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Liber Azerate: Part 3- Chapter 4: Azerate 

Azerate is the anti-cosmic god's secret name, which is the key to the 

unlocking the gates of the dark dimension. 

Azerate is the esoteric name of the eleven Anti-cosmic powers 
that are renowned in both the Sumerian Chaos-Gnosticism and the Kliffotic 


The name Azerate is a coded numerological formula, which has 
a numerical value of 21 8, which is equal to 2 +8 +1 = 11. 

These anti-cosmic forces that fight the cosmic scheme of 
tyranny, whose number is 10, are usually described as 
eleven separate demon forces that work in opposition against the cosmic 
powers, which is always at a disadvantage. Under the name Azerate these 
eleven Anti-cosmic chaos powers are turned into the eleven- 
headed black dragon, and thus, their disintegrating forces are more 

concentrated and more powerful. 

As Azerate the eleven Anti-gods can combine their efforts and turn the 

locked gates and force their way through the cosmic barriers. 

When the gates are open, Azerate's force flows (power flow 1 1 ) there by 

uniting a sufficiently strong and terrible death dragon, with 

its chaotic fires burns black holes in the cosmic barriers, in order 

to prepare the angry chaos invasion of the cosmos. 

Azerates name should be vibrated in the activation 
of the Broken pentagram, which is the microcosmic gateway to the macro 


Azerates exoteric seal is the eleven-pointed star that should be present as 

the focal point on the chaos gnostic magician's black altar during the ritual 

whose purpose is to channel into the anti-cosmic power flow into 

the cosmos. 

-Gal Vedar Tiekals Somdus Azerate!