







f 1 The most elegant and elaborate toy which we have presented to the public. It consists of a locomotive, tender and passenger coach, decorated in gilt and natural colors. The locomo- tive and tender together are twenty-six inches long, and are the most perfect model of a first- ciass American passenger engine ever made as a toy. The car is eighteen inches long, and represents a first-class Drawing Room Car, in natural colors, with the passengers at the windows. The whole train is about forty-five inches long when shackled up.

The above cut is engraved directly from a photograph from the toy, and represents accurately the proportions and construction of the several parts. Every thing represented in the cut appears on the toy exactly as shown Price, $18 00 per dozen.


2 This is the largest single toy we have ever made, it being twenty-four inches long, five inches wide, and nine and one-half inches high to top of smoke-stack.

There are two tiers of cabins ; the decks are supported by posts, and the netting encircling the decks is represented in a neat and durable style.

When the boat is drawn over the floor the walking-beam works up and down in a natural manner. The whole is beautifully finished in natural colors, and makes a very large and elegant toy for the price at which it is sold Price, $9 00 per dozen.



3 A simple and pleasing combination toy with a cabin, men, horses, cattle, emigrant wagon, trees, fences, etc. The emigrant wagon is a most ingenious little toy in itself, with the oxen which may be yoked

mto it. Also the horseback rider is made in such a manner that he may be placed on and removed from his horse at pleasure. A very desirable toy for the low price at which it is sold Price, $2 50 per dozen.

Chromos mounted on lieavy Card Board ready for framing. Over 100 different styles of pic- tures, ranging in size from 2^x3^ to 5x7^. Price, per 100, |3 00. A sample lot of 35 different kinds fo'r $1 00.

Good Goods for 5c. Counters. Send for a Sample Lot.


The Winteithui





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Gpes £ Home Amusements






3a. A .complete anenagerie traveling by railroad. The toy in one f()im is a locomotive, ten- der, and train of four cars, representing the cages of a menagerie. The parts of the cars and locomotive, can be put together and taken apart at pleasure, and a great number of«0ther orig- inal combinations may be made, such as platform cars, wagons, carts, and representations of chariots, steam fire-engines, etc., etc. In fact the combinations are unlimited all the parts are held in place by friction. The whole is put uj^in a bos; representing a Railway Station, and forms a toy which NEVER TIRES. The toy is put up in two forms.

THE No. 1 TRAIN is in the depot box, but the decoration of the building and the cars are printed directly on the wood the depot is varnished. Price, $9.00 per doz.

THE No. 2 TRAIN is in a neat hinged box, varnished, and contains one-half as many parts as No. 1, and in same ^tvle. Price, $4.50 per dozen.



Sb. This toy is a minature Agricultural Fair, with building, sheds, pens, race course, judge's stand, horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, wagons, carts, ice cream tent, oyster stand. Punch and Judy show, etc., etc.

The box containing the toy is in the form of an Agricultural Fair Building, 12 inches long. 'The decorations are very neat, and in some instances somewhat comical, representing the scenes often witnessed at such times.

In this and others of our toys we introduce our superior style of animals, which for sym- metrical form and neatness of construction have never been approached in this country. In fact, no other cheap toy animals ever made have had the natural and life-like outline which are found in ours. Price, |9.00 per dozen.

''^ r>sN? n



off PALACE CARS.-A complete locomotive, with Di.iwlng Room Car utlachcd. The locomotive takes apart and packs inside the car. When all put to- gether makes a train nearl}' three feet long, but when ])acked up makes only a small package. Per dozen, |<J.OO. 'VOh:; ,^2 .;;;

Dealers desiring to advertise any of the goods mentioned in this list,^ca« ohtain of us, electrotypes of the cuts used at simply the cost of the same ; usually about 35 cents each. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price.

Dealers ordering of us for the first time, Will please gl^e New York City References.

Should the party receivina: this Catalogue not deal in the goods advertised herein, he will confer a favor by handing the list to some dealer who does.



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"^' BAYARD TAYTOll' lii his entertaining book, entitled ': India, China and Japan," men- tions this peculiar game: @f lodia, which he saw at Delhi, formed of marble, on a large and magnificent plan, occupying a portion of the King's palace grounds, as follows:—

" vVithin these fairy preoincts l,ie the garden, still overrun vitb roses and jepsamine vinea, in the midst of which fountatnfl pre.nliiying. There ie also a court, paved with marbles of various colors, so-^s to form a Par-^-1 CHKEsi BoAKD. I his is a £117.6 eomewh-it resembling backt;ammoii, bnt instead .<f ivory pi^cesMt was played by Akbar and his wives, or eiinuchs with girls who passed from space to space as the moves were made."

We have arranged this attractive game on a folding board, for tlie parlor or centre table, each one in six handsome dolors and accompanied with ah elegant box, containing the twenty-four pieces used in pWing,' with the diagram and directions for kco dutinct games.

Parcheesi is de.Mgned in Uieh a distinct and attructive manner, that it is quickly compre- hended by children, putting their wits on the alert at oiice, and engaa:ing the excited^ interest of the qldest players for houts. ' It is published in four stylt?s, ds fullpws : ' \ ,'' , 'j,,

4.— l'. IPopulak l^piTioN/is bou'Hd;in durably ,at)d liandscnne green paper,, .(imitatjiqio clothi,i\..,j with scarlet labels printed in best gold bronze. A box .containing eight (}ice pixte«%,ii counte^-s of heavy pfi^tcbc^ifrd and directiops accompany ith^ board; the whole forming the rrios,t,cq!T>plete a,i^d attractfye dollar gape in the marlvet, , ,i , Ptjx cjpzen, $8 00 5.-1^. In answer toa demand ina/d&by this trade, we are now putting(pp the popular, edition \N\\\x,i^ra>iS Bouml CQunters (same as used in No„ 2,) instead of pasteboard (jQunters,^ and t.wo dice cups in eacli box;. .>.v;, - "^ . ;, . ,/ ml! ■^?'" ^^°^'^^' ^^^ ^^

6.-2. Meij'ium 'iioifiON, is b'(")|ind Hi boek muslin, embossQd and' stamped in gold. The box contains 'eiight dicfe, 'foiii- dic^ cups, sixteen counter^, metal rimiired* and directions. Tins style is very hic'ely^ottoh up. ' Per dozen, $16 00

7._3. Fine EdttIon, is tou-nd in morocco cloth, (imit'n leather,) embossed with a vfery llland- some gold border. .[Jihe inside is an elegant lithogrnph, in eight brilliant colors, of ah, entirely new design... The br^ Contains eight dice, four dice cups bound juiced }t;ather,; sixteen ivory counters', and cfiVcetions. The whole forming the finest aiid mos^ com- plete game ever publishe'd in this country. Pel' dozen, $30 00 8. Boxtis s'E'piKATE'LY''for the mediam edition, cuntainiug the dice cui^s, 'dice' counters, atid ■directions complete;- ,■..,•(!; v-f y;..^ -r . . Per doEeii, $8. 00 _

9.— Brass Bound Counters, same as used in Parcheesi, for sale in any quantity. '; '. ''''*^

'„;^..-.. .■,:!i ..,; ihj.r-:.,),.?-; ■t'l-jil, Jti v/ -ti: i' . . li'iii ^1 ,1 ,, -.'! PHce; 75 cents p^r 100, "net. _

'^^rifif'^ jpi^^^j^/^'f f s f^ PaKcfieeiiJic^' cm %'rmgk'^ahf'palri'oj %e (jn nie that «>«^, j^f , ^}}^''(^> "^ , reasqh^t^k'pri^?.f^<i ' .Wiwodttw ynv.:

'6 1879-^Catalogtje A.TSt> Price List of G-ames and KovELTiiiS— 1


^0, A' game that can be played by any 'Tiumber of person's, susceptible qt fifty tboiisand changes, endless transformations Of wit and humor, and invariably produces roars of laughter. Pri^i^^'d on one b,undred and sixty dards, and accompanied by a book of twenty-four p^es.

>?' Per dozen, $4.00 21. Witticisms.— A game entirely original and i>€W; and distinct from any other ever pablished. And.Sfe its name implies, coiitaiiis such a fund of genuine wit and humor as will keep a company of any number of players in ar^ state of con- tinual merriment, besides cajis'ing the1%to 'TUST READY. be constaotlj.- on the^lert for ilie surprises

with which it al)oiuids. And while it affords fun, it imparts knowledge.' It is a game that will mept the wants of people who have passed tliti limits of childhood and youth. To those of litertry ta3tq#, it ■will especially commend itseilf, Per dozen, $4.00. ,['

22.— Axard game prfMfed lin c9]or)i.^^it upveiyn^iy in paper box, witli a colored label, very-suggestivp of Sn^p. The best child's game, published, apecially adapted for child- ren \^ho cannot read. P^jdpzen, $3.00

23.-i-A i^^w ^nd'&up^j'b parlfHi.iCfkme,' all attractive, fibarmdng I and ,sl^iHful pastibie for two, thj;ee„(foivr>, six. of: eight players; finely illusitrat,^^ ; by >«ni)iiii«nt- ; American < . artifetS: printed; i<?n tinted cafda, and enclt>sed irt^ alA ,ei(,^gaut ifliitatiou red moroeco boxv gold 1^- t^i;^d,,syit^ ^^^H^.©f inistructinmisdand gemi- eral rules. .ols;';t«[ yriM Per dojiea^ $6 00

liwolfol yjij ynijiJiiOi ^;od

24.— A TftrntJestUotlsly Mirthful. -feame^or any numbejM'jof,; flayers. Tvv'o-thirds'' 4f a minute is aliittte'l-ime required for aa^^\ine, young or old,. idQilfeiarn this pastime, awl't^^feen learned ami^ayodll ihb shouts^f laugUter'i:^o- duced}t«ef 'Ij^rodigious." Pfer ^&»im,><^%40

.not:siniil;-.i;W ", ".. .'i'tBi^

. ,',\ fi;\''"ib-i9a 0

SSii-^AihougelioM gdiiafd, ddtelopin^ strjSiige &dv<}ntur§!*, latighiaiJjle'Scenes.ti witty sayiiigH, gr.ot6.^que; ap.peiirhHcosv .droll ob isundf^rstand- ingSyiiiumordUBntveflt*] 'awd (oomicail':lt»^ns^ fOrmationsi^ Easily- ileaftftridi,! ptayted fby- aaa^ number, and produGtiw«bf'i!ie g<-e»te6tiisi:i6rt. 'V'f n. ';ofi T^iq riii'i Per dozen, $4.00


20. =A handsome card game for children, printed in colors. Per dozen, $2.00. ■/

^ _ ii.) vii-.ifirn

1^7. Thi.'j gaijie coii.sists p^ eiightyr, r<>:ar!(i3, apd the charav^eifs rypresentpd-ftrt^i^n old.gen- tleiman and lady, an sprightly mifisand OiTIj as- piring sqn; , ,;T^i fiiui <^f eaCihi player i(^ to v^iiiaL, and foi?, (thMi p,ij.^o§e.,bi^ ig<^psi 'ni^obbing Ai'ound "! m . tbe iWflOf r > ^mftij ^^d ..in- ,1jh^ . di- rections that accompany the game.j ,(; jiifn^ -oi-w.-iiol ,ai U) >,-j'iM'»iq "ii^Hf)4Q«eOi)itt-00

liuninx; CT


*S$. An attractive Parlor Game, for any nttmber of players, based on the celebrated story of the same name, by Charles Dickens,

EgTtTig" of Sixty Cards, \wenty-six' of thep rated with engravin^^s of lb« pvincipjal LCters; the whole. W4th directions, in a box richly embossed in b|ue and gold.

" Per do /.en, $4.00

39. A very merry g;;^me for quc phij; three. This may be termed a merr? s^ 'rAiKE; and, though no .skill is required pL'iying it, it serves as an amusing- and cc stantly varying pasfeime for oae or three p^ pons Any number may at the .same tiijve aslook^-a-on, or listfiUT*, and may bi> iit^ feted jti' its envelopments, and cortAuLsed)^*! laiightei oveir its results. . Pet dozen, .fS^O

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co.; 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.

30. A kapital kombitlation of kuriously konlrived komicalitiep, kom,posed, koinpound- ed and kompresised by Keziah Kent, K. K., a kute and kdmical karakter, of Kambridge KoHptp. ,, ,...:^''" '! " ' iJ^ei- dozen, $2.40

31. Coasistinir of 15 large cards of rebuses. Each card is printed in several handsome colors. The rebuses are all original and unique. This game wili be found IxHh pleas- ing and attractive to adults and children.

Per (iozen. $3.00

32. This Game, known by various names, such as " Game of Letters," "Alphabet Be- witched," &c., is capable of affoi;ding con- tinual amusement for young and old, and is instructive, puzzling and amusing.

Per dozen, $2 40

33. A puzzle for Children, beinga certain monkey who had the misfortune i to fall into a chopping tray, afld got 'very much cut up, and wi-sheS to be put together. One of the most popular pastlttieS' ever published for i-'MittleDdts.tf'' ' 'i'l '"Jl / Per dozen, fl 60


34.-'^Gomposed of a dozen piecest which, "When togethetj are enclosed 'in (a bm&,ll box, buC when apart more 'than 'fill a -quart meas-

ys:ooH 0K^A^-#z^", ^3 00

3o. "Old as a 'Love Chase' may be in -ih'atter of fact, this ^ariie is new, fresh, unique ntiA intensely interesting to young and old. Itiljas an originality that causes it to be the •delight of everybody." Per dozen, $4 00

36. Being what has been long enquired for, viz: something historical, that will amuse, and at the same time instruct.. ^Printed on playing card backs and put up in a neat cloth case, stamped in gold. Per dozen, $4 GO

87.— Beinara complete history of the late re- bellion. ' Printed on playing card backs, and 'itut uip in a neat cloth case, stamped in gold.

f'li' !' '' Per dozen, f4 00

The 3Vf/' Sociefi/ Game.—tlavmg a large and constantly increasing sale. Pub- lished on folding Board with 256 squares.

38. No. 1. Board covered with paper. Gilt label. Lai:ge })ox accompanies ihe Board, hav- ing 5 colors of counters, 50 of each color.

Per dozen, $8 00

89.— No . 2. Board covered with Bloth, Em- bossed arid tvitli" handsome gold'slamped label. Bqfi has 5 colors counters, 100 of ea^-h color.

> Per dozen, $12 00

; 40.-;— Ope of the Stand^aird Gat^es, is publish- ,'e(i in l^w'o styles, vi?: Np,' 1,! in handgome jl^iijKjia bpxes,, stamped in gold, with fouir packs, i-oun^l careers., Ipe^, Euchre cards, counters ancj riil,es. ,■','[. ,'/jrer jdozen',,|33 00

-4U No. 2^j in morocco paper boxes', gilt edges. |b,ur papkaqar^^ coui?,ter§ ao^ rules. ...■,v,".iY*, •'..(,:. ;,;^. L„;.P4r.>zen,J18 00

.Vjnm 1^ .......;. ix,' , Per dozen, $1 25

t'>ri 0(1 I>. /•" -'J Pi^r dozen, CO cent^.

;,, jj^f-Y^j^'ep;iqif,^,t\o^^ o^ly.stamj^ed in .sold.

.,7/T .■^•;il-,i„'l ., ;,;'[;.' PcT dozen, |o 00 , i5.—^eztQ;ne,f boxes only, cloth .stamped in gold. Per dozen, $9 00

1879 Catalogue and Price List of. Games and, Novelties^


,•10 !

c'-' 46;— J"'ks^ ot?/'. Showing the curious com- binations Vhich letters may""be |)ut to/and rii-i buses 'of' varied and puzzling kinds, priftWdi handsome colors. Will attract children and amuse the (5ld. '' Pl-ice,|3 00 per dozen.

47.— Naval Che$s, or tli^ Admiral's BldckadS. is another original gamie. It is played witli boxwood and ebony pieces, rep-' resenting admirals, commodores and captains,^ upon sixty-four hexagonal spaces on a folding board, whi'ch Is oicely bound in cloth, em-, bossed and stamped. This game in point of skill, is of more than ordinary metit and at- tention; arid /in, the movements of the piec6s or men, it possesses in a great meaaijire tJ^e interest of chess, but is not complicated, and with a little practice one soon becomes an ex- pert. Per dozen, |8 00

48.— Aladdin's Wonderscoj)e. A new and entertaining Toy, which produces unlim- ited, beautiful and amusing effects upon ob- jects in nature, animate or inanimate, or upon whatever may attract the eye. Per doz., $10

AQ.-N'eiv, The old and popular game of letters, under a new name, and issued in jnuch more attractive style than any 'previous edi- tion in the market. The, box label is one of a new^and handsome design. A really good gatjie^'andr can be recommended.

' •"■'' '••' "^n'.'ii'ir.r ;pi<ice,,|2 Opperdo.z.

.5(j: FofiioldiiTg "paying cards. A"»eat cloth box; each dozen' is done up in a white t)ox. Per dozen, |1 00

51. Card Cuftes, similar to the above, with dials. Entirely new design. Per doz. <|;".J.OO •' 52. Card CWes, cloth, fldXible, for Whist packs, two dozen cases in Iktge white box. "■, ^' Per box, $1'50

5B.—Cdrd C«^cs, silnilftr 't^ above, for Euchre packs. Two dozen Wi' b,dx.

Per box, fl 50

54.— Chess dnd Chedkei^ S&ard. A folding chfidker board got up on heavy board, covered with' tt'^at eftibossed paper and print- ed in colors. * Per dozen^ $1 00 net.

55.—J)ice cups. Paper, for Parcheesi. Two dozen in A box. Per box, $1 00, net.

'56. Dice Cvt^)*, for parcheesi, red Ifeath- 'fer, same as are used in fine Parche^gi. I^wo dozen in a box. " ' ' Per bVJx, |1, 50 fiet.

,57. Jnsf re^l^y, j^ n^Ty, ,Gfame'. fcards ;of two colofs,red,andblue|'w^ifchw'iien apart are ofno sense,, '^ht which wlien brought to- gjfeUier, tiiaki; worqs and s'en]t<^^cfc;s, ayd which

[ &Yfi quite' 'noyel 'and amusing. ' . ^^^^

' " " ' Price, $3 00,pe^4gzen.

58. r The LigMning Express; or How to Travel. Published on a folding board, bound in blue morocco paper, stamped in gold, with dice cup. One dice and four counters. Per dozen, $4 00


,1 59.— The full size Zoet^ope has been one of the inost popular -flpd instructive /toys ever maniufactared. We now offer a -iniuiature size, 5 inches in diameter, containing all the fesatures of the larger amd.nmch, more expen- sive size, at the;very low price Of 10 Cents each net.

Packed 10 toys in pasteboard cartoon.

Tl^^bfist toy ever sold.for the price. "*


60.-^Zoetrope, full size $37 W

61. Zoetrope pictures to accompany

tlie full size Zoetropes. Sets ' /, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. . 12 pictures : ' /; in a set. Per dozen sets ; 6 00


6^-— Magic'Hoops, No. 2, 13 Rings, col.|15 00 68.— " " No. 3i, 9 Rings, " 9 50

IRON COPPERED. 64.— Small. ...per gross, 2Qo. 65. —Medium. " 30c.

66: -Large. ■'.-'""'"= T^f^^-

187^,-:p;. G. Se^^ho,;^, ,& C,9„ ,41 Johx pxiiE^T, N. ¥.—1880.,



tSjI^TTENTIO^ 6^ 'dealers who desire to get a Lar'ge Assort in ent of Games Skt a siualZ oitilai/ of capifaf, is called to this list of Games in lots. The issortment here made' will be found tt> inolude the most popular.. nnd attractive games pul>

\\ ^y JB ' Put up only by E. O. Selchow & Go.



t.'S^.'.l-12 dozen each Games as. follows:

Per dOK. Retail,

■:&atkpdriv.7$dis'^oi:.2-^£iE zci^Sa^ lofn'^. 25c

C^-^seent.rrr.. i i.,-.^'. ... (3 M^ 16 ,^25

Corn and 'Beans ".'. ." ... 2 00 ' 17 25

Grandrnd Hap Haz^i'd.'.'. :. . S 00' ' 16 25 Prince.ss Belinda.. l\....:.' J 2 00 17 S5 ThreeMerryMfeii..;. i..'.:.: 2 00 16 25 Spelling Puzzlei. ■.".'.. 'v.:;,. .'2 00 17 25 Funrij-Pictiire Piiitele,.;;,.. 2 00 17 '25

Author^..: J V .%."!'.' J. . . SC'DO ' '18'"3a

Conversation -Cafdsv.':..'.!."!.'2'^00 ■""■fr" ^5 Parlor Cross PuzMe... ::.']'.' '1'. '35' ' ' I'l '20

Chopped' Tip Monkey . , . 1 50 13 20

Dissected Picture Puzzle.... 2 00 16 25 Old Kaid^. .,rr^*y^ i -^3 .(X^ ^.. - 17 25

V/. I . III) ■) yili. ' u; PerdAj,

.Di\< >Fu8byia .j;^'.,i);)i . J 2 00

.Jack Straws, Wood 2 25

Puzzle Porridge . . , 2 40

IP^rlor Cross Puzzle. ... 1 ' 25

:^Hxet{ Pickles 2 40

run( Alive,. 2 40

Komical Konversation Kards 2 40 Forced Confessian&j . v , ,. ., . . i' 2 40;

Delphic Oracle ■.■^.:1'm/3 00

Sequences . .-t ,;l. ;ij.iuijj).-ia .3. 00

Union War. Game ....;.'. .3 00

Poetical Pot Pie i j.. 3 00

Carnival of. Characters' of

])ickens '. 4 00

^^t by Express, securely packed, on receipt of $4.25.


The abovQ ifive ,Jj),QUar Lo,t asi described, ^vith the following added.

$5 01 $7 55

' Relih.

161 1 25c

19 30

20 HO

10 m

20 30

20 30

20 30

. 20 30

25 35

25 35

25 /35

25 35

33 -50

01 $7 55

Vignette Authors |4 00 34c 50c

Sliced Animals...,...,,,,.. 4 00 33 - 50

Sliced Birds \,.„.. :.'.■„,. .4 00 34 50

Old World ,. .„.,^,. .;,(.!. 4 00 33 50

Quartette Game, of Apieri-, .- , i . , , , ',',■. i'

can History . .,^.,.,,.,4.00..^,'^34,^,, : 50

Lightning Express, ..',"; .'.'."4 00 ' 33" 50 Nationalia

Most laughable, thing' oa , .; Dr. Busby ;"Vi'I'.''.'iI

Earth .. ...^ ...„,...,. , 4 ,O0 i' ,34 50

Sent by Ezcpress, securely {packed, on receipt of $8.50.

Popping the Question. .... 4 00

Oliver Twist....- 4 00

Trade and Dicker ; . . 4 00

Figuro 4 00.

Novel Fortune Telling 4 00

Black Dragon 4 00


4 00 4 00

33 33 34 33 34 33 34 34

50 50 50 50 50 50 5&. 50

$10 04 $15 05





.^ ^^.,_ ^j^ Per Dozen-

, -^Authors, improved $4 00

' American Squalls, ebonite enam- eled 10 00

American Stjuails, woo.d.^tlaia,,. . . 4 50 American J^ck Straws, No. l.vV,. 4 50

" " " No. 2 , 2 25

—Alphabet Bewitched ...:, 2 00

Bamboozle; or the Enchanted Isle. -^ 9 00 Blown-up Steamer], a FireJlQgiae

puzzle .'. ; ". .7. v.". 7'".'. ... 4 00

—Conversation Cards. .,. .,.,.. . .^.^^-^ ... 2 00

Checkered Game of Life. . . ,|... . . .^ 8 00

Di§?ected Map of Palesl^ide. ....... 5 00

T-i, j" " Jerusalem. S 00

-,^ .,'.,,.";: " theUnite4|States. 6 00

;', . .'* Puzzle Map of N. America. 2 00

' ' Pictures and Alphabets 5 50

" .,,'',., No l.gft^picfure 2 00 -Oor.»^isohiq9^h'^,tw0 " 4 00

' '\ Per Doein.

84. Dissected Puzzle No, &i three pictures 4 75 85,— " " " 4, fout " 5 25

86.— Funny Picture Puzzle 2 00

87.r— Historiscope. ' A Panorama of

America. 10 00

88. Japhet Jenkins and Sallie Jones'

Visit tu Bosting . 3 00

89. Kakeba; or Japanese Backgammon 10 00 90, Myriapticon. A Panorama of the

Rebellion 10 00

91,— Poetical Pot Pie 3 00

92. Popular Characters from Dickens. . 4 00 93. Robinson Crusoe, large edition. ... 9 00

94.— Round the World 10 00

95. Santa Claus' Panorama 10 QQ

96.— Sam Slick's Visit to Paris 8 00

97. Smashed-up Locomotive 6 00

98. Ship puzzle, with names of diflfer-

ejti parts , . , , 9 00

99.— Ya9t^f,,jPifzzl^„.4\f>i^cted Ya,ciit. ,^,0.0

10 1879— Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties. 1880.

Miscellaneous List of Card Games.

100 THE NEW GAlflE.

iiaving the largest sale of any card game now i n the market. Price, $4 00 per dozeii.

fw ■;. , , V


New Game of Letters. Per doz., $2 00. net. '.)■• (•'.'. '.'.■ f i,i .'' •■' i.i.'.i •■'■ Per Dot.

102.-^Avilude, or. Game. of Birds... .'.. $4 00

103.— Portrait Authors 4 00

104.— Ferrilud(% or Game of Beasts 4 00

105.— Doctor Busby i). .. ;; . 4 00

106.— Doctor Fusby r.J'.Xli;' 2 00

107. Mansion of Happiness. ...'.. .!; :''10 50

108.— Old Maid 2 00

100.— Scfuails. No. 2, White Wood box, 10 (iO 110. Squails, No. 1, Mahogany box. . . 15 00

111.— Delphic Oracle .'v. 3 00

112.— Snake Games 3 00

ASSORTED G-AMES. ' i 113 Cinderella Series Games. Put

up in wood boxes. Book sliape, six kinds.

Cinderella, orHuntJhe Slipper, .R(i\i8e that Jack Built- Little Red Riding Hood. Mitther Huijbard.

Cbck Robin. . Where is Johnny.

I . Per dozen, $2 00.

114. Diainond Series. Put up in dozen packages of ten kinds, i Wl6od boxes.

Golden Ege. Visit to Camp. Bugle Horn.

Hapuy Family! Chinese Puzzle. Ciiy Truvelers.

Yankee Peddler. Merry Goose. Six Nations. Per dozen, $^ 00.

tl5.^~Conversation Cards. Six kinds in packages.

Quizzical Questions and Quaint Replies. Comical Ooiiversation Cards. Conversations on Love. Conversations on Marriage. Loves and Likes. Ladies' and (ients' Conversation Cards. ;■; ; Per dozen, $L-25. Packages of assorted games are not broken, . .'■

'|"l'i6.— A :^ice Mirvo^, 3 inches in flijtmeter, witii wfiting tablet '6q back. Handy for the pocket. Price 50 cents per dozen.

A Parlor G-ame for Bays, together with tiieir ' Sisters, and their Cousins and their Aunts.

V 117. Two, three or four persons may enter tke foot race represented by this game; and to. prepare for the start, all jou have to do is to select your pedestrian, or check, and your track.; Now ready ! B^gin at the ppints marked "start." This game is a most inter- esting one botli to players and spectators, and will find re^}^ introduction and qiiick sale. y, . ,)(•;, ] Price, $8 QQ; per dozen, net.

Jjr)<Wit^ed States 3Iap.

\\9>.^Nen\ Each Slate and 'I'erritory cut out according to the Boundary Line. Tlie most useful and instructive Map published. ..I, ' ■• , :i ', Pel, dozen, $5 00

Map of iUe State of New York.

119 Each County cut out according to the Boundary Line. Tlie most usef id and instruc- tive Map publislied: Price pei' dozen, $5 00

Map'of)lPennsylvania and New ''" ' JeTseyi. ' ' '. \

120.— ;Each C.oui^'iy ctit^dut'a'ct^ordin'g to the Bound^ty L^ne.'" The most useful ahd'instruc- tive Map pul,)lished. Price j)er ^ozen,,$5 00

¥Ii© Po0&©t Cool mm®*



,iiyiiiA— .07

» —.XT

<fHilq!A~.S? » ;9l.vo.>dmfia— .87 f^ qt/nvcoia— .t? ;»f.\S)i'| '

,121 Tins cut rjeprcsetit* i^i S'fBV^fii ^perf^- \i\on with the BdlliT placed upon it, by wliich yoii can boil a pint of water in five \miiiutes to make two dr three cups of Tea, ..Coffee, br Cliicolate, bpil ICg^fe, ?uake an Oyster SteV, &c. This is the . most conijpl,e"te and porta- ble Cool^ Stibvfe in.tlie tvoi'ld ' ' '' It can y& ea^*r^d in the pocket. " ■■■■!. -pi-ice per dozen, |9 00 net

18^9— E.'&. S'ELbHoW &'Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.





'.j^i(.-(ii:iiujwii>MoiJ'^CTOBER tst, 1879. ' '

iOrpsa pricegi are named' on Playing: Cards,, but any , Quantities arei sold at same rates.


0 No. 2 STEAMBOATS, Asst'd Star, Plaid and CalieO/Baeks, " withitOfllcKWrs," $21 00

1 STFAMBOATS;, First Q,ualityj A*st'd Star, ) y ,. . ..... . . .; . . ....:, . 34 00

PIhIiI Hnd Calico liavks, ':' witl^Iodicators;' EXTRA

;XTRA" STEAM:BPAT9, First duality. " Convex Cqfiiers/; |cx -■^.'j..*i.i . . Ass'r'd Star, Plaid and Calico Backs, " with Indicator,s„".:. ,,x,:^, .,, }• ,, ;'(i.,i.- ,:-


6 Great Mogul, Fancy Bucks, " with Indicators^

7 ORBAT MbGUiy,''P^tey' Backs, "Conv(^jt Cbrners,".;r':''' with IndicatoT*s,'"fMt'up'bne dozen in a' Wk'. .'V'j;, .'y

36 00 43 00

r.*i?)*f^ii •I^^f|•.••*l•^■

33 Ea^le, AuM^rican FlH,«>Back, Enamdedi /^.; .:;...''/<J^.i\v;.'''i^;-Jlutt ji^f.?f^^^^ 54*10

16 Grfeat Mogul Fancy iliwiks, lenameled," with Ipdi<iat6lrs''0Ti Corners ". . . . . . . :'.' . . . ." ' 54 vf)

15 Great Mogul, Enameled, Convex Corners. . . .'.->". ,'.'..-'.'. 72 00

18 Triplicate. " Patented," Convex Corners ^ 73 00

18 Triplicate, I-lrtra, Patented, Convex Cor



utTs, i)og\s Head 18 Triplicate, Extra, Patented, Cinvex Cor- ners, Horft^'s Head. 84 GO

18 Triplicate, JExtra, Patented, Convex Cor- ners, Cai 84 00

TKlPlilCATES ■^'^ Triplicate, Patented, Convex Cor., Gilt INDICATORST

■/, Mf'Caia. ' " !,,■ .Edges. ,...: ... j .;< .^ o.% .: . . . .i.;. 96 00 viof'card ' ;

18 Tripljcate, E.rto'a, iPatented; Convex iCorn^rsy Hwse^s Head, Gilt Edges. .. $108 00

13 Triplicate, £'.«/7-a, Patented, Convex Corner3,ii;«.(7',-< Hmd, Gilt Edges 108 00

18 Triplicate, Exim-i Patented, Convex Cornersi MiAi Qill Edges 108 00

_ . .... ^ ^2 00

73 GO 96 00 48 00 48 00

25 Spanish American, •'Patented,"Convex Corja^^.Q^^gj.

50 Ind-tcatoi's, "^'It'atented," Convex Corners,.',' ,.].''. .,^„..,.j).jji, . I..;.. ^.

.50 Indicators, '•Jfeatented','"|G'i7(;?V;(fff<j,<(...;. '' . - ,

28 Great' Mo^gdl, (Euchre) Coii vex Corner^

36 Gre.a,t Mogul (Solo) Convex Corners. . . ...^. .,jj_-f,-.— „„ .

■'?; ^Tn^ohakrinp', tqdi^i'jd'ip-tstaiks.'p^ > ,!

ifiiv/- .HT- ^> . , 1. , ~ : '^^ . ^

TradeMarh- i-.-;<: !■ ' ■■•■• Jl^f^fV!'^ I'^^fV^'^ff Cards.. 'n><---^>; ,■'■'■■■'■■ ' 'ii '-.'.'■■ ipsrGroti.

Ko. 318. No. 2, Steamboat Squeezers ■M'[.-'.K\^yh '^ ?.'.^'|31 00

" 333. .^og^iV? {jFancy. Backp, hajl, linen), Squeezers. .. ,;,. . ...:iV. .1 : .gnUaOJCS.'. . 36 00


No. 3.1.p,,,^^TEAMBpA,'i;S^. rojirjjljj^c'pij^^fs, >' SaiTEJEZEI^S," - ^\x^r «€IM€»-»a-a*- 28 |l ^ ' : \iiaHW Pi ayhifj Cards. >- ]-yit<j:oo

fro. li;^'^'fgi^f's.;.^x$^fa):tJ!^U^ ^^^4h^zpf^:.;,,.^..,u...24

i;" 33. -Moguls, fancy back's, Roi'iha Corners, "Squey;^^rs".,^,.f,..,-^4j<VV^.',"r»i"'-l- .*«)s<r-4-i

.'' 28. Barcelona, Spanish Monte , ..,.',. ,. .,.-,%. •..•*,rA^*' '^^

' :" 24:'*'^'THB.LtJOKTr'^J?OX^'CAllt),'' 'ena^f^led 'face, " Calif Q)m|^',**^%i?^

;. .no \W' . «' j,i(.tPor," arid " RrS.se.'' Bar*l<:s, (Squeezers, round cornel's.'. >....- ».,.\-<>- •''*^2 00

i?' 34. LONDON CLITB, PL AI1>' BACKS 1 ...... iV..... . . 7300

1' 53. PATENT LINEN POK BR, ''California " and " Meteor, ;VBa£ks^„<,^ ... 73 00

I' 27. Sq^atefl ParO... .-/. .f.T:.f ".. ;.\'.^ ;■..'..........;.. .7^. r..?:^. .. . 180 00

I" 29. GreijtMp^uls^^';i^^u^tjzers;;jj^j^^^^^^,^.^,,^,^,.,^^^,,,^^^^^



48 00

54 00

73 00

^Qund Cornered Wnist, plaid bi^fe^.'[r!..... :::..... :...;.:?....

Noi 86.,bt»ATEEI*T JSaUEEZEKlSj ^

ij Te'ti'"''!' tf>ri>Hrvj, fancy backs . . .. . . . 73 00


gold Edges, Round Corners 96 00

i^ W?^^^%^*';*)«^m/r/^?^,^^^^^IIM^^al#74^ecZ inifv^ '3st.

M^" This Card list cancels all previous ones issued.

12 1879 Cata^og,ue and. Peicb, List of, Games ^J^ft N^^ovEpxi^s.-rlSSO.


We*aWon4aft<4ft^SH-til?ie4''felfeoN'DS of Playinir <'ard9. These Cards are for use,' just as srood as the firsi-qualit}', and are from 'ONE-THIRD^^S<& ONE- HALF LESS IN PRICE. TheirJiave slight imperfections in quality of stock, or priating, or cutting, but so slight, luat in manj'^ cases they ai'e not noticeable, unless pointed out, and fofService as perfect in every respec't- as the bfcst. 'Dealers will find it to their advantage to handle these goods. They can. be retailed for much less than first qualLt}' goods, and pay a better profit. _^. . -/tt*- a

Dealers having once st)ld Seconds, rarely keep any otttffTKmtnn stock afterwards. '^ ' , SECONDS iOfDougltW.fty'® No. i5.- very fine tfuality^f Ki>aAvi*1p<l'Cards, rountf'' corners. ,Thi$.card is equal in. quality^ Of Stock- t<S^ th'^ NoA8-Triplfc«te, or No. 50 Indicators; regular list price, $6.00 per "dozetn.' Pi'ioe, |:5_.50 pftr'doxen^het,

SECONDS ofDiiigherty's No.''i^;'TriplBatra, •^Wttcr^C^T^erJ;'^'' rq^ list

price, $6.00 pe/ dozen. Price, $4.50 pcii- dozen, net'. ."'."' V" u v'V ' "i/"' ,-»

SECONDS of Dbugl^erty's No; ,oQ,/i;ndicatgr8,,,;MUfl^f^n^f^,'SfjjJfc 15<5^ corner; regular list price, $6.00 per 49^^. Price',,$|,|$P,per,4^zejij,,n,et, i ,,1 -iii//'

SECONDS of Dougherty's N.o.. .35, Spanish Amer'icatiy Irb^nlilcornera/iWitlilln'' dicators in corner,, quality of $tocki lequal to the.Triplioates^lre^lilarilist t>rioej $6^00) ^ per dozen. Price, $4.00 per .do?en, net.

11^8*8 + 9*8 + 8 ^


^8-f 8-I- 8-t-8-(-&tt|

SECONDS of Hart's No. 35, ronnd cornete- P&tent Sfc(ueezers'; enameled, has thfe largest sale of any^ fine card made; finft quality of goods, haridstitne backs; regular price, $6.03 per dozen. Price, $4.50 iJer'd6Zen,' net.

SECONDS' of Hart's No.' 34, j-ound doi'nc^rR,' fine en^in,- , eled card. In quality of stocl^ thi^ card is eq^a^ tb tlie NOf! ; 35, Patent Squeezer;' reguli^r, 'list' p,rice, |6,0p ^l^j;, do^ie'i;.; Price, $3:50 per dozen, net. ' ''\'^ ., , ^7 , .

*SECONDS of Border Index Cards,' Eagle Brand No. BORDER INDEX CAKDS. 165. Quality of stock equal to the $6.00 dozen cards. Round corners, fine enameled vCards, handsome backs. Price, $8.50 per doizen, net. *SECONDSof Mauger's Moguls l>fo. 2^ enameled cards, round"" corners, v?ith figures in corners, assorted. fancy batcks." Ilegula?f prfce, $5.00 per dozen. Price, $3.00 per dozen, net. . i i i 'i i:vi:'i ' ..i/

_. *SECONDS of Manger's No. 500 Pointers, en&meled cards Roiitid 'Corners, with figures in corners, assoxted fa|icy backs; Regular . pr^ce, $4.00 per dozen. A New Card, and very desirable^'Price^ $2.73 per dozen, net. , ^ ^ rr -n

*SECONDS of Jacks<in*s Ma-iiger*S. Rontid' carriers ' Witli* ^Ure/lh^c%rneH-s; enameled, fancj^ backs; a very gpod ca.rd. Pricp, $2^5iQ per dozen, net.

*COLUMBIA'S. Euchre.Packs. Ena,m^d f aiWobaickA;^ iJie. c^^pe&l, , go^^ euchre pack ever offered. This 'cktW ik^Wdta'-^cd^ft, Mt ^^retf stoctrlif^ery Ke^, «pect. Price, .$2.00 per dozen, -net. V^ ' 'i'^- n.nfn.l' .-'^^.ft ,-mKY ...In-.f^-' .-.

*Dea,lers wtll please notice: thai j^otifiithstebnding thogw«^i*^ani:f-miftfj^t(:(rpf.'Play^ ing Cards Obtober \st, we liave not advanced iliA prioe of^tMse Six's raac^s,';! having on hand a larye siotk, \oe hare decided to still iw^ntain the tame very low jirices, ■;,to..I .4;;

■, ' 'A'X 'T"


We shall have from time to tirne,, other SEOdi^bs and J'o'b Lots in Cards!

Samples and prices on applicajtion.

Sampile dozens.mailed po3t4)aid, on receipt of price, and 40 cents extra to cover postage. Sample packs mailed post-.paid on receipt (if price (at dozen rate) and 5 cents per pack to cover poAiage, by E. Gr SEI^CMOW t& CO., WfiY.

St^The above List of SECOND^ qaiicels all, previoijs ones issu^^-

1879— E'&':'Selchow & Co., 41 JoHN"STfeEET. N".' Y.— ]880. 13

, . .Spsoial qafttatlons made to large buyers of Playing Cards. 123-GAlGELPlrfyi^^bards^^^l^d()z|^5Y9^ | 123-SKA^4^ARTE Playing Cards, per dozfS 00


FIVB OP 'Sff'iJD^S.'


nAM enVrely, Novel, Thoroughly iQriginal, and Extremely Amusing, with r,K[ iuVyAm.-ff-- k^thing ?i(ly, or nothing Vulgar.

(I inml-.^ ■,!i..'U- .;' T"—'"^ ;

i,i,,.Tf)fi X^ry'<^oii''''®DsatiQii of refined humor. Affording an endless souj^fle ^qf, amusement for, the old and young. i

i '3i2^-rhln offering these cards to the public, tlie manufacturer would iOall tJid attention of all to the fact that, while these Cards form a .m<)st «njoyablb series of fifty -.three Comic Drawings, finistied iu .high ;Ctilors aiid-gold, and are mgst amusing as a curiosity, they can ibeused'for playing any game equally as well as the Cards in com- mon use, as EVERY SPOT REMAINS IN PRECISELY THE .SAME PLAC&on the Eclipse Comic Playing Cards AS ON THE ORDINARY PLAYING CARDS. Pricii^, $5.00 per dozen. Sample.piacks mailed, poPt-paid, on receipt of 50 cents.


a— .;i;;!;


uhY .SM ii(!oH— .i:i ') ■.:iiiV/ .i: .l»i(i ■/■)ll— ..-.i 4S5^— Always rigfM'eWd u|). "fialftft'suiit desig-; ndted'by a different -oolfl*:" PH^ti'peT dozen,' $5.00: Sample pack- mailed"; posVpaid, od rg'-'- ceS^pt of 50 cents. r.iin'i' :*:- .'!!-;:

Tliy iBooks, Paper i)olls, Games/ &c.

AjjpiLjL LINE- -AT PUBLISIIBjRS';'Pftte;:;-







130.- 131.-


13 13

13R' 136,- 137.- 138. 139.- 140.-

ss, prices ctre'n'aiTied, b'ut.any ^uand/y suppliied. '-

i. . ..'Ill ill', i . I : ( 1 1 i . - ' <

■I Aunt GrutiilSlk'i •Serfti^,' ' k^st)rted , , ^°^^': ^0 ki-nds .■.-.■. .-.".^.r : ..!'■'..."?.'. .. J i'1^1 Otl^ -Little Dot- Serf^V.'s Idii'dil V.VV:'. I 00 -Little Plea-sewgU's Serie^,| afedrt'^'d',

9 kinds.. -...■... i; '.■;...,...... ...:..^X 00'

-Little Delights, assorted, S.Ttind^.'.'l 00 -Granny Gooseberry Serie^; Neik^,

assorted, 9 kinds. ,....,

1 00

1 00

-Aunt. ■■ Mary Series/ tissortSdi 13

kinds. ^. . .

-Young- America'^l^ri6f,^assort&d, 6

kinds •, r V ■)■•-■• 1

-Dr. Watt's, Sqngs assorted, 6 kinds, 5 -pncle Toby '^cries,. iVett;;,] assort- ed, 13 kinds. .'....,.,.„. ....,,,,... 3 -pleasure Books, assorted, 6 kinds. 3 -Golden A, B, C. ...,......,.',.. . 3

-jlother's Series, assorted, 6 l^indsi 4 50 -J^ather's Slsries, assorted, 6 kinds.. 4 50

Per 6ri 141. ^Susie Sunshine's- Series, assorted,

6 kinds. 4

142. Fairy Moonbeam's Series, assorted

6 kin4$ jiiQCu' ...'.,., 4

143«TTrPeter Prim's Series, assorted, 6

1 m(i kinds.. 4

1441-— Little Slovenly Peter's Series, as-

; I" '.sorted,. 5 kinds ■.;ui..L 4

145. ^Nursery A, B, C, and Simple

, '■! ; SpelteiKil. r '.'^ •-• -VinJ. 4'

146.— Major's Alphabet 4

147 Uncle Dick's Series, assorted, 8 kinds

' .JVeit?, .tlie best 5c. toy book made 4 148.»-^Aunt Friendly Series, assorted, 6

kinds 7

149. Willie Winkle Series, assorted, 4

kinc^.gl.:. . . j,.,^.. . . ■. t,'. . ..;. X 7

150.— J^urfery Series, No. 1, assorted, 4

,)■;, .JiBiqs .. ^ 7

l5i.—"]$lu'rsery' Series, Nq, 3,.. assorted, ;

.4 kinds. ,,.....,;'».,.,..,.,..„; 7

153.— ^Little Folk's Series^ No. 1, assorted; ; -

:. '.4 kinds. . . ..'.'. .'.,,. '.\'.> ,^,,.^\..\'7..

15S.T-'XittIe Folk's Seiies/ l^fo. 3, ass,prj]Q(| ^

4 kinds. ....'.' .' . . . 7

154. Little Folk's ^Qr;ies, No. 3, assorted

4 kinds. '.'. :. .'iV '■.'. .'.'.'; . 7

155. Natural History Series, assorted,

6 kinds:;'.;.'.;', l-'. .; 7

156.— -Familiar Series, No. 1, 4 kinds. . . 9 157. Familiar Series, No. 3, assorted,

4 kinds. ,. 9

158;^Cin^dere]la Series, assorted, 6 kinds 9 159.— UncTfe'''Cedrs Series, assorted, 6 ,

kinds. ........;....;.... . .. 9

160.— A-unt Lely's Picture Alphabet. ... 9

161.— ^'Home Primer ;'. .. 9

163.— Dame Dingle's Series, assorted, 6

Kinds 9

163. Joyful Tale's Series, assorted, 6

kinds; 9

164.— -Aunt Oddmadodd's Series, assort'd

12 kinds 9

165.— One\Syllable Primer, New, 10

166;^Great Big A, B, C 13

167..»— Half Hours with the Bible, assorted,

' I kinds.. 13

168.— Half Hours with the Bible, 3d Se- ries, assorted, 6 kinds 13

50' 50



5C0 50

.'J 50 r



50... I

. . I. [ 50«j


50,,'.- 50' 50


00 ,^.

00 '; 00 .;.

00 00 00



00 50 00



14 1879 Catalogue and Ppice List of Games and Novelties. 1880.


170. 171. 172.




176. 177. 178. 179.

180.- 181.- 183.- 183.- 184.- 185.- 186.- 187.- 188.-

189 190.— 19 L.—


193.— 193.- 194.— 195.

Per Gross. -Golden Light Series, assorted,

6 kinds .$12 00

-Child's First Book .' . .'.' .'". .' 12 00

-Picture Alphabet ^..^ 12 00

-Darling's A, B, C vx-^ -a- -VrJAl P^'

-Little Child's Home 12 00

-Aunt Mayflower's Picture Alphk-. i

bet 13 00

-Arthur's Alphabet 12 00

■Tom Thumb, A, B, C 12 00

-A, B, C of Objects. ..... .^'.'i'Vl'lJ'.' 12 00

-Fairy A, B, C .-...'.■. I i.'.".'; .".''12 00

-Ark Alphabet •» . v'j'/iviiJ iO 12 00

Uncle Ned's Picture Books. . ''

. F^r ff'ross.

-Frisky the Squirrel $12 00

-The Kobin's Christmas Eve 12 00

■Hector the Dog 12 00'

Little Ann and her Mamma 13 00

■Home Pictures. .... .i;);t.uL^. ,.;.., . . 13 00

■Ditties for Children .; 12 00

Nursery Play Book 12 00

Playtime Stories. 12 00

Little Dog Trusty, New 13 00

Grandmother Groose Series.

Per Gross.

Nursery Rhymes $12 00

Nursery Songs. ...../_. ..'yuir'.. :iilii 13 00

Nursery Jingles 'i':!''i\.l.Jt^-V:12 00

Cover Picture Books, four kinds.

; I ' . Per gross- Rambling Rhymes. ...'-,..■ ^(:nO. . .$13 00

Proverbs for the Nursery.jU. ,'.v. . 12 00 Lily's Picture Book. ..... ii/i jji;i 12 00

Little Robin .L". 12 00

Aunt Kate's Series— New.

■" '■ ' ■- •-' .^-yf-'- i'' Per. Gross. 196.— Alladin-.-.-.; .• .- .- .--v:.- .•,•.•/.• .;.•.!.•. ;\ .|12 00 197.— Red Riding 'Hood.. :';':';V..Tir..'.': 13 00 198.— Robinson Crusoe. . .-.v.-.-. .•.■,^^",'.''.12 00

199.— Blue Beard T.-. '.':'.'', i'l '.','l'3 00

200.— Valentine and Orson. . . . . . .;,]'.";.'' 1^ 00

201.— Children in the Wood. . . . . ..■. i'. '."l2 00

Uncle Jolin's Drolleries,

, I Per Gross.

202. Simple Addition by a Little Nig- ger..' .....,..;.■,;..;,, ,12 00

303.— Miss Mouser-s Tea Pa^fy^ ,..,.. 13 00

304.— Dash's Holiday i',,,!-! 13 00

305.— The Ten Little Nigger?.,. ,,;i,,T,j.^ 13 00 .

306. Aunt Matilda's Series, a^sort^,

6 kinds. ' ,, 12 00

207. Jack Spraggle's History of Rob;, , _. ^

insou Crusoe jl^. 00;,

208. Aunt Lulu's Series, assorted,, ' 6. (i Vj, kinds '.'jlS 00

Aunt Louisa's Big Picture Series. '

57 kinds. Equal to the English Boolv« at" only half price, viz:

I 'Per 'Gross.'

209.— Dame Crump, New , $24 00

210.— Cliildhood's Delights, JVc'iC.' . ..■•Br4 -0.0 211.— Hush a Bye Baby, New. .. .' ^ 00

The three fiuest books of the Series. Ilhtsi- ' ' trations on gold ground.

Per Gross.

212.— .Esop's Pablfes, Netv3 24 00

213.— Three Christmas Boxe^^j^ew. . 34 00 214. Domestic Auimals, N'ew. New

Picture^. . .:.. rrr::. . . v. . 24 oo

81^.— Poingji of the Alphabet, Nciv.. 24 00 216. Visit of Sit. Ni(fholas. JS'cw edi-

tim. New Pictures t:. 24 00

217.— AVonderful Leaps of Bam Patch 24 00

2'i8.— Pumpkin Hoii.se. .'/. 24 <)0

219.— Bob's School Days. .' '. . 24 00

320.-^Diafh''orltirf and Toads 24' (VO

221 223.




Sleeping Beauty, j-^ . . ,\.. , ,

Campt6wfi Races^l .... 4. (..* . . . .

23.^Funny Little Darktesl .j^. J

24. Henry Penuyi.'. . .Vcc^- \. <i» . . 35. -^Mother Bruin ; . j. . , . .,Ik>> j>

24 0(0 24 00 34 GO 24 00 24 00

226.— Ten Little Niggers. "' 24 00

227.-/-Niue Niggers nior^ . ,^ 24 00

328.-^Kindbess to Aninkj^.^*. S4 00

329.-^^H(Jm« Kindness.. ./.'.., __^ 34 00

330.— ^ThfciFroggy who woV;li3^'TV<)oing

go 34 00

231.— Nonsense for Girls --. 24,00

232.--Wt)rld Widf'F'ables-i-JA.i..:;U4;^S4 00 233. Cinderella and her -Little Glass

Slipper ....'!... 24 00

234.— Ten Little JIulligan Guards 24 00

235.— Alphabet of Country Scenes 24 00

236.— Baby... ,-.\. 24 00

337— Putnam 24 00

338.— Poctihontas 24 00

239.— Three Bears 24 00

240.— Tom T^iumb ,. . , 24 00

241. Visit to the Menagerie 24 00

242.— Yankee Doodle 24 00

343.— Robinson Crusoe .' /. . . 34 00

344.— White Cat. ;... ..<... 34 00

345.— Hey Diddle Diddle ;. 34 00

34- 00 24 00 34 00 34 00 - 34 00 24 00

246. Jack an4 the BeapstftlikKt (....r.... 247. Hare and Tortoise. .,. w:,;oii.)li.i<,. 348.-^Puss in Bootsi. ,|.;. , , .a ,i-w.'»|ivii

349.— My Mother .ah;.,.-.

250.— Children in the Woyd. ... . . . »,

251.— Fat Boyi .:...» k i> .\ ' .". : . ; : .

252.-T Visit to St. Nicholas ^00

253J-ASittita Glaus and hia'Wfbrks... .1 i' 34 00

254 Domestic Animals 24 OO

255i-,-Tliip-Van Winkle. . , . .., *. .- 24 0,0

25^:— ^iii^sery Rhymes. . :. .tf. :.. . . .' 24 00

357.— House that Jack Buil|, 34 OQ

258.— Wild Animals, Part OneV. .?. . . . 24 Oi) 359.— Wild Animals, Part T;'wq,,. . ,,.. 24 00- 360.— Mother Hubbard's Dog.. . i', |,^p. 24 00 26,1, Tit, Tiny ajUd Titten3,.,^,.'j.,,(.]..,f;i 262. Foi^i; Footed FriendsiY,,,gg.,it(. .,f,*

26^f— Three Little Kittens -^bnr

26^.,— rThr(pe GiQ<^di^j.|^nds: ;;,;.„ ^--fc^ .,,-, 265.— Cotk Robiq^^^.. .^..^ „|^^„;« . ....f,,^

24 00 . 24 06 ' 34 00 24 Op..>

Aunt Louisa's Big Picture Books.

.jiyiounted on Linen.


367,' 268. 269.-

370: 271

271: 27'4;


-Dame Crump, in bronze. ....... .|

-Childlioncrs DMight.'j^'in br<^ze. -Hlii^h a Bye BabV, fii bronze. ^,. . , -Doijiestic An i:n;tls. ■.;;.'. ill'- •'•'• vi


-Three- Christmas Boxes'. .'.,: ,''.., ' -Doing-sot theAlptfalJet.4. .^.'. .''.' .

-Babj^,:,,:,; :::... :^^..^^^:

-Ciiideifdi'a •,!'-iv

Gross. ;()(» 00 60 00 60 00' /()p 00,

bi) 06:

60"0tf 60 00

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880


Per Gross.

275.— My Mother 60 t'O

276.— Santa Claus and his Works 60 00

277.— Robinson Crusoe. ,'fl. ".;.,., 60 00

27ti.— Yankee Doodle. . ,.^i« '. .'..j^ .'. 60 00

279.— Puss in .Boots ^ .; .'...'...■.. . 60 00

280.— World Wide Fables 60 00

281.— Children in lhe> W;ood..^., 60 00

282.— Jack and the Beanstalk 60 00

283. Alphf^bet "f Count^-y i^tjenes,,.), . . 60 00 28ij^Rip'Vaa\;VV:>nk}^,\„.i ..^^,f.j^,,^y.,,.;^0 00

s . -..o,'! .1(1 /I' , . ■^'j;^) M I'lli I

Linen Tojr Books. ,4:"';;:'

~ Per Gross. 285. —Little Lin^^n Primer, Keiv ..... V '. $9 00 286. Sunshine 'Series, assorted, 6 kinds 18 00 287. Slovenly, Peter Seri^, assorted', 6

' kinds...... ....'.,'.'.".:. 18 00

288. Peter Prim Series; assdrted, 6

kinds ... 18 00

289.— Uncle Dick Series, No. 1, assort-

' ed, 4 kinds, ]^ew 18 00

290.— Uncle Dick Series,' No. 2, a^sor-

ed, 4 kinds. New. . . . . , .^ 18 00

291. Nursery, A, B,' 0; aiid 'Simple

Speller 24 00

292.— iVkJor's Alphabet. 24 00

293.— Little Folk's Series, No. 1, assort- ed, 4 kinds 30 00

294. Little Folk's Series, No. 3, assort- ed, 4 kinds 80 00

295.— Little Folk's Series, No. 8, assort- ed, 4 kinds ... ... 30 00

296i Aiunt Friendly's Series, assorted,

6 kinds. 30 00

297. 'Ibame Dingle's Series, assorted,

. 6 kinds....... 36 00

298.— Joyful Tales, assorted, Biinds. . 00

299.— Baby's I irst Book, 8vo 48 00

300.— Home, A, B, C, " 48 00

801.— Little Folk's A, B,'C?, ,'^n"<«7.|/, .^fe 00

802.— Mother Goose', 'Lfn'en, " ' NeiVi,'-^.-^" ;

Some of the most ,p6pul'4^'^ ''

Rhymes. Roryal 8Vo 16 pag6. ' "'

Cover in Gold and colored 48 00

Mother Goose Melodies. ,

-■'■■' '-' ■''"•■ Q*!^'^ra*«. 303.— Mother Goose, old ?tyLe. ^..j»...$ 4 50 304.— Mother Go6l^e,'l6!mo.A'?U.'[ '..'... 12 00 305. Mother Goose, plain. .;VA\i.. ^^•.•. 24 OO 8()6.— iVIother Goose, Riiymes, plain.'. . ,18 00 3(i7— Mother Goose, Chimes, plain...,, 18 OQ 308. Mother Goose Jibymes, Chimes

and Jingles, plain' , . . .. . 30 00

309.— Mother Goose RViymes,coloi^ed.- 30 00 310.— Mother Goo.se Chimes, colored.. 30 00 311.— M<)ther Goose Rhym,es,' Chimes

Hpd Jingles,, colored, v. . . ^ , 54 00

312. Mother Goose, set to music 54 00

313. ]Sursery Rhjmes, plain 24 00

.aelssnH xiiiO aBaiuoJ JnuA Books witb Boajd €overs. ) '^--•{^'

< Per, Gross.

314. Robinson Crusoe, "in 'Words of

one syllable,. . '.'..i .';'.''.'.'...■.... . 60 00 315. Sanford & Mertori, in Wo^ds of

one syllable,' Netv . . . .\'.. 60 00

316. Swiss Faniil}' Robinson,, inwords

of one syllable,^ Xeia^:-.: /;. .-j^; . .,. 60 00

Alphabet Cards.

Per Gross.

317.— No. 1. 18nio., colored $1 00

318.— •' 2. 8vo. Printed in colors 3 00

319. " 3. 8vo. large. Printed in colors 4 50

320.~ " 4. 4to. medium. '■ " 6 00

321.— " 5. 4to. Super Roval. Colored, 9 00

322.— " 7. 4to. Royal. Col'd. Illus'd,12 00

!'• Paper Dolls.

Per Gfross.

323.— Gem Series, assorted, 6 kinds $0 75

324 —Tom Thumb Series, 6 kinds 75

325.— Dolly Varden Dolls 75

826, Comic Series, 3 kinds 75

327. Mulligan Guard Series, 3 kinds. . . 75 328. Humpty Dympty Series, 3 kinds. 75 329.— Paper Soldiers, 10 kinds .1 12^

Paper Dolls in Book Form.

J^er Gross.

330.— Series No. 1, 22 kinds. ... 1,^ ,$2 25

831.— " " 2, 24 kinds. .;.,.' :r. .''.'?: 4 50 382.— !' "3, 12kinds.;.'..'V' ' '^'' 9 00 833.— " "4, 4kinds. ' ''.'.Vj'-- '12 00

Paper Dolls in Envelopes. ' '^

Per Gross.- p

334.— Dolly Varden Dolls. $24 00' '

Baby Blue, Bertha Blonde, Betsy Brunette. 335.— Series No. 1, Large Sized Jiolls. $12 00 : Dotty Dimple, Bride, . \'';;^,] ■':'^^

Susie Simple, Bridesiriaid, '' ' -I'o

Bertie Bright, Groom & Groomsman. I'.'!^ 336.— Series No. 2. Medium Sized Dolls .$9 OOV!^

iBessie Bliss, Lottie Love,' Myra Mild.

337.— Series No. 3. Small Sized Dolls... $6 00

Gerty Good, Jenny June, Pblly Prim.

Paper Fumitum'l'i'''^' •..

. Per GrosSi'^o 388.— Parlor Set. ele\^en pieces, ,'; ...:.|H2 00 f: 389. Drawing Room 'Set, nine pl^CeS- 12 00 840.— Bed Room Set, 10 pieces.'. .'_.,".;,, 12 00

Toy Books and Paper Dolls— in Lots.

These Lots are put up with the greatest care, giving the largest assortment and most salable kind, ranging in price from five cents upwards, so that tliey are suitable for any trade, either large or .small.

Contents of

$5.00 Lot of Toy Books.

341. Mil.;.., /J'

1 Doz. Uncle Frank's. .'Ji. ; ''l' 25

" Pleasure Books. : 25

i " Golden A, B, C..;.... per doz. 25 12

Little Pet's Alphabet. . " '-25 18

Major's Alphabet " 38 19

" Nursery A, B, C " 38 19

ytt I Sunshine Series " 38 19

; " Peter Prim Series ■"; '38 19

" Fairy Moonbeam Series'^ '<**' 38 19

■" Slovenly Peter Series..'""'.'''"-'"'.' 38 19

1 " Little Folk's Series " 62

|i (^0 ^lAncient Rhymes " 75 37''

" Fainiliar Series " 75 37

" Cinderella Series. ... .. " 75 38

Aunt Oddaraadodd's. . ' " ■/, 88 44

" Large Primers, 6 kinds, '"'i'oO 50

"<' ' Uncle Ned's. :•.'..'. ... " 1 00 50

: ■';;'' ' ." $5 07

16 18?9 Catalogue- AN'iy PRrcE'LisT of G-'am'es'an^d Novelties— I'SSO


$5.00 Lot of Paper Dolls.

30. ' ' Per Dozen.

6 t^oz. 1 cent Dolls, 18 kinds 8|^c. 50

3 ;" 3 cent Dolls, 24 kinds 18|c. 50

3 ^'^'" 6 cent i:lolls, 34 kinds 37ic. 1 13

1 "" 12 cent Dolls, l2 kinds 75

New Series Dolls^|'e]egantljT,feaintedin colors and put up in envtlopes. 1 Doz; No. 6 Size,'' 3 kinds ■.■...■.":.. Li' '- 50 " 9 Size.- ''e kinds'. <Ji':iin;,ini'l'-75 " 12 Size- 3kindsi';'i'.!.«Y.':vl'.^'l-00

>■:! li>l ;. .^M! 1)8 T !■ '■-<'>'

343.— Farmer Trot and his.Fainily $2 00

344.— Black Cat '.....'. 2 00

345.— One Two Three. .'. ., 2 00

346.— What D'ye Buy.. !',.;.. 2 00

347.— Snip Snap Snoruni. 1 . . .'. 2 00

348.— Dr. Fusby. ,.. '4 . ^. ,^r.0,.((. ~,„,^q 2 00 349.-Specnlatioii.^?..??..<\^9!i.?/jL{' ^2 00

350.— Old Maid v,Mr;r vlf. (f- ^^

351. Conversation Cards. . J,.' ' M-vt,irM 1.25 352.— Age Carfls .".I/. . . : ' ' ' Yo

353. -Old Maid. . ..-. . ,j;;;' ' ;;,,:75

354. -Fortune Tellmg', . . ., ];',;. "^ ^' ' 75

355. Game of Riddles. . '. , ...» ,j^,.OQ

356.- " ,V Gebgrapjiy. , .^... /2M

357.— ' " ' Aa-ithinetic . . ^ . .^. > .. . . , ^; [00 358. " " j<!^ldTestaiT^entQji(^siic|PiS.. '

and Answers... ,'.'!, ,j_. ,..,.,.... ,'.^' 3, 00 359. Game of New Testament (Jues--

tions and Answers .-> ,.r 2 00

360.— Game of -rueful En(iwM^.^. ... 2 00 361.-^Gifts, Uses, and C,oi;y3<^queace^,i. .3 00 36|,— Familiar Quqtatioixs , ^^1^90^ ^S^P,yf'i( l . lar Autli(')rs ........ 1 ,.;,"... .;..^.|,■, ,3 00

363. —Authors ;;.... ..'..■..;... '.' '. '. . ." ' 3 00

364. T-Cril^bage Authors In Fancy Cases, 8 QO 365.— Nations,' or Quaker WtTfef. . ??.7 '"g ofy, 366 —The Slider and the FlV.'.'i" /:':'A '3 00 367.— The Old Maid Game. .■.'':. .'J I'. .^•J: ' '3 00^ 368.— The Oriental Cdlbr Gsiiiie': •,:..:. 4 00 369-— Hens and 'Chickens..".'...'.''.'./;.. 4 00 370.— Japanese Oracle.' ' ;'i: .''I'. . .-J^:i .' . . 4 00

371.— Pinafore, Weiv. . : j'.'i:^ '.•'.' 4 00

372.— The Monopolist, J^eiv,. . . . .: '. .". 15 00

Ten-Up," and Mariner's Compass Three Games in one Bqard.

373,— The Pilgrim's Progress. 15 00

: Three Games in one Board, viz: Pilgrim''s Progress, Going to Sunday School, Towtr of Babel.

374.— John Gilpin 15 00

Three Games in one Board, viz: John Gilpin, Rainbow Backgammon, The Bewildered Traveller. 375.— Jerome Park Steeple Chase Game 18 00 ,, Three Games in one Board, lyi?,; 1 ,: The Steeple Chase, iini'i

The Balky Horse, Pool.

376. Gam« of Life's Mishaps 9 00

Two Games in one Board, viz. Life's Mishaps. Domiuoe Rex.

. . ifPerJDozeii.

377.— The Captive Princess. .•.'!'.';''.\ .'^9 00 Three Gilme^'in one Ti^k'td, vizi' ' baptive Princess.- Tournan^e'nt:. Zig Zdg.

378.'— Ambuscade,- New. .... ' ' '. ,\9 OQ-^^

Three Games in one Boata,' viz :' , ,' ^."' Ambuscade. Boii'mje; CdhfeCdlation.' " "*^- 379.— Cats and ■Mic,(^,'^^.jf?j .'.',' ;.':.... 9 06''' Three Gamefejlnbhe BohWviz: , _;;

Cats ct Mice. Gantlbpe. Lo§t Didiiion'd. 380.— New-Checker Board, Iflstv. . .. . 9' 00 Three Gaeaes in one Board, viz: Tousel. CUeckei's., Backgammon.

381.— Go Bang.'.'". . . '. ,.\ . . . .' 9 00

38?„'j^Paper Soldiejrs. Mouttt^^.j, New, Series, . >

j^jljD. k^ncjs. Large^s'ize, ye'fy' soldierly iH;^^'

' appe^i^atnc,e. Cut. and rniounted on neat- ^ig

(,,,ly tui'n'ed Stands. Each Box contains '"

eighteeii solciiers, two pfflqers, a fiferaud

drummer . '. '. .'. 3 00

383. The Spectograph, large..,. . .-, . .1^ 6 00 384.— " ' " ' small.;;»,„j.j. ;.'; 3 00

385.— Chii^qmagica. ......... .•?.''. .... 18 00


.■) .a ./.



9 00

9 00

( yi- .... '>>■ .>[■

3864n-3+he Myi!iopticop.{( ,. -_,,,,. . ,„.,. - ,„ 387. Sant^Q^flus P^n.ofani%,,,„;.). . .,,„j.,, Ip^OOi 0

388.— HisUi;^5popR,. ,,,•,', -nl ^ ^ v -mi-l^ ^0'

. Uncle Sail's I^anoraii^, A neiw,

),i ;apd impyp,yed, edition, pre.'ient-

ing a miniature stage with wings

3|90. Menagerie Panorama. New edi-

' ! tion ; soicjanstrict^djtJidt -fhei ,an,-i.

I .i^^j^ appear in a box or cage. . .

i /!• I ''Alphabet M^locka. ' '!' w

Each' block separately wMpped and labeled.- i'-<)V. Picfiirg A. B, C, Blocks (LiStters and Pictures.) Thi-'e'e ""^ides contain lii't'ters and Hired

Piqtures 'fiti(^ly printe'd'm colors. Put

up in covered.wood boi^^- 'handsome

varnished lEb^l. ■'•-■"I '

391.— No, 1, 13 Cube^,'JU. ..".'.•. ' 16 06

392— No. 2, 20 '■'•lJV.".'!'.'.'...'^VWV'.i.'.' 10 00 393._N'o. §, 20- "'•'..•v^.";W:i.''-.'i'.'"15 00

Aunt Louisa's Cube Puzzles.

394. Set No, 1. Hobinson Crusoe.,,'

, '' " 2. Children in the Woods.

" " •' 3. Jack and the Bean Stalk.

" " 4. Santa Claus and his Works.

" " 5. Visit of St; Nicholas,

" " 6. Hey Diddle Diddle.

" " ,7..,B=f>y. ; •'

,, " " 8. Alphaljet of Country Scenes.

" " 9. White Cat.

1879— E. G. Selciiow & Co., 41 John Street, K Y.— 1880.


■Auat Louisa's Dute TmzzIqs— Co ntinmd. Set No. 10. ftijiru :iiul I'J'oi'toise. " " II. Hip Van Winkle. " " 1^., , Yankee Doodle. " " IS. ; % JVtother. '' " 14. Puss in Boots. " "15.,, Putnam.

"]' " -16., Pocahontas. . . i

"' '> 17..: Cinderella. " " is. Heritiy Penny. " " 19. Little' Red Riding Hood. •' ' '',; ^94)i)Tf?fld );\JJde.E:4blfl3.i :, -^ ;i;'f

, _\ .., Per dozen, $18 00


395. Twelve, cubes, 1| inches square ou each side, covered with part of a picj-ure.

1. The 'Babes in "the Woods.

2. Diamonds and Toads.

3. My Fir§t Alphabet.

4.' Littl6'Bo-Peep. ..^

5. Dahie Ti-ot and her Cat.,

6. 'Jack dhU the Bean-Stalk.

7. Sing' a Song of Sixpence. '

8. . The' Story of Three Little Pigs.

9. -The Five Little Pige.

10. Old Mother Goose.

11. The Three Bears. ^•^- 13. Old Woman who lived in a Shoe. ^

Per dozen, $6 00


39G. Same size as foregoing.

tures. 1.— Little Bo-Peep. 3.— Mother Hubbard. 3. Sing a Song of Sixpence 4. Carrion Crow. 5.— Little Woman. 6. Simple Simon.

Dilferent pic-

Per dozen, $6 00

397._100 Funny Fellows. ..Per dozen, |6'<)p

31)8.— Turn, Turn again " 6 50

399.— Comic Cubes, iVei«^.. " 6 00

Dissected Picture Puzzle Blocks.


V Y , . , y , Per Dozen .

400.— Brilliant Series. . . ../>.>t"'xvA $'1 00

401.— Cut-up Wild Animals ..,, 6 00

403. Chopped-up Niggers... i.!:i^.",f., ','.;. 6 00

403.— Dissected Map of the U. S ". . . 6 00

404.— 11 himinated Series, i............. 3 00

405.— The Little Folk's Series 2 00

jiifrffO')'[' ' fii i; ti t fl H

.I'll/!" Y>[>;'iT





Alphabet & Spelling Blocks.


ni hsiiloBq

lii \y


BOX iNo. 8.

Blocks, Hot



/.o(i yil*








I ' -. Per Dozen-

No. 37, 6 blocks in paper box, 40c. , ner.

•" 0,18 " " " ....$U85

29,13 '• " " .... 75

30, 18 " " " ... . 75

31, 18 " " " 1 25

33, 18 33, 33

" German 1 35 " •.... 1 50

Flat Blocks, Painted & Varnished.

Per Dozen. .$2 00

413. No. 1, 18 blocks in wood box

414— " 2, 27 "

415.— " 3, 27 "

416.— " 7, 18 "

417.—, " 8, 19 "

418.— " 9, 37 '•

419.— " 11, 18 "

" German 2 75

" 3 75

paper box. ... 1 25

wood box 1 50

" . ... 3 00 book-form box 3 00

Cube Spelling Blocks, not Painted.

.1. " i: -1 ;■..'.! ',11; ,, Ptr Doeen-.

420— No, 32, IftblockalawwoKibox. . ...$3 50 421— " 34»aOHi"'.:.i i.iui ^Sj I ^'.. ^ett^eoo 423f+** *.'fi'35^ '6.!.*f,i paper" JV^ew 2 00

Cube Spelling Blocks, Painted ,ijj and Varnished. ff

Per Dozen. 423— No. 4, 16 blocks in wood box $4 50

424— " 4-A,16 " " " i, .,... 5 00,

425— '• 5, 20 " ♦' "ii ..,..^7 50

426— "18, 20 " " ' " 8 00

437— *' 19, 20 " " "Ge7fman8 00

428— " 38, 6 " paper boxes. New 2 50

BOX No. 4-A.

18 1879 Catalogue and Ppice List of Games and Novelties. 1880.

BOX No. 18.

Kindergarten Blocks, Painted and Tarnished.

Per Dozen. 429— No. 12, 18blocksin,wpodbox42 25

430— " 13,26 " ,,'?' •',. «';T. 3 50

431— " 14, 43 ^••■' '■ *^'' "''''. "•'''' . 4 50

432— " 15, 58 " " " . 7 00 483— " 16, 88 " " " . 9 00 434— " 17, 18 " paper2.box. 1 75

Building Blocks, Painted and Tarnished.

Per Dozen. 435— No. 6, 51 blocks in wood box. ..$9 00

436— " 10, 33 " " "... 5 00

437— " 50, 37 " " " nn- painted, New 6 00

CHANDALL^S Buildiflff, Picture & Acrobat Blocks.

New Goods at Low Prices and very Salable.

488. —This is a mechani- cal toy with- o u t cl 0 c k- work.

It runs on four wheels, and, when; Bet in motion, the figures, which are briglitly

"^colored, with

5 ;^J» pointed limbs,

perform what may well be called a jolly dance.

Tlie whole toy is very strongly made. When not in use the figures can be packed in the box on which they dance.

Price, per dozen, |4 00

439.— T his mechanical toy has no clock- work, and per- forms without winding up. It has the strength and all the fea- tures of a Cir- cus Ridei* going through the wonderful feats of that p r o - fession. The Horse and Ri- der are of wood, finely painted, Can be taken apart and pack- ed in the box on which it per- forms.

A child can draw it around without any danger of breaking it.

Price per dozen, $4 00

440. This is the most comical ;^and pleasing me- chanical Toy, being a good specimen o f B a r n u m's Tricky Mule. By the simple motion of drawing a- round, the Mule seems to be trying to throw its Dusky Rider, who assumes various grotesque positions, and has a lively time to keep his seat. !;f^':'^'^"~ T*""

The toy is strongly made, of wood, beauti- fully painted, and is not easily broken or got out of order ; it can be taken apart and packed in the box on which it performs.

Price per dozen, $4 00.

"Craniiairs, Menagerie or Hapy Famly.

443^'Lurge Gage of "Wild Animals on wheels.; sixteen animals and man keeper. Cajge 80 arranged that animals Ca,n be put vol'-^ position; A good toy and low priced. ' '

: Per dozen, $18 001 ' !

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880




442. This is one of the Most Comical Tots ever manufactured.

Price, $3 25 per dozen.


Per dozen.

443.— Building Blocks, No. 3. $6 00

444.— " ' " No, 1 12 00

445.— Chinese " ...'...' 8 00

Per Doz.

446. Masquerade' Blocks 6 00

447.— Expression " " '. 3 00

448.— Acrobat Blocks, {.Netv Size.). . $4 00

449.— Crandall's Menagerie Blocks 16 00

450.— John Gilpin Blocks. 9 00

'IVf.kl, 463.— Wide Awake

!•) hna l«M(f f)irT:^lp|iabet a p d

' .;:!.v.hn,nl ..v. Building Blocks.

. , , .' Building Blocks

-iSl.— The Gymnast^. iand Alphabet

Per do^,|^ '.pp, , ,|,j,.,^locks combined.

0| .n')sul. ■laq aoi-iT ' ^^r doz.,|9 00

453 Crakd all's Heavy Artillery. Heavy Artillery is made up of a large Cannon, complete, which throws a one and a half inch Rubber Ball to the distance of twenty-five feet or more, and sixty Blocks (Red^ Wliite and Blue), to build up Fortifications, al.-o a Company of Soldiers, with Officer and Flag, to garrison the Fort. Per dozen, $28 00

Crandall's Performing Animals

" The Greatest Show on Earth."

454 It will be noticed that the exhibition is under the special charge of the famous clown, Mr. Merryman, the trainer of these wild animals whose astonishing power over these ferocious beasts, and whose fearless management of them, electrify the beholder. He is accompanied in the cage by his pet Zebra, Lightfoot. This unparalleled combi- nation of talent forms an Exhibition to be seen at least once in a lifetime.

Price, per dozen, $38 00


4^ This beautifql, toy svpplies a want long felt and expresseii by boUi parents and children. The building of tte Bridge, which

20 1879— Oataloglte and Frice List op CrA'MEfe and Novklties.— 1880.

consists of ocer 120 pieces, affords a pleasure which is much increased by the fact that something is to be made a specific object in view. It teaches the most prominent points which Architects must consider in building the immense structures tlial span our broad rivers, viz. : 1st, the Pier ; 2d, the Posts ; 3d, the Stringers ; 4th, the Approaches ; 5th, the Braces ; 6th, the Floors ; and, 7th, Orna- mentation, etc. The building of this beauti- ful miniature Bridge requires the observance of all these points as truly as does the build- ing of the large and structures referred to. The various parts are'sb ^impl^,' and plainly suggest their places and Uses, that the illus-' trated chart given with each set i^ all thajt i^ necessary. Besides the Bridge, many hew and attraCliye designs can be made from t^e detached 'pieces, which will readily be dis- covered by the ingenious boy or girl who be- comes the fO'rtunate possessor of this set;

Price, $6 00 per dozen.

:456 Crandall's District School.'

j ' , Pei^ dozen, $9 00

Crandall's Treasure Box.

^ Just Ready.

457 Not one toy alone, but a dozen in one, supplying the wants of as many children at the same time. , i . c - i

One peep . alV.'tiie '-pbrft'e^ty'llisul^k' a VPhr-, chase. diijB, Hour's' Use guarantiee's Satisfac- tion. '^-^■^'1=' Price |9 00 per do^6ii?






458 All the letters of the Alphabet can be made with this set of Sectional Blocks. The iiigenuily of the ydUftg Operator is developed, and while placingitogethf r the various sec- tions of tb/3se uttractivei blocks, the ^ittle boy or girl almost unconsciously learns tht Alpha- bet. Many pleasing structures can also be made by ^Ihing tSe pie;Ces inyarious ways. The blocj^s'are very Lrilliantly colored with fine p^int, and are made strqog and durable. A handsome illustrated chart goes with each _ bo,x,^,and adds brilliancy to the toy. ' Price, $6 00 piei^ 'dozeh;

Cranoali's Fil^jst Reading Block;*.

459^|^E W. In addition to the sectional ABC blocks, this little instructor has been invented for the child who has already learned its letters., and desires something more ad- vanced. It is a wonderfully ingenious toy, as the child unconsciously learns the nidinlents of compositibn while" forming the simple sen- tences. Price, $2 00 per dozen.

Craiidall's Bo- Peep.

460 NEW. A pretty toy for young children, illustrating the Nursery Rhyme of Bo-Peep, the verses of which, with illustra- tions, accompany the toy, which is packed in a neat wooden box. Little Oiiis will be es- pecially pleased with it, sj-nd they will fijid much enjoyment in placing the sheep in va,ti- ous positions arofeid their young Shepherdess.

Price, $2 QQ per dozen.



461— NEW. The best and cheapest bank made.:' Lat-ge size, handsomely finished. Opening in ftbnt shows the various pictures, which, as each' coin is droTjP.^A iij, changes, The most' plea^ilig bank ewr madei. ^fn i,.;.,.xofi I, ' Price per dozen, $9 00

1879— E. G. Sblchow & Co.


462— NEW- rr:*TTr:.TrFer dozen, $9 00

<' ) ft

!]i o'lora 'Jiii ,o"iiw hiiii ilt( ' ' ■■ -^

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464—. k.Jwlw. .o^iaUi^il/l. ikvbpte- dozen, $6' S


ivrt ni xlno blofeJ

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■^"":!:;';,:sASHiER,BANK. ::;:^(;!:^

465 - .iW.*oii!-iw'.x .9!>kJ,. .,. .per dozen, $6 50

»F Games and Novelties. 1880.

If you would add to the beauty of your Homes, hang your pictures and decorate your rooms with


Over Arches, Windows, Doors, on Cur- tains, Picture Frames, or Statuary. The universal opinion is they are ^"Perfectly Lovely,'" being perfect fac-similes of Na- ture's handicraft. These Viries are superior tq the pressed leaves and ferns, in. that they being made of cloth and wire, are more dur- able, can be cleansed when soiled, arranged more gracefully, and will last for years. The main vine is made of Annealed Wire, and can be safely trusted to hang pictures.

We now offer nine varieties :

Per Yard.

481— No. 1. Cardinal Ivy $0 40

482— No. 2. English Ivy, . .^j^is . . . . 25

483— No. 3. Violet ..f.T*.' 25

484 No. 5. Autumn Maple 50

485— No 6.. Geranium 30

486— No. 9. Cardinal Maple... .- 40

487— No. 10. English Holly', with

^eiriea. . , . .'. .J. i 50

488— No. 11. American Ivy. .' 15

489-^No. 13. English Mistletoe, white

berries 50

Sold only in five yard paiCkages.

Trade discount, 40 pel* cent.

Sent by Mail, poi<t paid, On receipt of price.

Autiamn Sprays,


491 These Sprays are elegant imitations of Autumn Foliage artistically arranged in small Bouquets and Sprays, suitable for or- namenting and brightening the House, trim- ming Ball and Party Dresses, and the thou- sand and one places in which ladies of refine- ment and 'taste will know so well how to Utilize them. On Lace Curtains they are

1879— B. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.


especially elegant, on Picture Cord, in Bud Glass, in old nooks and corners, &c. They are more durable than Wax or Dried Leaves, will retain their brilliant colors, are true to nature, and ^^each one of them a gem. No two alike. !!.^^

Price, $1 25 per dozen Sprays.




Black and White Mixed,

Per Dozen 493— No. 21, 10x12.1135 403— " 22, lUxl4il 70 494— " 23, 12x16.. 2 00



A Fine Line of Straps at Low Prices. 36 inches In length.

Without Handles. PerDozen. 495 No. 1, Split Leather, plain buckles, 30c. 496— " 2, Whole " " " 40c.

497_ "3^ " " patent " 60c.

With Handles.

498 No. 4, Split Leather, whole leather

handles, a very good low-priced

strap $0 50

499— No. 6, Whole Leather, leather

handles 65

500 No. 7, Split Leather, fancy red

round leather handles 75

501 No. 8, Split Leather, fancy red flat

leather handles 75

503 No. 9, Whole Leather, fancy red

flat leather handles 1 35

503 No. 10, Whole leather, fancy red

round handles ] 25



Holbrook's Clamps, im- proved.

Per dozen $3 00

596— Kraft Clamps, NEW. Per doz. $3 00


Per Dozen

507—3 Straps, split leather $1 00

508 2 " whole leather, very neat, 1 50 509—2 " fine quality leather, metal

trimmings 3 00

Scholar's Companions.

510 Scholar's Companion, new style, decorated tin, pulls Ojut from the end. Con- tains sponge, ruler, slate pencil, lead pencil, &c. Per dozen |1 40

511 Scholar's Companion, hinged cover, decorated tm, contains sponge, ruler, slate pencil, lead pencil, &c.

Per dozen, |1 40

512— Tin Scholar's Companion, hinged cover. Similar to above, but not quite so well finished. Per dozen, $1 00

513 Tin Scholar's Companion, oval style. If inches wide, S^.i inches long.

Per dozen, $1 20


24 1879— Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties— 1880.

luisch: boxes.


fx ^*^

514 Moore's Folding Lunch Boxes.

515— Tin Lunch Box. New Style. Pulls out at th* end. Per dozen, $1 40

Per dozen, $4 00 i ^^^^ - ^ew tunch Box Just Ready I Fancy decorated tin blide Top.

op. Price 60 cents per dozen net.


517— Smith's Scholar's Companion •.; i i .;..'. .-.-. Per dozen, $3 00


518 New, Neat and Attractive. A Tin Case containing Lead Pencil, Slate Pencil, and Pen Holder. Ornamented Tin. Ruler on top. Price, 40 cents' per dozen.

519— Tin Pencil Cases. New Style.

Per dozen, 40 cents

SliepM'S New Portallle Tesk Slate. Monitor Slate Desk,

520 With copies in Writing, Drawing and Arithmetic, so arranged as to make learning a pleasure. Something every child wants. A neat slate slanting like a desk, size 7^x10^, containing sixteen copies of Drawing and Writing arranged in the slate, so that onlj^ one copy can be seen at a time. Will sell at sight. Per dozen, $3 00

>i Imoo

521 Similar to above, except more complete and better arranged. i.

Top opens, and compartments inside for rule, pencil, sponge, &c.

Per dozen, $3 00


523— tHaving Desk Slate, as above, on the top, and transparent slate beneattt"."~'P5r doz., $6 00

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co, 41 John Street, :N^ Y.— 1880.



52^— A. Slate with compartment' at top, having vVater bottle, ^

sponge cup and sponge, lead .pencil. and slate pencil. Very neat, g

cSinplete and salable. ' . Per dozen, $2 00 =


524 iA verj^ neat wood desk, having a rack containing six sheets of drawings. Desk just below it for writing and sketch- ing on, with drawing paper, rubber, pen- cils, ruler, &c., complete.

$5 00 per dozen.

■'Jll.i HI u- iPilOE.

-JPOfJ , ?>■)''!!!■• -


Reversible Slate.

525 With three separate parts for drawing. Transparent slate, drawing slate and copying slate. '■'•'*'-' ''' Per dozen, $2 00

Urn I'-in t-.>!->nrf


526 The copies are fixed on rollers, allowing them to pass under the glass, thus enabling the child to draw two or more pictures on the slate at one time. Per dozen, $4 00

Transparent Slates.

Per Dozen. 527— No. A. Size, 4^x31 $0 50

528— No. B, Size, 5^x4^ 75

^^ 529— No. C, Size, 6x44 1 00

^ 530— No. D, Size. 6fx5i 125

531— No. E, Size, 8x'lf 1 75

532— No. F, Size, 9x7f f2 50

Discount on Transparent Slates

: nrii; /i'M>i I-

26 1879 Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties 18S0.

Mm'i PateDl Pencil HolfliDS Noiseless Slate.

Half the noise in tlae School Room is produced by rattling slates. This is all remedied by using the Andreics' Slates. They will not rattle in their frames, and the frames will not rattle on the desks. If the slate is dropped, it is iwt broken and the noise is muf- fled and slight.

We offer Andrew's Slates as the best School Slates ever put upon the market. They are an A 1 quality of slate, cemented into solid hard wood frames, the corners mortised, tenoned, and carefully glued together, surrounded by strong felted or corded bands glued I and nailed on, which project beyond the surface of the frame, and render the Slate noiseless if dropped. In one side of the frames is a deep cavity inclosing a strong spring, which receives and retains the pencil when not in use. -Size 5x 7 per dozen, $1 40

- " 6x 9 " 1 75

- " 7x11 " 2 00

- " 8x11 " 2 50


Containing 2 doz. 5x7; 3 doz. 6x9; 3 doz. 7x11; 1 doz. 8x12.

Send for Samples,




53T An indispensable article for the desk and pocket. It is heavily nickle-plated and will last a lifetime. Twelve articles in one. Pencil, Pen Holder and Pen, and Eraser, Pen-Knife, En- velope Opener, Paper Cutter, Rubber and Sewing Machine Thread Cutter. Can be used for ripping seams, cutting off hooks and eyes, buttons, and for many other purposes.

Tills small article is one of the most useful inventions ever gotten up. Occupying only the space of a small pencil, it makes an admirable article for the traveling agent, as it is small, light and presentable. Nickle-plated. Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 13 cents.

Price, $1 25 per dozen.


For Lead and Slate Pencils.

538 Has Lead Pencil Sharpener, Slate Pencil Sharp- ener and Eraser for Slates, and rubber for Lead Pencil Eraser, all in very compact form, can be carried in the pocket, and will last for years. Samples mailed, post- paid, on receipt of 13 cents. Price, $1 35 per dozen.



:o ?.oiqoo

The Latest Novelty, and one that cannot fail to please. 539 The mule and rider being brought into position, a slight touch on a knob at the base causes the mule to kick and throw the rider over his head. One of the best toys ever placed on the American market. Price, $8 50 per dozen, net.

1879 -E: G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880. 27

Wood Pop Gun.

-^ 540 Painted in bright colors. Price 50 cents per dozen.


541 All UiL' culurs and bnlliaiuy ui Hie rainbow, and all the effects of the Ivaltido i scope are combined in this wonder! ul toy i It is an instructive toy; adults as well as ' children find in it a m(}ans of studying the j mixture of different" colors . For decoi atmg Christmas Trees, its brilliant colors make it particularly desirable, and no toy for the price can be found which will afford so much pleasure and amusement to children of both sexes.

GIVEN AWAY BY SANTA CLAUS. T Retailed by all tirst-class Toy Dealers for 15 ceAts each . Price, $1 00 per dozen, net.
















> >
































543 A very neat Pen Wiper, with figure of a mouse on top. Some are white, others grey; put up one dozen in box, assorted.

Price, 50 cents per dozen. Send for Sample Box.

Hpedie f^odket CSk^e.

Something Attractive and Salable,

Beautiful in Design, Sim- ple in Construction, and Perfect in its Operation.

Everybody wants it, and it sells at sight. Holds all denominations of coins to the amount of Six Dollars. Eveiy business man will buy it, every conductor will carry it, and every family man will adopt it for his change ; and, more

than all, it sells at a price that no one can


544 Price, per dozen $1 00

Samples mailed, postpaid, on receipt of \^ cents.

This is a musical instrument, just in the market, which discourses the sweetest music, very similar to the Piano. It requires but a little practice to become an adept, and any tune can b*^ played on it. It cannot get out of prder will last a lifetime. Makes a very handsome, useful, and common sense present for a boy or girl. Various sizes, from 6 to 23 keys.

544i— 6 Keys Per dozen, $0 75

545— 8 Keys, " 1 75

546—12 " " 2 50

547—15 " " 3 50

548—22 " " 6 00

549—22 " extra large, " 8 00

28 1879 Cataloge axd Price List of Games 4nd Novelties'.— 1880.





A new and useful musical instrument for all. It can be tuned like a harp. Can be played by notes or figures. Any person can play on it in less than five minutes, whether understanding music or not. A sheet con- taining full instructions how to play from 15 to 20 tunes accompany each instrument.

Price of Zithern. 15 Strings Per dozen, |7 50


This is one of the most practical, hand» some and useful articles that has been put into the market in many a day. It is man- ufactured by skilled musicians, being of 12 and 15 keys, and will be found a most perfect piano in everj' respect, both in shape and ap- pearance, having keys of ordinary size, toned with wonderful exactness and clearness. This makes indeed a sensible investment lor a little girl as it not only affords her a world of amusement and pleasure, but it gives her the first insight and instruction in that divine art Music. It educates her fingers, cultivates the delicacy of the ear, and imparts a taste that can be acquired in no other way. Any air can readily be played on this instrument. 551—12 Keys, per dozen, $9 00

552—15 " " 12 00

553 Something New r-


A first-rate toy. Price 35 cents per dozen. Sam- "- pie dozen mailed, post- paid, On rebeipt of 45 ctaij [1

n H33f

Ttie Bonanza Money Holder.

An article for carrying smal,, pieces oj coin in a compact form in tJie porkei.

The inconvenience of carrying a lot of small change loose in the pocket is known by everybody. It is difficult to find a five cent nickel or a ten cent piece without diving into your pocket three or four times, and then you are obliged to pull out everything, very often dropping two or three pieces of money before finding what you want. I^p",i ■*

The Bonanza' Money Holder is a small nickel-plated Tube, which holds the coin in a compact form, registering the amount of cash on hand, and is always ready. It is worked by a spring on the, inside, which presses the coin to each end. By a| slight pressure of the thumb on the top, you can slip a piece off into your hand, and another appears in.|its pli^ce. Every time a coin is taken off the gauge raises one notch,, ancj indjcates , the number left. This can tie done as fast as you can count. It, is an article that ever^^body needs and will have wh^n tjiey se,e how handy and cony^nji^nt. it is to cany in the pocket.

554 Price, per dozen 75 cents.

Samples mailed, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents.


555 5 inches in diameter. NeW; ^^d will be found very salable. Per doz., $3 00

1879— E. G-. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.



(!r'»qif« iadrrr 'i

Magic Ballet Girl. Magifi Darkey. '^

Mftgip Gen Butler Magic Gen Grant 1 S

lyc'Aaic bird:.;.;,,', ,t>,\^

556— Th^'^boVe'dtit^" represent a line of nev^' ' and very attractive" Toys^vrooden cups, three inches'in Ueigllt, tinished in assorffed colors, each cbntaiSaiug an irnitation of the different figures, ' a s named, with moveable head,, aff^i? ai)d , h^iiS;^ and the slightest ^ touch sets mSo. till in mnt imi. The actions are vi4ry ludicrous,.. and will surely make you iaugh. They are covered Ijy an oval glass held in plage by a wooden ring. Price of eacJi,,iii IsQ per dozM fliSt. ,' ;.

TfltTRttfe #1!pE^ weights.



A. seemingly live Turtle, with all the mo- tions of life. Encased in a neat wooden box with glass top. Dealers will find this a ready sale, being a real curiosity. 557— Per dozen $1 25


'? u<

Turtle set in Sleeve Buttons. ^^558 Per dozen pairs

Nickle plated. $4 00


559 A game of fortunes. The best fortune-tel- ler ever made . Just ready. Every body amused sat- isfactorily. Ap- propriate auswcra tor both ladies and gentle- men . An evening's amusement for young folks. ' > ' Trice, per dozen, $4 GO

Samples mailed, i post-paid, on receipt of 4U cents.

Hand Turtle^PapSr Weight.


I J, '.Nii .', ,Ji' 1 ' III rij )ft;nii: : i ( T j:

A handsome Glass Paper WeigJrtiiniLargel ,t lieatvy .glass, with Turtle in n^lipf^ jLi;i^idQw,.- New and .novel. V." i' , i i ,,

. "' i^i 10 5&I9;Vjt no .tir,;([ -p^n -■ ■■



561 A Glass Paper Weight, turtle motion inside, all clasped by the glass hand. The neatest and most novel paper weight made. Price, %fS 00 per dozen

30 1879 Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties. 1880.


The neatest thing in the way of a Dice Box yet issued. The three dice being underneath the glass and revolved by means of a spring. For all purposes, such as raffling, &c., this is the best thing that can be found, as there is no way in which the dice can be handled. 562— Per dozen $4 00

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 40 cents.

Ttie Noyelly Poctet Scale.

An Accurate Scale for 50 cents.

A Triumph of ModeiTi Ingenuity.


A Pocket Scale for all.

This compact Scale is of metal, heavily Nickel Plated, can be carried in the pocket without the slightest inconven- ience, weighs with absolute ac- curacy from 2 ounces up to 15 lbs., and is actually neces- sary to every one. Will last a lifetime, and fully warranted.

563— Price, per dozen $4 00

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 40 cents.


The great mystery. Black Walnut. All complete. 564— Per doi^en , $7 50

Rubber planchette Boards, fine quality. 565— Per dozen.. .'.'.'.". '.^I'. . . .$13 00


Price Reduced.

The most superbly beautiful and useful instrument ever pro duced. An unfailing source of entertain- ment and instruction wherever it is intro- __ duced, and as the com- binations are never re- peated, its boauLies are inexhaustible. With Brass Revolving Caps.

566— Per dozen $14 00

With Black Paper Revolving Caps. 567— Per dozen $12 00

Glass Cutter and Putty Knife.

This Cut represents a NEW STYLE of Glass Cutter, which is superior to any instru- ment ,ever made for the purpose. It is war- ranted to work better than any Glazier's dia- mond, and requires no practice. Any child can use it. It is durable, being made of finely tempered steel, and polished ; combines a Glass Cutter and Graduated Glass Breaker. 568— Per dozen $1 00

Samples mailed to dealers, postage paid, on receipt of ten cents.

Loyejoy's Metallic Weatlifir House.

Thermometer aild Barometer.


Indie ate the ^ changes in the weather with accu- racy and in a sim- ple and pleasing manner. They are substantially made of metal handsome- ly decorated in dif- ferent colors, with two arches and a little man and wo- man in either, ar- ranged in such a manner that the man will come oat just before a storm, while the lady steps out to enjoy the fair weather.

They are about eight inches in height, with a Thermometer in front, making a neat man- tel ornament. < i/i - : '

569— Pfer dozen ...... :'.'.'. $9 00

.Dealers furnished with samples by rop.il, postage paid, on receipt of $1 00.

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.



570 This new toy is one that is unusually attractive. It consists of a perfect fuU-dzed mouse, which moves on ireighted rollers, so that it can be shot from the hand a long distance, running under chairs, tables, &c. , in close resemblance to a live mouse. These mice being made of metal, do not receive injury when handled roughly. When one of them is placed on its back it will quickly roll over and resume its natural position.

Per dozen, $1 75


571 This trick box is made of tin, with the word, tobacco, on the side, and is the proper size for holdfng a small paper of tobacco. The box may be filled full and exhibited by the owner, when a friend may ask for a chew, it may be handed to him, who will open it to find it perfectly empty, while the owner may take tobacco from it at his pleasure. It is almost impossible for the spring that opens the secret slide to be found without direc- tions. Per dozen. $1 50


572 This is a tin tobacco box with a needle in the spring, upon which is pressed to open the box. Very good for harmless tricks.

Per dozen, $1 25



573 You offer a friend a segar from the Centennial Case, which is filled, and as he at- tempts to take one you touch a secret spring, the segars vanish, and in their stead appears the " Spirits of '76," in the form of a striking- ly charactei'istic Continental, to the astonish- ment and dismay of the would-be smoker. ^ Per dozen, $5 00

Storm Glass and Thermometer Combined.

Price Reduced.

574 A handsome Thermometer, together with a glass tube containing a chemical preparation which rises and falls by action of the atmosphere, foretelling correctly all changes in the weather. Each packed in neat wood box.

Price, ^5 50 per dozen.

120 I i

It 0| I-'"

Low Prices on Thermometers.

Bc§t Quality Goods.

Packed \ dozen in Wood Boxes. Boxes not broken.

.ii;. ' ,..iii -111;. OCTTT T'

I'llhlA i'-llTiN CASES, JAPANNED, tcJIi J

i . I i;'m;., ;"i ))ii Per Dozen.

575— 7 indhe^:^'.".'*.', •.%'.'•: $1 50

576-8 --^v;!'.:;:^;^!.-. i eo

5f7— 1U„. , „_,,.f,,,^.j,,,,^f^,^ff.. ^ UU

578—12 " .^HaK.ji^.j./i^My 2 35

Solid Black Walnut or Cabinet Case.

,,]pj^9l| paqke^ in Wood Box.

Per Dozen.

579 8 inches, oil fin ish.-square ends. .,./{. ^ifcii..;. 01 $4 00

580—10 " " " . "...v i '. ... ..... 5 00

581— .8 " "'*^*'-« •"■^'*;>^^' "--dVlil &h^sr,i':'f 4 50

482—10 ro88B .Vjotllfci riosoli HoVVh .<i-:<iX'^~''.'i.'U -j :ii6f.i? ^^

'■)^iB h:' I .o5T .d);

32 1879— Catalogue AND PRrcE List op G-ames and Novelties— 1880


Per Dozen. 1, 9 inch, Chestnut, plain $3.25

garnished 3 -75


585— No

586— No. 2, 9

587— No. 3, 9 " " .,-> "

5" with siege .' j'^.'. 3

588— No. 4, 9' inch, ■Ohestnut/TVarnish- ed, with Siege and Box uadeVaeath for liolding the marbles 4 25

589— No. 5, 9 inch, Black Walnut, var- nished, with Siege 4 00

590— Glass Marbl^for Solitaire,

50 cents,j)er hundred.

il -I II

Per Dfizen Sets.

'-' ■■•■;' ;:4 (jioVes to Siet

591— No.' 0, Boy'sisize.iLi.i.'i.v'-'.il... .$18 00 592 No. 1, Full s^ize a first class glove

for the money 24 00

593— No. 2, Full size, selected leather 30 00.

594— No. 3, " fine leather 33 00^

595 No 4, " extra leather, with

heel pads 45 0(T

Wood Dumb Bells. '^'q-ii'i '

, j; ikp.onitii 1

596—1 lb. .per pair, |0 35

" 45

" 55

^ :8I:/'':1T0

" 1 00

" 1 35

597—3 598—3 699-4 600—5 601—6


These Clubs are of a cheaper grade than those heretofore in the market. They may have slight imperfections ; for actual use, are as good as those at three times the cost.

602— 1 lb pel- pair,$0 50

603— 2 lbs

604— 3 "

605— 4 "

606— 5 "

607— 6 "

608— 7 "

609— 8 "

610—10 "

611 Wainwright's Indian Club Exer- cise Book each, 30c.

612 Kehoe's Indian Club Exercise Book. cloth each, 75c.








1 00


1 10

.,v<^iv\ '

1 25


1 40


2 25


Very neatly made and finished. Size adapted for either adults or children. The wickets are so arranged that they will not in- jure the carpet,

We are this year making a special low-priced set of Floor (jroqiiet, consisting of 4 balls, 4 mallets,, 10 arches, pointed so as to pierce the co/r- p&t, and 2 stakes ; all put uj) in \a neat xoliite wood box. . 'I :.■ ) ::

No. 1. This set is the cheapest Parlcn*' Croquet ever offered for 'the price. Set all varnished, balls and malletSMtM striped. "A very neat and tasty set. ';;i' ■! 'i>ii. ' 613— Per dozen sets. L . . .• . . ; .'|.>; . . '.V'^. .';|9 00

No. 2 Similar. to above,' 'biiit''-'io't"^o well fini.'-h'ed.

>:lt iWvn ,oi) !(.> oi^int <[ wA AnhX AiV? Ho

"'tmpi oVed ' Table C'rpquet'.'

|. Prices Reduced. .,.;

THe bheapest Line ,|ii the ]llarkqt.^^j

Soiliethihg that can'' !belittia6hed to aiij^',' table. 1' WiTes arranged td'l^asten to the edge' of thfe'table ; a cloth band goes around, form- ing the ctishions. The arches and stakes are loaded to prevent falling over. The whole , game being in a small box. No. 1. Si-\ balls and six mallets, plain YiPPA-^ith JyadtJd arches, band, wires, and stakes', ail iirWhite wood box.

616— Per diozen sets., $4 50

^ffitNiOi 2. Siiinilar to No. 1, except th© mal-

, le,t^.^i;e, larger andJiner finished, and in larger

and betteif, box. , ' -

616. ...; ...■.'■.'■.'.'.':.'. .VP^t-'li'ozen sets,: $6 60

N6.' 3.— Balls and' thtillets same style as No. 9, eight of each, instead of six, arches of copper wire, and heavily loaded. A very- complete set. ; - ; ' 617— Per dozen sets. , > :' . . . $8 00

'■= 'llifo. 4.— Eight balls and^ight mallets of Rock Maple, polished. Balls fancy striped. BWkes, arches, wires, and bands, complete.

618— Per dozen sets^, , $10 50

No. 5. Eight balls and eight mallets, of Rock Maple, polished. Mallet heads, fancy turned and ornamented. Balls striped. Ar- ches, stakes, wires and bands complete.

619— Per dozen sets. $15 00

No. 6. Similar to No. 5, except the balls and malletsare rosewood. A handsome set. 520— Per -dozen sets $18 00


./.k1 1-; 1 'I •^I'i-QQxs'^ pAns/r.

Per Dozen. , 631_No. 1, Three dozen blocks, assort- ed sizes..,; ....$3 50

633 No. 3, Five dozen blocks, assorted

sizes .., ■• I ^ ^^

633— No. 3, Seven dozen blocks, assort- ed sizes 8 00

1879— E, G-. Selchow & C0;,:41 John Steeet, 'H, Y,— 1880.


; I T(






624— Chest No. 3, contains 13

The cheapest chest made. Large box

Per Dozen. tools.

$1 50


-25c. Chest, tools

No. 4, contains 9

2 00

626— 50c. Chest No. 6, contains 10

tools, large size, chestnut box. . . 4 00

627— 75c. Chesfe' No. 8, contains 12

good tools^ chestnut box 6 09

628— $1 00 Chest No. 60, contains 16

tools, better quality, chestput box 7 50

629— 11- 00 Chest No. 70, contains 23

tools, good quality, chestnut box 9 00

630— $2 00 Chest No. 80, contains 26

tools, good quality, chestnut box 18 00

631— No











Per Dozen. 10, contains 18 tools $30 00


12, 13, 14, 15, 16,

20 24 38 32

40 45

36 00 45 00 60 00 84 00 108 00 183 00



638— No. 20, contains 20 tools each, $5 00

639— " 21, " 25 " .... " 7 00

640— "' 22, " 33 " " 9 00

641— " 23, " 45 " " 12 00

642— " 24, " 60 '• " 16 50

643— "; 25, " 70 " ... " 24 CO Discount from No. 10 to 25 inclusive.

1 f


The handsomest A B C Block made. Pic- tures of Children, Conine Faces, Animals,

Birds, and"' the. Alphabet. . . .

Per Dozen 644 No. 1,. 6 .l|rncih cubes, in chestnut

boxv .,•:■......... . . .-. . , :,". , . . •:■, . $5 00

645 No. 2, ^ IJ inch cubes,; in irhestn^t

box. .,;..:, ....;.... ....!., ...'.. 7 50

646— No. 3, 16 li' inc^' cubes, iWchBSt-

box. ... .•: •. : , ." .:.; ;.-..; .'.v...\';: •.'.' ... 10 00


The New Wonder Engine. ' •.':

AMUSING AND IN8TKUCTIVK.' !(i vi .ilf.|/

647— Thife' is a reil tnbdel; toy steam engine, with solid brass boiler, plated fly wheel and: cylinder, and; metal pul- Ij'- wheel for connecting and running small toy-machinery such as a circular saw, up saw, lathe, planer, &c. This little engine will run with great speed for one-half hour at one filling of the boiler. With proper care it will last a life-time. It is perfectly safe for any child to handle ; the self-acting valve renders explosion impossible.

Price, per dozen, f3 50

Young America Engine. ^^^ i

: .\ ,> r,odM!--'J!q

648— TheiafgeslDoil' ' lar Engine in the mar- ket. Complete with all improvements.

Per doz , $9 00

G-iO— Young Ameri-

ictk- Engine, No.'Jl. '

larger than the above,

Per doz., $12 00

650 Little Giant

Engine, has double


Per doz., $20 00

Soap Bubble Toys.

651— Per dozen.. |;1 00

Trayeliug Card Board.

652 A black walnut board, divided into four sections which, when not in use, is taken apart and packed in box for pack- ing. The centre of board, when not in use and open, makes a neat card board. The sides parti- tioned off for the decks of cards. Complete with game counters, cribbag(' boards, etc.

Per dozen, !j;6 00 fend for sample.

34 1879 Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties 1880

Tivoli Hoards.


Each Board secuA-ly pii-k.-u ia isirong pasteboard box. Rules for playing accom- pany each, Board.

Per Dozen.

654— No, '2, 24 inches in length %1 00

655— " 3, 30 " " « 50




The "Automatic Pooket Match Safe" is allowed by all impartial judges to be far su- perior to any other match .>-afe.

The peculiar and easy manner of opening, its neat and convenient shape, and superior finish, all stamp it. the favorite Poeket Match Safe.

Its chief merits are strength, lightness and Bimplicity of construction; although opened by a mechanical uiovemeot, it cannot get out of order.

Per Dozen.

656— Handsomelv ISTii-kle Pl.ited $1 75

657— Russia Leuiher Covered ; 2 25

658 The latest toy out A pasteboard Dove fastened on a string and stick, which, upon being swung, makes a very life-like motion with its tail.

Price, 75c. per dozen.


Best Quality, Ne-w Patterns.

« 0 o .•.■•■•*••.•. o 0 o .•.*•■•:• o 0 e •o- <:> X\o :: o^^ :{o:: o'^o o 0 o •:::•• o ^ o '>.:> o ^ ,

c> .•:• rr •••. o .•:•• vr ••/. V

659 For trimming and ornamenting shelves, closets, side-b(iards, &c. Cut in a variety of patterns, assorted colors.

Price pep gross sheet^j^ 3%j,, either white or colored.,,;: , , i-, ,;f,'R.tV'yr,i





.bO^cents per dozen.

1879— E. Gr. &ELOHDW & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.



New 1880 Model.

661— Nickel Plated Table. 20 inches from saw to brace.

The Emery "Wheel alone will be worth the price of the Saw to any family.

In offering this Saw to the public, we feel that perfection, as near as possible, has been attained.

The Holly will cut ivory, horn, pearl, shell, gold, brass, and all kinds of wood.

We now offer the Holly Scroll Saw with the following improvements : 1. Nickel- plated Table. 2. Twenty inches Swing. 3. A Solid Emery Wheel. 4. Improved Ad- justable Clamps. 5. A Saw Strainer. 6. Embonized and Decorated Arms. 7. A Rigid Brace. Price, $3 25 each.


00, 70.



No. 6— <rtH«rfiili'iir'if*fAM4 Price per Gross. 0, 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 70. 70. 70. 70. 70. 80.

6, 7, 8. 90. 1.15 1.35

Only ieUd by the Gross.


Eacl' Drill- Stock and Six Drill Pointa and Wrench packed in a box. . The Chuck will hold differ- ent size drills. 662— Price, per dozen $8 50

Complete Saw Set and Tool Chest


663— Has Scroll and Designs for Sawing etc., etc., together with a Tool Box all in one. Neiv. Price, $9 00 per dozen.

Latest Improved Outfit,

which consists of

1 Beautiful Box.

1 Steel Prame, Japanned and Beautifully Ornamented.

50 Bracket and Ornamental Designs. \ Dozen Steel Saw Blades. 1 Brad Awl. 1 Piece Sand Paper.

85 Miniature Designs, at full size, with a price list. tTt;

i Manual of Instructions— -12 pages. Il- lustrated.

Giving descriptions of all tools and woods used in Bracket Sawing. Five illustrate^ lessons for beginners. Instructions how to apply the Design, smooth the work, put it together, and also how to finish it in oil, shellac, varnish and polish. One. page is given to illustratejepsons in Marquetry, or Inlaying work. 664^Per dozen. , (.)cl. yi. OB, IcJilmt ..... $7 00

Selchow's Bracket Saw Set.

Retailing a< 26 cents. 665 Consisting of 1 Saw Frame in neat paste board box. 15 Designs for Sawing. Brackets, Card Receivers, Vases, etc.

^ Dozen Extra Saw Blades.

1 Brad Awl.

1 Piece Sand Paper.

Price, $2 00 per dozen. Sample Sets mailed post-paid on receipt of 20 cents. ■,,..•

36 1879— Catalogue a^id FkiCE-^LisT-OF G-ames li^fb Novelties— 1 880.

CAEVIMG tools:

666— This is not an Amateur Set of Tools, Each one is care- fully selected to do practicable work. Handles are Beech, pol- ished. The tools are made from the be?t English Steel, and are shaip, ready for use. Packed in a neat pasteboard box. A Mamml of Wood Carmnq, giving full iu- struc|)ion, adcotnpanies every set.

. I ; Price, $8 50 per dozen sets.


^W6. 6'^ Sap pistol.

678— Th^"' best Cap Pistol to k t.dl for 5c. made. ' Per dozen, 38 cents.


ALL POLISHED. ,' :( ■'

667— No. 0. Rock Maple, tengtlit v ,

?>i "pin, lU inches f>i--ti |9nOO

668-^p. 1. ..Rock MapJe. Lejnktii'.ol, ' pin.io} lucTies. : . . .". . i! . . . . :; ..':, '^ 00 (-V

669— No. 2.^ RQck Maple, . L^r^^th 6fJ*u' .,.; ^ pin , 9i inchfes . '. . .'. , , . '. .; .,'.. . ^ , ^.' .^ ,j. ^1 ^ ',' j Q6' PAINTED PINS. ivvA bin: I r Same sizes handg9mifil'^JtnuMd.^)i'l I 671-^No. 0?^::.[^P)J^. :^^'SI-.'^.P'}1':^:^ 00

673— No. 1 . . . . , ;■.' '\9 W-

673^-i-No. 2v'a.?lr;".'.'?'.l'V:V?:'.'. ??. .''■P.";'§ 00

.;„>» .T fl^EN[.PlNS, -iTOyHSlZ?;, ,„ yn ; ^ I '. '

^t'-^A}iu\l ^dt of Ten' Pins aud thftelj'ali^," mdel^'tiiM^'ki^a'p'^ck,t{i in'tjoi. .' ' , ' / ' •'_''■'''' ■■'''"''. "' Price, SO cerit^ i)er dozen.


SJGrf Best quality 50 to box,'iFOTand paper boxes, in wood gross boxes, 50c. , per gross.


677— "Thfe Prize" Pistol. '

Per dozen, 25 cetitS,

»79— Per dozen ,. r: 50 cents.

"76" CAP PISTOL.; /i~Rwj

Ij'jl 3',

ootid »Bd

,limq .n-toii ,y;i<i/ .000 Af '1o ebui'i

iA-yiV. i : aJu'Jia'jvoiqiiii

o .^uiwi aofbn' v,Jn'»w T .£"

bA bfjTOiqml .^ .[-i"^ ['H •(■

68Oii-PePab0dS. .V#f^ . A . .'': . . j«q J .'.'75 (^iife?" i. .7 .'itnA b-Jlrno'jad Imt; b-jK-AiomnJ




bS)ci^ :

m M O C


rH C"» lO ,

00 X X 00

tens to ts

1879t-E. ^. Selchow & Oo,i4l JoHir Street, K Y.^1880.




684— A new and attractive novelty. Suit- able for girls or boys. It supersedes the use of firecrackers. Harmless, effective, cheap. Place one or more Paper Caps in the mouth, close the mouth and drop the Bomb, retain- ing the end of the string in the hand, when a loud explosion will follow. Packed in boxes of one dozen.

Price, per dozen, 40 cents.


685— "C OCK - Robin," 22-100 cal- ibre, 7 shot, full nickle finish, all steel. Each com- plete in box with cleaner, f 1.20 each. , . Samples mailed, ■post paid, on receipt of|1.40.

Cartridges for abore. '686A-

^k\i Cartridge, 52- ; 100 cajitv-e, 100 in '(..'^libx, per 1900, PJOO

Blank Cartridge, 22-100 calibre, 100 in box, per 1000, yiUdV ^^2 50 G, D. Caps, best qiiality, per 4000, 688—' ,40c.

68Q--" FotirtJi of July" Pistole, for firing BlankCartridges, 45 cents each.

Blank Cartridges for above same as for Revolvers. ' Complete Firework List Mailed on Application,





CABINET No. 1: Etas fbyi- f^i-fferent tijiicks, as described in, other parts of this list, in ..the description of Single Tricks, yiz. i

f,J: iilLi'iiV

•!'•■" -The Enchanted Bottle. ■■'^'^'■'■''''^I'^ "?^*"^ ■' "I Pharaoh's Magical B^ads. , .0

The Changeable Ball; ' The Two-Cent Box Trick. All complete in Very neat box, with compartments jqij each trick. Rules for each accom-

., , . .,,, Price, $4 00 per dozen,

"'t " :*;: The ,Wonderful.Card^Trick,

pany the box. _, _ , . , ,,

J ; :;]; nV^ AH J :

69T--^CABIN"Ef No. 3. Has six different tricks, as before described, viz. :

The Enchanted Bottle, 1

Pharaoh's Magical Beads, The Changeable Ball, The Two-Cent Box Trick, The Magic Dagger, The Flying Marbles. All complete in very neat box, with com- partments for each trick. .Rules for each ac- company the box. yliOT,n ,' ' -,(f Price, $6 00 per 4i0zen.

._^3— CABINET No. 3. Has ten diflferent ; tricks and novelties, as described above, ,;\,fiz. :

.The Enchanted Bottle, Pharaoh's Beads, The Changeable Ball, The Two-Cent Box Trick, The Magic Dag.^er, .ju^avo. A Telephone, ,q ,i)o!ifim


io .'1*8

i. ncih

ij ,f '..Tl^p Swiss Warbler, ';", /.T,!!©, Sciuirming Fish, 1' ; , , , Tpe, Ljvely Mgnkey. ;

All complete injvery neat box, with com- par tments^foricach' trick. Rules for each ac- company ithe box;

Price, $9 00 per dozen.


"6^3— 'The blade of this may, to all ap-

i pearance, be driven into your body or

'through your hand or nose, and slowly

withdrawn, without the least danger of

injury. New and improved style.

Price, $1 50 per dozen.

38 1879 Cataloge AND Peice List of Games and Novelties. 1880.


694 This trick always astonislies. A cord passed through the ends of two pillars in rut, and tlie cut ends exhibited. It is then blown upon; and the cord is drawn several times back and forth, to show that it is restored, and as whole as it ever was ' An excellent pocket, trick. Made of black walnut, and handsoniely liilished. Requires no sleight of handjaud.jie^es detection.

Price, $1 00 per dozen.



695— A jointed figure of a skele- ton, 14 incht-s in height, will dance to music, slow or fast, keeping ex- act time, and per- forms various gy- rations and move- ments, while the operator may be at any distance from it. The figure may be examined by the spectators, who cannot dis- cover the motive power. Wiieii iiiiudci u .ck to the operator, it is simply placed upon a chair, when it seemingly beconn's endowed with life, and begins to move. At the com- mand of the operator, who may be in any part of the room, it will lie dpwn, stand up, dance, etc. , ; . ,

For exhibitiou in'the parlor, before social gatherings, or for public exhibition in the school or lecture room, there is nothing more acceptable. It never fails to create a sensa- tion, and is so substantial as to last for years.

We send full and explicit directions with each Skeleton, by the aid of which any (me can readily make it perform, to the astonish, ment of their friends or the publjci

Price, $1 00 perdozQn.

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 15 cents.


696— Consists of' 11 steel links, interwoven together, and in, such a mechanical way'jthat to a person who .does not understand the secret it would, take weeks to get them ^part. Price, $1 00 per (Jozen. Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 10c.

Th3 Enchanted Bottle.

697 A wonderful conjuring trick, very simple to perform, and very astonishing in its results. It consists of a small bottle which will instantly return to an erect position, when laid down by any member o f t h e company, but the per- former may cause it to lie in any position de- sired. Great fun can

be hud ai an evening party or elsewhere with

this trick, which will bear repeating any

number of times.

Price, 75 cents per dozen. Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of

10 cents.


698 This is one of the tricks that needs no directions how to Operate. 4-"y one who fools around it much will find this out to his sorrow. It is to all appearance a harmless and ornamental box, but in sliding back the lid, a Toy Snake is liberated, which springs forwatd' and gives the finger a sharp prick with a pin, much to the discomfiture of the victim and the unbounded delight of the spectator. Black walnut box, very neat.

Pi ice, $3 00 per dozen. Samples niaiTed, post-paid, on receipt of 35c.


699^This cut represents the Changeable Ball, which is largely used by magicians.

The ball may be placed in a box closed, "and after covering with a handkerchief, or going through oth<T motions, so familiar with magicians, the box may be opened and found empty. This trick may be done in various forms; The. box is alxmt tht-ee times the size of the above cut. Price, $3 00 per dozen.

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 20c.

1879 -B. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.


The O^'iental Ball Trick.

700— The won- derful Obedient Ball, or Oriental Bdl Trick, is made from a pe- culiar solid, hard wood, and its brilliant color gives it a very at- tractive appear- ance. Its action is a Ways as sure as fate. At the word of the per- former, it moves either fast or slow on the string, and stops suddenly at word

-J I .of command.

•>!i.l. It ha-< an excit- ing feature about it which is often of great utility to the per- former. Should an outsider desire to try the trick, the performer without hesitation gives it into his hands. The novice puts the ball ih position, and, with a' look of gratified triumph, prepares to manipulate it, when lo ! the ball descends with a crash upon the toes of the now agonized aspirant, who drops the apparatus in disgust, and limps painfully away, amid the boisterous laughter of the audience. ' Price, $2 GO per dozen.

Samples mailed, post paid, on receipt of 2.5c.


. 701 A neat little boxwood box, apparently without any opening; and yet something is heard to rattle ^ inside. This is the wedding-ring, and any lady who can succeed in abstracting it may keep it; but, great as her desire will be, she will find all her endeavors useless, and yet the performer takes it out in a second.

Price, $1 75 per dozen. <j(>^ Samples mailed, post-paid, 20c.

" Magic Eggs of Pharaoh's Serpents.

702 They are an un- solved mystery to all scientific men, and an endless source of won- der and amusement to everybody. Astonish and delight old and young. The eggs are no larger than a small white pea, but place one on a plate and set fire to it, when marvelous to behold ! a serpent h yard long uncoils itself from the burning egg. The snake may after- wards be kept as a won- derful curiosity. '

Price, $1 00 per dozen boxes, 12 eggs in each box. Sample boxes mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 12 eonts.


703 This little box is made of wood, nicely polished, and is just large enough to hold a two-cent piece.

The Trick. Take the cover from the box and allow all present to examine it, after which they will pronounce it empty. Then borrow from some person present a two-cent piece, place it in the box, in full view of all present ; again open the box, and the two-cent piece will have vanished.

Price, $2 00 per dozen. Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 20c.


704 This famous Blondin walks along a string as lifelike as pos- sible. He is fur-covered and gaudily dressed in the trappings of his pro- fession.

Price, $3 00 per doz. Samples mailed, post- paid, on receipt of 20 cents.



705— Two wooden figures nicely painted in Oil Cnlors, joined together by the arms, movable legs, which, when gentlj^ pulled by the string, assumes all manners of curious and laughable positions. The most amusing cheap toy made.

Price, 50 cents per dozen. In boxes of one or two dozen.

40 1879 Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties. 1880.


Japanned in brilliant con- trasting colors. An ever- pleasing toy.

706— Small size, No. 10, 50 cents per dozen,

707 Medium size, No. 15, $1 25 per dozen.

708 Medium size, No. 20, $1 60 per dozen.

709— Large size. No. 25, $3 00 per dozen. The Friction Top, $1 25 per dozen. French Spinning Top, $1 50 per doz.

The Velocipede Eider.

712— This pretty toy is made of col- ored pewter, and runs on a string, as illustrated, being balanced by a sus- pended ball

Price 75 ceats per dozen.

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 12 cents.

Tie BloMott Gjroscop Top.

The Greatest Wonder of the Age.

Weight Suspendei In the Air hy an Unknown Law, None of the Scientists can Explain

Why this little Top will maintain any angle between the horizontal and the perpendicular without any support. It will make a semi-

^ transparent globe, if placed on the round screw-head on a smooth surface, like a plate, glass or marble; will walk a string or gyrate about the top of a wooden pedestal, if placed at an angle; and it will spin for some minutes in any position shown in the cut above, and

- a multitude of others.

713 Price, per dozen $1 50

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 20 cents.

Special line of Etieap Goods


714—^, B, C, Blocks. Full set of Al- phabet, letters and pictures Printed on wood. All in handsome box. The cheapest box of blocks ever offered. 40c. per dozen.

715— To.?/ Ten Fins. A full set of Ten Pins and Balls, very nicely made, packed in box. Price, 50c. per dozen.

716 Checker Boards. A Checker and Chess Board on heavy board. Printed in colors. Hi inches square. Folding.

Price, 50c. per dozen.

717 Checkers. A full set of Checkers, finely made, hao'd wood, put up in box.

Price, 50c. per dozen.

718 Pocket Mirrors, A nice mirror, 3 inches diameter, with writing tablet on back. Handy for the pocket, Price, 50c. per dozen.

719 Gem Boiv Gtm. A gun, with Elas- tic which throws an arrow with much force for 50 feet. NEW. 1 arrow, brass point ed, with each. Price, 60c. per dozen.

720 Lunch Booc^ fancy decorated tin, slide top. Price, 60c. per dozen.

721 Tin Bank, witli dial for registering the money deposited. Price, 75c. per dozen.

TZ2—Tin Card Box. NEW. With dials for keeping points and games played. Neat and low priced. Price, 60c. per dozen.

723 Botv and Arrow. A 3 foot Bow,

made of hard wood. Complete with strings

and brass pointed arrow. The best Bow ever

offered for the price. Price, 50c. per dozen.

. Extra arrows for do., 18c. per dozen.

724r— Double Jig Dancers. 2 wooden figures, painted, and worked by string. Very amusing. Price, 50c. per dozen.

725 Aittograph Albums. 40 pages. Illustrated Cover. Price, 50c. per dozen.

726 Boy's Beins. Leather, with bells. Fine grain leather, 40 inches in length from shoulder. Price, 35c. per dozen.

121— School Book Straps. No. 4. A 36 inch leather strap, Tvith le'uther' handles.

Per dozen, 50c.

728— Tin Pencil Cases, ' " 40c.

72^— Paragon Pen and Pencil Cases. Per dozen, 40c.

730 No. A, Transparent Slate. /Size, 4^x3*. Per dozqu, $0. 50

731— To?/ Wind MillSy, ,, . " n 35

782— Wood Pop Gun, . " . 50

733 Wood Dominoes, " 1 00

7M—Tin Banks, No. 2, '.', 60

7m— Rustic " " ly 'Ub ,uu750

736— " " " 2,. " ,.M;o-r65

787— Tin Kitchen Set, 1%

pieces, " .50

738— JV^o. 40 Inkstand, " 1 25

739— " JO Humming Top, 50

740 Mice Pen Wiper, per doz., 50

741— iV^o. P2 Iron Bank, " 1 00

See descriptions of these goods in other parts of this Book.

Special Prices made on these Goods in gross lots for 5c. and lOc. Counters.

The above good* are nnequaled for quality and price. Send for Sample dozens of each, they will sell rapidly and pay good profit.

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Stkeet, N. Y.— 1880.





742— The most Novel, En- tertaining and Salable Toy in the market.

Price, per dozen, $16 00

NEW AND GOOD. 1?Ta.e 3>3'e£«>teist Xjlttlo Sliootox* Oixt.


744—12 inch Paper Target for Little Gem Bow Gun.

743— Shoots an arrow with force and accuracy a distance of 50 feet. Convenient to hold, easy to shoot, no danger, a little child can use it. One Brass Pointed Arrow- to each Bow Gun. Price, 60 cents per dozen. Packed in cases of 6 dozen each. Price, per case of 6 dozen, $3 30. Send for a sample lot- Extra arrows for Bow Gun, 18 cents per dozen . per 100, $1 00


We are also the Headquarters for Archery- line constantly on hand at low prices. . ..Complete,, Price Lists mailed on application,

A fnll

fiw \

.. ;iii Vv

Greatly lleduced Prices on Wood Splints.

GpODS First Class. FOR SEGAR LIGHTERS; FRAMES, &c. Bunches Full Size.

'2 lo.

)9JlQf«5«) .bttioJo ) io ey;)r

Per Bunch 4i in., l^c


JO Ik>o ■: 15 4 20 '

2^0. 3ic. 5c. 7c.


Per 100 Banches. Per Bunch. Per 100 Bunches- Per Bunch.

|1 25 2ic. $2 00

1 75 3ic. 3 00 5c.

8 00 5c. 4 50 6c.

4 50 ' 7c. 6 25 8c.

6 50 10c. 8 50

Brown Stained or Assorted Fancy Colors. Per 100 Bunchae

H 25 5 00 7 00

Not less than 100 Bunches of Each Size, Sold at Hundred Bunch Price.

Double Pointed ITITood Toothpicks.

746— Price, per Box, 2,500 to Box 9c.

" per Case, of 100 Boxes $7 00

•' in 5 Ctise lots 6 00

42 1879 Catalogue and Ppice List of Games and Novelties. 1880.



747 We give above a few cuts of Ornamental Work made with our Honey-Comb Spirals. The Spirals are delicate shavings of wood in various colors, which can easily be made into


and other articles of utility and ornament too numerous to mention.

As the cost of the material is trifling, and the process of construction simple^ it will afford old and young pleasing employment. Instructions and diagrams of some of the articles which can be made.

These goods will work up into far handsomer articles than the common spliijts, and will take the place of the splints which have now so large and extended a sale.

They come in all shades: plain White, or assorted Red- White, Blue-White, Pink-White, Green- White, Purple-White and Yellow- White.

These goods are put up 350 Spirals in bunch, 20 bunches in pasteboard box, 20 pasteboard boxes in wood case.

Prices of White, 5 cents per bunch, (250 Spirals.) Prices of White, 85 cents per box of 20 bunches. Prices of Colored, 8 cents per bunch, (250 Spirals.) Prices of Colored, (assorted colors in boxes,) |1 40 per box of 20 bunches.

Sample bunches mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price and 5 cents extra to cover postage.

As far as may be possible, order in full even boxes, as the goods pack and ship much better when put up in original packages.

Cotton Covered Wire, used for shaping Spiral Fancy Work. Price, 5 cents per coil of 5 yards.

Dealers handling Spirals will find it very convenient and largely increase their sales by having samples of the goods made. We oiler samples of the following Ornaments which are very pretty :

748— No. 2 Match Safe per dozen, $3 00

749— " 4 Spool Basket, with handles " 5 00

750—" 5 Pointed Hanging Basket. Spiral Bons " 4 00

751— " 8 Open Work, Bead Basket, Satin Lined " 5 00

752— " 15 Two Hanging Baskets " 4 00

Samples of these goods mailed, post-paid, on receipt of wholesale price, and 10 cents

extra to cover postage.

1879— E. G. Selchow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880.




i'liw fwvn

753 The Liveliest, Prettiest and most At- tractive Dancer ever rnade. NEW. Price, per dozen $16 00

Black Walnut Frames. Boards covered with enameled cloth. Spring for Shooting Marbles. A very complete and salable Board game.

754 No. 1, length 20 inches. 1 Brass Bell. Per dozen. $10 50.

755 No. 2. length 24 inches, and much larger. Per dozen, $27 00.


756 With this little instrument a person can. learn the art of telegraphing, and mes- sages may be sent and received after a few hours practice.

Samples, with Morse Alphabet and full in- structions, will be mailed, post-paid. 10c.

, Price, 60 cerits per dozen, including Alpha- bet. Mailed, post-'paid, on receipt 9f 70 cents per dozen. : ' '

Hai^ Aim TaYe,



No. 5. Cupid. $1 25 per doz.

758— No. 15. Woodsawyer. $2 50 per doz.

7.)y— 760—

No. 16. Shoemaker. No. 8. Cat with Violin.

$3 00 per doz. $3 00 per doz.

761— No. 7. Washerwoman, per doz., $1 25 762— No- 2. Double Grinder, " 150

763— No. 27. Grinder, " 1 25

764— No. 29. Steeplechase, '• 3 00

Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, and 5 cents extra to cover postage.



The latest, neatest, most ornamental and convenient Inkstand ever offered to the pub- lic. Requires no cork, has no metal cover to rust and corrode, keeps out the air when closed, never spills over, and is just the thing for Merchants, Bankers, Book-keepers, etc., as well as for library and home use.

765— No. 140. Single Ink.

Bronzed Rack. Per dozen, $3 25

44 1879 Catalogue and Price List of Games and Noyelties 1880.

766— No. 131. Double Ink. Bronzed Rack. Per dozen, $6 00

770— No. 142. Double Ink. Bronzed Rack. Per dozen, $4 50

767— No. 101. Single Ink. Bronzed Rack.

Per dozen, $4 50

768— No. 102. Double Ink, Bronzed Rack.

Per dozen, $5 50

771— No. 29. Ink

Per dozen, $#00

772— No. 40. New Style. . . . Per abzeii;' |1 25

773— No. 28, Ink. .Per dozen. $2 00

769— No. 20, Ink

A Complete Catalogue of I^k- Per dozen, $3 00 Stands mailed on applicatiori.jq

1879— E.-Gf. SelChow & Co., 41 JoHir Street, N". Y.— 1880.


Tell Tale Whist Marker.

774-^Price, per dozen

'i qij Ui'i

.$3 00



775 RegisteEing . both the number of points made, and games played.


Per dozen.'. .'...60 cents.

lif-t)(i OOOVf

oa'imoCl boovr 9)iii //— otji , , . . !'>'■ •■ - uiinnd

Whist Markei*.':.,:,'!''"


. . af)iiiii . . >.*r/()«l


77ftUi.:Price, per dozen. .1. 1 ,j.'J}\M'i . %-e^s.'''''

"; S ..jov; [ briti l'>vii.,8'»flil oS .11 .o/!--,-;;!

.Jovi.i 'ojijj Jovii ,8yriil S'S IT '/— i-)



0" <

777 Price, per doz. .

$1 25

778 Price, per doz. , 75 cents.


The best Card Counter ever made.

779— Brass.. , ...uu.

780— Nickel .uUiJt.I .

Per Dozen. ,...$2 00

. ... 3 00

Flat Chess & Checker Men Combined.

.$9 00

781 Per dozen sets.


Pel' Dozen.

782— No. 0. Paper, 11x11, red and white squares $0 50

783— No. 1. Paper 11x11, red and white squares, heavier board than above.. . . 1 00

784— No. 3, 13x12, Black paper, imita- tion cloth, gilt squares 3 00

785^No. 4, 14x14, Black paper, imita- tion cloth, gilt squares 8 50

786— No. 5, 14x14, Red paper, imitation cloth, gilt squares 3 50

787— No, 6,16x17, Black paper, imitation cloth, black and drab squares 4 00

788— No. 7, 12x12, all leather, red and white squares . . 5 00

789— No. 9, 15x15, Muslin. Red and black squares 5 50

'!'90— No. 10, Same as No. 9, with back- gammon on outside only. Size, 14x14 5 50

791— No. 11, Same as No. 9, with back- gammon on outside 6 00'

792— No. 14, 14x16, Paper, imitation of wood. New style, and design, with backgammon on outside. Complete, with Checkers. Per dozen 4 00

Backgammon Boatds. -

Per Dozen.

793 No. X, 3oard frajues, paper cover- ed. Red ' and black -squares. Size, 12x12, furnished complete. N'eiv. 5 00

794— No. 0, Paper. Red and black squares. Size 17x18, furnished with men, dice, cups, etc. . . v . . . .^ 7 00

795— No. 1, Paper. Size 17x18, gilt squares, furnished with men, dice, cups, etc 7 50

796 No. 2, Paper, imitation of wood. Very handsome. New. Complete, with men, cups, etc. Size 15x15. ... 6 00

Fine Backgammon Boards.

Sizes of Large Boards, 17x18 inches. Sizes of Small Boards, 14x16 inches.

46 1879 Catalogue and Price List of Games and Novelties. 1880.


Per Nest.

799 No. 1. All paper. Imitation Cloth,

Red and black squares, 2 in nest.fl 85

800— No, 2. Cloth outside and inside.

Red and black squares, 2 in nest, 2 25

801 No. 3. Leather outside, paper in- side. Red and black squares, 2 in nest 3 50

802 No. 4. Leatherette oatside and inside. Red and black squares, 2 in nest. 3 50

803— No. 5. All leather, red and black

squares, 2 in nest 4 50

804 No. 0. All leather, white and

black squares, fine, 2 in nest 5 00

American Staunton Wood Chess.

Made of boxwood and ebony. Large bases, to prevent their turning over. Considered the best pattern out.

Per Set.

805— No. 1 $1 40

806— " 2 1 75

g07— " 3 2 00

808— " 4 2 50

8(19— " 5 : 3 UO

810— " 6 3 50

811— " 7.... 4 00

812— " 8 4 50

Enfflish Staunton Wood Chess.

^ Per Set.

813— No. 3 $2 1)0

814— " 4 2 40

815— " 5 3 0!)

816— " 6 3 75

English Chess, Best Wood.

817— No. 0.

818— " 3.

819— " 4. 8iO— " 5. 821— •' 6.

Per fi't. .|0 65 . 1 75 . 2 '^5 . 3 00 . 4 GO

French Chess, White Wood Boxes.

Boxwo9d and Ebony Men.

Per Doz. Set.

822— No. 0 .. $6 00

823— " 1 7 00

82e— " 2 8 00

825— " 3 9 00

826— " 4 11 00

827— " 5 '. 13 50

English Chess, Hard Wood.

828— No. X.

829— " 0.,

830— " 1.,

Per Set.

.$0 35

. 40


English Bone Chess Men.

831— No. 0.

832— " 1.

838— " 2.

834— " 3.

8:55— " 4.

836— " 5.

837— " 6.

Per S^t. .$0 85 . 1 '20

. 1 m

. 2 00 . 2 50 . 3 00 . 4 00



838— Small Per dozen boxes, |6 00

8;J9— Medium " " 7 00

840— Large " " 8 00

841 Chess and Checkermen " 9 00


Per Doz. Boxes. 842— Plain Wood, 3 sizes, 1, H, 1^ in.L$0 75 843 Plain Crown, Embossed Wood,

varnished, 4 sizes, 5. 1- li. li, in 1 50

844— Enameled, 4 sizes. |, 1, H. li in.. 1 75 845 Imitation Boxwood, polished, 3

sizes, 1, li, liin 1 25

846 Lignumvitfe and Boxwood, in pol- ished black walnut boxes, fine, 5

sizes, 1. H, U, If l^in 6 00

No. 842, 843, 844, 845,, are put up in half dozen packages. Packages not broken.

Compressed Ivory Checkers, fine.

Per Dozen.

847—1 inch $S 00-,

848— Hinch.... ■......:.... 10 001; i

849— li inch ^^ PVi


■■ '■'■"' Per* Set. i I

850—1 inch...,.{^.K.„i $1 35§|

851— H inch ..;......' 160;;

8.'")2— U inch : 2 00 :

853— If inch 3 25 : i

854— H inch 2 40;!


Per Dozen.

855 White wood Dominos, black spots. New, Best cheap wood Dominos made 1 00

856 White wood, red spots, paper boxt'S 1 50

857 Black wood, white spots, paper boxes 4 25

858 Black wood, white spots, double- nines , 8 50

859 Arabesque wood, fancy paper boxes : 5 00

860 Brass inlaid, black spots, wood boxes 6 50



Per Set. 861 No. 15. 18 lines, rivet and pivot. .$1 75

862— No. 11. 20 lines, 1 pivot 2 00

863— No. 11. 20 lines, rivet and pivot. . 2 50 864 No. 14. 22 lines, rivet and pivot,

fancy eyes 3 00

865— No. I'tXM. 22 lines, rivet and pivot, fancj^ English eyes, mahogany boxes 3 50


Per 100,'^ 8'i6— No. 0, Square Corners $0 95 '>

868- 869- 870-

872- 873- 874-

1 10 1 30

1 50'^

2 00^

2 50

3 10

3 50

4 25

1879— E. G. Selghow & Co., 41 John Street, N. Y.— 1880



Per 100 net. 875— No. 4, Round Corners $2 00

876— "6 " " 2 75

877— "8 " " B 50

878— "9 " " 4 50


879— Cloth covered,

per doz., $1 00 880— Cloth covered, with dial,

per doz. . $2 00


881-Small straight, for Parcheesi, cloth, 2 dozen in a box.

Per box, $1 00 882-Small straighi. for Parcheesi, leath er, 2 dozen in a box

Per box, $1 50

I'er Dozen Cups.

883— No. 1, Black leather, straight $0 80

884— " 2, " . " " .... 1 00

885 " 0, all leather, colored, straight, fine., 1 50

886— No. 00, all leather, colored,

straight, fine. . . 2 00

887 Black, all leather, hour glass shape, 1 4d 888— Brown, «' "

medium 1 20

889 Brown, all leather, hour glass

shape, large 1 40

890 Red, all leather, hour glass shape,

large 2 25

891 No. A, sole leather, straight, small, 1 50 892— " B, " " large, 2 00


Per Dozen.

893— No. X, wood inlaid $1 00

894— " XO, " " polished 1 75

895— "0, " •' •* 1 90

896— " IX, " " " 2 00

897— "1, " " " 2 50

898— "2, " " " 3 50

899— " 3, bone, " " 4 50

900— " 4, " " " fine... 5 50

901— " 5, " " " " .. 6 50

902— " 6, " " " •' .. 8 00

903— " 7, " " " " .. 9 50

904— " 8, " " " " ..12 00

905— "9, '• " " ver}-- handsome *. 17 00

906 No. 50, Pearl inlaid, polished, very- handsome 24 00

Oribbage Boxes.

91)7— No. 0, wood inlaid, polished

Per doz. , $2 00 908— No. 12,- bone inlaid.

Per doz., $S 00 909— No. 13, bonu inlaid, polished.

Per doz., $9 00

Oribbage Boxes. (Double, 2 Packs.)

Per Dozen. 910— No. 3, Bone inlaid, polished,

very handsome $21 00

911 No. 4. Bone inlaid, polished,

very handsome 30 00

912 No. 1. Rosewood, Pearl inlaid,

polished, very handsome 42 00

Triangle Oribbage Boards.

Per Dozen

913— No. 1. Wood inlaid $5 00

914— No. 2. Bone, inlaid 7 00

915— No. 4. " 12 00

916— No. 5. " 15 00

The above prices do not include pegs with the boards. 917 Oribbage Pegs, extra, red and white.

Per gross, $2 00


Leather Covered, Assorted Colors.

Per Doz ^Gts

918— No. 1. Polished Sticks $4 50

919— No. 2. " " 5 50

920— No. 3. " " 6 50

931— No. 4. " " 7

922— No. 5. " " with bound

leather handles 9

923— No. 6. Polished Sticks, with bound

leather handles 12

924— No. 7. Polished Sticks, with bound

leather handles 13

925— No. 8. Polished Sticks, with bound

leather" handles. 16

926— No. 9. Polished Sticks, with bound

leather handles 21

50 50 00 00 00 00

Velvet Covered, Assorted Colors.

927— No. 1. Plain Sticks. $4 00

928— No. 2. " 4 50

929— No. 4. Polished Sticks, velvet bound handles 7 50

Compendium of Games.

Handsome Boxes, containing from five to

eight Games, complete.


930— No. XX, White Wood Box, pol- ished $3 25

931— No. X. Cloth Case 3 50

932— No. O. White Wood Box, polish- ed, with lock and key 7 00

933— No. 7. Mahogany Box, polished, with lock and key 6 50

934 No. 1. Mahogany Box, polished, with lock and key 8 00


Per Dozen.

935 No. 1. Polished Box, complete,

with glasses $2 50

j 936 No. 2. Polished Box, complete,

I with glasses .' 5 50

I 937 No. 3. Large polished box, com-

( plete, with glasses 8 00

48 1879 Catalogue xnd Price List of Games and Novelties. 1880.



n A .(.7.— :.; '

JV^o. 19.


Dozen. $7 50

938— No. 19, Double Ink. Length IH in.

Height, 7i in ...

939— No, 0, Double Ink, Nickel

Plated. Length, 6 in 7 50

940_No. 1, Single Ink. Length, 8 in. 7 50 941— No. 2, Double Ink. Length, 8 in. 7,50' 943 No. 4, Single Ink, with Thermo- ,'

metei'. Diameter, 5iin. ; Height,

9i in.; ... 7,,50

943_No . 5,, Double Ink, with Thermo- ; ' , ,

meter. Length, 9 in.; Heiglit,

5^ in,,.. ,....,,;.,'.

944_No. 6, Double Ink, with Thernio-

m^ter, Xeiigth„ 9 in,

51 in!

945— No, 8, Double Ink.

in.; Height, 5| in '. 7 50

946— Ko. 11. Double Ink, without'ther--^

mometer. ' Length, 9 in. ; 'Height,'

.5f. in ..,.,..... 7 50

;7 50

947- 948-



I . i.


953 953- 954


.vof) 2 -10 PerDtHien.

-No. 7. Single Ink. Diameter, 5 in. , Height, 5i. . . . r J. . .f. . . .;;.': ... |7 50

-No. 12, Double Ink, without Ther- mometer. Length, 9 in. ; Height, 5iin .:.......-..;.:.■../..'. 7 50

-No. 13. Double Ink. Length,' 10| in, ;, Height. 5^ in". . . , .; .... . .... 7 50,^^

-No. 14, Single Ink^ LehgtK 5^ .L^^^ in, ; Height, 5 in, ......... . .', . . . 7 5(J

-No. 15, Single Inh(' with Thermo- ii-r- mcter. . Lengtla,. .9 In. ; Height, 5i inches ..^ . .u..i ... .; 7 50,

-No. 16, Single Ink. -Lengthi -ij;! in.; Height, 4i in.';. ....■..:../. .. 7

-No. '^'J', Single Ink. Length; 5^ iq,, . . . __. . ,,. ., . .^. . . . .^. . . . .... ••

-No.'''l'8, Single Ink; 'with' TllWmo- meter. Diameter, 5^ in. ; Height, 8- in. . , * ....;... .'..y. . J H ^Q

.b'.)Jhiioq .0/. " li


7 50

New Dollar Engine.


.fj :A .oK— 1;

IW O .o'/l— 1^: . >{;ir i ilJiw J)^ ■K .T ,o7[— f;di'!

955 Base Burner, large Fly Wheel, all complete, with Lamp Funnel, &c.


Price, .$7 GO per dozen, net.

Old Aunt Chloe.


0;" '956— This is anothe^ ' ;'| new mechanical toy) '■"'■ made in imitation of'' a negro woman at'"^' her washtub. He|T«'"' motions are extreme- ly natural. She moves •' up- and down, turns her head, and rubs J>vay at her work with laughter and song, as it were, It is designed to be one of the most popular toys ever offered to the trade, and will be fully appreciated by all having a keen sense of the ridiculous.

Price, per dozen, $24 00

Specimen Page of Uncle Heubert's Popular Quartos. "The Boys" and Girls" Treasury."" "My Books," "The Playmate."" -'The Bnda-et.*" "The Prattler."*


The Boys' and Oirls' Treasury. Netr. A Collection of Pictures and Stories for Boy.s and Girls. Edited by Uncle IJerbert. With 188 Illustrations. Uniform with " The Prattler," " The Budget," and " The Playmate." Bound in half-cloth, gilt back, elegant

chromoside Price, $1 25

No javeniles have ever, in the same length of time, had so large a sale as these popular books liy " Uncle- Herbert " The large sale of the new volume of the series every year indicates the high appreciation of Ihe young people for books of real merit.

The "My" Books. Containing "My Primer," " My Pet Book," "My Own Book."

Three books bound in one volume. With 341 Illustrations. 286 pages. Beautiful

chromo sides. Boards. In half cloth Price, $1 25.

The Playmate. A Picture and Story Book for Boys and Girls. Fully illustrated 4to.

Illuminated sides, half-cloth, gilt back Retail price, $1 25

The Budget, a picture and story book for boys and girls. Elegantly illustrated. 4to. 368

pages. Bound in half-cloth. Gilt back and illuminated sides Retail price, $1 25

The Prattler, a picture and story book for boys and girls. New edition, with new illu"

minated cover. Nearly 20,000 copies of this book were sold last season, probably the

largest sale, in the same length of time, of any juvenile ever published in this country.

Bound in half-cloth. Gilt back and illuminated sides Retail price, $1 25

My Picture Story-Book. In Prose and Poetry. Edited by Uncle Harry. In large

print, and with 39 elegant full-page Pictures. 78 pages. Half cloth, illuminated cover.

Price, $1 00.

Elaborately bound in cloth, printed in black and gold $1 25.

"On»! of the handsomest juveniles of the season. The reading matter is thoroughly good, and the book is attractive in every respect."

The Picture Alphabet. By Cotxsin Daisy. Containing Large Letters, with a full- page Picture to each Letter. Especially adapted to very young children. Large 4to.

Boards, with elegant chromo side. 56 pages Price, 75 cents.

This is the most elegant alphabet book ever made, and will be hailed with delight throughout babyland, My O'W^n Book. A collection of Pictures, and select Stories and Poetr3^ Very fully

illustrated. 144 pages. 4to. Bound in half -cloth. Elegant Illuminated cover.

Retail price, 75 cents. Mother Ooose's Melodies. Containing all that have ever came to light of her

memorable writings.. Illustrated throughout with Wood Engravings. Small 4to.

Illuminated cov 96 pages Price, 50 cents.

My Pet Book. A Collection of Picture.*?, and Short Stories with Short Words, in large

type. 75 Illustrations. '96 pages. 4to. Bound in half cloth. Elegant illuminated cover.

Retail price, 50 cents. The ]Ve\r Tea Things, an<l Other Stories for the Young.— Selected from

" The Prattler." With 35 Illustrations. Boards. Illuminated sides. 96 pages.

Price, 50 cents. Face In the Glass, and other Stories. Selected from " The Prattler. " With 39

Illustrations. Boards. Illuminated sides. 96 pages Price, 50 cents.

Gbildren^s Books Continued.

Hie Finest PtiblisJied. Just Out.

Our lloineo. and other Stories for tlie Young. Selected from -The Pja^^';-" Willi over 30 lUastrations. 96 pages. Boards. Illuminated sides Price, 50.TeeTit8.

My Youns Soldier, and other Interesting Stories.— Selected from "The Prattler " With over 30 Illustratioas. 96 pages. Boards. Illumihated sides.

^rice, 50 cents.

These little books for children are gems In their way, and are bright, cheerful, and pleasing to the eye. They are i!?althy, f iiruishrng alout the right sort of pabalum for the childish mind. Altogether a beautiful series.

Famous Fairy Tales. Told in Words of One Syllable. By Hakriet B. Audubon.

With elegant illuminated covers. Small 4to. Boards. Each volume containing two

colored Illustrations.

Gulliver in Liliput Land, and Puss in Boots.— Goody Two Shoes, and Tom Thumb.— Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp, and Whittiagton and his Cat.— Valentine and Orson and Little Red Riding Hood.— Cinderella, and the Fair One with Golden Locks.— Robin Hood, and Hop-o'-Mv-Thumb.— Blue Beard, and Jack and the Bean Stalk.— Beauty and the Beast,

and Children in the Wood Price, per volume, 40 cents.

Mv Primer with Large Letters of the Alphabet, Short Stories in Short Words in large

print. Sixty-six Illustrations. 48 pages 4to. Bound in half cloth. ^Elegant illuminated

Cover . Retail price, 30 cents.


Just Issued. 6 volumes large 16mo, containing 68 pages each, and profusely illus- trated. Bound in handsome chromo board covers, cloth back.

Little Bo-Peep's Story Book; Pretty Pictures for Bright Eyes; Rosebud's Pictures and Stories; Glimpses into Pet Land; Happy Boys' Story Book; Our ^^"l^'^l'^^Jf^^-g^. ^^i^j^g


The Gem of ail Picture Books, (size lOxlSf. ) In very large type, full page illus- trations, handsome chromo covers ITice, $ i

Sunbeams for Baby Days, for the Little Ones. A handsome large Royal 4to volume, one-page stories, full page illustrations on every other page, large, clear type, chromo

board cover, cloth back Frice, /o cents

4 volumes large 4to. 100 pages each, fully illustrated, bound in handsome chromo board

covers, cloth back.

Sunshine for Dull Days; Christmas Treasures for Boys and Girls; Snow Flake's Pleasure

Book; Little Tot's Treasury of Pictures and Stories At 50 cents per volume

Books Printed on Linen.

My Picture Alphabet. By Cousin Daisy. Containing large letters, and 37 full-pag« illustrations. Large 4to. Flexible linen covers. 55 pages *J- w

laother Goose's Melodies. With many illustrations. Small 4to. Flexible Imen covers. 48 pages. cc -n

The Indestructible "My" Primer. Printed entirely on linen. 48 pages. 66 illus- trations 4to. The largest and best book of the kind ever made $" ou

My Indestructible ABC Book. With 30 Pictures. Small 4to, Flexible linen covers. 16 pages


The most attractive Children's Book ever issued, and the leading juvenile book this year. Six different books, as follows:

1 Mother Goose, 18< &ries, 8. Mother Goose, 3d Smes, 5. How Eight Men became One,

2 Mother Goose, 2d /Sems, 4. Old Mother Hubbard, 6. Humpty Dumpty .

Each book filled with magic, colored, transformation pictures of the m^^t entertaining and beautiful designs. Price, 25 cents each. Put up in dozen packages Ti^ni Jflt sWe paper wrappers. Also, the entire Six Books, bound in one handsome cloth ^o^^^^^^jf^^^^/^g^^s and back - '' . ,' V

As these new books are the most original and unique of their kind ever issued, the demand is already enormous, and orders should be sent in immediately.

Trade Discount on all these Books, 40 per cent.

\ (


-.T?'^ M



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