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Michael A. Aquino 

TTT^P— 1 R 

u AO * ' November 8, XVII 

The reason for my silence during the past month is about to be explained* I 
have been out of the country. During the first part of October I participated 

m a JPS 68 ° f tourS of MTO installations in England, Belgium, and Germany 
arranged through the World Affairs Council. I haven't been to London and 
Brussels since 1958 or to Germany since XIII, so it was interesting to see the 
changes and non-changes that have occurred. It was surprising to discover ' that 
London^ which I had supposed to be a nerve-center of occultism, has only one 
tiny bookshop - "Atlantis" - dealing in the Black Arts. It is perhaps 1/4 the 
size of Gilbert's in L.A. or Weiser's in NYC, and I made no discoveries within 

J? 6 * 68 ,! The owner ^SP 1 ^ 8 ^ to -display a stock of our informational 
pamphlets, however. 

Cta the next block I bumped into the London office of E.J. Brill, the Dutch 
publishers who once published Seth , God of Confusion hardcover and expensive. 
For many years it has been out of print; now it is back in print softcover and 
less expensive (48.00 Dutch Gld.) We will explore ways to order this unique 
volume at minimum inconvenience to Setians. 

i„™ Mt ?r ***** ^lusion of the NATO tours, I was able to undertake a 
long-awaited personal quest. In "That Other Black Order", an article on Nazi 

? C ^ 1 1S J L^i°^ I ^ r °* e f ° r Cloven Hoof #IV ~ 4 < A P ril VII) FDO-1, Appendix #40], 
L2?2E? J Heinricb Hinmler had appropriated a. Westphalian castle, the 
ffl^S?2i. ^ + ^ r* 1 ? 1 * 3 " for ritual and Black logical activities of the 
frustmt^ ? \Z to obtain details concerning the Wewelsburg, the more 

S2 thp L^r^Jrl™* ^ * pparent that a****" after author had simply 
recited the half-paragraph's worth of rumors first published in the mid-1 <W0q 
No one had troubled to visit the castle [if it stilfexisted] nor photograph it! 

still U e^istJ h - S ,J a ^ m ° nth ^ i here 5 ore ' * ^d no idea whether the Wewelsburg 
«J3T2 sift sea^. WhGther *" *"*** *» qUeStl ° n bad ^ destroyed? 

S g L\lS P f as^lther <2 " ^ ^ ^ ^- SSf ooSTS 

directional marker K^hlo^T^?^ ^ U P ° castle to te ««• ™ en » 
arner ( Zum Schloss ) pointing down a back alley, with more twists 


and turns - and then: Castle' Wewelsburg, apparently intact and perfectly 

preserved, and virtually invisible even from the town because of the surrounding 

forests and terrain. As seen from above it is in the shape of an isosceles 

triangle, with : the keep at the north apex and the other two towers at the 

southwest and: southeast corners. :■ 

Passing the small guardhouse (with a defaced but still legible "SS" stone 
emblem atop), T crossed the bridge Ttop left photo] to the main entrance in the 
east wall, entered the courtyard,, and knocked at the door of what was evidently 
a small museum of the castle's medieval history. In answer to my questions, the 
elderly curator politely informed me that the two ritual chambers were very much 
intact. Would I like to see them? Indeed I would, thank you! 

The Wewelsburg is used f except for the museum and the two ceremonial 
chambers] as a youth hostel; some of the children can be seen in the top center 
photo, which looks down the courtyard towards the keep or North Tower. Entering 
the North Tower from the courtyard brings one to the "Marble Hall". 

This circular chamber [bottom center photo] is completely unfurnished, save 
for two black floor-candleholders with red candles by one of the doors. Into 
the center of the red marble floor is set a rune-wheel f bottom left photo] made 
of green stone, with the central disc of black marble. Each rune points to one 
of 12 green sandstone columns fthe tops of two of which are visible in the 
bottom center photo] , forming cross arris vaults above 12 windows also framed in 
green sandstone. The chamber's only other decoration is a roughly-hewn block of 
stone above the door with the black candleholders. 

To give yon some idea of the wild distortions that have been published 
concerning the Wewelsburg, the following is quoted from Francis King's Satan and 
Swastika : 

'"Hie center of the castle was the great banqueting hall, 
furnished with a gigantic table n round which were placed large wooden 
chairs - almost, thrones - upholstered with pigskin and with the name 
of the rightful occupant inscribed on silver plates. In these chairs 
Hinraler and his favorite subordinates would sit both for conferences 
concerned with mundane matters and for group meditation - long hours 
of silence in which the participants were supposed to strengthen their 
ties with the 'Race Soul'. Besides Hiirmler himself, never more than 
12 SS men were allowed to sit down at the table; the reasons for this 
are not clear, but it is possible that he was either blasphemously 
parodying the Last Supper or seeing himself symbolizing the sun 
surrounded by the 12 signs of the Zodiac. 

"Above the banqueting hall were Himmler's own rooms ... Below 
the hall was the crypt, the 'realm of the dead', in which 12 
unoccupied pedestals were placed around a stone hollow. On the death 
of each of Himmler's chosen 12, his coat of arms was to be burned, and 
the ashes placed in an urn on one of the pedestals ..." 

In actuality the floor emblem and other architectural features of the 
Marble Hall make it clear that the chamber was never designed to contain a 

' ' 


"gigantic^ table and^ppSaSl^ SO^no^f S^JSS NIT' ^ ^ 
pigskin, nor with silver namenia+o „w - large le ather - not 

dicing hall was a thirl JSS hall Sl*?*^ to [I tFied ° ne ° ut] - ™ e 
rco.s were not above an^of the toeX?t ^ ""^ "S 1 ' Hi ™ ler 's own 
Neither the library nor the «I^™ *' the ^ vere *■ the southwest tower, 
separate rooms on different tu££ " Hl,m,ler ' s rocms ; tbey were in 

signi^ancTrathef ton a^perSnal^n *s" ^S^ teve a ^"/ooanic 
offices, each headetf by aJTXSS^SS f 6- « [There TOre 12 «**»! SS 
•ould have excluded the llth: Ser^E^f <*** Genena > '' A >*-*** *"« 

North^owS! 1 ?o en^if ot 1 ^^ dir6Ctly beDeath ^ ^ble Hall in the 
the North ToweM^eVinVa"? ™LV? t°oof Se^TS* w f t0 *• *- * 
leads do™ to the Hall (top/botZ righ? phoSs P ^ Pb ° t ° h 

A stone stair 

« a concealed sioke vent^ Cc^S; ^s^illo^c^: "* ** *~ 

argue^a^ ffiffi?? blinfd^fgn^as^ £2 *" * «*"*» ° f «» *»"* 
enough or protected enougn tor fi^l ' 2? are the a Vestals high 

statues or live individual^ m° IZZuL Ti ^ f ™ P latfoIms *» either 
standi upon a pedestal, one can t^S^ fwJsVin^y oSr S oftle 

bonfir^s.^lS 1 £&£ tecte ^I*r Tral ^^t ^ DOt deSi ^ ** 
Places an individual at theWstWocS Z X ^° !f X descend «J into it; it 
converging focus of the li^V-Wnf^f 2 the chamber - as well as at the 
^e effect is devastating? ^e sSrslith^i^t f™ ST* 50 * wlnd< * P ass ^ es - 
« an otherwise shado^d\ n d darken^Tcha^r • aS oS^ *? *»»*». « stars 
to a whisper or raised to a shout - Is ma^nTf^ °S S T° 1Ce " wbether lowsr e° 
back to the focus. 1S ma « nlfl ed and multiplied and mirrored 

*ether°? mS^be n able to t ^eM ed ^ a ^ raUSem, r0CCTS ^^ the curator, I enquired 
uprise he assented p^oSg^t^ 6 - 1 " -^ HaU ° f the Dead »l«e. To my 
returned alone to the Hall? ^^ * Jf^in" ^V 08 f ° r «* ke ^ * d * d ^ 
henceforth refer to as the We.lsbu^klng. "S i^^ta senate 

™^aS SKTS-ift- J*—-. r ™ ^ ^to the 

Having^ton^ut it'in toffiffiLtV*?* ^ ^^^erg complex. 
« ™y description ffron tritrSsMJSgfigJb ' w^ Kg. -*"- to - 



I am pleased to report that it more or less does, save that Kfertin 
Bormann's tunnel into the Kehlstein mountain begins with copper/bronze doors and 
is 130m long. The brass elevator takes only a couple of minutes to reach the 
Eagle's Nest, and there is no flagstone in front of' its upper door. On the 
other hand there is a very conspicuous flagstone right in front of the big 
fireplace, so I expect that the 10 commandments are entombed there [or were 
until Indiana Jones & party went off with them]. 

Adolf Hitler's own house - the Berghof - is now so completely overgrown 
with forest that it's impossible to find it unless you know where to look. fit 
took me a half-hour's plunging around in the underbrush]. On Walpurgis 1952 the 
ruins of the Berghof were dynamited by the German government; only one partially 
underground room remains. 

Back in San Francisco I am now recovering from jet- Jag, reading mail, and 
pondering many things. 








The Wewelsburg Working 
Michael A. Aquino VI° 

Date / Time : Cfctober 19, XVII / 3:00-4:30 PM 

.location: Hall of the Dead/ "Walhalla", North Tower, Wewelsburg Ctetle, Germany 

Key: 19th Part of the Word of Set, Aethyr LIL 

Purpose : 

"J°° b ^ a f V 11 Understanding of the significance of the crisis that 
befell the Temple of Set in June- July XVII. 

- To energize the advent of the Working Year XVIII. 

" «m£tir. th t+ I eWe i S ^ g waS conceiv ed by Heinrich Hirrmler to be the 

tne Str^f de thlf t r' V* 1 *" toCUB ° f tbe Hal1 ° f the *** ™*> * 

powerSl lo^us. ' ^^^ the Powers ° f D^ess at their most 

Results : 

-«■ 'the «^T e-SffiT^-aSSX ^ & ^&£\5£"« 

20th ^S S^r l* G h Va m T US r^ CllBl ° CCUltiOTS ° f the 19th ^ 
understood the object of thte to V?„ consclousn f s almost as a pageant. I 
inconsistencies -TvaL spiral JL"5« SESTV*, ""^asts , inaccuracies , and 



still, surprisingly, peripheral to the central concept being approached. When 
at last all veils had been removed, and that concept was revealed, it was so 
simple as to seem at first antic limactic and almost disappointing. It was: the 
phenomenon of life. 

Instantly I regretted my impatience and arrogance, my lapse into easy 
disappointment. Too many doors had been opened, too many forces unlocked and 
unleashed for this to be the ultimate impact of the Working. Then it was as 
though a "test" were passed: The basic concept of "life" became a sort of focal 
point, like that of a refractor telescope, through which the energies of the 
Working passed. The initial "dialectic" had reduced all to a pinpoint of fact, 
and now that fact, unencumbered, was expanding to full significance. 

Human beings are accustomed to thinking of "nature" as including all 
animate and inanimate life forms, themselves included. It was the approach of 
the Church of Satan, and later of the Temple of Set, to single out 
self-consciousness as the characteristic feature of That which stood in contrast 
to the harmony of the natural cosmos. In fact all life has some degree of 
intelligence [not to be confused with self-consciousness], and somewhere within 
that intelligence is a subcomponent of self-consciousness, which only becomes 
evident when the level of basic intelligence is relatively high. 

The error in any operation designed to strengthen the self-con sciousness 
necessarily follows from the fact that self-consciousness is a function of the 
core intelligence, and there are many other functions of intelligence as well. 
Initiation thus treats a "symptom", not a "cause"; this leads the "cure" in 
unanticipated directions. 

The Church of Satan and the Temple of Set have grappled with this problem 
for all the years of their existence without recognizing its actual depth. 
Strengthen, exalt, and encourage the Willful Self and you cannot avoid 
strengthening the natural instincts as well. No human being is free from these; 
they may be kept in check for years, but in eventual moments of stress, 
weakness, or stimulus they will break free. They may be either creative or 
destructive; this is not a mere "Jekyll/Hyde" scenario. 

All initiatory efforts that are not deliberate frauds - from the most, 
childish to the most sophisticated - are conceits of the self-conscious 
intellect. Those that profess to be natural, universal, nirvanic, or otherwise 
"Right-Hand Path" are ultimately exercises in self-delusion, if in fact the 
adherents actually believe in their own rhetoric. Sooner or later the 
masquerade becomes tiresome, the daydream' boring, and the devotee discards it in 
favor of other sensory stimuli. The anti-natural systems of the "Left-Hand 
Path", on the other hand, think to suppress sane aspects of the intellect while 
strengthening others. What results is a condition of strain which, should the 
tension become too great, will snap back to an equilibrium which may be more or 
less viable than it originally was. 

The intelligent mind cannot be "escaped" so easily. If it is argued, 
convinced, threatened, hypnotized, drugged, or diseased into non-rational 
channels, then its self- con sciousness mil merely reassert itself in some other 
form. This, I understood in the Wewelsburg, was the "magical epitaph" of Nazi 
Germany: That, in fighting against certain features of the mind, it had seemed 



at first to succeed - but then had thus unleashed other, even less desirable 
features of that same mind which had previously remained in some rough degree of 
socially-controlled equilibrium before this ultimately disastrous experiment in 
conscious evolution" was attempted. 

The chamber in which I stood, I now realized, was nothing less than an SS 
laboratory for experiments in "conscious evolution" - a sort of "Krel machine" 
without computerized, science-fiction accoutrements. It was not designed to 
teach or educate, rather to mirror and enhance thoughts and impulses already in 
existence. Hence its effect on the consciousness could be devastating for 
better or for worse. 

The 18-year experience of the Oiurch of Satan and Temple of Set now began 
I^iSm^u ^ a new P ers P ectiv e- Anton LaVey had thought to enhance conscious 
^ 10n ^ freein f the «** frcrn self-imposed emotional prisons. He did ^ 

™SollaW^ri^r CeSS ' ye lT W t0 MS **««** di™y that new and mo?e 
M S£ lable pri sons were erected in their place. Whereas the initial ones 

Sf ^Itv tll-* 05 ^' how T r " resulting in minds more or iess twctSS 

inteUectSl towLT Plants were the product of randan, unforeseen 
Sm^i unbalances. In a few cases the results were those of at least 

this ^TnTt JS ^^ ln blamlng thS or g anization of the Church of Satan for 
^•^hat organization per se was not at fault; if anything it was a 
S± 1Z1 £? influence. When he decided to exploit the oSS£tta£ Vj^5 
of St S C ° herently withln " fel * ponged, .said so, an^forS ?he ijl 

It exSoitS m no e one- ff „£* if ^"^ t0 ** the ** rfeCt initiatory organization. 
^t !!?, m t' * offered ev ery conceivable opportunity to everyone. Its 

rXtlon^fnon^^V^ ** Church °f Satan was a cortnitS to Ihe 
v!^.i° n ° f °°?f«nse, occult or otherwise. The future, it seem«i ™, n . 

was a 

^°'7" u ! nonsense, occult or otherwise. The future it seemed 
banquet of intellectual evolution at which to feast. ' 

seeme^hjffi dashed^ 'in ^r^^* %* *?.*>*«* initiatory medium, it 
it had though to soft the Stl2r»fflSr ^f Ant ? n UVey had attaCked - 

. -4- 

The forces that would lead to the destruction of the Church of Satan in 
1975 were not set in motion by Wayne West in 1971; they were activated on 
Walpirgisnacht I. Similarly the Temple of Set, thinking that it had destroyed 
those forces in 1975, had succeeded only in closing certain doors to them so 
that they would have to find other means of manifestation. After an initial 
delay, they did. 

Ndw, in the Hall of the Dead, I sought a solution to the dilemma of the 
18-year Working. Is the lesson of X-XVIII ultimately that There Is No ^y Out - 
that all initiation is merely Russian roulette in fancy dress? 

•i J^* h6re the Ur ^ erstandin g "that had so far come so powerfully and clearly 
failed me. It was as though the Wewelsburg, having discharged a "battery" that 
had remained charged for 40. years, had no more current to provide. 

Having drunk at this magical fountain of youth, however, I myself felt 
energized as I had not since the North Solstices of V and X. The Hall of the 
Dead now seemed an insulation against randan discharge of this energy. Action 
must now give way to reaction; how should I direct this reaction? 


-f ., In rr ^ considerin g this, my attention came to rest on the concept of the Order 
oi the Trapezoid. As will be recalled, this concept as employed by both the 
uiurcn and the Temple has gone through many adjustments and redefinitions over 
xne years. Yet it has endured and attracted because it seemed to "sav 
something that the Church and the Temple could not. What might this be? 

Pr.-5oJ^^ g +u b °^l P eTiods ^en it was not employed as a synonym for the 
Priesthood the Order has been used as a talisman to evoke a kind of diabolical 
schadenfreude, a grim enjoyment of the predicament of self-conscious humanity. 
Here you are in a state of Satanic self-awareness," it seemed to say. "You 
cannot escape it; you cannot change it for the better - or for the worse. 
Therefore: Sbcjerience it; savor its taste, sense its exquisite : pain and 

fl^f 1,6 ;- n0t wallow in it: like an animal in warm mud; rather cut it as you 

would a fine gem and behold the brilliance of its facets." 

^ *h?S ^JSing this song of Lorelei, the Order has seemed oddly antithetical 

rS 2?^ ^5" f nd Temple of Set ' ^ of uMch incorporated the premise 

of self-awareness but which then promised different types of escape rhanee and 

25225? T hUS . i he justification for «*S£d£ f ^eU S' the 

S^Sf^^^^^ 1 " AS an '^-DoPPelgaenger" of these 
?hefr 2h£S ltu * lons > ho ^ver, the Order's name and presence has waxed with 
£ LT -l Dd ™ ned With their «ee«ee. rt 1« not an "evil antithesis" 

I*in™ of DaVk^ess? * nmored imase ~ M alte ™ate setting for the Graal of the 

"Mittef™ ^^JJiS? thG ^ HeinriGh Hi ™ ler?s Sanctum Sanctorum and 

^Ht J? *? > T J* e F ^ rthly f ° CUS of ™ at ^ ich has b ^en thus 

~ d \ ^ e 0rder g f ™ e Trapezoid. The reality of this chamber rushed in 

tiSllat th?™* n ° 1 H ^^' ood w*. no ordinary rccm minted and decorated to 
M X p,??' 1.285 inmates of the Niederhagen concentration camp died 
Te Walhan* JZ StrUCt ^°" °f the lfe«elsburK for the SS. If the Marble Hall and 
the Walhalla were memorials to a certain unique quality in mankind thev • 
serve as grisly reminders of the penalty which mankind^ys Snat qSlity 




°arrett s subsequent conrpnt- « ^ -. Satanic trident. T c;o w n^ no1 ^ 

connected. - 9 C ° nCept - a «*• Pentagon, with the four „j^ r S 

following chane-pc;. 7^ xc ls a return to the initial es4«7i . he 

But the Order of +h« t%. 

So It Is Ebne. 
