeuien 


AmlQaUne AsenesoE^ar^ustechrK^noieslorAm^ 
prograriiTTiers. By: Byres Nesbin 

Did U$es[rȣarrea]gDr|[hniasirieUnti:c^pn3gram 

and also prodixxs convnt dlls, suiaUo i« use wiih 
paich. BiVifyftfiy. By: Unwxjwn {Okus C dil?) 

Foraach A simple but usoU ptogram rm ntpittis a wid card 
(le speo'^'C^ion and t^n invokes the spedfiod 
ooninartl once pc( aipanc^ Moname. wicn te 
ecipanOed nienameas sw conmand ar^urnent. 
hdudes souria. Author: Jonaj FlyiQai^ 

Macl^ ActftversiocMKilbconwerl Mac lontslc Amiga 

toms. Btnaj^ o^^/. By: Jt^O'iFtel and Rico Martini 

ModiiaTwls Vsrixjs useU rcusnes lor ETxise using tn Moduila on 
tv Amiga. Updale to FF94, S . By: ierry MaCt 

VttDO Tm>o km versions ol Oav« s vilDO Hrrr^iAJl emjiaior. 
One veftion. b450d on vtioo 2 6. has been enhanced 
b)r JohnBirtfinQet to indude an Kontj teaLre. add 
U 132aikiiin sjppc^ usng ov^$can.an4 cp^ 
laaam (binaty erty) The jecond vision is letease 
2A o( ttt main -sream version of ^1100, as enhanced 
andwpporMbyTonyStxnraLE.By: DaveV/cdcer 


AniGwi Artei*aflcwJanddebumedvwsionc(AmiCrDil3 
Itom FF113. Indu4» SQura. By: Stovo Sampsoa 
Rich SchaetTer, Chnsban Balder 

LisScanner A ppcc IM utiTy ifiospiay an ne EiK latL SmAf 
ft Xp*jr tiiiTy Ff7j, irxsooes sot/ce in assembtef- 
By: He4u Ram 

PrtrCalc 5riLia»s HP-iiC programmaUe cadcUai&r, Both 
EngiEii & Gentian versions. Shareware. S only. Qy: 


FI$mLH) RetnovasasipeatedEtirsryricurTOfaiyunused^ort&spUys 
scmeinbonaiavaiatiieitirariej, Soute in asHnbief, 

TtfwBackup Atastmassi5Fpy***jpfcatofwiJv«*irc«j 
wftiyTiodetopfFvertefTDTs, VtJ.&naryiWiy. By; 
SVHcn Stemp^ and libr^ Koop 

Wi^ranger Serittsawnlow.idsnaieObyKsnaniiQ.ioihBtDritQj-badli, 
wiMuI sttcftng it UseU win AmiC/on. Worlis on al 
screens. InduOes soifce in assefr-b^. By: Hete Raffi 

Wh^dCha^rSin Av(tiee(chairsi.TniaK>raevelopc{iasaprofec!:ter 
rt Tecfrieai Reswce Centre and uie ABenCWidrens 
Hospilal. to a!i»rm cnatc^ oUmfieeCchai'joytteit b a 
chad's ra-iiicap and alttw the O^'a lo practm using 
tfie<:hair ina 53^ {^trjA^ environment Binary only. 
Authcf : IMnown, sifimjtted t^y Dr. M*e Smith 

FfBd FHh Obfc 140 

SBProlog Vohine t at ihe 2 voKjido Sixiy BtwA Prolog (SBP) 

tJstn&jtion. V2-3-S. THsvoiumeconiainsiheexecutaaif? 
and fitraries. Vaiism 2, on FFi4i. cor.tains the C and 
Pralog Soutos. By: Logic Proiyamraing Groopal SUMY, 
Stony Bnjok A/nijapt^ By David Ftoch 4 Scon evenKMn 


SBProbQ Vsiiiiie 2 ol Ihe 2 votiara Siony BrooK F^olog (SBP| 

tSstrtuiion, wrsion 2-3.2. VofLirw 2 conlairK the C and 
Pr5iogso[«ecftte. V(it(nel,onFFi*3. By: Logic 
pTugramming Group at SUNY. Siorry e.T»K Aj^ija p*fl by 
David Rech and Scott Evermtei 

Smal^C ArAmigaportolthQ5maJI-Ccompt1or,vifflttenby RonCain 
andpuU^ihodinDr. Ddbb'» Journal, in about l&EliO. Small- 
C isa rather srnan sutnet si rv M'C Language, tig 
c^jatle ol csmpihg itself, and other smaJ, useM 
programs. Reqiiresanassemoierandtjntef tocompleta 
fe pK^tageajnd produce w^rtor^ e^ecuub^es- Sovn vid 
txnsi^.ay: Ron Cain Amiga porl by WiiKusche. 


OH Progra-n uses same 5^JifT!MUnii(l« prog, and 

produces cwua difts. si^sOe tor use wn path.Sa:TH as 
FF13a, but nm rckjdes iho rrtssirtg 9les{nciudng source 
codej. Aytnor; Urfcncwn {Oeoa C ■*»] 

FracGen Generates fractal pictms fjvn 'seeds' you c^vale. UnUte 
arv ol tie ate', iracta^ ganera:ors', it can be used to load 
and (ts?isy pfevously creaBd traaai pics. r»*ty e»sang 
tTECtsis, cy crealeyo'J' own trails. Vt.1,B.By:D.HoucK 

SdSubr Sdenti^ Subroutine Pad<;^ ^ron DECUS. pt^ lo the 
Aniga to rui iwffi Absolt Fottan. A waxatjle ressurce of 
mathemabcal and statistical »joa code br those oxno 
Fcoran wor^ on he Amiga. Autior: Unknown; ported lo the 
Aniga tiy G^enn Everhan 


Rr- RM-5 (Reiatlonat miertnaten Managar). a lui re'aiionaJ 
DBMS sui[ab(efor VERY lar^ databases using BTree 
data siofage, cruda (by iDday's slartiacds) user iniedace. 
but U[ soiree code ts providea RIM runs on a wide variety 
ci sysiems. s.'nal andtafge. and produce compa^ble 
da^bases. inciudas a buiilvihELP database and a 
proT-amming language. FuO FijrBan sourcfl ( ijKunen- 
tabon mduded. by: Vanous, Muga port by Glenn EwSrharl 


Anaf^CaJc V22-3D ol Glenn EverTiarfs ta^ and powrful 

spreadsheei program, updaw d FF104. Eiira leatues 10 
tavfl seme preffifiaofsof actrg as an ''hiegrated syssefn". 
A flrtuai memory systam supportng up toVBOOO caJjnns 
and l8DOOmws,riLjtbpleeqMa:ic^sperceil.anou5lnng 
system. Ixiit-in c^ amctatiDn. and da^sig access twn 
any cel{s) of the sheet, p^ ar an^y ol luidions not 
prBsem in riosicommeniial sp^adsh^ett Soi/ce and 
dccumencoion n arc'd lorm. 


Csh Hodficalionofcshlkast]eDl>provxienienama 

compteticn ancj si^xwi ejewdn. Re<juiifls ARP 1 ,1. 
Bi:iary only, bid mtudes dtts lot ihe teierence 2.Q7 source 
base. Author Matt Dillon; enhancernents by JohanVAdsn 

DM^use VersMsct«nCianker.niouset:<arikef.auMH:ndcw 
activSQr. mouse accelerator, popcii siyte 

prcgra.'n.'natle comnand key, pop window to honl, push 
windew 10 back. et. rnijti Very useU pfOTam" , Vi.06. 
incKjdes Khfce. AiTJio^ Mai Dilon 

Net Unkpratoco provides eisenliaJy an unimlied rwixr o4 

reiabte connecScm beV<een p^jcesses on two madines, 
wJ*re eafii can te eil^ef an Am^ or a Uniii (BSD4 J) 
machine. ^Vorkson tne Ami^ mm any EXEC dovce Siai 
loofisi*^ the senai.Oev^.Wo-i;s on UNIX with tty and 
SH^t devices. Ac^Kves betm than 95% average 
ttmiqhpul on file transle/s, VV20. tfidudes soijom tor 
both Cie Amtga and \jnt versicris. Authoi: Matt Dibn 

Tab Tablatire writir^ program, ni^ intn^mems For a banio and 

siring ^a/. Binary only. Author JeftdeRienio 

finyProtog VT-PROLOGisasirnpiaprologlnie(piEtorprovi^vMin 
lufl soiMCSt code O encourage expenmentasion wiih tv 
PFOLOG language and implemefflaBons. Version 1.1, 
inctudessoure. Author Bil am Bev Thompson 


EBanfcerS A screen baring program ^ttims Iha screen bladt arter 
90 seconds ol kajiMard and irwse ivic!iv:ty. Vij!7.6g. 
inojdes sounx. Author JoeKiiihens 

C-Ught A demo cop/ ol a corrin}efCial r^y tracing program, identical 
b connerc^al version but lmi:ed to len ot^ects per scene. 
Braryoniy. Author: Rortald Petersen 

CrcUsts Ccrr^is CRC ttieck Reo$ for FFl ^- Ul and FFl4^u5 
OJ I» library, using |^e crc program Iron FFI33. Made 
SredtytronFrKTs master Ibrary. FF142ofnitied4*»a 
proCtemwshthacfc program, by: FreoFisn 

OmeMacms A set ol DM£ maoos nrtiitfi uiilio terplaJas b W\ DUE 
^ a language-sensitw edior for C, Pasal. Modiia-Z, 
and Ftftan. By Jerry Uack 

ManoPad A shareware ifttuifiar>-e4sed mrno rvinirtjer program. 
Nr<eeydocie.VM.b^ HctiasI tVtebflng 


MooGNi^as htooGMtJEn\acs(MG2b)contain$m3nyaO(}IKrti 
and enhancemfiftts smca the onginal wpfvs by Dave Conroy (credit be- 
Ivi^ to P conrbjlots arid Be:a tesbfs. Ncle: Amiga speofc Huca 
code ues and t^doair.emr.leshiavt been archived. Anei^cuiaale 
cop>- of the P05 3:aiM pfogr&m 'Zoc' is in the 'c' dtractay 

EFJ "Escape Jrorn Jm' A machne-code game fealjring hi-res 

scroirg, la.'pe piayAeid, (isk-based H-Scare list, sWeo 
sotfuJ. and nMBple leifiJs. Use a joys&i n port 2 lo cm- 
Mliesftp, 3.sJiarewaT(Sa),3y: Ot-ver Wagner 

Fme Wcdy done nap eciwforirB Fire-Power (im] game. Fk- 

wej tstertaMd hi-res wi(h imifion «ntefta:e. See me 
lleadfrw*^ fie !^ jrtwnaiion on ifjjtfq a &jotaUs diSfc 
kickjdes souce. hJSnr. Gregory MacXay 

H^ndylcons Adds a merv^thp to the WodiSench w'ndM' :hat altm'S 
you to ojn seeded Worttoeiic*! Too;s by r-ernj sesecftm 
Can be set up 10 provide cus&n errA.TXYT.ents. CuTEm 
version supports onf y WoriiaencJi Tools aid not Projeils. 
Bmnrby: A^fW>igrt 

ScramUe: A simple program that wiiE encode-^lecode a text file into I- 
le^ gibberish, which resembles eicecutablie ude. t* 
evade prying eyes. VersionO.Ot.BinarYor^. Author: 
Foster Has 


AnimalSour^s Asampieolcbgiiizedanimalsoundsalongwd' a 
simple sound player. AuJiors; T^a Truiw Company, inc. 

PX-VoioeSonef Written a be used wim Jack Dedcard's Voi::eFiSer 
program. [CJsk^}. It aSows for the sorting ol a hum b^rol 
voi«5i9S sio*3 using thai program into a new voicafiie ol 
vwces made up from va;iDus files, lndud« source. Acj- 
Thor: David EoucWey 

Keep A nkce liiSe uifc^y progfam with an mtuiiion lnierl.9C9 fo* 
S&S and ngtwo* jifikjes who tJCTmtoad messages in One 
lar^ file and then read them ott-lne. Ustrgor^yme 
motse, yoj can dnve Enough such lies a rr^sage al a 
lime, examine eac^ at yoi/ leisure and ta^ those you wish 
bfceep. Version izbiaryorTfy, Cut source avaiaae with 
doKicn D author. Author Tim Grantharn 

Less li£ Ijnii 'mare'.on^y better, with forward and backward 

scrotrig. searcfvig a.-* jMst^ring by psrz&i of fSe end 
ine nnber, e:;. Mwrletsyoualsc prrthecurentfiie. 
Very ujeFi^ ■ This is Ami^ vefsioni 1 .3, a"^ update 10 1% 
>iBnionon(Sik rubber 92. incWes So^joe. AulJW: Uifi. 
Njdelnian, Aniga pal tiy Bob Leivian 

Scheme "Scheme is a siaticaly scoped a^vlpropciiy laJ -recursive 
Saiect ol the Usp pr ogr^.'^mlng la-Tguajg irT.?n[ed by Guy 
Lewis Seeie Jr. and Geraai Jay Sussman' Birary only. 
Amiga pen By Bi Pu*e3 


>UFoil An update b^ Aiirtoil generaKx'on cfslc f7\. Generates 
airteil models 5S wesi as Ihei' rarnesj*ndng streamirij aixj 
pressLre distibutions. L'Kiudes souce. Ajthon: Russel 
Lei^wi AiSaendun by Oawd Fosiet 

DCiD AnAm^BajicQC-IQinsirunentlibghisinuiaor. Apfiears 
lobe quite in{leptnwtlh fight-planning and lake -off oF4Jons 
along with an eitervsivedocumenEalon tie. Retires re- 
building on a sep.a;aie d£k and was $ucce$slLdy done » 
by toitow4ig tte author's irtstnctons m L** ReadMe.f irst 
file. Autlior: Jan Ajkeste^n 

EiecliB A wwlung example of hew jo twkJ and use user-d&Br>?d 
dsk-resident libraries. Of special interBstbdevebpei'j 
wwking wish LaiSce C. Atrthot; Alei LJvsHts 

fconiier A utdily program that saves your curenl mouse poir:tDr to a 
smaJ icoa You can restore the pointer just b? double 
dicking on tQ ksa AlowstorbukfinganhoteEbraryof 
pointers and D tse ^lem wfienever you want. Binary crty. 
Author: Atei Livshits 

Pict An Imptemertalion ol the PILOT language br me Ami<^ 

indudnga demo done loni» Kabcnal PigfliSeivice. 
PLOT isa Infuse language bruse necKicatkinal^ 
oon^pusr te»d insTJOxin programs. Birary orty witli 
Beta lesi ^1 avaJaae kuT\ aiinofs. By: T, LaGrone 

SieaJMemBooi A ami uHilty designed U bea diE«: reptacemsfd 
brNoFascMem kind of programs. It moc^es ihe bee; 
block ol a a*!. » when yftu b«( with rL aa meme»> 
aPoCatDi^ wJI return only CHIP riemory. Authcr: Alex 

FrwJ fish Dhh 151 

Gbbe Derio Grai'iics deno ds^d^ v«y snoo!}] barsScns ot {he ro- 
tatir^earth. PoQ-upmeru. Souce. by: SobCorwn 

tons Yei ano«f pstpftjri of jnefestir^ feorra b choose ttom It 
you need one tor yw/pwrs program by: DavflTunodt 

Pcopy A smai m^Jibn-Oased (iS Wfier smiia" to rw Jesoeft 
"OisKCopy" eicepi w<!h wnte-wenly and orer user se+ 
lectabCe optons. JseU lor j^.a^gngmiitipie copies win re- 
tiaM ii'A- ^ijrvi w> disk dnves. S. lij: [>rk ReiS); 

SCT A CLl-based jtJrty (SelC^jlorTabei for di^ayi:^ andor 

setting a screen's colors. Sav^theBlorsofasoeensbs 
restoiid later, or colore screen's osiors to another. In^ 
dudes source. Aultur: aJdevin 

SWflShdw Very nicely dene sJide-shew pnjjam written in assemWy 
langt^e. Feabjreslorwani'badcwanJprGsanlationard 
creative screen wipes. C^rehiSy works orty with IFF ki res 
pictures Etecutabieonfyalor^wiifi some hew IFF pic- 
tures to have come my way. Shareware (SI&j.Auchorj; 
Uke KtKiaritk and Sheldon Tepipteion 

Sufwyor A (itite utiSry that opens a wnflow on ma currem soeen 

and dspiays inbrraalion ai«ut Die poffiter. Altows for tbso- 
Kjie or relative neasuremen". between t« ports on iht 
screen, VeryhandylorprecJseposiSonir^cficoflsandi 
sucn. Inciude^sourca.Aiftior: [>irkReisig 


Bi< A requester ma^ tool empbytng rai'tna reorsne I'go- 

nihnsinciudngafecwsrrt parser, tt takes jipui Bit liiej 
anl converts ihem a C-iOtfce ky inciif^ as re^ si er 
deda^uons. incudes sowcc. AuPor Stiart Ferguson 

RtfiBKkL AvananlolR^PecSfsflLrBackGnjurdcrsgramtfDfT 
diskrunbef 73. AlowsvoutosananewCLiDr:^ra.i: 
and nil it in the bacii^rourtj. Tien ciiis^ ihe new CLJ. 
This version aifl?maicaEy sean5?es Che OTruTiaid'Sea'ch- 
patii b find !he pn^jrarz. Soir^. By DarwIBanetl 

UUCP 'nisitavefiono1'ujC¥i[LlriiloUnixC<^F^ani|:o( 
the Amiga, aiung win some mcseecaneous support uOiBw 
Uceoon,mai. and compress. hdudessojce.Aunx: 
Various, sutenEHed by Wiiam Lotius 


Dme Versbn^.30elMa[rsieiledi!or. DmeEsasimple 

WYSIWYG eolorMagnedbrpfa^amme^ Hisnoia 

WYSIVTYG wv4 processor In :he i^ibnal sense. 
Featjres mciude art^Jrary key r.appmg, fast snoitng, 
Btle-frM statisKs mutpie wndcws. ar^ abliy to icorvV 
wrd:»rs. Updaie b version on disk ror^bef 134, 
jnckjdes sc^/ie. by: MattWicri 

HPi 1 EmUaies an HPii C cakutator ndudng the program 
nwde, FeaajresanOkOFFbutsmmaituTisinecalaj- 
liw rti an jfion that wti td ana wail unii yoy need 11 
again. Oocumentation on [he teaiLresis scarce, per- 
haps some nJustr>ous HP owner cnij wnii a ffnal tu- 
i&nai lor T* benest cl M» thai aoni own ari HPai- 
culator, Biriary only. Author Davkl Gay 

HPMam A program to martpii£ie settings a-id loots on HP 
LaserJet^ primers anc^compatibje^ irtiudes an 
htuiton mtertace and some sampie pic!:jB 1^ 
Version i.O, bnaryonty, shareware, by: Stew Hobb 

Synthemania An InisresSng, very small (and very porsisiend) 

musical piece, if yoy pianon stopfing it witfioti using 
three Tngers, you bettor read Os document fiie UrsU 
Biriary only, by: HolgerLubitz 

Fred na»i Dbk 154 

Ada An Ada Syntax checker br [he amJga. hdudesleiand 

yacc sotjce. Mhor: Hernian Fischer; updates dy 
WiKajti Loltud 

AssemptjOemos A imefesting group ol assembly language de- 
mos for your visual and aural pieasure. Bina^' or^y by: 
Foster Hal 

DcSkUb Two utilides tor those people Ato Tilce lospiiil LP PO 

^tkilnBaJskiotdHferenitsiegpriej. inckjdessojrce. 
tjy: WlBon SnyOer 

Gtanlan Af»tw vrus aagnofcng and v^sinabon program. 
Reo:>gniesanync>n'£;andardoootbbck. Indujesa 
inyi utirty program !c pernanenay piice Pe t>^m 
onacop/Diyourke^tajidissciipiattolthesefdom [if 
Gverli used C<ebug() luicfon. Sdrary orty. biy: Le- 

Prtnepool A prim-spoofr^ program. Very Laeluf tor prrtfig frts 
in me batftground. Many comrnand-iane cptiirns. Ver- 
Mn 1.0.0, mckjdei source. Aul^D^. Frangois Gagnor 

UQHbi a gniupol tour ItOeuttty programs: 

UnOelM - UndelfM t 111 bvn loppy (DR9 :) 10 any de-^ «ou 
rtqueM. dMCto lor I d^ fi ffw dnvs and atmrs yvj 
b &Q(t deanly wSi a CTRL C 
mereis -LMksbfaiieandorrfrectwydeiaUBtoifwnjrem 

CAL - Clone cl tfie Unii CAL , dates fecmyea; 1 B 9^- 
OCi«* ScmpietBe bi'ctoc3«tnemory gauge wiJi pop lo horn. 

VnjsX An updats lo Iha vlrus^tectng program of the same 
name or^dijkritfnbef 137, Thijverslona3«checkifor 
the Byte-Bandit strain. Version 1.21, hdudessourre. 
by: Sieve TiEMn 

Vrus.Aiert' Yet anofter aniiwus program with a twisi. Once h- 
s^Jled a message rs d$played rust atter a wami orcold 
bootflslfying the the user L'a! ihectsK and memory 
are v^fljs-free. and brcing a mouse-bytton press before 
conlini^ng. AnyB*ig Miimg to the booitlQcl^ iharealter 
wl] destroy the met$3;^ and4 normal virus- inlsded 
boot[?7?)wiliai(e-piec£!. Versions 1.01 aind2.0i. 
Binary oniy, by: FosWHal 

WIccn A "Wndow iconJAflr*. Aiicrws you b tum you' wlr^Aws 
tnw small icons wrttfi tan be later recalled, Curentiy 
insb^ w4th MactiWi to give your wnjows a 'rubber' 
bandng'eHecL Versioni.i4,inciude3so^ 
Sieven S^Wiiing lri!.-oducing;the Amga 

FrwiFhrfi 013*153 

AsmEj(ampies A couole ot asseoibly code exampre^. 

Eieftjabies are rot eiteniev i^e!u( ttrt the code 
mp^ be of co.istfcraUe bcneli b tsginnng zmrXiy 
EangLageprogramfTiefi oj: lr%ink C'ausen 

Btsw A rtptacemeni tor im 'yacc' corrmand. From tie 

GNU (GNU is Hot Urn} effort. Cenains upoaas e ne 
verspononasknuniber 13^, sifmi^teobylw^separato 
sft/tes. ifcudaswu-ca by: Bob Cofl^et: and R.<hart) 
StaTnan. updafes by V/iisam Lot:,s I, Sea Harry 

^4!&^oiking San'.ple prDg?a.Ti showng j» i;se 0! a rmnwatfe alert 
wMedispayng a pe4£>nainearjh message. Irtduoes 
soute. Author. Theo Xeimanids 

Scenery A very vx assernby linguage random scerB7 

generaicr, Generates very reaLsoc icuiung landscapes, 
bcbdes iniyfJon jn*9rf jce and kits 0I merxj c^ra V. 
1 .0, binary oniy by; Brett CasoBoft 

Fred Rsh DMt 1S6 

BSodcsS AfTiusing and cokyTuI (tsplay cl a moving trai:1 

ofUodu'. Update loversicnondisknumiKr 71. 
howeverpiis version aisoSoi/ce. by: GaryWalka- 

Rec Flex is a reptacemeni iy kk UMIX ^x' (leidcai 

analyier geneiabr) program [hat is faster than lex, and 
IreeJyredtstrbutabie. inciudes soura. Authors: Jel 
Posfcynar, Vem Paxson, dl af. Submissions by Yftitm 
Loftus and Scott Henry 

Go64 Anoffier screen hack amadal an earlier Commodjre 
product{Noi 13 be confused with the commercial 
poduttGo-WitnynSoftware Insight Systems), tn- 
dudes source, by: Joer^Ansliii: 

Grammars A gro-jp of leiicaJ grammar Ties lor Ada, C and Pascal 
tor iBe in con^i^iion with [he Hex program on ihisdsh 
aw iheQison program on dsk Kiss by: Various. 
SJbm tbd byV/iam LoTtuS 

OOPS! Trefl of the mcflOCtiTDrTte bac^oiind ooior ol you 
Workbench or CLI7 Then cry [htsooilorUsc'e«n hack 
b brjghen ETingsuptlrcfudes source, by Joerg Anskk 


6Cot«0 A smal ubity to toggle die 6aE0 c£>iinn teit modes 
witftoulhavTig to go through prafflfefices. Wcncsirom 
eiihenhe CL1 Of Te Wprksench. S try: MartSdiretei 

Amicfstm Creates a pT'onetoo'i contartrg o<-t:y mcse a-'eacooes 
and exchanges roactiab»a through PC-P'jrsvL InpU 
any or Chet Soi^H s FinaiEst BSS ^sts and 11 testes tne 
phonebook 1 a term usaoie byAmcTem other popuar 
ieTmirdprogr,amvV-i3, Bnaryoniy.byiJ.klotsirger 

ArwnBals A nifty ktAearunaHoprogi^m thai albws you bcraaie 
a cotekm or btfU b mree-space and men interactvtfy 
rotaiB nem m ceil Ime using the mouse. Induces 
sounaliy: JimGtJIord 

210 Amazing Computing V3.12 © 1988 

For PDS orders, please use form on page 112 

A rundy inh) iTiiT)' to copy and u 4 tMi boot EiDCk fiOTi 
Biisicrwilaierj^lirailihaLidlMci^Jc g^lskimpod 
on by some ugly vrjS- Scww bf: Davd Jans 
ECPM ACP'U ernulalcr tcrffia A[riga.£mub)» an 8060 ^cng 
wrh Hig brminalstnLjtaka UpOstD'^on vfiTSiari VI 
d$h runber ITOSouwiJi-: Jm Citfwy; pofi by Chzriie 

KtyFdir DBS nwEsago tie Gcrtor thai aflowsecrtu>jb)fkayword. 
IndudesatutTDadGf, Sordeimaichino.andiimi^ 
yflOCJfaaptoites. V. ^A.BirwyonlyliyrJo'in 

ScrvanZap AbCteultrytidaananayKTHniihamMbr 

Wo(^fiffK^ JVtriQ hcnv T<an]r t gotL Ths KTBsni h 
hvt d W3 ve not aRected. hchjdu KirA AU9vr 
SitfHirii A]iMS)muiDbi4da«hQleibwyc'pr4linnC9n6inei 
ind<nwr(l|rtMlchb9^indbrTi biNmntiBin. 
AflKtttflpriD'sr«rornsngs not just Bwcdon. Vary 
iMtU tor nRacf¥')es Ai!h r]::lcf}ie usflra or mijl^ 
aitarruldovicee. rdu^ Annoa's de'auil and vandut 
s^piepretarenceseuingi Binary only. AuUwr: Mann 

Xioon X)Con)eB)OULJseicon£ii:}ca][u(>K7ip!to&rFt^ruig 

CU coTinunds. TtusverHnS.Oi.jtfiifidwlothe' 
verscnoniisklCi inclu0diSara.Aitfior Pet 



DtikX ^beelydeneSscior-baseddisStedior. BfwywIyE)): 

UvnSoafdTflsl Oigin% designed hvprcduMniutnggl 
A 1 000 mamvy Mtr^ VB>y ricv irarion rtDrbcs. 
V»»n 2.4, Sam 11 Uoiia tv: Gecr^ Vdolali 

MSOOS A program to Isl Files wricoi m scandanl USCa vNui 
ST lonnai. Tha liies san then be copied to fUm anti 
rewrilion to disJt in ArniBa-DoS formal Qtnaiyoniy, 
Shareware. V.D.lArtfKir: Frank W|btHiing 

PCQToQl ^ early wsiai ol a shs/uwaro PC Boar^ ts^out 

prc^am Lou of £i(jticm i-^udrg varialjae liie pads and 
baoH^ gtik. gnd HBA layvs. UDfn, ui«cabie WW ■ 

ptMtf [MMrAnpiflrfente. V.2.E. brwy 

A ronJy Ms bKhgroj^ t^ irot prtnndK a HToi 
docMnamon' coidBT h rts Inaava fnobe and a 
vflrs3tietcmnTnainipti3Gniitiancil«li<«n. Sniry 
orty wdi sojta ivafia^ ^i>ffl jwdv. Vvvon 
2.i>uViar: SlavfiTtoaa 
A'raal-CifTH'bsltaSur. Lea you list tnj Hi ^ 
priorities of all the {urv^By tunning tasXs. BinarYonty. 
V. 2.0. Autfw: S!W9 TtbeH 
Updajatothevoreicncndslcrum&w 1&4,(i«ci4tor a 
CAipiec/Kkfticnal new strains. Indutas soute V. 
1.6A;thor Store Tlbeo 

UpdM 10 the Yatsc p-cgar:! cr (Ssk f 10. cortains 
scrwfxnand reorpcrain asimtic eoutkI proc«$$. 
Veniivi 3. ^fdiides source. ALitur: SheKtanLoonicr, 
wrffi anhancamorfi by Uarii£cnretlen 


Fn* Alsdfurnmand'bpunygu-ccVfldQryBuinA.tms 

mvnory s:a&js and nnber at tasU oifrErtjr sorvsl by 
EX£C kicUles kxjtcq. AuIvj: Joag Anslk 

MdTods A group of severe (ifferem tfliity pfOfarams lor those 
•vtio run a Md system. Braiy oily. Author Jack 

SaxChan Kceiy done irmitionbasetiprcomn to display arxJ 

identfy ahom: GOO stars, gaJanes and nebutw vo^ in 
ihQ Nontiem hamtspi'KrB'. >iM,n^jjtn(urta. 
Kitv, Ray R.Larson 

TultContrdNicety dooo tasli-riandingprD^rani slowing you upul to 
iieefi, kji a change pfiorwi o( r«al (lo ojrvei) 
bacM mks>^ paeniiaty » 
orefJ wha asu ;rou kl, change pnorcies ol. SC- 
Hanjy wiri3eifuff «ri reduce it alricsltD an ixn Bnary 
ontyiiy: J. htartr Hippete 

TX The UbmateQod^'.Ancrtar window tide ckd!/ 

jnemofjf minder, ThisonaisiniaScduninsl AIsoqivw 
[ho ln» memory on drm DFO. DfU 0F2.Jndudas 
source. Ajihor Joerg Ansfh 








Call A Idte ubity to he^^ the low of a C-proQrajn by 
layir^ ojt tis tijnctiorc called in a ^wrarchcal 
mamfJi^KT. OiginaJFy from Usenet wiih ci^ 
iBvisions by Kevii Bjatftsdorf. Amifla porttjy George 

A useU tale \flri^ tor ftitfrg sfucwil WOT in C- 

sajrnco(}e. Many {xmmand-lnt options. V.1.03, 

brarycriyAihor Kati Gbortson 

A KD90 iisa£Stfnb«f. wr^iiyv rvuMmtfy, ta av\ 

ut)dilalDirwvefS»cncnds)cft2fl. tndudesKuv 

Author: Gie^Lee-mm enhanceneni) by Wlli Kuschq 

OMouse Avfirsatiesaeen&riousabianhef.auiownkw 

acrvator, mouse acceterB'.or, popdi, pep wndow t^ Iront. 
(iushwindowiobadk.ek;.vK3gei V,l(K.rxiudK 
source Update to FF 145 by: Malt [>ilon 

DWIP Daisy Wheal if 7 Prinsr'. A Qfaphics prirTtinfl utiily fiat 
Allows tw prirnirg of iFF pktuiQS on a daisy wt^ 
pmer. IndudesscuiB. Author: KonVanCainp 

IH A UN3X hUlocti-aiiiij m^cio ptDces&o intended as a 

hn end Rxtkir, Pucaf , and offw lanpuaQM tia! do not 
fmeabLik-innaaopniceuingapebtty. PiUi 
rga^ standard input ihe pTDOBssed leiia mriBii ontv 
Randard output. Author Oian S. ITigrt (01) 

MamoPad Ashaiowarainaitkivbs^edEnemoieRiinder 

ptogr&m Hialy (Jone. Update tov(jrKrcn<SEk»146.v 
.ZbmaryvtfJ'ijToe: h^-aol Gf^Ung 

NBLiatNQC A neural neTHorV exam;:4e using ihe generai-isd Oech- 
prquosEKW delta rvie tor ledinnc. (peoficaly appl«d to 
ffia tabiarasa LjtSe Red Rfdng Hood nsanoe. by: J. C. 


Friennti SsaeonhadtMthconvnand-IJnorxilionstQ'keepyour 
rnoLsepdnterccmpanynitieri you step away. Soiica 

Getspru 5«l^pi»b^«proorV1lHaJ^llv1DF4r(b^A^e6^tl 
C-mwSipapf ortf- by: Vktati Warner 

hcRev A hardy irUa program thai wdiutomalicaly 

jnoofflent te rFASXin run bor oT a pm^ain svory 
Biieciirecflriipied& siyaflFord 

LGZ A Mas generatx.edibr lor he L^ gaJie. Hot 

useU <! you dont happen lo piay tai game, but 
goodiounflkanipioQtinyticnimarladng. V.Q.1 
by: LafsSHer^QiuSen 

Madge Av«utie{lAnacrQ-iayinCtBiorbuedon;<}PCU 
iitfiiinc|u«nMtudaf*Kfnn4Jflnlvig'. Iwpnl 
mr iBore. |un Ty iLA^.n . indudtt source. AuRr: 
Thcmai nolgclQ 

Nag AshamnreapponinenicaiQndvwtiErsoiwi 

edicr and a inqge neg^' teabrs uifzirq the 
Amiga't voica arti audk) devcss. V.1 .6, brary only, 
by: ^idivdLHSbdUon 

Perl PnctcHEjrtvtnn and Report language, an 

irwpriW languago'cpbrrued bf scanning arbrtwy 
Wd Htet (>4King ^dormawri IVom those tort lies, 
ahd JirMlhg nporis based on tui irvlbnnabon. by: 

VRTest A;uCiar ami-virus uliiryir^alows visual inspeetton 
«l rajn ttanirig a S7£7fE. j^m cleaning, boctbiioA 
inspection V^vgCVAtOntKring/reset^iS. Wrrtten 
«i assBfi! Uy language V. 3 .£, btftary oftfyl^ BaOar 

XBM AiwyBTipleuUfyionyTvwiabootbiocSrrtoan 
euoicable nio so ^ can use yo^r bvoriie 
d«<3ijgger [Widk Dit. etc) to study it. inckxtei 
Kur«>ulhar. Francoit Rouau 


Aui Awirluidte version q4 the UNIX vietftor lor ^ 

amiga.TNjug not espoo^ rBconmerxJed f□r 
bogilners. designed lix Ihwe d you who may ha w 
the vi commands pemanonHiy haxJ-coded into yoix 
ftigrops! V.LO.bnaryorty.Autw; PeserNestor 

CU_UaitiejTliijdrKiory ocHlami wvorai sjbdreciones with 
smti utiles, coteced frcn va.ious sources, Tai 
are orriy uuble Iroen the CLi Son>e ndude Hum. 

DarlL Asntil|pphicsandaniiTuiondsmahdudss 

BOtfce. Auihor.FN RebettMn 

RnfTrcf AftfaHttjrtoconwtlrDmNMHaJanSaftinr* 
■TLOW'Sntoljmt^ Bk. suable Isr prir«rg 
oniny wl'COflipi t Meteer'prtJB. y.l.O,)nducln 
nn)eand4samplefL0vrBe.Auecr [tand 


Labyrinthll AshsffrMarerol^playingtextadvGrtiieQame 
eimlar in operation to the kitooom ten 
BdventLira3.lndudea source. Auihort Ru&uU 

ttaf UairiansaritiivuDllfilcrc^iarigeFisFonTiaifliF) 

FOHU CATandUST Hes in a Turner thai 
nxrpftes with tie IFF CAT spedkafexi. V.1J2; 
indudes sorce Autur: Kni Lef^enbauer 

Setf^AlorNTSC A couple ol utliry programs tor testtfig t\t 
ivubiity al a deveiotied frogran h e(^ t» PAl 
or NT5C rvvcnMntL Mate nra and I 
urtft* prDoramAjttar Pater KIM 

TES ^hBBocrQrKSlIrt■■aJ^^gw9e(Sip»^thetep 

ot he di wiiidcwi 10 pe«term slk^ fjnctiorj. as device 
diKtcriesinJo, run EO, and time. Currency, awgn- 
mefits a;v haiticoded but no( ditSc^IIc c^w^ge il ysu 
Dwna«nipi*r, VJ.i.rrtjdessoLrcaA/thor 
Joerg Visl<ii 

UnkxwnGxl Another smalm-jsicaf piece simisr in 
eieojUn 1o Syfihecnana' on dM rvunber 1^. 
B<nuy or«y. AuthorHdger Liikti 



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Your Civic AMIGA 
Duty Calls! 

What are the best software packages for the Amiga? 

Don 't ask us. 

It's all up to you. 

At AmiExpo/New York in March, YOU will present awards to tlie 
Amiga's top software developers. Sure, we could pick out our favorites, 
but no one is more qualified than you, the users. You use Amiga 
software everyday to solve problems, explore creativity, and just have 
fun, Amazing '.s job is just to repon what you are doing with the Amiga! 

And the best part is you don't have to break through crowds of hand- 
shaking poll hawkers. You don't even have to be at AmiExpo! Just 
complete the ballot at the bottom of this page and mail it to Amazing 
by Febaiary 15, 1989. Amazing Computing will tally up your choices 
and hand out awards directly from your votes. 

At AmiExpo/Los Angeles last October, A tnazing Computing announced 
awards to individuals who have dedicated their hard work and creative 
power to the Amiga community. Now we leave it up to you, active 
members of that same Amiga community, to choose the award-winning 
products. Amazing recognizes individuals, but only you can recognize 
Che most useful products. 

What are tliose priceless programs that bring the power of your Amiga 
to life and make life in general a whole lot easier? Now rave about your 
favorites. Stand up and be counted. Cast your Amiga ballot. 


Which Amiga Products Do You Think Are Award- 

Cast your Amiga Baiiot now by fiiling in your 
choice for the foiiowing questions. 




State Zip 


Ctioose your preferred: 




DESiaOP PUBLlSHiNG pacl<age:. 

GRAPHiCS/PAiNT pacl<age: 

CAD/DRAW package: 

ACCOUNTiNG package: 






AUDIO/MUSIC software; _ 
EDUCATIONAL software: . 
BUSINESS software: 


Choose your preferred: 

MASS STORAGE device:. 




INPUT device; 


Overoii, the MOST USEFUL Amiga product in my 
library is; 

Please return tO: 

Reader Ballots Amazing Computing 

P.O. Box 869 • Fail River, MA 02722 

3. Simply the Best. 

The all new Digi-View Gold is the best video digitizer for 
the Amiga. Period. Nothing else even comes close. Why? 
The secret is that Digi-View Gold captures 2.1 million colors 
in memory, giving you an incredible 100,000 apparent 
colors on screen simultaneously. 

And it's easy to use. Just focus your video camera 
on any object or picture, and in seconds Digi-View Gold 
turns it into Amiga graphics that glow with vibrant color 
and clarity. Whether you are creating graphics for desktop 
publishing, presentations, video, or just for fun, Digi-View 
Gold gives you dazzling images with amazing simplicity, 

Digi-View Gold is designed specifically for the Amiga 
500 and 2000, and plugs directly into the parallel port. 
Digi-View Gold's powerful image capture and manipulation 
software (version 3.0) now has complete control of color 
and sharpness, full overscan, extra halfbrite, and a special 
line art mode for desktop publishing. 

■Requires standard gender changer for use with Amiga 1000. Video camera required: not 
induded. NewTek selis a video camera, copy stand, and the Digi-Droid automated filter wheel 
for Digi-View Gold, If your local retailer doesn't carry these producls. call us at 913-354-1146- 
Digi-View Gold is a trademark of NewTeK, Inc. Amiga is a trademarii of Commodore-Amiga, fnc. 
Be seeing youll 

Only Digi-View Gold: 

• Can digitize in all Amiga resolution modes from 320x200 
up to 768x480 (full hi-res overscan) 

• Uses 2 to 4096 colors (including extra halfbrite) 

• Uses exclusive Enhanced HAM for super fine detail 

• Is 100% IFF compatible and works with any graphics 

• Can digitize 21 bits per pixel (2.1 million colors) for the 
highest quality images possible 

• Has advanced dithering routines that give an apparent 
100,000 colors on screen simultaneously 

• Has powerful Image processing controls for complete IFF 
picture manipulation 

if you want the highest quality graphics for your Amiga, 
as easy as 1 , 2, 3; then you need the new version of the 
best selling video digitizer of all time: Digi-View Gold. 

Only $199.95 

Digi-View Gold is available now 
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Or call 1-800-843-8934 
