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C. Software Programs to 
Increase the Utility of 
Predictive Microbiology 

Mark Tamplin, Jozsef Baranyi, and Greg Paoli 


6.1 Introduction 

6.2 Model Interfaces 

6.2.1 Pathogen Modeling Program 

6.2.2 Seafood Spoilage Predictor 

6.2.3 Initiatives Leading to ComBase 

6.3 Databases 

6.4 Expert Systems 

6.4.1 Types of Computer-Based Decision Support 

6.4.2 Possible Applications of Expert Systems 

6.4.3 Application to Qualitative Risk Assessment 

6.5 Conclusions 


The advent of computer technology and associated advances in computational power 
have made it possible to perform complex mathematical calculations that otherwise 
would be too time-consuming for useful applications in predictive microbiology. 
Computer software programs provide an interface between the underlying mathe- 
matics and the user, allowing model inputs to be entered and estimates to be observed 
through simplified graphical outputs. Examples of model software packages that 

* Mention of brand or firm names does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of 
Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned. 

2004 by Robin C. McKellar and Xuewen Lu 

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have gained wide use in the food industry and research communities include the 
Pathogen Modeling Program (PMP)* and the Food MicroModel (FMM). 

Behind predictive software programs are the raw data upon which the models 
are built. Access to these data has become important for validating the robustness 
of models, for bringing transparency to microbial risk assessment, and for advancing 
modeling techniques. Recent initiatives, such as the relational database, ComBase, 
developed by the UK Institute of Food Research, Norwich, and US Department of 
Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service are compiling tens of thousands of pre- 
dictive microbiology data sets to describe the growth, survival, and inactivation of 
microorganisms, and to accelerate model development and validation. Software 
databases and spreadsheets have made it possible to organize large quantities of 
data, and to search and retrieve specific items of information. 

Along with advancements in databases and microbial modeling, a growing need 
has developed for decision-support tools for navigating across large quantities of 
data and retrieving specific information. Such information management systems have 
been used in other scientific fields, but have not been adequately developed and 
applied to predictive microbiology. 

In this chapter, we present an overview of the role of commonly used software 
applications in the field of predictive microbiology, and we provide examples of 
software use in model interfaces, relational databases, and expert systems. Continued 
development and application of software programs in this field will improve the 
tools that are available to researchers and risk managers for enhancing the safety 
and quality of the food supply. 


Software programs have markedly enhanced the use of microbial models by the 
food industry, risk assessors, and food microbiologists. Well-designed interfaces with 
intuitive features allow users to define parameter inputs and then easily observe 
model outputs in graphic formats. This section describes more widely used predictive 
microbiology software with demonstrated applications in food safety and quality. 

6.2.1 Pathogen Modeling Program 

The PMP is a free software package of microbial models that describes growth, 
survival, inactivation, and toxin production under various conditions defined by the 
user (Buchanan, 1993). The current version, 6.1, contains 37 models for 10 bacterial 
pathogens that predict their growth and thermal and nonthermal inactivation. In 
addition, the PMP contains dynamic temperature models for the growth of Clostrid- 
ium perfringens and Clostridium botulinum. Such dynamic models are increasingly 
sought by food industries that must meet performance standards for cooked-cooled 
meat products. Depending on the specific model, environmental variable inputs 
include atmosphere (aerobic or anaerobic), temperature (°F or °C), pH, water activity, 

* U.S. Department of Agriculture- Agricultural Research Service Pathogen Modeling Program 

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ionizing radiation, varying concentrations of lactic acid, sodium chloride, nitrite, 
and sodium pyrophosphate, or all of these. Model outputs for lag phase duration, 
generation time, and time to a user-defined level of interest are displayed in either 
hours or days. In addition, growth/inactivation curves are displayed in both graphical 
and tabular formats, along with associated upper and lower confidence limits. New 
features in the 6.1 version include links between specific models and associated 
publications, separate printing of output tables and figures, and input of time-tem- 
perature data sets in comma-separated-variable (csv) format. Future versions of the 
PMP will include direct links to the data sets underlying individual models, optional 
outputs for lag and no-lag scenarios, and operating the PMP on-line using 
Microsoft.Net database technology. 

Similar to studies found in the scientific literature, the majority of the PMP 6.1 
models were developed in defined microbiological media. Consequently, the PMP 
informs the user that there can be no guarantee that the predicted values will match 
those that would occur in a specific food system. To make the PMP models more 
useful to the food industry, as well as to food microbiologists and risk assessors, 
more food-specific models are under development. Examples of PMP 6.1 models 
include dynamic temperature for C. perfringens in cured beef and cured chicken 
(Juneja et al., 2001; Juneja and Marks, 2002), and growth models for Salmonella 
typhimurium on chicken breast meat (Oscar, 1999) with inputs for previous growth 
at variable temperatures and NaCl concentrations. 

For the majority of the PMP models, bacterial growth and survival are repre- 
sented by the Gompertz model. Although this approach is normally satisfactory for 
simple sigmoidal curves, the Gompertz model lacks the desired flexibility for mod- 
eling dynamic conditions that are relevant to commercial food production, particu- 
larly for thermally processed food. To meet this demand, future versions of the PMP 
will incorporate the dynamic model described by Baranyi and Roberts (1994). 

6.2.2 Seafood Spoilage Predictor 

The Seafood Spoilage Predictor* (SSP), produced by the Danish Institute of Fish- 
eries Research, is a predictive microbiology software package for the microbial 
spoilage of fisheries products. It is more versatile than other similar programs by 
being able to predict food spoilage with both fixed and fluctuating temperatures. 
Also, the SSP has two model forms, relative rate of spoilage and microbial spoilage, 
which estimate spoilage as a function of organoleptic change and change in microbial 
levels, respectively. 

6.2.3 Initiatives Leading to ComBase 

The UK Institute of Food Research has produced curve-fitting softwares** that are 
increasingly used by researchers to develop predictive models. The PC-based 
Microfit and DMFit programs both use the model described by Baranyi and Roberts 
(1994) to fit curves to time versus colony-forming unit bacterial growth data. Microfit 

* Danish Institute of Fisheries Research ( 
** Institute of Food Research ( 

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allows the user to compare the specific growth rates of different bacterial growth 
curves and to measure statistical significance. The DMFit program is an Excel®- 
based add-in feature that provides different types of curve-fitting programs and it 
plots the fit and the data for each data set. The DMFit software is an advantageous 
tool when the user anticipates incorporating the data sets into the ComBase relational 
database (described in the next section) because of similar data input formats. 

The Food MicroModel (FMM)* was a commercial package of models with a 
graphical user interface, similar to the PMP (McClure et al., 1994); however, it has 
been discontinued in its original form. The FMM received extensive use by the 
food industry and offered users simple formats for inputting parameter values and 
obtaining model output data. It contained microbiological broth and food-specific 
models for pathogens and spoilage bacteria. Because of the commercial nature of 
the FMM, the user had limited access to its underlying models and data sets. 
Recently, the data behind the software have been merged with those that were 
generated for the PMP as well as data from international collaborators and from 
the published literature. The combined database (ComBase) is freely available at The intention is to combine data and pre- 
dictions in a unified Web-based database and model package called ComBase-PMP. 


Predictive microbiology software packages are based on two main pillars: databases 
and mathematical models, and the scientific study of these belongs to both Bioin- 
formatics and Biomathematics. Most chapters of this book deal with mathematical 
models; however, the present chapter is primarily dedicated to the other two members 
of this triangle (Figure 6.1). 

The mutual dependence between mathematical models and databases is also 
confirmed by the fact that the ultimate tests for predictions are comparisons with 
observations. This can be done quickly and efficiently on large amounts of data only 
if the data-recording format is strictly standardized and harmonized with the respec- 
tive mathematical variables. 

Predictive software 

(mathematical models) 


FIGURE 6.1 Relationship between predictive software, biomathematics, and bioinformatics. 

* Leatherhead Food Research Association, UK ( 

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A database is a large collection of data organized especially for rapid search 
and retrieval. As an example, a typical, everyday-used database is a personal address 
book. Its computer form can be conceived as a table of rows and columns, where 
the rows and columns are termed records and fields, respectively. In an address book, 
typical fields are the name, address, and phone number. Fields belonging together 
(in our example, belonging to one person) form a record. 

When defining the fields, one must define the "resolution" of the database 
according to the tasks for which it is used. A field, such as the address in our example, 
could be further divided into town and street, thus increasing the resolution of the 
record. However, this may cause problems when such an address as "Oak House, 
Kingston" is to be recorded, with no street name. Therefore, if there is no special 
reason for further resolution, it is unnecessary to subdivide the field. A valid reason 
for further refinement could be if it was a frequent task to list those persons who 
live on the same street. 

Similar problems are encountered when building a database on microbial 
responses to the environment. For the benefit of a fast data search, those elements 
of information that are likely to be searched should be recorded in specified fields, 
in a specified format. Therefore, the first step when building such a database is to 
define the fields and their syntax, i.e., what values can be in a field. Typically, these 
values are either numeric (for quantities) or alphabetic (for categories). It is common 
to provide an interval for the values found in the numeric fields; similarly a list of 
values can be used to define the content of a category field. 

Because of the complexity of the food environment and the tedious nature of 
food microbiology measurements, predictive food microbiology is typically a sci- 
entific field where well-organized databases are in high demand. For example: 

1. The inaccuracy of measurements can be compensated by numerous 

2. The variability of responses is a main focus of investigation, and quanti- 
fication and modeling of variability require replicate measurements. 

3. International data exchange cannot be done without defining compatible 
database formats. 

Accordingly, the first question when building a database is: What to record? In this 
respect, the construction of a database is similar to that of a mathematical model; 
both are, in some way, the art of omitting the unnecessary. One cannot record all 
available information on microbiology experiments; some simplification and cate- 
gorization is inevitable. The way these simplifications are carried out is sometimes 
arguable, even subjective, but undoubtedly necessary, just as mathematical models 
are necessarily simplified descriptions of nature, to understand and predict complex 
phenomena. The distribution of information among database categories (fields) is 
parallel to assigning mathematical variables to certain quantities; the relationship 
between those fields, for fast search and interrogation, is parallel to relationships 
and equations between mathematical variables for deriving conclusions and predic- 
tions in a mathematical way. 

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In general, producing software of microbiology data commonly involves the 
following stages of development: 

Level 1 — Raw data: these are as recorded by the person generating the data, 

usually in spreadsheet format. 
Level 2 — Database: these are sets of data, systematically categorized and 

recorded, following a predefined structure (syntax). To create a database, 

one needs computational skill, understanding of the data, and the ability to 

make expert judgments when necessary. 
Level 3 — Browser: a computer program to navigate in the database. 
Level 4 — Simple predictions: these are usually interpolated values given by 

mathematical equations, for example, the FMM or the PMP is at this level. 
Level 5 — Complex predictions (dynamic conditions, growth/no growth 

boundary, probability of growth, Bayesian methods, expert systems): at the 

moment, no predictive software package is available at level 5. 

A new predictive microbiology initiative called ComBase is described by Baranyi 
and Tamplin (2002). It aims at pooling data in a common database for predictive 
microbiology purposes. The database will be a source of publicly available infor- 
mation on bacterial responses to food environments. 

One of the most important features of ComBase is that it can record not only a 
single value in a field but also a "pointer" to a table, representing the variable 
changing with time. A dynamic profile can be recorded this way, as a list of (time, 
value) pairs, for either an environmental factor or a response variable. ComBase is 
available via the Internet. 


The increased use of computer technology in food production, the widespread use 
of the Internet in business, and the increasing ease and speed of development of 
user-friendly software opens up a number of possibilities for software solutions in 
supporting decisions that are based on predictive microbiology. This section 
describes a number of ways in which decision-support software can contribute. We 
focus on the employment of a particular class of software programs called expert 
systems. These tools formally encapsulate knowledge and data and, given input 
through a user-interface, generate conclusions and analyses to inform the user. 

6.4.1 Types of Computer-Based Decision Support 

The simplest way in which computers can support decisions is to provide for 
intelligent storage and retrieval of data. This storage and retrieval can be easily 
extended to add documentation retrieval. More advanced decision-support systems 
can perform complex calculations given user input and then present results in 
appropriate formats. 

Beyond data storage, data retrieval and the implementation of calculations is a 
class of tools that can bring a higher level of functionality and knowledge to decision 

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support (Level 5 described above). These tools can bring more domain-specific 
knowledge to the decision-support function by including more complex knowledge, 
relationships among pieces of knowledge, and can impose a knowledge-based struc- 
ture on the decision process. 

Earlier in this chapter we discussed large predictive microbiology databases 
(e.g., ComBase) and model interfaces (e.g., PMP) that are derived from these data. 
Decision-support tools can be used to navigate across vast quantities of predictive 
microbiology information, retrieve specific information, and then to build and 
validate microbial models. Furthermore, decision-support tools can potentially 
direct the user to alternative sources of information when appropriate models and 
data are lacking. 

An example of more complex decision support is the use of expert systems. 
While a number of software tools whose functionality is derived from expert knowl- 
edge may be called expert systems, the term is most appropriately applied to software 
that provides advisory information based on a set of rules and algorithms for infer- 
ence based on the relationships underlying these rules. 

In these systems, the core knowledge is stored as a series of IF-THEN rules 
that connect diverse evidence such as user input, data from databases, and the 
formalized opinions of experts into a web of knowledge. Software tools are available 
to facilitate the development of these rule-based systems, including tools to handle 
the user interface and creation of an executable, stand-alone software product. 
Recently, the capacity to create Internet-ready expert systems has been developed 
and integrated into these development tools to greatly facilitate the dissemination 
of expert knowledge in terms of both the development time and the ease of its 
delivery to users. 

There are various examples of decision-support systems which encapsulate 
knowledge that is based in predictive microbiology. Examples include decision- 
support tools to be applied in predicting food safety and shelf life (Wijtes et al., 
1998; Zwietering et al., 1992), and a step-wise system structured as a standard risk 
assessment process to assist in decisions regarding microbiological food safety (van 
Gerwen et al., 2000). Other examples of decision-support systems for microbial 
processes are described by Voyer and McKellar (1993) and Schellekens et al. (1994). 

Expert systems provide two main forms of decision support. They impose a 
structure on the inference such that there is a consistent and deterministic pathway 
between user input, data, and conclusions. This is useful where the decision domain 
benefits from the assurance of consistency and where there is a desire to remove more 
subjective elements of decision-making from the overall decision process. For orga- 
nizations dealing with recurring and complex food safety issues, consistency and 
reliability of decision-making may provide assurance to buyers, regulators, and the 
organization itself that safety will not be compromised by unstructured or ill-informed 
decision-making. In addition to concerns for subjective and variable decision-making, 
the proper structuring of the decision (in terms of delineating and weighing the 
necessary considerations and accessing the required knowledge to support the deci- 
sion) may itself be the most difficult task for nonexpert users to carry out. 

A second form of decision support provided by expert systems is to capture and 
make available the expert knowledge itself. The result of the conversion of expert 

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knowledge into a set of rules that can generate advice in the absence of direct expert 
interaction could be a valuable asset for many institutions. Such tools may be 
particularly useful when provided to smaller organizations that do not have ready 
access to scientific expertise. The expertise that may be held by relatively few persons 
can be made available to many users who might otherwise compete for the attention 
of a few experts. In addition, time spent addressing repetitive enquiries can detract 
from the expert's own efforts in maintaining and enhancing his knowledge base, 
thus diminishing the overall generation of knowledge in an organization. With respect 
to food safety, a key ingredient in the process is the knowledge and decision processes 
that must be applied to assure a safe product. An expert system could provide 
assurance of the supply and the quality of this knowledge ingredient. 

6.4.2 Possible Applications of Expert Systems 

A number of possibilities exist for the development of decision-support systems 
based on rule-based expert systems. Examples (Paoli, 2001) include: 

Virtual inspection: Simulating interaction with an inspector to allow estab- 
lishments to self-assess their facility or a food processing operation. This 
may be of interest to large companies and regulators who find their quality 
control or inspection resources inadequate for the number of establishments 
that they are required to assess. 

Process deviation assessment: Tools which incorporate expert knowledge 
regarding the best actions to take in case of process deviations, in terms of 
assessing the seriousness of the deviation and in recommending corrective 
actions for the implicated product and the process. 

Problem-oriented education: Apart from providing expert advice, an expert 
system could be used to assist in education regarding the importance of key 
variables and to foster careful reasoning among operational decision-makers. 

In-line real-time expert systems: Examples exist (though not in predictive 
microbiology) of expert systems that receive real-time data and provide 
continuous assessments of the status of systems, based on the combination 
of these data and embedded knowledge-based rules that interpret the data 
for display to operators. This could be applied to food production systems 
where a complex set of variables requires monitoring combined with com- 
plex reasoning to assure safety and quality. 

6.4.3 Application to Qualitative Risk Assessment 

Of international interest may be applications in the area of qualitative risk assess- 
ment. While most of the recent attention in the field of microbiological risk assess- 
ment has been paid to quantitative risk assessment (see Chapter 8), there is increasing 
interest in the relative merits and drawbacks of a more qualitative form of risk 
assessment. The merits of such an approach include the speed with which such an 
analysis could be performed and the decreased reliance on quantitative data which 
is often unavailable. Some drawbacks include the potential for qualitative risk 

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assessment to become little more than a literature search with loose and unstructured 
reasoning and untraceable conclusions. 

Currently, there are no formal guidelines specifying what type of analysis would 
constitute a properly performed qualitative risk assessment. Were such guidelines 
to be developed, an expert system could be produced which encapsulated and 
imposed an appropriate risk assessment process, as well as some of the requisite 
knowledge that would be required to assure an adequate qualitative risk assessment. 
Recent work by Crawford-Brown (2001) is an example of a decision-support tool 
to assist in the development of a highly structured and well-documented qualitative 
risk assessment. Further examples of this type of tool might be of great benefit to 
those who would like to capture the potential value of systematic risk assessment 
while avoiding the computational and data burden of quantitative approaches. 


On the basis of the trends seen for the past ten years it can be said that the demand 
for predictive microbiology software programs will expand with increasing applica- 
tion of microbial models to food systems. This includes the use of predictive models 
for research and for the development of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points 
systems, product formulation, and risk assessment. Concomitantly, continued 
advances in database and decision-support software, as well as Internet technologies, 
will provide risk managers with better tools for seeking relevant information and 
making informed decisions. However, to sustain this effort, multiinstitutional collab- 
orations will be critical for managing the input, organization, quality control, and 
dissemination of large quantities of predictive microbiology data. Ultimately, these 
advances will provide researchers, students, and educators with greater access to 
information for improving the safety and quality of the food supply. 


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