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(Universe B) 

1. Planet : Neptune and Pluto. * "■" 

* Name: Thaumiel. 

* Gods : Moloch and Satan . 

* Hell : Tehom 

* Quality: an 

anti-evolution, primal-chaos, underground black 
flame, fire, chaos, dark wisdom, black light, the 
destruction of the fetters of space, going 
beyond the cosmos, the killing of the demiurge, the 
will to power, the death of weakness, the 
unconscious awakening of dormant powers, the spread 
of fanaticism, the return into chaos, nuclear 
weapons, sadism, knowledge of chaos, the 
destruction of the angels of light, the onset of the 
invasion and ant i- cosmic Infinite Dark Aeon . 

* Sigil Thaumiel: 


2 . * Planet : Uranus . 

* Name: Ghagiel. 

* God Beelzebub . 
*Hell : Tehom. 

* Quality: the destruction of the old 

order, creating chaos, rebellion, violation of the 
law, the spreading of chaos and resistance to the 

demiurge, lawlessness, the spread of anti-morality, 
the management of the masses, brainwashing, the 
organization of rebellion, freedom, andmadness. 
* Sigil Ghagiel: 

3. * The planet Saturn . 

* Name: Satariel. 

* God Lucif uge Rof okale . 
*Hell: Tehom. 

* Qualities: expulsion of the outer world through 
the power of oppression, death, fear of 
intimate knowledge, the spread of 

darkness, obscuring his own spirit, chopping, anger, 
coldness, "red hunting" , the pain and the poisoning 
of the "world soul", as well as murder by magic 

* Sigil Satariel 

4. * The planet Jupiter . 

* Name: Gha f agsheblah . 

* God: Astaroth 

* Hell: Abaddon. 

* Quality : misanthropy, Satanic aristocracy, intell 
ectual development, philosophy, wisdom, 

wealth, bloodlust and thirst for death, 
manipulation, propaganda suicide, fortune, 
honor, and finding new allies, as well as 
the direction of the sinister energies and opening 
of the "evil eye". 

* Sigil Gha ' agsheblah 

5 . * Planet Mars . 

* Name: Golachab 

* God: Asmodeus. 

* Hell: Titahion. 

* Quality : military strength, courage, a thirst 
for power, destructive sexual instinct, ritual 
curses and destruction, inciting war, strife and 
bloodshed, anger, destruction by fire, fire 
discretion internal chaos, the opening of 

new gates with dark bloody rituals, art armory, 
male domination and killing enemies . 

* Sigil Golachab 

6. * Planet: Black sunshine . 

* Name: Thagiriron 

* God / Goddess : Belphegor . 
*Hell: Barshahet. 

* Quality: the royal power, control over others, the 
will to power, arrogance, vitality, spiritual 
awakening, leadership, murder, the awakening of the 
Beast 666, videniya, wealth and the elimination 

of weaknesses, the release fettered wild beast, 
and the deification of the spirit. 

* Sigil Thagiriron: 

7 . * The planet : Venus . 

* Name: Oreb Zaraq 

* God: Baal. 

* Hell : Tselmot . 

* Quality: art, female domination, the spread 
of jealousy and envy, ecstatic rituals, "love 
magic", war and death, the end of the cosmic 
order, true liberty, and sowing discord. 

* Sigil Oreb Zaraq : 

8. * Planet: Mercury. 

* Name : Samael . 

* God Adramme lech . 
*Hell: Shaarimot. 

* Quality: arrogance, beauty, "the evil eye, " a 
black alchemy, black magic, transmutation, 
spiritual transformation, insight, deification, 
eloquence, exposing the enemy lies, as well as 
the opening of the dangers and enemies . 

* Sigil Samael : 

9. * Planet: Black Moon, an anti-opposed on the 
astral plane . 

* Name: Gamaliel. 

* Goddess Lilith. 
*Hell: Gehinnom. 

* Quality: bloody perversion, succubi 

and incubi vocation, forbidden pleasures, the 
transformation of the cosmic life force in the clean 
energy of chaos control nightmares, necromancy, 
deification, hidden wisdom, lycanthropy, 
telepathy, terror, sexual blackmagic, vampirism and 
the enslavement of the dead shadows . 

* Sigil Gamaliel: 

10. * Planet: The Land, the antithesis of the 
physical world. 

* Name : Nahemoth 

* Goddess: Naamah. 
*Hell: Gehinnom. 

* Quality: wealth, worldly power, witchcraft, 

creating illusions, sexual power, cruelty, and the 

of chthonic forces, witchcraft and black magic talis 

mans and magic curses and death. 
* Sigil Nahemoth: