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Microcontrollers in C 

Second Edition 

Ted Van Sickle 

A Volume in the EMBEDDED TECHNOLOGY™ Series 




Eagle Rock, Virginia 

Programming Microcontrollers in C © 2001 by LLH Technology Publishing. 
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or means 
whatsoever, without written permission from the publisher. While every precaution has 
been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no 
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages 
resulting from the use of the information contained herein. 

ISBN: 1-878707-57-4 

Library of Congress Control Number: 00-134094 

Printed in the United States of America 
10 987654321 

Project management and developmental editing: 
Carol S. Lewis, LLH Technology Publishing 

Interior design and production services: 
Kelly Johnson, El Cajon, California 

Cover design: Brian McMurdo, Valley Center, California 


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1 Introduction to C 1 

Some Simple Programs 1 

Names 8 

Types and Type Declarations 9 

Storage Classes, Linkage, and Scope 12 

Character Constants 15 

Arrays 18 

Other types 20 

Operators and Expressions 24 

Increment and Decrement Operators 30 

Precedence and Associativity 34 

Program Flow and Control 36 

Functions 51 

Recursion 61 

Summary 63 

2 Advanced C Topics 65 

Pointers 65 

Multidimensional Arrays 80 

Structures 87 

More Structures 107 

Input and Output 110 

Memory Management 114 

Miscellaneous Functions 116 

Summary 121 

3 What Are Microcontrollers? 123 

Microcontroller Memory 127 

Input/ Output 129 

Programming Microcontrollers 134 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 137 

4 Small 8- Bit Systems 149 

Microcontroller Memory 153 

Timers 166 

Analog- to- Digital Converter Operation 195 

Pulse Width Modulator System 201 

Other Program Items 207 

Summary 209 

5 Programming Large 8- Bit Systems 211 

Header File 211 

Sorting Programs 230 

Data Compression 237 

Timer Operations 245 

Summary 285 

6 Large Microcontrollers 287 

TheMC68HC16 288 

System Integration Module ( SIM) 296 

A Pulse Width Modulation Program 299 

Cosmic MC68HC1 6 Compiler 305 

Table Look- Up 319 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 326 

Other MC68HC1 6 Considerations 345 

7 Advanced Topics in Programming Embedded 

Systems ( M68HC12) 347 

Numeric Encoding 352 

Numeric Decoding 354 

Coding the alpha data 356 

The Monitor Program 370 

The SAVEIT() Routine 376 

The printout() and the printafter() Functions 378 

Reset 381 

Input/ Output Functions 382 

Putting It All Together 386 

Summary 391 

8 MCORE, a RISC Machine 393 

Delay Routine 395 

Delays Revisited 401 

Serial Input/ Output 404 

Handling Interrupts 413 

A Clock Program 419 

Keyboard 432 

Integrating Keyboard and Clock 440 

Adding a Display 442 

Summary 446 

Index 447 

Introduction to Second Edition 

Today, even more than when the first edition of this book was written, 
the use of microcontrollers has expanded to an almost unbelievable level. 
A typical car has 15 microcontrollers. A modern home can have more than 
50 microcontrollers controlling everything from the thermostat, to the 
furnace, to the microwave. Microcontrollers are everywhere! In the mean- 
time, many new chips have been placed on the market as well. 

Also, there have been significant modifications to our programming 
languages. The standard C language is now called C99 rather than C89. 
There have been several changes in the language, but most of these 
changes will not be available to us for some time. Many of the modifica- 
tions to the language will be of little use to programs for embedded 
systems. For example, complex arithmetic has been added to the lan- 
guage. It is rare that we use even floating-point arithmetic, and I have 
never seen an application for an embedded system where complex arith- 
metic was needed. However, other additions allow improved optimization 
processes, such as the restrict keyword and the static keyword used to 
modify the index of an array. Other changes have less impact on the 
generation of code, such as the // opening to a single line comment. Also, 
today you will have no implicit int return from a function. All in all, 
expect the new versions of C compilers to be significant improvements 
over the older versions. Also, expect that the new compilers will not break 
older code. The features of the new standard should begin showing up in 
any new version of the compilers that you use. 

The C++ standard committee has completed its work on the first 
language standard for C++. There is much clamor about the use of C++ for 
embedded systems. C++ as it stands is an excellent language, but it is 
aimed primarily at large system programs, not the small programs that we 
will be developing into the future. C still remains the grand champion at 
giving us embedded programmers the detailed control over the computer 
that we need and that other computer languages seem to overlook. 

The first six chapters of the book have been revised and any errors that 
were found were corrected. Every chapter has been altered, but not so 
much that you would not recognize it. Chapter 7 has been added. In that 
chapter, a relatively complex program is developed to run on the 
M68HC912B32. The development system was based on this chip and it 
had no significant RAM to hold the code during development. Therefore, 
all of the code was completely designed, coded, and tested on a DOS- 


viii Introduction to Second Edition 

based system. Extensive tests were completed to make certain that there 
were no hidden bugs. The modules were small and easy to test. Each 
module was tested with a program written to exercise all parts of the 
module. When the several modules were integrated into a single program, 
the program worked in the DOS -based system. All changes needed to 
convert this program were implemented under the control of conditional 
compiler commands. When the program was converted to the M68HC12 
version and compiled, it loaded correctly and ran. 

Chapter 8 introduces a new chip for Motorola, the MMC2001. This 
chip is a RISC chip. Many of the good things to be said of RISC 
configurations are absolutely true. This chip is very fast. Each of its 
instructions requires only one word, 32 bits, of memory. Almost all 
instructions execute in a single clock cycle. The chip that I used here ran at 
32 mHz, and you could not feel any temperature rise on the chip. It is from 
a great family of chips that should become a future standard. 

The first edition of this book had several appendices. These were 
needed to show general background material that the reader should not be 
expected to know. Also, quite a few specialized header files used to 
interconnect the program to the peripheral components on the 
microcontroller were included. Also, with the first edition, there was a 
card with which the reader could order two diskettes that contained all of 
the source code in the book, demonstration compilers that would compile 
the source code, and other useful information. All of these things have 
been included on the CD-ROM that comes with this edition. Additionally, 
you will find PDF versions of all appropriate Motorola data manuals and 
reference manuals for all of the chips discussed in the book. Also included 
are copies of all header files used with the programs, and some more that 
will probably be useful to you. 

Introduction to First Edition 

Early detractors of the C language often said that C was little more 
than an over-grown assembler. Those early disparaging remarks were to 
some extent true and also prophetic. C is indeed a high level language and 
retains much of the contact with the underlying computer hardware that is 
usually lost with a high level language. It is this computer relevance that 
makes people say that C is a transform of an assembler, but this computer 
relevance also makes C the ideal high level language vehicle to deal with 
microcontrollers. With C we have all of the advantages of an easily 
understood language, a widely standardized language, a language where 
programmers are readily available, a language where any trained program- 
mer can understand the work of another, and a language that is very 

The main purpose of this book is to explore the use of C as a 
programming tool for microcontrollers. We assume that you are familiar 
with the basic concepts of programming. A background in C is not 
necessary, but some experience with a programming language is required. 
I have been teaching C programming for microcontrollers for several 
years, and have found that my students are usually excellent programmers 
with many years of experience programming microcontrollers in assembly 
language. Most have little need or interest in learning a new language. I 
have never had a class yet where I was able to jump into programming 
microcontrollers without providing substantial background in the C lan- 
guage. In many instances, students believe that a high-level language like 
C and microcontrollers are incompatible. This forces me, unfortunately, to 
turn part of my class into a sales presentation to convince some students 
that microcontrollers and C have a future together. I am usually able to 
show that the benefits gained from using C far outweigh the costs attrib- 
uted to its use. The first two chapters are included for those who are 
unfamiliar with C. If you are already familiar with C, feel free to skip 
ahead to Chapter 3. 

C is a very powerful high level language that allows the programmer 
access to the inner workings of the computer. Access to computer details, 
memory maps, register bits, and so forth, are not usually available with 
high level languages. These features are hidden deliberately from the 
programmer to make the languages universal and portable between ma- 
chines. The authors of C decided that it is desirable to have access to the 
heart of the machine because it was intended to use C to write operating 
systems. An operating system must be master of all aspects of the machine 


Introduction to First Edition 

it is controlling. Therefore, no aspect of the machine could be hidden from 
the programmer. Features like bit manipulation, bit field manipulation, 
direct memory addressing, and the ability to manipulate function ad- 
dresses as pointers have been included in C. All of these features are used 
in programming microcontrollers. In fact, C is probably the only popular 
high level language that can be conveniently used for a microcontroller. 

Every effort has been made to present the C aspects of programming 
these machines clearly. Example programs and listings along with their 
compiled results are presented whenever needed. If there are problems 
hidden in the C code, these problems are explored and alternate methods 
of writing the code are shown. General rules that will result in more 
compact code or quicker execution of the code are developed. Example 
programs that demonstrate the basis for these rules will be shown. 

C is a rich and powerful language. Beyond the normal high level 
language capability, C makes extensive use of pointers and address indi- 
rection that is usually available only with assembly language. C also 
provides you with a complete set of bit operations, including bit manipula- 
tions and bit fields in addition to logical bit operations. In C, the program- 
mer knows much about the memory map which is often under program- 
mer control. A C programmer can readily write a byte to a control register 
of a peripheral component to the computer. These assembly language-like 
features of the C language serve to make C the high level language of 
choice for the microcontroller programmer. 

As a language, C has suffered many well-intended upgrades and 
changes. It was written early in the 1970s by Dennis Ritchie of Bell 
Laboratories. As originally written, C was a "free wheeling" language 
with few constraints on the programmer. It was assumed that any pro- 
grammer using the language would be competent, so there was little need 
for the controls and hand-holding done by popular compilers of the day. 
Therefore, C was a typed language but it was not strongly typed. All 
function returns were assumed to be integer unless otherwise specified. 
Function arguments were typed, but these types were never checked for 
validity when the functions were called. The programmer could specify an 
integer argument and then pass a floating point number as the argument. 
These kinds of errors are made easily by the best programmer, and they 
are usually very difficult to find when debugging the program. 

Another set of problems with the language was the library functions 
that always accompanied a compiler. No standard library was specified. C 
does not have built-in input/output capability. Therefore, the basic C 
standard contained the specifications for a set of functions needed to 
provide sensible input/output to the language. A few other features such as 
a math library, a string handling library, and so forth started out with the 

Introduction to First Edition xi 

language. But these and other features were included along with other 
enhancements in a helter-skelter manner in different compilers as new 
compiler versions were created. 

In 1983, an ANSI Committee (The X3J11 ANSI C Standards Com- 
mittee) was convened to standardize the C language. The key results of the 
work of this committee has been to create a strongly typed language with a 
clear standard library. One of the constraints that the ANSI committee 
placed upon itself was that the existing base of C code must compile error 
free with an ANSI C compiler. Therefore, all of the ANSI dictated typing 
requirements are optional under an ANSI C compiler. In this text, it is 
always assumed that an ANSI compliant compiler will be used, and the 
ANSI C form will be used throughout. 

C compilers for microcontrollers — especially the small devices — 
must compromise some of the features of a compiler for a large computer. 
The small machines have limited resources that are required to implement 
some of the code generated by a compiler for a large computer. When the 
computer is large, the compiler writer need not worry about such problems 
as limited stack space or a small register set. But when the computer is 
small, these limitations will often force the compiler writer to take extraor- 
dinary steps just to be able to have a compiler. In this book, we will 
discuss the C programming language, not an abbreviated version that you 
might expect to use with some of the smaller microcontrollers. In the 
range of all microcontrollers, you will find components with limited 
register sets, memory, and other computer necessary peripherals. You will 
also find computers with many megabytes of memory space, and all of the 
other important computer features usually found only on a large computer. 
Therefore, we will discuss the language C for the large computer, and 
when language features must be abbreviated because of computer limita- 
tions, these points will be brought out. 

All of the programs found in this book have been compiled and tested. 
Usually source code that has been compiled has been copied directly from 
computer disks into the text so that there should be few errors caused by 
hand copying of the programs into the text. The compilers used to test 
these programs are available from Byte Craft Ltd. of Hamilton, Ontario, 
Canada (for the MC68HC05) and Intermetrics of Cambridge, Massachu- 
setts (for the MC68HC11 and MC68HC16). If you wish to develop 
serious programs for any of these microcontrollers, you should purchase 
the appropriate compiler from the supplier. 

How does one partition a book on C programming for microcontrollers? 
First, the text must contain a good background on the C language. Second, 
it is necessary to include a rather extensive background on some 
microcontrollers. Finally, C must be used to demonstrate the creation of 
code for the specified microcontrollers. This approach is used here. The C 

xii Introduction to First Edition 

background is complete. The background on the chosen microcontrollers 
is presented briefly, as this book is not intended to be a text on 
microcontrollers. Therefore, the chapters that cover specific microcontrollers 
are to the point. The references found in each chapter contain texts and 
data books that will cover the various microcontrollers discussed. This 
book grew out of my teaching activities, so chapters include several 
exercises suitable for classroom as well as individual use. The only way to 
learn programming is to program, and the exercises are designed to let you 
put the material in each chapter to use in typical microcontroller program- 
ming situations. 

Chapters 1 and 2 contain a background on ANSI C. Data in these 
chapters is basic to all C programs. There is no specific coverage for 
microcontroller programming. Chapter 3 contains a brief background on 
microcontrollers, and it also contains general programming guidelines that 
should be used when writing code for microcontrollers. 

Chapter 4 is devoted to writing programs for the MC68HC05 family. 
In this chapter, the use of microcontroller specific header files is intro- 
duced. These header files are written for a specific part, and must be 
included in any program for the part. 

In Chapter 5 you will find techniques for programming the MC68HC1 1 
family of parts. Several of the peripherals on these parts are examined, and 
code to access these peripherals is written. 

More complex microcontrollers are found in the MC68HC16 and the 
MC68300 families. Programming the MC68HC16 is discussed in Chapter 
6. This part contains an internal bus with several peripherals placed on this 
bus. Access to these peripherals is through memory mapped registers and 
how these peripherals are accessed will be found in Chapter 6. 

There are several appendices. Appendix A contains several header 
files that are useful in programming MC68HC05 programs. Appendix B 
contains some code that demonstrates the power of the types defined by 
structures, and how these types can be made into very convenient new 
types by the typedef keyword. 

One of the advantages of a high level language is that it isolates the 
programmer from the details of the computer being programmed. There 
are both plusses and minuses to this idea. First, as a programmer, you do 
not need to know details of the register map and the programmers model 
of the computer being programmed because the language takes care of 
these details for you. On the other hand, microcontrollers all have periph- 
erals and other components that must be accessed by the program. The 
programmer must be able to write C code that will set and reset bits and 
flags in control registers for these parts. It would be desirable to write this 
book with no detailed discussion of the insides of the microcontrollers you 

Introduction to First Edition xiii 

will be programming; however, I could not do it. I needed a careful 
discussion of the ways peripheral components are used. Appendix C and 
Appendix E contain detailed descriptions of the MC68HC11 and the 
MC68HC16 family parts respectively. I am particularly indebted to 
Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc. for the contents of Appendix E. 
This Appendix is a very slightly modified version of the Appendix D 
found in the MC68HC16Z1 users manual. 

Appendix C contains a header file for the MC68HCllEx series, and 
Appendix F contains several header files needed to program the MC68HC16 

This book has taken entirely too much time to write. As the author, it 
is my fault, and I have been a burden to those around me while I have 
labored on this task. The basis for the text comes from about three years of 
teaching classes on programming microcontrollers in C. This class has 
been taught as a three or four day course, mainly to Motorola customers. I 
am amazed that it is possible to learn from every class that I teach. During 
the time I have been writing, I have learned object oriented programming 
and the C++ language, and I have also taught classes on this subject. It is 
difficult to move from one language to another, especially languages with 
similar roots like C and C++, and not get them mixed up. I am comfort- 
able that this book is on C without C++ spilling into the material. 

I have received much help in writing this book. My dear wife, who 
understands nothing about computers, has read most of the book and made 
comments about the contents. If this text is more readable than usual, it is 
her contribution. Any problems that you find are my responsibility entirely. 

Motorola has provided me much time and support that I appreciate. 
Most of the photographs found in the book are from Motorola files. My 
manager, Neil Krohn, has encouraged me at every phase in the preparation 
of this manuscript. Neil and Motorola deserve my heartfelt thanks. 

What's on the CD-ROM? 


The programs on this CD-ROM will help you learn how to program 
small embedded control systems. The directory named Programs contains 
all of the programs from the book. Programs from each chapter are 
grouped together in directories named Chapterl, Chapter2, etc., where the 
number corresponds to the book chapter in which the code is found. The 
subdirectory Header- 1, or Header Files, contains a series of directories 
that contain the specific header files needed to connect your compiled 
code to the peripherals found on the indicated chips. These header files 
have been used extensively, but you will probably still find an occasional 
bug in them. If you do find a bug, please notify me at the email address 

There are demonstration compilers for the M6805, the M68HC1 1, and 
the M68HC16 families of chips. The Byte Craft Limited compiler is 
placed in directory C6805. Instructions for use of this compiler can be 
obtained by merely typing \c6805\c6805 with no arguments and the 
instruction sheet will appear. 

The two Intermetrics demonstration compilers are placed in 
HC11DEMO and HC16DEMO respectively. When using one of these 
compilers, the directory name should be placed in the system path. Only 
one of the demo directories should be in the path at a time because the two 
compilers both use the same function names. Confusion will reign if both 
directories are in the path at the same time. In the Software directory, you 
will find files named HC16BOOK.TXT and HCllBOOK.TXT. These 
files are transcriptions of the books normally shipped with the Demo Kit 
packages from Intermetrics. There is no convenient means to copy the 
several figures found in these books into these ASCII files. Therefore, the 
files are complete with the exception of the figures. The text describes the 
contents of the figures. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by these 
necessary omissions. Also, the contents of these books contain discus- 
sions of how you should install the various programs contained in the 
Demo Kits. These compilers are already installed on the CD-ROM, but 
the basic programs from which they are installed are found in the directo- 
ries HC16 and HC11. You can reinstall these demonstration compilers 
from the programs in these directories if you wish. 


xvi What's on the CD-ROM? 

Intermetrics no longer supports the compilers found on the CD-ROM. 
If you wish continued support with these compilers, you should contact 
COSMIC Software at 

Cosmic Software 

400 W. Cummings Park STE6000 

Woburn, MA 01801-6512 

781 932 2556 x 15 

Motorola Reference Manuals and Data Manuals 

The CD-ROM contains full copies of several Motorola M68HC11 
reference manuals and data manuals, along with similar information for 
the M68HC05, M68HC08, M68HC12, M68HC16, and M683XX family 
of chips, and the MCORE family. These reference materials have been 
provided with the permission of Motorola and are there for your use. 


Also included on the CD-ROM is a full, searchable eBook version of 
the text in Adobe pdf format. In addition, there are sample chapters of 
other electronics engineering references available in both eBook and 
print versions from LLH Technology Publishing. 

Good luck on your venture into C. 

Ted Van Sickle 


Chapter 1 

Introduction to C 

Programming is a contact sport. Programming theory is interest- 
ing, but you must sit at a keyboard and write code to become a 
programmer. The aim of this introductory section is to give you a 
brief glimpse of C so that you can quickly write simple programs. 
Later sections will revisit many of the concepts outlined here and 
provide a more in-depth look at what you are doing. For now, let's 
start writing code. 

Some Simple Programs 

C is a function based language. You will see that C uses far more 
functions than other procedural languages. In fact, any C program it- 
self is merely a function. This function has a name declared by the 
language. In C, parameters are passed to functions as arguments. A 
function consists of a name followed by parentheses enclosing argu- 
ments, or perhaps an empty pair of parentheses if the function requires 
no arguments. If there are several arguments to be passed, the argu- 
ments are separated by commas. 

The mandatory program function name in C is main. Every C pro- 
gram must have a function named main, and this function is the one 
executed when the program is run. Examine the following program: 

# include <stdio .h> 
int main (void) 


printf ( "Microcontrollers run the world!\n"); 
return ; 


Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

This program contains all of the elements of a C program. Note 
first that C is a "free form" language. Spaces, carriage returns, tabs, 
and so forth are for the programmer's convenience and are ignored 
by the compiler. The first line of the program 

# include <stdio .h> 

is called a, preprocessor command. Preprocessor commands are iden- 
tified by the # at the beginning of the line. In this case, # include 
tells the preprocessor to open the file stdio . h and read it into the 
program to be compiled with the remainder of the program. The file 
name is surrounded by angle brackets < >. These delimiters tell the 
compiler to search for the file in a region designated by the operating 
system as SET INCLUDE. Had the file name been delimited by 
double quotes, w u , the operating system would have searched only 
the default directory for the file. The default directory is, of course, 
the directory from which you are operating. 

The next line of the program is a definition for a function named 
main. In ANSI C, as opposed to classic C, each function definition 
must inform the compiler of the return type from the function, and 
the type of the function's arguments. In this case, the function main 
has to return an integer and it expects no arguments. The type int 
preceding the function name indicates that it returns an integer and 
that no arguments to the function are expected. 

The line following the function definition contains an opening 
brace { . This brace designates the beginning of a block or a com- 
pound statement. The next line of the program contains a function 
call to the function print f ( ) . This function is made available to 
the program by the inclusion of the header file stdio . h, and it is a 
function that writes a message to the computer terminal screen. In 
this case, the message to be sent to the screen is 

Microcontrollers run the world! 

The escape character x \n' at the end of the message informs the 
program to insert a new line at that point. The complete message 
including the new line escape character is enclosed in double quotes. 
These double quotes identify a string, and the string is the argument 
to the function print f ( ) . Note that the statement beginning with 
print f is closed with a semicolon. In C, every statement is termi- 
nated with a semicolon. 

Some Simple Programs 

After the message is sent to the screen, there is nothing more for 
the program to do, so the program is terminated by executing the 
statement return ; . This statement returns the value back to 
the calling program, which is the operating system. Also, execution 
of the return statement will cause all open files to be closed. If there 
were no return statement at the end of the program, the normal pro- 
cessing at the end of the program would close open files, but there 
would be no value returned to the calling program. 

This is an area where there is much discussion and many dissent- 
ing viewpoints. Early C did not require that main return a value to 
the calling program. When the C89 standard was written, it required 
that main return an int. Unfortunately, many people, set in their 
ways, have refused to adhere to the standard nomenclature in this 
case and they often use void main (void) instead of the form 
above. Most compilers will ignore this form and allow the void 
main (void) function call. For some reason, this form angers many 
code reviewers, so you should use the correct form shown above. 

The program is closed by the inclusion of a closing brace, }, at 
the end. There could be many statements within the block following 
main ( ) creating a program of any complexity. The closing brace is 
the terminator of a compound statement. The compound statement is 
the only case in C where a complete statement closure does not re- 
quire a semicolon. 

Another program example is as follows: 

# include <stdio . h> 





int a, 




= 10; 

b = 

= 5; 


= 2; 


printf("a * b * c = %d\n" , d) ; 

Chapter 1 Introduction to C 


printf( u a * b + c = %d\n" , d) ; 


printf( w a + b * c = %d\n" , d) / 

return ; 


Before discussing this bit of code, we need to talk about the num- 
bers used in it. Like most high-level languages, C provides for different 
classes of numbers. These classes can each be variable types. One 
class is the integer type and a second is the floating point type. We 
will examine these number classes in more detail later, but for now 
let us concentrate on the integer types. Integer numbers usually have 
a numeric range of about ±2 ( n ~ l \ where n is the number of bits that 
contains the integer type. Integers are also called integral types. Inte- 
gral types do not "understand" or permit fractions. Any fraction that 
results from a division operation will be truncated and disappear from 
the calculation. All variables must be declared or defined to be a 
specific type prior to their use in a program. 

The first line of code in main 

int a,b,c,d; 

declares the variables a , b, c, and d to be integer types. This par- 
ticular statement is both a declaration and a definition statement. A 
definition statement causes memory to be allocated for each vari- 
able, and a label name to be assigned each location. A declaration 
statement does not cause memory allocation, but rather it merely 
provides information as to the nature of the variable to the compiler. 
We will see more of definition and declaration statements later. 
The three assignment statements 

C = 2; 

assign initial values to the variables a, b, and c. The equal sign 
signifies assignment. The value 1 is placed in the memory location 
designated as a, etc. The next statement 


Some Simple Programs 

notifies the compiler to generate code that will cause the integer stored 
in location a to be multiplied by the integer in b and the result of that 
product to be multiplied by the integer found in c. Usually, the name 
a , b , or c is used to designate the content of the memory location 
assigned to the label name. This integer result will be stored in the 
location identified by d. 
The print statement 

printf( w a * b * c = %d\n" , d) ; 

is similar to the same statement in the first example. In this case, 
however, the data string 

a * b * c = %d\n" 


contains a printer command character %d. This character notifies the 
print f function that it is to take the first argument following the 
data string, convert it to a decimal value, and print it out to the screen. 
The result of this line of code will be 

b * c = 100 

printed on the screen. 
The line of code 


demonstrates another characteristic of the language. Each operator 
is assigned a precedence that determines the order in which an ex- 
pression is evaluated. The parenthesis operators are of the highest 
precedence. The precedence of the * operator is higher than that of 
the + operator, so this expression will be evaluated as 

d= (a*b) +c; 

In other words, the product indicated by * will be executed prior 
to the addition indicated by the +. The expression that follows later 
in the code 


will be evaluated as 

d=a+ (b*c) ; 

causing the result of the third calculation to differ from that of the 

Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

The result obtained when running this program is as follows. 

a * b * c = 100 
a * b + c = 52 
a + b * c = 20 

Here is another example that demonstrates a primitive looping 

# include <stdio .h> 
int main (void) 


int i ; 


printf ("\ti\ti\ti\n" ) ; 

printf ("\t\t Squared Cubed\n\n" ) ; 

while (i<ll) 


printf ("\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", i, i*i, i*i*i) ; 
i = i + 1 ; 


return ; 

This example was designed to produce a simple table of the val- 
ues of the first ten integers, these values squared, and these values 
cubed. The lines 

printf ( "\ti\ti\ti\n" ) ; 

printf ("\t\t Squared Cubed\n\n" ) ; 

combine to produce a header that identifies the contents of the three 
columns generated by the program. The escape character \t is a tab 
character that causes the screen cursor to skip to the next tab posi- 
tion. The default tab value in C is eight spaces. 
The command 

while (i<ll) 

causes the argument of the while to be evaluated immediately, and 
if the argument is TRUE, the statement following the whi le will be 

Some Simple Programs 

executed. The argument should be read "i is less than 11." The ini- 
tially assigned value for i was 1, so the argument is TRUE. The 
compound statement 

printf ("\t%d\t%d\t%d\n" , i, i*i, i*i*i) ; 

i = i + 1 ; 

will start execution with the value of i being equal to 1 . Once this 
statement is evaluated, control is passed back to the while and its 
argument is evaluated. If the argument is TRUE, the statement fol- 
lowing will be evaluated again. This sequence will repeat until the 
argument evaluates as FALSE. 

In this expression, the string argument of the printf function 
contains three %d commands. Each %d command causes the corre- 
sponding argument following the string to be printed to the screen. 
There are tab characters, \t, to separate the various printed values 
on the screen. The first %d will cause the value of i to be printed 
on the screen. The second %d will cause the value i* i, or i 2 , to 
be printed to the screen. The third %d will print the value of i * i * i, 
or i 3 to be printed. When C executes the function call, the values 
of the arguments are calculated prior to the call, so arguments like 
i*i are evaluated by the calling program and passed by value to 
the function. 

The statement 

i = i + l ; 

is an example of the use of both precedence and association — the 
direction in which expressions are evaluated — in C. The equal sign 
here is an operator just like the + symbol. The + operator is evaluated 
from left to right, and the = operator is evaluated from right to left. 
Also, the + operator has higher precedence than the = operator. There- 
fore, the above statement will add one to the value stored in i and 
then assign this new value to the variable i . This expression simply 
increments the variable i. 

The above statement is the terminating statement of the com- 
pound statement following the while. Since i had an initial value 
of 1 , control will be returned to the while with a value of 2 for i . 2, 

8 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

of course, is less than 1 1, so the statement following the while will 
be executed again and new values will be printed to the screen. This 
sequence will be repeated until the incremented value for i equals 
11, at which time i<ll will be FALSE. At that point in the pro- 
gram, the statement following the while will be skipped, and the 
program will have reached its end. The result of executing the above 
program is shown in the following table: 






































1 . Write, compile, and execute each of the example programs shown 
in this section. 

2. Write a program to calculate the Fahrenheit temperature for the Cel- 
sius values between 0° degrees and 100° in steps of 10° each. The 
conversion formula is F=9*C/5+32. Use integer variables, and ex- 
amine the result when you use F=C*(9/ 5) + 32. What went wrong? 

Variables, constants and functions in C are named, and the pro- 
gram controls operations on these named variables and constants. 
Variables and constants are called operands. Names can be as many 
as 31 characters long. The characters that make up the name can be 
the upper and the lower case letters, the digits through 9, and the 
underscore character x _ ' . There are several defined constants and 
functions that are used by the compiler. All of these names begin 

Names 9 

with an underscore. Because of this convention, you should avoid 
the use of an underscore as the first character for either function or 
variable names in your code. This approach will completely avoid 
name conflict with these hidden or unexpected names. Compilers 
usually allow the names to be unique in the first 31 characters. Un- 
fortunately, some linkers used to link various program modules require 
that the names be unique in the first six or eight characters, depend- 
ing on the linker. 

C has a collection of keywords that cannot be used for names. 
These keywords are listed below: 


































Types and Type Declarations 

C has only a few built-in types. Here they are: 

char — is usually eight bits. The character is the smallest stor- 
age unit. 

int — an integer is usually the size of the basic unit of storage 
for the machine. An int must be at least 16 bits wide. 

float — a single precision floating-point number. 

double — a double precision floating-point number. 

Additional qualifiers are used to modify the basic types. These 
qualifiers include: 

short — modifies an int, and is a variable whose width is no 
greater than that of the int. For example, with a compiler with a 32 
bit int a short int could be 16 bits. You will find examples 
where short and int are the same size. 

10 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

long — modifies an int, and is a variable size whose width is 
no less than that of an int. For example, on a 16-bit machine, an 
int might be 16 bits, and a long int could be 32 bits, long can 
also modify a double to specify an extended precision floating-point 
number. You will find examples where a long and an int are the 
same size. 

signed — modifies all integral numbers and produces a range 
of numbers that contains both positive and negative numbers. For 
example, if the type char is 8 bits, a signed char can contain the 
range of numbers -128 to +127. Default for char and int is 
signed when they are declared. 

uns igned — modifies all integral numbers and produces a range 
of numbers that are positive only. For example, if the type char is 8 
bits, an unsigned char can contain the range of numbers to 
+255. It is not necessary to include the type int with the qualifiers 
short or long. Thus, the following statements are the same: 

long int a,c; 
short int d; 


long a,c; 
short d; 

When a variable is defined, space is allocated in memory for its 
storage. The basic variable size is implementation dependent, and 
especially for microcontrollers, you will find that this variability will 
show up when you change from one microcomputer to another. 

Each variable must be defined prior to being used. A variable 
may be defined at the beginning of any code block, and the variable's 
scope is the block in which it is defined. When the block in which the 
variable is defined is exited, the variable goes out of existence. There 
is no problem with defining variables with the same name in differ- 
ent blocks. The compiler will make certain that these variables do 
not get mixed up in the execution of the code. 

An additional qualifier is cons t. When cons t is used as a quali- 
fier on the declaration of any variable, an initialization value must be 
declared. This value cannot be changed by the program. Therefore 
the declaration 

Types and Type Declarations 11 

const double PI = 3.14159265; 

will create the value for the mathematical constant pi and store it in 
the location provided for PI. Any attempt to change the value of PI 
by the program will cause compiler error. 

Conventions for writing constants are straightforward. A simple 
number with no decimal point is an int. To make a number long, 
you must suffix it with an 1 or an L. For example, 6 04 7 is an int and 
6 04 7L is a long. The u or U suffix on a number will cause creation 
of a proper unsigned number. 

A floating-point number must contain a decimal point or an ex- 
ponent or both. The numbers 1.114 and 17.3e-5 are examples of 
floating point numbers. All floating point numbers are of the type 
double unless a suffix is appended to the number. Any number 
suffixed with an f or an F is a single precision floating-point num- 
ber, and a suffix of 1 or L on a floating-point number will generate a 
type long double. Octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16) 
numbers can be created. Any number that is prefixed with a — a 
leading zero — is taken to be an octal number. Hexadecimal numbers 
are prefixed with a Ox or a OX. The rules above for L and U also 
apply to octal and hexadecimal numbers. 

The final type qualifier is volatile. The qualifier volatile 
instructs the compiler to NOT optimize any code involving the vari- 
able. In execution of an expression, a side effect refers to the fact that 
the expression alters something. The side effect of the following state- 


is that the stored value of a is changed. A sequence point is a point in 
the code where all side effects of previous evaluations are completed 
and no side effects from subsequent evaluations will have taken place. 
An important consideration of the optimization is that if an expression 
has no side effects, it can be eliminated by the compiler. Therefore, if 
a statement involves no sequence point, or alters no memory, it is sub- 
ject to being discarded by the compiler. This operation is not particularly 
bad when writing normal code, but when working with microcontrollers 
where events can occur as a result of hardware operations, not the 
program, this optimization can utterly destroy a program. For example, 
whenever the hardware can alter a stored value, the compiler should 

12 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

be able to discard accesses to that value because the program never 
alters the value. In such a circumstance, if you had an analog-to-digital 
converter peripheral in your system, the program would never be re- 
quired to read its return value more than once. "The program did not 
change the value stored in the input location subsequent to the first 
read, therefore its value has not changed and it is not necessary to read 
the location again." This will always produce wrong results. The key 
word vol at i 1 e indicates to the program that a variable must not be 
optimized. Therefore, if the input location is identified as a vola- 
tile variable, it will not be optimized and the problem will go away. 
As a point of interest, accessing a volatile object, modifying an 
object, modifying a file, or calling a function that does any of those 
operations are all defined as side effects by the standard. 

Storage Classes, Linkage, and Scope 

Additional modifiers are called storage classes and designate 
where a variable is to be stored and how it is initialized. These stor- 
age classes are auto (for automatic), static, and malloced. 
The first two storage classes are described in the following sections. 
The storage class malloc provides dynamic memory allocation and 
is discussed in detail in Chapter 2. 

Automatic variables 

For local variables defined within a function, the default storage 
class is auto. An automatic variable has the scope of the block in 
which it is defined, and it is uninitialized when it is created. Auto- 
matic variables are usually stored on the program stack, so space for 
the variable is created when the function is entered. When the stack 
is cleaned up prior to the return at the end of the function, all vari- 
ables stored on the stack are deleted. 

As we saw in our first program example, variables can be initial- 
ized at the time of declaration by assigning the variable an initial value: 

int rupt=17; 

An automatic variable will be assigned its initial value each time 
the block in which it is declared is entered. If the variable is not 
initialized at declaration, it will contain the contents of uninitialized 
memory, which can be any value. 

Storage Classes, Linkage, and Scope 13 

Another class of variable isregister.A register class variable 
is automatic, i.e., it comes into being at the beginning of the block in 
which it is defined and it goes out of scope at the end of the block. If 
a register is available in the computer, a register variable 
will be stored in a register. To define a register variable, you should 
use the form 

register int roger=10; 

These variables can be long, short, int, or char. 

When a register is not available, a register variable will be 
stored just like any other automatic variable. A programmer might 
consider the use of register variables in code that contains "tight 
loops" to save the time of memory accesses while executing the loop. 
A bit of advice. Compilers have improved continuously over the past 
years. With today's compilers, the optimizers are so efficient that the 
compiler can probably do a better job of assigning register vari- 
ables than the programmer. Therefore, it makes little sense to specify a 
lot of regi s t er variables just to improve the efficiency of your code. 

Static variables 

Sometimes you might want to assign a value to a variable and 
have it retain that value for later function calls. Such a variable can 
be created by calling it s t at i c at its definition. There are two groups 
of static variables: Local static variables which have a scope 
of the function in which they are defined, and global or external 
static class variables. Unless otherwise declared, all static class 
variables are initialized to when they are created. 

There are two groups of external static variables. Any exter- 
nal variable is astatic class variable. It is automatically initialized 
to the value when the program is loaded unless the value is other- 
wise declared in the definition statement. An external variable that is 
declared as static in its definition statement like 

static int redoubt; 

will have file scope. Remember normal external variables can be 
accessed from any module in the entire program. A static exter- 
nal variable can be accessed only from within the file in which it is 
defined. Note that static variables are not stored on the stack, but 
rather stored inastatic data memory area. 

14 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

Inside of a function, the following declaration is made: 

static int keep = 1; 

When the program is loaded and executed, the value 1 is assigned 
to keep. Thereafter, each time the function is entered, keep will 
not be initialized but will retain the value assigned to it the last time 
the function was executed. 

Global variables can be designated as static. A global vari- 
able that is stat ic is similar to a conventional global variable with 
the exception that it can be accessed only from the file in which it is 

If there is an external variable that is declared in one file that is to 
be accessed by a function defined in another file, the function must 
notify the compiler that the variable is external with the use of the 
keyword extern. The following is an example of such an access. 

In file 1: 

int able; 

int main (void) 


long quickstart (void) ; 
long r; 

l=quickstart ( ) ; 


In file 2: 

long quickstart (void) 


extern int able; 

/* do something with able */ 

Character Constants 15 

return result; 


When the file 1 is compiled, the variable able is marked as 
external, and memory is allocated for its storage. When the file 2 is 
compiled, the variable able is recognized to be external because of 
the extern keyword, and no memory is allocated for the variable. 
When the link phase of the compilation is completed, all address 
references to able in file 2 will be assigned the address of able that 
was defined in file 1. The example above in which the declaration 
extern int able; 

allowed access to able from the file 2 will not work if able had 
been declared as follows in file 1 : 

static int able; 

Character Constants 

Character constants or escape sequences are data that can be stored 
in memory locations designated as char. A character constant is 
identified by a backslash preceding the character. We have seen the 
use of the character constants x \n' and v \t' in previous examples. 
Several of these escape sequences shown in the following table have 
predefined meanings. 





bell character 




form feed 


new line 


carriage return 


vertical tab 


horizontal tab 


question mark 


back slash 


single quote 


double quote 


octal number 


hexadecimal number 

16 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

If these constants are used within a program, they must be identified 
by quotes. In the earlier example, the new line character was a part of 
a string. Therefore, it effectively was contained in quotes. If a single 
character constant is to be generated, the constant must be included in 
single quotes. For example, a test might include a statement like 

if (c!='\t # ) 

• • • • 

This statement causes the variable c to be compared with the constant 
x \ t ' , and the statement following the i f will be executed if they are 
not the same. Another preprocessor command is #def ine. With the 
#def ine command, you can define a character sequence that will be 
placed in your code sequence whenever it is encountered. If you have 
character constants that you wish to use in your code, these constants 
can be identified as 

#define CR x \xOd' 
#define LF x \xOa' 
#define BELL x \x07' 
#define NULL x \x0 0' 

and so forth. 

We'll discuss the #def ine preprocessor command further later. 
The following program shows use of an escape character. 

/* Count lines of text in an input */ 

# include <stdio .h> 
int main (void) 


int c,nl=0; /* the number of lines is in nl */ 
while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =EOF) 
if (c=='\n' ) 

nl + + ; 

printf ( "The number of lines is %d\n",nl); 
return ; 

Character Constants 17 

Often you will want to leave "clues" as to what the program or 
line of code is supposed to do. Comments within the code provide 
this documentation. A C comment is delimited by 

/* */ 

and the comment can contain anything except another comment. In 
other words, comments may NOT be nested. The first line of code 
in the above program is a comment, and the sixth line contains both 
code and a comment. The compiler ignores all information inside 
the comment delimiters. 

This program uses two integer variables c and nl. The variable 
c is the temporary storage location in which input data are stored, 
and nl is where the number of input lines are counted. 

The while statement contains a rather complicated argument. 
At any point in a C program when a value is calculated, it can be 
stored in a specified location. For example, in the whi le expression 

while ( (c=getchar() ) != EOF) 

the inner expression 

c=getchar () 

causes the function get char ( ) to be executed. The return from 
getchar ( ) is a character from the input stream. This character is 
assigned to the variable c. After this operation is completed, the re- 
sult returned from getchar ( ) is compared with the constant EOF. 
EOF means end-of-file, and it is the value returned by getchar ( ) 
when a program tries to read beyond the end of the data stream. It is 
defined in the file stdio . h. The symbol ! = is read "is not equal 
to." Therefore, the argument of the while will be TRUE so long as 
getchar ( ) does not return an EOF and the statement following 
the while will be continually executed until an EOF is returned. 

Operators in an expression that have the higher precedence will be 
executed before the lower precedence operators. In the expression 

c= getchar () != EOF 

the operator ! = has a higher precedence than that of the = operator. 
Therefore, when this expression is evaluated, the logical portion of 
the expression will be evaluated first, and the result of the logical 

18 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

evaluation — either TRUE or FALSE — will be assigned to the vari- 
able c. This result is of course incorrect. To avoid this problem, use 

(c = getcharO) != EOF 

as the while argument. In this case, the parentheses group the 
c=getchar ( ) expression and it will be completed prior to execu- 
tion of the comparison. The variable c will have the correct value as 
returned from the input stream. If the above expression is logically 
true, then the value that was returned from the input stream is tested 
to determine if it is a new line character. If a new line character is 
found, the counter nl is incremented. Otherwise, the next character 
is read in and the sequence repeated until an EOF is returned from 
the get char ( ) . Whenever an assignment is executed inside of 
another expression, always enclose the complete assignment expres- 
sion in parentheses. 

The final statement in the program 

printf ( "The number of lines is %d\n",nl); 

prints out the number of new line characters detected in reading the 
input file. 


An array is a collection of like types of data that are stored in 
consecutive memory locations. An array is designated at declaration 
time by appending a pair of square brackets to the array name. If the 
size of the array is to be determined at the declaration, the square 
brackets can contain the number of elements in the array. Following 
are proper array declarations. 

extern int a [] ; 

long rd[100] ; 

float temperatures [1000] ; 

char st [] ={ "Make a character array"}; 

float pressure[]={ 1.1, 2.3, 3.9, 3.7, 2.5, 1.5, 


As you can see, the size of an array must be designated in some 
manner before you can use empty square brackets in the designation. 
In the first case above, the array a [ ] is defined in global memory, so 
all that is necessary for the compiler to know is that a [ ] is an array. 

Arrays 1 9 

The argument of an array is sometimes called its index. It is a num- 
ber that selects a specific entry into an array. Array arguments start 
with zero always. Therefore, when an array of 100 elements is cre- 
ated, these elements are accessed by using the arguments to 99. 
The standard requires that the first element beyond the end of the 
array be accessible as an array entry. Attempts to access elements 
beyond that will give undefined results. 

Arrays can be initialized at declaration. The initialization values 
must be enclosed in braces, and if there are several individual nu- 
merical values, these values must be separated by commas. In the 
case of a string initialization, it is necessary to include the string in 
quotes and also enclose the string along with its quotation marks 
within the braces. In both of these cases, the size of the array is 
calculated at compile time, and it is unnecessary for the programmer 
to figure the size of the array. 

A string is a special case of an array. Whenever a string is gener- 
ated in C, an array of characters is created. The length of the array is 
one greater than the length of the string. The individual characters 
from the string are placed in the array entries. To be a proper C 
string, the array's last character must be a zero or a null. All strings 
in C are null terminated. If you as a programmer create a string in 
your program, you must append a null on the end of the character 
array to be guaranteed that C will treat the array as a string. 

If the programmer should specify an array size and then initial- 
ize a portion of the array like 

int time [6] ={1,5,3,4} ; 

the compiler will initialize the first four members of the array with 
the specified values and initialize the remainder of the array with 
zero values. This approach allows you to initialize any array with all 
zero values by 

long ziggy [100] ={0} ; 

which will fill all of the elements of the array z iggy [ ] with zeros. 
C provides you with no array boundary checking. It is the 
programmer's responsibility to guarantee that array arguments do 
not violate the boundaries of the array. 

20 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

Other types 

There are mechanisms for creating other types in C. The three 
other types are enum, union, and struct. It is often quite conve- 
nient to make use of the data types to accomplish things that are difficult 
with the normal types available. We will see how to use these types in 
this section. 

The enum 

The name enum is used in C in a manner similar to the #de- 
f ine preprocessor command. The enum statement 

enum state { OUT, IN}; 

produces the same result as 

#define OUT 
#define IN 1 

Here, the name state is called the tag name. In this case OUT will be 
given a value of and IN a value 1. In the enum{ } form, unless 
specifically assigned, the members will be given successively increas- 
ing values and the first will be given a value 0. Values can be assigned 

by an enum{ } ; 

enum months {Jan =l,Feb, Mar, April, May, June, 
July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec}; 

will cause Jan to be 1, Feb 2, and so forth up to Dec which will be 12. 
Each member can be assigned a different value, but whenever the 
programmer assignments stop, the values assigned to the variables 
following will be successively increased. These values are, by de- 
fault, of the int type. The name months in the above expression is 
called a tag name. An enum creates a new type and you might have 
several enums in your code that you would wish to create as in- 
stances. The key word enum with its tag name identifies the specific 
enum when it is used as a type identifier in a definition statement. 
Another example 

enum ( FALSE , TRUE , Sun= 1 , Mon , 
Tues,Wed,Thur, Fri, Sat) ; 

Other Types 21 

will result in FALSE being 0, TRUE 1, Sun 1 , Mon 2, and so 
forth to Sat 7. Note that it is not necessary to assign a tag name to 
an enum. 

An enum is typed at declaration time. Therefore, the values cre- 
ated by an enum are indeed numerical values. This differs from the 
# define because the statement 

#define FALSE 

will cause the character '0' to be inserted into the source code when- 
ever the label FALSE is encountered. As such, the #de f ine construct 
is a character substitution technique or a macro expansion. The re- 
sult of an enum is a numerical substitution. The # define construct, 
being a simple character substitution, has no typing attached to its 
arguments. Constants created by an enum are typed, and therefore, 
will avoid many of the potential hazards of dealing with untyped 

Let us examine how one might use a type created with an enum 
construct. The following enum defines two constants 

enum direction {LEFT, RIGHT} ; 

In a program, a definition statement 

enum direction d; 

will cause a variable d to be created. The acceptable values for d are 
the names LEFT and RIGHT. We know, of course, that the numerical 
value for LEFT is and the value for RIGHT. Within your program, 
you can assign and test the value of d. For example, 

if (d==LEFT) 

do something 


if (d==RIGHT) 

do something else 


d = RIGHT; 

As stated earlier, the acceptable values for d are LEFT and RIGHT. 
There is no checking within the program to see if the programmer 

22 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

has indeed kept the trust. Therefore, it is possible to assign any inte- 
ger value to d, and the program will compile. It probably will not 
work correctly, however. 

The Union 

The union was invented when memory was very dear. The main 
purpose of the union was to allow the storing of several variables at 
a single memory location. A union has a tag name much the same 
as the enum above. 

union several 


long biggie; 

int middle_size; 

char little, another_char ; 

short little_bigger ; 


The union several contains several members. These members 
are not necessarily of the same type and there can be multiple in- 
stances of the same type. To create an instance of such a union, you 
need a definition statement. This statement can be external or imme- 
diately following the opening of a code block, and hence local. Such 
a statement might be 

union several these; 

This definition causes a union several named these to be cre- 
ated with memory allocated. To access the members of the union, 
you can use the dot operator as 

these. biggie = something; 


another = these . another_char; 

An interesting feature of a union. If you should check the size 
of a union, you would find that it is the size of the largest of its 
members. Whenever you access, either read or write, a union, the 
proper size data is written or read, and it overwrites any other data 
that might be found in the memory location. Therefore, you can use 
a union for storage of only one of its members at a time and writing 

Other Types 23 

anything to the union destroys any data previously stored to the 


The struct 

Yet another type is the struct. The struct is a collection of 
things much like the array. In the case of the struct, there are two 
major differences. A struct can contain different types, and the 
struct itself is a first class type. An array must be a collection of 
like types, and an array is NOT a type, so the type-like things you 
can do with a struct are not available for an array. 

You create a struct in much the same form as was seen with a 
union. You may use a tag name. 

struct able 


char a,b; 
int c,d; 


This struct is made up of two characters and two integers. If you 
wish to define an instance of the struct, you should use 

struct able here: 

Access the members of the struct with the dot operator like 

here . a = x a' ; 
here.b = 16; 
here.c = 32 000; 
here.d = -16500; 

We will see more of struct in Chapter 2 where you will learn 
how to make use of the new types created by struct. 


1 . Write a program that reads all of the characters from an input file 
and prints the characters on the screen. Use the get char ( ) func- 
tion used earlier to read the inputs and the put char ( c ) to print 
the results to the screen. 

2. Modify the above program to count the number of characters in an 
input stream. 

24 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

3. Write a program that reads the characters from an input file and 
counts in an array the occurrences of each letter. Make the pro- 
gram "case insensitive" by treating all upper case letters as lower 

Operators and Expressions 

The variables and constants discussed in the previous section are 
classed as operands. They are values or objects that are operated 
upon by a program. The operations that take place are specified by 
operators. This section contains a discussion of the several opera- 

Operators abound in C. All of the symbols involved in the lan- 
guage are operators. Each has a precedence and an associativity. This 
section is concerned with how operators and operands are put to- 
gether to interact in a manner desired by the programmer. 

Arithmetic Operators 

The arithmetic operators are those used to perform arithmetic 
operations. These operators are: 



These operators are called binary operators because they are al- 
ways used with two operands. These operands are placed on either 
side of the operator. The symbol + designates arithmetic addition, 
and the - symbol designates subtraction. The symbols * and / 
designate multiplication and division, respectively. These opera- 
tors are clearly different for different variable types. The compiler 
understands these differences and creates correct code for the 
operand types involved. The modulus operator % returns the re- 
mainder after an integer division. The modulus operator works only 
on integer types — int , char , and long. It cannot be applied to 
types float , double or long double. 

Operators and Expressions 25 

Two unary operators are + and -. These operators are of higher 
precedence than the normal arithmetic operators. They operate on 
only the operand written to the right of the operator and are therefore 
called unary. The unary minus sign causes the negative value of the 
operand to be calculated, and the unary positive sign causes no cal- 
culation to take place. 

Among the binary operators, * , / , and % have equal prece- 
dence, which is higher that of + and - . The unary operators + and - 
have a higher precedence than * , / , or %. The arithmetic operators 
will work with any of the arithmetic types. Because the operations 
needed for an integer operation differ from those needed for the cor- 
responding double operation, the compiler will place the proper 
arithmetic routines in the code to perform the specified operation. 

The concept of a fraction is almost unknown to an integer type. 
If a division of two integers is executed, the result is rounded toward 
zero. Therefore, the result of 1/2 is as is 9999/10000. This charac- 
teristic is often used in programming. 

The only way that you can handle fractions with integer opera- 
tions is to make use of the modulus operation. The result of a %b is 
the remainder that is left over after a is divided by b. The modulus 
operation can provide insight into the fractional value of what is left 
over after an integer divide. 


1. Write a program that evaluates 
f(x) = X 2 -3X + 2 

for values of X in < X < 3 in steps of 0. 1 . 

2. The roots of a quadratic equation can be evaluated by the equation 
x = (-b + sqrt(b 2 - 4ac))/2a 


x = (-b - sqrt(b 2 - 4ac))/2a 

where the quadratic equation is ax 2 + bx + c = 0. Write a pro- 
gram that will evaluate the roots of such an equation. Note that the 
term sqrt (b 2 - 4ac ) is called the discriminant. If its argument 

26 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

is not positive, the square root of a negative number is imaginary 
and the equation has complex roots. Handle both real and complex 
roots in your program. 

Relational or Logical Operators 

The relational operators are all binary operators. When contained 
in an expression, the program will evaluate the left operand and then 
the right operand. These operands will be compared, and if the com- 
parison shows that the meaning of the operator is correct, the program 
will return 1. Otherwise, the program will return a 0. In the vocabu- 
lary of C, FALSE is always zero. If calculated by a logical expression, 
TRUE will always be one. However, if the argument of a conditional 
expression is anything but zero, it will respond as if the argument is 
TRUE. In other words, FALSE is always zero and TRUE is anything 
else. The relational operators are: 

< (less than) 

< = (less than or equal to) 
> (greater than) 

>= (greater than or equal to) 

These operators all have the same precedence, which is slightly higher 
than the following equality operators: 

(is equal to) 
! = (is not equal to) 

The logical operators are && and | | . The first operator indicates a 
logical AND and the second a logical OR. A logical AND will return 
TRUE if both of its operands are TRUE, and a logical OR will return 
TRUE if either of its operands is TRUE. The logical OR has lower 
precedence than the logical AND. The precedence of the logical AND 
is lower than the precedence of the relational operators and the equal- 
ity operators. 

In the evaluation of long logical expressions, the program starts 
on the left side of the expression and evaluates the expression until it 
knows whether the whole expression is true or false, and it then exits 
the evaluation and returns a proper value. For example, suppose there 

Operators and Expressions 27 

is a character c, and it is necessary to determine if this character is a 
letter. In such a case, the following logical expression might be used: 

if ( c >= X A' ScSc c <= X Z' | | c >= x a' && c <= x z') 

The logical and operator && has lower precedence than any of the 
relational operators, so the relational expressions will each be evalu- 
ated prior to the && operations. If upon entering this expression, c is 
equal to the character x 5 ' , which is arithmetically smaller than any 
of the letters, the first term c >= x A' will be FALSE. Therefore, the 
result of the first logical and expression is known to be FALSE 
without evaluating the term c < = x Z ' . The evaluation will then 
skip to the third term c >= x a' , and the term c <= X Z' will not be 
evaluated. In this case, the character x 5 ' will be smaller than the 
character x a ' so that the second and expression will also be FALSE. 
Therefore, the logical value will be known after evaluation of only 
two of the logical terms of the argument rather than having to evalu- 
ate all four of the terms. 


1 . Write a function that converts a character that is a letter to lower 

2. Leap years occur every four years unless the year happens to be 
divisible by 100. Any year divisible by 400 is a leap year, however. 
Write a logical expression that will return TRUE if the given year 
is a leap year and FALSE if it is not. 

Type Conversions Within Expressions 

Implied in our earlier discussions on variable types, different data 
types not only occupy different width in memory, some may be com- 
pletely incompatible when attempting to execute operations involving 
mixed data types. In earlier languages, it was up to the programmer 
to guarantee that the data types involved with an operation were the 
same. C resolves this problem, and the compiler will select the proper 
data type to complete operations on mixed data types. 

Each data type has an implied width. When an operation is to be 
executed on mixed data types, the widths of the two types are evalu- 
ated, and the lesser width operand is promoted to the type of the 

28 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

greater width operand prior to execution of the operation. Thus, if 
the program called for d = a * b, where disof type long, a is 
type int, and b is type long, a will be converted to the type long 
prior to the multiplication. 

This logic carries over to mixing of float and double types 
as well. If for example a program called for the division a/b where 
a is of the type int and b is of the type double, the program would 
convert a to the type double before execution of the divide. 

There might be times when the programmer will want to change 
the type of a variable. C provides a cast operator which forces the 
program to convert the type of a variable to a different type. This 
unary operator has the form. 

(type name) expression 

where the results of the evaluation of the expression will be con- 
verted to the named type contained within the parentheses preceding 
the expression. 

Bitwise Operators 

Operators that work on the individual bits within a variable are 
called bitwise operators. Following is a table of all of these opera- 

& bitwise AND > > right shift 

| bitwise Inclusive OR < < left shift 

bitwise Exclusive OR ~ one's complement 

The first three bitwise operators are traditional binary operators. 
These binary operators operate in integer type (char, int, long, 
etc.) operands, and the two operands must be of the same type. 

If a bitwise AND is executed, those locations in the result where 
both operands have bit values of 1 will have a value of 1. All other 
locations will be 0. For a bitwise inclusive OR, each bit in the 
result will be 1 when either or both operand bits are 1. All locations 
where both operand bits are will be 0. The exclusive OR is 
similar to an addition with no carry. Whenever the bits in the oper- 
ands are different, the result bit will be 1. If both operand bits are the 
same, either both bits 1 or both bits 0, the result will be 0. 

Operators and Expressions 29 

The right shift operator and the left shift operator are also bi- 
nary operators. Here the types of the operands need not be the same. 
The expression 

x >> 3 

causes the variable x to be shifted to the right by three bits prior to its 
use. Likewise, 

y << 5 

will cause y to be shifted to the left by five bits. In all number sys- 
tems, a left shift by one digit corresponds to a multiplication by the 
number base. Similarly, a shift to the right by one digit causes a 
division by the number base. We are using the binary system in this 
case, so a shift left by one bit causes the number to be multiplied by 
two. Unlike most number systems, the binary system (or two's 
complement system) allows the sign of the number to be contained 
in the binary representation of the number itself. These consider- 
ations lead to two different types of shifts for a system of binary 
numbers. A shift in which bits vacated by the shift are replaced by 
zeros is called a logical shift. All left shifts are logical shifts. As the 
shift progresses toward the left, bits that fill the number from the 
right will all be zero. Bits that shift out of the number on the left side 
are lost. A right shift can be either a logical or an arithmetic shift. If 
the type being shifted is signed, the sign bit — which is the leftmost 
bit — will propagate, retaining a number of the same sign. This is an 
arithmetic sign. If the number being shifted is unsigned, zeros are 
filled into the number from the left as the shift proceeds. In all cases, 
bits shifted out of a number by a shift operation will be lost. The 
one's complement operator ~ is a unary operator that causes the bits 
in a variable to be reversed. Every 1 is replaced by a 0, and every is 
replaced by a 1 . The bitwise AND and OR operations are used to turn 
bits on and off. Suppose that we have a character variable r, and we 
wish to turn the least significant three bits off. Try 

r = r & ~7; 

In this case, the number 7 has each of the least significant bits turned 
on or 1. Therefore, the term ~7 has all of the bits in the number but 
the least significant turned on and these three bits are turned off or 0. 

30 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

When this mask is ANDed with r, all of the bits of r , with the 
exception of the least significant three bits, will be ANDed with a 1, 
and these bit values will remain unchanged. The least significant 
three bits will be ANDed with and the result in these three bits will 
be 0. The bitwise OR will turn bits on. Suppose you wanted to turn 
bits 2 and 3 of r above on. Here you would use 

r = r | 0x0c; 

The hexadecimal number 0x0 c is a number that has bits 2 and 3 
turned on and all other bits turned off. This OR operation will leave 
bits 2 and 3 on and all other bits will remain unchanged. Suppose 
that you want to complement a bit in a variable. For example, bit of 
the memory location PORTA must be toggled each time a certain 
routine is entered. The expression 


will perform this operation. All of the bits except for bit 1 of PORTA 
will remain unchanged because the exclusive OR of any bit with a 
will not change the bit value. However, if bit 1 is 1 in PORTA the 
exclusive OR will force this bit to 0. If this bit is 0, the exclusive OR 
will force this bit to a 1 . Therefore, the above expression will comple- 
ment bit of PORTA each time it is executed. 

The bitwise operators & , | , and A are of lower precedence 
than the equality operators, and higher precedence than the logical 
AND operator. The bit shift operators are of the same precedence, of 
lower precedence than the arithmetic operators + and - , and of higher 
precedence than the relational operators. 

Increment and Decrement Operators 

When the C language was written, every effort was made to write 
a language that is concise and yet unambiguous. Several powerful 
short-hand operators were included in the language that will shorten 
the program. The increment and decrement operators are examples 
of such short-hand operators. In the examples earlier there were in- 
stances of expressions such as 

i = i + 1 ; 

Increment and Decrement Operators 31 

Here the i value stored in memory is replaced by one more than the 
value found there at the beginning of execution of the expression. 
The C expression 

+ + i 

will do exactly the same thing. The increment operator ++ causes 1 
to be added to the value in the memory location i. The decrement 
operator - - causes 1 to be subtracted from the value in the memory 
location. The increment and decrement operators can be either pre- 
fix or postfix operators. If, like above, the ++ operator precedes the 
variable, it is called a prefix operator. If the variable is used in an 
expression, it will be incremented prior to its use. For example, sup- 
pose i = 5. Then the expression 

j = 2 * ++i 

will leave a 12 for the value j and 6 for i. On the other hand, if i 
again is 5, the expression 

j = 2 * i--; 

will leave a value of 10 for j and 4 for I. 

An easy way to see how the preincrement and the postincrement 
works is as follows: Suppose that you have a pair of statements 

<statement with j> 

These statements can be replaced with 

<statement with ++j> 

The preincrement means that you should replace j with j+1 before 
you evaluate the expression. Likewise the statements 

<statement with j> 

can be replaced with 

<statement with j++> 

with the post increment, you should evaluate the expression and then 
replace j with j+1. 

32 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

Often somebody will wonder what will happen if you have mul- 
tiple increments, either pre or post, of a variable within a single 
expression. There is an easy answer for that question. Do not do it. 
The standard provides that between sequence points, an object shall 
have its value modified at most once and the prior value of the object 
shall be accessed only to determine its value. Interpretations of the 
above requirements disallow statements such as 

J = j++; 


a[j] = j++; 

m = j ++ + ++j ; 

Assignment Operators 

Another shorthand that was included in C is called the assign- 
ment operator. When you are programming, you will find that 
expressions such as 

i = i+2; 


X = X<<1; 

are used often. Almost any binary operator can be found on the right 
side of the expression. A special set of operators was created in C to 
simplify these expressions. The first expression can be written 

i += 2; 

and the second 

X < < = 1 ; 

These expressions use what is defined as an assignment operator. 
The operators that can be used in assignment operators are 

+ » 


Increment and Decrement Operators 33 



If you have two expressions el and e2, and let the operand $ repre- 
sent any binary C operator, then 

el $= e2; 

is equivalent to 

el = (el) $ (e2) ; 

The precedence of all of the operator assignments are the same and 
less than the precedence of the conditional operator discussed in the 
next section. These operators assignments and the = operator are 
associated from right to left. 

The Conditional Expression 

Another code sequence found frequently is 

if (expl) 

exp2 ; 

exp3 ; 

The logical expression expl is evaluated. If that expression is TRUE , 
exp2 is executed. Otherwise, exp3 is executed. In the compact no- 
tation of C, the above code sequence can be written 

expl ? exp2 : exp3 ; 

This expression is read if expl is TRUE, execute exp2. Otherwise, 
execute exp3. Another way of stating this is that if expl is TRUE, 
the value of the expression is exp2; otherwise the value of the ex- 
pression is exp3. 

The conditional expression is found often in macro definitions, 
which we'll discuss later. 


1. Write a program to determine if a number is even or odd. 

2. Write a function that determines the number of bits in an integer 
on your machine. 

34 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

3. Write a program that will rotate the bits in the number 0x5 aa5 to 
the left by n bits. A rotate differs from a shift in that the most 
significant bit will be shifted into the least significant bit during 
the rotation. A shift merely shifts zeros into the least significant 

4. An arithmetic right shift propagates the most significant bit to the 
right when the number is shifted right. If zeros are shifted into the 
most significant bit, the shift is called a logical right shift. Write a 
program that determines whether your compiler implements a logi- 
cal or arithmetic right shift with the operator » with both signed 
and unsigned arithmetic. 

5. Write a function upper(c) that returns the upper case letter if the 
character c is a lower case letter. Otherwise it shall return the char- 
acter c. 

6. If you used the if() else construct in problem 4, rewrite the func- 
tion to use the conditional expression. 

Precedence and Associativity 

Here is a summary of the rules of both precedence and associa- 
tion of all C operators. The higher an operator falls in the table, the 
higher its precedence. Operators that fall on the same line are all of 
the same precedence. All symbols used in C are operators. There- 
fore, the operator () refers to the parentheses enclosing the arguments 
to a function call. The operator [] refers to the brackets enclosing the 
argument of an array. The period operator . and the comma operator , 
will both be discussed when introduced. Likewise, the -> and the 
sizeof operators will be introduced later. 

Operator Associativity 

() [] -> . left to right 

! -++ — +-*& (type) sizeof right to left 

* / % left to right 

+ - left to right 

< < > > left to right 

Precedence and Associativity 35 

< < = > = > left to right 

= = != left to right 

& left to right 

left to right 

| left to right 

&& left to right 

| | left to right 

? : right to left 

= += -= *= /= %= 8c= A = |= <<= >>= right to left 

, left to right 

Note the very high precedence of the parentheses and the square 
brackets. It is the high precedence of these operators that allows the 
programmer to force operations that are not in line with the normal 
precedence of the language. The second highest precedence is the 
list of unary operators. These operators are all associated from right 
to left. 


1 . Which of the following words are valid names for use in a C pro- 

able toots 

What_day_is_it WindowBar 

_calloc 8arnold 

Hurting? value 

constant Constant 

sizeof continue 

2. Write a program to evaluate the constant 

( 1.0377x107 + 3.1822x103 ) / ( 7.221x104 + 22.1x106 ) 
The answer will be 0.468162. 

3. Write a function that raises the integer x to the power n. Name the 
function x_to_the_n, and write a program that evaluates 
x to the n for several different values of both x and n. 

36 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

4. Write a program that will examine a specified year and determine 
if it is a leap year. 

5. Write a program that will count the number of digits in an input 
file. Record and print out the number of occurrences of each digit. 

6. In C the term "white space" refers to the occurrence of a space, a 
tab character, or a new line character. Write a program that will 
evaluate the number of white space characters in an input file. 

Program Flow and Control 

Program flow and control comprise several different means to 
control the execution of a program. Looping constructs, for example, 
control the repeated execution of a program segment while adjusting 
parameters used in the execution at either the beginning or the end of 
the loop. Two way branches are created by if/else statements, 
and the choice of one of many operations can be accomplished with 
the else if or switch/case statements. The following para- 
graphs will provide a quick look at each of these program flow and 
control methods. 

The While Statement 

There are three looping constructs available to the C programmer: 
the while ( ) statement, the for ( ; ; ) statement and the do/ 
while ( ) statement. The following program demonstrates the use of 
the whi le looping construct along with some other concepts. We have 
seen the whi le statement earlier, but the following program will pro- 
vide a new look at its use. 

# include <stdio .h> 
int main (void) 


int guess, i ; 


guess = 5; 

while (guess != i) 


Program Flow and Control 37 

1 = guess; 

guess = (i + (10000/i) ) /2 ; 


printf ( u The square root of 10000 is 
%d\n" , guess) ; 
return ; 


As in the first example, the # include statement is used to bring 
standard input/output features into the program, and the program 
starts with the function definition main ( ) . Inside of the main pro- 
gram, the first statement is 

int guess, i; 

This statement defines the variables guess and i as integers. No 
value is assigned to i at this time, but a space in memory is allocated 
to guess and i and the space is sufficient to store an integer. The 
first executable statement in the program is 


This statement is called an assignment statement. The equal sign here 
is a misnomer. The statement is read "replace the contents of the 
memory location assigned to i with a 1." The next statement 

guess = 5; 

assigns a value 5 to the variable guess. The statement 

while (guess != i) 

invokes a looping operation. The while operation will cause the 
statement following to execute repeatedly. At the beginning of each 
loop execution, the while argument guess ! =i is checked. This 
argument is read "guess is not equal to i." So long as this argument is 
TRUE, the statement following the while will be executed. When 
guess becomes equal to i, the statement following the while will 
be skipped. 

The while is followed by a compound statement that contains 
two statements: 



38 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

guess = (i + (10000/i) ) /2 ; 


This calculation is known as a Newton loop. It states that if i is a 
guess at the square root of 10000, then (i+ (10000/i) ) /2 is a 
better guess. The loop will continue to execute until i is exactly 
equal to gue s s . At this time the compound statement will be skipped. 
When the statement following the while is skipped, program 
control is passed to the statement 

printf ( "The square root of 10000 is %d\n" , guess) ; 

This statement prints out the value of the last guess, which will be 
the square root of 10000. 

The For Loop 

Many times, a sequence of code like 

while (statement2) 


statement3 ; 


will be found. This exact sequence was seen in the above example. 
There is a shorthand version of this sequence that can be used. It is as 

for (statementl ; statement2 ; statement3) 

The for construct takes three arguments, each separated by semi- 
colons. In operation, the for construct is compiled exactly the same 
as the above sequence. In other words, statementl is executed 
followed by a standard while with statement 2 as its argument. 
The compound statement that follows will have statement 3 placed 
at its end, so that statements is executed just prior to completion 
of the statement following the while construct. The for construct 
can be used to write the above program in the following manner: 

# include <stdio .h> 

Program Flow and Control 39 

int main (void) 


int guess, i ; 

for (i=l , guess=5 ; i ! =guess ; ) 


i=guess ; 

guess= (i+(10000/i))/2; 


printf ( x% The square root of 10000 = 
%d\n" , guess) ; 
return ; 


Recall that the for allows three arguments. Not all arguments 
are necessary for proper execution of the for. In this case, only two 
arguments are included. The first argument is really two initializa- 
tion arguments separated by a comma operator. When the comma 
operator is used, the statements separated by commas are each evalu- 
ated until the semicolon is found. At this time, the initialization is 
terminated. By the way, the comma operator can be used in normal 
code sequences so that you can string several statements in a row 
without separating them with semicolons. The second argument of 
the for construct is i ! = guess. The for loop will execute so 
long as this expression is TRUE. Note that there is no third statement 
in the for invocation. 

This argument is where you would normally place the change in 
i that is to take place at the end of each loop. In this case, the opera- 
tion on i is i=guess. If this expression were used for the third 
argument, at the end of the first loop, the second argument would be 
FALSE, and execution of the calculation would be prematurely ter- 

The Do/While Construct 

Another looping structure is the do /while loop. Recall that the 
argument of a whi le statement is tested prior to executing the state- 
ment following. If the argument of the while is FALSE to begin 
with, the statement following will never be executed. Sometimes, it is 

40 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

desired to execute the statement at least once whether the argument is 
TRUE or not. In such a case, the argument should be tested at the end 
of the loop rather than at the beginning as with the whi le. The do/ 
while construct accomplishes this operation. The construction of a 
do-while loop is as follows 


} while (expression) ; 


The program will enter the do construct and execute the code that 
follows up to the while statement. At that time, the expression is 
evaluated. If it is TRUE, program control is returned to the statement 
following the do. Otherwise, if the expression evaluates to FALSE, 
control will pass to the statement following the while. Notice that 
there is a semicolon following the whi 1 e ( exp r e s s i on ) . This semi- 
colon is necessary for correct operation of the do -while loop. 

The following function converts the integer number n into the 
corresponding ASCII string. The function has two parts: the first 
part converts the number into an ASCII string, but the result is back- 
ward in the array; the second part reverses the data in the array so 
that the result is correct. 

/* convert a positive integer to an ASCII string; 
valid for positive numbers only */ 

void itoa (unsigned int n, char s [] ) 


int i=0 , j =0 , temp; 

/* convert the number to ASCII */ 


Program Flow and Control 41 

s [i+ + ] = x 0' + n % 10; 

n /=10; 
} while ( n != 0) ; 
s[i]=0; /* make the array a string */ 

/* but it is backwards in the array — reverse 

i — ; /* don't swap the NULL */ 
while ( i > j ) 


temp = s [j ] ; 
s [j+ + ] = s [i] ; 
s [i--] = temp; 

The function uses three integer variables. The variables i and j 
are both initialized to zero, and the variable temp does not need to 
be initialized. The first portion of the program contains a do - whi le 
loop. Within this loop, the number is converted into a string. The 

s [i + + ] = x 0' + n % 10; 

first calculates the value of the integer modulo 10. This value is the 
number of Is in the number. Adding that value to the character x ' 
will create the character that corresponds to the number of Is. This 
value is stored in the location s [i] with i = and then i is 

The second statement in the loop replaces n with n divided by 
10. This code removes any Is that were in the number originally, 
and now the original 10s are in the Is position. Since this division is 
an integer division, if the result is between and 1 it will be rounded 
to 0. Therefore, the test in the while argument allows the above two 
statements to repeat until the original number n is exhausted by re- 
peated divisions by 10. 

When the do-while loop is completed, s [ i ] will be the charac- 
ter immediately following the string of characters. A string is created 
by placing a or a null in this location of the array. 

42 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

To reverse the data, the program starts by decrementing i so that 
s [ i ] , the last entry in the array, is the most significant character in 
the number, and it must be placed in the first array location s [ ] : . 
Likewise, the character in s [ ] must be placed in s [ i ] : and so 
forth. The while loop that follows accomplishes this requirement. 


1. Write a program atoi (s [] ) that starts with a character string 
and converts this string to an int. Assume that the string contains 
no sign. 

2. Write a program that reads a text file one character at a time and 
counts the number of words in the file. 

The If/Else Statement 

The if/else statement has the general form 

if (expression) 

statementl ; 

statement2 ; 

If the logical evaluation of the expression that is the argument of the 
if is TRUE, statementl will be executed. After statementl 
is executed, program control will pass to the statement following 
statement 2, and statement 2 will not be executed. If the evalu- 
ation of statement is FALSE, statement 2 will be executed, and 
statementl will be skipped. The else statement is not neces- 
sary. If there is no else statement, the expression is evaluated. If it 
is TRUE, statementl will be executed. Otherwise, statementl 
will be skipped. The following program demonstrates the use of the 
if /else flow control method. 

/* count number of digits and other characters in 
input */ 

# include <stdio .h> 

int main (void) 

Program Flow and Control 43 

int c,nn,no; 

no=0 ; 

nn=0 ; 

while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =EOF) 

if (c>= # ' &&c<=' 9 ' ) 
nn++ ; 

no++ ; 
printf ( "Digits=%d and other characters=%d\n // , nn, no) ; 
return ; 


The statement 

int c,nn,no; 

declares the three variables c , nn , and no to be integers. You may 
declare as many variables as you wish with a single declaration state- 
ment. The next statements 

no=0 ; 
nn=0 ; 

initialize the values of no and nn to 0. Variables declared with the 
above sequence of instructions are automatic variables. These vari- 
ables are not initialized by the compiler, and the programmer must 
initialize them to a required value. Otherwise the variables will con- 
tain garbage. 

The code sequence 

while ( (c = getcharO) !=EOF) 
if (c>=' 0' ScSc c<='9' ) 
nn++ ; 


no++ ; 

comprise the while and its following statement. The if portion of 
the statement tests the value of c and determines if it is a digit. A 
character constant is identified as a specific value by placing the char- 
acter value in single quotes. Therefore, the expression c>= ' ' 
determines if the character in the location c is greater than or equal 

44 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

to the character 0. If it is, the result of this expression is TRUE. Oth- 
erwise, the result is FALSE. The expression c<= ' 9 ' determines if 
the input character is less than or equal to the character 9. If both of 
these logical expressions are TRUE, then the AND of the two will be 
TRUE, and the statement nn++ will be executed to count the num- 
bers found in the input stream. Program control will then skip to the 
end of the if statement and continue to execute the while loop. If, 
on the other hand, either of these expressions is FALSE, then the 
AND of the two results will be FALSE and the statement no++ will 
be executed. This statement keeps count of the number of characters 
that are not digits found in the input stream. 

At the conclusion of the program, the getchar ( ) will return 
an EOF character and the program will fall out of the whi 1 e loop. It 
will then execute the following statement: 

printf ( "Digits=%d and other characters = %d\n" , nn, no) ; 

The string contained within the double quotes in this argument causes 
a combination of text plus calculated values of variables to be printed 
out. Suppose that the program found 5 1 numbers and 488 other char- 
acters. The printout from the program would then be: 

Digits=51 and other characters=488 

Each %d is associated with its corresponding argument and converted 
to a numerical value before it is sent to the screen. 

The If -Else If Statement 

Sometimes it is necessary to select among several alternatives. 
One of the methods that C offers is the if-else if sequence. 
Examine the following program that counts the number of occur- 
rences of each vowel in an input. The program also counts all other 
characters found in the input. 

/* Count the number of occurrences of each vowel 
found in an input and also count all other charac- 
ters. */ 

# include <stdio .h> 

int main (void) 

Program Flow and Control 45 

int na=0 , ne=0 , ni=0 , no=0 , nu=0 ; 
int nother = , c ; 
while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =EOF) 
if (c=='A' | | c=='a' ) 

na=na+l ; 
else if(c=='E' 

ne=ne+l ; 
else if (c== # I ' 

ni=ni+l ; 
else if(c=='0' 

no=no+l ; 
else if(c=='U' 

nu=nu+l ; 

nother=nother+l ; 
printf ( "As=%d, Es=%d, Is=%d, Os=%d, Us=ld and" 

11 Others = %d\n" , na, ne, ni , no, nu, nother) ; 
return ; 

c=='e' ) 
c=='i' ) 
c=='o' ) 
c=='u' ) 

This program shows several new features of C. The first is found in 
the program lines 

int na=0 , ne=0 , ni=0 , no=0 , nu=0 ; 
int nother= , c ; 

When the variables na and so forth are defined, they are assigned 
initial values of 0. Such an initialization is always possible when 
variables are defined. The next statement of the program is 

while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =EOF) 

if (c=='A' 

na=na+l ; 
else if(c=='E' 

ne=ne+l ; 
else if (c== # I ' 

ni=ni+l ; 
else if(c=='0' 

no=no+l ; 
else if(c== / U / 

c=='a' ) 

c=='e' ) 
c== , i / ) 
c== , o' ) 
c=='u' ) 

46 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

nu=nu+l ; 

nother=nother+l ; 

This single statement has quite a few lines of code associated with it, 
and there are some new concepts here. First, the arguments of the if s 
are combinations of two logical expressions. The expression 

c=='A' | | c=='a' 

says that if c is equal to uppercase a OR i f c is equal to lowercase 
a the argument is TRUE. The vertical bars | | are the logical opera- 
tor OR. 

The first if statement is evaluated. If its argument is TRUE, the 
statement following the i f is executed and program control moves 
to the end of the if statements. Otherwise, the first else if state- 
ment argument is evaluated. If this argument is TRUE, the following 
statement is executed and program control moves to the end of the 
if statements. This process is repeated until one of the arguments is 
found to be TRUE, or all of the else if statements are evaluated. 
At that time, the final statement following the else entry is evalu- 
ated. The final else is not required. 

In the above statement, please note that the while statement 
itself and all that follows it form a single statement to the compiler. 
Likewise, the combination of all of the if-if else constructs 
also form a single statement. Furthermore, each of the statements 
following either an i f or an i f else form single statements. The 
formatting of this statement helps you understand what is going on, 
but remember, the format of such a statement is completely up to the 
programmer. The language is completely free format. The while 
statement above and its statement following is indeed confusing to 
observe, and probably the one thing that the programmer can do to 
reduce the confusion is to block the statements following both the 
while and the if and else key words. In this case the while 
statement would look like 





0) ! 



if ( 




==' a' 



Program Flow and Control 47 

na=na+l ; 
else if (c=='E' 

ne=ne+l ; 
else if (c== # I ' 

ni=ni+l ; 
else if (c=='0' 

no=no+l ; 
else if (c=='U # 

nu=nu+l ; 

nother=nother+l ; 

c=='e' ) 

c=='i' ) 

c=='o' ) 

c=='u' ) 

This block of source code is longer than the original form, but it 
is exactly the same to the compiler. This code is indeed longer than 
the original form, but it is also much less open to misinterpretation 
and misunderstanding. Writing code that cannot be misinterpreted is 
as much the responsibility of the programmer as writing code that 
works. Therefore, when writing production code, you should seri- 
ously aim to generate code that is not open to any misinterpretation, 
even though it will make your source code somewhat longer. Usu- 
ally when you write code that is easy to maintain, it will not affect 
the size of your object code. 

The print f function call 

printf ("As=%d, Es=%d, Is=%d, Os=%d, Us=%dand" 
u Others=%d\n" , na, ne, ni, no, nu, nother) ; 

48 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

has the normal print f arguments. Note however that the string is 
not confined to one line. C compilers will not allow a string to be 
split among several lines in a program. However, an ANSI C compli- 
ant compiler will cause two adjacent strings to be concatenated into 
a single string, so the above code will compile without error. 

Break, continue, and goto 

These commands will cause a C program to alter its program 
flow. If a break statement is encountered, the program will exit the 
loop in which it is executing. Break can be used to exit for, whi le, 
do-while, and switch statements. An example of the use of the 
break statement is shown in the next section. 

The continue statement causes the next iteration of a for, 
while, or a do while loop to be started. In the case of the for 
statement, the last argument is executed, and control is passed to the 
beginning of the for loop. For both the while and the do-while, 
the argument of the while statement is tested immediately, and the 
program proceeds according to the result of the test. 

The break statement is seen frequently, and the continue 
statement is rarely used. Another statement that is even more rarely 
used is the goto. In C, the programmer can create a label at any 
location by typing the label name followed by a colon. If it is neces- 
sary, the goto <label> can be used to transfer control of the 
program from one location to another. In general, C provides enough 
structured language forms that the use of the goto <label> se- 
quence will rarely be needed. One place where the goto can be 
used effectively is when the program is nested deeply and an error is 
detected. In such a case, the goto statement is an effective means of 
unwinding the program from a deep loop to an outer loop to process 
the error. In general, you should avoid goto statements whenever 

That said, there is an excellent alternative to a goto. The reach 
of a got o is limited to the function in which it is defined. In fact, the 
reach should probably be confined to the block in which it is de- 
fined. Since new variables can be defined at the beginning of any 
block, undefined behavior can be introduced when a goto branches 
into a block where new variables have been defined. Also, you can 
introduce undefined behavior when you branch out of a block where 

Program Flow and Control 49 

variables have been defined. In both cases, the branch is around op- 
erations of defining or deleting local variables. The alternative is to 
make use of the set j mp ( ) and long j mp ( ) functions. 

These handy library functions are declared in the setjmp.h 
header file. Also declared in this header is a type called env. In your 
program, you must define an external instance of env. This param- 
eter is used as an argument to set jmp ( ) . set jmp ( ) saves the 
status of the computer in the instance of env when it is called. When 
called originally set jmp ( ) returns a zero or a FALSE. The func- 
tion long j mp ( ) takes two arguments. The first is the env variable 
corresponding to the return location in the program. The second is 
an integer that is returned. Executation of the long j mp ( ) returns 
control to within the set j mp ( ) function. When control is returned 
to the function that called the set jmp ( ) the parameter that was 
passed from the long j mp ( ) is returned. Therefore, when control 
returns from set j mp ( ) a simple test determines whether the func- 
tion set jmp ( ) or long jmp ( ) was called. 

These functions restore the status of the computer to that which 
existed when the set j mp ( ) was called. This restoration automati- 
cally unrolls all function calls between the execution of the 
set j mp ( ) and the long j mp ( ) . Also, there are no block or func- 
tion limits on the use of these functions. As long as env is a globally 
accessible variable, long j mp ( ) can pass control from any location 
in a program to any other. 

The Switch Statement 

A second approach to selection between several alternates is the 
switch statement. This approach is sometimes called the switch/case 
statement. Following is a program that accomplishes exactly the same 
as the above program. In this case, the switch statement is used. 

/* Count the number of occurrences of each vowel 
found in an input and also count all other charac- 
ters. */ 

# include <stdio . h> 

int main (void) 


50 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

int na=0 , ne=0 , ni=0 , no=0 , nu=0 ; 
int nother = , c ; 

while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =E0F) 
switch ( c) 


case 'A' : 

case 'a': na=na+l; 

case X E' : 
case x e': ne=ne+l; 

case x I ' : 
case x i': ni=ni+l; 

case x 0' : 
case x o' : no=no+l; 

case X U' : 
case x u' : nu=nu+l; 

default : 

nother=nother+l ; 


printf ( xx As = %d, Es=%d, Is=%d, Os=%d, Us=%dand" 

11 Others = %d\n // , na, ne, ni , no, nu, nother) ; 
return ; 


This program performs exactly the same function as the earlier one. 
The data are read in a character at a time as before. Here, however, 
the switch statement is used. The statement switch ( c ) causes the 
argument of the switch to be compared with the constants follow- 
ing each of the case statements that follows. When a match occurs, 
the next set of statements to follow a colon will be executed. Once 
the program starts to execute statements, all of the following state- 
ments will be executed unless the programmer does something to 
cause the program to be redirected. The break instruction does ex- 


Functions 51 

actly this operation for us. When a C program encounters a break, 
it jumps to the end of the current block. Therefore, the breaks 
following the executable statements above will cause the program to 
jump out of the executing sequence and return to get the next charac- 
ter from the input stream. 

When all options have been exhausted without a match, the state- 
ments following the default line will be executed. It is not necessary 
to have a default line. 


1 . Write a program that counts the number of lines, words, and char- 
acters in an input stream. 

2. Extend the program from the exercise above to calculate the per- 
centage usage of each character in the alphabet. 

3. A prime number is a number that cannot be evenly divided by any 
number. For example, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are all prime num- 
bers. Write a program that will calculate and print out the first 200 
prime numbers. 

Write this program without the use of either a modulo or a divide 

The function is the heart of a C program. In fact, any C program 
is merely a function named main. The purpose of a function is to 
provide a mechanism to allow a single entry of a code sequence that 
is to be repeated many times. A function is the most reusable element 
in the C language. Properly written and debugged functions can be 
collected into a program when needed. Therefore, the use of func- 
tions will allow the programmer to write smaller programs and it is 
not necessary to rewrite common functions that are used often. 

A function can have many arguments or none whatsoever. Func- 
tion arguments are contained in parentheses following the function 
name. The values of the arguments are the parameters needed to 
execute the function. A function can return a value, or perhaps it will 
not have a return value. An example of a function that returns a value 
is get char ( ) which returns a character from the input stream. 

52 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

A function may not be nested inside another function. Therefore, 
any function must be created outside of the boundaries of any other 
function or program structure. Functions have only one entry point, 
and they return only one return item. The return can be of any type 
that C supports. Functions can have several arguments. The argu- 
ments can be of any valid C type. 

In ANSI C, the use of a function requires the use of a function 
prototype. A function prototype is a statement of the following form: 

type function_name (type, type, type, . . . ) ; 

The first type preceding the function name is the type to be re- 
turned from the function. It is also called the type of the function. 
The several types found in the argument are the types of the corre- 
sponding arguments that are sent to the function. Variable names 
may or may not be used for the arguments of a function prototype. 
The type list is the important item. The types in the argument list are 
separated by commas. 

Thus far, it might seem that we have been blindly using functions 
like printf ( ) , getchar ( ) , and putchar ( ) without the ben- 
efit of function prototypes. Not so! The header file stdio . h contains 
the function prototypes of all input/output related functions, so it is 
not necessary for you to put a function prototype in your code for 
these functions. Other library functions have their prototypes in their 
own header files. 

Compilers will differ. If a programmer attempts to send the wrong 
type of data to a function through its argument, the compiler might 
consider it an error or it might well convert the argument to the cor- 
rect type prior to calling the function. In either case, the compiler 
will not let a program use the wrong type of data as an argument to a 
function. The standard allows that the parameter type be corrected to 
the correct type and proceed. Some embedded systems compilers 
will require that the type of each parameter be correct before the 
program can compile. 

One item that is important. Copies of parameters are passed to 
any function. Copies are placed on the system stack or in registers or 
both before the function call is executed. Therefore, the program can 
use these parameters in any way without altering the calling pro- 
gram. In fact, after you have done what is needed with a parameter, 
you may use the parameter as a storage location for your function. 

Functions 53 

Data returned from a function will always be converted to the 
correct type before it is passed back to the program. If you wish to 
have a different type returned, the cast operator can be used to change 
the return data type to any type desired. 

ANSI C defined the type void. This type is used in several dif- 
ferent ways. If there is no function return, the prototype must identify 
the function as type void. Also when there are no function argu- 
ments, the argument list must contain the type void. This use of the 
keyword void will prevent problems in function calls. 

Note that the function prototype above is terminated with a semi- 
colon. The semicolon is needed in the function prototype, but it is 
not to be used after the name of the function in the code where the 
function is defined. The function prototype is a declaration state- 
ment that merely provides information to the compiler while the 
function prologue, the first line of the function, is a function defini- 
tion which opens the code for the function. 

The philosophy in C is to use functions with little provocation. 
Using many functions produces code that is easy to read and follow. 
Often it is easier to debug many small functions rather than a larger 
program. One must temper these ideas somewhat when writing code 
for small microcontrollers. Calling a function requires some over- 
head that is repeated each time the function is accessed. If the total 
overhead is more than the length of the function, it is better to use 
in-line code. In-line code implies that the function code is repeated 
in-line every time that it is needed. If the function code is much 
greater than the calling overhead, the function should be used. In 
between these limits, it is difficult to determine a hard-and-fast rule. 
In microcontroller applications, it is probably best to use function 
calls to a single function if there is a net savings of memory as a 
result. This savings is calculated by first determining the code needed 
prior to calling the function, the code needed to clean up the process 
after the function call, the number of times the function is called, and 
the length of the function. The in-line code will be smaller than the 
corresponding function code. Therefore, if the total code for the num- 
ber of function calls listed first exceeds the total in-line code required 
to accomplish the same operations, then use the in-line code. Other- 
wise, use function calls. 

54 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

The above argument is valid for microcontroller applications code. 
It does not necessarily follow for code written for large computers. 
When writing for a large computer, there are usually few memory 
constraints. In those cases, it is probably best to use more function 
calls and not be worried about the memory space taken up by func- 
tion calls unless there is a serious speed constraint. When speed is a 
problem, the programmer must go through an analysis similar to that 
above with the dependent parameter being time rather than memory 
space. In small computers where several registers can be saved and 
restored when a function is entered and exited, single instructions 
can require many clock cycles. When deciding whether to use a func- 
tion or in-line code, the programmer must assess the total time lost to 
entering and exiting a function each time it is entered, and weight 
that time lost as a fraction of the total time the program resides in the 
function. If this time is large, and the program requires too much 
execution time, consider the use of in-line functions. 

It is always good to write small functions and create simple call- 
ing programs to exercise the small functions. These programs are 
used to debug the functions, and they are discarded after the func- 
tions are debugged. If later, the program constraints dictate that in-line 
code should be used, the essential code of the function can be written 
into the program wherever it is needed. Another approach that will 
be discussed in the next chapter is to use a macro definition to specify 
a small function. With a macro definition, the function code is writ- 
ten in-line to the program whenever the function is invoked. 

Let us revisit an example used earlier. Write a program to calcu- 
late and display the square root of each integer less than 11: 

/* Calculate and display the square roots of 


1 <= x <=10 */ 

# include <stdio .h> 

#define abs (t) (((t)>=0) ? (t) : - (t) ) 
#define square (t) (t)*(t) 

double sqr ( double ) ; 
int main (void) 

Functions 55 

int i ; 
double c; 

for (i=l;i<ll;i++) 


c=sqr (i) ; 

printf ("\t%d\t%f\t%f\n" , i, c, square (c) ) ; 


return ; 


/* the square root function */ 
double sqr ( double x ) 


double xl=l , x2=l , c ; 



x2=(xl + 





C=xl-x2 ; 

lie (abs (c 

) > = 

.00000001) ; 


return x2 ; 

The result of this calculation is shown below 































56 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

The second line of code 

#define abs (t) (((t)>=0) ? (t) : - (t) ) 

is called a macro definition. In this case, the macro definition has the 
appearance of a simple function. This function will calculate the ab- 
solute value of the argument t. The absolute value of the argument is 
a positive value. If the argument is positive, it is returned unchanged. 
If it is negative, it is multiplied by -1 before it is returned. A macro 
definition is a type of character expansion. Whenever the function 
abs (x) is found in the code, the character string ( ( (x) > = ) ? 
(x) : - (x) ) is put in its place. The argument x can be any valid 
C expression. This function returns the absolute value of its argu- 
ment. The macro definition 

#define square (t) (t)*(t) 

returns the square of t . Since these arguments can be any valid C 
expression, it is necessary to be cautious when writing the macro defi- 
nitions. Suppose that the parentheses were left out of the above 
expression, and the macro were written 

#define square (t) t*t 

Also suppose that the code using this function were as follows: 
x=square (y+3) ; 

The character expansion of this expression would be 

x=y+3*y+3 ; 

The result of this calculation is 4 *y+3 and not (y+3 ) * (y+3 ) as 
expected. When writing macro definitions, surround all arguments 
and functions created by the macro with parentheses so that all argu- 
ments are evaluated prior to use in the macro definition function. 

Another problem can sneak into your code through improperly 
written macros. Suppose that you want a macro that doubles the value 
of its argument. Such a macro could be written 

#define times_two(x) (x) + (x) 

This macro when expanded in the following expression 

x = 7*times two (y) ; 

Functions 57 

will yield 

x = 7*(y) +(y) ; 

which is the wrong answer. The problem can be easily corrected by 
wrapping parentheses around the whole macro as 

#define times_two(x) ( (x) + (x) ) 

Remember, always place any argument of a macro within parenthe- 
ses and always place the entire macro definition in parentheses. 

Note that there is no semicolon at the end of the macro defini- 
tion. There should not be. If a semicolon were placed at the end of a 
macro definition, extra semicolons would be entered into expres- 
sions containing macros with unpredictable results. 

The function prototype 

double sqr ( double ); 

notifies the compiler that the function returns a double and takes a 
double argument. 

Inside of the main function, the for loop 

for (i=l;i<ll;i++) 


c=sqr (i) ; 

printf ("\t%d\t%f \t%f \n" , i, c, square (c) ) ; 


is used to calculate the several results. The variable c is of the type 
double, and i is an int. The expression c = sqr (i) will be ac- 
cepted by the compiler. This function returns a double which can be 
stored in c. The argument is an int, but the compiler recognizes 
that sqr requires a double argument and converts i to a double 
before it is sent to the function sqr ( ) . 

The code in the function sqr ( ) is a restatement of a square root 
operation that we saw earlier. In this case, the function processes 
floating-point numbers rather than the integers used before. Three 
double variables are needed. The variables xl and x2 are the current 
and last values found in the Newton iteration. As the result converges 
to the correct value for the square root, several things happen. Vari- 
ables xl and x2 become equal. The square of x2, or xl for that 
matter, becomes equal to x . The product of xl and x2 becomes 

58 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

equal to x . Any of these tests can be used to determine if the esti- 
mate has been through enough iterations to be accurate. 

The macro definition abs (x) is used to test for the end of the 
loop. You will note that the argument is evaluated three times for the 
expansion of the macro. If we place a lot of calculation within the 
argument of a macro definition, the expansion of the macro may 
cause the code to calculate the argument to be repeated several times. 
For this reason, the expression 

C = xl - x2 ; 

is placed inside of the while loop, and the test to determine loop 
termination uses abs (c) . 

At the end of a function, a return statement will cause the value 
of the expression following the word return to be evaluated and 
returned to the calling function. If this expression is not of the type 
specified by the function prototype, it will be converted to the cor- 
rect type prior to being returned to the calling function. The expression 
following the return statement can be enclosed in parentheses or not. 

Another example will show the use of static external variables. 

/* Read in a string from the keyboard and print it 
out in reverse order. */ 

# include <stdio .h> 

#define null 

/* some function prototypes */ 

void push(int) ; 

int pull (void) ; 

int main (void) 


int c; 
push (null) ; 

while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! = ' \n' ) 
push (c) ; 

printf ("\n") ; 

while ( (c=pull () ) !=null) 

Functions 59 

putchar (c) ; 
print f ( AX \n") ; 
return ; 


The following code is to be compiled in a separate file from the code 

/* the stack function */ 
#define MAX 100 

static int buffer [MAX] ; 
static int sp; 

void push (int x) 


if (sp < MAX) 

buffer [sp++] =x; 


printf ( "stack overf low\n" ) ; 
exit (1) ; 


/* the unstacking function */ 
int pull (void) 


if(sp > 0) 

return buffer [—sp] ; 


printf ( "stack underf low\n" ) ; 
exit (1) ; 



A stack is a last in, first out (LIFO) structure. Therefore, a stack 
can be used to reverse the order of data sent to it. The above program 
uses a stack operation. The functions push and pull identified in the 

60 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 

function prototypes perform the stacking operations for the main 
program. In the main program, a null is pushed onto the stack to 
identify the end of the data as it is pulled off of the stack a character 
at a time. Data are read in a character at a time, and as each character 
is read in, it is pushed onto a stack. When a new line character is 
detected, the input phase is stopped, and the data written to the stack 
is pulled off and printed. When the null is detected, the data have 
all been pulled off the stack, and the program is ended. 

In the function above, the function exit ( ) is used. This func- 
tion is similar to the return operation. Whenever a call to the 
function exit is executed, the argument is evaluated, any files open 
for write are flushed and closed, and the control of the computer is 
returned to the operating system. The evaluation of the argument is 
returned to the operating system. Whenever a return is encoun- 
tered, the expression following the return call is evaluated and 
returned to the calling function. If control is in main ( ) when the 
return is encountered, the evaluation of the expression is returned 
to the operating system. Also, from main ( ) all files open for write 
are flushed and closed. The function exit ( ) and return work 
the same in main ( ) , but exit ( ) exits a program and returns con- 
trol to the operating system from anywhere in the program. 

In a separate compilation, the stack functions are compiled. In 
that function, the macro definition MAX is defined as 100. Macro 
definitions can be used to define any character string that is needed 
in a program. They are not limited to defining pseudo functions. Two 
external variables are defined in this file: an array of MAX integers 
named buffer and an int called sp. These variables are declared 
to be static. As such, these variables can be accessed by any function 
in the file, but they are not available to any function outside of the 
file. The variable sp is used as an index into the array buffer. When 
a push is executed, a test to determine if sp is less than MAX is com- 
pleted. If sp is less than MAX, the data are stored at the sp location 
in buffer and sp is then incremented. Otherwise, an error message 
indicates that a stack overflow has occurred and the program is ex- 

The pull ( ) function is the reverse of the push ( ) operation. 
First a check is made to see if there are some data on the stack to be 
pulled off. If there are data, the stack pointer is decremented, and the 

Recursion 61 

content of the buffer at that location is returned to the calling pro- 
gram. In the event that sp is when the pull operation is executed, a 
stack underflow message is sent to the screen prior to exiting the 

The advantage to our making the buffer and the stack pointer in 
the stack functions static can be easily seen. Suppose that these vari- 
ables could be accessed from anywhere in the program. In that case, 
it would not be necessary for the programmer to call the functions 
push or pull to stack and unstack data. If several different pro- 
grammers were using the same stack for different tasks in one large 
program, it would be possible for different programmers to access 
the stack as expected, or from their own tasks. Suppose a program- 
mer made the mistake of pre-decrementing the stack pointer on 
stacking and post-incrementing the stack pointer on unstacking. The 
whole program would suddenly be in chaos. Therefore, masking these 
variables from the rest of the program can reduce serious potential 
debugging problems. 


A recursive routine is one that calls itself. The C language is 
supposed to produce recursive code. Compilers for large machines 
usually support recursion, but recursion is often one of the first casu- 
alties on small microcontrollers. Automatic variables are created when 
a function is entered, and they are stored on the stack. Therefore, 
each time a function is called, a new stack frame is created, and 
variables in place from an earlier execution of the function are unal- 
tered. Such a function is called re-entrant, and re-entrant functions 
are also recursive. An example of a simple recursive function is the 

n! = n* (n-1) * (n-2) *. . . .*2*1 

An interesting observation that can be made of factorial is that 

n! = n* (n-1) ! 

or n factorial equals n times n-1 factorial. Also, the factorial of is 
defined as 1. With these definitions, it is possible to write the follow- 
ing recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number: 

long factorial ( int n) 

62 Chapter 1 Introduction to C 


if (n==0) 

return 1 ; 


return n*f actorial (n-1) ; 


This surprisingly simple function calculates the factorial. When- 
ever you write a recursive routine, it is important to have means of 
getting out of the routine. In the above case, when the argument reaches 
zero, the function returns a result rather than calling itself again. At 
that time the routine will work itself back a level at a time until it 
reaches the initial factorial call, and the calculation will be done. 

Recursion can create some elegant code in that the code is very 
simple — often too simple. There is a cost in the use of recursive code, 
and that is stack space. Each time a function call is made, the argu- 
ment is placed on the stack and a subroutine call is executed. As a 
minimum, the return address is two bytes, and the value of the argu- 
ment is also two bytes. Thus, at least four bytes of stack space are 
needed for each function call. That is no problem when the factorial 
of a small number is calculated. (The factorial of 13 is larger than 
can be held in a long, so only small numbers can be considered for 
a factorial.) However, if a recursive function is written that calls it- 
self many times, it is possible to get into stack overflow problems. 

Another interesting recursive routine is the function to calculate 
a Fibonacci number. A Fibonacci number sequence is described by 
the following function: 

long fib(int n) 


if (n==l) 

return 1 ; 
else if (n==0) 

return 1 ; 

return fib(n-l) + fib(n-2); 


This sneaky function calls itself twice. Some interesting characteris- 
tics of this function are left to the exercises that follow. 


Summary 63 


1. Write a function to calculate the Fibonacci number for 10, 20, 30, 
and 40. 

2. Devise a means for determining the number of times the fib func- 
tion is called in the above program. What is this number for 

3. A separate problem from the number of times the function is called 
is the number of times the function is called without exiting through 
the bottom of the function. This term is called the depth of the 
function. Determine the maximum depth of the f ib ( ) function 
in calculating f ib ( 2 ) . 

4. Repeat problem 1, but rewrite the Fibonacci number function so 
that it does not employ recursion. How does the time to execute 
this version of the fib ( 3 ) compared to that above? 

The basics of writing programs in C have been discussed in this 
chapter. Several important concepts have been skipped over in this 
presentation and will be covered in Chapter 2. 

If you have not done so, it is recommended that you enter and 
compile each example shown. These programs will all compile and 
run under the MIX PowerC Compiler, the Cosmic compiler for the 
M68HC11, the M68HC16, and the M68300 series of chips. They 
also compile on the DIAB MCORE compiler. With the exception of 
the MIX PowerC compiler, all of the compilers listed are cross com- 
pilers that run on a PC platform, but compile code for another 

The ANSI version of the language is the current standard, and 
none of the classical C constructs have been introduced in this text. It 
is not to the programmer's advantage to use the classical version of 
the language, even though programs that conform to classical C will 
compile on an ANSI compliant compiler. Any version of a C++ com- 
piler structured to compile C code will also compile ANSI C code. 
The DIAB compiler listed above is a C/C++ compiler. 

Chapter 2 

Advanced C Topics 


The use of pointers sets the C language apart from most other 
high-level languages. Pointers, under the name of indirect addressing, 
are commonly used in assembly language. Most high-level languages 
completely ignore this powerful programming technique. In C, point- 
ers are simply variables that are the addresses of other variables. These 
variables can be assigned, be used as operands, and treated much the 
same as regular variables. Their use, however, can simplify greatly 
many of the truly difficult problems that arise in day-to-day program- 
ming. Let's discuss pointers with the view that they offer us a powerful 
new tool to make our programming jobs easier. 

How To Use Pointers 

A pointer to a variable is the address of a variable. Thus far in our 
discussion of variables, the standard variable types were found to 
occupy 8-, 16-, or 32 bits depending on the type. Pointers are not 
types in the sense of variables. Pointers might occupy some number 
of bits, and their size is implementation dependent. In fact, there are 
cases of pointers to like types having different sizes in the same pro- 
gram depending on context. 

If the variable px is a pointer to the type int and x is an int , px 
can be assigned the address of x by 

px = &x ; 

The ampersand ( & ) notifies the compiler to use the address of x 
rather than the value of x in the above assignment. The reverse op- 
eration to that above is 


66 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

- * 

X = *px; 

Here the asterisk ( * ) is a unary operator that applies to a pointer 
and directs the compiler to use the integer pointed to by the pointer 
px in the assignment. The unary * is referred to as the dereference 
operator. With these two operators, it is possible to move from vari- 
able to pointer and back again with ease. 

A pointer is identified as a pointer to a specific type by state- 
ments like 

int *px,*pa; 
long *pz; 
float *pm; 

In the above declarations, each of the variables preceded by the 
unary asterisk identifies a pointer to the declared type. The pointers 
px and pa are the addresses of integers, pz is the address of a long, 
and pm is the address of a floating point number. Always remember: 
if pk is a pointer to an integer, *pk is an integer. Therefore, the 
declarations in the above examples are correct and do define ints, 
longs and floats. However, when the compiler encounters the 

int *pi; 

it provides memory space for a pointer to the type int, but it does 
not provide any memory for the int itself. Suppose that a program 
has the following declaration: 

int m,n; 
int *pm; 

The statement 

m = 10; 
pm = &m; 

will assign the value 1 to m and put its address into the pointer pm. 
If we then make the assignment 

n = *pm; 

the variable n will have a value 10. 

Another interesting fact about pointers is shown in the following 

Pointers 67 

int able [10] ; 
int *p; 

After it has been properly declared, when the name ab 1 e is invoked 
without the square brackets, the name is a pointer to the first location in 
the array. So the following two statements are equivalent: 

p = &able [0] ; 

p = able; 

Of course, the nth element of the array may be addressed by 

p = &able [n] ; 

The unary pointer operators have higher precedence than the arith- 
metic operators. Therefore, 

*pi = *pi + 10; 
y = *pi + 1; 
*pi += 1; 

all result in the integers being altered rather than the pointers. In the 
first case, the integer pointed to by pi will be increased by 1 . In the 
second case, y will be replaced by one more than the integer pointed 
to by pi. Finally, the integer pointed to by pi will be increased by 
1 . The statement 


causes the integer pointed to by pi to be increased by 1. Both + + 
and the unary * associate from right to left, so in the following case 

pi + +; 

the pointer pi is incremented after the dereference operator is applied. 
Therefore, the pointer is incremented in this case, and the integer *pi 
remains unaltered. If you wish to post-increment the integer *pi, use 

(*pi) ++; 

At times, it is necessary to pre-increment the pointer before the 
dereference. In these cases, use 

+ +pi; 

68 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

Pointers work with arrays. Suppose that you have 

int *pa; 
int a [20] ; 

As we have already seen, 

pa = a ; 

assigns the address of the first entry in the array to the pointer pa 
much the same as 

pa = &a [0] ; 

does. To increment the pointer to the next location in the array, you 

may use 

pa++ ; 

pa = pa + 1 ; 

In any case, the pointer that is 1 larger than pa points to the next 
element in the array. This operation is true regardless of the type that 
pa points to. If pa points at an integer, pa++ points to the next 
integer. If pa points at a long, pa++ points to the next long. If 
pa points to a long double, pa++ points to the next long double. In 
fact, if pa points to an array of arrays, pa++ points to the next array 
in the array of arrays. C automatically takes care of knowing the 
number that must be added to a pointer to point to the next element 
in an array. 

In the above case, since a is an array of 2 integers, and pa 
points to the first entry in the array, it follows that pa+1 points to 
the second element in the array, and pa +2 points to the third ele- 
ment. Similarly, * (pa+1) is the second element in the array and 

* (pa+2 ) is the third element. 

There is a set of arithmetic that can be applied to pointers. This 
arithmetic is different from the normal arithmetic that can be applied 
to numbers. In all cases, the arithmetic applies to pointers of like 
types pointing to within the same array only. When these conditions 
are met, the following arithmetic operations can be completed: 

• Pointers can be compared. Two pointers to like types in the same 
array can be compared in a C logical expression. 

Pointers 69 

• Pointers can be subtracted. Two pointers to like types in the same 
array can be subtracted with a C arithmetic expression. The result 
of the subtraction will be the number of elements between the two 
pointers, not the difference in the values of the pointers. 

• Pointers can be incremented and decremented. A pointer into an 
array can be either incremented or decremented. The result will be 
a pointer that points to an adjacent element in the array. 

• Pointers can be assigned. A pointer can be assigned to another 
pointer of the same type. 

Pointers cannot be added, multiplied, divided, masked, shifted, 
or assigned a pointer value of an unlike type. Pointers can be as- 
signed to another pointer of the type void*. 

The name of an array is a pointer to the first element in this array. 
This type of variable occupies a special place in C. The name can 
always be used as a pointer, and assigned to another pointer, but it 
cannot be assigned to. Any attempt to assign a new value to the array 
name would upset the beginning of the array to the program. 

Therefore, an array name as a pointer can be used as a value on 
the right side of an assignment equal sign, but it cannot be used on 
the left side of the equal sign. C variables are broken into the types 
rvalue and lvalue. All C variables, with the exception of the 
names of functions and arrays, are both rvalues and lvalues. 
They can be used on either side of an equal sign in an assignment 
statement. Function names and array names are rvalues and can 
be used only on the right side of the equal sign in an assignment 
statement. Variables declared as constants and constants created by 
the #def ine statement are also rvalues. 

The type void* has a special meaning when applied to pointers. 
A vo i d pointer (sometimes referred to as a generic pointer) is a pointer 
that does not point at any specific type. Some functions will return 
void pointers, and to use these pointers, they must be cast onto the 
type that they represent. Therefore, a pointer of the type void* can 
be assigned the value of a typed pointer. However, unless the void* 
pointer is cast onto the specified type, the increment, decrement, 
subtraction, and so forth will not work. A void pointer can be 
used in expressions, but it is impossible to alter its value. 

70 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

Pointers and Function Arguments 

Values passed to functions as arguments are copies of the real 
values. The data to be passed to a function are pushed on the stack or 
saved in registers prior to the function call. Therefore, if the function 
should modify any of the arguments, this modification would not 
propagate to the calling function. Therefore, a function like 

void swap(int x, int y) 


int temp; 

temp = x; 

x = y; 

y = temp; 


does nothing but swap two passed values, and those values are never 
returned to the calling program. This performance is good as well as 
bad. The bad situation is shown above when the function simply 
does not work as expected. The good side is that it is not easy to 
inadvertently change variable values in the calling program. The use 
of pointers permits this problem to be avoided. The technique is called 
passing parameters by reference. Consider the following function: 

void swap (int* px, int* py) 


int temp; 

temp : 

= *px; 

*px = 

*py = 



Here the integers pointed to by px and py are swapped. These 
integers are the values in the calling program. The pointer values in 
the calling program are unaltered. 

C makes extensive use of passing parameters by reference. Re- 
call the first program in Chapter 1. That program has the line 

printf ( "Microcontrollers run the world!\n"); 

Pointers 71 

We now know that the string ''Microcontrollers run the 
world ! \n" is nothing more than a character array terminated by a 
zero. The compiler creates that array in the memory of the program. 
That array is not passed to print f. A pointer to that array is passed 
to print f. Then print f prints the characters to the standard out- 
put and increments through the array until it finds the terminator. 
Then it quits. In other instances, arguments like s [ ] were used. In 
these cases, C automatically knows to pass a pointer to the array. It is 
interesting. If you have an array int s [nn] and pass that array to a 
function as s, you can use an argument int * p in the function and 
then in the function body deal with the array p [ ] . The C language 
is extremely flexible in the use of pointers. An example of this type 
of operation is as follows: 

/* Count the characters in a string */ 
# include <stdio .h> 
int strlen(char *) ; 
int main (void) 


int n, s [8 0] ; 

fgets (s, 80 , stdin) ; 

n=strlen (s) ; 

printf ( "The string length = %d\n",n); 

return ; 


int strlen( char *p) 


int i = 0; 

while (p[i] !=0) 

i + +; 
return i ; 

72 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

The above version of st rlen ( ) will return the number of char- 
acters in the string not including the terminating 0. The function 
gets ( ) is a standard function that retrieves a character string from 
the keyboard. The prototype for this function is contained in s tdio.h. 
It is interesting to note that the function strlen ( ) can be altered in 
several ways to make the function simpler. The index i in the function 
can be post-incremented in the argument so that it is not necessary to 
have the statement following the while ( ) . This function will be 

int strlen (char *p) 


int i=0; 

while (p [i++] !=0) ; 
return i ; 


Because the while ( ) argument is evaluated as a logical state- 
ment, any value other than will be considered TRUE. Therefore, 

int strlen (char *p) 


int i=0; 

while (p [i + + ] ) ; 
return i ; 


provides exactly the same performance. Yet another viewpoint is found 

int strlen (char* p) 


int i ; 

f or (i = ; *p++; i + + ) ; 
return i ; 


Each of the above functions using s t rlen ( ) show a different 
operation involving passing arguments by reference. 

Let us examine another use of passing arguments by pointers. 

Pointers 73 

The following function compares two strings. It returns a negative 
number if the string p is less than the string q, if the two strings 
are equal, and a positive number if the string p is greater than the 
string q . 

int strcomp (char* p, char* q) 


while ( *p++ == *q++) 

if(*(p-D == x \0') /* The strings are equal */ 

return 0; /* zero */ 

return *(p-l) - *(q-l); /* The strings are 

unequal , return the correct value*/ 


Here the whi 1 e ( ) statement will examine each character in the 
string until the argument is not equal. Note, that the pointers p and q 
are incremented after they are used. The test for equality will not 
occur until after the pointers are incremented, so it is necessary to 
decrement the pointer p to determine if the last equal value in the 
two strings is a zero character. If the last value is a zero, the two 
strings are equal, and a is returned. If the last tested character is not 
a zero, the two strings are not equal and the difference between the 
last character in p and the last character in q is returned. This choice 
will give the correct sign needed to meet the function specification. 

Another approach can be used that eliminates the increments and 
decrements within the program and confines them to the argument 
of a for construct. Consider 

int strcomp (char* p, char* q) 


for( ; *p==*q ; p++, q+ + ) 
if ( *p == *\0') 
return ; 
return *p - *q; 


The pointers p and q are both incremented after the test in the 
i f statement. Therefore, the pointer values are correct for the i f 
statement as well as for calculation of the return value when the 
strings are not equal. 

74 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

C is completely unforgiving if you exceed the boundaries of the 
array in your calculations. C does not have intrinsic boundary checks, 
and it is possible to increment pointers right off the end of an array. 
For that matter, the array index can be decremented to addresses 
below the beginning of the array. When a program makes such a 
mistake, it will destroy other data, perhaps destroy the program be- 
ing executed, or in the worse case, the program can crash the system. 
The simple single-tasking computers that run MS-DOS or similar 
operating systems have no memory protection feature that protects 
one task from another. In such cases, a program that runs wild and 
overwrites memory not assigned to it can destroy other tasks that are 
loaded in memory whether they are running or not. 


1 . Write several versions of a function that copies one string into 

2. Write a function that concatenates two strings. Concatenation of 
two strings means that one string will be written at the end of the 
other. Write this function with and without the use of pointers. 
What is the advantage of the pointer version of the function? 

Let us consider a problem that will be analyzed in more detail 
later. Suppose that a function is needed that will sort the contents of 
an array into ascending (or descending) order. There are several sort 
functions, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. 
The simplest and probably most intuitive is called the bubble sort. In 
a bubble sort, a swap flag is reset. The first entry in the array is 
compared with the second, and if they are in the wrong order, they 
are swapped. Then the second entry is compared with the third, and 
they are swapped or not. If a swap ever occurs, the swap flag is set. 
The elements of the array are successively compared and swapped 
until all of the elements in the array have been compared. If a swap 
has occurred during the scan of the array, the swap flag is reset, and 
the whole process is repeated. This process repeats until the scan of 
the array causes no swaps to occur. At that time, the array is in order. 

If the array contains n elements, this approach requires on the 
order of n squared compares and swaps. For large arrays, the time to 
sort an array with a bubble sort is inordinate. Another approach was 

Pointers 75 

discovered by D. L. Shell. The Shell sort allows the array to be 
sorted with n times the logarithm base two of n. This difference 
can be substantial. For example, if the array contains 1000 ele- 
ments, the bubble sort will require on the order of 1,000,000 
compares and swaps while the Shell sort will need only 10,000. 
Therefore, the bubble sort should not be used to sort large arrays. 

Another sort technique that is used was discovered by C. A. R. 
Hoare. This technique is called the quick sort. It uses a recursive 
approach to accomplish the sort, and it also requires n log base 2 of 
n compares and swaps. The shell sort and the quick sort usually 
require about the same time to accomplish the sort. We will dem- 
onstrate a shell sort now. 

The code for a shell sort follows. Note that extensive use of 
pointers is used in this version of the shell sort. 

/* shell_sort ( ) : sort the contents of the array *v 
into ascending order */ 

void shell_sort (int* v, int n) 


int gap, i, j, temp; 

f or ( gap = n/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2) 
f or ( i=gap; i < n; i++) 

for ( j =i-gap; j > = 0&&* (v+j ) >* (v+j +gap) ; 
j -= gap) 



temp = * (v+j ) ; 

* (v+j ) = * (v+j+gap) ; 

* (v+j+gap) = * (v+j ) ; 

The shell sort receives as arguments a pointer to an array of inte- 
gers and an integer n which is the length of the array. 

This sort works by successively dividing the array into subarrays. 
The first operation divides the whole array into two parts; the second 
divides each of the two subarrays into two new subarrays, for a total 
of four arrays; and so forth. 

76 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

The corresponding elements in each subarray are compared, and 
if they are out of order, they are swapped. At the close of this opera- 
tion, a new set of subarrays are created, and the process is repeated 
over these subarrays. Eventually, the gap between elements in the 
subarrays will be reduced to one, and the array contents will be sorted. 

The outer for loop above controls the splitting of the arrays into 
the subarrays. The second loop steps along the array pairs. The in- 
nermost loop successively compares the elements that are separated 
by gaps in the subarrays. If elements are found that are out of order, 
they are reversed or swapped in the array. 


1. Restate the shell sort above to use arrays rather than pointers to 

2. Write a program that reads in characters from the input stream and 
record the number of occurrences of each character. Calculate the 
percentage occurrence of each character, and print out the result in 
ascending order of percentage of occurrence. 

Functions can return pointers. For example, prototype to a func- 
tion that returns a pointer is: 

int *able(char* ); 

Here able returns a pointer to an integer. 

In C, a NULL pointer is never used. A NULL pointer implies that 
something is to be stored at the address zero. This address is never avail- 
able for data storage, so no function can return a valid NULL pointer. 
The NULL pointer can be used as a flag or an error return. The pro- 
grammer should never allow a NULL pointer to be dereferenced, which 
implies that data are read or stored at 0. 

If C will support a pointer to a variable, it requires but little imagi- 
nation to reason that C will support pointers to pointers. In fact, there 
is no practical limit in the language to the depth of dereference C 
will support. C will also allow arrays of pointers, and pointers to 
functions. (We discussed pointers to arrays in the preceding section.) 
An array of pointers can be very useful when needed. A most obvi- 
ous use for an array of pointers is to read the contents of a command 
line to a program. So far in our discussion of programs, there have 
been no provisions for reading the content of a command line that is 

Pointers 77 

written to the screen when the program is executed. A command line 
can be read by the program. The definition of the program name ma in 
when extended to read in a command line is as follows 

void main ( int argc, char *argv[]) 

The integer variable argc is the number of entries on the command line. 
The array of pointers to the type char argv [] contains pointers to 
strings. When entering arguments onto the command line, they must be 
separated by spaces. The first string pointed to by argv [ ] is the name 
of the program from the command line. The successive pointer values 
point to additional character strings. These strings are each terminated, 
and they point to the successive entries on the command line. The value of 
argc is the total number of command line entries including the program 
name. It must be remembered that each entry in argv [ ] is a pointer to a 
string. Therefore, if a number is entered on the command line, it must be 
converted from a string to an integer, or floating point number, prior to its 
use in the program. Let us see how this concept can be used. Earlier, we 
wrote a function to calculate a Fibonacci number. Let's use this function in 
a program in which the argument for the Fibonacci calculation is read in 
from the command line: 

# include <stdio .h> 
# include <stdlib . h> 

long fib( int ); /* Fibonacci number function 

prototype */ 

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) 


int i ; 

i = atoi (argv [1] ) ; 

printf ("The Fibonacci number of %d = %ld\n" , i, 

fib(i)) ; 
return ; 


We will not repeat the code for f ib (i) . A new header file, 
stdlib . h, is included with this program. The function prototype 
for atoi ( ) is contained within this header file. The standard com- 
mand line arguments are used in the call to main ( ) . The line 

78 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

i = atoi (argv [1] ) ; 

causes the function atoi — ASCII to integer conversion — to be ex- 
ecuted with a pointer as an argument. This pointer points to the first 
argument following the program name on the command line. In this 
case, it will be pointing to an ASCII string that contains the number 
to be used as an argument for the f ib ( ) call. This string must be 
converted to an integer before f ib ( ) can operate on it, which is 
exactly what the atoi ( ) function accomplishes. The final line in 
this program prints out the result of the calculation. 

Another example of use of the command line arguments is to print 
out the command line. The following program will accomplish this task. 

# include <stdio .h> 

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) 


int i ; 

for(i=0; argc--; i++) 

printf ("%s w ,argv[i]); 

printf ("\n") ; 

return ; 


The arguments to main ( ) are the same as before. This program 
enters a for loop that initializes i to zero. It decrements argc each 
time it tests its value, and executes until the loop in which argc is 
decremented to 0. The printf call 

printf ( "%s " , argv [i] ) ; 

prints out the string to which argv [ i ] points. Notice the space in the 
string xx % s w . This space will force a space between each argument as 
it is printed. The program is written so that there are no new line charac- 
ters printed. Arguments will all be on one line, and they will each be 
separated by a space. The print f ( ) statement after execution of the 
f or ( ) loop will print out a single new line so that the cursor will return 
to the next line after the program is executed. 

Command line entry is but a simple example of use of arrays of 
pointers. Another area in which arrays to pointers are needed is in order- 
ing strings of data. For example, it is possible to collect a large number 
of words in memory, say from an input stream. Suppose that it is needed 
to alphabetize these words. We saw earlier, that the shell sort will order 

Pointers 79 

the contents of an array, so it might be possible to simply modify the 
shell sort to do this job. 

First, a comparison is needed that will determine if the lexical value 
of a one word is smaller, equal, or larger than that of another word. Such 
a compare routine was outlined above. Second, a swap routine that will 
swap the words that are in the wrong order. Here is a case where an array 
of pointers can be quite useful. Assume that the program that reads in the 
data will put each word into a separate memory location and keep an 
array of pointers to the beginning of each word rather than just the array 
of the words themselves. Then in the shell sort, when a swap is required, 
rather than swapping the words, swap the pointers in the array. Swap 
routines that swap pointers in the array are very easy to implement. On 
the other hand, swap routines to swap two strings in memory are diffi- 
cult and slow. Therefore, we can create a sort routine that is much more 
efficient if we use an array of pointers rather than an array of strings. 

/* shell_sort ( ) : sort the contents of the array 
char* v[] into ascending order */ 

#include <string . h> 

void shell_sort (char* v[], int n) 


int gap, i, j ; 

char* temp; 

f or ( gap = n/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2) 
for( i=gap; i < n; i++) 
for( j=i-gap; j>=0 && 

strcmp (v[j] , v[j+gap] ) ; j -= gap) 


temp = v [ j ] ; 
v[j] = v[j+gap] ; 
v[j+gap] = v[j] ; 


Here the strcmp ( ) routine is used to determine if a swap is 
needed, strcmp ( ) is identified in the header file string . h. When 
needed, the contents of the array of pointers to the beginning of the 
words is swapped rather than swapping the words themselves. 

80 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

An important point of style: Recall that a few pages back a func- 
tion strcomp ( ) was written as an example. It did the exact same 
operations as strcmp ( ) above. Why should we choose one over 
the other? Well, library functions have been written, rewritten, de- 
bugged, and worked over for years. They work correctly, and you 
can count on their robust construction. As a general rule, use a li- 
brary function if you can find one to do the job that you are attempting. 
Most of the time, programmers who write duplicates of library func- 
tions do it to satisfy their own egos. The reward is poor when a bug is 
discovered, especially in production code, that could have been 
avoided by using a standard library function. 

Multidimensional Arrays 

C supports multidimensional arrays. Programmers often find that 
much of the need for multidimensional arrays will go away with the 
availability of pointers. Multidimensional arrays in C are thought of 
as arrays of arrays. This idea can be extended to more than two di- 
mensions. A two-dimensional array is identified as 

array [x] [y] ; /* [row] [column] */ 

The first argument to the right can be thought of as the row dimen- 
sion, and the second the column dimension. Elements specified by 
the rightmost argument are stored in adjacent memory locations. 
An array can be initialized at declaration time. For example: 

int array [3] [4] = { {10,11,12,13}, 

{18,19,20,21} }; 

It is equally valid to initialize the array as follows: 

int array [3] [4] ={10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21} ; 

Either form of initialization will place the proper numbers in the 
proper location in memory, and the two-dimensional indices will 
work properly in either case. 

Frequently, it is needed to know the size of a variable in C. This 
variable can be a basic type, an array, a multiple dimensional array, or 
even a structure that will be introduced later. C provides an operator 

Multidimensional Arrays 81 

that has much the appearance of a function called sizeof . To deter- 
mine the size of any variable, use the sizeof operator as follows: 

a = sizeof array; 

which will return the number of bytes contained in array [ ] [ ] above. 

There are several important different ways that you can use the 
sizeof operator. First, the value of the return from sizeof is in 
characters. The type of the return is called a type s i z e_t . This special 
type is usually the largest unsigned type that the compiler supports. 
For the MIX compiler, it is an unsigned long. If you should want 
the size of a type in your program, you should enclose the parameter in 
parentheses. If you want the size of any other item, do not use the paren- 
theses. One other item. If the sizeof operator is used in a module 
where an array is defined, it will give you the size of the array as above. 
If you should pass an array to a function, the array name degenerates to 
a pointer to the array, and in that case, the return from the sizeof 
operator would give you the size of a pointer to the array. 

A common example program using two-dimensional arrays is to 
determine the Julian date. The Julian date is simply the day of the 
year. The following function is one that allows counting the number 
of days that have passed in a year. 

int month_days [2] [13] = { 


int Julian_data (int month, int date, int year) 


int i , leap; 

leap = year%4==0 && year%100!=0 | | year%400==0; 

for (i=l ; i<month; i++) 

day += month_days [leap] [i] ; 
return day; 


The declaration 

int month_days [2] [13] = { 


82 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

types month_days as an array of 26 integers. This array is a 
two-dimensional array of two rows of 13 columns each. The values 
assigned are shown. The extra entry at the beginning of each array 
is to allow the conventional month designations 1 through 12 to be 
used as indices and not have to worry about the fact that arrays in C 
start with a index. 

The introduction of the program is normal. The function returns 
an int and expects to receive three int arguments; one for the 
month, one for the day of the month, and one for the year. Note that 
the year must be the full year, like 2013, rather than merely 13. The 
first executable statement is the logic statement: 

leap = year%4==0 && year%100!=0 | | year%400==0; 

Leap years are usually every four years. However, a small discrepancy 
still exists in the length of the year with the "once each four years" 
correction. To further correct the error, the calendar makers have de- 
cided that years divisible by 100 will not be a leap year unless the year 
is divisible by 400. The above statement is a logical statement that 
determines first if the year is divisible by 4. If it is divisible by 4, it is 
then checked to determine if it is divisible by 100. The result of this 
much of the analysis will be TRUE for any year divisible by 4, and not 
divisible by 100. If this portion of the calculation is TRUE, leap will 
be assigned a value TRUE, or 1, and the evaluation will terminate. If 
the result of the first portion of the calculation is FALSE, it will be 
necessary to evaluate the last term to determine if the whole statement 
is TRUE or FALSE. The variable leap will be assigned the result of 


in this case. 

leap is assigned a value of 1 or according to the result of the 
logic evaluation. This value can be used as an index into the two di- 
mensional array to determine if the number of month days in a leap 
year or a nonleap year will be used in the calculation of the Julian date. 

Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays 

Perhaps one of the most widely misunderstood and therefore mys- 
terious aspects of pointers and C has to do with multidimensional 
arrays. These problems are really not difficult. A multidimensional 

Multidimensional Arrays 83 

array must always be understood as being arrays of arrays of arrays 
and so forth. For example, the declaration 

int ar [3] [5] ; 

defines three arrays of five elements each. We have already seen that 
data stored in this array is column major. The second argument points 
to a column in the two-dimensional array, and ar [n] [0] and 
ar [n] [1] are stored in adjacent memory locations. Following the 
logic of array names and pointers, the array name ar is a pointer to 
the first element in the array. The value obtained when using ar as 
an rvalue is &ar [ ] [ ] . The order of evaluation of the square 
brackets is from left to right so that * (ar+1) is a pointer to the 
element ar [ 1 ] [ ] in the array. Think of the two-dimensional ar- 
ray as being * ( ar +n ) [ i ] where n has a range from to 2 and i 
has a range from to 4. An increment in n here will increment the 
absolute value of the pointer by 5* si zeof (int) . 

These ideas can be carried to the next level. The element * ( ar +n ) 
is a pointer to the first element of a five-element array. Therefore, the 
evaluation of*(*(ar+n)+i) is the value found in the location 
ar [n] [ i ] . The important item is that the right- most argument in 
multiple dimensional arrays point to adjacent memory locations, and 
the increments of the left arguments step the corresponding pointer 
value from array to array to array. 

These ideas can be extended to arrays of more than two dimen- 
sions. Had the array been 

double br [3] [4] [5] ; 

then* (* (* (br+1) +2) +3) would be the element br [1] [2] [3] 
from the above array, and *(*(br+l)+2)+3isa pointer to this 


1 . Write a function that will receive the year and the Julian date of 
that year, and calculate the month and date. 

2. Write a function that will calculate the product of a 4 by 4 matrix 
and a scalar. The scalar product requires multiplication of each 
element in the matrix by the scalar value. 

84 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

3. Write a function that will calculate the vector product of two 1 by 
4 matrices. The vector product of two arrays is the sum of the 
products of the corresponding elements of the two arrays. 

4. Write a function that will calculate the matrix product of two 4 by 
4 matrices. The matrix product is a matrix whose i , j element is 
the vector product of the ith row of the first matrix and the jth 
column of the second matrix. As such, the product of two 4 by 4 
matrices is a 4 by 4 matrix. 

C has pointers to functions. A common use for pointers for func- 
tions is in creating vector tables for microcontrollers. Most 
microcontroller applications involve the use of interrupts. When an 
interrupt occurs, the machine status is saved, and program control is 
transferred to an interrupt service routine. At the close of the inter- 
rupt service routine, the machine status is returned to the earlier 
condition, and control is returned to the interrupted program. An 
address table in memory called the vector table contains the addresses 
of each interrupt service routine. It is the programmer's responsibil- 
ity to fill the vector table with the proper addresses for the various 
interrupt service routines. Pointers to functions allow the program- 
mer access to the addresses of the interrupt service routines. We will 
see several different methods to create the vector tables in the chap- 
ters on the individual microcontrollers that follow. 

A pointer to a function is identified by 

int (*function_ptr) () ; 

The above declaration says that f unct ion_pt r is a pointer to a 
function that returns a type int. The arguments are not declared here. 
The parentheses surrounding *f unct ion_ptr are required. If they 
were not included, the declaration would declare f unct ion_pt r as 
a function that returns a pointer to the type int. If f unct ion_ptr 
is a valid pointer to a function, the function can be accessed by 

(*function_ptr) (args) ; 

The above declaration form can be used for arrays as well as 
functions. The declaration 

char (*array ptr) [] ; 

Multidimensional Arrays 85 

states that array_j?tr is a pointer to an array of char. The declaration 

char* array [] ; 

states that array is an array of pointers to the type char. Although 
you will rarely find it used, these declarations can be combined to 
create very complicated declarations. 

One construct from the general area of complicated declarations is 
so important to microcontroller code that it must be covered. C sup- 
ports variable types called lvalues. As mentioned earlier, an lvalue 
is a type of variable that can be the destination for an assignment. Most 
variables in C are lvalues. Notable exceptions are function names 
and array names. If a program deals with a number that can be a memory 
address, it can be made accessible to the language by casting the ad- 
dress to an appropriate type. For example, suppose that a special table 
is located at the address 0x1000 in memory. Further, suppose that the 
type to be stored at that address is an integer. Here, the code sequence 

(int *) 0x1000 

forces the number 0x1000 to be a pointer to a type int. Often this 
idea must be carried further, and the programmer wants to put a value 
into a specific address. The above representation is a pointer to the 
type int. Therefore, a value can be assigned to that int by 

Mint *) 0x1000 = integer_value; 

which will place integer_value into the location 0x1000 in the 
computer memory. 

Frequently, control registers, data registers, and input/output port 
registers are placed at specific locations in memory. These register 
locations can be converted to tractable C names by use of the #de - 
f ine macro capability of C. Suppose that an I/O port is located at 
the address. 

#define PORTA (*(char *) 0x1000) 

allows the use of the name PORTA in the computer program. I define 
PORTA as a pseudo- variable. It is created by a macro expansion and 
such things are usually constants or function-like expansions. The 
above is neither. PORTA can be assigned to, or its value read. You 
can even do operations like 

86 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

PORTA =0X8 0; 
if (PORTA & 0x6==0) 
do something; 

You can perform any operations with PORTA that you would want 
with any normal variable in the language. While PORTA has been 
generated by a macro expansion it also can be used as a variable. 
Thus, the title pseudo-variable. Unless there is a specific reason, 
though, I will call these macros "variables." 

The above pseudo- variable is of the type char, and its address is 
0x1000. This capability is very useful in programming microcontrollers. 

When programming microcontrollers, there are two reasons why 
it is necessary to be able to manipulate direct addresses in memory. 
Most high-level languages will not allow the programmer direct ac- 
cess to specific memory locations. As seen above, C does allow the 
programmer to bend these rules enough to be able to store data into 
a specific memory address. Another feature that is highly desirable 
is to be able to place the address of a function at a specific address. 
This capability is necessary when implementing an interrupt service 
routine. When an interrupt occurs, the computer will stop its current 
operation, save at least the values contained in the status register and 
the program counter, and begin execution at an address contained in 
a vector location. Each interrupt will have a vector address, and each 
interrupt will require its own interrupt service routine. Program ini- 
tialization when interrupts are involved will require that the program 
place the addresses of any interrupt service routines into the specific 
vector addresses for each interrupt. 

A continuation of the above approach can be used in this case. There 
is a direct address in memory that is to receive the interrupt service 
routine address. Let's think for a moment about what this address is. The 
address is going to contain the address of a function. The address itself is 
a pointer to a memory location. The contents of this location are a pointer 
that points to a function that is the interrupt service routine. All interrupt 
service routines are of the type void. Therefore, the vector address is a 
pointer to a pointer to a type void. To be able to place the value of the 
pointer to a type void into this location, we must assert one additional 
level of indirection to access the content of the specific memory loca- 
tion. Therefore, the following line of code 

Structures 87 

* (void **) Oxfffc = isr; 

places the beginning address of the function isr into the memory 
location Oxfffc. 

A convenient method of executing this operation is to create a 
macro. The following macro definition works: 

#define vector (isr, address) (*(void**) (address) = (isr) ) 

Now the function call 

vector (timer, OxffdO) ; 

will place the address of the function named timer into the loca- 
tion OxffdO in the computer memory map. It is important that 
timer be defined as a function that returns a type void. 


Another feature of C not found in many high-level languages is 
the structure. A structure is similar to an array, but far more general. 
A structure is a collection of one or more variables identified by a 
single name. The variables can be of different types. Structures are 
types in the sense that an int is a type. Therefore, if you have prop- 
erly declared a structure, you may declare another structure of the 
same type. Examine the following structure: 

struct person 


char *name; 
char *address; 
char *city; 
char *state; 
char *zip 
int height; 
int weight; 
float salary; 


This structure contains some of the features that describe a per- 
son. The person's name and address are given as pointers to character 
strings. The person's height and weight are integers, and the salary is 

88 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

a floating-point number. The structure declaration must be followed 
by a semicolon. This combination of variables is created every time 
a structure of the type person is declared. The name person follow- 
ing the struct declaration is called the structure tag or merely the 
tag. Tags are optional. If a tag is used, it may be used to declare other 
structures of the same type by 

struct person ap,bp,cp; 

Here ap , bp, and cp are structures of the type person. A single 
instance of a structure can be declared by 

struct {....} a; 

In this case a is a structure with the elements defined between the 
braces. The elements that make up a structure are called its mem- 
bers. Members of a structure can be accessed by appending a period 
followed by the member name to the structure name. For example, 
the name of the person represented by ap is accessed by 

ap . name 

and that person's salary is 
ap . salary 

A pointer to a structure can be used. The pointer pper son is created by 

struct person *pperson; 

If a pointer to a structure is used, members of the structure can be 
accessed by the use of a special operator - >. This operator is created 
by use of the minus sign (-) followed by the right angle bracket 
character (>). The height of a person identified by the pointer 
pperson is accessed by 

pperson- >height 

Arrays of structures are used, and when dealing with pointers to ar- 
rays of structures, to increment the pointer will move the pointer to 
the next structure. If a program has 

struct person people [20], *pp; 

and pp is made to point at people [ ] by 


Structures 89 

people [1] .name 

is the same as 

A structure can have another structure as a member element. Consider 
struct point 


int x; 
int y; 


where point contains two integer elements, x and y. A circle can 
now be defined by 

struct circle 


struct point center; 
int radius; 


In this case access to the members of center is by 

circle . center .x 


circle . center .y 

Of course the radius is accessed by 

circle . radius 

Functions can take structures as arguments and they can return 
structures. For example, the function make_point ( ) that follows 
returns a structure. 

struct point make_point (int x, int y) 


struct point hold; 

90 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

return hold; 


Observe that the struct point is treated as a type with no diffi- 
culty in this function. The return type is struct point, and within 
the body of the function hold is also a type struct point. The x 
argument passed to the function is placed in the x member of hold as 
is the y argument placed in the y member. Then the struct hold is 
returned to the calling function. All of these operations are legal. 

Since structures create types, structures can have members that 
are structures. For example, suppose that the struct rect for a 
rectangle is defined as 

struct rect 


struct point pi; 
struct point p2 ; 


Let's outline a program that will inscribe a circle within a rect- 
angle. The circle is tangent to the sides that make up the narrowest 
dimension of the rectangle. 

/* Inscribe a circle in a rectangle */ 

/* first declare some useful structures */ 

struct point 


int x; 
int y; 


struct circle 


struct point center; 
int radius; 


struct rect 


Structures 91 

struct point pi; 
struct point p2 ; 


/* here is a function to make a circle */ 
struct circle make_circle ( struct point ct, int 
rad ) 


struct circle temp; 

temp. center = ct; 
temp. radius = rad; 
return temp; 


/* some useful function like macros */ 
#define min(a,b) ( ( (a) < (b) ) ? (a) : (b) ) 
#define abs (a) ((a)<0 ? - (a) : (a)) 
/* function prototypes */ 

void draw_rectangle (struct rect); 
void draw_circle (struct circle); 

int main ( void ) 


struct circle cir; 

struct point center; 

struct rect window = { {80,80},{600,400} }; 

int radius, xc,yc; 

center . x = (window .pi . x+window . p2 . x) /2 ; 

center . y = (window .pi . y+window . p2 . y ) /2 ; 

xc = abs ( .x - window. p2 .x) /2 ; 
yc = abs ( .y - window. p2 .y) /2 ; 
radius = min(xc,yc); 

cir=make circle (center, radius) ; 

92 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

draw_rectangle (window) ; 
draw_circle (cir) ; 
return ; 

At the beginning of the program, several important struct types 
are defined.These include a point, a rectangle, a circle, and a func- 
tion to make circle given its center and its radius. Two macro 
definitions are needed. The first is the calculation for the minimum 
value of a and b and the second returns the absolute value of the 
argument. Two function prototypes are included. These functions 
will draw a rectangle and a circle to the screen, respectively. 

Inside the main program cir is declared to be of the type 
struct circle, center is struct point , and window is 
of the type struct rect. When window is defined, it is initial- 
ized to the values shown. This type of initialization is acceptable to 
structures as well as arrays. The rectangle is defined by two points. 
The point {80,80} is the lower lefthand corner of the rectangle, and 
the point {600,400} is the upper right corner. These locations are 
implementation dependent, and in some cases might represent the 
upper left corner {80,80} and the lower right corner {600,400}. 

The center of the window is calculated by determining the aver- 
age value of the x members of each point along with the average 
value of the y members. These values are the exact center of the 
rectangle. The center of the inscribed circle will lie at this point. The 
radius of the inscribed circle will be one-half the length of the short- 
est dimension of the rectangle. The two potential value are calculated 
as xc and yc. Here the absolute value is used, because in general, it 
is impossible to know that the rectangle will be specified by the lower 
left hand corner in p 1 and the upper right hand corner in p 2 . If these 
points were interchanged, negative values would be calculated. The 
selection of the positive result through the abs ( ) macro avoids 
this problem. The final choice for radius is the minimum value of 
xc or yc. 

The above calculations provide enough information to specify the 
circle, so c i r is calculated as the return value from make_c i r c 1 e ( ) . 
Finally, two compiler specific functions, draw_rectangle ( ) and 
draw_circle ( ) , are used to draw the calculated figures to the screen. 

Structures 93 

While it would not be difficult to execute these calculations without 
the use of structures, it is obvious that the structure formulation of the 
program makes a much simpler and easier to follow program. The vari- 
ables and program elements are objects here rather than mere numbers. 

C has a command called typedef . This command can rename 
a specified type for the convenience of the programmer. It does not 
create a new type, it merely renames an existing type. For example, 

typedef int Miles; 
typedef char Byte; 
typedef int Word; 
typedef long Dword; 

are all valid typedef statements. After the above invocations, a 

Miles m; 
Byte a [2 0] ; 
Word word; 
Dword big; 

would make m an int, a an array of 20 characters, word the type 
int, and big a long. All that has happened is that these types are 
a redefinition of the existing types. New types defined by typedef s 
are usually written with an upper case first letter. This is a tradition, 
not a requirement of the C language. 

Structures used earlier could be modified by use of the typedef. 

typedef struct 


int x; 
int y; 
} Point; 

This typedef redefines the earlier struct point as Point. The 
judicious use of typedef s can make a program even easier to read 
than the simple use of struct s. The program that follows is the 
same as that above where all of the structures are typedef new names. 

/* Inscribe a circle in a rectangle */ 

94 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

typedef struct 

int x; 
int y; 
Point ; 

typedef struct 

Point center; 
int radius; 

typedef struct 

Point pi; 
Point p2 ; 
Rect ; 

Circle make_circle ( Point ct, int rad ) 

Circle temp; 
temp . center=ct ; 
temp. radius = rad; 
return temp; 

/* some useful macros */ 

#define min(a,b) ( ( (a) < (b) ) ? (a) : 

#define abs (a) ((a)<0 ? - (a) : (a)) 


/* function prototypes */ 
void draw_rectangle (Rect) ; 
void draw circle (Circle) ; 

int main ( void ) 


Circle cir; 

Point center; 

Rect window = { {80,80}, {600,400} }; 

Structures 95 

int radius, xc,yc; 

center . x = (window . pi . x+window . p2 . x) /2 ; 
center . y = (window .pi . y+window . p2 . y ) /2 ; 
xc = abs ( .x - window. p2 .x) /2 ; 
yc = abs ( .y - window. p2 .y) /2 ; 
radius=min (xc,yc) ; 

cir=make_circle (center, radius) ; 
draw_rectangle (window) ; 
draw_circle (cir) ; 
return ; 


The function make_circle ( ) returns a type Circle and re- 
quires arguments Point and int. Circle is used to declare the 
variable temp in make_circle ( ) . Within the main program 
Circle, Point, and Rect are used as types in the definition of 
the several structure type variables used in the program. With the 
typedef declarations, there is no basic change to the program, but 
it is easier to read and follow. 

The two functions draw_rectangle ( ) and draw_circle ( ) 
are not standard C functions. These functions are programmed and 
the listing of the final program is shown in Appendix B. 

Self Referential Structures 

A structure cannot contain itself as a member. Structure defini- 
tions are not recursive. However, a structure can contain a pointer to 
a structure of the same type. This capability has proven quite useful 
in dealing with complicated sort or listing problems. One sort prob- 
lem that can be easily treated is the binary tree sort. A tree sort receives 
data, such as a word. Within the tree there is a root node that contains 
a word. The node also contains a count of the number of times the 
word has been seen and two pointers to additional nodes. These nodes 
are called child or descendent nodes. Traditionally, the node to the 
left contains a word that is less than the root word, and the node to 
the right contains a word that is greater than the root node. As data 
are read into the tree, the new word is compared with the root word. 
If it is equal to the root word, the count in the node is incremented, 

96 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

and a new word is received. If the word is not the same and is less 
than the root word, the node to the left is accessed and the compari- 
son is repeated. This process is repeated until a match is found or a 
node with no descendants is found. If a match is found, the count of 
that node is incremented. If no match is found a new node is created 
and placed at the bottom location, and the word is inserted into the 
new node. This process is repeated with the smaller words always 
going to the left and the larger words always going to the right. 

Eventually a tree that contains all of the different words entered into 
the program will have been created. The tree has several properties. 
Since each node has two child nodes, the tree builds in a binary manner. 
The root level has exactly one entry, the second level has two entries, the 
third level has four entries, and so forth. If the tree is balanced, each level 
will have a power of two entries. However, if word data are taken in 
randomly, it is possible that some tree branches will terminate early and 
others will extend to a depth or level that exceeds some. 

Once the data are placed into the tree, it is possible to sort it or to 
arrange the words in alphabetical order. If we traverse the tree from 
the root node to the extreme left, we will find the word that is small- 
est. Immediately above that word will be the next larger word. To the 
right of the second word will be words larger than itself but smaller 
than the word in the next node above. Therefore, the right path must 
be traversed to the left to find the next larger words. All of this — 
right and left, larger and smaller — sounds complicated. It is not. 

Here is a case where a little thought and recursive code will help 
things along easily. The code that follows is a complete function to 
alphabetize and count the number of times that each word is used in 
a document. Several new concepts will be shown in this program, so 
it will be broken into short blocks and described in these small pieces 
of code rather than trying to bite into the whole program at one time. 
The structure tnode is listed below. 

typedef struct tnode 
{ /* the tree node */ 

char *word; /* points to text */ 

int count; /* occurrences */ 

struct tnode *left;/* pointer to left child */ 

struct tnode *right; /* pointer to right child*/ 
} Tnode ; 

Structures 97 

The first two elements to this structure are a pointer to the word 
contained in the node, and the number of times that the word has 
been seen. The last two elements are pointers to structures of the 
type struct tnode. Note that in the typedef of the struct 
tnode, the structure tag was used. It is necessary to use the tag in 
this case because the self-referential pointers inside of the structure 
needs the tag to find the correct type. For the remainder of the pro- 
gram, the typedef Tnode is used. 

Some new files are included in the include files. These files will 
be discussed in a following section. The first is ctype . h. This pro- 
gram uses several character tests that are identified in ctype . h. 
There are string operations found in string . h , and there are stan- 
dard functions defined in stdlib . h. 

# include <stdio .h> 
#include <ctype . h> 
#include <string . h> 
# include < stdlib . h> 

The list of function prototypes for the functions written in this 
program follow: 

Tnode *addtree (TNODE *, char *) ; 
Tnode *talloc (void) ; 
void treeprint ( TNODE *); 
int getword(char *, int) ; 
char *strsave (char *) ; 

The first function is the function that is used to add a tree to the 
program. *t alloc () is a function that allocates memory for a 
Tnode. The function treeprint ( ) prints out the tree, and 
getword ( ) reads in a word from the input stream. There are two 
function prototypes defined within the program getword ( ) . These 
functions are used by getword ( ) only. The final function above 
saves the string pointed to by the argument in a safe place and re- 
turns a pointer to the word location in memory. 

The main program is relatively simple. The constant MAXWORD 
is the maximum number of characters that can be allowed in a word. 
Within main ( ) a pointer to a structure Tnode named root is de- 
clared along with a character array named word and an integer i . 

98 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

/* word frequency count */ 
#define MAXWORD 10 
int main (void) 


Tnode *root; 

char word [MAXWORD] ; 

int i ; 


while (getword (word, MAXWORD) != EOF) 
if (isalpha (word [0] ) ) 

root =addtree (root , word) ; 
treeprint (root) ; 
return ; 


A NULL value is assigned to root, and the program enters a loop that 
reads words from the input stream. It is assumed that if the first character 
of the word is a letter, that a word has been read in. The function 
i saplha ( ) returns a TRUE if its argument is a letter, and a FALSE if 
it is not. If the input is a letter, the routine addt ree is executed with the 
arguments root and word. The first time that this function is executed, 
root is a NULL. This loop is repeatedly executed until getword ( ) 
receives an EOF character from the input stream. At that time the input 
loop terminates, and the function treeprint ( ) is executed. When 
treeprint ( ) is completed, main ( ) returns a to the calling pro- 
gram or the operating system. This signal can be used to notify the 
operating system that the program has executed correctly. 

Here is a good point to introduce the concept of a NULL pointer. 
Often people use the term NULL to mean zero or a character contain- 
ing a zero. This idea is incorrect. In this text, the word NULL means 
a NULL pointer to a type void. Such a pointer can be defined in a 
header file and the definition will look like 

#define NULL ( (* void) 0) 

Any place you see the name NULL in this text, it has the above meaning. 
The function addt ree ( ) is the most complicated function in 

Structures 99 

this program. This function receives a pointer to a Tnode and a pointer 
to a character string as arguments. It returns a pointer to a Tnode. If 
the Tnode pointer argument is a NULL on entry to the function, the 
first i f loop is executed. Within that loop, t al loc ( ) returns a pointer 
to a new Tnode. The function strsave ( ) copies the string into a 
safe place and returns a pointer to this location. This pointer is put into 
the word pointer location in the new Tnode. A value of 1 is put into 
the count location, and the pointers to the left and right child Tnode s 
are set to NULL. At this time, the word has been put into the Tnode , 
and the pointer to this Tnode is returned to the calling program. 

/* addtree: add a node with w, at or below p */ 
Tnode *addtree (Tnode *p, char *w) 


int cond; 

if (p == NULL) /* new word has arrived */ 


p=talloc(); /* make a new node */ 

p->word=strsave (w) ; 

p->count=l ; 

p->lef t=p->right=NULL; 


else if ((cond = strcmp (w,p->word) ) == ) 

p->count++; /* repeated word */ 
else if (cond <0) /* less than into left subtree*/ 
p->left = addtree (p->left, w) ; 
else /* greater than into right subtree */ 

p->right = addtree (p->right, w) ; 
return p; 


Suppose now that at a later time addtree ( ) is called and this 
time p is no longer a NULL. In this case, a string compare test will be 
executed to determine if the word that has been passed is equal to that 
in the Tnode pointed to by p. If it is equal, it is a repeated word for 
that node, so the word count is incremented and control is returned to 
the calling program. If it is not equal (say, it is lexically less than the 

100 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

word of the node), it is necessary to either traverse to the node on the 
left or add a new node on the left if there is none there. The code 

p->left = addtree (p->left, w) ; 

does exactly what is needed in this case. This recursive call to 
addtree ( ) will descend to the left Tnode if one exists. If one does 
not exist, the pointer to the left Tnode will be NULL, so addtree ( ) 
will create a new node for this location, addt ree ( ) returns a pointer 
to the new node, so it will be placed in the left pointer of this node. 

Had the lexical value of the word been greater than that of the 
word stored in the node, the addtree ( ) call would work on the 
pointer to the right child node. Therefore, the function addtree ( ) 
will start at the root node and traverse down the tree to the right or 
left child nodes depending on the size of the word relative to the 
sizes of the words in the tree. If the word is found in the tree, its 
count is incremented. If control proceeds down the tree, and the word 
is not found, eventually, a Tnode with a NULL pointer to the direc- 
tion that the path must move. A that time a new Tnode is created 
and the word is assigned to that Tnode. 

When all of the data to be input into the tree are read in, control 
is passed to the function treeprint () . The argument of 
treeprint ( ) is a pointer to the root node and treeprint ( ) 
returns nothing to the calling program. Efficient printing out of the 
data requires another recursive routine. The function treeprint ( ) 
shown below shows this routine, treeprint ( ) is called with the 
root pointer as an argument. The root pointer will not be a NULL, so 
the code following the i f statement will be executed. The first 

/* treeprint: in-order print of tree p */ 
void treeprint (TNODE *p) 


if(p !=NULL) 


treeprint (p->left) ; 

printf ( "%4d%15s\n" , p->count ,p->word) ; 

treeprint (p->right) / 



Structures 101 

statement of this code is a recursive call to treeprint ( ) with the 
pointer to the left child pointer as an argument. This recursive call will 
cause control to propagate to the lowest and leftmost level of the tree. At 
this time treeprint ( ) will return normally, and the word pointed to 
in the Tnode will be printed out by the print f ( ) call. The program 
will then start a recursive treeprint ( ) to the right of this node. 
Control will immediately go to the left side of the right branch and will 
descend the lowest level and print out the word "found." This routine 
will repeat up and down until the whole tree content has been printed. 
The function strsave ( ) copies the word passed to it as an 
argument into a save place and returns a pointer to this memory loca- 
tion to the calling program. C provides for dynamic allocation of 

char *strsave (char *s) /* make a duplicate of s */ 


char *p; 

p = (char *) malloc (strlen (s) +1) ; 
if (p != NULL) 

strcpy (p, s) ; 
return p; 

Up to this point, all memory access was to memory allocated by 
declaration statements. With dynamic allocation, the program can 
go to the operating system and request memory at any time. This 
memory is from a memory area called the program heap. The first 
call to allocate memory is malloc ( ) shown above. The function 
prototype for this function is found in stdlib . h , and the func- 
tion requires an argument that is the length of the memory space 
needed. The program returns a pointer to the base type of the system, 
chars, to the required block of memory. If there is not enough 
memory available, the function returns a NULL pointer. C will never 
return a valid NULL pointer. Therefore, if you have a C program call 
that returns a pointer, the program can always test for a NULL pointer 
to determine if the call succeeded. In the above code, it is assumed 
that the calling program will check for the NULL pointer and deter- 
mine what to do. 

102 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

The function prototype of the function mal loc ( ) is contained 
in stdlib . h . This function returns a pointer to a type void. If 
you will recall the rules of arithmetic for pointers, a pointer to a type 
void can be assigned to any other pointer type, and vice versa. There- 
fore, it is not necessary to cast the return from the mal loc call to 
the type char* as was done above. In fact, there are people that say 
that you should not perform this cast. If you make a mistake and 
do not include the header stdlib . h, then the compiler would as- 
sume that the return from the mal loc function call is an int. The 
cast operation would introduce a bug into your code if the header 
were not included. The error of the missing header file would be 
identified by the compiler if there is no cast because the program 
would be loathe to assign an integer to a pointer. Therefore, the code 
without the cast is more robust. 

I personally object to this logic. The current trend is to insist that 
all operands in expressions that are not of the correct type be cast 
to the correct type prior to execution of any operators. This trend 
largely ignores the automatic type promotion that takes place when 
there are mixed types within a single expression. In fact, many pro- 
gramming standards insist that all mixed types be cast explicitly. In 
such an environment, it seems rather silly that one case be singled 
out and done differently. 

The function t alloc ( ) also makes use of the mal loc ( ) 
function. In this case, the argument of the mal loc ( ) call is the 
sizeof operator. sizeofisaC operator that returns the size of 
the argument, sizeof is an operator in C and requires no prototype. 

/* talloc : make a tnode */ 
TNODE *talloc (void) 


return (TNODE *) malloc (sizeof (TNODE) ) ; 


The memory allocation function mal loc ( ) returns a pointer to 
the basic memory size of the system. It is always necessary to cast 
the return from mal loc ( ) onto the type of variable that the return 
must point to. In this case, the cast is to the type pointer to TNODE. 
In strsave ( ) , the cast was to the type pointer to char. There- 
fore, the statement 

Structures 103 

return (TNODE *) malloc (sizeof (TNODE) ; 

will return to the calling function a pointer of the type TNODE to a 
free memory space the size of a TNODE. This function is called by 
the function addtree ( ) . You will note that addtree ( ) does 
not test the return from t alloc ( ) to determine if the return is a 
NULL pointer. Good programming practice would dictate that the 
return from t alloc ( ) should be tested to make certain that 
malloc ( ) did not return a NULL pointer. 

The next function that must be incorporated into the program is 
getword ( ) . getword ( ) returns the first character of the word 
or an EOF in the case that an EOF is detected. It requires two argu- 
ments. The first is a pointer to a character array into which the input 
data are to be stored. The second argument is the length of the array 
and hence the maximum length of any word that can be read into the 
program by getwordf) . Two functions are accessed by 
getword ( ) . The first is get ch ( ) which returns a character from 
the input stream. The second is ungetch ( ) which restores a char- 
acter back onto the input stream. We will see later that for getword ( ) 
to work correctly, it must pull one more character than the length of 
the word in some cases. When that happens, the extra character must 
be put back onto the input stream so that it will be available for the 
next getch ( ) call. 

/* getword: get next word or character from input */ 

int c, getch (void); 

void ungetch (int) ; 

int getword (char *word, int lim) 


char *w=word; 

while (isspace (c=tolower (getch ()))); 
if (c!=EOF) 
*W++=C ; 
if ( ! isalpha (c) ) 


*w= , \0' ; 
return c ; 


f or ( ; —lim >0 ; w++) 

104 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

if ( ! isalnum (*w=tolower (getch ( ) ) ) ) 


ungetch (*w) ; 


*w= , \0' ; 
return word[0] ; 


The first executable statement 

while (isspace (c=tolower (getch ()))); 

includes two standard C functions. The function isspace ( ) has 
its prototype in the header file ctype . h. This function returns a 
TRUE if its argument is a space and FALSE otherwise. The second 
function, tolower ( ) , is also prototyped in ctype . h . It tests 
the argument and returns a lower case letter if the argument is upper 
case. Therefore, this operation will loop until it receives a nonspace 
input, and the lower case version of the letter input will be stored in c. 
If c is not an EOF, it is put into the next open location of the word 
array and the pointer into this array is incremented. If the return is an 
EOF, the second if statement will execute. The if statement 

if ( ! isalpha (c) ) 


*w= , \0' ; 
return c ; 


tests to determine if the character from the input stream is a letter. 
isalpha ( ) returns a TRUE if its argument is a letter and a FALSE 
otherwise. If the character taken from the input stream is an EOF, 
isalpha ( ) will return a FALSE and the statement following the 
i f will be executed. In this case, a zero character is written to the 
word, and the EOF is returned to the calling function. 

If the return is a letter, the following sequence will be executed: 

f or ( ; — lim >0 ; w++) 

if ( ! isalnum (*w=tolower (getch ( ) ) ) ) 


ungetch (*w) ; 

Structures 105 



The central loop here is the i f statement. Its argument executes 
getch ( ) to read in characters from the input stream. These inputs 
are converted to lower case and stored into the array location pointed 
to by w . The result is then checked to determine if it is a letter or a 
number. If it is not, it is put back onto the input stream and the loop 
is exited by the break instruction. If it is a letter or a number, the 
pointer to the output array w is incremented and the maximum length 
of the array is decremented. If this last result is greater than zero, the 
next character is read in. Otherwise, the if statement is skipped. 

The last two statements in the function are 

*w= x \0' ; 
return word[0] ; 

The last entry of the character array is made a ' \ ' to satisfy the 
C requirement that a string must terminate with a 0, and the first 
character of the word is returned to the calling program. This value 
is returned just to guarantee that an EOF is not returned. 

There are two final functions required for this program. These func- 
tions work together to form the getch ( ) /unget ch ( ) pair. A global 
buffer with an argument BUFSIZE is created, and a global integer 
buf p is declared, buf p is initialized to 0. Since these variables are 
global, they are initialized at the beginning of the program, and they 
will not be changed when control is returned to a calling function. 

In getch ( ) , the value of buf p is tested. If it is greater than 0, 
the character returned is taken from the buffer and the buf p is 
decremented. Otherwise, a new character is read from the input stream 
by getchar ( ) . 

#define BUFSIZE 100 

char buf [BUFSIZE] ; /* buffer for ungetch */ 
int bufp=0; /* next free position in buffer */ 

int getch (void) /* get the next character from the 
buffer */ 

106 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 


return (bufp>0) ? buf [— buf p] : getcharO; 


void ungetch(int c) /* put character back onto 
input */ 


if (bufp>=BUFSIZE) 

printf ( "ungetch: too many characters \n" ) ; 


buf [bufp+ + ] =c; 


When ungetch ( ) is executed, a test is made to determine if 
this store would exceed the buffer length. If buf p will be greater 
that BUFSIZE after it is incremented, an error return is executed. 
Otherwise, the return character is put in the buffer and it is there to 
be read the next time getch ( ) is executed. 

This program has introduced several C functions. In fact, C has a 
ungetchar ( ) that does the same function as ungetch ( ) above. It 
has given examples of structures containing pointers to like structures, 
recursive functions to process data, and dynamic memory management. 


1 . With an editor, enter the tree program and compile it. To run this 
program, use an input redirection such as c:>tree < (filename) 

2. Modify the above program to determine the number of levels, and 
record the level number with each word. Print out the levels when 
the output is printed. Hint: the levels can be determined in the 
addt ree ( ) function, and the printout of the levels require a modi- 
fication of treeprint ( ) . 

3. Add a histogram to the above program that shows the number of 
entries in each level. Count the total number of different words in 
the document tested. 

More Structures 107 

More Structures 

There are two more important considerations that should be placed 
under structures. The first of these is the union, and the second is bit 
manipulations and bitfields. 


A union is defined much the same as a struct . There is a signifi- 
cant difference, though. A union can have several different arguments, 
each of which is a different type. The compiler, when it sees a union 
declared, provides enough memory to hold the largest argument of 
the union. When different arguments are used, the different types 
occupy the same memory location. Consider the following sequence: 

struct bothints 


int hi , lo; 


union both 


long 1 ; 

struct bothints b; 
} compound; 

This sequence will cause the compiler to generate a structure that 
contains two int s. The union both will provide space for which- 
ever is larger, a longora struct bothints. Of course, a long 
is the size of struct bothints , so enough memory will be 
provided to store a long. In use, a sequence like 

compound . b . hi = a ; 
compound. b . lo = b; 

will place the int a into the upper location of compound , and b 
will go into the lower location of compound. After these opera- 
tions, compound . 1 will contain a in its upper word, and b in its 
lower word. If compound . 1 were used as a variable, it would be 
this combination. 

Unions are most often thought of as a method of saving memory. 
If several variables are completely independent and never used at the 

108 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

same time, a union that contains these several variables will allow 
the programmer to store each in the same memory location. 


The concepts of bitfields fall loosely under structures. The first 
built-in operations that allow bit manipulations from C involve an 
enum. Consider the following enum: 

enum {PB1=1 , PB2=2 , OUTl=4 , OUT2=8 } ; 
int PORTA; 

Notice that the different elements of the enum are each powers of 2. 
We can then use an expression like 

PORTA | = PB1 | PB2 ; 

to turn on bits corresponding to PB1 and PB2 in the integer PORTA. 
Or, these corresponding bits might be turned off in PORTA by 

PORTA &= ~ (PB1 | PB2) ; 

Tests can be executed like 

if (PORTA & (PB1 | PB2) == 0) 

Here the argument of the if call will be TRUE if both bits corre- 
sponding to PB1 and PB2 are turned off in PORTA. 

These manipulations are not really special bit manipulations. What 
is seen here is merely creation of bit-like operations using normal C. 
C does support bit fields. Bit fields are created in the form of a 
struct. The following struct defines several bit fields: 



unsigned int PB1 

unsigned int PB2 

unsigned int OUT1 

unsigned int OUT2 

unsigned int ALL 


This struct consists of several bit fields. The colon that fol- 
lows the field name designates the bit field whose size is the number 

More Structures 109 

following the colon. The first four fields are each 1 bit wide, and the 
final field ALL is 4-bits wide. These bits can be turned on by: 


or off 
FLAGS . OUT1 = FLAGS . 0UT2 = ; 

and they can be tested 

if (FLAGS. PB1 == && FLAGS . PB2 == 1) 

Some of the compilers have special bit constructs. These con- 
structs are usually struct s that have either 8- or 16-bits within the 
field. These struct s are useful as Boolean variables. 

When setting up a microcontroller program, the programmer will 
frequently want to have bit fields at specific locations in memory. 
These bit fields can be used as I/O ports, control registers and even 
arrays of bits to be used internally as flags. An approach to this prob- 
lem is found in the bit array. 

typedef struct 

{ " 




l t 




l t 


l t 


l t 




l t 

} BITS: 

A mac 


definition is used to create a variable: 

#define PORTA (*( BITS *) 0x1000) 

With these definitions, instruction statements like 

PORTA. bit_7 = 0; 

if (PORTA. bit_3 == 1 && PORTA. bit_2 == 0) 

etc. can be used in dealing with the bits within this memory location. 

110 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

Input and Output 

C has no provision for either input or output within the language. 
Any such operations must be programmed as functions that are called 
from the programs. There are several standard I/O functions that are 
always included with a complete C compiler. However, in many in- 
stances, compilers for very small microcontrollers will have no built-in 
input/output capability. 

File accesses are through a set of functions and a special struc- 
ture. The struct FILE is a structure that contains all parameters 
needed to access a file. The file pointer is given a value by 

FILE *fp; 

FILE *f open (char* name, char* mode); 

Here name is a pointer to a character array that contains the name 
of the file. This name can be simply the file name if the file resides in 
the default directory, or it can be the complete path name-file name 
combination for files elsewhere in the file system. The string pointed 
to by mode is a one or two character string. The various modes are 


\\ -. // 

r" read only 
w" write only 
a" append 

and sometimes 

"b" binary 
w rw" read/write 

To open a file, the program must contain a statement 

fp=f open (name, mode) ; 

where f p is declared as a pointer to the type FILE. Once the file is 
opened, all file accesses will use f p as an argument in some way. 
There are two single character file access functions: 

int getc (FILE* fp) ; 

int putc(int c, FILE* fp) ; 

The first function returns a character from an open file f p and the 
second puts a character c onto an open file f p. There are three special 
file pointers created by the operating system when a program is loaded. 
These three file pointers are stdin, stdout, and stderr. stdin 

Input and Output 111 

is the standard input, and defaults to the keyboard, stdout in the 
standard output and defaults to the terminal screen, and stderr is 
the standard error output which defaults to the terminal screen. These 
defaults can be redirected by the operating system through the use of 
redirection operators and pipe operators when the program is executed. 
The functions get char ( ) and put char ( ) are macro defini- 

#define getcharO getc(stdin) 
#define putchar(c) put c (c, stdout) 

Therefore, get char ( ) will read a single character from the key- 
board, and put char ( ) will put a single character to the terminal screen. 

There are string I/O with the file functions. A string can be put to 
a file by 

int fputs(char* string, FILE* fp) ; 

This function returns an EOF if an error occurs. Otherwise, it 
returns a zero when there is no error. 
A string can be read from a file by 

int fgets(char* string, int maxline, FILE* fp) ; 

f gets returns the next input line from the file f p. These data are 
written into string, and can contain at most maxl ine - 1 charac- 
ters. The string is terminated, f gets will return a zero when an 
error occurs. If there is no error, f gets returns the pointer string. 
Another important file access function is 

int f close (FILE* fp) ; 

This function releases the file pointer f p and it causes any data 
written to the file, but not written to the final destination, to be written. 
For example, most disk file systems use a buffer to store up a signifi- 
cant amount of data before it is written to the disk. If data are buffered 
when the f close ( ) routine is executed, any buffered data is written 
to the disk and the program connection to the file system is dissolved. 

Different compilers have several file handling routines. To ob- 
tain the maximum advantage of these routines, you should consult 
the manual that comes with your specific compiler. 

We have seen several instances of input/output functions. The 
most common is the print f ( ) function. This function is but one 

112 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

of several functions that can be grouped together under the category 
of formatted input/output. The formatted output functions include 

int print f (char* format, argl, arg2 , . . .) ; 
int sprintf (char* string, char* format, 
argl , arg2 ,...); 

int fprintf (FILE* fp, char* format, argl, 
arg2 ,...); 

The function print f ( ) has been used throughout the text so far, 
and there should be little question as to its use. This function prints data 
to the terminal screen. The pointer format points to a character string 
that contains the information to print out. Within the format, there can 
be conversion commands identified by a percent sign %. These com- 
mands will be discussed in detail later. The number or arguments, argl, 
arg2 , etc. depend on the number of commands within the format string. 

The second function above, sprint f ( ) , performs exactly the 
same conversion as print f ( ) . Rather than printing the result to 
the screen, it is written into the character array string in memory 
designated by char* string. 

Data can be printed to a file with the third function f print f ( ) . 
Here f p is the file pointer of an open file, and the remainder of the 
arguments are exactly the same as with the print f ( ) function. 

The following is a list of all the conversion commands and their 
meanings. If the character following the % in a format string is not 
found in the table, function behaviors will be undefined. 

Character Printed as 

d, i int : decimal number 

o int : unsigned octal number 

x,X int: unsigned hexadecimal number 

u int : unsigned decimal number 

c int : single character 

s char* : print characters from string until '\0' is 

f double : floating point [-]m.dddd where the num- 

ber of d's is given by precision. Default precision is 6. 

e , E doub 1 e : floating point [-]m.ddddExx where the num- 

ber of d's is given by the precision, and the power of 10 
exponent can be plus or minus. Default precision is 6. 

Input and Output 113 

g , G Uses e or f format, whichever requires least space. 

No argument is converted. Print as a 

% No argument is converted. Print as a % 

Additional formatting capability exists. The complete form of 
the % command is as follows: 

[flags] [width] [.precision] [modifier] type 

where the various optional fields have the following meanings. 


Left-justify the value if there is a width field speci- 
+ Print leading + character for positive outputs 


Width Precision 

Minimum width of The number of digits 

print zone. Pad the to the right of the 

field with if the decimal point. For 

leading width strings, the maximum 

specifier is 0. number of characters. 


Modifier Meaning 

h Used with any integral type, data type is short. 

1 Used with any integral type, data type is long. 

L Used with any floating point type, the data type is 

long double. 

This formatting approach works with strings as well as nu- 
merical outputs. If a string output contains a field width or a precision, 
it works much the same as a numerical output. If the field width 
specified is not long enough to hold the output string, the specified 
field width is ignored. The complete string is printed out. With a 
string, precision specifies the number of output characters. If the 
precision is smaller than the field width, the width of the output field 
will be the precision specification. A minus sign applied to field width 

114 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

will cause the data to be printed to the left edge of the field. Other- 
wise, the data will print to the extreme right edge of the field. 

Formatted input is also provided in C. The three formatted 
input functions are 

int scanf (char* format , argl , arg2 ,...); 

int sscanf (char* string, char* 

format , argl , arg2 ,...); 

int f scanf (FILE* fp,char* format, argl , arg2 ,...) ; 

The first of these functions reads formatted data from the standard 
input, the second reads formatted data from a string in memory, and 
the third reads formatted data from an open file f p. There is a sig- 
nificant difference between the formatted inputs and outputs. Recall 
that the arguments in the formatted outputs are data values. In the 
formatted inputs, all arguments must be pointers to locations in 
memory that can hold the data types specified in the data string. If 
the program should contain 

int i ; 

scanf ("%d",i) ; /* BAD */ 

the program will probably compile, the compilers will not note an 
error, and the program will crash because the scanf ( ) argument is 
not a pointer. It is generally recommended that you avoid use of the 
scanf ( ) function. 

Memory Management 

There are two functions in C that allow dynamic memory man- 
agement. The function 

void* malloc (size_t n) ; 

returns a pointer to a block of memory that is n bytes long. This 
memory is uninitialized, malloc ( ) (and calloc ( ) below) re- 
turns a pointer to a block of memory of the type void. Therefore, 
before it can be used, the return pointer must be cast onto the data 
type that the program requires. In this case, an assignment of the 
return value to a pointer of the correct type will work. If this step is 

Memory Management 115 

not taken, none of the usual pointer arithmetic will work. If the 
memory is not available to be allocated, the allocation program will 
return a NULL. 

A second dynamic memory allocation function is 

void* calloc(int number, size_t n) ; 

This function returns a pointer to a type void. It takes two arguments. 
The first argument is the number of items and the second argument is 
the size of the specific item. Therefore, if you wished to allocate space 
for ten TNODEs from the above problem, you should use 

(TNODE *) calloc(10, sizeof (TNODE) ) ; 

calloc ( ) differs from malloc ( ) in that it returns a pointer to 
initialized space. The calloc () function initializes all memory 
assigned by the function to zero. When memory is allocated by ei- 
ther malloc ( ) or calloc ( ) , this memory must be returned to 
the system. If allocated memory is not returned to the system, even- 
tually all of the available memory will be allocated. Further attempts 
to allocate memory will fail. If the return pointer from the allocation 
function is not tested and properly handled when a NULL is returned, 
the program will exhibit undefined behavior. This problem can be 
avoided by deallocating memory when it is no longer needed by the 
program. The function 

void free (void* ) ; 

will release allocated memory. The argument in this case must be a 
pointer that was returned from an allocate function, either mal loc ( ) 
or calloc ( ) . 

An additional memory allocation function is 

void *realloc (void *,size_t); 

The first parameter here is a pointer to a previously allocated memory 
block, and the second is the new size that you want for the allocated 
memory. This function will change the size of the allocated memory 
block. If you are reducing the size of the block, the pointer returned 
will probably be the same as that passed to real loc. If you are 
increasing the size of the block, and there is not enough contiguous 
memory available, the function will search for a proper sized block. 

116 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

If one is found, the data stored in the original block are copied to the 
new block and the proper space is allocated. The pointer returned in 
this case will not be the same as that passed. 

Miscellaneous Functions 

C provides several sets of miscellaneous functions that are very 
useful. As mentioned earlier, the input/output functions that are 
prototyped in stdio . h are not parts of the language, but instead 
are separate functions. The miscellaneous functions are prototyped 
is several different header files. Many of these functions are macros, 
and if they are, the macro definitions are contained in the header file. 

Following is a list of several header files specified by the ANSI 
Standard. With each header file is a list of functions or function pro- 
totypes contained within these files. You should look to the 
documentation for your compiler to get the detailed descriptions of 
each of these files. 

As mentioned earlier, these files are there, tested, work and are 
probably as robust and reliable as any code written. They do what 
they are supposed to, and they are free. It makes little sense to re- 
write these programs just to satisfy an ego trip. I have seen shop 
coding standards that did not allow the use of standard library files 
because the programmers could not examine the source code. Such a 
standard is absolutely silly. If you do not trust the compiler to pro- 
vide safe, satisfactory library code, you should not trust the compiler 
to generate any code. Therefore, you are using the wrong compiler. 
Get a compiler that meets your standard. 

Most embedded programs that employ microcontrollers do not 
have standard connections to input/output devices. For example, there 
is rarely a terminal or a keyboard attached to an embedded system. 
More likely you would expect to find a numeric, or special, keypad 
and an LCD special purpose output display. None of the standard i/o 
programs can connect with such devices. In such cases, it will be 
your responsibility as the programmer to write drivers to interface 
with these devices. Also, you will rarely see disk files in your em- 
bedded product. Therefore, you will rarely need to include the header 
file stdio.hina microcontroller program. 

Miscellaneous Functions 117 

STRING OPERATIONS— Defined in string . h 

strcat ( s , t ) concatenate t to s 

strncat ( s , t , n) concatenate n characters of t to s 

strcmp ( s , t ) return negative, 0, or positive 

for s< t, s ==t, ors>t respectively 

strncmp ( s , t , n) compare n characters of t and s 

strcpy ( s , t ) copy t to s 

strncpy ( s , t , n) copy n characters of t to s 

strchr ( s , c ) point to the first c in s or x \ ' 

s t rrchr ( s , c ) point to last c in s or x \ ' 

CHARACTER TESTS— in ctype . h 

i s alpha ( c ) non-zero if c is alphabetic, if not 

i supper ( c ) non-zero if c is uppercase, if not 

i s lower ( c ) non-zero if c is lowercase, if not 

isdigit ( c ) non-zero if c is a digit, if not 

i sxdigi t ( c ) non-zero if c is a hexadecimal digit, if not 

i s a 1 num ( c ) non-zero if c is a digit or alphabetic, zero if not 

i s space ( c ) non-zero if c is a blank, tab, newline, 

return, formfeed, vertical tab, if not 

i spunc t ( c ) non-zero if c is a printing character except 

space, letter, or digit 

i sent r 1 ( c ) non-zero if c is a control character, if not 

i sgraph ( c ) non-zero if printing character except space 

i sprint ( c ) non-zero if printing character including space 

toupper ( c ) return c converted to upper case 

tolower ( c ) return c converted to lower case 

MATH FUNCTIONS— in math . h 

s in ( x ) sine of x, x in radians 

cos (x) cosine of x, x in radians 

tan (x) tangent of x, x in radians 

asin (x) arcsine of x, -1<=x<=1 

acos (x) arccosine of x, -1<=x<=1 

atan2 (x , y ) four quadrant arctan of y/x, in radians 

at an (x) two quadrant arctan of x, in radians 

s i nh ( x ) hyperbolic sine of x 

118 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

cosh (x) hyperbolic cosine of x 

t anh ( x ) hyperbolic tangent of x 

exp (x) exponential function of x 

log (x) logarithm base e of x 

1 og 1 ( x ) common logarithm of x 

pow ( x , y ) raise x to the y power 

sqrt (x) square root of x 

f ab s ( x ) absolute value of x 

ceil ( x ) smallest integer not less than x 

f 1 oor ( x ) largest integer not greater than x 

1 dexp ( x , n ) x*2 A n 

f r exp ( x , i n t * exp ) split double into mantissa and exponent 

modf (x, double *ip) Splits x into integral and fractional 

parts. Puts integral in ip and returns 

fractional part. 
f mod ( x , y ) floating-point remainder of x/y 

These functions all require double arguments and return double values. 
Utility functions — in stdlib . h 

double atof (const char *s); 

integer atoi(const char *s); 

long atol(const char *s); 

double strtod(char *str,char **scanstop); 

long strtol(char *str,char **scanstop,int base); 

unsigned long strtoul(char *str,char **scanstop,int base); 

ldiv_t ldiv(long numer,long denom); 

div_t div(int numer,int denom); 

long labs(long n); 

int abs(int n); 

void *bsearch(void *key, void *base,size_t number,size_t size, 

void qsort(void *base,size_t number, size_t size, 

int rand(void); 
int srand(unsigned int seed); 
void *calloc(size_t nobj, size_t size); 
void *malloc(size_t size); 
void *realloc(void *p, size_t size); 

Miscellaneous Functions 119 

void free(void *p); 

void abort(void); 

int atexit(void(*fcn)(void)); 

void exit(int status); 

int system(const char *name); 

Non-local Jumps — in set j mp . h 

int setjmp(env); 
int longjmp(env,int); 

Diagnostics — in assert . h 

The macro assert ( ) is defined in assert . h 

Signals — in signal . h 

void (*signal(int sig, void (*sighandler)(int)))(int); 
int raise(int sig); 

Date and Time Functions — in time . h 

char *asctime(struct tm *timeptr); 

clock_t clock(void); 

char *ctime(time_t *timer); 

double difftime(time_t time2, time_t timel); 

struct tm *gmtime(time_t *timer); 

struct tm *localtime(time_t *timer); 

time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr); 

size_t strftime(char *buffer, size_t bufsize, char *format, 

struct tm *timeptr); 
time_t time(time_t *timer); 

Standard input and output — in stdio . h 

void clearerr(FILE *fp); 

int fclose(FILE *fp); 

int feof(FILE *fp); 

int ferror(FILE *fp); 

int fflush(FILE *fp); 

int fgetc(FILE *fp); 

int fgetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos); 

char *fgets(char *buffer, int n, FILE *fp); 

FILE *fopen(char ^filename, char *access); 

120 Chapter 2 Advanced C Topics 

int fprintf(FILE *fp, char *format, ...); 

int fputc(int c, FILE *fp); 

int fputs(char *string, FILE *fp); 

s i z e_t fread(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t number, FILE 


FILE *freopen(char ^filename, char *mode, FILE *fp); 

int fscanf(FILE *fp, char *fs, ...); 

int fseek(FILE *fp, long offset, int origin); 

int fsetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos); 

long ftell(FILE *fp); 

s i z e_t fwrite(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t number, FILE 


int getc(FILE *fp); 

char *gets(char *buffer); 

void perror(char * string); 

int printf(char *format, ...); 

int putc(int c, FILE *fp); 

int puts(char ^string); 

int remove(char ^filename); 

int rename(char *oldname, char *newname); 

void rewind(FILE *fp); 

int scanf(char *format, ...); 

void setbuf(FILE *fp, char *bufptr); 

int setvbuf(FILE *fp, char *bufptr, int buftype, size_t 


int sprintf(char *s, char *format, ...); 

int sscanf(char *s, char *format, ...); 

FILE *tmpfile(void); 

char *tmpnam(char ^buffer); 

int ungetc(int c, FILE *fp); 

int vfprintf(FILE *fp, char *format, va_list arglist); 

int vprintf(char *format, va_list arglist); 

int vsprintf(char *s, char *format, va_list arglist); 

As you scan through the above listings, you will see many types 
that are not from the usual list of available types. Whenever you find 
such a type, the type will be either a typedef of a structure or a 
typede f of a standard type. These typede f s will be found in the 
header file where they are used. 


Summary 121 

In this chapter, you have seen how pointers are used in C, learned 
about structures, and viewed a summary of the contents of the stan- 
dard C library. You have also been shown the essentials of creating 
header files that can attach peripheral devices to your programs. These 
areas will be explored in detail in later chapters. 

Chapter 3 

What Are Microcontrollers? 

A microcontroller differs from a microprocessor in several im- 
portant ways. The early name for a microcontroller was 
microcomputer. The big difference between a microprocessor and a 
microcomputer/microcontroller is the completeness of the machine 
each represents. A microprocessor was simply the "heart" of a com- 
puter. To put a microprocessor into use, the designer required memory, 
peripheral chips, and serial and parallel ports to make a completely 
functional computer. By contrast, the microcomputer was designed 
to be a complete computer on a single chip. Necessary memory and 
peripheral components were integrated onto the chip so that a com- 
plete computer-based system could be built with a minimum of 
external components. A basic microcontroller is shown in block dia- 
gram form in Figure 3-1. 



Logic Unit 

Data Memory 

Figure 3-1: A Typical Microcontroller Block Diagram 


124 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

The central control unit of the microcontroller is the arithmetic 
logic unit (ALU). Figure 3-1 shows that the ALU is connected to 
three different blocks. The first is the input/ output block (I/O), the 
second is the program memory, and the third is the data memory. 
Most Motorola microcontrollers combine the last three blocks into 
one block. The architecture shown in the figure is known as a Harvard 
architecture, as opposed to the more common Von Neumann 
architecture. The Harvard architecture is a computer configuration 
in which the memory area that contains the program instructions for 
the computer is separated from the memory area in which data are 
stored. By contrast, the Von Neumann architecture has just one 
memory space where both program and data are stored. 

The main functional difference between Harvard and Von 
Neumann architectures is in their ultimate operating speeds. Both 
architectures require that the ALU access memory once each 
instruction to get the next instruction to execute. Often the instruction 
being executed will also require an access to memory. Reading data 
into a register, storing data in a memory address, and accessing a 
location in memory that is in fact an input/output register are examples 
of operations that require memory accesses in addition to the normal 
memory fetches. As seen in Figure 3-1, the Harvard architecture has 
two or more internal data busses over which these different accesses 
can take place. There are usually two such internal busses: one for 
instruction access, and one for other data access. The processor can 
easily tell which data bus to use. If the access is to fetch an instruction, 
it is relative to the program counter. These accesses will go to the 
program memory area. All other memory accesses will go to the data 
memory area. It is entirely possible to have two or more memory 
accesses simultaneously with a Harvard architecture. 

The Von Neumann architecture is somewhat simpler than the 
Harvard architecture. A Von Neumann processor has only one memory 
bus. All memory accesses must go through this single path on the 
system. With such a system, the processor can never process more 
than one memory access at a time and all memory accesses — instruction, 
data, or input/output — must pass through a single data bus. This is the 
origin of the term "Von Neumann bottleneck." The multiple accesses 
to memory for each instruction ultimately limit the maximum speed of 
a Von Neumann architecture processor. However, the speed of such 
processors can be many millions of instructions per second, so there 

What are Microcontrollers? 125 

are numerous excellent, fast microcontrollers constructed with the Von 
Neumann architecture. The Von Neumann architecture has been the 
mainstay of microcontrollers and will be the only microcontroller 
configuration available for the foreseeable future. 

A microcontroller has its program stored internally, and the ALU 
reads an instruction from memory. This instruction is decoded by the 
ALU and executed. At the completion of the execution of the 
instruction, the next instruction is fetched from memory and it is 
executed. This procedure is repeated until the end of the program is 
found, or the program gets into a loop where it is instructed to branch 
back to a beginning point. In this case, the machine will stay in the 
loop forever or until something happens to release it from the 
never-ending loop. 

There are three ways for a machine locked in a loop to be removed 
from the loop so it can execute code outside of the loop. These 
operations are called exceptions. The first is to reset the part with a 
reset signal. A reset signal usually requires connecting the reset pin 
of the part to a logic low signal. A logic low is usually ground. When 
this condition is detected, several internal registers are set to 
predetermined values, and the microcontroller fetches the address of 
the reset routine from a specific memory location. This address is 
placed in the program counter, and the program starts to execute. 
There is a table in memory that contains the addresses of several 
routines accessed when exceptions occur. These are the addresses of 
the interrupt service routines, reset routines, etc. This table is called 
the vector table, and the addresses are called vectors. 

A second means of forcing the part out of the loop is for the part 
to detect an external interrupt. An external interrupt occurs when the 
interrupt request (IRQ) pin on the part is set low. This pin is tested at 
the beginning of the execution of each instruction. Therefore, if an 
instruction is being executed when an IRQ is asserted, the instruction 
will complete before the IRQ signal is processed. Processing for the 
IRQ consists of first determining if IRQs are enabled. If they are, the 
status of the machine is saved. All interrupts are disabled by setting 
the interrupt mask bit in the status register of the microcontroller. 
Then the address stored in the IRQ vector location is fetched. This 
address, the address of the interrupt service routine (ISR), is placed 
in the program counter. The ISR then executes. 

126 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

The process of saving the status of the machine is to push the 
contents of all machine registers onto the machine stack. Therefore, 
the ISR can safely use any of the central machine resources without 
disrupting the operation of the main line of code when control is 
returned. When exiting an ISR, it is necessary to use a special 
instruction called a return from interrupt or a return from exception. 
This instruction restores the status of the machine from the stack and 
picks up execution of the code from the instruction following the one 
where the interrupt occurred. 

The third means for exiting the main loop of the program is from 
internal interrupts. The microcontroller peripherals can often cause 
interrupts to occur. An internal interrupt causes exactly the same 
sequence of operations to occur as an external interrupt. Different 
interrupt vectors are used for each of the several internal peripheral 
parts so the cause of the interrupt is generally known and control is 
directed to the specific ISR for each of the several possible internal 

Data are transferred, information is passed, or events are handled 
either synchronously or asynchronously. The difference between these 
two methods of data transfer has mainly to do with how the clocking 
of the data is handled. The most common form of synchronous data 
transfer is with a three- wire serial link. One of the wires is a clock, 
and the other two are input data and output data, respectively. For a 
synchronous transfer, the value of the input is usually sampled at one 
edge of the clock signal (such as the fall of the clock) and the value 
of the bit to be sent out is guaranteed to be correct at the fall of the 
clock signal. Any synchronous system must set its output at such a 
time that it will be stable while the clock is high, and hold it in that 
condition until the clock signal falls. To receive a bit, the condition 
of the input line must be latched into the system as the clock signal 
falls from high to low. 

Within the computer, there is another distinction for synchronous. 
Often an input is allowed to set a bit when it occurs. If this happens, 
the program will not expeditiously observe the fact that the bit is set. 
In fact, the program will test the state of the bit according to the 
program timing requirements. This type of operation is also called 
synchronous because the test is synchronized with the program. 

Asynchronous operation, on the other hand, usually depends on a 
prearranged series of events to cause the data transfer. Serial data 

Microcontroller Memory 127 

communications is a common example of asynchronous data transfer. 
Here, an input line can have two states: mark and space. A line is 
held at the mark state whenever no data are being transferred. When 
data are to be transferred, the data line is transitioned to the space 
state and held there for a specified time. This period is called the 
start bit. From that time onward, the data bits are placed on the line 
a bit at a time so that at the specified time intervals the receiving 
device can examine the data line and determine the bit sequence. 

Asynchronous operation means that there is no computer clock- 
related specification as to the time that events will occur. Another 
example of asynchronous transfer occurs within the computer. 
Generally, events and data transfers that are initiated by interrupts 
are considered to be asynchronous. Most of the peripheral devices 
that are found on Motorola microcontrollers will allow either 
synchronous or asynchronous notification of the program that the 
peripheral business is completed. 

The following sections contain brief discussions of microcontroller 
memory and several of the standard peripherals found on these devices. 
These discussions are intended to be qualitative and provide a broad 
overview of these parts of the microcontroller. Detailed descriptions 
of how to access and use these several peripherals will be found in 
later chapters. 

Microcontroller Memory 

In a microcontroller, the program instructions are usually stored 
in a memory type called read-only memory (ROM). ROM is usually 
programmed by a special mask during the manufacture of the 
microcontroller and is called masked ROM. ROM is the least expensive 
means of storing a program in a microcontroller, especially for high- 
volume manufacturing. 

There are at least two means for the end user of the microcontroller 
to place the program memory into the chip. The first is called erasable 
programmable read-only memory (EPROM). EPROM is a memory 
technology that can be erased by exposing it to high-energy ultraviolet 
light. The EPROM requires the application of a high voltage to be 
programmed. The memory can be programmed with either a 
development system or a special programming board designed 
specifically to program the microcontroller. 

128 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

Packages that contain EPROM have a quartz glass window 
through which the ultraviolet light can pass with minimum attenuation. 
These packages are quite expensive, and therefore, microcontrollers 
with EPROM are usually too expensive to use. EPROM was used for 
development purposes in the past, but it is just too expensive in light 
of more recent developments to be used for that purpose today. 

For limited production purposes, a less expensive version of the 
EPROM chip is available. This is the one time programmable (OTP) 
chip. An OTP chip has the exact same silicon component as an 
EPROM, but it is packaged in a standard plastic package. This package 
is much less expensive than the windowed package discussed 
previously. However, once the chip has been programmed, the 
program contents cannot be changed. 

There is yet another means of storing programs or, in some 
instances, data in a microcontroller. This technique is called 
electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). 
EEPROM is programmable from instructions within the 
microcontroller. EEPROM also requires a high programming voltage. 
If there are large blocks of EEPROM on the chip, the programming 
voltage is usually applied during the programming cycle through a 
pin connected to an external voltage source. In cases where the amount 
of EEPROM to be programmed is relatively small, a charge pump on 
the microcontroller chip will allow the EEPROM to be programmed 
with no externally applied voltage. The amount of EEPROM that 
can be programmed with an on-board charge pump is usually so 
small that it is not useful for storing program instructions. But on- 
board EEPROM can be quite useful in the storage of data generated 
by the program that must be saved through a power-down cycle. 
Sometimes in the execution of the program, some data are generated 
that must be saved for later use. These data are called volatile data or 
variables, and are usually stored in random access memory (RAM). 
Careful design of a program will usually result in the need for much 
less RAM than ROM. In most microcontrollers, the amount of RAM 
is usually 60 to at most a few hundred bytes. The amount of ROM, 
EPROM or EEPROM usually runs from 1000 bytes upwards to a 
few tens of thousands of bytes. 

EEPROM is quite expensive, and has been replaced by a newer 
technology called FLASH memory. FLASH programs in a manner 

nput/Output 129 

similar to EEPROM and it is inexpensive enough to allow rather 
large amounts of programmable memory on a microcontroller chip. 
You will find chips with 30,000 bytes and more of FLASH and the 
intent is to use these chips for production runs. The FLASH is 
programmed as part of the production cycle. We will see many details 
on programming FLASH memory in later chapters. 

The architecture of Motorola microcontrollers is strictly Von 
Neumann. That is, within the microcontroller chip, there is only one 
data bus over which all program, data, and input/output must pass. In 
a Harvard architecture system, each of these different data types will 
have a dedicated bus over which the information will pass. Therefore, 
the Harvard architecture microcontroller is able to access data, program, 
and I/O simultaneously. The simultaneous availability of these different 
data paths can result in a significant increase in overall processor speed. 
It also increases the area of the microcontroller die and, hence, the cost 
of the microcontroller. In general, most of the applications to which 
the microcontrollers are directed do not require extreme speed. Thus, 
the Von Neumann architecture is completely satisfactory. 


The Motorola microcontrollers use an architecture called memory- 
mapped I/O. Each I/O device input and output registers, its control 
registers, and status registers are mapped into memory locations. I/O 
transactions require no special computer instructions. It is merely 
necessary to know the memory locations of the pertinent registers and 
the uses of the register bits to be able to handle any I/O function. Listed 
below are brief descriptions of several microcontroller I/O peripherals 
found on Motorola microcontrollers. Not all of these peripheral systems 
are found on each microcontroller. It is possible to pick and choose 
between needs for the several peripheral systems and select a 
microcontroller that has exactly those peripherals required. 

Timer Subsystems 

There are four popular timer systems that you will find on different 
microcontrollers. The first is a general-purpose timer. Motorola refers 
to the general-purpose timers as either 8- or 15-bit timers. These 
timers are different. The 8-bit system contains a prescaler that counts 
down from system clock. The output from the prescaler is fed into a 

130 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

counter that counts down from it the value stored in it. When the 
counter underflows, a flag is set, and an interrupt can be executed. 

The 15-bit timer is a strictly Motorola name, and it is even 
simpler than the 8-bit timer. This timer has a 15-bit minimally 
programmable prescaler. An interrupt can be taken from two 
locations in this ripple counter. 

A second class of timer is the 16-bit timer. This timer is often 
called a general purpose timer. These timers contain a 16-bit counter 
that is clocked by the system clock. There are two associated 
subsystems: the first is called an input capture system, and the second 
is the output compare. 

The input capture system simply captures the value of the system 
timer counter when an input occurs. These inputs can set a flag or 
request an interrupt so the input can be processed either synchronously 
or asynchronously. The important fact is that the exact time of the 
input relative to the 16-bit clock is saved when the input occurs. 
Applications for input capture systems are interpulse period 
measurements or frequency measurements. 

The output compare system allows the programmer to specify a 
time relative to the 16-bit counter when an output is to occur. This 
time is calculated by adding the time offset value to the current value 
of the 16-bit counter. This result is stored in the output compare 
register. When the 16-bit counter counts to the value in the output 
compare register, the output occurs, a bit is set, and an interrupt can 
be processed if desired. 

Input capture and output compare functions are sometimes called 
high-speed inputs and outputs. The number of input captures and 
output compare systems vary from as few as one each to as many as 
16 programmable timers, each of which can be either input capture 
or output compare. 

There is another style of timer subsystem that is used on high-end 
microcontrollers. This system is called the timer processor unit (TPU). 
In most conventional computers, the contents of a memory location 
are called an operand, and the processor has built-in operators that 
operate on the operands. A TPU is also a computer, but rather than 
using memory location contents as operands, time is the main operand 
used by the TPU. Most TPUs contain many complex systems to 
implement their operation. The TPU of the M68300 family and the 
M68HC16 family contains sixteen registers, each of which can be 

nput/Output 131 

operated as either an input capture or an output compare. Each output 
compare can have its events coupled to other registers to control 
intricate timing events with fine time resolution. We will not see the 
direct programming of a TPU in this text, but we will see some of the 
types of events that are controlled by the TPU programmed with the 
usual 16-bit timer. 

On the newer computers, such as the MCORE architecture, a 
time-of-day (TOD) clock has been introduced. This clock is based on 
a 32768-Hz watch crystal. These crystals are readily available, small, 
very accurate, and quite inexpensive. Their only problem is that they 
are slow, and are not very good for fine time measurements unless 
the crystal is used as a time base to a frequency synthesizer. 

Another timer function found on most microcontrollers is the 
computer operating properly (COP) or watchdog timer. Most 
microcontrollers are placed in embedded controls. That is, the 
microcontroller is a part of a larger system, and usually an operator 
never deals directly with the microcontroller. Even though great care 
has been taken in the design of the microcontroller, it is possible to 
cause these devices to get lost from the program that they are 
executing. The power might dip, or a large transient magnetic field 
might cause the part to go into abnormal operation. In such a case, 
the easiest way to restore normal operation is to send the part through 
a reset sequence. Such a sequence will restore all of the initial internal 
status of the microcontroller, execute the initialization code procedure 
of the program, and restart the execution of the application loop. A 
COP timer provides just this function. A COP timer is a timer with a 
relatively long period. Once the COP timer is started, it is necessary 
for the main program to reset the COP periodically prior to the 
expiration of the COP period. The COP timer is never allowed to 
time out. If the computer gets lost, the program no longer resets the 
COP, so the timer will eventually overflow, and this operation causes 
the microcontroller to reset. Therefore, if the part ever gets lost from 
its normal program sequence, the COP will force a reset and restore 
the normal operation of the system. 

Digital Input/Output 

Most microcontrollers have several digital I/O ports. Usually a port 
consists of eight or fewer bits, and the bits in these ports can be outputs, 
inputs, or often bit programmable as either input or output bits. If a 

132 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

port has programmable I/O, it will have an associated data direction 
register — DDRA, DDRB, and so forth. The ports are usually named PORTA, 
PORTB, and so forth. DDRA is associated with PORTA. Each bit in DDRA 
has a corresponding bit in PORTA. If a bit in DDRA is set, the corresponding 
bit in PORTA is an output. The same is true for PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, 
PORTE, and so forth if these ports exist on the part. 

A port pin can be made into an output. When this occurs, this pin 
becomes a latched output. In other words, when this bit is set it will 
remain set until it is reset by the program, and vice versa. Just because a 
port pin is designated to be an output does not mean that its state cannot 
be read by the computer. When a port is read in, the state of all of the 
outputs as well as the state of the inputs will be shown in the result. 

Some I/O pins are multiplexed and serve multiple functions. For 
example, microcontrollers with analog-to-digital converters, ADC, 
usually allow the ADC pins to serve as digital input pins as well. In 
that case you need merely read the input port, and those pins that are 
above the high threshold will indicate one, and those below the low 
threshold will indicate zero. Reading the port does not affect the 
ADC operation at all. 

Analog-to-Digital Converters 

The ADC subsystem on most microcontrollers consists of a single 
successive approximation analog-to-digital converter preceded by an 
analog multiplexer that can switch the converter to any of several input 
pins. The program controls this switching. The electromagnetic 
environment of the surface of a microcontroller die is about as bad as 
can be found anywhere. Therefore, attempts to do fine resolution 
measurements of analog voltages in these parts is fraught with problems. 
Most ADCs use a resistive ladder to act as a digital-to-analog converter. 
The inputs to this ladder are sequenced in a prescribed manner to build 
a voltage that matches the voltage being measured. The input to the D- 
to-A is then the digital equivalent to the voltage being measured. 

Precision resistors are very difficult to manufacture on silicon, 
and even precision matching between resistors is extremely difficult. 
While making precision capacitors is very difficult on a silicon die, 
it is possible to make several capacitors with highly accurate ratios 
between the capacitor values. Therefore, the approach is to use a set 
of matched capacitors and a charge balance technique to accomplish 

nput/Output 133 

the successive approximation of the analog voltage. This method 
works well, and 8- and 10-bit systems are available on 
microcontrollers with plus or minus one-half bit accuracy. 

Serial Input/Output 

Where would the computer be without serial input/output? The 
serial system was probably the first direct human interface with any 
computer system. It has expanded, and today, relatively low-speed 
asynchronous serial interfaces are used for terminal and modem and 
network interfaces. High-speed synchronous serial links are used for 
all of the above plus inter-computer connections, hardware peripheral 
communications, and other types of devices where high-speed, secure 
communication is required. 

Many microcontrollers have both asynchronous and synchronous 
communications peripherals built in. Usually, an asynchronous 
interface is called a serial communications interface (SCI) while the 
synchronous interface is called a serial peripheral interface (SPI). 

Typically SCI systems can communicate at any of the popular 
asynchronous serial bit rates. These systems have built-in baud rate 
generators, double buffered input and output registers, and all of the 
error detection found on a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter 
(UART) chip. These I/O devices can be either polled or interrupt- 
driven by the computer portion of the microcontroller. 

The SPI is designed to communicate at high speeds with other 
microcontrollers or perhaps with hardware devices with a synchronous 
serial interface. These devices typically run at megabit per second 
rates. Since synchronous systems require a system clock, each 
microcontroller SPI can act as either a master or a slave. The main 
difference between the master and the slave is which chip generates 
the system clock. The master generates the system clock, and the 
data are clocked into and out of the slave by the system clock. 
Communications with the microcontroller and the SPI can be either 
polled (synchronous) or via interrupt controller (asynchronous). 

Different Controllers 

Not all of these peripheral systems are found on each 
microcontroller. It is possible to pick and choose between needs for 
the several peripheral systems and select a microcontroller that has 

134 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

exactly those peripherals required. The smallest microcontroller has 
only a 15-bit timer, and the most complete MC68HC05 part has 
everything but a SPI system. All varieties in between these extremes 
exist. In the larger chips, some of the basic requirements for the 
microcontroller change. We will see these larger chips in later chapters. 

Programming Microcontrollers 

The preceding brief description of what microcontrollers are gives 
a rather bleak picture of a potential programming environment from 
a computer standpoint. Most programmers are used to having an 
operating system that handles such mundane things as I/O, memory 
management, time management, program loading, error processing, 
interdevice or intertask communications, and so forth. Be prepared 
for a giant step backwards when you address the microcontroller. 
There is usually no operating system, no libraries of useful functions, 
no I/O handling, nothing but a bare-bones computer with a bunch of 
hard-to-tame peripheral components onboard the single-chip device. 

C compilers for the microcontrollers have been available long 
enough that they are thoroughly tested and do a good job of creating 
proper code. Anyone who has programmed a microcontroller in 
assembly language knows that the programs must be very direct and 
have no fancy overhead. Memory is strictly limited, and the compiler 
must generate assembly code that is as resourceful as can be created 
by any thoroughly qualified assembly language programmer for the 

The development environment, while quite sophisticated in terms 
of how it works, does little for the programmer in terms of direct 
help in debugging a program. There are two different types of 
development systems that are in common use. Both of these systems 
require a host computer to run the device. The simplest of these 
systems goes by names like evaluation module, evaluation system, 
or evaluation board. These devices are usually board-level products 
that require a power supply in addition to a host computer. 

The software to run the development boards is merely a good 
terminal emulator. Assemblers and linkers for the different chips are 
provided as part of the development board. The programmer writes 
the code for the part in the host computer. This code is assembled, 
compiled, and linked in the host computer. The code is then 

Programming Microcontrollers 135 

down-loaded to the development board through either a serial or a 
parallel link depending upon the individual system. 

The development board has the microcontroller that is to be 
emulated on board. This microcontroller sometimes operates in a 
nonuser mode that allows internal bus access. A second computer on 
the development board controls the operation of the microcontroller. 
Code delivered from the host is put into memory accessed by the 
microcontroller, and the microcontroller can operate as if the code 
were contained within its internal memory. All of the I/O lines associated 
with the microcontroller are brought to a header on the development 
board, and a cable can be attached to this header to a plug-in device 
that plugs into a target board. This target system then operates as if it 
had a programmed microcontroller plugged into its socket. 

The microcomputer on the development board has a complete 
monitor system in its firmware. This monitor provides 
communications with the host, down-loading and up-loading 
capability and, most important, complete debugging firmware for 
the microcontroller. 

There is a single line assembler and disassembler in the firmware. 
This package allows the programmer to examine and change memory 
in assembly mnemonics. The microcontroller program can be single 
stepped, run, address breakpointed, and the memory can be displayed 
in normal hexadecimal format. The microcontroller runs at full speed 
when emulating operation in a target board. 

An experienced programmer will be able to debug code in a 
microcontroller with the help of such a development board. There is 
additional software available that provides a nice display of all 
pertinent information in a single screen on the host computer. In this 
area, you will also find that the microcontroller can be controlled 
from a display of C source code on the host computer. This technique 
is called source level debugging. 

On later chips, another feature is incorporated to help the 
development environment. This feature is called Background Debug 
Mode, or ONCE. Both of these similar operations allow debug to 
take place in an external computer without any access to the 
microcontroller resources such as interrupts or memory. When a chip 
is put into BDM, certain pins become a special serial input/output 
port. There are several commands that can be delivered to this port 
from an external computer. These commands allow the computer to 

136 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

set memory, examine memory, examine registers, set and clear 
registers, execute code, set and clear break points, and so forth. All 
of the operations normally needed to debug a program can be executed 
through this special serial port. There is no need for an on-board 
monitor on the microcontroller, and it is not necessary to make use 
of the chip interrupts by the debugger during the debug operation. 
All of the programming needed for the debugger can reside in a host 
computer. Most modern chips have this type of interface, which 
greatly simplifies debugging of microcontrollers. 

All of the above capabilities are available with the development 
boards. Another level of capability is available. These devices are box 
level, and usually have a built-in power supply. Most development 
systems require a host computer, and usually they come with special 
software to interface with the host computer. These systems have all of 
the capabilities outlined above plus some significant improvements. 
The breakpoint capability of these systems is much improved over the 
simple address breakpoint above. Here a complicated breakpoint can 
be employed that will break the program operation on read or write, at 
any data or address location, on access of data or program, or access of 
a range of data or address locations. Also, the breakpoint can occur 
after a specified number of occurrences of the breakpoint conditions. 

Another major difference in the development systems is the trace 
buffer. A trace buffer is a memory that is as many as 48 or 64 bits wide. 
Each clock cycle of the microcontroller, the condition of all address 
bits, the data bus, the internal microcontroller control bus, and as many 
as 16 external test point lines are captured in the trace buffer. 

Usually, the trace buffer is 4 to 16 kilowords deep, so it can hold 
a significant number of microcontroller clock cycles. Even if the 
microcontroller is running slowly, one million clock cycles per second, 
such a trace buffer represents an insignificant execution time. To help 
make the data contained in the trace buffer, trace buffer capture can 
be controlled by a system that is the same as the breakpoint operation. 
Therefore, the portion of the program that is traced is under the 
detailed control of the programmer. 

The data in the trace buffer can be displayed in several different 
manners. The simplest, of course, is to print to the computer screen 
the I/O pattern of all the lines captured. This type of display is 
extremely difficult to interpret, but it is useful in some cases. To help 
the programmer determine where the microcontroller is operating, it 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 137 

is possible to read the data bits and display a disassembled version of 
the code being read into the microcontroller. This display is also 
quite useful in debugging the code. 

Yet another display is called a logic analyzer. A logic analyzer is 
an oscilloscope display that shows the logical status of the various 
lines captured in the trace buffer. A logic analyzer is a separate device, 
but it can have a built-in disassembler that displays the disassembled 
code along with the condition of the designated lines. 

The devices with logic analyzers and trace buffers are quite a bit 
more expensive than the development boards discussed earlier. Some 
of the development systems provide source level debugging capability 
for high-level languages like C. 

Another approach to development systems has been made 
available in some of the newer microcontrollers. The microcontrollers 
from the MC68HC16 family and those from the MC68300 family all 
have a background mode of operation. When operating in the 
background mode, these chips stop their normal computing and start 
serial communications with an external computer. The background 
mode can be entered as the result of an internal command or an 
external signal. There are enough debug commands that can be 
communicated over this port to allow complete debug of any program 
that the microcontroller might be running. Minimum external circuitry 
is needed to support the debug mode, so these high-powered chips 
can operate as their own development environment. Here, the 
development support is mostly software contained within the host 
computer, and the deliverable system can contain all of the essential 
components of a development system. 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 

One of the major tasks facing a programmer when writing code in 
a high-level language for any microcontroller is to make the resulting 
program as readable as possible. Other people who might later need to 
read or modify your code must be able to understand what is going on 
in your program. It is extremely important that mnemonics be used as 
much as possible when dealing with various registers, their bit contents, 
and special memory addresses throughout your programs; otherwise, 
the resulting code will be a "quasi-C" program filled with many numbers 
and funny-looking cast operations that will be largely incomprehensible 
to others trying to maintain your program. 

138 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

Modern large 8-bit systems are very nearly as complete as 
yesterday's mini-computers. Programs for microcontrollers are also 
getting large, and they are increasingly being written by a team of 
programmers instead of a single programmer. The management of 
the programming task is much more important when a team is involved 
because the person-to-person interface is the most "dangerous" in all 
programming. It is easy for people to make mistakes; misspelled 
words, interchanged order of parameters in a function argument, 
passing incorrect data to a function, etc., are all problems that can 
(and often will) arise when several people try to write a single 
program. Each person on the team can probably keep a maximum of 
six or seven function interfaces in mind, and even then mistakes will 
be made. When the program is really large, there will be dozens of 
function interfaces and sources of possible error will abound. For 
example, most of the time programmers will try to use what is in 
mind rather than look up a questionable function call. 

How can these problems be minimized? Fortunately, there are 
several steps you can take to keep errors down to a manageably low 
level. A big one is to make certain that an ANSI-certified compiler can 
be used for any program and that the computer will enforce strict type 
checking in the program. This will cause most of the errors due to 
carelessness or simple accidents to be caught at compile time and not 
during the debugging phase. If such errors are not caught by the 
compiler, they are among the most difficult to find when they show up 
at run time. Programs can be improved by following these conventions: 

1 . Use a consistent constant definition naming convention. Use all capital 
letters for the names of constants defined in #def ine statements. 

2. Make all function names thoroughly descriptive. Use several words 
for each name if possible, and capitalize the first letter of each 
word so that the words can be distinguished easily. For example, 
a function that returns the time should have a name like 
TimeOf Day ( ) or Time_Of _Day ( ) . The important thing is 
that the name describe the function in some detail. Be consistent 
with naming conventions. If you start with names having no un- 
derscores, keep this convention throughout the entire program. 

3 . Make use of t yp e de f and the fact that structures create new types . 
Where possible, create a type that is descriptive to your program. 
For example, in the C language the interface to all input/output and 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 139 

files is through the type FILE. FILE in this case is simply a type 
that has been made available to the program through a typedef 
statement of a structure that contains all of the essential elements 
needed for file input/output. It is recommended that types created 
by typedef statements involving a structure should have names 
with the first letter capitalized. The names of these types should be 
brief and should be one word only. 

4. The C macro gives us the ability to create functions that will be 
compiled in-line. This is very useful, but remember there is no 
type checking for macro defined functions and you do not know 
what will be returned from a macro function. This does not mean 
to avoid macro functions, but it does mean that with no type check- 
ing we have a part of the program that does not get the normal 
scrutiny we expect with most function calls. Be careful when us- 
ing macros — you, not the compiler, must make certain that the 
argument types and the return type are all correct. 

5. Use as few global variables as possible. Global variables seem to 
be an easy way to avoid using function arguments, but they also 
can make debugging extremely difficult. Parameters should be 
passed to functions as arguments. This approach will give the 
programmer some assurance that compile time checking will catch 
any typing errors, and will eliminate the problems of "side ef- 
fects" found with global variables. 

6. Be consistent. When designing function calls, make the order of 
the parameters in the argument list logical and be consistent 
throughout the whole program. 

7. Avoid complicated argument lists. If it becomes necessary to send 
many variables to a function, create a structure that contains all of the 
arguments and send a pointer to the argument structure as a param- 
eter rather than the arguments themselves. Since the members of the 
structure are all mnemonics with — hopefully! — meaningful names, 
the filling of the structure should result in a more accurate creation of 
the parameter list than would be found if the parameters are all listed 
in the function argument. 

8. Be courteous — document your code. There is no need for a com- 
ment for every line of code, but it is unconscionable that a program 
should go page after page with no comments. Every function 

140 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

should have a comment header that explains what the function 
does in the program. The header should contain a list of the func- 
tion arguments and a record of modifications to the function. If 
there is some nonobvious code in the program, this code should 
be documented to explain what is happening. 

9. Kernighan and Ritchie, the developers of C, gave us a language 
that is rich with shorthand notation. While often useful, this is a 
tool that can be badly misused. Don't write code in a convoluted 
manner using tricky shorthand notations so that nobody can un- 
derstand what you're trying to do. You might be the one who has 
to maintain the resulting code a decade later! 

10. Always create mnemonics for addresses and bit variables used in 
the program. 

11. Use assembly language only when C cannot accomplish neces- 
sary operations. 

^.Microcontrollers usually work with unsigned variables. Often the 
microcontroller can create more efficient code when doing compares 
with unsigned variables. Therefore, use unsigned variables every- 
where unless it is necessary to use signed variables. A few typede f 
operations will help keep the use of unsigned variables in mind: 

typedef WORD unsigned int; 
typedef BYTE unsigned char; 

In writing code for a microcontroller, you must be able to deal 
with ports at some specific address location, the bits within these 
ports, control registers, certain data registers, and other important 
control functions. The program can be easily written if the names of 
all registers, ports, bits, and so forth are taken from the component 
specification and not made subject to the whim of the programmer. 
Therefore, if all of the ports and bits have the name given in the 
microcontroller reference manual, then any variable used will be 
defined in one place and the programmer need only find the appro- 
priate register along with the definition of its bits in the reference 
manual to understand what is being done in the program. The refer- 
ence manual becomes part of your documentation. 

We saw back in Chapter 2 how to create mnemonics for address 
locations. It is necessary for programmers to write a series of define 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 141 

statements which identify all of the register locations, port addresses, 
and bit names for the microcontroller. It is best if all of these pre- 
liminary data are placed in a header file specific to a device and then 
it can be included at the beginning of programs for the device. This 
approach is convenient because it gives the programmer the ability 
to use mnemonics throughout the program. It also provides some 
limited portability. If a second device in the same family has some- 
what different register and port locations, it is possible to write a new 
header file for this second device and code written for the original 
device will probably work with the second device when the proper 
header file is included. We will discuss header files further as we 
examine the programming of specific microcontrollers. 

In this book, you will see the C programming language used to 
develop code for embedded systems products. C is a powerful 
language that can be abused and is often the subject of such abuse. 
Don't abuse this fine language. It is your responsibility as a 
programmer to write code that is easy to read, easy to understand, 
easy to debug, easy to maintain, and easy to use. Any fancy antics in 
coding are uncalled for and not needed. Any group that is writing 
project code should implement a shop coding standard that will direct 
the way code is written. There are several organizations that have 
prepared such standards. I cannot agree with all of the elements of 
these coding standards that I have seen, but any coding standard is 
better than none. Research the matter and find a coding standard that 
comes close to suiting your needs and then modify it to meet your 
needs exactly. And then use it. 

I previously mentioned "group development." I have seen many 
small projects in which the software development was an afterthought. 
There are still many projects that can fit into a few hundred bytes or 
even a few thousand bytes. Such projects might not seem to require 
the careful oversight implied by a shop standard. But they do! In the 
development of software, you will find that the initial cost of the 
software is dwarfed by the cost of maintenance. Therefore, any effort 
put forth to help the maintenance of the software into the future is 
effort well spent regardless of the size of the project. You will often 
find that newer chips have massive memory spaces and with these 
memory spaces available, the code will expand to fill them. This 
expansion of the code is not necessarily bad if the expansion 
accompanies improved operation and features. However, one 

142 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

implication is that the one hardware engineer in the lab can no longer 
be expected to develop the code for such projects. More and more 
teams are coming together to develop embedded systems software 
today. Such teams almost demand that a coding standard be in place 
if the code thus generated is to ever be useful. 


In future chapters we will see many programming examples de- 
veloped. The code in such examples has been tested and runs on the 
microcontroller it was designed for. The hardware interface used to 
test these programs has been a series of evaluation boards built by 
Motorola. The several different boards used each represent a differ- 
ent approach to an inexpensive development environment. For the 
MC68HC05 family, I used the MC68HC05EVM and 
MC68HC05EVS series. The EVM is an evaluation module for many 
of the older MC68HC05 family of microcontrollers. This family grew 
so large and so many different devices were introduced into the prod- 
uct line that it was impossible for a single board to provide the 
development services needed for the whole family. A new series des- 
ignated as the EVS family was developed to meet these expanding 
needs. The EVS is comprised of a base board with many of the needed 
interface components. A daughterboard containing all of the "com- 
ponent unique" capability of the system is plugged into the base board. 

These systems provide excellent development environments. Each 
system contains a microcontroller of the type being developed. In the 
case of the MC68HC05 family, the on-board components are operat- 
ing in a special mode called the non-user mode. In the non-user mode, 
the device reorganizes its pins to provide an expanded bus operation so 
that memory and external control can be used on what is usually a 
single-chip microcontroller. For these parts, a special chip is used called 
a port replacement unit, or PRU, which is put onto the expanded bus, 
and its outputs are exactly the same as what would be seen on the ports 
if the chip were operating in the normal mode. With this capability, 
RAM can be substituted for internal ROM on the microcontroller and 
the software implications of this change are unlimited. For example, 
programs can be loaded into the memory at will, memory access 
breakpoint can be implemented, the program can be started at any 
point, the contents of the memory can be changed, and so forth. 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 143 

A firmware monitor is placed on the evaluation board. A serial 
port is added, and the board, under the control of the monitor, 
communicates with a host computer. As a matter of fact, the host 
need only be a terminal in the most basic case. The monitor provides 
several important debug and development functions. Code can be 
downloaded from the host computer into the memory of the evaluation 
board. The monitor contains a single line assembler/disassembler 
module. With this software available, the user can examine the code 
in the microcontroller memory in either hexadecimal or mnemonic 
form. Also, memory contents can be changed in either hexadecimal 
or mnemonic form. Breakpoints can be inserted into the code, and 
the operation of the program can be observed from the terminal of 
the host computer. 

In addition to the evaluation capability of these boards, they also 
each have extension headers that allow the board to be plugged into 
a target system. When operated in this manner, the target system 
operates as if it has a programmed microcontroller in its socket. Of 
course, the code in the microcontroller is that in the memory on the 
evaluation module. The emulation of the microcontroller in this case 
is excellent. The microcontroller on board the evaluation module is 
executing the code for the target system. The microcontroller re- 
sources used in the target system are those found on board the 
microcontroller in the evaluation module. In most cases, the lines 
connected to the target system are connected directly to either the 
evaluation module microcontroller or PRU. The PRU is designed to 
emulate the pin operation of the microcontroller as well as possible. 
Therefore, the loads presented to the target system by the emulator 
and the signal responses of these pins very nearly duplicate those of 
the microprocessor being emulated. 

Figures 3-2 and 3-3 are photographs of the MC68HC05EVM 
and the MC68HC05EVS, respectively. Note that Figure 3-2 shows a 
single-board system while Figure 3-3 shows a two-board device. All 
of the development devices discussed here require an external power 
supply. Any device suffixed "EVM" needs a +5 volt supply as well 
as +12 and -12 volt sources. The higher voltage supplies are needed 
only to drive the RS232 communications signals necessary to com- 
municate with the host computer. On the EVS and the 
MC68HC16EVB boards, only a +5 volt supply is needed. Most of 
the components being emulated by these boards can have some on- 

144 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

board nonvolatile memory, such as EEPROM or EPROM. The evalu- 
ation boards each provide a means of programming these memories. 
Usually, a high voltage is needed. This voltage will vary from 
part-to-part and it must be applied as a separate voltage on the board. 

Figure 3-2: MC68HC05EVM Single Board Development System. 

Figure 3-3: MC68HC05EVS Two-Board Development System. 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 145 

The previous discussion is aimed at the MC68HC05 development 
boards. The MC68HC11 also has an EVM. This EVM operates ex- 
actly the same as that discussed above. There are several EVMs for 
the different parts in the MC68HC11 family. Figure 3-4 shows a 
photograph of the MC68HC1 1EVM. 

Figure 3-4: 

MC68HC11EVM Development System. 

In all of the devices we've discussed, communication with the 
host computer is through an RS232 serial link from the board. The 
development work can be done with a terminal emulator on the host 
computer. Such a terminal emulator might be found in the software 
programs PROCOMM or KERMIT. Certainly, any terminal emulator 
can do the job, and those mentioned here are just two of many. 

Development through a simple terminal emulator is usually not 
the easiest approach. Motorola ships a software package with each 
evaluation device. This software package is written by P & E Micro- 
computer Systems, Inc. It provides a "windowed" environment that 
shows the conditions of many internal features of the device being 
evaluated. All of the internal microcontroller registers are displayed, 
a listing of the breakpoints that have been set are shown, a block of 
the code being debugged is displayed, and a control screen is also 
available. The display will differ with various devices, but in general 
the screen interface is easy to use and understand. 

146 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

In some cases, a complete symbolic debug environment can be es- 
tablished. P & E Microcomputer Systems, Inc., has a file system that 
allows transfer of source code to the program. This source code is 
displayed in the code window. It helps during the debug procedure to 
see the source code while stepping through it. This capability is avail- 
able with the compiler used for the MC68HC05, but not for the 
MC68HC11 and MC68HC16 families. 

All of the software written by P & E runs under the DOS operating 
system. Today, there are fewer computers that run under DOS than 
in the past, so you might want to find a later development system that 
runs under a more modern operating system. I have always used DOS 
by itself or running under either Windows 3.1 or one of the later 
Windows operating systems. During the availability of OS/2, it was 
an ideal operating system to develop microcontrollers under these 
DOS-based development systems. More recent systems require 
Windows 95 or later. 

Development is enhanced if the host computer has multitasking 
capability. This capability can come from any of the popular operat- 
ing systems, such as Microsoft Windows or X Windows. In such a 
case, it is possible to keep an editor with the listing file of the pro- 
gram being debugged in a window along with the P & E display in 
another window. This approach provides both insight into the code 
being developed along with the condition of the hardware as the ex- 
ecution of the code proceeds. It is recommended that this approach 
be used when debugging programs on evaluation boards. 

Unfortunately, none of these evaluation boards allows access to 
the operation of the component being debugged when the device is 
executing the test code. To achieve this level of operation would in- 
crease the complexity of the development board significantly. Also 
note there is no provision for a trace buffer on these boards. The 
newer boards, EVS and MC68HC16EVB, provide headers that can 
be connected to a logic analyzer that can act as a trace buffer and 
provide many of the functions usually found in the more compre- 
hensive development devices. 

One last development device used is the MC68HC16EVB, shown 
in Figure 3-5. This board differs from the others in one significant 
way. The MC68HC16 family of devices (as well as those found in 
the MC68300 family) provide a capability not usually found in most 

Coding Tips for Microcontrollers 147 

microcontrollers. These devices can be placed into a background 
debug mode that facilitates development of the code. In all of the 
above development boards, the monitor software must execute on 
the microcontroller being developed. This operation means there must 
be either memory bank switching or the monitor must occupy some 
of the normal memory space of the microcontroller. In either case, 
the presence of the monitor software can be seen in the operation of 
the microcontroller. Also, development with the above systems will 
require that other resources be used for the development operation. 
For example, if control of the development is through a serial port to 
a terminal, the SPI of the microcontroller will probably be used. In 
the background debug mode (BDM) of the larger devices, this memory 
and resource sharing between the monitor and the code being de- 
bugged is unnecessary. When a device is placed into BDM, its normal 
operation ceases and all communications with the device occurs 
through a special serial port. Through this serial port, the condition 
of the device can be examined, memory can be accessed and changed, 
breakpoints can be established, etc., just like the invasive technique. 
However, when the device is returned to operation, there is no way 
the presence of the monitor can be seen by the running program. 

Figure 3-5: MC68HC16EVB Development System. 

148 Chapter 3 What Are Microcontrollers? 

With BDM, all debug software can be placed on a host computer. 
Therefore, it is possible to write much better debugging systems that 
connect through the BDM system. Most recent microcontroller chips 
employ some type of background debug mode operation. It is not 
always called BDM. It might be called ONCE or JTAG, but these 
operations are basically similar and allow background debugging of 
the microcontroller and a host to contain all of the necessary debug 

Another advantage to using the BDM is that all communication 
between the host and the device is through an 8-wire bus. This bus 
can be accessed in any device, so these devices become their own 
development systems and no development system is really needed to 
work on the final target system. 

The MC68HC16EVB uses the BDM operation. Communications 
with the host computer are through the parallel, or printer, port on the 
computer. P & E has written an interface for "PC clone" computers that 
uses the parallel port. Its operation is essentially as for the 
MC68HC05EVM and MC68HC1 1EVM devices. P & E has also made 
an additional device which can connect to the 8-wire BDM bus and 
connect directly to the host computer parallel port. It requires a +5 volt 
power source and takes its voltage through the lines to the target system. 

Three other chips will be examined in the following chapters. The 
M68HC08 family and the M68HC12 family are extensions of the 
M68HC05 and the M68HC1 1 families, respectively. Yet another recent 
chip family is the MCORE. These RISC chips are very fast and run at 
extremely low power. The MMC2001 chip from this family will be 
examined. The development system for the MCORE chips is called an 
EBDI — Extended Background Debug Interface. This package is 
interfaced to an evaluation board through an 8-wire serial port. 

All of the programs in the chapters that follow were tested on the 
appropriate development boards. These programs are relatively small 
because each is designed to show some feature of either the 
microcontroller or the language as applied to the microcontroller; larger 
programs were not appropriate to the tutorial aims of this book. With 
judicious use of the boards along with the development environment 
on the host computer, these programs were easy to develop and debug. 

Chapter 4 

Small 8-Bit Systems 

Not surprisingly, writing code for any microcontroller — whether 
in assembly language or a high-level language like C — requires a 
detailed knowledge of the microcontroller being programmed. Usu- 
ally, a high-level programming language requires little knowledge 
of the underlying computer on the part of the programmer. This ap- 
proach allows the programmer to concentrate on the nature of the 
problem being solved rather than how to squeeze the problem into a 
specific computer. A C abstract computer has been designed and you 
write code for this computer when you write C code. The abstract 
computer has no registers, control registers, index or address regis- 
ters, or any other of the normal resources found on a typical computer. 
The language is sufficient to allow proper creation of code needed to 
run the core computer. However, the essence of any microcontroller 
is the special on-board peripherals that it provides. These peripherals 
are not directly available from the C language either. 

Programming techniques must allow use of these peripherals or 
the high-level language is valueless. Three distinct levels of 
microcontrollers will be covered in different sections of this text. The 
simplest microcontroller is embodied in the M68HC05 family. These 
8-bit devices are usually completely self-contained and do not support 
an expanded bus. Another level of complexity is found in the M68HC08, 
the M68HC1 1 and the M68HC12 families. These computers are also 
8-bit machines, but they have more registers than the M68HC05 fam- 
ily and support an expanded data bus. With the expanded data bus, 
these families can have external memory and peripherals in addition to 
those within the chip itself. (The peripherals on these chips are not 
very different from those found on the M68HC05.) The step up in 
computer power is the M68HC16 microcomputer. This computer is a 


150 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

16-bit machine and its peripheral components are nearly all different 
from those found on the 8-bit machines. The M68HC16 is a superset 
of the M68HC1 1; it will execute M68HC1 1 code, but the hardware 
computer extensions and new peripheral components are significant. 

To successfully program a microcontroller using a high-level lan- 
guage, the programmer must be able to access various control and status 
registers in the computer. The program must force the language to place 
both program and data memory addresses in the proper locations in the 
memory map. Vectors associated with interrupt service routines, and the 
service routines themselves, must be handled directly by the program. 
These tasks are difficult to accomplish with most high-level languages, 
but C allows access to these things without extensions. However, most C 
compilers for microcomputers have extensions that allow such special 
features to be easily treated. 

The compiler used in this chapter is called C6805 1 . It was written to 
support the M68HC05 family of devices. Be forewarned: some M68HC05 
microcontroller instructions have no counterpart in the standard C lan- 
guage. Special directives identify unique microcontroller characteristics 
to the compiler. Listed in Table 4-1 below are nine assembly instructions 
available to the 68HC05. These instructions have no equivalent C call. 
They can be accessed as either a single instruction (all uppercase) or as 
a function call as shown. The function call requires a pair of closed 
parentheses to follow the name of the instruction. 

Function Operation 

CLC or CLC ( ) clear carry bit 

SEC or SEC ( ) set carry bit 

CLI or CLI ( ) clear interrupt flag (interrupts on) 

SEI or SEI ( ) set interrupt flag (interrupts off) 

NOP or NOP ( ) no operation 

RSP or RSP ( ) reset stack pointer 

STOP or STOP ( ) STOP instruction 

SWI or SWI ( ) software interrupt 

WAI T or WAI T ( ) WAIT instruction 

Table 4-1: Assembly Codes Directly Callable By C6805 

1 Byte Craft Limited, 421 King Street North, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4E4 

Small 8-Bit Systems 151 

A pragma is a C preprocessor command not defined by the lan- 
guage. As such, the compiler writer can use the #pragma command 
to satisfy a need not specifically identified by the language. C6805 
uses pragmas to identify microcontroller- specific characteristics. 
Table 4-2 contains a list of pragmas used by C6805. The format of a 
pragma directive here is 

#pragma portxx portname @ address 

where portxx can be portr, portw, or portrw which shows 
whether the port is read, write, or both, portname is the name used 
in the program for the port. The at symbol (@) identifies a memory 
address. #pragma mor identifies the contents of the masked option 
register used on field programmable chips. There are some instruc- 
tions that are not found across the whole M68HC05 family. In 
particular, some devices may not have the MUL, the DIV, the STOP, 
and the WAIT instruction. The #pragma has a preprocessor call 
that identifies the instructions from this set in the particular 

pragma Function 

#pragma portxy I/O port definition 

#pragma memory RAM/ROM definition 

#pragma mor mask option register 

#pragma has instruction set options 

#pragma options compiler directives 

#pragma vector interrupt vector definitions 

Table 4-2: C6805 pragma Directives 

This compiler has certain options that can be inserted from the 
command line or, if needed by the programmer, the #pragma op- 
tions preprocessor command can also be used to set the appropriate 
compiler options. Finally, the #pragma vector identifies a given 
function name as an interrupt service routine. When the compiler com- 
piles the name specified, it will place the address of the function into 
the defined vector location. Another modification in the compiled code 
will take place when #pragma vector is used. All returns from a 
function identified by a vector pragma will use the return from in- 
terrupt instruction rather than the usual return from subroutine. 

152 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

Another useful directive pair is the #asm and the #endasm. 
The code enclosed in a block that starts with #asm and ends with 
#endasm must be in standard assembly language. Variables defined 
in the C program can be used safely. 

C can accomplish almost everything that the assembly lan- 
guage program can. You will find that the C6805 compiler will create 
tight, efficient code that is probably as good as can be written by a 
competent assembly programmer. There are, however, some items that 
are absolutely foreign and inaccessible to a compiler. A compiler cre- 
ates code for an abstract machine that does not exist in reality. The 
usual registers found in the real machine are nonexistent in the abstract 
machine. For example, it is not possible to access the status register of 
the microcontroller with compiled code. Usually, status register con- 
tents are not directly important to the conduct of the program. But 
later we'll see an example where the ability to manipulate the carry bit 
of the status register can save many bytes of code. Therefore, it is 
important to be able to use some assembly code as well as C. 

This chapter will concentrate on small 8-bit microcontrollers. 
Subsystems such as timers, analog-to-digital converters, computer 
operating properly (COP) timers, etc., found on the 8-bit systems 
will be outlined and their programming discussed. While the main 
details of the central processor in the microcontroller are important 
to the assembly language programmer, they are of little interest to 
the C programmer. This observation is true at least at the C level. If it 
becomes necessary to enter an assembly language program for opti- 
mization of code size or other considerations, then the programmer 
is required to have detailed knowledge of the programming model 
and the internal architecture of the computer. 

Let's start by discussing important microcontroller peripheral 
components that you can expect to find. We'll begin with what is 
probably the most important single consideration in the selection of 
a microcontroller to do a job — the device memory. This discussion 
will be followed by sections on other important peripherals such as 
timers, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, serial com- 
munications devices, and simple digital input/output lines. 

Microcontroller Memory 153 

Microcontroller Memory 

Most microcontrollers have memory on-board. The memory is 
in the form of random access memory (RAM), read-only memory 
(ROM), erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM), elec- 
trically erasable read-only memory (EEPROM), and a newer type of 
EEPROM memory called FLASH. These memory types are discussed 
in the following paragraphs. The discussion of FLASH memory will 
be deferred until the chapter on the M68HC08 family. 

Random Access Memory (RAM) 

In a microcontroller, onboard RAM is static random access 
memory. It is always volatile — when the power to the microcontroller 
is removed, the contents of this memory disappear. Sometimes, spe- 
cial provisions are made to deliver power to RAM when the processor 
is in the "off state. This provision is called battery backed- up RAM, 
and it is one of the alternative ways that a small amount of important 
data can be saved when power is removed from the main system. 

The requirement for RAM in typical microcontroller applica- 
tions is modest to small. Available RAM is usually limited to a few 
hundred bytes, and often there will be as little as a few tens of bytes 
of RAM. In the design of the microcontroller, price is a major con- 
sideration. The total silicon area of the computer die often drives the 
final price of the component. In most computers, a base page is the 
first 256 bytes of memory. This page is unique because it requires 
only 8-bits of address to reach any location. Silicon area needed to 
construct the address decoding for the upper address bits is not re- 
quired to address base page memory. Therefore, onboard RAM is 
usually located in the computer base page. There are some other 
functions that are usually assigned to the base page. Generally, you 
will find that the amount of RAM is limited to less than 256 bytes. 

Read-Only Memory (ROM) 

Programs and other data that can never be changed are stored in 
ROM. ROM is programmed during the manufacture of the chip, and 
its contents cannot be changed once the microcontroller is delivered 
to the customer. The ROM program is installed as a mask layer and 
is called masked ROM. 

154 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

Most microcontroller applications require more program memory 
space than RAM space. The smallest microcontroller usually has about 
512 bytes of ROM, while the largest can contain as much as 32,000 
bytes (32 kilobytes, or 32k) or more. Sometimes, the programmer 
will find it desirable to have a small amount of ROM that can be 
accessed from the computer base page. To meet these requirements, 
the microcontroller designers will place a few bytes of ROM in the 
base page memory map. 

Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) 

EPROM is a form of programmable memory that permits the 
programmer to change the program contents and, if necessary, re- 
turn and change it later after testing. As the name implies, it is possible 
to reprogram EPROM. First, this memory must be erased. The eras- 
ing procedure involves allowing ultraviolet light to fall upon the 
memory area of the die. This high-energy light removes stored charge 
that is placed on each memory gate during programming. 

EPROM programming requires that a higher than normal volt- 
age be applied to the chip, and the code be systematically placed in 
each memory location. The procedure is slow because the code must 
be left in place for several milliseconds for each memory location 
stored. Often, a separate programmer board is used to transfer code 
from an EPROM to the microcomputer EPROM. These program- 
ming boards can program as many as one to eight parts at a time. 

EPROM requires a larger silicon die area than the corresponding 
amount of ROM. Therefore, it is somewhat more expensive. Also, 
the window package that allows the EPROM to be erased is expen- 
sive. This additional expense makes it impractical to use normal 
EPROM for production volumes. The window package EPROM de- 
vices are excellent for development purposes, though. The modestly 
higher cost of these devices is not a serious impediment to their use 
in development programs. 

The economics of production sets the smallest production vol- 
ume for a masked ROM microcontroller at about one to five thousand 
units. An alternative to the use of masked ROM at smaller levels of 
production is called the one-time programmable (OTP) chip. These 
devices use the standard EPROM technology for their program memo- 
ries. They are programmed in the same manner as EPROM chips. 

Microcontroller Memory 155 

Their packages, however, have no windows to allow erasure of the 
program once it is put in place. These devices cost somewhat more 
than masked ROM, but they are sufficiently less expensive than the 
EPROM parts to allow economic production of rather small quanti- 
ties. They do have the disadvantage that, once programmed, they can 
never be used for a different program. 

Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) 

EEPROM is a technology that uses a memory cell similar to the 
standard EPROM cell. These cells are somewhat larger than the stan- 
dard EPROM, and are therefore more expensive. It is possible to 
erase an EEPROM electrically without the high-energy ultraviolet 
light. EEPROM requires a high voltage in programming and erasing 
the memory. Some microcontrollers have EEPROM that can be pro- 
grammed without an externally applied high voltage. This 
programming is accomplished by the use of an onboard charge pump 
to generate the programming voltage. Such charge pumps are not 
capable of delivering much current, so the amount of EEPROM that 
can be programmed from an onboard system is usually limited to a 
maximum of 512 bytes. This EEPROM is used for the storage of 
information gathered after the microcontroller has been placed into 
a system. This memory is not often used for the storage of program. 

The smaller block of EEPROM can be programmed with the use 
of the onboard charge pump, and can be programmed "on the fly" 
during the normal execution of program. Devices with EEPROM are 
moderately expensive because EEPROM requires the largest silicon 
area of any memory technology. 

Other Memory Considerations 

Not all microcontrollers have enough onboard memory to suf- 
fice in some jobs. In these cases, an expanded bus part can be used. 
Expanded bus parts allow the programmer to access memory that is 
external to the microcontroller. None of the small microcontrollers 
currently provide for expanded bus operation. The larger 
microcontrollers — large 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit — provide expanded 
bus. In some instances, they provide no onboard memory at all. As 
we will see later, pins on a microcontroller are at a premium. An 
expanded bus operation means that some of the component pins must 

156 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

be used to access memory and will not be available for other 
microcontroller features. (Pin usage, bus expansion, and pin multi- 
plexing will be discussed in later sections.) The important 
consideration at this point is that the limited program memory area 
usually associated with a microcontroller should not cause serious 
concern. If the program grows to exceed the available size of onboard 
memory for a microcontroller family, it is always possible to get a 
larger microcontroller that can handle any additional memory re- 
quirements. The programming goal, though, is usually to confine the 
program in the smallest possible program memory space so that the 
least expensive microcontroller will do the job. 

Using Microcontroller Memory 

In our discussion on variables in Chapter 1, it was shown that C 
treats all automatic variables as local to the block in which they are 
declared. The scope of these variables is the block where they are 
declared. Since these variables exist only in the block where they are 
declared, the memory locations dedicated to the storage of these vari- 
ables can be freed when the variables go out of scope. These rules 
create an ideal situation for storage on the program stack. Memory 
space is easily created on the stack at the beginning of a block, and it 
is equally easily destroyed at the close of the block. This operation is 
exactly what is needed, but it cannot be used in a typical small 
microcontroller. Most microcontrollers have very limited RAM, and 
the stack arrangement in them is completely different from that you 
will find on a large computer. On the M68HC05 family of parts, for 
example, the chip has a hardware stack and no stack pointer into 
memory that the compiler writer can access. Therefore, it is imprac- 
tical to even attempt to use the system stack to store local variables. 
The hardware stack on these chips is used only for storage of the 
processor status when an interrupt occurs or to store the return ad- 
dress from a jump to a subroutine. The stack pointer is set to its 
initial value on microcontroller reset, and the occurrence of an inter- 
rupt or a jump to subroutine instruction are the only ways that the 
stack pointer can be changed. 

In the larger machines, the stack pointer is set to a value that 
points to a memory location. This pointer will be automatically 
incremented and decremented by the equivalent of stack push or pull 

Microcontroller Memory 157 

operations. The program can arbitrarily change the stack pointer value 
so that room for automatic variables can be easily provided or elimi- 
nated. In the small microcontrollers, automatic variables are stored 
in RAM and their scope is not limited to the block in which they are 
defined. Their access is limited to their block, however. Consider the 
following code segment: 

main ( ) 


int i; 


void able (void) 


int i ; 

The two occurrences of the variable i in this case will cause no 
trouble because each i will be given a unique location in RAM and 
the scoping arrangement will insure that any reference to i in main ( ) 
will not be confused with the i in able ( ) and vice versa. 

An important implication of this change in storage: recursion is 
no longer available! Only one memory location is available for each 
variable in the program. When a stack is used to store automatic 
variables, a function can call itself and a new block is created each 
time the function is entered. Thus, each time a function calls itself, a 
new stack frame that contains space for all automatic storage in the 
function is created. The function can call itself repeatedly as long as 
there is space on the stack to create new stack frames for the succes- 
sive calls. Without stack space for variable storage, recursion is 

A second limitation that occurs is in the available arguments for 
function calls. The compiler C6805 for the M68HC05 family de- 
fines an int as an 8-bit number and a long as a 16-bit number. 

158 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

This definition is not compliant with the ANSI Standard, which re- 
quires that an int be at least 16 bits wide and a long be at least 32 
bits. Since the stack cannot be used to pass arguments, they must be 
passed in either registers or as global variables. If they are passed in 
registers, only two bytes can be passed. The arguments can be either 
two ints or one long. Function return values have the same limi- 
tations. Of course, the program can use global variables to pass 
information to or from a function. A global variable defined external 
to any function can be accessed by any function in the program. 

Most C compilers for the M68HC05 family provide automatic 
placement of variables in the available RAM of the part. Specific 
memory addresses are identified to the compiler by the #pragma 
memory directives. The following code segment shows an example 
of how the memory is defined within an M68HC05 program: 

#pragma memory ROMPAGEO [48] @ 32; 
#pragma memory ROMPROG [5888] @ 2048; 
#pragma memory RAMPAGEO [176] @ 80; 
#pragma memory RAMPROG [2 56] @ 2 56; 

This sequence of code will be used to identify the memory map of 
the M68HC05B6. This part has 48 bytes of ROM in page zero start- 
ing at address 32. There are 5888 bytes of program ROM starting at 
address 2048. The 176 bytes of page zero RAM starts at address 8 0. 
There are 256 bytes of EEPROM in this part that begin at the address 
2 56. Here we treat EEPROM as program RAM because it is pro- 
grammable and is outside of the base page. 

Inclusion of the above code lines will identify the necessary 
memory locations for the compiler, and further concerns about 
memory locations should be unnecessary. The compiler will auto- 
matically place the code in the ROMPROG area and the RAM 
requirements will fall at the starting address identified by RAMPAGEO. 
Programmers who wish to make use of the ROMPAGEO memory can 
do so by a command like 

const int table []={—,—,—,... ,—} @ 32; 

This instruction will place the specified array of data in the ROMPROG0 
area and will start it at the address 32. 

Microcontroller Memory 159 

Programming EEPROM 

EEPROM is read like any other memory in the microcontroller. 
Two different types of EEPROM can be found on a microcontroller: 
program memory and data storage memory. Program memory usu- 
ally cannot be programmed without the aid of an externally applied 
programming voltage. Data storage memory can be programmed from 
within the program and requires no externally applied programming 
voltage. In the case of the M68HC805B6, there are 5888 bytes of 
program EEPROM and 255 bytes of data storage EEPROM. Other 
than the reduced size of the data storage memory, this memory is no 
different from the program memory. It is possible to write code to 
the data storage EEPROM and execute this code. 

One additional byte of data storage EEPROM exists and is called 
the OPTION register. This register content is saved in EEPROM which 
is read into a latched register during the initialization of the 
microcontroller. The address of this register is 0x100. The bits in this 
register control the security option of the part and control a block 
protect region in the data storage EEPROM that will prevent acci- 
dental writing of data into the protected memory area. A description 
of these bits follows: 

Options Reg 

Bit 7 

Bit 6 

Bit 5 

Bit 4 

Bit 3 

Bit 2 

Bit 1 






EE1P Bit 1 

Security Bit. When the SEC bit is programmed to 
zero, the contents of the EPROM are secured by 
preventing access to the test mode. The only way 
to erase the SEC bit to a one state is to enter the 
self-check mode. In this event, the data on 
EEPROM will all be erased. When the SEC bit is 
changed, its new value will have no effect until 
after the next chip reset. 

EEPROM Block Protect Bit. The EEPROM is in 
two parts: 0x101 to 0x1 If is part 1 and 0x120 to 
Oxlff is part 2. The EE1P bit allows part 2 to be 
protected. If this bit is in the erased state, (1), part 
2 of the EEPROM will be protected. This memory 
area can be read as usual, but any attempt to write 
to this area will fail. The protection remains in 

160 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

effect after this bit is erased until after the next 
chip reset. 
Control of the EEPROM programming is through the EEPROM CTL 
register found at address 0x07. The bits in this register are as follows: 


Bit 7 

Bit 6 

Bit 5 

Bit 4 

Bit 3 

Bit 2 

Bit 1 






E1LAT Bit 1 

E 1 PGM Bit EEPROM Program Bit. This bit turns the internal 

Vpp charge pump on and off. When this bit is 0, 
the charge pump is turned off, and when it is at 1, 
the charge pump is turned on. The charge pump 
voltage can be measured on the pin Vppl . This bit 
cannot be set until after the program data are latched 
in place by asserting the E1LAT bit. Resetting the 
E1LAT bit will also reset the El PGM bit. 
EEPROM Data/Address Latch. When this bit is re- 
set to zero, both the El PGM bit and the El ERA bit 
are reset to zero. When the E1LAT bit is reset, data 
can be read from the EEPROM. The first data write 
to the EEPROM array after this bit is set is latched 
until the E1LAT bit is reset. Data can be latched 
only when the El PGM bit is reset to zero. This op- 
eration allows programming of the EEPROM. 
E1LAT is automatically reset when the chip is reset 
or when the STOP instruction is executed. 
EEPROM Erase Bit. If the bit El ERA is reset to 
zero when E 1 LAT and E 1 PGM are set to one, data 
are programmed into the EEPROM. Otherwise, 
if El ERA is set to one and El LAT and El PGM 
are set to one, the specified address in the 
EEPROM will be erased. El ERA cannot be set 
before El LAT, and resetting El LAT to zero will 
cause El ERA to be reset. 

Let us now examine a possible sequence of code that can be used 
to program and erase locations in EEPROM. First, several macro 
definitions should be used to define the various parameters used. 

El ERA Bit 2 

Microcontroller Memory 161 

/* pragmas to identify EEPROM control registers */ 

#pragma portrw EEPROM_CTL @ 0x07; 
#pragma portrw OPTIONS @ 0x100; 

/* EEPROM programming specific defines */ 

#define E1PGM 
#define E1LAT 1 
#define E1ERA 2 
#define PROG TIME 10 

/* some function prototypes */ 

void delay (unsigned long); 
void program (int , int) ; 
void erase (int ); 

int EEPROM [Oxff] @ 0x101; /* Identify the EEPROM */ 
void program(int address, int value) 


EEPR0M_CTL.E1LAT=1; /* set the E1LAT bit */ 

EEPROM [address] =value; /* put the data and address 

in place */ 

EEPR0M_CTL.E1PGM=1; /* turn on the charge pump */ 

delay (PROG_TIME) ; /* delay programming time */ 

EEPROM_CTL.E1LAT=0; /* reset the E1LAT also 

resets the E1PGM bit */ 

} /* return when done */ 

void erase (int x) 


162 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

EEPR0M_CTL.E1LAT=1; /* set the E1LAT bit */ 
EEPR0M_CTL.E1ERA=1; /* set the E1ERA erase bit */ 
EEPROM [x] =0; /* select the address */ 
EEPR0M_CTL.E1PGM=1; /* turn on the charge pump*/ 
delay (PROG_TIME) ; /* wait the appropriate time*/ 
EEPROM_CTL.E1LAT=0; /* reset the E1LAT bit turns 
off both E1PGM and E1ERA 
bits */ 
} /* return when done */ 

The above program sequences are compiled and listed below. 

The function delay is not included or linked into this program. 
To handle this type of problem, the registers are set up for the func- 
tion call, and the instruction JSR $ * * * * is executed. A later linking 
will replace the unknown function address with the correct value. An 
appropriate delay ( ) function will be written in the timer section. 
The instructions for this function call are found at addresses 0x8 c 
to 0x8 Of in the following listing. 

0020 0030 #pragma memory ROMPAGE0 [4 8] @ 32; 

0800 1700 #pragma memory ROMPROG [5888] @ 2 048; 

005 00B0 #pragma memory RAMPAGE [176] @ 80; 

0100 0100 #pragma memory RAMPROG [256] @ 256; 

/* pragmas to identify EEPROM control registers */ 

0007 #pragma portrw EEPROM_CTL @ 0x07; 
0100 #pragma portrw OPTIONS @ 0x100; 

/* EEPROM programming specific defines */ 

0000 #define E1PGM 

0001 #define E1LAT 1 

0002 #define E1ERA 2 
000A #define PROG TIME 10 

/* some function prototypes */ 
void delay(long); 

Microcontroller Memory 163 

void program (int , int ); 
void erase (int ); 

0101 0101 00FF int EEPROM [Oxf f ] @0xl01; 

void program (int address, int value) 

0050 0051 { 

0801 BF 50 STX $50 

0803 B7 51 STA $51 

0805 12 07 BSET 1,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1LAT=1 ; 

0807 D7 01 01 STA $0101, X EEPROM [address] =value ; 

080A 10 07 BSET 0,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1PGM=1 ; 

080C 5F CLRX delay (PROG_TIME) ; 

8 0D A6 0A LDA #$0A 

080F CD 00 00 JSR $**** 

0812 13 07 BCLR 1,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1LAT=0 ; 

814 81 RTS } 

void erase (int x) 
0052 { 

0815 B7 52 STA $52 

0817 12 07 BSET 1,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1LAT=1 ; 

819 14 07 BSET 2, $07 EEPROM_CTL . E1ERA=1 ; 

081B 97 TAX EEPROM [x]=0; 

081C 4F CLRA 

8 ID D7 01 01 STA $0101, X 

0820 10 07 BSET 0,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1PGM=1 ; 

0822 5F CLRX delay (PROG_TIME) ; 

0823 A6 0A LDA #$0A 
0825 CD 00 00 JSR $**** 

0828 13 07 BCLR 1,$07 EEPROM CTL.E1LAT=0; 

082A 81 RTS } 

The function program ( ) requires 20 bytes and the function 
erase requires 22. This is a good point to explore some of the C 
programming practices that can lead to poor M68HC05 family com- 

164 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

piled code. The M68HC05 family is a family of 8-bit machines. There 
has been no discussion of the programmers' register model of these 
devices. Programmer models of the larger microcontrollers will be 
discussed because knowledge of the programmers' model might help 
in crafting good C code. For these small machines, the watchword is 
8-bit. The internal structure of the system is all 8-bit. The width of 
the single index register is 8 bits, and the width of the accumulator is 
also 8 bits. The program counter is more than 8 bits in most cases, 
but it is wide enough to address only the range of the internal com- 
puter memory. In fact, the width of the stack pointer in the 
M68HC05Bx family is only 6 bits. There is no luxury of spare bits in 
any register. 

Therefore, when writing code for the M68HC05 family, keep fore- 
most in your mind that you are dealing with an 8-bit device. If at all 
possible, avoid 16-bit operations because they will always result in larger 
memory and/or code usage. The following code demonstrates an ex- 
ample of the careless use of 16-bit implied code in an 8-bit machine. 

Consider the erase ( ) routine from above. This function could 
have been written as follows: 

void erase (int *x) 


EEPR0M_CTL.E1LAT=1; /* set the E1LAT bit */ 

EEPR0M_CTL.E1ERA=1; /* set the E1ERA erase bit */ 

*x=0; /* select the address */ 

EEPR0M_CTL.E1PGM=1; /* turn on the charge pump*/ 

delay (PROG_TIME) ; /* wait the appropriate time*/ 

EEPROM_CTL.E1LAT=0; /* reset the E1LAT bit turns 

off both E1PGM and E1ERA 

bits */ 
} /* return when done */ 

The only change in this version is to pass the integer *x to the 
function by reference. Remember, since all addresses in the M68HC05 
family of parts are greater than 8 bits, the compiler must handle the 
transfer of the pointer x as a 16-bit number. The statement *x=0 ; 
compiles into an inline function at the address range 0x8 Id to 0x82c in 
the compiled version of the code shown below. This function creates a 
subroutine that does an indexed store with a 16-bit offset. First, the 
value to be programmed is placed in the accumulator. Then the op 

Microcontroller Memory 165 

code, 0xd7, to do a store the accumulator indexed with a 16-bit offset 
is created at the location 0x56 in memory. The 16-bit offset is the 
address passed to the function in the combination of the x register and 
the accumulator. This address is placed in the memory locations 0x58 
and 0x57, completing the store instruction. At the address 0x59, a re- 
turn from subroutine instruction, 0x81, is placed to complete the 
function. The index register is cleared, and this two-instruction sub- 
routine is executed to store the appropriate data prior to the program 
setting the latch bit. 

void erase (int* x) 
0052 { 

0815 BF 52 STX $52 
0817 B7 53 STA $53 

0819 12 07 BSET 1,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1LAT=1 ; 
8 IB 14 07 BSET 2, $07 EEPROM_CTL . E1ERA=1 ; 
081D B7 58 STA $58 *x=0; 

081F 9F TXA 

0820 B7 57 STA $57 

0822 4F CLRA 

0823 AE D7 LDX #$D7 
0825 BF 56 STX $56 
0827 AE 81 LDX #$81 

0829 BF 59 STX $59 
082B 5F CLRX 
082C BD 56 JSR $56 

082E 10 07 BSET 0,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1PGM=1 ; 

0830 5F CLRX delay (PROG_TIME) ; 

0831 A6 0A LDA #$0A 
0833 CD 00 00 JSR $**** 

0836 13 07 BCLR 1,$07 EEPROM_CTL . E1LAT=0 ; 
0838 81 RTS } 

This code sequence requires 36 bytes, plus 4 bytes of uncommit- 
ted RAM space, to accomplish what required 22 bytes in the earlier 
example of the same operation. 

You must not avoid the use of pointers because of this one ex- 
ample. There are cases when proper pointer usage will provide the 
best code that you can generate. When writing code for 
microcontrollers, use many relatively small functions that you can 

166 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

compile individually and examine if they create outlandish code. Once 
these small functions are all debugged, you can integrate them into 
your program as either inline code or as function calls. Hence, the 
fundamental rule of writing good high-level code for a 
microcontroller: the production of good C code for a microcontroller 
is a joint effort between the programmer and the compiler writer. 

Erasure of EEPROM causes component wear, and most EEPROMs 
will wear out after a large number of erasures. The nature of the deg- 
radation is that the component refuses to erase after many erasures. 
There has been no evidence that data retention is affected by repeated 
erasures. The number of erasures that can cause problems is tempera- 
ture sensitive. Most of these devices are rated for 10,000 write/erase 
cycles at the maximum rated temperature for the part. At room tem- 
perature, the number of write/erase cycles without damage can grow 
to several hundred thousand. In light of these facts, it is important that 
programs use care in rewriting the contents of EEPROM. 


l.The EEPROM in microcontrollers erase to the 1 state. Write a 
function that checks to determine if an erasure cycle erases the 
contents of a given location in memory. 

2. Write a function that compares data to be programmed into 
EEPROM and determine if it is necessary to erase a byte contain- 
ing data before it is reprogrammed. This approach will extend the 
life of the EEPROM. 


The systems of timers placed on microcontrollers are among the 
most creative engineering efforts most people will ever see. The func- 
tions of these timers cover literally dozens of different operations. 
This set of peripheral components mainly relieve the computer of 
much work associated with execution of the peripheral function. We 
will start with the simplest timer and outline different timer capabili- 
ties in increasing complexity. The most basic timer in the M68HC05 
family is called the 15-bit timer, and probably the most advanced 
timer system is the 16-bit timer. These different timer systems are 
literally unrelated in the features they offer. Another timer feature 

Timers 167 

offered in some microcontrollers is the computer operating prop- 
erly (COP) timer. Each of the systems will be examined in some 
detail in the following paragraphs. 

Multifunction Timer— 15-Bit Timer 

A timer of this nature can be found on the smallest of the 
M68HC05 components, such as the M68HC05 Jl or the M68HC05P8, 
and it is not found on the M68HC05Bx devices discussed previously. 
This timer consists of an 8-bit ripple counter followed by an addi- 
tional 7-bit counter. This counter chain is driven by a signal that is at 
one-fourth the internal clock frequency of the microcontroller. The 
internal clock frequency in turn is half the crystal frequency. This 
portion of the counter is completely uncontrolled. The program can, 
however, read the value of this counter at any time. A block diagram 
of this type of timer is shown in Figure 4- 1 . 


(XTAL -=-2) 

Least Significant Eight Bits of 15 Stage Ripple Counter f 

Most Significant Seven Bits of 15 Stage Ripple Counter 

Service (Clear) 
COP Watchdog 

COP Timeout-Generate 
Internal MCU Reset 

Figure 4-1 15-bit Timer Block Diagram 

168 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 


Bit 7 

Bit 6 

Bit 5 

Bit 4 

Bit 3 

Bit 2 

Bit 1 













Bit 4 


Bit 5 

Real Time Interrupt Select Rates. These bits con- 
trol the rate at which the real-time interrupt and 
the COP reset time will occur. Note that these two 
bits are delivered to the RTI Rate Select register in 
the diagram. Table 4-3 shows the various RTI and 
COP rates that can be obtained for different values 
of RTI and RTO. Reset sets both bits so that the 
periodic rates will be the slowest possible when 
the part comes out of reset. It is expected that these 
bits will not be changed If these bits are altered, 
the first cycle following the change will be wrong. 
Real Time Interrupt Enable. When this bit is set, a 
CPU interrupt request is generated whenever the 
RTIF is set. 

Timer Overflow Enable. When this bit is set, a 
CPU interrupt request is generated whenever the 
TOF is set. 

Real Time Interrupt Flag. This bit is set whenever the 
output from the selected divider stages is set. If the 
RTIE is also set, setting of this bit will request a CPU 
interrupt. This bit is cleared by reset or by writing a 
zero to it. It is not possible to write a 1 to this bit. 
Timer Overflow Flag. This bit is set whenever the 
8-bit ripple counter overflows from a Oxff to a 0x00. 
This bit is cleared by reset or by writing a zero to 
it. It is not possible to write a 1 to this bit. The 
timing that results from selection of values for RTI 
and RTO are shown in Table 4-1. This table also 
shows the real time interrupt rate for different val- 
ues of the real time interrupt select rate bits. 

The timer counter register at address 0x09 contains the value 
found in the 8-bit ripple counter. The contents of this counter can be 
read at any time, but it cannot be written to. When the part comes out 
of reset, the timer counter register contains a zero. 4096 clock cycles 
will follow, during which the TCR will count at the minimum rate. 


Bit 6 


Bit 7 

RTI Rate 


COP Reset 

8.2 ms 

57.3 ms 

16.4 ms 

114.7 ms 

32.8 ms 

229.4 ms 

65.5 ms 

458.8 ms 

Timers 169 

At the close of this period, the initialization of the part is complete, 
and the TCR is again reset to zero prior to execution of the code 
identified by the reset vector. Whenever the RESET line is asserted, 
the TOF will be loaded with zeros. 

Any program can read the TCR, so it is possible to generate asyn- 
chronous time events faster than the TOF or the RTI F would indicate. 

When the processor enters the WAIT mode after execution of a 
WAIT instruction, the CPU clock halts, but the timer clock continues 
to execute. If the interrupts are not masked, a timer interrupt, an exter- 
nal interrupt or a reset will cause the device to exit the WAIT mode. 

Table 4-3: RTI And COP Rates for F xta| = 4.0 MHz 



1 1 

If a STOP instruction is executed, the timer clock is halted along 
with the CPU clock. The STOP mode is exited when an external 
interrupt occurs or the RESET line is asserted. In this case, the part 
performs as described above. 

Most microcontrollers are placed in operation with no operator to 
intervene in the event of a problem. A COP timer will provide one 
means of recovering if the operation of the microcontroller gets lost. 
"Gets lost"? The situation that can cause a microcontroller to get lost 
is usually some type of voltage spike or glitch in the power supply 
operation. The program counter usually ends up with a value outside 
of the program, and no one knows what will happen. The COP is sim- 
ply a timer that counts for a specified amount of time. If the COP timer 
has not been reset before the specified time elapse, the COP timer 
overflow causes an internal reset of the microcontroller. If the cause of 
the problem is a drop in power or other error, in most instances forcing 
a reset will bring the microcontroller back into normal operation. 

The COP control register is located at address 0x7f0 in the 
M68HC05J1. To service the COP from the program, the program 
must merely write a zero to bit of this address to reset the COP 
portion of the timer system. 

170 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

Good programming practice dictates that microcontroller- specific 
information be placed in a header file like that shown here: 

#pragma portrw PORTA @ 0x0 0; 
#pragma portrw PORTB @ 0x01; 
#pragma portrw DDRA @ 0x04 ; 
#pragma portrw DDRB @ 0x05; 
#pragma portrw TCST @ 0x08; 
#pragma portrw TCR @ 0x09; 

#pragma portrw COPSVS @ Ox7fO; 

#pragma vector TIMER @ 0x07f8; 

#pragma vector IRQ @ 0x07fa; 

#pragma vector SWI @ 0x07fc ; 

#pragma vector RESET @ 0x07fe; 

#pragma has STOP ; 
#pragma has WAIT ; 
#pragma has MUL ; 

#pragma memory RAMPAGE0 [64] @ OxcO; 
#pragma memory ROMPROG [1024] @ 0x3 00; 

#define RT0 /* TSCR Bits */ 

#define RT1 1 

#define RTIE 4 

#define TOFE 5 

#define RTIF 6 

#define TOF 7 

Listing 4-3: Header File For The M68HC05J1 

The #pragma and several important #def ine commands are 
microcontroller specific. Therefore, to change the program from one 
microcontroller to another, the programmer need only change the 
microcontroller header file. Listing 4-3 is a header file for the 
M68HC05JJ1 controller. The first six entries identify the locations 
of the I/O ports, the data direction registers, timer status/control reg- 
ister, and the timer counter Register. The next five entries specify the 
COP service address and the vector locations for this part. Note that 
the names associated with the vector locations all start with a double 

Timers 171 

underscore. These names are also listed in all upper-case letters. These 
entries are the names of the various interrupt service routines. Since 
C is case sensitive, the names of the functions to be used as interrupt 
service routines must have the same form. 

The three #pragma entries identified as has notifies the com- 
piler that the microcontroller has the STOP, WAIT, and MUL 
instructions. The next pair of entries defines the memory map for 
this microcontroller. Finally, the next six entries are #de fines that 
identify the bits in the TCSR. Therefore, mnemonic representations 
of all registers and bits can be used in the C program. 

Several header files for the M68HC05 family are found on the 
CD-ROM. The conventions in these files are to use bit names and 
register names that are identical to those used in the technical data 
books that describe the devices. Therefore, the programmer can safely 
use register names and bit names found in the books without having to 
look up the values in the header files. These files include commands to 
prevent listing of these files in the compiler listing output files. 

Listed below is a simple program that shows the use of the 15-bit 
timer in the M68HC05J1. This program is not aimed at doing more 
than showing the use of the timer operation. The system will create 
an inaccurate clock in which the time in hours, minutes, and seconds 
will be recorded in memory, but no provision to display these values 
or even set the values will be considered at this time. 

Most clocking operations should be interrupt driven. If a periodic 
interrupt can be generated, the operation of the clock will be transpar- 
ent to any other operations being conducted in the microcontroller. 

#include u hc05jl.h" 
enum { FALSE , TRUE ) ; 
enum {OFF, ON}; 

#define FOREVER while (TRUE) 
#define MAX_SECONDS 59 
#define MAX_HOURS 12 
# define MAX_COUNT 121 

/* define the global variables */ 
int hrs,mts,sec; 

172 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

int count ; 
main (void) 


count=0; /* start count at zero */ 
TCST.RT0=OFF; /* 57.3 ms cop timer */ 

/* 8.192 ms RTI */ 
/* Turn on the RTI */ 
TCST.RTIF=OFF; /* Reset interrupt */ 
TCST.TOF=ON; /* flags */ 
CLI(); /* turn on interrupt */ 




if (seoMAXjSECONDS) /* do clock things */ 


sec=0 ; 

if (++mts>MAX_MINUTES) 


mts=0 ; 

if (++hrs>MAX_HOURS) 
hrs=l ; 


/* here is where any applications program should 
be placed. */ 


void TIMER (void) /* routine executed every 

RTI (8.192 ms) */ 


TCST.RTIF=OFF; /* reset interrupt flag */ 

if (++ count >MAX_COUNT) 


sec++; /* increment seconds */ 

count=0;/* reset the count each second */ 



Listing 4-4: ATime-of-Day Program Based On The 15-bit Timer. 

Timers 173 

A few words about a good programming practice: numbers in a 
program with no defined meaning are called "magic numbers." You 
should avoid magic numbers, because a number with no meaning 
makes life difficult for the program maintenance people. In the pro- 
gram above, several numbers are needed. These numbers are given a 
name by either enum statements or #def ine statements. Then, in 
the program, you can see every instance of the use of the number 
does have a meaning relative to the program. Another advantage to 
avoiding magic numbers is not too evident in the above program, but 
it is truly an important advantage. If the program is long and com- 
plicated, these numbers might be used many times. Then if a 
maintenance situation requires the change of the value of a number 
in the program, it can be changed in one place and a recompilation 
will correct every instance of the number in the program. 

Several global variables are used in this program: hrs, mts, 
sec, and count. These variables are all changed in the main pro- 
gram, but they are available in any other part of the program if needed. 
For example, the count variable is initialized to zero in the main 
program and incremented and reset in the interrupt service routine. 
One point should be noted in this program: the main program has all 
of the time calculations based on the current contents of sec. The 
variable sec is incremented each second in the interrupt service rou- 
tine. Some programmers would put the complete time service within 
the interrupt service routine. That is, they would reset sec when it 
reaches 60, increment mts, and so forth within the interrupt service 
routine. Either approach will provide the same result, and each takes 
the same total computer time. It is, however, better to keep the time 
that the program is controlled by the interrupt service routine at a 
minimum. Interrupts are disabled when a program is in an interrupt 
service routine. If there are several competing interrupts, execution 
of an interrupt service routine prevents other interrupts from being 
processed. Quickest response to all interrupts will be obtained if all 
of the interrupt service routines are as short as possible. 

Program Organization 

A compiled version of this program is listed below. Note that the 
compiler listing routine prints out the contents of the include file. 
The memory map #pragmas puts the RAM in page beginning at 

174 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

OxcO and the program memory starts at 0x300. Note that the com- 
piler places the global variables in OxcO through 0xc3, and the 
executable program begins at 0x300 as one would expect. 

The first several instructions clear the count location and set or 
reset proper bits in the TSCR. The instruction CLI clears the inter- 
rupt bit in the status register of the microcontroller. When this bit is 
cleared, interrupts will detected and processed. 

The beginning of the loop defined by the macro command FOR- 
EVER is at address 0x30d. This macro causes no code at the beginning 
of the loop. At the end of the loop, address 0x32b, there is an instruc- 
tion BRA 0x3 Od that causes control of the program to start at the 
beginning of the loop. That is the total code created by the macro 
FOREVER. Within this loop, the code created by the compiler is 
straightforward and not very different from code that would be cre- 
ated by a competent assembly language programmer. 

#include "hc05jl.h" 

0000 #pragma portrw PORTA @ 0x00; 

01 #pragma portrw PORTB @ 0x01; 

03 #pragma portr PORTD @ 0x03 

04 #pragma portrw DDRA @ 0x04 

0005 #pragma portrw DDRB @ 0x05 

08 #pragma portrw TCST @ 0x0 8 

09 #pragma portrw TCNT @ 0x0 9 

07F0 #pragma portrw COPSVS @ 0x7f0; 

07F8 #pragma vector TIMER @ 0x07f8; 

07FA #pragma vector IRQ @ 0x07fa; 

07FC #pragma vector SWI @ 0x07fc ; 

07FE #pragma vector RESET @ 0x07fe; 

#pragma has STOP ; 
#pragma has WAIT ; 
#pragma has MUL ; 

00C0 0040 #pragma memory RAMPAGE [64] @ OxcO; 
0300 0400 #pragma memory ROMPROG [1024] @ 0x3 00; 

Timers 175 

0000 #define RTO 

0001 #define RT1 1 

0004 #define RTIE 4 

0005 #define TOFE 5 

0006 #define RTIF 6 

0007 #define TOF 7 

01 #define TRUE 1 

0000 #define FALSE 

0001 #define FOREVER while (TRUE) 

00C0 00C1 00C2 int hrs,mts,sec; 
0C3 int count; 
main (void) 


0300 3F C3 CLR $C3 count=0; 

0302 11 08 BCLR 0,$08 TCST.RT0=0; 

0304 13 08 BCLR 1,$08 TCST.RT1=0; 

0306 18 08 BSET 4, $08 TCST.RTIE=1; 

0308 ID 08 BCLR 6, $08 TCST.RTIF=0; 

030A IF 08 BCLR 7, $08 TCST.TOF=0; 
030C 9A CLI CLI () ; 


030D B6 C2 LDA $C2 if (sec = = 60) 

030F Al 3C CMP #$3C 
0311 25 18 BCS $032B 


0313 3F C2 CLR $C2 sec=0; 

0315 3C CI INC $C1 if (++mts==60) 
0317 B6 CI LDA $C1 
0319 Al 3C CMP #$3C 
031B 26 0E BNE $032B 


031D 3F CI CLR $C1 mts=0; 

031F 3C CO INC $C0 if (++hrs==13 ) 
0321 B6 CO LDA $C0 
0323 Al 0D CMP #$0D 

176 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

0325 26 04 BNE $032B 

0327 A6 01 LDA #$01 hrs=l; 

0329 B7 CO STA $C0 } 


032B 20 E0 BRA $030D } 

032D 81 RTS } 

void TIMER (void) 

07F8 03 2E { 

032E ID 08 BCLR 6, $08 TCST . RTIF=0 ; 

0330 3C C3 INC $C3 if (++count==122 ) 
0332 B6 C3 LDA $C3 

0334 Al 7A CMP #$7A 
0336 26 04 BNE $033C 


0338 3C C2 INC $C2 sec++; 

033A 3F C3 CLR $C3 count=0; 


033C 80 RTI } 

07FE 03 00 

At the beginning of the interrupt service routine there is an entry 
7 f 8 , which has a value of 3 2 e, in the address column. This entry 
places the address of the timer interrupt service routine 0x0 3 2e 
into the timer vector 0x0 7 f 8. The code generated in the interrupt 
service routine is straightforward and little different from what one 
would expect an assembly language programmer to do. Note, how- 
ever, that the return at the end of the interrupt service routine is an 
RTI instruction. This is the instruction that causes the microcontroller 
to restore the processor status to the state that existed when the inter- 
rupt occurred. The normal return from subroutine RTS does not restore 
the processor state. An RTI must be used to return from interrupt 
service routines, and any function identified with a vector pragma 
will be assumed to be an interrupt service routine by the compiler. 

It was noted earlier that this timer routine is inaccurate. It is inac- 
curate only because 122 periods of 8.192 milliseconds each total 
0.999424 seconds. This seemingly small error will cause big problems 

Timers 177 

if one wants a real clock because the error amounts to 2. 1 seconds per 
hour. One way this error could be corrected is to adjust the crystal 
frequency of the microcontroller. Suppose we would use a frequency 
of 3.996354 MHz instead of 4.0 MHz. This number is derived by 

122*2 A 15/f=l 

which yields the above value for f . The 122 periods of 8.196721 milli- 
seconds, which is the real-time interrupt time for this frequency, is exactly 
1 second. Another approach involves making small corrections to the 
time periodically so that on the average the time is correct. An example 
of an interrupt service routine that makes these corrections is as follows: 

void TIMER (void) /^routine executed every RTI 

(8.192 ms) */ 


static int corrl , corr2 , corr3 ; 

TCST.RTIF=0; /* flags */ 

if (++count==122) /* increment seconds */ 
{ /* To correct for 8.192 */ 

sec++; /* ms per tick. Run 122*/ 

if (++corrl==14) /* ticks per second for */ 
{ /* 13 seconds, and 123 */ 

corrl=0; /* for the 14th second */ 
if (++corr2==80) /* With this algorithm */ 
{ /* there are 14.000128 */ 

corr2=0; /* actual seconds per */ 
if (++corr3==4) /* 14 indicated. Then */ 
{ /* run 79 of these */ 

count =1; /* cycles followed by */ 
corr3==0; /* one cycle of 14 */ 
} /* seconds with 122 ticks */ 

else /* per second. The */ 

count=0; /* elapsed time for this*/ 
} /* cycle is 1120.002048 */ 
else /* seconds for and */ 

count=(-l); /* the count is 1120 */ 
} /* seconds. Repeat this */ 
else /* cycle 4 times and on */ 

178 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

count=0; /* the last cycle drop */ 
/* one tick makes the */ 
/* indicate and elapsed */ 
/* time exactly 4480 sec.*/ 

The three static variables corrl, corr2, and corr3 are used to 
keep track of the number of times the several different loops in the 
algorithm are executed. C will always initialize these variables to zero 
and then their value will be retained from call to call of the function. 

16-bit Timers 

The multifunction timer discussed in the previous section pro- 
vides for implementation of relatively simple timing functions. Let's 
assume that the microcontroller clock frequency is 4.0 MHz. The 
fastest interrupt time with this system is 0.512 milliseconds, and the 
granularity of the interrupt times is in large, power-of-two blocks for 
the RTI system. Also, the relation of the interrupt times to unity is 
not "clean"; complicated algorithms or special frequency crystals 
are needed to get the device to respond accurately in seconds. 

Often microcontroller applications must provide more than one 
time function. The 15-bit timer is set up to provide only one time 
base. Of course, a programmer can program the timer to control many 
different functions and at many different times. The limits on the 
functions and times are difficult to determine. It is clear that the fast- 
est practical time base in the 15-bit timer is 0.512 milliseconds. To 
obtain any finer time resolution, the programmer would have to com- 
pare the TCR bits to a specified value on a cycle-by-cycle basis. This 
type of program completely consumes the microcontroller and leaves 
no processing time for other functions during the execution of the 
timing program. If the time base must be other than some multiple of 
0.512 milliseconds and not one of the standard RTI times, the pro- 
cessor can probably service only one time function. If the required 
times can fall on the above values, the processor can execute several 
time-based functions limited by the total time required to execute the 
functions and the microcomputer interrupt latency time. 

The 16-bit timer addresses these problems. A block diagram of this 
type of timer is shown in Figure 4-2. This style of timer contains an 
internal 16-bit counter that is clocked at some fraction of the 

Timers 179 

MC68HC05B6 Internal Bus 






Input Output Overflow 

Capture Compare Interrupt 

Interrupt Interrupt $1 FF4.5 

S1FF8.9 $1FF6.7 

Figure 4-2: 

16-Bit Timer For The M68HC05B6 

180 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

microcontroller crystal frequency. An input capture operation de- 
tects the occurrence of an input and transfers the contents of the 
16-bit counter into the input capture register. This transfer will al- 
ways set a flag, and it can cause a CPU interrupt if desired. With an 
input capture system, precise measurement of time interval is pos- 
sible. Details such as phase between two waveforms can be determined 
or slight differences in frequencies between several signals can be 
detected. The input capture provides far more accurate time mea- 
surement than can be obtained with either synchronous polling or 
asynchronous interrupt time measurements. There is a tiny inherent 
delay between the occurrence of the input and the setting of the input 
capture register. Such a measurement made by polling an input would 
require that the computer have a free running counter available to 
interrogate when the input is detected. Then, the computer would 
have to be assigned totally to the job of watching the input for the 
impending transition. When the transition is detected, the value of 
the counter would have to be read to determine the time of the tran- 
sition. Of course, this sequence of operations would require several 
computer clock cycles per test, and also several cycles would be re- 
quired to read the counter. Therefore, the accuracy of the time 
measurement would be compromised by these necessary time delays. 

An asynchronous interrupt method to determine the time inter- 
val is better than a polled method, but even this method has built-in 
errors that make it an impractical means to measure time intervals 
accurately. The input capture register input system resolves most of 
the problems associated with accurate measurement of time inter- 
vals with a microcomputer. 

Another type of timing problem exists. Suppose that the time 
that an event is to occur has been calculated. If the time of occur- 
rence is to be accurate, we have a situation like that discussed above. 
The processor will have to spend all of its time watching the clock to 
determine when the correct time has arrived. Any time spent on other 
tasks during this measurement interval will be a latency during which 
the processor cannot determine if the specified time has arrived. In 
this case, the accuracy of the event time will be degraded by the time 
spent on other tasks. 

The 16-bit timer avoids this type of problem nicely. An output 
compare system is used. The time of occurrence is calculated rela- 

Timers 181 

tive to the internal 16-bit counter. This value is placed into an output 
compare register. The content of the counter is compared automati- 
cally by the microcontroller to the value in the output compare register 
at each count of the counter. When the two values are equal, a flag is 
set, an output occurs, and if desired, the CPU is interrupted. The 
output compare system can be used to generate waveforms, to con- 
trol phases between different waveforms, to control events based on 
calculated times. 

Different microcontrollers will have differing numbers of input 
capture and output compare registers. In the discussions that follow, 
details of a single input capture and output compare register will be 
discussed. It is assumed that these registers are part of an 
M68HC05B6, so there are two input captures and two output com- 
pares onthe microcontroller. For details on access to the second 
register set, refer to the appropriate data manual. Later we will see 
microcontrollers that have many more input capture and output com- 
pare systems (up to 16 on one microcontroller). 

Timer Control Register 

The timer control register (TCR) is located at the address 0x12. 
This read/write register controls the operation of the 16-bit timer 
system. Shown below is a diagram of this register, and a listing of the 
functions of the various register bits. 


Bit 7 

Bit 6 

Bit 5 

Bit 4 

Bit 3 

Bit 2 

Bit 1 










OLVL1 Bit Output Level 1. The contents of this bit will be 

copied to the output level latch the next time an 
output compare occurs. This result will appear at 
TCMP1. This bit and the output level latch are 
cleared when the part is reset. 

IEDG1 Bit 1 Input Edge 1. This bit determines the transition 

direction that will cause an input to occur on In- 
put Capture 1 : 

IEDG1 = Falling Edge 
IEDG1 = 1 Rising Edge 
The contents of this bit are undetermined and un- 
affected at reset. 

182 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

0LVL2 Bit 2 

F0LV1 Bit 3 

FOLV2 Bit 4 


Bit 5 


Bit 6 


Bit 7 

Output Level 2. The contents of this bit will be 
copied to the output level latch the next time an 
output compare occurs. This result will appear at 
TCMP2. This bit and the output level latch are 
cleared when the part is reset. 
Forced Output Compare 1. This bit always reads 
zero. A one written to this position will force the 
OLVL1 bit to be copied to the output level latch. 
This result will appear at TCMP1. A forced out- 
put compare does not affect the OCF1 bit in the 
timer status register. This bit is cleared at reset. 
Forced Output Compare 2. This bit always reads 
zero. A one written to this position will force the 
OLVL2 bit to be copied to the output level latch. 
This result will appear at TCMP2. A forced out- 
put compare does not affect the OCF2 bit in the 
timer status register. This bit is cleared at reset. 
Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable. If the TOIE is set, 
the timer overflow interrupt is enabled and an inter- 
rupt will occur when the TOF flag is set in the timer 
status register. This bit is cleared at reset and the in- 
terrupt is inhibited. 

Output Compare Interrupt Enable. If the OCIE bit 
is set, the output compare interrupt is enabled, and 
an interrupt will occur whenever either the OCF1 
or the OCF2 is set in the timer status register. This 
bit is cleared at reset and the reset is inhibited. 
Input Capture Interrupt Enable. If the ICIE bit is 
set, the input compare interrupt is enabled and an 
interrupt will occur whenever either the ICF1 or 
the ICF2 is set in the timer status register. This 
bit is cleared at reset and the reset is inhibited. 

Timer Status Register 

This register- 

-TSR — is an 8-bit register. The most significant 5 

bits of this register contain read only status information. These bits 
describe the condition of the 16-bit timer system. Their functions are 
outlined below: 

Timers 183 


Bit 7 

Bit 6 

Bit 5 

Bit 4 

Bit 3 

Bit 2 

Bit 1 







0CF2 Bit 3 Output Compare Flag 2. This bit is set when the 

content of the free-running counter matches the 
contents of output compare register 2. OCF2 is 
cleared by accessing the TSR (specifically the 
OCF2) followed by an access to the low byte of 
the output compare register 2, Oxlf. The output 
compare flag 2 is undetermined at power on and 
is unaffected by reset. 

ICF2 Bit 4 Input Capture Flag. This bit is set when a nega- 
tive edge is sensed at TCAP2. It is cleared by an 
access of the timer status register followed by an 
access of the low byte of the input capture regis- 
ter, Ox Id. The input capture 2 flag is undetermined 
at power on and is unaffected by reset. 

TOF Bit 5 Timer Overflow Bit. This bit is set by a transition 

of the free-running counter from a Oxffff to a 
0x0000. It is cleared by accessing the TSR with the 
TOF set followed by an access of the free-running 
counter low byte, 0x19. The TOF bit is undeter- 
mined at power on and is unaffected by reset. 

OCF1 Bit 6 Output Compare Flag 1. This bit is set when the 

content of the free-running counter matches the 
contents of output compare register 1. OCF2 is 
cleared by accessing the TSR (specifically the 
OCF1) followed by an access to the low byte of the 
output compare register 1, 0x17. The output com- 
pare flag 1 is undetermined at power on and is 
unaffected by reset. 

ICF1 Bit 7 Input Capture Flag 1. This bit is set when the 

proper edge is sensed at TCAP1. The edge is se- 
lected by the IEDG1 bit in the TCR. It is cleared 
by an access of the timer status register followed 
by an access of the low byte of the input capture 
register, 0x15. The input capture 1 flag is unde- 
termined at power on and is unaffected by reset. 

184 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

To clear bits in the TSR, the program must first access the TSR 
followed by an access of the LSB of the register associated with the bit 
that must be reset in the TSR. This sequence can lead to problems in 
dealing with the counter register. Suppose you are attempting to mea- 
sure an elapsed time and are reading the counter register at random 
times and you also will read the TSR to service timer requirements. It 
is possible in these circumstances to accidentally reset the TOF bit 
when it is undesired. To avoid this problem, an alternate counter regis- 
ter has been designed into the M68HC05 devices. The alternate register 
always contains the same values as the prime register, but the TOF bit 
in the TSR is not reset when the alternate register is read. 

Counter Register 

The counter register is found in the memory locations 0x18 and 
0x19. The least significant byte of the counter is in 0x19. An alter- 
nate counter register is found in addresses Ox la and Ox lb with Ox lb 
being the least significant byte of this register. These registers are 
clocked at the same time and are incremented from low values to 
higher values. The counters are clocked at one-fourth of the internal 
processor clock, which in turn is one-half the oscillator frequency. 
The clocking frequency is one-eighth the crystal frequency, and the 
clocking period is 2 microseconds when the crystal frequency is 4 
MHz. These ratios are not adjustable in the M68HC05B6. 

The free-running counter values can be read at any time. A read 
sequence that reads only the least significant byte will receive the 
count value at the time of the read. If the most significant byte of 
either counter is read, the count value will be received and the con- 
tents of the least significant byte will be transferred to a buffer. This 
value will remain in the buffer until the program reads the contents 
of the least significant byte of the register. The value received for this 
read is the buffered value saved when the most significant byte was 
read. The most significant byte, MSB, can be read several times prior 
to reading the least significant byte, LSB, and the contents of the 
buffer will remain unchanged. After the MSB has been read and the 
LSB has been buffered, the free-running counter continues to be 
incremented at its normal rate. If the MSB/LSB read sequence is 
started, it is necessary to read the LSB to complete the sequence. 

The counter is 16 bits, and when the register overflows from 

Timers 185 

Oxffff to 0x0000, the timer overflow (TOF) bit is set. This event can 
cause an interrupt if the TO IE bit is set. Since the register is clocked 
at 2 microseconds, the interval between TOF is 0.131072 seconds. 

Input Capture Registers 

There are two input capture registers called ICR1 and ICR2. 
ICR1 is found at addresses 0x14 and 0x15, and ICR2 is located at 
addresses 0x1c and Ox Id. The lower address always contains the MSB 
of a 16-bit number. With the exception of the edge detection system 
discussed in the TCR section, these two registers operate the same. 
ICR1 can be set to respond to either a rising edge or a falling edge 
on the timer compare input pin TCAP1. If IEDG1 is 0, ICR1 re- 
sponds to a falling edge on TCAP1. Otherwise, if IEDG1 is 1, ICR1 
responds to a rising edge on TCAP1. ICR2 responds only to a fall- 
ing edge on TCAP2 . An interrupt will also accompany an input capture 
if the corresponding I CI E bit is set in the TCR. 

The contents of the free-running counter are transferred to the 
input capture registers each clock cycle. Therefore, the registers con- 
tain a value that corresponds to the most recent input capture. After a 
read of the most significant byte of the input capture register, the 
transfer of new data to the least significant byte of the input capture 
register is inhibited until this byte is read. At no time during this 
sequence is the counter register inhibited. 

Output Compare Registers 

There are two output compare registers. OCR1 is found at ad- 
dress locations 0x16 and 0x17 while OCR2 is located at Oxle and 
Oxlf. Again the lower addresses contain the MSB of these 16-bit 
numbers. These registers may be read or written at any time regard- 
less of the timer hardware. If the output compare functions are not 
utilized, these four bytes can be used for data storage. Their contents 
are not altered at reset. There is only one output compare interrupt 
bit that is used for both output compares in the system. 

The contents of the output compare registers are compared with 
the contents of the counter register each cycle of the counter register. 
If a match is found with either output compare register, the corre- 
sponding output compare flag — OCF1 or OCF2 — bit is set. Also, 
the value of proper output level bit — OLVL1 or OLVL2 — is trans- 

186 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

ferred to the proper output pin, TCMP1 or TCMP2. If the OCIE bit is 
set in the timer control register, an interrupt will accompany the out- 
put compare. 

There are times when it is desirable to force an output compare 
from a program. The FOLV1 and FOLV2 bits can be used for this 
purpose. These bits will always read 0, but writing a 1 to these bits in 
the TCR will cause transfer of the corresponding OLVL1 or OLVL2 bit 
to the specified output compare bit, either TCMP1 or TCMP2. This 
output does not affect the compare flags, so no interrupt is generated. 

Programming the 16-bit Timer 

We will examine several different uses of the 16-bit timer system 
in this section. The first is merely a repeat of the simple timer pro- 
grammed in the section on the 15-bit system. Here we merely want 
to keep track of time, hours, minutes, and seconds in memory. No 
provisions are made yet for reading the time values or to change the 
values; these problems will be discussed later. 

A listing of this program is shown below. In this case, the header 
file for the M68HC05B6 is used. A listing of this file is found on the 
CD-ROM. This program will make use of an output compare to gen- 
erate periodic interrupts to the microcontroller. We will use output 
compare register 1. It will be set up so that when the first output 
compare interrupt occurs, the contents of the output compare regis- 
ter will be incremented by 500. Since the clocking time of the counter 
register is 2 microseconds, 500 2-microsecond periods will allow an 
output compare every 1 millisecond. This occurrence will be treated 
in the interrupt service routine. 

#include "hc05b6.h" 

int hrs, mts, sec; /* global variables */ 
long count=1000; 

struct bothbytes /* 16 bit int structure */ 


int hi ; 
int lo; 


Timers 187 

union both /* and union */ 


long 1 ; 

struct bothbytes b; 


union both time_count; 
registera ac; 

main ( ) 


TCR.0CIE=1; /* enable output compare interrupt */ 
CLI(); /* enable all interrupts */ 



if (sec>59) /* do clock things each minute */ 


sec=0 ; 

if ( + +mts>59) 


mts=0 ; 

if (++hrs>12) 
hrs=l ; 


WAIT ( ) ; 


void TIMER_OC (void) /* time interrupt service 

routine */ 


if (TSR.0CF2==1) /* is this interrupt due to 0C2?*/ 


ac=0CL02; /* Yes. read 0CL02 to disable */ 

return; /* the interrupt and exit */ 

} /* the routine */ 

188 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

/* the program gets here every millisecond */ 
time_count . b .hi = 0CHI1; 
ac = TSR; /* Arm 0CF1 bit clear */ 
time_count .b.lo = 0CL01; /* Clear 0CF1 bit */ 
time_count.l += 500; /* 500 counts per ms */ 
OCHI1 = time_count . b .hi ; 
OCLOl = time_count .b . lo; 

if ( --count = = 0) 

return ; 


sec++; /* here every second */ 
count=1000 ; /* reset count to 1 second */ 

Listing 4-4: Timer Using Output Compares 

The listing shows that microcontroller executing programs are 
broken into three distinct sections. The first section is referred to as 
the initialization section. In this case, the initialization section is the 
first two lines following the main ( ) invocation. In the initialization 
section, the code executed sets up the operation of the microcontroller. 
Generally, this code is executed only once. Therefore, initialization 
of volatile memory values, setting up of interrupts, establishment of 
I/O ports and data direction registers are all completed in the initial- 
ization of the program. Unless there is a pressing reason, the main 
system interrupts should not be enabled during initialization. 

The second section is the applications section. The applications 
section is usually a loop that contains all of the code to be handled 
routinely by the microcontroller. All input or output operations should 
take place within the applications section. 

The third section of the program is the collection of interrupt service 
routines (asynchronous service section). These routines are called when 
appropriate interrupts are generated. In general, interrupt service rou- 
tines should be short and do as little as possible to service the specified 
interrupt. When an interrupt is serviced, the status register of the 
microcontroller is saved and the system interrupt is disabled. Therefore, 
unless the programmer takes special care to re-enable the interrupts, no 

Timers 189 

other interrupt can be serviced while the microcontroller is executing an 
interrupt service routine. This operation does not lead to missed inter- 
rupts, but it can cause an inordinate delay in service of an interrupt. 

In some cases, it is possible that data might be lost if an interrupt 
is not handled expeditiously. For example, a high-speed serial port 
might notify the microcontroller that its receiving data buffer is full 
by an interrupt when the interrupt is disabled. In such a case, if the 
interrupt service routine being executed is not completed before the 
next serial data are received, the data in the buffer will be lost. 

Sometimes it is necessary to pass data between the applications 
portion of the program and the interrupt service routine. These data 
can be stored in global memory, and both routines can access them. 
Here is a case where you must examine the assembly code generated 
by the compiler to make certain that no problems will be generated 
in passing of data between these routines. Problems can be created 
by passing information this way, but they can be avoided if the pro- 
gram rigorously avoids loading data that is changed in an interrupt 
service routine into a register in the application section of the pro- 
gram. We will see instances of this problem later. 

If you go back to Listing 4-4, you'll see that the program organi- 
zation discussed above is also used. This organization will be found 
for every program in this book. We will refer to the initialization, the 
applications, and the asynchronous service sections of the program. 
This arrangement works quite well, and is reliable. There should be 
a strong justification if alternate program forms are to be used. 

When programming the 15-bit timer, we found that asking a com- 
piler designed specifically for an 8-bit machine to work in 16-bit 
quantities often created unwieldy code. A programmer, however, does 
not always have the freedom to work with 8-bit quantities only. All of 
the time registers in this system are 16 bits wide, and the time values 
contained in these registers must be processed. These registers are al- 
ways located in two adjacent 8-bit memory locations. One method for 
handling the 8/16-bit dichotomy is to use a union. The code sequence 

struct bothbytes 


int hi ; 
int lo; 


190 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

creates a structure that contains two bytes. This structure is com- 
bined with a type long in the union below. Remember that a union 
provides space to hold its largest member and the different members 
of the union will occupy the same memory space. Therefore, the 
memory space to store the long 1 is the exact same memory to 
store the structure b . b . hi will occupy the most significant byte of 
1, and b . lo will occupy the least significant byte of 1. It is now easy 
to deal with the bytes of the 16-bit quantity when moving the data 
around, and equally easy to invoke 16-bit arithmetic operations on 
the long combination of the two bytes. 

union both 


long 1 ; 

struct bothbytes b; 


The statement 

union both time__count; 

declares that t ime_count is a union of the type both. In the in- 
terrupt service routine, the members of time_count are handled 
with little difficulty, as shown below. 

The type registera defined as ac above is unique to the 
M68HC05 compiler. This type specifies that the variable ac will be 
stored in the accumulator. There is also a regis terx type for the 
index register. 

In the main program, the output compare interrupt is enabled 
and the system interrupt is enabled with the CLI ( ) instruction in 
the initialization section. The program then enters an endless loop in 
which the clock is serviced every time sec becomes 60. The param- 
eter sec will be changed by the interrupt service routine every second 
so that the system should be a satisfactory clock. This loop is the 
initialization section. 

The last instruction in the FOREVER loop is a WAIT ( ) instruc- 
tion. This instruction places the processor into the wait mode. In this 
mode, processor operations are halted and the microcontroller op- 
eration is configured to reduce energy consumption. The operation 
of the internal timers proceed as usual. The part is removed from the 
wait mode by either a reset or the occurrence of an interrupt. The 

Timers 191 

interrupt can be either an internal or an external interrupt. Since the 
output compare timer is set up and its interrupt is enabled, when the 
internal counter matches the contents of the output compare register, 
an interrupt will occur and remove the processor from the wait mode. 

Sometimes, it is desirable to get a measure of the fraction of the 
time that the microcontroller is used to execute its program. The use 
of the wait mode provides an excellent mechanism for measurement 
of this usage. If there is an extra output port pin available, this pin 
can be set just prior to entering the wait mode. The pin can then be 
reset as the first instruction in the interrupt service routine. To make 
this measurement more accurate, you can set another output pin to 
the on condition all of the time. Measure these two outputs with an 
averaging DC voltmeter. One hundred times the ratio of the cycling 
output to the fixed output is the percentage of time that the 
microcontroller is available to execute other code. 

Examine the following code sequence: 

time_count . b .hi = OCHI1; 

ac = TSR; /* Arm OCF1 bit clear*/ 

time_count.b.lo = OCLOl; /* Clear OCF1 bit */ 

time_count.l += 500; /* 500 counts per millisecond */ 

OCHI1 = time_count . b .hi ; 

OCLOl = time_count .b . lo; 

The first instruction copies the high byte of the output compare 
register into the high byte of the structure b in the union t ime_count . 
When the TSR is copied into the a register, the system is set up to clear 
the OCF1 bit. Then, the low byte of the output compare register is 
moved into the low byte of the structure b. These operations leave the 
16-bit contents of the output compare register in the union 
t ime_count . 1. Note that the high byte is moved from OCHI 1, the 
TSR is accessed, and then the low byte is moved from OCLOl. This 
sequence, accessing OCLOl after the TSR has been accessed will clear 
the output compare flag 1, OCF1, and remove the interrupt source. 
500 is added to this 16-bit number, and the result is copied back into 
the output compare register 1 a byte at a time. 

While it is usually best to keep the interrupt service routines short, 
sometimes other operations can be completed within these routines 
that can be useful. Recall that in the EEPROM programming routine 

192 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

there was a function called delay. A delay function can be integrated 
into a time interrupt service routine easily. The interrupt service rou- 
tine above is entered every millisecond. We specified a function delay 
that had an unsigned long argument that corresponds to the required 
delay in milliseconds. Such a function could be implemented as: 

void delay (unsigned long); 

unsigned long time=0; 

void delay (unsigned long del) 


time = del; /* place the delay time in the global 
memory */ 

while (time>0) ; 


Now we must add one code sequence to the interrupt service routine 

if ( --count= = 0) 


if (time>0) 

return ; 


The function delay ( ) places the value of the required delay in 
the unsigned long location time. The program then hangs on the 
while statement so long as time is greater than 0. Every time the 
I SR is entered — which is every millisecond — the 1 ong uns igned 
value time will be decremented. When the proper time has passed, 
the delay ( ) function will return to the calling program. 

The function delay ( ) does something that many programmers 
do not like: the program hangs in a loop until a specified time has 
passed. This operation may seem to waste the microcontroller re- 
source. Note, however, that the program does not spend all of the 
time in the loop; interrupts are being serviced during this time. We 
will see that the timer interrupt is only one of many potential inter- 
rupts that will be working on the part at all times. Placing the device 
into a wait loop for a few milliseconds may stop the main program in 

Timers 193 

its tracks, but the background operations being serviced by the inter- 
rupts will continue to be processed unhindered. In this case, a global 
variable has been used to transfer data between an interrupt service 
routine and the applications portion of the program. The variable 
time is set in the applications program, and the completion of the 
time delay is evaluated in the applications portion of the program, 
and time itself is decremented in the interrupt service routine. 

It is possible to create errors in operation with this type of proce- 
dure. One place where a nasty bug can creep into your code is when 
you are dealing with bit manipulations in both the application por- 
tion of the program and the interrupt service routine. Suppose that 
you want to toggle a bit when an event was detected in the applica- 
tion, and simultaneously you need a periodic bit toggle that is 
controlled by code in the interrupt service routine. The code sequence 
might appear as follows: 


In the interrupt service routine, the code could be 


In each case, this code will compile into 



sta PORTA 

The same code sequence will appear in both the application and 
the interrupt service routine with the BITNUMBER appropriately cho- 
sen. Suppose that we are in the application, and have just executed 
the Ida PORTA instruction when the interrupt occurs. In the inter- 
rupt service routine, the above code will be executed properly, and 
when control is returned to the program main line, it will continue 
with the eor instruction. However, the contents of PORTA will have 

194 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

been changed by the interrupt service routine, so the value that was 
loaded by the Ida instruction prior to the interrupt is no longer valid. 
The earlier loaded value of PORTA will be restored by the above 
sequence in the application code, and the change made in the inter- 
rupt service routine will be undone. 

This bit of interplay between the applications program and the 
interrupt service routine is a type of software race. It can be easily 
avoided. Whenever a variable is changed in both the applications 
code and in an ISR, the erroneous set/reset can be avoided if the 
program disables all interrupts before the offending instruction in 
the applications code. The interrupts must then be re-enabled after 
the code execution. In this case, the code will be 

SEI (); 



in the applications code. In this case, there can be no interrupt to 
interfere with the proper handling of PORTA in the application. 

In the timer routine above, there is what some might call a glaring 
oversight. The timer was not initialized in the initializing routine of 
the program. The first lines of code merely enabled the timer interrupt 
and then proceeded into the FOREVER loop, which is the applications 
portion of the program. The initial state of the TCR and the OCR regis- 
ters is not established at reset. There is no way of knowing when the 
first output compare will take place. If the initial value of the OCR 
happens to be one less than that of the TCR, there will be an output 
compare about 0.13 seconds after the interrupts are enabled, and from 
then on the interrupt period will be accurate. If it is imperative that the 
first output compare occur at exactly the specified time, then the code 
for initialization of the output compare registers must be included in 
the initialization routine. Otherwise, if this error in the initial timing 
can be tolerated, it will save bytes of code space that might be desper- 
ately needed for another portion of the program. 

Analog-to-Digital Converter Operation 195 


1 . Write a program that uses an output compare system to generate 
an accurate waveform with a 1000.0 second period. 

2. Devise a convenient method to test the performance of the pro- 
gram in Exercise 1 above. 

3. Write a program to generate two waveforms. One output is to be at 
twice the frequency of the other. The duty factors of the two sig- 
nals are to be equal to 50%. The frequency of the slowest wave is 
to be 1000 Hz. The phase of the higher frequency signal is to be 
such that its rising edge is to occur 260 microseconds following 
the rising edge of the first signal. 

4. Two DC motors are running. Each motor has an optical interrupter 
on its shaft with 15 interrupts per revolution of the shaft. All but one 
of the interrupts occupy one-sixteenth of the circumference of the 
rotation. The fifteenth interrupt occupies one-eighth of the circum- 
ference. Using input capture registers, measure the speed of the two 
motors, and provide a slow down or speed up signal that can be used 
on either motor to synchronize the rotation of the two motors with 
the wide interrupter positions on the shafts being in lock-step. 

5. What microcontroller characteristics will control the maximum speed 
at which the motors in Exercise 4 can run? The minimum speed? 

Analog-to-Digital Converter Operation 

The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) found on the M68HC05 
family is moderately simple in its operation. There are a few impor- 
tant items that must be remembered when dealing with the ADC. 
Most important is that the ADC must be turned on for at least 100 
microseconds prior to reading a value. If 100 microseconds has not 
elapsed, it is guaranteed that the value read will be in error. The ADC 
is turned on by setting the ADON bit in the ADC control/status regis- 
ter. This register is referred to as AD_CTST. The following code 
sequence will turn the ADC on: 



196 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

The following function will provide a reading of a single channel of 
the ADC input: 

unsigned int read_adc (int k) 


AD_CTST &=~0X7; 

AD_CTST |=k; 

while (AD_CTST.COCO==0) 

; /* wait here til COCO is set */ 
return AD_DATA; 


The argument k is the channel that is to be read, and k can have 
a value of to 7 to read the external channels. 

The first two lines of code in the above function will place the 
channel number to be read in the channel bits of AD_CTST. These 
bits must be cleared by an instruction sequence that will not alter the 
upper bits of AD_CTST because the ADON bit is in the upper portion 
of AD_CTST. This bit cannot be reset while the ADC operation is 
continuing. The first line of code clears the least significant three 
bits, and the second line places the channel number in these bits. 

Writing to AD_CTST will cause the ADC conversion to start. There- 
fore, all that must be done is to wait until the conversion is completed 
to read the data into the program. The code 

while (AD_CTST.COCO==0) 

; /* wait here til COCO is set */ 

will keep control of the microcontroller in that instruction sequence 
until the COCO bit, which is the conversion completion bit, is set. At 
that time the value found in AD_DATA will be the result of the latest 

Often, the ADC results must be subjected to some processing to 
remove unwanted characteristics of the signal being measured. Here 
is a case where careful use of assembly language procedures can 
make a big difference in the execution speed as well as the amount of 
code needed. An example that is often used is to average the past 
values of the data. A reasonably simple approach is to allow the lat- 
est ADC reading to have a 50% weight and all of the past readings to 
have a 50% weight. The following example code will accomplish 
this task in three different ways: 

Analog-to-Digital Converter Operation 197 

#include "hc05b6.h" 

unsigned adc_data [8] ; 
unsigned read_adc (int) ; 

main ( ) 


unsigned int j ; 


for (j=0; j<8; j++) 


adc_data [ j ] = (read_adc ( j ) +adc_data [ j ] ) /2 ; 

adc_data[j] >>= 1; 

adc_data[j] += read_adc ( j ) >>1 ; 


ldx j 

Ida j 

jsr read_adc 

add adc_data,x 


sta adc_data,x 

Listing 4-5: Three Different ADC Averaging Routines 

The first attempt to read and average the data approaches the 
problem as simple as practical. The data are read in from the ADC, 
added to the corresponding stored data in the array adc_data, the 
result is divided by two, and the final average is put back into the 
proper location in the array. The following line of code is all that is 
necessary to accomplish this task: 

198 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

adc_data [ j ] = (read_adc ( j ) +adc_data [ j ] ) /2 ; 

Hidden in this code is the fact that both read_adc and 
adc_data are unsigned results. When two unsigned numbers are 
added together, the most significant bit of each can be 1 so there can 
be a carry or overflow when the addition takes place. Problems from 
this carry can be avoided in this case by merely using a long or 
double precision add routine in adding the two numbers. Then, 
when the result is divided by 2, if a bit is carried into the upper byte 
of the result it will be shifted back into the lower byte. The result of 
this operation is correct and will fit into a single unsigned int. 

The compiled version of the above program with read_adc ( ) 
merged into it follows: 

#include u hc05b6.h" 

0050 0008 unsigned adc_data [8] ; 
unsigned read_adc (int) ; 

void main (void) 


0058 unsigned int j ; 

0100 3F 09 CLR $09 AD_CTST=0; 

0102 1A 09 BSET 5, $09 AD_CTST . ADON=l ; 

0104 3F 58 CLR $58 f or ( j =0 ; j <8 ; j ++) 

0106 B6 58 LDA $58 

0108 Al 08 CMP #$08 

010A 24 36 BCC $0142 


010C CD 01 43 JSR $0143 adc_data [ j ] = (read_adc ( j ) + 

adc_data [ j ] ) /2 ; 
010F BE 58 LDX $58 
0111 EB 50 ADD $50, X 
0113 AE 02 LDX #$02 
0115 CD 01 57 JSR $0157 

0118 9F TXA 

0119 BE 58 LDX $58 
011B E7 50 STA $50, X 

Analog-to-Digital Converter Operation 199 

011D BE 58 LDX $58 adc_data [ j ] >>= 1; 
011F E6 50 LDA $50, X 

0121 44 LSRA 

0122 BE 58 LDX $58 
0124 E7 50 STA $50, X 

0126 B6 58 LDA $58 adc_data [ j ] += 

read_adc ( j ) > > 1 ; 
0128 CD 01 43 JSR $0143 
012B 44 LSRA 
012C BE 58 LDX $58 
012E EB 50 ADD $50, X 
0130 E7 50 STA $50, X 


0132 BE 58 ldx j 

0134 B6 58 Ida j 

0136 CD 01 43 jsr read_adc 

013 9 EB 5 add adc_data,x 

013B 46 rora 

013C E7 50 sta adc_data,x 

013E 3C 58 INC $58 

0140 20 C4 BRA $0106 

0142 81 RTS } 

unsigned int read_adc(int k) 
0059 { 

0143 B7 59 STA $59 

0145 B6 09 LDA $09 AD_CTST&=~0X7 ; 

0147 A4 F8 AND #$F8 

0149 B7 09 STA $09 

014B B6 09 LDA $09 AD_CTST |=k; 

014D BA 59 ORA $59 

014F B7 09 STA $09 

200 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

0151 OF 09 FD BRCLR 7, $09, $0151 

while (AD_CTST.COCO==0) ; 

0154 B6 8 LDA $08 return AD_DATA; 

0156 81 RTS 


0157 BF 5A STX $5A 

0159 B7 5B STA $5B 
015B 4F CLRA 
015C 5F CLRX 
015D 5C INCX 
015E 38 5B LSL $5B 

0160 49 ROLA 

0161 BO 5A SUB $5A 
0163 24 03 BCC $0168 
0165 BB 5A ADD $5A 

0167 99 SEC 

0168 59 ROLX 

0169 24 F3 BCC $015E 
016B 53 COMX 
016C 81 RTS 

1FFE 01 00 

The assembly code to execute this single line of C code is found in 
the address range $10c to $llb, or 17 bytes of code. However, 
there is a call to the doub 1 e precision add routine at address $115. 
This routine occupies the address range $157 to $ 16c, or 22 addi- 
tional bytes of code hidden from the main routine. Therefore, this 
requires 37 bytes of code for its execution. 

The next approach is to avoid the overflow problem by dividing 
by 2 each of the terms to be added prior to the addition. Division by 
2 is accomplished by shifting each of the terms to the right by one 
bit. This approach guarantees that there will be no overflow into the 
higher byte because the most significant bit of each number will be 
after the shift, and no binary addition can cause more than a 1-bit 
overflow. Therefore, the sum will at most have its most significant 
bit turned on. This number is then stored in the location 
adc data [ j ] . 

Pulse Width Modulator System 201 

The assembly code created by the compiler for this approach is 
in the address range $lld to $130. This code uses 21 bytes of 
memory. Careful examination of this code will show that the instruc- 
tion at $ 1 2 2 is unneeded, so the code could have been completed in 
17 bytes. 

The assembly version of the same routine merely adds the two 
unsigned numbers, and then rotates the result right 1 bit to accom- 
plish the divide by 2. The 1-bit rotate accomplishes the same thing as 
a right shift by 1 bit with the exception that the carry bit is shifted 
into the most significant bit of the result. The only way the carry bit 
could be set is by the most significant bits of both addends being 1. 
The assembly version of the code resides in $132 to $13c and re- 
quires 12 bytes of code. 

Here is a case where judicious choice of assembly code will 
provide a significant improvement in the amount of code needed to 
execute a specific program. The main reason that the assembly ver- 
sion is shorter is that the carry bit in the condition code register is 
available to the programmer from assembly. This bit is completely 
hidden from the programmer in any high-level language. Therefore, 
tricks like rotating a bit from the carry into a register are not avail- 
able in the high-level language. 


1. Write a routine to average readings from the ADC on a 
microcontroller, but weight the current reading three times that of 
the past average. 

Pulse Width Modulator System 

In this section on programming of the timers, two approaches to 
the generation of a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal will be 
discussed. These approaches both use the output compare system of 
the 16-bit timer. 

What is a PWM system? A PWM signal is a periodic signal where 
the signal is set high for a calculated duty factor, and then the output 
goes low for the remainder of the period. If you measure a PWM 
signal with an averaging voltmeter it will have a value equal to the 
peak voltage times the duty factor of the PWM. Here the duty factor 
is defined as the ratio of the on time to repetition period of the signal. 

202 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

Thus, we have created a simple digital-to-analog converter. Many 
control applications need analog control signals for parts of the sys- 
tem. PWM systems on microcontrollers provide an excellent means 
for providing these analog voltages, so long as the limitations we 
will discuss below are acceptable to the total system design. 

The built-in PWMs in the M68HC05Bx family of devices pro- 
vide you with one of two pulse periods: the programmable timer 
clock frequency divided by 256 or 4096. These frequencies are fixed, 
and the interval is divided into 256 parts. Therefore, the analog fre- 
quency ranges — and the accuracy of the analog reproduction — is 
limited to one part in 256 over the range of the output. 

When using the output compare system to create a PWM, it is 
possible to achieve a finer analog resolution at slower frequencies, 
or perhaps a faster signal with poorer accuracy. A PWM created from 
an output compare system is somewhat more flexible than the usual 
built-in PWM. With the PWM systems built around the output com- 
pare system, the computer is responding to frequent interrupts. When 
an interrupt occurs, the system status is pushed onto the stack and the 
address of the interrupt service routine is placed into the program 
counter. It takes approximately 10 clock cycles to respond to an in- 
terrupt after the completion of the executing instruction. Return from 
an interrupt requires 9 clock cycles. Therefore, it is not possible to 
accomplish the full goal of a PWM with an output compare system. 
The goal in this case is to achieve full on at the one extreme input 
level and full off at the other. The times required to process an inter- 
rupt will limit the performance at one extreme, the other or perhaps 
both when a PWM is implemented with an output compare system. 

A first example is shown in the following listing. This example 
shows the interrupt service routine along with the necessary defines 
only. It is assumed that the output compare interrupt bit along with the 
interrupt bit are properly set to allow the output compare 2 to interrupt 
the processor. Also shown in this example is code to control a second 
output compare — 1 — to provide the system with a fixed time base. 

In operation, the applications portion of the program must place 
a pair of complementary numbers, pwm_number and of f _count, 
in place. The sum of these two numbers must equal a constant that 
establishes the period for the PWM signal. For the M68HC05B4, the 

Pulse Width Modulator System 203 

period will be 2 microseconds times the total count value. Prior to 
starting use of the PWM, the bit f lag . ON should be reset and the 
value for count, which is the main time base period count, should 
be set. 

/* bits in flag */ 

#define ON 

union both time_cnt; 

unsigned long of f_count , pwm_number , count ; 

bits flag; 

void TIMER_OC (void) 


if ( TSR.OCF2==l) /* accesses the TSR */ 


if (flag.ON= = 0) 



TCR.OLVL2=0; /* Timer Compare 2 off*/ 
time_cnt .b.hi=OCHI2 ;/* get start time */ 
time_cnt .b.lo=OCL02; /* reset the OCF */ 
time_cnt . 1 +=pwm_number ; 
OCHI2=time_cnt . b . hi ; 
OCL02 = t ime_cnt . b . lo ; 





TCR.OLVL2=l;/* Timer Compare 2 to on */ 

time_cnt .b.hi=OCHI2 ; /* get start time */ 

time_cnt .b.lo=OCL02; /* reset the OCF */ 

time_cnt . 1 +=of f _count ; 

OCHI2=time_cnt . b . hi ; 

OCL02 = t ime_cnt . b . lo ; 


204 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 


else /* must be that 0CF1==1 rather than OCF2 



time_cnt .b . hi=OCHIl ; /* output compare */ 

time_cnt.b.lo=OCL01; /* get lo byte */ 

time_cnt.l +=count; /* time for interrupt */ 

OCHIl=time_cnt . b.hi; 

OCL01=time_cnt .b.lo;/* reset the OCF */ 

ms_10++ ; 




Listing 4-6: ISR For PWM System 

Since the interrupt bits are set to allow output compare interrupts, 
an interrupt will occur. The interrupt service routine will be entered, 
and the instruction sequence 

if ( TSR.OCF2==l) /* accesses the TSR */ 

accomplishes two things. First, it determines if the output compare 2 
caused the interrupt, and, secondly, it accesses the TSR and arms the 
reset of the OCFX when the proper lower byte of the output compare 
register is read later. 

For the moment, assume that OCF2 bit is set: the interrupt was 
caused by a compare in output compare register 2. In this case a test 
is made to determine if flag. ON is reset. Since the initialization rou- 
tine reset this bit, it will be 0. Therefore, the code sequence 


TCR.OLVL2=0; /* Timer Compare 2 to turn off*/ 
time_cnt .b.hi=OCHI2 ; /* get the start time */ 
time_cnt .b.lo=OCL02; /* reset the OCF */ 
time cnt . 1 +=pwm number; 

Pulse Width Modulator System 205 

OCHI2=time_cnt . b . hi ; 
OCL02 = t ime_cnt . b . lo ; 

will be executed. This code is the "on" code for the PWM system. 
The first instruction in this sequence will set the bit f lag . ON, so 
that this code will not be executed in the next execution of the inter- 
rupt service routine. The bit TCR . OLVL2 is the state that will be 
transferred to TCMP2 pin when an output compare occurs. 
TCR . OLVL2 is then set to so that TCMP2 will be set low when the 
next output compare occurs. The code sequence that follows gets the 
contents of the output compare register 2, increments this value by 
pwm_number, and places this new value back into output compare 
register 2. Thus, the time of the output compare is established and 
the interrupt service routine is exited. 

Eventually, the next output compare 2 interrupt will occur. Since 
the bit f lag . ON has been set, the following code will be executed. 
This code is the "off" code for the PWM system. The first business 
to take care of is to reset the bit f lag . ON so that the on portion of 
PWM code will be executed the next time into the I SR. TCR . OLV02 
is set so that TCMP2 will go on when the next output compare occurs. 


TCR.OLVL2=l; /* Timer Compare 2 to turn on */ 
time_cnt .b .hi=OCHI2 ; /* get the start time */ 
time_cnt .b.lo=OCL02; /* reset the OCF */ 
time_cnt.l +=off_count; /^complete the cycle*/ 
OCHI2=time_cnt . b . hi ; 
OCL02=time_cnt .b . lo; 

The contents of OCR2 are handled as above, but this time their value 
is incremented by the contents of of f _count. The main line code 
is then re-entered by the use of the return instruction. 

There is another approach to generation of PWM signals with out- 
put compare systems that will materially aid this problem. However, 
this approach requires two output compare systems. One output com- 
pare system is used to create the time base and the other is used to 
generate the on or off time. Let's examine the following interrupt 
service routine. Output compare 1 is used here to generate the PWM 

206 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

time_cnt . b . lo=TCLO 
time cnt . 1 +=count 

period. The way that this routine works, it is possible for an interrupt 
to occur as a result of a compare on output compare 2. This interrupt 
is to be ignored, and the first five lines of the code below tests for this 
condition and clears interrupt when it occurs. This interrupt occurs 
at the end of the on time. Control of the program must be out of this 
portion of the ISR and in the main line code before the next interrupt 
caused by OCF1 occurs. The time required for the first five lines of 
code here is about 18 microseconds, which is the minimum on time. 
void TIMER_OC (void) 


if (TSR.OCF2==l) 


ac=OCL02 ; /* if interrupt is caused by out- 

return; /* compare 2 reset it and return */ 


time cnt .b.hi=TCHI ; /* get in the TCR */ 

/* get lo byte */ 
/* bump the time counter 
for next*/ 

OCHIl=time_cnt . b.hi ; /* interrupt */ 

OCL01=time_cnt .b.lo;/* reset the OCF */ 

if (flag.PWM==l) 


TCR.OLVL2=l;/* Timer Compare 2 to set output */ 

TCR.FOLV2=l;/* turn on Timer compare 2 output */ 

TCR.OLVL2=0;/* Timer Compare 2 to reset output*/ 

time_cnt .b .hi=TCHI ; /* get the start time */ 

t ime_cnt . b . lo=TCLO ; 

t ime_cnt . 1 +=pwm_number ; 

OCHI2=time_cnt . b . hi ; 

OCL02 =t ime_cnt .b.lo; 


Listing 4-7: Alternate PWM ISR 

The next sequence is the code required to establish the time base. 
This time base operates on output compare 1 . This routine is similar 
to those discussed above. A bit in the bit field flag is tested to deter- 

Other Program Items 207 

mine if the PWM signal is to be turned on. If flag . PWM is set, the 
PWM code will be executed. When this routine is entered, TCMP2 
will be reset to zero. The first instruction sets TCR . OLVL2 so that 
TCMP2 will be on at the next output compare. The next instruction, 
TCR . FOVL2 = l , sets the force overflow bit for TCMP2 which will 
cause this bit to be turned on since TCR . OLVL2 is set. This time is 
the beginning of the on period of the PWM signal. 
The next instruction 


is so that TCMP2 will go off or be reset at the next output compare 2. 
Control is then passed to the main line of code. When TCMP2 oc- 
curs, the output will return to and an interrupt will occur. This 
interrupt is detected by the first lines of the interrupt service routine. 
One could write a code sequence that would generate the mirror 
image signal to that above. That is, the off time would be controlled 
by TCMP2 and the on time would be the difference between the time 
of TCMP2 and the main time base. 

Other Program Items 

Several other small programs come to mind that are very useful 
in programming microcontrollers. With these small parts, it is usu- 
ally desirable to avoid library functions and, if possible, use a bag of 
tricks to arrive at the desired results. For example, dealing with num- 
bers for either input or output offers a good place to exercise some 
experience over expedience. One case where it is often important to 
minimize code space is in generating binary coded decimal (BCD) 
numbers from integer numbers to output from a computer. Perhaps 
the most direct approach to accomplish this conversion is as follows: 

/* convert a binary number less than 100 to BCD */ 
unsigned char convert_bcd (unsigned char n) 


unsigned int result; 
if (n>99) return Oxff; 
result=n/10<<4 ; 
result += n%10; 

208 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

return result; 


Listing 4-8: First BCD Conversion 

This small function takes an 8-bit character n that is less than 99 
and converts the number into one 8-bit result. The upper nibble is the 
number of tens in the number and the lower nibble is the number of 
units. A hexadecimal number Oxff is returned if the number is greater 
than 99. Note that the calculation requires an integer divide opera- 
tion and a modulus operation which is equivalent to a divide operation. 
The code to execute the divide and modulus operations must be asso- 
ciated with this function to complete its task. 

Another approach is shown below. This approach avoids any exter- 
nal function calls and actually requires less total code than the version in 
Listing 4-8, even though the C code is somewhat longer. In this case, the 
while loop essentially divides the input number by 10 and places the 
result in the most significant nibble of the result. After the tens have been 
removed from the number, all that is left is the units. This value — the 
number of units — is ORed on the result before it is returned. 

/* convert a binary number less than 10 to BCD */ 
unsigned char convert_bcd (unsigned char n) 


unsigned int result; 

if (n>99) return Oxff; 
result=0 ; 
while ( (n-10) >=0) 
result+=0xl0 ; 

result += n; 
return result; 


Listing 4-9: Second BCD Conversion 

The function shown below was originally written for use on a 
M68HC05, but was later used on a M68HC11 as well. A two-digit 
number must be sent to a seven- segment LED display. The number 
to be shown is contained in the memory locations for tens and units. 

Summary 209 

The numeric display takes four inputs that are merely the BCD value 
of the number to be shown. With this particular display, a 4-bit num- 
ber between the values of and 9 will be displayed. If each of the 
four input lines to the display is turned on, the display will be turned 
off. The parameters passed to the function — high and low — are 
flags to indicate whether the corresponding output is to be turned on. 

void display (int high, int low) 

/* Display the contents of units and tens on the 
appropriate LED displays. High corresponds to 
tens, and low corresponds to units. If the proper 
argument is TRUE, the corresponding LED will be 
turned on. If the argument is FALSE, the LED will 
be turned off. */ 


unsigned int save; 
save = tens<<4; 
save |= units70x0f; 
if (! high) 

PORTA |= OxfO; 
if ( !low) 

PORTA = Oxf; 



In this chapter, we have discussed programming techniques for a 
few of the more important peripheral components found on 
microcontrollers. Timers and ADC applications will be reconsidered 
in later chapters. In later chapters, serial communications, attendant 
programming of look-up tables, interpolation between data points in 
look-up tables, and synchronous communications from standard digi- 
tal I/O pins rather than an SPI will be covered. Some small 8-bit 
microcontrollers have pulse width modulation (PWM) outputs that 
can be used as a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Often the ranges 
available from these fixed PWM systems are not satisfactory for the 
required application. Other methods of accomplishing the PWM 
operation will be discussed in later chapters. 

210 Chapter 4 Small 8-Bit Systems 

Many of the peripheral components found on the small 8-bit de- 
vices are found on larger microcontrollers. The next chapter introduces 
a group of larger microcontrollers, the M68HC1 1 family. The com- 
piler used for the development of the M68HC05 code does not extend 
to the M68HC1 1 family. Therefore, the source code will look a little 
different in the following chapters, but it will still be all C. To gener- 
ate code for the M68HC05, the compiler has had to "bend" the 
concepts of ANSI C to create code that would work with that family. 
Larger microcontrollers accommodate more of the large computer 
features so use of ANSI C is possible. 

Chapter 5 

Programming Large 8- Bit Systems 

This chapter on the programming of large 8-bit systems will make 
use of the MC68HC11 microcontroller. It is absolutely necessary 
that any programmer understand the device when writing code for a 
microcontroller application. If you are not familiar with the 
MC68HC1 1 family, then read the M68HC1 1 Reference Manual and 
the M68HC1 1 E Series Technical Data Manual on the accompanying 
CD-ROM to get the needed background to be able to continue the 
work in this chapter. 

Header File 

The CD-ROM contains the C header file HC1 IE 9 . H. This file should 
be included with any program that is going to be used on the 
MC68HC11E9 or the MC68HC711E9. An abbreviated version of 
this header file is listed below. The header file has about 400 lines of 
source code, and most of that code is repeats of the portions of code 
shown in the following listing. 

#ifndef HClle9 
#define HClle9 

unsigned int Register_Set = 0x1000; 

typedef struct { 


















212 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

















} Register; 

#define PORTA (* (volatile Register*) (Register Set+0) ) 

typedef struct { 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 
unsigned char 


















#define PIOC (* (volatile Pioc*) (Register_Set+2) ) 

#define PORTC (* (volatile Register*) (Register_Set+3) ) 
#define PORTB (* (volatile Register*) (Register Set+4) ) 

#define TCNT (* (unsigned int *) (Register_Set + OxE) ) 
#define TIC1 (* (unsigned int *) (Register Set + OxlO) ) 

/* To clear bits in the flag registers use the form 

TFLG1 = OC1 

to clear 0C1F in TFLG1 . Use this form only in the 
two flag registers TFLG1 and TFLG2 below. 


Header File 213 

#def ine 
#def ine 
#def ine 
#def ine 
#def ine 
#def ine 
#def ine 
#def ine 

0C1F 0x80 

OC2F 0x4 

OC3F 0x20 

OC4F 0x10 
I405F 0x08 

IC1F 0x04 

IC2F 0x02 

IC3F 0x01 

#define TFLG1 (* (unsigned char*) (Register Set+0x23)) 

typedef struct { 

unsigned char TCLR 
unsigned char SCP 
unsigned char RCKB 
unsigned char SCR 



#define BAUD (* (volatile 
Baud*) (Register Set+0x2B) ) 


Macros and function to permit interrupt service 
routine programming from C. 

To use the vector call, do vector (isr, 
vector_address) where isr is a pointer to the 
interrupt service routine, and vector_address 
is the vector address where the isr pointer 
must be stored. */ 

#define vector (isr, vector_address) (*(void**) (vector_address) = (isr) ) 

#define cli() _asm( u cli\n" ) 

#define sei() asm ( "sei\n" ) 

214 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

#ifndef NULL 
#define NULL (void *)0 
enum { FALSE , TRUE } ; 
enum { STOP , START } ; 
enum {OFF, ON}; 

#define FOREVER while (TRUE) 
typedef unsigned int WORD; 
typedef unsigned char BYTE; 


The first instruction in the file is 

#ifndef HC11E9 
#define HC11E9 

and the last entry in the file is 


These lines of code are useful to prevent multiple definitions of the 
items defined within the file. If the header file has not been previously 
compiled as a part of the program when the above statement is seen, 
HC 1 1 E 9 will not be defined. The first instruction determines if HC 1 1 E 9 
is not defined, and if it is not, the second line defines it. Then all of the 
code until the matching #endi f will be compiled. If HC1 IE 9 is already 
defined, then the compiler will skip the code lines until the matching 
# end if is found. Therefore, the programmer can put an 

#include <hcllE9.h> 

at the beginning of each program module, and it will be used in the 
program only once even if several modules are combined into one 
and the above statement is included several times in a single file. 
This approach is convenient because it allows each module to be 
compiled and tested and then the several modules can be merged and 
compiled as a unit without worry about multiply defined variables 
and values found in header file. 

The file next entry is a simple typedef and declaration of a 
structure called Register. This structure contains eight 1-bit entries. 
Each of these bits corresponds to a specific bit in a register field, and 

Header File 215 

the bits are given the names bitO,bitl, . . . b i 1 7 . Therefore, 
when dealing with specific bits within a type Register, the 
programmer should use bi tx, where x is the number of the bit being 

In the second portion of the file that follows, all of the I/O 
registers are declared. 

The external variable Register_Set is given a value 0x1000. 
This value is the initial location of the I/O register map in the system. 
In the MC68HC 1 1 , bit manipulation assembly instructions have a one- 
byte address that can be an offset from an index register. With the 
indexed version of the instruction, any single byte or bit in the entire 
memory map can be accessed or tested with a single instruction. 
However, the address operation must be indexed. If you use a single 
address with offsets to each of the registers as is done in the header 
file, the compiler will automatically place the value of Regi s t er_Set 
into an index register and use the offsets specified to allow indexed 
access to the data in the registers from anywhere in the program. 

The value of Regi ster_Set is not fixed by the microcontroller. 
It can be changed within the first 64 clock cycles following reset. To 
make this change, the programmer must assign the correct value to 
the INIT register in the I/O memory space. This value should be 
changed in the initialization routine for the program, which is usually 
written in assembly language. After the INIT register is changed, a 
new proper value assigned to Reg i s t e r_S e t will allow the desired 
access to all registers and bits in the I/O memory map. 

The definition of Register shows that any instance of this 
variable type is a collection of eight bits. Any location that is defined 
as a type Regi s t er is truly a collection of bits and each bit must be 
processed individually. For example, PORTA is declared to be of the 
type Register. Therefore, an expression like 

PORTA = 0x3 f; 

will result in an illegal assignment error because PORTA is of the 
type Register, not char . 

It is possible to make assignments to ports defined in the above 
manner as either a byte- wide field or as bit fields. Return to the initial 
declaration of a register in the header file: 

typedef struct 

216 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 


signed char bit :1; 

• • • 

unsigned char bit 7 :1; 
} Register; 

We can now declare: 

typedef union 


char byte; 
Register bits; 
} Mix_Register ; 

and thus 

#define PORTA (^volatile 
Mix_Register*) (Register_Set +0) 

will allow the programmer to use 

PORTA. byte = 0x2 E 

to set the value of all bits in the port with one instruction and in the 
same program to use 

PORTA. bit s.bit3 = 1; 

to set, reset, or test the individual bits inside of the port. In this book, 
we will use the bit fields only as shown in header file. 

Since PORTA is of the type Register, it is possible to deal 
with the individual bits within this location by normal C constructs 
such as 

PORTA. bit 3 = 1; 

if (PORTA. bit6 == 0) 

• • • 

Of course, it is much better to define practical names to the various 
bits within the port to achieve even clearer code: 

# define ON TRUE 
#define MOTOR bit3 
#define PUSH BUTTON bit6 

Header File 217 

PORTA. MOTOR = ON; /* turn the motor on */ 



do push button things 


With this compiler, an int is a 16-bit value. Therefore, the 
registers that are two bytes are cast onto the type int. Usually these 
registers are accessed as ints only and there is no need to have the 
individual bit access afforded by the use of the Register type. 
The timer counter register (TCNT) is one such register that is accessed 
as an int only. There are also a few one byte, or 8-bit, registers that 
are accessed as bytes only. No bit accesses within these registers are 
needed. In these cases, the register is cast onto the type char. The 
several ADRx registers are examples of this type. The ADRx registers 
contain the result of an analog-to-digital conversion that is usually 
handled as an 8-bit unit only. 

In most instances, register locations should be uns igned. The ADRx 
registers each contain the result of analog-to-digital conversions. These 
results are all unsigned. Therefore, these registers should be cast as 
uns igned char. Also note that all of the timer count and input capture 
or output compare registers are also declared as unsigned. 

In the listing above, you will note that there are two parts to the 
declaration of each register. The first identifies all of the bits in the 
register through a structure typedef . Then a macro definition of the 
port name causes each instance of the port name in the program to be 
replaced by the dereferenced value of the register address cast onto a 
pointer of the correct type. The port name is the name of the port 
found in the data manual, and the bit names given the bits in the structure 
are the names found in the data manual. Therefore, if you wish to set 
the bit named HNDS found in the register PIOC, you need to use 


There are two register locations that work differently from the 
rest. These are the two flag registers whose bits are set by the 

218 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

occurrence of an interrupt. The bits in these registers are turned off 
when the code instructs the bit to be set. Since these two registers are 
so different from the remainder of the registers in the system, I handle 
them differently. Rather than declare a structure for these registers, 
the individual bits are #defined as power-of-two values. Therefore, 
the bit OC2F is defined as 0x40 and the bit IC2F is #defined as 
0x02. The flagl register TFLG1 is forced to the address 
Regis ter_Set+0x23. Now to clear the bit OC2F, you need to set 


The final section of the file contains several macros that are helpful 
in handling interrupt service routines. The first macro is 

#define vector (a, b) ((*(void **)b) = (a)) 

This macro is used to place the address of an interrupt service 
routine into a vector address. The argument a is a pointer to the interrupt 
service routine, and b is the vector address. If one asks what b is, you 
must say that b is a pointer to a location that contains the address of the 
interrupt service routine. The interrupt service routine address is also a 
pointer to function that has no (void) return. Therefore, the vector 
address is a pointer to a pointer to the type void and must be cast as 
such before it can be used. This value must be dereferenced to be able 
to place the address of the interrupt service routine into it. You can use 
the macro vector ( a , b ) to place the address of each interrupt service 
routine used into the proper vector location. 

This macro will create code that copies the address of an interrupt 
service routine to the specified memory location. This operation is 
needed whenever the vector table is stored in RAM, so that the vector 
table must be rebuilt each time the microcontroller is powered up. 
Another approach must be used to place interrupt service routine 
addresses in the vector table when this table is contained in ROM. This 
latter case is probably more common than the former. In this case, we 
are trying to fill a memory array with the values of the addresses of the 
several interrupt service routines that the program might use. One way 
to do this operation is to build an array that contains these addresses, 
compile this array, and then at link time force the array to be linked to 
the memory location corresponding to the beginning of the vector table. 
Consider the following code sequence. 

Header File 219 

extern void ICl_Isr(), OC3_Isr ( ) ,_stext ( ) ; 

void (* const vector [] ) ( ) ={0 , 0, , 0, 0, 0, 0,OC3_Isr, 0, 

0,0,0, ICl_Isr, 0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,_stext} ; 

This two-line sequence identifies three functions, each of which 
returns nothing. The first two are interrupt service routines that will 
process interrupts from input capture 1 and output compare 3, 
respectively. The third entry is the name of the entry point in the 
start-up routine that is linked to the C program. The second line of 
code indicates that vector is an array of const pointers to functions 
of the type void . There is one entry in this array for each interrupt 
vector and the reset vector for the micro-controller. This array is 
initialized with either zeros or the addresses of the interrupt service 
routines in the proper locations. The address of the start-up routine is 
placed in the last location in the array. This little program will be 
compiled and linked to the final program. The name of the file that 
contains this file is interrup . c , and it must be modified for each 
program in which it is used. At link time, the address of vector [ ] 
will be forced to Oxf f d6 which is the beginning of the vector table 
in the MC68HC 11 family. 

Some programmers will initialize the vector table with a known 
address rather than 0. In the event that a spurious interrupt occurs and 
takes the processor to an unused vector location, the processor would 
certainly get lost if the vector table were filled with zeros. Placing a 
known program into all unused vector locations will prevent this problem. 

Another problem can occur in the operation of unattended 
microcontrollers. It is possible that control of the microcontroller 
could be diverted to unused ROM locations by serious noise spikes. 
Such a loss of control will not be devastating if the system uses a 
computer operating properly (COP) system. However, another safety 
back-up that the programmer can incorporate into the program is to 
fill all unused memory with the one-byte instruction swi (software 
interrupt). This instruction causes the program to save the machine 
status and pass control to the function addressed in the SWI vector 
location. If this value contains the address of the start-up program, 
the system will be restarted immediately if control is accidentally 
moved to unused ROM. 

220 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

There are several small routines associated with the processing 
of interrupts that are not in the C library. These routines are written 
as functions to make it easier to access these important operations. 
The cli ( ) and sei ( ) functions allow the program to clear or set 
the interrupt bit in the condition code register (CCR) . The programmer 
can with these two functions and the interrupt masks in the I/O 
memory map control all interrupt operations of the part. 

The compiler must be notified that a function is to be an interrupt 
service routine. An interrupt service routine can have no arguments, 
and it must return nothing. Therefore, the function prototype of an 
interrupt service routine might look like 

void isr_clock( void ); 

However, the compiler would still have no way of knowing that this 
function is an interrupt service routine. The reason that the compiler 
must know an i s r is that the MC68HC 1 1 family stacks the complete 
machine status when an interrupt is accepted by the device. This 
status must be restored when the program control is returned to the 
interrupted program. The machine status is restored when an rti 
instruction is executed. Therefore, any return from an interrupt must 
be the assembly instruction rti rather than the instruction rts 
usually used to return from a function. An interrupt service routine is 
identified to the compiler by the sequence ©port ahead of the 
definition of the function in the function prototype. The function 
prototype of an interrupt service routine should be 

©port void isr_clock( void ); 

This flag will cause all returns from the function to be rt i instructions. 
There is no guarantee that there will be macro definitions for 
useful numbers and functions. A series of enumerations that define 
TRUE, FALSE, ON, OFF, START, STOP, etc., are included to pro- 
vide mnemonics for these often-used values. The pointer constant 
NULL is also defined by a macro here. These constants are often 
defined in other header files, so the protection against including these 
constants more than one time is also included. Also useful is the 
macro FOREVER which is included. 

Header File 221 


1 . Write a header file that contains definitions of all vectors shown on 
page 3 of the HC11 E Series Programming Reference Guide, 
M68HC1 1ERG/AD found on the CD-ROM. This file should be in- 
cluded with any program that is intended to make use of interrupts. 

2. Create a small program that uses the function vector (a, b) . 
Compile the function and observe the assembly language code gen- 
erated to accomplish this operation. 

The Cosmic Compiler 

The Cosmic compiler was originally known as the Whitesmiths 
compiler. Cosmic retained the maintenance contract on this com- 
piler through a couple of corporate owners, and now has the rights to 
the compiler. This compiler used for the MC68HC1 1 family is some- 
what more complicated to use than the ByteCraft compiler used with 
the C68HC05. The compiler should be installed using the install pro- 
gram that comes with it. You should allow the compiler to modify 
your autoexec.bat and config.sys files unless you plan to do it your- 
self. The system path should contain the path to the bin directory in 
the directory that contains the compiler. There are also two set com- 
mands that should be inserted into the autoexec.bat file. These 
changes, once completed, will make compilation of programs rather 
easy. This compiler creates an intermediate assembly language pro- 
gram that must be assembled. The result of the assembly is a 
relocatable object module. This module must be linked with other 
modules of the program and basic library modules to comprise the 
final program. The linking phase of the compilation places all of the 
parts of the program in their proper memory location. 

Fortunately, the compiler can make use of command files to 
control the compilation sequence. These files relieve the programmer 
of the need to remember the dozens of little details that must go into 
each compilation. We will start with the highest level of the command 
files and work down into the lower levels. The basic command file to 
compile a program and create an S Record version of the program 
is as follows: 

222 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

c -dlistcs +o %l.c 

lnkhll < %l.lnk 

hexhll -s -o %l.hex %l.hll 

This file is called comp . bat and it is invoked by 

comp < filename > 

The % 1 in the command file will be replaced by < f i 1 ename > when 
the command file is run. The first line of the command file tells the 
compiler, named c, to execute with the options -dlistcs and +o. 
The name of the file will be the filename entered on the command 
line with a . c extension. The -dlistcs option causes a listing file 
to be generated and saved in a file of the same name filename but 
with an extension . 1 s. The +o option informs the compiler to create 
a relocatable object module of the program. 

The basic invocation syntax of the compiler is 

c [options] file, [c | s | o ] [filen. [ c | s | o ] ] 

Any portion of the command line in the above sequence that is 
enclosed in square brackets [ ] is optional. Therefore, the only required 
command line entry following the c call is the file name. (Refer to 
the compiler manual for the variety of options that can be used on 
this command line.) 

Several files can be included on the command line. Each of these 
files can have one of three extensions, c , s , or o. If the extension 
is . c, the compiler expects a C program. If it is . s, the compiler 
will process an assembly language program. When the extension is 
. o, the compiler invokes the linker. 

The compiler creates a relocatable object module that is linked 
by the next line in the command file. 

lnkhll < %l.lnk 

The direct call to the linker lnkhll is handed a command file to 
control the linking. Each program must have its own link command 
file, and the extension of this file is . Ink. An example linker 
command file is shown below. This command file is for a program 
developed later in this chapter. 

Header File 223 


# link command file for motorfr program 


+h # multi- segment output 

-o motorfr. hll # output file name 

+text -b OxdOOO # program start address 

+data -b 0x0000 # data start address 

crtsmot.o # start-up routine 

motorfr. o # application program 

libi.hll # integer library 

libm.hll # machine library 

+text -b 0xffd6 # vectors start address 

interrup.o # interrupt vectors 

+def memory= bss # symbol used by library 

Comment lines are preceded with a # in this command file. The 
first executable line of code in the file contains a command +h which 
notifies the linker that the program will be in multiple memory 
segments rather than in a single block in memory. The second line 

-o motorfr. hll 

tells the linker to write the output file to motorfr. hll. This 
particular linker file is for a program named motorfr. The +text 
option places the beginning of the code portion of the next module to 
be linked at the offset OxdOOO. The +data option places the data 
memory for the next module at the offset 0x0000. Finally, the names 
of the modules to be linked are next. The module crt smot . o is a 
relocatable object module version of a start-up program. This routine 
will be discussed below. The next module to be linked is motorfr . o 
which is the output of the compiler. This line is followed by the 
invocation of two library calls. The first is to the integer library, and 
the second is to the machine library. These libraries will provide 
necessary code for function calls that are not contained directly in 
the program. Another library named libf .hll contains floating 
point operations that might be needed in your program. 

Another + text option will force the beginning of the code linked 
next to the address Oxf f d6. This address is the beginning of the 
MC68HC 1 1 vector table, and the code linked at this point is the vector 
function discussed earlier. This entry will create the vector table at 

224 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

the correct location in memory, and it will also place the addresses of 
the designated vectors in the proper locations in the table. 

The start-up routine mentioned earlier is shown below. This 
routine is patterned after one provided with the compiler. This 
assembly language program contains all of the code necessary to 
begin the operation of the C program to which it is linked. But note 
this point on syntax: within C, all function and memory names 
generated by the code are modified by the addition of an underscore 
_ at the beginning of the name. Therefore, if the function main ( ) in 
the C program were to be referred to by an assembly program, the 
assembly program would be required to use _main. You will notice 
that there are many names beginning with both single and double 
underscores. For example _main has a single underscore, and 

memory has a double underscore in the external statement that 

follows. Whenever an assembly language memory location or function 
name has underscores preceding the name, one of the underscores 
must be discarded when this same memory or function name is used 
in a C program to be linked to the module. 

Here you see an example of why the programmer should not use 
an underscore for the first character of a name. The compiler writer 
assumes complete freedom to use the single underscore to begin any 
name needed by the operation of the compiler, and the programmer 
should concede this freedom to the compiler writer by avoiding the 
use of the underscore for the first character of a name anywhere in 
his program. 

An example of this linkage has already been seen. In a previous 
section where the vector table was programmed, the entry point into 
the program was the function _s t ext(). Note in the code that follows 
that the function name in the assembly language part of the program is 

stext with a double underscore. This start-up routine has been 

modified for use with a program that we will use later in the text. The 
most significant modification is the first two executable instructions 
which set the y register to the beginning of the I/O register memory 
area and then sets bits and 1 of the location offset 36 (0x24) from the 
y register content. These instructions set the prescaler of the timer 
counter to 4 so that the timer will increment at the slowest possible 
rate. These two instructions modify the contents of TFLG2 and they 
must be changed within 64 bus cycles after the microcontroller exits 
reset. These changes and others needed in the INIT register, the 

Header File 225 

OPTION register, and the CONFIG register must be placed in this 
location in the program. These registers become read only memory 
locations after the first 64 bus cycles following reset. 

The value memory is calculated in the command file 

motorf r . Ink and it is the number of bytes of memory that the 
program uses for volatile memory. The start of the base memory 
section is _sbss and it is zero for this program. The instruction 

sequence starting with ldx # sbss and ending with bne zbcl 

will clear all of the volatile memory used by the program. Finally the 
stack pointer is set to a value of Oxf f and the C program is executed 
by the j sr _main call. 

.processor m68hcll 


.external _main, memory 

.public _exit, stext, return 

.psect _bss 
sbss : 

.psect _text 
stext : 

ldy #4096 

bset l,36,y ; set the prescaler to /4 

clra ; reset the bss 

ldx # sbss ; start of bss 

bra loop ; start loop 
zbcl : 

staa 0,x ; clear byte 
inx ; next byte 
loop : 

cpx # memory ; up to the end 

bne zbcl ; and loop 

sts sdata ; save sp for monitor return 

xgdx ; initialize stack pointer 

ldd #00ffH ; put stack pointer at ff for HC11E9 


226 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 


jsr _main ; execute main 
_exit : 

Ids sdata ; restore stack pointer 

rts ; and return to calling program 


rti ; used by default interrupt vector 


.psect _data 
sdata : 

.word ; avoid any pointer to null 
. end 

The start-up program must be written to account for any special 
problems that might be needed for your program. Through this 
routine, memory can be initialized with data stored in ROM, the 
special registers that must be processed within the first 64 bus cycles 
can be set, the stack can be placed where the programmer desires, 
and so forth. The code at the end of the routine restores the stack 
pointer to the value it contained when the start-up routine was entered 
and executes an rts, return to subroutine, to return control of the 
processor to a monitor that started the program if one exists. 

The location sdata is the first byte following the volatile 

memory used by the program. This value will be used by the memory 
allocation functions to provide memory on the system heap. 

Finally, the last line of the compiler command file 

hexhll -s -o %l.hex %l.hll 

causes execution of the program hexhl 1 , which converts the object 
module from machine code to an S record format that can be written 
into an evaluation module or used to burn an EPROM version of the 
microcontroller. This S record file can also be delivered to the factory 
and used to define a mask for a mask ROM version of the 
microcontroller. The file created by this line of code will have an 
extension .hex. 


1 . Write and compile a small program that will show some bit manipu- 
lations in PORTA. Make the program test, set, and clear bits in this 

Header File 227 

port. Does the assembly language generated by the compiler appear 
to be efficient? If not, what can be done to improve the code? 

2. Write and compile a program that uses Output Compare 3 to gener- 
ate a periodic interrupt. This interrupt should occur each millisecond. 

3. With the time tick generated by the results of Example 2 above, 
create a clock that will keep track of the time of day accurate to the 
nearest one-hundredth of a second. 

The Compiler Optimizer and Volatile 

The compiler optimizer that is a part of the Cosmic C compiler does 
an excellent job of reducing code size. One of the steps involved is to 
remove code required to change values that are not changed by the pro- 
gram. Recall that the volatile qualifier identifies varibles that should not 
be optimized. The following code sequence will show this problem: 

volatile char able; 
char baker 

test (voi 



char < 


dog = 


dog = 



= 0; 


= 0; 

dog = 


dog = 



= 0; 


= 0; 

Note that this function makes multiple assignments of dog, able, 
and baker. The assignments involving able show how the compiler 
responds to a volatile variable, and baker to a nonvolatile variable. 
The following listing is the compilation of the above program: 

1 ; Compilateur C pour MC68HC11 (COSMIC-France) 
32 . include"macro .till" 

228 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

3 .list + 

4 .psect _text 

5 ; 1 volatile char able; 

6 ; 2 char baker ; 

7 ; 3 

8 ; 4 test (void) 

9 ; 5 { 

10 _test: 

11 0000 3C pshx 

12 0001 34 des 

13 0002 30 tsx 

14 .set OFST=l 

15 ; 6 char dog; 

16 ; 7 

17 ; 8 dog = able; 

18 0003 F60000 ldab _able 

19 LL4: 

20 0006 E700 stab OFST-l,x 

21 ; 9 dog = able; 

22 0008 F60000 ldab _able 

23 LL6: 

24 000B E700 stab OFST-l,x 
2 5 ; 10 able = 0; 

26 000D 7F0000 clr _able 

27 LL01: 

2 8 ; 11 able = 0; 

29 0010 7F0000 clr _able 

3 LL21: 

31 ; 12 dog = baker; 

32 0013 F60001 ldab _baker 

33 ; 13 dog = baker; 

34 0016 E700 stab OFST-l,x 
3 5 ; 14 baker = 0; 

3 6 ; 15 baker = ; 

37 0018 7F0001 clr _baker 

38 ; 16 } 

39 001B 31 ins 

40 001C 38 pulx 

41 001D 39 rts 

Header File 229 


/ 17 


.public _test 


.psect _bss 


_baker : 


0000 .byte [1] 


.public _baker 


.psect _data 


_able : 


.byte [1] 


.public _able 


. end 

Lines 17 throu 


= able; 


= able; 

The memory location of able in the program is _able, and the 
memory location for dog is at OFST- 1 , x. Note that the value in 
_able is read and placed into dog twice as the program stated. 
Also, the instruction clr _able is executed twice to account for 
the two lines 

able = 0; 
able = 0; 

This code is what you should expect when the volatile keyword is 
used when able is declared. On the other hand, lines 31 through 34 
show the compilation of the two C lines 

dog = baker; 
dog = baker; 

In this case, you will note that the value for baker, stored at _baker, 
is placed into the address of dog only once even though the code line 
is repeated. Similarly, the two lines 

baker = ; 
baker = ; 

result in assembly code that clears the location _baker only once. 
This type of optimization will save you much code space. It is certainly 
a problem whenever there is a memory location that can be changed 
from outside the program. The volatile keyword will cause the 

230 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

optimization operation to skip over all variables that can be changed 
by the hardware portion of the system without knowledge of the 

Sorting Programs 

You might not expect that sorting routines would be important when 
programming microcontrollers, but there have been several instances in 
my experience where sorting of a list of data was needed in a 
microcontroller application. Therefore, let's examine some sorting 
routines that can be used with a microcontroller and determine which of 
several popular approaches is best for use in a microcontroller program. 

There are several sorting routines that are popular with program- 
mers. The three most-used routines are named the entry sort, the 
Shell sort, and the quick sort. The entry sort is a routine that is thor- 
oughly discredited because it is extremely slow when compared with 
the other routines. An entry sort orders the contents of an array in 
place. The first entry in the array is compared with the remaining 
entries and, if any array entry is smaller than the first, these values 
are swapped. This operation is then repeated for the second entry in 
the array followed by the third entry in the array until all entries in 
the array are compared with all others. When this sequence is com- 
pleted, the array is sorted. If there are n entries in the array, the first 
scan involves n compares, the second involves n-\ compares, the 
third n-2 and so forth. Therefore, the total number of compares is 

n+(n-l)+(n-2)+. . .1 

The value of this sum isn*(n-l)/2.In other words, the entry sort 
requires on the order of n 2 compares. 

The Shell sort was discovered in 1959 by D. L. Shell. Like the 
entry sort, the Shell sort orders the contents of an array in place. The 
Shell sort splits the ^-element array into two halves. The contents of 
these two halves are compared entry -by-entry and, if the value in the 
one half is larger than that in the other, the entries are swapped. These 
arrays are then split again, and the contents of the four arrays are 
scanned and ordered two at a time as above. Then the four arrays are 
split into eight arrays and the scan and ordering operation is repeated 
again. This operation of splitting the arrays and ordering the contents 
is repeated until there are n/2 arrays of 2 elements each. After this 
last scan and sort operation, the array is ordered. 

Sorting Programs 231 

There are n/2 compares completed each scan of the array. 
However, the sort will be completed after the logarithm based-2 of n 
times through the array, because \og 2 n is the number of times that an 
array that contains n entries can be cut in half. Therefore, the time to 
execute a Shell sort of an array of n items will be nearly proportional 
to n*log (n) . For even medium-sized arrays, this time is 
significantly shorter than for the entry sort. For example, an array of 
1000 entries requires time on the order of 1000000 to execute an 
entry sort and 10000 to execute a Shell sort. 

Another sort is the quick sort developed by C. A. R. Hoare in 
1 962. This sort is a recursive routine. It sorts an array in place. Assume 
that the array runs from left to right and we want to sort the array in 
ascending values from left to right. An array scan will place at least 
one of the array values in the proper final array location. This entry 
is called the pivot entry. As the scan is completed, all entries larger 
than the pivot value are swapped to the right end of the array and 
smaller values are placed in the left end of the array. When this 
operation is completed, the two portions of the array — excluding the 
pivot entry — are again quick sorted and the result of this recursive 
operation is that the final result is sorted. This sorting operation also 
requires time proportional to n*ln (n) /2. 

The question now arises whether we should use a Shell sort or a 
quick sort when writing code for a microcontroller. Let's examine 
these functions. The code for a Shell sort is as follows: 

/* shell_sort (int v[ ] , int i) : sort the array v 

of i things into ascending order */ 

void swap ( int *, int *) ; 

void shell_sort (int v[ ], int i) 


int split, m,n; 

for( split = i/2 ; split > 0; split 1=2 ) 
f or ( m = split ; m < i ; m++) 
for ( n = m- split; n >=0 && 

v [n] > v[n+split]; n -= split) 
swap (v+n, v+n+split) ; 


232 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

The outer loop in the preceding routine controls the way that the 
array is split. It first splits the array in half and then shrinks the arrays 
by halves until the sub arrays become zero in width. The second loop 
steps along the elements of the arrays, and the third loop compares the 
elements that are separated by split and swaps them when necessary. 
The quick sort is: 

/* quick_sort ( int v[ ], int left, int right) : 

sort the array v into ascending order */ 
void quick_sort (int v[ ], int left, int right) 


int i, pivot; 

if (right > left) 


swap(v+left, v+ (right+lef t) /2) ; /* chose the 

value at center to pivot on */ 

pivot = left; 

for (i=lef t+1 ; i<=right; i++) 

if (v[i] < v[left] ) 

swap (v+ (++pivot) , v+i) ; 

swap(v+left, v+pivot) ; /* put the partition 

element in place*/ 

quick_sort (v, lef t , pivot- 1) ; 

quick_sort (v,pivot+l , right) ; 


The swap routine for both of these sorts is the same: 

/* swap (int *, int *) : swap two integers in an 

array */ 

void swap (int *i, int *j) 


int temp; 
temp = *i; 
* j =temp; 


One of the nice things about both of these programs is that the swap 
operation is not built into the program. Therefore, you can swap values 

Sorting Programs 233 

as was done above, but also, you can swap pointers from an array of 
pointers to order a set of data that would be difficult to swap. For 
example, if you had a collection of words, you could use a srt cmp ( ) 
routine to determine whether one word was lexically larger than the 
other and then write a swap routine that merely swapped the pointers 
to these words rather than swapping the words themselves. This 
approach to sorting a list of words is relatively simple. On the other 
hand, it would be extremely difficult — nearly impossible, in fact — 
to sort a list of words that are packed into memory. 

The following program is used to test the performance of the 
above sort routines. The program simply makes an array of 1 1 entries 
and sorts the array by both the Shell sort and the quick sort. The 
result of this program is printed out below. 

# include <stdio .h> 
main ( ) 


int v[]={81, 99, 23, 808, 3, 77, 18, 27, 12 8, 360,550}; 

int i,k[ll] ; 

for (i=0;i<ll;i++) 

k[i]=v[i] ; 
shell_sort (k, 11) ; 
f or ( i=0;i<ll;i++) 

printf ("%d ",k[i] ) ; 
print f ("\n") ; 
quick_sort (v, 0,11 -1) ; 
f or ( i=0; i<ll; i++) 

printf ("%d ",v[i] ) ; 
printf ("\n") ; 


The original array is not printed out by the program, but the order of 
the array is seen in the above listing. The two sort programs sort the 
values correctly. 

3 18 23 27 77 81 99 128 360 505 808 
3 18 23 27 77 81 99 128 360 505 808 

The quick sort routine is not the best example of recursive 
programming. Usually, the use of recursion results in a program that 
is significantly shorter than would be expected with conventional 

234 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

linear programming. Here, the Shell sort requires fewer lines of C 
code and, as we will see, the Shell sort has a smaller assembly language 
program. You would not expect the linear program to be shorter in 
either C or assembly language. These two programs were compiled 
and the results analyzed. 

The Shell sort requires 0x78 (120) bytes of code while the quick 
sort needs Oxaa (170) bytes of code. This amount of extra code would 
not be a serious cost if that were the end of the costs. However, each 
time a recursive routine calls itself it must establish an argument set 
that contains all of the variables to be passed to the function. When 
the quick_sort routine calls itself, it must pass three parameters. 
These parameters are usually passed in either the stack or in computer 
registers. When quick_sort returns control to the calling program, 
the stack pointer must be corrected. quick_sort will continue 
calling itself repeatedly while the value of the parameter right is 
greater than the value of the parameter left when the function is 
entered. Each time the function is called, the program will create a 
new stack frame which must be made available from RAM. 
Unfortunately, RAM is usually a more precious commodity than ROM 
to a microcontroller. 

It is possible to get an idea about how much RAM is needed to do 
a quick sort. The stack frame consisting of six bytes — four bytes for 
parameters plus two bytes for the return address — must be created 
each time quick sort is entered. You can count the maximum number 
of times recursive routine calls itself. The maximum depth is the 
number of times the function is called before a normal return to the 
calling function is executed. The depth is found by incrementing a 
count each time the function is entered. Whenever control is passed 
back to the calling function through the normal return sequence at 
the end of the function, the depth will be evaluated to determine if it 
is the largest value seen so far, and then the depth will be returned to 
zero. The two listings below incorporate these modifications. 

/* quick_sort ( int v[ ], int left, int right) : 
sort the array v into ascending order */ 
void quick_sort (int v[ ], int left, int right) 


int i, value; 

extern int calls, depth, max depth; 

Sorting Programs 235 

calls++; /* count the number of times called */ 

depth++ ; 

if (right > left) 


swap(v+left, v+ (right+lef t) /2) ; /* chose the 

value at center to partition on */ 

value = left; 

for (i=lef t+1 ; i<=right; i++) 

if (v[i] < v[left] ) 

swap (v+ (++value) , v+i) ; 

swap(v+left, v+value) ; /* put the partition 

element in place*/ 

quick_sort (v, lef t , value-1) ; 

quick_sort (v,value+l , right) ; 



if (depth>max_depth) 
max_depth=depth ; 
depth=0 ; 

void swap ( int *, int *) ; 

void quick_sort (int v[ ], int left, int right) ; 

# include <stdio .h> 

int calls, depth, max_depth; 

main ( ) 


int v[ll] ={81,99,23,808,3,77,18,27,128,360,550}; 

int i ; 

quick_sort (v, 0,11 -1) ; 

f or ( i=0; i<ll; i++) 

printf ("%d u ,v[i] ) ; 
printf ("\n") ; 
printf ( "calls=%d\nmax_depth=%d\n" , calls , max_depth) ; 


Note that the global variables calls and depth are incremented 
each time quick_sort ( ) is entered. When quick_sort ( ) is 
exited through its normal return procedure at the end of the routine, 
depth is examined to determine if it is greater than max_depth . 

236 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

If it is, max_depth is replaced by depth, depth is reset to zero 
prior to returning through the end of the quick_sort ( ) routine. 
The result of this program is as follows: 

3 18 23 27 77 81 99 128 360 550 808 



To sort the above 1 1 element array, the program called 
quick_sort ( ) 15 times and the maximum number of stack frames 
that were created at one time was four. Each stack frame consists of 
four bytes for data and two bytes for the return address. Therefore, at 
one time in the execution of this program, the sort routine required 
24 bytes of stack space in addition to the memory area required to 
hold the array being sorted. This is distressing when you remember 
that the array is 22 bytes long! 

Careful analysis of the program will show that the expected 
maximum number of stack frames for the quick sort is proportional to 
ln 2 n. Therefore, the stack frame performance will get better when the 
size of the array is larger. The main problem with the use of any recursive 
routine is that you do not know exactly the number of stack frames 
needed and therefore you must always analyze the maximum stack 
frame depth and allow that amount of stack for execution of the function. 

The quick sort is faster than the Shell sort under most — but not 
all — circumstances. Let's take the example of having a quick sort and 
a Shell sort compiled to run under the same host computer. If larger 
arrays are used to do the measurement and random arrays are used, we 
will find that the sort time for both quick sort and Shell sort depends 
on the array. The reason for this difference is the number of swap 
routines that must be executed during the sort operation. Therefore, 
there will be some arrays that the Shell sort will sort quicker that the 
quick sort. However, the quick sort is usually faster than the Shell sort. 

The Shell sort is every bit as flexible as the quick sort and can be 
used to sort different types, character strings, and swap pointers rather 
than swap the objects being sorted. Therefore, in a microcontroller 
application where memory is always limited, you should use a Shell 
sort rather than a quick sort because the Shell sort has no funny 
memory requirements that will always occur with a recursive routine 
like the quick sort. 

Data Compression 237 

The purpose of the above discussion is to demonstrate that the 
programmer must exercise much more care in the details of program 
design for a microcontroller than is necessary for a larger machine. The 
above sorting routine would be of no concern for a typical desktop 
machine because RAM is usually of no consideration with such machines. 
It might not be a problem for some microcontroller applications, but in 
a case where RAM is limited and needed, it might make the difference 
between being able to get the program to run or not. 

In most instances, the elegance of recursive code has a cost of 
RAM. Usually a recursive program will be slower than the equivalent 
linear program. The microcontroller programmer must examine each 
instance of code to determine if the elegant recursive program has 
hidden side effects that end up costing more in computer resources 
than is gained in small code size. 


1. Write a program to run on a host computer that will test the time 
required to execute both a quick sort and a Shell sort on random 
large arrays. Make the array sizes selectable from the keyboard. 

2. Test both the quick sort and Shell sort for various array sizes. Ex- 
amine the time required to execute the sorts for several random 
arrays. Explain what is happening when arrays of 4090, 4095, and 
4096 entries are sorted. 

Data Compression 

Another program problem that can arise with microcontroller 
applications is handling displays in which there are many phrases 
and names each consisting of several letters. The question that must 
be considered is the most efficient method of storing these phrases 
and names, in memory so that they can be recalled for display. The 
oldest, and yet very effective, method of compressing the data for 
storage is to use a Huffman code. This code is developed based on 
the statistical occurrence of each letter in the alphabet. A letter that 
occurs frequently will be given a short code sequence. A letter that is 
seen infrequently can be assigned a long code, which will not 
appreciably affect the number of bits per letter in the message. 

238 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

Huffman codes are self-synchronizing. A long string of characters 
can be represented as a series of bits, and the decoding program can 
find each character in the sequence without any special flags to designate 
the end of each character. Messages stored as ASCII characters require 
at least 7 bits per character, and because of the nature of storage in a 
computer, 8 bits are usually assigned to each character. With a Huffman 
code, it is possible to reduce the average number of bits per character 
for the whole English language to about 4.5 bits per character. 
Sometimes even fewer bits are needed with limited messages. 

The programmer does all of the Huffman encoding and the computer 
must decode the messages for display. Huffman decoding requires extensive 
bit manipulation, so C is an ideal language to decode the messages. 

A Huffman decoding scheme can be represented by a strictly binary 
tree. A binary tree is comprised of a collection of nodes. Each node has 
two descendents, often called the right and left descendents (thus the 
term binary tree). The terminating node in a tree is called a leaf. In a 
strictly binary tree, every nonleaf node has both a right and left descendent. 
If a strictly binary tree has n leafs, it has a total of 2n - 1 nodes. 

The Huffman code is decoded in this manner. The sequence always 
starts at the root node. The code sequence to be decoded is examined a 
bit at a time. If the bit is a 0, move to the left node. If the bit is a 1, 
move to the right node. The tree is traversed until a leaf is found which 
contains the desired character. The sequence is then restarted at the 
root node. If the tree is not known, the sequence of bits is bewildering. 
Usually it is found that the occurrence of ones and zeros is about equally 
likely, so no statistical analysis can be applied to decode the sequence 
easily. A disadvantage is that if a single bit in the sequence is lost, the 
remainder of the code stream is undecipherable. Of course, the 
advantage to the Huffman code is that it takes somewhere between 
one-quarter and one-half the number of bits to represent a message as 
is required by the ASCII code. A Huffman Code tree is shown in Figure 
5-1. The bit sequence 111111100101111010100000 as decoded by 
this tree is seen to spell the word "committee." This sequence requires 
23 bits, and the ASCII code needed to represent committee is 72 bits 
long. Of course, this tree was designed specifically for the word 
"committee," but try to encode other words that can be made of these 
same letters such as "tic," "me," "come," "torn," "mite," etc., and you 
will find that every word that can be derived from this tree requires 
fewer bits than the corresponding ASCII sequence would need. 

Data Compression 239 

If you look at Figure 5-1, you will note that the letters e, m, and 
t require only 2 bits each to determine the value. These letters were 
selected to be represented by 2-bit values because they are the most 
frequently occurring letters in the message. The remainder of the 
letters require more bits but they do not occur so often in the message. 

Figure 5-1: Huffman Code Tree 

The code must be designed specifically for the messages to be 
represented. First, all of the characters in all of the messages are 
collected into a histogram of the occurrence of each character. 
Remember to include spaces and other such characters in the list. 
Once you have determined the number of different characters in the 
list, you can design a tree that will compress the code. If the list 
contains n different characters, there will be 2n - 1 nodes in the tree. 
Each level in the tree, starting from the root node at the zeroth level, 
can contain 2 k nodes or leafs. This tree cannot be balanced like a 
binary sort tree because we want some of the leafs to be determined 
by as few as 2 bits, and we do not care about the number of bits 
needed to determine a character that occurs infrequently. In Figure 
5-1, levels and 1 contain only nodes with no leaves. Level contains 
three leaves and one node. It is through this single node that all of the 
remainder of the characters must be found. 

A series of avionics-related items were put together and an analysis 
of the frequency of characters in these messages was completed. A 
Huffman code that will encode these data effectively was created. This 

240 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

code is shown in Table 5-1. Frequently occurring letters like e, i, or a 
are encoded with only two or three bits. On the other hand, letters that 
occur very infrequently — like c or v — require 9 bits to encode. Even 
though some letters require more than 8 bits to encode, the average 
number of bits per character for this particular message set is only 4.032. 
Decoding a Huffman code with a program is relatively easy. The 
program must contain the Huffman tree with all of its nodes and leaves. 
If we want the entire alphabet and a space, a period, a comma and an 
end of message, there will be 59 entries in the tree. This or an equivalent 
tree is an overhead that must be carried for every Huffman program. 
Assume that the statistical analysis of the messages along with the 
construction of the Huffman tree is complete. The approach taken to 
build this tree in memory is to allow one byte for each node. The tree 
is searched from the root node, which is the lowest address. The message 
to be decoded is examined. If the bit in the message is a zero, the node 
pointer is incremented by one and the next bit is examined. If the bit in 
the message is a one, the node pointer is incremented by the content of 
the node. All printable characters are entered into the tree as negative 
numbers. The contents of the node are examined. If the content of the 
node is positive, the next bit from the message is examined and so 
forth. Whenever the content of a node is negative, its most significant 
bit is removed, and the character is sent to the output. At that time, the 
node pointer is returned to the root node, and the sequence is repeated 
until an end of message is found. 

Character Code Character Code 







i i 













1 1 1 1 100 





















Table 5-1: Huffman Code 

Data Compression 241 

The listing shown below is a simple Huffman-encoded routine to 
print out to the screen several aircraft-oriented terms that might be 
used in an on-board avionics system. The first part of the function is 
a list of the several words or phrases. 

#include <stdio.h> 

/* The messages to send out */ 

static unsigned char Ml [] ={0x9f , 0x3 6, Oxef , Oxdc, 0x0a} ; 

static unsigned char M2 [] ={0xfd, 0x2 6, OxOe, 0x7c, OxaO} ; 

static unsigned char M3 [] ={0xcl, Oxee, 0xe6 , 0x7f , 0xc6 , 

0x3a, 0x39, Oxlc, 0xb9, Oxf 2 , 0x80 }; 
static unsigned char M4 [] ={0xfc, Oxf 4, Oxf 9, 0x8e, 0x8e, 

0x4 7, 0x2e, 0x7c, 0xa0} ; 
static unsigned char M5 [] ={ 0x8e, Oxbl, Oxef, Oxf , 0x61, 

static unsigned char M6 [] ={0x73, 0x8f , Oxef, Oxdf , 0x75, 

Oxda} ; 
static unsigned char M7 [] ={0xdb, 0xc2, 0x80} ; 
static unsigned char M8 [] ={0x3b, 0xb7, 0x93, 0x66, 0x18, 

Oxed, Oxel , 0x8f , Oxdf , Oxcc , 0x66 , 

0xb4 , Oxf f , 0xe7 , Oxca} ; 
static unsigned char M9 [] ={0xf3, 0x5f , 0x7d, Oxce, 0x18, 

Oxf 7, Oxf 8, 0x3 0, OxaO} ; 
/* The Huffman tree */ 
const static char 
Node [] ={4, 2, X E' | 0X80, 

x \n' | 0X80, 10, 6, 4, 2 
X N' I 0X80, 2, X R' 0X80, 

% I' 0X80, 4 
D' | 0X80, x 
T' | 0X80, 4, 
X S'J0X80, 4, 2, X G'|0X80, X U' |0X80, 
X L'|0X80, x O'|0X80, 4, 2, X F'|0X80, 
X P'|0X80, 2, X C'|0X80, % V |0X80}; 

2, X A' 0X80, 

2, X M' | 0X80, 
4, 2, 
*W 0X80, 2, 

void decode (unsigned char *M) 


unsigned char mask = 0x80; 

char i=0 , j =0 , k=0 , 1=0 ; /* j is the node pointer, 

i is the byte pointer, M 
is the message pointer */ 

while(k != , \n') 

242 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 


if ( (mask & M[i] ) ==0) 

j++; /* use next node entry if bit is zero */ 

j +=Node [ j ] ; /* jump to designated node when 

one */ 
if (Node [j] <0) 
{ /* if a printable, send it out */ 

putchar (k=Node [1] &0x7f ) ; 

j=0; /* also go to the root node */ 


if ( (mask>>=l) ==0) /* if the mask is zero, turn 

on MSB */ 


mask = 0x8 0; 

i++; /* and get the next byte from message */ 


Listing 5-1: Huffman Decode Function 

The next part of the program is the Huffman tree needed to decode 
the data. This tree was constructed to decode data specifically for the 
nine messages of this problem. You will note that each byte in the 
table is a node. Intermixed in the table are numbers that dictate jumps 
to the next node depending on whether the incoming bit is a zero or 
a one. The leaves each contain a negative number that is generated 
by the inclusive OR of the character to be printed and the number 

The messages are sent to the function decode as a pointer to a bit 
array. The data must be examined one bit at a time to implement the 
decoding. The bit selection is accomplished by ANDing the data in 
the incoming message with the contents of the variable mask. Mask 
is initially set to 0x80, so the most significant bit of the first byte of 
the incoming data is selected. Later in the routine, the value of mask 
will be shifted right to select other bits in the incoming sequence. 
The variable k is loaded with the character to be output during the 
program. The linefeed character An' was used to determine the end 
of message, so the decoding sequence will be executed until the 

Data Compression 243 

character that was output from the program is a An'. Recall the way 
that the tree was built. If an incoming bit is 0, the next node in the 
tree will be taken. If the incoming bit is 1, the content of the current 
node will be added to the node pointer to determine the next node in 
the tree. If at any time a negative number is found in the tree, a leaf 
has been found. The data portion of this byte, bits through 6, will 
be sent out to the screen. 

After each bit is processed, the next bit in the sequence must be 
processed. The next bit is selected by shifting the mask byte to the 
right one bit. If the result of this shift creates a zero mask, a new 
mask with a value of 0x80 is created and the next byte from the 
incoming message code is selected when i is incremented. 

The simple program below causes the nine messages to be printed 
on the screen: 

main ( ) 


decode (Ml) 
decode (M2) 
decode (M3) 
decode (M4) 
decode (M5) 
decode (M6) 
decode (M7) 
decode (M8) 
decode (M9) 


Listing 5-2: Message Printing Program 

The result of execution of this program is shown below. The nine 
messages contain 124 characters that would require 992 bits of 
memory to store the messages in standard ASCII format. The encoded 
sequence requires 500 bits or 63 bytes of storage. 



244 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 





The function below was written to show the difference in memory 
required for the Huffman code and conventional ASCII coding. This 
program was compiled as a function to be run on the MC68HC1 1 . The 
function decode given in Listing 5- 1 was compiled to MC68HC1 1 code. 
The result of these two compilations showed that Listing 5- 1 created an 
object module that was 255 bytes long, and Listing 5-2 created an object 
module that was 277 bytes long. The Huffman code for even the small 
message list in this case provided nearly 10% reduction in code size. A 
larger message list would provide an even greater memory savings 
because the code required to decode the messages would be allocated 
over more message characters to be sent out. 

#include <stdio . h> 

char Ml [ 
char M2 [ 
char M3 [ 
char M4 [ 
char M5 [ 
char M6 [ 
char M7 [ 
char M8 [ 
char M9 [ 

=" HEADING" ; 

="IN HOURS" ; 
="TIME" ; 

void decode (char *M) 


while(*M !=0) 

putchar (*M++) ; 

put char ( x \n' ) ; 


Listing 5-3: Nonencoded Output Function 


1 . How could the tree in Listing 5- 1 be altered to reduce its size by 8 
bytes? What effect would this change have on the routine decode? 
Would there be a net savings in overall code? 

Timer Operations 245 

2. Do an analysis of a substantial piece of writing and create a Huffman 
code that will encode the data efficiently. It is recommended that 
the first three pages of a novel be used for this analysis. Compute 
the average number of bits per character that this code generates. 
Hint: you might want to write a program in C for the host com- 
puter to calculate the histogram and help create the Huffman codes. 

3. Write a program that will implement the above code so that an 
operator can type the data into a computer and the Huffman code 
sequences will be generated. You should break the message se- 
quences into moderate size bit strings, 500 to 1000 bits, and restart. 

4. Create a Huffman tree table as was used in Listing 5-1 to decode 
the Huffman code developed in Exercise 2. 

5. How can you double the number of entries in a Huffman tree by 
adding only one bit to the code strings? 

Timer Operations 

The programs written in the earlier sections on sorting and data 
compression were more computer programs than microcontroller 
programs. The code written would work on a desktop system or a 
mainframe computer if needed. In this section, we graduate to true 
microcontroller programming. The set up of the MC68HC11 family 
requires that the programmer have a detailed knowledge of the operation 
of the device. Even though the program is written in a high-level 
language, it is the responsibility of the programmer to properly set all 
of the necessary control bits to make the device work as desired. 
Unfortunately, there are few helpful tools that can guide you through 
this portion of the program. You must first understand what you want 
the device to do and then dig through its specifications to find the 
necessary bits to be set to make it perform as desired. It is highly 
recommended that prior to an attempt at programming this device that 
you familiarize yourself with the technical data manual for it as well 
as the reference manual for the family that is found on the CD-ROM. 

The timer subsystem in the MC68HC11 family contains both 
input capture operations and output compare functions. In this section, 
we will explore these subsystems associated with the MC68HC1 lEx 
series. The main difference between the Ex series and the other devices 
lies in the number of output compare and input capture systems on 

246 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

each device. The Ex series has four output compares, three input 
captures, and one timer that can be programmed as either output 
compare or input capture. The other devices have three input captures 
and five output compares. 

Output Compare Subsystems 

What does an output compare do? The explanation of the timer 
subsystem must always begin with the 16-bit timer counter called TCNT 
that is always counting at some fraction of the system bus frequency. 
The bus frequency is always one-fourth of the system crystal frequency. 
The prescaler frequency is set to the bus frequency divided by either 1 , 
4, 8, or 16 depending on the bits PR1 and PRO in the register TMSK2. 
The timer counter register can be read at any time but it cannot be 
written to. The Output Compare 1 is special. All of the discussion that 
follows is valid for all output compares, but — as will be shown later — 
Output Compare 1 has capability beyond the others. 

Associated with each output compare system there is a single 
16-bit output compare register containing the time that the program 
needs an event to occur. When TCNT contents matches that of OCx, 
an OCx event occurs. Note that I say an event, not output. What 
happens when the contents of the TCNT matches the contents of OCx 
is up to the program. Associated with each output compare is a pin 
that can be set, reset, or toggled when an output compare occurs. 
When an output compare occurs, the corresponding OCxF flag bit is 
set in the TFLG1 register. This bit can be examined asynchronously 
by the program to determine whether an output compare has occurred. 
If the corresponding bit in the TMSK1 register is set when the OCxF 
flag bit is set, an interrupt will be requested by the part and the event 
will be processed asynchronously. These are the operations of all 
output compare subsystems in the part. 

There are three input captures, four output compares, and one 
timer that can be programmed as either an output or an input. This 
timer is controlled by the 1405 bit in the PACTL register. When this 
bit is a zero, the programmable timer is an output compare. Otherwise 
when the bit is set, the programmable timer is an input capture. Often 
it is desirable to have an output compare operation be initiated by the 
completion of another output compare. Output Compare 1 is set up 
in just this manner. The bits in the 0C1M and the 0C1D registers 
control the coupling between the Output Compare 1 and the other 

Timer Operations 247 

output compare subsystems. When one of the mask bits, say OC1M5, 
is set in the OC1M and a compare occurs on OC1, in addition to the 
normal operation that usually occurs when OC1 happens, the contents 
of the corresponding bit, OC1D5, in the OC1D register is sent to the 
output compare pin, which in this case is OC3. Completely 
independent of the operation of OC1, OC3 could be set to toggle at 
some time. Output Compare 3 could be programmed to be a PWM 
output where Output Compare 1 establishes the period of the output, 
and Output Compare 3 establishes the on time. 

The applications for use of the coupled output compares are 
unlimited. An accurate PWM is but one of several. These outputs 
could be set up to establish an output sequence to drive a stepper 
motor. The control of acceleration or deceleration of the motor is 
easily controlled by merely selecting the base time used with OC1. 

If you recall, the output compare-based PWM system discussed 
for the MC68HC05 had several limitations. For example, that system 
required that the system operate from interrupt service routines. The 
latency time of interrupt service was so long that the minimum pulse 
width was considerably longer than one would expect. Also, the 
interrupt service timing dictated the maximum on time for the pulse, 
which again was not nearly 100%. Let us look at how we would do a 
PWM system with the coupled output compare systems. 

#include "hclle9.h" 

/* This program will provide a PWM output to OC3 , or 
PA5 . The period will be the integer value 
found in period, and the on time will be the 
integer value found in time_on. Keep time_on 
less than period. */ 

#define PERIOD 0X1000 
#define TIME_ON 0x0800 

WORD period=PERIOD, time_on=TIME_ON; 

main ( ) 


OClM.OClM7=ON; /* sent OC1 out to PA7 */ 

248 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

0C1M.0C1M5=0N; /* couple OC1 to 0C3 */ 
0C1D.0C1D5=0N; /* turn on 0C3 when 0C1 occurs */ 
TCTL1.0L3=0N; /* toggle 0C3 when 0C3 occurs */ 
PACTL.DDRA7=0N; /* make 0C1 an output to PA7 */ 
TOCl=TCNT+period; /* set 0C1 to the period */ 
T0C3=T0Cl+time_on; /* set 0C3 to the time on */ 


if (TFLG1&0C1F) 


TFLG1=0C1F; /* reset 0C1 interrupt flag */ 


0C1D.0C1D7 ^=0N; /* toggle the output 

Compare 1 bit */ 


if (TFLG1&0C3F) 


TFLGl=0C3F;/*reset 0C3 interrupt flag */ 



Listing 5-4: Pulse Width Modulation Routine PWM.C 

This routine starts with the inclusion of the header file he 1 1 e 9 . h. 
It is created as a main program to demonstrate how it will work, but 
should be changed to a subroutine later. The period and t ime_on 
interval are declared as global variables. They are declared to be the 
type WORD. WORD is a typedef synonym for the type unsigned 
int . The main program begins with a series of five initialization 
instructions. The first two instructions 


declare that the output of OC1 should be sent to the outside, which 
will be to pin PA7, and that whenever OC1 occurs, OC3 through pin 
PA5 should be activated. 

Timer Operations 249 

The instruction 


indicates that when OC1 occurs, OC3 should be turned on. The next 


causes OC3 to toggle when its time expires, and the instruction 


sets the DDRA7 bit so that signals from OC1 will be sent to the output 
pin PA7 . TOC1 and TOC3 are initialized by the next two instructions. 
TOC1 is given a value of the contents of period greater than the 
contents of the timer counter register TCNT. TOC3 is set equal to the 
contents of TOC1 plus the time_on. 

The routine then enters an endless loop. Within this loop, two 
flags are examined and if they are set, they are reset. Also, new times 
are calculated for when the next output compares should occur. The 
OC1F flag in TFLG1 is set whenever an Output Compare 1 occurs. 
This flag must then be reset. The instruction sequence 

if (TFLG1 & OC1F) 


TFLG1 = OC1F; 

will accomplish the required assembly instructions to test the bit and 
reset it if the bit is turned on. 

The time of the next OC1 is calculated as TOCl+period. In 
this particular instance, the bit OC1D . OC1D7 is complemented so 
that the output observed on PA7 will toggle with the occurrence of 
each OC1. TFLG1 . OC3 F is tested to determine if an Output Compare 
3 has happened. If it has, this bit is reset, and TOC3 is set to a new 
value of TOCl + time_on. With this setup, OC3— PA5— will go on 
when each OC1 occurs, and will be reset an amount corresponding 
to time_on after it goes on. Therefore, the period of this system 
can be set and the on time can be any value less than the period. 

Normally, the operation of a PWM is to generate an analog signal 
that is present continuously. The above program does perform this 

250 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

task, but it also assumes that the computer does not have much else to 
do. Other tasks could be built into the above program, but it is absolutely 
necessary that the program have a cycle time that is shorter than the 
period of the PWM signal. If the loop time of the FOREVER loop is less 
than the PWM period, then you can use the above synchronous approach. 
It makes no difference when in the cycle that the two if statements in 
the FOREVER loop are executed. It is necessary that they be executed 
prior to the occurrence of the OC1 that designates the end of the period. 
If it becomes necessary to include so much code in the FOREVER loop 
that it is impossible to guarantee that the loop time will always be less 
than the period, then an asynchronous approach should be used. This 
program was compiled and executed on an evaluation module. The 
value of t ime_on was adjusted to determine the range of outputs that 
could be created with this program. The minimum time on must be 
greater than the time required to execute the code 

if (TFLG1&OC3F) 


TFLGl=OC3F; /* reset OC3 interrupt flag */ 



when OC3F is found on. The reason for this timing is that TOC3 
must be updated after TOC1 is given a new value and the update 
must be complete prior to the passing of time_on . Otherwise, the 
period of TOC1 will pass before the OC3 will occur. This time was 
measured, and it was found to be 6 clock cycles. Therefore, reliable 
performance is obtained with a minimum time on of 6 clock cycles. 

The maximum time on was found to be Oxf f e with the above 
code. The output signal at Oxf f f was on all of the time with no 
single cycle off period as the program would indicate. 

An interrupt can be requested whenever an output compare occurs. 
We are servicing two output compares in this case. One's initial 
thought might be to have two interrupts, in this case one for OC1 and 
one for OC3. Is this approach really necessary? If it is guaranteed 
that the time_on parameter is always less than period, then an 
approach that can be used is to delay the reset of the OC1 flag until 
the OC3 has occurred. OC3 will always happen after OC1. The problem 
with this approach is that OC3 occurs very near the end of the period, 
and there might not be enough time to reset the OC1 interrupt flag 

Timer Operations 251 

prior to the expiration of the period. The following program can be 
used to demonstrate this approach: 

#include "hclle9.h" 

/* This program will provide a PWM output to OC3 , or 
PA5 . The period will be the integer value 
found in period, and the on time will be the 
integer value found in time_on. Keep time_on 
less than period. This program uses asynchro- 
nous service of output compare occurrences. */ 

WORD period=0xl000, time_on= 0x0800 ; 

©port void OC3_Isr (void) ; /* need a prototype for the 

ISR */ 
main ( ) 


0C1M.0C1M7=0N; /* sent OC1 tout to PA7 */ 

0C1M.0C1M5=0N; /* couple OC1 to OC3 */ 

TMSK1.0C3I=ON; /* enable the OC3 interrupt */ 

0C1D.0C1D5=0N; /* turn on OC3 when OC1 occurs */ 

TCTL1.0L3=ON; /* toggle OC3 when OC3 occurs */ 

PACTL.DDRA7=ON; /* make OC1 an output to PA7 */ 

TOCl=TCNT+period; /* set OC1 to the period */ 

TOC3=TOCl+time_on; /* set OC3 to the time on */ 

cli(); /* enable the system interrupts */ 


{ /* wait here forever */ 


©port void OC3_Isr( void) 


TFLG1=0C1F; /* reset OC1 interrupt flag */ 


OC1D.OC1D7 ^=ON; /* toggle the output */ 

TFLG1=0C3F; /* reset OC3 interrupt flag */ 



Listing 5-5: System Using Asynchronous Time Service PWM1.C 

252 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

Notice that this code is very similar to the earlier program shown 
in Listing 5-4. The interrupt service handling is set up by use of the 
©port construct and the two added instructions which first enable 
the OC3 interrupt and then enable the system interrupts. The code 
that was contained within the FOREVER loop in Listing 5-4 has been 
moved into the interrupt service routine in this program. 

This program was run, and it was experimentally determined that 
the maximum value that can be allowed for time_on is Oxf f 
when period is Oxl 0. This maximum value indicates that 16 clock 
cycles or 8 microseconds at an 8-MHz crystal is needed to service 
the interrupt prior to the occurrence of an OC1. The minimum on 
time found here is slightly better than found with the code in Listing 
5-4. In this case, the minimum on time is 1 clock cycle, which is the 
expected minimum value. 

We have already seen that a significant time is required to process 
an interrupt, and it is usually impossible to have an output event occur 
during the interrupt service routine. With the above code it is easy to 
have a minimum on time of one clock cycle. This small time is 
accomplished by having the setting of the output signal not be attended 
by an interrupt. The interrupt will occur when the output signal is 
reset. Therefore, when the coupled output signal with OC1 goes high, 
the output compare on the coupled channel will have its event even if 
the time is as short as one clock cycle beyond the occurrence of OC1. 
Assume that the coupled channel is OC3. When the event occurs on 
OC3, an interrupt will occur. In this interrupt service routine, both 
OC1 and OC3 will have to be set up to operate in the correct manner. 
This operation has a problem with long on times. If the event associated 
with OC3 occurs a few clock cycles prior to the occurrence of the OC1 
event, and the interrupt is caused by OC3, then the OC1 set-up might 
not be completed when the next OC1 time arrives. In this case, the 
whole base period would go out of kilter, and there would be at least 
one cycle of the output that would be based on the timer overflow 
cycle rather than the desired time base. 

As is often found in engineering operations, there is a choice that 
can be made. If the interrupt is based on the reset time of the PWM 
cycle, then a minimum on period of one cycle can be achieved. With 
this choice of operation, the maximum on time will be several clock 
cycles — perhaps 20 to 30 — short of 100% on. On the other hand, if 
the interrupt is based on the set time of the PWM cycle, the minimum 

Timer Operations 253 

on time is poor and the maximum on time can be up to one clock 
cycle shy of the base period. If you wish to have good performance 
at both ends, minimum on time at the same time as maximum on 
time, you can examine the on time in your program and if it is less 
than 50% of the base time period, control the PWM by an interrupt 
on reset. Otherwise, control the PWM by an interrupt on set. 
Implementation of the code for this approach is left to the exercises. 
Output compare operations OC2 through OC4 and the 
programmable timer subsystem 1405 are all identical. These versatile 
timers can be used to generate complex timing waveforms that are 
useful in keeping time, running stepper motors, etc. The examples 
shown above demonstrate how these outputs can be converted into a 
PWM digital to analog output. The coupling between OC1 and the 
other outputs provides an excellent mechanism for synchronizing 
two time events for the outside circuitry. Of course, these subsystems 
can create events in time, but they are completely unable to measure 
time. We will later examine the analysis of timed events that can be 
measured with the help of the input capture subsystems. 


1 . Write the code that will determine from the on time for the PWM 
the interrupt operation that will allow the minimum off and maxi- 
mum on time simultaneously. 

2. Modify the code in Listing 5.4 to eliminate the need for a condi- 
tional test if (OC1D.OC1D7 = = 1). 

Input Capture Subsystems 

On the MC68HC1 1EX family, there are three input capture timers 
and one timer that can be programmed as either an input capture or 
an output compare. These sub-systems are used to measure time 
interval. The same 16-bit timer used in the output compare systems 
is used to support the input captures. When an input occurs on one of 
the input capture pins, the value contained in the 16-bit timer is saved 
in a register designated for that pin, a flag is set, and the processor 
can request an interrupt. With input captures, we can measure period 
and hence frequency (or speed). One of the leading applications where 
the input capture is used is in automatic braking systems. We shall 

254 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

choose a somewhat simpler system for an example, but the general 
approach used here is much the same as would be used in the design 
of an automatic braking system. 

Suppose that we have a DC motor that is being controlled by an 
MC68HC 1 1E9 and wish to be able to set the speed of the motor. The 
motor has a magnetic sensor whose output will cycle once each 
rotation of the motor. To determine the speed of the motor, we must 
measure the cycle time of the output from the sensor. Let us examine 
the minimum speed of the motor. The TCNT register is being clocked 
at a frequency that is either one-fourth of the crystal frequency of the 
system or it can be altered by a prescaler value of either 4, 8, or 16. 
The 16-bit TCNT register will overflow every 65,536 clocks at its 
input. Therefore, if we use an 8-MHz clock, the timer overflow period 
will be 32.768 ms with no prescaler, 131.072 ms with a prescaler 
value of 4, 262.144 ms with a prescaler value of 8, or 524.288 ms 
with a prescaler value of 16. The minimum speed at which the motor 
can move and still be detected unambiguously must be greater than 
one revolution in the timer overflow time. If the motor rotates any 
slower than this value, the differences in times between two inputs 
will be such that the program cannot tell if the period is longer than 
one TCNT overflow time or a very short time. It is possible to extend 
the minimum unambiguous time that can be measured by the system 
through the use of a timer overflow interrupt, but let's examine an 
approach without these steps and then look at the time extended 
approach later. 

The maximum practical time to be measured with the divide-by- 16 
prescaler is 500 milliseconds. The minimum rotation speed must be 
greater than 1 revolution per 500 milliseconds or 120 revolutions per 
minute. The motor that we will use in this example has a minimum 
speed of 1000 rpm, so that the prescaler need not be as great as 16. We 
will use a prescaler value of four, which will provide about a minimum 
speed of 500 rpm so that there is a safety factor in our measurement. 

With the divide-by-four prescaler, the minimum time that can be 
measured is ( 4 [crystal to bus frequency division]* 4 [prescaler divide 
ratio ]/ 8 MHz [clock frequency] ), which is 2 microseconds. At this 
time interval, the maximum speed of the motor shaft that can be 
measured is one revolution in 2 microseconds, or 500000 * 60 
revolutions per minute. It is quite clear that such a system is better 
suited to handle high-speed operations than low speed. If there is no 

Timer Operations 255 

clear reason otherwise, it is usually best to operate a control system 
at the maximum possible speed. One reason that is important is the 
operation of the PWM DAC that accompanies the operation of the 
control system. It is usually best to have a PWM run at the highest 
practical speed. If the PWM is slow, then conversion of the pulse 
output from the system to a DC voltage is difficult and not very 
accurate on an instantaneous basis. 

The following code segment might be used as an interrupt service 
routine to handle the input capture operation. 

©port void ICl_Isr( void) 


TFLG1=IC1F; /* reset IC1 interrupt flag */ 

measured_period=TICl-timel ; 



Here it is assumed that the maximum time between input captures is 
less than the time of a timer overflow. In this case, the time is merely 
the difference between the current value and the preceding value 
which is stored in time 1. 

This approach has only one major problem. Most inputs such as 
will be obtained from reed switches, push buttons, and even optical 
interrupt type devices will be noisy when the contact is closed. This 
noise is called switch bounce, and it will always be present with a 
contact closure. Therefore, the switch must be debounced in some 
manner before its data are reliable. 

The most common way of debouncing a contact closure is to 
observe the closure, and then wait a time and observe if the contact is 
still closed. If closed, it is assumed that the contact is good; otherwise, 
another wait period in allowed to elapse and the contact is observed 
again. This procedure is repeated until the contact is closed on a pair 
of successive observations. Only then is it assumed that the contact is 
closed. The time between observations is the subject of much 
engineering debate. Often the designer can place an oscilloscope on 
the contact and repeatedly close and open it. With proper 
synchronization of the instrument, it is possible to see the signal caused 
by the bouncing contacts. If this time can be measured, then having 
a debounce time of perhaps twice the bounce time will probably give 
a safe time for the debounce. However, you should not assume that 

256 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

this value will be correct over the lifetime of the contact. As the 
mechanism ages, it is possible that the bounce time will change, and 
it will always change in the worst possible way. Therefore, be safe, 
and keep the debounce time at least twice the bounce time, and perhaps 
longer for the sake of safety. The range of values used for debounce 
times ranges from 2 to 30 milliseconds. 

This system is measuring the time of an input. How can we stick 
an arbitrary time for debounce into our measurement equation and be 
reliable? It is possible to do the debounce and not have the time as part 
of the measured interval. The contact closure will cause an observable 
input. Our real concern with debounce is to guarantee that no additional 
inputs occur after the initial input has been processed. Therefore, we 
can implement a debounce by merely not re-enabling the input capture 
interrupt until the debounce time has passed. This way, the time of the 
first edge seen in the input sequence is processed, and all other inputs 
caused by bounce will not be processed because the input capture 
interrupt is disabled. The time that the interrupt is disabled can also be 
adjusted to meet the particular needs of the program. For example, in 
the system we will construct below, the speed is measured with a reed 
switch and a magnet on the motor shaft. The circuit will be built such 
that the closing of the switch will cause a voltage to fall from +12 volts 
to volts. There is a resistor between the 12- volt supply and the switch. 
The bottom side of the switch is grounded, and as the switch is closed 
and opened, the voltage measured at the top of the switch will change 
from 12 volts to ground. When the switch closes, it is expected that it 
will bounce and the voltage will "chatter" between and 12 volts. 
Surprisingly, the opening of the switch, while it will exhibit less bounce, 
will also generate these unwanted signals. If we want to block out all 
of the error signals that can be introduced by the bounce, it is necessary 
that the time following the initial signal drop be protected, as well as a 
time around the signal rise that occurs midway during the shaft rotation. 
In the first example, we will provide a fixed time for the debounce. 
Later when the program is measuring the speed of the motor, we will 
provide a debounce time that is somewhat longer than one half the 
measured period to block out all bounce signals that occur on both the 
rising and falling edge of the input signal. 

The input capture subsystem will capture any specified input when 
enabled. These inputs are captured whether the interrupts are enabled 
or not. In other words, if an input occurs after the one that was captured, 

Timer Operations 257 

it will be captured and the original saved value will be lost. Therefore, 
the very first operation in the interrupt service routine for an input 
capture should be to save the contents of the input capture register. 
Then subsequent inputs from bounces will not affect the measured 
time. Another problem can occur, however. Whenever an input occurs 
on an input capture line, not only are the time data captured, but also, 
the appropriate input capture interrupt flag is set. If this flag is set, an 
interrupt will be requested whenever the input capture interrupt is 
enabled. Therefore, in the debounce interrupt routine, the input capture 
interrupt flag for the channel being used should also be reset. 

We still must control the time that the input capture is disabled. How 
this control is implemented depends on the system. If the system is not 
busy, one might calculate a value that equals the contents of the TCR 
plus the number of timer counter ticks in the debounce time. This value 
could then be compared with the contents of the TCR, and when the 
TCR equals the calculated value, the input capture interrupt would be 
reenabled, and control returned to the interrupted program. This approach 
provides an accurate debounce time, but the processor is devoted entirely 
to the measurement of this time during the debounce time. It is not wise 
to tie up a microcontroller for milliseconds at a time and lock out other 
important actions that might take place during that time. 

If all other events that are occurring within the microcontroller 
are interrupt driven, the programmer could re-enable the system 
interrupts prior to entering the delay time. This approach would at 
least keep the processor available for other asynchronous events that 
might occur during the debounce period. Yet another approach would 
be to disable the input capture interrupt and within the applications 
program, provide a time measurement that would have to expire before 
the input capture interrupt is reenabled. Both of these methods can 
be implemented without the use of an output compare. If an output 
compare is available, it could be used to execute the debounce timeout. 
This output compare would be set up in the input capture interrupt 
service routine. Also within the input capture interrupt service routine, 
the input capture interrupt would be disabled. The output compare 
interrupt service routine would disable the output compare operation 
and reenable the input capture. This approach is by far the best, and 
will be used here. The code for this method of debounce is included 
in the listing shown in Listing 5-6. In this case, a fixed debounce 
time is used. We will see the variable debounce time in a later program. 

258 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

A beginning program or framework from which to build this 
application is shown in Listing 5-6. All this program contains is the 
setup of the interrupts and the interrupt service routines. Input capture 
1 will serve as input from the motor shaft encoder. The motor will be 
controlled by a PWM signal. This signal will be filtered to provide a 
DC signal that can drive the motor. As with the MC68HC05 programs, 
this code is broken into three basic parts: 1) the initialization section, 
2) the applications section, and 3) the asynchronous service section. 
In this case, there is no applications section, so it is designated by a 
FOREVER command followed by an empty block. 

The program begins with the inclusion of the HC 1 1 E 9 . H header 
file. Immediately following this entry are the prototype entries for 
all of the interrupt service routines. The declarations of the global 
variables follows. The first set of variables are all associated with the 
input capture, and the second line of variables controls the output 
compare portion of the program. 

Notice that the bit set-up instructions are all grouped so that the 
bits from each register are set in the same location. It is not necessary 
to group these instructions; however, if they are grouped by register 
as is done here, the compiler will use a single bit manipulation 
instruction to set all of the bits in each register. The first 8-bit 
manipulation instructions in the following code will require only six 
assembly instructions as they are grouped. 

#include u hclle9.h" 

#define MS3_DEBOUNCE 1500 
#define PERIOD 0X1000 
#define TIME_ON 0x08 

©port void ICl_Isr (void) ; 
©port void OC2_Isr (void) ; 
©port void OC3_Isr (void) ; 

WORD measured_period / timel, delpc; 
WORD PWM_period=PERIOD, time_on=TIME_ON; 

main ( ) 


TCTL2 .EDGlB=ON;/* capture falling edge only */ 

Timer Operations 259 

0C1M.0C1M7=0N; /* sent 0C1 tout to PA7 */ 
0C1M.0C1M5=0N; /* couple 0C1 to 0C3 */ 
TMSK1.0C3I=0N; /* enable the 0C3 interrupt */ 
TMSK1.IC1I=0N; /* enable the IC1 interrupt */ 
0C1D.0C1D5=0N; /* turn on 0C3 when 0C1 occurs */ 
TCTL1.0L3=0N; /* toggle 0C3 when 0C3 occurs */ 
PACTL.DDRA7=0N; /* make 0C1 an output to PA7 */ 
TOCl=TCNT+PWM_period; /* set 0C1 to the period */ 
T0C3=T0Cl+time_on; /* set 0C3 time on */ 
cli(); /* enable the system interrupts */ 



/* put application code here */ 



©port void ICl_Isr( void) 



TFLG1=IC1F; /* reset IC1 interrupt flag */ 

measured_period=TICl-timel ; 

TOC2=TCNT+MS3_DEBOUNCE; /* 3 ms debounce time */ 

TMSK1.IC1I=0FF; /* disable IC1 interrupt */ 

TMSK1.0C2I=0N; /* enable 0C2 interrupt */ 

©port void 0C2_Isr (void) 


TFLG1=IC1F|0C2F; /*reset IC1 & 0C2 interrupt flag */ 

TMSK1.0C2I=0FF; /* disable 0C2 interrupt */ 

TMSK1.IC1I=0N; /* enable IC1 interrupt */ 


©port void 0C3_Isr( void) 


TFLG1=0C1F; /* reset 0C1 interrupt flag */ 


0C1D.0C1D7 ^=0N; 

260 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

TFLGl=OC3F; /* reset OC3 interrupt flag */ 

Listing 5-6: Motor Control Program Framework 

The interrupt service routine for I CI resets the IC1F bit in the 
TFLG1 register. Then the elapsed time from the last input capture time 
is calculated. The result of this calculation is saved in periodl which 
is the current elapsed time required for the motor to rotate one revolution. 
At the end of this calculation, the contents of the input capture register is 
saved in t imel to be used as the old time in the next calculation. 

The PWM output from OC3 will be used to drive motor 1 whose 
shaft sensor is fed into IC1. The value in speed will be the desired 
speed of the motor in revolutions per minute. The range of this number 
will be 1000<=RPM<= 10000, and it will have to be put in place through 
a debugger for this test. This range of motor speed was chosen to sat- 
isfy the speed of a small DC motor used in the final system. Let us plan 
a servo type operation where the motor is driven by a feedback loop 
that is controlled by the speed error. Therefore, within the applications 
loop, there must be code to check and control the PWM signal to force 
the speedl parameter to match the input speed parameter. 

The input speed is measured in RPM, and the values measured by 
the microcontroller are all times. A question that should be considered is 
whether the number placed in speedl will actually be times or should 
this number be RPM. To calculate the time, note that there is one interrupt 
per revolution of the shaft and one minute is 60 seconds, so RPM/60 will 
be revolutions per second. What we need is the number of bus cycles in 
the time corresponding to this period. With a prescaler count of four, the 
clocking speed of the TCNT register is one count every two microseconds, 
or 500,000 counts per second. Therefore, the conversion from RPM to 
time for a revolution of the shaft in bus cycle counts is 

500000 * 60 30000000 

Counts = = 


At 3000 RPM, the count value will be 10000 while at 16000 
RPM the count value will be 1875. These numeric values can be 
handled by the timer system in the MC68HC1 1. 

The above expression can be used to calculate RPM from the 
count value as 

Timer Operations 261 

„„ w 30000000 
RPM = 


Neither calculation is convenient in a microcontroller. The numerator 
is larger than an int but smaller than a long. Both Counts and 
RPM have a range that can be contained in an int . One would expect 
that the conversion to time should be done on the input speed. That 
way, the division would be done only once for each speed setting. If 
the measured times were converted to RPM each time a time were 
measured, the computer program would be loaded with complicated 
divisions in its real time application portion. But let's examine the 
nature of the error with the different types of measures. Suppose the 
input RPM were converted to time and the measurements were based 
on time. Then the error signal, which is the difference between the 
measured value and the desired value, would have a wrong sense. 
That is if the motor is moving too slowly, then the error signal would 
be negative, which would cause the motor to go even slower. If the 
calculation were done based on RPM and the motor were going too 
slow, the error signal would be positive. In this case, the control would 
drive the motor faster which is the needed correction. 

The difficulty with the time-based system could be solved by 
using the negative value of the error signal for the feedback control. 
A simple analysis will show the potential problem with this approach. 
Suppose that we work with two counts, C d and C . Let us use the 
value K for the constant in the above equation. Therefore, 

e = C d -C m =K 

( 1 1 ^ 


\ a mi 

The error signal is seen to be 

e = K 

r RPM m -RPM d ^ 
RPM d *RPM m 

When the two speeds are nearly the same, this expression is very 
nearly proporstional to the difference between the two speeds. However, 
when one of the speeds deviates significantly from the other, it will 
cause the resultant error signal to be less sensitive to difference than 
would be expected. Also, there is the problem that occurs if the motor 
is stopped and the error signal in that case is undefined. 

262 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

If the counts are converted to RPM prior to calculation of the error 
signal, the reduction of sensitivity for large errors would not be a 
problem. The problem that occurs when the motor is stopped still exists. 
In this case, no input capture would occur when the motor is not rotating, 
and the count value would be undefined. There seems to be no clear-cut 
reason to choose the time or the velocity measurement. Each has 
advantages and each has drawbacks. The drawbacks are about the same 
for each, so we will choose the case that has the simplest program. 
Therefore, the time-based or count-based system will be used. 

Now comes the interesting problem of the calculation of 3000000/ 
RPM. Each time the desired speed of the motor is input to the system, 
this calculation must be completed. The straightforward calculation 
of this value will yield code as follows: 

#include "hclle9.h" 

WORD count (WORD RPM) 


unsigned long num = 30000000; 

return num/RPM; 

The listing file of the compiled version of this function is 

1 ; Compilateur C pour MC68HC11 (COSMIC-France) 

2 . include"macro . hll" 

3 .list + 

4 .psect _text 

5 ; 1 #include "hclle9.h" 

6 .psect _data 

7 _Register_Set : 

8 0000 1000 .word 4096 



3 WORD count (WORD RPM) 

4 { 
.psect _text 

13 _count : 

14 0000 BD0000 

jsr c kents 

Timer Operations 263 

15 0003 0C .byte 12 

16 .set OFST=12 

17 ; 5 unsigned long num = 12 0000000; 

18 0004 CC0E00 ldd #3584 

19 0007 ED0A std OFST-2,x 

20 0009 CC0727 ldd #1831 

21 000C ED08 std OFST-4,x 

22 ; 6 

23 ; 7 return num/RPM; 

24 000E EC0C ldd OFST+0,x 

25 0010 6F02 clr 2,x 

26 0012 6F03 clr 3,x 

27 0014 ED06 std OFST-6,x 




ldd 2,x 




std OFST-8,x 




ldd OFST-4,x 




std 2,x 




ldd 0,x 




addd #-9 








ldd OFST-2,x 




jsr c_ludv 




Ids 0,x 



3 8 pulx 



39 rts 


; 8 ] 



; 9 


.public _count 


.public _Register_Set 


. external 



. external 




This function requires 0x2d bytes (45 bytes) of code and that 
does not count the functions c_ludv and c_kents that must be 
linked to this function. Our innocuous little one-line piece of code 
creates a rather formidable piece of assembly code. If at all possible, 
it would be desirable to shorten this function. A slight modification 
of the above function code is 

264 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

#include u hclle9.h" 

WORD count (WORD RPM) 


return 3 00000001u/RPM; 


The compiled version of this program is 

1 ; Compilateur C pour MC68HC11 (COSMIC- France) 

2 . include"macro . hll " 

3 .list + 

4 .psect _text 

5 ; 1 #include "hclle9.h" 

6 .psect _data 

7 _Register_Set : 

8 0000 1000 .word 4096 

9 ; 2 

10 ; 3 WORD count (WORD RPM) 

11 ; 4 { 

12 .psect _text 

13 _count : 

14 0000 BD0000 jsr c_kents 

15 0003 08 .byte 8 

16 .set OFST=8 

17 ; 5 return 1200000001u/RPM; 

18 0004 EC08 ldd OFST+0,x 

19 0006 6F02 clr 2,x 

20 0008 6F03 clr 3,x 

21 000A ED06 std OFST-2,x 

22 000C EC02 ldd 2,x 

23 000E ED04 std OFST-4,x 

24 0010 CC0727 ldd #1831 

25 0013 ED02 std 2,x 

26 0015 EC00 ldd 0,x 

27 0017 C3FFFB addd #-5 

28 001A 188F xgdy 

29 001C CC0E00 ldd #3584 

30 001F BD0000 jsr c ludv 

Timer Operations 265 


0022 AE00 

Ids 0,x 


0024 38 



0025 39 



; e } 


; 7 








. external 



. external 




Note that this version differs from the first only in that the number 
30000000 is not created in a declaration, but rather is created in line 
when it is needed. This version requires 37 bytes of code. 

The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate that there are usually 
many different ways that any part of a program can be approached. 
If the programmer grabs the first idea and plods through without any 
careful examination of the code being generated by the compiler, the 
program will almost always suffer. The assembly listings of programs 
should be examined, and where it seems as if the compiler is creating 
clumsy code, a new approach should be considered. Writing C code 
for a microcontroller is a joint exercise by the programmer and the 
compiler to create the most efficient overall program. 

Let's return to the problem: we wish to set the speed of a motor and 
the measurable control signal is the time of a revolution. Most servo type 
devices work to position an output. Ours must set a speed which is a 
different problem from most. The input will be an RPM which will be 
converted to a time. Our system must compare the desired time with the 
measured time and correct the speed to make the two times match. A 
signal to drive the motor will be generated based on the desired time, 
and this signal will be adjusted by the error signal calculated as the 
difference between the measured time and the desired time. The following 
pseudocode sequence will accomplish the desired operation. 




convert to time; 

calculate the required PWM output count; 

apply calculated time error to PWM count; 

266 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

read in the motor speed; 

while ( motor speed does not change) ; 

For the moment, let us defer the problem of getting the desired motor 
speed. This value will be converted to time by use of the count ( ) 
routine and will be saved in motor_period. Next, we need to 
calculate the required motor voltage. For this calculation, let us revert 
to an experimental technique that can be used usefully. An open loop 
system was set up to test the operation of the motor system. Several 
input values were entered, and the performance of the motor was 
recorded. Table 5-2 shows the result of these measurements. 



icap period 

period ms 


































































Table 5-2: Motor Performance Measurements 

The data for this table were gathered by the use of an 
M68HC1 1EVM and a simple motor driver. This driver is a 
demonstration board provided by Motorola to show the use of the 
MC33033 pulse width motor driver and the MPM3002 FET motor 
driver H bridge. A small DC motor with a speed range of 1000 to 
1 1000 rpm was mounted on the board, and the appropriate circuitry 
was added to interface the board to the computer. This interface 
consisted of a simple RC integrator to receive the PWM signal from 
the computer board and a circuit to measure the rotation of the motor. 
This latter circuit was quite crude. A magnetic reed switch was 
mounted near the motor shaft and a magnet cemented to the shaft. 
For each rotation of the shaft, the reed switch would close and open 
one time. A resistor was connected between the 12 volts of the motor 
driver and one side of the switch; the other side of the switch was 

Timer Operations 267 

grounded. Therefore, during each rotation the top side of the switch 
would jump from 12 volts to volts and back. This voltage is larger 
than the maximum input for the microcontroller, so the 12 volt square 
wave was clamped to a maximum high value with a resistor and a 
diode connected to the +5 volt power supply of the EVM1 1 board. 
The schematic diagram for this test setup is shown in Figure 5-2 and 
a photograph of the complete system is shown in Figure 5-3. 


MC33033 - MPM3002 Motor Drive 



PWM Output 




= 1u/ 

+5V 12V 

A 33k^ 

f — ' 





.01 = 


^ ^> 


f 7 



Figure 5-2: Schematic Diagram of Motor Driver Test Circuit 

Figure 5-3: Photograph Of 
Assembled Motor Driver Test Circuit. 

268 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

The program used to obtain the data in the above table was a 
slight modification of the motor control program listing given in 
Listing 5-6. The only change in this program was that the function 
©port void I Cl_Isr (void) from Listing 5-7 was used. This 
routine stores in the location measured_period a value equal to 
the average of the last eight measured periods. 

For several reasons, a reed switch is probably the worst example 
of an input sensor that you can find for a microcontroller. I chose this 
input because it is the poorest, and the result has been satisfactory. 
With reed switches, there are serious bounce problems on both the 
rising and falling edges of the signals. The life expectancy for a reed 
switch is relatively small, about ten million closures. During the course 
of preparing this text, I broke one reed switch and had probably a 
total of several hours of service out of the two used for these 
experiments. In practice, it is recommended that rotational 
measurements be made with optical interrupters. Do not, however, 
think that an optical interrupter is free from bounce problems. An 
optical interrupter will exhibit both bounce and also a relatively slow 
rise time. In such a case, it is necessary to use a software debounce 
technique and also an external Schmidt trigger circuit to create a 
quick and stable rise time that can be captured by the microcontroller. 

The data for the above table were measured on the circuit shown in 
Figure 5-2. It was found that the PWM to voltage conversion was very 
accurate and repeatable with many changes in the system. For example, 
the prescaler value was changed from the value of 4 discussed above 
to 2 and up to 16. No difference could be noted in the PWM to voltage 
conversion over this range. Also, the input capture values were quite 
stable. The program in Listing 5-6 was compiled and used to complete 
the measurements. The PWM_count value was changed manually over 
the range of values shown above. The value for icap period is the value 
found in measured_j?er iod in the program. The voltage measured 
was the integrated value that was sent into the input of the MC33033 
motor driver. The RPM was calculated as 

™w 60000 

RPM = 


Data from this table are used to create an equation that relates RPM 
to the PWM_count. This equation will be used in the program to 

Timer Operations 269 

close the loop and regulate the motor speed. The relation that can be 
derived from the above data is 

RPM + 12528 
PWM count = 


This expression is accurate to about 1% across the range of 
interest. The measured data is the input capture count, which we will 
call p. What we must do is to calculate a new value for the 
PWM_count from a measured p. An error in p is called p and this 
expression means a change in p. The PWM_count will be designated 
as pc and also means a change in pc. We shall now attempt to arrive 
at an equation that expresses the necessary change in pc to correct 
for an error in p. The error in p is the difference between the desired 
cycle time and the measured cycle time. RPM in the above expression 
is converted to cycle time p by noting that the RPM is 60000 / shaft 
cycle time in milliseconds, and that the clock is ticking 500 times per 
millisecond. Therefore, we have 


Pc = 


( 12528 + 6000 0* 500 \ 


If there is a error in the cycle time say, Ap, then the change in 
pc, Ape, is seen to be 

7 ^ n7 3809500 
p c +Ap c =1591 + 

p + Ap 

This expression, after some simplification and approximation 
reduces to 

Ap c = -3809500 + ^- (5 . 1} 

This value calculated by the above expression will be used to change 
the PWM_count that drives the motor. The data contained in 
measuredjperiod are placed there by the input capture interrupt 
service routine. It is assumed that the data there are always current. 

The calculation to determine the PWM_count correction is 
substantial. We shall use this approach here to determine the 
correction, but recognize that there is another approach that probably 
requires less total calculation. This approach is to use a lookup table. 

270 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

We will see the look-up table in some detail in Chapter 6. 

We will probably run into overflow problems if care is not exercised 
in the calculation of the correction Ap . In Equation 5-1 above, p is the 
time of a shaft rotation in milliseconds. This number can vary from 1000 
to 20000 depending on the motor speed. The best approach we could 
use is to divide the constant -3809500 by the value of p. Then multiply 
the result by Ap and finally divide the result by p a second time. This 
approach will minimize the overflow problems. In the expression be- 
low, p is the measured_period, pc is the PWM_count, and Ap is 
the calculated difference mo tor_period - measured_j?eriod. 



if (old_motor_speed! =motor_speed) 


motor_period=3 00000001u/motor_speed; 


PWM_count= ( (motor_speed+12528) /63) *8; 

PWM_count= limit (PWM_count) ; 

delpc= (3809500/motor_period) ; 

delpc=delpc* (motor_period-measured_period) /p; 

PWM_count -= delpc; 

/* read in the motor speed; */ 


Recall that division by 7.875 is needed in the calculation of 
PWM_Count. This floating-point operation is avoided by dividing 
the expression by 63/8. Most often, floating point operations can be 
approximated by integer operations with sufficient accuracy. 

It was mentioned earlier that it is possible to extend the maximum 
measurable time to something greater than the time required to clock 
the timer counter register 65535 times. If the longest time exceeds 
this value, the timer overflow interrupt can be used to an advantage. 
Suppose that you want to measure a long time with input capture 1. 
When this measurement is started, the value in the TCNT will be 
saved, and the timer overflow interrupt will be enabled. Also a counter 
will be reset to zero. In the timer overflow interrupt service routine, 
the counter will be incremented. Eventually, an input capture will 
occur, and the time between inputs is calculated as the time remaining 

Timer Operations 271 

prior to the first TO I, plus 65535 times the number of TO Is that 
have occurred, plus the time indicated in the input capture register. 
With a scheme of this nature, there is essentially no limit to the length 
of time that can be measured accurately. The resolution of this 
measurement is the time increment of the prescaler output. 

A velocity servo is a particularly difficult application. Remember 
that velocity or motor speed is the derivative of position. Any derivative 
operation is prone to noise, and the successful servo must be carefully 
put together. For example, the equation calculated above to determine 
the feedback term is essential to the proper operation of the system. An 
interesting challenge is to try to duplicate the operation of the system 
described here with a normal gain type feedback. Even though the program 
seems to be messy, this approach will work, and most other approaches 
give you a wildly hunting or oscillating system. The calculation of the 
proper feedback value will avoid many of these problems. 

Another problem area will be found. If the above FOREVER loop is 
allowed to run without any time control, the computer will be calculating 
a new feedback value many times before the effect of an earlier 
calculation will be seen in the system performance. This operation again 
causes the system to become unstable, and usually the system never 
finds the final value but hunts over some wide range around it. This 
operation can be corrected by slowing the rate at which feedback 
corrections are calculated. In particular, several rates have been tested, 
and it was found that a stable, accurate system would be obtained with 
a new feedback value calculated each quarter of a second. This time 
control is shown in the listing below. The main application program is 
broken into two parts: the first part is the code that will be executed 
whenever the motor speed is changed and the second part is the code 
that will alter the PWM_count which is the feedback portion of the 
program. The first portion is executed under the control of an if statement 

if (old_motor_speed! =motor_speed) 

There is no means to change the motor speed in this program, and 
this change will be introduced in the next section. Therefore, it is 
expected that the portion of the code controlled by this i f statement 
will execute the first time the program is executed, and it should never 
be executed again until the system is reset. The second i f statement 

if (tick) 

272 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

will execute its control code each time tick is TRUE, tick is ini- 
tialized to TRUE when it is created, and it is set to FALSE each time 
the if (tick) routine is entered in the application program. If 
you go to the end of Listing 5-7, you will find that tick is reset to 
TRUE about each quarter of a second in the PWM timer routine. 
This sequence will cause the feedback calculation to be executed 
about each quarter of a second. 

The initialization portion of the program shown in Listing 5-7 is 
little changed from that of the one shown in Listing 5-6. As mentioned 
above, we have added an application section that contains the 
calculations to control the motor speed. Also, there is one simple 
function that is used by the application section. 

#include "hclle9.h" 

#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



©port void ICl_Isr (void) 
©port void OC2_Isr (void) 
©port void OC3 Isr(void) 

long limit (long) ; 

long measured_period, delpc; 

WORD timel , time2 , motor_period, 

motor_speed=IMPOSSIBLE ; 

WORD old_motor_speed=TOO_LOW, rpm,mparray [COUNT_8] ; 

long PWM_period=PERIOD, PWM_count=TIME_ON; 

int tick=TRUE, count=0; 

main ( ) 


Timer Operations 273 

/* The initialization portion of the program */ 
TCTL2 .EDG1B=0N; /* capture falling edge only */ 



sent 0C1 out to PA7 */ 
couple 0C1 to 0C3 */ 
enable the 0C3 interrupt */ 
enable the IC1 interrupt */ 
turn on 0C3 with 0C1 */ 
/* toggle 0C3 when 0C3 occurs */ 
PACTL.DDRA7=0N; /* make 0C1 an output to PA7 */ 
TOCl=TCNT+PWM_period; /* set 0C1 */ 
T0C3=T0Cl+PWM_count; /* set 0C3 time on */ 
cli(); /* enable the system interrupts */ 
/* the applications portion of the program */ 

{ /* All of the numbers used below are derived 
in the text */ 
if (old_motor_speed! =motor_speed) 


motor_period=3 0Lu/motor_speed ; 
old_motor_speed=motor_speed ; 
PWM_count= ( (motor_speed+12528) /63) *8; 
PWM_count= limit (PWM_count) ; 


if (tick) 



delpc= (3809500Lu/motor_period) ; 


(motor_period-measured_period) / 


PWM_count - =delpc ; 

PWM_count= limit (PWM_count) ; 

rpm=3 0000000L/measured period; 



input the new motor speed */ 

/* functions of the main program */ 

274 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

/* range of acceptable PWM_count is 1600 to 3300 */ 
long limit (long x) 


if (x<COUNT_MIN) 

return COUNT_MIN; 
else if (x>COUNT_MAX) 

return COUNT_MAX ; 

return x; 


/* The asynchronous service portion of the program */ 
©port void ICl_Isr( void) /*the motor speed 



static int i; 
int j ; 

TFLG1=IC1F; /* reset IC1 interrupt flag */ 
mparray [i] =time2 - timel ; 
if (++i==COUNT_8) 


i = 0; 

measured_period=0 ; 


measured_period += mparray [j]; 

measured_period >>= DIVIDE_8_SHIFT; 


timel=time2 ; 

TOC2=time2+5*measured_period/8 ; /*debounce time 

5/8 revolution */ 
TMSK1.IC1I=0FF; /* disable IC1 interrupt */ 
TMSK1.0C2I=ON; /* enable OC2 interrupt */ 


©port void OC2_Isr (void) /* the debounce isr */ 


TFLG1=IC1F OC2F; /* reset interrupt flags */ 

Timer Operations 275 

TMSK1.0C2I=OFF; /* disable 0C2 interrupt */ 
TMSK1.IC1I=0N; /* enable IC1 interrupt */ 


©port void 0C3_Isr( void) /* the PWM isr */ 


TFLG1=0C1F; /* reset 0C1 interrupt flag */ 


0C1D.0C1D7 ^=0N; 

TFLG1=0C3F; /* reset 0C3 interrupt flag */ 


if (++count==COUNT_ONE_QUARTER) 


count=0; /* enter the speed control */ 

tick = TRUE; /* about each quarter of 

of a second */ 

Listing 5-7: Motor Control Program 

In this program, dynamic debounce is used. In the function 
ICl_Isr ( ) the debounce time is a calculated value rather than a 
mere 3 ms as was done in Listing 5- 6. Here the debounce lock-out 
time is five-eighths of the current measured period. This value goes 
beyond the half-way point in the input waveform enough to avoid 
any bounce that will occur during the rise time of the input signal. 
The remainder of this program is quite similar to that in Listing 5-6. 

We have completed most of the application. The remaining parts 
of the program are to find a means to read into the microcontroller 
the speed that is desired for the motor, and to integrate and debug the 
whole program. Usually, the speed is established by some measure- 
ment being done with the microcontroller. Let us approach the 
problem a little differently. Instead of making the speed a result of a 
measurement, let's enter the speed into the part through the asyn- 
chronous serial port. 

Serial Communications Interface (SCI) 

The SCI is another of the very useful peripheral functions found 
on the MC68HC11 family of microcontrollers. In fact, the SCI is 

276 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

found on parts from all families of Motorola microcontrollers. The 
SCI performs the operation of a full function universal asynchronous 
receiver transmitter (UART). It can operate with most standard baud 
rates, and several nonstandard rates. Control of this peripheral is 
through the BAUD register, the SCSR (serial communications status 
register), and both SCCR1 and SCCR2 (serial communications control 
registers 1 and 2). There is one additional register called the serial 
communications data register. This register when written to is the 
transmit data register, and when read the receiver data register. Both 
the transmit and receive data registers are double buffered. 

The BAUD register contains two test bits and two divide control 
registers that set the baud rate for the SCI system. The bits SCP control 
the baud rate prescaler. This prescaler has the unlikely prescale value of 
divide-by- 13 when both bits are set. This value sets the maximum baud 
rate to 9600 when the system is driven by an 8 MHz clock. With this 
prescaler value, all of the standard baud rates from 9600 down to 150 are 
available to the SCI. The second divider is comprised of SCR. The bit 
patterns in these bits will select any power of two divisors between 1 — 
2° -and 128 — 2 7 . For our system, we will choose 9600 baud, which is 
sufficiently slow that there should be few communications problems. 
The code to set up this baud rate is as follows: 


These lines of code must be added to the initialization portion of the 
program to set up the baud rate to 9600 baud for the SCI system. 

We will use the SCI system to read in the required motor speed 
for the program started in the preceding section. Such a system must 
be able to read in data through the SCI, but it must also echo the 
same data back to the originating source to provide full duplex 
operation. Therefore, both serial transmit and receive must be 
implemented. With the above system, there is no serious need to 
implement an interrupt driven system. The computer is clearly not 
being used to its capacity, so we will add the SCI input and output 
sequence to the applications portion of the code and feel safe that no 
input data will ever be lost because of an overrun error. (An overrun 
error occurs when a new input overwrites an old input before the old 
input is processed.) Therefore, none of the bits in SCCR1 need be 
changed from their reset value. In the SCCR2 register, there are two 

Timer Operations 277 

bits, transmit enable and receive enable, that must be set to enable 
the SCI. The following two lines of code will enable these bits. 

SCCR2 .TE=1; 
SCCR2 .RE=1; 

These two lines of code must also be added to the initialization portion 
of the program. 

The code to read the data in is as follows: 

if (SCCR.RDRF= = 1) /* read in data if it is there */ 


new_character=SCDR; /*get new byte and reset RDRF*/ 
while (SCCR.TDRE==0) ; /* wait until transmit 

buffer empty */ 
SCDR=new_character ; /* send out byte and reset 

TDRE */ 


This sequence of code does quite a bit more than you might expect. 
Before this code sequence can be executed, both the RDRF and TDRE 
flags must be set and reset. The RDRF is set when a character has 
been received by the SCI, and the TDRE is set when the SCDR is 
empty and can receive a character to send. Both of these bits are reset 
by the sequential read of SCSR with the bit set followed by a read for 
the RDRF or a write for the TDRE to the SCDR register. The above 
sequence accomplishes all of the proper bit resets, transmits the newly 
received character back to the sender, and leaves the new character 
in the location new_character . After receiving the data, the 
following sequence converts it into a binary number to be processed 
by the remainder of the program. 

if (SCSR.RDRF==1) /* read in data if there */ 


new_character=SCDR; /*get new byte and reset RDRF*/ 
while (SCSR. TDRE==0) ; /* wait until transmit 

buffer empty */ 
SCDR=new_character ; /* send out byte and reset 

TDRE */ 
/* if a number, process it */ 
if (new character>=' ■ && new character <='9') 

278 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

new_speed = 10*new_speed + new_character- ' ' ; 
else if (new_character==' \r' ) 


/* reject any number out of range */ 
/* and start over again */ 

if (new_speed>=1000 && new_speed<=10000) 
motor_speed=new_speed ; 

new_speed=0 ; 



new_speed=0; /* reject everything else */ 


The variable new_speed is initialized to outside of this portion 
of the program. If the input character is a number (a number is any 
character that lies between '0' and '9'), it is converted from a character 
to a number when the character '0' is subtracted from it. This value 
is added to ten times the value stored in new_speed , and the result 
is saved in new_speed . Repeated executions of this code sequence 
will convert a series of ASCII character numbers to an appropriate 
unsigned integer value. The entry sequence is terminated when a 
nonnumber character is received. If this character is a line terminator 
(a carriage return escape character in this case), the new speed value 
is put into motor_speed to cause the motor to change to the new 
value, and new_speed is reset to zero to await for the next input. 
If any other character is received, the data saved in new_speed is 
lost, and the whole entry of a new speed into the system must be 
repeated from the beginning. 

In Listing 5-7 there was a lonely line of code 

/* input the new motor speed */ 

That line has been replaced by the above and entered into Listing 
5-8. The new motor speed input is placed in the main loop of the 
applications program, so a test is made each time through the loop to 
determine if there is a new input from the serial port. This routine 
also sends out the current speed of the motor once each half second. 
This output is controlled by the parameters tickl andin_process. 
tickl is set to TRUE each half second, and if in_process is 
FALSE the motor speed is calculated and sent to the serial port output. 

Timer Operations 279 

This sequence repeats each half second until in_proce s s is set to 
TRUE. Whenever a character is read in through the serial port, 
in_process is set to TRUE to disable the continual output from 
the system while a new input speed value is being entered. If there is 
a new character in the input buffer, this character is read in and the 
RDRF flag is reset. The new character is immediately echoed back to 
the sending device as part of full duplex operation. If the new character 
is a digit it is processed, if it is a line feed it is also processed, and any 
number string is converted to an integer so that it can be used by the 
computer. The size of the number is tested to be certain that it is 
within the acceptable speed limits for the motor, and if it passes all 
of the tests, it is placed in the variable location motor_speed to 
indicate that a new motor speed is here and should be processed. 

#include u hclle9.h" 

#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 




#def ine 




#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



#def ine 



/^function prototypes */ 

©port void ICl_Isr (void) 

©port void OC2_Isr (void) 

©port void OC3_Isr (void) 

int putchar(char new_character) ; 

void dprint (unsigned int c) ; 

void do_crlf (void) ; 

long limit (long ); 

280 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

/* external variable definitions */ 

long measured_period, delpc; 

WORD timel, time2, 

motor_period, motor_speed=IMPOSSIBLE; 

WORD new_speed; 

WORD old_motor_speed=TOO_LOW, rpm,mparray [COUNT_8] ; 

long PWM_period=PERIOD, PWM_count=TIME_ON; 

int new_character , tick=TRUE, count=0 , in_process ; 

int tickl=TRUE, count 1=0; 

WORD got_new=TRUE; 

main ( ) 


/* The initialization portion of the program */ 

TCTL2 .EDG1B=0N;/* capture falling edge only */ 
0C1M.0C1M7=0N; /* sent OC1 out to PA7 */ 
0C1M.0C1M5=0N; /* couple OC1 to OC3 */ 
TMSK1.0C3I=ON; /* enable the OC3 interrupt */ 
TMSK1.IC1I=0N; /* enable the IC1 interrupt */ 
0C1D.0C1D5=0N; /* turn on OC3 when OC1 occurs */ 
TCTL1.0L3=ON; /* toggle OC3 when OC3 occurs */ 
PACTL.DDRA7=ON;/* make OC1 an output to PA7 */ 
TOCl=TCNT+PWM_period; /* set OC1 to the period*/ 
TOC3=TOCl+PWM_count; /* set OC3 time on */ 

BAUD.SCP=3; /* set up the SCI */ 

BAUD.SCR=0; /* 9600 baud */ 



cli(); /* enable the system interrupts */ 

/* the applications portion of the program */ 



if (old_motor_speed! =motor_speed) 

{ /* All of the numbers used below are 

derived in the text */ 

motor_period=3 00000001u/motor_speed; 

old motor speed=motor speed; 

Timer Operations 281 

PWM_count= ( (motor_speed+12528) /63) *8; 
PWM_count= limit (PWM_count) ; 


if (tick) 



delpc= (38095001u/motor_period) ; 

delpc=delpc* (motor_period- 

measured_period) /motor_period; 

PWM_count -=delpc; 

PWM_count= limit (PWM_count) ; 

rpm=3 OL/measured_period ; 


/* input the new motor speed */ 

/* Send out the measured RPM to the terminal 

periodically */ 

if (tickl&& ! in_process) 



rpm=3 0000000L/measured_period; 
dprint (rpm) ; 

do crlf ( ) ; 


if (SCSR.RDRF==ON) /* read in data if it is 

there */ 



new_character=SCDR; /* get new byte and 

save it */ 

while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) ; /* wait until transmit 

buffer is empty */ 

SCDR=new_character ; /* send out byte and 

reset TDRE */ 

/* got a number, process it */ 

if (new_character>=' ■ && new_character < = ' 9 ' ) 

new_speed = 10*new_speed + new_character- x ' ; 

else if (new character=='\r' ) 

282 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 





do_crlf () ; 

/* reject any number out of range */ 

/* and start over again */ 

if (new_speed>=RPM_MIN && new_speed <=RPM_MAX) 


got_new=TRUE ; 


motor_speed=new_speed ; 

new_speed=0 ; 


new speed=0; /* reject everything else */ 

/* functions of the main program */ 
/* the range of acceptable PWM_count is 1600 to 

3300 */ 

long limit (long x) 


if (x<COUNT_MIN) 

return COUNT_MIN; 
else if (x>COUNT_MAX) 
return COUNT_MAX ; 
return x; 


/* send out a single carriage return-line feed 

sequence */ 

void do_crlf (void) 


Timer Operations 283 

while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) ; 


while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) ; 


/* send a single character to the serial port */ 

int putchar(char new_character) 


while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) ; 

/* wait until transmit buffer empty */ 

SCDR=new_character ; 

/* send out byte and reset TDRE */ 


/* convert an integer and send it to the serial 
port as a string */ 

void dprint (unsigned int c) 


if ( c/10) /* recursively determines if */ 

dprint (c/10) ; /* a zero has been reached and then */ 
putchar (c%10+ / ' ) ; /* sends out the characters */ 


/* The asynchronous service portion of the program */ 

©port void ICl_Isr( void) /*the motor speed 

measurement * / 


static int i; 
int j ; 

TFLG1=IC1F; /* reset IC1 interrupt flag */ 
mparray [i] =time2-timel ; 
if (++i==COUNT 8) 


i = 0; 

284 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

measured_period=0 ; 

measuredjperiod += mparraytj]; 
measured_period >>= DIVIDE_8_SHIFT; 


timel=time2 ; 

TOC2=time2+5*measured_period/8 ; /*debounce time 

Is 5/8 revolution */ 
TMSK1.IC1I=0FF; /* disable IC1 interrupt */ 
TMSK1.0C2I=ON; /* enable 0C2 interrupt */ 


©port void 0C2_Isr (void) /* the debounce isr */ 


TFLG1=IC1F|0C2F; /* reset interrupt flags */ 

TMSK1.0C2I=0FF; /* disable 0C2 interrupt */ 

TMSK1.IC1I=0N; /* enable IC1 interrupt */ 


©port void 0C3_Isr( void) /* the PWM isr */ 


TFLG1=0C1F; /* reset 0C1 interrupt flag */ 


0C1D.0C1D7 ^=0N; 

TFLG1=0C3F; /* reset 0C3 interrupt flag */ 


if (++count>=COUNT_ONE_QUARTER) 


count=0; /*enter speed control about */ 

tick=TRUE; /*each quarter of a second */ 


if (++countl==COUNT_ONE_SECOND) 


count 1=0 ; 



Listing 5-8: The Completed Application 

Summary 285 

There are three input/output routines that have been written for 
this program. These routines, put char ( ) , dprint ( ) , and 
do_crlf ( ) , can be used with other systems with a serial input/ 
output system. The Cosmic compiler does provide the usual I/O 
routines like pr int f ( ) , ge t s ( ) , put s ( ) , etc. It does not provide 
a basic put char ( ) andgetchar () which is used by all of these 
library routines. The reason that these routines are not provided by 
the compiler is the wide variety of what the programmer will want to 
implement with the built-in SCI ports on the MC68HC11 family. 
The put char ( ) shown above will work in most instances. The 
dprint ( ) routine is a recursive routine that converts an integer 
into an ASCII string and sends it to the SCI port. 

There is one final modification to the program. In the last lines of 
the PWM timer routine, count 1 and tickl are processed to set 
t ickl to be TRUE each second. This flag is then used to control the 
writing of the motor speeds to the terminal screen. 


There has been no attempt to work all of the peripherals on the 
MC68HC1 1 . The various peripherals are similar to those on the other 
parts that we have discussed in other chapters or will discuss later. 
We have seen several timer applications both in the MC68HC1 1 and 
in the MC68HC05. We will see other timer applications in the 
following chapters. 

We have seen detailed use of the output compare timer subsystem 
to make a pulse width modulation digital-to-analog converter system. 
Depending on the program, the system allowed excellent performance 
in either short on times or maximum on times, but not both without the 
addition of a significant amount of code. We will see a system in the 
next chapter that provides excellent performance for both minimum 
and maximum on times. This performance is not a limitation of the 
MC68HC11, merely a limitation of the programs presented so far. 

The input capture subsystem has been used to measure motor 
speed in a simple DC motor controller. This system used a primitive 
reed switch to measure the rotation of the motor shaft, and the 
performance of the switch was poor. A debouncing system was 
developed that prevented input captures to occur for a specified time 
after the first input was detected. This approach uses an output 

286 Chapter 5 Programming Large 8-Bit Systems 

compare channel, but it does not tie up the microcontroller to wait 
out any delay times during the debounce period. This program is not 
too removed from many of those encountered in the real world. 

The organization of the program is similar to how most 
applications can be programmed, and the way in which the program 
was developed showed how most problems should be approached. 
The problem was broken down into a set of small operations that 
could each be handled easily. These different parts of the program 
were developed, tested, and debugged separately. This approach keeps 
the development of the individual parts of the program manageable, 
and debugging is not too difficult. If the whole program were written 
and then debugging started, it would have been nearly impossible to 
separate out the effects of one part of the program on the others. The 
main interrupt service routines were written first and tested as well 
as possible by themselves. With these important functions behind us, 
it was easy to attack the applications portion of the program in which 
the closed loop system was implemented along with the management 
of the input/output through the serial port of the device. 

The MC68HC 1 1 is a powerful enough computer that it is possible 
to make an ANSI compliant compiler. Parameters can be passed to 
functions on the stack, and re-entrant or recursive functions can be 
written for this part as was demonstrated with the dprint ( ) 
function. Remember, it is the microcontroller that limited the ANSI 
compliance with the MC68HC05 — not the compiler. 

Chapter 6 

Large Microcontrollers 

In this chapter we'll examine the programming of systems em- 
ploying large microcontrollers. The realm of the large-microcontroller 
system is not all that different from the 8-bit systems. One of the 
main advantages of the use of a high-level language is that it keeps 
the nasty details of the underlying computer hidden from the pro- 
grammer. Usually, the programmer will not see much difference 
between the code for different types of computers. The fallacy to this 
idea is that when programming any microcontroller, the program- 
mer must know about and use all of the on-board peripherals found 
on the microcontroller. These peripherals will vary from machine to 
machine, and how they are accessed will differ from device to de- 
vice. In this chapter, however, we are going to see an application 
where a substantial amount of assembly language is required. The 
chip that we are going to use here has a Digital Signal Processor 
section. This processor is accessed through special core chip regis- 
ters and the core condition code register. The abstract machine that 
the compiler creates code for contains no registers. Therefore, the 
only access to these features is through assembly language. We will 
show how to create assembly language functions that can be accessed 
from your C program. 

The part that we will use for the 16-bit discussions is the Motorola 
MC68HC 1 6 family of components . These are similar to the MC68HC 1 1 
in many ways, but there are important differences. First, there are some 
new registers that must be programmed directly to make the 
MC68HC16 work as desired. (The only register in the MC68HC11 
that must receive special assembly instructions is the condition code 
register.) Also, the MC68HC16 does not have automatic stacking of its 
registers when an exception occurs, unlike the MC68HC11. There- 
fore, all interrupt service routines must begin with code that saves the 


288 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

status of the machine before the normal interrupt operations can pro- 
ceed. We will see a few other differences between these devices, but 
the main difference is in the way peripherals are handled. 

On the MC68HC16, the core processor is called the CPU16. This 
central computer is interfaced to an internal bus called the 
inter- modual bus (1MB). The 1MB is very much like the bus a hard- 
ware designer would put onto an external circuit board. It has address 
and data busses and all of the necessary control signals to control any 
peripheral that the microcontroller might have applied. In the stan- 
dard device, the MC68HC16Z1, there are five built-in peripherals: 
the system integration module (SIM), the analog-to-digital converter 
(ADC), the queued serial peripheral interface module (QSPI), the 
general-purpose timer module (GPT), and the static random access 
memory module (SRAM). These modules and others can be added or 
deleted in future components as the customer needs dictate. 

The several internal peripheral modules are each interfaced to the 
1MB. Each module has a specific set of registers that are located at an 
address relative to the base address of the module. These base ad- 
dresses are set at design time. This is interesting because the same 
modules are used on the MC68300 series of microcontrollers, which 
are 32-bit microcontrollers. Therefore, the material presented in this 
chapter is directly applicable to the MC68300 series of microcontrollers. 
The only difference that the programmer will see is that the base 
memory locations of the various peripheral modules are different, but 
even these differences disappear because of the careful design of the 
microcontrollers. We therefore can consider this chapter to be on large 
microcontrollers rather than on the 16-bit systems alone. 

The MC68HC16 

The MC68HC16 is a truly complicated device. However, for our 
purposes, it can be divided into its several components, and each 
component is somewhat as one would expect from a programming 
standpoint. Therefore, we will examine this family of parts as a col- 
lection of modules. Each module is rather straightforward. The core 
processor, which is known as the CPU 16, is indeed a complete and 
competent microcomputer. The bulk of its complexity is hidden by 
the fact that the program is written in C. This section contains a brief 
description of the MC68HC16Z1 microcontroller that can be used to 

The MC68HC16 289 

aid in writing programs for the component in C. There are several 
Motorola manuals that are useful adjuncts to this chapter. l23456 

Copies of these manuals are all to be found on the attached CD- 
ROM. It is recommended that these manuals be reviewed prior to 
any attempt to write code for this family. 

CPU16 Core Processor 

The CPU 16 represents an attempt to bridge the difference be- 
tween the large 8 -bit microcontrollers and the high-end components 
embodied in the MC68300 family. This processor is a 16-bit proces- 
sor. As such, its instructions are each 16 bits wide, instructions are 
read from memory 16 bits at time, and the instructions are processed 
16 bits at a time. On this particular part, a 20-bit address bus with 
additional control allows the program to access two individual one- 
megabyte address maps. The controls available distinguish between 
program memory and data memory. 

It has been stated several times that the programmer's model for 
a microcontroller is not too important when writing code in C. To be 
able to access all of the features of a CPU16, you will have to use 
assembly language-based functions. There are certain features that 
are simply outside the concept of a high-level language. In these 
cases, it is recommended that functions which access and control 
these features be written and then you can call these functions from 
the C program. The main properties of the CPU 16 that are not avail- 
able to the C programmer are the DSP type registers found in the 
part. Programming of these registers is the subject of a later section 
of this chapter. 

The 20-bit address space of the CPU16 is a significant deviation 
from the normal 1 6-bit address space of the MC68HC 1 1 . This change 
has been handled by the addition of several 4-bit extension registers 
for those registers that deal specifically with addresses. These regis- 
ters are the program counter (PC), the stack pointer (SP), the three 

1 M68HC16 Family MC68HC16Z1 Users Manual MC68HC16Z1UM/AD 

2 M68HC16 Family CPU 16 Central Processor Unit Reference Manual CPU16RM/AD 

3 Modular Microcontroller Family GPT General Purpose Timer Reference Manual GPTRM/AD 

4 Modular Microcontroller Family ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter Reference Manual ADCRM/AD 

5 Modular Microcontroller Family QSM Queued Serial Module Reference Manual QSMRM/AD 

6 Modular Microcontroller Family SIM System Integration Module Reference Manual SIMRM/AD 

290 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

index registers (IX, I Y, and I Z), and the EK register. All these regis- 
ters except for the EK are 16 bits wide. The EK register is an extension 
register that is used with the extended addressing mode. Any ex- 
tended address calculation will result in a 16-bit number. The result 
will be concatenated with the EK register to create a 20-bit address. 
(The EK register has nothing to do with the E accumulator found in 
the device.) The extension registers are named PK, SK, XK, etc. The 
extension registers are usually set during initialization of the device, 
and there is no need to change them during program operation. The 
content of an extension register is a page pointer. The pages in this 
case are each 65536 bytes long. Transition from one page to another 
is automatic. For example, if an address is calculated for a j mp which 
will pass program control to code in another page, the proper ad- 
dress will be calculated for both base and extension register 
automatically. The calculation will alter the contents of both the base 
and the extension register without programmer concern. 

The MC68HC16 family currently has the several internal modules 
mentioned above, and it is planned that future versions of the part will 
have more modules. This complexity has suggested that the arrange- 
ment of the header file for the part be broken into several different 
files: One file for the main processor, and several different header files, 
one for each of the peripheral modules in the individual part. This 
approach is shown in the HEADER/HC16HEADERS directory on 
the CD-ROM. There you will find a header file named he 1 6 . h along 
with files named adc . h , gp t . h , s im . h , sram . h , and qsm . h. 
When writing code for any specific module, you should include the 
he 16 .h file along with the proper files for the peripheral portions 
needed. The he 16 .h file must be included first because there are 
items defined in this file needed by the other headers. 

One major difference between the large and small devices is the 
way the exception vector table is handled. Recall that, in the MC68HC 1 1 
family, all interrupt vectors are placed at the top of memory. With the 
MC68HC16 family, the vector table is contained within the first 512 
bytes of memory. Upon reset, the CPU 16 core processor reads the first 
four words of memory where it must find certain data for the opera- 
tion of the program. The address must contain a word whose least 
significant 12 bits are the contents of the ZK, the SK and the PK reg- 
isters when the part comes out of reset. The address 2 contains the 
initial program counter, and the address 4 must contain the initial stack 

The MC68HC16 291 

pointer. Finally the address 6 must contain the initial value of the IZ 
register. Note that the word addresses in the MC68HC16 are always 
even. In this machine you will find words on even boundaries, bytes 
anywhere, and long words on even boundaries. These data are loaded 
into this memory area by the use of a vector routine similar to that seen 
in Chapter 5 for the MC68HC1 1. With this approach, all of the regis- 
ters needed to begin operation of the basic computer are loaded from 
memory at reset time. Of course, this operation does not eliminate the 
need for program initialization; it merely provides a mechanism by 
which the processor will start accessing memory at the correct ad- 
dresses when the device comes out of reset. 

Table 6-1 contains a listing of the uses of each entry in the 
vector table. Note that vectors 0x0 through 0x3 7 have assigned 
functions. The vectors 0x3 8 through Oxf f are available for user- 
defined operations. Note the relationship between the vector number 
and the vector address. The vector address is always twice the vec- 

Table 6-1 : Exception Vector Table 


Vector Address 

Type of Exception 


Reset— Initial ZK, SK, PK 



Reset— Initial PC 



Reset— Initial SP 



Reset — Initial IZ 






Bus Error 



Software Interrupt 



Illegal Instruction 



Division by Zero 


0X001 2-0X001 C 

Unassigned, Reserved 


0X001 E 

Uninitialized Interrupt 



Level Autovector 



Level 1 Autovector 



Level 2 Autovector 



Level 3 Autovector 



Level 4 Autovector 



Level 5 Autovector 



Level 6 Autovector 



Level 7 Autovector 



Spurious Interrupt 



Unassigned, Reserved 


0X0070-0X01 FE 

User-defined Interrupts 

292 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

tor number. When programming the interrupt vectors in the several 
peripheral modules of the MC68HC16, the programmer will select 
the interrupt vector. When it comes time to place the interrupt ser- 
vice routine address in the proper memory location, it is to the 
vector address — NOT the vector number — that this value must be 

When setting up the vector table, a wise programmer will fill all 
of the possible unused vector addresses with the address of a dummy 
function that provides an orderly return to the program in the event 
of an unexpected interrupt. Usually the first Oxl 8 or 24 vectors should 
be filled with this address. An example function that can be used for 
this type of operation is 

static ©port void _init_vector (void) 
{ } 

This program will compile to a single RTI (return from interrupt) 
that will return the program control to the location when the interrupt 
occurred. A static function is not used often. When a function is 
declared static, it can be seen only in the file in which it is defined. 

Following is a listing of the routine vector . c . This program 
is modeled closely after that provided with the Cosmic MC68HC16 
C compiler. 

extern @far ©port void_stext (void) ; /^startup routine*/ 
extern ©port void OC3_Isr (void) ; /* ISR address */ 
static ©port void _init_vector (void) ; 

static const struct reset { 

©far ©port void (*rst) (void) ; /* reset + code 

extension */ 

unsigned short isp; /* initial stack pointer */ 

unsigned short dpp; /* direct page pointer */ 

©port void (*vector [252] ) (void) ; /* interrupt vectors */ 

}_reset = { 

_stext, /* 1-start address */ 

0x03fe, /* 2-stack pointer */ 

0x0000, /* 3-page pointer */ 

_init_vector , /* 4 -Breakpoint */ 
init vector, /* 5-Bus Error */ 

The MC68HC16 293 

_init_vector , * 6-Software Interrupt */ 

_init_vector , /* 7-Illegal Instruction */ 

_init_vector, /* 8-Divide by Zero */ 

_init_vector, /* 9-Reserved */ 

_init_vector, /* a-Reserved */ 

_init_vector, /* b-Reserved */ 

_init_vector, /* c-Reserved */ 

_init_vector, /* d-Reserved */ 

_init_vector, /* e-Reserved */ 

_init_vector , /* f -Uninitialized Interrupt */ 

_init_vector, /* 10-Reserved */ 

_init_vector, /* 11-Level 1 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 12 -Level 2 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 13 -Level 3 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 14 -Level 4 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 15 -Level 5 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 16 -Level 6 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 17-Level 7 Interrupt Autovector */ 

_init_vector, /* 18 -Spurious Interrupt */ 

/* vectors 0x19-0x37 unassigned, reserved */ 




/* put timer at vector 0x46 0x40 from ICR and 6 for OC3 */ 

0,0,0,0,0,0, OC3_Isr /* OC3_Isr vector at 0x46 address at 0x8c */ 


static ©port void _init_vector (void) 

{ } 

Listing 6-1 : The Vector Initialization Routine vector. c 

We have already seen the ©port command in Chapter 5. The 
@f ar command is unique to the Cosmic compiler. This command 
notifies the compiler that the pointer associated with the command is 
not the usual 16-bit pointer. An @f ar pointer is an extended pointer. 
This 20-bit pointer will be placed into the first two memory words 
by the vector . c routine. The rightmost 4 bits in word is the 
program counter extension PK, so that the placement of the 20-bit 

294 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

program counter in this location will provide proper initialization of 
the program counter. 

In the example above, the interrupt service routine OC3_Isr is 
placed in the address 0x46. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to 
accomplish this placement. The structure address must be counted 
by hand and the pointer placed at the correct location. The structure 
members are initialized only up to the vector with the highest ad- 
dress. Note that the structure is global, so that its members will all be 
initialized to zero unless otherwise assigned. Notice also that the 
vectors up to vector number 0x18 are initialized. These vectors in- 
clude all of the program-generated exceptions. These areas are where 
one would expect most of the problems to occur in debugging a pro- 
gram. The vector numbers 0x19 through Oxf f are left initialized to 
0. These vectors are all accessed by either the internal modules or 
from external interrupts. If there are no hardware problems with the 
system, it is unlikely that external devices will cause uncalled-for 
interrupts, and if one of the internal modules causes an interrupt with 
an uninitialized vector, the CPU 16 will access the uninitialized inter- 
rupt vector. 

One other problem can arise when debugging programs that 
involve user- specified interrupts. In the event that the isr address 
is improperly placed in the vector table, the program will become 
lost whenever the interrupt occurs. If such a program exhibits bizarre 
behavior, a good trick is to place a break point at the address 0. If the 
vector is wrong, an interrupt will take the proper vector which will 
contain a and attempt to execute the code at the address 0. The 
break point at this location will stop execution and give you a clue as 
to the program error. A break point at _init_vector can also be 
useful to determine where the program is when an unexplained 
exception occurs. 

If a compiler provides a mechanism that complies to the ANSI 
standard and one that does not, it is better to choose the ANSI stan- 
dard mechanism rather than the nonstandard approach. For example, 
ANSI states nothing about how to establish a vector table. The above 
approach is but one of several that can be used to handle the place- 
ment of the vectors in the vector table. Another approach is to use the 
vector macro that is found in he 16 . h . The disadvantage to the 
vector macro is that it can place a vector into RAM only. Often with 

The MC68HC16 295 

embedded controls, it is necessary to place the vectors into ROM. In 
that case, the use of the routine vector . c is the best approach. 

The use of the ©port command is certainly not found in the 
ANSI standard. It is possible to create a complete interrupt service 
routine without the use of the ©port. However, if C is used to the 
maximum, the isr will have some built-in inefficiencies. For ex- 
ample, the language has no direct register commands so it is necessary 
to create a function that saves the status of the computer on entry to 
the routine, and another to restore the machine status prior to the 
return from the interrupt. Also, a special function must be created to 
execute the RTI instruction at the end of the interrupt service rou- 
tine. These assembly routines can be created as function calls and 
saved in the header file. When they are used, it is wise to study care- 
fully the code generated by the compiler to make certain that there 
are no errors in the code. For example, if a function should happen to 
clear some space on the stack for local storage, the placement of an 
RTI instruction in the C code sequence would cause the return op- 
eration to be executed before the stack is restored. Such an error will 
cause serious problems in system performance if not corrected. 

Both the @f ar and the ©port commands are not in compliance 
with the ANSI standard. It is recommended that you use these com- 
mands sparingly because their use causes nonportable code to be 
generated with the compiler. So far in this text, we have used two 
significantly different compilers. Each compiler manufacturer claims 
that their compiler complies to ANSI. In the case of the C6805 com- 
piler from Byte Craft, it probably conforms as closely as can be 
expected for such a primitive machine. Both the MC68HC 1 1 and the 
MC68HC16 compilers comply more closely to the standard than the 
C6805. Both of these machines are so much more computer that one 
should expect very close compliance. Any extension to the basic lan- 
guage should be used with care. The above two commands are 
desirable and provide useful functions for the embedded control field. 

The Cosmic compilers also have an extension that has not been 
used in this text. The way in which they define the internal registers 
to the machine is not standard, and it does not permit very efficient 
use of bit manipulation by the compiler. The approach used here is 
shown in the various header files written for the parts. The compiler 
writer assumes that the use of a construct like 

296 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

#define ABLE (* (Register *) 0x2000) 

is too complicated for most programmers to understand. The ap- 
proach that they use is nonportable, and the latter approach is 
completely portable among ANSI compliant compilers. It is recom- 
mended that, even though the header files contain some code that 
might be difficult to explain, you should use the approach presented 
here to create code that is as portable as possible. 

Some of the sections that follow will show how portable code can 
be used. Examples from both the MC68HC11 and the MC68HC05 
will be used on the MC68HC16, and you will see that much of the 
code will be transferred with little change. Where would you expect 
changes? Recall the recommendation that each program be broken 
into three sections: the initialization section, the applications section, 
and the asynchronous service section. Each section will be subject to 
some change when moving from one machine to another, but the ap- 
plications section will probably suffer little change and the other two 
sections will see the most changes when the code is moved. For ex- 
ample, you will see that the initialization of theMC68HC 1 6 is somewhat 
different from that of the MC68HC1 1, but the interrupt service rou- 
tines will be nearly the same. In fact, in some cases the isr for the 
two parts is identical. On the other hand, the way that things are handled 
on the MC68HC05 is so different that the initialization and isr will 
probably have to be completely rewritten when moving code to one of 
the larger machines. However, here the machine-independent portions 
of the applications routine can be moved with little change. 

System Integration Module (SIM) 

A brief examination of the names of most of the modules will 
reveal their use. There is one notable exception — what is a system 
integration module (SIM)? The SIM is sort of the interface between 
the 1MB and the outside world. It is very useful, and contains much 
of the circuitry that a hardware designer would have to incorporate 
to make a computer out of a microprocessor. The object of the chip 
designer with the introduction of the SIM was to make it possible to 
use the MC68HC16 in a system with a minimum of external cir- 
cuitry. This section is not to provide you with a complete description 
of the SIM. The SIM Reference Manual is a 200-page document, 
and I'm not intending to duplicate that manual here. The following 

System Integration Module (SIM) 297 

paragraphs each contain a brief description of the several blocks found 
within the SIM. The set up and control of these blocks are all con- 
trolled by the registers described in the SIM book on the CD-ROM. 

System Configuration and Protection 

This module monitors many of the things that can go wrong with 
the operation of the MC68HC16. Internal and external signals can 
be generated that signal an error has occurred. Reset signals can be 
originated from several sources. The reset status monitor keeps track 
of the source of the latest reset to help with debug operations. The 
halt monitor responds to a HALT signal on the internal bus. This 
monitor, if properly enabled, can request a reset. The bus monitor 
and the spurious interrupt monitor can each request a bus error. The 
bus monitor responds primarily to an unanswered asynchronous bus 
transfer request. Such a sequence is usually the result of a program 
access to unimplemented memory. If properly enabled, the spurious 
interrupt monitor can initiate a bus error. 

There are two time-based functions in the system configuration 
and protection section of the SIM. The first is a software watchdog 
timer. This timer requires that the program access a memory location 
with a code sequence. This access resets a timer. With a proper pro- 
gram, the special location in memory is accessed routinely in the normal 
execution of the program and the timer should never overflow. If it 
does, there is probably a system error that is corrected by a system 
reset. The periodic interrupt timer is used whenever a simple clocking 
sequence is needed. We will see use of this timer in a later section. 

System Clock 

The system clock provides timing signals for the 1MB and all of the 
internal modules of the microcontroller. The time base for the 
microcontroller can be a 32768-kHz reference crystal , a 4.194-MHz 
crystal, or an external clock signal. If either of the crystal oscillators are 
used there is an internal phase-locked loop frequency multiplier that will 
multiply the operating frequency to the final system clock frequency. 

External Bus Interface 

The external bus interface transfers information between the 1MB 
and external devices. This interface supports a 16-bit data bus, up to a 

298 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

24-bit address bus, a three-line function control signal bus, control sig- 
nals for dynamic bus sizing, and handshaking for external bus arbitration. 


The CPU 16 contains a three- wire, seven-level interrupt system. 
These interrupts are interfaced to the SIM through the 1MB. The 
outside world is interfaced into the S IM as seven individual interrupt 
lines which are multiplexed onto the three- wire line within the SIM. 
There are also two sources of interrupt from within the SIM itself. 
These interrupts are from the periodic interrupt timer and the soft- 
ware watchdog timer. 

Chip Selects 

There are many signal lines on the microcontroller that might 
not be needed with a typical system. For example, address lines 20 
through 23 all follow the condition of address line 19. Perhaps not 
all of the external interrupt lines are needed. Often the function con- 
trol lines that can be used to decode the nature of a bus cycle — i.e., 
either data or program access — are not used. Altogether there are 12 
signal lines that can be implemented as chip selects. This line will 
assert when there is an access within a memory range specified. 

Reset and System Initialization 

The microcontroller has several sources of reset. The reset and 
system initialization section directs the several resets to the proper 
operation, and records the source of the resets. Also, when the sys- 
tem is reset initially, the state of several pins on the system bus is 
analyzed to determine the mode of the part when it exits the reset 

General Purpose I/O 

There are 16 SIM pins that can be configured as general-purpose 
input/output signals. These ports are ports E and F, and the pins are 
all multiply assigned. Port E pins, for example, are bus control 
pins, and Port F pins have a second use as the external interrupt 
inputs to the system. 

A Pulse Width Modulation Program 299 

A Pulse Width Modulation Program 

While the MC68HC16 has a built-in pulse width modulation 
(PWM) system, it is sometimes desired to achieve more flexible reso- 
lution than can be obtained with the built-in system. Therefore, it is 
not unreasonable that one would want to use the general-purpose 
timer to create a PWM. Prior to writing the code for a PWM in this 
manner, we should look at the basic time period of the processor. 
Unless otherwise directed, all of the timers in the GPT are driven by 
the system clock. This signal is passed through a prescaler controlled 
by the bits CPR2 through CPRO in the register TMSK2. The default 
prescaler value will cause a clock rate to the GPT of the system clock 
divided by four. 

The question now is the clock rate. Recall that the clock control 
is a portion of the SIM. Within the SIM there is a register named 
SYNCR. The clock frequency is controlled by the three bit fields 
named W, X, and Y in this register. When operating at a low crystal 
frequency — between 25 and 50 kHz — the formula for the system 
frequency is given by 

F s =F r [4(y + l)(2 2w+x )] 

where y has a value between and 63, and both w and x can have 
values of or 1. With a frequency f of 32767 and the W, X, and Y 
default values of 0, 0, and 63, respectively, the device will come out 
of reset with a system frequency of 8.388 MHz. To be able to get the 
finest resolution for our timing functions, let us plan to operate the 
system clock frequency at its maximum value by changing the value 
of X from its default value of to 1. This change will cause the 
system frequency to be 16.776704 MHz. The frequency of the input 
into the GPT is one-fourth this value or 4.194176 MHz. The time 
period for this frequency is 238 nanoseconds. 

The code for a PWM on the MC68HC 1 1 was shown in Chapter 5. A 
program that implements a PWM on the MC68HC16 is shown below. 

/* This program provides a pwm output to OC3 . The period 
will be the integer value found in pwm_period, and the 
on time will be the integer value found in pwm_count . 

Keep pwm count less than pwm period. */ 

300 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

#include "hcl6 . h" 
#include "gpt.h" 
#include "sim.h" 

#define PERIOD 0x1000 
#define ON_TIME 0x0800 
#define GPT_IARB 5 
#define GPT_IRL 6 
#define GPT_VBA 4 

/* function prototypes */ 

©port void OC3_Isr( void); /* the PWM isr */ 

WORD pwm period=PERIOD, pwm count =ON TIME; 


main ( ) 


/* The initialization portion of the program */ 

SYNCR.X=ON; /* set the clock freq to 16.78 MHz */ 
SYPCR.SWE=OFF; /* disable the watchdog */ 

GPT_MCR. IARB=GPT_IARB; /* pick an IARB for the Timers */ 

/* interrupt level 6 */ 
/* vectors start at 0x40 */ 
/* sent OC1 out to pin */ 
CONM.OCONM5=ON; /* couple OC1 to OC3 */ 
TMSKON.OC3I=ON; /* enable the OC3 interrupt */ 
OCOND.OCOND5=ON; /* turn on OC3 when OC1 occurs */ 
TCTLON.OL3=ON; /* toggle OC3 when OC3 occurs */ 
TOCl=TCNT+pwm_period;/* set OC1 to the period */ 
TOC3=TOCl+pwm_count; /* set OC3 time on */ 
cli() ; /* enable the system interrupts */ 

/* the applications portion of the program */ 



/* The asynchronous service portion of the program */ 
©port void OC3 Isr( void) /* the PWM isr */ 

A Pulse Width Modulation Program 301 

TFLG1.0C1F=0FF; /* reset OC1 interrupt flag */ 
if (0C1D.0C1D3 ==0N) /* compliment OC1D3 */ 


TFLG1.0C3F=OFF; /* reset OC3 interrupt flag */ 
TOC3=TOCl+pwm_count ; 

Listing 6-2: Elementary PWM Program For The MC68HC16 

In keeping with the new usage of header files for writing code 
fortheMC68HC16, the header files he 16 . h, gpt.h, and sim.h 
are included in the above program. These files contain definitions of 
all registers needed for the implementation of this program. You should 
include he 16 . h with every program or function that you write for 
this part. In this case, most of the program involves registers within 
the general purpose timer, so gpt . h is included. There is one regis- 
ter accessed from the system integration module. Therefore, the header 
sim . h is also included. 

The MC68HC16 contains a software watchdog. The part comes 
out of reset with the watchdog enabled. Therefore, unless a program 
periodically accesses the watchdog, the part will execute a watchdog 
reset. This periodic reset will make debugging of timing operations 
difficult. The watchdog is disabled in the first instruction of the ini- 
tialization of the program. The next three instructions are 
MC68HC16-specific instructions. 

The MC68HC16 has a seven-level interrupt system similar to the 
MC68000 family of parts. The seventh level is the highest priority 
and is the only nonmaskable interrupt for the part. The remaining 
levels are progressively lower priority until the level is found. At 
level zero, no interrupt is being processed, and this level is where the 
processor usually operates. When an interrupt occurs, the hardware 
level of the interrupt is placed in the interrupt priority field of the 
code register. Further interrupts of the designated level or lower will 
remain pending until a RTI instruction restores the IP field to a lower 
level. This approach provides for priority selection among several 
internal or external interrupt sources. 

302 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

Another potential problem occurs when two internal modules 
are assigned the same priority level. In this case, a second level of 
arbitration is set up to choose among these several modules, in the 
event that more than one module requests an interrupt at the same 
time. The module control register of each module has a field called 
IARB. This 4-bit field is assigned by the programmer and it is an 
arbitration level that will be applied when the processor must select 
between two equal priority interrupts that occur simultaneously. The 
interrupting module with the largest IARB value will be given con- 
trol of the processor. The IARB field can contain values from to 
15. When the module is being used, its IARB field must be assigned 
a non-zero value, and no two modules can contain the same IARB 
value. The code line 

GPT_MCR. IARB=GPT_IARB; /* pick an IARB for the Timers */ 

places a value 5 into the IARB of the general purpose timer. 
The interrupt level 6 is assigned to the GPT by the code line 

ICR.IRL=GPT_IRL; /* interrupt level 6 */ 

and the vector base address is assigned a value of 40 by the code line 

ICR.VBA=GPT_VBA; /* vectors start at 0x40 */ 

The means by which the vector assignment is accomplished in 
the GPT is different from that for the remaining modules in the 
MC68HC16. For the GPT, a 4-bit vector base address field is found 

in the interrupt configuration register. A vector is an 8-bit value. 

The vector assignment is accomplished when the value placed in 
the VBA field of the ICR is used as the high nibble of an 8-bit num- 
ber. The lower four bits are specified by the contents of Table 6-2. 
There you will note that the vector address of OC3 is at 0xV6 . When 
the contents of the VBA field is 4, then the vector for OC3 is 0x4 6. 
The vector address is twice the value of the vector or 0x8 c in this 
case. That is the reason that the address OC3_Isr is placed in the 
address 0x8 c in the vector initialization routine. 

You will note that each interrupt in the timer will be assigned a 
vector with the most significant nibble of the value placed in the 
VBA field of the ICR. There is a prearranged priority among these 
several interrupts. One interrupt can be moved to the highest priority 
among the several timer interrupts if desired. The priority adjust bits 

A Pulse Width Modulation Program 303 

Table 6-2: GPT Interrupt Priorities And Vector Addresses 





Adjusted Channel 




Input Capture 1 




Input Capture 1 




Input Capture 3 




Output Capture 1 




Output Capture 2 




Output Capture 3 




Output Capture 4 




Input Capture 4/Output Capture 5 




Timer Overflow 




Pulse Accumulator Overflow 




Pulse Accumulator Input 

11 (lowest) 


PAB field in the ICR allows this shift. For example, if the number 6 
were placed in the PAB field, then the priority of OC3 would be 
shifted from 6 to 0, where is the highest priority of the 1 1 levels 
with the GPT. In this case, the vector for OC3 would be located at 
0x4 0, and the vector address would be 0x8 0. None of the other 
interrupt vectors or priorities would be changed by this operation. 

The remaining code of the initialization section of the above pro- 
gram is almost the same as that found in Listing 5-5. The register and 
bit naming conventions used with the MC68HC16 are such that the 
code written for the MC68HC11 can be used directly on the 
MC68HC16. There is one change. In the MC68HC1 1, it was neces- 
sary to set the DDRA7 bit to allow the output from OC1 to show up on 
the pin PA7. The GPT has a different output pin arrangement on the 
MC68HC 16 and it does not require the use of the DDRA register at all. 

One additional modification: A cli ( ) instruction was used in 
Chapter 5 to enable the system interrupts. There is no single bit in 
the MC68HC16 that can be used to enable the interrupts. The 3-bit 
field in the condition code register named IP sets the level of inter- 
rupt that can be acknowledged. Since there is no equivalent instruction, 
a macro definition of an instruction 

#define cli() ("andp $fflf \n" ) 

is included in the header file he 16 . h. There is also a macro 

#define sei() ("orp $00e0\n" ) 

304 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

These two macros accomplish the equivalent of the same instruc- 
tions for the MC68HC16. The cli ( ) instruction clears the bits of 
the IP to zero, so that any interrupt will be acknowledged by the 
processor. The sei ( ) instruction set the IP bits so that only a 
nonmaskable interrupt will be acknowledged. Additional macros can 
be written that enable the programmer to set the interrupt level any- 
where between 1 and 7 if needed. 

Recall that with the MC68HC 1 1 the two registers TFLG1 and TFLG2 
were different from the usual registers in the part. To reset bits in these 
registers, it is necessary to write ones to the designated bits rather than 
zeros. On the MC68HC16, this anomaly has been corrected. On the 
MC68HC16, to reset bits in the TFLG1 and TFLG2 registers the pro- 
gram must write zeros to the appropriate bits. That change shows up in 
two locations in the OC3_Isr routine. The much more logical 



instructions are used here. Otherwise, the remainder of the interrupt ser- 
vice routine shown in Listing 6-2 is the same as that found in Listing 5-5. 
This portability is what you should expect when changing be- 
tween the MC68HC1 1 and the MC68HC16 family of parts. Care has 
been used in the design to assure that register names and bitfield 
names are common between the families. Therefore, code written 
for the MC68HC 1 1 should move to the MC68HC 1 6 with little change. 
The need for change at all is caused by the fact that architectures of 
the basic machines are different. 


1 . Modify the program shown in Figure 6-2 to allow the PWM range 
to vary from 1 to OXFFF. Compile this program and test the code. 

2. Write a macro that will permit the program to put an arbitrary value 
between and 7 into the IP field of the condition code register. 

Cosmic MC68HC1 6 Compiler 305 

Cosmic MC68HC16 Compiler 

The Cosmic compiler for the MC68HC16 is quite similar to the 
MC68HC11 compiler. Its operation is the same. Several command 
files are used in the course of executing a compilation, and these 
files will be shown here. The first file is the program that completely 
compiles and links the program. This file is shown below: 

c -dlistcs +s +o %l.c 

lnkhl6 < %l.lnk 

hexhl6 -s -o %l.hex %l.hl6 


This command file requires as an input a file with a . c extension. 
For example, if you were to compile the program newpwm . c , you 
would enter 

c : \ >comp newpwm 

The first line will invoke the compiler and create a listing file, a 
source assembly listing, and an object file named newpwm.o . The 
second line invokes the linker named lnkhl 6, and requires an input 
file named newpwm . Ink . The .Ink file is similar to that one dis- 
cussed in Chapter 5, and a listing of the one for this program is shown 

# Link command file for NEWPWM. c 

+h # multi- segment output 

-max Oxfffff # maximum size 

-psl6 -pc. # set up banking options 

-o newpwm. hi 6 # output file name 

+text -b # reset vectors start 


vector. o # vectors 

+text -b 0x400 # program start address 

+data -b 0x700 # data start address 

crts.o # startup routine 

newpwm.o # application program 

c : /ccl6/lib/libi .hl6 # C library (if needed) 

c : /ccl6/lib/libm.hl6 # machine library 

+def memory= bss # symbol used by library 

306 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

Here the entries are fairly well explained by the comments. Note 
that two additional input files are required by this link file. The vec- 
tor table vec tor . o is a compiled version of the vector listing given 
in Listing 6-1. The crts . o object module is an assembled version 
of the start-up routine for this machine. Both of these routines must 
be written and compiled or assembled for the specific program. Oth- 
erwise, the link command file is as discussed in Chapter 5. A version 
of crts . s is shown below: 


Copyright (c) 1991 by COSMIC (France) 

.external _main, 

.external ._main, 

.public _exit, stext 

.psect _bss 
sbss : 
.psect _text 
stext : 


ldk #. bss 




ldab #0fh 

• start of the i/o memory space 


• put it in y 

ldx #sbss , 

• start of bss 

clrd , 

• to be zeroed 

bra mtest , 

• start loop 


std 0,x , 

• clear memory 

aix #2 

• next word 

mtest : 

cpx # memory , 

• end of memory ? 

bio bcl 

• no, continue 

aix #1000h 

• 4K stack 

txs , 

• for instance 

jsr main,#. main , 

• call application 

_exit : 

bra exit 

• loop here if return 

Cosmic MC68HC1 6 Compiler 307 

. end 

In the above code, the EK, XK, and ZK registers are initialized 

to the value found in . bss . The initial value of YK is set to 

Oxf . The Y register will be used by the compiler to contain an offset 
to all of the data contained in the control registers found in the header 
files. Therefore, the YK register must be set to the top memory block 
in the computer memory space. 

Using the SCI Portion of the Queued Serial Module 

The queued serial module (QSM) contains two parts. The first is a 
convenient serial communications interface (SCI) which provides 
asynchronous serial communications that is used between comput- 
ers and other devices. The remainder of the QSM is a queued serial 
peripheral interface that is often used for high-speed communica- 
tions between computers and peripheral devices. This interface is 
strictly synchronous. 

Let's examine an interface between the program and a terminal 
much like that found in Chapter 5. Here, the interface will simply 
read in a number from the screen and put that number into the 
pwm_count value for the PWM program. With this operation in 
place, the operator can type in a value and change the PWM on time 
at will. Listing 6-3 contains a program that will accomplish this end. 

#include w hcl6 . h" 

#include "gpt.h" 

#include "sim.h" 

#include "qsm.h" 

#include "defines. h" 

#define PERIOD 0x1000 

#define ON_TIME 0x0800 

#define SIM_IARB 4 

#define GPT_IARB 10 

#define GPT_IRL 6 

#define GPT_VBA 5 

/* set the baud rate=f clock/32*baud_rate */ 

#define BAUD_SET (32768*512 )/ (32*38400 ) 

/* function prototypes */ 
©port void OC3 Isr(void); 

308 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

/* External variables */ 

WORD pwm_period=0xl0 , p wm_count= 0x0800 , new_input=0 ; 

BYTE new_character ; 

main ( ) 


/* The initialization portion of the program */ 

/* initialize the SIM registers */ 

SYNCR.X=ON; /* set the system freq to 16.78 mHz */ 
SYPCR.SWE=OFF; /* disable the watchdog */ 
/* initialize the GPT */ 

GPT_MCR.IARB=GPT_IARB;/* pick an IARB for the timers */ 
ICR.IRL=GPT_IRL; /* interrupt level 6 */ 

/* vectors start at 0x40 */ 
sent OC1 out to pin */ 
couple OC1 to OC3 */ 
enable the OC3 interrupt */ 
turn on OC3 when OC1 occurs */ 
toggle OC3 when OC3 occurs */ 

/* set OC1 to the period */ 
/* set OC3 time on */ 








TOC3=TOCl+pwm count; 


/* initialize the SCI 


/* set baud rate to 9600 */ 

/* enable the transmit and */ 

/* receiver of the SCI */ 

cli() ; /* enable the system interrupts */ 
/* the applications portion of the program */ 



if (SCSR.RDRF==ON) /* read in data if it is there */ 


new_character=SCDR; /* get new byte, reset RDRF */ 

while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) /* wait until transmit 
buffer empty */ 

SCDR=new_character ; /* send out byte and reset TDRE */ 

/* got an input, process it */ 

if (new_character>= ' ' &&new_character<=' 9 ' ) 

new_input=10*new_input+new_character- ' ■ ; 
else if (new_character== ' \r ' ) 


/* reject any number out of range */ 

Cosmic MC68HC1 6 Compiler 309 

/* and start over again */ 

if (new_input>=l && new_input<=4 04 8) 

pwm_count=new_input ; 
new_input=0 ; 



new input=0; /^reject everything else*/ 

/* The asynchronous service portion of the program */ 

©port void OC3_Isr( void) /* the PWM isr */ 

if (0C1D.0C1D3==0N) 


TOC3=TOCl+pwm count; 

/* reset OC1 interrupt flag */ 
/* toggle OC1D3 */ 

/* reset OC3 interrupt flag */ 

Listing 6-3: PWM System With Keyboard Input 

The qsm . h header file is included to add all of the register and 
defines needed for the operation of the SCI. We are going to place 
the operation of the SCI into the applications portion of the pro- 
gram. Implementation of the SCI requires that a baud rate be selected 
and the transmit enable along with the receive enable bits be set in 
the serial communications control register number 2. The baud rate 
is set to 38400 by placing a properly calculated value into the SCBR 
field of SCCRO. With these lines of code, the serial communications 
interface is set up and ready to work. 

The code inside the application portion of the program is essen- 
tially identical to that found in Chapter 6. The only difference is that 
the variable names are changed to be more compliant with this appli- 
cation. Here is another interesting case where the code written for 
the MC68HC1 1 will move directly to the MC68HC16 with minimal 

310 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

This program is a minimum SCI system. The SCI portion of 
this chip has comprehensive capabilities that are not exploited in the 
program above. These capabilities and error-checking devices are all 
available on the chip, and their access anduse is explained in detail in 
the QSM Reference Manual. Access of the various capabilities is 
exactly the same as was shown above in this program. 

Periodic Interrupt 

To make the problem a little more interesting, let's add another 
load to the machine by making use of the periodic interrupt capabil- 
ity provided in the SIM to create an interrupt. With this interrupt, we 
will build a time-of-day clock similar to that developed in Chapter 4. 
In this case you will see that the applications code developed for the 
MC68HC05 will work fine for the MC68HC16. Of course, the ini- 
tialization code and the interrupt service routine will be completely 
different for the MC68HC16. This additional code will be put right 
into the program listed in Listing 6-3. It is asserted that there will be 
no adverse interactions between the various sections of the code. 

#include u hcl6zl.h" 

#include "gpt.h" 

#include u sim.h" 

#include "qsm.h" 

#include xx def ines .h" 

#define PERIOD 0x1000 

#define ON_TIME 0x0800 

#define SIM_IARB 4 

#define PIC_PIRQL 6 

#define PIC_PIV 0X38 

#define PIT_PITM 16 

#define GPT_IARB 10 

#define GPT_IRL 6 

#define GPT_VBA 5 

/* set the baud rate=f clock/32*baud_rate */ 

#define BAUD_SET (32768*512 )/ (32*38400 ) 

#define TIME_COUNT 1000 

#define MAX_MIN 5 9 

# define MAX_HOURS 12 

#define MIN_HOURS 1 

#define NO_WAIT 

#define OC2_OFFSET 5 

#define MAX SEC 5 9 

Cosmic MC68HC1 6 Compiler 31 1 

#define MAX_MIN MAX_SEC 
# define MAX_HOURS 12 
#define MIN_HOURS 1 

/* function like macros */ 
#define get_hi (x) ((xJ/lO+'O 1 ) 
#define get_lo (x) ((x)%10+'0') 

/* function prototypes */ 
©port void 0C3_Isr (void) ; 
©port void PIT_Isr (void) ; 
void output_time (void) ; 
void putch(int) ; 
void send_out (WORD) ; 

/* External variables */ 

WORD pwm_period=PERIOD, pwm_count=ON_TIME, new_input=0 ; 

WORD hrs , mts , sec , been_here=0 ; 

char new character; 

main ( ) 


/* The initialization portion of the program */ 
/* initialize the SIM registers */ 



different */ 




second */ 

/* initialize the GPT * 



set the system freq to 16 . 88 mHz */ 

disable the watchdog */ 

IARBs for each module is 

put all timers at level 6 */ 
vector is 0x38, address is 0x70 */ 
512 prescaler */ 
divide by 16*4, 1 tic per 








TOCl=TCNT+pwm_period; / 

T0C3=T0Cl+pwm count;/* 



/*pick an IARB for the timers ' 
interrupt level 6 */ 
vectors start at 0x40 */ 
sent 0C1 out to pin */ 
couple OC1 to OC3 */ 
enable the OC3 interrupt */ 
turn on OC3 when OC1 occurs */ 
toggle OC3 when OC3 occurs */ 
* set OC1 to the period */ 
set OC3 time on */ 


312 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

/* initialize the SCI */ 

SCCRO.SCBR=BAUD_SET; /* set baud rate to 9600 */ 

SCCR2 .TE=ON; /* enable the transmit and */ 

SCCR2.RE=0N; /* receiver of the SCI */ 

cli(); /* enable the system interrupts */ 

/* the applications portion of the program */ 


if (SCSR.RDRF==ON) /* read in data if it is there */ 


new_character=SCDR; /* get new byte, 

reset RDRF */ 
while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) 

; /* wait until transmit 

buffer empty */ 
SCDR=new_character ; /* send out byte and 

Reset TDRE */ 
/* got an input, process it */ 
if (new_character>=' ' &&new_character<= ' 9 ' ) 

new_input=10*new_input+new_character- ' ' ; 
else if (new_character== ' \r ' ) 


/* reject any number out of range */ 

/* and start over again */ 

if (new_input>=l && new_input<=4 04 8) 

pwm_count=new_input ; 
new_input=0 ; 



new_input=0; /^reject everything else*/ 


if (sec>MAX_SEC) 


sec=0 ; 

if (++mts>MAX_MIN) 


mt s = ; 

if (++hrs>MAX_HOURS) 


if (been_here && !new_input) 


Cosmic MC68HC16 Compiler 313 

been_here=OFF ; 
output time ( ) ; 


void output_time (void) 


int i ; 
putch( x \r' ) 
putch( *\t' ) 
putch( x \t' ) 
putch( x \t' ) 
send_out (hrs) 
putch( x : ' ) ; 
send_out (mts) 
putch( x : ' ) ; 
send_out (sec) 
putch( x \r' ) ; 


void putch(int x) 


while (SCSR.TDRE==OFF) 

/* send out a carriage return */ 

/* tab over the pwm_count */ 
/* on the screen */ 

/* wait until data 
register is empty*/ 

SCDR = (char) x; 


void send_out (WORD data) 


putch(get_hi (data) ) ; 
putch (get_lo (data) ) ; 


/* The asynchronous service portion of the program */ 

©port void 0C3_Isr( void) /* the PWM isr */ 


TFLG1 .0C1F=0FF; /* reset 0C1 interrupt flag */ 

if (0C1D.0C1D3 ==0N) 


TFLG1.0C3F=0FF; /* reset 0C3 interrupt flag */ 
TOCl+=pwm period; 

314 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

TOC3=TOCl+pwm count; 

©port void PIT Isr( void) /* the PIT isr */ 


been_here++ ; 
sec++ ; 

Listing 6-4: Clock Routine Added to PWM 

If you compare this listing with that shown in Listing 6-3, you will 
find that there are few structural changes to the program. The code 
used to initialize the SIM is changed by the addition of the initializa- 
tion of the periodic timer interrupt. This code is shown below. 






IARBs for each module 
is different */ 

/* put all timers at 
level 6 */ 
/* vector is 0x38, 
address is 0x70 */ 
/* 512 prescaler */ 

/* divide by 16*4, 1 

tic per second */ 

The interrupt arbitration level field in the SIM module control 
register is set to 4. Recall that the value here can be anywhere be- 
tween 1 and 15, with 15 the highest priority. All active internal 
modules that are to use an interrupt must have a unique I ARB value. 
The I ARB value for the GPT was set to 5. Note that the interrupt 
level for both the GPT and the PIT is set to the level 6. Therefore, 
both sources of timing have the same interrupt priority; however, 
since the I ARB of the GPT is higher than that of the PIT, in the 
event of a simultaneous occurrence of the two interrupts, the GPT 
service routine will be executed before the PIT. 

The interrupt vector for the PIT is placed at 0x3 8. Because the 
address of the vector is twice the value of the vector, the interrupt 
vector address is 0x7 0. A pointer to the PIT interrupt service rou- 
tine will be placed at this address in the vector . c routine. The 
periodic timer itself is set up by the next two lines of code. This 
clock is driven by the EXTAL signal. In our case, the frequency of 

Cosmic MC68HC16 Compiler 315 

the EXTAL signal is 32768 Hz, not some number around 16 MHz. 
The formula to calculate the periodic interrupt time is 

T pi[ =4PITM(511PTP + l)/F extal 

Here PITM is the 8-bit field with the same name found in the 
PITR. PTP is a single-bit field in the PITR that can have a value of 
either or 1. As such, if PTP is 1, the prescaler value of 512 is used. 
Otherwise, when there is no prescaler, the value in the parentheses 
reduces to 1 . With the values placed in these fields in the above code, 
i.e., PTP of 1, and PITM of 64, and with a 32768-Hz external crys- 
tal, the periodic interrupt time should be one second. 

Two additional blocks of code are added to the applications sec- 
tion of the code. This code is shown below: 
if (sec>MAX_SEC) 


sec = ; 

if (++mts>MAX_MIN) 


mt s = ; 

if (++hrs>MAX_HOURS) 




if (been_here && !new_input) 


been_here=OFF ; 
output time ( ) ; 


The first eight lines of code here are taken directly from similar 
clocking code found in Chapter 4. This code merely counts the time 
in seconds, minutes, and hours. The second block of code determines 
if a PIT has been serviced, and if it has, it resets the been_here 
flag that indicated that the PIT service routine has been entered and 
then sends the time out the serial port when output_time ( ) is 

Here is a case where several subroutines are used in the applica- 
tions portion of the program. output_time ( ) calls functions 
putch( ) and send out ( ) . In turn send out ( ) calls 

316 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

convert_bcd ( ) . putch( ) is straightforward. This routine 
waits until the transmit data register is empty and then stores the 
character to be transmitted into the serial communications data reg- 
ister. The routine send_out ( ) takes the character parameter passed 
to it and causes it to be converted from integer format to two binary- 
coded decimal BCD characters. These two characters are then 
converted to ASCII characters by the addition of the character '0' to 
each and then sent to the output. (Recall that convert_bcd ( ) 
was shown in Chapter 4 in Listing 4-8.) Another version of this func- 
tion is shown in Listing 4-7. This alternate version has been tried in 
the program above and it works as well as the function used above. 
With the functions putch ( ) and send_out ( ) available, it 
is a simple matter to write the code that will output the time to the 
center of the top line of the screen. It is assumed that the cursor is on 
the top line when the program begins to run. The last remaining 
modification is the interrupt service routine PIT_Isr ( ) . Within 
this function, the been_here flag is set, and the value in sec is 
incremented. Since the applications portion of the program will pro- 
cess sec and reset it whenever it reaches a value of 60, there is no 
need for other code in this isr. For interest, listed below is the out- 
put from the compiler for both OC3_I sr ( ) and PIT_I sr ( ) . 

; 150 ©port void OC3_Isr( void) /* the PWM isr */ 
; 151 { 

. even 

pshm k, z ,y,x, d, e 





; 152 TFLG1.0C1F=0FF; /* reset OC1 interrupt flag */ 

ldy #0 

bclr -1758, y, #8 
; 153 if (0C1D.0C1D3==0N) 

brclr - 1783, y, #8, LI 02 
; 154 OClD.OClD3=OFF; 

bclr -1783, y, #8 

Cosmic MC68HC16 Compiler 317 

155 else 
bra L112 

L102: ; line 155, offset 33 

156 0C1D.0C1D3=0N; 
ldy #0 

bset -1783, y, #8 

L112: ; line 156, offset 41 

157 TFLG1.0C3F=OFF; /* reset OC3 interrupt flag */ 
ldy #0 

bclr -1758, y, #32 

15 8 TOCl+=pwm_period; 

ldd _pwm_period 

addd -1772, y 

std -1772, y 

159 TOC3=TOCl+pwm_count; 
addd _pwm_count 

std -1768, y 

160 } 

pulm k, z ,y,x, d, e 



162 ©port void PIT_Isr( void) /* the PIT isr */ 

163 { 
. even 

PIT_Isr : 

pshm k, z ,y,x, d, e 






164 been_here++; 
incw _been_here 

165 sec++; 
incw _sec 

166 } 

pulm k, z ,y,x, d, e 

Listing 6-5: Interrupt Service Routines 

318 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

Lines 150 through 160 above are the interrupt service routine 
OC3_Isr ( ) and lines 161 through 166 comprise the PIT_Isr ( ) . 
The main item that is observed here is the quality of the optimizer for the 
compiler. In general, interrupt service routines, ISR, must save the com- 
plete status of the machine prior to executing any code. The CCR along 
with the PC are both saved by the interrupt sequence. The remainder of 
the registers must also be saved if the ISR can use any of the additional 
register resources of the computer. Usually this case will be found. Note, 
for example, in OC3_I sr ( ) the first instruction is 

pshm k, z ,y,x, d, e 

This instruction causes the contents of all significant registers to be 
saved on the stack, so that the status of the machine at the time the 
interrupt occurred can be restored before control is returned to the 
portion of the program that was interrupted. This restoration is com- 
pleted by the two instructions 

pulm k, z ,y,x, d, e 

which refills all of the registers with the values they contained when 
the ISR was entered, and the rti instruction restores the condition 
code register to the value it had and the program counter is then 
restored. Thus, the status of the machine is restored and the program 
control is returned to the interrupted instruction. Note that the rou- 
tine P I T_I s r ( ) compiles to a much simpler routine. This routine 
has simply two increment instructions and requires no register re- 
sources. The optimizer recognizes this simple operation and does 
not save the status beyond that saved when the interrupt occurred. 

This routine has probably been pushed further than it should be, 
for demonstration purposes. This routine demonstrates multiple in- 
terrupts working simultaneously, keyboard input and output, and 
generates a simple pulse-width modulation signal whose on period 
is determined by a number entered from the keyboard. All of these 
operations are quite similar to those shown in Chapter 5; however, 
some major modifications in approach are required to meet the sev- 
eral requirements of the peripheral components on the MC68HC16. 
Let us now look at some other applications often used with 

Table Look-up 319 

Table Look-Up 

Often in the implementation of a practical problem it is necessary to 
implement a conversion of data in a completely heuristic manner. 
Observations are made and a curve of sorts is fit to the data. It is then 
desired to put a few samples of this curve into a data table and then 
calculate values between these samples with an accuracy that usually 
requires interpolation between the points contained in the data table. 
Such tables are usually sparse in that the number of measured points 
across the range covered by the table are few. The curve in Figure 
6-1 shows an example of such a conversion table, and the table itself 
is shown as Table 6-3. 

250 t 

20 40 80 

Figure 6-1: Data Conversion Curve 



Table 6-3: Look-Up Table 













The object of the program is to deliver to the program a number 
like 67 and get the proper result back from the table look-up routine. 
The x value of 67 lies between the 40 and the 80 entry in the table. 
Therefore, the interpolation calculation needed in this case is 

320 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

J 67 -40) 

Result = 15 + (50 -15)± '- = 38.625 

v J 80-40 

Notice that there is a product and a division that is the same for 
all input values between 40 and 80 in this case. This calculation is 
the slope of the line between the two points being interpolated. Usu- 
ally table look-up operations are used where time constraints on the 
program are great so that these operations, multiply and divide (es- 
pecially divide), are unwelcome in these programs. There is a way to 
avoid the divide operation. Note that between each set of points the 
slope is a constant. Therefore, if the slope of the line is built into the 
table, the calculation would involve one subtraction, one multiply, 
and one addition. Let us modify the table above to contain the slopes 
of the lines between each point. 















Table 6-4: Look-Up Table With Slopes 

Note that the slope of the line runs from the lower point to the 
next point. Therefore, there is no slope for the last point. When this 
table is built in memory, it consists of a header followed by a four- 
byte entry for each entry in the table. The header consists of a single 
byte that indicates the length of the table. In this case, since the table 
starts with an independent variable value of 20, there are expected to 
be no input values less than 20. If there are, however, the value of 5 
will be used for these output values. Also, if the value of the indepen- 
dent variable is greater than the maximum of 1 80, a value of 240 will 
be returned from the routine. With data from the above table, the 
calculation above would reduce to 

Result = 15 + 0.875(67 - 40) = 38.625 

which requires a multiply, a subtract and one add. Of course, the 
routine will truncate the fractional part of the result so that the value 
returned will be 38. 

Table Look-Up 321 

Each table entry contains four bytes. The first byte is the inde- 
pendent variable value, often designated as x. The second byte 
contains the dependent variable value, usually called y, and the final 
two bytes contain a floating point format of the slope. The slope 
must be floating point. The third byte contains the integer position of 
the slope, and the fourth byte contains the fractional value of the 
slope. With the binary point placed between the third and fourth bytes 
of the table entry, we can accomplish some interesting multiply op- 
erations. Prior to looking at the coding of this problem, let us complete 
the table and convert the slopes into hexadecimal format. 




















Table 6-5: Look-Up Table with Hexadecimal Slopes 

How does one build a table of this nature in C? Of course, it is an 
array of structures, or it could be a structure that contains an array of 
structures. The latter approach would be 

struct entry 


char x; 
char y; 
int slope; 


struct lut 


char entries; 

struct entry data [5] ; 

} _lut = { 


20, 5, 0x0080, 

40, 15, OxOOeO, 

322 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

80, 50, OxOlcO, 
120, 120, 0x0200, 
80, 240 


Note that in the table above, the slopes are entered in the table as 
two-byte integers. There is no binary point in the slope. The conver- 
sion of these integers to floating-point numbers is accomplished easily. 
We must merely recognize that these numbers are a factor of 128 too 
large, so after the slope is used as a multiplier, the result must be 
divided by 128 to get the correct answer. Of course, division by 128 
can be accomplished by a shift right by 8, or more practically merely 
choosing the left byte of the product. 

A function that will make use of this table is 

char table_look_up ( char x_in) 


int i ; 

for (i = ;x_in>_lut . data [i] .x && i<=_lut . entries ; i + +) ; 

if (i>=_lut . entries) 

return _lut . data [_lut . entries- 1] . y; 
else if (i==0) 

return[0] . y; 

return _lut . data [i-1] . y+ ( ( (x_in-_lut . data [i-1] . x) * 
lut . data [i-1] . slope) >>8) ; 


Listing 6-6: Table Look-Up Routine, Version 1 

The compiler optimizer will recognize the shift right by 8 in the 
above function and will merely select the upper byte of the result 
rather than executing the shift operation indicated. 

This function was checked on an evaluation system for the single 
input value of 67 and the result was the expected value of 38. Of 
course, that did not check the function over its full range of opera- 
tion. The check over the full range was accomplished on a host 
machine. It is a simple matter to include the above function and table 
in the following program. 

#include "tlu.h" 
void main (void) 

Table Look-Up 323 

int i ; 

for(i=0;i< 256; i++) 

printf( w i = %d r = %d\n" , i , table look up(i)); 

where tlu . h contains the function and the table above. This code 
compiles and runs on a MS-DOC PC, and the result is as expected. 
Here, the program scans the entire input range and prints out the 
resultant value at each point. A check of the outputs will show that 
the function hits the break value at each break, and creates a linear 
interpolation between all points. For values above or below the range, 
the proper output is observed. 

In a normal control system, there will often be need for several table 
look-up operations. The above code is not too good in this case because 
the code to do the look-up must be repeated with each table. This extra 
code can be eliminated if the function t ab 1 e_l ook_up ( ) is passed 
two parameters: the first parameter is the interpolation value, and the 
second value is a pointer to the look-up table as is shown below: 

char table_look_up ( char x_in, struct lut* table) 


int i ; 

f or (i=0 ;x_in>table->data [i] .x && i<=table->entries ; i++) ; 
if (i> = table- >entries) 

return table->data [table->entries-l] .y; 
else if (i==0) 

return table->data [0] .y; 

return table->data [i-1] . y+ 

( ( (x in- table- >data [i-1] .x) * table- >data [i- 1] .slope) >>8) ; 


Listing 6-7: Table Look-Up, Version 2 

This form of the table look-up should probably be used in all 
cases. Here is another example of where it is wise to examine the 
code generated by a compiler. It will not be listed here, but the as- 
sembly code required for Listing 6-6 is 182 bytes long, and that for 
listing 6-7 is but 142 bytes. This greatly improved utility automati- 
cally gives a substantial savings in code. 

It was pointed out that the compiler optimizer will sometimes 
change the basic code dictated by the programmer. Perhaps, it should 

324 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

be stated that the optimizer changes the code suggested by the pro- 
grammer. Often when you examine the code generated by the compiler, 
the operations that take place will not even resemble those that the 
programmer had in mind. This alteration of the code will show up 
with shifts, and divides or products of powers of two. A proper optimizer 
should determine if a multiply or a shift is better and provide the best 
code. Often you will find that the compiler optimizer will provide 
either fastest execution or minimum code. Usually the two will be 
different. Faster code will almost always take more memory. 

It may seem that the lost time is small, but you will always find 
that if you want fast code, you will not use any looping constructs. The 
code that increments a counter and tests the counter must be executed 
each loop. Without the looping construct, this code is completely elimi- 
nated, and its execution each loop will be completely eliminated. 
Therefore, if you want fast code, you should eliminate looping con- 
structs and repeat the code within the loop the desired number of times. 
The cost of this move is more code. We have also seen that recursive 
code can require an inordinant amount of time. Again, recursive code 
merely creates hidden looping constructs that require frequent genera- 
tion of stack frames prior to new function calls. The construction of 
these stack frames and return from functions require time which is 
often masked by the elegant appearance of the code. Usually you will 
produce faster code if you figure a way to accomplish the same end 
operation without calls to the executing function. 

Today, we are at the very beginning of a completely new set of 
microcontrollers. These machines are based on RISC (reduced instruc- 
tion set computer) techniques. Do not be misled. RISC does not really 
mean reduced instruction set. The instruction sets are complete and 
extensive. However, the basic architecture of a RISC machine is quite 
different from the older machines like those we have been working 
with. One of the main differences is that the design of the machine is 
to provide for the execution of one or more instructions with each 
clock cycle. A standard RISC will allow almost one instruction per 
clock cycle, and a super scaler architecture will allow two or more 
instructions per clock cycle. This operation is enabled by the use of 
instruction pipelines and multiple arithmetic logic units (ALUs). Some- 
times, an instruction must use more than one clock to complete an 

Table Look-Up 325 

instruction. For example, an integer multiply instruction might require 
five clock cycles. In that case, an instruction pipe five instructions long 
would be implemented within the integer ALU. Therefore, a multiply 
instruction would be launched into the instruction pipe for execution. 
In the meantime, other instructions could execute while the multiply is 
progressing through the pipe. 

Compiler optimization for these machines must take into account 
all of the pipes, the separate ALUs, and other unique operations when 
creating the required assembly code. Clearly, a straightforward cre- 
ation of code in the order that might seem to be natural to a 
programmer will not necessarily create the quickest code for a RISC 
machine. Here, speed optimization consists of arranging the code so 
that, as nearly as possible, the maximum number of instructions are 
launched each clock cycle. This rearrangement of your code will 
make it extremely difficult to examine the assembly code version of 
the program and even make sense of it. So long as the results are not 
altered, the optimizer for a RISC machine will move instructions 
around in the code stream to accomplish this end. Therefore, from a 
practical sense, any debugging on a RISC machine will probably be 
done with a source level debugger, and not an assembly language 
version of the program. 

The chip used in Chapter 8 is of the MCORE family of RISC 
microcontrollers. We will see more of the above comments in that 


1 . Sometimes two input values are needed to specify a parameter. 
For example, if you recall from Chapter 5, the change in pulse on 
time to properly control the motor speed was given by 

Ap = -3809500 ^ 

P 2 

create a sparse two-dimensional look-up table whose inputs are p and 
Ap and which provides Ap as the result of three interpolations. Is the 
look-up table better than the calculation in any way — less code, quicker, 
etc.? Why would you use a look- up table in a problem like this one? 

326 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 

Most microcontrollers, regardless of their basic speed, are not 
really able to process signals in real time. The basic speed of the 
processors is fast enough to accomplish most signal processing; how- 
ever, the set of things needed to do digital signal processing is not 
usually available in the regular microcontroller. The basic digital sig- 
nal processor (DSP) function that is required is summarized by three 
actions: 1) the processor must multiply two values, 2) the processor 
must add the product into a value, and 3) it must prepare for the next 
multiply. This set of operations must execute quickly enough that the 
computer can keep ahead of the real-time input of data being pro- 
cessed. Almost all signal processing operations are based on the 
multiply-accumulate sequence. Filtering, correlation operations, sca- 
lar products of vectors, Fourier and other transformations, and 
convolutions are but a few of the operations that are built around the 
DSP multiply and accumulate sequence above. The MC68HC16 fam- 
ily has an extension to its core that can execute basic DSP operations 
fast enough to support real-time filtering, correlation, and so forth. 

Unfortunately, C compilers do not know of these added func- 
tions, so the C programmer would seem to be unable to include DSP 
operations in programs. We will see here that, while it is rather in- 
convenient, it is possible to write assembly functions that will permit 
the programmer access to the complete DSP capabilities found in 
this family of devices. 

One of the good features of C is that it is not necessary for the 
programmer to have detailed knowledge of the nature of the basic 
computer being programmed. So far, we have had little to say about 
accumulators or index registers or the like. No more! We must now 
get inside of the computer to create functions that will accomplish 
our DSP needs. When these functions are complete, we should be 
able to treat the DSP operations in much the same manner that we 
would any other function call. The DSP contains four registers and 
controls three bits in the condition code register (CCR). The first two 
registers are called the MAC multiplier input registers H and I, re- 
spectively. These registers must be loaded with the multiplier and 
the multiplicand to be executed. Data stored in these registers are 
signed fractional binary numbers with the radix point between bits 
15 and 14. The product will be accumulated into the MAC accumu- 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 327 

lator M register. This register is 36 bits long. For convenience, the 
register is broken into two portions, bits 35 through 16 and bits 15 
through 0. We will see later that different portions of this register are 
moved by different instructions, so that breaking this register into 
the two parts is logical. 

The last register in the DSP register model is the MAC XY mask 
register. Automatic selection of the addresses for the next multiply 
needs modulo arithmetic. We will see more modulo arithmetic later. 
The mask register contains the modulo base for both the x and y 
index registers which will allow fixed coefficient tables, that can be 
manipulated as either single-or two-dimensional arrays, to be tra- 
versed automatically during successive multiply and accumulate 
instructions. The DSP register model is shown in Figure 6-2 below. 





H R 

I R 

A M 

A M 



Bit Position 

MAC Multiplier Register 

MAC Multplican Register 

MAC Accumulator MSB[35-16] 
MAC Accumulator LSB[15-0] 

MAC XY Mask Register 

Figure 6-2: MC68HC16 DSP Register Model 

The CCR contains three bits that are associated with the DSP. 
Bits 14 and 12 are DSP overflow flags. These flags will be discussed 
in detail later. Bit 4 is called the SM bit and is the DSP saturation 
mode control bit. 











11 12 13 



DSP Control Bits 


Figure 6-3: DSP Control Bits In The CCR 

The accumulator is 36 bits with the radix point between bits 31 
and 30. When accumulating into the MAC accumulator AM, there are 

328 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

two types of overflow that can occur. The first is when an addition 
operation, which should always add fractions, causes an overflow 
from bit 30 to 31. This type of overflow is reversible because the 
arithmetic that caused the overflow cannot cause more than a 1-bit 
overflow error, and bits AM [34-31] are there to absorb this type of 
overflow. The contents of this register are signed, so that bit 35 of AM 
is the sign bit. The maximum value that can be placed in the 36-bit 
AM register is 0x7 f f f f f f f f . This value has a decimal value of 
15.999969482. The minimum value is 0x8 00000000 correspond- 
ing to -1 6. Whenever arithmetic involves the bits AM [34-31] the 
EV bit will be set, and the program will know that the bits in 
AM [35-31] are the signed integer part of the number. If successive 
operations cause the overflow to disappear, the EV bit will be reset. 

Another situation is less tractable. Suppose an overflow occurs as 
a result of an arithmetic operation into the AM that causes bit 34 to 
overflow into bit 35. This type of error is not reversible as is the case 
above. When this overflow occurs, the MV bit is set to notify the pro- 
gram of the result. An internal latch known as the sign latch SL will 
contain the value of A [3 5] after the overflow has occurred. There- 
fore, SL is the complement of the sign-bit when the overflow occurred. 

To communicate with the DSP portion of the MC68HC16, we 
have to use assembly language. In keeping with the basic rule to use C 
whenever possible, the approach to be taken will be to create C-call- 
able functions that access these important capabilities. What features 
should we include in these functions? Obviously, all possible func- 
tions cannot be conceived. A set of functions that will embody the 
most important features of the DSP capabilities will be written. 

Let us examine how this compiler transfers parameters to a func- 
tion. When more than one parameter is passed, the parameters are 
pushed on the stack starting with the right-most parameter in the 
function argument list. The leftmost parameter is put into the D reg- 
ister. If a single parameter is passed, it is placed in the D register 
prior to the function call. Within the function, the D and X register is 
saved on the stack, and the stack pointer is decremented by an amount 
needed to provide space for all of the function variables. At that point, 
the stack pointer is transferred into the X register. An example of this 
code is shown below. This little function receives three parameters 
and merely puts these values into three local variable locations. 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 329 

void dot_product (char length, int* xdata, int* ydata) 


int i,*xp, *yp; 



Listing 6-8: Sample Parameter Handling Function 

The compiled version of the above function is shown below. The 
first important instruction is the . even assembly directive that causes 
the code to follow to start on an even boundary. Code must be started 
at an even address. Note in the program above that three parameters 
are passed to the function. After the contents of the X and the D 
registers are saved, the stack pointer is decremented by 6 to provide 
space for the variables i , *xp, and *yp. The two pointer param- 
eters require 16 bits each, and the character parameter needs only 8 
bits. The program, in favor of greater speed, will store the variable i 
in a 16-bit location even though i is only 8 bits wide. At this time, 
the value contained in the stack pointer is transferred into the X reg- 
ister. During this transfer, the value will be automatically incremented 
by two so that the contents of the X register will be pointed to the last 
value stored on the stack rather than to the next empty location on 
the stack as is found in the stack pointer. 

1 ; Compilateur C pour MC68HC16 (COSMIC-France) 

2 .include "macro.hl6" 

3 .list + 

4 .psect _text 

5 ; 1 void dot_product (char length, int* xdata, int* ydata) 

6 ; 2 { 

7 . even 

8 _dot_product : 

9 pshm x,d 

10 ais #-6 

11 tsx 

12 .set OFST=6 

13 ; 3 int i,*xp, *yp; 

14 ; 4 

15 ; 5 xp=xdata; 

16 ldd OFST+8,x 

17 std OFST-4,x 

18 ; 6 yp=ydata; 

19 ldd OFST+10,x 

330 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

20 std OFST-6,x 

21 ; 7 i=length; 

22 ldab OFST+3,x 

23 clra 

24 std OFST-2,x 

25 ; 8 

26 ; 9 } 

2 7 ldx 6,x 

28 ais #10 

29 rts 

3 .public _dot_product 

31 .even 

32 .psect _data 
3 3 .even 

34 .psect _bss 

3 5 .even 

3 6 .end 

Listing 6-9: Compiled Version Of Parameter-Handling Function 

The diagram shown in Figure 6-4 will help you visualize what is 
happening here. On the right side of this diagram you will find the 
location at which the stack pointer is pointed at various times during 
the function call and its execution. On the left side of the diagram, 
you will see the locations pointed to by the X register. An offset 
named OF ST is established by the program. This offset will have a 
value equal to the space emptied on the stack with the ais instruc- 
tion: in other words, in this case OFST will be 6. In every case from 
this point forward in the program, variable and parameter accesses 
will be indexed relative to the X register, and the total offset from the 
X register will be a value OFST+k where k is a positive or negative 
value that corresponds to the address of the parameter being accessed. 
For example, the instruction 

ldd OFST+8,x 

will load the value at X+OFST+ 8 which you can see in Figure 6.4 is 
the value *xdata. This value is stored at the location x+OFST-4 
by the instruction 

std OFST-4,x 

which is the location where xp is stored on the stack. Remember 
that each word on the stack is two bytes, so that all of the offsets and 
address will be even numbers. 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 331 

The code in lines 16 through 20 above saves the values of xdata 
and ydata in xp and yp respectively. The operations shown in lines 
21 through 24 save the 8-bit value found in the B register to the 
16-bit location at x+OFST-2. To be certain that the value is not 
corrupted by some garbage value in the A register, the c 1 r a instruc- 
tion is inserted prior to the time that the value is saved. 

Stack Contents 

SP after ais #-6 

X after tsx 






SP after pushm x, d 

X at rts 




SP after function call 




SP before function call 



Figure 6-4: Stack Contents During Function Operation 

After the closing brace of the function in the above listing, two 
important operations take place. First, the contents contained in the 
X register on entry to the function are restored by the instruction 

ldx 6,x 

and the stack pointer content is restored to the value it contained 
when the function was entered. At this point in the program, an rts 
instruction will return the program control to the instruction follow- 
ing the j sr or bsr instruction used to enter the function code 

When the function return is executed, the registers D, E, Y, Z, and 
CCR are all undefined. A 16-bit return from the function will be returned 
in the D register, and a 32-bit return will be contained in the E and the D 
register. The least significant portion of the return is in the D register. 

332 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

What is a dot_produc t ( ) ? In vector algebra, a dot product, 
or a scalar product, operates on all of the members of two vectors 
and returns a single scalar result. This value is the magnitude of the 
projection of one vector on the other. The familiar arithmetic form 
for a dot product is 


c = X a k b k 

Note that all corresponding members of the two vectors are mul- 
tiplied and summed. The result is a single number. Another important 
calculation needed to be accomplished by a DSP is called convolu- 
tion. A convolution is the time domain operation of a filter. Most of 
the time, a designer thinks of a filter as operating on the different 
frequencies of the signal being processed. In the frequency domain, 
at every frequency the filter has a gain which is complex. "Complex" 
in this case means the gain has two dimensions that can be thought of 
as magnitude and phase. The signal also has a similar two-dimensional 
description in frequency. At each frequency, the magnitude of the 
filter gain multiplies the magnitude portion of the signal, and thephase 
of the filter gain adds to the corresponding phase of the signal. There 
are easy ways to treat this operation in the frequency domain. In fact, 
the design of most filters takes place in the frequency domain. 

However, the frequency domain is an artifact that we can never 
really get our hands on. In reality, the signals we must deal with are 
varying voltages or currents. These varying signals can be continu- 
ous, or when converted to a tractable form for operation in a computer, 
they are a series of samples. Let us call them x . Here x is the value 
of the signal at sample points k. Now k might be thought of as re- 
lated to time, and in fact different values of k do correspond to samples 
taken at different times. Usually, k corresponds to samples taken pe- 
riodically at carefully spaced, equal intervals. 

A filter in the time domain has what is called a weighting func- 
tion. The weighting function is indeed the Fourier transform of the 
complex frequency response of the filter. In the continuous domain, 
there is a mathematical trick that allows the weighting function to be 
shown. A function called a Dirac Delta function is defined as a func- 
tion that is everywhere except at one point. The integral across this 
point is one. Such a function really does not exist. However, if such 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 333 

a function were delivered into the input of a filter, the output of the 
filter would be the filter weighting function. 

As we move to the digital realm, the Dirac Delta function is re- 
placed by the Kroniker Delta function. This simple function, 8 k , is 
for all values of k except for k = where its value is 1 . If this func- 
tion is sent through a digital filter, the output observed is the weighting 
function of the filter. 

In both cases, analog and digital, the frequency response of the 
filter is the Fourier transform of the filter weighting function. This 
duality between the frequency response and the time domain response 
makes it possible to design filters to accomplish what is really de- 
sired. Usually, the filter specification is best established in the 
frequency domain. The designer knows what frequencies are to be 
passed or rejected by the filter. There has been a long history in the 
field of passive network synthesis devoted to the "approximation 
problem." How does one specify a filter to meet accurately a desired 
frequency response? This problem has led to many sophisticated 
approaches to the specification by mathematics of a frequency re- 
sponse to meet the system need. More important, these frequency 
responses have a nature that can be realized by a finite collection of 
passive electrical components — resistors, capacitors, and inductors. 
In other words, these frequency responses are realizable. 

A series of mathematical transformations exist that can be used 
to transform frequency responses directly to filter weighting func- 
tions. We will not go into these transformations here, but will refer 
you to Elliott for practical means to specify the weighting functions 
for digital filters. 7 A more general text on this subject is by Antoniou. 8 
The time domain response calculation is called a convolution. If there is 
a signal x k applied to a filter with a weighting function h k there will be an 
output from the filter at each time sample, and this output will be called 
y k . The relations between these parameters are given by the equation 


y k = X x k-i h 


7 Elliott, Douglas R, Handbook of Digital Signal Processing and Applications: 
Academic Press Inc. 1987 

8 Antoniou, Andreas, Digital Filter Analysis and Design: McGraw Hill, 1979 

334 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

The convolution is little more than a series of dot products, one dot 
product for each output sample. Therefore, if you have a function that 
will calculate a dot product, it can also calculate a convolution. 

An item of consequence is the use of modular arithmetic in calcu- 
lation of the data addresses. Often times, it is desirable to traverse an 
array and return to its beginning automatically when the end is reached. 
Modular arithmetic allows this type of operation. When working in 
combination with an unusual step value, modular arithmetic will per- 
mit the collection of coefficients from a rectangular array placed in 
linear memory space. Here the step value refers to one of the numbers 
associated with the mac or the rmac instruction. These two values are 
called xo and yo. This value is used to increment the address of the 
corresponding register whenever data is loaded into either the H or the 
I register. The location of the array in memory should be placed at 
special location in memory. This location is discussed below. The ef- 
fective address for the next value to be placed in the X after the value 
is incremented by the xo register is given by 

IX = (IX) &-XMASK | ( (IX) +xo) &XMASK 

Note that XMASK here is an 8-bit mask that defines the length of 
the circular array. The array length must be a power of two less than 
or equal to 256. The value placed in XMASK is one less than the array 
length. When the contents of IX, or (IX), is anded with the comple- 
ment of the sign extended value of XMASK, the value that is left is the 
starting address of the array. The second term above causes the con- 
tents in IX to be incremented. As the value in IX is replaced by 
( ( IX) + xo) &XMASK after each multiply and accumulate opera- 
tion. Since XMASK must contain a number that is one less than a 
power of two raised to the n: its least significant n bits are 1. The 
value placed in IX is the address with the n least significant bits 
masked off. When these two values are ORed together, an address is 
created that will range from the beginning to the end of the array and 
then back to the beginning in steps of xo. The requirements to make 
this scheme work are: 

1. The array length must be a power of two less than or equal to 

2. The array must begin on a specific address. This address is any 
value where the least n bits are zero. Here n is determined by 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 335 

n = log 2 (array length) 


array length = 2 n 

3. The value in xo must be equal to the step between adjacent 
data samples in the array. 

This scheme can be used to move, in a modular manner, around 
multiple-dimensional arrays as well as one-dimensional arrays. Let 
us now modify the earlier code to show how a circular buffer can be 
used to advantage. 

The above compilations use the default memory model for the 
Cosmic C compiler for the MC68HC16. This computer has a memory 
addressing space of 20 bits. In the design of the part, the basic address 
registers were all made 16 bits wide, and the additional bits required to 
address the total space were placed in extension registers. Therefore, 
for each of the addressing registers, the stack pointer, the program 
counter, and the index registers X, Y and Z, there is a 4-bit extension 
register. These registers are called SK, PK, XK, YK, and ZK respec- 
tively. As mentioned earlier, several of these extension registers are 
initialized upon reset, and the remainder must be initialized prior to 
the execution of the main program. Usually, when a calculation alters 
a value in an extension register, this change takes place seamlessly. It 
is typically not necessary to worry about the contents of the extension 
registers. Recall in the code for the initialization routine listed above, 
crts . s, that the values for XK and ZK were set to and the value 
placed in YK was Oxf . The reason for this choice is that the compiler 
automatically uses the Y register as an offset when calculating the ad- 
dresses listed in the various header files. Since all of these registers are 
in the highest memory page, the YK value of Oxf is appropriate. 

The default memory model is called the compact model, and the 
code is compiled in the compact model so that all code, data, and stack 
memory space is contained within one 65 kilobyte (K) memory bank. 
Therefore, the initialized values of the extension registers need never 
change. On the other hand, it is sometimes necessary to change the 
values in these registers, and it is desirable to have the compiler take 
care of this bookkeeping when needed. All of the additional memory 
models will provide this tracking of the extension registers. These 
models are: small, one 65 K bank for code and one 65 K bank for data 

336 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

and stack; program, multiple 65 K banks for code and one 65 K bank 
for data and stack; data, one 65 K bank for code and multiple 65K 
banks for data and stack; and finally far, multiple 65 K banks for code, 
data, and stack. With each of these memory models, it is necessary to 
keep track and often change the contents of the extension registers. As 
a result, with these models, it is necessary to alter slightly the stacking 
sequence. Such a sequence is shown in Figure 6-5. The function call 
that will cause the stack to be arranged as is shown in the figure below 
has four arguments. From left to right these arguments are xlen, 
*xdata, ylen, and *ydata. The lengths are simple character 
values, and the pointers in this case must be 20-bit values. If a function 
call to this routine is compiled with the small memory model, or any 
other model with the exception of the compact model, the stacking 
will include the extension registers as shown below. 

X after tsx 


SP at rts 

Stack Contents 









SP after XK is saved 
SP after pushm x, d 
SP after function call 


SP before function call 

Figure 6-5: Stacking Sequence That Passes Extension Registers 

The B register, which is the righthand side of the D register, will 
contain the left-most parameter when the function is called. There- 
fore, the parameter xlen will be found in the least significant bits of 
the location labeled D in the above stack outline. The routine shown 
below will make use of both the X and the Y registers. The compiler 
allows for all registers with the exception of the X register to be 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 337 

altered by any function call. Therefore, it is necessary to save the 
contents of the X register prior to altering this register. 

; int circular_conv (char xlen, int* xdata, charylen, int* ydata) 

. even 

.set xlen=5 
.set xk=ll 
.set xdata=12 
.set ylen=15 
.set yk=17 
.set ydata=18 

_circular_conv : 
pshm x, d 

txK ; save old xk 
pshm d 

clrm ; clear the m register 
clra ; put ylen into e register 
ldab ylen,x ; ylen 

addb #-1 ; decrement count to get correct 
tde ; number of iterations 
ldaa xlen,x ; xlen is the circular part 


of the convolution. Create 

coma ; a mask that is the compliment 

clrb ; of twice the length. 

tdmsk ; put xlen in XMASK 

ldab yk,x 


ldy ydata, x ; ydata with yk extension 

pshm x ; save x 

ldab xk,x 


ldx xdata, x ; xdata with the xk extension 

ldhi ; load H and I registers for mpy 

rmac 2,2 ; do rmac ylen times 

tmer ; send result to e and then 

pulm x ; restore x 

ldx 2,x ; restore it to its original value 

338 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

pulm d ; restore old xk 


ais #4 ; fix the stack 

ted ; data to be returned 

rts ; return 

. public _circular_conv 

. end 

Listing 6-10: Circular Convolution Routine In Assembly Language 

Variable names get lost from the program when executing an 
assembly language program called from C. Therefore, when a func- 
tion is entered, the names of the variables are replaced by offsets 
from a table saved by the compiler. Programming functions without 
the aid labels and variable names requires careful attention to the 
details of stacking and unstacking these data. It is recommended that 
when a program is to be prepared, an abbreviated version like the 
function dot_produc t ( ) above — which will guide the program- 
mer in setting up the variable locations in memory — be written. In 
the above routine, the offset OF ST was not used, and the various 
offsets were assigned names that correspond to the variables. This 
approach makes it easier to understand what the program is doing 
and easier to write the code correctly. 

It is important that the contents of the XK register be restored to its 
initial value when a function call is returned to the calling program. 
The content of the X and D registers is saved on the stack and the value 
or XK is then saved. The contents of the stack are placed in the X 
register, and this register is incremented by two so that it will point to 
the last data pushed on the stack. The M register is cleared, and the 
parameter ylen is moved into the E register. This value is used with 
the rmac instruction to tell how many times the mac instruction is to 
be repeated. The value of xl en is the length of the buffer that contains 
input data. This buffer is fed circularly so that when the calculation 
reaches the last entry in the buffer the pointer into the buffer will be 
returned to the top of the buffer to get its next entry. The length xlen 
is the number of entries in the buffer, but the length for the calculation 
must be the number of bytes in the buffer. Therefore, the value of 
xlen must be doubled prior to the creation of a mask to be used in 
XMASK. In this case, XMASK value is calculated, and YMASK which is 
stored as the B register content of the D register is made zero. There- 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 339 

fore, there will be a circular buffer calculation on X, but there will be 
no circular calculation on the Y register. 

After the MASKs are set up, the two 20-bit pointer registers, X 
and Y, are assigned the values passed as parameters, and then the 
product data are put into place. The rmac instruction is then ex- 
ecuted the number of times indicated by the contents of the E register. 
The register contents are then restored and the result of the single- 
point convolution is moved into the D register before control is 
returned to the calling program. 

A simple program was written to test the operation of this func- 
tion. This function does not attempt to make a digital filter, but it rather 
sets up to show how the circular convolution works. In this case, it was 
intended that the program run on an EVB16 board that has a normal 
serial interface to an RS232 port. Therefore, the data being tested can 
be sent out of the serial port to a terminal. The purpose of the program 
is really quite simple. It is to execute a convolution between a short set 
of coefficients and a long set of data. The coefficient set is 32 integers 
long, and the data set is 64 integers long. The coefficient data is a 
descending array of numbers that are in the upper byte of the number. 
These numbers start at 3 1 and reduce successively to zero. The data 
that will be used here are merely the numbers through 63 in the 
upper byte of the number. The system is set up, the system frequency 
is set to 16.78 MHz, and the watchdog is disabled. The serial port is set 
to 9600 baud and the SCI transmitter is enabled. 

#include u hcl6.h" 
#include "sim.h" 
#include "qsm.h" 

int putchar(char new_character) ; 
void dprint (int c) ; 

void main (void) 


int circular_conv (char , int*, char, int*); 
int data [64], coef [32] , point [64] , i , j , *ip; 

/* initialize the SIM */ 

SYNCR.X=1; /* set the system freq to 16.78 MHz */ 

SYPCR.SWE=0; /* disable the watchdog */ 

/* initialize the SCI */ 

340 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

SCCRO .SCBR=55; /* set baud rate to 9600 */ 
SCCR2.TE=1; /* enable the transmit of the SCI */ 

for (i=0 ; i<64 ; i++) 

data [i] =i*0xl00; 
for (i=0; i<32 ; i++) 

coef [i] = (31- i) * 0x10 0; 

for (i=0; i<64 ; i++) 


ip=data+i ; 

point [i] =circular_conv (64 , ip, 3 2 , coef) ; 


for (i=0;i<8;i++) 


for ( j=0; j<8; j++) 


dprint (point [j+8*i] ) ; 
putchar ( x x ) ; 


putchar (Oxd) ; 
putchar ( Oxa) ; 


int putchar (char new_character) 


while (SCSR.TDRE= = 0) ; /* wait until transmit buff er empty */ 
SCDR=new_character ; /* send out byte and reset TDRE */ 


void dprint (int c) 


if (c<0) 


putchar ( x - ' ) ; 

c = - c ; 


if ( c/10) 

dprint (c/10) ; 

putchar (c%10+' ■ ) ; 


Listing 6-11: A Test Program for Circular Convolution 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 341 

Next, the circular convolution program is executed 64 times. These 
results are stored in the array point [] . This array is then sent out 
the terminal eight numbers at a time. A few lines of code are ex- 
tracted from Figure 6-2 to make the put char ( ) function. Finally, 
the function dprint ( ) sends the data out of the serial port to the 
terminal. The output from this program is as follows : 

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 

This program is merely a test program to show that the circular 
convolution does indeed work. The fact that the output data is always 
the same value, decimal 64, shows that the addresses are handled 
correctly inside of the circular convolution. Let us examine first to 
determine why the answer should be 64. The coefficients and data 
are each 0x10 0. Two of these values are multiplied and summed 32 
or 0x2 times. Therefore, one would expect that the result would be 
0x2 0000. However, you must remember that each of the above 
products is in fact the product of two binary fractional numbers. The 
binary point in each case is between bit numbers 14 and 15. The 
product of these numbers will yield 0x100 0, but in that case, with 
the binary point between bits 29 and 30. Actually, the binary point 
dictated by the microcontroller is between bits 30 and 31. The an- 
swer is corrected to this binary point location in the M register, and 
the result of the product is then 0x2 0. This number is summed 
32 times and the final result is 0x4 000 0. When the M register is 
moved into the E register and then into the D register, the value that 
is saved is 0x4 0, or 64, as the test program showed. 

Remember Equation 6-1 for the convolution: 


y k = X x k-i h i 


342 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

In this expression, it seems possible that the x subscript can have a 
negative value. Actually, such a case is not possible because a nega- 
tive subscript implies that data is used before it is available. Positive 
subscripts correspond to time that has already passed. Values of x 
will be zero for negative subscripts. If the kth sample corresponds to 
"now," increasing values of i will get older samples of x. This op- 
eration can lead to a little problem in creating the code for the 
convolution. The looping construct within the assembly program 
above selects the different values of i in the above equation. The 
coefficients h. are placed in memory in successive order so that an 
increase in the value of i will select the correct next coefficient. 
However, if the data values x were placed in memory as one would 
naturally expect, the newest value of data would be at the current 
array index, and old values of the data would be at lesser index val- 
ues. This arrangement will not work correctly. The data must be placed 
in the array backwards in order to get the convolution to work. Older 
data must be at higher indices than the current data sample. Also, 
when filling the array initially, the program should start at the top of 
the array rather than the bottom. The routine listed below will store 
the data properly in the array. 

int data [64] ; 

int handle_data (char new_data) 


static int i = 63; 

if (i<0) 

i = 63; 

data [i— ] =new_data; 

return i+1; 


Listing 6-12: Convenient Data Storage For DSP Use 

This routine is integrated into the code shown in Listing 6-11 
and used to test the circular convolution. This resultant program is 
shown in Listing 6-13. In this case, the variables data and coef 
are moved outside of the function main ( ) to make them global. 

Digital Signal Processor Operations 343 

#include "hcl6 . h" 
#include u sim.h" 
#include "qsm.h" 

int putchar(char new_character) ; 

void dprint (int c) ; 

int handle_data (int new_data) ; 

int data [64] @0x2000; 
int coef[32] @0x2100; 

void main (void) 


int circular_conv (char , int*, char, int*); 
int point [128] , i , j , *ip; 

/* initialize the SIM */ 

SYNCR.X=1; /* set the system freq to 16.78 MHz */ 

SYPCR.SWE=0; /* disable the watchdog */ 

/* initialize the SCI */ 

SCCRO .SCBR=55; /* set baud rate to 9600 */ 

SCCR2.TE=1; /* enable the transmit of the SCI */ 

for (i=0 ; i<64 ; i++) 

data [i] =0x00; 
for (i=0; i<32 ; i++) 

coef [i] =0x100; 

for (i=0; i<64 ; i++) 


/* get new data— use 0x100 for this test */ 

ip=data+handle_data ( 0x10 ) ; 

point [i] =circular_conv (64 , ip, 32 , coef) ; 


for (i=0;i<8;i++) 


for ( j=0; j<8; j++) 


dprint (point [j+8*i] ) ; 
putchar ( x x ) ; 


344 Chapter 6 Large Microcontrollers 

putchar(Oxd) ; 
put char ( Oxa) ; 



int handle_data (int new_data) 


static int i = 63; 

data [i— ] =new_data; 

i &=63; 

return (i==63) ?0 : i+1 ; 


Listing 6-13: Test Program For The Circular Convolution 

Then the code to send the data to the circular_conv ( ) is 
modified slightly to that shown below. 

for (i=0;i<64;i++) 


/* get new data — use 0x100 for this test */ 

ip=data+handle_data (0x10 0) ; 

point [i] =circular_conv (64 , ip, 32 , coef ) ; 


The value 0x10 is sent into the function handle_data , and 
the return is the index into the array where the data was stored in the 
array data. When this integer is added to data, which is a pointer to a 
type int, the pointer ip will point to the location into the array where 
the latest value was stored in memory. Under normal circumstances, 
this piece of code would be entered under control of a clock and the 
data sent into the routine handl e_da t a ( ) would be new input from 
an analog to digital converter. Also, the for statement is not expected 
in a practical application. The output from this program is: 

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 
34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 
50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 

Other MC68HC16 Considerations 345 

The data array starts out empty, and the coefficients are each Oxl . 
The output is as you would expect — it starts and increases linearly 
from to 64 in the first 32 samples. The output then remains at 64 until 
the end of the test. This linear ramp is exactly what one would expect 
when sending a step function into the constant weighting function. 

There is one important point to be found in this program. It was 
stated earlier that the programmer should attempt to keep the code in 
C whenever possible. In the above case, we introduced a rather simple 
function in assembly language. The fact that the program was a func- 
tion, and it was necessary to use a large memory model, the code 
required to handle the data as it was passed into the function is much 
longer than you would expect. Also, the implied C code in preparing 
the machine for the function call and the handling of the extension 
registers in the main program makes the overall program larger than 
expected. Unfortunately, it is not possible to access the DSP with C, 
so if you wish to do DSP operations, assembly language access is all 
that you can use. 

Other MC68HC16 Considerations 

The discussion in this chapter has been dedicated to the 
MC68HC16 microcontroller. Of course, there are components of this 
microcontroller that are not covered in this chapter. No attempt was 
made to outline the access to the analog-to-digital converter, several 
features of the general purpose timer, the serial peripheral interface, 
or the static RAM. However, the programs shown here do cover 
enough of the part to demonstrate that the on-board peripherals can 
be accessed from the C language. In the approach used, the header 
files contain all of the bit field definitions needed to access any bit or 
bit field in any control register in the part. 

Chapter 7 

Advanced Topics in Programming 
Embedded Systems (M68HC12) 

During the past few years, we have seen an unbelievable 
proliferation of embedded systems products. Devices that could only 
be imagined ten years ago are commonplace today and their very 
existence demonstrates the importance of C programming for small 
microcontrollers. Let's take a look at one such application and see 
how easily you can develop rather complicated applications on 

Throughout this text, much emphasis has been placed on the 
construction of small functions and then integrating these functions 
into a working package. This approach is about the only way that 
you can really hope to create a complicated piece of firmware in a 
sensible time. My early projects would always start with careful design 
of the whole project, partitioning of the project into sensible modules, 
design of each module, writing the code for each module, integration 
of the whole project and then, after cleaning up syntax errors, I'd 
begin to test the whole program. What a disaster! These programs 
would never work and there would be no hope of ever getting the 
package to run as a unit. 

As I gained experience, I found that the top-down approach I 
used was probably satisfactory if I tempered the integration of the 
system. Today, I start with a careful design for the whole system. 
This design is partitioned into constituent components. At that point, 
another look at the design is in order to see if the existing components 
can be further reduced into sensible components. At that point, the 
lowest-level components are coded. Often these functions are so 
simple that they work when first tested. Whenever there is a required 


348 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

interface for a component, I take the time when it is being created to 
write stub functions to provide any necessary interface to test the 
function. Every small function is tested as it is written. 

The hierarchy of these functions is built upward. Those functions 
that make use of the lower-level functions are coded and tested, and 
so forth until the whole project is completed. Every function is written 
and tested as it is created so that, as the program builds upward, it is 
always based on known working modules. And this approach is used 
to complete the whole program. 

At every phase in the construction of the project the key words 
are test, test, test. Every function is tested at its creation and, therefore, 
the whole project is built upon relatively simple, small functions that 
have been tested and work. Does this approach guarantee that no 
bugs will be built into the program? Does it guarantee that the final 
integrated version of the program will work as desired? In both cases, 
the answer is a resounding NO. However, you have at least some 
chance of creating a program that can be debugged and will meet the 
desired specification. Also, you will find that writing and testing a 
series of small functions always requires less time than writing and 
testing the aggregate, more complicated function. 

In summary, make your functions small, test them until there is no 
possibility of hidden errors, revise them and retest them always with 
the intent of reducing the function size. Then, when you have completed 
the function, parade it in front of your peers and see if they can suggest 
ways to improve the functions. Build your project with such blocks 
and you will have a reasonable chance of meeting your deadlines. 

In this chapter on the M68HC12, we will discuss programming 
into the chip a part of the features of a telephone, or perhaps of an 
electronic phone book. Note that the problem discussed here is but a 
small part of the control of a telephone. A telephone book function is 
one complete module that is a part of the telephone control. 

As it stands, the HC12 has a small amount of EEPROM into 
which a phone book can be stored. The chip also has a large amount 
of FLASH ROM in which the program is stored. The FLASH memory 
has some disadvantages that discourage its use to store the telephone 
book data. On these chips, the FLASH memory is broken into two 
parts. The smaller portion of the FLASH is called BOOT FLASH 
and the larger portion is specified for general program storage. If 
you need to erase any memory, the whole block, either the BOOT or 

Advanced Topics in Programming Embedded Systems (M68HC12) 349 

the general program storage, must be completely erased. Therefore, 
if you should want to change the contents of the phone book, the 
whole block would have to be erased and rewritten. Another approach 
that could be used is just to assume that you will have enough FLASH 
to write over and discard the memory used and move the entry to 
new memory whenever it is changed. This approach, however, is 
wasteful of the memory. 

The EEPROM does not suffer this problem. Any individual byte 
in the EEPROM memory block can be written, read, or erased without 
a problem. Also, the EEPROM can be erased and rewritten at least 
10,000 times without deterioration. FLASH, on the other hand, is 
specified to be able to withstand 100 erase/write cycles during its 
lifetime. All in all, FLASH makes a good program storage memory 
and EEPROM makes a better changeable nonvolatile memory. 

The C compiler used in this chapter is that provided by Cosmic. This 
compiler is essentially the same as that seen in Chapters 5 and 6 except, 
of course, it creates code for the M68HC12 family of parts. One very 
nice extension of the compiler is the ability to identify EEPROM in the 
code. The approach followed here uses the following #pragma: 

#pragma data [768] @eeprom 

It identifies data as an array 768 bytes long that is stored in 
EEPROM. At link time a command like 

+seg . eeprom -b OxdOO -m768 

indicates that the EEPROM will be found at the address OxdO and it 
will be 768 bytes long. The nice feature derived from this extension to 
the C language is that any assignment to the data array will first erase 
the byte and then store the data into the specified location automatically. 
The fact that the HC 12 component that is to be used for this project 
contains a large amount of FLASH and little RAM leads to some 
difficulty in writing code for use on this part. There are no development 
environments that contain sufficient RAM to test a significant program. 
Therefore, prior to executing the first byte of code on the target chip, 
you must be more certain than normal that the code will work as 
intended. I solve this problem by developing most of the code for the 
final configuration to execute in a DOS environment and only after I 
have a complete working program is there any attempt to move it into 
the target system. Code developed in this manner was discussed in the 

350 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

previous paragraphs. The main difference is that the development 
flow will be for a DOS-based system and the microcontroller-based 
code will be very carefully designed and tested and integrated into 
the program as it is developed. The final tests after the code has been 
transferred to the target system will be limited to those items that are 
specific to the target system only. 

Let us look now at what we would like our phone book code to 

The purpose of the program is to allow storage of names and 
telephone numbers in the EEPROM section of an M68HC912B32. 
This chip has 768 bytes of EEPROM and 32K bytes of FLASH 
EEPROM. It has an on-board UART through which all of the 
communications with the chip are conducted. One of four single- 
letter commands can be entered into the system: 

Command Response 

n Receive a NAME terminated by an <enter> 

followed by a phone number also terminated by 
an <enter>. 

s Display the entire directory contents. 

a Display the next directory entry. 

r Delete the entire contents of the directory. 

Nonvolatile storage is at a premium. Therefore, all data stored in 
EEPROM will be encoded to compress the data as much as practical. 
All numbers will be stored in BCD form. This approach requires 4 
bits per stored number when, in fact, 3.32 bits per digit is required if 
it is assumed that the use of each number is equally likely. Confusion 
can result when an empty number is stored, so the value stored for 
the number will be Oxa rather than 0x0. 

Alpha, or letter, data will be compressed using a Huffman code 
as was shown in Chapter 5. This code will be written specifically to 
compress data from the names found in a telephone directory. Fre- 
quency of letter usage here is different from that found with general 
English text. The decode scheme to be used here will follow the 
general approach given in Chapter 5. 

As a first estimate, the following functions will be required in 
putting this program together: 

Advanced Topics in Programming Embedded Systems (M68HC12) 351 











This function executes all of the time and receives 
data from the keyboard. It interprets the entries and 
passes control to the appropriate function to execute. 

Encodes the alpha data read from the keyboard 
with a Huffman code. 

Decodes the Huffman encoded data stored in 
FLASH when needed. 

Converts numeric data passed in an array to the 
modified BCD format and saves these data in the 
FLASH array, also a passed parameter. 

Converts the encoded numeric data contained in 
the passed array to ASCII form. Places the con- 
verted data in an array that is passed to the function. 

Reads in a character from the serial port. This func- 
tion and putchar ( ) below work with the 
standard library input/output functions that will 
be used by the program. 

Sends a character to the serial port. 

Reads in a character string, either numeric or al- 
pha from the serial input. 

Prints the contents of the phone book stored in 

Prints the next entry in the phone book. 

Saves the phone book entry in the proper 
EEPROM location. 

Erases the contents of the EEPROM. 

Most of these functions have nothing to do with the underlying 
computer. Therefore, we will write code that is completely indepen- 
dent of the computer. If there is ever a potential modification in this 
code when changing to the embedded microcontroller, standard com- 
piler control commands will be used. 

352 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

Numeric Encoding 

Data will be entered from a keyboard that is assumed to provide 
an ASCII character stream. In operation, the first entry will be the 
telephone number. As this number is received the coding will be 
converted from ASCII to a modified BCD format. The modification 
is needed to eliminate trouble with the occurrence of zeros in the 
number. The conventional BCD encoding for a zero is a 0x0 that is 4 
bits wide. If you should have a double zero, the encoded version 
would be an 8-bit zero or '\0\ which is interpreted in C as an end of 
a character string. That confuses the issue enough that it was decided 
to encode the digit zero as Oxa. The literal interpretation of this 
number is the value ten. But, with our BCD encoding, the number 
ten will never occur, so it is safe to use this value for the value zero. 

/* The ascii data in the constant array s [] con 
tains a number. These data are converted to a 
modified BCD form and stored in the array 
array [] . The number zero is stored as Oxa. The 
series is terminated with a null character 
followed by an enter character. */ 

#include <ctype> 

int numbdup (char * const s, unsigned *array, int len) 


char *pq, *sp; 
int i ; 

sp=s; /* use local pointer */ 

pq= (char *) array; /* convert pointer to character */ 

f or (i=0 ; i<len; i++) /* empty the array */ 

pq[i] =0; 
i = 0; 
while (*sp I = ' \0 ' &&*sp ! = ' \n' ) /* read until termination char*/ 



if (isdigit (*sp) ) /* convert the inputs two at a time*/ 

Numeric Encoding 353 

if(*sp== / 0') /* handle a zero input */ 

*sp=' ' +0xa; 
*pq| = (*sp-' ' ) <<4 ; 



pq|=0xf0; /* non digit, mark it */ 
if (isdigit (* (sp+1) ) ) /* the next input */ 


if(*sp== / O l ) /* treat a zero */ 

*sp=' ' +0xa; 
*pq|=(*(sp+l) -'0') ; 



pq|=0xf; /* another non digit */ 
sp+=2; /* Increment the input data pointer, */ 
pq++; /* the output data pointer, */ 
i++; /* and the data count */ 


return i; /* length of the array */ 

Listing 7-1: Numeric Encoding Routine 

All of the storage arrays in the EEPROM are of the type un- 
signed int . Here the storage of both numeric data and alpha 
data requires that every bit of every storage location be used so that 
unsigned is the norm. In the coding routines, the data are passed in as 
characters and the destination arrays are unsigned. Therefore, to aid 
the local bookkeeping, the destination array pointer is immediately 
assigned to a type char * and this pointer will be used to store the 
encoded data. 

The following program provides a simple test for the numeric 
coding. This program has a serious problem though. All computers 
configure memory in either a big endian or a little endian order. In 
the big endian order, the most significant byte, 8 bits, of a 16-bit 
address is given the smaller address and the least significant byte 
goes to the larger address. The little endian order is just the reverse. 

354 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

Here the least significant byte of data is assigned to the smaller ad- 
dress and the most significant byte goes to the larger address. Almost 
all Motorola chips use big endian, and almost all Intel chips use little 
endian. There can be some confusion when developing code to run 
on one style of data storage on a machine with the opposite. This 
problem is seen in the following program. 

# include <stdio .h> 
main ( ) 


unsigned array [25] ; 
int i ; 

numbdup( "123456789098765", array, 25) ; 
for (i=0;i<8;i++) 

printf ( u %x" , array [i] ) ; 
putchar ( x \n' ) ; 


Listing 7-2: Numeric Encode Test 

If this program is compiled with a PC (Intel-based) compiler, the 
result will not appear to be correct. However, if the program is com- 
piled on an HC12, or 68HC16, or 683XX, or 68HC11, or 68HC05 
compiler, it will seem to work correctly. In fact, both results are cor- 
rect, only the numeric representation in memory is different. 

Numeric Decoding 

Once the numeric data are encoded and stored, they must be de- 
coded to be used by other parts of the program. The decode routine 
is called putbcd ( ) . This function is shown below. 

void putbcd (char *s,char *number) 


int c, i=0 ; 
char *sa; 
while(*sa!='\0' ) 


Numeric Decoding 355 


if (isdigit (c= (*sa>>4) +' 0' ) ) 

number [i++] =c; 
else if (c = =' ' +0xa) 

number [i++] = ' ■ ; 
if (isdigit (c= (*sa&0xf ) +' ' ) ) 

number [i++] =c; 
else if (c = =' ' +0xa) 

number [i + + ] =' ' ; 
sa++ ; 


number [i++] =' \n' ; 

number [i + + ] =0 ; 

Listing 7-3: Numeric Decoding Routine 

In this function the output data is called number [ ] and the in- 
put is s [ ] . The encoded data in s [ ] is converted one BCD 4-bit 
field at a time to ASCII characters. In the event that a character re- 
ceived has a value 'O'+Oxa, it is then a character zero or '0'. Each 
byte is converted from two 4-bit BCD values to two ASCII charac- 
ters that represent the proper digits. 

The test program for this routine is a combination of the encode 
test routine with one to decode the encoded data. As one would ex- 
pect, when both the encode and the decode routine are used together, 
the result is correct. This observation is true on either the Intel or the 
Motorola style chip. The endian-ness of the chip is immaterial when 
the entire encode/decode operation is completed. 

# include <stdio .h> 

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10 

int decode (unsigned M[],char *s) ; 

int encode(char *a, unsigned *array,int length); 

main ( ) 


char a [ARRAY_SIZE] ; 

int c, i=0; 

unsigned array [ARRAY_SIZE] ; 
char s [ARRAY SIZE] ; 

356 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =' \n' ) 

a [i + + ] =c; 
a[i]='\n' ; 

encode (a, array, ARRAY_S I ZE) ; 
decode (array, s) ; 
printf ("%s" ,s) ; 

Listing 7-4: Numeric Decode Test 

Coding the alpha data 

For encoding and decoding the name data to be stored in our 
phone book, we will use a Huffman code. We saw the decoding of a 
Huffman code in Chapter 5 and the decoding approach used here 
will be almost the same as was used there. In the discussion in Chap- 
ter 5 there was no encoding and that feature must be added here. To 
do justice to the encoding technique, it is necessary to try to build the 
code to encode the type of text that a phone book represents. There is 
no reason to suspect that a collection of English names will contain 
the same character frequency as standard English text. It is necessary 
to understand the frequency of occurrence of each letter in the text to 
be encoded. With this understanding, you can write a code that as- 
signs few bits to frequently occurring letters and more bits to letters 
that occur less frequently. 

The program below reads in data, counts the occurrences of let- 
ters, both upper and lower case, in a document. The occurrence of 
letters is sorted in order of decreasing occurrence. These data are 
printed out. The program calculates the average theoretical entropy, 
bits per character, of each character in the document and displays 
this number. Also included in the calculations are the space, ' ' , char- 
acter and the new line, An', character. These characters cause the 
output to be distorted, so the character '>' is used to indicate a space 
character and a '<' indicates a new line. These data will then be used 
to create a Huffman code used to compress the data prior to storage 
in the internal EEPROM. 

This particular program, along with many variations, has been 
an exercise used for years in classes. It does demonstrate some im- 
portant considerations. The shell sort was used in Chapters 2 and 5 to 
sort data, and here we will use it again. In this case, the data to be 

Coding the Alpha Data 357 

sorted is contained in an array of structures. The structure is 
typedef ed and called a type Entry. Each instance of an Entry 
contains an integer value count and a character named letter. The 
letter is the actual letter being recorded and count is the number 
of occurrences of the letter in a document. 

Our alphabet consists of the normal 26 letters plus the space and 
new line characters. Therefore the constant LETTERS is given a 
value of 28. 

In the main program, the necessary variables are defined. Note 
that the array of Ent rys named letters [ ] contains LETTERS 
entries. The variables used to count the input data are initialized. The 
variable characters is initialized to zero. The character member 
of the array letters is initialized to the actual character values in 
order and the count value is initialized to zero. The character values 
in the last two entries in the array are initialized to '>' and '<' respec- 
tively to correspond to the space character and the new line character. 

When reading the data in, each character is operated on by the 
t o lower ( ) function. This operation converts any upper-case letter to 
a lower-case letter, but it does not alter any other characters. If the 
character returned is a letter, a space or a new line character, it will be 
processed by the following block. Otherwise, the character is discarded 
and a new character is read in by the argument of the whi le ( ) loop. 
As the characters to be processed are detected, the corresponding 
letters . count is incremented in the array. After all of the data are 
entered, an EOF is detected, the data are sorted and then printed out. 

The modifications to the earlier shell sort are minimal. First of 
all, the array passed to the routine is identified as a type Entry 
rather than an int. Also, the temp variable is a type Entry. Then 
the comparison in the test argument of the innermost f or ( ) loop is 
converted to compare the two v [] . count entries. The swap 
operation that follows needs no modification. 

# include <stdio .h> 
#include <math.h> 
#include <ctype . h> 

#define LETTERS 28 
typedef struct { 

358 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

int count ; 
char letter; 
} Entry; 

int main() 


int c , characters , i ; 
Entry letters [LETTERS] ; 
double a, sum; 

characters=0 ; 

for (i=0; i<LETTERS; i++) 


letters [i] . count=0; 
letters [i] . letter=i+' a' ; 


letters [ x z' -'a'+l] . letter=' >' ; 

letters [ x z' -'a' +2] . letter=' < x ; 
while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! =EOF) 


c=tolower (c) ; 

if (isalpha(c) | |c==' ' ||c=='\n') 


characters++ ; 

if (c>=' a' &&c<=' z' ) /* count the letters */ 

letters [c- ' a' ] .count + +; 
else if (c== # x ) 

letters [ x z ' - ' a' +1] . count + + ; /* count the spaces */ 

else if (c== # \n' ) 

letters [ ' z ' - ' a' +2] . count++ ; /* count the new lines */ 



/* got all of the data in and processes , print it out */ 

shellsort (letters, LETTERS) ; 

printf ("\n\n") ; 

printf ( u Char Frequency Char 

Coding the Alpha Data 359 

Frequency\n\n" ) ; 

for (i=0 ; i<LETTERS/2 ; i++) 
printf(" %c %7.4f %c %7.4f\n #/ # 
letters [i] .letter, 
100 . * letters [i] . count /characters, 
letters [i+LETTERS/2] .letter, 
100.*letters [i+LETTERS/2] . count /characters) ; 
printf ( "There are %d characters\n" , characters) ; 
sum=0 . ; 
for (i=0; i<LETTERS; i++) 


a=l . *letters [i] . count/characters ; 
a= (a!=0) ?a: . 00001; 
sum += -a*log(a); 


sum / = log (2) ; 

printf ("The theoretical average bits per char- 
acter is %f \n" , sum) ; 


/* shellsort: sort v[0] ... v[n-l] into increasing 

order */ 

void shellsort (Entry v[], int n) 


int gap, i, j ; 

Entry temp; 

f or (gap=n/2 ;gap>0 ;gap /= 2) 
for (i=gap; i<n; i++) 
f or ( j =i-gap; j > = && v [ j ] . count<v [ j +gap] . count ; j -=gap) 


temp=v[j] ; 
v[j] =v[j+gap] ; 
v [ j+gap] =temp; 


Listing 7-5: Letter Analysis Program 

360 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

The purpose of this code is to calculate frequency of occurrence 
of letters in a document and provide some guidance as to how well 
the compression approach developed works. This program was run 
with a ten-page instruction manual and then with a telephone book 
with 200 entries. The results of these two executions are shown below. 
























































































There are 11393 characters 

The theoretical average bits per character is 


Output 7-1: Calculation of entropy for the document manual.doc 

The outputs shown above follow very closely the expected 
occurrence of letters found in the typical technical text. The bits per 
character should be about 4.5, but this value is distorted because the 
space character is included in the count, and its very frequent 
occurrences distort the overall averages and hence the entropy per 
character found in the document. 

Shown below in Output 2 is a repeat of the same calculation on 
the contents of a phone book. Note here that occurrences of the letters 
and other characters are quite different from those found above. Even 
though the phone book used to create the table below contained only 
about 200 entries, these data will be used to create a Huffman code 
to compress the data when storing names into the microcomputer 

Coding the Alpha Data 361 

























































































There are 2488 characters 

The theoretical average bits per character is 


Output 7-2: Calculation of Entropy for Phone Book 

Next, a Huffman code will be created to encode the data from the 
phone book. A Huffman code is built into a complete binary tree. 
Such a tree always has two descendents from every node unless the 
node is a leaf node. As such, whenever a Huffman tree is created to 
encode n characters, there will be 2n-l nodes in the tree. Figure 7.1 
shows an instance of such a tree. This tree encodes the data shown in 
Output 2 above. As with most trees, analysis, or encoding, starts at 
the root node at the top of the page. Whenever you traverse to the 
left, a code value of zero is recorded. When traversing to the right, a 
code value of 1 is recorded. For example, the character R will be 
encoded as 0010, and the character M will be 1 1 1 100. This table is 
constructed and filled to keep the most frequently occurring letters 
at the top of the tree and the least frequently occurring letters at the 
bottom. Therefore, the number of bits for each character is inversely 
proportional to its frequency of occurrence. This choice for the letter 
codes requires less than the number of bits one would expect when 
using the standard 8 bits per character. 

362 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

Figure 7-1: Huffman Tree for Encoding the Phone Book Data 

We have seen above that the minimum number of bits per character 
for the telephone book is 4.39. We cannot expect to reach this level, 
but we should expect to be significantly fewer than 8 bits per character. 
The code corresponding to the tree in Figure 7-1 is shown in the 
following table: 

Character Code 

x \n' 












Coding the Alpha Data 363 

h 000001 

i 1100 

j 000011001 

k 1111111 

1 1110 

m 111100 

n 1101 

o 0011 

p 111111001 

q 11111101111 

r 0010 

s 111101 

t 000000 

u 111111000 

v 111111010 

w 0000110111 

x 11111101110 

y 000011010 

z 1111110110 

Table 7-1 : Huffman Code for CompressingTelephone Book Names 

The encoding routine is shown in Listing 7-6. Contained in the 
listing of the encoding routine is a look-up table that contains all of the 
codes. In this table, the first two entries correspond to a space character 
and a new line character. The following entries correspond to the letters 
in the alphabet. In other words, the third entry corresponds to the letter 
A and the seventh entry corresponds to the letter E. Notice that this 
table is defined as external, but it is labeled static so that there is no 
linkage to the table outside of the file encode. c. 

In operation, this function receives three parameters. The first is 
a pointer to an array that contains the data to be encoded. This array 
contains a zero terminated string. The second array of unsigned 
integers is named array. Its length is the third passed parameter 
length. Encoded data are all loaded into this array. All of the local 
variables used by encode are straightforward. The variable 
bitbase is an unsigned int with its most significant bit set to 
one and the remainder of its bits zero. When the function is executed, 
the array [] is first filled with zeros. The variable i is initialized 

364 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

to zero and bit is given the value bitbase. Then the code for 
each character is retrieved successively. If the character read is a 
space, the first entry in the table is used; if it is a new line character, 
the second entry in the table is used; and if it is any other letter, the 
letter is converted to an index into the alphabet and that particular 
code, offset by two, is used as the code string for the input character. 

static char *code[]={ 

"100" , "101"," 0001" ," 0000111 "," 000010 "," 111110", 
"01", "0000110110" ,"000011000 "," 000001 "," 1100", 
" 000011001 ", "1111111", "1110" ,"111100", "1101", 
"0011 ","111111001 ","11111101111", "0010 ","111101", 
"000000 ","111111000 ","111111010 ","0000110111", 
"11111101110 ","000011010 ","1111110110" 


#include <ctype . h> 

int encode (char *a, unsigned *array,int length) 


unsigned i , bit , bitbase=~ (~0u>>l) ; 

int c=l; 

char *ptr, *pa; 


for (i=0 ; i< length; i++) 

array [i]=0; /* initialize the array */ 
i = 0; 

while (c!= # \n' ) 


c=*pa++; /* assumes file is not empty */ 

if (isalpha (c=toupper (c))||c==' x ||c=='\n / ) 

if(c==' M 

ptr=code [0] ; 
else if (c== # \n' ) 

ptr=code [1] ; 

ptr=code [c-'A # +2] ; 

Coding the Alpha Data 365 

while(*ptr!='\0' ) 


if (*ptr++==' 1 ' ) 

array [i] | =bit ; 

bit>>=l ; 

if (bit==0) 



i + +; 



return + + i; /* the length of the coded array */ 


Listing 7-6: Encode Function 

The program then enters a while loop that examines the contents 
of the code received. If the leftmost entry is a character ' 1 ' a value of 
bit is ORed into the location array [i] . In either case, 
*ptr==' 1' or *ptr==' ' , the value of bit is replaced by bit 
shifted right by 1. Whenever bit has been shifted until its value 
becomes zero, it indicates that the uns igned int value pointed to 
by ptr has been filled and bit is reinitialized to bi tbase. Also at 
this time i, the index into array [ ] , is incremented to get the next 
character to decode. 

Decoding the alpha data 

The above function encodes the alpha data entered in the array 
s [ ] into a Huffman code of the same data and returns the encoded 
data in the array array [] . Perhaps the easiest way to test the 
encode routine is to execute it in conjunction with its corresponding 
decode routine. The decode operation essentially recreates the tree 
shown in Figure 7-1. Rather than a two-dimensional rendition, it 
must be a single-dimension list. The list will have built-in mechanisms 
for traversing the tree from its root node to the encoded character 
based on the 1 and patterns in the encoded data. 

366 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

Recall in Chapter 5 the decode scheme involved intermixing jump 
distances in with the decoded characters in a table. There, the decode 
operation started at the zero entry in the table. The code being decoded 
was examined a bit at a time. If the code bit was zero, the table index 
was incremented by one. If the code bit was one, the value in that 
table location would be added to the table index. Whenever the table 
index fell to a location that contained a character, that character would 
be output and the index would be returned to the value zero. 

That approach is fine for relatively small alphabets, as used in 
Chapter 5. Here, we are using the full alphabet, which makes the 
creation of the table above extremely complicated. Another approach 
was used this time. We still have a table that contains jump instructions 
intermixed with characters to be output. The characters to be output 
are each ORed with the hex value 0x8 0. The printable characters 
here are all identified with the least significant 7 bits of the character. 
Therefore, a test for a character is to determine if the value found in 
the table has a value when ANDed with 0x8 0. 

Each numeric entry in the node table is broken into two nibbles. 
The left 4 bits correspond to the jump when a code is found and the 
right 4 bits correspond to the jump when a code 1 is found. In other 
words, the decode operation starts at the beginning of the node table. 
If the first bit of the encoded data is a 0, the value found in the most 
significant 4 bits of the data is added to the node table index and the 
decoding is continued from that point in the node table. If the encoded 
data is a 1 the contents of the least significant 4 bits is added to the 
node table index. Whenever the node table index is changed, the 
value of that location is tested to see if the most significant bit is 
turned on. If so, that bit is turned off and the result is saved in output 
array. Otherwise, the process is repeated from that location until an 
output character is found. At that time, the node table index is reset 
to zero and the process repeated until a new line character is detected. 
Then the null character is put on the end of the output data and control 
is returned to the calling program. 

One little problem with this approach: The number that contains 
the jump data can never have its most significant bit turned on. 
Therefore, the maximum jump when the encoded bit is is seven. 
This restriction did not cause any difficulty when writing this tree. In 
fact, most of the time the jump caused by a bit was 1 or 2. This 

Coding the Alpha Data 367 

restriction did cause a few longer jumps corresponding to 1. Overall, 
the table was quite easy to construct. 

static const char node[]={ 
0xld,0x21, 'E' | 0x80,0x41,0x21, 'O' |0x80, 'R' | 0x80, 0x21, 

X A' |0x80,0xle,0x21, 'H' |0x80, "I" | 0x80, 0x14, 0x21, '\n' |0x80, 
"0x80,0x14,0x21, 'N' |0x80, 'I' |0x80,0xlf , 'L' | 0x80, 0x12, 
C | 0x80, 0x21, 'B' | 0x80, 0x14, 0x12, 'G' |0x80, 'J' | 0x80, 0x12, 
Y' | 0x80, 0x12, 'F' | 0x8 0, 'W | 0x80, 0x14, 0x12, 'M' | 0x80, 
S' | 0x80, 0x12, 'D' | 0x80, 0x15, 0x15, 0x12, 'U' |0x80, 'P' |0x80, 
K' I 0x80, 0x12, 'V 0x80, 0x12, 'Z' 0x80 , 0x12 , ' X' 0x80, 

\ \ 


\ v/ 

\ n r 


\ r\ f 




int decode (unsigned M[],char *s) 


unsigned mask,maskdo = ~(~0u>>1); 

char i=0,k=0,l=0; /* l is the node pointer, 

i is the byte pointer, 
M is the message pointer */ 

mask=maskdo ; 

while(k != , \n / ) 


if ( (mask & M[i] ) = = 0) 

l+=node [l] >>4; 


l+=node [l] &0xf ; 

if (node [l] &0x80) 

{ /* if a printable, send it out */ 

*s++= (k=node [l] &0x7f ) ; 

1=0; /* also go to the root node */ 


if ( (mask>>=l) ==0) /* if the mask is 0, turn 

on MSB */ 


mask = maskdo; 

i++; /* and get the next byte from message */ 


368 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

*S = 0; 
return i ; 


Listing 7-7: Huffman Decoding Data 

The above function is tested in conjunction with the encode routine 
with the following relatively simple program. In this code, provision 
is made to enter a line of text from the computer keyboard. This text 
is terminated when a new line character is detected. These data are 
then sent to the encode routine. The encode routine returns the encoded 
data in the array array [ ] . This array is passed to the decode routine. 
The return information from decode is contained in the array s [ ] . 
This string is then printed out to the screen. 

# include <stdio .h> 

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10 

int decode (unsigned M[] , char *s) ; 

int encode(char *a, unsigned *array,int length); 

main ( ) 


char a [ARRAY_SIZE] ; 

int c, i=0 ; 

unsigned array [ARRAY_SIZE] ; 

char s [ARRAY_SIZE] ; 

while ( (c=getchar ( ) ) ! = ' \n' ) 

a [i++] =c; 
a[i]='\n' ; 

encode (a, array, ARRAY_S I ZE) ; 
decode (array, s) ; 
printf ("%s",s) ; 


Listing 7-8: Encode / Decode Test Routine 

The above program echoes the input string to the computer screen. 
All lower-case letters are converted to upper case in the process. 

Coding the Alpha Data 369 

Read data from the keyboard 

A function get ( ) is used to read data from a keyboard into a 
data buffer. This function is used in the monitor. A problem with 
many such functions is that they do not provide proper protection 
from a buffer overflow as the data are read in. The standard library 
function f get s ( ) almost meets the needs of this function and more. 
The "more" in this case is the reason that we should not use the 
f gets ( ) in this case. This function is part of the standard library 
and as such, it requires the definition of an input. The most often 
used input file here is the one named stdin . When we construct 
this system, we do not want to include all of the side effects of adding 
the standard library to our system. Therefore, in this case, it is probably 
best to write the function get ( ) from scratch. 

The function get ( ) is shown below. This function takes two 
parameters. The first is a pointer to a character string where the input 
data are to be stored and the second is the length of this array. In the 
event that the input data size exceeds the array size, the data array is 
filled with zeros. Otherwise, the new line character is placed on the 
end of the string and the string is terminated with a null character. 

void get (char* a,int n) 


/* read in field and terminate the read with an x \n' */ 
int i=0,c; 

while ( (c=getchar() )! = ' \n' && i<(n-l)) 

a [i + + ] =c; 
if (i<n-l) 


a[i++]='\n' ; 

a[i]='\0' ; 


else /* input did not terminate soon enough */ 

for (i=0;i<n;i++) 

a[i] =0; 


Listing 7-9: get () Input Data Routine 

370 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

This function is tested with the following program: 

# include <stdio .h> 

void get (char *, int) ; 
#define LENGTH 15 

main ( ) 


char data [LENGTH] ; 

get (data, LENGTH) ; 
if (data[0] =='\0' ) 

printf ( xx Buf f er overf low\n" ) ; 

puts (data) ; 


Listing 7-10: get Test Routine 

This program reads in a line of data and echoes the string to the 
computer screen. If the length of the input data is longer than the 
specified length, the Buffer overflow message is printed to the screen. 

The Monitor Program 

The next program to be written is the monitor routine. This 
function executes all of the time and receives data from the keyboard. 
It will interpret the entries and pass control to the appropriate function 
to execute. In building all of the functions, monitor ( ), 
printaf ter ( ) , printout ( ) , and reset ( ) , there are a large 
number of constants and function prototypes that must be included 
in each function. All of these items will be collected together into a 
single header file to be included in each function. This header file is 
shown below as Listing 7-11. This file starts with the usual multiple 
inclusion protection. The code for this program will be tested 
completely on a DOS-based system before it is compiled for use for 
the final microcontroller. There are a couple of items needed for the 
DOS-based system that are not needed for the microcontroller. 
Therefore, the parameter DOS is defined at the beginning of the header 

The Monitor Program 371 

file and certain lines of the file will be included or excluded depending 
on the definition of this parameter. 

It is intended to store the data in a linked list in memory. The 
linked list will have a node called an Entry. An Entry contains two 
characters that will be indices into the data array. The first member is 
the index to the data in the data array. The second member is an index 
to the next En t ry for the next data entry. An array of 35 Ent rys will 
be stored in EEPROM along with an array of 698 (=768-35*2) chars 
to store the nonvolatile data. There are 768 bytes of EEPROM on the 
particular M68HC912B32 chip that we are using here. 

A structure type named Epro is created to hold the collections 
of Ent rys and the remaining data for the data storage area. This 
structure will be forced to the address OxdOO at link time. It will 
also be identified as EEPROM so that assignments to this memory 
area will compile to storage to EEPROM rather than writes to normal 
data memory. The first three entries in the dat a [ ] array are devoted 
to special uses, data [0] contains the next open index into the 
dat a [ ] array, dat a [ 1 ] contains an index to the beginning of the 
list and data [2] contains the number of entries in the list. To 
simplify both the code writing and remembering of the uses of these 
memory locations, I used macros to define useful names for these 
locations. Also included here is an old favorite, the FOREVER loop. 

#define DOS 
#ifndef PHONE_H 
# define PHONE_H 

#ifdef DOS 

# include <stdio .h> 

typedef unsigned int WORD; 

enum Bool { FALSE , TRUE } ; 

#define FOREVER while (TRUE) 


# include <stdlib . h> 
#include <string.h> 

typedef struct { 

unsigned dataindex; 

372 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

unsigned next; 
} Entry; 

#define ALEN 3 

#define NLEN 16 

#define DLEN 35 

#define EEPROMLEN 768 

#define DATAPROM EEPROMLEN-DLEN*sizeof ( Entry) 

#define END Oxff 

typedef struct { 

Entry header [DLEN] ; 

unsigned data [DATAPROM] ; 

#define NEXT_OPEN epro->data [0] 
#define START_OF_LIST epro- >data [1] 
#define LIST_ENTRIES epro- >data [2] 

void saveit(char * , char * , Epro *) ; 

void printout (Epro *) ; 

void printaf ter (Epro *) ; 

void reset (Epro *) ; 

int encode(char *, unsigned *,int); 

int decode (unsigned * , char *) ; 

void get (char *,int); 

int numbdup(char * const, unsigned *, int); 

void putbcd(char * , char *) ; 

#ifndef DOS 

void inituart (void) ; 

void putchar(int) ; 

int getchar (void) ; 

void puts (char *) ; 



Listing 7-11: Phone Book Header File 

The Monitor Program 373 

The final portion of this header file is a collection of all of the 
function prototypes needed for this program. When this program is 
moved from the DOS-based system to the microcontroller-based 
system, it is necessary to remove the first line of the above header 
file. There are three functions found in the standard input/output 
library that will be rewritten for this program. These functions are 
inituart ( ) , putchar ( ) , getchar ( ) and puts ( ) . The 
function prototypes for these functions are included and will be 
discarded when the parameter DOS is not defined. 

The monitor program is shown below in Listing 7-12. In the 
header file above, a structure was typedef ed as an Epro. This 
structure is the size of the EEPROM on board the chip. An external 
instance of an Epro, named able, is created and it will be used as 
a destination for all of the nonvolatile stored data in the program. 

Inside the main ( ) program, two arrays are created: one array to 
store the name entered from the keyboard and the other to store the 
phone number entered from the keyboard. Also, the external structure 
will be passed around from function to function via a pointer. This 
pointer is created and initialized to the structure able. Also, if the 
parameter DOS is not defined, the function inituart ( ) is executed 
to enable the use of the UART on the microcontroller when it is needed. 

After this initialization is completed, control is passed into a 
FOREVER loop where it will remain so long as the computer 
continues to run. Within this loop, an input is read from the keyboard. 
It is assumed that the keyboard input will read in the data and return 
ASCII characters. If the system is a part of a telephone or a PDA, the 
input routine will have to read in the keyboard data and convert it to 
the correct ASCII value prior to its use in the following program. 
Therefore, getchar ( ) in the following program can be a function 
that reads data from a serial port or some other program that will 
input the data from whatever keyboard is used with the system. Inside 
of the FOREVER loop, a character is read in and then it is tested in 
a switch ( ) /case sequence. The current test values are 'n', 'a', 
V, and 'r\ These inputs are commands that determine what the 
program will do: 

Command Action 

n Read in a number/name sequence, encode these 

data and save them in the nonvolatile array. 

374 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

r Reset the system and erase the EEPROM array 

which destroys all stored information. 
s Display all stored data in sequence, 

a Display the next stored number and name. 

The functions that perform these various operations are discussed in 
the following sections. All of the case choices merely call the required 
function with the exception of the 'n' command. The 'n' command 
calls the function get ( ) twice to read in the number followed by 
the name. These data are stored in the designated arrays and the two 
arrays containing the data are passed to the function save it ( ) 
along with a pointer to the nonvolatile structure able. Otherwise, the 
program remains in the FOREVER loop, exiting the loop only to 
execute commands entered from the keyboard. 

/* monitor . c is the initial program that is being 
developed to use on the HC12.The end product 
can be used as a part of a PDA or a telephone 
that requires that you enter names and phone 
numbers .These entries are to be saved in 
nonvolatile RAM such as flash or EEPROM, 
perhaps both. In order to save memory space, 
encoding of the stored data will be used. All 
numbers will be stored as BCD digits and 
letters will be stored as a Huffman code. It 
is assumed that letter fields and number 
fields will not contain mixed data. 

The code in this program is programmed 
for the DOS based system. No printf is used, 
but other i/o functions are used as needed. It 
is assumed now that any input will be 
received as serial data from a serial port 
on the chip . 

This particular program reads data in 
from the keyboard. The numeric field is 
written first and the alpha field is written 
second. If it is a numeric field, the data 
are converted to BCD and stored in an 
allocated memory field. If it is alpha data, 
it is written to an allocated memory field. 

The Monitor Program 375 

Any encoding or decoding is done in the stor- 
age routines. 

T. Van Sickle August 1, 2 000 */ 
# include "phone . h" 

Epro able; 

main ( ) 


char name [ALEN] ; 
char number [NLEN] ; 
Epro *epro; 
int c; 

#ifndef DOS 

inituartO ; /* initialize the uart to 9600 b/s */ 



reset (&epro) ; 



c=getchar ( ) ; 

f flush (stdin) ; /* needed for the PowerC compiler */ 
switch (c) 


case x n' 


x a' 


x s' 

/* new entry */ 

puts ("Enter new number and name\n" ) ; 

get (number, NLEN) ; 

get (name, ALEN) ; 

saveit (name, number, &epro) ; 


/* print the next entry */ 

printaf ter (&epro) ; 


/* show all */ 

printout (&epro) ; 

376 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

case x r' : /* reset the system */ 
reset (&epro) ; 


Listing 7-12: Monitor Program 

The SAVEITQ Routine 

The save it ( ) function receives the data entered from the 
keyboard in monitor ( ) , encodes these data and saves the result in 
EEPROM for later use. This program is set up to save the data in a 
linked list. The linked list is an array DLEN, found in phone . h, long 
and each member of the list is of the type Entry. These data are 
stored in the main data array and access to these data is made through 
the values stored in the corresponding Entry for each set of data. 

In the header file phone . h, several macros are defined that make it 
somewhat easier to code this function. The first three entries in the data 
array are used for special purposes. Therefore, these values are renamed 
as macros to make the code more understandable. These macros are: 

#define NEXT_OPEN epro->data [0] 
#define START_OF_LIST epro- >data [1] 
#define LIST_ENTRIES epro- >data [2] 

Useful names can now be used rather than the cryptic actual names 
of these various memory locations. 

On entry to this function, both the name and number parameters 
are encoded and the result is saved in the array name [] and 
number [ ] respectively. The next block of code determines if there 
is enough room in the EEPROM array to store all of the data. In the 
event that there is not enough room, the message u *** buffer 
f ul 1 * * * " is sent to the output and control is returned to the monitor 
program when return is executed. 

This program works in conjunction with moni- 
tor() . It receives the input found in monitor 

The SAVEITQ Routine 377 

which then sends the information to this function, 
saveitO . The data that arrives is in the form of 
two binary strings. The first string, the name, is 
Huffman encoded and the second string, the phone 
number, is bed encoded. These data are to be 
stored in the EEPROM. A linked list that uses 
indicies rather than pointers is used. The EEPROM 
is broken into two fields. The first field is an 
array of the type Entry. This array is DLEN long. 
The next field is an array that contains the re- 
mainder of the EEPROM. This array is an array of 
type unsigned. It will mostly contain data that 
has been encoded. The first three entries in the 
array are special. The first field contains the 
index to the next unused entry in the array. The 
second field is the index to the start of the list 
and the final field contains the number of entries 

in the list. 

#include "phone . h" 

void saveit(char *s,char *n,Epro *epro) 


int i, j , sl,nl ; 
unsigned name [ALEN] ; 
unsigned number [NLEN] ; 

sl=encode (s, name, ALEN) ; /* encode both the name and */ 

nl=numbdup (n, number , NLEN) ; /* the number */ 

/* store encoded data on the end of the array */ 

if (NEXT_OPEN+sl+nl>DATAPROM) /* do not overwrite the array */ 


puts("***buffer full***\n") ; 


for (i=NEXT_OPEN, j =0 ; j <sl ; i + + , j++) 

epro- >data [i] =name [ j ] ; /* save the name then the number */ 

378 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

for(j=0; j<nl;i++, j++) /* at NEXT_OPEN */ 

epro->data [i] =number [ j ] ; 
>header [LIST_ENTRIES++] . dataindex=NEXT_OPEN; 
NEXT_OPEN+=sl+nl ; 

if (LIST_ENTRIES>=1) /* no entries in list never */ 
epro->header [LIST_ENTRIES-1] .next=LIST_ENTRIES; 


Listing 7-13: The saveitO Function 

If there is enough room in the EEPROM array to store the new 
data, the encoded name and the encoded number are both written 
into the array at the appropriate location. Recall that the encode 
routines return the lengths of the encoded data. NEXT_OPEN is the 
next unused entry in the array. After the data are written to the array, 
the new value for NEXT_OPEN is calculated by adding the length 
of the two encoded arrays to the old value. 

Finally, if there is more than one entry in the array the index for 
the new entry, LIST_ENTRIES, will be put in the next location of 
the previous entry, epro->header[LIST_ENTRIES-l].next. 

The printout/) and the printafterf) Functions 

These two functions are almost the same. Therefore, they will be 
discussed together. In both cases, control is returned to the calling 
program if there are no data to be printed out. The printout ( ) 
routine starts at the beginning of the list and prints the entire contents 
of the EEPROM. Prior to the printout, the contents are decoded. 
Both decode routines return a new line character at the end of the 
data stream along with a null character to indicate the end of the line. 
Notice in the printout ( ) function, the data starts at the start of 
the list and cycles through all of the contents of the list. 

#include "phone . h" 

void printout (Epro *epro) 

The printoutQ and the printafterQ Functions 379 


char na [ALEN] , nu [NLEN] ; 

int i, j , k, count =0 ; 


return; /* no entries */ 
k = S T ART_0 F_L I S T ; 


i=epro->header [k] . dataindex; 
j =decode (&epro->data [i] ,na) ; 
puts (na) ; 

putbcd (&epro->data [i+j +1] ,nu) ; 
puts (nu) ; 

k=epro->header [k] .next; 
count ++ ; 


while (count <LIST_ENTRIES && count<DLEN) ; 


Listing 7-14: The printout () Function 

Listing 7-15 contains the printafter () routine. Here, the 
routine cycles through the data, decodes it and prints it out one Entry 
at a time. In this case, the parameter k is static and it starts with the 
value 0. This is the value of the index to the first Entry in the array. 
After each output, k is incremented and so is count. Whenever 
count attains the value LIST_ENTRIES, all of the data in the 
memory has been printed out. Then count is restored to along 
with the value of k being set to 0. This action causes the data in the 
array to be printed out one field at a time and when all of the data are 
sent out, it is restored to the beginning of the array and recycled. 

# include "phone . h" 

void printafter (Epro *epro) 


char na [ALEN] , nu [NLEN] ; 

int j , i ; 

static k=0 , count=0 ; 

380 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 


return; /* no entries to decode */ 

i=epro->header [k] . dataindex; 
j =decode (&epro->data [i] ,na) ; 
puts (na) ; 

putbcd (&epro->data [i+j +1] ,nu) ; 
puts (nu) ; 
k++ ; 
if (++count==LIST_ENTRIES) 

count =0 ; 



#ifdef DOS 

void puts (char *s) 


char *sp; 


while(*sp!='\n' && *sp!='\0') 

putchar (*sp+ + ) ; 
putchar ( x \n' ) ; 



Listing 7-15: The printafterO Function 

When developing and testing this program with the DOS system, 
I found it necessary to include the new puts() function. When the 
program is moved to operate on the HC12, it will be necessary to 
include separate i/o functions to be discussed below. The i/o 
functions are not included in the DOS version of the program. 
Therefore, the put s ( ) function that is added to the end of the 
print after ( ) function above is included. This little function will 
be discarded whenever the parameter DOS is not defined. In that 
case, the i/o functions should be included. 

Reset 381 


The reset function is dependent on the system being used. When 
programming for the DOS-based system, the array that represents 
the EEPROM is put into a state that simulates erased EEPROM. Then 
the first three entries in the array data [ ] are initialized to the proper 
values. Recall that data [0] will always contain the index to the 
next open entry in the data [] array. This index is defined by a 
macro in the phone . h file to be NEXT_OPEN. The next two 
members dat a [ ] and data [ 1 ] contain the index to the starting 
index into the header array, START_OF_LIST and the number of 
entries in the list LIST_ENTRIES respectively. The first three 
members of this array are used as described above. The first available 
member for storage of data is at the index 3. Therefore, NEXT_OPEN 
is assigned a value of 3 and both START_OF_LIST and 
LIST_ENTRIES are initialized to 0. Remember, that this data array 
is the second member of a structure of the type Epro. An external 
instance of this structure named able is defined in the file 
monitor . h, and a pointer to this structure epro is also defined 

The reset ( ) function is the first in this program that requires 
code for the DOS implementation that differs from the HC12. When 
the EEPROM is initialized, all bits in the memory are turned on: the 
memory is filled with OXFFFF. Therefore when simulating this 
memory, the initialization will fill the memory similarly. There is a 
library function in the Cosmic library, eepera(), that erases the 
memory. Therefore, when coding for the HC12, this function will be 
used. The code for the reset ( ) function is shown in Listing 7-16. 

#include "phone . h" 
void reset (Epro *epro) 


int i ; 

#ifdef DOS 

memset (epro, Oxf f , EEPROMLEN) ; 

/*make arrays look like EEPROM*/ 
eepera ( ) ; /* erase the EEPROM with library function */ 

382 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 


/* Start the linked list */ 

NEXT_OPEN = 3;/* next open entry in the list */ 
START_OF_LIST =0;/* start of the list */ 
LIST_ENTRIES=0;/* number of entries in the list */ 
epro->header [0] . dataindex=NEXT_OPEN; /* start 
the list */ 

for (i=0;i<DLEN;i++) 
epro->header [i] .next=END; 


Listing 7-16: The Reset Function 

Input/Output Functions 

There are three input/output functions that are usually found in 
the standard I/O library that we will replace with microcontroller 
specific code here. These functions are put char ( ) , get char ( ) , 
and puts ( ) . In the first two instances, rather than sending and 
receiving data from devices like stdout and stdin, all output 
will go to the serial port on the HC12 and input will come likewise 
from the serial port. Therefore, these routines will have to be written 
from scratch. In addition to the direct input/output functions, an 
initialization function that enables the serial port will be needed. This 
function must set the bit rate for the serial port and enable both the 
UART transmitter and receiver. This function is as follows: 

#include "hcl2.h" 

#define BAUD9600 52 

#define BAUDREG * (BYTE *)&SC0BDL 

void inituart (void) 


BAUDREG=BAUD9600; /* Set the bit rate */ 

SC0CR2 .TE=ON; /* turn on transmitter */ 
SC0CR2 .RE=ON; /* and the receiver */ 

Input/Output Functions 383 

The choice for bit rate for this system is 38.4 kbits per second. To 
achieve this rate, the baud rate divisor value is given by 

BR= E J 16 BaudRate 


The E clock for the system is 8 MHz. Therefore, the divisor, BR, is 
52 when rounded to the nearest integer value. 

The register SCOBDL is defined in the header file he 12 . h as a 
type Register, or a collection of eight individual bits. In this case, 
it is more understandable to put the data into this register as a char 
rather than as a set of bits. The type of this location can be changed 
to a type BYTE easily, using the line of code 

#define BAUDREG * (BYTE *)&SC0BDL 

Read this line of code from right to left. It says to cast a pointer to the 
memory location SCOBDL onto a pointer to a type BYTE and then 
dereference it. Therefore, whenever the defined name BAUDREG is 
used, it accesses the BYTE contents found at the address SCOBDL. 
This address is defined in the header file he 12 . h. 

The next two lines of code turn the bits TE and RE in SC0CR2 
on. When these bits are ON, both the UART transmitter and receiver 
will work. 

The next function is putchar () . This routine sends the 
designated BYTE to the serial port. It is necessary to wait until any 
data in the transmit data register has been completely processed before 
sending new data to this register. The first line of code does not allow 
the value of SCODRL to be altered until the transmit data ready bit, 
TDRE, is set. Then the value x is stored in the location SCODRL, 
which causes the data to be sent to the serial port. 

void putchar (BYTE x) 


while ( ! SC0SR1 . TDRE) 

; /* wait until register is ready */ 
SC0DRL=x; /* send the data out */ 


The last of the I/O functions is getchar ( ) . The getchar ( ) 
function is a little longer than the putchar ( ) function. This difference 
is caused by the fact that when a character is read in from the serial 
port it should be immediately echoed back. Therefore, the entered 

384 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

data are stored in the memory location a and sent out with the 
instruction put char ( a ) before it is returned to the calling program. 

BYTE getchar (void) 


BYTE a; 

while ( 1SC0SR1.RDRF) 

; /* Wait for data ready */ 


putchar(a); /* echo the data and */ 

return a; /* then return it*/ 


Finally, the puts ( ) function from the standard library does not 
terminate transmission when it detects a new line character. For proper 
operation in this program, it should, so the following function was 
written. Notice that this function terminates whenever either a new 
line character or a zero character is detected in the input string. Like 
the standard library put s ( ) it outputs a new line character regardless 
of the termination of the data. 

void puts (char *s) 


char *sp; 

while(*sp!='\n' && *sp!='\0') 

putchar (*sp++) ; 
put char ( x \n' ) ; 


An interesting observation: If you look in Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 8 
you will find similar routines for other chips. In every case, the 
functions, even though they are for a broad range of different chips, 
are the same — a testimonial to the use of a high-level language like 
C to program our microcontrollers. A listing of these three functions 
is collected together in Listing 7-17 shown below. 

#include "HC12.H" 
#define BAUD9600 52 

Input/Output Functions 385 

#define BAUDREG * (BYTE *)&SC0BDL 

void inituart (void) 


BAUDREG=BAUD9600;/* Set the bit rate */ 

SC0CR2 .TE=ON; /* turn on transmitter */ 
SC0CR2 .RE=ON; /* and the receiver */ 

void putchar(BYTE x) 


while ( ! SC0SR1 . TDRE) 

; /* wait until register is ready */ 
SC0DRL=x; /* send the data out */ 


BYTE getchar (void) 


BYTE a; 

while ( 1SC0SR1.RDRF) 

/ /* Wait for data ready */ 

putchar(a); /* echo the data and */ 
return a; /* then return it*/ 


void puts (char *s) 


char *sp; 

while(*sp!='\n' && *sp!='\0') 

putchar (*sp++) ; 
putchar ( v \n' ) ; 


Listing 7-17: The Input/Output Routines Used with the 
M68HC912B32 Chip 

386 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

You will notice that the file shown in Listing 7-17 is the only file 
in which the header file he 1 2 .h is included. None of the other code 
depends in any way on the bit field structures that control all of the 
peripherals on the chip. There are a few places throughout the code 
where there are some specific differences between the two programs. 
The first line of code in the header phone . h is 

#define DOS 

This line is left intact whenever the program is compiled to run under 
DOS. When the program is compiled to run on the HC12, this line is 
removed. Then sequences like the following found in monitor . c 

#ifndef DOS 

inituart () ; /* initialize the uart to 9600 b/s */ 


will cause the execution of inituart ( ) to be ignored when 
compiled for DOS but it will be included when the program is 
compiled for the HC12. Such inclusions will be found throughout 
the various functions that are linked to form the program. 

Putting It All Together 

The above programs were all compiled, linked and tested with 
the DOS-based compiler provided by MIX Software 1 . This reliable 
compiler created satisfactory test code to run on any PC-style 
computer. When everything was working as desired, the code was 
moved to the HC12 system. The compiler used in this case was the 
COSMIC compiler 2 . This compiler was provided by the same 
company that provided the compilers used in Chapters 5 and 6. Cosmic 
provides two software packages that are very useful. The first is called 
IDEA 12. This package is a so-called Integrated Development 
Environment, IDE. Within the IDE, you can specify things like the 
default directory, and provide a list of files for a make utility. The 
make utility will compile all source files that are newer than the 
corresponding object files. Therefore, as you debug various files in 

1 Mix Software, 1132 Commerce Drive, Richardson, TX 75081, (972) 783-6001. 

2 Cosmic Software, 400 W. Cummings Park, Ste. 6000, Woburn, MA 01801-6512, (781) 932-2556 xl5. 

Putting It All Together 387 

your program, you can automatically compile only those files 
modified since they were last compiled. 

There are a couple of additional files needed to complete the 
program for the phone book. The first is the interrupt vector table. 
The vector table is stored in nonvolatile memory on this system, and 
as such, it is best to write a C program that creates this table. This 
little program is compiled and linked just like any other module in 
the program. It will be linked as a constant section at the address 
OxFFCE. The interrupt vector table program is shown in Listing 7- 
18. There is only one external module to be linked to this particular 
table. It is _stext ( ) . The function prototype for this function is 
included at the beginning of the program, and its name is placed in 
the proper vector location. Recall from our earlier discussion of 
complicated declarations that the line of code 

void (* const _vectab[]) () 

tells us that _vectab is an array of constant pointers to functions 
that return the type void. The addresses of the various entries in the 
array of pointers to functions begin at the memory location OxFFCE. 
The remainder of the vectors that follow each have a specific use, 
and if there were an interrupt service routine needed for the program, 
its address would be placed in the corresponding location. 


* Copyright (c) 1997 by COSMIC Software 


void _stext(); /* startup routine */ 

void (* const _vectab[]) = { /* OxFFCE */ 

0, /* Reserved */ 

0, /* BDLC */ 

0, /* ATD */ 

0, /* SCI 1 */ 

0, /* SCI */ 

0, /* SPI */ 

0, /* Pulse ace input */ 

0, /* Pulse ace overf */ 

0, /* Timer overf */ 

0, /* Timer channel 7 */ 

388 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 



Timer channel 





Timer channel 





Timer channel 





Timer channel 





Timer channel 





Timer channel 





Timer channel 




Real time 




















cop fail 




cop clock fail 







Listing 7-18: M68HC912B32 Vector Table 

Listing 7-19 shows the next function that must be included for 
operation on the M68HC12. This start-up program is named crts . s. 
The . s extension indicates that the function is an assembly language 
function. This is the sum total of all assembly code needed for the 
program discussed in this chapter. Rather than give a line-by-line 
description of the code, we will see that the initial portion of the 
program initializes the section named bss to all zeros. This section 
is where all static and external memory are stored. Then the stack 

pointer is initialized to the value designated as stack and then 

control is passed to the function main ( ) . If main ( ) should return, 
which it should not, the instruction following main ( ) forms an 
infinite loop that branches to itself and does nothing. 


Copyright (c) 1996 by COSMIC Software 








stext : 


Putting It All Together 389 


; reset the bss 



# sbss 

; start of bss 



; start loop 

zbcl : 



; clear word 

loop : 


# memory , 

• up to the end 


zbcl , 

• and loop 


# stack , 

• initialize stack pointer 

j sr 

main , 

• execute main 

_exit : 


_exit i 

• stay here 


Listing 7-19: Crts.s C Program Start-Up Function 

Any linker for an embedded system requires some type of linker 
command file. The command file for this application is as follows. 

# link command file for test program 

# Copyright (c) 1996 by COSMIC Software 


+seg .text -b 0x8000 -n . text# program start address 

+ seg .const -a .text # constants follow program 

+seg .data -b 0x800 # data start address 

+seg .eeprom -b OxdOO -m768 #identify EEPROM block 

+def sbss=@.bss # start address of bss 

crts.o # startup routine 

monitor. o # applications programs 

saveit . o 

encode . o 

decode . o 

reset . o 

numbdup . o 

putbcd. o 

priout . o 

priaf ter . o 

serial . o 

390 Chapter 7 Advanced Topics 

get . o 



+seg .const -b 0xffce# vectors start address 

vector. o # interrupt vectors 

+def memory=@.bss # symbol used by library 

+def stack=0xc00 # stack pointer initial value 

Listing 7-20: Linker Command File 

This file can be broken into three sections. The first section 
specifies all of the important memory locations needed for the 
program. The first instruction identifies the text section as beginning 
at the hex address 0x8000. That is the beginning of the FLASH 
EEPROM on this chip. The designation text identifies the executing 
portion of the program. The next line says that all program constants 
shall be placed in the text section. Since the text section is 
placed in internal nonvolatile FLASH, nothing in this section can be 
changed by the program. 

The internal RAM on this part is the 1024 bytes beginning at the 
hex address 0x800. The ending address of RAM is OxBFF. The next 
instruction places data, variables and stack at the starting address 0x800. 

Jump to the end of this command file. Note that the parameter stack 

is given a value of OxCOO. This value is used because the M68HC12 
stack pointer points at the top of the stack rather than the next open 
location on the stack as was seen with the M68HC11 family of parts. 

The final segment designation is that of the EEPROM location. This 
segment has a beginning address of OxDOO and it contains 768 bytes. 

The next section of the file contains the files to be linked. There 
are twelve applications files to be linked. With the exception of the 
crts . o file, these files are those created and tested earlier in this 
chapter. After the application program files, two standard compiler 
libraries are included. These libraries contain all functions needed to 
complete the program. 

The last section links the vector table discussed above to the correct 
address in the program, establishes the value for the initial stack 
pointer, and remembers the address of the end of the bss section for 
use in the program. 

The program was compiled, linked and an srecord of the code 
created. This code was loaded into an M68EVB912B32 evaluation 

Summary 391 

board. Loading the code into this board requires the use of another 
development board, an HC 1 2 FLASH PROGRAMMER. This board 
contains an M68EVB912B32 board also. The code is downloaded 
into the programmer board and from there it is transferred to the 
FLASH memory on the second evaluation board. This combination 
worked to program the FLASH, and it must be noted that the final 
program worked as designed after one error was corrected. 


In writing this chapter, I have attempted to show that modular 
development of a program can yield very satisfying results. The program 
here was reduced to several relatively small functions that could each 
be developed and tested separately. Then these functions were integrated 
one-by-one to build the whole program. This is not to say that this 
approach is less work. Several of the modules listed above are very 
complicated and require careful design to make certain that they work 
as desired. Some of these modules require almost invention. For 
example, the means used to express the Huffman table in the decode 
routine needed several different starts before a satisfactory one was 
found. Recall that the complete binary tree needed to express a Huffman 
code requires 2n-l nodes where n is the number of items being encoded. 
I felt that it was desirable to express this tree by an array with no more 
than 2n-l members. The array shown in Listing 7-7 contains exactly 
2/2—1 bytes. It took six different tries to arrive at this particular 
representation, and hence the code to decode the data. 

The reward was that the final code worked in the embedded 
product with almost no error. 

Chapter 8 

MCORE, a RISC Machine 

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) machines are the new 
architecture rage. First, the R in RISC is an absolute misnomer. When 
first learning the M68000 machine, a CISC (Complicated Instruction 
Set Computer), I found a controller with about 70 instructions. The 
MMC2001, a RISC, has about 110 instructions, and it has no 
instructions for the complex addressing modes that make the CISC 
machine so easy to program. The RISC has its advantages though. 
Most of the RISC instructions require only one clock cycle per 
instruction while the CISC typically requires six clocks per instruction 
with a range of two clocks to twenty-four clocks per instruction. 
Therefore, a RISC chip with a 33-MHz clock will execute more than 
thirty-one million instructions per second, obviously much faster than 
a similar speed CISC, which would probably execute less than six 
million instructions per second. However, the RISC machine will 
require more instructions to execute the same program. Overall, the 
RISC machine is almost always faster than the corresponding CISC, 
even though the RISC requires more memory to implement the same 

The RISC/CISC dichotomy will be the source of nearly religious 
debate until the next big architecture change is introduced. This text 
is not aimed at comparison of different architectures. The goal is to 
help you write code for the chips in the C language. Now the problem 
becomes one of finding an appropriate compiler for the chip. 

The compiler/debugger combination used in preparing the code 
found in this chapter is provided by DIAB and SDS. 1 2 These software 

1 Diab Data, Inc., (650) 571-1700, fax (650) 571-9068, email, 

2 Software Development Systems, Inc., (630) 368-0400, fax (630) 990-4641, 


394 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

systems are available as demonstration systems from the respective 
manufacturers. Contact them directly for information on 
demonstration systems. 

A photo of the development system is shown in Figure 8.1. The 
host computer in this case is a laptop computer. The Extended 
Background Debug Interface, EBDI, is connected to the computer 
serial port. A flexible cable connects the EBDI to the AXIOM 
demonstration board that contains the MCORE chip, the MMC2001 . 
Additional peripheral devices such as a keypad or an LCD display 
panel can be connected directly to the AXIOM board. There are two 
serial ports on the Axiom board. These serial ports can be used by 
any program that needs serial access. 

Figure 8-1: Development System 

Delay Routine 395 

Delay Routine 

In the course of this chapter, we are going to see several small 
routines and programs that can be used to accomplish some useful 
tasks. One routine that is often useful is a delay routine. There are 
several ways to implement a delay. A most important feature of any 
delay routine is that it must be accurate and it must not depend on 
counting a number of instruction cycles to measure the delay. Almost 
all microcontrollers have timer subsystems that can be used to control 
these delays. 

A delay program has to cause an executing program to suspend 
execution for a specified time. What is the program to do during this 
time? The simplest approach is to have the delay program merely 
execute a loop until the time has past, and this is the first approach 
that we will use. If your program consumes essentially all of the 
computer resources, such an approach is very wasteful. The computer 
will merely execute a tight loop during the entire delay and exit the 
loop when the delay is completed. The computer is unable to do 
anything else during the delay. 

There is a second approach that returns control of the computer 
to the calling program and allows other operations to execute during 
the delay time. This approach uses a semaphore to control execution 
of the calling program. We will see this approach shortly. 

Listing 8.1 is the code for the function void delay (int 
t ime ) . This function makes use of the programmable interval timer, 
PIT, portion of the on-board timer found on the MMC2001. The 
timer is driven by a 32768-Hz crystal oscillator. The frequency 
generated by this oscillator is divided by four. Therefore, the time 
period of clocks entering the PIT is 1/8192 seconds, or 122.070312 
microseconds. This is the resolution of the PIT on this chip. There 
are two registers, the PIT data register, ITDR, and the PIT alternate 
data register, ITADR. The data written to the ITDR is retained and is 
transferred to the ITADR the next time that the ITADR underflows, 
indicating completion of the specified time sequence. At that time, 
the contents of the ITDR are written to the ITADR, and the PIT 
interrupt flag ITIF is set. If the interrupt sequence is enabled, a core 
processor interrupt is requested. Otherwise, the system can be polled 
to determine when the time has expired. This approach is used in the 
following program. 

396 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

#include "mmc2 01 .h" 
#include "timer. h" 

Delay by t milliseconds. The data here are passed 
as an int because, this routing ties up the 
computer the whole delay time. An alternate means 
should be used if a long delay is needed. This 
routine uses the PIT which counts at about 122 us 
per ticks. It is not very accurate because, the 
count is at 1/8192 seconds, more nearly 122.070312 
us ticks. Not good enough to make a clock, but 
good enough to control a few milliseconds. 

This modification assumes that the pit is enabled 
and shall remain enabled. TVS 6/2000 


void delay (WORD t) 


UWORD now, next; 
UWORD count; 

count= (long) t*1000 ; /* make the delay in us */ 

count/=122; /* 122 us per tick */ 

ITCSR.EN=ON; /* enable the pit */ 

while (count>0 ) /* there are probably faster ways to do */ 

{ /* this, but who cares, you are killing time */ 

now=ITADR; /* and don't care for speed */ 


next = ITADR; 

} while (now==next) ; /* wait until next tick */ 

count — ; 


ITCSR.EN=OFF; /* delay is done don' t need the pit now */ 

Listing 8-1: Delay routine 

The function parameter time is the delay time in milliseconds. 
The clocking rate for the counter is each 122.0... microseconds. 
Therefore the time is converted to counts when it is divided by 122. 
The PIT is then enabled with the instruction 

ITCSR.EN = ON; /* enable the pit */ 

Delay Routine 397 

This rather clumsy loop reads the value contained in ITADR into the 
variable now. This register is then read into the location next until 
the value in ITADR is changed by the clock. That should occur 122 
microseconds later. At this time, count is decremented. When count 
becomes the time has expired. 

The variables now and next are both declared to be volatile. This 
declaration is necessary to avoid loss of the whole loop when the code is 
optimized. The variable ITADR is declared to be volatile in the header 
file. That declaration does not guarantee to the compiler that the variables 
will ever change, so the optimizer could well remove the code 

now = ITADR; /* and don't care how fast your test is */ 


next = ITADR; 

} while (now == next) ; /* wait until next tick */ 

during the optimization phase. That would make the whole function 
rather pointless. 


This delay function is used in later code to implement debounce 
routines. A more practical delay routine can be implemented with 
the use of a semaphore. Here, we are going to develop a semaphore 
that follows that developed in Reusable Software Components . 3 We 
will not create a semaphore object as done in that text, but the program 
will follow the items shown there. 

A semaphore is merely a flag that is attached to a process like a 
program or a function. The semaphore is set and the calling program is 
not able to proceed until the called program resets the semaphore. This 
reset is usually done in an interrupt service routine implemented in the 
called program. Let's look at the elements of a semaphore first. 

When a semaphore is set, it usually marks a resource as busy. It is 
interesting, but you will find that many semaphores are used around 
interrupt service routines and while interrupts are being used. Often a 
strange race condition can occur that will cause a semaphore to be 
improperly set. Suppose that I want to set a flag, semaphore, to indicate 
that a resource is busy. The process of setting the semaphore is to first 

Reusable Software Components, Ted Van Sickle, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997 

398 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

read the contents of the semaphore and then, if it is in the proper 
condition, it will be set. Interrupts can come asynchronously at any 
time. Suppose that in the process of attaching a semaphore, the status 
of the interrupt is read to be tested, and, prior to marking the semaphore 
as used, an interrupt occurs. Within this interrupt routine, it also could 
require an interrupt. In this case, the interrupt that was being processed 
by the earlier routine will seem to be available, but it is not. In fact 
when control is returned to the initial portion of the program, the 
semaphore will be again marked as busy, and now two completely 
different processes will both assume control over the same semaphore. 

/* A call to attach_semaphore ( x a' ) will attempt to attach 
safely a semaphore. If a semaphore can be attached, a 
semaphore number will be returned. Otherwise, a -1 is 
returned and no semaphore can now be attached. When 
attach_semaphore (n) , where 0<=n<10, is executed, an 
attempt is made to attach the semaphore specified by the 
number. If it is not available, a -1 is returned. After 
the semaphore is attached, use the semaphore number as a 
parameter on all other semaphore function calls. Function 
release_semaphore ( ) returns the semaphore to the avail- 
able semaphore pool. The function semaphore_status ( ) 
returns TRUE when the semaphore is NOT available, and the 
function wait_f or_semaphore ( ) waits in a tight loop until 
the semaphore becomes available */ 

#include w mmc2 01 . h" 

#define Number_of_semaphores 10 
#define Minus_one -1 

/* function prototypes */ 
int attach_semaphore (void) ; 
void release_semaphore (int ) ; 
int semaphore_status (int ) ; 
void wait_f or_semaphore (int ) ; 

static volatile int semaphore [Number_of_semaphores] ; 
int save; 

int attach_semaphore (int r) 


int i ; 

Delay Routine 399 

/* save interrupt status */ 

asm(" mfcr Rl,PSR\n lrw R2 / save\n stw Rl , (R2,0)\n"); 

/* disable all interrupts */ 

Disable_Interrupts ( ) ; 

Disable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) ; 

/* request specific semaphore */ 

if (0<=r && r<Number_of_semaphores&&semaphore_status [r] &&r ! ='a' ) 

return Minus_one; /* it is not available */ 


semaphore [r] =TRUE; 

/* reenable interrupts */ 

asm( u lrw r2,save\n ldw Rl,(r2,0)\n mtcr Rl,PSR\n"); 

return r; /* return semaphore number */ 


for(i=0; (i<Number_of_semaphores) && (semaphore [i] !=0) ;i++) 

; /* find an unused semaphore */ 
if (i>=Number_of_semaphores) 


/* reenable interrupts */ 

asm(" lrw r2,save\n ldw Rl / (r2 / 0)\n mtcr Rl,PSR\n"); 

return Minus_one; /* no semaphore available */ 




semaphore [i] =TRUE ; /* mark semaphore as used */ 
/* reenable interrupts */ 

asm( u lrw r2,save\n ldw Rl / (r2 / 0)\n mtcr Rl,PSR\n" ); 
return i; /* return semaphore number */ 


void release_semaphore (int i) 
semaphore [i] = FALSE; 

int semaphore_status (int i) 
return semaphore [i] ; 

void wait for semaphore (int i) 

400 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

while (semaphore [i] ==TRUE) 


Listing 8-2: Semaphore functions 

This problem is avoided by disabling all interrupts prior to reading 
the semaphore state during the attachment process. Interrupts are 
disabled and enabled by setting and clearing bits in the PSR register 
on the core processor. If you examine the mmc2 1 . h header file, 
there are four macros, Enabl e_In t e r rup t s ( ) , 
Enable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) , Disable_Interrupts ( ) 
and Disable_Fast ^Interrupts ( ) defined. These macros 
are all written in assembly language because the C language cannot 
access core control registers directly. In the attach_semaphore ( ) 
routine above, there is one line of assembly code as follows 

asm ( w mf cr Rl , PSR\n lrw R2 , save\n stw Rl , (R2 , ) \n" ) ; 

These three assembly instructions save the contents of the PSR reg- 
ister in the memory location named save. The code 

asm ("lrw r2,save\nldw Rl,(r2,0)\n mtcr Rl,PSR\n"); 

moves the contents of the memory location save back into the PSR. 
The bits that enable both the fast interrupts and the conventional 
interrupts are contained in this register. Therefore, the code as shown 
in the attach_semaphore ( ) routine saves the currently enabled 
interrupts, disables all interrupts, and after the status of the semaphore 
is established and set properly, restores the PSR to its original value. 
When the semaphore is attached, it is marked true in the array of 
available semaphores. The function release_semaphore () 
marks the semaphore as FALSE. The program can query the 
semaphore to determine if it is being used. This function returns the 
value saved in the specified location in the array of semaphores that 
is TRUE when the semaphore is being used. The final function is to 
wai t_f or_semaphore ( ) . When this function is entered, control 
will remain in the function until the specified semaphore is released. 
It is important that you do not attempt to wait for an unattached 
semaphore. In that case, control will never be returned to the calling 

Delays Revisited 401 

Delays Revisited 

With semaphores available, we can improve on the delay function 
by removing the wait loop from within the function to the calling 
function, where its use can be dictated by the program. In this case, 
the calling function will create a semaphore and send the semaphore 
to the delay function. The proposed delay function is 

include "mmc2 01 .h" 
#include "timer. h" 
#include "intctl .h" 


Delay by t milliseconds. This delay controls a semaphore 
that will be examined by the calling program. When the 
semaphore is released, the delay is completed. It is 
assumed that fast interrupts are enabled when this func- 
tion is called and that the interrupt handler has been 

appropriately set up. 

static int sem; /* this variable needs to be file global */ 
void delay (WORD t, int semaphore) 


long count; 

sem=semaphore ; /* save semaphore so isr can see it */ 
ITCSR.EN = ON; /* enable the pit */ 
ITCSR.0VW=0N; /* enable write through */ 
/* an interrupt will occur in t milliseconds */ 
count = (long) t*1000 ; /* make the delay in us */ 
ITDR =count/122; /* 122 us per tick */ 
ITCSR.ITIE = ON; /* enable pit interrupt */ 
FIER.EF8=ON; /* enable the fast interrupts */ 

} /* return to the calling program, we are done here */ 

void pit_isr (void) /* interrupt occurs when delay time expires */ 


ITCSR.ITIF = ON; /* turn interrupt flag off */ 

ITCSR.ITIE = OFF; /* disable the PIT interrupt */ 
ITCSR.EN = OFF; /* disable the PIT */ 

FIER.EF8 = OFF; /* disable the pit fast interrupt */ 

release_semaphore (sem) ; /* release semaphore to calling program */ 


Listing 8-3: Alternate Delay Routine 

402 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

The program that calls the delay ( ) function above has some 
responsibilities in making this function work. This delay is using the 
PIT interrupt. Most of the code necessary to implement the interrupt 
is contained in the delay function. There are, however, a couple of 
items that have to be taken care of outside the delay routine. The first 
is to place the address of the interrupt handler into the fast interrupt 
vector. Also, the system fast interrupts must be enabled. You will see 
these matters are taken care of in the following test function. 

In the previous routine, the semaphore number is saved externally 
so that it can be accessed by the interrupt service routine. Next the 
PIT is enabled and the ITDR to ITADR write through is enabled so 
that the value written to the ITDR is the value to be counted down in 
the timer. The count value is next calculated. Remember, the counter 
is driven at 8192 Hz. This value is obtained by counting the output 
from a crystal-controlled oscillator running at 32768 Hz by 4. The 
time per count is approximately 122 microseconds. The delay time 
passed to the function is in milliseconds, so to calculate the count 
value to be placed into the ITDR/ITADR, the program first converts 
the delay time to microseconds by multiplying it by 1000. Then, the 
count value is calculated by dividing the microseconds by 122. This 
value is written to the ITDR and it is automatically written through 
to the ITADR where it is counted down by the hardware. 

The remaining code in the delay ( ) routine enables the PIT interrupt 
and also enables the fast interrupt, bit 8, that is connected to the output 
from the PIT. Control is then passed back to the calling program. 

#include u mmc2001 ,h" 
#include "serial. h" 

#define FAST_AUTOVECTOR 0x3 000002c 

/* function prototypes */ 
void handler (void) ; 
int attach_semaphore (void) ; 
void wait_f or_semaphore (int ) ; 

main ( ) 


UWORD count=0; 
int semaphore; 

Delays Revisited 403 

inituart (3 8400) ; 
Enable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) ; 
vector (handler , FAST_AUTOVECTOR) ; 
while (count++<300) 


if ( (semaphore=attach_semaphore ( ) ) = = -1) 


puts ( "semaphore attachment error\n" ) ; 
exit (0) ; 



delay (10 , semaphore) ; 
wait_for_semaphore (semaphore) ; 
printd (count ) ; 
putchar ( x \r' ) ; 

Listing 8-4: Delay Test Routine 

The delay test routine first initializes the on-board UART so that 
signals can be sent to a terminal and then enables the fast interrupts 
and places the handler address in the FAST_AUTO VECTOR location 
as needed. The main test attaches a semaphore, executes a delay of 
1000 milliseconds, waits for the delay to expire and prints a value to 
the screen. This sequence is placed in a loop that is executed 300 times. 
Note that it is important that attach_semaphore ( ) be checked 
for a -1 return. If not, you could attempt to attach too many semaphores, 
and your code would not catch the error. In the above case, the program 
was exited with the exit ( ) function. It is not usually necessary to 
abort the program when there is no semaphore when one is needed. 
You can merely wait for a semaphore with any value between and 9. 
When that semaphore is released, you can proceed with a request to 
attach a semaphore and it should then succeed. 

The attach semaphore is in the calling program in this case. The 
semaphore number is sent to the delay program where it is in turn 
passed to the pit interrupt service routine. When the interrupt service 
routine, after the proper delay, is executed, the specified semaphore 
is released. Therefore, in the calling program, the wait for semaphore 
routine is executed until the semaphore is released. If needed, the 
semaphore status can be polled synchronously by the program to 
determine when the delay time has expired. In other words, the 

404 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

computer does not have to sit in a wait loop until the delay time is 
over to implement the delay. 

The two delay functions, those shown in Listings 8-1 and 8-3, 
are examples of code that are very close to the microcontroller. The 
application program shown in Listing 8-4 is the type of program that 
could almost be viewed as divorced from the microcontroller. In 8-4 
the two operations 

Enable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) ; 
vector (handler , FAST_AUTOVECTOR) ; 

are clearly processor dependent, but these processor dependent 
functions are written as functions, or function-like macros. Therefore, 
if it is necessary to move to another processor, it is necessary only to 
adjust the contents of these functions to make the program usable. 
The two delay functions, on the other hand, are a mass collection of 
processor-specific commands that would have no meaning if the 
processor were to be changed. It is a good idea when writing code 
for embedded microcontrollers to collect together all of the processor 
specific code into functions by themselves and allow the general code 
to be as free from processor specifics as possible. We will see this 
idea in the following section where several general functions interface 
with several processor- specific functions. 

Serial Input/Output 

Serial input/output is an important capability of almost all 
microcontrollers that allows the programmer or user to communicate 
with the processor. Most of these functions are rather simple to 
implement. Some of the functions are quite processor- specific and 
others are more generally applicable to many microcontrollers. As 
mentioned above, it is important that you split these functions apart 
so that as much of the code that you generate as possible is portable. 
Let us look at the functions contained inseriall.c. 

These routines implement a serial port on the MMC2001. 
The UART1 is used and the default is set to 9600 b/s, 8 bit, 
no parity, and 1 stop bit. The baud rate is passed as an 
integer to the inituartO function. There are several i/o 
functions included. These are: 

Serial Input/Output 405 

inituartO Initializes the uart to the passed baud 

rate and sets 8 bit, no parity, and one 
stop bit . 
getchar() tests for receive ready and echo 
getch() no echo 
getceO no ready test or echo 
kbhit() returns TRUE if a key has been hit, 

FALSE otherwise 
putchar() Tests for transmit ready 
puts() sends out the indicated string 
gets() reads in a string into the buffer 
getse() reads in a string and echos 
printd ( ) convert an unsigned long integer to an 

ascii string representation of a decimal 
integer and send it out the serial port 
printx ( ) convert an unsigned long integer to an 

ascii string representation of a 
hexidecimal integer and send it out the 
serial port 

#include u mmc2001 .h" 
#include "uart . h" 
#include "serial. h" 

#define UlSRint (* (volatile unsigned short *) (0xl000a086) ) 
enum {TRDYint=8192 } ; 

#define UlRXint (* (volatile unsigned short *) (OxlOOOaOOO) ) 
enum {CHARRDYint=3 2 76 8 } ; 

#define CLOCK_FREQ 32000000L 

/* the functions */ 

/* Initialize the UART1 */ 

void inituart(int baud) 


/* Parity is disabled at reset by default */ 
/* stop bits is set to 1 by default */ 
/* assumes a 32 mHz system clock */ 
U1CR1 .UARTEN=ON; /* Turn the uart on */ 



/* enable transmitter and receiver */ 

/* ignore request to send */ 
U1CR2 .WS=ON; /* 8 bit word */ 
/* Baud rate=CLOCK_FREQ/16/baud= */ 

406 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

U1PCR.PC3=0N; /* connect all i/o pins to the uart */ 

U1DDR. PDC1=0N; /* make output pin for the uart */ 
} /* probably not needed */ 

/* send a character out the serial port when it is ready */ 
static void put (BYTE x) 


while ( (UlSRint & TRDYint)==0) 

; /* wait until character is ready */ 

U1TX.DATA =x; /* send the data out */ 


/* read in and echo a character through the serial port */ 
BYTE getchar (void) 


BYTE a; 

while ( (UlRXint & CHARRDYint ) ==0 ) 

; /* wait till character is ready */ 
put char (a) ; 
return a; 


/* read in a character with no echo */ 
BYTE getch(void) 


BYTE a; 

while ( (UlRXint & CHARRDYint ) ==0 ) 

; /* wait till character is ready */ 
return a; 


/* read in a character from the serial port. Do not 

check for the character ready. This routine should be used 

with kbhit () . */ 

BYTE getce (void) 


return U1RX.DATA; 


Serial Input/Output 407 

/* return TRUE when a key has been hit and FALSE otherwise */ 
int kbhit (void) 


return U1RX . CHARRDY; 


/* convert a long to a series of ascii characters 

and send it out the serial port */ 
void printd (unsigned long x) 


if (x/10) 

printd (x/10) ; 

putchar (x%10+ # ■ ) ; 


/* same as above but output hexidecimal */ 
void printx (unsigned long x) 


if (x/16) 

printx (x/16) ; 

putchar (x%16+ ( (x%16>9) ? ( * a' ) : ( x ' ) ) ) ; 

Listing 8-5: Serial Input/Output Functions 

At the beginning of the program, the usual headers are included. 
In this case, mmc2 01 . h is needed to identify the address of the 
UART, the header uart . h contains all of the definitions needed for 
the UART registers, and the serial .h header contains function 
prototypes for all of the serial input/output functions. These functions 
are for demonstration purposes only. They all work. I have used these 
functions at 115200 bit rates and had no problems. None of them 
have any built-in tests for errors on reception like parity tests, framing 
errors, or overrun errors. These tests need to be included and the 
errors handled properly if you want to have a production quality 
input/output library. 

In the text that follows, each of the several small functions 
contained in the above listing will be described individually. The 
first function is the inituart ( ) function. 

#include "mmc2001 . h" 
#include "uart . h" 
#include "serial. h" 

408 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

#define CLOCK_FREQ 32000000L 

/* Initialize the UART1 */ 
void inituart(int baud) 


/* Parity is disabled at reset by default */ 
/* stop bits is set to 1 by default */ 
/* assumes a 32 mHz system clock */ 

U1CR1 .UARTEN=0N; /* Turn the uart on */ 

U1CR1 .TXEN=ON; /* enable transmitter and receiver */ 


U1CR2 . IRTS=ON; /* ignore request to send */ 

U1CR2.WS=0N; /* 8 bit word */ 

/* Baud rate=CLOCK_FREQ/16/baud= */ 


U1PCR.PC3=0N; /* connect all i/o pins to the uarts */ 




U1DDR. PDC1=0N; /* make output pin for the uart */ 


Listing 8-6: The inituart() Function 

Each of these functions will have the same three header functions 
shown in Listing 8-6. In this case, the function requires the clock 
speed of the chip. This speed can be anything, and in our particular 
case, it is 32 MHz. The macro definition CLOCK_FREQ makes this 
value 32000000. If you ever change the clock speed of the computer, 
this value should be changed. The several instructions in the function 
are all commented with their operations. This function should be 
executed whenever the serial I/O system is to be used by a program. 
Pass the desired baud rate to the function as an integer. The integer 
size on the DIAB compiler used for this system is 32 bits; therefore, 
there will be no overflow problem for any of the usual choices for 
baud rates. 

Following the inituart ( ) function above, there is the series 
of five functions shown in Listing 8-7. These functions are all placed 
together because they each access on-board features of the MCORE 
chip. Almost always, it is best to collect operations that access on- 
board registers that control peripheral devices into individual functions 
that can be called from the applications portion of the program. This 
way, the detailed features of the chip are tightly contained in functions 

Serial Input/Output 409 

that can be easily changed if the chip itself is changed. The de f i ne s 
and enums set at the beginning of Listing 8-7 are from the top of the 
serial 1 . c program. The values established by these devices are 
used in the functions of Listing 8-7. These #de fines and enums 
would not be necessary if the compiler worked as expected. Generally, 
if you want to wait until it is safe to send a character out the serial 
port, the code that you might use is 

while (U1SR.TDRY ==0) 

; /* wait here until TDRY is 1 */ 

This code will cause the computer to sit in a loop while the TDRY bit 
found in U1SR is 0. Unfortunately, the code created by the compiler 
failed to reload the value of the bit inside the loop, so the computer 
went into an infinite loop when it executed this code. 

There are always ways around such problems and with C it is not 
usually necessary to jump to assembly language when such a problem 
is found. Notice the code below. Rather than the argument shown 
above, the argument was converted to a simple bit- wise AND, which 
did compile correctly. Remember, the addition of a # define or an 
enum in your code does not add or subtract from the executable 
code in your program. 

The first two functions shown below are put ( ) and 
getchar ( ) . The function put ( ) sends a character to the serial 
port number 1 on the board. It works with the function put char ( ) , 
which works exactly the same as the put char ( ) function that you 
are used to using in your programs. Here put char ( ) sends a 
character to the serial port rather than to the device stdout. The 
function getchar ( ) receives a character from the serial port 1. In 
C, when a x \n ' character is sent to the output the program executes 
a carriage return and a line feed. Therefore, to make getchar ( ) 
here the same, you will see in the next group of functions that the 
data received by get char ( ) is tested. If it is a x \n ' character, two 
characters, x \n' and x \r ' , are sent to the serial port. Otherwise, 
the character passed to the function is sent to the serial port. This 
operation mimics the operation of the normal getchar ( ) , but it 
also requires a special function to output the character to the serial 
port. The function put (BYTE x) is that function. Since the function 
put ( ) is never to be used outside of this file, it is designated as 

410 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

The function get char ( ) reads a single character from the serial 
port. This function also mimics the getchar ( ) that you are used 
to using, because it echoes the character received to the serial port 
output. There might be an occasion in which you want to read in a 
character without echoing it to the serial output. In that case, you can 
use getch ( ) shown below. This function works exactly the same 
as getchar ( ) but it does not echo the data received. 

#define UlSRint (* (volatile unsigned short *) (0xl000a086) ) 
enum {TRDYint=8192 } ; 

#define UlRXint (* (volatile unsigned short *) (OxlOOOaOOO) ) 
enum {CHARRDYint=32 76 8 } ; 

/* send a character out the serial port when it is ready */ 
static void put (BYTE x) 


while ( (UlSRint & TRDYint)==0) 

; /* wait until register available */ 
U1TX.DATA =x; /* send the data out */ 


/* read in and echo a character through the serial port */ 
BYTE getchar (void) 


BYTE a; 

while ( (UlRXint & CHARRDYint ) ==0) 

; /* wait till character is ready */ 
put char (a) ; 
return a; 


/* read in a character with no echo */ 
BYTE getch (void) 


BYTE a; 

while ( (UlRXint & CHARRDYint ) ==0) 

; /* wait till character is ready */ 
return a; 

Serial Input/Output 411 

/* read in a character from the serial port. Do not 
check for the character ready. This routine should 
be used with kbhit() . */ 

BYTE getce (void) 


return U1RX.DATA; 


/* return TRUE when a key has been hit and FALSE otherwise */ 
int kbhit (void) 


return U1RX . CHARRDY; 


Listing 8-7: Direct I/O Functions 

The last two functions shown in Listing 8-7 are useful when you 
need to exit a function if there is an asynchronous keyboard hit. The 
function kbhit ( ) returns a logical TRUE or FALSE. Its return should 
be used as the argument to an i f ( ) or whi 1 e ( ) test. Whenever the 
keyboard is touched, kbhit ( ) returns a TRUE. That means that a 
character has been entered into the keyboard. If you need to read and 
use the value entered, the test to determine if a character is ready is 
not necessary. Therefore, the function get ce ( ) was written to read 
in the value contained in the data register without involving a test to 
show that there is a character ready to be read. These two functions, 
kbhit ( ) and getce ( ) should be used together. 

The next four functions shown below also access the serial input 
and output, but they all use the functions above for the direct access 
and have no computer specific code. The function putchar ( ) checks 
to determine if the parameter x is a x \n' . If it is, the function 
put ( ) is called twice with a x \n ' and a x \r ' argument. Otherwise, 
the character passed to the function is sent to put ( ) where it is sent 
to the serial port. 

/* Send a character to the serial port when the port is 

available. If a x \n' is received send a x \n' followed by 
a *\r' sequence. */ 

void putchar (BYTE x) 


if ( x ==' \n' ) 

412 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 



putP\n' ) ; 
put('\r' ) ; 



put (x) ; 

/* send a string to the serial port */ 
void puts (BYTE *a) 


while (*a! = ' \0 ' ) 
putchar (*a++) ; 


/* This function reads a string into the buffer a. The 

length of the buffer is max. If the string is less than 
max long, the function returns the number of characters 
entered. If the string is longer than the buffer, the 
buffer is filled and a -1 is returned. The input string 
is terminated by either a x \n' or a x \r' . */ 

int gets (BYTE *a,int max) /* no echo */ 


int i=0,c; 

do /* read in data a byte at a time */ 


*a++=c=getch ( ) ; 
} while (c ! = ' \n' &&c ! = ' \r ' &&++i<max-l) ; 
*a='\0'; /* make it a string */ 
return (i>=max) ?-l : i ; 


/* same as gets() but data entered are echoed */ 
int getse (BYTE *a,int max) /* with echo */ 


int i=0,c; 



*a++=c=getchar ( ) ; 

} while (c!=' \n' &&c!=' \r' &&++i<max-l) ; 

*a='\0' ; 

return (i>=max) ?-l : i ; 

Listing 8-8: General Serial Input/Output Functions 

Handling Interrupts 413 

The next three functions can be used to send and receive strings 
through the serial port. To use puts ( ) , you use a string argument. 
This function will send characters from the string until it finds a zero 
value in the string. The get string functions perform similar to the 
standard fgets function. The difference between gets () and 
getse ( ) is that getse ( ) echoes the characters read in to the serial 
output. Otherwise these two functions are identical. You pass gets ( ) 
two parameters. The first is a pointer to a character array and the second 
is the dimension of this array. As characters are read into the program, 
they are stored in the character array. The string input is terminated by 
either a ' \n' or a x \r ' character. The input will also be terminated 
when the input character string is one less than the size of the array size. 
When termination is detected, the input is terminated with a character 
zero, making the data a string. The return to the calling program will be 
-1 in the event that the character array was completely filled. Otherwise, 
the return is the number of characters entered into the character array. 

The function gets ( ) reads data from the serial port with the 
getch ( ) function. This input does not echo the data entered. 
getse ( ) uses the getchar ( ) to read the data in. getchar ( ) 
always echoes the input data to the serial output. 

The above routines were separated into a series of individual 
functions, which were combined into an archive library file. This file 
is found on the CDROM under the name libserio.a. This file 
can be linked during the linking operation like any other library file. 

Handling Interrupts 

All of the onboard peripherals found on the MMC2001 that need 
access to interrupts are set up to use the core processor Auto Vector 
capability. Shown in Table 8-1 is a copy of the interrupt vector table. 
The vector table is placed at a location called the VBA, Vector Base 
Address, when the chip is initialized. You will note that the table is 
0x200, two hundred hex bytes, long. The vector numbers are 
consecutive. The vector addresses move in steps of 4 and are usually 
dealt with as hexadecimal values. This table must be filled in some 
way when the program is initialized. Each vector will contain the address 
of the function executed when the corresponding exception occurs. 
Most of these vectors are self-explanatory. Of import here is the Fast 
Interrupt Auto vector location. Note that the offset of this vector is 0x2c. 

414 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

The use of this table is similar to that shown with the MC68HC16 
family. Here, though, we will concentrate on the use of the auto vector. 
The autovector is accessed when an interrupt is called with the 
autovector line to the core processor asserted. When this type of 
interrupt is executed, control of the processor is automatically 
transferred to the function addressed contained in the autovector 
vector. Note in the table that there are two autovector locations, the 
normal autovector and the fast autovector. The DIAB compiler 
automatically encodes interrupts to use the fast autovector, so the 
offset vector location is 0x2c from the Vector Base Address. 

The MMC2001 has an internal peripheral called the Interrupt 
Controller. This device handles all interrupt sources from the on- 
board peripherals. There are several 32-bit registers in the Interrupt 
Controller. You will notice in the MMC2001 Reference Manual, 
Section 10, that these registers are each just collections of 32 single 
bits. These registers control interrupts. The first register is called the 
Interrupt Source Register, INTSCR. Whenever an interrupt is 
requested by this controller, it is assigned a level from to 32 and the 
corresponding bit in the INTSCR is set. There are two interrupt enable 
registers: Normal Interrupt Enable, NIER and Fast Interrupt Enable, 
FIER. The program must set the corresponding bit in one of these 
registers to enable an interrupt to be detected. 

When an interrupt is requested, the corresponding bit in the 
INTSCR is set and this register is automatically ORed with the 
Interrupt Enable registers. The results of these operations are stored 
in the proper Interrupt Pending Register. These registers, NIPND 
and FIPND, then contain a bit pattern that show all of the pending 
interrupts for the system. 

There is one very convenient instruction available in the MCORE 
instruction set. This instruction, FF1, indicates "find the first 1 set" in 
a memory location. This instruction uses the system barrel shifter and 
requires only one clock cycle. The priority of the several interrupting 
sources is established by their individual bit locations in the various 
registers in the controller. In the FIPND registers, bit 31 contains the 
status of the highest priority pending interrupt, etc. When the FF1 
instruction is executed on the FIPND, the result identifies the bit number 
of the highest priority pending fast interrupt. Table 8-2 shows the 
interrupt assignments of all on-board peripherals on this chip. 

Handling Interrupts 415 

The FF1 instruction returns a if bit 31 is set and 31 if bit is 
set. It also returns a 32 if no bit is set in the designated memory 
location. Therefore, if the PIT is the highest requested interrupt, the 
contents of the FIPND register are stored in R3, and the instruction 

FFl R3 

is executed, R3 will contain the numeric value 24. We can use this 
sequence to vector to the correct interrupt service routine. Consider 
the code shown in Listing 8-9. This function is a general-purpose 
interrupt handler to control the autovector access. The program starts 
with the normal file inclusions. In this case, the interrupt controller 
is being used so the header intctl . h is included. The code that 
follows must access the contents of the fast pending interrupt register 
FPIND. The address of this register is placed into the location f Ipndl 
for convenient access by the assembly program that is generated later. 

The next entry defines a struct Table, which contains an array of 
32 pointers to functions that require no parameters and return the type 
void. An instance of this structure is created and named table. The 
32 entries in the array are each filled with a pointer to the function 
unused_vec tor ( ) . It is difficult to decide what to fill unused vectors 
with. The choice of zero is not realistic. When an interrupt occurs that 
needs one of these vectors, control is passed to the address contained 
in the vector. If the vector contains zero, the computer goes to zero and 
starts executing instructions found there. The program will surely run 
amuck until who knows when if it is told to execute the code found at 
zero ! I usually create a simple interrupt service routine that does nothing 
to help here. The function in the listing below is called 
unused_vec t or ( ) . In this case, if an uninitialized interrupt occurs, 
it will be ignored and control will be passed back to the executing 
program. This particular approach has the drawback that you are never 
aware of the occurrence of uninitialized interrupts unless you put a 
break of some sort in the unused_vector ( ) routine. 

In practice, you will need to place the names of interrupt service 
routines in the proper vector locations shown below. We will do this 
in later code to show you how. 

#include w mmc2 01 . h" 
#include "intctl . h" 

UWORD const f Ipndl=INTCTL +0X10; 

416 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

void handler (void) ; 

void unused_vector (void) ; 

static struct Table { 

void (*vector [32] ) (void); 


struct Table table ={ 


, /* 


unused */ 

, I* 


unused */ 

, /* 


unused */ 

, /* 


INT7 */ 

, /* 


INT6 */ 

, /* 


INT5 */ 

, /* 


INT4 */ 

, /* 


INT3 */ 

, /* 


INT2 */ 

, /* 


INT1 */ 

, /* 


INTO */ 

, /* 


ISPI */ 

, /* 


UART1 receive */ 

, /* 


UARTO receive */ 

, /* 


UART1 transmit */ 

, /* 


UARTO transmit */ 

, /* 


PWM5 */ 

, /* 


PWM4 * / 

, /* 


PWM3 */ 

, /* 


PWM2 * / 

, /* 


PWM1 */ 

, /* 


PWMO */ 

, /* 

9 i 

unused */ 

, /* 


PIT */ 

, /* 


rime-of-day alarm */ 

, /* 


KPP control */ 

, /* 

5 1 


, /* 

4 i 

unused */ 

, /* 

3 i 

unused */ 

, /* 


software3 */ 

, /* 


software2 */ 


softwarel */ 

#define Do_Interrupt ( ) asm( u subi R0,32\n subi R0,28\n \ 

stm R1-R15, (R0)\n lrw R2 , table\n \ 
lrw R3,flpndl\n ldw R3 , (R3,0)\n \ 
ldw R3, (R3,0)\n FF1 R3\n lsli R3,2\n \ 

Handling Interrupts 417 

addu R2,R3\n ldw R2 , (R2,0)\n \ 
jsr R2\n 1dm R1-R15, (RO)\n \ 
addi RO ,32X11 addi R0,28\n rfi\n") 

void unused_vector (void) 


void handler (void) 


Do Interrupt ( ) ; 

Listing 8-9: Autovector Interrupt Handler 

Following the table initialization, there is an assembly language 
sequence. This sequence is #defined as the function 
Do_Interrupt ( ) , which is called in the interrupt service routine 
handler ( ) . The first five assembly instructions clear 120 bytes on 
the stack, enough to save the contents of registers 1 through 15, and 

Table 8-1 Exception Vector Assignments 


Offset (Hex) 






Misaligned access 



Access error 



Divide by zero 



Illegal instruction 



Privilege violation 



Trace exception 



Breakpoint exception 



Unrecoverable error 



Soft reset 



INT autovector 



FINT autovector 



Hardware accelerator 










Trap #0-3 Instruction Vectors 





080-1 FC 

Reserved for vectored 
interrupt controller use 

418 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

save these registers on the stack. The following two assembly 
instructions load the address of table into R2 and the address of 
f Ipndl into R3. We want the contents of the value found in the 
FPIND register. Therefore, we must dereference the value in R3 twice, 
once to get the address of FPIND and then to get the contents of 
FPIND. This value has a bit set for every pending fast interrupt. When 
this value is operated on by the FF1 instruction, the register R3 will 
contain the 32 minus the bit number of the highest priority pending 
interrupt. If you look at how table ( ) is constructed, you will find 
that the highest priority interrupts are listed first down to the lowest 
priority. Each entry in the table requires four bytes to hold a function 
pointer with this system. Therefore, we must multiply the value found 
in R3 by 4, shift it left 2, and then add the result to the value in R2 to 
find the address of the desired interrupt service routine. 

All of that is exactly what is done with the assembly language 
insert shown above. The last instruction j sr R2 passes control of 
the computer to the specified interrupt service routine. If you look at 
the C code generated by handler ( ) you will find first that the 
necessary computer status is saved and then the assembly code in the 
macro Do_Interrupt ( ) is executed. The last instruction here is 
the j sr R2 instruction mentioned above. After the code needed for 
the interrupt service routine is completed, control is returned to 
handler ( ) where the machine status is restored and control is 
returned to the interrupted program with an rf i, return from fast 
interrupt, instruction. 

The compiler has a #pragma interrupt isr_f unction. This 
#pragma causes the function specified by the isr_f unction to 
be compiled as an interrupt service routine. These functions save a 
portion of the machine status, execute the code specified in the 
isr_f unction, and restore the machine status before returning 
to the interrupted program with an rf i instruction. When writing a 
general function such as the one above, it was found that the partial 
status save was not enough. No functions could be called from within 
the interrupt service routine. This limitation was too great for a 
general-purpose handler like that above, so in this routine, the entire 
status of the computer is saved and restored rather than the partial 
save and restore generated by the #pragma. It is safe to execute 
functions within the interrupt service routines in the handler above. 

A Clock Program 419 

Table 8-2 Interrupt Controller Assignments 












KPP control 


Time-of-day alarm 


















UARTO transmit 


UART1 transmit 


UARTO receive 


UART1 receive 

























A Clock Program 

A clock program is an excellent program for demonstrating the 
use of interrupts on a microcontroller. The MMC2001 has a rather 
extensive timer subsystem. It is broken into three parts. There is a 
time of day clock, TOD, with a built-in alarm, a watchdog timer and 
a programmable interval timer, PIT. We will use the PIT in this 
example. Briefly, the timers are driven by a separate clock. The clock 
here is a 32768-Hz clock controlled by a watch crystal. The TOD 

420 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

clock is driven by the low-frequency oscillator frequency divided by 
128 or 256 Hz. The watchdog and the PIT are both driven by the 
low-frequency oscillator frequency divided by 4 or 8196 Hz. The 
TOD keeps track of the time as the number of seconds since a specified 
time, perhaps midnight. There is no provision for automatic roll- 
over of the registers at the end of the day, so if you want to work 
from midnight each day, you must reset the TOD clock to zero each 
midnight. This clock also has an 8-bit fractional second register in 
addition to the regular 32-bit second count register. 

The alarm system also contains an 8-bit fractional second register 
and a 32-bit second register. When the time in the alarm registers 
matches the time in the time of day register, a flag is set that can be 
polled or an interrupt can be requested. 

The PIT system contains a register that is counted down. When 
this register underflows, it can be reloaded automatically, set a flag 
to be polled, or request an interrupt. Loading this register is done 
through a register called the ITDR, the Interval Timer Data Register. 
If a bit is set, data written to the ITDR will automatically transfer to 
the ITADR, the register that counts down. When this register 
underflows, the contents of the ITDR is automatically transferred to 
the ITADR. The contents of the ITDR can be changed at any time, 
and it can be changed without altering the contents of the ITADR 
until the next underflow. 

The ITADR is clocked 8192 times per second, approximately 122 
microseconds. Since it is clocked an exact number of times per second, 
it is possible to count in exact second intervals. It makes no difference 
how you break up the time intervals, the clock will decrement exactly 
8 192 times in one second. Therefore, if you want a basic interval time 
for other uses in the system, you can cause interrupts to occur at this 
faster rate and then count the number of interrupts until you achieve 
the magic number of 8192 ticks each second. For example, many 
systems need a 1 or 2 millisecond time interval. The system can be set 
to interrupt about every 2 milliseconds and then in the ISR, a counter 
incremented. This counter counts to about 500 each second and can be 
easily used in a clock controller. Of course, "about" is not allowed. 
The interrupt time must be 0.001953125 seconds and there will be 
exactly 512 interrupts per second. 

The program starts out with the creation of a function that we 
will call keep_t ime ( ) . This function is executed repeatedly inside 

A Clock Program 421 

of a loop. There are four external variables, hours, seconds, minutes, 
and count accessed by keep_time ( ) . The variable count is 
incremented in an interrupt service routine that is executed each 
1 .953 125 milliseconds. The constant T I ME_COUNT will have a value 
of 511. When count becomes greater than TIME_COUNT, count 
is reset to zero and the parameter seconds are incremented. When 
seconds exceeds the value 59, seconds is reset to zero and 
minutes is incremented. When minutes exceeds 59, it is reset to 
zero and hours is incremented. Finally, when hours becomes 
greater than 12, it is reset to 1 which corresponds to one o'clock. 
Once each second, the function output_time() is executed. 

#include u mmc2001 .h" 
#include "timer. h" 

#define TIME_COUNT 511 

#define MAX_SECONDS 5 9 


#define MAX_HOURS 12 

#define MIN_HOURS 1 

/* function prototypes */ 
void output_time (void) ; 
void keep_time (void) ; 

/* external— global variables */ 
WORD seconds , minutes , hours , count ; 

/* the main applications program, count is incremented in 
the isr 512 times each second. Therefore, this routine 
must be executed at least once every two milliseconds. */ 

void keep_time (void) 


if ( count >TIME_COUNT) 


count =0 ; 

if ( + + seconds>MAX_SECONDS) 


seconds=0 ; 

if ( ++minutes>MAX_MINUTES) 


minutes=0 ; 

if (++hours>MAX_HOURS) 

hours=MIN HOURS; 

422 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 


output_time ( ) ; 

Here we are starting to write a program. Therefore, it is smart to 
do all things correctly. For example, we will attempt to avoid magic 
numbers by defining mnemonics for the numbers used in the program. 
Also, whenever a new function is written, its function prototype will 
be immediately inserted into a function prototype list at the beginning 
of the program. A series of external variables is used. It is usually 
better to use local variables when working with parameters in several 
different functions. In that case, the parameters can be passed as 
arguments to the functions when they are called. This approach avoids 
debug problems where it becomes difficult to determine where 
variables are changed in different functions. In the case here, the 
variables hours, minutes and seconds are changed in only one 
function, keep_time(), and the variable count is changed only 
in the interrupt service routine or the reset time function. Therefore, 
there is no uncertainty as to where the variables are changed. 

Note the structure of the i f ( ) statements in the function 
keep_time(). The nesting of these statements 





causes the first test to be executed every time the function is executed. 
The argument of the first test must be TRUE when the second test is 
executed, and the argument of the second test must be TRUE when 
the third test is executed, and so forth. Most of the time when the 
function is executed, the total effort required by the above nested if 

A Clock Program 423 

sequence is the outside test only. Such an arrangement will require a 
minimum amount of computer time each time the function is executed. 
Many programmers will not nest the above tests so that each test is 
executed each time the function is called. It works, but it requires 
more computer resources than the nesting shown above. 

In the function keep_time ( ) above, note that the arguments 
of the several if ( ) statements all involve a "greater than" test. This 
particular approach is more robust than any test that involves an "is 
equal to" test. In all cases but the hours, the tested parameter is reset 
to zero. Therefore, the zero is counted in the sequence and the 
maximum value is one less than the number that might be expected. 
For example, the range of seconds is 0..59 not 1..60, the range of 
count is 0.. 511 not 1..512. When the respective count exceeds the 
specified maximum value, the parameter is reset to its minimum value. 
If lightning should strike the chip and the value of seconds be set at 
100, the "greater than" test would fix the error the next time that 
second were tested. In the event that an "is equal to" test were used, 
it would be a long time before the seconds would count through a 
wrap-around and be equal to the MAX_SECONDS value again. 

Also note the i f argument 

if (++seconds>MAX_SECONDS) 

The seconds are first incremented and then the test is completed. 
This sequence could be completed in two statements, 

seconds=seconds+l ; 

if ( seconds >MAX_SECONDS) 


Some people prefer the latter approach, but the two approaches 
accomplish exactly the same thing. The important item is that seconds 
must be incremented before the test is completed rather than after. 
At the bottom of the seconds loop, a call to output_time ( ) 
is executed. This function will send the current time to the output 
device. Here again, the call to output_time ( ) could be placed 
anywhere in the loop, but the bottom, as is shown above, is best 
because the output takes place after all of the parameters are updated 
and the time displayed will be now rather than before all of the updates 
are completed. 

424 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine A Clock Program 

Let us now look at output_t ime(). For this program, we will 
send the time to the serial port to be displayed on a terminal. All of 
the parameters hours, minutes, and seconds each have a range of or 
1 to some maximum two-digit value. Therefore, these numbers will 
contain only tens and units. There will be no hundreds or thousands 
or fractions, or minus signs for that matter. To convert these values to 
characters to be sent to a function like put char ( ) , we have to do 
two things. First count the number of tens, convert this number to an 
ASCII digit and use it as an argument to put char ( ). Then calculate 
the number of units in the number, convert it to an ASCII digit and 
send it to put char ( ) . These two operations are relatively easy to 
program. In fact, these little functions can be written as function-like 
macros easily, as follows: 

#define hi (x) ((x)/10+'0') 
#define lo (x) ((x)%10+'0') 

Remember, the value passed to these two macro functions must lie 
between and 99. The first function hi (x) determines the number 
of tens in the number and converts the result to an ASCII digit by 
adding the character zero to the result. The second calculates the 
number of units in the number by calculating the number modulo 10. 
This value is converted to an ASCII digit when the character zero is 

With these two little macros in hand, the output_time () 
function is easy to write: 

void output_time (void) 


putchar ( x \r' ) ; 
putchar (hi (hours) ) ; 
putchar (lo (hours) ) ; 
putchar (':'); 
putchar (hi (minutes) ) ; 
putchar (lo (minutes) ) ; 
putchar (':'); 
putchar (hi (seconds) ) ; 
putchar (lo (seconds) ) ; 


The output_time ( ) function consists of a series of 
putchar ( ) function calls. The first has an argument % \r ' . This 
command causes the cursor on the screen to be returned to its leftmost 

A Clock Program 425 

position. The next two calls send the hours to the screen. Then a 
colon is printed. This sequence is repeated for the minutes and the 
seconds except no colon is sent out after the seconds. 

Our next problem is to set up the PIT. The PIT is to interrupt 
once each 1.953125 milliseconds. The clock that drives the PIT runs 
at 8192 Hz and we need a clock rate of 512 Hz. Therefore, we need 
to count 16 clock ticks between interrupts. I will call this time TWO_MS 
in the following code. The function below is an initialization function 
to set up the PIT to operate as needed. Recall, data written to the 
ITDR is transferred to the ITADR when the ITADR underflows. Data 
written to the ITDR is automatically transferred to the ITADR if the 
OVW bit is set when the ITDR is written. This bit will be set first and 
then the value TWO_MS is written to the ITDR. Next, the reload mode 
is enabled by setting the RLD bit in the ITCSR register. In this mode, 
the value in the ITDR is automatically reloaded into the ITADR when 
the ITADR underflows. This operation assures a periodic interrupt at 
the period set by the value stored in the ITDR. 

The interrupt handler shown in the section "Handling Interrupts" 
will be used here. Recall that function contains a general-purpose 
interrupt service routine that can be used for any of the autovector 
interrupts in the MMC200 1 . For our purposes here, the interrupt vector 
number 8 in Listing 8-9 will have to be changed from 
unused_vector to the name of the PIT interrupt service routine. 
We will call that routine pit_isr and it will be written in the next 
section. The macro function vec t or ( ) in the mmc2 1 . h header 
file will be used to put the address of the header into the Fast 
Autovector vector location. Also in the Interrupt Handler section you 
will find Table 8-1. This table shows the allocation of the interrupt 
vectors in the base vector table. This table is placed in a specified 
location by the linker program. With the set-up used for our programs 
in this book, I placed the system RAM at the address 0x30000000. 
The first 0x200 entries in this table are the vector table whose outline 
is shown in Table 8- 1 and whose values are established by the interrupt 
handler routine in Listing 8-9. There you will note that the Fast 
Interrupt Autovector is offset 0x2c into the vector table. Therefore, 
the address of the FAST_AUTOVECTOR in our program must be 
0x3000002c. The next instruction in the code below will place the 
address of the pit_isr interrupt service routine in this address. 

426 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

#include "intctl . h" 

#define TWO_MS 15 

/* initialize the PIT */ 
void pit_init (void) 


ITCSR.OVW=ON; /* set-up ITDR to ITADR overload */ 

ITDR=TWO_MS;/* interrupt each two milliseconds */ 
ITCSR.RLD=ON; /* enable reload mode */ 
ITCSR.ITIF=ON;/* clear the interrupt flag */ 
ITCSR.ITIE=ON;/* enable the pit interrupt */ 
FIER.EF8=0N; /* enable the AVEC interrupt */ 
ITCSR.EN=ON; /* enable the pit */ 


The final four instructions in the pit_init ( ) function get the 
chip ready to receive interrupts from the PIT. The first 

ITCSR. ITIF=ON; /* clear the interrupt flag */ 

clears the interrupt flag ITIF. It is a quirk of the chip that the interrupt 
flag is cleared by writing a 1 to the chip rather than a 0. This flag 
should be cleared prior to enabling the interrupts for both the 
auto vector and the PIT. If this bit is set when the interrupts are enabled, 
the system will immediately respond to the interrupt and that action 
is not usually what is wanted. The next instruction turns on the 
interrupt enable flag ITIE for the PIT. The fast interrupt bit 8 is set in 
the FIER register of the interrupt controller and finally, the PIT is 
turned on when the bit EN is set in the ITCSR. The FIER register is 
identified in the intct 1 . h header file. After this code is executed, 
the PIT is set up and ready to interrupt every 16 ticks of the 8 192-Hz 

Of course, we will need an interrupt service routine. When the 
Interrupt Handler is used, the interrupt service routine need not be 
concerned with saving the system status. That is handled by the 
interrupt handler. All that is needed in this case is to turn off the 
interrupt flag in the ITCSR and increment the value of count. The 
entire interrupt service routine is 

A Clock Program 427 

/* in this isr, all that must be done is to turn off the 
pit interrupt request bit and increment the global 
parameter count */ 

void pit_isr (void) 


ITCSR. ITIF=ON; /* ON clears the interrupt bit in these 

registers */ 
count ++ ; 

The interrupt handler takes care of restoring the status prior to 
returning to the interrupted program. 

The next logical function that we will need is the function 
main ( ) . Main is broken into two parts, the initialization portion of 
the program and the applications portion of the program. The first 
three instructions are the initialization portion of the program. Here, 
the serial I/O system is initialized and the baud rate is set to the value 
BAUD_RATE. The pit_init ( ) routine written above is executed 
and then the system fast interrupts are enabled with the assembly 
language macro function defined in the header file mmc2 1 . h. 

#define BAUD_RATE 3 8400 
#define FAST_AUTOVECTOR 0x3 000002c 

main ( ) 


inituart (BAUD_RATE) ; /* initialize the UART */ 

pit_init(); /* initialize the PIT */ 

vector (handler, FAST_AUTOVECTOR) ; /* put handler address 

Enable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) ; 


keep_time() ; /* keep track of the time */ 

if (kbhit () ) 

reset time ( ) ; 

The application portion of the program is quite simple. It is simply 
a FOREVER loop that repeatedly executes keep_t ime ( ) . Also in 
the loop, a test is made to determine if a key has been touched on the 
terminal attached to the serial port. If it has, the function 
reset time ( ) is executed where the clock time can be set. 

428 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

The function reset_time ( ) follows. Recall from earlier 
discussions that the function getch ( ) was written specifically to 
read in a character from the serial port after the function kbhit ( ) 
indicates that the keyboard has received an input. This function, 
getch ( ) , is used here. The character read in is saved in the location 
c and then a switch/case statement is set up to determine what to do 
with the input. It is assumed that the letters m, M, h, and H are the 
valid inputs. When either an m or an M is received, the minutes will 
be incremented. Detection of either an h or an H will cause the hours 
to be incremented. Any other input will merely be discarded, so there 
is no need for a default statement in the switch/case sequence. If an 
m, either upper or lower case, is detected, the minutes will be 
incremented. If the incremented value exceeds MAX_MINUTES, 
minutes will be reset to 0. Similarly if an h is detected, the hours will 
be incremented and if the incremented value exceeds MAX_HOURS, 
hours is reset to MIN_HOURS. After these transactions are completed, 
the function output_time ( ) is executed. Without this final 
function call, the setting of the time will be very jumpy, definitely 
not smooth. 

void reset_time (void) 


int c ; 

c=getch ( ) ; 

switch (c) 


case x m' : 

case X M' : 

if (++minutes>MAX_MINUTES) 

minutes=0 ; 

case l h / : 

case X H' : 

if (++hours>MAX_HOURS) 
hours =MIN_HOURS ; 


output time ( ) ; 


/* send out a new time after each change 


That is the end of the program. The program seems quite simple, 
and it has been tested thoroughly. Shown below is the whole program 

A Clock Program 429 

pulled together into a single listing. Several items have been moved 
around in this listing to make the whole program easier to follow. 

#include w mmc2 01 .h" 

#include "timer. h" 

#include "intctl . h" 

#include "serial. h" 

#define TIME_COUNT 511 

#define MAX_SECONDS 5 9 


#define MAX_HOURS 12 

#define MIN_HOURS 1 
#define FAST_AUTOVECTOR 0x3 000002c 

#define TWO_MS 15 

#define BAUD_RATE 3 8400 

#define hi (x) ((xJ/lO+'O 1 ) 
#define lo (x) ((x)%10+'0') 

/* function prototypes */ 
void output_time (void) ; 
void keep_time (void) ; 
void reset_time (void) ; 
void pit_init (void) ; 
void pit_isr (void) ; 
void handler (void) ; 

/* external— global variables */ 
WORD seconds , minutes , hours , count ; 

/* the main applications program, count is incremented in 
the isr every two milliseconds. Therefore, this routine 
must be executed at least once every two milliseconds to 
keep the outputs to the serial port smooth. */ 
void keep_time (void) 


if ( count >TIME_COUNT) 


count =0 ; 

if ( + + seconds>MAX_SECONDS) 


seconds=0 ; 

if (++minutes>MAX_MINUTES) 


430 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

minutes=0 ; 

if (++hours>MAX_HOURS) 
hours=MIN HOURS; 


output_time ( ) ; 


void output_time (void) 


putchar ( x \r ' ) ; 
putchar (hi (hours) ) ; 
putchar (lo (hours) ) ; 
putchar (':'); 
putchar (hi (minutes) ) ; 
putchar (lo (minutes) ) ; 
putchar ( y : ' ) ; 
putchar (hi (seconds) ) ; 
putchar (lo (seconds) ) ; 


/* initialize the PIT */ 
void pit_init (void) 











set-up ITDR to ITADR overload */ 
interrupt each two milliseconds */ 
enable reload mode */ 
clear the interrupt flag */ 
enable the pit interrupt */ 
enable the AVEC interrupt */ 
enable the pit */ 

/* in this isr, all that must be done is to turn off the pit 
interrupt request bit and increment the global parameter 
count */ 

void pit_isr (void) 


ITCSR. ITIF=ON; /* ON clears the interrupt bit in these 

registers */ 
count ++ ; 


main ( ) 

A Clock Program 431 


inituart (BAUD_RATE) ; /* initialize the UART */ 
pit_init(); /* initialize the PIT */ 

vector (handler , FAST_AUTOVECTOR) ; 

/* put handler address in FAST_AUTOVECTOR. */ 

Enable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) ; 



keep_time() ; /* keep track of the time */ 

if (kbhit () ) 

reset_time ( ) ; 


void reset_time (void) 


int c ; 

c=getch ( ) ; 
switch (c) 


case x m' : 

case X M' : if (++minutes>MAX_MINUTES) 

minutes=0 ; 
case x h' : 

case X H' : if (++hours>MAX_HOURS) 

hours =MIN_HOURS ; 


output_time () ; /* send out a new time after each change */ 


Listing 8-10: Complete Clock Routine 

Note that in this program the only functions that have direct access 
to the memory of the computer are those that involve the PIT. The 
pit_init ( ) routine is truly chip specific as is the pit_isr ( ) . 
All of the other routines could be used on just about any computer. It 
is always good to place the chip-specific routines in functions by 
themselves. Then when you need to change to another chip, all of the 
chip-specific code is lumped together and the general-purpose code 
is easy to lift and move to the new program. 

All #define object- like and function-like macros are placed at 
the head of the program. Also, a list of function prototypes is included. 

432 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

Every function in the program with the exception of main ( ) has a 
function prototype at the beginning of the program. In this case, the 
functions are all void functions that require no arguments. It is 
important, however, that every programmer get into the habit of 
placing these prototypes at the beginning of their programs, either in 
the form of a header file or a direct listing in the program. 


The MMC2001 chip has a built-in keyboard interface. This 
interface can be either synchronously polled by the program, or it 
can be asynchronously controlled through the use of an interrupt. 
We will examine the asynchronous control here. This program requires 
three parts. The first is the initialization routine. This routine sets up 
the operation of the keyboard to cause an interrupt whenever a key is 
depressed. The interrupt service detects which key is depressed and 
saves it in a buffer. The program also saves a semaphore passed to 
the initialization routine. This semaphore is released when the end of 
a line is detected in the input. Then the main program prints the 
buffer to the terminal screen. 

The initialization routine is shown below: 

#include "mmc2 01 . h" 
# include "keypad. h" 
#include "intctl .h" 

static int semaph; 

static BYTE *data, *savedata; 

static int leng; 

/* key board initialization routine */ 
void kpinit(int sem, BYTE *s, int length) 


KPCRN.LOROWS=0xf ; /* enable keypad rows */ 
KPDRB.COLUMNS=0x0; /* write to KPDR[15:8] */ 

/* make cols open drain */ 
/* make cols outputs */ 
/* and rows inputs */ 




/* clear KPKD status flag */ 
/* clear key depress synchronizer */ 
/* set KDIE bit to enable depress 
Interrupt */ 

Keyboard 433 

KPSR.KRIE=OFF; /* disable release interrupt */ 

FIER.EF6=0N; /* enable Fast Interrupt number 6 */ 

semaph=sem; /* save the semaphore */ 

data=s ; 

savedata=s; /* and array information for */ 

leng=length; /* use in the isr */ 

It is expected that the calling program will attach a semaphore 
and provide a buffer into which the input data will be stored. The 
semaphore is passed to the initialization routine as sem, and the array 
by a pointer to its first element and its length. We plan to use a 4 by 
4 matrix keyboard. This keyboard will be connected to the least 
significant four rows and columns of the keyboard controller interface. 
There are several registers that attach to these interfaces. The KPCR 
is a control register, the KPDR is the data register, and the KDDR is 
the data direction register. In creating the header file for the keyboard 
controller, I added an extra letter, N or B, to these pseudovariable 
names to indicate that they have been broken into groups of bits 
rather than a register of single bits. A register name that has the letter 
N appended is split into two 8-bit fields named COLUMNS and ROWS. 
Those with a letter B appended are split into four fields named 
HI COLS, LOCOLS, HIROWS and LOROWS. Therefore, the command 


will cause the least significant bits of the ROWS field in KPCR to be 
set to 1 . 

The comments above explain the various actions that take place 
in the initialization routine. The Key Pad Data Register, KPDR, is a 
register that connects to the external keyboard interface. The most 
significant 8 bits are to connect to columns and the least significant 
bits connect to the rows. The plan is to detect cross connections 
between a column and a row. The columns serve as outputs and the 
rows inputs. Therefore, the columns will be set as open drain and as 
outputs through the data direction register. In the KBSR, Key Board 
Status Register, the Key Pad Key Depressed bit, KPKR, is set 
whenever the system detects a depressed key. This bit is reset by 
writing a 1 to it. On both key depress and key release, there is a 
synchronizer that aims to hide any key bounce that might occur. The 
key depress synchronizer is cleared by writing a 1 to KPSR . KDSC . 

434 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

Next the key depress interrupt is enabled and the key release interrupt 
is disabled. The parameters passed to the initialization routine are 
now saved in static external variables. These parameters are used in 
the interrupt service routine. 

The column outputs on the four least significant bits are all set to 
zero so that any key depression will cause the normally high inputs 
sensed by the key inputs to be pulled low. This action will initiate the 
key depress synchronizer operation. Approximately four milliseconds 
later, if the input key has the same state, a key depressed interrupt 
will be requested. The key release operates similarly. As long as a 
key remains depressed, nothing happens. When the key is released, 
the key release synchronizer initiates its action. If the key has the 
same state after the synchronizer time-out, a key release interrupt 
can be requested. For these operations to work, the column outputs 
must all be held at zero. 

It is most convenient to use both the key depress and the key 
release interrupts for the task at hand. Each time a key is depressed, 
it is detected and the position of the key in the keypad is saved in a 
buffer. Conditions to cause a key release interrupt are then set up. 
Then control is returned to the interrupted program. When the key is 
released, a key release interrupt is requested, and in the interrupt 
service routine, a key depress interrupt is set up so that the next key 
press will be detected. Each time a key position is entered into the 
buffer, the next position in the buffer is marked with a Oxff. 

I speak of the key position. In the interrupt service routine below, 
it is first tested to determine if the interrupt was caused by a key 
depress or a key release. If it is a key depress interrupt, control is 
immediately passed to a for loop. Within this loop, the columns are 
first loaded with a Oxe, which will have the three highest bits in the 
column high and the least significant bit low. A test checks to 
determine if all of the column bits are high. If not the value of column 
is impressed on KPDRB . COLUMNS . The next test checks the value 
found on KPDRB . ROWS. If there is no button depressed that connects 
column 1 with any of the rows, the result will be Oxff. Therefore, 
control will go to the next column. If the value found on rows is not 
Oxff, the least significant four bits will indicate the row in which the 
switch is depressed. Then, the row and column data is combined into 
a single value that is stored in the data array. The column contains 4 

Keyboard 435 

bits, as does the row. These bits are packed into a single 8-bit value 
by the instruction 

c=*data++= (~ (KPDRB. COLUMNS << 4 | (KPDRB . ROWS&Oxf ) ) ) &0xff; 

The column value is shifted left by four bits and the result is bit wise 
ANDed with the row value. These values are the ones-complement 
of the values we want, so the ones-complement is taken. The final 
result is ANDed with a mask of Oxff to delete any bits outside of the 
eight bits needed for the final result. This result is stored in the array 
back in the calling program. Also at this time, the result is stored in a 
local variable for later use. The count of the number of characters 
entered into the array are incremented. If this value exceeds the length 
of the array, there is an error and the input is completely terminated 
when the program is restarted at its very beginning. 

#define COL_0 OxOe 

/* key board interrupt service routine */ 
void kb_isr(void) 


UHWORD column, input ; 
static BYTE C; 

if (KPSR.KPKD) /* if a key has been depressed */ 


for (column=COL_0 /column! =0xf;column= (column<<l |0xl) & Oxf ) 


KPDRB . COLUMNS=column; 

/* kill some time */ 

if ( KPDRB. ROWS != Oxff ) 


c=*data++= (~ (KPDRB. COLUMNS <<4 j 

( KPDRB. ROWD&oxf ) ) ) & Oxff; 
if (++n>=leng) /* data exceed the array */ 


puts ("input data overf low\n" ) ; 
_start() ; /* bad error, restart the 
program */ 


*data=0xff; /* needed to terminate decode */ 

if (c==0xll) /* *=' reached the end of the input */ 

436 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 


decode (savedat a) ; 
release_semaphore (semaph) ; 


KPDRB.COLUMNS=0X0; /* write to KPDR[15:8] */ 

KPSR.KDIE=OFF; /* disable key depress interrupt */ 
KPSR.KRIE=ON; /* enable key release interrupt */ 


else /* key release was detected */ 





/* clear key release and depress */ 
/* set key release synchronizer */ 
/* clear key depress synchronizer */ 
KPDRB. COLUMNS =0X0;/* write to KPDR[15:8] */ 
KPSR.KDIE=ON; /* enable key depress interrupt */ 
KPSR.KRIE=OFF; /* disable key release interrupt */ 

Notice in the code above that after the columns value is set and 
before the row values are tested, there is a comment to kill some 
time. It turns out that some time is required to allow propagation 
from the command to the electrical connection on the external switch. 
The delay ( ) routine with an argument of 1, a 1-ms delay, worked 
well, but this routine also uses the PIT. It is intended to use this 
routine with the clock shown in the earlier section, so it is very 
inconvenient to use the clock. Therefore, a series of instructions 
around the keyboard controller were put together that would use up 
the necessary time. These instructions would have to be executed to 
set up correct conditions prior to the return from interrupt, so it is not 
too much a waste of computer resources. To get enough delay, I used 
some of these instructions more than one time. The code for this 
time delay is shown below. The last six lines of code are required to 
set up for the exit from the isr, and the first four are duplicates needed 
to round out the time. 


KPSR.KPKD=ON; /* flip and flop some innocuous bits */ 

KPSR.KDIE=OFF; /* just to kill time to synchronize */ 

KPSR.KRIE=OFF; /* the command with data arrival at */ 

KPSR.KPKR=ON; /* the chip's edge */ 



Keyboard 437 



After the key position is detected, and its value stored in the array, 
the value Oxff is placed in the next location in the array. This value is 
used in the decode routine that changes the key positions to ASCII 
characters for display. A termination character is needed to show the 
end of the input data has been reached. There is an '=' , equal sign on 
the keyboard, and it was decided to use it as the termination character. 
We will see later that the position value for the '=' symbol is Oxl 1. 
Therefore, if the value c is 0x1 1 at this point in the code flow, it is 
time to decode the buffer contents and proceed further. After the data 
are decoded, the semaphore is released and control is returned to the 
interrupted program. The COLUMNS bits are all set to zero, the key 
depress interrupt is disabled and the key release interrupt is enabled 
prior to the return. 

It turns out that it is next to impossible to get your finger off a 
key soon enough to allow this code to work without detecting the 
key release. The key release interrupt is set up in the key depress 
interrupt service routine. The main operation that takes place in the 
key release isr is to disable the key release interrupt and set up for 
a key depress interrupt. Without this approach, each time the key is 
depressed, it will get through the isr several times before the key is 
released and the buffer will be filled with duplicate values each time 
the isr is executed. The last seven lines of code in the isr above 
are executed in the key release isr. 

The decode function converts a value that represents the position 
of the depressed key on the keyboard to an ASCII representation of 
the character. The position data is an 8-bit unit with the upper 4 bits 
representing the column and the lower 4 representing the row. Only 
one column or row bit should be enabled at a time. More than one 
row or column is enabled if multiple keys have been depressed. The 
acceptable row and column values are 1, 2, 4, and 8. The circuitry 
fixes the row value of 1 corresponding to the bottom row with the 
value 8 as the top row. Also, the right-most column corresponds to 
column 1 and the left-most column corresponds to column 8. The 
inner rows and columns follow the pattern established above. A look 
at the keyboard has the top row, read from left to right, containing 

438 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

'+', '7\ '8', and '9'. The next row contains '-', '4', '5', and '6\ The 
third row from the top contains ' * ' , ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' , and ' 3 ' . The bottom row 
7\ '0', 7, and '='. Remember that the right-most column is column 
1 in the position and the bottom-most row is row 1. Therefore, one 
can build a matrix as shown below that converts the position of the 
key to its ASCII value. Now the positions must be indices into a two- 
dimensional array rather than the position values. The decode routine 
must convert the position values to indices. 

The decode routine works on an array that contains several key 
positions. This data array is terminated with a character Oxff . The string 
is passed as a pointer to the beginning of the string. In the function, the 
value of the pointer is copied to another pointer to a type BYTE that is 
used in the program. A while loop is entered which will walk the 
length of the array that contains all of the key position data. This loop 
is terminated when the data Oxff is found in the input array. Each piece 
of input data is now split into two parts, the rows and the columns, and 
a switch/case statement is used to convert the 1, 2, 4, 8 values that the 
input data contains into the 0, 1, 2, 3 values used for indices into the 
two-dimensional array. In the event of a multiple key hit, a default 
value of 4 is passed to either the row or column. These values are 
tested for, prior to access to the keys [ ] [ ] array. If a 4 is found in 
either case, the decode loop is skipped to the next character. This 
approach does not prevent errors in decoding, but it does keep control 
and allows the procedure to be restarted. 

static const BYTE keys [] [4] = { { x = ' , ' . ' , ' ' , ' / ' } , 

{ *3' , '2' , '1' , '*' }, 
{*6', '5' ,'4« ,'-'}, 

{ * 9 ' , ' 8 ■ , ' 7 « , ' + ' } } ; 
/* the key position decode routine */ 
static void decode (BYTE *s) 


int r,c; 
BYTE *p=s; 

while (*p !=0xff) 


switch(*p 8c Oxf) 


case 8 : r=0 ; 

Keyboard 439 


case 4 : r=l ; 


case 2 : r=2 ; 


case 1 : r=3 ; 


default : r=4 ; 


switch(*p & OxfO) 


case 0x10 : c=0 ; 


case 0x20 : c=l ; 


case 0x40 : c=2 ; 


case 0x80 : c=3 ; 


default : c=4 ; 


if (r==4 c==4) 

break; /* got a multiple key hit, 

skip it*/ 

*p++=keys [r] [c] ; 


*p='\0' ; 

data=savedata ; 

Lastly, after the character is read from the array and stored into 
the array, the loop is continued. When the loop is terminated, a null 
character is written to the next entry in the array. This character is a 
string terminator and the data can be used as such with any of the 
input/output functions. In the initialization routine, two values of 
pointers to the array a [ ] were saved. The value saved in data has 
been corrupted by now and it is necessary to restore it to its original 
value by assigning savedata to data. 

Next, we have to test the code above. The following program 
tests the keyboard initialization and isr routines. To use these 
routines, you must first adjust the code in the program handler ( ) 
and recompile it. This code must be linked to the following program. 
The address of the routine kb_isr ( ) must be placed in the specified 
location in the vector table found with the handler ( ) function. 

440 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

This location is entry number 6 in the vector table. The main ( ) 
function is broken into two sections, the initialization, and the 
applications section. In initialization, inituart () establishes 
connection with the serial I/O functions. The function 
attach_semaphore ( x a ' ) connects a semaphore to this process. 
This semaphore is passed to the kpinit ( ) function along with a 
pointer to the beginning of the array a [ ] and also its length. The 
address of the interrupt handler is placed into the autovector location 
by the vector ( ) function call, and finally the fast interrupts are 
enabled when Enable_Fast_Interrupts ( ) is executed. 

In the main ( ) application loop, the program waits for the release 
of the semaphore sem that was attached earlier. At this time, the 
keyboard handler has collected a buffer of data and has detected the 
input of an '='. Also, the decode has been completed so that it is 
possible to execute puts (a) to send the contents of the buffer to 
the serial port. After the data are written to the output, to continue 
operation, it is necessary to reattach the original semaphore if it is 
available and proceed. This particular program will remain in the 
inner loop forever reading inputs from the keyboard and outputting 
them to the serial port whenever an '=' button is depressed. 

Usually at this point, a single listing of the whole program is 
included in the text. It is a duplicate of the various smaller segments 
shown above. Here I will refer to the program listing that is contained 
on the CD-ROM. It can be found under the directory chapter 8 
and has the name kbinit . c. 

Integrating Keyboard and Clock 

The next piece of code will integrate the keyboard with the clock 
developed earlier. The purpose of this program is to show the ease of 
integrating these two programs and the use of more than one interrupt 
simultaneously with the interrupt handler developed earlier. The main 
change in the clock program will be to alter the reset_time ( ) 
function. This new function will receive inputs from the keypad. The 
code developed in the previous section can be used, but it will have 
to be altered significantly to be of use in this program. Here, we will 
want to set up the keyboard input to interrupt when any key is 
depressed and send a flag to the executing program when one or two 
appropriate keys have been depressed. Let us increase the minutes 

Integrating Keyboard and Clock 441 

when the ' 1 ' button is depressed and the hours increase when the '2' 
button is depressed. The program will need the interrupt service 
routine, but the recording of the data into a buffer and all of the 
attendant decoding is unnecessary here. We will use a single global 
variable to set when a correct key is depressed. That is all required 
for this application. 

Let's start with the initialization routine. This initialization routine 
needs to do even less than was needed earlier. Consider the code: 

/* key board initialization routine */ 
void kpinit (void) 


KPCRN.LOROWS=0xf ; /* enable keypad rows */ 
KPDRB.COLUMNS=0x0; /* write to KPDR[15:8] */ 

/* make cols open drain */ 
/* make cols outputs */ 
/* and rows inputs */ 
/* clear KPKD status flag */ 
/* clear key depress synchronizer */ 
/* set KDIE bit to enable depress 
Interrupt */ 
KPSR.KRIE=OFF; /* disable release interrupt */ 
FIER.EF6=ON; /* enable Fast Interrupt number 6*/ 


The main change observed is that no parameters are passed to the 
initialization function and none of the variables saved earlier are 
needed here. Otherwise, this function is identical to the earlier 
kpinit () function. 

The changes made in kb_isr ( ) are instructive. There is no 
substantive change in the function until after the depressed key has 
been detected. For this program, we are interested only in the detection 
of a T or a '2'. These digits correspond to the position values 0x42 
and 0x22 respectively. After the key has been detected, a simple case 
statement converts these specific values to the proper digits. If the 
position numbers are not one of the expected values, *data is 
assigned a value of zero. This value is used by the main ( ) program 
to determine when a key has been depressed. 

/* key board interrupt service routine */ 
void kb_isr(void) 


UHWORD column, input ; 

442 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

static BYTE c; 

if (KPSR.KPKD) /* if a key has been depressed */ 


for (column=COL_0 /column! =0xf;column= (column<<l | Oxl) &0xf) 


KPDRB . COLUMNS=column; 

/* kill some time here */ 
if (KPDRB.ROWS!=0xff ) 


c= (~ (KPDRB. COLUMNS <<4 j 

( KPDRB. ROWS&Oxf ) ) ) & Oxff; 



if (c==0x22) 

*data=' 2 ' ; 
else if(c==0x42) 

*data=' 1 ' ; 

c = 0; 

KPDRB. COLUMNS = 0X0 ; /* write to KPDR[15:8] */ 
KPSR.KDIE=OFF; /* disable key depress interrupt */ 
KPSR.KRIE=ON; /* enable key release interrupt */ 


else /* key release was detected */ 



KPSR.KPKD=ON; /* clear key release and depress */ 

KPSR. KRSS=ON; /* set key release synchronizer */ 

KPSR. KDSC=ON; /* clear key depress synchronizer */ 
KPDRB. COLUMNS= 0X0; /* write to KPDR[15:8] */ 

KPSR.KDIE=ON; /* enable key depress interrupt */ 

KPSR.KRIE=OFF; /* disable key release interrupt */ 

The code executed by the i s r when a key is released is unchanged 
from earlier. 

Adding a Display 

Access to the LCD port is through a memory-mapped register. 
This register contains two byte-wide fields, one called COMMAND 

Adding a Display 443 

and the other DATA. This register is at address 0x2c3ffff0. The 
following typedef and #def ine makes this location available to 
the program. 

typedef struct { 





} Lcddrv; 

#define LCDDRV (* (Lcddrv * ) (0X2C3FFFF0) ) 

Access to this memory area is through Chip Select number 3. This 
Chip Select must be set up and enabled. The following initialization 
function allows access to the above memory address. The chip select 
control registers are not set to a specified value at reset. It is best to 
put a specified value into this register, 0, and then set the necessary 
bits. The first two lines of code in the following function put a zero 
into the address CS3CR. The fields in the chip select control register 
allows insertion of wait states from to 15. Fifteen was used here 
because the memory location is rarely accessed; when accessed, it 
deals with the outside world, and the long wait state will not 
appreciably degrade the computer performance. An extra dead cycle 
is added when there is a write to this address. The access is to a 16- 
bit port. The last instruction enables the chip select number 3. 

/* set up memory to access the LCD */ 
void initperip (void) 



zero the whole register */ 

3 wait states */ 

extra dead cycle on write */ 

enable byte write access only */ 

16 bit port */ 

chip select enabled */ 


There are two output functions that are useful. These functions are: 

/* Routines for the LCD Display */ 
/* send a command to the LCD */ 
void LCDCommand (BYTE command) 













444 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 


LCDDRV . COMMAND = command ; 
delay (25) ; 


/* send data to the LCD */ 
void LCDData(BYTE data) 


if (data==' \r' ) 


LCDDRV . DATA=data ; 
delay (25) ; 


These functions do essentially the same thing. The main difference 
is that the Command function writes to the upper byte of the specified 
address and the Data function writes to the lower byte of this address. 
One other special operation has been put into the Data function. If 
the data string contains a '\r' character, it is intended that the cursor 
should be returned to the beginning of the line. The 0x01 command 
does just that. Otherwise, the data received is sent to the screen for 
display. It is recommended that a 25 -ms delay be executed after each 
write to the LCD system. This delay is included in both of the above 

A sequence of events is needed to bring the LCD display into 
operation. The code below first executes the initialization routine 
above so that the LCD display is connected to the computer. There 
immediately follows a repeated execution of the LCD command 0x03 
three times. These instructions prepare the LCD display for operation. 
There follows a series of commands: set the display for 2 by 40 
character display, turn the display off, clear the display and move the 
cursor to the home position, automatically increment cursor position 
after each write, turn the display and cursor on, and finally shift the 
cursor right after each input. These commands are all executed by 
the following code. 

/* initialize the LCD */ 


int i ; 

initperipO ; /* initialize memory block */ 
for (i=0;i<3;i++) 

Adding a Display 445 

LCD Command (0x03 ) ; /* get things turned on */ 

LCDCommand(0x3c) ; /* 2x4 display */ 

LCDCommand(0x08) ; /* display off */ 

LCDCommand ( 0x01) ; /* clear display and home cursor */ 

LCDCommand ( 0x06 ) ; /* increment cursor position */ 

LCDCommand (OxOf) ; /* Display and cursor on */ 

LCDCommand ( 0x14 ) ; /* Shift cursor right */ 

The function LCDData ( ) shown above performs the essential 
operation of the put char ( ) that we have used so often above. In 
our program above, we used put char ( ) everywhere. It seems that 
we should have a separate command for the LCD display, but at the 
same time, it would be desirable that we could write to the LCD with 
a put char ( ) and not have to worry about changing all of the 
occurrences of put char ( ) in the earlier code. A way around this 
problem is to use a simple macro 

#define putchar(a) LCDData (a) 

and now we can use put char () in place of LCDData () .Of course, 
it is important that we do not link seriall.oto the program, and 
the inclusion of serial . h is no longer needed. 

One item that must be considered here is the use of the function 
delay () . Recall that delay ( ) uses the pit to clock the delay time. 
The function in Listing 8-1 turns the pit on at the beginning of the 
operation and off at the end. We cannot allow this function to turn 
the pit off because the pit is being used by the basic clock function. 
Therefore, the two lines of code 



must be removed from the delay routine. The function now will work 
correctly, and it will not interfere with the operation of the basic pit 
operation used by the clock. This modified function is del ay 2 . c 
on the CD-ROM. 

Usually, a complete listing of the program is included in earlier 
chapters of this text. In this case, the code is approximately 250 lines 
long, and it is not so important to see this amount of code. It is all 

446 Chapter 8 MCORE, A RISC Machine 

shown above in bits and pieces. The complete listing is found in 
newclock . c found on the CD-ROM in the Chapter 8 directory. 


The developments in this chapter show an incremental approach 
to producing a program. The whole project was understood at the 
beginning of the chapter, but rather than try to develop the whole project, 
a series of small tasks were developed and tested. The complexity of 
each of these individual tasks was minimal. Often, the code required 
for each portion was but a dozen or so lines long. Such an approach is 
often the best approach to the development of complex code. This 
approach is not mine — it has been around as long as I can remember. 

With any new project, you should analyze the whole project and 
start the development by breaking the project into tasks. Then, break 
into subtasks and repeat the process until the tasks are so simple that 
the code to implement them is trivial. Then step back a level and 
repeat the process, making certain that the code implementation is as 
simple as possible at all times. As this code is integrated, each module 
should be compiled and tested. Therefore, your program will be built 
of tested modules. Never attempt to write a big block of code without 
first testing the various small blocks that comprise the whole program. 


!=, not equal operator, 17, 26 

#, preprocessor command identifier, 2 

#asm, 152 

#define, 16,431 

#endasm, 152 

#pragma, 115, 349,418 

%, modulo operator, 24 

%d, integer format, 5, 7 

&&, and operator, 26 

&, address-of operator, 65 

*, multiplication operator, 24, 66 

-, subtraction operator, 24 

/, division operator, 24 

@far, 295 

@port, 295 

\?, escape sequence for question mark, 15 

\\, escape sequence for backslash, 15 

V, escape sequence for single quote, 15 

\", escape sequence for double quote, 15 

\a, escape sequence for bell character, 15 

\b, escape sequence for backspace, 15 

\f, escape sequence for form feed, 15 

\n, escape sequence for new line, 2, 15, 409, 411 

\ooo, escape sequence for octal number, 15 

\r, escape sequence for carriage return, 15, 409, 

\t, escape sequence for horizontal tab, 6, 15 
\v, escape sequence for vertical tab, 15 
\xxx, escape sequence for hexadecimal number, 

{, block or compound statement beginning in- 
dicator, 2 
I I, or operator, 26 

}, terminator of compound statement, 3 
" ", file name delimiter, 2 
+, addition operator, 24 
<, less than operator, 26 

<=, less than or equal to operator, 26 

= =, equality operator, 26 

>, greater than operator, 26 

>=, greater than or equal to operator, 26 

15-bit timer, 130, 166 

16-bit timer, 130, 166, 178-181, 

programming, 186-195 

abs(x), 56 

accessing files, 110 

acos(x), 117 

ADC, 132-133 

analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 132-133, 

195-201, 288 
AND, 26 

ANSI standard, 294 
argument, function, 51 
arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 124 
arithmetic operators, 24-25 
arithmetic shift, 29 
array boundary checking, 19, 74 
array index, 19 
array initialization, 80 
array, 18-19 

array, multidimensional, 80-87 
ASCII characters, 352 
asin(x), 117 

assembly codes callable by C6805, 150 
assembly language for MC68HC12, 388 
assembly language for MC68HC16, 328-332, 

338, 345 
assembly language, 152 
assignment operators, 32 
association, 7 


448 Index 

associativity of operators, 34-35 

asynchronous time service, 251 

asynchronous, 126 

atan(x), 777 

atan2(x,y), 777 

auto, 9 

automatic variables, 12-13 

auto vector interrupt handler, 416-417 

auto vector, 414 

Axiom demonstration board, 394 


background debug mode, 147 

BAUD register, 276 

BCD encoding, 207-209, 352 

binary operator, 26 

binary tree sort, 95 

binary tree, 238 

bit field, 107, 108-109 

bit manipulations, 108 

bitwise AND, 28 

bitwise operator, 28 

boot FLASH memory, 348 

boundary checks, 74 

break keyword, 9, 48 

bubble sort, 74 

C6805 compiler, 150, 295 

calloc, 775 

case keyword, 9 

cast operator, 28, 114 

char, 9, 75 

character constants, 15-18 

character tests, 117 

chip-specific routines, 431 

circular convolution program, 341 

clear interrupt flag routine, 426 

CLI instruction, 174 

clock program for MMC2001, 419, 429-431 

clock, 297 

coding tips, 137-148 

comments, 17 

compilers, 52, 63, 150, 221-230, 305-318, 386, 

393, 414 
compound statement, 3 
computer operating properly (COP), 131, 167, 

concatenation, 74 
conditional expression, 33 
const keyword, 9-10 
constant, 8-11 
continue keyword, 9, 48 
controlling DC motor, 254 
conversion commands, 112 
convolution, 332, 334, 341 
cos(x), 777 
Cosmic compiler, 221-230, 285, 293, 295, 305- 

counter register, 1 84 
CPU 16 core processor, 288, 289-296 


data compression, 237-245 

data storage memory, 159 

date function, 81, 119 

DC motor control, 255-275 

debouncing, 255, 275 

debugging programs with user-specified inter- 
rupts, 294 

declaration statement, 4 

decrement operators, 30-32 

default keyword, 9 

deference operator, 66 

definition statement, 4 

delay routine for MMC2001, 395-397, 401, 436, 

development boards, 136 

development environment for microcontroller 
programming, 134-137 

Diab compiler, 393, 414 

diagnostics, 119 

digital input/output, 131 

digital signal processor, 287 

digital-to-analog converter (DAC), 209 

Dirac Delta function, 335 

display, LCD, 443-446 

do keyword, 9 

Index 449 

do/while construct, 39-42 

Do_interrupt( ), 417-418 

dot product, 332 

double keyword, 9, 28 

DSP operations with microcontrollers, 326-345 

M68HC16 and, 326-345 
DSP register model, 327 
dynamic debounce, 275 
dynamic memory allocation, 101 

EBDI, 394 

EEPROM, 128, 153, 155, 159 

Programming, 159 
EK register, 290 
else keyword, 9 
enum, 9, 20-22 
erasable programmable read-only memory 

(EPROM), 127, 153-154 
escape sequence, 15 
exception vector table, 290-291 
exceptions, 125 
exclusive OR, 28 
exit, 60 

expanded bus, 155 
expression, 24-34 

Extended Background Debug Interface, 394 
extern keyword, 9, 15 
external static variable, 13-14, 58 

factorial, 62 

fast interrupt enable register (FIER), 414 

FFI instruction for MMC2001, 414 

fgets, 111, 413 

Fibonacci number, 62, 77 

FIER register, 426 

filter, 332 

FIPND interrupt pending register, 414 

flags, 113 

FLASH memory, 128, 153 

float keyword, 9 

floating point variable type, 4, 1 1 

for keyword, 9 

for loop, 38-39 

FOREVER loop, 174, 427 

formatting, 113 

Fourier transform, 333 

fp, 110 

fputs, 111 

fractions, handling, 25 

free( ), 115 

function argument, 51 

function prototype, 52, 432 

functions, 8, 51-61 


general purpose timer module (GPT), 288, 314 

general purpose timer, 129 

generic pointer, 69 

get string functions, 413 

getce( ) function, 411 

getch function, 413 

getchar, 17, 382-383, 409, 413 

gets function, 72, 413 

getse function, 413 

goto keyword, 9, 48 

"greater than" test vs. "is equal to" test, 423 


handling interrupts on MMC2001, 413-419 

Harvard architecture, 124 

HC11E9.H header file, 258 

hcl6.h header file, 290 

header files, 116, 171,211-221 

hexadecimal numbers, 1 1 

Hoare, C.A.R., 231 

Huffman code, 237-244, 350, 356, 361-368 


IARB field, 302 

if keyword, 9 

if/else, 42-44 

if-else if sequence, 44-48 

450 Index 

include, 2 

inclusive OR, 28 

increment operators, 30-32 

index registers, 290 

index, of array, 19 

initialization section of program, 188 

inituart( ) function, 409 

input capture, 130, 185 

MC68HC11 family, 253 
input/output, 110, 129-134, 382-386 

memory-mapped, 129 
int, 2,9, 11 

integer variable type, 3 
integrating keyboard and clock, 440-443 
inter-modual bus (1MB), 288 
interrupt controller, 414, 419 
interrupt flag clear routine, 426 
interrupt handler routine for MMC2001, 415- 

417, 425 
interrupt pending register, 414 
interrupt request, 125 
interrupt service routine, 125, 252, 294, 415, 

interrupt source register (INTSCR), 414 
interrupt vectors, 290 
interrupts, processing, 220, 301-302 

for MMC200 1,413-419 
IRQ, 125 
isalnum(c), 117 
isalpha(c), 117 
iscntrl(c), 777 
isdigit(c), 777 
isgraph(c), 777 
islower(c), 777 
isprint(c), 777 
ispunct(c), 777 
ISR, 125, 220 
isr_f unction, 418 
isspace(c), 777 
isupper(c), 777 
isxdigit(c), 777 
ITADR, 395, 402, 420, 425 
ITDR, 395, 402, 420, 425 
ITIE flag, 426 
ITIF flag, 426 

jsr R2 instruction, 418 


kbhit( ) function, 411 

KBSR register, 432 

KDDR register, 432 

keep, 14 

key depress synchronizer, 434 

key release interrupt, 434 

keyboard interface for MMC2001 chip, 432-440 

keywords in C, 9 

KPCR register, 432 

KPDR register, 432 

KPKR register, 432 

Kroniker Delta function, 333 

label, 48 

last in, first out (LIFO), 59 
LCD display routines, 445 
left shift operator, 29 
letter analysis program, 359 
library functions, 80, 116, 223 
libserio.a archive library file, 413 
local static variables, 13 
log(x), 118 
loglO(x), 118 
logic analyzer, 137 
logical AND, 26 
logical operator, 26 
logical OR, 26 
logical shift, 29 
long, 9-10, 28 
longjmp function, 49 
look-up table with slopes, 320-322 
looping construct, 6 
eliminating, 325 
lvalue, 69, 85 

Index 451 


M68HC08, 149 

MAC multiplier input registers, 326 

macro definition, 56, 60, 102 

main( ), 1, 2, 3, 51, 427 

malloc, 12, 101-102, 114 

masked ROM, 127, 153 

math functions, 117 

MC68300, 288 

MC68HC05 microcontroller, 142, 149 

MC68HC05EVM, 152 

MC68HC05EVS, 142 

MC68HC11/12, 149, 211-286, 347-391 

MC68HC16, 149, 287-296 

MC68HC16EVB, 146 

MCORE architecture, 131, 393-446 

memory models, 336 

memory allocation, 4, 10 

memory management, 114-116, 156 

memory types, 153 

memory-mapped I/O, 129 

microcomputer, 123 

microprocessor, 123 

MIX compiler, 386 

MMC2001 microcontroller, 393 

macros for, 400 
mmc2001.h header, 400, 407 
mnemonics, 140, 422 
modular arithmetic, 334 
modular program development, 347-349, 391 
monitor routine, 370-376 
motor control routines, 255-275 
multidimensional arrays, 82-83 


names, 8 

nested functions, 52 

nested if statements, 422 

Newton loop, 38 

NIPND interrupt pending register, 414 

noise spikes, 219 

noisy switches, 255 

normal interrupt enable register (NIER), 414 

null pointer, 76, 98 

null, 19, 60 

Number-to-character conversion, 424 

numeric encoding/decoding, 352-356 


one time programmable, 128 

one's complement, 28 

operators, 24-34 

optimizing code, 325 

OPTION register, 159 

OR, 26 

OTP chip, 128, 154 

output compare, 130-131, 185, 246-253 

output_time function, 428 

P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc., 146 

page zero, 158 

parameters, copies of, 52 

periodic interrupt, 309-315 

phone book program, 360 

PIT (see also programmable interval timer), 314- 

pointers, 65-121 

and function arguments, 70 

array name as, 69 

assigning, 69 

comparing, 68 

incrementing/decrementing, 69 

null, 98 

subtracting, 69 

to functions, 84 

type void as applied to, 69 
PORTA, 85, 109, 132 
portable code, 296, 404 
pragma directives (C6805 compiler), 151 
pragma, 151 

precedence, 7, 30, 33, 34-36 
preprocessor command, 2 
print formatting, 113 
printf, 2, 3, 5, 7, 18, 112 
printing routine, 378-380 
program counter (PC), 289 

452 Index 

program flow and control, 36-51 

program memory, 159 

programmable interval timer (PIT), 314-315, 

395, 402, 419-420 
programmable timer, 246-251 
programming hierarchy, 347-348 
prototype, function, 52, 432 
PSR register, 400 
pull( ), 60 
pulse width modulation program for 

MC68HC11, 245-251 
pulse width modulation program for 

MC68HC16, 297-302 
pulse width modulator (PWM), 201-207, 247- 

253, 255, 268 
push( ), 60 

put( ) function, 409, 411 
putchar, 111, 382-383, 411 
puts function, 382, 384, 413 

queued serial peripheral interface module 

(QSPI), 288 
queued serial module (QSM), 305-308 
quick sort, 23 1 


RAM, 153 

random access memory, 153 

reading data from the keyboard, 371 

read-only memory, 127 

real time interrupt (RTI), 168, 176 

realloc, 775 

recursion, 61-63, 96, 157 

recursive code, 324 

reed switch, 268 

re-entrant function, 61 

register, 9, 13 

relational operator, 26-27 

reset function, 381-382 

reset signal, 125, 169 

reset time function, 428 

return from interrupt, 126 

return, 9 

rfi instruction, 418 

right shift operator, 29 

RISC microcontrollers, 324, 393-446 

ROM, 127, 153 

RTI, 168, 176 

RTS, 176 

rvalue, 69 

saving data to EEPROM, 376-378 
SCCR1/SCCR2, 276 
semaphore, 397-400, 403, 433 
semicolon, use of in C, 53 
sequence point, 11 

serial communications control registers, 276 
serial communications data register, 276 
serial communications interface (SCI), 133 

MC68HC11 family, 275-285 

MC68HC16 family, 308 
serial communications status register (SCSR), 

serial I/O, 133 

with MMC200 1,404-413 
serial peripheral interface (SPI), 133 
serial port, 382 
setjmp function, 49, 119 
Shell, D.L., 230 
short, 9-10 
signals, 119 
signed, 9-10 
sin(x), 777 
sinh(x), 777 
sizeof, 9, 34, 81 

Software Development Systems (SDS), 393 
software watchdog, 301 
sort, 74-76, 230-237 

bubble, 74 

entry, 230 

quick, 75, 230-237 

Shell, 75, 230-231, 234, 236, 356 
square, 56 
SRAM, 288 

Index 453 

stack pointer (SP), 289 

stack, 59 

standard I/O, 119 

static variables, 13-15 

static, 9, 58 

stdio.h header, 2, 3, 17, 52, 116 

stdlib.h header, 101 

STOP instruction, 169 

storage classes, 12-15 

strcat(s,t), 117 

strchr(s,c), 117 

strcmp(s,t), 117 

strcpy(s,t), 117 

string operations, 117 

string, 2, 19 

strlen, 72 

strncat(s,t,n), 777 

strncmp(s,t,n), 777 

strncpy(s,t,n), 777 

strrchr(s,c), 777 

struct FILE, 110 

struct, 9, 20, 23-24 

structure tag, 88 

structures, 87-106 

pointers to, 88 

self-referential, 95 

types, 92 
switch bounce, 255-258, 268 
switch, 9, 20, 49-51 
synchronous, 126 
SYNCR register, 299 
system integration module (SIM), 288, 296-297 

chip selects, 298 

external bus interface, 297 

general purpose I/O, 298 

interrupts, 298 

reset and initialization, 298 

system clock, 297 

system configuration and protection mod- 
ule, 297 

talloc, 97, 102 

tan(x), 77 

TCNT, 246, 254 

TCR, 168-169 

telephone book function, 348 

terminal emulator, 145 

testing philosophy, 348 

testing using evaluation boards, 142 

TFLG1/2 registers, 304 

time of day (TOD) clock, 419 

time-of-day (TOD) clock, 131 

timer control register (TCR), 181 

timer counter register, 246 

timer processor unit (TPU), 130 

timer status register (TSR), 182 

timer subsystems, 129-131, 166-173, 245-288, 

TOF, 168 
tolower(c), 777 
toupper(c), 777 
TPU, 130 
trace buffer, 136 
type conversions, 27-28 
type declaration, 9-12 
type, 9, 52 
typedef, 9, 93 


UART, 276 

unary operators, 25 

uninitialized interrupts, 415 

union, 9, 20, 22-23, 107-108 

universal asynchronous receiver transmitter 

(UART), 276 
unsigned, 9 
utility functions, 118 

table look-up, 318-325 
tag, 88 


variable types, 4 

variable, 8-10 

vector assignment, 303 

vector initialization routine, 293 

vector table, 125, 387-388 

454 Index 

void, 3, 9, 53, 86 

volatile, 9, 11, 227 

Von Neumann architecture, 124, 129 


wait routine, 409 

WAIT, 169 

watchdog timer, 131, 301, 419 

weighting functions for digital filters, 333 

while, 9, 17, 36-38, 72 

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