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C code 






Programming 16-bit 
Microcontrollers in C 

Learning to Fly the PIC 24 

Lucio Di Jasio 


Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C 

Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C 

Learning to Fly the PIC24 


Lucio Di Jasio 




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To Sara 


Preface xv 

Introduction xvii 

Who should read this book? xvii 

Structure of the book xviii 

What this book is not xix 

Checklists xix 



Flight plan 3 

Pref light checklist 4 

The flight 4 

Compiling and linking 6 

Building the first project 7 

PORT initialization 9 

Retesting PORTA 10 

Testing PORTB 10 

Post-flight briefing 12 

Notes for assembly experts 13 

Notes for PIC MCU experts 14 

Notes for C experts 14 

Tips and tricks 14 

Exercises 15 

Books 15 

Links 15 


Flight plan 17 

Pref light checklist 17 

The flight 18 

An animated simulation 21 

Using the Logic Analyzer 24 

Post-flight briefing 26 

Notes for assembly experts 27 



Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 27 

Notes for C experts 27 

Tips and tricks 27 

Exercises 28 

Books 28 

Links 28 


Flight plan 29 

Pref light checklist 30 

The flight 30 

Do Loops 30 

Variable declarations 31 

for loops 31 

More loop examples 32 

Arrays 33 

A new demo 34 

Testing with the Logic Analyzer 36 

Using the Explorerl6 demonstration board 37 

Post-flight briefing 37 

Notes for assembly experts 37 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 38 

Notes for C experts 38 

Tips and tricks 38 

Exercises 40 

Books 40 

Links 40 


Flight plan 41 

Pref light checklist 42 

The flight 42 

On optimization (or lack thereof) 43 

Testing 44 

Going long 44 

Note on the multiplication of long integers 45 

Long long multiplication 45 

Floating point 46 

Notes for C experts 46 

Measuring performance 47 

Post-flight briefing 49 

Notes for assembly experts 50 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 51 

Tips and tricks 51 



Math libraries 51 

Complex datatypes 51 

Exercises 52 

Books 52 

Links 52 


Flight plan 53 

Pref light checklist 53 

The flight 54 

Nesting of interrupts 57 

Traps 57 

A template and an example for Timerl interrupt 58 

A real example with Timerl 59 

Testing the Timerl interrupt 61 

The secondary oscillator 63 

The real-time clock calendar (RTCC) 64 

Managing multiple interrupts 64 

Post-flight briefing 65 

Notes for C experts 65 

Notes for assembly experts 65 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 66 

Tips and tricks 66 

Exercises 68 

Books 68 

Links 68 


Flight plan 69 

Pref light checklist 69 

The flight 70 

Memory space allocation 71 

Program space visibility 72 

Investigating memory allocation 73 

Looking at the MAP 77 

Pointers 79 

The heap 80 

MPLAB C30 Memory Models 81 

Post-flight brief ing 81 

Notes for C experts 81 

Notes for assembly experts 82 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 82 

Tips and tricks 82 

Exercises 83 



Books 83 

Links 83 



Flight plan 89 

Pref light checklist 89 

The flight 90 

Synchronous serial interfaces 90 

Asynchronous serial interfaces 91 

Parallel interfaces 92 

Synchronous communication using the SPI modules 93 

Testing the Read Status Register command 95 

Writing to the EEPROM 98 

Reading the memory contents 99 

A nonvolatile storage library 99 

Testing the new NVM library 102 

Post-flight brief ing 104 

Notes for C experts 104 

Notes for the experts 104 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 705 

Tips and tricks 705 

Exercises 707 

Books 707 

Links 707 


Flight plan 709 

Pref light checklist 709 

The flight 770 

UART configuration 777 

Sending and receiving data 113 

Testing the serial communication routines 1 14 

Building a simple console library 116 

Testing a VT 100 terminal 118 

Using the serial port as a debugging tool 120 

The matrix 120 

Post-flight brief ing 722 

Notes for C experts 725 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 724 

Tips and tricks 724 

About the ICD2 and UARTs on ICE 724 

Exercises 725 


Books 125 

Links 125 


Flight plan 128 

Pre-f light checklist 128 

The flight 128 

HD44780 controller compatibility 129 

The Parallel Master Port 131 

Configuring the PMP for LCD module control 132 

A small library of functions to access an LCD display 133 

Advanced LCD control 136 

Post-flight briefing 138 

Notes for C experts 138 

Tips and tricks 139 

Exercises 140 

Books 140 

Links 740 


Flight plan 141 

Pref light checklist 142 

The flight 142 

The first conversion 144 

Automatic sampling timing 145 

Developing a demo 146 

Developing a game 147 

Measuring temperature 149 

The breath-alizer game 153 

Post-flight briefing 154 

Notes for C experts 754 

Tips and tricks 755 

Exercises 755 

Books 755 

Links 755 



Flight plan 767 

The flight 762 

The PS/2 communication protocol 163 

Interfacing a PIC24 to the PS/2 163 

Input Capture 163 

Testing the Input Capture method using Stimulus Scripts 168 



Testing the PS/2 receive routines 172 

The simulation 174 

The Simulator Profile 175 

Another method - Change Notification 176 

Evaluating cost 181 

A third method - I/O polling 181 

Testing the I/O polling method 186 

Cost and efficiency of the solution 188 

Completing the interface: adding a FIFO buffer 190 

Completing the interface: performing key codes decoding 194 

Post-flight briefing 197 

Tips and tricks 198 

Stalling transmissions from the keyboard - Open-Drain Output Control 198 

Exercises 199 

Books 199 

Links 199 


Flight plan 201 

The flight 202 

Generating the composite video signal 204 

Using the Output Compare modules 208 

Memory allocation 211 

Image serialization 211 

Building the video module 214 

Testing the video generator 218 

Measuring performance 220 

The dark screen 221 

A test pattern 222 

Plotting 223 

A starry night 224 

Line drawing 226 

Bresenham algorithm 228 

Plotting math functions 230 

Two-dimensional function visualization 232 

Fractals 236 

Text 242 

Testing the TextOnGPage module 246 

Developing a text page video 247 

Testing the text page performance 256 

Post-flight brief ing 260 

Tips and tricks 260 

Exercises 261 

Books 261 

Links 261 




Flight plan 263 

The flight 264 

The SD/MMC card physical interface 264 

Interfacing to the Explorerl6 board 265 

Starting a new project 266 

Selecting the SPI mode of operation 267 

Sending commands in SPI mode 267 

Completing the SD/MMC card initialization 270 

Reading data from an SD/MMC card 271 

Writing data to an SD/MMC card 274 

Using the SD/MMC interface module 276 

Post-flight briefing 280 

Tips and tricks 280 

Exercises 281 

Books 281 

Links 281 


Flight plan 283 

The flight 284 

Sectors and Clusters 284 

The File Allocation Table (FAT) 285 

The Root Directory 286 

The treasure hunt 288 

Opening a file 296 

Reading data from a file 305 

Closing a file 308 

Creating the fileio module 308 

Testing fopenM() and freadM() 311 

Writing data to a file 313 

Closing a file, second take 317 

Accessory functions 319 

Testing the complete fileio module 323 

Code Size 326 

Post-flight briefing 326 

Tips and tricks 327 

Exercises 327 

Books 328 

Links 328 


Flight plan 330 

The flight 330 



Using the PIC24 OC modules in PWM mode 332 

Testing the PWM as a D/A converter 334 

Producing analog waveforms 335 

Reproducing voice messages 338 

A media player 339 

The WAVE file format 339 

The play () function 341 

The low level audio routines 347 

Testing the WAVE file player 350 

Optimizing the file I/O 353 

LED Profiling 353 

Looking under the hood for more 356 

Post-flight briefing 360 

Tips and tricks 360 

Exercises 360 

Books 361 

Links 361 

About the Author 363 

Index 365 



Writing this book turned out to be much more work than I had expected and, believe me, I was already 
expecting a lot. This project would never have been possible if I did not have 1 10% support and 
understanding from my wife, Sara. Special thanks also go to Steve Bowling, a friend, a pilot and an 
expert on Microchip 16-bit architecture, for reviewing the technical content of this book and providing 
many helpful suggestions for the demonstration projects and hardware experiments. Many thanks go 
to Eric Lawson for constantly encouraging me to write and for all the time he spent fixing my eternally 
long-running sentences and my bad use of punctuation. I owe big thanks also to Thang Nguyen, who 
was first to launch the idea of the book; Joe Drzewiecky and Vince Sheard for patiently listening to my 
frequent laments and, always working hard on making MPLAB® IDE a better tool; Calum Wilkie and 
Guy McCarthy for quickly addressing all my questions and offering so much help and insight into the 
inner workings of the MPLAB C30 compiler and libraries. I would also like to extend my gratitude 
to all my friends and colleagues at Microchip Technology and the many embedded-control engineers 
I have been honored to work with over the years. You have so profoundly influenced my work and 
shaped my experience in the fantastic world of embedded control. 



The story goes that I badly wanted to write a book about one of the greatest passions in my life: flying! 
I wanted to write a book that would convince other engineers like me to take the challenge and live the 
dream — learn to fly and become private pilots. However, I knew the few hours of actual flying experi- 
ence I had did not qualify me as a credible expert on the art of flying. So when I had an opportunity to 
write a book about Microchip's new 16-bit PIC24 microcontrollers, I just could not resist the tempta- 
tion to join the two things, programming and flying, in one project. After all, learning to fly means 
following a well-structured process — a journey that allows you to acquire new capabilities and push 
beyond your limits. It gradually takes you through a number of both theoretical and practical subjects, 
and culminates with the delivery of the private pilot license. The pilot license, though, is really just the 
beginning of a whole new adventure — a license to learn, as they say. This compares very well to the 
process of learning new programming skills, or learning to take advantage of the capabilities of a new 
microcontroller architecture. 

Throughout the book, I will make brief parallels between the two worlds and in the references for each 
chapter I will add, here and there, some suggestions for reading about flying. I hope I will stimulate 
your curiosity and, if you happen to have this dream inside you, I will give you that last final push to 
help make it happen. 

Who should read this book? 

This is the part where I am supposed to tell you that you will have a wonderful experience reading this 
book, that you will have a lot of fun experimenting with the software and hardware projects, and, that 
you will learn about programming a shiny new 16-bit RISC processor in C, practically from scratch. 
But, in all honesty, I cannot! This is only partially true. I do hope you will have a lot of fun reading this 
book and the experiments are... "playful," and you should enjoy them. However, you will need some 
preparation and hard work in order to be able to digest the material I am presenting at a pace that will 
accelerate rapidly through the first few chapters. 

This book is meant for programmers having a basic to intermediate level of experience, but not for 
"absolute" beginners. Don't expect me to start with the basics of binary numbers, hexadecimal notation 
or the fundamentals of programming. However, we will briefly review the basics of C programming 
as it relates to applications for the latest generation of general-purpose 16-bit microcontrollers, before 
moving on to more challenging projects. My assumption is that you, the reader, belong to one of four 

Embedded-control programmer: experienced in assembly-language microcontroller program- 
ming, but with only a basic understanding of the C language. 

PIC® microcontroller expert: having a basic understanding of the C language. 



Student or professional: with some knowledge of C (or C++) programming for PCs. 

Other SLF (superior life forms): I know programmers don't like to be classified that easily, so 
I created this special category just for you! 

Depending on your level and type of experience, you should be able to find something of interest in 
every chapter. I worked hard to make sure that every one of them contained both C programming tech- 
niques and new hardware-peripheral details. Should you already be familiar with both, feel free to skip 
to the experts section at the end of the chapter, or consider the additional exercises, book references 
and links for further research/reading. 

These are some of the things you will learn: 

The structure of an embedded-control C program: loops, loops and more loops 

Basic timing and I/O operations 

Basic embedded-control multitasking in C, using the PIC24 interrupts 

New PIC24 peripherals, in no specific order: 

Input Capture 

Output Compare 

Change Notification 

Parallel Master Port 
— Asynchronous Serial Communication 

Synchronous Serial Communication 

Analog-to-Digital Conversion 
How to control LCD displays 
How to generate video signals 
How to generate audio signals 
How to access mass-storage media 
How to share files on a mass-storage device with a PC 

Structure of the book 

Similar to a flying course, the book is composed of three parts. The first part contains five small chap- 
ters of increasing levels of complexity. In each chapter, we will review one basic hardware peripheral 
of the PIC24FJ128GA010 microcontroller and one aspect of the C language, using the MPLAB C30 
compiler (Student Version included on the CD-ROM). In each chapter, we will develop at least one 
demonstration project. Initially, such projects will require exclusive use of the MPLAB SIM software 
simulator (included on the CD-ROM), and no actual hardware will be necessary, although an Explorer 
16 demonstration board might be used. 



In the second part of the book, containing five more chapters, an Explorer 16 demonstration board (or 
third-party equivalent) will become more critical, as some of the peripherals used will require real 
hardware to be properly tested. 

The third part of the book contains five larger chapters. Each one of them builds on the lessons learned 
in multiple previous chapters, while adding new peripherals to develop projects of greater complexity. 
The projects in the third part of the book require the use of the Explorer 16 demonstration board and 
basic prototyping-skills, too (yes, you might need to use a soldering iron). If you don't want to or you 
don't have access to basic hardware-prototyping tools, an ad hoc expansion board containing all the 
circuitry and components necessary to complete all the demonstration projects will be made available 
on the companion Web site: 

All the source code developed in each chapter is also available for immediate use on the companion 

What this book is not 

This book is not a replacement for the PIC24 datasheet, reference manual and programmer's manual 
published by Microchip Technology. It is also not a replacement for the MPLAB C30 compiler user's 
guide, and all the libraries and related software tools offered by Microchip. Copies are available on the 
companion CD-ROM, but I expect you to download the most recent versions of all those documents 
and tools from Microchip's Web site { Familiarize yourself with them 
and keep them handy. I will often refer to them throughout the book, and I might present small block 
diagrams and other excerpts here and there as necessary. However, my narration cannot replace the in- 
formation presented in the official manuals. Should you notice a conflict between my narration and the 
official documentation, ALWAYS refer to the latter. Please do send me an email if a conflict arises. I 
will appreciate your help and I will publish any corrections and useful hints I receive on the companion 
Web site: 

This book is also not a primer on the C language. Although a review of the language is given through- 
out the first few chapters, the reader will find in the references several suggestions on more complete 
introductory courses and books on the subject. 


Pilots, both professional and not, use checklists to perform every single procedure before and during 
a flight. This is not because the procedures are too long to be memorized or because pilots suffer from 
more memory problems than others. They use checklists because it is proven that the human memory 
can fail and that it tends to do so more often when stress is involved. Pilots can perhaps afford fewer 
mistakes than other proffessionals, and they value safety above their pride. 

There is nothing really dangerous that you as a programmer can do or forget to do while developing 
code for the PIC24. Nonetheless, I have prepared a number of simple checklists to help you perform 
the most common programming and debugging tasks. Hopefully, they will help you in the early stages, 
when learning to use the new PIC24 toolset — even later if you are, like most of us, alternating between 
several projects and development environments from different vendors. 






The first flight 

In This Chapter 

Compiling and linking 
Building the first project 
PORT initialization 

► Retesting PORTA 
Testing PORTB 

The first flight for every student pilot is typically a blur — a sequence of brief but very intense sensa- 
tions, including: 

The rush of the first take-off, which is performed by the instructor. 

The white-knuckled, sweaty grip on the yoke while trying to keep the plane flying straight for 
a couple of minutes, after the instructor gives the standard "anybody that can drive a car can 
do this" speech. 

Acute motion sickness, as the instructor returns for the landing and performs a sickness-in- 
ducing maneuver, called the "side slip." where it looks like the runway is coming through the 
side window. 

For those who are new to the world of embedded programming, this first chapter will be no different. 

Flight plan 

Every flight should have a purpose, and preparing a flight plan is the best way to start. 

This is going to be our first project with the PIC24 16-bit microcontroller and, for some of you, the first 
project with the MPLAB® IDE Integrated Development Environment and the MPLAB C30 language 
suite. Even if you have never heard of the C language before, you might have heard of the famous 
"Hello World!" programming example. If not, let me tell you about it. 

Since the very first book on the C language, written by Kernighan and Ritchie several decades ago, ev- 
ery decent C-language book has featured an example program containing a single statement to display 
the words "Hello World" on the computer screen. Hundreds, if not thousands, of books have respected 
this tradition, and I don't want this book to be the exception. However, it will have to be just a little 
different. Let's be realistic — we are talking about programming microcontrollers because we want to 
design embedded-control applications. While the availability of a monitor screen is a perfectly safe 
assumption for any personal computer or workstation, this is definitely not the case in the embedded- 

Chapter 1 

control world. For our first embedded application, we better stick to a more basic type of output — a 
digital I/O pin. In a later and more advanced chapter, we will be able to interface to an LCD display 
and/or a terminal connected to a serial port. But by then we will have better things to do than writing 
"Hello World!" 

Preflight checklist 

Each flight is preceded by a preflight inspection — simply a walk around the airplane in which we 
check that, among many other things, gas is in the tank and the wings are still attached to the fuselage. 
So, let's verify we have all the necessary pieces of equipment ready and installed (from the attached 
CD-ROM and/or the latest version available for download from Microchip's web site at http://www. 
microchip, com/mplab) : 

MPLAB IDE, free Integrated Development Environment 

• MPLAB SIM, software simulator 

• MPLAB C30, C compiler (free Student Version). 

Then, let's follow the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project with the MPLAB IDE: 

1. Select "Project— > Project Wizard" to activate the new project wizard, which will guide us auto- 
matically through the following steps... 

2. Select the PIC24FJ 1 28G AO 1 device, and click Next. 

3. Select the MPLAB C30 Compiler Suite and click Next. 

4. Create a new folder and name it "Hello"; name the project "Hello Embedded World" and click 


5. Simply click Next to the following dialog box — there is no need to copy any source files from 
any previous projects or directories. 

6. Click on Finish to complete the Wizard set-up. 

For this first time, let's continue with the following additional steps: 

7. Open a new editor window. 

8. Type the following three comment lines: 


// Hello Embedded World! 

9. Select "File-^Save As", to save the file as: "Hello . c " . 

10. Select "Project— > Save" to save the project. 

The flight 

It is time to start writing some code. I can see your trepidation, especially if you have never written any 
C code for an embedded-control application before. Our first line of code is going to be: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

The first flight 

This is not yet a proper C statement, but more of a pseudo-instruction for the preprocessor telling the 
compiler to read the content of a device-specific file before proceeding any further. The content of the 
device-specific \h" file chosen is nothing more than a long list of the names (and sizes) of all the 
internal special-function registers (SFRs) of the chosen PIC24 model. If the include file is accurate, 
those names reflect exactly those being used in the device datasheet. If any doubt, just open the file 
and take a look — it is a simple text file you can open with the MPLAB editor. Here is a segment of the 
p2 4f jl2 8ga0l0 .h file where the program counter and a few other special-function registers (SFRs) 
are defined: 

extern volatile unsigned int PCL attribute (( sfr )); 

extern volatile unsigned char PCH attribute (( sfr ) ) ; 

extern volatile unsigned char TBLPAG attribute (( sfr ) 

extern volatile unsigned char PSVPAG attribute (( sfr ) 

extern volatile unsigned int RCOUNT attribute (( sfr ) 

extern volatile unsigned int SR attribute (( sfr )); 

Going back to our "Hello . c" source file, let's add a couple more lines that will introduce you to the 
main ( ) function: 

main ( ) 


What we have now is already a complete, although still empty and pretty useless, C-language program. 
In between those two curly brackets is where we will soon put the first few instructions of our embed- 
ded-control application. 

Independently of this function position in the file, whether in the first lines on top or the last few lines 
in a million-line file, the main ( ) function is the place where the microcontroller (program counter) will 
go first at power-up or after each subsequent reset. 

One caveat — before entering the main ( ) function, the microcontroller will execute a short initializa- 
tion code segment automatically inserted by the linker. This is known as the cO code. The cO code will 
perform basic housekeeping chores, including the initialization of the microcontroller stack, among 
other things. 

We said our mission was to turn on one or more I/O pins: say PORTA, pins RAO-7. In assembly, we 
would have used a pair of mov instructions to transfer a literal value to the output port. In C it is much 
easier — we can write an "assignment statement" as in the following example: 

ttinclude <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

main ( ) 


PORTA = Oxff; 


Chapter 1 

First, notice how each individual statement in C is terminated with a semicolon. Then notice how it 
resembles a mathematical equation. . .it is not! 

An assignment statement has a right side, which is computed first. A resulting value is obtained (in this 
case it was simply a literal constant) and it is then transferred to the left side, which acts as a receiv- 
ing container. In this case it was a special-function 16-bit register of the microcontroller (the name of 
which was predefined in the .h file). 

Note: In C language, by prefixing the literal value with Ox, we indicate the use of the hexadecimal 
radix. Otherwise the compiler assumes the default decimal radix. Alternatively, the Ob prefix can 
be used for binary literal values, while for historical reasons a single (zero) prefix is used for the 
octal notation. (Does anybody use octal anymore?) 

Compiling and linking 

Now that we have completed the main ( ) and only function of our first C program, how do we trans- 
form the source into a binary executable? 

Using the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE), it is very easy! It's a matter of a single 
click of your mouse. This operation is called a Project Build. The sequence of events is fairly long and 
complex, but it is composed mainly of two steps: 

Compiling: The C compiler is invoked and an object code file ( . o) is generated. This file is 
not yet a complete executable. While most of the code generation is complete, all the address- 
es of functions and variables are still undefined. In fact, this is also called a relocatable code 
object. If there are multiple source files, this step is repeated for each one of them. 

Linking: The linker is invoked and a proper position in the memory space is found for each 
function and each variable. Also any number of precompiler object code files and standard 
library functions may be added at this time as required. Among the several output files pro- 
duced by the linker is the actual binary executable file (.hex). 

All this is performed in a very rapid sequence as soon as you select the option "Build All" from the 
Project menu. 

Should you prefer a command-line interface, you will be pleased to learn that there are alternative 
methods to invoke the compiler and linker and achieve the same results without using the MPAB IDE, 
although you will have to refer to the MPLAB C compiler User Guide for instructions. In the remain- 
der of this book, we will stick to the MPLAB IDE interface and we will make use of the appropriate 
checklists to make it even easier. 

In order for MPLAB to know which file(s) need to be compiled, we will need to add their names 
(Hello . c in this case) to the project Source Files List. 

In order for the linker to assign the correct addresses to each variable and function, we will need to pro- 
vide MPLAB with the name of a device-specific "linker script" file ( . gld). Just like the include ( . h) 
file tells the compiler about the names (and sizes) of device-specific, special-function registers (SFRs), 
the linker scripts ( . gld) file informs the linker about their predefined positions in memory (according 
to the device datasheet) as well as provides essential memory space information such as: total amount 
of Flash memory available, total amount of RAM memory available, and their address ranges. 

The linker script file is a simple text file and it can be opened and inspected using the MPLAB editor. 

The first flight 

Here is a segment of the p24f j I2 8ga0l0 . gld file where the addresses of the program counter and a 
few other special-function registers are defined: 


= 0x2E 


= 0x2 E 


= 0x3 


= 0x3 


= 0x32 


= 0x32 


= 0x34 


= 0x34 


= 0x3 6 


= 0x3 6 


= 0x42 


= 0x42 

Building the first project 

Let's review the last few steps required to complete our first demo project: 

1. Add the current source file to the "Project Source Files" list. 

There are three possible checklists to choose from, corresponding to three different methods 
to achieve the same result. This first time we will: 

a) Open the Project window, if not already open, selecting "View— > Project". 

b) With the cursor on the editor window, right click to activate the editor pop-up menu. 

c) Select "Add to project". 

2. Add the PIC24 "linker script" file to the Project. 

Following the appropriate checklist "Add linker script to project": 

a) Right click on the linker scripts list in the project window. 

b) Select "Add file," browse and select the "p24f j I28ga0l0 . gld" file found in the 
support/gld subdirectory of MPLAB. 

Your Project window should now look similar to Figure 1-1. 

3. Select the "Project— >Build" function and watch the C30 compiler, followed by the linker, 
work and generate the executable code as well as a few, hopefully reassuring, messages in the 
MPLAB IDE Build window. 

Note: The "Project Build" checklist contains several additional steps that will help you in future 
and more complex examples. (See Figure 1-2.) 

4. Select "Debugger— > Select Tool— >MPLAB SIM" to select and activate the simulator as our 
main debugging tool for this lesson. Note: the "MPLAB SIM debugger set-up" checklist will 
help you properly configure the simulator. 

If all is well, before trying to run the code, let's also open a Watch window and select and add the 
porta special-function register to it (type or select porta in the SFR combo box, and then click on the 
"Add SFR" button). (See Figure 1-3.) 

Chapter 1 

Q Hello Embedded World.mcp 
B Source Files 

Header Fifes 
Object Files 
Library Files 
Linker Scripts 

Other Files 

Figure 1-1. MPLAB IDE Project window set up for the "Hello Embedded World" project. 

Version Control Find in F3es MPLAB SIM 

Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\pic30-gcc.exe" -mcpu=24FJ1 28GA01 -c 
Moke: The target "C:\work\C3Q\1 Hello\Hello Embedded World.cof is out of date- 
Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\pic30-gcc.exe" -WT C:\work\C30\1 Helto\ 
Executing; "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB ASM30 Suite\bin\pic30-bin2hex exe w "Hello Embe 
Loaded C:\work\C30\1 Hello\Hello Embedded World.cof. 


Figure 1-2. MPLAB IDE Output window, Build tab after successfully building a project. 


Symbol Name 


| Watch 

Watch 1 Watch 2 

Watch 3 


Figure 1-3. MPLAB IDE Watch window. 

Add Filter-in 

Add Filter-out Trace 

Remove Rite 

Rerrn- Iter Traces 


Set 8real<point 
Breakpoints ► 

Run to Cursor 

Set PC at Cursor 

Figure 1-4. MPLAB IDE Editor context menu (right click). 


The first flight 

5. Hit the simulator Reset button L3y (or select "Debugger— >Reset") and observe the contents 
of porta. It should be cleared at reset. Then, place the cursor on the line containing the port 
assignment, inside the main function, and select the "Run to Cursor" option on the right-click 

This will let you skip all the C-compiler initialization code (cO) and get right to the beginning of our 

TO. {*} 

6. Now single-step, (use the Step-Over " or Step-In functions) to execute the one and 

only statement in our first program and observe how the content of porta changes in the 
Watch window. Or, notice how nothing happens: surprise! 

PORT initialization 

It is time to hit the books, specifically the PIC24FJ128GA datasheet (Chapter 9, for the I/O ports de- 
tail). PORTA is a pretty busy, 16-pin wide, port. 

Peripheral Module 

Peripheral Input Data 

Output Multiplexers 

r — — n 

Peripheral Module Enable 

Peripheral Output Enable 

Peripheral Output Data 


PIO Module 


Data Bus 

WR Port 

Read LAT 

D Q 

TRIS Latch 

D Q 

►CK - * 

Data Latch 

Read Port 




[Output Enable 

Output Data 


_ _ J 


I/O Pin 

Input Data 

Figure 1 -5. Diagram of a typical PIC24 I/O port. 

Looking at the pin-out diagrams on the datasheet, we can tell there are many peripheral modules being 
multiplexed on top of each pin. We can also determine what the default direction is for all I/O pins 
at reset: they are configured as inputs, which is a standard for all PIC® microcontrollers. The trisa 
special-function register controls the direction of each pin on PORTA. Hence, we need to add one more 
assignment to our program, to change the direction of all the pins of PORTA to output, if we want to 
see their status change: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

Chapter 1 

main ( ) 




Oxff ; 

// all PORTA pins output 

Retesting PORTA 

1 . Rebuild the project now. 

2. Set the cursor on the trisa assignment. 

3. Execute a "Run to Cursor" command to skip all the compiler initialization just as we did 

4. Execute a couple of single steps and. ..we have it! 


Symbol Name 





Figure 1-6. MPLAB IDE Watch window detail; PORTA content has changed! 

If all went well, you should see the content of porta change to OxOOFF, highlighted in the Watch win- 
dow in red. Hello, World! 

Our first choice of PORTA was dictated partially by the alphabetical order and partially by the fact that, 
on the popular Explorer 16 demonstration boards, PORTA pins RAO through RA7 are conveniently 
connected to 8 LEDs. So if you try to execute this example code on the actual demo board, you will 
have the satisfaction of seeing all the LEDs turn on, nice and bright. 

Testing PORTB 

To complete our lesson, we will now explore the use of one more I/O port, PORTB. 

It is simple to edit the program and replace the two PORTA control register assignments with trisb 
and portb . Rebuild the project and follow the same steps we did in the previous exercise and. . .you'll 
get a new surprise. The same code that worked for PORTA does not work for PORTB ! 

Don't panic! I did it on purpose. I wanted you to experience a little PIC24 migration pain. It will help 
you learn and grow stronger. 

It is time to go back to the datasheet, and study in more detail the PIC24 pin-out diagrams. There are 
two fundamental differences between the 8-bit PIC microcontroller architecture and the new PIC24 

Most of PORTB pins are multiplexed with the analog inputs of the analog-to-digital converter 
(ADC) peripheral. The 8-bit architecture reserved porta pins primarily for this purpose — the 
roles of the two ports have been swapped! 


The first flight 

With the PIC24, if a peripheral module input/output signal is multiplexed on an I/O pin, as 
soon as the module is enabled, it takes complete control of the I/O pin — independently of the 
direction (trisx) control register content. In the 8-bit architectures, it was up to the user to 
assign the correct direction to each pin, even when a peripheral module required its use. 

By default, pins multiplexed with "analog" inputs are disconnected from their "digitaF'input ports. This 
is exactly what was happening in the last example. All PORTB pins in the PIC24FJ128GA010 are, by 
default at power-up, assigned an analog input function; therefore, reading PORTB returns all Os. No- 
tice, though, that the output latch of PORTB has been correctly set although we cannot see it through 
the portb register. To verify it, check the contents of the latb register instead. 

To reconnect PORTB inputs to the digital inputs, we have to act on the analog-to-digital conversion 
(ADC) module inputs. From the datasheet, we learn that the special-function register adIpcfg controls 
the analog/digital assignment of each pin. 

Upper Byte 


















bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte 

















bit 7 


bit 15-0 PCFG15:PCFG0: Analog Input Pin Configuration Control bits 

1 = Pin for corresponding analog channel is configured in Digital mode; I/O port read enabled 
= Pin configured in Analog mode; I/O port read disabled, A/D samples pin voltage 

Figure 1-7. adipcfg: ADC port configuration register 

Assigning a 1 to each bit in the adipcgf special-function register will accomplish the task. Our new 
and complete program example is now: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

main ( ) 


TRISB = 0; 

ADIPCFG = Oxffff; 

PORTB = Oxff; 

This time, compiling and single-stepping through it will give us the desired results. 

// all PORTB pins output 
// all PORTB pins digital 


Chapter 1 

« MPlAB IDE v7.22 - [MPLAB IDE Editor] 

Z2 E** Ed* $ew P/o(eet Debuwer Programmer look Configure Window Hefc 

D g£ U 16 a« 

d'^BQidi $ M 


C> II E>0 m Ij* ri* 

Checksum: N/A 

Ei Hello Embedded p 
B Source Fles 
Header Ftes 

Object Files 
B Lr*er Scripts 

Other Ftes 


STKtooi Net 

p24FJ 1 288A01 CPS. h Kefa v1 .c p24f ji 28GA01 0PS.gkt I 



Step Over 


// Hello Errtoedded World 


// nay first PIC24 program with the KPLAB C30 compiler 


n include <p2« jl28ga0l0.h> 


TRISB 0: // all PORTB ft3 output 
AD1PCFG ■ Oxffff; // all PORTB as digital 
PORTS - Oxif; 


wiinFa wl MPlAB SIM I 

Executing: "C:\pTogrom Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\pic3tr-gcc.exe" -mcpu-24FJl 28GA0T0 -c-^J 
Executing: "C:\Progrom Rles\Microchip\MPLA8 C30\tJin\pic30-gcc.exe" -WL"C\worK\C30M Hello\ 
Executing: "C:\program Files\Microchip\MPLAB ASM30 Suile\bin\pic30-bin?hexexe" "Hello Embi 
Loaded C:\work\e30\1 Hello\Hello Embedded Worid.eof. 



AddSml lAOCSUFQ -rj AddS^nootl lZsP" 



5yn*>ol Nome 



02 ca 

02 Cfi 





Watch 1 Watch 2 Watch 3 Watch 4 


PIC24FJ129GA0Jpc:0x28e oabsablPO DCnovZC 

Hn 14, Colt INS WR 

Figure 1 -8. Hello Embedded World Project. 

Post-flight briefing 

After each flight, there should be a brief review. Sitting on a comfortable chair in front of a cool glass 
of water, it's time to reflect with the instructor on what we have learned from this first experience. 

Writing a C program for a PIC24 microcontroller can be very simple, or at least no more complicated 
than the assembly-language equivalent. Two or three instructions, depending on which port we plan to 
use, can give us direct control over the most basic tool available to the microcontroller for communica- 
tion with the rest of the world: the I/O pins. 

Also, there is nothing the C30 compiler can do to read our mind. Just like in assembly, we are respon- 
sible for setting the correct direction of the I/O pins. And we are still required to study the datasheet 
and learn about the small differences between the 8-bit PIC microcontrollers we might be familiar with 
and the new 16-bit breed. 

As high-level as the C programming language is touted to be, writing code for an embedded-control 
device still requires us to be intimately familiar with the finest details of the hardware we use. 


The first flight 

Notes for assembly experts 

If you have difficulties blindly accepting the validity of the code generated by the MPLAB C30 com- 
piler, you might find comfort in knowing that, at any given point in time, you can decide to switch to 
the "Disassembly Listing" view. You can quickly inspect the code generated by the compiler, as each C 
source line is shown in a comment that precedes the segment of code it generated. 

Disassembly Listing 

















f include -=p24f j!2Sga010 h 

main < ) 


Ink #0x0 

TRISA = 0; 
clr.w 0x0000 
moY.w 0x0000, 0x02c0 

AD1PCFG = Oxffff; 0x0000 
tov.w 0x0000, 0x032c 

PORTA = Ox£f; 
i»v.w fOxff, 0x0000 
inov,w 0xO00Q,0xO2c2 


// all PORTA as output 

// all PORTA as digital 




Figure 1-9. Disassembly Listing Window. 

You can even single-step through the code and do all the debugging from this view, although I strongly 
encourage you not to do so (or limit the exercise to a few exploratory sessions as we progress through 
the first chapters of this book). Satisfy your curiosity, but gradually learn to trust the compiler. Even- 
tually, use of the C language will give a boost to your productivity and increase the readability and 
maintainability of your code. 

As a final exercise, I encourage you to open the Memory Usage Gauge window — select "View^ 
Memory Usage Gauge". 

Memory Usage Gauge 


PE.:-n,-in u*mci, 
Tofcl: t!0» 

Data Uwnory 

Figure 1-10. MPLAB IDE Memory Usage Gauge window. 


Chapter 1 

Don't be alarmed! Even though we wrote only three lines of code in our first example and the amount 
of program memory used appears to already be up to 300+ bytes, this is not an indication of any inher- 
ent inefficiency of the C language. There is a minimum block of code that is always generated (for 
our convenience) by the C30 compiler. This is the initialization code (c0 ) that we mentioned briefly 
before. We will get to it, in more detail, in the following chapters as we discuss variables initialization, 
memory allocation and interrupts. 

Notes for PIC MCU experts 

Those of you who are familiar with the PIC 16 and PIC 18 architecture will find it interesting that most 
PIC24 control registers, including the I/O ports, are now 16 bits wide. Looking at the PIC24 datasheet, 
note also how most peripherals have names that look very similar, if not identical, to the 8-bit peripher- 
als you are already familiar with. You will feel at home in no time! 

Notes for C experts 

Certainly we could have used the print f function from the standard C libraries. In fact the librar- 
ies are readily available with the MPLAB C30 compiler. But we are targeting embedded-control 
applications and we are not writing code for multigigabyte workstations. Get used to manipulating 
low-level hardware peripherals inside the PIC24 microcontrollers. A single call to a library function, 
like print f , could have added several kilobytes of code to your executable. Don't assume a serial port 
and a terminal or a text display will always be available to you. Instead, develop a sensibility for the 
"weight" of each function and library you use in light of the limited resources available in the embed- 
ded-design world. 

Tips and tricks 

The PIC24FJ family of microcontrollers is based on a 3V CMOS process with a 2.0V to 3.6V operat- 
ing range. As a consequence, a 3V power supply (Vdd) must be used and this limits the output voltage 
of each I/O pin when producing a logic high output. However, interfacing to 5 V legacy devices and 
applications is really simple: 

To drive a 5V output, use the odcx control registers (odca for PORTA, odcb for PORTB and 
so on...) to set individual output pins in open-drain mode and connect external pull-up resis- 
tors to a 5V power supply. 

Digital input pins instead are already capable of tolerating up to 5 V. They can be connected 
directly to 5V input signals. 

Be careful with I/O pins that are multiplexed with analog inputs though — they cannot tolerate voltages 
above Vdd. 


The first flight 


If you have the Explorer 16 board: 

1. Use the ICD2 Debugging Checklist to help you prepare the project for debugging. 

2. To test the PORTA example, connect the Explorer 16 board and check the visual output on 

3. To test the PORTB example, connect a voltmeter (or DMM) to pin RBO and watch the needle 
move as you single-step through the code. 


Kernighan, B. and Ritchie, D., "The C Programming Language," Prentice-Hall, Englewood 

Cliffs, NJ. 

When you read or hear a programmer talk about the "K&R," they mean this book! 
Also known as "the white book," the C language has evolved since the first edition of this 
book was published in 1978! The second edition (1988) includes the more recent ANSI C 
standard definitions of the language, which is closer to the standard the MPLAB C30 compiler 
adheres to (ANSI90). 

"Private Pilot Manual," Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc., Englewood, CO. 

This is "the" reference book for every student pilot. Highly recommended, even if you are just 
curious about aviation. 


http://en. wikibooks. org/wiki/C_Prog ramming 

This is a Wiki-book on C programming. It's convenient if you don't mind doing all your 
reading online. Hint: look for the chapter called "A taste of C" to find the omnipresent "Hello 
World!" exercise. 




A loop in the pattern 

In This Chapter 

while loops 

An animated simulation 

Using the Logic Analyzer 

The "pattern" is a standardized rectangular circuit, where each pilot flies in a loop. Every airport has 
a pattern of given (published) altitude and position for each runway. Its purpose is to organize traffic 
around the airport and its working is not too dissimilar to how a roundabout works. All airplanes are 
supposed to circle in a given direction consistent with the prevailing wind at the moment. They all 
fly at the same altitude, so it is easier to visually keep track of each other's position. They all talk on 
the radio on the same frequencies, communicating with a tower if there is one, or among one another 
with the smaller airports. As a student pilot, you will spend quite some time, especially in the first few 
lessons, flying in the pattern with your instructor to practice continuous sequences of landings im- 
mediately followed by take-offs (touch-and-goes), refining your newly acquired skills. As a student of 
embedded programming, you will have a loop of your own to learn — the main loop. 

Flight plan 

Embedded-control programs need a framework, similar to the pilots' pattern, so that the flow of code 
can be managed. In this lesson, we will review the basics of the loops syntax in C and we'll also take 
the opportunity to introduce a new peripheral module: the 16-bit Timer 1. Two new MPLAB® SIM 
features will be used for the first time: the 'Animate" mode and the "Logic Analyzer." 

Pref light checklist 

For this second lesson, we will need the same basic software components installed (from the attached 
CD-ROM and/or the latest versions, available for download from Microchip's website) and used be- 
fore, including: 

MPLAB IDE, Integrated Development Environment 

• MPLAB SIM, software simulator 

• MPLAB C30 compiler (Student Version) 


Chapter 2 

We will also reuse the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project with the MPLAB IDE: 

1. Select "Project^Project Wizard", to start creating a new project. 

2. Select the PIC24FJ 1 28G AO 1 device, and click Next. 

3. Select the MPLAB C30 compiler suite and click Next. 

4. Create a new folder and name it "Loop." name the project "A Loop in the Pattern," and click 


5. There is no need to copy any source files from the previous lessons; click Next once more. 

6. Click Finish to complete the Wizard set-up. 

This will be followed by the "Adding Linker Script file" checklist, to add the linker script 
"p24f j I2 8ga0l0 . gld" to the project. It can typically be found in the MPLAB IDE installation direc- 
tory "C: /Program Files/Microchip/", within the subdirectory "MPLAB C30/support/gld/". 

After completing the "Create New File and Add to Project" checklist: 

7. Open a new editor window. 

8. Type the main program header: 


// A loop in the pattern 

9. Select "Project— >AddNewFiletoProject", to save the file as: "loop .c" and have it automati- 
cally added to the project source files list. 

10. Save the project. 

The flight 

One of the key questions that might have come to mind after working through the previous lesson is 
"What happens when all the code in the main ( ) function has been executed?" Well, nothing really hap- 
pens, or at least nothing that you would not expect. The device will reset, and the entire program will 
execute again... and again. 

In fact, the compiler puts a special software reset instruction right after the end of the main ( ) function 
code, just to make sure. In embedded control we want the application to run continuously, from the 
moment the power switch has been flipped on until the moment it is turned off. So, letting the program 
run through entirely, reset and execute again might seem like a convenient way to arrange the applica- 
tion so that it keeps repeating as long as there is "juice." This option might work in a few limited cases, 
but what you will soon discover is that, running in this "loop." you develop a "limp." Reaching the end 
of the program and executing a reset takes the microcontroller back to the very beginning to execute all 
the initialization code, including the c0 code segment briefly mentioned in the previous lesson. So, as 
short as the initialization part might be, it will make the loop very unbalanced. Going through all the 
special-function register and global- variables initializations each time is probably not necessary and it 
will certainly slow down the application. A better option is to design an application "main loop." Let's 
review the most basic loop-coding options in C first. 


A Loop in the pattern 

while loops 

In C there are at least three ways to code a loop; here is the first — the while loop: 

while ( x) 


// your code here. . . 


Anything you put between those two curly brackets ({ }) will be repeated for as long as the logic ex- 
pression in parenthesis ( x) returns a true value. But what is a logic expression in C? 

First of all, in C there is no distinction between logic expressions and arithmetic expressions. In C, the 
Boolean logic TRUE and FALSE values are represented just as integer numbers with a simple rule: 

FALSE is represented by the integer 0. 

TRUE is represented by any integer except 0. 

So l is true, but so are 13 and -2 7 8. In order to evaluate logic expressions, a number of logic operators 
are defined, such as: 

the logic OR operator, 
ScSc the logic AND operator, 

! the logic NOT operator. 

These operators consider their operands as logical (Boolean) values using the rule mentioned above, 
and they return a logical value. Here are some trivial examples: 

(when a = 17 and b = l, or in other words they are both true) 

( a | | b ) is true, 

( a ScSc b) is true 

( ! a ) is false 

There are, then, a number of operators that compare numbers (integers of any kind and floating-point 
values, too) and return logic values. They are: 

== the "equal-to" operator; notice it is composed of two equal signs to distinguish it 
from the "assignment" operator we used in the previous lesson, 

! = the "NOT-equal to" operator, 

> the "greater-than" operator, 

>= the "greater-or-equal to" operator, 

< the "less-than" operator, 

<= the "less-than-or-equal to" operator. 
Here are some examples: 
assuming a = 10 

a > l ) is true 
-a >= 0) is false 


Chapter 2 

( a == 17) is false 
( a ! = 3 ) is true 

Back to the while loop, we said that as long as the expression in parentheses produces a true logic 
value (that is any integer value but 0), the program execution will continue around the loop. When the 
expression produces a false logic value, the loop will terminate and the execution will continue from 
the first instruction after the closing curly bracket. 

Note that the expression is evaluated first, before the curly bracket content is executed (if ever), and is 
then reevaluated each time. 

Here are a few curious loop examples to consider: 

While ( 0) 


// your code here. . . 


A constant false condition means that the loop will never be executed. This is not very useful. In fact I 
believe we have a good candidate for the "world's most useless code" contest! 

Here is another example: 

while ( 1) 


// your code here. . . 


A constant true condition means that the loop will execute forever. This is useful, and is in fact what 
we will use for our main program loops from now on. For the sake of readability, a few purists among 
you will consider using a more elegant approach, defining a couple of constants: 

# define TRUE 1 

# define FALSE 

and using them consistently in their code, as in: 

While ( TRUE) 


/ / your code here... 


It is time to add a few new lines of code to the "loop . c" source file now, and put the while loop to 
good use. 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 


A Loop in the pattern 

main ( ) 


// init the control registers 

TRISA = OxffOO;// PORTA pin 0..7 as output 

// application main loop 
while ( 1) 


PORTA = Oxff; // turn pin 0-7 on 
PORTA =0; // turn all pin off 


The structure of this example program is essentially the structure of every embedded-control program 
written in C. There will always be two main parts: 

The initialization, which includes both the device peripherals initialization and variables ini- 
tialization, executed only once at the beginning. 

The main loop, which contains all the control functions that define the application behavior, 
and is executed continuously. 

An animated simulation 

Use the Project Build checklist to compile and link the "loop . c" program. Also use the "MPLAB SIM 
simulator set-up" checklist to prepare the software simulator. 

To test the code in this example with the simulator, I recommend you use the "Animate" mode (De- 
bugger— > Animate). In this mode, the simulator executes one C program line at a time, pausing for Vi 
second after each one to give us the time to observe the immediate results. If you add the porta spe- 
cial-function register to the Watch window, you should be able to see its value alternating rhythmically 
between Oxff and 0x00. 

The speed of execution in Animate mode can be controlled with the "Debug— > Settings" dialog box, 
selecting the "Animation/Real Time Updates" tab, and modifying the "Animation Step Time" param- 
eter, which by default is set to 500 ms. As you can imagine, the "Animate" mode can be a valuable and 
entertaining debugging tool, but it gives you quite a distorted idea of what the actual program execution 
timing will be. In practice, if our example code was to be executed on a real hardware target, say an 
Explorer 16 demonstration board (where the PIC24 is running at 32 MHz), the LEDs connected to the 
PORTA output pins would blink too fast for our eyes to notice. In fact, each LED would be turned on 
and off several million times each second. 

To slow things down to a point where the LEDs would blink nicely just a couple of times per second, 
I propose we use a timer, so that in the process we learn to use one of the key peripherals integrated in 
all PIC24 microcontrollers. For this example, we will choose the first timer, Timer 1, of the five timers 
available inside the PIC24FJ128GA010. This is one of the most flexible and simple peripheral mod- 
ules. All we need to do is take a quick look at the PIC24 datasheet, check the block diagram and the 
details of the Timerl control registers, and find the ideal initialization values. 


Chapter 2 












Q D 















Figure 2-1. 16-bit Timer 1 Module block diagram. 

We quickly learn that there are three special-function registers that control most of the Timer 1 func- 
tions. They are: 

• TMRl, which contains the 16-bit counter value. 

T1CON, which controls activation and the operating mode of the timer. 

• PRl, which can be used to produce a periodic reset of the timer 
(not required here). 

We can clear the tmri register to start counting from zero. 

TMRl = 0; 

Then we can initialize ticon so that the timer will operate in a simple configuration where: 

Timer 1 is activated: ton = l 

The main MCU clock serves as the source (Fosc/2): tcs = 

The prescaler is set to the maximum value (1 :256): tckps = 11 

The input gating and synchronization functions are not required, since we use the MCU inter- 
nal clock directly as the timer clock: tgate = o , tsync = o 

We do not worry about the behavior in IDLE mode: tsidl = (default ) 


A Loop in the pattern 

Upper Byte: 

















bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte 


















bit 7 


Figure 2-2. T1CON: Timer 1 control register. 
Once we assemble all the bits in a single 16-bit value to assign to ticon, we get: 


or, in a more compact hexadecimal notation: 

TICON = 0x8030; 

Once we are done initializing the timer, we enter a loop where we wait for tmri to reach 
the desired value set by the constant delay. 

while ( TMRI < DELAY) 


// wait 


Assuming a 32-MHz clock will be used, we need to assign quite a large value to DELAY so as to 
obtain a delay of about a quarter of a second. In fact the following formula dictates the total delay time 
produced by the tmri loop: 

Tdelay = (2/Fosc) * 256 * DELAY 

With Tdelay = 256 ms and resolving for delay, we obtain the value 16,000: 

# define DELAY 16000 

By putting two such delay loops in front of each porta assignment inside the main loop, we get our 
latest and best code example: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# define DELAY 


main ( ) 


// init the control registers 

TRISA = OxffOO; // PORTA pin 0..7 as output 

TICON = 0x8030; // TMRI on, prescaler 1:256 Tclk/2 

// main application loop 

while ( 1) 



Chapter 2 

I / 1. turn pin 0-7 on and wait for X A second 

PORTA = Oxff; 

TMR1 =0; // restart the count 

while ( TMR1 < DELAY) 


// just wait 


// 2. turn all pin off and wait for X A second 

PORTA = 0x0 0; 

TMR1 =0; // restart the count 

while ( TMR1 < DELAY) 


// just wait 


} // main loop 
} // main 

Note: When programming in C, the number of opening and closing curly brackets tends to in- 
crease rapidly as your code grows. After a very short while, even if you stick religiously to the best 
indentation rules, it can become difficult to remember which closing curly brackets belong to which 
opening curly brackets. By putting little reminders (comments) on the closing brackets, I try to 
make it easier and more readable. 

It is time now to build the complete project and verify that it is working. If you have an Explorer 16 
demonstration board available, you may try to run the code right away. The LEDs should flash at a 
comfortably slow pace, with a frequency of about two flashes per second. 

If you try to run the same code with the MPLAB SIM simulator, though, you will discover that things 
are now way too slow. I don't know how fast your PC is, but on mine MPLAB-SIM cannot get any- 
where close to the execution speed of a true 32-MHz PIC24 microcontroller. 

If you use the Animate mode, things get even worse. As we saw before, the animation adds a further 
delay of about half a second between the execution of each individual line of code. So, for pure debug- 
ging purposes, on the simulator feel free to change the delay constant to a much smaller value (16, for 

Using the Logic Analyzer 

To complete this lesson and make things more entertaining, after building the project, I suggest we play 
with a new simulation tool: the MPLAB logic analyzer. 

The logic analyzer gives you a graphical and extremely effective view of the recorded values for any 
number of the device output pins, but it requires a little care in the initial set-up. 

Before anything else, you should make sure that the Tracing function of the simulator is turned on. 


A Loop in the pattern 



Select the "Debug^Settings" dialog box and then choose the Osc/Trace tab. 

In the Tracing options section, check the Trace All box. 

Now you can open the Analyzer window, from the "View— ^Simulator" Logic Analyzer menu. 

Logic Analyzer 

Trigger Position 

Start*? Center C EndT 

Tnggei PL = 

Now Clear | 

Time Bas e Mode 
|Cyc *| 

5 mple 


+:*! ®M dM NHlalal 

"i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — r 
2910000.0 292O000.0 2930000.0 2940000.0 2950000.0 2960000.0 

Figure 2-3. Logic Analyzer window. 

4. Then click on the channel button, to bring up the channel-selection dialog box. 

Configure Channels 

Available Signals S elected S ignal(s) 

lAII ^J Configure Bus(s] 


Figure 2-4. Channel Selection Dialog Box. 


Chapter 2 

5. From here, you can select the device output pins you would like to visualize. 
In our case, select RAO and click "Add =>". 

6. Click on OK to close the channel-selection dialog box. 

Note: For future reference, all the steps above are listed in the "Logic Analyzer Set-up" checklist. 

. The Logic Analyzer window 

Run the code for a short while and then hit the Halt button 

should display a neat square- wave plot, as in Figure 2-5. 

AV N PI All 1I)F vV.-jn 

Fie Ed* «e w Project D ebugger Programmer Tools Configure Window Help 


Nti? D q? q ® $ 

E> II N> 1H IF ! 

Checksum: N/A 

. _|A loop in the pattemmcp 
E3 L_l Source files 
^\ lOOp.C 

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PORTA - 0: 
THIU - 0; 
while | TMJtl 
I // main loop 
// main 







logic ArtAlytvr 

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Executing. 'C.\Progrem Frle*\M'Crochip\MPLAB C3O\bin\prc30-gct exe" -mcpu-24FJl 28GA^J 
Executing: "CAPragrem Files\M«crochip\MPLAB C3O\bin\prc30-gcc.exe" -Wl"C:\work\C3Cl\2 
Executing: 'C.\Progrom Ft1esVMicmchip\MPLAB C30\bin\p.c30-bin2hexexe' "A loop in the p 
Loaded C:\woik\C30\? Loop\A loop in the paltem.cof. 


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Symbol Kc 


02 02 PORTA 


0100 TKftl 


Figure 2-5. Logic Analyzer window showing square-wave plot. 

Post-flight briefing 

In this brief lesson, we learned about the way the MPLAB C30 compiler deals with program termina- 
tion. For the first time, we gave our little project a bit of structure — separating the main ( ) function in 
an initialization section and an infinite loop. To do so, we learned about the while loop statements and 
we took the opportunity to touch briefly on the subject of logical expressions evaluation. We closed the 
lesson with a final example, where we used a timer module for the first time and we played with the 
Logic Analyzer window to plot the RAO pin output. 

We will return to all these elements, so don't worry if you have more doubts now than when we 
started — this is all part of the learning experience. 


A Loop in the pattern 

Notes for assembly experts 

Logic expressions in C can be tricky for the assembly programmer who is used to dealing with binary 
operators of identical names (AND, OR, NOT. . .). C has a set of binary operators too, but I purposely 
avoided showing them in this lesson to avoid mixing things up. Binary logic operators take pairs of bits 
from each operand and compute the result according to the defined truth table. Logic operators, on the 
other hand, look at each operand (independently of the number of bits used) as a single Boolean value. 

See the following examples of byte-sized operands: 

11110101 11110101 (TRUE) 

binary OR 00001000 logical OR 00001000 (TRUE) 

gives 11111101 gives 00000001 (TRUE) 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

I am sure you noticed: TimerO has disappeared! The good news is: you are not going to miss it! In 
fact, the remaining five timers of a PIC24 are so loaded with features that there is no functionality of 
TimerO that you are going to feel nostalgic about. All of the special-function registers that control the 
timers have names similar to the ones used on PIC 16 and PIC 18 microcontrollers, and are pretty much 
identical in structure. Still, keep an eye on the datasheet; the designers managed to cram in several new 
features, including: 

All timers are now 16 bits wide. 

Each timer has a 16-bit period register. 

A new 32-bit mode timer-pairing mechanism is available for Timer2/3 and Timer4/5. 

A new external clock gating feature has been added on Timer 1. 

Notes for C experts 

If you are used to programming in C on a personal computer or workstation, you expect that, upon 
termination of the main ( ) function, control would be returned to the operating system. While several 
real-time operating systems (RTOSs) are available for the PIC24, a large number of applications don't 
need and won't use one. This is certainly true for all the simple examples in this book. By default, the 
C30 compiler assumes there is no operating system to return control to, and does the safest possible 
thing — it resets. 

Tips and tricks 

Some embedded applications are designed to run their main loop for months or years in a row without 
ever being turned off or receiving a reset command. But the control registers of a microcontroller are 
simple RAM memory cells. The probability that a power- supply fluctuation (undetected by the brown- 
out reset circuit), an electromagnetic pulse emitted by some noisy equipment in the proximity, or even 
a cosmic ray could alter their contents is a small but finite number. Given enough time, depending on 
the application, you will see it happen. When you design applications that have to operate reliably on 
such huge time scales, you should start seriously considering the need to provide a periodic "refresh" 
of the most important control registers of the essential peripherals used by the application. 


Chapter 2 

Group the sequence of initialization instructions in one or more functions. Call the functions once at 
power-up, before entering the main loop, but also make sure that inside the main loop the initialization 
functions are called when no other critical task is pending and every control register is reinitialized 


1 . Output a counter on the PORTA pins instead of the alternating on and off patterns. 

2. Use a rotating pattern instead of alternating on and off. 


• Ullman, L. and Liyanage, M. (2005) 
C Programming 

Peachpit Press, Berkeley, CA. 

This is a fast-reading and modern book, with a simple step-by-step introduction to the C pro- 
gramming language. 

• Adams, N. (2003) 

The Flyers, in Search of Wilbur and Orville Wright 

Three Rivers Press, New York, NY 

A trip back in time to the first powered flight in history, just 120 feet on the sands of Kitty 


http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Control_flow#Loops 

A wide perspective on programming languages and the problems related to coding and taming 

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Spaghetti_code 

Your code gets out of control when you cannot fly the pattern. 




More pattern work, more loops 

In This Chapter 

do loops 

► A new demo 

Variable declarations 

Testing with the Logic Analyzer 

for loops 

Using the Explorer16 demonstration 

More loop examples 


► Arrays 

In aviation, a proper "loop" is an "aerobatic" maneuver performed only by pilots that have received 
advanced training, using airplanes that are specially equipped for the task. You could take this as either 
a disappointment or a reassurance, but you can be certain that, when preparing for the private-pilot 
license, you will not be asked to perform any such trick. There will be plenty of other challenges, 
though, as you will be asked to perform and repeat to perfection a variety of "turns" including: turns 
around a point, S turns, steep turns and standard rate turns. In all these exercises, you will discover how 
difficult it can be — while navigating in a three-dimensional environment — to control only one of the 
dimensions at a time. When circling around a reference point on the ground, you will initially struggle 
to maintain a constant altitude and a constant speed. A little bit of wind will add to the challenge of 
maintaining a constant distance from the reference point, and performing a nice and smooth circle. 
Practice will make you perfect. 

In C-language programming, there are several types of loops, too. Learning which one to choose, and 
when and why, will take a little practice, but will make you a better embedded-control programmer. 

Flight plan 

In the previous lesson, we learned there is a loop at the core of every embedded-control application. In 
this lesson, we will continue exploring a variety of other techniques available to the C programmer to 
perform loops. Along the way, we will take the opportunity to briefly review integer variables declara- 
tions, and increment and decrement operators, quickly touching the arrays declaration and use subject. 
As in any good flight lesson, the theory is immediately followed by the practice, and we will conclude 
the lesson with a, hopefully entertaining, exercise that will make use of all the concepts and tools 
acquired during the lesson. 


Chapter 3 

Preflight checklist 

In this lesson we will continue using the MPLAB® SIM software simulator, but once more an Ex- 
plorer^ demonstration board could add to the entertainment. In preparation for the new demonstration 
project, you can use the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project called "More Loops" 
and create a new source file to be called "More . c". 

The flight 

In a while loop, a block of code enclosed by two curly brackets is executed if, and for as long as, a 
logic expression returns a Boolean true value (not zero). The logic expression is evaluated before the 
loop, which means that if the expression returns false right from the beginning, the code inside the loop 
might never be executed. 

do Loops 

If you need a type of loop that gets executed at least once, but only subsequent repetitions are depen- 
dent on a logic expression, then you have to look at a different type of loop. 

Let me introduce you to the do loop syntax: 

do { 

// your code here... 

} while ( x) ; 

Don't be confused by the fact that the do loop syntax is using the while keyword again to close the 
loop — the behavior of the two loop types is very different. 

In a do loop, the code (if any) found between the curly brackets is always executed first, and only then 
is the logic expression evaluated. Of course, if all we want is an infinite loop for our main ( ) function, 
then it makes no difference if we choose the do or the while. . . 

main ( ) 


// initialization code 

// main application loop 
do { 

} while ( 1) 
} // main 

Looking for curious cases, we might analyze the behavior of the following loop: 


// your code segment here... 
} while ( 0) ; 

You will realize that the code segment inside the loop is going to be executed once and, no matter what, 
only once. In other words, the loop syntax around the code is, in this case, a total waste of your typing 
efforts and another good candidate for the "most useless piece of code in the world" contest. 


More pattern work, more loops 

Let's now look at a more useful example, where we use a while loop to repeatedly execute a piece of 
code for a predefined and exact number of times. First of all, we need a variable to perform the count. 
In other words, we need to allocate one or more RAM memory locations to store a counter value. 

Note: In the previous two lessons we have been able to skip almost entirely the subject of vari- 
able declarations, as we relied exclusively on the use of what are in fact predefined variables: the 
special-function registers of the PIC24. 

Variable declarations 

We can declare an integer variable with the following syntax: 

int c ; 

Since we used the keyword int to declare c as a 16-bit (signed) integer, the MPLAB C30 compiler 
will make arrangements for two bytes of memory to be used. Later, the linker will determine where 
those two bytes will be allocated in the physical RAM memory of the selected PIC24 model. As 
defined, the variable c will allow us to count from a negative minimum value -32,768 to a maximum 
positive value of +32,767. If we need a larger integer numerical range, we can use the long (signed ) 
integer type as in: 

long c; 

The MPLAB C30 compiler will use 32 bits (four bytes) for the variable. 

If we are looking for a smaller counter, and we can accept a range of values from -128 to +127, we can 
use the char integer type instead: 

char c ; 

In this case the MPLAB C30 compiler will use 8 bits (a single byte). 
All three types can be further modified by the unsigned attribute as in: 

unsigned char c ; // ranges from 0..255 

unsigned int i ; // ranges from 0.. 65, 53 5 

unsigned long 1; // ranges from 0.-4,294,967,295 

There are then variable types defined for use in floating-point arithmetic: 

float f ; // defines a 32 bit precision floating point 

long double d; // defines a 64 bit precision floating point variable 

for loops 

We can now return to our counter example. All we need is a simple integer variable to be used as index/ 
counter, capable of covering the range from to 5; therefore a char integer type will do: 

char i ; // declare i as an 8-bit integer with sign 

i = ; // init the index/counter 

while ( i<5) 


Chapter 3 

II insert your code here. . . 

// it will be executed for i= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 

i = i+1; // increment 


Whether counting up or down, this is something you are going to do a lot in your everyday program- 
ming life. 

In C language, there is a third type of loop that has been designed specifically to make coding this 
common case easy. It is called the for loop, and this is how you would have used it in the previous 

for ( i=0; i<5; i=i+l) 


// insert your code here. . . 

// it will be executed for i=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 

You will agree that the for loop syntax is compact, and it is certainly easier to write. It is also easier to 
read and debug later. The three expressions separated by semicolons and enclosed in the brackets fol- 
lowing the for keyword are exactly the same three expressions we used in the prior example: 

initialize the index. 

check for termination, using a logic expression. 

advance the index/counter... in this case incrementing it. 

You can think of the for loop as an abbreviated syntax of the while loop. In fact, the logic expression 
is evaluated first and, if false from the beginning, the code inside the loop's curly brackets may never 
be executed. 

Perhaps this is also a good time to review another convenient shortcut available in C. There 

is a special notation reserved for the increment and decrement operations that uses the operators: 

++ to increment, as in i++ ; is equivalent to i = i+1; 

to decrement, as in i--; is equivalent to i = i-1; 

There will be much more to say on the subject in later chapters, but this will suffice for now. 

More loop examples 

Let's see some more examples of the use of the for loop and the increment/decrement operators. 
First, a count from to 4: 

for ( i=0; i<5; i++) 


// insert your code here. . . 

// it will be executed for i= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 


More pattern work, more loops 

Then, a countdown from 4 to 0: 

for ( i=4; i>=0; i--) 


// insert your code here... 

// it will be executed for i= 4, 3, 2, 1, 

Can we use the for loop to code an (infinite) main program loop? 
Sure we can — here is an example: 

main ( ) 


// 0. initialization code 

// 1. the main application loop 

for ( ; 1; ) 


} // main 

If you like it, feel free to use this form. As for me, from now on I will stick to the while syntax (it is 
just an old habit). 


Before starting to code our next project, we need to review one last C-language feature: array variable 
types. An array is just a contiguous block of memory containing a given number of identical elements 
of the same type. Once the array is defined, each element can be accessed via the array name and an 
index. Declaring an array is as simple as declaring a single variable — just add the desired number of 
elements in square brackets after the variable name: 

char c[10] ; // declares c as an array of 10 x 8-bit integers 
int i[10] ; // declares i as an array of 10 x 16-bit integers 
long 1[10] ; // declares 1 as an array of 10 x 32-bit integers 

The same squared-brackets notation is used to refer to the content or assign a value to each element of 
an array as in: 

a = c[0] ; // copy the value of the 1st element of c into a 

c[l] = 123; // assign the value 123 to the second element of c 

i[2] = 12345; // assign the value 12,345 to the third element of i 

1[3] = 123* i[4] ; // compute 123 x the value of the fifth element of i 

Note: In C language, the elements of an array of size N have indexes 0, 1, 2. . .(N-l). It is when 
manipulating arrays that the for type of loop shows all its merits. 


Chapter 3 

Let's see an example where we declare an array of 10 integers and we initialize each element of the 
array to a constant value of 1 : 

int a[10]; // declare array of 10 integers: a[0], a[l], a [2]... 


int i; // the loop index 

for ( i=0; i<10; i++) 


a[ i] = 1; 


A new demo 

The best way to conclude this lesson would be to take all the elements of the C language we have 
reviewed so far and put them to use in our next project. This project will consist of making a row of 
LEDs, connected to PORTA (as they happen to be connected on the Explorer 16 demo board), flash in a 
rapid sequence so that when moving the board left and right rhythmically they will display a short text 

How about "Hello World!" or, perhaps more modestly, "HELLO"? 

Here is the code: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

// 1. define timing constant 
#define SHORT_DELAY 100 
#define LONG_DELAY 800 

// 2. declare and initialize an array with the message bitmap 

char bi tmap [30] 

= { 


























More pattern work, more loops 

Obllllllll, // L 






ObOllllllO, // 







// 3. the main program 
main ( ) 


// 3.1 variable declarations 

int i ; // i will serve as the index 

// 3.2 initialization 

TRISA = OxffOO; // PORTA pins connected to LEDs are outputs 

T1CON = 0x8030; // TMRl on, prescale 1:256 Tclk/2 

// 3.3 the main loop 
while ( 1) 


// 3.3.1 display loop, hand moving to the right 

for( i=0; i<30; i++) 

{ // update the LEDs 

PORTA = bitmap[i]; 

// short pause 

TMRl = 0; 

while ( TMRl < SHORT_DELAY) 


} // for i 

// 3.3.2 long pause, hand moving back to the left 
PORTA =0; // turn LEDs off 

// long pause 
TMRl = 0; 

while ( TMRl < LONG_DELAY) 
} // main loop 
} // main 


Chapter 3 

In section 1, we define a couple of timing constants, so that we can control the flashing sequence speed 
for execution and debugging. 

In section 2, we declare and initialize an 8-bit integer array of 30 elements, each containing an LED 
configuration in the sequence. 

Hint: using a highlighter you can mark the "Is" on the page to see the message emerge. 

Section 3 contains the main program, with the variable declarations (3.1) at the top, followed by the 
microcontroller initialization (3.2) and eventually the main loop (3.3). 

The main (while) loop, in turn, is divided in two sections: 

1.1.1 Contains the actual LED flash sequence, all 30 steps, that is to be played when the 
board is swept from left to right. A for loop is used for accessing each element of the 
array, in order. A while loop is used to wait on Timer 1 for the proper sequence timing. 

1.1.2 Contains a pause for the sweep back, implemented using a while loop with a longer 
delay on Timer 1. 

Testing with the Logic Analyzer 

To test the program, we will initially use the MPLAB SIM software simulator and the Logic Analyzer 

1. Build the project (using the appropriate check list). 

2. Open the Logic Analyzer window. 

3. Click on the Channel button to add, in order, all the I/O pins from RAO to RA7 connected to 
the row of LEDs. 

The "MPLAB SIM Set-up" and "Logic Analyzer Set-up" checklists will help you make sure that you 
don't forget any detail. 

Trigger Position — 
Start** Centeff Endr 

finger PC 

Now CJea 





FPj&I eJ®J nM ga|Hlrta. 

RAO - 


RA1 - 

RA2 - 

RA3 - 


RA4 - 


RA5 - 

RA6 - 



i — i- 

-i — i — i — 

T — 1 — " — 


— T — 

- > 1 


r i 

— i — i — i 


i — i — i— 

i — 

i — i — i — i— 

1 — 

— r 


T 1 1 

— T- 

-i — i — r 




Figure 3-1 . Snapshot of the Logic Analyzer window after the first sweep. 


More pattern work, more loops 

Then, I suggest you go back to the editor window and set the cursor on the first instruction of the 3.3.2 
section and select the "Run to Cursor" option from the right click (context) menu. This will let the pro- 
gram execute the entire portion containing the message output (3.3.1) and stop before the long delay. 
As soon as the simulation halts on the cursor line, you can switch to the Logic Analyzer window and 
verify the output waveforms. They should look like the figure below: 

To help you visualize the output, I added a few dots to represent the LEDs being turned on during the 
first few steps of the sequence. If you train your eye to see an LED on wherever the corresponding pin 
is at the logic high level, you should be able to read the desired message. 

Using the Explorer16 demonstration board 

If you have an actual Explorer 16 demonstration board available, the fun can be doubled. 

1. Use the "MPLAB ICD2 Set-up" checklist to enable the in-circuit debugger. 

2. Use the "MPLAB ICD2 Device Configuration" to verify the device configuration bits proper 
setting for use on the Explorer 16 demonstration board. 

3. Use the "MPLAB ICD2 Programming" checklist to program the PIC24 in circuit. 

If successful, and if you dim the light a bit in the room, you should be able to see the message flashing 
as you "shake" the board. The experience is going to be far from perfect though. With the Simulator 
and the Logic Analyzer window, we can choose which part of the sequence we want to visualize with 
precision and "freeze" it on the screen. On the demonstration board, you might find it quite challenging 
to synchronize the board's movement with the LED sequence. 

Consider adjusting the timing constants to your optimal speed. After some experimentation, I found the 
values 100 and 800 ideal, respectively, for the short and long delays, but your preferences might differ. 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we reviewed the declaration of a few basic variable types, including integers and float- 
ing point of different sizes. Array declarations and their initialization were also used to create an LED 
display sequence and a for loop was used to play it back. 

Notes for assembly experts 

If you were wondering whether the increment and decrement operators were going to be translated by 
the C30 compiler with the inc and dec assembly instructions, you were mostly right. I am saying 
"mostly" and not "always" because the ++ and — operators are actually much smarter than that. If the 
variable they are applied to is an integer, as in the trivial examples above, this is certainly the case. But 
if they are applied to a pointer (which is a variable type that contains a memory address) they actually 
increase the address by the exact number of bytes required to represent the quantity pointed to. For 
example, a pointer to 16-bit integers will increment its address by 2, a pointer to a 32-bit long integer 
will increment its address by 4, and so on. To satisfy your curiosity, switch to the disassembly view and 
see how the MPLAB C30 chooses the best assembly code, depending on the situation. 

Loops in C can be confusing: should you test the condition at the beginning or the end? Should you 
use the for type or not? The fact is, in some situations the algorithm you are coding will dictate which 
one to use, but in many situations you will have a degree of freedom and more than one type might do. 
Choose the one that makes your code more readable, and if it really doesn't matter, as in the main loop, 
just choose the one you like and be consistent. 


Chapter 3 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

Depending on the target microcontroller architecture, and ultimately the arithmetic and logic unit 
(ALU), operating on bytes versus operating on word quantities can make a big difference in terms of 
code compactness and efficiency. While in the PIC 16 and PIC 18 8-bit architectures there is a strong 
incentive to use byte-sized integers wherever possible, in the PIC24, 16-bit architecture word-sized in- 
tegers can be manipulated with the same efficiency. The only limiting factor preventing us from always 
using 16-bit integers with the MPLAB C30 compiler is the consideration of the relative preciousness of 
the internal resources of the microcontroller, and in this case the RAM memory. 

Notes for C experts 

Even if PIC24 microcontrollers have a relatively large RAM memory array, embedded-control applica- 
tions will always have to contend with the reality of cost and size limitations. If you learned to program 
in C on a PC or a workstation, you probably never considered using anything smaller than an int as a 
loop index. Well, this is the time to think again. Shaving one byte at a time off the requirements of your 
application might, in some cases, mean the ability to select a smaller model of PIC24 microcontroller, 
saving fractions of a dollar that, when multiplied by thousands or millions of units (depending on your 
production run rates), can mean real money added to the bottom line. In other words, if you learn to 
keep the size of your variables to the strict minimum necessary, you will become a better embedded- 
control designer and ultimately... this is what engineering is all about. 

Tips and tricks 

This is the third lesson and, I am sure you will have noticed, for the third time I have been instructing 
you to start the simulation by setting a cursor on the first line of code and executing a Run To Cursor 
command (or setting a breakpoint) instead of more simply starting to single-step through the code. 
Why bother? Why can't we just start in Animation mode, for example, right after completing the proj- 
ect build? 

As I briefly mentioned more than once, it is because of the CO initialization code. Let me add, it's also 
because of MPLAB 's obsessive desire to shield you from the low-level details. In fact, MPLAB won't 
even show the cursor (the big green arrow) if you try to single-step through it — quite a disconcerting 
experience. It will not let you see any trace of the CO code even if you use the Disassembly window. 
But the CO code is starting to do interesting things for you, and you might be getting curious. For exam- 
ple, in this last exercise we declared an array called bitmap [ ] and we asked for it to be initialized with 
a specific series of values. The array, being a data structure, resides in RAM during execution, so the 
compiler has to instruct the CO initialization code to copy the contents of the array from a table in Flash 
memory immediately after the program start. 

The only way to take a look at the CO inner workings is to open the Program Memory window 
("View— > Program Memory"), select the Symbolic mode (using the buttons at the bottom of the win- 
dow), and patiently inspect the assembly code. A few labels here and there will offer a little support. 
The first line of the program memory window will correspond to the reset vector of the PIC24 and will 
always contain a jump to the proper beginning of the program. 

0000 goto _reset 

You will have to scroll through several pages of what, you will learn shortly, is the interrupt vectors 


More pattern work, more loops 

table. Eventually, you will find the _reset label. There, in a short sequence, you will recognize three 
essential pieces of code: 

the stack pointer (wl5) initialization 

_reset mov.w #0x81e,wl5 
a call to a subroutine for the variable (RAM) initialization 

rcall _data_init 
the call to the main ( ) function 

call main 
a software reset instruction upon program termination 


I hope this satisfies your curiosity for now. If during a future debugging session you are not able to find 
the cursor, chances are you will be able to find it in here. Something might have caused the processor 
to reset (a bug, an external event?) and you might be stepping through the very heart of the CO initial- 
ization code. Check out the many emergency checklists created to help you recover and find your way 
safely home. 


Chapter 3 


1. Improve the display /hand synchronization, waiting for a button to be pressed before the hand 
sweep is started. 

2. Add a switch to sense the sweep movement reversal and play the LED sequence backward on 
the back sweep. 


Rony, P., Larsen D. and Titus J., 1976 

The 8080A Bugbook, Microcomputer Interfacing and Programming 

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, IN 

This is the book that introduced me to the world of microprocessors and changed my life 
forever. No high-level language programming here, just the basics of assembly programming 
and hardware interfacing. (Too bad this book is already considered museum material; see link 

• Shulman, S. (2003) 

Unlocking the Sky, Glenn Hammond Curtis and the Race to Invent the Airplane 

Harper Collins, New York, NY 

A beautiful recount of the "struggle to innovate" in the early days of aviation. 


A link to the "Bugbooks museum" — 30 years since the introduction of the Intel 8080 micro- 
processor and it is like centuries have already passed. 





In This Chapter 

On optimization (or lack 
► Going long 

► Note on the multiplication 
of long integers 

► Long Long Multiplication 

► Floatingpoint 

The human sense of equilibrium is based on a device (the labyrinth or vestibular apparatus) located 
inside the ear that gives us feedback on gravity and motion. But, unlike that of birds, ours was just 
not designed for flight. It can be easily tricked by a little centrifugal acceleration and, in the absence 
of visual clues (in fog, clouds or during a night flight), it can have us flying happily into a tightening 
spiral... into the ground. To overcome our shortcomings, we have to rely on instruments to tell us how 
fast we are flying, in which direction and, perhaps most importantly, which way is up. Practically, this 
means that so much information that directly reaches the brain of a bird from its senses will arrive at 
our brain only in the form of numbers. 

A good portion of the time spent by a student pilot on an airplane, after the first few flights, is spent 
learning the "right" numbers for his airplane — like the best climb speed, the best glide speed, the 
take-off (rotation) speed, the approach speeds and so on. Most of the time, these numbers are avail- 
able inside the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH), the airplane datasheet, and, for convenience, on the 
related checklists. Each pilot tries his best to follow them religiously so that his flying performance 
gains consistency as he improves the command of the machine. However, even the most experienced 
aerobatic pilots, and certainly all the airline pilots who fly thousands of hours every year, will tell you 
how flying can be extremely spontaneous, if you know all your numbers exactly! 

Similarly in embedded control, we need to know well the numeric types, their relative performance, 
and the costs and benefits of each one. 

Flight plan 

In this lesson we will review all the numerical data types offered by the MPLAB® C30 compiler. We 
will learn how much memory the compiler allocates for the numerical variables and we will investi- 
gate the relative efficiency of the routines used to perform arithmetic operations by using the MPLAB 
SIM Stopwatch as a basic profiling tool. This experience will help you choose the "right" numbers for 
your embedded-control application, understanding when and how to balance performance and memory 
resources, real-time constraints and complexity. 


Chapter 4 

Preflight checklist 

This entire lesson will be performed exclusively with software tools including the MPLAB IDE, 
MPLAB C30 compiler and the MPLAB SIM simulator. 

Use the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project called "Numbers" and a new source file 

called "numbers . c" . 

The flight 

To review all the data types available, I recommend you take a look at the MPLAB C30 User Guide. 
You can start in Chapter 5, where you can find a first list of the supported integer types. 





char, signed char 




unsigned char 



short, signed short 




unsigned short 



int, signed int 




unsigned int 



long, signed long 


_2 31 

2 31-1 

unsigned long 


2 32 -1 

long long**, signed long long** 


_2 63 

2 63 -1 

unsigned long long** 


2 64.-, 

ANSI-89 extension 

Table 4-1 . Integer data types. 

As you can see in Table 4-1, there are 10 different integer types as specified in the ANSI C standard 
including: char, int, short, long, and long long, both in the signed (default) and unsigned 
variant. The table shows the number of bits allocated specifically by the MPLAB C30 compiler for 
each type, and, for your convenience, spells out the minimum and maximum value that can be repre- 

It is expected that, when the type is signed, one bit must be dedicated to the sign itself and the result- 
ing numerical range is therefore halved. It is also interesting to note how the C30 compiler treats int 
and short as synonyms by allocating 16 bits for both of them. Both 8- and 16-bit quantities can be 
processed efficiently by the PIC24 arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), so that most of the arithmetic 
operations can be coded by the compiler using few and efficient instructions. The long integers are 
treated as 32-bit quantities, using four bytes, while the long long type (specified by the ANSI C ex- 
tensions in 1989) requires eight bytes. Operations on long integers are performed by the compiler using 
short sequences of instructions inserted inline. So, there is a small performance penalty to pay for using 
long integers, and a proportionally larger penalty to pay for long long integers, that must be taken 
into account. 



Let's see a first integer example; we'll start by typing the following code: 

unsigned int i,j,k; 

main ( ) 


i = 0x1234; // assign an initial value to i 
j = 0x5678; // assign an initial value to j 
k = i * j ; // perform the product and store the result in k 


After building the project (Project— > Build All or Ctrl + F10), we can open the Disassembly window 
("View— ^Disassembly Listing") and take a look at the code generated by the compiler. Even without 
knowing the PIC24 instruction set in detail, we can recognize the two assignments. They are performed 
by loading the literal values to register w0 first and from there to the memory locations reserved for the 
variable i , and later for variable j . 

i = 1234; 



,w #0x4d2, 0x0000 



,w 0x0000, 0x0852 

j : 

= 5678; 



,w #0xl62e, 0x0000 



,w 0x0000, 0x0854 

k = 

= i * j; 



,w 0x0852, 0x0002 



,w 0x0854, 0x0000 


mul . 

,ss 0x0002,0x0000,0x0000 



,w 0x0000, 0x0856 

// move literal value to W0 
// move data from W0 to i 

// move literal value to W0 
// move data from W0 to j 

II move data from i to Wl 
// move data from j to W0 

// move result to k 

The multiplication is performed by transferring the values from the locations reserved for the two in- 
teger variables i and j back to registers w0 and wl , and then performing a single mul instruction. The 
result, available in w0 , is stored back into the locations reserved for k. Pretty straightforward. 

On optimization (or lack thereof) 

You will notice how the overall program, as compiled, is somewhat redundant. The value of j , for 
example, is still available in register w0 when it is reloaded again — just before the multiplication. Can't 
the compiler see that this operation is unnecessary? 

In fact, the compiler does not see things this clearly — its role is to create "safe" code, avoiding (at least 
initially) any assumption and using standard sequences of instructions. Later on, if the proper optimiza- 
tion options are enabled, a second pass (or more) is performed to remove the redundant code. During 
the development and debugging phases of a project, though, it is always good practice to disable all 
optimizations as they might modify the structure of the code being analyzed and render single-step- 
ping and breakpoint placement problematic. In the rest of this book, we will consistently avoid making 
use of any compiler optimization option; we will verify that the required levels of performance are 


Chapter 4 

obtained regardless. As a consequence, you will be able to execute all the examples presented in this 
and the following chapters using the C30 Compiler Student Edition, which is free and available on the 
companion CD-ROM. 


To test the code, we can choose to work with the simulator from the Disassembly Listing window 
itself, single-stepping on each assembly instruction. Or we can choose to work from the C source in the 
editor window, single-stepping through each C language statement. In both cases, we can: 

1 . Set the cursor on the first line containing the initialization of the first variable, and perform a 
Run To Cursor command to let the program initialize and stop the execution just before the 
first instruction we want to observe. 

2. Open the Watch window ("View^ Watch") and select wregO in the SFR selection box, then 
click on the "Add SFR" button. 

3. Repeat the operation for wregi. 

4. Select "i " in the symbol selection box, and click on the 'Add Symbol" button. 

5. Repeat the operation for j and k. 

6. Use the "Step Over" function to execute the next few program lines, observing the effects on 
the registers and variables in the Watch window. As we noted before, when the value of a vari- 
able in the Watch window changes, it is conveniently highlighted in red. 

If you need to repeat the test, perform a Reset ("Debugger— >Reset—> Processor Reset") and again place 
the cursor on the first line of code to analyze, followed by a new Run To Cursor command. 

Going long 

At this point, modifying only the first line of code, we can change the entire program to perform opera- 
tions on long integer variables. 

unsigned long i,j,k; 


i = 0x1234; // assign an initial value to i 
j = 0x5678; // assign an initial value to j 
k = i * j; // perform the product and store the result in k 


Rebuilding the project and switching again to the Disassembly Listing window (if you had the editor 
window maximized and you did not close the Disassembly Listing window, you could use the Ctrl + 
Tab command to quickly alternate between the editor and the Disassembly Listing), we can see how 
the newly generated code is considerably longer than the previous version. While the initializations are 
still straightforward, the multiplication is now performed using several more instructions. 



k = i * j; 

8042C1 mov.w 0x0858,0x0002 

8042E0 mov.w 0x085c , 0x0000 

B80A00 mul.uu 0x0002,0x0000,0x0008 

8042C1 mov.w 0x0858,0x0002 

8042F0 mov.w 0x085e, 0x0000 

B98800 0x0002,0x0000,0x0000 

780105 mov.w 0x000a, 0x0004 

410100 add.w 0x0004,0x0000,0x0004 

8042E1 mov.w 0x085c , 0x0002 

8042D0 mov.w 0x085a, 0x0000 

B98800 0x0002,0x0000,0x0000 

410100 add.w 0x0004,0x0000,0x0004 

780282 mov.w 0x0004 , 0x000a 

884304 mov.w 0x0008,0x0860 

884315 mov.w 0x000a, 0x0862 

The PIC24 arithmetic and logic unit can only process 16 bits at a time, so the 32-bit multiplication is 
actually performed as a sequence of 16-bit multiplications and additions. The sequence used by the 
compiler is generated with pretty much the same technique that we learned to use in elementary school, 
only performed on a word at a time rather than a digit at a time. 

Note on the multiplication of long integers 

In practice, to perform a 32-bit multiplication using 16-bit instructions, there should be four mul- 
tiplications and two additions, but you will note how the compiler has actually inserted only three 
multiplication instructions. What is going on here? 

The fact is that multiplying two long integers (32 bits each) will produce a 64-bit wide result. But in 
the example above, we have specified that the result will be stored in yet another long variable, there- 
fore limiting the result to a maximum of 32 bits. Doing so, we have clearly left the door open for the 
possibility (not so remote) of an overflow, but we have also given the compiler the permission to ignore 
the most significant bits of the result. Knowing those bits are not going to be missed, the compiler has 
eliminated completely the fourth multiplication step — in a way, already optimizing the code. 

Long long multiplication 

Changing the variables declarations to the long long integer type (64-bit) is just as simple: 

unsigned long long i,j,k; 

main ( ) 


i = 0x1234; // assign an initial value to i 

j = 0x5678; // assign an initial value to j 

k = i * j ; // perform the product and store the result in k 



Chapter 4 

Recompiling and inspecting the new code in the Disassembly Listing window reveals that this time the 
compiler has chosen a different approach. Instead of a longer sequence inserted inline, there are now 
only a few instructions to transfer the data into predefined registers and there is a call to a subroutine. 
The subroutine will appear in the disassembly listing, after all the main function code. This subrou- 
tine is clearly separated and identified by a comment line that indicates it is part of a library, a module 
called "muldi3 . c". The source for this routine is actually available as part of the complete documen- 
tation of the C30 compiler and can be found in the subdirectory "src/libm/src/" under the same 
directory tree where the C30 compiler has been installed on your hard disk. 

By selecting a subroutine in this case, the compiler has clearly made a compromise. Calling the 
subroutine means adding a few extra instructions and using extra space on the stack. On the other 
hand, fewer instructions will be added each time a new multiplication (among long long integers) is 
required in the program; therefore code space will be preserved. 

Floating point 

Beyond integer data types, the C30 compiler offers support for a few more data types that can capture 
fractional values — the floating-point data types. There are three types to choose from, corresponding to 
two levels of resolution: float, double and long double. 

Notice how the MPLAB C30 compiler, by default, allocates the same number of bits for both the float 
and the double types, using the single precision floating-point format defined in the IEEE754 standard. 
Only the long double data type is treated as a true double-precision IEEE754 floating-point type. 






N Max 





2- 126 

2 128 





2- 126 


long double 






£ = Exponent 

N = Normalized (approximate) 

* double is equivalent to long double if -fno- short -double is used 

Table 4-2. Floating points data types. 

Notes for C experts 

It is my belief that these floating-point settings were intentionally used by the MPLAB C30 design- 
ers to simplify and make more efficient the porting of complex math algorithms to embedded-control 
target applications. Most of the algorithms and libraries available in literature are designed for the 
performance and resources of personal computers and workstations, and make use of double-precision 
floating-point arithmetic whenever possible to maximize accuracy. Most often in embedded control, 
we are willing to compromise some of that accuracy for the level of performance necessary to achieve 
real-time response. 

If needed, this behavior can be changed either locally, by turning doubles into long doubles in selected 
cases, or globally, by using special compiler options (open the "Project— > Build Options— > Project" 
dialog box, check the Use alternate Setting check box and add "-f no-short-double" to the edit box 



Since the PIC24 doesn't have a hardware floating point unit (FPU), all operations on floating-point 
types must be coded by the compiler using floating-point arithmetic libraries whose size and com- 
plexity is considerably larger/higher than any of the integer libraries. You should expect a major 
performance penalty if you choose to use these data types, but, again, if the problem calls for fractional 
quantities to be taken into account, the C30 compiler certainly makes dealing with them easy. 

Let's modify our previous example to use floating-point variables: 

















i * 


// assign an initial value to i 
// assign an initial value to j 
// perform the product and store the result in k 


After recompiling and inspecting the Disassembly Listing window, you will notice that the compiler 
has immediately chosen to use a subroutine instead of inline code. 

Changing the program again to use double-precision floating-point type, long double, produces very 
similar results. Only the initial assignments seem to be affected, and all we can see is a subroutine call. 

The C compiler makes using any data type so easy that we might be tempted to always use the largest 
integer or floating-point type available, just to stay on the safe side and avoid the risk of overflows and 
underflows. On the contrary, choosing the right data type for each application can be critical in embed- 
ded control to balance performance and optimize the use of resources. In order to make an informed 
decision, we need to know more about the level of performance we can expect when choosing the vari- 
ous precision data types. 

Measuring performance 

Let's use what we have learned so far about simulation tools to measure the actual relative performance 
of the arithmetic libraries (integer and floating-point) used by the C30 compiler. We can start using the 
software simulator's (MPLAB SIM) built-in Stopwatch tool, with the following code: 






i 1 , i 2 , 13; 


11, 12, 13; 


long 111, 112, 



fl,f2, f3; 


double dl, d2 , 




Chapter 4 

il = 1234; // testing integers (16-bit) 

i2 = 5678; 

i3= il * i2; // 1. int multiplication 

11 = 1234; // testing long integers (32-bit) 

12 = 5678; 

13= 11 * 12; // 2. long multiplication 

111 = 1234; // testing long long integers (64-bit) 

112 = 5678; 

113= 111 * 112; // 3. 

fl = 12.34; // testing single precision (32-bit) floating point 

f2 = 56.78; 

f3= fl * f 2 ; // 4. single precision multiplication 

dl = 12.34; // testing double precision (64-bit) floating point 

d2 = 56.78; 

d3= dl * d2 ; // 5. double precision multiplication 

After compiling and linking the project, we can set the cursor on the line containing the first integer 
multiplication (/ / l . ) in the editor window and perform a Run To Cursor, to position the program 
counter for our test. Open the Stopwatch window ("Debugger— ^Stopwatch") and position the window 
according to your preferences (personally I like it docked to the bottom of the screen so that it does not 
overlap with the editor window and it is always visible and accessible). 

Zero the Stopwatch timer and execute a Step-Over command ("Debug— >StepOver", or press F8). As 
the Simulator completes updating the Stopwatch window, you can manually record the execution time 
required to perform the integer operation. The time is provided by the simulator in the form of a cycle 
count along with an indication in milliseconds derived by the cycle count multiplied by the simulated 
clock frequency, a parameter specified in the Debugger Settings ("Debugger— ^Settings— >Osc/Trace" 

Proceed by setting the cursor over the next multiplication (/ / 2.), and execute a new Run To Cursor 
command or simply continue Stepping until you reach it. Again zero the Stopwatch, execute a Step- 
Over and record the second time. Continue until all five types have been tested. 

Multiplication Test 


Performance relative to 









Long Integer 





Long-Long Integer 





Single Precision f.p. 





Double Precision f.p. 





Table 4-3. Relative Performance Test Results Using MPLAB C30 rev. 1.30 

(all optimizations disabled). 



In Table 4-3, 1 have recorded the results (cycle counts) in the first column and then added more col- 
umns to show the relative performance ratios, obtained by dividing the cycle count of each row by the 
cycle count recorded for the reference type. Don't be alarmed if you happen to record different values; 
several factors can affect the measure. Future versions of the compiler could possibly use more ef- 
ficient libraries, and/or optimization features could be introduced or enabled at the time of testing. 

Keep in mind that this type of test lacks any of the rigorousness required by a true performance bench- 
mark. What we are looking for here is just a basic understanding of the impact on the performance we 
can expect from choosing to perform our calculations with one data type versus another. We are look- 
ing for the big picture — relative orders of magnitude. For that purpose, the table we just obtained can 
already give us some interesting indications. 

As expected, 16-bit operations appear to be the fastest. Long-integer (32-bit) multiplications are about 
four times slower, while long-long-integer (64-bit) multiplications are one order of magnitude slower. 
Again, it was expected that single precision floating-point operations would require more effort than 
integer operations. Multiplying a 32-bit integer is only about four times slower than multiplying a 
16-bit integer. However, multiplying 32-bit floating-point numbers is more than 30 times slower than 
multiplying 16-bit integers. That means it is eight times slower than the corresponding 32-bit inte- 
ger multiplication, or about an order of magnitude. Going to double-precision floating-point (64-bit) 
though, only doubles the number of cycles. This tells us that, apparently, the double-precision floating- 
point libraries used by the compiler are more efficient than the corresponding 64-bit integer libraries. 

So, when should we use floating point and when should we use integer arithmetic? 

Beyond the obvious, from the little we have learned so far we can perhaps extract the following rules: 

1. Use integers every time you can (i.e., when fractions are not required, or the algorithm can be 
rewritten for integer arithmetic). 

2. Use the smallest integer type that will not produce an overflow or underflow. 

3. If you have to use a floating-point type (fractions are required), expect an order-of-magnitude 
reduction in the performance of the compiled program. 

4. Double-precision floating-point (long double) seems to only reduce the performance further 
by a factor of two. 

Keep in mind also that floating-point types offer the largest value ranges, but also are always intro- 
ducing approximations. As a consequence, floating-point types are not recommended for financial 
calculations. Use long or long long integers instead, and perform all operations in cents (instead of 
dollars and fractions). 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson, we have learned not only what data types are available and how much memory is al- 
located to them, but also how they affect the resulting compiled program — code size and the execution 
speed. We used the MPLAB SIM simulator Stopwatch function to measure the number of instruction 
cycles (and therefore time) required for the execution of a series of code segments. Some of the infor- 
mation gathered will, hopefully, be useful to guide our actions in the future when balancing our needs 
for precision and performance in embedded-control applications. 


Chapter 4 

Notes for assembly experts 

The brave few assembly experts that have attempted to deal with floating-point numbers in their ap- 
plications tend to be extremely pleased and forever thankful for the great simplification achieved by the 
use of the C compiler. Single- or double-precision arithmetic becomes just as easy to code as integer 
arithmetic has always been. 

When using integer numbers, though, there is sometimes a sense of loss of control, as the compiler 
hides the details of the implementation and some operations might become obscure or much less intui- 
tive/readable. Here are some examples of conversion and byte-manipulation operations that can induce 
some anxiety: 

1. Converting an integer type into a smaller/larger one. 

2. Extracting or setting the most or least significant byte of a 16-bit data type. 

3. Extracting or setting one bit out of an integer variable. 

The C language offers convenient mechanisms for covering all such cases via implicit type conversions 
as in: 

int i; // 16-bit 
long 1; // 3 2 -bit 

1 = i ; // the value of i is transferred into the two LSB of 1 

// the two MSB of 1 are cleared 

Explicit conversions might be required (called "type casting") in some cases where the compiler would 
otherwise assume an error, as in: 

int i; // 16-bit 

long 1; // 3 2 -bit 

i = (int) 1; // (int) is a type cast that results in the two MSB of 1 

// to be discarded as 1 is treated as a 16-bit value 

Bit fields are used to cover the conversion to and from integer types that are smaller than one byte. 
Bit fields are treated by the MPLAB C30 compiler with great efficiency and will result in the use of 
bit-manipulation instructions whenever possible. The PIC24 library files contain numerous examples of 
definitions of bit fields for the manipulation of all the control bits in the peripheral and the core special- 
function registers. 

Here is an example extracted from the include file used in our project, where the Timer 1 control regis- 
ter ticon is defined and each individual control bit is exposed in a structure defined as TicoNbits: 

extern unsigned int TICON; 
extern union { 
struct { 

unsigned : 1 ; 

unsigned TCS:1; 

unsigned TSYNC : 1 ; 

unsigned : 1 ; 

unsigned TCKPS0:1; 

unsigned TCKPS1:1; 



unsigned TGATE : 1 ; 
unsigned : 6 ; 
unsigned TSIDL:1; 
unsigned : 1 ; 
unsigned T0N:1; 

struct { 

unsigned : 4 ; 

unsigned TCKPS : 2 ; 

} TlCONbits; 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

The PIC microcontroller user, familiar with the 8-bit PIC microcontrollers and their respective com- 
pilers, will notice a considerable improvement in the performance, both with integer arithmetic and 
floating-point arithmetic. The 16-bit ALU available in the PIC24 architecture is clearly providing a 
great advantage by manipulating twice the number of bits per cycle, but the performance improvement 
is further accentuated by the availability of up to eight working registers, which make the coding of 
critical arithmetic routines and numerical algorithms more efficient. 

Tips and tricks 

Math libraries 

The MPLAB C30 compiler supports several standard ANSI C libraries including: 

"limits .h", which contains many useful macros defining implementation-dependent limits, 
such as, for example, the number of bits composing a char type (char_bit) or the largest 
integer value (int_max). 

"float .h" , which contains similar implementation-dependent limits for floating-point data 
types, such as, for example, the largest exponent for a single-precision floating- point variable 


"math . h", which contains trigonometric functions, rounding functions, logarithms and 

Complex data types 

The MPLAB C30 compiler supports complex data types, as an extension of both integer and floating- 
point types. Here is an example declaration for a single-precision floating-point type: 

complex float z ; 

Notice the use of a double underscore before and after the keyword complex . 

The variable z so defined has now a real and an imaginary part that can be individually addressed using 
the syntax: real z and imag z, respectively. 

Similarly, the next declaration produces a complex variable of 16-bit integer type: 

complex int x; 


Chapter 4 

Complex constants are easily created adding the suffix "i" or "j" as in the following examples: 

x = 2 + 3 j ; 

z = 2. Of + 3. Of j; 

All standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) are performed correctly on complex data types; addition- 
ally, the "~" operator produces the complex conjugate. 

Complex types could be pretty handy in some types of applications, making the code more readable 
and helping avoid trivial errors. Unfortunately, as of this writing, the MPLAB IDE support of complex 
variables during debugging is only partial, giving access only to the "real" part through the Watch 
window and the mouse-over function. 


1. Write a program that uses Timer2 as a stopwatch for real-time performance measurements. If 
the width of Timer 2 is not sufficient: 

use the prescaler (and lose some of the lsb), or 

use Timer2 and Timer3 joined in the new 32-bit timer mode. 

2. Test the relative performance of the division for the various data types. 

3. Test the performance of the trigonometric functions relative to standard arithmetic operations. 

4. Test the relative performance of the multiplication for complex data types. 


• Gahlinger, P. M. (2000) 

The Cockpit, a Flight of Escape and Discovery 

Sagebrush Press, Salt Lake City, UT 

An interesting journey around the world, following the author in search of... his soul. 

Every instrument in the cockpit triggers a memory and starts a new chapter. 


http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Taylor_series 

If you are curious how the C compiler can approximate some of the functions in the math 





In This Chapter 

Nesting of interrupts 


Testing the Timerl interrupt 



The secondary oscillator 

A template and an example 


The Real-time Clock Calendar (RTCC) 

for Timerl interrupt 


Managing multiple interrupts 

A real example with Timerl 

Every pilot is taught to keep his eyes constantly scanning the horizon, looking for visual clues about 
position and direction of flight and looking for other airplanes. But, he also needs to check the airplane 
instruments momentarily to verify his speed and altitude, and to keep an eye on the map. Now and 
then, there might be the need to focus longer on one of the inputs, and it is essential to learn how some 
instruments need a more frequent check than others, depending on the phase of flight and a number of 
other conditions. In other words, pilots need to learn to multitask, assigning the correct priority to each 
instrument and optimizing the use of time so as to stay always ahead of the machine. 

For reasons of efficiency, size, and ultimately cost, in the embedded-control world the smallest applica- 
tions, which happen to be implemented in the highest volumes, most often cannot afford the "luxury" 
of a multitasking operating system and use the interrupt mechanisms instead to "divide their attention" 
on the many tasks at hand. 

Flight plan 

In this lesson we will see how the MPLAB® C30 compiler allows us to easily manage the interrupt 
mechanisms offered by the PIC24 microcontroller architecture. After a brief review of some of the C 
language extensions and some practical considerations, we will present a short example of how to use 
the secondary (low-frequency) oscillator to maintain a real-time clock. 

Pref light checklist 

This entire lesson will be performed exclusively with software tools, including the MPLAB IDE, 
MPLAB C30 compiler and the MPLAB SIM simulator. 

Use the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project called "Interrupts" and a new source file 
similarly called "interrupts . c". 


Chapter 5 
The flight 

An interrupt is an internal or external event that requires quick attention from the CPU. The PIC24 
architecture provides a rich interrupt system that can manage as many as 1 18 distinct sources of inter- 
rupts. Each interrupt source can have a unique piece of code, called the Interrupt Service Routine 
(ISR) directly associated via a pointer, also called a "vector," to provide the required response action. 
Interrupts can be completely asynchronous with the execution flow of the main program. They can be 
triggered at any point in time and in an unpredictable order. Responding quickly to interrupts is essen- 
tial to allow prompt reaction to the trigger event and a fast return to the main program execution flow. 
Therefore, the goal is to minimize the interrupt latency, defined as the time between the triggering event 
and the execution of the first instruction of the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). In the PIC24 architec- 
ture, the latency is not only very short but it is also fixed for each given interrupt source — only three 
instruction cycles for internal events and four instruction cycles for external events. This is a highly 
desirable quality that makes the PIC24 interrupt management superior to most other architectures. 

The MPLAB C30 compiler helps manage the complexity of the interrupt system by providing a few 
language extensions. The PIC24 keeps all interrupt vectors in one large Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) 
and the MPLAB C30 compiler can automatically associate interrupt vectors with "special" user-de- 
fined C functions as long as a few limitations are kept in consideration, such as: 

They are not supposed to return any value (use type void). 

No parameter can be passed to the function (use parameter void) . 

They cannot be called directly by other functions. 

Ideally, they should not call any other function. 

The first three limitations should be obvious given the nature of the interrupt mechanism — since it is 
triggered by an external event, there cannot be parameters or a return value because there is no proper 
function call in the first place. The last limitation is more of a recommendation to keep in mind for ef- 
ficiency considerations. 

The following example illustrates the syntax that could be used to associate a function to the Timer 1 
interrupt vector: 

void attribute ( ( interrupt) ) _T1 Interrupt ( void) 


// interrupt service routine code here... 

} // _InterruptVector 

The function name _ti interrupt was not an arbitrary choice, but is actually the predefined identifier 
for the Timer 1 interrupt as found in the Interrupt Vectors Table of the PIC24, (defined in the datasheet) 
and as coded in the linker script, the " . gld" file loaded for the current project. 

The attribute ( ( ) ) mechanism is used by the C30 compiler in this and many other circum- 
stances as a way to specify special features such as a C language extension. Personally, I find this 
syntax too lengthy and hard to read. I recommend the use of a couple of macros that can be found in 
each PIC24 include (" . h") files and that greatly improve the code readability. In the following exam- 
ple, the _isr macro is used to the same effect as the previous code snippet: 



void _ISR _T1 Interrupt (void) 


// interrupt service routine code here... 

} // _InterruptVector 

From Tables 5- la and 5- lb, taken from the PIC24FJ128GA010 family datasheet, you can see 
which events can be used to trigger an interrupt. Among the external sources available for the 
PIC24FJ128GA010, there are: 

5 x External pins with level trigger detection 

22 x External pins connected to the Change Notification module 

5 x Input Capture modules 

5 x Output Compare modules 

2 x Serial port interfaces (UARTs) 

4 x Synchronous serial interfaces (SPI and PC™) 
Parallel Master Port 

Among the internal sources we count: 

5 x 16-bit Timers 

1 x Analog-to-Digital Converter 

1 x Analog Comparators module 

1 x Real-time Clock and Calendar 

1 x CRC generator 

Many of these sources in their turn can generate several different interrupts. For example, a serial-port 
interface peripheral (UART) can generate three type of interrupts: 

When new data has been received and is available in the receive buffer for processing. 

When data in the transmit buffer has been sent and the buffer is empty, ready and available, to 
transmit more. 

When an error condition has been generated and action might be required to 
re-establish communication. 

Each interrupt source also has five associated control bits, allocated in various special-function regis- 
ters (see Table 5-1): 

The Interrupt Enable bit (typically represented with a suffix -ie): 

- When cleared, the specific trigger event is prevented from generating interrupts. 

- When set, it allows the interrupt to be processed. 


Chapter 5 

Interrupt Source 


IVT Address 


Interrupt Bit Locations 




ADC1 Conversion Done 







Comparator Event 







CRC Generator 



0001 9Ah 




External Interrupt 

00001 4h 





External Interrupt 1 



0001 3Ch 




External Interrupt 2 







External Interrupt 3 







External Interrupt 4 



0001 80h 




I2C1 Master Event 



0001 36h 




I2C1 Slave Event 







I2C2 Master Event 







I2C2 Slave Event 







Input Capture 1 







Input Capture 2 


00001 Eh 





Input Capture 3 







Input Capture 4 







Input Capture 5 







Input Change Notification 



0001 3Ah 




Output Compare 1 


00001 8h 





Output Compare 2 



0001 20h 




Output Compare 3 



0001 46h 




Output Compare 4 



0001 48h 




Output Compare 5 



0001 66h 




Parallel Master Port 







Real-Time Clock/Calendar 



0001 90h 




SPI1 Error 







SPI1 Event 







SPI2 Error 



0001 54h 




SPI2 Event 



0001 56h 




























0001 4Ah 











UART1 Error 



0001 96h 




UART1 Receiver 



0001 2Ah 




UART1 Transmitter 







UART2 Error 



0001 98h 




UART2 Receiver 







UART2 Transmitter 



0001 52h 




Table 5-1. Interrupt Vectors as implemented in the PIC24FJ128OA010 family. 

At power on, all interrupt sources are disabled by default. 

The Interrupt Flag (typically represented with a suffix -if). This single bit of data is set 
each time the specific trigger event is activated, independently by the status of the enable bit. 
Notice how, once set, it must be cleared (manually) by the user. In other words, it must be 
cleared before exiting the interrupt service routine, or the same interrupt service routine will 
be immediately called again. 



The priority level (typically represented with a suffix -ip). Interrupts can have up to 7 levels 
of priority. Should two interrupt events occur at the same time, the highest priority event will 
be served first. Three bits encode the priority level of each interrupt source. At any given point 
in time, the PIC24 execution priority level value is kept in the SR register in three bits referred 
to as I PL . . IPL2 . Interrupts with a priority level lower than the current value of I PL 
will be ignored. At power on, all interrupt sources are assigned a default level of four and the 
processor priority is initially set at level zero. 

Within an assigned priority level there is also a relative (default) priority among the various sources in 
the fixed order of appearance in the IVT table. 

Nesting of interrupts 

Interrupts can be nested, so that a lower-priority interrupt service routine can be interrupted by a 
higher-priority routine. This behavior can be controlled by the nstdis bit in the intconi register of 
the PIC24. 

When the nstdis bit is set, as soon as an interrupt is received the priority level of the processor (ipl) 
is set to the highest level (7) independently of the specific interrupt level assigned to the event. This 
prevents new interrupts from being serviced until the present one is completed. In other words, when 
the nstdis bit is set, the priority level of each interrupt is used only to resolve conflicts, should mul- 
tiple interrupts occur simultaneously, and all interrupts are serviced sequentially. 


Eight additional vectors occupy the first locations on top of the IVT table. They are used to capture 
special error conditions such as a failure of the selected CPU oscillator, an incorrect address (word 
access to odd address), stack underflow, or a divide by zero (math error). 

Vector Number 

IVT Address 

Trap Source 





Oscillator Failure 



Address Error 



Stack Error 



Math Error 





00001 Oh 



00001 2h 


Table 5-2. TRAP vector details. 

Since these types of errors have generally fatal consequences for a running application, they have been 
assigned fixed priority levels above the seven basic levels available to all other interrupts. This also 
means that they cannot be inadvertently masked (or delayed by the nstdis mechanism) and it provides 
an extra level of security for the application. The MPLAB C30 compiler associates all trap vectors with 
a single default routine that will produce a processor reset. You can change such behavior using the 
same technique illustrated for all generic interrupt service routines. 


Chapter 5 

A template and an example for Timerl interrupt 

This all might seem extremely complicated, but we will quickly see that, by following some simple 
guidelines, we can put it to use in no time. Let's create a template, which we will reuse in future practi- 
cal examples that demonstrate the use of the Timerl peripheral module as the interrupt source. We will 
start by writing the interrupt service routine function: 

// 1. Timerl interrupt service routine 

void _ISR _TlInterrupt ( void) 


// insert your code here 

// . . . 

// remember to clear the interrupt flag before exit 
_T1IF = 0; 

} //Tllnterrupt 

We used the _isr macro just like before and made sure to declare the function type and parameters as 
void. Remembering to clear the interrupt flag (_tiif) before exiting the function is extremely impor- 
tant, as we have seen. In general, the application code should be very concise. The goal of any interrupt 
service routine is to perform a simple task quickly and efficiently in rapid response to an event. As a 
general rule, I would say that if you should find yourself writing more than a page of code (or con- 
templating calling other functions) you should most probably stop and reconsider the goals and the 
structure of your application. Lengthy calculations have a place in the main function and specifically in 
the main loop, not inside an interrupt service routine where time is at premium. 

Let's complete the template with a few lines of code that we will add to the main function: 

main ( ) 


// 2. initializations 

_TlIP = 4; // set Timerl priority, (4 is the default value) 

TMR1 =0; // clear the timer 

PRl = period-1; // set the period register 

// 2.1 configure Timerl module clock source and sync setting 
T1CON = 0x8000; // check T1CON register options 

// 2.2 init the Timerl Interrupt control bits 

_T1IF =0; // clear the interrupt flag, before 

_T1IE = 1 ; // enable the Tl interrupt source 

// 2.3 init the processor priority level 

_IP =0; // is the default value 

// 3. the main loop 

while ( 1) 




II your main code here. . . 
// main loop 

} // main 

In 2, we assign a priority level to the Timer 1 interrupt source, although this might not be strictly neces- 
sary, as we know that all interrupt sources are assigned a default level-four priority at power on. We 
also clear the timer and assign a value to its period register. 

In 2.1, we complete the configuration of the timer module, by turning the timer on with the chosen 

In 2.2, we clear the interrupt flag just before enabling the interrupt source. 

The interrupt-trigger event for the timer module is defined as the instant the timer value reaches the 
value assigned to the period register. In that instant, the interrupt flag is set and the timer is reset to 
begin a new cycle. If the interrupt-enable bit is set as well, and the priority level is higher than the pro- 
cessor current priority (_ip), the interrupt service function is immediately called. 

In 2.3, we initialize the processor priority level although, once more, this is not strictly necessary as the 
processor priority is initialized to zero by default at power on. 

In 3.0, we will insert the main loop code. If everything goes as planned, the main loop will execute 
continuously, interrupted periodically by a brief call to the interrupt service routine. 

A real example with Timerl 

By adding only a couple of lines of code, we can turn this template into a more practical example 
where Timerl is used to maintain a real-time clock, with tenths of a second, seconds and minutes. As a 
simple visual feedback we can use the lower 8 bits of PORTA as a binary display showing the seconds 
running. Here is what we need to add: 

Before 1., add the declaration of a few new integer variables that will act as the seconds and 
minutes counters: 

int dSec = ; 
int Sec = ; 
int Min = ; 

In 1.2, have the interrupt service routine increment the counter: 


A few additional lines of code will be added to take care of the carry-over into seconds and 


In 2, set the period register for Timerl to a value that (assuming a 32-MHz clock) will give us 
a tenth of a second period between interrupts. 

PRl = 25000-1; // 25,000 * 64 * 1 cycle (62.5ns) = 0.1 s 

• Set PORTA lsb as output: 

TRISA = OxffOO; 

In 2.1, set the Timerl prescaler to 1:64 to help achieve the desired period. 

TlCON = 0x802 0; 


Chapter 5 

In 3., add code inside the main loop to continuously refresh the content of porta (lsb) with 
the current value of the milliseconds counter. 

PORTA = Sec; 

The new project is ready to build: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

int dSec = ; 
int Sec = ; 

int Min = ; 

// 1. Timerl interrupt service routine 
void _ISR _TlInterrupt ( void) 


// 1.1 your code here 

dSec++; // increment the tens of a second counter 

if ( dSec > 9) // 10 tens in a second 


dSec = ; 

Sec++; // increment the minute counter 

if ( Sec > 59) // 6 seconds make a minute 


Sec = 0; 

// 1.2 increment the minute counter 

if ( Min > 59)// 59 minutes in an hour 
Min = 0; 
} // minutes 
} // seconds 

// 1.3 clear the interrupt flag 
_T1IF = 0; 

} //Tllnterrupt 

main ( ) 


// 2. init Timer 1, TlON, 1:1 prescaler, internal clock source 

_T1IP = 4; // this is the default value anyway 

TMR1 =0; // clear the timer 

PR1 = 25000-1;// set the period register 

TRISA = OxffOO; // set PORTA lsb as output 



II 2.1 configure Timerl module 

T1C0N = 0x8020; // enabled, prescaler 1:64, internal clock 

// 2.2 init the Timer 1 Interrupt, clear the flag, enable the source 
_T1IF = 0; 
_T1IE = 1; 

// 2.3 init the processor priority level 

_IP =0; // this is the default value anyway 

// 3 . main loop 
while ( 1) 


// your main code here 
PORTA = Sec; 

} // main loop 

} // main 

Testing the Timerl interrupt 

1 . Open the Watch window (dock it to your favorite spot). 

2. Add the following variables: 

- dSec, select from the Symbol pulldown box, then click on Add 

- tmri , select from the SFR pulldown box, then click on Add 

- sr, select from the SFR pulldown box, then click on Add 

3. Open the Simulator Stopwatch window ("Debugger— > Stop Watch"). 

4. Set a breakpoint on the first instruction of the interrupt response routine after 1.1. 

5. Set the cursor on the line and from the right click menu select: Set Breakpoint, or simply 
double click. By setting the breakpoint here, we will be able to observe whether the interrupt 
is actually being triggered. 

6. Execute a Run ("Debugger— >Run" or F9). The simulation should stop quickly, with the 
program counter cursor (the green arrow) pointing right at the breakpoint inside the interrupt 
service routine. 

So we did stop inside the interrupt service routine! This means that the trigger event was activated; that 
is, the Timerl reached a count of 24,999 (remember though that the Timerl count starts with 0, there- 
fore 25,000 counts have been performed) which, multiplied by the prescaler value, means that 25,000 x 
64 or exactly 1.6 million cycles, have elapsed. 

The Stopwatch window will confirm that the total number of cycles executed so far is, in fact, slightly 
higher than 1 .6 million. The Stopwatch count includes the time required by the initialization part of our 


Chapter 5 

program too. At the PIC24's execution rate (16 million instructions per second or 62.5 ns per cycle) 
this all happened in a tenth of a second! 

From the Watch window, we can now observe the current value of processor priority level (ip). Since 
we are inside an interrupt service routine that was configured to operate at level four, we should be able 
to verify that bits 3, 4 and 5 of the status register (sr) contain exactly this value. For convenience, the 
MPLAB IDE shows the completely decoded contents of the status register in a small box, as part of the 
status bar located at the bottom of the main window. 

- MPlAfl IDF vMO - MPI AB IDF Editor 

f<k E* View Protect DebuQper Programmer Toots Configure W*xJow He<p 

□ of y 

>' _J Interruptsjmcp 
B -J Source Files 

3 lotenupts.c 

Q Header files 


U library FJes 

LJ linker Scripts 

_J other He* 

Has *£ Symbctt 

AdJSFR H OUGHS ^j [A.AiS,wbolj |_SP ~] 

Address | Symbol .. 


0042 SR 

0100 T1R1 

0602 sec 




Wetcht W«*^iJ W**2| W*«ch4| 

Buid [v«oorv Control! FndnFtejl MPLAB SIM ' 


d c$ y s» # es i> ii w> th ip et- b& 

Checksum: N/A 


tf include :p24£]12egaO10.h: 

lnt dSsc - 0; 

int Sec ■ 0; 
itit Bin - 0; 

// 1. Timerl interrupt service routine 
void _ISR JTlInterrupt raid) 


// 1.1 your code here 

dSee++; // inceement the tens of a second, counter 

If dSec > 9) // 10 tens in a second 


dSec - 0; 

Sec++: // increment the seconds counter 

it ( Sec > 59) it 60 seconds Make a minute 



Sec - 0; 

Hin++; // increment the minute counter 

If ( Mm > 59)// 59 minutes in an hour 
Hin - 0; 
I // minutes 
i ft seconds 



Moke: The targel 'C:\wariQC30\5 InlemipisVrHemjpis.cof is oul o1 date. 

Executing: 'CW^rogram Ries\Microehip\MPlA8 C^0\bin\p«c30-gcc.exe*-Vr1. B C\woik\C30\S 

Execulirtg: X^Program File6\Microchtp\MPLAB C30\bin\pk30-bin2hex«ice" "Intemipts.Gof 

Loaded C:\work\C30\5 lnlefrupls\lnleiTup1s cof 

BUILD SUCCEEDED; Wed Aug 09 21 :04. 44 2006 



Total Simisted 

| Syreh| lmlrucl»n CydM|~ 1G0006G [~ 


2HO | Tiw (msec*) | (^ 1QQQ0375Q | 


Ptoceisa Frequency I MHi J 



^1C24F3128GA010 pcOtfM |oab sAiB>4jbc rr ov z C 

|Ui 17, Coi 1 (INS |VVR 

Figure 5-1 . Screenshot showing the processor status after Timerl interrupt. 

In Figure 5-1,1 have circled the IP indication in the status bar (showing IP4 to indicate interrupt 
priority level four) as well as the sr register content and the Stopwatch actual value (in milliseconds). 
Single stepping from the current position (using either the StepOver or the Stepln commands), we can 
monitor the execution of the next few instructions inside the interrupt service routine. Upon its comple- 
tion, we can observe how the priority level returns back to the initial value — look for the IPO indication 
in the status bar and the sr register bits 5, 6 and 7 to be cleared. 

7. After executing another Run command, we should find ourselves again with the program 

counter (represented graphically by the green arrow) pointing inside the interrupt service rou- 
tine. This time, you will notice how exactly 1.6 million cycles have been added to the previous 



8. Add the Sec and Min variables to the Watch window. 

9. Execute the Run command a few more times to verify that, after 10 iterations, the seconds 
counter is incremented. 

To test the minutes increment, you might want to remove the current breakpoint and place a new one a 
few lines below — otherwise you will have to execute the Run command exactly 600 times ! 

10. Place the new breakpoint on the Min++ statement in 1.2. 

11. Execute Run once and observe that the seconds counter has already been cleared. 

12. Execute the StepOver command once and the minute counter will be incremented. 

The interrupt routine has been executed 600 times, in total, at precise intervals of one tenth of a second. 
Meanwhile, the code present in the main loop has been executed continuously to use the vast majority 
of the grand total of 960 million cycles. In all honesty, our demo program did not make much use of all 
those cycles — wasting them all in a continuous update of the PORTA content. In a real application, we 
could have performed a lot of work, all the while maintaining a precise real-time clock count. 

The secondary oscillator 

There is another feature of the PIC24 Timer 1 module (common to all previous generations of 8-bit 
PIC® microcontrollers) that we could have used to obtain a real-time clock. In fact, there is a low- 
frequency oscillator (known as the secondary oscillator) that can be used to feed just the Timer 1 
module instead of the high-frequency main clock. Since it is designed for low-frequency operation 
(typically it is used in conjunction with an inexpensive 32,768-Hz crystal), it requires very little power 
to operate. And since it is independent from the main clock circuit, it can be maintained in operation 
when the main clock is disabled and the processor enters one of the many possible low-power modes. 
In fact, the secondary oscillator is an essential part for many of those low-power modes. In some 
cases it is used to replace the main clock, while in others it remains active only to feed the Timer 1 or a 
selected group of peripherals. 

To convert our previous example for use with the secondary oscillator, we will need to perform only a 
few minor modifications, such as: 

change the interrupt routine to count only seconds and minutes (the much slower clock rate 
does not require the extra step for the tenth of a second). 

// 1. Timerl interrupt service routine 
void _ISR _TlInterrupt ( void) 


// 1.1 clear the interrupt flag 
_T1IF = 0; 

// 1.2 your code here 

Sec++; // increment the seconds counter 

if ( Sec > 59) // 60 seconds make a minute 


Sec = 0; 

Min++; // increment the minute counter 


Chapter 5 

if ( Min > 59)// 59 minutes in an hour 
Min = 0; 
} // minutes 
} //Tllnterrupt 

in 2, change the period register to generate one interrupt every 32,768 cycles. 

PRl = 32768-1;// set the period register 

in 2.1, change the Timer 1 configuration word (the prescaler is not required anymore). 

TlCON = 0x8002; // enabled, prescaler 1:1, use secondary oscillator 

Unfortunately, you will not be able to immediately test this new configuration with the simulator, since 
the secondary oscillator input is not automatically simulated. 

In a later lesson, we will learn how a new set of tools will help us to generate a stimulus file that could 
be used to provide a convenient emulation of a 32-kHz crystal connected to the TICK and SOSCI pins 

The real-time clock calendar (RTCC) 

Building on the previous two examples, we could evolve the real-time clock implementations to in- 
clude the complete functionality of a calendar, adding the count of days, day of the week, months and 
years. These few new lines of code would be executed only once a day, once a month or once a year, 
and therefore would produce no decrease in the performance of the overall application whatsoever. 
Although it would be somewhat entertaining to develop such code, considering lapsed years and work- 
ing out all the details, the PIC24FJ128GA010 already has a complete Real-time Clock and Calendar 
(RTCC) module built in and ready for use. How convenient! Not only does it feed from the same 
low-power secondary oscillator, but it comes with all the bells and whistles, including a built-in Alarm 
function that can generate interrupts. In other words, once the module is initialized, it is possible to ac- 
tivate the RTCC alarm and wait for an interrupt to be generated, for example, on the exact month, day, 
hour, minute and second desired once a year (or if set on February 29th, even once every four years!). 

This is what the interrupt service routine would look like: 

// 1. RTCC interrupt service routine 
void _ISR _RTCCInterrupt ( void) 


// 1.1 clear the interrupt flag 
_RTCIF = 0; 

// 1.2 your code here, will be executed only once a year 
// that is once every 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 16,000,000 MCU cycles 
// that is once every 504,576,000,000,000 MCU cycles 

} // RTCCInterrupt 

Managing multiple interrupts 

It is typical of an embedded-control application to require several interrupt sources to be serviced. For 
example, a serial communication port might require periodic attention at the same time that a PWM 
module is active and requires periodic updates to control an analog output. Multiple timer modules 



might be used simultaneously to produce pulsed outputs, while multiple inputs could be sampled by 
the analog-to-digital converter and their values would need to be buffered. There is almost no limit to 
the number of things that can be done with 118 interrupt sources available. At the same time, there is 
no limit to the complexity of the bugs that can be generated, thanks to the same sophisticated mecha- 
nisms, if a little discipline and some common sense are not applied. 

Here are some of the rules to keep in mind: 

1. Keep it short and simple. Make sure the interrupt routines are the shortest/fastest possible, and 
under no circumstances should you attempt to perform any processing of the incoming data. 
Limit the activity to buffering, transferring and flagging. 

2. Use the priority levels to determine which event deserves to be serviced first, in case two 
events are triggered simultaneously. 

3. But consider very carefully whether you want to face the additional complexity and headaches 
that result from enabling the use of nested interrupt calls. After all, if the interrupt service rou- 
tines are short and efficient, the extra latency introduced by waiting for the current interrupt 

to be completed before a new one is serviced is going to be extremely small. If you determine 
that you don't need it that bad, make sure the nstdis control bit is set to prevent nesting: 

_NSTDIS = 1; // disable interrupt nesting (default) 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson, we have seen how an interrupt service routine can be simple to code, thanks to the 
language extensions built into the C30 compiler and the powerful interrupt-control mechanisms offered 
by the PIC24 architecture. Interrupts can be an extremely efficient tool in the hands of the embed- 
ded-control programmer, to manage multiple tasks while maintaining precious timing and resources 
constraints. At the same time, they can be an extremely powerful source of trouble. In the PIC24 refer- 
ence manual and the MPLAB C30 User Guide, you will find more useful information than we could 
possibly cram into one single lesson. Finally, in this lesson we took the opportunity to learn more about 
the uses of Timer 1 and the secondary oscillator, and we got a glimpse of the features of the new Real- 
Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) module. 

Notes for C experts 

The interrupt vector table (IVT) is an essential part of the CO code segment for the PIC24. Actually two 
copies of it are required to be present in the first 256 locations of the program memory — one is used 
during normal program execution and the second (or Alternate IVT) during debugging. These tables 
account for most of the size of the CO code in all the examples we have been developing in these first 
five lessons. Subtract 256 words (or 768 bytes) from the file size of each example to obtain the "net" 
code size. 

Notes for assembly experts 

The _isrfast macro can be used to declare a function as an interrupt service routine, and to further 
specify that it will use an additional and convenient feature of the PIC24 architecture: a set of four 
shadow registers. By allowing the processor to automatically save the content of the first four work- 
ing registers (wo-w3-i.e., the most frequently used ones) and most of the content of the sr register in 
special reserved locations, without requiring the use of the stack, the shadow registers provide the fast- 


Chapter 5 

est possible interrupt response time. Naturally, since there is only one set of such registers, their use is 
limited to applications where only one interrupt will be served at any given time. This does not limit us 
to use only one interrupt in the entire application, but rather to use _isrfast only in applications that 
have all interrupts with the same priority level or, if multiple levels are in use, reserve the _isrfast 
options only for the interrupt service routines with the highest level of priority. 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

Notice that on the PIC24 architecture there is no single control bit that disables all interrupts, but there 
is an instruction (disi) that can disable interrupts for a limited number of cycles. If there are portions 
of code that require all interrupts to be temporarily disabled, you can use the following inline assembly 

asm volatile ( "disi #0x3FFF"); // disable temporarily all interrupts 

// your code here 
// . . . 

DISICNT =0; // re-enable all interrupts 

Tips and tricks 

According to the PIC24 datasheet, to activate the secondary low-power oscillator you need to set the 
soscen bit in the osccon register. But before you rush to type the code in the last example and try to 
execute it on a real target board, notice that the osccon register, containing vital controls for the MCU 
affecting the choice of the main active oscillator and its speed, is protected by a locking mechanism. 
As a safety measure, you will have to perform a special unlock sequence first or your command will be 
ignored. Here is an example, using inline assembly: 

// OSCCON unlock sequence, setting SOSCEN 

asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 

"mov #0SCC0N,W1") 

"mov.b #0x46, W2") 

"mov.b #0x57, W3") 

"mov.b #0x02, W0") 

"mov.b W2, [Wl] ") ; 

"mov.b W3, [Wl] ") ; 

"mov.b W0, [Wl] ") ; 

// SOSCEN = 1 

A similar combination lock mechanism has been put in place to protect the key RTCC register rcfg- 
cal. A special bit must be set (rtcwren) to allow writing to the register, but this bit requires its own 
special unlock sequence to be executed first. Here is an example using, once more, inline assembly 

// RCFGCAL unlock sequence, setting RTCWREN 

asm volatile ( "disi #5"); 

asm volatile ( "mov #0x55, w7") ; 

asm volatile ( "mov w7,_NVMKEY") ; 

asm volatile ( "mov #0xAA, w8") ; 

asm volatile ( "mov w8,_NVMKEY") ; 



asm volatile ( "bset 
asm volatile ( "nop" 
asm volatile ( "nop" 

_RCFGCAL, #13" 

// RTCWREN = 1; 

After these two steps, which initialize the RTCC, setting the date and time is trivial: 

_RTCEN =0; // disable the module 

// example set 12/01/2006 WED 12:01:30 

_RTCPTR = 3; 
RTCVAL = 0x2 006 
RTCVAL = 0x110 
RTCVAL = 0x0312 
RTCVAL = 0x013 

// start the loading sequence 

// YEAR 

// MONTH- 1/ DAY- 1 



// optional calibration 
//_CAL = 0x00; 

// enable and lock 

_RTCEN = 1; // enable the module 

_RTCWREN =0; // lock settings 

Setting the alarm does not require any special unlock combination. Here is an example that will help 
you remember my birthday: 

// disable alarm 
_ALRMEN = 0; 

// set the ALARM for a specific day of the year (my birthday 
_ALRMPTR = 2; II start the sequence 

ALRMVAL = 0x1124 
ALRMVAL = 0x0006 
ALRMVAL = 0x0000 

// MONTH- 1/ DAY- 1 



// set the repeat counter 
_ARPT =0; // once 

_CHIME = 1; // indefinitely 

// set the alarm mask 

_AMASK = OblOOl; // once a year 

_ALRMEN = 1; 
RTCIF = 0; 
_RTCIE = 1; 

// enable alarm 

// clear interrupt flag 

// enable interrupt 


Chapter 5 

Write interrupt-based routines for the following applications: 

1. Serial port software emulation. 

2. Remote-control radio receiver. 

3. NTSC video output (Hint: in a few chapters, you'll find the solution). 


• Curtis, K. E. (2006) 
Embedded Multitasking 

Newnes, Burlington, MA 

Keith knows multitasking and what it takes to create small and efficient embedded-control 

• Brown, G. (2003) 

Flying Carpet, The Soul of an Airplane 

Iowa State Press, Ames, 10 

Greg has many fun episodes from the real life of a general aviation pilot that uses his plane for 
recreation as well as family utility. 


http://www. aopa. org 

This is the web site of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Feel free to browse through 
the web site and access the many magazines and free services offered by the association. You 
will find a lot of useful and interesting information in here. 




Taking a look under the hood 

In This Chapter 

Memory space allocation 


Looking at the MAP 

Program space visibility 



Investigating memory 


The heap 



MPLAB® C30 memory models 

Whether you are trying to get a driver's license or a pilot license, sooner or later you have to start look- 
ing under the hood, or the cowling for pilots. You don't have to understand how each part of the engine 
works, nor how to fix it — mechanics will be happy to do that for you. But a basic understanding of 
what is going on will help you be a better driver/pilot. If you understand the machine, you can control 
it better — it's that simple. You can diagnose little problems, and you can do a little maintenance. 

Working with a compiler is not that dissimilar; sooner or later you have to start looking under the hood 
if you want to get the best performance out of it. Since the very first lesson, we have been peeking 
inside the engine compartment, but this time we will delve into a little bit more detail. 

Flight plan 

In this lesson we will review the basics of string declaration as an excuse to introduce the memory- 
allocation techniques used by the MPLAB C30 compiler. The RISC architecture of the PIC24 poses 
some interesting challenges and offers innovative solutions. We will use several tools, including the 
Disassembly Listing window, the Program Memory window and the Map file to investigate how the 
MPLAB C30 compiler and linker operate in combination to generate the most compact and efficient 

Pref light checklist 

This lesson will be performed exclusively with software tools including the MPLAB IDE, MPLAB 
C30 compiler and the MPLAB SIM simulator. 

Use the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project called "Strings" and a new source file 
similarly called "strings . c". 


Chapter 6 
The flight 

Strings are treated in C language as simple ASCII character arrays. Every character composing a string 
is assumed to be stored sequentially in memory in consecutive 8-bit elements of the array. After the last 
character of the string an additional byte containing a value of zero (represented in a character notation 
with '\0') is added as a termination flag. 

Notice though, that this is just a convention that applies to the standard C string manipulation library 
"string. h". It would be entirely possible, for example, to define a new library and store strings in 
arrays where the first element is used to record the length of the string — in fact, Pascal programmers 
would be very familiar with this method. Also, if you are developing "international" applications — 
i.e., applications that communicate using languages that require large character sets (like Chinese, 
Japanese, Korean) — you might want to consider using Unicode, a technology that allocates multiple 
bytes per character, in place of plain ASCII. The MPLAB C30 library "stdlib.h" provides basic 
support for the translation from/to multibyte strings according to the ANSI90 standard. 

Let's get started by reviewing the declaration of a variable containing a single character: 

char c ; 

As we have seen from the previous lessons, this is how we declare an 8-bit integer (character), that is 
treated as a signed value (-128. . . + 127) by default. 

We can declare and initialize it with a numerical value: 

char c = 0x41; 

Or, we can declare and initialize it with an ASCII value: 

char c = ' a ' ; 

Note the use of the single quotes for ASCII character constants. The result is the same, and to the C 
compiler there is absolutely no distinction between the two declarations — characters ARE numbers. 

We can now declare and initialize a string as an array of 8-bit integers (characters): 

char s [ 5 ] = { ' H ' , ■ E ' , ' L ' , ' L ' , ' ' } ; 

In this example, we initialized the array using the standard notation for numerical arrays. But, we could 
have also used a far more convenient notation (a shortcut) specifically created for string initializations: 

char s [5] = "HELLO" ; 

To further simplify things, and save you from having to count the number of characters composing the 
string (thus preventing human errors), you can use the following notation: 

char s [] = "HELLO" ; 

The MPLAB C30 compiler will automatically determine the number of characters required to store 
the string, while automatically adding a termination character (zero) that will be useful to the string 
manipulation routines later to correctly identify the string length. So, the example above is, in truth, 
equivalent to the following declaration: 

char s [ 6 ] = { ' H ' , ' E ■ , ' L ' , ' L ' , 'O 1 , ' \ ' }; 


Taking a look under the hood 

Assigning a value to a char (8-bit integer) variable and performing arithmetic on it is no different than 
performing the same operation on any integer type: 

char c ; / / declare c as an 8-bit signed integer 

c = 'a'; // assign to it the value corresponding to 'a' in the ASCII table 
C++; // increment it. . . it will represent the ASCII character 'b' now 

The same operations can be performed on any element of an array of characters (string), but there is 
no simple shortcut, similar to the one used above for the initialization that can assign a new value to an 
entire string: 

char s[15] ; // declare s as a string of 15 characters 
s = "Hello!"; // Error! This does not work! 

Including the "string . h" file at the top of your source file, you'll gain access to numerous useful 
functions that will allow you to: 

copy the content of a string onto another: 

strcpy( s, "HELLO"); // s : "HELLO" 

append (or concatenate) two strings: 

strcat( s, " WORLD");// s : "HELLO WORLD" 

determine the length of a string: 

i = strlen( s) ; // i : 11 

and many more. 

Memory space allocation 

Just as with numerical initializations, every time a string variable is declared and initialized as in: 

char s[] = "Flying with the PIC24"; 

three things happen: 

1. the MPLAB C30 linker reserves a contiguous set of memory locations in RAM (data space) 
to contain the variable: 22 bytes in the example above. This space is part of the ndata (near) 
data section. 

2. the MPLAB C30 linker stores the initialization value in a 22-byte long table (in program 
memory). This space is part of the init code section. 

3. the MPLAB C30 compiler creates a small routine that will be called before the main program 
(part of the CO code we mentioned in previous chapters) to copy the values from code to data 
memory, therefore initializing the variable. 

In other words, the string "Flying with the PIC24" ends up using twice the space you would expect, as 
a copy of it is stored in Flash program memory and space is reserved for it in RAM memory, too. Ad- 
ditionally, you must consider the initialization code and the time spent in the actual copying process. If 
the string is not supposed to be manipulated during the program, but is only used "as is," transmitted to 
a serial port or sent to a display, then there is no need to waste precious resources. Declaring the string 
as a "constant" will save RAM space and initialization code/time: 


Chapter 6 

const char s[] = "Flying with the PIC2 4"; 

Now, the MPLAB C30 linker will only allocate space in program memory, in the const code section, 
where the string will be accessible via the Program Space Visibility window — an advanced feature of 
the PIC24 architecture that we will review shortly. 

The string will be treated by the compiler as a direct pointer into program memory and, as a conse- 
quence, there will be no need to waste RAM space. 

In the previous examples of this lesson, we saw other strings implicitly defined as constants: 

strcpy( s, "HELLO") ; 

The string "HELLO" was implicitly defined as of const char type, and similarly assigned to the 
const section in program memory to be accessible via the Program Space Visibility window. 

Note that, if the same constant string is used multiple times throughout the program, the MPLAB C30 
compiler will automatically store only one copy in the const section to optimize memory use, even if 
all optimization features of the compiler have been turned off. 

Program space visibility 

The PIC24 architecture is somewhat different from most other 16-bit microcontroller architectures you 
might be familiar with. It was designed for maximum efficiency according to the Harvard model, as op- 
posed to the more common Von Neumann model. The big difference between the two is that there are two 
completely separated and independent buses available, one for access to the Program Memory (Flash) and 
one for access to the Data Memory (RAM). The net result is a doubled bandwidth; while the data bus is in 
use during the execution of one instruction, the program memory bus is available to fetch the next instruc- 
tion code and initiate the decoding. In traditional Von Neumann architectures, the two activities must be 
interleaved instead, with a consequent performance penalty. The drawback of this architectural choice is 
that access to constants and data stored in program memory requires special considerations. 

The PIC24 architecture offers two methods to read data from program memory: using special table 
access instructions (tblrd) and through a second mechanism, called the Program Space Visibility or 
PSV This is a window of up to 32K bytes of program memory accessible from the data memory bus. 
In other words the PSV is a bridge between the program memory bus and the data memory bus. 

Program Memory Space (Flash) 
24-bit wide 

Data Memory Space (RAM) 

16-bit wide 
< ► 




16-bit wide 
< ► 

32 Kbyte block 


Figure 6-1. PIC24FJ128GA010 Program Space Visibility window. 


Taking a look under the hood 

Notice that the PIC24 uses a 24-bit wide program memory bus but operates only on a 16-bit wide data 
bus. The mismatch between the two buses makes the PSV "bridge" a little more interesting. In practice 
the PSV connects only the lower 16 bits of the program memory bus to the data memory bus. The upper 
portion (8 bits) of each program memory word is not accessible with the PSV window. On the contrary, 
when using the table-access instructions, all parts of the program memory word become accessible, but 
at the cost of having to differentiate the manipulation of data in RAM (using direct addressing) from the 
manipulation of data in program memory (using the special table-access instructions). 

The PIC24 programmer can therefore choose between a more convenient but relatively memory-inef- 
ficient method for transferring data between the two buses such as the PSV, or a more memory-efficient 
but less-transparent solution offered by the table-access instructions. 

The designers of the MPLAB C30 compiler considered the trade-offs and chose to use both mecha- 
nisms, although to solve different problems at different times: 

the PSV is used to manage constant arrays (numeric and strings) so that a single type of 
pointer (to the data memory bus) can be used uniformly for constants and variables. 

the table-access mechanism is used to perform the variable initializations (limited to the CO 
segment) for maximum compactness and efficiency. 

Investigating memory allocation 

We will start investigating these issues with the MPLAB SIM simulator and the following short snippet 
of code: 

** Strings 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include <string.h> 

// 1. variable declarations 

const char a[] = "Learn to fly with the PIC24"; 

char b [ 1 ] = 

// 2. main program 
main ( ) 


strcpy( b, "MPLAB C30"); // assign new content to b 
} //main 

Now, follow these steps: 

1. Build the project using the Project Build checklist. 

2. Add the Watch window (and dock it to the preferred position). 

3. Select the two variables "a" and "b" from the symbol selection box and click "Add Symbol" 
to add them to the Watch window. 


Chapter 6 










L+j a 
S b 

"Learn to fly with the PIC24" 

Watch 1 Watch 2 

Watch 3 

Watch 4 

Figure 6-2. Adding arrays to the Watch window. 

A little "+" symbol enclosed in a box will identify these variables as arrays and will allow you to ex- 
pand the view to identify each individual element. 


Add SFR 





002 9 6 

002 AO 

Symbo, , 

- a 


"Learn to fly with the PIC24 













| Watch 1 Watch 2 1 WatchI 








Watch 4 

Figure 6-3. Expanding an array in the Watch window. 

By default MPLAB shows each element of the array as an ASCII character, but you can change the 
display to reflect your personal preferences: 

4. Select one element of the array with the left button of your mouse. 

5. Right click to show the Watch window menu. 

6. Select "Properties" (the last item in the menu). 

You will be presented with the Watch window Properties dialog box. 


Taking a look under the hood 

Figure 6-4. Watch window properties dialog box. 

From this dialog box you can change the format used to display the content of the selected array ele- 
ment, but you can also observe the "Memory" field (grayed) that tells you where the selected variable 
is allocated: data or code space. 

If you select the Properties dialog box for the constant string "a", you will notice that the memory 
space is indicated as "Program", confirming that the constant string is using only the minimum amount 
of space required in the Flash program memory of the PIC24 and will be accessed through the PS V so 
that no RAM needs to be assigned to it. 

On the contrary, the Properties dialog box will reveal how the string "b" is allocated in a File register, 
or in other words RAM memory. 

Continuing our investigation, notice how the string "a" appears to be already initialized, as the Watch 
window shows it's ready to use, right after the project build. 

The string "b", on the contrary, appears to be still empty, and uninitialized. Only when we set the 
cursor on the first line of code inside the main routine and we execute a Run To Cursor command, the 
string "b" is initialized with the proper value. 


Chapter 6 



ADCBUFO _*J | Add Symbol | 




Syiribo. . . 


00296 B a 

0800 ® b 

"Learn to fly with the PIC24" 

Watch 1 ''v'/atch 2 

Watch 3 

Watch 4 


Figure 6-5. Array "b" initialized. 

As we have seen, "b" is allocated in RAM space, and the CO segment of code must be executed first for 
the variable to be initialized and "ready for use." 

Just a warning — the Watch window aligns all strings to the right, so if there is a long string (like 
"a" in our example) and the window is too narrow, you might not be able to see the content of other 
variables containing shorter strings. Undock the Watch window if necessary, and resize it to be able 
to see the entire Value column. 

Once more we can make use of the Disassembly Listing window to observe the code produced by the 

— c 











\work\C30\6 StringsXStrings . c 


** Strings 



#include <p24f jl28ga010 .h> 
#include <string.h> 

// 1. variable declarations 

const char a[] = "Learn to fly with the PIC24"; 
char b[100] = "Initialized"; 

// 2. main program 
main ( ) 


Ink #0x0 

strcpy( b, "MPLAB C30"); 
mov.w #0x82b2, 0x0002 
mov.w #0x800,0x0000 

// assign new content to b 


Taking a look under the hood 



rcall 0x0 



} // main 


FA8 00 





c : \pic3 0-build\build_2 060131\src\standardc\sxl\strcpy . c 

00280 780100 

00282 784931 

00284 E00432 

00286 3AFFFD 

00288 060000 

We can see the main i 
bottom of the listing. 

mov.w 0x0000,0x0004 
mov.b [0x0002++] , [0x0004] 
cpO.b [0x0004++] 
bra nz, 0x000282 

function and the strcpy ( ) library function full disassembly appended at the 

Notice how compact the code is produced for the strcpy ( ) routine, barely five instructions. You will 
also appreciate how this is the only routine attached. Although the "string. h" library contains dozens 
of functions, and the include file "string . h" contains the declarations for all of them, the linker is 
wisely appending only the functions that are actually being used. 

What the Disassembly Listing window does not show, though, is the initialization code CO. As men- 
tioned in a previous chapter, in order to see it, you will have to rely on the Program Memory window 
(I recommend you select the Symbolic view tab at the bottom). There the most curious and patient 
readers will discover how the initialization of the string "b" is performed using the Table Read (tblrd) 
instructions to extract the data from the program memory (Flash) and to store the values in the allo- 
cated space in data memory (RAM). 

Looking at the MAP 

Another tool we have at our disposal to help us understand how strings (and in general any array vari- 
able) are initialized and allocated in memory is the "map file". This text file, produced by the MPLAB 
C30 linker, can be easily inspected with the MPLAB editor and is designed specifically to help you 
understand and resolve memory allocation issues. 

To find this file, look for it in the main project directory where all the project source files are. Select 
"File— >Open" and then browse until you reach the project directory. By default the MPLAB editor will 
list all the \c" files, but you can change the File Type field to " .map". 

All Source Files r.c;".h; M asm;".as;"Jnc; M s;".bas ▼ | 

Alf Source Files (^c; H .h^asm^as^inc;*.sj".bas; H .s< 

Assembly Source Files {*.a$m;*.a$;*.inc;*.$) 

C Souice Files fjsf. h) 

Basic Source Files t H .bas;".inc) 

SCL Source Files (" .scl) 

Linker Files (Mnie.lki^gld) 

List Files fJst 

Figure 6-6. Selecting the ".map" file type. 


Chapter 6 

Map files tend to be pretty long and verbose but, by learning to inspect only a few critical sections, you 
will be able to find a lot of useful data. The Program Memory Usage summary, for example, is found 
among the very first few lines: 

Program Memory Usage 



. reset 





. text 

0x2 00 

. const 

0x2 9 6 

. dinit 


. isr 


length (PC units 

length (bytes) (dec 













0x2 6 

0x3 9 








Total program memory used (bytes 

0x489 (1161) <1 

This is a list of small sections of code assembled by the MPLAB C30 linker in a specific order (dic- 
tated by the . gld linker script file) and position. 

Most section names are pretty intuitive, other are... historical: 

the . reset section is where the reset vector is placed. 

the .ivt is the Interrupt Vector Table, discussed in the previous chapter. 

the .aivt is the Alternate Interrupt Vector Table. 

the .text section is where all the code generated by the MPLAB C30 compiler from your 
source files will be placed (the name of this section has been used since the original imple- 
mentation of the very first C compiler). 

the .const section is where the constants (integers and strings) will be placed for access via 
the PSV 

the .dinit section is where the variables initialization data (used by the CO code) will be 

the .isr is where the Interrupt Service Routine (in this case a default one) will be found. 

It's in the .const section that the "a" constant string, as well as the "MPLAB C30" (implicit) constant 
string, are stored for access via the PSV window. 

You can confirm this by inspecting the Program Memory window at the address 0x296. 

Note the two-by-two character grouping; remember how the PSV allows us to use only 16 bits of each 
24-bit program memory word. 


002 AS 

Q7FFF7 FA8000 060000 00654C . . 

007261 00206E 006F74 006620 ar 

00796C 007720 007469 002068 ly 

006874 002065 004950 003243 th 

000034 00504D 00414C 002042 4. 

003343 000030 000800 000064 C3 

. . . . . 

. . 

.Le. . 

. . n . 

. to 

. f . . 

. . w. 

. it 

.h . . 

. . e . 

. PI 

.C2 . . 

. .HP. 

. LA 

.B . . 

. .0. . 

.d. . . 


Taking a look under the hood 

In .dinit is where the "b" variable initialization string, will be found. It is prepared for access via the 
table instructions, so it uses each and every one of the 24 bits available in each program memory word. 
Note the character grouping in three by three: 

002C0 000002 696E49 616974 7A696C . . . . Ini . tia.liz. 

002C8 006465 000000 000000 000000 ed 

002D0 000000 000000 000000 000000 

The next part of the map file we might want to inspect is the Data Memory Usage (RAM) summary: 

Data Memory Usage 

section address alignment gaps total length (dec) 

.ndata 0x800 0x64 (100) 

Total data memory used (bytes) : 0x64 (100) 1% 

In our simple example, it contains only one section: .ndata, and in it, only one variable "b" for which 
100 bytes are reserved starting at the address 0x800, the first location available in the PIC24 RAM. 


Pointers are variables used to refer indirectly (point to) other variables or part of their contents. Point- 
ers and strings go hand in hand in C programming, as they are in general a powerful mechanism to 
work on any array data type. So powerful, in fact, that they are also one of the most dangerous tools in 
the programmer's hands and a source of a disproportionately large share of programming bugs. Some 
programming languages, like Java, have gone to the extreme of banning completely the use of pointers 
in an effort to make the language more robust and verifiable. 

The MPLAB C30 compiler takes advantage of the PIC24 16-bit architecture to manage with ease large 
amounts of data memory (up to 32 kbytes of RAM available in current models). In particular, thanks 
to the PSV window, the MPLAB C30 compiler doesn't make any distinction between pointers to data 
memory objects and const objects allocated in program memory space. This allows a single set of 
standard functions to manipulate variables and/or generic memory blocks as needed from both spaces. 

The following classic program example will compare the use of pointers versus indexing to perform 
sequential access to an array of integers: 

int *pi; // define a pointer to an integer 

int i; // index/ counter 

int a [10]; // the array of integers 

// 1. sequential access using array indexing 
for( i=0; i<10; i++) 
a [ i ] = i ; 

// 2. sequential access using a pointer 

pi = a; 

for( i=0; i<10; i++) 



Chapter 6 

*pi = i; 


In 1. we performed a simple for loop and at each round in the loop we used "i" as an index in the ar- 
ray. To perform the assignment, the compiler will have to take the value of "i", multiply it by the size 
of the array element in bytes ( 2), and add the resulting offset to the initial address of the array "a" . 

In 2. we initialized a pointer to point to the initial address of the array "a". At each round in the loop 
we simply used the pointer (*) to perform the assignment, and then we just incremented the pointer. 

Comparing the two cases, we see how, by using the pointer, we can save at least one multiplication step 
for each round in the loop. If inside the loop the array element is used more times, the performance 
improvement is going to be proportionally greater. 

Pointers syntax can become very "concise" in C, allowing for some effective code to be written, but 
also opening the door to more bugs. 

At a minimum, you should become familiar with the most common contractions. The previous snippet 
of code is more often reduced to the following: 

// 2. sequential access to array using pointers 
f or ( i=0, p=a; i<10; i++) 
*pi++ = i; 

Also note that an empty pointer — that is, a pointer without a target — is assigned a special value null, 
which is implementation specific and defined in "stddef .h". 

The heap 

One of the advantages offered by the use of pointers is the ability to manipulate objects that are defined 
dynamically (at run time) in memory. The "heap" is the area of data memory reserved for such use, and 
a set of functions, part of the standard C library "stdlib.h", provides the tools to allocate and free the 
memory blocks. They include at a minimum the fundamental functions: 

void *malloc (size_t size); 

takes a block of memory of requested size from the heap, and returns a pointer to it. 

void free (void *ptr) ; 
returns the block of memory pointed to by ptr to the heap. 

The MPLAB C30 linker places the heap in the RAM memory space left unused above all project 
global variables and the reserved stack space. Although the amount of memory left unused is known 
to the linker and listed in the map file of each project, you will have to explicitly instruct the linker to 
reserve an exact amount for use by the heap. 

Use the "Project^BuildOptions^Project" menu command to open the Build Options dialog box, 
select the MPLAB Link30 tab, and define the heap size in bytes. 

As a general rule, allocate the largest amount of memory possible, as this will allow the malloc ( ) 
function to make the most efficient use of the memory available. After all, if it is not assigned to the 
heap it will remain unused. 


Taking a look under the hood 

MPLAB C30 memory models 

The PIC24 architecture allows for a very efficient (compact) instruction encoding for all operations 
performed on data memory within the first 8 kbytes of addressing space. This is referred to as the 
"near" memory area and in the case of the PIC24FJ128GA010 it corresponds to the group of SFRs 
(first 2 kbytes) and the following 6 kbytes of general-purpose RAM. Only the top 2 kbytes of RAM are 
actually outside the near space. 

Access to memory beyond the 8-kbyte limit requires the use of indirect addressing methods (pointers) 
and could be less efficient if not properly planned. The stack (and with it all the local variables used 
by C functions) and the heap (used for dynamic memory allocation) are naturally accessed via point- 
ers and are correspondingly ideal candidates to be placed in the upper RAM space. This is exactly 
what the linker will attempt to do by default. It will also try to place all the global variables defined in 
a project in the near memory space for maximum efficiency. If a variable cannot be placed within the 
near memory space, it has to be "manually" declared with a "far" attribute, so that the compiler will 
generate the appropriate access code. This behavior is referred to as the Small Data Memory Model 
as opposed to the Large Memory model, where each variable is assumed to be far unless the "near" 
attribute is specified. 

In practice, while using the PIC24FJ128GA010, you will use almost uniquely the default Small Mem- 
ory model and in rare occasions you will find it necessary to identify a variable with the "far" attribute. 
In lesson number 12, we will observe one such case, where a very large array that would otherwise not 
fit in the near memory space will have to be declared as "far". As a consequence, not only will the 
compiler generate the correct addressing instructions, but the linker will also push it to an upper area of 
RAM, giving priority to the other global variables and allowing them to be accessed in the near space. 

Since access to elements of an array (explicitly via pointers or by indexing) is performed via indirect 
addressing anyway, there will be no performance or code size penalty. 

A similar concept applies to the program memory space. In fact, within each compiled module, func- 
tions are called by making use of a more compact addressing scheme that relies on a maximum range 
of 32 kbytes. Program memory models (small and large) define the default behavior of the compiler/ 
linker with regards to the addressing of functions within or outside such 32-kbyte range. 

Post-flight briefing 

In the C language, strings are defined as simple arrays of characters, but the C language standard had 
no concept of different memory regions (RAM vs. Flash) nor of the particular mechanisms required to 
cross the bridge between different buses in a Harvard architecture. The programmer using the MPLAB 
C30 compiler needs a basic understanding of the trade-offs of the various mechanisms available and 
the allocation strategies adopted to make the most of the precious resources (RAM especially) avail- 
able to embedded-control applications. 

Notes for C experts 

The const attribute is normally used in the C language, together with most other variable types, only 
to assist the compiler in catching common parameter usage errors. When a parameter is passed to a 
function as a const or a variable is declared as a const, the compiler can in fact help flag any follow- 
ing attempt to modify it. The MPLAB C30 use of the PS V extends this semantic in a very natural way, 
allowing for a more efficient implementation, as we have seen. 


Chapter 6 

Notes for assembly experts 

The "string. h" library contains many useful block manipulation functions that can be useful, via 
the use of pointers, to perform operations on any type of data array, not just strings, like memcpy ( ) , 

memcmp ( ) , memset ( ) and memmove ( ) . 

The "ctype .h" library contains instead functions that help discriminate individual characters accord- 
ing to their position in the ASCII table, to discriminate lower case from upper case, and/or convert 
between the two. 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

Since the PIC24 program memory is implemented using Flash technology, programmable with a single 
supply voltage even at run time, during code execution, it is possible to design boot-loaders — that 
is, applications that automatically update part or all of their own code. It is also possible to utilize a 
section of the Flash program memory as a nonvolatile memory storage area, within some pretty basic 
limitations. To write to the Flash program memory, though, you will need to utilize the table-access 
methods and exercise extreme caution. The PSV window is a read-only device and, as we have seen 
before, it gives access only to 16 of the 24 bits of each program memory location. 

Also, notice that the memory can only be written in complete rows of 64 words each and must be first 
erased in blocks of 8 rows (512 words) each. This can make frequent updates impractical if single 
words or small data structures in general are being managed. 

Tips and tricks 

String manipulation can be fun in C once you realize how to make the zero termination character work 
for you efficiently. Take, for example, the mycpy ( ) function below: 

void mycpy ( char *dest, char * src) 


while ( *dest++ = *src++) ; 


This is quite a dangerous piece of code, as there is no limit to how many characters could be copied, 
there is no check whether the dest pointer is pointing to a buffer that is large enough, and you can 
imagine what would happen should the src string be missing the termination character. It would be 
very easy for this code to continue beyond the allocated variable spaces and to corrupt the entire con- 
tents of the data RAM, including the all precious SFRs. 

At a minimum, you should try to verify that pointers passed to your functions have been initialized before 
use. Compare them with the null value (declared in "stdlib . h" and/or "stddef . h") to catch the error. 

Add a limit to the number of bytes to be copied; it is reasonable to assume that you will know the 
size of the strings/arrays used by your program, and if you don't, use the sizeof ( ) operator. A better 
implementation of mycpy ( ) could be the following: 

void mycpy ( char *dest, char *src, int max) 


if ((dest != NULL) && ( src != NULL)) 
while (( max-- > 0) && ( *src) ) 
*dest++ = *src++; 



Taking a look under the hood 


Develop new string manipulation functions to perform the following operations: 

1. Search for a string in an array of strings, sequential. 

2. Implement a Binary search. 

3. Develop a simple Hash Table management library. 


• Wirth,N. (1976) 

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs 

Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 

With unparalleled simplicity, Wirth (the father of the Pascal programming language) takes you 
from the basics of programming all the way up to writing your own compiler. 


Learn more about pointers and see how they are managed in various programming languages. 




Flying "Solo " 

Part II - Flying "Solo" 

Congratulations! You have endured the first few lessons and gained the necessary confidence to 
perform your first flight without an instructor sitting next to you. You are going to fly solo! As a conse- 
quence, in the next group of lessons more is going to be expected of you. 

In the second part of this book, we will continue reviewing one by one the fundamental peripherals that 
allow a PIC24 to interface with the outside world. Since the complexity of the examples will grow a 
little bit, having an actual demonstration board at hand is recommended so that a practical demonstra- 
tion can be performed. I will refer often to the standard Microchip Explorer 16 demonstration board, 
but any third-party tool that offers similar features or allows for a small prototyping area can be used 
just as effectively. 




Comm unica tion 

In This Chapter 

Synchronous serial interfaces 


Testing the Read Status Register 

Asynchronous serial interfaces 


► Parallel interfaces 


Writing to the EEPROM 

Synchronous communication 


Reading the memory contents 

using the SPI modules 


A nonvolatile storage library 


Testing the new NVM library 

On some of the major airlines, sometimes they make an additional channel available — the "cockpit 
channel," where you can listen to the actual conversation over the radio between the pilots and the 
traffic controllers. When you listen to it the first few times, it seems impossible to believe that there is 
actually any intelligent conversation going on. It all sounds like a continuous sequence of seemingly 
random numbers and unrecognizable acronyms. But, as you listen further and become familiar with 
some of the terms used in aviation, it starts to make sense. A precise protocol is followed by both pilots 
and controllers, selected radio frequencies are used as the media, and there is a whole language that 
must be learned and practiced to communicate from the cockpit of any airplane. 

In embedded control, communication is equally a matter of understanding the protocols as well as the 
characteristics of the physical media available. In embedded-control programming, learning to choose 
the right communication interface can be as important as knowing how to use it. 

Flight plan 

In this lesson we will review a couple of communication peripherals available in all the general-purpose 
devices in the new PIC24 family. In particular, we will explore the asynchronous serial communication 
interfaces UART1 and UART2, and the synchronous serial communication interfaces SPI1 and SPI2, 
comparing their relative strengths and limitations for use in embedded-control applications. 

Preflight checklist 

In addition to the usual software tools, including the MPLAB® IDE, MPLAB C30 compiler and the 
MPLAB SIM simulator, this lesson will require the use of the Explorer 16 demonstration board and the 
MPLAB ICD2 In Circuit Debugger. 


Chapter 7 

Use the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project called "SPI" and a new source file simi- 
larly called ™ spi2 . c " . 

The flight 

The PIC24FJ128GA010 offers seven communication peripherals that are designed to assist in all com- 
mon embedded-control applications. As many as six of them are "serial" communication peripherals, 
as they transmit and receive a single bit of information at a time; they are: 

2 x the universal asynchronous receiver and transmitters (UARTs) 

2 x the SPI synchronous serial interfaces 

2 x the PC™ synchronous serial interfaces 

The main difference between a synchronous interface (like the SPI or PC) and an asynchronous one 
(like the UART) is in the way the timing information is passed from transmitter to receiver. Synchro- 
nous communication peripherals need a physical line (a wire) to be dedicated to the clock signal, 
providing synchronization between the two devices. The device(s) that originates the clock signal is 
typically referred to as the Master and the device(s) that synchronizes with it is called the Slave(s). 

Synchronous serial interfaces 

The PC interface, for example, uses two wires (and therefore two pins of the microcontroller), one for 
the clock (referred to as SCL) and one (bidirectional) for the data (SDA). 

l 2 C interface 


Clock (SCL) 

l 2 C Peripheral 


Data (SDA) 

Figure 7-1 . 1 2 C interface block diagram. 

The SPI interface instead separates the data line in two, one for the input (SDI) and one for the output 
(SDO), requiring one extra wire but allowing simultaneous (faster) data transfer in both directions. 

SPI interface 




SPI Peripheral 




Figure 7-2. SPI interface block diagram. 



In order to connect multiple devices to the same serial communication interfaces (bus configuration), 
the PC interface requires a 10-bit address to be sent over the data line before any actual data is trans- 
ferred. This slows down the communication but allows the same two wires (SCL and SDA) to be used 
for as many as (theoretically) 1,000 devices. Also, the PC interface allows for multiple devices to act as 
masters and share the bus using a simple arbitration protocol. 

The SPI interface, on the other side, requires an additional physical line, the slave select (SS) to be 
connected to each device. In practice, this means that, using an SPI bus, as the number of devices con- 
nected grows, the number of I/O pins required on the PIC24 grows proportionally with them. 




SPI interface 


(Slave #1) 


(Slave #2) 







fr " 

fr " 

1 > 

Figure 7-3. SPI bus block diagram. 

Sharing an SPI bus among multiple masters is theoretically possible but practically very rare. The main 
advantages of the SPI interface are truly its simplicity and the speed that can be one order of magnitude 
higher than that of the fastest PC bus (even without taking into consideration the details of the proto- 
col-specific overhead). 

Asynchronous serial interfaces 

In asynchronous communication interfaces, there is no clock line, while typically two data lines are 
used: TX and RX, respectively, for input and output (optionally two more lines may be used to provide 
hardware handshake). The synchronization between transmitter and receiver is obtained by extract- 
ing timing information from the data stream itself. Start and stop bits are added to the data and precise 
formatting (with a fixed baud rate) allow reliable data transfer. 

UART interface 









Optional Handshake 

Figure 7-4. Asynchronous serial interface block diagram. 


Chapter 7 

Several asynchronous serial interface standards dictate the use of special transceivers to improve the 
noise immunity, extending the physical distance up to several thousand feet. 

Each serial communication interface has its advantages and disadvantages. Table 7-1 tries to summa- 
rize the most important ones as well as the most common applications: 







Max Bit Rate 

10 Mbit/s 

1 Mbit/s 

500 kbit/s 

Max Bus Size 

Limited by no. of pins 

128 devices 

Point-to-point (RS232) 
256 devices (RS485) 

Number of Pins 

3 + nxCS 




Simple, low cost, high 

Small pin count, allows 
multiple masters 

Longer distance, improved 
noise immunity (requires 


Single master, short 

Slowest, short distance 

Requires accurate clock 


Direct connection to 
ASICs and other 
peripherals on same PCB 

Bus connection with 
peripherals on same 

Interface with terminals, 
personal computers and 
other data acquisition 


Serial EEPROMs (25CXXX 


MCP320X A/D converter, 

ENC28J60 Ethernet 


MCP251X CAN controller... 

Serial EEPROMs 
(24CXXX series), 
MCP98XX tempera- 
ture sensors, MCP322x 
A/D converters... 

RS232, RS422, RS485, 
LIN bus, MCP2550 IrDA 

Table 7-1 . A comparison of synchronous and asynchronous serial communication peripherals. 

Parallel interfaces 

The Parallel Master Port (PMP) completes the list of basic communication interfaces of the PIC24. 
The PMP has the ability to transfer up to 8 bits of information at a time while providing several address 
lines, so as to interface directly to most LCD display modules commercially available (alphanumeric 
and graphic modules with integrated controller) as well as Compact Flash memory cards (or CF-I/O 
devices), printer ports and an almost infinite number of other basic 8-bit parallel devices available on 
the market and featuring the standard control signals: -CS, -RD, -WR. 

In the rest of this lesson we will begin focusing specifically on the use of one synchronous serial 
interface, the SPI. In the following chapters we will cover also the asynchronous serial interfaces and 
separately the PMP. 



Synchronous communication using the SPI modules 

The SPI interface is perhaps the simplest of all the interfaces available, although the PIC24 implemen- 
tation is particularly rich in options and interesting features. 

1:1 to 1:8 









Master Clock 


8-Level FIFO Buffer 
(Enhanced Modes) 


SPIxBUF (i: 


Write SPIxBUF 


^ Internal Data Bus 

Note 1: In Standard modes, data is transferred directly between SPIxSR and SPIxBUF. 

Figure 7-5. The SPI module block diagram. 

The SPI interface is essentially composed of an 8-bit shift register: bits are simultaneously shifted in 
(MSB first) from the SDI line and shifted out from the SDO line in sync with the clock on pin SCK. 

If the device is configured as a bus Master, the clock is generated internally (derived from the periph- 
eral clock after a cascade of two prescalers for maximum flexibility) and output on the SCK pin. If the 
device is a bus Slave, the clock is received from the SCK pin. 

As with all other peripherals we will encounter, the essential configuration options are controlled by a 
special function register, spixCONI in this case, and additional advanced options are offered in spixCON2 

Upper Byte: 

















bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte: 

















bit 7 


Figure 7-6. The SPIxCONI control register. 


Chapter 7 

To demonstrate the basic functionality of the SPI peripheral, we will use the Explorer 16 demo board 
where the PIC24 SPI2 module is connected to a 25LC256 EEPROM device, often referred to as a 
Serial EEPROM (SEE or sometimes just E2 — pronounced, e-squared). This is a small and inexpensive 
device that contains 256 kbits, or 32 kbytes, of nonvolatile high-endurance memory. 

In order to prepare the SPI2 module for communication with the serial memory device, we will need to 
fine tune the peripheral module configuration. 

The SEE responds to a short list of 8-bit (modi 6 = 0) commands that according to the device datasheet 
must be supplied via the SPI interface with the following setting: 

clock IDLE level is low, clock ACTIVE is high (ckp=o) 

serial output changes on transition from ACTIVE to IDLE (cke=1) 

The PIC24 will act as a bus Master (msten=i) and will produce the clock signal SCK, deriving it from 
the internal clock after prescaling (in this case we will use the default prescalers values 1:64 and 1:8 for 
a total of 1:512). 

The chosen configuration value can be defined as a constant that will later be assigned to the SPI2CON1 

#define SPI_MASTER 0x012 // select 8-bit master mode, CKE=1, CKP=0 

To enable the peripheral, we will access the spi2stat register where, similarly to most other PIC24 
peripherals, bit 15 is the main enable control bit; another constant is defined for readability: 

#define SPI_ENABLE 0x8000 // enable SPI port, clear status 

Pin 12 of PORTD is connected to the memory chip select (CS), active low pin, so we will add two 
more definitions to the program, once more, to make it more readable: 

#define CSEE _RD12 // select line for Serial EEPROM 

#define TCSEE _TRISD12 // tris control for CSEE pin 

We can now write the peripheral initialization part of our demonstration program: 

// 1. init the PIC24 SPI peripheral 

TCSEE =0; // make SSEE pin output 

CSEE = 1; // de-select the Serial EEPROM (low power standby) 

SPI2CON1 = SPI_MASTER; // select mode 

SPI2STAT = SPI_ENABLE; // enable the peripheral 

We can now write a small function that will be used to transfer data to and from the serial EEPROM 

// send one byte of data and receive one back at the same time 
int writeSPl2 ( int data) 


SPI2BUF = data; // write to buffer for TX 

while ( ! SPl2STATbits . SPIRBF) ; // wait for transfer to complete 
return SPI2BUF; // read the received value 




The writeSPi2 isa truly bidirectional transfer function. It immediately writes a character to the 
transmit buffer and then enters a loop to wait for the receive flag to be set to indicate that the transmis- 
sion was completed as well as that data was received back from the device. The data received is then 
returned as the value of the function. 

When communicating with the memory device, however, there are situations when a command is sent 
to the memory, but there is no immediate response. There are also cases when data is read from the 
memory device but no further data commands need to be sent by the PIC24. In the first case (write 
command), the return value of the function can be simply ignored. In the second case (read command), 
a dummy value can be sent to the memory while shifting in data from the device. 

The 25LC256 datasheet contains accurate depictions of all seven possible command sequences that 
can be used to read or write data to and from the memory device. A small table of constants can help 
encode all such commands: 

// 2 5LC2 5 6 Serial EEPROM commands 

#define SEE_WRSR 1 

# define SEE_WRITE 2 

# define SEE_READ 3 

# define SEE_WDI 4 

#define SEE_STAT 5 

#define SEE WEN 6 

// write status register 

// write command 

// read command 

// write disable 

// read status register 

// write enable 

We can now write a small test program to verify that the communication with the device is properly 
established. For example, using the Read Status Register command we can interrogate the memory 
device and verify that the SPI peripheral is properly configured. 

Testing the Read Status Register command 

After sending the appropriate command (see_stat), we will need to add an additional call to the 
writeSPi2() function with a dummy piece of data to capture the response from the memory device. 



01 23456789 10 11 



22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 




16-bit address- 

o/ ~l T^SJ^AJ^f^ CE)CDGD( 


data out 


Figure 7-7. The complete Read Status Register command timing sequence. 

Sending any command to the SEE requires at a minimum the following steps: 
Activate the memory, taking the CS pin low. 
Shift out the 8-bit instruction. 


Chapter 7 

Add one or more additional steps here, depending on the specific command. 

Deactivate the memory (taking the CS pin high) to complete the command, after which the 
memory will go back to a low-power consumption stand-by mode. 

In practice, the following code is required to perform the complete Read Status Register operation: 

// Check the Serial EEPROM status 

CSEE =0; // select the Serial EEPROM 

writeSPl2 ( SEE_STAT) ; // send a READ STATUS COMMAND, ignore immediate data 

i = writeSPl2 ( 0) ; // send dummy, read data 

CSEE = 1; // deselect to complete the command 

The complete project listing should look like: 

** SPI2 demo 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

// I/O definitions 
#define CSEE _RD12 
#define TCSEE TRISD12 

// select line for Serial EEPROM 
// tris control for CSEE pin 

// peripheral configurations 
#define SPI_MASTER 0x012 
#define SPI ENABLE 0x8000 

// select 8-bit master mode, CKE=1, CKP=0 
// enable SPI port, clear status 

// 2 5LC2 5 6 Serial EEPROM commands 

#define SEE_WRSR 1 

#define SEE_WRITE 2 

# define SEE_READ 3 

# define SEE_WDI 4 

#define SEE_STAT 5 

#define SEE WEN 6 

// write status register 

// write command 

// read command 

// write disable 

// read status register 

// write enable 

// send one byte of data and receive one back at the same time 
int writeSPl2 ( int data) 


SPI2BUF = data; // write to buffer for TX 

while ( ! SPl2STATbits . SPIRBF) ; // wait for transfer to complete 

return SPI2BUF; // read the received value 




main ( ) 

int i ; 

// 1. init the SPI peripheral 

TCSEE = 0; 

CSEE = 1; 



// make SSEE pin output 

// de-select the Serial EEPROM 

// select mode 

// enable the peripheral 

// 2. Check the Serial EEPROM status 
CSEE = 0; 

writeSPl2 ( SEE_STAT) ; 
i = writeSPl2 ( 0) ; 
CSEE = 1; 

// select the Serial EEPROM 


// send dummy, read data 

// terminate command <-set brkpt here 

} // main 

Follow the "MPLAB ICD2 Debugger Set-up" checklist to enable the In Circuit Debugger and prepare 
the project configuration. Then follow the "Project Build" checklist to compile and link the demo code. 

1. After connecting the ICD2 to the Explorer 16 demo board, program the PIC24 selecting the 
"Debugger— > Program" option. By default MPLAB will choose the smallest range of memory 
required to transfer the project code into the device, so that programming time will be mini- 
mized. After a few seconds, the PIC24 should be programmed, verified and ready to execute. 

2. Add the Watch window to the project. 

3. Select "i" in the symbol selection box, and then click on the "Add Symbol" button. 

4. Set the cursor on the last line of code in the main loop and set a breakpoint (double-click). 
Then start the execution by selecting the "Debugger— >Run" command. 

5. When the execution terminates, the contents of the 25LC256 memory Status Register should 
have been transferred to the variable "i", visible in the Watch window. 

Unfortunately, you will be disappointed to learn that the default status of the 25LC256 memory (at 
power on) is represented by a 0x00 value, since BP1..BP0 are off to indicate no block protection, the 
write enable latch WEL is disabled, and no Write In Progress WIP flag should be active. 
























W/R = writable/readable. R = read-only. 

Table 7-2. The 25LC256 Serial EEPROM Status Register. 

Not a very telling result for our little test program. So, to spice things up a little we could start by set- 
ting the Write Enable Latch before interrogating the Status Register — it would be great to see bit 1 set. 


Chapter 7 

To set the Write Enable Latch we will insert the following code before section 2, which we will 
promptly renumber to 2.2: 

// 2.1 send a Write Enable command 

CSEE =0; // select the Serial EEPROM 

writeSPl2 ( SEE_WEN) ; // send command, ignore immediate data 

CSEE = 1; // deselect to complete the command 

1. Rebuild the project. 

2. Reprogram the device. 

3. Set a breakpoint to the last line of code in the main program, and 

4. Run (or Run to Cursor). 

If everything went well, you will see the variable "i" in the Watch window turn red and show a value of 2. 

Now these are the great satisfactions that you can get only by developing code for a 16-bit embedded 

More seriously, now that the Write Enable latch has been set, we can add a write command and start 
"modifying" the contents of the EEPROM device. We can write a single byte at a time, or we can write 
a long string, up to a maximum of 64 bytes, all in a single sequence/command called Page Write. Read 
more on the datasheet about address restrictions that apply to this mode of operation, though. 

Writing to the EEPROM 

After sending the write command, two bytes of address (addr_msb, addr_lsb) must be supplied 
before the actual data is shifted out. The following code exemplifies the correct write sequence: 

// send a Write command 

CSEE =0; // select the Serial EEPROM 

writeSPl2 ( SEE_WRITE) ; // send command, ignore immediate data 

writeSPl2 ( ADDR_MSB) ; // send MSB of memory address 

writeSPl2 ( ADDR_LSB) ; // send LSB of memory address 

writeSPl2 ( data); // send the actual data to be written 

// send more data here to perform a page write 

CSEE = 1; // start actual EEPROM write cycle 

Notice how the actual EEPROM write cycle initiates only after the CS line is brought high again. Also, 
it will be necessary to wait for a time (Twc), specified in the memory device datasheet, for the cycle to 
complete before a new command can be issued. There are two methods to make sure that the memory 
is allowed the right amount of time to complete the write command. The simplest one consists of 
inserting a fixed delay after the write sequence. The length of such a delay should be longer than the 
maximum cycle time specified in the memory device datasheet (Twc max = 5 ms). 

A better method consists of checking the Status Register contents before issuing any further read/write 
command, waiting for the Write In Progress (WIP) flag to be cleared (this will also coincide with the 
Write Enable bit being reset). By doing so, we will be waiting only the exact minimum amount of time 
required by the memory device in the current operating conditions. 



Reading the memory contents 

Reading back the memory contents is even simpler; here is a snippet of code that will perform the 
necessary sequence: 

// send a Write command 
CSEE = 0; 

writeSPl2 ( SEE_READ) 
writeSPl2 ( ADDR_MSB) 
writeSPl2 ( ADDR_LSB) 
data = writeSP!2 ( 0) 

// select the Serial EEPROM 

// send command, ignore immediate data 

// send MSB of memory address 

// send LSB of memory address 

// send dummy, read data 
// read more data here sequentially incrementing the address 

CSEE = 1; // terminate the read sequence, return to low power 

The read sequence can be indefinitely extended by reading sequentially the entire memory contents if nec- 
essary, and upon reaching the last memory address (0x7FFF), rolling over and starting from 0x0000 again. 

A nonvolatile storage library 

We can now assemble a small library of functions dedicated to access the 25LC256 serial EEPROM. 
The library will hide all the details of the implementation, such as the SPI port used, specific sequences 
and timing details. It will expose instead only two basic commands to read and write integer data types 
to a generic (black box) nonvolatile storage device. 

Let's create a new project using the Project Wizard and the usual checklist. An appropriate name could 
be "NVM". After creating a new source file "nvm.c" we can copy most of the definitions we prepared 
in the SPI2 project: 


** NVM Access Library 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include "NVM.h" 

// I/O definitions for PIC24 + Explorerl6 demo board 

#define CSEE _RD12 // select line for Serial EEPROM 

#define TCSEE _TRISD12 // tris control for CSEE pin 

// peripheral configurations 
#define SPI_MASTER 0x012 2 
#define SPI ENABLE 0x8000 

// select 8-bit master mode, CKE=1, CKP=0 
// enable SPI port, clear status 

// 2 5LC2 5 6 Serial EEPROM commands 

#define SEE_WRSR 1 

# define SEE_WRITE 2 

# define SEE_READ 3 

# define SEE_WDI 4 

#define SEE_STAT 5 

#define SEE WEN 6 

// write status register 

// write command 

// read command 

// write disable 

// read status register 

// write enable 


Chapter 7 

From the same project you can extract: the initialization code, the SPI2 write function and the status 
register read command. Each one will become a separate function: 

void InitNVM(void) 


// init the SPI peripheral 

TCSEE =0; // make SSEE pin output 

CSEE = 1; // de-select the Serial EEPROM 

SPI2CON1 = SPI_MASTER; // select mode 

SPI2STAT = SPI_ENABLE; // enable the peripheral 


int writeSPl2 ( int data) 

{// send one byte of data and receive one back at the same time 
SPI2BUF = data; // write to buffer for TX 

while ( ! SPl2STATbits . SPIRBF) ; // wait for transfer to complete 
return SPI2BUF; // read the received value 


int ReadSR( void) 

{// Check the Serial EEPROM status register 
int i ; 

CSEE =0; // select the Serial EEPROM 

WriteSPl2 ( SEE_STAT) ; // send a READ STATUS COMMAND 

i = WriteSPl2 ( 0); // send/receive 

CSEE = 1; // deselect to terminate command 

return i ; 

} //ReadSR 

To create a function that reads an integer value from the nonvolatile memory, first we verify that any 
previous command (write) has been correctly terminated by reading the status register. A sequential 
read of two bytes is used to assemble an integer value: 

int iReadNVM( int address) 

{ // read a 16-bit value starting at an even address 

int lsb, msb; 

// wait until any work in progress is completed 

while ( ReadSR () & 0x3); // check the two lsb WEN and WIP 

// perform a 16-bit read sequence (two byte sequential read) 
CSEE =0; // select the Serial EEPROM 

WriteSPI2 ( SEE_READ) ; // read command 

WriteSP!2 ( address>>8); // address MSB first 



WriteSPl2 ( address & Oxfe) ; // address LSB (word aligned) 
msb = WriteSPI2 ( 0); // send dummy, read msb 

lsb = WriteSPl2 ( 0); // send dummy, read lsb 

CSEE = 1; 

return ( (msb<<8)+ lsb); 

Finally, the write enable function can be created extracting the short segment of code used to access the 
Write Enable latch from our previous project and adding a page write sequence: 

void WriteEnable ( void) 
{ // send a Write Enable command 

CSEE = 0; 

WriteSPl2 ( SEE_WEN) ; 

CSEE = 1; 
} //WriteEnable 

// select the Serial EEPROM 

// write enable command 

// deselect to complete the command 

void iWriteNVM( int address, int data) 

{ // write a 16-bit value starting at an even address 

int lsb, msb; 

// wait until any work in progress is completed 

while ( ReadSRO & 0x3); // check the two lsb WEN and WIP 

// Set the Write Enable Latch 
WriteEnable ( ) ; 

// perform a 16-bit write sequence 
CSEE = 0; 

WriteSPl2 ( SEE_WRITE) ; 

WriteSPl2( address>>8); 

WriteSPl2( address & Oxfe); 

WriteSPl2( data >>8); 

WriteSPl2 ( data & Oxff ) ; 
CSEE = 1; 

(2 byte page write) 

// select the Serial EEPROM 

// write command 

// address MSB first 

// address LSB (word aligned) 

// send msb 

// send lsb 

More functions could be added at this point to access long and long long types, for example, but for 
our purposes this will suffice. 

Note that the "page write" operation (see the 25LC256 memory datasheet for details) requires the 
address to be aligned on a power of two boundary (in this case, just an even address will do). The 
requirement must be extended to the read function for consistency. 

Save the code in file "nvm.c" file and add it to the project using one of the three methods shown in the 
checklists. You can either use the editor right-click menu and select "Add to Project" or right-click on 
the project window on the "Source Files" branch and choose "Add Files", and then select the "nvm. c" 
file from the current project directory. 


Chapter 7 

To make a few selected functions from this module accessible to other applications, create a new file, 
"NVM.h", and insert the following declarations: 


** NVM storage library 

** encapsulates 25LC256 Serial EEPROM 

** as a NVM storage device for PIC24 + Explorerl6 applications 


// initialize access to memory device 
void InitNVM (void) ; 

// 16-bit integer read and write functions 

// NOTE: address must be an even value between 0x0000 and 0x7ffe 

// (see page write restrictions on the device datasheet) 

int iReadNVM ( int address) ; 

void iWriteNVM( int address, int data); 

This will expose only the initialization function and the integer read/write functions, hiding all other 
details of the implementation. 

Add the "NVM.h" file to the project by right clicking in the project windows on the Header Files icon 
and selecting it from the current project directory. 

Testing the new NVM library 

To test the functionality of the library we can now create a test application containing a few lines of 
code that repeatedly read the contents of a memory location (at address 0x1234), increment its value, 
and write it back to the memory: 


** NVM Library test 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
# include "NVM.h" 

main ( ) 


int data; 

// initialize the SPI2 port and CS to access the 25LC256 
InitNVM () ; 



II main loop 
while ( 1) 


// read current content of memory location 
data = iReadNVM( 0x1234); 

// increment current value 

Nop ( ) ; // <-set brkpt here 


// write back the new value 
iWriteNVM( 0x1234, data) ; 
// address ++; 

} // main loop 
} //main 

Save this file as "NVMtest . c" and add it to the current project too. 

Invoking the Build All command, you will observe the MPLAB C30 compiler working sequentially on 
the two source files ( . c) and later the linker to combine the object codes to produce an output execut- 
able (.hex). 

We are planning on using the ICD2 as the debugging tool of choice to test this code, as the MPLAB 
SIM does not have the capability to accurately emulate the SPI ports. Make sure not only that it is 
selected in the Debugger menu, but also that in "Project-^Settings", and specifically in the MPLAB 
C30 linker tab, the "Link for ICD2" option is selected. (See Figure 7-8.) 

This setting is required when operating with the ICD2 debugger in order to reserve a few RAM 
locations (at the end of the memory space) for the ICD2 itself and avoid conflicts with the memory 
allocated by our application. 

If the Build All command is completed successfully, the code is ready to be programmed on the device. 

1. Adding data to the Watch window and setting a breakpoint on the line immediately following 
the read command will allow us to test the proper operation of the NVM library. 

2. Hit the Run command and watch the program stop after the first read. 

Note the value of data and then hit Run again. It should increment continuously and, even when reset- 
ting the program or disconnecting the board completely from the power supply to reconnect it later, we 
will observe that the contents of location 0x1234 will be preserved and successively incremented. 

Careful — if the main program loop is left running indefinitely without any breakpoint, the test pro- 
gram will quickly turn into a test of the Serial EEPROM endurance. In fact the loop will continue to 
reprogram location 0x1234 at a rate that will be mostly dependent on the actual Twc of the device. In a 
best-case scenario (maximum Twc = 5 ms) this will mean 200 updates every second. Or, in other terms, 
the theoretical endurance limit of the EEPROM (1,000,000 cycles) will be reached in 5,000 seconds, or 
slightly less than one hour and a half of continuous operation. 


Chapter 7 

Build Options For Protect "NVMmcp" 


General | ASM3O/C30 Suite | MPLAB ASM30 1 MPUB C30 MPLAB LJNK30 

Categoiie* | General 
Genetete Command Line 

Heap size: 
M in Stack Sizec 

byte* f Afcw overtapped sections 

Mes |? LiikfotlCD2 

- Symbol DefirAons^ 



Remove All 

Restote Defaults 


Use AJteinate Settings 





Figure 7-8. "Project-^ Bui Id Options^MPLAB LINK30" Tab. 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we have seen briefly how to use the SPI peripheral module, in its simplest configuration, 
to gain access to a 25LC256 Serial EEPROM memory, one of the most common types of nonvolatile 
memory peripherals used in embedded-control applications. The small library module developed will 
hopefully be useful to you in future applications to provide "mass" storage (32 kbytes). 

Notes for C experts 

The C programmer used to developing code for large workstations and personal computers will be 
tempted to develop the library further to include the most flexible and comprehensive set of functions. 
My word of advice is to resist, hold your breath and count to ten, especially before you start adding 
any new parameter to the library functions. In the embedded-control world, passing more parameters 
means using up more stack space, spending more time copying data to and from the stack and, in gen- 
eral, producing a larger output code. Keep the libraries simple and therefore easy to test and maintain. 
This does not mean that proper object-oriented programming practices should not be followed. On the 
contrary, the example above can be considered an example of object encapsulation, as all the details of 
the SPI interface and Serial EEPROM internal workings can be completely hidden from the user, who 
is provided with a simple interface to a generic storage device. 

Notes for the experts 

In developing the code examples above, we have ignored any access-speed consideration and simply 
configured the SPI module for the slowest possible operation. The PIC24 SPI peripheral module oper- 
ates off the peripheral clock system, which can be ticking as fast as 16 MHz in the current production 
models. Few peripherals can operate at such speeds at 3V. Specifically, the 25LC256 series Serial 



EEPROMs operate with a maximum clock rate of 5 MHz when the power supply is in the 2.5 V to 4.5V 
range. This means that the fastest SPI port configuration compatible with the memory device can be 
obtained with a primary prescaler configured for a 4: 1 ratio and a secondary prescaler configured for 
1:1 operation (16 MHz/4 = 4 MHz). A sequential read command could therefore provide a maximum 
throughput of 4 Mbit per second or 512 kbytes per second. At such a rate the CPU would still be able 
to execute 32 instructions between each new byte of data received — not enough to perform complex 
calculations, but most probably sufficient for simple data transfer tasks. 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

In addition to the SPI options available on most PIC microcontroller SPI interfaces (offered by the SSP 
and MSSP modules), such as: 

selectable clock polarity 

selectable clock edge 

master or slave mode operation 

the PIC24 SPI interface module adds several new capabilities, including: 

16-bit transfer mode 

data input sampling phase selection 

framed transmission mode 

frame sync pulse control (polarity and edge selectable) 

Enhanced Mode (8 deep transmit and receive FIFOs). 

In particular, the 16-bit transfer mode could be used during sequential read and/or page write op- 
erations to improve the efficiency and increase the number of cycles available to the CPU between 
accesses to the SPI buffers (doubling it). But it is the Enhanced Mode, with eight-levels deep FIFOs, 
that can truly free up a considerable amount of CPU time. Up to eight words of data (16 bytes) can be 
written or retrieved from the SPI buffers in short bursts, leaving much more time to the CPU to process 
the data in between the successive bursts. 

Tips and tricks 

If you store important data in an external nonvolatile memory, you might want to put some additional 
safety measures in place (both hardware and software). From a hardware perspective make sure that: 

Adequate power-supply decoupling (a capacitor) is provided close to the memory device. 

A pull-up resistor (10k ohm) is provided on the Chip Select line, to avoid floating during the 
microcontroller power up and reset. 

An additional pull-down resistor (10k ohm) can be provided on the SCK clock line to avoid 
clocking of the peripheral during boundary scan and other board testing procedures. 

Verify clean and fast power-up and down slope are provided to the microcontroller to guar- 
antee reliable power on reset operation. If necessary, add an external voltage supervisor (see 
MCP809 devices, for example). 


Chapter 7 

A number of software methods can then be employed to prevent even the most remote possibility that a 
program bug or the proverbial cosmic ray might trigger the write routine. Here are some suggestions: 

Avoid reading and especially updating the NVM content right after power up. Allow a few 
milliseconds for the power supply to stabilize (application dependent). 

Add a software write-enable flag, and demand that the calling application set the flag before 
calling the write routine, possibly after verifying some essential application- specific entry 

Add a stack-level counter; each function in the stack of calls implemented by the library 
should increment the counter upon entry and decrement it on exit. The write routine should 
refuse to perform if the counter is not at the expected level. 

Some users refuse to use the NVM memory locations corresponding to the first address 
(0x0000) and/or the last address (Oxffff), believing they could be statistically more likely to be 
subject to corruption. 

More seriously, store two copies of each essential piece of data, performing two separate calls 
to the write routine. If each copy contains even a simple checksum, it will be easy, when read- 
ing it back, to discard the corrupted one and recover. 




1. Develop (circular) buffered versions of the read and write functions. 

2. Enable the new SPI 16-bit mode to accelerate basic read and write operation. 

3. Several functions in the library are performing locking loops that could reduce the overall 
application performance. By utilizing the SPI port interrupts implement a non blocking ver- 
sion of the library. 


• Eady, F. (2004) 

Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers 

Newnes, Burlington, MA 

An entertaining introduction to serial communication in embedded control. 

• Buck, R. (1997) 

Flight of Passage: A Memoir 

Hyperion, New York, NY 

A grand adventure, in which two teenagers fly coast to coast in an aviation ritual of passage. 


http://www. microchip, com/stellent/idcplg ?IdcService = SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId= 

Use the link above or search on Microchip's web site for a free tool called "Total Endurance 
Software." It will help you estimate the endurance to expect from a given NVM device in your 
actual application conditions. It will give you an indication of the total number of e/w cycles 
or the number of expected years of your application life before a certain target failure rate is 




Asynchronous communication 

In This Chapter 

UART configuration 

► Testing a VT100 terminal 

Sending and receiving data 

► Using the serial port as a 

Testing the serial 

debugging tool 

communication routines 

The matrix 

► Building a simple 

console library 

If you have any experience with radio communication, whether it be with a walkie-talkie or a proper 
CB radio, you know how different it is from talking on a cell phone. For one, it's a half-duplex system, 
meaning you cannot talk if somebody else is already talking. You have to listen patiently, wait for your 
turn and then speak up, trying to be as concise as possible to give others the possibility of joining the 
conversation too. A simple verbal handshake system is used to prevent conflicts and misunderstanding. 

This is exactly how it works in aviation. There is a precise protocol, a set of rules that dictates who 
should talk at any given point in time, what they should say and how. There are specific roles — such as 
the air traffic controllers, the pilots, the flight stations and the towers — and they all share the media in a 
coordinated and efficient way. 

This works well as an introduction to the many asynchronous serial protocols. Some are full-duplex, 
other are just half-duplex, some are multipoint, others are point-to-point, but they all require coordina- 
tion and adherence to basic rules (standards) that make communication possible and allow for efficient 
use of the media. 

Flight plan 

In this lesson we will review the PIC24 asynchronous serial communication interface modules, UART1 
and UART2. We will develop a basic console library that will be handy in future projects for interface 
and debugging purposes. 

Pref light checklist 

In addition to the usual software tools, including the MPLAB® IDE, MPLAB C30 compiler and the 
MPLAB SIM simulator, this lesson will require the use of the Explorer 16 demonstration board, the 
MPLAB ICD2 In-Circuit Debugger and a PC with an RS232 serial port (or a serial to USB adapter). 


Chapter 8 

You will also need a terminal emulation program, if you are using Microsoft® Windows® operating 
system; the HyperTerminal application will suffice. ("Start^Programs^Accessories-^Communica- 
tion— >Hy perTerminal") . 

The flight 

The UART interface is perhaps the oldest interface used in the embedded-control world. Some of its 
features were dictated by the need for compatibility with the first mechanical teletypewriters; this 
means that at least some of its technology has century-old roots. 

On the other hand, nowadays finding an asynchronous serial port on a new computer (and especially 
on a laptop) is becoming a challenge. The serial port has been declared a "legacy interface" and, for 
several years now, strong pressure has been placed on computer manufacturers to replace it with the 
USB interface. Despite the decline in their popularity, and the clearly superior performance and char- 
acteristics of the USB interface, asynchronous serial interfaces are strenuously resisting in the world of 
embedded applications because of their great simplicity and extremely low cost of implementation. 

Four main classes of asynchronous serial applications are still being used: 

1. RS232 point-to-point connection: often simply referred to as "the serial port," is used by ter- 
minals, modems and personal computers, using + 12V/- 12V transceivers. 

2. RS485 (EIA-485) multipoint serial connection: used in industrial applications, it uses a 9-bit 
word and special half-duplex transceivers. 

3. LIN bus: a low-cost, low- voltage bus designed for noncritical automotive applications. It 
requires a UART capable of baud rate auto-detection. 

4. Infrared wireless communication: requires a 38-40-kHz signal modulation and optical 

The PIC24's UART modules can support all four major application classes and packs a few more 
interesting features too. 

Baud Rate Generator 

lrDA Q 


Hardware Flow Control 

1X1 UxRTS 

UARTx Receiver 

X uxRx 

UARTx Transmitter 

X uxTx 

Figure 8-1 . Simplified UART modules block diagram. 


Asynchronous communication 

To demonstrate the basic functionality of a UART peripheral, we will use the Explorer 16 demo board 
where the UART2 module is connected to an RS232 transceiver device and to a standard 9 poles D 
female connector. This can be connected to any PC serial port or, in absence of the "legacy interface" 
as mentioned above, to an RS232-to-USB converter device. In both cases, the Microsoft Windows 
HyperTerminal program will be able to exchange data with the Explorer 16 board with a basic configu- 
ration setting. 

The first step is the definition of the transmission parameters. The options include: 

baud rate 

number of data bits 

parity bit, if present 

number of stop bits 

handshake protocol. 

For our demo we will choose the fast and convenient configuration: "1 15200, 8, N, 1, CTS/RTS", 
that is: 

115,200 baud 

8 data bits 

No parity 

1 stop bit 

hardware handshake using the CTS and RTS lines. 

UART configuration 

Use the "New Project Set-up" checklist to create a new project called "Serial" and a new source file 
similarly called "serial . c". We will start by adding a few useful I/O definitions to help us control the 
hardware handshake lines: 


** Asynchronous Serial Communication 

** UART2 RS232 asynchronous communication demonstration code 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

// I/O definitions for the Explorerl6 

#define CTS _RF12 // Clear To Send, input, HW handshake 

#define RTS _RF13 // Request To Send, output, HW handshake 

#define TRTSTRISFbits .TRISF13 // Tris control for RTS pin 

The hardware handshake is especially necessary when communicating with a Windows terminal 
application, since Windows is a multitasking operating system and its applications can sometimes 
experience long delays that would otherwise cause significant loss of data. We will use one I/O pin as 


Chapter 8 

an input (RF12 on the Explorer 16 board) to sense when the terminal is ready to receive a new character 
(Clear To Send), and one I/O pin as an output (RF13 on the Explorerl6 board) to advise the terminal 
when our application is ready to receive a character (Request To Send). 

To set the baud rate, we get to play with the Baud Rate Generator (breg2), a 16-bit counter that feeds 
on the peripheral clock circuit. From the device datasheet, we learn that in the normal mode of opera- 
tion (bregh = 0) it operates off a 1:16 divider, versus a high-speed mode (BREGH =1) where its 
clock operates off a 1 :4 divider. A simple formula, published on the datasheet, allows us to calculate 
the ideal setting for our configuration: 

BREG2 = (Fosc / 8 / baudrate) -1 ; for BREGH=1 

In our case this translates to the following expression: 

BREG2 = (Fosc / 8 / 115,200) -1 = 33.7 where Fosc = 32MHz. 

To decide how to best round out the result (we need a 16-bit integer after all) we will use the reverse 
formula to calculate the actual baud rate and determine the percentage error: 

Error = ((Fosc/ 8 / (BREG2 + 1)) - baudrate) / baudrate % 

Rounding up to a value of 34, we obtain an actual baud rate of 1 14,285 Bd with an error of just 0.7%, 
well within acceptable tolerance. With a value of 33, we obtain 1 17,647 baud or a 2.1% error, outside 
the acceptable tolerance range (± 2%) for a standard RS232 port. 

We therefore define the constant brate as : 

# define BRATE 


// 115200 Bd (BREGH=1 

Two more constants will help us define the initialization values for the UART2 main control registers, 
called u2mode and u2sta. 

Upper Byte: 







R/W-0 (1) 

R/W-0 (1) 









bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte 

R/W-0 HC 


R/W-0 HC 














bit 7 


Figure 8-2. The UxMODE control registers. 

The initialization value for u2mode will include the bregh bit, the number of stop bits and the parity bit 

#define U ENABLE 0x80 08 

// enable UART, BREGH=1, 1 stop, no parity 

The initialization for U2STA will enable the transmitter and clear the error flags: 

# define U TX 


// enable transmission, clear all flags 


Asynchronous communication 

Upper Byte: 

R/W-0 R/W-0 



R/W-0 HC 











bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte: 

R/W-0 R/W-0 















bit 7 


Figure 8-3. The UxSTA control registers. 

We will create a new function, by using the constants defined above, to initialize the control register of 
the UART2, the baud-rate generator and the I/O pins used for the handshake: 

void initU2 ( void) 


U2BRG = BRATE; // initialize the baud rate generator 

U2MODE = U_ENABLE; // initialize the UART module 

U2STA = U_TX; // enable the Transmitter 

TRTS =0; // make RTS an output pin 

RTS = 1; // set RTS default status (not ready) 
} // initU2 

Sending and receiving data 

Sending a character to the serial port is a three-step procedure: 

1 . Make sure that the terminal (PC running Windows HyperTerminal) is ready. Check the Clear 
to Send (CTS) line. CTS is an active low signal — that is, while it is high, we better wait pa- 

2. Make sure that the UART is not still busy sending some previous data. PIC24 UARTs have a 
four-level deep FIFO buffer, so all we need to do is wait until at least the top level frees up, or 
in other words, we need to check for the transmit buffer full flag utxbf to be clear. 

3. Finally, transfer the new character to the UART transmit buffer (FIFO). 
All of this can be nicely packaged in one short function: 

int putU2 ( int c) 


while ( CTS) ; 

while ( U2 STAbits. UTXBF ) ; 

U2TXREG = c; 

return c ; 

// wait for !CTS, clear to send 
// wait while Tx buffer full 

} // putU2 

To receive a character from the serial port, we follow a very similar sequence: 

1. Alert the terminal that we are ready to receive by asserting the RTS signal (active low). 

2. Patiently wait for something to arrive in the receive buffer, checking the urxda flag. 


Chapter 8 

3. Fetch the character from the receive buffer (FIFO). 
Again, all of these steps can be nicely packaged in one last function: 

char getU2 ( void) 


RTS =0; // assert Request To Send ! RTS 

while ( !U2STAbits .URXDA) ; // wait for a new character to arrive 
return U2RXREG; // read the character from the receive buffer 

RTS = 1; 
}// getU2 

Testing the serial communication routines 

To test our serial port control routines, we can now write a small program that will initialize the serial 
port, send a prompt, and let us type on the terminal keyboard while echoing each character back to the 
terminal screen: 

main ( ) 


char c ; 

// 1. init the UART2 serial port 
initU2 () ; 

// 2 . prompt 
putU2 ( N > ' ) ; 

// 3 . main loop 

while ( 1) 


// 3.1 wait for a character 
c = getU2 ( ) ; 

// 3.2 echo the character 
putU2 ( c ) ; 

} // main loop 

}// main 
Follow these steps: 

1. Build the project first, and then follow the standard checklist to activate the ICD2 Debugger 
and to program the Explorer 16. 

2. Connect the serial cable to the PC (directly or via a serial-to-USB converter) and configure 
HyperTerminal for the same communication parameters: 1 15200, n, 8, 1, RTS/CTS on the 
available COM port. 


Asynchronous communication 

3. Click on HyperTerminal Connect button to start the terminal emulation. 

4. Select "Run" from the Debugger menu to execute the demonstration program. Note: I recom- 
mend, for now, you do not attempt to single-step, use breakpoints, or RunToCursor when 
using the UART! See the "Tips and Tricks" section at the end of the chapter for a detailed 

Note also that, if HyperTerminal is already set to provide an echo for each character sent, you will see 
double... literally! To disable this functionality, first hit the "Disconnect" button on HyperTerminal. 
Then select "File^Properties" and in the properties dialog box select the "Settings Pane Tab." This will 
be a good opportunity to set a couple more options that will come handy in the rest of the lesson. 

Conned To Settings 

Function, arrow, and Ctrl keys act as 

(* Terminal keys C Windows keys 

Backspace key sends — 

P Qrl+H r Del r QrkH, Space, Ort+H 


I H Terminal Setup... 

Telnet terminal ID: VT100 

Backscrol buffer lines: |500 

Play sound when connecting or disconnecting 


Input Translation. 

ASCII Setup. 



Figure 8-4. HyperTerminal Properties dialog box, Setting Pane. 

1 . Select the VT100 terminal emulation mode so that a number of commands (activated by 
special "escape" strings) will become available and will give us more control of the cursor 
position on the terminal screen. 

2. Select ASCII Setup to complete the configuration. In particular, make sure that the "Echo 
typed characters locally" function is NOT checked (this will immediately improve your... 
vision). (See Figure 8-5.) 

3. Also check the "Append line feeds to incoming line ends" option. This will make sure that ev- 
ery time an ASCII carriage return ( x \r ' ) character is received, an additional line feed ( v \n ' ) 
character is inserted automatically. 


Chapter 8 

ASCII Setup 

ASCII Sending 

Send line ends with line feeds 
f~ Echo typed characters locally 

Line delay: [O milliseconds. 

Character delay: [0 miliseconds. 


ASCII Receiving 

Force incoming data to 7-bit ASCI! 
W Wrap fines that exceed terminal width 



Figure 8-5. ASCII Setup dialog box. 

Building a simple console library 

To transform our demo project into a proper terminal console library that could become handy in future 
projects, we need only a couple more functions that will complete the puzzle: a function to print an 
entire (zero terminated) string and a function to input a full text line. Printing a string is, as you can 
imagine, the simple part: 

int putsU2 ( char *s] 


while ( *s) 

putU2 ( *s++) 
} // putsU2 

// loop until *s == x \0', end of string 

// send the character and point to the next one 

It is just a loop that keeps calling the putu2 function to send, one after the other, each character in the 
string to the serial port. 

Reading a text string from the terminal (console) into a string buffer can be equally simple, but we have 
to make sure that the size of the buffer is not exceeded (should the user type a really long string) and 
we have to convert the carriage-return character at the end of the line into a proper v \ ' character for 
the string termination. 

char *getsnU2 ( char *s, int len) 


char *p = s ; // copy the buffer pointer 


*s = getU2 ( ) ; // wait for a new character 

if ( * s =='\r') 

s + +; 
len-- ; 
} while ( len>l ) ; 

// end of line, end loop 
// increment buffer pointer 
// until buffer full 


Asynchronous communication 

*s = x \0'; // null terminate the string 

return p; // return buffer pointer 

} // getsnU2 

In practice the function, as presented, would prove very hard to use. There is no echo of what is being 
typed and the user has no room for errors. Make only the smallest typo and the entire line must be 
retyped. If you are like me, you do make a lot of typos. . .all of the time. . . , and the most battered key on 
your keyboard is the backspace key. A better version of the getsnU2 function must include character 
echo and at least provisions for the backspace key to perform basic editing. It really takes only a couple 
more lines of code. The echo is quickly added after each character is received. The backspace character 
(identified by the ASCII code 0x8) is decoded to move the buffer pointer one character backward (as 
long as we are not at the beginning of the line already). We must also output a specific sequence of 
characters to visually remove the previous character from the terminal screen: 

char *getsnU2 ( char *s, int len) 


char *p = s; // copy the buffer pointer 

int cc = 0; // character count 


*s = getU2 ( ) ; // wait for a new character 

putU2 ( *s) ; // echo character 

if (( *s==BACKSPACE)&&( s>p) ) 


putU2 ( % *)# // overwrite the last character 

putU2 ( BACKSPACE) ; 


s--; // back the pointer 



if ( *s=='\n') // line feed, ignore it 

if ( *s=='\r') // end of line, end loop 

s++; // increment buffer pointer 

} while ( len>l ); // until buffer full 

*s = v \0'; // null terminate the string 

return p; // return buffer pointer 

} // getsnU2 


Chapter 8 

Put all the functions in a separate file that we will call "conU2 . c". Then create a small header file 
"conU2 .h", to decide which functions (prototypes) and which constants to publish and make visible to 
the outside world: 


* * C0NU2 . h 

** console I/O library for Explorerl6 board 

// I/O definitions for the Explorerl6 

#define CTS _RF12 // Clear To Send, input, HW handshake 

#define RTS _RF13 // Request To Send, output, HW handshake 

#define BACKSPACE 0x8 // ASCII backspace character code 

// init the serial port (UART2, 115200@32MHz , 8, N, 1, CTS/RTS ) 
void initU2 ( void) ; 

// send a character to the serial port 
int putU2 ( int c) ; 

// wait for a new character to arrive to the serial port 
char getU2 ( void) ; 

// send a null terminated string to the serial port 
int putsU2 ( char *s); 

// receive a null terminated string in a buffer of len char 
char * getsnU2 ( char *s, int n) ; 

Testing a VT100 terminal 

Since we have enabled the VT100 terminal-emulation mode (see HyperTerminal settings above), we 
now have a few commands available to better control the terminal screen and cursor position, such as: 

• clrscr, to clear the terminal screen. 

home, to move the cursor to the home position in the upper left corner of the screen. 

These commands are performed by sending so called "escape sequences" (defined in the ECMA-48 
standard, (also ISO/IEC 6429 and ANSI X3.64), also referred to as ANSI escape codes. They all start 
with the characters ESC (ASCII Ox lb) and the character '[' (left-squared bracket): 

// useful macros for VT100 terminal emulation 
#denne clrscr () putsU2 ( "\xlb[2J") 
#define home ( ) putsU2 ( "\xlb [1 , 1H" ) 

In order to test the console library, we can now write up a small program that will: 

1 . Initialize the serial port. 

2. Clear the terminal screen. 


Asynchronous communication 

3. Send a welcome message/banner. 

4. Send a prompt character. 

5. Read a full line of text. 

6. Print the text on a new line. 

Save the following code in a new file that we will call "CONU2test . c": 

** CONU2 Test 

** UART2 RS2 32 asynchronous communication demonstration code 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include "conU2.h" 

#define BUF_SIZE 12 8 

main ( ) 


char s [BUF_SIZE] ; 

// 1. init the console serial port 
initU2 () ; 

// 2 . text prompt 

clrscr ( ) ; 

home ( ) ; 

putsU2 ( "Learn to fly with the PIC24!"); 

/ / 3 . main loop 
while ( 1) 


putU2 (">"); // prompt 

// 3.1 read a full line of text 
getsnU2 ( s, BUF_SIZE) ; 

// 3.2 send a string to the serial port 
putsU2 ( s) ; 

// 3.3 send a carriage return 
putU2 p\r' ) ; 

} // main loop 

} / / main 


Chapter 8 

Follow these steps: 

1. Create a new project, using the "New Project" checklist, and add all three files: "conU2 .h", 
"conU2 . c" and "conU2test . c" to the project and build all. 

2. Use the ICD2 checklist to connect the ICD2 debugger and program the Explorer 16 board. 

3. Test the editing capabilities of the new console library you just completed. 

Using the serial port as a debugging tool 

Once you have a small library of functions to send and receive data to a console through the serial port, 
you have a new and powerful debugging tool available. You can strategically position calls to print 
functions to present the content of critical variables and other diagnostic information on the terminal. 
You can easily format the output so as to be in the most convenient format for you to read. You can add 
input functions to set parameters that can better help test your code or you can use the input function to 
simply pause the execution and give you time to read the diagnostic output when required. This is one 
of the oldest debugging tools, effectively used since the first computer was ever invented. 

The matrix 

To finish this lesson on a more entertaining note, let's develop a new demo project that we will call the 
"matrix . c". The intent is to test the speed of the serial port and the PC terminal emulation by send- 
ing large quantities of text to the terminal and clocking its performance. The only problem is that we 
don't have (yet) access to a large storage device from which to extract some meaningful content to send 
to the terminal. So the next best option is that of "generating" some content using a pseudo-random 
number generator. The "stdlib . h" library offers in fact a convenient rand ( ) function that returns 
a positive integer between and MAX_RAND (a constant defined in the "limits .h" file that in the 
MPLAB C30 implementation can be verified to be equal to 32,767). 

Using the "remainder of operator we can reduce its output to any smaller integer range and produce 
only a subset of printable character values from the ASCII set. The following statement, for example, 
will produce only characters in the range from 33 to 127. 

putU2 ( 33 + (rand()%94) ) ; 

To generate a more appealing and entertaining output, especially if you happened to watch the movie 
The Matrix, we will present the (random) content by columns instead of rows. We will use the pseudo- 
random number generator to change the content and the "length" of each column as we continuously 
refresh the screen. 


** The Matrix 

* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# inc lude " CONU2 . h " 
#include <stdlib.h> 

#define COL 40 
# define ROW 2 3 


Asynchronous communication 

# define DELAY 3 000 

main ( ) 


int v[40]; // vector containing length of each string 
int i,j,k; 

// 1. initializations 

T1CON = 0x8030; // TMRl on, prescale 256, Tcy/2 

initU2(); // initialize the console (115200, 8, N, 1, CTS/RTS 

clrscr ( ) ; // clear the terminal (VT100 emulation) 

getU2 ( ) ; // wait for one character to randomize the sequence 

srand( TMRl) ; 

// 2. init each column length 
for( j =0; j<COL; j++) 

v[j] = rand()%ROW; 

// 3 . main loop 
while ( 1) 


home ( ) ; 

// 3.1 refresh the screen with random columns 
for( i=0; i<ROW; i++) 


// refresh one row at a time 
for( j=0; j<COL; j++) 


// print a random character down to each column length 

if ( i < v[j] ) 

putU2 ( 33 + (rand()%94) ) ; 

putu2 r l ) ; 
putU2 ( ' M ; 
} // for j 
per ( ) ; 
} // for i 

// 3.2 randomly increase or reduce each column length 
for( j=0; j<COL; j++) 


switch ( rand()%3) 



Chapter 8 

case 0: // increase length 
if (v[j]>ROW) 

case 1: // decrease length 
v[j] — ; 
if (v[j]<l) 

default:// unchanged 
} // switch 
} // for 

} // main loop 
} // main 

Forget the performance — watching this code run is fun. It is too fast anyway — in fact, you will have to 
add a small delay loop (inside the for loop in 3.1) to make it more pleasant on the eye: 

// 3.1.1 delay to slow down the screen update 

TMR1 =0; 

while ( TMR1<DELAY) ; 

Note: remember to take the blue pill the next time! 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we have developed a small console I/O library while reviewing the basic functionality 
of the UART module for operation as an RS232 serial port. We connected the Explorer 16 board to a 
VT100 (emulated) terminal (Windows HyperTerminal). We will take advantage of this library in the 
next few lessons to provide us with a new debugging tool and possibly as a user interface for more 
advanced flights/projects. 


Asynchronous communication 

Notes for C experts 

I am sure at this point you are wondering about the possibility of using the more advanced library func- 
tions defined in the "stdio .h" library (such as print f ) to direct the output to the UART2 peripheral. 
This is in fact possible by simply replacing one of the essential library functions: "write . c": 


** write. c 

** replaces stdio lib write function 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include "conu2.h" 

int write (int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int len) 


int i, *p; 
const char *pf; 

switch (handle) 


case 0: // stdin 
case 1: // stdout 
case 2 : // stderr 

for (i = len; i; --i) 

putU2 ( * (char*) buffer) ; 

default : 

} // switch 
return (len) ; 
} // write 

Save this code in a file called "write . c" in your project directory and add it to the list of source files 
for the project. 

From this moment on, the linker will perform the connection and any call to one of the "stdio . h" 
library functions producing output on one of the standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) will be 
redirected to the UART2. 

Notice that you will still be responsible for the proper UART initialization and the "conu2 . c" file will 
have to be included in the project sources as well. 


Chapter 8 

Notes for PIC microcontroller experts 

Sooner or later, every embedded-control designer will have to come to terms with the USB bus. If, for 
now, a small "dongle" (converting the serial port to a USB port) can be a reasonable solution, sooner or 
later you are going to find opportunities and designs that will actually benefit from the superior perfor- 
mance and compatibility of the USB bus. Several 8-bit PIC microcontroller models already incorporate 
a USB Serial Interface Engine (SIE) as a standard communication interface. Microchip offers a free 
USB software stack with drivers and ready-to-use solutions for the most common classes of applica- 
tions. One of them, known as the Communication Device Class (or CDC), makes the USB connection 
look completely transparent to the PC application so that even HyperTerminal cannot tell the differ- 
ence. Most importantly, you will not need to write and/or install any special Windows drivers. When 
writing the application in C, you won't even notice the difference, if not for the absence of a need to 
specify any communication parameter. In USB there is no baud rate to set, no parity to calculate, no 
port number to select (wrong), while the communication speed is so much higher... 

Tips and tricks 

About the ICD2 and UARTs on ICE 

As we mentioned during one of the early exercises presented in this lesson, single-stepping through a 
routine that enables and uses the UART to transmit and receive data from the HyperTerminal program 
is a bad idea. You will be frustrated, seeing the HyperTerminal program misbehave and/or simply lock 
up and ignore any data sent to it without any apparent reason. In order to understand the problems, you 
need to know more about how the MPLAB ICD2 in-circuit debugger operates. After executing each 
instruction, when in single-step mode or, upon encountering a breakpoint, the ICD2 debugger not only 
stops the CPU execution, but also "freezes" all the peripherals. It freezes them as in dead-cold-ice all 
of a sudden — not a single clock pulse is transmitted through their digital veins. When this happens to a 
UART peripheral that is busy in the middle of a transmission, the output serial line (TX) is also frozen 
in the current state. If a bit was being shifted out in that precise instant, and specifically if it was a 1, 
the TX line will be held in the "break" state (low) indeterminately. 

The HyperTerminal program, on the other side, would sense this permanent "break" condition and 
interpret it as a line error. It will assume the connection is lost and it will disconnect. Since HyperTer- 
minal is a pretty "basic" program, it will not bother letting you know what is going on. . .it will not send 
a beep, not an error message, nothing — it will just lock up! 

If you are aware of the potential problem, this is not a big deal. When you restart your program with 
the ICD2, you will have just to remember to hit the HyperTerminal Disconnect button first and then the 
Connect button again. All operations will resume normally. 


Asynchronous communication 


1 . Write a console library with buffered I/O (using interrupts) to minimize the impact on pro- 
gram execution (and debugging). 


• Eady, F. (2005) 

Implementing 802.11 with Microcontrollers: 
Wireless Networking for Embedded Systems Designers 

Newnes, Burlington, MA 

Fred brings his humor and experience in embedded programming to make even wireless 
networking easy. 

• Axelson,J. (1999) 
USB Complete, 3 rd ed. 

Lakeview Research, Madison, WI 

Jan's book has reached the third edition already. She has added more material at every step 
and still managed to keep things very simple. 


httpi/fen. wikipedia. org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code 

This is a link to the complete table of ANSI escape codes as implemented by the VT100 Hy- 
perTerminal emulation. 




Glass bliss 

In This Chapter 

HD44780 controller 

► A small library of functions 


to access an LCD display 

The Parallel Master Port 

► Advanced LCD control 

Configuring the PMP for LCD 

module control 

In the old days, big round instruments that looked like steam gauges populated the cockpit of every 
airplane, from the smallest single-engine Cessna to the ultrasonic Concord. Being so ubiquitous, the 
six principal instruments, placed always in the same order, had gained the affectionate nickname of the 
six-pack. But the next time you get on a commercial plane, peek into the cabin if you can. Sure, there 
are still plenty of knobs and switches, but right in front of the pilots you will notice there has been a big 
change. There is a large and flat piece of glass (or two). And "glass" is what the pilots call this revolu- 
tion, although there is much more silicon behind it than most of them would suspect. It is the digital 
revolution of the cockpit, and it has happened only in the last few years. 

Numerous powerful microprocessors work hard behind that glass to cram as much information as 
possible into a very simple, intuitive and possibly pleasing interface. Global positioning system (GPS) 
technology has been the driving force behind this innovation, and every airplane manufacturer today 
offers several advanced glass cockpit options for new models. Some are even speculating that the re- 
cent increase in sales of new airplanes, and the stimulus to the entire industry that has followed, might 
be attributed to the excitement generated by the new "glass cockpit." 

Unfortunately, these are not exactly the type of airplanes that you, as a student pilot, would be flying 
for the first few lessons. It might take a little while for modern new airplanes to hit the schools fleet, 
but it is just a matter of time now — glass bliss is on the horizon. 

The embedded world also makes copious use of glass, with LCD displays. Let's explore the basics of 
LCD interfaces... 


Chapter 9 
Flight plan 

In this lesson, we will learn how to interface with a small and inexpensive LCD display module. This 
project will be a good excuse for us to learn and use the Parallel Master Port (PMP), a new and flexible 
parallel interface available on the PIC24 microcontrollers. 

Pre-flight checklist 

In addition to the usual software tools, including the MPLAB® IDE, MPLAB C30 compiler and the 
MPLAB SIM simulator, this lesson will require only the use of the Explorer 16 demonstration board 
and the MPLAB ICD2 In-Circuit Debugger. 

The flight 

The Explorerl6 board can accommodate three different types of dot-matrix, alphanumeric LCD display 
modules and one type of graphic LCD display module. By default, it comes with a simple "2-rows by 
16-character" display, a 3V alphanumeric LCD module (Tianma TM162JCAWG1) compatible with the 
industry-standard HD44780 controllers. These LCD modules are complete display systems composed 
of the LCD glass, column and row multiplexing drivers, power-supply circuitry and an intelligent con- 
troller, all assembled together into the so-called Chip On Glass (COG) technology. Thanks to this high 
level of integration, the circuitry required to control the dot-matrix display is greatly simplified. Instead 
of the hundreds of pins required by the column-and-row drivers to directly control each pixel, we can 
interface to the module with a simple 8-bit parallel bus using just eleven I/Os. 








(RB15/PMAQ) i 

Iviil — a 

7 / 


B / 


9 / 


10 / 


u < 

RE4/PMD4_1 ) 


13 / 

RE6/PMD<3_1 ) 

14 / 

RE7/PMD7_1 > 

Figure 9-1 . Default alphanumeric LCD Module connections. 

On alphanumeric modules in particular, we can directly place ASCII character codes into the LCD 
module controller RAM buffer (DDR AM). The output image is produced by an integrated character 
generator (a table) using a 5 x 7 grid of pixels to represent each character. The table typically contains 
an extended ASCII character set, in the sense that it has been somewhat merged with a small subset of 
Japanese Kanji characters as well some symbols of common use. While the character generator table 
is mostly implemented in the display controller ROM, various display models offer the possibility to 
extend the character set by modifying/creating new characters (up to 8 on some models) accessing a 
second small internal RAM buffer (CGRAM). 


Glass bliss 

Char, code 
o 000000111111 


I 110011110011 

jjj — 010101010101 

xxxxOO 1 1 
xxxxO 1 00 
xxxxO 101 
xxxxO 1 1 1 
xxxxlOI 1 
xxxxl 100 
xxxxl 101 
xxxxl 1 10 

XXXX 1111 

Figure 9-2. Character Generator table used by HD44780 compatible LCD display controllers. 

HD44780 controller compatibility 

As mentioned above, the 2x16 LCD module used in the Explorer 16 board is one among a vast selec- 
tion of LCD display modules available on the market in configurations ranging from one to four lines 
of 8, 16, 20, 32 and up to 40 characters each, that are compatible with the original HD44780 chipset, 
today considered an industry standard. 

The HD44780 compatibility means that the integrated controller contains just two registers separately 
addressable, one for ASCII data and one for commands, and the following standard set of commands 
can be used to set up and control the display: 







— - 


P 1 























(^ : 














T d t 






















































































i- 1 




















































Clear display 


Clears display and returns cursor 
to the home position (address 0). 


Cursor home 



Returns cursor to home position 
(address 0). Also returns display 
being shifted to the original posi- 
tion. DDRAM contents remains 


Entry mode set 




Sets cursor move direction (l/D), 
specifies to shift the display (S). 
These operations are performed 
during data read/write. 


Display On/Off 





Sets On/Off of all display (D), cur- 
sor On/Off (C) and blink of cursor 
position character (B). 








Sets cursor-move or display-shift 
(S/C), shift direction (R/L). DDRAM 
contents remains unchanged. 



Chapter 9 















Function set 







Sets interface data length (DL), 
number of display line (N) and 
character font(F). 




CGRAM address 

Sets the CGRAM address. 
CGRAM data is sent and received 
after this setting. 




DDRAM address 

Sets the DDRAM address. DDRAM 
data is sent and received after this 


Read busy-flag 
and address 



CGRAM /DDRAM address 

Reads Busy-flag (BF) indicating 
internal operation is being 
performed and reads CGRAM 
or DDRAM address counter 
contents (depending on previous 


Write to 


write data 

Writes data to CGRAM or 


Read from 



read data 

Reads data from CGRAM or 


Table 9-1. The HD44780 instruction set. 

Bit name 

Setting / Status 


= Decrement cursor position 

1 = Increment cursor position 


= No display shift 

1 = Display shift 


= Display off 

1 = Display on 


= Cursor off 

1 = Cursor on 


= Cursor blink off 

1 = Cursor blink on 


= Move cursor 

1 = Shift display 


= Shift left 

1 = Shift right 


= 4-bit interface 

1 = 8-bit interface 


= 1/8 or 1/11 Duty(1 line) 

1 = 1/16 Duty (2 lines) 


= 5x7 dots 

1 = 5x10 dots 


= Can accept instruction 

1 = Internal operation in progress 

Table 9-2. HD44780 command bits. 


Glass bliss 

Thanks to this commonality, any code we will develop to drive the LCD on the Explorer 16 board 
will be immediately available for use with any of the other HD447 80-compatible alphanumeric LCD 
display modules. 

The Parallel Master Port 

The simplicity of the 8-bit bus shared by all these display modules is remarkable. Beside the eight 
bidirectional data lines (that could be reduced to just four for further I/O savings by enabling a special 
"nibble" mode), there is: 

An Enable strobe line (E). 

• A Read/Write selection line (R/W) . 

An address line (RS) for the register selection. 

It would be simple enough to control the 1 1 I/Os by manually controlling (bit-banging) the individual 
PORTE and PORTD pins to implement each bus sequence, but we will take this opportunity instead to 
explore the capabilities of a new peripheral introduced with the PIC24 architecture: the Parallel Master 
Port (PMP). The designers of the PIC24 family have created this new addressable parallel port to auto- 
mate and accelerate access to a large number of external parallel devices of common use ranging from 
analog-to-digital converters, RAM buffers, ISA bus compatible interfaces, LCD display modules and 
even hard disks and CompactFlash® cards. 

You can think of the PMP as a sort of flexible I/O bus added to the PIC24 architecture that does not 
interfere with (or slow down) the operation of the 24-bit wide program memory bus, nor the 16-bit data 
memory bus. The PMP offers: 

8- or 16-bit bidirectional data path. 

Up to 64k of addressing space (16 address lines). 

Six additional strobe/control lines including: 

- Enable 

- Address Latch 

- Read 

- Write 

- and two Chip Select lines. 

The PMP can also be configured to operate in slave mode, to attach as an addressable peripheral to a 
larger microprocessor/microcontroller system. 


Chapter 9 

Both bus-read and bus- write sequences are fully programmable so that not only the polarity and choice 
of control signals can be configured to match the target bus, but also the timing can be finely tuned to 
adapt to the speed of the peripherals we interface to. 

Configuring the PMP for LCD module control 

As in all other PIC24 peripherals, there is a set of control registers dedicated to the PMP configuration. 
The first one is pmcon, and you will recognize the familiar sequence of control bits common to all the 
module xxCON registers. 

Upper Byte 

















bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte: 



R/W-0 {1) 

R/W-0 (1) 

R/W-0 (1) 












bit 7 


Figure 9-3. PMCON control register. 

But the list of control registers that we will need to initialize is a bit longer this time and includes also: 
pmmode, pmaddr, pmstat, pmpen and possibly padcfgi. They are packed with powerful options and 
they all require your careful consideration. Instead of proceeding through the lengthy review of each and 
every one of them, I will list only the key choices required specifically by the LCD module interface: 

PMP enabled 

Fully demultiplexed interface (separate data and address lines will be used) 

Enable strobe signal enabled (RD4) 

Read signal enabled (RD5) 

Enable strobe active high 

Read active high, Write active low 

Master mode with Read and Write signals on the same pin (RD5) 

8-bit bus interface (using PORTE pins) 

Only one address bit is required, so we will choose the minimum configuration including 
PMA0(RB15) andPMAl 

Also, considering that the typical LCD module is an extremely slow device, we better select the most 
generous timing, adding the maximum number of wait states allowed at each phase of a read or write 

4 x Tcy wait data set-up before read/write 

15 x Tcy wait between R/W and Enable 


Glass bliss 

4 x Tcy wait data set-up after Enable. 

A small library of functions to access an LCD display 

Create a new project using the "New Project" checklist and a new source file. 

We will start writing the LCD initialization routine first. It is natural to start with the initialization of 
the PMP port key control registers: 

void LCDinit ( void) 


// PMP initialization 

PMCON = 0x8 3 BF 
PMMODE = 0x3 FF 
PMPEN = 0x0001 

// Enable the PMP, long waits 
// Master Mode 1 
// PMA0 enabled 

After these steps we are able to communicate with the LCD module for the first time and we can follow 
a standard LCD initialization sequence recommended by the manufacturer. The initialization sequence 
must be timed precisely; see the HD44780 instruction set for the details. It cannot be initiated before at 
least 30 ms have been granted to the LCD module to proceed with its own internal initialization (power- 
on reset) sequence. For simplicity and safety, we will hard code a delay in the LCD module initialization 
function and we will use Timer 1 to obtain simple but precise timing loops for all subsequent steps: 

// init TMR1 

T1CON = 0x8030; // Fosc/2, prescaled 1:256, 16us/tick 

// wait for >30ms 

TMR1 = 0; while ( TMR1<2000); // 2000 x 16us = 32ms 

For our convenience, we will also define a couple of constants that will help us, hopefully, make the 
following code more readable: 

#define LCDDATA 1 / / RS = 1 ; access data register 

#define LCDCMD / / RS = ; access command register 

#define PMDATA PMDIN1 // PMP data buffer 

To send each command to the LCD module, we will select the command register (setting the address 
PMA0 = RS = 0) first. Then we will start a PMP write sequence by depositing the desired command 
byte in the PMP data output buffer: 

PMADDR = LCDCMD; // select the command register (ADDR = 0) 

PMDATA = ObOOlllOOO; // function set: 8-bit interface, 2 lines, 5x7 

The PMP will perform the complete bus write sequence as listed below: 

1. The address will be published on the PMP address bus (PMA0). 

2. The content of pmdata will be published on the PMP data bus (PMD0-PMD7). 

3. After 4 x Tcy the R/W signal will be asserted low (RD5). 

4. After 15 x Tcy the Enable strobe will be asserted high (RD4). 

5. After 4 x Tcy the Enable strobe will lowered and pmdata removed from the bus. 


Chapter 9 

Notice how this sequence is quite long as it extends for more than 20 x Tcy or more than 1.25 us after 
the PIC24 has initiated it. In other words the PMP will still be busy executing part of this sequence 
while the PIC24 will have already executed another 20 instructions or more. Since we are going to wait 
for a considerably longer amount of time anyway (>40 us) to allow the LCD module to execute the 
command, we will not worry about the time required by the PMP to complete the command at this time: 

TMRl = 0; while ( TMR1<3); // 3 x 16us = 48us 

We will then proceed similarly with the remaining steps of the LCD module initialization sequence: 

PMDATA = ObOOOOllOO; // display ON, cursor off, blink off 
TMRl = 0; while ( TMR1<3); // 3 x 16us = 48us 

PMDATA = ObOOOOOOOl; // clear display 
TMRl = 0; while ( TMR1<100); // 10 x 16us = 1.6ms 

PMDATA = ObOOOOOllO; // increment cursor, no shift 
TMRl = 0; while ( TMR1<100); // 100 x 16us = 1.6ms 

After the LCD module initialization, things will get a little easier and the timing loops will not be nec- 
essary anymore, as we will be able to use the LCD module Read Busy Flag command. This will tell us 
if the integrated LCD module controller has completed the last command given and is ready to receive 
and process a new one. In order to read the LCD status register containing the Busy Flag, we will need 
to instruct the PMP to execute a bus read sequence. This is a two-step process: we initiate the read 
sequence by reading (and discarding) the contents of the PMP data buffer a first time. When the PMP 
sequence is completed, the data buffer will contain the actual value read from the bus, and we will 
read its contents from the PMP data buffer again. But how can we tell when the PMP read sequence is 
complete? Simple — we can check the PMP Busy flag in the PMSTAT control register. 

In summary, to check the LCD module Busy flag we will need to check the PMP Busy flag first, issue 
a read command, wait for the PMP Busy flag again, and finally we will gain access to the actual LCD 
module status-register contents, including the LCD Busy flag. 

By passing the register address as a parameter to the read function, we will obtain a more generic func- 
tion that will be able to read the LCD status register or the data register as in the following code: 

char LCDread ( int addr) 


int dummy; 

while ( PMMODEbits .BUSY) ; // wait for PMP to complete previous commands 
PMADDR = addr; // select the command address 

dummy = PMDATA; // initiate a read cycle, dummy read 

while ( PMMODEbits .BUSY) ; // wait for PMP to complete the sequence 
return ( PMDATA); // read the status register 

} // LCDread 

The LCD module status register contains two pieces of information: the LCD Busy flag and the LCD 
RAM pointer current value. We can use two simple macros to split the two pieces: LCDbusy ( ) and 
LCDaddr ( ) , and a third one to access the data register: getLCD ( ) : 


Glass bliss 

#define LCDbusy ( ) LCDread ( LCDCMD) & 0x80 
#define LCDaddr ( ) LCDread ( LCDCMD) & 0x7F 
#denne getLCD ( ) LCDread ( LCDDATA) 

Using the LCDbusy ( ) function, we can create a function to write data or commands to the LCD module: 

void LCDwrite ( int addr, char c) 


while ( LCDbusy ( ) ) ; 

while ( PMMODEbits.BUSY) ; // wait for PMP to be available 
PMADDR = addr; 
PMDATA = c; 
} // LCDwrite 

A few additional macros will help complete the library: 

putLCD ( ) will send ASCII data to the LCD module: 

#define putLCD ( d) LCDwrite ( LCDDATA, (d) ) 

• LCDcmd ( ) will send generic commands to the LCD module: 

#define LCDcmd ( c) LCDwrite( LCDCMD, (c)) 

LCDhome ( ) will reposition the cursor on the first character of the first row: 

#define LCDhome ( ) LCDwrite ( LCDCMD, 2) 

• LCDclr ( ) will clear the entire contents of the display: 

#define LCDclr ( ) LCDwrite ( LCDCMD, 1) 

And finally, for our convenience, we might want to add putsLCD ( ) , a function that will send an entire 
null terminated string to the display module: 

void putsLCD ( char *s) 


while ( *s) 

putLCD ( *s++) ; 
} //putsLCD 

Let's put all of this to work adding a short main function: 

main ( void) 


// initializations 
LCDinit () ; 

// put a title on the first line 
putsLCD( "Flying the PIC24"); 

// main loop, empty for now 
while ( 1) 
} // main 


Chapter 9 

If all went well after building the project and programming the Explorer 16 board with the ICD2 
debugger (using the usual checklists), you will now have the great satisfaction of seeing the title string 
published on the first row of the LCD display. 

Advanced LCD control 

If you felt that all of the preceding was not too complex, and certainly not rewarding enough, here I 
have some more interesting stuff, and a new challenge for you to consider. 

When introducing the HD447 80-compatible alphanumeric LCD modules, we mentioned how the dis- 
play content was generated by the module controller by using a table, the character generator, located 
in ROM. But we also mentioned the possibility of extending the character set using an additional RAM 
buffer (known as the CGRAM). Writing to the CGRAM it is possible to create new 5x7 character pat- 
terns to create new symbols and possibly small graphic elements. 

How about adding a small airplane to the character set of the Explorer 16 LCD module display? 

We will need a function to set the LCD module RAM buffer pointer to the beginning of the CGRAM 
area using the "Set CGRAM Address" command or, better, a macro that uses the LCDwrite ( ) function: 

#define LCDsetG( a) LCDwrite ( LCDCMD, (a & 0x3F) 


To generate two new 5x7 character patterns, one for the nose of the plane and one for the tail, we will 
use the putLCD ( ) function. Each byte of data will contribute 5 bits (lsb) to define one row of the pat- 
tern. After the last row of each character is defined, an extra byte of data (8 th ) will be inserted to align 
for the next character block. 

// generate two new characters 

LCDsetG(O) ; 

putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 

) ; / / 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 


putLCD ( 

0) ; 



The two new symbols will now be accessible with the codes and 1 respectively of the character- 
generator table. 


Glass bliss 

To reposition the buffer pointer back to the data RAM buffer (DDRAM), use the following macro: 

#define LCDsetC ( a) LCDwrite ( LCDCMD, (a & 0x7F) | 0x8 0) 

Notice that while the first line of the display corresponds to addresses from to Oxf of the DDRAM 
buffer, the second line is always found at addresses from 0x40 to 0x4f independently of the display size 
— the number of characters that compose each line of the actual display. 

Also a simple delay mechanism (based once more on Timer 1) will be necessary to make sure that our 
airplane flies on time and stays visible. LCD displays are slow, and if the display is updated too fast the 
image tends to disappear like a ghost: 

#define TFLY 9000 // 9000 x 16us = 144ms 
#define DELAY ( ) TMR1 = 0; while ( TMR1<TFLY) 

It is time to devise a simple algorithm to make the little airplane fly in the main loop. Here it is: 

// main loop 
while ( 1) 


// the entire plane appears at the right margin 
LCDsetC (0x40+14) ; 
putLCD( 0); putLCD( 1); 
DELAY ( ) ; 

// fly fly fly (right to left) 
for( i=13; i>=0; i--) 


LCDsetC (0x40+i) ; // set the cursor to the next position 

putLCD(O); putLCD(l); // new airplane 

putLCD ( x M ; // erase the previous tail 

DELAY ( ) ; 

// the tip disappears off the left margin, only the tail is visible 

LCDsetC (0x40) ; 

putLCD ( 1); putLCD p v ); 

DELAY ( ) ; 

// erase the tail 

LCDsetC ( 0x4 ) ; // point to the left margin of the 2 nd line 

putLCD ( ' N ) ; 

// and draw just the tip appearing from the right 

LCDsetC ( 0x40+15 ) ; // point to the right margin of the 2 nd line 

putLCD ( 0) ; 

DELAY ( ) ; 

} // repeat the main loop 

Have fun flying the PIC24! 


Chapter 9 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we learned how to use the Parallel Master Port to drive an LCD display module. Actually, 
we have just started scratching the surface. Also, since the LCD display module is a relatively slow 
peripheral, it might seem that there has been little or no significant advantage in using the PMP instead 
of a traditional bit-banged I/O solution. In reality, even when accessing such simple and slow peripher- 
als the use of the PMP can provide two important benefits: 

the timing, sequence and multiplexing of the control signals is always guaranteed to match the 
configuration parameters, eliminating the risk of dangerous bus collisions and/or unreliable 
operation as a consequence of coding errors and/or unexpected execution and timing condi- 
tions (interrupts, bugs, ...). 

the MCU is completely free from tending to the peripheral bus, allowing simultaneous execu- 
tion of any number of higher priority tasks. 

Notes for C experts 

As we did in the previous lesson, when using the asynchronous serial interfaces, it is possible to 
replace the low-level I/O routines defined in the "stdio .h" library, and in particular "write . c", to 
redirect the output to the LCD display. We can actually extend the previous example by providing 
redirection to the UART2 for the standard streams (stdin, stdout and stderr) and adding a fourth 
stream for the LCD as in the following example code: 


** write. c 

** replaces stdio lib write function 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

#include "conU2.h" 

# include "LCD.h" 

int write (int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int len 























(i = len 

i; - 


putU2 ( * 

(char* ) buff er) ; 


Glass bliss 


case LCD: // additional stream 
for (i = len; i; --i) 

putLCD( * (char*) buffer) ; 
default : 

} // switch 
return (len) ; 
} //write 

In an alternate scheme, you might want to redirect the "stdout" stream to the LCD display as the main 
output of the application, and the "stderr" stream to the serial port for debugging purposes. 

Also, it is likely that at this point, you will want to modify the putLCD ( ) function to interpret special 
characters like x \n ' , to advance to the next line, or even to introduce a partial decoding for a few ANSI 
escape codes so in order to be able to position the cursor and clear the screen (using the macros defined 
in this lesson) just as on a terminal console. 

Tips and tricks 

Since the LCD display is a slow peripheral, waiting for its commands to be completed in tight (locking) 
loops as in the examples provided in this lesson could constitute an unacceptable waste of MCU cycles 
in some applications. A better scheme would require caching LCD commands in a FIFO buffer and 
using an interrupt mechanism to periodically schedule their execution. In other words, interrupts would 
be used to perform multitasking of a slow process in the background of the application execution. 

An example of such a mechanism is provided in the "LCD .c" example code provided with the 
Explorer 16 demonstration board. 


Chapter 9 

1. Enhance the putLCD ( ) function to correctly interpret the following characters: 

v \n ' : advance to the next line. 

v \r ' : reposition cursor to the beginning of current line. 

v \t ' : advance to a fixed tabulation position. 

2. Enhance the putLCD ( ) function to interpret the following ANSI escape codes: 

v \xlb [ 2 j ' : clear entire screen. 

v \xlb [ l , ih ". home cursor. 

v \xlb[n,mH' : position the cursor at row x n', column y m f . 


Bentham, J. 

TCP/IP Lean, Web Servers for Embedded Systems 

CMP Books, Lawrence, Kansas 

This book will take you one level of complexity higher, showing you how the TCP/IP protocols, 
the foundation of the Internet, can be easily implemented in a "few" lines of C code. Jeremy 
knows how to keep things "lean," as is necessary in every embedded-control application. 


http://www. microchip, com/stellent/idcplg ?IdcService = SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId= 

This is a link to Microchip Application Note 833, a free TCP/IP stack for all PICmicros. 

http://www. microchip, com/stellent/idcplg ?IdcService = SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId= 

Application Note 870 describes a Simple Network Management Protocol for Microchip TCP/ 
IP stack-based applications. 




It's an analog world 

In This Chapter 

The first conversion 
Automatic sampling timing 
Developing a demo 

► Developing a game 

► Measuring temperature 

► A breath-alizer game 

There are certain things that, no matter how many times you practice, never seem to come out the same 
way twice. Landings are a good example. Even the most experienced airline captains will occasionally 
have a bad day and screw it up. I'm sure you must have noticed it, when they "bounce" a landing. What 
is wrong with landings? Why are they so difficult? 

The fact is that, no matter how hard you try, the conditions affecting a landing are never really exactly 
the same. The wind speed and direction change continuously, the performance of the engine changes, 
and even the wings change with the slightest change in the air temperature. Additionally, the pilot 
reflexes (and alertness) change. It all combines to create an infinite number of unpredictable conditions 
that make for an infinite number of possible ways to get it wrong. 

We live in an analog world. All the input variables, temperature, wind speed and direction are analog. 
All of our sensory system inputs (sight, sounds, pressure) are analog. The output, such as the move- 
ment of the pilot's muscles to control the plane, is analog. With time, we learn to interpret (or should 
I say convert) all the analog inputs from the world around us and make the best decisions we can. 
Practice can make us perfect, almost! 

In embedded control, the information from the analog world must first be converted to digital. The 
analog-to-digital converter module is one of the key interfaces to the "real" world. 

Flight plan 

The PIC24 family was designed with embedded-control applications in mind and therefore is ideally 
prepared to deal with the analog nature of the world. A fast analog-to-digital converter (ADC), capable 
of 500,000 conversions per second, is available on all models with an input multiplexer that allows you 
to monitor a number of analog inputs quickly and with high resolution. In this lesson we will learn how 
to use the 10-bit ADC module available on the PIC24FJ128GA010 family to perform two simple mea- 
surements on the Explorer 16 board: reading a voltage input from a potentiometer first and a voltage 
input from a temperature sensor later. 


Chapter 10 

Preflight checklist 

In addition to the usual software tools, including the MPLAB® IDE, MPLAB C30 compiler and the 
MPLAB SIM simulator, this lesson will require the use of the Explorer 16 demonstration board and the 
MPLAB ICD2 In-Circuit Debugger. 

The flight 

The first step in using the analog-to-digital converter, as with any other peripheral modules inside the 
PIC24, is to familiarize yourself with the module building blocks and the key control registers. Yes, this 
means reading the datasheet once more, and even the Explorer 16 User Guide to look at the schematics. 
We can start by looking at the ADC module block diagram: 

r -, Internal Data Bus 


Input MUX Control 
Pin Config. Control 

Conversion Control 

Figure 10-1 . ADC module block diagram 


It's an analog world 

This is a pretty sophisticated structure that offers many interesting capabilities: 

Up to 16 input pins can be used to receive the analog inputs. 

Two input multiplexers can be used to select different input analog channels and different 
reference sources each. 

The output of the 10-bit converter can be formatted for integer or fixed-point arithmetic, and 
signed or unsigned 16-bit output. 

The control logic allows for many possible automated conversion sequences so as to synchro- 
nize the process to the activity of other related modules and inputs 

The conversion output is stored in a 16-bit wide, 16- words deep buffer that can be configured 
for sequential scanning or simple FIFO buffering. 

All these capabilities require a number of control registers to be properly configured and I understand 
how, especially at the beginning, the number of options available and decisions to take could make you 
a bit dizzy. So we will start by taking the shortest and simplest approach with the simplest example ap- 
plication: reading the position of the R6 potentiometer on the Explorerl6 board. 

■ RB 


R12 AAA 470 

WV^ — (RB5/AN5) 


Figure 10-2. Detail of the Explorer 16 demonstration board, R6 potentiometer. 

The 10 kohm potentiometer is connected directly to the power-supply rails so that its output can span 
the entire range of values from 3.3V to the ground reference. It is connected to the RB5 pin that cor- 
responds to the analog input AN5 of the ADC input multiplexer. 

After creating a new project using the appropriate checklist, we can create a new source file "pot .c" 
including the usual header file and adding the definition of a couple of useful constants. The first one, 
pot, defines the input channel assigned to the potentiometer and the second one, ainputs, is a mask 
that will help us define which inputs should be treated as analog and which ones as digital: 


** It's an analog world 

** Converting the analog signal from a potentiometer 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

#define POT 5 // 10k potentiometer connected to AN5 input 
#define AINPUTS Oxffef // Analog inputs for Explorerl6 POT and TSENS 


Chapter 10 

The actual initialization of all the ADC control registers can be best performed by a short function, 
initADC ( ) , that will produce the desired initial configuration: 

adipcfg will be passed the mask selecting the analog input channels: Os will mark the analog 
inputs, and Is will configure the respective pins as digital inputs. 

adiconi will set the conversion to start automatically, triggered by the completion of the 
auto-timed sampling phase; also, the output will be formatted for a simple unsigned, right- 
aligned (integer) value. 

adicssl will be cleared, as no scanning function will be used (only one input). 

AD1CON2 will select the use of MUXA and will connect the ADC reference inputs to the ana- 
log input rails AVdd and AVss pins. 

AD1CON3 will select the conversion clock source and divider. 

Finally, setting adon, the entire ADC peripheral will be activated and ready for use. 

void initADC ( int amask) 


ADIPCFG = amask; // select analog input pins 

AD1CON2 = 

// manual conversion sequence control 

// no scanning required 

// use MUXA, AVss and AVdd are used as Vref+/- 

AD1CON3 = 0xlF02; // Tad = 2 x Tcy = 125ns >75ns 

ADlCONlbits.ADON = 1; // turn on the ADC 
} //initADC 

By passing amask as a parameter to the initialization routine, we make it flexible enough to accept mul- 
tiple input channels in future applications. 

The first conversion 

The actual analog-to-digital conversion is a two-step process. First we need to take a sample of the 
input voltage signal, and then we can disconnect the input and perform the actual conversion of the 
sampled voltage to a numerical value. The two distinct phases are controlled by two separate control 
bits in the adiconi register: samp and done. The timing of the two phases is important to provide the 
necessary accuracy of the measurement: 

During the sampling phase the external signal is connected to an internal capacitor that needs 
to be charged up to the input voltage. Enough time must be provided for the capacitor to track 
the input voltage and this time is mainly proportional to the impedance of the input signal 
source (in our case known to be less than 5 kohm) as well as the internal capacitor value. In 
general, the longer the sampling time, the better the result, compatibly with the input signal 
frequency (not an issue in our case). 

The conversion phase timing depends on the selected ADC clock source. This is typically 
derived by the main CPU clock signal via a divider or alternatively by an independent RC 
oscillator. The RC option, although appealing for its simplicity, is a good choice when a 
conversion needs to be performed during a sleep (low-power mode) phase, when the CPU 


It's an analog world 

clock is turned off. The oscillator clock divider is a better option in more general cases, since 
it provides synchronous operation with the CPU and therefore a better rejection of the noise 
internally produced by it. The conversion clock should be the fastest possible, compatibly 
with the specifications of the ADC module (in our case Tad is required to be longer than 75 ns, 
requiring a minimum clock divider by two). 

Here is a basic conversion routine: 

int readADC ( int ch) 


AD1CHS = ch; // 1. select analog input channel 

ADlCONlbitS.SAMP = 1; 

// 2. start sampling 

TMR1 = 0; 

while (TMR1< 100) ; 

// 3. wait for sampling time 
// 6.25 us 

ADlCONlbits.DONE = 1; 

// 4. start the conversion 

while (! ADlCONlbits.DONE ) ; // 5. wait for the conversion to complete 

return ADC1BUF0; 

// 6. read the conversion result 

} // readADC 

Automatic sampling timing 

As you can see, using this basic method, we have been responsible for providing the exact timing of 
the sampling phase, dedicating a timer to this task and performing two waiting loops. But on the PIC24 
there is a new option that allows for a more automatic process. The sampling phase can be self timed, 
provided the input source impedance is small enough to require a maximum sampling time of 32 x Tad 
(32 x 120 ns = 3.8 us in our case). This can be achieved by setting the ssrc bits in the adiconi regis- 
ter to the Obi 11 configuration, so as to enable an automatic start of the conversion upon termination of 
a self-timed sampling period. The period itself is selected by the AD1CON3 register sam bits. Here is a 
new and improved example that uses the self-timed sampling and conversion trigger: 

void initADC ( int amask) 


AD1PCFG = amask; 

ADICONI = 0x0 0E0; 

AD1CSSL = 0; 

AD1CON2 = 0; 

AD1CON3 = 0xlF02; 
ADlCONlbits.ADON = 1 
} //initADC 

// select analog input pins 

// automatic conversion start after sampling 

// no scanning required 

// use MUXA, AVss and AVdd are used as Vref+/- 

// Tsamp = 32 x Tad; Tad=12 5ns 

// turn on the ADC 

Notice how making the conversion-start be triggered automatically by the completion of the self-timed 
sampling phase gives us two advantages: 


Chapter 10 

Proper timing of the sampling phase is guaranteed without requiring us to use any timed delay 
loop and/or other resource. 

One command (start of the sample phase) suffices to complete the entire sampling and conver- 
sion sequence. 

With the ADC so configured, starting a conversion and reading the output is a trivial matter: 

• adichs selects the input channel for MUXA. 

Setting the samp bit in adiconi starts the timed sampling phase, which will be immediately 
followed by the conversion. 

The done bit will be set in the adiconi register as soon as the entire sequence is completed 
and a result is ready. 

Reading the adcibufo register will immediately return the desired conversion result. 

int readADC ( int ch) 


ADICHS = ch; // 1. select analog input channel 

ADlCONlbits.SAMP = 1; // 2. start sampling 

while ( ! ADlCONlbits .DONE) ; // 3. wait for the conversion to complete 

return ADCIBUFO; // 4. read the conversion result 
} // readADC 

Developing a demo 

All that remains to do at this point is to figure out an entertaining way to put the converted value to use 
on the Explorer 16 demo board. The LEDs connected to PORTA are an obvious choice, but instead of 
simply providing a binary output, publishing the eight most significant bits of the 10-bit result, why not 
jazz things up a little and provide a visual feedback more reminiscent of the analog nature of our input? 
We could turn on one LED at a time, using it as an index on a mechanical dial. Here is the main routine 
we will use to test our analog-to-digital functions: 

main ( ) 


int a ; 

// initializations 

initADC( AINPUTS) ; // initialize the ADC for the Explorerl6 analog inputs 

TRISA = OxffOO; // select the PORTA pins as outputs to drive the LEDs 

// main loop 
while ( 1) 


It's an analog world 

a = readADC ( POT); // select the POT input and convert 

// reduce the 10-bit result to a 3 bit value (0. .7) 
// (divide by 128 or shift right 7 times 
a >>= 7 ; 

// turn on only the corresponding LED 

// -> leftmost LED. . . . 7-> rightmost LED 

PORTA = (0x80 >> a) ; 

} // main loop 
} // main 

After the call to the initialization routine (to which we provide a mask that defines bit 5 as analog 
input), we initialize the trisa register to make the pins connected to the LED bar digital outputs. 
Then, in the main loop we perform the conversion on AN5 and we reformat the output to fit our special 
display requirements. As configured, the 10-bit conversion output will be returned as a right-aligned 
integer in a range of values between and 1024. By dividing that value by 128 (or in other words shift- 
ing it right seven times) we can reduce the range to a to 7 value. The final output, though, requires 
one more transformation to produce the eight desired LED configurations. Note that the LED cor- 
responding to the MSB is located to the left of the bar, and to maintain the correspondence between 
the potentiometer movement clockwise and the index LED moving to the right we need to start with a 
Obiooooooo pattern and shift it right as required. 

Build the project and, following the usual ICD2 debugging checklist, program the Explorer 16 board. If 
all goes well, you will be able to play with the potentiometer, moving it from side to side while observ- 
ing the LED index moving left and right correspondingly. 

Developing a game 

OK, I will admit it, the previous example was not too exciting. After all, we have been using a 
16-MIPS capable 16-bit machine to perform an analog-to-digital conversion roughly 200,000 times 
a second (32 Tad sampling +12 Tad conversion, where Tad =125 ns, you do the math) only to dis- 
card all but three bits of the result and watch a single LED light up. How about making it a bit more 
challenging and playful instead? How about developing a little "Whac-A-Mole" 1 game, just a mono- 
dimensional version? 

Let's turn on a second LED (the mole), controlled by the PIC24 and distinguishable from the user-con- 
trolled LED (the mallet) because it's somewhat dimmer. By moving the mallet (bright LED), rotating 
the potentiometer until you reach the mole (dim LED), you will get to "whack it"! A new mole, in a 
different random position will immediately appear and the game will continue. 

The pseudo-random number generator function rand ( ) (defined in "stdlib . h") will be helpful here, 
as all (computer) games need a certain degree of unpredictability. We will use it to determine where to 
place each new mole. 

1 Whac-a-Mole is a trademark of Bob's Space Racers Inc. 


Chapter 10 

Save the source file from the first project with a new name "LEDgame . c" and create an entire new proj 
ect. Then update the main ( ) function to include just a few more lines of code: 

main ( ) 


int a , r , c ; 

// 1. initializations 

initADC( AINPUTS) ; // initialize the ADC for the Explorerl6 analog inputs 

TRISA = OxffOO; // select the PORTA pins as outputs to drive the LEDs 

// 2. use the first reading to randomize the number generator 
srand( readADC ( POT) ) ; 
r = 0x80; 

c = 0; 

/ / 3 . main loop 
while ( 1) 


a = readADC ( POT); // select the POT input and convert 

// 3.1 reduce the 10-bit result to a 3 bit value (0..7) 
// (divide by 128 or shift right 7 times 
a >>= 7 ; 

// 3.2 turn on only the corresponding LED 
// -> leftmost LED.... 7-> rigtmost LED 
a = (0x80 >> a) ; 

// 3.3 as soon as the cursor hits the random dot, generate a new one 
while (a == r ) 

r = 0x8 >> (rand() & 0x7); 

// 3.4 display the user (bright) LED and food (dim) LED 
if ( (c & Oxf ) == 0) 

PORTA = a + r; // add food LED only 1/16 of the times (dim) 

PORTA = a; // always display the user LED (bright) 

// 3.5 loop counter 
C + +; 

} // main loop 
} // main 


It's an analog world 

In 1 , we perform the usual initialization of the analog-to-digital converter module and the 
PORTA I/Os connected to the bar of LEDs. 

In 2, we read the potentiometer value for the first time and we use its position as the SEED 
value for the random-number generator. This makes the game experience truly unique each 
time, provided the potentiometer is not always found in the leftmost or rightmost position. 
That would provide a SEED value of or 1023, respectively, every time and therefore would 
make the game quite repetitive as the pseudo-random sequence would proceed through the 
same steps at any game restart. 

In 3, the main loop begins, as in the previous example, reading an integer 10-bit value and 
reducing it to the three most significant bits. (3.1). 

In 3.2, the conversion into an LED position "a" is performed just as before, but it is in 3.3 that 
things get interesting. If the position of the user LED represented by "a" is overlapping the 
"mole" LED position "r", a new random position is immediately calculated. The operation 
needs to be repeated as a while loop because, each time a new random value for "r" is cal- 
culated, there is a chance (exactly 1/8 if our pseudo-random generator is a good one) that the 
new value could be the same. In other words we could be creating a new "mole" right under 
the mallet. And that would not be very challenging or sporting. Don't you agree? 

Steps 3.4 and 3.5 are all about displaying and differentiating the two LEDs. To show both 
LEDs on the display bar, we could simply "add" the two binary patterns "a" and "r" but it 
would be very hard for the player to tell which is which. To represent the "mole" LED with 
a dimmer light, we can alternate cycles of the main loop where we present both LEDs and 
cycles where only the "mallet" LED is visible. Since the main loop is executed hundreds of 
thousands of time per second, our eye will perceive the "mole" LED as dimmer, proportion- 
ally to the number of cycles it is missing. For example, if we add the "mole" LED only once 
every 16 cycles, its apparent brightness will be only 1/16 that of the "mallet" LED. 

The counter w c", constantly incremented in 3.5, helps us to implement this mechanism. 

In 3.4 we look only at the 4 lsb of the counter (0. . . 15) and we add the "mole" LED to the 
display only when their value is ObOOOO. For the remaining 15 loops, only the "mallet" LED 
will be added to the display. 

Build the project and download it to the Explorer 16 board. You have to admit that it's much more 
entertaining now ! 

Measuring temperature 

Moving on to more serious things, there is a temperature-sensor mounted on the Explorer 16 board and 
it happens to be a Microchip TCI 047 A integrated temperature-sensing device with a nice linear volt- 
age output. This device is very small, as it is offered in a SOT-23 (three-pin, surface-mount) package. 
The power consumption is limited to 35 uA (typ.) while the power supply can cover the entire range 
from 2.5V to 5.5V. The output voltage is independent from the power supply and is an extremely linear 
function of the temperature (typically within 0.5 degree C) with a slope of exactly 10 mV/C. The offset 
is adjusted to provide an absolute temperature indication according to the formula seen in Figure 10-3. 


Chapter 10 















Vout = (10 mV/°C) (Temperature °C) + 500 mV 

-40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 125 

Temperature (°C) 

Figure 10-3. TC1047 Output Voltage vs. Temperature characteristics. 

We can apply our newly acquired abilities to convert the voltage output to digital information using, 
once more, the analog-to-digital converter of the PIC24. The temperature sensor is directly connected 
to the AN4 analog input channel as per the Explorer 16 board schematic. 


R24 A A A 100 

WV 1 ^ L |RB4/AN4) 

Figure 10-4. Detail of the Explorer 16 demonstration board, TC1047A temperature sensor. 

We can reuse the ADC functions developed for the previous exercise and put them in a new project 
called "TSense" and save the previous source file as "Tsense . c". 

Let's start modifying the code to include a new constant definition: tsens for the ADC input channel 
assigned to the temperature sensor: 


** It's an analog world 

** Converting the analog signal from a TC1047 Temperature Sensor 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 


It's an analog world 

#define POT 5 // 10k potentiometer connected to AN5 input 
#define TSENS 4 // TC1047 Temperature sensor with voltage output 
#define AINPUTS Oxffcf // Analog inputs for Explorerl6 POT and TSENS 

// initialize the ADC for single conversion, select Analog input pins 
void initADC ( int amask) 


ADlPCFG = amask; // select analog input pins 

AD1CON1 = OxOOEO; // auto convert after end of sampling 

AD1CSSL =0; //no scanning required 

AD1CON3 = 0xlF02; // max sample time = 3lTad, Tad = 2 x Tcy = 125ns >75ns 

AD1CON2 =0; //use MUXA, AVss and AVdd are used as Vref+/- 

ADlCONlbits.ADON = 1; // turn on the ADC 
} //initADC 

int readADC ( int ch) 


AD1CHS = ch; // select analog input channel 

ADlCONlbits . SAMP = 1; // start sampling, auto-conversion will follow 

while (! ADlCONlbits .DONE) ; // wait to complete the conversion 

return ADC1BUF0; // read the conversion result 
} // readADC 

As you can see, nothing else needed to change with regard to the ADC configuration or activation of 
the conversion sequence. Presenting the result on the LED bar might be a little tricky though. Tempera- 
ture sensors provide a certain level of noise and, to give a more stable reading, it is common to perform 
a little filtering. Taking groups of 16 samples and performing an average will give us a cleaner value to 
work with: 

a = 0; 

for ( j= 16; j >0; j — ) 

a += readADC ( TSENS); // add up 16 successive temperature readings 
i = a >> 4; // divide the result by 16 to obtain the average 

But how could we display the result using only the bar of LEDs? 

We could pick the most significant bits of the conversion result and publish them in binary or BCD, but 
once more it would not be fun. How about providing instead a relative temperature indication using a 
similar (single LED) index moving along the LED bar? 

We will sample the initial temperature value just before the main loop and use it as the offset for the 
center bar position. In the main loop we will update the dot position, moving it to the right as the 
sensed temperature increases or to the left as the sensed temperature decreases. Here is the complete 
code for the new temperature- sensing example: 

main ( ) 


int a , i , j ; 


Chapter 10 

II 1. initializations 

initADC( AINPUTS); // initialize the ADC for the Explorerl6 analog inputs 

TRISA = OxffOO; // select the PORTA pins as outputs to drive the LEDs 

T1CON = 0x8030; // TMRl on, prescale 1:256 Tclk/2 

// 2. sample initial temp value 

a = 0; 

for ( j= 16; j >0; j--) 

a += readADC ( TSENS); // read the temperature 
i = a >> 4; 
// this will give the central bar reference 

/ / 3 . main loop 
while ( 1) 


// 3.1 read a new (averaged) temperature value 

a = 0; 

for ( j= 16; j >0; j--) 


TMRl = 0; 

while ( TMRl < 3900); // 3900 x 256 x Tcy ~= lsec 

a += readADC ( TSENS); // read the temperature 


a >>= 4; // averaged over 16 readings 

// 3.2 compare with the initial reading and move the bar 1 pos . per C 
a = 3 + (a - i) ; 

// 3.3 keep the result in the value range 0..7, keep the bar visible 
if ( a > 7) 

a = 7; 
if ( a < 0) 

a = 0; 

// 3.4 turn on the corresponding LED 
PORTA = ( 0x80 >> a) ; 

} // main loop 
} // main 

In 3.2, we determine the difference between the initial reading "i" and the new averaged read- 
ing "a". The result is centered, so that a central LED is lit up when the difference is zero. 

In 3.3 the result is checked against the boundaries of the available display. Once the difference 
becomes negative and more than three bits wide, the display must simply indicate the leftmost 
position. When the difference is positive and more than four bits wide, the rightmost LED 
must be activated. 


It's an analog world 

In 3.4 we publish this result as in the previous example. 

To complete the exercise and give you a more aesthetically pleasing experience, I recommend that you 
also introduce an additional delay loop (for convenience inserted inside the 3.1 averaging loop). This 
will slow things down quite a bit, reducing the update rate of the display (and eventually the entire 
main loop cycle) to a period of about one second. A faster update rate would produce only an annoying 
flicker when the temperature readings are too close to the intermediate values between two contiguous 
dot positions. 

Build the project with the usual checklists and download it to the Explorer 16 board. 

After identifying the temperature sensor on the board (hint: it is close to the lower left corner of the 
PIC24 processor module and it looks like a surface-mount transistor), run the program and observe 
how small temperature variations, obtained by touching or blowing hot/cold air on the sensor, move the 
cursor around. 

The breath-alizer game 

To have a bit more fun with the temperature sensor, we can now merge the last two exercises into one 
new game. We'll call it the "Breath-alizer" game. The idea is to whack the "mole" (dim) LED by con- 
trolling the "mallet" using the temperature sensor. Heat the sensor up with some hot air to move it to 
the right, blow cold air on it to move it to the left. Have fun! 

main ( ) 


int a , i , j , k , r ; 

// 1. initializations 

initADC( AINPUTS) ; // initialize the ADC for the Explorerl6 analog inputs 
TRISA = OxffOO; // select the PORTA pins as outputs to drive the LEDs 
T1CON = 0x8030; // TMRl on, prescale 1:256 Tclk/2 

// 2. use the first reading to randomize the number generator 

srand( readADC ( TSENS)); 

// generate the first random position 

r = 0x80 >> (rand() & 0x7); 

k = 0; 

// 3. compute the average value for the initial reference 

a = 0; 

for ( j= 16; j >0; j--) 

a += readADC ( TSENS); // read the temperature 
i = a > > 4 ; 

// 5. main loop 
while ( 1) 


// 5.1 take the average value over 1 second 

a = 0; 

for ( j= 16; j >0; j--) 


Chapter 10 

TMRl = 0; 

while ( TMRl < 3900) // 16 x 3900 x 256 x Tcy ~= lsec 
{ // display the user LED and dim random LED 
if ( (TMRl 8c Oxf ) == 0) 

PORTA = k + r; 

PORTA = k ; 

a += readADC ( TSENS) ; // read the temperature 


a >>= 4; // averaged over 16 readings 

// 5.2 compare with the initial reading and move the bar 1 pos . per C 

a = 3 + (a - i) ; 

// keep the result in the value range 0. .7, keep the bar visible 

if ( a > 7) 

a = 7; 
if ( a < 0) 

a = 0; 
// update the user LED 
k = ( 0x80 >> a) ; 

// 5.3 as soon as the user hits the random LED, generate a new position 
while (k == r ) 

r = 0x80 >> (rand() & 0x7); 

} // main loop 
} // main 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson with have just started scratching the surface and exploring the possibilities offered by the 
analog-to-digital converter module of the PIC24. We have used one simple configuration of the many 
possible and only a few of the advanced features available. We have tested our newly acquired capabili- 
ties with two types of analog inputs available on the Explorer 16 board, and hopefully we had some fun 
in the process. 

Notes for C experts 

Even if the PIC24 has a fast divide instruction, there is no reason to waste any processor cycles. In 
embedded control, "every" processor cycle is precious. If the divisor is a power of two, the integer 
division can be best performed as a simple shift right by an appropriate number of positions with a 
computational cost that is at least an order of magnitude smaller than a regular division. If the divider 


It's an analog world 

is not a power of two, consider changing it if the application allows. In our last example, we could have 
opted for averaging 10 temperature samples, or 15 as well as 20, but we chose 16 because this made the 
division a simple matter of shifting the sum by 4 bits to the right (in a single cycle PIC24 instruction). 

Tips and tricks 

If the sampling time required is longer than the maximum available option (32 x Tad) you can try to 
extend Tad first, or a better option is to swap things around and enable the automatic sampling start 
(at the end of the conversion). This way the sampling circuit is always open, charging, whenever the 
conversion is not occurring. Manually clearing the samp bit will trigger the actual conversion start. 

Further, having Timer3 periodically clearing the samp control bit for you (one of the options for the 
ssrc bits in adiconi), and enabling the ADC end of conversion interrupt will provide the widest 
choice of sampling periods possible for the least amount of MCU overhead possible. No waiting loops, 
only a periodic interrupt when the results are available and ready to be fetched. 


1. Use the ADC FIFO buffer to collect conversion results; set up Timer 3 for automatic conver- 
sion and the interrupt mechanism so that a call is performed only once the buffer is full and 
temperature values are ready to be averaged. 


• Baker, B. 

A Baker's Dozen: Real Analog Solutions for Digital Designers 

Newnes, Burlington, MA 

For proper care and feeding of an analog-to-digital converter, look no further than Bonnie's 


http://www. microchip, com/stellent/idcplg ?IdcService = SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=2 1 02 &param 
=en021419&pageld= 79&pageld= 79 

Temperature sensors are available in many flavors and with a choice of interface options, including 
direct PC™ or SPI digital output. 




Cross -Country 

Part III - Cross-country flying 

Congratulations ! You have endured a few more lessons and gained the ability to complete more com- 
plex flights. You are now going to enter the third and last part of your training where you'll practice 
cross-country flying. No more pattern work around the airport, no more landings and take-offs, or 
maneuvers in the practice area — you will finally get to go somewhere ! 

In the third part of this book, we will start developing new projects that will require you to master sev- 
eral peripheral modules at once. Since the examples will become a bit more complex, not only having 
an actual demonstration board (the Explorer 16) at hand is recommended, but also having the ability to 
perform small modifications and utilize the prototyping area to add new functionality to the demonstra- 
tion board will be necessary. Simple schematics and component part numbers will be offered in the 
following chapters as required. On the companion web site "" (and/or "Program-") you will find additional expansion boards and prototyping options to help you 
enjoy even the most advanced projects. 




Capturing inputs 

In This Chapter 


The PS/2 communications protocol 

Another method - Change Notification 


Interfacing a PIC24 to the PS/2 


Evaluating cost 


Input capture 


A Third method - I/O Polling 


Testing the Input Capture 


Testing the I/O poling method 

method using Stimulus Scripts 


Cost and efficiency of the solution 


Testing the PS/2 receive routines 


Completing the interface: 


The simulation 

adding a FIFO buffer 


The simulator profile 


Completing the interface: 
performing key codes decoding 

As we were saying in a previous chapter, advanced electronics is rapidly gaining space in the cockpits 
of all but the smallest airplanes. While the glass (LCD) displays are supplanting the old steam gauges, 
GPS satellite receivers are plotting the airplane position in real time on colorful maps depicting terrain 
elevations and, with additional equipment, up-to-the-minute satellite weather information too. Pilots 
can enter an entire flight plan in the navigation system and then follow their path on the moving map, 
just like in a video game. The interaction with these new instruments, though, is becoming the next 
big challenge. Just as with computer applications, each instrument is controlled by a different menu 
system and a set of knobs and buttons to allow the pilot to provide the inputs quickly and, hopefully, 
intuitively. However, the limited space in the cockpit has so far imposed serious limitations on the type 
and number of such input devices, which for the most part — at least in the first generations — have been 
mimicking the knobs and buttons of the primitive VHF radios. 

If you have a GPS navigation system in your car and you have tried to dial in a street address in a 
foreign city (say "Bahnhofstrasse, 17, Munich) by twisting and turning that little knob while driving on 
a highway .. .well, you know exactly the type of challenge I am talking about. Keyboards are the logi- 
cal next level of input interface for several advanced avionics (aviation electronics) systems. They are 
already common in business jet cockpits, but they are starting to make their appearance in the smaller 
general aviation airplanes too. How about a keyboard in your next car? 

Flight plan 

With the advent of the USB bus, computers have finally been freed from a number of "legacy" in- 
terfaces that had been in use for decades since the introduction of the first IBM PC. The PS/2 mouse 
and keyboard interface is one of them. The result of this transition is that a large number of the "old" 


Chapter 1 1 

keyboards are now flooding the surplus market and even new PS/2 keyboards are selling for very low 
prices. This creates the opportunity to give our future PIC24 projects a powerful input capability. It will 
also give us the motivation to investigate a few alternative interface methods and their trade-offs. We'll 
implement software state machines, refresh our experience using interrupts and possibly learn to use 
new peripherals. 

The flight 

The physical PS/2 port uses a 5 -pin DIN or a 6-pin mini-DIN connector. The first was common on the 
original IBM PC-XT and AT series but has not been in use for a while now. The smaller 6-pin version 
has been more common in recent years. Once the different pin-outs are taken into consideration, the 
two are electrically identical. 





5-pin DIN (AT/XT): 

1 - Clock 

2 - Data 

4 - Ground 

5 - Vcc (+5V) 



6-pin Mini-DIN (PS/2): 

1 - Data 

• ■ • \ 

• I 
1 2 / 

(4 3) 
\ 2 1 / 

\o 0/ 

3 - Ground 



4 - Vcc (+5V) 



5 - Clock 



■1a-d. PS/2 Physical Interface. 

The host must provide a 5V power supply. The current consumption will vary with the keyboard model 
and year, but you can expect values between 50 and 100 mA (the original specifications used to call for 
up to 275 mA max). 

The data and clock lines are both open-collector with pull-up resistors (1-10 kohm) so as to allow for 
two-way communication. In the normal mode of operation, it is the keyboard that drives both lines in 
order to send data to the personal computer. When it is necessary, though, the computer can take con- 
trol to configure the keyboard and to change the status LEDs ("Caps" and "Num Lock"). 


Capturing inputs 

The PS/2 communication protocol 

At idle, both the data and clock lines are held high by the pull-ups (located inside the keyboard). In this 
condition the keyboard is enabled and can start sending data as soon as a key has been pressed. If the 
host holds the clock line low for more than 100 us, any further keyboard transmissions are suspended. 
If the host holds the data line low and then releases the clock line, this is interpreted as a request to 
send a command. 






Figure 7 1-2. Keyboard to Host communication waveform. 

The protocol is a curious mix of synchronous and asynchronous communication protocols that we 
have seen in previous chapters. It is synchronous since a clock line is provided, but it is similar to an 
asynchronous protocol since a start, a stop and a parity bit are used to bracket the actual 8-bit data 
packet. Unfortunately, the baud rate used is not a standard value and can change from unit to unit, over 
time, with temperature and the phase of the moon. In fact, typical values range from 10 to 16 kbit per 
second. Data changes during the clock-high state. Data is valid when the clock line is low. Whether 
data is flowing from the host to the keyboard or vice versa, it is the keyboard that always generates the 
clock signal. 

Note: The USB bus reverses the roles as it makes each peripheral a synchronous slave of the host. 
This simplifies things enormously for a non-real-time, nonpreemptive multitasking operating sys- 
tem like Windows®. The serial port and the parallel port were similarly asynchronous interfaces, 
and — probably for the same reason — both became legacy with the introduction of the USB bus 

Interfacing a PIC24 to the PS/2 

The unique peculiarities of the protocol make interfacing to a PS/2 keyboard an interesting challenge, 
as neither the PIC24 SPI interface nor the UART interface can be used. In fact, the SPI interface does 
not accept 1 1-bit words (8-bit or 16-bit words are the only options), while the PIC24 UART would 
require the periodic transmission of special break characters to make use of the powerful auto baud- 
rate detection capabilities. Also notice that the PS/2 protocol is based on 5V-level signals. This requires 
care in choosing which pins can be directly connected to the PIC24. In fact, only the 5V-tolerant digital 
input pins can be used, which excludes the I/O pins that are multiplexed with the analog-to-digital 

Input Capture 

The first idea that comes to mind is to implement in software a PS/2 serial interface peripheral using 
the Input Capture mechanism. 


Chapter 1 1 

ICx pin 

(1,4, 16) 


Edge Detection Logic 

Clock Synchronizer 


Mode Select 



From 16-bit Timers 




System Bus 

Set Flag ICxIF 
(in IFSn Register) 



\l 07 ICTMR 

' (ICxCON<7>) 

Note: An 'x' in a signal, register or bit name denotes the number of the capture channel. 

Figure 1 1-3. Input Capture module block diagram. 

Five Input Capture modules are available on the PIC24FJ128GA010, connected respectively to the 
IC1-IC5 pins multiplexed on PORTD pins 8, 9, 10, 1 1 and 12. 

Each Input Capture module is controlled by a single corresponding control register ICxCON and works 
in combination with one of two timers, either Timer2 or Timer3. 

One of several possible events can trigger the input capture: 

rising edge 

falling edge 

rising and falling edge 

4 th rising edge 

16 th rising edge. 

The current value of the selected timer is recorded and stored in a FIFO buffer to be retrieved by read- 
ing the corresponding icxbuf register. In addition to the capture event, an interrupt can be generated 
after a programmable number of events (each time, every second, every third or every fourth). 

To put the Input Capture peripheral to use and receive the data stream from a PS/2 keyboard, we can 
connect the IC 1 input to the clock line and configure the peripheral to generate an interrupt on each and 
every falling edge of the clock. 


Capturing inputs 

Falling Edge 

Input Capture Event 

Clock Line 

Data Line 

Figure 1 1-4. PS/2 Interface Bit Timing and the Input Capture trigger event. 

After creating a new project, and following our usual template, we can start adding the following ini- 
tialization code: 

#define PS2DATA _RG12 
#define PS2CLOCK RD8 

// any available 5V tolerant input 
// use the IC1 module input pin 

void initKBD( void) 


// clear the flag 
KBDReady = 0; 

_TRISD8 = 1; 
_TRISG12 = 1; 
IC1CON = 0x0002; 
_IC1IF = 0; 
_IC1IE = 1; 

// make IC1 = RD8 pin an input (clock) 

// make the RG12 pin an input (data) 

// use TMR3 , int every capture, falling edge 

// clear the interrupt flag 

// enable the IC1 interrupt 

} // void initKBD 

We will also need to create an interrupt service routine for the IC 1 interrupt vector. This routine will 
have to operate as a state machine and perform the following steps in sequence: 

1. Verify the presence of a start bit (data line low). 

2. Shift in 8 bits of data and compute a parity. 

3. Verify a valid parity bit. 

4. Verify the presence of a stop bit (data line high). 

If any of these checks fails, the state machine must reset and return to the start condition. When a 
valid byte of data is received, we will store it in a buffer — think of it as a mailbox — and a flag will be 
raised so that the main program or any other "consumer" routine will know a valid key code has been 
received and is ready to be retrieved. To fetch the code, it will suffice to copy it from the mailbox first 
and then to clear the flag. 


Chapter 1 1 

Data = high 

Bitcount < 8 

Figure 1 1-5. The PS/2 receive state machine diagram. 

The state machine requires only four states and a counter, and all the transitions are summarized in 
Table 11-1: 





Data = low 

Init Bitcount, 
In it Parity, 
Transition to Bit state 


Bitcount < 8 

Shift in key code, LSB first (shift right), 
Update Parity 
Increment Bitcount 

Bitcount = 8 

Transition to Parity state 


Parity = even 

Error. Transition back to Start 

Parity = odd 

Transition to Stop 


Data = low 

Error. Transition back to Start 

Data = high 

Save the key code in buffer, 
Set flag, 
Transition to Start 

Table 11-1. PS/2 receive state machine transitions table. 

Theoretically we should consider this an 1 1 -state machine, counting each time the Bit state is entered 
with a different Bitcount value as a distinct state. But the four-state model works best for an efficient 
C-language implementation. Let's define a few constants and variables that we will use to maintain the 
state machine: 


Capturing inputs 

I / definition of the keyboard PS/2 state machine 
#define PS2 START 
#define PS2BIT 1 
#define PS2 PARITY 2 
#define PS2ST0P 3 

// PS2 KBD state machine and buffer 

int PS2State; 

unsigned char KBDBuf; // temporary buffer 

int KCount, KParity, ; // bitcount and parity 

// key code flag and mailbox 
volatile int KBDReady; 
volatile unsigned char KBDCode; 

Note: The keyword volatile is used as a modifier in a variable declaration to alert the compiler 
that the content of the variable could change unpredictably as a consequence of an interrupt or 
other hardware mechanism. We use it here to prevent the compiler from applying any optimiza- 
tion technique (loop extraction, procedure abstraction..) whenever these two variables are used. 
Admittedly, we could have omitted the detail in this code example (after all, all optimizations are 
supposed to be turned off during debugging), only to find ourselves with a big headache in the 
future, when using this code in a more complex project and trying to squeeze it to get the highest 
possible performance. KBDReady and KBDcode are the only two variables used in both the interrupt 
service routine and the main interface code. 

The interrupt service routine for the input capture IC1 module can finally be implemented using a 
simple switch statement that performs the entire state machine. 

void _ISR _IClInterrupt ( void) 

{ // input capture interrupt service routine 

switch( PS2State) { 
default : 
case PS2 START: 

if ( ! PS2DAT) 


KCount =8; // init bit counter 

KParity =0; // init parity check 
PS2State = PS2BIT; 




Chapter 1 1 

case PS2BIT: 

KBDBuf »=1; 
if ( PS2DAT) 

KBDBuf += 0x8 0; 
KParity A = KBDBuf; 
if ( --KCount == 0) 

PS2State = PS2PARITY; 

// shift in data bit 

// update parity 

// if all bit read, move on 

case PS2PARITY: 
if ( PS2DAT) 

KParity A = 0x80; 
if ( KParity & 0x80) 

PS2State = PS2STOP; 

PS2State = PS2START; 

// if parity is odd, continue 

case PS2STOP: 

if ( PS2DAT) 


KBDCode = KBDBuf; 
KBDReady = 1; 


PS2State = PS2START; 


// verify stop bit 

// save the key code in mail box 
// set flag, key code available 

} // switch state machine 

// clear interrupt flag 
_IC1IF = 0; 

} // IC1 Interrupt 

Testing the Input Capture method using Stimulus Scripts 

The small perforated prototyping area can be used to attach a PS/2 mini-DIN connector to the 
Explorer 16 demonstration board, the only alternative being the development of a custom daughter 
board (PICTail™) for the expansion connectors. Before committing to designing such a board though, 
we would like to make sure that the chosen pin-out and code is going to work. The MPLAB® SIM 
software simulator is going to be, once more, our tool of choice. 

While in previous chapters we have used the software simulator in conjunction with the Watch window, 
the Stopwatch, and the Logic Analyzer to verify that our programs were generating the proper tim- 
ings and outputs, this time we will need to simulate inputs as well. To this end MPLAB SIM offers a 
considerable number of options and resources, so many in fact that the system might seem a bit intimi- 
dating at first. First of all, the simulator offers two types of input stimuli: asynchronous ones, typically 
triggered manually by the user, and synchronous ones, triggered automatically by the simulator after a 


Capturing inputs 

scripted amount of time (expressed in processor cycles or seconds). The script files (.SCL) containing 
the descriptions of the synchronous stimuli (that can be quite complex) can be prepared using a conve- 
nient tool, called the SCL Generator. You can invoke the SCL Generator by selecting "SCLGenerator^ 
New Workbook" from the Debugger menu. In order to prepare the simplest type of stimulus script, one 
that assigns values to specific input pins (and entire registers) at given points in time, you can select the 
first tab in the Generator window: "Pin/Register Actions". 

After selecting the unit of measurement of choice, microseconds in our case, click on the first row of the 
table that occupies most of the dialog box window space (where it says "Click here to Add Signals"). This 
will allow you to add columns to the table. Add one column for every pin for which you want to simulate 
inputs. In our example, that would be RG12 for the PS2 Data line and IC1 for the Input Capture pin that 
we want connected to the PS2 Clock line. At this point we can start typing in the stimulus timing table. 
To simulate a generic PS/2 keyboard transmission, we will need to produce a 10-kHz clock signal for 1 1 
cycles as represented in the PS/2 keyboard waveform in Figure 1 1-4. This requires an event to be inserted 
in the timing table every 50 us. As an example, Table 11-2 illustrates the trigger events I recommend you 
add to the SCL Generator timing table to simulate the transmission of key code 0x79. 

SCL Workbook - C:\„.\IC PS2 


Pin / Register Actions | Advanced Pin / Register ] Clock Stimulus | Register Injection | Register Trace 
Time Units | us JJ 

l~" Repeat after f 

(decimal I 




Click here to Add Signals 





























Generate SCL From Workbook 

Delete Row 

Save Workbook 


Figure 1 1-6. The SCL Generator window. 


Chapter 1 1 

Time (us) 






Idle state, both lines are pulled up 





First falling edge, Start bit (0) 






Bit 0, key code LSb (1) 




Bit 1 (0) 




Bit 2 (0) 




Bit 3(1) 




Bit 4(1) 




Bit 5(1) 




Bit 6 ( 1) 




Bit 7, key code MSb (0) 




Parity bit (0) 






Stop bit (1 ) 





Table 1 1-2. SCL Generator timing example for basic PS/2 simulation. 

Once the timing table is filled, you can save the current content for future use with the "Save Work- 
book" button. The file generated will be an ASCII file with the . sbs extension. In theory, you could 
edit this file manually with the MPLAB IDE editor or any basic ASCII editor, but you are strongly 
discouraged from doing so. The format is more rigid than meets the eye and you might end up trash- 
ing it. If you were wondering why the term "Workbook" is used for what looks like a simple table, you 
are invited to explore the other panes (accessible clicking on the tabs at the top of the dialog box) of 
the SCL Generator. You will see that what we are using in this example is just one of the many stimuli 
generation methods available, representing a minuscule portion of the capabilities of the SCL Genera- 
tor. A Workbook file can contain a number of different types of stimuli produced by any (or several) of 
those panes. 


Capturing inputs 

A segment of the SCL Generator Workbook file is shown here: 

## SCL Builder Setup File: Do not edit!! 


## FORMAT: vl.4 0.0 

## DEVICE: PIC24FJ128GA010 



No Repeat 









At this point an actual stimulus script file can be generated from the timing table we just defined. 
Stimulus script files have a . scl extension and are, once more, simple ASCII text files. The script files 
contain the real commands and information that the MPLAB SIM simulator will use to simulate the 
actual input signals. A segment of the stimulus file is shown here: 


// .../IC PS2 simulation. scl 

// Generated by SCL Generator ver . 



configuration for "pic24f j 128ga010" is 
end configuration; 

testbench for "pic24f j 128ga010 " is 


Chapter 1 1 

process is 

wait for us; 

report "Stimulus actions after us"; 

RG12 <= v 1 ' ; 

IC1 <= ! 1'; 

end process; 

process is 

wait for 100 us; 

report "Stimulus actions after 100 us"; 

RG12 <= l l' ; 

IC1 <= 'l'; 

end process; 

You might notice a certain resemblance between the notation used in the SCL file and some hardware 
description languages (VHDL). Perhaps it is not just a coincidence! 

The structured format adopted is, in fact, designed to allow great flexibility in describing the stimuli as 
well as a fast simulation execution. 

Testing the PS/2 receive routines 

Before we get to use the stimulus file generated, we have to complete the project with a few final 
touches. Let's package the PS/2 receive routines as a module that we might want to call "PS2IC . c". 
Remember to include the file in the project (right-click in the editor window, and "Add to Project"). 

Let's also prepare an include file to publish the accessible function: initKBD ( ) , the flag KBDReady and 
the buffer for the received key code KBDCode: 


** PS2lC.h 

** PS/2 keyboard input library using input capture 

extern volatile int KBDReady; 

extern volatile unsigned char KBDCode; 

void initKBD ( void); 


Capturing inputs 

Note that there is no reason to publish any other detail of the inner workings of the PS2 receiver 
implementation. This will give us freedom to later try a few different methods without changing the 
interface. Save this file as "PS2IC .h" and include it in the project. 

Let's also create a new file "PS2iCTest . c" that will contain the main routine and will use the PS2IC 
module to test its functionality: 


** PS2 KBD Test 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include "PS2lC.h" 


TRISA = OxffOO; 
initKBDO ; 

// call the initialization routine 

// wait for the flag 

// fetch the key code and publish on PORTA 
// clear the flag 

while ( 1) 


if ( KBDReady) 


KBDReady = 0; 

} // main loop 
} //main 

This will initialize PORTA LSB for output (on the Explorer 16 connected to the LEDs), and will call 
the PS/2 keyboard initialization routine that, in its turn, will initialize the chosen input pins, the state 
machine, and the interrupts on input capture. 

The main loop will wait for the interrupt routine to raise the flag (key code available), will fetch the key 
code and publish it on the LEDs, and finally will clear the flag, ready to receive a new character. 

Now remember to add the file to the project and "Build All." 


Chapter 1 1 
The simulation 

Instead of launching the simulation immediately, proceed to the Debugger menu once more and select 
the "Stimulus Controller" submenu. 

Select Tool 

i -• 

Clear Memory 





Step Into 


Step Over 








Stimulus Controller ► 

Mew Scenario 

SCL Generator 


Open Scenario 



Save Scenario 

Refresh PM 

Close Scenario 


Figure 1 1-7. Stimulus Controller submenu. 

Select "New Scenario" and you will see a new dialog box appear on the screen. This is the Stimulus Con- 
troller and, although it looks deceptively similar to the SCL Generator dialog box, don't let it fool you! 

Stimulus Controller - (j\..*\ 

Stimulus (SCL] Fie 

c:\wotkVe30\ic\ie ps2 simulation, scl 

jch Detach Import/Merge 

Asynchronous Stimulus 

Fire Pin/SFR I Action 

Width Units Comments / Message 


ie rem 

Save Scenario 

E:- :i r 


Figure 1 1-8. The Stimulus Controller window. 

The Stimulus Controller allows you to attach to the project the synchronous stimulus scripts you gener- 
ated with the SCL Generator, and add to them "asynchronous stimuli" triggered by the "Fire" buttons 
that you see in the Stimulus Controller table. 


Capturing inputs 

Select the "Attach" button and select the . scl file we generated before. 

You could now save this "scenario" for later use, but in our case, since we will be dealing with just this 
one . scl file and no further asynchronous stimulus will be created, there is really no point. 

Note: You must keep the Stimulus Controller window open (in the background). Resist the tempta- 
tion to hit the Exit button, as that would close the scenario and leave us without stimuli. 

Finally! Hit the Reset button (or select "Debugger— > Reset") and watch for the first stimulus to arrive 
as the microsecond trigger is fired. Remember, both lines RG12 and IC1 are supposed to be set high 
according to our simulation timetable. A message will be confirming this in the Output window. 

Figure 1 1-9. The output window (MPLAB SIM pane) showing that a stimulus action has been triggered. 

It is your choice now to proceed by single-stepping or animating through the program to verify its cor- 
rect execution. My suggestion is that you start by placing a breakpoint inside the main loop, just past 
the instruction copying the KBDCode on to porta. Open the Watch window and add porta from the 
SFR list, and then RUN. 

After a few seconds, the execution should terminate at the breakpoint and the content of porta should 
reflect the data we sent through the simulated PS/2 lines: 0x79! 

The Simulator Profile 

If you were curious about how fast the simulation of a PIC24 could run on your computer, there is an 
interesting feature available to you in the MPLAB SIM Debugger menu, the Profile. Select the Profile 
submenu ("Debugger— > Profile") and click on "Reset Profile" first. (See Figure 11-10.) 

This will clear the Simulator Profile counters and timers. Then remove all breakpoints and let the simu- 
lator run ("Debugger— >Run") for a few seconds. Halt the simulation and go back to the "Debugger— > 
Profile" submenu. This time, select "Display Profile". (See Figure 11-11.) 

A relatively long report will be available in the output window (MPLAB SIM pane), listing how many 
times each instruction was used by the processor during the simulation and at the very bottom offer- 
ing an assessment of the absolute simulation speed. In my case, that turned out to be a respectable 2.7 
MIPS, meaning the software simulation (on my laptop) ran at about one-sixth the actual processor 
speed. Not bad at all! 


Chapter 1 1 

Select Tool 

Clear Memory 



Step Into 
Step Over 

Breakpoints... F2 


Stimulus Controller ► 

SCI Generator ► 


Figure 11-10. The Simulator Profile submenu. 

Build Version Control Find in Files MPLAB SIM MPLAB ICO 



Simulation Execution time on this computer: 3.735 seconds (1 01 39792 instructions. 271 5 MIPS). 
Execution cycles: 1 01 39890 
Instruction stalls: 1 7 


Figure 11-11 . Simulator Profile output. 

Another method - Change Notification 

While the Input Capture technique worked all right, there are other options that we might be curious to 
explore in order to interface efficiently with a PS/2 keyboard. In particular, there is another interesting 
peripheral available in the PIC24 that could offer an alternative method to implement a PS/2 interface: 
the Change Notification (CN) module. There are as many as 22 I/O pins connected to this module and 
this can give us some freedom in choosing the ideal input pins for the PS/2 interface, while making 
sure they don't conflict with other functions required in our project or already in use on the Explorer 16 
board. There are only four control registers associated with the CN module. The cneni and cnen2 reg- 
isters contain the interrupt-enable control bits for each of the CN input pins. Setting any of these bits 
enables a CN interrupt for the corresponding pins. Note that only one interrupt vector is available for 
the entire CN module, therefore it will be the responsibility of the interrupt service routine to determine 
which one of the enabled inputs has actually changed. 

File Name 


Bit 15 

Bit 14 

Bit 13 

Bit 12 

Bit 11 

Bit 10 

Bit 9 

Bit 8 

Bit 7 

Bit 6 

Bit 5 

Bit 4 

Bit 3 

Bit 2 

Bit 1 



























































Legend: — = unimplemented, read as '0'. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal. 

Table 1 1-3. The CN control register table. 


Capturing inputs 

Each CN pin also has a weak pull-up connected to it. The pull-up acts as a current source that is con- 
nected to the pin and eliminates the need for external resistors when push-button or keypad devices are 
connected. The pull-ups are enabled separately using the cnpui and cnpu2 registers, which contain the 
control bits for each of the CN pins. Setting any of the control bits enables the weak pull-ups for the 
corresponding pins. 

In practice, all we need to support the PS/2 interface is only one of the CN inputs connected to the PS 2 
clock line. The PIC24 weak pull-up will not be necessary in this case, as it is already provided by the 

There are 22 pins to choose from, and we will find a CN input that is not shared with the analog-to- 
digital converter (remember we need a 5V-tolerant input) and is not overlapping with some other 
peripheral used on the Explorer 16 board. This takes a little studying between the device datasheet and 
the Explorer 16 user guide. But once the input pin is chosen, say CN1 1 (multiplexed with PORTG pin 
9, the SS line of the SPI2 module and the PMP module Address line 2), a new initialization routine can 
be written in just a few lines: 

#define PS2DAT RG12 

// CN11 input pin 

// any available 5V tolerant input 

void initKBD( void) 
{ // PS/2 keyboard 

CNEN1 = 0x0800; 

_CNIF = 0; 

_CNIE = 1; 
} // initKBD 

// enable CNll input change notification 

// clear the interrupt flag 

// enable the interrupt on change notification 

As per the interrupt service routine, we can use exactly the same state machine used in the previous 
example, adding only a couple of lines of code to make sure that we are looking at a falling edge of the 
clock line. 

Change Notifications 

Clock Line 

Data Line 

Figure 11-13. PS/2 Interface Bit Timing, Change Notification events detail. 


Chapter 1 1 

In fact, when using the Input Capture module, we could choose to receive an interrupt only on the 
desired clock edge, while the Change Notification module will generate an interrupt both on falling 
and rising edges. A simple check of the status of the Clock line immediately after entering the interrupt 
service routine will help us tell the two edges apart: 

void _ISR _CNInterrupt ( void) 

{ // change notification interrupt service routine 

// make sure it was a falling edge 
if ( PS2CLK == 0) 


// PS/2 receiving state machine 
switch ( PS2State) { 
default : 
case PS2 START: 

if ( ! PS2DAT) 


KCount = 8; 
KParity = 0; 
PS2State = PS2BIT; 



// init bit counter 
// init parity check 

case PS2BIT: 

KBDBuf »=1; 
if ( PS2DAT) 

KBDBuf += 0x8 0; 
KParity A = KBDBuf; 
if ( --KCount == 0) 

PS2State = PS2PARITY; 

// shift in data bit 

// update parity 

// if all bit read, move on 

case PS2PARITY: 
if ( PS2DAT) 

KParity A = 0x80; 
if ( KParity & 0x80) 

PS2State = PS2STOP; 

PS2State = PS2START; 

// if parity is odd, continue 


Capturing inputs 

case PS2ST0P: 

KBDBuf »=1; // shift in data bit 

if ( PS2DAT) 

KBDBuf += 0x8 0; 
KParity A = KBDBuf; // update parity 

if ( --KCount ==0) //if all bit read, move on 

PS2State = PS2PARITY; 
} // switch state machine 

} // if falling edge 

// clear interrupt flag 
_CNIF = 0; 

} // CN Interrupt 

Add the constants and variables declarations already used in the previous example: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
# include "PS2CN.h" 

#define PS2DAT _RG12 // PS2 Data input pin 
#define PS2CLK _RG9 // PS2 Clock input pin 

// definition of the keyboard PS/2 state machine 
#define PS2 START 
#define PS2BIT 1 
#define PS2 PARITY 2 
#define PS2STOP 3 

// PS2 KBD state machine and buffer 
int PS2State; 
unsigned char KBDBuf; 
int KCount, KParity; 

// mailbox 

volatile int KBDReady; 

volatile unsigned char KBDCode; 

Package it all together in a file that we will call w PS2CN . c " . 

The include file "PS2CN.h" is going to be almost identical to the previous example since we are going 
to offer the same interface: 


Chapter 1 1 

* * 

** PS2CN.h 
* * 

** PS/2 keyboard input module using Change Notification 

extern volatile int KBDReady; 

extern volatile unsigned char KBDCode; 

void initKBD( void); 

Create a new project called "PS2CN" and add both the . c and the . h files to the project. 

Finally, create a main module to test this new technique. One more time, it is going to be almost identi- 
cal to the previous project: 


** PS2 KBD Test 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include "PS2CN.h" 

main ( ) 


TRISA = OxffOO; 
initKBDO ; 

// call the initialization routine 

// wait for the flag 

// fetch the key code and publish on PORTA 
// clear the flag 

while ( 1) 


if ( KBDReady) 


KBDReady = 0; 

} // main loop 
} //main 

Save the project and then build the project ("Project^BuildAll") to compile and link all the modules. 

To test the change notification technique, we will once more use MPLAB SIM stimulus-generation 
capabilities and we will repeat most of the steps performed in the previous project. Starting with the 
SCL Generator ("Debugger— >SCLGenerator"), we will create a new Workbook. Inside the generator 
window, create two columns; one will be for the same PS2 Data line connected to RG12, but the other 
one this time will be for the PS2 Clock line connected to the CN1 1 Change Notification module input. 


Capturing inputs 

Add the same sequence of times and events to the table as used in the previous example, replacing the 
IC1 input column with the CN11 column. Save the Workbook as "PS2CN. sbs" and then hit the "Gen- 
erate SCL" file to produce the output stimulus script file: "PS2CN. scl". Finally, activate the Stimulus 
Controller ("Debugger— >StimulusController") and create a new Scenario. From the Stimulus Control- 
ler window, click on the Attach button and select the "PS2CN. scl" file to activate the input simulation. 
Save the Scenario if you want, but don't close the Controller window (you can minimize it though). 

We are ready now to execute the code and test (in simulation) the proper functioning of the new PS/2 
interface. Open the Watch window and add porta. Then set a breakpoint inside the main loop, right 
after the key code is copied into the porta register. Finally, perform a reset ("Debugger— >Reset") and 
verify that the first event is triggered (setting both PS/2 input lines high at time us). Execute the code 
("Debugger— >RUN") and, if all goes well, you will see the processor stop at the breakpoint after less 
than a second and you will see the contents of porta updated to reflect the key code 0x79. Success! 

Evaluating cost 

Changing from the input capture to the Change Notification method was almost too easy. The two 
peripherals are extremely potent and, although designed for different purposes, when applied to the 
task at hand they performed almost identically. In the embedded world, though, you should constantly 
ask yourself if you could solve the problem with fewer resources, even when apparently, as in this case, 
there seems to be abundance. Let's evaluate the real cost of each solution by counting the resources 
used and their relative scarcity. When using the input capture, we are in fact using one of five IC mod- 
ules available in the PIC24FJ128GA010 model. This peripheral is designed to operate in conjunction 
with a timer (Timer2 or Timer3), although we are not using the timing information in our application, 
but only the interrupt mechanism associated with the input edge trigger. When using the change notifi- 
cation, we are using only one of 22 possible inputs, but we are also taking control of the sole interrupt 
vector available to this peripheral. In other words, should we need any other input pin to be controlled 
by the Change Notification peripheral, we will have to share the interrupt vector, adding latency and 
complexity to the solution. I would call this a tie. 

A third method - I/O polling 

There is one more method that we could explore to interface to a PS/2 keyboard. It is the most basic 
one and it implies the use of a timer, set for a periodic interrupt, and its inputs can be any (5V tolerant) 
I/O pin of the microcontroller. In a way, this method is the most flexible from a configuration and lay- 
out point of view. It is also the most generic, as any microcontroller model, even the smallest and most 
inexpensive, will offer at least one timer module suitable for our purpose. The theory of operation is 
pretty simple. At regular intervals, an interrupt will be generated, set by the value of the period register 
associated with the chosen timer. 


Chapter 1 1 

Periodic sampling 

Clock Line 

Data Line 

Figure 11-14. PS/2 Interface Bit Timing, I/O Polling sampling points. 

We will use Timer4 this time, since we've never used it before. Hence, pr4 will be the period register. 
The interrupt service routine (t4 interrupt) will sample the status of the PS/2 Clock line and it will 
determine whether a falling edge has occurred on the PS/2 Clock line over the previous period. When a 
falling edge is detected, the Data line status will be considered to have received the key code. In order 
to determine how frequently we should perform the sampling, and therefore identify the optimal value 
of the PR4 register, we should look at the shortest amount of time allowed between two edges on the 
PS/2 clock line. This is determined by the maximum bit-rate specified for the PS/2 interface, which, 
according to the documentation in our possession, corresponds to about 16 kbit/s. At that rate, the 
clock signal can be represented by a square wave with approximately 50% duty cycle, and a period of 
approximately 62.5 us. In other words, the clock line will stay low for little more than 30 us each time 
a data bit is presented on the Data line, and will stay high for approximately the same amount of time, 
during which the next bit will be shifted out. By setting pr4 to a value that will make the interrupt 
period shorter than 30 us (say 25 us), we can guarantee that the clock line will be sampled at least once 
between two consecutive edges. The keyboard transmission bit rate, though, could be as slow as 
10 kbit/s, giving a maximum distance between edges of about 50 us. In that case, we would be sam- 
pling the clock and data lines twice and possibly up to three times between each clock edge. In other 
words, we will have to build a new state machine to detect the actual occurrence of a falling edge and 
to properly keep track of the PS/2 clock signal. 

Clock = 

Clock = 1 

Clock = 1 

Clock = 0, Falling Edge 

Figure 11-15. Clock-polling state machine graph. 


Capturing inputs 

The state machine requires only two states, and all the transitions can be summarized in Table 1 1-4. 





Clock = 

Remain in StateO 

Clock = 1 

Rising Edge, Transition to State 1 

State 1 

Clock = 1 

Remain in State 1 

Clock = 

Falling edge detected 

Execute the Data state machine 

Transition to StateO 

Table 1 1-4. Clock-polling state machine transitions table. 

When a falling edge is detected, we can still use the same state machine developed in the previous 
projects to read the data line. It is important to notice that in this case the value of the data line is not 
guaranteed to be sampled right after the actual falling edge of the clock line has occurred, but could 
be considerably delayed. To avoid the possibility of reading the data line outside the valid period, it is 
imperative to sample simultaneously both the clock and the data line. By definition (PS/2 specifica- 
tions), if the clock line is low, the data can be considered valid. In practice the requirement translates 
into the necessity to assign both the data and clock inputs to pins of the same port. In our example we 
will choose to use RG12 (again) for the clock line, and RG15 for the data line. In this way, copying 
portg contents into a temporary variable, as soon as we enter the interrupt service routine, will give us 
an atomic action and perfect simultaneity in sampling the two lines. Here is the simplest implementa- 
tion of the Clock state machine illustrated in Figure 11-15: 

#define PS2DAT _RG12 
#define PS2CLK _RG15 
#define CLKMASK 0x80 
#define DATMASK 0x1000 

// PS2 Data input pin 

// PS2 Clock input pin 

// mask to detect the clock line 

// mask to detect the data line 

unsigned char KBDBuf; 
int KState; 

// mailbox 

volatile int KBDReady; 

volatile unsigned char KBDCode; 

void _ISR _T4lnterrupt ( void) 


int PS2IN; 

// sample the inputs, clock and data, at the same time 


Chapter 1 1 

II Keyboard clock state machine 

if ( KState) 

{ // previous time clock was high, Statel 

if ( ! (PS2IN Sc CLKMASK) ) // PS2CLK = 

{// falling edge detected 

KState =0; // transition to StateO 

<<<. . . Insert Data state machine here!>>> 

} // falling edge 


{ // clock still high, remain in Statel 

} // clock still high 
} // State 1 


{ // State 

if ( PS2IN Sc CLKMASK) // PS2CLK = 1 

{ // rising edge detected 

KState = 1; // transition to Statel 

} // rising edge 


{ // clocl still low, remain in StateO 

} // clock still low 
} // State 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_T4IF = 0; 

} // T4 Interrupt 

Thanks to the periodic nature of the polling mechanism we just developed, we can add a new feature 
to the PS2 interface to make it more robust with minimal effort. First of all we can add a counter of the 
idle loops of both states of the clock state machine. This way we will be able to create a timeout, so 
as to be able to detect and correct error conditions should the PS/2 keyboard be disconnected during a 
transmission or should the receive routine lose synchronization for any reason. 

The new transition table is quickly updated to include the timeout counter Ktimer. 


Capturing inputs 




Remain in StateO 


Clock = 

Decrement Ktimer 
If Ktimer = 0, error 
Reset the data state machine 

Clock = 1 

Rising Edge, Transition to State 1 

Remain in State 1 

Clock = 1 

Decrement Ktimer 
If Ktimer = 0, error 

State 1 

Reset the data state machine 

Falling edge detected 

Clock = 

Execute the Data state machine 
Transition to StateO 
Restart Ktimer 

Table 1 1-5. Clock-polling (with timeout) state machine transition table. 

The new transition table adds only a few instructions to our interrupt service routine. 

void _ISR _T4lnterrupt ( void) 


int PS2IN; 

// sample the inputs, clock and data, at the same time 

// Keyboard clock state machine 

if ( KState) 

{ // previous time clock was high, Statel 

if ( ! (PS2IN & CLKMASK) ) // PS2CLK = 
{// falling edge detected 

KState =0; // transition to StateO 

KTimer = KMAX; // restart the counter 

<<<... Insert Data state machine here!>>> 

} // falling edge 


{ // clock still high, remain in Statel 

KTimer-- ; 

if ( KTimer ==0) // timeout! 

PS2State = PS2START; // reset the data state machine 


Chapter 1 1 

} // clock still high 
} // State 1 


{ // State 

if ( PS2IN & CLKMASK) 
{ // rising edge detected 
KState = 1; 

// PS2CLK = 1 

// transition to Statel 

} // rising edge 


{ // clocl still low, remain in StateO 
if ( KTimer ==0) // timeout! 

PS2State = PS2START; // reset the data state machine 
} // clock still low 
} // State 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_T4IF = 0; 

} // T4 Interrupt 

Testing the I/O polling method 

Let's now insert the Data state machine from the previous projects, modified to operate on the value 
sampled in PS2IN at the interrupt service routine entry: 

switch ( PS2State) { 

default : 

case PS2START: 

if ( ! (PS2IN & DATMASK) ) 


KCount = 8 ; 
KParity = 0; 
PS2State = PS2BIT; 



// init bit counter 
// init parity check 

case PS2BIT: 

KBDBuf »=1; 

if ( PS2IN & DATMASK) 

KBDBuf += 0x80; 
KParity A = KBDBuf; 
if ( --KCount == 0) 

PS2State = PS2PARITY; 

// shift in data bit 

// calculate parity 

// if all bit read, move on 


Capturing inputs 

case PS2PARITY: 

if ( PS2IN 8c DATMASK) 

KParity A = 0x80; 
if ( KParity & 0x80) 

PS2State = PS2STOP; 

PS2State = PS2START; 

// if parity is odd, continue 

case PS2STOP: 

if ( PS2IN & DATMASK) 


KBDCode = KBDBuf; 
KBDReady = 1; 


PS2State = PS2START; 


// verify stop bit 

// write in the buffer 
// set flag 

} // switch 
Let's complete this third module with a proper initialization routine. 

void initKBD( void) 


// init I/Os 

_TRISG15 = 1; // make RG15 an input pin, PS/2 Clock 

_TRISG12 = 1; // make RG12 an input pin, PS/2 Data 

// clear the flag 
KBDReady = 0; 

PR4 = 25 * 16; // 25 us, set the period register 

T4CON = 0x8000; // T4 on, prescaler 1:1 

_T4IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag 

_T4IE = 1; // enable interrupt 

} // init KBD 

This is straightforward. 

Let's save it all in a module we can call "PS2T4 . c". Let's create a new include file too: 


** PS2T4.h 
* * 

** PS/2 keyboard input library using T4 polling 


Chapter 1 1 

extern volatile int KBDReady; 

extern volatile unsigned char KBDCode; 

void initKBD( void); 

It is practically identical to all previous modules' include files, and the main module will not be much 
different either: 


** PS2 KBD Test 

* * 

* * 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

#include "PS2T4.h" 


TRISA = OxffOO; 
initKBDO ; 

// call the initialization routine 

while ( 1) 


if ( KBDReady) // wait for the flag 


PORTA = KBDCode; // fetch the key code and publish on PORTA 
KBDReady =0; // clear the flag 

} // main loop 
} //main 

Create a new project "PS2T4" and add all three files to it. Build all and follow the same series of steps 
used in the previous two examples to generate a stimulus script file "PS2T4 . scl". Remember that, 
this time, the stimulus for the clock line must be provided on the RG15 pin. Open a new scenario with 
the stimulus controller and attach the stimulus script file to start the simulation (remember to leave the 
Stimulus Controller window open in the background). Open the Watch window and add porta. Finally, 
set a breakpoint to the line after the assignment to porta and execute. If all goes well, even this time 
you should be able to see porta updated in the Watch window and showing a new value of 0x79. 
Success again! 

Cost and efficiency of the solution 

Comparing the cost of this solution to the previous two, we realize that the I/O polling approach is the 
one that gives us the most freedom in choosing the input pins and uses only one resource, a timer, and 
one interrupt vector. The periodic interrupt can also be seamlessly shared with other tasks to form a 


Capturing inputs 

common time base if they all can be reduced to multiples of the polling period. The timeout feature is 
an extra bonus; in order to implement it in the previous techniques, we would have had to use a sepa- 
rate timer and another interrupt service routine in addition to the Input Capture or Change Notification 
modules and interrupts. Looking at the code efficiency, the Input Capture and the Change Notifica- 
tion methods appear to have an advantage, as an interrupt is generated only when an edge is detected. 
Actually, as we have seen, the input capture is the best method from this point of view, as we can select 
precisely the one type of edge we are interested in — that is, the falling edge of the clock line. The 
I/O polling method appears to require the longest interrupt routine, but the number of lines does not 
reflect the actual weight of the interrupt service routine. In fact, of the two nested state machines that 
comprise the I/O polling interrupt service routine, only a few instructions are executed at every call, 
resulting in a very short execution time and minimal overhead. 

To verify the actual software overhead imposed by the interrupt service routines, we can perform one 
simple test on each one of the three implementations of the PS/2 interface. I will use the last one as an 
example. We can allocate one of the I/O pins (one of the LED outputs would be a logical choice) to 
help us visualize when the microcontroller is inside an interrupt service routine. We can set the pin on 
entry and reset it right before exit: 

void _ISR _T4lnterrupt ( void) 


_RA0 = 1; // flag up, inside the ISR 

<<< Interrupt service routine here >> 

_RA0 = 0; // flag down, back to the main 


Using the MPLAB SIM simulator Logic Analyzer view, we can visualize it on our computer screen. 
Follow the Logic Analyzer checklist so you will remember to enable the Trace buffer, and set the cor- 
rect simulation speed. Select the RAO channel and rebuild the project. To test the first two methods you 
will need to activate the Stimulus Controller again to simulate the inputs; without them, there are going 
to be no interrupts at all. 

To test the polling routine, you don't need stimuli. The timer interrupt keeps coming anyway and we 
are particularly interested in seeing how much time is wasted by the continuous polling when no key- 
board input is provided. 

Let MPLAB SIM execute for a few seconds; then stop the simulation and switch back to the Logic 
Analyzer window. You will have to zoom in quite a bit to get an accurate picture. 


Chapter 1 1 

Trigger Position- 
Start^ Centeir EnoT 

Trigger PC 

NOW Hear 

Time Bas e Mode 
Cyc ^| I Simple 


FFj&l §J®J fnf^ %Ih1#|[& 


~~ l r r 


i 1 1 


i 1 r 



t ! 1 r 


Figure 11-16. Logic Analyzer view, measuring the I/O polling period. 


Activate the cursors I p|1 and drag them to measure the number of cycles between two consecutive ris- 
ing edges of RAO, marking the entry in the interrupt service routine. Since we selected a 25-jas period, 
you should read 400 cycles between calls (25 us * 16 cycles/us @32 MHz). Measuring the number 
of cycles between a rising edge and a falling edge of RAO will tell us, with good approximation, how 
much time we are spending inside the interrupt service routine; 16 cycles is what I found. The ratio 
between the two quantities will give us an indication of the computing power absorbed by the PS/2 
interface. In our case, that turns out to be just 2.5%. 

Completing the interface: adding a FIFO buffer 

Independently from the solution you will choose out of the three we explored so far, there are a few 
more details we need to take care of before we can claim to have completed the interface to the PS/2 
keyboard. First of all, we need to add a FIFO buffering mechanism between the PS/2 interface routines 
and the "consumer" or the main application. So far, in fact, we have provided only a simple mailbox 
mechanism that can store only the last key code received. If you investigate further how the PS/2 key- 
board protocol works, you will discover that when a single key is pressed and released, a minimum of 
three (and a maximum of five) key codes are sent to the host. If you consider shift, control and Alt-key 
combinations, things get a little more complicated and you realize immediately that the single-byte 
mailbox is not going to be sufficient. My suggestion, in fact, is to add at least a 16-byte FIFO buffer. 
The input to the buffer can be easily integrated with the receiver interrupt service routines so that, when 
a new key code is received, it is immediately inserted in the FIFO. The buffer can be declared as an ar- 
ray of characters and two pointers will keep track of the head and tail of the buffer in a circular scheme. 


Capturing inputs 






nz > 








Figure 11-17. Circular buffer FIFO. 

I / circular buffer 

unsigned char KCB [ KB_SIZE] ; 

// head and tail or write and read pointers 
volatile int KBR, KBW; 

By following a few simple rules we can keep track of the buffer content: 

the write pointer kbw (or head), marks the first empty location that will receive the next key 

the read pointer kbr (or tail), marks the first filled location. 

when the buffer is empty, kbr and kbw are pointing at the same location. 

when the buffer is full, kbw points to the location before kbr. 

after reading or writing a character to/from the buffer, the corresponding pointer is incremented. 

upon reaching the end of the array, each pointer will wrap around to the first element of the 

Insert the following snippet of code into the initialization routine: 

// init the circular buffer pointers 
KBR = 0; 
KBW = 0; 

Then update the interrupt routine state machine STOP state: 

case PS2STOP: 

if ( PS2IN & DATMASK) // verify stop bit 


KCB[ KBW] = KBDBuf; // write in the buffer 

if ( (KBW+1) %KB_SIZE != KBR) // check if buffer full 

KBW++; // else increment buffer 

KBW %= KB_SIZE; // wrap around 


PS2State = PS2START; 

Notice the use of the "%" operator to give us the remainder of the division by the buffer size. This al- 
lows us to keep the pointers wrapping around the circular buffer. 


Chapter 1 1 

A few considerations are required for fetching key codes from the FIFO buffer. In particular, if we 
choose the Input Capture or the Change Notification methods, we will need to make a new function 
available ( getKeyCode ( ) ) to replace the mailbox/flag mechanism. The function will return FALSE if 
there are no key codes available in the buffer and TRUE if there is at least one key code in the buffer, 
and the code is returned via a pointer: 

int getKeyCode ( char *c) 


if ( KBR == KBW) // buffer empty 

return FALSE; 

// buffer contains at least one key code 

*c = KCB [ KBR+ + ] ; // extract the first key code 

KBR %= KB_SIZE; // wrap around the pointer 

return TRUE; 
} // getKeyCode 

Notice that the extraction routine modifies only the read pointer; therefore, it is safe to perform this 
operation when the interrupts are enabled. Should an interrupt occur during the extraction, there are 
two possible scenarios: 

the buffer was empty: a new key code will be added, but the getKeyCode routine will "notice" 
the available character only at the next call. 

the buffer was not empty: the interrupt routine will add a new character to the buffer tail, if 
there is enough room. 

In both cases, there are no particular concerns of conflicts or dangerous consequences. 

If we choose the polling technique, there is one more option we might want to explore. In fact, since 
the timer interrupt is constantly active, we can use it to perform one more task for us. The idea is 
to maintain the simple mailbox-and-flag mechanism for delivering key codes as the interface to the 
receive routine, and have the interrupt constantly checking the mailbox, ready to replenish it with the 
content from the FIFO. This way we can confine the entire FIFO management to the interrupt service 
routine, making the buffering completely transparent and maintaining the simplicity of the mailbox de- 
livery interface. The new and complete interrupt service routine for the polling I/O mechanism follows: 

void _ISR _T4lnterrupt ( void) 


int PS2IN; 

// check if buffer available 

if ( IKBDReady && ( KBR!=KBW)) 


KBDCode = KCB [ KBR++] ; 


KBDReady = 1; // signal character available 


// sample the inputs clock and data at the same time 


Capturing inputs 

II Keyboard state machine 
if ( KState) 

{ // previous time clock was high KState 1 
if ( ! (PS2IN & CLKMASK) ) // PS2CLK = 
{ // falling edge detected, 

KState =0; // transition to StateO 

KTimer = KMAX; // restart the counter 

switch ( PS2State) { 

default : 

case PS2START: 



KCount = 8; 
KParity = 0; 
PS2State = PS2BIT; 


// init bit counter 
// init parity check 


case PS2BIT: 

KBDBuf »=1; 

if ( PS2IN & DATMASK) 

KBDBuf += 0x80; 
KParity A = KBDBuf; 
if ( --KCount == 0) 

PS2State = PS2PARITY; 

// shift in data bit 

// calculate parity 

// if all bit read, move on 

case PS2PARITY: 

if ( PS2IN & DATMASK) 

KParity A = 0x80; 
if ( KParity & 0x80) 

PS2State = PS2STOP; 

PS2State = PS2START; 

// if parity is odd, continue 

case PS2STOP: 

if ( PS2IN & DATMASK) 


KCB[ KBW] = KBDBuf; 
if ( (KBW+1) %KB_SIZE 



PS2State = PS2START; 


// verify stop bit 

// write in the buffer 
KBR) // check if buffer full 
// else increment buffer 
/ / wrap around 


Chapter 1 1 

} // switch 
} // falling edge 

{ // clock still high, remain in Statel 
if ( KTimer ==0) 

PS2State = PS2START; 
} // clock still high 
} // Kstate 1 
{ // Kstate 

if ( PS2IN 8c CLKMASK) // PS2CLK = 1 
{ // rising edge, transition to Statel 

KState = 1; 
} // rising edge 

{ // clocl still low, remain in StateO 
if ( KTimer == 0) 

PS2State = PS2START; 
} // clock still low 
} // Kstate 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_T4IF = 0; 

} // T4 Interrupt 

Completing the interface: performing key codes decoding 

So far we have been talking exclusively about key codes and you might have assumed that they match 
the ASCII codes for each key. For example, if you press the "A" key on the keyboard, you would 
expect the corresponding ASCII code (0x41) to be sent. Unfortunately, this is not the case. For his- 
torical reasons, even the newest USB keyboards are still bound to use "scan codes" where each key 
is assigned a numerical value that is related to the original implementation of the keyboard-scanning 
firmware (which used an 8048 microcontroller) for the first IBM PC keyboard circa 1980. The fact that 
the translation from key codes to a specific character set happens at a higher level (performed by Win- 
dows keyboard drivers) is actually a good thing, since it provides a generic mechanism to support many 
different international keyboard layouts. Keep in mind also that, for historical reasons, there are at least 
three different and partially compatible "scan code sets." Fortunately, by default, all keyboards support 
scan code set #2, which is the one we will focus on in the following section. 

Each time a key is pressed (any key, including a shift or control key), the scan code associated to it is sent 
to the host. This is called the "make code." But also, as soon as the same key is released, a new sequence 
of scan codes is sent to the host. This is called the "break code." The break code is typically composed of 
the same scan code but prefixed with the code "OxFO". Some keys can have a two-byte-long make code 
(typically the Ctrl, Alt and arrows) and consequently the break code is three bytes long. 


Capturing inputs 


Make Code 

Break Code 










Right Arrow 


E0, F0, 74 

Right "Ctrl" 

E0, 14 

E0, F0, 14 

Table 1 1-6. Example of make and break codes used in Scan Code Set 2 (default). 

In order to process this information and translate the scan codes intro proper ASCII, we will need a 
table that will help us map the basic scan codes for a basic U.S. English keyboard layout. 

// PS2 keyboard codes (standard set #2) 
const char keyCodes [12 8] ={ 





F3, Fl, 








F4, TAB, 







, 0,L_ 

_CTRL, 'q' , 






x z' , 

v s' , 


, % W , 






x c' 

x x' , 

v d' , 


, x 4', 






\ \ 

% V , 

v f , 


, x r' , 






v n' 

l b'. 

*h' , 


, % y' , 






% m' , 

% j' , 







\ / 

x k', 

x i' , 


, '0' , 






\ i 


*1' , 


i X P', 






'V ', 






CAPS , R_ 



% ] ', 


), 0x5c, 








), 0, I 







x 4 ' 







\ / 

'2' , 

v 5' , 


, x 8' , I 





' + ' 

'3' , 

\ _ i 






Notice that the array has been declared as const so that it will be allocated in program memory space 
to save more precious RAM space. 

It will also be convenient to have a similar table available for the shift function of each key. 

const char keySCodes [12 8] = { 















, o 

L_CTRL, 'Q' 


X Z' , 

V S' 

X A' , 

% W , 


% c 

X X' , 

X D' 

X E' , 



\ \ 

X V , 

X F' 

'T' , 

X R' , 


V N' 

X B' , 

X H' 

X G' , 

X Y' , 


X M' , 

x J' 

X U' , 

x &' , 


v < ' 

X K' , 


x O' , 

M ', 


v > ' 

\ 9 , 


X L' 

\ . i 

X P' , 


' \ " ' , 

% {\ 

x + ' , 

























Chapter 1 1 



, o 

\ i 

0, 0, 



BKSP, 0, 



! 4' 

s l' 

0, 0, 


, x 2', 

v 5' 





, x 3', 

\ _ i 

\ * / 






0, '1' 

0, '.' 

Fll, » + ' 


For all the ASCII characters, the translation is straightforward, but we will have to assign special values to 
the function, shift and control keys. Only a few of them will find a corresponding code in the ASCII set: 

// special function characters 
# define TAB 0x9 

#define BKSP 0x8 

#define ENTER Oxd 
#define ESC 0x1b 

For all the others, we will have to create our own conventions, or, until we have a use for them, we 
might just ignore them and assign them a common code (0): 

# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



The following routine getc ( ) performs the basic translations for the most common keys and it takes 
care of the shift status as well as the CAPS key toggling: 

int CapsFlag=0; 

char getC ( void) 


unsigned char c ; 

while ( 1) 


while ( IKBDReady) ; // wait for a key to be pressed 
// check if it is a break code 


Capturing inputs 

while (KBDCode == OxfO) 

{ // consume the break code 

KBDReady = 0; 

// wait for a new key code 

while ( ! KBDReady) ; 

// check if the shift button is released 

if ( KBDCode == L_SHFT) 
CapsFlag = 0; 

// and discard it 

KBDReady = 0; 

// wait for the next key 

while ( ! KBDReady) ; 


// check for special keys 

if ( KBDCode == L_SHFT) 


CapsFlag = 1; 
KBDReady = 0; 


else if ( KBDCode == CAPS) 


CapsFlag = ! CapsFlag; 

KBDReady = 0; 

else // translate into an ASCII code 


if ( CapsFlag) 

c = keySCodes[KBDCode%128] ; 

c = keyCodes [KBDCode%128] ; 

// consume the current character 
KBDReady = 0; 

return ( c) ; 
} // getC 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we have learned how to interface to a PS/2 computer keyboard, exploring three alterna- 
tive methods. This gave us the perfect opportunity to exercise two new peripheral modules: the Input 
Capture and the Change Notification modules. We also discussed methods to implement a FIFO buffer 
and polished our interrupt management skills. Throughout the entire lesson, our focus has been con- 
stantly on balancing the use of resources and the performance offered by each solution. 


Chapter 1 1 

Tips and tricks 

Stalling transmissions from the keyboard - Open-Drain Output Control 

Each PS/2 keyboard has an internal FIFO buffer 16 key codes deep. This allows the keyboard to ac- 
cumulate the user input even when the host is not ready to receive. The host, as we mentioned at the 
very beginning of this chapter, has the option to stall the communication by pulling the clock line low 
at any given point in time (for at least 100 us) and can hold it low for the desired period of time. When 
the clock line is released, the keyboard will resume transmissions. It will retransmit the last key code, if 
it had been interrupted, and will offload its FIFO buffer. 

To exercise our right to stall the keyboard transmissions as a host, we have to control the clock line 
with an output using an open drain driver. Fortunately, this is easy with the PIC24, thanks to its con- 
figurable I/O port modules. In fact, each I/O port (PORTx) has an associated control register (odcx) 
that can individually configure each pin output driver to operate in open-drain mode. 

Note: This feature is extremely useful in general to interface PIC24 outputs to any 5V device. 

In our example, turning the PS/2 clock line into an open-drain output would require only a few lines of code: 

_ODG13 = 1; // configure the PORTG pin 13 output driver in open-drain 
_LATG13 = 1; // initially let the output in pull up 
_TRISG13 =0; // enable the output driver 

Note that, as usual for all PIC® microcontrollers, even if a pin is configured as an output, its current 
status can still be read as an input. So there is no reason to switch continuously between input and 
output when we alternate stalling and receiving characters from the keyboard. 


Capturing inputs 


1 . Add a function to send commands to the keyboard to control the status LEDs and set the key 
repeat rate. 

2. Replace the "stdio . h" library input function read ( ) to redirect the keyboard input from the 
stdin stream. 

3. Add support for a PS/2 mouse interface. 


• Anderson F. (2003) 
Flying the Mountains 

McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 

Flying the mountains requires extra caution and preparation. This could be the next challenge 
after you have completed your private pilot license. 


http://www. computer-engineering, org/ 

This is an excellent web site where you will find a lot of useful documentation on the PS/2 
keyboard and mouse interface. 




The Dark Screen 

In This Chapter 


Generating the composite 



video signal 


A starry night 


Using the Output Compare 


Line drawing 



Bresenham algorithm 


Memory allocation 


Plotting math functions 


Image serialization 


Two-dimensional function visualization 


Building the video module 




Testing the video generator 




Measuring performance 


Testing the TextOnGPage module 


The dark screen 


Developing a Text Page Video 


A Test Pattern 


Testing the text page performance 

I have always liked driving the car at night. Generally there is less traffic, the air is always cooler and, 
unless I am really tired, the lights of the vehicles in the other direction never really bother me much. 
But when my instructor proposed a first cross-country flight at night, I got a little worried. The idea of 
staring at a windshield filled with pitch black void... was a little frightening, I have to admit. However, 
the actual experience a week later converted me forever. Sure, night flying is a bit more serious stuff 
than the usual around-the-pattern practice. There is more careful planning involved, but it is just so 
rewarding. Flying over an uninhabited area fills the screen with so many stars that a city boy like me 
has hardly ever seen — it feels like flying a starship to another solar system. Flying over or near a large 
city transforms the grey and uniform spread of concrete of alternating parking lots and housing devel- 
opments into a wonderful show of lights — it's like Christmas as far as the eye can see. Turns out, the 
screen is never really dark. It's a big show and it is on every night. 

Flight plan 

In this lesson we will consider techniques to interface to a TV screen or, for that matter, to any dis- 
play that can accept a standard composite video signal. It will be a good excuse to use new features of 
several peripheral modules of the PIC24 and review new programming techniques. Our first project 
objective will be to get a nice dark screen (a well-synchronized video frame), but we will soon fill it up 
with several entertaining graphical applications. 


Chapter 12 
The flight 

There are many different formats and standards today in use in the world of video, but perhaps the 
oldest and most common one is the so-called "composite" video format. This is what was originally 
used by the very first TV sets to appear in the consumer market, and today it represents the minimum 
common denominator of every video display, whether a modern high-definition flat-screen TV of the 
latest generation, a DVD player, or a VHS tape recorder. All video devices are based on the same basic 
concept: the image is "painted" one line at a time, starting from the top left corner of the screen and 
moving horizontally to the right edge, then quickly jumping back to the left edge at a lower position 
and painting a second line, and so on and on, in a zig-zag motion, until the entire screen has been 
scanned. Then the process repeats and the entire image is refreshed fast enough for our eyes to be 
tricked into believing that the entire image is present at the same time, and if there is motion, it is fluid 
and continuous. 


Line N 

Figure 12-1. Video image scanning. 

In different parts of the world, slightly incompatible systems have been developed over the years, but 
the basic mechanism remains the same. What changes eventually is the number of lines composing the 
image, the refreshing frequency, and the way the color information is encoded. 


Europe, Asia 

France and others 





Frames per second 




Number of lines 




* NTSC used to be 30 frames per second, but the introduction of the new color standard changed it to 29.97, to accommodate 
for a specific frequency used by the "color subcarrier" crystal oscillator. 

Table 12-1. International video standard examples. 

Table 12-1 illustrates three of the most commonly used video standards adopted in the US, Europe and 
Asia. All those standards encode the "luminance" information (that is, the underlying black-and-white 
image) together with synchronization information in a similarly defined composite signal. 

The name "composite" is used to describe the fact that three different pieces of information are 
combined into one video signal: the actual luminance signal and both horizontal and vertical synchro- 
nization information. 


The Dark Screen 

WHITE 100 - 



BLACK- 10 

7.5 -" 








3 f4.7X)S^ h-2.5+| 







Figure 12-2. NTSC composite signal, horizontal line detail. 

The horizontal line signal is in fact composed of: 

1 . the horizontal synchronization pulse, used by the display to identify the beginning of each 

2. the so-called back porch, that creates a dark frame around the image. 

3. the actual line luminosity signal; the higher the voltage, the more luminous the point. 

4. the so-called front porch, producing the right edge of the image. 

The color information is transmitted separately, modulated on a high frequency subcarrier. The three 
main standards differ significantly in the way they encode the color information but, for our purposes, 
it will be easy to ignore the problem altogether to obtain a simple black-and-white display output. 

All these standard systems utilize a technique called "interlacing" to provide a (relatively) high- 
resolution output while requiring a reduced bandwidth. In practice, only half the number of lines is 
transmitted and painted on the screen in each frame. Alternate frames present only the odd or the 
even lines composing the picture so that the entire image content is effectively updated only at half 
the refresh rate (25 Hz and 30 Hz, respectively for PAL and NTSC). This is effective for typical TV 
broadcasting but can produce an annoying flicker when text and especially horizontal lines are dis- 
played, as is often the case in computer monitor applications. For this reason all modern computer 
displays do not use "interlaced" but progressive scanning. Most modern TV sets, and especially those 
using LCD and plasma technologies, perform a deinterlacing of the received broadcast image. In our 
project we will avoid "interlacing" as well, sacrificing half of the image resolution in favor of a more 
stable and readable display output. In other words, we will transmit frames of 262 lines (for NTSC) 
at the double rate of 60 frames per second. Readers that have easier access to PAL or SECAM TV 
sets/monitors will find it relatively easy to modify the project for 312-line resolution with a refresh rate 
of 50 frames per second. 


Chapter 12 

A complete video frame signal is represented in Figure 12-3 

261 262 


21 22 

B 10 18:19; 20; -^ . ftj ^. 1 


< Pre equalizing 4 Vertical synch ^ Post-equalizing ^ Image first line 

pulses pulse pulses 

Frame start 

Figure 12-3. A complete video frame signal. 

Notice how, out of the total number of lines composing each frame, three line periods are filled by 
prolonged synchronization pulses to provide the vertical synchronization information, identifying the 
beginning of each new frame. They are preceded and followed by groups of three additional lines, 
referred to as the pre- and post-equalization lines. 

Generating the composite video signal 

If we limit the scope of the project to generating a simple black-and-white image (no gray shades, no 
color) and a noninterlaced image as well, we can simplify the hardware and software requirements of 
our project considerably. In particular, the hardware interface can be reduced to just three resistors of 
appropriate value connected to two digital I/O pins. One of the I/O pins will generate the synchroniza- 
tion pulses and the other I/O pin will produce the actual luminance signal. 

R2 L20 



RCA Video Conn. 

~ GMD 

Figure 12-4. Simple hardware interface for NTSC video output. 


The Dark Screen 

The values of the three resistors must be selected so that the relative amplitudes of the luminance and 
synchronization signals are close to the standard NTSC specifications, the signal total amplitude is 
close to IV peak to peak, and the output impedance of the circuit is approximately 75 ohms. With the 
standard resistor values shown in the previous picture, we can satisfy such requirements and generate 
the three basic signal levels required to produce a black-and-white image: 

Signal Feature 



Sync pulse 

Black level 


White level 



Table 12-2. Generating Luminance and Synchronization pulses. 




Line x 

-63.5 ps 


Figure 12-5. Simplified NTSC composite signal. 

Since we are not going to utilize the interlacing feature, we can also simplify the pre-equalization, 
vertical synchronization and post-equalization pulses by producing a single horizontal synchronization 
pulse per each period, as illustrated in Figure 12-6. 

261 262 



■ Pre e<|u.ilizifHj 

Frame stall 


Vertical synch 4 

Posi equalizing ^ 

Image first line 

Figure 12-6. Simplified NTSC video frame (noninterlaced). 

The problem of generating a complete video output signal can now be reduced to (once more) a simple 
state machine that can be driven by a fixed period time base produced by a single timer interrupt. The 
state machine will be quite trivial, as each state will be associated to one type of line composing the 
frame, and it will repeat for a fixed number of times before transitioning to the next state. 


Chapter 12 










Figure 12-7. Video state machine graph. 

A simple table will help describe the transitions from each state: 



Transition to 


PREEQ_N times 

Vertical Sync 

Vertical Sync 

3 times 



POSTEQ_N times 

Image line 

Image line 

VRES times 


Table 12-3. Video state machine transitions table. 

While the number of vertical synchronization lines is fixed and prescribed by the NTSC video stan- 
dard, the number of lines effectively comprising the image inside each frame is up to us to define 
(within limits, of course). Although in theory we could use all of the lines available to display the 
largest possible amount of data on the screen, we will have to consider some practical limitations, in 
particular the RAM memory available to store the video image inside the PIC24FJ128GA010 micro- 
controller. These limitations will dictate a specific number (vres) of lines to be used for the image 
while all the remaining (up to the NTSC standard line count) will be left blank. 

In practice, if v_ntsc is the total number of lines composing a standard NTSC video frame and vres is 
the desired vertical resolution, we will determine a value for preeq_n and posteq_n as follows: 

#define V_NTSC 2 62 
# define VSYNC N 3 

// total number of lines composing a frame 
// V sync lines 

// count the number of remaining black lines top+bottom 

#define PREEQ_N VBLANK_N /2 


// pre equalization + bottom blank lines 
// post equalization + top blank lines 

If we choose Timer3 to generate the time base, we can initialize its period register PR3 to produce an 
interrupt with the prescribed period and create an interrupt service routine where we will place the state 
machine. Here is a skeleton of the interrupt service routine on which we will grow the complete video 
generator logic. 


The Dark Screen 

II next state table 


// next counter table 

int VC[4] = { VSYNC_N, POSTEQ_N, VRES, PREEQ_N} ; 

void _ISRFAST _T3 Interrupt ( void) 


// Start a Sync pulse 
SYNC = 0; 

// decrement the vertical counter 

// vertical state machine 
switch ( VState) { 
case SV_PREEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


case SV_SYNC: 

// vertical sync pulse 


case SV_POSTEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


case SV_LINE: 

} //switch 

// advance the state machine 
if ( VCount == 0) 


VCount = VC[ VState]; 

VState = VS[ VState]; 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_T3IF = 0; 

} // T3 Interrupt 


Chapter 12 

Once inside the interrupt service routine, we can immediately lower the Sync output pin to start gener- 
ating the horizontal sync pulse, but we need a different mechanism to provide us with the right timing 
(approx 4.5 us) to complete the pulse (rising edge) and produce the rest of the horizontal line wave- 
form. There are of course several options we can explore: 

1 . use a short delay loop using a counter. 

2. use a second timer, and associated interrupt service routine. 

3. use the output compare modules and the associated interrupt service routines. 

The first solution is probably the simplest to code, but has the clear disadvantage of wasting a large 
number of processor cycles (4.5 us x 16 cycles per microsecond = 72 cycles), which repeated each 
horizontal line period (63.5 us or about 1018 cycles) would add up to as much as 7% of the total pro- 
cessing power available. 

The second solution is clearly more efficient, and by now we have ample experience in using timer 
interrupts and their interrupt service routines to execute small state machines. 

The third solution involves the use of a new peripheral we have not yet explored in the previous chap- 
ters and which deserves a little more attention. 

Using the Output Compare modules 

The PIC24FJ128GA010 microcontroller has five Output Compare peripheral modules that can be 
used for a variety of applications including: single pulse generation, continuous pulse generation, and 
pulse width modulation (PWM). Each module can be associated to one of two 16-bit timers (Timer2 or 
Timer3) and has one output pin that can be configured to toggle and produce rising or falling edges if 
necessary. Most importantly each module has an associated and independent interrupt vector. 

Set Flag bit 
OCxlF< 1 ) 

OCxRS< 1 


OCxR (1 - 



Output - S Q 
Logic _ R 


Mode Select 

m^HEi ^ 

Output Enable 

2\ OCFA or OCFB (2) 

16>1 4 16 


TMR register inputs 
from time bases 
(see Note 3). 

Period match signals 
from time bases 
(see Note 3). 

Note 1 : Where 'x' is shown, reference is made to the registers associated with the respective output compare channels 1 through 8. 
2: OCFA pin controls OC1 -OC4 channels. OCFB pin controls OC5-OC8 channels. 

3: Each output compare channel can use one of two selectable time bases. Refer to the device data sheet for the time 
bases associated with the module. 

Figure 12-8. Output compare module block diagram. 


The Dark Screen 

When used in single pulse mode specifically, the ocxr register can be used to determine the instant 
(relative to the value of the selected timer) when the interrupt event will be triggered and, if desired, an 
output pin will be set/reset or toggled as required. 

Upper Byte 

















bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte 


















bit 7 


Figure 12-9. The Output Compare control register OCxCON. 

The OCxCON register is the only configuration register required to control each of the output compare 

In our application the output compare mechanism can be quite useful as there are two precise instants 
where we need to take action: the end of the horizontal synchronization pulse, when generating a 
pre/post-equalization or a vertical synchronization line, and the end of the back porch, where the actual 
image begins. 

OC3 Interrupt (vertical sync line) 
OC3 Interrupt (pre/post-equalization line) 

Timer3 Interrupt 


Timer3 period (PR3+1) 

Figure 12-10. Interrupt sequence for a synchronization line. 

We will choose to use one of the Output Compare modules (OC3 will be our choice) to help us identify 
precisely the end of the synchronization pulse. We will not need to use the associated output pin (RD2), 
but rather in the corresponding interrupt service routine we will raise the Sync signal. 

void _ISRFAST _OC3 Interrupt ( void) 


SYNC = 1; // bring the output up to the black level 
_0C3IF = 0; // clear the interrupt flag 
} // OC3 Interrupt 

The OC3CON control register will be set so as to activate the output compare module in the single pulse 
mode (ocm=001) and to use Timer3 as the reference time base (octsel=i). 


Chapter 12 

We will also initialize the 0C3R register with the selected timing value depending on the type of line 
(state of the state machine) as follows: 

// vertical state machine 
switch ( VState) { 
case SV_PREEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 

OC3CON = 0x00 09; // single event mode 

case SV_SYNC: 

// vertical sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x00 09; // single event mode 


case SV_POSTEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x00 09; // single event mode 

When generating a video line, we will use a second Output Compare module (OC4) to mark the end of 
the back porch and the corresponding interrupt service routine will be used to initiate the streaming of 
the actual image line. 


DC3 Interrupt 

OC4 Interrupt 

Timer3 Interrupt 

Timer3 period (PR3+1) 


Figure 12-11. Interrupt sequence for a video line. 

case SV_LINE: 

// activate OC3 for the end of the horizontal sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 

// activate OC4 for the end of the back porch 


OC4CON = 0x0009; // single event 



The Dark Screen 

Memory allocation 

So far we have been working on the generation of the synchronization signals composing the NTSC 
video waveform controlled by only one of two I/Os of the simple hardware interface. The second I/O 
will be used once we are generating one of the lines containing the actual image. Toggling the Video 
I/O, we can alternate segments of the line that will be painted in white (1) or black (0). Since the NTSC 
standard specifies a maximum luminance signal bandwidth of 4.2 MHz, and the space between front 
and back porch is 52 us wide, it follows that the maximum number of alternate segments (cycles) of 
black and white we can display is 218, (52 x 4.2) or in other words, our maximum theoretical hori- 
zontal resolution is 436 pixels per line (assuming the screen is completely used from side to side). The 
maximum vertical resolution is given by the total number of lines making up each NTSC standard 
frame minus the minimum number of equalization and vertical synchronization lines that gives 253. If 
we were to generate the largest possible image, it would be composed of an array of 253 x 436 pixels, 
or 1 10,308 pixels. Further, if one bit was used to represent each pixel that would require us to allocate 
an array of 13.5 kbytes, way too large to fit in the 8 kbytes available within the PIC24FJ128GA010 
RAM. In practice, while it is nice to be able to generate a high-resolution output, we need to make sure 
that the image will fit in the available RAM memory and possibly leave enough space for an actual ap- 
plication to run comfortably, allowing for adequate room for the stack and application variables. While 
there is an almost infinite number of possible combinations of the horizontal and vertical resolution 
values that will give an acceptable memory size, there are two considerations that we will use to pick 
the perfect numbers: making the horizontal resolution a multiple of 16 will make the math involved in 
determining the position of a pixel in the memory map easier, assuming we use an array of integers. 
Also, making the two resolution values in an approximate ratio of 4:3 will avoid image geometrical 
distortions (in other words, circles drawn on the screen will look like circles rather then ovals). 

Choosing a horizontal resolution of 256 pixels (hres) and a vertical resolution of 192 lines (vres) we 
obtain an image memory requirement of 6,144 bytes (256 x 192/8), leaving as much as 2,048 bytes for 
stack and application variables. 

Using the C30 compiler, we can easily allocate a single array of integers (grouping 16 pixels at a time 
in each word) to contain the entire image memory map. But we need to make sure that the entire con- 
tents of the array are addressable and this is not possible if we declare it simply as a near variable (the 
default when using the small memory model). Near variables must be found within the first 8 kbytes of 
the data addressing space but this space also includes the special function registers area and the PSV 
area. The best way to avoid an allocation error message is to explicitly declare the video memory map 
with a far attribute: 

#define _FAR attribute (( far)) 

int _FAR VMap[VRES * (HRES/ 16) ]; 

This ensures that access to the array elements is performed via pointers, something we would have 
done anyway both when reading and writing to the array. 

Image serialization 

If each image line is represented in memory in the VMap array by a row of 16 integers, we will need to 
serially output each bit (pixel) in a timely fashion in the short amount of time (52 us) between the back 
and the front porch part of the composite video waveform. 


Chapter 12 

In other words, we will need to set or reset the chosen Video output pin with a new pixel value each 
200 ns or better. This would translate into about three machine cycles between pixels, way too fast for 
a simple shift loop even if we plan on coding it directly in assembly. Worse, even assuming we man- 
aged to squeeze the loop in so tight, we would end up using an enormous percentage of the processing 
power for the video generation, leaving very few processor cycles for the main application (<18% in 
the best case). Fortunately, there is one peripheral of the PIC24 that can help us efficiently serialize the 
image data. It's the SPI synchronous serial communication module. 

In a previous chapter we used the SPI2 port to communicate with a serial EEPROM memory. In that 
chapter we noted how the SPI module is in fact composed of a simple shift register that can be clocked 
by an external clock signal (when in slave mode) or by an internal clock (when in master mode). In 
our new project we can use the SPI1 module as a master, connecting only the SDO (serial data output) 
directly to the Video pin of the hardware interface, leaving the SDI (data input) unused and the SCK 
(clock output) and SS (slave select) pins disabled. Among the many new and advanced features of the 
PIC24 SPI module, two fit our video application particularly well: the ability to operate in 16-bit mode 
and a powerful 8-level-deep FIFO buffer. Operating in 16-bit mode, we can practically double the 
transfer speed of data between the image memory map and the SPI module. Enabling the 8-level-deep 
FIFO buffer we can load up to 128 pixels (8 words x 16 bits) at a time in the SPI buffer and quickly 
return from the interrupt service routine, only to return 25 us later for a second final load, maximizing 
the efficiency of the video generator by requiring only two short bursts of activity for each image line. 

We can now write the interrupt service routine for the second Output Compare module, configured by 
the state machine to be activated right after the back porch to produce the actual image line output: 

void _ISRFAST _OC4lnterrupt ( void) 


// load SPI FIFO with 8 x 16-bit words = 128 pixels 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

SPI1BUF = *VPtr++ 

if ( --HCount > 0) 

{ // activate again in time for the next SPI load 

OC4R += ( PIX_T * 7 * 16); 

OC4CON = 0x0009; // single event 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_0C4IF = 0; 

} // OC4lnterrupt 

Notice how the interrupt service routine reconfigures the OC4 module for a second burst (the second 
half of the image line) after loading the first 128 pixel data in the SPI buffer. 


The Dark Screen 

Now that we have identified all the pieces of the puzzle, we can write the complete initialization rou- 
tine for all the modules required by the video generator: 

void initVideo ( void) 


// set the priority levels 

_T3IP = 4; // this is the default value anyway 

_0C3IP = 4; 
_0C4IP = 4; 

TMR3 =0; // clear the timer 

PR3 = H_NTSC; // set the period register to NTSC line 

// 2.1 configure Timer3 modules 

T3CON = 0x8000; // enabled, prescaler 1:1, internal clock 

// 2.2 init Timer3 /OC3 /OC4 Interrupts, clear the flag 
_0C3IF = 0; _0C3IE = 1; 
_0C4IF = 0; _0C4IE = 1; 
_T3IF = 0; _T3IE = 1 ; 

// 2.3 init the processor priority level 

_IP =0; // this is the default value anyway 

// init the SPIl 
if ( PIX_T == 2) 

SPI1CON1 = 0x043B; // Master, 16 bit, disable SCK/SS, prescale 1:3 


SPI1CON1 = 0x0437; // Master, 16 bit, disable SCK/SS, prescale 1:2 

SPI1CON2 = 0x0001; // Enhanced mode, 8 x FIFO 

SPI1STAT = 0x8000; // enable SPI port 

// init PORTF for the Sync 

_TRISG0 =0; // output the SYNC pin 

// init the vertical sync state machine 
VState = SV_PREEQ; 
VCount = PREEQ_N; 

} // initVideo 

Notice how the parameter pix_t can be used to select different SPI clock prescaling values so as to 
adapt to different horizontal resolution requirements. Setting PIX_T = 3 will provide the least image 
distortion by giving each pixel 3 clock cycles for a total of 187.5 ns, very close to the 200-ns value 
previously calculated for the 256-pixel horizontal resolution. 


Chapter 12 

Building the video module 

We can now complete the coding of the entire video state machine, adding all the definitions and pin 
assignments necessary: 


** NTSC Video using T3 and Output Compare interrupts 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
# include "Graphic.h" 

// I/O definitions 

#define SYNC _LATG0 // output 

#define SDO _RF8 // SPIl SDO 

// timing definitions for NTSC video vertical state machine 
#define V_NTSC 2 62 // total number of lines composing a frame 

#define VSYNC_N 3 // V sync lines 

// count the number of remaining black lines top+bottom 

#define PREEQ_N VBLANK_N /2 // pre equalization + bottom blank lines 

#define P0STEQ_N VBLANK_N - PREEQ_N // post equalization + top blank lines 

// definition of the vertical sync state machine 
# define SV_PREEQ 

#define SV_SYNC 1 

#define SV_POSTEQ 2 
#define SV_LINE 3 

// timing definitions for NTSC video horizontal state machine 

#define H_NTSC 1018 // total number of Tcy in a line (63.5us) 

#define HSYNC_T 90 // Tcy in a horizontal sync pulse 

#define BPORCH_T 90 // Tcy in a back porch 

#define PIX_T 3 // Tcy in each pixel, valid values are only 2 or 3 

#define _FAR attribute (( far)) 

int _FAR VMap[VRES * (HRES/16)]; 

volatile int *VPtr; 

volatile int HCount, VCount, VState, HState; 


The Dark Screen 

II next state table 


// next counter table 

int VC[4] = { VSYNC_N, POSTEQ_N, VRES, PREEQ_N} ; 

void _ISRFAST _T3 Interrupt ( void) 


// Start a Sync pulse 
SYNC = 0; 

// decrement the vertical counter 
VCount-- ; 

// vertical state machine 
switch ( VState) { 
case SV_PREEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 

OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 

case SV_SYNC: 

// vertical sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 


case SV_POSTEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 

// on the last posteq prepare for the new frame 

if ( VCount == 0) 


VPtr = VMap; 


default : 
case SV_LINE: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 

// activate OC4 for the SPI loading 


Chapter 12 

0C4C0N = 0x0009; // single event 
HCount = HRES/128; // loads 8x16 bits at a time 
} //switch 

// advance the state machine 
if ( VCount == 0) 


VCount = VC[ VState]; 
VState = VS[ VState]; 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_T3IF = 0; 

} // T3 Interrupt 

To make it a complete library module we will need to add the interrupt service routines presented for 
the Output Compare modules OC3 and OC4 illustrated in the previous sections of this chapter, as well 
as a couple of additional accessory functions that will follow: 

void clearScreen( void) 


int i , j ; 

int *v; 

v = ( int * ) &VMap [ ] ; 

// clear the screen 

for ( i=0; i < (VRES* ( HRES/16)); i++) 

*v++ = 0; 
} //clearScreen 

void haltVideo ( void) 


T3CONbits .TON =0; // turn off the vertical state machine 
} //haltVideo 

void synchV( void) 


while ( VCount != 1) ; 
} / / synchV 


The Dark Screen 

In particular, clear Screen will be useful to initialize the image memory map, the VMap array, while 
haltvideo will be useful to suspend the video generation should an important task/application require 
100% of the PIC24 processing power. 

The synchv function can be used to synchronize a task to the video generator; this function will return 
only when the video generator has started "painting" the last line of the screen. This can be useful for 
graphic applications to minimize flicker and/or provide more fluid scrolling and motion. 

Save all of these functions in a file called "graphic . c" and add this file to a new project called "video". 

Then create a new file and add the following definitions: 


* * 

NTSC Video 

* * 



* * 


# define 



# define 



// desired vertical resolution 

// desired horizontal resolution (pixel) 

void initVideo ( void) ; 

void haltvideo ( void) ; 

void clearScreen( void); 

void synchV ( void); 

extern int VMap [HRES/ 16 *VRES] ; 

Save this file as "graphic .h" and add it to the same project. 

Notice how the horizontal resolution and vertical resolution values are the only two parameters ex- 
posed. Within reasonable limits (due to timing constraints and the many considerations expressed in the 
previous sections), they can be changed to adapt to specific application needs; the state machine and all 
other mechanisms of the video generator module will adapt their timing as a consequence. 


Chapter 12 

Testing the video generator 

In order to test the video generator module we have just completed, we need only the MPLAB® SIM 
simulator tool and possibly a few lines of code for a main program: 


// Graphic Test.c 


// testing the basic graphic module 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include ". . /graphic/graphic . h" 

main ( ) 


// initializations 

TRISA = 0xff80; // set PORTA lsb as output for debugging 

clearScreen ( ) ; // init the video map 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the video state machine 

// main loop 
while ( 1) 

} // main loop 
} // main 

Save the project and use the build project checklist to build the entire project. 

Open the logic analyzer window and use the logic analyzer checklist to add the RGO pin (Sync) and 
the SDOl output (Video) to the analyzer channels. At this point you could run the simulator for a few 
seconds and, after pressing the halt button, switch to the logic analyzer output window to observe the 
results. The trace memory of the simulator is of a limited capacity and can visuallize only small subset 
of an entire video frame. In other words, it is very likely that you will be confronted with a relatively 
uninteresting display containing a regular series of sync pulses and a flat video output. Unfortunately, 
the simulator does not simulate the output of the SPI port, so for that we'll have to wait until we run 
the application on real hardware. As per the Sync line, there is one interesting time we would like to 
observe — that is when we generate the vertical synchronization signal with a sequence of three long 
horizontal sync pulses at the beginning of each frame. By setting a breakpoint on the first line of the 
OC4 interrupt service routine (called for the first time at the beginning of the first image line), you can 
make sure that the simulation will stop relatively close to the beginning of a new frame. 


The Dark Screen 



Figure 12-12. Screen capture of the logic analyzer window, vertical sync pulses. 

If you are patient you can count the number of lines (one per sync pulse) following the three vertical 
sync (long) pulses and verify that they are in fact 33 (that is (262-192-3) / 2). Also you can zoom in 
the central portion to verify the proper timing of the sync pulses in the pre/post and vertical sync lines. 

Using the cursors, you can verify the number of cycles composing a horizontal line period and the 
width of the horizontal sync pulse. Keep in mind that the logic analyzer window approximates the 
reading to the nearest screen pixel, so the accuracy of your reading will depend on the magnification 
(improving as you zoom in) and the resolution of your PC screen. Naturally if what you need is to de- 
termine a time interval with absolute precision, the most direct method is to use the stopwatch function 
of the MPLAB SIM software simulator together with the appropriate breakpoint settings. 



1 01 9 

- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 

83400.0 83600.0 83800.0 84000.0 84200.0 84400.0 84600.0 

Figure 12-13. Zoomed view of a single pre-equalization line. 


Chapter 12 

Measuring performance 

Since the video generator module uses three different sources of interrupt and a state machine with four 
states, it might be interesting to get an idea of the actual processor overhead involved, possibly utilizing 
the logic analyzer to illustrate the percentage of time the processor spends inside the various interrupt 
service routines. 

To this end, we will need to make a few simple modifications to all three of the interrupt service rou- 
tines. We will use a pin of PORTA (RAO) as a flag that will be set to indicate when we are executing 
inside an interrupt service routine and cleared when we are executing the main loop: 

void _ISRFAST _T3lnterrupt ( void) 



} // T3 Interrupt 

void _ISRFAST _0C3 Interrupt ( void) 



} // 0C3 Interrupt 

void _ISRFAST _OC4lnterrupt ( void) 



} // OC4lnterrupt 



73 ISR 0C3 ISR 


0C4 ISR 

t 1 1 1 1 1 r 


t 1 1 r 


t 1 1 r 


t 1 r 


t 1 r 


Figure 12-14. Screen capture of the logic analyzer output, measuring performance. 


The Dark Screen 

After recompiling and adding RAO to the channels captured by the logic analyzer tool, we can zoom 
into a single horizontal line period (select an image line). 

Using the cursors, we can measure the approximate duration of each interrupt service routine and, add- 
ing up the values for the worst possible case (an image line where all four interrupts are invoked), we 
obtain a value of 200 cycles out of a line period of 1018 cycles, representing an overhead of less than 
20% of the processor time, a remarkably good result. 

The dark screen 

Playing with the simulator and the logic analyzer tool can be entertaining for a little while, but I am 
sure at this point you will feel an itch for the real thing! You can test the video interface on a real TV 
screen (or any other device capable of receiving an NTSC composite video signal) connected with the 
simple three-resistor interface to an actual PIC24 device. If you have an Explorer 16 board, this is the 
time to take out the soldering iron and connect the three resistors to the small prototyping area in the 
top right corner of the demo board and out to a standard RCA video jack. Alternatively, if you feel your 
electronic hobbyist skills are up to the task, you could even develop a small PCB for a daughterboard 
that would fit in the expansion connectors of the Explorer 16. 

Check on the companion web site "" for the availability of expansion 
boards that will allow you to follow all the advanced projects of the third part of the book. 

Whatever your choice, though, the experience will be breathtaking. 

Or not! In fact, if you wire all the connections just right when you power up the Explorer 16 board, 
what you are going to be staring at is just a blank (or I should better say black) screen. Sure, this is an 
achievement; in fact this already means that a lot of things are working right, as both the horizontal and 
vertical synchronization signals are being decoded correctly by the TV set and a nice, uniform black 
background is being displayed. 

Figure 12-15. The dark screen. 


Chapter 12 
A test pattern 

To spice things up, we should start filling that video array with something worth looking at, possibly 
something simple that can give us an immediate feedback on the proper functioning of the video 

Let's create a new test program as follows: 


// Graphic Test2.c 


// testing the basic graphic module 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include ". . /graphic/graphic .h" 

main ( ) 


int x , y ; 

// fill the video memory map with a pattern 
for( y=0; y<VRES; y++) 

for (x=0; x<HRES/16; x++) 
VMap[y*16 + x] = y; 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the video state machine 

// main loop 
while ( 1) 

} // main loop 

} // main 

Instead of calling the clearScreen function, this time we use two nested for loops to initialize the VMap 
array. The external (y) loop counts the vertical lines, the internal (x) loop moves horizontally, filling the 
16 words (each containing 16 bits) with the same value: the line count. In other words, on the first line 
each 16-bit word will be assigned the value 0, on the second line each word will be assigned the value 
1, and so on until the last line (192) where each word will be assigned the value 191 (OxBF in hexa- 


The Dark Screen 

If you build the new project and test the video output, you should be able to see the following pattern: 

ill ill u m i n I If 

1 1 1 i liii 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 

9l-flLsl-9 r ^H I ~^M _J^H ~^l __^B _^H 

Figure 12-16. A screen capture of the video output generated with the test pattern. 

In its simplicity, there is a lot we can learn from observing the test pattern. First of all, we notice that 
each word is visually represented on the screen in binary with the most significant bit presented on the 
left. This is a consequence of the order used by the SPI module to shift out bits: that is in fact msb first. 
Secondly, we can verify that the last row contains the expected pattern: OxOObf, so we know that all 
rows of the memory map are being displayed. Finally, we can appreciate the detail of the image. Dif- 
ferent output devices (TV sets, projectors, LCD panels,...) will be able to lock the image more or less 
effectively and/or will be able to present a sharper image depending on the actual display resolution 
and their input stage bandwidth. In general, you should be able to appreciate how the PIC24 can gener- 
ate effectively straight vertical lines. This is not a trivial achievement. In fact, for each pixel to align 
properly row after row in a straight vertical line, there must be an absolute jitterless (deterministic) 
response to the timer interrupts, a notable characteristic of all PIC® microcontroller architectures. 

This does not mean that on the largest screens you will not be able to notice small imperfections here 
and there, as small echoes and possibly minor visual artifacts in the output image. Realistically the 
simple three-resistor interface can only take us so far. 

Ultimately, the entire composite video-signal interface could be blamed for a lower quality output. As 
you might know, S -Video, VGA and most other video interfaces keep luminance and synchronization 
signals separate to provide a more stable and clean picture. 


Now that we are reassured about the proper function of the graphic display module, we can start focus- 
ing more on generating the actual images onto the memory map. The first natural step is to develop a 
function that allows us to light up one pixel at a precise coordinate (x, y) on the screen. The first thing 
to do is derive the line number from the y coordinate. If the x and y coordinates are based on the tradi- 
tional Cartesian plane representation, with the origin located in the bottom left corner of the screen, we 
need to invert the address before accessing the memory map, so that the first row in the memory map 


Chapter 12 

corresponds to the y maximum coordinate vres-1 or 189, while the last row in the memory map cor- 
responds to the y coordinate 0. Also, since our memory map is organized in rows of 16 words, we will 
need to multiply the resulting line number by 16 to obtain the address of the first word on the given 
line. This can be obtained with the following expression: VMap [ ( vres-1 -y) *16] . 

Pixels are grouped in 16-bit words, so to resolve the x coordinate we first need to identify the word that 
will contain the desired pixel. A simple division by 16 will give us the word offset on the line. Adding 
the offset to the line address as calculated above will provide us with the complete word address inside 
the memory map: 

VMap[ (VRES-1 -y) *16 + (x/16)] 

In order to optimize the address calculation we can make use of shift operations to perform the multi- 
plication and division as follows: 

VMap[ (VRES-1 -y) << 4 + (x»4)] 

To identify the bit position inside the word corresponding to the required pixel, we can use the remain- 
der of the division of x by 16, or more efficiently we can mask out the lower 4 bits of the x coordinate. 
Since we want to turn the pixel on, we will need to perform a binary OR operation with an appropriate 
mask that has a single bit set in the corresponding pixel position. Remembering that the display puts 
the msb of each word to the left (the SPI module shifts bits msb first) we can build the mask with the 
following expression: 

( 0x8000 » ( x & Oxf ) ) 

Putting it all together, we obtain the core plot function: 

VMap[ ( (VRES-l-y)«4) + (x»4)] |= (0x8000 >> (x & Oxf)); 

As a final touch we can add "clipping," that is a simple safety check, just to make sure that the coordi- 
nates we are given are in fact valid and within the current screen map limits: 

void Plot ( unsigned x, unsigned y) 


if ((x<HRES) ScSc (y<VRES) ) 

VMap[ ( (VRES-l-y)«4) + (x»4)] |= (0x8000 >> (x & Oxf)); 
} // plot 

By defining the x and y parameters as unsigned integers we guarantee that negative values will be 
discarded too, as they will be considered large integers outside the screen resolution. 

A starry night 

To test the newly developed plot function, we will create a new project. We will include the "graphic . c " 
and "graphic .h" files but we will also use the pseudo-random number generator functions avail- 
able in the standard C library "stdlib.h". By using the pseudo-random number generator to produce 


The Dark Screen 

random x and y coordinates for a thousand points, we will both test the plot function and, in a way, the 
random generator itself with the following simple code: 


// Graphic Test3.c 


// testing the basic graphic module 

// plotting random points 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include ". . /graphic /graphic .h" 
#include <stdlib.h> 

void plot ( unsigned x, unsigned y) 


if ((x<HRES) && (y<VRES) ) 

VMap[ ( (VRES-l-y)«4) + (x»4)] |= (0x8000 >> (x & Oxf)); 
} // plot 

main ( ; 


int i ; 

// initializations 

clearScreen ( ) ; // init the video map 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the video state machine 

srand(13); // initialize the pseudo random number generator 

for( i=0; i<1000; i++) 


plot( rand()%HRES, rand ( ) %VRES) ; 


// main loop 
while ( 1) 

} // main loop 
} // main 


Chapter 12 

The output on your video display should look like a nice starry night, as in the screen shot captured in 
Figure 12-17. 

Figure 12-17. Screen capture, plotting a starry night. 

A starry night it is, but not a realistic one you will notice, as there is no recognizable trace of any in- 
creased density of stars around a belt — in other words, there is no Milky Way! This is a good thing! This 
is a simple proof that our pseudo-random number generator is in fact doing the job it is supposed to. 

We can now add the plot function to the "graphic . c" module. Remember to also add the prototype to 
the "graphic .h" function so that in the following exercises we will be able to use it. 

void plot ( unsigned, unsigned); 

Line drawing 

The next obvious step is drawing lines, or, I should better say, line segments. Granted, horizontal and 
vertical line segments are not a problem; a simple for loop can take care of it, but drawing oblique 
lines is a completely different thing. We could start with the basic formula for the line between two 
points that you will remember from the old school days: 

y = yO + (yl-yO) / (xl-xO) * ( x- xO ) 

where (xO , yO) and (xl , yl) are, respectively, the coordinates of two generic points that belong to the line. 

This formula gives us, for any given value of x, a corresponding y coordinate, so we might be tempted 
to use it in a loop for each discrete value of x between the starting and ending point of the line, as in the 
following example: 


// Line Testl.c 


// testing the basic line drawing function 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include ". . /graphic /graphic . h" 


The Dark Screen 

main ( ) 

int x; 

float xO 

= 10, yO = 20, xl = 200, yl = 150, x2 = 20, y2 = 150; 

// initializations 

clearScreen ( ) ; // init the video map 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the video state machine 

// draw an oblique line (x0,y0) - (xl,yl) 
f or ( x=x0 ; x<xl ; x++) 

plot( x, y0+(yl-y0) / (xl-xO) * (x-x0)); 

// draw a second (steeper) line (x0,y0) - ( x2 , y2 
f or ( x=x0 ; x<x2 ; x++) 

plot( x, y0+(y2-y0) / (x2-x0) * (x-x0)); 

// main loop 
while ( 1) 

} // main loop 

} // main 

The output produced is an acceptably continuous segment only for the first (shallower) line where the 
horizontal distance (xl - xO) is greater than the vertical distance (yl - yO). In the second, much steeper, 
line the dots appear disconnected and we are clearly unhappy with the result. Also we had to perform 
floating-point arithmetic, a computationally expensive proposition compared to integer arithmetic, as 
we have seen in previous chapters. 

Figure 12-18. Screen capture, drawing oblique lines. 


Chapter 12 
Bresenham algorithm 

Back in 1962, when working at IBM in the San Jose development lab, Jack E. Bresenham developed a 
line-drawing algorithm that uses exclusively integer arithmetic and is today considered the foundation 
of any computer graphic program. Its approach is based on three optimization "tricks": 

1. Reduction of the drawing direction to a single case (left to right). 

2. Reduction of the line steepness to the single case where the horizontal distance is the greatest. 

3. Multiplying both sides of the equation by the horizontal distance (del tax) to obtain only 
integer quantities. 

The resulting line-drawing code is compact and extremely efficient; here is an adaptation for our video 

#define abs ( a) (((a)> 0) ? (a) : -(a)) 

void line( int xO , int yO , int xl, int yl) 


int steep, t ; 

int deltax, deltay, error; 

int x, y; 

int ystep; 

steep = ( abs (yl - yO) > abs (xl - xO ) ) ; 

if ( steep ) 

{ / / swap x and y 

t = xO; xO = yO; yO = t; 

t = xl ; xl = yl ; yl = t ; 


if (xO > xl) 

{ / / swap ends 

t = xO ; xO = xl ; xl = t ; 

t = yO; yO = yl; yl = t; 

deltax = xl - xO ; 
deltay = abs (yl - yO); 
error = ; 

y = yO; 

if (yO < yl) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1; 
for (x = xO ; x < xl; x++) 


if ( steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y); 

error += deltay; 

if ( (error«l) >= deltax) 



The Dark Screen 

y += ystep; 
error -= deltax; 

} // if 
} // for 
} // line 

We can add this function to the video module "graphic . c" and a prototype to the include file 

"graphic . h". 

To test the efficiency of the Bresenham algorithm, we can create a new small project and once more 
include the pseudo-random number generator by including the "stdlib.h" library. The following 
example code will first draw a frame around the screen and then it will exercise the line-drawing 
routine producing a hundred lines from randomly generated coordinates. The main loop also contains a 
check for the S3 button (the leftmost button on the bottom of the Explorer 16 demo board) to be pressed 
before the screen is cleared again and a new set of random lines is drawn on the screen. 


// Bresenham. c 


// Bresenham algorithm example 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

#include <stdlib.h> 

#include ". . /graphic /graphic .h" 

main ( ) 


int i ; 

// initializations 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the state machines 

srand ( 12 ) ; 

// main loop 
while ( 1) 


clearScreen ( ) ; 

line( 0, 0, 0, VRES-1) ; 

line( 0, VRES-1, HRES-1, VRES-1); 

line( HRES-1, VRES-1, HRES-1, 0); 

line( 0, 0, HRES-1, 0) ; 

for( i = 0; i<100; i++) 

line( rand()%HRES, rand()%VRES, rand()%HRES, rand ( ) %VRES ) ; 

// waiting for a button to be pressed 
while ( 1) 


Chapter 12 


if ( !_RD6 

} // wait 

} // main loop 

} // main 

Figure 12-19. Screen capture, Bresenham line-drawing algorithm test. 

You will be impressed by the speed of the line-drawing algorithm; even when increasing the number of 
lines drawn to batches of one thousand, the performance of the PIC24 will be apparent. 

Plotting math functions 

With the completed graphic module we can now start exploring some interesting applications that can 
take full advantage of its visualization capabilities. One classical application could be plotting a graph 
based on data logged from a sensor or, more simply for our demonstration purposes, calculated on the 
fly from a given math function. 

For example, let's assume the function is a sinusoid with a twist as in the following: 

y (x) = x * sin( x) 

Let's also assume we want to plot its graph for values of x between and 8 * PI. 

With minor manipulations we can scale the function to fit our screen, remapping the input range from 
to 200 and the output range to the +151-15 values range. 


The Dark Screen 

The following program example will plot the function after tracing the x and y axes: 

** Plotting a ID function graph 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
# include <math.h> 

# include ". . /graphic /graphic .h" 

#define XO 10 
#define Y0 (VRES/2) 
#denne PI 3.141592654f 

main ( void) 


int x, y; 
float xf, yf; 

// initializations 
clearScreen ( ) ; 
initVideo ( ) ; 

// draw the x and y axes crossing in (X0,Y0) 
line( XO, 10, XO , VRES-10); // y axes 
line( XO-5, Y0 , HRES-10, Y0 ) ; // x axes 

// plot the graph of the function for 
for( x=0; x<2 00; x++) 


xf = (8 * PI / 200) * (float) x; 

yf = 75.0 / ( 8 * PI) * xf * sin( xf); 

plot ( x+XO, yf+YO) ; 

// main loop 
while ( 1) ; 

} // main 

Should the points on the graph become too sparse, we have the option of using the line-drawing algo- 
rithm to connect each point to the previous. 


Chapter 12 

Figure 12-20. Screen capture, a sinusoidal function graph. 

Two-dimensional function visualization 

Plotting two-dimensional function graphs could be more interesting and perhaps entertaining. This 
adds the thrill of managing the perspective distortion and the challenge of connecting the calculated 
points to form a visually pleasing grid. 

The simplest method to squeeze the third axis into a two-dimensional image is to utilize what is com- 
monly known as an isometric projection, a method that requires minimal computational resources 
while providing a small visual distortion. The following formulas applied to the x, y and z coordinates 
of a point in a three-dimensional space produce the px and py coordinates of the projection on a two- 
dimensional space (our video screen). 

px = x + yll; 

py = z + yll\ 


Figure 12-21. Isometric projection. 

In order to plot the three-dimensional graph of a given function: z =f(x,y) we proceed on a grid of 
points equally spaced in the x and y plane using two nested for loops. For each point we compute the 


The Dark Screen 

function to obtain the z coordinate and we apply the isometric projection to obtain a ( coordinate 
pair. Then we connect the newly calculated point with a segment to the previous point on the same row 
(previous column). A second segment needs to be drawn to connect the point to the previously com- 
puted point in the same column and the previous row. 

previous row 

newly calculated point 

(px, py) 

previous point 
(prev.x, prev.y) 

Figure 12-22. Drawing a grid to enhance a two-dimensional graph visualization. 

While it is trivial to keep track of the coordinates of the previously computed point on the same row, 
recording the coordinates of the points on each previous row might require significant memory space. 
If, for example, we are using a grid of 20 x 20 points, we would need to store the coordinates of up to 
400 points. Requiring two integers each, that would add up to 800 words or 1,600 bytes of precious 
RAM memory. In reality, as should be evident from the picture above, all we really need is the coor- 
dinates of the points on the "edge" of the grid as painted so far. Therefore, with a little care, we can 
reduce the memory requirement to just 20 coordinate pairs by maintaining a small rolling buffer. 

The example code below visualizes the graph of the function: 

z(x 9 y) = 1/ sqrt( x 2 + y 2 ) * cos ( sqrt( x 2 + y 2 ) 

for values of x and y in the range -3 * PI to +3 * PI 


** Plotting a 2D function graph 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include <math.h> 

#include ". . /graphic/graphic .h" 

#define X0 


# define Y0 


# define PI 


ttdefine NODES 


# define SIDE 



Chapter 12 

typedef struct { 
int x; 
int y; 
} point; 

point edge [NODES], prev; 

main ( void) 


int i, j, x, y, z ; 

float xf, yf , zf, sf; 
int px, py; 

// initializations 
clearScreen ( ) ; 
initVideo ( ) ; 

// draw the x, y and z axes crossing in (X0,Y0) 
line( XO, 10, X0 , VRES-50); // z axis 

line( XO-5, Y0 , HRES-10, Y0 ) ; // x axis 
line( XO-2, YO-2, XO+120, YO+120); // y axis 

// init the array of previous egde points 
for( j = 0; j<NODES; j++) 


edge[j].x = X0+ j*side/2; 

edge[j].y = Y0+ j*SlDE/2; 

// plot the graph of the function for 
for( i=0; i<NODES; i++) 


// transform the x coordinate range to 0..200 offset 100 

x = i * SIDE; 

xf = (6 * PI / 200) * (float) (x-100) ; 

prev.y = Y0 ; 

prev.x = X0 + x; 

for ( j=0; j<NODES; j++) 


// transform the y coordinate range to 0. .200 offset 100 

y = j * SIDE; 

yf = (6 * PI / 200) * (float) (y-100) ; 

// compute the function 

sf = sqrt ( xf * xf + yf * yf) ; 

zf = 1/ (1+ sf ) * cos( sf ) ; 


The Dark Screen 

II scale the output 
z = zf * 75; 

// apply isometric perspective and offset 
px = XO + x + y/2; 
py = YO + z + y/2; 

// plot the point 
plot ( px, py) ; 

// draw connecting lines to visualize the grid 

line( px, py, prev.x, prev.y) ; // connect to prev point on same x 

line( px, py, edge[j].x, edge[j].y); 

// update the previous points 
prev . x = px ; 
prev.y = py; 
edge [ j ] .x = px; 
edge [ j ] . y = py ; 
} // for j 
} // for i 

// main loop 
while ( 1 ) ; 

} // main 

After building the project and connecting to a display, you will notice how quickly the PIC24 will 
produce the output graph, although significant floating-point math is required as the function is applied 
sequentially to 400 points and as much as 800 line segments are drawn on the video memory. 

Figure 12-23. Screen capture, graph of a two-dimensional function. 


Chapter 12 

"Fractals" is a term coined for the first time by Benoit Mandelbrot, a mathematician (and fellow 
researcher at the IBM Pacific Northwest Labs) back in 1975, to denote a large set of mathematical 
objects which presented an interesting property: that of appearing self-similar at all scales of magnifi- 
cation as if constructed recursively with an infinite level of detail. There are many examples of fractals 
in nature, although their self- similarity property is typically extended over a finite scale range. Exam- 
ples include clouds, snow flakes, mountains, river networks and even the blood vessels in our body. 

Because it lends itself to impressive computer visualizations, the most popular example of a mathemat- 
ical fractal object is perhaps the Mandelbrot set. It's defined as a subset of the complex plane where 
the quadratic function z 2 + c is iterated. By exclusion, points (c) of the complex plane for which the 
iteration does not "diverge" are considered to be part of the set. Since it is easy to prove that once the 
modulus of z is greater than 2, the iteration is bound to diverge (hence the given point is not part of the 
set) we can proceed by elimination. The problem is that as long as the modulus of z remains smaller 
than 2, we have no way of telling when to stop the iteration and declare the point part of the set. So 
typically computer algorithms that depict the Mandelbrot set use an approximation, by setting an arbi- 
trary maximum number of iterations past which a point is simply assumed to be part of the set. 

Here is an example of how the inner iteration can be coded in C: 

// initialization 
x = xO ; 

y = yO; 

k = 0; 

// core iteration 
do { 

x2 = x*x; 
y2 = y*y; 
y = 2*x*y + yO ; 
x = x2 - y2 + xO ; 
} while ( (x2 + y2 < 4) && ( k < MAXIT) ) ; 

// check if the point belongs to the Mandelbrot set 
if ( k == MAXIT) plot( xO, yO); 

where xO and yO are the coordinates in the complex space of the point c. 

We can repeat this iteration for each point of a squared subset of the complex plane so as to obtain 
an image of the entire Mandelbrot set. From the literature we learn that the entire set is included in a 
disc of radius 2 around the origin, so we can develop a first program that will scan the complex plane 
in a grid of 192 x 192 points (to use the maximum screen resolution as defined by our video module) 
overlapping such a disc: 


* * 

** Mandelbrot Set graphic demo 

* * 



The Dark Screen 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include ". . /graphic /graphic . h" 

#define SIZE VRES 
# define MAXIT 64 

void mandelbrot ( float xxO , float yyO , float w) 


float x, y, d, xO , yO , x2 , y2 ; 

int i, j , k; 

// calculate increments 
d = w/SIZE; 

// repeat on each screen pixel 

yO = yyO; 

for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) 


xO = xxO ; 

for (j=0; j<SIZE; j++) 


// initialization 
x = xO ; 
y = yO; 
k = 0; 

// core iteration 
do { 

x2 = x*x; 
y2 = y*y; 
y = 2*x*y + yO ; 
x = x2 - y2 + xO ; 
} while ( (x2 + y2 < 4) && ( k < MAXIT)); 

// check if the point belongs to the Mandelbrot set 
if ( k == MAXIT) plot( j, i); 

// compute next point xO 
xO += d; 
} // for j 
// compute next yO 
yO += d; 
} // for i 
} // mandelbrot 


Chapter 12 

main ( 


float x, y, w; 

// initializations 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the state machines 

// intial coordinates lower left corner of the grid 
x = -2.0; 
Y = -2.0; 

// initial grid side 
w = 4.0; 

while ( 1) 

clearScreen ( ) ; // clear the screen 
mandelbrot ( x, y, w) ; 

while (1) ; 

} // main loop 

} // main 

With the maximum number of iterations set to 64, the PIC24 will produce the complete image below, 
the so-called Mandelbrot cardioid, in approximately 30 seconds. 

Figure 12-24. Screen capture, Mandelbrot set. 


The Dark Screen 

I will confess that since I bought my first personal computer as a kid (actually "home computer" was 
the term used back then — it was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum), I have been playing with fractal programs. 
So I have a vivid memory of the long hours I used to spend staring at the computer screen waiting for 
the old trusty Z80 processor (running at the whopping speed of 3.5 MHz) to paint this same image. A 
few years later, my first IBM PC, an XT clone (running on a 8088 processor at a not much higher clock 
speed of 4 MHz) was not faring much better, and although the screen resolution of my monochrome 
Hercules graphic card was higher, I would still launch programs in the evening to watch the results 
the following morning, after what amounted sometimes to up to eight hours of processing. Clearly the 
amount of computation required to paint a fractal image varies enormously with the chosen area and 
the number of maximum iterations allowed, but the first time I ran this program I could not help being 
amazed by how rapidly the PIC24 painted the cardioid before my eyes. 

But the real fun has just begun. The most interesting parts of the Mandelbrot set are at the fringes, 
where we can increase the magnification and zoom in to discover an infinitely complex world of de- 
tails. By visualizing not just the points that belong to the set, but also the ones at its edges that diverge, 
and assigning a color that depends on how fast they did in fact diverge, we can further improve the re- 
sulting image. Since we have only a monochrome display, we will simply use alternate bands of black 
and white assigned to each point according to the number of iterations it took before it either reached 
the maximum modulus or the maximum number of iterations. Simply enough, this means we will have 
to modify just one line of code from our previous example: 

// check if the point belongs to the Mandelbrot set 
if ( k & 1) plot( j, i) ; 

Also, since the best way to play with Mandelbrot set images is to explore them by selecting new 
areas and zooming in on the details, we can transform the main program loop by adding a simple user 
interface, by means of the four buttons of the Explorer 16 board. We can imagine splitting the image 
into four quadrants. A button will correspond to each quadrant, and by pressing it, we will zoom in, 
doubling the resolution and halving the grid dimension (w). 






Figure 12-25. Splitting the screen into four quadrants. 


Chapter 12 

main ( ) 


float x, y, w; 

// initializations 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the state machines 

// intial coordinates lower left corner of the grid 

x = -2.0; 

Y = -2.0; 

// initial grid size 

W = 4.0; 

while ( 1) 


clearScreen ( ) ; 
mandelbrot ( x, y, w) ; 

// clear the screen 
/ / draw new image 

// wait for a button to be pressed 
while (1) 

{ // wait for a key pressed 
if ( !_RD6) 
{ // first quadrant 
w/= 2 ; 
y += w; 


if ( !_RD7) 

{ // second quadrant 

w/= 2; 

y += w; 

x += w; 



if ( !_RA7) 

{ // third quadrant 

w/= 2; 

x += w; 



if ( !_RD13) 

{ // fourth quadrant 

w/= 2; 



} // wait for a key 
} // main loop 
} // main 


The Dark Screen 

Here is a little selection of interesting areas you will be able to explore with a little patience: 

Figure. 12 -2 6a 
(+0.25 +/ 0.5), w = 0.25 

Figure 12 -2 6c 
(-1.28125 +/ 0.3125), w = 0.3125 

Figure. 12-26b 
(+0.37500 -; 0.57813), w = 0.01563 

Figure. 12-266 
(+0.34375 +/' 0.56250), w = 0.03125 

Figure. 12-26e 
(+0.34375 +/ 0.56250), w = 0.03125 


Chapter 12 

So far we have been focusing heavily on graphical visualizations, but on more than one occasion you 
might have felt the desire to augment the information presented on the screen with some text. Writing 
text on the video memory is no different from plotting points or drawing lines, and in fact it can be 
achieved with a variety of methods, including using the plotting and line-drawing functions we have 
already developed. But for greater performance and in order to require the smallest possible amount of 
code, the easiest way to get text on our graphic display is by developing and using an 8 x 8 font array. 
Each character can be drawn in an 8 x 8 pixel box; one byte will encode each row, and 8 bytes will 
encode the entire character. We can then assemble the 96 base alphabetical, numerical and punctuation 
characters in the order and position in which they are presented in the ASCII character set in a single 
array and save it as an include file. 













Figure 12-27. The letter A as represented in an 8 x 8 font. 

To save space we don't need to create the first 32 codes defined in the ASCII set, which correspond 
mostly to commands and legacy special synchronization codes used by teletypewriters and modems of 
the old times: 


// 8 x 8 Font definition 

#define F_OFFS 0x2 
#define F SIZE 0x60 

// initial offset 

// only the first 64 characters defined so far 

const char Font8x8[] 
// 20 - SPACE 








= ( 


The Dark Screen 

// 1 - ! 


Notice that the Font 8x8 [ ] array is defined with the attribute const, as its contents are supposed to 
remain unchanged during the execution of the program and it is best allocated in the program memory 
space (Flash memory of the PIC24) to save precious RAM memory space. 

A complete listing of the H font .h" file would waste several pages, so we will omit it here, but you will 
be able to find it on the companion CD-ROM. 

Of course, as it is a matter of personal taste, you are welcome to modify the Font 8x8 [ ] array contents 
to fit your preferences. 

Printing a character on the screen then is a matter of copying one byte at a time from the font ar- 
ray to the desired screen position. In the simplest case, characters can be aligned to the words that 
compose the VMap (video memory) array defined by the graphics module. In this way, the character 
positions would be limited to 32 characters per line (256/8) and a maximum of 24 rows of text could 
be displayed (192/8). A more advanced solution would call for absolute freedom in positioning each 
character at any given pixel coordinate. This would require a type of manipulation often referred to as 
BitBLT (an acronym that stands for Bit BLock Transfer) that is common in computer graphics, particu- 
larly in video game design. In the following, though, we will stick to the simpler approach, looking for 
the solution that requires the smallest amount of resources to get the job done. 

Let's create a new project that we will call "TextOnGPage" and a new source file "TextOnGPage . c" 
that will contain all the functions required to print text on the graphic video page. Then, let's define two 
integer variables for maintaining the cursor position: 

int ex, cy; 

We can now write a simple function that prints one ASCII character at a time on the screen at the cur- 
rent cursor position as follows: 

void putcV( int a) 


int i, *p; 
const char *pf; 

// 1. check if char in range 

a -= F_OFFS; 

if ( a < 0) a = 0; 

if ( a >= F_SIZE) a = F_SIZE-1; 


Chapter 12 

II 2. check page boundaries 

if ( ex >= HRES/8) // wrap around x 


ex = ; 


if ( cy >= VRES/8) // wrap around y 

cy = 0; 

// 3. set pointer to word in the video map 

p = &VMap[ cy * 8 * HRES/16 + cx/2]; 

// set pointer to first row of the character in the font array 

pf = &Font8x8 [ a << 3] ; 

// 4. copy one by one each line of the character on the screen 
for ( i=0; i<8; i++) 


if ( ex Sc 1) 


*p & = OxffOO; 
*p |= *pf++; 



*p & = Oxff; 

*p |= (*pf++)<<8; 


// point to next row 
p += HRES/16; 
} // for 

// increment cursor position 
} // putcV 

In the very first few lines of the function (1.) we verify that the character passed to the function is part 
of the subset of the ASCII character set currently defined in our font. If not, we change it into either the 
first character defined or the last one. An alternative strategy, available to the reader, would have been 
to ignore the character altogether and exit the routine immediately in such a case. 

The second part of the function (2.) deals with positioning the cursor (cy , cy), making sure that if we 
reach the right edge of the screen we wrap around onto the next line as a typewriter would. A similar 
action is taken when we reach the bottom right extreme of the screen by wrapping around to the top of 
the screen. The alternative here would have been to implement a scrolling feature that would move the 
entire contents of the screen up by one line to make room for a whole new line of text. 


The Dark Screen 

In the third part (3.) a pointer to the screen memory map is computed based on the cursor coordinates, 
and a pointer into the font array is computed based on the ASCII character code. Finally (4.) a loop 
takes care of copying, line by line, the font image into the video array. Since the video array (VMap) 
is organized in words (and the MSB is displayed first) a little attention must be paid in transferring 
each byte to the proper position within each 16-bit word. If the cursor position is even, the MSB of the 
selected word is replaced by the font data. If the cursor position is odd, the LSB of the selected word is 
replaced by the font data. At each step in the loop, the pointer inside the video map (p) is incremented 
by 16 words (hres/16) to point to the same position on the following line, while the pointer inside the 
font array (pf) is incremented by one to obtain the next byte composing the character image. 

For our convenience we can now create a function that will print an entire NULL terminated ASCII 
string on the screen: 

void putsV( unsigned char *s) 


while (*s) 

putcV( *s++) ; 
} // putsV 

Remember also to include all the necessary files to compile this module: 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

#include ".. /font /font .h" 

# include ". . /graphic /graphic . h" 

Finally, let's create a new include file to export the newly defined functions and to add a couple of use- 
ful macros: 


** Text on Graphic Page 

extern int ex, cy; 

void putcV( int a) ; 

void putsV( unsigned char *s); 

#define Home ( ) { cx=0; cy=0;} 

#define Clrscr ( ) { clearScreen ( ) ; Home ( ) ; } 

#define AT ( x, y) { ex = (x) ; cy = (y) ; } 

Home ( ) will simply position the cursor on the upper left corner of the screen. 

clrscr ( ) will clear the screen first by invoking the function defined in the graphic module. 

at ( ) will position the cursor as required for the next putcv and/or putsv command. 


Chapter 12 

Notice how, differently from the graphic coordinate system, the text cursor coordinate system is de- 
fined with the origin located in the home position on the upper left corner of the screen and increasing 
vertical coordinates are referring to lines further down the page. 

Testing the TextOnGPage module 

In order to quickly test the effectiveness of the new text module, we can now create a small program 
that, after printing a small banner on the first line of the screen will print out each character defined in 
the 8x8 font: 


** Text Page Test 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include *. . /graphic /graphic . h" 

#include ". . /textg/TextOnGPage .h 

main ( void) 


int i ; 

// initializations 

initVideo ( ) ; // start the state machines 

Clrscr ( ) ; 

AT ( , ) ; 

putsV( "FLYING THE PIC24!"); 

AT ( , 2 ) ; 

for( i=32; i<128; i++) 
putcV( i) ; 

while ( 1 ) ; 

} // main 

Save this file as "TextOnGTest .c" and add it to the project. Make sure all the other required modules 
are added to the project too, including: "graphic, c", "graphic, h", "font.h", "textongpage.c" 
and "textongpage .h". Finally, build the project and run. 


The Dark Screen 

Figure 12-28. Screen capture, text on the graphic page. 

Developing a text page video 

Using the newly developed "TextOnGPage . c" module, we have now acquired the capability to display 
text and graphics on the video screen. The system in its entirety requires 6,080 bytes of RAM for the 
video map, a significant portion of the total amount of RAM available inside the PIC24fjl28ga010, but 
only a minuscule portion of the program memory available. 

Memory Usage Gauge 

Program Memory 
Total: 44030 

Data Memory 
Total: 8192 

Figure 12-29. Memory usage gauges for the TextOnGTest project. 

If our application was going to need the video output only to display text, this would have been an 
extremely inefficient solution. In fact, using an 8x8 font, we can only display 32 characters per line 
and a maximum of 24 lines, for a grand total of 768 characters. In other words, if our application uses 
the video as a pure text display, we are wasting as much as 5,244 bytes of precious RAM. In the early 
computer days (including the first IBM PC) this was a serious (economical) problem that demanded a 
custom hardware solution. All early personal computer systems had in fact a "text page," that is a video 
mode where the display could visualize ONLY text, with the advantage of reducing considerably the 
RAM requirements (to a fraction of those of a graphic page) while also increasing considerably the 
screen manipulation performance. In a text page, character ASCII codes are stored directly in the video 
memory and they are converted on the fly to the graphical font representation by a hardware device 
(known as the font generator) intimately connected to the video scanning and timing logic. In this way, 
the amount of memory required to maintain a page of 768 characters (as in our previous project) would 
have been only and exactly 768 bytes; that is approximately only 10% of the memory required by our 
graphic-display solution. 


Chapter 12 

This sounds to me like an interesting new challenge. In the next project we will develop a more RAM- 
efficient video solution targeting pure text display applications. This will force us to go back to the 
initial definition of the state machine at the heart of the graphic video module. In fact, we can keep 
most of its structure intact and proceed to optimize only a few critical areas. All the elements that com- 
pose the horizontal and vertical synchronization signals will remain unchanged. Also the construction 
of horizontal lines remains untouched up to the point where we start sending data to the SPI1 module 
to serialize. Where in the graphic display we take each word of the memory map as is and we push it 
on to the SPI buffer, in a text-page video application we will need to operate on a byte at a time and in- 
terpose a conversion step. The Font 8x8 [ ] array will act as a look-up table that will be used to convert 
the ASCII code on the fly from the text page (now VMap will be defined as a byte array) into an image 
that will be sent to the SPI buffer for serialization. In generic terms we can express this translation with 
the following expression: 

lookup = Font8x8 [ *VPtr * 8 + RCount]; 

where vptr is the pointer to the current character inside the text page array, and RCount is a counter 
from to 7 that keeps track of each video line forming one row of text (there are 8 video lines for each 
row of text). 

In practice, things are a little more complicated. Since the SPI module must be fed with 16 bits of data 
at a time, we need to assemble two characters in one word after performing two look-ups one after the 

lookupl = Font8x8 [ *VPtr++ * 8 + RCount]; 
lookup2 = Font8x8[ *VPtr++ * 8 + RCount]; 
SPI1BUF = ( 256 * lookupl + lookup2); 

Repeat this for 8 times to fill the entire SPI buffer. 

Now this is a lot of work to perform in the few microseconds available to the OC4 interrupt service 
routine. Even if we were to enable the highest level of optimization of the compiler (and in this book 
we actually chose to never enable any optimization), the possibility that it would fit in the time avail- 
able (less than 25 us) is pretty slim. There are simply too many multiplications and additions to 
perform when working the look-up table. Fortunately, this is something we can change. In fact we 
can rearrange the way the Font array is built. While it is convenient to initialize the array filling in all 
8 rows of each character and proceeding sequentially, in order to simplify the look-up expression it 
would be best if the array were organized the other way around. In other words, we should fill the array 
starting with the first byte of each character in the font, followed by each second byte of each character 
and so on. We could rewrite the expressions above with the new rearranged font RFont as follows: 

lookupl = RFont [ (RCount * F_SIZE) + *VPtr++ ]; 
lookup2 = RFont [ (RCount * F_SIZE) + *VPtr++ ]; 
SPI1BUF = ( 256 * lookupl + lookup2); 

The great advantage lies in the fact now (RCount*F_siZE) is a constant offset and we can even obtain 
a pointer inside the font that already takes care of such offset with the following expression: 

FPtr = &RFont[ RCount * F_SIZE] ; 

This can be precalculated (inside the Timer3 interrupt service routine) at the beginning of each line for 
a significant saving. 


The Dark Screen 

The new look-up expressions are now simplified to: 

lookupl = FPtr [ *VPtr++ ] ; 
lookup2 = FPtr[ *VPtr++ ] ; 
SPI1BUF = ( lookupl << 8 + lookup2); 

Now we at least have a chance that the look-up expression could fit in the few microseconds available, 
but we are not satisfied yet. Every nanosecond counts in a routine as critical and frequently invoked as 
the OC4 interrupt service routine is. The ultimate optimization trick is in fact constituted by the selec- 
tive manual coding in assembly of the few most critical steps. If we assume that the font pointer (FPtr) 
has been placed in the W2 working register and the video memory pointer (vptr) has been placed in 
the wi working register, we can code the entire look-up sequence with just three powerful assembly 

mov.b [wl++] , wO // wO = *VPtr++ (8 bit) 

ze wO , wO // extend wO to a 16 bit integer 

mov.b [w2+w0], w3 // w3 = FPtr [ wO ] = FPtr [ *VPtr++] = lookupl 

Repeating the same instructions for lookup2 is trivial; combining the two values in one word requires 
only a shift: 

si w3, #8, w3 // shift W3 8 bits to the left (*256) 

and later on an addition: 

add wO , w3 / wO // add ( lookupl*256 ) and lookup2 

We can put it all together in a single macro that we will call decode ( ) : 

#define DECODE ( sfr) \ 

asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 
asm volatile 

"mov.b [wl++] , wO" ) ; \ 

"ze wO, wO") ; \ 

"mov . b [ w2 +w0 ] , w3 " ) ; \ 

"si w3, #8,w3" ) ; \ 

"mov.b [wl++] , wO" ) ; \ 

"ze wO, wO") ; \ 

"mov.b [w2+w0], wO " ) ; \ 

"ze wO, wO") ; \ 

"add wO, w3, wO") ; \ 
"mov wO, %0" : "=U"((sfr)) 

The volatile attribute is used here to make sure that the compiler will not change the order and position 
of the inline assembly code should the optimizer be turned on in the future. Also, the last line might 
seem a bit cryptic. In fact, we are using an advanced feature of the inline assembly syntax offered by 
the C30 compiler that allows us to mix in C variable names, passed as parameters to the asm ( ) func- 
tion. The special notation :"=U" indicates that a data operand in brackets is being passed as an output 
data recipient. 


Chapter 12 

We can now modify the OC4 interrupt routine to make full use of our highly optimized font table lookup: 

void _ISRFAST _OC4 Interrupt ( void) 


// prepare pointers 

volatile asm ( "mov %0, w2 " : : "U" (FPtr) ) ; // w2 = FPtr 

volatile asm ( "mov %0, wl" : : "U" (VPtr) ) ; // wl = VPtr 

// inline text to font translation * 8 words 









asm ( "mov wl , %0" : W =U" (VPtr)); // update VPtr 

if ( --HCount > 0) 

{ // activate again in time for the next SPI load 

0C4R += ( PIX_T * 8 * 16); 

OC4CON = 0x0009; // single event 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_0C4IF = 0; 

} // OC4lnterrupt 

As we said before, the modifications to the Timer3 interrupt service routine are minor, as only a couple 
of pointers need to be prepared for the text lines to be properly sequenced and for the font offset to be 

void _ISRFAST _T3lnterrupt ( void) 


// Start a Sync pulse 
SYNC = 0; 

// decrement the vertical counter 
VCount-- ; 

// vertical state machine 
switch ( VState) { 
case SV_PREEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 

OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 


The Dark Screen 

case SV_SYNC: 

// vertical sync pulse 


0C3C0N = 0x0009; // single event 


case SV_POSTEQ: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 

//on the last posteq prepare for the new frame 

if ( VCount == 0) 


LPtr = VMap; 
RCount = 0; 


case SV_LINE: 

// horizontal sync pulse 


OC3CON = 0x0009; // single event 

// activate OC4 for the SPI loading 
OC4CON = 0x0009; // single event 
HCount =3; // reload counter 

// prepare the font pointer 

FPtr = &RFont[ RCount * F_SIZE] ; 

// prepare the line pointer 
VPtr = LPtr; 

// Advance the RCount 
if ( ++RCount == 8) 


RCount = ; 
LPtr += COLS; 


} //switch 

// advance the state machine 
if ( VCount == 0) 


VCount = VC[ VState] ; 


Chapter 12 

VState = VS[ VState]; 

// clear the interrupt flag 
_T3IF = 0; 

} // T3 Interrupt 

The video initialization routine will now require one more step, as the font array needs to be rearranged 
as discussed above: 

// prepare a reversed font table 
for (i=0; i<8; i++) 


p = Font8x8 + i; 

for (j=0; j<F_SIZE; j++) 


* r ++ = *p; 

p+ = 8; 
} // for j 
} // for i 

While for simplicity we implement this as a second array allocated in RAM where we copy things in 
the new order, the ultimate solution is to rearrange the "font .h" file definition, so that the Font8x8 
array is already defined in the new and optimal order, there is no RAM waste, and no processing time 
is used during the video initialization to perform the translation. 

Back when we were working on the graphical interface, we found that a 256 x 192 pixel screen was 
an acceptable compromise between screen resolution and memory usage as it would leave 2 kbytes of 
RAM available for the application to use. Now the balance is considerably changed; with a 24 lines by 
32 column display, only 768 bytes are used by the video module and we can in fact afford to expand 
the resolution a bit. The horizontal resolution is the one most in need of an upgrade. Most video termi- 
nals use a 25 x 80 format while the average printed document has no less than 60 characters per line. 
While we could afford the RAM (25 rows x 80 columns = 2,000 characters), this time it is the NTSC 
video specifications that are going to dictate the ultimate limit. As we observed at the very beginning of 
this chapter, the maximum signal bandwidth for an NTSC video composite signal is fixed at 4.2 MHz, 
while the portion of the waveform producing the visible line image is 52 us wide. This determines a 
maximum theoretical horizontal resolution of 436 pixels that, in the case of an 8x8 font, would imply 
a maximum number of 54 columns. In practice we would do better to choose a smaller value and, to 
make the best use of the SPI FIFO mechanism that we have been using with success so far, we had 
better choose a number that is a multiple of 16. While in the graphic module we used two successive 
blocks of 128 pixels each to fill the SPI FIFO buffers, for the text page module we can now add a third 
block, bringing the total horizontal resolution up to 48 characters. Note how this will require the SPI 
clock prescaler to be switched to the higher frequency mode (PIX_T= 2). 

For the vertical resolution we have considerable freedom, since the NTSC standard specifies 262 lines 
of which theoretically up to 253 could be used for the actual image. There is no difficulty in making 25 
rows of text (adding up to 200 lines) fit. 


The Dark Screen 

Overall our text-page module will produce a 25 row by 48 column display, using a total of just 1,200 
bytes. This will represent a considerable improvement in readability with respect to the text on graphic 
page approach, with a significant reduction in the RAM memory usage as well. 

This is the new set of constants and definitions that completes the new "Text" video module: 


** TextPage.c 

* * 

** Text Page video module 

* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
# include " . . /Text /Text Page . h" 
#include ".. /font /font .h" 

// I/O definitions 

#define SYNC _LATG0 // output 

#define SDO _RF8 // SPIl SDO 

// calculates the NTSC video parameters for the vertical state machine 

#define V_NTSC 2 62 // total number of lines composing a frame 

#define VRES (ROWS*8) // desired vertical resolution (<242) 

#define VSYNC_N 3 // V sync lines 

// count the number of remaining black lines top+bottom 


#define PREEQ_N VBLANK_N /2 // pre equalization + bottom blank 

#define POSTEQ_N VBLANK_N - PREEQ_N // post equalization + top blank lines 

// definition of the vertical sync state machine 
# define SV_PREEQ 

* define SV_SYNC 1 
#define SV_POSTEQ 2 
#define SV_LINE 3 

// calculates the NTSC video parameters for the horizontal state machine 

#define H_NTSC 1018 // total number of Tcy in a line (63.5us) 

#define HRES (COLS*8) // desired horizontal resolution (divisible by 16) 

#define HSYNC_T 72 // Tcy in a horizontal sync pulse (4.7us) 

#define BPORCH_T 9 // Tcy in a back porch (4.7us) 

#define PIX_T 2 // Tcy in each pixel 

#define LINE_T HRES * PIX_T // Tcy in each horizontal image line 


Chapter 12 

1 1 Text Page array 

unsigned char VMap [ COLS * ROWS]; 

unsigned char *VPtr, *LPtr; 

// reordered Font 

unsigned char RFont [F_SIZE*8] ; 

unsigned char *FPtr; 

volatile int HCount, VCount, RCount, VState, HState; 

// next state table 


// next counter table 

int VC[4] = { VSYNC_N, P0STEQ_N, VRES , PREEQ_N} ; 

The same routines we developed for the TextOnGPage project can now be added directly to this project. 

void haltVideo ( ) 


T3C0Nbits .TON =0; // turn off the vertical state machine 
} //haltVideo 

void initScreen( void) 


int i , j ; 
char *v; 

v = VMap; 

// clear the screen 

for ( i=0; i < (ROWS); i++) 

for ( j=0; j < (COLS) ; j+ 
*v+ + = 0; 
} //initScreen 

int ex, cy; 

void putcV( int a) 


// check if char in font range 

a -= F_0FFS; 

if ( a < 0) a = 0; 

if ( a >= F_SIZE) a = F_SIZE-1; 


The Dark Screen 

II check page boundaries 

if ( ex >= COLS) // wrap around x 


ex = ; 


cy %= ROWS; // wrap around y 

// find first row in the video map 
VMap[ cy * COLS + ex] = a; 

// increment cursor position 
} // putcV 

void putsV( unsigned char *s) 


while (*s) 

putcV( *s++) ; 
} // putsV 

void per ( void) 


ex = ; 

cy %= ROWS; 
} // per 

We can save the new project file as "TextPage .c" and create a new include file "TextPage .h" as 


** TextPage.h 
* * 

** Text Page Video Module 

#define ROWS 2 5 // rows of text 
#define COLS 48 // columns of text 

/ / Text Page array 

extern unsigned char VMap [ COLS * ROWS] ; 


Chapter 12 

II initializes the video output 
void initVideo ( void) ; 

// stops the video output 
void haltVideo ( ) ; 

// clears the video map 
void initScreen( void); 

// cursor 

extern int ex, cy; 

void putV( int a) ; 

void putsV( unsigned char *s); 

void per ( void) ; 

#define home ( ) { cx=0; cy=0;} 

#define clrscr ( ) { initScreen ( ) ; home ( ) ; } 

#define AT ( x, y) { ex = (x) ; cy = (y) ; } 

Testing the text page performance 

In order to test the new text page video module, we could try to modify an example seen in a previous 
chapter: the Matrix demo. Back then we were using the asynchronous serial communication module 
(UART1) to communicate with a VT100 computer terminal (or more likely a PC running the Hyper- 
Terminal program configured for emulation of the historical DEC terminals VT100 protocol). Now we 
can replace the putcu routine calls used to send a character to the serial port with putcv calls directed 
at our video interface. 

Let's create a new project called "Matrix2" and let's add all the necessary modules to it including: 
the rand . c, rand . h, textpage . c, textpage . h and finally a new main module that we will call 
"matrix2.c" or "the-matrix-reloaded. c" if you prefer. 


** The Matrix Reloaded 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 
#include ".. /random/ rand. h" 
#include " . . /Text/TextPage .h" 

#define COL 40 
# define ROW 2 4 
# define DELAY 12 000 


The Dark Screen 

#define per ( ) {ex = 0; cy++;} 

main ( ) 

int v[40] ; // vector containing lengh of each string 
int i,j,k; 

// 1. initializations 

T1CON = 0x8030; // TMRl on, prescale 256, Tcy/2 

initVideo ( ) ; 

clrscr ( ) ; // clear the screen 

randomize ( 12); // start the random number sequence 

// 2. init each column lenght 
for( j =0; j<COL; j++) 

v[j] = rand()%ROW; 

/ / 3 . main loop 
while ( 1) 


home ( ) ; 

// 3.1 refresh the screen with random columns 

for( i=0; i<ROW; i++) 


// refresh one row at a time 
for( j=0; j<COL; j++) 


// print a random character down to each column lenght 

if ( i < v[j]) 

putcV( V A' + (rand()%32) ) ; 

putcV( v l ) ; 
} // for j 
per ( ) ; 

} // for i 

// 3.1.1 delay to slow down the screen update 

TMRl =0; 

while ( TMR1<DELAY) ; 
// 3.2 randomly increase or reduce each column lenght 
for( j=0; j<COL; j++) 


Chapter 12 


switch ( rand()%3) 


case 0: // increase length 
if (v[j]>ROW) 

case 1: // decrease length 
v[j]— ; 
if (v[j]<l) 

default:// unchanged 
} // switch 

} // for 

} // main loop 
} // main 

After saving and building the project, run it on the Explorer 16 connected to your video device of 
choice. You will notice how much faster the screen updates, as the program now has direct access to the 
video memory and there is no serial connection limiting the information transfers (even as fast as the 
1 15,200-baud connection was in our previous demo project). Also, because now every character placed 
in the video memory can be retrieved and manipulated in place, new tricks are possible to make the 
video resemble more closely the movie characteristic and somewhat alien scrolling effect. 

Besides the visual impression, though, we are now interested in measuring the actual processor 
overhead imposed by the new video routines that perform the on-the-fly font translation. For this mea- 
surement, the MPLAB SIM software simulator is again our tool of choice. As we did in the previous 
chapters, we can use one of the PORTA pins (RAO) to signal when we are executing code inside one of 
the three interrupt service routines: 

void _ISRFAST _T3lnterrupt ( void) 



} // T3 Interrupt 


The Dark Screen 

void _ISRFAST _OC3 Interrupt ( void) 



} // 0C3 Interrupt 

void _ISRFAST _OC4lnterrupt ( void) 



} // 0C4lnterrupt 

Remember to add the initialization of the TRISA register inside the initvideo ( ) function or the main 
program to enable the RAO pin output. Then, add both the RGO pin (responsible for producing the 
synchronization pulse) and the RAO pin to the Logic Analyzer window channels. 

Rebuild the project and run it for a short while, just enough to get the first few image lines that repre- 
sent the worst-case scenario, where the most work is produced by the interrupt service routines. 











Figure 12-30. Logic analyzer window, measuring the text-page video module overhead. 

Using the cursor feature, we can now measure the number of cycles required by each of the four inter- 
rupt service routines executed during each of the horizontal line periods. While only the Stop Watch 
tool can give us an exact cycle count, the logic analyzer window can give us a good approximation 
with a lot less work. My measurements indicate that 384 cycles are spent inside the interrupt service 
routines of the video module at each 1018 cycles period; that amounts to approximately 38% of the 
processor available computing power. This is almost double the overhead incurred by the graphic 
video module routines, but the 20% difference is a price we gladly pay for the great reduction in RAM 
memory requirements and the increased resolution we gain for all those applications that require a pure 
text output. 


Chapter 12 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we have explored the possibility of producing a video output using a minimal hardware 
interface made up of only three resistors. We learned to use four peripheral modules together to build 
the complex mechanism required to produce a properly formatted NTSC composite video signal. 
A 16-bit timer was used to generate the fundamental horizontal synchronization period. Two output 
compare modules provided intermediate timing references, and finally the SPI module was used in 
enhanced mode to serialize the video data using the new 8-level-deep by 16-bit FIFO. After develop- 
ing basic graphic functions to plot individual pixels first and efficiently draw lines, we explored some 
of the possibilities offered by the availability of a graphic video output, including unidimensional and 
two-dimensional functions graphing. After briefly exploring the world of fractals, we changed gears to 
look at the problem of displaying text. First we developed routines to add text to the graphic page, and 
later we developed a new video module specifically optimized for text display only. 

Tips and tricks 

The final touch, to complete our brief excursion into the world of graphics, would be to add some anima- 
tion to our video output libraries. To make the motion fluid and avoid an annoying continuous flicker of 
the image on the screen, we would need to adopt a technique known as "double buffering." This requires 
us to have two image buffers in use at any point in time. One is the "active" buffer and its contents are 
shown on the screen while the other "hidden" buffer is being drawn. When the second buffer drawing is 
complete, the two are swapped. The first buffer, not visible anymore, is cleared and the drawing process 
starts again. The only limitation with implementing this technique in our case is represented by the 
RAM memory size. To make two image buffers fit in the 8 kbytes of memory of the PIC24fj 128ga010, 
while leaving some space for variables and stack, we will need to reduce the image resolution. A pair of 
image buffers of 160 x 160, for example, would fit as each would require only 3,200 bytes: 

int _FAR VlMap[VRES * (HRES/16)]; 
int _FAR V2Map[VRES * (HRES/16)]; 

The only other changes required to the project would be: 

1 . Replace direct references to the VMap [ ] array with references to pointers 

2. Make the interrupt-driven state machine that refreshes the screen use a pointer to the active 

int *VA; 

3. Make the plotting and drawing functions use a pointer to the hidden buffer: 

int *VH; 

The swap between the two buffers can then be performed swapping only two pointers: 

void swapV ( void) 


int * V; 

while ( VCount != 1) ; // wait until the end of the frame 
V = VA; VA = VH; VH = V; //at the next VSynch it will swap the screen 
} / / swapV 

Notice that care must be taken not to perform the swap in the middle of a frame, but synchronized with 
the end of a frame and the beginning of the next. 


The Dark Screen 


1 . Replace the "wri te . c " function to redirect the B s tdio . h" library function output to the 
text/graphic screen. 

2. Add the PS/2 keyboard input support to provide a complete console. 


• R. Koster, 2004 

A Theory of Fun for Game Design 

Paraglyph Press 


You must take game design seriously. Or maybe not? 

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Zx_spectrum 

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum was one of the first personal computers (home computers as they 
used to be called) launched in the early 1980s. Its graphic capabilities were very similar to 
those of the graphic libraries we developed in this project. Although it used several custom 
logic devices to provide the video output, its processing power was less than a quarter that 
of the PIC24. Still, the limited ability to produce color (only 16 colors with a resolution of 
a block of 8 x 8 pixels) enticed many programmers to create thousands of challenging and 
creative video games. 




Mass storage 

In This Chapter 

The SD™/MMC card physical 


Sending commands in SPI mode 



Completing the SD/MMC card 

Interfacing to the Explorer 16 




Reading data from an SD/MMC card 

Starting a new project 


Writing data to an SD/MMC card 

Selecting the SPI mode of 


Using the SD/MMC interface module 


The relationship between weight (mass) and performance of an airplane is generally well understood 
by most pilots and nonpilots too. Try to put too much weight on those wings and the takeoff is going to 
be longer — much longer, or actually so long that there is not enough runway to continue and there is no 
takeoff at all. Ouch! 

The more common problem seems to be in understanding how much all that stuff that you (or your 
significant other) want to bring along actually weighs. Packing the airplane for a trip with friends or 
family is just like packing your backpack for an excursion in the outdoors. The fact that everything 
seemed to fit in does not mean you will be able to lift it. As a pilot you won't be allowed to guess at 
it; you will have to compile a weight and balance sheet and, if necessary, use a scale to determine the 
exact numbers and decide what to sacrifice: some of the load or maybe some of the fuel. One thing that 
I can strongly discourage you from doing, though, is to ask your significant other to step on the scale. 

Flight plan 

In many embedded-control applications you might find a need for a larger nonvolatile data storage 
space, well beyond the capabilities of the common serial EEPROM devices we interfaced to in previ- 
ous chapters and certainly larger than the Flash program memory available inside the microcontroller 
itself. You might be looking for orders of magnitude more, hundreds of megabytes and possibly 
gigabytes. If you own a digital camera, an MP3 player or even a cell phone, you have probably become 
familiar with the storage requirements of consumer multimedia applications and with the available 
mass-storage technologies. Hard disk drives have become smaller and less power thirsty, but also 
a multitude of solid-state solutions (based once more on Flash technologies like CompactFlash®, 
SmartMedia™, Secure Digital (SD), Memory Stick® and others) have flooded the market. Due to the 
volumes absorbed by the consumer market, the price range has been reduced to a point where it is pos- 
sible, if not convenient, to integrate these devices into embedded-control applications. 


Chapter 13 

In this lesson we will learn how to interface one of the most common and inexpensive mass-storage 
device types to a PIC24 microcontroller using the smallest amount of processor resources. 

The flight 

Each one of the many competing mass-storage technologies has its strengths and weaknesses, as each 
one was designed for a somewhat different target application. We will choose the mass-storage media 
according to the following criteria: 

Wide availability of the memory and required connectors. 

Small pin count required by the physical interface (serial). 

Large memory capacity. 

Open specifications available. 

Ease of implementation. 

Low cost of the memory and the required connectors. 

The Secure Digital (SD) standard compares favorably in all those aspect as it is today one of the most 
commonly adopted mass-storage media for digital cameras and many other multimedia consumer ap- 
plications. The SD card specifications represent an evolution of a previous technology known as Multi 
Media Card, or MMC, with which they are still partially (forward) compatible both electrically and 
mechanically. The Secure Digital Card Association (SDCA) owns and controls the technical specifica- 
tion standards for the SD memory card and they require that all companies who plan to actively engage 
in the design, development, manufacture or sale of products that utilize the SD specifications must 
become members of the association. As of this writing, a general SDCA membership will cost you 
$2,000 in annual fees. The Multi Media Card Association (MMC A) on the other side does not require 
implementers to necessarily become members, but makes copies of the MMC specifications available 
for sale starting at $500. So both technologies are far from free, nor open. Fortunately, there is a subset 
of the SD specifications that has been released to the public by the SDCA in the form of a "simpli- 
fied physical specification." This information is all we need to develop a basic understanding of the 
SD/MMC memory technology and get started designing a PIC24 mass-storage interface. 

The SD/MMC card physical interface 

SD cards require only nine electrical contacts, and an SD/MMC-compatible connector, which can be 
purchased on most online catalogs for less than a couple of dollars, requires only a couple of pins more 
to account for insertion detection and write-pro tection switch sensing. There are two main modes of 
communication available: the first one (known as the SD bus) is original to the SD/MMC standard and 
it requires a nibble (4-bit) wide bus interface; the second mode is serial and is based on the popular 
SPI bus standard. It is this second mode that makes the SD/MMC mass-storage devices particularly 
appealing for all embedded-control applications, as most microcontrollers will either have a hardware 
SPI interface available or will be able to easily emulate one (bit-banging) with a reduced number of 
I/Os. Finally, the physical specifications of the SD/MMC cards indicate an operating voltage range of 
2.0V to 3.6V that is ideally suited for all applications with modern microcontrollers implemented in 
advanced CMOS processes, as is the case with the PIC24 family. 


Mass storage 



8. DAT1 


6. Vss2 
5. CLK 
4. Vcc 
3. Vss1 
2. CMD/DI 
1 . DAT3/CS 

9. DAT2 

6. Vss2 
5. CLK 
4. Vcc 
3. Vss1 
2. CMD/DI 
1 . DAT3/CS 

Figure 13-1 . SD card and MMC card connectors pin-out. 

Interfacing to the Explorer16 board 

Unfortunately, although the number of electrical connections required for the SPI interface is very low, 
all SD/MMC card connectors available on the market are designed for surface-mount applications only, 
which makes it almost impossible to use the prototyping area of the Explorer 16 demonstration board. 
To facilitate this lesson and the following lessons that will make use of mass-storage devices, complete 
schematics and PCB layout information for an expansion board have been published on the companion 
web site The expansion board also has interfaces that will be used in 
the following chapters of the book. 

Since in the previous chapter we have used the first SPI peripheral module to produce a video output and 
the application does not allow for sharing of the resource, we will share instead the second SPI module 
(SPI2) between the SD card interface and the EEPROM interface using separate Chip Select signals for 
the two. In addition to the usual SCK, SDI and SDO pins, we will provide pull-ups for the unused pins 
(reserved for the 4-bit wide SD bus interface) of the SD/MMC connector and for two more pins that will 

be dedicated to the Card Detect and Write Protect signals. 


SD Card connector 

~ GND 

Figure 13-2. SD/MMC card interface to Explorer 16 demo board 


# define 



# define 



# define 



Chapter 13 

Starting a new project 

After creating a new project (using the usual checklist) we will start by creating the basic initialization 
routines for all the necessary I/Os and configuring the SPI2 module: 


** SD card interface 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> // pin out definitions 

// Write Protect input 
// Card Detect input 
// Card Select output 

void initSD( void) 

// initializes the I/Os and peripheral modules (SPI2) 


SDCS = 1; // default Card not-selected (high) 

_TRISF0 =0; // make only Card select an output pin 

// init the spi module for a slow (safe) clock speed first 
SPI2CON1 = 0x013c; // CKE=1, SMP=0, CKP=0, prescale 1:64 

SPI2STAT = 0x8000; // enable the SPI2 peripheral 
} // initSD 

In particular, in the SPI2CON1 register we need to configure the SPI module to operate in master mode 
with the proper clock polarity, clock edge, input sampling point and initial clock frequency. The clock 
output (SCK) must be enabled and set low when idle. The sampling point for the SDI input must be 
centered. The frequency is controlled by means of two prescalers (primary and secondary) that divide 
the main processor cycle clock (Tcy) to generate the SPI clock signal. After power up and until the SD 
card is properly initialized, we will have to reduce the clock speed to a safe setting (below 400 kHz); 
therefore we will use the primary prescaler setting 1:64 to obtain a 250-kHz clock signal. This is just 
a temporary arrangement; after sending only the first few commands, we will be able to speed up the 
communication considerably. 

Notice how only the RFO pin, controlling the Card Select signal, needs to be manually configured 
as an output pin, while RG6 and RG8 (corresponding to the pins SCK2 and SD02) are automati- 
cally configured as outputs when we enable the SPI2 peripheral. 


Mass storage 
Selecting the SPI mode of operation 

When an SD/MMC card is inserted in the connector and powered up, it is in the default mode of 
communication: the SD bus mode. In order to inform the card that we intend to communicate using 
the alternative SPI mode, all we need to do is to select the card (sending the SDCS pin low) and start 
sending the first RESET command. We can rest assured that, once in the SPI mode, the card will not 
be able to change back to the SD bus mode unless the power supply is cycled. This means, though, that 
if the card is removed from the slot without our knowledge and then reinserted, we will have to make 
sure that the initialization routine or at least the reset command is repeated in order to get back to the 
SPI mode. We can detect the card presence at any time by checking the status of the RF1 pin connected 
to the CD line. 

Sending commands in SPI mode 

In SPI mode, commands are sent to an SD/MMC card as packets of six bytes, and all responses from 
the SD card are provided with multiple-byte data blocks of variable length. So all we need to commu- 
nicate with the memory card is the usual basic SPI routine to send and receive (the two operations are 
really the same as we have seen in the previous chapter) a byte at a time: 

// send one byte of data and receive one back at the same time 
unsigned char writeSPI ( unsigned char b) 


SPI2BUF = b; // write to buffer for TX 

while ( ! SPl2STATbits . SPIRBF) ; // wait for transfer to complete 

return SPI2BUF; // read the received value 

}// writeSPI 

For improved code readability and convenience, we will also define two more macros that will mask 
the same writeSPI ( ) function as a pure readspi ( ) , or just as a clock output function clockspi ( ) . 
Both macros will send a dummy byte of data (OxFF): 

#define readSPI ( ) writeSPI ( OxFF) 
#define clockSPI ( ) writeSPI ( OxFF) 

To send a command we will start selecting the card (SDCS low) and sending a packet composed of 
three parts through the SPI port. 
















Figure 13-3. SPI-mode SD/MMC Card command format. 

The first part is a single byte containing a command index. The following definitions will cover all the 
commands we will be using for this project: 

// SD card commands 

#define RESET // a.k.a. GO_IDLE (CMD0) 

#define INIT 1 //a.k.a SEND_OP_COND (CMDl) 

#define READ_SINGLE 17 // read a block of data 

#define WRITE_SINGLE 2 4 // write a block of data 


Chapter 13 

The command index is followed by a 32-bit memory address. It is an unsigned long integer value 
that must be sent MSB first. For convenience we will define a new type to represent such large address 
fields, which we will call lba, borrowing from a term used in other mass-storage applications to repre- 
sent a very large address to a generic block of data: 

typedef unsigned long LBA; // logic block address, 32 bit wide 

Finally, the command packet is completed by a one-byte CRC. This Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 
feature is always used in SD bus mode to make sure that every command and every block of data 
transmitted on the bus is free from errors. But as soon as we switch to the SPI mode (after sending 
the reset command) the CRC protection will be automatically disabled, as the card will assume that 
a direct and reliable connection to the host, the PIC24 in our case, is available. By taking advantage 
of this default behavior, we can considerably simplify our code replacing the CRC calculation with a 
precomputed value. This will be the CRC code of the reset command, and it will be ignored for all 
the subsequent commands for which the CRC field will be a "don't care." Here is the first part of the 
sendSDCmdO function: 

int sendSDCmd( unsigned char c, LBA a) 

// sends a 6 byte command block to the card and leaves SDCS active 


int i , r ; 

// enable SD card 
SDCS = 0; 

// send a comand packet (6 bytes) 

writeSPI ( c 0x40) ; // send command + frame bit 
writeSPI ( (unsigned char) a>>24) ; // msb of the address 
writeSPI ( a>>16) ; 
writeSPI ( a>>8) ; 

writeSPI ( a) ; // lsb 

// NOTE only CMDO-RESET requires an actual CRC (once in SPI mode CRC is disabled) 
writeSPI ( 0x95); // send CRC of RESET, for all other cmds it's a don't care 

After sending all six bytes to the card, we wait in a loop for a response byte (we will in fact keep send- 
ing dummy data continuously clocking the SPI port). The response will be OxFF (basically the SDI 
line will be kept high) until the card is ready to provide us with a proper response code. The specifica- 
tions indicate that up to 64 clock pulses (eight bytes) might be necessary before a proper response is 
received. Should we exceed this limit we would have to assume a major malfunctioning of the card and 
abort communication. 


Mass storage 

// now wait for a response up to 8 bytes delay 
i = 9; 
do { 

r = readSPI ( ) ; // check if ready 

if ( r != OxFF) break; 
} while ( --i > 0) ; 

return ( r) ; 

/* return response 

FF - timeout, no answer 

- command accepted 

01 - command received, card in idle state (after RESET) 
other errors 



} // sendSDCmd 

If we receive a response code, each bit if set will provide us with an indication of a possible problem: 

bit = Idle state 

bit 1 = Erase Reset 

bit 2 = Illegal command 

bit 3 = Communication CRC error 

bit 4 = Erase sequence error 

bit 5 = Address error 

bit 6 = Parameter error 

bit 7 = Always 

Notice that on return the sendSDCmd ( ) function leaves the SD card still selected (SDCS low) so that 
commands such as Block Write and Block Read, that require additional data to be sent or received 
from the card, will be able to proceed. In all other commands that do not require additional data trans- 
fers, we will have to remember to deselect the card (set SDCS high) immediately after the function 
call. Furthermore, since we want to share the SPI2 port with other peripherals (for example, the Serial 
EEPROM mounted on the Explorer 16 board) we need to make sure that the SD/MMC card receives a 
few more clock cycles (8 will suffice) immediately after the rising edge of the chip select line (SDCS). 
According to the SD/MMC specifications this will allow the card to complete a few important house- 
keeping chores, including the proper release of the SDO line, essential to allow other devices on the 
same bus to communicate properly. 

Another pair of macros will help us perform this consistently: 

#define disableSDO SDCS = 1; clockSPI ( ) 
#define enableSDO SDCS = 


Chapter 13 

Completing the SD/MMC card initialization 

Before the card can be effectively used for mass-storage applications, there is a well-defined sequence 
of commands that needs to be completed. This sequence is defined in the original MMC card specifica- 
tions and has been modified only slightly by the SD card specifications. Since we are not planning on 
using any of the advanced features specific to the SD card standard, we will use the basic sequence as 
defined for MMC cards for maximum compatibility. There are five parts of this sequence: 

1. the card is inserted in the connector and powered up. 

2. the CS line is initially kept high (card not selected). 

3. more than 74 clock pulses must be provided before the card becomes capable of receiving 

4. the card must then be selected and a reset (cmdo ) command provided: the card should re- 
spond entering the Idle state and (activating the SPI mode). 

5. an init (cmdi ) command is provided and will be repeated until the card exits the Idle state. 


RESET cmd 

Figure 13-4. SD Card initialization sequence 

The following segment of the function initMedia ( ) will perform these initial five steps: 

int initMedia ( void) 


int i , r ; 

// 1. while the card is not selected 
SDCS = 1; 

// 2. send 80 clock cycles to start up 
for ( i=0; i<10; i++) 

clockSPI () ; 


Mass storage 

II 3. then select the card 
SDCS = 0; 

// 4. send a reset command to enter SPI mode 
r = sendSDCmd( RESET, 0); SDCS = 1; 
if ( r != 1) 

return 0x84; 

// 5. send repeatedly INIT 

i = 10000; // allow for up to 0.3s before timeout 

do { 

r = sendSDCmd( INIT, 0); SDCS = 1; 

if ( r) break; 
} while ( --i > 0) ; 
if (( i==0) | | ( r!=l)) 

return 0x85; // timed out 

The initialization command can require quite some time, depending on the size and type of memory 
card, normally measured in several tenths of a second. Since we are operating at 250 kb/s, each byte 
sent will require 32 us. Accounting for six bytes for every command retry and using a timeout count of 
10,000 will provide us with a generous timeout limit of approximately two seconds. 

It is only upon successful completion of this sequence that we will be allowed to finally switch gears 
and increase the clock speed to the highest possible value supported by our hardware. With minimal 
experimentation you will find that an Explorer 16 board, with a properly designed daughter board 
providing the SD/MMC connector, can easily sustain a clock rate as high as 8 MHz. This value can be 
obtained by reconfiguring the SPI primary prescaler for a 1:1 ratio and using the secondary prescaler 
for a 1:2 ratio. We can now complete the initMedia ( ) function with the last segment: 

// 6. increase speed 

SPI2STAT =0; // disable momentarily the SPI2 module 

SPI2CON1 = 0x013b; // change prescaler to 1:2 

SPI2STAT = 0x8000; // re-enable the SPI2 module 

return ; 

} // init media 

Reading data from an SD/MMC card 

SD/MMC cards are solid-state devices containing typically large arrays of Flash memory, so we would 
expect to be able to read and write any amount of data (within the card capacity limits) at any desired 
address. In reality, compatibility considerations with many previous (legacy) mass-storage technolo- 
gies have imposed a number of constraints on how we can access the memory. In fact all operations 
are defined in blocks of a fixed size that by default is 512 bytes. It is not a coincidence that 512 bytes 
is the exact standard size of a data "sector" of a typical personal computer hard disk. Although this can 
be changed with an appropriate command, we will maintain the default setting so as to take advantage 
of this compatibility. We will develop a set of routines that will allow us in the following chapter to 
implement a complete file system compatible with the most common PC operating systems. This way 


Chapter 13 

we will be able to access files written on the card by a personal computer and, vice versa a personal 
computer will be able to access files written by our applications. 

The read_s ingle (CMD17 ) is all we need to initiate a transfer of a single "sector" from a given 
address in memory. The command takes as an argument a 32-bit "byte" address though, so to avoid 
confusion, in the following sections we will uniformly use only lbas or block addresses and we will 
obtain an actual byte address by multiplying the lba value by 512 just before passing the parameter to 

the read_s ingle command. 

We can use the sendSDCmd ( ) function developed above to initiate the read sequence (it will select the 
card and leave it selected), and after checking the returned response code for errors (there should be 
none), we will wait for the memory card to send a specific token: data_start. This uniquely identi- 
fies the beginning of the block of data. Again here, as during the initialization phases, it is important to 
impose a timeout, although we can be generous. Since only the readSPi ( ) function is called repeat- 
edly (sending/receiving only one byte at a time) while waiting for the data token, a timeout counter of 
10,000 will provide an effective time limit of approximately 0.32 seconds (extremely generous). 

Once the token is identified, we can confidently read in a rapid sequence all 512 bytes composing the 
requested block of data. They will be followed by a 16-bit CRC value that we should read, although we 
will have no use for it. 

It is only at this point that we will deselect the memory card and terminate the entire read command 

(SDO) — 





Figure 13-5. Data transfer during a READ_SINGLE command. 


Mass storage 

The routine readSECTOR ( ) performs the entire sequence in a few lines of code. 

// SD card responses 

# define DATA START OxFE 

int readSECTOR ( LBA a, char *p) 
//a LBA requested 
// p pointer to data buffer 
// returns TRUE if successful 


int r , i ; 

READ_LED = 1; 

r = sendSDCmd( READ_S INGLE, ( a « 9) ) ; 

if ( r == 0) // check if command was accepted 


// wait for a response 

i = 10000; 


r = readSPI ( ) ; 

if ( r == DATA_START) break; 
}while( --i>0) ; 

// if it did not timeout, read a 512 byte sector of data 

if ( i) 


for( i=0; i<512; i++) 
*p++ = readSPI ( ) ; 

// ignore CRC 
readSPI ( ) ; 
readSPI ( ) ; 

} // data arrived 

} // command accepted 

// remember to disable the card 
disableSD( ) ; 
READ_LED = 0; 

return ( r == DATA_START) ; // return TRUE if successful 
} // readSECTOR 


Chapter 13 

To provide a visual indication of activity on the memory card similar to that used on hard drives and flop- 
py disk drives, we have assigned one of the LEDs available on the Explorer 16 board as the "read" LED, 
hoping this will help prevent a user from removing the card while in use. The LED is turned on before 
each read command and turned off at the end. Other strategies are possible, however. For example, similar 
to the common practice on USB Flash drives, an LED could be turned on as soon as the card is initial- 
ized, regardless of whether an actual command is performed on it at any given point in time. Only calling 
a deinitialization routine would turn the LED off and indicate to the user that the card can be removed. 






16-bit CRC 




Figure 13-6. Data transfer during a WRITE_5INGLE command. 

Writing data to an SD/MMC card 

Based on the same consideration we made for the read functions, we will develop a write function that 
will be similarly constrained to operate on "Sectors" — that is, blocks of 512 bytes of data. The write 
sequence will use, as you would expect, the write_s ingle command, but this time the data transfer 
will be in the opposite direction. Once we make sure that the command is accepted, we will immediate- 
ly start sending the DATA_START token and right after it all 512 bytes of data, followed by two more 
bytes for the 16-bit CRC (any dummy value will do). At this point we will pause and check that a new 
token: DATA_ ACCEPT is sent by the card. It will confirm that the entire block of data has been re- 
ceived and the write operation has started. While the card is busy writing it will keep the SDO line low. 
Waiting for the completion of the write command will require a new loop where we will wait for the 
SDO line to return high. Once more, a timeout must be imposed to limit the amount of time allowed to 
the card to complete the operation. Since all SD/MMC memories are based on Flash memory technol- 
ogy, we can expect the time typically required for a write operation to be considerably longer than that 
required for a read operation. A timeout value of 10,000 would provide us again with a 0.3-s limit that 
is more than sufficient to accommodate even the slowest memory card on the market. 

#define DATA ACCEPT 


int writeSECTOR ( LBA a, char *p) 
//a LBA of sector requested 
// p pointer to sector buffer 
// returns TRUE if successful 


unsigned r, i; 

r = sendSDCmd( WRITE_SINGLE, ( a << 9) ) ; 

if ( r == 0) // check if command was accepted 


Mass storage 


writeSPI ( DATA_START) ; 
for( i=0; i<512; i++) 
writeSPI ( *p++) ; 

// send dummy CRC 
clockSPI () ; 
clockSPI () ; 

// check if data accepted 

if ( (r = readSPK) & Oxf) == DATA_ACCEPT) 


for( i=10000; i>0; i--) 
{// wait for end of write operation 
if ( r = readSPI () ) 

} // accepted 

r = FAIL; 
} // command accepted 

// to disable the card and return 
disableSD( ) ; 

return ( r) ; // return TRUE if successful 

} // writeSECTOR 

Similarly to the read routine, a second LED has been assigned to indicate when a write operation is be- 
ing performed and potentially alert the user. If the card is removed during the write sequence, data will 
most likely be lost. 

Save the source we developed so far in a file called "sdmmc . c". 

Then add a couple of functions for detecting the card presence and the position of the write protect 

int detectSD( void) 


return ( !SDCD) ; 
} // detect SD 

int detectWP( void) 


return ( !SDWP) ; 
} // detect WP 


Chapter 13 

Notice that the WP switch is just providing an indication; it is not connected to a hardware mecha- 
nism that would prevent an actual write operation from being performed on the card. It is your 
responsibility to decide where and when to check for the presence of the WP and to respect it. 

Finally, let's create a new include file called "sdmmc .h" to provide the prototypes and basic definitions 
used in the SD/MMC interface module. 


** SD/MMC low level card interface 

# * 


# define TRUE 1 

# define FALSE 
# define FAIL 

// 10 definitions 

# define READ_LED _RA1 

#define WRITE LED RA2 

typedef unsigned long LBA; // logic block address, 32 bit wide 

void initSD( void); 
int initMedia( void); 

int detectSD( void); 
int detectWP ( void); 

int readSECTOR ( LBA, char *); 
int writeSECTOR ( LBA, char *); 

Using the SD/MMC interface module 

Whether you believe it or not, the six minuscule routines we just developed are all we need to gain 
access to the seemingly unlimited amount of nonvolatile memory offered by the SD/MMC memory 
cards. For example, a 512 MB card would provide us with approximately 1,000,000 (yes, that is one 
million) individually addressable memory blocks (sectors) each 512 bytes large. Note that, as of this 
writing, SD/MMC cards of this capacity are normally offered for retail in the U.S. for less than $20! 

Let's develop a small test program to demonstrate the use of the SD/MMC module. The idea is to 
simulate a somewhat typical application that is required to save some large amount of data on the 
SD/MMC memory card. A fixed number of blocks of data will be written in a predetermined range of 
addresses and then read back to verify the successful completion of the process. 

Let's open a new source file and start by adding the usual header and processor- specific include file, 
followed by the sdmmc . h include file. 


Mass storage 


** SDMMC read/write Test 
* * 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include " SDMMC. h" 

Then, let's define two byte arrays each the size of a default SD/MMC memory block that is 512 bytes. 

#define B_SIZE 512 // sector /data block size 

char data [ B_SIZE] ; 
char buffer [ B_SIZE] ; 

The test program will fill the first with a specific and easy-to-recognize pattern, and will repeatedly 
write its contents onto the memory card. The chosen address range will be defined by two constants: 

#define START_ADDRESS 10000 // start block address 
#define N_BLOCKS 10 00 // number of blocks 

The LEDs on PORTA of the Explorer 16 demonstration board will provide us with visual feedback 
about the correct execution of the program and/or any error encountered. 

The first few lines of the main program can now be written to initialize the I/Os required by the SD/ 
MMC module and the PORTA pins connected to the row of LEDs. 

main ( void) 


LBA addr; 
int i, r; 

// I/O initializations 

TRISA = OxffOO; // initialize PORTA LEDs output pins 

initSDO; // initialize all I/Os required for the SD/MMC module 

// fill the buffer with "data" 
for( i=0; i<B_SIZE; i++) 
data [ i ] = i ; 

The next code segment will have to check for the presence of the SD card in the slot/connector. We will 
wait in a loop for the card detection switch if necessary, and we will provide an additional delay for the 
contacts to properly debounce. 

// wait for card to be inserted 

while ( ! detectSD ( ) ) ; // assumes SDCD pin is by default an input 

Delayms ( 100) ; // wait for card contacts debounce and power up 

We will be generous with the debouncing delay as we want to make sure that the card connection is 
stable before we start firing "write" commands that could otherwise potentially corrupt other data 
present on the card. A 100-ms delay is a reasonable delay to use and the Delayms ( ) function can be 
quickly implemented using any of the PIC24 timers or even the RTCC module. Here is an example that 


Chapter 13 

uses the Timer 1 timer module and assumes a processor clock of 32 MHz as is the case on the Explor- 
er^ board. 

void Delayms ( unsigned t) 


T1C0N = 0x8000; // enable tmrl, Tcy, 1:1 
while (t--) 


TMR1 = 0; 

while (TMR1<16000) ; 
} // Delayms 

Keeping the debouncing delay function separate from the detectSD ( ) function and the SD/MMC 
module in general is important, as this will allow different applications to pick and choose the best tim- 
ing strategy and optimize the resources allocation. 

Once we are sure that the card is present, we can proceed with its initialization calling the initMedia ( ) 

// initialize the memory card (returns if successful) 

r = initMedia(); 

if ( r) // could not initialize the card 


PORTA = r; // show error code on LEDs 

while ( 1); // halt here 


The function returns an integer value, which is zero for a successful completion of the initialization 
sequence, or a specific error code otherwise. In our test program, in case of an initialization error we 
will simply publish the error code on the LEDs and halt the execution, entering an infinite loop. The 
codes 0x84 and 0x85 will indicate that the initMedia ( ) function steps 4 or 5 have failed, respectively, 
corresponding to an incorrect execution of the card reset command and card init commands (failure 
or timeout), respectively. 

If all goes well, we will be able to proceed with the actual data-writing phase. 



// fill N_BLOCK blocks/SECTOR with the contents of data buffer 


for( i=0; i<N_BLOCKS; i++) 

if ( !writeSECTOR( addr+i, data)) 
{ // writing failed 
PORTA = 0x0 f; 
while( 1); // halt here 

The simple for loop performs repeatedly the writeSECTOR ( ) function over the address range from 
block 10,000 to block 10,999, copying over and over the same data block and verifying at each step 
that the write command is performed successfully. In case any of the block write commands returns an 


Mass storage 

error, a unique code (OxOf) will be presented on the LEDs and the execution will be halted. In practice 
this will be equivalent to writing a file of 512,000 bytes. 

// verify the contents of each block/SECTOR written 
for( i=0; i<N_BLOCKS; i++) 
{ // read back one block at a time 
if ( ! readSECTOR ( addr+i, buffer)) 
{ // reading failed 
PORTA = OxfO; 
while ( 1); // halt here 

// verify each block content 

if ( ! memcmp ( data, buffer, B_SIZE) ) 

{ // mismatch 

PORTA = Oxff; 

while ( 1); // halt here 

} // for each block 

Next, we will start a new loop, to read back each data block into the second buffer, and we will 
compare its contents with the original pattern still available in the first buffer. If the readSECTOR ( ) 
function should fail we will present an error code (OxfO) on the LEDs display and terminate the test. 
Otherwise, a standard C library function memcmp ( ) will help us perform a fast comparison of the buffer 
contents, returning an integer value that is zero if the two buffers are identical as we hope, not zero 
otherwise. Once more a new unique error indication (0x55) will be provided if the comparison should 
fail. To gain access to the memcmp ( ) function that belongs to the standard C string library, we will add 
a new include file to our list: 

#include <string.h> 

We can now complete the main program with a final indication of successful execution, lighting up all 

} // else media initialized 

// indicate successful execution 
// main loop 
while ( 1 ) ; 

} // main 

If you have added all the required source files: "sdmmc .h", "sdmmc . c" and "sdmmctest .c" to the 
project, you can now use the standard checklist to build the project and program it on the Explorer 16 
demonstration board. You will need a daughterboard with the SD/MMC connections, as described at 
the beginning of the lesson, to actually perform the test. But the effort of building one (or the expense 
of purchasing one) will be more than compensated for by the joy of seeing the PIC24 perform the test 
flawlessly in a fraction of a second. The amount of code required was also impressively small. 


Chapter 13 

Figure 13-7. MPLAB® Memory Gauges window. 

All together, the test program and the SD/MMC access module have used up only 803 words (2409 
bytes) of the processor Flash program memory; that is less than 2% of the total memory available. As 
in all previous lessons, this result was obtained with all compiler optimization options turned off. 

Post-flight briefing 

In my personal opinion no other mass storage technology is cheaper or easier than this. After all, we 
can use only a handful of pull-up resistors, a cheap connector, and just a few I/O pins to expand enor- 
mously the storage capabilities of our applications. In terms of PIC24 resources required, only the SPI 
peripheral module has been used and even that could be shared with other applications. 

The simplicity of the approach has its obvious limitations though. Data can be written only in blocks of 
fixed size and its position inside the memory array is completely application specific. In other words, 
there is no way to share data with a personal computer or other device capable of accessing SD/MMC 
memory cards unless a "custom" application is developed. Worse, if an attempt is made to use a card 
already used by a PC, PC data will likely be corrupted and the entire card might require complete re- 
formatting. In the next lesson we will address these issues by developing a complete file system library. 

Tips and tricks 

The choice of operating on the default block size of 512 bytes was dictated mostly by historical rea- 
sons. By making the low-level access routines in this lesson conform with the standard size adopted by 
most other mass storage media devices (including hard drives), we made developing the next layer (the 
file system) easier. But if we were looking for maximum performance, this could have been the wrong 
choice. In fact, if we were looking for faster write performance, typically the bottleneck of every Flash 
memory media, we would be better looking at much larger data blocks. Flash memory offers typically 
very fast access to data (reading) but is relatively slow when it comes to writing. Writing requires two 
steps: first a large block of data (often referred to as a page) must be erased; then the actual writing can 
be performed on smaller blocks. The larger the memory array, the larger, proportionally, the erase page 
size will be. For example, on a 512 MB memory card, the erase page can easily exceed 2 kbytes. While 
these details are typically hidden from the user, as the main controller inside the card takes care of the 
erase/write sequencing and buffering, this can have an impact on the overall performance of the appli- 
cation. In fact, if we assume a specific SD card has a 2 kbytes page, writing any amount of data (<2k) 
would require the internal card controller to perform the following steps: 

Read the contents of an entire 2 kbyte block in an internal buffer. 

Erase it, and wait for the erase-time. 


Mass storage 

Replace a portion of the buffer content with the new data. 

Write back the entire 2-kbytes block, and wait for the write-time. 

By performing write operations only on blocks of 512 bytes each, to write 2 kbytes of data, our library 
would have to ask the SD card controller to perform the entire sequence four times, while it could be 
done in just one sequence by changing the data block length or using a multiple-block write command. 
While this approach could theoretically increase the writing speed by 400% in the example above, 
consider the option carefully as the price to pay could be quite high. In fact, consider the following 

The actual memory page size might not be known or guaranteed by the manufacturer, al- 
though betting on increasing densities of Flash media (and therefore increasing page size) is 
pretty safe. 

The size of the RAM buffer to be allocated inside the PIC24 application is increased and this 
is a precious resource in any embedded application. 

The higher software layers (that we will explore in the next lesson) might be more difficult to 
integrate if the data block size varies. 

The larger the buffer, the larger the data loss if the card is removed before the buffer is 


1. Experiment with various data block sizes to identify where your SD card provides the best 
write performance. This will give you an indirect indication of the actual page size of the 
Flash memory device used by the card manufacturer. 

2. Experiment with multiple-block write commands by changing the block length to verify 
how the internal buffering is performed by the SD card controller and if the two methods are 


J. Axelson, 2006 

USB Mass Storage: Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts 

Lakeview Research, WI 

This book continues the excellent series on USB by Jan Axelson. While low-level interfacing 
directly to a SD/MMC card was easy, as you have seen in this chapter, creating a proper USB 
interface to a mass storage device is a project of a much higher order of complexity. 


http://www. mmca. org/home 

The official web site of the MultiMedia Card Association (MMCA). 

http://wxvw. sdcard. org/ 

The official web site of the Secure Digital Card Association SDCA. 


Chapter 13 

The simplified SDIO card specifications. With SDIO, the SD interface is no longer used only 
for mass storage, but is also a viable interface for a number of advanced peripherals and giz- 
mos, such as GPS receivers, digital cameras and more. 




File I/O 

In This Chapter 

Sectors and Clusters 
The File Allocation Table (FAT) 
The root directory 
The treasure hunt 
► Opening a file 

Reading data from a file 
Closing a file 


Creating a fileio module 

Testing fopenMQ and freadMQ 

Writing data to a file 

Closing a file, second take 

Accessory functions 

Testing the complete fileio module 

Code size 

Every flight during the training should have a precise purpose assigned by the instructor or inspired by 
the course syllabus used by the school. In each and every lesson, we stated our purpose in a section we 
called the flight plan, but in aviation an actual flight plan is a different thing. It is a very detailed list 
containing the times, altitudes, headings, fuel-consumption figures, and so forth for all the segments 
(legs) composing the flight. For cross-country flights this is an essential tool that will help the pilot stay 
ahead of the game and be constantly aware of his position and his options in case of emergency. Offi- 
cially filing the flight plan, calling a Flight Service Station (FSS) and dictating the plan on the phone to 
a controller, or submitting it via the internet, gives additional advantages. Once the FSS (and ultimately 
the FAA) knows where, when and along which route you are going, they can keep an eye on you, so to 
speak. They can track you on their radar (a service called flight following) and, as a minimum, if you 
are flying too low for them to follow you, they can check that you actually reached your destination at 
the estimated arrival time or within a reasonable period. If they don't hear from you or if there is no re- 
cord of your arrival at the destination airport, they will immediately start a search operation. Especially 
in extreme climates, over mountainous terrain and uninhabited areas, this prompt reaction could be 
crucial to your life. When it comes to filing flight plans, most pilots have mixed feelings. It feels a bit 
like when you were a teenager and had to let mom know where you were going to spend the evening; 
you hate having to do it, although you understand that it is for your own good. Sharing information 
with mom, I mean the FAA, requires a little effort, but it brings great benefits. 

In embedded control, sharing files (information) with a PC can be of great benefit, but you have to 
know the rules — that is, you need to know how PC file systems work. 

Flight plan 

In the previous lesson we developed a basic interface module (both software and hardware) to gain 
access to an SD™/MMC card and support applications that require large amounts of data storage. A 


Chapter 14 

similar interface could be built for several other types of mass-storage media, but in this lesson we 
will rather focus on the algorithms and data structures required to properly share information on the 
mass-storage device with the most common PC operating systems (DOS, Windows®, and some Linux 
distributions). In other words, we will develop a module for access to a standard file system known 
commonly as FAT 16. The first FAT file system was created by Bill Gates and Marc McDonald in 1977 
for managing disks in Microsoft Disk BASIC. It used techniques that had been available in file systems 
many years prior and it continued to evolve in numerous versions over the last few decades to accom- 
modate ever larger capacity mass-storage devices and new features. Among the many versions still in 
use today, the FAT 12, FAT 16 and FAT32 are the most common ones. FAT 16 and FAT32, in particular, 
are recognized by practically every PC operating system currently in use and the choice between the 
two is mostly dictated by efficiency considerations and the capacity of the media. Ultimately, for most 
Flash mass-storage devices of common use in consumer multimedia applications, FAT 16 is the file 
system of choice. 

The flight 

The name FAT is an acronym that stands for file allocation table, which is also the name of one of the 
most important data structures used in this file system. After all, a file system is just a method for stor- 
ing and organizing computer files and the data they contain, to make it easy to find and access them. 
Unfortunately, as often is the case in the history of personal computing, standards and technologies are 
the fruit of constant evolutionary progress rather than original creation. For this reason, many of the 
details of the FAT file system that we will reveal in the following sections can only be explained in the 
context of a struggle to continue and maintain compatibility with an enormous mass of legacy tech- 
nologies and software over many years. 

Sectors and Clusters 

Still, the basic ideas at the root of a FAT file system are quite simple. As we have seen in the previ- 
ous lesson, most mass-storage devices follow a "tradition" derived from the hard-disk technology of 
managing memory space in blocks of a fixed size of 512 bytes commonly referred to as "sectors." In a 
FAT file system, a small number of these sectors are reserved and used as a sort of general index: the 
file allocation table. The remaining (majority) of the sectors are available for proper data storage, but 
instead of being handled individually, small groups of contiguous sectors are handled jointly to form 
new, larger entities known as "clusters." Clusters can be as small as one single sector, or can commonly 
be formed by as many as 64 sectors. It is the use of each cluster and its position that is tracked inside 
the file allocation table. Therefore, clusters are the true smallest unit of memory allocation in a FAT file 

The simplified diagram shown in Figure 14-1 illustrates a hypothetical example of a FAT file system 
formatted for 1022 clusters, each composed of 16 sectors. (Notice that the data area starts with clus- 
ter number 2.) In this example each cluster would contain 8 kB of data and the total storage capacity 
would be about 8 MB. 

Note that, the larger clusters are, the fewer are required to manage the entire memory space and the 
smaller the allocation table required, hence the higher efficiency of the file system. On the contrary, if 
many small files are to be written, the larger the cluster size, the more space will be wasted. It is typi- 
cally the responsibility of the operating system, when formatting a storage device for use with a FAT 
file system, to decide the ideal cluster size to be used for an optimal balance. 


File I/O 



Cluster 4:Sector 


Cluster 4: Sector 1 



Cluster 2 

Cluster 3 





Cluster4: Sector 15 

Cluster 4 



Cluster 1022 

Cluster 1023 

Figure 14-1 . Simplified example of a FAT file system layout. 

The File Allocation Table (FAT) 

In the FAT 16 file system, the file allocation table itself contains one 16-bit integer value for each and 
every cluster. If the cluster is to be considered empty and available, the corresponding position in the 
table will contain the value 0x0000. If a cluster is in use and it contains an entire file of data, its cor- 
responding position in the table will contain the value OxFFFF. If a file is larger than the size of a single 
cluster, a chain of clusters is formed. In the FAT each cluster position in order will contain the number 
of the following cluster in the chain. The last cluster in the chain will have in the corresponding table 
position the value OxFFFF. Additionally, certain unique values are used to mark reserved clusters 
(0x0001) and bad clusters (0xFFF7). The fact that 0x0000 and 0x0001 have been assigned special 
meanings is the fundamental reason for the convention of starting the data area with cluster number 2. 
In the FAT, correspondingly, the first two 16-bit integers are reserved. 

In Figure 14-2 you can see an example of the content of a FAT for the system presented in our previous 
example. Clusters and 1 are reserved. Cluster 2 appears to contain some data, meaning that some or 
all of the (16) sectors forming the cluster have been filled with data from a file whose size must have 
been less than 8 kB. 

Cluster 3 appears to be the first cluster in a chain of three that also includes cluster 4 and 5. All of clus- 
ter 3 and 4 sectors and some or all of cluster 5 sectors must have been filled with data from a file whose 
size (we can only assume so far) was more than 16 kB but less than 24 kB. All the following clusters 
appear to be empty and available. 

Notice that the size of a FAT itself is dictated by the total number of clusters multiplied by two (two 
bytes per cluster) and can spread over multiple sectors. In our previous example a FAT of 1024 clusters 
would have required 2048 bytes, or 4 sectors of 512 bytes each. Also, since the file allocation table 
is perhaps the most critical structure in the entire FAT file system, multiple copies (typically two) are 
maintained and allocated one after the other before the beginning of the data space. 


Chapter 14 

Cluster 0x0000 

Cluster 0x0001 

Cluster 0x0002 

Cluster 0x0003 

Cluster 0x0004 

Cluster 0x0005 

Cluster 0x0006 

Cluster 0x1023 







r Reserved 

In use, single cluster 

In use, pointing to next cluster 
in chain 

In use, pointing to next cluster 
in chain 

In use, last cluster in chain 
Empty and available 

Figure 14-2. Cluster chains in a File Allocation Table. 

The Root Directory 

The role of the FAT is to keep track of how and where data is allocated. It does not contain any infor- 
mation about the nature of the file to which the data belongs. For that purpose there is another structure 
called the root directory, whose sole purpose is to store file names, sizes, dates, times and a number of 
other attributes. In a FAT 16 file system the root directory (or simply the root from now on) is allocated 
in a fixed amount of space and a fixed position right between the FAT (second copy) and the first data 




and J 

Cluster 4:Sector 

Cluster 4: Sector 1 

Root Directory 


Cluster 2 


Cluster 3 



Cluster4: Sector 15 

Cluster 4 

Cluster 1022 

Cluster 1023 

Figure 14-3. Example of a FAT file system layout. 


File I/O 

Since both position and size (number of sectors) are fixed, the maximum number of files (or directory 
entries) in the root directory is limited and determined when formatting the media. Each sector al- 
located to the root will allow for 16 file entries to be documented, where each entry will require a block 
of 32 bytes as represented in Figure 14-4. 


offset: 8 
offset: 1 1 

offset: 22 
offset: 24 
offset: 26 
offset: 28 

File Name 






First Cluster 

File Size 

8 ASCII characters 
3 ASCII characters 
1 byte 

1 word (16 bit) 

1 word (16 bit) 

1 word (16 bit) 

1 long word (32 bit) 

Figure 14-4. Basic Root Directory Entry structure. 

The Name and Extension fields are the most obvious, if you are familiar with the older Microsoft oper- 
ating systems using the 8:3 conventions (the two fields need only to be padded with spaces and the dot 
can be discarded). 

The Attributes field is composed of a group of flags with the meanings shown in Table 14-1: 





Read Only 









Volume Label 







Table 14-1 . File attributes in a directory entry. 

The Time and Date fields (Tables 14-2 and 14-3) refer to the last time the file was modified and must 
be encoded in a special format to compress all the information in just two 16-bit words. 


Chapter 14 




Hours (0-23) 


Minutes (0-59) 


Seconds/2 (0-29) 

Table 14-2. Time encoding in a directory entry field. 




Year(0 = 1980, 127 = 2107) 


Month (1 = January, 12 = December) 


Day (1-31) 

Table 14-3. Date encoding in a directory entry field. 

Notice how the date field encoding does not allow for the code 0x0000 to be interpreted as a valid date, 
helping provide clues to the file system when the field is not used or corrupted. 

The First Cluster field provides the fundamental link to the FAT. The 16-bit word it contains is nothing 
but the number of the cluster (could be the only or the first in a chain) containing the file data. 

Finally, the Size field, contains in a long integer (32-bit) the size in bytes of the file data. 

Looking at the first character of the file name in a directory entry, we can also tell if the entry is cur- 
rently in use, in which case an actual ASCII-printable character is present, or if the entry is empty, in 
which case the first byte is a zero and we can also assume that the list of files is terminated as the file 
system proceeds sequentially using all entries in order. There is a third possibility: when a file is re- 
moved from the directory the first character is simply replaced by a special code (0xE5). This indicates 
that the contents of the entry are no longer valid, and the entry can be reused for a new file at the next 
opportunity. However, when browsing through the list, searching for a file, we should continue as more 
active entries might follow. 

The treasure hunt 

There is much more to say to fully document the structure of a FAT 16 file system, but if you have fol- 
lowed the introduction so far, you should now have a reasonable understanding of its core mechanisms 
and should be ready to dive in for more detail, as we will soon start writing some code. 

So far we have maintained a certain level of simplification by ignoring some fundamental questions such as: 

Where do we learn about a storage device capacity? 

How can we tell where the FAT is located? 

How can we tell how many sectors are in each cluster? 

How can we tell where the data space starts? 

The answers to all those questions will be found soon by following a sequence of steps that somewhat 
resemble a child's treasure hunt. We will start using the "sdmmc . c" module functions developed in the 
previous lesson to initialize the I/Os with the initSD ( ) function first and check for the presence of the 
card in the slot. 


File I/O 

II 0. init the I/Os 
initSDO ; 

// 1. check if the card is in the slot 
if ( !detectSD() ) 



return NULL; 

We will proceed then to initialize the storage device with the initMedia ( ) function. 

// 2. initialize the card 
if ( initMedia () ) 



return NULL; 

We will also use the standard C libraries (stdlib.h) to allocate dynamically two data structures: 

// 3. allocate space for a MEDIA structure 

D = (MEDIA *) malloc( sizeof ( MEDIA)); 

if ( D == NULL) // report an error 



return NULL; 

// 4. allocate space for a temp sector buffer 

buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc ( 512); 

if ( buffer == NULL) // report an error 



free ( D) ; 

return NULL; 

The first one, that will be fully revealed later, is a structure that we will call media and will be the place 
where we will collect the answer to all the questions above (perhaps a more appropriate name would 
have been treasure). 

The second structure buffer is simply a 512-bytes array that will be used to retrieve sectors of data 
during the hunt. 

Notice that to allow the malloc ( ) function to successfully allocate memory, you will have to remem- 
ber to reserve some RAM space for the Heap. Hint: follow the "Project Build" checklist to learn how to 
reach and modify the linker settings of your project. 


Chapter 14 

Mostly for historical reasons, the first sector (address 0) of each mass storage device will contain what 
is commonly known as a Master Boot Record (MBR). 

Here is how we invoke the readSECTOR ( ) function for the first time to access the Master Boot Record: 

// 5. get the Master Boot Record 
if ( ! readSECTOR ( 0, buffer)) 


f ree ( D) ; f ree ( buffer); 
return NULL; 

A signature, consisting of a specific word value (0x55AA) present in the last word of the MBR sector, 
will confirm that we have indeed read the correct data. 

#define FO_SIGN OxlFE // MBR signature location (55,AA) 

// 6. check if the MBR sector is valid 

// verify the signature word 

if (( buffer [ FO_SIGN] != 0x55) || 

( buffer [ FO_SIGN +1] != OxAA) ) 



f ree ( D) ; f ree ( buffer); 

return NULL; 

Once upon a time, this record used to contain actual code to be executed by a PC upon power-up. No 
personal computer does this anymore, though, and certainly there is no use for that 8086 code for our 
PIC24 applications. Most of the time, you will find the Master Boot Record sector to be empty, mostly 
filled with zeros, except for one fixed position starting at offset OxIbe. This is where we will find what 
is called a Partition Table, a table (with only four entries containing 16 bytes each), which has no use 
on a relatively small memory card like our SD/MMC, but that is kept for compatibility reasons and is 
identical to the hard-disk partition tables you might have used on your PC. (See Figure 14-5.) 

In our applications it is safe to assume that the entire card will have been formatted in a single partition 
and that this will be the first and only entry (16-byte block) in the table. Of those 16 bytes we will need 
only a few to deduce the partition size (should include the entire card), the starting sector, and most 
importantly the type of file system contained. A couple of macros will help us assemble the data from 
the buffer into words and long words: 

#define ReadW( a, f) * (unsigned *) (a+f ) 
#define ReadL ( a, f) * (unsigned long *) (a+f) 


File I/O 

















Access ▼ 




























5. . .0J&. . . .£ 


Figure 14-5. Hex dump of an MBR sector. 
Also the following definitions will point us to the right offset in the MBR. 

#define FO_FIRST_P OxlBE // offset of first partition table 

#define FO_FIRST_TYPE 0xlC2 // offset of first partition type 

#define FO_FIRST_SECT 0xlC6 // first sector of first partition offset 

#define FO_FIRST_SIZE OxlCA // number of sectors in partition 

// 7. read the number of sectors in partition 
psize = ReadL( buffer, FO_FIRST_SIZE) ; 


Chapter 14 

II 8. check if the partition type is acceptable 
i = buffer [ FO_FIRST_TYPE] ; 
switch ( i) 


case 0x04 
case 0x06 
case OxOE 

// valid FAT16 options 

default : 


f ree ( D) ; f ree ( buffer); 

return NULL; 
} // switch 

For historical reasons, there are several codes that correspond to a FAT 16 file system that we will be 
able to correctly decode, including 0x04, 0x06 and OxOE. 

Next, we will need to extract the long word (32-bit) value found at offset fo_first_sect (0xlC6), in 
the first partition table entry, to proceed in the treasure hunt. 

// 9. get the first partition first sector -> Boot Record 
firsts = ReadL( buffer, FO_FIRST_SECT) ; 

It contains the address of the next sector that we need to read from the device. 

// 10. get the sector loaded (boot record) 
if ( !readSECTOR( firsts, buffer)) 


f ree ( D) ; f ree ( buffer); 
return NULL; 

It has a signature, similar to the Master Boot Record, located in the last word of the sector, and we need 
to verify it before proceeding. 

// 11. check if the boot record is valid 
// verify the signature word 
if (( buffer [ FO_SIGN] != 0x55) || 
( buffer [ FO_SIGN +1] 1= OxAA) ) 



f ree ( D) ; f ree ( buffer); 

return NULL; 

It is called the (First Partition) Boot Record, and once more it is supposed to contain actual executable 
code that is of no value to us. (See Figure 14-6.) 


File I/O 

















Access ▼ 


















e i 


















..... 0W .? ... n . 



















1 ) ■ ya 




































■ * ■ « 1 • i f • i 


















- A - - + * - 

* . 


















• •••»•• 


















. , 








































































































■ »**»•• 




























































































































































..... r . 



































■ •*■»«■ 


















■ »««»*• 


















• 1 .... . 










i] o 

























■ »«••«• 



































■ •«■•.*■ 


















. .u* 

Figure 14-6. Hex dump of a Boot Record. 

Fortunately, in the same record at fixed and known positions, there are some more of the answers we 
were looking for and other elements that will help us calculate the rest and complete the map of the 
entire FAT 16 file system. These are the key offsets in the Boot Record buffer: 

// Partition Boot Record key fields offsets 

# define BR_SXC Oxd 

# define BR_RES Oxe 
#define BR_FAT_SIZE 0x16 
#define BR_FAT_CPY 0x10 
#define BR MAX ROOT 0x11 

// (byte) number of secotrs per cluster 

// (word) number of reserved sectors for the boot record 

// (word) FAT size in number of sectors 

// (byte) number of FAT copies 

// (odd word) max number of entries in root dir 

And with the following code we can calculate the size of a cluster: 

// 12. determine the size of a cluster 

D->sxc = buffer [ BR_SXC] ; 

// this will also act as flag that the media is mounted 


Chapter 14 

determine the position of the FAT, its size and the number of copies: 

// 13. determine fat, root and data LBAs 

// FAT = first sector in partition (boot record) + reserved records 

D->fat = firsts + ReadW ( buffer, BR_RES) ; 

D->fatsize = ReadW ( buffer, BR_FAT_SIZE) ; 

D->fatcopy = buffer [ BR_FAT_CPY] ; 

and find the position of the Root Directory too: 

// 14. ROOT = FAT + (sectors per FAT * copies of FAT) 
D->root = D->fat + ( D->fatsize * D->fatcopy) ; 

Careful now, as we get ready to grab the last few pieces of gold — watch out for a trap! 

// 15. MAX ROOT is the maximum number of entries in the root directory 
D->maxroot = ReadW ( buffer, BR_MAX_ROOT) ; 

Can you see it? No? OK, here is a hint. Look at the value of the br_max_root offset as defined a few 
lines above. You will notice that this is an odd address (Oxll). This is all it takes for the Readw ( ) 
macro, which attempts to use it as a word address, to throw a processor trap and reset the PIC24! 

We need a special macro (perhaps less efficient) but one that can assemble a word one byte at a time 
without falling into the trap ! 

// these is the safe versions of ReadW to be used on odd address fields 
#define ReadOddW( a, f) (*(a+f) + ( *(a+f+l) « 8)) 

// 15. MAX ROOT is the maximum number of entries in the root directory 
D->maxroot = ReadOddW( buffer, BR_MAX_R00T) ; 

The last two pieces of information are easy to grab now. With them, we learn where the data area (di- 
vided in clusters) begins and how many clusters are available to our application: 

// 16. DATA = ROOT + (MAXIMUM ROOT *32 / 512) 

D->data = D->root + ( D->maxroot >> 4) ; // assuming maxroot % 16 == 0! ! ! 

// 17. max clusters in this partition = (tot sectors - sys sectors ) /sxc 
D->maxcls = (psize - (D->data - firsts) ) / D->sxc; 

It took us as many as 17 careful steps to get to the treasure, but now we have all the information needed 
to fully figure out the layout of the FAT 16 file system present on the SD/MMC memory card (or for 
that reason almost any other mass-storage media). The treasure, then, is nothing more than another 
map, a map we will need next to find the files on the mass-storage device. (See Figure 14-7.) 


File I/O 

I can now reveal to you the definition of the entire media structure that we allocated on the heap at the 
very beginning and we have been so patiently filling. Here is where we will keep the treasure. 

typedef struct { 
LBA fat ; 
LBA root; 
LBA data; 
unsigned maxroot; 
unsigned maxcls; 
unsigned fatsize; 
unsigned char fatcopy; 
unsigned char sxc; 

// lba of FAT 

// lba of root directory 

// lba of the data area 

// max number of entries in root dir 

// max number of clusters in partition 

// number of sectors 

// number of FAT copies 

// number of sectors per cluster 

We can now assemble all the steps into one essential function that we can call mount 
ity to a function available in the Unix family of operating systems. 

for its similar- 

Sector 0= MBR 


Boot Record ► 

fat — p> 
fatsize i 

fatcopy ► 

root ► 

data ► 

Root Directory 

Cluster 2 

Cluster 3 

Cluster 4 

Cluster maxcls 


Cluster 4:Sector 

Cluster 4: Sector 1 

Cluster 4: Sector sxc 


Figure 14-7. We found the treasure — the FAT 16 complete layout. 

For a mass-storage device to be used in Unix, the file system present on the device must be "mounted," 
or in other words attached as a new branch of the main (system) file system. Windows users might 
not be familiar with the concept as they don't have the option to choose if, when, or where the new 
device file system will be mounted. All new mass-storage devices are automatically and uncondition- 
ally mounted by Windows at power-up, or after insertion for removable media, at the very root of the 
Windows file system by assigning them a single letter identifier ("C:", "D:", "E:", etc.). 


Chapter 14 

, , 

// mount initializes a MEDIA structure for FILEIO access 

MEDIA * mount ( void) 


LBA psize; // number of sectors in partition 

LBA firsts; // LBA of first sector inside the first partition 

int i ; 

unsigned char *buffer; 

. . . insert here all 17 steps of our treasure hunt 

// 18. free up the temporary buffer 
free ( buffer) ; 
return D; 

} / / mount 

We will also define a global pointer to a media structure (d) to be used to hold the pointer returned by 
the mount ( ) function. It will serve as the starting point for the entire file system. Initially, we will as- 
sume that only one storage device is available at any given point in time (one connector/slot, one card). 

// global definitions 

We will also define an unmount ( ) function that will have the sole duty of releasing the space allocated 
for the media structure. 


// unmount releases the space allocated for the MEDIA structure 

void unmount ( void) 


free( D) ; 
D = NULL; 
} / / unmount 

Opening a file 

Now that we have figured out the map of the storage device, we can start pursuing our original objec- 
tive: accessing individual files. In practice, what we will develop in the following parts of this lesson is 
a set of high-level functions similar to those found in most operating systems for file manipulation. We 
will need a function to find a file location on the storage device, one for sequentially reading the data 
from the file and possibly one more to write data and create new files. 

In a logical order, we will start developing what we will call the f openM ( ) function. Its role will be 
that of finding all possible information regarding a file (if present) and gathering it in a new structure 
that we will call mfile. The name of this structure was chosen so as to avoid conflicts with similar 
structures and functions defined inside the standard C library "stdio.h". 


typedef struct { 
MEDIA * mda; 
unsigned char * buffer; 
unsigned cluster; 
unsigned eels; 
unsigned sec; 
unsigned pos; 
unsigned top; 
long seek; 
long size; 
unsigned time; 
unsigned date; 
char name [11] ; 
char chk; 
unsigned entry; 
char mode ; 

File I/O 

1/ MEDIA structure 
// sector buffer 
// first cluster 
// current cluster in file 
// sector in current cluster 
// position in current sector 
// number of data bytes in the buffer 
// position in the file 
// file size 
// last update time 
// last update date 
// file name 

// MFILE structure checksum = ~( entry + name[0 
// entry position in cur directory 
/ / mode x r ' , v w' 

I know at first sight it looks like a lot — it is more than 40 bytes large — but as you will see in the rest of 
the lesson, we will end up needing all of them. You will have to trust me for now. 

Mimicking standard C library implementations (common to many operating systems) the fopenM( ) 
function will receive two (ASCII) string parameters: the file name and a "mode" string, containing "r" 
or "w", that will indicate if the file is supposed to be opened for reading or writing. 

MFILE *fopenM( const char ^filename, const char *mode) 


char c ; 
int i , r ; 
unsigned char *b; 
MFILE *fp; 
MEDIA *mda=D; 

// newly allocated buffer 

// pointer to newly allocated MFILE structure 

// pointer to MEDIA structure 

To optimize memory usage an mfile structure is allocated only when necessary; it is in fact one of the 
first tasks of the f openM ( ) function, and a pointer to the data structure is its return value. In case f o- 
penM ( ) should fail, a NULL pointer will act as an error report. 

Of course, a prerequisite for opening a file is to have the storage device file system mapped out, and 
that is supposed to have already been performed by the mount ( ) function. A pointer to a media struc- 
ture must have already been deposited in the global d pointer. 

// 1. check if a storage device is mounted 
if ( D == NULL) // unmounted 



return NULL; 


Chapter 14 

Since all activity with the storage device must be performed in blocks of 512 bytes, we will need that 
much space to be allocated for it to act as a read/write buffer. 

// 2. allocate a buffer for the file 
b = (unsigned char* )malloc ( 512); 
if ( b == NULL) 


return NULL; 


Only if that amount of memory is available can we proceed and allocate some more memory for the 
mfile structure proper. 

// 3. allocate a MFILE structure on the heap 

fp = (MFILE *) malloc( sizeof( MFILE)); 

if ( fp == NULL) // report an error 


free ( b) ; 
return NULL; 


The buffer pointer and the media pointers can now be recorded inside the mfile data structure. 

// 4. set pointers to the MEDIA structure and buffer 
fp->mda = D; 
fp->buffer = b; 

The file name parameter must be extracted; each character must be translated to upper case (using the 
standard C library functions defined in "ctype .h") and padded, if necessary, with spaces to an eight- 
character length. 

// 5. format the filename into name 
for( i=0; i<8; i++) 


c = toupper ( *filename++) ; // read a char and convert to upper case 
if (( c == *.') ( c == N \0'))// extension or short name noextension 


fp->name[i] = c ; 
} // for 

// if short fill the rest up to 8 with spaces 
while ( i<8) fp->name [i++] = * x ; 


File I/O 

Similarly, after discarding the dot, an extension of up to three characters must be formatted and 

// 6. if there is an extension 
if ( c != »\0' ) 


for( i=8; i<ll; i++) 


c = to-upper ( *fLlename++) ; // read char, convert to upper case 
if ( c == * . ') 

c = toupper ( *filename++) ; 
if ( c == *\0') // short extension 


fp->name[i] = c; 
} // for 

// if short fill the rest up to 3 with spaces 
while ( i<ll) fp->name [i++] = * v ; 
} // if 

While most C libraries provide extensive support for multiple "modes" of access to files, like dis- 
tinguishing between text and binary files and offering an "append" option, we will accept (at least 
initially) a subset consisting of two basic options only: "r" or "w". 

// 7. copy the file mode character (r, w) 
if ( ( *mode == x r' ) \ | ( *mode == x w' ) ) 

fp->mode = *mode; 


goto ExitOpen; 

With the file name properly formatted, we can now start searching the root directory of the storage 
device for an entry of the same name. 

// 8. Search for the file in current directory 
if ( ( r = findDIR( fp) ) == FAIL) 


goto ExitOpen; 

Let's leave the details of the search out for now and let's trust the new findDiR ( ) function to return 
to us one of three possible values: fail, not_found and eventually found. A possible failure must 
always be taken into account. After all, before we consider the possibility of major fatal failures of 
the storage device, there is always the possibility that the user simply removed the card from its slot 
without our knowledge. If that is the case, as in all prior error cases, we have no business continuing 


Chapter 14 

in the process. We better immediately release the memory allocated thus far and return with a NULL 
pointer after leaving an error code in the dedicated "mail box" FError, just like we did during the 
mount process. 

But if the search for the file is completed without errors (whether it was found or not), we can continue 
initializing the mfile structure. 

// 9. init all counters to the beginning of the file 
fp->seek =0; // first byte in file 

fp->sec =0; // first sector in the cluster 

fp->pos =0; // first byte in sector /cluster 

The counter seek will be used to keep track of our position inside the file as we will access its contents 
sequentially. Its value will be a long integer (unsigned long) between and the size of the entire file 
expressed in bytes. The sec field will keep track of which sector (inside the current cluster) we are cur- 
rently operating on. Its value will be an integer between and sxc-1, the number of sectors composing 
each data cluster. Finally, pos will keep track of which byte (inside the current buffer) we are going to 
access next. Its value will be an integer between and 511. 


// 10. depending on the mode (read or write) 
if ( fp->mode == *r') 


At this point, different things need to be done depending on whether an existing file needs to be opened 
for reading or a new file needs to be created for writing. Initially we will complete all the necessary 
steps for the f openM ( ) function when invoked in the read ("r") mode, in which case the file better be 

// 10.1 % r' open for reading 
if ( r == NOT_FOUND) 



goto ExitOpen; 

If it was indeed found, the findDiR ( ) function will have filled for us a couple more fields of the mfile 
structure, including: 

entry : indicating the position in the root directory where the file was found 

cluster: indicating the number of the first data cluster used to store the file data as retrieved 
from the directory entry 

• size: indicating the number of bytes composing the entire file 

• time and date of creation 
the file attributes 


File I/O 

The first cluster number will become our current cluster: eels. 


{ // found 

// 10.2 set the current cluster pointer on the first file cluster 
fp->ccls = fp->cluster; 

We now have all the information required to identify the first sector of data into the buffer. The func- 
tion readDATA ( ) (that we will describe in detail shortly) will perform the simple calculation required 
to convert the eels and sec values into an absolute sector number inside the data area and will use the 
low-level readSECTOR ( ) function to retrieve the data from the storage device. 

// 10.3 read a sector of data from the file 
if ( ! readDATA ( fp) ) 


goto ExitOpen; 


Notice that the file length is not constrained to be a multiple of a sector size. So it is perfectly possible 
that only a part of the data retrieved in the buffer belongs to the actual file. The mfile structure field 
top will help us keep track of where the actual file data ends and possibly padding begins. 

// 10.4 determine how much data is really inside the buffer 
if ( fp->size-fp->seek < 512) 

fp->top = fp->size - fp->seek; 


fp->top = 512; 

} // found 
} // 'r' 

As this is all we really need to complete the f openM ( ) function (when opening a file for reading), we 
could return now with the precious pointer to the mfile structure. As an additional safety measure, 
though, to help flag possible future mistakes related to the use and reuse of pointers, we will compute 
a simple checksum field that will result correctly only if the entire open function was completed 

// 12. compute the MFILE structure checksum 
fp->chk = ~( fp->entry + fp->name [0 ] ) ; 

return fp; 

Note: Shortly we will be inserting some more code before this point, so don't worry for now about 
the numbering sequence. 


Chapter 14 

In case any of the previous steps failed, we will exit the function, returning a null pointer after having 
released both the memory allocated for the sector buffer and the mfile structure. 

// 13. Exit with error 

f ree ( fp->buffer) ; 
free( fp) ; 
return NULL; 

} // fopenM 

In a top-down fashion, we can now complete the two accessory functions used during the development 

of fopenM ( ) , Starting with readDATA ( ) : 

unsigned readDATA ( MFILE *fp) 


LBA 1; 

// calculate lba of cluster/sector 

1 = fp->mda->data + (LBA) (fp->ccls-2) * fp->mda->sxc + fp->sec; 

return( readSECTOR ( 1, fp->buf fer) ) 

} / / readDATA 

Notice how we need data and sxc from the media structure to compute the correct sector number. 
Very simple! 

Similarly, we can create a function to read from the root directory a block of data containing a given 

unsigned readDIR( MFILE *fp, unsigned e) 

// loads current entry sector in file buffer 

// returns FAIL/TRUE 


LBA 1; 

// load the root sector containing the DIR entry "e" 
1 = fp->mda->root + (e >> 4); 

return ( readSECTOR( 1, fp->buf fer) ) ; 

} // readDIR 

We know that each directory entry is 32 bytes long; therefore each sector will contain 16 entries. 


File I/O 

The findDiR ( ) function can now be quickly coded as a short sequence of steps enclosed in a search 
loop through all the available entries in the root directory. 

unsigned findDIR( MFILE *fp) 

// fp file structure 

// return f ound/not_f ound/f ail 


unsigned eCount; // current entry counter 

unsigned e; // current entry offset in buffer 

int i, a, c, d; 
MEDIA *mda = fp->mda; 

// 1. start from the first entry 
eCount = ; 

// load the first sector of root 
if ( !readDIR( fp, eCount)) 
return FAIL; 

We start loading the first root sector, containing the first 16 entries, in the buffer. For each entry we 
compute its offset inside the buffer: 

// 2. loop until you reach the end or find the file 
while ( 1) 


// 2.0 determine the offset in current buffer 
e = (eCount & Oxf) * DIR_ESIZE; 

and we inspect the first character of the entry file name: 

// 2.1 read the first char of the file name 
a = fp->buffer[ e + DIR_NAME] ; 

If its value is 0, indicating an empty entry and the end of the list, we can immediately exit reporting the 
file name was not found. 

// 2.2 terminate if it is empty (end of the list) 
if ( a == DIR_EMPTY) 


return NOT_FOUND; 
} // empty entry 

The other possibility is that the entry was marked as deleted, in which case we will skip it. 

// 2.3 skip erased entries if looking for a match 
if ( a != DIR_DEL) 


Chapter 14 

Otherwise, it's a valid healthy entry, and we should check the attributes to determine if it corresponds 
to a proper file or any other type of object. The possibilities include: subdirectories, volume labels and 
long file names. None of them is of our concern, as we will choose to keep things simple and we will 
steer clear of the most advanced and sometimes patented features of the more recent versions of the 
FAT file system standard. 

// 2.3.1 if not VOLume or DIR compare the names 
a = fp->buffer[ e + DIR_ATTRIB] ; 

if ( ! ( (a & ATT_DIR) | | ( a & ATT_VOL) ) ) 

We will then compare the file names character by character, looking for a complete match. 

// compare file name and extension 
for (i=DIR_NAME; i<DIR_ATTRIB; i++) 


if ( ( fp->buffer[ e + i] ) != ( fp->name [i] ) ) 
break; // difference found 

Only if every character matches, we will extract the essential pieces of information from the entry and 
we will copy them into the mfile structure, returning a found code. 

if ( i == DIR_ATTRIB) 


// entry found, fill the mfile structure 
fp->entry = eCount; // store entry index 

fp->time = ReadW( fp->buffer, e + DIR_TIME) 
fp->date = ReadW( fp->buffer, e + DIR_DATE) 
fp->size = ReadL ( fp->buffer, e + DIR_SIZE) 
fp->cluster = ReadL ( fp->buffer, e + DIR_CLST) ; 
return FOUND; 


} // not a dir nor a vol 
} // not deleted 

Should the file name and extension differ, we will simply continue our search with the next entry, 
remembering to load the next sector from the root directory after each group of 16 entries. 

// 2.4 get the next entry 
eCount++ ; 

if ( eCount & Oxf == 0) 

{ // load a new sector from the Dir 
if ( !readDIR( fp, eCount)) 
return FAIL; 


File I/O 

We know the maximum number of entries in the root directory (maxroot) and we need to terminate 
our search if we reach the end of the directory without a match indicating not_found. 

// 2.5. exit the loop if reached the end or error 
if ( eCount >= mda->maxroot ) 

return NOT_FOUND; // last entry reached 

}// while 

} // findDIR 

Reading data from a file 

Finally, this is the moment we have waited for so long. The file system is mounted, a file is found and 
opened for reading, and it is time to develop the f readM ( ) function, to read freely blocks of data from it. 

unsigned f readM ( void * dest, unsigned size, MFILE *fp) 

// fp pointer to MFILE structure 

// dest pointer to destination buffer 

// count number of bytes to transfer 

// returns number of bytes actually transferred 


MEDIA * mda = fp->mda; // media structure 

unsigned count=size; // counts the number of bytes to be transferred 

unsigned len; 

The name, number and sequence of parameters passed to this function are again supposed to mimic 
closely those of similarly named functions available in the standard C libraries. 

A destination buffer is supplied where the data read from the file will be copied, and a number of bytes 
is requested while passing the usual pointer to an open mfile structure. 

The f readM ( ) function will do its best to read as many of the bytes requested as possible from the 
file, and will return an unsigned integer value to report how many it effectively managed to get. In our 
simple implementation, if the number returned is not identical to what was requested by the calling ap- 
plication, we will have to assume that something major has happened. The end of file has been reached, 
most probably, but we will not make a distinction if, instead, another type of failure has occurred — for 
example, the card has been removed during the process. 

As usual, we will not trust the pointer passed in the argument and we will check instead if it is pointing 
to a valid mfile structure by recalculating and comparing the simple checksum performed by the open 
function when successfully opening a file. 

// 1. check if fp points to a valid open file structure 

if (( fp->entry + fp->name[0] != ~fp->chk ) ( fp->mode != x r')) 

{ // checksum fails or not open in read mode 


return size-count; 


Chapter 14 

Only then we will enter a loop to start transferring the data from the sector data buffer. 

// 2. loop to transfer the data 

while ( count>0) 


Inside the loop, the first condition to check will be our current position, with regard to the total file size. 

// 2.1 check if EOF reached 
if ( fp->seek >= fp->size) 


FError = FE_EOF; // reached the end 


Notice that this error will be generated only if the application calling the f readM ( ) function will 
ignore the previous symptom: if the last f readM ( ) call returned with a number of data bytes inferior to 
what was requested, or if the calling application has requested the exact number of bytes available in 
the file with the previous calls. 

Otherwise we will verify if the current buffer of data has already been used up completely. 

// 2.2 load a new sector if necessary 

if (fp->pos == fp->top) 


If necessary, we will reset our buffer pointers and attempt to load the next sector from the file: 

fp->pos = 0; 
fp->sec++ ; 

If we had already used up all the sectors in the current cluster, this might force us to step into the next 
cluster by peeking inside the FAT and following the chain of clusters: 

// 2.2.1 get a new cluster if necessary 
if ( fp->sec == mda->sxc) 


fp->sec = 0; 

if ( !nextFAT( fp, 1) ) 





File I/O 

In either case, we load the new sector of data in the buffer, paying attention to verify the possibility that 
it might be the last one of the file and it might be only partially filled: 

// 2.2.2 load a sector of data 
if ( !readDATA( fp) ) 




// 2.2.3 determine how much data is really inside the buffer 

if ( fp->size-fp->seek < 512) 

fp->top = fp->size - fp->seek; 

fp->top = 512; 
} // load new sector 

Now that we know we have data in the buffer, ready to be transferred, we can determine how much of 
it we can transfer in a single chunk: 

// 2.3 copy as many bytes as possible in a single chunk 
// take as much as fits in the current sector 
if ( fp->pos+count < fp->top) 

len = count; // fits all in current sector 


len = fp->top - fp->pos; // take a first chunk, there is more 

memcpy ( dest, fp->buffer + fp->pos, len); 

Using the memcpy ( ) function from the standard C libraries (string . h) to move a block of data from 
the file buffer to the destination buffer, we get the best performance, as these routines are optimized for 
speed of execution. The pointers and counters can be updated and the loop can be repeated until all the 
data requested has been transferred. 

// 2.4 update all counters and pointers 

count-= len; // compute what is left 

dest += len; // advance destination pointer 

fp->pos += len; // advance the pointer in current sector 

fp->seek += len; // advance the seek pointer 

} // while count 

Finally, we can exit the function and return the number of actual bytes transferred in the loop: 

// 3. return number of bytes actually transferred 
return size-count; 

} // freadM 


Chapter 14 
Closing a file 

Since we can only open a file for reading (with the f openM ( ) function as defined so far), there is not 
much work to perform upon closing the file. We can consider invalidating the checksum created by 
f openM ( ) but we must remember to free all the memory allocated for the mfile structure and the 
sector buffer. 

unsigned fcloseM( MFILE *fp) 


// 1. invalidate the file structure 

fp->chk = fp->entry + fp->name [ ] ; // set checksum invalid! 

// 2. free up the buffer and the MFILE struct 
f ree ( fp->buffer) ; 
free( fp) ; 

} // fcloseM 

Creating the fileio module 

We can create a small library module by saving all the functions written so far in a file called 
"fileio . c " . We will need to add the usual header with a few include files: 


** FILE I/O interface 

* * 

** module: fileio . c 

• * 


// standard C libraries used 

#include <stdlib.h> // NULL, malloc, free... 

#include <ctype.h> // toupper... 

#include <string.h> // memcpy. . . 

#include "sdmmc.h" // sd/mmc card interface 
#include "fileio. h" // file I/O routines 

And of course, we will need to create the "fileio . h" file too, with all the definitions and prototypes 
that we wish to publish for future applications to use. 


** FILE I/O interface 

** FAT16 support 
* * 

** module: fileio. h 



extern char FError; // mailbox for error reporting 

File I/O 



# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




# define 




// IDE command execution error 

// CARD not present 

// WRONG partition type, not FAT12 

// MBR sector invalid signature 

// Boot Record invalid signature 

// Media not mounted 

// File not found in open for read 

// File not open 

// Fat attempt to read beyond EOF 

// Reached the end of file 

// Invalid cluster value > maxcls 

// All root dir entry are taken 

// All clusters in partition are taken 

//A file with same name exists already 

// Cannot init the CARD 

// Cannot read the MBR 

// Malloc could not allocate the MFILE struct 

// Mode was not r.w. 

// Failure during FILE search 

typedef struct { 
LBA fat; 
LBA root; 
LBA data; 
unsigned maxroot; 
unsigned maxcls; 
unsigned fatsize; 
unsigned char fatcopy; 
unsigned char sxc; 

// lba of FAT 

// lba of root directory 

// lba of the data area 

// max number of entries in root dir 

// max number of clusters in partition 

// number of sectors 

// number of copies 

// number of sectors per cluster (!=0 flags media mounted) 

typedef struct { 
MEDIA * mda; 
unsigned char * buffer; 
unsigned cluster; 
unsigned eels; 
unsigned sec; 
unsigned pos; 
unsigned top; 
long seek; 
long size; 
unsigned time; 

// media structure pointer 

// sector buffer 

// first cluster 

// current cluster in file 

// sector in current cluster 

// position in current sector 

// number of data bytes in the buffer 

// position in the file 

// file size 

// last update time 


Chapter 14 

unsigned date; 
char name [11] ; 
char chk; 
unsigned entry; 
char mode ; 

// last update date 

// file name 

/ / checksum = ~ ( entry + name [ ] ) 

// entry position in cur directory 

// mode v r' , v w' , v a' 

// file attributes 

# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



# define 



// attribute read only 

// attribute hidden 

// w system file 

// " volume label 

// " sub-directory 

// " (to) archive 

// mask for Long File Name records 

// directory entry match 

// directory entry not found 

// macros to extract words and longs from a byte array 

// watch out, a processor trap will be generated if the address is not word 


#define ReadW( a, f) * (unsigned *)(a+f) 

#define ReadL ( a, f) * (unsigned long *) (a+f) 

// this is a "safe" version of ReadW to be used on odd address fields 
#define ReadOddW( a, f) (*(a+f) + ( * (a+f +1) << 8)) 

// prototypes 

unsigned nextFAT ( MFILE * fp, unsigned n) ; 

unsigned newFAT ( MFILE * fp) ; 

unsigned readDIR( MFILE *fp, unsigned entry); 
unsigned findDIR( MFILE *fp) ; 
unsigned newDIR ( MFILE *fp) ; 

MEDIA * mount ( void); 
void unmount ( void) ; 

MFILE * fopenM 
unsigned freadM 
unsigned fwriteM 
unsigned fcloseM 

( const char *name, const char *mode) ; 

( void * dest, unsigned count, MFILE *) ; 

( void * src, unsigned count, MFILE *) ; 

( MFILE *fp) ; 


File I/O 

Don't worry now if we have not yet fleshed out all the functions; we will continue working on them as 
we proceed through the rest of the lesson. 

Testing fopenMO and f read MO 

It might seem like a long time since we built a project for the last time. To verify the code that we have 
developed so far, we had to reach a critical mass, a minimal core of routines without which no applica- 
tion could have worked. Now that we have this core functionality, we can develop for the first time a 
small test program to read a file from an SD/MMC card that was formatted with the FAT 16 file system. 

The idea is to copy a text file (any text file would work) onto the SD/MMC card from your PC, and 
then have the PIC24, with the new "fileio . c" module, read the file and send its content to the serial 
port back to the PC (running Hyper terminal or any other terminal or printer available with an RS232 
serial port). 

This is the main module that you will save as "ReadTest .c". 


* * 

* * 

ReadTest . c 

#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include "SDMMC.h" 
#include "nleio.h" 
#include ".. /delay/delay .h" 
#include * . . /3 comm/conu2.h" 

#define B_SIZE 10 
char data[ B_SIZE] ; 

main ( void) 


MFILE *fs; 
unsigned i, r; 


initU2 ( ) ; 

//115,200 baud 8,n,l 

putsU2 ( "init") ; 

while ( IdetectSD ( ) ) ; // assumes SDCD pin is by default an input 
Delayms ( 100) ; // wait for card to power up 

putsU2 ( "media detected" ) ; 


Chapter 14 

if ( mount ( ) ) 


putsU2 ( "mount") ; 

if ( fs = fopenM( "name.txt", "r')) 


putsU2 ( "file opened" ) ; 

r = freadM( data, B_SIZE, fs) ; 
f or ( i=0; i<r; i++) 
putU2 ( data[i] ) ; 
} while ( r==B_SIZE) ; 
fcloseM( fs) ; 
putsU2("file closed"); 


putsU2 ( "could not open file"); 

unmount ( ) ; 

putsU2 ( "media unmounted" ) ; 

// main loop 
while ( 1 ) ; 
} // main 

We will use the serial communication module "conu2 . c" developed in one of the early lessons and a 
delay module that will provide a delayms ( ) function similar, to the one we used to test the "sdmmc .c" 
module in the previous lesson. The sequence of operation is also similar, only this time instead of call- 
ing the initMedia ( ) function and then reading and writing directly to sectors of the SD/MMC card, 
we will call the mount ( ) function to access the FAT 16 file system on the card. We will open the data 
file using its "proper" name, and we will read data from it in blocks of arbitrary length (b_size) and 
we will send its contents to the serial port of the Explorer 16 board. 

Once we have exhausted the content of the entire file, we will close the file, deallocating all the 
memory used. 

After creating a new project we will need to add all the necessary modules to the project window 

"sdmmc . c" 
"conu2 . c" 

• "delay. c" 

• "readtest.c" 

and all the corresponding include files ( .h). 


File I/O 

Remember to follow the checklists for a new project and for the ICD2 debugger, so that you will 
remember to set the ICD2 option for the linker; in the same configuration dialog box, remember to add 
some space for the heap so that we will be able to allocate memory dynamically for the file system 
structures and buffers (even if 580 bytes should suffice, give the heap ample room to maneuver). 

After building the project and programming the executable on the Explorer 16 board, we are ready to 
run the test. 

If all goes well, you will be able to see the contents of the text file scrolling on the screen of your ter- 
minal of choice, probably too fast for you to read it, except for the last part. 

Notice that you can recompile the project and run the test with different sizes for the data buffer from 1 
byte to as large as the memory of the PIC24 will allow. The f readM ( ) function will take care of read- 
ing as many sectors of data required to fulfill your request as long as there is data in the file. 

Writing data to a file 

We are far from finished. The "fileio .c" module is not complete until we include the ability to create 
new files. This requires us to create an fwriteM ( ) function but also to complete a piece of the f o- 
penM ( ) function. So far, in fact, we had f openM ( ) return with an error code when a file could not be 
found in the root directory or the mode was not "r". But this is exactly what we want when we open a 
new file for writing. When we check for the mode parameter value, we now need to add a new op- 
tion. This time, it is when the file is not_found during the first scan of the directory that we want to 

else // 11. open for 'write' 


if ( r == NOT_FOUND) 


A new file needs a new cluster to be allocated to contain its data. The function newFAT ( ) will be used 
to search in the FAT for an available spot, a cluster that is still marked (with 0x0000) as available. This 
search could fail and the function could return an error that, among other things, could indicate that the 
storage device is full and all data clusters are taken. Should the search be successful, though, we will 
take note of the new cluster position and update the mfile structure, making it the first cluster of our 
new file. 

// 11.1 allocate a first cluster to it 

fp->ccls = 0; // indicate brand new file 

if ( newFAT( fp) == FAIL) 

{ // must be media full 


goto ExitOpen; 


fp->cluster = fp->ccls; 

Next, we need to find an available entry space in the directory for the new file. This will require a sec- 
ond pass through the root directory, this time looking for the first entry that is either marked as deleted 
(code 0xE5) or for the end of the list where an empty entry is found (marked with the code 0x00). 


Chapter 14 

II 11.2 create a new entry 

// search again, for an empty entry this time 

if ( (r = newDIR( fp) ) == FAIL) // report any error 


goto ExitOpen; 

The function newDiR ( ) will take care of finding an available entry and, similarly to the findDiR ( ) 
function used before, will return one of three possible codes: 

fail, indicating a major problem occurred (or the card was removed) 

• not_found, indicating the root directory must be full 

• found, indicating an available entry has been identified 

// 11.3 new entry not found 
if ( r == NOT_FOUND) 


FError = FE_DIR_FULL; 
goto ExitOpen; 

In both the first two cases we have to report an error and we cannot continue. But if an entry is found, 
we have plenty of work to do to initialize it. 

After calculating the offset of the entry in the current buffer, we will start filling some of its fields with 
data from the mfile structure. The file size will be first: 

else // 11.4 new entry identified fp->entry filled 


// 11.4.1 init file size 
fp->size = ; 

// 11.4.2 determine offset in DIR sector 

e = (fp->entry & Oxf) * DIR_ESIZE; // 16 entry per sector 

// 11.4.3 set initial file size to 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE] = 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE+1]= 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE+2]= 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE+3]= 

The time and date fields could be derived from the RTCC module registers or any other timekeeping 
mechanism available to the application, but a default value will be supplied here only for demonstra- 
tion purposes. 

fp->date = 0x34FE; // July 30th, 2006 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_DATE] = fp->date; 


File I/O 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_DATE+1]= fp->date>>8 ; 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_TIME] = fp->time; 
fp->buffer[ e + DIR_TIME+1]= fp->time>>8 ; 

The file's first cluster number, the file name and the attributes (defaults) will complete the directory 

// 11.4.5 set first cluster 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_CLST] = fp->cluster ; 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_CLST+1] = ( fp->cluster>>8 ) ; 

// 11.4.6 set name 

for ( i = 0; i<DIR_ATTRIB; i++) 

fp->buffer[ e + i] = fp->name[i]; 

// 11.4.7 set attrib 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_ATTRIB] = ATT_ARC; 

// 11.4.8 update the directory sector; 
if ( !writeDIR( fp, fp->entry) ) 


goto ExitOpen; 


} // new entry 
} // not found 

Back to the results of our first search through the root directory — in case a file with the same name was 
indeed found, we will need to report an error. 

else // file exist already, report error 



goto ExitOpen 

Alternatively, we would have had to delete the current entry first, release all the clusters used and then 
start from the beginning. After all, reporting the problem as an error is an easier way out for now. 

So much for the changes required to the f openM ( ) function. We can now start writing the proper new 
fwriteM ( ) function, once more modeled after a similarly named standard C library function. 

unsigned fwriteM ( void *src, unsigned count, MFILE * fp) 

// src points to source data (buffer) 

// count number of bytes to write 

// returns number of bytes actually written 


MEDIA *mda = fp->mda; 
unsigned len, size = count; 


Chapter 14 

II 1. check if file is open 

if ( fp->entry + fp->name[0] != ~fp->chk ) 

{ // checksum fails 


return FAIL; 

The parameters passed to the function are identical to those used in the f readM ( ) function and the first 
test we will perform on the integrity of the mfile structure, passed as a parameter, is the same as well. 
It will help us determine if we can trust the contents of the mfile structure, having been successfully 
prepared for us by a call to f openM ( ) . 

The core of the function will be a loop as well: 

// 2. loop writing count bytes 

while ( count>0) 


Our intention is to transfer as many bytes of data as possible at a time, using the fast memcpy ( ) func- 
tion from the " string. h" libraries. 

// 2.1 copy as many bytes at a time as possible 
if ( fp->pos+count < 512) 

len = count; 

len = 512- fp->pos ; 

memcpy ( fp->buffer+ fp->pos, src, len); 

There are numerous pointers and counters that we need to update to keep track of our position as we 
add data to the buffer and we increase the size of the file. 

// 2.2 update all pointers and counters 
fp->pos+=len; // advance buffer position 
fp->seek+=len; // count the added bytes 
count-=len; // update the counter 

src+=len; // advance the source pointer 

// 2.3 update the file size too 
if (fp->seek > fp->size) 
fp->size = fp->seek; 

Once the buffer is full, we need to transfer the data to the media in a sector of the currently allocated 

// 2.4 if buffer full, write current buffer to current sector 
if (fp->pos == 512) 


// 2.4.1 write buffer full of data 
if ( !writeDATA( fp) ) 
return FAIL; 


File I/O 

Notice that an error at this point would be rather fatal. We will return the code fail, whose value is 0, 
therefore indicating that not a single byte has been transferred; in fact all the data written to the storage 
device this far is now lost. 

If all proceeds correctly, though, we can now increment the sector pointers and, if we have exhausted 
all the sectors in the current cluster, we need to consider the need to allocate a new one, calling new- 
fat ( ) once more. 

// 2.4.2 advance to next sector in cluster 

fp->pos = 0; 


// 2.4.3 get a new cluster if necessary 
if ( fp->sec == mda->sxc) 


fp->sec = 0; 

if ( newFAT( fp)== FAIL) 
return FAIL; 


} // store sector 

} // while count 

Shortly, when developing newFAT ( ) , we will have to make sure that the function accurately maintains 
the chaining of the clusters in the FAT as they are added to a file. 

// 3. number of bytes actually written 
return size-count; 
} // fwriteM 

The function is now complete and we can report the number of bytes written upon exit from the loop. 

Closing a file, second take 

While closing a file opened for reading was a mere formality and a matter of releasing some memory 
from the heap, when we close a file that has been opened for writing, there is a considerable amount of 
housekeeping work that needs to be performed. 

A new and improved f closeM ( ) function is needed and it will start with a check of the mode field. 

unsigned f closeM ( MFILE *fp) 


unsigned e, r; // offset of directory entry in current buffer 

r = FAIL; 

// 1. check if it was open for write 

if ( fp->mode == x w' ) 



Chapter 14 

In fact, when we close a file, there might still be some data in the buffer that needs to be written to the 
storage device, although it does not fill an entire sector. 

// 1.1 if the current buffer contains data, flush it 
if ( fp->pos >0) 


if ( !writeDATA( fp) ) 
goto ExitClose; 

Once more, any error at this point is a rather fatal event and will mean that all the file data is lost since 
the fcloseM( ) function will not properly complete. 

The proper root directory sector must be retrieved and an offset for the directory entry must be calcu- 
lated inside the buffer. 

// 1.2 finally update the dir entry, 
// 1.2.1 retrive the dir sector 
if ( !readDIR( fp, fp->entry) ) 
goto ExitClose; 

// 1.2.2 determine position in DIR sector 

e = (fp->entry & Oxf) * DIR_ESIZE; // 16 entry per sector 

Next, we need to update the file entry in the root directory with the actual file size (it had been initially 
set to zero). 

// 1.2.3 update file size 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE] = fp->size; 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE+1]= fp->size>>8; 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE+2]= fp->size>>16 ; 

fp->buffer[ e + DIR_SIZE+3]= fp->size>>24 ; 

Finally, the entire root directory sector containing the entry is written back to the media. 

// 1.2.4 update the directory sector; 
if ( !writeDIR( fp, fp->entry) ) 
goto ExitClose; 
} // write 

If all went well, we will complete the f closeM ( ) function invalidating the checksum field to prevent 
accidental reuses of this mfile structure and deallocating the memory used by it and its buffer. 

// 2. exit with success 
r = TRUE; 


// 3. invalidate the file structure 

fp->chk = fp->entry + fp->name [ ] ; // set checksum wrong! 


File I/O 

II 4. free up the buffer and the MFILE struct 
f ree ( fp->buffer) ; 
free( fp) ; 

return ( r) ; 

} // fcloseM 

Accessory functions 

In completing f openM ( ) , f closeM ( ) and creating the new fwriteM ( ) function, we have used a num- 
ber of lower-level functions to perform important repetitive tasks. 

We will start with newDiR ( ) , used to find an available spot in the root directory to create a new file. 
The similarity with findDiR ( ) is obvious, yet the task performed is very different. 

unsigned newDIR( MFILE *fp) 

// fp file structure 

// return found/ fail, fp->entry filled 


unsigned eCount; // current entry counter 

unsigned e; // current entry offset in buffer 

int a ; 
MEDIA *mda = fp->mda; 

// 1. start from the first entry 
eCount = ; 

// load the first sector of root 
if ( !readDIR( fp, eCount)) 
return FAIL; 

// 2. loop until you reach the end or find the file 
while ( 1) 


// 2.0 determine the offset in current buffer 
e = (eCount&Oxf) * DIR_ESIZE; 

// 2.1 read the first char of the file name 
a = fp->buffer[ e + DIR_NAME] ; 

// 2.2 terminate if it is empty (end of the list) or deleted 
if ( ( a == DIR_EMPTY) | | ( a == DIR_DEL) ) 


fp->entry = eCount; 

return FOUND; 
} // empty or deleted entry found 


Chapter 14 

II 2.3 get the next entry 

if ( (eCount & Oxf) == 0) 
{ // load a new sector from the root 
if ( !readDIR( fp, eCount)) 
return FAIL; 

// 2.4 exit the loop if reached the end or error 
if ( eCount > mda->maxroot ) 

return NOT_FOUND; // last entry reached 

}// while 

return FAIL; 
} // newDIR 

The function newFAT ( ) was used to find an available cluster to allocate for a new block of data/new 

unsigned newFAT ( MFILE * fp) 

// fp file structure 

// fp->ccls ==0 if first cluster to be allocated 

// !=0 if additional cluster 

// return TRUE/FAIL 

// fp->ccls new cluster number 


unsigned i, c = fp->ccls; 

// sequentially scan through the FAT looking for an empty cluster 
do { 

C++; // check next cluster in FAT 

// check if reached last cluster in FAT, re-start from top 

if ( c >= fp->mda->maxcls) 
c = 0; 

// check if full circle done, media full 
if ( c == fp->ccls) 


return FAIL; 

// look at its value 
i = readFAT( fp, c) ; 


File I/O 

} while ( i!=0); // scanning for an empty cluster 

// mark the cluster as taken, and last in chain 
writeFAT( fp, c, FAT_EOF) ; 

// if not first cluster, link current cluster to the new one 
if ( fp->ccls >0) 

writeFAT( fp, fp->ccls, c ) ; 

// update the MFILE structure 
fp->ccls = c; 

return TRUE; 
} // allocate new cluster 

When allocating a new cluster beyond the first one, newFAT ( ) keeps linking the clusters in a chain 
and it marks every cluster as properly used. For its working, the function uses two accessory functions 

readFATO and writeFAT ( ) in turn. 

unsigned readFAT ( MFILE *fp, unsigned eels) 

// fp MFILE structure 

// eels current cluster 

// return next cluster value, 

// Oxffff if failed or last 


unsigned p, c; 
LBA 1; 

// get address of current cluster in fat 

p = eels; 

// cluster = Oxabcd 

// packed as : 1 2 3 

/ / word p 1 | 2 3 | 4 5 | 6 7 |.. 

// cd ab | cd ab | cd ab | cd ab | 

// load the fat sector containing the cluster 
1 = fp->mda->fat + (p >> 8 ); // 256 clusters per sector 
if ( ! readSECTOR ( 1, fp->buf fer) ) 
return Oxffff; // failed 

// get the next cluster value 

c = ReadOddW( fp->buffer, ( (p & 0xFF)<<1)); 

return c; 

} / / readFAT 


Chapter 14 

The writeFAT ( ) function updates the contents of the FAT and keeps all its copies current. 

unsigned writeFAT ( MFILE *fp, unsigned els, unsigned v) 

// fp MFILE structure 

// els current cluster 

/ / v next value 

// return TRUE if successful, or FAIL 


unsigned p; 
LBA 1; 

// get address of current cluster in fat 

p = els * 2 ; // always even 

// cluster = Oxabcd 

// packed as : 1 2 3 

// word p 1 | 2 3 | 4 5 | 6 7 |.. 

// cd ab | cd ab | cd ab | cd ab | 

// load the fat sector containing the cluster 
1 = fp->mda->fat + (p >> 9 ) ; 
p &= Oxlfe; 

if ( !readSECTOR( 1, fp->buf fer) ) 
return FAIL; 

// get the next cluster value 
fp->buffer[ p] = v; // lsb 
fp->buffer[ p+1] = (v>>8);// msb 

// update all FAT copies 

for ( i=0; i<fp->mda->f atcopy; i++, 1 += fp->mda->f atsize) 
if ( !writeSECTOR( 1, fp->buf fer) ) 
return FAIL; 

return TRUE; 

} // writeFAT 

Finally, writeDATA ( ) was used both by fwriteM ( ) and f closeM ( ) to write actual sectors of data to 
the storage device, computing the sector address based on the current cluster number. 

unsigned writeDATA ( MFILE *fp) 


LBA 1; 

// calculate lba of cluster/sector 

1 = fp->mda->data + (LBA) (fp->ccls-2) * fp->mda->sxc + fp->sec; 

return ( writeSECTOR( 1, fp->buf fer) ) ; 
} // writeDATA 


File I/O 
Testing the complete fileio module 

It is time to test the functionality of the entire module we just completed. As in the previous test, we 
will use the serial communication module "conu2 . c" developed in one of the early lessons and the 
same delay module that will provide a delayms ( ) function. This time, after mounting the file system, 
we will open a source file (that could be any file), and we will copy its contents into a new "destina- 
tion" file that we will create on the spot. Here is the code we will use for the "writetest . c" main 


** WriteTest.c 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include "SDMMC.h" 
#include "fileio. h" 
#include " . . /delay/delay . h" 

#include "../8 cornm/conu2.h" 

#define B_SIZE 1024 

char data [B_SIZE] ; 

int main ( void) 


MFILE *fs, *fd; 
unsigned r; 


initU2(); //115,200 baud 8,n,l 

putsU2 ( "init") ; 

while ( ! detectSD ( ) ) ; // assumes SDCD pin is by default an input 

Delayms ( 100) ; // wait for card to power up 

if ( mount ( ) ) 


putsU2 ("mount") ; 

if ( (fs = fopenM( "source.txt", »r'))) 


putsU2 ( "source file opened for reading"); 
if ( (fd = fopenM( "dest3.txt", "w" ) ) ) 


Chapter 14 

putsU2 ( "destination file opened for writing"); 

r = freadM( data, B_SIZE, fs) ; 

r = fwriteM( data, r, fd) ; 

putU2 ( v . ' ) ; 

} while ( r==B_SIZE) ; 

fcloseM( fd) ; 

putsU2 ( "destination file closed"); 


putsU2 ( "could not open the destination file"); 

fcloseM( f s) ; 

putsU2 ( "source file closed"); 


putsU2 ( "could not open the source file"); 

unmount ( ) ; 

putsU2 ( "unmount" ) ; 


putsU2 ( "mount failed" ) ; 

// main loop 
while ( 1) ; 
} // main 

Make sure you replace the source file name with the actual name of the file you copied on the card for 
the experiment. 

After creating a new project (let's call it "WriteTest" this time), we will need to add all the necessary 
modules to the project window, including: 

"sdmmc . c" 
"conu2 . c" 
"delay. c" 
"writetest . c" 
and all the corresponding include files (.h). 


File I/O 

Once more, remember to follow the checklists for a new project and for the ICD2 debugger, but this 
time remember to add some more space for the heap so that we will be able to allocate dynamically at 
least two buffers and two mfile structures. 

Note: Once enough space is left for the global variables and the stack, there is no reason to with- 
hold any memory from the heap. Allocate as large a heap as possible to allow malloc ( ) and 
free ( ) to make optimal use of all the memory available. 

After building the project and programming the executable on the Explorer 16 board, we are ready to 
run the test. If all goes well, after a fraction of a second (the actual time will depend on the size of the 
source file chosen) you will be able to see on the screen of your terminal the following messages: 



source file opened for reading 

destination file opened for writing 

destination file closed 
source file closed 

The number of dots will be proportional to the size of the file, and since we chose the buffer size to be 1024 
for this demo, each dot will correspond exactly to one kilobyte of data transferred. At this point, if you trans- 
fer the SD/MMC card back to your PC, you should be able to verify that a new file has been created. 

^Baek * • ^Search Folders [???] » 

Address -^ G:\ 


Date Modified 



File and Folder Tasks 

PjJ Make a new folder 

> \ Publish this folder to the 

fc2 Share this Folder 



131KB Text Document 
131KB Text Document 

7/20/2002 12:00 AM 
7/17/20061; 12 PM 

Other Places 

tj My Computer 
*_j My Documents 
%j My Network Places 


Removable Disk (G;) 
Removable Disk 

Fie System: FAT 

2 objects 

261 KB 

j My Computer 


Figure 14-8. Windows Explorer Screen capture. 


Chapter 14 

Its size and content are identical to the source file, while the date and time reflect the values we set in 
the fcloseMO function. 

Notice that if you try to run the test program a second time, it is bound to fail now. 



source file opened for reading 

could not open the destination file 

source file closed 


This is because, as discussed during the development of the f openM ( ) function, we chose to report an 
error when trying to open a file for writing and on the storage device finding a file (dest . txt) already 
there with the same name. 

Notice that you can recompile the project and run the test with different sizes for the data buffer, from 
1 byte to as large as the memory of the PIC24 will allow. Both the f readM ( ) and fwriteM ( ) functions 
will take care of reading and writing as many sectors of data as required to fulfill your request. The 
time required to complete the operation will change though. 

Code Size 

The size of the code produced by the "WriteTest" project is considerably larger than the simple 
"sdmrac . c" module we tested in the previous lesson. 

Memory Usage Gauge 


Program Memory 

Total: 44030 

Data Memory 

Figure 14-9. The Memory Usage Gauge. 

Still, with all optimization options turned off, the code will add up to just 8,442 bytes (2814 words * 
3). This represents only 6% of the total program memory space available on the PIC24FJ128GA010. 1 
consider this a very small price to pay for a lot of functionality ! 

Post-flight briefing 

In this lesson we have learned the basics of the FAT 16 file system and we have developed a small inter- 
face module that allows a PIC24 to read and write data files to and from a generic mass-storage device. 
By using the "sdmmc . c" module, developed in the previous lesson for the low-level interface, we have 
created a basic file I/O interface for SD/MMC memory cards. 

Now you can share data between the PIC24 and most any other computer system that is capable of 
accessing SD/MMC cards, from PDAs to laptops and desktop PCs, from DOS, Windows and Linux 
machines to Apple computers running OS-X. 


File I/O 

Tips and tricks 

A frequent question I get from embedded-control engineers is: "How can I interface to a "Thumb 
drive" (sometimes referred to as a USB stick), a USB mass-storage device, to share/transport data 
between my application and a PC?" 

The short answer I have is simple: "Don't, if you can help it!" 

The longer answer is: "Use an SD card instead!" and here is why. As you have seen in this lesson and 
the previous one, reading and writing to an SD card is really simple and requires very little code and 
only an SPI port (possibly shared, too). 

The USB interface, on the other hand, has all the appeal and appearance of simplicity from the user 
perspective, but reading and writing to a USB thumb drive can be deceptively complex and expensive 
for a modest embedded-control application. First of all, the simplicity of the SPI interface must be re- 
placed by the relatively greater complexity of the USB bus interface. What is required, then, is not just 
the standard USB peripheral kind of interface, but the Host USB protocol in its full glory. There is a 
considerable hardware price to pay, in terms of dedicated USB transceivers and a large Serial Interface 
Engine (SIE) module required. There is an even larger cost in terms of the code and RAM memory 
required to support it all. This can be estimated to be several orders of magnitude larger than the basic 
SD/MMC card solution we have examined here. 


1. Consider adding the following functionality: 

- Subdirectories management. 

- Erasing files. 

- Long file-name support. 

2. Use the RTCC to provide the current time and date information 

3. Consider caching (and/or using a separate buffer) for the current FAT record content to im- 
prove read/write performance 

4. Consider the modifications required to perform buffering of larger blocks and/or entire 
clusters and performing multiblock read/write operations to optimize the SD card low-level 
performance. Consider pros and cons. 


Chapter 14 

• Buck, B. (2002) 

North Star Over My Shoulder 

Simon & Shuster, New York, NY 

The story of aviation through the experiences of a lifetime as a pilot. 


http://www. tldp. org/LDP/tlk/tlk-title. html 

"The Linux Kernel" by David A. Rusling, an online book that describes the inner workings of 
Linux and its file system. 

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table 

Once more, an excellent page of the wikipedia that describes the history and many ramifica- 
tions of the FAT technology. 

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_Jile_sy stems 

An attempt to list and classify all major computer file systems in use. 





In This Chapter 

Using the PIC24 OC modules 


The WAVE file format 

in PWM mode 


The playO function 

Testing the PWM as a D/A 


The lower level audio routines 



Testing the WAVE file player 

Producing analog waveforms 


Optimizing the file I/O 

Reproducing voice messages 


LED Profiling 

► A Media Player 


Looking under the hood for more 

The last flight, the check-ride with the FAA examiner, is a time of great tension and a little fear. It is 
a flight meant to summarize all the phases of flight, where you are asked to put all the knowledge you 
gained during the training into practice. Don't worry — it will be easy because you are at the peak of 
your preparation and it will be over so fast that you won't have time to realize it. 

Just as in a final check-ride, this last lesson will use many of the building blocks developed in the 
previous lessons and will put them to practical use to develop a new and entertaining demo project: a 
media player. 

Congratulations, you are a pilot now. It is time to celebrate and sing! 


Italy 1958 / Domenico Modugno 
Written by Franco Migliacci & Domenico Modugno 

Penso che un sogno cost non ritorni mai piu: 

Mi dipingevo le mani e lafaccia di blu 

Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito 

E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinite) 

Volare, oh... cant are, oh... 

The lyrics are in Italian. The title translates to "In The Blue (Sky), Painted in Blue" ("Volare": to fly). 
Modugno cowrote it with Franco Migliacci after Modugno described a man's dream of flying through 
the air with his face and hands painted in blue. 


Chapter 15 
Flight plan 

In this lesson we will explore the possibility of producing audio signals using, once more, the Output 
Compare modules of the PIC24. When in the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode in combination 
with more or less sophisticated low-pass filters, the Output Compare modules can be used effectively 
as digital-to-analog converters to produce an analog output signal. If we manage to modulate the ana- 
log signal with frequencies that fall into the range that is recognized by the human ear, approximately 
between 20 Hz and 20 kHz, we get sound! 

The flight 

The way a pulse width modulation signal works is pretty simple. A pulse is produced at regular inter- 
vals (7) typically provided by a timer and its period register. The pulse width (T on ) though is not fixed, 
but it is programmable and it can vary between and 100% of the timer period. The ratio between the 
pulse width (T on ) and the signal period (7) is called the duty cycle. 

50% duty cycle 
T on /T=1/2 

10% duty cycle 
T on /T=1/10 

Figure 15-1 . Example of PWM signals of different duty cycle. 

There are two extreme cases possible for the duty cycle: 0% and 100%. The first one corresponds to a 
signal that is always off. The second one is the case when the output signal is always on. The number 
of possible cases in between, typically a relatively small finite number expressed as a logarithm in base 2, 
is commonly referred to as the resolution of the PWM. If, for example, there are 256 possible pulse 
widths, we will say that we have a PWM signal with an 8-bit resolution. 

If you could feed an ideal PWM signal with fixed duty cycle to a spectrum analyzer to study its compo- 
sition, you would discover that it contains three parts: 

a DC component, with an amplitude directly proportional to the duty cycle. 

a sinusoid at the fundamental frequency (f= l/T). 

followed by an infinite number of harmonics whose frequency is a multiple of the fundamen- 
tal (2f, 3/, 4/ f 5/, 6/...). 



Amplitude a 

DC component 






f = 1/T 



low pass filter 

Figure 15-2. Frequency spectrum of a PWM signal. 


Therefore, if we could attach an "ideal" low-pass filter to the output of a PWM signal generator to 
remove all frequencies from the fundamental and up, we could obtain a clean DC analog signal whose 
amplitude would be directly proportional to the duty cycle. 

Of course such an ideal filter does not exist, but we can use more or less sophisticated approxima- 
tions of it to remove as much of the unwanted frequency components as needed. This filter could be 
as simple as a single passive R/C circuit (first-order low-pass filter) or could require several (N) active 
stages (2 x N-order low pass). 

50% duty cycle 
T on /T=1/2 
Analog out = 0.5 




10% duty cycle 
T on /T=1/10 
Analog out = 0.1 




Figure 15-3. Analog output of PWM and ideal low pass filter circuit. 

If we aim at producing an audio signal and we choose the PWM frequency wisely, we can take advan- 
tage of the natural limitation of the human ear that will act as an additional filter ignoring any signal 
whose frequency is outside the 20 Hz to 20 kHz range. In addition to that, most of the audio ampli- 
fiers we might want to feed the output signal into will also include a similar type of filter in their input 
stages. In other words, if we make sure that the PWM signal operates on a frequency at or above 20 
kHz, both phenomenon will contribute to help our cause and will allow us to use a simpler and more 
inexpensive filter circuit. 


Chapter 15 

Also intuitively enough, since we can only change the duty cycle once every PWM period (T), the 
higher the frequency of the PWM, the faster we will be able to change the output analog signal, and 
therefore the higher will be the frequency of the audio signal we will be able to generate. 

In practical terms, this means that the highest audio signal a PWM can produce is only half of the 
PWM frequency. So, for example, a 20-kHz PWM circuit will be able to reproduce only audio signals 
up to 10 kHz, while to cover the entire audible frequency spectrum we need a base period of at least 
40 kHz. It is not a coincidence that, for example, music CDs are digitally encoded at the rate of 44,100 
samples per second. 

Using the PIC24 OC modules in PWM mode 

In a previous lesson we have already used the PIC24 Output Compare modules to produce precise 
timing intervals (to produce a video output). This time we will use the OC modules in PWM mode, to 
generate a continuous stream of pulses with the desired duty cycle. 

Upper Byte: 

















bit 15 

bit 8 

Lower Byte: 




R-0, HC 

R-0, HC 












bit 7 


Figure 15-4. The Output Compare module main control register OCxCON. 

All we need to do to initialize the OC module to generate a PWM signal is set the three ocm bits in the 
OCxCON control register to the 0x1 10 configuration. A second PWM mode is available (0x1 11), but we 
have no use for the fault input pins (OCFA/OCFB), commonly required by a different set of applica- 
tions as a protection mechanism (motor control/power conversion). Next we need to select the timer on 
which to base the PWM period. The choice is limited to Timer2 or Timer3, and for now it will make 
no difference to us. It is how we will configure the chosen timer that will make all the difference. (See 
Figure 15-5.) 

Keeping in mind that we want to be able to produce at least a 40 kHz PWM period, and assuming a 
peripheral clock of 16 MHz as is the case when using the Explorer 16 board, we can calculate the opti- 
mal values for the prescaler and the period register prx. With a prescaler set to a 1:1 ratio, we obtain a 
400-cycle period, generating an exact 40-kHz signal. This value also dictates the resolution of the duty 
cycle for the Output Compare module. Since we will have 400 possible values of the duty cycle, we 
can claim a resolution between 8 and 9 bits, as we have more than 256 (2 8 ) steps but less than 512 (2 9 ). 
Reducing the frequency to 20 kHz would give us one bit more of resolution (between 9 and 10), but 
would also mean that we would be limiting the output frequency range to a maximum of 10 kHz, prob- 
ably a small but noticeable difference to the human ear. Once the chosen timer is configured and just 
before writing to the ocxcon register, we will need to set, for the first time, the value of the first duty 
cycle writing to the register ocxR, and the register ocxrs. When in PWM mode, the two registers will 
work in a master/slave configuration. Once the PWM module is started (writing the mode bits in the 
ocxcon register), we will be able to change the duty cycle by writing only to the ocxrs register. The 
ocxR register will be updated, copying a new value from ocxrs, only and precisely at the beginning of 



each new period so as to avoid glitches and to leave us with an entire period (T) of time to prepare the 
next duty cycle value: 

Set Flag bit 
OCxlF (1 > 

OCxRS (1) 

OCxR< 1 ' 







Mode Select 

S Q 

Output Enable 

ocx< 1 = 

OCFA or OCFB <2) 



\ 1 « 

TMR register inputs 
from time bases 
(see Note 3). 

Period match signals 
from time bases 
(see Note 3). 

Note 1 : Where 'x' is shown, reference is made to the registers associated with the respective output compare channels 1 through 8. 
2: OCFA pin controls OC1 -OC4 channels. OCFB pin controls OC5-OC8 channels. 

3: Each output compare channel can use one of two selectable time bases. Refer to the device data sheet for the time 
bases associated with the module. 

Figure 1 5-5. Output Compare module block diagram. 
Here is an example of a simple initialization routine for the OC1 module: 

void initAudio ( void) 


// init TMR3 to provide the timebase 

T3C0N = 0x8000; // enable TMR3 , prescale 1:1, internal clock 

PR3 = 400-1; // set the period for the given bitrate 

_T3IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag 

_T3IE = 1; // enable TMR3 interrupt 

// init PWM 

// set the initial duty cycles (master and slave) 

OC1R = OC1RS = 200; // init at 50% 

// activate the PWM module 

} // initAudio 

Notice that we have also taken the opportunity to enable the Timer3 interrupt so that we are alerted 
each time a new period starts, and we can decide how and if to update the next duty cycle value writing 

tO OC1RS. 


Chapter 15 

Testing the PWM as a D/A converter 

To start experimenting on the Explorer 16 we will need to add just a couple of discrete components to 
the prototyping area. A 1-kohm resistor and a 100 nF capacitor will produce the simplest low-pass filter 
(first order with a 1.5-kHz cut-off frequency). We can connect the two in series and wire them to the 
output pin of the OC 1 module found on pin of PORTD as represented in the schematic below. 


RD0 QC1 > WW 




- GND 
Figure 15-6. Using a PWM signal to produce an analog output. 

A couple of more lines of code will complete our short test project: 

void _ISRFAST _T3I 


rupt ( 



// clear inter 






_T3IF = 0; 

} // T3 Interrupt 

main ( void) 


init Audio ( ) ; 

// main loop 

while ( 1 ) ; 

} / / main 

Add the usual header and include file, and save the code in a new file called TestDA. c. You can then 
create a quick test project that will contain this single file, build it and use the ICD2 debugger to pro- 
gram the Explorer 16 board. 

After connecting a meter, or an oscilloscope probe if available, to the test point, run the program and 
verify the average (DC) output level. 

The needle of the meter (or the trace of the scope) will swing to a voltage level of approximately 1.5V 
that is 50% of the regular voltage output of a digital I/O pin on the Explorer 16 board. This is consistent 
with the value of the duty cycle set by the initialization routine to 200 (for a period of 400 cycles). If you 
have an oscilloscope, you can also point the probe directly at the other end of the Rl resistor (directly to 
the output pin of the OC1 module) and verify that a square wave of the exact frequency of 40 kHz is pres- 
ent with a duty cycle of 50%. 



You can now change the initialization routine to experiment with other values between and 399 to 
verify the response of the circuit and the proportionality of the output signal to the changing values of 
the duty cycle with analog values between and 3V. 

Producing analog waveforms 

With help from the OC1 module, we have just crossed the boundary between the digital world made 
of ones and zeros and the analog world in which we have been able to generate a multitude of values 
between and 3V. 

We can now play with the duty cycle, changing it from period to period to produce waveforms of any 
sort and shape. Let's start by modifying the project a little bit, adding some code to the interrupt rou- 
tine that so far has been left empty: 

OC1RS = (count < 20) 400 : 0; 

if ( count >= 40) 
count = ; 

You will need to declare count as a global integer and remember to initialize it to 0. 

Save and rebuild the project to test the new code on the Explorer 16 board. 

Every 20 PWM periods, the filter output will alternate between the value 3V (100%) and the value 0V 
(0%) producing a square wave visible on the oscilloscope at the frequency of 1 KHz (40 kHz/40). 

A more interesting waveform could be generated by the following algorithm: 

OC1RS = count*10; 
count ++; 

if ( count >= 40) 
count = ; 

This will produce a triangular waveform (sawtooth) of approximately 3 V peak amplitude, with a 
gradual ramp of the duty cycle from to 100% in 40 steps (2.5% each), followed by an abrupt fall back 
to where it will repeat. This signal will repeat with a frequency of 1 kHz as well. 

Neither of the two examples will qualify as a "nice" sound if you try to feed them to an audio amplifier, 
although they will both have a recognizable (fundamental) high-pitched tone, at about 1 kHz. Lots of 
harmonics will be present and audible in the audio spectrum and will give the sound an unpleasant buzz. 

To generate a single clean tone, what we need is a pure sinusoid. The interrupt service routine below 
would serve the purpose, generating a perfect sinusoid at the frequency of 400 Hz (in musical terms, 
that would be close to an A). 

void _ISRFAST _T3 Interrupt ( void) 

{// compute the new sample for the next cycle 

OC1RS = 200+ ( 200* sin(count *0.0628)); 

count ++ ; 

if ( count >= 40) 
count = ; 

// clear interrupt flag and exit 

_T3IF = 0; 
} // T3 Interrupt 


Chapter 15 

Unfortunately, as fast as the PIC24 and the math libraries of the C30 compiler are, there is no chance 
that we can use the sin() function, perform the multiplications and additions required, and obtain a new 
duty-cycle value at the required rate of 400 Hz. The Timer3 interrupt hits every 25 us, too short a time 
for such a complex floating-point calculation, so the interrupt service routine would end up "skipping" 
interrupts and producing a sinusoidal output that is only half the required frequency (one octave lower). 
Still, if you listen to it by feeding the signal to an audio amplifier, you will be immediately able to ap- 
preciate the greatly improved clarity of the sound. 

For higher frequencies we will need to pretabulate the sinusoid values so as to perform the smallest 
number of calculations possible (preferably working on integers only) at run time. Here is an example 
that uses a table (stored in the Flash program memory of the PIC24) containing precomputed values. I 
obtained the table by using a spreadsheet program in which I used the following formula: 

= offset + INT( amplitude * SIN( ROW * 6.28/ PERIOD)) 

For a period of 100 samples (400 Hz), offset and amplitude of 200, 1 obtained: 

= 200 + INT( 200*SIN(A1 *6. 28/100)) 

I filled the first column (A) of the spreadsheet with a counter and I copied the formula over the first 100 
rows of the second column (B), formatting the output for zero decimal digits. 

Then, I cut and pasted the entire column in the source code, adding commas at the end of each line to 
comply with the C syntax. 

void _ISRFAST _T3 Interrupt ( void) 


// load the new samples for the next cycle 
OC1RS = Table [ count] ; 


if ( count >= 40) 
count = ; 

// clear interrupt flag and exit 
_T3IF = 0; 
} // T3 Interrupt 

const int Table [100] = { 














This time, you will easily be able to produce the 400-Hz output frequency desired, and there will be 
plenty of time between the Timer3 interrupt calls to perform other tasks as well. 


C D E F H I J K L 















4UU - 

350 - 

300 - 

250 - 

200 - 

150 - 

100 - 

50 ■ 
n - 












































14 154.0458 

15 161.7472 

1C iCQQinQ 









\ / 




21 193.6833 



















32 181.0521 

33 175.3625 




34 168.9815 


Figure 15-7. Spreedsheet to compute the 400-Hz sinusoid table. 


Chapter 15 

Reproducing voice messages 

Once we learn how to produce sound, there is no stopping us. There are infinite applications in embed- 
ded control where we can put these capabilities to use. Any "human" interface can be greatly enhanced 
by using sound to provide feedback, to capture the attention of the user with alerts and error messages 
or, if properly done, to simply enhance the user experience. But we don't have to limit ourselves to 
simple tones or basic melodies. We can, in fact, reproduce any kind of sound, as long as we have a 
description of the waveforms required. Just like the table used for the sinusoid in the previous example, 
we could use a larger table to contain the unmistakable sound produced by a particular instrument 
or even a complete vocal message. The only limit becomes the room available in the Flash program 
memory of the PIC24 to store the data tables next to the application code. 

If, in particular, we look at the possibility of storing voice messages, knowing that the energy of the hu- 
man voice is mostly concentrated in the frequency range between 400 Hz and 4 kHz, we can considerably 
reduce our output frequency requirements and limit the PWM playback to the rate of only 8,000 samples 
per second. Notice that we should still maintain a high PWM frequency to keep the PWM signal harmon- 
ics outside the audio frequency range and the low-pass filter simple and inexpensive. It is only the rate 
at which we change the PWM duty cycle and read new data from the table that will have to be reduced, 
once every five interrupts in this case (40,000/8,000 = 5). With 8,000 samples per second, we would 
theoretically be able to play back as much as 16 seconds of voice messages stored inside the controller 
Flash memory. That is already a lot of talking for a single-chip solution. To increase the capacity further, 
potentially doubling it, we could start looking at simple compression techniques used for voice applica- 
tions such as ADPCM, for example. ADPCM stands for Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded Modulation, 
and it is based on the assumption that the difference between two consecutive samples is smaller than the 
absolute value of each sample and can therefore be encoded using a smaller number of bits. The actual 
number of bits used is then optimized; it changes dynamically so as to avoid signal distortion while pro- 
viding a desired compression ratio — hence the use of the term "adaptive." 


A media player 

In the rest of this lesson, we will focus on a much more ambitious project, putting to use all the librar- 
ies and capabilities we have acquired in the last several lessons. We will attempt to create a basic 
multimedia application capable of playing stereo music files from an SD™/MMC memory card. The 
format of choice will be the uncompressed WAVE format that is compatible with almost any audio ap- 
plication and is the default destination format when extracting files from a music CD. 

We will start by creating a brand new project using the usual checklists. We will immediately add the 
SD/MMC low-level interface and the file I/O library for access to a FAT 16 file system to the project 
source files list. 

After opening a file for reading, though, this time we will need to be able to understand the specific 
format used to encode the data it contains. 

The WAVE file format 

Files with the . wav extension, encoded in the WAVE format, are among the simplest and best docu- 
mented, but they still require some careful study. The WAVE format is a variant of the RIFF file format, 
a standard across multiple operating systems, which uses a particular technique to store multiple pieces 
of information/data by dividing them into "chunks." A chunk is nothing more than a block of data pre- 
ceded by a header containing two 32-bit elements: the chunk ID and the chunk size. 








Chunk ID 




Chunk size (size of the content) 



Data content 




Optional padding 

Table 15-1. Format of a data "chunk." 

Note also that the chunk total size must be a multiple of two so that all the data in a RIFF file ends up 
being nicely word aligned. If the data block size is not a multiple of two, an extra byte of padding is 
added to the chunk. 

A chunk with the "RIFF" ID is always found at the beginning of a . wav file and its data block begins 
with a 4-byte "type" field. This type field must contain the string "WAVE". Chunks can be nested like 
Russian dolls, but there can also be multiple subchunks inside a given type of chunk. 

The Table 15-2 illustrates a " .wav file RIFF chunk structure: 








This is the RIFF chunk ID 




(size of the data block+4) 




Type ID 



Data block (subchunks) 

Table 15-2. "RIFF" chunk of type "WAVE". 


Chapter 15 

The data block in its turn contains a "fmt" chunk followed by a "data" chunk. As is often the case, one 
image is worth a thousands words. 

Chunk ID "RIFF" 
Chunk Data Size 

Chunk type "WAVE" 

Chunk ID "fmt" 
Chunk Data Size 

Sample Info 

Chunk ID "data" 
Chunk Data Size 

Audio Samples 

Figure 15-8. Basic WAVE file layout. 

The "fmt" chunk contains a defined sequence of parameters that fully describes the stream of samples 
that follows in the "data" chunk, as represented in Table 15.3. 







Chunk ID 

"fmt " 



Chunk Data Size 

1 6 + extra format bytes 



Compression code 

Unsigned int 



Number of channels 

Unsigned int 



Sample rate 

Unsigned long 



Average bytes per second 

Unsigned long 



Block align 

Unsigned int 



Significant bits per sample 

Unsigned int (>1) 



Extra format bytes 

Unsigned int 

Table 15-3. The "fmt" chunk content. 

In between the "fmt" and "data" chunks there could be other chunks containing additional information 
about the file, so we might have to scan the chunk IDs and skip through the list until we find the chunk 
we are looking for. 



The play () function 

Let's create a new software module that will take care of opening a given " . wav file and, after capturing 
and decoding the information in the "fmt" chunk, will initialize an audio output module similar to, if not 
more sophisticated than, the one we developed in the first part of the lesson. We will call it "wave . c " . 


** Wave.C 

** Wave File Player 

** Uses 2x8 bit PWM channels 
* * 


#include <stdlib.h> 
#include ".. /Audio /Audio PWM.h" 
# include " . . /sdmmc/sdmmc . h" 
#include " . . /sdmmc/fileio .h" 

// chunk ID definitions 
#define RIFF_DWORD 0x46464952UL 
#define WAVE_DWORD 0x45 5 64 15 7UL 
#define DATA_DWORD 0x6174 61 64UL 
# define FMT DWORD 0x2 074 6d66UL 

typedef struct { 
// data chunk 
unsigned long dlength; 
char data [4] ; 

// actual data size 
// "data" 

/ / format chunk 

unsigned bitpsample; // 

unsigned bpsample; 
unsigned long bps; 
unsigned long srate; 
unsigned channels; 
unsigned subtype; 
unsigned long flength; 
char fmt [4] ; 

// bytes per sample (4 = 16 bit stereo) 

// bytes per second 

// sample rate in Hz 

// number of channels (1= mono, 2 = stereo 

// always 01 

// size of encapsulated block (16) 

// "fmt_" 

char type [ 4 ] ; 
unsigned long t length; 
char riff [4] ; 
} WAVE; 

// file type name "WAVE" 

// size of encapsulated block 

// envelope "RIFF" 

The wave structure will be useful to collect all the "fmt" parameters in one place and the chunk ID 
macros will help us recognize the different unique IDs, treating them as long integers and allowing us a 
quick and efficient comparison. 


Chapter 15 

Next, let's start coding the play ( ) function. It needs just one parameter: the file name. 

unsigned play( const char *name) 


int i ; 

WAVE wav ; 

MFILE *f; 

unsigned wi; 

unsigned long lc, r, d; 

int skip, size, stereo, fix, pos; 

// 1. open the file 

if ( (f = fopenM( name, "r')) == NULL) 

{ // failed to open 

return FALSE; 

After trying to open the file and reporting the error if unable, we will immediately start looking inside 
the data buffer for the RIFF chunk ID and the WAVE type ID, as a signature, that will confirm to us we 
have the right kind of file: 

// 2. verify it is a RIFF formatted file 
if ( ReadL( f->buffer, 0) 1= RIFF_DWORD) 


f close ( f ) ; 

return FALSE; 


// 3. look for the WAVE type 
if ( (d = ReadL( f->buffer, 8) 


f close ( f ) ; 

return FALSE; 

If successful, we should verify that the "fmt" chunk is the first in line inside the data block. Then we 
will harvest all the information needed to process the data block for the playback: 

// 4. look for the chunk containing the wave format data 
if ( ReadL( f->buffer, 12) != FMT_DWORD) 
return FALSE; 

wav. channels 
wav. srate 

= ReadW( f->buffer, 22 

= ReadW( f->buffer, 34 

= ReadL( f->buffer, 24 

= ReadL( f->buffer, 28 

= ReadW( f->buffer, 32 



Next, we start looking for the "data" chunk, inspecting the chunk ID fields of the next block of data 
after the end of the "fmt" chunk, and skipping the entire block if not matching: 

// 5. search for the data chunk 
wi = 20 + ReadW( f->buffer, 16); 
while ( wi < 512) 


if (ReadL( f->buffer, wi ) == DATA_DWORD) 

wi += 8 + ReadW( f->buffer, wi+4) ; 


if ( wi >= 512) // could not find a data chunk in current sector 


f close ( f ) ; 

return FALSE; 

If, in the process, we exhaust the content of the currently loaded buffer of data, we know we have a 
problem. Typical WAV files produced by extracting data from a music CD will have just the "data" 
chunk immediately following the "fmt" chunk. Other applications (MIDI interfaces, for example) can 
generate "WAV" files with more complex structures including multiple "data" chunks, "playlists." 
"cues." "labels", etc. but we aim at playing back only plain- vanilla type "WAV" files. 

Once found, the size of the "data" chunk will tell us the real number of samples contained in the file: 

// 5.1 find the data size (actual wave content) 
wav.dlength = ReadL ( f->buffer, wi+4); 

The playback sample rate must now be taken into consideration to determine if we can "play" that fast. 
It could in fact exceed our capabilities, and we might have to skip every other sample to reduce the 
data rate. We will consider 48k samples/sec our limit so we will be able to read the data fast enough to 
maintain at least an 8-bit resolution. 

// 6. compute the period and adjust the bit rate 

r = wav.bps / wav.bpsample; // r = samples per second 

skip = wav.bpsample; // skip factor to reduce bandwith (stereo) 

while ( r > 48000) 


r >>= 1; //as you divide sample rate by two 

skip <<= 1; // multiply skip by two 


Higher rates will be treated by gradually dividing the rate by a factor of two and doubling the skip. 

We can then compute the required PWM period value (to be used to set the prx register). A problem 
could occur if the required period exceeds the available bits in the register (16), resulting in a period 
value greater than 65,536. 


Chapter 15 

II 6.1 check if the sample rate is compatible with the TMR3 prescaler 1:1 

d = (16000000L/r) -1; 

if ( d > ( 65536L)) // max TMR3 period value (16 bit) 


f close ( f ) ; 

return FALSE; 

During the playback we will keep track of the number of samples extracted from the file to determine 
when we have reached the end of the file. The long integer variable (lc) will keep track of it. 

// 7. start loading the buffers 

// determine the number of bytes composing the wav data chunk 

lc = wav.dlength; 

Notice that so far we have not used the f readM ( ) function; we have been (cheating) peeking inside the 
file buffer knowing that f openM ( ) had it already loaded. 


ABuffer[ 1-CurBuf] ABuffer[ CurBuf] 




Timer3 ISR 

PWM modules 



Figure 15-9. 

To make the playback smooth, we will use a double-buffering scheme, so that as the audio interrupt 
routines are fetching data from one buffer, we will take our time in refilling the other buffer with new 
data from the file. The array ABuf f er [ ] is in fact defined as two blocks of b_size bytes each. b_size 
is chosen to be a multiple of 512, so that the calls to the f readM ( ) function will be able to transfer en- 
tire sectors of data at a time for maximum efficiency. We will have to verify that the time required for 
f readM ( ) to fill one buffer will be shorter than the time required to play back (consume) all the data in 
the second buffer by the PWM interrupt service function. 

When starting the double-buffering scheme, we will fill both buffers to get a head start: 

// 8. pre-load both buffers 

r = fread( ABuffer[0], B_SIZE*2, f ) ; 

AEmptyFlag = FALSE; 

lc-= B SIZE*2 

//we assume here that lc>=B_SIZE*2 ! ! ! 

The assumption here is that the . wav file will contain at least enough data to fill the two buffers, but if 
you plan on using very short files containing less than a few kbytes of data, you might want to modify 
this code. Check the number of bytes returned by f readM ( ) and add the correct padding at the end of 
the buffer(s). 



At this point we are ready to initialize the audio playback "machine," which will be simply our T3 int- 
errupt ( ) function modified to accommodate two channels for stereo playback. We will also add 
the ability to skip samples, to reduce the sample rate if necessary, and the ability to deal with 16-bit 
samples (signed) as well as 8-bit samples (unsigned). All this information will be passed to the audio 
module initAudio ( ) routine as a short list of parameters: 

// 9. start playing, enable the interrupt 
initAudio ( wav.srate, skip, size, stereo, fix, pos); 

As the timer interrupt is activated, the service routine starts immediately consuming data from the first 
buffer and, as soon as its whole content is exhausted, it will set the flag AEmptyFlag to let us know 
that new data needs to be retrieved from the WAV file and the second buffer will be selected as the 
active one. Therefore, to maintain the playback flowing smoothly, we will sit in a tight loop, constantly 
checking for the AEmptyFlag, ready to perform the refill, counting the bytes we read from the file until 
we use them all up. 

// 10. keep feeding the buffers in the playing loop 
while (lc >=B_SIZE) 


if ( AEmptyFlag) 


r = fread( ABuf f er [1-CurBuf ] , B_SIZE, f); 
AEmptyFlag = FALSE; 
lC-= B_SIZE; 


} // while wav data available 

Actually, we stop a little sooner, when the data left in the file is no longer sufficient to fill another entire 
buffer load. In that case, unless the data block size was an exact multiple of the buffer size and there is 
no new data to read, the last piece is loaded and needs to be padded to fill completely what will be the 
last buffer to play back: 

// 11. flush the buffers with the data tail 
if( lc>0) 


// load the last sector 
r = fread( ABuf f er [1-CurBuf ] , lc, f); 
last = ABuffer [1-CurBuf] [r-1] ; 
while(( r<B_SIZE) && (last>0)) 

ABuffer [1-CurBuf] [r++] = last; 

// wait for current buffer to be emptied 
AEmptyFlag = 0; 
while ( ! AEmptyFlag) ; 


Chapter 15 

We wait then for the completion of the playback of the very last buffer and we immediately terminate 
the audio playback: 

// 12. finish the last buffer 
AEmptyFlag = ; 
while ( ! AEmptyFlag) ; 

// 13. stop playback 
ha It Audio ( ) ; 

Closing the file, we release the memory allocated and we return to the calling application: 

// 14. close the file 
fclose ( f ) ; 

// 15. return with success 
return TRUE; 

} // play 

To complete this module, we need to create a small include file "wave . h" to publish the prototype of 
the play() function: 


** Wave.H 

** Wave File Player 

** Uses 2x8 bit PWM channels 
* * 


unsigned play( const char *name) ; 



The low level audio routines 

The play ( ) function we have just completed relied heavily on a lower-level audio module to perform 
the actual Timer and OC peripherals initialization, as well as to perform the actual periodic update of 
the PWM duty cycle. We will call this module "audiopwm. c" and it will be mostly based on the code 
developed in the beginning of this chapter, extended to manage two channels for stereo playback and a 
number of additional options. The OC1 and OC2 modules will be used simultaneously to produce the 
left and right channels. The timer interrupt routine will be the real core of the playback functionality. A 
pointer BPtr will keep track of our position inside each buffer, as we will be using up the data to feed 
the PWM modules with new samples at every period. 

void _ISRFAST _T3 Interrupt ( void) 


// 1. load the new samples for the next cycle 
OC1RS = 30+(*BPtr A Fix); 
if ( Stereo) 

OC2RS =30 + (*(BPtr + Size) A Fix); 
else // mono 


The pointer is advanced by a number of bytes that depends both on the size of the samples (16 or 8 bits 
each) as well as the need to skip samples to reduce the sample rate when the play ( ) function deter- 
mines it is necessary: 

// 2. skip samples to reduce the bitrate 
BPtr += Skip; 

As soon as a buffer-load of data is used up, we need to swap the active buffer: 

// 3. check if buffer emptied 
if ( --BCount == 0) 


// 3.1 swap buffers 
CurBuf = 1- CurBuf; 
BPtr = ABuffer[ CurBuf]; 

Reset the samples counter and set a flag to alert the play ( ) routine we need a new buffer to be pre- 
pared before we run out of data again: 

// 3.2 restart counter 
BCount = B_SIZE/Size; 

// 3.3 flag a new buffer needs to be filled 
AEmptyFlag = 1; 

Only then can we exit after clearing the interrupt flag: 

// 4. clear interrupt flag and exit 

_T3IF = 0; 

} // T3 Interrupt 


Chapter 15 

The initialization routine is equally straightforward if you recall the one we created at the beginning 
of the chapter, except more parameters are passed from the calling application and copied into the 
module's own (private) variables: 

void initAudio ( long bitrate, int skip, int size, int stereo, int fix, int pos) 


// 1. init pointers 

CurBuf =0; // start with bufferO active first 

BPtr = ABuffer[ CurBuf] +pos; 

BCount = (B_SIZE-pos) /size; // number of samples to be played 

AEmptyFlag = ; 

Skip = skip; 

Fix = fix; 

Stereo = stereo; 

Size = size; 

One buffer is selected as the "current" in-use buffer and all the pointers and counters are initialized. 
Then the timer is initialized and its interrupt mechanism: 

// 2. init the timebase 

T3CON = 0x8000; // enable TMR3 , prescale 1:1, internal clock 

PR3 = FCY / bitrate; // set the period for the given bitrate 

Offset = PR3/2; 

_T3IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag 

_T3IE = 1; // enable TMR3 interrupt 

The duty cycles are initialized next to an initial offset that will be half the value of the period, to pro- 
vide an even 50% initial output level. 

// 3. set the initial duty cycles 
OC1R = OC1RS = Offset; // left 
OC2R = OC2RS = Offset; // right 

Finally, the Output Compare modules are fired up: 

// 4. activate the PWM modules 

OC1CON = 0x0 00E; // CHI and CH2 in PWM mode, TMR3 based 

OC2CON = 0x0 00E; 

} // initAudio 



The function haltAudio ( ) called at the end of the playback will definitely be the simplest. Its only 
task is to disable Timer3 and therefore freeze the Output Compare modules and with them the entire 
interrupt mechanism: 

void haltAudio ( void) 


T3IE = 0; 
} // halt audio 

// disable TMR3 interrupt 

To complete the module you will need the usual header, include files and the definitions of the global 
variables allocated, which will include the audio buffers. 


** Audio PWM demo 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include " Audi o PWM. h" 

#define FAR attribute 


// global definitions 

unsigned Offset; 

char _FAR ABuffer[ 2][ B_SIZE] ; 

int CurBuf; 

volatile int AEmptyFlag; 

// 50% duty cycle value 

// double data buffer 

// index of buffer in use 

// flag a buffer needs to be filled 

// internal variables 
int Stereo; 
int Fix; 
int Skip; 
int Size; 

// flag stereo play back 

// sign fix for 16-bit samples 

// skip factor to reduce sample/rate 

// sample size (8 or 16-bit) 

// local definitions 
unsigned char *BPtr; 
int BCount; 

// pointer inside active buffer 

Notice that, just as we did in previous lessons, when allocating large buffers for video applications we 
can use the far attribute to allocate memory beyond the PIC24 near addressing space. 


Chapter 15 

The include file "audiopwm.h" will publish all the necessary definitions and prototypes for the "Wave .c" 
module and other applications to make use of the services provided by the Audio PWM module. 


** AudioPWM.h 

#define FCY 

# define TCYxUS 

#define B SIZE 




// instruction cycle frequency 

// number of Tcycles in a microsecond 

// audio buffer size 

extern char ABuffer[ 2] [ B_SIZE] ; // double data buffer 

extern int CurBuf; // index of buffer in use 

extern volatile int AEmptyFlag; // flag a buffer needs to be filled 

void initAudio ( long bitrate, int skip, int size, int stereo, int fix, int pos) ; 
void haltAudio ( void) ; 

Testing the WAVE file player 

Now that the low-level audio module and the playback module have been completed, it is time to put it 
all together and start testing by playing some music. 

Let's create a new project called "WaveTest" and let's immediately add all the necessary modules and 
their include files to the project. They are: 

"sdmmc . c" 
"audiopwm. c" 
"wave . c" 
"sdmmc .h" 
"audiopwm. h" 



Then, let's add a new main module "wave test ,c", which will contain just a few lines of code. It will 
invoke the play ( ) function indicating the name of a single file that we will have copied onto the SD/ 
MMC card (trackoo .wav). 


** WaveTest 


#include <p24f j 128ga010 .h> 

# include "SDMMC.h" 
#include "fileio.h" 

#include ".. /Audio /Audio PWM.h" 
# include " . . /Wave /Wave .h" 

main ( void) 

TRISA = OxffOO; 

if ( ! mount () ) 

PORTA = FError + 0x80; 


if ( play( "TRACK00.WAV")) 
PORTA = 0; 

} // mounted 

while ( 1) 


} // main loop 

} //main 

The PORTA row of LEDs will serve as our display to report errors, should the mount ( ) operation fail 
or should the file not be found on the storage device. 

Build the project and program the code on the Explorer 16 board using the appropriate checklists. Don't 
forget to reserve some room for the Heap, as the fileio . c module uses it to allocate buffers and data 


Chapter 15 

To proceed gradually, I would recommend that you test the program with WAV files of increasingly 
high sample rates and sizes. For example, you should run the first test with a WAV file using 8-bit 
samples, mono, at 8k samples/second. Then proceed, gradually increasing the complexity of the format 
and the speed of playback, possibly aiming to reach with a last test the full capabilities of our applica- 
tion with a 16-bit per sample, stereo, 44,100 samples/second file. The reason for this gradual increase is 
that we will need to verify that the performance of our "fileio.c" module is up to the task. In fact, as 
the sample rate, number of channels and size of the samples increase, so does the bandwidth required 
from the file system. We can quickly calculate the performance levels required by a few combinations 
of these parameters. 






period (ms) 

Voice mono 





Voice stereo 





Audio 8-bit mono 





Audio 8-bit stereo 





Audio 8-bit high 
bitrate mono 





Audio 8-bit high 
bitrate stereo 





Audio 16-bit mono 






Audio 16-bit stereo 






The table shows the byte-rate required by each file format — that is, the number of bytes that get con- 
sumed by the playback function for every second (sample size x channels x sample rate). In particular, 
the last column shows how often a new buffer full of data will be required to be replenished (512/byte- 
rate); that gives us the time available for the play ( ) routine to read the next sector of data from the 
WAV file. 

Notice that since the PIC24 PWMs can only produce less than 9 bits of resolution when operating at 
the 44,100-Hz frequency, the audio PWM module has been designed to use only the MSB of a 16-bit 
sample. Therefore, don't expect any increase in the quality of the audio output once you attempt to play 
back a WAV file in one of the last two formats. All you obtain at that point is a waste of the space on 
the SD/MMC memory card. If you want to maximize the use of the storage space available, make sure 
that when copying a file onto the card, you reduce the sample size to 8 bits. You will be able to pack a 
double number of music files on the card for the same output audio resolution. 

If you start experimenting gradually, as I suggested, moving down the table, you should find that 
beyond a certain point (beyond the audio 8-bit high-bitrate mono, probably) things just won't play out 
right. The playback will skip, repeat and hiccup and it just won't sound right. What is happening is that 
the f readM ( ) function has reached its limit and is not capable of keeping up with the audio playback 
demands. The time it takes, on average, to load a new buffer of data is longer than the time it takes to 



consume one; after a short while, the play ( ) routine starts falling behind and the audio playback func- 
tion starts repeating a buffer or playing back buffers that are not completely filled yet. 

Optimizing the file I/O 

When we wrote the file I/O library, and even before, when we wrote the low-level functions to access 
the SD/MMC card, we have focused mainly on getting things done. We have never really tried to assess 
the level of performance provided. Perhaps now we have the right motivation to look into it. Through- 
out the rest of the book we have resisted using any of the optimization features of the compiler, so that 
every example could be tested using simply the free MPLAB® C compiler Student Version. We want 
to maintain this commitment. Perhaps there is some room to improve the performance using just a little 

The first thing to do is to discover where the PIC24 is spending the most time when reading data from 
the card. Inspecting the f readM ( ) function, you will notice that there are only two calls to lower-level 
subroutines. One is a readDATA ( ) function call used to load a new sector from the current cluster and 
the other is a next fat ( ) function call used to identify the next cluster, once every sector of the cur- 
rent cluster is exhausted. Eventually both functions will call in their turn the readSECTOR ( ) function 
to actually retrieve a block of 5 12 bytes of data. Lastly, a call to the standard C function memcpy ( ) 
is performed to transfer a data block to the calling application buffer. So the ultimate performance of 
f readM ( ) will depend on the performance of readSECTOR ( ) and memcpy ( ) . 

LED Profiling 

To determine which one of the two has the largest responsibility is a relatively easy job, if you happen 
to have an oscilloscope at hand. In fact, if you remember, we designed readSECTOR ( ) to use one of the 
LEDs on PORTA to signal when a read operation is being performed on the SD/MMC card. If we point 
the oscilloscope on the anode of the corresponding LED during the playback loop, we should be able 
to see a periodic pulse whose length is indicating to us the exact amount of time the PIC24 is spending 
inside the readSECTOR ( ) function while transferring data. The pause in between the pulses is other- 
wise proportional to the time spent inside the memcpy ( ) function and eventually most of the rest of the 
f readM ( ) function call stack. In one single glance, you will immediately realize where the problem lies. 




Figure 15-10. Pointing the oscilloscope on the READ_LED pin. 

There is no doubt that, it is the readSECTOR ( ) function that needs our full attention, since it uses up 
the largest part of a period that is more than 10 ms long! 


Chapter 15 

int readSECTOR( LBA a, char *p) 
//a LBA of sector requested 
// p pointer to sector buffer 
// returns TRUE if successful 


int r, tout; 

READ_LED = 1; 

r = sendSDCmd( READ_S INGLE, ( a « 9)); 

if ( r == 0) // check if command was accepted 


// wait for a response 

tout = 10000; 


r = readSPI ( ) ; 

if ( r == DATA_START) break; 
}while( --tout>0) ; 

// if it did not timeout, read a 512 byte sector of data 
if ( tout) 


for( i=0; i<512; i++) 
*p+ + = readSPI ( ) ; 

// ignore CRC 
readSPI ( ) ; 
readSPI ( ) ; 

} // data arrived 

} // command accepted 

// remember to disable the card 
disableSD( ) ; 
READ_LED = 0; 

return ( r == DATA_START) ; // return TRUE if successful 
} // readSECTOR 

If you look at the function listing now, you will notice that there are only three possible areas where the 
PIC24 could be spending so much time: 

1. The sendSDCmd () function. 

2. The loop where we wait for the data_start token from the card (perhaps it is just a slow 
SD/MMC card?). 

3. The loop where we read, one by one, all 5 12 bytes from the card. 



To discriminate among the three we can simply change the point where we turn on the READ_LED 
and where we turn it off so as to bracket one of three spots. If you recompile the project and run the 
test a couple of times, you will notice that when bracketing the sendSDCmd ( ) function the pulse on- 
time is reduced to a barely readable blip. 

READ_LED = 1; 

r = sendSDCmd ( READ_S INGLE, ( a << 9 ) ) ; 

READ_LED = 0; 

This means the card is very fast to respond to the command and time must be spent elsewhere. 
If you bracket the loop waiting for the DATA_START token, you will get a very similar result: 

READ_LED = 1; 

// wait for a response 

tout = 10000; 


r = readSPI ( ) ; 

if ( r == DATA_START) break; 
}while( --tout>0) ; 
READ_LED = 0; 

It is the third loop, apparently so innocuous but repeated 512 times, that seems to be taking all the 
cycles the PIC24 has to spare. 

READ_LED = 1; 

for( i=0; i<512; i++) 
*p++ = readSPI ( ) ; 
READ_LED = 0; 

Here is where we will have to concentrate all our optimization efforts. 

The first idea that comes to mind is to try to remove the function call to the readSPI() function and 
replace it directly with the few lines of code required inline: 

READ_LED = 1; 

for( i=0; i<512; i++) 


SPI2BUF = OxFF; // write to buffer for TX 

while ( ! (SPl2STATbits .SPIRBF) ) ; // wait for transfer complete 

*p++ = SPI2BUF; // read the received value 


READ_LED = 0; 

If you patiently rebuild the project and measure the new pulse length, you should already see an im- 
provement, but it is not going to make enough of a difference. 


Chapter 15 

Looking under the hood for more 

The next natural step for us is to take a look at how the compiler is treating those few lines of code, 
peeking at the specific segment in the disassembly listing window: 

139: for( i=0; i<512; i++) 

011A4 EB0000 clr.w 0x0000 

011A6 980750 mov.w 0x0000, [0x001c+10] 

011A8 9000DE mov.w [0x0010+10 3,0x0002 

011AA 201FF0 mov.w #0xlff , 0x0000 

011AC 508F80 sub.w 0x0002 , 0x0000 ,[ OxOOle] 

011AE 3C0013 bra gts, 0x0011d6 

011CE 90005E mov.w [0x0010+10 3,0x0000 

011D0 E80000 inc.w 0x0000,0x0000 

011D2 980750 mov.w 0x0000, [0x001c+10] 

011D4 37FFE9 bra 0x0011a8 
142: { 
144: SPI2BUF = OxFF; 

011B0 200FF0 mov.w #0xff, 0x0000 

011B2 881340 mov.w 0x0000,0x0268 
146: while ( ! SPl2STATbits . SPIRBF) ; 

011B4 BFC260 mov.b 0x0260,0x0000 

011B6 FB8000 ze.b 0x0000,0x0000 

011B8 600061 and. w 0x0000, #1, 0x0000 

011BA E00000 cpO.w 0x0000 

011BC 32FFFB bra z, 0x0011b4 
147: *p+ + = SPI2BUF; 

011BE 4701E4 add. w OxOOle , #4 , 0x0006 

011C0 780093 mov.w [ 0x0006 ], 0x0002 

011C2 801340 mov.w 0x0268,0x0000 

011C4 784100 mov.b 0x0000,0x0004 

011C6 780001 mov.w 0x0002,0x0000 

011C8 784802 mov.b 0x0004, [0x0000] 

011CA E80081 inc.w 0x0002,0x0002 

011CC 780981 mov.w 0x0002, [0x0006] 
148: } 
. . . <<for loop closing code here>> 


More than 25 instructions are used to perform what seemed a straightforward for loop. Naturally, we 
should look at reducing the complexity of the innermost loop, the while loop where we wait for the 
SPI peripheral to complete the transfer. While most of that loop seems straightforward, there is a sign- 
extension (ze.b) instruction inside it that might appear redundant. It makes us wonder if it is not just a 
byproduct of bit field arithmetic used by the compiler to check the SPi2STATbits . spirbf flag. 



Reformulating the code using direct masking of the contents of the spi2stat register improves the 
situation and confirms the suspicion: 

for( i=0; i<512; i++) 


SPI2BUF = OxFF; // write to buffer for TX 

while ( ! (SPI2STAT & 1)); // wait for transfer complete 
*p++ = SPI2BUF; // read the received value 


The code produced is now just one instruction shorter, but keep in mind that that instruction is repeated 
at least twice for each of the 512 loops. 

139: for( i=0; i<512; i++) 

011A4 EB0000 clr.w 0x0000 

011A6 980750 mov.w 0x0000, [0x001c+10] 

011A8 9000DE mov.w [0x001c+10 ], 0x0002 

011AA 201FF0 mov.w #0xlff , 0x0000 

011AC 508F80 sub.w 0x0002 , 0x0000 ,[ OxOOle] 

011AE 3C0012 bra gts, 0x0011d4 

011CC 90005E mov.w [0x001c+10 ], 0x0000 

011CE E80000 inc.w 0x0000,0x0000 

011D0 980750 mov.w 0x0000, [0x001c+10] 

011D2 37FFEA bra 0x0011a8 
142: { 

144: SPI2BUF = OxFF; 

011B0 200FF0 mov.w #0xff, 0x0000 

011B2 881340 mov.w 0x0000,0x0268 


while ( 

! (SPI2STAT&1) ) ; 



mov.w 0x0260,0x0000 



and.w 0x0000, #1, 0x0000 



cpO.w 0x0000 



bra z, 0x0011b4 

146: *p++ = SPI2BUF; 

011BC 4701E4 add. w OxOOle, #4, 0x0006 

011BE 780093 mov.w [ 0x0006 ], 0x0002 

011C0 801340 mov.w 0x0268,0x0000 

011C2 784100 mov.b 0x0000,0x0004 

011C4 780001 mov.w 0x0002,0x0000 

011C6 784802 mov.b 0x0004, [0x0000] 

011C8 E80081 inc.w 0x0002,0x0002 

011CA 780981 mov.w 0x0002, [0x0006] 

147: } 

. . . <<for loop closing code here>> 


Chapter 15 

The next trick up our sleeve is to try to reduce the shuffling of data to and from the software stack by 
assigning specific registers to hold variables of frequent use. One such candidate is the variable i used 
as an index in the for loop, and the other one is the pointer p. 

The C30 compiler will let us assign a variable to a register with the following syntax: 

register unsigned i asm( "w5"); 

but the result is not guaranteed unless the specific register is available. Typically the compiler uses the 
first four registers W0...W3 as a scratch pad and won't let us have one of those all for ourselves. Also, the 
register cannot be a parameter of the function, as unfortunately is the case for p, as this might impact 
the register allocation scheme of the calling functions. We can quickly work around such limitations by 
copying the contents of p into a new pointer that we will call q, as in the following code: 

register unsigned i asm( "w5"); 
register char * q asm("w6"); 

q = P; 

for( i=0; i<512; i++) 



while( ! (SPI2STAT&1) ) ; // wait for transfer to complete 

*q++ = SPI2BUF; // read the received value 


This time, recompiling the code, we can observe a considerable reduction in the outer loop size and a 
simplification in the for loop encoding: 

for( i=0; i<512; i++) 
clr.w 0x000a 
mov.w #0xlff, 0x0000 
sub.w 0x000a, 0x0000, [OxOOle] 
bra gtu, 0x0011c8 
inc.w 0x000a, 0x000a 
bra 0x0011a8 


mov.w #0xff , 0x0000 
mov.w 0x0000,0x0268 

while( ! (SPI2STAT&1) ) ; 
mov.w 0x0260,0x0000 
and.w 0x0000, #1, 0x0000 
cpO.w 0x0000 
bra z, 0x0011b2 

*q++ = SPI2BUF; 
mov.w 0x0268,0x0000 
mov.b 0x0000,0x0002 
mov.w 0x000c, 0x0000 
mov.b 0x0002, [0x0000] 
inc.w 0x000c, 0x000c 
. . <<for loop closing code here>> 










































We are down to 17 instructions. The last step will consist of trying to use a different type of loop to 
count the 512 bytes of data. This time we will use a simple do loop and we will count backward: 

register unsigned i asm( "w5"); 
register char * q asra("w6") ; 

q = p; 

i = 512; 

do { 


while ( ! (SPI2STAT&1) ) ; // wait for transfer to complete 

*q++ = SPI2BUF; // read the received value 

} while ( — i>0) ; 

This gives us the best results so far — only 15 instructions all included! 

mov.w #0x200, 0x000a 


mov.w #0xff , 0x0000 
mov.w 0x0000,0x0268 

while ( ! (SPI2STAT&1) ) ; 
mov.w 0x0260,0x0000 
and.w 0x0000, #1, 0x0000 
cpO.w 0x0000 
bra z, OxOOllac 

*q++ = SPI2BUF; 
mov.w 0x0268,0x0000 
mov.b 0x0000,0x0002 
mov.w 0x000c, 0x0000 
mov.b 0x0002, [0x0000] 
inc.w 0x000c, 0x000c 

} while (--i>0) ; 
dec.w 0x000a, 0x000a 
cpO.w 0x000a 
bra nz, 0x0011a8 

It is time to reprogram the Explorer 16 board with the new code and check once more with the scope to 
see how long it takes now for the readSECTOR ( ) function to complete reading a 5 12-kbyte sector of data. 
You will be pleasantly surprised to verify that we have now managed to reduce the time required to less 
than 1.5 ms. This will be enough to let us play back even the most demanding WAV file and then some. 






































Chapter 15 

Post-flight briefing 

This final lesson was perhaps the ideal conclusion for our learning experience, as we mixed the most 
advanced software and hardware capabilities in a project that covered both the digital and the analog 
domain. We started using the Output Compare peripherals to produce analog signals in the audio spec- 
trum of frequencies. We used this new capability together with the "fileio . c" module, developed in the 
previous lesson, to play back uncompressed music files (WAV file format) from a mass-storage device 
(SD/MMC card). The basic media player application obtained represents only a new starting point. 
There is no limit to the possible expansions of this project and if I have managed to excite your curiosity 
and imagination, there is no limit to what you can do with the PIC24 and the MPLAB C30 compiler. 

Tips and tricks 

The beginning and the end of the playback are two critical moments for the PWM modules. At rest, the 
output filter capacitor is discharged and the output voltage is OV. But as soon as the playback begins, a 
50% duty cycle will force it to ramp very quickly to approximately a 1.5V level, producing a loud and 
unpleasant click. The opposite might happen at the end should we turn off the PWM modules instead 
of just disabling the interrupts as we did in the demo project. The phenomenon is not dissimilar to what 
happens to analog amplifier circuits at power-on and -off. A simple work- around consists of adding just 
a couple of lines of code. Before the timer interrupt is enabled and the playback machine starts, add a 
small (timed) loop to gradually increase the output's duty cycle from zero all the way up to the value of 
the first sample taken from the playback buffer. 


1 . Investigate the decoding techniques for ADPCM signals for use with voice messages (see ap- 
plication note AN643). 

2. Search for all the "WAV" files on the card, and build a "playlist." 

3. Implement a "shuffle" mode using the pseudo-random number generator and gradually emp- 
tying the playlist. 

4. Experiment with basic digital filtering techniques to remove undesired frequencies, boost oth- 
ers or simply distort sounds and voices. 



• Mandrioli, D. & Ghezzi, C. (1987) 
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science 

John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 

Not an easy read, but if you are curious about the deep mathematical, theoretical foundations 
of computer science. . . 

• Leroy Cook, (1990) 

101 Things to Do With Your Private License 

TAB books, a division of McGraw-Hill, Inc 


http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/RIFF 

The RIFF file format explained. 

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/WAV 

The WAVE file format explained. 

http://ccrma.stanford. edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ 

Another excellent description of the WAVE file format. 


About the Author 

Lucio Di Jasio received his MSEE (Summa cum Laude) from the University of Trieste, Italy in 1990, 
presenting a thesis on the "Simulation of digital logic circuits using the Occam model of parallelism." 
After graduating, he worked as a software/hardware designer on projects as diverse as Parallel C 
digital-image processing in industrial-automation applications, Unix C/4GL programming in Super- 
visory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications, and encryption for security systems in 
automotive applications. 

He joined Microchip Technology in 1995 as a Field Application Engineer covering the South of 
Europe. In 2000, he moved to Chandler, AZ, and specialized in the KEELOQ® secure-data product 
line, publishing several application notes. 

In 2002, Lucio moved into a Product Marketing position, supporting the definition and launch of the 
new High Pin Count and High Density families of PIC microcontrollers. Since 2005, he has been in 
charge of the Application Segment Group, a cross-divisional team of engineers that develops and pro- 
motes Microchip's solutions across a wide range of application segments, including: utility metering, 
intelligent power conversion, motor control and lighting applications. 

Lucio earned his private pilot license in 2002, and an instrument rating in 2005. He has accumulated 
350 hours of experience in various single engine airplanes. Lucio owns a Cessna 172 (N75816), which 
he tries to fly as frequently as possible to escape the heat of the Arizona summer. 




101 Things to Do With Your Private 

License, 361 
4th rising edge, 164 
8080A Bugbook, Microcomputer 

Interfacing and Programming, 40 
8- or 16-bit bidirectional data path, 

8-bit bus interface (using PORTE 

pins), 132 
16-bit transfer mode, 105 
16-bit timers, 55 
16th rising edge, 164 

ABuffer, 344-345,347-350 
Accessory, xiii, 110,216,283,302, 


Functions, 319 
Accounting, 271 
Adams, N. 28 
Adaptive Differential Pulse Coded 

Modulation, 338 
ADC, 10-11, 141-146,148, 

150-153, 155 

ADC FIFO, 155 

ADC1BUF0, 145-146, 151 
Adding Linker Script, 18 
AddNewFiletoProject, 18 

Address Latch, 131 

ADON, 144-145,151 

ADPCM,338, 360 

Advanced LCD control, xi, 127, 136 

AEmptyFlag, 344-350 

Aircraft Owners, 68 

Airplane, 4, 40-41, 53, 68,89, 127, 
136-137, 161,263 

Alarm, 64, 67 

Alert, 113, 167, 275,347 

Algorithms, 46, 51,236,284 

Algorithms + Data Structures = 
Programs, 83 

Alt-key, 190,194 

Alternate Interrupt Vector Table, 78 

Alternate IVT, 65 

ALU, 38, 42, 51 

Analog, xi, xiv, 10-11, 14, 55, 
64,141,143-148, 150-155, 
Analog Comparators module, 55 
Analog-to-digital conversion 
(ADC),xviii, 11, 144,147 
Analog-to-Digital Converter, 
(ADC), 10, 14,55,65,141-142, 
149-150, 154-155,163, 177 

Analyzer, vii-viii, 17, 24-26, 29, 
36-37, 168,189-190,218-221, 

Anderson, R, 199 
Animation, 21,24, 38, 260 
Animation/Real Time Updates, 21 
Animation Step Time, 21 
Another method - Change Notifica- 
tion, 176 
ANSI, 15,42, 51, 118,125, 


ANSIC, 15,42,51 

ANSI X3., 118 

ANSI90, 15,70 

ANSI90, 15,70 
Apple, 326 

Application Note, 140,360 
ARC, 310, 315 
Archive, 287,310 
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), 38, 

Arrays, 33-34, 36-38, 70-71, 



248, 252, 254-255, 260, 280, 


Arrays Before, 33 

ASCII Setup, 115-116 

ASCII-printable, 288 
ASICs, 92 
Asynchronous serial interfaces, 91 



Asynchronous Serial Communica- 
tion, xviii, 89, 92, 109, 111, 256 

Audio PWM, 341,347, 349-352 
audiopwm.c, 347, 350 
audiopwm.h, 349-350 

Automatic sampling timing, 145 

AVdd, 144-145, 151 

AVss, 144-145, 151 

Axelsonjan, 125,281 


Baker, Bonnie, 155 

Baker's Dozen: Real Analog Solu- 
tions for Digital Designers, 155 

Basic Root Directory Entry, 287 

Basic WAVE, 340 

Baud Rate Generator, 112-113 

BCD, 151 

BenthamJ., 140 

BF, 130 

Bill Gates, 284 

Binary, xvii, 6, 27, 59,83, 146, 149, 

Bit BLock Transfer, 243 
BitBLT, 243 
Bitcount, 166-167 

BKSP, 195-196 

Block Read, 267, 269 

Block Write, 267, 269, 278 

Boolean, 19,27,30 

Bowling, Steve, xv 

BPtr, 347 

Break Code, 194-197 

Breath-alizer, xi, 141, 153 

Bresenham, Jack E., 228 
Bresenham algorithm, 228 

Brown, G., 68 

Buck, B., 107,328 

BUF, 119 

Building a simple console library, 

Building the first project, 7 
Building the video module, 214 
Busy-flag (BF), 130, 134 
Byte-rate, 352 



C Learning, iii 

C programming, xvii-xviii, 12, 15, 
24, 27-28, 79, 363 

C-compiler, 9 

C Programming Language, 12, 15, 

C30 Compiler Student Edition, 44 
CAL, 67 

Calendar, ix, 53, 55, 64-65 
CapsFlag, 196-197 

Card Detect, 265-267 

Card Select, 266-267, 271-272 
Cartesian, 223 
CB, 109 

CD, 267, 321-322,332, 339,343 
CD-ROM, xviii-xix, 4, 17,44, 243 
CDC, 124 
Cessna, 127,363 

CGRAM Address, 130, 136 
Change Notification (CN), xii, xviii, 

55,161,176-178, 180-181, 

Channels, 25,36, 89, 143-144, 

146,150-151,189 218,221, 

259, 340-342, 345-347, 352 

Channel Selection Dialog Box., 25 

Character Generator, 128-129, 136 
Checklists, vii, xix, 6-7, 36, 39, 41, 


Chip On Glass (COG), 128 
Chip Select (CS), 94, 105,131,265, 

Chunks, 339-340, 343 

Chunk Data Size, 340 

Chunk ID, 339-343 

Chunk Size, 339-340 
Circular, 107, 190-191 
Clear To Send, 111-113 
Clock-polling, 182-183,185 
Closing a file, 308 

Closing a file, second take, 3 1 7 
Cluster, 284-286, 288, 293, 295, 

297, 300-302, 304, 306, 309, 


CMDO, 267, 270 

CMDO, 267, 270 


CMD1,267, 270 

CMD17, 272 
CMOS, 14,264 
CN, 176-177, 179 

CN Interrupt, 176, 179 

CN1 1, 177, 180-181 

CN11 Change Notification, 180 

CNEN1, 176-177 

CNEN2, 176 

CNIE, 177 

CNIF, 177,179 

CNInterrupt, 178 




CNPU2, 177 

Cockpit, 52, 89, 127,161 

Cockpit, a Flight of Escape and 
Discovery, The, 52 

Code Size, xiii, 49, 65,81,283,326 

Cook, Leroy, 361 

Communication, x-xi, xviii, 1 2, 55, 
64,89-95,107, 109-111,114, 
119,124,162-163, 198,212, 
Communication CRC, 269 
Communication Device Class, 124 

CompactFlash, 92, 131,263 

Compiling and linking, 6 

Completing the interface: adding a 
FIFO buffer, 190 

Completing the interface: perform- 
ing key codes decoding, 194 

Completing the SD/MMC card 
initialization 270 

Complex Data Types, ix, 51-52 

Compression, 338, 340 

Concord, 127 

Conditions, 53, 57,98, 107, 138, 

Configuring the PMP for LCD mod- 
ule control, 132 

Cost and efficiency of the solution, 

Cons, 92,327 

conu2.c, 118-120, 123,312, 

conu2.h, 118-120, 123, 138,311, 

CONU2 Test, 119 

CONU2test.c, 119-120 

Cost,xii,38, 53, 73,92, 110,154, 

CPU, 54, 57, 105, 124,144-145 

CPY, 293-294 

CRC, 55, 268-269, 272-275, 354 
CRC generator, 55 
CRC of RESET, 268 

CS,92, 94-96, 98, 102, 270 

CSEE, 94,96-101 

Creating the fileio module, 308 

Ctrl, 43-44, 194-196 

CTS/RTS, 111,114, 118, 121 

CurBuf, 347-350 

Cursor, 7,9-10,37-39,44,48,61, 
75,97-98,115, 118,129-130, 
134-135, 137,139-140, 148, 

Customer Support, iv 

Cycle Count, 48-49, 259 

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), 

D/A,xiv,31,92, 293,303, 329,334 

Dark Screen, xii, 201, 221 

Data length (DL), 130 

Data memory, 71-73, 77, 79-81, 


Usage, 79 
Data structures, 82-83, 284, 289, 


DB0, 129-130 

DB1, 129-130 

DB2, 129-130 

DB3, 129-130 

DB4, 129-130 

DB5, 129-130 

DB6, 129-130 

DB7, 129-130 

DC, 330-331, 334 
Deactivate, 96 
Debug, 21,25,32,48 
DEC, 37, 78-79, 256, 359 
Decrement, 29, 32, 37, 106, 130, 


Decrement Ktimer, 185 
Define PS2CLOCK, 165, 177 
delay.c,312, 324 

Delayms, 277-278, 311-312,323 
DEST,82,305, 307,310, 326 

Developing a demo, 146 
Developing a game, 147 
Developing a text page video, 247 
Development Environment MPLAB 

SIM, 4, 17 
Di Jasio, Lucio, iii, 363 
Digital designers, 155 
Disassembly Listing, 13, 43-44, 

46-47, 69, 76-77, 356 
Disassembly Listing Window, 
Disconnect, 115, 124, 144 
Display on, 129-130, 134, 149 
Display profile, 175 
DL, 130 
DMM, 15 
Do Loops, 30 
DOS, 284, 326 

Double-precision, 46-47, 48, 49-50 
Drzewiecky, Joe, xv 
DVD, 202 

Eady, Fred, 107,125 
Echo, 114-115, 117 
EEPROM,x, 89,94-104, 212, 263, 



265, 269 

Hosts, 281 

Hosts Lakeview Research, 281 

Multitasking, 68 

Systems, 125, 140 

Systems CMP Books, 140 

Systems Designers, 125 
Embedded-control, xv, xvii-xviii, 

3-5, 12,14, 17,21,29,38, 


89-90, 104,110, 124,140-141, 

263-264, 327 
Embedded Multitasking, 68 
EOF, 306, 309,321 
Erase, 137, 269, 280 

Erase Reset, 269 

Erasing, 327 
Error, 50, 55, 57, 71,82, 112,124, 


269, 277-279, 289, 297-300, 


ESC, 118,195-196 
Evaluating cost, 181 
Example of PWM, 330 
Execute, 5, 9-10, 18, 20,31,37, 


105,115,134, 181,183, 185, 


Execute Run, 10,61,63,75 

Execution, 20-21,24, 36, 38, 

44, 48-49, 54, 





277-279, 307, 309 


Consider, 327 

Develop, 83, 107 

Experiment, 281 
Exit, 58, 106,175, 189,244, 


320, 334-336, 347 

ExitClose, 318 
EXP, 51 

Experiment, 281,324, 335, 360 

Explored 6 LCD, 136 

Explored 6 POT, 143, 151 

Explorer 16 POT, 143, 151 

Explorerl 6 User Guide, 142, 177 
Extension, 51,54, 170-171,287, 

298-299, 304, 339 
External, 14, 27,39, 54-55, 105, 


External pins connected to the 

Change Notification 
module, 55 

External pins with level trigger 

detection, 55 
Extracting, 50, 91, 101,339,343 

F keys, 

F1, 47-48, 195-196 

F2, 47-48, 195-196 

F3, 47-48, 195-196 

F4, 195-196 

F5, 195-196 

F6, 195-196 

F7, 196 

F8, 48, 195-196 

F9, 61,195-196 

F11, 195-196 

F12, 195-196 
FAA, 283, 329 

Failure, 57, 107,278,299,305,309 
FCY, 348, 350 
FError, 289-290, 292, 297-300, 


Fetch, 72, 114, 165,173, 180,188 
FF, 269 
FIFO, xii, 105, 113-114, 139, 

143,155,161, 164,190-192, 

File Allocation Table (FAT), xiii, 

283-286, 285, 328 
File Type, 77, 290, 341 
FILEIO,xiii, 283, 296, 308-309, 


350-352, 360 

fileio.c, 308, 311-313, 324, 

350-352, 360 

FILEIO error codes, 309 

fileio.h, 308, 311,323,341, 

First Cluster, 285-286, 288, 297, 


First Flight, vii, 3, 28, 87, 142,201 
First Partition, 291—292, 296 
Fix, 69, 342, 345, 347-350 
Flight of Escape, 52 
Flight of Passage: A Memoir, 1 07 
Flight Service Station (FSS), 283 
Float, 31, 46-48, 51, 227, 231, 234, 

237-238, 240 

float.h, 51 

Floating point, 46 

Floating point unit (FPU), 47 

Floating-point data types, 46, 51 



FIT, 51 


Fly, iii,xvii, 17, 28,41,73, 76, 87, 

Flyers, 28 

Flying Carpet, 68 

Flying the Mountains, 199 

Flying the PIC24,xix, 135, 137,159, 
221,246,265, xix, 159, 

FMT, 340-343 

Font, 130, 242-254, 258 
Font8x8, 242-244, 248, 252 

for loops, 31 

FPtr, 248-251,251,254 

FPU, 47 

Fractals, xii, 201, 236, 260 

Frames, 202-203 

FSS, 283 

Functions, xii, xiv, 5-7, 9, 1 1, 14, 
49, 52, 54, 58-59, 64-65, 
77,80-82,93-95, 100-102, 
106,113-117,120, 123,130, 
133-136, 138-140,144, 147- 
149,172,192, 195-196,199, 
229-236, 243-245, 249, 259, 
288-290, 295-297, 299-303, 

Future, 7, 26, 39, 49, 58, 104,109, 
116,144,162, 167,170,249, 

Gahlinger, P. M., 52 

Generate SCL, 181 

Generating Luminance, 205 

Generating the composite video 
signal, 204 

Generator, xii, 55, 112-113, 120, 
128-129, 136,147-149, 153, 
169-171, 174,180,201,206, 

Ghezzi, C, 361 

Glass bliss, xi, 127 

Global positioning system (GPS), 

Going long, 44 

GPS, 127,161,282 

Graphic, 92, 128, 136,214, 
233, 236-237, 239, 242-243, 
Page, 243, 245, 247, 253, 260 
Test, 218 
Test2, 222 


Halt, 26, 175,218,278-279,349 
Hash Table, 83 
HCount, 214, 216, 251,254 
HD44780 controller compatibility, 


HD44780-compatible, 131,136 
Header Files, 102 # 349 
Heap, ix, 69,80-81,289, 295, 298, 

Heat, 153, 363 
Hello.c, 4-6 

Hello Embedded World, 4, 8, 12 

Hello World! exercise, 15 
Hex, 6, 103, 291,293 
HIDE, 99,310 
Host, 162-163, 190, 194,198,268, 


Host USB, 327 
HState, 214, 254 
HW, 111,118 
Hyperion, 107 

Connect, 115 

Disconnect, 124 

Properties, 1 1 5 


l 2 C synchronous serial interfaces, 90 

l/D, 129-130, 237 

l/Os, 128, 131,149, 187,211,264, 

266, 277, 288-289 
IBM, 161-162, 194,228,236,239, 


IBM Pacific Northwest Labs, 236 

IBM PC, 161,194, 239, 247 

IBM PC-XT, 162 
IC, 171,181 

ICPS2, 171 

IC1 Interrupt, 165, 168 

ICMC5, 164 

IC1CON, 165 

IC1IE, 165 

I C 1 1F, 165, 168 

IC1 Interrupt, 167 

ICD2 Debugger, 97, 103,109, 
114, 120,124, 128,136,142, 

ICD2 Debugging Checklist, 15, 



ICE,x, 124 
ICxBUF ; 164 
ICxCON, 164 

ID, 339-343 

IdcService, 107,140, 155 

IDE, xv, 3-4, 6-8, 10, 13, 17-18, 
42,52-53,62,69,89, 109,128, 
IDE Integrated Development 
Environment, 3, 6, 17 

IDLE, 22,94, 163,170,184, 
266-267, 269-270 

IDs, 340-341 

IE, 55 

IEC, 118 


Illegal, 269 

Image serialization, 211 

Implementing 802.11 with Micro- 
controllers: Wireless Networking 
for Embedded Systems Designers, 

In Circuit Debugger, 89, 97 

In The Blue, 329 

Increment Bitcount, 166 

Infrared, 110 

Init Bitcount, 166 

Init Parity, 166-167, 178,186, 193 

Initialize, 22, 32, 34, 36, 44, 59, 
67,70,102, 113-114,118, 121, 
132,146-148,151-153, 173, 

Initialized, 38, 59,64, 70-71, 
75-77, 80, 82, 266, 274, 279, 

InitNVM, 100, 102 

Input Capture modules, 55 
Input Capture, 163 

Insert Data, 184-186 

Inspecting, 46-47, 78, 343, 353 

Instruction, 18, 20, 37, 39, 43-44, 
49,54,61,66,72,81,95, 124, 
129-130, 133,154-155, 175, 
Instruction Code Description 
Execution, 129-130 

Integer, 19-20, 29, 31,36-37, 
102,112,120, 143-144,147, 
268, 278-279, 285, 288, 300, 

Integrated Development Environ- 
ment, 3-4, 6, 1 7 

Intel, 40 

Interface Bit Timing, 165, 177, 182 

Interfacing a PIC24 to the PS/2, 163 

Interfacing to the Explored 6 board, 

Internet, 140,283 

Internetworking, 107 

Interrupt Enable, 55, 67, 177, 

Interrupt Flag, 56, 58-60, 
63-64,67, 165,168, 177, 
179, 184,186-187,194,207, 
336, 347-348 
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), 
Interrupt Vector Table (IVT), 54, 

InterruptVector, 54-55 

Invalid, 290, 292, 299, 305, 

Invent, 40 
Investigate, 41,69, 162, 190,360 

Investigating Memory Allocation, 
ix, 69, 73 
IO, 68, 276 

IP, 57-59,61-62, 140, 213 
IPO, 62 
ISA, 131 
ISO, 118 

Isometric, 232-233, 235 
ISR, 54-55, 58,60,63-64, 78, 167, 

178,183,185, 189,192 
IVT, 54, 57, 65, 78 

Java, 79 


K&R, 15, 153-154 

KBD, 167,173, 179-180, 187-188 

KBR, 191-193 

KCB, 191-193 

Kernighan, 3, 15 

Keyboard, xii, 114,117,161-164, 
167,169,172-173, 176-177, 
179-182, 184-185,187, 189- 

Kitty Hawk, 28 

Koster, R., 261 

Kstate, 183-186,193-194 

Ktimer, 184-186, 193-194 

Landings, 17,141, 159 
Large Memory, 38, 81,264 
Larsen, D., 40 



LATB, 1 1 

Latch, 11, 97-98, 101, 131 

Lawrence, 140 

Lawson, Eric, xv 

LBAs, 272, 294 


LCD Busy, 134 

LCD.c, 139 

LCD.h, 138 

LCD Module, xi, 127-129, 

LCD RAM, 134,136 

LCDaddr, 134-135 

LCDbusy, 134-135 

LCDclr, 135 

LCDcmd, 133, 135-137 

LCDDATA, 133, 135 

LCDhome, 135 

LCDinit, 133,135 

LCDread, 134-135 

LCDsetC, 137 

LCDsetG, 136 

LCDsetG, 136 
LDP, 328 

LED Profiling, xiv, 329, 353 

LEDO, 15 

LEDgame, 148 

LEDgame.c, 148 
LFN, 310 
limits.h, 51, 120 
LIN, 92, 110 
Line drawing, 226 
Line Testl, 226 
Linux, 284, 326, 328 

Linux Kernel, 328 
Liyanage, M., 28 
Logarithms and exponentials, 51 

Logic Analyzer Set-up, 26, 36 
Logic NOT operator, 19 
Logic OR operator, 19 

LONG_DELAY, 34-35, 37 
Long File Name, 310 
Long Integer, 31,37, 44-45, 
48, 268, 288, 300, 344 
Long Long Multiplication, viii, 41, 
45-46, 48 
Long-integer, 49 
Long-Long Integer, 48 

Looking at the MAP, 77 

Looking under the hood for more, 

Loop, vii-viii, 17-21,23-24, 26-38, 
58-61,63,80,95,97, 103,114, 
116-117, 119,121-122, 135, 
137,146-149,151-154, 167, 
173,175,180-181, 188,208, 
257-258, 268, 274, 277-279, 
Loop in the pattern, vii, 1 7-1 8 

Low level audio routines, 347 

LPtr, 251,254 

LSB, 50, 52, 59-60, 98-101,136, 
149,166,170, 173,218,245, 


Make Code, 177,194-195 

Malloc, 80, 289, 298, 308-309, 325 

Managing multiple interrupts, 64 

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 236 

Mandelbrot Set, 236-239 
Mandrioli, D., 361 
MAP, ix, 53, 69, 77-80, 161,195, 


227, 244-245, 247-248, 

255-256, 293-294, 296 
Mask, 67, 143-144, 147,183,224, 

Master, xi, xviii, 55, 90, 92-94, 

96-97,99-100,105, 127-128, 

131-133, 138,159,212-213, 

266, 290, 292, 332-333 
Master boot record (MBR), 290, 292 
Master Mode, 94, 96-97, 99-100, 

Math, ix,xii, 46, 51-52, 57, 147, 



math. h, 51,231,233 
Matrix, x, 109, 120,256 

Matrix Reloaded, 256 

Matrix2, 256 
Max Bit Rate, 92 
Max Bus Size, 92 
MBR, 290-291,309 
McCarthy, Guy, xv 
McDonald, Marc, 284 

MCP251XCAN, 92 

MCP2550 IrDA, 92 


MCP322xA, 92 

MCP809, 105 

MCP98XX, 92 
MCU,vii, 14,22,64,66, 138-139, 

Measuring performance, 220 



Measuring temperature, 149 
Media, xiv, xviii, 89, 109,264, 


293-298, 302-303, 305, 



Media Player, xiv, 329, 339, 360 
Memoir, 107 

Hyperion, 107 

Memory Allocation, 73 

Memory Space Allocation, ix, 69, 

Memory Stick, 263 

Memory Usage Gauge, 13, 326 
MFILE, 296-298, 300-305, 

Mi, 329 
Microchip, xv, xvii, xix, 4, 17-18, 87, 

107,124,140, 149,155,363 

Microchip Application Note, 140 

Microchip Explored 6, 87 

Microchip TC1047A, 149 

Microchip TCP, 140 

Microchip Technology, xv, xix, 363 
Microcomputer Interfacing, 40 
Microcontrollers, i, iii, xvii, 3, 9, 1 2, 

14,21,27,38,51,63,107, 125, 

Microsoft, 110-111,284,287 

Disk BASIC, 284 

Windows HyperTerminal, 1 1 1 

Windows, 110-111 
MIDI, 343 

Migliacci, Franco, 329 
Milky Way, 226 
MIPS, 175 

IC Card, xiii, 263-265, 267, 

MMC-compatible, 264 
MMCA, 264, 281 
MNTD, 297, 309 


Modugno, Domenico, 329 

More.c, 30 

More loop examples, 32 

Move, 15,43, 117-118, 129-130, 
152-154, 168,178-179, 186, 

Moving, xvii, 34-35, 147, 149, 

MP3, 263 

MPLAB, ix, xv, xviii-xix, 3-8, 10, 
13-15, 17-18,21,24,26, 
97,103-104,109, 120,124, 
128,142,168, 170-171,175, 

MPLAB IDE, xv, 3-4, 6-8, 10, 
52-53,62,69,89,109, 128, 

MPLAB IDE Integrated Develop- 
ment Environment, 

MPLAB C, 4, 6,31,353 
MPLAB C30 Compiler Suite, 4, 18 
MPLAB C30 Memory Models, ix, 

MPLAB C30 User Guide, 42, 65 
MPLAB ICD2, 37, 89,97, 109, 

MPLAB ICD2 Debugger Set-up, 97 
MPLAB ICD2 Device Configuration, 

MPLAB ICD2 In Circuit Debugger, 
MPLAB ICD2 In-Circuit Debugger, 

109, 124,128, 142 
MPLAB ICD2 Programming, 37 
MPLAB ICD2 Set-up, 37 
MPLAB IDE Build, 7 
MPLAB IDE Editor, 8, 170 
MPLAB IDE Memory Usage 

Gauge, 13 
MPLAB IDE Output, 8 
MPLAB IDE Project, 8 
MPLAB IDE Watch, 8, 10 
MPLAB Integrated Development 

Environment, 4, 6, 17 
MPLAB Link30, 80, 104 
MPLAB Memory Gauges, 280 
MPLAB SIM, xviii, 4, 7, 17, 21, 
53,69,73,89,103,109, 128, 
142, 168,171, 175,180,189, 
MPLAB SIM Debugger, 7, 

MPLAB SIM Set-up, 36 
MSb, 50,93, 98-101,147, 170, 
MSSP, 105 
Multi Media Card Association 

(MMCA), 264, 281 
Multiplication Test, 48 
Multiplying, 45, 49, 228, 272 




Nesting, ix, 53, 57, 65 

Nesting of interrupts, 57 
Networking, 125 
Networking and Internetworking 

with Microcontrollers, 107 
New PIC24, xvii-xix, 10,89 
New Project, xiii, 4, 18,30,42,53, 

60,69,90,99,111, 120,133, 

143,148,150, 165,180, 188, 



New Scenario, 174, 181, 188 
New Workbook, 169, 180 
Nguyen, Thang, xv 
Nonvolatile Storage, x, 82, 89, 99, 


Nonvolatile storage library, 99 
Nop, 67, 103 

North Star Over My Shoulder, 328 
Note on the multiplication of long 

integers, 45 
NOT-equal, 19 
NSTDIS, 57, 65 
NTSC, 68, 202-206, 210-211, 



NTSC-VRES, 206, 214, 253 

NTSC Video, 68, 204-206, 211, 
NUM, 162,195-196 

Num Lock, 162 
NUMB3RS, viii, 41 
Number of Pins, 92 
NVM,x,89, 99, 101-103, 106-107 
NVM Access Library, 99 

NVM.h,99, 102 

NVM Library, x, 89, 99, 102-103 

NVMtest, 103 
NVMtest.c, 103 

OC, xiv, 329, 332, 347 

OCFA, 332 


OCFB, 332 
0C1C0N, 333,348 

OC1R, 333,348 

OC1RS, 333, 335-336, 347-348 
OC2, 347 

OC2CON, 348 

OC2R, 348 

OC2RS, 347-348 
OC3, 209-210, 213, 216 

OC3IE, 213 

OC3IF, 209, 213 

OC3IP, 213 
OC4 Interrupts, 213 

OC4IE, 213 

OC4IF, 212-213, 250 

OC4lnterrupt Notice, 212 

OC4lnterrupt Remember, 259 

OC4IP, 213 

OC4R210, 212, 215, 250-251 
OCM, 209, 332 
OFFS, 242-243, 254 
Offset, 80, 149, 151,224,234-235, 

242, 248, 250, 290-292, 294, 


339-340, 348-349 
OP, 267 

Open-Drain Output Control, xii, 198 
Opening a file, 296 

Operations, xviii, 32, 41-42, 44, 47, 

Optimizing, xiv, 45, 53, 329, 353 
Optimization (or lack thereof), 43 
Optimizing the file I/O, 353, xiv 

OS-X, 326 

Osc, 25, 48 

Output Compare, xii, xviii, 55, 
260, 330, 332-333, 348-349, 
Output Compare modules, 55 

Package, 149,172, 179 

Packing, 263 

Page Write, 98, 101-102, 105 

PAL, 202-203 

Parallel master port (PMP), xi, xviii, 
55,92,127-128, 131,138 

Partition, 290-296, 309 
Partition Boot Record, 292-294 
Partition Table, 290-292 

Pascal, 70, 83 

PCB, 92, 221,265 
PCB Interface, 92 

PCH, 5, 7 

PCL, 5, 7 

PDAs, 326 

Performance, viii, xii, 41-43, 46-49, 
110,120,122, 124,141, 167, 



Physical Interface, xiii, 162, 

PI, 79-80, 230-231,233-234 

PICMCU,vii, 14 

PIC16, 14,27,38 

PIC18, 14,27,38 

PIC24 application, 281 

PIC24 1, 9 

PIC24 0C,xiv,329,332 

PIC24 Output Compare, 332 

PIC24 PWMs, 352 

PIC24 PWMs, 352 

PIC24 RAM, 79 

PIC24 SPI2, 94 


PIC24UART, 110,163 

PIC24UARTS, 113 

PIC24FJ, 14 


PIC24fj128ga010,xviii,4, 11,18, 


72,81,90, 141,164, 171,181, 

206,208, 211, 

247, 260, 326 

PIC24FJ128GA010 Program 

Space Visibility, 72 

PIC24FJ128GA010RAM, 211 
PICmicros, 140 
PICTail, 168 
Pilots, xvii, xix, 17,29,41,53, 

68-69,89,109, 127,161,263, 


Pilot Operating Handbook (POH), 


Pilots Association, 68 

Private Pilot Manual, 15 

Pin/Register Actions, 169 
Pixels, 128,211-212,224,252, 

PlayO function, 341 
Plotting, xii, 161,201,223, 

225-226, 230-233, 242, 260 

Plotting math functions, 230 
PMP,xi, 92, 127-128, 131-135, 


PMPBusy, 134 
POH, 41 
Poi, 329 

Point-to-point, 92, 109-110 
Pointers, ix, 69, 79-83, 190-191, 



PORT initialization, 9 

PORTA = KBDCode, 173, 180, 


PORTA = Sec, 60-61 

PORTA I, 35, 149 

PORTA l/Os, 149 

PORTA LEDs, 35, 277, 279, 353 

PORTA LSB, 59-60, 173,218 
PORTB,vii,3, 10-11,14-15 
PORTD, 94, 131, 164,334 
PORTE, 131-132 
PORTF, 213 

PORTG, 177, 183,185, 192,198 
PORTx, 198 
Post-equal, 206 
POT, 143,147-148, 151 
Practice, 17, 21,29,43,45, 73, 81, 

91,96,117, 141,159, 177,183, 


274, 279, 296, 329 

Pre-equal, 206 

Pre-flight, xi, 128 

Print, 116,119-121,243,245-246, 


Printing, 116,243,246 
Private Pilot Manual, 15 
Processor Reset, 39, 44, 57 
Producing, xiv, 14, 104, 123, 

203, 205, 229, 252, 259-260, 


Producing analog waveforms, 335 
Profiling, xiv, 41,329, 353 
Program Files, 18 
Program Memory, 14, 38, 65, 69, 

71-73,75,77-79,81-82, 131, 



Program Memory Usage, 78 
Program Space Visibility, ix, 69, 72 
Programming, i, iii, xvii-xix, 3, 1 2, 


79,83,89,97,104, 125,136, 


Devices, 281 

ProgrammingthePIC24, 159, 159 
Programs, 17,83, 110, 168,239 
Project Source Files, 6-7, 18, 77, 

Project Wizard, 4, 18,99 
PS2, 167, 169,171, 173,177, 

179-180, 183-184,188, 195 

PS2 Clock, 169, 177,179-180, 


PS2 Data, 169,179-180,183 

PS2KBD, 167, 173, 179-180, 188 
PS/2 communication protocol, 163 
PSV, 72,81 



PSVPAG, 5, 7 
Pulse width modulation (PWM), 

208, 330 
PWM,xiv, 64, 208,329-335, 338, 


R/L, 129-130 

R/W, 129-133, 297, 299, 309-310 


RAM buffer, 128,136-137,281 

RAM-efficient, 248 
RAND, 120-121,147-148, 

RC, 144 
RCA, 221 
RCount, 251 

RD12,94,96, 99 

RD13, 240 

RD2, 209 

RD4, 132-133 

RD5, 132-133 

RD6, 230, 240 

RD7, 240 

RD8, 165 
Read Busy Flag, 134 
Readonly, 192,287,310 
Read Status Register, x, 89, 95-96, 

Readers, 77, 203 
ReadOddW, 294,310,321 
Reading data from a file, 305 
Reading data from an SD/MMC 

card, 271 
Reading the memory contents, 99 
Reads, 100, 130 

Reads Busy-flag, 130 

ReadSR, 100-101 

Readiest, 311-312 

ReadW, 290, 294, 304,310, 

Read/Write selection line (R/W), 131 
Real analog solutions, 155 
Real example with Timerl , ix, 53, 59 
Real Time, 

Updates, 21 

Real-time clock, ix, 53, 55, 59, 

Real-time Clock Calendar (RTCC), 
ix, 53, 55, 64 
Rebuild, 10,98, 189,259,335,355 

Rebuilding, 44 
Recompiling, 46-47, 221,358 
Reformulating, 357 
Register Actions, 169 
Relative Performance Test Results 

Using MPLABC30, 48 
Remote-control, 68 
Reproducing voice messages, 338 
Reprogram, 98, 103,359 
Request To Send, 111-112,114, 

RES, 293-294 

Reset Profile, 175 
Restart Ktimer, 185, 193 
Retesting PORTA, vii, 3, 10 
Returns, 3, 11, 19,30,62,80, 120, 


Right Arrow, 61, 195 
RISC, xvii, 69 
Rising Edge, 164,183-186, 190, 

Ritchie, 3, 15 


ROM, 128,136 

Rony, P., etal., 40 

Root Directory, xiii, 283, 286-287, 

294-295, 299-300, 302-305, 

Rounding, 51, 112 

Rounding functions, 51 
RS, 129-131, 133 

RS232, 92, 109-112, 119, 122, 

RS232-to-USB, 111 

RS422, 92 

RS485, 92, 110 
RTCC, ix, 53,64-67, 277, 314,327 

RTCCInterrupt, 64 
RTOSs, 27 

RTS, 111, 113-114,118, 121 
Run To Cursor, 9-1 0, 37-38, 44, 48, 

Rusling, David A., 328 
RX, 91 

S/C, 129-130,150, 187 

S-Video, 223 

SAMP, 144-146, 151, 155 

Sample, 144, 146,151-152, 
182-183, 185,192,335,338, 
Sample-rate, 352 

Sams, Howard W., 40 

Sanderson, Jeppesen, 15 

Save As, 4, 242,311 
Save Workbook, 170,181 

SBS, 170, 181 



Scan Code Set, 194-195 
Scenario, 103, 174-175, 181,188, 

SCK, 93 

SCK/SS, 213 

SCK2, 266 

SCL Builder Setup File, 171 

SCL Generator Window, 169 

SCL Generator Workbook, 171 

SCLGenerator, 169, 180 
Screenshot, 62 
SD,xiii, 263-271, 273-283, 290, 



SD/MMC,xiii, 263-265, 267, 




SD Card, xiii, 263-271, 

273-274, 277, 


SDA, 90-91 

SDI, 90,93, 212, 265-266, 268 
SD/MMC card physical interface, xiii, 


sdmmc.c, 275, 279, 288,312, 

sdmmc.h, 276-277, 279, 308, 
SDO,90, 93, 212, 214, 253, 265, 

269, 274 
SECAM, 202-203 

TV, 203 
Secondary oscillator, ix, 53, 63-65 
SECT, 291-292 

Sectors, xiii, 274, 276, 283-285, 



326, 344 

Sectors and Clusters, 284 
Secure Digital (SD), 263-264, 281 
Secure Digital Card Association 

(SDCA), 264, 281 
SEED, 149 

Sending and receiving data, 113 
Sending commands in SPI mode, 

Selecting the SPI mode of operation, 


Serial Data Output (SDO), 212 

Serial EEPROM, 94-104, 212, 

263, 269 


SPLMASTER, 97, 100 

Serial EEPROM Status Register, 


Serial EEPROMs, 92, 104 

Serial port interfaces (UARTs), 55 

Serial Interface Engine (SIE), 124, 


Set Breakpoint, 61,97-98, 181, 


SetCGRAM, 130, 136 

Set CGRAM Address, 130,136 

SetDDRAM, 130 

Set PORTA, 59-60, 181, 188,218 

Sets, 70, 129-130, 194,202- 


Sets On, 129-130 
Settings, 21,25,46,48, 59, 67, 

103,112,115, 118,219,289 

Setting Pane, 115 

Setting PIX, 213 
SFR, 5, 7,44,61,81-82, 175, 249 
Sharing, 91,265, 283 
Sheard, Vince, xv 
SIE, 124,327 
Signal Feature, 205 
SIM,xviii,4, 7, 17,21,24,30,36, 


103,109,128, 142,168, 171, 


SIM Stopwatch, 41,47, 49 
Simple Network Management 

Protocol, 140 

Simplified NTSC, 205 

Simplified UART, 110 
Simulator, xii, xviii, 4, 7, 9, 17, 



109,128,142, 161,168, 171, 

175-176, 189,218-219,221, 


Simulation, 174 

Simulator Profile, xii, 161, 


Simulator Stopwatch, 49, 61 
SIN, 230-231,335-336 
Sinclair ZX Spectrum, 239, 261 
Single Precision, 46, 48-49 
Sky, 40, 329 
Slave, 90-91,93, 105, 131,163, 


Slave select (SS), 91, 212 
SLF, xviii 

Small Data Memory Model, 81 
Small library of functions to access 

an LCD display, 133 



Small Memory, 81,211,290 

SmartMedia, 263 

SMP, 266 

Source Files, 4, 6-7, 18,77-78, 


Source Files List, 6-7, 18,339 
SPI,x,xiii, 55,89-97,99-100, 

103-105, 107,155, 163, 


248, 250-252, 260, 263-268, 


SPLENABLE, 94, 96-97, 99-100, 


SPI FIFO, 212, 252 

SPI-mode SD, 267 

SPI-mode SD/MMC Card, 267 

SPI synchronous serial interfaces, 

SR, 5, 7, 57,61-62,65 
SS, 43, 45, 91, 107,140, 155,177, 

SSEE,94,97, 100 
SSP, 105 
SSRC, 145,155 
Standard NTSC PAL SECAM Frames, 

Start Time, 4 

Starting a new project, 266 
StateO, 183-186, 193-194 

KTimer, 185,193 

KTimer = KMAX, 185,193 

KTimer, 185 
Status Register (SR), x, 62, 89, 

95-100, 134 
Step-Over, 9, 44, 48, 62-63 
Stepln, 62 

Stepping, 39, 48, 62 
Stereo, 339,341-343,345, 

347-350, 352 
Stimulus, xi, 64, 127, 161, 168-169, 

171-172, 174-175,181, 


Stimulus Scripts, xi, 161, 168, 174 

StimulusController, 181 
StopWatch, 41, 47-49, 52,61-62, 

String, 69-73, 75-79, 82-83, 98, 

116-119, 121,135-136,245, 


Student, xviii, 3-4, 15, 17,41,44, 


Student Version, xviii, 4, 1 7, 353 
Subdirectories, 304, 327 

Subdirectory, 7, 18,46,287 
Subtract, 65 

Success, 181,188,252,318,346 
Superior life forms (SLF), xviii 
Support, iv, xv, 7, 18, 38, 46, 52, 

70,83,110, 177,194, 199,261, 

283, 299, 308, 327 
SXC, 293-295,302,306, 309,317, 

Symbol, 44, 61,73-74, 97 
Synchronization, 22, 40, 90-91, 



Synchronous serial communica- 
tion, xviii, 89, 212 

Synchronous serial interfaces (SPI 

and I2C), 55 
SYS, 294, 310 
System, iv, 27, 53-54, 104, 

109-111, 127,131, 141,161, 


280, 284-288, 290, 292-297, 




T3, 214, 334-336,347 

T4, 184, 186-187,194 

Table Read, 77 

Taste of C, 1 5 

Tclk, 23,35, 152-153 

TCP/IP Lean, Web Servers for 

Embedded Systems, 140 
TCS, 22, 50 
Tcy, 121, 132-134, 144,151-152, 


Tcycles, 350 

Tcy wait data set-up after enable, 


Tcy wait data set-up before read/ 

write, 132 

Tcy wait between R/W and En- 
able, 132 

Tdelay, 23 
Temperature, xi, 92, 141, 149-155, 

Template and an example forTimerl 

interrupt, 58 
Test Pattern, xii, 201, 222-223 
TestDA, 334 

TestDA.c, 334 
Testing, 44 

Testing a VT1 00 terminal, 118 

Testing fopenMO and freadMO, 


Testing PORTB, 10 

Testing the complete fileio 

module, 323 



Testing the I/O polling method, 


Testing the Input Capture method 

using Stimulus Scripts, 168 

Testing the new NVM library, 102 

Testing the PS/2 receive routines, 


Testing the PWM as a D/A con- 
verter, 334 

Testing the Read Status Register 

command, 95 

Testing the serial communication 

routines, 114 

Testing the text page performance, 


Testing the TextOnG Page module, 


Testing theTimerl interrupt, 61 

Testing the video generator, 218 

Testing the WAVE file player, 350 

Testing with the Logic Analyzer, 


Text Page, xii, 201, 246-248, 


Text Page Test, 246 

Text Page Video, xii, 201,247, 

253, 255-256 

Text Page Video Module, 253, 

TextPage.c, 253, 255-256 
TextPage.h, 253, 255-256 
TextOnGPage, xii, 201,243, 

246-247, 254 

243, 246-247 


TextOnGTest.c, 246 
Theoretical Foundations of 

Computer Science, 361 
Theory of Fun for Game Design, 261 
Third method - I/O polling, 181 
Time (us), xii, 21, 170,352 
Time and date of creation, 300 
TimerO, 27 

Timer! ,59 

TimeM Interrupt, ix, 53-54, 


Timerl Module, 22, 58, 61, 63, 


Timer3, 336 

Timer4, 27, 182 
Timers, 21,27, 55, 164,175,208, 

Titus J., 40 
Toggling, 196,211 
TON, 22, 51,216, 254,330 
Total Endurance Software, 107 
Transmitter, 90-91, 112-113 
Traps, ix, 53, 57, 294,310 
Tricks, vii-xiv, 14, 27, 38, 51, 66, 82, 

105,115,124, 139,155, 198, 

Trigonometric functions, 51-52 
Tris, 94, 96, 99, 1 1 1 
TV, 201-203, 221,223 
Twc,98, 103 
Two-dimensional, xii, 201, 232-233, 

235, 260 

Two-dimensional function 

visualization, xii, 201, 232 
TX, 91,94, 96, 100, 112-113,124, 

Type ID, 339, 342 
Typical WAV, 343 


Undock, 76 
Unicode, 70 
Universal asynchronous receiver and 

transmitters (UARTs), 90 

UART1,89, 109,256 

UART1,89, 109,256 

UART2RS232, 111,119 
Unlocking the Sky, Glenn Hammond 

Curtis and the Race to Invent the 

Airplane, 40 
Unix, 295, 363 

Update Parity, 166, 168,178-179 
USB, 109-110, 124-125,161,163, 


Flash, 274 

Serial Interface Engine, 124 
USB Complete, 3rd ed., 125 
USB Mass Storage: Designing and 

Programming Devices and Em- 
bedded Hosts, 281 
User Guide, xix, 6,42, 65, 142, 177 
Using the, 

Explored 6 demonstration board, 

viii, 29,37 

Logic Analyzer, vii, 1 7, 24, 29 

Output Compare modules, xii, 


PIC24 OC modules in PWM mode, 

xiv, 329, 332 

SD/MMC interface module, xiii, 

263, 276 

Serial port as a debugging tool, x, 

UT, 52 


Variable Declarations, viii, 29, 31, 



35-36, 73, 76 
Verify a valid parity bit, 165 
Verify the presence of a start bit 

(data line low), 165 
Verify the presence of a stop bit 

(data line high), 165 
Vertical Sync, 206-207, 210, 

VGA, 223 
VH, 260 
VHDL, 172 
VHF, 161 
VHS, 202 
Video I/O, 211 

Voice, xiv, 329,338,352, 360 
VOL, 304, 310 
Volare, xiv, 329 
VOLume, 287, 304,310 

Volume Label, 287,310 
Von Neumann, 72 
VRES, 206-207, 211,214-217, 


244, 253-254, 260 
VT100 HyperTerminal, 125 


wave.c, 341,350 

Wave File Player, xiv, 329, 341, 346, 

WAVE file format, 339 

wave.h, 346,350-351 

WaveFormat, 361 

WaveTest, 350-351 

WDI, 95-96, 99 

Web, iv,xix,4, 68, 107, 140,159, 
Webservers, 140 

WED, 67 

WEL, 97 

Whac-A-Mole, 147 

Wl, 125, 281,342-343 

Wiki-book, 15 

Wilkie, Calum,xv 

Windows Explorer Screen, 325 

Windows HyperTerminal, 111, 113, 

WIP, 97-98, 100-101 

Wireless Networking, 125 

Wirth, N. (1976), 83 

Workbook, 169-171, 180-181 

WP, 275-276 
WP Notice, 275 

Wright, Orville, 28 

Data to a file, 313 
Enable, 95-99, 101,107 
Enable Latch, 97-98, 101 
Writing data to an SD/MMC card, 


Write In Progress (WIP), 

Writing to the EEPROM, 98 

Write Protect, 265-266, 275 

WriteEnable, 101 

Writes, 95, 130 

323-324, 326 

writetest.c, 323-324 
Writing, x, xiii, xv, 4, 12, 14, 52, 

58,66,83,89,98, 124,133, 




324-327, 332-333 
WRONG, 124, 141,280,309,318 
WRSR, 95-96, 99 

X0-2, 234 
X0-5, 231,234 
XT, 239 


Z80, 239 

Zero, 6, 22, 30, 48, 57, 59, 70, 82, 


336, 360 
Zoomed, 219