


K ■.I








E. A. HoTcHKiss, Editor and Proprietor.

Liberty, Literature and Land.

Terms : $2:00 a Year in Advance.

VOL. VII. NO. (i.


WHOLE NO. 318.




No rtrtmui from iU sources Flows ouwaiil, Uow lonrly soever its course. But what some land is giadden'd. No stareTer

roue ADd Sft, witbc'Ut iuflnence somewhere. Who knows What t-nrtU lu-i ds from wuth's lowest creatures ?

No life. Can hv pare iQ it" pnrpos-es, and strong In its

itrifu. And all .'itv not be purer and slronper thereby. The spirits nf just men madeperfeet ou hi«h. The army ot martyrs who sfauia by the Throne And sja^e into the lace that makes glorious their

own. Knows Ibis surely, at last. Honest lore, honest

sorrow. Honest work for the day, honest hope for the mor- row. Are theMtt worth nothing

The hSIrt ^they have saddeuM. the Ufa they leave

dreary V Huah ! the wvenfold heavens to

Spirit Echo : He that


I ' A Secretary of State In an Kmbarratf-

I The Corpse af Mrs. AVIIIIs Cowlln« af- mg Sitnatlon.

ter Fifteen Yearjj' Interment- The a Flvria (Ohio) paper tells tbe following: Petrifaction of C«pt. Cady. au ii.iyTit% (\ju'^ i f y ^, . , . .,

To the Editor of the Sua: : A capital joke has just leaked out on the

' Sir The receut afflrmatiou of Professor good-natured and afljible Kentlemau. Oen !h a. Ward, of the Rochester (N. Y.) : I. R. Sherwood. Secretary of State. During ! University, '-that ther.^ id no eingle in- the late canvass this prince of good lellows, i stance ou record of fossil or petrified ' who. by the way, enjoys a good jok.\ even ' flesh •• is strangely subversive of the truth I »» hi.s own expense, had occasion to stop at in many well authenticated caseB. recorded Oberlin. He was provided with a comfort-

more than the baud they

o Ufa they leave

the voice of tbo

<>vr.-.>ru. th sh^ll all t1ilD>-'B inheril.

Cenrral ^utaimcnct.



The True Sto. y of How the Medical "tttdenfs Hooted I he Ladles, from an Kye-Wltness.

Philadelphia (Nov. 9) Correspondence New York Tribune. The lecture room ot the old Teunsylyania Hospital was the scene of a novel exhibition on Saturday morning last. The managers, having opened the doors for the ndmi-ssion of te.uale medical students to the clinical lectures delivi-red th.ro. bad the pleasure of seeing, for the firrt time m ihe history of the institulio.i. alK-nt thuty students from the Wom.ns Medical College seated in the little theatre where the 'vliuica are held, fhrio or tour liun(ire«l male stu dents trom the other mt the city were likewise present, as it wrs the n gular lecture morning. From one of the upper benches I observed that the cir- cular form of the apartment and thr, rising tiers of seats placed tbo woruen m iull vie.v as they sat in a body ou one .side. Two or three of the managers, members of the Society of Fri.nds, w^re seated on the little stage availing the en- trance of the lecturer. They woro"weighty Friends, a sort of moiul Done column, with solidity of ix-rson, and a mild ma«sive- uess of conuteuunco which bet*>keued that they were not to be diverted from a pur- pose by trifles. Tht-y

iu the newspaper presses, and well remem- bered to this day by hundreds of the most intelligent and lopiitable citizens resident where the discovery of these pUeuomena took place.

The instance recently furnished yon from Caiiestotjv N. V., ot the petrifaction of the body of Capt. Cady. "an old and well known resident of the town of Sullivan," revives and reolothes with all the freshness and vi^or of a yesterday's incident, the ex- [ astonishment, humation of the body ot Mrs. Willis Cowl- ing tor re-interment iu the new cemeU-r}- jnst erected and completed in the city of Richmond, Va., thirty-tivt* years ago.

The deceased lady, the wife of one of the large.'»t manufacturers of that city, was buried in the grounds attached to the Methodist Episcopal Church. After the

able room at the "hotel, and immediately

i .set about the task of doffing his ap|)arel

: and cladding himself with an entire change

of dress. After removing from his per-

!son every stitch of clothing, even to

' the shirt (the General is always very neat

and t<istv in his dress), he stepped forward

and opened a door, as he 8uppos«'d, ot a

closet, for the purpose of placing therein

' the dolled garments. But behold his

t, when, instead ot opening

the wnv to a closet, he opened a door K-ad- uiK into a comiuotHous sitting room, which was occupied bv a numl>er of ladies. .\ fnlldtveloped manhood, as barren of cloth- ing as in th.' moment he made his debut in th.' world, standing nnobscured before the ladies, and the illustnitiou of the mod- est Gon. ral at the mistake ho ha.l made, consternation among the parties

lap^e of several ytars M' Cowling, in the i caused a i » ,

interim having marri.^d again and the sec- , that can more easily be judged than n-Uitea. ond wife dying, detertiii nod to bury both The General, however, notwithstanding wives in the new ceu.. icry. and had the his shocked modesty, retreated in good botly of the first wife exhnnied. The unn- order, and soon reinvested himselt with ' snal weight of the coffin, exacting the lorce that of which he had been divested, Imt an«i powlr of several nun to remove it, and fuUy convinced of the fact that all doors the extraordinary preservation of the wood opening out of reoms do not lead the way of which it was manufactured, induced the to clothes closets

iricuds pi. sent to investigate the astound- ius phenomena, and with that sole object in view, opened the coflin. when, to the utter amazement of every beholder, the tx)dy was found to be petrified in it entirety 'r ""i .^^'nlL^'lJi daguerreotyping not only the general con- dical colleges 01 ^ ^^K^ ^ . jj^X^^^^t lining each individual

Tlit^ .Hound Rnildprn.

The Chicago Times of the 9lh contains the following:

Prof. William Stimson. connected the Chicago Academy of Science,



a short


ieaturo with such perfect "accuracy as to be time since while passing " ^ ...•'. farm, just beyond the town of Harlem, and

adjoining Haas' Park, discovered hillocks

which he suspected might belon;,' to th

easily and distinctly recognizable by every Iriend present, notwithstanding thd inter- vention of fifteen years between the burial of the body and its exhumation.

Incidcuts iu the Overflow of the Nile.

A correspondent of the London Times


On the night ot the 10th of October, . gother with Charles Kennicott. made a per- owiuR to the extraordinarily sudden rise in yonal examination of the premises, (in.l un-

e mound-building period, and might contain valuable mcmentoej of a past age. A few days alterward ho obtained permission ot the owner of the farm to make an examina- tion of the mounds, and last week hf, to-

w.ro dre.ssfd in

the Nile, an inundation occurred, which, for the celerity with which it rose, is, per- haps, without parallel. On this night I happened to be staying in one of the

t)lack, and wore their broad-briuimed hats, j jooJued villages. I had therefore opportu- aud iu the few impatient minnte-i before the ^jj^-^^ which rately fall to the lot of an lecture attracted more attention than the garopean of witnessing intimately the im-

es themselves. Presently the cry of -

was raised bv a few students.


'•hat, hat, - .

and soon a hundred voices took it up. They decidedly wished the elderly pentletnen to be uncovered; but it is known thatlii^nds decline to remove Ihj ir hats in a public as- sembly unless their comfort demands it. - This hariuitss custom, originating iu an hour of democratic purity and re.byions protest, has the sanction years

hundred ical and

of t\V(

a: all ev.nts. is histo iuii'ht have pa>^sed over had these young jBjfcU been better read or bei.ter bred. But they kept up the cry while solemnly iently the managers sat, notjn ih.^ l^-i concerted by the clamor. '

them arose, and was about to pass through a do.)r opening from lh.J i^latlorm to an in- ner apartm.nt. The shouts were renewed ; and, as though patience were no longer a virtue, the Manag.'r turned and faced the assembly. There wa.'^ nothing brow-beat- ing in his look, uothiut.' cLol.-ric m his "fisage, nothing fiery in h:s glance. It w»w a calm, reproving eyo with which this disci- ple of Penn rcfjiirded the Mtudent.-<. but it was not crowne.l with the success that at- tended his ^:reat exemplar. They would not smok.> the pipe of peace, but still screamed "Hat, hal." The entrance of the lecturer at this point diverted utt'-ntion and impose.! silence During the first hour medical cases were Icctnr.-d upon solely, and the interest of tae subject made the so- cial iiue8tit»n .piite subordinate. Malans, Bun-strok» and droi.>>y. illustrated V)y thoir victims, claimed the -'uerahiir. Then fol- lowed the surgeon'.-; nour, in which he had to do with til.- bruin f a murdered man. With skilitul alacrity, the dissection was compltt.'.l. showing by the clot of blood, and the lack of disease, that death had been by violence. The lady students were then edifi.'d by a sight of the pineal gland. the alleged .seat of the soul ! The remains of the cerebral organ being disuii.s.-if^d. the assistants brought forward ft man with a broken thigh. Tbis wa.^ a particularly in- teresting and melancholy ca.se; for th.' frac- tured bone had r.Mused to unite. The poor fellow was placed recumbent on the revolv- ing conch, and the young d.a-tors proceed- ed to pull oft" his boots. At this, a -luii-k, low staniliuk,', likoagrowl of dus.sent, ran round the benches. Rut "Off, oft, ye lend- ings, was the rnl.\ and sn.vdily the tutu- ral, unsartorial man lay before us. The doctor had, how»-v^r, prepared a hlanket lor the nonce, with which the patient was draped. But in this chamber the surgeon means business; and, at times, the decor- otia conventions must shrivel up before the needs of srionco and humanity. In this case. whiU' ineasurinf; the fractured limb, lh«re was a momentary exposure, which proved the signal for an explo- sion among the students mock applause, cUppine. stamping, and shouts ol laugh- ter. miuRled wuh hisses and jeers, in one wild uproar. The eyes of half the audience were on the Wly students, who sat

mediate effect of the calamity on the poor villai<ers, and I am induced to send you this brief account of what came under my own experience and cbservation as a tribute to the remarkable patience and fortitude of the Arabs under very trying and perilous oircnmstanccs.

About 2 o'clock in the morning our Be- douin servant awoke us, saying that the water was rising rapidly. Every inhabi- tant of the village- man, woman or child -was working with an energy seldom wit- nessed here, making banks to stem the en- croaching water, or cirrying their bread and winter supply of ^rain to spots which

and .si- 1 rtst dis- PrcsouUy one of jj^^j hitherto proved suflBciently high for safety. But it was of no avail. The banks vere washed down and the brca.l floated away. Now, indoe.l, the scene began to get dismal enough— the darkness, the un- certainty, the wailing of the Arab women ; and then came the fall of the first house.

covered the earth to the depth of about I three feet. They had dug but a short time. ! when human bones were discovered, which, i upon examination, proved to be of a race at i)resent extinct upon the continent of | North America. Persevering efforts of sev- | cral days were rowitfded with the finding of j several" other fiimilar mounds, and the re- j mains of twenty huma» beings. Two en- j tire skeletons wero found, with the excep- tion that one of them lacked two cervical bon«8, and the other a few of the bones of the bands and feet. The boneslhemselves were very friable, and required the most careful handling to prevent their falling in- to dust again.

The boiif-s whi< h mark the peculiar char- acters of the beings who once possessed them are those of the cranium. It is 11 known that the heads of Europeans and all descendents of the Caucasian race are usually much greater in length and liroadth. They "have what is technically called the diilii'ho-rephnUr skull which the Iroquois Indians who inhabited America at the landing of Columbus, possessed sriuare heads, or skulls which archtoologists call f/rachy-rejjh'ilic. The skulls found at Thatcher's farm are of the hrnchtj-cephalic

rhi.i was an occasion for univer.sal shriek- type, and this fact stamps them as being at ' ing and lamentation, but the water Koon least as old as the first discovery of Amer- \ had it all its own way, monopolizing even ica. It is said that the influences of civili- j

rersoiml Items.

Piesseps is a cousin of Eugenie Reverdy Johnson celeb nit es his golden wedding next week.

- "Sut Loveugood," a scmthern humor- ist, has married.

Wilkes Collins is to speud the winter in Paris.

Duke Ernst, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, is coming to the United States next spring.

- De Cordova has been o.'fered $5.0t>0 to deliver six lecture? at San Francisco.

Sam. Hililebrand has named his young- est son George Washington.

Laura Keene has taken Wall's Opera House, In Washington, for the winter.

Father Hyacinthe attended a spiritual- ist meeting iu New Yt,. n, tht. other evening,

I^ti'jce Thacker.<<.y and Toolsidas Jfcttjt-c. i>*'o Hindoo meirhants, are in ChiwNyo.

- Mrs. General Custar goes with her hns- ban.l on Indian campaigis, and is a good shot with the rifl.i.

Casftiua M. Clay has' returned from Europe and will establish himself in busi- ness in New York.

There is a .'»7-year-old-f;irmer in New Hampshire who owns a laro;e orchard, but has never tasted a raw appiw.

- Col. Sam Hatch, of St. Louis, has con- tracted with Louisiana to build 1,000 miles of Lovee al.mg the Mississii pi river.

--Nelaton, the famous Fr.'uch physiciau, lately chargi^-d the Mayor of Paris JGOy for a single visit.

—Mr. S. A. Hitchcock, of Broonifield, Mass.. has given S4l),000 to endow a Heb- rew Professorship at Andov.jr.

—John Swanson, .i Swede, has bought twelve thousand acres of lan.l in Missouri, intending to found a cotton raising colony.

Charles lleade, novelist and dramatist, contemplates building a theatre on ids own land, in Sloaue streel, Belgiavia.

Th<; Spanish General P -im, it is affi-rin- ed, sleeps in a ditterent place every night, to avoid the i)ossibility of iissassi nation.

-The N.nv York Mail says: ".\ real, live, two-legged, t.^n finf:^cred Dr ke is residing at an nj)-town hotel. Mate hmaking mam- mas will regret to learn that he is mar- ried,

- A Norfolk man his prercnted Gen. Lee with a cane made ol a piece of the Merri- mac, and inscribed: "To Robert K. L.je, from a profound aduiiitr of his character. October, 180U."

A Paris ]>apcr announces thearrival of Madame llistori at Nic.?!, wlicn^ she is to civo some ropipson'ations with Signor Rossi. Madame Riston Wi;s hist reported at Buenos Ayres.

King George, of Greec, ia devote.l to the velocipede, and spends more tiiueou it than iu attendinc; to the ufrairs of his na- tion. Imagine an ancient Ireek .lashing around the Acropoliu on a 1 icycle !

-The Prince Inqierial of Franco is to re- ceive the title of Duke of ('orsica, accord ing to tho piccedent establiiihed by the first Napoleou, who calle.l hi i son King of Rome.

Young Iturbide of the Montezuma dy- nasty lives in Georgetown, D. C, with hi« wife, ntf Green au.l with tho child that was for sometime a.loptcil by the late Max- imilian.


The A%'lfe wrho wras not ll|arrled« and Who Was JDeelarcd Head, Still a Wife.

In tho suit of Mary Durand against Joseph Durand. in which Mrs. Durand al- leges that she went to live with him as his wife sixteen years ago, on bis promise to marry her; that they cohabited until a year ago, she bearing him five children, .and he recognizing her as his wife until about a year ago, when he treated her cruelly and sent her to France, afterwards publishing notices of her death, Judge Fithian yester- day granted the motion made on behalf of Joseph Durand to vacate tho order of his arrest His Honor holds that tho facts set forth by Mrs. Duranil .■onstitutes several causes ot action in whieli an order of arrest might be granted; but the difficulty was that upon her show- ing Mr. Durand was her husband, and neither hubbaud nor wife could maintain a personal action al law aRainst the wther for damages lor personal injury from either. - The only remedy was a suit for separation, or a crimiwal prosecution. Though acconl- ing to Mrs. Durand's statement there was never a formal ceremony of marriage, eith- er religious or civil, yet there was a proiu- i-o of marriage, consummriti'd by living and cohabiting together as husband and wife for sixteen years. This Judge Fithian holds to be, according to all the authorities, sufficient to constitute the couple husband and wife, and both are estopped as against each other and all the world from denying the relationship. Though Mr. Durand had repudiated the contract of marriage, yet she could n<»t t*ike him at his word, and rescind it on her part, because marital ties could not be annulled by mutual consent. -A', r. Sun.

riic story of a Boy >?hu vfos Lost fur Seven Years-

The following appears in the St. Louis Republican :

About seven years ago Henry MuUer, a fanner of Madison county, III., who lives only three miles from St. Louis, returned home from the fiel.ls, when he was inform- ed that his s. n a boj' of scarcely eight years, could not bo fownd about tho premi- ses. Ml'. Muller made diligent researches for the discovery of his lost boy. but they were in vain His house biding on the road, he fancied that movers from the intcvior had stolen the boy and trtk--ii biiu across the river, perhaps to a great distance from his home.

<' lan'I


I'oji Have Those C haii»red r'

[Prom the San Franclseo Call, Nov. 2.] Two young ladies, of genteel app«arance richly and yet tastefully dressed, entered the health office yesterday afternoon, and inquired for the health officer. "He is ab- sent at present," answered the urbane clerk. Dr. Wilson, to whom they had ad- dressed themselves; "but if you wish to see him ou busine.'iS connected with the of- fice. I shall be happj' to give you any in- formation you may desir.'." "Doctor, "said one of tho visitors, "I suppose you are aware that cleanlin.'ss is essential to health; and, therefore, when I explain, you will no doubt appreciate the situation iu which I am placed. You see, about three weeki ago, I rented a finely furnishcc room in a house in the vicin ity of North Beach, and paid thirty dollars for one mouth's rent, iu advance. Since I have been in that r.^ora the land- lady Ims failed to change the linen on the bed. I have asked, legg d, commanded her to change it, or give me back jmrt of my rent money; but she has positively re- fused to do cither. Now, what I want to know is. can't you have those sheets changed? Please send some one to the house to make the landlady change them. This somewhat singular request had the effect to stagger the doctor for a moment, and when he recovered he informed the la- dies that he was unable to act in the mat- ter, but he would advise her to go to the nearest ilry goods store, purchase a few

Read the Pollowlns Letter.

[TVom one of the oldest and most reUable aroceiy mer chanta in ths city of DsTenport-j

FaiEND Wai.ton: Agreeable to my prom- ittfi to you when here, I write you (for pnba- cationif vou see proper,) a true statement of tlie good"tfleeta of Roback's Htonoach Bitters upon myself. I had been troubled with indi- gestion for a lou;; time, attended with severe headache, particularly after eating, when, fortunately, an old soldier friend came into the f tore and re.'ommeiided me to use Ro- batik'aBitte.fl. I did so by taking a small wine glass full juet before each meal, and to my great joy I was relieved at once, and am now weU by their use. I would not be with- out them at any price. I h-ve n.»t taken any other medicine since I commenced Ut*ing the Bitters. And I can say with a clear con- sci.nce, try Roback's Biltors— they will do »" they are recommouded to do— if taken ac- cording to directions. V.jurs truly,

Frank H. Milleb, Of tho firm of Beiderbeck & MiUer, wholesale

grocers. Davenport, Iowa.

The Re.'ukt of Beauty lies in the uea of Hagan'd Magnolia Balm for the Complexion.

RoughneBB, Redness, Blotches, Sunburn, FreckJcs and Tan disappear where it is ap- plift], and a beautiful Complexion ot pure, satin-hko t. xturc is obtained. The plainest features are made to glow with Heaithfal Bloom and Youthful Bi^auty.

R.^m.-mber, Hagun'o Mngnolia Balm is tho. thing that produces thec>o effects, and any Lady can secure it for 75 cents at any of our stores.

To Preserve and Dress the Hair, use Lyon's Eathairon.


.Severe liiiRenng coughs are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract or

yards of cotton, and make a couple of new i Golden Medical Dincoverv in less than one- sheets. The ladv cave it as her opinion >a!f the tim<^ncc(>^ary to cure th.'m with any - - I other medicnie. For hfiarseness, laryngitis,

I or ministers' sore throat, bronchitis, and the i ( arly stages of consumption, it snrraascs ev- erything before disco vcrud " ■' '- ^

that it was the same the wcrld over— offi cers never would assist unfortunate women in trouble -and turning on her heel, left the office.

.SI J by drug- quiiit. r dollars to'

t three

] A 8.;enf. on the Arkansas river is describ- ed by a correspondent as follows:

Still farther back, and there rises to a height that seems to almost pierce the clonds a majestic niounfain. known far and wide as

the greatest of all curiosities upon the Ar- ^^ .,.,,„„ .„„ .,„„„ „„.„^ ^

kansas. Immediat«ly upon its river front i Jho "nerve'tLsue.^^and" " the^'Caiisaya s^^

gists, or send three and a

Dr. R. V. Pioice, Buflklo. ^^\., andg

bottles froeof express charges.

The Best A^^ Oeioisal Tootc of Iron Phosphorus and Cahsaya, known as Casweii Mack A Co.'s Ferro Phosphoratod Ehxir of Calieaya Bark. The Iron restores color to the blood the Phosphorue renews waste of

it presents the appearance of a monRtrous sugar-loaf, the almost perfect proportions of which, aside from all other attractions, form a wonderful curiosity of itself. It is from an up-river view, however, that this mountain takes on the wonderful appear- aii'ie from which it derives its name. Look- ing down stream from a standpoint a few Diiles above, and tho foriuer appearance of a silgar-loaf is found to have disappeared. What before seemed to be but one crown-

a natural healthful tone to the difr;retive sr- gans therobv curing Dyspenaia in i-ts various forms, Wakefulncs-d, General Dcbihty, and Depression of Spirits, Manufactniad only by C.VSWELL, ILAZARD k CO., euceessors to Caswell, iiack & Co., New York. Sold by ad Druggists.

The Yofth's C.iMPANios.— This is one of

the moat promising and readable youth's

publications with which we are acquainted.

It is issued from Boston, is moat j iidii?iously

, . , 1 ti I conducted, and has amocg its contributors

Day before yo.iterday, more than seven ing peak is found divided lu twain, and the | g^.i, writers as Mrs. Htowe, Rev. Mr. H»lo,

years after the child was lost, he found ! appropriateness of the name "Maumelle," | Elizabeth Stuart PI

him, now fifteen years old, in good health [(Woman's Breasts) is ackuowltdg.;d at a

and in excellent spirits, at, the Orphan.s' j^lance. Strange as it may seem the re-

Uome, on Eleventh street, between Mon- i semblance is perfectly wouderfwl. Not a

roe and Market streets, in St. Louis, and | line seemingly is wanting to make up the

was iK-rmitted by t'le la.ly patronesses of i graceful centour, the symmetrical propor-

tho institution to take hini home. ai1er tious and the matchless beauty of the per-

having proved to their satisfaction that he j feet physical woman. So perfectly wou-

was the boy's father. A former neighbor I derful is the resemblancft that we can but

of Muller. a farmer by the name of A. B. j continue to gaz«,in i-pell bound admiration

Evans, who now lives six miles south of [ until the increasing dititance and the grow-

(Jolumbia. had discovered him. He passed i ing darkness caused by a waning moon

about three years ago by the Orphans' j slowly hides the seemingly cloud capped

'helpd, au'l others equally acceptable to the young people. Its an- uonoct^nunts fm- 1870 are mr.ro than ordina-

rilv attractive.

■^— ^^— -^M^^^"^^— ^^"^

Specinl flotices.

Mark Twain say.n

"It is a darling

Havti. Board two

hundred and elev.'u thousan.l dollars a

month in tho best hotels, and ice cream

three hundred dollars a saucer."

—Andrew Miller died in Knoxville, Adair it'isWth.- podtion in which they ' ''ounty. Mo., on the bsth ult., at the ad- . Prof. Stimson was obliged to yance.l ago of y<» years ant five monUis

He had been blind for nearly '2;> years, but just bi.'fore he died be exclaimed: "I shall soon see ! I shall toon s. e ! " For ('>5 years he had been a niPiuber of the Mehodist Episcopal Church.

When General W.iol "vas seized with illness ho remarked that tl is woul.l be his last sickness. "Oh. no. General," ex- claimed one of hi-» utt.>n(lants. "you w-ill recover and be with us many years yet." "No," Paid the (ieneral, ' this is the last flickering of a lamp that has long been

the noise, and nothing was now heard but zation have tmtirely changed the shape of I country to live in that

house after house surging and coming " '

down with a dull sou.so into the water. i

Our house being higher and stronger

than the others, we Went to the top and be- gan to construct a raft ther.^, intending to

launch it from the roof. We were soon

compelleil to relinquish our task, and were

scarcely clear when the walls gave way, at

water level and the whole came .lown. .\ll

made their way. with the water breast hiRh,

to the highest spot, fortunately 'till several

feet above the water level. Hero was .'-oon

collected every inhabitant of the village.

but how changed ! the wotucn no longer

wailing, and the nun no longer diticontent-

ed. for the last hou.so was gone: it was no

longer possible to save anything, and the

water was still rising. There was, therefore

nothing for them but to await their destiny which they set about doing with every ap- pearance (d" contentment, the village beau- ties (never seen except at such a time) even seeming, as it seemed to me, to enjoy the

state ol things as a relief to the monotony of their existence.

It now became necessary to think of our raft again, so. after making sevenl excur- sions from our oresent comfortable stand- ing place to the site of our late residence, we ha.l collecte.l sufficient wood for the purpose; over this we placed dried corn- stalks and bound tho whole together with ropfes from tho camel-packs. So quickly did the water still rise that our raft, com- menced on dry land, was finished floating on over a foot of water. We now join.-.l the villagers on tiie littl** mound and await- etl tho sunrise. .\ c.niHpi.uous tif^nie was the dignifi.-d old "sheikh '

the Indians" skull, so that tho present tribes, no matter how much isolated from the white man, present no cases of the an- tique Indian head.

Another evidence of the antiquity of these remai

were foun;l

remove a large tree which trrew on one of the mounds to reach the skeletons. A cross section of tree disclosed M7 rings, and since botanists claim that the evidences of the first 15 years' giowth of old frees has been obliterated, it f.)llows that this tree was at least 100 years' old.

The mounds were about two feet above the surface of the prairie, were oval iu shape, and were aVioat f.uir or five f.'Ct wide, and from 10 to 20 feet in b ngth. Thev were each snrrounde.l by a well de

Home, when he saw amon^ the children playing on the street a boy whom he recog- nized at once as MuUer's son. Evans had left bis old place sometinle before the child was missing, and thought that Muller himself might have brought him to the asy- Inm. Accordingly time passed on without his advising his friend. Ijast. week, how- ever, three years after he had first discov ered little Henry, he met the father here in the city, where both farmers had eonie to sell their products.

Evans desired to know overj thing that had happened since his removal from Madison county, and when Muller told him that his boy was stolen, Evans ex- pressed his belief that he knew where the child was. They went together to the asy- j

tips of "Maumelle " from view.

An ExcEfXENT Medhtne. - The leading paper of the Northwest, the Wlscoxsin, Milwaukee, gets oft* some very good things, among the latest of which we extract the following :

One of the most popular medicines of the day U Hoofland's German Bitters, which is designe.l to keep the stomach aurt liver in a healthy couditi.m. Tho Bitters is pre- pared witnout Ihe use of intoxicating Li- (juors, an.l if a person desires to drink liquor

ItchZ Itoh!! Itch!! I

SC'HATC'H SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH ! ! I Wheaton'a Olntmeat

In from 10 to 48 houn

Cures The Itch.

CurosHalt Ubeam.

Cures Tetter.

Cures Barbers' It«h.

(Jures Old Sores.

Curat rrery kind uf \Hmar liUt


Price, &Uc. a boi ; by mail, 6De

Addrem WREK.S <t POTTER, 170 Waahincton St,'^ For sale by all Dmsgiaia. Boston, MaM

^i ITCB *


Salt Rheun


The AdverUber, bacing been restored to health in a few weeks, by a verj simplA remedy, after having suffer- ed several years with a severe lung affection, and that under the fashionable name of Bitters", he j dread disease. Consumption, is anxious to make known had best apply for Homething else than | i*'»'"f«""" «•»«"«"• «»>'"n^'""'°f'="" Hooflands. Druggists tell us that the sale

fine.1 trench. Before reaching the remains | burning.


he passe.l from one family group to another, evidently imparling confidence to all. To him wo proposed to take off with us as many women and children as our raft woxld bear, but he replied that 'Allah was great

was His

- . , and would send boats in lime if it

and unruflled nn.ler this brutal treatment, ^-^j ^^ ^^^.^ jjjg people; that our bark was their looks riveted on the 1. cturer, as it ^^^j^ ^^^ j^^ short, and the current

utterly oblivious of aught else that was transpiring. Alter this shameful evi.lence ^f low breeding on the part ot the students, ^ - not snrpri.sing that when the classes j.« 'is^ed a number of them were

cartway as thev crossed tHe nospiiai Krounds. and were unsparing in their jeers and derisive applause. Whether mixed elaaweat clinical lectures are ilesirable may be questioned, they may be embarrassing to the lecturer an.t impair his thorough- new but this doabtis no mitigatini of tho discraceful and unmanly conduct of the students, which thoroughly desei-se?.



DinituiiT His rt>fflu


A Uyiiiff .Han m a iiiiu.niij Too Small.

[From the Honolulu .'.az-tte, S^pt. i9 ]

A certain native living m K-olan

been sick, and, aiq>reh.^nding that his end

v,»a uear at hand, ^ent into t.iwn f.^r a col-

80 that his friends might be prepwred

In line time


to give him proi>er burial. ^^^ u. »v.c^..-.. v».v. .....v.

the coffin arrived, upon seeing whi<-li grave ^ ^^^^ .^ ^jj^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ doubU ivr.«e iu the sick mans min.l as to ^ charge of the boat. .Mr. R,

whether it would fit No means to decide the question appearing so conclusive to him as a -personal test." he tried himself and couM in the thing was too narrov.'


not He soundly berated his mes's.'nger for his stn- pidity in not getting a coffin suitable for the purpose, an.l lost no time iu saving the cap- r»iU inyested. so far as possible. Knowing of another man sick like himself, who ahio expecte.1 to die. he entered into negotia- tions with hini at once, and succeeded in disposing of the n.^eU.* ^to him> article, at ft loss of only four ilollara.

poles strong, and if any weat with us he wa.shed his hands of any rssponsibility." His ar- guments weru backed by the isight of a sail in the distance, so we had to put off by ourselves to the base of the hills between two atd three miles distant. .\rrived there, we sent the raft back by two Bedouins, and made our way to where some boats were employed in carr>'ing stone. One of these we procured for the assistance of our late neighbors, and we had tho satisfaction before leaving of see- ing them all encampe.l under the hills."


miles below Toledo, Ohio, last week. There has been a skiff-ferry running be- tween Manhattan and the iron works on the opp»-)8ite si.le of the river. \t about 1 o'clock en Monday afternoon four women, three num and a boy started from Manhat- tan, across the river. The boat also con- tained meat, flour, and groceries. It was loaded down to withiu a few inches of tho .lipping point, yet it was not deeiue.l un- aale. When the boat reached the east chan- nel of the river, the waves were running

The man having charge of the boat, .Mr. R, Tennant, of Manhattan, Ellen L. Nims and Jean- neatte .\llen. of Toletlo, were ilrowned. Mr. C. W. Allen, the uncle of Jeannette, was stauiling on the shore, about !.■> nxls distant, when the boat swamped, an.l Ten- nant shouted to him for aissuitance. Jean- ne;te clung to Mr. Tennant. and Mr. Allen heard him tell her to let go and he could save her, but in her fright she would not let go her grasp, and the two went down together.

a layer of hard blue clay was penetrated, an.l the bones were found reposing in abed of gravel. The remains were found three feet below the surface.

The tombs ot the "mound buil.lers," as they are called are supposed to have been constructed by the ancestors of the ancient Azte«s, or by the .\ztec8 themselves. The remains are usually found arranged in reg- ular order, and accompanied with tools, wpa{)ons, and implements, by which their great antiquity is inferred and, to soni. ex- tent, measured. The mounds discov. vd last week by Prof Stimson contained no tools or weapons, or atleivst nane have yet been discovered, altt.ough, as the research- es have not terminated, it is iin|K>i-.sible that these objects may yet be found. The of the village, as remains were apparently thrown together promiscuoualy. as if the rites of sepulture had been hurrieil -perhaps at the clo.se of of a battle. '

From all the circumstances, it is believed that when the beings were buried there, the place was the margin of the lake, and thus the phenomena are closely connected with another interesting series of questions relating to the lake and its physical . ondi- tion and boundaries bef.3ro the shores were discovered by Europeans. i

On yesterday, another mound was dis- ; covered, circular in its form, and larger and higher than the others. It has not yet , been investigated so as to determine what is the character of its contents.

The subject will belaid before the Acade- my of Sciences this evening, when, it may be expected, some new light will be thrown upon the matter. i

» - A New York paper p iblishes a bio- graphy of Jim Fisk, in whii h, among other things, it is said that when, years ago. the inchoate Prince of Eri»i hiied his father at a salary of $3,000, he said lo him, "I want you to diBtinctly understaiid that you are my clerk, and I don't wunt you to put on any of your d -d airs," and that the afore- said father is now in an iuianc asylum.

- The h.ind of one of the richest Amer- ican heiresses in Paris, ^yhose wealth is valued at ten million fran-s, has been ask- ed by a Spanish Count, on "ondition of her disposing of her property in excess f»f his own, which amounts to l,.''>iHJ,000 francs, in favor of th.' poor; but at last accounts the American beauty declined to see the mat- ter iu that light.

Foreffirii rspeiks.

—At Amsterdam diam.md cutting is a speciality, and gives employment to 10,000 persons.

- A hat-makers' journal has recr-nlly been established in Berlin, and is publish- ed by G. Hasse.

--The Great Eastern is getting ready in ' Englan.l to take out and lay a cable be- i tween Bombay, India, a ad .Aden on the

Red Sea. ' .Vftcr forty years' la'jor the Japanese

novelist, Klong d"e Bakin, has furnished a

novel consisting of 100 volumes.

- The barbarions old-fashioned uniform of the British army, it his just been dis- covered, has induced fatal heart disease in thousands of soldiers.

—It is proposed in France to procure the passage of a law classing debts contracle' at a bar or drinking room

lum. All the children were called into the parlor, and tho father at once recognized the boy by his gnat rcMeniblance to his mother, who had died. The boy, however, did not recognize his father, though he showtid great satisfaction at finding that he was not an orphan. His father described the .size and lo.tation of a mole on the boy's body, which, together with a comparison .if t he dates, and especialy the unmistakable parental sentiment of Evans, completely convinced the ladies of his chiims. The child, it appears, was brought to t'lo asylum by an oM woman, who f.^nnd liim in the street, sometime in 1800, and he was recorded in the books as Heniy Wisten.

Though the boy is not very advanced in literary studies, he received a simple but ! good inoral educaliou, and was regarded as one of the most honest, faithful and Ith borious boys in the asylum.

To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre-

. , . ,-11 scription u.ied if roe ol charge), with tbo directions for

: Of this article is larg.', r.nil is continually preparing and using the same, which they wiU find a

! on the increase, - that all who use it are I }jj,„p(jj.^j,p£,n(j^^,^f,pj,p-r,jj|_ astum.\, BRONCHrns,

pleased with its excellimttpllliliea. an.l that | e,<.. The obiect of the advertiser in snndingthe pre-

thi'y cotllil not think of k.;eping store with- | gcripUou is to benefit Ihe afflicted, and Hpruad informa-

OUt it. In case of debility or prostration of | Uon which he conceives U> be invaluable : and he hopes

Iho. system. Hoi'fland's tTerma'n Bitters will be found an excellent article, as well as for ; Dvspejisia.

I 'Hoofland's German Tonic is a combiua- t tion of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with puri' Santa Cruz Rum, orange, anise, i Ac. It is used for tho same diseases as the I Hitters, in cases where an .Alcoholic Stimn- j lant is reqiiind. It is a preparathm of rare medical value, and most agreeable to the


j Maoic; ! Ma<»i<; ! ! Maoic ! ! ! -There is ' uoUiing like Magic OH for all aclie^ and pains. It never fails to give immediate re- lief. (.»ue trial will convince any person fiuflcriiig from iheuniatism, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat, or any pain, wheth- er external or internal, that Pratt & Butch- er's Magic Oil IS the be.st medicine in the

every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost th .ax nothlnft, and may prove a bleesing. Parties wishing the prescription will please addreae Rev. EDWARD A. WUiJON, WiUlamson, Kings County, New York.


or THK ACiK.


ray consider this a sort of spread eagle mean every word of it. 1 have been fbe

world for the complaints it is intended to cure. Price only fifty cents, l^ty it. Sold by all druggists^

TIiP Hidr to tlii^ iraiian TliroiiP.

Prince Hunib<-rt, who will succeed Victor Emmanuel as King of Italy, is » young man of about twenty- four years of age. He had tbo misfortune to lose his mother dnr ing his early childhood, and has since been

j brought up' by the ladies of King Victor's ^

barciu. .\s might have been pxpf^cted, he ^^^''^{jg i/'g^t^t^or ?'' added has shown in his conduct, s-ince his amvid ..probably," said the at years of indiscreli.m, the influence of his

"Silt," said a guest to his host at dinner this is a cajdial .-^iiloiu, please tell me what is the name of your purveyor '"

'Addison," was the reply

in the same cat-

Thiui,i.ino Inttdknt. During the late flood two men near Long Eddy, took a rope and went upon some low land near the Del- aware river to fasten a stack of hay, and ti- i i*„ before they couM make it fa.^t and return, . ^Rory a^ gambling debts, the sudden rise of the water cut off their ' --There is an estiddisliment in Bristol, communication with the high lands They ' England, where a butt of sL.rry wine can were compelle.l to seek refuge on the stack. ' i,e manufacture 1 from tho raw material in

half an hour without using a .Irop of .sherry

Victor Hugo's .log wears a collar on

whi.'h is in.scribed: "I wish some one

would send me home. My sUte":' D.>g.

Huge. Mf name? Senat."

Our reailers pntation

A Favorablb Notorhtt.— The good re- and extended use of '-Brovms -inTnoreciate the above when we state that 'Bronchial Troches' for Coughs, Colds., and this urovident .-entleman is the h. norable Throat Diseasee has caused the Troches to this Pro^.^'j^^ Ki-^oUu. who in years past has be extensively imitated. Obtain only the mirth on account ot his ec- gfnnine "Brown's Bronchial Trochep,

membe causetl no little

an.l .k-spite ropes and ties it soon floated

off. In a moment more they were floating

down the i-aging tide. No help for them,

and no paddle or pole to guide their ten.ier

and tottering craft. Down, down the over- ,

flowing and surging torrent, they floated ; ^^ master , . ,

and ro led along. No l>oat could reach \ _A French photograplicr claims to pro-

them. for th« water was too rough and rap- ; duce pictures in color by a new method, of

id. Soon they passed Callicoon, twelve which he only <le8crib*;8 the general meth-

miles ilistant, and in a short time was ap- od. which is to illnniiua;« the object snc-

proaching the Cochecton bridge, five miUs , cessively with the different parts ot the

further down. Three miles mora ami the

Falls wonld shake their hay raft to atoms

an.l their hopes en.Ie.l. Near Milanville

they were discovered far up the river, and

a boat was made retwly in time to reach

them before they floated by. Just in time,

oniy a short distance above the rapi.l^ they

were rescued and safely lan.led on shore,

after a most fearful ride of twenty miles

upon a stack of hay. Many thanks to the

brave and skillfiil men whQ snatched them,

as it were, from a watery gn,y.—Kingfton


.arly associates and of his father's peculiar t xample. Since his marriage, which took pliwe not many months ago, he has been somewhat more discreet in the pursuit of his pleasures, but he is by no means a ni.e young man. Ind'-ed, were it not for the fact that he has proved his courage on the field of battle, be might be truthfully called an Italian Albert Edward. Like his faher, he has never shoAvn aay indication of talent, and, unlike him, ho does no! appear to possess tho bliitt", soldieriy honesty tlnit won for the King bis once popular sobri- auet of tho He GaUivtunmn. Tho Itidian peoplt? wid iK.t find it ea.sy to keep alive the fiction of admiration and respect for so worthless a prince as Hnml>ert is under- stood to be; an.l the Mazzinians will doubt- l.ss en.leavor to make the monarchy sbar»- the unpopnlarity of the monarch. There is, however, a peculiar feature in the rela- tions of Priffco Humbert with the Italtan ra<lical, which may not be^ without its influence upon his future as King of Italy. In common with his yor.nger brother. Prince Amadeo, he has always professed a warm personal affection for Garibaldi. If his relations with the great democratic sol- dier still remain as cordial as they formerly were, Garibaldi may be able to rally his followers to the support of the monarchy. The fate of King Humbert may yet be de- cided by the rUenmatic and feeble old guerrilla captain.

A Famhy Puzzlb. Alluding to there- port that M. Ije.8«ep9 and bis son— who are referred to as "MM. X. pere et fils"

seen steel by his side.'

.\iiy relation

the gentleman.

other; "1 have often

Reader, so S, bu. When your system is racked with


I p:i<n, and you cannot oven tiirnToursolf in bed, or sitting I in a chair, you must sit and suffer, in the morning wish- ing It was night, and at night wishing it was morning: I \\lien you have I NEURAMilA,

when every nerve in your being is like the sting ot a wa!<p, oircnlating the mo^^t venomous and hot poisoa around your heart, and driving you to the very verge ot madness: When you have the


; (that I have just (rot through with.) that most awfol, most heart^withenng, mnnt strength (testrojing, ao*t spirit-breaking and mind-weakeningof all disease* tliat can afflict our poor human nature. V^*hen you have the



I aliont to marry two sisters, the Rappel I snggests the following complications as i liReTy to arise from these double es^Xiusals: , To begin with, X., the son; will be the I brother in-law of his father, and the wife will become the sister-in-law of her own sister. If M. X. senior has a son, and M. X. junior n daughter, and they shonl.l

The .Spanish gunboats have been seiz- ed, and are now in the custody of the U. S. : authorities, awaiting the action rf the ^ court. The monitions or writs are retnm- able on the 14lh of December in the United States District Court, before Judge Blatch- lord, but it is considered probable that the ."tses will bo opened immediately.

Wisis AND Liquors. - H. G. Kuhlman,

Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Do

inestic Win. s and Liquors, Old Brandies,

Gins, Bourbons, Ac , 87 Dearborn street,

! Masonic Templa, Chicago. Ill..haRon hand,

I .ind is ( .>ii»tautly receiving, th.> largest stock

; (o be f .uud in the Northwest. The pro-

i prietor is a gentleman who thoroughly tjn-

i ilerstands the wants of his cuetomf rs, and

I Lhos^ ibialing with him will find first-class

! goods and low pricep.

i To THOSE who are aflflicted with Chills and Fever, Dumb Chills, or Malarious diseases of any kind, we would recommend Dr. F. j i Wilholt'rt "Anti-periodic, or Fever and Ague i Tonic," wtiich is sold under a f,'Uftrftntee. It ' has never yet failed, in a single instance, to | 1 effect a speedy and permanent cure. Made j i in New Orleans i y Wheelock, Finlay^ Co. Sold at wholesale by Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago.

; Appi.eton's Journal, which has only

been in existence a few months, htis attain-

I ed a circulation which is unprecedented in

I the annals of journalism. It only exem- 1

plifies the fact that extreordinary liberality '

are j of expenditure will always meet with sue

lying and writhing in agony and pain, uni


able to turn ... n.id rveiT movement wil" enrt Hko a knife : now tell me, if roHef and cure of aaj

ourself in bcd^ and rveiy movement will go to roar

re of aaj OreatMt

of these diseases in a few days is not the Medical Blessing of tho Age. tell us wfait is !

.\nstralia consnmes twelve pounds of , marry, the daughter of X. junior will be- tea per person per yea-; England tkree ; come the sister-in-law of her lather: and and a hal*" pounds


Frenchmen can not pronounce "ship.

a bea.l iu a twelve- month; Ame"rica one pcund to each indi- ' vidual of some kind of leaves iii which there is niulerstood to l>e an atlraixture of tea.

i —When the military fired upon the riotous striking miners of Aubin, France, a woman, who ha<^her .^hild in her anns,

'turned to 8y, pressing the

tbreaet; the child-^as srnck

the son of X. senior will be the son-in-law of his brother and of his sister-in-law. If there should be a child of this second mar- riage, it will have two grandfathers, MM. X. senior and junior, whence it follows that X. senior will become the brother ol his own son. More than that, if a boy, he will be the brother of bia own motjier, his mother are alike grand- senior; anda8*a ijioiker'fl

in her anns, ; ne »"» »"« . baby to her f «»<« he &na ^* I by several ; children of X.

. ^.. _ ^ „K« „,av« -rreueuuieue^uuo.H'"""""'^^'^ »"•!'- bnlleis 111 fhe ht^(l, and the fnri.uw moth^ ^t)rother isjin tmcle, be Will be^^

centncities. We .sincerely hope that the jo not be influenced by t^ose^ who make ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ -sheep" in their mouths, t,, 'tumimc bacE and meeting an offin^r. ^ alogs^position of being hw omp oflcle. venerable and eccentric gontftman't feara more profit by selling worthless iimtaiiona. .g^-^ ^ iton-clad, one sai4 to a boy. "Iz , Marled her ohild in hifl.lace. exclaimuig: -

will not be stead. long

-nrxmo ♦inie«

nd eccentric gontftman't feara more profit by selling worthless imtationa. -Seeing aa iton-clad. one sai4 loa realiV.l, but that he tnay. in- r^mnrar* uno&a l«h«fc-J4>«*a *" eheep?" "No," answt

liy.and makens all l8«c?h many ^ Sss "The Little vX)rporar "°<*8/r?'^]5^ ^Hiit.ijum." - -. ^ ^

answered the



•Takeit,rnfaA! "Xpn want onr tdood>? Tdteit, then^OniflfrifcJ' ' -_ -

PfcBMSs i»-wai^^ TiiiMaa.'SmMrtHiiAaM«Ml Washington

<^.8W?^.I-^!1?*«J»jrK:*.:5. Tork to^narraSftt

cess, f ifiod literature is the crying need

of the day. and the Appletons know how

to furnish iL See advertisedient m anotb- |

[ er column. :

i Wii,i> Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hate

i Rr.vEWER change gray hair to its original ,

j color and not dye the skin ? It wHl ! and

is a preparation of acknowledged superior


i Good men iosore in the Wa«hi[i,7tou Life,

! Besj.\mi5 Fe.vhklis, 1769.- It is time our ' per.ple understood and practiced more gen- erally Life Assurance. Many a widow and '• ori'lian have had great reason to be grateful I that the advantage of Life Assurance was un<ler-*tOJd and embraced by the husband and ' father. A large amount has been paid by Liffr Assurance 'Cotppanies 'to widows and orphans when it fo<^iaea almost theironly re-


Edwabd F. Joses, 1869.-1 havs made snffi- cieut examinatiop of the condtttoftof tttflL " "sTnsirraticeCoi

t -' 'Si

DIRE«mONS TO rHK.-You wiU take a tableq>ooa- ful and three spoonfuls nf wator three timee a day. Had in a few days every particle nf rheumatic and nenralgio pain will be dissolved and pass off by the kidneya.

Manufaotnred by i)<»NAL.U KBNNBDY,

BoxtHirTt mmm.

Wholesale Aoemtk. -Fuller, Finch A Foiler, Leed A Smith, F. P. DwyoT A Co.. Bumhams A Van Scluaek. Hurlburt A. Edsall, Tolnian A King, Chicago; Or«Mi A Button, Rice A Rising, Bosworth A Son, Dohman A Kchmidt, Milwaukee: McCulloch A McCord, t«CtxM«e Noyes Bros., St. Paul; Collins Bros, Z. F. WetZei' Meyers Bros., Hi. Louis; Moore A Tart>ot, ZtrnkermaB i Haaa, Dubuque

At retail by all dmggista. Priee C1.60.

Notes for December^ aildrefMed to the Feeble and Debilitated.

This is a trying eeaaon for invalids, indeed for all who are not bleaaed with robust constitutions and iron framoa.

Cold has come npon ns suddenly, sealing np the op«a pores, and traiing in it were, any teoda of ilinam that may have been lurking in the system, but which resuia- ed nndevelopod so long as the waate matter of the bedy and all acid and nnwholosome humors were freely die- charged by evaporation from the surface and tbroagfi tho bowels.

A tonic, aperient and alterative medicine is now needed to Invigorate the vital powers, dopraaaed by » low temperature to stimulate and purify the secrettaia, and to fit the body to endure, without InoonvaoieBoc, pain or danger, the sadden cUmatic change wliieh luhers in the winter.

The only preparation which will fully meet this almnrt oaivenal need, and which will thoronghly and seMy perform the important work, is the leading tonio and alterative of the age. HOSTinTFR'.S STOMACH BITTKR8.

This popular specific improves the appetite, tnvigo rates the digestive organs, regulates the flow of bOe enriches the blood, calms the nerves, relierea conetlya- tion, ptxnBotes superficial circulation and eraporatioa, and being composed slowly of wholcv>roe vegetafela elements, with a pure stimnlant as their diffuai vehicle, may be taken by the weakeot without fear. Tba flaeee is agreeable, for althuogh the BITTEILS are a potent medicine, they contain no nauseating element.




'' '. M


% •■ ■.'♦




A OENTLFMAN whosn«er»d for years from NerroM Debility Prcmaturo Dway, and all ihe H*e<-t8 of yoath- ful indifieretion, will, tor the sake of mflaring hiuaaal^, send free tii aU wfEo need it. the receipt and direet^at for making the simple remedy by which he was cnnd. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiaer'sazpeciaSM^ can do so by addreMing. in perfect coDfideaea, JOHN B. OODEN. No 42 Cedar alreat. New TeMT '


DAY madAt

rSamples MBttrae, H. ■'



Li^ irr^t

tj|ii^Ni«aid :

90ivMijr4f V<

ipe in








TtiL-: FRh:^: homkmead.











5>Utf "Free Humesteitd*' will Cost You Nuthiiig.


If the magazine or paper you wUh to receivt d.>«'s not appear in the following list, we c»n pro- C'.iri* for you, at rtduetd ratet, any book, maga sine or newspaper in the world.

••You pays your money and yoti tikes your ctoice."

The Fkek IIoMtSTEAD $2.00 and either of the following publications

fear for the price marked at the right band of t'ur; column.

Harper'* Weekly ($4) $i Or

llftrper'i Monthly " ^ i Of

llarper'j Bazar " 5 Ol'

A'.lantie Monthly 5 J.',

tfodey's Lady's Book 4 25

Lady's Frieiid

1 tiilou'« Maji^azine ($2)

STATb: k:Lt:cTioN.

Auttiu'8 Majority 2,155

The following returai are official and complete, every county which held an election being in- cluded in the table:



I LlKl'T.Oo>Ea.N0K.

Aroka Urnlon Ulue Earth »!ro»n '•r»er

Crow Wiug Chippewa Dakota Do(l>;e

-a >•

ill be furnished one \ ^""t'".








Jack ton




3 25'''' Sutfur

! Lvon 3 00 ; Manomlu

Ch;ldren's Hour 2 75

(>cOi5 a month 3 25

Hearth and Hume 5 25

Prairie Farmer (i2)

'»Vhitney*s Mu.'ioal Quest

I'eier's Musn-al Muiithly (.13)

Packard's Monthly

Liuie Corporal

/rtnur's Home Magazine

I'hrecolo^jital Juurual

V'estern Rural

Rive.^iJf Matjazine

I't'.erfOu'i Magazine

Aaieruan Agrioulturiat

Tulf-io Weetkly Blade

•Saturday Evening Po^'t

I'bicagu Weekly Post

K. Y. Icdi'j.cnieai

l?ch'jolday Visitor

Bci«i:tino American

llit'.'hoook's Mu^iical Monihiy

LiitcM's Living Age (»S.. 9 00

Applctou's Juurnal _.._— i 00

bubi^cribe for periodicals and order books, pa'nplikts. and pictures, through the ofilcc of the


Martin McUod Met-ker Mule I.act Mononnlia 3 50 ; McPlmll

Morrison M-wrr Nicollet

: Olmitrd (Hter Tall Vine I'l'pif

I R:iiiitcy K-ftlwnod

, Rt-nviUe

i Rice ^'c<>tt

' Sherburne

SibUy I S'eHTD* j Stevens I Steele ', St LaaiS To.lil

\V.»l>.i»haw Was*-*.-* Wa'hiinfl'in Wtttonwun


2-29 2ii7

1.4 137

1146 102S

204 4.'>«


8i7 55

6 5.

151 91

594 1SS7

&S3 8*3

6*2 lit'

739 .S75

1720 lOil?

652 24ri

1172 640


1S18 1S24

12sS SS5

272 86:

158 25

144 4

18 1

568 1012.

47 285 -.'(W

1(1 115 136

1157 1044

2 624 1.^9

_ 6:<i »91

6 5;

151 «i

S6S 1646

W.S 415

f42 121

1758 loo7

0.'j4 241

144 12W 615

_ 26 '

207 15S9 VfcW

29 1294 874 _ 270 _ 102

T F. YTlNblllP.







i 20

51 9


5 81








S5S 83

87 20








7 J
























4 i'O











lUO 176 27 285 776 2"2 237









571 G.S9







287 ir'.t9

217 fit: 612 14Si'

r2 --'





21 14















1142 17rt




90 238 295








A full Aisertatent ef

= Dress Goods!

I WU.S cured uf Dentiiess and Catarrh by a aimpU ruwcdy, and wMl aend the ruceipt fre«t. AIi:». AUC LEUUETT, 316.4w Uobokvu. N. J.



Wo will send a liandKoino pro>-peitn» of our


aii\ book a}fent. fr.e of eliargi . Addre>» NA-

1 TIONAL ITIiLI.^III.NU CO., PhiUdelphiii,

Pa., Chinag'-, III., or St. Louig, Mo.. ai6 4w


A K">lleman who iiffered for y^ars from Nervous De- bility, 1'r.^uiHlurt l»ec«y. anil all the effiitd of youthful Inilihcrrtion. will, for the sake of ^ulTerinr hunmrlty, *eD<1 free to mU who n.-ed It the receipt %nd directions forraakiiid the »iniple remedy hy which he w»» cured. SutTerera wl»hin(f u, p -oflt hy the adverllHei '• » xperience can do so hy addres»i')K. with jierfect ton&dunce, JOHN B. OODKN, No. 42 Oi:d»r Ht , New York. 31S-ly


The ad»ertl#er, ha<in(5 lH.en restored to heal'h in a few Weeks, by a very rimjile remedy, after having suf- fered several jearf »llh a severe lung sffrction, and that dread disease, ( on!<»ini|>iion, is anxious to make kuowD to his fellow- -rjflrrers li.e means of cure.

T> allwhodetiheh he will send » copy of lhe|>re»crip- tlon Oiied, (free ofch.irpe), with the directions for pre- parinijand u»inKll>e san:e, which ihey will find a «..re cure for Uiinsumptlon, Astltoin, Bronchtlls, etc. The object of the advertisi-r in (tending the Prescription is to l)en. til the afflicted, »nd spread Information which he conceives to be invalnafcle ; and he ho'>e« every sufferer wintry hig remedy, iis it will cost nothinp. and may pr«v«ai)lesiuii{;. I'lrties wishing the jjrencriptlon wSl pleiigeaddirss Vev. KDWARD A WILSON, Williams- burg Kings County, New Yerk. 31S-ly


J- ^ 3B .^^ XJ" Jtii i-«L c3C <^ -"-^ - f

A1m» General Aceiiis for

VTi^. :k: isT JL B E3 &

oi4fl otli<-r First 4 ltts:t






17 8


6.S7 240 1^7


4f»a is;-

1710 .'>02































































' 6








1 88


5. '9



Conaisting ef

Delaines, Poplini,

Tycoon Reps,

\lcaeas, MerisM, ike.

Together with a full Line «>/

tiiogbauis, Prints,

Tickings, SLeetinga, Flannels, Woeleni, Jeani,

hatinettes, Cassimcros,



Bbdimd thk



By Olire Logan. She lets things oat, exhibit- ing in vivid ei lorn the Sl'ow World, as secnlroaa within *nd withojt. From Puppet tfhows to irand Opera; Alounfebsn' s to Menageries;! Learned Pigs lo Lecturers. Rich, racy and high :

toiied.il is the gri'at sensation, and all want it. i

Cont.ins C50p«j:fs, ro.se-tintcd paper. P«""''o*c- ! shows how to double the profits of the farm,

E. P. Kecdham Ac Son uad B. Suoninger & Oo/s Mnnufdcturers nnd Tinporters of


AS:i K'-:fV ii'sr ii'T r>N (>r

^.^.n. ■» J > f*?0 WaaliluKton Ste.,

650 Broadway, I -r- - . ^. . , - - -^-^ <r'-? " CHICAGO*


Keeps Com (anil; on tlbud


Presk and bait Meats.


i Sjaokkg and Chewing Fchccv ' and;


Ha win pay the biggest atarket prica t«r



Winntbage City, May M, 18«. Siltf


27o2<) 33365; 1761 296^9,236131 1426

The majority for tie rest of the State ticket was about the sniiif r.s Yale's.



ly illustrsted wit 1 spirited engravings. Sells beyond all other ^)ookB. Sample copy rnd nro spcctUH to agents free. For i-irculars explain in.', add, ess PAUMELEli A CO.,


Cincinnati, Ohio.

jllsg a Large isupply of

PtRjiBT The .W/ii» suys that W. W. WiJ. Hams has been trying to poll a ballot when he ,

bad no right to vote, an,l was pieventcd perjury j Qj^A SS WARE, CROCKERY, Vtoe Hiuff. by show of cold steel. Probably the story origi-

nated in the report that a gold sleeve button bad

The four rropositions laid down in our issue' , , , . '. ii- i f,i,„ into a m in <;» ■'""''' I been found in the rubbish of the late nre in oi.

cf the 10th were all true and su.^ccptiult of proof, ^^^^ markol -W. W. \V." Circuiur'taiiiial evi-

tll of which the Po,t disposes of in its ujual so- , ^^^^ .^ ^^^^^ ^, f^^,^

phii'tical way. a habit ]>eculiar to that ia^titu- | , '^t

tion. We -said that no one in V, innebago City j AlV>ert D. Richardson, the well known corres- I

took any stock in the People's Convention called ; pondwu of th< New York Trihuw, was shot, and !

tore, by Blue Earth peopla and influence, and j »t ii thought fatally wounded, last Thursday eve-

that it wa« diCioult for them to get a room where- ' ning. by Pat McFarland, a lawyer, between whom

in to concoct their bantlings. Me either told { there has long cxirted a bitter hatred, caused by

a truth or a lie. and if the latter, it is easy to ' an alleged intimacy of Richardson with .McFar- j

prove it, Mr. /W, and wc recommend you to try ; lands wife. The condition of the wounded man j

Vlanbootl : How Lost, How Re- stored.

and how farmer's and tboir sons can e««h tnuke $iet) per month in winter. 10 000 copiea will be mailed free to farmers. Rend tiatw, and ad dress to ZEIGLEtt, McCURDY A CO., 316. 4w Chicago, 111.

.MoflSE'slNPiAN Root PiLi.8.-We have lately

been *iio»n the formula from which thete Pi'ls

are prepared, and from this and our experience

Just publisheil. a new edition of Br. i j^ (jjg us^. <,f them, can bonei?tly pronouiue ihcm

CUilverwrli-a rel.l.rated K*«ay ^^^^ ^^^ ,„j reliable medu-ne. B. ing en-

of S-PEUM.\T0I!K11(£A, or ?cmtaal trrely Iree from i.11 poisonous ingredients they

Minnesota Valley RAiLRuAb

On and after Tuesday, March 30 traina wil' run as follows-.

Mankato and Le Sueur Trains.


7:45 a m Mankato 4:30 pm

'< . 3:40 pm Lc Sueur 8:30 p ro

Mankato 1»:<)0 a m St. Paul 5:00 p m

Le St»e«r « 45 a m


at. P»i«l

,11:4^ a til



I DRY GOODS, GKUtEUlE.s, ' Boots, Shoes. Crokcry an


I Prints, DeLaiues, Bleached an «■ j Vnbkached Cotton, ^

I *


j Hat* and Caps, Cletli«, __


i Also, Sugar. Tea. CoflFee. Syrup, Molasses. K'f i sen« and Machine Oil, »\ beat, Oais. t lour, Ar





Retknesi, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impolency, Alei>l«l and Physical IiicapHCity, Irapediraetits fn Mar- riage, etc. ; also Ciiiisuniption, Kpilrpgy, and Fits, in- doeed hy selMndulijeiice or sexual extravagance.

,^(r I'rice, in a s«raled enveloi>e,only six cents.

The r-elebrated author, in thi? admiraiilc esiiay, clear- ly demonstrMtes frcm a thirty years' successful practice, that the alHiiiilnK consequences of self-rbuse may he radically cured will out the danKeious use of inteni'^l medicine or the apiilicition <if the knife; pobitinft '>ut a mode of cure at once fiiii|ile, certain and effectual, by meanaof wli ch everv sufferer, no matter what hig con- dition raav he, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and RADICALLY.

This Lecture choild he in the hands of erery youth and every uii-.n in tie tand.

Sent, undi-rseal, ir a plain envelope, to a* y address, P'.»tp«id, O.U raceipt f.f 8;x cents, or two post stamps. Also, Br. •Culvrnveil's -'Slarrisge Guide," price -Jicts.

Address the Publ shers,

CIIAS. J.C.KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, ^ew York, P. U. Bo\ 4,586.


Eastern Express.

Leave St. riiul7:46am. Ar. Pt. Caul 7:10 p m. ! QyQgJjg^y Cniif* and S.tHCtTS, Phtte

can be safely «*ed while performing the ac.ive i OwatOUm f «»'^«C« ^T"***"*;" \ Mcut I.i..la.8. Kwcrs autl li.MU..

duticsofl.lc. W* would advise all to use them; I Leave St. Paul :i::iOp«. Ar. bt. Paul 1 U4o a m.

and by n fair trial you can see at once the bene | Trains on this road nsake^lose conn-ecttons j Glass Lamps and Chimneys, Comet fcunLuine^

fit derived from them. Use Mortic's I"'*'*" ' ^jenj„t;i „iih trtiins on Milwaukee and St. Paul j and Cbimneyi,

hoot Pills in all cases of BilliousnefS, yeadache. I j.^jl^^^^ J J jj Mmneapoli-, Owniouna, Uinona j r^ ■, ,

•female Irregularities, Liver C<>mplatuts, *«•! .^,„j ,ii points South and East, and ut St Peter j LayitemS, 7 umbleri, Golifl.'i,

Siold by all Dealers. \i\\\i MinnesotB Stage Company's line of S<age^ '

for New llm, and at Mankato all points W«sl LQQKING GLASSK^^, <JjC

anu Southwest. j

Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket ;

Office, corner I'hird and Jackson streets, and at ;

In nutubers there if safety, it was upon this principle that the I'jriuula of Judson s M"untdin

Jlerb Pills was preoiirciL It was nM -tie result

ot one man's kii'iwledgo. I^r. Judsun intending [ jj,^ depot, West St. Paul.

^J!«^BU<lTS and SHOES made to order a

f * ^ ^ I


i: or shut I'.p.

'i he liouc^t /'f.«( says that said convention was got up by the land office clique. That old cry of ••land office cHiiue" has lost its ciiarm. There s»af R time when the charge of any emanation? irom the land office here was syuuuymuua with ri'id d-.ff or »«ia// pox, but blue Earih City fur- i,i.<ibcd Inains and carcass for that peculiar plase, the former officers have become respectable by c>m]>arii>on. You will be obliged to get up a new tlodgo to ebouldcr tho sins oi your own luachina- tious. J.ihd Oj^ce is tlale.

On reading the /'osf article sajing that "no

IS very precarious


state NewB.

Five hundred men are at work on the Superior Railroad.

Henry Woodruff, local editor of the St. Pau I'lttM, will furnish the poem for the nest Minne- sota Editorial As-^ociation.

Two ?1 00,000 churches will be built in St Paul another season one Catholic and one Bap- tist.

Absinthe, the popular drink of New York and nine Earth j.eople of respectability had anything Paris just now, has reached .St. Paul on it? inarch to do with that convention," sonic one remarked | ol death.

that there were ninety-one in liluc Karth not re- The New York Sun says : "The progiesi of ipfctablc. Just compare the vote, Mr. /'<.»f, and Minnc^'ota in the production of wheal is among sea who got up the bolt; and were it not for the the agricultural m8rve!5 of the age. It i-i csli- ir.ost positive assurance that -Mr. Earber was « in:vtt.d thai the suiplus wheat of that State the ricaway, Seeley would not have bad tnaeb en- present year will V>e fully filtetn million.", while Cjur«,;<'tncnt in this town. You will le obliged but little of the great grain plateau embraced t.- ai-knowled^'e on that subject. j nilbin its limits has yet been brought under cul-

\ou fay Latimer is perfectly at liberty to to- ! tivation. One farmer, the pa>t year, harvested Uovc points, foi all Riue Earth cares, etc.. etc . i one tiiou.-and acres, with an average jicid of fcjj i: was only county seat you jk'dged him up I forty bu.»hels to the acre This section, while on. That is a filly, transpaicut story. Tba , niuch of it is too far north for growing corn, will ous'y seat tiuestion is a new bantling trumped evidently become the Odessa of America in the U(. tj use t.ow that you have lost all power in the j roduction of wi. cM point question, after delaying the .'■"•uthern ^mmmmim^^^^i^t >iiunesotB Fiallroa-i for two years by an iiuholy and unjust kgiolation emanating (Voui Llue Earth City. You are now willing to let go points and tike to county teat, hoping to elect .V««/ and j

r'."m'er/.M;i uj'On that issue. It won't win next | t.a:e, .Mr. l\iii. There is enough righteous indij- r*!ion amsng the people, at the results of Rlue Eirth lead, the past three years, to clean out that contract as smooth as a mirror, clique and all.

As to the unpopularity of .\. C. I»unn, there is j •till a &lm over your understanding. If your atsertionsare true, as to his unpopularity, why *!• it necessary to get up those R. R. libels to •■:atter along the line of ^our railroad, the day be- f «re election And why was it Ec«»sary for the lead.ng tuen of Blue Earth tn promi'-e I>unn lba> '

t jey would carry certain towns around Blue

Kaiih, as-: rUue Earth jt*;if, aui at the same I

<;iiit Lai the tranor in their bsart^ and dare not ;

f bon it for fear of the effect of a fair and honest j

cj position. It is all over. Mr. y'i>*f,and through 1

trea.hcry, false prefen«es, bribery and p'.edgfs, :

yoa Lave succeeded. Rut that success will be j

the cause of putting Andrew C. I'unu into the]

l.ex: Congress, replace the laud office where it |

should be, and oust the rottcnest clique that aver j

Lad control of it. i

TO THE WOKKINt; CLASS.— We are now prepared to Inrnish ii.l clashes with ceni'taiit ym- |il"ynient ai Iioilc. tliu wli.'ie ot the time or for the ("pare n;onierils. .susines:- new. light and I profitable. l'er»ons ol either sex ea'iij earn And .11 other Goods necessary to make up a full fr-n. 50c to«J p.r e etiii.g. and a proportional and complete, aseoriment (or town and

to spend a »otlunc in adverti.<iing his Pills, con i sulied the most intelligent ai.d learned physi- cians ot the age. and the result was tlie produc- tion of a simple iiut efficaciuus medicine tl c Jud. soil's Mountain Herb I'ill.-. fbche pills cure Ciiliousness. Di.*pe,>sia, Liver Complaint, Intii- gestion, Female Irregularity, Ac. They havo now been used many > ears by the publii-, and thousands of testimonials bear witness to their vir'ucs. As a family medicine thcj nre unri»al- ed. IJive the Mountain Herb Pills atrial. Bold by all dealers.



C. tfornat Oenernl Ticket Ajenl 283tf

' epairing neatly done.






country t<ada. CALL AND SEK. WincebiLgo Crty. f=ef>t. 28, 1369.




Aftere*r»f«'I investigation by ompetcni judges ; it h-s been fully and fairly dcciJed mat thv best place to purchase




ind in fac» any kind of Goods, is at tha Store

R. M. Wilson,

First door North of Post Office,

whare more 6ood«caa be bad for o'** dollar fbau any other


suiM bv devoting: their wboie time to the bui-i- 1 neis. Hoys ami girls earn nemly as much us nitii. That ul! who see thia not'ce may send i thuir aildiC??. «iil lest the b.isiiies-.*. wo make this unparalleled offer r l o suidi as are not well satisfied we will sind .?! to pay lor the trouble nt wiilinp. Full p'lrtii-ulars, a valuable s-ample, which will do to c.pmmence work on. and a copy t)i the Pfj't''" t.itrniri/ t'oni/iauioii one of In- largest and bestfaiiiily new->i>:iper.s puldished iill .-ent free hy mail. Render, if you want p»-iin!»ticnt, profi^.ifbJe w"«rk. «d«lfess K. C. A L- LE.N <t CO., Augusta, Maiue. 3I6-13w




'is the only perfected and scientifically prei)ared ;prej)aration of its kind

IlLolUltlio and has no competitor


Leaves Winnebago Citv every Fri by at 3 o'eior^

lllCIlKiAN SOUTH tRN R. R.j l^,;'^:;!^'^''"''^'^' '''';'"''■'''

Leaves Jftckson every Monday at 6 o'ldock a in. find arrives at Winiiebajro L'iiy at 8 o'cloek «" in. every Tuesday, making eiose crnueciu.. with the Mankato sta^e.

I'hSsen?or>l«y this r»;:te pass tbronirb V«'»»er The only line ranning THROUlili TRAINS j ly, Horrtcun. .Vay, and Walnal gro-. e, and r.j. ' - only t^e day-nme.

W.fil ANT I'ropritt r Winnebago City, July 14!h. UK. i •»;







'Winnebago City and Wasccs


CICYclynd. Eric, Dunkirk, linffulv' L^ve, A-:nnebago.everyd.yeicep.Sa.url»,.

Making this t'no most CouiT-irtabV, Exnediliout and Only l>'r'Xt Route t-j


The best readin;:. Attractive, Entertaining' [

Amasing. No .Mtgaziue lor Young j

Peopbi has attained so wide

and well deserved a

repiitation »%


! The author of tlio«e popular booki, "Ragged I I Dick," "Pameand Fortune." Ac,


Commences 8 Nrw Siory in theJannar> nuoiber ' Forward your siibKcriplions at once. The Oet»- I i ber, Ncvember iind UeceinI.er iiumhers will b. , ! kcut free to all iv'io remit *^160 for 1870 before i Dtcenilier 1 Jlh. A ti'ie phutogrupb of .Mr. AI- i ger will bo (jresenicd to everv suOKcriber for 1 I ISTi. JOSEPH H. ALLE.V. P.iblisb.r,

! 31if.4w Boston. Mass.










The S .M. i:. K. l^Ulrl«^t Stop at >VelU.

31ankato, 31iiiii.,


M*E D 1 C I N E S,


Faribanli County.


v4n'2Uf pr N, W. Sa.u«knt

April 5ih, 18«7.

^'EW FIILM. iVew Caoods.



In one larg* O'tavo Volume— Nearly 800 pages I Printed in Engli.'h and (jcriuan. :{3 Ele- gant Full I'age Engravings.

It embraces f-rty ytnr's recolkcfions of hia ; busy lif", it" ii iner<diaiif, u auager. bunker, ec- Lturer, and sbot iniiii. No book published so ac j ci-p able lohli ( Iii^-es. E\ery one ants it i .Agents averajts from .')l> to U>0 suhKcrihers a

w»^k. We "ffer extra terms and pay frieght

West. II u.^tritpd Catalogue and Terms to

Agent sent Irec

J. B. BURR 4 00., Pub's, 31« ?w li-iribir'l. Con .



The enemies of Winnebago fity, no longer daring to deny that the Southern Minnesota

Railroad will be built to this thriving village, do . s;^^j^> J. alwaVS full, and CUStom- r >t even presume to assert that it will be bu.lt to , ^^.^ ^^^^ ^^ ^Jj ^-^^^^ j^^, luiTllsht-d Iflue E.niu Citv. Nevertheless, baffled wire-; . i iv r

jullers continu; to vent their disaffection in j WltU rtUVthing lU the DlUg llUe. -spcior.- newspaper paragraphs, and seek to im- , ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ j ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ .^^ .^ J -egnate thC7tiblic mind with the idea that \\ in- iii'.pSia

tebajo City is necessarily a dead town, railroad | ' ^ iliuMP60>'.

or no railroad. The hopeless imbecility of this I Y_} j'y by J 'ay has been and is, so apparent to men !

» ho have really studied the situation, that any j ^^^ ^-^

endeavors on the part of so-called Winnebago J^QQ^ ^ clIKl ^ilOtfS r.icL to refute statements detrimental to the con l.uned^p -o'porl'y of this plac, have .-ecincd non- scnsicab Put a "we under.tand* paragraph, enanating from Blue E.*rth City, having latc'y r ine the rounds of the State press, to the effect that i Mr. Thotnpsou. the g«»eral minager of the road, \ Lad given assuranoes that the road would stop at Vi'ells two or three years, it seems eminently proper, in ju'tiec to Mr. Thompson, who owns the'town of Weili, »nd who is the agent of capi- talists, to say that we heard bim declara that the ro.vl woulJ 'n..t Stop at WeUs longer than the winter.!: money could be obtained to push it a't«» i. This as.'ertion should suffice ; but for the j benefit of those who are blinded by a -burning j bilod-sho: blindwM of the heart." an 1 fail to see j V.-ianebago City, though catching glorious] g-impsesoiall surrounding towns, we will say, thtt Mr Th -mpson says "tb. road will be pu.«h- e i abead to V-.nnebago City." ^Uh ten. of lliousaudi of dollars promised as a free gift, if the r..alrc».bes thi.pl*ce next year, is u hkely that there will be a delay of two or three year.^ , Ko: andtheK.<Ar men .ccar. lot. her. and prepare to buil

WELCH AND WALLACK. ^l<^ '|' [{ J ]>, [j '[ J. ^J }^

|D«al«rs ia






Go to ThoiBpson'i for /our Boots.



«r*rar« to build the woMf w;U they reap the! ai TUoaaps n's, •pp'>iUe tka Collioi Uo«m, P ' I Vrin»«k*f* City, MioB.

Stoves. Tin





anufaclu.ers of


Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,090.

jin merit. By its use GRAY HAIR is soon iiestored to its original 'youthful color and bril- liancv, which is so much

ORIGINAL ;t"'t'''^f- ^77'

i\v*oee*n!ir 18 thin or tailing

LULUn, 'out wil3, by tike use of our

PROMOTES Rt-'newer,800ii<<eeitfl good

ima itfTccts, as, by "its /ow/caud

^ stiiuuhiting i»ro|>ertic'3 the

ItKuW in. hair y:land9 will be incited

^|{J) !and the liair grow thick

rn * [andstrongagain. Incases

I,^ 'of .ffa/f/««5 it will create

blLbrlUlU a new growth unless the

DRESSING, follicles are de.stroyed. It

TRY i'* cooling, and allays all

0|T p [itching and irritation of "^ [the scalp. It does not stain BOTTLE Itlw; skin as do dyes, but A|rn 'makes the scalp white and

llliULLli it js tjje i^jjt and most

tfP jeconoraieal prepuraticni in

fPIip the world, as its effects

TUTU l=i8t so much longer. Send

illlrl fyr o„r Treatise on the

LOCKS! hair, tree to all, by mail.

Sa'.d by alt Druggists and Dealars in Medicine.


Gea'l Ageats for North- Western States, 87 OE^EBOSK STBEET, CHICAOO.ILL.

i A.V'.I AM. lOlNTS IM


^^"A'l the prinLi}>Hl llBliwiiv.'' "f iIk- Norih Wf«t and So Uliwctt dniiiert <il i'hiriiyo with tbe FourUuily Kxpre^s Truii]i«, leaving Cjic»){" ^^^'^ A. M., 1 l::<0 A. M., b:\h V. .M.. am 9:00 1*. .M.

Elesaul Drawiu;: Itooiti Comrbes

OnI>ay Txpreys Train* between Chicago, Tole- il(i fnd iJiiffalo.


And has Palace Sleeping Coaches Attached,

Tli'« rout*- li.n ihr.'U.;h ^^ ll.TOV, MINNITS'.T. I..\KK, (illAl'KI.AND, and BA?.^ I.AKK.

r.-iiiy-iiRt-rf tv II. is luw auU pipulKr r^ •lit-- will 'px . T\Vf,NTV MILK.S of fravH, nn.l ui"i.'> . «f"l »ii; re. only in Uie dav -tiine, »ti>;n^ thminrli in OS K 'U»

IHO-MA:; (iKOKOt. Pro^H.-;--

Winn«ba£0 City. Nov. IKth. IfCi). "J^lif


1 \\7K have opened a sLop on Blue F.d.tli A».

\ W niie, for all kinds of blacksmitr.in?. w*. rcjairing, Ac, and will bo found ro:i*:;inliy baud and ready to accoramodale our ou»'.ottj'--

1 Attention is called to tbe following price*:

j Hori<o shoeing, per span, - - - <i New Shoe, ......... .^

Rimn'g Through to New York sctt'ng Shoe, - - - - - - . - - ?

" *-' \\ e guarantee entire satisfaction to all a ho M:a

patroniious. CLOS.STCK AS.MITli.

WiiiDebago City, June 23d. XM'i.


Passeneert fur Detroit, und all pf.iiils in Cona da, and thog«' for Ohio, J'enuiifh'auia, A'tic Vorl, and y*w 'EuyhDid. ulmiild purctiBse tickels vim Lnhe Short and Mirhiyitii Southern Jiailirti}/, which «reon »r.le ,«! aJi,itr4iK;i|»il Kailway Ticket OEcef, and at the Computiv'e Office,

No. 56, Clark Street, Chlca^^o.

F. E. MOR.SE, Gef«'U'aM. Agt., OTIS KIMBALL. Gcn'l Sup't. Chicago.

271 vl rieve'-nd. 0.



"E^, & H. T. ANTHONY & CO,


f- 0.000.


Are prepared to tlora


On roasonsble t«ini<.

Apply at Hi^^in's store buildinjr. Front »trt>e»,

Mankato. Tboy alio keep theftl>t'


317 tf


Uvil« lh« att»titti •( th« Tiki* t* lh»ir »it«rs>vt aM«rttB*iil af K«««. •f tka.r Min p«W:««<i»», WMii/arta'* *m4 iM^vriafMit- Wr MtoUak —m Favr Tk^mf^d a«^j««U af ftitfraMvay.a Tiaw*

Maffimatli Cava, C*Blra1 rarli, Tfaut'>r> r«.ia, Or»t W«at, Howsitabtc, Dflawtra, iMataaiaacaaa.



C O O P E 11 A G K,

CltaK'll*. Wa«fa H|t*«,



a aw «r*Kft4k. lit- latM,

Oar Imported Tlawfl •inbra** m larf« •kwimt priMltirttesa •< Win Kufflanil, O. •lh»r amkiiviit j,li»tof rapbara. •••AMliKf af


■k >.•.











Ta.lariaa, •I Ciai Trtaaaa,

artmaat. iaelarftac *lM •'. Witaaa, Leaf, »t4

nara«!aaa«M. faatainaklaat, c»» aa'iaai Ttraaiilaa,

In V.'in!'eb8goCity,ei»k»"f .•11 ^i/.ca will i>* ''.vn. c>■n^t<ntl> on haii<L REJ'A 11'. I.N<J A»ur m «hori notice. Cech pmd tor •tavei' miM \f •" fi'ilea. (yooper '^bop')n the b«c!> pun uf t!i« ' ' Log Tavera. 4a

F n. VEfl; Winnebaga-Oity. Not. 10. If'Ca. :;U-i; ,

«■••-! ts:.. NOW" opisi^;

KVr.n» 1KKBT DRAWS A I'KaZR. & Cash 0 flu. each 10 20 40 2»0 " "


cao(»fto I ifi.uoo '

5,00«> !

1,000 I 6UU j 100


S'.i Elegant Rti^ewooii Piano^.-aafh-$300 to 700 I 75 " " Meludeuna " I'J to 100 :

6U to 176 7 j to :<0o I val. nt »1, 000.000 |

and all kind* of


A Gat •esortment af

I 350 Sew.nc M .rhines,

jOO tiold Wat. hes

tash frires, « ilverWHre. <A-.. .-..-. -., ,

A rhnuce i" ilraw iny ol the above prixes J«r

2J ceiils. Ticket* de»<ril.iii;; p-ize* are scaleit j in envel"|>es .uid well mind. On .rirctjpt of | I 25c ascaltd ti. kei i- ilr.twii, without cli.)ic«,and | : *eni by mail t > «ny »<i.lrc»!'. ib« priie n>iuie<l i upon it will be delivered lo t-e ticktt holder on

riceipl ol One Dollar. I'tiic* are iuitn-diately

•ent to any *ildr«»8 by cxpre«.i it return mail. | YtMi will k:i -w w'jat y-'ur prize i- before you

pay for i». .Any prize elch-n'.M-d for another of

.be fame vain..' No blanks. Our painna ran

repeiid on fail .It-ahig.

RariiHF.'" E'- ^^^ »i-lccl tiie following from ' nianv who ha-elntcly drawn valuable prize*. ; and kin.lly perniitied uh to publish them : An- } drew J. Bun.*. Chicago, f 10.000; Mi»* CKira , _ , , ,, ^1 . S. M'alker ILltimore. riano, $S00 : J.imcs M.

lablt and Pocket tutiery. , M.ithtw.. Dctr-.ii.ta.oon; john t. A«dr««*.

i ^»va^n«h JJOt.O: Mi?» Agnes '"iniiaon*, ^Gharlcfion. Fo.no, $600. We publirh no na^iei- wittii>-il pei«an<ii»i"n

Oi'iwio.^s ot '6K P«BM. Tbe firm I* reliable, and deaerre their iitcceSf.— Uret/y 7yi6aMe, M(tm 8. We know iLe.u lo be a fair dealing ' firm.— A >' tferoW J/ay 2S. A friend of our* drew a$5<H) pme, which w.i« pioiuplly received. Daily »%'««■•. June &■

Send (or Crrular. Liberal iiidu-^mem* to Agent*. Satvjfacti.jn guaranteed. Every pv-k- ' ageoftealed envelope* cot laine ONE CAoH GIFT. Six ticket* for $1 ; 13for|2: 35for*o; , I to for $15. All letter* .h.. old be add-e»*adto DARl-ER, WILSON A CO.,

$]§ 12w I9b Broadway, Kew York,





4&C.. &iU

Cat to order from .•'.t«er Italian or A M e R>!'C A .N marble, and »et up in good .U«te Atr. J. M. Sul- livan in OUT prac'ic-nl 'k- fi^rnt-r. und all order* nre filled acc<>r<*icg to speciti atii ni". I', however, tbe ' tasfeof Mr. .Sulliv in i»-«oa- «ulted. the de«igng j.ik ganT- aiit.'ed to be urii<;iie. The work reciiinnieii'l* ii^elt Or- dcFti from a ti»»t,irii-<' promptly atcndc'l t'..

TIsImt (i Siill'van. OWATONNA, MINX.

JureOtb, 1S69. 283


4«»«a»< taUsaalf tiiitraatlac larlaa. AIm, niasiaaia^ aa4 Tra»a»»> raal Vi«wa. in great variaty ara ala* airlaaiv* At*aU ia *«ar ra *ar '-rkllBIKR-a aL«BA VIKW«," af whi*h «c ka«a a af.aRdiA ^••rtmrut AVPnia far Fr tii'a aariva af $ I 4 i ]-) la th9\mgfphH ^iv )■ •witafriaad, Ika Bii>««. K«g(a*«4. ••allaad, Waiaa, *a.

•TrscotrorKt. - maaafa^ivr* vary Urgvly, %m4 h%wm Uapi ■jtatfc at km aiytaa ai ik» /«iaacf rmim.

PHOTOOKirflKJ ALBt'MS Ovr Maaafattara af AlkaMa ta waU .feaawa ik£*«fka«i tfta canuirr aa auM^'*' >■ l^^l'^y ^** kaaai7 *• ftU -•tlHrra

All «• aatl ar* na4« (a *■*■ aw* Fa^tarf %n4 Mr atvlaa ara tflfrraal ^re iha*« »t atiy ailicr oiafeaf ftajata akamM aai fail M aaa a«ff -MMk baian fciag ikair ywcliaaaa.




Tkaaa Saaallfal plrMraa. Uat a«.aa« U tuHmrwttktt fMm Ma Jaijl Oii Fmmlmrw a! aaa taatll thvir aval, w. i*»pan larfatf Irtm rana, Laa<aa. taOia. Viaaaa aa4 KaB*. tmt •mpflt U. ttaAa U .k* l»«aa< raMa

E. ft H. T. AHTHOHT & CO.,

691 Broadwat, N Y., taporten aad UaauTu •! rjiotVtfiariiM Matarial^


158 Stale sCthkago,I!L

IiKA.\( H OF


136 Fedarfcl St.. Boston.



Grind-Stones and llangiu^p,

Srtaldnf aai Crossing


fence- Wire, Jtc, Jte,

3- H. W«lch,Win.W«llaee, Cha*. Wallace. WiitDcbago City, MuaS. AprU 7tb, ISM.



TIIK .Subscriber wi,«biagt<j :<{oi.ito ih« Wool- en Lcrii.e«s. offer* bis fatai of 225aeres for »»le. There a <oim1 Uouih;. triaMe, Shed* end Gran- ary, and a never fciimg cprinu or wATeH,Bufi» cieni fur hi>*i«buld purpoBe* aud «o water ona huii-'red »««J of carile. betaten 25 and 30 .craa ot THnWr. The hi.u«e in surrounded with l-vge ^^^ j^^t. Siiiuie Tree*, be^ide« a Garden, coriiaiiiin^ about 300 FRL'I I Tl- EE.-^. large and small,

I will «el' the above rea«<inabi'<!. Inquire on tbe prrmir«e«. 2 mile* direct we,.t from Winoeba* eu Citv, or at the Woolen Mill Mt^kaio.

Hort'es to let a' all b'.ur-*, day or night. lior<e». to sell or ex<-lMib|;e. Tian paid for Oat*. Corn and Hay. Uiiy, oati, c rn and itabling at rea»onabl« j rate*. .

Office in Wi nebago City lloiel, and Stable in I

KINCAID k CO. Wft>nab«r«City. Jaly 21. »Wt». 27?.U



Aui;o»' 17, 14A8.





Ck«ft{> ftri »atb


! A desirable fwrm in tba towa of Prasc.ti, R«e- tion 18. i* offered fur .Ble or rent. It will rent»d foraithtr one. two, or thr»e years, or sold for$SOO dowa, and tbe balanoa on Ionic time.

> Tor fu.ther partieular* iuq'iire ©: or address tbe

Iiabscribei. GEO. MASTERS.

1 ghelbTTiUa, llina., Kev. *U, lie». »14n»$

OUR r.IlEAT WK^TKUN BRANTTI )K>eu «<tHl'li«ii<Ml for the purfiwe ot giv;n|( om ^^ra^.i tlif a'lvHtitAi^e of llie larK*:ly rrducuu e»|>re«e i;iai.i(c>t •ii'l tli«t they may receive tlieir kuihU ui tb* •ti.'.i«<">" poMiole tiiue.

I'rrtrmt who hire '<<'« ncting ai Aj/'ntt/'/r t'f />"/> I.Alt H'lCSKf r.f tlif hint wi<7 M1K t\inf iitKl m»n/» art'l/nd it t/> th'.ir advantage im t^Ao r, i/ t... 'c c/r* directly Willi


The 4ii»Itlyofoiir ;:o'iJ««ie fully wimU.iU'i "Uf t.'li" to '.HfLf* nro iiot-e.xifcll.'a hj- any re^j>>tuit,l'. ii«i.>» i-- our li!o" ''f (•ii«iH''«*.

AOKXTM IfVAJTTEO lu er.ry tcwn ai... v;. !».:• Ill tti« Wo.ieiu Hi«l«. _

CerlTAcaiea, gir-of a «-ompte> de«rript.o;. ■.; arlicle* tluit wi!l ••• toU for<*u« Dollar i^ach wil o- •'.!■! .: the r»le of t^-n roi.tH .«. h ; l»n for i: : ft^^-iP; (wilU c..uiiiii««ioii(f«r fc, tJiirty {viUi<>-tu-:i^ii— .(•■ tix'y 'aii'l i"inini»iion^ lorJC; one iiULdteii ,«iti. i.uu. Tu*9nunt ) for f 10.

Anv penoD neiiditig foracltih.'f t««a»t> r«Dh«'« -• coHiiMiMiuu. oue of the f"H<»winga''.t'' l»* 1 ¥*■•'■••'■ .^i..»;l4UK, lo" Picture fhMtt.grairt. Al'ioni >■ | . •••

Honey C.nil. Q'litt. L4»4,viiM»v<» •*"'*•■■ •*•'■* rh<>ii'« of noutAioiM utUtrAfWlM, (or aic ve 'u. .<«... » 1 iHi circutar.

For skCI«b •f TMrty, ornsof th- f.iU.»i..»- .rturlfl*: IJ vii.i* HiwwtiiiK; 1 (iir Hon*} '. -i.; H- - Ih'** .--tKln^ fri>m Kx' h«iif:« I.Mt. Ac, Ai:.

For « Clskte-*f S»«tjr— Oa» |«!r of ^inrur •■ Q'lilta; i'i >«.rita o! Slt^etinif; p».r <>! >* «. 1 hUi.. - V»el»«ur'« N.tiofiai Pi't' rial UicMonnry. witli 1 ' tut;:^.;^ OOJcuisratiu^'i sia .: tidos fr jbi >.&<.i.....^a L.t k<'..

Otor a Club of Oar Hsiadrrd— .^^crets:- -'t a j«H« MiUftriK, lo.it'lr* lf»ni Kx< 'ii<ii^« !<!•». <'

a^'^D'l Mon«y III all iJUUm by krt(«l<o«.4i.e..e. o. 'I'o.i OflJi e Money Or-t^r.

««-SKKD FOR CIRCt'iaAR.-%L« aV-We taW« pl«>Miir« in retMrtug th •»• »- ■•>«r hiul dualiiig wab n>. tu the tniv'-^t r..- 1 >• (^iiopauy in th* l-'niled B:ii'»«— Ttie A.re W^i V- - ciiaut* liv.oii K«i»i«fc. Coiur«>*>- *• '"' *" ^»*bii.» r Bt., Bo«ion. M««- . and ttuou^h thpu-ii' li-/" f ♦jf •** tiuouKhoul th« t/o.tnrry

S. C. TKOMPSiiMI * «0..

IM Stat* Stcwel, Cat*a»a. Ui.. or ire I f ctirl f iF'.tl. » cttti , Msa«


iB*^ ~ *-




1 1 1 Tj r IXlLlLi llUMllfO i lliiV I-'. U ,)fl^c^ ^i I,,, re»ideiice, curorr oX Welch .nd Oleve- , UdJ ^*lreeU, Wiunebago City, M^un. "■"'"'


n. A. itorciiK.iS!!i, EoiioH.


9jK9«li] r>«>tlc«* tn r^adtnu colrnin*. t«n o-ntt t ^ "''n* xrttwftr* Inwnion.ana fly« caiui pf ^'0'= '^"^ »=*"* .i'x-11'lciit in-ertiiin. .

Ailvcrilstmtnuo'ciipy'.ntt on* Inch of tpncf, \o»enta »• week for oue JolUr. 0;i.? column, otir jr<:»r, eist^ti >IUr». Other adTcftlsementf In propcrflon.


AN'} «1TI1EH linki, neatly priuted, and for »*!« »t th Honi«8teHd UtBoe.




\ttnrnc.T and CnuDJolor at Law in WinneWRO City, .Minn., will attend to professional bn^i- noxs throughout the Slate. 174tf

KLih, CrackerijiinJ Jjrslore, at Kiotiardiou'i).

Grka^t Distribution. The Metropolitan Gifi Company h%re made extensive arrangemetits for their third Great Annual Dlstribut'.on, and their list numbers ca«h and other {{'fts to tbs amount


The comtnn'lli'f.s brirW ilwelllnt of O. P. Chui'b. tn IBankatO. Piinuont ha-i *>ern np»ne-l t4. the Iravelinir public, and

%mple accoiiiinoJutioa* are imiw offered to all who may

^ .. wj.«-.iiiv— f.w- norvn uv t *i4»i to avail :h«ro*rl»es of iU hospitalities.


^ io\T dhaabuu,

Uaiikato, Mtnneeota.


Wl.lesal* and Retail. ^7jl JIankato. MlnnMoia.



J.E. Monlton. WinnebAfO City, Minn.

:l\ S SMirn, nooKSKLl.K't AND aTATIONEU. Oif <luur aoaih o( Riiviaw oSee, •I97j\ Mankatii. Minnesota.

^ '


^- Dealer in Crockery a.; J Olassware. Front 3'.. ,

anka'o, Minn. ^Is-lf (

AGKXr FOR K.VRIBALI.T COUNTY, For The American Buiton Hole. Over-3een>lnf knd ^ewiiiK MHil.tne The ar»t and only BiUtoi.H.de M»k- ; K,t«bliahniant •UK and 3ewln» Maolilne combined. In the world. It MWDUSDment toes Duoru work than any other toacliinc evtr Invented 2ti3'.l

Church Directory.

MsTnoDiBT.— Services erery Sabbath morning, In the BapUst ChurLh, at 10:30 o'clock.

Re<. J. 0. QOWRAN, Pastor.

Co'ccaFCATioN\LisT.—ServI'e» every Sabbath morn- of nearly a million of dollars, among them art

Ing, in the Ht(fh School buildlnc at Ut;:<0(.'cio.k. . , i . i . „-mI. »if». ,.«»;,,»

" ° Kev. J. 0. TOUl), Pastor. five buudrea and seventy cash gift, ranging

Uxtos.— Prayer Meeting, Wcdne»day evenings, In the from one hundred to twenty thousand dollars

B«pti»t 01 ur.h, at- o'clock. each, also, Pianoo, Melodoons, Petring Ma-

Sabbath School every Sunday morning, immedlat^Jy •"'^"i » , , . i a-i

after preachliiif. chines, Knitting .Machines, Gold and Silvw

Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Ac, A<i. Every

ticket draws a prite. and uo blanks aie issued.

The tickets are each placed in envelop^is, which,

' after being sealed are mixed and when drawn

indiscriminately, so that the Company are not

aware of the contents of any envelope until the

ticket <s retuined to them. These tokits are

so'd fur twenty-five cants each, or ait for one


Wo have for sole, at a great bargain, four hundred pounds of Long Primer, One half of it is almost new, and the balance is good for years. For particular?, address the Fubk Homestkad.




Bod and Mould-Board



19 !■■


AN a



Pr«pftr«d by Dr. C. M. JAC^lOl^'



•r taa

The firm of Kincaid A Co. has dis.solved, Mr. Truman Uobart now owning the entire Livery | dol'ar, thirteen for two dollars ; thirty-five for

five -lollars ; one hundred and ten for llfteen doU


* fectioiicry,


k.N THE ARRIVAi- OK THE CARS, we shall be pre pared to upt n a Mock of

FlRMTURi:, «tc., &r..

Mankatn >nnnesota.

n r.rRKF, DK \LER in OHOCERIE.^ FROVIS- i VVholes4le and Retail Dealer In Furnliure. n«^'l'li;'«. *C- .L'.Cr^k'ery.GlAS. and Wooden Ware. ^ AUo, Lnertakers. »J=M Austin, .Mlnu.


ttankato, Minnesota.

.>HN QCANn. W.vaniNGTO-H U0C3E. GOOD QOLLI.VS UOCSE, StAbliug connected. i , „.

•29;yl Mankato, Minnesota, t vTinnelago City,


'- BlacksmilUog,

>37yl Mink^lo. Minnesota.

Urs. As soon a>- you receive a ticket you eu- 1 rAnELF-MSESS.— Last Saturday afternoon John j ^,^^^ jj ^jjj, ^P, dollar to the comj)any, and

I Hobart left a horse unhitched, and the animal j ^ta^cver the ticket calls for ik immediatel? for-

I went to the barn alone, lea/ing the cutter to j warded to you. The company are aware that

; which Le was attached, in different places along j their success wholly depends upon their dealing

Vt Wells, to supply the dcraxu.l, both wholesale and i (he road. Hitching straps cost less than new j honorably with thoir customers, and Laving this retail. Retpcclfully. I , . , » I . . . , n i. <■

HOPKIN.S * FF.RNVLP. i sleighs. fact in view they strirp to please all '»ho favor

. ' them with their patronage. Circular? contain- presents. ] '""'" ^

ing references and highly favorable notices of

the press are sent free to all. Leiteni should be plainly addressed. Metropolitan Gift Company, Nos. 193 and 196 Broadway, New York. 317 4m

Wheat mdvancing and Goods Belling Wm l, ^ ^ Til ^ r*., ' tel"w cost, for casb. at the Winnebago

llreaking Plows CUy Drug store. Call and examiue

I priees before going elsewhere.




•■• lary Pablie. , , „,

Mankote, Minn.


E. G. A A. P. COLLIN'S, Propiietors.

Excellent accommodati-jns, a 'd charge* mi J- erate.

Stages leave tfcis House for all poia's. 237tf

Christmas is coming, and so are the C. J. Farley will have on hand, ready for exhibi- tion, by the the 10th, a full assortment of Toys, | Toy Candies, small Books for children, and larg- | er ones for adultn. Diaries for 1870, besides other articles suitable for Christmas presents.




•HAS SCHILDKNECHT*C0..MANLFACTUaER3 of I'igarsaad Tobacco.

ManV»to, Minn.


er in Dry Goods. 29Tyl

Mankato, Mian.

\rM. L. COON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLLECT- '' ing Agent and Notary Public, o99if Manksto, Mmn.


W. V, Bs M«ore. Prepriet»r. .'DStf Front dt., Mankato, Jlinn.

A-ttomey & Counselor at Law,

Notary Public and Conveyancer.

Particular attention paid to the CoUcc-

tioil or' Debit and l\tt/mf>it "/ luxe*. ALL Bl'SlNESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Winnebago City, Minn., Aug. 30, 1863



C. B. KIB.\LL, Pkophhtor.

RiXAWAV. A spirited pair of horses, attached to a new lumber wagon, were hitched in front of the Post Office this morning, when they were frightened by the arrival of the stage, broke away and ran. Winahip caught them, and Kin- caid is doubtless thankful that the damage amounted to only a few cents.

TraiiBfers of Real Estate In Faribault

County for the Week Elndliig Oct. «3d, I860.

Jesse Harry and wife to Eli F. Park, aw qr see 25, town 104, range 23. Warranty deed filed Oct. ISth. Consideration $100. James McCollum and wife to Charles Held, wh lot 2. blk 9, in nc qr sec 36, town 103, range 28. Warranty deed filed Oct ISth. Considera-

. . i tion $16.

., , , ,-„ ... . , ,, „„ . Alvin M. White to Wellington Whit.-, nwqraeo

"Merry', .Vt..e..m for 18.0 will be fully up to ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ,5. Warranty Deed filed

the excellent standard, and it will be our aim to j q^^ jsth. Consideration $1,000. make the new volume superior to any that have R. D. Warren and wife to Elizabeth Dewing, lot . . ^ . , ,. . 1 . »• 12 blk 1 villaire of Minnesota Lake. war-

been published. Bnght. lively, and instruct.vo, ! ;;;;; i;J'S Oct 2l8t. Consideration $200. in families where more than one magazine for the j„ii^ ^ Convers to tleorgiana Fremati, lot 6. blk youn-? is taken, Mtrry'i Muitcumi? the favorite." (i.i. Blue Earth City. Quitclaim deed filed Dot

Crossing Plows,

ATarrantedto scour in anj kind of soil, and hardened by a process known only to ourieive*.


Manufactured entirely of iron aod iteel.


Hoofland^s German Bitters

.r.e.«P-^ .f th* p..,.j«ice.(»r«.th.y».;.~«^ aiaally t«rni«d, Ma mmf ^mt *'•**' "' j;-,„ra.

Mms, hlflily eoocro fru /rim Ale»lu>'M

Carbon Oil, Elephant Oil. Linseed HQCFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO

Oil and Oil Paints. White Lead, Red Lead, Colored Paints, &;e.


I, a .o-Wnatlm of .11 Ih. iafr**'*"** "L^l*^^^^. i;,V.k. pn..r. ,a;.li.y -T ^^J^' ^J^.XX: •M , Bskiuc oti» of the niMt )>l»M«nl aM B»r.^

r^OM pr.fcni»s aM.4i.Ue h.. fr»«s Ale.li«IW a4aitxtur., will n». •*

Hoofland's Gefrman Bitters.


In t*-T- ef ••rvous iw^tmikVK, wh.» •••• '

School Rooks, Rlank Books, Station- Mbaaia. u i..e.»<*ry, «,«„Tn



'tK.T Jt H^f^V FfRNlSHiNO HOUSE, MANKATO Mmn. Karniiure and CarpelinK. ull Otoths and irtain« TaWe Cloth* and Mirror-i, Window ."^hadesand »Ur<s<ei. Picture Frames <ind Mats, Cord aixJ Ta'se's. Ajtuta for the Cnnvalled Washer.

The terms of the .Vufciim are $1.50 a year, specimen number free, antf the pabli.«her is Ilor-



Ji-weler. Dealer :n Watches, Clocks, JeW«*ry and


.M).,tf Mankate, Mmo.

Repairing neatly executed and warrantr*!.


Stages leave this Hotel Mondays and Thurs- day* for the nearest RailioMd station, and Tues- days and Saturdays for the We.<t. I _,_,,, , , T> «• IJ o. > n^o.^r,

K good L.v.ry is connected with the Hotel, ; ace B. Fuller, 14, Broomfield Street, Boston.

and there are ample accommodations for team sters. 2l2tf



Kc.p* constantly on hand a complete aswrlmrnt of


And hundreds of dollar's worth of worsteds, being the

Lectures have written to Rev. Mr. Cobb, the re-


"•lor lUriiiif refurnUhed throughout the afcove well .._ .

.own hou.e, .he proprietor aski a c .ntir»auce of i flr« full line rt..ck of Zei.hyr Worsted ever brouslu into | ^^^^^ ^^^^^jj^j^ j.^^ q^^^^.^^ requesting him to iir.lc [lalronait. Oood stable ^c<;omraod«tloii» are Winnebago dty.

■jn-iectel with the home. Chargts ra>derate. JS^tf jJew and Faihionahie Goods received by express every

w.ek. 3ior. on .Main St., ne»rly opposite the Co'.lins


2l8t. Consideration $1. A. Sorter and wife to (Jeorgiana Tnimain, lots 1 and 2, blk 65, Blue Earth City. Warranty deed filed Oct 2lEt. Consideration $400. A. E. Wickhatn and wife to Humes, Hotihkiss, Bullis and Ware, i .t A parts of s 42 ft lot 1, blk , 5, Easton's addn to Winnebago City. Warranty go City Temperance Society will be held at the j^ed filed Oct 21st. Consideration $400. Baptist Church, next Monday evening. A gen- j R. P. Sergent to A. E. Wickham, lot 1, blk 5, eral attendance is particulaHy solicited, and a Easton'sadd'n to Winnebago City^ «"''«•*'»

*^ ^ I deed filed Oct 21st. Consideration $500.

lecture may be expected The Committee on


Of the most approved pattern. Also


ery, Memoranda Books, &c.


Patent Medicines of all kinds. To

The regular monthly meeting of the Winneba-



^ WEHRLE, W.\TCnVAKKR* JKWELKR, HAS House. '• received his complete stock of A»*efcs* ai* Im- j

.ort<d Watehe.. Clocks and Jowtlry. \\<-pMmt war- | ,nied as represented. Front Street, opposite the thf- .a House. "W'tf .Mankaio. Minn,

^ W. MCRPHT k CO.,

Dealers la



Particular attention paid to Muiic Orders.

DNOTFMAN,M.D..PHY.-<tCIAN ANDSI:rOEON Will attend U> ciUs promptly, in Winn.bago City ' and surroundinncnuntry. Dr. N. has had twenty years experic .cein loc»l, general, and hospital practice, and I lately liad cha'(t» of a Hygienic Institute for the treat j .rnt of ctironic dmeases. Ue U therefore prepared to I treat t'atjrrh. Bronchitis, .''crofdla. Rheumatism, Pro- 1 lapsus I'terl, N«uralt:la, Sick Headache, l.iver Com ! plaint, Piphtheria, Cold HattJs and teet, Nervous De I bililv, Ca.vcsrs, Fbvkr SoRK.*, and all Blood and Skin ! Diseases, with a success far in advance of the ordinary I phTKictan who has Lever made a speciality- of this class j .f <1iiea*es.

All co-nmunications confidential. ConsultaHon free. Office at Dr. Farley's Diug.-^tore. Resideiice at Kim- \ bal's. Office day«[ Friday, of each week. 3o6

deliver an address before the Society sometime during the present month, and his answer may be expected to be read before the meeting next .Monday evening.

Hawley Crist and wife to Wm. Walls^e Criat, 24

acres in se qr se qr sec 15. town 104, range 28.

Consideration $.^00. S. Mickleson and wife to Trustees of Evangelical

Lutheran Church a church buildin ; in .w qr , ^^„^^^j„^,j f,„^ k„i„„ ii„ber.

of the ne qr sec 2.J, town 102, rango 26. « ar-

ranty deed filed Oct. 22d. Consideration $265.



n'u)'i-.<;»le and retail dealers in




Still Ahead. "That Star Spangled Hauncr which for seven years has "waved" to the great satisfaction of its many thousand readers, and to the dissalisifaotion of all ."windlers and rascals generally, is even more wide awake than ever. It has at an imense expense, secured the services of an eminent artist, and the result is that it pro- poses to giveaway a splendid engraving entitled | Corn Meal.. EvANGELi.NE, to every subscriber for 1870. This , f'tn'oes superb work of art is one and one-half by two . fuct in size, and is equal to the best $3 engraving [j.-ans



Corrected weekly by Moullon A Deudea.

Wheat, spring. No. I

" " No. 2



Flour. ^ cwt

•••• ••••••••••»•••

*""''^" """""'■" ^ ^ RVTTP PORK" oiul MUTTON everoffered. The /in.mer is a large eight page, Onions l"

i O O i S, O H U li» O. ; f-'>- «">"'"'» f-*r"' -erflowmg with ..plendid , ll^Jj^^^^.^j :;;.;. , 4 0

Hh»«ii kers' Tools e*c are now fVit sale at Peirce's market in Winnebago reading of all kinds, and costs only 7o cents a ,jjjpg,g 2

Leather tma.ngs, . , - | ,;,t^, „a^ ^oor eaU of the Poit UtH.-e. and will 1 year, which is very cheap for the paper alone,! Pork, salt. ^ pound 1

Frt>iil ^^t^ccl,

Opposite the Post Office, Mankato, M^lsn.


"^orner of Se.otil nud Cherry AY'w., |


he s<^d at very low prices. Customers in ano out of town siupplied litlow flgi.t s.

F .M. PEIRCE. Winnebaio City: .Minn., >. 3.1868.



but the publishers propose giving every subscri- ber a copy of their elegant engraving gratis. The publishers arc reliable and it will pay to seud lor specimens to the Star Spanglnl lianne •, Hins- dale, X. H., or they cau be seen at this ofllice.





2 CO i

2 00 1



.... 20 ! ..1 50 ;

Onions 1 00

00 00 20

3 I

fre!-li, ^ cwt 7(gt8 j

Reof fresh. '0 pound 10.

Kerosero Oil 60



Winnebago Oity, Minn., Feb. ITth, 1869.


Winter Gcotls !

■li.Bid b. ^^^»^

TU. Bitlw. or th. TotiU ar. >».•- •V^^T »•«* ***

a»ialu ih. »itt. in.4i«iaal virluM. ,,

•^'i^^'^.k. fro- .^ri^.f^a^^'*^^;^.

T' "J'"^!^".-^ m>.JP .itofwkl.i.i..H.at

bacco and Clears. Lamp Chimneys and i^, paii.nt •»ff«r. aiVJl^-

Wicks^ Fancy Articles usually kept in ^^^^^^ r,..tuJ.noe. luward PU-r

City Drug Stores. - ^Sia.M of biooU to iho Heafl^ A«idi-


317-tf C. J. FARLEY.

Winnebago City, Nov. 19. 1869.

CHICAGO Dollar Store

We hnve in ?t>^' k .tihI »re linily iiirpn- .iij; Ipcttev qualf.v nn<\ '.'leHtoi- a'~>rlii«>«f of ail kinds •l)r«"l». th-.m «as e\er -(fe e.i 'm- n> Tv-r ONc DOLLAR £ CH "ii: '.cm* io .\irf iit« aio very lilmral. and not »()iinile.l i'V any o[i««r house in the tfadf. To prov. :lii« to von- cMti-e Bj,ii>:n'i on.

flW-SEND YOUR ADDEESS-S* 'or our n>"V r-.M a:'l Wi'.-,i<<r Clri ttUr wUi fiill v.artlc- .ars and Si'-.i.,! Trrmi A'j"-!'. AiT.xT" WAsrro ■W.-nTwiirrf.. FARK *, CO.

I'S^ t>rart>orn St.. C'.iUaKO, III



Kerosero Oil ot; , _. . ^1 J

S -^r.'.-.-.v.-.v;.:::.v.v.v:::.v.;;;::::;;:;;:;:i5: \ ff.argest Stock

Dried apples.


15 to 20


■^ilE above house, jusl romp'tte-l .inl furnish i

•PoMrar. Ha! Scipio d.ist drink ?

.SciPtO. Idu.'t. ' kirhnrd III.

V'\:.\ new tbrouKbr.Mt, is openod to the publtc. j s » , » y TTTVF.'Nr A TfJl V .•commodatiot.s unsarr«.--d by any pub .' | Jl fi.l h) V I i iN fA JL U lA

.use in the .-..nnly. and terms reasonable. , Rettanrntxt Cind Saloon.

armers will always find * '^•'"'';;'»»;'' ^^"^ j Opposite the COLLINS IIOISE, Wlnneba.?o City, lenty of good focd, and the best of care tor their » ►-

Tr.«s. 257tf j \ViDe?, Liquors and Cn-nrs.

i C'.m:;cn, C'.d Co~r.ao, ar.d Ilal-tr.n.

Fresh Oytors served in every style, and for I «ale b\ the Can or keg.

Genthmrn, I keep good Liquors. I Winnebago City. Dec. 9. 1H63. 267tf


I p r. HARLOW,

instjranle agent.

i D«aler in

\ Real Eslale & Und Warrant .


Town and Cointy Orders.

Pay Tazci, Ezimine Titles, &c.

Is also .\(JENT for the


^^AIl\lfn'-»ur»r .ind Dealerln


of ev<:ry vanety. lilt Moiil.Vings Kept On Hand


McMabill & Beebe,

Dealers in



Dimension!'. Si.linc. Fh^oring, Lath,

and Shingles. I


re make a-OivCotltv ..f PA.<n. nrtOR? and MOI'LO- i NO-* al.« WOODKN EaVF. orTTKR? at Vw fljrtre. Offl.'e on Van Brunt's Addltioa, Sooth end of Front tr»«». '

M.inkato, Minn.

"FitTT two" vs. Twelve. The H'ei^rM /iu- I ra/ is not a monthly, but a largo and beautiful I weekly. Its cost is but a trifle more than a ; monthly only $2.00 per year (the same singly I as in clubs), and you receive fift>j-tiro numbers ' in a year instead of only ttcelrt- ; besides, by sub- I scribing early, the remaining numbers of the ' \ present year I Every per'on should sub.ieribe for the Wctttrn Rural who is interested in any branch of rural aETairs in farming, gardening, orchanling, floriculture, stock-raising, wool- growing, dairying, cranberry culture, bees, poul- li-y, rural improvemuuts, useful inventions, agri- cultural news, rondition and prospc-cts of mar- kets, etc., etc. It li worth more than its price for its interesting original and selected stories I and sketches its great variety of Miscellaneous i reading for its department of domestic eoono- j my and household recipes, and for its stories, en- igmas, riddles, puzzles, problems, etc , for the ' "young folks." The women and children are de- j l.ghted with it.


Ever brought into Faribault county ii now in the store of


GH. SNYDER, GUN.SMITH AND WAOON Maker. Shop next doorto Ricliardsnn's.

Partiruiar atteiition paid to repairing c ocks HiTlf

The Latest Style of

Paisley Shawls, AND REPAIRED j Large-lino Double Shawls and Cloaks HA IS, CAPS >& CLOTHS, Gassimere Delains,

Belgian Delaius,

Rep Delains,

EVENING POST, India Cloth,


\V AfJONS AND SLEIGHS MADE * at the shop of


On niae Earth Avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed :tI7-tf

'I lU


y:R 1870


Radical and Progressive : Ron*Bt In its Policy, BnlJ in i iu Tone; Candid in its Dlsrusaions, Spicy In |

its Manner ; Fresh in its News ; Full and Heliable in its

.Markets; *

j Treating all public topic switliout jiartisaii prejudice, but

The Tl «t.rn y?„r,i/ has justly won its great ! ^"'''/•.fr'"" '**« P**"""" "'»""•"•"*' *"'*'*'"" '""'''"'■ _ , . _ ^ ^ J .^ * i Uc Probity.

FnGeniX InSUranCO LOmpaDy, popularity, as it is a thoroughly praotlcal jour- i


nal. Forward S2.00 for 1^70, or write for speci- men numbers and particulars concerning the very liberal Li:-t of Premiums offered to those who form clubs. .\dt.'rj«8 H. F. N. Lewis, Pub- lisher, Chicago. 111.


Bi«* Eartk City

i^KfT HOR.^RS AFD FARM I10R3KS »hod In splen 1^ dl.1 .tvie hv Rot^rt Llnle. fin* door sooth "' »;;.'' toiel. nir,. F.arth Citv Refe-ences. _--. Lewi, ^al- .at Lak.. and P C. Seelev, Woe Earth City. aUvl






I of St. Paul. Minn.

Also Xotary Public <t Convnjauccr.

I I No. 8 rook-:toves furnished complete for $29,

I OFFICE— in the rear jf the Post Office build- j at the Hardware ^ttore in Winnebago City.

I in*. HP stairs. !

I4»tf Wiaaebago City, Minn. j Mosey to Loax.— I have some moniy to

, I loan on first-class real estate security. Come

early, aod you can be accommodated.


WALTER W. AVEBB tfe CO., l Wmnebago Ci.y. Minn.



Single copy, one year, '• " six monihi, " " lUrte "

tlO 00 5 00 8 50



A Substitute for Calomel,

These Pills are comp'^od of various roots, hannj the power to rJilax the >-«rretions of the liver as proniptlr and effectuaUr as blue pill or inercufy, and wlUiout producior any of .'bose di«agTeeab;e or dangerous effecu which otten toUow the us«i of the latter.

In all bilious disorders iheso F'Us maybe nsed with eonfldonce, as they promote the disobarge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from tLe !|vor and biliary ducta, which are the C^aa el" bilious affections in general.

BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cm-9 i?5ck Ueadache. and all disorders oithe Liver, indicated b/ iallow skin, coated tongue, coetivenoss, drowsiue«, and a general feeling ot weariness and lassitude, ahowiug that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed condition.

In short, tbcso Pills may be used with advan. tago in all ca.-)es when a purgative or alterative medicine is rciuired.

P:ea«: ask tor -'Dr. Schenck's Mandralo) PUU," and observe that the two likeooues ol the Doctor are on the Government ttamp ouo when in the last staiio of Coneunipiion. and the other in his pnwent health.

Sold by all DruggiaU and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. f rinc pal Office, Mo. 15 North 6lh Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

(ieneraj Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes ft Co., Jl Park Row New York ; 8. S. Uiuce, 108 Balti" more St., BaUiiiorf. Md. John D. Park, N. E. eor. ot Fourth and Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor. I.'U atid Wacash Avcnuo. Chica«;o, IIU ; OoUins Brothers, southwest comcl •I Second and Vine 8U., St. Lox's, Mo.

['ttb JiSlh w. ea. mo. 1 7T.

ty of th. Btomaeh, Naaaea, Heart- burn. Dt.«a.t for the iW, jTiloeaa or WBrght in the Stomaoh, Sntx* Wructa-

or Difflouli i:''«»i^'»"*:'«:^*l*.in/5eii- ib» Heart. Chokiog o^ »«^ca^in«^'i

aationa when i.i a ^^.""f^^^ib™'

Dimneaa of Vialv a, JJOta ** .r'T""

befor.^he SuH'. Dull ^-^^"^

Forepu-atiori. TeiloiW- . neea of _r ft. the Bkia .

Bide. Bick, l^B^ ^ ,? d d I'm Fluetiea of Heat. B'lrniBg in the Ti*^. Conetatit ImaaiuipM «/ *TV/. * Ureat Dspreaeioa of Bpiriis.

r««. rswi^io. will .tfw>«^:r, ""■«./«!;

DeWilItv.Cbioi.ie Itiarrlima. IfJ.ase «f »»»_5' ,j!L aad ail Dtwanes ari»ing fi<>«» a Ui>.4>ier«a Wtm, Sumach, ar liit««tiiio«.

Kesnltlng frem i»ny <. •»!««• w!s«i»«¥«r I

r»oi.riiATni?f «r tmkbtjtjs*. j

liidneeil by »c*cr* l.nteor, M«r«-

•rk.»r« is i'.>i!Hliciii««it"'" »l»'l tnth»f»r»im»*»e <.as3«kc«sM. At.>u««!ii vi- ,1- i. impart.J to the

.ligMls promytlr, Jt" th. Wl.od is ptini«t

Ik. eo»>l.lo«i.» W* ""^ •"T'.'j'",""^ ^t

health T. th* valluw tiosi u at.*!**!** fro'Ji tk# »TM. a bl»!« i> fcH«a to lW« ch«ck., aad tha waa* *ncl atrrMJ i.ir.ilid b»>«uio« a fltr.nf aad hoJUlJiy balng.

Ag4 fW»Ung tU* K*'"! "^ ''•"• »•<«*'•« '•••v'-'j "f^ ibaat. wUh nU H* atl«iil«iit ilU, will «ad la tha a».« ^\\sn* Birr*«». 01 the TON 10, aa elUlr that will lastlU n«w lir« ioio tbetr »«i!ts, r»«lor» la a maasmja tk* energy xwi siv.T rf mors T..ulkful days, balli up tUair »l!riti.!i»n fifm*. aHd gtvekealtk aaJ kaffip JIMS la ikatr reui-iiuiig ^citrs,


It M i»«ll ••t.il.li»h»W ftul that f^IIy •■•-kalf rf „• ;-m.U tK>.'ion «f VgMe oar popnlatlrm e»t

'«lw,ll.' Th.;«.e l.i.g»id.J.v<rf4.faa

-u.rgy «xtr.».Hy r.jvoo*. and »»""-:;?-Vr .i.- T, 11,1. cl«. tr K"-"'" "'• »!"»*. •» »k« r.)MC,iup t»iii>cci*i!» roevrtumearfaJ.


\! nia.la utrctg Uy tfca aM of ailhar of thaae raas^ .*!•■ Th.j •ill ««»• ave.-y ••»• o' MARASMUS *ith»at fail. , , .

Th ussBi^t of ceillflsataa bars a«e«nialat»<t lathe ,x\kiM af ib« v" I': '•"»'. k"t »?»•• »^''l ail'^w af the "•BhH«a«i»n U hat a f»w. Thosa. It will b* ahMrvU. if w«a al act* iuiil of curb staudinj that thay »«at lit katiavad.

Excellent fiour at Richardson'i.


.>*ingle copies,

Five eopies, ...

Ten copies. Twenty copies, or more.

Direct orders to

POST rRiNTnra co..

Ohicaffo, HI

r a. PPROiT,

ATTOP.NEY AND COU.S'SFLOR AT LAW. ,4;tf Blue Berth City, Minn.

Wholesale Denlers in




•.il'.urd tablee are connected with the house, and there is good stabling on the premiice. 343vl

Bad enough to look and feel bad yourself; but i no excuse for having your horse look and feel j badly, when for a small sum you can buy SKtri-


'th« best, chkapf.st, and most .srctxssrtrL f.miilt




Wool Poplin,

Cliinchilln Popiiilo, Uuffle Skirts and Boulevard Skirts,

may now be found at this store.

In addition to the above mentioned artielee o' the i>resent most fashionable ratferns, you will always find at the Faribault county


A well selected assortment of


7 00 i from the "Odessa Skirt Company," which are - '^ '^' : uT8urpu«sed by any other Hoop Skirt in use. ai regard! Durability, Comfoit and Style.

And also a large stock of

Groceries, Pork, iJams,


Lard, Wheat, Corn, POTATOES.

Onions, Flour, Meal, <fec., &c


Poxlable jEZngmes

Steam Pumps, Cikci'LAR Baw Mills, Shi.nole Mills, Planek.k, Matciikiis and all kinds of Wooj Machinery; Small IU'KR-Stonu AND Iron Farm Milus; SiiAjhTiNO.



Kit*. 190 and lOH nathiityton Strce*,



i.^iff Juttiei uf V,t Suprtmt Chuil •/ /V., wrilM: rf,^t<i,lp>tia, Miinh le. Iter.

N "T flud Iloofl-and's jf^ ti.rwan Blttara'to * <.)od totiie, ii«. fi.l JaMJ^ '" <"•««»•• •' ^* Hicollva oiiraiK. aii'i ^ ^^H >'' r**' kansit \m .n.aa of <lt bilitv. and raut U narveaa

.uitiou in tha ay.taui. Yuan trulr,


JuiSfft •/ Uit Sujfrrmt fhwt e/' /Vtti*yJ»«at«.

I'/.iludtlpfiia, April 2), 1M«, -T r.if.«i,1er •»— rati-lt Ccr:aaa Bltlan" a vaituiM .frdwine in ca»< •)( attackn of In-iljaaiioa 3T Dyapaf. i». 1 call certif)- lhi« from my expeiiatiCS ef it. Yours, altli raapaat,

JAVIRaTUOMPlON." rrom Rev. JOPJ. n. UBNNARD, I». ».,

ni.rfei '/ "i« tvh/zi Buf>iiit rtiurth, nondtiitM*.

/v. ./n<;.'.«>M--I>e;»r tii' : 1 bare boea frequently re* i«o«te<i tn coiiiirrt my irtiiia mill laeantmandallame f 4i(roraiit kliila i.f° me licinri, t.iit ragarding Ik* ;->.<lic« "0 'Mt '•( mv if^K ^B* a;';iropriata ayhat*. ' l,»va It. all <»s«'s '1"'^ 1 de.lln»d ; bat with « tUar (Tui-f in vnri -i"^U "" '"•'*"••• •"* |.artiriil7ily in my o»n family, of Ika

u»«rulin»«« uf III. Ilouflaiid'sOcnnaa Bitters, I depart »,.r oiiea from my iisunl cour»». to ^irau my fall ■onvirtioH lliat./"r ymeroj debitUy o/frf fyfi«m, an4 .^ttcialty fnr I.itir < htnpUiivl. Una t»ft and raiumU* ftrrftur.Jion. In sonia ca»u« it iiity fail ; bnt asaally, I iloabt uot, it will be very t»eiieM«<al to these wIm -•uffar from the abova eawvaa.

TuuiB. very respaatfnlly.


Klghth, bulow Coataa M.

Fr«su n«»T. K. I>, rr.MDAI.I.,

.4-j(M(«fi( Kditnr (^rittian t^irmntit, rhUadtipM*. I liava Joriv»it 4o<:i-ie<l bcnirnt fr»ai tha aaa ef tl-M.flan'l'a (li-rniau llittars. and feal It Mj prtvllage '. > :i.«»ruineiid lliani lu a uiuat valiiabia loala, all Mh'i ma sr.reiin< fioui K'neiai dabillty ar tram U^ .ir.«.!a ariaiag from deraiiganient nt tha livar. Yonia traly.

e. u. rsHSAU.

'.» 0<)

J . ,, I /. J. n J u u In November will be commerced "Man and Wife," a ; (^rOCkerV, (jiaSSWare,

dan. Cavalry toHdilxon Poxcd.r,, which given in ^ '^^ ^^^, ^„^^ ,plendidlv illu^nvteo. by Wllkie Col- ^* ^ J t

gram two or three Umes a week, will make him ,;„, .Author uf 'The Woman in Wtiitr." "No Name " look and feel well.

lins, I Author uf "The Woman in Wtiitr." "1 ' -Armadale," and "The .Moonstone"). N-wsub^c .bars ' will be suppliwd with Harper's Weekl.v from the c»m-



n. p. COKSTAN.^, PnorniaioR rhis popular Hotel is entirely new. and furnish- ed in excellent style. PV" Excelleat ae'*ommodationt for teams.


YY J^ ^ ilil^ IjilO ij Oi-V>^ ' Winter is now fii.ly upon us, and the teams i mencemeiitof the atoiy to tlieend ol IsiO for four dol-

"^ 1 are hastening to th3 lumber woods in various l*"^-

I parts of the country. Our advice to every man Cbitical NoTires or tub Press.

j who goes to the woods, be he captain, cook, team- The model Newspaper ol our country . Complete In Ail© ster, or anvother man, is to take along a good ' all the Irparimei.is i>i an Amcriciin Fatally Pap. i. Har-

stock of yo*«.on'» Anodyn* Liniment and /W- | P"> Week y haseained for itself a ligUt to its liUe, -'A

D .• nir w .u »• 1 I /• J,iurnal i I. iviliiatioii. [New York hveninf l'u^t.

*oii . Purgatirt PUU. Many months ol labor (n "'Y,™ N Weekly may be unreservedly .leclared the the aggregate) may be saved by this precaution. i,est ne* i.af-er in Ameriia.— [N. Y. Independent.

» . The .11 tides upon public i|uestions vhich app< ar In

ToALLCo.tCEr.MtD.— Now, my good fellows. Harp rs Weekly from week to week forma ren.«.kable

,, , . .u c . ,-.. 1 t aeries f b. f f p. litic:i "'iV!! Tli- v ;.rr illjtininilshed

V °' y u". ''^"'". -"^r u™ ''>.""";'' * by clear «.d pointed statement, by jood common sanse,

amith. Blacksmiths, m Winnebago City, | lease by independence and breadth of view. They are tiie ex


SU»e of Minnesota, County of Faribault. The State of Minnesota, to C. P. Hinds, Defendant.

You are hereby summoned to be and appear before the uud'-rslgiied.oiie of ih JuslIc«:!<ot the I'mco iu and for said county, on the '.ii'ih day ot Ducrmtx'r, A. D. l•^•■.», Kt 10o'c:ock A. M.. lit my ofTue, in Winnebago Ciiy, in sold c unty, to aniwer to Ileman Hoii, in a civ- il action. Should yi,u fail to app<*' r. at the time Mid place aforesaid, judfmentwill be rendereil aKiiinrt you, n,ion the evidence Kddnced by said Meman Uoit, for such sum as he shall show himseirentitled to.

Given under my hand this291h day of November, A. D. 1S«9. E. H. HCTCHINS,

316-3W Justice of the Peace.





.laa con«tantly onha^d Clocks. Wa'ches. Jewel- y.Silvcr-ware.tJold Pens. Musical Insiruments. Ic. Rxpairiug dune with dispatcJ and warran- .e.I.


1^^ LENT.

Rcffister ot Dcetl.",

Real Estate Agent and Con- veyancer.

T(u>«« I'uiJ /t>r yon-rfid*tt;



R'lf Eaitli (If J, .Minn.


No. 93 Third Street.

ST. PAUL, - - - - MINN.







No. Iu7 Third Street,


Lampd, Lanterns,

Machine and Kerosene

Oil, Sugar Buckets and Boxes



i call and settle your accounts on or before Iba pVessioirof mature conviction, |j<gh principle, and strong ^

! 15th of December, IS6V, and yon will 8a»-» your- feelin'.t, aod take their place amonjuhe best newspaper 1 ^j.^}j ,;,„, and many Styl . .elveimuch trouble. We must havo money, ' writing of the time. -iNerth American R«vlew, llorton. . ^ ^ Moulton. of the firm of MOULTON A

I DEUDO-S, has just retori.ed from NEW YORK

SUBSCRIPTIONS— 1870. ' ClTY, where he took particular time to find the

I best houses, and to porcbace at the bottom .<l c „, n 1 a ■,^ r iKUMi: i the mb.rket, an.i confidently believes th-t be h».-

i FdtMT AKn Shade .ree.s.-C. h. Jmuh of i jUrper-s Weekly, one year f* «« secured the best qualities of good., and at iLt

, Walnut Lake, is offering for sale, 100,000 ^oft '■ ..,,»*• \r— w . wi. «... ... .n>i

Maple, or .-^ilvetleaved. and 100,000 White Elm ' An extra copy of cither J«»«,'^»S".""!'/^**J- """^ reasonable bgt.r.., and

rroes. U from $;5 to $10 per thousand, 3 to 20 Ij- <>'• !?»"'• *'" ^"^ '"^''''l^.'^nn' h in onl™ TTIV FXTTRF STOCK

inche. high. Ili.l.., , Transcendent, Siberian, club ot five subscriber, at »^ »« =*<-b; '" »"/ "_ j THE E> riUE b 1 UI.1V

jDuhessoloidenbar,:, and other h..riy .,,pie , mittanre : ors.x copies forSiO OK w.thoutextra j I. now offered at a

I trees, 26 cents each. Everybody shou'd sen«l for copy. n?-^ti- , .u :-.i .r .> r«M .nd

1 orice list and directions for planting :indcare ol Subscription, to H-rper s Maguime, Weekly. ,„. ,..dvanee oa the original cost- Ca.l and

D'-fault having been made in the conditions of a cer tain moit;{a)ie dated the Tih day o' Septem'ier, A. D ISfit. executed by H^-nry Laque and Ellen Laque his wife, of Faribault County, i<tite of .Minnesfjlii, parties of "lie Brsi P'rt. to Divid P Wasjatl. of Hancock County. State 01 .Ma'ue, party of the second part, hy the failure of said mortpMirors or either of them to pay th« fuin of two hundred ami sixteen <lollars and thirty-three cnls. (|216.*<>, wtilcti amount is claimed to bt duetht-reoii for


H<>ofl.-<M<rs dnninn Ratasdiea are ae«Bterfsit«4. •*»c thnl t'-,» aiaiiAt '<a^'*m|^ *"'* o' C- ^' JACK- iN ia on t!ie wr.ip 'B ^B par of aaah b*ltla. Ill utb.i» UK •otri Wm 49 larfeit. I'liiioipHl (ilti « and Maaahctary

the (1*1 man Ma-liciut Staia, No. fSl ARCil BUeet, .ili.de!)-liia.

CMAKI.ES N. ETAMS. iiai mH3 I I tiggiat, Prupriater,

r^raierly (.'. U. JAeaae* A Oe.

1=3^ TOES.

oflaitd'i CicnMMt U.tlafs. )>cr lif>tlla $| M

half d.>aac %

•'•flanW'iCtKinanTonii'. pHt tip ia quart butllea, 1 M |>er l~»li!v. or a l..<lf doaeu for T •♦

ft^r- l>" n-'t f <iK*l '.•! rit.iiuiiia wall the artUJa y*« 1 1 . ill ol <Ini to (cl iLa Kalinins.

/•r n^Ie Ity »1I Dritsglitta %mA D•«^l• 1 Mf !l|««tirlnwi.


and it must com" from our debtors. Yours truly,


Address r,06 tf

C. L. SMITH, Walnut Lake, Minn.

STRAWBKRiitES ASP Cbeaw. Wno does not I love then ? Every one should have a strawber- ry bed. C. L.Smith, of Walnut Lake Nursery, will send by mail, prepaid, choice plants of \Til. son's Albany, Crimson Cane. Great .\ustin. Shak- er. Ac., at 30 cents per doien, or f2. 00 per bun- ilred ; Leubing's White, finest white strawberry



and Basar. to one address for cn<: year, $IU 00 : ex,niine for your«clve» or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to oue address Truly Youra, for one year. $7 00. , j ^

Hack numbers ran be sappHtd at any time.

The annual vo.uiucii "f li.»rpci'» Wetklv. in neat cloth -i iJinz, will be sent by expres*. free of expense, for -7 eaeh. .K comjilcte set. com- prising thi teen volumes, sent or receipt of ca''h at the rate of $5 25 per volume, freight at ex pense of purchaser. Volume XIII ready Janu- ary 1st, IS70.

The postage on liarperi Weekly is 20 cents

The co-p«rti»er«hTX> heretofore existing between tie un lerfigned, oader the firm name of .Mr.ul- ton A DewtJec. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. Deudeo withdrawing therefrom.

Ail liabilities of the late firm are assumed by G. K. Moulton, who will continue the Mercantile



Tliii presd iD'-diclne cured Tff.i. H. 8ch«wk, tb«

principaland interest at the date of tbis lotice. beside Proprietor, of Pulmonvy Coiuumptlou, wlaen i had ilie furOer som of twenly-tlve dollars, (t25i, stipulated ■asnmcd ita most tannidab!e arpect, aod when »iitH|y as attorney's 'ee, to t.e p^id in c ise o: foreclosure, dMth appeared le te ineritabe. Hla^a>e.anspro- a hlch said mortgage was recorded on the 12th day of ^^ ^., joeurable when be cwimeoce*

September, A U. l*<,n, at .'> o clock p. m , In the olfic^ - _,.._•._■. , ,_. ^ VT

of the Keirl'terofD.eds, In said FarilaiaU County, in : the uae e< tkis aimple bat powerful remedy. Hie book I, of Mortgages, on page .'>-%S, ami no action or ! heattb waa restored in a very short time, and no proceeding at law has been ins'ituted to recover the debt \ ntoni «f the disease hes been aiiprebeaded, lor all secnr-rd bv said morigag •. or any part thereof; now, j y^ .ymptoma oulckly d'jupeared. aad his preaent therefore. In pursuance and by virtue of the power of _ ..v,, u ™^«. .h^. ._^« \...^»y^^ _»._.«. sale contained in said mortgage, rnd of the statutes la "•«'«'>*«• "oo" ">« »''• hundred pounda. such ctiae made and provided, notice is hereby piveii, \ I Since Ms recovery, he has devoted hie ettentlda that the 'aid mortgage will bi- foreclosed, and iliv land ; exc'tulveiy to the cure of Consumptioa aod Ji« and premises therein descrilM-d, via : All Uiat tract or | diseaace Which are nsually eemplkated with It, and

oarc^-l of Und lying and bring in 'he'r^»"'>, ,"''''•''• i the cures eflected by hie medidiMs have beaa very

bault, and Stale of Minnesota, describ.-d as follows, to- ' '

wit : The weal half of the sootliwea* <|uart«r of section

number one ^1 ), In townsr.ip numtiwr one hundred a d

three I lil») norMi, ot r !•.,'•,- ii'imber iwriity-»ei*n (27)

west, coniainii.g eiglily ("*ii) kcrt-s. aCC<irdiog to to\ern-

inent furviy, together with all the hereditaturnt.4 and

appurtenances iherrunio Ix-ionglr.g or in any wl«<> ap-

Iiertainiiiif. wi I be f>"lrt »t nubile fmI--, to the highc»t

bidder, for cash, to satisfy snd pay the said del* aijd

iner<ii and

andtliecoslaano niai.nrfeintnraa.i'.weo oy law. ai ine ; ^, rB„„i„^ »„ rr^\.^ Onsnmption r«U dirw

nameroos and truly wendenol. Dr. Bomewck makes professional viaita tosereral af the larger eiiiei weekly, where be has a large eeneoene at fatleaCi, ■od It la truly astonishinf to tee poor raanmptivoa that have be Ufled out ot tbeir tai ii^f. ax.d ia a few HMmtha baalthy. roboet f^^■ella Da.

BCHKNCK'S PULMONIC 8YBCP. BKAWKED the twenty hvedoliar»(fi';)atiomey8fe-.; TONIC, aad liAMDHAKB P1LL8 are cKieraU/ , and dirt.ui^^eiotnisail. wed by law at the | ^, required lu euring Cwunmption r«U dirZ

front door of the Post Office, in the villa},'e of Winneba go City, County of Faribault, and ."?tate of Miunetota. on ThtB-sday. the l-Sih day , f January, A. D. l?7'J, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day.

Dated, Winntbifo City. .Minn . l>ee. 1, ISW.


81S-T* Mortgagee.


"^r Pa-\ Minr.nrota. '

grown, 50 cents per doxen. $4.00 per hundred, , ,

$25. 00 per thousand. Good strong, new planL-, a year, which mu: I be paid at the subscnber s bosiaeM at the old »land,

careinliy packed in moss, with full direction! bow post otficc. Address (

t«» »iant ani nltiriJo ;fce«. | IIARPIB 4 BKOTnER.',^ \





Whereas, ray wife Jane Breltford. has left my '>ed and board without just cause or provoca L'on, all pertains are hereby notified not to true; •r hfirbnr her on my a<.'toant, as I wiii pay q,, •ebts of her cnniraciinr.


I'rcjcat, ^'Qv. 6ib, iSo».


tieni aoeompaiir each, eo that any one oaa talca them witbosa aeeinf Dr. Someaok, Imt wbaa ti ia con. veaient It is beat to see blai. He fivae advlee iree, bat for a '.beroogb examineetea witb bie l«iViroiiM(«r I tija tee is three dollars.

Pease observe, when parebadn«, tboi thk two llkenef«et of the Doctor— oce when In tba iMtatage of Coocumption, and tttc other as he oow la, la perfert beatth— are on the Gevemmeai Maiapi.

Bold by aU Druggists and Dealen. Priee t . ft per DotUe. er ^tJA tbe half deaao. Letter* far advice should always he directed Dr. SeheBok'a Prtncpal OJice, U Vortb <Ui W., Pbtladet|ibA Pa. Uena.-ai Wholesale .igeoii: Oamaa BarwH A Uo.,^ jr. Y.. ^ S. Ha&ce, BalUmeca, Md,; J4»ha Pvk, Uiadnoyli, Oh>o : Waikrr tt layUct Cbtca«av U. : GdlUi Bra; ^ iMi^M&CK « «^ sA I >-E.




i I



k'TrntU stranger than Fiction."

In Siiu Franciflco, ou the north side ol Folsom street, overlookius; Mission Bay, stzindH a palatial residence.

The interior of this house is even wore beautiinl thaa its exterior, every apartment being in its way a gem of magnificence and refinement.

The library especially realizes the most p€Tfe«*t ideal of an elegant and cultured homo.

And yet, at the moment we look in upon him oue Augn.st afttmoou, as he occu- pied his library— the proprietor of all this wealth appeared of all men the most mis- erable.

Ho wfis Mr. Morton Preble, for many years a Itadiug banker of San Francisco.

It was in Vi.in that the broad bay-window at the ^^>^lth end of tho room had been op- ened. Rivinp; iugreHH to the sunshine and fmRTauce of rare flowers- in vain that the walls were lined -jriih richly carved book cases, aud paintiui^s-in vain that the conches and luxurious chairs had been gathered around him. He wiv» wretcht'd.

He lay on a sofa, in the depths of the bay-window, the wnck of a once powerful man. His tigure a\>s thiu and gannt: his face white as marbie; his eyes having an expression o1 woful apprehension ; of har- rowing anxietv. of dreadful expectancy.

It was evident at a glance that no merely physical ailment made him what he was.

Bv what withering secret, by what des- troViii'' uftliction, had he been thus agon- ized V thus haunted ? thus haunted ? he so noblo and gooil ! he so wealthy and distin- ffuishcd ! , . ,

As he moved restlessly upon his luxuri ons cushions the pretty clock on the man- tel-piece struck five, every stroke seeming to fall like a hammer upon the heart of the nervous invalid. He aroused himself. Btruggling ft-ebly to a sitting postnre.

'•Ul will this fatal day never, never pass.-' he murmured : "nor bring us relief Y'

Koli--ing with a nervous start, that he w.as alone, ho touched a boll upon a table before him, and called:

"Helen, Helen! where are yon' r.elore the echoes of hiu voice had died out, a step was heard, and his wife entered his prisouce. . ,, »

"I left you only for a niomcut. Morton, she said atlvancing to the bankers side. "Yon were dozing I think. I wished to send for the doctor.

.She was a beautiful woman, of some six and thirty years, graceful, with broad white brows, and loving eyes, in which the brightness and sweetness of a sun- shin v nature were still perceptible, under t-riif no less poignant than thtt evinced by her hnsLaiid.

""The doctor?" he echoed, halt n- proachfuUy. , ,

"Yes, dear." she said in a calm and cheerful voice, as she drew a chair to the side of the sofa, and sat down, stroking the corrugftteti forehead of the invalid with a magnetic touch. "He will be here im- mediately. Your las* nervous crisis alarm- ed me. Y'on may become seriously ill."

Mr. Preble bestowed an aflfectionate look upon his wife, but said despondingly: '"The doctor ! II'" cannot 'minister to a mind deceased !' Oh, if these long hours would only pass ! If I only knew what the dav has yet in store for us !"

"Lookup, Morton." enjoined Mrs. Pre ble, with a reverently trustful glance up- ward through the open window at the blue skv, and as if looking beyond the azure clouds therein. "Let us appeal from the injustice and wickedness ol earth to tne pooduesfl and mercy of Heaven !" " The banker gave alow, sobbing sigh.

"I cannot look up, Helen," he answered, with a passionate tremor in his voice - "only down. down, at the grave that is oneniucc before me?"

^"Look up, Morton, always took up! she a^ain enjoined upon the invahd. "During ail these fourteen years of agony I have not once doubted either the goodness or the justice of Heaven. 'Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. I be- lieve that we shall yet rejoice more keenly th m wo have mourned, and that we shall come to a t^lorions day beyond all this long nif'ht of sorrow!' ,,.,,, ,.

The face of Uio invalid lighted up with an answering glow, and he murnmred :

"Oiorions f.nth ! My wife, you are indeed ft bl. ssed comforter ! Perhaps yen ar^ ngLt

after all ! ' , , , . ,, .

A knock resounded on a side door at this luncture. and the next moment Dr. Hutton. [ the family physician, for whom Mrs. Pre- 1 ble had sfent. entered the room. I

Ho was an old man, portly in figure, with | white hair and beard, but with a fresh and , ruddy complexion, a pair of shrewd blue eves and with an exuberant boyishness of manner that sat well upon him. He had a kin.l h^art and a clear head He approach- 1 ed the «f.fa, after Kroeting the husband and wilo and lifted the thin, restless hand ol the invalid, feeling his pulse.

"Onitea high fever." he said, after a brief pause. "Worrryin? again, eh Mr. Preble '^ Yon are wearing yourself out. Medicine will do you no good so long aj yonr mind is in its present condition. I

must oive yon an opiate , , , ,

"Not now. doctor. ' interposed the bank- er "I cannot— must not sleep to-day ! I need to be broad awake.now.f )r I cannot tall at any moment what the next may bring forth. I am looking for the culmina- ion of allmyvears of anguish ^for the crwning'agonVof the whole Perhaps. Ah. what was that f

wildly, and then, as the

"I can make nothing of this," he de- clared. "It is merely a date, with the name of your lost daughter. It tells me nothing."

"Nor did it us, at first," said Mr. Preble. "Then that name and that date, with the demon laugh connecting them, set us to thinking. A whole year we agonized over the dreadful problem, and then we received another message, which you shall see."

He thrust a second slip of paper, identi- cal in shape and appearance with the first, befoie the gaze of Dr. Hutton. who read it


"Auguat 9, 1856. rour Jtut ttill Iwet.

The physician started, as if electrified.

"Ah! this is something definite— some- thing decisive." he muttered. "It con- vinced you that your daughter was still

'•Yes, doctor," said Mr. Preble, "and every anniversary of that day has brought us some message. The disappearance ol the child, mysterious as it is, does not seem to me half so strange as that the vil- lian who took her away could contrive to communicate with us every year since, and always on a pfirticular day- the anuiver- aaryof that on which she was stolen- wilhout our being able to discover who he is Aud a still greater wonder to me is what can be his motive. It seems incred iblo. H it was stated in a novel many peo- ple would not believe it. But "truth is stranger than fiction !"

Mr!». Preble drew from her huabanl s breast pooket his note-book, opened it to the proper page; and presented it to the physician. , . ,

Dr. Hutton adjusted his spectacles, glanced over the page, and then slowly read tho group of entries aloud. The en- try the first year was as follows:

"Auguat 9, 1855. Jtstie,ha,Ka! Jttsit r

And the n< xt year it Is— >>Augnttt 9, ItiSe.

And tho uoxt


Thin lino was as follows:

••August 9. 18C8. At fix Ivnll eall." A shock of wonder and horror Hnook the

three simultaneously.

"Will call !" cried Mr. Preble, starting to

his feet and glaring wildly aronnd.

"Is coming here?" cried Mrs. Preble,

also arising.

It seems so," said Dr

his eyes •He will

100,000 Subscribers


Appletons' Journal


Your JatU tHU Kw'.

"August O,

And tb.) next—

S»e i* in gtod handt!" ShfUweltateoer!"

J saw herye*lerday ■'" ahf't ffyyovnng rapidly I" She continue* to do well:" I've ieen her again !"




seated sol-

doc- then

even now-

Ile started up . . ,

sound that disturbed him was not repeated he sa.k a.„^ain upon his cushions, pallid

'^Th^'docTor looked at Mrs. Preble with an anxious inquiring glance. ......

"It is the anniversary." she replied to his unspokru question -"the anmversary ol

°"''ACye«." 8ai«l the doctor. "I remem- ber "

•Ye.-*, it's another of those terrible days." «ftid the banker, in aho low whi..per. -.Sit down, .loctor. and I will tell, you story I can't think of an>thmgol.se to-day and'aiu almost wild with apprehension and anxiety. Sit down. .

Dr. Hutton drew up a ohair and himself, his {\ce expresping the double itudo of a friend and physician,

••You knew iw fourteen years ago, tor." said Mr. Preble. "We lived where we do how, in a cottage on the site of this great mansion. There were but taree of us -Helen and I.and our three-year old Tessie. -Vnd U wa.N lunrteen years ago to-day that our little Jessie was stolen from


"I remember it," said the doctor, softly. "Y'et she miqht not have been lost, Mr. Preble "^ She went out to play in the gar- den if I remember rightly, and was never seen by you again. She might have stray-

•So "we thought for a whole year, doe- , tor. intermpted the banker. "We never dreamed that she had been stolen. W e searched everywhere for her. and offered immense rew.aids for her recovery. 1 em- ployed detectives, but all to no purpose. When our little .Jessie ran down the steps into that flower-ftardeu," and he pointed to the front of the house, "as if the earth had opened aud swiUlowed her up. we never saw herauain." . . , j

"She must have found the gate open and wandered out," suggesUd Dr. Hutton. "She might have strolled down to the waters and been drowned." |

The banker fixed his burning eyes open | the phvsician's face, and whispered: ,

"I said we never saw the poor chila a^^in. I did not say we had not heard of li^r. She was lost on the 0th of August, IS", t For a year we tnousht her dead. But on the" anniversary of our loss we rec-ived a written message concerning her '

"A imwMC' •" ^""^ ^'- Hutton, start-

'•\ mere scrawl— a -single line in a hand evidently disguised," said the banker.

•Here it i-*." . ^ ,

H^ produced a dingy scrap of paper from a drawer in the table, and held it np to the view of the phjsician, who read as fol-

^"Angfrt 0. IW. Jrsse. »«, ha ' J^^se.-

Dr Hutton looked, with a puzzled air. from the scrap of pap^T, which he , ver and over, to the conntcLance banker.

••AngUMt 9, 181S,

And the next

•Angnat 9, 18J9,

And the next—

••Auguat 9, 1860.

And tl.r next— ••Auguat 9, 1801.

And the next—

"Auguat 9, 186'^.

Aud the next— ,™.«

-Auguat 9,1853. She'i becovitng a woman !

And the next— ..... .. . j _ » .•

••Auguat 9, 1864. Your chtld u thirteen I

*" Augu-V~9, 1 865. She'* lovelier than ever .'"

And the next— ^ ,„

••Auguat 9. I b66. Shf's really eharmtng ^

And the next— . . , . , ,„

••Auguat 9, 1867. My reward is at hand !

And what .shall we get to-day '!

The physician looked up and fixed his thoughtful gaze upon the bereaved hus- band and wife.

"How did these messages come to yon t he demanded.

"Invariably by post," rephed Mr. ble. "Usually to the hou*e. but sometimes totheoflBce."

"And you have never seen their author.'


'•The last of them is dated. I see. a year

ago to day."

"Y'es, yes." faltered the banker, "and the time has come for another message, is the 9th of August, 1868."

'•I see," said Dr. Hutton. "And this the secret of your terrible excitement ! You are expccling'to receive to-day another of the.so strange messages."

Theri was a brief silence. Mrs. Preble s hand fluttered in its ta.sk, and her face grww VL-rv pale. The banker breathed gaspingly.' The physician regarded them both in friendly sympathy.

"We shall hear of her again to-day. said Mr. Preble; "and what will the mess- age be ?"

The mother averted her face. Her brave heart faltered as the question echoed in

I her soul.

"The writer of these letters is unques- tionably the abductor of your child !" said Dr. Hutton. "Have you any Fuspieiou as to his identity ?"

"Not the slightest," said Mr. Preble. "We have puzzled over the problem for many vears, but we cannot guess who he is. i

"Think."said the doctor. "Have you no enemy ? I do not mean people with I whom you are not friendly- every stirring man has plenty of these- but a downright enemy ! Is there no man whom you knew in the East who hated you ? No one against whom you were called upon to testify no one whom you possibly injured ?"

The banker shook his head. He had isked himself all these questions repeat- edly.

"I have no such an enemy, doctor," he answered, with sincerity of voice and man- ner.

"And Mrs. Preble V" suggested the doc- tor, turning to her. "Have you no reject- ed suitor who might be revengeful enough to desolate your home?"

"No," said the lady. "I was married early. Morton was my first lover."

"This IS strange— verj- strange ! ' mutter- ed the doctor. "You are not conscious ol | having an enemy in the world, and yet you have an enemv— a hidden foe— a tioud ir. human form— who is working out igaiast you a fearful hatred ! And you have not i the slightest suspicion as to whom he is?" '•Not the slightest." declared the banker. | "Not the slightest," echoed Mrs. Preble. "My husband had a step-brother who j might have been capable of this infamy- j but ho is dead !"

"The handwriting is not familiar ?" "No. It is merely a rude scrawl, as jou see," said the banker. "It sujjgests noth- ing—except that it is evidently disguised 1' Again there was a profound silence. ^^ i "Our child is seventeen years old now," I at length murmured Mrs. Preble, her voice trembUng. "She is in tiie threshold of womanhood. No doubt. d«ring all these years, she has yearned for us, wherever she may be, as we have yearned for her!"

•'But where is she?" asked the physician and now his voice was broken by his ler. ".Sit ^ sympathy with the agonized parents, the wholt. ..y^j^ere can she be."

"Heaven only knows" answered the mother. "Perhaps in San Francisco— per- haps in some rude hut in the interior, with some obscure farmer, and under a name that is not hers! I think her abductor would have carried her to some lonely re- gion of the interior, amonc the valleys and mountains. Yet I never see a young girl in the streets without turning to look at her. I never hear a girlish voice without listen- iDg eagerly, half fancying that it may prove the voice of my lost .Jessie!"

"Oh. pitying heaven !" sighed Dr. Hut- i ton. d ishing a flood of tears from his eyes; 'will this long agony never be over? '

"We hope so, and even believe so," an- \ swered Mrs. Preble, with the firmness of | an unfaltering trust in Grod's mercy. "The \ last message we received from our ene- j my seems tc point to some kind of a ^ change."

'True." assented Dr. Hutton, looking at the message in question. "It is unlike the others. It says that his 'reward is at hand.' He means either that he intends to marry ; yonr daughter, or that he intends to de- mand money of you for bringing her back or both." ;

"We shall soon know," said Mrs. Preble. , I with forced ealmnnss. "To-day we shall : have anoth«r message, no doubt. What j will it be?"

The banker turned restlessly on his sofa, ; and his face grew even paler. j

! "Whatever it is. let it come," he mur- I mured. "Anything can be borne better ' than this suspense. Let it come. '

.\3 if his impatient words had precipi- tated a crisis, a step was heard on the walk at this moment, and a ring at the front dooi followed.

"Another message !" breithed the bank- er.

A. servant soon entejed. bearing a letter, which he extended to Mr. Preble: "The be-irer is ii the hall." With an eager, anxious gaze, the banker glanced at the superscription of the mis- sive.

It is from him," he faltered. He tore the envelope open. It contained a slip of paper, of well- known shape and appearance, upon which was scrawled a single line, in an equally well-known haad-writing. which the banker exhibited to his wife an i the phy- aiciaa.

Hutton, aoain reverting to the message. ' he here at six o'clock, and see ! it is six al- ready ! " ,

Even as he spoke, the clock on the man- tel-piece commenced striking the appointed hour, and at that instant heavy footsteps resounded in the haU. approaching the li- brary. , . . "It is he!" cried the doctor, also anting. As the last stroke of the hour resounded, the door leading from the hall again opened. Ou long and horrified glance cast the bankir and his wife in that direction, and then she fell heavily to the floor.

H r senses had left her. The above we publish as a specimen chapter: but the continuation of this story will be found only in the N. Y. I^ger. Ask for the number dated December 4th. which can be had at any news office or bookstore. It >ou are not within reach of a news office, you can have the Ledger mailed to you for one year by sending three dollars to Robert Bonner, publisher. 182 William street. New York. The Ledger pays more for original contributions than any other periodical in the worid. It will publish none but the very, very best Its moral tone i* the purest, and its circulation the largest. Ev- erybody who takes it is happier lor having i' Leon Lewis, Mrs. Harriet Lewis, Mrs. South worth. Mr. Cobb, Professor Peck. Mary Kyle Dallas. Fanny Fern aud Miss Dnpuy will write only for the Ledger here-

* Mr Bonner, like other leading publish- ers, might issue three or five papers and magazines; but he prefers to cone all his energies upon one. aud in that to make it the best. One Dexter is more than three or five ordiuarj- horses.

One acienco only can one Kcniua fit.

So v»et irt, 80 narrow Inimaii wit.











Large Circulatior. which it now Enjoys.

It is universally conc.Kled by t>oth the Prea- and the Publir, as .,videnced by the wam. enconiuma r^cexjea from noUoea and privaU tetu,n. that reach us da.ly. to be the


Appleton's Journal


And consist* of thirtyt»o quarto pages, each number

attractively illustrated. Ita contenU oonaist of ««-

rial NoveU and shoil Stories. Essays upon

erary and Social Topics. Sketches of Travel

and Adventurt. and papers upon

tlio various Bibjects that pertain to

the pursuit* and recreations

of the people, whether of

town or country.

All new aubscribenior THE LITTLE CORPORAL for tho new y*"/*-^?"' "jn^p^S?. """""y are sent in

du'^ingXSi^nt m"5?h, will receive the i^9-'>^^9l^^,i^^:^:^^^ Z'^^'mZ^,! J^>hXor,.K and is better TliK LITTLK CORPORAL Au*" i,iri/rr rtrrulalmn j[hai^ uni/ oiner jncrnu. MOf/amjij-^^'i '«• ....

worth the price than any other nish it at the low price of ON FOR CLUBS. Subscribe NOW

ha'a h„vrr rirrulalinn Iha,. «r,v other J,.ce,„l. Mafi<uuie v, '«' J™;''- »»"^ ""i^"

Magazine published. Because of its immeiise "™"»*t>05'4K,iq;,«^»^'^{?j'j38

IK lx)LLAR A YKAR. Single numbers, 12 cents. BliAUTIfIL fKKMlUMO

Back numbers can always be sent. Addreaa

iCjiED L. SEWELL & CO., Publishers, Chicago. lU.




For Promoting the Growth aud Preserving the Beanly of


. , » 1 c \ ^^.i.iM if ie ffpnAraily from that part of the head The Inventors of Coco.UNE knowing that, «b«n Iosh of liair ^nw^it •» g|^^^ j^^uce teat rather than where the greatest heat is necessarily lf«"e"»«<l' •^,'1,'^" '^;'?^.t,'^^^^ the basis of a medica

alleviate it turning their attention and pliarmacetital Scient.) ^"^"T^^O "f ^^.^cog or meutW promote the growth and preserve the biauty of the liair. The Oleum locos, or

presented itself most strongly aa^possessing -.t^P^raf^mbiieMK*^! iS^ve'^bc^S'^^ ^nd"^

Election of other, ingredients. those_«hjch .r;i\!,Sls!ISqJiJitiTdTiJ^^™n"unJ^t^be the best that has yot appeare<f.

Iinh(u-k\ 'Stom- ach Billf t n, aidike all other Bitter 9 in Ute market, po»$€S» intinnsic merit. Most Bitters, «o called, are merely wisJdwashy stuff, sold as a beverage. Dr. Roback's Bitters are not a beverage in any sense of the word, but contain the most expensive drugs knovm to science for the radical cure of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all cases where a tonic and stimulant are required. They restore the vital forces in a re- markable degree, and give tone to the system.

l\ir* loo. per

yumhe,. or «4 P«r annum in ad»ai,C4. Subecription rec.Jved for U, 6. or 8 months. SPKCiAL CLUB TKRifS famished on application to the publishers,


HOM . , . ,

A line set of Siberian _Squirrel^tu«


.113 50 . 10 50

NEW YORK Beef CATTLB-Falr to Prime .

Hoos— Live

Shkkp— Fair to Prim*

CoTTOK— MiOaiinK

PLOUtt— Extra Wt-slern

Whkat-No. 2 Spring

Corn— Western Mixed

0.\T9 Wcutern

KvK— Western

PoBK-Mesa *' ;"'

Lakd '"


Beevw Cholc*


Fair OradtB


Stock Cattlk— Common

Inferior 2.^

HOGS-Live ••••• '™

8HF.KP-Live— Good to Choice

BuTTEB— Choice

Eooii Fresh

Flocb— White Winter Extra

(a) 6 60

@ 7 60

5 00 @ G 33 \2i @ 1 3) 1 \0},ui 1 12

1 05 @ 1 07

31 .Ml ^33 75


CI IDQ I can'"be°1{ot'in'iuy village »' ^<^J r Wl%.0 dtstrict. for a few hours service Addrea., for «^niple^c.y^jand^tonn.j.j^ Chicago, in. V^ehavea rare Premiuiu for^:^i

together have produced a topical compound, which is unqu

No Other Compound

possesses the peculiar properties which so oiactly suit the various conditions of the human hair.

Jl !>o/l»iit Ihf hair tchen harsh and.dry.

II tonlhet the irr-late<i tralp.

Jl ajfordu (he rirheM luMrr.

It remain* lonf)e»t in effect.

Jl prevents the hair from faUing off.

II promoter Ut heaUhn, viyorous grottlh.

It it not greaty or tticki/.

II leavei no diKogreaable odor.


Boston, Octobers), 18i». Messrs Jokeph Bttinktt 4 Co. :

ticHiUmen -My worst complaint for soveral years has been l>an,h>iff. After bruHhing-iny hair, my coat collar would be covered witli white sculea.

I have used less than a tMjttle of your Cocoaine. T he dandruff, and the irritation which caused it, have en- tirely disappeared, and my hair Wiis never beloro in so good condition." Your obedient servant,

A. A. ff UlJ^r.K.

^I^^^^C|s»nd your names 0^/ 9 I ECLRCrriO, Chicago,

to lU.

ou HOlrtK

Bi;sT SKWINU oillv ^SO. Sai AddresJ WjtlTNKY Hampsttd^N. II


.^nlfl Machine to AgenU FREK. "iSANUFAV'TURlNti CO.. l-:asl

@ 7 50

@ C50

60 5 75

@ 4 75

@ 4 50

(9 300


® 4 25

@ 36

@ 35

(a 6 00

@ 4 75

(§> 9-t

90 (g> 9<)>4

83 \,® M

43>,@ 44

80 (9 81

_ 95 (3 1 00

PoBK^rMeti^N^w::::;;.:.. '»??^|^'^,,


ICO 6 00 600 3 2R 8 60

2 00 33 32

6 75

SpringExtra. 3 76

Wheat— Spring, No. 1 ;ia,2

Cork— No. a

OaTs— No. S

Rtb— No. 9

Bablet— No 2


Address niiio. ^. •» _


von IHK


The Peopli's Favoritk Joxtbnal.


Loss of Hair,

Boston, July 19. Messrs Joseph BtJBNETT 4 Co. :- , „, _ „„,;,,

For many months my li«ir lias l>eenf alHng oil, until i WM fearful of losing it entirely. ThtfjAln upon my head became gradually mo»sL aoiJ more iiitlamod.

1 «UU,SMnoijJxh« tiB^your Cocoaine the Ust week iaJ^tuT I'uinWappl.cation allayed the itching and PriSLunn ; ,n three ot four days the ^dnoHi, and tende^ ness ditappeared, tho hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. » m n prtPH

Yours. ve»y truly, SUSAN R. POPK.


rht foVo,ei„q note in from Ih, uelhk....<r,i }j-opnelor -f Frank Lej'Ue's IHuKlral'd Aeiri^paperi and Magazifter.

New York, September 22, IS*, i

■^•iVa?^r"Vo?^me time past I »».T«been uaingyonr Cocoaine and think it far preferable to anything 1 have ever used for tho hair. , , , ,.,

If my indorsement w of value, you are perfectly at lib- erty to use it. Respectfully your^ j..^^^^ lESLIK.

Bangob, March 3, lwi8.


Boston, November 24, 185i*. Messrs. Joseph Bcrnett A Co., Boston :

(,;nilmimi,-^l have been bold seven years. Aft«r using one bottle of yonr C;oooaine, my bald pate is covered all over with young hair, at>out tliree eights of an inch long, which appears strong and and healthy and doter- miucdtogrow. ^ j- i.

Very truly your obliged and obedient servant,

O. 1 . MKRW IN.

Joseph BimyKTT 4 Co

e«i««n«i,— yoar Cocoaine is the only dre« hair used in my family for the last eight yea nad niv wifn'a hair from coming out and 11

dressing for the


Mottt Interesting Storlea

Are alwiiys to be found in the


Beef Cattle

Hogs— Live

SnEiP— lave ..

FLOUB-Famlly ^ f^

Wheat— Red

CoBN -Shelled, Old

Oats '

Rye— New

PoBK— Mesa



Beef Cattlk— Choice * S^

Oood to Prime 4

Hoo»-Llve 875

Sheep— Good to Choice 4 00

Flocb— Spring XX

Wheat— No. 1 Red



BAhisY— Choice Fall

PoBK— Meag



Beeves— Cboire


Fair Grades


Sto<k Cattle- Common

Inferior ^ w

Ho«.s-Liv« ..••• l^

I sheep— Live— Good to Choice 2 W

I BiTTTEB— Choice ^

1 Kiios— Fresh ■• ••

iFLOi-B-Whlte Winter Extrs ^«,u,a

Springextra. 4«2K^

WHE..T-Spnng, No. I...........; |*^.^

Cons-No.2 8* ^

IOAT8-N0.2 « ®

IRTE-No.2 **

Barley- Good .;^

' POBK-Meas-New 29 50

3M 9 60 250

98 60 B5 3100 17'


100 92 44


28 00


» 6 75 5 50 4ro S26

(§) C25 (olOSO (<$ 4 50 @ 5 50 foi 1 10 « 1 00 (cjl 62

«a> 90

@32 00

/g. 18

(^6 50 fiS COO (SIO 00 ((9 b(M (a,' 6 26 (,1. 1 03 & 05 45 fq> 76 lb 1 :»} f,i,31 00

(a ny,

® 700 O B<»0 (2» 450 (d 4 76 @ 3 50 a 2 75 (a.10 50 @ 400 « 81 ® 31 5 75 5 25 95 88 Ji 85 44 75 1 12

New York^ "Weekly.

At jircsent there are

SIX gr:eat stories

rmining through its columns; and at left«t

One Story is Begxm Bverv affonth.

New subscnbersar, thus sure of having the commence- ment of anew oonttaaod storr, no matter when they subscribe for tho

New York Weekly.

wKF.KLY con-

Irritation of tlie Scalp.

WATEnvn.i.r, Me., September 1,1, 18«5C. Messrs. JOSEPH Buknktt 4 Co. :—

Dear Sim,- I have derive(L)nucli benefit from the use of your Cocoaine, I'welveTears ago I had the tj-phus fever: after my recovery I found myself troubled with an irritation of the scalp.

I purchased a bottle of the Cocoaine only for the pur- pose of a hair dressing, but to my surprise, it has en- tirely removed the irritation of so long standing. I liave recommended it to several of my friends, who were atllictcd in the same way, and it has wholly eradicated the disease. JOSEPH HILL, Jk.

ped my wife'B'hair from coming out and increased its

*Tam also under obligations to thi« same Cocoaine for saving my own hair, whicli was ver> tust coming out previous to using this valuable preparation. Very truly yours, J. C. SllTCHKLL,

Grocer, Bangor, Ma

A Remarkable Casd.

Kast .MidkiJlHouo', MA.'>b., Juno 0. 18&1- Messrs. Bt.'UNKTT 4 Co: - , , . , i.„

My daughter has lieen afflicted with neuralgia in her head for three years, bhe has used during that tunc many powerful applications. These, with the ""tenso heat caused by ttio pains, burned her hair so badly tuai in October, 1*>1, it all came off. ,

She was induced to try your Cocoaine, and the result was astonishing. She had not used half the content-s ot a bottle before her lieati was covered with hne young hair. In four months the hair has grown several inches in length, verj- thick, soft, and lino, and of a darker color than formerly. With respect, ^ i^nv

It is now eleven years since Dr. Roback, the cel- ebrated Swedish ]ihysician, from

I Stockholm, Swe- den, came to this

country and introduced the Scan- dinavian Blood Purifier; since which time thousands have been cured, by its use, of Scrofula and other blood diseases. It contains, besides the Iodide of Potassa and Syrup of Stillingia, drugs import- ed from Sweden for its exijress manufacture, unknown and not kept by apothe- caries "in this country. A Single trial will convince the moat skeptical of Us wonderful value.

B fKNETTS COCOA IKE %• the BEST and CHE A PJC.IT Uair-Dret»in</ in Ihe trorld. II promotet the GHO WTH OF THE HA IH, and in enUrelj/ free from all irritating mailer. The name and title thereof tV atloftted <n a Trtvle-.Varkln recure the public and proprietors ayaintt imi>o.tilioii hy Ihe inlrodnclioti uftpuriout arlicleK. All imaulhurizM ut qf Ihxt Trad^Mark<Hnb€ promptly prostcvled. ,


Manufacturers and Proprietors, - No. 27 Central St., Boston, Mass. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.


Ac, ar« Ihe




faSt) <i1



Kach number of the NKW YORK tains several Beautiful Uluatrations. Double the amount of Reading Matter of any p..per of ite clas^ and tho Sketches. ;5hort Stories, Po. .as, the ablest writers of America and Kuiope.

New York

does not confine ite usefulness to smusemente^ but pul^ lishes a great quantay of really Insuuctive Matter, to

the most condensed form. The

jg.^ 3f^ Weekly Departments

have a'ttaineJ a high repuUUon for their brevity, .xcel lence. and correctness. . .i,_ ..^„

THK Pleasant PABAonAi-ns are made up of the con- centrated wit and h imor of many minda

I THE KNOWLEixil Box is confined to useful Infonna-

I t ion on all manner c f subjecta

j THF News Vrr.n* give in the fewest words the »»o«t

notable doings all o'er the world.

THE (;ohHiH wiTHCoUKKbPoNDKNTsoonlainsanswers

' to inquiries upon all imaginable subject*




Each issue conUin. from EIGHT to TKN STOBIKS an7sKKTCHES,und HALF A I>021:N «>»•■«« AUDITION to th.. SIX SKRIAL STOR1K8 and the VARIED DKPARrMKNTS. \ The T«mii« to Subscriborn:

' . , ._ Three DcUara.

I (Jne Year -single copy ^ ""'' nniu™.

Four copie. (*a.SO each) Ten Dol am.

; •■ Kightcpie. Twenty Dollars.

I Those sending «5U for a club of Eight, » ' «^°» «» °"J time, will be entiaed to a eopy FUKE <'«^'«^"»'°' club, can afterwarl. add single copies at *-2.5« each. STLKKT 4 SMITH. Hropnetors,

No. 55 Fulton Street -Now Yorlt.

Pine Tree Tar Cordial.

Preservative as well as Curative.

It is not only for their absolutely curative, but for their preservalivo properties, that Dr. U Q WlSllAKI » mediciueij are so widely

Celebrated ail ( ver the Union.

THK PlNl". TREE TAR CORDIAL not only restores tho sick to the bloom of hoalth, but it fortiliestJie system against subsequent attaclcs of i

Malignant Affections.

Tlie array of diseases of tho lungs and throat yields to the balsamic and tonic properties of Dr. \\ ishart s

Pine Tree Tar Cordial

As the summer f.ig disappears before the fresh evening breeze Its constituent properties, though simple, are powerful. I- rom the very lirst the debilitated victim ot noxious dnigs realizes that he bus found a triciid.

A glow of warmth liegins to pasa through his chilled circulation. The pulse becomes natural and regular, and a buoyancy of spirits— the consequence of an a-ssur- ance of rt'turning health comes upon thw patient. I he fell disease, i;ou»umption, while the luup retain any tiling of strength upon which to liuild, i.s dispellod by the FI.N'E TREK TAR CORDIAL, in a manner to which thousands of grateful patients have felt it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to testily.

How many, who have died, and left their children orvhans, mignt have been living in blooming health huO Uiey but availed themselves of Dr. Wihhaut's simple remudieb instoad of the nowous poisons to which

Their Constitutions have Yielded.

Tar from the pine tree forest, as prepared by Dr. WlbHAllT, is a panacea.

"The IVodufI of lUe Trc*- in for tUi" IleuliiiK of the NatloiiH."

The hardy bacliwoodaman, breathing the aroina of the



It is purely vegetable, contains no alcohol, sulphur.

leader mineral ingredient; is clean, highly perfume*

and dilTercnt from any other article. Everybody wil

useit Prirp.onlv50ct8. 50(MKX> bottles sold annually


I CHICAGO, Wholesale Agents. Sold by all druggists


mWAI>.4.1Il': LA KlKcanproduco, bymeausof the ITl Horost-ope, a true picture of your future husband or wife, witli name, occupation, i«>cuni«ry cirtunv slances, date of marriage, and felicity of married life, lurthermoro. she will give lou the V. »->. addretm. so that you can correspond ; also the age and full description, ami tell you how, when and wht^re you will become acquainted, how often you will marry, your destined Buocess in life, and everj-thing relating to your future. State your age, color of eyes and hair, inclosing aO cents, and you will receive the picture, with a written desljuy, by return mail. Address, in contidenco, M. L*. KUK, Drawtr .'iNWt* t'hieago, 111. _

Building Paper



Dr. Roback's Blood Pills are unsurpassed b}f any Pill manu- faetured for a Xsimilar purp%se. ^ii^H^^M^^J One trial inva- riably estaiUshcs them as favorites with all who use them.

The reasons why Dr. Roback' s Blood Pills should be kept in ev- ery family are: Because they can be employed in all cases where a '■'■family physic" is required, and are perfectly safe iii their admin- istration at all times; Because tJtey are made both with and ivithout sugar- eoaling, thus adapting them to the use of every- body ; Because


they can be pur chased at any drug store at the extremely low price of twenty- five cents per box. For Sale by nruggisU

and nealers in Patent

M etl ic in ea every- where.



For the year 1870 wc have made a rcducUou In the price of single subaciiption.s of a3 p^r cent., enabling' all persona to get the paper at tl.oO per year, ami clubs at reduced rates.

We hive made anangementa to pnbUsli several serial stories during the year, commencing with th<; oritjlnal story of




tificut!. in Packard & «;« -/"i: ':^J, "J, i

butior:, conMst.nj/ "I ':'»"''V21. 1?^' ^ ..'

I iiuU 1 nd Silver W«tcheH, J''"'^^"^^ * :•

1 u< in . uu ^" vvf-rV'irlli'k"t" O'- di."-

value.lut $75,000. *•*«'; «ifK> olin iiud


*' "— iPACKARD&CO.

69WPSt Fourth Street, Cinoinnati, Ohig.


«r»VTl.Jl AI.KNl'S *2.3ll per mor"'' J^ r7NIMVl IMPROVKD COM, l"v\l i Y SKwi!J(: MACHINR. ITI tireat inducemenis to ApnU. Th'» '«" Sewing Machine . f the dav makes the f T^ l^titch" -wii; d.. anv t.nd of work

mreading branches, are as exempt from that full disea.se, (foiuiumption. as the natives ot .Soulhem I- ranee and Italy prepared by Dr. Wishakp, the ( ordial acts I at Slice ITie tirst bottle enhibits to you grateful fore 1 tastes of returning health. You are racked by no more cough nor bathed with debilitating night sweats.

Thousands of people »ill t.ai you Uiat in the entire range ot nature's curatives, there is no combination so haoLiy. so elticacious, and so harmless as WisBakts PIXKTRKKTAR CORDIAL

(JhPuiistJ* agree in saying that the pn^rM o.f'li'lii'ation by which this Cordial is yielded, is so philoaMjhical as to be unsu.Kceptible of further improv.-iuent. I he generic taste of tho Ur is neutralized, and the idea of medicine becomes loet in the quality of a palaUbl« luxury.

Dr, Wishart's Medicines

Are sold by all respectable apothecaries, and supplied

^ the trade at Dr. Wishart's (iroat tamily Medicine


No. 'iS'i North M«H!ond .Street, llilladelphla.

A medica lexpert, holding honorable collogiat/? diplo_ mas. devotes his entire time to the ejamination ot patienta. at tho office parlors. As.*>ciated with him. are two con.sulting physicians, ot acknowledged ominonco,

, whose services are given to the pubhc l-iiKK oj cUAWiK.

i This opportunity is otft-red by no other mstituUon lu

l.etters from any pirt of the country, asking advice, I wiU be promptly antl grutuitousb' responded to. Where I convenient, remitUnces should Uke the shape of drafts

' "'^e ofw?:& Pine Tree Tar Cordial, $1.5U per liottle, or #11 per dozen. Sent by express

All '^o">'"""''-»'*"- ^5°;f ^fsVii^rjll. D..

No. Za N. Second street, Philadelphia.


J. R. Lawrence & Co.'s



To be followed by others duricg the year, any one of which would cost more in book form than our price of subscription. While the Wi.-.co>siN will conUnue its devotion to Republican priuciples. the publishtrs do not intend it to be a partisan Journal ; bnt rather a Famii-t N*.wspapeii. full reading for the fathers, mothers and every honeehold in the Northwest.

of welcome chilurcn of

Terms of

tlie Wisconsin.

Wifcif ONailN


1 copy oni- year, . . -

.5copi«-« " . . - -

llcopii"" " - - - - 'iOco|ile«t " " - " "

Additional copies at rate of the Club.

SK>n.WEKKl.Y WIHCONsilN I copy oue year, - -

3 copien ■■ . . -

lOoopiea »• - ...

sell the I PROVkd' COMMON SKNSE MACHINK. I'rlpe oiil> WIS.

This is the most popular famous Klasti*

'-"^^^''^iihin-e'' foaoi'." r. r.<C Ih'fd'ima'nVC- "t"an5^^^rSg;Kuiot^^ ^d"dle!*;'8gmM Ir* C<5.rB2;;i,n." M^ass., PitUn'r^: Pa. or St. Ixiuis, .Wo. ^


ilie I iiaer.\rorld ot the <.;reat

■n.e Bin.s of every class of society c v

Ar;,.l 'lie /.'..i'' -'■"" rnaK Slgnalsot

pages; 4.1 illustrations Price, »'»{^":k Agei;i»>\anlea. Address N. Y. BOOK. CO., l-ii Nassau street. N. Y.

Allilfl How I .Made ll In Six .MonthH. W I I4U '=>»'^^''^* "'"^ ""'' sample mailed free.^

A. J. KUL.LAM. N. Y.



I Those hiving friends afflicted are earnestly solicit^ to send for a ClRCri.AR l.KTTKR OK RKI-KR-



Or in place ot


lucosf is so trilling that an ordinarj- house can be covered on all sides for less than


Send for circnlurs and samples to




To Sell Sights and Secrets of

T/ie National

or, flty

K.VCKS and f KS'rVM«>Ni A"l,.S,'whi'ch will convince the

moat skepucal of the «JURA»*/HVrjBf.Ii>*A*^n*^^'*''" Address VAN BURKN I-UCK R«JW , M., D.

3rt (ireat ,Iones St., N.

I. i»., V. City.


7.50 1.5.00 '.23.00


tXI^^iii^l^i^^^Sintr^^^^y^n^^ the whole of the Hme or for the spare moments.. Busi nens new. light and pronUble. Person

Itetf To such


of either sex and a propor


BV Si;.M»IN«i ;W i'KNTS, with age. height, color of eyes and hair, you will rec<"ive by icturn mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage.

i Address , Y'-^*}^'^- ^ ..

I P. O. Drawer No. 8, I ultonville. New York.

« 10.00


I copy one year, by uiaJI,

1 copy three iiioiithii " - -

All letter* should bo carefully addressed to CRAMER, AIKEN9 d CRAMER, HUtiaakee. Wi«.

V^ys a id gi;'uT,n ea?n uTarly as much as men. TM ail who sel this notice may send their addrwa. apd^w we make this unparak- JoJ oJJer 10 lut ,U aiuiied, we will send «1 to pay for Uie "wt Full parUcaUr,, a valuabfe sample V.r ...minence work on. and a copy of The

Ihe "business, we make this unnarhk-UcHl offer ■■ .itiatied, we v l(. Full parti which will do to commence work on

50 Cents




as are not well

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Sunshine and Shadow in New York.

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I chaser with the t^ickage Ihe proeenl is worth more

I than the price asked for the package. All sent free to any address for 50 cents.

AFHAR 4 CO., lu» Orand St , N. V. City.


taJHOWS HOW TO DOUBI.K THK PROFITS OF J!^ THK I- ARM, and bow farmer* and their sons can

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' in Winter. Io.cjOu copies will l>e mailed free to fanners. Send name and sdrfresH to .. ..,

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A work descriptive of Washington City : Inside and

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thrilling. nu»t enterUining, instructive, and suruing

tjook ol tho day. ZJTSend for Circulars, with terms, 4c.

JO.NES, JINKIN & CO.. I'ubllMlien.,


mjEKvors AMI iiiiKi:-

1^ matic Butferfrs from eiirly indiscretions slionld not fail to consult, confidentially, Dr Mc- Naiiiars, st 'M and W Mason St , Mihviiiike.'. Ho has remedies »iih the aid ot electricity; that will slop those nightly emisaions ; build up the nervous system, ro- (.tore Uie sexual {.Hiwers to thoir full vigor, and tho mind to its ordinary cheerfulness and strength. The D<ictor"B skill (in Venereal Diseases i cannot bo ex- I ell.itl in (lie healing art. Special attention paid to iliseaw?* of Wo'>fT:N. ^el^'y

tiove! Love!


Fi:i.li IN!i*TRI<'TIONS.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla,

FOR rrBlF»'lJf<w XME BE4M»I».

The rc|)Utatiou Uii^e.^- celleiit medicine uixfoyn, i.s derived Irom its <.;i t.. many nf wliich are t<'uly luaiveUuiis. iDveterate caae.s of ^sc^olillone dl«- t>ase, where the oTHlem t-eemetl baliirateif wiUt corruption, have beeu wurifled and cure*' by it. .Scrofulous affections ani tUiiordein.whit h were hr- £rravate<l by the Bcro<\i- luiM roiitaiiiinatiou m>t'' thev were painftiDy afflictitifr, have been radically cured in such K'eat number- in :ilino«t every sec- tion of the country, that the iniblic scarcely ueeU to be Infonucd of its virtue.^ or uses,

iscrofuloiis iKiison is one ol the most destruo- tive enemies of our race? Often, thi.s unseen and unfeR ten.-inl of the organiism iiiiilemiines Uie con. siitiition, and invites the attack of enfeebling or l»t tal diseuMis, without exciting a butpicion of \^ nresencc. Again, it seems to breed lnf*^^tlon throughout the bodv, and then, on some f':»or»ble occasion, rapidly develop into one or '^thar of ila hideous forms, either on the surfaw or among Ui« vitals. In tlie latter, ttibevclefc »:,ay l>c suddenly deposited in tiie lunjr-' f>r heft'^i, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows ita ',»resenr4» by ernptiona on the skin, or foul uleei-aUoiis on some part of the body. Hence U»e Occasional use of a bottle i)f tills SarsiijuiHllfi advisable, even when no active symptoma of disease appear. Persons af- flicted wi*.h the followiuif comjilnliits generally (bid iir.mediate ii;lifr, hhiI, at length, ciii-e, by the UM- of this SAItS.41'AUIJ.1,A: M. Antho. ni/'« rirr, Itt^r or Ertinlpela*, Tetter, Salt lihrum, Sealit lltad, Jtin^irorm, Sore Eyr; i Sure JCarit, and other eniptions or visible forma of SrrotiitouH <li>eafte. Also ill the more con- I cejilcil form", as Jtynnepnia , Itroj*»y, Heart JUHvnuf, J ita, Ejiilennff, Setirnfffia, and the various Vlrrroun atfeclions of Uie niiutculai and nervon.* pystem.s.

tiyphiliit or rniereat and Mermrial ZMv^ eagen are cured bv it, thoujfh a long tin*» ij» r«- quired for subduing tlle^e obstinate jnaladiw by any me<lichio. Hut long-continue<l use trf Uiis medicine will cure the complaint^ J>i<r*rrJMra I or M'hittK, I'trrlne Ulceration*, and Eenial^ ' JMneanrit, are commonly soon relievetl and ulU- mately cured by its puiifving ami invigortitlng effect. Minute uirections for <yich -itae ai-e foun.. ill our Abiian.Tc, snpplie'l gratis. Jtheiimaliam t and Ooul. when caused by n<MumulHtionf of ,'X- traneous matters in Ihe blood, yield (piickly i.'. <t asalso J>if*Tr'«iii7>/»if»if». TorpUHty, Coti'/i- flofi nr luflanimtitton <if the #<i>«-r, and .Juan I dire, when arising, as they olten do, Iron. Uie rankling poisons in the blood. This MAItf>A- VAKILi-'A i-agi-eat rcstoter forOie stiei.glb and vigor of the system. Tlio-e who ui-e l.nn- niiiil and TAntleim, t*eitpentd*ent , SleepleMt, and troubled wiUi fierroiia Ajtjirelientiinit ot f>rtr/». oranv of the afTectJons symptonia'-ic of ll r»ktunii>. will find immwUate it-lief and con- vincing tvidente of its rebl4iiative power upo.j trial.

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looey- CO.,

On the i2d of December we shall commence the pubUcation, in Uie Wkkklt WiiC0Ssi5. of a aerial story eiiliUed i blea Burst, rtao '^-'o',/";^,! "<i,ii;ins"Bioiraphical




the und, one hour

J. K. ,IA(i(.KltS4(;o.


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I'very Farmer needs one. Kvery Schof.l should have ono No Kngineer required to lay out roa^ls, w'slks or WHter rouriK-s Will establish levels for fuundatious, walls bridges, made ground, 4c. It i«eitrcm«ly siniph- and beantiful. Sent lo any address on receipt of pmn- Descriptive circulars, with cuts, free.

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A story of Eist and Wost ; ulustrating the perils of the yet tinoiriliied West ; portraying love in the Kocky Mountains, and the whole embodjing the capUrating Bomance of a Beantiful Yonne Heire.B'.

Any perssu sending ns 50 cents will rcceiTe the Wi»coJ»8iM fonr months and all the nnmbers con- taiaing the thrilUngly interesting story of '-Oteb THE Piaiss." Back anmbers sent to all who reuoest It aftrr the commenctment of the story.

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Hartford, (t.



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Ivery 1 amily la the country need.^ °°*Ki.„L.t U^^ti?tSellinea.aK,wing macb.ue. by band

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^ O.M trr 1 1 1 NG in <*< .<ilar for Etrnmbod,!. Star in ^ t'b*- \\>»*i two. An 6 page Unireraahtt family weekly giving current secular n«^s Kdit«l by Hev. Dr Wli.u.vMs^JN and J S. Castwku. iift) p«r year

»n advance fren.ium I'l nrir tatt'eriljtr-. .Send lor

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Wo do not wish to inform you. lesder. that Dr Won- derful, or any other man, has iii-rov<Tn<l a remedy that euros (>)n*u«iption. when the lungs are lijll oiusunn-'i, in short, will cure all disea»<« wln-tiiei of mind. 1)0<^ / <jr or estate, make aien live f r>rever. and l<-ave death Vc pisjr for want o* work, and i«design<)d toniali»our«'di,|ai,u« upbere a blissful tiaradise, Xn which Heaven ItaeU ahsfi be bnt a side stiow. Yon have heard onoogh of ttiat kind of hombugr-ry. and »<-do not woiidor iLatyou haie >iy this time become disguHKed with it But when I t«L y<ia that Ur. H««e8 Catarrh Eemedy «•<'/ p'i'iuretu ru,t Ihe trorti etv^t rf Caiarrh, I only aMert that which thous- ands can testify to. Try it aad you wUl be ooaviocM I will pay t.Vuu RgWAnn for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure.

far !»ale Uy unmt DnuwVtta Krrrrwktre.

PKKT. fiNI.Y aUt'FVTK. f^nl fc./ Mall, f^mt paid fvr .s.Vv Cenit; lour Packages for ^a.m , or one dozen for t-Vim. Send a two cent stamp for Di. Sage's pamphlet,

onCaUrrh. **>'- '^^ »^°«iF^^iR,;K. M. a,

BfKFAU), N. Y.


»yj| \Va.trhor i^tf-wlnc .Marliinr Krt-i'

■-• and profitable,


mt DSing I-GA

CromweU, Conn




(iHCM in lo hours, withont osing dniBS. circulars, address F. irGAGETvinegar Maker.


Q^gi, D«w, light and profitable. suitAble aluu fur ail dssscis. men. women, l>o)» and girls. Send your ad- dreaa and test th<! tjusioeiw for yourself. ParUculara, dir«;tiona, 4c . sent fr^ t^^ »"< ""^'J ••t»hed wlin the businew, »<- wi" »«*nd yoo «■ Xi> pny for the trouble of writing. ..Mi Sample seat by mail on receipt of loc Addrtssj TTMKATON 4 CO , Watervtlle.

ceiut of 1 Mmb*.





E. A. HoTCHKiss, Editor and Proprietor.

Liberty, Literature Jind Land.

Terms : $2:00 a Year in Advance

VOL. VII. NO. 7.


WHOLE NO. 319.




Nostrtam from its 8onrce« Flows ouw»rJ, how loofly soever its course. But what some land U kI»<1<1«ii'^- ^'f> "t** ^'^^

rose AnU »et, without influence somewhere. ^Tio knows What tarth nenis from earth'* lowest creatnres ?

So life. Can be pnre la its purposes, and strung in its

Bthfo, And all !ifc not l>e purer and alroDger thereby. The spirits of just men made perfect on hi«h. Ihe army or niart'vrs who atdna by tiif Throne And guze into iho' face that makes glorious their

Knows this surely, at last. Honest loTe. h«>neat

WJi row, ^ ,,

Honest work for the .lay. holiest hope for the mor-

Are th^'worth nothing more than Ihe hand they

Tho heart they b*»e sadden'd. the life they leave

Hoab I th^venfold heavens to the vole* of th*

^He'that orercometh shall ill things Inherit.



third <lay en-

A prlut«r and his wife

WrresltttugatlharT. Without domegll>; strife.

In wedded X T C ; "Dear Ell!," tbe printer said

TbfU paused, and mmed bis I. goatched up a '•slice" of bread,

Aud -cltared sw y" some "pKo); •Thou art a Kuardinx

*iM "P ^^ [spsc- 1 tor me ; 1 lof^ you b«-ller far

Thau T." (capital black tea). Then o-er bia "Iwltered form"

She bent her sweet -Sc .tch face. Aud -'pulled" a proof k Is* warm.

The whilst tb.-y Lt*o -uibi»<v

Selected iHi6ceilann»


For thirty years I Lave made my home on Uio plaius and among the fastnesH of the Rocky ilonntaiuH, also spending a por- tion of my time in the (ioldeu SUte of the Pacific In ISIO I started with a party to croBs tiie plains in hopes of making my fortune a-diRRinK for the hhininK dust that pM)ple said was to be had tor picking up. There waH a dozen of ns, all first rate, jo- vial feliowB. all of them having had m.)re or less experience in roughing it out on the prairies of the Wtst.

We had no womeukind among ua to hin- der our progregs, so we got over the ground pretty la«l, auil reached Salt Lake several days before we hud expected when we sst out. We were all well and hearty, and m tbe best spirit; aud after spending three days with the Saints end getting a view of some of the lailies claimed by Bngham and his Elders, who didn't seem at all averse to our c inpany, we turned our backs upon them and set our faces toward the Bottiug sun.

The plains were no longer before us ; but a country filled with ileep valleys aud steep rugged mountains. I after entering upon this region, we camped for the kight on the bank of a wild torrent that was swollen almost to the size of a river by tl;e recent rains. It had b..'eu with great diffioulty th.it we got safely across; and although it wa.s but the mid- dle ot the afternoou, we resolved not to go any further that night as one of the party complained of not teeling well.

Alter the arrantjeiueuts for iram^-ing had been well nigh completed, aud as the suu was still two hours high, and not feeling very much fatp^'ued, I threw my ritle over my shoulder, and told my comrades that I was goinipTb take an hour's tramp up the stream where a dark gorge opened among the mountains in hopes to get a chance shot at Honiethiug that would serve to help us make up a supper. Noue ot the boys , offered to at-compauy me; .uid alter receiv- iae a e;intioi* not to wauder too fur, and to return to camp before nightfall, I set out.

The way was rwugher than I expected, and more than o»ce I had half a miud to turn back; but I persevered, and tor half an hour picked my way np the rough alley, which was hemiuAl iu by rugged moun- tains, or. rather i.y high chftH, that, owing to some eonvul-^iuu of nature, had cast huge masses, from their sides, almost block- ing np the narrow space that existed be- tween their base aud the banks of the ra- vine, iiud iu some places partially tilling , the bed of the stream, over which tho water rushed with a noise almost deafen- ing.

I had lost sight of the smoke that arose firom our camp-tire, owing to the course cf the stream that conformed itself to th'i val- ley: aud all this time I had steu nothiag that I would deign to waste powder and bullet upon, so that I began to think I should be obliged to return to the camp aa. empty handed tis when I .set out

I toiled on, perhaps tifty yards farther, clambering over ti e jagged rock>i that blocked np my way, and at last, discour- aged at my want vl success, I was on the point of turning Lack, when I espied but a abort distance before me, close to where a few bushes grew out of the cliff, a small creature, though from the glimpse I got of It I couiil not dutiugui.>.h what it was. Glad of the chance for a shot, I serambledalonp over the rocks to a position that I coveted; but before it v.iis rtHch» d, the creature, whatever it was, had disappeared, and no traces of it could I tind alter searching for it several minutes where I was sure that I had seen it

Disappointed. I was on the point of turn- ing back, when a loud clap of thunder re- sounded through tht; sky and the next mo- ment large drops of rain began to fall. Startled at the sudden approach of the storm that I had be« u all unmindful of, I glancevl upward and saw that a dense black cloud was rising above the cliffs, and had

raging of the tempest without, the fury of which I do not remember ever having seen equaled.

Half an hour pas.ied; and the Storm, iu-

I stead of abating, seemed to increase in

intensity, aud I began to think that I

should have to pass the night where I was.

I knew, by the thundering of the water in

the ravine", that it was fast rising. From

where I sat indeed, I could see the tor-

rauts in miniature cataracts ilashing down

1 the face of the clifts on the opposite side of

' the stream. It seemed, I fan.^ied, almost

as the tiood must have appeared at its


I had begun to feci secure in my place of refuge, and the fact of the huge bould. r being above my head no longer troubled me, when suddenly, to my unspeakable ter- ror, I saw a huge rock washed from its sandy base and go plunging down into the I ravine. Horrors, what if the one before ! me should f:vll and block me up ? I seized my rifle and sprang toward th3 outlet. The storm was preferable to my place of shelter. "Heaven have mercy !" I cried, as I felt , the movements of the cliff above me; and ' then, to my horror and despair, the great } boulder, loosened by the torrents of rain, slipped from its resting place, and ere I I could escapo hemmed me in in perfect dark- i ness. I 1 was entombed alive !

The horror of my situation came upon

j me with such fi)rce that I did what I never

did before nor since I fainted away.

I How long I remained insensible I know

I not; but wiien at last I came to myself

' again 1 thought it was a terrible dream.

But the iUu-iion soon wore off. and the stern

reality was before me, and I began calmly

' to think of what chance I had of escaping

from my living tomb.

Very little iudei d was there to hope in ; the prospect before me. No prison bars I were as strong as those that held me back from the outer world, that 1 had never , prized so highly as I now began to do. There seemed no possible hope; for man, with his unaided strength, could never move the huge rock that sealed up the en- trance to my sepulchre.

A faint ray ot light came in one side of my prison door, and through the crevice came the sound of tho roaring water, swollen to doubte its usual volume, down in the bed of the ravine. The crevice would give me air, and would tell me when night would come and go, so long as life miRht remain to me. My companions would doubtless search long for me, and could I not make myself heard should they chance to pass near? This gave a ray of hope that I hugged to my heart as drowning men will, they say, clutch at stiaws; but my heart again sank within me as the roar of the torrent filled my ears. No human voice could be heard above the terrible sound, which was increasing iu violence every moment

I threw myself on the bottom of the cave and gave up to the despair that lay ujion me, crushing me, as it were, into the earth. Many were the hours of danger ' that I had passed through; times wLea it , seemed that there was no possible chance of escape; yet hope had never completely forsaken me as it had now.

The ray of light faded away and all was darkness" Night had come to me iu my tomb, as dark and terrible as though I was surrounded by scores of mouldering dead. As time must seem to the spirits of the lost, so that night seemed to me. Morning came at last and again a little hope return- ed with the my of light that fouud its way in to me. as if to say that I was not entire- ly cut off from the outer world.

The roar ot the torrent still sounded in my ears, but not so loud as it had done. If my comrades should ccme up to neek me, it might be possible that I might make myself heard. But how was I to know when they had come';- Try as I would, I could not gain a position where I could get a glimpse of the world without. My only chance was to call aloud at the top of mj voice, and, hour after hour, I did so, until I was so hoarse that I couhi hardly speak ; but I heard nothing come from without to repay me for the exertion I had ma.l.'. The forenoon wore away, and 1 began to feel the pangs ol hunger and thirst, and ti.en, and not till then, did I fuljy realize all tho hor- rors «}f my situation. My despair was ter- rible, an I, in my agony, I threw myself on my face upon the floor of tho caveru, and,



Soolctr Around Lake Superior-Out- look of tbe Future.

"Carleton" writes to the Boston Journal

tbe following interesting facts relative to

the iron-miners of the Northwest:


The miners are a hardy set of men, rough, uncouth, but enterprisiug, Ihey live in small cottages, make excellent wages, drink whisky, and rear large fami- lies. How happens it that in all new com- munities there is such an abundance ol children'? Nearly evi ry woman has a child in her arms. We cannot expect to see the refinemeuts and luxuries of old communi- ties in a country where the stumps have not yet been cleared from the streets, and where the spruces aud hemlockM are still waving about the little cottages of the set- tlers.

But here are the elements of society. These hard-handed men are developing this region, earning a livelihood for themselves | aud enriching those who employ them, j Towns are springing into existence. We | find Ishpemiug a thriving town rising out I i'f a swamp. Imagine if yon can a spruce ', forest standing in a bog where thetreesare | so thiek that there is hardly room enough


It PInnsea Ills Famllr lnti» Rutu.

New York Correspondence Philadeli hU Press.

Through the guilty the innocent must suffer, and never was the fact more dis- tressingly illustrated than in the late ar- rest of aNew York counterfeiter

One of the best engravers in the coun- try', if not in the world, was arrested at his oflice, where everything went to prove and where he unreservedly confessitl his guilt - too compltttely broken, amazed and con- fused to atteiupt a denial. He was a fine, gentlemanly looking man, though of late somewhat dissipated, owing, probably, to the wretched bu.siness iu whi.jh he was employed. He had woikod for Tiffany A: Co., and for the American Bank Note Co.. as a skillful, honest engraver; md so, up to within two weeks ago, thought his fami- ly. Notwithstanding his dissipation, aLd the great crime of which he is surely guil- ty, he has been a kind father aud husband, aud never carried his sin into his home ; neither is he what may be termed a bad man, if we can reconcdo these incongrui- ties with the fact that he was arrested for the worst crime that an individual can practice against the government

Bad men tempted him withlaige profits,

! for the lumbermen to swing their axes, the | ^^^ ^^^^ eenius was invaluable to the regular swamp being a stagnant pool of dark-color- , counterfeiters; profits, however, that he

ed water covered with green slime.

An enterprising town-builder purchased this swamp for a song, and has laid out a city. Here it is -dwelling houses aud storesstindiug on posts tlriven into the mud, or resting on stumps. He has filled up streets with debris from the mints. Frog croak beneath the dwellings, or sun them- selves on the sills. The town is not thus growing from the swamp because there is no solid land, but because solid upland has eihaustless beds of iron ore beneath, too valuable to be devoted to building pur- poses.


The ore is generally found in hills rang- ing from one hundred to five hundred feet above the level of the surrounding conn- try. The elevations can hardly be called mountains; they are knolls rather, and each one is composed of ore. They are iron warts on Dame Nature's face. They are partially covered with earth, the slow form- ing deposits of the alluvial period. You would not think, to look at the surface, that the dense forests crowning these hills rested on an iron foundation, but Prof, Pierce will walk with you over the ground and in- form you where the veins commence, and where they leave off, by observing the dip- pings of bis magnetized needle. Land sur- veyors are put to their wit's end iu making surveys iu this section, the iron being strongly magnetic.

never realized, for once in their employ and power he must remain so, and take his chances of immense gains alon^ with pos- sible discovery, conviction, and the State Prison.

After his arrest, iu company with the chief of the secret servii^e and two subor- dinates, he was escorted to bin home a ruined, disgraced, guilty wretch, and the scene that ensued was indeed heartrending. Accustomed as were the officers to painful family griets brought abcut by Lbeir sum- mary arrests, the usual sequencse of home innocence and tears was nothing new or unlooked for; but this family's despair touched even them, and they did not care to meet the gaze of the affrighted Wt man who met them at the door.

A beautiful daughter of IG lifted a white horrified lace beyond her mother's; anoth- er of 10 shrank p.gainst the wall ; a bright, intelligent boy of G stood transfiiced in won- der, and a smiling infant confronted the miserable father aud husband.

The officers needed not to search tbe house for traces of his evil deeds. Wife and children were innocent, and the long- practiced officers knew it at a gleuce.

The unhappy wife sank into a chair. Clasping her shaking hand-s 0)ie over the other, aud swaying to and fro, she moaned the pitiful cry to heaven, "O Gvyd ! O God ! Why can't I die now?" Her wet face was livid beneath its tears, and s drunk and


Tbe Propcnalti' to Steal Inlkereitt.

We have been made acquainted with one of tbe most singular cases of kleptomania of which we have ever heard, the person subject to the strange malady being the wife of a well-known wealthy business man. The tendency for shop-lifting, and other stealing, was first noticed about a year since, when she was detected in secreting under the ample folds of her velvet cloak a bolt of costly silk, Tbe goods were re- turned, and an agreement to not prosecute on her promising to refrain from any act of tbe kind iu tbe future. For some time she kept her promise, but, after awhile the old habit came back and she was caught in tbe act of stealing a fine ring in one of our jewelry stores. Owing to the respect for tbe husband and tbe fact that he settled for tbe jewelry the matter was dropped, as has been the case iu more than a dozen in- stances since.

Another phase of her staaMng is to ac> cept iuvitations to parties, where she will watch her opportunity and take furs, cloaks, bonnets, or anything else in her way.

Her hnsband has time and time again re- monstrated with her for her conduct, pic- turing tbe certain rain to come, all of which she acknowledges, but also claiming that she can not withstand the tempta- tion.

There is not tbe least cause for her light- fingered propensities, as her own jewelry and clothing is of a great deal more costly character than any she has stolen, and one of the singular features of her case is that she has never been known to wear any ar- ticle that she has stolen. The husband has consulted the family physician, one of the most eminent in the city, who gives tbe opinion that the strange conduct is the result of disea <e and not to be attributed to a natural willingness to steal. Cincin- nati Times.

Coughs and Colds abb often oveklook- ED.— A coBtiunance for any length of time causes irritation of the Lungs or some chronic Throat Disease. "Brown's Bron- chial Troebes" are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy, giving almost invariably sure and immediate relief.

Ow:ug to the good reputation and popu- larity of tbe Troches, many worthless and cheap imitations are offered, which are good for nothing. Be sure to obtain the true "Brown's Bronchial Troches," Sold everywhere.

Mauic Oil. For all the paius by nature sent, none can excel this linii2ent, for all ills caused by pain or toil, try Pratt & Butchers Magic Oil, tho most effectual pain killing remedy of the age. Warranted in all cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, lame back, dysentry, cramp colic, and all external and internal aches and pains.- Sold at the Drug Stores.

Reader, are you ojt of employment? Do yon wish to make money fast and eafilj? Then read the advertisement of the old and well-known firm of J. H. Weaton 4 Co., iu another column, and profit by it. They mean business, and have laid the fouuda- tion of many solid fortunes.

No. 28.

Nervous debility, with its gloomy attcnd- aute, low spirits, depression, involuntary emissions, loss of seoaen, spermatorrhtea, loss of power, dizzy head, loss of memory aud thrfca'eued impotence and imbecility, find a sovereign cure in Humphreys' Homeo- pathic Wpecifiy No, twenty-eight. Composed of the most valuable, mild aud potent Cura- tives, they strike at onco at the root of thu matter, tone up the system, arrest the dis- charges, and impart vigor and energy, hfe and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousands of cases. Price $5 yer pack- age of five boxes and a large vial of powder, which is very important iu obstinate or old oasei<, or$l per single box. Sold by all drug- ({istd, and sent by mail on receipts of price. Address Humphreys' Hpeoific H->meophatic Medicine Co., 5G2 Broadway, New York.




Reader, too may consider this a tort of spread aM'f bat I mean

haadins, bat I mean over; word of it. there, nlien your system is racked with


have been

There are five varieties of ore. The most sharpened visibly, lik« a face lh:it is dying. valuable is what is called tho "specular i Tear after tear "fell from her staring eyes.

hematite," which chemically is known as a pure anhydrous sesqui-oxide. If your read- ers know what that means, I shall rejoice that they are well-informed, but it is Greek i to mo This ore yields about 65 per cent, of pure iron. It is sometimes found in con- junction with red quartz, and is then known as mixed ore.

The next in importance is a soft hematite, resembling the ores of Pennsylvania and Connecticut. It is quite porous, is more easily' reduced than any other variety, and yields about 50 per cent, of pure iron.

The magnetic ores are found further west than those already described. Tbe Micbi- I gan, Washington, Champion and Edwards mines are all magnetic. Sometimes the magnetic and specular lie side by side, and it is a puzzle to geologists and chemists alike to account for the difference hetwoon the ore!<. As yet we are not able to under- stand by what subtle alchymy the cbauge has been produced.

Another variety is callad the silicious he- manife, which is more diffiult of reduction than the others there is an unlimited supply.

The filth variety is a silicious hemanite mixed with manganese, which, when mixed

and lolled down her pallid cheeks to her lap Never once putting her hands to wipe them away, they lay idle and helpless on her knees, and the look she turned on them was utterly broken-hearted. The young daughter sobbed frantically, father 1 what have yon done?' ing to the chief, "Oh don't believe it sir; my father could not do it" The little girl cluuif to the officer's knee in childish en- treaty. "Don't take my father to prison; phase, please don't !" The boy hid under the bed, and the baby crawled at the moth- er's feet, whimpering in its fright unheeded. The father looked upon the rain he bad wrought, the griel he had broufiht upon bis loved on«s, an<l sob after sob broke from I his bosom. Dashing down hiti graver, he I cried: "God cursed me iu my genius, and ' I'll never lift it again!" He covered his j face, and in hi.i tears those who loved him 1 bushed their pitiful cries.

The poor wife found her strength and piteous sight, and came and

voice at the

put her hand gently on his shoulder. "My It varies in richuess, and j poor, poor husband ! How could you; how ~" '" could you bring us such ^orrov^ and your- self such dreadful misery? It is Saturday night, and there is neither food nor fire; they will take yon to to - avay from us.

with other ores, produces an excellent _ _ __

<iuahty of iron. Very little of this ore has | and oli ! what shalll do for tho "children? been rained as yet, and its relative value is not ascertained.

The Bread Frait Tree. Did you ever hear of a tree bearing glue and towels and cloth and tinder and bread? There is jast such a wonder. It is fonnd on the Pacific Islands and is called the Bread Fruit tree.

It is about forty feet in height, or as high as an ordinary three story dwelling house; its trunk grows to be nearly one foot in diameter or thickness, and the branches come out straight from the tree, like dozens of outstretched arms, long at i first, but getting shorter and shorter as they near the top. These are furnished | with beautiful dark-green leaves, nearly | two feet long, and deeply gashed at the I edges; while half hidden among them, is the fruit growing like apples, on short stems, but larger and with a thick, tough yellow rind.

This fruit is like bread, or, as some de- scribe it, like penny-rolls; and as it is in season during eight months of tbe year; tbe natives during that time have no other kind of bread. They gather it while it is green, as soon as it attains its full size, and •Oh father! ' bake it just as it is, in an oven. Scraping Then turn- 1 off it« outer blackened crust they come to the loaf, which has no bard seed or stone inside, but is very likely pure, white wheatcu bread. The only trouble is, they must eat it soon after tbe baking, because, in a tew hours, it grows harsh and choky, and loses its pleat^aut taste. But just think how pleaf<ant it must be to be able during eight months of tbe year, to gather one's loaves from the tree already for bak- ing !

As for the glue, that is a kind of sticky fluid, which oozes from the trunk, and is found very useful for many purposes, tbe leaves make excellent towels for the use of tbe natives who care to wash their hands and faces; aud from the inner bark a kind ot coarse cloth is made which makes capi- tal every day garments. Beside.^ this, tbe dried blossoms are used for tinder,in light- ing fires, aud the wood of the tree is in great demand for building huts aud boats aud rough bridges.

So you see no part of the bread-frnit grows iu vam. Perhaps this could be said


From One of tbe Oldest I'rinteni ia the tiuue of Illinoia.

Office of the Wmo and Repuducan, > Qdimcy, Illinois, Aa^ust 8S. IS66. )

Messrs. Prince, Walton A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio- (fettls : I find your Iloback's Bitters, after using two boxes in my family, to he a " good egg." Send me another dozen by United States Express, and if you don't wau'l local notices to the amount, charge it to us on advertising account, Kei^ards to Mr. Wal- ton. Yours in hast?, James .T, Lanodon.

Great men insure in the Washington Lift of New New York.

The excellence of ttie Washington Life Ins. Co,, < f New York, cannot be too warmly ac knowiedged. Its story is the story of a no- ble success of a wise and generous design, prudently aud thoroughly accompliahud. It was organized on a principle of novel and pe- culiar liberality. It proposed to give all pro- tits to the insured, paying ouly Ic^al interest on its capital; and it has accomplished itc purpose. In a career of progress altogeth- er sati!<factory it has eetablisiied itself upon a foundation as ol adamant.

Manufactured by

pain, and you cannot even turn youraalf in bod. or siUiiw in a chair, you must sit and sutler, in the morning vuD- inf it was nisht, and at niKbt «uhin« it was mormnK- l^en you have


when every nerve in your being is like the sting of wasp, ciroulttting the mo«t venomous and hot poison around your heart, and driving you to the very verge ot madness: When you have the


(that I have just got through with.) thst most aivfol, most hsart^withenng. most strength destrnyiae. «J*o« spirit-breaking and mind-wcakeniug of all disoaaes tiisi can afflict our poor human nature. When you have tne


lying and writhing in agony and piun. unable to turn youmelf in bed, and every' movement will go to your heart like a knife ; now tell me. if relief and cure of any ot these diseaaes in a few djiyH is not tile (>re&t«st Medical Blessing of (he Age, tell us what is !

DIRECTIONS TO USE. You wUl Uke a tablespoon- ful and three spoonfuls of Water three times a day, and in a few days every particle of rheumatic and neuralgic pain wiU l>e dissolved and paaa off by the kidneys.

DONALD KENNED V. lloxbnry. Mi

with the action, anew hopo np^ung up m; --v^"--- ;^j -•;."■■ my heart |

For the first time since my imprisonment i the thought came to me that a poss.bility ! of escape lay at the back of the cave. If I I could but remove the obstructions that , blocked up tbe passage, ho that I could piSs through, it might possibly lead to i daylight in some direction. Caves often '


The best iron cannot be manufactured from one variety of ore, but by mixing ores strength and ductility is obtained. Eng- land sends to Russia and Sweden for mag-

those produced iu Lancashire, for the manufacture of steel The fires of .Sheffield would soon go out if the manufacturers of steel in that town were dependent on English ore alone The ironmasters there could qot make steel good enough for a l>lacksmith's use, to nay noth- ing of that needed for cutlery, if they were

Who will pity or help UK after this?" "I, I ' in some sense, of every kind of tree- expected some money to-night," said the though really there was not many that ac- criminal, taking from his pocket a torn half | complisb as much as this.

dollar; 'this is all I have; takt it and get

a little bread for them to-night ' He put it : There is no medicine pkepabed that has in her hand, but the trembling fiu^-ers , a reputation for excellence superior to that dropped it unnoticed. "Mv husband in I ol Hoofland's German Bitters. This arti- jail, my children starving ! 'O God ! what , cle ^ looked upon by those who are not ac have I done that I must sntfer so?"

^. ., » . 1 I cut off from foreign magnetic ores,

have more than one outlet or entrance, and I _„ „, j, ^^.^ '^ .,

Here, at Lake Superior, the ores neces-

such might be the case with this one.

Faint as this hope wa.s. I clung to it. and went to work with a will. The rocks I found that I could not move easily, aud the sand I scraped away with my hands, and soon I had a plat^e large enough to force my way through. Encouraged by this, I did so and after crawling along for some fifteen or twenty feet I found myself in a large apartment of a height that would ndmit of standing erect Another passage led off to the right from this, and I at once entered it, although it was so dark that I bad to feel my way along. Tho way was crooked, turning sharp angles and long curves, and I could form no idea of the direction iu which I was going. It seemed almost interminable; but at last to my great joy, I saw light, ahead, and in a few moments I stood in tbe bright sunshine that I had never expected to have seen again.

You can imagine the state of my feelings as I made my way down the banks of the stream, aft^r casting one look up to where

I sary for the production of the best of steel ' lie side by side. A mixture of the bema- [ tite and magnetite ores gives a metal snpe- ' rior iu every respect, to any that Kugland 1 can produce.

This one tact settles the questiou of the I future of this region. It is to become one I of the great iron marts of the world. It is I to give, by and by, the supremacy to ! America in the production of steel.

It is already settled, by trial, that every ; grade of iron now in use, in' arts and mau- I ufactures, can be produced here at Lake 1 Superior by mixing the various ores.


I It is possible that this meager descrip- tion of this region may not interest your readers, but as for myself 1 can say that I

; have seen few localities eo full of promise for the future— not this one little spot in the vicinity of Marquette, but the metalic

' region between Lake Superior aud Lake Michigan. Look at the locality - midway the Atlan-

Here the chief stepped forward, "Y'ou shall not suffer; I'll see, madt>m, that you ' and your children are made comfortable." She lifted her streaming eyeti, "I am so I full of trouble I don't know how to thank ; you; be is guilty, guilty, but— my bus-' ! baud." I

' "Y^es," burst out the prisoner, "I am } j guilty; yon have ibepresses, plates— every- 1 I thing, and know it, but before Almighty i I God they are innocent; they knew nothing ' ' of it." "I am perfectly well aware of it," > said the chief, and as it was painful to all, ! they departed with the prisoner, leaving the" desolate home to its tears and anguish. If ever mortal grief was written on a wo- ; man's face it was stamped on the ghastly j features of this counterleiter'ii wife, when she looked around on her weeping children j —no reproach; only "How co ild you, how could yon?" I have seen tho law forced . into many loving homes where its head by its recent crimes brought sud ien woe, but never did I witness so harrowing a scene as at this miserable engraver's d'velling. She ' kept twi.sting her fingers together, and sobbing and moaning "to-morrow is Suu- . day; oh what a Sabbath for me, my child- I ren, my husband !"

She was a lady of education, birth and association, and this blow B:mck her to the earth. She could endnie and conceal

up my tomb. It was larger than I had thought, and the strength of our whole par- ty could not have moved it. ' There was great joy at the camp over my return. My companions had spent the night, and all tbe day thus far, iu looking for me, and had come to the conclusion that I must have fallen into the ravine and | been washed away, and in a half hour more ' would have been on their way, leaviag me ! to my fate.

the -outhem, Superior the northern shore with water carriage to the Atlantic One ' hundred and fifty miles of rail from Bay- field will give connection with tbe naviga- 1 ble waters of the Mississippi. Through this peninsula will yet lie the shortest ' route between the Atlantic and the Pacific,

the world mast know, and the horrible grief and shame was hers to bear as best she might The state prison surely awaits the father, and death the mother, if the face she carried to tbe cell that Sabbath morning was an index to tbe suffering within. And the bright eyed boy, the crawl-

Westward are the wheat fields of the con- ! ing baby, and the beautiful girls what will

tinent to be peopled by an industrious and thriving community. There is no point on

) tbe continent more central than this tor

j easy transportation.

I Gold has

been discovered in Lapland. ! Two men who formerly worked in tbe Call- ,

fomia mines wandered last summer over a I SaUBs of Books at the WiaT. -- ihe en- part of Lapland, and it is said fouud gold ! »>" book trade of Chicago, i icluding that in large quantities. One nugget aj large ; tmUl portion of the sUtioner? trade which

PaorEssoB Dana, of Y"ale College, has re- cently Wen making a critical examination of the Qninnipiac salt meadows, just out- side of the city of New Haven, and as the i result of his labors he reports that this re- | giou was once the broad and deep inner ' - . ,

harbor oi New Haven bav. He says that it | "^ "^^ ^*'?^* '*°*^*^. P'^-<^^' the sea sbouM set back over tbe land it ! govemment of the would make a harbor whose depth would ! be nearly forty feet at high tide; for the tides at the present time rise six feet at | North Haven, which is six miles north of the present mouth of tbe Qninnipiac. and extend at lea.st two miles further north. In making the track for tbe Air Line Railroad, which was for nearly a mile and a half

across these meadow flats, tbe piles were , . ,- . . -

driven in some instances forty feet before i Australia, they are now petitioning the gov-

becomo" of them ? The late counterfeit up- I rooting tore a guiltless woman's heart asun- der, and let it be a warning to other tempt- : ed men who have a fine devoted family to ' peril in their disgrace aad min.

been the means of my not perceiving its ihe great boulder was lying that had sealed ' *''^ ^^^ t^® Pacific— Lake Michigan having ! hunger and poverty, but this prison crime

I know full well that one of those sadden storms was no slight thing to encounter, aud that unless I could find sume place of shelter among the rocks. I must experience a thorough drenching. i\s it would be im- possible for me to reach the camp belore it would break with all its fnr>'.

It suddenly occurred to me that a short distatH-e l)ack I had seen what appeared to the entrance to a cavern. I had noticed it particularly from the fact that a large rock htmg above the entrance, which Kx>k- ed to me as if tbe faintest jar would dis- place It and send it crashing down over the aperture.

I hastily retreated to this spot; but upon reaching it 1 hesitated about entering. The great boulder hung upon a mass of cium- bling rock, and lui iked even more threat- ening than when I had passed it Then I thought that I was childiah in my fears, as the rock had doubtk-ss remained for ages in the same posit'.on that it now occupied. Another dap oi thunder auil a deluge of rain decided mv, and I passed into the cave on aU fours, but not until I had tried the boulder with all my strength, though then I could not help thlukins how foolish it was in me to think of moving it Appa- rently I mlgbt as well have attempted t*i shake the entire cliff, as far as effecting any result was concernetl.

I found the eave to be about ten feet in length, half as many in breadth, and per- haps four in height. It was Ughted to its farthest extent and there was a narrow passage extending from thence further in- to the mountain, though so obstructed by sand and large rocks that the aperture left woatd hardly have admitted of the passage

is done by the book houses, nearly reaches $3,000,000 per year. Of th.j unabridged dictionaries, Griggs & Co. sell annually, 1000 copies of Webster, and about 25 ot Worcester.- C/iicago Post, Oct. 19, 1869.

was pure. The district in which the discovery was made bought this piece for ninety-three marks, and then forwarded it to Helsingfors. The men endured many privations during tbe four weeks emploved I

in traversing an uninhabited region, and I ^^ "^^^ whole Materia Medica there is they were finally compelled to di.scontinne ' certainly no remedy that is as reliable a their search by 'scarcity of provisions. In ] Specific for oar Malerial Fevers, viz: Chills conjunction with a third person, who has j '^'^'^ ^^*^.'.. Cortgestive and L'ilioiLs Fevfri, earlier been engaged in gold-washing in '^ ^''•

reaching solid bottom.

—When Bamum was piaving bankrupt a dozen years ago, Thackeray, with enthti&i- astio friendship, called on him in England, offering to gel help tor him. Barnum .<«miled apon Thackeray and bade him be of good cheer, for Mrs. Bamnm was worth over $200.000.

Hailstones as large as tea-caps, and weighing a pound and upward, fell at .Aus- tin, Texas, a f<iw days ago, with soch force

emment for permiaaion to search for gold in Lapland. The resnlts of the sninmer s work of the two men were satisfactory, f r j they obtained sixty ounces of gold', for i which they received six thousand marks.

L'Uious WUhoft's And- Peril idir, or /^i-erand Agiu Tonic made m New Orleans by Whee- lock, Fmley Jt Co. Sold at wholesale by Fuller, Finch <!: Fuller, Chica)^.

quainted with it as most patent medicines are, a mere clap-trap to catch the simple. It is not in reality a Patent Medicine, but a j genuine article, prepared by men who have an intimate acquaintance with Medicine, and the requirements ot tbe system when laboring under disease. For Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Nervons lability, «kc., it has no equal. We know ot a number of persons who suffered for years with these complaints, until they were relieved by a trial of this remedy, and one person in pariicular, who suffered from Dyspepsia for ten years, desires us to state for the information of tbe public, that be has been entirely relieved and rehtored. he believes, by the use of this article alone.

The above is taken from the editorial col- umns of tbe "Dispatch," Erie, Pa., and speaks volumes. " Hoofiand's German Bitters " is entirely free from all Alcoholic admixture.

Hoofland's Qerman Tonic is a combina- tion of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz Rum, orange, anise, | <fcc. It is used for tbe same diseases as tbe Bitters, in cases where au Alcoholic Stim- ulent is required. It is a preparation ol rare medical value, and most agreeable to the palate.

A Sewing Machine which is sold fob only Five Dollars. For tbe benefit of our lady readers, we copy from our files the following suggestive extracts:

"A Sewing Machine has become an ab- solute necessity in every well regulated family. The 'Fairy' will work a complete revolution in an article of so much utility, and commends itself wherever used." N. T. HeraLL

"Those who depend on their needle for a living will give the "Fairy" a hearty wel- come."—Z/«irj/ Ward Beechtr.

"Possesses every requisite for family use.

i - A'. Y, Observer.

j On receipt of P. O. Order for tbe amount of $5, tbe Company that has this valuable invention will ship by Express a Sewing Machine, perfectly adjastcd, that they war- rant will do equally as good work as the

' higher priced ones —or it can be sent C. O.

: D., by addressing the Fairv Sewing Ma- chine Co., 85 and 87 Dearborn St, P. O.

, Drawer 5787, Chicago.

The Laboest Fubkitubz Housk in the ' northwest is that of Messrs. A. L. Hale k Bro., Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16, Canal street, Chicago. This house have on hand the largest and most complete stock we ever witnessed. They manufacture their own

The Best and Orioimal Tonic of Iron Phosphorus and Calisava, known as GasweU Mack <t Co.'s Ferro Phosphorated Elixir ol Calisaya Bark. The Iron restores color to the blood the Phosphorus renews waste ot tho nerve tinsue. aud the Calisaya givcb a natural healthful tone to the digestive er* K&ns thereh}' curing Dyspepsia in its varioue fiirnis, Wakefulnoes, deneral Debility, aud Depression of Spirits. Manufactured only by CAMWELL, IIAZAHD .t CO., successors to Caswell, Mack & Co., New York. Sold by all Druggists

Among THE Indians.— Lioui. Herndon tells us that no Iribea of aboriginees aie found in tho deeoest forests of South America, from I ho Andes to tbe Atlantic coast, that do not have and use Doct. Ayer's mi d cincs an J Lowell cottons. "Tbemont," "Sdffi)LK," "fooTT," are s^en stamped in large red and blue letters upon their f^arments, while Ayer's I'llls and Cherrv Pcctorial are amcmg the trca.-nre8 of their i abitations. Their native soil Inrnish s them all their food and moetol their remevh^s, bnt tin y t-ufiVr from eome HfllictioiiH which nin«>t hive ilic interposition ot higher skill. Seiit>ii<-1, Lihetiy, \'a.

Tde Seobet of Bevitty lies in the US'* ol EIai;an's Magnolia Balm for tho Complexion.

Ilou;,'hne8H, Il<!dnesH, Blotches, Sunburn, Freckles and Tan disappear where it is ap- plied, and a beautiful Complexion ot pure, satin-like t<.xture is obtained. The plainest features are made to glow with Healtbliij Bloom and Youthful Beauty.

Rem mter, Hagau's M;*gno1ia Balm is the thing that produces thei?e effects, and any Lady can secure it for 75 cents at any of our stores.

To Preserve and Drees the Hair, use Lyon's Kathairon.

WHOI.ESALF. Ar.ENTS. Fuller, Hnch A Fuller, Lord A Smith, K. P. Dwyer 4 (k>.. Burnbams A Van SjdJaacit, Hurlburt 4 EdsaU, I'olman t Kin«, C hica«o ; tireen * Button, Rice A Itisinc, BosWi>rth A ^on. r>ohmen « Schmidt, Milwaukee; .Mc< ulloch A .McCord, Lat'row; Noyoa Bros., .St. Taul. l^oUins Bros., Z. V. Uetze^ Meyers Bros.. St. Louis; Moore A Tarbet. Zunkerman A Ha&H, UubUQue.

At retail by all druiocista. Price 81.S0.


WiU all thoae afflicted willi C'ousb or f onsnmpriou read the toUowint;, and learn the valud ut

Allen's Lung Balsam.


Amos Woolly, M. D., of Kosc-iu.sco County. Ind.. says "tor three years past 1 have used Alixn'm Lcno B*i. SAM extensively in my practice, and 1 ainsatished tbur IS no better medicine for lunn diseases in ums.

Isaac R. Ltoran, M. U., of Logan i ounty. Ohio, says "AlUlN's l.c.Nii B.\l.sxM not only wjlU rapidly, but ni\e perfect sausfaclion in evor}- case withiu lui knowlc-ilKe Having oonndence in it. and knowing that it i>os»psse valoaUe mcdiciiuU pmiiorties, I ircely u** it in my dail practice, and with uul>o«nJcd ^.ul•^:^•s^. As au c po torant, it ia most certainly tar ahead of any preparatio I have evor yet known."

Nathaniel ilams, M. D., of .Viddlebury, \t.. aajra: "I have no doubt it will soon bec.uie a cl.issical remedia scent for the cure of all diseiises of thu 1 hroat, Uron- cfaial Tubes and thu Lungs."

Dr. IJoyd, of Ohio, surceon in the array dunng tb» war, from exposure contracted » on^umpUon. He says: "1 have no hesitancy iu saying that it was by the <ise o yonr Ijung Balaam that I am now alive and enjoyin Wealth."

Dr. Fletcher, of Miasouri. says: "1 recommend ,votu Balaam in preference to any other medi>-ine tor (Jou^hs, and it gives satisfaction."

Allf.n's LtiNG R.^LSAM is the remedy to cure all Lane and Throat ditticulties. It should be thoroughly it-»e<l before using any other Balsam. It wiU cur^ w^en nil others fail. Directions accompany each iKito'i .

J. N. HARRIS 4 1 'I ) , Sole Proprietors, ' 'i: ndunatl. Ohio. For sale by all Dmggiata.

Bowel Comitlaiiit aud JVvor and Ague

Can lie cured with




Great Family Medicine of the Acre.

We ask tho attention of the trade and tUc> nublio to this long and unrivalled FAMILY MKDKUNi:. For the cure of (.'olds. Coughs, Weak Stomach iind t.enend Debility. Indigestion, Cramp »ind Pain in I'lo Sloiuach, Bowel (Complaint, «J<ilic. Diarrhrea, Cholern. Ac, and lor FKVICK AND AC UK there is nothing better. Ithaa been favorably known for more than seventy live years to be the O.MiY SCKK SPK« IFK: for the many disciises incident to the human family. Internally and Kxter- nally it works equally sure.


Has been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimnble friend of the missionary and tho traveler, on sea aud land, aud no one should travel on our lakks or liivnis without it.

Be sure that you call for it and gel the genuine Pain Killer, as many wortblcas nostmiiis are attempted to be sold on the groat reputation of this valuable medicine. i V" Directions aecomp.iny each bottle. Sold liy dealers everywhere. Price i\ cents and $1 per bottle.

i. N. HARRIS A CO, Proprietors for tbe WestArn and Southern States,

(Jinciniuti. Ohio. ^

SsrFF OB DUST OF ANY KiNU, and, etronp;, caustic or poiuouous solutions aggravate Catarrh and drive it to the lungs. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uemedy cures Catarrh ly its mild, siothinp, cleansing and Jvealinij properties. Each package prepares one I'inf of^ihc Reme- dy ready for use, and costs only fifty cents. Sold by druggists, or semi hixtv cents to R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.,and get it by return mail.

See AnvnitTiBKMh.NT of Dr, liMtts' Dispen- sarv, head«d Book for tho million— MAR- RIAGE GUIDE-in another column. It should be read hv all.

Infants.— Much suffering to these tender little buds of the human famly might be al- iased by using Mrs. Whitiomb's Syrup. See advertisement in another column.

Sold at Hilwaokee by H. Busworth A Sons, Greene A Button, Rice A Rising, Drake Bros , Dohmen, Ikohiuidt A Co., and all Milwaukee Druggists.

Itch I It&hl! Itch!!!

«C'IIATC}I SCRATCH t ! 8CUATCH ! ! ! IVheatoia's Ointment

In from 10 to 48 hoar*

Cares Tbe Itch. Cures Halt KbeHBI. Cares Tetrer. Cures Barbeni' Itch. Cures Old !Sorea.

Curf» rvery kind r\f \umor XOa

MAGIC. Price, SOc. a box ; by mail. Wo

Address WEEKS A POTTKB, 170 Washingtoa St, ' For sale by all Drosffista Boston, T'

No. 9.



HAYS PROTRD, ROM THI MOST AMPUI •xperiMiM, an .Mtira .mumu : Staple—

PKB.tONS in want of Trusse<t, .Supporters, Artificial Ijmbs, or Surgical lustniments, can be supplied at maker's prices, bv addressing I. N. MORTON, Drnggist, next to Oiutom House. Milwaukee. fablfilr

PnivATE medical aid. advertisement.

Read Dr. Wbittier'a

Special Notices.


A (IKNTLEMAN who sufTered for years from Naryoos Debility Premature Decay, and all tbe effects of youth- ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making tho simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to proht by the sdvertiser's exiMrience. can do so by addressing, id perfect oonbdence, JOHN B. OiiDKN, Na 43 Cedar street. New Tork'

PrepKimtery Medicmtl— .

The haman system, the most delicate and sansiUve «U created things, shotUd bo duly prepared to meet the shock occasioned by a sudden change in the tamtwra- ture of the air. Even the solid metals contract and expand under cold and heat -so that if man was com- posed of iron, instead of frail tissues and tibres. circu- lating fluids and brittle osseous matter, bis frame would not be proof against the \ ianMaitudes of cUmate. As it is, it t>ehooves every one, especially the feeble, to fortify the frail tenement of mortality against the inclemency af the present season. A wholesome, strength sopply- Ing vegetable tonic and alterative is the preparatory medicine reqnired, and among medicinal agents of this character. HOSTETTKR.S STOMACH BITTERS •taiui tupremt. In a successful career of nearly a quar- ter of a eeotnry. the preparation has never been eqoaU ad or approached, and its sales are now larger than those of any half dozen articles, purporting to ^clo^k to the sams class, that has ever been advertise., ,,. «iia coantiy. As a remedy and preventive of Drst-rFstA. and all its complications, it may be said to hav) //r* i dotm ecmpftiiion, and to be the standard st>eetlir f>< the Western Hemisphere. A coarse of this genial restora- tive at the commencement of Winter is the snrest *afe^

Prompt— Sffldaat and RaliabI*. Tb«y are' tb* only Hadleiiiea ptrflBetlT ad^ited to popular om. Milmplo thai mlatflikM cannot m nude ia vaiag them ; to hmnlMg M to be ft«e fhnn dan- ger, and M effldcBt m to be alwsye reliable. Thfljr have ralaed the hlfbeet commendation bvm. all, and will alwajrt render MUlalbction.

Hoe. Cental

1, CnrM F«¥«n, qoMMtlOB, Trtmm>tloB».as *• Z ^>?»yi"«i worm Ferer, Worm CoUcas S. ** Crylnc-OoUeorTeetbucoflnfltnts^s 4, ^ PterrneeaefChlldfen orAdnlts. .K o.

\. I. if


14, 16, 18.



1», «,


«. K 26,


amnntmry, Orlplnc nilon* CvUc.2.5 ol«ni-H*rkiM, Vomitliis 25

Ooas^u, Colda, Bronefaltia as

MnanOCte, Tootluiebe, Faceache ..as IlMiA««hMBlekHeadaeBe,VertiKols

Dyapavala, BiUona Stoiucb %

Sappr«M«d, or PalnfUrPerioda...25

IMrMtan, too proftaM Period* as

Cro», Coogh Difficalt BmthlDr.as Salt Bla««na,SrTtipelaa,EmpUuag35 RlteBmiatl«M,lU>enmaUc peine, atl F«T«r 4e Afpf, Chill Fever, AgneaSO

Piles, blinder bleeding TjO

Opthalaiy, and aore or week Eyenso CatarrtuMte or chranic,InflnenHiM


Anubaut, oppreaaed Breathing so

Bar IMa«harcea,impairedhearlDeriO SeronJa,enlarKed glanda,a wel II Dk s.^) OeaonaDebUity.pEyaiealweaknesBSO I>roM7, and icanty SecreUona.. ..oo



83. »4,

goods and are thereby enabled to offer to i coard sgamst ail the coii<plajnts which are caused or

the trade goods at cost until January Ist, ' »«[ravated by exposore to ooid.

1870. Their retail department contaiDB all the latest and most elegant styles erer i offered, and to those wnLshing first-clnss ; goods and the lowest priceii, we would any ' give them % calL '

—The raw fur trade of Micnipan amounts to nearly $1.U(X), 000 annually, the greattr portion of which is transacted in L'etroit Tbe principeJ skins taken ar« mink, tin, tisher, lynx bear, beaver, otter, gray, silver. aJid cross fox, mtukrat^ cat, raccoonand vol£. .•..' ,

-Barton Johnson has b4!en arrested,

having in his possfisaiou two one thousand

dollar United States bonds identified as a

portion of the upwards of $100,(100 m stock

certidcates smd United SUtes bonds stolen

„.». from Messrs. Morrison <t Hatchinson, in

mar-J November, last year. He says^ he got them -daCiDg quantities they greatly eicel all

red^l from a man li^ng in New Htfiapehire. ' other xraneties. yielding at leaat klyee times

'*- more than the ordioan kinds. In feeding.

An Also AoEiiltF skead . of au

To Fabxzbs.— We call the especial atten« \ tion of every Farmer who reads this paper j to tbe Norway Oats, which are something { that have astonished the world. In pro- :

wild- \ _. ~ :" *"*■■ r-g*- . more than

, - yJ^ -fiaixa Ve5jejLabiii..Jd»«dian.jair*«^wet,Q,jayfe


The Advertxaer, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after havmg su tar- ed several years with a severe lang affection, and t bat dread disease. (Jonsuraption. is aozious to make known to bis fallow sufferers, the means of care.

To ail who desire it, ha will send a eapj ot the pre- sciiptluu used tfree of charge i. with the direelions for prapamc an4 using the same, which they will iiud a StTKB CiTXS roii Ck>X8Tnn>no;(. Asthma. BBONCRiTn. etc Tha obieet o< the adiuilisai in sendiBg tbe pre- acriptton ia to benefit the afBictad, and spread informa- tate sbich ha eoocaivas to be lOTmlaabie ; and he hopes jreqt.aoflvar will tzr bia lemady, aa it will east th


Ickne— .alrlfaeaa lh>m ridloefio

KIdnej-IMncaac, Qravel sO

Herwoas DebUlty Semtlnal; Fwil— l»M, involoBtaiy Die-

CUBcK^S, , •••• ••"• •• •••••■••••••••X W

84»re Hoath, Canker so

Vrlnarr ureakneaaLwetUncbedSO Palmml Period*, with apeama. .so

•■flToriaca at change of life. i oo

BpUoMjr,Spaama,SLVitaa'Dancel 00 Mphfliarta, lUoenUadaoretbroat.M


CM- 8S «• 70 laic* wlala. ; or roae^rood caae, cai

a ■peeUle for •'wvrf oi

dlaeaao a fbtflalljr la aabjocs ta, aa4 baoka of dtracttoma . ........

FroallOto ttS Smaller F|umily and TraTeilac eases,

withaotoMvlaU froml^toftS

Specidca for an Prlvat* IMMBaa«a,both for Ovrlac and for PreTomltTe treatment, in viala and pocket eaaea,$3to$S


Cntwa Barma, ■ral— a, Laasanea^ •oreB««a,aaro 1t%i eal,»pi almsLTootC ache. BaraclM, Naaralida, Bho«aa». Uaaa, I.— afcaaa. PUaa, IMIa, SUiuea, Bora Wj9m, BlaadlBjKOf Um Lnnaa, tf oae, Moaaadi. or orrUaat Cama. 1J1« •ara, eiA Saraa. PrlcaftOc«a.«a$1.7S

jr Tbase Benedies, except PQIIC'9 EI- rRACT, br tbe caa* or alnfle box, are sent ta my part of tbe coontry, bj mall er azpnaa, ftaa i>feDaisa,oaraoa^t of the price. .

Addraaa Hmnphr«7iC Speoifio '" "^ *'*

Homeopattaio MeoioiiM Oompoij',

Offlce aad D«pot« Ho. MBaoAmraT, Row lock.

Dr.Hnmn peraonallyor by lattw, as above, tat all



laeoMaHeddaUyatbta oMok

r I




i -1


4J ;


THE FUEh Hu>lr.cMi:..iL;.



Extract fri>ni (he Speech ot lion. Mat.

Carpeuter, attli*: Wlscuuitiu State


•r*t cnowTU or


J1050P0tT M

The pecuniary intereit of oar people in this nahject, great tw* it is, is unfortunately not their only nor thoir greatest interest. Tlic people of Wij<ounsin are a portion of the people of the i United States, and as suoh are jointly interested ; in and jointly responsible with the people of •ther States, for the perpetuity of our froo insti- ution^. I

It was for many years Seliered by car wisest \ ind purest statesmen, that our iustiturious were \ ,n danger from slavery. Hut It is my hone»t be- lief, that they are to-day in far greater danger ! from the combinations of capital, the oon.«olida- ' tion of monopolies the great trinity of power, railroad, express and telegraph companies, which are struggling to control the destinies of this country than they ever were from slavery. Slavery wa.« spread over a va.«t territory but eould only act through political ajeucies so that it* plottin^s and proceedings were seen of all men. It wa« a sin .to damning, nu I a curse so heavy, that the mural sentiments of the people and the syinjiftthies of the world were ngniustit: altogether and under all cireum-'tau -cs : ia ileia.l and in general. It was cirmmsoribed by geographic limits, and the niitneri -.il majori- ty of our people who watched it with je:i!ousy and hatred, always had the jtuctr. if not thof'eA- i.i<a/ fiuiliutioHnl riyht, to suppress it at any timo; aud it was always certain that whenever it should ..peiily assail the exl-lence of tree in*ti- tutions. the people, who believe that constitu- tion.' are ma le ior men and not th.it men are ma do for constituiions, would find a way '.o put it down. And "o it finally irai e.vtin^iiiih- cd. (.applause.)

Uui railf'ad, expre« and to'eg:n«]>h companies, untcr proper regulations and with:u whole.'ouie re«tri(tirtu<, are not only harmless but absolutely a necessity of our modern eivili/.»fion. They mav proudly ancl truthfully j^int to the immense service they have rendore.l to the people in facil- | itatiiij? e'lmmerce an«l brin;;'ng the comforts of ! life to every man's door. Tno d.ingers to the public arise not from thr u«e, but fi dui the abuH' of the powers which have l>e»n gianted to these 1 corporations. Lnmised evil is aiwiiys coudeiiiii- ed and aroided. and i"« therefore harmless. It is j evil that comes in »h>uiuj mi n-nt, with sedu.'tive 1 manner, with much that is really pleasant and | g . > I, that wins its way into fho puni lie of pop- 1 ular appr >b:ition. The'e is no eonrtict between | labor aoi the legitimate profits of capital But j the great pojsoa in this country is the love of Wi-alth- Au 1 as life is short, au.l every man im- I patient of results, and the great tendency is the | consolidation of a;^encies to atcomplirh vast re- I suits speedily. So that whenever competition bc- pins, piinsolidation results. A short time since, | the Merchant's Express Company wa- organized ' with an immense capital, in the intercuts of the people, a* it was said, to break down the monop- oly of the then existing company. Competition Went on, until both companies came to the not unnatural conclusion, that it would be more prof- iiable to unite and plunder the people for their joint benefit, than it was to carry merchandize for too low a rate to amount to compensation. J-o tbey consolidated; and now have everything their own way. Various telegraph companies have passe 1 through the same experience and reached the same result. Railroad companies »re not behind in the wi.'dom of this generation, and are now bending all their energies to a con- nolidation, which will prevent competition and deliver the people bound hand and foot into their lender keeping. For all practical purposes wc have but one telegraph com))any in the Uni- te 1 Stales, and but one express company. If nothing is done to check the present tendencies, it will not be lon^ until wo shall have but ono railroad company in the United .■^tates;and then it is by no means improbable that three monster monopolies may, "in order t . form a more perfect union," "insure rl„m>-^tirtniii>iiiilitif,' provide for their '-coinm >n defence" and pro- mote their "general

Supreme Court, the State of Iowa has abdicated its sovereignty over the great highways of the State, and transformed ibem from trust properly, held by the corporations for public use, into ab- solute estate in individual and private right. This declaration is not less important and start- ling than the Dred Scott deoision ; and exhioits the dangerous tendenciea I have been considering If two railroads in our State, with their rolling stock, buildings, fixturos and other property per- taining to them, are private property owued, op- erated and used by the rc-'pecti^e companies "/or the tJcU*irt lewjU and adauntnije oj the H(c!t- kiAdert" of the respective companies, then they may, as ca.^ily and as legally, bo consolidated, two larms owned by two individuals may be changed from individual to joint ownership. As soon as a railroad is declared to be i,riv,tU j>i<,j>- «rtv, all the con.sequcnocs of private property at- tach to it, and it may be operated or abandon- ed, kept or eold, at the option of its owners In ; other words the public have no control over it. | and the owners have a right to operate it with- , out the slightest regard to the interests of the ; public: which thev will be certain to do. Con- solidation will destroy competition: and then the capitalist can e.\aci just what he pleases for , transportation of commodities, which, of course,

must be paid by the producer. I It is cvi.lent, that any rate of tolls above a fair profit upon the amount of capital octuuHif »« y.^V '■ ed iu railroods, is an unjust exaction which 1 ' should be restrained by law, if any power exists I to restrain it. It is further e\ideut that if the ; doctrine be conceded that our railroads are mere ^ ' private proporlv, and legislatures powerless to 1 control them, the grosse,->t abuses and apprehen- , ! sions will follow. .Most civilized countries reg- ulate th* rate of interest, by I'cnal laws; visit- ! ing severe penalties njion the capitalists who . takes advantage of the nc3es»ities of the borrow- ; ! cr. But there is infinitely more need of legisla- tion here. Loining money is a thing within the power of anv private c'.ti/;cn having money ; he needs and obtains no legislative franchi.-'e, ot ' monopoly of the loaning business. Competition , . is therefore eerUiu to exist; and this, ot itself, is thought by many, to be sufficient protection aga usl the ext.rtion of lenders. But how does . it stand with capital invested in railroads, lu i the lirst place the company has a monopoly i The state has clothed it with corporate powers ' aud immunities. The farmer must export his produce over the railroad, because tA«re i»iu< one. Every man docs not owu a railroad; every man coubi not operate it, exacting toll." from the pub- lic, if he did own one. That requires legislative sanction. The producer is therefore iu the power of tlic capita!ist.s, as to trau.-portafion : aud un- less the law eau restrain or limit his demands. oppl•e5^ion may and will be practi.-ed. and. un- til within t«o or three years, the power the legislature to control railroads, a.-i public high- wiivs. has universally been conceded. Bnt the new doctr.ue now eoutcnded for, that a railro:id is private and not public property, strikes a death blow at all legislative control, and leaves the people at the mercy of our corj). rations, ro tar as the Sta'e governiiunt is eomcrued. The State can control the management of public property : but has no right to control the use of mrre/jrii-u/e

and all other materials required could bo pro cured by contract, as the government gets ua- tenuls lor harbors and other public .mprove- Bienls. f he only thing needed lor whioh would cost iheg«.veroniont what it wouio ould be the iron. In every ould have an ad-



pl.int; if he employs laborers, and buys ;-.ni< horses to carry on his farm, ho will tei

p, onrrty.

If the state of thing* now existing


defeuce" aud " "ordain and



tablish a constitution," which shall combine three in one; and it will be owing to the mer.y of Heaven, or the vigilance of our people, if they I do not so far extend their schemes as to ur'/uin a n^ir constitution /or th» pcopU 0/ iftt L'nited :!>t,iltt.


This fearful conisolidation lends to withdraw corporate action from public observation. Slave- holders coul.l plot in secret ; but to execute their s.'hcmes they had to publish their plattbrms and ■"70 to thr rooiitrif" for a trial. The people v.ere th IS informed of what was intended, and it was lh i- own fault if they did UDt take care of tlieni- se Vj-«. But the railroadi. express and telegraph buMuess of the United Statej oinbrHcing u;itold millions of capital, reaching into every State. Territory, couutv, town, village and farm of the countrv,' may all be managed by a board of fil tcon di'rcotors. sitting with closed doo-s, by .an- dle li"ht, in Wall street. What they determined upon,"thoy need not submit to public examina- tion nor to thj contingency of a general ele-jtion bv the people; and thus a power more formida- ble than the p jwers of this gigantic national Gov- because more clo-ely touching

is an evil, and the tendency is to an aggravation of that evil, it is interesting, to eonsider whether any and what remedy can be invoked.

It l< evident that a corporation which owns a railroad through half a dozen State.*, cannot be oontroled bv any one State, and if every State should enle'r upon the task, it is certain that each would have a theory of its own, and noth- ing but confusion would result. A regulation to be of any avail must be uniiorm ; there can be no uniformity where thirty sovereiguties are ut- tering their voices and enforcing their wills upon the same subjc-t This consideration led to the adoption, in the eonstitution of the 1 uited States of the provision that Congn-.-s should have power "To r,./,i(atr loniincrce with foreign nations, am<»,(j'the ititrni Stuff, and with the tribes." Art. 1, sec. 7.

Commerce in the general sense is defined to "an inter change or mutual change, of good.-, wares, procluct;ons, orjiroperty of any kind, tween nation', or individuals, or by jiurchaso aud sale;" iransp.. rial ion of jic.-ons as di>e. Every railroad company emi.loyod iu uiov ing mercbaiidise or transporting jicrsons one State to another, or fiom one State through one or more States, is engaged iu commeree "among the several States." as much as the ..wner and uiastt r of a suip suiiing Iroiu iN«w York to Liverpool, is cngiiged in tereign I in

I -H

1 rcgulati"!. by Congress I lime regulate the running of trains, ! iff of rates, and in every respect re-ulate unn I control the proccedinj< of any railroad company ' in rci-rd cosuch couimtrcc. A cooipany wi.o.-'* j road'issitUHled wholly within t(.e limits 01 a ' pariicular State, as to all produce wLuh is dcs- 1 tincd for a distant St;ito. is aUo engaged u. com- t mer.e among the States. And ev-n those cases. I wberc the charter ot the company aiuoun s to i a contract which would prevent 'be interfwrcnce are nevertheless witliin the power because n-i ?tatu can exonerate from the duty ot

a private party,

other regpectibe govt rnmenl w

vantage. What has made the building ot our

railroads soexpensive. has been the poverty ol

thecorapauivs The company bts usually been

eomi>elled to mortgage its r-ud bcl..ru it wa:,

completed; sell i's bonds at a feaiful diM-eutu :

ijivo coniructc in which directors were interest

ed. agreeing to pay i«iie what the work w.i.-

wortb. But the objector will say, the stealing

from the governmciit would be mucii gr«.i'ter. 1

do net beliove tbis. I have heard no c.mplaint.-

Idtdy that tUe money which has beoi. appropii-

ated to build Post Oflices and i ourt Houses i.n.i

improve our rivers and harbors, bus not been

honestly applied. If the government cannot

liwd among our peopla honest incu enough to

administer its affairs, men who will disburse us

funds without stealing ihem. it should stop, an.i

prono: nee free institutions and government by

the people, a failure and nn impossibility.

(3) It will also be said that the g..reriimeni is alr-ady burdened with a heavy debt, that 11 would be uiadaess to en'er into so gigantic a scheme of internal imj-rovcment in our preaeui "•on'iition. .

This depends upon a more question 0. pront or lo.ss in regard to the particular transaction. It a farmer who was heavily in J'jbt should, lor (bat reason hold his bunds i" tbo t-pring, i.nd re \ fuse to buy seed wheat on credit, and so let his : farm go to waste, his wisdom would not hi ap- ed If he buys wheat and corn to sow ana

' oxen


rarilv increase bis'indebtedness; but in no olh- er way can he realize the rich crops of aulum;: which may not reap tho expensi.s of the year, bjt go far towards li(iuida<iiig uis indebtedness. So if the government coul.l build a railroa.l from Chicag ^ to New York in three years, up- on which it should levy «uch tolls as w,.nld have thwefTect to reduce the cost of transporting mer- chandize one-half and still pay for its own e n- struetion in twenty years, after which tho tolls eould be atill farther reduced down to tho actua cost of keeping th« road in repair, then it would not be an extravagance but an act of prudence to do it ; because the government would by this proceeding lose nothing and the pcoplo would begrctlyeuriehod. And it is to be borne in mind thut the people have got to pav this nation- al debt. The government couid not redeem a postage st.imp without thepco[do, and whatever enriches the people, develops tho resources country and increases its property, tends lo cr,.HSC thec.tpa.ity of the people to pay the delt Congress has heretofore grunted aid »o rail roa.l companies in the form of grants ol lands and bonds. The government «ets nothing back for tlio lands granted, and the people get no benefit, if she companies are to band together to plunder the commerce of the country. As a ' mere investmcMt, it would be better for the gov eriiment t.' build and hold a railroad until it

should be re cmburscd lor the expenses of its

construction, an 1 in the samu time save thepco- ph as much ui're, than to grant "o irrcsponsi-

' ble parties land or mon>y from whi?b no return

. will ever be realized either by tho goveinmoiit

I or the people.

i Now, follow citizens, I have made »hcse re-

nards, simply, if I eould. to direct tho public

mind to aconsidernticn o a maitsr worthy of a

nicb will, 1 beliove b. fi>re many


Also General Agents for

'WDCs^. K: 3iT -A. B B So

and other First Clar.M

C0ND1T& AUSTIN' Maiikato,Mliiii.,






Stock alwajs full, and custom- era can ai ai: times be turnishfd with anything iu the Drug line.


ARun r.

St. Paul

7:15 a in


4:r,0 p


.n:JU p m

I.e Sueur.

«J::;<i p


0:00 a m

St. J'aul..

6:(it) p

I.e Sueur

6:45 a m



Eastern Express.

l,enveSt. Paul 7:4.1 am. Ar. St. P:inl 7:10 p

Owntonn: & BastinsB Aecommodatie

eaveSl. Paul 3:30 p u>. .Ar. St. Paull I:i J a

Irains on tbis road make close conneetio

Merrlota with tniins on Milwaukee and St P.

liuilroal lor .Mnmeap'di


lor .Miiineiip'di-. Owaioiina, Uiin ,iid ill |)oints South and EasL and ut Si Pel vriih Minnesota .Singe Company"* line of <trt>< lor Nevr I'lm. and at Mhiikaio all poinU W i aiKi S'Miihwest. ^

Tivkets can be procured at the Liiion Tick Dffi -e. corner Third and Jackson strceis. and -

-he depot. West St. Paul.

' J.NO. F. LI.NCOl.S,

Siiueriiii' I'dent .

doYDKif Central Tickei Ayet.t. SP3U

J. C

Front Stieet,

2d door above Record fifBce. 2l:+p3ro

.f the in-

1^ C. TUOMP30N.

Boots and Shoes



NBATLY DONE. Go to Thompson's for your Boots.

E. P. Keedham & Son and B. Shoninger « Co.'s Mftpufacturera and Importers of



aKMER'S uelper



\yaifli<iip;tftn Sir** CHICACM>*




The only line rjnning THROUUll IRAl between I


I was v'ured simple remedy

316 4w

;.f Deafness and Catar. h b> aud w'il send the receipt free. Me8. M. C. LliUGliTT,

Uoboken, N. J.



We will tend a handsrine prospectus of our NEW ILLUSTRATED FAMILY BIDLE. to an V book agent, free of rlmrgc-. Address NA- TIONAL PIM5LISHIN0 CO., Philadelphia. Pa., Chi'-ag-, III., or fct. Louis, Mo.. 316-4w


Shows how to douile the profits of tho farm, and how farmer's and their ^on" •;='" *»''?' .'""tn $ieO per month in winter. 10.000 copies will

be mailed free to farmers. S*'"'^^";:"^,'!"'* **• ZEIQLEU, McCLRD-i t LO.,

Chicago, 111.

dre5.>< to 316 4w





Bkforb TnK

Footlights a.sd ScF..'<ii:s.

Bkoinu the


By Olive Logan. She lets things out, e.xhi ing in vivid colons the S'-ow World, as *cen from within and wiihout. From Pun>«t Shows to (Jrand Opera; MoniilebHn. .s lo Menageries'; Learned Pic.' to Lecturers. Rich, racy and h'gh toiied, it i# the great sensation, and all want it. Contains CJO pi^cs, rosc-tinied paper. Profuse- ly illustrated wiih »i>iri:ed cngravin?;'. Sells beyond all other books. Sample copy i iid nro- si>ectud to agents free. For eircnlars explain- ing, a-ldicss PARMELKE .t (^O., ;;1K.4,, Cineiiinati, Ohio.

A ecntleman who suffered for years from N«-"'^'"« P«"; l.ilVtV Prem*ureDecav,and«Utheefrect8 <.f youthfot

nl!L'cVe,h.n. will, for {he sake of ^'^-'"^, ',>;;- : , ^ ,en.1 free to »11 who need it. the rcce p ^' "^^ '^^^j '; " for uiaKinp the simple remedy by «hirh ^' , "[-'^J^^'J^

Balicrers *i=l.inK lo profit l..Mhe "'^^f"^';' '^^'"^VoHX with perfect toiiftucnte, .luij.^

cm do so by s'lilrfssio!.'.

D. OUUfN". No. 4-2 Cedir St , New Yrrlc. ryO CONSU.MPTIYEI!.

known lo liii fellow -s'lllcieis Uie nuiins of cut »-.

xTal Vho desire it he will send a copy of the prcscrlp. tion u.-e.l. (free of char.-el, w!.h th^ direcimns for pre- paringan.l u*iUK' the saire; which they will finrt cure for Oonjuuiplion, Astt.ina, Droi- jl.ject of ihe advertiser in seioliiiir/he ben.'Ht Ihe ■niicled,«n<i spread mf'> co.ieeiees will try hi-; rcinedy,

8.. re I

Astt.ina, Droiichiiis. ct<-. The |

Pie^eriplion U to i

riiialii^n which h<? |

to he invaluable": ai.d he ho^es every sufferer ]

it will cost nothint:. and may ,

(( ti fi Indian

be >d.- be- either by barter, ami incluikv* the well as of mereban- oyod iu


.leep thought, wnicb will, I heliove l>. l..re many yearigrow to great practical importame. 1 iiavenot sought to advocate any scheme, not even to recommen<l any particular proceeding. It is for tho people of Wisconsin to determine what tbey want done, and for their servants ip

>ey w Congress to .Applause.]

execute their judgment. [Hearty

State News.

L'jdge has been established


ork to Liiverpool, l:< ciigageu lu .... .j,.-

ler.e ; and coi.se-iucntly, as to .-u.-h busine.-i, i^ qually subject to the coiistiluti-nal power ol

Congrei«8 may ut fix the

iiiiy tar-

A Masonic l.auehboro.

Thj .Martin County -4'^"' "ays that Waller i.aiby. of Fairmont, was fcverely injur-d in a threshing machine, week l.ef'.re last. He lort two fin-ers and the nseof a third.

The f.»use j aper states that .Vr A. I. Fois has ncnriy secured the rec|ui«>ite in u.bi r of »ub- ieribers to bis Democratic uewspai-er, which be expects lo issue in January. The new paper will be printed on the Att<f press.

Geo. C, Chamberlain will soon commence tb" publication of a Republican newspaper at Jack sou, iu JaeksoB County.

The Albert Lea .'iVoiK/az-d says that "front the l9ih of October, when the first business of the ' Souibcrn Minuesotn Railro.id wbs transacted at .Vlbert Lea. up lo aiul including the ."0th vember, there were shipped from that 05.2tl buibels of whwl, 22. 02Cr pounds

thoUjji Slate con!


tou" will uorae to






rights aud pockets of the people exercised bv a few men who:<e interc-ts in things are directly opposed to tho latercsls the people, without tho con.Hent or even knowledge of the people. Tiie power of .-uch an organiration upon our popular elect.o;!-, with their paid agents in every school J><riet the iaimcn.enuml.er of their employees and olhcers. men of influence and intoPi^ence. al being directed by telegraphic coiiimunici » eeniral head in Mall street, and the i


capable of ation by mineti-i-

secretly a'

capital capable of being poured out secretly a anv point their power to build up or destroy towns andc.tie. by discrim nay n,' tariffs and to c-eate or dc.tror the fortunes of individuals.

to uu-

and The

cannot be over estimated

But some good, ea.sy soul, who never till he is hit, may think this is trembling at a„'inary eviU, or rallying to com

smarts im- imt .-ha lows. 1 hope so. But certainly it is wi^cr to apprehend a little too much danger and guar I against i.. than to apprehen 1 too little and be destroy .,d by i,. .od anr candid man who ook. ba.k fitt> years and"considers from « hat feeble be_<.nnings the^e tremendous monopdies h.ivc attained their pro-ent power and greatness may see rea<ion -o fear thai they may still farther advan,re their view:* and their consummations.

R.Vilroad companies first sought fran.-hise.« from tho State upon the g'ound lliat railro.ads were public highways, and as much nnd.er the control of the legislative po ver as any other ^ hi-hway. It was upon this ground, and this on- lyrthat the court* upheld the e.xf-rci.e of the r'ight of eminent domain in favor ot railroadcom panics, which euabled the company, a.- th.- agent , of the S;» c. to take any mau'.s laud lor the nse , of the road, in fa.-e of a eonstitution which tor- i bids the taking of private property, yr^/.t /or a y„Ui. u.t. Then, too, the inaucn lal and weal- thy men of a community boeame sto.-kholdcrs , of" the companies and controlled the roads in the interest of the etmuinnities along the .lie. uut all this is changed. I venture to say that not five men. and the Chan -es are that not one man in Madison, owns a dollar of stock in any rail- ^ road runnio* to or through this town. And as thechanu-ter of the stockholde-s has changid. thev have cra.sod to be the leading business men of the commuttities interested in the manngemcnf of the roads, and come to oe a few immense cap italists residing abroad. So. too, the theory up- on which the roads were originally constructed, j is changing: »ii<l th" Supreme Court of W i.-con- , •in and the Supreme Court of Iowa, two most i

intelligent and upright courts, have recently de- eidcl that a railroad company is a r«<r< pnratf aud that the legislature has no more

of ths St.iie, of Congress ;

any person or corporation

obedience to all coustitutioual regulations ol commoicc by the general government, lliefe- lora the laiiroads ot Iowa and W ii^coi.siii, a.- b wholly exempt, by recent .ioeisious. from I, mav nevtrlheie.«s be kept within just limits by the' exercise of congreMional aj- ihority.

[Applause.] , An-dher course is worth considering may be insuperaide ..bjeitions to il ; or it may become a nece.v-ity in iho future.

The.power to regulate commerce, include.- the oower'to facilitate CMinmerce : if not, liieu ever) li.'blhon.se on the .a llrntic coast is «heii.iing an iincoustitoti..nal light upon the midnight marin- ^T.—l Laughter.] It is impo.«>ible. 1 tbiak, ' distinguish between the power, in congress der lIic Constitution, to build a lighthouse its power to buiid a eami or a railroad, pra-iieal corsirudim which the Constitution lias received, is, thai Congress may lej:islate in aid of commerce. It may build harbors, im prove lakes and rivers an.l d.i whatever else may render commerce easy, safe and profitable. The cHconnujtuifxt as well as tho prutcction Ol I eommeree was o c of the chief m^dives which ' led t.> the adoption of the constiutiou ; and in i ' ibis light the constitution has been regarded by i ; .,11 our M.itesmcn. rh« United .-tales might ,

build roads bclwcen such prominent points as I the general irt< rests of coiniuercc re<|Uire. and ' in*ke them common highways, '.vtr which any i me'cbant or farmer i..igbt run a tra.n of cars, ' on coMf.rming to luch regulations as should be

! prescfilcd. ^ > 1 1

To illustrate. JiippoSe the government fhonld build a railroad wiih two or four tracks from ' Cliica 'o to New York ; and thro.» it open to the ' pub!ii"nsc. under certain regulations as to use. andalcert..in rales of toll to be paid by any ; ner.on running a tra^n upon the road. Il would i thus be iu the p.wer of the government to r^gu- i late the carrying business which is ."so important nn element in domestic c'.m'nerce, so as fully to protect the people. The power to do tnis is un- , questionable. If«ny man doubts ibe power as aregulation of commerce, there is no doubt as to the power of Congress to build a r.nlno,-,, road with four iron track, from Chicago to New York; ind when not actually re.,uired for the transhipment of troops or mi'itary suprlies, to anlhorizp its u«o »t certain rates of toil by pri rate individua'i. Our navy is employed not ly in protecting our foreign commerce suc-oring merchant TCSicl* in distress; doubt might bo employed, when njt needed national defense, in any way to prom-te nation- al prosperity. But, conceding the power, it wir be SHid there are many objecii-ns tobeur^ed against it. Undoubienly : but the questio.i x<. whether there are m..re blessings to be expected than dangers to be apprehended. (I.) It may be said that if would

0' No- station, of but- ter, 4,4 10 pounds of hides, l,4ti0 peunds of wool, Kud 11, ISO pounds of raiaoell ineeus freight. During the i-ame time thoie were received 674,- f.-et of lumber, 447 barrels of pall, and 429,-



At TRompson's, opposite the Collins House Winnebago City, Minn.



IN Till


Wheat ailv:incii>g and Gootls selling bel..wcust, fur ca.sli, at the Winnebago City Drug Store. Call and examine ]. rices before guing el.sewhcre.


Carbon Oil, Elephant Oil, LitiHoed Oil and Oil l*aiiits, White Lead, Red Lead, Colored Paints, kc.





The beist reading. Attractive. Entertaining,

Amusing. No Magazine for Vouag

People has atlained so wide

and well deserved a

repotalioii as



prove a bltssint:. Parties ^^i^llin^: l.lcase adiiriKs Hev. l-;l>\V.\l!D A buig Kings County. New York.

ihe i>rescr'.i)r.on will WIL.:*"N, WMUsnis- 3lS-ly


The author of tho.=e popular hooks, Dick," "Fame and Fortune," Ac,


Commences a ."^ew Story in theJan'jar> number- Forward your subs.rii'tions at once. The Oeio- I her, Nuveinber Hiid Iieceliiber iiuuihrrs will h< i sent free to all who remit Sl.-O (or IJ^T'* before i December lilh. A fi'io photograph ol .Mr. Al- ! cer will bo |,rp.scnied to every snoseriber ' 1S7I. JO.-Kl'lI II. ALLK.V. I'.iblusb-r,

vj(^ 4^ Hii8toii, Mass.





School Borks, Rlank Books, Station- Memoranda Rooka, &c.


1».T. BARM^M


In one large Ociavo Volnu.e-Neurly POO pages

Printed in Engii.-h :'iid lierinMU. ;!;J Ele-

giiut Full I'ligc Engravinj.'-

of his r. ec-

MoRSK'slsPiAS B«"^T J'n.i..'^. - \Ve hiive lately been shown the formula from which tbete 1 i are prepared, and from tbis and our cxpiricnec in the use of them, can hone.sily pronounce them a good, cafe and reliable medicine. Being en- tirely free from all poisonous inRredient* they can be salel> used while performing the active Uuiu> Ol life. We would advice all to u^o them : and by a fair trial vou can sec at once the bene ht derived from them. Use Morses Indian Root Pill.s in all ca.ses of IJilliou.^ness, Headache. Female Irregularilies, Liver Complaints, &c. &,ld by all Dealers.


MakiR" thii the most Comfortable, Expeditio * and Only Direct Route to

Clevebnd, Erie, DHiikirk, Buffa_



jf^AU the principal Railways of the Nor we'stand Soilhwest ronncrt at C'l>irn,,o with ; Four Daily Kxpresi. Trains, leaving Cbien«o7 A. M., 11:30 A. M.. 5:15 P. M.. anc »:00 P. M

Kiesant Drawinc Ko«in Coacbca

OnDay Expres-s Trains between Chicago, To do aud Ruffalo.

5:15 p. M. TRAIJi Rl NS DAILY

And has Palace Sleeping Coachei Attached,

I Runn*g Through to New Yor


Fassenecrs for Detroit, nnd all points in Cip da, an.l tho«e for Ohio, Pruvftili-aHia, yuc: Y- Hud AV.r Lu'jlnnd. should purchase tickets v LnL* Shpft nnd UifliiijrH Sonthein J{<iifir,i which are on sale at :ill principal Railway Ti.k Offices, and at tbe CompBn\'s Ottice.

No. 5G, ClaiU Ptrcct, Ctilcago.

F. E. MORSE, Gen'l Pas*. Apt., OTl? KIMI5ALL, Oenl .Supt, Chicago.

271 .vl Cleve'-uid, 0.


III numbers there if ?iifety, it whs upon

il« of Judson's .M-'untiiiii be result

prinvipie thai tiic foniiuia Herb Pi'l« w:is proi.iind. Il w;i.= no* „f one mill's k:.owled.;e. l»r. Judson inrcfliling to si.end a foiMinc in ;i4vcrtising i:is Pill.s. eon snl:ed the most intelligcut ni.d learn. d pbvsi- ciiins of the ago. and the result w»s the piodue- tion of a sim|.le but etSc«ii-us mcdicin'^ tie Ju.i. son's Mo.i..t!nn Ueib I'iilf. The»e pihs cure Ci:!iouMu'^e. Di.-pe,>.-ia, Liver Complunt, gestion, Femiile Irregulaiitic, Ac. J l.«-y uo-.v bceu us. d many years by the public, ihou»ands ot tcslimonials bear witness


Iii'ii b*ivo and to tticir vir'ucs. Ash family mi'licine iliey arc llnri^ ed. Give tho .M.>ui:tain Herb Pills a alal. Sold by all dealers.

WiNNF.BAGt) City tk Jackson


Le.ivcs Winnrbngo City every Fri lay at .'1 o'cb.j^

)i.v... an.l arrircfi at Jackson at <> o'clock p.i e\crv ."'.iturdav. ^

Leaves Ja;kson every Monday at 6 o doen no jiiid arrives at Winncbayo City at '.I o'clork in. every Tue.-tday, making eiose couuecli- wiih the Mankato ttiif.c. Pnssengers by ti.i^ r..-.;le pass through V nv.

ly. Ilorric in. May. and Walnut grove, and rl

1,'nly ill the day-time.

W. G P ANT. Proprietor

Wir.ucl ago City, July Hth, lSf.9. 2y



f ^ ^


\V-iunebago City and \Vasec|

y one ants it- n'lO suh.ocribers a

UjO pounds 01 miscellaneous merchandise.

Sheep aurt Wool lu the CJreat West.

The publisher of the HVsfer.i Ilitrnl is unro milling in his efforts lowani making that journal still more popular than heretofore. Among the new features for If TO. is to lie a Phccp and Wool Department, to be edited by Hon. A. M. (Jar- laod. President of the Illinois Wool Grower's As- sociation, than whom there is no gentleman in the West better acquainted with the wants inlcrcits of sheeji and wool growers.

The subject of raising sheep, the bcU for the West, an.l kindred questions, t only be discussed, but the wool an.l i tercsts in general— the market i>rices times and mo.lcs of selling wool— will also receive a full share of attention. Mr. (iarlands qualifi- cations eminently fit him for the charge of this department, aud we congratulate our farmers that they are to have the benefit of his experience and juilgmeut.

This is. but one of the numerou.s attractive fea- tures of that great Farm and Family Weekly. The subscription price is only $-'.00 per and specimen copies addressing H. N. F. : H'lraf, Chicago, IlL


Patent Medicines of all kind.s. To- liat'co and Ci-tars. Lamp Chiuineys and

It enibraccs forty yeut'g rccolketions

bu.-y life, a.s a merchant, niaiip;.Hr, loii.k

turer, and sl.ov, mini. No book published so ac

eep able to all rlii.-scs. E^e

Agents avernce fr..in .'jO to

week. Wc .ifler e.Ktra terms and pay fric;;f:t

West. H'ustrated Catalogue und Terms to

Agcnti sent fret.

J. D. BURR A CO., Pub's,

HI 6 8w Hartford. Con^ .


f "^ ?

TO THE WORKING CLASS.- We nro row j prei.arcd to fnrnirb all classes with c^.^.tant .-m- plovmcnt at home, tbe wb.-ie of the time or for ' tbe'-pare moments. lUisiness new. Ii^bt and ; i.rofiiable. Persons of eiitier sex ei'ily ei.rn | fr-m .^Oc to«.^ per evening, an.l a pr-.p-rti-nal i their wliolo time to tlie bust- I ncHily as much as j

Tliiit all who

the biisines.", we make

lo sucli as are not well

fcr I lie trouble

Wicks. Farcy Articles usually kept in 1 p ke.

ex........ 'distribution


317-tf C. J. F.XRLEY.

Winnebago City, Nov. 19, 1^09.




will not

Olden in-

aiid best


Keeps f'»uitantly on H»nd


Fresh and Salt Meats,

LIQUORS AlSV CIGARS, Smukiiig and Chewing Tobacro


Cash Gifts to the Amount $500,000,

sun bv devoting ness. Dovs ami girls earn

mm. Tlintallwho see tbis noCce may send tbeir n.ld.ess. «od lest Ibis nnpiraileled offer : s.itiflic'l we will send •■^l to pay of willing. Full partienlars, a valuable . "sample, which will do to c.mmen.e w..rk on, and V"'"^' of the /'eoj.h-» Litem, J/ ('„N.i,n,ti<,»--ono of he d best family news|.a|.cr.s pul.ll^bcd mail. Reader, if .''•ou^ wmt p.-rmancnt. profl'able work, address K. C. AL- LEN i CO., Auj;usta, Maine.

Leaves Xinnebasro. /-very day except .Satnrl.'._ LcMves Wiv.seci. evprv .liiv eXT|<t Monli'"

Tills route 1..-S >\'T-wJ\ WIl.TOV. MINNLSO L.VKf:. tiK.\»'KLANn. and L.\.'i.* LAKE.

P;i-s.i--»T» I'V It.is new and popular r^utf wili « TWK.NTV Mll/V,S o' Irsvtl, nnd Biom-v. «i;;l »ol i only in tfiC dav-liine. tr.'inu ttirt upli in ONi: .lay. I lilo.MAf? Ot;OUtJK, rroj.ile'.o^l Winnebage City, Nov. iMh, \)fd*. :2rt4ttl

largest an

all ."enl free ><}■




5 Cash (iifts, each 10




Cheap for cash.

31. '.tf



., « 5.0iiU

i, .1 1,<)I>0

,( « :!i'0

« « 100

5'J Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each J.'JOO to 700

« .. MclodcoDS •• 7:) to 100

Sew ng M.ichines, 00 to 17 J

1.1 Watches, '^ I" •^""

silverware, *e., val. at fl.OOO.OOO

20 40





jUO (to Cash prixe.s,

Whereas, my wife Jane Krelsfo.-l, ha.sjeft my bed and board without just cau-e or prov. ca Hon, all persons are hereby not.fied not to trust or harbor her on my account, BS 1 will pay no debts of her contrnctinF-


Prescott, Nov. Cih, IH-'-'J.



WE hnve opened a shop on Rluo Envtii A- nue. for all kinds of b!nck.«mithin?. wag repairing. Ac. and will be found constantly hand and ready to accommodate our eu.'tomei .\ttciition is called to the following price.-;

H'.rsc shoeing, per span, *^ '

New Shoe, ---------

Setting .--hoo,

Wc "uarantce entire satisfaction to all who n-.*" palronTrcus. CLO.^.^ICK 4 .SMFi H.

Winnebago City, June 23d, 18C9.

-''COOO. J


Are prepared to store

50,000 BUSHELS OF GRAi:'

On reasonable terms. ;

Apply at Higgin's store building. Front strc. j Maakalo. They also keep tho cele-




aro sent, free of charge, by Lewis, Publisher Wcttern



St»te (f Minnesota, County of Faribault. The Stau; of Minnesota, to C. P. Hinds, Defendant.

You are tiereby summoned to l>e and appear before the un.r^rslr'od.'one „f ...• Justice, of . lie IV ace in sort fur said c..mitv...n tbe •.'...!. day of Uecen.lv.r, A I>. V.e-rHtlOocrocW A. M.,al.ny nffiee, in Winnebago Cirv' in sai.l c unlv. to antwer to Henian Hj.lt, in a civ- il action Should %cu fail to appe r. .1 the time and

('"• Uce aforesaid. ju.lK.u'-»l»,illl"^^ "^',"' H^'n.!^' Ho t.' fo^r 0«1- . -,n the .vi.lence »a.mce.l l-y -""-^. "^""'" »''"' '"' but in furh sum *s he Shan SI...W himself crHltledU.

(jiv^undermy land tb>'''-'»'V"l'urrJtn.^.:' "•gj^'lg. Justice of the Peace.


will pay thehiiih«t market price for




Winn-bagoCity, May 2C, 1869.



no for

inereage hich

or affairs 'than it has a bank, a manufacturing company.


power over its property over those of

or even a grist mill. 1 hey are public corjiora- tions when they want to take your land without Tour consent ; they are private corporations at 'soon as thev get your land. and. of course, entire- Iv exempt from legislative e^-ntrol. The Supremo Court of Iowa, in savs

the paironage of the general government w iicU is already very great. Ad mil it : would not the .nme re. son abolish the Posioffice Department .'

a nyent case.

savs tbe objeclor. the PostofSce is a neeessi-

p'reciselv, and tue question IS whether the

railroad, also, will not soon became a ne*'*';"^-

C ) It may be said that the expense of such

, work would he much greater if executed by the

government than by private individuals. This

dmit : nor do I believe it.

be compelled oy ttn



I ao n<


Default liavingbcen made in the conditions of a cer- tain mortpace dated .be Tib <lay "' •^^.P'*"^';;;;' ^^J ^^ 1«.;* executed bv Henry La.,ae and Kllen I^a.pie lus «ife "f Kar;b..ull CounlV. PLUe of Minnesola, parUee ef tbe brst p^rt, 10 D»vid P \Va».:alt. of Hancock < ourily . <U.eo, Mane, oarly ..f the second part, by the failure of said morti.-..«'.rs or either of them to pay tb« sum of ,,^1 undred ana sixteen .lobars and thlrly-lhree cents. 'S Which .mount U claimed to »>. due tb.r^n for /nncipal and latere*, at 'be date of this ..olice bpblc te fanner sum of twenty-lire .lobars, iti... M.pub.led 1^ J?or„.V. fee, to be paid In C....e ot f'-reclosure .,.,. -.!j_, „..-...-. ™-.. r.-e.irded on the luh day •>!









316 12w

mMch said nioitpa>.e was recorded on

\ U 1-«1-' at :> orlock p. m.. in the o(Bc- idDrtds. in said Karii auU Comity, in '!>..■>. and t.o action

:'ei.lenil>«r. oflhe Re^ ter of


i-<-ute. But they are org money f'>r stockholders, and -o morr p„irfr

the U limlntuTf hare ht, nutural

„, iktir o'ontrtu and riuht$ th'in ' poor man cannot, to be econ W A„. orcr ,h, like pn>per,y naJ r.yAf* oj

tr».».» ft other corpora: U'.'t.

the entire the-

ory i 1

-Thus, hj one hold d'«i-'.»ration. . . .„ ,

;vo?!;r/o.-»te right, and obligation* .. chang-

and the railronds of that ^^'^^'^ ^^ll'li^vZ'- .d from public highways '»'; -^X *o PmJre erlT. The railroad company "f^**" " ., .dd-.gations to consult the 'nt-.'-J '■^^P':,^;;,^ ,ha« yoa are to ask 'b*_pablicj.^h^.lber^ ? ^^^ ^^^

raise 'wneat or corn upon vo»r own


atur.^ ha. no more right to control taHf^ or regulate the management of a r»i

land; and Iroari. than it

and having suflBeienl capital couKt al

inical. Let us see. Suppose Cnnerc.-s should create a departupeni to be called -The Department of Internal t om- merre.'' with a .<ecrvt*ry. assistants and clerKs. as the Inferior Dcp.irtm»nt is now oreauuedj and should then pro. eed with tbva work, a.s it d.ies thr "U'ih the I teri.T Dtpariment in iug Court Houses and Post Offices. There plenty of officers in the Engineer Cnrys of the army who could be spared from doing nothing in the eastern cities, to do something

sale contained

such case made and l»ro\i.«^'l

that the said m. rtg»K* •»'" .^ . . . ,1,-, ..-- or

*„.l premiM^ therein desoritK-d, VII : .Al hit tract or

p»rce:ofUndIyinK»od »"°S 'V '"* '''=""•'' bsult. and State of Minnesola

Loiic is hvel>y giveu, f.irrcUsed, and Ihe land ; tr«( of Far!- describ.-il as (uliows, to-

Shoes, t rokery (iLASSWAUK,

iJeLxiiifs, Bhavhetl a>'t^ j Vlaubood : InbUnched Cotton,

DRI8S 3001.;?, CENTS- RKADT-MADV. CLOTUINO, Hsiti auid Cap«. Cloth*. (IRAIN SA' KS, NOTIONS,

A chance to draw .tny of the above prizes for 2: cents. Tickets describing p'lr.ch are sealed in envelopes and well mixed. Un receipt 0/ \ I 2Jc a scaled ti.Kel \- dr.iwn, without cboiccan- sent by mail to any ad.lre*s. Tbe prize named I ur.on it will be delivered to the lichetholoer on i r.eeipt of Une Dolh.r. Pri/.es .iro immediately i sent to aay a Idress by express ot reiurn mail. I You will know what your prize is bcf.-re you i pay for it. Any prize exeb.m^ed for aii..ibcr of I the same value. N.. blanks. Uur patrons can I det.<;nd on fair dealing.

I IUfkukmks.—Wi select tbe folp.w-ng from

! mrnv wh.. have lately drawn valuable jritcK,

' and kindlv permitted us to puolisb tlum : An-

! drew J. Burns. Chicago. $10.1.011; .Ml..s C!..ra

S Walker IJiltimore. Pii.no, ScSOO : James 31.

Matthews. Detr.il, fi.n"0; J -hn T. An-lrcws,

>uvai-nab ?.0.O.O; Miss Agnes immons,

; (TharlcMon. Piano, $.",00. We pubii.,h no na.r.es

wtthoTl permission „. . . ,. ..

Opisiois or niK Phes.". The firm isreliable, and deserve their SBcccss.- UVr/./// T.>l.,n,e, Wtv 8. Wc know tbe.u 10 be a fair dc.lirg «rm.-A' y Herafd }f.<!f 2?i. A fri< .d of ..nrs drew a«500 pr'ze, which Was pi ompily rc-ened.

Diiilu yeirf, June 8.

fJe'id lor lircular. Liberal irdncemen.I to Agents. fJatisfa-ti..n8UHran.eed. Every pi»cic- n.'eofscaltd e..velo|-es coi taios f>NL tAfll ticket.s for $1 ; ntorfZ | .3o for *•>; AH leMers «!]■ uM be a-ld'efae"! to

HAR»-ER. W1L>0N * <»., IV5 Broad w:iy. New York,





The co-pmrtncrshii. hcrefofore existing between the un.ler.iigned. under the firm name '>f M;-"'- ton A Deudon. is tbisday dir:soived by mutual


consent, F. Dcudon withdrawing therefrom.

All liabilities of the late firm arc '^";";;";' G K. Moulton, who will coutmue the Mercantile business at the old stand. ^ ^ moI'LTON,


Winnebago City, Minn., Nov. 19, Ihi'J.




A bi:.vi;t'PLI.


In VTinnelago City,casksof nil sizes will be 'oi c.nst-ntly on hand. REPAIHINti done short notice. Cash paid for staves an.l t- poles. Cooper Shop in the back pari of tbe .



Log Tavern. ^ ^

Winnebago City, Nov. 10, 18C».

iiito llie WocI

:»Heres for sale.

.'^heds and fiian-

ary. and a

cient for houseli"

THE gubscnbor wishing to g' en lurii.ess. offi-rs bis farm of 22 There is a good House. .Stable,

never failing slMiiNf; of wATnt.^ufi. M purposes ai.d »o waier oi.r bun." red \. ead of cattle. Between 2:> and :'.« »ere. o, i,.,ber. Tbe house is surrounded with large .^badc frees.be.lie. a Garden, eonta-ni.^ about .-JUO FKUI I T' EE.->. Urge and sma.l.

I will sell tbe above rea-onab'e. I-MU're "" •I miles dir.cf we.t fr-.m « inntba. Wool.nViil Mr"ik«to. JOHN B. EDWARDS, 251




the premises.

go Ciiv. or at the

rtl.k —r r»r TUml—d .«i*r»««

til FT. ."^ix no for f l.'i.

Au-ust 17, ISf.R.

cut. lis,


Wliii* MraaMlab



«Mt r>i>i.

Mstnm.ili ram, <:»«ir»i r«r«.

Tr»»l". r.Oa, Or.^) W~t. H'>B.»t«...c, p.|a«atr, U>l*lit»MM.

0.r Xmf^^ Ti— ';':'7..'l..V^0 W IkarMi prW.-tj.». •' r.»fl».<!. » w.

•r af««MM*y.« Vi<- If.w Orr««4«.

V.t.'flu.l., ^

Ck.'i. iap«..

iu.(ia>d. ac , a.

raicat, tft'-la^.ar

W.lMa. Uu.;. .

llow Lost, How Re- st on -d.


. Ker.i

Also.Cugar. Tea. Coffee. Syrup.

. bine OiL '^ beat, Oa-s, Flour, Ac.

sene an

Il Ml

build- are

Crockery: < tu-!* »nd SaiKejc,

Meat l>i^l>l.•^•, Kwtrn ami Busiup.




fc»; to fix the compensation yo« -'ball P-^ /«*" iaho^rs. or the price fer which ?"« Z^^;'' f" l^tmr wbUt. In a sing'* »eiitenc*, 'pokea bj iti

country ; to survey, locate and snpcnntenf' the building of such a road. Fifty th usand China- ' men eruld be wMploye*! foi three or ten years lo \ grade the road, at one third what the grudinz of | tor Other road tn the oountry ha* cott. Tkr,

lueiit survey. l..if.-lher wi

afouiteuances It.ertuiilobeiorigii i: - ..^_.,

^rtiininr. wll be sold at ,.ah!ic '•'•;• '?,^^,;f,;*^ bidder, f..r c»..b, to satisfy and pa.v <h* •""^_<^V* f.^.

roCilT County of Faribault, an^ ?tale of Himiesota.i ^Tom«»-.r..hel:3'hd,y.fJana.ry,A. 1.. U.«. - !•> ocluek hi rtie fnrenoon of tt.ai day Det^d. WU.neb.5oC«.v.Mu,„^^Dec.LJ^9^^^^

(ilasi Lamp!

,nd Chimneys. Co.et Sun Buiners and Cbiisneya,

Just publialK-d. a new cdithn of Hr. tiilverwell'- r«l 1 rated h.'-ay

onth- ra^liri'l r-t'f (wUtKOt !. c-U..i:.- ,>

of sil'tUMATDRKlKEA. or feiamal

tVeeWo.-^, Involuntaiy Sc.oii.al !-.►*. S ^^^^^^^J'

T^ .^elebrit-d amhor. in ibis u.linir«i.le e*.ay, rlesr- ,/dea;otr;:.Ves\r"m a iMny years' s^ces^.i pr»c-^

L\.luiie orif,e-p,..icancn of m. knife, p...n^^^^

mode of cure at oi.ce

niearif ol wtcrh rv-r*

ditioo mav »><■, may cure


dn.tde. certain .ud effectaa). by .urfrr.r. n" matter wl ai ha con- hiiwelf clieaply. privately, and

Lanterns, Tumbiert, Goblets,

P'^tpaid, on recipl 'f « '■;"*•■ LOOKlrSG llLArjCr-i. , Ol\J., AddreM«t.ePuMi»».ers,^^^ ^

This iVeliuVe should W in tbe hands of every youtb „d ev.r, la-njn t.,* larM..^ ^^^^^^^^ ,^ ,. ^^

nts. or two pti stRroi-s. Guide," jirice ^ «».

BuOT.« and SHOES made to otA^tM •pairing M«t!y do»«. ^'"

127 3owcrj, >«*

C KLINE 4 CO., iuik, P. 0. Uoi 4,586.






Cat to order from

either It AI. tA* rr

American mar'ol«.

itrid »et up in go.Ml

tis:e Mr. J. »». f^"l-

li.an is our praeiical le-

»iener. and all ' rders »re

filled ace.'.rlinc '<• speeil .tins. l*". h.iwever. the la-leoi Mr. Suliiv n is con- sulted, tbe designa »i« miar- anteed to be unique. The work r<-.c..wm<»nds iisel? Or- ders fr-'TO adist.ii.ee prompllj afcn.ied t".

Fish'T S, J>Hllivan. OWATONNA, MINxV.

JuEeVlh, H«».

ft*rla«4. »t,.... f vr.a#aa. Far .. B«(1aa4.





Awic.a. luir.

aft .a.


•I i.^'9^,




IVaraalaraa' t

« ...•r.it.... '

V,n>a'll.l. f yi.pt.«. I-

a>E.«, a*.. 1

« -




.».. l.W«»'r ..r«a.O»f .«i.a. *l.a. IH.»<..1.< a..' T'...|

r..«a.».r» «L»«« »irw..' r'""."." :"rr'-':. _....n>.>t «>.al. r»r f tih'. •»'.'• af I « 1 ' ■.■ ri" '.a'-.

•TrBBoecorea. -w. ■••••'»«■" »«ff iais>ir. •■•< *•»• '•

•Mrk •( 14. MM <>*«• al Ut !«■■■» '*—

raOTOUatrUIC »l.»C«l» - O^f llaa.faatar.af »«.««.. >.• tacwa larMfkW t»a€a«»««T aa »%ft>*> ««al.l» a»« l-»»i.

All m a.11 aramaa. -, m, r**.r,. •TV"';'''- *" *Ii" tfm l».aa af a. f «i».r «..»« ••fart afcawll ••< U.i "• . •Mat ka<*n aaau* ika < r*t..ka«a« ,~




Tk«a Wa«.^ll i*.far.a. ll-.t mw.< W tmfrwUUlf^ >a< l»eOi thH» aa.l. -. . ' K rl •••••' '

ft H. T. AFTHONY ft

591 Broadwat, N. Y.,




TIIK FREl-: HOMESTKxVl). ])«'•• h-m^^ ''i^^hivn an.. .lu.iM.N.



yp'.oljil rioli'-es in ifxdUif, culViiitis, tc'i cc:il5 por lin<r f'Ttiic nrA ittsertiiin, anJ dw cciUs |>.'i' I^iie fur vucb •ub<p<)U.-Tit liiiertiou. ^

A.lv'.'rti»i!iit.'iiUo?cupyiiir on* !reh i-f «;>;icc. iiiser.uH aou Week f'>r one >ljllar. t^uc ruiiiiiiii, .•n>* r.-ar, eighty doiiar*. Uther a.iverU«<;iUL>aU in propurttoD.

OllJi-e ill Nil. ■-', New JUuoU, up nuira. Ile<i<lence corner of Uclch «iid t'leTeliiiiil Strict*. Wiun^tmijo City, .M.iin. !>i7 chIU aUeuilcU frum Ibe oliica. ^Niglit calU from hi« r<-»iilrnce. Ofll^e «!»)!? -SAlortln.vi. 'J9'jtf

nKKI).-*. MonTQVfJr*', AND OTIIKU l>Uiik<<. iiL-iitlj {■tiat'cd. and Tur salu -it tk




Church Directory.

MeTUoorHT. Service* every Sabb&th rtcrnlng, In the Hjpllst Church, at 10:*i o'clock.

Ref. J. 0. GOWKAN, Pastor.

CosoMKOATlosALHT. StTvicei every SabNaUi mora- liiB, la the Hitch l>cliool buiiiling, at l(i:8(' o'clook.

Ucv. J. D. TOUl), Pjiatct.

A NDiiKW c. orxy,

Attorney «n«l ConnktF.r f.l Law in Wintifcl>«Kii afU-'r^preachiiiL' City, Minn., will nt'r^ml to prorc^^sioDiii l>u>".- ^^u^^^h^^ ii'j»s rlirtiuchnu*. flic Statu. " •-■.»

l-.si,,s. —Prayer Sleeliiijr, WednetUay evenings, lii the Baptist Churc)i" at 7 o'clock. .*'»bi>a»li .-^ch.iDl every Suuday morning, Immediately



IIL'UB\5 norfv

Nl'l\(':i, LUMIir.a Mr.RCUA.Nt, 0.>'V. UuOit BE- | .. The cw*»-iMloi!« firick .Iwt'Uiie of O. P. Cliuhb. in * low dhaubuls, ; Viiinnont, hn.< Iwen opt-in -I in rlie travtliu); pul lie, and

•it'yl jiacka'o, -Minneiota. ainplt- acc.>uiui»ilii( <>as arc mow otTrn-d to alt who lanj

wisfelojiviul thcuijtlVe* i«rit»ho#pitali!i««.


*^ \V


I Wo Lave for toIo, at a great bargftin, four hundred pouuds uf Luug I'riuier. One half of it is iilinnst new, ifnd tlie balance is good for years, t'or particular.x', address tho Frkk Homestkad.

The MiitncHota Teacher for December, oontiiiiis ffuggefltioni to yuung teairberH ; The Education ofthenej^ro; Moral Lestoni; <tc., Ac. Every teaeber in the Stato sbou d have it.

Daohelorio exclamation— " alasg l " Maiden- ly exclamation —' ameni"


I'hleaale and Betail.

.Mankato, Minneaota.


'TOS'f.rRFfT. 1-?:^ EATION.

head the new card of Dr. J. P. Humes.

TRK 9. SMITH. iun)K.-*EULB!» A.ND ."TATlONEH, Q.K. Moult n. Winncbagr© City, Mint).,

•*■ One door joulh of RfcHKw olBce, ■M;yl -MHiikaU), Minnesota. A^;eM T'tll KARIUAILT COIXTY,

Kor Thu AniPiffati Hurtc.n Hole. Over-.-^femiof and

^ W SE\KLE.-<. WIIOLKS.ILK AND RKTAlf. ••'cwinj.- Mw-hii.e The (Srst and nnly Button Hole Mak-

^>. IValdr in Crockery a.-a UI^Bware. front <'.., in« «.>d .>«ew1n.,' M.cWn- c..ml..ned in the world U SI*uka:o Minn. 115 IT i do«» Oiore •ork thia any i«her machine ever Invented.

Mended ways —repaired strrets.

Sleighing and wheeling are equally good.



I^IIO 1) fe,


Mankato, Minneteta.

i\S THE AKKIVAb OK THE CARS, we sliall be pre '"'% pared lo opm a ?«li t-k of

|«XKM'IXKI';, «fcc., &e., [ 9ior^

T B. Bl-RKK, RKAI-KR IN OIOCKRIK?, FROVIS- .^t WePs.to .opplv ilu- deman.l. both wholesale and ' •'• i.>n«, Crockery, Ulass a«d Wooilrn \\ :irr, retail. " Kospei-tfiilly,

' it a.s ."landing fuirly ou iLe highest ground yot A .uit Af cloches (new) for sale oheap, at this '. reached l.y religious journal, in America." Dr. ufiBce. -Heraember the Christmas toys at the Drug ! g,j •> n i* an unsectariaci. wide-awake, aggres

Corrected weekly by ]\JouUon^ i Dcudvn.

Wheat, *prirg. No. \ ^5

>i " ifo. 2 4*


. Oats * 25

Fi.NK O.'CK.v.— We saw a t.pleudid looking yoke ! ^\^,^f^ ^ ewt.." 2 CO

of oxen in the street last week, and upon in- ; Coru fieal 2 00

(luiring. UariK-d that tbej were the property of | Potatoes.............. 50

Mr, Henry McKeuonder, ot Bass Lake, and that |,' •- ^ -^ ^0

they had performed all tbe tentu work during Beans ..(»;..:'.!. ..'..1 '.".....-. 160

the past fcason, for raisi!i,{ 829 hushelsof wheat, Cniuns ,,i,n. .'.'..,,. 1 00

588 bushels of oats, COO baskols of ejrs of corn, 1^'^,^^^'""^^,'; _" !.'.".' ."!!.!."..'.'.'.'.'.'.'."."".".'. 4 00

and mowed aufiiciont hay for the wintering of cheeso ...• 20

22 head of horned cattle. Vorily, an ox team ! Pork, jalt, ^ pouj^d... 15

is bettor than no team- } ". f/^^''- "^ '='''•■■•, ' ^(j^ J

^ , Beef frosh, ^ jiound i"

Koroserc Oil <....(ip

Tub AiivAScr. Uev. Henry Ward Bcccbcr gait, ^ bbl '.'.'. 6 50

is a good judge of newspiiperi, and he says of Lard ^ ft 2D

,,.,,.„,. ,, J Dried apulos 16 to 20

The Advance, published in Chicago, "I regard *" * •^

Horace Btidhnell adds the opinion that "it it the ! ablest, best and most outtpokcn paper publish- Wheat per bushel, No. 1


CrGssiiig Plows,

' sive, and rcailable Fumilj- Journal, Laving for (i^^^^ special contributors fuch writers as Uev. Henry Potatoes


Mankato, Minnesota

WAsnisOTttJf uorsB


Mankato, Minnesota.

TOIIN QIANK " $<!al>llng coan< MTyl

MOIItt k OAfBER, PLOW MAXLTACTOUT, AND ^ Ill.ick'.mithins, Win

lli)l'KIN'.<i k FERSALP

WholeMie and Retail Dealer in Kurniiuie. KeddiiiK, Ac. at this office

GOOD Al»«, Unerlaken, aO'-if Austin, .Miuu.

No. 2 48

........."....!. 45 Warranted to sqour in anj l^jnd of soil, and

"................. 70 I hardened by a process known only to ourselves,

Wastkd.-A man to cut cord wood. Inquire ^|^^^^ ncecher. Scnnlor Wil.^on, of Massaehu- ! I'ork ^ pound, fre.h, 6i to 8

,„ ... ,, . u ! Lard «^ pouud .15

_^. tts, "(hace (ireenwood,' Alice Cary, etc. By j^,^^^^ l^^ J.^^^^ ^.^.^j, ......;.......;..2 25 to 5 5i)

: Look out for a dnnee at Winnebago City on ; special arrangetnent with the pnbli.hers we are , Coru meul g hundred, retail.... ...2 OQ ^ -p, , ^ T. F r^ ATTn

I ehabled to club TiiK Ai vance with the Ft-ee Buckwheat Hour, .£? cwt 5 00 f^llDXT T)r/\\\/W

' ChrMtmas. . . .._ Butter, '0 pound....;..:: 20 1 LU-tliN X IjU VV O,

i',T.,u "ja .!.>» ,•• ' *>* I '


Mankato, Mlunesola.

"*r n. wn.i.ARD, attorxey at law and .\A

■^'•■' lary Publie. •WTyl Mankato, Mlnrt.

T-tllAB. SCHILDKNECHT* CO.,3ffA5LlfACTt7REA:» ^ of

nebago City, Minnesota, j yf^ are Vcady to cou'.ract for teu cords of sea-

E. CI. Jt A. P. COLLINS, Proprietors. ! aonod iiody wood.

ExcelUnt accoiamodations, a "d charge* laDd-

HoinctteiKl at $3.50 per ytar.

Egg!j ^ doz i'.:...

Tallow t^ lb...


Whtat, white beans, corn, oats, Ac, received

When a maiden get? married she end., a Miss ^ Beans ^ bushbl I spent life.

120 Manufactured entirely of iron and Btoel,

2 00 ■■

Staj^es leare this Honse for all jioin's. 237 tf , en account, at thij ofiBce.

'ClgarsauJ Tobaoro. L"JTyl

Ma4k.lo.M%t«. ^^IIER^PAN i. ABBOTT,

Wheat No. 1. do 2,


Mankato, Minn.

CAML. iftDDf X.W

*^ erin Dry Gccds.

W'M. L. COON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLLECT- '' in; Agratand .Votary Public,

DoSATio.H Vi.MT.- The Congregationalist Church i-ocietjr of this [lace propo-oe to give j The poetry entitled, "Influence Somewhere," tbuir pastor, Uev. J. D. Todd, a donation visit is republished this wesk, not by request, ] ^^ Tuesday, the 1 ttb insi.. afternoon and even- ! Oats

AttOiney & Counselor at Law, •-— - l .^^ ^^ ^-^^^ residence of Deacon C. B. Miner, j com

Notnrv Pul.li..- and Con veyanoer. The President'.. Message was read ,n Congress ^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^^^^ .^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^_ |

Particular attention paid to the Collcc l-"' ^'^".''"v. and give, a farorablc report of the ^^^ ,, j„„,,,g„ o^y, Dec.S 1869. | JoiT.DimeuVion




Maakote, Stinft.

CLIFTON HOr.SE, W. V, B. Muore, Proprietor.

Ail BtsiXESF pp.f^ypTLV attexded to.

Wiuueba^c City, Minn., Aug. 30, 1S(S8. 25:!tf

ytate of the country.

A.i will be seen by the ibove. a donation visit Flooring

] Siding

M 66

30 40

21 00

22 00 27 00 to .'i7 00


rraot:*t., Mankato, Minn.

DW.W k BROS' FlRNISHtXr, H0U9«-, AaXKATO Minn. Earniiare auil Carpeting, O'.l Cloths and «'iirtain«, TaJ>1e Ootlw .•nd Mirrors, \\ind.>w ."ihadeaar.A MAttreues. I'iitute Tniuei and Mats, Cord and Ta«sfl« Agents for the Lnnvalled Washer. fjikf

IJ K. WI.'iKil.i' TACTICAL WATCH-MAKFB .VM* ■*- Jeweler. Pca'cr :n Watches, Clocks, Jewelry lind ?ilirer-War«.

•ja-af Mankattr, Mi'tn.

Repairing neatly ereorted aod warrantiyf .


V: S. K IB ALL, Phophietob,

,- , ,f T 1 1 » T oiuinir ..<. 22 00 to 28 00

Three dead, well dressed, fatturkeys were le't ^ ig to be given to the Lev. Mr. Todd next rues- ^ pj^^jj^j^^, ;jy .jq t^ 3p OQ

, k 00


4 0Q

5 (*n

ID our sane

turn last week. We hope the donors ' day evening, and a very [deasnnt time may be , £,^,1^


Of the most approved pattern. Also


rill return late to heaven.

anticipated. The house of Deacon Miner is Shiugle No. 1....

do do




MWKATi) HOlEr, (iRaVKU C. Ill ttT. I'f.Or Rlfc- t..r. llaviiiifrefarnWuil tliroiigli.;Ut the above well- known home, the \>r-fpr<vtiir a»k« a <• jntii.raace of FuM c pair-jnage- tiood .itiible fccouimodatious are connected with the house. Chargts m»derate. i»Mt

three- fourths of a mile south oftown.but sleighs P. T. Barnum's new book is better than a nov- ^.jj ^^^ provided free of cL argc, to convey all who j el, and more c.Tciting. For parlirulars, Addrct^s , ^^.^j^ ^^ attend. The supper will be of the picnic Stages leave this Hotel Mondays aaJ Thurs- J. P. Burr. & C •., Hartford, Conn. , ^^^^^^ ^„j ^ij^ more good eatables you take, tho

day» for the nearest Uailtond statiou, and Tiies- ' | ... -n u-. tv.. K<>air<>» innoTi Yanr i

davs.^nd.Suturxlays forth* Wc^t. , The blinds on the house, and the fence sur- ; "Jort inviting wiH be tho basket iuncu. » ^u"- , jj SXYDER, GUNSMITH .\ND WAGON

.\ good Livery t.^ conijectod with tb« ""'•'» ,_„„d;n„ the adioiuin.' grounds of M r P Mc- '^'tcndauce is heartily desired, but if you cannot , VT. Maker, .-^liop ucxi doorto Uichardson's. and there arc ample accominodttlions for team- y°""^ " ' ." *= . ba r resent send a presant, rcmemborin- that if I'anicuiar attention paid to repaiiing clocks.

,,,.., ^ 2l2tf Kinstry, are very noticeable it-nproreinents. be prceeni. sonu a prtsw ,.,.,; ^i7-if

__^- ' , ^ , I y,.u hare no ready monev, anything which IS of I



MI.SS ADDIK L. ACKLEY Ke«p<i constantly on baud a complete assortment of .MILLI.XEKY GOODS, I And liundreds of ilollar'i worth of worsteds, beiii* the

The Truth can bo had three moalhs, on trial, u e in the TiflrrMy, or food for the lea?*, will be ^^^ ^qoXS AND SLKIGDS MADE AND KKPAIEED

for ten cents. Address, Truth Association. ' nost acceptable, and thaiikfully received.

Hammoiidton, N. J. ! ■^■■■'^""^"''^"^'^^^^^^^^^^


1 '• received hi. c..iB,.lete^t<«;k of Ameri-- m aid Iru- .^.^^ ,n';i Ka,'hionabie

The lumber for Robertson's furniture rooms on .Main St. is mc-tly on the ground, and H. B.


ftr* full lifK- st.iTk lif Zrphyr Wursted ever brought into

ew an.i »a,wonai.ie Go«i.ls receive^l l.y express every gpiokerman has contracted to have the building

Exoulleut flour at Ilicl ardson's.

porW Watches. CI .cks and J.w,lry. Ur^ liri, - »ar- ^ .^^ Store ou .Maiu St., nearly opposite tiie Collins

rnnied a. repr-er.tcd. front .-^treet. opposite the Llir- „^^^^ <•»• .„^.,, cempleted in April, 1870.

tua House.


.Maukato Muiu,

No. 8 cook-stoves furnished complete for $23, at the Hardware Store in Winnebago City.

rf-i W. Ml'RPHT k CO.,

Dealers in


POST Of'FICK HI ri.niNd, FltoNT.ST.,


Particaiar attention paid to .Muiic Orders.

D NOTKMAXM.D. PHY.SICtAX.^XpsL-RGEON. I T. L. Rice has completed bis new residence I *^' Will attend to cills promptly, m W iiinebajfo City ^ '^

and sarroundiiiR country. Dr. .\. has had twenty years and is now crfjoying the Comforts it nlTords. It *io ! experie .ce in li>c-il, Keneral, and hospital pmctice, and ,__. ». , . . . . . .. ..i- . „„,« .,i,io loan ou tirst-class real t^tii'e .security


at the shop of


On Blue Karth Avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed. »I7-tf




andsarroundii.Kcoun.rv. Dr. X. has had iwentv years . and is now cn-joying the Comfort, it nlTords. It MoSEV to LoAX.— I have some mon<?y to , .^xKM FOE SALE OR RtlXT

■...,. . . . f. J .,1 lo loan ou tirst-class real t.*tiiie .^eeurUv. Lomo •».

lately had charK-e ..f a Hygienic Institute for the treat '8 Situated in a p.easant part of town, and adds ^^^^^.^ ^^ ^ ^.^^ ^^^ ^^ aceou.mc dated

iieiit of chronic <li!<e.iiK:s. He i< therefore prepared to ' \o the gOod looks of tftat 'juarter. r.-at Catarrh, Hronchiiis, Scrofula, RlieuinHlisiu, Pro-

lupous fieri, .NdUral.L'ia, Sick Headache, Liver (^orn plaint. Diphtheria. Cold II:iad4 and Kcet, Nervous De

The winter term of the high school opened i

ANDREW C. DUNN. Winnebago City. Minn.

A desirable farm of KiO acres, well ' watered, in the town of I'rescoH, Section in. Is utfercd for sale, or rent, for oiie, two. oi itirce years. Forty acres brok.*, twenty acres of tiniiier, two and one-half uiiles distant, will be sold with the farm, separately, or in lots to suit purchas-

i,iliry,C*.N.KR.s.KKvi.:uSoui>, and all mood and •''kin ,.„t if,,njay, under tho charge of Prof. J. R. ' Riifus Chapni..n of Lib...rty, Maine, had a stiff era. Terms, ii. old, >f..oo.loHn, and tiie balance on long

l»i.*eii>ej, wUhasuceesafarlnadvauceofthe ordinary ' « ^"""y. .-, t i:,nl,ore.l and strenethen'jd """=■ »or »mther particulars inquUB of or address itic

phv^iciai. who has ..ever made a specialifv of (his cla/s Hawley, with an attendance of over seventy , '«« ' «"• «' 'ho knte, lunburcd and .^trengtnen.u ,^,,,,riber.

»<di«a*es T, , ' by the useof Jo///Mon* -Inoif^ne Z,i)iiHie/(t. K14m:; GEO. MAgTKKS.

Allcummanlcationseonndeiilial. ConsultaUon free, 'cholars. Fifteen or twenty more are o.tpected , Shelbyville Minn., November 8d, IbCy.

Oflic- at Dr. Farley's Ding .■*lore. Residci.ce at Kim- toon, kal's. tItBce dayd, Friday, of each week. 80(5 '

The proprietors of John to n't Am-dynt Linniint,


wholesale and retail dealers in

X3 \J yj X O, Jo irX V/ Ij ^. ^ [ncworold. wLopaysusoueyeai in advance, in.itructivc pamphlet, which may ce had ireo at j

Leather Findings, Shoeiu.»kers' Tools, etc. B Ji^ f^ P PORK ailtl MUTTOX '^ " »"^"*"' * *=* J'^ "^ *^° Amer!cnn Slock the stores. '£[[Q LcaiUllg AgriCUlUH'tll JOUrDul

,''''' ' ""■ ^ Joijrn'// (price $1.00) for 1S70. Seethe adver- •-♦■•


T k i. Ti r- „_ n ..-.^-.„ ' P.irto,,*- rnr.,„tivr riUi.inA Sheri'hin'H Caru/n/ A SPLBXDID CHANCE, AN. EXTRJIOBDINARY

To any siibfcriber lo tho Fakb IIombsteap, ,,.,.•', , i i i . i ' xi. ()«>. Uuii'tiieiav Semi »t om*

■' . _ r.,ii</i<t'»ii /'..ir(/«,-». have p ibiLrhcd lareadaliloaiid I uuer, uou i ueiay, Beau at o.n,e.



Manufactured from Eastern timber.


Winnebago Oily, Minn., Feb. ITth, 1SC9.


Winter Goods !

Dress Goods!

Consisting of

Delaiues, Poplini,

Tycoon Reps,

Alnacas, Merinos, Ac.

Together with a full Line of

Gingham?, Priuts,

Tickings, Sheetings, Flanue's, Woolens, Jeans,

patinette«, Cassimcres^

Also a Large Sapply of

Front .Strept, Opposite th«i Post Offii-o, Mankato; Minn.

Wiunebago City; Minn.,

liAllOTT HorSK,

Corner of Serowl and Cherrtf St^s.-,

.M A .V K A TO. M I N N il.soTA. L.Q.8A:&OrT, - Proprietor. j

rililK .-xl-.ve hoii.Jc.jii.1t completed .md furnish- i ^ , *■ ^'ICKHAM. L cd now throughout, is opened to the ptililic

(price $1.00)

*,-»,.- f 1 -. n - I .• w V ti-cment. To Ai.L Co.mcekned.— Now, my good fellows,

Ar^ now for S:ile at Peirce s market in Winii»>ha!,'o ii-<-uit."i. u »; I'l „: i- a

.,;,,. J . , ,-,i, I, . ,,M 1 Ml ^ al of you whoate owiug ihe hrm ( f tli.Sbiek <K

•Jity, one door eu<t ni the I'o^t titfl'-e. and will ^, . ,■' ,,, , ... . ".,•• i /'•» . . i »...,

be ..old at very low price... Customers in and Hopkins a-d Fernald. of Austin, are said to ^'.nith. blacksmiths, lu \- ini.ebago tit>, i lease

out of town (Supplied at low flgui h.




.3. iSttS.


call and >etlie your aceuuiils ou or Ijel'oio tho ' oe selling Household Furniture cheuper than io,h of Deceiuber. ISO'j, „„d you will khvc your- i other dealers in F.outbern Minnesoln. Tluywill «elve< much trouble. \Vc must have money,; ' open an extensive wa-ehouse at Wells, ou thu and it must comf^rom our debtors.

1 r .V . .L » 1 Yours truly,

, arrival of the car.^ at that place. , CL'KSilCK A SMITH


Largest Stock






\ *

And ail other Ooodi necessary to make up a full

and complete asenrtmetit lor town and

country trade.


Winnobago City, Sept. 28, 1369.

The American Stock Journal, Ever brought into Farlbault county ii now in

the store of



Acoiumodatioiis uiisarpaxsed by any putdi? Iiousa in tho county, and terms reasonable.

Farmers will always find a eomfertal)le barn, jilenty of good feed, and tho best of care for their

noraes. il57tf


Mannfaelurer and' Dealer In

-Poni-EV.— Ha ! Scipid d.tst drink ? Pjllio.— I dust. ' Itirkanl IIT.

Containing H'i Hrtre double ciluran pages devote'' to | Fni'IT A.ND SlIAUK TitKES. C. L. Smith, of I Funning and .Stock nre.'dint.', containin;; regular depart


1 1


of every vanety.

j Restaurant and f^nlomi.

j Opposite the COLLINS IIOU^E, Wir.ncSa,fo City

I Wnio.»«, Lit^nors auJ Cii'iiiJi.

\ C-aracoa, Old CcJ^^nac, arid Habana.

Fresh Oysters served '.n every style, and for nonths. at least, in Hinnehngo City. They •ale by the (.'an or keg.

I. 0. tJ. T.-— .All those interested in the or- ganization of a new Lodge of Good Templars in WalnuVLake, i.s otlcring lor sale. 1.>0,(IOO Soft i ■"«"'? f''V.''n>r.vticHlK,,„„er,Dair.vmar^ llreed- xhe Latest Style o this pLvoare requested to meet on Saturday M.p,,, .,r ,>ilve. leaved. a.,d 100.000 Whi.e Eiui i ^^i.^'ithrn^rr ,ln?K^^^^ ev5ning the llth. in tho .Masonic Hal'. The or- 'I ree.«, at Irom .'r^.i to if I<J per tboujand, .j to 20 : |,aiid.s..ni«ly tinted covers, tliirmtis will fiml this


Paisley Shawls, Double Shawls nad Cloalcs

g.^ni7.ation will be perfected at that meeting. '''"'T' '"^'J-, ''';'"I'' T"*"":;"^""" ^^"''''^" '^::^^JW^"'Ji^ t!'h«' Jepar. mcis of Lai'ge-line DoublC Shawls and Cbs

s ' " Duchess ol Oldeuliuric, and other luu ly upple farminx and M c^ Deeding. It has a veterinary de- =

*"*"* imes ■>■> cent., ea-h Evervbodv shou'd send for I'*'"'"^'""'"'';'' '•'« d'arire of one of th,e ablest Profes- j tt a nu- /lAnc f r^T AiVYTC

Rev. E. Hotrhki.-s, of the East Gonesce(N. Y.) ."■^.l' Tf , ,.^ i .lir^.-Monrf r . lanti^^^^^ ' """ •" ""^ ''"''•^'* '"'"'• ^''"' '^"^^"•^''^'"'I'li tbe J"ur- IIAlti, (JAPS d' CL 0 2 IIS,

^ ' price li.>t and directions fjr planting and care ol ^ „j,i,. free of char>:e, all .jiiestions relating to sick, injur-

M. h. C'liferunce, and wife, arrived in town tree-. Address ed or diseased ll«rse^ cattle, .-heep, swine or poultry. fiQ„y:™p,,p T)plail1<4

last Saturdav, and intend to remain a fOv

306 tf

C. L. SMITH, Walnut Laic, Miuu,

Grntleinen, I k' fp -^66(1 Li^Hors. Winn, bago City. Ut':. 5. 1S63. 267 tf

(Vilt Art»iil(rnigs Kept On Hand y, '• "aklow.



McMaliill & Beebe,

Dealers in

PIVK A^'^ UAUD WOOD Town and County Ouhek.s.


Dealer in

Real Eslalo k Land Warrants.


seera well plea:ed nith this section of the coun- ' , . ..r :■

I STHAwniEUBiBS A.ND Crkam. Wno docs not

"3^* love tiiem ? fcvury one should have a strawber-

■♦' : ; ry bed. C. L. Smith, of VlTainut Lake .Nursery,

Winnebago Ci'y sadly I ce.t.'. a lumber yard, will send by mail, prepaid, clioieoplants of Wil-

I and several gentlemen here are arranging to son's Albany, Crimtoii Cane. (Jreat Austin, Shak-

... , ., ., , ., ,, ' er, ill-., at 30 pent.* per doiien, or $2. 00 per hun-

start one early in tho spring. Mi,aiiwhile, Mc- , , , . „■; \ ,■ . ,

' I o ' dred ; Leniiiug s \> hite, finest white strawberry

Mahill A Beebe, of .Manka o, ere the men to grown, &0 cents pt?r dozen, $*.00 p«»r hundred,

deal With for either lumber, or doors, sash and 825. 00 per thousand; GodJ strong, new plants,

Li- J carofuhy packed in uio<s. vrith lull directions how

I ' to plant and cultivate them.

'^*" .'lOtJ-tf

Efforts have been ma le. here within a few Fish, Crackers and Oyslers, at Richardson's.


weeks tocrgniii7.c a Dancing School, under the Pay Taxes, Examine Titles. &c. \ tm^ship of Mr. W. H. Austin, of East Chain

I.-" al.^o AiiK.VT for t!ic

UriEAlT DiSTitiEiTioS. The Metropolitan Gift

Lakes, but the reouisite number of names not p„™„„_i u,_„ .j«„,i„„j,k. ,-:_„..„•„...„.„,. ,-„, ' . Company tiavc fnadc citeiicive arrangements tor

Dimonsion*. S-Hlino. Flooring, La(h. PhODnix Insurance Company, h-vlng been obtained, the project has l*"" ,,„i,tuirdGfe.t Annual ;:yi.tribu.:on, and their 1 ci t op abandone<L aiUX ollllliXica. I ^_^ list nutnbcrs cash and other g'hs to the am<^unt

; , Cassimere Delains,

Belgian Delaiua,

Rep Delains.

is a rare opportunity which the intelligent people ol our Tn/1'in f 1 of Tl section will no doubt appreciate. Hand in yonr sub- AUUlO, l^lUtUy

Thu« every subncriber has a horse and cattle docto free.

AVe aie now prepared to offer tlie American Stcck Journal as a FItKK tilFT for one year, to all new subscribers (or renewals) to the Fhkk noMKsTK.U) who ^ shall subscribe imnicdhitely and pay in advance. This

8crl|>tions at once and secure the Stock Journal free for one year.

E. A. HOTCHKISS. ' xtt ^ -n^, V ,. Winnebago City, Minn., Dcc.Cth. Is09. »» OOl i OJilin,




Chinchilla Popiiilo, lluffle Skirts and Boulevard Skirts, may now be found at this store.


Aftercar^ful investigation by competent judges it h9s been fully and fairly decided ttiat ihu best place to purchase




and in fact any kind of Goods, is at the Store

R. M. Wilsoii,

First door North of Post Office,

where more Goods can be had for one dollar thaa any other


In addition to the above mentioned article! of A supplement, containing numerous full sized pat- the present most fa.«hional>le patterns, you will terns of uielol articles acooiiipiniet the paper every always find at the Faribault county fortnight, and occasionally an elegant Colored Fashion Plate.

Harper's Bazar contains l<i folio pages of the size of Harper's M'eekly, piinled on NuperCue calendered pa- per, and is jittbllihad weekly.



SPFCI\ITY ^TTXTT^t^ 1^ \ I »■ ta t ni »-^ t oi ' The Collins House has provided for cold of nearly a million of doll ir*", Among them are

!.pcnalfv..fSASH.'DrtOR<.. .Ai,,1 Mon.P- U iS Dili K \\ RlllllRS, weather, by putting in double windows, which five hundrca and seventy cash gift., ranging

r»i' \'r\v i-.^ijt.- Dot only prevent the frosting of the pan-^s, but , u i i . . . ..u i j n

01- NEW \ORK, . ; .. . . , from one hundred to twtnty thousand dollars

make the (r:ivcitr more cornf.>r!.al>le. One has , . .

each, also. Pianos, Mclodcuns, Sewing Ma-

We make a

IMiS. also WOllDKN EWK C CTTKRS at l..w tlgltrei. OfTx-e on Van Uruat's Addition, riouth etjdol>ront <«tre»t.


Mankato, Minh.


Bine Earth City.

FHIE .t ^ilAKLVF:,

of Sc, Paul, .Minn.

only to stop once at this hotel, to ap,<rcciate its home cheer.


chines, Knittrng ?lfacbines. Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Ware, Jevrelry, Ac, Ac. Every

CniTiCAL NoTirEs op thk Press.

Harper's Baz.ir contains, besides pictures, patterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use and intor-st to the family ; article on health, dress, and housekeeping In all its branches - its editeriai matter is !')>ecially adapte<l to the circle it l.s intended to interest and in- struct; and, it has. besides, good Rtories and llerary matter of merit. It is not f-urjiiising, that the journaf, with such features, has achieved in a short tune an im, mense success ; for iomething of lis kind was drsiied |a thou-iands of families, and its publioher^ b;ire tilted tlio -

_ ^- '^^'" '^'^''''-y ^*"*'^"'' 'f- ^''^nc^y^ucer. H^ahth X 1I„«. i, . glorious pnrer for every ' ticket draws . pr'ze. and no blank, are issued. i\-;-;!, BlSTnTalrea 'uLcX? tr^'Ve'-lNe^

'L'*AST IIORSF.S AFO FAilM H0RSE.4 shod In spint ' i^ircmr; :.. >i ^ .i n . /\n: i -i i fatnilv Ike Mnrrel throws his snni into it< i-i ' < . . . . . ... York Ereuiua Poat '

V d,.,.,y.o,vjU..rtLiule.nrs. door south „f Mead's ..5^^^^^-'" ^^^ '"" *^ '^^ ^"*' ^^"^ *'"'''^- .„._,,,.:. 1 .7 . 1..! _ . _. !! ' ^ ^' "'"''''"' ■*"* '^''^ P'"<=' ""velopes, which, | ' Th% Ua«. ?s e^ellent. Lkeallth. p^edicals which

hotel. Bla* Eartn City. Rete-ences. - Lewis. Wal- l^fi. «}P slaJfS kat Lake, and P. 0. Seeley. Blue Karth Citv. Sllyl 24^tf

If ian«bago City. Minn.


ATTO 242tf

ATTORNEY ANt> COl'.YFl.OR AT L.KW. ^V AJ/PKIl W. AVKBR <fe CO., Blue Karth Citv. Minn. »

pages, and Harriet Becehor Stowe, narms it

with her genial pen. $4 oO! .i year, or •*2. 10 a

>ear to a club o' five. Address, I'ettengill, indiscrimiuprely, so that t je Company are not

Bates ± Co., 37 Park Row. N»w York. aware of the Contents of any env<;lope until the

If..- . . . , J , , I the Harper'spublish, it isaVojost ideally Werieilitcd, and

after being sealed are m.:ted and when drawn ,he class of readers for wt,cm it is intended-ih. mother.

and daughters in avera;?" families— can rtot but profit by Its good sen-i* and gooa taote, which; we have no



I. 3. ME VD, - rropriotor

llilliard tables areoonnec'ed with the house, and there la ^•'od .•tabling on the promiits. 242yl

/"'ONlTANtj UOl'SE.


H. P. COXSTAN.>, pROPBiKrou.

This pcpniar Hot^lis entirely new. and furnish- ed in excellfiit .«iyle. C>VEx.-elIont ae'>oaiiaodalidus fot- icaitis. *t2tf !

r> wtiTB,



Has constantly on hand Clocks. Waichcs. .Jewel- j ly. Silver ware. Gold l'en.«. Musical Iii'iruments. ' Ae. Repairing d:>De with dispatcj and wnrrnn-

^•d. 2S!j|f 1

AVhoIes-ilo Pcalcrit in

I ticket is retuined to tbem. These tickets are At last wp sre out of our little tifkeiltip 14x16 ofRce. and are in our new and ploa^aot quarters ' *"'*'"'■ ''^"">'-fi''« "ots each, or .-ix for one ; up t«»wn.— Jf(irfia Cuu„t}i Athit. | dol'ar, thirteen for two dollars ; thirly-Cve for

j Gof>d ! Ool, we know how t > ^vinpathize with , «.... ,'„ii ,-. ..,„ i, i j j. r m.!-.. j i ,_-._.-_. -^^.^ -^--ir.-^——-. " five 'ioiurs ; one hundred and ten for fifteen dol-

Wl NJ 17^ T T/^T /^DC! .T«". fine* we find the new i/«»ic»«aJ office »

>Vll.>il^O» JjiyL; UlVO mighty cure-all for the blue.. ' j>"- ^s soon a^ you receive a ticket, you en-

; •-. ' close it with one "o'tl-ir it the company, and

O. C. Sargent, of this office, received a very whatever the ticket calls f/r u immediate)''' for-


A well selected assortment of


from the "Odessa Skirt Company," which ore UTSurpa''.''cd by uny other Hoop Skirt in use, a< regards Durability, Comfoit and Style.

And also a large stock of

Groceries, Pork, Hams,


Lard, Wheat, Corfr, POTATOES,



No. 03 Third Street. ST. PAUL. .... MINN.

.301 Tl

1 fine Eb Cornet, last Monday evening, from J. : ^„dcd to you. The company arc aware that I Kaeer A Co., 63 Wasbini^'on St., Chicapn, man- I

; ufacturcrs and importers of Band Instruments, i l»'«'"''««»«« "'^'^^^'T depen,\t upon their dealiug I and every description of Musical Merchandise | honorably with their custoners, and having this I Thjs f!rin guatirtce entire satisfaction, in every ! fact in view they strive to please all who favor j insiance. Their advertisement appears in an- i ,jj

other column.

ing reft rences and highly favorable notices o

We are pleased t > learn that Mr. J. B- Ed-

im with their patronage. Circalars contain- ; reft rences and highly favorable notices of the press are sent free to all. Letters should be


Register of Dcod.s



wards has leased for three years, the Mankato plainly ».idre«scd, Metropolitan Gift Company,

Weelen Mills. Mr. Edwards thoroughly under- v^.. lo? m- n , x- •.- .

. ^, , * ; No.'. 193 ana 19o Broadway, New \ oris,

gtanas the manuraclnrc of every description of

317 4m

wo«lcn cloth.', in ?11 its branches, and cloths of |

i hi-i make may always be relied upon as being of Ihe qu::lity specified. His beautiful farm in this Traiirfere of Real Eetate iu Faribanlt

township is now ofTere"! for sale, in prefeeenec to renting.

Real Estate Agent and Con- Vy iX];;]^ LIQUOliS Th.mana::er, of the Minora 4 St. Peter R.

veyanoer. ^ ' ' Ron confer no greater favor on th«pnblie than

_ J ''^ discharging lome of the cmplovees at the

Tnxrt P,u,l /or XonreifJtnt*, AND



Blue Earth tfty, Minn.


Wo. 1U7 Third Street, •"*'• St. Paul, Minuesot


J. L. llowland to J. C. Fosi«r, Warranty Deed of 2 acres in se qr ne qr sw ^r, S 3, T 101, K 28. C'on.-i fetation fso

Jerome I»ane to Even Pay Etcr;W D of wi «ei and nei sci S 1 j, and n'wt swi S U, T IM B 2«. $1,500

j l-cen made her that packages »ere opet:ed at i Winnebago City. j22o

that place: and a p>art of their eontintsapprcpri ; '^"*'° rranklin to Wm Das^in, W D of nei S 3j,

' atcd, but we thought little of tha matUr t:ntil ' ,,.^ l?^' ^ '^^r . ^ ^ ^^'^^"

' "•""' I M m Dustin to .Tohn Fraakl Ji W D of si Bl'k yS.

1 Blue Earth City. $s,()i!

doubt are today making very many honres haj.pier OlliniK; Finn?' ATpaI ti^O t^O than they may have been before the vrom en began tak- vyUlUII^, ilUUl, IVAtaj, tluO., Oi,C

iiig lessons in personal and household and social man- rw /\

agemtnt from this g"odnatured mentor. -[The Nation, i ALSO EVERY DESCRIPTION OF

It has the nieilt of being lensilde, of conveying In- _ . ^>,,

structlon, of giving excellent patterns in every depart- (yrOCkei'V, GlaSSWare, ' ment,anrt of being well socked with good reading mat- i *'

ter.— [Watchman and Rellector.



Harper's Bazar, one year $4 00

Looking-glasses, Lampri, Lanterns,

Machine and Kerosene

An extra copy of cither the Magazine, Week- ^-.., r, ox. j

ly. 01 Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every Ull, OUgttr BlCkctS anCl club of five subscribers at $4 00 each, in one re- mittance; or six copies for $20 00, without estra copy.

Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for cno year, $10 OtJ ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7 00.

Back number." can besoppl?td at any time.

Vols. I. aod II. of Hahpkk'.^ Ba/.ak, for the



of all sizes, and many styl

O. K. Moulton. of the firm of MOl'LTON. A

years lJ,«8-9 elegantly bou,.d in green moroc- DEUDON, has fust retnr/.ed from NEW YCRK

CO cloth, will be sent by express, freight pre- CtlY. where he took particular time to 7ind the

paia, ter 5/ t u «acn. . best houses, and ro purchase at the bottom of

The po lageon Harper s Weekly 20 cents ,■„„ „,,ket, an.. con.^Jently believes that be ha.

JoToffi^e'^Ad'^i'"" '"' "' ''"' "''""'''' ^ secured the best ,ualU>es of goods, and at the

^ HARPER A BROTHER.'^, niost re«onablo figure,, and

New Yoik. fjiyi p:xtire STOCK


SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLE "•t««ine for yoursel^s'

Truly Yours,

Is now offered at a sma >, advance on the original cost. Call and

! we found onrself the loser of over thirty dollars #orth of goods, end Late every



1 he co-partn-irsbip hfvptoforc "xii'tLng between the uii ier-igued. under the firm name of Mo«l- ton A De»iiJoij. is this day dissolved by mutual cjn.jent,"F. Deudon withdrawing tbcrefrcMD

T T L_ 1- L "v •»■ ,. T ^' i Horacitoiet alallboira. dav or ntitbt. 'llorset tc' '^'' liabilitie." of the late firu are auiuned bv

reason to sup- , L Jttnenck by shenff to L J Huntington, Sher- ! ^n or ex-^hange. ^"^ '^">' '«'^*' »'<'"»« ^ , (i. k. Moaitoa, who will coatmue XhTn^zS,

I pose that the depredation was made at Waseca '*'"' ^'«'''>fi'^a'e of Sale of Lo: 12, B'.'k 12 in : Ca^ iwlj for oa»s» <">m and bay. Cits, corn, bar ' business ai ihc'oil faaJ

' The Company w..,atle.3t do wcli to post a .e- j J.rWelH^Vw^^^^^^^^^^ .i^^^:^^l ' ' ?• f ^C

cret detective »ttb.trcint. j Bl'i 50, u. Blue Earth tfy. f-H '^Inncb^g, O-y. Pe. ' •. Jljtf' ^ianeb,?. C!ty, Minn., Nov!^I



^-^'. :

•^- "" ^""^

« HI

in Faribault County.


v4n21tf pr N. W. Sargknt

April 5th, 1887.


New Gootis.


|l>«alcrs ia

Stoves. Tin






anuf.icta.-en of


•nd all kinds of


A fiat assortBiieot af

Table aa* Pocket Cutlery;

Griu^J^oties and llanginiis'

8rea!dn|' mad Crossia^'


Feiicc-Wirc, Jte., Ac.


J- H. Welch, Wm. Wallas*, ciui, WaHaca.

April rtb,18«. ^^•^«?^'---.






BkefCatti*— Fair to Prime $14 00

HOiia— Live lo 75

Sheki*— Fair to Prime 4 60

COTToX— Middling

Fi-OCB— Extni Wibtem 6 20

Wheat— Xo. -2 Spriug 126 _

Conn— Western Mixed 112 @

UaT<— WeMem 64)»ri* 65^,

KvK— Western 1 05 @ 1 07

Bablkx 1 00

Pi.uK— M»M 3160

Lard 18


Bir.vis— Choice $ 700

Prime 6 UO

F»ir anklea 6 00

Midluin S25

Stock Catile -Common 3 60

Inferior 2 SO

Hoo8— Live 9 00

@17 00 (%1l 73

& 25Si «^ 6 25 d 131 1131,

(a) 1 06 (f(,33 50 (4 1^

(£l)icago |)usiiuss Pirectori).

TluJ'oUmwtHg or* amomg tika prombuHt laading bunmtt hoatcj in CJMr tnwral d»panauiUa:


^ NICKEHSON, 234 Lake street. Carpetiiifs, Oil !9* Cloths, and MattioKS, Wholasale and Retail Orders pr(>mt>tly tilled.


83 32

6 (HI 3 75

>'HEEP— Live Oood to Choice

Hi: riEi: Choice

£«<.;»— yrfsh

FUjcb— White W.nter Extra

bprin>; tttra

War.AT— Spriug, No. 1


CoRX— So 2

0.\TS— No. 2

Kte— No. 2

Babi KT— No. 2 . .

t'ouK— Men*. New

Lakd '. . .


Beef Cattle % 3 00

lliKi*— Live 10 00

bUEi V— Live 2 50

Fli •IB -family. 6 25

WHt:AT— Ited 105

Coas 9S

Oats 60

Kte— New 85

roBK-M»*9 31

Lauii 17'

8T. Lorw.

Dxer Cattix— Choice f "> 30

Uood to Prime.... 3 50

HoG.t-Live u Ot)

SHEK.p-Uood to Choice 4 im»

FlVB -Spring XX 4

Whkat— So. 1 Red 97

fl.KN ><i

Oats 4 J

Ktk '^>

llAULKY-Choice Fall 118

PuRK— Mf»s 2«» 50


@ 7 60 (d 650 9 0 76 @ 4 75 @ 460 ® 300 @10 60 (d 4 6>)

& a*

@ 84 ® 7t>0 4 75 i>4 89 S 80 >, 41 >, 75 1 00


FISK, D. B. & CO. dealers in

. . F>3 and ,V> I.ake St., wholeaala

Strnw Ijuods, .Millinery, White (•uo4>>,

Hoaiery, (.-loves and Fancy Uuods, i>i and 55 Ijdie street, Chicago.


MAGAZINES for 1870.

Now is the Time to Subscribe. Send for Specimon Copies before selecting yonr periodicals for the new y<>ar.

Monthly of Literatnre, Science and Bdacation. Yearly Snbsoription, $4.00.



An Illustrated

Radical Republican Orgau, and the

Leading Newspaper of the West

The Cheapest and Btst Family

Newspaper in the Land.



L.XFMN, lllTIJiK dc CO Printers'

44 State titreut

Stock. Ac.

Dealers in

Cash paid for Rags.

Paper, 42 and

89 @

80 C<4

41 Cot

74 @

96 &

28 00 M3100


C" 1U>BK11T,1IIBBAK1>& ('0.,Manilla.Urred, W steel, and irm wire roix-. tar. pitch and oakum, tackle blocks, anchors and chaioii, 2u' S. Wutor at., t'hi.



««.M^ weU maintain, iu hold upon the pul.lic "^^^J^::-^^X'^^\o?^t^.nX^i^^ '""^^""^


Rate* of ISubHrription for the Year 1870.

Dail^, one copy, one year itH'i

\ eekly one copy . .

copy, one year.

' CKarUtiou Courirr. Libaral arrannoiuonts 1


C^II.BKUT, in ltBAUI» A 4 O, Jl twiner of nil kinds.

cotton and flax wot>l sacks and )>urlaps, neta A

seines, tents, c.nora and llujfs, JUT S. \Vat«r St., Chicago.

niiliuiuikcc l»u5iuc55pircctori)



BiKVKS-Choice $ 6 75

Pnme 5 50

Fair Grades 4 '-0

MeJiuui 3 25

Stock Cato.!:— C'ommou 3 00

Inferior 2 <«i

Hoo-i-Livo oco

8HtE»«— Live— Qo.k1 to Choice .... 2 00

r.LTTER— <-'hoio« 28

Koii.*— Fn ah 28

FloCB -Whit« Winter Extra 6 26

tipriO){ Extra 4 75

WHKAT-8priu«, No. 1 9HiW

No. a SS'^i^

Tors— So. 2 83 i^

OAia So.2.. 41 &

hVK-No.2 70 @

Baklet— Ctood 95 (to

1'ui.ic-Mes.s— Sew . 28 50


^ 6:!5 (g,10 75 @ 460 @ 660 (9 no & lixj 9 52 (Ji W

»@ H

(9 6 50 ^ 4 50 ^10 0 ) (d» 5 (4) (<i 4 80 (nt 100 (^ 91 « 60

@ ISO Z-J 00

& n.s

(3) 7 00

(OS 6(0

4 60

4 75


2 75


4 00



(0) 6 00

& 5 23


ThtfitU-xtiny art amtong the promittenl Uadin;/ bunnami house* in their terrral ilfpartmml*:

A monthly of Becreation and^ Instruction. Profuiely

Kdltcd hy TKomaa Oatbrlc, D. D.

Yearly Subscription, $4.00.

- •• * .^..^..1 nt •hi. irinvU nnmher c OcL ) will satisfy everyl>ody that this Is exactly thii sort of periodical, instruct- ive tn'd'^n.ms! bJi't' f'Jee' from'L^UW pStSi, t^ in..Sluc/into the family, parUc Oarly where there are young

people."— /'Ai(ut<«(/</iu« />•«*. .

Daily, one copy, one year "^iS'ltJ

TTl-t\ eekly , one copy JrK}

Weekly Kdltloii, single copy, one year. Z.IK

Four < oiiieH \Veckl.v, one year, one address. 7.K i Teii( opifx W t'lklj, onoyear,toouoadarB«B.l.J.t I TM-enl V t'opies \\ eekly, 1 year, one add e8.ti.>.l I Fitly (opie* \\eekiy,oneyear, one address. ttO.l t On all clubs to the Weekly, in addition to a commis- I sionof Twenty percent., we offer for the ihirtrmi I larufi i\'rekly riul^ received on or before the 15ui day of January, 187U, the following


For the 1 Ht Ur^ est Club.


1;^ TOWNSKM* -MIX. J9 sihool architectnre.

Destgna for church and

Established biscb 1856.


^THK'KI.-ASn A <<»., Whol.'salo Dealers in »5> Books, Stntionerj-, School Books. Paper and hancy liood^ 3s;; Kaitt Wutcr street. .MiU:iukfe.


TKIVX, STKKI.K A' XMIITK, Kxcliwive _ Wholesale DoiUers in Boots mid .Shoes, 334 East Aler street, Milwankea

AMoiithly.Haffa2iueorLiU'ialur.v Stience, Art andTraTel. frafusely Illustrated. Yearly Subscription only 92,75.

lOooD WoBPfi Is in every respect a first-class monUily. iU <:»nt">>"«ons being from tlw^eM^am^^^^ writers of England, U is now by far tho most popular magazine issued in tliat country, ana w mnjaujr laYo w known here. - .



Star Mills.


A .1. <J. FLINT, Teas, (;round f;offeeB,

Spices. Mii«t.ird, < 'rcim Tartar. Blacking, Ac,

TPfrcet. Milwaukee.



L\IR A PF.RSON!*, Crockery and f^utleryj

i/v>king-(ilasse«, Ijimps, and Curtain Papers, Sob

Water street.


A Monthly Masazine for Yoang People. Profusely Illustrated. Yearly Subscription only S2.50.

We pronounce it undeaitatingly the firrt of juvenile periodicalo. Wo have "tf" ""t^J"' ^J^^ ?^o^umbl°r compare with it in the beauty, variety, and good taste ot the jeading majter. nor thai, approactiea u in mo muiioo snd eicelloBce of iU illustaationa. " /*«''. Sim r mum.

Tlie FOLTl M \(;AZINKH to one address, $10.25 per annum. Spkcimbh Numhbb o( any one o< the above nia.led on receipt of -.gcenuor^^^^^ and PREMIUM USTS mailed on appllcaUon.

Addr!;.« .I.B. LIPPINCOTT A <O..Hublii»her«, , . . .

AoaroHS ,«tii„„.i ttt IT. _i...r kiii-uxi. I'liiladeipliin*

9 15 and 7 17 Market Mtrttet,


For ProiiioUn? tlic (Jrowlh and Prescrying the l«eauty of


There are thirteen prwnimna, and they will be mailed to the thirteen parties entitled to them lor dehvered to Uieir order) on the twenty-fourth day of .lanuary, 1».0. The adilresses of Uie successful parties will be given in our weekly is.sue of the '25th of .January, 1870, together with the sizes ot Uie winning clubs. Pereons making up clubs iu coinpliauce with iLb above terms wUl secure the 'Ji) per cent, commission any how, and, if their club is one of the tliirteou lar^o&t, will draw one or other of the above premiums. Specimen copies sent free. Send for one. Money by dratt, eipreas, money orders, or m registered letters, may lie sent at our risk.


C'lilciMto, IIIiuoM.

Agents Wanted !





Wharevcr uaed, theae nacUnea are pro- nounced in both Principle and Quality, auperlor to any la tke market.

vritbout exception. All are dell«hted with them. They cut eaay, true, amooth and rapidly, and are atrouv iu every part.


28 " Power 1 f **'

32 " Lkvkb " .' «6

33 " HandobPowkh " »... 860

86 ** PowBK, (very heavy and •troog) 700

Of the 28 Inch Lever Cutter the Pawtucket R, 1. Gazette says ; "Would not sell it for four time* iU coat" The N. H. Telegraph uy*: "The time aaved will more tlian pay for it in a year."

We have very many endorsements of all the machinaa speaking of them with unqualified praise. ZW Send for Catalogues and Foil Deacriptiona. HANBOUN BROTHKIt-S,

78 Dnane Street, N. T.


Is it that Dr. Roback's Stom- ach Bitters increase in sale every year ?


They are the best ecn-bina- tion ever made.


Do the Druggists recom- mend Dr. Roback's Bitters to their customers?


experience have been


American Patent

I'or Introducing and Negotiating Valuable Paienta. Omres \»i Lake Street. ITilcaao, HI.

L. J. Fabwf.ll. E. a. KLX,8W0KTH. D. J. Powkiuj.


fn.TESC'II A' CO., Wholf>fi:>le and Retail Man- ufiicturinK and Anal.vtical Chemists. ICeep Photographic Stock. 15 .Spring atreet.


@ 71 6D 1 15 (a*31 liO (gi 19

A Peoria, III., policeman, the other tlay. Doticing a person that looketl snspici- onsly corpulent, arrested him on suspicion of his having stolon gootls about Lim. Tell- ing hiiu to disrobe, the man complieil, and iu the next ten minntfcs pulled t £f lour coats, two vests, fonr pairs of paut.s. and fcltv.ii --birts.

CI II. <'I..VKK1', Hour Brands, .Seals, Stencil Dies and Tools. Key I heck Dies. <;old Pens re- pointcd. Send for circular to Boi IO(W, Milwaukee.


A B. BLANC'lIAUD & <"0., General Dealers >1L« and ("omraission Merchants, in Foreign and nome*«tie, tireen and Dried Fruits, Can Goods, Nuts, Ac. Wi F.ast Water street, Milwankee.


\r \NliEK FrKNITCRK STORF.. Mntthew Rroa, .Manufsiturers and Dealer-sin Furniture and ITpholstered Goods, -I!" F.H.st Water btreet

knovving that when loss of hair occam. 't,i?^,°'^'{',^;Sdt'e ^t ^I^^^.'TA

egeUble Oils as the baais of a medioa- meut to promote the growth and preserve the beautj of the Hair.

The Inventors of Coro.\n.E .^ ; ..

where the greatest heat ia neoeasarily genomted, and than animal faU by alleviate it turning their attention and phanuaceutal r,oienoe towarOs V

The Oleum Coctis, or

nossessinjf many properties peculiarly adapted fcr the purpose. By a »cientific Election Of other.ingi^^en.. th^Sv.^^^^

presented itself moat strongly as selection of other ingredients, tt together have produced a topical compound

No Other Compound

possesses the peculiar prope


ED YARD & WOOD, fine Groceries. Wines Liquors, Cigars and Canned FmiU. Agents for ell's Ale and Royal Baking Powder, street.




4U6 Milwaukee


(aptnre, the Prison-Peu autithe Escape.


Thia thrilling, aathentie, and pnpulir work, U a com- plato history of Southern Prison Life: principally at lUehmond, Danville, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Colombia, Belle Isle, Milieu, Sahsbnry, and Anderson- ville Describing the


of defenceless prisoners who came too near the J^i't/in',- portraying the arrival of prisoners, plans of cwape, with nuineroiu and varied incidents and anecdotes

DITC'IIEIl. BAUL & IJOODKIt'H, Whole sale tirocers, ao A aoo East Water st, Slilwaokee.

lOODRIC'H Sc TERRY, Wholeaale Grocers, f al4 A alo Fjist Water street, Milwaukee.


RIIlNEY, Tmporter and Wholesale Dealer in Shelf Haadware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, 435 Fast

Water street. .Milwaukee.


prison life, embracing, also, tho adveuturei of the auttior's "rnpr from Columbia, South Carolina, his ra- (ii/>'i'r'. trial aa <^v. and final escape from Sylvania, Georgia, We want an agent in every town, county and village in the


lerties which so exactly auit

the various conditions of the human hair.

It toflenK Ih" tktir icArii hitr^h Wil.drg.

It tuuthes thm irritated seal/).

It affuTiU tlte rirhtut luttrr.

It rentaini longnt in rjfrri.

It preveiitt »*« huir f rum falling off.

llprtjnvitea ita hrullhi/, miyutuim yr»K>K

H ii wit yn-amj ur ttirktj.

It Itat— Hu diauj/reeabU udur.


Boston, October 3u. 1869. Messrs Josbph Bpbnett A Co. :

<;eniltrincii,—My worst complaint for several years has been Dandruff. Alter brushing my Ixair, ray coat collar would be covered with white scales.

I have used less than a bottle of your Cocoaine. The dandrutf, and the irritation which caused it, have en- tirely' disappeared, and my hair was never before in bo good condition. Your obedient servant,



CI H. PKEISMEIt A- BRO., Wholewde and Retail Di-alcrs in Watches. Clocks, Materials, Ac. Kstabhuhed in Wll. 4:X i^asl Water street.


\v7PEIia'E & CO., Wholesale and RetaU Dealers in Lumber, lAth, .Shingles, Picketa, Timber, Cedar l'iwt». ,tc. Oflice U7 West Water street, corner Sycamore, .Mil«a'.ikoe.


Boh ION. Novembers. 1859. Messrs. Joseph Bubnhtt A Co., Boston -

Grnfh-mni,—l have been bald seven years. After asirig one Ixittle of your C'ocoaine, my bald pate is covered all over with young hair, about three-eights of an inch long, which appears strong and and healthy and detei^ mined to grow. Very truly your obliged and obedient servant.

U. '1 MfcRWIN.

Loss of Hair.

Boston, July 19. MeesrsJoaKPHBcrHNEn ACo. .- - .,„,ii i

tor many months my h iir has been falling off, untu l was feartul ot losing it on irely. TW Skin upon my head became gradually moeu null more intlamed.

1 commenced u;a IBIiit jour i 'ocoaino the last week in Juno. nwWlC applic ation alUyed the itching and ^ritafii.D ; in three or tour dajs the reduosa and tender- ness disappeared, the hair ceased to tall, and 1 have now a thick growth of new hair. Yours, very truly.


Mr. George Ticknor Curtia'

Life of Daniel Webster.

In two volumes, fevo. 600 pages each. lUustrated with elegant Steel Portraits of Mr. Webster, and nne ^ood- cuts of DitTercnt Views at FrankUn and .Marshheld. The first volume is now ready. Second volume will be ready Dec. i'.th. This work will be sold by SuUrriyt imi oii/i/. Kxperienced and reliable agents can have exclu- sive territory, by appljing at once. Address

MOSES WARREN, tien. A«ent,

S9 Dearborn St, CHICAGO, ILL.

C^HEAPEHT PAPER IN, TIIK WORLD.- ./ Rtru, Rahe. Racy , full of Fact, !■ un and Fanc* ; mrr to please "all hands." Only 6U cenU a year; valu- able premiums to subscribers and agents. Specimens ■ix oenta Say where you saw thia Addresa

UNION BANNER. lUl/att, Maiti*.







After years of and trial they proven to a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion.


l9 it that Physicians use and recommend Dr. Ro- back's Sugar-ooated Blood rills?


Is eveiTwhera pronounced by competent Judges " others for




Hair JDressing.

Th* follotcing urAt it /rem the ucU-lat(nm proprietor 0 Frank LetiU't Illuttrat'd Aeuipaptrt and Magaanf. Niw ToBK, September 22, IcM).

J. BiTHincTT, Esq. :— />«ir .Sir -For some tine paat I have been using yo

Cfxioaine. and think it far preferable to anything i ha

ever used for tho hair. , ...

If my indorsement is ol value, you are perlecuy at no

erty to uae lU Uespectivlly youra. ^^^^^ LESLIE.

BaNOOB, March 3, IHtiS. Joseph BrBXETT 4 Co ?— , ^ . »i.

««i/.'«mm.,- Your Cocaiine is the only dressing for tile hair usid ia my family fcr the Ust eight years. It stop- ped my wife's hair from coining out and increased its growth. r^ ,

1 am also under obligaiotu to this same Cocoaine for saving my own hair, wbich was very faat coming out | previous to using tliia va uable preparation. j

Very truly yoort. J. C. MITCHKLO^ i

( .rocar, Bangor, Ma.

inor to owing reasons :

It is made of the finest stock growa

It has a mild and agreeable aroma.

It is anti nervous in ita elfecta, aa

It is free from drugs, the Nicotine

Having also been extracted.

It leaves no acrid, disagreeable aftertaste.

Does not sting or burn the tongue.

Leaves no offensive odor in the room.

t)rder8 for Elegant Meerschaum Pipes

Are daily packed in various bags.

It is of a bright golden color.

Being very light, one pound will laal

Two or three times as long as others.

But it, try it and convince yourself.

If your dealer does not keep it aak him to get it


Is also a very goo* article, and makes an excellent smoke. It is much lower in price and of heavier \ body than the former, and its sale, wherever intro- | duced, is not only permanent, but conHtantl} on the increase. Orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes are also placed in the varioas bags of this brand daily.

have now been in gen- eral use in the United States over UU years, and still acknowledged


They know the insredients of which they are



"the best" wherever used.


Are Dr. Roback's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills tho best remedies taken to- oether for the cure of all diseases of the blood ?



L,ORIlJ.ARD'S I Thia brand of

^^^pm^k/mwmm^m'^^mgf Cut Chewing Tobacco I

iSTs l%l "I'll W% X has no eQual or snpe- i

*'*'*^ * ^^ ■** ^ nor anywhere. It is ,

Cliewlllg Tebacoo. | without doubt the beat |

Chewing Tobacco in the oountiy.



or firstnclass new 7 Octave Pianos.

Sent on trial U. S. Puno Co., New York ;


j^ ^ Bale Wealer and .Manuiaclurer of aU kinds of Marble Work, < .runit« Hofiting Slate, Ac.


to sell it this fall and winter. The volume contains between four and tivo hundred iiages, including an Appendix containing the name, rank, regiment, and uoetotticj addresta of the prisoner!! ; if is '"'Ju '■/•''•'/ •"■'«- iratr.i. and riryanllij boimif in extra cloth. Wo are pre- pared to



HH. .II.VNVII.IJ?, Notions and White Goods. 3*4 .Main streut. Milwaukee.


Hs. IIROWN, I!' # photographs. lart: pilot ogniphic goods in Wi-^

in tho city, and best ir'raent of frames and

^j Wisconsin atroct.


Irritation of tlie Scalp.

WATERvnxJ!, Me., September 1!5, 1869. Mesara Joseph Bctosk rr A Co. :—

Hear aim,— I have derived much benefit from the use of your (,'oGoaine, 'i'wolve years ago I had the tv-phus fever ; after my recovery 1 found myself troubled with an irritation of the ccalp.

I purcha.sed a bottle of the Cocoaine only for tho pur- pose of a hair dressing, but to my burpritte, it has en- tirely removed the irritation of so long standing. 1 have recemuiended it to several ot my frninds, who were atlUcted in the same way, and tHe disease.

A Remarkable ase.

East MiDtLKBOBo', Mass.. June 0, 1861 Meesra. Bhrnett A Co , . u

My daughter has been afflicted vnth neuralgia m Her head for three years, ^iho has used during that Ume many powerful applicaliona. These, with the intense heat caused by the painii, burned her hair so badly that in (Jcfober. iHoI, It all cumootf.

She was induced to trj your Cocoaine, and the resmi was astonishing. .She h id not used half the contenta of a bottle before her head was covered with tine young hair. In four months tl.e hair has grown several inches in length, very thick, suit and tine, and of a darker

WM. 8. EDDY.

my friends, who were . i„ length, very thick, suit and tin^

" h"^ ..*iu"},??¥*"V*^ color than f urmerly. W ith respect, JOSEPH UiLL, Jr.

ZV Tlio Companion la an eiKht-pase weeWy

Paper, Practical in its character, \vid»-

awalco and eutertalnins.

It 0ive« a irreat rariety of reading, intereat-

Ins alike to younc and old, and haj for

coutributorii such \tTiter*

Ktv. Edu-ard E.Hah, Harriet Betcher SUnot,

Louiie CkdTuiler JloxUion. '•Sopki4 May,"

Eiitabeth Stuart Phelps, E»l*n C. Wttkt,

Together with many other well known and popular authors.

Subscription prioa, 81.50. Sand for a specimen copy.

cAir BS cxmsD.

sd are ear _


Thoee having friends afflicted are eamwsUy solicited send for a ClUCULAK LETTER OF REI-liR. liNCES and TESTIMONIAIJsjVvhich will cqnviiice the

moat skeptical of the CURABlLlTY of the DISEASE. Address VAN BUKEN LUCKROW, M. D.,

86 Great Jones St, N. Y. City.


The Blood Purifier is the only article in the market which contains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex- pressly from Sweden ^or its manufacture, and the Pills contain the active principle of Podophyllum (Mandrake Root,) and is a substitute for Mercury.

BrR.\ETrS rorOAI.\E it Ihf Bf:ST and CUKAI'KST Hair- Dr»»nng in tht lorll It prutnotM Ih* GROWTH OF TIIK HA lit, and ia rn'irflyj'rerfrum all irrilutiny mailer. The name and title thsrtof ie adapted ai a Trade- Mark to nerure the public and projtrietorr iv/aintt imftoiitiun h<i rhr introduction q/" apuriout art'.cle'. All nuoMlhur ixed *'e ^/ Ihia TraiU-ifark \tiH be prumplUj prosecuti d.

the most Ufxrral terme to all who engage with us in the sale of this Book. Teachert, ladies, energetic young mnn. and ("specially returned and disabled olficers and lujldient, will tiud our work particularly adapted to tlu-ir condition. We employ no general a.!ents. but otter superior inducements to csnvass»'rM. i>'l <i;i'i-" itiH „f>,j-^c; !'•• thititrtn. t>ver l.»0,000 copies havo already been sold in the East. One scent sold :17 ci.ii*** >n one iJay. another 7.'i another has taken 1,(MHI "rd.>ri in tour weeks. S.impie copy forwarded, post pa i4, on re ceipl of ^-j.OO. tor full particulars, address K. H. FERIilSON & to..

Publishers, St Looia, Ma

MTOON.\N & .^IcN.\K, Dealers in all kinds of

1^ Papere. Cards, C.ird Boards, Straw Boards. Kags and Paper Stock, 1^.5 Wiaeonain street ^_^



1,1 F. A I>A.>IS & ( «»., Manuf::ctiires and Whole M/ •sale Dealers in Tobacco, Snuff andCigirn, \,'i S,^


trc'jt, .Mil>niu',»ee.


A DAY made at


r\ gents.


Daris by Sunlight and Gaslight

A WORK descripUve of the .>! \ .•<ri:i{IE."*.


1 RIMES ot the t'lTY OF PARIS.

It tells how Paris has become the <Jayosf»nd ciost Boantiiul «ity in *ho world: how iU Beauty and splen- dor are purchased at a fearfnl cost of Misery and Suffer iiig . how visitors are dwindled by Professional Adven- tiirers how Virtue and Vice go arm- in arm in the Keauf iful < 'ity ; how the most Kearful Crimes are com mitltd and concealed ; how money is «in.>in(leri?<l m M^f- le<wliivury; .and contains over l.'iil tine I- ii({r:niiigs ot noted Places, Life and Scenes in Pans, taavajising

iHNikssent free. Addrese ,„...«,„ ^.r^


Chicago, 111. or St. Louis, Ma

/.inly new articles for ."tamples sent free. Address

H. B. SHAW, Alfred. Me


.s..:.,iTWi:NTV FIVE CK.S I's/ •'._> l>.-- tincite in Fs.-k-inl .<; Co's i.rMi 1 l>i*tii- bmion,co!i>-i?tmi.'01 l'i:ir.os,.MiU;U(om., I Gold iind Silver \V:it.-hc.s. Jeweliy. «<' valiie<l at $7 J,t«iO. Ev.t> iu tr


Manufacturers and Proprietors, - - No. 27 Central St., Boston, Mass. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.




Agents Wanted

We offer a new prac- tical Work needed by all business men.

Agonia have already realiZ'-d ovor i^.W l>er day. Booksellont and energetic p<-raons will receive sample and par- ticulars free by address ing \\i:STERN PIB-

Lie ATION < O.,

■y. Clark St.Chicago, 111.



t(i l*edis l^VeTofonrhel>oV>iilar8l.<J«> I'lm. t"'! not to be paid for until you kii av what

Certificates ftndfir-

1^90 nnn nflll lAwrenceTownleTEstafcof dCl£0«UUUsUUU>England. According to the upinum ot the t>e«t lawyers. I am tho heir to this Kstato. I will s«ll a few shares at a sacrifice to obtain money to prosecute my cUim in Kngland. For p irticulars. ad- JASIEL LAWRENCE, .New Vork.


BEST SEWINiJ , ,. . only Sj^O,. Sample Machine t.i


ly '.,

,\.IJr.ss wHlTNEY llaiupstod, N. U.



I pai'i

1 vrin are to receive.

liir-^ s^nt on receipt of ■-•^iociit.-', or hvj


C5 ^'<nt F-.urth Street, Cincinnati, 0l\»O.


cn.\9. A. DANA, Fmtijr. Th« rhsapest, »marte<t, a:id bf st New York rcwspsper. Evervbody likoi it. Thte e<liti'^ii»: Dailt, 90| ^,^'"- Wiiii.T,»'ii and Wi«KLT,»l ayear. ALLTBitNiiws at hslf-prir-. f-ull reports of market*, aencnltur^, fanner, and Fruit Orowem' Clubs, and a complete ?t..rv in every Wr»klv snl 9emi-Wp«kly number. A present of valuable phatx'anJ vinfs to every .ub«rihori Inducement. «o o«n- vsrtem .inTOrp««5«l. •!,«• Lift Iniumnccs, Omnd P»n™i. Mowin: Michinei^ Parlor Oncn«. Bcwinjs Machines. »c., amon* the premiums. Specimens and hsU free. Sena «

Dollar and try it. ,.,. ^ o vr._ V...1.

L W. ENGLAND. Publisher Son, New York.

We do not wish to inform you, reader, that Dr. Won- dorfiil, or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the loni» .ire half consumed, in short, \rill cur««ll diseases whejh'-r of mind, body or or estate, make men liv.^ forever, »n<l l.'\v« death to play for want of work, and is desifrned tomakeonrsnbbinary sphere a blissful paradis<», to which ll<<avpn itself phall be but a side snow. Vou have hi>ard enough of that kind of humbiigery, and we do not wonder that yon have bv this time liecome disgusted with it. But when I teL you that Dr. Sages l?atarrh Remedy i'> 'I pnri.irrlii cure III' ir--ryi roj'fi or Cuinrrh, I only asseri that which thous- ands can testify to. Try it and yon will be convinced I will pay HSaUURE^AKD for a case of Catarrh that 1 cannot cure.

For Sale by mo«it DmsKistH Errry where.

PHirK OSLT 6fl CEIJTS. ."^1' '■/ Wli', pn^ paid for

HiThi Crni*: Four Packngea foT$2.iiii; oronodozeia for $.T.(X>. Send a two c»"Ut stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor,

■■ PEIRCE, M. D.,



A very superior regulating Tonic, imparting vigor and strength to the constitution— A thorough


a regulator of nervous force, and a powerful sustainer uf health against the encroachiiionis of disease

'I he invalid and the convalesi iug s-joking restoration, B0d yearning for tho healing virtuBS of soino mngic llalin, wiU tmd in those Bitters a hidden mysterious power which quietly re«tt<ire», yet rclusu.s to reveal to the senses an>thing but taste and color.

It IS a pleasant Isittor, free from all nauseous proper- ties or odor, eutiroly vegetable, l>eing mainly grown at the base of the mountains from which they derive their uaiiio, and is particularly adapted to all inrius of DYSPEPSI.V OR IMU«iE.STION, manifesting themselves by the following symptoms: llradache, Nervousnese. Ixiss of .Memory, Ixiw bpirita, .i.i.iinB«a. Dimness of night. Dullness ol Hearing and l-angiug .N'oises in the l--ars. Kructationa or Belchings of W ind. Tightness of Breathing, Weight and Opproa hion of the (best. Uneasy Feeling about the Heart, pitj




It is purely veftetable, contains no alcohol, iolphur lead or mineral ingredient; is clean, highly porfumec and dilTereut from an) other article. Everybody wil use it. Price. only 60 ct*. {,(X),iiO() bottles sold annually

BtJRIfHAMS ifc VAW SCHAACK, CUICAGt.*, WJioleeale Aiicnt*. Sold by all drugglsU


mVADA.lIE LA RlEcan produce, by meansof the if 1 Horoscope, a tru.» picture of your future husband or wife, with name, occupation, pecuniary circum- stances, date of marriiga, and felicity of married life, furthermore, she willitive you the P. O. address, so that you can correspond . a ;ho the age and tuU description, and tell yon how, when and where you will becoiiKi acquainted, how often you will marry, your destined success in life, and evorything relating to ^our future. State your age, color ol eyesaud hair, inclosing .'lU cents, and you will receive tha picture, with a written destiny, by return mail. Address, in coohdence, M. LK RUE, Drawer .5S9;i, Ch)ca«:o, IlL


Five Dollars will buy the Fairy Be\rinK >I«chlnp,

which is warrantt>d to io perfect sewing on the heaviest beaver or nuest cotton Why pay iJ.'A) or $101) when the "Fairy" will do ii^st as good worit for only i^. Send for Circular. The Machire vrill be sent by Express C. O. D.

Address Fairy S«\viiij{ .^larhint* to.,

P. O Drawer 5787. Chicago, Ulinois.

Propri R.N'.

for Ijver Diseases.' Disorders of the Kidneys,

Restlessness and lx>a.s of .Muscular Power, those Bitters will be foond almost a specitic. and aa a pietentivc ol

FEVER AND ACJIE, or a restorer of the natural power of the system, when brolien down by continnod ague attacks it has no equal.

Being stimulating ibut not intoxicating i they refresh and invigorate both mind and body, heighten the senai- bility, clear and sharpen the tacolties, and bestow alacrity and chuerfnlness ot spirit.


This is an active Tonic, and such is its peculiar com- position that it acta directly upon the Liver, whether its aerangement is caused by the sudden paruiisms ot chills, ur by the heat and posiilent utmospuuro ot miss matic districts and seasons, or whether ii be the slow result of sedentary life, ar the sequel ui other diseases. In all cases this I ure stimulates th? sluggish action of the Ijvor, removes the bile and promoies a healthy natural secrotiou. Fjich bottle is accumpanied with one t>ox of I.austcy'a < atbiirtic I'ille, «1 a bottle.


Building Paper




J. R. La^^ence & Co.'s

Publishers Youths' Companion,

\h\ Washington Street. Boaton , Maea.




TuE People's Favorite Journal. The Moat Intei*e»ting; Stories

Are always to bo found in the

New York "Weekly.

At present there aro


running through its Columns; and at least

One Story is Beg^un Sverv nSonth.

New subacnbar* are thus mire ef havi ng the commence- ment of a new continued story, no matter when they subscribe for the

New York Weekly- Each number of the NEW YORK WEEKLY coij- I tains nevcral Beautiful Illustrations, Double the | amount of Reading Matter of any paper of its class, I and the Sketches, Short Stories, Poems, 4c., are by j the ablest writers of America and Europe. 1"he

New York Weekly

does not confine ita usefulness to amusements, but pub lisbes a great quantity of resUy Instructive Matter, in the most condensed form. The

IT. v. IXTeekly Departments

have attained a high reputation for their brevity, excel- lence, and corroctneaa.

The Pi.kasast Paragraphs are made up of the con- centrated wit and humer of many minda

The KNOWi,Er>OE Box is confined to usefnl informa- tion on all manner of snbjecta

The News Itemh give in tho fewest words the moat notable doings all over the world.

The Gossip with Cohre81>ondekt8 contains answers to inqoiries upon all imaginable subjacta.




Each issue contains from EKiHT to TEN STORIPJ5 and SKETCHE.S, and HALF A

I. with age, height,

color of eyes and^ hair, you will receive by return

mail, a correct picture of yonr future husband or wife, ' with name and date of marriage. i

Address W. FOX, |

P. O. Drawer No. 8, Fultonville, New York


The I-;xrelMior Pacltane, suitable for evetTr city or ] country home. Contains several useful artjcles that . every one wants, male or female, married or single. A handsome Oroide gold present will be sent to each pur- chaser with tho package. Tho present is worth more than the price asked for the package. All sent free lo


Are Dr. C. W. Roback's Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu- rifier and Blood Pilis the three greatest remedies world has ever known?


any address tor 5u cents.


109 Grand St., N. Y. City.


CHOWS HOW TO DOUBLE TUE PROFITS OF J9 THE FARM, and how fanners and their sons can

each make



In Winter. 10,0(W copies will be mailed free to farmers. Send name and address to , , ,

ZEKJLER. M.CURDY 4 CO . Chicago, la


a<;ents for


In the noniidleB* Went and Snnny South.

How, why and whure to find them. All about the won- derful progress and groat resources of the conntt^'. .New, fresh interesting and popular. Onovolumo. tine ilhistratioos. Price low. A rare chance to make money. Send for circular PEOPLE'S PUBLISHING CO., ItM State atreet, Chicago, 111.



THE only perfect cure for PILE.S of all kinda Also Lehiujhy, S*:hokula, Salt Rheum, and all diseases of fce Ski.s and Bumid. Internal and exterual use. I Kntiri'ly vegeUble. Used in the Hoepitals of the t)ld and New World. In case of failure, 1 nuthori/e all deal I era to refund the money and charge it back to mo. No I failures for over ten years. Prepared by H. D. FOV\ I.E. I Chemist, Boston, Masa. ill a bottle, bold eveiywbare. Send for Clreulart f re*.

Till ha

E :>IA«a<' <"0.">in wUl change any colored

hair or beard to a permanent Black or Urtiwn

One Comb sent by mail for *1. 1 or sale by MerchauU and Druggists generally. Address . ,,

MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass.

A Book for the Million*

lyTf^ *^**Y^ "**■"■■ '"° t^the Mar-

itlEU or those about \{.o marry, on tho .physiological mva- teries and revoUOons of the seinal system, with the latest discoveries in producing and preventing olTkpnng, how to preserve the ompleiion. 4c.

This IS an interesting work of 224 psges, with numer- ous engravings, and contains valuable information for


those who are married or contemplate marriage, still it not laid carelesly about the bouse.

is a IxKik that shauld be kc;

Dtemp ,it undi


er luck and key, and

Sent to any one ^free ot postage; for Fifty Onta._

N. W. comer Fifth






Gradf^A IJnunatrt' Lf Vfl, Pi'iw only $1."».

Evury farmer needs one. Every School should have one. No Engineer re-iuirt>d to lay out roads, walks or watercourses. Will e^tablij'h levels for foundations. walls, bridges, maile ground, 4c. It is extremely simple and l>eantifnl. Sent ti> any address on receipt of pnco DescripUve circulars, with cuts, fr<»».

ltA.MU.TO.N K. TOWLI., t^ivil Fngiaeer,

and Special European Patent .Solicitor,

.^Bki<\dway, New York.


The >Iarri«Ml I.adipo' Privnto Companion con- tains tho desired information. Si>nt free for two stamps. Address .MRS. C HK.VHY, Uanover.Pa.




f-'very Family in the country needs one. t knits ever> thing from a mitten to a blanket. \ child. 12 years old, can learn to work it lu an botir. tt isopemfHl theaameasa sewing machi..e. by band

or r»s.'t. It u^es but nne needle, and is the perfection 1 1 ^■e%nty

and usefolneea. Circulars with cntaand full particulars free to everybody. Agents wanted in every county, .vpply qmcaly. TOWLE 4 UARDI.NO, t;en'l Ag'ts,

ITri Broadway, New \ ork.

Goods shiopecl PROMPTLY, and at LOWEST MARKET RATES, -whethar ordered PERSONAIiLY or BY MAIL. Wekeepinatock SUPERIOR BRANDS of goods only, and guarantee satisfaction to o-ar customers as to QUALITY. PRICE LIST containing valuable tables, and also weekly quotations, mailed to THE TRADE when requested.

$10. WATCHES. $10.


(Inooiveiated by the State) aeU Fine Gold and So^ ^j£f^*Wat^ at fW each. KOUOEngravings. ftdlT deaeribing and Qluatrating all oar Watohea, are pneea io seakxTenvelopea. which are tboroaghly nuted. and wh«n orderf-l, are maileiL ppat-paid. at the following prices Single EngTBTtne.* ce»te: -Twelve, ^d rich prvmism. «?; Twenty live, and elecant Silver Hnnting W atch as premium, «10. BvwT^ engravrog enjtles the bolder ih.'ren: to a Watch wofi* from «» to «..») irre- mibUtj of value, for «10. Nothing can be loet by Una tiTeSmeBt. aa no article io our stock ia worth 1«» »han •aked. while the buyer may otnaia a Watch I CiivnhusfrM! •/« tmndwinhiK •■. AddrM* ■«•(•• Broadway,


or "Poor Man's Ooush Salsam."

■A safe and reliable antidote for diseases of the Throat and Lungs; the most utTactual preparation in the world for Coughs, (olds, letluenza. t roup. Asthma Consump- tion of tno Lungs, .Spitting of Blood, Whfsjping Cough, Bronchitis, Tightness, Soreness, and all afiections ot the Throat and Langs, 35 cents a bottle.


The Eocky Mountain Bit ers Company,

•i07 Fulton ."street, N. V.

;ySold by all Druggists and (irocera throughout the country.


WANTED- AGENTS. gi.W per month to sell th^ only t.EXCIXE IMPROVED COM-MO.V SE.NSE FAMILY SEWIN*; MACHINE. IVice only 81S. Great inducements to Agenta This is the most popular Sewing Machine of the day makes the famous "Elastic Lock Stitch"— will do anykind of work that can be done on any Machine— 100,000 sold and the demand con- stantly incroaaing. Now is the time to take an Agency. Send for particulars. UT" bnrarm <;/' infrinOTi. Address SkCOMB A CO., Boston. M ~ '

Pb. or St. Louis, Ma




The Terma to Subecribemi

One Tear-aingle copy Three Dollar*.

Fonr copioe ($2.80 each) Ten Dollara

Eight copies Twenty Dollars.

Those sending tSO for a club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entiUed to a copy rBEK. Getters-up of clubs can afterwards add single copies at $^50 each. STREET 4 SMITH. Proprietors.

No. 55 Fulton Street New York.

Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, and .Market atreeta, St. Louia, Ma pf~. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate.

,.^ „.-», ^w^.-..o X Before applying to the notorious (/tuvkt who advertise

DOZEN rOF.MS, in ! jn public papers, or using any tjuark Remchri,poraiM

Vt. Huttii' work, no matter what your disease is, or how deplorable your condition.

Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally, or by mall, on the diseases mentioned in his works. Oaice N. W . cor. Fifth and Market streeta, (opposite tkmrt Houae,) St. Ivoais. Mo. . .





oat try us l>efore hastily MtCHELIN

V BSIV/EXCX^... 4 CO.|

eoroer Faltoa Mrvet. New Yort-

The celebrated imitation



OOlUliS lS/LG>XEt\

The original and .'Nl.T hen riNE Oroide. Rnoting Watches. $ln. equal for time and appearanc* totiold ones costing i1'<". Those of extra tine finish

J 91, equal to a *»« Gold Watch. Chains. $2 to t8. ewelry of every Und. as good as gold, at one-tenth the price. When sjt Watches are ordered at one time, ths seventh one wUl be wnt freo. Goods sent to paid fcr at ezpreaa oOce on delivery.

<•. E. t OLMNS * CO., yo, 33-'> Broadway, New York.


i.^ matic sufferers from early indiacretiaas sboold net fail to cooaolt, confldiBtianr. Dr. Me- Namaza. at M and W Mawa St. ^'twankee. He kaa ramedies 'h tbe aid at alectrieityi that . : :! stop those ni^tlr em^MMM ; )>aild op the nertouB ^sten, re- store the aexaal powars to their frll vigor, and the mtaA to Its onfinaJnr chaatfalaaw and strength. 'The I>oeta(*a AQI lin Venerea Disease! > cannot be ex- celled in the healing art. Special at -^ntion paid to tliiniii of WoJCXM. JaW-If


or. the I'nder-world of the Cireat t'ity. The sins of every class of society ex- poeed. Ati.iith<RailroadiurMn. .Signalsoj danger are up. MoRC Money in I r ruu live AtitNts THAS AXY OTHEB BiKig. Takes t hree preasos all the time to print fast enoogh. <Jne AfrtI took 17J^ oriirra ia 10 'layi. '10 pages, 4i illostrationa Price, 83.50.— Asrnto Haatcd. Addreas N. Y. BOOK Ci>., 146 Naaaao street, N. Y.



9r la plaoa of


Ita oost Is so trifUcg that an ordinary honse can be eoverad «n all aides fir leas than


Send for olrealar* nad sample* to



Cure* Collo and Griping in, the Bowels, and facilitates- the prooeas of Teething. ^

Subdues Convulsions and/ overcomes all diseases inci-

TO THE WORKING CLA.S.M.-We are now prepaced to furnish all classes with ooaalaatenipkqrnient at home, tba whole of the time or for tha vara monsenta. Bnai- ness new. light and protitahla. Petaona of either sex eaailjr earn from SUc. tn $.'• per evening, and a propur tiooal sam b* devoting their whole time to the basinesa. Bctrs and gina can earn nearly as luuch as men. That all who see this notice may send their addresa, and t««t the bmiiisai. we make this unparalelled offer : To such as are nut well satislied. we will setid 41 to paj for the tronble of writing. Fnll particulars, a valaable sample which will do to commence work oo. and a copy of Thr rf-pir'i Literary Oompamian—oae of the largasi and beat family newipapaca pohUshed -all aenl nae bj mail. Reader, if yon want permanent, profitable work, address K C. aLLEN 4 CO., AuousTA, MaX-ve.


AGFNTS WANTED everywhere to seU the AMKRI CAN KMTTI.Vti M.\CHI.NF. the oohr practical Family Knitting Machine ever invented. Price #25. Will knit MiWatitchea per minof. Addresa AMERICAN KNIT


To Sell Sights and Secrets.of

T/te National Capital.

A work daawlyttveof Waahington City: Inside and Ontside Fninaaked and Exposed. The spiciest. m<^ist thriUing, most entfrtaining, instructive, and startling book of the day. pT'Send for Circulars, with terms, 4c.

JONEU, JI7VKIN dc CO.. Pnbilaheni,

167 Clark 8t.. CUcace, III.


sapern MINE

CO.. Boston, Mam. or St Louis, Ma

WORDS OF \»7SnOM to Yoong .Men on the RtUing Passion in Tooth and K.arLy Manliood. with Self help far thaeningand un' - -' ' " earalgaaaiJiM of cha: rxn. BmF.

AXD AaaocuTxn,

rirtun.*»to. Add



ap[>lication, descriptive

cuts and prices of

plete (rriiuUng ai*ri

ngri<mirMUU,Mai. _ an'f COrmMOte, 9mml \ SrTirattmt JfariHass. i .Address


Richmond, Inb.

Dealers in heavy (Tades of Genuine DtnCB Anchob BoLTnsoCUJTH 4!.

^OMETHINCJ <• the Star for Mnrybndti. Htmr tm k*% the West, 1^7l>. An 9 page Universalist family weekly giving canent secnlar newa Edited by Rev. Dr WiLJXO*aON asd J S. Canxwell. 4ri-&i per year advance, f^ewtium to nete mfhxriiter-. HtuAtqr


AREGCLAR GRADUATE OF MEDICINE, as diploma at office will show, has been longer engaged in the treatment of Venereal, Sexual and Private Diseaaas than any other physician io St. Louis. _

Syphilis, Gonorrhea. Gleet. Stricture, Orchitis. Hernia, and Rupture; all Urinary Diseases and .•Syphilitic or Mercurial Afflictions of the Throat, .Skin or Bones are treated withnnparalelled succesa

Si>ermatorrhcea. Spiual Debility and Impotency. aa the result of self-abuae in youth, sexual excesw* in matureryears. or other causes, and which pr<xiucc some of the foUovring effecta. as nocturnal einmis sions, blotches, debility, diTir.iness, dimness of sight. eonfosiea of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to society, of females, lose of memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage improper, are permanentl}- cured.

The Doctor's opportunities in hospital and private practice are unsurpassed in Kt. Louis or any other city, iiack files of .St. Ix)uis papers prove that he has been located there longer by years than any others advertising. 'The establishment, library, laborattjry and appointments are oarivalled in the West, unsur- (Hused anywhere. Age, with eipenence, cin be rehed open, and the doctor can refer tomany physi cians thronghotit th(> country-, in paat suooeas and present positioo he stands without a competitor.

The WritincrN of a Ph.valrlan wlione repn^

latiou IH i'nion-w ide nhould be

worth readlna.

I>x-roR Whittiek poblishee a MEDICAL PAMPHLET relating to venereal diseases and the disastrous and varied consequences of self-abuse, tfast wiH be sent to any ad<ire<ia in a sealed envelope for two stamps. Many physicians introduce patienta to the doctor after reading his medical pamphlet. Ojmmnnication conhdential. A fnendlj talk will cost yon nothing. Office central, yet retired— Na en St. Cliarles street. St I»aia, Ma Hours 9 a. to 7 P. X. Siudavs 12 to 2 P. X.

Mra. / Whitronib'a- Syrnp. * -Mra. / ! Whilronib*a Hyrup

Wli'ilcomb'a Summer Complaint in Chil i Nyrnp. ^ dren ot all ages.

It is the Great Infant's and Children's Soothing Rem edy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other ' cause. Prepared by the CIralton .Medicine Co., i St Ixiuia, Mo.

Sold by dmggists and dealer* in medicine* everywDere.

^ dent to Infants and Children Cures Diarrhea, I>ysenter}',,


f entH. Price

•2.5 Cents. Price

•2.5 Cenla.


After eleven years' experi- ence and trial the sales have increased each and every year, and thousands of let- ters (unsolicited) of the re- markable cures they have pei^ormed bear witness. Read tho letters in Local Column of cures by tiiebe medicines. ^^^_^


Hair Vigor,

For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color.

A dressing wfakth 13 at once agreeable, btallbj, and effsotual for preserving tbo Lair Faded or gray hair is soon restorai to id original color, with the gioit and freiftneu of youth Thin hair is thick- ened, falling hair checked, and bald, nea.. often, though not always, cured by its uso. Nothing can restore the hai. where tbo foUicles are destroyed, o: the glands atrophied and decayed. Bu such as remain oan be saved fur usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a ijauty sedi- ment, it will keep it clean ana vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hail from turning gray or con,sequently prevent from those deleterious make some preparations : injurious to the hair, the Vigor cao i only benefit but not harm it. If wanted I merely for a

falling off, and

baldness. Free

Bubt-;tances whioh

dangerous, and



£0 desirable, nor dye, it doea


Possesses peculiar qualities ai an equalizer of the drcu

hition and aa a support-a eort of extra skin -in all mua

cnlar and oervoua paina, whether of the side, head ,

kidneys, or back ; and in sciatica they should be applied

at once. They are now widely uaed in hospitals, both

in America and Europe, and approved by all physician*.

} They give immediate relief ia Lumbago, aa well as in I

\ paiiu of the side aad back, whether they proceed from j

: weakneaa, fatigue, or other cause*. !

f^aside House, Rockaway Beach. Sept 1, 18®. Meeare. AuxocK 4 Co., Sing Sing:

GENTl.gMgJt -Your Plaster* have wonderful qualities, and every traveler should have them by him My guests give great accounts of their eflicacy. Soma cured of coughs . some of rheumatic paina ; soma of severe (>ain« in the breast, nde and back. In aciatia and kidney affections their appUcatioo ia equally sncceaaf nl. I my- self was attacked with a severe pain in my left kidney. I was in acony for twenty-foor hoora. At length I : applied one of yonr Plastera The pain soon began to abate, and in tha coarse of a few hoars was entirely ' removed. I send you this that you may pubhah it if yoo I think well. 1 am yours, A. D. FAILING,

I Proprietor of the Seaside llousa.

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Washejotcn, Dec. 6. To Oie en-iie an-l llo^is- of R^pre.wU'itives: In commR before you for ttie first time us Chief MuftiHtrale of this great natiou. U !^wUh grauruae to the Giv^r of all good for the manv beuefits wo enjoy, we are blessed with-pe..e at ^-^^ •^^\^;^',^^^^^; enUnRlinu' ivllian<^e.s ftbro.id t.) foreDoOe teouble wUh a territory uusurra^sed m fer- Suu of Tu area equal to the ubnndaut sup- of livo hanlrL'd millions of people, evwrv vnrietv ol use- ful miuen- ■" n.mutitv i^nfficient to supply the



WHOLE NO. 320.

itv Ws in good taith, no matter how nn pleasant the task. maJe bo by the snflenng

our credit lue nest on .artu. .u'. a le«s the A-lministration to execute the neutral

burden of taxation than the citizen has en-

Jured for six vears past, the entue public

debt could be" paid in ten years. But it is not we have

S^'r^ble thVt people should not be taxed to faith towards

pfy U in that time; year by year.the^abdity tions.

to pay increasps in a rapid


and abounding in

mineral in quantity

world lor generations, wUn Muberant crops uud with a variety oJcSe^dapfed to the production of eierv specie ot" earth's rich. s. and suited to the habits, tistes and r^quireraenta ot S-ery liviu- tbiu«; with a population of forty miUions of free people all speaking one langu.vi?.'; with lacihties for every pior- Udto acquire an education; with institu- tions closing to none the aveuues to fame, or any blessing or fortune that may be cov- eted- with freedom of the pulpit, the press, and the school; with a rcvom.e flowing into the national trea^iry beyoud the requirements of Government sup- ply. Harmony la bei^K "pidly i^atored within our own borders. 1: ctores hitherto unknown in our sre springing up mall directions, producing a degree ot national indepenaence une- qaaled bv t at of any other power. These blessings, and counUess others, are in- '^ and more for safe

ratio, but the borden of'inTerest ought'to be reduced as rapidly as can be done without the viola- tion of contract. The public debt 18 rep- resented in great part by bonds havmglrom five to ten and from ten to forty years to run, bearing interest at the rate ot six per cent, and five per cent, respectively. It is optional with the Government to pay their bonds at any period af- ter the expiraUon of the least ' time mentioned upon their taco. The time has expired when a great part of them may U taken, and the time is rapidly approaching when all may be. It is believed that al which are now due maybe replaced b> bonds beating a rate of interest not ex- :etding four and a half per^cent as rapidly as th they may be To accomplish thi -- . sary tc authorize interest to be paid either of the three or four monKV centers of Europe, or by the Assistant fre^isurer of the United Stivtes, at of the holder of the suggest this subject for the of Congress; also, simultaneously with this, the propriety cf redeeming our currency

and that

endured '.rom lack of like good i na by other na- The UniUd States schoon- er Lizzie Major was arresten OB the high seas by a Spanish frigate and , two oassengeis taken from it and carried | as prisoners to Cuba. Representations ot these facts were made to the Spanish Gov- ernment, as soon as official intormat ion | of thtm reached Washington. The two pas- sengers were set at liberty and tue Spaui-sh Government .issured the United States that the cni.Uiu of the frigate in making the capluri had acted witho t law; that he had been reprimanded for the irres;ulanty ol Lis conduct, aud that the Spanish authon ties in Cuba would not sanction any that could violate rights or trifle with sovereignty of this nation. The qnesticu of the ssizuro ot the brig

act the

toe United States would he lenefitted by iccij.rocity. Our internal taxation would r.rove a pjoteetion to the iBritish produce, almost ^qu .1 to the prottctiou which our manufacturers now receive from the tanfi. Some arraogemeut. h.nvever, for the regu- lation of commercial iuterconrse between the United States and the Dominion ot Canada may be desirable.

The commission for adji.sting the claims fur tlio Hudson Bay and Puget's Sound ALn-icnUur.ll Company uron tii« United States has terminated its h.oois. Ihe award „f six hundred nnd fifty ^hon«a^d dollars has been made, and all rifjhtB ru-i tuKs o. the company on the terrtcry f trie United State's h.ive been extiuguisuel. the deeds for the property of the comp my have been received aud an approprialiou by Ci^ngress to meet this sum is a«ke<l. The comiuis- determining the northwestern

establish better relations through og'n- cifc!=. A more enlightened policy tuan iias heretofore been pursued towards China is htfgcly due to the industry and efforts of one of our own distingushed ciliztus, and the world is about to commence largely in- creased relations with that populous and »iitherto txcilusive nation. As the United States have been the initiators in the new policy, so they should be the most earnest in showing their good faith in making it a success. In this connection I advise snoh legislation as will forever preclude the land- ing of Chinese upon onr soil under the name of Coolies, and also prevent Amer- ican vessels from engaging in transporta- tion of Coolies to any

country tolerating

Mar^-LowelUt one of the Bahama^and. | ^l^^^^^ ,,,,,,„

and the British poosessions

the system. I a'so recommend that the mission to China be raised to one of first class. On mv assuming the responsibility of Chief Magistrate of the United Slates it was with the conviction that three things were essential to peace, prosperity, and fullest development. First among

Philadelshia. New Orleans and San "^^«™J°^,, ^,„y .objects not alluded to «

this message which might with propriety be introduced, but I abstain, telieving your patriotism and statesmanship wm sugeeBt the topics and legislation mort conducive to the interests of the whole people. On my part, I promise a rigia adherence to the laws aud their strict en- forcement. II S. GBAJTT^

the option bond I consideration

trusted to vour care, keeping for the brief period of onr tenure of office. In a t^hort time we must each of us return lo the ranks of the people, who have conferred upon us our hotiurs, account to them lor our

Mann- as before suggested, at its market value, at

counUv i the Ume a law goes into .fleet increasing

the rate at which the currency will be

bought and sold, from day to day, or week

to v-ek. at the same rate of interest as the

government pays upon its bonds.

The subject of tariff and internal taxation will necessarily receive your a«teutiou The revenues of the country are greater than the requirements and may with -safety be reduced, but as the funding of the debt m a four or a four anda

Thv ,u.HirB that neither you n( r 1 may I half per cent, would reduce the annual

^eoniemred bva C aud enlightened I curreiit expense largely; thus after fund- ^.uttencv no? by onr own con- 1 ing and justifying a greater reduction o ^n„r Emer«U f^o^" » re- taxation than would be now expedient. I fnfnn' ot JmaX magnitude, aided ' gn^gest a postponement of this question Li? w.is^ by the s>nTpatby and as- ; nuSi the next meeting of Congress when !r-t*nce oT nati.y *ithwhich We were at i u may be advisable to modify taxation and ^.tence ot natuo^s j^ ot the Union were the tariff in instances where unjust or left without iHgal state | burdensome discriminations are made by


stf^ward.^hip. I

I may

peace, four years


Kovemments; a debt had been contracted; American commerce was almost driven from the s..as; th« industry of onchalf I the country had been l.ikea from the con- trol of the f-apitalist and pliced where all labor rightfullv belongs, in th^ keeping of The work of restoring the lovul to the Union,

the pre.sent laws, hut a general revision of the laws regulating the subject, I re- commend the postponement of tor the present. I also suggest the renewal of the tax on incomes, but at a reduced rate say Qt- 3 per cent. ; this tax to expiie m three ffears with the funding of the national debt

as here suggested. I feel safe in saying the

Britain. The Captain-General about ilay la.st, issued a proclamation au- thorizing search to be made of vessels on the high seas. Immediate remonstrance WAS made against this, whereupon the Captain-General issued a new proclamatioii limiting the right of search of vessels ot the United States, so far as authorized un- der the tieaty of 1795. This proclamation wa.s however, immediately withdrawn. I have alwavs felt that the most intimate re- lations should be cultivated between the repubhc of the United States and all inde- pendent nations on this conUnent and it m.iy be well worth considering whether new treaties between the United States and them may not be profitably entered into, to secure more in- timate relaUons, friendly, commercial and otherwise. , .

The (subject of an inter-oceanic canal to connect the Atlantic aud Pacific through the Isthmus ot Darieu la which commerce is greatly intereHted. In- .structions have been given to our Minister to the Republic of the United States ot Colombia to endeavor obtain authority for a survey by this government in order to determine the practicability ot such an un- dertaking, and a charter for the right way to build bv private enterprise work, if the survey proves it to be pratic- | able. In order to comply with the agreement i of the United States as to a mixed com j missifinat Lima for the adjustment ol claims, it became necessary to hend a com- missioner and secretary to Lima m August I last. No appropriation having been made j bv Congress for this purpose, it is now asked th-it one be made covering the past j

_ these

tl'" Uiiilt"rStrte8 ; 18 strict Integnty in fulfilling all our obli- under the gations. Second, to secure protecUon to treitv of lS5<rha'^e completed their labors, j the person and property of the citizons ol and the c.uiimis8ioudiR8ol\ed in conformity —-

with the recommendation of (Congress.

A proposition was early made to the British Government to abolish the mixed courts created under the treaty ot April 7, 1862 for the suppression ot the slave trade. The'subicct is still under negotiatiou.

It having come to my knowledge that a uucoi corporate company, organized under Biit- First

our common country wherever he may choose to move without reference to origi- nal nationality, religion, color, or politics, demanding of him only obedience U) the laws and proper respect for the rights of others. Third. Union of all of the States with equal rights indestructable by any unconstitutional means lo secure, of these Congress has

uu.px..- -r- -^ - " ^ shores I taken two essential steps— c^ie by declaring

ish laws, proposed to land l^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^ { ^^^^ ^^^ p^^Hc debt should bo paid.prin-

and to under

a concession cipal and interest, in com; second by pro- Emperor of vidmg means for paying; providing the exclusive i means, however, could not secure the ob- of telegraphic i ject debir^^d with a proper administration of bet reen the shores of ; the laws for the collection of reveiiues and

an economical disbursement ot them.


York, . . - , .

Francisco, if for no other, is concurrf;d m. I also call special attention to the recom- mendation of the G neral commanding the miiitarv division of the Pacific for the sale of the' Seal Inlands of St Paul and St George. Alaska Tetiitory, aud suggest that it either be complied with, or that legislation be had for the protec- tion of the seal fisheries, from which a revenue should be derived.

The reoort of the Secretary of War con- tains a synopsis of the heads ot bureaus, of commanders of military-divisions and of the districts ol Virginia, M-jwissippi and Texas. The report of the General cl the Army in full, and the recommendations therein contained, have been well consid- ered and are submitted for your action. I, however, call special attention to the re- commendation of the Chief of Ordnance for the sale of arsenals and lands no longer of use to the Government; also the recom- mendation of the Secretary ot War that the act of 3d of March, 18G9, prohibiting pro- motiomi aud appintments in staff corps of the army, be repealed. The extent of country to be garrisoned, aud the number of military posts to be occupied is the same with a reduced army as with a large one; the number of staft' officers required is more dependant upon the latter than the former condition. The report of the Secretary of the Navy accompanying this shows the condition of the navy when this administration came into office, and ehanges made since

Strenuous efforts are being made to place

as many veesela in commission or render

Ihem fit for service, if required, as soon as

and substituting the ^ail for

•Special Jlotice^,

of the United States, A submarine cable, from His Majesty, the the French, ot an right for twenty years

ro..L.ao.ea ^.. --•j-JiSi/'pS.'; SITS ^«'. ™-- .

likelv to follow for any hesitation in sus- taining efficient oiSciala afjainst remon strunces wholly political. It may ba well to mention here the embarrasKmcnt possi- ble to arise from allowing on the statute








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the introduction of u .iaii»




AUen" Lung B»lsam U eonlidently nooBOomad^d.

oceans ( made acquamtc

one in I of Congress on the subject as ^ ^ .

by the bill which passed the Senate m ; March last. This drew fio'Ji Uie repressn- tativcs of the Comnany an anreement to accept as the basis ot their operations the provisions of the bill or of such other i^nt of the subject as might be pasa-

i"*i such a

nSS^t^ ^ S; ^e::^^ ^ '^- b^^^s r^e so-caUed tenur^ of office aot.and , aiisal^o to n^se their irflaence to .ocare . to earnestly recommend their total r.p.^al fmmtheSench government a modification ' It cor.l I not have been the intention of the

lKSf.l7cnhTS^',rSror %'Zns^/'S^tJ.. that ..» Ut.«

The report of the postmaster general fur- nishes a clear and comprehensive exliibit of the operations of the po.stal service and of the financial condition of this part of the Post-office Department. The ordinary postal reve-

the laborer.

"^n^otKnT'Sn? '.st^ng rronabor"'a"nd , uxTs'Vnd "^^venue'from imports may be

nroCdrng u^eans for pa^ ih^ interest on the reduced safely from GO to 80 millions per an-

Sc dfbl has recdample atten-ioufrom ; „„„, ^t once and still further reduction from --^ expenses of the commission.

Congress; alth..ir^h your .ffort; Lavo not j y».arto y«ar as the resources of the country ana^^ ^^^^ v^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^.^^^ y^^^^^. ^^

««a» vi>li the Kuccess. in all p*rticulars. that | ^^u developed. hrinu aVionta neace between Spain and the ; Lie, -.- . - - --- >■ ,

.f^hThave be^n desired, vit on the whole ; The report of the secretary of the treas- ^^'^^^^'^'^Lmr" publics, with which she meeting of Congress. ^/^f «* J«,f;7, »^f^

"«^' ^'^^^'mniore successful than could nry shows the receipts of the K';'«;"!J"'J^ f.'^^^^^^^^^^^^ by Spain, there has been no '^^^''^,^''';;;";,T;^;;"i

Seven !fo/ the fiscal year ending June 30. 1%9. to 1^ at wai^.naK^^^^^F ^ invi- 1 the company's cjncessiou, nor, so tar as 1


they have ..

have been reasonably anticipated.



In considen-

^^^^ directed the

wTtlidravi-ai of all opp;>si'tion by the United

States authorities to the Imding of the ca-

aud to the working ot

anv SUte in the Union, on' their part not oppos the lishment of any such cable, tion of thi.s agreement, I

r^hould have the power to r tarn m office persons placed there by federal appoint- ments ag-.in^,t the will of the President.

it until the

I^tes Which pushed ordinancesof secession ! i,e ^70.943.347 dollars and the expenditures havrbeeBfulvr.stor-dto their places in including interest, bounties, f ^^ -/o^J^ fhe Union the c ijihth, Georgia, h«ld an 321.490,597 dollars. The estimates for the Iw-doi at which she ..itiaed her con<5ti- ^ „«„!„« year are more favorable to he Go v- tSn mmSmin torxxi. elected a gov- ernme^.t. and will, nod-ubt >,howa largede- l^r'nuS « ''f Congress, a state legi.- cr.aseol the public debt The receipt, in the uTnre and" U other offi.';r8 required. The Treasury beyond expenditures h«ve "ceed- aoJerno" wis dully in.stalled and tlio legis- ^.i the amount necessary to bo placed to the Siuro me? and performed all the acts \ eredit of the sinking fund^ aa provided b) therein required of them by the^w. T

St on wS they had just ratified, as 1 to cripple trade and seriously affect the !^n?e decide y the Supreme Court of th. ! pro.sperity of the country. Under these -t^fe thev u'lsJated tVo' colored members Circumstances, the Secretary of the Treas ot the Si iturc, and admitted to seats Q^y and myself heartily concurred lu th^ ot the l^ni^j'^'^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ disqual.ued b- the i propriety of uning all the surplus currency the I'urtc.uth amendment j ^q t^e Treasury in the parchase of Gov.

ted to be held in Washington during the present winter.

can learh, have they -attempted to secure

on their concf.st-ion the txclusion ot the

T^mnVhas been given to Europeans of I capital and citizens ot the United States

an ^e™clusive rLhf of tran.it ove ! from cr.mpetition upon the shores of France^

Z '^tiSZy ^.f Nicaragua 1. 1 ^ I rcc.uiimena legi^jUoa^to, pijte^^

sovereignity of the

! ricrhts of citi-cnn ol

territory- of Nicaragua which Codta Rica has given its assent^ .

which it i^ alleged conflicts with vested ! well .^s the tUguity aad ri'^-hts of citiz.cs of the United StatP*.

A the«''^'^\'?S''^f;' "*i^^ u^^^^^^^ The department of state has now this ..ub-

urlicle which

they Un

some mem third clause of to the constitutiou. themselves had contribul. d to ratitv der th-'ie circumstanc-s. I would submit to ' you whether it would not be wi.so without delay to enact a law authorizing the gover- «er of Georgia to convene the members ekctfd, requiring each

eminent bonds, thus reducing the inteiest- bearing debt of the country, and of sub- mitting to Congress the question of the disposition to be u.ade of the bonds so purchased. The bonds now held by the Treasury amount to about $7o,0<W,0UO oriBinally el,.ctfU, requ;r.uK --v^ , -including those belonging to the sinking

member to take the oath prescribed by the ftind. I recommend that the whole be S^rnstnicti-.u art. and uo..« to be admitted , placed to the credit of the sinking fund, who are ineligible under th- third cUuse of the fourteenth anu-ndmeu: fne freedmen under the protection vhn i th.-y h.iye re ceived are making nipid progress m leara- inff and no complaiutti are heard tor lack of industry on their part, when they re- ceive fair remuneration f<ir their labor. The means provided f.»r paying tho m- tho public debt with all other of the Government are


there was a stat« of war between Pern and Spain, and that Spain was constructing in and near New York thirty gunboats, which might be used by Spain in such a way as to relieve the naval foice at Cuba, so as to op- erate agaiu«it Peru, orders were given to prevent tL. ir departure. No further steps haviug been taken by the representative ol

' the Peruvian government to prevent the departure of these vessels, and I not feeling authorized to detain the property "' " nation with which we are at peace mere Executive order, the rqatter has been referred to the courls to decide. The conduct of the war between the

' lUlies and the republic of Paraguay has ade tne intercourse with that country so

nation, against such aD.umption. i uhau alho endeavor to secure, by negotiation, an abandonment of the principle of monopo- lies in octan teh-graphing cables. Copies j by of this correspondence are herewith fur-


The unsettkti political condition of other countries, less fortunate than cur own. sometimes induces their citizens to come tf the United States far the sole purpose of becoming natural- ized Having se.-ured '.his they return to their native country and reside there with- out disclodug their change cf allegiance. They accept official positions of

trust or hfld bv citizens


Your attention is respecttuUy invited to the

recommendations ot the ^^.^'^^jy"'^^^^^ dimcult 'that it has been advisable to with-

Treasuryfor ^^l^^^^^^l^^^^^^ j^^e^u^f i di.w our represenUtiye frotn there,

tereat on

expcnstfS „. , ,

more than ample. The los.s of our com- merce is the only result of the late rebel- lion which has not received sufficient at- tention from vou. To this subject I call


for the increase ot salary to certain ficials, and the subsUtution of increased National Bank citculation, to replace the outstanding i per cent, certificate?, and most especially to his recommendation tor the repeal of the laws allowing shares of tines, penalties, forfeitures, &c., to officers of the government, or to infwrmera.

The office ut Commissioner of Internal Revenue is one of the most arduous aud " ' it falls


To wards the ch)se of the last administra- tion a convention was signed at London for the settlement of all outstanding claim.s be- tween Great Britain and the United States,

of a , ,

on a honor which can only be -; . . j »,..^ ♦»,«

of their native land; taey journey under undone, and the passports describing them assuch citizens, we now fiud it. and It is only when civil discord, alter, per- haps, years of quiet, threatens them or threatens their pc^rsons or their property, or when their native stales drait into its militaiy service. That the fact ot their .•hange of allegiance IS made known; that

they 'reside permanently from the United States; that ihey contribute nothing to ita resourcea; that they avoid duUes ot its cit-

The law is in consistent with the faithful i and efficient administration of the govern- ! ment. What faith can an executive put in ^ officials ferced upon him. and these, too, whom he has subpended for good reason f How will such officials be likely to serve an administration which they know does | trust them for a secondV It is requis- ^ ite to our growth and prosperity. Time, ; aud a Arm but humane admiuutration o. , existing laws, amended from time to time, , as 'Lf \ may prove ineflf ctual and unneces- ; sary, 'is probably all that ate requir- ed ILo third cannot be attain- ed bv special legislation, but hut must be regarded as lixed by th« con- stitution i self, and gradually acquiesced m by force of public opinion. Irom the foundation of the government to the pres- ent the mauagement of the original luhab- itants of this continent, the Indians, has been a subject of embarraasmeot and ex- pense, and has been attended with con- tinuous robberies, murders and wars. From my own experience upon the frontiers aud in the Indian countries, I do not hold either legislation or the con- duct of tho whites who come most in con- tact with the Indians blameless for these The past, however, cannot be question must be met as I have attempted a now , policy toward these wards of the nation, i and they cannot be regarded in any other ] hcht than as wards, with fair results so far as tried, and which I hope will be attended ; ultimately with great success. The Society of Friends is well known as having succeed- ed in living at peace with the Indians in

uues lor the year ending the 30th of June, 1869, amount to $18,445,510, and the ex- penditures to $23,089,131, showing an ex- cess of expenditurss over receipts of $5,- 353,620. The excess ot expenditures over the'receipts for the previous year amounted to $6,437,992. The iucrea.se of revenues for 1669 over those of 1868 was $2,051 909, aiid the increase of expenditures was $967,- 8907,538. The increased revenue in 1S69 exceeded the increased revenue in 1868 by $996,330. and the in- creased expenditures in 1869 was was $2,527,5701688 than the increased ex- penditures in 1867, showing, by comp»n- l^,. n,i« (-mtifviuff feature ot improve-

B _

^RE .ou t«.u^,T^th^AST2«r^ ^ ^^, ,^



UNG BAI^A^M < AIJ^S)^ i„ ^ of If fonn..

TOP THAT COUGH^ j^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ,,

LLRN-S LUNG BA^AM ^^^^ ^^ ^._

OTHERS »hould keep

ALt£N'8 Lung Balsam

»t h»nd for UM in <>»•• of Croup.

Sold by All Medicine I>ealer».

Soli at Milwaukee by XL Boswobth 4 SOMS, G^»«: A BtnrxoN; Ric"* RlftLvo. Drake Bbo8^1)ohmis. Schmidt i Co.. and aU Milwaukee Drooista.

son, this gratifying feature ot improve ment. that while the increase of e^P^"^*^: tures over the increase of receipts in 1868 was $2,439,536, the increase of receipts over the iucrease of expenditures in 1868, was $1,081,371.

Your at I -nti on is respectfully caliea r. commendations made by the Postmaster



Genend,7or'authority to change the rate ot b^~^n«^.b»t i^^e^^e^ -J^^ ^,


Canker and Salt Rhenm Syrupi

For the Cure of Canker, Salt Rheum. EryaipeUa, S^u

louB Diseaees, Cutaneous Kruptiona, and everT

kind of I>ii«a»e arwina frran an

impure state of the blood.

Tht mot) EffeeHvt Blood Purifitr qf tht KbuttmA Omiunf

tsr SoJd bj all Medicine Etealere.

^d by UREENE A BcTios, Milwaukee.




miy oomsider this a iort of «>rw^ •«>•

Reader, you


compensation to the main tnink i lines for their services m Carrying the mails; for having postroute maps executed. ' for re-organizing aud increasing the ethcien- t cy of the special agency service, for increase I of the mail service on the Pacific and for ! establishing a mail service under the flag ' of the Union on the Atlantic, and moates- ; pecially da I call your attention to his re- i commendation for a total abohtion of the ' franking privilege. This is an abuse from which no one receives a commensurate ad vantage. It reduces the receipts lor postal service from twenty -five to thirty per cent, and largely increases the service tc be per- formed. The method by which posUge should be paid upon publie matter is set for*h fully in the report of the Postmaster General. , ^, ^ ,^

The report of the Secretary of the Inte- rior shows that the quantity of public lands disposed of during the year ending 30ih of June, 1869, was 7,666.152 acres, ex- ceeding that of the previous je" bJ l.' 010,409 acres. Of this amount 2,899,o44 sold for cash, and 2,737,365



conr earnest attention. I will not now sug- 1 responsible under the Government; seat plans by whi. h this object may be of- i i^^t ijttle if any short of a Cabinet position fected. but wi'l. if necessary, I'L.ke it the ial message during the


subject of a spec session of C«>iigrrsi. At the Mar.-h term resolution, authorized the ex.-cutive to or- , der an election in the states of V irginia. Mississippi and Tex.-.^ to submit to them the constitutions which f.ich had previous- .

Win convention framed and submitted, ^.^„^._ _._^ , ,, - - * i »

tie Censtitutiou, either entire or in separate ^ling for liberty and self-government; but imrts to be voted upon, at the discretion „iiilc so sympiUbizing. it is due to our of the Executive. Under this authority, 1 h^nor that we sLjuld abstain from enforc- elections were- called. In Virginia the elec- | jng our views upon unwilling nations, and Son took place on the 6th of July, 1869. from taking an interested pari, without in- The Governor and Lieutenant Governor 1 vitation, in the quarrels between diflerent

Us citizens United States

bv reason of the course

in its importance and responsibilitieH. l would ask for it, therefore, such legislation

which failed to receive the advice and con- 1 izenship, and tiwy only mal^ themselves rent of the Senate to its ratihcation. The , known by a clain. of l?'"^- ;°°- ^^ J^^^f ume and the circumstances attending , directed diplomatic and consular oftcerao fh^ iiefl^otiAtion of the treat v wert, the United SUtes to scrutinize carelully all V .rH«'^n its acceoUnce by the such claims o\ protection of the citizens of Se of t^e Unite7sK and'^s pro- ! the United States, -^-he, native or a^^^^^^^ visions were wholly inadequate for the set- , ed, who discharges his duty to l»i« <^o"?"y tlemeut of the grave wrongs that had been is entitled to its comple .e protection While usuTnedbv IMS government, as well as by ' I have a voice in the direction o affiur The injuries resulting to the I shall not cons'ent to imprint

the earljr settlement of rennBylvauia while . acres J^e^« j- j^, ^^^ homestead laws.- their white neighbors of oth r sects in , ^^^'^ ^^"f ™^'p, ^^^ wanted to aid in the other sections were constant y «'°»''-o.^/«^- J„^' ^^^^^ of internal im-


ijiin and you oannot eTen turn youraelf in bed. or ""jn ^ a cbSfr.^^^^yt and auffer. in tb-^l^o^^^SS* ln« it wiii ni«ht, and at ni«ht wiahin* it waa mocBin«» viWyouhay. j^g^RAMHA,

when every nerve in your being lite the •^n* f' wasD circnlatins the most venomoun and hot poiaoa M^id your heaJt. and drivin« you to the very verse ot madneu : When yon have the


(U»at I have iurt (tot through »ri«ii-> ^»* "'Sf* 'Ti;*^ Sit heart.v,ithen''n«, moet •t"'>«^„i^?^J22£i^ sDirit-breakin* and mind-weakenina of aU dieeaaee tttai oib afflirtoMpoor human nature.^Vhen you have tlM


Wn* and writhing in agony and pain, unable to tam MuJLlfinbedTaid evSnr movement wiD go to /our fiSiTuke a kni/e; now tolf me. if r-^ef »nd cum o^ajj, of theM disease* in a few days "_5pt .«»• O'"*** M^^ Blessing of Uie Age. tSl u* what i> !

DIRECTIONS TO USE. -You wiU tdke a tablespooD. ftU ^d thrwi spoonfuls of wat« three tun^a day. "d iTa f ew days ew pwtlcJe of rheumaUo »^ •aoralgio pain wUl be dissolved and pass off by the kidneys.

Manufactured by DONALD KENJTKDY,

RoxbUTi MaM.

k SiStb. E. P. Dwyer * Co., Bumbams A Van SebMci^ HuribSt 4 Edsau; Tolman 4 King, Chioa«OiGreen*

Schmidt, Milwaukee .Tl«Cnlloch*Mo{^j^LaCros*e. iVnvaa Bros.. St. Paul; CoUins Bros.. Z. r. WsCsel, Meyers B^. St, Louis; Moore 4 Tarbet, Zunkei»a57t Haaa, Dubuque. _ . ., i„

At retaU by aU druKKiata. Pnce tl.SO-

throw th« burden of the selection of agents


the sacred right by conferring it upon

upon hctitous^nd iriudulent claimants __„ , ^ T„,ii„n

On the accession of the present admin.s- , perintendents ">« f '^*"

Minister for reservations, o&cers ol tlie army

for this


During' the last fiscal year 23,106 names u I. »^ if.*.lf The result has were added to the pension rolls, and 4.87b upon the Society itself. f /^^ f J^'fJ^ dropped therefrom, leaving at Us close proven most satislactory. it will De louna ^v amount paid to pensioners,

Lore fully set forth in *;« '^f ^* °*/,^^ S\^^^^^^ to diKbur^iag

Commissioner of Indian Affairs. For BU^ in.^^^^^^^^ $2'8,422,884, an increase

''^^''^^•°;ere'otS441,192on that of the previous year. The munificence of Congress has been con

pVopie sympathize with all peoples strug- e.gn commerce I .. f^ . ...^ . _5 _.ir ™.,«». i>,it- crease find

elected have been iustalled. The Legisla- ture met and did all required by this reso lution and by all the reconstruction acts of Congiess, aud abstained from all doubtful authority. I recommend that her Senators and Represent;itives be recognized, and that the state be tul'y restored to it* place in the famil v of states. Elections were called In ilississippi and Texiv*. to comraenc

nations or between governments aud their subjects. Our course should always bo m conformity with strict justice and law, in- ternational and lo;al. Such has been the policy of the admiuiatration in dealing with "those questions for more than a year. A valuable province of Spain, and a near neighbor of ours, in whom all our veople cannot but feel a deep interest, has been

a .

on the ;uV.h"of N'ovember. 1069. and to last ^^g jing for indepence and freedom. The twodavsiu Mississippi aud four days m , peoole and government of the L nited States Texas ' The elections have taken place, but entertain the same warm tKelings

the result i-< n'->t known. It is to be hope<l that the .icts ot the Legislatures of these states, wheu th- y meet, will be buch as to receive your approvi-.l. an. I thus close the work of reconstruction.

Among the evils growing or.t of the re- j bellion, and not yet reterrcd to. is tL.U of an irredeemable currency. It is an evil which. I hope, will receive your moat ; ejtfuest attpntton. It is a duty, and one of the highest duties, of the tT.>vemment to I the citizens a medium ot \

_ _ warm

and -vmpathies for the people of Cuba in I their rendirg strr.ggle that they manifest- I eil thror.-hout the previous struggles be- ! twee" Spain and the former colonies in be- I half of the latter, but the contest at no ; time assumed the conditions which ' amount to a war in the sense of mternation- al law or which would show the existence of a de facto political organization of the

justify a recogni

insurgent- » , .

tion of beUigerency. The principle maintained that this nat on


the war and

treasure, and

could not be

nary commercial ,-..,, tk^

arise between commercial nations, and yet , .sells, ine

the convention treated thrm simply as such \ and Stockholm

ordinary claims, from which they differ j

more widely in the gravity of their charac- ter than iu the magnitude of their amount.

Great, even, as is that difference, not a word

was found in the treaty, and not an infer- -

euce could be drrwn from it, to remove the

sense of the unfriendliness of tho course of j

Great Britain in our struggle for existence, I which had universally impressed itself upon the people of this country. Believiug that the convention thus misconceived in its scope and made quite Uberal in its pro- visions would not have produced the Hear- ty »ud cordial settlement of pending ques- tions which alone is consistent with the relations which I desire to have establish- ed between the United States and Great Britain, I .regarded the action ol the Sen- ate iu the 'rejection of the treaty to have been wisely taken in the interest of peace

Hague, Copengagen to order their representa- tives at Washington to simultaneously en ter into negotiations and coincide with ♦be United Slates conventions, identical iu form, making uniform regulations as to the -•oustructlon of the parts of vessels to be devoted to the use of emigrant passengers as to quality and quantity of food, as to the medical treatment of the sick, and as to the rules to be obst rved during the voy- age in order to securo ventilation, to pro- mote health, to prevent intrusion

and to

The former is personally interested ii^K in harmony with the Indians, and in the establishment of a i>ermanent peace, to the end that some portion of hia life my i be spent within the civilized section. Fhe , latter has no such personal interest And ; there is an economic one, and still anothei hoi ' which the government has upcn a life officer, to secure a faithful discharge of du- ties in carrying out a given policy. Ihe building of railroads, and the access there- by given to all agricultural and mineral ■' : t ,1.^4,. />r.nr>trv.is raoidlv bringiut'

regions of their country. is rapidly bringing ;;Vo;;^;^-r(emal^s and providing ^the , j^^civih^ sett^aients ^^ -^ -^

sufficient tojnstity "- -: ^„-^- ^ ,^y „ep in the direction

csiablishment ot tribunal's in the several countries, for enforcing such regilatious bv summary process. , ^

'Your attention is respectfully called to the law regarding the tariff on Prussirvn hemp, and to the q.iestion whether to fax the chaTi,'C8 on Russian hemp higher than they arc fixed up-u Manilla is not a viola- ; lion of our treaty with Russia placing her

ouo-ht to be the relations between sue a set'tlements and aborigines, the f-ct is they do not harmonize well and one or the other has to give way.

extend its provisions to cases falling within its original scope. The large outhiy which is thus occasioned is further increased by the more liberal al- lowance bestowed since that!|date upon those who, in the hue of duty, were wholly or permanently disabled. Public opinion has given an enM»hatic sanction to these measures of ConV^. and it wiU be con- ceded that no part of our public burden more cheerfully borne than that which is imposed by this branch of the service. It necessitates for the next fiscal year, in addition to the amjont just chargeable to ' the naval pension fund, an appropnaUon , of thirty million dollars.

During the year ending the 30th of Sep- tember, 18G9, the Patent Office W8u^d 13 - and its receipts were $G83,289,

Keep the Circnlatian Accive.

A free and regular circulation of the blood is essential to health. It places the whole s}item in a state of active defence against all anwholenome influences, and is an especial safeguard against the inimical effect of sudden changes of temperature, and of damp and cold.

If proper attention wore paid to this important fact, there would not only be a great decrease in the number of cases of stomach, bowel and renal complaints, but »l90 in the number of deaths by consumptinn and other pulmonary diseases.

At this period of the year, when the dividing line

which separates a genial from an inclement season has

just been passed, a course of HOSTETTER'8 STOM-

ACH BITTERS will be found of invaluable service In

improving the condition of the vital fluid and gently

stimulating its flow. Violent coughs and oolda. like

Intermittent fever, are tho frequent cffecU of a chiUy

atmosphere upon a debilitated organization. Diseases

of the kidneys often proceed from the same source

How essential is it. therefore, for persons of feeble eon

stitntion. to invigorate the vital organization at the

commencement of Winter. Fortified by warm olothins

without, and HOSTETTER'.S BITTER8 within, the

frail and delicate may brave with impunity an amount

of exposure and hardship which, under other olrcnm-

■tanoes, would prostrate them on a bed of sickness.

qet them eoosidT this and hw wise in ^me.


A GENTLEMAH «>iio*aflered for years from Nerrooa

Debility Premature Decay, and all the HTects of yonth- ful indiscretien. will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and direottou ior making the simpis reoiedy by which he was evred. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addisesing, m perfect confidence. JOHIf B. OUURir, Ho. 41 Cedwsttwt, Hew Torii- |

I^8;'stem which looks to the exterminatioii , Jf^ P'^gl s! 926 more than the expenditures

or to independent nations at war with each other. The Unit-

to her continent Spain and

sSjcie basi- and no substitute for it can 1 to free themselves from a government they bidevi^ed ' It lihould be commenc d now, beUeveto be oppressive An<i reached at the ear", ".^t prH.tioable mo i nations at war with eacfc menrconlurt witha tJr recard to the ed SUte. have no disposition to interfere Interest of the debtor class. Immediate re- j with the existing relaticns of ^pain .umptiou. if practicable. w:»ul I uDt be de- colonial posses ions on this Sle It would compel the debb.r olas^ \ They believe that m due ime J^y bevonu their contracts the premium other European powers will bnf^to their ^- - at thp '^Ate ..f their nurchase. and interest to terminate those rektions andes •* ' 'tablish their present dependendencies as

independent powers, members of the familv of nations. These dependencies are no longer regarded as subject to trant-fer from one European power to anetber. When the present relations of the colonies cease

of a race is too horrible for » nation to adopt ^^ '-; 'T j"' r-gpectfuUy call yotir attention vrithout entailing upon itself the wrath of , ^j^^'J^^^^'J^daiion of the Secretory of all Christendom and engendering m ae [^^^'i^^^^^'^^^r Jutting the duties of super-

of ' the two countries. A sensitive people, c.n- ; l|.lJlf-J/^•-^,°:f "J.^h .ondertul 1 See no substitute tyr such a system, ex- ^^f^^^t/otEdaSl If TistUe desire

ongicss^ make the census which e taken during the year 1870 more

which AVith theimtjrovemeiits

It ea.se un- i factures are increaang d.ragr-at wrong wholly nnatoued than j rapidity under the .>ncoura-ement under r"«trHint of a settlement whii.-h satis- i they now receive. «• , j „„ i cfiii

I see no substitute for such a system fppt in pUcipg all the Indians on large res- , ervations as rapidly a.H can be don« and ^ iriviT>g them absolute protection there. A.s ^on as they are fitted for it they shomd be

of C

Itch! Zt&hl! Itch 1 11

iCBATCn SCRATCH!! SCRATCH Ml "W^eatma'a 01ataa«at


CwwTlMl|dk. Cnres Malt llliMni.

of gold - .

would briu^i bankruptcy and rnin to thousanis. Fluctuations, however. in the paper value of the measure of all values, gold, is d^"triu'rntal to the in- terests of trade: it makes a man of busi- ness an involuntary gambler, for Mdes both

the value receiv then,

ual return to specie pavments, and put an immediate stop tc ilactuaii.>ns in the value of currency. The m'ethLxis to secure these rMolta are' as numerous a^ the speculations on pclitical econocv. To secure the loitAP r. MM but jxx^A wav. and that id.

both sides, which I thought favorable to an immediate at- nately tempt at renewed negotiAtion. ! fined to a

I accordingly so instructed the Minister of ! it is to be the United States to Great Britain. ■"

not ! largely A ilhin a very few yer.rs. rorrn-

too many manufactures are not con-

few localities, as formerly, and

hoped that they will become

and i more and more diffused, making the inter

soon ».. ,- . . , . - ,, _»„

induced to take their lands i»i ^«^^''5^;^^/*J^


. mprete and ptrfect than heretofore, I

would sneeest early «Ction upon any plan j f^^ weeks, by a very simpie noMdr. nftw havtag snaw



Addnes WEEKS A POTTKB, 170 Wi Tor sate br>aPwH«<s>i


The Advcntiser, haring l>eea rertorad to hMlth In a

the re- the

and in the interest of A neighWring people, proposed their good "offices to bring the existing contest to a terminaUon. The offer not being accepted by Spain, on a basis which v,e beleived could b reoerred by L^ba.waa

found that my views in this regard shared by Hsr Majesty's ministers, that the time may eoon arrive when two governments wan approach the tion cf this m. mentous question with an

to the rights, dig- and with the de- remove the causes past, but to lay the principle of public law which will prevent future differences, and tend to a firm and continued peace and friendship. This is now the only grave question which the United Slates have with any foreign na-

h:^ 1 ^d thus Sve e^mTloT-nl «;V;:upport ^ \ l^f.^Z ending the 30th of J-e^ 18^' n tb^ Wdre-1^ of thou^nds of people at home, . v.e $80,644,042. of which $23 b82,310 e°.oS 5 allium with us .he m.arf hioh other- i disburse* in the payment of debis

that may be agreed upon. As Congress at the last seshioik appointed a committee to take into consideration such measures as might be deemed proper in reference to the coming census, and to report a plan, I desi*t from saying inore. I recommend to your favorable coBSider- the claims of the Agricultural

tinn For full details on this subject cill yo'ir special attention to the reports of the Secretary of the interior and Commi'-noner of Indian Afi'airs. The port ot the Secretary of War shows e";ri;7h"em a' geneiai one m all sections, ! expenditures of the War Department for , ^^^^

~ ^^*^'^ "^""""'^ras I Bureau for liberal appropriation m a

con- country so diversified in climate and soil as , u.o„-..- - _ . . »^v,„,„o^ nnrs and with a population so largely de-

;i;e"would be shipi^ed abroad. The ex- tracted during tbe w«%^d is not charge- o -^^^^ agriculture, the benefito that

tension of railroads iu Europe and the able to current army «^P^f«;«- _^^^^^ '^f ^^ be conferred by properly foBtenng thi. the ^ tft is brineiEg into competi- mate of $34,531,031 tor tne expensta ui '"* agricultural products j iLe army tor the next fiscal year is

jf other countries. ; as low as it « belie __ _ _

SeU-mterest if not .elf-preservatioa. there- , be- reUed on. The ^^J^»^ rmtanSd ! numb^r<i th^ffloetimpartant offioem of fore, dictates caution against disturtnug oiScert Oiave been <^^Uy ^^^^^ [^i, ^ove^1be£l In thia ilieMage 1 wUl anv iadustri 1 interests of the co-.ntry. It wherever it has been deemed P"''^''^;^ : ^^^ Numerate them, but wiU specify orfy the neces-itv of looking to '■ if, however, tlie condition oMbe^^eount^ ^ n^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^ Suprwne Coort No

made in their salaries for Within that time the

tion like

with our products

.can _ _

, bureat^ are incalcnhkble,

od serenJ years with a severe tnng affection, aad lh«t dr«Ml dissese, Coosnmptkm. U asxiona to make knows to his fellow suffeters, the m— «■ tt eon.

To all who desire it, he will aead a copy ot the ijre- seription used ( free of charge), with the directloos fur preparing and osing the same, which they wtU ttn4 a


0U. The obiect of the advertiaeria sndtegtlM pi« ■cripticn k to benefit the aflUcted, aad spread iatofaa- tion»«ohlie conceives to be iaralMble; aad h«kir«a every saff'^rer will tzy his remedy. •■ It wm oeak th .a QOthing, ;.nd may prove a blseilac. Parties wishing the prseetipMaa will ylasM sMmm RXV. KDWABO ▲. wnaoH, WiHia^MB. KiwiiGaaati. Xa« T«f«r.


" The 3Un*e« .!*««<



tohwthe ▲ddiw*

h— JortieDi

MB& 0. HKniT. r

-- •- •- 4

teaches us a' so

leacnes us a su mo ucv^o-«, ^. —o - r., ^^^^-—j Atteal year as to ! tUe Justices oi u 0Cher markets for the sale of our sarpius. - . should be such by »^« ^"^ "^ of trooos ehange has been ^ Our neighbors south of us. and China and admit of a greater cen ration of trw^^^ g^^^^ ,^^^^_

-i,Tag||y|ggjdrecei^eOTXsgfeci^a^ ftppiojgytigy asked for^wui not oe ,^[^^^^^t the ^ort ^^t'^^S^^'^*^


Undt & VndBSfe Lei^ Prim •■■T 91^



E. A. HoTCHKiss, Editor and Proprietor.

Liberty, Literature and Laud

Terms : 82:00 a Year in Advance.

VOL. VII. NO. 8.


WHOLE NO. 3-20.


mmm message.

Wa-shtn'otcn. Dec. 6.

To ihe enale and lions- of Ripre^ientritlves: In coramg before vou for tde first tim« «8 Chief Ma!4i'*tr:Ue of this great natjou. it is with Kratitatk. to the GLver of all good for the manv benefits wo enjoy. >^f a""^ bleBsed with'per..-e ut home.andare witiioat enUnf^lin- .Uliance.. abroad to forebode trouble, with a t-rritory uiihurpa^sed m fer- tility, of ftu area equal to the abundant sup

port of liv.! Luuilred millions ot "

and abounding in every \anftv fnl mineral in qiiftutity idv the world lor


people, of use- nlficient to j/eneratlouj, wlin


exuberant crops iiud with ft Of ci.uiate adapted to the production of Siery sp^vie of earth's nch. s. and suited to the habits, tastes and r.q'iirements of Tvery livi.i^ thin-, with a population of forty millions of free people all speaking onelanguaK-; with facilities for every pior- Sto acuuirean education; with institu- tions clusiny to none the aveuues to fame. or any blessin- or fortune that may be cov- eted- with freedom of th..' pulpit the press, and ihe school; with a rovonne flowing in o The natiooal trea-ury beyond the requirements of Government sup- pi^. Harmony is being rapidy restored within our own borders, ilann- t c ur«s hitherto unknown in our country are soriunintj up in all directions, producing adegr-"" ot^ national independence une- qnaled bv t at of any other power. These blessings, and countless others, are in- trusted to vour care, and more for sate keeping for'the biief period of onr tenure of office. In a -■'hort time we must each ot

onr credit tue best on earth, witii a less the Administration to execute the ncotral-

bnrden of taxation than the citizen has en- ity l..ws in good laith, no matter how nn-

duJedforsSvearspast. the entire public pleasant the task, made so by the snfierirg

debrconld^^idmtenyear8.Butiti*not we have endured :rom lack of like good

de.sirable that people should not be taxed to faith toj^-"'i« .»« ^^

pavitinthat time; year by year. the ability tious. The Umt«a

to pay increases in a rapid ratio, bat the harden of interest ought to be reduced as rapidly as can be done without the viola- tion of contract. The public debt is rep resented in great part by bonds having liom five to ten and from ten to forty years to run, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, and five per cent, respectively. It is optional with the Government to pay their bonds at any period af- ter the expiration of the lea^^t ' time mentioned upon their face. The time has expired when a great pait of them may b* taken, and the time is rapidly approaching when all may be. It is believed that all which are now due may be replaced by bonds bearing a rate of interest not ex- letiling four and a half per cent . and that as rapidlv as the remainder become due they may be replaced in some way. To accomplish thi-i it may become neces- sary tv authorize interest to be paid at either of the three or four mon-y centers of Europe, or by the Assistant Treasurer of the United Stivtas, at the option of the holder of the bond I suggest this subject for the consideration ot Congress; also, simultaneously with this, the propriety cf redeeming our currency, as before suggested, at its market value, at the time a law goes into c fleet increasing the rate at which the currency will be bought and sold, from day to day, or week to w-'ek, at the same rate of interest as the government pays upon its bonds.

The subject of tarilf and inlt-rnal taxation will necesMarily receive your attention. The revenues of the country are than the requirements, and

wholly in favor of the British producer, ex- cept -os.Hibiv a few tnga,;ed in ttie trade between tne two 8e<;iioUfi. No citizen of tb© Guitcd States would be tenefitted by rccir.rocity. Oar iuternol taxation would prove a pjoteciiou to th** Britl.h produce, almost <:qu 1 to the proiectiou which our manufacturers now receive from the tariff. Some arrangement, h.nvever, for the regu- lation of commercial iuttrconrse between the United States and the Dominion of Canada may be desirable

other Tia- Siates schoon- j er Lizzie Major was arrested; OB the high seas by a Spanish frigate and two uassengeis taken from it and carried 1 as prisoners to Cuba. Kepresentations of j these facts were made to the Spanish Gov- ernment, as soon as official information | of them reached Washington. The iwo pas- , sen'-ers were set at liberty, and tiie Spanish Government assured the United States that the CM. tain of the frigate in making the capture had act-d witho t law; that he had been reprimanded fur the in> -sulanty of his conduct, aud that the Spanieh authon- ties in Cn'oa would not sanction any act that could violate rights or trifle with the sovereignty of this nation. ., , , .

The qnesticn of the seizure of the brig Marv Lowell at one of the Bahama Islands j sioners tor bv The ^ian^h aathoiities. is now the '■ Und bo.indaiy between tL subject of^ co^resuondenee between thi. , and the British po»sesuons ent #nd those of Spain and Great

establish better relations through ng' r; cien. A more enlightened policy tuan Has heretofore been pursued towards China is hugely due to the industry and eftorts of one of our own distingushed citizens, and the world is about to commence largely in- creased relations with that populous and 'litherto txilusive nation. As the United States have been the initiators in the new policy, so they should be the most earnest in showing their good faith in making it a | it either

pended. The recommendation of the Gener- 1 bers, and the duty which it owes to ano^er al of tie Army that appropriations be made I department of the government deserves.

^^_, success. In this connection I advise such

The commission foTadjusting the claims I legislation as wril forever preclude the land- Bay and Puget's Sound ing of Chinese upon our soil under the " Hame of Coolies, and also prevent


for the Hudson . - ,, ,

ALn-icnUur.il Company upon tii» United - ^

States has terminated its :aoois. The award | ican vessels from engaging in transporta

of six hundred and fifty thor!■'H^d dollars ^--

has been made, aud i;li right* fu-.i luks ul

the company on the tt '.rtory t liie United

tion of Coolies the system. I

uq return to the rank.s of the people, who greater ._ .„„»,...

have conferred upon us our honors, and ^ay with safety be reduced, but as the Mcounf to then, for our steward.^h.p. I , funding of the debt m a four or a four and a ^JnS y desire that neither yon mr I may, half per cent, would reduce the annual Sc^Smned bva free and enU^htened ! current expense krgely: thus after fund- constituency, nor by our own con-, " from

science. Emerging bellion of giganti«; fM it w;is by the •iatance ot

own con a re- raaguitude, aided sjnipatby and as- nati'"^us viithwhich we wtre at peace, eleven St^^tes of the Uaion were Four vears ago left without bgal state eoveniments; a -lebt had been contracted; American commerce was almost driven from the s.-as; tho industry of one-half the country hud been taken from the coii- trol of the capitalist and pi iced where all labor rightiullv belongs i" tu. keeping of the laborer. The work of icstormg state governments loyal t'^ , . ,

of protecting and f..sCeriag free labor and orovding means lor paving interest on the *^ -■ ..-.-- reed ampl'' atten' ion from

tlie Union,

ing and justifying a greater reduction of taxation than would be now expedient, I suggest a postDonement of this question until the next "meeting of Congress when It may be advisable to modify taxation and the tarifl" in instances where unjust or burdensome discriminations are made by the present laws, but a general revision of the laws regulating the subject, I re- commend the postponement of lor ttie present. I also snggest the renewal of the tax on incomes, but at a reduced rate, say 3 per cent. ; this tax to expiie in three ars with the funding of the national debt as here suggested. I feel safe in saying the taxes and revenue from imports may be reduced safely from GO to 8U millions per an- num at once and still further reduction from

" the country

Governm^... . ,. , , .

Britain. The Captain-General ot » uba. about ilay last, i-ssued a proclamation au- thorizing search to be made of vessels on the high seas. Immediate remonstrance was made against this, whereupon the Captain-General issued a new proclamation limiting the right of search of vessels ot the United States, so far as authorized un- der the tieatv of 1795. This proclamation wan, howcT^r, immediately withdrawn. I have alwavs felt that the most intimate re- lations should be cultivated between the republic of the United States and all inde- pendent nations on this continent, and it may be well worth considering whether new treaties between the United States and them may not be profitably entered into, to secure more in- timate relations, friendly, commercial and otherwise.

The hubjtct of an inter-oceanic canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the lalhmus of Darien is one in which commerce is greatly intere«tcd. In- .struclions have been given to our Minister to the Republic of iha United Stales of

States have been extiugniih.-l. for the property of the coan« my have been received aud an appropriiitioa by Congress to meet this sum is asked. The comims- ; determining the northwestern ; United States; and the British poasesuons under the , treaty of ISjii have completed their labors, and the fommissiou dissolved in conformity with the recommendation of Congress. i

A proposition was early made to the | British Government to abolish the mixed , courts created under the treaty of April 7. 1862, for the suppression of the slave trade. ;

to any country tolerating a'so recommend tbrit the mission to China be raised to one of first The deeds 1 class. On my assuming theresponsibiUty of Chief Magistrate of the United SUtes it was with the conviction that three things were es'iential to peace, prosperity, and fullest development. First among these IS strict integrity in fulfilling all our obli- gations. Second, to sacure protection to the person and property of the citizens of ! our common country wherever he may choose to move without reference to origi- nal nationality, religion, color, or pobtics, demanding of him only obedience to the laws and proper respect for the rights of others. Third, Union of all of the Slates

The subject is stdl under negotiation.

It having come to my knowledge that a uucoi rr^.,r«t,^ comDauv. orgftuized under Brit- First

with equal rights unconstitutional

indestructable means to

corporate company, orga

by any secure, has

of these Congress is"k'iaws7p'ro'posed to land upon the shores | taken two essential steps-oiie by declaiing | Secretary

a submarine

from His Majesty,

the French, of an

right for twenty years of _

communication betveen the shores of

France with th' very obj<'ctionable featuro

of subjecting all messagen conve3-ed there-

bv to the sovereignly and control of the

F'rench Government, 1 caused the French

and British Legations at Washington to bo

made acquainted with th? probable policy

of Congress on the subject as fort shadowed

Uy the bill which passed the Senate in

March last. This drew from the repressn-

tative.=3 of the Company aa agreement to

for the forts at Boston, Portland, Naw York, Philadelsbia. New Orleans and San Francisco, if for no other, is coucnrr*^d in. I also call special attention to the recom- mendation of the G neral commanding the miiitarv division of the Pacific for the sale of the Seal Islands of St. Paul and St. George, Ala.ska Territory, aud suggest that be complied with, or that legislation be had for tbe protec- tion of the seal fisheries, from which a revenue should be derived.

The reoort of the Secretary of War con- tains a synopsis of the heads oi bureaus, of commanders of military •divisions and of tb* districts oi Virginia, Mississippi and Texas. The report of the General cf the Army in fall, and the reoommf-ndations therein contained, have been well consid- ered and are submitted for your action. I, however, call special attention to the re- commendation of the Chief of Ordnance for the sale of arsenals and lands no longer of use to the Government; also the recom- mendation of the Secretary of War that the act of 3d of March, 18G9, prohibiting pro- motions aud appintments in stafl" corps of the army, be repealed. The extent of country \o be garrisoned, and the number of military posts to be occupied is the same with a reduced army as with a large one; the number of statt' oflicers required is mor» dependant upon the latter than the former condition. The report of the of the Navy accompanying shows the condition of the when this administration came into office, and changes made since

Strenuous efforts are being made to place as many vessels in commission or render them fit for service, if required, as soon as possible, and substituting the Fail for steam while cruising, thus materially re-

and will undoubtedly receive, its due con- sideration. .

There are many subjects not alluded to lA this me88at?e which might with propriety be introdoced. but I abstain, believing your patriotism and statesmanship will suggest the topics and legislation most conducive to the interests of the whole people. Oo my part, I promise a rigid adherence to the laws and their strict en- forcement. U. S. GBAirr.

Special Soticw.

Colombia-to endeavor t, obtain, authority } accept^s. the l^sh. of ^ th^^ opj^^ions

enactment of the subject as might be pass- ed during the approachinfi pension of Con-

tor a survey by this government in order to i determine the practicability ot such an un- dertoking. and a charter for the right ot way to build by private enterprise such a work, if the survey proves it to be pr.itic- able. In order to comply with the agreement of the United States as to a mixed com missiSn at Lima for the claims, it became necessary to send a com- missioner and secretary to Lima in August last. No appropriation having been ma le bv Congress for this purpose, it is now asked that one be made covering the past and future expenses of the commission. The good offices of the United State-, to ^- bring about a peace between Spain and the '^t South American republics, with which sht

of the United States, and to operate there i that the public debt should bo paid, prin- j this of tbe Uniua o^a^^ , ^^^^^^ ^i ^^^^^^^.^^ ^.j^^^, ^^^^ interest, in coin; second, by pro- ! navy

the Emperor of vidmg means for paying; providing the

exclusive means, however, could not secure the 'ob-

tclegraphic ject desiT-d with a proper administration of

the laws for the collection of revenues and

an economical disbursement ot them. To

this subject the administration has most --- - - earnestlv addressed itself, with results, I ducing the expenses of the navy ^^f^f believe, 'satisfactory to the country. There ; ding greatly^ to its eflicieucy. l^ooking to has been no hesitation in changing officials in order to secure effieieut execution of the laws sometimes, too, wherein a mere party view an indescribable political result were likelv to follow for any hesitation in sus- taining efficient officials a(.'ainst remon strances wholly political. It may ba well to mention here the embarrasKment possi- ble to arise from allowing on the statute books the so-called tenure of office act, ami

gress; nb-^o, to usetlieirTifliience to ficcure . to earnestly recommend their total rep-al.

from the French government a modification

of tluir concessions, so as landing upon French sod

public dr;bt has - - ,. , . , e

Congress; alth';v.;h your tllort-; havo not ; year to y«ar as the resources ot

met wi-h'the success, in all p^rliculars, that i ^ro developed.

miffht have been desired, vet on the whole The report of the secretary of the treas

they have be«n more sncc-essful than could jnry shows the receipts of the K»vernmen^ iVatwar having been accepted by Spain.

have been reasoiiabiy anlicipated. Seven j for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1%9. to is at war. nav ing i> t-u . cc p y f .

states which passed ord.nancesof .secession ' jje 370,943,347 dollars, and the expenditures havobeeafully r-^stored to their piac^-s m | including interest, bounties, Ao . to be the Union The r iiihth. Georgia, held an | 321,490,597 dollars. The estimates for the election at which she! i;iti3ed her consti- ; ^usaiHgj year are more favorable to the Gov- tntion reimblican in form, elected a gov- grumeat, and will, nod-.ubt.showa largede- ernor 'mtmbeis nf Congress, a state legis- crease ot the public debt. Thereceipt.sin the lature aud all other oflicers re<piired. The Treasury beyond expenditures have excesd- lully in.-talled and tlie legis- ^d the ainount necessary to be placed to the ' " '" -^~ ' credit of the sinking fund as provided by law. To lock up the surplus in the Treas-

- -- ....*. -__!*! I .1 J c*Jt ULH-4CA \j*^LAa».' «V.l Mbit-

Peru having m.*»!e representations to cripple trade and seriously affect the there was a stats of war between Peru and

governor was (luny 111 laturo met an.l performed all therein req.ured of thfxn r«constrncti.)n acU of Caugress, quentlv, however, in violation of •titutioa Which ihey hud just ratified, as

the acts .

by the


tho COH-

an exclusive right of transit the territory of Nicaragua to which Costa Rica has given its assent, which it i- alleged conflicts with vested rights of citizens of the United StatfJ. The depi rtmeut of statehas now this sub-

ary and withhold it from'circulation. would ject under consvleration. The minister of "'J'. . i. ^L - P..i-,i litiwin./ m.i.!« renresen tat ions tiiat

to permit the

^^^ _ f any cable be-

adjustment of I longing to any company incorporated by the authority cf the United States, or of any SUte in the Union, and on' their pait not ofp's the estab- lishment of any such caLle. In considera- tion of this a'grecment, I directed the , withdrawal of all oppfi.sition by the United States authorities to the landing of the ca- i I le, aud to the working ot it until the! meeliag of Congress. I rpgret to say that j there has been no niodilicatiouH made in the company's cjncessiou, nor, so far as I can learn, havo they -att ;mpted to secure on their concession the exclusion ot the j given to Europeans of I capital and citizens ot the United States ;

It co^.ld not have been the intention of the framers of the constitution, when providing that appointments made by tho Prtaident should receive the consent of the Senate, that the latter should have the jwwer to r tain in ofSce persons

our future, I recommend a liberal, though pot extravagant, policy towards this branch of pubkc service.

The report of the postmaster general fur- nishes a clear and comprehensive exhibit of tho operations of the postal service and of the financial cimdition of this part of the Post-office Department. The ordinary postal reve- nues lor the year ending the 30th of June, 1869, amount to $18,445,510, and the ex- penditures to $23,G89,131, showing an ex- cess of expenditurss over receipts of $5,- 353,620. The excess of expenditures over the receipts for the previous year amounted to SG,437 992. The increase of revenues for 1809 over those of 1868 was S2, 051, 909,

r.laoed there by federal appoint- ; ar.d the increase of expenditures was $967,- S ,n?t ti! will of the President i S967,538. The ncreased revenue

ments ag ■./.,•

The law is inconsistent with the faithful iiu _^.^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^

creased expenditures in 1869

Peru aud Chili, a congreps has been invi- ted to be held in Washington during the present winter. A grant has been

ove; I from competition upon the shores of France.

I recommend legislation to protect the

rights of citizens of the United Stat s, ivs

lead to such contraction of the cuiTency as

decided by the Supreme Court ot tho \ pro.-<perity of the country. Under these

aince i.--^.— - -j . . . ,

state, they unseated t'..«' colored members of the legislature, and admitted to K«'ats some members who are disqualmed b- the third clause of the fourteenth amendment to the consiitutinu, .iu urlicle which they themselves had contribul. d to ratify. Un . der these circumstances. I would submit to you whether it would not be wi.se without delay to enact a law authorizing the gover-

«er of ( reorgia to coaveno the

members requiring each

circumstances, the Secretary of the Treas ury and myself heartily concurred in th»" j propriety of using all the surplus currency I in the Treasury in the purchase of Gov- ernment bonds, thus reducing the inteiest- I bearing debt of the country, and of snb- ' mitting to Congress the question of the i disposition to be u^ade of the bonds so I purchased. The bonds now held by the I Treasury amount to about $7o,0<jO,0<Ji> I —including those belonging to the sinking ' fund. I recommend that the whole be . placed to the credit of the sinking fund. , i Your attention is respectfully invited to tho I recommendations of the Secretary ot the i Treasury for the creation of the offi 'e of ' Commissioner of Customs and Revenue, ' for the increase ot salary to certain of- ficials, and the substitution of increased National Bank ciiculatiou, to replace the ontstanding -^ p^r cent, certificates, and most especially to his recommendation for the repeal of the laws allowing shares of fines, penalties, forfeitures, &c., to officers of the govemmeui, or to infwrmers.

The office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue is one of the most arduous and

well '.s the dignity aud sovereignty of the ed. nation, against such a-;»ump?ior. I uhab ed also endeavor to sei'ure, by negotiation, an abandonment of the priaciple of monopo- lies in octan telegraphing cables. Copies of this correspondence are herewith fur- ni -bed.

The unsettleil political condition of other countries, less fortunate than cur own. sometimes induces their citizens to come to the United States f jr tho sole purpose of becoming natural- ized HaviiiK secured this they return to | the their native country and reside there with- ' "■ out disclo.iing their change cf allegiance. They accept official po«;,tions of trust or

lb69 exceeded the increased revenue

ami efficient administration of the govern- ment. What faith can an executive put in officials ferced upon him, and these, too, whom he has suspended for good reason ? How will such officials be hkely to serve an administration which they know does trust them for a second V It is requis- ite to our growth and prosperity. Time, aud a fhm but humane administration ol existing laws, amended from time to time, as the > may prove inefl" ctual and unneces- 'iH probably all that are reqnir- ihtt third cannot be attain- by special legislation, but but must be regarded as fixed by th"* con- stitution i . _ ,

ent the management of the original inhab- itants of this continent, the Indians, has






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was was $2,527,570 less than the increased ex- penditures in ieC7, showing, by compari- son, this gratifying feature of improve- ment, that while the increase of expendi- tures over the increase of receipts in 1868 was $2,439,530), the increase of receipts over the increase of expenditures in 1868, was 51,084,371.

Your att-ntionis respectfnlly eallod to rocommendalions made by the Postmaster- General, for authority to change the rate ol (rompensation to the main trunk railroad lines for their services in Carrying the

self ^and gradually acc'iuiesced in ] mails; for having P'^f ^ '^""^^ °^*P'^. f «^°5!^' sen, auu j^mu - j, i^ ^^^ forre-orgauizing aud increasing the efficien-

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Reader, vou may oonaider this out I mean

originally elect-d. . Y,„»t,

member to take the oath prescribed by the reconstrncliou art, and Tion^to be admitted who are ineligible under tl.. third cUu.se of the fourteenth amendmeu Tue freedmen under tho proteelion whi< i they have re ceivod are m.kking rapid progress m learn- ing, and no complaint'* are lieard lor lack of industry on their part, when they re- ceive fair remuneration for their labor.

The means provided for paying the in- terest on tho public debt with all other expens*-s of the Goveinment are more than ample. The loss of our com- merce is tho-ouiy result of the late rebel- lion which has not received sufheient at- tention from vou. To this subject I call

your earnost aituution. I will not now sug- 1 responsible under the Government; it falls gest plans by whi< h this obje.-t may be ef- |j„t ijttle if any short of a Cabinet position fected, but wi'l, if necessary, niike it the ,p ^^ importance and responsibilities. I subject of a speeial message tluriug the ^rould ask for it, therefore, such legislation session of Congresj. ; as in your judgment will place the office on

.\t the Man-h t'-rm Congress, by jdnt j ^ foo^ng of dignity commensurate with its

resolution, authorized the executive to or- der an elci-tion in the states of Virginia, Mississippi and Tex'.!», to submit to them the const It I'.t ions whieh each had previous- ly in ccnveutinn framed and submitted, the Censtitution, either entire or in separate parts, to be voted upon, at the discretion of the Executive. Under this authority.

importance and with a character and quali- tieations of the class of men required to fill it properly. As the United States is the freest of all nations, so too its people sympathize with all peoples strug- gling for liberty and self-government; but while so sympi'.tbizing, it is due to our honor that we should abstain from enforc-

of the mail service on the Pacific and for rtpain, and that Spain was constructing in ni-netl. ^,"'' r"^7Trirrr>THn«\,t~the Indians has I establishing a mail service under the flag

and n^ar New York thirty gunboats, which The unsettled political condition . itants of this ^^J^^Xrra.s^eu^*^^'/^^^^^ ; of the Union on the Atlantic, and mostes- might be used by Spain in such a way as to of other couattles, less fortunate been a «"^J/':\f t;^,^''"^;^^^^^^^^ , peciallv de I call your attention to his re-

relieve the navai foice at Cuba, so astoop- i than cur own. «°»^.t"^r"f.i"i.te« f,'J!^ '^riberiesuurdeTs arc! wars. Commendation for a total abohtion of the erateagaiu^ Peni, orders were given to ' th.dr eitiz.ns to come to the United Sates ^ tinu^^^^ '?v ow5 exnerience „pon ' franking privilege. This is an abuse from prevent tL. ir departure. No further steps 1 f.r tho sole purpose o aecommg natural- From my own , f f ^"^^^^^^Qtries, which no one receives a commensurate ad having been taken by the representative of ized Hav».« secured this they return to j the ^•^'^^'^ ^V '" ^^ /'^^^^^^^ vantage. It reduces the receipts lor postal

' the Peruvian "feovernment to prevent the tLeir native country and reside there with- V^''/' o?"'i tifwKme^^^^^^^ con- service from twenty-five to thirty per cent.

dep..rture of these vessels, and I not feeling ! out .bsclo^ng their change cf allegiance, dnct "f ^'^^/'^/t'^'*. ^^'^i,^^,^^" ^^^^ and largely increases the service tc be per-

au horized to detain the property of a , They accept official po«:,ti.)nB of ^^""^^ °^ ^ ^-^VTuies The S h^^^^^^^^ eaLot be formed^ The method by which postage nation with which we are at p«ace on a honor which can only be h. d by ^^'^'^fJll^'^f^'l'^l,)^^^ publie matter is set

mere Executive order, the matter has been of their native land; they J»«™%"°J" ""^^J^"^' ^,^f, ^* rhavratTmptsdrnew . for^h fully in the^rt of the Postmaster referred to the courls to decide. passports describing the oi as such citizens, fow fiud it. I have a^^^^^^ ^^^^^, , ., , ,

The conduct of the war between the and it is only when civd liscord, alter, per- P«W ^^« ""^J.^^^^^ The report of the Secretary of the In e-

.llies and the republic of Paraguay ha. haps, years of quiet, threatens them or ""-il "^ ^^^^^^^^^ wUh fair resalts so far ' rior shows that the quanUty of public

made tne intercourse with that country so threatens their persons c rtheirproperty, or hght ^^''^"ff J";?fv7.^^^^^^ lands disposed of during the year ending

dimenlt that it has been advisable to with- when their native states dralt into is »« t;"*^^ ^^^JT^'^^^^^^ ^^^J^'^' The Society 30th of June, 1869, was 7,666,152 acres, ex-

: driw our rcpresenUtive from there. . militeiy service. That the fact ot their "lli^^.'^^y *'*'' f, ut?"'!? ^^^^^ ceeding that of the previous year by 1,-

Srrdst^hecloseof tho lastadministra-l change <.fallegianee IS made known; '^'^^ ofF„endsnswellknown^^^^^^ S?0,4S;? acres. Of this amount 2.899.544

tionaconventionwassignedatLondonfor lheyres.de permanently from the \"»^,^ ^^ in living at peace ^w^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ 2,737,36o

the settlement of all outstanding claims be- , Stales; that Hicy oontrilHite nothing to its ^^^.^^^l^.^f ^l^^^;."^ °/^ of StJ r sect« " i ««^''« ^"^^''^'^ ""^^"^ *^' homestead laws - tween Great Britain and the United Stabs, resonrce^i that they aycid duties ot its cit- their ^^^ f^.^^i^J^^^^^^t^X embroiled. ' The remainder was granted to aid m tbe ^hich failed to receive the advice and con- jizenship. and t»«y only ma« them.elves J^t'^^^^ j^;f^^?"\^'„;Vfor T^^ oppoSion i construction of the work of internal im- pent of the Senate to Its ratification. The ! known by a claim of F/"t^'''\^°- J ^^"' V »^^'^^ Ti.t'*?^, r^ee a^ approved to the states nB

t.mo and the circum.stances attendmg , directed diplomatic and consular officers o »« a I stnte violence a^^^ lands, and located warrants and

the negotiation of the treaty were the Unite.l States to scr itinize carelclly all entllv noted lor ^^"^ J'^^^J^Ji^^'S^^ ^" . [ scrip! The cash receipts from all sources

S:^of IL i!:itJiKan^s;;::itSeVi=^rSt^^^^^ ''- ^' "^

LiSns were wholly inadequate fbr theLt- j ed. who -^-:^r^^^.^^^^^ , ^:T^1^^^ ^i^X IS^d^^^^^:^!^^^^^

I h..ve a voice in the direction of affairs ' npon the Society itself [he J«««» ^^^"J J^'oi^p^d t2eT° from^ leaving at its close

I shall not consent to ;^°^P"°M l^'^''^"? T"' f V h*^ ?7\b6 rTnirt of t^^

the sacred right by conferring it upon ! more fully set forth "'^^/J^ T^P"'^* °' '^ ino uding the compensation to disbur^iag

■' l^°'?J^.'!^i°?ff"„l^T"Lt^^^^^^^ $28,422,884. an increase

... ^-..,--♦2 on that of the previous year. The munificence of Congress has been con- Hpicuonsly manifested in its legislation for the soldiers and sailors who suflfered in the and the

tlement of the gravo wrongs that had been ; isentitled to its complete protecUon. While ; throw ^tii« buroen oi^t^ne ----" ^^^'^ were" added to the pension rolls, and 4,876 sustained by this government, as well as by its citizens " The injuries resulting to the United States by reason of the course adopted by Great Britain during our late civil war. In increased rates of insurance, in the diminution of exports and imports, and other obstructions to domestic industry and production, in its effect upon the for- commeree of the country, in the de-


crease and transfer to Great Britain of our

subjects. Our course should always be in conformity with strict justice and law, in- ternational and lo3al. Such has been the policy of the administration in dealing with those questions for more than a year. A valuable province of Spain, and a near neighbor of ours, in whom all our laople cannot but feel a deep interest, has been struggling for indepence and freedom. The

elections were called. In Virginia the elec- j ^ng our views upon unwilling nations, and tion took place on the 6th of July, 1869. fj^m taking an interested purt, without in- The Governor aud Lieutenant Governor elected have been installed. The Legisla- ture met and did all required by this reso | lotion and bv all the rccon«truetion acts of Congiess, and abstained from all donbtful | authority. I recommend that her Senators »nd Representatives be recognizwd, and I that the state be tnl'y restored to ltd place in the familv of states. Elections were called I in Mississippi and Texas, to comraenc | on the :iOth of Ni>veraber. 106v». and to last

two davs in Mississippi and four days in

Texas." The elections have taken place, but

the result is not known. It is to be hoped

that the acts ot the Lt gislntnr-s of these

states, when th- y meet, will be t.ueh as to

receive your approv 'l, and thus close the

work of" reconstruction.

Among the rvils growing out of the re- bellion, and not yet referred to. is th.it ot

an irredeemable currency. It is an evil

which. I hope, will receive your most

earnest attention. It is a duty, and one of

the highest duties, "f the (rovemment to

secure to tho citizens a medium of

exchange of fixed. unvarying val- ue. This implies a ntnrn to a

specie ba^is. and no substitute for it can

devi«ed It should be commenced now.

and reaohe«l at the enrl-.^t practicable mo- ment, consistent with a lair record to the

commercial marine, in the prolongation of : eluded that to be elTt ctual, all the mart the war and increased cost both in trea.sure ; time powers engaged m the trade should treasure, and in lives, of its suppression.

the report of npon fictit oi^s jind lr8.udulent claimants, j Commissioner of Indian Affairs For On the accession of the present adminis- ! perintendents ^d I^^^V^" ."^S^^^ "^^ °^ ! ofj^ij r, t ration it was found that the Minister for reservations, oflicers of the army were . oi*«i,i. North Germany ha 1 made propositions for elected. The feasona for this are negotia;ious for a convention for the pro- numerous. When I"*^'*'^. "K^°7 "^ tectbm of emigrant passengers, to which sent there, or near there, troops no response had been p:iven. It was con

orders from

could not be adjusted and satisfied as ordi- narv commercial claims, which continually

vitation, in the (uiarrels between different . - , , .

nations or between governments aud their , arise between commercial nations, and yet

the convention treated them simply as such \ ordinary claims, from which they differ | more widely in the gravity of their charac- ter than in the magnitude of their amount. Great, eveu,as is that difference, not a word was found in the treaty, and not an infer- - ence could be drrwn from it, to remove the sense of the unfriendliness of tho course of Great Britain in our struggle for existence.

must be sent also. The agent commanders of troops are independent ol

,„ each other, and are subject to

join in .such a mea^uro Invitations have different departments of the government, l.een extended to the cubinits of London, The army officer holds a Po^i]*^^^;^'!'*;' Paris, Florence, Beriin, Brus- the agent one at the will of the President,

sells Tho Hague, Copengagen, The former is personally interested m "v- and Stockholm to order their representa- ing in harmony with the Indians ana in tives at Washington to simultaneously en Uie establishment of a ijermanent peace, lo and coincide with ♦he the end that some portion ot his lile my in be spent within the civilized section. Ihe

TCOpfe and government ofthe United States which had universally impressed itself entertain the same warm feelings upon the people of this country. Believing and vympathies for the people of Cuba in

ter into negotiations United Slates conventions, identical form, making uniform regulations as to the construction of the parts of vessels to be .levoted to the use of emigrant passengers as to quality and quantity of food, as to the meilical treatment of the sick, and as to the rules to be obseived during the voy

thoir pendirg struggle that they manifest- ed throughout tho previous struggle*" be- twee" Spain and the former colonies in be- half of the latter, but the contest at no time assumed the conditions which amount to a war in the sense of internation- al law, or which would show the existence of a de facto political organization of the insurgents sufficient to justify a recogni tion of belligerency. The principle

this nat on

age in order to secure that the convention thus misconceived in mote heailh, to prevt- its scope aud made quite liberal in its pro- , protect tbe feniales and providing lor tne -' t have produced the hear- esiablishment of tribunals m the several

latter has no such personal interest. And there is an economic one, and still another hoi ' which the government has upon a life officer, to secure a faithful discharge of du- ties in carrying out a given policy. The building of railroads, and the access there- ~o ..r>ri.^<iUnra1 and mineral

visions would not

ty "nd cordial settlement of pending ques- tions which alone is consistent with the relations which I desire to have establish- ; ed between the United States and Great Britain. I ^regarded the action ol the Sen- ate in the Ejection of the treaty to have been wisely taken in the interest of peace, is ( and a necessary step in the

5 ventilation, to pro- i by given to all agricultural and mineral ■,it intrusion and to regions of their country, is rapidly bringing

the civilized settlements into contact with ■. all the tribes cff Indians. No matter what ; for enforcing such regilatious ought to be the relations between sncu

settlements and aborigines, the fuct is they do not harmonize well and one or the other has to give way. \ Bvstem which looks to the extermination of a" race is too horrible for a nation to adopt without entailing upon itself the wrath of ,


bv summary process. "Your attention is ruspectfully called to the law regarding the tariff on Prussian hemp, and to the qaestion whether to fix the char'^'cs on Russian hemp higher than they arc fixed up.-n Manilla is not a viola-

direction i u"n of "ourtreaty with Russia placing her . «)! Christendom »'^'i. *^°S*'*'^",j.°« ^f Ihe

. I of a perfect andcordi^ friendship between ; ^^-J^^^^Z^^^t'^^ i JJ-^I^S ^I^^J^^^^'S ^i^.

with wonderlul j I see no substitute for such a system, ex- -——--^Tv^^^^aon. U it is tne desire

... ,„„ Ka /i/.r» -"-» ' '.»• I '"no. f Ks tf> make the censes which

ervations as rapidly a.s can be done

tablish their present dependendencies as independent power*, members of the family of nations. These dependencies are no longer regarded as subject to trant^fer from one European power to another. When | that the time may

interest of the debtor class. Immediate re- | with the existing relaticns of Spain to •umpticn. if practicable, won! 1 ujt be de- ' ' - - .- ».-

cirable. It would compel the debtor class to pay beyond their contracts the premium of gold at the d*te «>f their purcU^^se. and vould briu^ bankruptcy and mm to thoasan.ls. Fluctuations, however, in the paper value of the measure of all mlufg. gold, is d-^tri-uental to the in- terests of trade: i? raakL-s a man of busi- ness an mvolnn'ary gambler, for in all ■ales when future payment is to be mad*, both parties specula;.- a.- to what will be the value of the curren. y ;o be paid and receird. I earnestly recommend to you. then, such legislation as will insure a grad- ual return to specie payments, and put an imnieduite stop to fluctuati.^ns in the value of currency. The m'ethods to secure these rectiltd are as numerous as the speculations on pcliiioal econon: . To secure the

maintained that ^ . , .. - .

its own judge when to accord the riijht of the two countries. A sensitive people belligerency, either to a people struggling , scions of their power, are more at ea.se un- to free themselves from a government thev ibr a cr-^at wrong wholly unatoued tjan bebeveto be oppressive, or lo independent ' under restraint of a settlement which satis- i nations at war with each other. The Unit- ' fies neither their ideas of justice nor their , m macoinery ed Sutes have no disposition to interfere v-rave sense cf the grievance th.y have ! increatiug.

frtctures are mcrea.siQ

rapidity under the eiicounv^'ement

thev now receive

the soldie

recent struggle to maintain that unity of government which makes us one people. The additions to the pension rolls of each succeeding year since tho conclusion of hostililies''re8ult in a great degree from the repeated amendments of the act of the 14th ot July, 1862, which would extend its provisions to cases not filling within its original scope. The large outlay which is thus occasioned is fuither increased by the more liberal al- lowance bestowed since thatS|date upon those who, in the Une of duty, were wholly or i)ermaueutly disabled. Public opinion has given an emphatic sanction to these measures of Congress, and it will be con- ceded that no part of our public burden is more cheerfully borne than that which is imposed by this branch of the service. It necessitates for the next fiscal year, in addition to the amount just chargeable to ' the naval pension fund, an appropriation of thirty million dollars.

During the year ending the 30th of Sep- tember, 1869, the Patent Office issu.id 13,- 762 patents, and its receipts were $683,289, b. ic^' 5213,926 more than the expenditures

iMiould respectfully call your attention to tlie recommendation of the SecreUry of the Interior for uniting the duties of super- vihiug the education of the freedmen with the other duties devolving npon the Com

a !.ort of spread eact» tioadin*. but I mean every word of jt I have beea there. WTien your system is racked witH


pain, and you cannot even turn yourself in bed, or sitlin ma chair, you must sit and suffer, in the mormns wlaa injf it was nisht, amd at ni«ht wiahlnc It w»a mornliiC* wT..n you have j,^,;^,^^,^.

when every nerve in your being is like the »tin« of wasp circulatinc the most venomous and hot poiac« around your heart, and driving you to the very verge ot madness When yon have the


(that 1 have just got through with.) that most awfui. most heart withering, most strength dwrttoying, mow spirit breaking and nund-weakeningof all diseases that can afiliot our poor human nature. ^Rien you have tA«


lying and writhing in agony and pain, unable to turn yourself in bed, and eve™ movement WlU go to your heart like a knife , now tell me, if rohef and car» of any of these diseases in a few days is not the Ur«at«et Medical Blessing of the Age, tell us what is !

DIRF.CTION8 TO USE. -Yon will take atableepooc- fol and three spoonfuls of water thme times a day, and in a few days every particle of rheumatic and nenralgio pain will be dissolved and pass ofi by the kidneys.

Manufaotui»d by DONALD KENNEDY,

RttxbuT, Mmm,

Wholeralf. ArtENTH.-KuUer, pnch i Fallgr. Lord A Smith, E. P. Dwyer 4 Co., Bumhams t Van Schaacl^ Hurlburt A Edsall, Tolmaa A King. Chioago; Green A Button, Rice ARlina, Bowrorth 4 Son. Dohmen^ SciiraiJt, M.lwsukeeTMeCnjtoch 4 MoC^. L«gro*». *oy«s BroH., St. Paul; CoUins Bro^, Z. F WetB«L Meyers Bros.. St IxjuU; Moore 4 Tartoet, Zunket»an 4 Haas, Dubuque. . », ,„

At retaU by all dmggiata. Pnce tl-M-

Ke«|i the C'ircnIatioD Active.

A free and regular circulation of the blood isesaeBtial to health. Itplacosthewholes}-steminastat«of aotiv* defence against all unwholesome influences, and is an especial safeguard against the inimical effect »f sudden changes of temperature, and of damp and cold.

If proper attention were paid to this important fact, there would not only be a great decrease in the number of cases of stomach, bowel and renal complainta, but also in ik» number of deaths by consnmptinn and other pulmonary diseisee

At this period of the year, when the dividing lin« which separates a genial from an inclerasnt eeaaon has just been parsed, a course of HO.STKTTF.R'S STOM- ACH BITTERS will be found of invaluable service in improving the condition of the vital fluid and gently stimulating its flow. Violent coughs and colds, like intermittent fever, are the frequent effects of a chilly atmosphere uposi a debilitated organization. Diaaaa** of the kidneys often proceed from the same aoorce How essential is it, therefore, for persons of feeble eon stitution. to invigorate tbe vital organization at the commencement of Winter. FortitiKd by warm olothinc without, and HOSTETTRR'8 BITTERN within, the frail and delicate may brave with impunity an amount of exposure and hardship which, under other drcwn- stanoes, would prostrate them on a bed of sickneM. let them oooKlder this and wise in time.


A GENTLEMAN wtiosaffered for year* from Narvoos Debthty Premature Decay, and all the effects of yoath- ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hamanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions tor making the simple remedy by which he waa •ni«d. Sufferers wishing to prottt by the advertiser's experience can do so by addreasing. m perfect oonhdence, JOHN B. OGDRN, No. H Cedar street. New Yorf |

which 1 ,f.r>f in nUcio" all the Indians on large le. _ , ti

With the miprovements';;Plu,mVr^^^^^^^^^ can _be done and ; of Congics to make the

Bl'eaily effected and sUll t {riving them absolute protectioa there. A..s

sin- machin-.-ry to take ^oon as th«v are fitted for it they shouid be

" to a large extent, ird-iced to btke their lands tti severaby orto

cansin skilled labo:

of the ^ . I her sustained. The r»^jection ol the treaty wast the place ^. - , ^a\—- . ^»„^.iw frr their own rrotec-

»,b;rE.rop.an powe«.iU M it ,o .heir t>v.r.b,e to .1^.„ -»«*1^,,, «- 1 ^.^ ^/rrTK ,°°f i°s7o'^^^^^^^^ intore^t to terminate those relations and

mustletakt^n during cmplete and perfect

Itch! Itohl! Itch III

iC'RATCn SCRATCH!! 8CKATCB!!! lVlkcat«tt*a Olataaaat


CtiTM The Itch. CorM Halt lUMiui. CnoM Tetter.

Caiw OU 8«rcs.


Prioe,SOe.aboz; bri

Addrees WEEKS 4 POTTKB. 170 Wi for mJ« tor all Drogsiala.

both sides, which

favorable to an -— , . . - ,

tempt at renewed necoliAtion. ! fined to ?. few localities, as formerly

I a^'cordinglv so instructed tbe Minister of 1 it is to be hoped tbat they will become the United' Stittee to Great Britain, and I more and more diflfn-,ed, making the icter- found that my views in this regard were ', est in them a general one la all secliocs, shared by Hsr ilajestys ministers. I hope

soon arrive when the approach the solrf^

the present relation? of the colonies cease : two governments «an approacu tbe soio*.

thev are to become indepentent powers, ex- i tion cf this m.^mentous qaestion with an

erci'sing the right of choice and of self- ' assmruuce ol what is due to the nghts, dig-

control in the determination of their future . nity and honor of each, and

condition and relation* with other powers.

The United States, in order to put a stop to

bloodshed in iJaba and in the interest

of a neighMring people, proposed

their good offices to bring the existing

contest to a termination. The oSer not

being accepted by Spain, on a basis which

with the de- termination not only to remove the causes of complaint in the past, but to lay the ft lundation of a broad principle of public law which w'U prevent future differences, and tend to a firm and continued peace and friend-ship. This is now the only grave question which

cill yonr special attention to the reports of the Secretary of the Interior and the I Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The re- , port ol the Secretary of War shows the _ _ expenditures of the War Department for '

and thuV give emp!o>ment and support to ', the vear ending the 30th of June. 1869, to , hundreds of thousands of people at home, . he $80.64-i,042, of which *2J,»«2,310 was and retain with us the mia.n9 which other- '■ disburse* in the payment of debts cou- ' wise would be shipptd abroad. The ex- tracted duhng the war. find is not charge- tension of railri»d» in Europe and the ! able to curret-t army expenses. The e<i- 'the r^ist is bringing into comptti- i mate of $34,531,031 for the expenses of , tion with our sigricoltaral products | the amy lor the next ^al year

like tiroducta of oth«r counttie^. ', as low as it i^» "*:* ielf-mterestifnot.elf-preserv.tioa, there-, be -T«Ued on. The estimates of bureau j ox congress^ we ju^^^^ fore, dictates cauticn againsfc disturbing t oficert -have been carefuUy '«^'^^''°ff^ | f^^J^^g^f '"'i^^Sir^

^g_apgi02T»iiQ^«»^ . _ ^,^^i„,^^^ 1^ ' i^bors of the Coort hare largely increaBed, j ^^.

■■i^HHBi^iBMSBdiaifa^^^^b--'^ " r'' *~ -* ^AApt i.sa&a,


the year 1870 more than heretofore, I would suggest early action that may be agreed upon. As CJongress at tbe laet'ses^ioiv appwinted a committee to take into consideration such measures as might be deemed proper in reference to the coming censu-s, and to report a plan, I desist from saying more.

I recommend to your favorable consider- ation the claims of the Agricoltoral Bureau for liberal appropriation in a coai-try so diversified in cUmate and soil as oors, and with a population so largely da- pendent upon agriculture, the benefit* that _. , can be conferred by properly fostering thia is ; bnreHlL, are incalculable.

I desire, re8pectfully,to oall the attention


The Advertiser, having bam rMtorad to hanlUt in a

upon any plan f^ weeka. by a vOTy iiBipla remwlr, aftar havtog sn j«r'

ed several years with a severe Inng affection, and that

dread disease. Consumption, is aniiooa to make knowa

to liis (eUow sufferers, the nwne o< ear*.

To all who desire it, he wiU send a copy of the pre- scription need (free of charge), with the direclioot for preparing and using the same, which they wUl liud a SUKK Clue kob CosstmKnoji, Ajmnt a, BaoMcamr, etc. The obiect of the advertjaer in sending the pre scripticn i; «o benefit the afllictwl. and spmj iafctMa. tion «Moh he conceives to be invaloable ; and ^ every soS'rer will try his remedy, aa It wlU eoat th i nothing, :-nd may prove a blesiing Parties wishing tbe piescripttoe will pleaac ■<! flues Rzv. EDWARD A. WILSON, I WiHiaaMon. Kino Connty. New Toric.



' ether markets for the sal

; Our neighbors south of us, and China and

; .Tar.an shputd receive out specia attention.

The Married LaAe^PrlroteCwiL _

will ; taaSs"**^"'*''^^. ansg.^&sserj

U»i.r T sa. l.nt. on. war nndthat i^ ! v.e beleived could b- receJTed by Co^a. was thejnited State, have with any foreign na-


*7o ^igittMr leqeiredjto^ier ^oat




Ormde k Undnafe Lerel, Priee •sly $16.



Fiom lUe St. Paul Pioueer.

Miiiuesuta Kailro&ds.

State News.

Waseoa ba? a bra«s band. The carti now run to Crystal Lak«. A man in St. Paul was thrown front a iragon Ia«kt TlmrsiUv, and killed.

The *trtte lands of the St. Louis river are said to V>« the largest in the world.

Th« new ston* dual in the Root rtrer, at Lanesboro, is c«u>p1eted at a coat of $15,000.

The Northficld Entfrprint says that the Mason- ic fraternify of that place, ar« to have a Calico Bull, on the 27th inst.

A niovement is on foot for the union of all the German suctetiei and aasooiations of St. Paul into one grand organization.

One Uiokey, was mu;ilcrcd at Owatonna la.'t Funday night, by Murray. The as«a«lt wa- provoked by a goose transaction, which occurred three months ago.

Two Norwegians, who lived about 11 miles from New U'ln, got into a disjmto about some traps, and mu^krats. a few days since, which re- su^ttjd iu the death uf one of the party, named J<>linson.

St. Paul and PAciAo, branch line^ from St. I Paul to ^auk Ilapids, 81 miled.

St. Paul and Pacific, main line, from St. An- thony to Crjw river, 42 milva.

bt. Paul and Sioux City, trum St. Paul to Mankalo, 90 mileii.

Milwaukee and St. Paul, Minnesota Diviuion, from St. Paul to the State Line, 131 milef.

Lake superior and Mississippi, from St. Paul to Wyoming, 30 miles.

Winona and St. Peter, from Winona to Wase- ca, IOC miles.

Southern Minnesota, from La Crescent to Lanesboro, .'>0 miles.

Husiini^s and Dakota, irom Hastings to Farm- ingtoii, 20 miles.

As the leasou for active operations in extend- ing these difi'crent lines of road is about closing, it may be of inlorust to learn what . progre:-s has been made in railroad builaiug in Minnesota during the year. The year 181)9 will long be remeubere4.as one peculiarly unfavorable for railroad work. The spring was backward, and the greater portion of the summer. Yet, not- withstanding all the difficulties that contractors had to meet with, the season's work shows, in the aggregate, that 244 miles of road have been built and put in operation, divided among the d'ffcrent roads as follows:

Si. Paul and Pacific (Main line), to Chippewa river, ninety miles west of Crow river; total, 171 miles from St. Paul. The grading will be continued beyond Chippewa river until the weather compel? a suspension of work.

As soon as orarticable the work will be resum- ed next spring, and the r<*d completed to its


CONDIT & AUSTIN, MaiikatOjMiiin.,





Stock always full, and custvmi- ers can at all times be furnished




A desirable farm of tCO acres, welt watered, hi -I.. town ofPicKotl, Seciion 18, Is . iTere^i fur laW, or re for one, two. o. ihrce years. Forty MresbiokJ, tfen acres of timber, two and one-lialf niUet dUunt, will b. gold wlllitlie farm, aepuralel.v, oi in lol« to suit purchas- ers Terms, if soM, ■?•••'" d"»n. «'"' '•>« balance ou HciiK lime. For lurUici parlit ularb iu lUirn of or address ih>

-Ij^m'"' OFO. MASTERS.

Shelby viUe Minn., November 8d, 609.

Also Geneiml AfMita tor ^^

-vriA.. :E:3srA.BE<sc oo'

and otiun- First CIom

Ob and «ft»r Tncwiay, Manh 30 train. w = ran «a follows;

Mankato and Le Sueur Trains

m:avc. annivn. Bh Paul T:15 a m Mnnkato 4:30 p

terminu-" at tho western boundary of the State , k ,.• c Tt y L \ ; some 75 miles) early in the season. i ^-^ / . -i -i-v t '

A youneman fr«m Austin, tn St. Paul, met a j ^ ^^^^ ^apcrilr and Mississippi Road forty- ^^^h aQVtlling in tlie DlUg ImC. , diningroom girl. Thty were acr(uainted one seven miles have been completed and put in run- •' ° i

h-ur. fell In lore in two hours, engaged in ibree ning order during the year, making a total of - -•- »..„- t>„ j,,flR..»

... 1 J soventy-sevcn milea from St. Paul toward Du-

hi>ur«, and in MX h«iir3 were married and on "-'^"ij o"

i '"'b. their mjy to Austin. i n ;< expected that the road will bo completed

MonsK'slNniAS ItooT Pi .i.s.-- We have lati I

been shown the formula frciu whith the.-e PiM.-

are prepared, ami from this and our cxpcricno

in the use of llitm, can honestly proiu.uiuc then

a good, fafo and rclial.h! medicine. P.elng .n

tlrely tree from all poison >us ingredients •he>

can be safely used while pL-rformiog the activ.

duties of life. We would advi-^c all lo use them :

and by a fair trial you can see at once the bene

fit derived from them. Use Mor.-u's India-

Knot PillsHn all cases of Riliiousness, Headacln-

Female Irregularities, Liver Complaints, Ac

I Said by all Dealers^



In Winnebago City.casks* f all siics will be found constantly on hand. REPAIRINfl dene at short notice. Cash paid lor staves and b«'«»- poles. Cooper Shop in the back paft of tho »id Log Tavern. p. H. WERE.

Winnebago City, Nov. 10, 1869. 2M-tf

Mnnktito.... Le Sntur....

:'',:40 p m 9:00 a m 6:45 a m

l.e Sueur.. St. Paul...

8;;;o p &•<« p

1] :> :4 .

Front Stieet, 2d deor above Record office.


A . ^.A„ »».« \r;n«.,.„.':, Rn«r,i thrunjih to the like and trains running regularly

A report was madn to the Minneapo.is Board ^^^^^^^^ ^^,^^^^^ ^^^^^^ .^ ^.^^ ^^ ^^^.^ j^e nest

of Trade, the other diy, on the survey of the pro- harvest of wheat.

posed line of ra5!r,.ad from that p1ai-c to the Icwa | St. Paul and Sioux City Road have exfcntied I ^ , M u 1I7-; J ill . thuk lino of ro;id from Mankato to Crystal Lake,

line, by wayofMiakopce, W iiton, and ^^^^^^ ,^^g^.J,„ce of fidccQ miles, and in conjunction Lea. The report was highly favorable, and wc ,v-ih the Milwaukee and St. Paul road have believe the road will be built. completed the new line across the Missouri riv-

i cr and bronght the cars from the westorn and Tho Mower connty Trantvript says that on j„uthern portions of the Slate directly into the the 1st iust., the bands on the Ced:.r Va'ley city, thus giving St, Paul an all rail Eastern Ka.lroad, U.ween Austin and tho State ^ne/^ connection. ^^^ ^^.^ built their

were "hauleil off" and discharged. They were j-^^^ 1^^.^^^ |,.jmjgy„ p„i„t of junction with the within four miles of the lice, and would have Milwaukee and St. Paul road, to Wells, a dis- completed the work this week ready for the cars. \ tunceof forty miles, on which freight and pas

It is nadersfoid that the lnwa part of the :inc liis been purchased by the Illinois Central I'-jlLI roud Ooiupany.

icngcr trains are now running regularly

IKi/tort.i aud Si. /'rtsr Jload. —This company

have added twenty a ilea to their road during

' the present season, leaving only fifteen or cigh-

i toeu more of road to build lo complete the entire

The Mankato Un'on says that on tha 2Sib clt, , Hue to St. Petei.

•s Mr. Wm. GiliSllan, who live, in the t. wu of i St. I'nul u„.l Ch!...go /?oa.7.--This new road

. .. V , , ,• J ,• I has sprung into exis;encc only during the pres-

Lerey.was leading a strange horse beb.nd his ^^j y^^,^ ^^j i^^s not made so much progress

as the other railroads in Minnesota. The xrad-


Boots and Shoes



NEATLY DONE. Go to Thompson's for your Beots.

Winnebago City and Waseca j



Leaves Winnebago, everj' day except Saturdays, j Leaves Waseca, every dav except Mondaya.

This routs lies through WILTON, MI>NLSOTA LAKK.GUAfKLANU.nnanASSLAKE. I

fas!.ence.s by this new and T-P"'"'- '•""'','■ V,''^^! I TWKNTY .MILK.S of travel, and money, and win riue

only in the aay-iime.potn!.' throiiv'b i" Sl^'';,''''-^'i ,„, THOMAS GKOUtiK, I'loprietor.

Winnebago City, Nov. 18th, 18CS, 261if

E. P Ncedham & Son and B. Shoninger & Oo.'s Manufacturera and Importers of


650 Broadwftjr*., } •V7--A.:R:BS<003^S {


69 "WoaliiiiRton Sir., CHICAGO.

V. .\EGAR How made in 10 hours DrugK. For circulars, addres, L Vfnegar works, Cromwell, Conn.

wiUiout (&1AAA *»^^''", '^^K'^^k^X.'bu^ine!: >AGE <^1UM Agents, male and <i=«^"7;, ';,""'!,'';. permanent. Enclose 3c stamp. Van Allen A Co,

320 w 4

rnilE MAGIC COMB will chance any colored i hair or beared to a permanent black or brown It contains NO POISON. Any one can use it. One .sent by mail for $1.00. Address MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, M..s.s. 320m3

j 171 Broadway, N. Y.


own, into the subU. tue latter ktckad at the | •tranga horse, missed him and hit tho man »n th" loft cheek, breaking in the cheek bone, the upper jaw, the lower jaw, and the bridge of the . Bosa. The whole side of the face, including the i temple bone, was crushed in fiat. One of the oorks male a cavity in tho cheek, into which the Doctor thrust bra instrument and lifted the bonea to their place. Mr. Gilfillan was uncon- acioas for some time but is now rational.

The Owatonna Journal gives a favorable ac- count of the experiment of manufacturing cheese recently began in the town. Last Spring Messrs. n:«rtou A Case built a factory and pur- chased three hundred cows, from the milk of whicn they mauulactured 2j,000 pounds of cheese. The proceeds of tho sale of which at 20 cents per pound, foot up the nice little sum of ^j, 100. In addition to this the proprietoT^ have fattened fifty hog? which at $12 each woulj Df-t :?600. The proprietors also have the ma- chinery for grindicg feed and savring wood, a business which they will follow during the win- ter.

lag has been dune and tho iron nearly laid <rom St. PuI to Ilasting.H. Thut portion of the road mnv be running in Dcceml^cr.

Hutihi'jx "lid iJiikutit i:»iid in another new road. During this sea<on it has been extended from Farmington, where it crosses the Milwaukee and St. Paul road, to Lakeville, a distance of ten miles, and Ihb cars are running regularly to

that point. , . ^i.

This gives :!>l miles of completed road in the State, Divided among the different companies as follows :

St. Paul and Pacific (main and branch lines) 21.^ Milwaukee and St. Paul (Minn. Division). ...i:"l

Lake Superior and Mississippi 77

St. Paal and Sionx City 107

Wioona and St. Peter '26

Southern Minnesota '*^

Hastings and Dakota •^"

St. Paul and Chicago ~ 20



At Thompson's, opposite the Collins House Winnebago City, Minn.


WE have opened a shop on Blue Earth Ave- nue, for all kin.l.^ ..f blfM-ksmithing. wagon repairing, Ac, and will be found constantly on hand and readv to aeommodate our customers. Attention is called to the fellowing prices:

Horse shoeing, per .-pan , ^* *!j!

New Shoo, f

Setting Shoe,

We guarantee entire sntisfaction t«y (til who may patronize us. CLOSSICK A SMITH.

Winnebago City, Juno 23d, 1S69.

C^^UAPPED HANDS AND F/*CE, SORE ^Lips. &c., cured at once by the use of Hege- man'a camphor Ice with Glycerine, keeps the hands soft in the colJesi wet^thrr. ."-ee that you get tho Genuine. Sold by Drii-rgisls. Price, 25 cts per box ; sent hy mail for 30 cents.

HEGEMAN A Co, N Y. P. 0. Box 222S.



TO THE AVORKING CLASS.— We nro now ' T"^ prepared lo furnish all classes with censtantem- I ployment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare morucnts. business new, 'light and

AGENTS WANTED. Newest (ind greatest invention out-tbe New Self- ad justing Guides, for cutting perfectfiiling Panls,nound- abouts, dnd Ladies' Dresses. J''^'^;-;?*"^,'!^'*'. '" ! every household. Address lUVl^i;^ ^ ^^oJ , I Pittsburg, Pu.


' Shows how to doulde the profits of the farm. '' and how farmer's and their sons can each make I $190 per month iu wintur. 10.000 copies will ' be maiUd frfte to farmers. Send name and ad ' drc«s to ZElGLEl'v, McCUUDV A CO., 1 ■ili'tw Chicago, 111.



LiTTET.i.'.'" Livixo Ar.K, being published in weekly numbers of sixty-four large pages each, making more than three thoiis.ind page.-* .>r read- t

Winnebago City <fe Jackson j


Leaves Winnebago City every Friday at 3 o'clock p.m., and arrives at Jackson at 6 o'clock p.m. every Saturday. . , i

Leaves Jackson every 5Ionday at 6 o clock a.m., and arrives at Winnebago City at 9 o'clock a. m. every Tuesday, laaking close connection with the Mankato stage. Passengers by this n ute pass through Wavcr-

ly, Horrieon, May, and Walnut grove, and ride

only in the day-time, j-

VAGRANT. Proprietor

Winnebago City, Julyd4th, 1869. 2J»8tf



Are prepared to store



the spare moments. Business new, "light and ! ^_ __.__.„, ^.y .^ ^i r a / i tt T XT 1? profitable. Persons of either sex ca«ily earn ' KNITH ^ G MAO U 1 iN li-

frnm 50c to $5 per evening, and a proportional I

Is presented to the public as the most


Knitting Machine ever Invented.



sum by devoting tbeir whole time to the bufi ness. Boys an.l girls earn nearly as nuicli us men. That all who .see this notice may send their address, and lest the busine.■^«, wo make this unpara!lele<l offer : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send SI to pi*y for the trouble of writing. Full j)articulars, a Valuable sample, which will do to comm«M«i work on, and a eojiy oi tho Ptojfk'ii Litfiiify^mjjiiiiiu, I one of he largest anjM>e.st family newspaper-; publibhcd all sent free l)y mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profi'uble work, address B. C AL- LEN A CO., Augusta, MainOi .SlC-lCw

Eastern Express

i..-aveSt Paul7:45am. Ar. f^t. P:- Owatannr & Batttiair* Accomic

eaveSt. P«tUS:30pin. Ar. St.Pau. i ; Trains on this road make close com Mendota with trrtins on Milwaukte 8- d Kailroad lor Minneapoli-, Owhcoi.h. artd iU point* SoXlh and Ka»». and at - I' with Minnesota Stage Com. any's line oi -i*„ tor Sew Ulm, and at Mankato all point* M est ana Southwest. _,. ,

Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Office, corner Third and Jackson streeu. «u<l bt the depot, We&t St. Paul. I JNO. P. LINCOLK,

I Supci I'i "-ndenr,

i J. C. BoYDE«i Ocneral Tiokei A>.fi't 2f<c^'^




The only line running THROUGH TRAINS between



Making this tha most Comfortable, Expeditious , and Only Diroct Route to

Cleveland, Eric, Dunkirk, Bufial^



_^:^All the principal Railways of tlia North- west and Southwest connect «t Ckirnfjo wi:h ibe Four Daily Express Trains, leaving (';)ic«;:o 7:)<.' A. M., 11:30 A. .M., 5:15 P. M.. aoc V:00 P. M-

Elccnnt Draw-lng ICoom Coachea

OnDay F-sprcss Trains between Chicago, T-.lo do and Putiaio.


.And has Palace Sloeping Coaches Attached,

Runn'g Through to New YorK


P'a^senfrcrs for 2)i(/oiV, and all points in Cu'c iht. und those t'wr Ohio, J'(.iiut;/liiiuio, .Wic ) t.; . and AVir L^i^/'m.m/, should purchase ticU.•t^ « Lnlc .S'A^/•e und Mirhiijun S'Hilfnrn Ri'iii-<. which areon sale at all principal Railway T.^l.-' Offices, auJ at the Ci.mpai.v's Chcc,




Ifewa Itema.

Minnie Warren is very ill.

Gen. Banks is in Pari-'.

Gen. Burnsido has gone to Europe.

Harriet Beecher Stowe is in a water-cure.

There are 2,SU lighthouses in the world

There aro $71,000,000 in the U. S. Treasury.

A Congre«9 of Deists has assembled at Naples.

Mexico is sending its surplus wbcat to Texas.

A new church in Boston has a 'reporter's pew.'

It cost 4J per cent to collect the revenue last year.

Andy Johnson will spend the winter in Wash- ington.

The fPf'timen'ral Council a.<sembled at Romo la«t Wcd'ie.-<lay


nod weeklies, wilh a thoroughly satisfactory completeness, as well as froshnes.-!, and at a sma 1 co.st. The ablest living writers in all depart- ment." are constantlr represented in its pages, and all who deyire'^a thorough conpendium of Ell that is admirable and noteworthy in Hie lit- erary world.'" to keep pace with tho scientific or

political progress of the age, or to culiivate in ; QU anil Oil Paints, himself, or his family a taste for the best litera- j - .... i ture, cannot well dispense with TItt Lht'.ir/ A;ie. j Consiilering tho fiuantity of rcad'ng mnit<»r j furnished, the subscription price (SH.OO a year) i

I is cheap; but for those who desire the cream of

j both home and foreign literature, a still ciieaper ,

I offer is made, of which the lovers of the best

I literature will avail themsclve.i in great numbers ;

I vir... for $10.00 remitted to the publisher of "The

1 Living Ag«." they will send that magarine wcek-

j ly, and either one of the following, for a year :

I "Harper's Monthlv." "Weekly," or "Ba^^ar,"

! "The Atlantic Monthlv." "The Galaxy," '-Put- nam's Monthlv." "I.ippincotf's Monthly." or i


Wheat advancing antl Cioo.ls selling i lo "

On rea.'onable terms.

^i:^:':J!l^; '^:^:::i:'^:S::s:^^ ' beluw ^^.t, for ca.h, .t the ^yinnebago j ^^^, ,,,,,,..« sto. bunding, rmnt .tree,, luerTlure of the European c,a;.rtor;.es.monthrtsi City DrugStorc. Call and examine Mankalo. j he

pricea before going elsewhere


Carbon Oil. Elephant Oil, Lin.seed jlandOil Paints, Whita Lead, Red Lead, Colored Paints, &c.


School Books, Blank Books, Station- ery, Memoranda Books, &c.


ay hUo kocp the cele- brated




,, Patent Medicines of all kinds. To- |

"ATi:..S'J,'',.:.r 'r^X" ' "7,rji .-. ' baoco a„d Cigar. Lamp Cbimnep and " ••• , .^. - T. . _ ._-„-_.i..a.i,- i>:_ 'Wicks. Fancy Articles usually kept in

City Drug Stores. j

they will send "The Living Age" and "The Riv- ersiilo Magazine" for a year.

"Tho Living Atrc" is pronounced by high crit- ical nnthority to be "the best of all our eclectic , publications :" and we can do our rea.lers no

(owe'. Byron atory will soon bcpublish- 1 better service th.in by calling »»'.'• 7[^''^«f^;';V»«»- ii.wr .1 ujtwu oiw J 1 ^.^^ ^^ j^^ Prospectus, which will be published

in this paper next week.

A Bi:At;TIFl)Ii 1


THE Subi<criber wishing to gointo the Vi col- on business, offtrs his farm of 220aercs for sale. ; There is a good Uonst:, Stable, Sheds and Gran- ; ary, and a never-failing spring ok watkh, suG- cieni for household jurposes and to water one [ hundred head of eatllo. Between 25 and 30 acres j of Timber. The bon.-e is surrounded with large | Shade Trees, besides a Garden, containing about 300 FRUIT TPEES, large and small.

I will sell the abo\ o reasonable. Inquire on the premises, 2 miles direct we.-tt from Winneba CO City, or at the Woolen Mill .Mankato. *• JOHN B.EDWARDS.

August 17, 1968. 251

This Machine will run either backward or forward with c-.iUHl fa<;rily.

MAKES THE fJAME gTlTCH AB BY HAND, Xut far superior in every respecl.

Will Kuil 20.000 Stilclirs a Minnie

AVD DO PEllPEOT W011K_ L.-iaving ever) k;;ot -in the lu-ide of tlic work. It v.iil koit apa.r of stocl.iugs (any tl'v) iu less than hal. an hour. It »«ill knit Closk on OiTN. 1'i.a:?j ok Rii;.i :f, wil.'i any Kind ol c<>:irse or fine w.jolen yarn, «.r oo' ioii, r-ilK or li'.i- Ti'-n. It will knit stoikih'rs with d..ublu heel ar.<l '00, utitwetlB, hooiU, t:.ek3. .snud.i;ig caps, tomforts, purees, iiiiilfs, rr'vgc. .ifgntns, i.iibin*. "tfiderslcovcs. roittip?, K!;n;:rgeans, bmiji wi-lis map.'', cprd. uudi:r-.Lir!s, >l-;uvls, j.iel.ct.-, <rMdIr bl:ii.l:et,S leggiii-S sn.-ii(;:;.i.r«!. wristi-r.-, li-Jifx. j tlnnets, tufted wovW.jind in fa -t no oiidlese varit- ty|f artitlca in evciyiloy use, as well a- foi ohin-

' FP.OM $i TO iriO Pini DAY

No. 50, Clark Street, Chicago.

F. E. MORSE, Gen'lPasj. Agt., OTIS KIMI5ALL, tJen'l Sup't, Chicago.

271 vl ClevclHud, 0.

>t I.OWKST pr.'.CKS. That the Mason & Mamlio Cabinet and Met- ! ropolitan Organs are the best in iIjo world i-* proved by the almost unaniinwus opinion .of pro fessiona! muhicians, by the award to theui of ; seveniy-live gold and silver mudiils or oibor i highest premiums, at principal iiidustri.il com- petitions within a few year.s including the mcd- i 31 at tho Pj'.is E.\po.siiioii, and hy a .'•ale very

much i;rtater than thai if any tiuiiljir in-^tru-n I ment." This Company luaiiufaeture only fir^t• ' class iaftrumenis, and wlil not nial.c "ebcap organs" at any prieo. or suffer an inferior inttru- mcnttobc;ir their name. Hiving greatly iii- orcased their r.iei!iau3 for uiaunrartwrc, by the introdnciion of dc'v nKu.hineiy and otherwise, they are now u^a'nng belter organs than ever be- forJ, at increai-d ccciiomy in cast, which, in

aceordnnreNfith their fixed policy of selling a!- . ,„„_.,,. „.:,i, ,i,e American

««vs at lei't remmwrative profit, tliey are now ' Can fc» laiido by any one »illi the American IPJvz a?nri^ ofLorior work. Four octa.e | K.iitifc M.ieUii.e, ';n,tt.ng st.ck.ng., ie.. wh.l. ,tZ PU n \?sin«t Ca.es, §:.0. Tivt oc i c.M.crlfperator.^ can even mnl e mo,v kniuing

S }^^;^:si:^:ri,?:;i;r»^s.^s i ^;:' r^;: t„ p; .-f r^. f ^




lis tlic only perfccteil an«l


Circulars, with full particulars, including ac- curate drawings of the different ytyles ol organ* »nd murh information which will be of service to every parcha.fer of an orgnn will be sent free and poitagepaid, to any one dc'^^iring them. MASON A IIAMLIN OUOAN CO., 154 Tremout St. iJoiton; iOC D'dway, N. Y. 320w4





cd in book form.

Virginia negroe<t are emigrating in large num- bers to L.Hii'iana.

A decided majority In both Ilon-cs of Congrc?' fkror a prolecilon tariff.

All tho waite's and nshera at the White House wear swallow-tailed coats.

Six hundred men are employed in tha mann- fiK-ture of g'a=s iu th's country.

There n-e nincfy-s'T different kinds of street pavement;:) in use in this country.

Secretary P.ontwell does not favor the imme- d ate re^nniption of spe<io payment.

Pen. Wood rccen'ly "p..l-e'ed" 5160,000 ont of ^ ~~

John Morr;?soy in two or three "seftnee.*." State of •"**^P"^2tni,_ Faribatilt Caunty

Tho Post Office Department ha» completed 5t« solcction of de.-igns for the new series of stamp*. Tf is said that 5uspen.<'on brido^c- hnve been


State of Minnesota, Connty of Faril>aiilt. Tlie State of Minnesota, to C. P. llinrts, Defendant.

You are berchy summoned to be and appear before 0>e ur<(l»-rs!(:ne'li one of ihv Jo-ticpsof llie Peace in ami for «-.iil coiirify, on the imh rt»v of Decenilter. A. U. Jsr.'.), Ht 10 o'clock A. M., at uiy oIlEee, iu Winoebaso Oitv' in sa'd coiin'y, to sni.ver to neni.in lloit. In a civ- il action. tShon'il vo'i fail to «p'>'>-r. nt the lime anil piai-e a''>rc-«ai«l, jiiripir-r.t wi'l be rend-rcil a:iainrt you, i n.ion ilietviilenc"' aiiduceil by siiid "eman lloit, for ' Kiii-b sum lis he AvM sfmw liimself entitled to.

tliveii under my liand this ■-"Mb day of Novetnl)cr, A. D.K.ril. i:. H. IHTCHINS.

'ai>"'w Ju.stice of the Peace,

Iu Probate Court,

[!»peiial Sessirn.] In the matter of the Estate of \V ILLI AM F. AT-DRICH. hkte of said county, deceased.

Sn.tf C. J. FARLEY.

Winnebago City, Nov. 19^1SG9.

known iu China lor ihepa^t two thousand years. \ (y^^^^-^^i^^^'^^^^^I^Zy. Ahl^" .^a»J^f Love is sed to be blind, bnt i kno lot< of phcl- ] '^^i^^';^;] ^^ p^i?^.:i!l*'^"'of lows in love who can so. twlc. as much in their , -;!^:^'^-J,^^ ---;:^>S;™ 1. ^1^;!^!;:

galls as i kan.

A ste.imboa' st-n.-k the rnil-oad bridge at Par- korsvillc.Va., last Tue.^day night, and immcdi- ato'v sunk : a nniabcr of lives were lost.

und r.e.<'(fe W. Aldrieh. ,v .u i j - '

II U cnlewJ, lliai id petition be heard by the Judge

of the Ccui!, on the I'th day of January, A. D. ;«T0, nt

1 1 o'oi«ck In Ihe-irtriioon of said day. at |ii.< offlce In

Bill- K.irlh C' V. :n .*»id Conrty, nt whleh time aud place

as».«.i'o'.i of .<a!d >-ourt nili be helil.

. » Ordered further herein, tliiU notice of the time and

TheT i»J there is a spot on the Erie railway ^^^pj ,i,id h..rin; be pivu lo the heirs of said decets-

, ..1 Tj ;„ rpff^rd- ' ed and all others it.ter«»ted, by advsrUiingtbti order

where no sma-h-up ever oeonrred. It is regara *_^"^- ""J^*^ ^^^^ snreesaivelv. prior »o the day of hc.nng,

i-d 3* a irreat curio.'ity br tho inhabirants. i„ ,he "Kkkk il..Mf.>TKAi.,' a w-ewiy newsp.»per, pub-

ta 3^ a grrai, cur.v j . , ^,^^^^ .^ w;nneh»iCo Ci\v, in said county.

p.itea Dec. loth, 1-^9.


Keeps r.aostantly on Ilaud


Frosh and Salt Meats,

LIQUORS A!SU CIGARS, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco,


He will pay tho highest market price far








P. T.


Can sell their wool at only forty to ^fty cents I per pound; but by getting the wool made int.: yarn ut a small e^pen>;e, nnd knitting it iisto , sochf, two or three dollars per pound ran be re- : allied. I

Ou receipt of $25 we will forward a machine , as ordered. . '

We w'<;h ttJ proctlre active AfjENTS in every section of the United Stales and Canadns to whom the most liberal indoconents will be offer- ed. Address American Knitting Machine Co. lioston, Mas.= ., or St. Loais M*/

, scicMilificaliy j»roj»areil 1/ jvej.. trail 311 of its k:ii«I

lujijlUliria ;xnd b:i3 no comjiethor in merit. l^y its t'.sc GUAY HAilt is hoou restored to its origiiifti youtUlijl color nn«l brii- lianev, which is so much

luLuK, 'out will, by the use of our

PROMOTES, l^cncw<^'''«^'*" see its <;oo.l T.Tiq lofFoct?', ns, by its ionic ajui

nDnwfrni '^•'"'**^'''^''"^ proiuMiies tho

trnUW in. hair glnnds will be iucileJ



llorsctlolct atallhoars, day or niijlit. Horses to 8^11 or exchange. . . v. ,

Cash paid for oats, corn and hay. Oats, corn, hay and ^•;lb lip at rer»^on8b!e rates. , „. ., , ,l„

oraoe in Wi.i.iebigo Cliy Hotel, and Stable In the

"^"vilnoebago City. Dec. S. 1SC9. 819-tf




A pen'lcman rvho sulTered for years from Nfrvoiu< Pe-

l);iity rreniatureDocav, anil all the eir.-<"< of youlliful

IndifcVelion. will, for Ihe sake of aitrerinK hiMianity,

In one Inrpe Octavo Volume— Nearly 800 pages .end free to all who need it, the re<-ei.l and direclioris

- .... 1... formaKlDKllieeluipk' remedy by iihich he was cured.

SuffU'-rs wiibin^' to profit by Uie .".d'.enisci '.•< espenenc^ pan do 80 bv addresst:i7, withperfect so.ifideiite, .TOIIN B. OUDE.N, No, 4-.' Ced»r St., New Vcrk. Ul^-ly


Winnebago City, May 26, 1869.


Oars Perry and Hancock express the opinion thattheon'y way to prevent ont-a,!;e- and mnr- dors. and to preserve i>eace in Georgia, is to re- auuia military control over it for the time being.


J. A, KTIFTKR, Judge Proba;e Court.

Vlcissitudea of Fortune.

The New York S^ of the 2d says : 'Yester- day, at 1 14 Forty-recond street, MrJ. Wm. H. Di.browdied. Onlya few years ago she aa-s tho higheat and most brilliant on the li-^t of New Yorkbelloa. Yesterday she died in tne rear room of the fifth story of oue of the most mag- nificen.lv fn.niihed and bnilt houses in the city- and thoJfh she owned the furniture, many thou-



Default havinc t)een made In Oie conditions of a cer- U'n mortgage Jate.l the Tth day of ^^eptember, A. D. IxtiN e-cecutVd by H»nry l,a.|ue and Kllen Laf,ue h* wife' f f Kar.hau't Count v. .^tjie of Minnesota, parties of the »rst pirt. to David P. Was^att of lUueock County. State or Mane, piny of the second part, by the failure of said morii.-ng..r* or eUber of 'I'""'."? .?*>' ♦J'« """L ,f two hundred and sixteen dollars and «hirty4hree cents ,«•>!« ;■>■•!) whi.-h :.n-ount is claimed to be due thereon for principal and interest at the da of this no, ice. beside "he fur-nersum of twenty-five dollars. y% ), stipulated as attorneys fee, to be paid in case of foreciowre «h!.h ssid mort?»ee was rei-orded on the 1-1h oa/ or September. A. D. !-«-. at .-i o'clock p. m.. In the oOice ofthelteirfster of Deeds, in said Faribault Cconty. in book L of Mortjapes, on page .V-- and no »c'Ioa or





Boots, Shoes, Crokery and -- GLASSWARE,

Prints, ' DtLalnes, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton,


, .„ ,i.v "tend her at the ex- twefore in nurrwDce and by vi..ne of the i»ower or , becama us owu.-rs. to day sena ne .„ .. I '^arcon'r.in<^in»..d u.orts««..nd of the statute, in poAlNSAC^KS NOTIONS. &C.

peas, of the city of New York to a home in the *^l;co^^ -'•'« »-^ P'-tl'^-'r '', '•::SVri^d ^^^^^^ ^ALlVa, JSyjXlKJ. ^. «vc Jott.r's Field. She waa the wife. '^^f^^^.^p^^^^r^XX^^T\^^^K^^^^

Utely deceased Wn.. «• J^^^^-^ ;;-^^;j;; j ^^i;-^^?^^^^, l^^^l^Ui^- t '"« '"^ ^^'-^'";'"' ^ ^"^ '*'" "'^ "^^ known proprietor of Disbrow 8 riding academy. ] ~ , ^^^ ^^„hsifoft;.e somhwest qa.rter of sicjon CrockcrV I ^"I^* *"^ Sancers, Plates, ner mother discarded h.r when she tnarned I nmnVr m. in -wn^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^wers antl Basin*,

airairat her will. So. deserted by b" motner , ^^ ,^^,^^.^^^.g,jy^^,^^„,., ,^.^^rdi„g to.ove a-

* , , . u _„!,„„- her body is to be i Bientsurvev. tnenber with all the hereiKtamsnu am. (ji„j Lanjpj ,nd Chimneys, Comet Sun Buinera and robbed in her own nome. uc j , ^ .„„,„, ^j„njjrjoT,n any wi»e ap- " »' ry.'^„.

A tn d.v to tha Potttr'a Field. She was •^ffin*, wi-.l be sold .. pabiic sale, to "J* bighest and Chimneys,

carried to-day ta tM ro ^.^ectable ' bidder. f.W caoh, to «tWy and pay the «id deb. .nd

29 Tears old, was beautiful, alwaya respeccaoie, ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ twenty five dollar, t#i.V>attornr> » fees . . , . ,„, v. affo her then fair form fmd the co<ts and disbur-ements allowed by law at the andonlyeighteenmonthaagoneri J^nt door of the Post OfBce. In the TilUpe of Winneba- , ^,,„^ r ,

wora $15,000 worth of diamond.. k ^''''•''"""^rtrr^^'Vj'Jn'L^V D^'l"w' LOOKING GLASSES, <feO.,

" * ' _____^ «n Thursday, the i;Uh day uf January, A. D. l>iU, a .»-iv^v^-» ^ ^ j i

- I 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. I

J,..h Billings says : 'If I was in the habit of j Dated. Winne^o City, Minn Dec. L^l;^^^

pwaarinf. I wouldu'lll^iuU U> cu.* a W^ug ^_^ cixUi to bis.face.' I

Lanterns^ Tuml/ler$, Giblets,

j(«-BOOTS and SHOES Bade to order apa

[ epairing iwatly doae. '••*'

KEW FIliM. New Goods.


, Dealer* in

St OTCs. Tin





anofacturers of


and all kinds of


A fine assortment of

Table and Pocket Cutlery. Grind-Stoie^ and Hangincrs,

BreaklAff and Crossittff


Fence- Wire^ it*-. <te.

J- H. Welch, yTm. Wallace, Chas. Wallace Wiftaebage City, Miu.

AprU 7tb, 18S8.

Printed in Ei^fflish and (icrman. USEle gum Full Page Entjravings. It embraces forty year's recollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lec- turer, and Biiov-nian. No book published so ac- ceptable to all cla es. Every one »>ant8 it.

Agents average from jO to 100 subscribers a f^„ ^,,^,,.3^ „y » verv m,i week. We ofter extra terms and pay friegbt jg^ed hcveral years with West. Illustrated Catalogue aud Terms to n.at dread disease, Con Agents sent free. ' known to his fellow-E.ilIc

J. B. BURR* CO., Pub's, 31g g^ Hartford, Conr.





Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000.

The advertiser, hsvinj; been restored to health in a

few w^-tka, by a vcrv fciaiide remedy, after having euf-

"•'1 a severe lung affection, and

,„„ „_ , . jsumption, 5s anxious to luake

known to hisfellow-E'ilItrers the means of cure. I T3 all who desire it he will send acopy of tleprcicrlp- 1 Hon u»ed, (free of charge), with the directions for pre- ; paringand using the same, wljch tln-y will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Uronchilis, etc. The ol)je<t oftl;.; advertiser liii: ding the Prescription is to beii'-fit the anlicled, and spread loforinxtion which be conceives to be invaluable ; and heliopes every sulTerer will trv his remedy, as it will eort nnthin^'. and may i.iove'a blessing. rarlif:s ivM.inf; the I'^etcript un wul please addiess Kev. KDWAilD A. WILSON, Hilliaras- bU! g. KioKS County, New York. 8i->-iy

and the Irair grow thick aiiiistroncraf'fiin. Inc.!.«Jt'!i of Baldness it will ci onto SrLhNDlU a new growth unless tVic DRESSIHG.il'^^lliclcs arc destroycMl. It •JiDV is cooling, and aliay^s :;!! 'flMT ^^'-■^""S ^"*1 irritation of ^^" the scalp. Itdoe8notKt:iii) BOTTLE the 8kin as do dye., but A)J]] makes the ecalp wliitc an-' J;;" „clca„. AsaDltliSSlN-'o iniuIiliWit is the best and most UP economical preparation in ipin? the world, as its eflocts TUTW l-'^st so mtich Ioniser. Sen! InlW fyr our Treatise on the LOCKS '.hair, free to all, by mail. Sold by all Druofllsts and Dealers In Medicine.


Gen'l Agents for North- Western Statei- 87 DEAEBOBS 8T»EBT, CHICACK), ILL.


5 Cash Gifts, each $20,000

]0 « << lO.OOi)

20 " " 5.000

40 " •' J, 000

200 '^' " 600

30« " " »««

50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each J^.'IOO to 700

75 " " Welodeons " 7."> to 100

.130 SewnR Machines, CO to 175

500 Gold NV'alches, 7 J to 'lOO

Cash prices, Silverware, Ac., Val. at $1,060,000

A chance to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents. Tickets describing p'i'.es are sealed in en. elopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25c a sealed ticket drawn, with.jut choice, and Bent by mail to any aUdresa. Tho prize named upon it will be delivered to the ii<kct-bolder ou receipt of Ono Dollar. Pri/.es are iuimsdiateiy sent to any address by ex pies* or return mail.

You will know what your prize is before you pay for it. Any prize exchanjird for another of ihe Fame value. No blauks. Our patroas can depend on fair dealing.

RBKKKE.N'Es.—Wt select the following from many who have lately drawn valuable prizes, and kindly permitted tiKto pubiich them : An- drew J. Burns, Chicago. ^lO.OOO: Miss Cbira 8. Walker. Biltimore. Piano. *.S1!0 : James M. Matthews, Detroit, $5,000; J-.hn T. Andrews, Savannah, $5,000: iliss .A;;nes Timmons, ^ Charleston. Piano, $600. We publish no namei withoQt per'oiosion. ]

Opixio.ts OP TRB Press. The firm is reliable, j and deserve ibilr success.— H'cZ '.y Ti ihnne, \ May i. We krow theoi to be a fair dealing firm.— ..V. V. Herald M",, 23. A friend of ours ' drew a $500 priie, which was pi omptly received. Daily Xeict, June 8.

Send for Circular. Liberal indnccmenti lo AgenU. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack- age of sealed envelopea eortains ONE CASH GIFT. Six tickets for $1 ; 13 for $2; 35 for $5; 110 for $15. All letters should be add.-essed to UARfER, WILSON A CO.,

$1$ 12v i9;i Broadway, Xew York,

In number? there if .'afety. it was upon thin principle that the formula of Judson's .Mountain Herb Pills was prepared. It was not the result | of one man's knowledge. Dr. Judson intending ; to spend a fortune in advertising bis Pills, con- suhed the most intelligent aud Iturnjd physi- cians of the age. and the result was the pro<luc- tion of a simple but eCiu-acious medicine lie Jud- soi.'b Mountain Iltvb Pills. The^e pills cure Biliiousnei^s. Di.-pe,.fia, Liver Cumplaint, Indi gestion. Female Irrejjularities, Ac. They havo n..7v been used many J ears by the public-, and thousands of testimonials bear witness to their virtues. As a firaily niei^icioe they are unri»u! ed. Give the Mountain Herb Pills a trial. So! i by all dealers.






E. & H. T. ANTHONY & 00.^ 691 B&OADWAY, KEW TOBK,

larlu i^« •tiwooB Kl it>t Ti»*« ili» r «■•«!». .•wrt-i.-t.. tt Orf ■■>••«, »l Ut.r •"• ,«6*««l>»«. ««••/•«.•■♦• 4»< i-»r»"«i»«- Wr ptikU>k t*r rnt Tkmumd niuMU at tutt—ffit Vlr*« •■•IwliM :





Wtiu Moiatalat,


Waal Foal,

Matnmst^ Cava. C.Dira! Ciik, Trci.tnt. r«;;a, flra&t \Vi.t. It»«a«*ayiea



jt«w Or#i.a4a.


1 1 A utaa,



k,(ia«<, *a . *a.

Oar lmp«rta<! Tlrwa rmbra'* a laf|» MajrtK.tl. Ia<la4ia| <M «W.mt |.r-l«.l.oa« at WiB. Foeiaai. O. W. Wilaaa, !.••». a»« Mkar rniaaat |.b«to(ra|>kara, cauial.ag af





&C., JkC,

Cut to order from either I t a ma 5 or A M E K If A .< marble, and set up in good t4iste .Mr. J. M. fcul- litaii is onr practica! 'ifc signer, and all ••rder* are filled according t<i spoeifi atii cs, K, however, the tafteof Mr. Sniliv .u is con* suited, the designs are iruar- anteed to he unique. The worl: recommend' iiseit Or- ders from udiftaiiee promptly pt'endeil t<ii

FisliiT & Sullivan.


Jumedth, 1SC9. 293














Tujcriaa, •t Claaa. Triaaaa.

Crraul faHii.


I Haraaiaaav*.

I F»..ta.u«alaa«.

«;..i..»«t'». I T.r.M.IIaa,


aaaara»4 ,r!.«..alr >t'r«- ar aarlaa. *!aa. Ii.a»-..ai.^ ai,.i T -aaaav ra.i Vi»».. .afr.al rar .ir are a ntl»>.<< »r'.." ■>• » ■»•' 'J fa- "f tl *I>»n OLafiii riKHn.' mt w»itk m, b... a •!'» « ...arl-.rBi »c.a'. far ff.'u'a »»r.i-a af I 4aS 1-5 a il'-ozi.yiM ..»• .■ •wiiMriawl. Ika ali:i.a. b(la.>«. ■cMlaaa. WalM.

«Tr.ir.O«<Of E».-Wa maaa'ariart »wr l«'f«lS. a»* kaaa a lal(* #l*aa of fa. ^#M ff>.aa at U* l—mt rmm-

rnoTXiK^ri.'IC »1,HV1« - O-u Maaafartart »f »H«»» '•"•■' k*a«a laraaiaoal Uc aoaaltr M «i.|.arMr U «aal.tf aM l«««r «a an •4lMra.

AJI wa aril arrawAa a*r ava Tv**^ •»< ••' •"■'?• "' *!^"Jl fr.n rt ..a af aay^kar r.a«.r anyw* at««.« Ml l».l 4a ••• ••


TWaaa Wtellfal flu-vttw. Uat aaamat W ^«W«(«»»« *a« IM pmtji 0,1 ra.'a(ia/f. al aaa l»aO. •*'\r aaal. •• •• f"' l»'l» " ,* >arl.. L«n.l»a, Barlia, VtaaM aii^ KalM. aaA a.irU l»' «*»*• •' '"* l»«aal ra<a>

E. ft H. T. AHTHOKY ft CO.. 691 Beoaowat, N. v., ttavattm asd Uaairf^ of riiol*)(nphic Materiala.





Cheap for pasb, *^^^

Whereas, my wife. Jane Brelsford, has left n y bed and board without Jual cau^c or prov tfon, all persons are hereby notified not lo v- or harbor her on my aceoant, aa I wih pH n debts of her ctinH-at ting- _


Pr«cott, SsT 6th. U0». ,^


_ f




■«ii»i '



nKl>NK-l>AV, l>Kt"KMi;KH

.T . ^ - -


From the St. Paul Piouoer.

Miiiue!<ota UailroadB.

«»tate News.

Wftseca ba? a brsjs band.

The cars now run to Crystal Lake.

A man in St. Paul wa3 thrown froia a nagon laat Thuri^ilav, and killed.

The rtiiic lands of tho f^t. Louis river are faid to h* the largest lu the world.

Tha new stona dam in tbe Root riTcr, at Laneiboro, is completed at a cost of $15,000.

Tbe Northficld Kntrrprlte sayg that tba Mason- ic fraternity of that place, are to have a Calico Ball, on the 27th inst.

A moyctnent is on foot for tbe union of all the German societies and associations of St. Paul into one grand organization.

Oue llickey, wa? muvdcrcd at Owatonna la.»t Fuuday night, by Murray. The assault wa- provoVed by a goose tran.-action, which occurred three luouth^ ago.

Two Norwegian!, who lived about 1 ! mile* frfim New U'm.gotintoa di^pntc about some traps, and muskrat*. a few day^ since, wh-ch re- su'ted lu tao death of one of the party, named J<>lin><>a.

A yi>unij man fr*m Austin, in Ft. Paul, met a




GONDII & AUSTIN. Maiikato, Minii.,





recently began in the town. Last Spring

Mei=r.'. n :>rtou A Ca«e built a factory and pur chased tlnee hundred cows, from tbe milk of wbicu they manufactured 2j,000 pounds of cheese. Tbe procveds oftho sale of which at I'O cents per pound, foot up the nice little sun. of^j.luO. In addition to this the proprietoTg have fattened fifty hogs which at $12 each woulj n'-t i^600. The proprietors also have the ma-

ycar, milking a total of cventy-aevcn mTltw from St. Paul toward Du- [

luth. , , ;

It i.< expected that the road will bo completed : thrcn^'h to the like and tr!nn.-« running regularly ' ciirlv in Ar.^nist next, in time to move the nest , harvc't of wheat. I

St. Pjul and Sioux City Road have extended ihui^ line of ro:id froiu Mankato to Crystal Lake, a distance of fifteen miles and in conjunction iv-ih the Milwaukee and St. Paul road have completed tbe new line a'^ross tbe Missouri riv- er and brought the cars from tbe wcbtcrn and jouthorn portions of the State dircct'y into the < ity. thus giving St. Paul an all rail Eastern i couuection.

7'he Sorlhvrn Mtmiegota Road have built tbcir line from R;:msey, a point of junction with the .Milwaukee and ^t. Paul road, to Wells, a dii- lance of forty miles, on whK-h freight and pas- .-on<'cr trains are low running regularly.

Wiii',,,0 nud Si. l''t:,- Hood.—TK\i company

have added twenty a ilea to their road during

1 the present season, leaving only fifteen or cigh-

1 toeu more of road to build to complete the entire

line to St. Petei.

St. I'ltul u,i'l Vhirago noad.—1h\i new road ' has sprung' into esis:cncc only during the pres- ent yoar, and has not made so much progress an the other r.iilroads in Minresota. The grad- ing has been done and tbo iron nearly laid 'rom ■^t. P-.;il to llasting.-i. Thai portion of the road uinv lie running in Jic.'*eui''cr. il-i»ih»j» "lid Ifiikuiit Uoiid is another new ,^.-v....s .-w road. During this season it has been ex.tended One of the ' from Farmington, where it tros<c.- the Milwaukee and St. Paul road, to Lakevilie, a distance of ten miles, and Ihb cars are running regularly to that point. I

This gives 7^1 miles of completed road in the | Ftate. Divided among the differeut companies as } follows :

St. Paul and Pacific (main and branch lines) 21.. Milwaukee and St. Paul (Minn. Division).. ..LH

Lake Superior and .Mississippi 77

St. Paal and Sioux City l'>7

Winona and St. Peter 126

Southern Minnesota ^^

Hasiings and Dakota '" \

St. I'aulaud Chicago. ~ 20

Front Stieet, 2d deor above Record office.


St. Paul and Pacific, branch line, from St. Paul to ^'auk Rapids, 81 miles.

St. Paul and I'acific, main line, from St. An- iLooy to Crow river, 42 miles.

fct. Paul and Sioux City, Irom SL Paul to .Mankalo, 00 miles.

Milwaukee and St. Paul, Minnesota Division, from St. Paul to tho State Line. KU miles.

Lake Superior aud Mississippi, from St. Paul to Wyoming, 30 miles.

Winona aud St. Peter, from Winona to Wase- ' ca, ll'C miles.

Southern Minnesota, from La Crescent to Lanesboro, .'>0 miles. ,

Hasiini^s and Dakota, from Ilastingsto Farm- ingtoii, 20 miles. j

As the seasou for active operations in extend- ing iheso dir^erent lines of road is about closing, it may be of interest to learu what . progress has been made in railroad builaiug in Miuneseta during tho year. Tbe year UiiO will long be remem!iere4,as oue peculiarly unfavorable for railroad work. The spring was backward, and the greater portion of the summer. Yet, not- withstanding all the difficulties th.it contractors had to meet with, the feason's work shows, in the aggregate, that 244 miles of road have been built and put in operation, divided among the d'fferent roads as follows:

Si. Paul and Pacific (Main line), to Chippewa river, ninety mile." west of Crow river: total, 171 miles from St. Paul. The grading will be continued beyond Chippewa river until the weather compels a sospension of work. I As soon as nrarticftl.le the work willberesum- „,, --,,1 ^,,e4-.v,-n

' ed next sprin:-. and the r*d completed to its StOCk alwayS tuil, RTlCl CUStOm- ! terminu* at tb^ western boundary of the State || tllUeS bc furilislied

P.„i „.,.; (some 75 miles) early in the season. ^ cin v.<*ii 'vi- .i -rw V

. aul. met a ; ^^^^ Superior aud Mississippi Road forty- i ^j^j^ linVtlimg 111 tllC JJlUg llUe. diningroom girl. They Were aci{uainted one geven miles have been completed and put in run- , •'

b>ur. fell in loT«" in two h«)nrs. engaged in iLree ning order during the ™..i ..>., o ♦.,», n , _ -. , v t>

hour*, and in ^'.x hours were married and on their may to Austin.

A report was mad<^ to fbe Minneapolis Board of Trade, tbe other d iv, on the survey of the pro- pored iiae of ra'lroad from i bar place to tho Icwa line, by way of Sbakopee, Wiiron, and Albert Lea. Tile report was high'y favorable, and we believe the road will be built.

Tbe Mower conrity Trutucn'j.t says that on the 1st iost., the hands on the Ced:ir Valley Railroad, Wfwcen Austin and tho State lice^ were "hiiuicd off" and discharged. Tiiey were wii.hin four miles of the lice, and aou'd have completed the work this week re3<Iy for the cars. It is na lersto>d that tbe Lwa part of the :inc ii^ii been purchased by the liliiiois Cculral l.aii rojd Company.

The Mankato I'uon says that on tha 2>ib uU, as Mr. Wm. (iiiitil'an, who lives in the ti wu of Lerey, was kadi:ig a strange horse behind his ewn.isto the siiible. tuo latter kicked at the •trance horse, mi>sod blm and hit tho man <»n th"- loft cheek, breaking in the cheek bone, the upper jaw, tbe lower jaw, and tbe bridge of the x»>.j«. The whole side of tbe face, including tbe tempi*- l''ne. was crushed in fiat, oorks male a cavity in tho cheek, into which the Doctor thrust his iustrnmcnt and lifted tbe I booea to their place. Mr. (jilf.Ilan was uncon- Scioas for some time but is now rational.

The Owatonna Journal gives a favorable ac- i count of the experiment of manufacturing cheese j



A desirable farm of ItO acres, welt watered, hi •!.■ town ofPieiteotl, Section lb, is offereil for »aU-, or re for one, two. oi ihroe year*. Krriy acres biok.-, twen acres of limber, two and one-liaU n.llei ai»iant, will b. uoiawilhf.ie farui.sei.iiratel.v, orlulot« to suit purchas- rrs Terms, iffol.l, *..oii a..»n. mi'l the balance oiitkii^: lime. KoriuiUicii>ariiiular»iiiiiUii» of or address iti.

'"^r' r.FO. MABTEU5

SlielbyvHle Minn., November W, *C9.

A1m> General Agente tor

■W":M:. I^lsTJ^BEfic CO

and otiicr First Class

.MonsK'slNPiAN Poor Pii.i.s. - We have latil

been shown the formula frciu whi(h thcje Pi'l.-

areprci>arcd, nntl from thi; and our cxpericn><

in the use of them, can honestly jiroiiouiue ihen

a good, safe and reliable medicine. P.elng <i'

t\rely free from all poisonous ingredients •he>

can be safely used while pcrforiiiinn the activ.

duties of life. We would ndvi.-e all to use them :

and by a fair trial you can see at once the bene

fit derived from them. Use Mor.--'3 India.'

Root Pills ill all cases of Rilliousness, Headache

Female Irregiiiarities, L ver Complaints, Ac

Seld by all Dealeri!.



In Winnebago City,ca8ks..r all sites will be found } eonstantly on haml. REPAIRINtt dene at , short notice. Cash paid lor staves aiid b-*"- j poles. Cooper Shop in the back part of the oU Log Tavcia. ^ ^ ^^^^^ |

Winnebago City, Nov. 10, 1SC9. SH-tf j


Boots and Shoes



NEATLY DONE. Go to Thompson's for your Beots.



! Winnebago City and Waseca


Leaves Winnebago, every day except Saturdays. Leaves Waseca, every dav f-x-^ept Mondayf.

Tbis roW! lies IhrouKh WILTON. MINM-SOTA LAKK. GUAt'KLANU.amlHASSLAliL. .,..„,

I'assei.Ke.s by Ihis Uew and popular route will save TWKNTY .MILK.S of travel, and nioncv, ami win riue only Jn the day-time, irotii;: tl,ron-h in ON K day. ' ^ T1IOMA8(JKOKC!K, Vioi>riaor.

Winnebago City, Nov. ISth, 1803, 2Glif

I yillAl


WE have opened a shop on Blue Earth Ave- nue, for all kind.^ .d blaek.-mithing. wagon repairing. Ac. and will '.e found coustantly on hand and readv to acc^iiiinodate our customers. Attention is called to thti f•llo^ving prices:

llor.-'o shoeing, per .-pan, ^* ?*!

NfwShoc, f

Setting Shoe, •'"

We guarantee entire Siitisfaction t«? ell who may patronize u.-. CLOSSICK A I^MITIL

Winnebago City, Juno 23d, l!i6'.>.

WixxEBAGO City <k Jackson


Leaves Winnebago City every Friday at 3 o'clock p.m., and arrives at .lackson at 0 o'clock p.m. every Saturday

E. P Nccdham & Son and B. Shoninger & Co.'s Manufacturers and Importers oi


650 Broadway, ] NEW YORK. >

-W-A-I2-EI2,003yCS { CHICAGO.

V.xEIjIAR llow made ia 10 hours w Drugs. For circulars, addrcs, j Vhugar works, Cromwell, Conn.



320 w4


rpilE MAGIC COMB will chance any colored A. hair or beared to a permanent black or brown It contains NO POIt'ON. Any one can u.»e it. 1 One sent by mail for Sl-OO. Address MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Wi.ss. 320m3

^UAPPED HANDS AND F.-vCK, SORE .^Lips. ic, cured at once by tho use of liege- man's camphor Ice with Glycerine, kectis the hands soft in the coldest wewthcr. ."-ce that you get the Genuine. Sold by Drn'^glsls. Price, 26 cts per bos ; sent by mail for 30 cents.

HEGEMAN X Co, N Y. P. 0. Box 2228.


$ ^ ^ % f


A MONIH SALAliV P io ' A^ Agents, male aud fcirtaV : bus.nes- ^ormanent. Enclose 3c stamp. YanAllen * Co- lli Broadway, N. Y. ___"^_.

AGENTS WANTED. Newest and greatest invauion out-the New Sell-a.^juslioi: Guides, for cutting perfectfiuing Pants, Round- abouts, .nd Ladies' Dresses. I '"^;:P«n^,' ';'«„,"' every household. Address RA \4St\ & ^CO AT I Pitt.-hurg, Pa. ff^^


Shows how to double tbe profits of the farm.

and liow farmer's and their sons can each make 1 $160 per month iu winner. 10 000 copies will

be mnilfd free to farmers- Send name and ad . drc-s to ZEIGLEU, McCUUDV A CO., I 3I6-4W Chicago, liL



; TO THE AVORKING CLA^S.— We nrc now ; prepared to furuish all classes with censtaatcm- |

ployment at home, the whole of the time or for | ' the spare moments. Business new, "light and '^^^^^..,.^^^ -, , a / i T J T XT T? ] profitable. Persons of either sex ca«ily earn KNITTING MA O U 1 JN Ei I from ."iOc to ?J per evening, and a proportional I

sum by devoting their whole lime to the bus"

' ness. Boys and girls earn nearly as much us I men. That all who see this notice may send ! their addrcs.', and lest the businej!", we make i this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well ! satisfied, we will send si to p!»y for «he iroisblo

and arrives at Winnebago City at 9 o clock a m. every Tuesday, laaking close connection

„. Tt ' with the Mankato stage.

At Thompson's, opposite the Collins House; p^jcengers by this route pas.s through Wavcr-

Winnebago City, Minn. I j^^ Horricon, -May, and Walnut grove, and ride

' only in the day-time. '•


oicij «-»i"."-j- . of writing. Full ])articulars, a valuable sample,

Leaves Jackson every Monday at 6 o clock a.m.,

which will do to c'ommMfB work on, and a copy \ oi tho J'eo^lc'ii Llif^iiirgWmtjjaniuu one of he 1 largest anA.best family nowsp.ipcr-- publibbcd

all'sent free 'ly mail. Reader, if you want j permanent, profi'able work, address E. C. AL- 1 LEN & CO., Augusta, Main** •Sl-0-13w

Winnebago City, Julya4th, 186'J.










LiTTEi.i.'s Livixo AfiE, being publ'sbed in ^ 11- 1 COO", ioc ,M..,„.riu.o uisu ..a,c .;.« .xi»- wecV 1/ u umbcrs of sis ty-fou r large p3ges eacb,

, . ,. , , , ,1 mik^n" more than three thoiig.-^nd najtcs . if read- t

cbinerv for grindicg feed and sawing wood, a m.iK.n„ more in.n .uic ,„;,.'.,?,„ .u. i,-„f

•■ " , . inc m-jtter vearly presents to Its readers the best

business which they will follow duriMg the win- 1 p,t„aiuro oflhe Kuropean .laartorlies, monthlies

' and weeklies, wish a thorouu'hly satis ■'aitory


Ifewi Itemfl.

Minnie Warren is very ill.

Gen. Banks is in Paris.

Gen. Burnside has gone to Europe.

Harriet BeecherStowe is in a water-cure.

There are 2,Slt lighthouses in the world

There aro ?7 1,000,000 in tho U. S. Treasury.

1 completeness, as well as freslines.-, and af a sma 1 i co.st. The ablest living writers in all <lepart- ' mentsare constantbr rcprescn^t-d in its pages. I and all who de.cire'a fborou^ih conpendium of

all that is admirable and noteworihy in Hie lif- ' erarv world.'' to keep pace with tho scientific or i ^"' ^""- .•;-•• -""'W-i •. i 1 IN.d i political progress of the age, or to cuhivate in j Qil anil Oil 1 aiutS, \\ lUtO L.eaa, iitu I himself, or his family a taste for the best litera- ' - " - »

I turc, cannot well dispense with Tlte Liri.i'/ A'je. \ Consiileritig tho fpiantity of rcadinsf mitt'T I furtiisbed, the subscription price ($S.OO a year)

is cheap; but for those who desire ibc eream of

both home and foreisrn literature, a slill ciieaper



Wheat aavaiiciiig and fJoods soiling below cost, for ca^h, at the Wimichago City Trug Store. Call and examine prices before going elsewhere.


Carbon Oil Elephant Oil, Linseed _il and Oil Paints, Whi Lead, Colored Paint;?, &c.


Are prepared to store

50,000 busiii:ls of grain

On reasonable terms.

Apply at Higgia's store building. Front str»*t, Mankato. They al jo kocp the cele- brated




,,,.„, offer is made, of which the lovers of the best

A Congress of Deists has assembled at >.-\ples. jijp^j,,^,^ ^-.u pvail themselves in great numbers ;

Mexico is sending itr surplus wheat to Te.xai-

\\7.., for $10.00 remitted to the juibli^her of "The Livin;r Asjb." they will .-"cnd that inaga7ine week-

j^ivin;r A?", tocy win .■'cnii uiai iiia^a/iuc nuoi»- A new church in Boston has a 'reporter's pew.' j jy, and either one of the following, for a year :

I "Harper's Monthly." "WeeVly," or "Bazar," It cost 4J per cent to collect the revenue last | uji,,, Atlantic .Mor.thly." "The Galaxy." "Put- ! «nm'j Mnniblv." "I.iriTiineof t's Monthlv." or


Andy Johnson will spend tbe winter in Wash- ington.

The fE'umen'cal Council assembled at Rom' la-t Wcd'ie.-day.

Mr.a. fitowe's Byron story will soon be publish- ed in book form.

Virginia nc^roos are emigrating in large nnm- >,(.)-j to L •iii-'iana.

A dec'dod majority in both IIoo-cs of Consrc."' favor a protection tariff.

All tho waiter and ushers at tbe White Ilon-'c wear 'wallow-tailed coats.

School Books, Blank Books, Station- ery, Memoranda Books, &c.


, - ^, , Patent Medicines of all kinils. To-

they will .send "The Living Age" and "The Riv- ersiilo Maga/.inc" for a year.

"Tho Living Age" is pronounced by high crit- icnl authority to be "the l>csl of all our clectic publications :" and we can do our re.aders no better service than by calling their careful atten- tion to its Prospectus, which will be published in this paper next week.

Wicks. Fancy Articles usually kept in City Drug Stores.


A Br.AM'irrii


THE Subscrilier wi'^hing to goinio the V. ool- cn business, offers his farm of 22."iaeres for sale. There is a good Uons<', Stable, Sheds and Gran- ary, and a never-failing spring oi' w.\ti:u,suQ. cieni for household purposes and to water one hundred head of cattle. Between 25 and 30 acres of Timber. The bon.-o is burrouuded with large Shade Trees. besides a Garden, containiug about .300 FRUIT TPEES, large and sfuall.

I will fcoU the abo^e reasonable. Inquire on the premises, 2 miles direct we.'t from Winneba Eo City, or at the W jolen Mill .Mavikato. ^ ^' JOHN B. EDWARDS.

August 17, 1«68. 251

At i.owK> r it.tCeS. That the Mason i. }lamlin Cabinet and Mei- ! ropolitan Organs are the bc-t in tuo world i-" ! proved by the aliuost unanimous opinion of pro ' feasiona! muiicians, by tbcawaid to them of . seventy-live gold aud silvtr medals or other j higliesi pvemiuius. at principal indastr'al com- i petitions within a few ycar.<, including the mcd- i a: at the Paris E.\i.o.-^iiioii, and iiv a .'■ale very ' much ^rtatBi tbau thai <f any tiiuilar in.^tru-, j ment." This Company manulavtu'-e only fir.-t- 1 class i;iftrument.<, and will not nial.c "tbcap I o'^ans" at any price, or .^ufTer an inferior inttru- mcnl to bc.ir 'their name. H .ving greatly in- I creased their r.teiliUes for uiainilaf t-irc, by tbe ^introduction of cc'v ma(biiier7 and otherwise, I they are now u'a'iing l.clter organs tlian ever be- fore!, at increacd economy in c«st, which, in ' accordnnce with their fixed policy of seilicg a'- nays at least remnnerative profit, they ire now ofierini: at prices of Si crior work. Four octaie organs". Plan Walnut Cues. ^Jti. Fiv* oc- tave organs. Double Reod. Solid 'A'alnut Cases, carved an -1 nane'.cd, with five stops Vioia. Dia- pason, M»lodia> Fin'.c, Tiemulaut;, ::^l2i. Oth- er styles in proporl''>n.

Circulars, with full parliculars, includ'ng ac- curate drawings of the different styles of or;;3n# and mu'b information which will bo of Ecivicc to every parctiaser of an organ will be font free and postairei.aid, to any one dc-iring them.

MASON k IIAMLIN Of.GAN CO-, 154 Tremout St. iioilou ; iOO B'dway, N. Y. 320w4 •_


Is presented to tbe public as tbe most


Kuittiug Machine ever Invented.


This M.icbinc will run either backward or i forward with Cijuil fa>:iity.

MAKR3 THE («AME gTlTCR A8 BY HAND, But far superior in every re^ptcl.

Will Kiiit 20.000 Stildirs a Minnie

Minnesota Valley RAiLituAn

On and after Taciday, March 30 train, w^ run •> follows*.

Mankato and Le Sueur Trains

i,.:avc. aniMTn.

tjti Paul t-Ahtim. Mankato 4:30 p

41 ^.I'tU p m l-e Sueur ^;.;" p

Mankiito."."..'. 9:00 a m St. Paul .''•••" P

Le Sueur fi:4a a m " »1 '

Eastern Express

I .-Bve St. Paul 7:45 am. Ar. f^t. P" Owatoun: & Bastings Accomn;

eaveSt. PattlS:30p m. Ar.St.Pau. i . Trains on this road make close eoni Mendola with tniins on Milwaukee m- d Kailroad lor Minneapoli-. Owaio,,,,,,. ind ill point* So>«lh aud Ea»». and at -• f wiih Minuesola Stage Com. any's line oi -i*„ lor New Ulm, and at Mankato ail point*. M est ano Southwest. ,

Tickets can be procured it the Union TiCKoi Office, corner I'hird and J«i,k«on streets, aud st the depot, Weht St. Paul. ; JXO. F. LINCOLN,

I Supci lo'tl'd'TlT.

J, C. BornEH General Tickei A,*-! ' 1>?.''






The o-nly line running THRQVGH 'IRAINS between



Making tbis tbe most Comfortable, Espcdiliouf , and Only D»roct Route to

ClcYeland; Erie, Dunkirk, l3ufiala



_^fr'All the principal Railways of tlie N- rtb- west and Southwest i'tn»r.i:t t^l Chimrjo wi h 'i;^ Four Daily Express Trains, leaving rSir'*-'-. T: ;• A. M., ll:.30 A. M., 5:15 P. M.. act V:00 P. M.

Elesnnt Brawins; Uoom Cosrhc*

OnDay J'-sprcss Trainn between Chicago, Tole- do and Piitiaio.


And has Palace Sleeping Coache« Attatue.l,

Runn'g Through to New YorV


P'issenecrs Tot Pctroii, and all points in C''»'«

da, and tt)os.e for OA.'o, J'tiiuK./lriiiiio, A'tir Yui >. and AVc- L'li'jl'ind. should purchase tiel;.ts v.- /.o/.-c Sh'Jre (iiid Mi'-hi'jan S''iillnru Jlfin,. which areon sale at all jirincipal Hallway Tl^i... Offices, aiiJ at tl.e Ct-mjanv's Cbce,

Xo. 50, Clark Street, CJilcsigo.

F. E. MORSE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., OTIS KIM PALL, Cen'l S'.:p't, ChicafeO.

271 v1 Clevclaud, 0.

A^'D 1>0 PERI'KCT WOT.K^ Lsavin;^ c\er\ k-ot "n tbe ui-ide of the work. 1 1 v.'ill ?:uit a pa-r of st.icl.iu,i,s {iniy ii'*-) iu less than hill, an hour. It v.ill knit Ci.omk on Ori-N, P(.A;?f ou Riu.s :f. wiCi any Kind ot Coarse orf.no woolen yain, or coUon.silK or liti- :i<'n. It will knit siockiuTs with ibublo heel an.t '00, urawefB, l.ooiU, .'•acks. huioling cap.s, comforts, purees, h. ■.:?«, fr'T-ge. .!fj;h ins, n^Ib!a^. ^iiilersleovcs, mitti-ns, .^K-.niin;reaps, biniji wi'dvs map.=, cord. uud.r-LiriS. fl;iwls, j.icl ct.-^, ■■radle bl:ii.i:el.s leirgiiis. sii.;)u-ut< r«. wrist<-rs. lidic'^. ttf!i)els, tufted work.jind in t no eiidle-e varie- ty sf artitlco in cveiytlay use, as well a- foi olpn.i-


FROM $5 TO ^"10 PiUl DAY




State of Minnesota, Toiinty of Fariliault. Tlie Sta«e of Minnesota, to C. P. Hinds, Defen.lant.

You are bcrebr summoneil ta be anil appear before tbe ur><l'is!;.-ne.K one I'f '.b/ .l-.i-tVesofthe Fface in and for '.ill cr»\i'itr, r^n ihe Jiiid .inv of I^ccember, A. 1). Six hund-ed mc? are emp'ovrd In tha manu- i j^r.o, »t looViocV; A. M.,at uiv orEce, in Winneba-o . ,. I i'iiv bi sa'flcciin'v. to anj.rerto nennnllo't. in aciv-

fiU-ture of g a * lu this country. 11 action. fShoii'd vo'i f.'.:! to s-i^—r. nt t tie lime and

,.^ . !• J ,».»_«»' nl-i,-e a'ore-said, i-.iriri'"''t *'••! ^e rend-red aisinrt you. Tlie-cn-enincty-s'X diiTereiit kinds Of "«« ,};';„„ ,,.e fcvldenc a.Iduced bv said ".•man Hoit, for

pavement, in u.e in this country. , -^1 -- l:^.:;;!^;;;:!''^^:;:';;;;;^;::;^'!:;^' ;^ve.„er. A.

Secrrt:.ry Rouiwell doe. not favor the imme- | v.^^ 'i.^i " o/^^Ul^aie.

d ate re-umption of specie payment. |

Pen. Wood rccon'ly "p.deed" Slfif*,""" ont of | John Morrisspy in two or three "seances." j

The Post OfT-.e Poparimcnf ba^ com].'eied it" j •oleotion of de.-igns Tor the new scries of stamps. |

Tr said that snspen.-^'on brid;;?.- lr:re been ' known in China for the pa<t two thousand years.

Love is sed to 1.e blind, but i kno loS- of pbcl- lows in Invo w'oo can sea twice as much in their galls as ikan. {

A ste.imlM)at st-nck tbe rnil-oad bridge at Par-

317-tf C. J. FARLEY.

Winnebago City, Nov. 19^1 SCO.

state of .>Ilnne«:o1a, l-'aribatiU Caunty— 111 Probate Court.

[."recUl Pesairn.] In the matter of tbe Estate of WlbblAMF. ALDRICR. late of said countv, deceased.

ON r'-.idincand f!i:ii?the pcition o' I.oirsa A. .K\- ! drlch Tpp.' -ientpv^ tbat Wli.iam 1". Aldriih, late of , said o.ii:n*\, died int •--•;->•, leavi!- goods, charteUaiid estate within said eounf.v, and pr»>jnp thai !<;««"» of a.lminMrallor ;>f t)'e ei«»tc of said Wr.lUtn F. Aldricli, i decea-td. \>* granted fo tier, the said Louisa A. Aldrich, and (;e..fteSv. Aldrkh. ^v .u , j i

It W erdfieJ, tl»t - .id petition be heard by the Judjfe I A sieara'rtia-- sirurtL lui: i.v >•■'"""• ■-. I of the C.ui: on t'le i''!h dnv of January, A. D. ;*T0, at i

fc.,.r;ilo Yn U-tTue^dw niilbt. and immcdi- , i o'oWck In 'hear.raoon of said 'Iav. «• I''"> "^^^ i" MorsTilIc. > n., la.-t lue.^u-vv msoi. « ^,^^^ K.irthC'v.in jaid Conntv. Htwh:-.h tijie aud place

«to'v sunk: a number of live.^ were !o-t. ',«.»<;„« of »:i!d .onrt win be htM. , ,^ ,. .

' «)rdrrfd fur!licrh.r<.io,tli,a notice of the iirae and

pUr-of ^ald h- .r;n~ l.o pv.n to tl.e heirs of said dcrea*- 1

ed and all others i.,rere>ited,by advera.'ngthisoriKr

1 f„r three w--»kgfti'.ceeaeiTely. prior lo the day of hearnp,

inthe"KKKK II. -tf^TK vi>.' a w:-ekly newspaper, puU

' Tshed in W.nnchHito Ci'y, in taidcounty.

P.uedDec. iah.1^9. j. 4. KItPTKR.

g.,,,.P,^ Judge Pruba;e Court.

ThcT S.1T there i' a spot on tbe Ene railway where no sma-b-up ever oconrre-l. It i^ regard- ed a' a great curiosity by tho inbabi rants.

0«r» Perry and Hancock rNpres-' the opinion that theon'y way to p-event oni-a.«;es and ronr- dc-r>. and to preserve p^-ace in Georgia, is to re- lume military control over it for tha time being.

VlcissiHidPfc of Fortune.

The New York Son of the 2d says : '• Yei={er- dsy. at 1 14 Forty-yecond st-oet. Mr». Wm. n. Di.browdied. Only* few ye.irs npe she Has the highest and mo«t brilliant on the li.t of New York belle. Yesterday she died in tne rear room of the fifth story of oue of the most ma-- n.acen.lv fu.niibcd and bnilt houses in the city, and thoJgh she owned the furniture, many tboa- ,ands 0: doll -.T-s worth, these who by her death became iisowujrs, today send her at tbe ex- pense of the city of New York to a home in the Fott-r'sFie!L She was the wife, too, ot the lately dcce.a^ed Wm. H.


Keeps Cttoetantly on Ilaud


Frosh and Salt Moati,

LIQUORS A^D CIGARS, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco,


will pay the highest markst price fer






norths tout at all hours, day or nisin. Horses to

sell or e%clinn?e. .

Cash paid for oats, corn and hay. Osts, corn, hsy «nd^•;lb np at reri«onab'e lalPi. , „. ., , ,,,.

OfBce in Wio.iehago CUy Motel, and Stable in the

Wlnoehajfo City, Dec. ft, 1SC9. 819-lf

NEW FIliM. New Goods.


Winnebago City, Jlay 26, 1869.





Default havioK been made in flie conditions of a cer- I U'n inortgaie .iated the Tth day of ^rptcmbe^, A. D. l^H-i. e-cecutedhvll-nry l.a.iue and Kllen La.,ue hw wife rf Kar.haa't Countv, Stjie of Minnesota, parties of the Brst pi't. to David P. Wasjfatt. of Haucock County, .-^late 01 Mane, piny of the secuud part, ov the failure of*3!dniori-:i!;or*ore;tl.erofthem to pay the pum of

iwo hun.lred an,l siueen doliar. an.l 'hi"> 'Y"^ <••«" 1^

,«-'i(;:r,) w'd.-ha!roun'i<« claimed to »>« due thei-eon for

, prrnclpal and interest at the da of this no. ice, be» de

ihe fur-tier sum of iw.«ty-flv. dollars, .# ). "i'?"^'"''

asattoroev-.- foe, to be paid '" case of foreclosure

hUh said morfiace was recorded on the IJJh day or

' iJepteniher. A. D. l<ft-. at .^ o'clock p. m.. In the office

< oftheUoeffterofDetds. in said Fanhailt County, in

boot I. of Mortsa??!-. '^n page .''-, and no »C'ioa or


s'car-d bv said mortsage. or any pari thereof; now.

there'o-e in pu'sannce and by %i..ne of the jwwer 01

wlecontkineUiHSiiamorts^ie.snd of the aatutes in

su-h C13C made atid proviood. noiice is hereby piveii,

- ' that U.e fjL''i mort^'ase wiil W foreclosed and the land

. ,,: »n.lpreni-c» therein de«<-rit.ed,v;-..: .\Ilthattrar' c

Pisbrow. once tbe well ( p^rcelof land Ivinit and being in the county of »an-





Boots, Shoes. Crokery and - GLASSWARE,

Prints, ' DeZaims, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton,


Bats and Caps, Clotlia, GR.^IN SACKS, NOTIONS, &c.

Also, Sugar. Tea, Coffee. Symp. Mola'ses, Kero- sene and Machine Oil, Wheat, Oats. Flour, Ac.

lately dcce.a^ed Wm. H. I'lsorow. u..vv , p^rceioTiana lyinit »■»• «^'"» ■•■ "Tj^j^ /..jfj^j i^. i

known proprict.ir of Disbtow's riding »«adcmy. 1 ^uiK •■'d State^of Micn^^^^^^ CrOCkcrV : Cni»S and SaUCerS, PlatCS,

T, ,«.., j;-...>r.lpd htr when she married i ^0,^^^ .^ne iti. in township number one hundred aid *'* ^. V„prs and HaSlDS

Her mother d;.-C.%r<le«l r.«r ^ .v„ i three C.-'U north, of r»o:e naml>«r twenty -s-ven (i.) ; Meat iM>DeS, r^WCrb JIIU DJSluif

60. deserted by

l,»r n.ather »h'-«'«'*f"^ north, of r*o?e n.iml.«r twenty-s^Ten (i.) airairst her will. So.dcscrtca oy her motnor ^^^^^^.^_^^ ^.p,.^.^,.,,^ ^^,,, g^.^.^^tling to»ove.a- . l. . ;, .,.-« home, bet body is to be meat survey. ;«erib..r win. all the heretl.fam.-nts ao.. and robbed in her own nomr, j , j,,^„,^fjj . hereunto l^ionctrir oTin any wise ap-

A ♦.. j.« ta tha Potttr's Field. She was , p^-ruininj. will be sold at public sal?, the higbert carried to-day ta« r ^^^ , p^^^^ f..r c«»h. to satisfy and pay the .aid debt and

Intertsi and the twent v-tive dollar? tJi.,-! att'mry » fees ' aud the costs and di»>'ar*emtnt-! allowed by law. at the i front door of the Port Office, In the Tillape of W :nneb«

Glass Lamps and Chimneys, Comet Sun Bniners and Chimneys,

rail lev* ^•'-"—j •- , ,

29 years Old. was beautiful, al'^ay. respectable, .Dd only eighteen months ago ber then fair form wore $li,000 worth of diamoodf.

J,>,b BJlling. cars : 'If I was in tbe haldt of iwtarinjr, I wouldu'lkteiuU U> ciws a bod-bug ti(U to hif .faco.'

Lanterns^ Tumblers, G^bleU,

front door of the Port Office, In the Tillape or « :nneD«. ^^^^,,„^, __. .o,^-r^ci C.«

'^i^r-.s-^^'r 'ofa""'v/;.;L^rA D i"w LOOKI^G glasses, <fec.,

en Tliursday, the IWh day cf January, A. U. l?.o, a -^v.^ 1

111 o'clock in the forenoon of that day.

I^ua; Wa.net>u,o City, Minn^lj^c.^^^^^


.Dealers ia

Stores. Tin





SASH, glass and PUTTY

anufacturers of


and all kinds of


A file assortment of

Table and Pocket Cutlery, Griud-Stoie^ ant] Hangings,

Breaking and Crossiftff


Fence- Wire, Jt*., Ac

1\T.BARN1131 E


In one lart^e Octavo Volume— Nearly 800 pages Printed in Ei>slish and (Jcrinan. ;<3 Ele- gant Full Page En^jravings. It embraces forty year's recollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lee- j turcr, and sliov.man. No book pulilished so ac- | rpo cepable toall cla es. Every one vants it. Agents average from .JO to 100 subscriliers a week. We oiler extra terms and pay frieght West. Illustrated Catalogue aud Terms to

Agents sent free. ^ J. B. Bt'RR A CO.,PuVs,

316 8w Hartford, Conn.

! r\ HEAT




Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000.

Made l.'V any Oiie wilb the Araericni. 1

.Maehiuc, ';niltin,^ stji kjng.j, Ac, while

fperal'^r.- can even in;;' e m'ir»-, klli•.lio^'

f.ii'icy WorU, wir.ih always couiinands a iead\

! .^^ile. A person c:»n rcadi'y Unit from twelve t..

' fifteen pairs of su.ck'ng? I'cr day, the profit

1 on tvhiih will be i.ot le.s than f'rrty cents per


j Can sc'.I their wool at ooly forty to fifiy cents per pound; but l.y ijcllin- tl.c wuol made int..

j yjiru at a suisill expense, and l;iiitfiiig it itito toi:!:.--, two or Ibrca dolh.rs per pound ran be re- al. 7ed.

Ou receipt of $25 we will forward a machine

CI ordered.

We w-';h to procttre active AOFNTS in every section of the rniled Stnlc."^ and Canadii.s ti> whom the most lii.er.il induce nents will he ofTcr- cd. Address American Knitiiug Macliine Go. Uoston, Mass., or St. Loais M*.-

^'iinoas OF voiTU.

A pcn'icmaunlio sulTercd for yrar« from NVrvoiu- De- ))'iity I'lei.'.a.tureD.cav, and iill the eirc'.'o of jooWirul IndihCielion. will, for Ihe sate of mTeiinK hi'manity, send free to all wlio ii-.-ed it. the re.-i pt and direclions fortnaKing the simple remedy by nh.ch he was cured. Suffci -rs wiihiiii.' to profit h\ ihe ."dveHifCi '■< c-.I-enf'ti''^ can do so »)v addresiin?, with perfect toiifldeiice, .TOItN B. OliDK.N, No. 42 Cedtr St., New Verk. 81i5-ly


'' The advirt'.scr, hi'vlngl)ten restored to health in a

f.w weeks, by a very ti.iiide reioedy, after liaviiig euf-

fered several years with a severe lung alftction, and

that dread dlBO.lse, Coi'susiiption, is aii.\ious to luake

known to hisfcllow-E'uT'.rers Ur' means of cure.

I T J .all who desire H he will send a copy of tleprescnp-

\ Hon used, f free of ehaiTc), with the directions for pre-

paringand usinu the same, wl.ich tiny will fii.d a si^re

cure for Confuiijpticn, ABthina, lironchii:-'. etc. The

, ol.icrl of ll:. a-lvirlivr in t din^ the I're»cri!.! ion 1? to

bcii-tit the altliclcd, and spread information which be

conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sullerer

will trvhis remedy, as it will cost nnUiin;?. and may

p.ove"a hicssing. Parli<-s vM.inx the rr-f^I'tljo « ■"

please Rdde?:. Kcv. KDWAllD A. WILbON, HiMi.^nis-

\M'i KioKs County, New Vork. ai->-.y




lis tlio only potfecteil an.l

.sci en I i fi ca 1 i y iiroiuircil

I vi'p.iraii yn of its kini

lUiOiUULii ;ind h:i3 no coinjieUlor

GRAY '»'^ merit. lb' »»■•-* »'sc

n i T Ti (J P. AY llAiU is soon

n-n itestoreJ to its oiigiufti

i'U youtUrul color nn.l brii-

5 f S iliancy, wLicli is so much

^-^IJj^^^i^ whose huii- is tl.h^ CULtjIl, 'out will, by the tisc of oui*

PEOMOTESl^<^n<^^^^'">*^'^° see its i^oo-l

T.Tin joffccts, as, by its tonic 'M\\

stimulating projK'Hii'S tho

GROWTH! hair'glnnds will be ine-itcvl

AND 1^"^ ^^® ''''"'" S''^^^' \\\v^\i

TO I and strong again. Inc.^i'.-*

J.^ J: 'of ^aW««i it will croato

SlLbrlUlU a new growth unless tho

I]RESSIHG.)*^"iclcs are destroye.l. It

•JipY jis cooling, and aUay.^ ;;ll

nyi-n itching and irritation of

" " *^ the scalp. It does not ht: tit)

BOTTLE 'the skin as do dyes, but

A|JT] juiakes the Bcalp white an. I

IDlUIiLliit 13 ilie best and must

U? economical preparation in

IJtrrp the world, as its efleit^

TUTW jbist so much longer. Hen i

lulW Ifor our Treatise on the

LOCKS! hair, free to all, by mail.

Sold by all Druggisti and Dealers In Medki-ie.


Gen'l Agents for North-Western StattJ. 87 DEAKBOSS STEEET, CmCAOO, ILL.




5 Cash Uifti

10 " "

20 " *•

40 " •'

200 "

30« " "

50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each

75 " " Alelodeons "

.150 Sew OR Machines, JOO Gold Watches,







;.;on to 700

1:, to 11»0 CO to 17.'> 7i to "UiO

In number': there \f fafel.v. it was uyion thi« principle tliat the formula of Ju.l.«ons .Mountain Herb Pills wa" prepared. It was not tho r«>sult ; of one maTi'.= knowledge. Dr. .luds.m intending : to spend a fortune in advertising i.'g Piils, con- sulted the mo?t intelligent aod harn-d phvsi- 1 cians of the n;;c. and Ihe result was the produc- ' tion of a simple but eCicaciuus uie.lii iuc tl e Jud- ' son's Mountain Herb \'\\\f. Thes-e pills cure Billiousness. lJi.-;pe,..«ia, Liver Complaint, Indi gcsiion. Female Irrcfjularities, Ac. 1 hey bavo now been used many J ears by the publb-. and tiioukacih of testimonials boar witnes.i to fheir vir'uei--. A.- » finiilj nit'-licine they are unri^al eJ. (jive the .Mountain Kerb Pills a trial. So! ' bj all dcalci.s.





E. & H. T. ANTHONT & CO.,


UtIU i>i« •1i.»ih« of lh« Ti»4« M lh» r ••••ual*' ••«.«•,..,' tt pabiua **m Wnr T^muaU mwmu •! kwrMMtyic Vi€»«

*i>r«r». Ciut'lla.

Wk.u M«««Ul«k


WmI real.

Mfttnoint^ rtvt, <>n!i>! rttk.

»r»i.t-!. r».;«,

Gtval *.V(«>, nvlU*.o.«ir.


V.|..t'.rl>. 1 < A ««M.

».,r.^I vr.>l.M.'.a. .f Wui fojl.i.^, O. W. WiMM. L.-7. •»« Mkrf •iii.a»l pli«ta(ra|>k>f», c*i.«i>»>t •'

».-„..»., .1t«-B00T? and SHOES made to order apa

Mon«M«e. [ epaixing ••ativ doat. 9%^ I

J- H. Welch, ^?ni. Wallace, Cbas. Wallace.

Wianebaga Citj, Miaa.

AprU Ttb, 1»8.

Cash pri*ee, Silverware, Ac, Val. at $1.000, OoO

A chance to draw any of the above prizes foi

2.j cents. Tickets describing p'ir.es are seated

in envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of

2.'>c a sealed ticket drawn, without choice, and

sent by mail to any addre*^. Tlio prize named

upon it wiil l«e delivered to the ti<kct-ii<lder on

j receipt ol One Dollar. Pri/.cs are iiiimediateiy

i sent to asy aildres.< by expuM or reiuro mail.

I You will know whaty<-ur pri/ie is before you

j pay for it. Any prize eichaujrcd for another of 1

the Fame value. No biauks. Our patrons can

deficnd on fair dealing.

RKKKiir.N.Es.—Wt select tbe foilow'ng from maoy who have lately drawu vali;ab!e prizes, and kindly permitted ui* to pubii/>h them : -An- drew J. liurns, Chicago. %:i0.onO: Mi.«^ Clara S. Walker. Biltimore. Piano. *.Sli0 ; Jamea M- ilaltbtu 5, Detroit, $0,000 ; J-.bn T. Andrews, ."Savannah, $ J.OOO : Sliss A;:nes "^immon.*, Charleston. Piano, $000. W* poblieh no nawei witboat per'oission.

Opin-ioss of tre Ppe.'S. The firm is reliable, and deserve thPr soccef^s.— H'c-Z'.y Tnhn»e,\ .Vny 8. M'e krow them to be a fair dealing ; firm.— >V. >'. lUndd M<:i 2S. A friend of ours j ! drew a 1500 pnze, which was pi omptly received. , I Dail^ \etct, JnHf %. j

Send for Circular. Liberal Indtjcements lo [ Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. F; very pack- age of sealed envelojes cor tains 0Ni5 CASH GIFT. Six tickets for $1 ; 1-3 for $2 ; 35 for $5; 110 for $15. All letters should be addressed to UARHER, WILSON A '"0., lie 12w Xt'-t Broadway, New York,


01'. AV?-: STONK.S,


M.MlBLi:, &C., *kC.,

Cat to order from either I t a 1. 1 a k or A M E R t c A .f warble, and set op in good tajite .Mr. J. M. fcul- JiiAii is onr f-raciital dt signer, and al! .-rdcr* are filled acconiiug to spocifi atitns. K, however, \l<'i ta^'teof .Mr. iSiTiiiv .u is cons- suit*^, the 'iesigns are iruaf- anteed to be unique. The work recommend' itseit Or- ders from a distance promptly pfeii'led t'-i

Fi>!i'T & Sullivan.


JuneVth, 1SG9. 2'i?.





tr^land. Walu.



Tu jrriM. Crysul


Aaivtvi f'l.'f.r ■•'■•■'■ 1.1 "r r* »'•• li-«r ux-i «•- 1 ■•"•►v nr. V,»«. n f i««l ••> »>T W»»r» •.•! «<:»»». AftW 11. A^"*! '• l.'"H.( «I>li« OttlH VltWH." •! wtick «< ►..•» •!" « «,.,.-t-^»oi .t»i.'«f.rrr.ii."i»»r:r. •«• I «.«l-5-. ll'i.'tn.u» Vrt»' •wiii'rimi.4, tk« akiM' t«.ti»--*. ecwlM.*. W«i... »«

»Tr.«r,o«<TOPE».-W. m»<'>r<°r> wfr Ulft'f. >^ ^•" '•'«•

riroTKiK^ri.'a ali>c-<« - o^ M«»fkrti>ri «' »i-«»» " "* J


IlI\ in w!I if- iriAA* ta aw am Tfft an! •«' •"••• •'• *'*"'l\

tt-n, II. •.» af a»r «Mlar r.ak.r aKTan afcM<4 tl- l».l ••• •••

•Mat kabn B*lia«4K.r yvlrkaar,



T^aaa Wkatlfal fUrtmm. U»t •a>aa< U 4utnf\.ukt* '"« •*• fmt^ O.l rmittintt al aaa i»b;', -hrr a«H. •• -■v"' <•'«• ' , li rarl». Ur..iaa, BaiLa, ViaaM EaaM. acA *i,p\1 l*» «»••• •' "•

""" E. &H. T. AKTHONY & CO.,

891 Broadway, N Y., to9«rt«it and Uanufta of Plu>t»i{r«i>hi': M&tariala.






j Cheap for <rash. "^-tf

Whereas, my wife. Jane Brels'crd, has left n y bed and hoard without junl cau^e or pr<'V tion. all persons are hereby noiilied n-f to •" or harbor her on my accoant, aa I will p- B debts of her con irai tin R. ^„,. , .,

3,7.4^ J».VES BPELSrOUD.

Prescott, Nsv 6tb. Il'itt. ^



-r- I


' '

>1 TTT^ T^l^r^r^ Tir^XCr^lTl? \ n riR. J P HUMES, PHYSICIAN AND 8Ltt01.0N 1 HE FREE HOMEMr.Al^. J; omcelnSo 2. S.wB1«01c. up rt.lr». B*^*!;""

. cirncr of Wilch and Cleteliuid Str»«u, Winn«h«»o City, U on. Day C»IU •tlendcd from the olBe*. NJ«bl e*lU . from hit re»li1ence. oiunf

- I otilc* d»y»— SAiurdayt. *»'"



AOVERTisirra ratbs

fi.r'it.«flr»ln»rrtlon,ial Bv» ceuu i»ei Ua« for «i«ch ,

Arrival aad 0«partar« of Mails.

r\RKDS, MORTOAGES. AND OTHBK 8j«.-!»al nv.rlc«»'.n '•'••'V'* '^'''"™"?' ^'i "l?!!*','^!'.,.!!!! l) bUnkt. neatly priofed, and for lalo %t tha

Uoincitead OiBee.


AttornoT and Counselor *l Law in TTinnebajjo City. Minn., will attend to profoasional buai u-s^i throughout the Slate. 174tf

•aKi«'ia«nt tnitrtloQ.

AJT.TiU<-ajent»o-cui>)i!>J "na Inch nf ipac^, Ini-rtod «c« «cek t<*T on* dolUr One cilnmn, one year, et^htr a^'Ur*. Othar adTeriJ»em«uU In proportion.

Hue Earth City,

». V. 8 A.M.

Bt. ?AVh, Doc. 13, 1889. The Hfty thonMind copies of the 1 i«» iwue of

"Minnesota: lU Advantage.-, to ad Hers." pab- liahed by the State, are exhttUi<ted. Application* now arriving will



Blue Earth City,


8 A.M.

S P. M.



Y risen, lcmber JueaciiANT, o.Vi: door be




n-aa«ca— Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Albert Lea Monday, Wednesday, Friday, TcolwHen— Monday, ITrlday, Jiickson— Tuaaday,


ica— Monday. WedneiNlay, Fridar.

7 P.M.

7 P.M.

7 P. M.

11 A. M.

one* restored by Uking Jut* tb«ft»wacb te^ ■poonnil otJ<*km—ii>9 Ana^sm Umimmtt, aiMd in a little •••id water, w«U twecUsed.

Evnry farmtr who owbb good atoeli of kflW- be furniiihed ivith the 1870 ! .i, .attle and sheep, arid intendj to keep lb«lB L- u T L 1 »,«.,! IT .n.l will through the wlnrer, should get at oaee a gtxia

pamphlet, which I have nearly rea.ly, and *'» „^,/„f ^^,„-^«„.. Ca^alrf Condition P.ud^r,.

issuenextinonth, in compliance with the follow- y,,, j^Hur's worth will save at leait a haJl a ing sUlement contained in the prefious issues: ion of hay. "This pamphlet, published in January of each year, in designed to keep up with tfc« progress of the SUte, and present its status to date"


|1.»«0 Cub. FOR 18T0. |1,&M Carb


Tbis ipleadidJy illnitrBtcd weekly Jonrnal of popular i*eieDC«, Mechanics, luveation, Kngi- Deering, Obemiatry, Arobitejtvre, Agriculture, and the kindred arU. anteri iti tweaty fifth year en the first of January next, baring a eircala- tion far exceeding that of any liaiilar journal now published.



The coram«dloui brick JweHhin of O. P. Chobb. In , Albert Lpe—Tnr.day. Thursday, Saturday,

Mankato, Mionnofa.


; Palnnoi.t , hai bern op^ne-J »<• the traveling iiobllc. and I ample accoinraodatjo.il are iio» otTrrcd lo all who m.ty

iriili l<»avail theuuelTeloflUlioi'pils' "«•*• _„


7 A.M. 7 A. M. « A. M. 1 P. M.

Whlesalc and Urtan. WT>1

Mankato, Mlnneaota.

TrnhaMen— Tuaaday, Saturday J acka«>— Friday,

To Wioure mailing matter, It should be la the oflice half an hour l>eIor« drparture time.

^Z\ S. (JMirH, BoOKSELLK'-l AND 3TATI0XKR, 1 On. "duor j-uth uf Uariaw offlo., 'jlffjl Mankato, M:nDVieta.

^ w sB.»ivur.j. WHoLEsALR AND RETAIL

•^^ Pcaldr !t Crackery t^i Olaaiware. front 3' , M\nkaio, Minn. 818-tf



G.E.!IIoQltoii. Winnebaffo City, Minn.,

AOKNT FOR ^\UlBAri,T rOLNTV. For The American Button- Hols. 0»er-S«rn.inf knd ^r«in(f Mnchine The Brit aii.1 only Button-llole Mak- i

Cbnrck Diroctorr.

Orbat DisTRiBUTio.f.— The Metropolifan Gift

Company h«Te made extenfire arrangements for j j^'^ editorial Department of the 6eientifi«

^ . ui » . . »^. •• . J .»,-:. ' American ii Terr ably rondneted, and some of

It was my intention when the first pamphlet jheir third Oroat Annual Distribufon. and their ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^f^^^ .^ ^^.^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^

was issued, three years ago, to continue their jj.i numbers cash and other g-fts to the amount | Europe, are ooniriboiors. Srery nutrbcr baa 18

.>.,v.ii,.iition for five vears, 80 as toembrace in the . ! imperial r-agef, embellished with fine Engrar- publication for five years, BO of nearly a million of dollars, among them •" ; j„ 7„, Miichincry, New Inrentions. Tools for last issue such facts as the census of rs70 »nd^ _ I '"»'_.' . . „■" . .. . _,^ «_ _:

the then condition of Min i

With the aid of the Stale, I have for throe years, from one hundred to twenty thousand dollars

enaeavored, in a focblc way, "to mike Minnesota ^^^^^ ^,g„^ Piano.«, Melodaons, Pewing Ma

tovaat At

MBTnowsT-ServIcs every Sabbath morning, !n the known every where." Ffty thousand copies have ,^i„ ^nming Machines, Gold and Silver

BapustChurch, at 10:8ti o'clock ^,„„,„ ^^

R«r/. J. C. OOWRAX, Pkator


been issued each vear and an extent of interest, Hervires every Sabhaih morn- | nquiry and publicity elicited w.tl, regard to our

Watches, Silver \V aro, Jewelry, Ac, Ac. Every

nVan-:. ^eWng Machine co.Hined. In the world, it \ tni;x^ii;^Hi^^,tooi '^l^}:''.''^'Zou"l,^^o. . 'i 8-*^ State, which augurs well for her future. I ticket draw, apri.e, and no blank, are issued

<Ioes Hiore work than any other machine ever Invented 263tf


Mankato, Minnesota.

T D BLRKR, DKALER IN GIOCERIKS, FROVIS- " l-jos. Crockery, Olass and Wooden Ware.


Mankato, Minnesota.

TOUN* Qf ANE, WASIIINOTON UOfSE. J .Stablluj coanecud.


GOOD Mankato, Minnesota. AND

ON THE ARRIVAL OK THE CARS, we iiiali be pre pared lo opm a atnck of


At Wei Is, to supply the drm»nJ, both wholesale and n-iail. Respectfully,

HOPKI.N-^ A FERSALD, WboleMle and Retail Dealer in Puruitute. Brd.ling, Ac. AUo, Cnertakcrs, JOS-tf Austin, Minn.

Rev. J. D. TODD, Pastoi.

CsioB.— Prayer Meelln?. Wednesday evenings, in the Baptist Church, at 7 o'clock.

Sabuath School every Sunday morning, ImmedlaUly after preachlHg.


The Best aud Cheapest Organs.



M.iDkato, Minnesota.


Winnebago City, Minnesota.

^ E. Q. A A. P. COLLINS, Propiietors.

MO. WIl.LARD, ATTOB.SEY AT LAW AND. SO- _ Exdient accommodations, a-4eharge« mod- lary PobUs. 897yl

We hare for sale, at a great barp»".n. f«ir hundred pounds of Long Primer. One half of it j is almost new, and the balance is good for years. | ^^ illustration of the advantaee' "f a large For particulars, address the Frkk Homistkad. I ^^^^^^j^^ ^j ,„j .^jeie, enablit g the manufae-

, .n,.M.n.^«t five hundred and seventy cash gift-, ranging the Workshop, Farm and Househol^J, Engineer- inesota would .suggest, u "•»«•"• » .r .^^^ Works, Uw.Uing Ilouseii, Publie Buildings,

A joiirnal o( so ujch intrinsic value, at the low price of $S a year, ooght to have, in thii thriring country, a million readers.

Whoever reads the Scientific American is en. tertained and iastrucled, witlioul being bothered with hard words or dry detail*.

TO IKVENTOKS AND MEOUANlCS thii journal is of special value, as it contains a week-

admit that greater efforts should have been made jhe tickets are each placed in envelopes, which, j^ ^port of all PatenU issued at Washington,

toputMinne^otaproperly before. he world -;*; .^er being sealed are mixed and when drawn :^ ^^:\:!::i,^,!'' ^%;:^':i

can only say that wha ever ** . indiscriminately, so that the Company are not the Soienti.fic Ameriean aro the most Extensive

business the experience of the pa,t has given me, V " ,1. ! Patent Solicitors in the world, and have nn-

-ill l,e devoted to the forthcoming pamphlet. I »ware of the contents of any envelope until the i^^^j^^ facilities for gathering a eomplela

' ticket is retuined to them. These tickets are ki.owledge of the progre.. of Invention and

Discovery throughout the w rid: and with a •o'd for twenty-five cents each, or six for one | view to mark the quarter of a century, during


Cream Beer is txetlUnt. Many thanks.

turer to avail him»elf of the aid of machinery

and most complete division of Inbor, and so to ! close it with one dollar to the company, and

Alden is a new MinncsoU town, situated be- j produce the best work at lowest cost, is afforded | whatever the ticket calls for ib immediately lor-

, , , ,, .u; ,,. «„. f„, which this jeurnsl hat held the first place in

dollar, thirteen for two dollars; thirty-five f»' | j.^^.'/^^jfi^ .^j mechanical Literature, the Pub.

five lollars ; one hundred and ten for fifteen dol- j Hahars wlU issue on Janaaiy first, the large and

. , ^ inlendid Steel Engraving, by John Ssrtain, sf

lars. As soon as you receive a ticket, you en. , p'^ii^^eiphi., entiUed:


The plate costing nearly $4,000 to engrave, aod

Mankato, Minn. I urate

Stages leave this House for all jjoio'S. 237tf


WTyl ""*'"'' ^"'""''' Mank.to,Mlnn. gHERIDA.N J. ABBOTT,


tween Albert Lea, and Wells. The cars are »1- j by what the MASON A HAMLIN ORQA N CO., I ^^^.^j^ ^^ ^^^ The company are aware that i contains nineteen likenesses of Illustrious Amer* ready there, and of course it must be a lively , ,^ „,, ^oiag It is well know, that the C.oi. | ^^^.^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^, ^^^^ ^^^^ ,^.,.„^ \ -- J^^-'^-^,^;;; -d"rnt:ar,';I ";; will place. i net Ogsns ot their manufacture have for some

time enjoyed the reputation of being the best in

To keep from stuttering, don't talk.




fill AfSortBsnt tS

Dress Goods!

CoBsiiting of

Delainas, Poplins,

Tycoon Reps,

AlD»«*«. Merinos, *•• Togothtr with a full Lino of

•rin Dry Ooods. »Tyl

Mankato, Minn.

Notary Public and Conveyancer.

J. P. Wall lee. Mankato, is sslling boat fro.«h

WM. L. COON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLLECT- Inj Agent and Notary public, jj^f " Mankato, Minn.

CLirrON H0C31, W. V. B. Moore. Proprietor

Particular attention paid te the Oollac- ^j^xnt at cents per can, by the oaso of forty, n'ofi of Dehtt mid Paymfnt 0/ 7iir«». ^^p, j^\\ orders must bo accompanied with

ALL BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. e„h. Boy BOW, as oyStOTi will advance during Winnebago City, Minn., Aug. 30, 1868. 1 ^j,^ Holidays.

25?.tr ! •—


/root St., Maokato, Minn.

D1EW* BROS- rCRNIsniNO HOUSE, MANKATO M an Eurnilure an.l Carpeting. Oil Cl<>lh» and Curtains, Table Cloths and Mirrors, window .Shadetaad Mattrtaact Piatarc Pramei %nd Mats, Cord and Taks^I*. Agenia for the CnrivaUed Waaber. ««tf

K WISER, PR.».CTICAL WATCH MAKER AND Jeweler. Dealer la WaUhaa, Clooka, Jewelry and

Stiver- Wara. ^ . „,„„

^•)^f Mankato, MInu.

Bepairlng neatly extcaled and warranted.


C. 8. KIBALL, Pbopribtob.

To gain time, steal a watch.

Stages leave this Hotel Mondays and Thurs- dayafur the uearu.st Railio-d station, and Tues- days and .Samrdajs for the West.

A good Li»"«ry is connected with the Hotel, ^^^ matter will receive due consideration

And there are ample accommodations for team- j ___ »■

.ters. S>2tf '

Those persons who are interested in the organ- iiation of a Brass Band in this village, are re- quested to meet at .Moulton's Store, on Saturday evening, Dec. 18th. at half past six o'clock, when

the world ; and the demand for them from all countries has so increased that the Company have now occasion to produce o>. » hundrtd and fiftjl Organ* per week.

This has enabled them to introduce a variety of ingenious machinery fjr the production of ; plainly addressed. Metropolitan Gift Company,

honorably with their customers, and having this i l>« 8«>''l »» »« «»»»"•. b."' "J ""• •uJxcribing ■^ for the Scientific American the paper will bo

fa«t in view they strive to please all who favor: aent for one year, together with a copy of the

.... r^^ 1 ,. I cneravine, en receipt of ten dollars. The pie-

them with their patronage. Circulars contain- ■"S'^"""*"'- - *^ -

ing references and highly favorable notices of the press are sent free to all. Letters should bo

MKNK.VTO H0C9I. OROVER C BIRT. PROPRIE- lor Having refurniihed throughout the above wall- known house, the pr.pririor a*k> a c.ntli.uauce of Public patronaga. G-wd stAfcle -cconim-Mlatioua are oaooceud wuti the hoasa. CXargts in >deraW.




Keeps constantly on hand a complete ataortmettl ef


To keep out of a fight, sUy by yourself.

Prof. J. B. Carpenter is just organising a class

in voca.1 culture in this place. All wishing to

i eultirate, should not lose this opportunity. Miss,

DWEHRLE, W.ATCHMAKKB A JEWELER, HAS raeeived his complete JtocW of Ainerlc^in a'lJ Im- pnrtad Watches, CI'K:lca and Jewelry. Kepiiring war- ranted aa repraaealcd. Front Street, opposite the CUf- tua House. »^' Mankato Minn,

And hunrtreds of <1:.llar"t worth of wor«ed», bring tbe Florence P. Carpetiter, will open classes upon

firH full line stock ofZephyr Worsted ever brought into o j \i i a •.- «lw»..t twn

the Piano, Organ, and Melodeon, in about two

weeks. Let our oitisens 6e rtady.

Winnebago City.

New and Kaihlonabie Qood* received by expresa every week. Store on MaUt St., nearly opyosUe the Collins House. "*■''


Dealers In

To avoid corpulence, quit eating.



Parlicular altculion paid to Music Orders.

D NOTEM AN, Mil, PHYSICIAN AND StrRGEON. Will alten.l to calls promptly, in Wiiinahago City and jurrounding country. Dr. N. has had twenty year* czperie .cein locil. general, and hospital practice, and lately hail flia'ge of a Hygienic Ins:ilute for the treat ment of chronic di»e»ie». He M therefore prepared to treat Catarrh, Bronchliis. Scrofula, Rheuniati»m, Pro-

lap-u< fieri N*uraU-ia, Sick H-adiciir, Liver Com- everything connected with such ; and would be plaim. Diphtheria. ColJ Hand, and Feet N.:rvoUi De . j^. gt^nj^^^ 321^!

!>illty, Ca.scrr.h, Fkvbu SoKks, and all Blood and Skin n»PPy ^^ '»'""• •"* "'" i.""i"i""i

Dineares, with a »ucce«s far in advance of the ordinary ^ ,

phynician who has i.ever made a speciality of this ciasa •(diseases

the various parts of the iastruuient, by which they got increased perfection in thtir work, and make » considerable saving in the cost. It is a partof their system to sell alw.iya at least re- munerative profit, depending on increased amount of business for a satisfiictory result to tbcmselvss. Accordingly, they have recently reduced prices, and it is said, are now selling their famous organs at even ^csii than it costs a small maker to produce inferior instrumentj. The public are thus the gaineni by getting the best artioile at less than, without such advantages they would have to pay for inferi<»r work. This Company will not make the sti-called "cheap" organs st any price. All their work is of tho

Tory host.


A Splesdid Prjxb for tbi; Ladies !— Tho finest, most pleasing, and cosily engraving ever published in America, to be preiiented as a pre- mium toeaoh subscriber to Dkvorbst's Month-

tnre is also offered as a premium for clubs os suh- scribt-rs.

^i^'ll.SOO CASH PRIZES.'«(

Inaddition to the above premium, the Pub- lishers will pay $1,500 in Oa.<h Prises for lisUof anbscribers seat in by February 19, 1870, Per- son* who want lo compete for theio prises, I siio'jld send at once for prospectus and blanks ~ ' ~~ ~~~ I for names.

fraiiafera of Real Estate in Faribault 1 Terms fcr Scientific American, one year fs.ov ; County. ' glx Hionthsfl.M; four months, $1.00. Toclubs

j of ton and upwards, Urms $2.60 per annum.

A. E. Nelson to J. C. Easton, Warranty Deed of Spocim»in oopios sent free. Address the publish-

Nos. 1J>3 and 195 Broadway, New York. 317 4m

Ologbama, Prints,

Tickings, Sheetings, Flannels. Woolens, Jeans,

naUnelUs, Cassimtras,

Also a Larp Hupply •!


wholesale and retail dealers in

P, O O r S, S II O E S.

Leather. Ptadiogs, Shoemakers' Tools, etc.

Front Street, nppns'te tb« Poat Offico, Mawkato. Minn.

To keep your doors from being broken open

All co~imuni.-aiionseonfiJenilal. Consultatloa free, jjy burglars, don't close them.

Offic at Ur. Kjiley's DiugS'or^. Reiidei.ce at Kim-

bal's. Office days Friday, of each week.



iSEEr, 1 (Jlvlv ana ML i lUJV p^rtunity to almost all classes to make money, i kreaow for sale.tPeircesmurket in WinnMiago' Particularly Farmers, who can get a groat doal

EngelberttkAeiucr, would respectfully inform the people of Winnebago City and vicinity, that ; ^^ ^ Magaaine ef practical utility in the house- he has a Bakery opened now, and shall keep i ^^^^ ^ ^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^ fashions, and a literary

conservator of surpassing interest and artistic excellence, acknowledged to bo the Model Parlor Magazine ol America.

Ihe enjjraving, 23 by 35 in :he», is from tho original painting, entitled, " I'he Pic-Nic on THB 4th ok JlLV."

Th« piiinting took a whole year, and is consid- ered the finest of the entire list of numerous pop- ular productions by Lilie M. Spencer. The en- graving was the labor of four years, by three

I We would call the particular attention of our ! readers to the advertisement of the American

Knitting Machine Co. They offer a splendid op-

wi nei and ei nwi S 6 T 102 R 25 Conaideraliun, t^lb.

B. Sherin to Ellen Smith W D of Lot 2 Block

11 Blue Earth City. $7O0 Lewis Newman to Frederick Schmidt Q C D of

Lots 6 7 U 2U Blue Earth City, $50 David Malory to Wm C. Chapln W D ofnwj

swi S 20 T lOl R 27. $400 Chas Everett to I) Noteman W D of swi S 13 A

nwiS 14 T 103 R 27, $5000 \

C W Thompson to Fernald A Hopkins W D of

Lot 13 Bl'k 12 Wells. $100. C W Thompson to Austin Smout A Co., W D of

Lot 14 B 12 Wells, $100. C w Thompsou to James Truesdcll W D of Lot

24 Bl'k 11, Wells. $150

W D Patten to Elijah Gates, ei sej S 3 T 103 R

27, $500 C W Thompson to D M Koeler W D of Lot 19

Bl'k 13, Wells, $150. Herman Priester to Rebecca Foster W D of nei

S 18 T 102 K 26. $1500. Chs E Cook, to Edward A Rawley W D 75 acres ! in niof swi S 12T 101 R 27. $450. I

David I. Russell to F. F. Harlow W D of nei S

30 T 104 R 28. $400. Orrin S Cook to 0 0 Bakkum W D wi swi S 6

T 104 R 27. $600. L J Emerick to E J Huntington Q C D of Lot 12 Bl'k 12 Eastou's Addition to Winnobago City, $400 S L Foster to John H Glcason W D wi nei S 9 T 103 R 28 and 10 acres in nei S » T 103 R 21. $1350


MUNN A CO., 37 Park Row, New Yojlt. How TO Get Patewtp —A pamphbt of Pat- ent Laws and Instruction to Inventors sent fro*.




B AltOXr HOUSE, Corner of Second and ClKrrij SCs.

'lity, one door enstofthti Fo.it dtfl'-e, and will more for their wool by having one of these Ma be sold lit very low price.'". Customers in and chines in the house, and knitting their wool into nut eftuwu supplied atlow fl^tii 1.


.ttockings. Ac.

Winnel.Bgo City; Minn., >. 3. ISCS.

, I MANKATO. MINNESOTA. j I L.QBAROTT. - Proprietor. |

\ rpilF, abov, bowse, just comp'eie.l..n.l furnish ^\ K. WICKHAM. L ed new tbrouifb<.ct, is opened to the public. , ,.,.^^p^^ _|i, t 51 Acfommodaiions unsarp.isfeil by aoy l"*''''"^ ' S.iPto.— I daft. '


To "raise the stamps," say a funny thing on the stage.

. .• . i„i „»„„.,. I v,n ll.h.in and Edward C Fezlcr to Geo W Buswell WD nei emiocnt artist.s— John Rogers. John llnlpin and . ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^,^

.Samuel Hol'ycr ; the last named having been | j^^j^^ p^^^,^,-mj, ^,,,^^1 gj^^ur W D si Bl'k 98 induced to come from Europe to America ex- Uiue Earth City, SI 00

pressly to finish it. 'Ihe cng-avcrs have ably I'^^,''' -'•>'^'°* V^i ooTo-*''"^?,,^. "^ "''^ *°'^ !

r .L . ni swi S 2.5 T 10.i 112., ifciooo. 1

seconed the succwssf.il labors of Ihe painter. ^^^.^^^ H„dges to John Hodges W D si nei and *

bouse in li»« county, and terms ro.tsonablc. f-armers will always find a comf-rtablo barn plenty of good foei, and tha best of care foribeir ' horses.

Scipio diist drink?

nirhnrd III.




Manufa'turer and Dealer In



of evcrv variety.


Rrstanntnt and SnlooH.

Opposite llie COLLIN? IIOCPE, Winnebago City.

V»'inei*, Lifjuors aud Ci»'iin».

i Cartico-\, O'.J C:)g:.-jn, and Habnna.

i Fre^h Oysters served in every style, and for I tale by the Can or k^g.

j Gnitlenifn, I keep good Liquort.

I Winnebago City. Dec. 9. 1868. 267tf

BOOKS! BOOKS I Our readers who desir* to send their orders to a reliable firm should ad- dress Hunter A Co., Ilinsdald, V. H. Fwr ten years this housj has led in the mail book trade. They have no equals iu prompt attention to or-

Xone hut artists car. fully nppreciale the fkill Mill Kibor lavished on this engraving. The gen- eral eff-fat i." very fine and iuipr«s"<ive, and the delicate finish of the heads will bear the most minute inspection. The unicn of line und stip- ple is executed with unusual itbility, and their skillful combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engraver.^ iu this unsurpassed

dars. They often receive from six lo seven bun

dred letters daily, and load -lown thi- mails with proofoftheir arti^tical genius

Gilt Mouldings Kept On Hand p f. harlow.

books, Ac, sent to their cuitomers. If y>u de- sire to deal with a "f.tir aud square" concern, who will do "just as tbwy agree" in everything, be sure to avoid tho city swindlers, and addreas for Catalogue, Ac. HUNTER A Co., Puolish- ors, Hinsdale, N. H.


McMabill & Beebe,

Df alars la



Dimensions, SttVing, Flooring, Lath, and Shingles.


WamakeaSi>««ial»r of 9A9H. DOORS, and MOO.D- lNO«l also WOODEN BATE OCTTER.^ at low flgurea. Omce an Van Brunt's Addition, Sooth end of Front •tr*ct.

Mankato, Minn.


Dealer in

Real Estate & Land Warrants.


To keep out of debt, acquire the reputation of a rascal, and no one will trust j lU.


Winnebago City, Dec, Utff 1969. Tk« Bn<lersigned desire to express their un-

Tho work on the engravinj; nlone cost over f>even thousand dollars, besides the cost of the copyright, and is acknowledjied by competent judges the most elaborately fi lisbed lar^e work of art ever engraved in America.

Fia« copies of this magnilcent picture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are lobe given SB a Premium to each Subscriber to Dkm^ obkst's Mo!«tbi.v .Magaxii'b. Yearly Subscrip. tions only Three Dollars, and Ten (jent* (which is to be sent with the subscription), for the post- age on the engraving, (whieh will be uailed so-

Eod and Mould-Board

Breaking Plows


Crossing Plows,





And all other Goods necessary to make up a full

and complete aseortment for town and

country trade.


Winnobago City, Sept. 28, 1369.

Winter Gcotls !

Warranted to scour in anj kind of soil, and hardened by a process known only to ourselves.


si njnci S 21 T 103 U 2a. $500, Wollliy J Adams to James Boylan W D ni nei

S 34 T 103 R 26, $500.

Ammund Peterson to Lena Brown W D of Lots

7 8 9 and 10 Bl k 3 Young's Ad to Blue Earth

City. $1265. .\mmund Peterson to John Landerson W D of

ni Lot 4 Bl'k 3 in Young's Ad to Blue Earth

Da^ui^lF a«*oTich to Alexander Anderson W D ' Manufactured entirely of iron and steel.

of Lots 4 5 Bl'k 4U Blue Earth City. |

E V Foster to Ester A Davis W D part of Lot

6 in Bl'k 94 in Blue Earth City. $275. Alexander Anderson to E V Foster Certificate of

Redemption. Part of lot 6 iu bl'k 94 Blue

Earth City, $387.



OL'N.S.MITH AND WAOON- Maker. 8ii.>p next doorto Richardson's. Particular attention paid to repairing clocks. 8l7-tf

Por VTV ORnrws; <"««»«<» gratitude to each and all of those who °"«'y «>*>'»• "P «"* » "»"")• ,.^ , ,

^01 >T1 WKDLKS. , 6 » , This is certaialy the largest, most liberal and

Pay Tax**, Examin* Titl«a, Ate Is al<K> AGENT forth*

I Bartieipated in the joyous and generous Dona- , l

! I- -. «• 1 . u Tu I. . .„,: splendid premium over offered to single subscn-

! tion visit of last week. Thanks to young and ; » "^ "

bers by, any publisher, and aflords an easy and

•Id for Iheir manifestations of cheorfulness and

econumieal way for any one t} secure an elegant

Fhceniz Insurance Company, sympathy, and their expressions of confidence , «. . u 1

•^ jj-uij-k .-..J., r-, ♦>.. work of art, a Parlor Picture that is only next

(,r and good wishes. And much gratitude for the . . .^ » *-.: j

I .».■,, u . J . .k _, „f «-ft 1 to a piano in the way of orns.mentation, and a

I substantial favor bestowed to the amount of »«U •' '



On Blae Earth Avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3I7-lf




The Lady's Friend am ounces the followTog Novelle.te for 1870: -Uid He Forget Uerr* by Louise Cbsndler Moultun ; *'Th« Casean


Of the most approved pattera. Also


Biaa Earth City

FAST HORSES AFD FARM HORSES shod in .pUn ilM ity!.? hy RoHort Lltile, ftrst floor sodth of M>-ad's

Haul Blia Earth CilV R«f«-«nce», L«wi«, W«l-

•at lAk*. and P. 0. Sealay. Blue Earth City. 8Ilyl


VTr)!? f \f AT? I've 1 so freely and cheerfully to our comfort and aid,

ritxtj tX JlAKl^Ci, I to in abundant measure may the God of all grace

of St. Paul. Minn. 1 bless and enlarge each in the best of spiritual

AUo Notary Public <k Convfyancer. j good things. J. D. TODD.

OFFICE— in the rear *f tho Post Office build-


take every one by surprise, .nd we do not ren ture anything in saying that ;(10 will not procure another that combines so mush of interest aud beauty.

Specimens of the Magazine, with Circulars.

iBg. up stairs. 34Stf

Wiaaehago City. Mian.

^ ! giving full particulars, will U sent to any givnn

To boeome a competent book-keep-r. borrow ! *'»J'*"' P"*' f^«*' °» '*««'?» «' ^^ *=*!'^- /**'■

fall the books you can and never return them.

J H. 8PR0CT.


•arBAD'S HOTtl,,


I. S. US. \D, Fr.-pr.etcr Dllllard tables aroeoaneeted with tho honso, and thotw Ic g^od subiiog on tho premises. 242yl

/^0NITA58 HOCSI. j


H. P. C0N8TANS, Propbibtob. j

This popular Hotel is entirely new. and furnish- ; od io excellent style. jiVBxeolIent ae-oamodations f^r teams. 242tf __^ -

R. ^^'"'


Has oonstantly onharid Clocks. Watches, Jewel- ry. Silver- ware. Gold Pens. Musical Inmrumpnts, Ac. Repairing done with dispatcj and warran- tetL 239tt

Kegister of Deet!*,

yeal Estate Agent and Con- veyancer.

Taxt* Paid /or Xon-rtridMntt,



Blc« Eartli Oty, Minn.


Wholesale Dealera in



No. 93 Third Street.

ST. PAUL, ... - MINN.







No. 107 Third Street,

Prof. Carpenter*

dress, Dbhorest's New York.

Mo-NTHLT, 836 Broadway

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now a resident I of this place." [Applause.]


Excellent flour at Richer ison's.

Prof. Carpenter, of Oshkosh. Wiseonyin, has purchased the property of Mr. Uendrick, in thi, 1 No. 8 eook-.toves furnishsd complete for $23, town, and will make Winnebago City his home. . *t tho Hardware Store in W mnebago City. Ho is warmly w.loom<^; and ae an earnest of j ^^„^ to Loa.n.-I.* haro some mon^y to the friendliness with which he is received, near- \ [^^ on fir«t-cl»>s real esta e security. Como ly fifty scholars this (^^dnesday) night Fubsorib- j oarly, and you can be accommodaied.

•d for a course of music lessons under his tutor- | .. ANL'REW C. DUNN.

Winnebago City. Minn.

ship. Knowing that Mr. Carpenter has taught 1 both vocal and instrumental music for twentyfive 1

To AllComcbrsbo. Noe', my good fellows.

laJy wr-.ters.

A finely executed Steel Engraving, a hand- some Uwuble page, finely colored fashion plate, and a large asscrtmunt of Woon Cuts, illustrat- ing the Fashions, Fancy Wirk. Ac, are given in every number

it will ^ive a popular pieeo uf music in every number.

lORTRAlTS OF DIS ll^' OUISHED AU-f THORS. Tho Jmuary number will contain Portraits (engraved on steel) of Mrs. Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moul ton. Elizabeth Prescoit, Amanda M. Douglas, Mrs. Margaret Uosuur aud August Bell.

NEW SUBSCRIBERS who send it. their names or 1S70 before the first ot November, shfcll receive the Novemuer and December numbers of iLir year in addii'on, making fourteen months in all! And new subscribers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive tbo magnificent December Holiday number, making thirteen months in all.

TF.RMS.— $2.50 a y«>ar; two copies, 4 ; four copies, $6; five copies (and one gratis), $S. One copy cf the Lady's Friend and one of the Post,

A copy of tho large and beautiful Premium Steol Engraving "Taking the Measure oi too



Manafaeiurod froa Baatora tiaibor.



WtBu«%»so Oity, Minn., lob. ink, 1869. \ 277tf


Aftorear"fol investigation by eompotoBtJadgos it hvs been fully and fairty docidod t&at thw boss place to purehaso ..


yoars,woare prepared to fully appreciate the I all of you who are owing th« firm otClufsick * j Wedding Ring"-engrave4 in England at a cost

, ,. , .. -, ,.v D . I Smith. Blacksuiiths, in Witinebtigo City, 1 lease J J200— will be sent to every lull ($2.50 i sub-

following resolutions, from the files of tbePreston ,.11 .nd .^ti..! vi.ur «cp..uniii on or before the -Z "«" "" »«"i '" «^ «"J ' * 1 v

o call ana seioe your accuuniii on or oeiore i"" j gcriber, and to every peison sending a slnb.

R€pubtiean, which were unanimously adopted 1 16th of December. ISOa. and you will save your- jj,jj ^j, raving is a gem of art. by the class which was under the charge of the selves much trouble. We must have money, Address' DEACON A PETER.^OV,

and it must com* from our cebtors. Yours truly,


Prof at Preston, last July.

Retolced, That we express our appreciation of Prof. Carpenter's untiring efforts to advance his class to the highest possible degree of proficiency.


319 Walnut Street. Pailade'pbia. Specimen Copies sent for ten cents.

Manhood : How Lost, How Re- stored.


^ ^ FRrrr A!VD Srarb TRess.— C. L. Smith, of

iad heartily bw tisti'mony to his ' Ability and ^ "'«• I'^J^-O'^O Soft I

success, hoi as an instructor in the scientific Maple, or .<ilve,leaved. and lOO.OlO M,i.e Elm J MrW[g^,?*'^.^''''^^.-,\l\l,;^^^^^ principles of music, and as a trainer in those spe- Tn^s. at from $3 to $10 per thousand. 3 to 20 , ^Hp^„Vbe*nX" %^"* wU^ufte^^^^^ ciai qualities of style whieh constitute good sing- »a*^h^ '>»«^- "ulop, Traiiscendani, biberian, ^gg^^ „f sperm ATORRH<EA. or Seminal ing. ! Duchess ol Oldenburx, and other barJy apple nveknras, Involantary ?«mIoai L^>«s>'!<, Iropotency,

Hetolctd That aa a commnnitr wo eordiall' : «»•«, 25 cents ea«b. Everybody ihoa'd send for McnuUaad Phys'cal Incap^ity, IrapedimcnU to Mar- invite Prof! Carpenter to make us a second visft pri« list and dirwetioni for pUsoting and care o , ^^.'f^j t"^ »^»« Coosumptinn. EHlvp.y. and Fl..,ln.

at a future time, and then to continue this course of instruction with which wo are so highly grati- '

fied. !

.^nd also the foBowing f^m the Albert Lea Standard of the 9th insC

"The class of Mr. Carpenter was dismissed

treo^. Address 306-tf


Walnut Lake, Minn.

Stbawbbrbibs aud t.Re%ii. Wno does not love them? Every one sbculd have a strawber- ry bod. C. L. Smith, of Walnut Lake Nursery, will send by mail, prepaid, choice plants of Wil- last evening, having closed the term of twelve »on's Albany, Crimson Cant. Great Austin, .*>hsk- BighU. It is due to this f««tlaaiaa to say that ; «,. Ac. at 30 cents per dox »b, or $2. 00 p«r bun- ko has taken greM interest in the progress of his dred ; l,en..inx's White. fineM white strawberry '"i.^I'^n JT,!^, »! . "...n ,„,, „„ ,„..r.dd,*« pipih: ha. given a number of extra hours more grown. 50 c*nL per A».cn. fl.OO p.r bundr.d. ^:!!;;li^:'^'^li!i'oV'^'V^::':rt^^ tbaa lae contract reouirH, and has been very j25. 00 per thojsand. Goo4 str.nr. new plants. Alwi. Dr Culvrrw.R's .'Marriage Guide,' price ^ cts.

daced by Mlfiatiil^t^ncp or nexuial extravagance.

^^"Price, in a sealed envelope, only idx ernts.

The relrbrated ailbor. Iu tUU adiniral>le essay, clear- . ly demonstrates fruni a thirty years' snccesafal practice, tha: the ala< ming conteqo^nccs of aeM-rtxue may be I radically cured wittnnt tUe dangcroiu a«e of internal | medicine or the ap-^ication of the knife; p«lritli>)» fut a i mode of care at onae rfrrplc, certain :in>l effectaal. bj j means ->f which everv sufVrer, n'' mailer wiiat bis cod- ) diiion may he, may cure hiuiBelfche«i>!y. privately, and >

"HCaLLY. I in FarioanU County

bi« Lecture <]k>4M he in the hands of every youth



and in fact any kind of Ooods. is at tho Storo

R. j»l. Wilson,

First door Korth ef Pest Ofloe,

I where more Goods cbb be had for ovo dollar tkaa any other


Largest Stock

Ever brought into Faribault county is now in the store ot


TLo Latest Style of

Paisley Shawl.", Large-line Double Shawls and Cloaks

JIA7S, CAPS Jb CLOTHS, Cassiinere Delains,

Belgian Delains,

Rep Delains,

India Cloth,


Wool Poplin,

Chinchilla Popinlo,

Uuffle Skirts and Boulevard Skirls,

may now be found at this store.

In addition to the above mentioned articles of the present most fashionable ratterni', you will always find at the Farilauli county


A well selected assortment of


from the "Odessa Skirt Company," which aro Oisurpassed by any other Hoop Skirt iu use, as regards Durability, Comfoit and Style.

And also a large stock nf

Groceries, Pork, llams,


Lard, Wheat, Corn, POTATOES,

Onions, Flour, Meal, <tc., <tc.


Oockery, Glasswaie,

^, Looking-glasse.'3,

Lampd, Lanterns,

Machine and Kerosene

Oil', Sugar Buckets and Boxes



of all sixes, and many styl .

O. K. MoultOlu of the lira of MOULTOV A DKUDON. basjust returi.«d from NEW YCUK CiTY, where he took particular time to lind the best housos, snd to purehaso %t tbe bottom „f the mk^rket, an>> confidently believes tb^t lie hna secured the best qualities of goods, and at iLo most reasonable figures, and



Is BOW offered at ima i. advance ob tbe originil cost. Call stid examine f'^r yonr*«ivcs. Tru y Yours,

diiion Thi


faithfnlaod thorough in h=s iostrucUons. At carefully packa.1 in aosa, with full direotious how i the close of the school a musical assoeiatioD was : |o pUnt and eu'tirato tWab

St. r«p1, MiDncy>ta\riT2!: ;^^^i^.J[iii^P«***^ ^'»«^.^'«*^__?wjf _ ^

.Aildreastbe Publii^ni,




Tko oo-partaership heretofoira as* tbe oadenigQed, under tbe Aim toB A DcadoD, is this day dk 3">-o ^},^\.

coneeat, F. Deadon r.itbdi* uame " '^^y^i

All liabilities of th* la^ ^Wcd t>y "

G. it. Moalton, wfco r' .tag t*'';*.';^;^ Vy


127 Bowerft htw i.rk, P. 0. iJo^t 4,596 ,v4n21tf pT N. W. SaBGKKT










HfWfUlSD's CiEUMAN BlTTERS.— There 18

j.r»><>rtb y no disease to which "bntuan llfsh is ueir," that is more distrissiuf^ InitH .feti'ucts than that uf djs^Mipsia, uod kiudred discuses arisiug from disorders of the Liver Rud Digestive Organs, and it is this fact, probably, wuikh had .caused tho prepara- t oil of the Aoat'iicau lemedie s now before the pntiic. Am* ug thebe remedies are Dr. lloofflaiids Geiman IJitteis, whioh has been jnomiuently before the public for years, and which has received the highest testiraoniuls from thousands of oar citizens, who have tc&ted its effio.ency indiseas»s of the character rclerreU to. It haw also received the high- est commoiidation from phjbiciuns who have used it iu their practice with com- pK'tc success. The Hoofland's Bitters is a strictly medicinal preparation, and con- tiins no alc<»L A, rnai, or whis. y.

Hooil uid's German Tonic is a comtina- ti >u of tuf in^reilieuls ct the bitters, with pare S.uita Cruz Ram. orange, nn-Be, A*. It is used lor the same diseasea as tho Uilters in cases wh»-re an Alcoholic Stimulant is n>'C' ssary. It is a preparation of rare medi- final value, anl m )jt agreeable to the pal- %U\~Vhromdf, I'Utsburyh, Pa.

Why will YorscrriiRfrom Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Av., when you can obtain almost iusiant reliel from the use ol Fratt A Butcher's ctlebrated Magic Oil Liniment. This medicine takes the lead of all pain remedies both tor exteinal and internal pains. Ii cures Diarrhiea, Dysen- terv, co'.ic, Jcc, and as a family midiciue, it canH-it be excelled. Pratt A Butcher's the only genuine. Observe the written siijuatiire oi Walker A Taylor on the wrap- per.

Stn)nFN ruANGE-s OF wEAiHKE are pro- ductivt: of Throat Diseas s. foughs. Colds, Ac. There is no mora effcctna' relief in these diseases to be found than iu the timely use of "Uroicn's lirunrhi'il Trurhas.' They posisC*«s real merit and have proced their tCicacy by a testot many ytarn, hav- received 'thousands of testimonials






y«jir, \.hoso name* anil mousy arosent in during

leorld, and is bettor

enabled to (ur-



For Proniotinf? the (Jrowth and I'reserviufe' Ihc Hcuuty of



tfHicrip n>u»}iit5is gittctori) COMMON SENSE ! ! !

The undorsiitop 1 oftore foe sale tb» iplevdid piaco of propert)' knoim ai. tba


Tht/'oUiMtiiifl mra mmontl t%efm>iiti)itM hoitm-t IM their art n- a I •himrlmrnl':

Uadimg bt»i'


2-34 Lake sLrcet. Oarp^tln^.M

Cirdors i.rciiup«(tj' tilled.

»5I» Cloths, and .Matting^ mijlesttle and K«U1I


know,nK .l^t. .hen lo..^of_hair occun. JV«^

The Inventors of CocOAWr -...-•--.. 5- .... ,h ,n

wharo the greatert heat is nece»Kinl> Jf""'"'"''-"- ""'J,'?'" „^a alleviate it turning their attention :.na P^^'-'j^'^* '''^' X? lUir ment to promute the growth and preserve the l-eauli ot Oio Uiir.

*""towl*(fs ^egeUble Oi'u as the basis of a mediua-

'I'ho Ulouiu L'ocoa, ur

Bjr a Bcientiflc

pre*.nted it«,U most strongb- M po^K,.^"* "n'^SX'^cJirb^i'e^ifthlK'ml ^hl^Tb^'if^^y^V^d, Vni-Xh..


from cuiineMt

men who have nsed them.

Most PAri:NT Medicines are "cure alle," while Di.F. WiLHorTs AsTi-rEUiomc orFi:- VEU AND \r.vr. Tonic pretends to cure none but snrh distases a.s are caused by malar- ial t'oixjuin'i of the blood One bottle is snthchutto tflfect » cure iu any cade.— Made in Xtw Orleans by Wheelock, Fin- lay it Co., and Bold at wholesale by Fuller, Fiiich & Fuller. Chicago.

—The ti*h caught oft" Sandusky, Ohio, are now trozen soon after they are ciuight, into solid Innipe, cordtd into tiers, and thus p.vt into a safe condition lor trans- portati'U. Ice and salt are the freezing material nse<l.

A WiDE-.\\VAKK Youth's Paper.- The Youth i Companion, of BostGn, annonnces neailv a Bcora of regular contributors for 1870." Many of them are among onr best known and mopt brilliant writers.

Or iiix. almost innumerable number of preparations iu the mark^^t for restoring gray hair to it« original color, we know of none which give so universal satisfaction as Riu'^'s Vegetable Ambrosia. We have tried It and found it to rthtore the color in a truly wonderful manner- as well as to re- move'dandruff and all itching caused by Immors of the scalp. Try it and be sat- Jdlied. ^___

We iake ple.vscbe in recommending the use ot H.ili'rt Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ila- pewer e.s a safe and reliable preparation for e storing gray hair to its natural color, and promoting its growth.

CojJTirBiAL, Fkucity.— Nothing temls more \a f«)nnnb'.:.i hr^ppiuosH, than cheerful and healthy iufantd and children. Mrs. WUit- comb'J S>rui'idthe great cnildren's st.M.>th- ing romftiy^

Sec 'rhe Little Corporal" among adver- tise lueuts.


No Other Compound

possesses the peculiar properties which so exacUy suit the Tarioue ctrnditiona of the human hair.

// m'ffny Ikn hnir vheu hinh aiiJ Jry.

II vj-./*?- 'A* irrilate<l uralf.

/' nfiiT'l- Ifi' H'-he" iK'Irr.

!• ' . ' in rfrrt.

, r/r<iiii/a'lnigof.

I .,1'hi/, viijnrouBjfnjirtk.

It 'm nut arrtiSit ur slirky. Jt lriiii> nu JinuyrttuMe oilor.



B08T0K, October i), Mes^rsJosFPH Bi-RSErT4<;o. :

OV«/frmrT., -My worst compUint for several years tjas been thuflr-lf. After brushing my hair, my coat collar would l>o covered with while scales.

1 have used leis than a botUe ot your Cocoaine. 1 he d.indrufT. and the irriutiun which caused it, have en- tirely disappeared, and luy hair was never l>e!c>re in so goodcondiliou. Your obedient «ervant, j^.,igj.


lJ.)»TO.N. November 2-», 1S8». Mesara. Josttph BtTR>.i:TT k Co., Boston : -

O'-i'ilrnu,,, I have l>eoa bald seven years. Alterudini

bald pate n coverer

Loss of £ L ;' } .

Boston, July l^^.


For many months my hair has beoo fallinK off, until 1 was fearful of losinx it entirely. Th© skin upon my head becajme graduallj' moco and more initamed.

I oommeiicod uio iwe of your Cocoaine the last week ifl June. Ihff first apiilication allayeJ the itching and irrttttion ; in three or lour days the redness and tender- ness disappeared, the hair ceased to fall, and I huve now a thick growth ot new hair. nc » w i> d.-»di,-

Yours, very truly, SU.SAN K. POPl-

Hair Dressing.

Tkeyollotring nnle is frinu ih- v.eU-ki,iniH ]iroprielor ^ Frank U»ii»'a Illuttrat'd yeu fjHiprrn and .Uayoiiii^s Nkw Yobk, September 22, VtA.

J. BCK>KTT, F.8Q. -

Vtiar .Sir;— y«r some time past I have been utaus JKiur Cocoaine. and think it far preferable to anytbia« T>uive ever used for the hair.

If my indorsement is of value, you are ikeifectlr -at lib- ..ty to use It Respectfully your., ^^^ ^^. ^^^^_

ST'ituatod in centre of

a large at the

<ri«nnkn population

S. W. Cor. of Rosatti & Park Avenue.

"■^I-siK. 11. 11. A: to., r^f and T^< T-ake s-t., wholesale Fdealt'rsWtfiw^ (..ids, MiU.nery V^T'ite Goodj. Hoeiery, lUovas and lanoy Goodi, ai and k> iJikesixeoi, Chicago^ ^^^_^_^,^__^_„____„^.«.™»— PAPER AND RAGS.

" " Bl'TLER & CO., Dealers in 'Stock. 4c "^

41 hUte s jx«t, Chicago.

Ij'^Prit IterVsVoSkTio-' Oaah paid for lUgs.

Paper. 4^ and


iTiTj iEKT, IIIBBAKU &: CO., ManUU,taCTed. Lsi<J>nns«»< ^ ., .„^_ piteh and oakum,

j7 S. Water st. CM.

O"ste*e'l^an(i"ron*'';^re7ope, uir. piteh and oakum.

tackle bVpcks, anchors and chains, JJuT


The Brewery is « two story brick eSilH ; lot is 1181176, 14 large vaulu ca pable of holding over a million of gal- lons; largest Mall House in the city and best: fully supplied with casks, barrels, kegs, and an the appur- tenances of a first-class Brewery rwuly for making Beer.

A good two storl brick bouse, sii rooms, gafi and water throughout, on tlte premises', a beer garden euclosed and roofed; brioL stable and cooper shop on the prwilies.


M'" For the pai -ticuUrs, enquire of


Nu. 4 City BuildlitKA.

Ht. I^ouIh, .^lo*,

'Ybolt^lo Peal*- in Tents, Wagon Covers, and Milital y Ctothuig. who bought this property at Bankrupt bale ut


■yvhich enables him to give the same.

C^ n RFUT. IILBllAKU &^ CO., cotton and flax lU.«»Kn f ',, vinds w»ol sacks and burlaps, nets & M tvrtnos o' «u^'^^5 fli^. 9U7 8. Water St., Chicago, scmas, tents, coTWf" "'" m^g. *~^^^^^.^^_^_^.^__

^""^ THE

Ciiptare, ihe Prison-Pen aud the Encaye.



Great indaoemento to AjrenU. this is Oie^wst popuUx Sewing Machine of the dtJ-rnakM the famons •'KUstlc Ixtck 6tit«h"-wiU do amTkiod of •ork tb"t can be doae t on«ny Machine-lQOiMOwWand the demand oon- auntly increasing. Now is the tame lain an A^enc^ Send for particuUrs. tST Beuxtre V « VT^'f' "• -^ Address SKCOMB 4 CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh. Pa. or St.. <.«»ui3, Mg


•r. the iJuder-warld of the Great

t'icv. The sins of every class of society ej- nosed A loid (hf Mailroad lo ruin. Signals of da^eraieup. MouE Money in it Foil Livt AoTmi* than a*'^^ othkb B'XiK. Takes three presses all the time to print fast enough- Uut Atnit ttKiJi L7S "r'irr^ i'i 10 d.':/^^ '"

46 illustrations. Price

pages, . AKenU Wanted

t«.. 146Ni

A ddress

a street, N. Y.

:4o li. Y. BOOK

TO THK WORKING 0LA88.-We are now prepr-'' to f arnish all classes with ootirtant einployment « fie

Jhe whol^ ,7th"e tune or fur the spare moments, nes» new, light »ud prolitable. t «

This tJirmhur. anthentie, and '^''f'^i'l '.v??.

&mb."a'He?re°ure''M'?l?rftaUsblry. and Anderson- Tille. Describing the


lared ome, I Busr I

^,. .ersons of either sex ,

P«iih~earnlrora ul>e. to $.^ per evening, and a proper- | u!Sal turn byXvoUng their wbo'.e lime U> the busin««. '

Boys and girVcane^ "'""^^'Th'^r'^d^'and^t ill who see this notice may send their address, ana M>« S. b^i^SMTwe make iKs unparalelled o«fer To such « ar^T^eU saUshed, we will send «1 to pay for tho , tJ^tbleof *ritii^ FuU particulars, a valoabfo sunpU , lJh"ch«iU do to commence work on and a copy of Thr lw,th'Tli,era^., ro^t»««.-one of t\xe largest and best fVSdi- newsMPers pubUshed -aU sent free by mail, i RSder°iilT^ri permanent. P^ohuble work, addres. E. O. ALLEN ACO., ~"

lioback's Sioiii- a-o^i Bitters, imiike cHi othvr Bittern in the viurket, possess intrinsui merit. Mod BUiers, so called, arc merely inshiwashy stuff", sold as a beotrage. Dr. Roback'i Bitters are tiot a beverage in any sense of the icord, but contain the most expensive drugs hiown to science for the radical cure of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and f&r all cases vhere a tonic and stimulant are required. They restore the vital forces in a re- markable degree, and give tone to the system.

A COUSTA. Mafuk.


Knitting Blaohine e»er invented^ * v-MuJAN KNIT- AiKNiKtitckesuerminnte. Address AMl!.KH^A.« f^-t''' TiNOjiStNK CO.. Boston Massof^

new r Octave Pianos.

U. S. Piano Co., New York;

of defenroless prisoners who came too near the '''«''""'/ Sort^a^ng the arrival oi prisoners, plans ol escape, with Sum^M and varied incidents ancT anecdotes



and doter-

one bottle of your ( 'ocoaine. my . .

aU over with yoong hair, about three-eights of an inch long, which appears strong and and healthy

mined to grow.

Very truly yonr obliged and obedient ^HJBjiwtN

Irritation of tlie Scalp.

, Septemh-^' '


Watkkvhxf. Me.

Dntr Sirs, -I have derived much benetit from the use •f yonr Cocoaine, l-weWe voan; ago 1 had the typitoa fever ; after my recovery I found myself troul>led witft an irritation or the scalp. , , ..

I purchased a bottle of the Cocoaine only for the pr ^ pose of a hair dressing, but to my surprise, it ha< g„. tirely removed the irritation of so long standing. ^^yg recommendeit it to several of my Irionda, wi- ^^^ altbcted in the 8<uno way, and it has »^oll*,»'.adicated


BANiWR. Maro>. 3, IHfM. Joseph Buunett A Co. : -

CrMr/rtnrn.— Your Cocoaine is the only dref jing for tho hair nsed in my fauils for the U»l oight vr ^rs. It stop- I>ed my wife's nair fruo* c,Mufiig uul aai^ increased its growth.

1 aiu also under obUdbtions to thii^ 'same Cocoaine for saving my own hair, which was very fast coming out previous to using this v<U>>.<kble Urep' iration.

Very truly yuura. J. C. jdlT('HKLl>.

t.rocer, Bangor. Me.

A P^emarka'ble Case.

K\sT M lUDLEBuao', Maiw., Juae 0, liyit. Messra. '■.rKNK-rr A Co:— . . ,.

My •' .uirhter has been aiflicted with neuralgia in her three years. She has uM-d dunnit ihat tame - .. . __ These, with Uie iptonso

tne disease^

^e.Tca•:;^'^tS"e^!a1?;^ Wnedher hair so badly that lu October, lsrtl.it all came oft.

She was induced to try jour Cocoaine, and the result was astonishing. She had not used half tho contents ot abotUo hef,.re her head was covered with tine young hair In four mouths the hair has grown several inches in length, very thiok, sott, ami hne. and ot a darker color than formerly. With respect, ^,^ ^ EDDY.


Imiitriiiirr F.sprirJ Fiillariai f'nm xskfit ' Higt dy im- portant lo lioth taxes, married and single, in heal' ch and disease! Or. l.aruioiilN, Pans Tondon am 1 New York. Medical A rtviser and .Marriage t -uido. 46V pages. IM Anatomical and Pathological plates 12 ina , cloth ; with Recipes and Certincates of his unpreo edented and painless curas of .S."' I' 'urf. Sfuininl IfraJine s.., Jmpo- trmru FiUiila, Fi Vo, Venirrat, Old L'leeri.. Jtuen m t,f the Kidf'r,,, li'wider. ibr. Price $1. -Mailed free . Offices for treatmeul, 212 Broadway. New Yofk. Dm ict letters Box H44.



For first-ol»« Sent on trial.


embracing, also, the adventures of the

prison life.

aC^Tal'^'^^want anl^ientin eVe.^ town, count, «d village in the


A Book for the Mill ion*


■J.U >1C RIKDOr to mi



tothe Mau- f those aliout rry, on the logical m;

jys- the

BURXKrrS COCOAISi: U tU BSS' ,„^ CHEAVESI Hair OretHnj tw Ihe world. It prnmo>eA Ihr ^"^^'J*,^/ THE HAIR, awi u fntirtln /r»4 froM ,Ji irrilalin'j nuUter. Tk* natM and tilU Ourmtf u adopted a Tr'^Mar'^Jo ternrx thtt publir aid pr»piri*l(wv ager ^f f„^pf^i„„ fry iA« iiUroJuctionoy fpurvMU ariiclt*. Tradt-Mark u ill b* />ruB»^(y prune ,, ^„^

All unrntOhori—d tuw ci/'thit


Manutaeturera and Proprietors, - No. 27 Central St., Boston, Mass. rOP.. SALE. BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.

teries and revelations of the sexual sysl em. with the latest discoveries in producing and preven angoflspnng, how to preserve the couiple.uon, Ac.

This is an int.;resfing work of 2;24 »«« » with numer- ous engravings, and contains valv»We i nfurmatu.n for those who are irarried or c^ntemnOiS* .'aiamage, still it is a book thatsaouldbe keptundw*. Jk and key, and not laid careleslyalwut the house. .

Sent to am or e (free of postage) for 1 ifty Centa.

Address Or. butts' Dispensary, N. . w. comer Uifth and Market Blns»t«, St Iajuis, Mo. :»^.\otice to the .\fllitiea and t nfortnnate.

Before applying to the notorious ^i* icfcJ who advertise in public papeis. or using any ^uooA K«» •««.'". P«™*« Dr. ButU' work, no matter what you r disai i«e is, or now deplorable y<iur condition. t „„

t>T Butts can be consulted, porsoi »Uy. by roau, on the diseases mentioned in his works . Omo* N. W. cor. Fifth and .Marlet streeU. (oppoal* a Court Mouse.) »t. Louis. Mo.

u^t4^, and tUyanthi bouud in eitra cleyi. « o are pre- paced to


Address VAN "UHKN^LLCK^W.^^.^

A Musical Box for Two Dollars.







all who engage with

the most tibial 'rrvi' to all who engage wiin us in the 1- JS this Book Teachers, hid-.es, energetic young

WiUon We employ no general '^R'',ff'^f„^'>l%


fo^r'w^Vs S'lnplo copy forwarded, post paid, on re- ceipt of »-i.OO. for fvJlI particulars, address R. H. FERtasON & CO.,

Publishers. St. Lonis, Mo. _

select airs. Kminently adapted for ^e drawing- , room table. No. 1. 8 tunes, *"2 ; No. ■>.. U tunes, «W , r«o^4. , «tme «r, Sent by mail on receipt of price Orders , (i^e amount of %U hent C. O. 6; one doUsr must , to tne »mou^ ^^^■v^ ^ .^^^^^ ^^ . balance i4 ) to lie

aid when goods are received. Send three-cent stamp ,


?,i*tew tuurt^Wd'^Uitogu'eT with list,of tunee.


BARKLF.Y A CO.. ."SB Liberty street. New \ ork.


BY SKNDl>i«i as CKNT!^. with age, height, colofof eyes and hair, yoti vrill receive by return mail a crrect picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. ^ ^^^ Addreea ^ ^ drawer No. 8. FnltonviUe.' New Yorit

It is note eleven years since Dr.\ Roback, the cel- ebrated Swedish physician, from StockJiolm, Swe- ^^i^^^K^mmm^J den, came to this country and introduced the Scan- dinavian Blood Purifier; since which time tho\isand8 have been cured, by iis use, of Scrofula and other blood diseases. It contains, besides the Iodide of Potassa and Syrxip of Stilllngia, drugs im2)ort' ed from Su^en for its express manufacture, nnhnown and not kept by apothe- caries in this country. A single trial will convince tlie most skeptical of its wonderful value.




Great nic n 1n«ure ia tho pf New New York.

Waaliiugtoii Life.

The ••xcellcnce oI the Wasbinpton Life las. Co., ol' New Yf«li, c^inuot be t'o wariulj ac- ^iiowkilLrtd. Ita Htory iet the ator; of a' uo' V!f .-ui'i 'SS— f>t" a wit*e and gcntruuH d«."»»' ^rulcuijy auil thoroughly ac-coiafi^li«- ' -^jj waM t»r;.'ttniat J r.u a priiK-ij.le <jl uoxf' ^- ^ c»jUar iibomliiv. It pr<){)os<;d to*-" »at»ilp<J- HU to the insured, p.iviuK t>ttl.v ' -^'^i® * I ^"^°', wu ltd cipilal; autj it btts ' 'egai '"'<;".*' p^rp(.^.■>. In a larcfT ...•.•ompliHh,-.! its

tuaii.i:tkit>aaau; '" atabli=.hed Ubelfupon ^ -, . - .lUniant.

m, of lIlinoiH.

grmcr, Illinois. August 22, 1*60. S Mt3SB.s. Pbinck, W.xlton .V Co. Oindnnati. ()l.io-(r>/./s.- I find your Itoback 8 after usiut; two boxos in my 'oo«i ei;:;." Stiiid mt<


family, to bo a

another dozi-n b\

PvMOVS io want erf Trtwaea. Supporters. Artificial

t to t^ustom House. Muwaoaee- ^

Vf. HrxBra^Vo do not wibh to iur.'rm ^.m r"aM^r t"V-t Dr. Wondf rful or any other Sha" isLt.vert-da remedy tUt ctuos a 1 diHca^e of mind, body or e^tat.? and is d- H .Tned to make our nublunary BPhere a b .-.- hd Daradi->, to which Heaven itself shall bo V t I 8ide .how, but ve <'o truth o mfot^n

'/r,„nsauilt of cnas of cahtrrh in Vsiroist t;^^ . .i.«./«5«'^«^nd -the prorrietor w.U pav i.vT ,. „„ ..iihi- loatlisomo disease that

a case oi t^n loathsome disease

It may be procured by mail addressing K. ▼• P" r^e,



It is purely vcjfetable, contains no alcohol, Hulpbur. lead or mineral ingredient; is clean, highly perfumof; and dilTereut from any other article. Kverybody wil. use it Priru.onlvfi'icts. 5ij0,ix» bottles sold aunually

DC RNHA9IS A VAN SCHAACK, CHICAUO, Wholesale Agents. Sold by all druggists


mVAII.V.Mi: L.V Kli:canpr<Kiuce.hynicansof the ITJi llorascopo, a true picture of your luture husband or wife, with name, occupation, pecuniary circiiiu- Htances. date of marriage, and felicity of married life. Kiirihormcro, she willgiveyou the P. O. address, S4iihat you can correspond ; also the age and lull description, and toll you how, when and where you will l>ecomo ac(4aainted, how often you will marry, your destined success in life, and everything relating Jo your fiiH.ro. Slate your age, color of eyes and h.n'. inclosing; .^': ceut.s and yon will recoive the picture, with a written destiny, by return mail. Address, in coohoeaoe, Al. Lt HV K, Drawer 5H93, Chicago, IlL

.^Irs. I Wldtruiiib's Myruii. Mm. I Whiteuiiib'N^ Syrup. Mrtt. Whiiroiub's Syrup. It is tho fireat Infant's am edy in all disorders brought

■>t Griping in/ Price

^ faciUt*le8 '-io 1 .'eething. ) Ceiitn.

I pulsions and/ Prle"

diseases inol- '*o » and Children.) Cent*.

, Dysenter^-.^ ^1*f*

Summer O oplaint in Chil- ,*•* drenotall», {es. lent*.

1 Children's Soothing Kem on by Teething or any otiier

Cures ("olio ai the Bowels, a the process of '

Subdues Coi overcomes all dent to Infan' , ^Jures Diarr " jea.

Building Paper



cause. Preparffd by the •« JraUuii Medicine lo., Soldlly dr ugi Lsta and 4e« 1 mn in msdioinea eveiywher*.

rw-TUcOiil> Relia »|« CuTP (or l>y»lMsP«'»

in the Known A orld.


and Pine Trki: Tar Cor jjuj. are a posii've and in/'""- ble cure for Dyspepsia 1 n its most aggravating lorm. and no matter uf bow lo ng Aamding.

They penetn.te the 9 ecrfn abode of this terribl* dis- ease and c.i:terair,ate i I, radt and branch, forever.

They alleviate more acnay and silent suffering than the tongue cat tell.

Thoy are ncied fcr r airing the most desperate and h<)p<-!o'3 casts, when •»«:> known means lail to allora robot.

No form o* Ly^pef «ia«r Indigestion can resist their penetrating p(«er.



It IS the viU r irinciple of the Pine Tree. obtAined by I the distiUaUon of the tar. by which



A very superior regulating Tonic, imparting vigor and

•Uength to thu constitution A thorough


a regulator of nervous force, and a powerful sustainer of hMlth against the encroachn.ents of disease^

•^ invafid and the convalescing seeking restoration, and yearning for the healing virtues ot some magic Balm «^11 nnd in these Bitters a hidden mysterious p<^werw^.'h miietly reMoreH,y^t refuses to reveal Y., the senses anrthing but taste and color.

It it a pSnt Bitu-r, free from all nauseous proper- ties or X?Tntirely vogetible, l>eiijg main y irrown at tlie bli^"> tl'" tnountaius trum which tlu^y derive their n^ue Tnd is pnrticularty adapted to all lorms of DYSPKPSIA OH iNUBtiESTlON,

of V^ 1,'li^'hmessof Breathing, Weight and Oppros^ 2on of the Chest. Uneasy Feeling about the Heart,

*'ACf'or"uver*Uiseaaes. Oi^rdcrsof the Ridneys^ RMtl^ssne-wand 1a**o« MusciUar Power, these Bitters wiUbXilnd almost a specitic, and us a prevenUve of

FEVER AND AGl'E, or a restorer of the natural power of the wstcm, when broVen down °y rontinued ague attacks it has no ecjual Befna stiraulaticg (but not intoxicating 1 they- refresh and^angorate bwthmind and b.xly, heigliU'n the sensr Wlit^? cfear and sharpen the faculties, and bestow alMrity and cheerfulness of spirit.

plantationTacue cure.

'/■his is an active Touiu. and such is its peculiar coni- ^ia^.n thu if Lis din-clly upon Uie fiver, whether its S^Mement i; oansed by the sudden paroxisms of ?hill?^Tr In the heal and pestilent atmosphere of miRS S?J.'riTsUio"" and seasons, or whether it bo the .low


tl^HOWS HOW TO DOUBLE THE PROFITS OF J^ THE FARM, and how farmers and their sous can each make

moo rsB. naoNTH

in Winter lO.oO-i copies wiU be mailed free to farmers. Send °»"^«,?g?LlK!^URDY * CO.. Chicago. llk_ !


In the BoundleH* Wetrt »"«*. ,\*'"«"f .r^"*^*

How why and when, to lind ibem. All about the w'on- derfil progress and great resources of the country- New, fresh interesting and poptdar One volume, tine UlLsirations. Price low. ^A™reo^ce to iruike money. Send for circular. PKOPLK'S PUBLISHINO l^U., MM St»te street, Chicago. HI.



TH t only perfect cure for PILES of aU kind^ Also Ijfi . 'v; ScBOKUlJi, Salt RHEU.M, and aU diseases of the Skin and Bloou. Internal and external use "' "^ - •• •■ -■ in the Hospit.ils of the Old

I authorize all deal No

kntirely vegetable. Us«l

and New World, in case of failure

era to refund the money and charge 't back to ">e. No failures for over ten years. Prepared by H. U. rOVV 1.*^. Cheimst, Boston, Mass. lisl a botUe, Sold everywhere. Send !iir Circulars free.

Dr. Polaci:.^ Blood Pills are unsurpassed by any Pill 'manu- factured for a similar purpose. One trial inva- riably establishes them as favorites with all who use them.

The reasons why Dr. Roback's Blood Pills should be kept in ev- ery family are: Because they can be employed in all cases where a ^^ family physic" is required, and are perfectly safe in their admin- istration at all times; , Because they are made both with and without sugar- coating, thus adapting them to the nse of every- body ; Beciiuse

ur Circulars free.

MA(;ir C'0.>i"B will

any colored


R. Lawrence & Co.'s



a peculiar prot o its highest medi rales the dlgiH It strengthens enriches the bl ruptiou which s«»fves the m* saijes of the I' j«gs irritauxl surf to eack dis

p°eriS?It"» iit is'otfered to'uTe amict«-d with V^*^"^ Suniuance .[i-.i power to cure the following diseases il tUe pation i b as not toe long deUyed a resort to the ia«ansofc gno:

cinal properties are roUined. It invigo-

rtjve organs and restores the appetite

the debilitated system It purines and

iiod and eipels from the system the cor-

.Scrofula breeds on the luii^s. It dis

leus or phlegm which stops the air pas

^^ IU healing principle acts upon the

of the Lungs and Throat, I>«'»',l'.'',^'n<

4 part, relieving pain and subduing

It is the result of years of study and ex-

Ifered to the attlict ' "'

a resort to

iiian life, or llie sequel of other diseases. ds Cur*" btuniilatea the sluggish action ot moves tiie l.ile and promotes a healthy

ruLnxoznc hbaszib'S'.

or "Poor BZan's Cough Balsam."

A safe and reliable antidote for diseases of the Throat ^ ^.'.1"„ the most otiectnal preparation in the world


for CoukI tion

S.'.(J(> lor

ho cauuot core.

JS:t!-l^l"5rY:--For-«a.o by tuu.t drngKists everywhere^


lulhc >.c,rld iH Hazard .V Ca-.well 8, made oc th..*c8-»b..re. fr-m tre-h. aelectcd hv. «, b rA^WVLIi. IIAZAllD .t CO., New \.>rk. F. ibecditely V'^ »nd «r«*<. PatknlH who have oik! taktn it prefer it to all o hers Pbvtidan* have decided it supeimr to any fir the other •IL. in market. 8t)li by all drug- gists.




and olhf r (.i;taue.ma af- »kin niadf soft aud

. RoroH Skis, Tim

FLE."?. ealt rhruxi.

fectjons cured, and the

Imooth hv nsing the Jump, r Tar hozv

Sde l-^-"-"' Hazard ,V bo., N>-w Wk^

It id moitf ,w.nrenieiit aud easily anphed than

other rem. Ji .*. avoidii.K the trouble of the

greasy cfinjpjuud- now in a»«. sold by aii


}*EE Advkrttwxent of Dr. Butts' Di*poij- narv, h.a.led Ilsok fi-r the imili..n-MAK- RI.\GE GUIDK— in another column. It

,h 'iiM be read l>y all.

wasBW ^^^^^"



Or in place of


Itscoet is so trifling thai an ocdinary hooae can be covered aa all sides for leae than


Send for clrcnlars and s<»mp)es W)



Con Kb. Sore

CouHiinr iition of the I..unBa«

Thn ^t and Brca»t, BroncUItU, Liver < ;ota plaint. Blind and Blecdina Pilea, Aathma, Wboopin* CoHsIi, DIptherIa, &o.

Micsl expert, holding honorable collegiate diplo

iOTotM bis enUre t"a« te the examination of

"tl, at the office pari.ra. Associated with him, are

coiisvlUng physicians.of acknowledged eminence.

, Wlces 're given to the public fii>;k uF cHAKiif .

is opp .rtnnity is oflerod by no other insUtuUon in

soantrr .

tters from any part of the country, asking advice.

be^piouiptly and gratuitously "••Pgn'lfl »«• .^i^X

renient. remittances should Uke the shape of drafts

loat ortii e orders.

rice of 'A'ishart-s American DyspepMa PiUs «1 a boi. it by msilon receipt of price. 1 "rice of Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, «1.6U per Ix) ttle, or 4 11 per dozen. Sent by express. AU communication^^ould^^addrespeii^ ^

lio. 331 N. Second street, Philadelphia.

A m mas. < pa tier three whos

Th Ihe

L wU .

«W 1

or ,

and Lungs ; >,"?,'"",'■,,"""';. '( 'foup, Ast hma < 'onsuiiif) oTtlTeTLngS sSgof BlooS: Whooping Cougk Bronchitis, T?LtuniJ;s, Soreness, and all affections of th^TlmLtaDif Lungs, 26 cenU u bottle.


The Rocky Momntain Bitterft Company,

'ifTi Fulton Street, N. V.

J»-Sold by all DruggisU and Grocers throughout the country.


WIU. RKCKIVK, on application, descriptive cuts and prices of com- plete (irirvliny and AjU;

<ng yt'iiir Mil'', .Vill Sl'men \ ,,,.d r.rn Millf, Hinut and \ .S^j-^irtUin'i Maekinm.

1 ^nSJlD'^K, MARMON »t:U, C . Rich- <rrD. I Dealers in heavy grades of Genuine DctcaA^c BoltikoCloth 4a

We offer a


The question



Radical Kepnblican Organ, and the

Leading Newspaper of the West.

The Cheapest and Btst Family

Newspaper in the Land.

Kaira of Sabwription fw' •'»«' ^''•' l^'O-

I>allv,.'necopy, Tri-\\eekly."n <\>ekl> E«rilloi

ne copy, on.' year

no copy

on. single copy, one ye»r- Koiir t ..|>ie« >\ rtklv.oiie year, one add t"" t ..pie. \N eeklv. ..n«->«»''**°°«»^'?'?:* Tm eul* Fll

, ( opies. U ,ekly.one»ear.one addrMs ««.mi

On all clubs to the WeAhr. in »<y«ii«f /'^ » '^»;^',; iToi T^ei.iy per rent., we offer for . he,.J- -

U Attem aakad. "H'li/ m i>, that the

other r' In reply we will say, lisL They have our

Patent Flange Cog- Wheels


"d The cogs oHonte.id'^a roll art -I rWortrWv Bk- TWTKSthlJy^ fh4 ott,*r mul^ th, 8.i^lrt r.H, virtually fonaing a


and thereby neaiiy Joubliug the purchase.

%i Each Gear has eight cogs, nuxking "'.r"'-'.^.'' ''"»''• wh^ch isa third more than is nsed kyany other « rin«er. Therefore thev have one-third «-. P""^^'!.;"''^*'^ lit rrirtio; than any other*, which makes '^J.''™ "»f sti^ng^. most durable, and easiest working \> nngers in nse.

Th. onlv advantage gained in the use of r.Kxr.,.i,»A:* gMTS .W^ .^/ .S^ gears, is that they admit oSU^r fc^wh!cli allow a greater separation ef the roll, with out disconnecting the cog wheel*

But all Wringers with d.^'* 9*»*ri on -^-'v f'T^ have their rtJl. pinned down > at »»••»<«*• •" "°°f^ idmit of their separating more than j«.-«y»<* of an .*nJh «*.>* f'firt^ d^Hruun all ihf ,i.ir,xni^< 'Kf tkf T^:i.^^r>, besides causing ,the W nnger to wc-k v«t hard and wring very unevenly , also causing an undue ^tr^nSt" hf rolU at the eni where they are pinned Tt

Agents Wanted


tical work

all business saea

Agents hava realized o»*r ! day. KookseO* energetic pvrs receive sample ticnlars free bj ing WESTERN


prsc- d by

s'A-eady 1 * « per- I s and ns will tod par addres.-*-


97ChurkSt..C hicaao.m.




Tni. pEoriJi's Favobite Joubnal.

The Moat IntoreatiiiB Storiea

Are alwaji to be found in the

Yle^j Tork^ "WTeekly-

At present there are


running through its columns; and at least

Oxke S tory is Bepxin Every Bffonth.

Neweafcscnbers are thus sure of having the oomroence- meal of a aew continued story, no matter when they ■nbscrl** for the

New York^ Weekly.

amber of the NEW YORK WEEKLY con Beautiful lUustraUens, Donble the

Till' M\(;l<" CO.IlB will change . hair or beard to a permanent Black or B^wn- One <>onib sent by mail for *1 Kor sale by Merchant*

and Dru^Kists^ejHj^^ A^d^e^springfield. Mass.


Possesses peculiar qualilios as an eiiuali/er of the circu- lation and as a support a sort of extra skin in all mus- j cular and nervous pains, whether of the side, head kidneys, or back ; and in sciatica they should bo applied at once They aro now wideb' used iu hospitals, both , in America and Kutope, and approved by all pnjsicians. They give immediate relief in Lumbago, as weU as la pains of the side aad back, whether they proceed from , weakness, fatigue, or other causes.

j Seaside House, Rockaway Beach, Sept. 1, 1869. j

' Meears. Allcock 4 Co.. Sing Sing ;

OE.VTLEMEN-Your PUstera have wonderful qualities, and every Uaveler should have them by him. My guesU give great aoooonU of their efficacy. Some cured coughs ; some of rheumaUc pains ; some of severe pains In the breast, side and back. In sciatia and kidney affections their apphcation is equally snccessfnl. I my- self was attacked with a severe pain in my left kidney. I was in agony for twenty four hours. At length I apphod one of your Plasters. The pain soon began to 1 abate, and in the course of a few hours was enUrely removed. I send you this that you may pubhsh it if you think well. 1 am yours, A. I). FAILING.

Proprietor ol the Seaside Uoase.

New Vobk. Angnat 1», 1868. Thomas Alix^ock k. Co.. Sing Sing:

For years I have suffered from inilammation of the kidae»«, my physician* gave me but litUe reUef, and I moved about Uke an old roan, bent down by years of suffering. At length your Porous PUsters were recom- mended to me. I applied one to each kidney, and the relief was immediaU ; 1 wore them for thirty days, when my back and kidneys were perfectly well and I was ooco more able to walk erect I think the half of the virtues any one of mi e«i)orienoe. 1 am yoora. respectfuUy,

THOMAS M. JACK.SON. 236 East Thlrtyeeooud street.



they can be pur- chased at any drug store al the extremely low price of twenty- jive cents per box. For Sale by I>ruggi8t8

and IJealers in Patent

Medicines every-where.

Ayer*s Cathartic Pills,

For all the purposes of a Laiativd liedhJine.

Perhaps noone nie<li- cine so uin vursallf requirtMl by cvery- bod\ IIS .'i i-atliajtic, nor was i-Tcr any be- fore fiO uuiTt-rsally adopted into use, iu every country and ainoug all tl.'ibse.--, aa thw mild but ellicipnl purciitive fill. The obvious rcftson is, tlial it ii' a more relia- ble und fkr more ef- fectual remedy Uwiu any other. Those who have tried it, knowthat it cured them: those >* /;^ »'"*« noLknow that it cm f -^ theirneighliors iind mends , and all know that m .lat it <«"«- «»•>* ''I'^'i^- ways -that it never f..:is through n'"rf='«»V<", 't«; Klfct of its composition. Wc have lli >u-Hid- upon 11 .»;°in.ls of ceitiilcaU", of tlieir re.i.uyl...l.l«- cure* of I he foUowini; complaint,, but bud. cureH aie

ef your Phu«.rs yet remain to Ik, told, but -^oj^d O^ the 1 o^io. n^^ ,;^yi;;;;.hood7r;i.d ^ "*^- "»» e wish to hear thereof, I shall be pleased to teU ';' ^J);',, j^,,,,, ^,japte(1 to all np- and .ondlUons

^' ■"■ In all cliniato.- ; .•.>ntai..in(? "'^'1''^!;^;''"''!^ A"?:,?"^

deleterious drug, they may be Lakes «»i'' '■'''^ > by anvbo<ly. THeir siiKa.-coaMnK P"';;' ' "^ " ever fte.'-h,.and make- Uiein plea^-aiit to l:;-e, while being purely vegetable, uo harm c*u aix-iC Jf/m




tains se "eral , » i

amount of Reading Matter of any paper of lU class, and the Sketches. Short Stories, Poems, 4^. are the ables: writers of America and F.mrope.



The cel.'brated imiUtioD



The original and oxi-T OEJOT Hunting Watches. $15, equal for H to Gold onee costing «1S0. '^""- iao. equal to a $;2(W Gold

cx Oroide.


lOTreixT of every kind, as goed »• » n prie*. When 811 Watche»aa»<»< e

■evMith one will be seryt free, for at eipreM office "H^^g ^^

D le and appearance

o' ' extra tine finish

Chains, «2 to *>).

,'o Id, at one tenth the

- .-ed at one time, the

<>3 >> ids sent to l>epaid

LINS & to... WMS, .N«"W Turk.





of Jan

(■'«' < receivedon or before the loth day


'< re .ir>, 1«: '. the following


for the I !»« largeet Club


75 50 40

:<o •i5 15


•• ;ja




Jth " $tk " tak •• lOlh •• lUh •• l-.il U

" i:iti>

There .-r thirteen premiums, and they will be mailed U> the 'hi'-^n parties entitled to the* or dehvered to XJ^UO' : :■" twenty-fonrth day of January. »* ■.''•

the succeaafiU parties will l>e civen IB r the 3SUi of January. \<M. togettaw winning ilubii. Per>>n* making «ith the al,ove term* will secure .,:. ,. .M.«K>n any how. and. if their club ' thirteen larg.'St. will draw one or other ef . ominnis. S|>ecimen copies sent free. Send .Money bv draft, eapii— , Bioney orders, or in

hat not this objectioB and is the only wringer that has

Co^ IXTbccls on Both Bads,

which obviateathe nee««lty •» pimiing '1'^'" »',°"« I .„.l allows the Roils to eeBKate treeli; at either


DarU '" S unlight * and C'aslight

end. and end : tftmi th

Ik* d^mhlt ilrar.


onrw. with ut> d' tt. '


for ><u

regi!«t»ced ItUers. m.



uoy De M KIBO



TI».\>Y, . (o, Illinois.


ecmn>.f alt ik* odtmHlag* <jJ

Notwithatanding the roUacan separate freely at either erjTther^h^U CANNOT be tCown out of gesron V^fh end* of the Wringer at the same time unl^ the pressiirc IS taken entirely off.

Thi» Wnnaer ha* but one pre«are W'rww. ThM sliaii iTiSIt aSTinalpres.ur.the -hole length of theTu>:ia

The NOTEl.TY is fa-Hened to a tub or box by a nl^fOrr.f '•',„;;-. which has an equal boinng on a

a^ merely fs-t^^ed to a sUvy at eyb end. .in* are thus hTh^t^^nch the stave, from their proper pe»tion, and ruin the tub.

Tht Co* wheels. Thnmb screw*. Ac. are nicely gal- Taalsad.

Bny the NOTFl.TY, or at least take it on trUl with oifjlr o" others, and keep the Brat.

ZT" Sold everywhere N B. PHELPS & CO.. Gen. Ag't«,

A WORK descripUve of


t RIME.-* of tho CI'

It telU how Paris ha> beo» Beautiful t.'ity in the worfB : dor are porchaaed at a frart' ing ; how visiton are Swinr turers: how Virtue and Beautiful City . h'W the a mitted and c<^ncealed ; hov . Im. Iaxni7 : and eontaiiv - noted Plaeoa, Life and book, lent free Addrej NATION

tte MYSTEltlESt, ir%M3>mOK'i and

/m» -the tias'st and tno«t hoir Jt« Beairt*- »nd Jsplen ol com of Miaery and Suffer (led b> Profewaotial .\dveii 'lee ga arm-in-anm in ttie ImI I ear^al Crime, are etMm- ^(iB-r IS squandered in oaa- O.CT ISiL' tuie Engravinga of acaee in Pane. Canvsaaag

Al. PlBI-ISmNO CO ^leaxo, 111.^ St^l^»»-_MoL_

New York "Weekly

does not oenfine iU nsefulne«i to '^'^•«^«°'?i^">P"J^ lishesaireatquanUtyof reallyInstmc«»Te Matter, m

the most condensed form. The

jg Y". Weekly Departments

have atUJned a high repaUUon for their brevity, eicel- lence, and correctneM. , THE F JW.BANT Paragraphs are made up of the con- ' eentrat*! wit and hnaior of many minda.

Tht- K so^lbixsk &*>» m confined te useful informa- tion oa sU «•«■•'■''* "*'**•*• „« THK ? F,W8 Items give in the f»we.t word, the mort

notable loings aU over the world. I THE GiifisiP WTTH COKMSPONDENTH conUins answer* ' to inqnii^ upon all imaginable subject*.



Tbe Termn S>nb»cribera x

On.Vc.r-aln«lecow "^ S!!ll^

.. Foot copie. (12.50 each) TeoDoUaia Twenty DoUara.

Gtoods Shipped PBOMPTLY, and at LOWEST MARKET RATES, whether ordered PERSONALLY or BY MAIL. We keep in stock SUPERIOR BRANDS of goods only, and guarantee satisfaction to our customers as to QUAilTY. PRICE LIST containing valuable tables, and also weekly quotations, mailed to THE TRADE when^equestsd^

tTT- Tlie Only Reliable Cure for DyHqepaia in the Known World.

and PiVe TUKF. Tak CobI.iai. are a P<»t.ve and Irlfall^ ble cure for Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form, and no matter of how Jong standing.

They penetrate the secret abode of this temble di» Mse and exterminate it, root and branch, forever.

They alleviate more agony and sUent suffering than the tongue can tell. ^

Iher are noted for curing the moat desperate and hop^leM cases, when every known moans failed to afford

"no form of Dyipeila or Indigartion can raaiat their penetrating power.




in the

Sold by all Dmggista.


ARRCilLAR fiUADITATE OF MKDICI.NK. as dipLmui at o*ce will show, has been longer engaged in the treatment of \ enereal. Seiual and Private Diseaaes than any other physician in ht.

''siThihs. t^onorrhea, tHoet. .Stricture, Orchitis Hefnin, and Itupture, all i;nnary 1>'«'«W'» "".'' "vphiliti. or .Mercurial Atnictions of the 1 hr.iat.

iskVii !ir K<.nes'are treated with unparalelled succesa Speru^iS^.iia. Se.ual Deb.litv and Impotencj-, a, tVe result of self abuse in youtt, seiual excels ininaturer years, or other causes, and which l)"-'"'-« some ot the following effecu, a-s n;K;turnal «

rtnluce emnuh

»ion«, blotches, debility. diz/.inf««^dimno«« "'"'gbt.! confiision of ide.is. evil foreUMlmgs, avenoon to I Society of females, loss of raeraoo and sexual power, I and reAdering marriage improper, are permanently I

''"TheDoctor's opportunities in hospital and private I nractice are unsurpjt'uted in St. Ix^uia or any otberl citv Baekhlesof .^t. |y>uisp.ap«rsproveUiatheba»il been located there longer by years than any othersi advertising The esUblishment, library^ biboratoryl and apiK.intmenMare umnvalled in the V, est. unhur-r nassed an>-where. Ago. with oipenenoe. can be | relied uiK>n, and the doctor can refer to many physr clans throughout the country. In past »ucce«* and | present i>osiUon he stands without a competitor.

The >\riliiiKa of a Phyalclan wbofie repu-

tatienia rnlou-widc ahonid be

worth readluK.

Doctor Whttttfu publishes a ^'^'^'^i iV'l PA.MPHLKT relating to venereal diseases and Ihel disastrous and varied consequences of self abuse, 1 that will be sent to any address in a sealed env-lopel for two stamps. .Many phyKKiannmlrfKl.ice patienul to the doctor after reading his me<licjil pamphlet I Communication conlidential A Inendlj talk iinUI oort yi'U nothing. <>Hice_ central, yet_retired->o. I 617 St. t.harie. rtrae^ f

being p their um

They intern it into of the , . .

Uie bodv, restoring tlicir II. -„ „„u ,ua.

and by'correcling,»t.ort;vcr Uicy '-x^.t-rar* <»«- rangeiVicnti" arc the (Ir.t oriK-n ol •H^eA'^

^lintite directions are given ntlia »r«r,nwcm the bo.\, iv.r Ow lolluwiiig coiui-lauit*. which these

For Dyai^prfia or Imllg-M**®". I.latieaa. nra., X^uor .ind l.oaa of Api**-! ife, ticy Bhould liMaken mo.l.-rat.-ly to -niiiitlMi* t»H» i,toio-

acli au'l restore its Uealihv tone an'l ;i( iioii.

For JLiv€T Con«|»li«'"« and it- vunoiie >ynii>- toiii >. Uiliooa lI..*aiM^li*, fclcU Uetul.

loua Collt and Bllluu. F««»«t., Uu-y ..Jiould iKi iudicioubly taken for fiich cai.e. to forrect the dtS action or remove the obstmcUon^ trh-h

For i>ya«ii»*ry or DIarrltflMM liut out

mild do-.- is generally n-murc-.l. For I»b*«iMatlan», Clout, Orawl, I"i«l-

Sitiatlon of th*- »te<»rt, I»uin in «!•«■- ide Buck and Loin., thev stiould be rontiii- non'l'v tnken, as rpfpHred. to change th*" t<t«iensed action' of Uif hy-t^in. W ilb buch chanpt Ui'»»e complainth di^apiiear. ^,,,«_

For Bropwy and Dropaical •w«Illmr» they hhould be Uken in l:ir>;« .md f:e(ui«nt ao-» ■■< Vo produce the <fre<t of a drii-ti'- jii^iT'--

For l»npiir»>»alo» u laiKe dose ►houW !»• taken aij it i^rodu' es the detlred eUdl by sym- pathy.

As a Dinttrr I'ill, lake oiip promote digestion and rtlif

An oc/^asTonnl <lo-'' i-tinml

nr two

IHttt I? V

h. i<-li and

to 7

yi.u notning. wmco tcu"»y . St Charie. rtraet, !«. Lonu. Mo. Hours a. r. M. SondaTB 12 to 2 P. u.

,b<;wel« into healfhy notion, .-^;, ,J- ^j;i;'::5:

It is the viUl principle of the J«« Tr?«-,''''*Si°^iS a peculiar proc(«s in the distiUahon of the tar. by wliicn

of iU tba.




Fvery Family in the o inj --*-•— , ,

It knit, everything tr> ^ a mstaen to a IJJan^ ".

A child. Ii years old. j^ Vearw to work it lu an hoor-

It 13 operated the .ar ^m*. .«<ring macbi.e, Py na

"i^S% .n«ed tm,mAm^ perfects ,n . r>esuty


Fight copies

Thoe.. sending *ai for a ctab of Eight, aU sent at one time, vnll be entitled to a eop, FR« <;««*"^P ^^ club, em afterward. ~ld vngla copie. at tiSu each. STREET i. SMITH, Proprietors.

Na as Fulton SUeet Newji'oft


WeEj- Every Man His Own Lawyer and Bosineas Form Book.

1... .nH reliable guide in all mstt«rs ol law A ewnplete and reiaoie gu. ^ tnioo.

andbuPioe«traD»act.on.forJve'T^ meclu.nlc. the


its highest ine<lic.nal pn-pertiei- are r^'";-^ fj '"J ^ rates the digestive organs and restores the appetite, it "r^glhenXthe debifitated s)i<tem. U P^T'^'^i'J'.^i!?' nHiefthe blood, and etpeU from the W»tem tte «c^ rnotion which Scr-ofuU breeds on the li\ngs. « d'*^'"" U^rmucuror phlegm which f<^"'« '"■■ PX'i'rritited lungs Its healing principle '^,^Z^^^^ct ■nrfsM of the I-ung» and Throat, penotratmg to eacn SJet^ nan rrViov^B pain and gabdoing inflammation^ uT?h?S of year"^f study and expenment^and^ it is offered to the alBiet«d with P0«^^ •g^ power to ctire the Mlowing diseMea, if tbe not too long deUyed a resort to the mean.


CManmption of Ihe Lanin., roasb, f*or*

Tte-oat and Breaaf, Bronchitia, Liver

Complaint, Bliad and Bleeding

Pile*. Afthnia, .Whooping

Cmurbt DiptberUu Stc.

A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate diplo- BM. derotes fc. entire tin e to t^w «"«'"''''£." .fl Stents at ihe o^c parlo.-" Associated with him are ?hrM cf" ' 1 ii;g phyncian. of acknowledged eminence wh^^^c« f rS^ven to the public fbee nv , haBGE.

This opportunity U offered by no other uwutution la

* I*tte«?rom snyDnrtof the ,c<«^yv{fj«« ~J.^«^ roJ.V^fni'^r^m^U^d'SrSS'i^S^pVofKS or Poet Oftce firders. ^ . -, ,^

Pric* -jf Wishart's Amencan Dm>cp«ia Pdla, «I a box. Sent by mail on receipt of price.

Price of Wishari's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. fLiO a Ijottle. or*ll perdoien. Sent by ^rpreM^

All rnmimffi'''"'""'' should adoreneed

auconuD L Jj. C. WISH AKT, M. D_

Xo. 333 North Seoond St,





the digeauve apparutua.

Jtr. J. C. A \KR dk CO.. Praftirat Ch* LOWJELL. MA88,, V. 8. A.







W% <k> Bot wish to iaform jon. reader, that Dr Wrm

derful. or any other man. has discovered a remedy that

cores Consumption when the lungs are half consumed.

n diort. will cure all di>iease<i whether of mind. l)ody or

or estate, make men b»e forever, and leave death tf. pUy

or tfant of v»wk. and ia dewgned tonuikeonr i.nbbinar7

pfaere a blivful paradise, to which He:ivf y. it*elf Kliall

I be btit a fide fLow Vou hsve heard enough f>f that

kind of humbocaty, and we do not wonder that you have

I by this time become disgu^ed with it. But when I teL

yon thatDr. Sagas flatarrh Remedy viV p^iiUflfi t-wr

' lAc vrr< 'nnu <r1 <'i>arr} . I only aMCrt that which thoo. [

aads oan te«ii^ to. Try it and yoo will be conrinced

* I will pay 9C0U BxWABb for a caM of Catarrh that I

cannot cnre.

For Hale by moat T>r««i(iaU Every wUerr.

I PBKK OTI.T 50 fjEVra. f^m hu Mail, pfft T-nid for ' Itatv f*!".: Four Pieka*^ for *2.'«) . or one dozen for %Si.OU Send a two cent stamp for r>r Sage's pamphlet on Cat«Th. Address tho ^^"J-j^^^ ' BCTTAiyi. N. T.

cn\<<. A. I)^^'.^. Ftit.i

Th« rheapest. smartest, and be»t New York »»»i Ererybody like* if. 'Hirre fdifinn': Da.li. _ WaiaLT.Wi and WtEaj.T.«l ayear.. Ai*«»Ma»« at half-price. Foil ti-f^T^^ of aurMa, arfKuHur*, FanneTi and Fniit Grt.w<T*' r\u\,: and . coaulale »»ory In cTerif Weekly n-l Semi- Weekly anmber. k prt^nt <i valuatle plutiiar.'l vinMti every nifaMriberi li»duc«n^l«_ ^> can

>wsi>a|>*> l| Mat



srftta, coauaaie

ar. ApTM

ui..urpo»»d. •!/« U* lawwMaas, OiSTid Piano..

Mowing MwCne., Parler Ont*-, »r?«|t »'»2'«»2:„V : th* pr»mium». Spedmtni stid lists free. »«oa a

"I vf. ESi'CLAJfD. PubhAar San, N«a» T«ft-

among the prrmti Dollar aTil try '

$10. WATCHES. $10.

The GarAT TP-aue iMPB'-.ry.yi ;;t ^.^i^x^^^v>• (Incorporated by the titate. seU Fine <;oM »nO V.hO


JMlver 'Watches 'at tlO e.th 1" i"«i Fngranng*. fulb is deKnbing and iUostrating all our Watch«». are placed in seal'-<l en vel/.|«% which are l^nmirtaly miied. ani. when f.rdered. 8r<- mailed, post p^i.-!. nt Uie folUiwina price* Single riiirraving, :<i cent^. Twelvf. and ni o iam, $S; Twenty hve, and eU*ant Silver Huotina



^^ matic sufferers fr'.m early inSscretions should nit fail to con'ult. confidentially, l>r Mc- Nam&rv at 'M and « .Vfawm Kt, Milwaukee He ha* leraedia. (with the aid ef el.-ctrictty* that «iU stop IJKM nighfly

Patch as premium, tl" F'-ery engraving entitles tho


Singii prerniun. $a;

Watch as prei .

holder thereof to a Watch worth from ♦2o lo tt'hu im» spective ',t value, for tic Nothing can t>e lust by this investment, as no article in our stock is worth lew 'fm' the money asked, while liie buyer may obtain a W .i 'i worth !>7.'«> CIreuUi* fr«e ! .lost tn u* hef(jr<' l,»' ' condemning Address MICHKI.IN A ("ii. Broadv

agen, I

u> iway.

comer Fulton street, New York



» »

E. A. HoTCHKiss. Editor and Proprietor.

Liberty, Literature and Land.

Terms : $2:00 a Year in Advance.


VOL. VII. NO. 9.


WHOLE NO. 321.




yfh»i in»y w

, 'u' vist forerer?

lint '

r Ions ecde*vor, . d ctown wore.

N ,

: . W.

IHiAt na *'" ^''»r bof ond tb* unknown portai*

Oi alloir - life imuiortfcl

No iiiii'f i v.caith remiiiia. Nor cilda. ui>r stains.

NaJtrd f roiu 'ut tUut hr abyss bohiaJ U8

We eatereJ htrt ; No word o»me with uur conung, to remi^id ua

^viiat woudrcua w.irM \»»ii n* ar,

Ko bope, no tsar.

Into theailent. atarJeea night beiorf na.

Natert wt? tli'le. No banJ ha« oiappfU tii- coustellatlons yar u», Kp rcmiado at nnr side, Xo hart, toguiae

Yet fearlf toward that midni({ht.bla*.k and hollow

r -re;

Tbsbeot: .Mf'a band wd folio*—

H.» .v.. - ..- there,

So cnrie, iio care.

-/Vu'rt 'hf Lib<ra! Chrittian.

©ftteroi ^ntflUgcticf .

part of the spectmm opposite 'sLicb one ot tLe prominence-iniagea exibts, he can then gee that image quite diatinctly, for the neighboring part of the solar spectrum is so redaccd in splendor that it no longer obliterates the prominence-figure. In this way, then, the obserrer selects one or oth- er ot the pictnrts of a prominence, either the red or the green picture, to examine. And strangely enough, it is by no means certain that the two pictures are alike.— Rather it is highly probable that they are different, though we have not space here either to indicate reasons for believinc this, or to explain the significance of tlie cir- cumstance should it eventually be estab- lished.

It seems to us that when we consider the real dimensions of the solar globe, we ap- preciate more fully the wonderful nature of those processes of action indicated by re- cent reaearches, than when we regard these without direct reference to the sun's mag- nitude. How many of as really appreciate the enormous volume of the un? We read certain figures in books of astronomy, but do we grasp their full significance ? There is, however, a Himple way of viewing the matter which at once opens our eyes to the vastness of the solar globe.


Bridal toMumes a Century Ago.

To begin with the lady: -Her locks were strained upward over f.u iiamense oushiou,

I and sat like an incubu^ ou her head, and

The .Marvel* of ilie Sun-Tbe Zoellner plastered over with pomatum, and then Plcturert-'ine Sun •'Fl«m«i»"-.Sol»r ^pnnkled over with a .shower of white Htoruis. ; po^(j^f The height of this tower was

;?roni lUe London Spectat-jr. Not. 13.] i jj^^m^^-bat over a foot. One single white

Aatroaomers have been revealing so many rosebud lay on its top, like an eagle on a wondtra in the vast globe which rules the ^ ij^ygtack. Over her neck and bosom was planetary sclicme, that we cannot yet hope i folded a lace handkerchief, fastened in to see the startling n.^ults ot their research- in fjont i,j a bo.som pin, rather larger €9 co-ordinated into a consistent whole , jj^j^q g^ copper cent, containing her grand- On every huui new marvels are being i father's miniature set in virgin gold. Her brougLt to hght. At one time Mr. Lock- ^j^y form ^^s braced up in a satin dress, Ter faurprise.s H3 by exhibilin;^ th9 amazing ^jj^ sleeves as tight as the natural Velocities with which the solar atorm^jrage g^in of the arm, with a waist formed by across the bliizingsarface of our luminary. ^y,gjjce, worn outside, whence the skirt Jit another, the energetic astronomer who i flowed off and was distended at the top ot prfeHiJts over the Roman observatory tells i ^^^ ample hood. .Shoes of white kid, with luof water within the fi-^rce tumult of the pgajjej toes, and heels of two or three aolar npotd. The Kew observers track the ; inches elevation, enclosed her feet, and strange iuflaeacee r.f the planeta on the gijtttred with spangles, as her little pedal •olar atmosphere, watching not only the members peeped curiously out. Now for great tide of ?<pots whii-b sweeps in the ^^jg swain. His hair was sleeked back and ten-year period over the solar storm-zones. pigntituUv beflowered, while his queue pro- and tneu leavt ;s our sun-dear from speck j^oted like the handle of a skillet His or stain, but i»l.so the ripples of spot forma- \ ^oat was a sky-llue silk, lined with yellow; tion which come in shcrier periods, and ' (jjg fo^g y^g^ ot white .satin embroidered eeem inextricably bl>ni(if-d to ordinary ob- ; ^jth gold lace; his breeches of the f^ame Bervera with the great periodic disturb- < mateiial. and tied at the knee with pink ances. Lastly, Lockyer, Hufj^ins, ZoUner, nbbon White silk stockings and pumps and Secchi dibctibo the masfic changes of ^jjij laces. and ties of the same hue, com- form which pass over tongues ot flame, pro- ! pieted the habiliments of his nether limbs. jectinR thousands of miles from the solar ' Lace ruffles clustered around his wrist, and sarface. We have b«'Ora us as we write a ^ porteutou.s frill, worked iu correspondence

and bearing the miniature of his beloved.

from the solar have bft'ora us as we write a serips of ooi-red prominence pictures ta- ken by Dr ZoUntr, the eminent photome- trician. It is impossible to contemplate these -^trango flgu, .s without a sense of the magnificence ofthd probkui whi_'h the sun present-* to astrouomfrs. H';re are vast en- tities—flat'ie?, if wfl will, but flamfrf nniike allth'>!;ew; . <t« are fauiilinr. And

these vast . .'t fire misume forms

which spe.-ik to ua at once of the action of forcfsof the utruost violence andint«<n.sity. The very aapeot of these objects at once teaches thi.s, V>ut it is the rap.d changes of place and of figure to which the spots are Bul.jtnted lOHt are most significant on tbis v:iHt lOne-Bhapt'il tlame.

finished his genteel appearance.

A Battle with Stage Robbers. (Jn Sunday a week ago, the Yuma, Cali- fornia, stai,'e coach, when between Yuma and San Diego, was attacked by stage rob- bers. The coach was in a narrow road, the brn.sh on either sido being quite thick. The robbers ;ii>peared in the road, and called on the driver to halt and give up the treasure on board, one stepping into the road in front of them, and the other three surrounding the coach. The stage not halting promptly, the man in the road fired and killed the ofT wheeler. There i werebix passengers on board, and when

point. Here is a

with A mtishroora-Rbaped head olenormous

proportions, tae whole oi.ject Htjmdmg lb,- ^^^^ hoiso"was shot, a man by the name of

tm or 17,iH)0 mile.s frum the son s Hurface ^ ^y Richard, of the firm of Richard i Co..

In the coae .1 riro we see the uprush ot late- , ^^ ^.^^^^ Villages, fired a dhot-gnn load

fy iuipnsonr.i fr-.iMS in the outspreading , ^j. i,nck-Bhot into the stomach of

bead the Ntul.lea diiiiinntion ot pressure as, jjjg robber in front ot the team,

these gases re.irh the rarer upper at mos- j ^j^^ ^^j^^^ ^^^ hands, ex-

phere. B'it turn froui this obj^-ct to a series ] claiming, "My God, I am shot!" whereup-

of six pictures placed beside it, add we see the solar forces in action. First, there is a vant flume, some 18,CXK) miles high, bowed toward.s th« ri${ht, as thongh some fierce wind were blowing upon it It extends in this «lirection some tour or five thousand mile5i. The ni xt picture represents the same object ten niuutes later. The tlgnre i j of the prominence hius wholly changed. It Id now a g obf-shaped mas.s, standing on a narrow stalk of light above a row of flame- nillocks. It irf bowr I towards the left, bo that in thosK »hort li mutes the whole mass of the nam<=>< has Bw^;>t tUonsanda of miles away from ics former position. Only two minults later, and a^aiu acoiupletechange of appearance. The Htalk and flame-hillocks havd vanished, and the globe-shaped ma^;B has become elongated. Three minutes la- ter, the shape of the prominence has ulter- ed BO completely that one can hardly re- coguiz- it for the same. The stalk is again

on the fight commenced. The passengwrs were poorly armed ; theie were only three revolvers and a shot-gun aboard, but the owners used them in a lively manner - driving the robbers off, and grafting away with the treasure. One man on board the coach named Davis got a scratch on the eg. The coach received several shots. Alter the highwaymen were driven off, their coats and spurs were found hanging on the bushes. A horse was found next day tied to a tree, supposed to have b^en left by the party for the useof tko man who was shot, and who is believed to be hid away in the vicinity of the attack. A tuos- sage was sent back to Yuma for a party to go in search, and the Indians were put on the trait Their capture is nearly a cer- tainty.


risible but the upper ma.sa is bowed down on th> riMht so that the whole ti^nre re- semble** a R'.gantie A. without the cross bar, and with tte down-stroke abnormally thick. This great A is some 20.000 miles in height, p.ad the whole mass of our earth might bts bowled between its legs without touching them! Four minutes pass, and again t 'id tlgr.re hiiS changed. Tht> flame- hillocks re>«pppnr, the down-stroke of the A begins to raise itself from the sun's sur f*«e. Lvstly after yet another interval of | jjj'jg fom minutes, fUe figure of the prominence ' jrew

baa l^Bt all retiemblauce to an .\, aud may now be likened to n cainel's head looking towards the right Tiie whole series ot changes hd" o:"npiid but 23 njinutes, yet

Anecdote of D.4S'dt. There still lives I [sic, and died,] among the Winnebagoes I an old Indian, mimed "Dandy," who was ' a member ot the first delegation trom that ' tribe that ever visited Washington city. j While en route to the National Capital the I party was detained at Galena, some time in waiting for a steamer to descend the Miss- issippi, and they were strolling about the town one day th*y came near a Methodist church, where service was being held dur- ing the season of a revival. Greatly aston- ished at the first glance at strange novelty they hastily np around the windows.


Buatneas-Lower Prieea-The Wheat narlcet-The Secular and Uellgloua Pre«»-The Advance— Tl»e Clttle Cor- poral—Tlie -Weather- New City and County Officer*— Amuaementa.

Chicago. Dec. 13, 1869.— The year draw- ing to a close, and business men are begiu- niug to estimate its profits and loaees. Tboic has been a larger amount of business douo duriBgtliepaatyear, than in any preceding year but it has been done at leea profit, ami in tl)0 case of wholesale dealers, whose goo.l^ are largely sold on trust, the balance sheet cannot be atruck till the collections are made, which, in the present acarcity of money in the conntrv, is a alow and difficult work. Monev is clbae at the banks, and none but the- best customers are accommodated with all the loans they require.


obtain for almost all fancy goods, with a pro«- pect of their going etill lower, and our tan nftrchants are 8t.lBug off their stocks as fii^t as they can, at a great reduction on the priiut- of the early fall; a proof of th« want of mon- ey to meet maturing obligations, and of tin downward tendency ot prieea. Every oiu- know that there must bo a great shrinkage in nominal value before we can reach a spe- cie badia. . . ,

The general reduction in prices, and tne decline of gold— or rather the appreciation ot greenbacks— shows that we art» approxima- ting the specie ttandard. A few wueks wii, reveal the disposition Cong'-caa will make ol the tariff, taxes and finance. If these quoa- tiens are settled aatinfactorily, bueinees men and capitalists will have a now p -int of de parture. and feel that they have a stable baaia for the establiehment of new tnterpri- ca, and greater activity in old onf s. Iu the meantime, the leading business men are pre- paring for increased activity another veai-.


is i!<active, receipts are light, ehirmenta by water have ceased, and pncea coutinu3 low. The dull season is fairly upon ua, as tar as trade is concerned. . . ,• r

There is nothing new hero m the Jme ot lit-rature. The Agitator has bidden us fare- well and begins a new life in Boston with the opening vear. There is talk of a new woman'd paper lie're of a broader character than the Agitator, but nolhu g is yet matured.


flouriah here is the greatest perfection, and are tvpes of western progress and enter 1 rise.' The changed relations which busi- ueed, politics and religio.i have beeu made to Muat<tin to each oiher, within a single ge era- tion, is marvelous. In the early hiotory of secular journaUem in this country, relgioua topics were regarded as forpign to the secu- lar press, and the proceedings of religiou.n bodies, and the progress of religious reviv- als secured but a meagre notice, as matter of newa— often accompanied by an apilogy, as if the prees were treading on unusual, if not forbidden ground. Gradually, however, the secular journals attained to greater freedom, and broader views of their duties, till now nothing o#'humar interest escapes their no- tice.

The change in religious journala has been quite as marked. From being devoted solely to religious tonics, and thus giving a quat>i aauctiun to the practical hereaay that rehg- iou was rightfully divorced from businehs and politics, these papers, beside giving re- ligions news, disouHsing religious questions, and enforcing religions truth, now publish a summary of the cur- rent ufws, chroniclo all im- portant evcntf, give full commercial reports, and discuss, with marked ability, financial and political queetiona. Taking a lively in- terest in all that concerns human well-being, they hcek to mould the government and bua- inesa of the country, in its national aapecls as well as in the details of privafn lite, into harmony with the laws of God. The leading religious presses of the country not only command a large circulation and influence, but are sought for by bueinesa men and poli- ticians, as indices of the future and guidea of a healthy public sentiment, in relclion to trade and politics. The infusion of a healthy rnoril sentiment into channels of buainesn and politics is a public benclaction. In this connection I cannot forbear noticing a re- cent flagiant breach of good manners— not i to say good morula— in a widely circulated ] religious journal, with which I have been - famdiar from its origin— the New York lude- | pendent For the laxt lour years it has | watered its columns largely with commercial j advertising and wholesale puffing of railroad \ bondd and mortgages, lianka, Insurance com- Lanies.Ac.and prospered pecuniarily n so do , lUR. Independent of all religions organi/.ationa and representing only its editor and publish- er, it had a right to use its columns as it chose, subject only to the laws of morality, and to the courtesioa and amenities which are obacrvt d by all tiiS decent portion of the secular press. But iu ita ieeue of December 2d, it has two cuts occupying half of the first and last pages of a triple sheet, reprenentiUK - the liiHt— tlie principles <f the Independ- ent, and what it claims to have acotimpHshrd. and— the l&f t— the Birthday Binqu't oT the Independent on attaining" its majority <.f tweutv-one years. In this last cut are repi o- aenteii the publisher, editor and contriDut<irB of I he Independent, at a feaat, whi!e in one corner the waiter is driving out a lean, hungry dog, on whose collar is printed, in capitala, the name of its Chicago C(;tempi»- isry, the "Advance." Its self-glorification is a* matter of aste, but its pictorial vilifica- tion of its neighbor is nnworihy of a Chrie- '.ian newspaper. What is the characttr of the cotemporarv which the Independent caricatures and contemns ?


Senate— Dec. 9. Several communica- tions and pcUliona relation to Oubiin iudept- uilence and remoTlDK disabiliiits trom piirticipanta in tlie rtbelliou, were prfBcuu-d— A pUiu.t ibsiung a map illuatrauve of tUc land resourceii of the coantry was diacuaaed.- Mr. Carprtit' r introduced a bill flxinRthe salary of tha Ltief Justice of the 8u preme Court at $12,00t), and Aa8o.;iate8 at tlO.OOO. relerred to JuJiL-iaiy Coincittee —By Mr. Sumner.

and saw the house crowded with people, many of them, under the innut nee of th« preaching, becoming intensely excited, some clapping their hands.others stamping,

the flame exceeded our earth in volumeten- 1 jamping, and making mysterious gestures fold at th'. least. But ilr. Lockyer has L^d comortJoQg of ijq

recorded an ir«tance of a yet more-marvel- j ^^ ^j^g same time

limbs and body, while the entire congregation

Ions nature. A vast prominenc« extending i ^p^g shouting at the highest pitch of their

70,000 or 80.0(»8 miles from the snn's sur- '

face vanished altogether in ten minutes.

The very way iu which Zollner's drawings

were tak«>n eavors of the marvtllons. We

have spoken of them as colored. They are

rubv-red. and so the prominence appeared

to tiie astroocmer. The real light of the

prominences ia not ruby red, however, but

rose-color-id, with laint indications of pink.

or even blui.sh tints, The fact is, that by

the new method ^f observation the image

ot a prominence is formed bv only a cer- tain part of iiH light. We may say that

out of th*> several colored images of the tame prominence the astronomer selects

one only for examination. The explana- tion oft hif is worth consideration, aa it involves the essence cf the method by which the prominences nro seen at all.— j Wbea we analyze light with a simple prism ' aa Newton did, we get instead of a round 1 •potof white— that is, mixed light— a row cioverlapping spots of different color. It 1 wa3 onlv wh*n, insti»".d of a round spot, a flna line of white li;;ht wrs acalyzeil, that ' one cenld detect tue absence of itaages of tbis line along certain piuts ot the rainbow colored streak— in oiber words, it was thus only tbat the dirk lines of the spectrum could be seen. And it was to see these lines more clep.rly that the slit of the spec- troscope WA.S made so narrow and the rain- bow-spectrnm made so long by gpectros- copists. Bat t lie observers ot the promin- ence* go back to the old method. If they used a narrow slit, a narrow strip of the prominence wjnid alone form its spectmm, whioh wculd Consist cf a few bright lines. But by having a wide t-Mi the whole promi- nence" form its spectrum, which consists of A few bright pietnws of the proiuinencea. There IS ft ^- * 't© corresponding to

the bright 0. 3 C3lle<t F. a red pic-

ture corrospouiitriji t" the bright spectral line caiitd C, and so ci. It" tha whole set

voices— all of which was perfectly incom- prehensibld to the Indians, wbo looked on Uie spectacle with wonder and amazement, and made various random conjectures as to the meaning of these unusual proceedings. Oue of them suggested that the "Big M^icine man," (the preacher) might be exerting his powers of incantation to exer- ' cise and drive away bad spirits which had I got possession of the people. Another one ' surmised that possibly this was a big pale- face war-danoe. And one e\ en went so far as to pronounce the whole company stark, raving mad. But none of their opinions seemed to meet the ooncirrence of the ma- jority of th« pnrty until Dandy, who had looked on with great it ttrest for some time, at length assumed an air of impon.ince, and exclaimed : 'I have it— I have it; I'll tell yon what's the matter!" Then point- ing bis finger to his head, he added: '''f\hiskfy too much: Whiskey too much.'" I And they all walked off in disgust, verily , believing that the good disciples of Wesley ; were on a terrible spree. n*. B. Marry, In I Harper's Magazine for Deciitber.


is a religions family journal, published by the Advance Co., in Chicago, at 12.50 a y ir. It ha>* a very abh editorial crps, and a long arrav of cofitribntora, embracing the bent re- liRiouq and literary talent in the country, hev. Dr. Patton, its editor-in-chief, i" the peer in aoiUty. character, quahficatione, and III all the attriDutee of a Christian (gentleman, of any editor in the land. The Advance has all tlie excellencies wit out the egotism of th j Independent, never aells its opinions to cor- porations or individuals, diacuaeee pubUo questions ably and fearlessly, is free from bmotrv and sectarian controversy, actively promotes the cause of Sunday achool», tem- perance and every good work, and circulates widely among the members cf all religious denominatuna. The progressive Hrnry Ward Beecher says, "I regard It as ft-inding

a bill puitmg medical pnu-titiouer.i on u footiui? of e .uallty in ttie Di.-iUict of t olumliia, without dia- tinctiou of color.— liy Sir. Trumb ill, a bill relative to the apiellato jurisdiction ol the Supreme C'lurt. by Mr. Mewart, a rosoluUon reolorlnu to private (>utry the lanl wiihdr.iwu for the benefit of the 8. P. K. It.- By Mr. iJnike, a bdl to eatabliah a uni- form time for hoMiuK el'cUoua for electors lor President and Vlco President of the United Statea a^^epreaentativcK iu Congress in all the states of S^uion.— By Jlr. 8iockt.^u, ex niptiug the proper- ty of cliaritab!«insti;ulioii» roin lax or duty. Re- ferred.—A bill removing dlHabilit lea from certain persons was passed.

House- A pititiou was received asking arcp.^alof the tmou hld(s; aakin;; removal of du- ti>-sou coal; oy Mr. fllianls, a bill for the recon- struction of Georgia accoviuK to the pbn recom- mended by Pnii'ieut tJra:.f, bya::r. Steveuson. to place the foUcving articles on tlie free list: Tea, coffee, mol isjtes. syrup, Mulada, or cano juice, rice, sail, luii.bor. bides, ^tuius Ur piiming paper, and irou inpi«8. by .Mr. box. % rem lutiou creating a commit.ee to enquire iuio tip leceul Wall street j'-iia panic; bv VanTrum'. WreaMutlon from the Ohio leKlslat'iirp rtsiieciliig the proposed 15lh amenameiit; by Mr. Longhrid^e, a bill toconUntie the tupp'.y of arUUcial limbs to ho.dlers. The cau- SUB bill was then Ukeu up and .sonaidered. Mr. Butler was in favor of bavinK the ceu>n8 taken by the officers of the liiterLal revenue.— Mr. Scofleld thought tbt) ola mode of Uklng It by U. 8. Mar- nhais was bjtter, as many had had . xperitnce.— Mr, Butler argued In favor oi the revenue officers; they had u plenty of trained clerks witii little to do. —Mr. Majuartl thought wtii of Butler's proposi- tion —Mr. Gurfleld said that the "tax gatherer" was odionB to the peeple, and ht said it would be neces8:iry also to appoiut hs mary m w awlatanU, as under the marshals. —Mr. Aliinon said it would serlousiy iDlorltre with the duties of the assessor for six mouths at least— Mr. Wood, of New York city, was at fir?t inclined to favor the Id^a of Mr. Butler, buthecousidefed tne cen«i8 work too im- portant to bo urpjndlced, as il would bf, by pitting It in the hands cf the revenue c Hectors,— Mr. Butler cl. sed the (1< bate with sharp rcferetce to the pecnllHrilies of New Vorkct.y. His proposi- tion was lost- only 22 favorieg. Mr. Lawrence in tr.duceda bill to puuish election frauas, and Mr Davis, a bill t j Imi-'Oae a tax on fldltious and ifatnb ling sales of gold. The House tbtin adjonrnsd.

House— Dec. 10— Bills intioducedby Mr. Rog-T« to reoiove j:.o!i:loal '.IsablilUes from states lately In rebellion; by Strlckiaud, to extend lb- time lo' compltitlug military roadirom Copper Haibor, Michigan, to Green Bay, WUc n8iu;by L».«'reuce, to Hb'-'iish ceruia tees required of p«u- rioucra; bj Etay.torepe-l poiuu^hot theinteri;a! revenue law aa requires farmer! aud gardeners lo have a produce brokeia' iiceuso to sell their own products a; uiarfeet stalls or stands; by Coleman to provide for t'le saU- of coiu In the Treasury, lies lutloLs were oflVn U by Mercnr, to retrench In the tuueral expen^^e* of Contresamen ; by Hoag, to en- quire into lUe expHdiency of recognizing Cuba; a bill by Ingercoll, in relation tc increase of the greenback issue The H: use ihea wentinto Com- mittee of the Whole to consider the census bill, which wasi discussed during the remainder of the sitting. Several amendments thereto were adopt- ed, one imposing a fine of $5,i)<xi on any corpora- tion refusiuu to kive any iuiormatiou requirc-dby the act. bthotield urg^d the siriliing outoi the en- actiiiK elausa of the bill which rtqulredamnltlpll- citioa of Federal officers— the aiueudineut was re- )"Cted. A petition from NfW York containing over 7,0iK) names was presented for this independence of Cuba. AdJonrneUtill Monday.

Senate— Dec. 13th. - Carpenter, from the Jndlcliry Committee, reported Morton's Georgia re- construction bill, with amsndmeLts.—Corbitt Intro- duced a bill to eBtablijh a aopartn.ent of Indian af- falis; nUo a bill to fund the matanng dwbt of the United St tea by a eelffun'lln^ bond. It jrovldes for the isETie of f l.i •;(',' Ofi.OOO in co'.spou registered bond.M, of $i ,1)01.1 em-.h. tobear Inte tst, the first three years at C per cent., the next three years atr>per cent, next do at 4>, pi r cent., and next tweuly years at 4 per cent. ; to be free from ail :ax, and to be us'd In red.e in/ the &-2n bond*.- Wilson Intro.luced a bill for iho regu aiion of immigration, declaring in- valid all contracts whertbyiwraitrjBis ulelge their labor liltir arrival, aud making it a miisdemeanor to extort tuch pledRt s— Couklin/. e bill to rep-nl the franklni! law. - Carpenter, a bill pn virting for the iL'hi^nati.jn of «uprem>3 Court .Judges when inca- pacitated from performing their duty, aud lor cou- tiuuiu;.' their salary for 1 I.-.— Hurlan. a bill for quar- terly pa^ni' nt of pensions. —.Scott, a bill to extend time for tiling p'l.siou claims, lleferred.— Carpen- tev ("ubmitted a rcfcolutinn that the MponlHh g:nn boats shottld not be permitted lo depart during the conliniiance of the Cuban rebell ou. Laid on tbe table.— The Se.iale took up the bill regulating and deflnln'i the powers of United St»tes courtJ", which prohli Ittany juilt:c orronrt constituted by Conxress rmm holding any act of Ounnresb Invalid because of a supposed reptignance between such act and the Constitution of the United Slaief . Drake supported his bid at length, which, after tUicuMlon, was re- ferred to the Judiciary Committe;>.

lIoT-sE .V largo number of bills wore iu- tro'lui«d and referred, among which were, to pro- vide lor the construction of the Uiapara ship canal; dividinic Wi' cousin into two dl^irlcts. and for withholding money frrm Indiais who held white captives.— Uutler off. red a bill tl at Virginia having complied with all reqniromenis was entitled to wprtaentatiun In (^jugress. Re erred to Commit- tee on Beconst ruction. —IVters offered a resointion drdarinc th» Hoiif'O tobein ccfrl with the Presi- dent on Canadian recipn city. Adopted.— A n so- Intloa for atljournment from Dee.aSdto Jan. Blh, Vint adopted.— Butler r^portt-d a rcHohnion iu- strucling Ways and Means Committee to prep-re a I bill taxing U. 8. bonds 5 r cent., to bo deducted 1 from tbe irtenst; this witli oth< rresoiutiona belna I uuseconded went cT.r. A resohilion was ailopted I aulhorixiuRihe CommiUieuL B inking to invesll- i g.te the ci.us«< of the recent gO'd pauie.— A pi ti- jUoufnrtho recoKni'lou of Cuban belligerency, I slgni d by 72,0 0 persous was rea^l aud referred to i ('ommlttoe on Foreign Affairs. Butler, from tbe ; Ju'iitiary, reported tne bill lor irpeal of the tenure i of office act.wliicb WdS ordered printed. —The Sen- ate bill remov.ngdiaabllitlesfr'in certain persons WHS taken up, aud led to couBld'rahle discussion, and was Anally a<lopt€d.— A uutaber of other un- important bills were presented, after which the Hou«e proceeded to the conijideration of the Cen- sus bill.

j SENATS-Dec. 14'h. -Trumbull offered a

' resoiuitun looking to dispensing with land offices in

; states where there was i opubUw land for sale. By

' Howard, a reeolutii n of enqnirj as to the propriety

; of dl^u^ing with Certain penalties In the internal

rev.-uiiPlbt —By Cole, to enquire icto the i xpi-

' dieucy of ini-r.asiug the tax oi. distilled spirits to

$1. L id on the ta()le —Bills ^.'cr.- intr duced, by

[ frake, to incrrase tbe mail i-cr^lce with China and

Japan; also to fix tlte termltiUa of the WeKteru Pa-

ciac Railroad Compmy.— .M-nlll, of Maine, an-

I nounced the death of Wm. Pitt Fessendeu. Eulo-

1 gles were pronounced by Mr. Morrill and other

1 ijeuatora.— Adjourned.

; ilousE— A resolution was introduced by ' the I ommlttee on Ways and Means tb inquire Into theexptuit-ncy of abolishing tl,« offices ot coUe' t- ' ors, »ai«9sors and other agecta .t the Interna! Bev- ' enne Depaniueot, and proporionlng the amount

M u-of- War -Some Big Ships that are Itiiilaiiitr Tor J«hn4iull.

The keel of one of the typical first-class Britiah war ships for the future has just been laid at Portsinonth. She bears the suggestive title of Devastation, and along with her consort, the Thunderer, to be shortly commenced, will take preaedence of all the existing grades in the Britiah navy. Her length is 285 feet, her extreme breadth G2i feet, mean draft 26 feet, and tons burden, 4.406, old measurement. She is to be worked by two engines of 800 horse power, and her estimated speed is set down at 12 i knots per hour. She will be able to carry 1,600 tons of coal. snfiOicient for a three weeks' cruise.

She is to be constructed on the genuine turret principle, without any attempt to unite, by the addition of masts and sails, the characteristics of two distinct varieties of fighting ships. Being, then, neither adapted for a cruiser nor a guardship, she is simply a floating battery of enormous power. She will carry two turrets, and on each will be mounted two thirty-ton gnus, capable of throwing shot of six hundred pounds weight. Her sides are to bo cotu- posed of teak and iron of nearly three feet in thickneHH, constituting an armor plating which is intended to make her the moat impenetrable ship of any navy, while her armament is claimed as the heaviest yet attempted. Owing to the absence of any work aloft, a crew of two hundred and fifty men will, it is said, be sufficient to work her. She is to cost $1,450,000 in gold.

, , - - , , , , of tax required tat)* raised froiQ domesuc»our,.e«,

fairly on the hlgheet gror.rd ypt reached by »mong tue a^veral states In proijorion to ihelr pop* reliKioua jiturnala in America," and the con- | ula'ion. Beferr.-d to tbe Comnittee on Ways and ^-eivative Dr. Busbnell declares, "tho Ad Meana— .so cen-urlng the treitaipnt of American vance Is the abie?t, best and most out-spoken ' citizens held as prisjner* un.i -r the EnalUU kOv- reigioua jourcal nublirhtd." I am gladto ' ernmant. Rcfeirea to C.>mm:ttee on lorelgn Af learn that, since the publication of the Inde- '' -

The statistics of immigration in this j country for the three months ending Sep tember 30 show the number of arrivals to be as follows: Whole number of persons arrived, 116,371. Of these there were 101,- 343 permanent immigrants ; 11,990 retTim- ing United States citizens, and 3,039 tem- porary visitors. Of the immigiants 60,959 were men. 40,383 women, and 23.291 under ifteen vears of age. There arrivtd at the port of" New York 70.986; 10.521 at Port I Huron; 10.238 at Boston; 5.393 at San j Francisco; 1,414 at Detroit. The remain- ' ing arrivals were principally at Philadel- phia, Portland. New Orleans and Key West, : A m.^jority ot '.hese immigrants were Ger- mans. The Chinese arriving at San Fran- cises numbered 5,104, showing a slight

A larger f>or- tion than usual of the immigrants is made up of protessional men. tradesmen aad skilled mechanics.

faliB.— A bi.l b> Paine, looking to an esUblUhment of a syst'-m of nieteoroio^lcal eifiiaU fcr the pre- vention oi marine digesters.— By Shanks, for fnr- nlfbln/, fct cost to War Depaitmtnt, clothing to needy and indigent solaiera, satiors and marines in .•toluiera' Honiea.— Sctenck pn-sented a report from Aliska, relating to thedlspoaiUan of Seal II>l^nds.— Kelly pres»-nted a p»tMoii from Jfatioual Colored Labor Convention, pr.iying that ptibHc lands iu the Souihein States

' '" acrea each. approving a blU for the removal ol dUabi itie«.— TUe Hous« then tOOK up the Censn* btil. Oarfleld proposed to strike out the aecpon fixing th«' number of repre- fteiitatlves, which was agreed V)\ he alBO proposed addlngstitisiicsof Teleg-aph, and Life, Fire and In8nrai.ce Cos. A discukaloa ;'oUowed, In which Woodward characterlz.'d Lif e 1 asi^ratice a stupend- ous Iriud An amendment was awiopurti rcqulrinij statistics from biLker-anitbnikera -Ccx tnought the bill was already ►o laden vrith lnqui»it<-*rial re- qniremena that it would delay the census for ten | years.— Cobb, of Wlsconain, olfcred an amendment requiring nutlstlcaof U. 3 Ivjids held by corpora- Uona andindi^iduals, In hopes the Ways and Means Committee woald devise a plan of taxing tha in- terest thereof.

Of pictnr-s wer« -- y^ed ^t once ^e could , ,.^^^^ ^^ ^^^ .

see none of then, fcr there would be aide i ,,__ .,v„ t ^«- ?k» .•„,,

by side witii them the blazing solar spec- tram which vTi i;Mobiit(?rHte them altogeth- i or. jU8t as ;:: crJinary telescopic observa- j tion the bright ?un ight blots out tbe j prominences from the view. But if the observer uses such a battery of prisms that ; the solar spectrum would be very long in &ad ii adaut4 . to Tiew only t^ '

A circular is issued from the Indian oflice forbidding visits of delegations ot Indians 1 1 Washington for ;he purpose of transact- ngthe bnaiaees of their respecuvo trlbee before the Department.

pendent's indecent cartoon, the mails from

all parts of the country have brought hosts

of subscribers who have quit tbe Independ- ent in disgust to take the Advance. Its able

political, nnancial and commercial articles

commend it to buslneess men and

statesmen, and its Agricultural, Scien- 1 titic and Literarv departments, its full . . ^ , . , .„

market reporte and its admirable evnopais of I !^8"'^«° 2 »'f/«<^"'° ^"'=" "' I current n^a, give it the breadth and sc pe ' The President sent In a me.aa,;« api

j o( a firet-class secular paper. Whoever I wishes a firat-claas reUgious journal, repre

sauting the genius, spii it and enterprise ';f

the Great West, shotild subscribe for The



come ponrlng into the pnbhahera, Alfred L.

1 Sewell A Cc, Chicago, bv thousand?, as those

I who subscribe fur 1970, 'bffore the \»i qf Jmu-

I ary, get the November and December No.'a

i fret. So excellent a Juvenile Magazine can- hot be found in the wide world, save this, for one dcUar.


has been moderate for the pai>t w*'ek, with

occaaiocal slight rain falls. Navigation is

nearlv suspended, a few boats only ruiuiing j short distaucee. The new

cm * coc^TT orncEBs I have been installed, and tbe people are look- ; icg anxiously for thie promised retrenchment i and reform, and hopu to see it. I


' Dominick Hurrav baa been the reigniEg i .,_„„ ,^u v;,„ ir'ha <-r.'f r,tr mv -*p««

t sUr, tor two weeks, at ilcVicker's, andluati- man, "you teU him if he i=at ofT my -ep« ifiea hU ygh reputation. Maggie MitcheJ la half a nnnuta, hell nave something to ' begins an «-ngagement here nextTueeday. mike a note oi I ' ! Emerson Jc Manning's minstrels at' the Dearborn draw ft:Ll tiouaee.

The Lvdia Thomoeon troupe of blondes -i ,

finish their engagement at the Opera House i li^ cf respectable aged indigent vndows ihia wewk. Next week the Parepa-B*)ea con- | and sing e women," and a like 6uci to the cert troupe reappear for lour u'ghte and one matinee.

At Aiken's Museum a new American com- edy, enutled "Bogus,'' draws a rg,il crowd. Que il* always sore of ent«rtainment at the Mtiaetim. b.

Crime in the British abmt is increasing. The average number of effective soldiers ia set down at 186,508, and the number o convictions last year amounted to 25,612f or 13. 73 per cent The number of soldiera sent to military prisons at home which was 5,470 in 1764, or 6.97 per cent, of the force— was gradually augmented in the in- teiTening years, until it reached 7,553, or 8.88 per cent., in 1868; while the daily av- erage number of men in military prisons at h me had risen from 1.27 per cent, in 1864, to 1,241, or 1 47 per cent, in 1868.— This increase is in a great measure due to the prevalence of drunkenness among the soldiers, and a considerable diminution in this ofleuce is anticipated from the new regulation whioh now punishes it by fines instead of imprisonment After drunken- ness, desertion stands prominent in the catalogue of military crimes, for which 1.- 776, of the 7,553 sentences pa8f?ed in 18G8, wer« inflicted.

Talk about cats here's one that beats anything evier heard of before. His name is George? and his love of music is remark- able. Whenever any one plays on the piano, George takes position on a chair near by, iind at certain passages, that must be par. ticularly pleasing to him, does bis "me- ows" most enthusiastically by way of np- plttURo. Sometimes, when the parlor ia de- serted, and the piano left open, George will mount the Btool, and properly adjusting his haunches, pat the keys with his tore-paws and perform a numb»r of remarkable invol- untiiriert. Occaaionally he plants all-fours ou the keys, and, in an ecsticy ot delight, dauces up and down and makes music of a most original kind. Somebody ought to bring that cat out George is no flat in music.

An Interviewer Snubbed.— Not long Ago a morning paper sent a reporter to Iliirlford, Conn., to interview Mrs. Stowe on the Bubjectof the Byron Rcandal. TLe gentleman saw only the young girl who opens the door of Mrs. Stowo's reni- dence when the bell is rung. He returned to New York. A few days ago the same reporter heard that Mrs. Stowe was in tho city and went in search of her a^ain, but was 80 unfortunate as to see only a relative of hers who did not know when she would be open to an interview on behalf of the presn. The reporter was disgusted, and straightway undertook to inteiview James Fisk, Jr. iu relation to his views about Ida Cowia. Mr. Fisk declined the honor. Im- agine the disgust of "interviewer !"

RiTTTNO before his tent, in the glow of a camp fire, one evening. General Shermnn let his cigar go out to listen to an air that a distant bund was playing. The musicians ceased at last The General turned to one of his officers: "Send an orderly to ask that band to play that tsne again." A little while, aud the band received the word. ThH tune was "The Blue Juniata," with exquisite variations. The band played il again, even more beautifully than before. Again it ceased, and then, off to the right, nearly a quarter of a mile away, the voices of some soldiers took "it up, with words. The band, and still another band, played a low accompaniament. Camp after camp began singing, and the music of "The Blue Juniata" became for a f«w minutes the ora torio of half an army.

Ths other day a panther entered the dwelling of Eli P. Whidden, of Manatee, Fill., and attacked a little daughter of Mr. Whidden. The father ru.shed to the res- cue of his child, whereupon the panther turned on him, and compelled him to re- treat The animal followed him into the yard, where Mr Whidden seized a foot- adze and, with one blow, killed the beast It is supposed that hunger urged the pan- ther to make the attack. The little girl was not seriously injured.

A SswiNo Machine which is sold fob ONLY FrvE Dollars.— For the benefit of our lady readers, we copy from our files the following suggestive extracts:

"A S-wing Machine has become an abso- lute necessity in every well regulated fami- Iv. The "Fairy" will work a complete rev- olution in an atticle of so much utility, and commends itself wherever need. N. T. Herald.

"Those who depend on their nerdle for a living will give the "Fairy" a hearty wel- come.—flimri/ TTardBeecA^r.

'•BoBsepses every requisite for family use.— X Y. Obierver.

On receipt of P. O. Order for amount $5, the Company that has this valuable inven- tion, will ship by Express, a Sewing Ma- chine, perfectly adjusted, that they war- rant will do equally as good work as the higher priced ones— or it can be sent C. O. D. by addressing the Fairy Sawing Ma- chine Co., 85 and 87 Dearborn Street, P.O. Drawer 5787, Chicago.

The New Era, Atlanta, Ga., one of the leading papers in the South, thus endorses Hooffland's Bitters. "Hoofland's German Bitters is well known to the invalid. For many yea; a it has been in use, and its rep- utation is unimpaired. It is not claimed for it that it is competent to perform miracles, but there are m.my diseases and disabili- ties whioh it can reach mor* readily than any other known remedy, and in all such cases it ia an excellent remedy. Dyspepsia and Diseases resulting from a disordered Liver, or a derangement of the digestive fiieultie.i, comes witbiu its scope, and per- sons suffering from such diseases have found great relief from a fair trial of this celebrated Bitters. This remedy is not al- coholic, contains no rum or whisky, and cannot make drunkards. Its reputation is backed up by testimonials from many emi- nent clergymen and others."

Hoofland's German Tonic is a combina- tion of the ingredients of the bitters, with pure .Santa Cruz Rum, orange, anise, <fec. It is used for the same diseases a.s the Bitters iu cases where an Alcoholic Stimulant is necessary. It is a preparation of rare medi- cinal value, aud most agreeable to the pal- ate.

An Established Remedy. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are widely known as an established remedy for Oougha, (bids, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and oiher troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Their good rep- utation and extensive use has brought out imitations, represented to be the same. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches.

Magic Oil cures as if by magic, rheu- matism, ueuralzia, toothache, earache, sorethroat, colic and all external and in- ternal pains. This liniment has beon used with astonishing success by thousands oi sufl'erers during a period of fifteen years. A single trial will insure its permanent nse in the family, .isk for Pratt & Butchers' Magic Oil. ' Sold at all drug stores.

A Prime Article. Johnson's baking powder is ihe purest and test article of its kind in the market One-half the house- keepers of Milwaukee will testify to its excellence. For sale by all grocers.

OnR readers will find iu another column tlie announcement of the Hearth and Home, a weekly family journal of great excellence.

From One of the Oldest Priuters in the State of Ulinois.

Office or the Whiq aito REPUBUCAif , > ytnNCT„min»is, An«u»t ^, 196tt >

Messrs. Prince, W.alxon & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio— OenU : I find your Eoback's Bittera, after ueing two boxes "iu my family, to be a " gwod egg." Send mo another dozen by United States Express, and if you don't want local notices to the amouut, charge it to us on advertiaing account. Regards to Mr. Wal- ton. Yours iu haste, J.iUEs L. Lanodon.

Aghiccltdhal.— The New York Weekly Tribcne 18 a great Farniei's Paper, lia Ag- ricultural Department, valuxble always, con- tainiiif? as it doea FuU R^p' t''< of The Ameri- can Institute JTarmers' tlub, and aiticlee written for its celumna bj tbe moat eminent Agrieulturiata of America, la about to be en- riched by other attractive features in a Hor ticultnral Department, which will comprise Management of Small Farms, Fruit and Veg- etable Culture, and how to make them pay. Also, a Veterinary Departmeiit, for which Prof. .Iamks Law," Veterinary Surgeon in Co.iNiLL University, has been engaged to answer queHtions concerning diseases of Cat- tle, Horses, Sheep aud other domestic ani- mals, and prescribe roiuetlies through tbe columns of The Weekly Tribune. See ad- vcrti-^cmentiii another column.

Itch I Itch 1 1 Iteh ! 1 1


In from 10 to 48 boura

Cures The IlcU.

Care* Salt KbeilHI>

Cores Tettur. , .

Cures Bfuiier*' Itch.

Cures Old 8orea>

Cures einry kind <if humor Hk»


Price.tSOaa l>oz; brBUtUdue

Address WEEKS i. POTTER, 170 Waahin«taa 8t, Ffac sale by aU Drnggiste. Boeton, Masa

UndeBued Ailment*.

There are many ailments, tnring in their nature, bat the srmptomsof which arj not sufBcientljr specific to enable physicians to classify them under any particular head. As a general rule they arise from a generai debility of the whole orgnnizstion.bat their j rimary eause, in at least three cases out of five, ia a lack of brlak vital aotion in the stomach and liver. Stimulate and tone the relaxed digestive and secretive organs, and bodily ease, health and vigor will follow the treatment Among aU the medicines which have been recommended as conducive to this end, none has been administered with such uniform and entire success as HOSTET- TERVS STOMACH BITTEItS.

Hs incredients are selected from the vegetable king- dom, originally with a view to the invigoratlon of the pfaysiiine and tho constitution, and also for their aoti- blliousand slightly laxative properties. Twenty odd years of experience has proved that these herbal restor- atives were wisely chosen and h:ive been Jodioloualy apportioned in this celebrated preparation. Not only as a specific for indigestion and all kindred complalnt«, but as a houfehoUl rrmeiiv for all 'ftf minor ailments incident to humanity, it has obtained a repn'atlon based on uuimpeaohab .'e testimony,which fairly eclipses that of any other proprietary or officinal medicine In nae,


A. OENTLEM KM who ■oflered for yeara from Nerroo OebiUty, Prematnre Decay, and all tbe effects of yon< h fnlindisoretion. will, for the Bfcke of suffering hnmanicy tend free to all wbo need it, the receipt and directicitf tor makiiig the simple roraedy by which hewaaoorsd Sotleren wiahing to proflt by the KivBrticers export woe, can do so by addreeeing, fn t>t«rf act oonBdenef .JOHN B. 0<»DK1« d1 Wo. «S 0«idar BtTMt. Haw Tor*




The On at Lung Remedy.


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LUNG BALSAM (ALLEN'S) is the most suooeaaful remedy for Consumpuon.

VERYBCVDY SUFFERING from Pulmonary ComplainU should nse Aluen's Lxrsa BaI^aaii .


cures when otiier remedies laii.


with Lung difficulty, use

Allen's Ltn«o BaiiiaM.


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for all Pulmonary AffectioDs

See Advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispen- sary, h aded Book for th(j million— MAR- RIAGE GUIDE— in another column. It bhould b ; read by all.

A M0.ST perfect beuulatok of the whole bum in syatemiB found in Dr. Pierce's Altera- tive Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery. It curea Female Weakness, Weak Back, aud all irrcpnlarilies. It is a great lOotorative ton- ic, aiid nerve force generator, and hence in allcfves of Nervou.s or General Debihly.nnlh- ing can equal it. Bold by .Iruggiwta, or send thre' doUarn and twe"ty-rtvo cen's to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bot- tles, free of express chargew.

Thousands of men connected with the Washiugton Life InHurance Companv are, by tliii better way, laying up money. Manv of ttesu take out policies which are payable to thenu'clvcB on arriving at a specified age,

Dr.LAVs are Danokrous.— Mothers as you love voiir offopring don't fail to use Mrs. Whit- conib'H yjrup, for soothing children. Road the iidvertiiement in another column.



[^ Till you have tried Allen's LtJNO

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LUNG BALSAM I ALLEN'S) contains no Opium in any of ite fonaa

^TOP THAT COUGH ! _.,, ^ ,♦

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Canker and Salt Rheam Syrup,

For the Cure of Cankt-r, Salt Rheum, Ery'ipelas, Soiflfu-

lous Diseases. Cutunejius hruptlons. and every

every kind of Disease artslDH from an

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The Br.sT and Ouioinal Tonic of Iron Phos- pboiua 8U(1 Caliaaya. kuown aaCaewell, Mack k Co.'ri FeiTO Phosphorated Elixir of Caliaaya Bark. The Iron restores color to tho blood, tho PhoaphorUH renews waste of tbe nerve ti t<ue and the Calisaya gives a natural health- tul tone to the digestive organs thereby cur- iuK DvHpepeiain iti various forma, Wakeful- neHP, ' General Debility and Depression of Spiiita. Manufactured only by CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., auccesaors to Caawell, Mack A Co., New York. 8old b all Druggista.



PnrvATE medical aid. artvi rtiseronnt

Persons in I.imbs, or Sui

Re.id Dr. Whittle r'e



t of Inatrumeni

irgii _ niakir's prices, DT addressing I ■a.\t to Custom Uonse, Milwankee,

Supporters, Artiflcial ite, can l>e supplied at N. MORTON, Diufglst. feblTly

The befit policy- Burprce luilicv.

-The Waehington Life In-

Special Notices.




Rpader. yon mar oonaider thie a aort of cpread eagle

* ■■ I h*ve l>e«ii


For the year 1870 we have made a reduction In the price of elDgle snbacriptlonB of 26 per cent, enabling allpereonet) pet the pap<>r at f 1.60 per year, and cloba at reduced rates.

We have made arrangements to publish several serial storiee during the ycat, oomment Ing with tbe original story of



To be followed by others during the year, any one of which would cost more In book form than our price of subscription. While tlie Wigcoweuf will continue Its devotion to Republloan prtndplea, tbe pnbUshera do not intend it to be a partlaan Joomal. but rather a Familt Newbpapkb, full of welcome reading for the fathers, mothers and children of every household in the Northwest


•>e»r''lD7;)>at I mean eveir word ef it. there, wnen roar system te racked with


fain, and yon otawA «->»□ turn yonraelf in bed. or sit' titiK i= a chair, yon most sit and suffer, in tbe morninc ;nst:!ng it waa nipbt, and at nicbt wishing It was mom i(jj: Whan you na*«


>*ben eTery ne^re in your being is like the sting ot a •rsap, eircTilatiQg the most Tenomoiu and hot polaon aroc < d yuur heart, and driTing roQ tr> the veir verge of 'us'-nefls: W)un yoa have the


A fiT.xTTTVAv had j'lst taken his seat at the dinner-table the other day, when the servant reported a beggar at the door. Feehng iu his pocket far a "stamp," but findu:g none, he replied, '-TeU him I haven't a shilling with me," and resumed his duJier. Piescutly the- servant returned with, "Dlease sir, he sayi he cau change a a note.'* "Well," responded the gentle-

The late John A. Eoebling bequeathed $30,000 to the -'Trenton Socibiy for the re-

■Uaiou Indigent Home iiseuciation fordtfr- tituta

A vigilance committee called "Law and

order Biegulators" i New York.

has t>eeu organized is

De Soto, when be visited the shore of America, sought long and arduously for tho "Spring of perpetual youth, "that those who bathed therein might never grow old in appearance. People of our day have in part discovered a substitute for this un- tound spring in Ring's Vegetable Ambro- sia, a I'ew applications of which gives to white or gray hair that dark, strong and glossy app^rance peculiar to youthful , beauty. It any of our readers doubt this, let them try a bottle, and be convinced of the truth of the assertion.

QrctEix will break Chills and Fever, but the diseaiie will almost invariably return on the seventh, fourteenth and twenty-first days, whUe Dr. F. WILHOFT'S ANTI- PERIODIC or FEVER AND AGUE TONIC, cures ihe disease, together with its peculiar tendency to return again. Made m New Orleans by Wheelock, Finlay * Co., and sold at wkoleaale by Fuller, Finch 4 Fuller, Chicago, Dl.

H-Ox's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Benewer. Hall's Vegetable Siciliam Hair Eenewer. Sold by all druggists.

—Geo. W. Harris, known as "Sat Loven- good," the humoreiu writer, died near Koox- TiUe, Ky., on tbe IMh, of appoplexy.

(tbar I bsTe uivt irM tbrotigh with.) that meet awfoL TKirt heart-witaering, meet s^vength deatmyliig. moat uniritrbreakiDg itnd miod-waakenipg q' all dlssasss that c M3 sfflict our poor human nature : Wbeo you bare tb


lyinr and wrHbhig in sgonr and pain, onable to tm )-<;rHe'fln be^, and erefr morement wiU ao /our neart like a knii*; DOWtaU me.if relief aodctire (tf aaf of th-<« diaeaaes ta a f aw dare la aot tbe Orestert Me-iicalBlMiaiiwattbe Ag*,t«liiuwlts<|sl


Dl aod t^ree siMMBtnls of water ttoM tiBM a day. Md

leof rl

I pass

Maaufaatared br DOMAl

fnl aod tiiree spooBfnls .. ___ .. ^_^

in a few da>s erery partiele of rfaeoawtte and aesnUgie pain wii, be d..«»lved ^S?f*{^^^^i!g^ ^

^* Bum.

Terms of the Wisconsin.


1 copy one year, ... tl.60

6 copies " - ... 7.00

U copies " - - - - 15.00

20 copies " - ... 26.00

Additional copiea at rate of tbe olub.

SEMI-WEXKIiT WTSOONBIN. 1 copy one year, ... $8.00 6 copies "... 18,50

iOlaopies " - - - 32.60

EVENING W^IBOONSZN. 1 copy one yMT, by mail, - - 910.00 1 copy three montha " - . 2.60

All letters abcmld be carefully addrewsd

CKAMSB. AIXXN8 * OSAIIXB, Milwaak— . Wu.

50 C




WaoLT^AAUE AaKxra— Foller, Fiseta A Fnller, Lord a «mito. K. P. Dwy«r A Co.. BumtaaBas A vaa BehaaelL Hurlbnrt * £da»lL Toimaa A Klnc. Otdcagti: Oteaa A BuUon. KiceA tUinitrBoMsardlA Spa. Oebaes A flcmidt. Milwaukee : Mo«nUoob A MeOord^Ii^MMae: RoTM Bros., Ht. Paul; OoUbts Bro a 2. F. WatMl. MMren Broe, St. Loais; Moore k Tarbat. Jaafcaraaa a Haas, Daboqne. _

At letail by all dratcists. Prie*. tLCO.


THB AdTortisar, having been leetoaeJ to baaltk ia a tew weeks, t/y avarj nmpte remady. after haniigKiSer> M) sa-rmnil r«ars wttb a aerere laag aSeotmn, and ttel iread iitxiaen. UonatnnptioD is aaztefas U> awrke kiMtwu to hie taiiow sofferara. tbe means tt ma*.

Tc ail WC.O dastre it. he wiU aend a oopy of the pi*-

miivtioo need 'free erf obargs). wttb th* direetieas fcr

prerartsg and neisit tbe same, wtlieb they will Had a

j HTftK <Ji7Bx roM OoKnTicrnoi>, ArmcA. BaovcEi-

{ na.ate. Tbe ebject n? the adreftiaar ia eeDdtng tbe

! PTMcrtptioB Is tebaaeOtthe afflicted aad spiead in.

I fancBuon whieh be eoaoMvaa to b* iavataaMa; aad

h7pM«T«rrntOT«<B tqhie anedr. aeHwiO

them c3thJacMdaarpio*ea






On tbe VjA of December we ahall ccmmence the pabUcatioB, In the Wezzlt Wiscoitbih. of a eeiial ■tory entitled



a story of East and West; illostratiag the perila of tbe yet unciTiUzed West; portraying lore In the Rocky MonntalDa; and tbe whole embodying tbe captlTatlng Ronanoe of » Beaotlfbl Toong Helreaa. Any person sending os GO cents wlU reoelTe the Wxecorax foor months and all tbe atimbera con- taiaing the tbrllUngiy interaating atory of "Ona Tss rxonra. Back nimibwa aaBt to all idio fafoeet U after tbe oomaMBeHMnt ofttie alocy. Addteea cantafly ^


' >












Col. H. C. Rogers, whose term as Secretary of Plate will soon expire, haa received the appoint- meat of Pension Agent for Minnesota.


Mr. Cragin. of New Hampshire, has jii^t intro- dti.'ed into the United Statea Senate a now hill for the supprejsion of PoWgamy among the Mor- jnous ia Utah Territory.

Senator Ramsey introduced a bill last Friday, to abolish th« franking privilege, and provide po'fago itamps and stamped euvcK^pes for the piyment of postage on official correspondence aud public matter.

LucT Sitone is ?oing to petition the next New Jci'^j Legislanir* for the risflit to rot(> ; to "e- et'.re to marr'ed women the right of wiliins; prop- erty as they pl-jasc ; to widows *hn whole of Iheir J.^<'?a-;ed hmbani's property, or cho make the in 'eresl of the survivor the s.ime in both eases: al«o, that tho cu«tody and guardianship of chil- dren shall belong e'lually to father and mother.

State New«:.

A mammoth de^r was killed near the foot of i l*:.e Albert Lea, last week.

In tho list of real estate tran<fer« in th« Albert LflH .S'Miirforrf tf th« 16th inst.. is th" following :

Vancy Southwell l>y waiTAu;y Jei.-d to Catha- rine W^hstcr, the s«-i »<••' 20, town 103, range 19. Cou$ideration, naf*r*l li>ve and $1.

Back through the pact's bewildered dream, Through empty roars or tilled with pain.

Through broken arehe?, gates that seem I'nhiugcd to let lue pa.-ts aguin

Mj- wandering thoughti< awhile to-day May ti'c>ad in sad retleetive mood,

■Where once the tardy feet would stray. And loitur idly on the road.

What iipot is this? The only green

In the wide do^ert of the years. The only :'pof that love i-ould screen

From the hot, blinding rain of tears.

Ah I Chihlhood 1 for one sunny hour !

One hope, one drcau^hat tuudi; it bright, ^re tiny hand.-* hud crushed the fl>jwer

While yet unfolded to the light.

Here only here the smile that knows N'jt the dull cares tlmt manhood seeks,

Here life's bright spring-time molls il^' snOws That flow dowu April's blu.-hiug checks.

■What are these shadows dark? a ecoro t-T furrow* on life's features wan. Ah! these were hopes when seen before,

But memories when looked back upon.

And this ? beneath the yew tree's care j^cnipo from the stone the moss and mould.

Ah ! ica I the ^addest siory there

That would have been unguessed, untold.

Oh! Christmas time the snow that fbll

A year ago is whitf to-day; On brow and beard it lasts a- well

A^ on the mountain tops in May.

Fall deeper yet. It eannot freeze, Xor even chill the faithful heart.

That in the cold of times like these

Feels the warm life-blood through it start.

Oh ! tardy feet th.at linger still In dusty rooms and ciupty halls.

As if in hope that memory will

Build «traight again the c rumbling walls.

"I wore better not. Through broken panes Of unbarred windows steal the light.

And through the totterins; arches comes A Chri-'tmas day without a night.

11. IT.


State of Minnesota, County of Farll>auU.

[Pioceedingi by Altaclimenl.]

The State of Misineaota to David Q. llmstll, Defendant.

You are t)cret.y guniiuoiieil tfl be and a|ipi-»r before the uiiilTi'ig'it.il. one ofili- Justices of ihe Prace in and fur s,ii(l coiuitv. on ttie 'J4ih duy of Jiiiiu<ii.v, A. D. l>To, lit lOo'cluCk A. M., Hi my nO'ice, in W iimelaKo Ciiy, in mUi c iinly, U> hn>wer in Wtldi k Witllace in a (;iv)l iicliun. .""lnoiUI vou fail to Hin)' ar. at ilutiiiie»nd jilaec aforesaiil, juiliniicnl will be reii<lrii«l a)::lill^l .vou, up.ni Itie •viilriice adilucert t>y said \\\-leli & Wiillacr for such sura a' lie ^ball »!!■•»• liinisrlf entitled to, and your prop.rtv s.'lii lo p»y Ihr diiiiniid.

(liveiiuudtr my band this •-'■-'d <1ay of D.-cenit>er, A. D. l-<09 "



E. H III TC'lliNS. Justice of Ibe Peace.


A desirable farm of ItMl acres, well .watered, In the town of Pre?<-ott, Section is. Is ofli-red for sali-, or <fut, for oii«, two, (1. iliree yt-'ir i. Forty acres l>roli •, twenty acrcMof liinlier, twi. and o le-liall iiiiUs dis' lint, will be sold Willi Itie f,irm. nepHral jjy, or in lots to suit pur.bas- ers. Terms, irs(dd, ^i.'Hio ifT.wn, Bnd llie Utianee on lonn time. KoriurUierpariicul are Inquire of or addreit* Hie »ut»seriber.

H14m:t GKO. MA8TKRS.

glieli>>ville Minn.,Nov(ml>«r 8d, l^0».

Also Oen«ral Amenta imt


and other First Class


NriNVF.soTA Valley Raiik- at

On and after Ta«<da7, March 30 trai&a will mn ai follows;

MankatoandLe Saeur Trains.



DefaiiU having been msdeln the conditions of a cer- tain nioittiace, dfilcd Ihe (»tli day of July, A. l>. I-^IO, made and x«cute<l by Silas J. Wincli anil bis wife Mar- tha I. Wiiieli, "f Kaiibnelt County, .>itale of Minuecoia, parlies of till- til St I ail, to Danifl N. Ware, ol th coun- ty and state aforesaid, party of (be second part, by the failure of .said uiorln»(!or« i>r either cf Ihem, to pay the ram of three hunilred and forty-two dollars and eighty- seven cents (♦•UJ >T). which amount Is claimed to b'.' duethereon for principalai.d iulereS', at the d»tr ofthis noiiee, besides the further sum of tweniy-fir* dollars i Koot Pills in all cases of Hilliousncss, Headache.

Morsk's Indian Rix t Pii.i.s.-- We have latilv been shown (he foriniila Iroiu which llebe P 'i'' are prepared, and Irort this and our experi- >>'<■ in the use of them. chi. hoiiesily pronounce i 'lein a good, safe ami rclia de medic;ne. Beinn «n lirely Iree from all pcisonons incrcdienls they ean l>c safely used while performinK the nelive duties of life. We wo ild advis>- all to use iheni : and by n fair trial you can sec at once the bene fit derived from then. Use Morse's Indian

(ifi'it. stipulated as attorney's fees, to b^ paid in rase of foreel'o«ur<', which said morlpajfe was recorded onihe , Itith day ol July, A. I>. l^f.W, al 11 o'clock A. M., in the j oflireofthe Registerof Deeds of Ihe county of Faribault | and State of Miiines ta, in book J of mortirH^-^'S, on pajre ; (i.''i ; and no action orproceenln. at law has been Insli- | tuled to recoverthe debt seeured liy said inortRape or any I part Iheriof now, therefore, in pui>uaiice anil by vir- I tue of Ihe power of sale contained ins:iid mortga e, and of the statutes in such case made anil provided, notice is hertby givt-n, thai Said mortpaire will be foreclosed, and the laud and premises thtrtiii iltseriljed, lo-wit; the south half of Ihe northeast nuarfer of siclion number sev- enteen Oil, intowiislilp number one hundred aud three (l(i:j) north, of range number iwenty-seven (-'7) west, containini; ei;;hly cO) ncres of land, according tu tlov- ernment ju:vey,"logri her with all the lieredltamenls and appu lenancesthereunlobi-longingorinany wise iipi>er- taiuin;;, will »>e sold a' pi.blic sale, lo the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy and pay the said debt ai.d interest and the Sidd iwenly-tive d'oll..r« (♦i"') attorney's fees and lh>- costs and disbursements allowed by law, aline front door of the Post OfBee, in Winnebago City, Faribault County, .Minnesnta, on Saturd.iy, the .Mb day of February', A. D. I"5i0, at 10 o'clock hi the forenoon of lliat day.

Dated Wiiintbajio City, Minn., Dec. 22d, tx'iO.


BiX-'w Morlpagee.

Female Irregularitie.'.. Sold bv all Dealers.

Liver Complaints, Ac.



In Winnebago City, casks of all sir.es will befound constantly on hand. KKPAIUING done at short notice. Cash paid for staves and biy" poles. Cooper Shop in the back part of the^J Log Tavern.

F. 11. WEHB. Winnebago Gity, Nov. 10, 1869. 314-lf



St. Paul

7:45 a m


4:.?0 pm


3:40 p m

Le Sueur.

8:30 p m


9:00 a m

St. Paul..

5:00 p m

Le Suaur

6:45 a m


11:45 am

News Iteitia.

Typhoid fever is raging in I'tah. Fritures in New York City continue. The Mormons havel3,t^00 millitiamtn. Little Minnie W.tnren will soon be in heaven. RicoARDSos's brain weighed fifiy-fouronncet

A'sassinations are of frequent occurrence in Florida.

Small pox is causing considerable alarm in


The editor of thcMantorvillei7.rpre«« goes in for " Free Love."

McFarlaad. who raurdored A. D. RichaaJson, has been indicted.

Step»nrc being taken Tvhich look to the wind- ing up of the franking privilcgo.

A fire at ft. Charlca on the 19th in't, destroy- ed two hiiiid'Ugs valued at $4,000 each.

An Engli^hm.in proposes to prr«erTO £re*h meat for exportation by dipping it in fluid India rubber.

Tbo government hn pr-id ont ^8,000,000 for racifio railroaJ survey.* in the last twenty-five yj^rs.

Field*, the Pcnn»7lvania murderer, to ik a dose •f vincjrar and mola=«es to cure a sore throat half an hour before he was hanged.

The EiquiinauT say : 'A man who lii^ three wives in this world is sure of heaven in thene^ct." Ho ought to find peace somewhere.

Oen Orant will give several balls at the White House during the winter, in which Mr. Robeson is expected to take an aotive part.

A Mi;3i3sippi steamboat clerk "stepped up town to g'tt a package," when the boat lou-hcd St some point to take on froight, and brought it back in the shape of a wife.

The Sultan of T-irkey is the sen of a Circas'lan slave, once noted as t^ie most Plriking beauty of his father's harem. II:s mother, now an old wo- xoan, was visited by the Empress Eugenie on her late visit to ConiUattn^ple.

"I wi?h yoa would not givo me such sliort weight for my money," said a customer to a gro- cer, who had an outstanding bill a^'ainst him. "And I wish you would not give lao such long scai't for mine," replied the grocer.

A Pittsburg inventor ha? constructed a store for thee >n3umption of bituminous conl without producing smoke. The principle of the] inven- tion is to produce both an upward and a down- ward draft, mceiing in the lire and tauiing per- fect combustion.

A coal mine at Stoeton, Pennsylvania, caved in last Saturday morning, filling the shaft with enorraou" masses of earth, carrying two large houses down with It and stopping the entrance t" tho mine. There wi>re several person? in the houses at the time, who were carried down in the falling ma'', and iuMantly killed. Efforts are beiug made to extricate tho bodies. The houses fell forty feet and were broken to frag- ments.

A farmer in Putnam county. Tnd., ha' kc].t a

Merry Christmas.

'•The time draws near the birth of Christ, Tbo inoou is hid, the nijtht is still, The Christmas bells from hill to hill, Auswcr each other in tbo mist.

'•It was the winter wild AVbilc the heaven born child

All lueanly wrajiped in the rude manger lies; Nature in awe to him lla^l dolled her gaudy trim

With her great Master so to sympathize.

Tlie eve of the great fes'al da,y of all Christen- dom is at iiand the anniversar,v of the starry night when the angels sang the song of peace on earth and good will to men and men again take nj> Ihe ;;train and send it o\cr the iiroad earth wherever Christianit.v is known. No depths of sea. no bights of mountains, no diversity of tongue or custom, no |>cculirtrity of sect or creed, separates the religious world in the celebration of tli»' da,v which, by common con--eiit, is fixed up- on as the birthday of the Foiiiiilerof the Christian relijr'on. In diffcreut way*, and different lan- gUMgc*. the great event is recalled, but the spirit which it brentbo.< is wnild-wide, nnd Christiniis Day is e\cr a day of joy aud kindly thoughts aii<l treneroui deed*. While its religious signification inaj- not alway* bo kept in mind, it* social men ii- iiig i? univers.illy rettiincd: and to all in Christian land? it come-. Viringing as<ociiitions which gath- er about no other jioiuf in the yearly round. The spirit of the day ii told in the words of the sing- er :

"I l.curd the bell.' on Chri-tinas morn,

Their old futniliar etirroJI tell, ,\tid wild and sweet The words repeat

Of pca.:e on earth, good will to men.



None «o rich but thi»t they can find n ?ome of their wealth in obtaining special

ic for luxu- sdav.

ries and tokens of remembrance to grace th None -o poor but that from their hardly carneil hoard they can procure soiiiethins, ifonly a joint of meat from the table, :i toy for the ctiild. or a bit of e.indy for the inraiit. to m.irk a ditl'crciicc between this and ot'iicr days, and to help make it a diiy of utiiver-ial rejoieitrg.

In (lie oldconnfey the ol 1 yule log Mazes high. the- yew tree i^ decked with gil't-i, tlio wa-sa-l bowl passes 'round the gathering of families, tbc|i!uii!- piiddiug ba-i an honored ]>lace at tho table and ill the h'-avts and stomnhsof the fe:i-tcrs, and the Christmas season is given up lo mirth and fes- tivity. How it is done lot the old poet Wither tbll:

^'*Lo ! now is come onr joy full'st feast;

Let every man be joliy ; Each r-.oin with ivy teavcs is dressed,

And every jm-t with hotly : Now al! our neigiibor-.' cliiinneys smoke,

.\iid Cbii.-tiiias iilncks ate burning. Their oven they with smoked meats choke.

And all their spits arc turning.

Miihoiit the door let sorrow lie,

And if. for cold, it hap to die.

We'll bury it in Christmas pie. And over more be merry."

In our own land, modified at first by Puritan I strictnc.--i. and binited too. by our more practical I and work-a-day habits, the season is not so en- tirely devoted to Icii^ting and "caroa-ing," but j in amore soherand I'crhaps not less enjoyable I va^'. it is a time when ol I friend-'hips are renew- t ed around a eotnuion tuiil". gills are given, churches are decked with evergreens and rewound with carol and the voice of praise, the poor are i remembered and mado happy, scattered families I are united, children arc rendered frantic with the joy of will-iilled .'lockings, business softens its roiir, even ncwsjiayicr men have a day to them- seltcs, and the cares of life are driven away as far a general dis)>osition to forget the sail and re- ; member only the joyful ean .send them. Of the four nationill holidays this is tbo happiest and doc the most to jirouiote the generous thoughts and kindly deed'. How many a '•.Scrooge." whose miserly old heart is locked as tight as his money chest during the year, finds himself re- lenting towards his poor relations, anil astonish-

Default having heen made In Ihe conditions of a cer- tain mortg;ige dated the "th day or ScptemlRT, A. D. Istis, executed by Henry l^miue and Kllen Lai|Ue his wife, of Faribauit County, ."<ljte of Minnesota, parlies of Ihe tiraJ part, to David 1'. Was;4atl, of Hancock County. State Ol Ma'ne, party of the second part, by the failure of said inortfagors or either of them lo pay the sum of two hundre<l and sixteen dollars and thirty-three Cents, (f •2ir>.:«), which amount is claimed to be due thereon for principal and interest at the ilate of this notice, beside the fiir!liersum of twenty-live dollars, (♦.;.■'), stipulated as Hitorney's fee, to be paid In case ol foreclosure, which saiii morlgape was recorded on the Vith day of September, \ D. IMV'', at 5 o'dotk p. m., in the oflice of Uie Kegi-'fer of Deeds, in said FarilAuU County, m book I, of Mortgages, on page .'>»■', and no action or proceeding al law has been i'ls'ituled to recover the deU secur-d bv said mortgage, or any pari thereof; now, therefore, in pursuance and by virtue of the jiower of Siile contained in siid mortgage, »nd of the statutes iu siic-h case made and proviiled. notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will t>e foreclosed, and the land and premises therein described, viz.: All thai tract or parcel of land lying and being in the ciunty of Fari- bault, and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to- wit : The west half of the southwest iinarter of section number one ( 1 ), in township number one hundred ai d three I in:!) north, of ringe number twenty-seven {■I'i) west, containing eighty l">0) seres, aecording lo Kovern- menl survey, legether with all Ihe hertditamsnls and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise ap- perlainiitg, will be sold at public sale, lo the highest bidder, for cash, lo satisfy and pay the said debt and iniertsi and the twenty five dollars (♦'i'l) attorney's fees and the costs and disbursements allowed l)y law, al the front door of the Post Ollice, in the village of Winnetja- go City, ("iiunty of Fariliault, and .-'late of Minnesota, on Tliiirs<l:iy. the l:itli day . f .lanuary, .\. D. IsTO, at Itl o'clock in Ihe forenoon of that day.

Dated, Winnebago Cily, Minn.. Dec. 1, 1m'>9.


Sl>-7w Mortgagee.

DRI G!^ !

Winnebago City and Waseca


Loaves JTinnebago, erery day except Saturdays. Leaves Waseca, every dav except Mondays.

This route lies through WILTON, MIN.VESOTA LAKK, (iRAPKLAXD. i.nd BASS LAKK.

Passengers by this Dtw aud popular route will save TAVKXTY .MILKS of triivel, and money, and will ride only in the day-time, going through in ONK day.

THOMAS GKOROK, Proprietor.

Winnebago City, Nov. 18th, 1868, 264lf

E. P. Kecdham & Son and B. Shoninger & Co.'s

Manufacturers and Importers of


> f69 Waddagton Str.,


Eastern Express.

Leave 8t. Paul 7:45 am. Ar. 8t. Paul 7:10 p m. Owatonna & Hastinc* Accommadation.

Leave St. Paul 3:30 pm, Ar. St. Paul lljloam.

Trains on this road make close connections Mendota with trains on Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad tor Minneapoli«, Owatonna, Winona and all points South and East, and at bt Puter with Minnesota Stage Company's line of t^tagen for Now Ulm, and at Mankato all points West and Southwest.

Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket

OflBce, corner Third and Jackson streets, aud at

the depot. West St. Paul.



J. C. BoTOEf General Ticket Ajent. 2S3tf



650 Broadway, MEW YORK.

VINEGAR— How made in 10 hours Drugs. For circulars, addres, L Vinegar works, Cromwell, Conn.

v'iilioui ^AGE 320 w 4


WE have opened a shop on Blue Earth Ave- nue, for all kinds of blacksmithing. wagon repairing, Ac, and will be found constantly on hand and ready to ac.ommodatc our customers. Attention is called to tho following prices: Horse shoeing, per span, ----- $4 00

New Shoe, --------- 50

Setting Shoe, -- - 20

We guarantee entire .satisfaction to all who may patronize us. CLOSSICK 4 SMITH.

Witnebago City, June 23d, 1869.

Winnebago City <fe Jackson


Leares Winnebago C ty every Fri Jay at 3 o'clock

p.m., and arrives at Jackson at 6 o'clock p.m.

every Saturday.

I Leaves Jackson every Monday at 6 o'clock a.m.,

andarrives at Wiinebago City at ito'docka.

1 m. every Tuesday making close conuection

] with tlic Mankato stage-

i Passengers by this route pass through Waver- ly, Horrieon, .May, and Walnut grove, aud ride only in the day-time.

W. OP ANT. Proprietor Winnebago City, July 14th, 1SC9. 29Str

rpHE MAGIC COMB will change any colored A. hair or beared to a permanent black or brown It contains NO POI^ ON. Any one can use it One sent by mail for $1.00. ddress MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, .Mass. 320m3

C ^HAPPED HANDS AND FACE, SORE >/Lips. Ac, cured at once by the use of Hege- man'g camphor Ice with Glycerine, keeps the bands soft .n the coldest weather, ."-ee that you get the Genuine. Sold by Druggists. Price, 25 cts per box ; sent by mail for 30 cents.

HEGEMAN & Co, N Y. P. 0. Box 2228.


01 AAA MONTH SAI,A .. . liJ tuK OlUU Agents, .nalo and lem..!e : bu»lnes^ permanent. Enclose So stamp. Van Allen 4 Co-. 171 Broadway, N. Y. 3-^*4


AGENTS W AIM liiu. Newest and gr'^a.st inv ntion out— the New Self-adjusti p Guides, for. cuttingperf-.cl filling Pan'S, Ro n-, - abouts. ^nd La dies Dresses. Indi-pensibi.ni every household. Address KA ViStV 4 b^OTT Pittsburg, Pa. ^^°^''

""Farmer's helper


« f 1 ^ ^ f

Shows how to douMe the profits of the farm and how farmer's and their sons can each mak flOO per month in winter. 10 000 copies wil be mailed free to farmers. Send nam.- and ad dress to ZEIQLER, McCURDY 4 CO., 316 4w Chicago. Ill-



TO THE WORKING CLASS.— We are now prepared to furnish all classes with een*taat em- ployment at home, the whole of the time or for

the spare moments. Business new. light and tt t x' t""

profitable. Persons ol either sex ea«ily earn K ^ J X T 1 N G MA C H I r^ L from 50c to $5 per evening, and a proportional i sum by devoting tbcir whole time to the busi

uess. Boys and girls earn nearly as much us men. That all who see this not'ce may send their address, »i'd lest the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for tho trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which wil! do to commence work on, and a copy of the I'eofjle's Literitry Companion one of he largest and best family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profi'able work, address E. C. AL- LEN A CO., Augusta, Maine. 3lfi-13w



t. *.


CONDIT & AUSTIN. 3Iaiikato, 31iiiii.,




PAINTS, cfec

Stock always full, and custom- ers can at all tinie.--^ be turni.slied with anything in the Drug line.

Front Stieet, 2d deor above Record offi>e.




Are pr€ pared to store


On reasonable terms.

Apply at Higgin's store building, Front street, Mankato. They also keep the cele- brated





Horics to let al all In urs, day or night. Horses to s>ll or excli»n(;e.

Cash r*"'' for oati, corn and hay. Oals, corn, hay and .*t:itiliii); nt rensonable rales.

Oflioe in Whincbigo City Hotel, and Stable In Ihe rear.

Winnebago City, Dec. S, 1SC9. 819-tf


That the Mason 4 Hamlin Cabinet and Met- ropolitan Organs are the best in the world is proved by the almost unanimous opinion of pro ' fessional luufcicians, by the award to them of i seventy-live gold and silv.r medals or other highest prewiuius. at principal industrial com- petitions within a few years, including the med- al at the Paris Exposition, and iiy a sale very much greater than that of any similar instru ment. This Company manulncture only first | class instruments, and will not make "cheap organs" at any priea. or suffer an inferior instru- ment to bear their name, ilaving greatly in- creased their facilities for uianuf'act ire, by the intnxiuetion of new machinery and otherwise, they arc now making better organs than ever be- fore, at increased economy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of .selling al- ways at least remunerative profit, they are now offering at prices of inferior work. Four oetave organs. Pla n Walnut Cases, $.50. Five oc- tave organs, Double Reod. Solid Valnut Cases, earned and paneled, with five stops (Viola. Dia- pason, Melodia, Flute, Tremulant), $125. Olh er styles in proportion.

Circulars, with full particulars, including ac- curate drawings of the different styles ol organs and much .nformation which will be of service to every purcba.scr of an organ will be sent free aud postage paid, to any one desiring them.

MASON A HAMLIN ORtJAN CO., 154 Tremont St. Boston; 596 B'dway, N, Y. :i20w4

Is presented to the public as the moat


Kuiltiug Machine ever Invented.


This .Machine will run cither backward or forward with ci^u^U facility.


But far superior in every mspect.

Will Kiiir^O.OOO Stitches JiMiimc

A^'D DO PERFECT WOHIC Leaving cver> knot on the inside of ihc w.ir: . It will knit a pair of stockings (any tlm) iu b .- than half an hour. It »*ill knii Ci.osk o> OiE.v, Plai.n ou RiBBku. with any kind o coarse or fine wnolcii yarn, or cotton, silk or li:- nen. It will knit srockings with double bo. and toe, drawers, hoods, .'-neks, smoking caps comforts, purses, muffs, f'ritige. ^fgb ns, nubi.i... undcrsleevcs. mittens, skating ejips, lump wieks maps, cord, undershirts, shawls, jackets, cradl. biKi.kets, leggins, suspenders, wristers, ti-iic- tippets, tufted worlf, and in fa.t an endless viirie- ty of articles in everyday use,a.s well as foi orua ment,


Can be made by any o.tc with the Amcriciit. Knitiing .Machine, '-.nitting st ickings, 4c.. whil. expert ('perators can even make morn, kniiiin).' faiic) wtirk. which always commands a rcad\ sale. A person can readi'y knit from t,vclve t. fifteen pairs of stockings per dsiv, the profii on which will be not less than forty cents pci pair.



p.tir of l>l.a.'k snakes in his barn several .v*ars, , ^^ j^j^^^'^^jj. ^jj,, jj^^jj^ j,y j^j^j^g ;„ ^^^■^J gatber- and all kinds of vermin have since entirely dis- appeared. Ilis cril>s and 'dn? are no more dis- turbed by rats and mice. They are a better pro- tection than a dozen cat^, and are entirely hariu- Kss towards chickens and domestic animals. The snakes employed for this purpo.so are not th-' racers nor the --f.oftcd variety, but a short, thick species, of a jet black color.

Admiral Farragut was attended duriag his ^ fickncss in Chicago, by Dr. Samuel S. Jonc-, Dr. ; Wm. C. Lyman, Dr. J. H. Rauch, Dr. Hayc, and I Asch, tho last of General Sheridan's staff. Since , bis arrival in N»w York, the Admiral has forward- 1 •d to theoe gentlemen appropriate testimonials of his appreciation of their services : To Dr. Ly- I man, a valuable set of catheters, electro-plated i with goid, aud suitably inclosed and insoribcd ; i to Dr. Jones, a full set of test gla.-^scs for the eyes, and to the other physicians appropriate gifts, ac- companied in each case by a warm letter, and photographs of the Admiral and bis wife.

A new Orleans reporter was being shown through the Insane Asylum the other day, when he eneouutercd a very pretty blue-eyed damsel, who at once rushed into his arms with the ex- clamation— "Oh! my dear hu;'oand!" The re- porter wished to sooth the agiUtcd feelings of the ^ little unfortunate, and stroked her hair caressing- ly, as he replied : -Why. my little dear, did you ihiuk I would stay away from you 7" "No," ehtf innocently replied, "yon always liked to kiss me." "But you know yon are insane, my dear." he said. "Yes : " she replied wearily, "tha:'s the reason I kiss yon !"

A New Jersey Farmer lost his wife the other day. After the funeral one of bis old friends eame to take tea aui condole with him. The widower dilated upon the virtues of the deceased and exclaimed : "But wasn't it a beautiful fu- c«ral ?" "Yes." replied the friend, "very inter- esting indeed." "(Juite a crowded house, wasn't it, though?" asked the mourner. "Very, very ; quite a siiccess," groaned the friend. "Did you DGtica th« hymn ? wasn't it touching?" queried the wido»«r. "Very, very ; I jined into it with all my b*art," replied the guest ''Yea, and so did I," 8»id the bereaved man ; '•thec,;rj>«f j>ic4- td it out. She illere bred that bTmn."


Keeps '"-OEtantly on Hand


Freih and Salt DUeats.






itigai'd his gift to their thinly hung Christmas tree ; how many an old feud is hea'ed under the genial influence of a Christmas dinner; how many a good resolution is fonnc<lainid the peal of a t'liri.-tinas Tt Vnini ; bow many an old fel- 1..W beeomes yotirg as he hears the [>attcr of the children's f<ft in the early morning as they rise before the light lo wake the household with their "Merry Christmas," and to satisfy their burning j curiosity to know what has come for them from I the many whi-pered consultations of the elders and the mysterious packages whieli have been ; brought into the house and hid away from their i sight for the eventful morning. 1

It" there is anybody so poor or friendless that the ilay docs not bring bini unusual jdeasure, be or the is poor indeed : if there is any one with a heart so shriveled ami small that he does not re- j joice at and <ympa!hi/.c with the spirit of the day . which be s.-c* all around him, he deserves to be I banished to the cold'^st iceberg in .Ahi-'ka and never more allowed to hiar of Ciiri-tmas again. | except in reading "Poor Robin'i-" tantalizing de- scription of the day. and bis somewhat indefinite maleiliction on such 'cnrmudgeims " as they as is given in the verse written as far back as iVtyj :

"Now thrice welcome, Christmas, which brings us

good cheer. Mince pies anil plum porridge, good ale and

strong l>«er. With pigs, goose and capon, the best that may

be. So well doth the weather and stomachs agree. Observe how the ehiraneys do smoke all aboat. The cooks are providing for dinner, no doubt ; But as for curmudgeons who will not be free, I wish they may die on tho three-legged tree."

Chirai/n I'ott.


State of .Minnesota, Faribault C'wuuty— In Probate Court.

[i'prci*! S*»sii n.]

in the matter of the Estate of WILLIAM F. ALDRICU. late of said county, deceased.

ON reading and filing the petition of Louisa A. Al- drich, reprrsentiog that WIt.iani F. Aldrieh, late of •aid county, died :ntesi»te, learin,t eoods, chatiels and estate witfiin ■'aid county, and pravinjt that leUeri of adaiiaisiriiior of the estate of said WillUiu f. Aldrich, deceased. l)e granted to tier, the said Louisa A. Aldrich, and tlecTRe W. .Aldrich.

It if ordetetJ. th»i s»icl petition be heard by the Jtidge of the Ccurt, on the l."iih day of January, .\. P. l^To, al


He will pay the highest market price for



Winnebago City, May 26, 1869. 291tf






"Wheat advancing and Gf)od.s selling beldW cf>.st, fitr ca.*^!!. at the Winnebago City Drug Store. Call and examine prices before going eLsewhere.


Carbon Oil, Elephant Oil, Linseed Oil and Oil Paints, White Lead, Red Lead, Colored Paints, &c.


School Books, Rlank Books, Station- cr}', Meiuuranda Books, &c.


I Patent Medicines of all kinds. To- I baeco and Cigars. Lamp Chimneys and j Wicks. Fancy Articles usually kept in City Drug Stores.


317-tf C. J. FARLEY.

Winnebago City, Nov. 19. 1^G9.

Manhood : How Lost, How Re stored.

Jusl puhliihed. a new edition of Dr. ,<'ulverwpil'a Celfhrated i''*><utf on the ni'IU:il mrf (witht-ut ii-eiiii-ine) of ,«H'ERMAT»»ltRII<KA, or Seminal Weeknrss, (nvolunl«ry S,-minal Losses, Impotency, j MenUlanil Phy»ieal Incapacity, Impediments to Mmr- I riaire.elc. ; also Consumption, Kpilepsy, am! Kiis, io- ' dnced hy seir-indul}:ence or sexual fXtravapance. I C^^Hrice, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. ' The -elebrated author, in this admi'»l>le essay, clear- . Iv demonstrates from a thirty years' successful praciic-, QrockerV ! ' tipS and SalJCPrJi, rlatCS,

tSar the alai roinir consequences of self-rhuse may he ^* 7, , i .T / t'™^ -., 1 U..:no«

, radically cored withont the dangerous use of internal j Meat l>l8bee, bWCrS aiUl naelDS-

! medicine or the application of tt>e Wnife; pointing '^ul a | niotle of cure at once simple, certain and effectaal. by

In one large Octavo Volume Nearly 800 pages Printed in English and (German. .13 Ele- gant Full Page Engravings. It embraces forty vear's recollections of his busy life, as n merchant, manager, banker, lec- turer, and 8bo».man. No book published so ac-

Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, ' -p^„^^jv;eriU'r^^^^^

week. We offer extra terms and pay frieght

West. Illustrated Catalogue and Terms to Agents sent free.

J. B. BURR A 00., Pub'a, 316 8w Hartford, Conr.








Cash Gifts to the Amount SdOO.OOO.






h Cash Uifts,






29 "








300 "



50 Elegant Rosewoc

d Pianos

each $300 to 700




75 t(, 100

Boots, Shoes, Crokery and


Prints, DeLiines, Blencfied and

Unbleached Cotton,


Bats and Caps, Cloths,


Also, Sugar, Tea. Coffee. Syrup, Molasses, Kero- sene and Machine Oil, «\ beat, Oa's, Flour, Ac.

means of which everv sufferer, no matler what his con- 1 ,i"cl.>ck In the aften.oiin of said day. at his office in ' jiti„n may be, mav cure himself cheaply, privately, and Blue tarth City, in said County, atwhith lime aud place RaIUCALLY.' aseasiun of said court will be held. I "xjjj. Lecture should be in the hands of every youth

Ordered further herein, thai nv>tice of the time and | ^„,j pypry man in the land, place .'f said hearing be given lotht heir» of said deceas- gent, under sral, ir. a plain envelope, to aryaddrev, ed. and all oihen Inler-sted. by adTertt«ing this order ' p'^pai'd, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps fi>r three we*ks «ucees»ively, prior to the day of hearing, \ ^y^ Dp' Culverwell's ''ilarriage Guide," price i5 cts, hi the "Free Homestfid." a weekly n-wspaper, pub- Address the Publishers, ...,.-..._«.—.-„/..... ._..... CHAS. J.C.KLIXE ACO.,

127 Bowery, New York, P. 0. iJox 4,586

Ushed in Winnebai^ Cii v, la said county. Dated Dec. 13ai,ls«9.


»20-9w Ju Iff* Prcbat! Coar*.


350 Sew.ng M;ichines, fio to 175

500 Gold Watcbes, 75 to 300

Casb priies, lilverware, Ac, val. at $1,000,000

A chance lo draw any of the above prixes for 25 cents. Tickets describing priies are sealed in envelopes and well mixed. On recei|»t of 2oc a sealed ticket i> drawn, without choice, and sent by mail to any adilrcss. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the tickLt-bolder on rceeipt ol One Dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or reiurn mail.

You will know what your prize before you pay for it. Any prize exchan;;cd for another of ibe same value. No blanks. Our patrons ean depend on fair dealing.

Refkrexes. Wfe select the follow'ng from many who have lately drawn valuable prizes, and kindly permitted us to publish them : An- drew J. Burns, Chicago. $10,000; Miss CUra S. Walker Baltimore. Piano, tsOO ; James M. Matthews, Detr.it, 15,000 ; John T. Andrews, Savannah t5.0«0: Miss Agnes "immons, Oharleston, Piano, fCOO. We publish no na>nes without permission.

Opisio.-vs Of TBK Press. The firm is reliable, and deserve their success. H'ee^'y Tribune, May 8. We know theoi to be a fair dealing firm.— ^'. Y. Herald May 28. A friend of oors drew aSoOO prize, which waa promptly received. Daily A'eic», June 8.

Send for Circular. Liberal inducements to AgenU. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack- r r^riLTV/"^ r'T AQtiTSi Ark* age of sealed enveloj-es eortains ONE CASH LUUiVliNU IjLA&&±.&, <»,^m gift. Six ticket, for $1; 13 for $2; 35 for $5;

i* 110 for f 15. Allletters should be add-esisedto

HARPER, WILSON A CO., .^ . lie-llw 195 Bwsdwsj, Ntw lark,

Glass Lamps and Chimneys, Comet Sun Bnineri and Chimneys,

Lanterns, Tumblers, Goblets,




Can sell their wool at only forty to fifty cenlh per pound ; but I'y getting tlie wool made into yarn at a small eApeuse, and kni'ting it into socks, two or three dolUrs per pound can be re alized.

On receipt of |25 we will forward a machine as ordered.

We wish to procure active AGENTS in every section of the United .States and Canadas to whom the most liberal induce nents will be offer- ed. Address American Knitting Machine Oo. Boston, Mass., or St. Lonls Wo.


A j»entleman who suffered for years from Nervous De- bililv. Premature Decay, and all the elfects of youthful indi.^cretion. will, for the sake of gufferinif humanity, send free to all who need it. the reeeipt and directions for mas 'mg the simple remedy hy wliirh he was cured. Bufferers wishing to profii by Ihe advertisei experience ean ilo so by addressing, wltlii>erfecl MjnBdcnce, .lOUN a. OGDK.N, 5o. 42 Cedar 81., New Vcrk. 81S-ly


The advertiser, having l)eco restored to health In a few Weeks, by a very simple remedy, afler having suf- fered several years with a severe lung aiFection, and that dread disease, ConstMnption, is anxious to make known lo his fellow-slfferers the means of cure. ^^

T 1 all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescrip- tion used, (free of charge), with the directions for pre- paringand using the same, which they will find a s..re cure for Consumption, A8lt>ma, Bronchilis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to ben'fif Ihe afflicled, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and lie hopes every stifferer will try his remedy, as it will cost nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre>«ription will please address Rev. EDWAItD A. WILSON, Williarar- burg. Kings County, New York. 815-1/







THE Subscriber wishing to gointo the Wool- en business, offers his farm of 225aere8 for sale. There is a good House, Stable, Sheds and Gran- ary, and a never failing spriko or wATEn,8afi- cieni for household purposes and to water one hunfired Lead <if cattle. Between 25 and 30 acres of Timber. The house is surrounded with large .'ihade Trees, besides a Harden, containing about 300 FRUIT TPEES, large and small.

I will seP the above rea»onable. Inquire on the premises. 2 miles direct west from Winneba go City, or at the Woolen Mill Maikato.


An?ust 17. l^fift. 2.M

Sold by all Druggiits and Dealers in Medicine.


Gen'l Agents for North-Western Statea, t7 OBASBOSV 8XB££T, OHICAOO, ILL.



E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,


•fcvT«, of thmtt «*« f•*l;«•r■M^ m^mnjmtturt amd tm^wrimttrn

3Hm ^Wlak

r«v Tktmtmi ••4)wu tt SuiMMa^.t Vl«»k



Wkiu Mnslctai^ Waakiaft«m. •sralaf*. W«l r*la(.

Maaiiaslli r<T*, r«fiir»J rark, Tr.Mlon F.tli. Orni Wnl.

P*lBW«r«, tMtUUIIMW,



lb A1.MI,


E^ui>4, a*., a*.

Oar Ini^rtfd TItwt taikrau Ur|< UMflM't, !»lad>r,f Ik* •kO'Ml »'•'•■'<'<><•• •' Wim EnfUnO, «. W. WilMa, Ltir;, Ka* •ia«r mia.al pH*u»grk^k«ra, ««t.«;at.ii| of





CuKj., &\.i-.

Cut to order from either I t a l i a k or A M E R I c a \ marble. and set op in goo<I taste Mr. J. M. 8ul- litan is our practical d«- figoer, and all orders are filled according lo specifi atirns. Y, however, the taste of Mr. Sulliv m is con- sulted, the designs are guar- anteed to be unir|ae. Tbe work recommends inelt Or- ders from a distance promptly at'ended to.

FIsh'T & Sullivan. OWATONNA, MINN.

June Oth, 1869. 293


rfr» I«ti«a«.






Vr •.•Hl»a,






The only line fanning THROUGH TRAINS belweeu



Making this the most Comfortable, Expeditioui and Only Direct Route to

Cleveland, Erie, Dankirk, Buffalo



p^kW the principal Railways of the North- west and Sonthwest conaect at Chicayo with tbo Four Daily Express Trains, leaving Chicago 7:40 A. M., 11:30 A. M., 5:15 P. M.. anc 9:00 P. M.

Blecuit Drawins Boom Coacbe«

OnDay Express Trains between Chicago, Tole- do and Buffalo.


And has Palace Sleeping Coaches Attached,

Run n'g Through to New York


Passengers Tor Detroit, and all points in Cana da, and those for Ohio, Penuiylvauia, Scto Yot k and iVeio England, should purchase tickets via Lake Shore and Michigan Southern liailicny, which are on sale at all principal Railwa}* Ticket 0£Bces, and at tbe Company's Office,

Ko. 60, Clark Street, Cliicago.

F. E. MORSE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., OTIS KIMBALL. Gen'l Sup't, Chicago.

271 -yl Cleveland, 0.




Is the only perfected an<!

K scienlifically |irej»arc I

prepar.nlion of its kit. I

I ever offeretl to the jmljlic,

and Las no coiiiptlilot'

I. '

jin merit. Dy il.-i u.->o GRAY ILMH is fouu restored to its ori;^iii;il youthful color and bril- liiancy, which is so mucli

ORIGINAL'"'!""''';^ ^l "".• "^""T"

nn I whose hair latlim orlmlmi^

uULUn, 'out will, by the use of our

PROMOTES ltenewer,80on .see its good

Tmq jeffects, as, by its tonic and

stimulating propeiti(-'s llio

hair gl.tnd.^ will be inciu-d

and the hair grow thiilc

andstrong.tgiiin. Incasci

orLDniJUi a new growth unless llit?

DRESSING. ■f"ll''«l<^8 are destroyed. It

fTDy lis cooling, and allars all

n W r jitcliing and irritation of

^"" jthescalp. Itdoesnotstaiii

the skin as do dyes, but

makes the scalj) while and

mnTn7Tiii^^e«n- AsaDUESSLNG

InlULLn it is the best and most

UP economical preparation in

i|»Iir jthe world, aa its eflctls

•PHIW jJ^t^"o™'*ch longer. Send

^^^" Ifor our Treatise on tho

LOCKS! hair, free to all, by mail.




AMVlwIlaWaoIr lutmatlu xrlM. Alw. IKsBinMi >ii<f Txrrra. fwit Vi«w». I* fn%\ ••rl«<r •'• •!•• »f »l«»i»« Ar"!" « i"*' '•

Ut -re»iir.«"» uLAiMi "irws." •f wkitk b»»i .[ .i 4

^••rtnMat AfvBI, for Frltli', 8»rir« Af S I 4 B S ) 3 li' ri.' 1'.(r»; ;• VWv, Id ■vilvrlaM, lh« tA^mr. tuflanA. arMlu^, W>lr«, tt*

•TF.BEOflCorKa. W* »A*«fs«t«r* very Urf*!,. %m^ V\v\ f, deck •i th* u*t Hfim At tW tamml rmm.

PROTOOKArHIC ALaraS.— 0«r Maaaf>rt«r< •< Albaai* '• "'l kaawa UfMfkaM tka caaauy •• aayariM !• ful'V *»* kaaaiT x •* ■<k«ra.

AH f Mil an mnU la tm an r«««^. u4 —r ty%m ar. t^tkrmn #•■ lk>M af aaf alkrr na>«r Barara aka«lA aal (a.l u aaa •«* MMk k*(ai« ■*>!■( (kwr ^r<kaaaa.



TWw kaaatIM sl<t*r>^ U>a< laaan t. MaManr'ak*' />.« •••

4mm 0,1 fmtmimn, al a*a l»alk ik.lt o«i, wt -rpari '.a'f < '"-■ farta. U»to«. aartia, V.a*M sa« Eaa*. u4 aan>lr tk. Iran' ai ika

"e. ft H. T. AVTHOKT ft CO., BOl Bboaowat, X. T., •■4 ICaBaTn ef Plwil08sa{ibio Xtaterials.





Chaap far wah.



Wb'erear, my wife Jane Brelsford. has left my bed and board witbont just cause or provnca tion, all peraona ara hereby notified not to trust or harbor bar oa my aceonnt, as I will pay ao debts of her contract! nf;.


]ffM«»n, Xor. 6th, \U9.







"PRP PRTTT TTrkVTTr'ilTF A Ti Tl^- J P hcmes. physician and suroj.on.

**■■**-' C rVTj Ci Il'^.Yl EiO X r-jxXl^. X-r oaice in No. i. New Block, up i»air«. Re»i.tfnc«

C A. H(>rCHKIS»>, toiroR.

ADVERTisinra rates.

Ap«c1 tl not*cc* In rea-Drg cMara'r^, •'•n cent* p»T lint L<r (h9 Ilrit IdmrIod, aad fit* ocnti per Uac for eiich M'><«<|«.nt Iiiserlloa.

A'tv>>rtI<pro«otf ccupyljif one Snch of apace, Inserti'd one we-ik. foT one dollar .' On* column, one year, e'-ichly dolUra. Oilier aJvcrti^emcat) in prop .rtion.


orner of Welch and Clf»eland Strrrti. WinDcbwi:" City, M:oD. Day call.i atttodrd fi'uiu Uie oUicc. Nij^bt calU from hl« fkiJencp.

Offlca d;iy*— d*iunlar«. 2Mtf


,EEr>3, M0RT(JA<1ES. AND OTHER blank-*. ii.-n'Iy priuteJ, and for salo at the il >:uratenti Ot*ic<>.


Arrival and Depart ar« of Mails.

8 P. M.

8 A. M.

V NDKUW C. DLNN, Attorop.v an. I Coiinselor kI Law in Winnebago


M.uikaio, Blue EaiUi Citjr,

Mankato. - - - 8 A.M.

Blue Earth City, - 8 P. M.


7 P. M 7 P. M.


Waseca— Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, nM*->l.rc.tit,'b,.!il the :Mate. ir4tf J»ekion— Tueaday,





. Waieca— Monday, Wednesday, Friday, AltH-rt Lea Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tenhaisen Tuesday, Saturday. M.-ink-V-O, Nrnnesota. itrcplc aceommoilatio.is are kow ofTered to all who may Jackion— Friday,

"V fISClI. LCMBKRMyRCUAXt, 0X2 DOOR BE- The commodious brirk duelling of 0. P. Chubb. In •*-^ low Shaubuia, ralrtnont, has been op»r.ed to the trarellnif public, and

7 P. 11 A.

M. M.

7 A. 7 A.

6 A.

M. M. M.

No. b cook-itoves furoished cmnpivto for $23, at the llardwaro Store in Winnvbagu City.

Vox PoPi-M.i. The voice tf the Penple is unanimoa8 in praine of one iL iig at iuast, that is Morse's Indian Root Pills, ;ind it is well de- served. The l»f«t reuieily in llio wurlJ for al- most all diseases that utUioC the bunian race, they act direutljr on the bio id, stoiuacli and bowels. Keep your blood puie by nn uccu^ion- al doge of these Pills and you ivill not bu sick. Tbe blood is thn life, keep it pure by using the or.ly medicine that will eoini letoly cleanro it, Morse's Indian Root Pillf. Uno the >lorse'8 Pills in all casesof BiUontne.'<8, Liver Complaint, Keinale Irregularities, IleaJii.che, ladigosliuu, Ac. Sold by all dealcfii.

, wi';)i to avail themselves ufltit ho»pitalitirs


Whlesale and Retail.

Stkawiiruuics iM> CiiKAM Wno does not 1 P. M. I love them? E»ery one shoulil have a strawbcr- To Insure mailing matter. It should be In the office half j ry bod. C. L. Smith, of Walnut Lake Nursery, an hour before departure time. | will toui\ by mail, prepaid, eh lice plants of WiU


7^ iT. SNVDKK, GUXd.MlTH AND WAGoX- ^-'' Maker. Shop next do .rto Kictutrdfon's.

PHrlicuiar attiutiun paid tu repairing clocks.




On Blur Earth .Vrenne. BatUfitctiou guaranteed. ai7-if

A ePt,INDID PRIZE FOR TUK LADIES. TDE ^*- finest, nioDt pirasing and costly Parlor Engravltig ever published in America presented as a prtuiiau to each subscriber.



flTUEELfift RICE A C0>.,


Rod and Mould-Board

Demonst's Illustrated Monthly. Breaking PIoWS

T r. WINSillP.




A Magaime of Practical Utility


M.inkato, Minnesota. 1 lyoNDt.r.fUL INVENTION.

Chnrch Directory.

TRv 3. SMITH. BnoKsKLLKi .\ND ST.kTiONER, q,j^ Monlton. Winnebaffo City, .^inn

■^ Oni: door south of Hevisir .jmce. "•

a97Tl .Mankato, M'.nnesota.

AGENT FOR FARinAlLT COfNTY, For The American Itutton-llole. Over-Seeming bnd

*' ^"noDiST.— Services every Sabbath morning. In (he | grown. 50 ocnts per dozen, $-1.00 per hundred,

Bapast Church, at lu:30 o^clock. ^ ^^ ^^^^ j ^^S. 00 per thousand. Good s |ron,, new plant.,

1" _ ^ , . .. .^ I earefullv packed 111 rao."S. with lull dircctiODJ how

son's Albany, Criiufon t'anc, Great Austin, Shak- 1" 'he Household, a Mirror of the Fashions, and a Lite, er, <tc.. at 30 cents per doicn, or $2. 00 per bun- : "■*'> Conservaior oi Surpassing Inicrett and dred ; Loniiinv's Wliite, fine.«t white struwberry

C W •»EvRLF:"' WHuLF3\LE and rFTAIL '*'«''''"« ^"chine The tlrst and only Button-Hole Mak- CoNOREfi.*TioxAi.fST.— .■Services every Sabbath morn- |

^- Dealer in Crockery a^-d Glassware. Front St '"5 »"'' dewing .Machine cmhined, in the world. It big, in the Ulgh School building, at 10:W» o'clock. |

Mankato, Minn. .SlS-tf ' does more workthau any otlier machine ever Invented. Ucv. J. D. TODD, Pastor. I

- - ^ ' 26311 I U.Mos. Prayer Meetin)f, Wednesday evenings, In the

BROCKWaY BROS EATING HOUSE AND CON- ! I Baptist Church] at 7 o'clock. ,. ,

f.-ctiouery, i QN 1'HE ARRIVAL OF THE CARS, we shall be pre I Sabbath School every Sunday morning, immediately I

pncli to plant and cultivate tbetu .HOC-tf

Artistic Excellence.

"List to the echo, hall the sound,

From eruiy ([Uarter, lo ! It comes : A Magaxinc of worth is found, Exaltiug both our taste and homes."



M;-.akato, Minnesota.



rockery. Glass and Wooden W«re.

Mankat", Minnesota.


907 vl

:>g connected.


Mankato, Minnesota.

pared to open a 5tock of

FLRM'ILKIC, &c.,6ic.,

.Vt tVePs, to supply the dnu.iiid, lx)th wholesale and retail. Respectfully,

HOPKINS k FERNALD. Whole.^le and Retail Dealer in Furniture, ileibling, ke. Also, L'nertakcrs, Hot tf Austin, Miuu.

after preaching.



We have for sale, at a great bargain, four

TLfoHK 4 DVLBER, PLOW MANUFACTORY, AND •^'*- Blacksmithing, 397yl Mankato. Minnesota.

iLt O. WILLARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NO- •''■•• tiiry Public.

Mankato, 5Iinn.


Winnebago City, Minnesota.

E. G. A A. P. COLLINS, Propiietors.

hundred pounds of Long I

is almost new, and the balance

For particulars, address the Frkk IIomkstkai).

THE USEFUL In Demorest's Monthly comprises the Fish, Crackers and Oyster*, nt Richardson's. Utilities of Faihioii<i in Ladies' and Children's daess,

. Ineluding fnll size Fashionable Patterns, colored Stettl ' : Plates, etc.; Gardening, t)oth useful and ornamental,

M' l.Tu,W l.v P.VRVO. There is contained in adapted to Ladies ; Model Cottages, with their surround- Dr. Morse's Pills the principle of health. We ing* ; »nd Home .Mailers in all their departments. i

have many thousands of testimonials of their V\? ENTERTAINING coropiises Original StorUs ; niivin.' restored the sick tohfalth- which can »'"» 'oe"'» by the best authors. Spicy Items, Talks to ^„„tgj ,„ gpour in an} kind of iOll, and blTe; ITr oflScI^' Use";:.''Mors;.J?ndUn l^iXu^a^i?.ric\-;::he'^i':";L^^^^^^^ | ^-'lo-d b, » process knoit, only to onr.elve.

RiM>t Pills and you will find them not only a! THE BEAUTIFUL lomprises numerous Hiustratlons, curative of disease but also a preventative. In the highest style of art, printed on the finest calen

Crossing Plows

•rimer. One half of it I They should be used in all cases of Hiliousness, '}"'"^ paper, in the best manner got up in a style to

,,-',, T- r> 1 .„ !:;< i r i form a splendid volums for binding at the end of the

mce is good for year.-.. I Headache, Liver Complaints, ];eina!e Irrc«ulHri- y,^,_ ,„j .uogeth.r. a monthly visitor that no lady of




^of^Cigars and Tobacco. M..nk,to. Minn. gHERIDAS J. ABBOTT,


^-^ er in Dry Goods. . •'

997yl Mankato, Minn. Notnry Public and Convojuncer.

- Particular attention paid to the CoUec-


* '' ing Agent aiid Notary Public, '"■"« ".' -t^ttts ami Payment of Inxet.

"if*^^ Mankato, M.nn. ^^^^ BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

I Winnebago City, Minn., Aug. 30, 1868.

: 25:uf

A bad debt the owing of a grudge. ' Ladies wear so rouob false hair with their own ! c* Excellent accommodations, a d charges m jd- ' j,,jjj ^ j^ difBcult to tell which is switoh.- i/osfon

Stages leave this House for all j^oia's. 237 tf j i^<*^^<^'^'>- The night train on the Minnesota Central

ties Ac. We make no secretoT the formula from taste or economical housewife can be without.

whi'^h this medicine is prepared. Ask your! Yearly subscription, only ♦a. W), with the finest, larg-

storekeeper for ihe Oioeta Almanac, read it «»». a"d most pleasing engraving ever finished In Amer-

caref ullv. Use Morse's Pills. Sold by all deal- v'-.^'i'* 'f'j?,!^ "°V'' *'"' *"""*f '"^''^ ^^1'^'? °"ik *" . Manufactured entirely of iron and stctl. •^ •' , *ourih of July,"given as apremlum to eachsubscrlber, I

'" and splendid preuilam^or c'Ubs. Address



When sent by mail, the postage on ths engraving, tea cents, must be included. Specimen copies of the Magazine, wllh circulars, mall-

Railroad has been discontinued during the win- ter.

GitEAT Distribution. The Metropolitan Gift Company h«ve made extensiro arrangements for their third Great Annual Dist ribut-on.und their ' ed f."e, on receipt of fifteeucenis.'

To conceal bad teeth, keep your mouth shnt.

list numbers cash an<l other g^fts to the amount rpnE BEST IN THE WORLD.

ofnearly a million of dollars, among them are | ^^^ gdEXTIFC AMERICAN.

five hundred and seventy cash gift><, ranging '

A gentleman who ba.<i ju«t come over the line, , f^^^ ^^^ hundred to twenty thousand dollars of the .Southern Minnesota Railroad, says that


^ W. V, B. Moore, Proprietor.

the rails are being laid at the rate of a mile a doy.


FrnntSt., Maukato, Minn.

D'lr »V A BROS" FURNISHING HOUSE. .MANKATO Minn. Earniiure and Carpeting. Oil Clolhs and Curtains, Tahls Cloths and Mirrors, li^indow Shiidesand >lattres<<es. PicMire Frames »nil Mat-, Cord and Ta«4els. Agints for the Unrivalled Washer. --WOtf


^ ' Jeweler. DcaUr ;n Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Hilrer-Ware.

'i9^t Mankato, Minn.

Kapairlog neatly executed and wurr.inird.

RIRT. PltOPKIE- ingrefarutsneil tiirouijhoui Ihe above well- known house, ih<: proprietor a.^Ls a omiii.nauce of Public patrona;:e. Good strtblr s-cfuiMnioibUioiis are Couuect«d with tbe hou^e. Cbari^n u. MUrate. '.Wsif


C. S. KIBALL, PnoPuiETon.

Stages leave this lintel Mondays and Thurs- ditysfor the nearest Railto»d station, and Tues- days and Saturdays for the West.

A good Livery is connecte<l with the Hotel, anil there uru ample accommodations for team- sters. 2l2tf

To preserve your eyes, pat them in a bottle filled with alcohol.

A span of horses belonging to Mr. Seth Wright, ran away last Saturday. They were stopped and capsized by the liberty pule.

each, also, Piano.', Melodcons, f^ewing Ma-

$1,500 Cash. FOR 18TO, $1,500 Cash.



Of tbo most approved pattern. Also

after being sealed are mixed and when drawn

indiscriminately, so that the Company are not

To get rid of red hair, hold your head for a few aware of the contents of any envelope until the minutes in a strong blaze of gas.

.. .... I- /> II 1 c-1 T'jis splendidly illustrated weekly journal of ' TTTMT^17,T} \V A TtO^S

chines, Knitting Machines, Gold and Silver Popular Science, Mechanics, Invention, Engi- ! J-i U iU L) J_jit VV XiUV±>k:)

Watches, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Ac, Ac. Every' neering, Chemistry, Archite.'ture, Agriculture, j

I and the kindred art.». enters itt twenty-fifth j-ear i ticket draws a prize, and no blanks are issued. . «„ the first of January ne.tf, having a circula- I

The tickets are each placed in envelopes, which, I ■'"° fafexceeding that of any simitar journal ' 1 > > ^o^ published. '

MANKAT') HOUSE. tillOVKR 0. tor. Having refaruisheil tlirouijh



Keeps constantly on hand a complete assortment of


Rev. J. C. Gowun, Pastor of tbe M. E. Church, will preach next SabbaiL morning, to the chil- dren, on the '-Advent of Christ." This Christ- mas sermon will be very interesting, ,ind we

And hundreds of dollars worth of worsteds, being the hope that every child of suitable age. who lives

DiviMini k- wiTiMlM vKVlt A It'tVFl Kit HAH hr-«t full line stock of Zephyr Worsted ever brouglit into ... ^ ,. ,. . ,, ,

.VKHRLK, WATtHMAh.hK » Jt.'vti.r.it, IIA3 winnvb^-oC'tv Within traveling distance, will be present.

received his complete ii.cV of .Xintric-.n a-id Ira- 1" "1 " -, i. , : *^

^ . .. ... ... I 1 _ 1... u. «.:.;».. ».. New and ra'jiiii

ported Watches, Cl"cks ami J -w-bv. K.-piiring war ranted as rcprcscutcd. Frjut Street. •>pii"si'.'- Ibe t.'lif- Sou House. 'if>Mf .Vlaukato Miun,

rj W. MCKPHT A (O.,

D'aU-rs la



Particular aiieuiiun |>aid t" .Mii'ic Or>ters.

ionabn- Goods received by express every Week. Store on .Main St., ne Illy opposite the Collins House. 914-U '

The editorial Department of the Scientific ] American is very ably conducted, and some of the most popular writers in this country and Europe, are contributors. Every nuirberhasIC i imperial page-', embellished with fine Engrav- I ings of Machinery, New Inventions. Tools fori the Workshop, Farm and Household, Engineer- ing Work.", Dwelling liousc.o, public Buildings, A journal of so inach intrinsic value, at the - , ,, , J , , . . . low price of S3 a year, ought to have, in this i

five dollars ; one hundred and ten for fifteen do)- thriving country, a million reader.'

ticket is returned to them. These tickets are so'd for twenty-five cents each, or six for one doUar, thirteen for two dollarii'; thirty -five for


r\ NOTKMAN.M.D . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. | and other high places.

*-^* Will aiteiiil lo cills promptly. In Winnebago City ' and turrounilin-^counirv. Dr. N. has had twentv vears ,, _

ev|,erie .cein loctl. general, and liospiul practice! and .MARTl.t CoCMTr HAS Jlo PaPEK. Col. LounS-

^ lately bad cl.aj-ce of a Hygienic ln,:iiute for the treat ^ has recently concluded arrangements

). nient of chronic diseas»;s. He is iherefore prepared to ■' "

j treat Oat.irrh, iinmchiiis. ."*profu!H, Rheumatism, Pro- . whereby he will, in a few days, remove his Atla*

I lapois fieri, .Vvuraliria, Sick Headache, Liver Com- ,. « . tc i- /-. > . »ir ,. ..

I plaint, l)lpbiheiia,CuM Hands .ind Feet, Nervous De f"" Fairmont, Martin County, to Uells thi..

lars. As soon you receive a ticket, you en- close it with one dollar to tbe company, and

To keep your name up, write it frequently on ''•»'^f«''" '1^« ''^^^ket calls for i.. immediatelv Jor- the dome of the oapitaI> the state-house steeple, i warded to you. Tbe company are aware that

their success wholly depends upon their dealing


GltlKP.KF. .t i;ii(>TIIh:i{.

wljol--s:i!e and retail dealers in


Lealilir, I'liitiiijj; , .•^li'n-iuak'jrs' f ool.«, etc.

Froiil »*trect. Opposite tbf Po?t Office, M.iiikutn, .Minn.

i.tlii>, Cam Kit:., Kkvkk S.iKfc.-, and all Blood and Skin county. This removal will be a severe disap-

; Di.eares, with a success far In ad\ aiice of the ordinary physician who has i.evcruiadi a speciality of this class P Jin »uient to many Martin County men who

. otdlsea«.s. «, . , ^ , ., , ' are i.roud ol their paper, but as it will doubtless ' plainly »<lJ'"essed, Metropolitun Gift Company,

AH co-iniunli-ations eonflilentlal. Consnitatlon tree. i r > ^ » i- .> »

Oinc- at Ur. K..rley's DiugS'ore. Residence at Kim- . be of financial advantage to tbe Col. to make I Nos, 193 and 195 Broadway, Xew York. ; h«;V OIHcedavs, Friday, of each week. 306 '. . , i i .i .

' the chinge. we cannot do else than congrata- >.. ,

- - ^^ .- . . - . ** vlj -nOX

ARKET. , late him on the change. i

honorably with their customer?, and having this !!'"' •'^ficntific American are the most Extensive

° I Patent .Solicitors in the world, and have un-

fact in view they strive to pkuse all who fuvor I equaled facilities for gathering a complete ^. ... ,, . . ,-,. , , . knowledge of the progress of In\ention and

them with their patronage. <-Tcnlars contain- I i>i,eovery throughout the w .rld : and with a ing reft renoes and highly favorable notices o.' i ^ '»-■'''" """"k the <|uarter of a century, during

which this journ* ha.<< held the first place in the press are sent free to all. Letters should be | Sclentitlc ard mechanical Literature, the Pub- lishers will issue on Januaiy first, the large and

Whoever reads the Scientific American is en- j tertained and instructed, without being bothered Manufactured from Eastern timber, with hard words or dry detail.s.

TO INVENTORS AND MEOHANICS this journ;»l is of special value, as it contains a week- ly report of all Potants issued at Washington, '

with copious notices of the leading American i ALL KINDS OF JOBBING DONE and European inventions. The j-ublii^hcrs of

f>T«l'<f o/iTii" 1 nfT "''PT/N'v To produce a fair complection, go to sea in a Trail

nLhr, rOKIv and ML iIOjs „,.',, » . .k « , , » . '

' , crazy old boat, and the first gale you get into,

splendid Steel Engraving, by John Sartain, of Philadelphia, entitled :


The jilate costing nearly $4,000 to cn<irave. and


Winnebago Oity, Minn., Feb. l?th, ISCP.



Aftcroarofolinvestigntion by competent judges it h»s been fully and fairly decided that tho best place to purchase


B.Mjorr irorsK,

Comer of St loml •imi C/ttrr}j St\i

M VNK i lo, .Mi.\Ni;.-<>r.\.

L.QBAROrT. - Proprietor.

/Iliii:! ai...\ •-• li..ii-.-, jii" coi:ij '-r'ed .i!id rorni«h

1. ad new Ihrou/iiout. is opened to the public. , Ai'c.iiniiiodalions iiosarpas>ed by any pu'di^ lioiire iu Ibe county, aul ttrius reasouablaMl Variner? will xlwnys rtn.l a coinfirtaldo b»rn, < S* t'lenty of ^o.id fc<.d, aud the best of care for their : liorscs.

are now t'ors.ilcat Peirce's market in Winnebago Gity. one door ea-t ol' the I'ost dtH'-e. anil will be sold at very low prices. (^H.-itinucrs in and out of town supplied at low fl;;i.i .-.

F M. PEIRCE. Winnebago City; Minn., i. 3. isos.


your face will become white.

'•."r.E Proverbs iii, 27, 23. Such was the la-



PoMPKV. H.i! Scipio Jistdiink? .'^illMO. Idu.^t." Uuhar.l III.

bel on a recent number of tbe Concord (N. II.)

liidfptndtHl D'initrrnt, which was addressed to

one of tbe principal merchants of Winnebago S and 9 blk 4 Winnebago City.

City whu happened to be in rrrears to that jour- Frank Deudon to (i K .Moulto i Q 0 D of lot

nal. The worthy man of cloth immediately bl'^l-' »> Easton's Ad to Winnebago City.



Maiiul.i'-turer and Dealer in


of every vanety.

JH I ••» y V I :• \ A X L'Xi

j lifitanrant tnul Sulooii.

j OppoMte tJa; COLLINS HOUSE, Winnebago City.

I Wioep, Li(|Qors aad Cii'urs.

; C-.:-'.?^a. O'A C'w.ji.ao, and liabir.a.

, Fresh Oysters served in »«wy style, and for

I sale by tbe Can or keg.

Gfntlrincv, I heep yoml Liqnort. Winnebago City. Dec. 'J. l>r.S. 26Ttf

ti K Moulton to Frank Deudoii W D of lots C 7


L>t J ii.|-i.>:.. r? A-» A .* 11-- , ....

nal. The worthy man of cloth immediately

made in.|nirios regarding the whereabouts of a \ J„hn" Franklin to L.vman B. Sch-velle, warran-

bible, read with consternation the divine com- I ty deed of lots I ainl 2, Mock 9. Dow A Bow-

mand,and immediately forwarded by P. 0, Or- ' """=* '"^'^'" '" '^'""-' ''"'^'*" ^''y- **^''-

, ,, » f J 1 VtawV. Deiidon to (ieo. K. Mjulton, quitclaim

der. Ihe amount of money due. .i „,i „r i .- ki,«i}^ u . a . n--

.^j deed of lot.., block ;>, Lastoii s add n to W in-

"* ' nebago City. $aO.

To remove freckle, cut them out with a razor Ezra Bullard to Horace O. Ivt?, warranty deed

and throw them away. Thev will never return. "' "* 'f"*^'* i »*^- '^' town 103, range 26,

j $1000.

' Win. Walljce to Elizabeth J. Huntington, war- ranty deed of lot .'i, bl'k 3, Winnebago City, j Wm..McCullough to Hugh .McCullougb, warranty !

sfers of Real Estate Iu Faribault ''""'^'"^"'"'^''''"' ''''*^"^''**^'^ ""^ ^"'''^''■'""''■^'"^'■-

Couiity. j ican Inventors. It is a Miperb work of art. , DRY GOODS

Single ]iictiires, printed on heavy pa^er, will j ' .


Lyman G Tracy to John Parris and Xe'son Bean I I?"'"''^'',' •'^° "'""""' ^"^ ""> ^°'-' 'ubscribing j W D n* .sw(|r S 25 T lo4 R 25. $1200 i ^"^ ^''® Scientific American the pajier will be

Q K .Moui'ton to Frank Deudoii'Q C l/ of wj s«nt f'T o"c > car, together with a copy of the ^ nw.jrand neqr nwqr and nwor neqr S 20 T *'"8'">iving. < n receipt of ten dollars. The pic-; 1114 H 21. *ls6y. \ '"'■'• '" "''"' offered as a pruOiium for clubs os sub- j jj- . rrtr\

•cribtrs. i 11 A I o

/«~$l,50 CA.'-Il PRIZES.-fe^

In addition to tbe above premium, the Pub- j lishers will pay $1,500 iu Ga.sh Prizes for lists of |




A ftill Afiorlaaat af

Dress Goods!

Cunaistinf of

DaUiiiM, Poplloi,

Tyeoon Bap*,

Alpaeas, Merinoa, kt.

Tojetbcrwith a full Lina *i

QiDghams, Prints,

Tickings, Sheetings, Flannels. Woolens, Jeans,

iiatinettci, Cassimerei,

Alfw a Large ii apply of






And all other Goods necc^.^ary to make up a full

and complete ascnrtmcnt for town and

country trade.


Winnebago City, Sept. 28, 1369.

Winter Goods !


Largest Stock

(lilt Mouldings Kei>t On Hand y r. harlow.



McMabiii & Beebe. | R^al Eslatc riLaiul AVarraiUs.

Dealers In | WILL BUY AND .sELI.

FIVE AXD HARD ^YOOD,To\vN a.vd Coimv Oi:deu=^

Pay Taxes, Examine Titles. &c.

I I. O.orO. T. At a meeting of .«onie of ; the members f.f the Lodge, held in the Masonic IIsll, Thursday evening, a new organization was ' eomptvted, by ekcting the following officers:

W. C— J. C. CaldwelL i W. v.— Hannah Lawis. I R. S.— C. J. Farley.

F. S.— Geo. Wicr.

M G. M. Potter.

T. Loretta Norton. j

Skst. II. C. Kincaid.

Gr.\RD- -Julius Bailey. [

Tbe next meeting to be held Jan. 8th, 1870.

BOOTS and SHOES I Ever brought into Faribault county is now in lisbers will pay fl,500 in Ua.sh Prizes for lists of the store of

subscribers sent in by February I'J, 1870, Per- 1

sons who want to compete for theje prizes, ; and id fact any kind of Goods, is at the Store should send at once for pro.sjiectus and blanks i

for name?

Terms fi r Scientific American, one year $.1.00 ; six months $1.5i» ; four mon'lis. ?;i.OO. Toclubs of ten and upwards, terms $2.50 per annum, , Specimen copies sent free. Address the publish-


MljNN A CO., .'7 Park Row, New i'ojk. How TO Gr,T Patents: A panipbL-t of Pat- ent Laws and Instruction to Inventors sent fre*.

deed of n w i see 26, town l(i.'l, range 24, and

nei sec, 27, town lOt, range 24, 5^1000. Chas. W. liorton to Eliza Dorton, warranty

deed of wi uei sec 1.3, town 103, range 27,

?12O0, Lewis Huttoek to Jiihn Rakov, warranty deed of

swi nw J .sec. 29, town 103, lanpe 2t), $200. Simeon 0. Cramploa to Pliiilclia While, warran

ty deed of lot 14, block 26, Winnebago City,

?J00. K. Lation to C. Nelson, warranty deed of 2

acres in ^ se ^ sec. 27, town 102 range 27,






R. M. Wilson,

First door Korth of Post OfiSce,

where more Goods can be had for one dollar then any other


LUifBEU. j

Diinunsions, Siiiing, Floorini^, Lath, anil Sliincxlcs. |



W- mnke a •'pecialtr of SASH. DOOR."?, and MOtLD- lnr,^. aUa WOODEN EAVK CITTERS at b«w flpures.

•rtlra on Van Brunt's Addition, South end ot Front I •irf't. I

M.ankattJ, Minn.

I* al.io AGENT for the

Phoenix Insurance Company,


To bring out a moustache, tie it to a stronj cord, twenty feet long, to the other end of which I attach a heavy smouthing-iron, and throw the '■ latter from a fourth storv window.


Bine Earth City.

VA.>T HORSES AKD FARM HOUSES «hod In :'plen *^ .lid Htjie hy R.->t>ert Liiile. tir-<t do.>r Moutb "f Mead'*

Motel, nine Earth Cilv. Refe-pii<,-«, Lewis. Wal-

■at L*k<-. and V. C. Seeley, Blue rarlh Citv. r.llvl





of St. Paul, Minn.

Also Nolart/ Public dr Coiivfi/anccr. e stre<t

Corrected weekly by Moulton 4 Deudan.

I Wheat, spring. No. 1 45

I " •' No. 2 40

Corn 40


2 CO

2 00

' tft. and their residences in Washington: Potatoes iO

! Daniel P. Norton. Senator, 187 H street, be- t'Utter ..mm..>...2o

i twecn 19lh and 20ih streets. | ^SS*

Alexander Kaniscy, Senator, National Hotel, i ^'■■'"

Miiiiicsuta CoiigTessnieii.

The following are the namrs of tho Senators Hi"* "'".:

ID . .■ r. r %. Flour, W cwt....

and Kepreseutatives in Contrrcfs from Miuneso- p f„ ^i^^|

Eugene .M. Wilson, Representative. 456 North *^">'*"«

20 I HI

>• ••■•••••• ••■••■••• •«••••••• (*>•«••■•••«••« A 4fV

I 00

Hay, 1? ton 5 00

OFFICE-in the rear .f the Post Office build-: . '^T,';" ^T ^^ilk'^o". Representative, N»- ' ^y^l^ ""'*' *Z

tional Hotel. v^neese jo

♦— Pork, suit, %i pound 15


}ag. up stairs 2l3t«'

AVlanebagi) City, Minn.


ATTORNEY AND COINSELOR AT LAW. IVAT^PITP \V ^\'T?On f /i/A S4:tf Blue Earth City. Minn. ^^ AL TER \\ . ^\ EBB tt CO.,

' "Mother, what did f.itherpray to General '", ^'■"^' "?/"'•••: ''3-3

, . , , , Beef fresh, expound 10

^ (.rant so much m church for, yesterday ?" asked Kcrosere Oil 60

the bright little daughter of a ministeritl friend, Salt, ^ bbl 5 50



DiHiar 1 i.^bics are connected with the bonse, aad there Li 2 od stabling on the premises. 212. 1



11. P. CONSTAXS. PKOPRierou.

This popular Hotelis entirely new. and furnish- td in excellent style. ff^Etcellent ac'^ommodatiuna fjr team*. 242tf

K. ^'^^'^"•



li.is constantly on hand Clocks. Watches. Jewel- rr. Sliver ware. tiold Pens, Mu>ic»l Instruments, .kc. Rejairiog done with dispatiij and warran- ted. 2;ictf

Bftgister of Deeds.

iUal Estate Agent and Con- veyancer.

Tnx*» Paid for yon-rfidtiH;


APSTRACTs ri'Kyrsnrn,

A-., le.

Blae Earth City, Winn.

Wholesuio De:iler« in



♦•I don't know that h". did. sis."

"M'by. yes; don't you know 7 He was always

i«ayii)^, 'Gr.tnt, we beseech tbce."


Lard %^ tb 20

Dried apples \i to 20



CIGARS, No. 03 Third Street.


Wheat per ba.shel, No. 1 5.3

No. 2.. 4S

Otts " " SO

Corn " " 45

Potatoes 70

Pork ^ pound, fro:h, ^ 8i to 8

Lard ^ pauud 15

Flour, >J rwt., retail 2 25 to 2 »0

Corn meal, ^ hundred, retail 2 00

Buckwheat Flour. ^ cwt 5 00

If your horse is lame, sore or galled, you' Butter. ^ pound 30

should use ./,iu«»n'« Auodyue Liuiment ; wash '^KK' V '^•* -2i

the part with castiie soap and warm water, rub Tallow ^ lb , 12C

dry, with a clean eloth, then apply thti Linimaot, ' B«ans ^ buib%l 2 00

Excellent flour at Richarison's.

Mo5EV TO Loan. I bare some mon<ty to han on first-class real estate security. Come early, aad yo4i can be atcomiaodated.

ANDREW C. DUNN. Winii«b«go City. Minn.

Tho Lady's Friend announces the folli-'rr'ng Novolle-.te lor 1370: "Did He Forget Her?" by Louise Chandler Moullon; "Tbe Ca.scan- oons' Aunt," by Elizabeth Prescott, author ef "uetween Two, Ac. ; "Solid Silver ; or, Chrisio Deane's Bridal Gifts," by Amanda M. Douglas, authorof "The Debarry Fortune," Ac, with nu- merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy cf laJy writers.

A finely executed Steel Engraving, a hand- some double page, finely colored fashion platCi and a large assortment of Woon Cuts, illustrat- ing the Fashions, Fancy Wcrk, Ac, are given in every number.

It will .4ive a popular piece of music in every number.

lORTRAlTS OF DL'? II.VGUISHED AV- THORS. The January number will contain Portraits fengraved on steelj of Mrs. Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moul- ton. Eluabeth Prescott, Amanda .M. Douglas, Mrs. Margaret Hosmer and August Bell.

NEW SUUSCRIBERS who send in their names or 1S70 before the first ol November, shull receive tbe November and December numbers of

In Faribault County.

R. M. AVILSON. v4n2Itf pr N, W. Sakgent

April 5ih, 1867.

NEW FIRM. New Goods.

:n':,fr'*':ai!'i'::j?£f ;;:r; ,:",■;,'.';; j '^velch and Wallace,

names by tbe first of December shall receive the magnificent December Holiday numlxir, making thirteen months in all.

TEk.MS.— $2.50 a year; two copies, 4 ; four copies, $6; five copies (and one gratis;, $S. One copy of the Lady's Friend and one of tho Post, 64.

A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Engraving "Taking the Measure ol tue Wedding Ring'' engraved in England at a cost ol $200— will be sent to every full ($2.50 \ sub- scriber, and to e-ery peison sending a club.

This engraving is a gem of art.


319 Walnut Street. Pailade!phia.

Specimen Copies sent for ten cents.

DeaUrs ia


BflNN. '"'*'* "*" "''*' '^* hand.




••••••«•• «

I Hare the readers of the Fre* Humttt«ad eT.ir ' I used any of Parwou't Pur.jattrt PilUf if not, why I i not? they are the best family physic, besides be- Wheat No. 1

ing the greatest anti<biltous remedy there ii in j do 2

! this country. , Oatf

i * i Corn

I To AllCo.icf.hxbd. Now, my good fellows,' '; all of you who are owing the firm ol Clossick A , Common j Sinith. BUcksuiiths, in Winnebago City. | lease j^jji k DimensTon [ call and s«ti!e your accounts on or before tbe Flooring , 15tk of Deeember, lS6y, and you will save your- Siding

selves KHch trouble. We unxH have money. Finishing ..'..'..'.

aad ii iBU;»t com* froB our d«i»{or<. ' r .th

lours trulv, ! CL'VSSICK A SMITH.


••••• ■••<








No. Iu7 Third Street,

St. Pan], Minne«?ota*

FariT 4.ND Shadk Treks. C. L. Smith, of Walnut Lake, ia offering for sale, lU0,O9tf Soft ; Maple, or SilvetleaTed.and lOO.OOO While Elm ' Trees, at from 13 to $10 per thousand, 3 to 20

Shingie No. 1. do X

do XX.

••••*«•■•••••»*«• 31 VV

22 00

....^. ^,. 27 00 to 37 00

22 00 to 28 00

......'.... 30 00 to 35 00

2 75

, 4 00

5 00


Boots and 8hoes



NEATLT DONE. to TboBpson's for your Baots.



n''*'^^'^ HM " k'"^' '^'•"•"'"^•f ?'*>*""' Whereas, my wife, Jane BreLford. has left my tri^s^'e^n^.rah^'F* v"'?"K*'"r 'f?" '»>«<' "^ board without just cause or prov.^a^ LTcl'lf.t I^J J 1 ;■ ^'f ^'^f -' '^•« ^ '"'1 f<"- «■<"•- •" P*r.ons are hereby notified not to tm.t

t trees. Aiigeu debts of her contracting.

..Mff w . h ^^L"' ' ^''-*'' JAMES lIBELSrORD.

"^ Waloef LaVe, M;nn. Preuott, Not. flii, 13S».



StoTei. Tin





anoractu^rs of


and all kindi of


A fia* assortment of

Table and Pocket Cutlery,

Grind-Stone% and Hanginira,

BroaUaf mad Crosciaf-


At TlompsoaV, opposifa the Collit* House Wioaebaja City, MiR»«

Fence- Wir^t de., <tc. April ?di, \m

J- H. Welch, WD>.WaJI»e«,Chai. Wallaco. WiMtbajc Citj, Mi&i.


The Latest Style of t

l*aislcy Shawls, Large-line Double Shawls and Cloaks

JIATS, CAPS d; CLOTHS, Cassimere Delaius,

Belgian Dclains,

Rep Dcdaias, India Cloth,


Wool Poplin,

Cliinchiila Popinlo, lliiffle Skirts and Boulevard Skirtp,

may now be found at this store.

In addition to the above mentioned arlicles of t?ie present most fashionable patterns, you will ai trays find at the Farilault county


A well selected assortment of


from the "Odessa Skirt Company," which »*« msurpu«sed by any other Hoop Skirt in n.-r, ae rej{ards Durability, Cutnfoit and Style.

And also a large stock of

Groceries, Pork, J lams,


Lard, Wheat, Corn,


Onions, Flour, Meal, <fcc., <fcc.


Oockery, Glassware,

Looking-glasses, Lampti, Lanterns,

Machine and Kerosene

Oi], Sugar Buckets an4




of all met. and many atyl .

0. i:. Moulton. of the firm of MOTLTOy A DKUDON, has just returned from NEW YCRK CilY, where be took particular time to find tb« b«t houses, and to purchase at tbe bottom uf the mi.rket, an.! confidently belieres th^t be hM * secured the best qualities of good,, acd Ji V most rea»oa»h»e figures, and " '


Is now offered at a «ma J.adrance on the original co«L Call and exanjine for yourselves. '

??rttly Yours,




The CO partaerahir heretofore exitting between the undersigned, under the (inn name of Moul- ton 4 Deudoi}, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. Deudon ivithdrawing therefrom.

All liabilities of the late firm arc asrunicd by G. K. MQnltoD, who will continue the MercaniiU basiAMs at the old st^uid.


^ 1' DEUDCfN.

[ ^nrartai»)r;t7,Mi8B:,r«'T.l»,IW».






Adjoining Plankinton House,


Vffc wiU send a pair of KID QLOVIIS by maU to any address, on receipt of ON1D DOZiIiAR, and stating size and color desired. When you come to XMIilwaukce give us a call.


i^>. •-■\l> M'2.00 and get for return sJ>n-k,s«mi>lo»and S^-tn*Uc;?rthSt will -t <Vi'-^U-AN "/llTvANA iTij d.^'ler or consumers AMKRU^ANA"^^^^-* LKiAK AND l-OBACOO CO.. Maquoit. Mass.

fWTEN TOTIIK .MOC"KIN<i B»KO' J^S a .f;ild. It is made to imitate the Song " ,f;«^^«'~{ the NfiKh of a Horse, the Bray of an Aw^ '"^^ '"""''"J a H.« Bird.*. Be<«ta and Nuakos are Kuchant^d and


Fer Promoting 'the growth and Preserving the Beauty of


'I'Ue iuTentors of Oocoaine where the greatest heat alleviate it - turned th nuul to promote the

eneraUy from that part of the head , ..;«,r nature induce heat rat_herj.han eitetable Uils aa "coos, or

f f

(IHOOSK between* vigorous life or an untimely death. oVi ! how much misery and sickness would 1"?;« ».^.°^- «d had 1 bsit read Uiei>« books bctere. Just vubli!h.d. 1. The "JVhTse';."' Voutb." or the myHtenes ot the sexes, and how the diseased ortf»"S ^" .l'," restored. Founh edition ^^-^d. enlarged and Ulus fruted with 27 Anatomical plate'*. Price •*' V*^°™,a-it u"' J. Lubarsche, Practis.nK ''{^i;-';^" "^l^t^r h^ 2 "Secret Hint* lolilrls «"«» |V riAt.Vd w\h li

lli. or CUARLKS SONNE. 72 Lake St. Chicago, i"



Rural, Literary, and Family Weekly,



Assisted by an able Corps of Ai«)cUt«B iu all £)ei;«rtment«.

IIF-AKTH AND HOME meets the wants of all members of good families everywhere, and oouUins the best of everything for everybody In city, viUage end country. It gives pracUcal instmction, by the most ex- perienced writers upon aU Rural topics Fannlnn, Krull-tirowliiK* Flower-C'ultnre, Onianirnlal (iardeninir. Rural -^rclilieptiire, Couniry and (il> llomen, their Fnriili»hlii«aiid Adoriiiiienf, Donieaile Bconum'r, Ilounekeeplii* lUuls,

1 Etc.

It has Choice Sioriea. Hketche*, l-Jtuayw.

' Poems. Mit and Iliiiiior, the New*, Jloney and

' .Marltet ReportN, Hf autifui Pictarett by the best

' artists, and in short, all the features of

y.irzT I A First-Clasu Family Weekly.

thelMisisof a medic*-

presented itself most strongly l'0«sess ' ction of other ingredients, those which

ing many properties I>«^"»'»'»y^^f .»P«tfl h!fvo''beeu'^ove^r^*. ^Si^ti^ h will chem.. aUy , ."WJ V.'"l*'\l'.!la ^„ be the best that has yet appwei




No Otlicr Ccmr^ound

.oases th< pecaliar properties which so exactly suit various cunditiona vi the


^e human b;iir, r ihf hair u-htn har'b a'"J 'iry. ). alp.

I' prvmuttsa healll^y, tiyornut yroitlk.

11 I' mtt grraty or tticky.

V Ifatea tto tiiitagretible o>krr.


BosroN. Octobor IW, Joseph Burnett 4 t-o. . ,„„.,.hM

My worst complaint lor several yens has Alter brushing mv huir, my coal collitr .red with white scales. v'

1 u.kvc ua«d leRS than a bottle oi your Cocoaine. lue dand^utf.^d the irntalion which c'-"*"'! '\'>-"« *" t.«lv d7«iPPeared. and my hair was never brforo in ao i'ri'cS^ Your obedient aervant^ FULLER.

Loss of Hair.

BOSTON. July 19.

For many months my hair {^.If «? 't'^iTi'L" upoS'^i was teariul ot losing it e"t*f«'>, „' ^.^aiLi^ head became gradauily »""[.» ''"^j^^'^«,uTlaal week

I (fbiumeuced the us« oi >yui ^,y^^^,t»/iu;hing and in June, l^he r.rst apphcaUon ^l»>^^,;^4 i^^d Sider .*'r.f;.Tr.,,,^» u, lall. and 1 have

Book Agents wanted for |


New iJook with 234 Engravings, TBB IHrarOCBNTS ABROAD,

Or, The New Pii«riin'« I»ro«rewj.

The most reliable, enjoyable, laughable and popular

irritation ; in threo or I ,

ness disappeared, the hair ceased

now a thick growt^f now hair. gyvj^^ r. pOPE.



wt ' . '



Boston, November 34, iN'^t'

Ianrs. Joseph Bcrneit A Co,, Boston : a.,.,

*""•"."... » , K.i/4 oAT-on vears. Alter





cover- ol an

Jb; oue'bitle o^^ourrjioaTne, my bald Piy|«s ^ J?i .TvBrwith young hair, about thie« ei^s .j. -.- :;?.h long! whi^ ap^ strong and U«ulthy and det«

""wrVi^your obliged and -bediejit servan^^.^..

Iii-itation of tlie Scalp.

Waxkuvu-LE, Me., September li, Hti»- -r,r .^rTha«v'i;S,^^ed*i^uch benont fro^^^ !i^raV^r-mV"Uret I M '^^^^t^^^^^^^^ •"."rh^i^d'onlS^tlfeof your Cocoaine onb for - U^ pu.poii otT hAir dres-sing. but to my "^'P"'^^;^' ''i e"..ra> removed the imUliou ot -^ '""^ *"°4,'°*., ' Siv J recommended it to several of my f"eBd8. who w !:Slict^ in the same way. and it h^ m:o 1 o-ltf ^-^u 1 thcdiseasj. ju.-^i rii ix


Tkr rMo.n»j, not* U JrofHlk* ««"•*"""" /,C:*i'f,f;, New YoKii, September ii, law.

''•v.^i'^^f^i^fL.me Ume past I have been uMng^jo« Cocoaine. Imd I think it far prolerable to anything

'n?m7"rrtm^S"«'^- value y«i are perfectly at hberti to use it. lio»pecllully JO'^^^j^.^i- LESLIE.

B.\N(K>B, March 8, 1868. •''i^^.^,".,,!!^- V^t o^'^oaine is the only dressing for the


'''S^5'o1rwlfro'ma"e money faster than ever before

vSl^i^ ^^^'"A folnteTrnn^l^d « ^a'Lt^ai^Sw^a^^r^tay^to^^^^^^


*^ PRICE S.'i. I

Makes the EUstie Lockstitch. Noiseless. Practical. | SeMlbte Full directions with each machine. .4 chi d ■• ^t^xZtm it in ten minutes. Sews as strong and beuuti fSl a^^ U amr i^china» Makes an elegant present. I W t^ a^ par?^of the co,^tr>-. nicely and safely packed. , on receipTof pnco. A liberal discount to the trade. ,

Capture, the Prison- Pen and the Kscape.


It contains so much rtom that every number has an abundant variety for Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Damrhters, down to the youngest child !

Kedured ltate>«ror lS»0-invariably in advance. SiDKle Copies, 84: Three Copies, ail at one lime, 89: Five Copies, 81* making HEARTH AND HOME, to a Cluh of Five or more subscribers at 8'2. 10 each, the Cheapest as it i." the Most Com- plete Family Weekly Newspaper in Uie world. Subscribers before tho first of January next will get all numbers to that dat<' Free, and their year will end January 1, 1^71. Specimen numbers sent free. PETTflNOLLL, BATES A CO..

87 Park Row, New YorlC;_

Ayer's .

Hair Vigor,

For restoring Gray Hair lo Us natural Vitality and Color.

A dressing wbicb b at once agreeable, healtby, and effectual for preserving tbe hair Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin bair is thick- ened, falling bair chocked, and bald. ne&; often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hai. where the follicles are destroyed, o: the glands atrophied and decayed. Bu' BUM as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead



Great Fanners' Paper !

The Paper ot the People.







Is it that Dr. Roback's tSttii..- ach Bitters increase in - n every year ?


They are the best conibi na- tion ever made.


Do the Druggists recuiii- mend Dr. Roback's Bittcrd to their customers?



A Remariiable Case.

1A.ST MiDDLEBORO Mam.. June 9, l**.

in tictober, l«»il. it all came oil

She wa* induced to trj' }oi nas astonishini

ti e young

"i'lLJ^mihi'lig'I^Vh^arnoV n^lj^lf ^ a boule pore^ier head vr.as covered vvuha hiir. in lengt

color t

This ihrininf, authentic, and p'-pxtar work, i^ a fsom- Dlete history of Southern Prison Life, principally at

Richmond Danville. MaWn, ^^''^'^'^'/'^ifJ^^^S' Columbia. Belle Isle, MiUen, Salisbury, and Anderson ville. Describing the


Numerous and varied incidents and anecdotes |





The Pbople'h Favoeite Joubnaii.

The Most Interesting Stories

Are always to be lound in tho

New York TXTeekly-

At piesent there are

SIX gri:at stories

fanning through ite columns ; and at least

One Story is l\egnn Every BSontb.

New subscribers art thus sure of having the com- mencement of a new .onUnued story, no matter when they subscribe for the

New York "Weekly.

the hair with a pasty sedl nient, it will keep it clean and vigorous, Its occasional use will prevent the from turning gray or falling off, consequently prevent from those deleterious

fntrmonthruie hair has gro«-n several inches gth, very thick soft, and nne. and of a darltcr

;iu ioroicrly. With respect.


«t>.Arrr.vforo^/-^^i''*;,^^^':-':"^^*^^:'^</";i: ;v;y^«r^;i^;;:^a.;afr„j.,«a^ ,.

Dris.jn IHe. embracing, also, the adventures of l^e auUlor's""^«Zf f rom (folumbia. South Carohns .his re- r"n7°r. tri^aa "pv, and tinal escape from ijylvania Uwl^ia. We want ail agent in every towu, county and Tillage iu the


^-■.relhe p>i'

^jJrJfu/i iciH b* prompltw profemttri.


Manntaeturm aad Proprietors. - - No. 27 Central St., Boston, Ma£..



Kairv *<^winK Jliachlin';

rfoct -ewing on the heavi..»t '■' KJ when the

,ii^S^?.^Kdo^riect^go„ ;.

»,eaver or l.nest cott;.a ;J ''> P^'.* only $.^ Send !<»■

' --" ^"^ •^''-irdifne'^rill be K^^nM.y^^Press C. O. L,


[ niry"

c.vular TheiiachinewU^eK^-nt^. j^.^^^^

Addrtss t«iry ^-^«'Wlu« -"7., ,„„ lUinoLv

P O. Drawer 'S:r, "'^ "



"— "^ Wll.U RUCEIVF, on »l)i,licaticn. desoriptivf eats an 1 pricei of j' m plcte urindinj sni »»'«• Jv i-g Honr *<>""• „M,"' V ^tone» and Ootn M.Ms, \ Smut aud Separatiog


We offer a new prac- ticul work, needed by all husinosa men.

Agents have already realized over $3U per day. BooWsellers and pnersetic persons will receive sample and par- ticulars free liy address- ing


47 Clark St.,Chica«o, 111.

to seU it this fall and winter. The volume TOotains l^tween four and five hundred pages, inclnding an ApTOndii conUining the name, rank, rcgin-ent, and SSToffice address of the prisoners ; ",".?"" rfl"ljl.n;r traled and elegantly bound in extra cloUi. We are pre pared to


Each number of the VEW YORK WEEKLY contains Several Beautiful nicstrations. Double Uia Amount of Reading Matter of any paper of its class, &«"! the Sketches, Short Stori.«, Poems, etc.. are by the ablest writers of America ani Europe. The

New York "Weekly

does not confine iU uiwfulness to amusement, but pub- lishes a great quantit ? of reaUy Instructive Matter, in the most condensed form. The

N. Y. Weeldy Departments

have attained a high repuUUon for their brevity, excel lence and oerrectnesii.

The Pleasant Pajiaoeaphs are made np of Uie con- centrated wit and hu mor of many minds.

The Ksowxeboe Box U confined to useful informa- tion on all manner of subjects.

The News Items jive in the fewest words the most noUble doings all ov jr the world. 1 The gossip witb Cohbespondents contains an- I ewers to inquiries up>n aU imaginable subjecU

hail and baldness. Free substances which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a


nothing else can be found fo desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye. it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasl long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,

Pjuoiical and Analytical Ouemibts,


FfilOS $L00.


AKl.',ULAR OHAl>n>TK OF MKDIOINK as diploma at offlo».will Know. &»a I'M'" "".^K" .»nga«etl in the treatment of Venereal. 8«°»' '""'' PrivaU Diseases than any othor physician in


Syphilis, Gonorrhea. --, .- „. .-^

Ueraia.^d Rupture, all tfriuary DisPases an(^

.^J■•pbilltir^ or Mercurial Atftictiona of tbe 1 .^I'-si.


Uealere in heavy grades of Genume


"^r^^niToiiirn^HableCare for Dyweiniia

I'hey alleviate more agony and silent


VVajited Building Paper



the most liberai terms to aU who engage with us in {he sale of this book. Teactors. '«^ies, erjrgeticyouna men, and especially returned and disahlJd o*cers and soldiers «-ill Vind our work particularly adaptod to thoir condition. We employ no general agents, l'"'- "ffer suoerior inducements to cnnvawers y'.i n.7'" ' "^'" "3""/' <"... ii^n. Over 150,000 copies havoalrea«ly bS^n sold in the Kiu.t. «Jna agent sold U? y<'J^"'3 'n o"" day another 75; another has Ukmi 1,000 orders in four weeks. Sample copy forwarded. i>oBt paid, on receipt ot ^-i.OO. For lull particulars, addres.s K. II. FEUUISON & CO.,

Publishers. SL Ixiuis, Ma

j\,r tirst class new 7 ^ctare VianvH.

U.PWNO Co.. New York.



Sent on trial.


Those haTlnK friends afHote-l "• •^PA'.^'^-i?-*!*' to asnd for a OIROIII.AR LIOTTFR OF RF!--!- P-N'JK.S aac* TkaTLlIONIAlJJ, wticli wi-l oonvir<e Sftm^t skeptical cf the OUBASIUTY of tho U.'? RASK Addre-^ ^^^^^ LOOK BOW. MD^

80 Oreat .Jones 81.. N. Y. OUf



New York "Weekly.


The Term* to .Sutwcribew i

One Tear-single copy Three DoUars.

Four copiee ($.80) each Ten Dollars.

Kightcopies Twenty Dollars.

Those sendimg $au for a club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitle 1 to a copy free. (>etters-up clubs can afterward add single copies at $2.60 each. STllEET A SMITH, Proprietors,

No. 55 Fulton street, N. Y.

r- -.tarer years, or other iBeB,a.id which P'?9'*<>f ,., •; thVfoUoVing eifcotz, as noctnrual «'>'^»?n»- uc . : f, debaity,di.izioe8B, dimness of Bighw, v^n

tvlion of'ideli, evil fore'^odir.re, "f^'^'jj^^^'i''^' o. tenialee,loaB 0/ memon and senia! Pow"»t"»^f

.:erii!g marriage improp-.c, *r<* >:"™*",*Pi;7f°'tl.. I , e Doctor's opportnm/.eeinhoBpitalandpr vale

pracLic* are nnsarpaaeed in W. lotus or aayctcer ^ity.'ifeck flU.s ot KU Louis pepers p»ve that be bw ;.een locatAd there longer by y«»«. than ">» o"'^" ii.!v.rt s.r.K The esUbliahmeat. library, lii.xr6ior. Tot »: ;^ Stment«tte tuirivWle J \t> t-.c ^esl. .Y'sur- »L' W aaywhere. Age, witb o-X!*r,'.^n. ?, eta are- 1I*: ^^Cdthldoctor can refer to many ptivs.c.anE f irvcxT-out tbeeonntry. In past cu.ui-rji-Rna .ree I, t -^iFition heet*ncl8 withont a coir p«t. tor. TJi* Writlnarsof a Phy Klein u « hone rrpu-

taileii Unl9"'-wl*l« •'»«»**^ •*• vrorta rcarflnc.

Uno-roK Warrxnw ^ubUsBes a "'^'^'9^^

P.J ^' l-iii.l' T reiatiu« toTsnerea) diseaws anala»• J.Kh6troM»nd yariid oocs«in«ncesof self aon^, tuiat wiU be s«nt to any artdrcM >o a eea.i-d envelope

(or two stamps. V. any physiciaps '°t.'V^"';f. ^-'^V, ' Lt ^lUc doctor after roading ,1"^ ."ledicsi piimpliW. .-!jix,mQrioftfloi» conCdential A friendly Ulk will Tbt yo.i nothing. UCioe cttutrel, yet reUrod i»c. ,17 yt. C>iM)ft Btreot, St. l,onia Mo.


J. R. Lawrence k Go.'s



forever, suffering than


'^^Senevel^Tn'own means fail^ to

ndigestion can resist their

hopelese cases, when every I relief.

No form of Dyspepsia or penetrating power.



,t IS the vital principle of ;hefJ-Treo.^obta.n^^^ . peculiar proce« in tWiUa^nf ,^ ,„^,^^

nv ^KNlllNt*

tiii d.-i <;et«th,

as and hair, yon will

its highest medicinal P"'P«";i~-l'„;.I^,ho appetite. It rates the digestive oreanswdrertoreetno^^P^ ^^^ ^^


lungs. •««.'^«V'„"„y'rnd"^^^t%S^^^ to each


r years of .Vo«e7ea to «h«,-tllo^ -T.ee"n^r.'if the-tKitient ha- *P®Ji ...-..«,# tn the means of c\

niption wnicu ■?\'"'"'-l,;h ,,„„,, he air paswiges oi wi" the mucus or phlegm '»j"^,^JV'P!,, „i^„ thTimtated lungs. Its healing P"°"«L%ff,p cnctrstiiig to each surrace of the Lungs »nf, T^'i^^XmgmiUnunation. disea^-d Pa-^,">>'«' ».°£^^ rtn<& and ex^riment. and it U 1, the result of yoa« of vJ^M^-Yr""!.'""^.!^


t.„.«-P.ion of .Ue I-HR., cough, sore

Throat and Brea«t, Bronchlti«, Liver

complaint. Blind and Bleedinu

Pile*. A«thnia, .Whooping

C'ouKh. IVipthcria, *.■«••



Or in place o(


Its cost is so trifling that an ordinmry house can be covered on all sides for less tnan


8«Bd tor oii«alara and samples to


Beloit yXTis.

with are. bei^tt' -^ color of eyes and hair, yon will receive by retarn oiail. a correct picture of your future husband or m;e, with name and d»»e of marriage.

Address w. FOX, P. O. Drewer No n. Fulton vi Ha Ww V<»r>_

A Musical Box for Two Dollars.


M. select airs. Eminently adapted for the drawing- ic«ni table. No. 1, 8 tnnee. <2 ; No. 3. 14 tunes. $.j ;_ No. 4, ;M tvines, $.5. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Orders to the amount of *-'i sent C. O. D. ; one dollar most accompany the order to insure it ; the balance i !S4) ^J be paid when goods are received. Send threo-ccnl st&mp for now illustrated catalogue, witb list of tunes. Address RARKLKY A CO. I

56 Liberty street. New York.

CUAS. A. DANA. Fditor. Th*chMp*.t,.m>-t«9t, and best New York newspaper. Fvorvbodylikeiit. Three editioj..: D*"-T. »«l 8«»' WFEKir,8'.*« «TidWEE«LY.»l aycar. AlithsNkws at h^fi--pr'i«.*f ull r-jjorts of market.. ««n<-"Uure. Farmer, and Fruit Orowen.' Ouhs, and a f^'nPl'tf j!?"^,'" ,t,Vb^ •Wecklv an'l Seroi-''e*k y number. A present of valuable Kand vine* to „veryj>ubjcriber; '"''"^^^^nd Plani" U.^er. un.iirn».«ed. »1,W Life It"'"-"""^-^.™;." ™^- ito»-inc Machine-. Parior C»r(r.n., S*winR Machines to:, amnnz the premiunn. Specimen, and lUU free. Bena a Dollar and tr^ "j^^jlaNd. Publisher 8nii. Wew York- _

odiyB li to i T. M.

Uonre 9 a. M, deci!i 1 y




C2HOWSHOWTODOUHLE THE PHOFITS OF »5 THE FAKM, and how faricers and their sons can each make

$100 miL zmoNXB

In Winter. lu,"i)Cicopi9S will be mailed fr*e to farmera 8end naro* and addre'S t-» . .

Zf lOLKR, McOURDY A CO,. Chijago, 1 1.





A medical m.ia, devotes

„.ert. boldin.honor.blc co'le^i^" ^^'f , hi^. entire time Wj°!, «.^'t™,h him are


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part of the country, j~~—. - -'l'l>«P-"P^i^.-i?I*?K'J:r.^VaL?{ha^pe of Drafts

wheee services This opportunity is

the country. _. , asking advice.

idedto convenient."S,n^iU^c;s"sho-uldUkeiha shape

or Poet qmc. P^«'.?,^^„erican Dyspepsia Pills, $1 a box.

letter, from any part o* |he ^.<«°!S;;,


Tar Cordial, *L50 a

Price of Wlshart' s i

^^ 'oT'wurart'.'"plnrT^ b,iaror $ir ^? do.on Sent by expre^

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No 332 North Second St., PhiUdelphia,

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PRICE »30.

Every Family «n 'b* ««'°o^'l°'"**** °°*, ,^„w..

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matic sufferers itoxa early mdisc ret ions should not fail to consult, coutidentialiy. Dr -Mc Namara,at <M and AiAIaeon St.. Milwaukee. Me ha^ remedies viuh the aid of electricity that will stop th.Me nightly emissions . bnild up the nervous system, re store the sexual powers to their lull vi/for. and the mmd to Its ordinary cheerfulness and strength The Doctor's skUl an Venereal Chsoasca^ cannot be c»_ celled in the heahng art. Special of WOMKN. lebw-lv

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AMliHO^/yi is too uWlhioirnto

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Grade Jc Draiiiajfe l.«vt 1, Ti itv only $1').

- very Farmer nee.ls one. Every School should h»v^ rae }<o b-n«iueor requ red to iay out voids. w*lk«oi waterxourW. Will eltabhal. levels «er (oundwioo ZllU^^dgei ni*de ground, *c. It is eif^rasiy «ro pietkdtSifS^STl toaeyaddr** on rec*.pt of trice. Deecr ptive circulars, with cntt, free. MAMiLtON K TOWLK, Civ4 Fng-neer.

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TUI'. only perfect core fc* PILES, of all kinls, Ala Li FBOBi, .SCHfiruLA, SALT IlHKCM, »nd all dis e*«esi,f the Sk'k and Bi/)od. iD'emul and externa: , nee. K.ntireiy vegetable. UsmI in tbe Uoepltala of the i Old and New World, in oaaeof failure, I aithorif* al , dealers to refund the mcnoy acd charge it back to rue. No f -ilnree for over ten years. Prepared by H. D FOWLH. fJhemist, Boston, Mass, ftl a bottle. Bolt* , eTe^yw^«^l•^! Snnd for l.'irjulars free. '

THE .^lAGIC « OiJIB will change any M>iored ' hair or r.earrt to a penraneot B.ack or Brown. ' One t-;omb sent 1 y mail for *1. For sale by Merohanto , and i>raRKists generally. Addrens MaOIC Lokb CO., '

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Cincinnati, Ohla

ja'" The Companion in an eight-page weekly Paper, pra<!ilc«J in its character, wide- awake and cntertainins.

It gives a grent variety of reading. Interest- ing alike tc yonng and old, and has Tor contributors such writers as

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Subscription jrice. 91.50. Send for a specimen copy.

We do not wish to inform you, reader, that Dr. W on- derful, or any other man, has discovered a remody that cures Consumption, when the lungs are half consumed, in fhort, will cure all diseases whethor of mind, bodj- or estate, make men live forever, and leave death to play for want of work, and isdesigned tornake our sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which Heaven itself shall be but a side show. \ ou have hoard enough of that kind of hunibugery, and we do not wonderthat you have by this time become disgu-sted with it. Biit when l teU you that Dr. .Sage's Catarrh Komedy ">'>r"""^'2 nr/the irortt cafJ> of Cnlarrh. 1 only assert that which thousands can testify to Try it and you will be con^ vinoed. I will pa> $5(i0 P..e\vard (or a case of Catarrh that 1 cannot cure.

For Sale by most Orngglnis Everywhere.

PBICE ONLY 6U Cr.KTh. ikiii bu Maxl, poHpaiJ Jor Hixiy Crjilt- Four Packages for $2.U0 or 1 Dozen for $5 00 Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the yroj^r^.tor^^^^^ ^

Buffalo, N. Y.




A ver)- superior rer^latinB Tonic, imparting vigor and strength to the constitution -a thorough

PURIFIER OF THE BI^OOO. a regulator of nervous force, and a powerful sustainer of health against thi- encroachments ot disease.

The invafid and tho convalescing seeking restoration, and yearning for the healing virtues of some magic Balm will find in the^o Litters a hidden mysterious power which ciuictly rentiires. ycl refuses to reveal to the senses anything but taste and color

It is a pleasant Bitter, free from all nausoous proper

ties or odor, entirely vegetable, being mainly grown at

the base of the mountains from which thoy derive their

name and is particularU' adapted to all forms of


manifesting themselves by the follovring symptoms : "■» . -^. . < i< Low bpints,




The ITew Tork IXTeekly Tribune

CoutaiuB all the important Editorials published in the DAILY TRIBUNE, except thoae of merely local interest: also Literary and Scleutiflclntelhgence; Reviews of the most interesting and important New Books; letters from onr large corps of Correspond- ents; latest news rfcelved by Telegraph from all parts of tbe world ; a summary of all important iu- lelligeuce in this city and elsewhere ; a Synopsis of the proceedings of Congress and State Legislature when In session; Foreign News received by every steamer; Exclusive Reports of the Proceedlnga of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute; Talks about Fruit; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods, and Qeueral Market Reports.

Tbe Full Reports of the American Institats Farm- ers' Club, and tLe various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are richly worth a year's subscription.

Horticultural Department.

To keep pace with the growing interest in practi- cal Hortlcnltnre, and to comply with frequent ap- peals from all parts of tbe country for information ot a practical character ou tbe subject, we have engaged the services of a ]»erson who is experienced in rural affairs to write iu a lucid style a series of articles on the Management of Small Farms, Fruit and Vegetable Culture, and bow to make tbem pay, giv- ing general and Specific directions from planting to the ultimate dis osal of tbe crops.

Of late years there has been a lucrative business carrioa ou by uuprinclpled m«n, in selling worth- less and oiJ i.lauts under new names to tbe inex- perienced. THE TRIBUNE will be always ready to guard tbe farmer against any such imposition that comes within our knowledge.

Veterinary Department. .

To make THE TRIBUNE still more valuable to its agricultural reader?, we have engaeed Prof. Jamks Law, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell Univer- sity to atiswer questions con:;ernlng diseases cf Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and other domestic animals, and to prescribe remedies. Answers and prescrip- tions will be given only through tbe columns of THE TRIBUNE. We are sure that this new feature Iu THE TRIBUNE will add largely to its readers, as all owners of animals are liable to need tbe infor- mation proffered. Inquiries should be made as brief as passible, that tbe questions, answers, and prescriptions may be published together. In short, we intend that THE TRIBUNE shall keep In tbe advance in all that concerns tbe Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining, and other iuterests of tbe country, and that for variety and completeness, it sbn.ll remalu altogether the most valuable, Interest- icg, and Instructive NEWSPAPER published in (he world.

It has beeu wrll observed that a careful reading and study of tbe Farmers' Club Reports in THE TRIBUNE aloue will save a farmer hundreds of dollars in bis crop. In addition to these reivirts, we shall continue to print the best things written ( ;i the subject of agriculture by American and foreign writers, and shall increase these features from year to year. As it ia, no prudent farmer can do withont it. As a lesson to his workmen alone, every farmer should place THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon hia table every Saturday evening.

THE TRIBUNE i* the bttt and cheapett paper in the rtuntry. This is not said in a spirit cf boastful- ueKs. It has fallen to New York to create tbe great- est newspapers of the country. Here concentrate tbe commerce, the manufactures, the mineral re. sources, tbe agricultural wealth of tbe Republic. Here all tbe news gathers, aud the patronage is so large that journalists can afford to print it. This is the strength of THE TRIBUNE. We print the cheapest, aud best edited weekly newspaper in the country. We have all tbe advantages around us. We have great Daily and Semi- Weekly editions. All tlie elaborate and intricate machinery of our estab- lishment—perhaps the most complete In America la devoted to the purpose of making THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE tbe best and cheapest newspaper in the world. Tbe result is that we have so systematized and expanded our resources that every copy of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE contains as much matter as a duodecimo volume. Think of it I For two dolUrs, tho subscriber to THE TRIBUNE for one year bu\/i as much reading tntiter at though he filled a thelf of hit library with fifty voluma, containing the greatett works in the language. The force of cheapness can no further go.

THE '«T-EKLY TRIBUNE in tbe paper of the people. Here tbe eager student may learn tbe last lessons of science. Here the sebolar may read re- views of the best books. Here may be found cor- respondence from all parts of the world, tbe ob- servations of sincere and gifted men, who serve THE TRIBUNE in almost every country.


After years of

and trial they

proven to be a

for Dyspepsia and Indiges



have been

sure cure


Is it that Physicians u>3e and recommend Dr. Ro- back's Sugar-coated 151«haI Pills?


They know the ingredients of which they are made.


Are Dr. Roback's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills the best remedies taken to- gether for the cure of :ill diseases of the bloods


The Blood Purifier is the only article in the market which contains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex- pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and the Pills contain the active principle of Podophyllum (Mandrake Root,) and is a substitute for Mercury.

' Why

Are Dr. C. W. Roback's Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu- rifier and Blood Pills the three greatest remedies the woi.' has ever known?


After eleven years' experi- ence and trial the sales have increased each and every year, and thousands of let- ters (unsolicited) of the re- markable cures they have performed bear witness. Read the letters in L<n-u Column of cures by thest medicines.





SEWING M.VCIIIXK. indiio*iuent9 to Ap«nt*. = ne M.vrliinp c-i tlie t!a\ - 3.r.„i, "—wiildo niiv kinil 't woik tli

ixT »',-j::t,i to *(•-. SlO.N M.N->1^„_ PiliC only ^If*. Oreot TbiH 1. tl.i- 111' •: l> I'lilsr 9«» roakeii till- f .lu.'t s " I.l:i-<ic I.-" W Sdtrh "-wiildoniiv kind .t woik tl. .1 c.ii l,p d.iicon ui..» Machino-lUO.OOO "old an 1 the dtui^ud '■'^^^^y 4- crex-i,.E. Nowf.thetbnetofak. >'^»-<.°cv. 8»nd l.TCJr

L CO.. B^onrM«"--. rttt>2»mLh._K^ rn^6uJLo^jj;^^_

OMEN of New York;

or, the Unrtcr-world of Ihc Greai

City. Tlic ►ir.s <f iv<-y il^-. <1 ii"CiclyT:\ noted. Ai-<Ad 0* liMlroad io >u». Kv^j'* "'

VleadacheiNervousnese, Ixies of Memory, ~~- -^

Giddiness. Dimness of .Sight, Dullness of Hearing an

Ringing Noises in tho Fars. l-.ructations or Belching

of Wind, Tightness of Breathing, Weight and Opprei

sion of the Chest, Uneasy I eeling about the Heart,

Palpitation, Ac, 4c. ^. , , ^. «..j

Also for Liver Diseases. Disorders of the Kidneys, Restlessness and Loes of Aluscular Power, these Bitters will be found almost a specific, and as a preventive of

FEVER AND A«;UE, or a restorer of the natural power of the system when broken down by continued ague attacks it has no equal.

Being stimufaUng bat not intoxicating) ihev relresh and invigorate both mind and body, heighten the sensi- biUty, clear and sharpen the faculties, and bestow alacrity and cheerfulness of spirit,


This is an active Tonic, and such is its peculiar com- position, that it acts directly upon the Liver, whether its derangement is caused by tbe sudden paroxisms ot chills, or by the heat and pestilent atmosphere of mias- matic districts and seasons, or


poitd danger are up.

three pr«Ks all the t'me to pnnt fh«t cnougl. Om Ageia took 178 or-itrt in IQ <^nr' 740 pa~«i-, « lllI"tiaticn^. Price, Ascntn Wanted. A.lJrew K- CO.. 115 y»t-.nu rtrcct,y. Y_.

' "«•' « F w f, f

Mors MoKEV i.t IT ro« LiLi. AOtXTS THAJI ANV OTHtr. Booi. TaF-



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Publishers Youths' Companion,

151 Washiiigton Street , Brtston , MaMU



4 GENTS .>L4KrS« FOPTV^^ v.""*"* "

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plng. Paint, Soip. Cement, ana » omer iteeeipts.

ManyofthsiniSrfcriiWewJh. We send aU of them.

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tJL^OT Wife, wS name, occnpatjon, Pf ",^fj«2 cSSwt*ncee,d.'e of mamage. and '''if^Vi Sh^ 1 Hfe rnrttaanMre. aae wUl five yen tbe P. O aOiinm.

So t*arroS^wr»..pondrml«o the •»*"<» Wl '"•: 1 SrU^tfoJTandun .oo^ow, whtn »n.1 whsre you wil. , N^me i»ca«uUnte.l. now often you will manr, yonr r«eome.«cqo»iB ^^^ eventbirg relating to



Of the most approved construction, on tavorsble Send tor circular.

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84 Michigan St., Milwaukee, Wis.

raited Si»tP^ nondsvJLiold elan and D;

f.arcfaase ai y execBted


and Dout«4tio Exchaiiiie arrhase and Mue by inaU ar t- xpr«M prompt

SIlTpr, For- Ordc-re tor


The Married Ladiee' Privar«- Companion con- .ug^^^d^infor^.^ I- f-/^^2^J-

iS^fSS.S'^bUte>"ar ;*'V;"cok.rn-' eves an 1 rair. la SSB«lS>o«nte, »ni yon will receive the picture, with

r.arace. yon will 1-- - -

bt return mail. Ad.Teee, in eonfl- '^ Drawer .■^SWr*. f>icag«v 'H

2>. B. SZBXiST d^ CO.,


Special aUenUoc given to DRESSED HOGS IW^ Seuth Water Street. Cbira«o, Ol.

REr»BLvcts-W. F. Coolbaagh,

Sg Michigan Avenue




Is ei erywfc-ere pronounced hy competent judges to be superior to ottierg for tbe following resecus :

It ia made of the finest stock ^rown.

It has a mild and agreeable aroma.

It is anti-rervooB in It B«ffects, as

It is free lr>m drngs. tLe Mcoucs

Bevinir alto been extracted.

It lesves I o acrid, oiaagrt-eable aftertaste

Does not i ting or burn the tongue.

Leaves ro offensive r,aor io the ro^m.

Ordeis f..i elegant Meerschaum Pipee

Are dai y oaok»i in v&rioasbags.

It is of a' I; right golden color.

iieing vert light, one poand will laK

Two orLLiee iiroes as long as nihara

Buy It, tT It and convirce yourself

If your detlnr does not kesp it ask bim to get it.


Is also a very good article, and makes an excellent

sm-ke 1 is much lower In price and of hea»i<r

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LORI~3.LARD'8 ^S^^^Si^*^*

CENTURY Tt^Xor'^^f

i Ohewin}; Tobacco. ^t^SS^bVtheTS

' chewing tobaoM io tbe coontry.


P. IiOaiLLAllD. Srew York.


,u.i.^ «.=...-- - - whother it be tho sio'w

result orsedontary life, or the sequel ol other diseases In all cases this Cure sUinulates the sluggish action of the Ijver, removes bad bile and promotes a healthy natural secretien. Each bottle is accompanied with one box of Lansley'* CaUiartic Pille, $1 a botile

PHXiMCozarc rebsbdt,

or 'Toor Man's Con;h Balsam,"

A safe and reliable antidote for diseases of tho Throat and Lnn«s . the most effectual preparauon in the world for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Asthma, Consump- tion of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Tightness, Soreness, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. 25 cents a bottle manttactubeu oslt by

Ihe Rocky Mountiin Bitters Companys

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E. A. HoTCHKiss, Editor and Proprietor.

Liberty, Literature and Land.

Teems t $2:00 a Year in Advance.

VOL. Vn. NO. 10.


WHOLE NO. 322.

Selected IHiscellanQ.


■T OBOKuK a. ii'TDtM.

Rlugforthe b*aati(ul > ki.ol .

A knell for tlie youDj? and f lir, Who starts to the soun.l ot her tnaniktie bell

On aiifi--l"'>">' walk with (K-npair, 8wliij{ ami itfs.' '" ymr belfry lugb. Llanior. O bel;», to the wnny Uy,

But your voicea are knel'.s,

Aii'l'the pean thai KWi'lla Uonty a mocking le !

Ye should Hios; of joy. bat in tonp« rao«t olaar Ye are shouting far to the iistenio*; etr, SkIiI ! f>ACl ! sola I Sold for a million of lU-gojt* n gold I

A IbooMiidayMare agnpe to see

The gUtlMtag ourtrg.' paae. But the eweet t^rldt- wjlketh wearily,

And her eje* tiiey are ■luo, aUw I Hand, not heart. In the giit »he brlOKS, Daty. not love, iit thn etraln ah>> slug*.

And her vl^iuna are traatiht.

With bauk<^HiiKtUui))^kt And dir- fnl Ima*ri<'>nu3:

Her hsart shouid be ught. bat its beat la alow, SobbluK and throbbinit. i«atl and low- So d! suldt soldi Sold for a mUllon of gil tertng gold I

OratiKe flowers In aer sbiuiDx h ^Ir,

H»lf concealed by gi.a-«amer boe; OU, she !a lovely boyi>'-:i < ompare,

Frvsh ami sweet is h r iitnlsU face; Stariy Jr-wela nn h:iiid ami bre»i»t, Oema of the oriout, «old of the Weat,

IngllKiuirrini; plu;

Seein. iauxh-.nx. to ray •• Wt arr thi pru€ nj unrttt." I But tijeaongU 'Uiig anil the rite is rea>i

The pageant ovtr: the vows are said Sold! sold! 8o:dI

Sold for a million of ri«hi g Kold t

now another element haa been brought to j play. There is no doubt bat that th« Ecu- j meuical Council will take action on this

Juestion, and that both in England and 11 reland the "thunders of the Church" will be eroked against all parents who send their children to schools at which religion forma no part of the- teaching. At a large meeting of Roman Catholics, heldUnt week at Biroiiugham, the Earl of Denbigh, u leading man among the Catholics of this counuy, declared that he would rather see children sent to schools where Protestant- ism waa4aught than to schools where no religion at all was inculcated; and the meet- ing, of which the " ^ .. of the place was heartilv when he made this remark.



DiTCKiNO AND Deaining. -These im- SENAXi-Dec 15th. -The bill relating to TV)rtant items in farm maiiHgement cannot , an Intemat onal Industrial Oonvendon was dla- U too frequently placed before the'.f arming cussed, aud laid over for the present -Kellogg of- commanity. Many are detetred from un- derdraining on account of the heavy ex-

pense, although it may be safely affirmed that the entire expense of nnderd raining land is always returned to the farmer in the three following crops, and often in the first.

Tiles are, of coarse, the best means with

which to form the water way, but tiles are

, ... so expensiTe that they are comparatively

Roman Catholic bishop y^jg xxmA. Good sorviceuble drains can

chairman, cheered him \ ^^ ^j^j^ either with lumber, sawed for the


Ignorance and Wretcbcdneaa In Lon- don—The Scliool Question.

We clip iho lollowii>g piir,\gra|.h from a London Utter to rhe New York Htiald:

"It ib needless to inform any .\merican who has Hepu our large towns iu England, how fcarlully we are behind you in the matter of education for the poor. Ii any American correspondent of an American Diper, or any .\uierio>in writer resident iu England, was to walk down or through a single di-strict of a score I could point out in London, and was to give his fellow- oountrj'men a simple but titithfal account of what he saw. £uf;lishmen would put down his words as btiug antiue, exagger- ated, unfair and the like. And yet I would defy him, or any one who was merely a word painter, and who nfiver colored his pictures, not to astoninh Lis readers with the drawing set before them, f rovided it was only true to the life. When I tell you that we have herf> in London upwards of 25.000 '-gntter children" who live in the streets who never hear the name of their Maker but iu a blasphemous oath, and who have no occupation but what they make for themselves, no leaching but that j which educates them for the prison, the I reformatory, tho thieves kitchen and for ultimate penal servitude; when I tell y.ja thi.s us a niuiple statistical fact you will hardly wonder if I 8<iy o<iaeation for the million is Komewbat needed m this land. But when I add also as a statistical fact that to these '25.000 wanderers there is an addition of 5,tXlO women of bad character under 15 years of age, and 5,000 professed theives of the same tender years, you will wonder now, with the immense wealth ot London, (iod docs not visit us for onr sins ; and that this huge overgrown Babylon ol ; bncks is not destroyed \>y llim as were the ! cities of the plainl U;t.s no effort been j made to redeem these children ? Has no | one, no set of men or women foot an undertaking to tducate them in some measjre, to teach them scnething of honesty uud of thvir relative duties to God and man ?

Efforts have not been wanting, but we di- vide our forces, we will not act together, and so the evil goes on and is increasing. The established Church has many scliool.^ aud might have the funds at its disposal to have many more. The Baptists, tho Wesleyans, and the Roman Catholics have also their schools; the latter the m..rit energetic, and. for the limit»-d i umber of thrir commnni- ty, th« most eiB •'..JUt of all. But with the

freat many of tiie well to-do classes in liiglaud tliere is a most naiiccountable ap- athy upon that all important subject. Our strength is divided; there is no law by which parents are obliged to swnd their off- spring to school, and "from the thieves, roughs, and fallen women one can only ex- pect that they should, as they do, greatly prefer that the children pick up here a lit- tle and there a little -by odd job<, by sell- ing matches, by thieveug. and by worse— which adds something, no matter how lit- tle, to the general liinds of the household.

Plants iu Siecpiiii; R4><>ih8.

Though the air is dependent for the re- newal of its oxygen on tne action of the I green leaves of plants, it must not be lor- I gotten that it is only in the presence and ' under the stimulus of light that these : organisms decompose carbonic acid All j plants, irrespective of their kind of nature, ; absorb oxygen aud enhale carbonic acid in 1 the dark. The quantity of noxious gas I thus eliminated is, however, exceedingly ' small when compared with the oxygen 'thrown out during tho day. When they t are flowering, plants exhale carbonic acid ' in considerable quantity, and at the same time evolvtt heat. In this condition, there- fore, they resemble animals as regards their relation to the air; and a number of plants placed in a room would, under these I circumstances, tend to vitiate the air. I While the phanerogamia. or flowering ' plants, depend on the air almost entirely for their supply of carbon, and are busy during the day in restoring to it the oxy- gen that has been removed by animals,

many of the inferior crypogramia, as the ' fungi and parasitic plants, obtain their

nourishment from material that has already I been organized. They do not absorb car- ' honic acid, but on the contrary they act ' like animals, absorbing oxygen and exhal- I iug carbonic acid at all limes. It is, there-

fore evident that their presence in a room 1 cannot be productive of good results.

Aside from the highly deleterious action that plants may exert on the atmosphere of ; a sleeping-room, by increasing the propor- I tiou of carbonic acid during the night, there ' is another and more important objection to ' be urged against their presence in such i "ipartments. Like animals, they exhale pe- I culiar volatile organic principles, which in many instances render the air unfit for the purposes of respiration. Even in the days of Andronicas this fact was recognized, for he says, in speaking of Arabia Fwlix, that "by reason of myrrh, fraukincense aud hot spices there growing, the air was so obnox ions to their brains, that the very inhabit- ants at some times cannot avoid its influ- ence." What the ihflaence on the brains j of the inhabitants may have been does not I at present interest hs: we have only quoted I thw statement to show that long ago the I emanations from plants wtre regarded as I having an influence on the condition of the I air; and, in view of our present ignorance, it wonld be wise to banish them from oru sleeping apartments, at lea»t until we ars better informed regarding their true prop- erties.— Dr. J. C Draper in January Gal- I axy.

The radical party in England propose, as a remedy tor this, that an act of Parlia- ment should be brought forward by which rates i*houid be levied from all household- ers for the payment of common schools; that to these common school^it should be made imperative lor all person.^ who are too

Kor to educate their ( hilJreu to send both ys and k^tU of their families; and that at th«se schools no religious leaching be either enforced or even allowed, so that up- ' on the score of diflerent creeds no objection i shouhl be raised. But to this there is the opposition of relitfious denominations. The Anglicans, the Wesleyans and the Cat ho- . lies say alike that education without relig- , ion is worse than no education at all. What | they demand is that the scheme, now prac- 1 ticed on a comparatively ^mall scale, and j oalled the denominational system, should ; be greatly enlarged, and that to each relig- ious persuasiou a ^raut ot government money should, under ctrtain restrictions. ' given, with which to build schools, pay teachers and general work out, under gov- ernment inspection, a system of education upon a large scale.

The Roman C-itholic Church in this country has, up to the pn^sent time, shown more energy, mora activity, and has been more successful iu its schools than any i/ther denomination. Aud the clergy as well as the laity of that church are. more than any others, dttcrmined to oppose anything like a system of secular educa- tion. They say, increase the funds yon allow us; where you have one Catholic school eBJoviu« government assistance, we will Mtablish five or six. if you will only est«nd the help yon give us. Then, if you like, make ii compuUory upon all the children of onr taith to attend these fchotUs, and punish the parents who don't ob«y your order."

The liberal press object to this. Thsv say that they >viil not pay any sect more than another. Thev don't want and will

A Brain Atmosphere.

A new theory is propounded to show why one happens to think of persons he has not seen for years just before meeting them. A similar phenomenon often happens when evex put on ; qq^ ^^^^ impressions of the death of friends who may be thousands of miles away, and subsequently learns that they died at that particular moment. A writer in the Lon- don Spectator thinks th&t there is a brain atmosphere extending through space, more subtle than the air or even than the elec- every year i j^^j. flmj, \g th« nndulatioas of the air Epiticopal I occasion sound, and the undulations of the ether give the impression «^f light, so the undulations of this brain atmosphere may convey impressions be- tween sympathetic minds. The theory is a very ingenious one, and there are certainly many facts which it will explain very satis- factorily, but these differed. t atmospheres must be curiously constituted, it su many different vibrations, moving from ho many directions, do not interfere with one auo h- tr. The theory of light, with its hun- dred of millions of ethereal vibrations every second, through the vast spice between the earth and sun, or between the earth and a distant nebulas, has always been a tough morsel for our mental digestion. The mas- ters of science lay down the law, and we submit, but our faith is weak. And now comes in a new atmosphere, with a new sense of motions. It is a little too much

I for us, we confess, and looks "aw' a mud- : die," as tne world did to poor Stephen j Blackwell. With vibrations of air, vibia- , tious of ether, vibrations of brain almos- I phere, and vibrations of electricity, (we ; suppose that must vibrate too), things will I get mixed up badly. 'Tis no wonder m- I sanity is increasing, for so many vibrations \ are enough to addle any weak brain, and make it difficult to distingHish one from i tother. We must beg our scientific friends ! to hold up, and keep their discoveries of any more atmospheres to themselves. We shall be crushed under the load, if the num- I ber is increased. There is a limit to hu- man endurance. Frovidence Journal.

How Divorces are Obtained.

A writer in the New York 1 elegram tells how divorces are obtained:

.\ wife, for instance, unrestrained by any virtuous ccmpunctions, has a butband greatly her senior, in whom there is an ab- sence of congeniality, or perhaps imagin- ing she fancies some one else more, makes application to the ever complaisant "di- vorce lawyer. " He hears a statement of her grivances, and promises her speedy relief for a big fee.

Regularly in his employment are a set of vile creatures whom, I beg the sex's par- don, I must call women. Possessed of some c*apital in the shape of personal at- tractions, but poorindeedin virtue, though comelv to the eye, they are patrepcent in their souls. They are eager performers in any act of turpitude. Instructed minutely as to the foibles and tollies of her intended victim, she familiarizes her- self with his favorite haunts, and gradoally insinuates herself into his acquaintance. Perhaps she begins with opening an appa- rent innocent flirtaticn. or by asking a question, proper in itself. An acquaint- ance formed, she then inaugurates a system of siren-like blandishments, artfnllv weav-

puriK)se, into five or six inch widths, even with brush aud poles; in either ca.se, however, the expenses of the drains nro heavy, and what has its effects also, the work is hard aud disagreeable, and where the labor of a farm depends on tho farmer himbelf or on the members of his family, it is difficult to get work of that nature per- formed; then again, to dig drains properly is a trade, and requires considerable ex- perience and special tools, the farmer oftea loses ten times the value of them in a siu£,le season.

Draining cannot be recommended too strongly, but where draining cannot be done, ditching can, and this is the second best thing. Pew farms require ditches of more than two feet deep from the adjoining level, aud where ditches are not deeper than that, the entire work can be done with the plow and the road scraper, thus putting the hard labor on the horses and not .in the men, and rendering the task an easy one.

If water is got off tho land quickly in the spring when the snows melt, the land is never wet during the subsequtnt season; whereas, if the winter's rain and snow are allowed to lodge on the ground, and soak away, it puts the crop back for a considera- ble time, renders the land cold aud sour, and throws the earliest aud best sown fall wheat into the midge season. Where a field is wet or flat there ought to be a ditch all around it, the earth thrown out by the plow in forming it on one side being made up into a bank for the fence, and on the other, spread otit on the adjoining land as evenly as possible, and so as to prevent the water from forming a lodgment. For form- ing such ditches as these nothing can be better than the plow; nothing moves earth so fast or so cheaply, and by proper man- agement the greatest portion of the earth in the future ditch never requires touching with any other implement. When the earth can no longer be profitably heaved out of the ditch with the plow, that imple- ment should be used, without a mold-board to loosen tho soil, and the earth so moved carried out of the ditch on the adjoining land with the road scraper. No ditch ought to be of less width at the bottom th^n the ordinary road scraper; if it is, the poach- ing of cattle searching for water and tread- ing down the banks, soon fills it up.— Can- ada Farmer.

Fabm Waom Must coub Down. "The laborer is worthy of his hire," and we are decidedly in favor of paying all good, faithful workers the highest wages that can possibly be afforded. The farm cannot pay beyond a reasonable j)er cent- age of its products for workmen. The cost for freightage and other marketing expenses is about the same for wheat at 75c per bushel as for that sold at $1.50. But mak- ing ne allowance f.)r this, let us reckon the wages of laborers in wheat or other pro- duce which he must buy for bis family. Suppose we put the wages of good work men at four bushels of waeat per week with board, or five aud a half without board. This, with wheat at $1.50 per bushel, is $25.00 or $34.37 per month, if the employer sells his wheat and pays money. Is it just that be should piay the same money wages when his wheat brings only 75? The plain truth is ho cannot afford it He cannot give eight or eleven bushels of wheat for a wedtVl wark.

If the laborer could feed his family two years ago on four bushels ot wheat per week, he can get along on less than double ! the quantity now, while the employer is j straiKhtwned for the means to pay interest, , purchase machinery or implemeais, stot^'k, ' etc. If laborers do not appreciate these 1 icts, aud moderate their demands ac- ; cordingly, farmers will, from absoluls ntces- 1 sUy, be compelled to shorten sail, aud a ! large number of laborers will be thrown | out of employment. Evciy farmer will, ; of course, do the best he can to retain his ' well-tried men, and to keep some improve- ' ments going on. By the way, wa wonld like to receive from onr readers in differ- ' ent parts of ihe country, statements as to the number of bushels of wheat, and of ! com also, that have been equivalent to the average wages of farm Lands, with and without board, during each of the years 1865, 18G7 and 1869; we refer to men em- , ployed by the month during the entire [ year. American Acjriculturist.

A Bushel Wheat fob a Pound of But* | TEB. In some of the interior places of our i state we learn that wheat is down to forty- 1 five cents per bushel, while in St. Paul a good article of butter sells readily at retail for the same price. After paying harvest hands from two to three dollars a day there is but little left tor the farmer who raises the great staple, after deducting price of seed, threshing. Ac. The expense of mar- keting is decidedly in lavor of dairy pro- ducts, since the forty-five cents' worth ol wheat weighs some sixty times as much as the batter. Here is another argument in favor of mixed husbandry, inste.id of tdl going into one kind of crop untu the mar- ket 13 completely over-stocked. If our farmers had raised only half as much wheat and a good oop of batter, cheese, pork, and beef, to say nothing of the great varie ty of little things that bring the cash, there would have been four times the money saved this year, as the wheat would h-ive brought double the price, with one-half the cosi.~St. Paul Presn.

Beet SuoaR in WiscoNSi^f. The Fond da Lac, Wis., Commonwealth gives a des- cription of the Beet Sugar Manufactory of Messrs. Bonesteel & Otto, in that city. It appears that Mr. Otto has been foreman of

fered a resolution, which was aarced to, directing the CointcKteeoncommorce to inqul;'e Into the ex- pedieu.yof repealing tho Uws n latire to the d!a- tributioii of fines aiut penalties iiicuired under the ciiatoua lawfi; aud aJso for liu'roasiiiK the salaries of CO lectors, stirve>or» aud naval offlc>-rs at the prlLcipal p'.rta.— The Senate c ncturcd iu the House ri-Boliition to adjourn from the 22d Instant to the 5th proximo.— Browiilow occupied i half hour in per^oual explanation of hi« course la the Tenues- Hue cauvaiis. Ue heartily suppurteO tho admiuis- tnitlon, aud was not iu lavor of Andrew Johnson for Senator. C'arpenicr called up liis reaolutlon declaring that th - Spanish RUnboati should not be pirraltted to depart. He art^ued that their or 1 detention would bn the only couise consistent with our avowed neutrality. .Mr. Sumner (ok a conirriry view, aud thought h<j or th<i Senator from Wiscondin misaiprohciided the staiute on tbe sub- ject ■ Coiisiderable discasaion foil jwed on the question, pa. ticipated in by c'arp«i.Hr. Sumner. Howard aud 01 hers. >'o action was taken ou tlie resoluti.'n.— The joint resolution reiiuhiting hourii of labor by Kovemmeut employes W4S taken up. Morrill moved an amendment repe.iling the act making 8 hours a day's work, which ho snpported iu a long speech, doolniinj that as u'vn act ouly ap- plied to men .n the servico of tne goverumeut it was anU-republican, aud offensive to all laboring men.

House— ProRser introduced ti bill to pro- vide for specie payments; Clarke, a leeolntion that public lands should be open to srttlompnt as soon as the Indian title was extinculshed ; Con;;er, one instructing the Committee on Comraerco in rela- tion to the establishment of a harbor of ri-fuije on the shore of Lakr) Hur.m, Between P 'int au Barques and Ihe St. Clair liver. Adopted. Djer iutroduct-dabillincreihiiig tax on National baulcs; HQge, ofr.-red a resolutiou looking t) inquiry luto •he vvondaie Mine diHastor. The House «h"n took up the Census bill. The amendment requiring the collection of sti isUcs on bonds held by corpora- tions and individuals was reJMttied, and the amend- ment of Garfluld adopted. Jei.ckes moved to i-trlke out the Agricultural schedule; rejeited. The bill was then reported to the House. Tho amendment for the coUeciion of social sutlatics ivas agreed to.

Senate— Dec. 16th. Wilson offered a resolution, which was adopted, looking to the pro- tection of public meetlnt^s In the District of Colum- bia.—Thurman, a resolution of Inciuiry as to the (lestgnn of the United States In tl e Terger case, wblch wentover.—Ccoper introduced a Joint reso- lution to clo.so the account of JoLn Vt'. Forney, late Secretary of the Senate, which wa« adopt d after explaiialloii by Cameron, in which he stid the ac- counts of Forney had bven fairly sdjust- d.— The Georgi.i reconetructioi. bill was taken up, and dis- cussed at length, witliov.t coniliig to any definite action. .Sherman Introduced a bill to establish a Barean of Customs aud Revenue; Htimner, a bill proviiling that tho nets of the several depirtmenta shall not be called iu questloa by th« other depart- ments, and flxinjj the Uuiits of tho J idicial power: Kice, a bill to euconrage tho carrying of United States mails to foivi^n countries in American steam- I ships, and for the encouragement of emigration from Europe to the United States.

House —Bills w<re introduced, to appor- j tion the Bepresentiition of the severed states for the | 42ud Conj,'rcs8 ; to amend exls'.ing revenue Uws; to ! repeal tiie tax of t'U per cent on notes of state I bauks. Siolleid preton'td Utters from Secretary of I Navy, asking a ahonty to enlist 1 , SOU more men j for the Navy. Some farther amenilments to tho Oeasu-i biil were disposed of ai.d th<i bill passed. Allison introduced a bi:l to fix theuc.iuber of mem- bers iu th*j House of Rffpreseutaiivt 8. —Brooks re- pcrtei a bill to furmi>h,'at guveruuiiut expensc.ar- { tlhi'ial liuibs aud othT supports, to honorably dis> | «.harg«-d soldit-rs duriujj tile. Ordered print(id. A | message w:is receive) from the Piesident declin- j ing to faruiab correspondenee on Cuban < affairs aa aaked by a resolution I

of the House House went Into Ccunmlttee of the Whole on tne Pre.-ident's message. &luu;{er, (Jem ,) ot Ohio, made a sp ech criticisitig tlie tluancial pol- icy of the govemment, and advo at ng repudiation of the debt He was followed by Brooks of New York, Kerr cf Indiana, Slocnm of > ew York, Kan- dall ot Pennsylvania, and others— tU democrats In sharp rebaWc, d ciariug that thi naiioual debt never cau he, and uevwr will be, repuiiated. Gar- field theuofft:redare><olutioadeclarinKthutapropo- HlUon for repudiation, dire, t or indirect, was tlis- honoruble, aud that the House i-et.'< lis seal ot con- demnation upon It, without distil ictlou of party. The resolution w.ia passed by only one dlHseuti* g vote. A message was received from tba President, announcing the ratification of the l.Sth amenduieut by Alabama.

Senate— Dec. ITth.— The bill relitive to telegraphic communication with foreign coan- tiies was taken up. It prescribes the terms on which traus oceanic cables shall be permitted to laud in the United States. Some liscussiun to >k place as to tho constitutional lighi. of the general govfrument to supervise the queiitlon, la which Sumner and Sherman were the chiof disputants. Bills were lutroduied, lo abolish tie franking priv- ilege, and to provide for a reducti n of army offi- cers.— The Georvia reconm ruction bill was taken np, widch o<cupi<dthe remainder of the afternoon and evening sei^sirn, the discussion turuln;^ chiefly ou Moitoii's amendment requirin:; the ratification of the IKtb ameuiimcut be!oru Senators aud Repre- seutatives are a<lmitti-d. At a late hour a vote was reached, and thr auieudment agreed to— yeis 3a, nays 15. An amendment, by Howard, was upreed to, by which persons who aided the rebellion would be excluded from s^ats In the Legtslature of Geor- gia, exrept suo-i as were forced into th- service. The bill was then pawed -yeas 4S, nays 9. Ad- journed till Monday.

Hoi;4X Not in session.

Senate— Dec. 20th. -Sohurz iutrodaccd a bill to reform the civil service, providing for a bo.ird to examine all applicants for office, and for a year of probation. Referred. "'Vnmbull intro- duced a Joint resolnUon declarinK 'Virginia entitled to representation iu Congress : Pomeroy, to cliartsr i^n American an>t Holland cible company : Sumner, a reoolntion a«kiug the Preaiden; for Cuban cor- respontlence; also a 1>111 to provldtfor the adjust- ment of claims of American citiaeiis for spoliations pommittad by ttie French pri(jr to 1881 —Morton reported favorably on the bill repealing the duties on canned and preserved fish.

Brief History of «Tat-8e-O.Kama," ' or the Ureat Wonder of tlte Ave. |

When the troupe of Japanese Gymnasts ! visited Chicago in 1868, Mr. Campbell, who | has always an "eye to business," was struck with the peculiarly glossy appear- ance of their hair. One of the oldest members of the troupe, who, with a com- panion, was sauntering about town, chanced to drop into Mr. Campbell's store, and looking uloriely at his hair, Mr. Camp- bell became convinced that the Japanese knew something about the art of coloring heir. Consequently, on the day following he called on the Japanese interpreter, at the Tremont House," and stated his busi- ness, saying tha' if he was correct in his conjecture, he would willingly pay an ex- orbitant price for information that would be the means of driving the poisonous and filthy Hair Dyes from the American market. Tho interpreter informed him that one of the older members of the troupe had been iu former years chief hair-dresser to His Majesty the Tycoon, and that he whs in possessien of secrets in the art of color- ing hair, but that he w«is under obliga'.ions to his government not to reveal them. Through the kindness of the interpreter, Mr. Campbell was introduced to this per son, and made known his wishes. He was met by a refusal at once. Th\3 person, whose name, as many will remeinber, was O-wee geewee-nah, told Mr. Campbell that there were two kiuds of dyes made in Japan, one for coloring black aud the other for producing a brown effect; that the for- mer was in common use, while the latter was a "court aecret," and used only in the family of the Tycoon.

Mr. Campbell determined to possess him- self ot this dye if possible, as nothing had ever been known in Europe or America ihat would color hair brown. He therefcie offered O-wee-gee-wee-nah a large sum of money for the secret, but he was ref ised. Shortly after this the troi.pe left Chicago and went to New York, and Mr. Campbell followed them in a few days. He went im- mediately to the hotel where they were stopping, and set deliberately at work to accomplihh his purpose. He became inti- mately acquainted with every gymnast, at- tended their exhibitions nightly,iHtroduced them to his friends, drove them to the parks and places of public interest, and ingratiated himself thoroughly in their favor.

At length gaining their confidence he succeeded in obtaining a promise from O- wee-gee-wee-nah— that whenever they left the country he should have the secret, but only on condition that it should never be communicated to a third yjarty. The amount to be paid on surrender of the se- cret was fabulous. Mr. Campbell remain- ed in New York until the troupe was ready to sail. The hour was yet for communica- ting the desired information, and a bag, of twenty dollar gold pieces, was ready for de- li very when O-wee gee- wee nab was taken suddenly ill, and as he was like all his countrymen, superstitious, he regarded his I sickness as judgment on him for the act he I was about to commit, and here Mr. Camp I bell was foiled again.

The troupe sailed for Europe, but Mr. Campbell was not to be deleatcd. His I agent started in the next steamer and over- hauled the gymnasts in London, uud fol- lowed them to Paris. Here their exhi- bitions were not as profitable, as they hud been, and here Mr. Campbell's agent bold- ly renewed his offer, increasing it by more than a thousand dollars in gold, and at last, in Paris, he was successful— he laid hands on the mighty secret and at once started on his return trip.

Mr. Campball after thoroughly experi- menting with tho dye has put it upon the market. Persons have only to try it to be satisfied. The account here given reads more like fiction than truth, but a head of gray hair changed to the soft, glossy brown of youth, will convince the most skeptical that Mark Campbell in this, as in oth^r things, does no* humbog the people. This is the eighth wonder of the world. "Ja- panese Hair Dye" is prepared only at Mark Campbell's Hair Emporium, 81 South Clark St., Chioago, III , and is sold by all druggists everywhcTP.

A Model Printing Ofllcc.

In the Union Building is located one of the most attractive job printing establishments in the entire west, of which Messrs. P. L. Hansoom A Co. are the proprietors. Not least among those men who have sought and secured a hold upon the confidence and pivtrouage of tho buwne-s public, and achieved a success <n Chicago as merited as it is solid, is Mr. HauHcom. Some five years ago he opened a soiall office on Dear- born .Street, and, in a modest way. com- menced business, obtiining customers here aud there, steadily making friends. Hin plan of conductiug business was then, as it always has been, to give perfect satis- faction' and send out work unsurpassed in point of finish and workmanlike execution. The result was that fiiends and castomers multiplied, and tis business soon secessi- tatcd more room, as well as increased facil- ities, to keep pace with its demands. Far- well Hall Building was selected as a new base, and there he opened aud operated upon a much more extensive soale; when in the midnt of prosperity he lost his entire stock of materials and presses with the disastrous fire which oconrced to that building two years ago. It requir- ed, however, only a few hours to secare new quarters, and, with a new outfit, set tied down to business again this time at Nos. 120 aud 130 LaSalle street An im- portant branch of hi-* business then, as now. was that of gummed and cut labels for druggists' use, and while at the last n;imed place he very largely extended his facilities for procuring business, soon suc- ceeding in obtaining cnstomers in all parts ot the country. The rapid growth of the business made it evident that still more room was needed for the prompt and efficient execution of his many orders. For this purpose he secured the mag- nificent h 11 over the Union National Bank, occupying 100 feet on Washington street and 60 feet on LaSalle. Seven steam presses are now kept constantly in use, and some forty of the best workmen to be ob- tained find steady employment. For the convenience of the public his counting- room (one of the finest offices in the build- ing), is located on the second floor, easily accessible from both Wa-ihing'on and La Salle streets. Here the energetic and ge- nial proprietor or his gentlemanly assistants mj^y always be found in readiness to supply the wants of customers, and when desired show them through the busy establish- ment. If there is a job printer in Chicag* who is deserving of widet^pread patronage it is Mr. Hanscom ; but tho fact that he has, from au humble start five years ago, succeeded in establishing one of the largest and finest job offices in the West, of itself speaks forcibly in his praise, and best illus- trates the character of himself aud his

work. Chicago Tribune.

MoBE Testimony. —From the Times New Polzt, N. Y. "We take pleasure this week lu calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement of "HooJUind's German Bitlers." It is the only Tonic for the In- valid that commends itself. Our Druggist, E. Van Wagencn, in this village has sold two gross the past hIx mouths, and in every iustance it gave t^atisf;iction. Now is the time to use the Bitters. IfooJVand's Bitters i.i entirely free, from ulcuholii) odmixture."

Ilooflund's German Tonic is a combina- tion of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz Bum, orange, anise. Sec. It is Uhad for the same diseases as the Bitters, iu cases where au alcoholic stimulant is necessary. It is a prepara- tion of rare medicinal value, and most agreeable to the palate.

Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer is becoming a universal favorite for re- storing eray hair to its original color, and mitkinf4 the hair grow out thick.

No. 9.



HAVXPBOTED. IBOlf TmillOtT AMPtM •xperlsBM, Ml eattra ioeesie: 0iBpl^— ' Prompt— BfldMt sad BtltaM*. Thsy are th* only fadlctees pertbettaradapudtopepalaraaa, eo aimpto tkM alsttifces etanot M m«da tm osioctiMB; hsrailws f befrMftondaA* get, sad so afBdaat ■■ to ba ahnos teliabiau Thev have nlsed the I aU,aBdwlU«lwifir

Wot. ^

t, ** 'Wor^M, Worm Tever, Worm CoUeJV 8, •* Crftam^baUcorTrntUagtilutsafStt



K 1ft.





». «.



IMaRmMaofChUdna or Adnir*. Piaamtaijr Orlplag; BUioiu CoUc.aS

Oaolara-Hiorkaa, Vomiting V

Goaska, OoUs, BroodiltU »

Naaimlcbi, Tootbacte, FMeeadie. HeadachaaBiekH«Klaeb«,VertigoS

, BUloes Stmiudi SB

. _,orPatafUPcriodm,..tf

.too prettase Periods W

OroMs OoochiPifficalt Breathlos..9B ■alt i[baaBa,Br7«tp«liia,KmpUoiia9B BlaaanukClaaa, Btaenmatte pains. .S5 Fewar Jc Agwio, GItiU Fever, AgaeeSO

PUaa. bUaTW Ueedlag 50

~ 1 sore or weak ByeaSO



S8, 84.

** CMan^fMBte or efaranlc,InflaenzaM

** Aatluma, oppreMed Breathing 90

** Bar lMachJUvea,impalredheariDg90

M gcroftila.en Urged rijiQd%awelHng8ao

** G«nerall>ebiUty,pbysicaIweakDeMGO

** Dropsy, and aeanty Seeretiona .... SO

** 8ea'Slcluieaa,8lckne«i ftom ridlngfiO

M BLldaayPlaaaaa. Gravel SO

** Nerrona Debility Saaalnali il BnalaalOBa, involontary Dis- -

chaivM .........1 00

M Sora Moath, Canker BO

•• Urinary lire«kBaaa,wetUDgbedSO

•* Palami Perloda, with spauns. .60

** SnflkrlBss at chance of llfit. 100

•* BplIa|My,Spums,sLVltiu'Daiicel 00

** Dlpliimcrlii; lUceiatedsorethroat.eo


Of 85 ta 70 laiv* ytmlm, mtorocea or roaawoad aaaa, coBtataslms a specllla tor OTory ordinary dlaeaaa a flaoally la anbJacK ta,


Prom f 10 to $8S SmaDer FfUBlly sad TraTallnc cases,

with 9b to W vials Irom $5 to $•

Speddfli fbr sD PrlTata DiBeaaea,botb for €arla|K and for PreTentlve treatoient, la vials and pocket caaea, $3to9S


Cn'taa Bnma, Bralsaa, Laaieneaa, 8oreneaa,0ora lliroat.Spraliia.Tooth- aclie, Baraeha, Nenrmlelm, Bhenma- tlam, Lambago, Pllea, BoUa, Stinsa, 8or« Byaa, waedlnc of tbe Luun, Noa«,StoBiaeta, orofPlleat Carna,tJl- ears, Old Saraa. PrIeaftOeta. to SI.TS

jsr These Bemedles, exeqtt POND\<« EX- rRACT, hv the ceao or tingle box, are sent to my pert at tha eeantiy, by mall or ezpreea, firaa of efaarg*! «■ (*Mipt of the price.

Address Humphreys' Speoillo ^ ''

Homeop&thio Mediolne Company;

Office and Depot, Ko. COSBboaowat, New York.

Dr. HuMraaais is consulted dally at his ofllee, Deraon^jor bj letter, ■• above, fbr all Cbrma or liiease.



CmCAOO, III.— Bumlianis * V»n Schaack.

St. Louis, Mo.— Brown, Weber A Graham.

St. Paul, Mihm.— Jenki i tJordon.

The Novelty Clothes Wkinoeb. "Take it ou trial with any and all others and keep the best," is what the proprietors of the ' "Novelty Clothes Ringer" say, as will be seen by reference to their advertisement in another column. Nothing but the ut- most confidence in their own good^ and a full knowledge of what they bad to com- pete with, would warrant any manufacturer iu adopting so broad a jjlatfonn. This company have from the commencement guaranteed their wringers perfectly satis- factory in all cases, which may to some extent acccount for their great buc- cess. We are informed that their Rales of the "Novelty" alone amount to over a qwir!er of a million doUitrs annually. It should not be forgotten that this wringer has a place in our Premium List. Cog-wheels on both _ ends of the rolls, so arranged as to give

duced by UJnsham granting p«n«icn8 to aarvlvlng | them ona third more power than those hav-

Special Jloticcs,

HoDM— Bills and resolutioas were intro

oldiers and widows CI ths vrar of 1812; by WU-

liama relative to the power of CooKregs to regnlate

tariffti by rail on roads cztPnOinf hrcuijti two or

more statex; by Hay to di»tribnte tb« namber and

r°nk of ^overnojtnt cmp'ovea amOTiK the Hfveral

dimricta and territories. a!ai> 1 1 require aKricultn-

ral Focintleii to take out fair licen en; by Burdett tj

rttKU'»i' labor contracta w:tb imailgrant«; by

Lou^hridg" to provide lor pay rr ent of bounties to

*oldien who were discharged for iiicliceaa

contracted in line of duty; by Tobb to srraiit cer- tain inlands to Wiscocaia swamp laU'ls; by Cox.

a resolnUon settluK forth theoecesitity of an imme-

diate return to specie payments; by Moore, as to

further leslalation to suppress polygamy iu Utah;

adopted: by Oets. lnatractin(( P. 6 comaiittee to

Incorporate iu a bill for abol^ablog tbe 1 ranking j privl'eg« a provision allowing new-'pupers to'be I aent to aetuai sub c IWera free of p:jstage , by Wood- ^ ard, sBkiug the Prtsldent If any cltiiens were in I military cuitxly, and asking information cuoceru- I tug them: Waalibam of Wis from committee on I Appropriations, reported a bill api>roprUti jg |2'iO,-

000 for improving Des Mwlnes Raijids, on the Mis- I hisaippi River. Passed. The Hoii^e refused, by a j vote of 106 to €3, to snapend t.ie rules to admit a | as Monseigneur." ; Joint resolution declsrin!? Tirklnia entitled to repre- ' i •enialion. The Oeorgla bill was taken up, and a I lengthy debat*^ followed, but no ^'ote was reached { when, at 11 :3ii, the House adjoornid.

: Senate— Dec. 2l3t.— Cragin reported an

ameadment to xhn bill foreoforciiig the law agaiott

polygamy. Warntr introduced a bill for the more

equal distribtitaon of national banting capital.— The ' census bill was taken up, aud, a ^ter discassion. a

joint resoluUon suspendlDg all eziiiting laws relauve

ing cog-wheels on one end only, allowing the rolls to separate at either end— togeth- er with the patent curved clamp for fasten- ing the wringer to a tub, are a few of the noteworthy advantages of the "Novelty." Nothing can be more appropriate lor a hol- iday present to a wile or mother than one of those &««t of wringers. Neva York Chruttiun Advocate.

A young son of Prince Napoleon has just been placed at a public school. The chief of the institution waited upon the Prince to know how the youthful scholar aged 7— should be addressed. "Ca'l him Victor," was the reply. "Bat in the list of prizes?" "Victor Napoleon, To his comrades he must be Victor only. He 'unst take or give thrashings as her and he may, and in no case must be be addressed





Roitdar. jon may consider this a sort of spread eaffU les'iingi^iot 1 ir.eiin orerx word of it. I liave b««o there. Wbeo your iirstem ii racked wiLb


pain, and yno eanoot even turn ynnrsetf in bed, or sit- tioic iti a cbair, you moiit sit and stiller, in tbs mortiiDi wishinr it W48 rncbt, and at ni|;ht winhlnc It was atbn idk; Wben yea hare


when every ne'va io yoar beina is like the ■tin'' of s WH»p, eironla'icK tlis moet Tsnuinna* and bot polaoo \zoa- d y^ar besrt, and drivinc too to tUs very verge of >Da>'ne<w: V^bu n yoa havs the


(tbat I tinve ast rot thmiurb witb.)t'ist asoat awfo', atoft heart-withn'^nr, most Kirt-DxHi dMtrovind, mnst spini break ioir and tnmd-wiitkfiiiiQir o' all diasatea that oui afflict oar poor kumiiQ natar« : Waenyoa havetb


lyiiur a->d writbinc in a«ony an'l pain, noabla to ton lonrMilf in be.1. and «»(Ty moTei) ent will n. toronr beiiri likn a knli' ; Dowt«'r| me. if reiitf aod care of any if tb»«.e dinenacs in a few da a is ''Ct l^is (Greatest ^iedlO<ll B K-tinK of tbe Afte, t.«li tis wti'tjf^!

DIUR' ; riONSTO U."*K Yen wUl ;akii> tanlMpooo- fo* and three spooafala of w«ter three times a day, cnl ia a few (t&M everr particle of rbeamsuc and neuiaiic'e pain vtili Vt 1i-(vilvcd au ' nam '>(f "• tt>e kidneys.

Maoufac'ared by OOM A1..D KKN NKU li ,

RozbarTi Miie*.

WHOLSSiLU: AnKKrs— filler, Fmcb A Kalier, Lord a Hmitb, E. P. Dwyer ik On.. Btirchams ft Vaa Hahaaok. Horlt^iiri a Kdiia:i, T i\m%D A Kiu«, •Jbiua«o: Oreen A iitiiioii, Hice A ^lU'jR, B'ltiW'.rth ft Sou, Uotunen ft Homidt. M:iwaakb<i: MLVJnMoch ft HoUoril. IjiOroeee: NoytrB Bros , St. Fail: tJollins Hro f Z. V. WeUel. Mbyon Brm , 8i> Iji/nia: Moure ft Tarbet, Jonkarmao ft Haas. Dabaqac.

At rataU by all .Inatrnts. Prioa. 91.80.



tryTTrst L^ _

LUWO BALSAM (ALLKN'3) is tlie most aacoeaafol remedy for Consumption.




IJ _


[\ Till yoa hare tried Allbn*8 Lwa BilJUM,

REAT SIJCCRSS HAS ATTENDED the intreductlon of

ALLBM'a Lncu Balsam.


The Qri at Lung Remedy.


Sold by all Dnicglata.

VERYBODY SUFFERING from Ptilmonary Complaints sboold tise Allen's huaa Balsak.


cures wkon other remedies faiL


witb Luns ditticiUty, ui»o

Allen's Lima Balaam;


Has given onlversal satlsiaetlon.


for all Pulmonary AneoUons


BFWARK •tP CONSUMPTION '. AUen's Lone Balsam is eon&dontly recommooded.

ARE you troubled with ASTHMA? ALLEN'S Lrjto Balsam will relieve > ua




oontaina no Opium in any of ita forma.


Allek B Linta Balsam will oo it


Directions aceompany eaofa l>ottl«

OTHERS shimld keep

Aluui's LtTNe Balsam

at band for use In case of Cioup.

■•Id by All Blediebie Dealers.

Sold at MUwaukee by H. Bosworth 4 Soy g^



ftBcTTOv Rice A Rising, Drake Uh'w , DuunEM, jwwi^iTTvr ft Co., and all Milwaukee DrugKuts,

such factories in Europe for 20 years. In I totakitg the census nnUi Februiry 1st, I87(i, wae

, . - ,. . J . ing her meshes, until htr victim is bound,

not have rehgious teaching mixed up with h^j ^nd foot Few men care to resist

•ecular education and as to -forciug ceil- temptation when it becomes in such be-

drcB to be ta«ght Pc^-ery that would be Pitching form, and many take a pleasure

against tbe rit;ht« of Eoelisbmen.

"Very well." ■sny the Catholics, "at the next election, and even d.mcg the next Parliamt nt. we will hrlp the tory side on this question, and H yoa persut lu y-our bill, and it is made a government measnre. we will turn the poUticai tide by voting with the tcries."

Mr. Gladstone is fully alive to the gravity of the position. Pfracually, he objects ▼ery mr.ch ir.'eed to education of the poor without reii^'ion, and wonld be inclined most decidedly to take part with the Angli- cans, Wesleyans and Catholics, by bring- ing in a mea«are which would allow each dtrnoKiination to educate their own poor, and auk'mcnting grtatly the govem- ment grants tor that ptirpose. Sut the Premier is. in a great meas- mv, helpless. He is surrounded by ministers who ore already pledged to the proposed measure, and who will be.<tr ol ii*Colng bat their £kTonte scheme. But

thns in falling. About this time the laW' yerv?^ places a shadower in his employ on the track of the unsuspecting dupe, who is discovered entenng an aboile of gilded in- famy. The law presumes ths rest Tbe | wife then, through the lawyer, enters her j complaint, the proof of ihehustwuid's guilt is conclusive, and the wife, triumphant in \ her baseness, leaves the court with the air i of an injured woman. I

Samuel Hatchiuson, of the ship Son- ora, is incusttody in New York.charged with iahumamty to five of his seamen, whom he first drove to desertien, and then, hav- ing captored them, chained them up lor days in the hold, between

1868 he hired a few acres of lant< near Fond

du Lnc and from the '»e(ts rai-e . made

some satisfactory experiments in beet su'^ar

making, lu the Hpriag of 1869 Mr. Bohe-

j 8te»l entered the firm. A farm was lented

and SO acres planted to beets. Ten tons

I per acre was the lowest product. All the

I beets were secured, and receoty the pro

cess of manufacture wascommenctd. The

machinery is said to be of the best. The

' factory has a capacity for making lUOO

pounds of sUg'ar daily, and has material

enough to keep it employed until April

i next It is now run night and d>iy 24 per-

I sons being employed. Next year "the pro-

! prietors expect to plant ItM acres of beets,

' and to enlarge their establishment.

Cltaniso the CriXAEs.— Every cellar should at lea^t have a thorough cleaning oat. Everything movable in it should have its position changed with this view, and the liides and ceiling of the cellar shouid be carefully brushed down and one or two heavy eoats of whitewash applied. Early winter we may say at thievery time when out-door labor is pretty much over— should be appointed for the first cleaning. The other shonld take place in April, when the

paaeed.— After considerable discoMion on th« ocean telegrarb bill, it wag reKroaimltti'd to the Coninilt- te« on Forei,in Belatiocs.— A jolot reflOluUon was taken up. an 1 passed, reimbarslcf! ownirrt of steam- boats aud other vessels, in loyal stitrs, taken by the gaverument dorinif tbe war. TCi9 amount applied fur under the bill waa $378,000.

House— Consideration of the Georgia bill was continued, and after u sharp debate Is which Bingham of Ohio, (rep j i^ke again.i< and Bniler in its lavor, the Mil paeatd— yeaa 121, nays I 51. Bingham and Famswonh (rspa.) voed in the i negative A concurreut resoluton ext«ndlnK the roceas of Ccnjfrcss from tlie 6th t) lOth of January, was agreed to.— .\ resolnUon w»» p«Med after sonie opposition •uthorlziLi; the Presidpnt to maiie »uch preparations for the reception ol the retn<iins of tieorite Pesoody as his deeds mi rlted, and com- mem-nrate "ita th* Justice and :iiagnanimity of a great nation.— Logui .ffered a ju nt resolnUon do- nating cannon for i hi' erectioa of an eqoeatrian statne of broiue of Oen. Grant, to be placed on the south terrace of the Treasury. Pii»»ed.— Mnagan introdncM a rescluUok allowing re»ired army and navy oflkcers to hold civil offlcei.

If AST of onr readers are prematurely gray, or are treabled with falling of the hair, dandruff, wr itching of the scalp, they have to use BIuk's Vegetable Ambrosia, and iheir trouble will soon be over. The pre- paration is not only a, restorer of gray hair, but one of the most elegant hair dresf^iugis we have ever seen. It also, by softeniif^ and invigorating the hair, prevents prema- ture baldness, and in many cases restore* hair to bald heads.

Ths GREATEST medlcAl di.«covery of the age— Prait <k Batcher's Magic Od, used iu families lor the past fifteen years with a»- toui.shing success— a certain, quick cure /or all rheumatic comj:laintfl, also head ache, toothache and lame back, stiffjointii, Jto —price only 50 centa Sold bydrnegists. Faller, Finch & Poller wholeeale agents, Chicago.

The Oldest Youth's Pubucition. Mr. Nathaniel Willis, father of N. P. Willis, started a Youth's paper in Boston in 1827, called the Youth's Companion. It has been published Miieekly from that year until the I present time (43 years), ajd is to day one I of the most vigorous and enterprising sheets in the country.

The Great PietoriKi AnmuU.

Hostetter's United SUtes Almanac for 1S70. foe distribution, gra'O, thronchout the United States and all oirilized countries of the Western liemiqibere, is now ready for distribution and all who wish to UBderstaad the true philosophy of health should read and ponder tlie raloable stiggeationa it eontaioa. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes, prevention and cure of a great varietr of diseases, it embmoas a large amount of information intereatins to the m«ir chant, the mechanic, tbe miner, the farmer, ttie nlanter, and profeseional man : and ths calculations biv4 been made for such meridians and lattitudes aa are most suitable for a correct and eomprehenaivs Nationai Calcndkh.

The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary ejects of lIOSTETTKR-3 STOMACH BlTTKHa, the staple tonic and alteratire of more than half the Ctinslian world, are folly set forth in ita pages, which are also interspersed wiUi pictorial dlostrations, Taluable re- sipes for the household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instmctire and amusing reading matter, original and selected. Among tha Annuals api>earing with the ot>ening of the year, this is one of the moat oaeful, and may h* had/or th* diking. Tha proprietor*, Messrs. Hoetetter k Smith, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a eopy by mail to any person who cannot proetrre one ia bis neighborhood. Tbe BIT- TERS are sold in eTaty town, city and Tillage, and ate artanslTaty need throughout tha antir* cirilicad world.

DR. XirfiAVSB.'S

Canker and Salt Rhejm Syrup,

FW tbe Cure of Canker, Salt Rheum, Hrymipelaa, Sorofu-

looa Diseases. Cutaneous Erupuons. and every

aTetr kma of Disease aruing from an

impure state of the Blood.

t%t MoM Kf—Uv Blriod PurlJUr qf ih» AtiutMnA Omlury

nr- Sold by aU Medicine Dealers.

Bold br OsxBMB t BtrrroN, Milwankoe.



It pMSiilsil to tke public aa tho most

Simple, Curable, Compact and Cheap

Knltdag Maahlaa ever invented.


T^s Machine wtU ma oitber backward or forward with equal facility;

Makes the same Stitch ns by Hand,

Bat far nipotlor ia every rospoot


AND DO PERFECT WORK, leaving every kaot on ths inside of the work. It will kait a pair of Stooklaga Csny site) la lass tlwa half aa boor. It will kait

Cleee or Opea* Plain or Ribbed Werk,

kind of eaarss or fine woolen yam^ or cotton.

with any

silk, or Ui

. It will knit stoekings with donbleheal

and toe, drawars. hoods, saeka, smoKlng o»p*. eomforta.

puiaaa, mofla, fringe, atgbaaa. nnbiaa, vat mittena. skatiiig cape, lamp wlcka. mata, cord, nnder- shirts, shswls. jaeketo, c.adle blankets, laggina, sa^ peadera, wriatera, tidiaa, tlppats, tufted work, and ta fact aa andlaas variety of aitiela well aa for ornament.

ielaa in avaiy day naa, as


Oam mad* hy amy ome rii\ JfoeMiM, kaiUiag stoeklags. ic eaa avaa make more, knitting fancy work, wfajel

CoBK ViKEOAB. Boil a pint of com tmtil it a little soft; put it into ajar, add a pint of molasses and four C[aart8 of water; mix weU together, and set ne r the stoTe. In two dajs it will be good beer, and in two or three weeks it will tie good vinegar.

The same com will do ibr six months.

When the vinegar is made, pour it oflf and every one. add molaases and water to the com. In this '

ten days m tbe hold, between sacks of . .

camphor. Three of the men are in the i '^««et*ble matter, and meat pickle impera

hospital at Manilla; the other two are in lively require attention. ^^ ^^,„^^„ „^u. «.icx ui mr i«,ri,

New York, prosecuting the captain. j \ bo»h cases the cleansing should be i ^,y you will have a constant sapplT.

I thorough, and the cellar made to appear as vt^i-

Sex "Little Corporal," among advertise- | clean and sweet as any room in the house, meots, i -^0tnnantown fdtgr-:q)h.

Wx CALL the especial attention of all those of onr readers interested in the knit- ting of socks, stockings, drawers, hoods, shawls, under clothing, &,z., to the adver- tisement of the American Knitting Machine Co., of Boston; who have redaced the price ot their machines to $25, which places them in these cloae times, within the means of


George Alfred Town»e;id has a Tolume ^ of poems in press.

—A charge of "habitually sleeping at a hoQjM of ill-fame" has l>een preferred against a member of the Indiani4K>lis night poliM tonm.


a OKtm.KMKS wbnsa(r*raH for yaars from Narroa <>eb>aty. Framatnre Dsoay, aad all tlie eflaetaof foota 'a! induMiretioD. wliU for ine sake of snltariag *'"'"»-**y <«Q<t trae to a>i who oaed it, tha receipt aad directicnr I tot "'^^"g tha simple remedy t>y wbick ha waa oars d i SaSarars wiahing to profit by tha advartaaan aspori | saae, can do so t;y addraasfaig, ia paefaat emifldanar { JOHN B.OOOBB. dl We. m n»/1ar itfr— c Waw Vork


TOK Ad*artia«r. haviag baaa raatera4 baalth la a (•w waaki, by a vary ampla remmtt, altar aavtegsaMM *d sevenu yean with a severe taag •flaetwa, asHl Itet iraad disnsse, < )oneamptioa— la siiiiiwia to mafca kaawa ie his Ia;low sufferers, tbe meaas af oora.

To all wiio &»mi% it, be srili aaad a copy cf tha pta seitptioa oaed (free of sharge). wtth tha fliraatiuua fas Biyaitug and unnc tho same, which thag will ted % <i;mx OcKZ Fea OoBarmrnoii. Asmca, Bbomohv ru, aU. TTis sii'sfi nfths siliailiasi Imaaillin Uti PraecriptiOB to tobaDOttttba afl«U4 aad^taaiia. f rmAt'cia wtucfi ha ooaaanasto ba t8vataaMa:aa4tac h>paae*aryeaaararwfl] toyUa siaarly. aaHwIllaea than pothiag, aad aug pnaa a blaanw. Pacfrs wwhi^taa praaanpooa. ariO

BCV. KDWABD A. WIUSOIL WimiMSIiiia. KisM Ogaatr. Mem fak.

1h* Am^HroM Knitliitg

while expert operators

icn alwaya

a ready aala A person can readily knit

from twelve to ftftaea pairs of stockings per day, the praftt oa wUah will not DO less than forty eantt par pair.


Caa eeU their wool at oaty forty to Mty aanU par pouud ; bat by gatilag tha wool made into yam at a small ax- peaaa, aad knitting it into socks, two or three dollars par poaad aaa ba raalli sd.

Oa laaaipt of tXwa will forward a machine aa ordered.

Wa wUh la protxtre artim* A^BXTSin rrern ttelicm q/ iKe Cidttd Male* and Canada* u, irhom iKt matt (Oero/ i„ mil ogei ed. Addreu

Aasericaa Kaittiac afaeUae Ca.,

Bfaua^ or St. Laala, Ma.

Itch! Ztchll Ztehlll

■CMATCH SCmATCH!! SOLATUHtft fTkeatMi's Otataaamt

Infi«MlOto«taoara pUek.




PlteS^flDSb % DOS a D^l

A POTTVB» lit Wa

i i




The Maukalo aud Fort Dutlge Kailroad.



The Babrock lixtiiigulslier does Noble Work at Jacksouville, etc.

Fiv9 niinuti-B to miduight ! And thoasands are keeping, With hearts ftlleil with hopos, and with memo- There was a delegation of Blue Earth P^opl" j "Wjih beartsTulf

Fon EincATios or tiie"|

\ND DutID, [

B. Ill, Deo. 1, 1869. j


in ti'wu to-day. looking to the interest of the Mankato ami Fort Dodge Railroad. It is pret- tr well decided that aid will ba voted for such an enterprise by the following towns : Blue Earth Citr, four or five thousand dollars ; Pilot Grore and Joe Daviess, ten thousand dollars each ; El- more, fifteen thousand dollars ; Rome, five or aix thousand dollars : Emerald, ten thousand dollars: Verona, five or six thousand thousand dolliirs ; AVinneV>ago City, fifteen thousand dollars. Pay- ments in ten or twenty years after completion of the road lo certain i>oint«.

The Legislature will be asked to allow twenty vears a^ain this winter, and as it will be a tangi- ble benefit to the people, it «flrHno< be/wMiWe that euoh extension will not be allowed.

All parties arc very much interested in two road'iiuto this county, and with thife two roadi>. thi-i Blue Earth Valley will be a garden.

Voters, don't be stingy with your own pockets.

II. W. Holly, the efficient Chief Engineer of th'.- •■*. M. R. R., is stopping in town with his family, this week. It is some gratification to kn..w that hiin-elf and his co-workers, Thomp- son, s-toddard. Wykoffaud Mann, have sn«?ceed- ed "O Well against so much that seemed to hinder anddilay. The ""/'"'^""o'e Toiiif Law, giving asvav the swamp lands in this land district, in- totid.d to cripple this road, aud the elements drouths, colds and floods— have been overcome bv DiTScvcraucc aud uuble duteiiniuation, inso- ic'i;h that in a few <lay3 Wells will be reached, a-vl we presume that track is being laid in Fari- bault fount t- to-day.


divided 'twixt smiling aud weep- ing, Their vigils to watch for the birth of the year!

/"our minutes to midnight ! How many rcflec- tious

Are crowded at once into moments of jipacc. Soft regre'.s nnavailiug, and fon I recollect ious

Of many a dead aud d<.ai°ly loved face !

Three minutes to midnight ! And hushed are our Voices,

And full are our bosoms and silent our tread ; Not an elder now weeps, not a younger lejok-e.^,

'Tis a moment half poised between Life and the Dead.

Tiro minutes to midnight ! The clock with its breathing Alone breaks the silence that reigneth around ; And our minds and our souls are all tenderly wreathing The flowers of fancy an J hope at the sound.

One minute to midnight ! Our hearts are quick beating. How sad is the joy, yet how joyful the pain! Oue miuute to midnight! The moments arc fleeting. Ah, whe can recall them to being again?

Miiiniyht .' And the joy-bells peal forth each steeple The jubilant chimes on the ear of the night : From the first in power to the least ot the people, May the Past be itill cherished, the Future blill briiiht.



Au Angel Visit.

The Free HoMtstEAD and the A-n^rlrun St«fk Ji'u-mil one year to all new subscribers, for $2.U0.


News Items.

Red Wing had a $7,000 firo last Saturday.

Lake City has shipped, this year, 523,60t>bush- ei- of wheat.

Vessels drawing orer 16 feet of wat«r eannot pass the ?*uex caual.

The Opera House, at Lafayette, lud., was burned last Friday.

Curamin^« and Dcinporter, the Hamburg mur- derers, arc lu jail at Council Bluffs.

(len. .*5ander» has been appoiirte«l as Oovemor of Washington Territory, and accepts tha posi- tiMi.

A young man named Frederick Peacock, com- uitted suicide, on Elk Kan, near Waterloo, Iowa, last week.

Miss Kate Patnam, daughter of the proprietor of Putnam'i Maga^iue, has graduated iu medicine at Paris.

Onocolorcil man was recently drawn upon the Gran.l ,Tury in Leo county, Iowa, and three upon the Petit Jury.

F!a;;s are at hah" mast, in the greater portion of the I'uited States in honor of the memory of Uou. Edwin M. Stanton.

A terrible family quarrel oceured at We-,t brook, Ohio, on the2Cth iust., resulting iu the of a wile aud the suicide of a father.

A boiler in a steam mill at Brothel, Morgan county, 111., exploded last Friday, aud blew it- telf more than a quarter of a mile, but iujured uo one.

The heaviest earthquake ever experienced in Ea-tein California and Nevada occurred last Monday. It was felt more or less severe in Sac- ramroto, Marysville Grass Valley, Nevada, Iowa Hill, Stockton, Chcco, Tuckce, and other neigh- boring towns. At Virginia City, Nevada, a fire wall was thrown down, door bells rung, clocks stopped, dogs howled, horses snorted, amid gen- eral consternation. The shock was felt severely in the lower levels of all the mines. It vibrated south, and lasted about teu seconds. At Keuo, the ihock, preceded by a low rumbling uDisc, lasted nearly two minutes, alarming the inhabit- ants. The express train was detained about an hour, between Wadsworth and Reno, by large rocks aud earth thrown upon the track by the cai'thquake. ,

On the evening of the Sl-^t of Deeciubcr, I had

beeu cherishing the humiliating and -solemn re-

; flections which are peculiarly suitable to the close

] of the year, and endeavoring to bring my mind

, to tiiat view of the pa.-t best calculated to iuflu-

I tnce the future. 1 had atteiupted to recall the

I prominent incidents of the twelve months which

had elapsed: and, iu this cudeavor I was led

Ire'iueiitly to i egret how little my memory could

retain even of thai mo-t imi>oi!unt to be rcmera-

I bered I coald not a.-oid. at such apcriod, look-

!iug forward as M*ll as backward, and aniicipa- ting that fearful tribunal at which no occurrence ! shall be forgotteu : while my imagination j.enc- ! trated into the distant destinies which shiill be dependent on its <leci^ious. At my usual hour; I reiircd to re-t, but the train of uuditatii>n I had pu'sued was so important and ajvpropriate, that i imasinaiion continued it after sense had ' slunrbcie i. "In thought:- frotn the visions of tht { night, when deep sleei« lulleth upon man," I was I mentally concerned in the following scene of in-

' t'^re.-t : , , ,• ,

I I ima-iined myself still adding, link after link ! to the chain of reflection, the progress of which I the time for repose had inteirupted and while I thus euu'ivgi'd, 1 was aware that there remained but a few 'moments to complete the day. 1 heard the clock a^ it tolled the knell of another year: and, as it lung .-lowly the appoiuted number, each noie was followed by a sting of conscience, bit- terly reproaching me for my neglect of j.recious time. The last stroke was ringing in my cars— paiufu! as the groan, announcing the departure of a valuable friend- when, notwithstanding the meditative jiosture in which I was sitting. I per- ceived that the dimness of the apartment becaiue brighter, and looking up, >aw the light emanated from the eounicnauce of an angel, bnt the most acute observation was indicated by his piercing eve, aud inexorable justice was imprinted on his majestic features. A glittenng phylacteiy en- circled head, ui>on which was written- as in let- ters of fire, •• yVie F-ilili/ul One." Under oue arm he bore two volumes ; in his hand he held a pen I instantly knew the lecording angel the secretary of the terrible tribunal of heaven. AVith a" tremblitig which eouvul.-ed my frame, I heaid his unearthly accents. ''Alortal," he said ••thou wast longing to recall the events of the past vear— thou ait permitted to gaze upon the murder i record of tho books of God. Peruse and be i wise." As ho spoke thus, he o}>eaed before me -' one of the volumes which he had brought. In fearful apprehension, I read iu it my ortu name, and rocoguizcd the history of my own life du- ring the past year, with all its minutest particu- lars. Buining words were tbo-e which that vol- ume contained ; all the action? and circumstanc- es of my life were registered under their rc>pec- tive hea<ls in that dreadful b..ok. I was first

Illi.nois IvarnvTios Fon Edvc.atios Dbaf a Jacksovvillb F. IV. Fii'ii->-ll, Secrettirif \uit},icet>eni Fire Ex-

tiiiijiilulier Cuiiijiany :

My DEAuSin— Yuu may be interested to know that a few Unys ago a vessel td' oil took fireintiie cook room of 'Ai\> instiiuf.on, and tlireatoned the destruction of Ihu buildings, worth jsi'JO.OoO. I WHS immediately notified tlmt those in the kitch- en could not subdue it, and l')ok one of the four I'.abcock Extinguishers irocnred from- you, and l)rouglit it o bear on the flames, wh;ih it sup- I)re?sc<l instantaneously. Its operation caused the utmost unia/euient and admiration from all who had hastened to the sj.ot. None liiid ever seen the light disappear more suddenly tiom the burner when the gas had been shut otl' than this burning oil was extinguished. The flames were intense I nout;h to burn pr rt of tho j.lastering from tiie ceiling, though they started near vhe

I do not know that without this machine our buildin;;s would have luen b st, nor ito I know that they would n.il. 1 do know, however, thut it averted the dan^'er in a shorier time than any other ueans could have been brought lo bear up- on it. T L- r

TI.e Hoard of Directors of the Institution fur Fe I le Minde. I Children desire two of these ex- tinguishers for their institution.

Please ship them to Dr. C. T. Wilber, Jack- sonville, III.

Very truly yours,

Puii.ip G. GiLi-r.TT, Principal.

From the Chieayo Tribune, Saturday, Dec. II,

I 1869:

I A Babcoek FiieExtinpuifher was the m«anB

] of s«ving irom destruction the large foundry of.

T. G. IJeoneit. of Jackson, Mich., which had

cangbt fire from escaping gas. The tV/(ze;i says :

i "Mr. Bennett himself was present at the time,

; and, immediaiely bringing into retiuisiiion «>ne

of the ISabcoek Firo Extinguishers, which he

keeps ou tho premises, the tire was soon sub

dned, with no other damasre than the breakage

I of some of the sashes and the loss of the flask in

i whieha cauldn* wasbcing ca.^t. Fifty dollars

i will probably cover the entire loss."




Also General Agents for and other First Class






A full Assortment of

Dress Cjootls!

Cumdsting of

Delaioee, Poplins,

lycoon Reps,

Aloaeas, Merinos, Ac.

Together with a full Line of

Ginghams, Prints,

Tickings, Sheetings, Flannels, Woolens, Jeans,

oatinettes, Cassimeres,

VINEGAR How made in 10 bonrs without Dru"-K. For circulars. addre«, L. ^AGE Vinegar works, Cromwell, Conn. 320w4

rpilE MAGIC COMB will change any colored X hair or beared to » permanent black or brown It contuii.k NO POISON. Any one can use it One sent by mail for$1.00. Address MAGIC CO.MB CO., Sprin^'field, Mass. 320m3

A MONTH BALABY PAID Foil A;ri Lts, male and fcmnle : business permanent. Enclote 3c Stamp- Van Allen A C.-, 171 Broadway, N. Y. 820w4

SI 00



GENT?. WA.N'TED. Newest and greatest ^^... rcntion out— »he New ffelf-adjnrtVoK tjuides, for cutiingperfeetfilting Panis, llonnd- abouts. jnd La dies Dreoses. Indi^penaibfe in every household. Address RA MSLY A SCOTT. Pittsburg, Pa. J^Ow*


iak.mer'6 helper

E. P. Keedham & Son and j->. .

Manufacturers and Importers of


shows how to douHe the profits of the farm, and how farmer's and their sons can each make *100 per month in winter. 10.000 copies will !.« inailfd free to farmers. Send name and ad dress to ZEIQLEK, McCUUDY A CO.. aiii-Jw Chiea;.o, III.

/ lUAPPED HANDS AND FACE. SOKK V^Lips. Ac, cured at once by tho use of H.^:- luiin'h camphor Ice with Glycerine, keeps ;! hands soft in the coldest weather. :ee that you tret the (Jenuine. Sold by Druggists. Price, 2 J cts per box ; sent by mail for 30 cents.

HEGE.MAN A Co, N Y. P. 0. Box 2228.



•^ ? ^ M

650 Broad-aray, I NEW YORK.*

Also a Large Supply of

State of Minnesota, Faiibault County— lu Probate Court.

[Special Sessi.-n.]

lathe matter of the Estate of WILUAMF. ALDRICH. late of said county, dcceaseJ.

f\S reading and filins the petition of Louisa A. Al- '-' (frich, representing ttiat \Vli.i.ara K. Aiilrich, late of sai'I county, Oieil intestate, leaviii!.' |,">"Js, chattels aud e.^'tate within ...ai.l count V. and prHNlnj? tliat letters of a.lininislratlor of tlie estnte of said William F. A Jnch, deceased, he (.'ranted to tier, the said Louisa A. Aldncli, and Ocorge W. Aldrich. , t ,

ofi;,^c^ti:onr ;^r^oMj;:u!:;r'o>''r^!^ glassware, crockery,

1 o'clock in the liflernoon of fiiiJ day. at Ills oflice in IJlue Karth City, in said County, at which time aud place a session of said court will be held. , ^ ,. .

Ordered lurthcr herein. tliiU notice of the time and place of h.iid hearinir l>e pivea lo llic heir- of said deceas- ed and all others interested, by adrertt.-.inif this order for'thiee we»k» successively, prior to the day of hearing, inthe"Kiu:K II.)Mk>tkai>," a weekly newspaper, pub- lished in YVinnebiiiro City, In said county.

D.tedDec. mh.l,OU. ^ ^ y,,r.,TV.n,

/ti0-3w .ludge Probate Court.



Are prepared to store


On reasonable terms.

Apply at Higgin's store building, Front street, Mankato. They also keep the cele- brated

(B9 "W»«kln«ton Ste.,











TO THE WORKING CLASS.— We are now prepared to furnish all classes with cen*taiit i-m- ployment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new. light a^ •. profitable. Persons of either sex ea«ily ear-, from 50c to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole lime to the busi- ness. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, aud test the busincft, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy ot the People' g Literary Conipnuiou one^f the largest and best family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profi'able work, address E. C. AL- LEN A CO., .Augusta, Maine. 3lC-13w




In the matter of the guardianship of C-AnRY MAY

(iLE.\S(»N, MAUY-A. OLKASON and l!l.\KLkS

E. GLE.\<ON. minors and lieirs al law of Parker*.

aiid Ellen M. IHeason, both deceased.

On reading and filing the petition of James Saunders, guanliatiof said minors, piayinu for license to tell the |

"uu^nh-rKnd"^^^^^^^^^^ th-.t the next of kin to said i And all other Good,, necessary to make up a full

_ ... •^.. ...1 :-.„;. I <.otof<i nr.r^^'ir a n /I />i-v m T.luf a n innrt m PH t for town &na



Keeps ^-nEtanlly on Hand


Fresh and Salt Meats,

LIQUORS ATSU CIGARS, Smoking and Chewing Tokcco,

CONDIT & AUSTIN, j ID^agents wanted for

1 orriTtfnm ■C'a AVnTPTT"


minors and all jiersonsinlercaltd in said estate, app'-ar hcroielhe Judge of this Court, at the IVobate OBice in Ulue Earth Citv, iu tu'd county, on tlie IJlh day of Feh- ru.iiy, A. I). l>To, at lo o'cl )ck in ihe forenoon of .said day, tii'-n and iheie to stiow cause (if any there shall be) why a liccii-,e should not be grauled for tlie sale of said

real c!-'.ale. Dated Dec. lo,lSC9. j. .,. kiK.^TER,

3.2.>.4» Juilge of Prcihale.

and complete n'cortment for town and CO in try trade.


Winnebago City, Sept. 28, 1369.



The New- Year's Mj;'»t *>f *" Uuhappy .Mail.

An «»ld man stood on a New Year's night al the window, and looked with the eye of lenjjthcn- iiig liapair ap to tlie immovable, eternal-bloom- ii.^ heaven, aud down upon the still, innocw.it, buo* white earth, upon which now tiieie wis ao one so joyless and sleepless a.>^ he, for his grave was close by him ; it waa only concealed by the snow u.'ago, not by the green ot youth. He broa-ht with Lim nothing from the al>niid;ince «l lite but error, sii.s and sickness, a devastated L>.dy, a desolate sou!, abreast full of poison, and au a'-e full of repentance. His be.iuleous young d;!>s now returiiod a* spectres, and brought him back a/ain to that fair morniug on Tvbich his f.ithor.lor the lirM time, starting him ou the path of lite, which to the risjht leads upon the suu-path oi virtue iuto a wide and fiuiet land, full ot light and tiarvests, and full of .ingds, and whiihto the lett dra-.rs down into the laolu tracks of vice, into a dark cavern full of drip- ping poisons, full of serpents ready to dart upon their prey, and dismal with close exhalations.

Ah! il.e serpent.s hung around his breast, and the poifon-drop upon his tongue, and he knew not where he wa.'. Distracted and unspeakably molancholy, he cried to the bc:ivens above: Give me my youth again I Oh, father, put me upon the cross load again, that I may choose auothct.

But his father and his youth were ^one long ai;o. He saw ihe i;/ii>i/i fitiinn Uance upon the m.Hir and (co out upon the graveyard, and he said : "They are my foidiah days." He saw a star .•hooting from the heavens ; he saw it glim- mer in its f.»!l and vanish upon tlio earth. '•That is m--," said his bleeding he.irt, and re nior-e. with its serpent fangs, deg deeper and deeper into his wounds.

His glowing imagination pointed out to him the sleeping night waiter on the roof, and the wiud-mill rai.<ed its threatening arms to crush him. and a mask, which had been left in the charnel house, by degrees sssumed his own fea- turef.

Suddenly, in the midst of the conflict, the music for the New Tear flowed dowu from the tower as a distant anthem. He became less agi- tated : he looked around tise horizon, and over the! road earth, fathers of happy children, and l>.^..cd men,and hesaid: "Uh, I could .nlso hnire passed this first night in slumber, with dry eyes, as well as you, if I had wished to. Ah ! I miiiht have been happy. yebeloTed parents, it I h 1 1 'ulfilleJ your Now Year's wish and fach- ijgi.:» .

Amid these fr rerish reeollentions ot "ii youth, it appeared tj him as if the mnsk with his own Itk.iKv:* rose up before him : at las* it w»s ch in^ed vthroiiirh the supcr.Mition which, on New Tear's night, soes ghosts and futurity,) into a living Touth.

He could not look at it any more ; he corered his eye«. A thoasa id burning tears gushed forth' and vanished in the snow. Disconsolate and sorrowful, he sobbed in a low tone ; * Ob, come again, oaly come again

struck by the titio *'.l/<r. ,V« JCtceirtJ." S

were there the rcmembinncc of which I had re-

'' tained more which were recalled alter having

' been forgotten— but the far gre.ifer nuiul.er had

never been noticc-l at all. 0 ! what a detail 'of

p;cscrvat'ons, atid deliverances, aud invitations.

aud w.iruiug?. aud i»rivilege>, and be.-towments !

. I remember that ••.-abbath'" stood out in very

I proiuiucnt characters, as if they had been among

the grcate.-l beueht.->. Inobseiving the recapitu-

la.ion, I could not but be struck with onecircum-

' stance it was, that many di.-^pen.-ation.", which

i 1 had considered curse.-, were ennm.iated here

i n blessings. Many a woe whi( h had riveu the

' li^.;^rt many a cuji who>e biiteruess seemed to

] de-ignale it a:- poi-on. wa' there, verifying the

language of the j.oct— ••E'en cros.-e.* from his

SON ereigu hand, ate ble.-sings in di^^-ui^c." .\n-

other catalogue was there it was the ennmera-

tioa of '•yV.r.i'.^;-f».io»<i ■' My hand trembles as

I remember them ! What an immen.-e variety of

' cias.-es ! iudiftercnce, though'.lcs<nes*. formality,

: in<;r»titude. unbelief, fins agaiii.-t the worlu,

againi-t the Father, against the .Savior, again.-t

the Sanctitier, stoo.l at the head of their crowd-

e.l battallious; as if for the purpo.ie of driving

me to d



' In the matter of the (fuardUnib'p of the minor heirs of

JaiQcM C. Weir and John W. U'eir, l.olli deceased. I On readin? and niiii',' Ihe petition of J. A. Latimer, ' KUiiidian of-<iiid in'nor.v for lionse to sell certain real ' e.3lalcof said minors, for the maintenance and educa- ' ' tion of h's said wa.dn, specifo d in gald petition ; I It iso.nlerfd, that thenext of k n to (.aid wards atul ail other persons iu:ere<t-d in said e»iat<-, appear before 'he Jiid.-e olthi-< Couit.on the llh dny cf F.lo utirv, I A U i-70 at 10 o'clock \. M., at the I'roli.ie Of- fice iu Blue Eaiih Cilv, in sa:d cnni.iy, then and I ihe,'ii..showc.iu-c(ilaiiv theresh.ll b.) why a license ; shouM not be pranK d tor the sale of said real esUite,

Hcordmi; tothe i)rayfrof said pdilii'ii. ! \t,d il IS further ordered, liiat » cpy of this order ' shiU be i.ublished for four tu^ceSMVC wci-Ws prior lo 1 said day of hearinh', Ic the •'Fiitt iloMi-st. ad, a 1 werklv newspaper, published nl Win!iel..i;;() t'H.v, Hi ' t^uid c'.ui.tv, the last pobhcalio . of ^\hicli shall b.- at ' lea-t fi>urlee!i da\« bef.ire the Siiid day of hearini?. I Ordered fu llier, loreiu, that copies <f this order I shall be served uin.n Sarali A. Wtir and .pine K. : W'ir b.- deposilini? the same fort»i\vith in the Post 01- . flee, with pojtoge prepaid, dirccl-d to them respectively, a^ I'hcir places of resideoce, if known. l>atcd this i'Hh <!ay of Ueceiiiber, A. D. IM-O.

8-i'i--tw Judi;e Frohate Court.

Winter Goods!




State of MlnnesoU, County of Faribault. [Pioceedings by Attachment.] The Slate of Minnesota to David Q. Russell, Oefciidant. You are hereby suminnued to t>c and appear before the undersi,<ned," one of tli Justicesoflhe I'eace in aud for -"aid count V, on the •.i4ih day of January, A. D. l^Til, at looclock A. .M., at iiiy flliee, iu WinnebaK" Cliy ' In said c untv, to aiKWer lo Welch Jt Wallace in a


Ever brought into Faribault county is now iu tbe ^ilore ot


The Latest Style of

Paif'ley Sliawl.^, LurL'C'-line DoUDle Shawls and Cloaks

JIAIS, CAPS & CLOTHS, Cassimere Delains,

Belgian Delains,

Rep Delains,

India Cloth,


Wool Poplin,

Chinchilla Popiulo,


lie will pay the highest market price for




Winnebago City, May 20, 1SC9.




PAINTS, «fec

Stock alwaj^s full, and custom- ers can at all times be furnished with anything in the Drug line.

Front Sticet, 2d door above Record office.




WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. In one large Octavo Volume— Nearly SOO pases Printed in English and German. 33 Ele- gant Full Page Engravings. It embracea forty year's recollections of his busy life, as a mercLaut, manager, banker, lec- turer, and slioivinan. No book published so ac- cep able to all classes. Every one wants il. Agents average from iO to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra terms and pay fricght West. Illustrated Catalogue and Terms lo Agents sent free.

J. B. BURR * 00., Pub's, 316-Sw Hartford, Conr.



291 tf





Boots, Shoes, Crokery and


Prints, BeLaines, Bleached and

(Tnlleached Cotton,


nats and Caps, Cloths, GRAIN SACKS, NOTIONS, &c.

Also.Sugnr. Tea, Coffee, Syrup, Molasses, Kero- sene and Machine Oil, '<^ heat, Oatg, Flour, Ac.

allious; as if for the purpo.^-e ot anving cJ'v, m said e- uniy, i., i.n«»ir lu .,r.i.. » ,>»..-vv... .•

despair". Not one .in was forgotten thc.e ^^^^^l -;::;",;, ^f^^^^^^^ S^^^^, l{llffle SkiftS and Boulevard SkivtS, CfOCkery ! ^"]^,« ^"^ ^^\^%^^ .l^'^^^^^'

eled -ald,ttths, :.bn-cd ordinances misiin- P"*^,, ,. _. ., . .,.' ^ J^,.,up..,, ,,, .,,1.1 Uriel. A Wallace for . Mnot I »i«.hp.S. EworS and BuSlDP-

^^ .^. .,.. aldittths, :ibii-ci ordiniiuce', misiin

proved time, encouru^cd temptations, there they i >;ood, wiih no excuse, no ei.lenuation. There v.as oue very long class I rcmeujber well ".<//c «.„•</» i" atld then the passage flashed like light- ning across my mind— "For every idle word that men .-peak. thVy shall give aeeouut in the day of judgunat." My superoatural visitant here ad- die^-ed me "Dost thou ob.*crve how small a pro- portion thy sins of e"niiui-sion bear to those of (emission?" As he .-j>ol,e. he pointed me to in- ; stances in the page Ilk* the following : "I was , hun<;iy and thou g.ive.-t me no meat" "I was '■■ ihi'-stv and thou gavest me no dank"— "I was . sioli find thou didst not vi-itme," I was con- science stri<.keu. Iu another j.artofthe record I read the tide ''Puiies Periormcd." Ala-- ! how

place aforesxiil, judtmunt will be rendereil a^';iinrt you, ui..in Itie uvi.ltnee adilucel 1).\ said Wi Icli A Wallace for such sum as lie sliall sIdiv tiims..lf enUtled lo, and your

I proprrtv »"jld to p.ij tlie dvinanrt.

I Civeii under my liand this 'J-id ilav of Dpcenit*r, A.

Id. I^..:». K. llllt TCIIINS,

81>--'iw Justice of the Peace.


I P-.rf;iuU havlnpbeen made in the conditions of a rer- i taliiniort'.'a!:p. d»lfd ilif (•fh day of .lul.v, \. D. 1~"'''.', I inadeano . xccuied l.y !*ila» .1. Whicli and liis wife Mar- tha I. W:nch, of FHiil>:n:lt County, fitale of .Minnetota, 1 jiarties of the fust i art, to DaoK-l N. Ware, ui tli couu- ! ty and state aforesaid, party of lh>: second part, l.y the fiiilure of said niorl};a(fr,is or either cf ttieni, to p*y the I KUOi of three hundred and forty-two dollars and eighty- I ' sevrn cents (^'Hi ^TK which amount is rlairoed to b-j | I rpaif ttie Ittle "IMines leriDrajeo. nm- . ii<.'" I Uuetti^reon for priucipalai.d interest, at the ddte of this | ):Tu was a.ir number! Humble as I had beet. | ^tl-^J::^:^:::^^-:^:^:^^^;^ ^^^

i Recuitomed to thiuk the e*timate of my g<)od KS, I was greatly disappointed to peiveive

that many peiformanoes on which I bad looked b:iek Willi pride were omitted, "because," my visitor in foimed me, "the motive wa.* impure." It was, however, wiih feelings of the most affcol- ing gratitieation I read beneath this record, s-mall a? it was. the following passage : \yhoso- evcr shall give a cull of cold water only iu the name of a disciple, he shall in no wise lose his reward. ^

Whi!e I saird on many other similar records, such was the intense feeling ivhich seemed to be awakened within me that my brain grew dizzy, aud my eye became dim. I was awakened from this 5rutc'l>y the touch of my supernatural iu- structer, who po"urcd me to the volume in which I had read my own terrible history, now closed, and bearing a seal, on which, with sickening heart. I read the inscription, "Ke.-crved until the i>ay of Judgment." "Ami now." said the angel, "my commission is completed Thou hast been permitted what w..,s never granted to mau bcfote. | Wbiit thinkst thou of the record? Dost not just- I Iv tremble? How many a line is here, which.' 'dying, you could wish to blot !' I see you al- I readv shuddering at the thought of the diselos- : ure of this volume at the day of judgment, when , an Rssomlded world shall listen to its contents. But if sueh be the record oi o»e year, what must be the ^"'"7 orv-vrr irAo e life"! t"eek, then, an interest in the bK>o.l of Chri>t, justified by which, you shall indeed hear the repoiition, but n<.t to condemnation. P.ay that, when the other books are opened your name may be found ia the book of life. And see the volume prepared for the historv of another year ; yet its page is unsul- lied. 'Time is before thee— seek to improve it : privilege.- are t>elore thee mar they prove the gateof heaven: judgment is before thee pre- pare to meet rhy «od." He turned to dej.art : and I seemed to hear the rustling which an- noun.'L-d his flight. I awoke was it all a dream? Spirit and M(tnufr§ of the A<je.

DOdCt:, l»r»m^3 »tlC i,.,>l.v. .:.- .. -•^- - -

(♦•i."'t. siipulatfd as attorney's fees, to be p^ui >c rase of forrelo'ure, wliieli said ujortKape was recorded on the : Iilrli dav of July, A. U. IM.',), at 11 o'clock A. M., in the ofliceofthe Register of Heeds of the county of Farihaull and State of Minnes ta, in book J of nioiiirtST'^s, "n pape <;-i-i ; aud no action or procf enin al law lias l>een Instl- 1 tiit'ed to recover the debt secured t>y s«id nlo^tlf»^'ror any ' part thereof- now, tlierefore, in jmrsuancc and by vir- ' tue of the powerof sale contained in .^lid uiortgai e, and of the statutes insueli ca»e made and provided, notice Is hereliv tjivtn, that said mortgape will tx- foreclosed, and the land and premiaes thtrein described, lo-wil: the . south half of the northeast nuarter of section number sev- enteen (17>, intownihip number one tiuiidred aiid three ili»:>) north, of range numlier twenty-seven f-'T) west, ' containing eii^lilv v^ii acres of land. acc<irilin;.' to Oov- I ernment su.vey,"logetlierwlth all tlie hereditaments and 1 appu'tenanoeJthereunlobelo.igius'orinany wise apper- t*ininK, will l»e sold at public sale, lo the tii-hest Wilder, I for ca«h, to satisfy and pav the said debt aud interest : and the said t«e"nty five dollars (l-J.*!) attorney's fees I and the costs and distmrseinents allowd by law, at the front door of the I'nst Ofli.-e, in Winnebago City, Faribault Countv, MinnesoU, on tJalnrday, the tnh i day of February' A. U. l^To, at K> o'clock lu the ' forenoon of that day.

1 Dated Winntbago City, Minn., Dec. 2-2d, 1-69. j -^ .,, p^j^iKL N. WAKE,

Sil-Tw .Morlgaisee.

itf ORTO


I come again, oaly come sgain I" , Sioux C

And it came again, for he had only dreamed j^j^^, p^

P thu.« terribiv, on the New Year's night. He was ^

J still a voucg man— only his avil deeds were no *■ ' '

i /lr,an-.' ' "^ 1""'

roucg man only

But he thanked 0»d that be yet in his youth e'^uld retrace his steps, and turu from the squal- id ! ath of rice to the sunny road which Icadi to tie (air laud of tbe just.

Turn with him. young reader lest when thou •landest upon the path of sin. this frightful dream shall, iu the future, become thy judge : but when ihou, full of «ngMish. shalt cry out : "Couie a- , ^in, oh, my youth V it lihoald aot «» 1»^« »*«»- | ler return «nt"» yoQ.

The train bound west ou the St. Paul and Sioux City Railroad on the 24th inst., struck a Pond's Crossing four miles east of Sha- badly injuring the owner, Frank Bryson, I and killing one horse asd demolishing the sleigh. Bryson will probably recover.

Edwin M. Stantiu, who had just been appoint- ed as Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, died suddenly, of congestion of the heart, last Friday morning, at Washington, aged 5t . I years. He was confined to the house for only a week.

Default having been made in the conditions of a cer- tain inortcajfe dated the Tth day of Heptemlier, A. D. ls(W, t\e.--tedby Ilmry l.ai|iie ai^d Ellen Ijique his wife, of F.iribauit County, Stjte of .Minnesota, parties of the I'irst part, to David P. Wa«;att. of Hancock County . State oi .Maine, pany of the second part, by the failure of said mortgagors or either of them to pay the sum of two !iun.lre<l and si.Ttcen dollars aud thirty-three cents, (♦■.'l';.:«l, which am luni Is claimed to be due thereon for principal and interest at the date of this notice, beside the fur her sum of twtnty-tire dollars, (*•.:" ', stipulated as attoniev's fee, to tW p.ii-t In c ise of foreclosure, * hieh said mortiraBe was recoriled on the I'ith day of September, A D. l?*-'^, «t 5 o'clock p. m., in the office of tlie R-i-'i-terof D-tiU, in s%id Faribault County, m book l.of Mortp»j{e», on page >>, and no action or pr.eeed;nK at law hast>eenins'ituted lo rccoverthedeU »ecur-d bv said roorffrage. <ir any part thertof; now, tlierefore, iu pursuance and by virtue of the i»ower of gale contained in s»id niortpa,{C, »nd of the statutes In such case made and provided, notice is hereby given, that the said m irtKajre -vill lie foreclosed, and the land and prpiuls'silierefn described, vii.: Alltfiat tract or parcel of land lyini: and beiug in tJie ounty of F«n- bault, and State of .Minne*. ta. described as follows, to- wit : ' The we<<t hiiir of riie southwest i|uarter of section nuiul)er one ( 1 », in township u jmtwr on^ hnnlr'd at d three tl'.':J) no.-th, of r*n)re number twentr-teven r2T) west, contaiuinp figt.ty ino-) acres, according to sovern- meiit surrey, ti^eetticr with all Ihe hereUilaments and aipuiieusDces thereunto beiongir-ij or in any wi^e ap- perta'nin?, wi'l be sold »l public sale, to the highest bid.ler. for c«h, to satisfy and pay tli* said deW and interest aud the twenty five dollars t ♦•.t")| allomey's fees and tlie costs and ni.*bursemen;» allowed bylaw, at the .front d.K>r of the Post Office, in the vitlapf of Winnel>a- IM C^tr. Connty of Fanbanlt, and .•»»»€ of Minnesota, i'o Thur«Uy,tiie l*hday ,.f Jaanary, A. D. isiO, at 111 o'clock in the f.iren>oM of that day.

Dated, Winnebago City, .Minn., Dec. 1. 1 ■?-•)?.


5isi-:w Morfpsce.

may now be found at this store.

In addition to the above mentioned articles of the jircsent most f I'hionable ra'tems, you will aiways find at the Faribault county


A well selected assartment of


from the "Odessa Skirt Company," which are msurpu'.sed by any other Hoop Skirt in use, ai regards Durability, Comfoit and Style.

And alio a large stock of

Grocerie;s Pork, Hams,


Lard, Wheat, Cofd,


Ouions, Flour, Meal, <fec., &c.


Crockery, Glassware,


Lampdj I^anterns,

Machine and Kerosene

Oil, Sugar Buckets and Boxes



of nil sires, and many £tyl .

G. K. .Moulton. of the firm of MOULTOK A DEl'DON. has jujt returned from NEW YORK X'n Y, where be tcok particular time to find tbe best houses, and to purchase at the bottom of the market, and c(in6dentlT believes that he has secured the best qualities of goods, and at the most reasonable fi rures, and


Is now offered at a sma i. advance the original cost. Call and e.tamiDC for yourselves. Truly Yours,

Vox PofMi.i.— The voice of the People is unnnimius in praise of one thing at least, that is Morse's Indian Root Pills, and it is well de- served. The best remedy in the world for al- most ali dise.tses that afflict the human race they act diret-tly on the blood, stomach and bowels. K'-ep your blood pure by an occasion- al dose of these Pil s and you will not be sick. The blond is the lite, keep it pure by using the or.lv mpdicine that will completely cleanse it, Morse's Indian Hoot Pill'^. Use the Morse's Piiis in all casesof Bilioosness. Liver Complaint, Fetnale Irregularities, Headache, Indigestiwi Ac. Bold bjr all d<«Ier«.

Meat I'ibhes, Ewers and Busins-

Glass Lamps and Chimneys, Comet Sun Burners and Chimneys,

Lanterns^ Tumblers, Goblets,


^^59-15UOTS and SHOES made to order apa epairing neatly done. 200tf






The only lino r.inning THROUGH TRAINS between



Making this the most Comfortable, Expeditious and Only Direct Route to

Clcvebiid, Erie, JlHiikirk, Buffalo



^af\n the principal Railways of tbe North- west and Southwest vonuert nt Chicago with the Four Daily Express Trains, leaving Chicago 7:40 A. M., 1 [M A. M., 5:lo P. M.. ani. 9:00 P. M.

Eleeant Drawing Room Coacbcs

OnDay Express Trains between Chicago, Tole- do and Buffalo.


And has Palace Sleeping Coaches Attaf;hed,

Eunn'g Through to New York


Passenzers for Domit, and all points in Cina d'(, and thoiM- f<ir Ohio, Petnmylrauin, Aeic York and .Yew Enylfotd. should purchase tickets via LfiLe Shore tiud Mirhiynt Southern Rnilvoy, which are on sale at all principal Railway Ticket OflBces, and at the Company's OBBce,

No. 56, Clark Street, Cbieago.

F. E. MORSE, Gen'lPass. Agt., OTI.^? KIMBALL, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago.

271 -yl CleveUnd, 0.




"Wheat atlvancing and Goods scUitic beltiw cost, for cash, at the Witinehitgo City Drug Store. Call and examine prices before goitig elsewhere.


Carbon Oil, Elephant Oil, Linseed Oil and Oil Paints, White Lead, Red Lead, Colored Paints, &c.


School Books, Blank Books, Station- ery, Memoranda Books, &c.


Patent Medicines of all kinds. To- bacco and Cigars. Lamp Chimneys and "Wicks. Fancy Articles usually kept in City Drug Stores.


317-tf C. J. FARLEY.

Winnebago City, Nov. 19. 18G9.

AT LOWEST pnicrs.

That the .Mason & Hamlin Cabinet and Met- ropolitan Organs are the best in the world is proved by tho almost unanimous opinion of pro- fessional raufcicians, by the award to them of seventy-five gold and silver medals or other highest premiums, nt principal industrial com- petitions within ft few years, including the med- al at tbe Paris E.xpositiou, and by a sale very much t'reater than that tf any similar instru- ment. This Company mannlaeturc owly firnt- class instruments, and will not make "'ehcap or"aiis" at any price, or snffei an inferior instru- ment to bear their name. H.irirg greatly in- creased their faeiliiicB for manufaitjre, by the introduction of new machinery and otherwise, they are now m.iking better organs than ever be- fore, at increased economy in cost, which, ia accordance with their fixed policy of selling al- ways at least remunerative profit, they ore new oJTcring at prices of inferior work. Four odavc organs. Plan Walnut Cares. j:>ft. Five oc- tave organs. Double Reed. Solid Valnnt Cases, car»cd and paneled, with five stops (Viola. Dia- pason. Melodia, Flute, Tremulant), $125. 0th er styles in proportion.

Circulars, with full particnlr'rs. includinp ac- curate drawings of the different slyles of orpjins and much .nforination which will be of service to every purchaser of an organ will be scut Ireu and postage puid, to anv one dosirine fhcni.

MASON A HAMLIN OIUIAN CO.. 154 Tremont St. Sofcton ; JOC D'dway, N. Y. :i20w4







MARBLE, «fec., &c..

Cut to order from either Italian or American marble, and set up in good taste. Mr. J. M. Kul- livan is our practical de- signer, and all orders ara filled according to spccifi- aticns. F, however, tho taste of Mr. .Sulliv.in is con- sulted, the designs arc guar- anteed to be unique. The work recommends itsclt. Or- ders from a distance promptly at'.en<led to.

Flshrr & Sullivan,


Joneiltb, ISGd. 293



Cash Gifts to the Amount $500,000,


5 Cash Gifts, each f 20,00»

10 u « ]0,OOU

20 '< « 5.t)(>l>

40 " •' 1,0«<»

200 " " S**"^

300 " " ^^^

60 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, eacli?300 to 700

75 a " Mclodeons •' 70 to 100

.3 JO Sewmg Machines, COtoK.'i

600 Gold Watches, 76 to :;0(»

Cash priies, Silverware, 4c., ral. at fl,OtiO.O(iO

A chance lo draw .tny of the above prizes for 25 cents. Ticltets describing p'ires are scaltrt in envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 2 jc a sealed ticket i^ drawn, without choice, an<l sent by mail to any address. The prize numcd upon it will be delivered to tbo ticktt-holder on receipt of One Dollar. Prizes ore immediately sent to any address by express or return mail.

You will know what your prize is before you pay for it. Any prize exchanged for another of the same value. No blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing.

References.— We select the follow'ng from many who have lately drawn valuable prizes, and kindly permitted us to publish them : An- drew J. Hums. Chicago, «10,000; Miss Cl.ira 6. Walker. Bjltitnore. Piano, $800 ; James M. Matthews, Detroit. $5,000 ; John T. Andrews, Savannah, $.1,000; Miss Agnes Simmons, Charleston, Pinno, $C00. We publish no names withoat permission.

Oi'iKioss or the Prefs. The firm is reliable, and tioservo their success.— RV<<'y Trihune, May 8. We know tbe.o to be a fair dealing firni.— A'. Y- H'mld May 2S. A friend of oors drew a $500 prize, which was piomplly received. DnVy Xeir$, June 8.

Send for Circular. Liberal inducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack, tgc of sealed envelopes cortainis ONE CASH GIFT. Six tickets for $1 ; 1 8 for $2; X5for$5; 110 for $15. AM letters should be •dd.-es'sed to II ARl'KR, WILSON A CO.,

.^16 12w 195 Brosdway, New York.




MiNNKSOTA Valley Railroad

On and after Tuesday, March SO trains will run as follows;

Mankato andLe Sueur Trains.

Mankato 4:.30 p m

Le Sueur f-^f* P

Bt. Paul 5:('0 p m

" 11:45 a m




Mankato.... Sueur....

Horses to let at all hours, day or night. Horses to #►11 or exclianpe.

Cash paid tor oats, com and hay. Oats, com, hay an'l stablini? ai re.TS'.oable rales.

Oflice in Wlnnebigo City Hotel, and Statde In the rear. « _ .

\Mnnebago City, Dee. 8. 1S6». 819-»f

7:45 a m .3:40 p m i):00 a m 6:45 a fi





The co-partnership heretofore existing Letweem the unilersigned, under the firm name of Moul- ton 4 Deudon, ii* this day di^.-olvcd by mutual consent, F. Deudon withdrawing therefrom.

AU liabilities of the late firm are assumed by G. K. Moulton, who will continue the Mercantile business at the old stand.


WiHuabaf o City, Minn., Nov. 1», I»«».

Eastetn Express.

Leave St. Paal 7:4.-. a m- Ar. St. Paul 7:10 pm.

Owatonna <b HattiBga Acceuunddation.

Leave St. Paul 3:30 pm. Ar.St. P8ull]i45a m. Trains on this rond make dose connections Mendota with trains on Milwaukee sod St- Psul Railroad lor Minneapoli-,- Owatonna, ^^ '""»» and all poinU South and East, and at &t. 1 eter with MinnesoU Stage Company's line ." f "^'as" for New Ulm, and at Mankato all poinU West

anu Southwest. . tt i t »i.„.

Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Office, corner Third and Jacksoa streets, and at tbe depot. West St. Paoj.^^^^^^^^^^


J, C. Boro«» ««ieral Tiek«t AtwU 2Mrf




•TTTP Ti'P i?T? TirkMiT'CTl? \ T\ Ti^- J I* niMEs. physician and scrokon.

X lllj r rwrj 11, llU:Vill.O l rj^V Lf. \J omce in No. -2, New Block, up sUirs. Kesldenc*


corner of Welch and Cle»eliuiil Streets. Winnebago City, Minn. Day chIIs attended from the office. Night call* from his ret.iilenco.

Office ilays— Salurday*. 'imt


ap««lal notices In reading columns, ten «enl» per line for the t1r« insenlon, and Qrc cents per line for each •nbscijaeiit Insertion.

Ailvertlseraenlinecuprli;jr on* inch of «p<»c9, insert*-!! ' otie W'^ek for one dolLir.' On? col'iran, one year, eifthty | dollars. Other aiivenisemenl.- in proportion. |

TOWN AND COUNTY. Arrival and Departare of Mails.



r\KED?!, MOUTU.\r.ES. AN-T I'THKR Blue lt«rth City,


8 P. M.

8 ▲. M.

hUiiks. neutly priiiteJ, and for jiilo st the Homestead Office. M^nkMo,

Blue Earth City,


7 p. M.

8 A. M. 3 P. il.




ttornevand Cniisclor at Law in Winnehago Waseca-Tuc»a.vv Thnrs<lay, Shturrtay,

•,,. _:,i _,, 1 ,. r . 1 1 - .\lH;rt Lea— Monilay, Wednesday, Friday,

City, Minn., trill (ittend to professional iMiM- rmh-^sen-Monday. Friday. -

ne«s tbroUi;boiit the State

l<'4tf Jackson— Tueiday,



"V" Fiscn, LfMnER mkrchant, one door be-

•^' low Shaubuts,


Miiikato, Minnesota.


Waseca Monday. WedncMlay, Friday, The commodloos brick dwelling of O. P. Chubb, in Allurt Lea— Tne<day, Thuis.i.iy, Saturday, P.iinnoiit . has been opi>ne'i tn the travellDti public, and Tenhiu«sen— Jnesday , Saturday . ample accomm,)d»tio.iit are now t'lTere'l tt. all who may Jacksim Frid.-iy,

7 P. M. 7 P. .M.

11 A. M.

7 A. M. 7 A. M. 6 A. M. 1 P. M.

On Cbri.stmas dny our friend S. T. Mill prea- enieil us with a liberal >ainple c>f Minn*'Bi)tu ap- ples—grown in his own orchard near Uaidea City. Among them wore the Purry and tiolden Ru>>sett, Miunesota Pipin und tliree or four oth- er varictiea. Mr..Mill.'< has demonstrate<i thS practicability of (flowing applei in Uluo Earth, county and dcsiroub that other 'urmcrs may do the same thing he is jirepared to supply them with all tlie hardy varietio.s of frait trots adapt- ed to this climate. --,Viij.7.'('<> Hniiw.



wUh to avail thcnuelvea uf itji hospitalities. 317-tf O. P. CUrBB.

>'!ilesa]« asJ Kct^l. iWTyl

ManW.at", Minnesota.



TRA s SMITH. BOOK.SELLKi .\ND bT.vtioner, G.K. Moulton. Winnebag^o City, Minn.,

■*• One djor sonlhof RkWKw iitSce, (

WTyl .Mankato, Minnesota. I Af.KXT FOR FAlllItAlLT COl NTV,

Tn insure raailinj; matter, it should be in the office half an hourbelore departure timt.

Charch Directory.

WHEELER— ROGERS.— Ill ({ithrie, Def. 23d, ISo'J, hy J. HiiHS K!*4 , Mr. Mm. H. WiikivLKU. of Uutbrie, toMi^a StfHiNA R.>acna, of Prea- oott.

N'o cards and no cake.

The youthful couple have our sympathy, and

may their cup of haj)pinc!'3 alwnys be full.



C; U. SNYDKR, GUNSMITH AND VTAQUN- *' Maker. Shop next doortu Richardson'l. Particular attention paid to repairing clock*. 817-lf



On Blur Earth Avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed. ai7 If


A desirable farm of 16u acres, well watered, io the

town of Preicott, Seclimi iS, U offend for sali', or rent, fur one, two, oi three yenr«. Forty acreb brok?, twenty acres of timher, two ami one-liulf milts disaot, will be sold with the f.irtn, separately, or in lots to suit purcbaa- eis. TenuM, ifsuld, i.'iOU dijHii, iiiid the ba'aiioe on long time. For lunlier particulars inquire of or address the suharribcr.


Sbclbyville Minn., Noveojber 3d, 1669.





For The .American Itulton-llole. Ovcr-Seeining and

W *EVRLE9 WHOLESALE AND hex \IL ^"'''"'•'' ^''***''"* The tirst an.l only Button-Hole Mak- D«al/r ir. Crockery a.:d oiaasware; Front S-., inn :inJ SewtnK' Machine comt.ined. in the world. It


Maukato, Minn.


dues uiore work than any other machine ever invented. 2rt3tf


f^.,.ti„nery, O^ ''""''■ •*'*KIVAi. OFTIIE CARS, we thall be pre

^:vl ' Mankato, Minnesota. ^^ pared to optna st.ck <f

J B BL'RKE, DFALER IN GIOCEKIES, PROVI3- At Wei's, to supply ^he dem»nl,*both wholesale and

*»• ijns. Crockery^ Glaa* and Wooden Ware. retail. Respectfully,

MKTnoDisT Services every Sab>>ath morning, in the Baptist Churth, at 1030 o'clock.

Re.. J. C. GOWAN, Pastor.

CoxaajroATioxiLisr. Servi'-es every Sabbath morn- lag, in the High School buihlin);. at Mk^) o'clock.

Rev. J. D. TODD, Pastoi.

Cvios. Prnyer Meetinpr, Wednesday evenings. In the i . »

Baptist Churchi lU 7 o'clock. I

Sahoath Pcliool every Sunday morning, immediately I Monkv To Loa.v.— I have some money to after preachii«(f. i loan on tirft-cluss real esta'e i-eeurily. Conio

ExcelloDt flour at Richar.lsoi '«.


No. S cook-loves furnished <!ompleto for $23 at the Hardware Store in Winnebago City.



Manl!at<i. Minnesota.

TOHN QCANE. WASHINGTON H0C3E. GOOD " Sublingeeanected. M7yl Mankato, Minnesota.

\roHii A Dvt:»KR. PLOW mancfactort, and

■^'*- BlackamitMag,

WTyl Mankato, Minneaota.

"\f O. WILLARD, ATTORNEY AV LAW AND NO- ^*- tiry PubUe. 397yl Mankato, MIna.

HOPKINS A FF.RNALD. Wholesale and Retail Deai'^r in Furuituie. Bedding, Ac. .\lso, L'nertakcrs, S'.S-tf Austin, Minn.


H'tnntsLago City, Minnesota.

E. G. A A. P. COLLINS, Proptietors.

Excellent accommodations, a'^d charge* m}d- erate.

Stages Icare this House for alt ^oia's. 237(f


We have for ."ialc, at a great bargain, four ',

early, and you can be acciiiiint'lated.

ANDREW C. DUNN. Winnebago City. Minn.

An Irishuii




The Eclectic reprints aU the best articles, Historic, Literary and .Sucial, from the pr <ini- nout EiiKlish, French, and German Periodicals. In selections are cursiuUy made from over fifty different works, and with many coinpetitors iu the tiuld, it roiuuiiM the oldest und most reliable


Bod and MouldBoard

Breaking Plows


A genJleman who suffered for years froca ""^''^..ful i.miy, Prewattire Decay, hud nil the effectJ Of,^_J^^|,',r

hundred pounds of Lon. Primer. One half of tt ^ ,^;;;; ^ -" ^^2^"'''^" /J:'' lll^^^^. t.^'ii: -Poncnt of IWoign contemporary thought.

is almost new. and the balance is good for years, i Rheumatism, the druggist asked him in what ' For particulars, address the Fhee HoMesTKAD. I purt of tho body it troubled hiu most, -Be me

^ j sou', said ho, '"I have it in ivery houl and corner

Lord's shooting match is still attracting er me " crowds.


wY;;'**""*'' ^""^" Mank..o. >nnn^ J^HERIDAN J. ABBOTT,

The Chri.-itinas ball was a succe??. Indeed, who ever knew a Winnebago enterprise to go by default ?



It is believed that in this dep>rtment tho Ec- lectic is more ooutprehens'vc and complete than

CAML IIIDDEN.WHOLESALEANDRETAILDEAL- AttOi nCV & COUllSelor 3 1 LaW, J"">-n"l One year to •^ erin Dry Goods. v i. i i- i ,. I «2 00

a97yl Mankato, Mian. Notary Public and Conveyancer. , ♦■'•""•

The Frek Homkstead and the Amertean Stork all new subscribers, for

To All CoNCEHNBD. Now, uiy £ood fellows, , .i ii . i i

,, , , ,„ ,, v., ,ni o,- I / <iny other raasfazine III the world not exclusively

all ot you nil" are owiiijc tb«* firio ot Cli.gsick &,.,..,• ''

■,■.,,,. . iir- I r>.. 1 devoted to tuc suhjeot.

.Smith. HIacksmiths, in Wiunel ago City, i lease v,vv.u iv vu o j

call and seti e your accijunl.s on or before the I BIOORAPOT.

1 jtb of December, IStiU, and you will save your- .

selves much trouble. We mu-it have money, ' In this d.'parftnent will be found the life of

Crossing Plows,

.Varranted to scour in anj kind of soil, and '

hardened by a process known only to ourselves. CONSUMPTIVES.


gentleman who suITere

y, Preioattire Decay, huu «u uie ti.*~— -.-__„(,-. indlscreUojj. wlU, for the aake of suffering "•™'" 'Yii send free to all who need it, the receipt and '"'^'^'^, formajting the simple remedy by which be was _ Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertlsei » "^*P j,^,jy can do so by addressing, with perfect tonfideace- •" ' B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar St., New York. *"'''_.



In Winnebago City, casks of all siretwfllb^'oun'* con(.tantly on band. REPAIUINO ^o"* »* short notice. Cash paid tor staTCS «■* ko-"- pole*. Cooper Shop in the baok part »f tb« otJ Lee Tavera. _ ^

F. H. WEPB. Winnebago City, Nor. 10, 18C9. 3U-tf

MuLTUM Parto.— There is contained in Dr. Morse's Pills the principle of health. We have many thousand* of testimonial* of their having restored tha sick to health ; which can bo seen at our office. Use Dr. .Morse's Indian

Ro.it fills ■nJ yfu '^i'l fi"«l tJ*"™ "°' ^'P'^ * curativoof disease but also a preventative.— They should be' used in all cases of Hiliousreti, Headache. Liver Complaiuts, Female Irregulari- ties dec. We make no secret of the formula frrm whioh this medicine is prepared. Ask jour stnrekeej.er for the Ometa Almanac, read it carefullv. Use Morse's Pills. Soldby all deal-


Manufactured entirely of iron and steel.

and it must com" from <'ur debtor:".


in* Agent and Notary Public, 299tf Mankato, Minn.

CLIFTON norsE, W. V, B. Moore, Proprietor. 2»9tf Front St., Mankato, Minn.

DtE.VA Bt03' Fl'RNISHiNO HOCSE, MANKATO >rrin. Eurniture and Cari>elin;{. Oil Cl'ith* and Curtains, Table Cloths and Mirrors. Window Shades and Mattresses. Picture Frames ^nd Mats, Curd and Ta'selj. Agents for the L'lirivalled Washer. lOM

p K WI3ER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND -'• J-weler. Dealer la Watciies, Clocks, Jewelry and 8:iv*r Ware.

•i'i^if Mankato, yioa.

Repairing neatly executed and warr.uite^.

"\r ANKATO H0C3E, tJROVER C. UIKT, PKOPIIIE- -''*• tor. Having refurnisheil tliroush"Ut the atx'Ve well- known house, the pr iprietor askn a c jntii.uauce of Public patron.iice. Good slahle vCL-oininodaiioiis are euonected with the hoaie. Charirts moderate. -J^ilt

Particalar attentioa paid to the CoUec-

//oil of D'-li/t (lu'i I'dijinent nf Tiixet. ALL BCSINESJJ PRO-MPTLY ATTENDED TO.

WiuncLiago City, .Minn., Aug. .■li>, MriS. 2;..''.tf


C. S. KICALL, Prophietor.

According to the Winona Ri publican, the po- lice of that town are not successful iu catching oyster theives.

Vours trulv,


Fer loss of cud. horn ail, red water in eows,lo»s

every man who iu any waik of life hns lai<l hold ' on i<'ame.


Polite Literature in all its branchec is repre-

Prof. Carpenter's singing school is pro.^pering finely. We hope the lovers of music here will immediately engage him for a seeoad term.

.Stages leave this Hotel Mondays and Thurs- | Mr. C. L, Howell has retired from the firm of dayafor the nearest Railio«d station, and X*ies- . Chubb 4 Howell, of Fairmont, and the business days and .Saturdays for tho We<t. ... ... . , , , »• ^ t. ^l .

A iroo.l Livery is connected with the Hotel. ; "'" hereafter be conducted by Mr. 0. P. Chubb.

.md there are ample accommodations for team- | ♦^

sters. 2I2tf j There will be Episcopal st»rvice at the Baptist

I Church, next Tuesday eveaing, by Prof. Geo.


WKHRLE, WATCHMAKER * JEWELER, HAS '• re'-eived his complete slock of .\merican a-id Im- ported Waffhes, Cl>cks and J.-Welry. Kepairin>r war- ranted as repraaentcd. Front Street, opposite the Clif- ton House. '29->tr >laukato Minn,



Keeps cjnslautly on hand a complete assortment of


.\nd hundre.ls of dollar's worth of worsteds, beinz the fir't full line Mtock of Zephyr Worsted ever l>rouglit into Winnebago l'!<ty.

New and Fashionable G'lods received by express every

Tanner, of Owatonna. Service to commence at 7 o'clock.

The Methodist festival, last Thursday evening was far ahead of anything in that line which we

..» iippetite, rot, or murrain in si eep ; thick wind, sented by the best selections which can be glean-

broken wind, and roaring, and for ail obstuct- '^^ fr"°i * wi''^ Sel'^-

ions .if the kidneys in horses MtiSheriJan* Cav- fiction.

airy Condition I'owdirs. •,..•, , , ^ » .

" In this department the best Current Litcra-

tureofitscla s is found, comprising occasional

Frcit A\D Shame Trees. C. L. Smith, of serials by the best contemporary novelists, but

Walnut l.ake. is <itreiin;; for sale. 1110,000 Soft chiefly tho short stories for which the English

.Maple, or .^ilverleaved. and 100 000 White Elm Magazines are deservedly celebrated,

Trees at from S.? to $1'> per tbi u.=and, 3 to 20 j general uteratcre.

inches bmh. lli»loi>, Transceiidanf, .Siberian,

Duchess ot OMuiiburL', and other harly apple

trees, 25 cents each. Everybo.ly shouM send for

price list and directions for planting and Care o , .. ^ i j n i-.- i

' , , , ' ° says jpon Literary, !5ocial, and Political ques


This depaitment, prob.ibly the most important of all, is represented by selections from the best Review.s, and contains the choicest current Es-


Walnut Lake, Minn.

will send by mail, prepaid, choic^e plants of IVil- have had hero for ycais. The net prjfits were j g^u's Albauy, Crimson Cane. Great Austin. Shak- ek. Stsreou .Main St., neirly opposite the Collins over one hundred dollar.'. | er, A-., at :'0 cents per dozen, oi $2. 00 per bun



The Editorial Depiiriniants have been thor- oughly remodeled. Thereviews of current home SxRAwnEiiKiES A.ND CHEAM.--Wno docs not liieratuie are unusually full, and -irt at home | love them? Lv«ry one should have a strawber- i ,inj abroad receives the attention which the i ry bed. C. L.Smith, of Walnut Lake Nursery, growing public interest in the subject demands.


Of the most approved pattern. Alto

The advertiser, having been restored to health in a I few weelvs, by a very simple remedy, after having suf- fered several .veam with u severe lung aifection, and I that dread disease. Consumption, is anxious to make ; known to liisfellow-snfferi-rs the means of cure. I Ti all who desire It he will send acopy of theprescnp. ! tion u-ed, (free of charge), with the direction* for pre- paring and using the same, which they will find a Sj-r* cure for Consumption, AsthniH, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is lO benefit the afflicted, and spread information whic.i he conceives to be invaluable ; and be hooes every snfleref will try his remedy, as it will cost nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescripti^Ti W.l plense Hddixss Kev. EDWARD A WILSON, rtilliama- . burg Kings County, New York. 81S"ly



THE Subscriber wishing to goiiito the W co'.- en LuKiness. ofTtrs bis farm of SSoaeres for sale. --. -|--r-. r-r^Tl"n> TXT k /^ /^AT/^ There is a good House, Stable, Sheds andOran- I I I \'l W r H W A (-tI I \ ^ ' *'"y' ''"^ * never-failing spring or wATtn. suC« XJ vJ IVJ. UxiXt » V Xx \A\JLy kJ I cieni for h<iusehold purposes and to water one

hundred Lead of eattie. Between 25 and :iO acre* of Timber. The house is surrounded with l.nrge Shade Trees, besides a Garden, confaiiiiug about 300 FRL'IT TREES, large and small.

I will sell the above reanonable. Inquire on the premises, 2 miles direct west from Winneba (TO City, oral the Woolen Mill Maikato.

JOHN B. EDWARDS. Augu.stir. ISfig. -5'


Dealers la



ParficuUr attention paid to Music Orders.



Senator Wilkinson introduced a bill previous



Manufactured from Eastern timber.

r\ NOTEMAN.M.».,PHYSICI\NA\DsritOEON. , . ,. . .. ,, .. / ,. , i *25. per thousand. Good stnm-, new plan ts, mifs

i-'- Will attend .o .Mils promptly, in Winnebago City 'o the holiday adjournment, for the protection of '.^ ^^u, ,,^j ;„ „,^„ ^jUj ^^^^ ajrcctions how I best

an. I ::«( cv.!.!! •i.lii.n A.r.i.n Set' fko V I. .a 1....1 t«*. .*.*.' t'^n^j .. .v-..^... .. <t >


A very fine Steel E!i;;raviug on fome subject of drcd ; Leni.iiijc's Wl'iitc. finc.«t white strawberry ' Renoral interest, either Historic, Portr.iit, or t ^ t x-wtt-,

grown, iO o*nls per dozen. $4.00 per hundred, i U"^!. P'nbellisbes each number. These engrav- ALL KINDS OF JOBBING DO^S E

injirsuro executed in the best manner and by the

and surrounding country. Dr. N. h.is had twenty years j,,^ fettleri on the Fort Ridgelv reservation, and : to blaiit and cultivate them.

experie .ce in locil. general, and iiiispital practice, and " - ' , •"»"»'"»">''-"»•■"""' luvm.

I lately had change of a Hygienic Insriiuie for the treat will urge its immediate passage upon tho rc-as-

; meat fifchrjoio diseases. He is Th-refore prepared to ... - ,,

treat Catarrh, Bronchiris. .-ier.ifula. Rheumatism, Pro- 'enanl'Dg o' t^ongress.

I lap.rus fferi, N»«rali;ia. Sick H'jad.-iche, Liver Com-

plaint. Diphtheria, C.4d Hands and Keet, Nervous De Wallace, the popular groceryman of Mankato,

! bihty, (;».voKK,-*, rr.vKR S.'KKS, and all Blood and Skin ' r i n j

artists, und are of permanent value.


wholesale aitd retail dealers in

BOOT S, S H O E S. ' «'

; Diseases, with a success far in advance of the ordinary .'?ent US a can of peculiarly largo oysters, just ! phv"ician who haa i.eter mad: a speciality of this class otdiseaaes.

I * bals. omce days; Frida.vfof each week. an6 '"" I'"'"-'* >-epeating the dose

before Christmas. This is tho third time he has

II cii-inmnicationsconfldeniial. Consultation free, done the same thing, and it is possible that ho c- at Dr. F.irleys Diiig Store. I'esideLCe at Kim- _•,. ,„.,•, - ^.,, „.:„.. ,i,„ ,i„„

Stlrt tf Fish, Crackers and Oysters, at Richardson's.

Terms. Single copies, 45 cents ; one copy, one year, $5; two copies, one >cur. i'J ; five copies, one year, $20, Clergymen und Teachers supplied at club rates. Agents wanted to get up

GRE.iT DiSTRiBiTioN.— The Metropolitan Gift '■ clubs. Send for Specimen Copy, 45 cents

_ , , . Address

Company hive made estensivearrangements tor


their third Great Annual Distribut'.on, and their list numbers cash and other g'fti to the amount

of nearly u million of dollars, aiaong them are

Horace Fpiekcraan is putting up a new build- i r _ i. i . j . u -r.

' 1 " I 'J five buudreil and seventy cash gift*, ranging

E. R. PELTON, PtTBi.isHF.n,

108 Eulton St., New Y<irk.


Winuebago Oity, Minn., Feb. 17th, 1SG9.



.. , .. , . », , ' ing for Mr. Robinson, just north of tli« millinery

Leather I indmgs, .-iuoemaker* Tool*, etc. H V P'' P T>fM>V m-.,! AfT'TTV^X' ^ , ,■ /• «. w t r> . «, .. o i from one hundred to twenty thousand dollars

iiyj£jr. r\Ji%.l\. aiKl AIL 1 iW.N buildmg of .Moulton A Deudon, 21x44 feet, two i "^

Fruat Street. - - - . --

Oppo*tt« the Post Office, Mankato, Minn.


Corner of Second ami Cfwrry Si's.,;


X..Q BAROrT. Proprietor.

fllUR ab iv>' house, just coinp!eleil .«ii'i l"urni»h i

A. ed n<5w throuirhii'it, is opened to the public, j

Aecommodationt* unsurpassed by any pu'ili;i

house in the county, iwiJ terms reasonable. |

are now f-urealeai Peiree's market in Winnebairo '/ity, one door eait of the Post Otflce. and will

1 be sold ai veiy low prices. Customers in and

I out of town supplied at low figui s.

! * F M. PEIRCE.

' Winnebago City; Minn., >. 3. 186S.

I 2i(kf


"PoMPEV. Ha ! Scipio d.ist drink ? Scti'io.— Idust.' liirhnid lit.

Farmer* *i'l always find a coinfi-rtablo barn, | plenty of good feed, ani ike best of care for their | horse*. 257tf I


M.tn'ifaetiirer and Dealer In


of every variety.

Restanrant and Snloon.

Opposite the C0LLIN3 liOLSE, Winneba^'O City.

Wines, Litjuora aud Clears.

C-.'.racoa, Old Co^r.ao, ar.d Habar.a.

Frc><h Oy.sters served in every style, and for I sale by the Can or keg.

; Gentlemen^ I kcp ijood Liquors.

I Winnebago City. Dec. 9. l.«<68. 26rtf

Gilt Mouldings Kept On Hand ^ f. harlow.


McMaMlI & Beebe,

Dealer* la


Dealer in

Heal Eslale k Land AVarrants.


riVE AND HARD WOOD /^<^^^'^* -^-^'^ CorNXr OrDEK.S. pubUcan party are producing aU the mischief.

stories liigh. It is a citeum-=fan.H>. for this lati- ' «■"*'»' *'*"' ?'»»"*". Melodcons, Rowing Ma- tilde, that in mid winter, carprntcr« arc working chines, Knitting Machines, Ojld and Silver oat of doors with their coats off, and the atinos- , Watches, Stiver Ware, Jewelry, 4c., Ac. Every

phere milil and spring-like su coutinually. Verv i . , , , ,, .

. , , , ticket drnw* a prize, and uo blanks arc issued.

Iikelv 1"«7" mav mtroilucc a new bill of fare, but ,

we f*el tiankful for the present. The past year ! '^^'^ '''='^'"« *"■« «»<^^ l'^^''^^ '" envelopes, which,

has been a year uf varieties chilly, cold «n4 wet- after beiag sealed are mixed and when drawn

and DcM-eraber s«e»* to be trying to g.-t a good i„discrimi«alely, so that the Company are not

w*rd for ls6i«. :

aware ui the contents of any envelope until the

i . I

ticket is returned to them. These tickets are

so'd for twenty-five cents each, or six for one dol'ar, thirteen for two dollars ; thirty-five for five dollars ; oae hundred and ten for fifteen dol- lars. A* «oon »» you receive a '.ieket, you en- close it with one dollar to the company, aud whatever the ticket calls for is ioimediatelv tor- warded to you. The company are aware that their snccess wholly depends upon their dealiug honorably with thrir customers, and having this fact in view they strive to please all who favor them with their patronage. Circulars contain- Times arc hard, money scarce; owing »ueh, j '"8 "^•"'^ce* and highly favorable notices of and little to p.-iy with. Some think Gen. (irant ' '^c press are sent free to all. Letters should be has .something to do with it, others that the Re- , plainly addressed. Metropolitan Cift Company,

At the annual election of Blue Earth Valley Lodge, No. 27, A. F. and A. M.. held at their I Lodge Room in Wiuin-baijo City, Minn., Dfec. 2S, ^ 1869, the following officers were elected for the ; ensuing year: j W. M.— Andrew C. Dunn. . s. W.— T. L. Rice.

J. W.— E. H.Hutchins. 1 Trcas. Ct. K. Moulton.

Sec. F. F. Hartow.

S. D. -D. P. Weir.

J. D.— J. M. Wheeler.

Tyler— A. Lewis.


pluco tu purchase

Boots and Shoes dry goods,

Winnebago City and Waseca


Leaves «Yinnebago, every day except Pntiirdays. Le^i ves WasfCii. every liav ex'-ept .Mond^v:

This route lies thrf^V-h W ILTON, MINNESOTA LAKE, GRAPELAND. and UAS8 LAKE.

Piifiseriffers by this new aud |>n|iular route will save TWENTY MILKS of travel, and mon.y. and will ride oulv in the day-time, goinp tlirouph in ONE day.

THOMAS GEORGE, Propri'tor.

Winnebago City, Nov. 18lh, 18C8, 261tr


WE have opened a shop on Blue Earth Ave- nue, for all kinds of blacksmithing. wagon ' repairing, Ac, and will be found constantly on , hand and ready to accommodate our customers. ; Attention is called to the following prices:

Horse Rhoeing. per span, .... - $4 00

New Shoe, -......-- .'ift

Setting Shoe, 20

After ?ar«f<'l investigation by competent judges We guarantee entire satisfaction to .nil who may it h-8 been fully and fairly decided tuat thu best patronize u«. CLOSSIfK A SMITH.

Winnebago City, June 2od, 1S69.




Go to Thompson's for your Boots.


Pay Taxes, Ezamiae Titles. &c. I* also AUENT for the

and still others, that Wall Street, Vanderbilt, ;

Fisk, Erie, or those little Eastern ■'^tates, are tak- , io^ all tiie virtue «ut of us. But we think the Dimensions, Si«lino, Flooring, Latfl, Phcenix Insurance CompanVj consumers and producer* are t«o far apart. ftnti Shingles. i "?■ i Just thlak «f it. that England sets the market

I HARTFORD. CONN, I price of ail omr prgduets. Vcar after year, old

England, our worst enemy aud our best friend, is saying to us just what we shall sell for. and just what we shall buv for. Will tho.e w ho Lve after


We make a 5p*etalf T of ?A.'»H. RrtORS, and MOrT.D- tNC,.><. also WOODEN E.\TE Ol'TTERS at low rtcures.

Oillce on Van Brunt** AddiUon, South end of Front fllr»«>«.


M.inkatn, Minn.


Nos. \'i'i and 195 Broadway, .^'ew York. 317 4m


Use Earth City

•pAST HORSE.'* AFD FAItM HOR.SE." shod in sipl-n "^ did 'tvlt- by Robert Lifile. flrs« door so.ith nf Mead's

ilotel, Bliie Earth Ciir. Rete-encf«. Lewis, Wal-

«at L*k«\ and P C Set-lev, Bin,- Earth City. 8I1>I


ATTORNEY AND COr.V'SFLOR AT LAW. I42tf Blue E.4rth City. Minn.

l^fiAnS HOIKL,


I. 3. iiS VD, Propnetor

Bi'.Uard table* are connected with the house, a«d there is / oi stab'.ing on the premise*. ;42yl




Thl* popular Hotel is entirely new. and furaiih* ed in oscollent style. toff* Ex eel lent ao-ommodaiion* fjr teams. 242tf

Corrccled weekly by Moulton A Deaden.

Whc2t, spring. No. 1 45

No. 2 40

us ever be wire enough to see that New Y^ork Corn 40

might say what these prices should be. as well as Oats 2o

London, and that consumers and producers might ,, "'"■• C* ^'^ -

*^ *• Corn .Meal 2 00

just as well be friends aud near neighbors, kith P.>tiit<>e-> aO

aad kin, as to be as now? Of course England and Butter 2b

OFFICE— in thereax jf tie Fust Office build- I France would not like this power taken from ^^'^"* - j ?*

jng. up stairs. them, bv so simple a proces.*. P. iris would like („;,.„/ " i nn

WiHMifeagoiJity. Minu. , .,, . ' .... , ,. , , .. : T. i> -no

still to say what kind aud quality of clothes we Hay, ^ ion o 00

shall wear, but she is losing that power, surely ' ^'""'^ "0 '^"''^ * ^Jl

( hppm 20

And gradually, and we hope to see this dictation , p^^^ saVt^'i:*' poan'd.\\\\\".\\\\'."."..'.'!.'.'.".'.'.'.".'."."...15

" fresh, cwt 7feS

Beef fresh, "f* pound 10

Kerosere Oi! 60

Salt, -p bbl 5 50

Lard -p lb 20

Dried apples .„ 15 to 20



of St.*Pa*1. Minn.

Al9« Notary Public de Convtyaneer.



>V »..».L< 1 iLiiX W . >\ il.i>15 (iu UL/.j 1 of prices moving west, in our day Home manu-

factares aud home products are the remedies. Wholesale Dealers in


The Free Homestead and the American Stock Journal one year to all new subscribers, for ; $2.00.




Ha* eonstantly onhaiil Clock*. Waiche*, Jewel- \ ry. Silver-ware. tiold Pons, Mu»ii-:»l Instrtimenis, .%e. Repairing duue with dispa<o j and warran- ted. 33SU

Register ot Deed."*,

Bt^al Estate Agent and Con- veyancer.

r&TM Paid for «Von-r mi J^jiitf,


ABSTRACTS Fl'ByrSHED, ke.. ka,

Bla* Eartli City, Minn.



No. 93 Third Street.

ST. PAUL, - - - - MINN.



On account of the illness of Rev. Mr. <>owan, Wheat per bu<^hcl. No. 1.

the congrej^ations will unite in worship on c<ab-



bath uiiroing, at ihtt cbur;;b, at the usual Lour. : r* *% "

Rev. J. D. Todd will preach a New Year's ser- I Potatoe*

mon on the ''Signs of the Times." | Pork p) pound, fre h 6i to 8

Also, it IS arranged to unite in the observance i ^""^ '^ pou«d,.. .....15

I Flonr, ^ rwt., retail 7 25 to 2 ai)

Of the "week of prayer," wiiich observance will , o„rn meal. ~^ hundred, retail 2 OO

begin on Sabbath evening next, at the school I Huckwhcit Flour. "^ cwr 5 00



, 20

week, at the &jLine plac*, exercises to consist uf Beans ^ bushtl ..2 00

short addresi^s. prayer &(Ki conference.

house, with preaching, followed by prayer. ' F""*'«^d„^''"°'*"

Meeting.* will bo held each evening of th« Tallow --* !b.....'."





Ko. 1U7 Third Street,

St. Pao]i Minnesota

Topics aj follows :

Mona.ty Personal, thanksgiving, confessi«a and consecration.

Tuesday Prajcrfor all in authority and for religious liberty.

Wednesday For pareois. children, homes.


Wheat STu. I. j do 2.

i Oats ( Corn


Joist k Dimension.


schools and colleges.

Thursday Christian Union. It* increase.

Friday— The Christian Church. Iu purity i f".''V""8

*^ ' I Sidmg

and aggresoive powers. Finishing

Saturday The worid. Spread «f the g«"pel ^*^

, „. . . ..... "^ * "^ ShtngleNo. 1

ana Christian civilization. i ^ j


60 55 30 40

21 00

22 M

27 00 to 37 00

22 00 to 2S 00 ;

3#«« to 35 eo

3 00 i

2 7.^:



At Thompson's, opposite the Collins House Winnebago City, Minn.


COMDTT & AUSTIN, Mankato^ Minn.,





Stock al\va3^s full, and custom- ers cau at all times be iuruished with Hflything in the Drug line.

Front Stieet, 2d door above Record offi>'e.




Are prepared to store


On resLSonabie terms.

Apply at Higgin's store bniluiog, Front street, Mankato, They also kaep the cele- brated





and in fac^ any kind of Goods, is at tho Store

R. M. Wilson,

First door North of Post Office,

where more Goods can be had for onedoliar thau any other


in FaribanIt County.


v4n21tf pr N. W. Sargent

April 5tb, 1867.


Snoday Sermons on 1 Cor, 13th ebapler.

All the people are cordially invited to attend .

these meetings, and devote the first week of the r)EEF AND PORK

rear to ibeprivilcc* ofpraver. > -13



! Cb««p for casb.


The co-partnership heretofore existing between ' '^* "udci^-igned, under the firm name of Mool-

* 7? ton 4 Deudon, is this <lay ditsolvci by rantaal

* consent. F. Deudon withdrawing therefrom.

All liabiiitiep of the late firm are as.:uwfcd by

I G. K. MoulMn. who will continue tUe Mercantile

business at the old stand.

0. K. MOULIOy, F. DEUDON. 3I3-tf WiBii»;l»»fn CtfT, Miaib, Kov. 10, IJW,

New Goods.


Dealers in

Stoves, Tin






anufacta.-ers «f


and all kinds of


A fiat assortn;e&t of

Table and Pocket Cutlery.

Grind-Stone% and Hangingp,


Fence- Wire^ &e., «fec.

I' H, Welch, Wm. Wallace, Chas. Wallace. April Tth, \W6.

Winnebago City <fe Jack.son


Leaves Winnebago City every Friday at.'! o'clock

p.n:.. .ind arrives at Jackson at 6 o'clock p.m.

every Saturday. Loaves Jncksun every Monday at 6 o'clock a.m.,

andarrivi'S at Winnebago City at Oo'eloi-k a.

m. evL-ry Tuesday, making close conuec'ion

with the Mankato stage.

Passengors by this r');:te pass through Wavcr- ly, llorricon. May, and Walnut grove, aud ride only iu the day-time.

W. GPANT, Proprietor

Winnebago City, July 14th. 18M>. 29Stf




Is presented to the public as the most


Knitting Machine over Invented.


This Machine will run either backward or forward with tqu'«l facility.

MAKES THE SAM^ STITCH AS BY RAND, But far superior in every ntspeut.

Will Knit ^^0.000 Slilclu's a Miijuic

AND DO PERFECT WORK Leaving every knot on tho inside of the wfrW, It will knit a pair of stockings (any dize) in le»s than half an hour. It >>ill kuit Close ok Ori:!i. Plais on Kibbrr, with any kini of coar.'e or fine woolen yarn, or cutt(>Q, silk or im. nin. It will knit siockit:g8 with dctuble heel aud toe, drawers, hoods, sucks, smoking caj «, comforts, ptirfes, mnffj. fring.-. j(^'h.*r.i', i.ul.i.-vs, undersleeves. tnittens, skating caps, lamp i»icks. maps, cord, tjndershirfs, shiiwls, jaektts, cradle blankets, leggins, in? jendpr«. wrisfirs. tiuui,. tijipets, luftud worV. and in fa.-t an eiidle.''« varie- ty of articles in evcrjday use, as veil as for orna- ment.


Can be made by any one with the Aaiorican Knitting .Machine, knitting st •ckings, <tc., while expert operators can even make luorr-, knittir.v fancy work, which always t^mniinds a ready sale. A person can readily knit fr<im twcive t(« fifteen puini of stockings per day, the profit on which will be not lejs than forty cents per pair.


Can sen their wool at ooly f..rfT to fifty cents per pound ; but by getting the wool made into yarn atanmall e*pen..e, and knitting it into sooks. two or thrae dt.lUrs per ponod can be ra- alized.

On receipt of $25 we will forward a machina as orderefl.

We wish to prf^cnre ftctire AGENTS in every section of the United fttatcs and Canadas to whom the most !i'>eral induce-n«'nt« will be offer- ed. Address Atcetican Knitting Maciiino Oo. BuitbD, Mass., or St Luui. Mo,

ivianbood : How Ijost, How Ro- stored.

.^rSTM^ Jn«t published, a rew e<)ii'-n iX i»r /^V'im ' "'' ' '" ' •^••'•'rated h.m%a*



|^'~PriCc, iu a Mated envelope, only six cfctt Tti': re>Uated auwior, iu tliU udBJir»|,i.. p^ ,

ly a^tnonitrate* from a M.ijly jeiir»- »*irc^.s(r.l i,r",, ttrV that the alarniing consequences of sett ri,u»» m«v i."; railieally ear.-d wM.'^ the danferoit* use of Ii.iem.i medicine or the iipplittation of li^r knitt; pointJr? .-ui « n-.r.<ie '.rcu'f »t once (In.pie. ccrt..ln .in.i cir.claal bv mfiM of Which eveirv wfterer, no n!att..r ni,at hi* con RADICaYly' '°*^'"^ ^^"^^f '***'> P^i^aiely. ard

Ttiis Lectare siMNild be la tke insi4s of everr rentk and every man ia tite lamli

Pent, under Sral, Ir. a plain erv«loj»», to a* y ^idmm p->«f paid , on rec<ript of "ix eenfs, ©r'.ao jw.jt ttaniiV Also, Dr. CuIv<-T»«-ll» ^'MarrUrr GnUe " price -5 eta


CUAB. ^aitLlNT. i tu IW3vwery,l«.Ti<»rk, P. o;B«x*;jg^, 28^




i I

i (




BlXT C^-mx—Ftlr to Prime $14 00 @18 00

Boos— Lire 10 00 ^10 75

8BXZP— Fftir to Prim* 4 60 @ 6 60

CXyrrON— Middling 26\(a 26X

@ 6 10 O 125 (H 115K

^ 1 07 (^ 1 05 (^32 60

Floc*— Extr* We«t*rn 4 90

Whkat— No. 2 Vprlng 134

Co&N— Western Mixed Ill





Oats— Westt-m

Ryk Western

XmLRI'K a •• •• •• ■••• •• •••• ••••••

Poax— MeM



BEXvxa Choice $ 7 CO

Prime 6 00

FairOrades 6 00

Medium 3 25

9iocK Cattue C!ommon 3 60

Inferior 2 50

HooH-Llre 9 56

SBF.tir— Live— Oood to Choice a 00

BrTTEB— Choice 811

£uu8— Freah 31

Flocb— White Winter Extra 6 30

8prinKEitr» 3 76

86 l<$

Whiat— Spring, So. 1


OOBM No. 2

Oaw— So. 8

Rtb— So. 2

Bablxt— So. a

PoKK— MeM. Sew




Hoo*— Uve 10 00

8HKEP— Uve 260

FLOtm— F«mUy 625

Whkat— Bed 106

Co»s -Shelled, Old 90

Oats 6"!

RTV .....•.•...•.•...• ^'

Pork— MeM 80 50


EMor Cattu Choice I 650

Good to Prime S 60

Hoo»— Lire 9 to

Srkkp Oood to Choice 4 00

Fi^UR— Spring XX 4 76

Whbat— No. 1 Bed 107

n>i& 19S

@ 760 ^660 ^5 76 @ 4 75 (^4 60 (i| 300 @1126 (^460 ® 34 & 33 @ 623 (9 4 25 87 84 79 43 75 97




All new .ubscribers for THE LITri.K CORPORAL for the new yeir. whow n»m»i»nd money «re tent In durin* the present month, wiU receive tho .November and Uocembor number* (or IW KKKK

TH K 1,1 n'l.K ( ORPOK Al, *n,i a laryrr cirrutali<m than any olhtr JuimiU Mmjox^h^ m Iht vorui, ana worth the pnce than anj- oUier magazine pubUshod. Because of lU miraonso niahitatthe low price of O.VK UUl.LAK A YKAR. hingle numbers. rORCLl'BS. Subscribe NOW. liack numbers can alwajlbo sent


Is better circulation, we are enabled to fur- oentii. BKAUTIKUL. I'RKMIUMS


nacK numuers c«u »i»"iv}o "V •""•- ._ . .. rtt_- Til

ALFBJSD L. S£WELL ii CO., Pablishers, Chicago, 111.


Fer Preiiiotlnj? the Urowth and I'reserving the Beautj of



Oats . Bn.

87 66 80

B.^uiJtT— Choice r»U 118

Pom— MeM «» W



KBVxa— Choice $ 6 75

550 4(0 325 3 VU 200 9 75




5 25

77 ^@

74 # 85 A 28 00 @3100 17X@ 18X

^lii'ii) U 4 50 ^550 ^110 92 & 64 (d> 96 @31(0 17S® 18 )i

@ 650 (a 450 (4)10 50 ^6 00 #6 26 @ 1 08 @ 93 (d) 58 ® 80H @ 1 30 ^3100 9 18

The inventors of CficOAlJJE— knowing where the Krcateat heat la neceasartly g

alleviate it- turned their attention and . , u w

ment to promote the growth and preserve the l)eauty ol tne nair.

\g thst. when Ices of hair ocoors, it U gen«

generated, and that animal fats by their

»" Ph.rniace.tal .':S'5S?f.«*'K.'f ?..\.^**r^

enerally from that i>art of the head r nature induce heat rather than ble tJila as the basis of a madioa- the Oleum Coooe, or

presented it«,lf m«rt strongl, ^ poe«e«.ing '^rL'l^^u'co^i^t^ftiTM l^.^tZ'^^^^^^ld. 'and they lSiT,S°e?^vrp?;iS!^"tS^1la^rm"p!5un'k,;'^

No Other Ccmnound

possesses the pecgiliar pro) the various conditions of t

@ 700

Prime 5 40 @ 6 OO

PairOrsdes 4(0 (4 4 50

>.9dium 3 26 (.il 4 75

ockCattlk— Cemmon 3 oo (^3 50

Inferior 2 00 ® 2 75

Ho^B-LiYe 975 talll 00

SHKiF^Live—Oooi to Choice 2 00 @ 4 00

BrTTXK— Choice 25 (4 '-'

Eaos-Fresh 28 @ 31

FtotJii— White Winter Extra 6 25 © 6 00

Spring extra 4 37fi<* 6 80

Whcat— Spring, So. 1 85,'i'<* 86

srties which so exaoUy suit

e human hair. n Iff tens the hair vhen harth and dry. It »n/'tniM the irrilaleil tralp. II <^jfuriU the rirhetl luMre. II r*maint Umyejil in effect. Itprtv^ntt the hair from falling of- n promolet a healthy, rigurout j/r»wth. It it mot grmvy or tt irky. tl leant no dwtagratabU odor.


BosTuS, October k), 1S6».

J08KPH BlKSETT Jt t'O. . Gentlemen, My worst complaint for several jreais lias been Vandruff. Alter bruiihiiig mv hair, my coat oolUr would be covered with white scales.

1 have used less than a bottle of your Cocoaine. ine dandrutf. and the irritation which caused it have en- tirely aisappeared, ami my hair was never before in so good condition. Y our obedient servant, _„,,,„„

A. X U lil.tfciti

lAiSA of Hair.

Boston, July 19.

For many months my hair baa been Jailing off. unlil I was fearful of losing it entirely. Ihe skin upon my head became gradually more and more intlameO.

1 commeuoeU the use of your ( ooaiuo the liuit week in June. The lirst application allayed '..le itching ana irritation ; in three or four days the rodno&s and tender- ness disappeared, the hair ceased now a thick growth of new hair. Yours, vary trtUy,

to fall, and 1 have SUSAN R. POPK.

The qneetlon U often asked, "Why J. ii, that the Sovelt? Clotte. Wringer work, so moeb ea«er than any ether r" In replj' we wUl aajr,

1st They have oui

Patent FlfiBge Cog-Wlieels


2d. The eogs on me end qf a roU an r'}^*'>*\V BETWltKN (Am. m tK<otker eiid <^f the SAIfB roif, virtually forming a


and thereby nearly doubling the purchase. 3d. Raoh Gear hai eJ«»>V««»L;~^^V^/:^ wrin/e'r'

which is a third mon. t»i»n» "•«<lo»"W°*Jt,*I,^^??frd Therefore they have one-third n..^^ pw. r.and "pe^t*"™ le^ rnrtUm than aiy others, which makes <he™ "j® strongest, moat dun hie and easiest working W.-lngers in use.

The only advaatag , gained m the -^°f^^-^fl]

Cr* The Qaly R«li*ble Cure f«r DTWiepelA

the KnowB WorldT

Db. Wishabt'h Obeat Americau Dtspkfsia Pni* and Pink. Tbek Tab C-obdial are a poaitlre and inlau^ ble cure for Dyspepsia in iU most aggravated form, ana no matter of how.long standing.

Thay penetrate the secret abode of thla terrible die- eaae and exterminate it, root and branch, forever.

They alleviate more agony and silent suffering than the tongne can telL

They are noted for curing the most <l?fPf "t*_»°4 hopeless oases, when every known means failed to anora reUef.

No form of Dyspepsia or ndigestion can resist their pene&ating power.



It Is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained bjr a pecuUar process in the distillation of the tar, by wtucu its highest medicinal properties are retained. It invig^ rates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It strengthens the debilitated system. It puriiies and en- riches the blood, and expels from the system the cor- ruption which Scrofula breeds on the lungs. It dissolves the mncus or phlegm which stops the air passages of the lungs. lu healing principle acts upon the irritated snrface of the Lungs and Throat, penetrating to each diseased part.relieving pain and subduing inflammation. It is the rosult of years of stndy and experiment, and it U offered to the affiirted with poeiUve assurance of lU power to cure the following diseases, if the oaUent has not too long delayed a resort to the means of onre.

ConaBBptton of tke Lanes* Conch. Sore

Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, L.lTer

Complaint, Blind and Bleedins

Pllee, Astbaia, ;V«liooplns

Coach, Diptheria, See,

A medical expori, holding honorable collegiate diplo- devotes his entire time to the examinstion of



1 1U(«


separation of the

Great Farmen ' Paper !

Tbe Paper of the People.





Roback's Sfoni- ac/i liittirs, unlike all other B ittcrs in the mavhdy posjiems iidrinsie merit. Most BiUers, so called, arc merely wishiicasJiy stuff, ^ sold as a beverage. Dr. lioback's BiUers are not a beverage in any sense of the word, but contain the most expensive diugs knoicn to science for the radical cure of Indigestion and iJyspepsia, and for all cases whem a tonic and

stimulant required.

file follotnng




COB!»— No. 9

Oai-s— So. 2

Ktk— No. 2

Bablkt— Oood . . . PL.BJI— Mess— New. Labo

80 (^

70 95

29 00

83 81 *3 d Tl

m 1 16


18-.(§ 19

Bi'STOS, November 24. 1869. Meaats. Joskph BrrRSfKTT k Co., iiosUm ;

iieHil0men,-l have been bald seven years. After nsing one hot' le of your L.'ocoaine, my bald pate is oover- e<l all over with young hair, about three eights of an inch long, which appears strong and healthy and deter mined to grow. Very Uuly your obliged and obedient servant,

D. T. MKlv"Ln.

Irritation of the Scalp.

, September 15, 1S60.

Xo. 28.

HcTvons debility with its gloomy attend- snt8, low spirits, depression, involuntary emisaiona, U'sa of eemen, apermattorrh oea, loBH of power, dizzy head, lose of memory, ami threatened impotence and imbecility, lin^ a sovereign care in Humphrey's Homeo- pathic Specific, No. twenty-eight. Composed of the moet valnable mild and potent cura- tives, they strike at once at the root of the matter, tone up the system, arrest the dis- charges, and impart vigor and energy, lile and vitality, to the entire man. They have cured thousands of cases. Price $5 per pack- age of five bottles and a large vial of powder, which is very important in obstinate and old caaee, or »i per single box. Sold by all druggists, and sent I by mail on receipt of price. Address Hnm- 1 phrey'a Specific Homeopathic Medicine Com- 1 pany', 562 Broadway. N. Y.

From One of the Oldest Printers In the 8tate of lllinoia.

OmcB or TBK Wmr. a-vd RrprsurAJf, » Qcn}icT„Ilhnais, .Augustus, 1^6. \

Mkssbs. Prisce, W.U.TON A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio—OeiUt : I find your Roback's Bittera, after usiMg two boxes in my family, to be a " geod egg." Send me another dozen by United States Express, and if you don't want local notices to the amount, charge it to us on adverliaing account. Regards to Mr. Wal- ton. Yours in haste, James L. Lakodow.

The amocst ot money which can be aaved yearly in everv family by buying Silver or Cooper Tipped" Shoes for children wiU sur- pnae any one who has not tried it. The rapid increase in the sale of first claea metal Tipped Boots and Shoes shows that parents hav« made up their minds to lessen their shoe billa,and at the same time avoid the dis- agreeable eight of ragged stockings and pro trading toes, always seen when aho-s are not protected by Metal Tipn.—JV. Y. PoM.

A CKSJt or deafness of 14 vears stand ng fthe reault of Catarrh) cured by the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.— L<-vi Springer, Esq., of Dnrbans Corners, Williama Co., O., writes, under date of January 6, 1869, that he haa been uaing Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and aava it has cured him of deafness ot tonrteeii years standing. He was so deaf that he could not hear persona talk when seated bv their side, and can now hear the church "bells ring two miles distant. It is sold bv druggists, or aend aixty cents to Dr. B. V. fterc", Buffalo. N. Y.

Cheapest and Best.- Mrs. WhitcomVa Bvrup for children is sold bv drugKists for twenty-five cents'a bottle, and is an admira- ble preparation for in tantile disorders.

Wateuville, Me. Messrs. Josei'H Brti.NF.ir A t'o. ;

near .str*, 1 have derived much benefit from the use of your Cocoaine. Twelve years ago I bad the tiphiis fever ; after my recovery 1 found myself troubled with an irritation of the scalp.

one bottle of your Cocoaine only for tho

I purchased purpose of a hair dressing.

_ bat to my nurpriso, it has entirely removed the irritation of solong standing. I have recommended it to several of my fneads, who were aftlicted in the same way, and it has wi.uUy eradicated the disease. dO.SKPH illiX, Jr.


i,g note it friymHit u-ellknnun ftrnfirieior <\f

Frmnk Letlie't llluitraled Xeunpaperi and .Magastnet. Saw YoBK, September iB, ISfiO.


Dear .Sir, -For si)me time pas* I have been u.>ung your Cocoaine, and 1 thinit it far preferable to anything 1 h&ve ever u»«d for the hair. ,

H my indorsement U of value yeu are perfectly ai

hberty to use i». K«»P««"°^ ^""^^aNK LESLIIJ.

Bakoor, March t, !*».

•'^^.^u7,r.^^*Wnei.theo„lydre..ingforthe hair used in my family for the last eight ye:irs. Itsiot^ ped my wife's hair irom ooming out and increased IM

'T^also under obUgaUons to this same Cocoaine for savi^ ^ own hairTwhich was very fast coming eut previous to using thU valuable Pfcpiration. \ ery truly, yours. J. C^Ml '^^ "^^^^ ^^

A Remarkable Case.

Fast MlnDL^BOBO MaoS., June», 1864.

^Waui^h^hU^een afflicted with neuralirla in^^ kJ?A f-Tr Airoe vears. She has used during that time

heat c^^ hy the i-ams, burned her hair so badly that in October, l**)!, it all came on. She was induced to try your Cocoaine. and the result

r"??ebe^reTier head was covered with a n e young Lu? In four months the hair has grown ,«veral luchej iTlength, very thick, soft, and hne, and of a darker than formerly. With respect, EDDY


color (

BfR.^ETrS COrOAISE it the BEST..nd CHEAl-EST Bair />-"«<'V<" '*« 'f^^^f" SdZTa^aTr'^a?Uul'rk% THE HAIR, and i, enterely free from all irritating matt^, ^ '^'y^Jyl'J^^ui' Afunauthorized u.t ^^ thit terure tht fnilie and proprietart againxt impontxon by the %Atroduetum OT ip>trt<»" arnctet. ^>< Trade-Mark tciU be prunptly prnteeulfl.


Manulacturers and Proprietors, - No. 27 Central St., Boston, Maas.



W| AOAME I..A BUKoanpr-daoe. by moAni of Ifl the Horoscope, a true picture of your futare husbin'1 or wif«, with naino, oicupation.pecnniao ccr onmstanoes. dae of marriage, ana fohciiy of married Ufe Furtfcermore, she wUl giv^ you the P. O adJreas, so that you can correspond ; also the age and fall r e- soTiption, and toll }ou how, when and where youWiU become acquainted, now often you will marry, yoor destinol success in life, and everjtbing relating to your future. Ma'e your age, color of eyes an.1 nair. In- olosiig 60 canU, and yo« vnll receive the picture, wiih a written Qfcstioy. by return mtil. Ad.lress, in oonfi- Hfinoejjl ljK_ U.V F. t)raw,.r^^9 :?. Cuicago. Ul.

bloomTngton, [ll. nursery.

19th Year '. 300 Acres '. 10 Greenhouses :

Agents Wanted

■We offer a new prac- tical work needed by all business men.

A genu have already realized over $:ft) per- day. liooksellers and energetic persons will receive sample and par- ticulars free by address- ing


97 Clark St .Chicago, IlL

Largest, best stock and shipping facihties. 1, 2. 3yr.,l.(J«X) finelyT.,.ii-ii. IPP: choice, lii.oun $*. NCK.SKRY STOCKS. Seeds.

APPLES 1 yr. , .liii. A i- rL K KUOT-( 5 K A FT8, NC^t.SKRY STOCKS. Seeds. Osage, Ai)d1» Peach, WILDtHMlSK. Plum OSAGK HKDf.K. lUMu', $15. KVKK(.Hl-:i:.\S. RUSKS, 1,'JOO. iMi. Dah lii^ t'tUdiolus^ (IRKt-NUOl/SE. BKliDlNt J PLAN i.v Send loc. for Catalogues. F. K. I'lUENlX.


E3P^ C3-I


Of Ifce most approved construction, on favorable terms Send for circular.

C. &. J. COOPER A CO.,

88 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.

See Advebtiseme»t of Dr. sarv. h'jaded Book for tho RI.iOE GUIDE— in should bo read by all.

Butta' Dispon-


another column. It

WST6UM.4TION. All persons desiring informa- M. tion on any subject should wnte to me, enclomng ten cents. 1 will answer promptly and »atial;xU>nly or retom the money. Try me. KDVSAJU) PAYbO.N HALL, Salisbury. North •aroUna.


on'Tkeao Tins:

Pbiyatx medical aid. advfrtisemATit.

Bead Dr. Whitticr's

Wh.\t vessel sails without an anchor, or what man lives without inanrance on his life? Get it in the Washington if you can.

Fob Cocohs, Colds, and Tukoat Disob- dera, nse ^'Brown's Bronchial Trochet," having provtd their eflacacy by a test of many y<Ar8. The Troches are highly re- commeniled and prescribed by Physicians. Those exposed to sudden changes should always be supplied with ''The Troches" as they give prompt relief.

Owing to the good reputation and popn- larity of the Troches, many worthless and cheap imitations are offered, tchich are good for nothing. Be sore and obtain the true "Brown's Bronchial Troches." Sold every- where.

KMPLOYMENT-aiO ro fcZrt K UAYViU'ARANTKCU TO AGENTS _. M.i; OH 1"KM AI.K- and constant e.uploy in a pleasant, honorable and prori table busiae«« that require- but very httle risk or capital. For foU parUiulars addreos, with stamp, OTIS T. U AREy,aui Main street, Biddeford, Maine.

^OQfl J'or first-class new 7 Octave Pianos.

^£911 Senton triiU.^__JJ_;P3A}iOj;o^;J>ew \ork.



Those harluK tnenda afflicted are earnestly sotlc.t d to send for a cJlKOULAR LtrfF.R OF RKFLR KM0R8 and TK8TlMOmAI«S, which will oonviace UAmoet skeptical of tbe UUKABlLiTY of the Difl

KASK. ^-'J**'*-,; Buxgn ixKJiiBOW, M D..

•< Great .lonwi St.. N. Y. Ottr,



PRICE $30.

Kvery Family in the oountry needs ene.

It knits sTeiythloK from a mitten to a blanket.

A child, 13 years old. ean leara to work it i a an honr.

It is operated the same as a sewing machine, by hand

It uses but one needle, an is the perfection of bean^

and osefuJneas. Uircolarstnthanuaod tnll particular* free to everybody AgaaU wanted lo every ootmty. Apply anickly.

_ '"■-O. Oen'l Ag'ts,

y. New

■rOWUE * 11 A D I WO. Oen

ITH Broadway,



PKIC'E 8.V Makes the Klastic IxKjk-Stitch. Noiseless, Practical, | Sensible Full directions with each machine. A child 1 can learn it in ten nunutes. Sews as strong and beanO- fat a seam as any machine. Makea an elegant present 3eot to any part of the countrr, nicely and safely packed. | on receipt of price. A hbend discount to the trade. Ane-t. U anted. ^^^^^^ MACHINE CO.,

No. S34 Broadway, New York.


SY HKKDlNfS 3^ I'EMTH, with age, he-«H coior of eyes and tiair, yon will receive by rctn: n a correct pictore of yonr falore husband or wife, with name and date of marriage.

AddrsM W. IfOX, P. «>. I>Tswer Wo. j>. Fnl tonville New VorK

A lYInsical Box for Two Dollars.

THE FIlENt 11 tJKE-^TSKN.MATION-Fight select airs. Kmincntly adapted for the drawing room table. No. 1,0 tunes. $2 , -No. .i, U tunos, $3 ; So. 4, 94 tnnes, i85. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Orders to the amonnt of io sent C. O. O. ; one dollar muiit accompany the order to insure It ; the balance > $4 ) to be paid waen goods are received. Send threeoent stamp for new illustrated catalogue, with hst of tunes. Address BAHKLKYACO. .56 Uberty street. New York.


^UOWS HOWrO UOUHLE TUE PROFITS Ot 9 rUK Farm, and how farmers and their sons can each make


In Winter. lu,00i'co; iea will be mailed frse to farmera Send name and a'lilr«?s to ^ „.

7,^ IGLKR, i^crURDY A CO,. Cbi5»«ro^ri._


Aosirra roB

gears over fine _

longer cogs, which allows a greater

rolls without disconnecUng the cog woeeia

But all Wrkigers «rith do,Me ?«"■• -^ ,'^«'.^'* f ^ bave their rolU pinned down (at one e°4'j.,^ " °"'X admit of their separa Ung more than one-etyhth of " ""o^ uhirh r,air.lv .Wroy, all the adtantagt nf '*« J*""*^ ge.,T,, besides oausi:ig the Wringer to W°« J»7,/J?^ ind wring very unevenly ; also cau«ng an undue rtrwn upon therolU at ths end where they are pinned down.

has not this objeoticn and is the only Wringec that has

Cosr-'WlMiels on Both Bnds,

which obviates the necessity of pinning down at one end. and aUows the Rolls to separate freely at either end ; thereby tecuHnu all (A. wl<Mntage of the double gear

Notwithstanding the rolls can separate freely at either end. the Cog-wheels c.vnsot be thrown out of gear on both ends of the Wringer at the same Ume, nnlesa the pressure is entirely taken oS.

This Wringer hi* but «me pressure screw. This always secures an equal pressure the whole length of theRoUa.

The NOVELTT is fastened to a tub or box by a Patent Curxe<i C(amj>, which has an equal »- earing on a tub the vhnle lenyh <f the Wringer. Other \V nngers are merely fastened to a stave at each end, and are thus liable to wrench thii sUves from their proper poeiUon, and min the tub.

The Cog-wheels, Thumb-screws, Ae., are nicely gal- vanized.

Boy the NOVEI .T Y, or at least take on trial with any or all others, aiiO keep the Best.

tST Sold everywliere.

N. B. PH£:UPS & CO^ Gaa. As'ts. at n OorUandt St.. N. Y.


WANTED-AODNTS. Ij-V) i*r month to wU the only QENCINE IMlT.iiVED COMMU.V SI .N.SK i A.Mll.V SEWING MACHINE. l»li«e ©nly tile*. Ofe»'» Inducement) to A^jtulu, ThUs 1- the iu.*t P'l"'" J<<"».- Inff Machine of Uie day-makes the ftnious - Llastic L<.ck Stfth "-wi)l iLo "n r kiiid of work that cju be done en any Machi creaaii culars. ft CO .- .

OMEN of New York,

or, the Under-world of the Great

Q\\y, Tb« «in» of cvtry cUi;!! of ^ocuty t.\- nostd Avoid t)w nailroad to mm. 8icu-.l» < I danger irs up. MoB« MoxiTiN IT FouLivi ACBKTS TBAir AST OTUEK BOOE. Tiikl> three presses all tho time to print fast enoupli. Om A:,ent took ITS ontertin U) rfnr- 740 OS' es, 43 lIIu'.lnMioin. Price, 9it,OU. Ag^'is Wanted. ,Addr«. N. Y.fcOOK CU.. 14 •» N»»«au Btrett, N. Y.

patients at the otflce parlors. Associated with him are throe consultinK plivsicianH of acknowledged eminence, whose services are given to the pnblio FUKE OF chaboe.

This opportunity is offered by no other institution Id the country.

Letters from any part of the country . aAing ^oe, vrill be promptly and gratuitously responded te. Whe™ convenient, remittances should take the shape of Uratts or PoHt Office Orders. .

Price of Wishart's American Dyspepsia Pills, fl a box. Sent by mail on receipt of price.

Price of Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, tLW a bottle, or $11 per dozen. Sent by express.

AllcommunicaUoij,stould^e^«ddr«»edj D.,

Na aaS North Second St, Philadelphia,

f f

ClHOOSE between a vigorous hfe or / an untimely death. Oh ! how much misery and sickness would 1 have avoid- ed had I but read these books before. Just pubUshed. 1. The "itlirror of Youtu," or the mysteries of the sexes, and how the diseased organs can be

restored. FourUi e<lition. ^^^^' v°}^l'^^ Ji^t rii tratod with 27 Anatomical plates Price Al oenU. Br Dr. J. Lubarsche, PracUsing Phywcian since I»6. 2. "Secret Hinis toJiirls and J\ omen," or how the diseased female organs are to be treated, with U Anatomical illustrations. Pnce 25 cents. On remmitr tance of 'M cenU both books w»"be8en'. free bv mail. Address Dr. J. LUBARSCHE, 143 S.WeUsbt, Chicago, fil or CHARLES SONNE. 7S Lake St, Chicago. 111.

ft 1 mi Jill All CLUSb^ift »'im i;>j»*iii**»< » »"*»----^ - _

whoKr,? hctimc or fhr the spare moments. Businassnfv. , iTxIit a."d p?oU™ bl. . rer«n.^ of either ..x ca^l^ earn tr, n. s/h. to ♦« per eveni ^ip, and a P"'P<X''5:»'?!.


devotii ,

their -|;o'o^'-^|^ii¥^J^^^^e^y«-d;b,;:

ciri Vo.uch asarc not wdUatl-ncd. we will leud ♦! to y.^} for tbe trouble of writing.


hi si fdii



F.r. AJ.J'ssjiJO



Knkliiit; Mnrlrne

Full particulars, a valunblc a;_iri- ■k ou, and u copy of Tic

_. one of the ltt.T.-t>t ^rM

rumi bed— uU fwnt fr»;e by tiriil. manent, pnititable work, oddreiu

ie which will do to commence work ou, aud^u copy of /-/t le'i Lii

fnmily newifspcr Rcodtr, if vou wu it pcnnam


Possesses peculiar qualities an eqnahser of the cir onlstion and as a support— a sort of extea skin-in al mnscolar and nervons pains, whether of the side, head, kidce?^ or back ; and in soiatioa they should be spplie at once They are now widely used in hospiUls. both in America »:id Europe, and approved by all physi- cians Thev give immed late reUef in Lumbago, as well at in pains of the side aid back, whether they proceed from weaknesa. fatigae, or other oaosea.

Seaside House, Rockaway Beaeb, Sept 1, IflGB. Messrs. ALtCOCK k Co., Sing Sing:

GxifTtKHiH— Your Plasters have 'wonderful qnalW ties, and svery traveler shonld have them by him. My gnrsts give great acconnU of their siBcacy. Some cured of coughs ; some of rheumatic pains ; some of severe pains in the breast, side, and baok. In sciatica and kidney affections their appltoatioo is equally sne- cessf ul I myself was attacked with a severe pain in my left kidney. I was in agony for twsnty-fonr hoTitf, At length lappUed one of your Plasleis The pain s-Kin began to abate, and in the course of a few hours was entirely removed, I fend yon this that yen may pnblisb a if yon think well I am yours,

A. D. FAILING, Proprietor of the Seaside House.

Nkw Yobk, August 19. 1889. Thomas AIXCock A Oo., Sing Sing:

For years 1 have laffered from inflamtnation of the kidneys, my phyhiciana give me Utile relief, and 1 moved about like an old man, bent down by years of suffering. At length your Porous Plasters were recom- mended to me I applied one to each kidney, and the relief was immediate; I wore them for thirty ditys, when my back and kidneys were perfectly well, and I waa once laoreable to walk erect I thick tbe half of the Tirtne] of yonr Plastersyet remain to be told, but sLonl any one wish to hear thereof I ehall be ploasea tsll of my eziierienoe. I am yoors. resp«etfnlly, THOMAS M. JACKSON,

330 East Thirty^eoond street '

ttitchoH jiT minut MACHINE CO

cvorv^bire i"^ tell the AMKlll- >1 \rUINl:, tbe only pmit:.:;il rrmilv Vfir.v'ntcd. Price r..<; Vill knit : fi/XJO

Bofcton. Mass., or St. LonU, Mo.


and sold by all Pmggists.


$10. WATCHES. $10.

Tbe Oarax Tbadb Impkovt.mwt Aisociattos tincorporatedby thsSUte) ieil Hoe OoW an<l Solid Silver Watches at iloeach. 1U,1MJ Fngrav ngs. fuilj describing and illuauaticg all onr watcbss, are placed In sealed oovalopes, wlucb are thoronghly mizrd, and when ordered are mailed, po^t paid, at the fallowing uricrt— Single Kngraving. 6li cents; Iwelve and neb

frem.nm. 6 dollars; Twenty-hve, and elegant Mlvsr iantiog Wfc-.ch as premium. 1 J dollars. Every engrav- fbc entitlee the holder thereof to a Watch wori h from at (o 750 collVrs, irrespective of value, for 10 dollars. Nothing can be lo^it by this m vest ment, as no article la onr stock ki worth less than me maaey asked, while Ihe buyer may obtain a Watch worth Too dollars. Clr —I— «■».. Jixrt try us once hsfore haAily oondema- STml Address BlICHKLIN A i)<>. Manager.. Breadwav. cower Fu'ton «>r»M»t. N»»w Ynr\

QRE^T^BAK(;.\I>>* in .IOWA LAND «l

Seiaie Olllre

Unds for Sale


in the llomicilrex \%'»« t and f4«nny t*oath.

How. why and where to bai them. .\U abcntthe woo derfal progress and great reeonrces of the oountry. New, tnvi. intereeting a-.d iwpular One volume rine illustrations. Price low. A rare chance to make money. Kend tor circular. PEOPI.X'a PCBLISHmo t;o., It^ State street., Chicago. Ul ._

THE .M A Ci 1 C to n B w.tl chMge any Mlored hair or heard to a permanent Black or Brown. One Comb sent by mail for «1. For M.le by MerohacU ind l>mgitis»s aeoerally. Address Magic toMB CO. 8priaB«ell, Mass.


I Scivd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for Ji Ctr- tifioiite Id Packard i Co's Oian.i Distri- bution, con.sistin(t"fP"*nos,Molodf>on3, Gold and Silv.-r Witche-', Jewelry, Ac, valued at f75,«». Every article tote di-s- posedofonthe populnrSl.OO plfiti, sod not to be paid for until yoti know what you are to receive. Certificate- ,ndf ir-

1 culars sent on secoipt ofiO cents or five


og Wos* Fourth Street, Cincint:».ti, Ol'io.







The People's Fatoritb JotniMAL.

The Moiit Interesting Stories

Are ilways to be found In tbe

New York Weekly.

At present there are


running tbroogb Its columns ! and at least

One Story is Begnu Every month.

New subscribeis are thus sure of having the com- mencement of a new continued story, no matter when they subscribe for the

New York^ Weekly.

Kach number o r the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains .Several Beautiful Illust^atlon^ Doable the Amount of Reading Matter of any paper of lU class, and the Sketches, Short ^tories, Poems, etc., are by the ablest writers of Ameri'^ and Kurope. The

New York "Weekly

does not confine its usefulness to amusement hut pub- bshes a great quintity of really Instructive Matter, In the most oondonted form. "Hie

N. Y. Woekly Departments

have attained a high reputation for their brevity, excel- lence and correctness.

Thk Plkasajt: PARaoBAPHB are made up of the con. centrated wit and humor of many minds.

Tm: KnovTLZiwK Box Is confined to nseful faofmna. tion on all mannsr of subjecta.

The News Itims give in the fewest words the most notable doings all over the world.

The Gossip 'vfth CoBKBSPOiroENTa contains an- swers to inquiries npoo all imaginable sobjeota

... do not wish to inform yon. reader, that Dr. Won- derful, or any other man. has diviovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the Inngs are half consumed, in short, will cure all diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make men live forever, and leave death to play for want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which Heaven itself shall be but a «ido show. You have hoard enough of that kind of humbugery. and we do not wonder that you have by this time become disgusted with it But when I tall you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy iri7( poniirely rure the nortt ra'M of Ca'anh, I only assert that which thousands can testify to. Try it and you will be con- vinced. I vrill pay *aOu RkwaBU for a case of Catarrh that 1 cannot cure.

For Sale by most Drn«KUita Everywhei*.

FKICK ONLY 60 (Jests. Sent by Mail, jMiitnaid for Siifly Cent! Four Packages for $9.iiO : or 1 Dozen for 9&.0U. Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet onCatarrii. Address the Proprie^^^^^^ ^





fibiUy wi

J. R. Lawrence & Co.'s

Beet Agents' articlee in the market

M?EI>U: t A^.KET. Kvera


hltney'e Banking, Collection, and Keal

I have 75,1X0 acres of

tracts to suit at

choice farming from $1 ill to«lU per

acre, on easy terma Ail letters of enquiry nromptly Tie at .\tlantic, Cass Co., Iowa.

answered. Address me \

H. WHITNEY Agent Atlantic Town Col

D. B. BZB^B'S' A CO.,


Special attention given to DRESSED HOGS. lOC^ Sontk Uater Street RxrKBX>cx»-W. F. Cooil

n a V _


ly will buy one. Also the liest STATli PAt'KAiJE out. Samples of either sent free . receipt of 26 centa U. R. L^-^i^^^.^,^


All kinds of Paper Stock bought, and sacks faraiahed wbea rsqntred, by


jnLWAOLEE, tru.





New York Weekly.


The Terms Sabitcribera i

One Year— fling le copy "Iliree Oodars.

Fouj copies ($.60) each Ten DoUars.

Eiglitcopies Twenty Dollara

Those sendiBi; tao for a club ol Bight, all sent at one time, will be enUUed to a copy rHWt. Getters-up of clubs can aftenrard add single copiee at ilSU each. STREET A SMITH, Proprietors,

No. 56 Fulton street. N. T.


Capture, the Prison-Pen and the EscApe.


This ihriV.ing authentic, and popular work. Is a com- plete history li .Honthem Prison Ufe. principally at Richmond, Dinrille, Macon, iavannah. Charleston, Columbia, Belle Isle. Millen, Salisbury, and Anderson- riUe. Describing the



\yk matic sufferers from early inaiscretions should not fail to consult, confidentially, Dr. Mc- Namara, at M and M Mason St., Milwaakeo. He has reniodies (with the aid of electricity i that will Btop those nightly emissions ; I'Uild up the nervous system, re- store the sexual powers to their full vigor, and the mind to its orclinary ^cheerfulness and Btrejigth. The Doctor's skill 'in Venereal Diseases; cannot be ex- celled in the healing art. Special attention paid to diseases of Women. feb8-lv

A Book for tbe Million.

JXL^LJKMXJEliU'Jcj sEixiK to the MAit-

! RiED or those about to marry, on the 'physiological m; teries aad revelations of the sexual system, with latest discoveries in prodacing and preventing offspring, how to preserve tbe complexion, Ac.

"This U an intere«ting work of 2'i4 pages, with numer- otu eagravings, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage, still it is a book that ought to be kept under lock and key, and I not laid carelessly about the house.

Sent to any one (free of postage) foe Fifty C/Cnta.

Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, N. W. comer Fifth and .Market streets, St Ixiuis, .Mo.

tW Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate.

Before applying to the notorious Quarks who advertise in public papers, or using any Q^ia'-k remediei,, peruse Dr. Butts' work, no matter what your disease le, or bow deplorable your condition.

Dr. ButU can be consoltod, personally or »y mall, on the diseases mentioned in his works. Office N. W. cor. Fifth and Louis, Ma


The New-lork Weekly Tribune

contAins all the important Eiiitoriala publish- ed in tha DAILY TRIBUNE, except those of merely local interest; also Literary and Sci- entific Intelligence; Reviews of the most m- twreulinK and important New Booke; letters from (ur large corpa of CorreHpoadcnt*; lates-t news rec^^ived by Telegraph from all partB of the world; a Bumraary of all import- ant intelligence iu this city and el^ewhere; a Synopsis of the Proceedings of 0oDgr«i»8 and Rtate Legislature when in session; Foreign 'New8 received by every steamer; Exclusive Reports of the proceedings of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute; Talks about Fniit; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goodd, and General Market Reports.

The Full Reports of the American Institut" Farmers' Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are rich y worth a year's subscription.

HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. To keep pace with the growing int( rest in practical Horticulture, and to comply with frequent appeals from all parts of the country for mrormation of a practical character on tho subject, we have engaged the eervicc* of a vereon who is experienced in rural affairs to write in a lucid style a series of articiew on the Management of Small Farms, Fruit and Vegetable Culture, and how to make them pay, giviig general specific directions from planting to the ultimate disposal of the crops. Of late years there has been a lucrative business carried ou bv unprincipled men, in selling woi tlilcss and old plants under new names to the inexperienced. THE TRI- BUNE vill be always ready to guard tho far- mer ajjainst any such imposition that comes within our knowledge.

VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. To make THE TRIBUNE still more valua- ble to its agricu tnral readers, we have en- gaged Prof. James Law, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell Univer8ity,to answer questions c ju- oerning diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and other domestic animals, and to prescribe remedies. Answers and prertctiptious will be given only through the columns of THE TRIBUNE. We are sure that this now fea- ture iu THE TRIBUNE will add largely to its readers, as all owners of aLimals are 1 able to need tho information proffered. Inquiries should be made as brief as possible, that the questions, answers, and prescriptions may be published together. In short, we intend that THE TRIBUNE shall ket p iu the advance iu all that coucerus theAgricultural, Manufactur- ing, Mining, and other interests of the coun- try, and that tor variety and completeness, it shall remaia altogether the mast valuable, in- teresting, and instructive NEWSPAPER pub- lished in the world.

It has been well observed that a careful reading and study of the Farmers' CJub Rb ports iu THE TRIBUNE alone will save a farmer hundreds of dollars in his crop. In addition to ihesa reports, we fchall coatinut to print the best things written on the sub- ject of agriculture by American and foreign writers, and shall increase these ftalurot! from year to year. As it is, no prudent farmer can do without it. As a lesson to hit* workmen alone, every farmer shou d place THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon his table every baturd*y evening.

TdE TRIBUNE is llie best and cJieapestpa- per in (he country. This is not said iu a s^iiit oi boastfuluess.' It has fallen to New York to create the greatest newspapers of the «ountry. Here concentrate the com- merce, the manufactures, tho mineral resources, the agiicultural wealth of the Republic. Here all the news gathers, and the I atronage is so large that journalists can afford to print it. This is the strength of THE TRIBUNE, We print the cheapest, and best edited weekly newspaper iu th. countrv. We have all the advantages around us. We have great Daily and Semi-Weekly edit'ous. All the elaborate and iutricat- machinery of our establishment— perhaps the most complete in America— is deTited to tho Durpose of making THE WEEKLY TRI BUI^E the best and cheapest newspaper in the world. The result is that we havo so systematized and expanded our resource* that every copy of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE contains as much matter as a duodecimo volum.-. Think of it ! For two dollars, the subscriber to THE TRIBUNE for one vear bu>is asmuch reading motter though he fUJed a sMf of his library wilh fifty volumes, cotUaining the greatest works in tfie language. The force of chesvnesa can no further go.

THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is tne paper of the people. Here the eager student may learn the last lessons of science. H«ro tht scliolar may read reviews of the best books. Here may be founa correspondence from all parts of the world, tbe observations of siu- cf-re and gifted men, who serve THE TRI- BUNE in almo.'it every country.

THE TRIBUNE is strong by reason of ^/.^ enormous circvdation and great cheaijuess It ha'< luntr beenconcedtd that THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE haa the largest circulation of any newspaper in the country. For years wc have printed twice as many papers, pierhaps, as all ( f the other weekly editions of the city dai- lies combined. This is why we are enabled to do our work so thoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circtuation, the better paper we can make.

Wfiat are the practical suggestions ? Many. Let every subscriber renew his subscription, and urge hid neighbors to do the same. If a man cannot afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club by inducing his neighbors to sub- scribe, and we shall send hiru a copy grtUis for his trouble. No newspaper so large and complete as THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE was ever before offered at ao low a price. Even whun our currencv was at t>ar with t:"!d, uo such paper but THE TRIBUNE was offered at that price; and THE TRIBUNE then cost as far less than it now does. We have solved the problem of making the^eet and cheapest newspaper in America. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE.

are Tliey restore the vital forces in a re- mcvrkable degree, and. give tone to the system.

It is now eleven years since Dr. Roback, the cel- ebrated Swedish physician, from Stot^kholm, fiwe- dai, came to this country and introduced the Scan- dinavian Blood Pxtrijicr; since which time thousands have beeix cured, by Us iise, of Scrofula and other blood diseases. It contains, besides the Iodide of Potassa and Syrup of Stillingia, drugs import- ed ^rom Sweden for its express manufacture, unknown and not \kept by apothc- ^caiies in this country. A Single trial will conduce themosf skeptical of its wonderful value


I>r. Jioback^s Blood Pills are unsurpassed by any Pill manu- factured for a similar purpose. One trial inva-

riably establishes th&m as favorites with all who use them.

The reasons why Dr. Rohach's Blood Pills should be kept in ev- ery family are: Because they can he employed in all cases wliere a '■\family physic'^ is required, and are perfectly safe in their admin- istration at all times; Because they are made both with and without sugar- coating, this adapting them to the use of every- body; Bi'causie


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It is the Great Infant's and Children's Soothing Remedy, in all disorders brought on by Teething or any ether

I Price

/CenU. > Price 23 'tents.

^ Price 2.5

of defenceless prisoners who came too near ths dead «n« :

' = planaofeea '♦•"

[ aneodctee

portraying Uie arrival of prisoners. plans of essipe. with numerous and varihd incidents and

the Caraflon I>IediciD« Co.,

bofd'hy druggists and dealers in medicine everywhsre.

Prepared by

8t lionis, Mo


Ignoranee Expoeed ' Fallaeiee CnXatked .' Highly im- portant to both sexes, married aad single, in health and diMsae ' Ur. Lamiont'a< Paris, Coodon and New

a, Paris, Ml

ical i>

with Kecipes and Certihoates of his unprecedented

^sease ! Dr. Larmont

1 Adrii luu Anatomical and Pathological

York, Medical .tdriser and Marriage Gaide: 4* pages,

- L.lates: 12

mo. cloth :

_ _ dltyugti,

^aUooAl Bank. Chicwgo: S. M. >1 t>it NationalBaak. Chi< Muinsa. Iowa . Adams A El<

Chicago, m.

President Union

S'lckersoc President

B. F Allen, Hanker. Des



The ehespest, onarteu. ud best New York newsnspcf. Bfwykodr nkss it Thrss sditioas: Daily. Stfi Stm- WUSLT,9*J| aad WnxtT.Sl aycar. AttTBsNsws ■I ■affprlee. Full rrports of marked, srrlrulture, rarmers'

Wdftuit Growers' Oubs. and s compVte ttorr la ererj ■sklr and Semi- Weekly number. A p-raent of vslaabls ■tatoand rinss to ststt subscriber! lnduc*m»nt« to t*n- TTUlri aaBrnassad. f UlW U* Insuranoas. Orand FUoos,

anigaj the prfinluiiw. Specimens sod Usta fVs«. Bend

"^^ "l W, fef 0I.AK9, PnbUshsr tan. Mew Yosk.

The oeiebratel •.r..i'a'*-in



Colilxxs iLffetftl

Tie original and oiOT egjrmnt Oro.de. Hnnt'ng Witches «!*. equal for tlms aad appMf- ance toiiold ones eo«ing«15U. Th£ se cf extiapne flniah «»>, e<jnal to a «9l* 0--"1 Watcc Chaia-. *;i to *!i Jewelrv of every kind, as loid as sold, at one- ienth tte pnce. Wc.n sli^aUhjs^-si^dercrt at on* time the seventh one wUi be sent tree, ^xida sent to b s paid for at arorsss offce on Ur'




ir> Hew lark.



Or la plaoa of


Its cost is so trifling thst an ordica-y h(.iue eui be oover«d on all sides fax leas than


S«Bd for ciTej.lars aad samples to


Beloit Wis.


Wn.L RifCEIVE, on

applicaticn, deecrp'tve,

cuts anj prices cf oom

piste uric ding aad Bolt

log tlooi^illa. Mill'

Moaes and Oora MiUa.

Smut aad Sepatrntisg

Uasclnes. Address


KlCaM-.STD, !hd. Dealers ia heavy grades of Gsname Dittch axcka BocToe Cloth. 4e.

At 1 il A Baw I Bade H It m t msa with StensOa 9 Is I4U •■■Mies auiaed fxH. ^Z> iVM^n. .v. r


prison lite, embracing, also, the adventnrea of the author's etfoxe from Columbia, South Carolina ; his re- capture: trial as *pu, and final escape from Sylvanla. Georgia. We want an agent in every town, ooonty and village in the


Ths vtdnme oaatalns

to ad it thill faO aad winter. Tlis volnme opau between foxii and five hundred pages, mduding an AppecdUjc <wiitaining the name, rank, regiment, and I>ost oScs address a! the prisoner. : it is beaiitifitHy lUuf '.r.j.fd. n^eie^faritlybm'td in extis doth. We aze pre- pared to


the most Ubmal lerwu to all who socage widt na in ths sale of this Imok. TeaeiHta. ladies. anat«atieyoan> men. and espiicially returned and disshled cAcen and Kildiers will find car work particolaily adapted to tkslr condition, ^^'e employ- no general ageota, bnt a0er superior Indiioementt to eanvaasats. »ld mgentt mil appreria!e thu <.'«v Over 1 50.000 coDiss havealrsady been sold in t Is UsL One sgsBt soid 37 aofies in one i day. another 73. another haa takan 1*000 orasis in four weeks. Bampls oepT (ormided. post patd. on rcoetpt olwi.09. For foil partiealaza, sddrsw


PnhHshw*. »t Loul» Ma

and painless cures of Strtct¥re, Semtnal Weakneet, Jmpo- leney, Fittula, Pilet. Ttnereal, Old I'lcert, Dieeate-of the Kidnmj, Bladder, *e. Price f 1. Mailed free. Offices for treatment. 213 Broadway, 5f ew York. Direct letters Boi844.


Daris by Sunlight and Gaslight

A WORK descriptJve of the .>n>TEKIEe,



It tells bow Paris has become the Gayest and most Beautiful City in the world . how iu beauty and Splen- dor are ptirrhsnfiil at a fearful cost of Misery and Suffer- ing : how visitors are tivriodied by Professional Adven- turers: how Virtue and Vice go arm-ln-ann in ths Beantifnl City , how the moet Fearful Crimes are com- mitted and concealed : how money ia sqnandered in use- less Inxury ; and cootains over loU hne Engravtngs of noted Places, Life sad Seenss in Paria Canvaastng

t>ooka sent free. Address


Chiqigft IU, or bt I^'^ ^jft


BradeA Drainage Level, Price only $15.

KveiT Farmer needs ena Kreiy School should havs one. Ho Kagineer Te<iBiTed to lay "ut roa<l«. walks or watar^oaraee. Will astabUah letels 'er fouadati'jo walla, br<dae^ made groand. Ac. It is extremely siia pie aad Iwsiilifnl Sent to aey address ca roeeirt of BviA^ Bmi liiitiT. etoealass, with ouu, free. ^HAJOTTOIf kTTOWLE, Civil Rngiaear.

Md BpeeUd Bnropeao Patent SoUcitar, 170 BaoaswaT. Hrw T


One copy, one year, 6'i Isaues $2 00

6 copies, $9 ; IU copies, Ut tte addreu, $1,0 each {and one extra copy); 10 copies, to nimei of subtcribert, at one Puit-0ffic% $1,60 each (and one extra copy); 2ucopiea, toon* oddrew, $1,25 each (and one extra copy) ; 21 copiee, to names of $uO$crib€rt, at one Pott-Offlce, $1 ,35 each (and one extra copy); 80 copies, to one addras^, $1 cai.h (and one extra copy); ») copies, to name* of iu6*cri6er«, a', one }'o$t-Ojfl(X, $1 ,10 each (and one extra copy.)

The New-York Semi- Weekly Tribune

is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and bo- ing printed twice a ireek, we can, of course, print all that appears in our weekly edition, Incladng everything on the subject of Agriculture, and can s-Jd much Interesting and valuable matt«r,for whi'h there is not sufBcient roTrn in THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE 8EMI-WKEKLY TItlBUNL al.io gives, in the course of a year, tbbkk or foub cf the

Best and l.atest Popniar KotcIs, by living authors. Tbe cost of these alone, if bounht in book form, wotUd b* from six to eight dollars. Nowhere else can eo much current intel- ligence and permanent literary matter be had at eo cheap a rate as in THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE.


Mail subscribers, I copy, 1 year-104 No* M 00

Mail Bubscrlbtrs, 2ocrples. 1 year— 104 Nos.. . 7 00 Mail subscribers, 5 copies, or over, for each.. 3 00

Persons remitting for 10 eopies MO 'wlU receive an extra copy one year.

For I too we will send thirty .four copies and Tbe DAii.xTmiSV«Z.

they can be pur- chased at any drug store at the extremely low price of twenty- Jive cents per box. For Sale by Drugyiata

and Dealers in Patent

M r(f i vines every- where,

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral

For Diseases of the Throat and Luacs,

such as Coughs, Colds, 'Whoopiii*

Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,

and Consumption.

Probably never before in the whole history of inedi.-:ue, has auy thin* won to widely and M deeply upon the coulitieuco of mankind, ar tins excellent reinedv for pulinoiiar> complaints. I'hroiigh a long scrios of years, iml among moat of the races of men it bus lisen higher and higher In tlH-ir estimation, ati itbai- become better knotm. Its iiuilbnn chaiacter aud power to cure the va- riouri nffections of the Inngs and throat, h*v« made it known as a leliyble protector agaiost them. While adui)te<l to milder forms of disease and to young cbildreu, it is at tlie fame time the most eflectual remedy ibiii can be given for incip- ient con.sumption, and Uie dangerous alTectioiie of the throat and lungs. As a provifcion agabisl sudden attacks of froww, it fchould be kept oh hand in everv lauuly.anu ludeetl m all are eomo^ times bubjcct to colds and cwughs, all ahould b< urovid(Hl with this antidote for them.

Altliough settled CoMa«»w/iftoti i.s thought !!»• cm able, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed Fettled, have been complete^ cured, and the jifitient restored to sound healta by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its niaHtary over tlie disorders of Uie Lungs and Throat, flint the most obstinate of tlieni yield to it. When nothing else could reach them, under the Chcrrti I'ectoral they subside aud disappear.

Singers and Public Speakers find great protection from it. , . ^ . i,

Asthma is always reboved and often whoUy

Bronchitis is generally cnred by taking the Cherry Pectoral in em.ill and fi-e<juent dose*.

Po generally ai-e its virtues known, that we need not publisli the cei tliicBtee of them heije, or do more tnan B>*sure the public that ii« qualUJee arc fully maiutained.

Ayer's Ague Cure,

For Fever and A^ue, Int-erriilttent Fever, Chill Fever, Bemitteat Fever, Dumb Asue, Periodical or Bilious Fover, Ac, and indeed all the affections which ariae from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons.

As lt» name Implies, it d«>«! Cnre, and does not fail. Containing neitlier Ai'^euic, (jninine. Bis- muth, Zinc, nor anv otiier mineral or poisonous etiUstance whatever, it in nowh^e inj ores any pa- tient. The number and linjioitance ol its cures In the ague district*, are literally l)evond acconi^ and we believe without a paralUd iu the hlstoiy of Ague medicine. Our pride gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the rndi.^al cures effected in obstinate cases, aud wbere other rwn- edies had whollv failed.

Unacelimate<l persons, either resident In, or travelling through miasmatic localities, wlU be protecte<T bv taking the A G IE C VJtE daUy.

For TAver Complaints, arising from torpid- ity of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimu- lating the Liver into healttrv nrtivity.

For liilions Disorders and Liver ComplahitB, tt is an excellent remedy, pr-iducinK n;rj:v tiTily remarkable cures, where oiher medii^hies ba4 foiled

Prepared bv DTi. .T. C. A vrs ft Co., Practic^ •nd Analvtical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., aad •old all round the world.




A as diploma at office wUl Show. ta» ''•'° '5V^ engaged m the treatment of Vener.iU SsiuaJ aa; (Yivale Punstt than any ether pbystoiae in :•

THE ^EW YORK Daily tribune U publish- ed every morning (Sundays etuepted) at $10 p«r year; $5 for six months.

THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. 1810. Price 80 els. TRIBUNE ALMANAC REPRINT. 1838 to 1868

9 volH. Half bound, (10. REC0LLBCT10S8 OF A BUST LIFE. By Hoeact ORKXLtT. Various i-tyleg of binding. C.oth. f « au. Library 93 50. Halt Morocco, •*. Half Ca'if, $5. Morocco Antijue, $7. MABOABEfFCLLER'8 WoBta. KeW BJition.

6 vols. Cloth, tlO. PEAR CULTURE FOB PROFIT. Qvmr. •!. ELEMENTS OF AOBICULTUBE. Waxjxo 5ew

Edition. Cloth, 91. DRAIN IN O FOR HEALTH AND FBOFIT. Wab-

mo. Cloth, 91 SO. £^R1"H CLOSETU. How to make them. Wxaua. ■46 cents. Sent free on receipt of price. In making remittances for sabsortptlons or books always procure a draft on New York, or a Pott Office Moneg Ordr.r, if poealble. Where neither of three can be procored, send the money, but alw*y* in a BgoiSTxaK) J<««r. The registration fee has been reduced iojlftetn cenU, and the preaent regbtraUon system has been loond by the poetal anthorltlee to be TictaeUr saebeohrteprotecttoniigainst losses by n.iLn AU Poetmastere are obhged to register let- ters whenever reqneeted to do so. Terms, oaeb In advaaoe. _ .

^^^ A*«t«eBT«»T]»inM,HewTark


Oooorrhea, Oie»«-

Uernia. tai P.opture; all U'rnary U

Striotare, Orctiiw liseaee* ant Us Throat

,ooa •o aoeietv


ifi'>or Mercurial A65iotions of „.__„„_. n 'rBoiMsr* tr«!at*d with iir«»ra>eUed •oeoees 'HperH.»'orrhei:. Seia^l UK,:U-Jt abi 'tnpo*"^ aa the rssalt of belf fc".-i»., ,.-. yoat.b, •*»"*' '1°^??? vtorer years, or o*.l.fr ;;»Ti»«».aoawO cb tiroaoo* -; ThefOOowlnr ejects a."! roctmnat <"n>«es tj( - r-f, debllitf, dizT.a««--'1-.mra3»'- » .cnu ' ..oo (-f ideaa. evU fore>Kidin«», avessit* " «« c i«mai:«4o8s memory and sesaalpi'^", „„,^ .leriny marriage improper, ''^ ElS?f,*?S c^^ VI e U'w.u,.f.oppoTtoBitlee"-ineep«s' ••°*f^^ l^^act ce are zjithn>^f»v.d ia «t.T«.rseia^) other ci:y. K»ck hlea .: *•«.. L-.jis paparr pro"? L'^ he has t./eeo located thore !oo«»r bj >»*" J^^ 'ri advx.wtcg. t^t esta-Mishraeni, ''"ruj, and act>«int«iiei-.aar* ai.r!val!eo >- itt . i^_^ 0*»'a ilnrters. Act. w.th si^riotire, can be rs^ f^^ilathf dt^for . an r.ferto many ;'t'yii«aas Urourhont U;fccouutrj. Upast scec«»ai»d iMr •nt posltica be alaada w»th«at a oosBpet.«ar. The W rUli>K>^ of « pbyalclan wbaae r•»■• tatlon la Toloa-wtdr ■!»•••* •• wertli r«>Kdnig.

DooTOB waiirua imbliaoss a »*»<^^5f'; PAMPULKl rslatlugtovenereal diseases and the rtisastrwjsar.'l van*! coneo^ioences of selJ apnsa. toal WlU be s<Kit tr tay address is .* s-' .-. "JJ^IS for two stamva. «anyphys:c«i!JBlDtr- -icepsttsatt ;ot.ae doctor »/t>err»ftd:ng b.s ""J^ »' "^SSrlSii Oommooicwioa eontidenti*. A tr,« ilftatt wUI ooirt yc«i oothin«. U*o« o^ftrsl. yet retited-lle. 117 Bt. Ocarles street. St. Ixrals Me. to T r. v. hondays 12 to i r. U.

Uoors » a. ■.

SOFaT«l>jP*ory--Send»rtamgte F

, E.AB

yoor troubles will beremoveA


