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GTije Vampixt $refcrator Mbit 

Jntematwnal Copprtgijt 

temple of tfje Vampire 

311 ftigfjte &mrteb 

y itf}in lien tart anb fanrp, 
bitty ana metaphor. 
boitf) care. 


dealing tfje Stetral 

Cxtenbtng tfie Astral 

ik&ng tfje Stetrat 

Ufa W&t of JRea^on in #amjriri£m 

&fj£ ^amptru: Mill 

Realms ®f)e Mitral 

QLi)t electric fire of tfje liteforce is taken fap tfje Sntoacb Preatb hut tfjen must fat storeb anb not 
toaSteb. Sflje fwman bobp is similar to an electrical battecp anb fust as toitb a battery, tbe cells 
can Leak atoap tbe cbarge ober time, &a too, tan tbe batterp be Subbenlp braineb, sborteb out 
Wfyat is important to unberstanb is tbat tfjere is a ttirtct relationsbip between tbe pfjpsical 
mental anb emotional state anb tte enecgp capatit? of tte bob? from moment to moment 

ftbrougb tte centuries of fjuman cMijation bifferent elements of tfce tectniques of Vampirism 
babe been passeb to mortal canbibates to suit tije purposes of ftfjose Mtjo $abe ftisen. 3n tte 
last centucp master £bgerlp fcoas one suet ffliman tobo became fasrinateb toitb tte fact ttat so 
manp of tfje toorlb* s leabees in politics, literature, tteater posscsseb suet an abunbance of bitalitp. 
%t, as fjabe otters, biscobereb "tte secret of tteic greatness." £et ttrfjat <£bgerlp uncobereb teas 
onlp pall of tte essence of Vampirism, $e biscobereb ttat an ocbinarp buman able to conserbe 
tte tifeforce of #$ ohm bob? mill builb up reserbes of potoer ttat toill probuce a totbe cange of 
benefieial effects. 

$e torote, "^aitfjout instruction of an? kinb, tte fjabits of libing, anb babits of using tte potoers, 
toill cesult in tfje appearance of tijis gift Wk babe talkeb uritt man? sucb men anb toomen! 
gxnne of ttem tabe been knotam to us tfjrougt a course of pears. W& babe mabe a berp large 
collection of little ttstories cobering surij cases, So ttat toe tabe bnn able to get at tte basic facts 
ttat unberlie tte acquisition of tfjis potaec. 11 

Mitt permission, fc publish ttese bebuctions in 1873 anb subbenlp founb bimself braining tte 
attention of some of tte most famous men anb toomen of bis time to inclube TOUiam felabstone, 
tte prime minister of (great Britain, <£btoin ^oott, titleb tte "prince of diapers" anb one of 
tistorp's finest actors, Slexanber iflribOle £ell, Speect expert anb fatber of tte inbentor of tte 
teleptone, ^enrp ©Harb ^eecter, famous orator anb minister, anb Balpb Malbo Cmerson, to 
name fust a fern, gs pou map surmise, be mas being useb bp tfje temple but please cemember, 
"3t is better to be useb tfjan to be useless." 

Otters in bifferent times anb otter climes babe been sboton elements of tte tetfjniques of 
Vampirism, ^ome rare feto fjumans babe inbepenbentlp mutA mucb of ttese secrets anb tten 
been bucrieblp ustereb into tte presence of tte 39itbeab to ensure cooperation tobOe otters, less 
pliable, abruptlp banisbeb from tbe face of tte eartt foreber. ®tese impure traces oC Sampiric 
trutt can be founb in ttoisteb form brittin certain pogas of 3mbta (tbougt ignoreb bp tte great 
spstemist ^atanjali), tije tantra trabitions, tte Maoist magical practices, anb toitfjin tbe mobements 
of manp banee forms from JSlalapsia anb $olprusia to tte staman's prancing gprations. 3m 
mobem times tte flam of bebuctions babe abalanrfjeb barb suet names as fceict, ^oebstrom, 
^belbrake anb (Einstein coming to minb. (Otters babe noiceb tfjeir knotolebge moce openlp as 
taten Napoleon stateb brtjen first seeing a boltaic battecp, "^eijolb tfje image of life: «2Tbe spinal 
column is tte pile, anb it is bettoeen tbe positibe anb negatibe poles." 

Conserbing tfje gatfjereb lifeforce is bital to pergonal accumulation not onlp toe personal 
bebclopmtnt at tfje mortal tend, but also as tfje means to fjabe an attractfoe offering foe tfje <&ber 
&00S. tfbgerlp toas remarkable in tfjat fjis foeus teas almost rntirelp on preserbing tfje pool of 
lifeforce naturallp bebelopeb anb aboibing neebless taaste. as fje tocote, "3f all losses from 
Leakage eoulb be Stoppeb, notfjing more tuoulb be requireb. ftfje training anb stub? eoulb cease 
rigfjt at tfjis point" J&t true from a Eampiric standpoint but suitable enougfj a trutfj tor a 

^obj rfjen sfjall tfje fining Vampire rcbure anb remote tfje loss of tfje lifeforce fje gatfjers? 

Jfirst is emotion. 3n particular tfje emotions tofjirfj inbolbe toorrp, bepression anb pessimism are 
♦fjose tofjicfj quicklp brain off tfje lifeforce. Zo inbulge in melancfjolp is a la?p tfjougfj popular 
fjabit among fjumans. QTije counter to tfjis is to relax anb abanbon futures tofjicfj map neber come 
bp focusing upon tfje present anb eternal moment Action taken to beal tariff) legitimate concerns 
is also a successful counter to tfje emotions tfjat brain life. Slso unpopular, taking action 
requires analpsis of tfje troubling problem, planning of tfje solution anb tfjen tfje courage to take 
tfje action requireb to enb tfje problem. 

^11 of tfjese teefmiques are aioeb bp means of inculcating true todlpoboer, tfje bebelopment of tfje 
toilt farfjicfj is a future aspect of tfje <£uter ®eacfjing calleb ftfje ©eibentificarion process, £>ome 
of tfje exercises of tfjis tearfjing tutU. leab to tfjis bebelopment of brilL 

$ut in essence, toocrp tottl spill tfje cup of life before eitfjer pou or tfje Ancient <&nes map brink 
of it &ut it out of pour life noto! 

^econb is lack of nerbaus control, ftfjis is rebealeb bv toasteb, automatic motions sucfj as tfje 

tapping of fingers, tfje toiggting of toes, anb enbless, purposeless motion of tfje tongue. Gflje 

tibgeting of tfje irritable, nerbous, restless fjuman is braining out tte lifeforce anb utterlp 
prebenting iti accumulation. 

Just as it is necessar? to $z& control of useless, braining emotions it in also bital to acquire 
self-control ober nerbous, restlessness of tfje bobp. QKHfjetfjec pou are mobing fingers or buttocks, 
tapping, squirming oc rocking, rubbing pour cfjin or ttoibbling pour tfjumbs - £>&#$! gwnplp 
stop, m tfjis moment 3nb tfje next grib tfje next 5n sucfj a manner are neto fjabits formeb. 

_€erbous control extenbs to more tfjan merelp fibgeting, fjotoeber. 3&apib speecfj, talking too fast 
or too mucfj, also brill brain off tfje energp stores. jSegin note to sloto pour speecfj beliberatelp. 
jflake eberp bwrb count Bo not be anxious to fill in tfje emptp space of silence tofjen taritfj 
anotfjer person. Jireatfje anb relax. &peak hjitfj intention anb control. Consiber tfje examples of 
SSSinston CfjuecfjiLL, Jf rariklin iRoosebelt Bouglas iHae&rtfjur, anb if pou fjab tfje pleasure to 
bear fjim, Bisradt 

223f)en pou speak slotolp anb dearlp, pou are permitting pour breatfjmg to support pour bwrbs 
anb pou are also going to finb tfjat otfjers bull be aftecteb far more b? tofjat pou sap. ftfje liar, 
tfje sneak ttjief. tfje cotoarb toiU feel tfje pressures of fjis fears anb speak rapiolp anb 
btreatrjlrsslp. Hfjus. on unconscious lebels, all tjumans -Sense tfjat tfje rapib speaker is 
untrusrtBortbp anb probablp fjibing sometfjtng. 3Tt> calm speaker is associated toitfj 


Self-assurance, confibence anb Ijonestp. &fjus tofjcn pou speak more slotolp, fjumanS toill trust 
pou anb beliebe pou. 

TOs is also tfje beginning of sorcerp. 

Sit abbition, tfje attitube of expressing rfjronic irritability bleebs atoap rfjc liteforu. (going tfjrougfj 
pour bap toitfj "a cfjtp on pour SfJOulber ,, is notfjing more or less tJjat carrping a set of 
Self-befealing beliefs toitfj pou. 3t is repeating to pourself, "Cberptfjing altoaps goes torong for 
me" or "3 just can't tain", for example. ftfjis is tip equibalent of a self-curSe. &be So-calleb 
fjumorous Statements of "iHurpfjp* S lain" onlp cause an exacerbation of tfjis tdeakneSS. 

W5$± it is true tfjat mortal man is boomeb to hit anb hit again ttje seconb beat}), eben surfj as 
tfjese can enjop tfje moment of life spreab before tfjem anb cast asibe tfje momentarp obstade to 
tbat enjopment €at brink anb be merrp for tomorroro pou W&TL1L bie is an improbement ober 
tfje olb quote, $umor lenbs perspectibe to earb moment of life tfjat migfjt otfjertoise brain atoap 
tfje lifeforce. 

Jfmallp, baste makes toaste. J?o more fjurrping, rusfjing or toilb running to "catdj up". JfirSt 
of all, most fjumanS Simplp are too la?p to plan abeab to be reabp in abbance for barious ebents 
in tfjctr libes. Cfje? bo not Stop anb tonsiber preparation time, trabel time, anb fail to alloto for 
ranbom factors hrfjicfj can cause abbitional belaps. tEbus tbep are consistentlp rusfjing anb 
consistentlp late. 

gfoto Boton gnb $lan &fjeab. 

^ou babe cfjoSen to enter into tfje fjope of immortal life. Het tbe concept of eternitp alter pour 
bietopoint again, turn to tfje uncortupteb prebators of tfje animal bwrlb for bireetion. tSTfje cat 
tofjetfjec bomestic bousecat oc African ^abannafj lion, mobes toitfj bignitp anb grace. OTtfjout 
reason to act fje rests, TOtfj purpose to mobe, fje mobeS efficientlp, smootfjlp anb toitfj economp 
of motion. 3f it is tfje moment to leap, to run to pounce, bis mobement is Stotft anb birecteb to 
tbe purpose of killing. 

,©ou bo not see surfj a magnificent beast cbetoing gum, bobbing its fjeab, toiggling nerbouslp toitfj 
no reason to bo so. & lion tottl not toocrp but act! Cben in captibitp brfjere tfje unnatural 
enbironment causes tfje creature to pace bis confineb quarters, toatrfj fjim mobe smootfjlp, turning 
at tfje enb of fjis toalk toitfj an elegance of motion tfjat is a tfjing of beautp in itself. 

3nb brfjere bo toe see nerbous, neurotic mobements but in tfje bomesticateb animals peimeb anb 
broken. &{je Slobenlp, crube stumbling of cattle, tfje frenetic tofjicltoinbs of purposeless energp 
from Small, urbreb pet bogs, tfje caring quick actions of tfje tinp mouse scurrping to fjis bole - 
tfjese are tfje signs of creatures lacking Self-tooctfj anb inner control. tfjese are tfje peep. 

Sou \ms^ to be a prebator. ^Ijerefore, begin noto to tfjink, feel anb mobe as a prebator mobeS. 
311 becb bumans respect anb are programmeb to obep tbe prebator fjuman. £ou babe numerous 
contempocarp figures to obserbe to benfp tfjese trutbs. 3BoeS tfje cfjurcfj leaber, national leaber, oc 
armeb forces general speak rapiblp or Slotolp? Soes tfje brug bealer, supermarket casfjier, or 

ruafj fjour (!) commuter ebibence calm reserbe oc nertjous irritabilitp? WBtkt) group is obepeb? 
2J2ai]icb group in potaerleSS? TOjicfj group bo pou belong to? 

$ece, note, i* an exercise to establisb iron toiU, to feci tfje floto anb bissemination of ttje lifeforce 
rtjcougfj pour bob? anb to seal tfje astral from losing life essence. 

Beab Stillness 

fitting g>till 

Wits] pour back unsupporteb, ait erect, sfjoulbers bark, peUxs tippeb foctoarb, fjeab balanceb 
birectlp abobe tfje spinal column ga^e birectlp aljeab at some object preferably tfje Seconb fjanb of 
a clock Bo not mobe. J§ecome like a statue. 2§e as solib as a cock anb. like a rock, be totally 
motionless, tfberp muscle, eberp part of pour bobp sfjall be stilL $egin toirb ten Seconbs tfje 
first bap anb tfjen abb 10 Seconbs eacfj anb eberp bap until pou are still for 90 seconbs. 

gtfanbmg &ffl. 

£>tanb erect but bo not lock pour knees. $lare pour arms curbeb before pou as if pou toere 
carrping a barrel toitb pour palms totoarb pour cfjest at tfje lend, of pour solar plexus. 3tfje 
banbs must not toucfj eacfj order but remain a fraction of an inctj apart. Pegin, as tottf) fitting 
^tuX tool) ten seconbs anb bulb batlp to 90 seconbs. 

as pou perform tfje exercises of Seab Stillness eacb bap pou toill biscober tfjat it toill leab 
quicklp to a sense of perfect calm anb self-controL 3tfjen, tofjen pou are in a situation tofjicfj 
arouses irritabilitp toitfjin pou, fjolb Still! tS^je effect of pour training toill immebiatelp replace tfje 
upset toitfj calm, &lso tofjile performing tfjese exercises notice tfje surge of energp flooring 
tfjrougfj tte bobp as tfje lifeforce penetrates beeplp. isoon pou toill feel ttjis neto potoer groining 
uritfjin pou. 

also it is common for tfje breatbing to sloto anb seeminglp stop as pou perfect tfjis potoer stance. 
Jfurtfjec, in a barkeneb plare pou can see ttje gloto anb energp sparks of tfje lifeforce bertaeen 
pour fingertips anb enentuallp proburing a bluisb gloto ober all expoSeb Skin surfaces. 

<2Tbe essence of all tfjese neto ijabits anb tfjese ttoo potoerful exercises is tfjat pour minb sfjoulb 
altoaps be calm, J^otfjing fjencetortb todl bisturb, irritate or oberlp excite pou. ftfjere toill be no 
toasteb motion on anp lend, in pour experience, ail toill leab to a perfectlp calm bobp anb minb 
rfjargeb toitfjm bp rremenbous energp to be offereb up in magical ritual as a perfect sacrifice to 

tfje &ntieab igobs. 

Cboose noto, tfjis berp moment to be in control anb pou are. 

Me tottl te toatcfjmg. 

Cxtenbmg QCije antral 

Z/ampirism, tfje taking of tfje lifeforce, can fat arfjiebeb fap toucb, fap sigtjt, bp contagion anb bp 
minb alone 3let us note explore Vampirism bp sigfjt 

&fje reatitp ot tfje Vampire braining off fjuman bitalitp toitti no more tfjan a penetrating glance is 
knoirni cm beep lebels a* real bp aU fjumans. &frs is tfje source of tfje toorlbtoibe anb 
cross-cultural fear of "tfje <£btt <£pe" or iflal* occfjto. "&be epe is tfje toinboto of tfje Soul" anb up 
means of tfje Sampirir tecfjnique hie sfjall note exploce, pou toill learn fjoto tfje soul can be braton 
out tfjcougb tfjat toinbobi ana absorbeb as energp for life. 

fc&e &burpu Sistjpu states: "Ofe ^oob is tfje life." (3t ii also interesting to note tfje 
reflection ot tfjis ancient quote in tfje ^ubeo-Cfjristian ?Bible in tfje lioofe of Seuteronomp t223 
"-Joe tfje bloflb is tfje lift-."). Wot 'Woob" is f of course, tfje astral bobp. 3n essence, pou are 
pour astral bobp hrfjidj inputs anb ettlibens tfje pbpsical bobp. Pbpsiral beatfj in notfjtng more 
nor less tfjan tfje permanent toitfjbrafaial of tfje astral from tfje pbpsical, at tofjidj point tfje 
pbpsical rapiblp hua^ into leSSer elements anb cDmpounbs. 

TOjen using toutfhEampiriSm, tfje teeijnique of brabring out tfje lifeforre b? pbpsical tourfa, it 
must be cemembereb tfjat it is not tfje pbpsiral toucb tofjicb matters. ftatfjec, tfje act of making 
pbpsiral contact toitfj a btetim also entails tfje Pampire's astral bobp penetrating tfje bietim's 
astral bobp. Ss pou map recall, tfje astral bobp tenbs to be Someinbat larger tfjan tfje pbpsical 
(bepenbmg upon a barietp of factors not pertinent to tfjis biscussion) anb arfjen pou pfjpsicallp 
contact a bictim tfjen tfjere is an oberlap of tfje too astral bobies tfjrougb tofjicb tfje Hifefocce can 
floto. &bere are fjisber ifflpsteries concerning tfje barietp of refinements anb augmentations 
abailable for tfjis anb earij categorp of Vampirism, fjobjeber tfjese are toitfjbelb for tfje ^riestfjoob 

<Ebe Vampirism of sigfjt requires a sfjift in pour unberstanbing of cealitp. |9our astral bobp 
acts anb mobes anb sbapes itself in accorb britfj pour toOl anb pour limiting beliefs. m>i& 
particular biscussion s(jall open tfje boor to a toibcr toorlb in tofjicb tfie possMitp of mobing 
crube pbpsical matter bp intention alone as toeU as tfje classic #ampirir pobjer of sbapesfjifting 
tall increasinglp become a trutfj for pou. <&uite tranklp, eadj Step along tfje patfj to acijiebing tfje 
Sampictc Conbition is a step into greater trutfjs concerning cealitp anb, from tfje perspeetibe of 
tfje canbibate, a transformation of realitp itself. 

Zo take tfje lifeforce requires a penetration of tfje btetim" s astral bp tfje Vampire' s astraL &&ere 
must be contact, penetration, merger, union. 3n otfjer taorbs, tfjere must be no space faettaeen tfje 


J&e BTMtwt barrier to permitting tfje Vampire to extrnb fjts astral to connect toitfj the bictim is 
m barrier of tfje Vampire's belief in space. 3m trutfc spare is a non-existent illusion. <B®hen 
tfr jUusioii ; of spare is banisfjeb in tfc belief Spstem of tfje Vampire, eben temporarilfTSen 
otfcrtoise invisible" ebents berome commonplace, Snotolebge of ebents transpiring afa 
bistance torbopartce) becomes unberstanbable if tfjere is no Space separating tfr perceibec from 
ttje perceiteb. &U normal pfjpsical mobement of mattec requires pfjpsical contact Men pou 
fftasp a toineglass bp its stem tfjece is tfje possMitp of pour mobing it because tfjere is no space 
bettoeen pouc fmgers anb tfje glass stem. <&nre tfjc contact is mabe anb pou knoto it, then it is 
possible to exert effort to mobe tfjat glass. <Snce space is banisfjeb bettoixt Poursrtf anb a place 
ot interest, tfjen it is possible to gain knotolcbge of tofjat is transpiring tfjere. 

tKjje fee? botoeber, is bepenbent upon altering tfje belief spstem long enougfj to encompass a neb) 
relatumsfjip to exist bettoeen tfje Vampire anb tfje bistant place,- tfje toineglass or the birtim. TOs 
relationship is one tfjat exclubes a belief in tfje realitp of Space. ™ TOBUI " m mmL m * 

^V^l*™*** f toucij, smeU anb taste bring us into birect contact toit£ tfje object of our 
Iff, 5^T^ f* **twUiSS Stem anb pour grasping fingers tfjere is no gap, no Space. 
<£nlp sigfct anb fjeanng beceibe us into beliebing tfjat tfjere lies a bacuum bettoixt tofjat toe perceibe 
anb our organ of perception. 

Jet tbece is anotfjer toa P to bolb tfjis perception. 3n tfje (juman languages "sigfjt" implies 
altoa?S tfje concept of tfje seer anb tfje seen. Me commonlp fjear Someone sap "5 see tfje object" 

* JV"**' ™™*™* Lebel* actuaUp means "3, ober fjece, see tfje object ober there, 
tfjrougfj tfje space of tfje air bettoeen us." m 

whw I « %%£** *** ** ** ^ ***>* from tfjese mstorting, sdf-fjppnotising 
b^b-bescr^tions Hirjftf giben off or reflecteb from tfje surface of Some object enters the epe, 
|>assuig tfjrougfj tfje lens, toucfjing tfje retina. 3n otfjer toorbs, tofjat pou see is light anb the 
Ugfjt is toucfjing pour epe. Remember tfjat anptfjmg tofjicfj is toucfjing lacks space. Cherefort 
ttere is no space bettoeen pou anb anptfjing pou See! ' *^ 

as pou ga?e tipon tfjis page pou retain tfje illusion tfjat tfjere is space bettoeen pou anb the page 
pou are Seeing, W^xt is m tl ^ou are not actuaUp seeing tfjis page, anptoap. jfirst pou are 

?*JFZ «? ^ rC,MttiJ * m wri ^^ true «rf aU tfjat pou see. |ou bo not birectlp 
see the toorlb as it is, but pou see onlp brfjat tfje toorlb rejects! (3n fact tfje toorlb is quite 
different from tfje \aap it appears). 

Returning to tfjis page, fjotoeber, pou onlp can see it because tfje ligfjt tofjirfj carrieb tfje image is 
touching i*urepes. 3K pou close pour epes for a moment tfjis toucfj is interrupteb anb pou see 
nothing, &ujfjt is tfje action of touching ligfjt anb tfje organ ot tfjis action is pouc epe. 

fi£ rf ^t 1 f*l fa * x*f* ^ *" l*"* 1 mann£r - «** *« noticing pour 
fcsum of tfje bwrlb arounb pou anb begin to practice constant atoareness of bo* pou are touebma 
ttje toorlb pou See toittj pour epe*. ^ w^ying 

SlitZ- tS^^S"* Peseta*, pou brill begin to notice boto pou feel connect to 
tobateber pou see. % tactile form of seeing toiU begin to groto in pour experience. Sou toiU 
mrreasinglp feel tfje space arounb pou as pou can feel pour clotijing on pour bobp. 3nb in fact 
tbe Olusorp nature of space tottl become increasinglp unberstoob b? pou as an experience. ' 

S^TS. ? * m J%** T? P0UC tot ****«» «** « « pour perception of pour bisual 
toorlb #nce pou get tbe feel for it it is ttjen tnrreasmglp simpU to btsuall? toucb a bictim Jn 
spatial terms, pou babe Uarneb bote to extenb a filament or tentack of pour astral to read, out 
anb contact tfje tatan. Eo pou it requires tfje stjift to spaceless-sigbt tto tbe bittim it is aU the 
Same. -^ 

mm sucb contact tfjere is simultaneous penetration, m* action of bratoing in requires tije same 
manipulation of tbe breatb, tobile breaking contact is arfjiebeb bp so simpU a ml as LS 
pour ga^c. ■ 

£or the Sampu-c using SUgBait, sigftt tbe raw or tbe bunt bctomts no man or less 
ten tbe scan rf btf tasion. Mbat be sets be can toucb tor seeimj is toutbins. 3n aU o£ tin? 
bistante a purely aiusorp. ®be limit of helices causes tbe unconscious atS ot tbe asteal to 
be restra.neb or releaseb ant, it is as easy to brain tifeforce torn a buman sigbteb tbrousb a 
telescope a mile atoap as it fs to take from one bdb tigbrt? in one' s arms. 

3@eab grtiUness 

from tbe object pou ga?e upon. Jf eel tbe abject anb remember rfjat pou are tourijing tbat object 

®J)e €pt m Zi)t ©ragon 

Experiment also toitb tbe exercise of cohering one epe anb cemobing space from an object or scene 
before pou. £f)is i* an important exercise. 

Me tottl tie toatcfrng. 

efcing tfjc gstral 

am &-/ 

Le babe exploreb Vampirism fa? doucfj anb bp &igfjt in earlier morks. Jfcb) Let us turn our 
attention to Vampirism bp i&pmpatfjetic Contact 

Ss pou map remember, Vampirism relies; upon astral contaxt sucfj tfjat tfje lifeforce map be 
brabm from tfje bictim into tlje Sampire. 3Jn Eourfj Vampirism tfje pfjpsical contart ensures 
astral contart Since brfjen rmo pfjpsical bobies toucfj tfcetr Sometofjat larger astral forms are 
alreabp interpenetrating. 5n &igbt Vampirism tfje Vampire extenbs a filament of fjis astral bobp 
out to tfje bictim, along tofjicfj tfje lifefocce is bcaton. 

£pmpatfjetic Vampirism relies upon tfje continuous toeb of astral contact binbing aU pfotfical 
entities. 2ft all times anb in all places tfje astral bobp is "sticking" to tfje objects pou contact 
Mfjen pou toucfj tfjis page, a filament of pour astral continues to connect pou after pour pijpsiral 
fjanb is tottfjbraton, dime boes little to bisturb tfjese connections. TOjen pou consiber fjom manp 
items pou tourij in a single bap, anb fjoto tfjere are subtle lines of energy connecting pou to earfj 
of tfjem, pou can begin to see fjoto pou ace surrounbeb bp a toeb of astral tfjreabs. &tjis toeb of 
life fjas been knoton bp manp names ober tfje long fjistorie* of [jumankinb. "dije Wkb at 
Mprb" bias an ancient Celtic name; so too bias "tS^je Skastja" as it bias bescribeb in tfje ancient 
Cast Snbian Eeoas. dfje manp metapfjors for tfje spinning of tfje toeb of fate toece also braton 
from tfjis astral realitp. 

&fje more contacts toitfj anp one object tfje more astral tfjreab connections tfjat totll result dfje 
more connections present tfje stronger tfje astral connection. Jlence, tfjose items fjanbteb anb 
toom bp tfje fjuman on a batlp basis babe tfje strongest connections tofjile single casual contacts 
are tfje toeakest Jfaboreb jetoelr? taorn often anb for manp pears, surf) as toebbing rings, 
torisrtoatcijeS, epeglasses, ete^ babe pobjerful astral connections to tfje toearer. Stronger still are 
tfjose pfjpsiral elements of tfje bobp itselt surij as nail parings, fjair, stoeat blcob, etc. Since tfjese 
are intercotmecteb from toitfjin tfje astral bbbp anb are saturateb toitfj astral connections £ess 
potoerful bobilp excretions are pfjpsical substances onlp processeb tfjrougb tfje bcbp Sucb as 
bomitus anb urine. Since onlp a feto tjourS before, tfjese toere exterior to tfje bcbp as foob or 
toater. Sfeuallp tfjose items tofjieb pass tfjrougb tfje bigestibe tract tofjicfj is, after all, onlp a 
tube tfjrougb tfje bcbp, Ijabe fetoer connections tfjan substances brfjicfj pass out tfjrougb tfje skin. 

do utai?e ^pmpatfjetic Vampirism, tfje Vampire must make astral contact toitfj tfje item of 
spmpatfjp. dfjis can be eaSrtp accomplisfjeb bp mecelp tourfjing or fjolbing tfje item as, for 
example, in bribing a scarf belonging to tfje bictim. ?|abing alreabp mastereb dourfj Sampt'rism 
anb gngfjt Vampirism, tfje Vampire bull usuallp quirklp biscober tfjat tfjere is tfjat same 
"tingling" feeling tfjat occurs totjen a bictim is at fjanb. dfjis is tfje stage of penetration. 
Jfmallp, tfje Same Sntoarb lireatfj is taken to brato tfje lifeforce from tfje bictim along tfje astral 
tfjreabs, tfjrougfj tfje item of spmpatfjp anb into tfje Vampire's astral bob?, freaking contact is 
clear cut in tfjat tfje Vampire neeb onlp pfjpsicaUp release tfje item in question bp, sap, bropping 
tlje scarf, dfje act of letting go of tfje pfjpsical item is a berp clear unconscious signal foe tfje 
breaking of astral contact So tfjat tfje lifeforce boes not floto back again to tfje fjuman. 

Sistanee in irrelevant &s tfje Vampire sfjoulb fjabe learueb in bebeloping &igbt Pampirism, 
space t5S berp murf) an illusion from tfje antral perstpectibe. 3t is onlp from tfje more common 
fjuman perspective tfjat toe speak of astral tfjreabs forming a toeb tfjrougfj spare. 3n actualitp, on 
tfje astral tfje connections are totallp compresseb as it one toerc taking a spiber's toeb anb tfjen 
squeezing it into a small, bimenSionleSS ball $3juS, tfjere is no belap in tfje reception of tfje 
lifeforce tofjetfjer tfje bictim is in tfje next room or on tfje otfjer iii)t of tfje planet &np sucfj 
belaps in reception of tfje lifeforce are simplp an inbication tfjat tfje Vampire fjas not pet mabe tfje 
connection astrallp. 

3m g>pmpatfjetic Vampirism toe can see tfje multitube of magical formulas useb tfjrougfjout all 
tfje centuries anb in eberp cultuce to tfjis bap. ®je ^ocbun practitioner toill gleefultp siei^t tfje 
nail parings of fjis intenbeb bictim toitfj tfje same intentions as tfje Siberian sfjaman. 3T(je 
ancient fjuman magical practice of pfjpsical bloob sacrificial magic rose from tfjis same concept 
Itfjpsical bloob is extremelp toeU. ccmnecteb to tfje astral bob? anb tfjus an excellent befjiele for 
braining tfje lifeforce or birerting astral tfjougfjtforms back to tfje bictim. ®fjus tfje fjuman 
magician commonlp turns to bloob as a means for overcoming fjis lark of bebelopment in magical 
pcarttce. 3n otfjer toorbs, tfje Vampire unberstanbs exactlp tofjat fje is bring anb fjoto be is boing 
it ?£p tfje regular, usuallp haiip practice of Eampirism, tfje Vampire becomes increasingly 
capable of blocking toitf) tfje most snftffe anb tenuous astral connections to take tfje lifeforce from 
fjis bictims. Consequentlp, fje boes not neeb intenselp potoerful connectibe agents, Sucb as bloob, 
to accomplish fjis enbs. tEfje fjuman magician, toorking blinblp from toitfjin a maje of 
superstitious beliefs anb taboos, must relp upon tfje most potoerful means to boprfuUp arfjiebe fjis 
enbs. 3Tfje fjuman often uses a slebgefjammrc brfjen a gentle toucfj from (jis finger sfjoulb fjabe 

?|rre, again, toe must repeat our teaming: 

Winttv no circumstance boes tfje temple aobocate tfje taking of lite in tfje 
performance of #ampirtsm nor in an? of <£ur ^acreb &ites, 8np Suefj actton/S 
iutll result in permanent anb irrebocable expulsion from tfje ftempie anb tfje 
reporting of an? saib acts/s to tfje appropriate laiu enforcement autfjoritieS, 

billing is not onlp unnecessarp, but moulb, at tfjis time, be in apposition to tfje intentions of tfje 
Slnbeab igobs ©Hfjom toe serbe. Bo not incur tfje 33lratfj of tfje ©nbeab! &fje Spocalppse 
comes tofjen all toill be cleanseb! 

Commonlp in tfje fjuman performance of magic toe see tfje Same elements of Vampirism but 
lacking true insigfjt oc sopfjistieation. Cfje fjuman magician toill take tfje nail parings anb binb 
tfjem into a max figure toping tfjat somefjoto tfje figure is linkeb magicallp to tfje butim. $3jen 
as tfje magician bribes pins into tfje figure, fje expects tfje bictim to be ibenticallp fjarmebl $e 
ioes not unberstanb tfjat tfje astral connection bettoeen tfjose nail parings anb fjis bictim permit 
astral communication onlp! ^e boes not unberstanb tfjat if be kneto tfje Secret fje coulb brata 
lifeforce atoap from fjis bictim eben unto beatfj! i|e boes not unberstanb tfjat if fje onlp kneto tfje 
merfjanics, fje coulb also project astral effects as toeU, surfj as obsessibe emotions or intentions. 
£bese tecfjniques anb secrets are belb as ifipsteries for tfje 3Jrater temple, but tfje astute 
Pampire stjoulb alreabp begin to unberstanb tfje funbamental principles inbolbeb. 


2£eab &tillneaa 

(&econb Augmentation) 

Wfytnttez practicing fitting g>ttll or £>tanbing &till brop tfje illusion of time. £>top comparing 
tfje timeless present moment to an? otfjer. &implp "be" in tfje present moment of eternity. 

ftfje accomplisfjment of tfjis exercise requires tfjat pou stop boing Sometfjing mcntallp. £et tfjece 
be no illusion regarbing tfje fact tfjat tfje inference of time requires an actibe mental effort to 
acfjiebe. tJTfee sitting meoitations of Cfj'an (Hen), tfje STfjerabebte ^Bubbfjist mmbfulneSS 
mebitations, anb. tfje boms of ascetic magicians from time immemorial mere greatlp concerneb toitfj 
-nabting tfje practitioner to brop tfje mental {jabit of assuming, tfjat tfjere is a flom of time, tfjat 
tfjere is a pesterbap or a tomorroto. 

&ecogni?e fjoto it requires tfjougfjt to create tfje illusion of time, J?ote fjoto pou must compare tfje 
current experience of tfje Senses toitfj memories oc expectations in orbec to fjabe a "sense" of time 

|. but tfjat tofjen pou cease tfcis comparison pou enter a timeless, comforting anb Serene ambition. 

g 3Tfje calm pou feel comes from no longer furiouslp generating time. 

Cxplore tfjis carefullp anb recogm'?e tfre potoec of connection outsibe of tfje illusorp bounbs of 


Close one epe tofjen baubling an object for tfjis exercise, ftemobe space anb feel tfje astral toeb 
of connections totjicfj brings tfje lifeforce of tfje tetim into pour bobp. 

again, tte remobal of Space in a recognition tfjat Space is a concept pou create, usuallp on a 
preconscious lebel Closing one epe fjelps to rebuce tfje perception of beptij, tenbing to "flatten out" 
tfje bisual picture, &s pou ga?e upon tfje target object feel fjoto tfje ligfjt from tfjat aimt in 
toucijmg pour epe, Remember tfjat tofjen ttoo tfjings toucfj tfjere is no space bettoeen tfjem. 

Efjere is a tatinitz Sense of "dirking in" to tfjis atoaceneSS tofjicfj remobes Space. Efjis is tfje 
object of all Pebic pogas in tofjicfj tfje practitioner Sttk* to "feel tfje oneness" bettoixt fjimself anb 
anp object of mebitation. ftfjen come potoers oner tfjat object bue to extenbeb ibentification ralleb, 
in ^ansfeit ^amabfji practice anb perfect tfjis pcactice! 

Wit toill fie toatcijmg. 

-frttecestiitglp, tfjis unbertfaiiMng of tfje illusion of briar tax call «hW« ,« *« «# . ^ , 
^ecausfe ptra are, pm can neter cea*e to be. 


ftfje Witt of fteaaon m mmpittm 

"3 exalt mp rational minb anb fjolb no belief tfjat ist in befiance at reason.* 

- tEbe Vampire Creeb 

"3 tfn'nk, tfjereforc 3 am 3B&JJ&€<R<£38&!" 
- on a button at a Vampire Conrlabe 


all begins toitfj reason. 

iflost people, tfce herb o£ fjumanttp, usuallp trp bcrp barb not to tfjink. Wcm> aboib this 
unpleasant task tofjeneber possible, ^je? choose jobs tjjat require little or no cceatibitp anb 
bdigenttp struggle to make a routine out of tbeir eberpbap tasks as quicktp as possible to spare 
fhemselbes tfje biScomfort of artibe tfjougbt Wijzn tbe? go borne, tfje? flip on tjje television set 
so the? can passibelp matcb tfje local, anb international gossip calleb tfje "netos." ®pon occasion, 
tbep tall go out on tfce total bp sitting numblp in front of an eben larger screen at the cinema. 
m course alcohol anb otber brugs are fjeabttp relieb upon to blank out tije minb ttntfj more tweet 
cbemical control u 

Jo tjje aberage human goes ffjrougb frs life attempting to Sijirio fn'mself from tfjoSe Situations 
W migbt require tfje mental effort of inbepenbent tfjougfjt Entire multi-miUion bollar inbustries 
exist soielp to bistract anb ocrupp bis minb bp means of "entertainment" anb brags. 

mip is tfjis so? TOjp boes fee aberage buman So baigentlp aboib tfje use of fjis minb? <£nc 
Mjunng politician after anotfjer rises regularlp to bemanb to knoto brfjp mobern ebucation is such 
a failure, tob? our srfjools gracuate iUiterate ibiots tofjo can neitber balance a checkbook nor 
compute a simple fob application. £et in case after case, toben teacfjers bntfjin tfce srtjool spstem 
stnbe to instruct stubents in critical tfjinking anb applieb logic, tbeSe rebels are quicklp tfjroton 
out of . tteir teacfjing positions into tfje street! OTjat is it tfjat is So Dangerous about encouraccuur 
toe wbiiabual to tfjink? 

WW? are hie being brotaneb in toabe after toabe of attempts to £01 our minbs toitfj garbage' Se 
certain about ttjis fact ftbere 3& a besteb interest bp Ofjose »jo tooulb babe tfjc masses kept 
StupuX bruggeb anb "entertaineb." Unlike tfje mob of fcome, tobo toere kept from idleness bueto 
tear of tobat tbep migijt bo to tfje ruling class otbertoise, tobap's mob is kept untfjinking not out 
f TSJ?* dS Part rf ** W&Btewmt process. &be masses are passibelp entertaineb, a situation 
tor tofjieb tbep pap beaclp. &be papment is not merelp mabe in bollars lost to tfje entertainment 
mDustr?, but in lost libes tfjat toere neber libeb. Sfce bours of minbless aboibance of tbougnt 
stretcb mto baps, toeeks, months, pears until finaUp tfje poutbful person toitb bderrjt breams is 
Lett toceekeb on the bark sbores of a toasteb life, "iUumi^ateb ,, bp a catbnbe rap tube. 

3m tobap's toortb pou babe onlp one clear cfjoiret to tfjink or not to tfjink; to control oc be 


Wot Vampire \$ one toijo tfjinks anb control's, tlfje Vampire anotos tfjat brugs arc for slate*, 
mfjetfjer tfje brug in Question is superstitious religion, spectator sports, tfje entertainment inbustrp, 
or ttje more usual cfjemiral brugs. Wot Vampire recognises tfje neteSSitp tor tfje masses to be 
anb remain bruggeb. GSHfjile fje tooulb neber soil bis oton fjanbs toitfj tfjis curse, tfje Vampire 
unberstanbs farfjp tfje masses are being fjelb in cfjecfe bp minb-numbing brugs. Wot ruleb migfjt 
otfjertoise rebel anb upset tbe natural orber of tfjings. Controlling pettier bepenos, to a large 
extent upon tfje masses of (nimans being anb remaining enslabeb tfjrougfj tfjeir oton ignorance. 

TOnking is an act of efjoiee, a bolitional act. 3t requires effort to tfjink anb tfjinking skills are 
onlp improneb toitfj practice. 

3Tfjere are tfjree burbles to be obercome befoce being able to cfjoose to tfjink in anp ginen situation. 
Wot first burble is simply tfjat tfjinking 3is> bifficulL 3t uses energp. 3n an? giben situation it 
is altoaps easier for tfje tnbibtbual to Sap, "GiHj, rrjat's too (jarb to tfjink about rigfjt noto." @t, 
"35' m too nreb eben to begin to tfjink about tfjis." 

Wot problem, of course, is fjoto easilp tbe babit of continuing to put off tfje choice to tfjinfe 
becomes establisfjeb. procrastination becomes tfje rule, anb not merelp temporary procrastination 
but permanent procrastination. Wot tragebp for rtje inbibibual trippeb up bp tfjis first burble is 
tfjat it ii usuallp a life-long (jabtt bp tbe age of eigfjt anb ii fullp supporteb bp a Societp of 
slabes tofjo all agree tbat tfjinking ii a boring, arbuous anb usuallp futile toaste of time. Wotp 
are tolb in telebisicn soap operas anb metoS bocumentarieS, bp tfjeir srbool teaefjers anb in tbe 
comic strips tfjat reason isi impotent in a tooclb tfjat exists fceponb trjeir compcebension. flftjep are 
tolb to gibe up anb get along as best tbep can, accepting tabateber little scraps of pleasure ace 
passeb out for tfjeir consumption bp tfje mass mebia tfjat rules tfjeir eberp tfjougfjt 

2§et for tfjose toijo refuse tfje abbiction of tbe manp brugs of societp tbere isi a curious retoarb. 
?Bp not paSSibelp flofcoing toitfj tfje entertainment inbustrp anb bp not entering tfje cfjemical 
anestfjesia of recreational pbarmaceuticals, tfje Vampire biscubers be note baS botfj tfje time anb 
energp to cfjoose to tfjink. SnSteab of Hix bourS of flickering tribia on tbe telebision, tfje neto 
Vampire can take tbe time to tfjink about stub questions as, "3S&bat is important to me in life?", 
"3m 3 boing brfjat 3 enjop boing?", anb lloto can 3 improbe mp toap of lite?". $fje neto 
Vampire can contemplate otfjer issues of no small importance surij as, "OTjat, if anptfjing, bo 3 
reallp otoe to bumans in terms of mp time anb monep?", "Boes it make sense for me to stap 
tofjere 3 am?", "l>oto mucb longer bo 3 toant to continue if tfjings bon't cfjange anb fwko can 3 
make tfjem cfjange?". 

^fjus tfje Vampire, free of tfje abbiction of societal brugs performs tfje most bangerous of all 
acts: be tfjinks. 

Wot seconb major burble to tfje cfjoire to tfjink inbolbes seconb-fjanb tanking. JHost of tfje sbeep 
toba are bumans neber tfjink about anptfjing on tbeir oton. Wotp beliebe brfjat otfjers sap. Wot 
slabes attenb tfjeir cfjuccbes anb are tolb, "Bo not tfjink. JEdiebti". ^f course, brfjat tfjep are to 
beliebe is tofjat tfjep are being tolb. 

W)t common man betiefces brfjat autfjontp figures tell fjim. %t listens to testimonials for 
beoborants from basketball plaptrS anb accepts as trutfj anptfjing enoucrb of bis frienbs agree to 

mfcSV^LfJSSf K !J '""if* Cb !? ,,an tdtte "S^t *«ys it i* M if* so. Suy foot taho 
2? hSi'f* f "f ■*•«***« *e hostage's family. Sfc emotionally traumatS, 

Sl?Vf J*^.fi^^.^ &* te «»*** * ■**«»? ■* bate, afte 
wf2Lfi£»£ **"**»" in »**«•. * W •*** fnato somcfcng Jieing a 
to^mato tbe tochm an expect m fats obm «, a.! toell as fa, the eye* at otfaecs bfspiu artLl 

3mplicit in this tea, fan tfae single sentence that bestcoys the pcfte ant self-esttcm of all tobo 
uttec tt. eta m Wt fcfaat hftben, usually unspota, question tfaat berlartf that man's soulls 
" M * a cfcacactec nnneb is. "iSHho am 3 to futoto?". "isafto am 3 to hW? ™£ X? 

authority oc expertise, "iSHho am 3 to unohtf" mucbers the human souL 

«e anstoec to ft.s question is the clarion tall of our religion, Sfce anstoer to tftis confession of 

anstoec is, fou are the only one tobo must (moto!" 

SLJSir - .*! "T" - "**'"• "» *■* *» ««* *** Bnotolrbgt boes not consist of 
Uamms conclusums but of cattonally unberstanbing alt of the steps of tc«Ll reaiomnT^TlS 

W* £**■*« not ftnotolebse. 3n fact, bat fa tfae war* of taototeoge. JUmembcr chat 
fattb « faetos sontethuts to fat true totthnut any efaibencr to bo so am, often in befiancTof X 

^ ^TfSJT'^J*^*- m Vmfkt boubts «"• *« W* »<* as tbe supcemt 
test of hnotolebge anb cfers « because boufat is necessary factor* fmotolebge can fae attaint. 

h£ ?£j?tl ISS" to ft tWtt J? ** « "* * Ufa* f* emotion. 3®e are not Speahmg 

mmSXS^ST- PJ2 "^T^ to ** * PCntoU ? uncomtortafaU^ta 
that can artse that tout cause tfje ptcson to stop tfjinbing. 3 call this the "minb-brabt." 

^fSf ', T "^ '^ ^ toorilsi Some * nB fa to "' 1 " , N' 1*6 «nses an 
St,* 8 " * "*«■ **«« 3 « smtins faoto tiose tofao conZu hours " 

OTto h.^^ t J*f "f" ** SOme * nB "^ " 3 "" ""tastanl. Wwt ftt is saying 

^st'Z^* 3 ! 3 ' 01 ' 5 !f" i*"""" 51 *" *" ff0inS " *»«*• * fa"* ««■« threatening. 

eSSnTwL « ? rtt05nl?e ** * ? Mt ^"8 * mini, - br ^ anb tfais alonr 

ewams tofay m so many cases people tottl not beac most of tofaat has just tnLb to them 

College pcofessocs (wfae an olb saymg, -?JeU them total you taOl trtl tfaem: iEeU them: !©e»MI 

tfjem tafjat pou tolb tfjem." SSHitfj conscious entities fiudj tactics art selbnm necessary. 33Jitf) tbe 
bruggeb masses, fjotoeber, tofjo selbom tfjtnk about anptfjing, it is altoaps necessacp. 
&ecentlp 3 toent to one of tfje larger furniture stores in mp area anb purcbaSeb tor cast) an 
expensibe reclining armcfjair. ®!jt salesman toas not rusfjeb anb carefullp torote up tfje orber, 
took mp monep, tjanbeb me tfje receipt anb tfjen informebme ot tbe bate of beliberp. flCtoo baps 
tollotoing tfje promiseb bate of beliberp tfje torong djair teas belibereb. 3t toas tfje tocong color, 
tfje torong stple, tfce torong sbape. 3 returneb to tfje store, confrontcb tfje salesman anb 
biscobereb be bab toritten boron not onlp ttjt torong orbtr number tor tfje djair 3 purcbaseb, but 
eben torote baton tfje torong bescription. Wfyzn 3 askeb fjim tobp. tie explained, "tfberptme makes 

&bat toas a lie. Jfirst someone tjas to be present to make tfje mistake. 3 bon't knoto tofjo it 
teas tofjo torote up tfje orber for mp cfjair, but it toasn' t tfje Salesman. %t toasn' t tfjere at tfje 
time. Jfyt toas sometobere rise, bruggeb out of fjis minb, out of reason, out of simple atoareness. 
3s tfjis so bifferent from pour oton experiences toitfj most tjumans? Snsteab of results, tfjep gibe 
excuses, lame excuses. dftje manager of tfje store explaineb tfje belap in mp beliberp bp stating 
tfjat tfjere bab been a fjoliba? tfje toeek before. 3 askeb fjim, n Wai tfjis national fjiibap an 
unexpecteb surprise tor pou? Wasn't tfjis fjolibap occucreb eberp pear tor tfje last ttoo fjunbreb 
pears? 3Bib pou forget tfjat tbe fjolibap tooulb come again tfjis pear? (^r bib pou srfjebule 
briberies tofjue pou toere sitting at borne toatrijing telebision on tfjat fjdibap?" 

again, like tfje salesman, tfje manager toasn' t tfjere. %t coulb gibe a crube excuse anb, because 
tbe bumans be tooulb normallp talk to useb tbe Same excuse, tbe excuse tooulb "make sense" to 
tfjem. ibince tfje masses are also simplp trping just to "get bp" in tfjis toorlb anb bo as little 
conscious toork requiring tfjougbt reason anb attention as possible, tfjep unberstanb surb excuses. 
QHje? bdiebe in surfj excuses. QHjep libe op Sucb excuses. Qfytp also bie bue to tbe results of 
surb excuses. 

<3Hje Vampire, on tbe otber fjanb, bnotos tfjat to be present, to be in mental focus, to be atoare of 
tbe facts of realitp anb to use reason to ibentifp anb categorize tfjose facts in a logical tasfjion 
results in retoarb. Wat Vampire knotos it is not onlp easier, it is imtmnadp easiec to bo tfje job 
rigtjt tbe first time, ^m ounce of planning x& toortb a pounb of cure" coulb be carbeb abobe tbe 
gates of tfje temple. 

<2Tbe Vampire knotos tfjat tobile it takes effort to cfjoose to tfjink, it ii far more expensibe not to 
pap tbat price in terms of fjuman suffering anb tfje balue of tfje life be leabs. Qffje Vampire 
balues boubt as tfje toudjstone of reason, ge is atoare of tobat otfjecs sap anb tfjen asks fjimSelf 
bibp be sfjoulb accept tfjcSe assertions. W^z Vampire bemanbS rational proofs anb refects faitfj 
as a beao-enb to a beab minb. Wp Vampire fja* $* courage anb toill to cboose to tfjink anb 
consiber ibeas tfjat map malte fjim feel uncomfortable So as to learn tfje trutb. QTrutfj is tfje 
knotolebge of tfje facts of realitp. 3Rje Vampire resperts reason as tfje onlp balib guibe to surb 

SSSbat is reason? 3|oto can toe use reason? !3re tfjere limits to tfje use of reason? 

iiot long ago 3 receibeb a letter from a person tofjo claimeb be toas a Vampire anb askeb me tfje 
tollotoing question, Jfyz torote, "3 can agree toitfj pour temple's ibeas about reason being 

inW T m l 2 ^°H 5ft* f? -tt * but W" catl *« d*™ flat reason t* tfje only toay tor 
** t£ ^^P *«** flat tfjert ace fjtgfcr mystical tntfifft)^ into truck TO* bo 

LSEL KL !5f2! J"* ,st 5' tou * e ** are «* in *»- «** « w«i«* 

"eberyboby" boes not knob tfjts. 3n tact, no one can knoto tfjis. 

QTbrouabout fjuman fwtorp tfjere babe altoays been mystics tofjo proclaim tfjat tfjey hate an exalteb 
means to knotolebge. gob or anotfjer supernatural tunnel tfjey claim, (janbs to tfjem b.'rect 

"SSL'Tft x rEaU l?- •*** 0tt?er ' "** ^^ ^ man *■** fle mystics babe 
aSSerteb tfjat tfjey neeH not make the effort requireb to foentif? tfje facts of reality anb categorize 
them accoebmg to tfje rigors of logic to biscofec tfje trurfj. Jfr tfjese tooulb-be "superior beings" 
cUwn that reason is only a munbane anb ratfjer cumbersome metfjob compareb to the bibtne potoer 
of "instant knotomg" tfjat tfje mystic claims to fjabe aefjiebeb. 

%m of course toe see tfje real motibation befcmb tfje confuseb mumbling anb loub rabing of the 
mpstirS. ftfjey bon t toant to make tfje necessary effort tfjat tfjinking requires. Ofjey toant <§ob 
£ VT SI?* 1 **!?" 1 * *"* flem tfje results of tfje effort tfjey art untoiUing to make. 3to 
toant tt> mte or tfje Mocan or \&& to gibe tfjem tfje fully-bigesteb essence of tfje truth. 3n 
Short tfjey toant a parental supernatural potoer to bo tfjeir toork for them. 

^J^f { * m *"* ***** m * pur5uit rt a "*&* mtm * to kutokbae tfjrougfj mysticism 
is total Delusion. 

Reason is t*je non-contrabirtory ibentification of tfje facts of reality anb is tfje onlp balib means 
to acquiring knotolebge. 

tJTfjere are Seberai toorbs fjere of bital importance in unberstanbing tfjis befimtton. Ohe most 
important toocb to befine is knotolebge. 

iliystics anb tfjeir felloto trabelers bo not tike toorbs to be precisely befineb. Obey line in a 

T^J n ^tJ^ V *° mt me9t & eba,cmc rf &* **** flat a tfjing is tofjat it is, tohat 
anstotle callrb {elate of Sbentitp. JS* tfje mystics insteab betiebe that anytfjing can become 
anpttjing else anb tfjat notfjing is separate from anytfjing. &fjey libe. in a murky uniberse in 
tofjirh ibentity is unreliable, eber-rfjanging anb an illusion. 3n stjort tfjey libe in the toorlb of the 
psychotic. " 

f !£!$?* S^J? mtksai ® bstinetn entfrte *- ®° Ac psyrfjotic, a toaU may bissolbe into an 
automobile anb tfjen a nurse anb tfjen a monster, fl psychotic cannot trust tfje uniberse of his 
experience anb has learneb" tfjrourjfj ti* fjaUucinations tfjat notfjing remains certain anb anything 
can be anb act like anytfjing else. 

<Eijis is tofjy toe Lock up psyefjotics in mental mstitutions. &fjey cannot be trusteb not to harm 
WnstUx* or otfjers Since tfjey no longer can bistinguisfj bettoeen tfjemselbes &nb anything else, 
at is toorse tfjan tfje blinbness tofjictj afUicts tfje physical eyes alonr. it is far toorse than 
oeatness tofjere tfje pfjysical fjearing is impaireb. 3t is total bistortion. 


3Jt is tbis retreat from realitp \xfoiti) leabs to tiie toorlb of tbe pSpcbotic knotolebge is tbe single 
element in tbe toorlb tfjat stanbs bettoeen tbe psfpcfjo^isf of blinb mpsticism anb otjjettibe 

MJjat is knotolebge? I^notoUbge is experience balibateb bp means of reason. &easan requires 
ncm-contrabictorp identification. Ualibation requires agreement among conscious entities. 

3n ttjc ^amptric metapbpsics enerptfjing is reaL &ll experience, tofjettjer mental, emotional or 
Sensor? (in tfje normal use of tbat toorb) is reaL Ppotoeber, not all experience is objectibe. 

3f 3 babe a bream of being in ,£eto Ifork Citp anb 3 toake up anb tell pou about it pou bo 
not tjabe knotolebge of mp bream. WB&jf. Wfat it 3'm Iping anb 3 bib not babe a bream at 
all? Unless pou can balibate \n\)at 3' m telling pou, pou bo not babe krwtsUbgt of mp bream. 
|fou onlp knoto about mp assertion. 

Jfurtbermore, mp bream is not knotolebge for me ettfjer. 3f onlp 3 experienceb it anb 3 cannot 
babe anpone else experience it to balibate it tfjen it is not knotolebge. 3t is a real experience 3 
babe i)aij. |9et it is not knotolebge. 3To knoto sometbing is to balibate it \niti) otrjer conscious 

knotolebge requires agreement balibation betiottn conscious entities, experience boes not 
Examine tfje bital importance of rtje bifference bettoeen tfjese too items! 

3f pou treat simple experience as knoto leb ge, fjoto bo pou knoto pou are rigfjt? 2|oto bo pou 
knoto tobettjer pour experience ii a Distortion of realitp, as \s\jtn a person is trping to bribe a car 
tofjile brunk? ^oto bo pou knoto if pour experience isn't a complete baUurination, as toitij tfjc 
pspebotic lockeb in tyg pabbeb cell? ^oto bo pou knoto trjat pour experience isn' t being interpreteb 
accorbing to an erroc in pour perception, as toben a carbboarb box first appears; to be a beab 
animal on rtje roab as pou approarb it tobile bribing a car? 

knotolebge requires not mere experience but balibation tbat boes not contrabict rtje facts of realitp. 
^on-contrabiction is an implicit part of reason in tbat reason is tbe non-contrabictocp 
identification of tbe facts of realitp. 

(SHbat boes "non-conrrabictorp" mean? 3t Simplp means tfjat toe exist in a uniberse composeb of 
experiences tbat can be ibentifieb. 3t means tbat a tree is a tree anb not a plapgrounb nor a 
buman being nor an astecoib. 3bentification is ueressarp or trjere is no poSSiWitp for eitber 
reason or knotolebge. 

Notice tbat 3 bib not sap tbat experience toas impassible toitbout ibentitp. ^otoener it is totallp 
impossible to knoto tofat pou are experiencing unless pou can ibentifp ill $Jerbaps 3 migbt be 
bribing along at nigftt anb it' s fogg? anb raining anb 3 am babing bcfficultp Seeing tofjere 3 am 
bribing. ®p aijeab 3 perceibc somerrjing brigfjt 3 can't make out its sbape. 3 can see tbat it 
is a tobite ligfjL <&bere£ore, 3 babe alreabp ibenrifieb a "tobite ligijt lacking a befinite sbape." 3 
am perceibing somerrjing tbat is ibenrifieb. 

5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m 

*£HL C Z m ^ tSlkatat . * tataaWi,p of ** "«» r fmotoWw" !Ibi* sintolp means 

<En tafcicfc tfjc Vampire asfea, "$oto? n 

i>om bo pou knom ftrt pou fcabe bab an experience ff pou can't ebeit begin to besmbe it? 

SL5f*tSS? $ t u mP * til if" C ° mm£mlp ** to exptain ** *°™ «™S* ft'n* can't be put into 
too** ftfe m poehcaUp compare tfceic mutual in*igf* to *A7i££ to f«S 

Jotoeber toe <wr be*ertbe a rainbom to a blinb man. 3t's easp. <3U me neeb i* to mm, ^ 
me nob to 50 to a more funbamentat UM to be*cribe tfce nature of rabiation. CbmtoX T™» 
rite ^ M ErWbU ^ * "* * 2n ""^"^ anb tfceceto ifaSS 2 

|ou ** ffc nt£to boea not mean tfjat pou can't explain mfjat a rainbom is to a blinb man. 
®*e rustic « trpmg to *ap that pou can fcabe fenotolebge of something ol it pou ihiS 
expenence ® 5n otter fcocb* « pou bon't *ee tf* rainbot? poucaeU, JM US 

<Eo tohich the Sampire smites anb saps, "©h. reaUp2" 

^^Jr" 1 ** to ^J ""* ? ™ toouft h UMi)U to tato ***** **m>Sm (Wten't personal!,, 
i" f TOi* a^ tooulb mean you coulbn't S S S« 

coulmt t then hnoto about hmbUbgt itself unless pou alreabp fenrto about it! 
<©bttouslp this is rioirulous ano tanonstrates tht intellectual tanferuptcp ot the mpstiral position. 
its. fret are rrmartablc and tascinarintr State* of consciousness that can be acttebeb anh art 
ata« t ££^ ( ^ e? S SOmrt,nuS ""* £X?tritntt wi) information but tbese must 

tevsassKaf obiat,te -"* ^ e °^ raB — *«s 

fs" a an funSl ( i, * ert T ^ a " S tontiatoi » n - « least one of tfjtm must be torons. Shis 
is a funbamental premise that is iienbeb from the nature of realitp that is comLeh rf 

.mpoTs^uf ftmt,£,abtt t * amtoi3tes *» >*-*« tobat is imhSS M*TS 

&fje mpstic toants to he freeb from tfjis umberse of limitation*. Qtfje mpstic toants to fat able to 
bo anptfjing tattj anptfjing. STfje result of taking tfjis pspcfjotic bieto of tfjis ia onlp confusion 
built on Delusion. 3Tfje Vampire blocks to master tfje control of fjis tooclb. %t fenotos tfjat 
Delusion \& tfje instrument of tbt master anb tbe cfjain of tfje slabe. *Efje Vampire toill impose 
Delusion but not accept it 

iflpstics fjabe trabitionallp trieb to attack tfjeSe ibeas bp eitfjer attempting to probe tfjat reason 
isn't reliable or tfjat realitp isn't objectibe. Wot first instance, in tofjicfj reason is attackeb, 
altoaps relies upon reason to probe tfjat reason isn f t reasonable! STfjink about tfjat 

Jfor example, tfje mpstic migfjt sSap, "Melt pour minb cannot comprefjertb infim'tp anb therefore 
tfjere are at least some firings tfjat reason cannot unberstanb." W&fat fje just Saib teas tfjat if 
pou cannot personally experience tfje concept "infim'tp" (since an infinite entity is a contrabiction in 
terms), tfjen it is reasonable to assume tfjat reason is befcctibe! 3m otfjer toorbs, reason 
biSprobes reason! 

&U concepts ultimately babe tfjeir roots in tfje sensor? uniberSe. ®fje concept of inbisible x-raps 
beribes from efcbenre of tfjeir presence on x-rap films tfjat are pereetbeb bp tfje tpt. Jion-pfjpSteal 
abstractions, sucfj as mocalitp, are beribeb from obserbable actions of fjuman beings, £berp 
tfjougfjt tfjat toe can knotu about (jaS it& origin Sometofjere in pfjpsiral experience. 

Sn important fcep to tfje use of reason is to recognise tfjat tfjere is a fjierarcfjiral structure to 
ibeas. 3 toocb is not simplp pluckcb out of tfjin air. k tooeb's meaning is baseb upon anb 
bepenbs upon tfje steps bp mtjicfj it mas abstracteb fcom pfjpsiral realitp. QFfjerefore it cannot 
make sense to attack an ibea bp using tfjat ibea oc bp anp ibea tfjat beribes its meaning from 
tfjat ihtd. ^spcfjologist i2atfjaniel Jiranben referreb to tfjis error in ttjinking as tfje "fallacy of 
tfje stolen concept" STake for example tfje abstraction "color." ®tje cfjain to sensorp realitp goes 
from "Sensation" to "ligfjt" to specific colors sucfj as "reb" or "peUohT or "green" to tfje toiber 
abstraction "coloc." M pou boece going to attempt to probe tfjat tfje color "reb" bibn't exist but 
pou accepteb tfjat "color" existeb, pou bwulb be guilt? of using tfje fallacp of tfje stolen concept 
J^ou artempteb to "steal" tfje fjigfjer ibea "color" to bispcobe tfje existence of tfje unberlping ibea of 
"reb." 3n anotfjer context tfjis tooulb be similar to trping to probe tfjat pour parents neber fjab 
sex! &iiue pou are fjere, obbiouslp pour pacents must fjabe fjab Sex from tofjicfj act pou are tfje 
resulting probuct 

Jfet ttje mpstics fjabe artempteb for tfjousanbs of pears to bispcobe reason bp means of reason. 
;| Qffje Vampire itti tfjrougfj sucfj subterfuge anb realises tfjat reason is tfje onlp means to 

knotolebge available to fjuman beings. 3t is all or noting. Citfjer reason is reliable or it isn't 
|J 3f it isn't fullp trusttoortfjp, tfjen anptfjing is possible anb notfjing can be learneb. Clocks can 
a gibe milk anb pour fjouse can turn into a com. 



^But tfjere is no escape. 3&eason ii reliable. Eealitp is reliable. OTjat is, is. SIpon tfjis 
funbamcntal trutfj is built tfje basis for tfje tecfjncAogp of magic 

I i&tap Strong. 

can be 

tCfje Eampiru Will 

55 ' ™ * ""J 6 * ca »"' rw »"• ■» *W* «V aft twmtr any enemy, obereome any 

l*?r ^ ^'« "f Cn „ tas -"""fl** #* IWPU coulb reeesnije tbe potocr of WU ta 
ZTn^L^,- *? ^T"? ^ *' tall4Wtec " * I"* SK *fS impost 
ZSJfS. TtifJ Mat h * tmmkS - *** ""to rw « I *« * ""rise <* WU Hn Oe 

Sam* ta bSfl^ ** m °*l rf S * bW HW**«tf ™sses < bummity fc£ 
been aunt to befme TOiUjotoer as sometbinn tbey bo not possess tfcemsdbes. 

"3 coulb quit smofeuiB but 3 just bon't babe tf« toiUpotoer." 

"3 coulb lose toeisfct but i just bon't babe tbe tmUsotoer." 

"3 coulb (fill in tbe Uaire) but 3 just bon' t babe the toiUpobier." 

ftoti i be itbep taoto tobat it is tbey Ura? ^t is tl^ beeou quality tallrn the Mil? SiHfe> bo 
so teto bemonstrate its pceseuce anb so many bnota tbep lacfe it? 

SwTTtt in mtS * *"* * 00 * mms iei «* * ^^ itoni,m S ta *« ■» 


BuMnSL'w 3 ^^ Jf™ ^^ SOmE BOal - S0Me toHratta - «« «toc» to be acWebeb. 
J3ut turtms betoce you. bectoeen you anb your bestre, arc obstacles, blocks, problems. 

3n pcoblem-sotbins it is altap* useful to betermine tobettjec tbe problem is actually a problem or 

nhSh^T rJS, &a " Jfrai | tI3al « raants flooo atag tfte flUssiSSippi £ibec migbt be an 
tbat you set tbat tbe obstatles are real, not errors in percejraon. ^oto tobat? ^^ 

•Jttcre are tben only ttoo otfer possiWities. gon emjer bcal tmn, tbe obstacles anb surmount 

™rZL£? "2 V BOal teaM ' ** Sdil<,m - ,£ thcr - !» te *««« or Sdis any 

SSLtnifM?* L"^ lte i «bey (W tbat «ob or tbe sobernment or JHommy or 
SaSby toul rescue tftem anb take care of setting ttjem tnbat ttjey besice. 

3Je Vampire acts bifferentip. <£nce tfje goal bas been betermiitcb, tfje Vampire toorks to 
ibentifp tfje obstacles in tfje part), tffjen Jje beats tfjem. fje eitfjer uses Solutions for similar 
problems fjc bas solbeb in tfje past or tackles tfje problems toitfj neto metfjobs that map babe 
toorkeb tor otfjers oc tfjat fje bebises on fjis toon. 

#fr 3 almost forgot to explain tofjp most fjumans neber eben trp to acfjiebe tfjeir goals 
pe follotomg clarifuarion of ouc process of arfjiebmg goals toOl fjelp make tfjis clearer: 


&be Vampire, because be unberstanos anb bebelops bis Mill goes atjeab tfjrougb the 
requisite pam oc effort to acfjiebe W goals. 33je abecage buman trill not ^ote that it in "toill 
not anb not cannot". 

&bis pain can take man? forms. 3t coulb be tfje pain of feeling tonelp in orber to aefciebe 
tfje goal of bumping an olb frienb tofjo fjas become an irritation. 3t eoulb be tbe pain of not 
enjopmg a belicious foob in ocbec to acfjiebe tfje goal of losing excess toeigfjt 3t migbt be the 

\ pam of fjabing to put up toitfj stress insteab of smoking a cigarette in orber to arhiebe the goal of 

• quitting Smoking. 

3n eberp goal besireb tfjere is Some price to be paib to acfjiebe it 

3Just recentlp 3 bab tfje pleasure of bating a conberSation toitfj a psprfjologist frienb of 
mint ^e toas biscussmg some of fjis patients' problems toitfj me to gain an unberstanbing of 
tfje Sampirir perspective. <3t one point be commenteb upon tfje extreme problems of patients fje 
[jab tofjo toere tfje "abult cbilbren of alcofjctics". $e Spmpatfjijeb toitfj tfjeir "enormous burben" 
anb explained fjoto tfjeir inahilup to cope toitf) emotions anb some of the Simplest Social situations 
mabe tfjerapp so bifficult ««««»» 

3 tolb jjim tfjat tfje Sampirif bieto toas simplp tfjat tfjere toas no surf) tfjing as "an abult 
cbOb of an alcofjoltc". 3 explaineb to bim fjoto most fjumans actualtp enjop being bictims anb 
tfjat i tfjis label apart from being ribiculous (bias tfje patient anb abult or a rijOb?) bias totallp 
srif-befeating. fttje patient fjas ftentifieb toitfj tfje "problem". Jfurtber, tfje problem toas 
uncfjangeable bp befiration. after all, if tfje patient's parent bab been an alcofjolic, tfjat bias tfjat! 

3 furtfjer explaineb fjoto tfje Vampire buObs fjis Mill bp first recognising tfje trutfj about 
anp situation. fcfje first trutf) is tfjat pou are not pour problems, &is patients toere clinging to 
tfje ibea tfjat tfje? toere tfjeir pcoblems. 

"&fje problem is," 3 saib, "tfjat tfjere is no possibilitp for tfjat person to eber becibe to act 
in a bifferent toap. ge is a btctim bp befimtion anb bictims must bp nature, altoaps be 
butimi^eb." r 

ffip frienb attempteb to argue mitb me bp Suggesting tfjat it toaS all a matter of earlp 
emotional conbitioning. 

"fou can't beliebe fjoto painful it can be for people like tfjat to babe to bitit tfjeir feelings, 
to neter knoto fjoto amt^ ttuxe potoerfut tfjan tfje? are baiU act from one moment to tfje next 
eijep learn to not trust people nor expect tfjem to eber tell tfje trutfj." 

"£>o nota tfjep are toeU-traineb to unberstanb tfje realities of life," 3 replieb "Jfflost 
people bo babe to fjibe tfjeir feelings, anb bo not knoto fjoto otfjers toOl bebabe anb soon rreogni* 
tfjat most people bo lie to tfjem in life. £* tobp is tfjis a problem? ^jjoulbn't tfjese So-calleb 
bictims be better prepareb for tfje realities of life because of tfjeir rougb upbringing?" 

fflp psprijologist frienb became quite fjeateb tfjen anb bemanbeb to knoto tofjp, if it toas aU 
a matter of Mill tfjese same bictims tooulb, after leabing. borne, tfjen marrp equaUp abusibe 

^ * anstoer teas sfjort "3flje reason the? return to tfje same situation is because then 
2? * ?SL" *<!""* ^ ot,tam «P«* ana attention from otfjer people, sudj as pourselt 
oo not tjabe to use tfjeir 3H&11 anb make anp becisions." 

a %Jf i^ifl awfjo^'w * <k funbamental tfjeorp for ibentitping anb utilising the 
5T" ^L^ 5Wtem «^ &"«*■ ®ntotanbing anb using £ process toftUceS 
^Jtapn c WWl anb enable pou to obercome anp obstacle to acijube anp goal. 3t i/%e 

Stett£ SampirW """"""^ - "* * ""*"* ** ** ^* crearion * 

»h, v £flm « t l unbcnStanb #* ^ roc « s ^rougfj pain. 3n an? situation requiring an 
e^raorbinar? effort to, tfjere is pain to be obercome or tfje fcuroan bies. M Z£ 
situauons of ,ftis nature, in circumstances brfjen mp pbpsiral surbibal relieb upon overcoming the 

Shi Tflr^^T »* 1 toS*,*™*- ° l ** ^ anb Mm ^ 3 learneb the rata 
truth of the secret of tfje Eampinc WML 

%t is often in mar tfjat man becomes strong anb feels trulp alibe. OTjp bo inbibibuals in 
peace seek bangerous experiences sudj as skpbibing. rockclimbing, anb so forth? ?!®hat is it 
about facing arbobercrnnins cballenges hrfjicb threaten beatfj, beOeb or bisible, tfjat attracts the 
bibrant ones tofjo take lite in big bites? «««"» w 

*. « ^£2! **** ^J"" 8 ^ mnain£b e ** cnrtal1 ? "ncbangeb since tfje baps of aiexanbcr 
tije fOMt Jft» mm * conberting a fearful mama's bo? into an obebient kilUng marfjine has 
not been i atari, tatfj rnobenx times, a boot camp still takes the neb, recruit anb^sXp Us 
toer symbols ot personal Ojentit? (Us bair, Us clotting, bis jefcelrp, eben bis name), aft £ 

^rifZl TJ* rf &m ^- ^ Ctmt a *** *"**' * rarurt * Bte challenges bail?, 
hourly toitfjout Earning $e ,s expecteb to gibe up sleep, $e is expecteb to exceeb earlier 

£* fSo? 3trCn ** *"* enburaWC - ^ e * ^^ to kiU m wmnranb, to ohep 

.r^^J?^ *»*">?» anb obercomes tfje pain tobirfj stanbs bettoeen iji'm anb fjis neto 
accompUs^nents fce is exercising anb bebeloping fjis WlL $e biscobers tban be can tolerate 
paui anb taamfcd. $e biscobers tfjat be can surpass bis earlier limitations, obercome tfjem anb 
acfjiebe goals JUt&t toonber tfjat for millennia most fjeroes came from tfje battlefielbs, most 
leabers first leb troops, little toonber tfjat mar fjas been a place of testing. 
b. *~ 25** T akeS * w* ^"^wnwtintf o« W into prebators, at least tottfjin tfje militarp life, 

J,JZ ******* **«* 3ri ** «je ©et^entification process is baseb upon a single, 
selt-embent prutripler tt 


3Take tfje paper ?ou are reabing nom. ^oto bo ?ou knotn m are not ttjis paper? 3 fjabe askeb 
such questions of men anb momen across tfjis morlb for pears anb receibeb man P , man? incorrect 

2 am not this paper (or otfjer object) because it's ober there anb 3'm ober here." 
anb tjohj bo pou knoba tfjat is true?" 3 ball ask. 
"because 3 knob ill" 
again 3 asfe boba tfje? knohi tfjat 
"because 3 am a fjimian being anb not a paper." 

3gam 3 coiU ask, "Put eben if pou are tfjis tfjing pou caU 'a fjuman being', (join bo pou 
snoto pou are not tfjis paper?" ^ 


©nip Vampires fjabc eber giben me tbe correct anstoer. 

&ije toap in tofjieb pou knoto pou ace not Some otfjer object tobetfjec tfjat object i* a paper, 
a pencil, a Submarine or tfje planet Jupiter is because of «je tact tfjat pou experience tfce object 
-anb ftrfjat tfjat implies. 

£ou can see tfjis paper. £ou can potentiaUp fjear it probuce a souno as pou toucb it 
Hiketoise, pou can feel tfje paper anb poSSiUp eben smell or taste it 3n otfjer tooebs, pou can 
experience tfjis paper bp means of pouc tibe Senses. 

l&ou can ask pourself, H mi)o knotos about tfjis paper?" anb it pou can anstoer, "3 bo!", 
tfjen pou babe just emplopeb tfje Befoenhfaation process. 3n simplest terms, tfje Seibe'nhfication 
process is tfjtS: 

1. Is it possible for me to know about "x"? 
2. If it is possible, then I am not "x". 

Snotfcer toap to express tfjis ibtn is to state tfjat tfje obserber is not tfje obsecbeb, tbe fjearer is 
not tfje Sounb, tbe tourfjer is not tfje feeling, or, more globaUp, tfje experiencer is not tbe 

$leaSe remember tfjat tfje "gampiric metapbpsics fjolbs tbat all experience is real anb boes 
not fjabe lebds of "realness" for experience. Snsteab, toe bo fjabe tfjree bimensions up brfjtcfj toe 
preciselp befine experience (tofjtrb i£ treateb in tfje ifflpsterieS of tfje $ricstfjoob). 2|otoeber, please 
note tfjat pou, tfje experiencer, are not tfje experience, 

3n orber to babe Mill to obercome tfje pain of tfje struggle against tfje obstacles bettoeen 
pou anb pour goals tfjere is a trick. #ou cease to ibentifp tattfj ttje pain. 

3n tfje earlp st\xntits, researcfj on tfje outer limits of fjuman potential boas conbucteb bp 
5Sr. Clmer <§reene at tfje iHenninger Hfostitute in ftopeka. Sansas. <£ne trulp unusual subject 
an American nameb lack ^cbtoart?, repeateblp bemonstcateb an extraorbinarp abilitp to boitbstanb 
pain anb control otfjer bobilp functions. &e commonlp tooulb take a large knitting neeble anb 
tfjrust it completelp tfjcougfj fjis upper Hays tofjile ebibencing no biscomtort or tension. OTjen 
askeb later fjoto fje bib it &cfjtoart? explaineb tfjat fje useb a smaU mental trick. $e tooulb not 
cegarb tfje arm being punctuceb as fjis arm but just as an arm. ®fjus tfje pain experienceb tuas 
not fjis pain but simplp, pain. 

3n all of tfjis 3 am not implpmg tfjat tfje Bribentification process remobeS tfje experience 
of pain. Jiot at alL Cfje Setbentification process simple allotos pou to ftnb anb use the 
^ampiric ®Ml to not be Stappeb bp tfje pain. 

3n tfje 3cabemp-atoarb tanning film classic, licence of Arabia", mp faborite scene 
consists of Hatorence bramaticallp lighting a matcb anb letting it burn itself out against fjis 
fingers. Smotfjer Mtitisb otficer present gate it a trp anb, as tfje flame neareb fjis fingertips, felt 
tfje sfjarp pain, broppeb tfje matrfj anb bemanbeb to knoto of 7.atocence bafjat "tbe trick" teas. 

"tJHje trick isS replieb latorence, "not caring tijat it fjurts." 

jflost people are ibentifieb ttritb tfjrir experiences. tJTbep babe no sense of Self separate 
from or superior to tfje pains anb pleasures tofjirij fjerb tfjem, kkkism anb screaming, tobtmng, 
begging anb complaining, tfjrougfj ttje corribors of rtjeir libes until tfjep read) tl> sUugfjterfjouse 
anb, in silence or screaming, finallp expire. 

<Ibe Vampire is one tofjo realises tfjat rtje toorlb is almost emptp of people, $e Sees 
teeming billions of bobieS lacking souls! HJnsteab of sentient conscious entities, be sees bumanoib 
macfjines toUotoing tfje brata of pleasure anb briben bp tfje fear of pain; minbless, toeak 
automatons tofjo proclaim loublp rtjeir "free toilT tofjile smoking beatfj-bealmg cigarettes; 

pre-programmrt rotate asserting tfjat tfjetr "bibine nature" grants tfjem immoctalitp in a robot 
fjeaben run b? a robot <gob. 

ftfje Sampire is one tofjo atoabes in tije lanb of rtje sleeping anb is tfje man tofjo can see 
in tfje countrp of tfje blmb. &e reaves tfjat fjis ©Ml is faotfj tfje means anb tfje goal of his 

52 £E * C reall?eS *** mosSt ^^ "^ "* *»* fte toillingness to jubge, but tack a &U 
toittj tofjicb to bo tfje fubging! 

ftfje 2Beibentit"ication process permits tfje Vampire to biScobec tfje mpsterp of tofjat he 
trulp is anb bob) bitallp potoerful anb important fjis true &eU is in tfje cosmic scfjeme. 

$oto boes tfjis biscobecp come about? jfirst, tfje Vampire Seizes tt> essence of the 
Beibenhfiration process anb puts it to use in fjis life. $e ibentifies fnaf goals anh tfje obstacles 
to ttjose goals. grijen, realising tfjat if fje knotos tofjat neebs to be bone, {je onlp neeb bo it, the 
Sampire takes tfje actions necessarp to acfjiebe fjis goals. 3t boes not matter to fjim that it map 
be biftuult &e wiberstanbs tfjat pain is something fje can experience anb is not Something tofjicb 
bt is. $e can not care" tfjat it hurts, fje can bo it anptoap, tofjateber is reguireb fje can act 
tofjile experiencing tfje pain! tJTfjat is tfje fee? to tfje Sampirir Mill anb tbe exercise anb 
bebelopment tfje Strengthening of tfjat TOIL 

&ubbenlp life's problems become challenges, ftije obstacles to acfjiebement become 
opportumties to strengthen tfje WLOL till becomes a special Series of games for tfje Vampire 
until finally, tfje Strengthening of tfje 38101 becomes more retoarbing tfjan tfje acfjiebement of anp 
otfjer goaU &ucfj Vampires pcobuce ratfjer bizarre bebabior as bietoeb bp tfje fjuman masses a 
Eampire of tfjis orber migfjt inbulge in a sport or martial art not for tfje pcimarp purpose of 
merelp toinmng or increasing self-befense shills, but because Suctj an arena permits ton to 
mrreasinglp challenge anb emporoer fjis WM. jfor example, tfje bob? builber migfjt bicto tfje 
paininbolbeb in certain repetitions of lifting toeigfjts as tfje price to pap to acfjiebe tfje muscle 
grototfj fje seeks. &fje Vampire migfjt insteab, bieto each instant of pfjpsical agonp as a 
moment-bp-moment opportunitp for fjim to triumpfj ober pain, tfjerebp strengtfjening fje's MM, 
toitfj muscle grototfj as onlp a sibe effect $fje boxer migfjt run long bistances, cursing the 
biscomfort realising it is tfje necessarp price to pap to builb tfje stamina requireb to bjin an 
upcoming pn?efigfjt ftfje Eampiric boxer migfjt run eben fartfjer, pitting tfje exhaustion he is 
experiencing in fjis bobp against tfje WML tofjicb pusjjes it on, anb, as an aftertfjougfjt 
remembering tfjat it taOL also better enable fjim to builb tfje toinb neebeb to better biin a pri^efigtjt 

£fje bifference is inbisibU but gargantuan, ftfje unconscious fjuman being is Stoppeb bp 
m aboibance of pain in usuallp futile attempts to acfjiebe bifficult goals. #Jje Vampire uses 
goals not onlp as retoarbs but as opportunities for abbersitp. to fjone anb emporoer fj& WB&L 3n 
all tfjis toe are not besenbing masocfjism, bp tfje toap. iflasocfjism finbs pleasuce in pain, &fje 
masocfjist enjops tfje pain. <2Tfje Vampire is not a masocfjist &fje Eampire boes not enjop tfje 
pam. He uses tfje pain. Jfust as a Vampire is a master of pleasure anb is not mastereb bp 
pleasure, so too fje is a master of pain, anb not a slabe to it 

3nb tofjat comes of tfjis peculiar exploration of potoer ober pain? ©Hfjat is tfje final 
purpose of tfjis fjeccic effort? jHake no mistake about it! 311 fjeroes are tfjose tofjo finb tfje 
mo. Uy challenge anb follotD tfjrougfj to tfje ultimate limit of tfjeir being tfje intention to smash 
ojrougjj pain to acfjiebe tfjeic goals. 

«Eije ultimate purpose is tfje forging of a true ego, tfje creation of an immortal &eif. 

3s toitfj tfje Sampirir mm tfje £>dt is both a biseoberp anb a creation. «JThe name cxibtn 
to tfjis &elf is tfje Bragon. 

^ot long into exploring tfje meaning of tfje Beibentificarion process, most Vampires hnll 
ask, "But if 3 am not anptfjing 3 can experience, hrfjat am 3?" 



&£. trap fcre i* Co ft? to anstotr tfjt* question betiratibel?. mjtimtlp, anptftimr rou can 
anb anstoer, 3 bo. ttbt expenntcrr is not tbe experience. 

•ft*" « £.*£»££ ""yif** - o£ m ? sta * m «* 4* tfltjtp b*abs to speak o£ 
come from rfc £u»? timber* of mysticism bcre. <©ne example is tfje olb Zen Sarin "StZ 
^bennfitatum Scocrss' tambation tbat the experience is not tje experience. «hr rnwfoal 

i&> experiauer, no experience! 

f Jr*^ "^ tor,:,n8 - ^^a tan te «"™* ™t b? ttje most mmbless of all 
automatons. «e electronic computer J* tfee correct Statement is. »3 ex£rienre, tbTfoc 3 J? 

x JrM" "* °2f tfe,tttc - ** ftom ttit sickness of mystital religion toe finb toe ultimate 

claim tftat tobat toe caU tbe Sell ,< tbe result of an error in linguistics, !Efe> propose the to 
that experience anb only experience exists tobite tbe erroneous concept of an wZ" ate 

Si? "SSf* l ?~; t * l£ - «1W W* «* toten a matt saps. "3 WSJlS 
sentence creates tfte Ulusum of an "3". m^ claim tbat total is attuaU? bappentaois £ an 
experience of "snabeness" toitf, tbe aftertboosbt of an "3" *£££ *K£ IS ttat 
«nment consists of resting tfc, «t Self is a betas! result TZ TwX 

uses .J^^i^"^ * £C " i ' 0m ^ ^ Mb *"*"*"• «* *»*« 

is lie toMbfS **"* to **"* ^ * tatUL * Bam, "' rc *»" * «"** W «* 

to „ i°^' ¥ a * er ** t «* is afwrtsigfttri,. acbe trtot, is frt «e "KetepoW" toe refer 

f A*f^ a Sk£pmS Bcaff<m unta anl! "^M *« » a potoerfuTZusb WU to 

ESS ( \ ma " S a * ■***««■ *«««) can reflect upon tbempsto^ " fe 
urtnotaaole Self anIl nsc abobe «e limitations of ttje uniberse of credence. 3t is tte 

Samoin? w^*?? ^"I T*** " * ** l * cn ™«ctousl P reflettei bp a strons 
3j2Th > iEbe atoabtnei Season stribes tbrougb life, unafraib of «e pains anb traps rf 
StahSTL^ a ^»f S^O" toas anb retnains * Supreme ToaTof all trul^ull 

„,„ , 2* ' mage "^ ^ii" 8 ™ " * nUwt '"W^non «£ *e unbnotoable cbaos tobicb exists 
^rt feom espenrnce. Vmimz teas tbe motber branm. of tbe sr M t salt s« T chaS te Z 

most ancient cartongs of our toortb. Jibe Self tobicb cannot be bnoton but rises in barb SoS 
■ tbe presence of a grotoma Empiric Mill is t* Season, ^ere be finb tbe Smnt 7ml 

andnt team, rt* reptfc talfcT riTtteaJE *»5 B """^ ****** I*. Cbe most 
terns. CMtroUinltteLuTn^lf 1^TL^7 - * *?** * "* l0rt - mt 

pfe*iot Ufc i„ feeatfimg, moWnsanb ** *"* * tt " " """^ m * »<«"'<*«on <* 

ynumU from ftt tatanoutt tort »JZ£ X iS tetB " q ' tt " * UI *? i»S'««rins 
&ome ttnentp pears ago 3 had it on excellent autfmritn !£i. *2. ^ ** h * tte "" are * 

fat tec pulling tfe tn^uXw C S^ S^ »* touil) tab£ * «* *« ?°ur 
toual perspeetibe. ^ * ** ^^"^ "ntett armmo pour unmnbtns 

Mtfj practice, tfcse exercise* cause tfje Bampirtc. mm tn "tffrfc ,■«» an* ■ 

p^ s, m02t ;z* f J5*g- a^JT 1 *" l? " ataafem » *— - 

®3c toil be toatcfjing.