E. A. HOTCHKI:S. Editor & Pioprietor.


Terms— $1.60— Invatiably in Advance

VOL. 4.


NO. 27.


Otiioo on Main ;!trii't noxt .loor A'orth of tb. Winnebngo Ciiy Hotel.

ti:km.- Or iiji].sciurrioN.

One e'>pv ";i*.'.voa! - - *'•'"

f.>f ;ni> ttirai lo5i luiin o .uoth?, 5 ccots a w«cv.


So. in. M ^-i |_2^r I 4jq IJcol. I 4^'ol. 11 i;"l

l*T^.'t l.'»<» 1.i"| ^.•'>"" ^•^^" •'»••''" ''*•'"* IrnTth 2.-.0 4.00, r..00| 7.00 12.00 20.0ii

^ f't^ ' :i.>M .s.ooj 8.0H lo.oo

< .n't'i* j.on ^.O'Vii.oOi 1.7.00

J 2.00 Ifl.OO


^ -a'ths s,o) ii.ao l«».oo 20,00 :'.o.on

\ voir. ,10.0 J n.OO -iO.lKi 25,00 i 40,00 Ten lines or ioi^s inukc one .•quH»*e.

.^().o^l 70,00

Ailrcrtigoinents uot mjirkcl foi spcclfioii time will bec«»ntinue-l. snd chxrijeti for acfonliiij:'}-.

Ye:»rly a lvert"Hcr< will be b.>M .«triotly to .iil ▼erti««ment!» pei mining to their busini-r? All th.-r n iticcs will be ohu.iCPf'. at tbc regular nitc?

Kxce!«s .>f alvertisements in.ivucil will be charg- 9 I prorxrlioaaic'.y to tbc number of squarca bar gaiiie-l for.

Legal iuht.rtijcm<»nts in..ft-tc(l at tbc the ex ntiitt of the attorney ordering tbeui. a?nl not .le-

LAKE llorSE,

Watervillc. Lc Sueur Co.. Minnesota,

J. M GRAY. Prop

Terms ReasonabIe.--Team^tcrs over night One iloliiir anil ;ii|uurter.

(Jeneriil sta-e ofEee. Uooil Stabling, anil reason- able ebarges. 47v:{yl

GARDEN CITY HOTEL. Evans & Fall, Proprietors

T\v^ lIoti!«c is Now, Connnoilious, rii>:i!<;imly LooaleJ, anil has boon Now Iv ranijshoil tliroiiujijout. Tht- voiy liest Mi'oonnnodiilioiis guaijuileod to IriiVt^lor.s and boarders.

Good Stable Koom for Toani!*. n4ur>vl Gatdca City Minn.

For the Free Homestead.

Harness Sliop.

The unilersigne.! takes thin method of inforra- n-' t*ie i-eoplo i.f Winiiebiigo City an.l vi« inity, L*l he ba*' just ui ened a new harno.-^* ^!l<•I> in


Uropiirelto .lo iiH kind:.- "f work in

»Vib!ofor leg..lpr.-occlings, but must be paid ,n,l i. now prop.re I to '""I" ^;";'; •,' \''7 ^' f ' ^1 . liis liot'. >•»• loirness nia-Ie to (-ntir. ani an

. ,• 1 Ki.idi' of rcpaiiin- done on .-L.Tt i...ii.e. .";>boi.

.,p .«t:iirs. ne.\i doorsLU.h of Itiehard-s.-n A Key njido' (jroitiy


Spriiig 19 coming! don't you hear It.

In the bretzcs sift and low. Ki.^sing the glad bright sun.xhine,

A'" it uiilt-s away the anow ? Feel it. as it fans the fcteied check ?

All things feci its soothing ii>flucnco, From the prlnetly ball and palace,

To the loncl>- cotltga uiock. Spring i.< c m.ing ! don't you see it,

In tho flowers around your way, Filling earth with sweetest fragraiicc,

Crowning woods .and fields so gay ? Mature revels in such splendor,

Turn whichever "ay you will. All is fie.-'h, and glad, and radient,

E'en the gently murmuring rill. Spiing, so young, so fair and blooming,

Thou art welcome back to-day ; Thou do>t bring the gladdest bird-song.

And tha happy, happy M;iy. Thou dost chuhcr uwuy the sorrow,

From the carc-worr., achii'.'^ brow, M:i5di.geaeb .vid heart to gladden At thy .«milingnod and bow.

A. 'I'. Sleu art's New Maiudoiu

The Caine of Ycwker.


The mignificent and splendid new ^^^.^ .^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^,^^ j^ ^^^^^ building now being ercclcd in ^'^'^ 07 years old. avcnuo and corner of Thirty-fourth ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ di^kovered by the deck Btrcet, whioh ^vill be the futtiro rest- ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ j,^.^ .toamboat, and

dcncc of Ale.v. T. Stewart bs l.To^ress. ^-^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^^.^^^ .„ in^' most sati.sfaotordy to all those lead-


Tea and CoHee— What we Think Drink and What we Drink.

int; men interested iu its construetion. 1 he noble structure is a pattern of ehastoness and elegance, ar.d the builders are doinj,' their part in a very creditable and prai.soworthy nvjnn(?r. It is viewed and Lokcd .«it by thousands of the elite of our city, who traverse the Fifth avenue night, noon and i.ioru-

awl its juvenile buty.

It is generally played b} 4 person?, and owes much of its absorbingness lew the fakt that yu can talk, and drink.

From tte New VorK fiun.

A case now before the Court of Ap- peals has developed some curious facts in regard to what the public commonly suppose to be coffee. The dispute aiiscs from the failure of a certain ma- chine to do what the inventor claimed for it. The beauty of this mr.clmJG was


lU delivery of tue afn Livit.

N'o'.iees in^cited iu the readinc colnnin. dou- ebla rates E. A. 110TCnKI~.<.

Kdit-r .t Pr-prietor.


Winrobjzo City. .May 2:.. ISrtC. 32tf

It is estimated that when completed, it will cost .ibout ^2,000,000. The arcltitecturul, ornament;d and chaste de- signings are all purely Corintliian. Tor elegance and beauty, so far as it has progre.^^sed, it stmds unrivalled. In fact there is no buildin- to compete with it in the city of New York, it be- ing constructed of the })ure8t and finest AVe yesterd -y announced the mar- \ maible. .Some estimate n.ny be form- riai^e of one Dr. W'ght to a Miss ^j ^f the cost when it is kn<.\vn that it

A (tuci-r t'asf.

From the New Albuny (Ind ) Ledger.

a peculiar and miraculous power of re- and chaw, and cheat, while the game , ^^^^.^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^jj^^ ^^

is advancin. ^ I j|.^jn.,„(.j coffee, much of its original

1 have seen it played on the nuo..on ^ ^^.^^j^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^.^^ .^j.^ . machine, UU.y railroad, in the s.nok.ng car, with , ^^^^^^^^ ^,,^p,,,y ^^ed,' would, it is al- more immaculate skill than anywhere ; ,^^j^,^^^^^ ,,y,.^ ^^^^ oOO bags of coffee a t'lie. I jj^y jt ^vould be interesting to know

If yu play th.ere, yu will often bold j^j.g^ij,^.|y ^,],r^^ ra^ mtte.ual was used ahatid that will afctoni.sh yu. .piite oft .^^ ^^^.^ ambiiruous sort of mill, but en 1 queens and a 10 spot, which will | ^q^i^j,,^ j^ menlivnicJ beyond b'ajklea 1, inflame you to bet 7 or ^^ dollars that | ^^^^^^ ^^^^j soapstone. Those are nice it iz a good hand tu play poker with ; i„gredicnts for the brc.kfast table, but but yu will be more astonished when | ^^^^^ ^^|y ^^^^j^^ -^ giving weight and you see the other feller's hand, which j ^.^|^j. ^^ ^^^^ wretched compounds which invariably consists of 4 kings and a 1 \ 3^^.!^ machines 'turn oui' under the spot. ' name and disguise "f coffee. If the

Yewker i/. a molatto gamo, and don't p^^jjc knew one half the trash th.at ea- compare tow old pledge in majesty, en- ; 1^,.^ into the composition of what

3a3iae3s Directory.

(J. S. hf\^ «' '^ » *^'^'

Wiuneb.v'o Citv Di>ti'lct.

r.^Ei *-■




\ H. Rll-l.t*. Utpi»ttT. n. \V. 11 H.uKV. Utceiver.

».0»teO'nc^b'^'U«l''"'^'n > .V. M.li'.l »r. M. Wui.iebiioCuy.Vi:i:i.. Jet. ^ti; Is r*.


NO '11. . ,r L

, M<.<t kinds of country produce wanted f-r w-nk I Cutting done on short Lotice, anU warranted to

a lloiiular CVmrnunu-ntions avo fa if prV'i'.v ^^<^' ^l'

'^%r he!;l on the first r.nd third TucsJaVi of Sr\ each Mont!)


T ni-ni^'Y w M cr.o A, wnn. F. P.

B M\I>150\ J. W. A K W|(•Kn\^^.T^l•;r.

C. k. .MOILTON, Tre;.^. E. 11. ULICIHN?, !?>c y^


U. D.

rr^t \ND ACCLrTKP ma^on?, blue e.vrtii


F..a-LAlir,mmuMi..t;on. are ''^•'^.^^';;^ j jj J-^ HK 1 H g 1 I O WS.



Black^miihing, Shoein^Uepairing, S:c.

The undtr^^igncd still o.-cupios the shop near the lc:im Mill, and would respectfully announce that bu row prcj-ared to manufacture r.oth



in the case.

Wiolit, however, determined to mar ry bis^swift wilnessChambeilain, again i i^,.^ r^y^ erected purposely ior supporting sou'dit a divorce, the court hearing but I ^^^^ ^^^^^,.^

plnced on either side as cheeks for the ^.^^ .^^.^^^.

d stoop. In the entrance iron pil- I ^ ^.^^'^^^ ^,^^^^^^ ^^^. ^^.^ ^^^^.^ .^^ .^^

RF.tJri.AU ''MDnumi.ations are iit-id on the Fir«i «nd Third Wedi.e.-d«ys oJ each 'n"^tl»- H I' VOCNO, W. M ,

W.M .J'v AY. ii-. GEO. l^ KlN.;:=i.'.:Y. Sec.

I. 0- of a T


H-JvlngJ.cnrid the rcrvices of FIR-T CliASS workmen. I am able to of^er the be.«t .(uality of wf.rk, both .M»nufaeturing and Repainn-, .lol>- bing, Horse A 0.x Shoeing, ic in the be.^t tnnn- ner. Tl.aiiklul for pan favor?. I would soaeit a t<.ntinuauce of the public patronage. v4nl9tr J. M. WHEKI.ER.

■) r(UL\n mceiing ev«ry Friday c\eLirg. at

V Mo.,,,.,.-. H.n. ^ „„„,,,,,,.. e. ,. ■^viIOLESALE & RETAIL

T. L. RICE, W. U. 3.


A..iuor_r. w. c.nv. "'rr^.v-i;^ b. joi^n

Coroner— ^^-M. A. WAY. Com.-I)l. LA \ LU.Nt.

County C"in. 1st Di-t A R. MORE, .. ' '• -.'d - 11 J. NV.AL.

«. !j,j •• —JOHN H. Sl!«SON, •• 4rti " -JAMK.' » HAYS'.

<• <• 5ii, " _J.>ii;i'i; C iOGKTT.

DiitrlcrC-.ari -.fthi* Divnct meelsai iJlue EarO. Ci;y ou tbe tJr»i MonJiiy in June- ^^

Crockery Store

MANKATO, MINN, ALBEllT S. ^VlHTE, Proprietor.


one side <'f the testimony— that given bv the Moman Chamberlain. Having hi.s divorce in his pocket, Wight and tlie wr>man Chamberlain were married


NVi'ht's first wife v:as a hopeless in- valid. Wight married his first wife when she was young, beautiful and in good he.alih. She is yet possessed of good looks', notwithstanding tlic afllic- Tlons which have hovered over her.— She IS a lady ot rare accomplishments. She was of good family and rejiuted wealthy at the time of her marriage, liut after serving Wight for thirteen years she was put away by divorce,be- cause she was an invalid.

At the wedding yesterday this divorc- ed wife stood beside the woman tliat

Such is also the case in the basement, as well as in the fir«t, second, third and attic stories These are chaste and beunliful, fully capped in the newest Corintliian style.

The first floor contains parlor, 24 by 40 leet long; reception room, 10 by 32 feet; dimn- room, 19 by :'.2 ; with breakfast room and butler's apartments. The m.Vin hall, leading Irom the princi- pal entrance to the picture gallery, will be 10 feet wide and 50 feet in longtli. There will also be a tr.ansver.se hall

gredients of adulteration. Beyond these the public had better not prosecute natiff fierceness. tlieir inquiries, at least until they havo

But I won't play cnny game, if I | resolved to give up the use of all such know my charakter, whore a jack will | eoffee. An analysis of the vile cora- tako an ace, and a 10 spot won't count , puunds called coffee would bring some for game. ! strange facts to light. The ingredients

I won't play no such kind of game, j ^ggd fy^ such mixtures may be divided out ov respekt tew old Connektikut, | mto two classes— the innocent and tho

poisonous. The former are for tho mon part disgusting alike to the fancy and the palate, such as the second hand refuse of other people's coffee pots, and various roots and grains.

mi natiff State.

N. p. Willis.

In a letter (o a literary friend in

1854, the l?te N. P. Willis thus ad-

V( rt^l to the old age of lit or, ry men : 1 ^-' ^^^^ ^^'poisonous classfis small-

er in bulk, but the materials are select- ed from the drug store with reference

"But there comes a time whtn the


full (U)rintbian caps. The picture gal j npon- which necessity still calls for bril-

comcs what

Cro.kpiv. Glass-ware. Grr^ccrie?. Ac, foi sale br whoUsule or retail. Country stores supplied reiironrtblc term'^. lloonu on Main fclreet





Calli by flay ornight p«omptly attended to. WinaeUgo City. Aug. li. 1S6G.

Dr. J. P. Humes,

Physician & Surgeon,

Offi-eover the Ilnrdwar.^ Store, Main St., Win- neb.igo City. Minneiota.

>-. U.-Office .pen for calls at all hour* of the diy and night


Atto. aey and Couust-Uor at Law

,2^- Will uttend to professional business broughout the .^tate. Winnebago City, Minn.

WlbL.aiD & BAKNKY. |

Attorneys <fc Coir^«^i*>r^ at Law.

MANXATO. U.XE EARl U COUNTY >iINN. -ii. vt.....i promptly and f»Uhfuily to all bu.ine-.sln- aaeil to their care- Htvolorsaleat all tiraev l"'?«n"ant>"" «M Trust Lands, and other raluable

nearly o{)p»jsilP Lradley ifc llro.

P. K WIS E K, Practical Watcli-Make.T,


JEWELER, Mankato, - - - Minu.

i»t:ALER IN Watches, clocks, .Jewelry tt silver waic

Uepairing neatly exteutcd and warra» 'iid.


Mmufa'-turcr and Deakrin

of every variety. Gill Moiiiaings Kept On Haiul

noss. If bhe stood there voluntarily, wo see in her an e.vample of woman's devotion such as we never before heard of. If she stood there through com- pulsion, the curse and blight of the Ab »iii;;hty will follow tho husband and his new made wife, (formerly his divorced wife's nurse,) to avenge the wrongs of ihe wretched woman.

\ Wonderful Old Man.

aUothc drawing-room, pirlor and re- j immortality. The world which is to

' honor them when dea<l, neglects them cention roonis, j

The basement story will be appropri- wlicn old. Willing gold for your mon •ited to the uses and apartments of the ument, but reluctant pennies to keep servants. These will be nicely finished, you from starving on your way to it 1'

1 will be ten feet six inches in ceil All the Year Round says: ^"'' , i The ''oldon thread of genius was ; dedly the age of paper. Taper postal

ing higbt.

sickness and distress are caused by the






realized by this class of adulterations.

For tea, a great variety of native leaves

are so ingeniously substituted as almost

to defy detection.

The Agk of I'ai'er, This is deci-

idly the age of paper. Paper postal

ilip.^s will be is', nixed in the warp and woof of Mr, j currency and greenbacks flood the coun-


ten feet between the beams

Wiaiie">a.To Farming lands.


,A. ^»LLARi>. . . 21./ 1 ^^


Bine Earth City,

Thw hou«c having been ren^Ored nnd newly fur- !,';:« I thr.uV-t, is now open for the rccrp.,oa

of gllCSfi


DAN .MaKKIIAM A. CO. PKCS. Opjiosite CMil'ton House, ^la'^'kato, Minnesota.

Q,,,. '.-• tir'i nnwhnd nro of the best uial.o Good cigars and lifiuors at the bar. 40yl

r,r,';f.,:,':Mr:,rJ.'";,.a;":.i-'...i-»..'- '.-^

v,.r^buu with a^.-:.Il. p^..-^ KUSE. rronrietor.

^.J.U TON liOL'SK.

Fr-.stJlr*tt,i.ea.'btr Lc-^'^. ,^ MINNESOOa.

M- T. U. FJLOWKR^ Proprietor.

Oen-ral -'«,;,;;.'^, ^j.,, attentive OMle-. I9yl





F A I U B A N K S S C A L E S !

Capt. Frederick Luhrburt, formerly of the Si-vtcenth British Kitb », w.as entertained at a breukiast on tho 9th ult , given by General De Pey.«ter.- Generals Warren, Butterfield, Shaler and Crawford and Admiral Farragut were a.nong those present. Tl-e occa- sion was tho celebration of the 101st anniversary of Captain Lohrburts birth. He entered the British army in ITSU and fought throu-h the war in the

Netherlu.ds; the i'eninsular earn- '''" -.,V'^,,^, ^f f,,,Htire, and will ,ido of Mr. Willis, puigns and Caflee war. He was also mo t ^^^^l^^^^. ',"„^,..,,fieent and e.-st one of Napoleon'8 guards at St. Hele- be '^f:^2r^,^^,,,^xonc. will old out in ISIS, and has since !ly chandebcis.

bands, while tho ladies, uot to be be- hindhand in the matter, wear various

A ScKNE IN School.— Quite an



«cnau.u.n .—,"..- " - , . .,,.,, «„,,i,cd The sofas, .-^mu^i"^' J'>1^^ ^^''-^M^^rpetratcd upon

nnts ol- the world. He also be siaula. y hn^led.

lived in many ]

V..W York in 1^4^ with his came to .^ew ioik m

tables chairs, &c., of the dining.

draw- i t^i" l:^^b' te.tcher of an object teaching




C.rner of Holley A Main Street.. Winnebago Ci^y

D. S LAW Proprietor.

stage!" leave this House for all Points. There is also a pood liver, conuected witMhe House.

' ' LTTki^dTTrJob Work done order at this OQlee.





nt( all

had too much taste, and too little carn-

Tho porticoes, corridors, cupolas and ! cstness for political life iu America. --

•i- ,r^ will far ex el those of any other \\^ ^y.as social, sentimental, convivial, articles of paper manufacture, the last, ^^* '"^ evercoastructed iu the city Taste and culture made him what his | but by no means the least of which, are 'Tncnv York, whil^ the outside rail- | countrymen called an aristocrat lie | p.aper pauta'cttes, the latest invention •^ ,r\uroundiii«' tlie mansion will bcjijved artistic achievement, therefore | and deservedly popular among the fair mass o . 1 ...,.,. -, 1,1, •■•"nal ! se\-. It is now reported that shirts and

of the same ma- such low prices f all classes. If this be true, then tie occupation of the washer-woman will be greatly oacruach- ed upon, .as these garments form a considerable item in the weekly family washings— What next will paper bo

ter- this.

thev havo breakfasted to-ethcr for sev- eral years. Capt. L. looks Oieman^of

^^"" -^ki^ds of Juttir^'9 Blank:

1 ;.„, ,1,0 childish brain associated with tho name A Kdv iilavful V condemning tlie «-'"» -

A la<l} , rm>iu y „^„p.^,i,^., of Washington. 'Because,' he ex-

inTurUibly set iny f^ce against. ■■ l.«= -ever wH « I.e.

who painted that man all black so?' 'God did, my son,' replied the fttherw 'Well,' said the little one, still looking after the negro, 'I shouldn't a thought he'd a held stUb'







»i «■ » > » »


-J S--




MAY 1, 1867.

li. A. iiCTCHKlS^ Ka.ror.

S;'li«K»l CiiVorniuciit.

»Y J. k/bLIIHU3.

A^ many young hihI inrxjteiiencotl liinc-liors arc oiii|>]oyeJ in a ik-w coun- try and ni'W (list; ids, and as we have \\'> spooial place ntar lor ihe liainmi:; ol trachfis, no insiitutcd or normal clnss esi yet or^ai;iz«'(l on vw\ fnmlu'r, I tu c\>so liert' a few linos on School Gov- tnunf nt :

Did you ever know a tlisorjorlv tcchor tu liavo an onltily fii-huol ? J)iil you rvor know a noisy ifatlior to have a Ktiil svliuol M)v)t's ihe toatlKT wlm threatens uio.st (witliout exetuitinu) or wl»ip nio.-^t liavo the most obediint seh lars V DoiS tlie puront who threat ens'with loud oaths :ui«l teals his chi'- »lieii uninoicirully, si-nJ the luost obe-

f;oort Nous «*or the Dcstilute.

From th« Miink«t<t Uofoid of April 27.

Wc arc ^rnntica to state ihat tlie ifelieloiMMiUiUee al this place reeeived h h'ttc^r t>M>m ('n]>t Win. F. Diivids n, ueo»»j'\\uir ilie oonna ilee's proposition l*> Sell grain on time, taking county Becuritv for payuionl atier liarvest, with twelve per e«'nt. intere.it.

Til M pr->po.s;uon was svHt to Captain I'avidsui Several weeks ago, hut ow- ing lo his al'Senei!, it was not rceeivi-il liuiil the fir.^l oJ tile pro-oni week, when he pr-mpMy replied. He .-ays:

"Yi'iir ■•."inmitlcc projH).<io ti>i>>«f timrkft price for wheut f.-r :'t'<><l for ."iioh <>t' V'lui cidiiiu a* Are in nec-ii. .tint >;ive ymir c >iiiity •'nlur^< m av- »uri.). with ivvol vo |»cr rcr.t. iiiten-ii until pai'l. I am ro.'uly to accept y"ur |>ro[i'>>iiti>iii. .'Mtlioti^li I woulil pii-Ivr ilio tui'iicy. t lUi wiling to do ii:» ji> ir c»!n iii;ioo *u;;>jcti. .\ll I wiii't. iiu«kr lh«-

ciroiituiiai.ier, i* to I'o wi'll rv.urcti, iniKs« voii r ... . , .

■h .ui.i neei ni -re tiiHn I ha.i ^ui.posoJ y'uu ^ uutiivaiiee, ana li ei>rreelion need be cuitiiiy w>.'uUi iieeil. Mr. II. U. Valcatino will bv U}> in ;i tV>» .liiy.-», .th'I will Iihvo my vieivi t'ull\ in the mntu-r. tl.ipiu;^ tiint ilio nccily ni;iy be T ii«Ted '>j yonr •iTort"'. .iJi'l the country benctiicil Ihrougli the [>laii »u>r.:c«tc I. I mn Yours, truiv,

W.n V.'l)\\lT)>Oy."

V/e uu'le- Stand t"r»Mn a reli.ihle e ti- £cnof our town that Captain PavifNiti: is -.villiiig to extend his jin^'osilion to M.irt'u. Jacks tn and Watonwan eoun lit'"*, upon the .-^ame f»Tms.

Ot' e.mr.se. it is iinde. stool tliat this

Special correspondence from Duldin and Thurlcs iudieateH very plaiuly that another and more e.xtensive Fenian ri- sing 18 e.vpected in Ireland, and the British C'ommaMdei-inCiiief is forced to keep fully prepared for active c.xer tion at any moment.

Attorney (ilencr:d Stanherry is said to liave recently remarked to the Dis tiict Attorney ot V'ir-iinia, that Jelf. Uavis must be disposed of durinj!; the coming term of the C/ircuit Court of the Tiiited States, which meets at Ivieh iiu)nd ne.xt Monday.

Two Cincinnati merchants, who had purcliased goods in JJo.'^ton f(U' years, cut its aLt|uaintanee entirely the other day, untl countermanded a ^100,000 order because they ciuild not tiiid a


d »nt eliildroii to .^eliool ? i /.,•,,• ,

. , , . . , 1.11 '-jla^s of ale with which to seal their bar

Ami what was the mode adoj led l»y

the bi'St teacher within }our knowledge '

Wa- there not gener.dly a htwile on his

laee. a l-Iow of enthusiasui on his

made, a fnui at»d ileeidid tone, never thrciltiuni; more than ho wouhl e.xe- cute 'f -viul never Iciving u by hall whipped iusl enough l.. make him ugly. Hal .1 ter the ihiiil ii tloroutrhiv sub dued, Ileal him kindly Show him you take an i;:t.'iesl in jiis we I'are. Ii a t' aeher loves, iespi-e!«, aiol speaks poliu ly to his scholars, tlu-y will d<» the

proposiuuti IS iM;.iiiieo D apjdy only to I sjjiue towards iiini an 1 to eaiii other. iKMX'iis ill actual iiee«i, aiid w1m» are VVe may persuade, in\itc and win, at v»lioily unable to procure seed npt»n|jj,,^. {i,.^.^ ^^|,^.„ ^l^^, d.,cirine of subo tlieiriudividiia' responsibility. It is ! , " , .-. ... i... .i

aNo expected that the cinnmissioneis

|dmation is not in ipiestion by the pu-

will impure closuly into all application- \ l>il, oi after he lias been- subdued, may made to them, atid caretully «j;uard : alluro him ly kind treatment ai.d against abuse and imposition. The re am-^.-able manners. Hut kindness can

lief bjiu-; intendevl only tor sub as' ^ .• .i .

, '^ , •. ; I 1 not suitplv the place ot authority, nor

have no other recourse, it \* fiopeil j i i . i . >

Doue otlnr- will apjdy. If this under- ! g':i»»'""l^* that of bubmission. The

titauding i.s carried out in good faith, teacher's auihori'y must be recognized

but a compar.ative.y sm.dl amount will ^^ju-st and unconditional. He should

be reouired to meet the demand, and at , . i i i . .• ..

, » n . 1 a- Hoverii not lor his own sake but lor the

llie same lime all a-Uial sutlcnnir ; =*


Many inquiries relative to the propo

goo 1 of the school. The murderer is not bun^ for his own good, but for the

Billon of Capt Davidson have been good of the public

mule at this Oiliee, and it is with pleasure we pubi'.-:! the above article.

It Wiuild be i"! y in the extreme to act by rule in the di-iijhne of a school.

'wish to avail themselves of his liberal offer.

lor the information of those who may : That physician is a piack who pre- scribes the *ftnifi rcmeily for every dis- ease. So the teacher must sudy the disposition, and learn the nature of the offence before he can prescribe a rvuie- dy that will euro.

H«.ddint5 weiLjhts in extended hands.


Aq^t.n. President Johosoii lias ac- cepted an invitation from the citizens of Ilaleigh to be present at thai jdace about the middle of May, to attend the laying of the corner stone of the mon ument in honor of the President's fath- er. He will be accompanied by Sew- ard and one or two others ot the (*ab- iaet. and may extend hi» trip further -South.


A Taris correspondent siys: Epicu- rean luxury has lound a new n.-^e for flowers. A'iolets are eaten with cream and nugar. Recently, at an Apician dinner, given by a merchant prince, they were forthcoming. 'Jhey were very nice ; the violets taste uu they smell.

In liicbmond, on the 2od of April, a iie;:ro insi-tcd upon riding upon a street car. The conductor put him off, when seveial humlred neiirocs gather- ed and iiis-ieted lliat the man should ride, A strong force of p^dice ca.nc up, and the man wis arrested. Much excitement existed ;it the time.

The St. Uaul J'rcs.t states that the Commissioner of the (iencral Land Of- fice has tran.^mitted to the office at St. Peter, Minnesota, for examination. with the view of bringing the same into market, a preliminary list of lands ap- pearing vacant and lying within the limiis o( the late Lake Pepin Sioux Half-Hreed Ueserve, on the Mississip- pi river. The list embraces 22,500 acres.

I anrnrm rcrcfrlng tbo

l.cargest and Most Cumjjlete

stock of

Dry Goods,



Ilats^ Caps, ifec.

Ever Hrougbt to tlie Minnesota Valley,

and have coiuin<:nceJ


ofnl.icL fact all mjr old cu.--t()iuvr!i and tiic i>ub- lie gene tally

Will be satisfied by callin;:; and Exam- ining Uiy (toods. and hearing my i rices. *

«Ti;r bc«.iiig in luind uij motto of

Seiiiiii!: :Morvi: (JooJs for one

liOLLAU thati ANV

llou.sc ill the \'alley.

Isaac Marks.

Mankato, Minn., Nov. 26, ISGG ly

ijipoktant decision.

Aftprcir-fnl invcati;;aiion by comfietent jwil;;e« it h fi liter, fully atid fairly decided tLat Ibo beat jilace to |jnrel>:i.ie

DllY (iOODS,



und in fact any kind of Good", \s nt tbo Store of

R. M. Wilsoij

Next door 10 RICH.ARDFON?,



The fact is too manifest to be denied and too important to be disregarded, that the Republican party is rapidly e:?teQding its ramifications throughout the Southern States. In all of these States initial movements, more or less formidable, arc on foot for forming a compact party to cooperate with that organization.

U, S. Land OJItce.

^\in'lf1..^g.> City, Miun, April 23, 1^67. To IJii ijte' KliiH :

Ji'liii r Pmills bus tbi« day n)i|iticd for tlie Houtii e:i«t qiijirtcr of 'vctioii 2-1, town.>bi|i 11)2 nortb, ian;;;3 ,'U wont | it being tbo land you filod <»n. You arc hert'by notifu'd to be jiud nppoar nt thiii office on Sntunliiy ibe 2ith dny of June, ISfiT, at I o'clock p in, fii tbc pur|>o?c of giving tbe

sitting upon nothillL', bendillir forward i *^'"'«= mmtcr ;4 lair m.d i.nprtrtiiil invc.^tigal•on. " ^ ' = A. n. ItULMS. U.i4istir.

with t)»e arm extended to the tloor, till ' "• '^^- hollev, Ktctiver.

blows about the liead^ and ad violem

shakiuLT of children bv the shonMers, endangering,' their health, f-liould be avioded. The t- acher who resorts to sucli punishment, must be wanting in 2ood common sen^e.

U. S. Land Ol^ce.

Wisncbago Ciiy, Minn., April 25, ISC7.

To L.ijfiiyetto W Snow :

lloriu'c .\ raiuifj b.i!< thi^ d.'>y .Tpplicl for the e i 11 w 'ir of n w ^r n w ijr .uid lo. iio 1 section S, iowi;»Lip lOj nortb, rangu 2S tve.«t . it l>eiiig the la.ul joti filed on. Yoii ure lurot.y noiitied to be and r,p|'»«.ir at tbi»- ofliec on Monday tbc lOtb dav of .Ii.nc, ISfi", at 12 o'clock ui, for the

If the teacher asks vh.at kind of , j,,,,.^,^^.^-^^ ^,i,.i„^' .^^ ;,,.^,^ „,,(j„^ ^ ^^j^ ^„j

nun'-lhment ^ball be ilillicted, moral impartial invc*l:gaiion.

' A. n. nfM.IS. Rfgirter,

suasion or the ro \ I answer one <r both as circumstaaccs require.


The trial of John II. Surratt i.s ex pcctrd to take place next June.

II. W. HOLLEY, Uccclvcr.

U. S. Laud Ofiice.

An unofficial letter to the department in K )mo.

of Suite, dated Pari.i April 8th, from a prominent American, says there is no liope of averting a coUi&ion between France and Prussia. All mtdiating

AVinncbago City, iMiun, April 23, 1SC7. To I>:in'cl W Sqiiiro :

Chri.s'iHn Jobnion ha.'' this day .ipplied for

tSc «..iitb went quarler .'octLm 22, to»u-bip 101

nortb, range 2"* we.-il: it being the land yon filed

on. You are bcroby notilied to bu and appear At

. £^. , , _, 1 !• tbii! offi c on .Mond:;y tbe 27 day of May, isr)7,

Ihe Widow Ol Sir John rranklin is ^ 12 oVIock lu, for lbcpnrpo:ic of giving tbe

whole ui.ttter a fair and iinparnul inveciigatiou. A. n. lUM.lS, U.p.Mfr, II, W. nOLl.KV, Kocelvor.

Garibaldi is writing his memoirs, to be published posthum(jUely.

One (.'bippewa Chief was fatally stab- bed by aiKjther I hief at La Crosse, re-

congrcsses vr'iW prove a.^ fuMlo as the i ceutly.

©no which met to avert war between Prui«sia and Aiis'ria

Vera Cruz letters cm firm the cnp ture of PupVla by the Liberals by as

The annual rejiort of the Methodist Hook Concern .-shows a profit of over *:i0.oOO.

The peojde of Fa'ibnult ."re taking

sault, on tbe 2d iiist. Dii/ lost about i steps to build a new school house this

2 COO killed and wounded. Tbe Im Summer, to co.st «2r>,000.

pcrialists lost ab.mt 1,000 No quarter | ,^,,^^ eommon school fund of Indiana

vas given. Diaz sent a force agiiust I j^ ^,.,.j^i^.,. i|,.^„ .^r^i ^.f .i„y other Steite,

Vera Cruz, and expected it would ca j^^;^,,^ s7,0U0,O00.

p>tii1ate. The Inr.erlalists m.de an | ,^.,"^, ^^^^^^^.^ ^^ j^^.j,^ ,.j.^j,^^ .^^ ^^^^

Dissolutiun of Co- Partnership.

The firm of UoiInU & De.nrborn i.« this day di.'<.«olv«.d by mutual con»ent. The >aid M. Dear- born will pay all deiiiandy and collect all account* due sniii firm.

C. A. COTTKELL. M. DEAUBOKX. Winnebago Cily, April KWh. l,sr>7. \. 1! - IJuj-iness will hereufler bo curried on at the ol<i stand by M. Dcurburu. u26w;S

other sor'ie from Queictora, and were defeated.

count y, are e\cite<l over a discovery of saline water, in sinking a well tluTJ. Tbe ('«»iniuirt>ionor of the (Tcncral y^^^, Paragtnjan war continues, and Land Ottiee b.is transmitted to local , Qj,,..,j,.,i(y ],.j^ j-i^od a second bombard- olhces at VVinneba^o Cit> and St. l'eter» jj^^.^^ ^j^. ^j^, iJ.aziliau.s.

Minnesota, lists of land approved to tn* Slate by the Secretary of the In- terior, as jnnving thereto under act of Sept. i, 1841, gran ling r>00,000 acres to each Stare for wo:•k^»■ of internal im provement. These lists emhr.ic c in the a;.'gfegate 25-,0'j->,0} acres.

A colored in.lividual named Ash w elected one of the commissioners of Plymouth X. C, at an election held iheie recently. He is considered one ol ihfl best selections that ciHiId have been u\.\*\", Jind as a part of liis p(dicy, he hits iteolaryd that he will opjio^e the nrining of thy \,Giir<j*'» ^•J'' ^^'•^** ^''^'Y uiiLihi shoui u negiO ttmduutally, in Blcad of a white n.an.

An <5.\ped.iion is Lein- oigaijl/.id % tlio State Department tu txolore L'ust 8ian .\merieo, and acquaint our peopo wih the value of their recent acquisi tion. It 'v'lil sta-t about the first of m.

.1* I two hemispheres

the i ioeynt month. nwoncuii

The New York Methodists ar>k tbe worM to discoura^^c the practice of " playing ihost; «;amcs which do not tend tofiodliness."

A Washington letter .says it is believed the Supremo Court will decide prompf- )y to dismis:; the Georgia and Mississippi bills.

Aj l)iications for baiikruj)t positions ;ire coming so thick that Chief Justice ('base will not be able to complete the labor of fielection for two nK)nths.

A long time ago, a little boy twelve years old" on his way to Vermont, stop ped at a country tuvern and paid for his lodgings and breakfast by sawing wood instead of asking' it as a gift. Fif- ty years later the s laie boy pased the same little inn as (Jeorge Peabody, the banker, ^^'Uo^e pamc is the synonym of

a-niticent charities -the honored of



We .-^re now in operation and arc i>rc]inrcd to take wool lo niciuifucture by tbe yard or on ."bares, into ('j.ssiiiiore.<, Twi.eds, Flan.iel.-i, Dlnn- kets and Stockini: Yarn. We aI:'o bavo m largo asjortmpiiit of Doulilo and Twiclcil Ca.ssiinercs, be- sides lb)! above mentioned goodn to exchange for Wool on


Wo are ready to ?jdn and card U<dl<, ]<'ull and Pre.-.-' Clotb, iiroinplly and in goo<l Fbapf. For particiilar.-^, ."ee eircnla'S. Feel-.ng cunliilcul we can suit yon, pb n.-e give un a call. Your.-', truly,


rro.'ton, April 13th, 1867.

P. .'^. The n>(Ovc (5ood.-s will be kept sn band at John 15. I'Mwanln', two uiilivs wc.-'t of Winnv- lago City, lu exchange for wool or *ell on reas- onable terms and at Fm't'try pri<•e^^. Pcr.?onij wi.'-bin)( wool manufactured, rpinniiif;, Carding Ol Cloib Dre.-'hin;^ done, will save cxpcnsa by Xeigbbora collecting their wo<d to;;ether and 1' ndin>; one p«r.«on with it, and to will attend to it Us well if you brought it yo»rsulve:«,


U, S. Land Office.

Winneha;^o City, Minn., April 22, 18o7. To William M. Kniglit

Forsteii Lar-'ifMi bar! this day applied for tbe pouth ea^<t quart«r of section 22 township 103 north, range 2.j wc.st ; it being the land you filed f)n. You are hereby notified to be and ftpi»car at tbi.<i otlice on Salurda"^, the 26 day of May, IM)7, at ten o'clock A. M., fortlie pnrjio.se of giv- ing tho whole matter a fair and impariial iures- ti';atiou.

A. n. Bin.LL«? Rcjji.sttr, Jl. W liOLLEY. Rocoivcr


njm M a»EHA^f & co. pros.

Ojipositc (.Tifton House,

Ma."kat.o, Miuuesota.

Our tablc.H nro nf^wand aro t»f tbe LcbI make Cooii cig.irs uud liquors at the bar. 4'Jyl

Vegetable Sicilian



As the name indicate?, not only rexews lh<^ growth of the hair when thin .lud fnlliu^ off, buV positively rtntica the color to y^« origin.'il ^tado when it is turning g'^y or white, wLe^^r caused by Uiscaac, J^icf or jlJ agp.

It will ccrtaiflL7 do what is cilfrrncd for it, a fact to which Vmdrods, B^ thousands, who have used it, ^o reaJy and willing to testify. "Where oneT^t^^is fairly u.-^ed, in any community, itsj^eputation "spreads like wild fire," ai^T iXthe best advertise- ment and recom^cndaVin wo des'ire. In the Ea.«!tern StyCs, whcreVie "REXEWEK" originatod, Jme young laXea u^e it as a hair dre.^j^g ; it ia foun\on the toilet tables oC^ung men, (also tt;\ioir barbers), while^Idcr men and womenVbo desire a Renmbtr and Res(oratii>e for thci\grpy locks an/a bald heads will not be w-^out this •riiclc, waich givc« in every iust^^e, en- lifc BCtisfaction.


T>oi/t ift nny <lI■ll^;|.;i^t or il<-il'>r urpe ni>rin roit a tlifTcreiit •rti<'l<», iw thora i.< no jirej^r.-itititi In tlir wt:rIJ Uko tliis, liuwtiru uf any article |jur|iortuiK to Ui»

Try IIAr.I/.SlI.VIU KE.NKWEK acccnllng to I)ir«- ti'Mit, lui'l y<>n It ill uiM iv) cither.

If i> >t aol.l Kl druf;i;MU iu yi-'ir t<>T*n. a trial t^'ltla will ho p«-nt T<>« t>y (>x(>r«>M, ujxii r»>c«'ijit ofitn' linUsr %j nukU, tlitM cIvinK V'^u an i>|>|><«tiuiily at t/ture of l«»tini;t1M »xrrTl<>!it qi'Mintl.-«i.

Orderi: fot trui l<udtt uktist Af\anamA ^

C A. COOK, tutca^o.

fl«nT A^jwiT for Northwisstarn State*, R. P. It ALL A CO.. Ampii^'ru. Niuflinft. N. H. Bold at T> nOI.KSALK, In tfllm/^, by FULLKR, fl^CTI k KUtLKR, UirBMI.Oi:? *rTAN SCHAACK, I>OKD k H.MITII, sunn A DWYER, J. II. EKED k 00.. CUAS. G. fMITir, PIKTZSCII, HI/JCKI k CO., Ii PCOVTL, \f . D. Q AKRIS ft 00, TOST ft BADBAT7, aa4 kgr drusgiita aad d«ftlen (onorony.

where more Goods can be had for o"o dollar than any other

in Faribault County.

K. M. WTLSOX. v4n21tf pr N. W. Saugext.

April .'ith, 1867.

WANTEI)— A(;KNTS~SCHOfJL TEACH EHS, CLEKGVAIEN, to take orders for our new woik,

Cnr.IST AND T»1E TWELVE, Edited by DR. J. G. IIOLLAM),

Author of "Jiife of Lincoln," 'Tiin)thy Tit- coinb'i Lcttet.s" "JJittcrt=\vfct," etc,

Agents alroaily in the field me taking from fifty lo one hundred order.? per v.-ek. No other bo((k now jmhli.-bed .«'j11.< so r:4. .'y. Largc.-t couiuii.«sion given to Agents?, lor tcnnrs und territory apply to C II AKLE.-; BILL, Chicago. III. ' v4nlS

U. S. Land Office.

a, -,. Winnebago City, Minn, ilarch 28 18CT To ThouiaH II Dredge :

Edgar Trompcr bu.i this day applied for tho .s e qr no (jr und n e qr s o qr sea 10 township 10;, north raugo 29 wc.st, it being the land you ^'A'i"°'..:^"V° ^"■'"^^y notified to be and ap

P^".*VcrV' "Pr" ""^ Hatnrday the 27 day of April, 1. 07, at 1 p m. for tbo purpose of giving the whole mattu a fuir and impartial iuvcstiea

A II Uiilli.s, Rcgistor " V; lloUey, Rcccir(

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Miun, April 2d 1867 To James Toner :

David M .l.:(;k.-on has thi.s ilay rpplicdfor tbe n w (jracc '.M iov/n.'hi|) 102 north range 2'J west it being tho land yon filed on. Y'ou aro hereby notified to be and appc.nr at thi.? office on Friday the 3 J day of May, 1^07, at J 2 ui, for the pur- jpo.'c of g'vinjr tlie whole matter a fair and im- partial iuve: tigaiioQ,

A. 11. BULLI.S, Ro-i8i*r. II. W.HOLLLY, Ueceiver.

U S Land Office, Winnebago City. Minn.,Marfh r.l, 18C7. To Hugo WallinuUcr.^ii D Urown has ibis day applied for the s w (jr of sec 14 town 101 range 2^5, it being the land you filed on You ar^j hereby notifiee to appear at t.M.^ office on .Satur- day the20lh day of April 1S67 at 12 m, for tho purpose of giving the wholo matter a fair and iui[)artial invejtigation.

a h buUis- register h w Lolley receiver

U 6 land office winnebago city minn March 19th IS<37 To Oriii L Tread well— ii D lirown ha.'this day ajiplied for the s w fjr of ace 20 town iOi north ran'.,'e T.\ weist, it beiug the land you filed on You are hereby notified to be and appear at this ofl'ico on Saturday tho 20th day of April next at 12 m, for tbe jiiirpose of giving tlio whole mat- ter a fair and impartial inveetigation.

^2j -A II Bullis Register

II W Hollcy Reccciver

Livery Sta!>le !


Would rospectf dly inform tbe public that they hnveopcnod » first class" Livery Stable in Winno^ bago t'iiy, where good 'est.iblisbinents" can be ha<l at all tiiuc.«, d ly or night. I'a.^.'-engcrs ar- riving by stage carricii to any ptdiit desired.

Stable and Office just back of tha Kew Labtist Church.

Winnebago Gj'y, Jan. 10, LSC7.

" \\i Xis' E jTa u o ~1ji t V ~




Patent Medicines, Paint?^, Oils, and Dvc-StiiHV, Kerosene Oil, Lamps, Pertuniery and Fancy Articles.

U. S. Land Office.

ATinncbago City, Minn., April 22, 1S67. To Patrick J lirady :

John 1*. Hird ha» tbi.< day npplied for the north westfjunrtcr occfion 21, township 102 north rango 31 west: it being Ihe land you filed on. Y'ou aro hereby notified to be and ai>(icnr at thi.s office on Saturday, the26tli daj'of May, lsr)7, at I p. in .for tbo jiurpoJ?© of giving tbe whole mat tcr £ fair und impartial investig.Tlion,

A. II. niLM.**. ItcKistcr, H. W. HOLLKV, Ueccivcr.

L. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, Apiil 9tb, 1367. To Philip Rurchit :

George Nnit bai> tbisi day applied for tbe douth CH.st qr-seo 2S tuivnibip 102 north, ra*)ge 29 we.«t ; it being tbo land you filed on. You are hereby notified to bu and npp.^r at this ofifico on .Mond.iy the l.'Ub day of May iSfir .it 1 p m for the purpose of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial invc:<tigation.

.\. IT HT-T.LI" r-iTiBter, H. W. ilOLLiSV.UeceUcr.


Tlic Woi-ld^'Astonished


Made by tlie (jieat Astrologist, MADAM II. A rEIlIUGO.

She reveals ."i^crcts no mortal ever knew. She restores In hnpitincK lliose wlin, from (lolcfiil events, ciLtstro- l<litii, croKs in love, loss of rel.ations and friends, loss of miiiii'v, .Cc, have hecnine despondent. She hrinps '«- Kcthcr tIio.se long scj'arated, gives Information coiicern- \ui: ahseiit friends or lovers, reslorts lost urslcden prop, eriy, tells you the Uusiness vjo are best i|ii:ililied to pur- sue and in what you will be most slice >S8fiii,ci'U'<i's ."jpce- dy nurriu^'et< and tells ynii the very day you w ill ir.arry, K'ivcs you the iniiiie, likciie.ssjintl cliaracterletics of the person. Slic reads your very tliouu-bts, and by hir Jil- inost snpernalnral powers unveils the dar": and hidden mysteries of t.lie future. From the st.-iis wc si-e in the firmament— the mab-lie slar-ithif overcome or )>redonii- natein Ihe coiifiKUratiou— from theatpecis and positions of the planets and Ihe fixed .stars in the time of birth, 4he deduces the fiilufe destiny of man. Fiiil not to con- snH the jrreal est Astcolo^'ist on .->;irt,h. It e.>.sts you but a tritle, und yo» may uiver af;»in have s*> favoroUe an npp .rtunity. fonsulialion free, with likeness and ,ill desire.l information, One Dollar. l',-.rtles livinjr at a <lis lance can consult the Madaiii by mail with ecpial snfity and (iaiisfaelion lo thems.lves, as if in person. A fuil and explicit chart, w.-itlen out, w'f't all in(]niri. s an- swered und likeness enclosed, sent bv inaiV on leeeipt of iniee abov,- m.nti.iiied. The utriclest seciesv will be maiiit.ain 'd. and all ccirreN-^)ndeiwe rcturne<l ..r di [.troy cd. References .if Ihe hi^'hest order fiirnishhed those dcoiringlUem. Write plainly liie day of tbe month and year in woU.h yon were born, enclo.sinfi a small lock of hair. AdvArKS,

MADAM.V II. A. T'KURIGO. v4nlSf1 p. 0. DrawarJH:!, Buffalo, N. T.

Pure Liquors.

TunAcco and Cigaus,

School Books and Stationery.

Blank Books, Diaries, ^lemo- I'anda Books, Letter, Cap, and Note Papers, Pens, Pencils, Su- perior Ldv, anJ otlier articles kept by Druggists Generally.

Winnebago Cily,

C. J. FAr.LKY.


U land office winnebago ••ity ininn March ]9fb 1S()7 To George II Porter: II I> I5ro\vn ha.s lhi.« day applied for the sw (jr .=cc 12 town.'hip 101 n<irth, range 21! west, it being tbe land j-ou filed on. Y'ou are hereby notilied lo bo and appear at this olPce on t^aturday tho 20th day of .\pril 1SG7 at 12 .M for tbe purpo.-e of giving the whole mat- ter a fair and impariial investigation.

a h biillis register h w hidlcy raceivcr

IT SLandOflTico, Winnebago Oily. Minn, Mar, 22, isr)7. To Wm. P. Mason:— Geo M Potter ba.s this day applied ♦'or the .«outh we.«t quarter of section thirty lour township one b.unircd ami four rango 150 it being tke land you filed on. Y'ou are hereby notified lo be and ajipear at thi? office on Patarday the 2llth dsy of Ajtril 1807, nt 2 o'clock p in, for tbf purpostj of giving she whole matter a fair and iinpurtial investigation

A. II. Rullas Kegittcr. II. W. Ilolley Register.

U. S. Land Officx^.

AVinnebago Cily, Minn., April 11, 1SC7. To Wm V Stone .

hila«! Piieb:ird?.on has tbi? d .y .Tppljed lor the north west ((u.arter. section 20 t( -isliip 101 north, range 29 west; it lu-ing tho i: "d you filed on. You aro hereby notified to be .mil ajipear at this office on Saturilay tho 11 ih day of .day, 1807, ai 10 o'clock a tn, for the pur))oso of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial iiivcsti;;ation.

A. 11. lULMS, Ke^,'i^ter, II. \V. 1101,1, KY, lieceiver.


GEOROE E. NELfsoN, Proprictf.r.

'])!cj,lJUU «t«'"«^^il '1'^

made by nny one with oobi No experience

nelsesury. The l*ro*-ident.s, Ga«bier.'», <ind Trens-

u^cri of ■"nbiiiks irdorso tie circular. Pent frc?

with .«:.!npb s. Adilre.=<: the Atneviean Ptenoit

Tool w»rk8,'Springfiold, Vcriuoht;

Litpiors of all kinds. Cream

. Ale and Lager Uecr, constantly on hand.

Oysters, Lobsters, Peacltes,

P.lackberrics, Kaspberrics, and Caxnec Fnun.« of all kinds.

l^lain and Fancy Candies, and

Xnts fjom every clime.

Winnoba-o City, Feb. 27, ISCr. vlnlStf

U SLandOificc, Winpebago City Minn. Mareb 19, 1806 To Joseph More : John L Richard- .son baa this day .npplied for the n i sw i and a i n w quarter of section 20 town.'hip 102 north range 29 wt.'t. It being tbc land you filed on. You are h'ireby notified to be and aj'pear at tbi.i office on Satnnlsjy th^ 20ih day of April, 1S67, at 12 M for the purjiose of giving tbe whole mat- ter a fdi"" and iniijartial investigation.

A II iJuUis, Register II W Ilolley Receiver

U S Land Olfice Winnebago City .Minn. March lith 1867. To Marcelln? P.. Gardiner :— John D Maxwell has this day abplied for the cast half of the north west ipjarter and th nortb half of the north cast fpiarter of section ten, township 101 rangtr2j it being the land yc.u filed on Y'ou are hereby notified to be and appear at this ofifico oil Mijiiday the l.'>th day of April 1867 at one- o'clock p m for the purjio.-e of giving the whole matter tt fair and itrpariial investigation

A 11 liullis Megisler H W Ilolley Receiver,

™U S Land Office Winnebago City Minn. March 16lb, lHe7. To Fug<,ne R. Burnett :—Mi.-*s Elbt R. Nickcrson has tlii? day applied for tbe south e.n.<t quarter se<'tion lour, township 10.} North, Range T), it lioing the land you filed on. Y'ou aro hereby notified to be and appear at fhi.? f-fTico on Wednesday tbel7tli day of April next, at 1? o'clo'.k a m for tiio piirp'sc of giving the wholb- mattera fair and impartial investigation A II Dulli<= Register, H W Ilolley Receiver.

U S Land Ofiice, Winnebago City. Minn., Mar. i:Uh, 1S07. To J(din H Code:— II. S. Manning had this day applied for the south west fjunrter of section 22 town 101 range twenty- three, it being the lanil you Clod on. Y'ou are hereby notified to be an-i ajipoaral this office on Saturday the 22d day of April 1867, at 12 o'clock m., for tbe i)urposc of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial investigation. A 11 Rullis, Rcgi.-ter. II W Ho'dey, Receiver.

U S Land Ofiice. Winnebago^ €Iity. BTinn., March loth. 1806. To Emire Eliendson :— Will iam Case} has thi.s way appli" 1 fo: the south east riuarler north east fjnartcr and north east (|uarter of south west -juartr.r of -pr-tifu six. township KUl range 9, it being tbe bind you ai*(f on. You are herel>y notified to be and appear at ihi- oihee on Monday the 22d day of .April. 1807 at 10 o'clock a m. for the purpost* of giv ing tbe whole matter a fair and impartial iuvexii gallon .•\ n Ridli*. Rejisfcr. IT W llo'ley. Recei\er

U, S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, April 1st, 1S67. To Harvey iC Landers:

Silas Ilieh.ir'lson liastiris day applied for the II w qr sec S township 102 north, range 29 west, it beinj the land yon filed on. Y'ou aro hereby notilied to bo and ppi'tar nt tnis oflSce on Mon- day tue Cih di-.y of May. 1807. at 12u*clAkm. ' f r the pur; o>e of giving tbc w^oie mnttei a. fair and impartial investigation

A II Buliis, Register 11 W Ilolley, Receiver

U. S. Land Ofiice, Winnel'Stro Cily, Minn., Mar. 22, 1866. To Chns. M Fessend-n ;' Hogr. Gaulr has this day applied for the wr.<i l.Hif ..t lo: t'l east quarter and eus' half o! north wesi quariei sec»i •. .'.ii, township one hundred and lour range 20, west, it being the land you filed on. You aro hereby notified to be and appear at ihl.«; ofiice on V'edncsda}', tlie 2oth day of April 1867, at one o'clock P. M. for tbe purpose oi givinc: the whole matter a fair and imp.Tr;if.l in- vc.;igat:on. A. II. Rullis. Register, IT. W. Ilolley. F«^cciver,

U. S. LnvA Office.

Winnebago t'iiy, Minn., April 6th, 1867.

To S.-.muel McCUy :

Albert H. Parker has tb-s day applied for the n i nw or sec 12 and s i sw qr sec 1 township 101 north. r.inge 27 west; it being the land y u filed on. a on arc hereby notified to be and appear at this ofRce on Wednes iny. the Sth day of May. 1807, at 11 o'clock a m, for the i)uipo»e of giving the whole matter a fair i^nd impar;ial investigation.

A. II. RrLbIS, Register, II. W. UOLLEY, Ueceiver.

U S Land '^fTlcc. Vinnobagr* City, Minn.. Feb 2r.tb, 1807. To Erastus Bowen.— Mr OrisD. French, ba« this day applied for the south east (piarter section 24 township lO.i range tbirfy-tne we?t, it being the land you filed oi.. Y'ou are iicreby notified to be and apjn.arat this office on Wednesday the 27thday of March. 1867, at ten o'clock a in. for the jiurpose of giving the whidc matter a fair and impartial investigation AH Rullis, Register, Ii W Ilolley, Receiver,

r S I.md Olnc". Winnebago City M':in., March 1st 1867. To r!,iirles H. Francisco. Myron W. Howe has thie day .ipjilied for the north west (p>arte.5 oX section 20 township 102 range twenty- three we.«t, it being tbe land you filed on. Youare hereby notined to be and ai)per at this ofDce on Wednesday the ?" day of April, 1867, at ten o'clock a m, for the purpose of givrng the Aihole matter a fair and imparti.il investigation. A 11 Rullis, Register, h W Ilolley, Receiver.


Winnebago City, Minn., April J?,, 1S67. To WiUiiin R iMinn :'

James L. Cook ba.-« this day .ipplio i for the south i south east i .secli'Mi ji- ;i: 1 south % south west i section 20 town.^iiip 101 north, range 2i west ; it being the laml you filed on. You are here- hv notified lo be and appear at this office on Frir d;iy tho 17 day of .May. 1807 nt 9 o'clock a m. for tho purpose of giving the whole mattcra fair and Impartial investigation.

A. II. r.rLT.lS, Register, II. W. IIOLLKY, Receiver.

U. S. Laud Office.

Winneb.igo City, Winn, April 3d, 1SC7. To Mnry A Cornish :

Jonathan Shejiard has this day app1t»«d for tbe n e qr n w qr and nw qr n cqr sec 6 township 101 range 29 and s w qr s e qr and 8 e qr s w qr sea XI townslii() Ili2 north, range 29 west; it being the liMul yon fiied on. Y'ou aro hereby notified to be and appear at this ofiice on Saturd^^y tho Iltn day of May 1 807 at 1 o'clock p m. for the purpose of giving the whole mutter a fair and '\m

partial invtisligatlon.

A, n. Iiri.LIS. Rcg!«t«r, H. rt. UOLLLY, Heceisei.










WiNNEBAQo City, May 1, 18G7.


Oongrerational -"^erviren every S»'>l)atli in the hpw tjcho )1 House, at 11 o'duck A.M., and 7 o'clock P. M.

Rer. B. W. MEUIULL, P«stor.

Baptlst--Sor\ ici ' every allernatc S.ahhAth in the baptist Church, at 11 o'clock A. M., and three Sundays in each month nt 7 I*. M.

Rov. E. STILLMAN, P.-i?tor.

NoTii-K. Ail thojc induhteil to me, are herehy notified that tboy luust call iintnediatoly and set- tle, either hy cssh or n<itr, ns I eimnot carry on my husincss unless scttlomonti' are made more freqiently. C. J. PAULEY.

26 w 2

Mathodiat— Services Kvory alternate SnM>nth in the liitotist Church, at 11 o'clock A M., and ono Suaday in each month at 7 o'clock 1'. M. lUv. A. S.riiriUUCK, Pastor.

The Ferry »t Uuiiliam'b ford is all rigltt.

The groat secret ot success in buFi- ncs9^ is to get "the rin.£j of the tnu 97ittal -Priyiter's Zinc."

Considerable wheat has been so^-n^ but the ground is not so seedy :ie it will bj in a week hence.

The ftr.><t number of tlie first P^Iucu- tional Journal of Minnesota is to be issued during the |)re8ent mouth. It will be edited by Wni. W. I'ayne, Ks<)., Supcriiiteiuk'Jit ot schools in Dodge county, and entitled the ^J/inficsota Teacher." The terms of the Ttuchcr will bo one dollar and lifly cents fur the year, and the addtcssot VIr. Tayne will be Mantorville.

A monthly journal doyotod exclu- sively to the interests of popular edut-a tion, isjust the thing needed in this State, and we predict for it a marked Through a mistake of our own, last ^^,,,.,, .^j,,. enterprise leecives t'ne week, Mr. Carpenter was mentioned as ' honrty commendation of the State Su-

"Now dance the lights ou lawn aud lea."

The prairie fires at uight, ligliting the border of our seeming Pioleraaic world, present a magnificent appearance.

Burbank's Stage Company have ngain resumed their coaches on the lines running into Winnebago, and the reign •of mud is nearly over.

Mark H. Dunnell, Ksq , entered up on his duties asSupeiintendeut of I'ub- lio Instruction in .Minnesota en the *-d ult., bringing to his otlico a lar;;e expe- rience acquired in a position of a like cliaracter eUewhere. Mr. Dunnell will devote his entire time to the discharge of his duties, and will organize Teach- er's Institutes in ev«ry (bounty where it shall bo found practicable.

The School Commissioner of Fari- bault County is on the look out, and it is quite probable that we sh:ill have an Institute during the coming autumn

^/// that wo have in our midst one of tho siij>portiuj: pillars of our political ff.bric. It i- the «U'«ign of the Trus- tees to m.ike this scIidoI such as will afford superior inducements and advan- tages to siudentB from abro d.

Tliu attention of <.ur readers \* called to Iho Adverii^eineuts in another colmaii of Mcr'srs. Heryer, Shutts k Co., Gheini.st!>, Troy, N'. Y. Tluy arc iiianufactiiirri of. and a>:cnt<! for. some of t'>o most »aiu:ihlo T diet |>rep:ira(ioDri in use. I5y tlicir une all m;iy lusiipss a ciciir, Jiinooili skin, or a hcnltliy and luxuriant growth of ba<r upon the head oi race. Tho^'e of our readers having; UHc for an^'thiiit; uf the kind, would do well to

patrouizu theiu.

. -J.

Messrs. ('lark <t Co., Chcinists, r^raciiso, N. Y., would call ntfeiiti'>n to their advertisements in anotlirr C"hiiiin, hi-adcd "Rviiarator Cajiilli," "Cri^'l•cr Coma," and "Circassian Balm." These, undoulitcdly, are the most perfect and eflicaciouH articles of the kind ever offered the American public. To nnhclievcrs, wo wculd sny, "try them an<i ho convinced.''



Wonderful but True. \ SPECIAL NOTICES.


Warranty Deeds,

^t.An.'M l!K ir.imV'.N. the worl 1 reimwii..! A^fml f^i"! ai/il t^iiii.iiiiiilii :»!;<• <lniiv<.i»ut, '.,1 ilc in a cl.ir M>y:in( »t>if.-, iMt!ii;ii..r<|lir v<i\ feiit..n.' ..f the ji. r.^/i .Villi i:n- l„ ini.iry, an. I l>y lli.-;4i.l ..fiui ii.51 nin:e!il of in •iii.-n J.' W(•r.l<n<.^v•■ IS IM.- I'sy.l.oiiiotri.!,.-. km ii-iiitr.-.- fo proiliice )k |M!, rot and i.filikc |ii< tort- of ti.e lumn Jiti 'l:ni vl or wif<' ort)i<- ;)i.;jlic.iii t, Willi ilnie of m«rrii»Kf. occuiiiitioii , Ic.'uliiiff tliiils «f cliarac'cr, Ac. Thin is in iiiil>n'iti'in, as Ifsliiiiniiial!" nlHi'.nt ninnlitT c^iii iiHsirt. Ily .'t«tii:i,' i>l:.rf of biitli, «!;■•, ili>j)'(^itiiiii, color of yyvj", hair, nml eiiclconiiif? fift.T rents, aii'l Kfaiiijii-il i-Tivi-io;,.' ad'Iri'sccd to your^c!'", .voii will pr.-ivf l!i«- pictiiri- h^ return innll, tOKi-tIi<T with dcjirt'l inforniHilon.

A.l.lrciis in CiifKl, I..V, M AllA.M Cl.KTIMDI

UKMINJiTON, I'. O. I);).l Two liUii-iicti ami MsKty Bcvi-ii, W.-^t Troy, N, V. vli.lsyl

Mortgage Deeds,

J^5^A YoiJXO Ladv roturnintr t^

nrr country )iom<', nftcr a soj.,urn of a few uionllis in tin city, w.>s i'lar.lly noojjniie.l \<y Iter friends. In |>la<t of a cour-^, rti-lic, l!inln;<l fact-, .'lie Ji^d a ^oft rtihy coin- pl-xion of almost niarljlc sinootliiicss, and instead <■'. Iw' iitv-tlirto fhe rrally apiK'aaoJ bui tiirlitt>*n. U|)rii inouiry a»t<i tin; ciu'i of so i,'riat a <|ianf.'<.-, ^lle ))laiiil> to!d tliom OiHt (die had usfd tin- «;ir<'H«^loil Itullll and coiisiddi-d it an invrliidu- aiiiuisition to any Lady: toilet. I(y its u^e any lady or ^'tIllI(•IIlan cm imi.r.ivi lliftr iicrsonai hpix-.aranc- an linndr<-d f<dd. It is xiinpl. in its ^oinlmiat'on, a-s Nature li<i-s> If is .simple, yet unsm i

IK. I '

being a Route Agent of the American

perintendeiit of I'tiblic Instructiun, and

Express Co. It should have been ^.^ ^^^^ ^.gg^.^ed that amoncr the lovers


of education in Faribault county, a large list of subscribers \yill be lound ready, and more than willing to i>ay

Bailey Madison is hard at work on Bullis' new house, which is to cost about #1,500, «nd will be situated on ! ^^'O subscription price of this journal one of the five acre lots just south of i** adcancCy not only to encoura^ie the the town. . unaertaking, but to keep themselves advised p<irticularly of the education-

The first day of M.ay brings us iis al advancement in the North Star

blessing in the shape of a Drayman's oart. Hereafter the Kuf.e IIomesTk.vi) Office will be lound on Cleveland St , one door west of Richardson's store.

A Mr. "Wright of .Austiw was killed by an accident on the McGregor and Western Railroad, April ITlIu Mr Wright was only twenty-live years old, a *iigfiiy respected citizen, and leaves a iamily to mourn his loss.

State. Subscriptions left ot this ofhce will be forwarded immediately, rr we will fmnish one copy of the Fuee IIoMKSTK.vn and ^Jlhutvsofu Tcncht r* one year, f -r two dollars and fifty cent.s

Mr. Pelsey, tlie School Commissiun- •er, informs us that the examinations of Teachers were po-^tponcd on account ' of the bad roads, which rendered it ah- ! solutely impossible f r him to meet his '

WiNSKBAGo CiTV, April 29, 1S67.

The winter term of the Wiiinebniro City school, imdcr the su[)erinten<k'nce ot S. D. Potter, assisted by Mi.<s Kinma Richardson, has just closed its session. I he upjx^r room only of the new .school house ha** been occupied the past win- ter, consequently great inconvenience has been experienced from the nocessi- I ty of having two recitations going on

, rr. I at the same time; an inconveiiieiice

engagements. The appointments as thev L, , .„ , , . ., ,

„,„ „. 1 .,, , . J , , .- ; that will liereatter be avoided, .-is llio

now stand will be found elsewhere in ' , , .^ , , ,

.,. , otiier rooms are 10 be tmished and made

this column. , ^ , .

ready tor use during tbe spriii;; vaca-

For two weeks past the weather has ! "^"' been as independent an.l saucv as a '^^'^ f^chools, like other portions of yankee boy, just before he is to' take a j "'''' communities, rccpi.re a little time whipping with a new pair ot pantaloons | ^^ ^^ ";='^''' homogc-nious, and this as-

similating process impo cs an additional


■"Dip down upon the noithern <<hore, 0 sweet new year, del.iyin^; long ; Thou doest expectant naiHre wrong, Delaying loop; delay no more."

tax Upon ilie teachers j)atience and la'oor. All things considered, !Mr. Putter is worthy of great credit for the successful manner in which he has eonducted the school in this village;

D. W. Fuller, who was recently po- litely escorted to jail by Richardson, | \,u wan conntenanco bears evidence to very ungenerously turned the cold the truthfulness of his own statements

shoulder on his friends who were board mg hira free of charge, and without th^ •lightest intimation to his 'Miost" of his intentions, dropped through the back door, and emerged into a cold hearted world, whore it became necessary for him to shirk for him.self. IIo has sue cecded so well in doin/j this, that the authorities have no knowledge of his whereabouts.

The Zady^s Friend ^or May has a very prettv and pleasant Steel Enj^rav- ing entitled "The Recognition," Music, ''Isn't it Provoking ?" Steel Fashion Plate, Toilet for the Opera. Ball Dre.«8, Evening Dress, Catalane Bonnet, Little Boy's Pantaloon.'', Girl's Jackets, tfco.

A beautiful Steel Engraving, called "One of Life's Happy Hours," will be Bent gratis to every single $2,50 sub- Bcriber, and to every person sending a club.

The public examination of Teachers for Commissioner Districts three, four and five will be hebi as follows, to wit :

District No. 3, Comprising the towns of Walnut Lake, Brnsh Creek, Foster and Seeley, at the Walnut Lake School House, Wednesday, May 8 th.

District No. 4. Comprising the towns of Winnebago City, Verona and Guthrie at Winnebago City, Saturday, May 4th.

District Xo. 5. Comprising the towns of Barber, Lura and Minnesota Lake, at the Claggett School House, in Lura, on Tuesday, May 7th.

The examination wi41 be conducted by written and oral questions and an- fiwers.

A. H. PELSEY, Couafj -SuperiutoudeDt of Coaiu»ou J?claool«.

of his exhausting labors.

There have been eii'htv-sevcn schol- ars in attendance the past winter, one class in analapys, one in rhetoric, one in natural philcsopliy, three in grammar, four in written arithmetic, and two in mental, f<»ur classes in geograjdiy, in- cluditig map drawing, seven in read- ing, six in spelling ; thirty-eight pupils have attended to jiennianship, and weekly rhetorical exercises have been given thcrn during the term.

Too rutle interest is takrn in onr common schools, resulting, probably from the inadequate ideas the people generally have of their importance.— Notwithstandiufr our numerous well endowed colleges, seminaries and hi^h schools, our common schools, including those graded, are tJui sohools ol the country ; here the ina.«8 of our citizens, are educated ; these are tlie mints in which the grand circulating, intelcctu al medium of the nation is coined for common use. All oth-r instil utions must, of course, rest on these as their foundation.

'J he citizens of Winnebago City have demonstrated their appreciation of the value of common school education by the erection of so expensive and com- modious a building for tl.'C benefit of the rising generation. If their plan for a graded school is correspondingly car- ried out, as it probably will be, South ern Minnessota will not contain a supe- rior institution. The building alone would be an ornament and an honor to any town in the State.

It is hoped that its bell will soon be sending its cheering tones over the vil- lage, summoning the youth to its crowd- ed halls, and reminding us more audi-

lixid III, C.rlijirah- «/ Her. It. T. Flunlin.

To Du. IlosTKTTKtt :

/hiir Sir : Tlii.i I? to certify that I wa.s taken with ilio dy.tprpjia a year ago last Mar h, and, for a period of eighc months, was ouo of the moat tuiserahlc creature.s you over behiM, not being ahle either to eat, drii;k or sleep, and Wa.S com- pelled to walk the floor ince.isantly. I was ncArly deprired of my rea-'on, and hope had entirely left me, all the eflortu made for my recovery hav- ing provc'l fruitless.

iJy the first of Novenihcr, tS65, I had become so wciik and feeble that I coiiid f<c!ircoIy utand alone, and, to .all appearance, would poon die. At this time (having; r"ad your advcrliuemetit,) wj wife prevailcil u\iou mo to try your JJitters, A. bottle was procure 1, and, i«tr.in^c fo .say, I soon c iinincnced recovering. I have taken four bot- tles, and am enjoying as giod health now as could bo expected for one of my .•i;^o (about sixty yoars.j I have no doubt that it wasyoar Hiuera alone, under Uiviue Trovidenc", that effected '.hi? wonilerful euro. R. T. FLrAM."*.

Hudson, .Michi>cnn, August 30, ISCfi.

<sumnu»n8 for Grand and P<'tit Jurors, for June ioim of the District Court, A. 1). 1807.


Tu Ok Sheriff </ F'U ihanU t'oitnttj :

tiuKKTiMi : In the name of tiie State of Min- nesotn, you are hereby commanded and reijuiiod to *timuion t.'ic followiig named persons to ficr\e as <irand Juior.< for die ens-uiug term of tbe Dis- trict Court, ttir the Countv a^tresuitl, to bo and ajipear befire tlie s .id C >urt at Blue Earth City, in said County aforesaid, at the Court lloui<o. iu said town, at or before tiiu hour ot eleven o'clock a. m , of thetir.>it day of the term of jaiil Court, to wit: The lirxt T'iesoay lu Juno, A. I). IStJT, the Siujo being the 4lh day of June, A. D, IS67:


1 David Trcvbri l^i»,

'2 A Shu!ti!<,

;> \\ ni H lkli.-<i>,

4 .^amittl ."^chuler,

5 ISarun A Stow,

6 J amen ISarbvr,

7 D II .McDowell, .s I. C 1 'v'-'""*

y D.isid I'ralt,

10 Ldwanl D iJrooks,

1 1 An-on liartlett,

12 Thomas Wil.'on, lo (icorjre Taylor,

14 WD r.uiaiiig,

16 August lla<i.-«e,

k; Daniel V Carpenter,

1 7 Arthur loj»Mvt.ii,

15 (.icorgo llar-ics, 1 y A K M Kc,

I'O Kbcnezer Kaymoud,

21 1? J Armstrong,

22 C i^ Peas,

'I.i William WaMru.T,

And you ore <urlher commanded and required to fumiiion the following named persotis to and api'car before tlio afore^^aid Court at the time aud place bpeciticd hereiu; to servo us Detil Jurortt :


1 J G Woo Iruff,

2 A P Launton,

3 Wiu B HaiQiuood,

4 iliifus Jobnton, 0 A J Rose,

6 J a UK'.-' llr.rdee,

7 11 T Stod lard,

8 Samuel liinlcall,

9 Charle:? (Jetdul, lO L w Brown,

'1 John N Miller, l2 Silas Mills, '•'i John Woolery, 1 [ Peter Pace. '.'> John Ilowland, Ifi Henry llamarar,

17 Samuel Yettcr^ Is SiUs Uoger.>», ly H M Temple, 2) J: T Park,

^1 C M Hlv, •-'2 Wm A Way, '^'4 J A l.fttim, i!4 L S Kugg,or

GiTcn'nnder my hand and seal of the District Court, at Blue Karth City, in said County, thi* 2ith day ot April. A. D."lsr,7.


Clerk Diriirict Court.

Winnebago City Market.

Correcled weekly by Moulton & Dcudon.

Wheat, "priBg, No.



" ' No.







Flour, p«i 100,


Coru Meal,












Day, per ton.


Wood per cord;




Pork, salt, per pou



Pork, frenh, per cwi



Doef, fresh, per pound.






For Removing- Sapcrflonia IZair.

To the ladies ospccinlJy, this ioraluabln depil atory r«commend.s itself os being an almost indii pcnsible article to female beauty, is easily appli- ed, does not burn or injure the skin, bnt acts di rectly on Iho roots. It is wartanlcd to reraova suporduous hair from low. forcboids, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radical ly exterpatiiig tbe same leaving the skin soft, sinootho and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only rc»l cfTeotua' depilatory iM existence, Price 75 centii per pack tifcc, Kent post paid, to any addrcsi on receipt of an order by

BEKGEE, SUUTTS A Co., ChemisU. vtolfl/l 2^5 Rmr St., Troy, N. Y.

Quit Claim Deeds,

Cliiittle M()rt;C'Ti:r<^'s,

Mai'riage Certificntc'^,

and ALL kinds of


arc Printed and for Sale, wholesale or ritai'., at the Otficcof the


X ilJLi h

.vet uiisu pa.-:s«,<l in it.s ttl'u'ai-y in drriwinv imiaiiilii-n fioiu, a III aliii^'. diansini; ami •I'-autihint-'tlK' skin aii<l ooinpl.x- ion it'v il> <lii<-tt action on tlie cut c'.i- it tlr:;ws from it all imi)irritie><, kiiollv lieaitnR the s»iii«-. ami loavioj,' tli.- hurfa-c ah Xalui-- iiiicudcl it s'lioiiM be, cichr, soft. suioodi and l.eamlful. P'ice •^"'- I>"lliir, sent by mali cr express, on rccii|.f of an i"';'. ♦•>;

\\.\. CI,.\!!K A CO.,Cheml(*ts, \o. 8, West Ki!.v.-»(.- St., Syraci-c, N. V. The only Amtrican .\gcuts for the md-; of the tame. v4iil6yl

There comcth ghid tiding of joy to all,

To young and to old, to great and to email,

The beauty 'vbii:!! once war- ho precious and ran .

Is free to all, and all may be fair.

B7 the Cio of


WSsilc Liquid

E N A M E L!

For Inj^rovinifand Be«ot!ry>iig the iJompIexicn. The most valuable and pcrfrct piepHrr.tion in u«c, for y'w'U^f, tb'- skin a nea-ittf'ul )><arl liki tint, that i.'^oi.iy 0 und in To-th. It ijui'-kly r<- movc.^ lau, Freckles PlD-jd'-', I»!ot"bcf=, Moth Patches, :-'aUowne.<s, F.ruptiona .\i;d r'l itr.jiuri tics of the skin, kindly healing tbe sane, having the .skin white ai;d chirr ftl-iltt-t*-. Its u.-e can not be d .'c.'te.l i-y the rtoFt.-t Kf^ri'.tiuy, and being t vcj tr.ble prepara«i'>a ia pcr.''e<-t'y barin- le3.-. It is the on'y art ■<-'.# vt the kind u^-»d l<y the FrcP'b, and ipVonp-ilere.^ hy thv i'ar.-^ian a.-^ in('.cspon.-:ihlc to a p'T^e-* tJiht. Unwards of 30,1100 bottles were HoKl lio'ing tno f.n.'-t year, a .-ufTicieut guarrantcc of ''If if^-i^j Pri'-c ot.ly 7a '-ats. sent by mail, on rrceipt of »n order, by

BEILGKH, SDUTTS t CO., Cticmists, v4nl.Syl 2S5 llifer Pt., Troy, N. Y



Would rc.«pccfi:lly inf^'-!') the public tha Jnftof iiaviiig bar! a week Co-rn'tnt-rship with Poet lobii Burrii.*;, >s Hjiiin dointr '--^.-uncs.s in lii^ owa "^lob. K.\p.rif:i<-i. and lor the tfrsi lime Laving I g-,.,d Ftock (d"

Well Seasniicd Lniuhcr oh hcivA

ilsoau .nlaii'od shop, thinls fo«rtti;fv all oil ■u.-'toinr.r.^. and n<!w ones too. A'A kind's i.f fftr- •litiire on liar.d, orinide to ord<r promjitlj'.

Xew oii.stoiner.s nec'd not nr-k for

my rooms', as I Lave, tlie

om]v UFA) m'llAy-

LV(;S ill tlie City.

According 10 airrcemenf made between ."\rr. rri s .•\nd my.-Tif. iia;<-d Dec. I j;li, l^liG. c-ich

inob.i' to ])ay l-is own d'.bt.-*. Orders .'igurd \>y file 1 will j(.iv.

Wiiinobn^ro City, Jan. G, 1S(>T.

MOFFAT'S Life Tills


Tbo Jlost Successful Medicincg in tho World.

Established in 1835 by one of onr Most Eminent riiy^;idans, and now wscd tliroughont North and Sonth America, with more pleasing resalt.s than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Eiood or Skin, Indigestion, Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague.

ThousJinds of certificates are in our possession, giving detailed acconnls of perfect Cures effected by these invaluable Medicines, They regulate the System and put all the functions of the body iu a healtliy condition.

S dd ly all Dru^^-ists. VLlto & Ilowland, rrnpri-

AFFLICTED! Suffer »o Mor«!


Don't fail to buy all your BLANKS at thia


and yoti will alw.iys ho lati.-'fled.

Bill Heads

Letter Heads,





When by thei'.scof DK..IOINVn,Lr:\< ELIX IK you can be cured permawcutly, ai.d at a tri- fling cost.

Tlic n'^tonighing success which hn.« attended this invaiualile medicine for lMiy>ic:!l ami Nerv ous weakness, (Jeneral Debility ami Pro.-^iration, Loss of .Mufccular Fiicrgy, Impoti.iicy, or any of the consetpicnces of youthful indiscretion, ren- ders it the most valuable preparation ever diicov ere'..

It will remove all nervnup afTcctions. depress ion, excitement, incapacity to study or bu.»iness, loFJ! of E'.iviory, cont'us^ion, th.-uglits of self-dc .'Iru' tioii, fcai s of insanity, Ac. It will ret^tore tbo appilite. renew tbe hoAltb of those who have dc-'troycd it by .^ensual e.\cc*s or evil practice?.

Young men. l>e humbugged no more by •Qu.ick Doctors"' and ignorant jiractioner.-'. but send without delay for the Llixir, and beat oncc re- stored to health and happiic.-<s. A nerlct-t cure is Gaar-mtecd in every lUfctHTicc. Price, $1, or four bottles to one a<l.lress. .?.'{.

One bottle is sufRciout to effect a euro in ah ordinary ciscs.

ALSO DK. JGiNVILL'S SPECIFIC PILLS. for thespcoly and permrticiit cure of (lonorxhea Gleet. I'rethrul Di?cliar„'es, (jravel Stricture and all affc-ticns of tin: Kidneys and Bladder. Cure* effected in from oi'.e to five day)--. They arc jtrc pared from veger.-i'olc extracts that a'c harinelc->-- on tho .oystcm, ami never iiausoato the .«tonia<-l. or imjire.gnate the hrcaJi. No chani:e of diet neces-'-ary while u.-^ing Ihem. pordocs th'-ir action iu any manner interfere with business pur.-!uits. l'''-ice >Jl 1"*''" box.

Either of the above mentioned article? will b< sent to any address, closely sealeil, ami po..Jt pai<l by mall or express, on receipt of price. Addre^^ all ordi-r.-' to

BEIUJKK, .'^IH'TTS i Co., Chcndsts. »4»il,S>-l N«. 2S5 lliver Street, Troy, N Y


ctors, 6u:cessor3 to l)r, 2Couat, Hev Ycrlk.

Jolui iloffat and Dr. W. B.


Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, & tilken Curls,

1)'lOI)rci:D by th* upcf Prof. Ttr. Pvni x* FilE-1! LK CFI EVEIX. On.; aj.i]V&. tiou W AliKANTKD to r.irl tbo

Know Thy Destiny.





Madame K. F. Tliointon, llie great En^liirh Aslrnlo- plut, ('laiivo.vat.t and Ps.vclioinft.i.i.in, wlio 'ma ttf- tonlrtlifd tlie KContifn- Clas.-:i »■ of trie OliI World, lias now located lijrs<'lf at Hudson, N". Y. Mada; ic Thon.tcn posst-s.s 5ucli wondi rf..I |ii>wci-s of second sifrM, i.s to enable licr to iaip.art Ui.o« Uiltrt (T t'lf {.T-ca'cst inii or- lancu to the sinj;lc <ii- iiiavrit'd of citlicr sex. Wliili- in a-'ifale of tr.-iiicc. slii- dt liiit-atcs tlie vcr.v fciturcJ <{ iho person v<'a arc to iii.irr.v, atid l>.v llie aid of an instrn incnl ofiritcns" jiow")-, knuwn as t'n" Paycli.irio'ropc, pnarantcos to produce a Iif|.-likc iiictmc of the fiilurn liusb-md or wife of tl'c applicii.t, t.';-'c!t'tr •itii d.it-^ (f niArria.i;'', position in life, Icadinp traits of clrtracter, Sic. Tliis i' no lnniiliii;/, as iliocsjtnds of tf■^t!l:lc.Ili.■ll^■ can assert. .She will send, nJu-n desired, a ceitifJcd certificate, cr wrilton .voiarantcc, 'hat the pictnt-e is wl;;it it ptnport.s to 'le. !>> enclosii^' a small lock of hair, vi)i\ st.'Win ? place of hii-tii, a.i?:', di^i.'si'.ion and complexion, and encloninir M cents and .stninptd envelope artdrcsscti to yourself, yon w;ll rei-eive the iiicliirc and desiroi) in- formation liy return mall. AH comini.nit aliens s.-icred- ly cnnfi.leMi-.!. Addrt-fs, in confid<ncc, M.\!>A.Mi: K. F. 'niOltNTOX, I'. 0. Box 22.3, Hudson N. Y.





Throw away your false frizzes, yuur switches, your

vr'K— Dcstnu-tive of comfort , a.id not worth a flj;: Tonic aped, conic youthful, conic ucly and (xh. And rejoice in your own luxtuiant hair.


For restoring iiair upon bald heads (from whatever c lu-e i! may have fallen oat) and forcing a giowth of Imir upon the f.ice, it has no equAl. It. will force the heard to grow u]>iin th' smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon hald heads in from two to three i,!"nt!is. A few Ignorant practioners have assert- ed that there ij nothing that will force or hasten the growth <if fh<- hair or heard. Their assertions arc false, as thousand." of Hvin? witnesses (troni their own experi- ence) can hear witnesi. Jiut many will say, how are we to dislinj'uish the genuine from th« spurious? It certain ly is dlOicuit, a"! ninetrnths of the different preparations advertised f<>r the hair .-iiid beard arc entirely worthless, >»nd you may have already thrown away large amounts inllulr pnrcliasc. To such we would say, try the Itepar ator Cappilli ; it will cost you notliiir.r unless it conits up to (111- representations. 1fv-i:;- Pinggist does not T ^ ^ ' '^'V' '*• **■''"' "^ '""^ dollar and we will forward it, post- JjaUcl'^ I paid, toijether with a recuipt for the ni'incy, which will ■^ > be rct'inicd you on application, providing entire satis- faction is not given. Address,

W. I,. CI. AUK & CO.. Chemists, vlnl?yl No. ;i West Fayjjte street, t^yracuse, N. Y.

Ui )st straigiii ai:ii .^lub lion Lair ofeiihcr rex iii- to wavy riii;;lets or h'*'-'y mnssiv-o cirls. lias be/u u.^ed by the fn,Kl:ionar.'is rf P?ris .nnd Lon- don, wi!b the most gratify lag re .ills. D cs no injur}' to the hair. Price by Tnail s^nlep and postjiaid, $1. Descriptive circulars sent fn e. A l.lre^s liKRoELi, i^iri-^TS i CQ., The u iis, Xo, 2.-'.5 Kivor .St., Troy N. V. 0/)?9 a-^pts fyr Ih.j I'nit.vl Slates. T-iulSyl

LQ^-ip THE L\DY'> FRIEND— OuU. Ihe be»t of the Aloutblies devoted

to LITEUATUllE and FA^IllON. $-'.00 a year. We give WHEELER & WILSON'.-.; cele- brated $oJ Sewing Machines on tno following terms :

Twenty copies and tbe Sewing Machines. $T(^. Thirty coj.ics " " " " f-^:;. Forty copies " " " " $1('0

Sen 1 15 cents for a sample cojy to DEACON * PETERSON, :<19 Walnut Street. Pbiladelphia

*" Z' brTschenck's T PULMONIC SYRUP.

This creat medicine cm-ed Dr. -T. 11. Scur.N-'-n, the Proprietor, olPa;^.l.^rary Ccin'.r::p*ion, wtien i' Iiad assumed its most lonuidable aspect, and when "leedy death apiwared to be inevitabe. Hi? phyaiciane pro- nounce J his eoise incurabJe when he couniiu-uood the Uflc ol this gimp's but po^\ crtiil remedy. His health was restored in a very eiiort time, and no return of the diseafo has tx'en app^c^on'!cd, lor all the symptoiivs quickly disappeaied, and liis present weight le moi-e than two hundred pouudt-. I S'.uco his recover.-.-, lie hm devoted hi* citentioa e.xc!aa:vel.v- to tlie cure oi Consiv.iipHoti and ilio dire.i3cs wh-'ch are usually coinpJica.cd wih it, an-l the cure; olt'ccted by his niedJc-Tio.= ha%'c lieei vciT numeroos and truly vronderiul. Dr. ScnF.x.^K makes profteMioniil visits to several of the larger c'tias weekly, where he haa a lari-e co-icour^e of pat-enls, audit is truly a-touishing to see poor congunipiivo.* that have to be lifieJ out ot their c»rr:a7r», and in a few months heaithv-, robust persona. Hiu SCHENCK'S PLLMONIC SYKIP, S!i:A\YEt:t> TONIC, aud MANOKAKE PILLS a:v te.ierft'Jj' all reiu^red iu curiug Conimupiiou. Tuli direc- tions accompaay each, so tl'.at aav ore can tak-^ them without sccinj Dr. Soue.nok, bi'.t wha.i it is ccn- veulent it is best to so? him. He give? alvicc ireo, but for a thorotigh examination with h* Bcipircmeter his fee la throe doUari,

P e?.£c ol>serve, when pnrchasintr, th.V. the two likc-icstes o;' the Docior— one when in the Iait8ia.;e of Coiiaumption, aad the other a.' he now is, ia perfect health— arc ou the Government sta-.np.

Sold by all Dra;Tgigt« and Dealers. Price i . 0 per iwitle, or $7.50 ihe ha^f dozen. Le.ters lor advice should alwa.ve be directed to i'r, Sciicack'i PiflBfipa! OiVicc, 1.1 North lith S*., PhllaJo.p■a.l^ Pa. General Wholesale .A..centF: Demas Barues & Co., N. Y. , S. 8. Ha'ice, Ualfiuiorc, Md. ; Jolia I). Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; ^V;^l!cer >.fe Ta\-lor, Chicago, IlL : Collin* Bro<<.. £i.. Louis, Mo. iM w. ea. ■.'•o. I yr.

Law Cases aud Points,

Froe to Etrcrybody!

A large 0 pp. Circular, giving informntion of tbe greatest importencc to the young of both sexes.

It loaches how the homely may become heauti

PrinC'd to ordor, on short Notice, r.nd at reason- J '^ ^'"^ desp'ecd respected, and the fors^.tkcr able rates. l)\ed.

No yonnp lady or pentleman should fail te

scud their address, and rCeoive a copy post paid,

by roturu mail. All Orders hy 3IaU Promptly Attended to. Addrcso V. 0. Drawer, 21,

v4nl8iufi Troy, N. Y.


Bourbon i5?iters

A JleaVhy Tonic. Orvfh> SfimvJrnt^

and Unenualed Morninij Appetizer,

Vrepared in Kipe


Free from (jraiu Oil, Wiiii Flowci-s,

Duds and Parks of tic Highest

Medical Virtue.

l>y incrcnsin;j the appetite, aj'sistinj;; diirestion, re.i^nlatin^ the bowels, an.l givitij; ;.;,ic to the svt tcin, tliey iin]»art strcn.irth an>l vi^or to ihc bodf, j>nd cliccrrulncss to ihe mind.

^prST" If y ur <ir;iL"_'I<t)j <t tr,ldc?iit:ir 1-nr not <^ot TllKSK RlTlEilS. have bim sehd for iheia

'''^^ l!onu-inber tlu- ti.?u>o. n;iu ta!:e no oihcr.

For sale bv druggists aud Grocers eveiywhcro. C.il. SWAIN, «'i-..pri--'tor.

Sf '^ontb Wntcsst., ChiragOv

At Whnlc?a?o in fit. Paul, by



Wiuncbago City, April :4lh, 133r.

A new lot of Warj-anfj/ Deeds ^ nut prii'tcd nn'l f r s:'.!e ;it this office^ ^ll- io all kiB«l8 of JuMtic^'s Bltmh*.

Lfind Office, VVinnel>n<:o City, Mimu

March 2oih U-iJ5^

To Tabor A Sherman : L-lwi* i^ TLu^cIicr- has thi:J day app'.ic! for the so^jfT, huH of ?(^'ith onst quarter aud east baifer s«mlh west oHuricr sec 2-4 town lO.i raii^^e- :jy, it being the luu.iyua tiled on You are h<.'reby notified to be n.: d' ap near at ibis ofTu^ oh Wetfnesday ths! ls> d.-iir of May ISfiT at 10 o'd'tck a lu, for tho purpose of i^iviujj the whole matter a fair and impartial 'uvcsti^atiwn

A. H. Bitllls Register. H. W. Holley Receiver


LTi kinds of Joi> Work done to ori'.er itttbi* Office.










idl»*aMi^'-M< B

. k>».

..CllAniXC; orM." I Cii,„>Inj,_iIor.cs.

TTe don't .now. noT^IiT we hnag^n.. a more \ A yrar OF two ago, whoi, haiulsome



.eustinjr .m.ccUoIc tb«n I'^at ot an otbervvue ,^^^yj,^. colurod, faWn-Colofcd, aud Other n 1 ii>£ laiy working lirr jaws m the |

»"e*<b an-J riii-niii's tiidcu...r to re.huc to ; peculiarly tinted hoi'scs appeared ill the

;z"i:;;;lc'h!w''uL;;;';"'i;f^^^ « g'^«'*i j^^i ^«' ^"'i^'^i^/ >^a«

in'ti.i« t.M.ii.-h and m.oanry hu»..t. f^""*' '^•"^' I ,o;u)ile9ti'd to kilow wlierc thuy Came

Kuui ar.- ..t that rhi'* f whi.h tbe' ^'a:' do.'^.nb- , tj-om. ll US HOW gOllcrally kllOWn that



1( lil* o '

X'» aw' iinkommon cbjoi-ts

That akrau^ luy viihin knm, the ^lril^c:■fil!»n^i ;uaintrst

la tUal^ui a -h^wiui; j;uin.

IJer .larlin ipouth onki-miiil

A ralKi look ill wad, S'.;u> le»8 lb;m Pud-ly MHip>>y Mile ka rv in bis Loil.

TUem m«)«binj she w.\- 'H ikin

I coodt-nl k:iu' cv.\ ch.wi! 9, Tbfv waii't MP' f :iY rvUttd

To that crc jort o" Jew ins.

r.,r tun-, .iii-llii.?. and grinders,

A Intlici ui.«'. :i yaw, 111' work iliiv w«z performin

Kuo.l hw no nau>u but cliavr.

'Tv^v-c^n Virr^'inchin. winkir.. gi.^^'liHi

An! t,MW>iT:n fill ?:iil. Ilur watvrfall krvt wi^^jlin

Ju«l like a Uicrmaid'a tail.

Hiir jiunty knp and rooster i>lewm

DinKt g"i'y in tbe breoz ; I wundercd ef sbe'd \«oi iu-r gum

Provided ibtj sbood knccr.

llor parrysaui was biJtcd up,

Awlmosl »ix incbei IrauJ; I ?r.)«e 'iwa* ^i-rciiJ to kcop the- Jun

From mcUin wbiU sbc ob.iwcd.

Hut ho.rs sb' jwuns'. l'"r curl* sbe bobbed,

Aud wbon ihutrifd to si;-vke, That bully masticated hunk

Maid bulges 111 bur cbeke.

I wundtrcd-shood tb-it bill uv burn

Wun 0 htv a kissiu >)b 11j»» jhe'd e'er Ji-pose uv

TLnit saUy, uuksbus g.>L.S.

I h'.pc aim cbap '11 marry hot

As Tew:'>ii wmiimn well, An i kwps a tu buss grosfri.

With lots uv guin tu sell. If he don't give bi r ;rab and kloie

Ar.d bosses for tu ride, And awl the ruiu sbe wants to cbaw,

1 hops she'll chaw hisb de.

FurUT awl heirinaa geenusei

That o-ir mi path w a fcudd, The mnastest intere»t:nc.es

Is bur as chaws bur kudd.

the peculiar appearance of these horses iiiowini; to the liair boint; clipptd, or isliearcd olf, astci'd appo.'iriug (juite of I auv)lh»'r color wlu-n his hair has been IcU^sely si. eared Most people suppose j ' ih:it operation to be a fanciful one mcrc- I ly, but such, it appears is not the case ' IJesides adJini; to the beauty of a horse, the clippinijj if asserted to be comlueivo /a hoallh, and it is saitl a clipped horse 1 eais less and can t;o further and faster I than the same horse nut clij-pcd. Uc- I »ides, it is not one half the work to i lake care of an anim.d when not cover- Ud with long hair, aud the prnetice of clippin- is thus a ])»pular one with j irro..n»>*. Of course greater care must' ' be taken to keep a blanket on tb.e short- haired horse in the stable, and M blank I et hini wlioneyer a stop is nia»le. 'Vith j the>e precautions the animal is cous-.d I ered to be more comfortable than with I bis coat left the entire Icn-th, for he t perspires less, t.nJ quickly dries etV on | being put mto the stall. Clipping: has been practised In Kngland f.-r many years, and is beeomini: more popular every year. The pi.aclice is also bo coming more and more popular here, and lU'V' r were so many fhort haired horses seen m our citif^s as the present season. The practice is almost con- fined however, to driving hor.-cs, as team horses are necessarily obliged to stand much in the cohJ. Most horses api.car to like the process of shearing, which is earrif d to great perfection, and without any dan-er of piercing the skin. IJoston particularly ailects shear- ed Iiorses, and the lioston Tnivchr estimates that at least two thousand Irorses have been put under the shears in that ci'v this winter. In the viein-

! ity of l^owdoin square there are no lessj D,.y Good^ Will warrant geilC ' than nine clipping establishments, and


DR. WIIITTIER 18 regularly educated and Icgitimntcly riual- ifiod, and has experience in all forms of di.'-eaKe, a knowledge luilc indispensible in the treat- ' incntof the vcneral diteape In all it." varied an.l complicated form.s, ard li:" !' r years mads



Better opportunity is now offered to any


»be tivunncnt of private diseaM-.« his businei's an

nil xncricncc, the bo«t of teachcrH, ba.s en- abl d'hWn to perf.c't remedies at once Buflicient «afc,p^a...'.t.:OMMnu..,.t«asescanbeu.ed

uritbout bindrnnc to busniet-c. "' Pa'rtLular attention given to old "tand-^--' «,«,-h as were con.'idcred incurable. ^JP^ '''»!'" 7x l^rm« ; (ionorrhca. «Ieet. Stricture^ Orcbjte.

Moore's Rural New-Yorker,


Tnr.TltiRAL ia the standard In its •pbc<-« of .J.jiiiiiaiifUi. beiiiK ine iar^jesi circuiaimg Papef. of its Class in tb»> worli V>c?t evidence of /»♦- trintic Merit and SufjfriorHy. In variety of pritc- tioal, u.^fii.l, ciit'jiJ.iltii:;^ "nd timely Heading i( has n" equal, its ample pages compiisinji Da- p;i;!uieut8 devoted to or treating upon

Woman, or child, wishing to purchase anything in thejine of Faluy Dross (Jo..ds, French and English Me.inos, Mpaccas, Scotch Plahls, Dolalns, Woolens Flannels, Striped Poplins, lialmoral Skbts, Ladies Cloaks, Cloak Cloths, Do- mestics, prints, shawls, hoop Skirts, Shirt., <lraw.-s, wrappois, liosiory, Notions No. 1 ^Voolen Dlankets, Doots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, and Fur goods of uyery

description, than has everb cfore been

;;;;;' Pkie nitration of. he vital pow^ crTlLofmimory, ringing in (he car., can be fully restored to bealtb.

A'II letters, wi'h slampp, answered.

Litcratnio, Arts, bciencet, Sdacatioo, General Newt. Market Eeportt-

Agricnltore, Sheep Husbandry, Borti«:ulture, Architecture. Domestic Economy

Willi illu«fratlon«, Tales, Skotchea, Po* etPf , Wiialc, KebnueJi.Knlginaa, *<• . *€.

Thf KtRAL i.s ably Edited, neatly Printed, well Illustrated, and udnj,tcd to the tchoU (ouu^

In Farib..ult County. High iniccs are now

cure gn!ir.inteed.

iJr.Wbitticr cures the very woratkind of rup- ture in a few week.". 1. .•

l>„.t OITue IJox 229 1. OfTicc and Con.oultation lUom« 101 South Clark f(r«t; Cbxa-o. \ou can seethe Doctor every day from 9 A. M. to 5 p. M

rT waite,


Tins, and will keep constantly on hand, for sale :


Jewelry and Silverware,

And will attend promptly to .ill kind? of Rcpalr- injrof (Jlock.s, Watches, and Jew'.'lry, and gu.ir- iMuee perfect fati.-faetion to ail who patronize him. Room opposite I'nion Hotel. SOyl

llluc Earth City, May 17, ISCC.

try It employs the beft Talent. For exampl-, its Department of Shiei, Jln^indry is }^dircd by Hon. II. S. KANnAM., LL. D., Author oi t^«-

And tlie new mo

de of trading— late decline

Foundry db Ma- chine Shop.

.State Ag. Societv, now of Maryland. Man/ other able and talented writers are regular con- tributor.s and the whole paper U under jj^ Edi- torial .Manigement of its originator, ^•^■^* .MooHK. TuK Ki RAL is the best Journal for «*• Farmer, tbe Horticulturist, the Stock anil Wool Grower, .xnd the Family Circle now obrainable. KememboT, also that it is not a Mo»t/i/y, bat a Large and IJcautiful Wkeki.y.

Examine a number, and see if, next to your local paper, the Rural is not the one for your money.


In Supefior 8tyle,-ncw C.pper Faced Type, Good Paper anrt many Fine Eograviogs. bach of its Fifcy-two No's (not 12, like a month y.) will corapriie Eight Double Quarto Pages. An Index Ac, at close of the volume.

TERMS, in Advance- Only $3 a jear ; Five Copies for $4 ; Seven fur $!« ; Ten for f 26. and any grcdt«>r number at sam-^ rate,— only ?A5W per copy. Club pap«r;! rent to difjerent Po«t Of- fices. As wc pay American postage, $2,« 0 is tbo lowci-l Club rnto to Canada— fli.^O to Europe.


Ci.iBS. Premiums. Free Copies, Ic., to Club Agents, and we want at least one agent in ts<^ry town in the T'nion. Specimens, Show Bills, !■-

The Mankato Fonndry and Machine shop >'' , ducemen^ts.Jcc^.^^ent free. Address^^ now in operation, and we are prepared to


of every description. Steam engines, Tbresbing Ma.-bincs, Reapers Farming Implements, Ac.

We also make all kinds of iron and brais cast- ingH. Rabbilt metal always on hand. Orders soUcilcd and promptly attended to.

Old Iron, Brass and Copper

wanted, for which the highest price will be paid C. W. BARNEY, k Co.

D. D. T.MOORE, Rochester, New York.




. Mixx.


•ral satisfaction to persons coming to

Uailroad Car. ;

horses have been sheared.

C'ulti\atioii of Hops.

in three of them an air;;regate of 700 A Day Dav.u View ot a Uailroad l ar.

>,'i^ht passeii^^ers will appreciate the followinsr adm-rable sketch of the in- terior of a car at day break : ! Hops will grow on any soil th.at pro.

Long before we hear the roar of Juccs yood cifps of wheat and corn; wheele we see the gVimnur of a glowing i but reqnirc heavy manuiing with barn li.'ht. r.riuhter and broader it opens, ; yard aung. First spread it plentifully like the Cvclopean nnwinking eye it ^ and i)low it in, and then a top dressing is, the head light ot the train. Then ! will answer every ihivvl year, covered the steady jar, then the mingled «-lank ; r^^^ worked in by a cultivator. Put a as of a thousand shaken ch.ains and the ; forkfnll on each hill in the fall, as a cars are here. 'AH aboard.' :.nd 'all , winter protection.

To lay in


their winter's snpr.l.v, if they .vill only call at


riMu' follow each other "m quick sue-

Set the vines from six to seven feet

eessi^m, and we are b.eathing the close apart, in r .ws both ways, so as to ciil- nnd heivy air of a crowded d^.rntilory. | tivate each way, and when this is done The car lamps hove i;one out disgusted, i early in the season, and ^cell done, it is the little wakefulness of the slteps has ' not much labor to keep the vines free subsbled, .M.a 11. c dim snoring outline from weeds.

of cloaks and shawls, and frightened j Pules should be used for the hops to looking heads, flocked here an<l there run on, as the short stake and corn sys- likc a irnub'ed Pe:i, with white, com-' t^.„, is not a good one, as the vines do pose th*« landicnpe ; while over all, like ; „oi produce as larj^e crops on this sys- pcnduiums, swing ph-thnric carpet bnirs tern as when they run nj. jioles. But pl<)«]y to and fi(s and little satchels, , the pules are expensive, froui -$15 tu e^o brisk aa n.ni.ile clock<, and bonnets ; .^ li„„dre'l, fifteen feet long, at leasi, made of no'hinu, dance up and down | .j,„i j,.oni eight hundred to nine hun- like blossoms in a laiu ; all timed to tlieiaied are required for an acre. The mntion of the train. \ hop growers of Central New York use

Hut the dim jry tutus to an old eyed 'g,|.,,. j,(,U.s wholly. In the fall th<'y white, and the breall.iii: bundles begin i .^j.^, ,..,-,j,^./l when the hops are picked,

to stir; ««nt <»f au ej.:--b:'I'e'l p '^'-^-V*' ; J;^^^;l;,.^"^ up \\\ ;i w<»rkinan-liko manner, U hachel a w>nvtn. with locks di>he\- ! ^^^,jj^j ih'.ny "-r b-rty in a .stack, with eled, Ike Venus fr-'in the sea. A throe , ^^^^^ gj.^,.^.,,.,^ upper einls so interlocked or t '», ami a rougher Imin emerjes ^^^.^^ ^^^ winds cup blow them down, from clo.ak and sh iwl and shakes itselt ; 'phcrc is a science in staekin;^ hop poles




Manufactureri of Photographic Materials,

Wholesale and Retail,


In addition to our main bu-incss of Photo-




grapluc.Matenaljwo are Uea(.iiU;.r.crs '^^ '^S y,,^i„„i„,.„^ i„j„ecd by Self Abus-3 ; l.ivoluntar.. 1ohoi»ini:, VIZ : ^ ^ Emission-, Iiupotency, Ncrvou.'? Ocbilit.v, anc

Stereoscopes tt Stereoscopic Views

0 American and Foreign cities and Landscapes, tiroup«, Statuary, etc.

Sterco-scopic Views of the W ar.

From negatives m.ide in the various cam- paij;iis and forming a complete I'bolograpQic bi5l'<»ry of tlio great con'e'^t.

Stereocscopic Views on Glass.

Adapted for cither the Magic Lantern or tbv .s;ifr<!i.-ii-ope. Our Ca'.nlugue will be *cut to anyaddrcrts on receipt of .olainii.

Photographic Albums.

Wc inanuf.fto.rc more largely than any i-.iu i bo", H-, jilxtut '-''•'> \aii<Mes .rom 61) ei nl.-< t..i^.>l' each.' Our ALIU'MS have tbe repiitati..n of be- ing superior iu beauty and durability to anv

Card Photographs of C.enerals, States- men, Actors, etc., etc. Our catalx^ue embrac<;.s over FIVE THOl'S

m Clo:iiv :>'"• "Ml... ; mere is :i ox *'./«(. t m oi..»v.n....„ ..<.j. j,.,.vo Oir catalx-'ue eml.rac<;.s over ri> i' jiiw« .-i-

V,:... A s1,»pclc- '"•^- •"•■'■■' »'" I Urn. ,K. mm cu, .n.ster at first «igl'<-l «^';,;-™:-^,™,''i^:r;^^;';';:^^^^^^

ill bear.led like a par<l. A pair of U t^kes three years to get a hop I <;(,^,„t^,, „j^.. tutulogucs sent on receipt ot

Just pulUshcd in a sealed cnveloi»o. Price

Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment

ind rrdieal Cnrv, of Seminal weaknes.-*, or Pper-

ry potency, i>crvou.'! i/eoim.v, and Impcdin-cnts (o marriage gOiierally ; Con.«uuip- tijp, Kitilcpsy and YWi' : Mcntnl and Physical Incapacity. Ac— 15y HOU. J. OULVrRWELL, M. ]>., Author 01 the "(ireen I5'>ok" Ac.

Tiie world renowned .lutbor of this a Imirablc Ledme, clearly pro\es f.cm his own cxpevitnee that tbe aw'nl co:ise<iucnces of self abuse may be iffectually removed wilhov.* mciieii-.c, . nrl nitb- out dangerous surgical oiarntion.", bougies, instru mc.nis, rings, or cordials, poititing out a mode of cure at once certain and etfeetual, by which ev- ery sulTcrcr, tio matter wb.it bis condition mny l>c may cure liimsf'f c'coaidv, jirivntelvj and radical

iv. TL> LK'.rniii-: will pkovk a boon


Sent under seal, to any addrc^s. in a plain seal cd tnveloi>c, on tbo receipt of six cents, or two stamp-. Also Dr. Cuivcrwcirs "iMarriage (Ju'uc" price I'o cents. Address tbe PubV^-hcrs.

CHAS. J. ( .KINE A CO., 127 BOWERY, N«w York.

Post Office Box 4586


Winiieba?{o Mill

Havin" inad« Homo chafig.'M concerning the businc--* 'transaction:' oi tbo "Winnebago City Mills *' we wish to nnaounce to itie public that we aie now prepared to do all kinds of work in our line of bnsiness. for ready pay. Logs, wood, wheat, or even Money taken in payment fur work. Our terms for sawing arc : One half, or $r-; per thou.^and. Flour. Dran, and shorts con sLitttly on hand, and for sale rbcnp.

Lumber ^io-OO per Thousand.

E. RHODES. Winnebago City, March I7th. ISf.G.^


Goods well bonglit, aie half sold.





ha.« on bana tbe large?t and best selected stocfi of Hardware. Stoves and Agricultural Imple- ments in tbe M-nnesota valley. My stock of Agricultural Implements is very large and coai- plcte, consisting of the following machines ;

55 Buckeye's.

GO J. H. Manny's,

Self tfc Hand Bakes,

20 Kirby,8

Excelsior Droppers,

and Caugia Cbiet, 6 Sweepstakes TLresbers,

G J. .1 Case's Threshers, 6 Velrator Threshers,

]Ma?sellon MacLinea, 6 Buffalo Sulkey Iv kes,

35 Bevolving, Lorse rakea,

and all the sro.iller implements in s* *

My stock of Euilders llardwax ha« been (• lecfcd with care, nnd is very large. Buildcrf will always find a full supply of









boofs thrust ot'.t like a bow-jirit, goes ' p|.^„t:^ii„n in full beariir^; but there is

out of siMit as the owner comes in view, ^w^v^ nionf y ma<le in that than in any (inei« soothing an irritated hat with other farm cr p. Farmers who grow gpuile tnu(rhos"of his f Ibow ; another j hops ate getting to be wealthy very >mirrr>ir at his wilted coll.ar. T>isonh>r- fast, the net profits l^/jng $-'(.»0 to ^;{U0 catres:*es a-e sn.oothe.l with hasty | per acre in most cases,- /^am/ .Lmr- touches of the hnn<l, »""! crumpletl lean, Rloi've»- nersnuflc'l into shnpc. One la

lMi<.tographcr3 and others ordering goods C. 0. D., wi'l please remit 2:. per cent ol tiic amount of their ■)ri'cr.

-V^ ibc prices and quulit- of our goods^can not fail to satisfy. v4n2lyi




YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., Etc.

at prices that



Latches. ci'c. <tc.

Prices Exceedinly Low for CASH!

All persons desiring to purch.ase Reap »n(l Threshers, would do well to givt me a call oefor» pnr'basii'j; n? tv stook is \erf large and I will '•Viirrant all maciiines to give .-rit:-*.".y:tion, and my prices imJ term-' «»«nnot fail to suit. 34v3yi JOHNF. MFAGHFR.




,lv linslearneJ her lesson from (Irimsil ki. anil makes her toilet precisely like

a ent.

The cold, elenr light of early morn-

SeLkcti.ng S.ikkp-— The most ay-prov- ed form in a .sheep is general roun<lness

nf shnne and fineness of bone. The 1 one dollar each. The pri/,e>< OI S.iape aiiJ I , , ., ,, and lot on ild street, $1,200;

chest should be broad, the ribs well arched, the back and h4"S, broad, flat

ing is always trying to human beauty ; j^^,] straight ; the limbs should be short

in proportion to the b-xly, the head mall, the ears thin, the skin soft and

tlierc are no tints to be borrowed, no softening- shaden to bo worn ; a plain, cold stare that lo^ks one cut of coun- tenance. B'lt in a railro'id train the ordeal is appalling. If a fiico ever looks faded it is then ; if the hair has any gray in it it is sure to 'show,' wriiiklen are re;id, like a sijcn^-^'^J^r^l. afar oft*. If there bo discontent in the heart, it comes into tlie month, and everybody lorvV- like people after a masquerade, or Kichufd after liobrcamc 'himself again.'

It' men would confine their talk to wliat they undeistaDd. every sixty min- utes would witne'is " silence f.»r tiie spaoo of balfan nour.'*

Sp«aV kindly to tho «gc^

elastic, the wool soft to the touch, thick, and coming well forward to the face, but not covering it. The face nnd forche.id should be clothed with short hair, and the eyes shomld have a lively expression.

A cotemporary gives the following receipt, and pronounces it a good thing. '♦ Fill the lamp half full of common salt, then fill up with oil. It burns with a clearer flame, and is a saving of more than twenty-five ])er cent in oil."

Gift Concert.

Russell A (;o., of Sh.akopce, will give a Grand (jift Concert at Kndreh's Hall, Shakopee, Minn,, on Wednesday evening, May \< ISfw. One chan-*- in eiglit Five tbousand dollars worth oi valuable pr..j*irly and money to bo distributed to ticket bolder.-*. No postpoiieuicnt. Tickets

consist of a bouBC .1 lot "II 2d istre.'t at :?2(M) : a bouKc and lot on HmIuio^ street at S'.iJO; four lots finely located $100 ; one piano; one priite in greenb;keks $100; one horse, one top buggy ; thrco<iilk dress patterns, one sowinj: machine: <.ne gold lever watch ; one American watch. Albams, napkin rings, Ac, in all 542 prizes. The ol>j<;ct of tbe coneert i.s to dispose of the property advertised, and not for a spoculn- tion. Address by mail (with price of ticket en- Ho.sed) M. C. Kussell, P. 0. Box 270, Shakope* yinnesota.

♦^ Lt ' ^ Ihiil lniiiii'li'il'.^«-».'<»' to rcliliiih II. .\i>ui ^T &^•:'=^ «> vt. Ill, (ii,(ij;itriii;4 your iMcraii'l I'l'ly.

Tobacco is a native of Virginia, the onion originated in Egypt, and the cucumber cime from the East Indies. 1 Blu«Ear» Citf, M^ T, »«.




Office opposite " Union ITovse " Bhtc Earth Clii/, Minnesota.

Will do a General Banking and Rer.l Estate

(, \' ;,

\_^^/ is til 1 iiti! V I'lij-.-ici-in, .na Sfc; inli'.t

Ct'Tg^^^- ii„\v ia v"li;(i»(rii lli.tt <iin lie cnlirelj

'*■'*'■ icli.iil i!|>!.n. do T'' mM.iiliil lift filf.'-l

V3 thi.ll

1. vi.li.s i|i-.stro\ n:;; y"iir liii|>piiiisK aiiH liiliiii' jit •■-111- ■(» III lilM. Ill- hm iiiii'li-

. 4Bv<?''W riov.MK iiisK.\?K.< iin.i .M;;nuis

V._ BSp^ DK.illl.llY liis slii.iy fir 111.- |>:u*t

Ui,."" r^.f A IxM iitv V'tl ;. iiii'l i.s tii.iclon. ilw iirr

•^'tA Vim f''^ ^,,„ „;,„„.. ;,:i alUirl-.l .slii.iil.l . .insult

Si oil" I'Vi r lii-;iril ''I' a ji;iticiit <it lof imt I'ciiin rum;

•iiiw li.> li:i.s liccii in tliis <ily. IIik npiitati.n Inn

vourli.-rs ill all tli'> city jmi'dH. Iiii i.ati.iil)) ami tin-

(il'-iliral |>r.'fi"<:iioii. Imtll lii'ie !i!>'l atif.ia.l. as ln-iii;: l!i-

iiKi^f HUilli'l sp.'ii.ilist ll" r '. kikI a tlc.i<>ii:.:li iii.ihti-r ol

ll! Hcxiiat .lis..as.-«. If nil ollicrs tail, .li-nt ilcsiiair

<iv<? liiiTi a call. It i.-J "iilv a roinninn i.cciiriiMii •■ with

'liin to ciii-.j «iirli rascH. lli.s ni.iiiis arc .s-iiarafo Im

lad.'H an.l -.•nllcnicii. aiil tlic must c.iiii|ilct.' in tln'nty

Vui'Ni Mr.v, TvKK P'.KiK ui.Mi N'liicK.— >..rt.ir r.ii;.-

ow ■l..r..fi- nitiih of liis tiiiif< t.' llic Ir.-atiiM-iit of tlios.-

•i.- •< cans.-(I l.v a m- i-t lialill, wliirli Ml ii-. l-oth l"'(l^

ui.i iiKiLl. iiiilil tin- II..- .11.1". I.uiat- ii!.li» i.liial for -illi.-r

.„«;.>.-s.s .ir «oci.-tv. Tl.r >a.l clf.-.t .,1 111 •.-- .-afly Lain h,

.rib cxc-.<«of ii|.cr .vs.rs. is t.. «....k.-T. an.l .l-Lili

•al« l!..- <-.in-.lil.iti..ii. .!. -Iio.v tli.- |.h>.sical nn-1 iiu-iitn

.'...wee .Iii.i;;i-li an.l cnl.-clii.. t!..- n..i.iial f(-lini;.-<. an.l

■.xl.anyHlii- *it;.l rRirH ..f nianl.oo.l ; th<- I-l.-a-niw.

.nir,.ai- niarr-.l. tbo ol.J''^< .'f Il>i>^■'»^r frii>t.alrd. in.l .-xist.-ncu its.-lf r.-n.l.-r. .1 a term .-f iinc.-.-i«Mi« iiiwerv .11.1 rrnr.-t. S.ui. l..T«.ns. csp-cially Oi-"' cnt.-in .1 .tiiiu iii-.rri.iK.-. Klioiil'l lose no liiii.- in making iiiiiii'- 'iiU-ai.i.li.-Hfi.iii, Mi I>r. r... I'y bi-i tx-w tn-atm-.-nt,

.nntil.-.l to in.-'ii-'-- :i N ''.v '""' I'"'".' ', !'*:'"'*'•„ i-g

f.inM.iltatioi.H fr.-.- *...l c..iil..l.-nlial till.-.-. No.l.S)

•l.intii Clark H!r.-ot. ,<.M.m- ..f .Monroe, l.all a l;l..ck fmrn •(,.. IViKt Oili.-.'. !'-*« Olli..- H-x li>4, thic-igo, III.

>iric« bo.irs from 9 .\ .M to K p. M. Seii.l for hM -'Uiii.lo to jrouitii," pnblUbcd muntblv,

rei- of rhafK-. .... , , r i.

N B -l.a<li<'H, Hcu.l for a dcs.:np»iT«« circular of !'«♦ nMe ileiuclic, thf Ih-hI provcntivo -.f cnc-iitioa Mwn. S«oi to auy a.l.lrewi free of cli- r^e.

3f<irrla[/e and Ctlihacy.

AN Essay of Warning- and Inatmc tion to Touvgr Men. Also, Discsaes and abuses which prematuroly Piostrate the vi tal Powers, with sure means of relief. Sent free of ('barge, iu .sealed letter envelopes. Address, l*r. J. SKIIiLAN IlOl^GHTON, Howard Amo •intion, Pbiladalpbiiu P&. T3n21yl


Butter & Cheese

wanted at all times at the market price.

I never was, N('ver can, aud Never will be


Give me an early call, and see for yourselves.


Blue Earth City, May 14, ISGG. 3n30yl




FORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from ethre to five weeks, bv using Dr. SEV- IGNE'S KESTAURATETR CAPJLLIRE, the most wonderful discovery in modern scieuce act ing upon the Beard and Hair in an almost mi- raculous manner.

It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering success.

Advice and Prescriptions for Sick or Injured Horses given Free.

The Editor of Wilkes' Stimt of tup TiTiEi desires to inform the owners of Horses tbr - sh- out tbe United States, that he ha.: .^gulariy en- gaged upon his paj er, one of the ablest and mosi experienced professional veteriuananB in the IJ. S., whose special duty it shall be to answer, grali* all questions relative' to siok or injured horsei which may be addressed to the Spirit, u-hcthtr hi/ Kiihscrilcrs or not. These answers will in alt cases contnin a prescription for the injury de- scribed, aTi.l Till be printed h^ connection with the qt^o-tion askcl; iu the following r^niber of the Spirit, ^o answers, however, will be given bv mail, it being a part of the object of tJe edi- tor to submit the ability of the professor who baa assumed this department of the Spirit to tho keenest criticism of the general public. By ad- ding this useful department to tbe Spirit, th« editor contribute? to those of his readers and subscribers who own horses, a horse doctor free, and not only to bis subscribers, but to every horse owner in the United Stater who may chooee to direct an inquiry to the Spirit by mail. The subscription! price of the Spirit is $5 a ye.«r ; but single copies may be bought from news agents from week to week by those who desire U^ use ki t<jnipor.\rily only, for veterinarian questions, at filteen cents per copy. 'ii.o Spirit of t»» TiMKS is a high toned gentleman's paper which, (with tbe old Spirit, whose businesn and title it inherit?) is of forty years' standing, and ia de- voted to tluuiiig. Fishing, RacMig, Field SBerta-,. Literature and the St<tge. Georgk Wilkbs.

Editor and Proprietor, 201 William St., New I'ork.

ne..i r-Maie AAA A TEAR made by any one with

Business, pay Taxes for nonresidents, make cp^^jV/Uv/ $15— stencil tools. No experience

Collections, Ac, Ac., ' necewsary. The Presidents, Cashiers, and Treas

„..,_-„.„ e p piTTT n urer.s of 3 Banks endorse the circular. Sent free

U.D.BALDWIN, - - - &. » . i.uii.i^. ^j,,, g^^j^.j^,. Addres.s tbo Am.Tic»n Stencil

aOyl Tool Works, Sprinjfricld, Vermont. 42yl


Oh ! sbe was beautiful and fair, With starrj' eyes, and radlent hair. Whose curling tendrils soft entwined. Enchained tbe very heart and mind.


For Cuilinfj; the Hair of either Sex into

Wavy and Glos.^y RingleU or Heav) Masslqe Curls.

By lulnfr tbU article Ladies and Gentlemen can beau* tify 'hemeelves a thousand fold. It Is the only article tn ,, . ... , . J 1 -r the world that will curl straight hair, and at the ume

Names of all pcrchasers wi.l be registered and if time give ita beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crtipcr entire satisftvction is not given in every instance | Coma not only curls the hair, but Invigorates, beautlfle*

and cle.ansea it ; is highly and dell(chlfully perftimed» and Is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will l>t seLt to any address, settled and postpaid for one dollar. Address all orders to

W. h. CLARK k CO., CheBiiali, v4nl97l No. S West rayttte Strast, S/r»«w^ K. T.

the money will bo cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed and ]iostpaid, $1. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Address nKRGER, SIIUTTS A CO., Chtmists, No. 825 River Street, Troy, K. X. BuU agents for th« United StatM. v4nl8yl


- /••


1! ^

- r - > . Ill »i «






I ^









1 t 1

1 !





1 1





- -- ". : : :


I t

■■ - . * - 1 " ' '

. '■■ ■"

■>-— r -- -

I., I, i^*^—-


E- A. HOTCHIIiS, Editor & Piuprietor.


Terms— $1.50 Invariably in Advance

VjL. 4.

AV1NN1!:BAG0 city, MINN. WEDNI^SDAY, may 8, 18G7.

>s 0. ^8.

tmivm. Mf..^viiiMJ- a»-n. j~ iigA.i irtJi-ijgji -jc

TIIF ITOATiXTi' \T) ! i^^^k;e iiolsk,

LLLL-' J^l^-ijj:-;r;i^| il-M.^- Walcrvillo. Lc Sucnr Co . IHinnc«t=,

Oaic« till .Mam direct uext door iN'urtli of the I J. M- GRAY. Pl'Op-

U iiiin.-L:tj;<» City lloiv'. I Tcrms Reasonable r>..imstcr5^ i-vir ni;^l.t

■■ - > OiM- tl.iilar ami :i 1)11:11 Irr.

f>ii! c^nv iinti vear

$i.r.o i ._-^

ul'If iliitT;;c«.



I'or .i!i> roru \vm tnan o .Aitth!». 5 ecuts a wecu

s.;:in.M.,i^,l-.^,Tc.jrr;;^XTT;^ Evans & Fall, Proprietors-

v J t

I. •» I. » •, -'.•.<! f

{.no o..S(i n It 1 1 J. -^i ».o 1' r,.(»'>! 7. on i.'.nn

» f {< I ?.'. .S.'M' > lo'r 14

j. » "^.nO I

J . . 'J'liis llcMiso is Xi'W. (■i»mM\<Mli-.iis.

s.«(t lo.o.i i-..i>.) 2;..ort l>I,.MSintI>- LocMtcJ.nn.l I.MS I..-, h Nfw •,'.i»>, l.'>.tn> 'j4.o,i ;i.».oo 1.1/ . •,

^ u 'H •<. ll.Ot K, u!i' 2ii.(».) .Ui.tlO ;.().(ii>

ly F.inii>li»'«l lluou^lmiit. Tin- viiv

I yji'. I » M 1 1.. I .»o.ii,i i.).<»(t I 40,00 70,00 l>«'Sl .•u-conmiodjitioiis j:u. raiiicctl to Ten lines or .v«s iu:ike one .oiiui^.-v. . triiV<MTs ;iml bo.'ll iK'IS

(Jood i^lablc Il'iotn fur T«':nn<. n4uf.yl Garden City DCinn.

\ Ivcrti.^cinent.v jot icirkc-l f<>. .. spofifietl tiiuo vi'l lice >'<tin:n; I. ..n-l olrtru^oi fi.r ai'ooriliii^ly.

Tji- y i hort'-t^Ts will lu* h.'!.: strirfly to ml-

*e.-tM.»!no'if* pciuiiiiii):^ to thoir biisnuT? All

ill ir I .iiir.'."« will be c!i...<ei! nt the rejrular rates

Kve.'.'ij if 1 l.'erti:ieiucnt.t in!<v.iicil will be charg-

I p" »■> rti » la.t'.y to tlie numl'er of squares l);\r

: ail) el f>>r.

I.eii.il a<lt ir(i.4em''nt9 in^ci'tcil at tbc the ox- n-i i«« 'f tlie ittorripv orJ»"ring tbeiu, ami not -\e

Tbc umlcrsigncl take? tbi« nu'tbixl of iiir<>rin- nj; tlic |»<n«le of \Viiiiiel'a;r'> i'ny mi'l \iiiiiity, ! \x-Al ho ha" jii>t ii>(.iuii a ikw I aii.i-.-!= .-!.< p In


.vi'»L- fir le?.il pr.coe rmg.", hut Uiust bo paitl ! »'"' is now iirepan-.l to .l.i nil Kiii.l^of work in ... at , i»is line. Ni-w li.iriu>.>i mailo to i.rtltr. ami all . l-;!ivery ..t tiiC affi.lavit. ; , -..i, ,.,• „..,:.;„., .1,., 1,,.^, „..ii.-... SI...11

I' I 111 >-•

kiiiil>' of repsiriii;^ (ImiL! on .'Imrt iioiii-c. i-^lii'ii insjittJ the rca'ling coluiun. dou- ap si.iiis. ncvt doorstuili of I'.idiaiJjon A lUy r \ lIOTrilK'T'S.'? 1 nv»lds' lirucery.

I:,''.^;w...... i E. II. IIUTCIIINS.

:■= Winnebago City, May 2 J, lii'.ri. I'lMf

3i3ia33s Directory.

. N . H *Xl\ A i ' » I * t VI A 1 .

iViuiUib.i-^o Citv ni>tr'iCt.

V 1: \\ w Y,

T A I L <1D H !

A u.iui.u?. R.pMer. ' NV'imiobago City .Minnesota,

,, , , c^M.-i.i. Nf Ma-. hefniMol In Fellows' Now Block. Or-

r;::l:!:i:^*iina !it:^;oV.!,ii- ''■ \ pos^tc Cctt.en & D.arbcn « Wcw store.

;r TV

~ at 111! tiiney. vn-iiared to ih> all w-hU intru.-^te"! to ^1 '*.- .......

-— at 111! tiiney. ]ir«'iiareii 10 no an wuh iiiiru.-icii ii»

!«: KA'.ITH V.XLLHY LOIXIE ' ir.m.in the l.itc t New York Fa:,hioi..s or to suit

.\'0 27


hi I ustomer

♦'■■*• "-^ CITV MINS rmtii.!: done on m...ii ..<.tice, au.i warranted to

,,' - : lit if propelly made lip. "? •*

A li li'iliir < oiiuiiuiiicntiDus are

•*.'J^ he I Mil th^ Cr.'t and third Tuesdays of

OFilCF.i;?— I. t>''nLKY. VT. M. <U:0 A, WKIR, P. D.

n Mvi»'si)\. J »v. ., -

•i K M.n Lro.N, Tre«s. K. II. lUl CHINS. S.cy. |


m'- > i-KvShi.s: "i. p. ' IJlaclssmitInn-, Shuci.i^,!^. pairncj, kc.

A y. wirkii \m, T»i<-r. j

r.. 11. miClllNS. S.cy. I

- , - ,^ i The iv)dc'rsi<;ncd •li'.l ncrrpjrt t)ie .'hop near

Ifi.l'K KAIM'H CI lY JiwDCih l the - team .M:;!. and «. uld ri-.-|<<l"i!.v«nii..unce

.1 .1 _ - -_ 1 . f iK

U. D

TT.rr. AND ACCKI'Tin MV '»\>5, r.LUK EAUTII CM \, .Ml^.^

lh.it tie 1* i:ow prip.:red In in iiiiifa 'Uiie i.uth


Tin: HIV 1:11 PATH.

EV. J. <:. WllirTIEK.

N.I bird sonc fl'>and down the bill, Tiie tangled bank bclo v was still,

I'oraplle from t'lu birchen stem, >.. ri] p!e luin llcwatei's I.»in.

Tlip dn^k of twilt-!it r-'iind u< grew, We felt the fallins of the dew.

Tor from v, e'er Ihf day was done, The wooded hilla »luit out tbc sun.

Tut on t!^c -ivr'-' f;trihf>.-"t ."idc V- e s.iw till- bill- tops jjloviticd

A teii.hr irlnw. ..xrcdinL' fair, A divam .'t day without il:s {;larc.

Willi n- the d » lip. the ••hill, the -;looui, With iheuj the sunset's ro.-'y bloom ;

Willi" dirk ihr >u;;li willowy vistas seen The r"» r rolled in sbado bttwecn.

From out ihr ilarkncss where we I rod. We j;«/ed up'<u those b lis of (Jod.

Wlio'c li;;Iit s-nned not of moon or sun, We spake imt. luU our thuii{;ht was one.

We pan.-ed. as if from that brif;ht ^bo^c Deekoiied oiir licar ones gone before ;

And stay«d our hcatinst hearts tobear The voit•l^ lo.stto mortal enri f nddm on- pathway tiirntd from night, The hills .swim;,' opm to Ihe light;

Thro'ihiir j;rien {rait-: the .«ur.Fhiiio «li( wed A h.iig, -1.1. it >pliiid r downward flowe 1.

r>i.w!i }:hide and glen and bank it rolleJ, Itl»rilg«.d ihe .Nhadtd stream with gold;

.\nd home on jiiers of mist allied The yuaiiosNV with the sunlit side !

"So," said we. "when our feet draw neat The liver dark, with mortal fear,

And tho night cometh ehiil with dew, 0 TatUrl let tliy light shine through!"'

So Jef the hills of doubt divid'',

.'•o bri' g-< with faith the suultss tide!

.?o let the eye.s that full en earth On thy eternal hills look rorlh ;

And in thj beekoninp angels know The dear ono-^ wh< m wc love b-'low!

lie \\'m\ g«no oil ll.iis from morning till Ill-lit («'Xt'q)t wlien ho was engaged

The .Modern )^Ir Isaac.

The Troy Tunes tells us how Ifaa- at hi.i nuals) for about a month, when | Xewton became coiiimissiotitr of .n-ri the kill- he-:in to be rather tired with culture: his locu.sts, aiul iuterrupteJ his story

with : . - ^

" \V\11, well, wc have heard enough | i,e ever got office, and such au ofilee a.« of the locuBts: we will suppoo they | l,© long occupied wiihout fillinj.', was a helped ihimsclvcs to all the corn they wonder to all his friends, and a woi.dei

Mr. Newton was not Lorn to oflico. nor was oflice thrust upon him. 'I ha'

1. . CC. 1 1. .... ^fl:,.,. o-

wanted. Tell us what happened after ward."

to himself. Fully sixty winters passed over bis head, and Sir Isaac had never

'Jo whieh the storyteller answsred : sliaken official (lust from his shoes, noi

deliherately : dreamed of such a thinj;. Fur many

'*ir it please your majesty, it is iin- ^ ycais he sold ice cream and fresh pies

posi-ible to tdl what ha['pened a^ter i to railroad passengers between I'hila

ward before I tell you what happened delphia, Babimore and Washington.—

In the early day.'? of Mr. Lincoln's ad

ministration, liis interest in the country

:itid the advantage.^* offivrcd in the

Washington market, took l-im more

and more to tbc capital of iiis nffiic:ed

carried on- anoil^ of corn, and country. It is stated that one day in . ^

then another locust went in and carried ; the goodness of his heart, he scut Mrs | «^dInoss at a sermon proverb a.. Nt

oil another grain of coin." | '--o.nsix quarts ot eatly, Ycry eaily :Kean to r.ad the Mu.g o^/ ;»>-, -"

The king r^Itci.ed with uncon,uera. peas. They were accepted by the la- i'^at i,et. oen Davi< and Golnih or th.

-. 1 1 \ A„ ,>r ib« wi/ifr. H,,n«o witli iniuv story ot tlie prodigal Son or ol L in*l ."<

bleralieiioe tor S!.\ monthii more, when dy ot tho \\ Ip.to 11. use v\un man} j i '"^

. . 11- 1 tUniilo Viito.l Mt 1n«5 siicco«s he very "tnuncialions ot the henbes ans rn r-

l.e a<'ain interrupted bun with : thanks. jjatMi ai ins sucu . s ne ^lij ,

-O'l 'rien-^ ' I am we-^ry of vour soon repeated the kindness by sending | «secs, or to recite one ot Chabne.s ser- locusts.' How .oon do you tbiuklheyj Mrs. Lincoln a crock of the very finest jnons, and you wi.l s e pe.ple who h d ^i„ p.vedoneV" j l>"tUT. '1 banks a.ain-tbanks ^om begun to a-ju^t themselves m tne c<.r-

T.> w.i-.eh the storvleller u.ade an- the White House-again overwhelmed mr.s ol li.e.r .<eat. lor the.r accustomed


And lie wont on :

"And then another locust went in and carried off another grain of corn, and then another locust went in and

The Stage and the Tu'-iit.

Fancy, says the Uiasirlow (Sct.t'an.i) JLr<dd the thiiiling eflectol theScrip- lures it' read as Keaii reads S.iakc.i- jtcaic <d' recites Macauley ! And wly -IiMiild we not have it so? Is it rigia iid I roper tint every hook f(;r piibiic ie;iding .vhould have justice diiie to it e.veept the IJji.lc ? Aii<l that, wh le ev- ery iher i.s allowed tho advautage.'* of I natural and iuipressive deliveiy, re- leligii.Ji is denied tbcni by all ? The Miunstrous la!Ia<y with whieh well tneair.ng but ouiuse people have beguil- ed ibemselves, is ib.it such readin^xand iceiting would be; theatrical,' and ilat (lieatrit al e.vhibititnis are not leeoininj^ in the jiouse of (rod. To llis hollow and lidicUloui fillatiy m.iy be traced most of the o.vecrable pnljit reading and do'ivery that rub the ScripiUies if half their power, and bavt; often mado

swer ; "(;, King I v.ho can tell ? At the time to which my story bus coi'^c, the locu.ns have cleared a smod place ; it may be a cubit each way round thf

iheoldman. Rare squashes, HiormouS|'^'»^oze, sit up and listen to biiii very pumpkins, delicious inelon.s, strings of^l'^«-' "'U' ^-K^'^- ^'}^'^ and l^aied b.e::rh. onions, crisp le.tuce, plump cahb.:ges And all this simply Lecu.se Keau followed, not in unseendy frequency. ^>»'»i^l ^^ ll>^' piece ju-^tiee, that is, rnad

if nnv t)o .T. cubit each wav rour.u lU'' : -vii -.!■>.", ..v.-v, j i * ■» . i- i i . . i i

I T n r^i is till dirk With lo- I "or ,n large quantities, the gilt of Isaac, U naluraby and as u ought to be r. :ul

i\f>le and the air is :?tlll tlaiK. >>iLn lo o i > <=• /\ i . i i i -.t .. ,

llUlt, tHiM Hiv^ »»•• -^ . ,. . , ■■ .'.1 ^ I i: . (Ill \V IMf. I1;l>sl'dl> oiVt Mil I'lllt'T lit

l>''';lI.Ai: •-.mmnni.-ati.ns are held on the | B^ ,'rt* * 5 P^ G i V-? J" ji'^ J O ^^' f- I V I' •« "d ilird W..;i.e .1 ysote:Hh m^nth. -"US' ^ <- ^ » *• •" »■ -^ -^

The Story WI'h«!Ut an i:i:d.

It ;• V »LNr,. W M , L w. .1.: »\v\\ s. w

K »V. TKKfr.li. J. W. W i. A. WAV, Tri.*..

Tin re was niue :i eertaiu King, who, H^vings.mrd li.e ..IV... t ol / iU«T (.'I.A.'^.'^ Iiki- iiiaiiy Kastcrii Kin;:'', was very

n !• covsrAN,-5. s. 1)

A K. K \<I.MAN, J l». . -

J I!. i;!ArM.»Nr. '^ler. ; wrkinen. I a'n a'.le oi •lit-' tin- be.-l ipiainy ol GKO. II. KIN-Sl.KY. S.e.

I 0 of G T

WINNEUAGO CITY LUDOK, NO 11. |> '■('. I l.Ai: meeting t-vtry l-'r; lay everirg, at

I t .MnollMoV IMI.

r :- \\\iz, w. u s. e. u lurcniNS, w. c. T.

»F>'i -tALS ).* Fv::iaAri.T corsTY. \«i:s"r— F. w. r\nv. r-.-s"r-i:. r.. jounsun

^•,i«trr- K. L»M . »l.i'l;--< K.CIIAi'M..

Ato.'iev— J. II. >lM:<»rT Ju.li:.- AMOS- I'KKsToX, Cjro..«r— W .M. A. W.\V Cot...- UK LA VKKO.NE.

...._..- . ,. ,^ . •. ., ||., f M.li.r lif.irlni; H*<»ries tohl. To this

wi.rk, h<itU .M«niila.-timii^ a'ol Sn-painng. .J.'i> --^

hjng, ll.Tie k Oi .^h.-tii.;.'. Ac in ihi- b.-.-t nan- ;iiiiiisemelil he gave U[) all his tilnO, but

nir, Tliaiiktiil t..r pa>t lav.f. I wonhl so ieil 1 " n i ri-i .,; ..^

Ho.ntinuaneeot the puhii- pan..na,M.. lu- was never satislled. Hic e.\ei tions

vin!'Jtf .1. M. WIM.KI Ki;. i.T bs e.'tnt ievs were all in vain. He

\i7uMr^~\7'r"i iM^T~\~n -'^ '=''' niMi-a pmclamation ihatifany VVH0L;-SALL .». LLIAIL^^ .h.u.id tell him a s'ory that slmuld

I 1 ,:isr |or.'\ .r, he would certainly make d'OCkCS*y S^tOE'C! ' l.i .. W^ lu-ir and .Jve him the pinee.^s

C'Minfy Com. ^*\ D sr.-.A. V. MOHK,

'.I •• —II. .1. .NKAl,.

•• '• .HI •• .) mIV li. SIS.SON,

•• •• 4 li " - JAV.KS rCAVS.

•• " .'.111 •• J (.-Ki'll IJ \<,'ib,rT.

Dittricf C 'tir* ifrtiis Di^'iict iiieets;if U!u«' Kanli City o 1 tilt t!ijl .Momhiv in Juot.

c. j.~FAii77i?Y\

rn FN/c I A X A yi) s un g eox

< TFK I-: AT Tin: DiJi <i stokl:.

Ca'.U by day ornigbi omptly attended lo. Winnebago City, .Aug. 1 J, 18GC.


A!d5i:UT S Wli.TK, IVopiiitor.

Dr. J. 1*. IIuQics,

Physician & Surgeon,

OTi e '.ver ihi- il ir Iwan^ .Store, Main St., Win- n.hi.i'1 riiv. .Minii'ry.ta.

N. li 0.1ie « i>eu for ealls at all boura of the d ijf .III I nighl

AN'l^'.i::W C. DL.SN,

.Vttoi iiev .'^nil C;n.nscll<)r at Law

^<y- Will rtte^d to profjssional busines* I'jr ii^h >ut the .*tate. lV'i.jiiebago City, Minn.

Croekory. (Jlas-'-w ire. Cr^ eeric.«. Ac, foi sab- by wholesale "r titiil. t'luntry st.ut— nioplii-'t «in reas.in.ibh; t«riii-i U'l-'iii- on Aiuiii Jrlrccl ncui'ly oppositn L'radit-y .% IJ o.

1*. K. 'VLSKi:, Pi ac'lical ^\'atc•!l-^L'^kc\T,

A N I>

J ij w I : L i: 11 ,

Mankato. - - - Minn.

i»i:ai.i:'i is

W.itfdicP, clucks. .1. wiliy ct silver vritu-

U'jpairin<2 neatly cxeeu'ed and wai ranted.

CHAS. Hi:iL! ()!;.V.

M itiil':i'-!iir>r Mill l»i-atei ill

w^ILL.illD & liAltSKY. Att xneys Sz Couiis'jlors at Law.

.\I\n:{\Tv>. ui.LK EAItlll COLNIV.MINN.

h. I »<...! prinptly and fVilhruily to all buiincr.iin- uitt^il to their c.ire-

llive(..rstU-at all times, l..i go quantities of \Vi;i.iL-!.iro Tijst Lands, and other raluable F.irining lands. .A. W.i^LAai/. - - 2I7I -_^ .F S nAltXf.Y


Blue Earth City,

This bouse having been repaire.l and newly fnr- „isbe.l throughout, is now open for the reeeplion

^'^Thrilroprietor respcc fuliy .olioits the patron- ,.e of the traveling vublio, and is .^eterm.nrd that none sha'l go away dissatisfied who may la

Tor Iiiiu with fi eall. ^„ . _

47y <;. ^. CONVKUSE. Proprietor.

his d.m''httr, in niarriago. but if any one s'niiulil preieiid he had sueba^tMiy ;.nd shou'd iail— thd i."*. if the story did e >;ne to ;in einlr- he was to have Ids b d eut oJV.

For .Mndi a pr'.cc as n bcauiilul piiii

iM'ss :ii d :i kiiig«lom many candiilalcs

appeared, a"d dieadfu! b^iii; stories

s.iiie »'{' them told. Some lasted a week,

collie a n.onih, and some y\x months.

, oor lellows, ihey all sp.m them out as

I. Il"' :is they possibly cnuld, but all in

vain. Sooner or later they all came t.t

<n end. ono afier anolh.>r, and the un-

; linky story tellers h id their heads

ilioiioed ifl'. At last came a man who

s.ii«l that he had a story that would last

.oicvir, it h:s majesty would be j.leas-

u I to i^iv.; him a niah He was warned

u!' h.s d.nger; they t«dd him how many

h ol tiud and lost their heads, but be

of cverv variety.

'' III »■• - »

Gilt^MoilltFlMirs K(*V)t On Hand U:, d that he wa- n.d afiaid ; and so he ^ * ... 1 ... .1 1 :.... II.. ,....



D^N .MaliKIIA'd ti. CO. FR33.

Opptisito t'littoii Hoiifc,

^In^'Uat'), Mlliiitftot'i.

Our tabU's are iin«( «fid ar.; of the bvsi .nnke Good eigars ahd liiiuori. at the bar. 4'J\ I


Fro.it 'Jtrett, ueavthe Lc «e. MANKATO. MINNESOOA.

M- T. U. SLOWER, Proprietor.

Cen»r»» Stasvf Ofticefor all Point:. . .tti* State. OooJ ' St»Mln|{ with attentive Osllr'«^ 19yl


Corner of Wolie.V A Main Streets. Winnebago Ci»y

D. S. LAW Proprietor.

Blades leave this ll.iuno for all Points.

There is aU'. a g^^J "very '=°»''«'=*''^^ J^;Jo*.|;; II<>u«e.

LL kind! of Jwi) Work dooo to order »t tbie OCBt*.








's.MIlll ct HUMPIIUEV,

Devi era in



e^Parlieular attention paid to Music Orders

~A n'cv7bito~f"lFarr«nf.v Deeds yi^l nriuted and b.r sale at tlrs office. Al- to »U kiads of Juaiicc's BlanJu,

.v:;s brought beii it" the kiii<:. He w a .1 man of a very composed ami denh- ra «: way ol speaking, and after mak- in- a'l iiecis.>ary sti|)ulatioiis for his r:,t ng, drinking and sleeping, be thus

began :

' ()li kin.' I tbore w.as once a king .vh.» was a great tyrant; and desinng 10 ioerease his riches, he seized upon tiie corn in liis kin-don, and put it in an imineiise granary which was built on purpose, as high as a mountain.— This lie did for several yet^vs, until the .^Mana.y was quite fuU to the top. He riieii stopped the doms and windows on .,11 sides. 15ut the brieklayers had by aeci lent, left a small hole near the top of tbeerai.ary, t'ud there came a flight of locusts, and tried to get at tl-e corn, hut the hole was so small that only one locust could pass through at a time.— So one locust went in and cariicd off one grain of corn, and then anotlier locust went in and carried off another -riiii of corn, and then another locust went in and carried off another grain of corn, and then another locust went in and carried off auotbcr gram of

cu^s on all sides. 15ut let the king have |iaticncc. and no doubt wo f-hall have coiuu to the end oi them in time."

Thus encouraged the king listened on for another fu.lyear, the story-teller nfoin'Min still as bet\)re :

••And another locust went in and carried oil' anolher grain of corn, and then another locust came and carried off another grain of corn and then an- other locust went in and carried off another grain of corn, and then another l(!cust went in and carried ofT another ovaiu of corn, and then another locust wen! in and carried olV another grain of

corn "'

At last the jto^rk'n.' could stand it

no loii'^er, and he eii* <i out :

'*0h I man. that is enough ! Take my dau'.:hterl take my kingdom I take anything, every tiling ; only let me hear no more of* the ahominalde hcusts."

And so the story teller was married to the kingV daughter, and was declar- td hcM- to the throne, and nobody ever expressed a wish to hear the rest of the story, for ho said it was impossible to come «o the other part of it till he had done with the locu.-ts.

It IS stated ihat after the groat sue ee^^s of ''Ihe Ideas of Madame Aubray,' tl;e late.-t play of the younger Dumas, M. Dumas, ;><?rt', wrote to his son as

I'd lows :

Slit: Your writings are charmini:. I should like to write something con- jointly with you. I refer you to my published \\ork.s 'Monte Cristo,' 'Les Trois Mousquei aires,' 'Yingt ans oprc-V etc , for my tetitimonials, and I am, Aht-XANDKE Dlmas.

To this the author of 'Les Dames aux (;amelias' rep ied as follows:

Sill : HI bad not read your works, the very high ojiinion which my father has t.f you Would have forced me to acc\i>tyoU'.- proposal. I am, abo, Allxandre Dumas.

to the first lady of the Republic j On what p..-iMe groiid, either of

Mrs. Lincoln had a kind, good heart, common sense or good t;iSte, can ob and one day she said U Abrah.m,'\Vhy j-cinn.s be taken lo the iiaiund deiivu-y ea.rt I.<aae Newton have an office r'- "f =1^ !^'='^l ^''^^ .^erm.n ? Il Garri- k 'Certainly he can have an office,' said ^'^"ii ^' t even the i:-.im soldier, v.hu the President, 'Fll make bun a briga- j was on d.ity :it ihe roi.' r. f \w s re. t. dier,' 'No, now I am in earnest; cair blubl ering l.ke a ciiild ; amJ ii Mrs. Isaac Newton have an office?' 'Yes, Suldons c«miM ovcipow.r li.e io. mi t I'll make him gaidener to tho While , ira-e.iian Vuung thai he co od not re House.' 'That is not an office; it is liain Ironi .-obbing. al.>ud, ihoiii;h he onlvaplace; I mean a good oir.ce.''— was hnnsell on the stage act sig li e Old Abe saw the way to peace in hisjvnlain ot :h-.' piece— and ;il this while domicile w.is in ^ivinu' Isaac an (dliccj merely ulu iinglhe w or.l.- ul a li.t; i..u^ and the happy thought stiuck hnn or.chaiaLicr w li.il overwludmnig iffi-.i.s makini; him CoM.missioner of Agi'cul lintheway of awakening Mn..ers and turc. Isaac was diimb!ouiided b U j j.ies.-ing Innue ihe mess .g.- ».! ihe (ios happy, and continued in that singul.r pel, migi.t not be introduced by mm

The excavations now being made in Syria have resulted in the discover}, at Nadir Sarapc, of a Hebrew house, dating from about the second century before Christ. Some of the rooms are in perfect preservation, and contain a number of Hebro.w books, including the books of Moses and the Realms.

A^youiig iMethodiit clergyman his preach'jd from the steps of his church, in Salisbury, N. IL, all through the

ciiidiCum frotii the day of his appoint ment until he was rulhksdy deoajVi tatcd on Tuesday last.. Tho-e who were in the habit (d* seeing hini in h s office know that he 'admiiii>^tr."ted' w ilh vi"or. 'ihebu-sin the slu»w ca-< s were always kept in or<K'r The gaiden seeds had their pr 'j er libels. 'ibi- (lowers were aira' god in tin; highest style of art. No coutify seed sor- was never more inviting nr in'eretiii:^ than wa* Newton's dejtaitinent. '! in most difficult du'ies of his offi.-e weie devolved uj) n a well-appuinte.l and experienced set of subordn ites ; Isaac superiir ended affairs in general, and 'showed up the visitors.' He was especially at home on early Ftraw ber- ries and 'garden sts*.'' 'Ihe knowledge he dispensed on these sidjects to vis itors was cheap as dirt at 31,000 [)er year, his salary.

Ml SIC AT Home.- Every w man who has an appetite for music or sing- i„.jr,*<hould bless God for the gift, and cultivate it with diligence— not that ohe may dazzle s' rangers, or win ap plausc from a crowd, but that she may brint' 'dadness to her ovru fireside.— The influence of mu<ic in strengthen ing the affections is far from being p t ceived by many of its admirers ; a sweet melody binds all hearts together, as it were with a golden cord ; it makes the pulses beat in unison, and the bean thrill with sympathy. Rut the music of the fireside must be simple and un pretending; it does not require bril- liancy of execution, but tenderue-s of feeling— a meny tune for the young - a more subdued s.rain for the aged, but none of the noisy claptrap which is so popular in public. It is a mist >kc to suppose that to enjoy music re-

whu arc giving utterance, in iln-ir owu character, to ihciiiosi subiiiiie ami ?jul

sliiriii'j; tm lis.

winter, the house having been closed

a'l-aiust him soon after ho was scut there, quires great cultivaticm. The degie<



No one comes to hear him, but storm or shine, lie takes his position with un- covered bend, and e.Mhorls and prays^ and no expostulation or entreaty can turn him from wdiat he deems his duty.

'Good blood will always show itself,' as tho old lady said when she was struck by tho reduesa of her ooie.

of enjoymeut wi>l of course, vary with our power of appreciation, but lik. all other gre.at influences, it is ab'.e to attack even the ignorant And thi< is what the poets taught when they m . h Orpheus and his brethren the civilizt-rs of the earth. Manner is a great raattcr.

♦'liuw aro Yuii, Bill i"

Yes'erdav allemoon, tin ing llic re- ci'ss ol ilio t. onvenii'in, wc l.iol: a.>tr !i up .Main street, widi ou ohag iiouh and i;ool lo iking youii:: iVieml, .Ju igo Will T. H.nly, of Mount Su- ling. Our obji'clive point was l.scolt.s :::..|.c« ry, wheie we intended to dazz'e his eyes, bewi'dcr h.s b .an and captivi.le his fancy, by introdu.-in^ h m to the ma.-ter w.)iks of the painters g. .lin^;. .) ii.'^l alter pa>sing F.niith .-Irt-ct we W(!:e conside.ably astonishe ', an i oi^r iricnd— who, wiihout excepiiou is \U^ mo.-t modest umii ii Kentu ky- iiil^en 'all .aback, by .a youn^ and lovdy la y rii<hini' out of ;i store and I'urA; inj: :i pair of the whitest, roundest and piumiicst anus about the .Ju.lge's m ek Warm, earnest and lieavenlv ksses lell uj»on bis own, tVom lips ih.il w.-iild tempt a bee lo search lor luniey. He twceii the jiauses of ihe kisses &hc ex- claimed :

'Why, Dili, how are yon?* (Ki-s.) 'When did you get back':* (Kss.) U here have you been a 1 this lioiu/^^ Why have you not been to see n-, yoa queer olJ duck, you ? ( Ivi.ss, kiss. )

'.\la-a-a ' ^Ivis-, ki>s, kiss)

•Theio. there, you darlii-g- (kiss) Fm not going to scold you?' (Ki-s, Ui.s , kb^-', ki.«s,)

Oar friend's (ace turned as red as a boiled lobster. His eyes s:o^d out lVo:u* h 8 hea I !i!»e the horns of a ^-ea ling c.ilf. I'er-piiatioii jioured down his cheeks in drt»ps as lar-e a-^ paitridgo e::i:s, and sudic eiit quautity t«> ihor- ou"'hlv w.'ish his shiit. At las;, by oncenlratiog ail his streiigili f.»r u

singe (b'csive ifFo;*. the J.j.l.jo wrenched hnnself Ir.-in 'he Indy's em- brace cxcl "iminir a^ he did s».

*.Madam, ilieie's .s.-m.- mi^t.ke hi-n- 1'

'(4<»od (io i 1 ei-.e<l the la!y, when

i»he diseoV'trt'd s'e had been wa-tiiig

ur sweiiiiess on a straairer. *>'ool

■iod! I lli"Ug!if it w:i>; Hill Dvis! ..

.-V'ld in an in taut a visioa i»!' criuoiino

ind a < alrVe diappc;irii!g lhi« ugli

neiiibbtuing <b»<!- w s all ihal w nim

Ible of the ch^iriuing ycuii^ cie-turc

v,-.^ ♦•.:4.

»* - »-


.^- -v.V*.. *

v; ••

i^ »•. . ..•«j-


I 1



I i



.1 'f



■■ - p - -

- I

J »-^

. . f -I II . •- >.—

lllli liOMESTEAD

NVIXN i:iiAi;0 CITY, MINN. MAY 8. 1867.

£. A. HOTCHl-liSS, Editor.

A corrcf<|ioiu]tMit ot the St, Paul Pi- OMcer^ wriling from Furibaiilt, Miuu., uiuUt ilalo of M:\y 1st, S!^y^


Minncap'ilis is full of lueagles. Tiiiins on the S. M K. II. have corn like t'x;inmi;ition ot Allirrt Ilovt •=» ^

•;iti ixalluT it \i< Mi follows :

Ilitvt's cMlllo have hccu tlilvcn hy liiui sevornl liuies into StamrcrJ's on •^»^ulv, iiiul on yestc'i\l;iy I'.ioruinuj Iloyl sent two of his cluUlrcM l'> diivii lliciii into it aiiain, wliou S^'iiulorJ Jruvc ;lu in out aiii till? c-hi:»lri'n home.

lloyt imme.liatoly took d(»\vii 1h.s nx

iiul s;iiil lie would «,'<) :u:il s.-itle the

(iiatter wilh Ktain'onl, and s'.arloil lor

tamfoitrtj lu>u.so, incLtin^ hi in, as it

I'riiitlot; rivpcr.

A Into tolournm Uom Now Y«)'k con tTiimthc f"llowiii>; infonnalion concern iui; ihc \t\'uv o! ))riiUiM«4 ] apiT :

I'mlor llto iiitliu'ooo of lOioiit iinj'Or tatiot'^ ot I'viuiiu-' j apoi Irom Muh'I'O, juul the jiruhahUily (»f furllu'r i>r(.krs lifMls^ :^on'. (vut, llu' I r c-o i»f I'-.r.:, ji.liU h:i!^ .u'vllmMl to 1')! an.] lt» enits jui pou'id. Straw aii'l r.o^' nrxo 1 raiii;c.s irnoi i;>j 'o !.'> vcws as por quality. Tliv' j.uMislu'is hoii' :irc <K'l».'iiiiiiui] uoi

10 .-iilniit any li^iijor to 'hc' e.xtoriionat'- jMiri'!« i:tij»"S'(l Uj>. II ll.rm 1' r a yo.ii I. vt. (J, .1(1 juiiit |>it'«r, suh as tlu- ji;HM-rrt now uso, cao bo jiurel.a-od iii JkMc-.'.vm for I'i.^iii to luiu' ei'uts \ri |.oan.l in u'Mil, ami c.ui bo lalJ J->wii iiiMT iu^'ii'liiij tlie tluty, frci-ht, iusi:r- :':ioi', (•■>i:inii<>i«''.., Jc*- , at about six tri'ii c 'nt> ; :nt(l niMi\' than tint |»rici' ihi- No«v Y'>ik ih.ilifs havf r«.s .Ivetl ii >l t> pay liio JiHiK'Sfio v.v nulitclurer-.

Thi- Now Voik Tri^'itiiH h.-s for :. loui; t-iuf buujit ail *.f its j>:iui paju'i in Im l«;!Uin.

TIm' j>aj«M' up n which il.«' IIoMK Pir.AO i.s p.iiitL'v]. il> livi'iL'il liore., c 'Sls a triiL- m .r»- tli.ari t^vo ly ioir conts a j.ouii i, :)r..l iu-re'of'r'j has bv'on nr.sor- a'»'.- .-!iii", >^fir.-oly ih.s^'rvin:^ the nanu' of p*p- r, aii.l m.a:!uf:u-;uro I .it Mlrno np.»li.s. 'i Jiis week I'Ur .^ubsrr.bors wili no'i««' wi> aro usiuu; a bot'er quality, whie'n wo izot fr.»:ii >\"u^con>iu. Tho MlmuMpolis papf r-ui;ikoi.s de^^orve r.' lavroiiuge S(.> 1 ui: as th'.'V c-iitlnuo to press a C'tumoa sized silraw stack au'i

11 p.uiid of r.ijis int.' out* bundle td* pa por; bat, wo will aLTi-ie to puioha.so ol l!i< m whou ihoy loo ihc uiark.prefonin- Ij dod ^^ ith home manuraelurors.

There is u<» uond roasi>u why pub lishcrs sh u! I lo compelled to pay such exorbitant 'prices for paper stock, and

it uilv rc(.uiics a i.ttlc pluck at iCdiio uas an old man, leaves a luri;e family nul Convcnlious, to ovor ride ihe^wli do monopoly.

'dj;u<jf<d with Uie murder <d dosiah Stomtord, In the town of Hritli^owater, in this county, i.s now in p.n»iiie.«*.s ho- 'ore Justice iVrkins. in I!enri< li's IlaH- Tl.c dov"l' pmonts of the ca.<o up to this houi .^-tamp tho affair as one of the :nosl atrocious muidcis *m reciud. The iii-^lory if the ca.'-e antceodcnt to tin- poipetration of the crime so far as I rcecnt fre.>het in Iow:i.

Tiio ears on t!ie Pacific Railroad aie MOW running .'U).") niiles west of Omaha.

Secretary S'anton is c«.-n fined to liift house by severe indisposition.

Tiic annual producti.>n of diamondri is estimated at ^ I, lUt.) OUO.

Tiiirty lives have been lost by the

U. S. Ldiul OJ/f're.

WiniK tliapo City, Miun., Maj 21, 18(57. To .Tutnc." Mo'irii-y :

Jiliii Sullivan lins tlii.s (Iny applicfi for t!in norili wist .in.irtcr of ."trtion 24, t.iwn.'liip 102 noilii, r-AVj^L 2'J west ; it t.ciiip tb) lanil you Olcd oil. Ymi arc In n1»3' iiotilii-'i lo brt iiii'l apjicar .'it tills otfiii; oil M.iii<l-iy. Ilio -«1 <li*y of Juii«, iSii?, nil <i'»-li»i-k ji III, for tlio iiurpo.'-o of K'vin;; llu'. wiiulo uialti-r a fair aii«l inin:irti:i! iiivo.«tit;uti«u. A. il. lUM.IS, lUi?l-tLr, II. W. IIOI.I-KV, Uccfivcr,

After 1 place to purchase


John S. Johns, tele^^rajh operator :il Gtisport, Ind., was mur<K'rod in hi.s of- fice last \Vedne.~-dav ni<'ht.

40,0'"* bu-hels of wheat have recent- ly been shipped from New Voik lo Iii:evpooI.

Judi^e Pay, postmaster of Ilochestcr, -Miun., died ol" .mii.ill pox on h'riday mi'rniii!.;. Tlie Union says the citizen!* of that titv wi'h oneaecord are in favor

r. S. Land OHice.

Wiiincl.axo City, Minn. Aluy tth, 1367. To .riTrtiniiih Ciiiiiiioy :

Kie^iiif Saliivau iias l!ii^ (lay api'lidl for tlio norlli wtst <i'i:.rt< r .*<e('tion 12, to\vii.'iiij> I02iiorlli ran^o L".l wost ; it lioinjj the lainl you lil(>l on. Yon aiili'TLl.y imlilitil to lie iiint .'iiipiarat tiiis ■(.I^Cl; oil .N.i'ur'liiy tlio St||.l:iy ol' Jinn-, l^C.?, 12 o'll^.ck M, liir the |nirpii.iu oT ;;iviii;^ llic wliolc matter a lair and iuip^irtial invi!>ii;.':itioii.

A. II. Ill I.I.IS. Uigl-Nr, II. W. IKU.LKV, K>cciMr.

U. 8. Laiitl Ollice.

Wiiiiif1ia;ro City, Mill!), May, 7, 1S(57. T I Cl!:lrU•.^ S Kiiiiliai' :

Willis ii I'l rriii lia.< t!ii.^ day n^iplic'l ''or tlio iMiilli wi'.-l <iMarli'r of .•■c'clioii iw<», to>irii.'<liiii one hull IrLiI a'.nl lour iiorlii, range lwriity-niii<! w<'.''' ; il id ill;; iHi; lainl yon likil oil. You nro ln^nliy ii'iiiiicd tohu ami appear al ihlti oflicu on iSalanlay (he .S(ii iJ.^y of tJiim-, lcf'i7, at 1 oVlixk p in, lor ihr piufio-c o! <;iviii!; >!io whole lualtir n fair aii'l i nip art 1.1 1 in v.; a ligation.

A. H. Isll.M.s, n.-j<i^(-r.

u^ w. nuia.i.v, iu,ciiv*.r.

U. S. Land Oilice.

Winncla;^o City, Minn., May lih, 1SC7, To (.'oriK-liiio C. Car . :

Ira .M. lllkfr has iLis day apjilii-tl for Oie iswint'l Iw'iseiAsei.'jelp.c in, lowiifhip 101 iH.rMi, raii^j 2j west; it bciiijj tUc Inii-l yiiM filf'l on. You aro hfri:'>> rmlilii-ii to h'j and Hiip'Mr ul (hi.< ifllicu on Friday, the 7lh day oj Juno. 1S()7, at 1 o'l Idck p in. lur iho purpoee </f ;;iviu;; l!io whoic inatlcr a lair i%iid impartial invcitit^uliyu.

A. II. lUi.l.I.s, Itiv-'^i*", n. W. lloia.l-.VK-.o'.ivcr.

WARCOxMMENC'D.I ™portant decision.

After car<-ful invPHtlgation by competent judge* It h»g been fully and fairly decided that tli« Lege place to purchase

I am now rectiTing the

l^iirgest and Most C(>ni])lete

stock of

Dry Goods,

-lam OKI s iiouse, incci'.ui' hiiu, as u i ,. . . , , r «i ^ v...„, ,.« i

/ ... 'd the appouitmcnt ol tlic nereavcil

iPI'ears, .abiiut forty ro.ls from Ids' ., r » i v , , i :^ .-...., o . ..

'1 ' willow 01 Judge ray :is his successor

\xvx\^c, ill the road, when a'ter a few | j^ ^j^^, ^^jjj^.^,_

.vurds ii»^ struck at l.ini wiih l.'i3 a.\, ' , . t ^ . /

,..,,, , . ' liu-s;a proposes t'» take a ileet ol

.•atliii'4 h:s riiiiu haiu! marly 11! two.— I \ ,,-.,,.

/ , , " , , , , uen ciad.s Irom the I nited btatc-j in

.^t:•.m^'Jd ilm; turned to run, when , . »

... . ..• I I r. T'l^V'ncut lor Kns-ian America.

licvl sinick him au^•lln cuttnii^ his iott * -^

liandcntirelv oil and buryii- h-s a.v ^'-^'•'''•^^ McCJrath, the la.^t of th.

bit in St.«nrours.sl.ouhlor and fJlin- | ^''^"^"•^^•^^ IV.dans, l:as been .sentenced

him to the -round, Ilovt ;i!Urwards , l^» ^^' '''"';-^' «>» ^''^' ^^^''^^ J^«^'' ^^ '^^''■

-t.ikl.o^ th. lodv and he* ,d -f Stamlbrd | »-^"t«. ^'- ^^'- '^^^'^ '^"^^^^ ^^''^ ^"^ ^^'^'^

nine -r ten blow .s nculy severing the ^'-i'i?^'^i "> r=»«" tl''^« sentence, but did

iiead from llie body. Ilovt then wci;t , i»>t Mipposc it would be carried uut.

I liome .-Old told his wile that ho had ; There are now forty-seven new pa-

kir.cd old Slamh-rd, and thtt he would pcis published ia .Minne.'iot.i— a Sfitu

mnygo and finish splitting rails. I>ut ; ,j^^t yet ttn ye rs old --live of which

in>teal he proceeded to Stamford's , .^,.(; j.^i]y_ On an averat^e these papern

house and u-t. inptcd to kill his wi!e, ' ..^^.td in typograpliical ai>pcarance and

who called her two s .ns, a-ed 17 i-nd ; f, life rial ability the newsp-.ipeis of many

JO, to her a^>istance, aiul together they j „{ ^^^^^, ^;^^^^^ States. The number of

bound him nnd took him to Ihmdus find ! j,.^^^.,.^ jj,,^^, published recalls to mind

d.-i;\ered him to a constable, by whom . ^j.^. ^\,\ auecdoles in regard to Frauk

ho was b.ought to Faribault. ^ j u,-, .nother-in law, who oljected to J^^r'^ri^'; ^ultn'lt' U'^arried on at

Iloyt has a tan ily. composed ot a wile , |j^.j. dau-hter marryiio' a luinter be- ' i""*; *">^' «tand liy M. Dearborn. n26wo

and seven chiidieii. Stamford, who cause two newspapers were published Li A "3" ^\^W^t

IS an old man, leaves a lurge family, m this country, and she did not sje R^mM^^^Oi^ !

Th<} conduL-t of the accii.^ed is most I j,^^^y lu-pjauiin was to n:ake a hving. indilTijrent and n<mch'(l'?nt.



Mat^j Caps, t&c.

Ever Brouglit to the Minnesota \' alley,

and have ccmmenccd


of which fji'.-t all my oil customers and the pub- lic generally

Will be satisfied by callino; and Exam-

iiiing my (Joods, and hearing

my 1- nces.

ever bearing in mind rnj' motto of

r. ,S'. L,n,({ iijjirf.

Wii.nc l.:i;^o Ci'y, Minn., .May Cib, 1SC7. i' l.,ii;i.-iiy Uiiico:

Olc Uk'.-»iin Floe h.^.s thi:' ilay applied fur tl;'- IK rth east ((iiaittr jf .xci-rion 22, t-'Wii-hip lOl ncilli, ranee 2a wc.-t ; it b-inp the land you lili- 1 on. You aro hcnby noiilii.il Oi appear at ti!i> ufiue on ."Saturday tlif ""t'l dtiy of June, I'('i7. at I p. m, for thu purpose of j^ivin;; tho wlulo mutter .1 lair and iaip^irtiul inxestiL'.iiion.

A. n. lUI.IJS, Rrtjiffrr, 11. W. lloI.l.bY, Kectivcr.

Dissolution of t'o-Parluer.sliip.

The lirm of l/onnll 4 Dearli'irn i.< this day ''.i:«.«oUt'd l>y n^utuai c-ous'tnt. The .=nid M. I)c.ir- b'trn will jiayuil demands und collect u!l nccouun due said !irm.

C. .A. COTTIIKLL. M. l»KAKl>OKN. "VVintiebrt^o ("iiy, .\pril lOih, l"f).'.

Sellin^,^ :\[ORE Goods for ONE DOLLAR than ANY

House in the \'alley.

Ih^aae Marks,



and in fact any kind of Goods, i? at tlie Store o}

B. M. Wilson,

Next door to KICUARDFONP,

whera more Goodi can bo had for ot>o dollar tbi any other

in Faribault County.

R. M. WILSON. v4n21tf pr N, AV. Sargkxt,

April 3th, 18C7.

WANTED— AGE.V'I?=— SCHOOL TEACH VMf-, CLElltiYMEX, to take orders for oar new woik,


Edited by


Author of "Life of Lincoln," "Timothy Tit-

coinb'p Lcttets," "Littcrswcet," etc,

Agent!" already in the field arc taking from fifty to one hundred orders jor week. No other book now published eells s-o rajddfy. Largest ,^ co!nmi>!'ioD given to Arr'nti. F<.r term* and

MankatO, Minn., Nov. 20, 1><jO ly ; teirif.ry apply to GHARLEs DILL, Chicago,


Livery Stable !

l-^'Uii St. Paul Pioneer ol May Gd , in .pi 'tiuLj an {article from the New York World relating to the pictuics m ILiiper's Weelily, .-ays:

<>ur Ac(|ui>i(iuiis.

Au Ktigll h paper in the Annus Mi- rab'.lis ISGo, gives a note cf r;iiii fall


L"". S. Land Office.

\Tinneb.ago City, Mien., April 22, 1S67. To Patrii-k .J ilrady :

John 1'. Rird ba.« this day applied for the nor'h we.-it quarter seetifin 2L lon-iir-nip 102 north

■^^y*/ \ '■'■ ... V-' "\ -5 rang..- CI we>t ; it I.ein^'the land y.iu filed on.

/S^>r^i - ^••— . ' '^\ "5 j You are hereby notified to be and appear at ths

.' V v- -' - - ■' ;-• ^ I ..«iec on *aturdav, thc2.^th dnvof.May. 1>B7, at

I.'., .it. .1 N^i. -• . '■,' B.a^J*.'^


At tJio rate we are goinoj on, the old of the year. In January, .<"ixfeen da}

lli^ure of speecli, ":hat the whelc buund- I i;iiu ; February, firtcen ; March, nine-

ItfS-? continent is ours/' will soon be teen; Aj ril, nineteen ; ^May, ten (less

A few days a'u'> We de=cribed sonv h^'^'''^^ ^^' l'-^'" '"^"^^ ^"^"'' '''^^^- ^'''''■•■' i1»^=" i>'^' ;n<«-'i,H';; J">^e, fourteen, uith ot the villa'inous ]>ictures with whicli Uhe Constitution \va.s adopted, we have j plfpty (,f cloud-i; July, eleven diiys, and

II ..'. \\'..„t.i.. I.... 1...,-. 11 i.-Qi'ltiiiirl T.i,rn - :..:.: «.,»■•,... i i ».. .. .. _ri.... o.

Would rc«peotf illy inform the public that they have opened »■ first ela=> Livery ."^tablc in Winne- ba;^o t,'ity, where g^iod '•e.<t;ii«ii.'-hincn's" ean be had at ail tiine.'<, d.iy or night. Pas.-engers ar- rivi:!g by stagn ravried to any point de.-ir'.-d.

.<ta'b!eand Ofiiee ja^t back ol tL« New liabtist Chtir'. !i.

Winnebago Ci*y, Jan. 10, ISC7.

Hamper's Weekly has been insullinij | „i^,]j^ ii,(. fjH^^wmg actpiisitions of ter- jjim-Ji cIoipI ; Au,mi-t, eighteen; Sep the pn>titute and .-utreriii- •*5^u^'». ""^^ I Htory : ' * Jenihrr, twci.lv-seven niiii, with only

d(dn«' itx utr.iosT t. I'lolonuf our pre,'*- , - -t i' .. i <" r i i /^ .

eiit di>un;on and kindle ai.ew the tires 1- -j "'^' I"ncha.o of Louisiana and ^ one hue d.y Iree Ireni elondi; Oct>

ol s ctional is'.rife. '^'9 Mi^.s:^.s;pJ)i Valley, in iJr'oo, IVoui j Ler, ."si-'ven ; Nmeuiber, fiileen, with

What a pi-y it is that tho jvoitilute < France, for ^^lo.OOO.UUO, j much f':^: rnd damp ; ai;d December,

South Bhould be in.Milted \v:lh "e/V.w//.- -• The puieha.se of Florida, n\ ISIO, ; twenty-two. The total neaily 2'JO d;iys ou/' ploturoi. AU ir.il I nude^l Se 1 from Sprdn, for >!3,()00,t»0i». L.^ of otio.

cei^siu. ^- The anuesati.n of Texas, in lS4.y | .^j^ ^.^.^^^ j-^_^,^.,.,^ :. ,,,,^ ,;-^^,p, ^,^

, ■*■ '^'•'^^ rureluve of Cahforni., .New \ ^^^ ,^.^. .^ ^^^^j sj ecidation* this lime.-

:^^A Wa.hingt.u di-p.irch says ^Mexico and [ i.n. from ^lexico, f\.r .,^ ^ charterers expended -tl40,000 that it is alter ull a matter of doubt as ; sl5,U0.V)U(h in isds. ! sterhu'^ t. relit the ves.el -for p.sseu

M whether Jad.^eLndervvoodwales.savj 5. The pnrcha.HW)r Aiizona from ' .,,.j. tiailie, ba.sin- uM-eat exiiecUitions

GKOUGE E. NKI>ON, Proprietor. Liquors of all kinds. Cream

Ale and Lajcr Deer, eousianily on nand.

Oystt^rs, Lolbsters, IVaclies, j "'Yy'Y^^lNEBAGoTrrY ~

niaeklierries, Kaspberries, and Cansep 1"i:i n!" } ol' all kinds. i

n.'iin and 1-ancy Candies, and ' DRFG ^TC^ISE.

Nuts Ijcni every climo. I

Winnebago City, Feb. 27, lS«r. T4nl.1tf

I p. m .for the purpose of giving the whole mat iiT a fair and impartial inve.-ti_-a:ion.

A. H. P.n.MP. l**ji-ter, H. W. noLLEY, Receiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Winneba.,'o City, Jlinn, Apiil 8th, ISCT. To Philip I'ur.Lit :

George Nntt ha" this day upplied for tbr -oath ea.«t qrsec 2S toirnship lii2in,rth, T.i-^ge 2?- vve.-t ; it being the land you filed on. Y'ou are hi rcby not'tied lo be and app- -«r at this ofTice on .Monday the l.lih day of May l>^ti7 at 1 p ni for the purpose of giving ibe whole malter a fair and

ioipaitiai iuvealiziition.

.\. H. Uri.LI.^. Hepster, H. W. HOLLfcY, Uec*i*er.


Tlie AVorlil As<-oni.^lied


Made by tlie Gretit Astrologist, MADAM II. A 1 ;:UUIG0.


U. .S. La}ul Ofice.

Winnebago Ci:y, Minn, April 25, 1SC7. To Ea trer Elia? :

John I' Daiiills has this day apjiiied for the , sriiiih e«.-t rjuarttr of section 24. township 102 north. langj ."1 west; it being the lai:d you filed on. Y<^u are lieriby notified to be and uppvur at tt.i3 ofiiceon Saturday the 2jih day of Jur.o. 1M>7, at I o'eljck p m, f'>i ibe purpo5e of giyir;g the whole inattei a lair and import i:i! invefflisration. A. H nUI.LIS. Ke?if!(r. H. W. HOLLEV, Ucciver.

Ljer tiaiiie, basini; great exjiectiitions ! uioii the (ireal Kxp- sit'on. They pay

ihe trial of Jelfei>on Duvis at the May ^[t.xico, for ^?lO,00(.),(XMJ, in 1no4.

' ' ' ' s ii|uii me Ml eat i'.i.\j>' nii uii. x >"-'y p*')

term of the L^iitcd Stutci district court- 1 (). The purchase of the i"»nense j ^-i ^.o,j ^^^.,.,i.,^, j,^,. mouth. be.s:de.s, ol If the term be adjourned wiihout such \ \\x^s.\:^x^ r sses.^ions, runnin- down on ; ^.^,„,^.^ .jj ,,,,"„;„j. expenses and port trial, the 1're.^iient h.a.i daermined to ^ Ui- Pacific coast from the Xorlh l'',le ' ^.j^.^,.,,^ j, r^^^^ \.^ char-es at New

■'•■••> '"^ •"- ' I - - "•• - -^ c;i:ir^( s. 'idie jn'it chari^es at New

at once relea^e Jef!. from confinement |,o fifty fnur f.rfy north l-''ituu^>, at | y,.,,,:"^,,^!^ j.^^^. ^1,;^^ ,,.,., ./^(^ :-,; (^^^^^^

at Fortress Monroe, on nominal bail, j vrhieh line it strdces the i'hiii.sh j,o..scs ,,,,,-,.i,.^ ,„^, bi-.t, c.mmi.s.sions. ndver

The Fre.<id.'nt has in his p>..s.-e>siun a|i,ior,q.

letter, sii^iud by lead ng Republicans, j These extrusive flights of the Anicr

asking tl^t Mr. Duvls be released ; aW. I ican eagb, iVom the fri.id --"^l' 1 ^,.. ,,„„,i,i j„,e eighty or one bun.

a propo>iti m fmm Il-race Greeley, of- ^duwn ahm .t to the eip.at. r, lu ^^^ . ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ dollar^to'pay cpouccs.

feriii- to be one of Mr. Pavii' bond- «u''"y J^<'ntl', :i!^' '>» Ji <haracler to 1

convince the world th.d notliin;:;; >-liort

ti-ing, etc., and the entire proceed.s td the vovape were only sJO,Gl'S. Each


^^^IjT'AboMt \> o'cliK k p. Ul. on


nesday thu -ith, u'lt.,. an earth<pnke was full with more or le>s severity near ly all over Kansas, Mhsr^ouri, lo-.va and from Fapc F'lattery, the cxtronio we

of the whole We.-tern Conlim-nt will content "the universal Vunkce "Xoti'iu." The new region just acquired 1 y tin- Pussian treaty extends our western Fine



Iliiiiois. Three very di.-tinet .shock.s were Telt. .Uri. k buildiii'^H'the founda- tions of which we:e deejily laid, expe- rienced more fully tiian frauie build'.ngi-: the etfect of the shock. Tiie vibrations of su'.di were generar.y from three to five in.hes f.oia cast to wo.it. The carthfpiake was the ni->»t violent of any recorded oince the tireiit one of Fil2, ■jvliiidi shook the wliole Mlsi-ifsippi \'al ley, fr.>in center to ciicnmrtrence, and Uiterly destroyed Xew Madrid.

Kittori api-earcd in Xevv Orlean.^j, in Myrra and An-elo, in the TyiMut of ^'Mdua. Ilor receipts for Fcvcnleen ni-lits were 6i7,o0(j- In Clixago for four iji.i.'hty and a maiii.ee. she received §:iO,8Ud. Fo'iT ijij-dits in Cincinnati, $13,<Jt»'', and in St. Louia fi)r the Burnt niLJiber of pei Jormancei?, td(;,000.— She will .sail for Europe ou the 18ih d M y.

r:;;9-.Scnor Komcro, Mexican ailu.s- ter at Washington, r-ccived on the fiat in.st,,t!ic folIo'.viMi,' telegram from the Mexican coii>nl ut New ( bleats :^^

Xicw OftLEA.vs, April 30.— 7b M jinntro, W<i>ihln'jton, I) r.-M.ramo, is dead; the Imperial force.<* are d.s- Landed ; Mur.pie.>» is completely defeat. ,.1; (^aeiat:*ro taken, imd Maximiliai Ind hll

tern point of \VaKh:n;,'ton Territory, just under the outer coast of \'ancou- ver's Ish.nd, in longitude VIS. ." 4 de- crees west, to VS.y degrees west (or rather to 1*17 de;;reos east) longitude. This extension is e<|nal in thnift from Cape I'latte-y to four liours and thirty- three minutes; so that the lull measure

ST.\TE or MIN.\::S<)T.\. 1 ,, (•ol.NTV OF KA111I5AI I.T. j '

To the Shu-if or a»y ConsUtblc of said Conntij :

1.1 thf name of tho State rf Minnc«ol.i, you are b'nby e<..iinini 'K-d W aOn h th-t (Jood:^ and th;i' il.-. '.Moneys Lireel.s and fndits of \W.'t wo )d Tolivtr, or *o inueli there. I as .<;i:ill lie .-ul licei t to .'•ati-'ty tho suiu of forty-tight d.dlar.s and lorry eeiit*, witli iiiletedt and co»t.-< of suit, in nbi..<-e.«of\<r b.ii.ds or po5.v!.-<Hioi. the fame may bi: found, in yourCoJiily. an J -k. piovi'le that the t;...i.i.s and ('li.ilti-l.s .-o ultaelied may be -iibji-.l to fvriher j.roeeeding.-i thereon, iivtbo l.nv rt'iuire.-; and al»o to .-uuiuion the said W estwood 'I'olivcr


and CiciAi:.-;,

,*:ii» revc.'.l.'' «<-cn t<i no mortal fver 1:nf'r. She r'-«lf<r»'S ^

to Irijioiiufcs i!:<is«- ulio, from iv U-fi I t-viits, raiastiD- _/xl't IL 'It-'S. jiiitM. eross ill loTf, l>>^:t of rtliilion.^j and fio nil«, 1 •*•* of

iiioiicy, .tc, have liteoinc iU«|ioii'l.i.t. S!.e lirin;;* •«>- I

pi-ilicr til' .-■(• Ions Mparutiil, jr'v«s mfortfi'iioii ooiiCiTii- i;ii{ al'->i lit fiifirl-i or l.ivirs, rerlori-r' lo.^f i rstolni prop- fiiy, tfll« \oii tlie l'ii-iii<-s.< vvi) me In <t ((iKilltifii to pur- sue and in wliiit you will !'<■ m.j>l suoe •.s>riii,ci!U..S'S ciii-e- (iy iiiarriiiLO .•■ ami tilN \. ii tlu- \( ly liny you ttiil m.ary, i:ivi-.i ,\ou ill*' ii:iii;«', Iikci!>.')i<auil etiar-elcrictk-s' of tin- jterj-on. t^hp r<;icl« your vi :-y iIk ii^Iil^. and b.v Iirr al- r.i'^-l -iijuriialmal |i ITS uavii:.** tlu' darl: ilid liiddea m\>-tfrics of ilie fiiiurc. rvmii the stars we s^'- in tin- fli'mititi.-iil— llie m:il(lio st:ir.« that ovti come or jircdoiiii- ^ . , T> .1--, mi/l ""i-f o f h-knnvx'-

nMt,. !n tlu- oonr._'iu..ti..u-fr..iii MuaMuv'- and posiiions Jii-cnooi books and kMaiioneiy.

of 111!' I>t;iii(ti« niiil 111'.- (i.M-d rt;ir- ill tin- tiuu' of liirtli,

jlii" di-'iil-i-' the flit. :f'- "i'-sliiiy ol iiiaii. I';,!! not |(>«om- ~~^

Miil 'Ik- K'i-:it.'st .\>tc<-loi;i>t on •Mitli. it .•...-l.i yu I'ut 1>1„, 1 !> I,.. T"k:.,,.wi, Afuliir*

a trill.-, nii.i y>n m;.y n- v.-r .n-i.hi l.ave .-. favoiol.lc aa 15IanK ljt>C>KS, inUl 1C\-', l>i^ HIO-

..(.IMitiiiiilv." foiisiiliatlon (lie, wiia liU«in--s and all -i -r-. i t aa r^ 1

d.Mr.dinr.Mmnfion. Oml)..IIar. P. rli s livii;: ul .i .lis foi|(^|a l-JoOlvS, J..ettCr, LUD, and

taii<-e ean consult ll.t Madam ly i lail xvi;!i eijual saft ty ' . ,

ami sati-sfaoiioii lo tlieni-ilvis. as if ill l"isoii. .\fiill ■\r .^ ^ Pm-kr»r»! T*('tl«? Vplirils Su-

anl eNiiiird el.art, wsiUi-n out. with all im,-Jiii. > an- A OtC i apCI >, 1 (_ IJ??, l^:^llen^, k. U

Kwired .in.ni',i-iussri.el<'S.'d, sc-iit l.y mail oil ric-iipt of . T 1 «• 1 .+1.^,. ni.fi/^l/:io

,„w aiMvim ..iion.d. The .-t.iit. .-t .k.ci' sy wiii lie lienor Ink, and other aiticie^

maiiitainrd. and ;ill corri-:-p>nden(<- rttunif.l or ilistioy j 1 i t\ < r^ 11

cd. U.f.riiicesof thi- lii,-l.tst ord.-r funii-lilnd U "><: I p,.f l.y jJl'UO-0'li;i:S UCnCrallV. .K-'ini.Kllicm. Write plainlv the d.iy of llio month an-l l^'- | »- ^J cD ' •^

Patent Medicines, Painl-s Oils, and Dve-Stuiis, Kerosene Oil,

T r,,.,-.-. . l*..T-fiiniMTT' on<l P-nipv To LavfHVette H Sn >vr

Lanip>, iellumCl} and i c1LC\ „^race'A Faune-b..sihi.^d..y applied for tb»

U. t!^. LandOftice.

Winneb.igo City, Minn., A^ril 25, IS67,

yt-ar in v. Iiii li you were born, eiicto-inri a small K'Ck of iiair. Address,

ji.vDAMA H. A. rruiuoo,

v4nlSfl P. O. Drawsr'J'.'.i, Uaffulo, N. T.

Know Thy Destiny.

M.'idanie E. F. Tlminton, Ibe prrat Kn^lisli A^^fro.o- eil Cl.iirvov.-'i I aii.l I'svcluiiK i.ii iaii. wlio h.-i" as- lunish(-dtlM- M-. iitifii- elass,^oft!n■ Old Wor.d. lias iio\r loeitc-.l h -rs.lf at llml-nn, N. V. .Madui le Thon.O.n |.,,s-.'s, s .such w.i!:d.rf. I pi Wisof fiCoimI si!.!t,..s lo oiiul.k- h. r to iaii-art k.-ow it dj.'c rd I'l.- pni.»i ; t im, or- l!iii'-et> t!i;-(iii{;le or .iiaiiicd of dllit-r s-'X. \\\\A>- in II slate. 'ftraiic", sin- ihlim-atis tlu- very f.-alur. s .f the

Winnebago City,



Vegetable Sicilian



. ,. ., . , , I ,1 ii.heb.iiiid, to be nnd appear at inv olbeo in

oft-.ino trom tlie .New Ijruniwick to I ^; j ,.^„„(y „„ ,.„. j^d, ,iay oi.June, .A. D. isc.T. the Atlantic line of our territory will be I "t one n-ei.cU aUcrno.n. ';;^"-r,*,;;, '';'';;;''' J;-

Law, Ki a Livil lidion. to his (Kiiua^'o uiic Hun- dred dollar.* or uuder.

(Jiveii under n-.V bund.thw Titb d:,y of Miiy, A. 1). ist;7. ' 11. B. .<1'1« Kl'.il.M \N.

i,2swl Jubtieo of iho 1*0300.

over €l(jht hours and a h^({f\ or one hundred a'ld sixty dei^iee-s of loiiiritude. Whor. the sun m.-irks noon at F^astport, it will be fjuite •':->0 in the mornin^x nt .\tlnn L^land ; or, beiniij noon at tho

, Winieba:,'o City, Minn, May 5Mb, 1867

said Island, it will be tl iittle more than t„ Wiiiia.rt ireiami:

U. S. Land Oilice.

8:30 in the cvenino; at the Main bound- ary.

The larii^eHt paper mill in the wdld is about to j^o into operation at Green- vill, Conn. It will turn out thirty five Ihouiiand pounds of p iniing paper per day, and is expected to produce a de- cline in price.

]}y act of the last Leoislature, the saleries of the State oiEcers and Judg esof Minnesota are as follows, Gov- ernor i5!3,Ul>0; Sccrctaiy of State and .Superintendent of Tublic rrinling -*!- SOO; Auditor $2,000: the dud^es of the

Kniid Tcderson has this day njpli. d fi'r the II e ([r see, 14 lownKhip lUl north, ranj;e ?<"> west, it b. iiK' the l.iiid you lilt-.l on. Vou uro hereby notilicd to be au'l ;>ppear nt tnis (illiee on ."falnr day Itie Sih dny of June, l.'-()7, at 1 o'eloi k p, in, for till- purpose of >:i» inj^ tho whole mailer a fair and .nipnrllal in vcbli^^atiun

A II r.iiHis, I{e;:;ist<)r n W Jlolley, lU-e-.iver

U. S. Land^fiic^

Winnebago City, .Minn, May Stb, ISllT. To John Haley :

Peter Larson bai? tbi.s dav ; ipH. d for the s e i|rsee H lovvn.ship 101 north ran-o 10 west : it belli)? the land you tiled on. You arc ben-by notllied 10 beandappf*«ratlbi»c.ftii-eon S.4lurda\ the Sih dav of June, IS()7, al i p m, lor the pur- pose of givinj; the whole matter a fa'.r and ini

parlial !Uvc.-tii;utioi'.. ..,,,- ,.

' K II. Ill 1,1, I>, It.'-i-^t-r.

)1. W.JlOiibKV, Ki-ceiver.

Aa Ibe name indicates, not only rekews the growth of the hair when thin and fallin^ij

;::s::;;v,:u an:\o^man:;::ad;";he*' i^ir^^ I oir, bu^ positively rcnc. v. cdor to^s

iM.iit ofiiiuns.- i..)w.-r, kaouii ..s fie I'sycli.m.aiope, Qricinal ^ado whcn it \A turning grj0 or .'iiir-mt.'."? t.i nroi'.H-e a life like jiictnre oflhc future » "V j , i- ^\^fr.,

lol'nilml or wd'. ol the apidicaoi, toj.. n cr «iti. date of white, whciVr causcd by discasc^ief or

,n..riia:.'c. position in life, ha.linK traits of character, ^j^j ^se. \ X

.tc Thisis ii.< htmih"-', ■•>'< thoiisan.is of tcstiiimmals " & ,\, , , .. y^ A f^^ U

ciiiftss.rt. S-he will send, wh.n d -ind, a crtitied It Will CCftaiO^ tlo What IS d^imcd lor It,

,.;.,,ir.c.le;or written ^marautee, Ihattl.e i iel.i.e is «hal | ^ ^^ Vindreds. «^ thousands,

i, piiri.oitsto'ie. l:y .-iicloMii;.' a small lock of hair, iiid ; i'*^'' '■^ ^ ,. \ Jt a -ir„ *^

s'l'iiini'i'O-eofi.irih, a},'.', di-i-osi'lmi an I coiniikxion, , yf\^Q havc used it, Vo rcod^ and Willing 10 ,nd ci:eiosi.i^'.M< cents and stamiied ei,veio|.e amiiYsed j .... 'Where oneVtl^ is fairly used, in

to voiir-^elf vou Will receive the iMClure and d.sired ill- V08UI}. m ut,it uiio *^^^ j .

f..riiiatioii lie return mail. All cmmiimcatiois ^;o-r. .!- a,jy community, itfljfreputation "SprcadS

i^ ^"tiloKMONi'l'^o^'lJox^SS^^^^ l^k« ^il^ fire,"y^\hc best advertise-

mcnt and rcconmiendaVin wo dessire. In the Eastern St^^, whereVie "RENEWEU" originated, mQ young la\o3 use it as a hair dres^rog; it ia foun\on the toilet tables o^^ung men, (also atVieir barbers), while^fildcr men and women Vho desire a Renmbcr and Restorative for tliei\?:;rey locks aivi bald hcada will not bo w^^out this »riicle, which gives in every instiJS^e, en-

\ InlSvl

0 )l n w .|r of n w qr n w qr and lo. uo 1 seeiiou S, 'township 101 north, ran^'c 2S we.^t , it being the land you filed on. You are hereby notified I,, he and" appear at this offiee on .Monday tl'e lOlh dav of June, 1667, al 12 oVlock ni. for tho purpo.ieorgiviuj,' the who!« matter a fair auii

impartial invest ij'ation. ,, . .

A. n. P.lhLI:*. r.e?i?t£r, 11. W. noLLEY, Ueceiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebapo City, Minn, April 25, 1S67. To Pati-el V»' !*.;uiie:

f^hri.siiap John.ion has thi' day applied for the souih we.st .juarer St ctix.n 22. lonusbip 101 norlh, raUj^e US west: it b. itiiribe laud you filed on. Vou are herd y uoiilied to be and appear at this of!i -e ou .AJr^nday the 27 day ot May, 1S«7, at 12 o'eb.ek ui. for ihe^iurpose of giving tho whole matter a fair and inipirinl iuvesti;.'alion. A. IT. IULLIS, Ket;;ster, H, W. ilOLLEY, Keceivtr.

U. S, Land Office.

Winneb.Tgo City, Miun., April II, lS6r. To VVm V Stone .

Fila?: Riebardson has this day applied loi-^o north west ijuarter ^^eetion 20 township 104 n*lh, ran-^e 211 we.*t : it bcin;:: tbo land you filed on. Vou are hereby notilied to be and appear at this ofiiee on S.iturday the 11 ih day of day, 1867, at 10 .;"cl.i-U a ui, for the purpose of giv'iag the whole matter a lair and ini]»artial invi sii':ation.

A. n. lU'M,!?. U-uister, II. W. liObLEY, Ueceiver.

Dit. isWAlN'S

lloJirbo2i 2?sltcrs

. I Jlrdlth'f To>ii<\ Gentle ^Sdnnfirnt, and rn((jn<(/<d Mornhtf/ Appttizir.

Trepare.l in llipe


Tree from <!raiii Oil, Willi Floweri,

Uu.la and Harks of the Highest

Medieal Virtue.

IT, S. Land Office.

Winntla-o City. Minn., Apr<l 22, 1867. T" V.'iliiiiiu M. Knight -

For-^ten Larson has this day applied for the r-^nith east quarter of se'-tion 22 t< wn»bip lO.'} !io-ih. r:«.n^e 2.) west ; it be.iig the land y«u filed m. You aro hereby notilie.i to be and ai ; lar it thi.s oftiee on Satu-da-, the 26 da* o .May, iMir. at ten o'eloek A. M.. forthe puri.os? of giv- ing the wIjoIo uiattcr a lair auJ imparsial inves- ligaiion.

A. II. r.ULLT^ Regi.^ter, H. W HOLLl-JY. Receiver,



r V^I'^NV DAI."^,!"'^'':-. trict ('..ui-1' ^•.' ."»'">.

A no;v hit of Tr'/nv/;/^/ 7)^^(75 just Minromc Court ii^o.OOn, nii-l tl'« I)i»<- - nriiiK-.l aiw] f- r s:t!o .Tt t].i.« offioo. A'-

.f>rs%\\ kinWs r^f Ju4^/» hUms*

tiro sctisf&clion.


Don't let any drugpst or de-iler urpce tjpon ynn a different articla, m there is no jirejviratioii In the world like this, Beware of any aiticle puri^rtiuf; to the

•*'a8- .. ■.^.

Try lIAbL'f5 HAin RKMKWEIl according to Direo-

tioiu, nnd vou will use no other.

If not sold at druiTRista iu your tov::. a trial Ixittle

will ho sent voa i>y ox;irei«, U|>on receipt of one dv.lUr

by mail, tlina giving yon an opiiortuuity »t once ol

Hv inercnsing tho appetite, a»sl«:liiig digestion, regiiliiting the bowels, and giving tone to the sys teni. they impart .■*tieng»h and vigor to the body, iMid ebeerrniii's-s lo ihe mind. „_, ,.._ _ , p, ., _

/TAf If v'liir .IruL'gi.^ts or trivdescian has not j tentini^us exrotlent qualities, got Tin-:si: KITTF.US. have him send for them I- Orde« foi ijxii t<.W« mu-t bo ajdrowed »^

i*^.. lleineinb. r the name, and take no other. ! C. 1. COOlt, ITIlCag^O.

Fer sale by druggixt." and (iroeers everywhere I 6enT h^um for Northwustam Statoij

C. 11. SWAIN. Proprietor. I ^. p. haLL * CO., fropjl^tors. Noann.a. N. II.

gold at %nOLKSALK, in tnteago, by FULLER, tVS(m

U. 8. Land Office.

Winneb.Tgo City, Minn., April 1.3, 1S(J7. To Williiin H Dunn :"

James 1>. Cook has this day applio 1 for tho .<outh 2 south eat<t j section ly and t-outh * south west ^ seetion 20 township 104 north, range 23 ivef I ; it b ,ing the land you filed on. You :ire here- liv notified to be aiol apjicar at this office on Fri- day Ibe 17 day of May, 1867 at 9 o'eloek a oi. for Ihe purpose of giving tiic whole matiar a fair and iuipaviial iiivcjiigatioB.

A. n. rri.LI?. Rrplntcr. 11. \\', llOLLKY, Hecelver.

31 south Wales it., Chieago. At AVholesaio in St. Paul, by





.Q .>i .1 ' (COVII., W. D. HARRIS * Or>, POST A BAPBaTT, Ml*

U. S. Land Office.

WitUicbugo Oily, Minn, April 3d, ISCT. To y.ar.v A <;.»rni.-;h :

Jonathan Shcpard has this day appli"d for th» n e (jr n w qr and u-rf qr n eqrste 6 township 101 rang-j 21) and s w qr s »• or and s e qr sw qr *C3 :;l township 102 north ra 'g'i 29 west; it being the laud you fii'.-d on. Y .u are hereby notified to bo and apjiear at this oHico on SaturJ»y tb* lltn day of May 1807 at 1 o'clock p ni. for tf.c- purposo of giving the wlfble matter a fair and iia

partial invattisatlon.

i. H. BULLIS. Rejlit»r. U. HOI, LET. Ui-cel^wr.



t ,.■ i^ 1.

. ■«■ 1 1

- /•

t i






WiNNKBAOO City, May S, 18GT

Cianicn City Items.


Reported for the Free Homestead. I. O. OF O. T. Grinlcn Citv Lodcjc No. 16, of the n Indopcndont OrvlcV of Gone! Tomplnrs,

T..;;^.::;"f,;M.,.r.c.w;a.«au,.c.,.[T^|7!Ti^^ BAUER & CO

•Waiting fur «he Voidic-l', l.y Mrs. Ilo'.ecra 1 Harlin/? Davis; 'Opiiu'i and it.-t Vidims,' fcy Al.)ii/rt rulkiiis; 'AnolIitT vi.>w i»»' M:i«l;iiiio Uc-

taiuicr.' hy C C.irk ; •IViri^'i.iu iMiirli^-U,' by

^. , . . CM ,K .„ imi«-l"iiv*v..v V. , , (!.,uM r..<num ;'!».« l>r.-:.m Child; hy M. 1^ I

th. new ;.lu,ol llousr, at lU.VK.k A.M., and ig ju a VCrV VTO-VCVOXU ConaHlon. Pur- -Now \..rK an I Us IVoj.!., l.y L . J. Oit«r.-c,n . r o'clock r M I . -i . T « •MiiuoiuoijilU-,' »>» S. 1'. ll..j.kh(.-' ; 'A IJird a

ilov. E. W. MEUUILL. P.Mor. | i.ig tl.o past <iuartor, notw..l.Kta.ul.ng | ^ ^^^ . ^^^ ^, ^^ ^^,^^ .,,,.,,;,.,„, „.• vi..v.l.

Bapti.t.-s7r;;^::;;7;;7y~ahc:;;;;:roTab.a.h i; ' ^^^^ severe com WCUlher an.l l.a.l maas, ^ ,^ ,. ,, crau..h ; -Sleven L:.nr.n..c,. V.-.-nan,' hy

iho r.aptist Church, at 1 1 D'ch-.-k A. M.,iind ihioo i^s nicniborship has Stcaillly increased, j Mrs. i:dward.«; 'Words a.idthoir U.c.s,'by Ki.-h-

Sundavi in each month at 7 1'. >«. j •, ,,.,1 ,i,,.„ nn\no ' T1h» oiVu'Crrt ^oT 1 •rd (.Sraut White; 'Uusiian Aiii"rica,' byJJ. K .

Kov. K. STILLMAN, I'a^^tor. ] «»>«■» MIU UK } t oiiu . (

the present quarter were installed by


Methodist-S.rvi.o. --y i;;;-;;^ ^^';;;^^ | n. W. C T. Deputy t^iso, on the even-

in thf IJaiUist Chur>.-h, at 11

oue Sundav in eai-h muitli at 7 i>"« link I*. M.

' llcv. A.."^.CliriUUt'K, I'astor.

[Lines sugiccsted by the perusal of tUo Pueui by KateE. S— .j

Is it true that sprinj: if> ooming,

When old Dorcas reigns abroad, JTrcezin^ t-'cn ones very titals, With biscoM and ehihing rod?

1? it true that March batu left us, Ilumujini^ still her winter lay ?

April too, with storm winds t;rcct us, Louding still her r^be to May ?

"Who with Janu;iry's m.Tntl«\

Xow romcs dan.ini^ on her wav,

Whito keks now with brown arc mingled ; Golden locks with silver gray.

One would ibiuk the two together,

Kow in pea<'e would spend their days,

Freezing all mankind forever, By their cold and chiU'ng w;^rs.

Absent arc the pretty blossom?.

That once dtiked her fair y<>u:ig bruw, Blackened arc the gloc>niv praiiics,

Clouds obscure the vision now.

Freezing fingers, writing p .ems,

Testily to sad neglect. On the pari of Mother Nature,

For our past undue rc?pect.

Katie S— is surely living

In a latitude m.rc mild. Else by wealth orfoitunc fay-'rod,

•She must be fond nature's child.


\na; of the 4th inst., us r<»lU)\vs : W C T :Merrill M ClaTk, W V T Miss A K C'larlc, W S Cli.arlos O Kaee, W A S Mrs ("liarlcs O Raeo, \VT Wm ITeurv Burnett, W F S Mias Florence Evona, W i\r Jatncs 11 M uvin, W 1) M Miss E J Folsom, W J G Mi^s Katie- Marstcn, W O G nen] liersie, W C Uev A rase, W It II S Mrs S M Hark, "W S II S Mi^R .TiMinic Marion, 11 W C T Henry i: (Jerry.


i'ou.l : 'Nebulae,' iiy tlio Ivlilor.

Tiu- price of iht? fin/.i ,/ in ;iO ccnl.-< X nuaiher Su scri[tti.«n price fit. J') a year , invariably in j ,\auri>. Two copies will bo smU Tm' $•> ; live \\r


f\m mn m ilooeon



copies for Si 1 ; Ic i lor SJ.i ; twuufy for ?.V>. au I onu t'> iho gjttcrup ol tin* club; eacli additioinl copy $2,ji). .'subscriptions fbiKild bo ad Ire^su I ly W. •'. A- F. 1'. CUarch, VTo. ;i'J I'ark iiow. Now Vork.

WariT.ntv l)ced.s,

Moiti^acre DccjI^,


Tnr. ATi.ANric M...ntiii,v. For May contiins The (luurdiau Ang.l, Fart V, by Oliv.-r Wendoi' lloluici; !Ilit..ry «>r tbo Shewing M.i-hinc. A

skt»lih o' the invc'.iti'Ki of ."lowing Ma-bines, •''".>. 'i /'I. * "H » 1 th« .i;ili"ullios and d. -lay 1 i-i securing their iiitro- V^Ull l^laUll IJCea.S,

duc'.ion to use. aad ol the changes efl'ecte I by them, by JaiM.vs Fartnn ; ll'«art a:i 1 Hearth, a F-oeuj by Thomas Uu.'hana.i Kei I . The tieu!u< of l»i'ki«n!«, a critical es ay by F. F. Whipple ; (ieriuaiiy 111 New York, by Charles Dawson .-^hanly : Katharin-i M.ruo, I'arl VIl, I y the autlior of 'Heraiafi;' S )rrow, a Focui ; Th« Flaintin Nonsuited; .Soin-J Uuapprueiat.-d Ciiar-

K 31 O li I TJ 3r.


* Crosby's Opera House'


(New York Warerooms, 050 Broadway.) me 1 will pay \\U, 1<-skI.' A^'.-iith for thf U. .«. f«.r



Gold Medal Piano Fortes.



Wuiild rp«rpctfnllv inform the public dn (af'er havMiL'ha.l a week" C Fi.rtl.t^^hip with Fo*-t John L^lr^u.^ is^jrain rlr.ing bnsincsa in M? «w,i ni^rnc. Kxpcric.iee and iorllie Qrsi time huving a (;oo(l stock of

Well Seasoned Liimlx r on l]aii<l

, also an u!.ii i'.-(l 6ho|., thinks to tatiefy all "bt cti.stiiiiKr.,, :,ii<l now <.M>-d loo. All kill'i^^ '-f l-ur- niluic (ill haml. -.r made to order promptly.

Now customer.^ nipfd not ask f<jF lii\' Fooni^', as I liav(^ llie


I A'^r'iTi'.'pg 10 ngrecnient in ah- t.-rwcfn Mr. I Furri » «r..J m vvif. d.ilcd Die. iJb, I^Ofi. rf>fii i one has to pay I'i* own debti. Orders sigaud \j

WM PAM.ANDF. Winnchrgo City, J.tn. 0, 1^07.

Cliatllc Mort;^'agcs,

" '• iictcrs. A humorous sf.temrnt of the posjible, . ^, ,.+ •/•. 4-,.^

I j ,1 '1 j'ri'i'^c V, t^rtlllC'*tC^,

llio Wattonw.an river durin:; the but j.ot popularly erjiit-.l virtues of »u.h per- - ' 'o'

- 1 * *«•„!„ iw.; ,l.t lilt sonages as b'domon s blu^'gtrd, the O. I M in of

cur nn- fieshets attamctl a neiLilit uti- "

r'"-^ ' 1 the Sea,Xantiiippe, Bluu Ue-ird, (J illii), and Cal-

kllOWll to the oKles.t inliahitants ot tuts .^^^^^ ^^ ^, ^ ii.,,.ewell ; O; Iport iu Winter, by section. Moiul ly aftovnoan, April l.')lh, l 'j\ »v, Uigginson : M.irbio tiuarrie.-!, a F..eai,by the ieo Showoa si-ns of breakin- up, ^ «J mk 11. F. rSargcut; The Custom of Furial with ami on Tues.lav moruiu^ it ,vas all | tl- "-^ toward .1^. Fast, by K.r. N. I. Fro.h- •"' ' - -^ .. ! iii.Miam ; IKroes of Centr.il AtVica, by W. >\ in-

movint? ilown stiva.n, the water iisaipr ^^;;^^^^ j.,^^,,^ j^cvi.ws and Literary \otic,'^.

md .\IiL kiiius of


i rapidlv anil ovcrth)wiug the banks. At ^ tickxoh &. Fn:i.D.s, Fubiisiiers, Uoston. I one time daring the forenoon on Tucs- 1 ^, ^ ^ .^^^ (•^!{,i,„t^ ../ /,Vr. /.«. r. Ff- ,/,•/.. j.lay an ice Jan. was formed about three- , ^^ ^^^^ n.,sTi:Trnn :

1 quarters of a mile ahovC Ilarritlirton Sz , /;,,„. ,sV,.:_This is to crtify that T wa^ taken ;

I I OVeland's mills Previous to the v.iib the .lyspej.sij a ye:'r ago last Mar.h, and, are Frintcdnnd fjr S;;Ic, whoUsa'e or

1/ , ! " ,. .,' . . , ^..^ .,.„' fur:. i..ri..dol eiL'ht month.', xv.as one of Iho most the Office u/ tho

breakm--' ui^ c the ice lam above, tbe ' "^ •' ' -' , , ,, . 1 „l

■■" ' . i miserable creatures you e-.cr beheld, not bung

new hrid.Lie. at tins place leccMitly .^,^j^ ^.^,^^.^ ^^^ ^.^,^ ^j^j^,^ ^^ ,,^.,.,,^ .,„.i „.,^., ^.o,.,.

completed at a cost of nearly !?:l,000— ' j.elled to walk the lb«.r incessantly. I was noar'y j

MOFFAT'S Life riiia


TIio Most Successful Medicines in tho IVorld.

EstaMished in 1S35 \,7 oj^-e oi our 310^1 Eminent i'liysicians, and now used tiiroughoiit North and Souili America, wltli more plcasini? results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Blood or Skin, Indigestion, Costlveness, Eilious Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever Jind Ague.

Thousands of certificates are in our possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect CUBES effected ])y tliese invaluahlo Medicines.

hoy regulate tho System and put

Ah (.. til" n-1r.!iv<- jii«-iits '.f tli'.-<! I'lANO."?, WO would r.f.-r I.. It ,• Ciiiii'-.it. - ..r cxoil-i'"- ill o'lr V'-^'f'"''"' fi....i 'J- H M. n K R ii, ti O T •»' « (■ II A L. K, STI<M-4)-< II, <;. SATTKU, II. VIKUX- Ti<::»li'S,l.<>( ISSTAAUhiiIK.-^II ZIO, Mu- fcir.Tl l>ii.-. !.,/ ,(■ I},.. Ii!i!iui *>)..M.i, iif, ill-, ti.iii K.me of 111.. II... I .Ii liii-iiisl.fi! ri.ilcHK. r.i luxl Aiii;it<-iir« ill lite couli!i>. All \ii!*[iu:itt'U\a ffiuu united J (/)'/. Lt yiurx,

ALSO, ACI'.MH r la


Asn oTiiKii Fui.ST Class IManos.

Jmvo til" I,AK«ii:ST »i;<l ni>T A.^J.-OHTED STOCK OK I'lANOS IN TIIK CITY, whid: S.r I'. w..r an.l .«w.-.-t:..-s f Tjii-, Ka-y »:..' A^^ro. hIiU Touch, itii.l li. ii.l.v ol finish, have, l.y JiKlg'-, h'-tu prouomiCKa uririrulWil.

4iiJ" i'aiti<iiliir ntlfiilioii {.;ii 1 1<> tlio RPlr^llon of In- stiiiiii'-nl^ (..r (lift. lilt oiiI.Th iiti'l.i |.rivil«(:<; ol ixcliaiipe pr.ilitiil Ht :iii> liiii" witliiii fix li;. lUlii-, if tlio Iiislru- uieiit should i.'ot jirovfi ii:ir ly saii.-::. t. ry. A lihervl dif"iitit to tkTtryiuiii, Tciich»-.» auJ Koliouln. Tt-rmi

lll.C'hl. ...

W M<»1.K.''AI.K DK \I.KH« will fii .1 it to th<ir nrlvnii- i tape t.. ;{ivc II- ii <!'ll. ii< l.y;r.:itly iii. r.-.iscii lacilitii-a we are <-!i.*l.i' li t.> lili oii'..iH will: ii.-ii.|. li _ , , -i

PlANO«ill.l. will to cuH I. ■!..■.• l""xlK«>.iiiiel=twliei«» •iil l-l« lilULllUllS Ul lilC M"t*J

♦.♦ in a healthy condition.

WHOLIISALK A^JKNT.S rOU | Soil by all Druggists. VHilto & Howlan^, Prcpri-

ctQ:-3, S'iccetjsord to L>r. Jolin il^ll-t and Dr. W. B.


rwtai", Ht

United St:Ues Senator Henderson | ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ,,^ ,^^,.^^ ^-^^^^ ^^ j,, ,,.,„w., ,, n.y roas...., and h,-,; htd entireiy

lias our tuauks fur pubhc ^1"^"'"^"^^ , |^^^,,,-„,^ tl^i^-^fro.n under tlie COr.ls b.. u.-, all the cHorts made for my recovery hav-

received " , i '"'" I'^-'^'d fruitu.-:^.

resting on them. The Stono work at j-.y i!,e lii.<t of Ntvember, l't'3, I had become

y-y l!ie lii.-t of Ntvembir, 1''('3, I had become SI veak and feeble that I couid .-icarccly ?taiid a'.'.!;.', iin-l, to all apjicaranee, wtuld ?ooii die.— At thi^ time (having p-ad your advertii-oment.J mv wile i.revaikd up -n me to try your liitlcr.-. A b ,;tle wa.< iirocured, and, str tnge to s»y, I soon c piumciKid recoveritig. 1 have taken (our lot-

rcsting on them. The stono work at

A good round [irico will be i>aid ior ^ ^\^q ^.^^^j;^ end was des'rojcd. The cast a few early potatoes. Iii<iulre at this | ^.j^j^j^ ^j- t],p i^ridge, (oO feet) is the on- office. Iw"^ , ly partion remainiii.g. A large amount

Hon. Alexander LamTev has favored ' of thotimher, phink and iron earricd us wiih uumeruus and valuable doeu j away, will, no douht. be reeovercd.

,„.„», a,„o„s whij, .,: the - K. ,...\ At one ti,„c .i.iio .i,o vivor w.s ., ^-;;;,; ^ :^;/;:;„::,«:^,,;;r;i::L^

upon the Mineral Kecourees of the ^ its bei.^ht, tho water was at least t.^v<"» ,^.^,.,r.. , i have no tloubt .hat it wasyo.ir lUtter.-*

United States," by Spceial Coiiimis- j feet above tho piers and {d)ntments of aion.M.tider Uivine Providence, that effected this

siouers J. Ko.ss lirown, andJ.mes W. the brid-e. This is the seeond brid.-c wonderful euro. li. 't. Fi.r.vL.N.

built at this place, used but a short ii-.d-on. Michigan, Au.us. :'.-.M^

time nn.l destroyed by the rairinp; ele- " mcnl". On We Inesday th.e wat,er be- can to fall, and is novr, (May Gth,) and ha« been U'-'arly a week, low enouah to

I » yi m n ¥ 1

J. Jl I JLi « i

Carliart, JNTeGclham & Co.'s


&£d£utt, Kew York.


Mar.nr.iftiiicir* ami Iiiiiiortor? rf

B E A U T 1 !

Auburn, Golden, Fiexen, & Silken CuiIg.

MUSIC A.L IITSTEUHEITTS x^noprcKD b.tb. .i.^r i>-,.f. d. -.„,.

* 1 lUK.SI! LE CH KVEiX. Onc«r.o):r«-

i Strings, Accordcons,

i Violins, Clarionots,

11 0 IM i: S T E A D.


Taylor. These Jieports are most com- plete, and are rca ly a very valuable ac- quisition to the library.

Don't fail to buy all your LL\NK.=? at this


And other Llurlcai Ivlcrcnardise.

The S:i v;;r anh lir.vs 1% ii i mf.nth of lur miiiefir- ttin- ;.«•! iiii|..Mta;i..n. an- us.«l l-y uDst ail of lli.) Ixst liariih in 'hf Vxiixl Stiit.x. iii..l wlicin-v.-r < xi.ilii-<l have »lNv;iVsr..<.civ.-.l th.-(J..hl M.-l.tW iin.l I!ir.III>1 I'R'M'.IMS.

♦i» n:^vin^- roiiiiictioii villi Vaniifutiiiiuc, n.-urx-s

In n.-ilin, L.-iini<. Di.mI.i.. I...i..i.i.. »'"' i';".':-.V.';.\','' i,n i.ii. li t..fiinii-h IiKAI.KliS. inNlitaml INUnDU- AI.S. Willi ivriy Ml tick- iu this Ijiic, at tliu luVtst 'uan- uf.iiturei'a 5)1 i.s.

tjon WAKK ANTED to curl ibo

most ftrj-ia'i! u;.d siub Ii<«'-1 t»ir of cither rex in-

_. ^„-^„„_ t> wavv ringlets or hoaj Dmesiv* cMrls. Uj;"

in>uras, i^au.iis, 1 ,^^^^^ ^^-^^j ,^^. ^.^^ f.ci,j,.R,,vjf a I'.^ris fiuJ I.on.

don, with the ni'ot gritifriajj results. D- cs no ii'jiTV to the hiiir, Tri'-e by nuM eoaley, and j'.'stpaii, !?1. 1) !«orir,rive eirjt.lR.rs sent free. Address ni:R<3EH, .-!! 'J-^T-S 4 CO., rhe-u «ip, N'>. 2^^.'. Rivtr .-t., Troj' K. V. L^o^e .^p-n•t I'.t the Unite! Statct. ' T4nl^yl

Hereafter the two fortnightly nuni

bers of the Ga'axy will be eonsolidated

into one, ti-.e Magazine bein:; enlarged

and iiublished monthlv. The next , .,....,. » ^ , *

/ . , ., , ' .,,1 .. proiiortv m th:sv:ein:ty i.i not ?e -real Tuimber i-sued, theieLre, will bo t^jrl' ' - . , •'

Winnel^aiio Citv .Markt-t.

Crrcclcd weekly by Moult >n A L'oudon.

allow fordin;: with te ims. Tiio dnm- acje done to mills, d mi", and other

June, and it will appear on the 20th of Blay. The price for eiugle copies will

as was .^ntieipatcd.

Harrington A' Loveland's dam wns

". on . n\ 1 ,'..,.;, not entirely washed out, although bad-

rema-.n 20 cenl8. Ihe ve:n !v suuscnp- •'

.,, , 1 ' 1 *. d.o - » ly damaL'od. 'Ihe necessary rejjairs

t:on price will r>!.' redu.'^e.l to b'> of, \ -^ ,,...,

.,, t.r ,, f ,, ,, ,., , V have been made, and their miiis are

Aldresi \V . C. Cc 1- . 1. (.huieh, No- - « t^ v

i^O Turk Row, New York.

The other dav, and a dav or two be- fore tliat dav, and several succcsiive days previous to that day,

•' The wind blew as 'tuad blawu it* last."

Tlie wlieat is mostly s^vi;. but little

no V in operation. Qnayle Sc Friend's mill dam w.is slightly damaged. 150 dollars will probably cover all repairs of dama^'o done bv the fieshet. Work- men arc very busily ongao;ed in putting things to rights, and in a nii:ht or so, we exj)cct to have our 'dreams' slight- '

Wlicct, Ririwg. No. 1, No. 2, Corn, O.us

ri.u'.r, par ICO, Cora .Me.il, ri.tatof>, IJuiter,



Hay. per t.>n,

'Wood per eortl,

l'h< c.-u,

r.irii, salt, per p.-iund,

I'orij. fr-^h, per <-v»t..

l*cef, frcih, per pound.

iiid you will alwajt ba latiiCod.

l,.>o 1,26







2.. -.11

111. CO






l*XRK?!F,MCr:ii TilK PLACE,


69 Wusbington Street,


New York Warerooms, 650 Broadway.

Bill Heads,

Letter Heads,

i:xcEL.siou: EXCEbSiou: i


ci nil

who have never swunr; the birchen rod, BUsTsr.^^S.

are doubtless lo.king forward ^ilh j j^j,,;,,^^ ;„ r,^\ branches o

high lioi.es to the pleasures (?) of some ,j^.^.^^. Farmers an.l mechanics are, aR

1 -I .1 t 4l , A.„..,« ,..^.1- .-.r tliji pen.-'ible articl.* to Jemnle beauty, ii eaMly appli

Laot Saturd.ay, School Commissioner I damaged, tint is, tho fiame v. oi k ot the y, _j ^^ ^^ ^^ , ,,^.,, ,,^ ,„.„^^ .,.,. ^^..^ ,^„^ ,,,, ,„

_. , . \ 1 1 1 1 I mill btlildin"- The niT-liincrV was Sav- rcctiv on the r.MtH. It i^* rtar'antcl to n-m .v„

rdsey was m town, and distributed n^l" ""•"^'".-- -l '" "" miii^.> M.porfloo.M h;.ir Irom b-w f..rehei.:.'.. onVo:n n-y

<rht or ten Teacher'.s Certificates to as ' cd and the dam is reported as being all ,.,r, of the ho.ir eom,detc iv. t.-taiiy .nd rsdi.-ai

a I . , ' Iv cxt.riiating tlie .«uino leaving tno sxin .»oit,

any la<Jy applicants. Tho.se of them , I'Ight. /moothe ai.-l natural. This i.-« the only article

, , „.i... i:..„i 1 ^^ used by toe I'-e. oh, and i- tlic only real (fli it-.ial

(J,.pil:itoiy iv cxi-tence. Price T.'i ecnts per yacL ,. a"e .>.iMif 1'oj.t iiaid, to any adJret.< on receipt of

ontinu'*.s •■'-•••' ', '

an order hy •s are as j jiF.iic.EU, SHrTTrJ A Co.. rhemi.sts. rural distrfct, wbere the summer hours ; „^^^,^ ^^^^,^^,, ^,^^, ^^.^^^^^ ,^.^:,, ;;„ | vini.yi 2s. Uiver St., rro,.N. Y. will glide away amid the quiet hum of ; ^^^^.1,^^,^,^ j^ ^^^p^pi, i,,cir Bharo ofj riEPArvATOR QWUAA. the school room. ! public patronage. |

'•Jlifihte leatned is ye pedagogn<!, Phv«iciins ind Wwvcr^ FOCm tO be ' "''''" ''^''^' ^""'" ^'^^ ''"'"''"• ' '"■ '*'"^''"> ^""^

FuUe apt to rcade and spello ; J H} SlCians aiUl law } ei .^ nc.n lo oc | ^.^,_

An.1 eke to teach ye part- of ...eecho, soaping thoharvost early in thc season, K:":;,i:r:on:";';::;^Mnb"o^^^^^^

And .trap ye t^eht.. .e... I , ^^^^ ^^ ^^,^^ ,^.^ ^^^,.: ,., >o^. o.i, U...iio, hah.

method Prof Peisey has a.b)pted ' .' r,- it c i Hi.;i»AieATOu r.ii'ii.M.

, . boCOining quite laslHOnahlO. Several; por roslnrini.' hair anon l>«Iil h.-a.l-< firom whn'ever

examinations will rectinuieiiil it . ' cms.-it miv i.a\e faii^nout) ati.i ioitIh^' « kiowHi of

buildings are in course of erection—, i,,.,ir upon til. i,.-., it Ikhii.. .-ri-b it win i.tc- the




in his

Bclf to every ono, by it.s perfect impM- , . . . . i.,..iiito -n.w ii|..mi m.-.-niorMa.-i. ....c ... ..■-... -

■; ' •; I . , : EiniGrt'^nts arc arriving, an'.l every thing ..-.^.i.t vv,.,ks „r imir m.on i.ai-i hea.u in n-om ttx.. to

tialily ; and we believe be is Ilgllt l'> :,,,,.. «, U T l llue.Miiotitlin. a r.n- i^Mi.naiit i.iaeM.nerHhave hv-.H-

' ' ?' \ bids fair for an unusually lively tsCaSOn. ci thai ih.-rc U noth-n-,' that win force ..r hasten the

h.'.ril to ;.'iiiv» ii|>.mi tin- .«lilonl!i.-L-l f«rc fn from Ove to

growth of flic !i:iir or !>• -inl. Th> ir a.-^ertioiis aiv fals.-,

a»thi)U>-aiMls of livii.;; wiltit-ssfs (from their own exin-ri

I one-) cjii l.ar witii.-s-t. Itiil i.iaii.v will say, how :im' we

Tho.c o{ our readers who lacl: a growth of bair "> :"^^'"^'";:'' ""• r--'^'";; I^''^;, 'I'" *:•:!!;;;::;. .!!.^:;;k:;;;

" ly \i (liSriCuIt, as iii:iftrlith!< ofthe i.iMfi elil pi ' )>ai.iiions

Baying that thc true teacher has no need to strike a blow. Stu ly the dis- positions of your pupils, and win them

\ .,r» :«• .,««,! 1./. ir. i-i.iir C-ivor ' upon tho face, or those who.-;?, hair is falling out, n.lv(it;s. .1 fo'r ili.. haii and Ix ai<l are ei,iii-.-l.v w.>ril.hs»,

one by one it neeU be, to >OUr KIV01.^"I' . . , y. nn.l no,, hkiv have alui.lv thrown i.w;..v lar;,'.Hn...UMts

- j or h.ave bocomo bald, would do well to t;y "Dr. j,|„,-ir ,„„.,.'i,a,i.. t.. siieli we wouhl nay, try the Itii.ar

Of the many Cjtmeties and Toilet Article.'- ! ^..^ ji^.sTAt;iiATKi:R CAPiiXAiitE." This ttfor Ca,.pilii; it ^'i'' ';•''' >"'iV'''''''''l7 .."'^'T.i'l.rn,'!?

, , np to ou>- ninesentalioiis. H > our lirn^{i{i>i iiois not

now advertised, but few prove t:) bo what tney ] j. ^.^p^^^jj^j^^^ ^j^i^ been u«c 1 by thoasands in this k. » p it, s-eml us ..ne aollar .and w.; will h.i ward it, ih)!-!-

are represented. Me.^r.. BK'tGi;.:, S.n;Tr. . Co., i ^^^^^^ .^ ^„,, ;., i..,r„po. with the mo.t ^rnli!Ving H'b '"f^'-'!-'- *^'"' '"-'l-^'l'l ^"^ "'^.':';:"7'..'!l'.;:;'i::i'''

Chemidt.i, of Troy, N. V., arc advertising exten- sively several artiole.s that have proved them- e.''vo8Just as represented, for which tliey are ACtin " as agents. \Ve believe theoa to be perfect - ]j trustworthy, and that p.'trti;.>s Uiinglheir prep- arations will find them iully up to the reco-i- ni3ud« given. Soa taeir advortiioaient i-a another « jlumn of this paper.

Thk Black Crook a.no tiik Pkmo.-« Dancers.

count.-y an.l m r/irop.'. wun ...e m .,t -iia, i.yu.^ j _ ,.,-„„-,^.,, ^„„ .,„„,,piication, providrnK eniiie sAiis

rcsuUs. Testimonials of thc molt Ibittoring faction is not civcn. A<i<lri.i,

. ,, ., , ,1 W. 1,.CI.AUK i C0„ Chctni^ts,

character have been rcceifcd frcm the most weal- j v4nlSyl "So. 'i West Fayejte ^;lreet, Syracuse, N. Y.

thy and inlluenti-tl citizens of tho country, and ' ;

will be sent to any one, on application, by Messrs IjIj^,.CIvfeMI 111 oHOL.

Bkugfiu, .^iii-TTS 1 Co., ChciniHt*, of Troy, N. j

Y.. tho only agent, in America for the .«ale of Iho j i}i,^.^sn,;il,-„,j. ShoeInj,Repairing, ctc. same. Read ".heir advertisement in this paper. '

Beadle's Bass Ball Tlayer, i-i a work just pub-

Tbe undnr»iigncd ffill oecujiies tne shop near the fsteatn iMill, and wonhl lesi-ectfully announco

,. ,. r.. p I . ^ . 1 /. .v * ,. I that be i* iM.w piipiiredlo iniuiufacture lioth

Justout. The startling hutory of tb« famous ii,i,ed^ containing the 'proceedings of tho tenth -i)^.!^ Ami n l^O \ l*n

B.C., with all its Magnificence, Mystery and I j,j,„ujji jj^ss Ball Convention, together with tho | ItOH CC 31U1j1>'-1>Ux11\U

"Immortality"— beautitully Iliustratad in many I a^paded rules a<loptcd. rules f -r the r.rniation |j»^ 1. J || O' JPJ d^ WC

brllliani colors. The gorgooui scenery, Spirits J of club.s, and the constitution and by-laws oftheTtPl C Ct l.kl J ft ,^ JS. S ^ ▼?




YZonderfulbut True.

MAT>AM rF.MTMr.TON. the t.-.-tM tCTi.^Trr.ail AylrM- nirim and .'^.iinnaiiiluili<t!<- Clairvoyant, r.hil.. in a clair- vovanl 'late, dt leliiat-s thp very fi-at..r(.s < f th.- jitix^n 1 you «:« to luany, aii-l by th'- aid of an i;i«trutiie;it of in- ; j leiisc jiow-.-r, known a- the l'<yelioni.)tr'Ji)», ;>aarant.res I f..|.rn.lijce a veih'Cl and lif.iike i^i'ture ..f the future; ! hul.-ai;'! or wifi- of tin- :i]>y!i ut, \\\'M date .jf !ii4rria.re, , t.c.-iipation .leadiRi; traits tf chiirs'C'i-r, .le. This is no ; ini;>osiii. II, as testimonials without nuMihor cm »~sert. ; »> <t iii!.'-- iilaci- of birth, ap', lii-p .>i;!..n, e.li'r of t- vis, , liiilr. (t:id t-ndcsinj' liftr c-nt-, ;in'l ftainped enveh pe , addrt-si-ed to yours- If, yon will r' ciivL- the picture hy , ri.-iuiii re.til, toi'.-thir wit!i d'sire'l infornrition.

V.!,ir.>sin C .mi.l.i..n-, MADAM (i KllTntDK

RKMIN'iTON, P. O. li.'X Two liuuJreJ aul Ninery- , «ev.-n, U>st Tri.y, N, Y. v4iiKyl j

I'-t^f" \ Young Lapy rttuminii to:

ncr c. uiitrx home, aOt-r a soj, urn of a f*w ni..nlli!« in tlie <:iiy, washanlU r.-.-..>;i.iz«il l.y h, r frit-nds. n. place ^ of i i-o:n>e, runic, l!ii-1icd fa -i-, sin- had a si.fl lu'.y iMiii- ' plx!:)n.>i alnio.-i mai hlr .siiioo»iin.-<«, and iiisteail of iw-niv-thret* Ml..- really ai>)'<"ii' '^ bin. eightt-cn. I'pon : in'i"''"*' as to \}.\:- CIU-- of -.. s-'o-at a i haii-e. Mie plainly ; ,,.1,1 llieiii ih.it >he h i-l U-. ilh ■< ir«-;'.<« itUl Ettlltll. ' and coiisldL-rvd it an iiivaln.ihl.- aciiui-it'.on t.. uuv l.a.iys to.lct. 15y its as any Udy ..r ^rcoileniiu c m .nipr.ive iht'tr v'^i'^'iial ,.r).val"jncf an h-jn<!rtd foltl. It is siinfle ; i„p»...nil.iiiaii.n, as Naturf li. is.lf issiiii.h-. Vct unsui- ; pa'^^rd in i s lli "ny in drawl.',' iiiipunl.es fr au. an I . he*lhiL'. chan.'injiand i..«n!i!yin^. lli<- skni and ooiiijl-'X- ion IU itn oirt et action on 'lit- cutieie it dn.ws iroiiMt : All inijnirilifs, Uindlv lieaitnr the sani". and leaving the . (jiiifa-i- a^ Nitii;.- liiteinicd it siioi'ld be, clear, sott. I ii.4ioo<li Hiiil heaiit'ful. I'riCf One Dollar, se^.t by mail j cr exnress, on rec ipi of an oi.l.-. i y .

W. I, C!..\ltK •\: CO.,ChfitiiM-, |

No. ."., \\.'»t Taytie St., Syi.icu-e, .S. Y. Tho on!y Ainerieau Ageuls for the »ak ut i!itS.iiue.

Ttlll\\l " j

'"TFFUC'I^RO! i Sull'ei' no More!

1 QT*'^ Tlin LADY'S FlUEND—

ioUi). liie be.T of the Montbiies— devoted

to LlTKItATURK and FASIIIOX. i^.M a.

•ear. Wcgive WlIEELEll <t WILSON'.S ccle-

briitcd $jj bcwii.g Machines on tue following

tcruia :—

Twenty copies aud the .dewing Macbinc?. $70, Thirty copies " " " " J"^i. Forty copies " ' " " J5«0

Send 15 cents for a sample coiy to DEAVOy * PETERi^ON, :!19 Walnut .Street. Phil.idelphia







Th'S frreat medicine nired Dr. J. II, Scuent, th« Prcprietor, of Pulmonary Consumpriou, whea i had asjuraed 'l« ruopt lorniidah'c a?p'"ct, and when ^-needy deaih f,:>peircd to be iuevitab e. Ilisp'a..«.c.an8pro* nounoei li^s cac incurable wiiea be tommenced tiie Uiee of this siinp'.e but powerhil reniedy. His health WR« restored in a vtr- short time, and no return of the disease ha? been apprehended, ;or ail the sytnp'oni? qu'cljly disappeared, and his present wcipht is more than tT^'o buiidrcd poaudi. I Since h*B recovcrr, he ha^ devoted his attent'on e'^e'uiirely to the cure ot Consumption and .he disca/>eB which are u.^-.ially coinpiica.ed w iili ii, an 1 the cure3 effec'cd by his medicines have been toit numerous and truly wonder.u!. l>r. Si;ui:>""K makes prceMional visits to several of thc larjrer cities wecklv, where he liaj a lar^e co'icour.e ol patieata, and it IS truly aitonishinp to fee pjor con=uiiip!;vo« t'latbaveto be iliteJ out ol tbeir carria^ics ftiid '.a a fe^ months heallh:.-, ro'o-j.'t pcrions. Da, SCIIENCK'S PI LMONIC SYUIP, SEAWEED TONIC, a:id MANDKAKE PILLS are te^eraily all required iu curing Consair.p'.ioa. Full direc- tion? ai-coir.p:iay each, so that any one can take ihem Vvithout Eceing Dr, gfjiiENOK, bat whoa it is coa- vcaieut il iii U.et to see him. He t.'ives ad'.-ice ireo, but ibr a thorough cxaiuiuatioa wiib hia ll.."pi;-omcicr his :ee is ilirec dollars,

P cose ob.?Gi\e, when piirchasln?:, that t!ie two Ukc:ic.-«s» o:' the Doctor aiie tviiL-u i!i lue last slants of Gonsnnip?ioa. and the ether as he now is, ia perfect hea.th— are oa ihe Gove/mueat ctainp.

Sold by all Drucr^ists and Dealers. Price * , 0 per liottle, or $7.50 the half do^cn. Loiters lor advice ehould ahva/B be directed to I<r. Schcnck's PriiielpalOliice. 15 North fith St., PUi'.adelph a. Pa.

Geueral V/hoiCrale .Vi^cnui: Dema? Baruert L Co., N. Y, . S. 8. llance, Baltimore, Md. ; John i>. Park, Cincinnati, O'.uo; 'NVaii^.er &. Tayior, Chicago, IU. : ColUas Bros., SU Louis, lio. Li^d w. ea. uio. t /r.

E N A M E L!



La^" Case.^ ami Puiiit.^,

rrinted to ordorj on short Notice, and at reason - able rates.

rierponts. Skeletons, tbe Crook, Ac,. e.Kactly rep-

reseutbdas performed in Now York and Phila delphia. with the exciting Dances and Positions of th« beautiful Parisian Ballot (Jirli correctly

National Association,* Ac. Every bans ball

When hy tbensoof D11..I0INV1LLE-S ELTX 1

III you call be cured permuucully, and at a oi- j - ^

'^'Tl.ra'ftonisbing success which bns attended Tbere coraelb gUd ti Firg of jot to all.

this invaluable medieine for Physical and New To young and tc old, to great and to fraa'l,

ous weakiie.-s (jeneial Debility and Prostration, ci,e luauly which on<«e was so pi'eeious audrarr, L >s.s ofMiiscular l:iier2v, Iinpoti ncv, or any of , ,• i ., . r

, r ,1 ( 1 \\u. ,- . .. Is free to all. and ail may be fatr.

the coiL^ctjU' i:e«!S of youlblnl in.li^cretum. leu- •'

dcrs it thc most valuable preparation ever dijcov By the Use of

It will remove all nervous afTections, depress | ( , j | A S I T ; I . I - A H Si

ion,cxcifiinent, incapaeirv to Mndy or business, i V. J. J.xl ^J i XJ_LUJlXl t kJ

loss of Ee-aoi-y. contusion, thoughts of self-. le "K-kt l •j struction, fears of insanity. Ac, It will re-tore | ^f llllG tbe appetite, renew the bo.ilth of those who have desii 've'.! it by ."CTSual c.\ce.«8 or evil jiractii-e?. |

Young men, be humbugged no more by 'tiuack

Doctors ' aii'l ignorant pi::etiouers, but send '

without iie'iay lor tho Elixir, and be at once re- [ For Tirrrovinp ttr.d I>rt^:3tf'j-\ugt'i« C!.>mplex''>Ti.

fTored to healt'i and ha]. pit ess. A perfect cure j The, luos-t vn'uaMe j»<i<! •^««r»,ipt iuef'-iatitn ia

18 tjHarauteed in every in»tHiiec. Price, $1, or | u^p, frr giving the ttkia a «)emjtl'ul pearl like

four bottles to one a.l.lrcss, $;i, i ti-.u, (hat isoniv f- nnd ':» yo'th. It <(Uie'dv ra

One botile is suflieieut to eQ'ect a cure in all moves Ian, Freckles, Plrptafi, Piot'ht-^, Moth

ordinary cases, i Patches, Sa'lowne. a, F.ruptJora *cd a'l impiirt.

AE.-<0 DM. JOiNVrLI/.^ SPECIFIC PII.I.S, | tics of the skin, Lindly bcH'i'.j Ihe s«'<ie, l^avin^

I for thespeedy and pernirnent cure of xJonoVThea I the skir» wbi'e and cloar at a?a'"a'»r'r. Its nso

j IJleet. rretiual Discliar^es. (travel .'<tri<tur« and i ran not be detected by tbt, ck'S«>!»t fccruilny, aiiil

I all uffc'-lions of the Kittneyi and Bla Idcr. Cures being a vojetabie preparatij?* {■'. foriceilyharin-

I elTeeted in from ono lo five days. They are pre less. It is tb«» enly !»r*;rl«> :»» tbe kiti.f u.«cd by

j pared from vcgettible extracts that ate harmeless the iV-nch, ar.i i? coifjddr^i! by ths Ptrsian

I on tlio system, and never nauseite the stotuaeh j indt spcnsihio to a f.trf«*-* to)'«t. V'^wards ot

' or itupregnate tho brea li. No ehanz'J of diet is ?0,Oo'} Wotti«.s wero soM 4.'r-.ng tite pp.st year, »

necessary while usin>; them, nordoes their action fcufEt-ie-t gnarrau'ee ;.*" 'tf f'^''-n.<rj. Pr-^a only

in any manner interfere with busiucsa pursuits, i 75 '.^niii. scut by ih.*;!. or rpceipt of »ii ordfr. by

Pi-iee'Sl per box, ; P.KKJi:)?., biJUTT^ A lO., Chen.ist-,

Kilher of the above menlioncd nrhcles will be v4nl«yl >e5 lll-rer .-t., Trov, N. Y

Sent to aiiv adilress, closely scaled, and post paid \ [

hyn.allorexpro.s, onr.ceiptofp.iee. Address | A "X * T ^ TYTi^Ti^^y^

all orders lo JLl t V 1 V l-^ I JL I I M I 1 i 1

DEKGER. S1UJTT.S A Co.. Cbrrrists, I '-« ^^ * * »-J •- *- v^ J_ A.* >..( ,

t^ulSy I Ko. 285 River Street, Troy, N T Corner of Iloliey A Main Str^iets. Wiuuebafjo Ciy

player sbould ba.'o a copy.

Roadie's Dimo Dialogues a netr collection of ' workmen, I am aldo to offer the best .iu.alit.y of , f „i„„i. „„,..„ J work, both a:- i.ufacturing and Repairing, Job- Minor Dramas, Purees, Ac, for schools, pallors , ^ .^^_^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ .Shoeing, Ac. in the best man-

engravud. Complete edition saut by mail post j and Festivals. Much amusement may bo got 1 n^.^." Thankful for past favor.", I would so'icit

free on receipt of iO cect«. Address plainly TH E j o.t of this little book. Pent^ to Rcadle A Co. 1 !3 j a continu^neH of tl!M'"»'lic,.ationaKe.

J;I ACK ••KooK, Roi ll'«a. PhiUd.Mphis. Pa. 1 William si. . New \ orK. an 1 ^rt a ^ tt. ivinl'.nf .f . V. W I! EEEEi:.

Having suur'jd tho services of FIRST CLAS.S All Orders by Mail Promptly Atleiidcd lo.


■\Vir.n.b.^go «i'y. .\pnl 2<lh, i^CT.


Watcrville, Le Sucnr C«., Minnesota,

J. M GRAY. Prop

D- S LAW Proprietor.

Stages Ica^e this »iou«e for all Poinrt.

There is «!*<» a good liv^ery coauccted with rlio Terms RcasonalnlQ.— Teamsters over Digtt j ^^""'^^- OciUii'tfi

'.liu' doll.'ir and ayii.'ii ?>«'r. j ~ .--

(icnera! .-sta;.© t »!ii.a. tli.-.J rt.-.bling, and i»n«..-^ii. ; a '.1, kin \t ->.'' J->H W rk d-'-.i* f.-. ir '-r »• t'ai fliilr rliargps. 47v;'._\ I ^\ Ofti<».

». .1. i-m.










1 1 1




I" i

Wonaerfulbut True.

M M>\M UF\inn.T<»N. ibc worl.l renowned A«trM-

Tovl.l -laU- ,lWe...al.sl!.r very l.:U.r... , f U,- ikT.-.m V ,U i e .' .un^. an.l l-y U,. a..» ..f hu inn.un.on, of ...^

..-.ii'. vf cluiriicli r, .VI'. mi* li ho

occupation . lea'! uv l'

rithi'Ut m«iiil>ii *-■•»" »»»t'>t.

i;v««lir,j place of l.i.ih, atf-, ai«p..«ni"«. cnUr of .•>e». hilr ami ■".olcoilMg fiftr c.t.. awi s.ampc.l envelope mnrV*"eU":o vou Jlf. wiUncu.c the picture by return mail, together witl. •«'^*»'%\>!V;';-'"''V';'uTPrDF R'fMlN'iTl»N I'. O. li •* Two lluaJioa an.l Ninety- «e%'en."\\>*t rr-.y, N, Y. v^ul^y^

^ii^f" A \oLNU L\l>Y v«turjriii:: to

l.er*ciuitrv Ji'Miie. »fter a sojcurn cfafew moiulis in the t-itv. wish-mllv r.v..<uiiel by he- fneioli in p.... c r«e rusiic, tlusievi t.ue, she had a sof; ml > com- o( almost marble amonthiuss. iina :nr.n.a;l of

of I coarse.

pi -xion ol . , .

iw'!iiv-U.rev she rcallv ai-p. a;u .1 but e-.giitien. iM,,.rr.- as t ^ tt-.- .-iv.-e of >•• v:.e,.t a et.a..^;.-. ^''^- - ,

»Ti.i Jons .liTc i il aiiiiiva^i .'• e aoi>ii*it.oi. t.




ri >u- «; >

.411V l.i.lyj

n'fal. I'ric

One UolUr, seiil by iu*\i


fi.iL'Kih an J I'c 111

ti- exiM-eM, on reci ipi of a-i ov.ic

' W. L CI,\UK A O'r.ChoinistJ.

No. S. \V.-!<t Kayctte St . ?yi;o.ase. N. \ The only American Agiuts (oi ihe tal- "f ;hcsame. v4n'.syl

Thcrv- cuiuetb j;la» t;.iii.g of j.y to all,

To youuj; :i:iJ tv. i.l I. to great aiul to .imail,

llie beauty xv'niob o«cc wa* so precious and rare, j

Jf f.oe Mall, ami .ill maj W fair.

B/ tie Ua3 of


WSutc I.jqjsid E N A :M E E !

Tot Ir-rrovinw' huJ U.v«uiMy'«« tl.* tN.mplcxion. j

«'*. for j;iv.nK lht.:.><in » bev.tfVl pearl Iikc, iTt th.t .....av .• -Mi.l in '»'>-tb It .,nu-k!v re Ian Fmk;c.<. ">^J--. B'.o'-ne.. Molb ; V.rjfT'.>t2i .it^. 1 <:'[ iiiii'iin

niwe? Hat'-h-r.


It i^ .t >:'■<' «« ml^tiUo niafleby H>-n<<ofoin UVitcrn

runny i,.m1i.:ii« liial ihey can :-ii> ;;''«>'l' lo 'h- wi-

Iviiiit.iie i:i .N«*» V'Mk linn in thi< ■•;;'■ I' !■. 1 •■l.i«-l

■'lit 11 .N<\% Ytik tlli-ll' i^ Sietlci < i; 111 r I'. -eliV

> 1 >T, th It pi K-'*« •»!•• fiiiiii'ih I •«'«•! to !ii lU- I li'i'Vi'-n e

-f ftvi' T.'. c-nt . ihit it 1 p'.itinly ••• pr.-i.<- ihf

.»ii-«t siyl'*- i> t'lr b«>jttr in Ne»v V.nU ih"i iiy .thT pi'nt U'."!. tijuM are the I'tiiw.pAl i»a>oii3 lu fiv «r .if N'W V.vk.

r,-,tli o'>-i«:v.Ui»n nniJ f\X.t-r'.rr\re havj. »iM(:,-i n* that tie li.-il \^ ui!-)U'»l. 'liie t'lii..i^o diy v>->i< -u tv- Ket U i*i^yi ail'., i: if New \ ..1. .naii.v-.iii miImii r,f llie vi; .in <t » V* ill >ill- r.-ua! V -t .:.•■.. -v... f w'lich ure f. > ii .^«'w Y ).k « 1 1 -oih- fioiii ( !ii i^ . uill r ,•• f i,ni'*:'s »'««' »ii » I loU-i lino I, ■. .1 ■• . I- b.'f h IV n- will It'll yon t'.nt -.It i in ,{ot a* i;'>» Hi.vloi )f llie ileilcr w'a > b ly-i it Cliu uk ««of U.:n »;») b)..<i:i Nev Y.»:\. As to t.i- •: -i I rea-n;i. we vei'urnt* vern.k thit »>• ih« ikt •.••it. ni'ite r.r lei« U mjie thn oilei u;. in t!»o ex-w- i-e-i i .\ tilp.<f l.o<) :irl.»» l.>.i jff.on fv^tj I lur uivW li n.v •»T I n.ii'oli'.-nl f:eii'.»t. In f.t. I. W" feel siif.- in »t.MiU tint O.e aittere'.i e in pvi- ^r ,f (too.!-' 14 niel -ip I . : o over by th'-ie e\pi'-i im. It miy be ^•ti.! tin: I'l" f <^.':it fi-oift Ne.v Y.>rk to O'jiduo mist be p-iM; w'ly . : •-< well piy if T) t'>e ii .in-p>rt.i: io.; cii";i i iiiiiM i f i lI: « Ch^ t.: i)>'v!-:' Wo iiapaen Id k'l).v lint ih- t'lii-az > i^bter. «'r-)r> v: in lluin ,if .1 >'.i i;s' \v)ii!i •! ■;:'-U every -ei- 1 1. h i. « Ivintairfi jver the -• vntry .leil.v. wh ' Viijp* but tjviMnil*. lait !e iv i ui i/.:i i >f f.'> u »j| yr ■■<■.;< \o "j -.ler (0:11. .;l f'Vi. .if -li-.i »■:• i u tl.'.iJ in»-"i ii ai m'.v;'! I m tne fi ni.-;- ' i". VlieJ 'b- t.«r. an ev.-iy' »ei:'l>'.e III in cm u:i le <• i i 1 " H lil-i*" ^ I >• p rif. iiy to »" ;> of ke;- rn hi •>* i '? '^e'; u > in the Itte-t ?ty!e< )f s^i*. Tn*} t'h c »z> j »'"*.' '' ret.re- se- t'.t f. in .l.iuii y t) .Tmuirvln Now Y •:■;. I'l.n aii.l I. .1 Joa t.y bu . iT^. wb > u-i le-"' vi 1 l-n' nii kc-ti !«>. U-- t-'uniry iptiilercm Thee reine^oT ativei a:o rev\v t) taUe h.Iv i:»T.ii;t- of every Hi tiiirin in tho milk -f. r!!'i.:e in tb" -ityle atv! tlie like tonhip T^^Xs \S\-h'.. an i I « i,i bef i.e the coiinry iiieti b rit r«ali ;;et !br>.i.:h I iiUin, .'Ve. ihe -r.uj i ! ml ite \>'.'.u-z -vh il to l.iiv. liiesanse •. better »tyle-'fL"» iNim" in :be nwims .if !l.e rjii>M>;o f.iii). ready f r tlu- i-miiitry tiale. If thi- .• llr-i.i be fr.je, h:iI we !.i '\» Ibiv .inii* !•• ftr..'!. no nietvhiiit we-t of Ciifi--" <i!i iITii.l l.> fiitli.^r ei-t .o'.iy in hN ■>!<«k of ^<k.kIs. II ■< "Wu inteie t •.vil! >eiiJ hini t.t niii"!;:'^. jA:n n -tlie'.e. iiiU »bo>'a!eh »u«e< in Ciiioaizo r.ri« si-»:i.l h ,;::'. ibiH t'le ,,1.1 e<;aMi-^!i.' 1 b >iwe of P-.'-'i-V I! .;ilr:r.-« l.ik'-t:et A: :l re. fV vi.:: we t k r'.re t.i I..!; i.vei- ili-ir establi'h:ni-it ant ctiniiiif iheir k .f ilrv .;i>l-< It « .III 1 •«• lii.n.nll to fin.i even Y.iik a-i v II! Ifte a: .!•^l;• : S' i: e tiii-. .»h r-ier^V Ile-e ;b:cO b'..!U.".» l.a>e I.»»ie<i to




Better ()j)j)(>rtiuuty i.s uuw offered to any


DR. Win rXIKIl i8re>,'ularlj cduciiled luitl li;;iitiiii;Uflv <|iiiii- ificil, and lia.-i e.\l'(.rici;tu in .-Il iorui* of iii.'<cafii;, a kiii>wlcd;{e juiie iiulifpurii^ibie in the trout- ^y, iiicnt of tlic vciicral «li.-ca.s« in W.^ all It-* varied an. I coinplic-atcd ^^-^T^ l„ri»H, unil lia.s for vearo iiiadf the trcaimt^t of |.riv«tc di.<eaM•^ hi.-* hu.«inc.-s and slirlr. K.xpcriei.^-e. be l..->t of teacher.-. I.a.s en- abled him to i.eriVei remedic.H at once .Mini-unl. .-■afe.iiermanent, and in nio.^t <.i.-c.s can without bindranc to busincf.'-



Jo il,.\vMc>;.<

tliat -il >i;l.l rvil tin: or ibe So well h ive tl.ev «(|Ci it


II •iio

Ki !il-

i.,de<.u.n.-=-.S;e to a o"*'-' »^''*«- ' '•^'^rd* .r ^0 0. ■» bi-Mle- vp^re -..i-l l—'nij tttfl p""'' venr. s roin-iert ^'.M'r.ntee ..' 'tP ^'f"—7- Vt\>'c only \ 7^ ..-,'« sent bv mad. "r --r-ipt of *n «.r.ler. oy i v.HKGKR. <U»rr^ i CO.. ('l.....u>Mi=.


SuHVt ih> More!

\Vi;en l.y theojoof Ull.-IOINVILLE'S ELIX lli y.iu cj-i bo cured pcrniancnll;.-, and at iv iri-

fl n-e"»t. , , , . ■, ,

Tli« H«fni'bi'tS 5UCCC.-5 win- ii h.is attcn.iea this iMViUialdr- niv-'d-eino for l^iivsii-al and Nerv «u.- »»e:iki.e-f. tJeneral L»,-liiliiy an.l Prostration. »,.♦.« ..f Mns-'ulir I- jierRv. liii,.o:< ncr. or anj o' iif Miiithtul ill li.''ireti..n. nn-

..t i.-t.

Ill Ne^-v iiiii!:in;

ii-r.l I a w'l .b'-iile ti.i'U' lieivie^t .-i-te.n tlr'H*.

thii t»-liy tiiey lie iiii>ii:pi-.-i-.l by 'l>y ft- :i cii:iti\ i:i a'libty lo nieet tb- «:>iil< if tlie : *e..te n tr.ile. tber xib" f .r 1^ >* hiv i..; l.-ah'-il the e!i.i:a>.:-'-ii-n jf>'">»> » »• ^Viili . : | i: »l f.;i;li. ient to ;> f'.ieir '•to k .inl.T the ni.wt .!<pte^.ii;: »tiie of l;iev ate [i:tpiri~i to b.ll ro-hI. b.i'.h in ij'iilty to ih" ciantry ib-ile.'s on fun.litiont ihit ik Ifc'tlor trila !'fi<l fiirer piotit than can be :tay .l.'ibr, who .-p.-nUa inonMi to vi^ii Ne-* Y >.k. The.;- fK-ilitiei fir t i.iii-iv.rli.t io* are Kiicb thi: tliey < ifi ar^.rlto sell on the in«r-:n »o in i-le, fjiis suvia^ti llicir cu.-itouei-s the niTey nnl time exjeiil iaa trip Ki-t. In the city <■: (hit a-o iLey ■\;e un 'ir.ii- e.l in any ii-pe t. e.pialle.1 in f.w. In till-. p.i.ti. ii'ir Mviloii they are e-p.-. ially jjaii in- in f.iv >r. a;! I it ii n^ tel that the blirew.lest country de.i ei^ aie ^iiviii;; |o\i.N Ur.nriir.P.s the prefeien.e. Ta :h xc >f.ur reiii.':> e!iirH'.;e.l in the »!ry gn»ls tra.lc, re'.iieiiieii.l .i .•an fill e\-iniiii:itio!i "f tho ,,;! pri-ei at tUii utilise, be fjiu layiu; ia lUo

Woman, or cLiM, wishing to i)urchf\He anything in tlio hne of Ftilicy Prcs-s Gooils, FrcMich iiiul Eiiglibh Mciinus, Alpacca-^, Scolcli VU'uh, Dtl.^ina, Woolens Flannels', Slni)ea Toplins, llalmoral Skiits, Ladici Cloaks, Cloak Cloths, Do- mestics, piiut.«, shawls, hooi) Skirt.*:, .Sliirl.v, drawovs, wrappers, Hosier}, Xotiou.s No. 1 AV^oolcn Elankols, IJov^ls, Shoo.s, Hats, and C;\ps, aud Fur gooas of every

dcfcripticn, than has cverbcfure been

Litcrrtn-e, x\its ^cicncc«,

Jt UlIC iioc, Ginci-tl Kcws. iViriLct ...cjcits.

Moorj's Rural New Yor^rer,

t:if. most populau naticx/.l AOlilCCLTii:A/., UT/:i:M:y a.xd fam- ily WllLKLY, For Both Torn nnd C'oundy.

bo ii-ied I Tmk UrrtAi. i.s tiitf staiid.irl in wn .»phrrj of .Jmirrnili.-^^m. beinj^ toe lat;;c.-l eiuulaliiin I'ap'f l"arIicul'arattcnlionjiiven toolilstdtidiiKcaPCf!, I of its Cla.-!- in th<- worl be-t ivi.,<iMc ..t /„- surh as were considered inrur;ible. Sypbiilis, in j trinnic Merit and Supcrioriiy. l- v.ir.cty (,| j,u.c. all forms; Gonorrhoea, (ikct. .Strictures, Orcbites ! tical, Useful, entbrtuinin;^ «nd liuiely lUad.nu it D'abetof,' bladder and Urinary Diseases. Also, j has no equal, its amplt; pujjes c..Uipri«iDj l>e- theeflects of .solitary habit*, both ruinous to body j parlnicnis devoted to or tifcat;D;j upon

Agriculture. Saccp HnsbanCry, Horticulture, Architecture. Domestic t.concroy

Willi Ellns'ratlon*. 'I ale. Msci« hen. Po- etry, Illuxlr, IXfcbii*»c«*.I'-iiI:iina.*<,4c., Lv.

'in;. JlcrAi. is ubly L<:iu ... i eaiiy J'lii.tt-l, well Illur'iraitii, Jind (nh jttd lu li.a tr/,«(e Conn- Iry. it cnl|'l^ly^ the l,i.-i l.-iiii'. f-r s.X.'i' }.!-•, II:? Dejiarttner.t o! Shfiip JJi:nl-i.>dri/ iy liiiiie" l.j il-n. II. S. IlA>.iAii.. LL. . At.lb- ; ..t ;i<- •■J'idcttetif Sli'plitid," ".^iitcp llutuuiiilry in the South," fic, &.V, I lie berl :.i..ii« iil.\ < ti H e ri bji 1 1 in Anie.ie.-i. while ili« Soutlicu Corn ctipotiii luff Z7ii'.'o/- ;.- lion. ']'. (\ ler.-, une I j. r i .\ 'i . suite A'.'. t^oL-iety, m.w <i Aljiiy'M.I. Mi.iy otiier abb and t.ikniei' »rinT.» me ie,£ul).r «i,n- iril>iit'>r.«, and the .«h< le paptr i- ui.<J«r -U- IMt- t.-iial Man ii;einent of iis '•n;;iiiei. r, 1>. if. T. Moon--: TiiK Ulrat. i." tlin b.-i Jiuriiaif-T the Fanner, the Iiur!i( nitlni^f. tie tt.ik iii.-' V. , ..t _ tirower. and the Family (.'itelc n-w "b'ni 7 Itimcn ber. fti.-o that it i.< n'>- m ...o..i.'.' L:ir5:e iii-'i i'>ei.u!iiul \V:<i:.i.V.

H,< inline a nuii:'. r. Hi;d .-er i Ujcal paper, ibc iU I'.^i- u n Ji tL inoncy.

and min-l. aid which produces Foinc of tho fol- l.iwinf,'elTect.-: iJlotebe.s, IJod ly WeaWnef-M, Con- stipation, Aver.^ion and Ui.'ea.-inc^s in Feii.alc Society, Uninanlines.-'. Dread of Futnie Kveiits, fmally a ooirid(^pr<>stration of the vital pow er.<. lo.<.« of nieiuWy, ringing in the ear**, can be fully restored to health.

All leiler.-, ■\vi*h ^l•l!llf..>', nn.swtrtd.

Dr. W. i.s ti;e iiubli.dier •)! a n< w work, cntitl cd "Nip the Evil in the l]ud." which will be B"nt 10 all on receipt of 10 cent.= to pre-pay po«ta;fe.

Con.'-ultation free. Charges moderate, and cure {guaranteed.

Dr.Wbiitier cures the very worst kind of rup- ture in a few weeks.

I'li.st Ofiic; Box 2201. Office and Coi.suUatioi Ilooins ICl South Clark ?lrret,. Chcaio. Yoi- can see Ibc Doctor every day Iroio 'J A. M.fo5 I'.v

rte tl.^

aail iri •• will iii-il e i ■<e<. lire '• ■>}

III rarlbault Counly.


prices arc now




lias, and will keep constantly on hand, for sale :

<J LOCKS and WATCHES, Jewelry and Silverware,

And will nttond prom] ily to all kind?- of Repair in;; of <;loek.«, Watcbe.«. and .Jewl\v, and ^niar HUtee icrfict satisifaclbin to all who palroni-^' biin. iiooin opposite Vnioti Hotel. «Oyl

r.lue Earth City, May 17, 18CG.



next to yur one for your

voLUSiE xvi^r, roH iee7,

fn .'^

11] Cisor

And tlie new

mode of trading— late decline




•ai ll.fl


Mil ^X..<V*.

the c ■••>e.cieiice->



sj V iluable prcparat.

•n ever di jco\ dc

Dry Goods will warrant general satisfaction to pcrsjons coming to

il r in >vo all nervous alTecti.ins. dcj>res.' iicipaii y to .«tiidy or bii-ine'S. cli-u.rut.'* of .'•ei!' •!» ft will n-yt'.'i '

i.r* !! ered. 1: »

i I'l, r ■{••i.CMlCllf

I .-< .1 E-r-iory. .•oofii.-i.m.

i'Tii II. .n. fcir" •: in^.uiity. 1

rli^ ..pii.tiie. renew the h-ilth of ibosi; wli have

dc I -ve I it by >e v; i.tl e.xce«« or evil pr.etiee.'.

Y.iiiii^ ine-i. t-e huuibi::r;:ed n-; tn.-rc by 'Quack D . \.,rS' an I i.;o'i'iiif pra.-ti..iiers but .send wii'i.iut 'i-lav f.-r th.- Elixir, aii'l be at ...ice re- jf..r-.l to health an.l happit eJs. A p-rtct cure W li lii'-aiifecl ill every iiisttnce. I'ricc. $1, oi fo ir b.ttl*;:' to ODC .id Ire.s.J. $;!.

,).)e b..t!lo i* snCieieiU to elTw-ct .1 euro :t al. •ir Ii ri'"v c ii<e^.

.■vi>.) i.ii. .lOiNvrr.r.s .=;i'i:cirrc rn.L.-=.

'•■r t!i;sii.:,> ly and p;ruirneiit cure ..f t:oii<>rrliea (;•.■.••. I'r-tiir.il [)i-.--o ir^es. ^:r.lv

, el Stiieiure and

M I a.r -JK.Ms .if lb.; Kidneys an. I 'Jlabler. Cure<

•el in fr.-in one**! fu c .la>!«. They are pre

il.L- extraci.s that r.'o h irinel--'-


pared from ve.:etabi.j

the «yst€-in. and ncv. r nauseite the 5i..ii-a.-

;at.- t':e brea b. No change of -liet

while ii.'^in..: ibe.n. r .r -Iocs th<^':r actii-n

•11 tiin.'r inrcrlere with busincii parssuiis.

on me "V

or i'lip'-e-.;

lie -e-.-iry

in <!i V

I'l-.f?! p.r box. ., , '

S'lbT f t'o» above inenti ine.l ariulc« wni i. ...nV ri.unv :,.b»re«.--. eloiieiy seale.l. .nnd post jui'l 1.. ii...'.l ..r".r'^!'re«5, on receipt of prie(». Ad Ircy.^

;4li ..f b-r* ri,

i:i:r.i:r.i! ^^inrTs a, to., Cbtnii*fs.

l:iver -^ r-et. Tf'V. N


T!u« iiieJieinc. m'.CTied by Pr. J. II. Scuei^ok, o. l*tr.!alo p'.i a, ia iii:e.iJfil to dissolve the food and i.ivUcit lU'.ocb in?, thclir.'t pr.iccn o: d'-.'eetioa. fly cei::son ll'.e sioniat!i w '.i!i Sh-nc.** Miidrake rills, the T.ia c eaan rctorci the ap;>ctile, and tood thi: o.ild n^t be ea.cj Ic.or;; luiuj .t w.l! be easily diiCifVcJ. y t.

Cj:i?ump on cr.Tiot b? cursl l»r Sih-'niVj P-.:l inon.c S r.'p uale.'s the etomac'li and li%cr is male l.ciiliy tii t!:2 r.^.T.'l'.c r. sort 1, heuco the Toa"c aad P.l!9 «u"c rem roi in pcar'.y crcr/ca'O ol coa- iua.p I, •. A le.l.' Uoz.»a bjtfcj o. the S.-'-AWKK') T JNI'.- a.iU iLrco or :oar bjx^j ol tho M.VNi'U MCi" PILLS «;:i c.ire t.i.- o:'.I'r.sr/ cx'y of dy j p'ia.

1>.". '£..:.\cu-:i. r.is'ici j.-j r-..'o;iSl t>"Is i.i N -W Yjr«. lix-ton. 8Ti a; lii< p.iuc'p\' 0;V:ce In J'ii'.'ais!- r'l'a c.'?r.' v.e .'i:. Gee Ca 1; p:;io.-.. o. c'.-b p arc. or li.:< i>a.iipli e. ou cojisuuip loa lur h s «Ia.'« i;,r vi.'ila- Ii >a.

J* ea-c cb»"r-e. Trh;n p-jrcliaJiinf;, thv t!ir« trro 'l'.;e- uf.a^to: ill: j>jc;or, o..c ivle-ii in \\i: tkl tXIs cl <'jn.'jii.-p 0 1, ai-i the o;licr a. Ii now i;i, in po.'.ect k -ilih, n..'..'o:i ib3 tivU'eruii e;u Fta.i.p.

Si'db/ ai". l>rur,^«ti» a-id Meaeri, ji-'cs !jl."iri p?r Lo f.e. or jfT.'itl tl:o In'. - >>/.,->n. .Ml ;ea.Tj or a;!.- co ■hju'd le alJrcJcJ Id I'r. K •.ii-:M.'..'a P.- a.* n. O.i.c N ). r. N >i-.:i kIi S.rc.-:, i' i n le ni a Pi.

(ieaera: V.'aj ea c A 'eat^ : li.-o-i; Kir.ifv .\t I'o., X. Y. ; i*. S. Ila::f3 lii t.nivj.c •: !.: .1 >'in I). r.ir;ti'. ClnC'Diari. ()'i;o; Wa ;;••.• k ra.ior, Cii- cai;o, lil. ; (;o..i:n i'.:iii., Si 1.j.» i- .Mi. f

ri': kv. '.'s. 1-}. I JT.

The Mankafc Foundry nnd Macb.inc shop i ni'W in o[>eralion. ami we are pn par.d to


of every descripti.m. i-U-am engines, Tbre.^bin;- Mai-hines, Hea.ier:', F-nniii^ lini.lenicnts, Ac

We also inaVe all kindti iion ami brasi.e cas:- in#:s. lial.bilt i... '::'. ■.lv,:iys m; loiiid. Order, sol'eiied and promptly atiendci i".

Old Iron, Brass andCoppej

wanuil, ivr wlWL ti;<; 1 :i;-hf-^t pri-e will l-e piii. v3n7yl C W. 1^.\1;XEY, Jt to.

,tyle,— new fpi'i Faced Typp, (io.i.l 1', -per ami nany Fit.e K .;.■■ av it -«. l.a'b .f it.s Fifiy-fwo NuV fiioi li.'. like a :i.oiiih y ) .rill.M.uipiise E ^:;t Dou' 1- (^:..i>'j r.-.-r An li.dex Ac. nt tU*^- ot ti' vhi'- e.

'iEKMJ^. il Adranee- Only $:;ajo.i.-: Fi^e L'opie.s f<T ? 4; S veil Jor.^rF.'j l'- n «<.i tZ:>.y^'\

•ny ;;ri'..f-r no'i.ber ai Fair.o ra'c. onl.v . - -'' .'••r c'py. einb |,ap*rs HM.t m 'iit'efi.t I'o'i "f-

ice.x. A." we pny .'.;- .r");r: p .s a-e. $-,7b i-* I "O

iwe.'t Club rate l- CaliaHa— C^:'-.--" I" Kiiri:ln-. Z'T-'Sovi !s Tiir, TiMf. To Si H-ciup-: a.m» Foer-r

LIES. I'reniiuin-, Free < •p:ey, i* «•.. to t inb \^oi)t.-', -.n-i we w.iiit a; lea I one aj/r; in m ry •iwii in the liiion. S|ii;Mi<*i>. Siiuw Uiils. i- lucel^l.l.t^, ik •.. '-ent !ite. .id.iiefS

D. D. T..MOOUE. F.o.d:..sui, New Y< tk.


NKW < i\i\y\rK

» »K


To lay in their winters supply,


they will only call at

Mou!lo3i 4fe DetuloBi s




E. A n.T. ANTiiONY A Co.,

Manufacturers ..f rhoio;.r.ipbic Malcriala,

Wholesale and Uetail,

-irTrr-t. THE GREjiT cause




WliH6»-i»a!ir<» i*MaE

llavinj; tnai\e some >>!i:iiii''"< t-.n-i"!)..,^- j! •Mtsines^s iraiisaetio-'s ••' ilie* W intirDa^o CIt' DfiiUs.' we wi.-ii «•• iit.ii .ooe-; ••• ilie ;m.i.1i.- ii.. A..- aie iriiw pri)>are<l to O" all k;i..Is .iI vs..ri\ t airline of busim ss. for realy i<...v. L. •■.!>•. wo.. wheat, or even Money laKeu m (•;!%. uent T kV'rk. Our term.< for »a\viii;r «:e : One half... ?r", oer thou-au'l. Floir. liran. and sborii c. stantly on haud. an. 1 for .-ale •ln.a]i.

J^umber §25-00 per Thoiisa'i.E

F. ll!IODE<. Winnebago City. March iVtb. Ifctifi.


(lOod.'^ well lioimlit.xiie half sold

A. B, 1IALC031


IMaxkato^ JOHN F.


.is on !:;i!).i liie Iar;?e-I a!': b.'st s -iccie-. sifK-«

: ilar.lwa'e. S.'.v. s an. I Av'ri'-iiiiurai li-. :• lent.s 11 tie M:t i.esnta Vidiey. My frioek «".t \^rii.s.'i.iai I'lip'tii-cn*.!* is very liir;ri: and com-

pete. CMniiolin

<\ the <■ il.iv.ii

1111:1 (.ille^





11. ^.laiiF.y'.^.

•eir <t lljuid Uakes,

*20 KiiLv.o

OxCl']si<!F ])Ff-p]H-lS.

jjii<{ Cjiii;: i c L''/r.

Swcep-{;iivt'S 'Il.ir>Li is.

(i J. .[ Ciis.^s Tlir.-sliers, . \\]iatuiTliie;ii«is.

?d:isst lU)ii r-Iacl.r.i''.




'y.) ll.-volviiu'-, lit i.se Fsikes,

>iit ill; the f mailer itni'letnen!:^ in >ly stock ot I'.ui iler!! U irdw u "led •.\ H li ca'"e. ii'' 1 i- vciy


!.;•* Inn Ft :.-. EuilJers

: W !i ■- "

u a



ire Jljai. (piaricrs lor the

V J 1 ' N i



e;c-:i i:t.h? b3 .?o;!.v> i^ '

- C L i :i AX! C L I H A X ! !


tK'-: co:;3L«?iio.N'. '..le

o lu xt ihe '..iTn will h J»'. T-J

1 vrr nn 1 ntona b miin nr..' be cta.-'.-J aii

- el or food r. ho'c^omc ooi, wU eh,

:.c^ niei.c;a'i vill be d^c.cd prtp-riv. aoJ

\ ' \ Mil'-: tba> ba .'iia.: i.:» lae

oTi. 8c.i-:N::.rd mvn!)i:ai;i:pillj

»,-.r.'r.acho:a'lb;i;oai or in-acju.! acc.iniu-

p"piro.i 1 1

1 1 1-.OS te ^rc


CST : u

L^^^"*nib7u. .IT th. S2a^Veed Tonic l:i ca- re- rn Ui-trnet 'f ■."re'tcre.l.

8 .ilKNCKS PLLMONIC SYU'F -^ nr.tr.c ou3 a we ,.,nc Vc-naV c-ia. b.- ua-n:.- llie fare, r.n.e.l c., ... .„..-. c. ere expycl from the .. rem. a id 'ool wbolc'ome bo>l ma'^c, wli.ch ivill rep.l al - "SO. 1 '.•xf.eit.^^iMl.V-.ellin'c nlClliem•^-llC.?o^u- i^ .0 u rc.nio:iJ. Cjti.'a.i.p ion ver.- ;r.- iue-itly in ■a,l B n. e e-.'-' rcvlib.- loilier n:;t:o i. "i \\t the |.-oa re iiicnt: -. to e caTi?e lhi> liveraid i-tonisch. It Ci - '10.' o lo-.'T ibA b-ca to th'.- b3wew ar^ not coa- tee tbe are r.ci» r.-inire.!, ior .n:...etiii.e. in .1 ar.- laa ;hi- . a-.-e t.cce..^"»r.-. The .ton^wh i.iu.'t I c l:< p. l'„i I, e.,r\ »:i a;..i ;e cr.-.-l to r.r.ow '.ht- VS- c S rv-y f> •»- OT he roTirator. or.-n:j- pr. p rly '.ato-j. Taeaaiitbalisreraimlto »n c-.ri* >, to p-cvent ta'iinT ^.xc-r FO aiout -.he rjom' a.» tnucli a' po-ni". --, .h ! r cbf Ft oo«'— at iiicft*. tai'^e, a'id. in c : r.n.-.^n-.tli- r.ppr;t:ic c.-nvoa : but be p-.rtieu ar a id i.ujr. cr..p V n"'.



^i--- or

Ci » : 1 U

1.1 rr H p-?.* a*"!''


P.ic:e*:i Climax Salvo, a Fan!!ly blt'ssini? for '35 conts.

It heals \vitiioiit a scar. No iamiiy slioiild lie vritlicmt It.

Wv v.arrant it to cart* Scrorrila Korrs, Salt llheinn, Cliilhlaiiis, j Tetter, rimple.s, iivA vM llriiptur.is*; ! oi' (he Skin. For Sore l^rer.st cr

Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Braises,; i F,ii:-::s, Scalds, Clmpprd Hands, I A:c., it ma!:es a periVit cure. I \i \v.v.\ been useil over (irtoon ' yeiirs, willnut one lailare. I II ha 4 no paralle'— Mavhii; per-

fi'clly enidicated disease and

lii-iled alter all otiier remedies had ; tailed. It is a compannd of Arnica I <i 'i-- m-^t e !^vllh many other Fxtraets and I ^;:;;;:^- ^'" ; H.ilsams, a:'.(l put n;) in larger

boxes Tor the i.ame price than any

olher Ointmeul.

Ji:it published in a scaled envelope,

Siz Cents. A r.octure on the Nature, Ticattnciii

an. I ra.li.al Cure of Seininal weakm-fr', .>r Spcr mat.iMho.a. in^tiiced l.y .-^elf Abuse : Invluntars i-hni.-.-iuii-. Imiiolency, NerNou.s Debility, auel Impe.liinentK to marriage pe.! era Iiy ; eoiir-Uiiii.

I I.- ..„:, .w.iti..«iii..l 1 nidseaie^ 1 'ion, Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and IMiy-ii a! Auitncanandt..rcij;n ^-''-''^ »"•' ^'"'^'='''^l"=''' I r, ,.,:,..,,'i,y;.tf.._i;^ p.,iij. j. ,;r PVI- UU LI.L,

M. D.. Anibor ' t'l.j "Ureeii Hook" A<-.

Tlie world renowned author >if this a hnirablc Lecture, eleaily ji roves f.oni bbs own e\peri< nci that MiC aw'iil eons-iiuenee-^ 'jf^ielf abn.se may bt vfleeually removed without Miedb-ine, and witli- .'iit dauLM rous .'<ur;;ical ojicration.-, bougie*, in.sii n ineiM.-', riin;.-:,<'r ecrdi.il.-, pointing oui a mode ol .lire nt once oeriiiin nnd eiiectual, by which cv

i:if t-i


Throw siway your fdw frizref, y-ur iwitchei, your

win Po(itrue;ive of comfort . *.mI noi worth a fl^' : roiiiH aced.toine youlbfal, .omeUily -m'l >'"'. Ao.l rejoice in your own lii'^uri.iut Uair.

I$KPAR.\TOK <.%PII^l.». Forrcst'.ri.iK'bair o;..oi b»bl b-a.l.s .fr..-.n w'latever C.nsi-il ni.ybaie fallen out) aii.l l\-ieiii^' a Krow.h of h.iru.onilief.e,it ha* no -.,....1 U «* I lore l,...r.rto ^.ow Uiion the si:ino!b. M face in from i eiirh'weeK*. orb.ir upon b ibl bea.li in fn-iu two to tiu-e ,.,.M:tlis. A fen- i-tioiaiit i.r.ieti.. tiers have e.l that It '•■■e 1* li.th 11^ iha'. will f.-.rc. ff ..w:li .f ill- hair or b-ir.l. Th. ir ass,rti..iis ar astb..u.ai.-ls of livii.^. v,r.,ne.«e..fK.in Iber -Mvn expe cue. )C lib ar w.io^ss. Hut ..laiiy will niy, !i.w 4ie «t til .lisli i.ui-l. ibe v'eliui le Ir .rn lb* sinrio' n vi» ililb'-uii. il" Mii..-t.-!itbs«>f:l.e iliff.- < lit ! . adveit-.-il for il:e hair ami b -ar.l ar.- totir.ly w.-rHile--.. :,n.| vouiiiav have aire .ly lhr..wii aw .y lar«H aii.'-iins iti tli;.ir piircba-e. To .-urli we w.uM .-oty. try the b. p ir :»l..r CMpiiilli ; .'■ will cost y..u iL.tbii./ uabHil it eoiii^i u-.b. ..a- rr.ie.entHlions. II >..ur |iru-<i>t does le.t ke.p it v-ii'l U-. ..ne dollar ai..l w- will f..rw:u-.l it, '>«^^- fiall t.>-itb.-r wiib ar.cw.pt f..r the ii...liey, wbicli will

b- rrlu.ii...: . i..pi.;ica:i..ii, provi.liiiK tniin; lutls-

facti'.n it not (riven. A'i.lr.-*^,

W. L. Cl.AKK A t'O,. rheini^ffi.

No. 3 AV.jit Kayeile .^tr. .-I, ^'yracasl^, N. Y.

^O I bv D.ii'j'ists fveryr, !ici

o'i.itr '; llowluiul,

ECl,ErCAL\V/Y. K. Y.

In ad.liti..n lo our main business of Fluto- ^rraphi.- Materiali wo 1. llowing. vi/. :

Sfereo.<^c<)pes & Slcreo.«copic Views u

(iroiip*. Mainat^ . etc,

S;ereo.-c<H'ic Views oi' the \\ ;ir.

From ne;;nlives in id'j in 'ho vaiious -.-iiin- pai-ii.-' and '"forming a complete I'holo-rapbi.' history "f the ;;reat eon test.

Store jeseopio Views on (^la^s.

A lajled f..r either the Ma^rie Lantern or the jstoreoseope. Our fatalonue will bo tent to anyaildre.sj on rcceii.t of stamp.

Fliol()gr:iphic AlLuins. \

W'c manui'acturc more lar;,'el? than any othci ho; ^e, about LMP« variiiies .roiii .'»0 eeiits I.. $jl each. Oiir AM*.1'.>«S liiive the repiilalion -.f be in;j si'.ierjjr in beauty and durability to an.\ other.-.

Card rhotogr.iphs of (leneral.*. Stutc.'< men. Actors, etc., etc.

Our ratalo;:uc riiibract;^ over F'VE TIIOF.S A.N'l* ilill'erent .^ubjcet.s. inelmlini.' reiirodiierioii>. ost eelebr.ite.l En;,'rav injjs, l'aiiuiiig>. «'.italo;;ues sent on receipt o:


l'liolo;;rapher.-' and other.'' ordering cood? C 0. !>.. wi'l nlcasc remit 2J per cent ot tin amount ol their jn'er.

>\,tlt. Ibe prices and (jualif of our goods eat not fail to .-'iiiisfy. \4i:2l\ :

cry siilTcrcr, no matte. wli;«t hi.s condition imy be may cute him.si If cheaply, privately^ and ra. Ileal iv. 'ilSFECTrKE nil. I, PlloVE A liOOX iO TlloU.-ANDS AND TIIOT.^aNDS.

Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sea' ed envelope, on the receipt of six cenis, or two n imp--. Also Dr. <'i:lverwiirs ••Marria;ie Gu'ue" p. ice 25 ecntJ. A.ldrcsS the Publishers. CHAS..T. ('. U\SE .V CO.,

127 BOWERV, Kayrr York.

Post Office Box 4586




rioprietoi.s l-l L.berry «ireet, .s. w i ork.


..!• bait, n tie.- f.-vlw-. •ri

Dll. SClliliCirG


A Su'fsfifHff for ('<iloni<f.

Thev PiUa are coinpi.clol var.ou' rjotn, liinn-? the piwer to re ax ll.o eccr.it c:n of 11..' liver uj p-ou ?'!v ml f '."ur.'iy m bao p II cr :Tior'r,ir , and v.-i'lioat proilacia-T a.ii' o ihoic dVf. TCcab!c or d3-i;.'prou3 e3i:c.s wbicIi ollc.i Icllow the use o! tho latter.

In all bilious disorders lhr'<! Tills maybe urc.i with

Gift Concert.


confi Icncc. oi th3y proiiio!o :


O! vilic'.'d

Il C Ot,-\iil e;> .i-AtioilH


Free to Everybody!

A Inr^'c C i.p. Circular, giTing inpirniation of the grcKttsi importance io the youi.g of both Bcxes.

It teaches bow the homely may beeooic beauti- jul. ihe de.-p=sed rcfpccted, and the forsaken loved.

Xo young lady or gentleman sboubl fail ta iend ibeir address, aud receive a cooy post paid, by returu mail.

AdUicsi P. 0. Drawer, 21, tlulSiufi T'oy* N. Y.

bi'e, and r.?nnve Iha^c oiwlr^clioas troin ih-j liver and biliary daots, wUicli arc tie caaee ol bilioua tHeclion.i i;i rcac.-a!.

bCUKNCK'd MA.NDUAXS PIIX3 e:iro Sick i:caila:;he, anda'l dirordcrjo. Ih? Liver, indicated b/ callow ikin, co".'el tonsuo, co-tiveaetB, drowBinc.»«, tad a pnsi-al belin? ot wei'iae^ii aud la-iitHdo, tliowian; that tlij li-v^er ii in a torpid or obeirutted con;i.tio.i.

In short, lhc:!0 Pills mar ba u^oJ with advan- izrc in all cax's when a parc'alivo cr ailerative lucdiciue is ro paired.

P ea?o ask lor •' Dr. Schene'..'d Mandrake PIIIb," and observe that the two likensssea ol the Loclor arc on the (iovcrnnicnl ftamp— o:io when in the last tta-re of Ccaiuu.p.ion, and the ether .n hie prcrt-ut licalth.

Sold by all DrngfTisU a id deaVra. Price 25 cents p:;r box. J'rinc pal Olbco, No. b'> Norih (kb Slreat, Phiiaieiplia, Px

(iei:era. Wboii-iwc Accnte: P'lna^ Barnes k Co., :i Park \inv7 Ncv. York. B. 8. ll.iiice, IW Halti- r.iore St.. Haiti i or . Md. John U. Paik. N. E. cor. ot I'ouTili and Walnut 8., Ciuc^nuati, Ohio; IN'aker & Ta/ior, 1*1 and Jr,.1 Waiivsh Avenue, Chicago, 111. ; Collin* Uroihors, southwest tornti •i Hc<:0ud and Viuc Ste.. St. Louie, Uo.

iitix &ab w. e*. mo. 1 yt'

Fiussell A (Jo., of .Shakopee. will ;,'ivc a fJran.' (Jift Concert at Endr-h'.-^ nail, Shakoj eo. .Minn, oil wediiCaiday evening, .May l^t l.Sl»7. <)n' elian'e in ei;;lit Fivi; thon.sand dollar.* worth !'• vah'able j.ropcrly and money to be .rutribntei |.i lii-l:et liol.L's. No jioftpiiiu-nient. Ticket OIK! dollar ea'h The prizes con.sisl of .i nou.s •.-ml lot on 2;l -ftrci't. !?1.'J(I0; a b-t on Id Hire.- :..t ?2(>0 : il boUse and lot on ll.. lines ?trett r i.i.ib : four lots liii'-ly i.ica e •: !(''! ; one piano one prize in );ni-iibi.el<b :^I00 ; ooc bor.-e. o'l. i.'P b.i'.'oy ; tbreesilk >lrc--' i>at terns, om; win; iiia.'line: one ;;d'l b-vur w.ileli ; one America- kvileb. Albums, in.p'-'ii rin^s, Ac, in all i'll. jiri/.es. The object ol th" eoueert i-* to (H.«po-e o ttierroprrty iKlveitij^ed, ami n-it for ii s),ccula» lion". Address by mail (with prion of ticket en elo.sed) M. C. Kus^ell. V. 0. Box 270, Sha';opc« .Vjnnesola.




tl,(. oi.lv Physii/ai\ a Spi. lali'l now lj Chicsico that .-an be . iitin-lv I ( h'-ri i;i'..n. «i'' t.> him. an. I not i«iille! IliHl houil.b- li.-.-as'i t.' 1. iii'iii !'• yu' ->st.ni,"listiKii'i'''^ .^■' '" ta'"':oi.l l.o.ly^ I.'.-s:l..f l!v^tr.'\l:ln v. no lr,ii.i'ii-.ss..n.! .:ii,.- |.r. -p-'s .1 .;i. . lb- I.I.- i-.i..l.- I'r.l\ A lli PI.^KA^LS aii'l NK".\UL'I' pKilll.rrV bi< sti.ily f..r the pant t«.-nt-. y'-ai!.. and i.s llierolore ilu- |i.'r It:, II vsii.iri :ai h'.H. I.-I sli,.i^! 1 cuisnlt .plot n -...ilieiil "I III* !'.it l.i-iii;; oire.l ,iucc h.. hi.K b..en 11. tiii.'* <i)- .»>"' •■•pnt-" •■• «"" v...;.h.rsin all tb.-'Mv pap.:s. his pi.ti-iilh aiol he ,ii,.!ir4l i.i..f-s<i,.ii. bull h.-i.- :.ii-l Hbr..a.l. as l.eiii^ III.- t..st .skili. ll -p<'i'.b.t her.-, mi.la tli..r..i!.^h niast.-r ..! .xiial .l..s.;u,e^ Jf all others l..il. .l.-" I .!.-8pair ilv a .-"ininon ..■•cuiieiic- vvitri

N.i one over be:

lira III III

j;lve liiai ic.iil. II l.soil.v a.

i.im to cure Ml>b .;u.e.<. Ills l...iai. are sepaniti> l..i

lidii-saii.l '.iilb-ii."., ai!.l-i..' in..-.t.-..ini.l.-I.Jii lliecitj

Yi NO .M_.i T*KK P i:-i 1 ; «!•. .NoilOK.— K>ct..r P.i}:«

' .v» .IcT.l'-'.i" 1' '■' '''■* "'■"" '" ''"■ "■'•-'"-"■"' "' """"• ;»»..s . 1 -si.l by a i^i -r. t habit, will. Il ril lis I...II1 I «i\\ tn.I mill l.ii"litti!.:-' ibl- uiil.>iiii..'t'i:..li'i'i.ui li-reiih.-r i!r n eii'lj. Th' >ad .-tb-ct ol 11) -sc e;

to Wi'.ik.'U i.iid i ''ib

i,e,s .,r «<■■'•■- ■" '> hai'lt...

•r tl;<- i-xc-si* ...... , , . , , ,1

lit" III- .-on tllnli.n. d-stro> i!ie ph,\.''irnl ,.11. 1 menial . , %M-i-, ,liii.iai.-h and enf-eblo the m.tnr.il l.i-linirs. .md (•xhaiMl tie- vit.ii eie .(fi'-* .'f t'ialih<>od ; th.- .il.-nsiire« nf !if.- :ir.- laarr.-.l. !'i- o'O 't ..I aiarri.igo trii-tru'ed. \\\\ --xist. iK.--is.irt.!i.l.i-<ilft rniof •incasiaj; inisorv tn.l iTKirt. bu.b jH-rsoiis, .-|..-iii-:i.v lii..fe cooteni i.l.it:!iL' iivirrfaK'-. sb"il.l lose 11. 1 lini" in inikiiiL' itiinii- ii.'ite up.Ii.'.-t > a, ;iJi i;r. T. . by his new tr.aliiieiit, ik .•iiivMe^l'lo insure u speeily 11 •' pcrin.iii.-iit cure.

r..i!«iilt.iti"n'* b''.- mi'l conlbUiilial. Olhce. No. 179 S.iiith eiark Street , .■•>»-r..f .Monroe, b:iUa block from -.'.•• Post i^'Tir;.. P>*« Om.e H.ix I'l-I, Chicag.., 111. !)iti..- 0.1.1. fi'.iii '^ A.M |.' s f 'V

Send for lii.-i "Liiiidc to Jle.4lth," published rauutblv, free ..f rharj'-

N. u t.a.li'-s, ix'nd for a descrlptir* circular of Poa- arie Reuiedie, tb-^ best previ-ntivo -if conception

Uuwn "cut to .-Uiy a.l.lresH Ireo of clr r^e.



YANKEE NOTIONS. Etc., Etc., Etc.

at prices that

DEFY co.ArrETrnoN.


Sabli. Blinds,

A'c. cV:c


Doors, ^ocl:?, Latches.

Prices Excecdii.ly Lew for C A S K I

.Ai! persons le-nivir t" I'lircL.-i.se Keii< .--t •!

hresbeis, wiubl d.i v<liT.. ..;« ' :• a <jillr<l. re iir< basini;. as iiiv .si..< k is i.* iaryi .^•..•\. 1 wii

.Vj.rrant a-I mac.-iiiic.s i. j.'-''' .-• i■•^'•a■ ;on. ai .. ly prie.-s and Ici'- - -'•t > ' •'• i' '•■ •'*•■'

^^;;v| JOii.N" F. .\:EAt;ilKU.


Ml'OiiTA.M' 10 OWM-iiS OF



UHltcr & Cheese

wanted at all times at the market price.

never was, Never can, and N(iver will be


Uh'lcc and J\\si)'ijt(!o)f.<ij'vr SlcL' or Jrjni\d Ho."!'! .< (jiceii I'rci .

The EbiTon of Wu.k.-:.'' c'.r.ir .i' 1':^-. Tiue»

esires to iniorin lie . wners «>( Meifes ii.rci'j.-h-

ut the Ihiiied .'^lii. s. II. at \ *■> lias re};'ili.i.\ rn-

.;i;re.l upon his pi er. one ol ibealdot ami uio.st

.\perienee.i pr..bs.>':"nal »etci Liana' S il. 'A \ V.

^.. •-b.ise specia ihily it.sliiill be t" answer, «.-iati*

ill queMiouf reNiive lo ^il.k '.r i-.iu.i(t ii;-.«

.vhich may be ..ddie.ssid lo Ibe ^^l■ll•!T. ir/, •:.'/. cr

'iff siil)>(cr!l'rrg of iitit. 'lice iii.swti.-« wniiu nil

ases eoniiiin 11 i lesci ipli. n b-r the iij-.ir» do-

oribc'l. and will be prince. I. in i-..iu-ve'i<-n ■^:'.h

be (Hieslioii ,->s5<.- I. M! the. fjiiowiii" i.-uiiiiier of

he .SpiuiT. X" un'<w-is. howi ver, wi.: f;uea

y man. it b< ing a V'-rl <>l the objeet of ibe «di—

i-r III submit the iibi;iiy of ibe pr>-fesfi..r who ha»

(■snnieil il.is lb |oiii >iici.t of ibe Si-iniT to the

uei-tst iri.iii.-iu ol iLe gemri-l | nbiie. Fy ud-

lii.g this nsclul ileiuirtu.ent lo lie ''iiRiT. tha

•lilt T co» iribi.ic.- to iloK- < f ' is re.'ocr'! »r.d

sub.strincrs who r.wn bursts, a h'irse do<-t.'r lr»*C,


ml ii-.l only lo liis piib.-ciibevs lu.t to ^v\:\f lo'sc owner in the F i.iicd ."-tati-s w l.o ioh* ebo-'kd .1 direei, u- iii.|M'.r;, t.i tin: *PiriT by mail, libber' i'l;.' 1 piiiA. ol liie ^iti;.! ji ?j .. \c i

Ojfirc opposite ''Union ILna^x " JUuc Kai'th CiUi, Minnesota.

Will do a General Hanking and Ileal Estate Husine^'s, pay Taxes for non-residents, u.akc Collect. ons, Ae.. Ac, a. D. BALDWIN, - - - S. !>. Cnil.D.

]\[(irri'(je and Cdib((cy.

A 14 Essay of V^arningr and Initruc I 1\. tion to Youz/g* Ulen. Also, Di

Giivo me a:i early c.nll, and see "^ for yourselves.

A. B. BALC0:\I.

Blue Earth Cit^', May 14, ISfiO. 3»3f'yl



FOUC fro I

OUCllD to grow upon the smoothest face ir _ m eilire u 'i w.vl;.^. by -.i-inL' Dr. SKV

KJXE'S KEST.MJKATK'll CAPll.lilbE. tlo isesaes j luost wor.ibrfiil discovery in modern .-eiemo a., urn! -ibuss whi i prematurely I'lostrate the vil ing upon the Deard and Fair in an alui'St ini tal Powers, with sure means of relief. Sent free! racubnn manner, of Charge, in sealed letter onvf>lopes. Address, fl l^ has been used by Ibo elite of Pari-

Dr. J. SKILFAN HOUlinXOX, Howard Assr eintioi*, I'hiladelphin. Pa. v.3n21yl

nnd L.imlon with the most oaltering siieee.-s Name.sof all perchasers will be re-:is-!ered an I i. entir." satisfaction is not jiiven in every inriuu. A YEAR made by any one with the money will be ebeerlullv lefnn.b-.l. Pii.'

S'-rfii-i* ( Addres.' urers of il Banks endorse tho circular. Sent free j PEUfiKU, SIMJTTS A CO., Chemi-is. No. ^IT, River h i: .am pies. Addrerfs tho A tncrican Slonoil | Street, Troy, N. V. S.d* ageuu for the United Siatei

CO AAA ^ YEAR made by any one with the money will be ebeerlullv lefnn.b-. ^^(0}vJUU $1;')— stencil tools. No experienco j by m."»il,' seale-l ami poslpiiid. ."?l. D neee-sary. The Presidents, Cashiers, and Tr.;as circnlurs- an. I testimonials mailcl f.'o.


Blue. Ear» Citf, Maf T. 0*.

»Oyl Tool VTorki, Springfield, Verraonl.



Tba but

iujr e eopic!' iiii'v be boufht f.-om 1 e»s at'entJ ton! Week t" W'-ek by Ih-se wli.. tie.sil., I - ii.«« it > mji. rar.ly only. Pi \t-tev-rnii.-n i.ii. -ti. r.s, Rk iii'.en cents pel coi y. lie Simiit ok tbb. 1 IMKS i- .i Ligb tone.; yntU man's |.'.|er vyliich With ine oM Snr.ir. wi.<se I nsii'< f' •" d tiileit ti.iiriis) is of r.niv y. ai.s' stamling. and is de- voted to numi ..u.'f'i.-! i"^'. li.'fi'-;^. J- '• 1^' f'ports, Liteiat..rc and the Si,,-."-. G>-...i.<.k W 11 kk*.

E'lii"'- a-.d j'n pnetor, 201 W iViiam .-t. New York.


(Ml ! she was biiut ful and fi'lr, Willi starry eyes, ai.tl lailieiit hair. Whose cui Hi. g ten. 'rils Soft .niniiH-.I. Ei.cliaincd tbt very leart Hndniinit.


I'or Cr.rlini: liie Hair ol* eit'ev Sex iuto

Wiivy ami (llis-y lUngleis or

ITo;v\ M.psiqf» CimI>-.

Hy Hjlnp tills article l.ndi. s and Cei tUmT c»r h«»rtt- iify 'I.l iiisii ivi s a tli.aisai il '..Id. It i- Ii,., only i«r'irle ill ilie wold thai wilt carl straiiibt hab , si.d i-l the s: 11 *• lime ( ive ll a bi-miiful. abisS\ iipi)ea.ei.e. . il- tii-|«r I'.in.a, n.ii oii'y coiH the 1 ;,ir, I nt 1- v p. r:;!.* bfi ulifea m.l rleaii.ses ll ; ij highly and deliil.l'nlly p-ruu »rt, .111(1 i- th - II. "St c Uiide'e Hr-,ic:e nt ibe kii.d iv»r ul.treil 10 tilt- Antrican p>;b'ie. Tli.- Ciispei Coma willbv vt\,% III iuiv addriKS, ^. bd aud p. stpi.id f»r one dollar.

Addrets ait crib rs lo

W. L. CLARK .t CO , CbtmliU, tiolS/l Kw. % Wttit ¥W»M« §uct:t. S.-. rMWt. V. 1 .



-^ 0" I HMI I I I ■ll'






■f ^1












^^— ^^^— ^— ^— ^' -

- a I I *— ■*—



E. A. HOTCHKISS, Editor & Proprietor.


Terms— $1.5C Invariably in Advance-

VOL. 4.





Office on North Fruut Street, one door west of KithiUilsonV ?t«re.


One C'">py one year - - - $1 .."iO

Vor anv tcrai less (uan o aioths, 5 cents a week.


l.AKE llorSK,

Watcrvillc. Le Sncnr Co.. IVlinncsota.

J. M GRAY. Prop.

Terms Reasonable. Tcumstutf ovi-r ni;;l>t Ohc iioll;;r aiiJ aiiiiitrt r.

GcniTal ,<t;vne ofBoe. Good ^tabling, ami rrnsf^n- uMe ohargps. ^Tvii^l

GARDEN CITY nOTi:L. Evans & Fall, Proprietors-

Thl.s House 'h Xew, roTuino(1ir>u.«?.

K.y in. I I'sq'l 2 g.| I 4^.-^q I i col. | ) c<A. \ 1 col

I \n\l\i 2.><> 4.<U»; ft.OOJ 7.00 12.00 20,00 . , .

6 w'k^ 3..»n ."i.on! s.oo 10.00 ir,.no 2.'>.t>0 I*l(>r\«Jiiitlv f.oc.iti" 1. niitl lias Ixh n

^ .u-t'i. 5.00 ^.00 r:.oo, 1.-..00 im.oo , .••.^.o(. u- i.\„-nisl.ca ll.n.u-hout. Tlu- vny

9 iu'!';'< : s.o) 11.00 itVd'.iI LM.oo ;:o.iio ' i.o.oo / , . . 1 ,\

1 V3.,r. io.i),vu.oo20.i.j' 2...O0; 10.00 ' 70,00 ,t»^st, afc*)mnuHl:.t ions guarantcea to

Ten ILnes or .o.-s make one iuh.c I l^'VokTs :in.l boanUMS.

, I Gooil Stable liooni for Teams.

Advertisements not marked for a j;)C(Mn.>.l fime I ,„«^, Garden City Wliaa.

will becoiilinueJ. anl chirj^eufor aocorilinjily. | Yearly adverti-'ors will be ln'M strii'tly to ail- I Tertisetaents pettaiuing to tholr bii?;iur!' All j •>ther notices will be o!'.».;;«il :it tin- n-irularratis Excess of advertisements in.ivi led will bo e'.iur^- 1 prop«^rtionalely to the number of squares bar- gained for.

I.e.iial a l\crti«emont.« iuoOftcd at the tbe ex- pense of the attorney or.I.M'in;;; tliom. and nc-t .le- ayable for leaj.il pri>eeediiig.«, but iniist be paid on delivery of the affiilavit.

Notices iuscilt-d ill the readinj eolumn, dou- «bl» ratc« E. A. IlOTrllKI-S,

i: ii: .r .V Tr piiftor.


Business Directory. Wiiineb:iLro Cltv District.

A. H. Rfl.l.l.-s. R»-ist-?r, H. \V. U.»Ul,f V. Ktcciver.

f^p-0 flee h->ur5 from ^ .\. M.iiH 4 P. M. Wiaaebiiso City, Miiui.. Jcl. :io; 1?6''.

Hariie^s ^hoiK

The unilt r.'iirncd t.nUfs tliis uielliod of irT-Tm- !.•,' the I'eopio of Winiiebapo City and vicinity, h'ftt be ha« just opened a luw harness shop in


anj is now prepared to do all kind>' of work m ills iiiir. Ntw !:.;rt:e»s iicnlf to order, and all kind* of rej'airinjt done mi .•■hurt noii-c. Shop :ip :*iairs, nixt door sciuti of Uichard?" u A Ley- ;,.M.«" (jrocirv.


Winneb.igo City. May 2J. ]^M.

V i: U R Y,




Tin: M.i\.

Is a mnn a wl.it the belter For bis rii he? and his jrnitis ? For "i- acres and his piilace If hi* inioost heart is c:il!ou^^

Is H man a whit the better 7

And if a nian'd no whit ibe better For his cuirnrs .ind his mines, For bis pnrpU- and fine '.nen, For his vineyards and hi.'« vines, Why do thous.inds bend the knee, And cringain mean .servility,

If H uan's no whit the better ?

Is a man a whit the worse For a lowly diess of rai;* ? Thouuh ho owns no lordly rental, If hi.< heart is kird ;\nd gentle,

Is a man the whit the wor.«e?

And if H man's no wl it thb worso For a poor and lowlj- stand. For an empty, even pocket, And a brawny, woiking hand, Why do thousands pass him by, With a coM and scornful eye,

If H man's no whit rbo wr.-e ?

iiov» in: roi xi> tsii:m uir.

The AdvcnUircs oltho <;ri-t'<lj IJenhat^saiu

A word spoken :it laiiJotn lias often |irove(l of more utility llian tlio best conceite<t plans ; hence it ha|)pen8 that fools often pro.sijor where men of talent

H)h,' fisiti the culprit, ^behold the ling but hide our shame, and you shall ni ver want good faro again.'

•lie silent!' exclainu'd the astonished l!i nhasran, who little thought that what he had s;n.ken of hi-i meals could have made the plunderers betray themselves. •He silenH I have it.'

Some "ec.se were feediut' befuro the

General Cirant and Art.

1 he rhicairo Trioune has the follow- ing rather amusing gosbip abjut Geo. Grant:

♦'IJ. S. G. is a j^ood judge of a ci^ar He knows Havana from cabbage leaf, and knows it cnsy. lie is a {jjood juclgr of a game of billiards, and can makt

.-- -^ - ., , shots around the table as ea.sily as 1

window ; ho went out, and having seiz- | ^j.„ 'scratch.' lie is a good ju<l-;c ol

cd the largeirt, forced the ring down i;.s {i;ullet; then declared thutthc hn-f>e8t had swallowed the jewel. The goose was kille«l, the diamond found, lu liie meantime, the ivory merchant returnftd, and was incredulous.

*Somo crafty knave, O, wile,' K.iid he, 'either the thief himself, or his aleitor, has, witii a well-concert«d scheme, wrought on yttur enry faith, liutl'll soon try his powers of divination. I'll provi<lc liim witli a meal Mkeway.'

No sooner said than done ; between two dishes the my. teiious fare was hid- den. The false conjurer was told to declare what was the c-nceahd cheer, on j>ain of being well beaten hhould ho fail.

'Alas,' lie muttered out, 'iJeidiassen,

fail. Here is an illusiration : U'"'» a»'^ a ].ig ; thou art di ad,' refer.

A poor, simple peasant, of ilien.-unc- n = 'K to himH.'lf, and callin,' hiuiS.K

NO. 29.

The IJiLle.

WMlluVbaLTO City :vlinm-s<>ta, of Uetd.assan, hein- heartily ti.cd of ''ii''^C'-- .

' » -^ 1 1 1 <• c \ i..,,i ..,,1 'He s riiih , tlie merchant cried.

_ ,. .„ «, , #> his dai V hire ot brown broad an-l i.«v.r.i'o")

Mayb.r.nn.i InPchowB-N^wriock Ct»- " -* - w 1 Give him a Durse of «'-uld ; 1 honor

positc Cittt ell iDoarboas New Store, ; water, resolvc'l, whatever might be ^"M- " ''> '^ I'^*'-*- ^'»'^;



A ItHirular ('••mmnnieationR nre

"V^f h»'l'i "n file first and thiid iut-iayi oi" ^r\ each Month.


L DT-PLKV. W. M. tiKO. \. WKTR. P. P.

D Wt 1 : -t W .M. >. l!I.VN(»|,nS. J. D.

B.' MADISON. J. W. A. K. WtrUli \M. TvKr.

a. K. MOLLTON, Treas. F- H. ULITUINS, Sh:^^

"blue EAufll CITY LuIKH': U. D.

ni.*. prtpar.d to d- :iii wi.rk intru I' d to I ^j^^ consec.uences, to Jirocurc to himself

I him. in the late t New York Fa.-hions or to suit j _ ^ ^ i ^ ' ^^ ^ ^^

be iusi>«u:er



crrv, Mi.N.N.

r> Kiil'LAR C>inmutMcati..ns nre htMontbo \i Fir«i and Third W eut. ".-:-.;. s ..( ea.-h ni.nth.

M"-!t kitids of conntry pr-ducc wanted f-r work Cuttiiii: do.e nn ihorl notiie, anil nurranled lo lit if propetly made up. n?v4

by hook or by cr ok, even at the ex pense of a bndcen he.'id, three sumptu

tale!its sm.h as his.'

It. was pork in the dlsii. Tiiu.s our gutton, by tlirce random Kpeeche

horse flesh, never makes a mi.-.take ii his betting bonk, and will tell you to a quarter second what time Dexter wili niakc in the coming race with lady Thornc, and he can plan and fi^^ht a battle to the perfect satisiaclion of his opponent-. But when U. S. G indulges in high ait he is apt top'it his foot in it

The New Y'orkAlbiou has cDntaincJ among its advert i&ementf;, for some weeks pa.-t, a conspicuous notice of a volume of steel cngravin::'s from the celebrated 'Cartoons of lltphael.' The notii:e is accompanied by a d.'/.in testi- monlal-s to their vjiUie, at l!»e head of which is the following :

'TIk-v seem to me to be verv fii;c, J^^^d a de.-:irable collectitoi. f r iho-e who do not possess the original.-^; ( I I ) to hayc. I'. *S. (Jruiit.^

Now that's an opinion as is an o})in ion. As the originals are the property ^f Victoria and safely housed at Hamp- ton court, and as neilhr-r I'. S, <i., nor Pere-rrine, nor any one else will ever


IJlacksmithing, ShoeingJlepairMig, Sec. The undersigned still necii].ics the siiop near

nense oi a oroutii iilmo, huc-u nuiuMiit . , , , , i

^ , ,. . 1 .1- ^ ua' '<-*^l thrc-e heartv meals, a heavy

ous mcal.s. Ilavm;; lakeu this courage- » ;. ^

H P Yorsfi, w. M.,

L W. RHiWN, ."i. W. R W. TKKTKlt. J. W. WM. A. WAY, Treai.

ous and noble resolution, the next thing was to devise a plan to put it into ex- eculi .n ; and here Ids good f iitune be- friended him. The wife of a rich ivory mereliant in the nc ighborbood of his cotta;;ehid, during the absence of her hushami, lost a valuable diamond ring; she oftVred m-eat rewards to any person

ElrC^cll*^ Jll^^'PiOW»^« ^■^''* ^^'""''^ recover it, or give any ti-

* 5*^„ din;:s of the jewel. IJut no one was

II;^vin^'s.cur"d the .'ervices of Sltl >T CI..\s.s , iij,;elv to do ciilicr; fur t.iiree eunuchs,

r,l Al M'»\T, ;">Ifr. j w„rki»i.-ii. 1 am able to otler the hv^X .c'.adty of, ,. ', ,. , , . i i _ i ...» .i. - 11

the -team .Mill, aoil woiild re-pie


ii>n ounce

that Iif is now firep-artd to ni-'iiiiractiire i>«.th


II. p. roN.-iTANS, S. 0 A. K. K.\.-iMAN, .1. 1>. J. I . GKO. U. KlSOSLKV, Sic

jnu'se, comfort for riie> .-ind a mo.st bril- liant repnt:iti.>n as a cunning man.

^akiiijif a Dislike.

An ill-natured fellow quarrelled with his flweet heart on the day tl^i-y were

S<<me wj'tergivei. tlic following acaly- -is of tl;at bo-k of ho-ks, tlio IJiblo.

It is a book of Jaws, it shows tlie lif-dit and wrong.

It is a book of wisdom, ihoi makes the foolish wise.

It is a book of truth, which detects all hum;in < rrors.

It is the ho<»k of life, and bIiows how lo avoid evei lasting dtath.

It is the most autiientic and entcr- laiiting history ever publish'.'d.

It contains the most remote ar;t:qui- iles, the must remarkable events and vi'onderful occunences.

It is a code of laws.

It is a perfect body of divinity.

It is an unequakd narrative.

It is a book of biography.

It is a bovik of travels.

It is a book of voyages.

It is a book of the best covenant ever u.ade— tlie be.=-t deed ever written.

It i.- ihe best will ever execiiled, the best testament ever si<_'ned.

It i.s the young niaifs bcstfcmpanion.

It is the school boy's instructor.

It is the learned man's ma-terpiece.

It is tiie ignorant man's dictionarj, Tiud every m:;n's directory.

Senator Sanlsbury was saved from : expulsion .by the appeals of h's wife, who promised to t.ke him home and

1 I . u «t «.., ;*;olchedid it. Ihe appeal could not be

have money enough to buy them, It 18 ^ , , , /.

,., , , , .., I' w: i' ,.,. ix.,.„ resi.-^ted. nor cannot be thought ot not likely that either L. h O. or ieic-,

, 1 , .,, Iwiihout emotion. T hough overmaster-

crine, or any body el>e will ever pos-i ^ . , ^, o i t

, . . , , ^; r „^..i 'ed bv dnnk, Mr. Saul bury is a man

sess the on':inalf, unless -Mrs. Joseph; - ',,,.,.. "^ ,

, ,,. ,., .. , , -, , of very maiked abiiities--one of tno

wh'm she shuliies oil this mortal coil, ' -, ,^ i

,,- ., . 1 ., .1 . _abe>t, most cogent and effective ppeak-

shou'd dec deto btque:ith them tome! , ^, „^

as a testimonial of esteem

,. , , T tv6 ot the feeiiaie, oi fine per-^ouai ap-

, .... n.earaccj. t;.ll, erect, da»k conipluxioned,

,.p,.e regret to say,! ht re arc no indiralions; ^ . ,, , i-.n t

, T, ., ,, ' i„i .,.., i„! wit piercing black eyes and jet black

iiid at present. It the benerat had made i f -^ .''.,.

to be married. Afler theccrcm 'Uj

be::.in, and he was ask.d, 'Do you take i^'O re... arks about pictures of Niagara

.1,. 1 t i-o. 11".


I- 0 of G T


EC t'l.AU mettir.g every FriJuy evei:lrg, at Mi-ultiyii's Hi.Il.

J K. CALDWELL, W. C. T. Ct. M. POTTER, W. K. 8.

wf.rk. » o'l, .Mwu'.if.i -inrin:; and H; pairing. Job biiig, Horso fi 0.\ .•^i.ieiii;:. .1'-. i:i tbi- best u:r.ii- ner. Tliaiktul l-.r pa>t lavors. 1 would solicit u c ■itinuani.e of the public patrona.:^e. v!n!y.f J. M. WnEliLER.


of whose lidelc'ty she had not th.r»niftll est doubt, ha 1 st-deu it. The loss soou reached our glutton's ears.

Til go,' ones he ; 'III say I am a conjuror, and that I will di.-cover where

tliis womjin to be your M'edded w;!e ifcc.,' he replied, 'No:'

'Whj.i's your reason?' a^-ked the mini.-ter.

'I've taken adi>iike to lur, aird that'.« en<righ, wa3 the surly reply.

The p'lrties retiied— ihe bri.le in tears ^and, after much persuasion, the groom wan iu.»ue<d to hav«* the m^r-

Falls, or jdiotooraph of Saturn and his ring.<, the originals of \\hich are oith cidt to possess, it would have been quiie as mild ae his a!:tonl^hing ann.ounce- i:u nt in ri*ga''d t(» the cartoons <»f Ka- piiael I am afraid that U. S. G knows more about pontoons and rebels than cartoons and lvaj)haels.


Auditor-F. W. rvnr, Tr.-s'.'-R. B. JOHNSON

R^:ist«rr-F. LENT, J^lK-riff-C E. CHAl'KI. .

S>unu-y-i. n .-I'P.orT Ju-'.-e-A MOr- IMU.sroN,

Coroner— WM. A. WAY. Com. -DE LA \EUC.NE.

County Com. 1st Dist.— \. R. MoR", •' '• od '• H .1. SEAL.

•• " 8(1 '• J-UIN (t. SI^SON,

•« •' 4!li " --JAMK.-; I KA Y.s,

'• *' :a\\ " JO.iElMl CiOOETT.

District Court nf this District meetsat Blue Earth tiiy ou the first Monday in Juue.

the i;em is hidden, on coiidiiion of first | rjage pioc< e 1. It wa.s ivw the lady's

CI |.,, „-^ ^^^,,^f ; receiving three sph-ndid meals, I .-hall | im„^ j,j,d when tlm minister tisked her

1 Oi^iiVt I J ^lOfe t.. j..^j,^ .^,g ^^.^^^ vVhat then ? I sh.all be | ,i,c all-imj. mutant .juestion, 'N.. I' said

treated as an impostor ; my bick and i y],c, rtn-joluiely, -I've taken a dislike to


P7Z1>7C TA X A XJJ -S L'Ji (rlJOX


CalU by day or night piotnptly attended to. Winnebago City, Aug. 15, 1SC6.

M.\NK.\TO. MINN, ALlJEJl'f S. WHITE, rroprietor.

Cr^ikfrv. f;i:t>s-ware. Gnccrie;), clc, for sale by wbclcsa!e or retail. Country atore- supplied on reasonable terms. Itoonis on Alain .tlixot nearly cpp-i.-ite Ilrad!' '. A Bro.

sides may siy, 'How d'ye do?' to the bastinado, but my hung.y stomach will bo tilled !'

To concoct his scheme and put it in


Dr. J. P. Iluuics,

Physician & Surgeon,

OfiSceover the H.irJware Store, Main St., Win- lu'b.i'^o Ciiv, Minnesota.

j;. li.l-OlH'e (pen for caPs at all hours of the day and night- " ANDREW 0. DL-SN,

Attoi uey aii<l Counsellor at Law

^^- Will attend to professional busiuesa broughout tbo .■Stale. Winnebago City, Minn.


Practical AVatcli-Mnke.r,


J E W j: L E \\ ,

Llankato, - - - Minn.

liiiALCR IN Watches, clocks, Jewdlry *fc silver vraio

Ilepairinfj neatly e.TCcutcd and warranted.


Tb.e gro m admirin.u horspuuk, uiude the matter up with her as iSoon as pos- ; sible, and a third t.me Ihcy prt-.-entod practice was but the work of momonta. L|^^.,^j^yi^.^,g i^elore the minisier, wh.. The lady, anxious ftir the recovery of |j^.g„„ ii,^. t-crcmony by asking the her rill;:, accepted the offered terms.— | „j,„a! question';, which were >ati.-fac-

WILLaRD & BAH.nEY. Attorneys tfe Counselors at Law.


Will aUcd promptly and f»ithfuily to all bu^lne-^ic- nst'^d to their care- Have for saloat all time,-!, l.tRe r,uantitie). of Winneba-o Trust Lands, and other valuable Farming lands.


CHAS. ih:ili;okn.

M-inufuHiirer nnrt Di-aler in

of every vanety. GiltMotiMings Kept On Hand


A sumptuous dinner was propan-d ; the table was covered with rich viands; ex- Ijiensivo pbttes of every sort were plac- 1 ed upon llie side board. Allah ! how I he at'j I An att^ntve footman, one of ; the socret tliieves, filed him sheibetJ our coi.juror, gorged, exclaimed : ' 'Tis well : I liave tlio first !' The servant trembled at the ambig- uous words, and laoto hi,-* comp.iuions. 'lie has found us out, dear friends/ he cried. *Ho is a cunniuf? man. He

torilv answered (his time. Tut to the a-Jtonishmentoflhc party, hi.s n vcrcuce continued : iVreU, I'm glad to hc.ir that you are willing to take each other for husband and wife, for it's a good thing to le of fo giving temper;!. You can now go and get married whore you will I II not tic the knot, for I've takeu adi.>»like to both of you.'

A Pl'z7.li:. We find the following

ptiZ7,!o in an exchange, aud would be

.,, ,,,... Ml . ',, ^"' i very much obliged if our delinqu nt said he hid the h; St. What could ho -^ ^. , , / .

moan but me?'

♦It looks like it,' replied tho second




Bine Earth C.ty,

-This house having been rofaircil i.nd newly fiir- cished throughout, is now opeu for the reception

'°^The proprietor respcc fully solicits the patron- age of the traveling rublie, and is determined that none shHl! g-o away dissatished who may lu

»or htiu with a call.

47y G. S.CONVEll.^E. Propnetor.


Front Street, near the Le/ee. MANKATO. MINNESOOA.

M- T. C. FLOWER, Proprietor.

General S.at;e Ofiic for all I'oiiiU. i . th^ State. Cood .SlaliliiiK with a'tenUve Ostle". J-'^j



Ojqxjsite Clifton ILniPn,

MfJ^'kato, ^Minnesota.

Our tablcif aio iihw and are of tho best make flood cigars and liquors at the bar. 4yyl


Corner of Ibdley k Main Streets. Winnebago Cify

D. S- LAW Proprietor.

stages leave this IIou.«c for all Points.

There is also a good livery conuccteJ with tho -, OeloO ()0



LL kindi of Job Work don«*to ord^r at this






thi'f 'I'll wa t on him to night ; ns yet you may have mis.akcn hii mean- m^. Shonhl he sijcak in the same strain, wo must decamp *

At night a suj)per tit f(»r the caliph was set before the Ki*e««^y Henhassan, who filled until he could eat no more, fho second footman watched him all the while. When satisfied, ho rose^ exclaiming :

•The .«econd'« in my sack, and cannot

escape me.' Away fL*w the afrighted robber. 'We are h.'Stl' he cried. 'Our heels

alone can save us !

subscribers would send us a solution ot the game. Try it and sec if it won't make you feel and rest easier. 'The j Inmter pours some water on the crea-

The Spirometer- nier.suring the re tual buik of respired air in any individ u I ptir ot lun;^s— has shown tli^t this measure, as might be suppuscd, is a very good general index of tlie state of bcalih and vigor in all resjiects, cwcu when tho variation is not very perct-M» tible in o'her ways. A medical reviev.- er in a late jmblication testifies thtit 'in e.vamiiiing for insurance persons appa- leutly robust, v.e have found that none of those who habitually drink spirit> between me?ls, even iu such modi ra tiou as to be considered strict'}' tem perjte, can blow up the s['iromelcr tn their duo figure. And in several in- stanco.-; of really intemperate persons, this mode of operation has led to tiie d. tection of their secret.

How IhsSlAN SaULKS AllKC-'AUOllr.-

Provided with a small pitcher ot water, tho hunter stations himself iu a tree over the hole leading to the habitation of the animal, aud when the latter C'";mes out, and stands looking about, the

h:iir, courtly and inmressive in his manner, and of noble and generous itr.pulses. The case of Senator Mc- Dougall, whose term has just closed, is a simi'ar one. A man of clear intel- lect, finished culuire and fascinating manners, but cursed with the >ame af- fi'ction, he was to'.e. ated in the Senate only from a similar motive. One of the most touching sights to be seen i:i Washington during tlie se?5i>>n, was the presence in the pallery, of his wife :«nd dauiihter. waiting ni^ht after nigh.t, o ten till long past mi.inight, anxious and ilistressed, for him lo accompany them to their liome. It may be said to !iis credit, that, whatever he m.iy havo been to the res^t of tiie world, he w;-.8 fjcver anything but rtspectful, obedi- ent and tender to them.


answer to the folIoNving little pnz/.le contains a fine moral. Peciphtr it if you can.*



















1' u




The UNinviDED Ciiuucii.— Take a

ture's tail, wdiicli almost instantly he comes frozen to the ground. The hnn tcr then descends, and with his knife slashes the sable's face. Tho frighiencii animal struggles to get away, and final ly escapes through the opening made in his countenance by the hunterV knife, leaving its skin in the pobscssion of the hunter, while it returns to its hole to await the growtli ot a new skin.

Sehvkd Him Right.— In an English railway car, a short time since, an indi vidual wdio persisted m smoking a ci- gar after he had been requested not to do so, was summarily ejected by the

The acrgrav.Tfcd

A lady siys the first time she was kissed, she felt like a tub of lOses swimiuing in hjuoy, cologne, uuimegs and crauberrics, She felt also f^s if something was runnir.g through- her nerves on feet of diamonds, escorted Itv several httle cupids in chariots drawn by angels, shaded by lioney- sucklcR, and tho whole S[-read with melted rainbows.

A practical friend of ours says the iir:t infl he ever kised didn't feel Lko that: she felt like a stick of candy.

Constancy.— Let our love be fiim, constant, and inseperable ; not coming and re-nrning like the tide, but de- eou.Iing like a never failing river, ever ru;iiiing into the ocean of divine ex- cellency, passing on in the chai.iiels of daty and a constant obedience, and never ceasing to be what it is till it comes to be what it desires to be ; still bein.ii a river till it be turned into sen, aud vastness, even the immensity of a blessed eternity.— e/t^>wy Tayloi'i





235- Particular attention paid to Music Order 8

~A n^'^vk)*'"^ ir«/;-/'/y'/.V nrr<h]\\^t printed and for sale at this ofhce. .11- io all kind* oiJustic€i' Jilan.is.

'Nut so,' answered the third. 'If we ! u.nss of quicksilver, let it fall to the fly and are cught, we lose our heads. \ floor, and it will split .t<ell into a va.t , ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ .,,,en^ers ril tend bun at to morrow's meal, and ! mimber of distinct globules. OaUiev | ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ,,^^ ^,.^.^^, ^, ,„, ,f ,,;, should he thenspt.ak as before, TIL tliem tip and put them together ajzam, | ^^^^^.^^^^^^^ and charu'od him with as own the theft to him, and oHer some . -'1 they will coalesce into one body as-j ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^ -,,, ^.^i.^rate

....at reward to screen us from punish- | l>e'--« ^ >'- ^-;^ ^ f ^'^ .'^ '^^^^ "^^ i,,roi.e whom tne cse was tried, decid *^ , , , 11- .1 ,. ' Rometimes cvumpU'd and distinguished

ment, and that he may deliver the jew- .R^^"'^""'- « ,„

' into various parties, thou-h they are m

el to the lady without betr.-ivinf,' us.' , , .. i .k^ cnnP

They all agreed, (in the morrow , fact, members ot one and the s tme

Cenhassan's appetite was still the ' mystic body. Hat when t.ken up fn n

al At last, qu te full, he exclaimed : ^ the world and put together in heaven

[«aiii«3 XI L I.* ,1 » _ . . ' , n -.-.:...♦«.».... rv.^iious undivid-

'My task is done ; the third, thank Allah, U hei-c T

they will constitute one glorious undivid

cd Ckurch for ever and ever.- Toplaibj. V^^ ^ l^^^^'

cd that the smoker had given sutfi

cleat provoeation for the assault, and

\\^ was doubtlul if he would not be com

polled to lock him up for assault and

battery for puffing smoke ia other peo-

j{.--^^.s!^ .\ o-roat excite uent has been

eaused among tho .Jews at Bonib.y by the issue hy their pontilr, H. 1>. Koyn, who has la'cly arived from Jerusalem, of a pamphlet entitled, 'The Voice of the Vigilant,' the object of which is to pei-Miade the Jews that it is useless waiting long.r f^r (he promised Mes.^i- di, as this ii Jesus Christ IdtLSclf, 'whose doctrines have been spread all t.ver the world without sword or force ('ompare.' says the poiriiV. -th-- Old ,i.d New Te&tanuuts, and the truth will be seei'.'


T.uo religion V>e«j[ins in prayer, and in prayer more than anylhing else is e vOrcisod. Knox.




. ^ -■ - - - - M.






mn I I . -

■^ ■■ i ■■







1 1



.1 ^^ -

[ 1

r 1

r 1



MAT 16, 1867.

E. A. HCTCHKISS. Editor.

Kc-AiTcst of l*rl!<oucrs»

Mk. liiTTi.K id iho jiijeMt siMit out bv tlie rolicrcotiiinUteo tf Miiiikato, to ns- ciMtain di'tiiiiti'ly the coiulition of afftirs iu ^Jarl"^^ aiul J:tckson rnunties. llo reports :i nuinltcr of cases of ilt'stitulion

[From tb« Maukato Ri-conl.]

C]»ps. Julinson confined in cur conn tyjail on cliarge ot obtaining goods under false pretenses, and w!io made \m escape about two weeks ago, war rearrested at St. Paul Last week, and has since been brought back to his place ol abode by tSheritV Walbridge.

Fuller, oi Faribault county, who es- caped at the same time, lias not been recovered, but it is feared lie was

\ A.V \ c -1 diowtiid. It appeals that both left

Hii<' Nutb'nrg re^uhnikt from sukncss ^ il'-"'^ ^"•*'' '^"'" '«-'i

, ,, 1 11 ' i> . .1 I 'it^i'o together iu a small skill*, goiiin:

an 1 other unavoidable causei*. i.ut th" ' » o

le causei*. i»uc iiu^ trea'er am nint of want, he attributes loini'maiiMgemont, or lazincs'^, or both lis field of labor seems cnlculated to p!pa<e as well ns pain the clo^e observ- er of hnrn:i!i nature, and we were con- pid lahly amused the t)ther evening at hi» d»'stripTion of some who seemed to la 'k the pr >por nerve power ol mau-


One wa"* co»ictrn?nga man who had a large htmily. and nui a uutitthful ot food in the house. lie came ^v\■agger- ing up to Mr. Little with a request, or nther deuvoid for fifteen pounds of flour. Poing refused, he inquired the.'reason.

b;' would not work.

down the ri\er. A few miles below town, the skilf upset, and both men were thrown into the water, but clnng to the sides of the boat. .lohnson let go and swam ashore, and at the same time cried to Fuller to follow his example, but the lattei did not do it. Alter reaching shore, Johnson continued t(» call to Fuller, but receiving no answer, concluded that the latter was drowned- Making his way to a farm hoUBO in Xicollet county, Johnsou woke the fandly and told the above story, reqnost- in<' the farmer to «cnd word to Man kato. He made this rc<piest, because as he .«aid, he feared that he might be

His ap

and was informed that it was because,

II--. 1 «;.. ^i' charged With killing Fuller

A\ ith an air ot i =^ =

,,,..,,, , ... ,„ !•- i pearanee gave every indication that his

II suited dig>:tv he iMrueiJ ujion Ins.' = •'

, , , .1 .1 ,1 „, i.„ i storv w.'is correct, and the larmcr keiit

heel, rcmnrku'g with an oath, that lie - ' *

was not to be bamboozled by any man, j

him until morning, wlien he resumed

,, , - , . .1 1*1 his ituirney towards 1:^1. l*;»iil. Since

He had gone about three rods, when, . •' "^

, , , " , . 1 . his re-inest, liowever, Johnson claims

iirobabjv remembering his starving i ,,,,,., -, ,-

' ., .' Ill r 1 11, that r ulkr did not 1:0 with him, but

lamilv. he .^'uddenlv returned, arul b»'g- ^

says that betook a dtlcrent tlircction. Wiiich of Ids stories are correct is dif-

gt'd the flour, f;iithfully promising tt)

M'ork, The flour was weii^hcd out to ,

,. 1 1-1 1 1 . 11 ♦. i ticuU to determine, but the i>robabilitics

hm, he did work, and "all went merry : , , ' ^

1 I, ri " I are in fnvor of th« fir.^t.

as a marriage bell. .

But for his children, he m'ght have j ;^Mi..fferson I >avis arrived at Kich- been .as obstiimto as the man who, being ' ^,,,jj fj.^,,^ Fortress Monroe, last Satur-

too lazy to work, and on the verge of starvation, was made the Mibjoct of a consultation (m the part of his neigh

day afternoon, on the steamer Juhn

Sylvester. Long before his arrival,

! military arraniijements had been made 1 '^

{by (Vn Schofit'ld. As the steamer liim alive. As they were tearing him 1 1 '

to the grave, a good Quaker, leaning

bor'. They finally decided to bury

over his gate, inquired :

"Friends, where do thee go with that man :"'

•'lie is too lazy to work, and mc are going to bury him," they replied.

•'Thee need not do so hard a thing RS th-ut,'' replied tho Quaker. Let him be idle if he will not work.''

"Hut he is starving."

* Then I will send him some corn from my granary."

in sight with tho national flag fly- ing, the most intense anxiety was ex- hibited by the crowd to get closer, but tiiere was no demonstration, no cheer- ing, nor hissing. He occupies the same rooms at the Spottswood Hotel, that he did inl>iGl.

A handsome suit of men's clothes costs, in England, from ^lo to *25. A silk drebs costs %5 to 1^15 Tho same

would cost in this country at least three times <ts inurh.

In a tract distributed by the ^^lormon l)reaeher, the ftdlowing question and t'nswer occurs : "What shail be the re ward of those who have forsaken their wives for righteousness sake ? A hun- dredfold of wives here and hereafter.*

A. T. Stewart's stoic on Broadway New York, is to bo enlarged durin*' the summer to six times its present si/e, when it will cover an acre and a quarter of ground.

There is an Italian member of a cir- cus in Havana who performs beautiful melodies on an instrument nailed the copsologo, being thirty four ordinary j^lass tumblers half full of water.

.\ new riding vchieic in Taris is mount ed on very large wheels, with the horse between them, liio driver's seat over the centre of tho horse, and the latter fi:irly under the body of the carriaire. Prince Henry the XXII, of Heuss- (Jreiz, having attained his majoriiy, h.as aseended the thrcne. His territo- ry is seven miles sxuare. We bow the knee.

In New York, on the morning of .Mayod, ihero wa.s suf^ieient snow to cover the ground, and ice formed to the thickness of three quarters of .an inch, at Cleveland, O., the same day.

The body of Louis Fox, the billiard player who myst.riou.sly disappeared in December, was found, on the 10th inst., floating in the tJeucsee river at Charlotte, seven miles from liochester N. Y.

During a scvoro gale oiv the British coast a 8team.<hip lust one of her pad- dle wheels, and, in order to make the other work, the stock of coals running ^liort, four hundred j)ios were burned to keep up the fires.

Kggs with iron shells will be a fact at the Paris Exposition. A lierlin chem- ist caused his hens to [n'od'ico them by feeding them on a pieparation in which


U. S. Land Office.

Wiune^aRo City, Minn, May 13, 1887. To Fraruis M Weld:

K.hvnrd J Dowling hai thi« day «ppli»d for tho south weal qnartcr .-icctioii 2, tovvimhii) 101 north, TiWgo :',2 wcat ; itl.i-inp; the laud you filed on. You arc herchy nolilitU to be and api.ear at Ihis ofTioo on Friday tho Ulh day of Juno, ISfiT, at tt o'clock A M, lor Inc purposo of giving Ihr whole luatlcr a lair and imi'arlial iuvesli-

;'ation. . _

" A, n. RfM.IP. RogiKttr,

H. »V. HOLLKY, liecdvif.

U. S. Land Oliice.

Winn.;lmgo City, Minn., May 9ib, 1867. To Silas Town:

KliJHh Ileldin has this dny applied lor the north ea-l i|uartcr section IS town.sliip 101 north, range 'Id we.«l ; it Ix-ing Iho hin.l you filed on. You are hercKy notified to be and ai)pe!ir at this office on Saturday the K(h day of June, lSf)7, at 12 o'cliiek I., for tho purp(.s« of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial inv«-sligation.

A. II. lULMS. K.-KiMer, 11. W. IIOI.I.KV. Ucceivtr.

U. S. Land Office.

■Winnebago City, Minn., May 2d, lSr)7. To .Tames Mooney :

John Sullivan has this dsiy apj)!ied for the north west (iu:irlcr of section '24, townthip 102 north, range 2'J west; it Iteiiig tho land you filed on. You are hereby notified to b'i i«nd appear at Ihis office on Mond->y, the .'Id day of June, ISC.7, at I o'clock i> m, for tho purjio-^c of giving the wholu matter a fair and iinu:nti>il invc.-^tigation. A. II. mi, MS, Uepistcr, II. W. llOLbKV.Ktcelvcr.


II. S. Land Office.

AVinnobago City, Minn. May Uh, 1.^67. To .Tereniiah Courney ;

Kugene Sullivan has Ihis day api)lit:d for the north wo.'^t ((Ui.rtir section 12, townf-hij) 102 north range 2'.l we.<t : it being the land you filed on.— You are hereby notified to bo and ajpcar at this JolTice on Salurdjiy the Sthdiiy of June, l^(■>7, a' 12 o'eb.ck M, for the purpo.-e of giving the whole matter a fair niid impartial investigation.

A. H. Uri.MS, K.glstiT, il. iV. llOl-LKV, I'.'.ceher.

The X. V. Tones' Richmond si)eeial ! '"'f^'^ ^^as made to take the place of

gays it !^eein9 impossible to ascertain

lime. The eggs may do very well for

positiycly whether Jt-ff. will be tried or transportation, but how about the

chickens ?

A few days ago Pierson Scott, an


Judire Underwood says if he is

fponthiHiberal offer ll,cre seemed !"°''" ""' ^'' ^'"''""' ""; ••^"™'7^ ol.l citizen of Flej-J county, I,„li.,„a. to be no resort but to let the umn live, i •■"■' »"' ''"''^ '"^ .'"'"'r^ ' "':'.! "•'^•iJi"l »t his re3i,lence, three o.ile. from vhen he, turning to _the Quaker, in Cjuired :

♦Ik it shelled ?

•No,' replied tho Quaker.

♦Will you shell it for nie?*


Others were described as coming in to town with one, two, or half a d -zen rat skins under their arms, the pro- ceeds of which procured them tobacco The number oflndians in the United enough for the day or week, when they ! States at present is 586,774. would seat themselves in some favora- Ti,e latest New York idea 13 akitch- ble position for observation, light their en in the f^arret

pipes, and with jack knives endeavor The Good Templars in Wiscon.sin to make the little end of a stick the ,,^^^1^^,. 07 000. larger; a phicidity of countenance meanwhile indicating an under current of content, an-l entire res:gnation to the will of the gods, such as must have

characterizt'd the pilgrims to the Del. phic oracle in old Thocis.

This scruboak indolence was well rebuked by Mr. Little, who osyiircd ! the Northwestern Itoad for the l*acific a!l such tliat they would look in ya'io Railway.

200,000 frcedinen have learned to road during the past year.

A noted courtesan in St. Louis sub- scribed f 10,000 to rebuilding of the Lindell House.

Three trains of iron a day i)ass over

for help in case of a second necessity. r»ut these are only individual ir..«!tan- CC8. It is estimated that §X 000 will bo required to subsist the poor of the bor- der counties until harvest. Last week Captain Kennedy of llou>ton Co , ap- p >inted by Gov. Marshal to disrtribute flour, seed grain and money in these counties, arrived at Fairmont. The Mankato relief committee h.a.s sent over 3,000 pounds of Hour to Martin Co. One huiitlred and eighteen budiels of Beed corn is being imported there, and everything that can bo done, will be done to relieve the present want, and giye the sufferoM a new start.

Salt Lake City covers an area of about nine s<piare miles that is. tlirec miles each way. It is one of the most boanlifurv laid out cities in the world. The Ftreets are very wide, with water! ,„of,j]y ingured.

running through nearly every one of j^,,jq jj (;4Q^^^|, ^^^^ ^^ first tempor- Ihem. Every block is surrounded with ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ j„ Uochester, on the 4tli ol beautiful shade trees; and almost eve- jujy^ ]y43_ si„ce that lime he has

ry house has its neat little orchard of apple, poach, apricot and cherry trees. In fact, the whole nine square miles is almost one continuous orchard.

Court is ready and that Chase will pre- Jeflor.sonville, of dropsy. Up to liie side. It is asserted that the govern- time of his death ho had been tapped ment does not desire a trial, but wish- 1 sixty-one times, aixl one hundred and es Davis to be released from military ' fifty two gallons of fluid were taken custody, and the responsibility of his! from his system.






and chamber maid, has proved a very

eflective man with the shovel and the

drill. What he lacks in strength he

makes up in patient perseverance.

A prize fight between Elliott and Davis, took place at 10; 57 A. M. last Friday, on Point au Pelee Island, 57 miles from Cleveland, O. The fight lasted ten and one-half minutes. On the eighth round Elliott was declared winner, Davia having put in a blow which was ruled foul. 'I he crowd was quiet' and very few bets taken.

A split railroad spike has been inven- ted which, when driven into the slsep- cr, tho two prongs will diverge into opposite directions, the chisel edge cutting the way lor each prong, and the level e 'go throwing it outward. It requires three times the power to draw this spike that is uecessary to remove the straight one.

Maximilian is still in the field. Ad- vices from San Luis Potosi of the 27th ult. says that on tho 23d, Ma.vimilian made a sortie with (1,000 men. The fight lasted all day. The liberals weredrivr en back, but were subsequently repul.« ed. The Imperialists held a portion of of the city for a few hours and retired to their old position. It is believed that the place has succumbed. Provis- ions and water were scarce. The death of iMiramon is confirmed.

The Western Union Telegraph Co. have entered into an arrangement for the transmission of private messages after evening business hours, which will greatly reduce the rates. Messages left at the oflices during tho day may be sent any time during the night at the following rate : A mcssago of sixty words from Chicago to New York, will cost ii4 10 by the new arrangement, v^fiereas, in ro«nlar busi'.icsfl hours it

Senator Doolittlo lias authorit} to treat with Denmark for the purchase of the iEland of St. 'Ihomas.

On Saturdr.y, the Orand Jury found a true bill against Mosos A. ilawks, for murder in the first degree.

New York has green peas from Cliarlcslon, for ^1') a barrel, and aspar- agus from New Jersey at SI for a small bunch.

The Perbv DTsrali Ileform Bill has l)asted the House of €omin 11s by a large majority.

An organ is being constructed in Salt Lake City , for the Mormon Tab- ernacle, which will consume 20,000 feet of lumber in its construction.

Two destructive fires occirred in Winona on Thursday last, burning elev- en buildings. Loss over 20,0t0 dollars ;

delivered 4,800 speeches and lectures.

Martin F. Tupper has been excited to a poem" on Confederation, iu which he Ptates that ♦'O I this will jiladden

U. S. Land OlHce.

Winnehano City, Minn, May, 7, ISCT. Tj Charle.-^.S Kiiulial'. :

Willi.s li I'errin has thiii day applied ♦'or the south west ({iiarter of section two, township one hun.ireil antl four nortii, range twenty-nine wt.-t; il lieing the land yon filed on. Yon are hcrehy notified to he anil appear at thic oliice on .Satarday the Sth d.iy of June, lNt)7, at 1 o'clock p ni, for the purpose ol giving she whole matter a fair and itunartial inveiligation.

A. II. RI'LMS, n«Kl>t<^r.

11. W. IKHJ.KY, U-.celwr.

U. S. Land Office.

AVinnehago City, Minn., ilay 7th, 1^67, To Cornel iu.*! C. Car . :

Ira M. Hiker has this day npplicd for »he s w { n e } A w i s e i A s e .J •■? e i s»c ll>, lownshij) lOl north, range '2J west: ii being the laud yon filed ou. You are hcrehy notified to he and iijipear at thid office on Friday, tbo 7th day of June, 1S67, at 1 o'elock p in. for the purpose of giving the whoio matter a fair »nd impartial


A. II. lU'M.IS. Uejiister, II. W. UUM>1^Y, lUct-iver.

I am now receiving the

Largest and Most Complete

stock of

Dry Goods,



Hats, Caps, «&c.

Ever Brought to the Minnesota Valley,

and have commenced


of wbich fact all mj old cuftomvrs and the pub- lic generally

Will be satisfied by callinj; and Exam- ining^ uiy Goods, and hearing my r rices.

ever bearing in mind my motto of

Selling :^rORE (loods for ONE


House in tlie \'allev.

Isaac Ularks.

Mankato, Minn., Nov. 20, 18GG ly

Livery Stable !


After carnful investigation by competent jadgei It hsi been fully and fairlj decided tbat the beat place to purchaeo




and in facf any kind of Goods, is at tbe Store oj

R. M. Wilson,

Next door to RICHAEDFOKP,

where more Goods can be bad for one dollar than any other

in Faribault County.

R. M, WILSON. v4n21tf pr N. W. Sargent.

April 5tb, 1RC7.


STATE OF .MINNESOTA, ] COUNTY OF FAIilHAlLT, ] •^'• 7h the ^Sheriff or a»y Constdhle of

said CoKvttj :

In 1b(> name of the State of Minnc:?ota, yon arc hereby coinnmndeil t(> attai'b the Uoodi? and Chattel.^, Moneys, Etleet^ and Credits of \\ nut- wood Tuliver, or so miivh thereof a." .«tiall he ?nf- ficent to ;-atis'y the sum of forty-eijjht dullars and forty cents, with interest and eoit:^ of .<uit, in wi)o.<^esi(ever hands or possesi'ion tho .•an)c may Itfli^und, in your I'ouuty. an J *>! prtnidethat the Good* and C'hatltl.< so iiitached may be»ultjo>,l to I'irthcr pro(.'eediii;^.s thereon, as the I;iw re(^iiirc«; and aK-^o to j^uuuuon the said W'e.-twood 'Idliver. if to be found, to he and appear at mv oliitc in .said county, on the I2th day of June, A. D. ISOT, at one o'<doeli afternoon, to nn.^wer to Uaviii S. Law, ill a civil ai-tion. to hi.s damage one hun- dred dollars or under.

(liven under my hand,thi>i <'iih d:iv of May, A. D. ist)7. II. B. Sl'JCKEH.MAN,

n2.Sw4 Jusliic of the I'cacc.


Would rcfpcetf iJly inform the public that they have opened k first das'? Livcrj- Stable in Winnc^ bago CJt3', where good 'establishments" can be had at all times, dny or night. Passengers ar- riving by stage carried to any )ioint desired.

Stable and Oflice just back of tb« New Dabtist Church.

Winnebago Ci'y, Jan. 10, 1867.

~'win?;i;bago~c:ity~ DRl

I)is8olutiuii of Co-Partners]ii|>.

The firm of (Jottrell &, Dearborn is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The .'■aid M. Dear- born will iiay all demands and collect all accounts due said lirm.

C. A. COTTHELL, M. DEAlilJOUN, Winnebago City, April lOtli, 1807. N. 15 -■ Uii.'^iness will hereafter be earrieil on at the old ."tand by M. Dearborn. n20\v;}


GEORGE E. NELSON, Proprietor.

Liquor.s of all kinds^ Cream

Ale und Lagur Leer, constantly on hand.

Oysters, Lobsters, Peaches^

Biackherrie.s, Kaspbcrrics, and CASXEn Fians of all kinds.

Plain and Faiicy Candies, and

Nuts fiom every clime.

Winnebago City, Feb. 27. 1867. T4nI8tf


The World Astonished


Made by the Great Astrologist, MADAM ir. A. PEURIGO.



Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dye-St lifts. Kerosene Oil, Lanii)s, Perfumery and Fancy Articles.

WANTED— AGENTS— SCHOOL TEACtf ERS, CLERGYMEN, to take order* for our new woik,


Edited by


Author of "Life of Lincoln," "Timothy Ttl«

comb'g Lcttets," "Bittersweet," etc,

Agents already in the field are takirg from fifty to one hundred orders per week. No other book now published sells so rapidly. Largest commission given to Agents. For terms and territory apply to CHARLES BILL, Chicago, IU. v4d18

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May 8lb, 1867. To William Ireland:

Knud Pcdcr.-on has t>iis day apyjlitd for th« II e qr sec, 14 township 1(»1 north, range 26 we»-t, it beinc the land you tiled on. You are hereby notified to be nnd npT'Car f»t fnis office on Satur- day tne Hlh day of June, 1867, at 1 o'clock p, m, for the purfiOfO of giving the whole matter fair and impartial investigation

A H Bullis, Regiitcr n W Hoiley, Rt-ctiver

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May Sth, IS67. To John Haley :

Peter Larson bag thi.s day i pplicd for tb« s e qrsec 14 township 101 north range 26 west f il being the land you filed on. You are her»-by notified to be and appear at this office on Sj*turday the Sth day of June, 18^7. at 1 p m, forth.; pur- pose of giving the whole matter a fair and im- partial iuvettigation,

A. n. r.LT.TJS, R«Tl»t?r. H. W.liOLLEY, Receiver,

Pure Liquors.

Tobacco and Cigaks,

School Books and Stationery.

Blank Books, Diaries, Memo- randa Books, Letter, Cap, and Note Papers, Pens, Pencils, Su- perior Ink, and other articles kept by Druggists Generally.

Winnebago City,



The Llrerj^^'o!docASro.st?l2^/tOn,non. Canada; O' tiii^ will raise bor much." \\o\iU\ cost^^' Or».

She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to hiij>j>iin'.«<« those wlio, from doleftl events, calastro- l>lics, cross hi love, loss of relations and friends, lo.ss of money, .tc, have become despondent. She hrinpsfo- (jetlier those lonp separated, ^nves loformiaion coiicern- iiitt absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen prop- erty, tells yon the business vyo are best cinulilied to |)!;r- sue jmd in wl«t you will be most suce 'ssfui, causes spee- ch' niarrlHfres and tells yuu the very d.iy you will n:arry, KWesyonthe name, likemessand cfiaracterietu-s of the jterson. She rea<ls your very thoughts, and by her al- most snpcrimtninl powers luiv dl3 the »Wirk and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we set- in the firmament the maleOe stars t hat overconie or predomi- nate in the conlij^uratiou— from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in th«> time of birth, .she deduces the futufe destiny of man. Fail not to ton- suit the ftrealest Astcologist on .iarth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may never a^ain have so fi»\oroble an opportuniliy. t'onsiUtatiiin free, with likeness! and all desired inforiiiation, One Dollar. I'^rties living at a dis tance ean consult tht Madam by mail with C(|ual safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in p«rso«. A fuil and explicit chart, w.sjiten out. with all in(|uiries an- swered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of l>rice above montioneil. The strictest secrcsy will be maintained, and all corresixi'xlenee returned or destroy cd. Uefereneesof the highest order furnishhetl those de.>i!rii,j: ihoni. Write i>lainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enciosuifi a small lock of ti^r. Addreeti,

MADAMA TI. A. I'EUniGO, v-fnlSyl P. O. Drawer 23:i, Buffalo, N. Y.

Freo to Everybody!

A large 6 pp. Circnlar, giting information of the greatcbt importance to the young of both sexes.

It teachas how tho homely may become beauti- ful, the dcsp'scd respected, and tbe forsaken loved.

No young lady or gentleman should fail •end tiieir address, and receive a copy post paid, by return mail, j .Address P. 0. Drawer. 21,


Bourbon Bitters

.1 Healthy Tonic, Gentle /Stimiilent, and Unequated Jforninf/ Ajypttizcr.

Treparcd in Ripe


Free from Grain Oil, With Flowers,

13uds and Barks of tbe Iligfiest

Mcdieal Virtue.

Ty increasing tho appetite, a?sisting digestion, regulating tho bowels, and giving tone to the sys tcni, they impart strength and vigor to tho body, j«nd cheerfulness to the mind.

_^Sigf If vour druggists or tradesman has not got TIIKSE UliTERS, have him send for them

^S^jS- Kcinember the name, and take no other.

For sale by druggists and Grocers everywhere C. 11. SWAIN. Proprietor.

34 south Watcs St., Chicago.

At Wholesale in St. Paul, bv


V. S. LanH Ojfi'': Winnebago City, Minn., .May 6tL, 1S67. fo Lindsey White:

CMc Oleson Fioe has this day applied for ther north cast quarter of secfion 22. fwnship 101 uurth, range I'J west: it being the latid you fiiect on. You are hereby notified to appear at this office on Saturday the Sth day of Juno, 1^67. at 1 p. m, for the purpose of giving tbe whulo mail"er a fair and impvrtial iuvestitration.

A. II. HULLIS, Register, H. W. IIOLLEY, UeceiTcr.

U. S, Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., April 22, 1S67. To Patrick J Urady :

John P. Bird has this day applied for tbe north west quarter section 24, township 102 nortb range 31 west : it being tbe land you filed on. You are hereby notified to be and apjiear at th » office on Saturday, the25th day of May, lb67, at I p. m.for the purpose of giving the whole mat ter a fair and impartial investigation,

A. n. Bl LLIS. Iteffister, H. W. liOLLKY, Recelrer,

U, S. Land Office.

Winnebago Cily, Minn, April 26, I86r. To Balger Elias :

John F Danilis has this cky applied for the- south east quarter of section 24, township 102 north. Tang3 31 west ; it b^ng tbe land you filed' on. You are hereby notified to be and appear at tbisofl^ceon Saturday tbe 2oth day of June, 1S67, at I o'clock p m, for the purpose of giving the whole matter a tail and impnrtiRl investigation. A. H.15ULLIS, Register. H. W. UOLLEY, k«*:eiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago Q'lty, Minn., April 25, 1867.

To Layfayctfe \T Snow:

Horace A Faunce has this dny applied for thr e J n w qr of n w qr n w qr and lot no 1 sectioa 8, township 101 north, range 2S west, it being the land you filed on. Yoh are hereby notified to be and appear at this office on MontJoy the 10th day of June, 1S67, at 12* o'clock m, for the purpose of giving the whole matter a fair and- impartial investigation.

A. n. BULLISi. Register, H. W. UOLLEY, Receiver.



Enow Thy Destiny.

Madame E. F, Thornton, fhe preaf En,«IIsh Astrolo- gist, Clairvoyant and l'8ychom'*t.ician, who has as- tonished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at llud.^on, N. Y. Ularfarje Thornton poswscs such wonderfvil powers of second sifilit. ua to enable her to impart kno« kdge of the greatest impor- tance to thi- single or married of either sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru- ment ofintense power, known as the Psyclioniotroi)e, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, ^-e. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert, hfie win send, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, tKatthe picture is what it purports to 'k?. I5y enclosfng a small lock of hair, end stating place of birth, &;'A, disposition and complexion, and enclosing .50 cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired in- formation by return mail. All comuiunicallons sacred- ly confidentiiil. Address, in confidence, MAl>.\ME K. F. TUOltNTON, I'. 0. Box 3-.>3, Hudson N. V.


U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, April 25, 1887. To Dan'el W Squire :

Christian Johnson has this day applied for tbe south west quarter sectivin 22, township 1(U nortb, range 23 west: it being the land you fil<fl on. You are hereby notifled to bo and appear aC this offi 'e on Monday tbe 27 ilay of May, I8r>7, at 12 o'clock m, for T.kcpurpose of giving th» whole matter a fair and impar-inl investigation. A. n. nCLI.IS, Register, II, W. HOLLEY, ReceiTcr.

U, S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., April 22, 1861. To William M, Knight-

Forsten Larson has this day applied for tb« south east quarter of section 22 townihip 103 nor-th, range 25 west ; it being the land you filed on. You are hereby i>cHified to be and appear at this office on Saturday, the 25 da/ of May, 1S67, at ten o'clock A. M., forthe purpose of giv- ing the whole matter a fair and impartial iurea-


A. n. BULLIS Refisttr, H. W. HOLLEY. Receiver,

U. S, Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn,, April 13, 1S67» To William B Dunn :

James L. Cook bas this day applid I for tli* south i south »ast \ section 19 anli south ^ south west i section 20 township 104 nort^ range 2$ west; it being the land you filed on. You are here- by notified to be and appear at this office on Fri- day tbe 17 day of May, 1867 nt 9 o'elock a ro, for the purpose of giving tho whole matter a fair and impHrtial inreKtigation.

A. n. Bt'LLIfi. IUg<t»w. II. W. lli>LI.K.i, M<««.(.<T.


« Il > 1 1 ^ «









I *


- . ■— »



^ I

- '

I -——

- r—

< •>—

* I *

ft p^*ji' •natmit^'W^tm0

Mil iiliili


AuvKRTisiNO.-Hanmmsnyfi he nev-

zrr:zr=^ r— .— , | er pationizcs the men that don't aJver

WiNNEBAOO City, May 15,1867. j tise, 'for the rca!«on that I iuvariably

^- —r=r^ :-- ":: ad choaicd if I (lo. The bctiUrious


\ principle that prevents a man from

?,:T/??hJ??L!r.'u'. :":^w A^M^'-ij keeping 1>« business boforc the publi.,

7 o'clock P. M

Rev. E. W. MERIlTIsL, Pastor.

Henry War.l.Beccher's ^tory, entitled, "Nor- wood, or Vjlliigc 1 ifo in New Kngland," ha." just hctMi cinniiifucod in tho ^few York L<tf<i>r. Ili.i said to Ic £rai)bic, p^llhclic. Wily, Lumorousi aiid lifu VxUi.

Tin: RiKru "T PlkasimiR: TTndor (liis title, the |)ubli.iUcr of Frank Aluorf':* llistoricnl Wnrkn




Bap*ilt--Scrv\co« erery Altertnlo Sabbath in , . if . . ., i^„o «« 1,.m./^c*

ti.e lui.t.st Church, at 11 o'cio.-k A. M., and ibroo advcvtiso. It ;x man docs an honest Sundays iu each month atTT. M. ! business he nccd Hot foar to havo it

Rev. E. STILI.MAN, Pastor, / , , , ,• i

>, made known that the pubhc may judgo

Wcthoditt-Sorviccs ..very ahernate Sabbath \ ^ -^ ]Josi»les, in tljis a^e of ne\VSl)a- In the l?a.>ti.st Church, at U oclock A M., and "' ' ^ ^

wne &>aada.y in caih month at 7 o'clock P. M. per?, people expect the ditVorCut canui Rev. A. S.CIIUHIUCK. Pastor. , . ^ ' , » ^ . „..,l-o l-nnix-n

- dales for their patr(»nagc to nuike know n

Reaitha Adyerti-someut of Messr,. R„rKor. ! tboir chlimS tO it. If thosO chlims are

Bhntti A Co., in another column, headed, '-Af- j real, publication oaniiot help but bo an

Aided, suffer no more."

^ill prevent him from selling cheap.' 1 ha« issued a most (aoinating story of Cnpid and II is certainly SafeRl to buy of men who Psyche, or the LcRcnd of Lovo— SHch lovo as the

Spri'ikling pots and portable garden engines arc useless here. Capsize a pail of water to windward of a ten acre breaking, and the wind will complete llic w^rk.

advantage to them.

Mrs. E. Lewis has just received her large stock of spring and summer Millinery Goods, cmbracim: the pret- tiest and most fashionable styles ol llntP, Ih.nncts, Kibbons. FloWens and Trinim:ngs,forLa^cs,Misse3 and Chil In Minnesota there are seventy con. ^^^^^ ^^^^ fashionable novelties

gregational Churches, one ^""^^'-^^^ , ^^adies' weal'. Bonnets arc warranted Baptist, and about as many Methodut. i ^^^^^^^^^^ ^y^^ ^^^^^ fastidious hu-.baiul, Presbyterians and Episcopal Churches , ^^^^^ t|,^,,^.f^re cannot fail to give entire are found at mos^ important points. | g^j|^,j^^.,i^,„ ^^ ^,^0 wife. rai»as' will be ili-gin's Musical Review for May is ' pleased that their daughters have such a gemln its way. Tennyson's lovely hats, and 'crowns will not be un-

*^Break, break, break easHv Worn' that are made or rei)aired

^ -.u thy cold gray stone.. Oh .oa!" ^^^ the MiUincrv in Wiuiiebago City.

IS beaaUfuUy «et to music by i^liss _,..,. ',, , ,, , ..„,.. „„,i r .,,,;. 4 , , .Ar I r>on t fail to cidl and see the new and

Jennie Halawin. Address, '.Musical ,, ,

,, . ,,!-„ ,,, . ' ni- beaulilul vanties ot faticy roods

Keview, 11 < Randolph street, Chicago.

Only 73 cents a year.

Rats in Cleveland oliiub up and down tbo lamp posts.— Z.'.C(."A«/<ye.

pnri'.-<t l)Oi<(im might confess. Mo.st people have had some esii'-rionco of the "dclicinus miirdtr" of the poets, and this charming bo^k will tell (hem how it ci«imo about. !^«nio obj«ct to the ."iiibjict of Lovo, tlmt it is the cnmnion favorite with all readers. Ilavin'^ every oilier charm, it can aflord to dispense 'Ailh that of novelty.

This little vol'inie ii beautifully prinleil on tinted paper, iu the same siz.o and style as Whit- tier's Tent on the n«a«h, and is illustrated with burtoloz/.i's renowned vignette. It is sold by all bookseller.^ and newsmen at tho unusually low price of One Dollar, or it will be sent free by mail to any one .^sending that amount to the Pub- lisher, J.VMK.^ PouTi-.rs, (loncral Agent, 15 IJible House, New Y'ork.


Frui'.k Moore's »*Woincn of llie 'War."*

This be.'t iif iho booKscI the warytl published, is now oflercd to the public by the canvassers We feel sure it will bo found to be a work of real merit. It !<cek5 no ephemeral popularity from highly ciilored and Munchau.scnish stories of im- possible adventures by doubtful females figuring as dashing couriers in our armies, or * spies" in the Confederate camps. lUit it.-" records arc the truthful histories of more noble lives. No char- actoi is here introduced t'lut was not known to be pure. Here re have the experiences of women who forsook the '.'jnlforts of elegant homes, fjr the wild scenes, the miseries and the dangers of army life, actuated solely by tiie desir* to minis- ter to tho fiutforiug soluier^. And what 8"cne6 they encountered! Sj"ii;times in the thick of

The Minneapolis Reporter of the ^t j^^^j,^^^ ^^_. j^^^ p!ungii,g shot and buriting shells.

Paul 7*/'c5.>" breaks out in the following , y,n-,.oringthe fallen soMier,rcgar<'.lesji of tueirown

Wiirraiiiy Deeds,

Mortgage Deeds,

(Juii C'lftim DcedM,

Cliattlo iMortirair*


A Ckowd.— As I write, a thick set, I

peril ; oficner seeu at the hospital coc, bathing the l.r »w of the sulferer, attei«dingto his wounds, and

Muj'i'iaf'e Certific-Htes,

PilNO FOIiT[ m

K 31 <> 111 tJ M.


'Crosby's Opera H6use^

69 WASHINGTON ST. c;iiic;acjJO.

(New York Warerooms, C50 Broadway.)

Wholt KHJB Agoirts for the U. S. for



Gdd Medal Piano Fortes.

As to ttie relative moiits of Hkhc I'l.WOS, wo would refiT ti> the C'crtili'at"'H of cxcclh-iKc in our f>oHBM(HioQ from Til A I..nER<i, <;OTT:sCII ALK, RTKAKOS< II, U. SATTKR, II.VIEUX- TKMPS, I.Ol IS .ST AAB aul K. Ml ZIO, Mu- ■ical DIr.i i(.i ,,t tli« Italian Op<rii, as ul^o fr./Mi some of tho most ilislincuislieil ProfiHsiTS Hud Amateurs In the country. All Imtruuieula guaranCeed/(nJice yean,



Would r«spectfully inform the puMid tha after having had a week Co-PartnerBhip with Poet J.(hn Burrus. is again doing bu.sintss in Li^ >>w u name, txperieucc and lor the first time bavin g a go.'id stock of

Weil S easoned Lumber on hand

also an .nlaitrad shop, thinki to satisfy all vld eustoifiprs, and new oiios too. All kinds "f Fur- niture on hand, oi ulade to order promptly.

New custonlers need not ask for my rooms', as I liave the only KKD BUILD- INGS in tl.^ (Jity.

Aecordiug to agreetnent ma«ie between Mr. Burns and mybt-lf, dated Dee. 15th, 1860. ^nrh one has to pay his own debts. Orders Signed bj

mel will pay.


Winnebago City, Jan. G, 1867.

MoFFAl^^S Life Pills


Tlio Most 8accc5Sful Medicines in the World.

Established in 1835 by one ot our Most Eminent Physician?^ and


now nscd throughout North and

A U RAIP Ri Pn ib FMPIRF South America, with more pleasing

^' DiAin nnoTt^n results than any other Medicine in

r\hm hUnlt UU. i ^^^^^ ^f diseaspd Liver, Blood or

AND OTHER FIRST CLASS piANos. j., . IndiiTestioii, CostlTeuess,

hiivn tho LAROKST ami KE,«T A.S=0nTED ^^ ' ,"...' -r^, ^.__--

•ud ALL kinds of



Well, what of U?- SY. Paul Phj-\ ^ , i i . c o.. fot ,„^„ „. I cheering him in hi« h.neliues, and agony with

' lang haireil, hrassy soap lat man, oi \^^^^ ^,^^.^^^_^ cklie:u-y, that ouly the thoughtful

rattier a fal soap man, is perehcd on a , heart and rca-ly hand ot woman ever bring*. How

K OK PIANOS IN THE CITY, which for Puw«r Bllious Complaints, uneumdusm

weitiiesw of Ton<-, Kany and AKreealile Touch, and - .

:y of finiah, have, by judges, been pronouuctHl jJUd k eVOr ViW^ ilgUC.

Thousands of certificates are in

BTOf andS B«anty unrividUd.

Igg' Partionlar nttpniion paid to tho seleftion of lU'

•trumeDtHf..idi«tHntoiders. and u privilege of exchiing* ^-,,^r,oS«« n\rr\n€r fl^ilnJIpd

our possession, giving aeiaueu

granted at anytime viiliin ni\ monthK.if the luHtni- , -^

taent Bhouldnot provtMiitir lysRtiMfact.iry. A liUrvl ^A -. ^-P ,^/v-Mft»n+ r'TTDTT'C ^iffpr'tpfl

dwcM/til to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Termt aCCOUUtS 01 perleCt LLKL^ euetieU


WIWLESALE DEALERS will find it to their advan- tago to give us a call, m by ;:r(atly inc roawed facilities we arc enabled to till orders with defjiatrlj

4a- I'erKoiiM in w.uitofa KEALl.Y HU.'T CLAPS PIANO will do well to call bifoiu purch:*<iiug elucwbera


Carliart, Needliam & Co.'s

»hat des-rvo to live. Ouly hy reading the faets of their lives in the army faets ofteutimes more

Mr. S. 1>. Potter left town Mon«lay ' caused by apple stealing when AJam evening, lie is bound fur Oiuadi, Ne- 1 was a youni^ man. Ihcti he draws an

« 1 1 It 1 .1 ...1 .:.i 11 i.^i.r «.^...^c<;< tVin <^'>f trilt ind fciii-ra j thrilling than any »'o?aaupe e;:n we be led to

braska, where he has a brother, wlio is old bow across tne cat guT, ana .uij^sj ,.=',, ,,,..- . ,

in I realize the beauty and nobility o' wouian s soul, or

Secretary to the Indian Aj^ent station- , what he cills a song— ^ ^ | ^^^^ ^^^^ beroi.-m, and the un=iolfi*h. faithful devo

cd at that place. Nebraska may be a fine place, but it will Iwive to acquire llie superlative Jhitst, before it can

compete with Faiibauli County in pe- cuniary .advantages offered to young men. Potter's friends pre<]ict tlmt D^ijht will be back in less than two months. So mote it be.

The oldest rcaideiits of this County sav that ten years ago the weather in

•' fair. fair, with trulden h«iir i . , , . , i , o'l .i

,.,•,'.,, =, . , ,;„,•• tion of whnh women are ••!'i...b!e. Ihis is the

I uder the willow .>ihe i .-leei.mg. . , . ,

^. ,, , , ,• 1 1 „„ true field f»r material for an mterestingb'iok; and

Of a do orou.s, woelul, woe be^ione, .,,,,• . u t. i .

vyi .m vt^iv , , « 7 . ^^^ tuthi.r ha« done his j'art well. flioiL-andc ol

wailing laments, this long haired seed's ; ^ur soldier^-, who will seothis book, will take it

•Fair fair with iroldfll hair,' boars the eagerly to their hearts and homes, for the grateful 1 and und\ins memories with whieh its characters

paiin. "

. ! are associated iu their owu breasts.

Below we give a list of the oiliccrs \ The work is fj.leudiUly iiublished. Nothing

of Winnebil^O City Lodge No. 11, I. (). i comi-arabic with it ineUganeeaudbe.utyhasbe.

■^ in AV /' I fore been brought out, of all the books devioted to

ul II. T, installed by Deputy (j. U. t^. ^ , ^.^ „ar literature. The rorfraits of those women,

T.-A. F. J^eLaVei;jne, on the od inst., , o„ ^^^,^.\^ _i,.e in the very highest and oojilie.^t

j .-•vie of tho art. We hear it i AV. f. T. E'^'-'i'l '^'' ^* dcsenes iti

w.'v.'t" 1

arc Printed and for ."^ ale, wholrtn'e or rotai", nt the t>fficcof tho


by these invaluable Medicines^ They regulate the System and put all the functious of tho body in a healthy condition. '

SAl by all Druggists. Wliiio & IIowlaE'l, Propri- etors, Successors to Dr. John M(.S&t and I>r. "W. & MoHtit, If«w York.






»? I

Don't fail to buy all your BLANKS at this



Maniifactiirerd and Injpoiters cf


Strings, Accordeons,

Violins, Glarioncts,

iDruras, Guitars^


And other Musical Mercliandise.

The Silver and Brass Instrimk.nts of our mannfnc- tnre and imj.'Htalion, are used by m<>!'t all of tbp but Bandt in tlf Vnite<l s'taUs. aii<I wli. i.evor fxhibitel have always received theOold .Modal* and umuest primilmS.

4^- Havini? connection with Mimufncturins Houbps in Berlin, L.-ipKic. ProHd.-n. London. «'><1 !'«[?«• ^.^, ."J.® prepared to fui nish UKALKRS, HANDS and INDU IDU- ALS, with every article iu this line, at the lowebt man- nfccturer's iirices.

B E A U T Y !

Auburn, Golden, riaxen, & Silken Curls*

PIOTdTCED hv tr>- usof Prof. Pr TrKvx* I'KE.^iH LE CH KVEUX. On« ipvlici- tinn WARUAN'rED to eurl tha

most straii;ht and stub bori fciir of cither sex in- to wavy ringlets or hwy roassivo curls. Hal been used br the fasbionab'os of Paris rnrl Lon- don, with the m'lft gratif^ina; results. D es no injury to the Lair. Price by nail seniti- and postpaid, $1. Descriptive circiilars sent free. Address 1515RGER, J^Ul^'^TS A CO.. Cheui sii. No. 2<:':> Uiver St., troy W. T. Go'» ar-r»s f^r the United otates. T4nl8yl

at the Good Templar's IlaH

lueettii'' Witu n

W. ?.

W. A. P

W. T.

V.'.F. S.

W. M

W. A. M.

W. I. (J.

W. O. 0.

W. C.

"W. K. H. F.

W. L. II. .«=.

April anJ May w.as similar to tlm pres- |j. k. Caliwcil

, , , , -i 1 „:..„, .Mis.« Emma J. Itichardson

ent;-cold, clomly and wmdy- since . ;,;.,,^^^ .^, j..,^,.^

which time it -has "been remarkably fine Miss Armenia rumner

., , . ' .Miss liannuh Lewi?

^luring the Sprmcj months, nntil tins ; s. d. I'-tter

3-car. >ii>.raue we.ihcv will Jo very \ '^^:^:;^:::::::::::::::::z

well once in ton years for Minnesota; .Mss Delia Kiehardson

, Danud Faf^an

but from all account.', ve -hAve Letter, a. i». .<herman

weather even now, than a majority of jj- ^Jj;;:;:;::;;::::::::::;:::::

the States^ ^ ,^y^^ Lodge at present numbers over !

II A. Kimball, ol tho Northfield Re- \ one hundred, and is in a most flourish corder, deserves the wannest iKanVs of , ing and prosperous condition . j

his townsmen, for the enterprise he has | ^^,^ ^^^^^^^ from"u.7 Mankato Peconl j .hown in the publication of his r^^P^r, ; ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^..^^^^^ j,,,;.^^ ^.^^^^^ j,,^i, 1 .tnJ in the quick and practical response ^.^^^^.^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ P^jj^,^. j

he h.s given, by the enlargement of „^„r„i'„„^ ^.^.^ milesbelmv Mankato, .and ' <he AV^a/ct, to the liberal V^^^'^^'^^'i^ ■,,,,,,,,.,Yxxx\.i:\y sank. She is fiity feet, of the business men of Xorthfield.— | ^^,^^^ the eastern bank of the river, and '

* "Women of the War :" t>.eir Heroisin and Felf-Sai-rifii-e : by Frank Moore, author oi the "liebi-llioii Ufcord," "Di.sry of the .\iucriean Kivolufifu," etc. lllustratod with Steel En- gr.i.iu(.^s. ^-old only by salHirii>ti>in. Agents wanted! Ctiieago : U. C. Treat, I'ublisber.

»Du you will always bo satisfic-'.

Bill Heads



69 Washington Street,


Sew York Waierooms, 650 Broadvaj.

2^^ A VoLNU L.viiV returninji to

n^r ootinfrv home, alter a >ej urn of a few uionihs in the


loUU. 1 he best of the .Mouihlies— devoted

to LITERATURE and FASHION. $2.50 a year. We give WHEELER k WILSON'S cele- brated $55 Sewing Machines on tne following terms :

Twenty copies and the Sewing Macbince. $70. Thirty copies " " " " tS5. Forty copies " " " " $100

Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEACON

^[r. Kimball is an able editor, and his

lies on her larboard side, with the up-

subscription list must steadily increase. ^^^, g„ards and cabin out of water.— ', Wo have never seen his face, but think ; jj^.^. twelve or fifteen p.ajstngers were I \ve should know him in the dark as m ^.^f^.iy ia„jed in small boats. The Ju-

the liirht.

lia was one of the best boats on the

The Ninth Annual Convention of the ' Minnesota River, had passed a credit- Miiwcsota State Sabbath-School Asso- 1 able inspection at St. Paul only the riation will meet at tho Presbyterian day previous, cost ft:]0,000 dollars two Church in Ilochestcr, on Tuesday, June , or three years ago, and was not insured, l^th 18G7, at 2 o'clock V. M., and con- ' We notice she had on board goods tinuo in Session during Wednesday lor Abbott *.t Welch, of this place ; T. and Thursday. Half fare has been ; N. IJoynton, A. A Thomi)son, and arranged ov«- all the principal lines of, Hay, Williams &, Bros', of (iarden Ci- travel in the Stkto- the various com- j ty ; Thur.sion &, Young, uf Vernon Cen- panies having consented to return dul- Iter; T. II. Golf, of Fairmont; L. S egates without charge, on the certifi- ' Meeker, and George B. Kingsley, ol cate of the officers of the Convention Blue Earth City.

that they have paid full fare over their lines in traveling thereto.

A friend of ours, who has not a lit-

The extent of the damage has not been ascertained.

Rend the Certificate of lice. It. T. Flunlin.

D I E D.

In Winnebtgo City, M.ty 7ih, 1*^075 FLOUA ELLA, infant daughter of Henry J. a«id Farah j \. Davliu, aged 1 year, l> montiis, and 24 days, i

The palo moonlight will softly lay

Upon a little grave to-night, When eyes that bcamol with gentle ray

Arc closed in death's long cmlless night; No more the infant voice will hear,

And cold the brow so fair in life ; She hears not sifjh nor bitter tear

A hush is on her heart to night.J

Her eyes are closed, her heart is slill-,

Th^j white hands clasped upon the breast, That heart no more with love may thrill ;

For little Flora .'•ioeps in death. Thuugh friends may Miourn he.- early doom,

And weej) above her place of rest. They know tier spirit brightly blooms

In brighter realms of ppoceful rest.

The holy stars their watch will keep,

Above the (luict slumbering form, Anil angels, when tho night dew weepi,

Will guard tho sacred spot from harm. Tho night winds softly sighiug near,

Seem whispering oi her home on high; Oh I check the bitter rising tear,

And hush the sorrow-laden sigh.

And though tbo spot i* faraway,

In spi.it o'er that grave 1 weep, ^Vhere lies the fair and lovely clay,

Forever wrapt in dreamless sleep. We know tho spirit pure and fair

lias left us for a brighter home. Where there's no sorrow, grief nor caro,

Where pride nor col luoiis may not como.

E. P.

Letter llead.s,



cty, was hnrdly lerouni/.e-l I y )i. r friends. In place J ^ PETERSON, C19 Walnut Street. Philadelphia of a roarse, rustir. Hushed far;-, she had a soft luliy cte.- ,

i)l''xiou of almost marble sinootlme-is, .-okI in-teail of ; . _ .

U-nlv -three .-he rcalh a^.taaed hot eijrhteen. Upon |

inr.uu'y as to ti.e caufe of k. creat a ehanjie, she J.lainly , -0170 \ 1? A '^^OT? P A PIT T T to'd them that shehad u«. d the « lrcai»».loii Halm, i iitii Ai\AiC/tv V^-Ai iljJL.i. andvbnsWi'n-'d it an invalu.ihle ac'iuisition to any Lady* I

toilet, llv its use any la<iy -r jreiiileinan c.n improve ^

ihetr personal ;.ppearaire an huiKlred fold. I> i*-" '=""l'le , fhrow away your false friites, tout switches, your

in it^ e-onil.i:mti..ii. as Nature herself is simple, yet unsur i ^.j^_

passed in its enivney iu dri^w!n^' iinpuri'.us '""'^i'- »•"' Hestruciive of comfort, aad not worth a fl;-'

healin;.', cleansinjr an.! au!i:\ii;}.'ll.e ^k\y aiio .-..lupiex- ^.^^^^^^ ajred.conie voutMul, eo

Ion My its ilin et nct'M n en the viUJcle u drr.Vv* from U

allimpai'"'*^'. I<'"'l'v heaitnR the same, and !tuviii{r the

^■u^fa'•e as Nature inleiuNd it -lio'ild be, v+^ar, soft.

PBioofh and heauriful. I'rioc One IKllar, seul hy ujaU

er e.\preN>, on reeeipt of an ordi , v

\\.\. CL.VKK * C').,t'hcniists. Xo. S, WestFayetie St.. Syracuse, N. V. The "nlv American Agents for the sale of the same. v4nl-."vl

' AFIlTC'i^ED! Suffer no More !

. outfiml, eoine uyly and fsir, .\ud rejoice iu your own Iirxurliat ha'r.

«EP.%R.\T«R C.%PILLi.

For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cau.se it may have fallen out) and forcing a growti' of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It will force the heard lo irrow upon the siaoothcst face Iu from five to e'vLrht weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three luontliS. A few ipnorant practiouers have assert- cd Ilia! there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth ot fhe hair or beard. Th>^ir assertions are false, ii-th -usaiids of living witnesses (from their own experi- ence i can bear witness. Hut uiauy will say, ln'W are we to dislin;ruish the genuine from th« spurious? It certain .y is dilHcuJt, as ninetenths oft he diffetent prepai-ations advertised for the hair and beard are eiilirely worthless, Hfi<l you may have already thrown away large amounts i It. their purchase. To such we would say, try the Uepar


tie drollery iti his composition, Was re- : To Dr. IIostetter :

^'*' ^ ^ * , ' />,,„• ,SV,- :— This is to certify that I was taken

<..ently a passenger oa a westward , ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^.^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ,^,^^^j^^

bound train. One of tlie passengers, j.,^^ ^ period of eight month.s, was one of the most tirin" of the conversation, which turn-, miserable creatures you ever beheld, not being <jd entirely upon the west and its re. able either to eat, drink or sleep, and was com- 1 111 tV p polled to walk tho floor incessantly. I was nearly

sources, petulantly asked, Wliere ine , ^j^^^.^^^ ^,f ^^.^ reason, and hope had entirely

west was ? Our friend replied that some ; ^^.^^ ^^^ ,ji ^X\k. efforts made for my recovery hav-

r>eoi.le considered themselves west ing proved fmitlesa.

* ' , . Tif •« ^.. VA';o-r»n i iJy tho first of November, 18r>5, I had becom.

■when they were in II inois Or V> iscon- "^ ., ^ , ., , .

wneii iii^j vvciv j^^^ J p^^^jj scarcely stan.

em. 'Well, whore do they go west

from there?' inquired the petulant

man. 'To Minnesota,' was tho reply.

*Where then V *To Montana or Idaho '

»And from there?' Perhaps to Oregon

or California.' The passengers were

emiling, and evidently wondering what i years.; I have no doubt that it "^^^l^^^l^^^^^^^^

would be the next answer.

me I alone, and, to all appearance, would soon die.— At this time (having read your advertisement,) my wife prcvatlod upon me to try your liitters. A bottlo was procured, and, strange to say, I soon commcnc 1 recovering. I have taken four bot- tics, and am enjoying as gjod health now as could be expected for one of my age (about si.xty





Winnebago City Market.

Corrccled weekly by iMoulton A Dcudon.

Wheat, spring, No. 1, 'J No. -i, Corn, Outs,

Flour, per 100, Corn Meal, Potatoes, Butter,




Jlay, per ton,

Wood per cord,


Pork, salt, per pound,

Pork, fresh, per cwi..

Beef, fresh, per pound.















12 6*^





Law Cases and Points,

When bv the "FPof DH..10INVlLLr'.> KLL\ ator CappilU; it will cost you nothing unless it cornea IU voucaii be cured permanently, and at a tri- "P » oar representations. If your nrugeia does not, luyoueaii uv eu.vu i j, , iM-ep 1^ send u= one dollar and we Will forward It, post-

Hinc cost. ,■ 1 1 »♦ ' ^ I'aid, ti'gether with a recuijn for the money, which will

U _-. -- I'll i^ y A l''*''*i i"f;ciiit»

The astonishing success wliuli hns attoiuiert ,,^ ,.,.,„r„^,,i you on application, providing entire satis- ihis if valuable medieinc for Physical and Nerv faciiouisnot given. .\<)dress, ous weakness. (General Dcbiiitv and Pro.«tration, W. L.CL.\KK i CO., Chemists.

Loss of Museular F nergy. liniOtttVcV , or any of vlnlsyl No. 6 W est iaye,te Mreet, Syracuse, N. Y. the c<in.-e<iuetice.s of youthful indiscretion, ren- ders it the !uost valuable preparation ever dijCov ered.

Wonderful but True.

,. f , . :.., f.„ 1. ,,.:ii >.<>«torn I voyaut state, deieniat<.'s the very feat>ires of

siruction, lears of r.isa nty .tc It « ill lt^tore j ^.^-^ .,^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^.^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^.j ^^^^^ .^^^^^^

tho ni>pctitc. renew the lio.ilth of llioso wuo ua\e ,^.„^^. power, known as the I'sychomotiope, ^

It W'.U rctroVC all nervous affections, depress

ion, c.\''i(ciuent. incapacitv to study or business, MADAM REMIMGTON, the world renowned Astml-

lose of Kemory confasi(m, th-u'»bls of self-de '■ "pi^ and Souinaiubuliiitic Clairvoyaut, while in a clair- ■' > f- ... ..._., .1. 1. .„:...,.. ., , .. -es of the iierson

ustruuient of iu-

jpe, guarantees

destroyed it by scisiial e\ce.ss or e\il {irscticcs. I fo produce a perlect aud lifeiike picture of the future

Vouu" men. lio huiubu^'ged no more by 'Quack ; hu-band or wife of the apylieart, with date of marriage, Doetorv" and i-rnorant i.racti<.ners, but send | P'-'<-"Pation, leading traits cf character, ic. This is no

. , , ,. " ,, ,.,.' . , I i,„„. .„., _,. imp jsition, as testimonials without iiumber can assert,

without aelay b-r tho Lh.\ir, and bo at once re- j ,j^. ^^,^^'^^^^^ of birth, age, disposition, color ofi-yes. stored to bealtli and happii esis. A l>erle't cure ; j,.^;j. j^,_,| ^.^^gjp^gjjjg fifty cents. 4nd stamped envelope IS tJuaviinfecd in every instance. Price, $1, or | adtressed to yourself, y'ou wil! receive the picture by iniir l.o»il<>R to one ad Iress ?:». '■ return maik together with desUed information.

T I Mio irnm.i.nt o Hfc'-t a curcia all"' --Addrl^ln Oonf\,teivce. M.U)AM OEUTRUDE

One bottle is sufficient to olltct a cure la an hkmiN<*T0N, P. O. Uox Twi Uondrcd and Ninety- ordinary cascj?v I seVeji. West troy. ;.'. Y. v4ulsyt


for the speedy and pcrinrncnt cure of (lonorThea j

(licet. Trethral Di.»cliarges, Gravel Stricture and

all atVctious of the Kidneys aud Bladder. Cures Ihcre cometh glad tiding of joy to all,

cITected iu from oiic to five days. They are pr-^ j -p^ .^^^ ^^ ^^ ^o great and to small,

pared from vefctAble extracts that arc harmeb'!!t< , ,. ,

on llie syMem,' and never nauseate the st>>u.aeh I '-^^ beauty which once was so precious andrarf,

or impregnate the breath. No change of diet if j Ls free to all, and ail may be fair, necessary while using them. ro\- does their action j g ^i^^ jj^^ ^^



in any niantier interfere with btisincss pursuits. Price $1 )>er bo.T.

Kither of the above mentioned articles will be sotit to any ad<^res?, closely sealed, and post paid by mall or express, on receipt of prieo. Address all orders to

PEllOEH. SllUTTS k Co., Chemists, v4nlSyl K«. 285 River Street, Troy, N. \

It came. ' alone, un.ler Divine Providonc", that eflccted this

wonderful cure.

•And where then, sir ?' 'From Califor- ^^^^^^^ Michigan, Augttst 30, 1S60.

R. T. Fluali.-*.

nil and Oregon, my dear sir, many people go west to hell.' A roar of bucjhter filled the car, and the dyspop-

Attenlion is called to the auvertisoment in an. other column of Madame H. A. Pcrkioo, of Buf- falo, New York, tho great Astro logist and Clair-

tic individual, faintly smiling, fank i ^'q^]j„j_ Madame P. can be cousultod by letter.

brtck iulo hi.1 ^eat. ' on ail afTair*ef life p.t?^ .ITcsent aud fulur*..


Dealers in



^5©- Particular attention paid to Mu?!"? 9rderf

PHnted to order) on short Notice, and at reason- able rates i

All Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to,


Winaebago City, .April ;4th, ISfiT.




For Removing* Saperflouis H%sr.

To the la''ies espfcially, this inv.ihiublc depil itory recommends itself as being an almost in lis oensiblc article to Icmale beauty, ea.xily appli- ed, does not burn or injure th»j skin, but acts ili- reetlv on the roots. It is warranted +o remove suporfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radical ly cvterpatiu"; the same leaving the skin soft, <mooihc and natural. TJiis is the only artk'k ised by the French, and is the only re»l etfectua' lepilatory is existence. Price ".i cents per pack ige, sent post paid, to any addresi on receipt cff m order by

BEUGER, SUUTTS A Co., Chemist*.

For Imt<rov!ng itad Beaotifyiiig tke Complexion. Tho moBt valuable and perfect preparation in use, for giving the ukin a beautiful pearl-likft tint, that is only f^und in yonth. It quieklj ro moves Tan, Freckles, PlmplM, Blotches^ Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and aU impuri- ties of the skin, kindly healing tha same, leaving the skin white and clear as alabast**. Its Use can not be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparatioB is perfectly harm- less. It is the only article of tho kind used !ry the French, and is considerel by the Parsian as indespensible to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarrantec of Mt efficacy. Price x)uly 75 viQts, sent by mail) on receipt of an order, by

BERaBR, SHUTTS 4 CO., Chemists, v4nl8yl 285 River St., Troy, N. Y


Fr ont Street, n ear tbe Leree.

4nlSyl 285 River St., Troy, N.Y.'MA^'K^TO. MIXXESOOA.

r-,7'r.;'w""r7 . ;rl*i- t. c.klower. Proprietor.

4 i\, kin<l< ot ^nn Work a«.«ne to orH.r at (his ii 0(ht».

n*ner8' ?'«t«'' nflfii-<^.fnr nil Potntdl.ifh^ ?(i|i.« Ro*>(< SUbling with »"entive 0*tlM«-fc. I^tI












, '







.•■ -


Tlic HwoclcHl woi'il in our Ifinguage is lovo. Tho noblest word in our lon- guage is GoJ. Tho \vo*J cxproa.-in^' the shortest time is now. The tluoe niuke the sweetest duty man can j)ur- tbrui.

niwin^ Potatoes I'lider Straw.

. corn-spordont says: Havinf]j fic-

ntly seen r(>|>c>rls of extraoruinary

(•cess in raisini^ potytoes by covering

( ui wiih straw, 1 was imluced to try

up m a sjiiall sctile.

A ph-U in my garden, about fifty feet |i.j,,« ^.],^, j^ ^ iuil-c of morals a^ well quare, of wolLmanured clayey l^nm, I .,j, ,nouev. savs that 'boiuir ilen«br to

. , 1 - -..- nnodei- man's wile is not a legal ili'tider,

ni'il smooth. It was then marked out j ,|,^ n\oyii as bicl.led beets is KtuikiMut,

in shallow drills, two feet an<l a bait ' ,,.. iq„i f

ajiart, and ])ofatoes (of the |>ink-eve

vnnetv^ planted whole, two feet apa'rt, I Wh.-.t is iho earliest menfon of a

in drills, and barely covered with e-.rt!.. ' b^'Mkio- (r;u. ^aeln>n ? >\ hen 1 haraoh

in » I * 1 .1 . ^^^ ifiM'ivetl a check (eh.enuo) ou the Ibink

J he whole p:itcn was then (•(.■» . re.i 'teii>«.«« .i^« \ / ,,

\vith dry wlieat straw, ."^jn-e.-Kl lightly

and evenly witli a pitchf rk. to tie depth

of :\\u'\n two |\ot. Sivcrid j-lnnvcrs

oeenr'cd soon alter the pi>tate.ea were j ,^v^.„ty.nii!e ilioiisand four hundred

]>:anti(b which sttth-d the stra>.v v(ry

co!isidera»'ly, nu.l in *Iue time the vines | yonr. ...ily seventeen had the ti.isfurtuiie

Ciime up throuj^'h the sir- w, :mi.1 soon | i,» full en llio tl.>o'/'

covered tlie entire suii'»ee with the i |],.„< (,| ;iil kinds sit -I days; dueks.

r.nnki St vt uTtnti.-n. i jv^ ,i;,v.^ ; .jocse, *1" t >.'!•'» days ; u^uinea

Nolhini: more was dor'> to the pii'ch ' ,.^^.^.,^ '.js y,, UU] .vs; turkeys, iN days ;

ti:l the vin.-8 wvre killrd Ly frrsi "' ' „^.^^*j^'.^j,, ;;o d;n s. '

1 *


of the lu d ;^ea, which was cro:s.~ed by

Moses :ind Aar. n.

An eitilr.eut ^tatisitioau says, *'uf the


Uetter o])p('rt unity is now cfrorod to any


DR. VViirrTIRIl isro-ularly cJucalt'l aiKntgitiniJitolj' qual- ified, tiiid liiis <-.xiicrii.'ii(e in j,]] ortin! of di>eai'<!, « knowledfro ((iiiif !inli.-[ir;ii'^il))(.- in tlic trtiit- iiiciit (<f tli(! vcncDfl «ii.-X'»)<o in all its Viirif'il anJ ooui]jlicatc(l


Moore's Rural New-Yorker,


'<Ji^^ii^^ forms, aixl liusfor ycura iiumIo ^-^'^'^i^C'ULTUnAL, LITLHAltY AND FAM- tho ir iiiiiKJiit of iiriviitc(li?<aso?his1.u.'-incss aii'l //, >' WKIJh'LY,

!<tii'lv. i;x|ieri«i)<'<. ilje iK'rt of l<;)ii;!u'rs, liiiK en- w^_ •» .. „,

al.l.w'l hi.ii 10 \M'\ri rtnu.lios at o.i.-c Miffi- un», * ^^ ****** T«M^n a^tad ConnUj.

safe, perninnont, and in motU "ukl-h can be used TiiirniiiM •■» ti,.. «. > j . -. ^ #

I 1-1 .1 1 JiK UMtAL IS tno standard in its sntipr* of

Woman, or child, wishing to purehasc anything in tho hue of Faluy I)rcf^f5 (Jooils, Frt-nch and l-n-lish .Moiiu'S, Alpaecas, .Soeteh I'laids, Dclains, Woolens Flannels, Slrii>ed Foi»lins', I'alnioral Skills, Ladie* C'loidxS, Cloak Ciuths, Do-

and <. iuht ymig ladies who l.iinte.l last | meslie«i, prints, shawlf., hoo{) Skirts, Shirts", drawers, wrappers. Hosiery, Xotions

No. I >\'o/len Illankets, IJu.ls, Shoes, Ilats, and ('aps, and Fur goud.s of wvery

dcMrii»tit,n, than has cverb cfure been


N »t a vi ed :»; p aed


AUetc.is W :iiil su\s. •jbi^haiii Ymni;

tluMii. At die us'-.al t::;i jl uiv:.ui; <.:

.ot to., the dea 1 y l.u-s wore all pul'e.l ' ha-^ l^- 0 wives- h. Fve> bot w,<elv, but

t'.\o hundred well.' The pretty girls ill I'lah ir.ostlv uiarrv Vi.nng.'


anil reaiovcd ; th'.n with a potato foik, the lavor ^.f.^i'aw wh.ich was ])ivify well rotted, and tu.t more tl'aii h'ur or fivr iurhi's in tiiiikness- was ean-fuHy | rem »ve.l To n;y -r.-.t Mu-prise, ther'| lay the p 'tators .-n f 'e surl'nce, liti r iliv ooverini: ihi' : !i>ii!i>]. ai. 1 almost a^* . clean :is it (Ik-v h ; 1 liofn v.t.sluil. - I Thev were pi ke.l wy a'ld ni.>:isured, but : the iiu 'Utitv I tl ' U't reniendtr, 'V\\\> \ niUL-h, bo\vt'\er. I v».'ll vico'Iect, that 1[ never raised so g'^d a er«>p by any \ olhi r nu-ile of eutu'-e. Tli"y wore of' vevv U'.iiurnr si/.e ■.\\\ of U'>'il 'i'lriUy, j

Mliiyiv'ta a J'ro'.ilie ^>tate.

AVe can b<'at the worM in the raisin?

of thir'y or fitrty bu>i.e!s ol wheat ti»

tlie a-'Tf, nverauiitg tw.ity fi\e an<i th'rtv buslul-, the Sue (»ver, Si-ine

year:?. Wo e;ir. taru or.t die nnst ia:- TJienso (it'ps of oiiii'us, ruta bngas.puutp kins and p'.t^itoes, the lu':ii(hit.>t h-gs and eattle, nn-re wo<;>l to the sluep and more twiii hnnbs \o the ewe than any State iri the b';iion. Jbit we have nev- er h.eard of anvthiitg to e\eel a case ui ptock breeding of which v>e have ju^l been informed.

An Irish farmer in Seolt county, be j tween Lakevilh; and New Dublin, h.nd j a eow whi( h had five calves at one!

birth, in Jriinarv. A vear befjre she '


bad three at one birdi, and the year I before th;it, twins makiug ten Cidves in two years.

This is an af.tual Atct, well known in aM the lo-'ghborhnod arouna, and y>\v> \ information is direct frritn ninnbers o! wirness^es in Sett and D.kota counties t

There are numerous instances in the j State of twin calves, but we iia\e i.cv | er heaid of any thins to equal this^ eith- er in Minnesota or else hero.

lowin;rt'trrct.'-: lil..irlics, I'.od l_v Weakncs", Con- sfi;-:ition, Av«!rsion and l.'ii';:i,-iii(- ^ i;i l*'c;u.:i!u Socioty, t'ninaitlineFK. iJrcad of I'liinrt Kvent.-;, tiiially jicoundtto iir-'.-trulion of ilif vital \.>m pf. lo.ss of nmriory, ringing in chc earn, can be fully riistorod l<» liiMith.

,M1 litiiTt;, wl'li ; titnip.-', anpwcnd.

l»r. W. i.-i llie )»i' liidicr of a n<'W worlt. ontifl- I'd "Nin tilt; livil i:i tin; i*.U"i," wliich willhe scut (o fill on rceiii)) of 10 rcntf to propny posta:;e.

('(jUi-iiltation free, tliarjrcs juodtrutt, .'tnd cnr'' v'"''r''"'''"d.

Itr.Wliioicr liiriis the v«'ry worstkind orrnj)- liir*- ill a t<'W wri-k?

Fi»-l (tfii.c; V,u\ 22JI1. OnTiceand Consultation I'ooins 1 Ci ( •"'^oiiili Clark str^'t Chfa-.o. You c:iM i-cctlic Lioctor cvfty djiv hotn 'J A. M. to 5 p. »

Litctatcre. Alts. feCifncc«, r ducatioa, Gcner.'ii PCcws.

In l\iril);iult Count v.


I>ricL'.-5 are now


TO CIRK CONlU Ml'Tn)N, the <• -'i'-.i iniH! »h< Iir. i-.rpa fo lb It the lna-« vvUI b.^»!. To ncconiv'.iHli fciii'. -. 10 l.TiT *n>l !'tor.ia-li i.iiiit first Iv rlcu-jsivl aTid fia^nc'tf ( r>'aiO'l lor «'ocd w Iiolc-oinc loo.!, \\ lixii, | l>,- ilie«o t.if.lirinw vi'i lie dicejted prcucriy, and . foci lie-'. Iiv I'ooJ 1,1* !o; l!iu* liu'.'ihf v.\\ Uie I cou't.tut.on. SeiUKNi K'3 MANORVKK TILLS j elcin^otli.-'.'toir.achot all Mliois or muwiH ctruiou- Lit o'.i«; and. b. ni-'nu tlio Soa Weed Tonic iu cou- l,<><'i r.n. tlu- f.riV'fU' '\* rtftor.-d. nr.NCK P IM'LMOMC SYRl'F \t nutripinm ,

a" wi'U r.r ni' 'if^nal. and. luii'.i: tlu- l!ire<? n nied'os, |

all inrn-.f.i* are rx,- -lo.! troiu tlio c npui, and 1

po.id, uboU-'^^iu' blc-'l viVi.f^Q, nh'.ch will rcpM all

diswwe. It p\tl("at« will '.ako th«ut> inedicin<*ac«'ord- i

Inc to u'reclicn!". Coi!i=a'np:ion very Iro iii«ntly in j

Ite K-t cii-f > 'e'lda leadii.v to ib^lr a-tio:i. TctvO the

p'.r.* .re ii'cne.-. to o'ev.i'o t'v H-craud V.jnia- h. It

do. 8 not :o;ioTv tba? b;M*aa»c tls«? !»owe!* ».v not cos- tive tlx'vB.-e nin re-iTiired, for ifom<»tiT.ea in diarr-

h.vii th.'v aip neciHiiarv. The ?foniafh iuu«t be kfpi

lit-alihv, Ri.l an a.ipnito cr^atodto aliow thi- Pol*

mo:\c Svrup to nctoa 'lu- rci>p;n. r r/ cr»r*r.- i>r.:^Tly

au.l ai; -.v an irritation. Then all that ii»ro.iii!icd to

P'r or:u a p.-niianent cure is, to pre'-«"it taking

co'.iL TvxiTci.v alout !'■.<• rooTn? niucii a.< poiwib'o,

catant!.orch.ptroo,'-at ireat, Fa.Me,an.l,in lacl. ; vn ^ GooJs W 111 WlUTant ^Olieral SatijffuCtioil tO 1 iCTbOlLS COm.ng tu

an\tb'i'.i.'lhf appetite craves; but N> partioilar and j *'» > ^- '^ ^' O ^ '->

Auil the new mode of trading— lato




J E W E ]L E R J

Has, au J will kc^p conflantly on band, for sale :

CLOCKS and WATCHES, Jewelry and Silver v/are,

.*nd will nttcn-l jirofnjitlr to all kind?- of Reyiair- injj of (Jlo«d<h-, Waroho.i, and .Jcwol'v. and jruar- aiitfi! J crffct .'■ati^facli'in to all who iialroni/.e liiiii. Itooin opposite I'nion Hotel. 'I'yl

ISlue Earth City, May 17, IsOG.


Enccp Hubbnnilry,



Doiuc&tic liconcmy Market Kcrottg.

Willi illiiM'ratiunN, lale**, SketcheH. Po- <'lr>, .'?luHic, UebuK<>M>,l<:ui»iiiuR, Ac, tc.

'liiK 1{ii:ai. is i.tly Iviittd, i.c:..:y I'riiittd, well lllu-traud, and mhiyUil t„ t},,: i,Uulf. Ct„i),» till, it f inploy.- tlic l;t.-t TaliMi'. I'l r examplw, iif Depart inci.t at Slierj, IhixfjiniJiyxs, EditcU by 11. !i. II. S. I{a.v.>am,, 1,L. D.. [Author of lie '•/'i-'ictk'iif Sii»/ili>rf','-'Sli"j, ll,i>il.i(n<l,y in the Si'iilli," Ac, ki', the lj(?st aiiiln-rity on the .'iil'jcct ill Amu. i<-a, \* hil.; it^ Sontluru Ci.ncifpoudliuj /M/i/or is lion. T. <'.. JVters, late ties't ^', 1. .Stale A<i. hcicty, i,.,\v of Maryland. Many ollitr aide and tak-ntcd iviiit,- arc lu^rnlar f on- iriliiito! s and fli<; nlmlc fiaper i- undtir ili*- E<li- t<Tial MaDigcii!fi,t of itu origini.t..r, D. h. T. M'.oitK. Titi; Ki i{,\L IS the hcrt jMurnal for the Farmer, the liorticullnri.'t. the .Stock am' Vool (I'roHir, and the tuuiily Circle now (dj'aiiiahle. li'.iiK M.h<-r. al.-o that it i- not a ii'iUthJij,\i\il t, Laifje and lieauliinl Wk^ki-V.

K.< amine a iiurnhcr. atid t-i^e if, next to y'ur lo'ral pai'cr, the KLu.^L is not tho one f^r youf nicjijcy.

Foj3S5dry ife Ma-

VOLUME XVIil, FOa 1867,

In SujCiif-r stylo, new C<.pi/cr Faced TyjiOj (i'l'id I'.iper arm uiatiy Fii.e IJiij^'avirfr.'^. Ka'-h of It- rilsy-twi No's fnot 12, lik«; a nionlL y.) will <:otnT»ri!.-6 Eight Douhlt- Quarto Pages, Aa Index ^c, atclufCbf tue voluf e.

TERMS, in Advance— Only .*3 a year: Five Copies for ? 4; S-;Vcn for JI'J; Ten for ."r2J. -nd any ;,'reaf»-r niiir.her at same rate. only !?2 50 per cjpy. dull (lapiffs ?c.nt to aif*eren' I'o-t <if- ticc". A.« ne jiay Ain"iican p'i.»'a<re. i2,7l> i^' the !ow('.»t Cluh rate fo Canada ?.''■. .JO to Euri pe. Ji'':i-^i)VI IS THB TlMK TO St Br^rniBf: am> Foi-M ( r.iBS. I'reu.iams, Free Co;»ie.s, I v., to Club Ajreiil.-, sud we want ft lea-t one ap-i nt in every Inwii in ill'; Inioii. i-'|itciuieni. Show l>ilig, Ik- duecmenl.-;, ic, .'■(.nt free. Addre."?

I). D. T. MOOIIE, Roehester, New York.

r.ia><t.cate we'd.

C^d w. ea. luo. 1 yr.


Thai incU'cine, inv<>Ti;i(l by l»r. .J. II. S ■iiki^ok, ct riiiiE.'l(.>:p'i'a, is inicuded to dUaoIve tho food aud make it into thyuie, the I'.riit procciu of difreet iuo. By c'faaginj the ttonio-h with 8<.-hcnc"t'8 Mandrake I*JIU, tho Tonic Mou re.'tore* the appctit'), and tood | tli<i* coa>.J Q^t ho ta'.ea L«l'jrc u:<iug ii irill be easily d>t;cMc-d. /^ %^

Co.:=unip;'on cannot b.7 cr.rel by Schenr-k'g Pal monic Syn.p niilcta it-u stonacb and liver is made healtiiy and the tppnt'.te rcatorcd, licnce the Tonie ' aud Pilla are reiuired ia nearly every ca-e ot con* »a':ip!io:i. A hah dozen boitles of tl.o SK WVEliD TONIC c:.:l Jireo or four Iwx.m of the M ANDKAKB PII.L.S wij! ciiro any ordinary caic of d\-p p'ia.

I»r. jiciiiiNrij tuakoi pi-o'.V-'pional ▼'sit* in New York, I'.o ton, cud at >ii<'pri'ic;pii 0;ViPC in Philadel- phia every wcoii. Hoc dady pijern of each plr.ce, or hu paii!ph!el ou coneaniplioa for h:t Ua^'^ Icr vi^ita* tioD.

Pl'-a'c cl rr n-^ when purchasing, tl at th<' tivo like- nesses ot ih ) doctor, oua wlu-n iu the laH Ftaie ot Con.mnsplion, and the cihcr a' ho now i«, in porfccl heali^ii, an; on liieOoVframent .^iarnp.

Sold oy all |)rurf,'Iit» and Hca'cr^, price ^l.T. por lio.tle, or !i".."'< tho haIl-tlo::cn. AI! leUcra lor aiiv.ce ehouid Ikj adarc^cd to Or. Sihenck'o Principal Olli;-c Nj. 1.'> N-jrthiiih Streef, P!ii »^.>iph;a, Pa.

Gen ral Wholesale A^'ent.H: iVno." Uarnes t Co., N. Y.; S. S. llai -.0. I5,iUiuiorc, Md.; .Jolm I>. Park", Ci'i-'nnali, Otiio; V.'aiker ii Ta/ior, Chi- cago, 111. ; Co.hns ii.'od,, gi Loui«. Mo. f

■^ [lit w. oa. ino. 1 rr.

^X^ r <-•>' ^-> -* <

T^-*?, "-rtK


The Mftukntri Foiin.lry and Macl.ii'.o shop is now in <i[>eratioii, a?id we are ]i.c)>!ir< d to

MAICK & UE.'AIll MACIIINKKY^ ^ ^ 1-1 A f ¥

of every description. Steam eiisincs. Threshing X_ ^ JL M. jLii^ JA JLi M-i

Mi'.chiiie?, Ui;api;r.s, Fnrniiiij: Iinpitiuenti', «tc.

Wo al. ■• make all kiuii.-' of iron and hra*.- in.-t- inps, lia'.hitt laetal ulwa},.s on hai.d. Orders

S'dxiled and pro!n]M'iy atfelidttl t".

Old Iron, Brass and Copper

wa;lcl, for «Li<-h tii'; Ll-hc.-t price will l,e paid C. >V. liAIiNEY, A Co.



To lay in thc-ir .\-iuter's .suppl)-, if Hioy ^viU ouly ciill at

>3WP1EVJ'.M-!g«'J III ■■IMI 'I



E. J: II. T. .\NTIiONY 1 Co.,

>!anufactui(.rs of I'hotographic iUlcri^lSj

Wh'j'.eshle and Uetail,

Ill additioi! to our main hu.*i:i«'u.-' <d Fhoto- ^rrajil. If .Materials wo aic il^a' ^uaiiiTS for tLe 1> ilowiKg, vi/ :

Sfcri'08co|)es &, Steroofcopic Views

EfiGS Foil SftTTl.NO. K"^;.'?' will oTlen r* T T ""T I V f T! T T M I X * * ' ^ American and F(>rc:.«;n eitifs an ! LKiid»cai>et,

ntcli sifter bi'in^j friin-pf»rro I limiilrf'<!.« i -., , >.,,. ,, , -.^ .i

..nn;lo< l>y rail ; r.t other l.Mus •., ^-^ \u,s^,:j,^ f,,^ ^:^ ,^^i^.


Miles of u-aoon .^r rnilro.T] travel T^■i!! j li i^..,!^^ v. ilhoilt a scar. ruij. tlieru. No reii.-.nce cnn 1.- i-la-.d j family shoilli l;o wIll:oi!t ii. on ei,'u'< trur.s|,(,rtcMl far, uiiK-S!< ihcy he Wo V.Vi7*iM.lt U 10 CKH' ScPof!!].'! Carrie, I in tlic 1. ;ii(ls, nn'l i)acke<rwlil, ^"i'^^'S ^^'^^ JUiVlUA, ('Ini)»lr.iHs, -;cat care at th.^r. T^'ltiT, Tiinirics, Jiaii id! Enjj:*i<.iis

O!* <ho Skin. Tor S,;r(' liroiist or

Newpokt Cakk.<5. Three ei7'j?, one quart ot t'lOur two tihlesj>->onftihs niell- t<l hutter, three ol" .'-ULfar, one cup ol j

Nipples, (ills. Sprains, Ilruisos, Hurr;s, S-a'uls, (happpd Hands, A;*'., it nia'ii'ri a porrcit cnrc.

CoicN Ml FFiNS —One and a half pint ! fci'tlv ( ralicat^Ml disease and of oorntneal, a hull pit.t of whtMt tl nr. i hi^dUH al'-rall oMior remedies had

. 4- ,11 11 4 . tailed. It isa compoundor Arnica

one pint ol s ur «d- t!n'k milk, two j.uit.s *'^'" "• ^*'»-»««'*" i

of s^'oot milk, two cizirs, u small tea- spoonful of Salt, do. of baking ho'Ij..

Sfereoscopic Vitiw.-s of the War.

Fmin n<';rative.« t<: ule in the vari".'« vnxn- pai!il)^ and foniiin'r a cniplcto PhuKy^jraiitiic iii.sioiy of ih'-' ;;reai eoiiU'it.

Slcrejcseopic Viiws on Cihi«s,

Adapted for eitlicr tho Maf;if Lantern or tl.' .*^!i'roo.-rf>pc. i.Hir Ca'.ah'/iio will ho fiiit t< iiuyaLldrivs on r«;<'i.ipt id ."tainp.

l*lH)to"r:ii)hic Albums. ^

We man u fact n re more larjrely than any othi i hoi <!•, alioiit ?»'* v;irictii's .roiij oO f-iiis t-. ?^v>l . ach. Oar AMU' MS have the reputation ol Iji- in;; tuperiur in he.inly ami durabiliiy lo aii\ liicrs.


•n i> 'i 1 t- ' / . It li''>^ hi'i'ii used over nnoon |\''"'V iM,ntf.(ri..n.ii>; of (-ltM»oril« FtatL

milk. l>:ike m a loni; tm i>.in aii'l cut .,, . « ., i.:u«l i iiorotjji.ipti» oi vicin.i.ii>, k.i,ji^

r o ..»« 1 . -.1 1 4 i yours, wilhoni one f:Mluie. men. Actors, elc, etc in -Slices ; cateu hot with butter. i i.,,.. ..^ «„,...n,.i i..>v;iia> nav>

' ! Is. Iia.4 HO parallel na\ini^ pei- Ooreatalo.rneno1.raee.s over FrVi: THOV

Lake twenty niinnte.s in a t./.erably hot 0[||(.|> Oiillmenl.

with muijy other Kxlracls and IJalsanis, and put up in larirer boxes V'}v the same price than any

oven. To be nride up j ..^t before lak- in;r, and must be well betiteiL Ifpre- ft?rred, n-e all sweet milk, nnd rais'.i wi^h a tablespnonful ofyrp.'-t,

A portion of raw union cnten j;jst bt;- fure retiring to rest w ill insure relVesh- inf s'eep to por-ons sulleriiii; with Iiitifrs overbur<k'neil with o]»iire.«sivc and ir- rita;inir in;<tter.

f^ol by i>r!)(;;;ist:i everywhere. 'Vrhito & 1 lowland. Proprietors, lil Liberty Street, >'ew York,

A orcat many t f oiir readers l;ave eior;:huia syru}) that tin y v. ill find fer nientinui unless care in used as warm woatficr come.s on. Fill np your bar re's tnng tight and keej) in a cool cel- lar. So 8ay«? Brother Clough, of the /Sor^/hran JournaK

To prsTRov r>it:s ^fake a quarter of a pound of oil of turpentine, and >\iih a bruah rub the be<l.s, walls, or any , places itifested witii them; if they aro j in any great numbers, brush the places over several times, wliich will not only destroy the bugs, but also thtir eg^s. Althni-h the smell of tu pentine is ptrong, yet it is not uidicalthy, and g^ e.** of! lu a .^hort time.



A Sith.sfiiitte for Cafonwl,

Thee PIllB are computed ol' varloa'? rootH, having the pj'.viT to relax ihe Becnitions ot the livtr aa proiiipflv arid effi-clua'Iy aa blue pill or mercury, and vviih'jul prodaciii;; any of llioi'c dica.'-'reeahie or daitKeroufl effects which otlen toliow the uee of tUo latter.

In all bilious diaoruerx these Pills may be used with con(iili;:ii-c. m they proiaoto the UiiH;harRe ol vitiati-d bi!e, and remove tlioFC oiMtructiona frori the liver and biliary dacta, which aro tho cause of biliotu affections iu general.

8Clir..\CK :i MANDRAKE PILLS cure Blck Headache, and all diKoriieraoilhc Liver, indir.-ited by ■allow fkin, coviied ton!.-ue, coclivoneFi, drowBtiicBa, and a general fi-cliug ot wearincsii aud laseitude, thowiaf; that tho liver la la a torpid or obKtructed condition.

In ehort, tlicse Pilla may bo u«>d with aivan- tSi^o in ail ctttes wheu a purgative or alterative mcdicius Ih reiiiired.

Piea>'C ask lor -'Or. Schenck's Mandrake Pills," and ol>!itrvo that the two likeueiii!e3 ol the Doctor are ou the (joveranient etarnp one when in the last Bta^c of Ccuituuiption, aud the other in hie present beaith.

Sold by all Drupgiate &nd dealer'. Price 2.'> cents perliox. Princ pal Onioe, No. la North 6th Street, riiiiadciphia, Pa,

itnerai Wiiolesale Ajter^fe: Demas Banien & Co., 21 Park. Row, New York; 8. 8. Ilanco, 1(W Balti- more St., Haiti, noie, Md. ; John 1>. Park, N. E. eor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio; WalktT & Taylor, IM and inO Wabash Aveniiei, Chiai;.., Ill, ; Collins Brotlie.*^', oouthwcek cornel »i S<X;«ud and Vine Sta., St. Lou's, Mo.

" ' [4tii & &(b w. Ob oo> 1 n<

\N1> diiVi-roiu nili.i' rt.-;. incliidiiiy rfi>rodiii"ion> id llie ino.-t eelelira'id llnjrravinjfs, I'aintinf;* Statnfes, etc. ''.italo^'uc! ociit on receipt o ^taini>.

IMi.di^ijraphcr.-' and other!" or'erlng "roods <" 0. !>., wi'l ideaso remit 2.> per cent ol IIk amount of liu-ir ir'^r

.C%|, ihe prill .• and gualif of our good.< ean not fail to sati.«fy. v4n2iy i

jr'^iyr^ THE Gits AT CAUSE

^j^,r£^ OF


Just puldisheil in a ."sculi-d envcloie. Trice

Six CcntB. A Leetnie on the Natuic, Treatment

and radi'.-iil Cure of Struii.il weaUne.*!', or .Sj ir- Uiat' rrha-a, jndiued Viy rielf Ahut"; in v<'liiiitary Kiiii.->ii n*. Iinpoteticy, Nervous Del/ility, and iiiil cdiiuenlfi to uiarria<re ,i;ei!erully ; Con.-mno- tijii, LpiKpsv ami Fit> ; Meiil.-<! and I'liv^-i. .il InraMariiy, a'.— l.y IK'tl. J. ti I'lA' KliWKLL, M. I)., Anilior oi iLo ••(.Jrecii IJ.ok" Ac.

Tiie wmld renowned author td" this alniiralde Lcetvire, clearly pro>t8 f.iia Li.< own expevitiiee that the aw'iil eonseniienecs of s'. If alnsi-. may he (.nVetiially i< uiovid willio;;! 'iiedieire, and wiiii- nut daiiLM roiii!Cur;;ieal oijcraiioii.-', bougies. iii;.tru uieiiti', rin,u-, or crdiab, jiiiintin^ out a mode of cure nl once et'fiain and effeftiial, l»y whirh ev- ery sufferer, no niatlor wh.»t his condition tmy lie may i-iirt' liiiii.-tll ih'apiv. pi ivalelv' and rjidi'Ml

iv. Ti.< i.Kci rui; n"i!,L eiuiVi: a liOoN'


Sent under f^eal, ti» auy addre.^^. in a plain Feal «d cnvLlojie. on sli,? reieijit of <\x eonJa, or two tcimpH. AI.<o Dr. <'ulverwLir.s ".Marria;;o Ciu'de" price 'I'j cent*. Addre*.^ the Pnl>lii;!u r.-*.

CJiA;^. .T. C. MNE A CO., 127 EOWrnV, Un^rT y.?rk.

Post Omce Box 45S6

AT t:if.

Having inadi* Hocie ohan;;»'s ef»nt*ernuv flic l.iisiiH-^ transaetionn ol tlin'WiTinr.has^O City DUills,'' we wi. Ij t" anil. tunc! «o iiie putili.. ili.u we a-e iiiiw pripau'd to do all yinus* of work in our line of l.uKit!es>. for ready i><iy. Lo;5^•. woo<l, wheat, or even Money tai;eu la paynioii* for work. Onr terms for aawin;,' ore : One half, or $1", per thoa'and. Flour, liran, and shorts Cjii stantly on hand, ami for sale ;l)tap.

Lumber ^25.00 per Tiiousand.

K. nilODF.S. Winncljago City, March 17lh. ISCC.


Goods well bo;ia;lit, are Laif sold.

A. B. BALl'03a

Mankato, . JOEN F. MEAGKER

lia.e on hand the lar;rett and Lest eeleeted ^•tnell of Hanlwa'e, StoV'-s and Afrriciiltural imple- mm:-- >ii tie M'.i.iie.-ota valley. My s:<.>k of Ajrriciiliurai Imi)k'inente is very l.irj^e and com- pleie, eon-siatiuj; of the foliowiug iuai.biiies :

.55 Buckeye'^,

GO J. II. Manny's, Self ct Hand Eakes,

20 Kirl>y,s Excelsior ])ro[>perF,

and Caugia CLier, G Swecp.stake:-! Thre.^her.^,

(S ^. .1 Case's TLrcsliers, 0 ^'elFator Threshers,

jlassellon ^vlacliines, (^ Biiltalo Sulkey K key,

35 Revolving, horse rakes^

and all the sm.il.or imi-leraents in «* it

My ?(ock of i;ui!d«r« Hardwai In: ' f^^n se IcfeiJ with care, and i.s v. ry largo, P.uilderf will always find a full supply of









Locks, Latches.

c, czc.

. Prices Ezceedinly Low for


i /* ^ *?">,




Gift Concert.

r.iis'-ell ,t (ill., of SliaI.i«iU'<'. will <;ivc R 'I ram! (lift ComTrt at Eiidreh's'ilall, Slialifipc-, .Minn., on v.e Ine-ilay eveiini;,'. May 1-t l.MiT. l»n' eha'i'-e in ei;;lit Five tlioiisand dollar.* worth o valiiahle jiropcrty and money to Im disiriliutf to tiik< t hoM( r.-*. No poKti.oiiemeiit. Tteke: »>ne dollar ea< h The ](ri/,«« eimfist of a non^ •ml I'.t on 2:1 ^•tre(•t, i;l,-'iMi; n lot on 2d Hire ill ?'JM(I ; a iioiisc and I'li on ll.»lme.- ftrei t a .*!iji); four lots- fiiitdy !• ■•at'd i?Hl(l ; one piano: one prize in f;reetil>ii' ' $10(1; one horte, oi«< top l)tiL".ry ; Ihreesilii dresj" j.atiem.s, one sewin; (uai'I.ine: one ;i;ol 1 Icvt r •.v.itch : one Anuriiai wateli. .AlhiiiiH. n»ipkin rini:.'. «te, in all alL' pri/.e.-<. The oldwt ot tiie eoiuert i.s to di.'po-'e c' the I ropi-rty adverti.-" d, flml ii.it for a spccni.i- tion. A<ldrc<:< by mail (with irii« of ticket en < lo.'-od) M. C. i;a^>ell. I*. 0 Box liTO, Sha'topec >Mnnesota.

Istlrionlv l'lir-i<i:iii, «« a fj-eriuMvl

t- ^^-' '•'•?'7;r 11' ■>■ i.i I'hii^Ro til it 'iiii '"■ ••otirely

' \ '. vHi '1 s'l 111. (i'l r 1 iiiM. Jtml iii't "I'.tTf!

? I t iHt ho: I iMo il'r« ««!• to ri'iTiaiii ii. yoar

^^ i. -i 1 ..^^l. III. ill.- Ii^'mini; Viiur ;;!<■?• ail. I li.ily

L'v-^j t;,-i,;(:. il. li 'Mii;; yi.,11- li;;|.iu:.. -Mirl

^r-" \ flit an- ]l^.l^|•<•l•t^ of lil«. lie Iikm iii:i'Ic

5'' "J l'';!\ ,\Tr. hl.~i:.ASK.^nn'l Mv'.VOl'."^

v._*j"' . .^ IdililMTV lii> stiiily fiT the I'usl

k-r. ^ r'Ll^ twiiitv vciir.t, a:iil i.s tii<Ti!ti>ni iln- p«T-

"^fA VI I/. [••'-' J ,„ ;^i,,;;„ „i; :.itli.i.v| ...liimll lOllSllIt

DRY G..^



YANKEE ]S'OriONS, Etc., Etc., Etc.

at prices that



k\\ person? de.'-iring to pnrHia?e Heap arid Thresi.er«, would do well to j^ivt n-e a call nef- re iiutohjifintr. r-^ mv ftoeU is ve--^ larpe and 1 wi'l Wnrrait ail luaeiiine? to ;rive saliK;:i' lion, aiiJ my prices and terr"- «'!'nno( fai: t- .■^nir. 31v3yl JOHN" F- MEAfJMtK.


iMro{?T.L\T'lO CnV.XECS CF l!0!:^■i.S

Adcicc and Pn:sci'*j>t ions for Sic^- or Jnjiirtd Jhh't^tii glceu J-rte.



N ) one ev.r honnl ol b iiatitlit of his 'int li<>imr ( uiPii «iu<-e hi' !i:«s b-i-ii ia iliii li!). UIh r.'i.uiati iii lj:ui »..ui-liiT-i in :>!1 tlK- ' ily Ii.o.'i'i.-i, liis inli. iits ;t.i1 the itii-ilj. .il piif'-H-ii a, t.iilli h-icHiiil al.niii'l. U'H liciiiK tli- iiiiist .■^killi 1 -i.TiiJint 111':--. !»ii'! ■•< tli'.:iiu.t;li iu:i-lii- "1 ill nrxnal .liwiiMcs. If "il viIIuth tail, flout il:-»piiir .;ivi- lijia II r;ill. It i.f i.':.ij a I'nia'i.ia ici-iirt' ai--- willi iiiin t.> (lire f^neh cn^"'!. Hit* m .i:ih :in' n-pr-rutp f i uiiliuh «li.l /.! ll-ia.s.. iiivllli'' iimst ■•. ai;.l. !.■ in l!i<'.i|y

Vocxii Mt.v, T\SK pAKTi' ; p.-... .Nil. Hi; - to.t.r Hi.u'i-- M.w d«v.4<'n laiich ol hiii tiiut* to the trcat'iii'iit of llioof Mi-s .M:isf<! l.v .1 s iTi't hril.it, wiiii'li re as lii'lhl.-ilj undiioii i.ualiilii.^'tli ■in.'iitiiiiat.ia.Uii'liial liTiilher •iii«::i,''s ors icii'ly. J !ii« ^ad •I'liit of tli •si'oarly haiiit<, .,r thr vxc>->-* of rlpi-r .vimih. is t.i w.-.tk-n and .i-liii- U!c tli'T iiistiliili'iii, d.•^<tnl.v the i.li.v -i<"id aiifl nuntnl ,.„w..i,. .!iiiii;'i:!i .la-l i-hUm-M.- tin- ai.tnral f.-liiK'-'. and rulioist lh<« vit;il i-iinpe* of nianli.iod : tlif pl.-:isiire« r.f lif-a.-i' niari-'il. the ..l-.i<-tl i-l :iia!iiai;.- fiii>tiated, iiid ••.xi .I. Ill o ii.^i'lf nMnl<-ri'd a tr: in of iiiiri'ii.-ii:^^ iiiisory uid rf'>:rrt Su. li [ir- ms, .■u!"'<-i:ill.v Diimi contcni- pliitiai: Til II ri<);.\ sIimuM 1'- i'" tino' i" nmkiii'.; iinuu.- ILitoapiilirMimi, li* I'r. 11. hv lii.s m-w tiviituiiait, id •iial.l.Mi t.i iiisiii-o a sp l.v uml piiiii.iii<-iit lerc. ^

('oimiiitatimisfr..- i'ld oonliilmtial. Otlic.. No. 1,9 ■South ClaiU .«tr(vt, .ori...r..f M..miu'. h«If u lili)i.k from ilia t'i)"t (Mfiif. I'tt '-"'i' ""^ l'"'*. Chicago, 111. ;ltlic« liiiinn fioiii 9 A.M to »> 1'. .M.

Senrl fur liis "Uaiaa to Hoalih," puhlUhed monthlr, fr«»e of «l>!ir.L'-. .

N. U. -I.iiilloR, Ki'nd for a deseriptiT* circulfir of Po*. «rie Beiiiiviir, Hip he>.t prcTfiitive ^f cmiceptioB aowB- Beat to any adJros* flee of cb* r^e.

Oj/lce ojipoftiie " Union Jfoiise " JUuc E<irth City, Minnesota.

Will do .a General IJankinj; and Real Est.ato . rt' e -1 . 1 Oi'\ j"»AA A TEAR made hy any i

Business, pay la.xcsfor nou-resident,, make c>!^,OUU .*li -.(eneil tool... ^\o ex

J\fan'i<t(/< (tnd (\lihacy.

AN Ess-y of Warning' and Inatruc tioa to Yoatg' Men. Also, Ui-e.-^ae.- and nhn.xe.s wir.i'.i pn iiiaturi-ly Pi o.istratc the v'i tal powers. Willi .'<itre mean.s ofriHcf. Sent free of Ciiariiie, in ."ealcd Icier cnvolopts. Addie..»h, l>r. J. i^KILLAN llOltlUTON, Howard Assi •ititeon, Pbtladbiphiai, P&. v3ii21y1


BsittcF & Cheese

•wanted at all times at ibo market price.

I never was, Xcver can, Never win be

The EniTon of Wh.ki:?' Srir.iT of thk Timf.b desires to iiilonu the owners id Ilor.-'e* tl:r. ujih- cut the Iniieu .^t ites. luat he ha.-- repi.larly . r- ;;aired upon hi.< p.i er. one of tlie:iMe>t and most e.xpirieiK. d pr.le.-fi'mal v'etci i.iana-i.s ii. tl.< U. S., •'ho.sf gpeeiiiduty it shall he to an.- wer. yiaiis ail question!! rel^iive to fiwk or i: jured h<'r.>.c> whiib uiiiy he ..ddres.-t ! to the JSfhiit. irAfr/.»r hif ittiiwriilfiK or ):i>t. JL«-e nnswus will in i,U eastf toiiiain a pre.-cripimn tor the ii jnr* do- serilied, and will lejirinted. in eonm-c iioii -^ith the t|iie;tion a.-ktd, in the foUowinp i. umber of the Si'iKtT. Ko answers, however, wili ba jjuea by mail, il bring a part of the oVij<>ct ol t'.ie i di— tor to fcubmil the aidlity of the pnde.-Ki'i wtio hai a.-.-uiind this (iipaitoutit of ihc M-iuiT to tl-.e keent.-t eriiici.sm ot the gtiieril imhlie. J'v ad- diiij; this uselnl ilepailu;ei.t to the ^riui i. tlm editor eoi Iribotes to tl.ise of his readers ai;d subseril)ers who own horj-es, a horse doctor free, and n>t only to hi;* suhfei ilier.-* hut to every 1 i bo'sr owiiir ill fill- Viiiteil Satef-wlio may elio..?© tiufl I t„ .liri.et a": iin(uiiy to the "^pihit by mail. The tuhfceriplioM pi ue of the SpufiT is $j a ye -r : but .sinpie eopiis mav he boii;;bt f;.»ni news apents from wi-ok topeik by tliose who desirf to u.-^eit


(jiive me ai early call, and see for yourselves.


Dluo Farth City. May 14, l^CG. 3n:Uiyl



Collcetions, <tc., Ae., 21. D. U.U.DWIN,

Blue Ear* Citf , M»f r.

A TEAR Qiade by any one with

perieuce iioce>!iary. Tho Pre.dtlculs, Cashiers, and Treas - - S. P. CHILD, urers of :< Barks .-mlorse the eircular. Sent free

wi h samtdes. Addre='s the American Stencil •*• '^y' Tool MToiki, Hprinjneld, V«rmonK 42yl

FOllCKD to prow upon the smoothest face in frmn ethrc to fiv<; weeks, by usiiii; Dr. SEV- KJNK'S KEST.* iJHATETR CAPILLIUE, the most wocdi rfnl dis"overy in modern Feieiue act ing upon Ihe Beard and I'air in au almost mi- raculous manner.

It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with ttit- most flattering: sueee.-s. Names of all pereba»ers will he ref;istered andil entire satisfaction is not jL;ivfn in every inittanee tho money will be eheerlully refunded. Pric by mail, sealrd and postpaid, $1. Descriptive circulars juhI tcstiinoni;ils mailed free. Addres." nKlKUiK, 8ULTTS A CO., Chemists, No. S-.Ti Hirer Street, Troy, N. Y, SvU ageutt fur tht United gtalM. vinlSyl

t. mporan'.y only, frr vitevinaiian iiUe>^tioiis. at liltien ei-nis per copy. The t^PiniT of tiir Ti.VKs is a high toned ■;entku;an's paper which (with the old Simiiit, whose fcu.<ints^ and title it iniierits) i,< of foity years' stnndinp. end i^ de- voted to ilunti If;. Fi.-l.inj;, P.atinj;, Fiild .^ports^ Literature and the Strtge. (ilLonoK Wii kks.

Editor n.jt\ Propiietor, 201 William St.. New York.


Oh ; che was beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, and radiunt hair. ■NVlioue curling tendrils soft «-ntwined. Enchained the very heart and mind.

CRISPi.R com A,

For Culling the Ilair ol" either Sex into

Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or

Ilcav} Massiqe Curls.

It.v u-!!:fr this article l.adies and Gentlemen ean bean- tif.v Ma ill selves a thcuisand Md. It it- the only article in iIio world that will curl straight hair, and at the si.ine time live it a beaulilul, glossy appearance. Thf Crisper Coma nut only curls Ihe hair, but invipor.ites. beautifies and cleanses it ; is highly and deli(;hi<ully perfumed, and is the most coni]dete article of the Vin«l er olVeied to the American pubhc. The Crisper Coma will be sert to ary address, se-aled and postpaid for one dtdlar.

AddrekS all orders to

W. L. CLARK & CO., Chcaieta, TiDlS/t N«. 8 Wtit Fayette Strtet, Byitvon, K. *x




1 \f









. ,t


E. A. HOTCHKISS, Editor Sr. Proprietor.


Terms— $1.50— Invariably in Advance-

VOL. 4.


NO. 30.


Office on North Front Street, one door west of Kicliar Json's Store.


?l ..V.1

One copy one year

tor any term less than ft aiotbs, 5 cents a v.ccli.

lT7c-k i,oo: i.:)o'f 2..=)0.' 3.00 ; 5..)() ; n>."«^

1 mu'th 2,J0! 4.00

6 w*k3 i 3 m'ths

ti.OOj 7.00 S.OO 10.00

12.00; i:«.0(>

12.00 10.00

S,50; 5.00

5.001 !«.00 fl tu'th* S.OO ll.OO'lfi.OOj 20.00 1 year. ,10,00'u.00.20.00' 26,00 1 4D,00 T#n lines or lei« make one siiuavc

20,00 •^"..OO


LAKE norsi:,

Watcrvillo. Lc Sueur Co., Minnesota,

J. M GRAY, Prop

Terms Reasonable— Teauistcrs ovor4.Bi;;ht One il.'ll.ii- uiul ii'tn.'irtor Ueneml ^la.l;e ofiiee ulile eliargcs.

(.Jooil stiibling, anilreason- 47v3yl

AJvcrtisemeDts not niarkcl for a spcrilieil time will bcoontinucd, and ohiir>?edfor aoeor.linjil.^'*

Yearly aivcrliscr? will bo bold strictly to ad- Vertlfemonts pertaining to their bu?iners All other notices will bo charged at the rei,'ular rate.'

Excess of advcrtisemcuti insci ted will be chaio'- el prof crtionatcly to the number of siiuare.-< bar- gained for.

Legal advertisements in.'Cftcd at the the cx-

ponse of the attorney ordering them, and not de- jyablo for lo.i^al proceediiig?, but mnst be paid pu delivery of the affid.\vit.

Notices insetted in the reading column, dou- ebl9 rates E. A. IIOXrllKlSS,

F. lit r A I'r' jTi. ••■r.

GAllDKN CITY HOTEL. Evans & Fall, Proprietors

Tills ITotisc is Now, CommoHions,

, Pk'iisimtlv LoralcJ, aiul lias hccu New

Si'.oo :'.:.,oo 1 ly l.\;n,ishca tln\>u<j:liout. The vciy

•!M!!! ' tVl ! best accoinnuKlations gum-antocJ to

travelers and boartlers.

CooaKStable Koom for Teams. n4nr.vl Gtvdcn City Minn.

«urtoiis :»!tMlley.

Harocss Shop.

The nnder>ii;ned talre.^ thii method orinforni- vr the poople^of Wini!vba._'0 Vuy an.l vunnty. h^t he has just opened a new haruc^'S shop lu

AviNXEr»A(;o crrv,

an lis now prepared to d )"all kindf of work in l>is- liui-. ^e-.v liarne^.; ni.idc to order, and ail kinds of npairiai,' douo on short noti.e. ^^n..p up .-t.iirs, next door j<,u>h of Hiehard;.'n A Kiy- noldi' 0 roccry. , r r . a - -.


■VVinnelago City, May 2:., 1S66. 32tf

Business Directory.

(J. S. Ii

Wiuiiebago City Di>trxet.


A H. nrM-l.-*. Uc?i>tfr. 11. \V. UOld-!:V, Ktcciver.

e^ OOlce hoursfrom S A.^Mtljl 4 P. M.

Wiaiiebaso City. Minn.,



a, llcc'ular Conimunications are

>^^f held'^.n the first and third Tuesday, of />r\ each Month.


H M VI)1<0\ J W A. K. AVirKUAM, T\l;r.


p i: 11 R Y,

T A 1 1. O il !

NViiiiicbago City ^Miiiuo.sota,

^I ,v bv f-nud In Fellows' New Clocli. C?- posiic^CotticH & Dcarbon s New Store.

at all times, prepared to do all work iutruitod to hlm."in the l;.te-.t New York Faclii.r.s, or to aut h:;cu>t"mer

Most kinds of country produce v.anted for w-.ik Cutting done on short police, uud warraiited It- fit if propctly made up. ^<^»



Py the lake where drooped the willow,

How, vassal-, row ; I want U> be an angel,

And jump Jim Crow.

An ubi crow sat on a hickory limb, None knew him but to praiso ;

Lot me kiss blm for his mothei, For ho eawlU of Schweitzer kaso.

The nilustrel to the wur has gone.

AVilh his banjo on bis knee} lie awoke to hear the shriek,

There's a light in the window for thee.

A frog he would a wooing go,

IIi!^ hair was curled to kill ; lie used to wear an old gray coat,

And the sword of Bunker Hill.

Oft in the stilly night.

Make way for liberty ! he cried; 1 w>n't go home till morning,

W iih Peggy by my tide.

I anidvinn-, Egypt, lying,

.':f'isannah, don't you cry ; Know how sublime a thing it is

To hru.-h away Iho blue-tailed fly.

Tlieboy stood on tu« bu'ninj, deck. With hi* b.ng£a;;o ehecked for Troy;

Ono of tho low iuui'.orUil name'. It is na'.ao wa^ Pat Malloj.

Mary bad a little lamb,

llo couM a tale unfold ; ile had no teeth to eat a hoo-cako;

As lii.-' spectacles wore gold.

Lay on, lay on, MaedutT,

Man wants but littlo here beloW, And I'm to bo (jueon of May,

So kiri mc tjuiek and go.

TliC r.oyiil l'ar.iil> of r.nslaiul— Illness ol" tlic rriiicess oi" VVali-s.



ULUE CAUTII l:eld on the

REGULAR Cjmmunications are 1 irst and Third Wednc.^d:.ys of c.eh mouth.

U F. VOLS*;. W. M.,

L. w. mtuWN, s. w.

R. \V. TFKTKU. J. W. WU. A. WAV, Trcas.

H 1' roNSTvN.-s, .«. r>.

A. F. KASTMAN, .1. l>. J 15 lUAIMMNT, T>ler. (iLO. 1!. KlN>ul-LKV, .-CO.

L 0. cf G T


P:r,ULAR meeting every Friday cvcnirg, at Moulton's Hall.

.1. v.. c^Ln^vELT., w. c. t.

O. M. POTTEU, W. U. a.


The under-i-ned still occupies the shop near the Steam Mil!, and wonld re.-pcetfully annouuee Ihit he i-- I'oTv prepart-d to i.ianutacturo hr.th

UOD ifc ^fOLDlJGAlU)

[London Correspondence {March 22.).^f the Cos- ton Journal.!

All Lonaon is stirred to its lowest uetdhs at the 8icknes3 of the rrinccps of Wales. She 13 very sick— much moro «o than the press is allowed to .Slate. There ia groat superstition about the Princess otAVales. Eniiland lias not had one since the death of ffincess Charktte, whoso c:nly death the nation bo deeply mourned. It is the faith of tlic nation that it is a fatal position, and many liavo i>redicted that

Having sc.ured tlic services of FIR.5T CLASS workmen'. I am able to ofier the best quality ol work, both .Manufaeturing und Ri-pm'"''"^' '^'^ '- - . ,, , i , i .1 •.:

bin ' Ho-o ;. Ox Shoeing. Ac. in the bo>t man- Alexandria ^vould not hold the position

ner."' Thankful for past favors, I would sohcit a continuance of the public patronage, ^tniytf J.M.WHEELER.

OFFICIALS OP FAlUnAULT COUNTY. Auditor-F.W.CADY. "rr.^r-U. 1^. ;'.1IN?-;N

Coroner- W.M. A. WAY. Com.-DL LA \ bl.OM-.

County Com. 1st Dist.-A. U. MORE.

ti 3,1 •• —JdllN K. Sl-^SON,

♦♦ •• 4th " I.^MKS CU\V.<.

I. 41 j,t}, " —JOSKl'l*. C.AOtlETT.

_ District Court of this DLstriCi mectsat 15lue Earth City on llie first Monday in June. ^


Crockery Stofe!


ALBERT S. WHITE, Troprictor.


PHYSICIAN AX Jj suuiiJ'^oy


Calls by day or night promptly attended to. Winnebago City, Aug. 15, 1?CG.

Crorkrrv, Glass-ware. Groceries, Ac, for .«alc l.y wholesale or rctaiL Country stores supplied uli reasonable terms. Rooms on iWam fctrect nearly oppodito Urudley i Rro.

Dr. J. 11 lines.

Physician & Surgeon,

Office over the Hardware Store, Main St., Win- nebago City, Minnesota.

5! B.-Office cpcn for calls at all hours of the day and night. ,


Attorney and Counsellor at Law

^l^f- \\\\\ attend to professional busincsj

hroughout thu State. Winnobago City, Minn.

P. K. WLSEll, Practical WatcL-:Make.i,


J E W E L E U , Mankato, - - - Minn.

Di':ALER IN Watches, clocks, Jev.'clry &, silver waic llepairin;i neatly executed and warranted.


Manufacturer and Dealer In


of every variety.

Ion'-, and now, it i.s feared that her sichness i.s unto death*

The rilncess has a wide-r-prcad pop- ularity. Except Cliarlotte, no one has ever been so popular. SIic is very handsomo and amiable. She has now thrto liltlo children, and eiuiilates her royal motlier-in-law in her derotion to her household, She h.as al;iO a warm heart. Her name is a house-hold word in the homes of the lowly. The insti- tution for ''Sick Children" is under her especial charge. When well, she vis- ited it constantly, and filled the house widi toys and tokens of her care and

good will.

She came to Enc^land in a time that awakened the euthusiiism of the n.ation. The (>uecn had been long in seclusion. She would nut, and will not live in the palace at London. On tho death of the Prince Consort t^he had liueking- ham Palaco dismantled, and so it re- mains to this day, all c.KCtpt the pri- vate rooms. The Queen will not drive throui'h the royal c^atcway of the pal-

WILLAllD & liAl^\E\^ Attorneys <fe Counselors at Law.


Win aucnd promptly and fuithfu.ly to all busine.sln-

mted to their care- .

Have for sale at all times, l-5«/i"aa0t'C3 ot

Winnebago Trust Lands, and other valu.ibio

Farming lands.

.A. WILLAP.D. - "^^JLl -^1—


Blue Earth City,

•ThU house having been repaired and newly fur- Ji^sheS throughout, is now open for the roe.pt.on

"X proprietor respectfully .olieii. ^V^^ \.f ♦t,r, ir-ivclin" pubic, and IS detotmuicu St noicVh'an go""a/ay dissatisii.d who may ta ,,or h^tm with ajaU. ^^,.^.^,^,5^. Proprietor.

ace, nor has she since her husband Gilt Mouldings Kept On Hand | jie,i. si.o will not ride through the WAuc-iiooMS CORNER OF HicivORY L SECOND royal cntranco to tho House of Lords, STS. MANK \T0 MINX. 2iyi ^^^^ ^^^^ j„ through tlio Pcor's eiitranco.

She will not wear the royal robes, and when she opens i'arliament in person, the rubes are throv.-n over tho back of the throne, which is a gilded chair fiurmoimted with a gilt crown, and sits on them. Sho comes to London when


The ladies say that each night the drchsing-gown and slippers aro put in their accustomed place. The Queen's confidential attendant is a Highlander by the name of IJrown. He takes all the orders from the C)uecn— and lare- logj'od messengers come from the "Queen's Apartments" at Windsor when her Majesty is to bo serveJ.— This Erown has been tl.>c occasion of a world of tiplk. He is about fifty- tall and squarc-with great assurance, and attends the ()neen to and from London, (irent attcmi-ts have been made to dislodge him, but all in vuiu The (>ueen has a will of her own.— Ihown was the Trincc Consort's Ui-h- land servant, and was held by him in all honor. While Victoria rules Eng- land, Brown will ride the royal house- hold.

Tlic attempt to compel tho Qucon to dwell in London and make a show cf Pvuyalty has about been abandoned. The coming of the FriucGSs was hailed with r.ipture— so young, so amiable, so elegant, so gracelul and courtly— wi;h- all tho daughter of a King. She met with a warm welcome, and seemed to promise a revival of the snleudors of Koy.alty. Her sickness is lamented— ho/der'th would bo greatly deplored, llelusing to play the (^leen, her Majesty has never forgot to play the woman. Her visit to lialnioral and Osboruo is a benediction to the poor. Sho will allow no unseemly iiouors.— She drives lier own pony wag-on.— Dally she goes her round with her car- riage mied with little gifts for the sick, tho'inihm, the poor. The.'^o she dis- tributes with her own hanJ. By tiie bedside of the aged and neglected, the Queen kneels and prays to the Sover- e'ign of all. To one sho daily reads, to atrothershe presents tome needed com- fort; and sho is especially tender to littlo ones who are in sorrow and want. All tlirough the highlands she is re- garded as an anj^ol of mercy.

Her favorite room at Windsor over- looks tho tomb at Frogmore, where Prince Albert lies. He was a benefac- tor of tho poor, and the work he began, Rhe secins resolved to finish. The night ho died the Queen called in a yo'img widow who was in her house- hold, to sit with her; and when all was over the Queen said: " Now no one lives that can call me Victoria."

Neglecting no dui> wliich the nation has a°ridit to ajik at lier liand, the Qneon has taken a public leave of mere display and laid aside the mere baubles of rovalty. To good acts and deeds of mercy she seems to have consecrated her time and fortune. Her benefac- tions are princely, but mainly among the poor, and to institutions caleuhted to bless poor aud neglected children. Mr Pcabody's donation in London touched tho Queen's neart, because it carried out a work to which Prince Al- bert devoted the closing hours of his llfe-thc attempt to mako comfortable the homes of the industrious toilers in tho land.

Itotti'cfiiltl ana Waterloo. Uoth«child'« greatest achievement il over-reaching distance and his fellow gpcculators was in IHlf). Ho was near (he Chateau do Hougoumont on the 18th of June, watching, as eagerly af^ the leader.^ Bonaparte and Wellington themselves, tlic progrc.v: of the batik- of Waterloo. All day long he follow- ed tho fighting with strained eyes, knowing that on its issue depended his welfare as well as Europe's. At ain^et he saw that the victoiy was with Wei lington aud the AUie?. Tl.cm without a moment's del.iy lie mount'^d a horse that had been kept in readiness for him, and hurried homewards. Every- where on his road fresh horses or car- riages were in waiting to help him over tho ground.

liiding or driving all ni-ht,hc reach- ed Cstend at daybreak, to find the sea BO stormy that the boatmen refused to trust themselves to it. At last he pre vailed upon a fisherman to make the venture for a reward of l>^). In that way he managed to reached Dover. - At Dover, and at tho iutermediatr stages on tho ioad to London, oiher lioi^es were in waiting, Mid he was in London before mianight. Ne.vt morn- ing, the morning of the 20th of June, he^was one of the Cr..t to enter the Stock Exchange. Li gloomy whi.n>erH he told those who, as usu:d, crowded round him for news, that Elucher and his Prussians bud been routed by Napo- leon before Wellington had been able


\^'hiIo we are grtnving very sensible indeed, in the matter of dres.«, f<o far as boots, balmoral skirts, warm st'ckiigs, and high necks, we arc degenerating in some other matters quite as impor- tant. The conset is not a nccesbary p;irt of a woman's wardrobe; and, al;is I when i. woman does eon.mcnco to wear corsets she will wear them tro sm.ill, and will tu^; at the lace strings until her breath becomes short, and sho feels it neces.sary to refrain from any thing like u coiiifortablc meal. Vi'c iay notliing about a well .shaped corsef, worn loosely, but there lies the dliTicul- ty. A loose cors-et injures tlie appear- ance instead of impruvirg it, and iieo- ple wear corsela that they may have small waists, but you aio cAposing yourselves to a dozen nusfortunco which are as bad as a large Waist.

Pit lit, you'll surely have dyspepsia .Mid grow yellovv, ami cross and unhap- py ; secondly, your hands v.ill grow red; thirdly, your nose; fourthly, you V, ill bo unable to walk a mile at once ; lifthly, dinner will be a Liisery ; eixtuly, your shoulder blades will iticreaso in sh'.e and latitude ; seventhly, your eyes will grow weak ; eighthly, you will break down at thirty oi thereabouts, and be a i^iL•kly old wom;vn from that time forth. If these truths do not frighten women Ifom tight corsets, [)erhaps tlie information that gentle- men do not ad:niro what dres.im:.'kers

call a 'pretty figure' so much as a uat- to reach the Ueld ; that by himself he jural one, may have some influence.


30uld not possibly suecocJ, aud, ihere- forc, tho cause of England and her allies

w'as lost.

The funds fell, as they were meant to fall. Kvovy one was anxious to sell, and Rothschild and his accredited agents scoffed at all who brought them «crip for purcdiase. Hut scoic.-^ cf un- known agents were at work all that day and^U the next. Before the Stock Exchange closed on the afternoon of the second day, when Nathan Roths- child's strong boxes were full of pa- per, ho anncmiced, on hour or so before the news came through other channels, the real issuo of the contest. Very soon the funds were higher than they had been during many previous weeks; and P.othsehild found that he had made something like a uilHicn pounds by his quick traveling and clever mis- representation. Other millions were collected, rather more slowly, by other transactions of a like nature.— A''(^^Aa/? M^ycr Kothschiia-Iij U. B. Fox Bourne.

A Western Woiuler.

A Trutli J?iran£:or than Fiction.



Opposite Clifton House, Ma^'kato, Minnesota.

Our tables aro now and aro of tho bc?t iU»l:o Good c);;:irs and buiuors at tho bar. ^^'yl






Front street, near the Lc/ce. MANKATO. -MINNESOOA.

M T. C. FLOWER, rropr.etor.

Oeneral Staee Offic-for all Points lothe State. Good General -^^^^jj^^ ^.j,^ ^i^^i^,^ osUariu lOj^


Corner of Holky A M;xin Streets. Winnebago City

D. S. LAW Proprietor-

stages leave this House for all Points. There is alao a good livery conuecte J w^jh Jhc House. ^^


LL kinds of Job Work done to ora.r u



duty calls, seldom passes a nig her capital, and has pas.sod less than a dozen in four years. She remains in quiet at Windsor or Ohb rne. She lias no company but what her oflicial position imposes on her. The state apartments at Windsor are all disman- , , ■;: V^.. ' K r A L E S ' tied and aro unused- a plain silver ser-

pony and a low wheeled carriage the Queen uses for lier private rides at Windsor, and seldom, unless duty calls her to London, goes beyond the private park of tho Castle. The ono hundred fine horses that fill the Windsor mews aro seldom used, and tho eight creams for state occasions aro not driven twice





Dealers in



j:ir-rartieular attention paid to Music Orders

A new

a Y*^^""'

The room in which the Prince Con- lot of Wdrrcmhj Dcf<U just ^^^.^ breaUicd his last is kept with ecru-

'^^'1 nulous care just as the Princo left it.

What lady is good to eat ? Sal Ladd.

What lady is good to eat with her? Olive Oil.

What lady is fond of debate ? Tolly Tishun.

What lady paints portraits? ^Minny


What lady is foud of giving? Jni-

nie Rosity.

What lady is much talked of? Amc-

lia Ration. .

What lady paints comic portraits .

Carrie K. Tare.

What lady is made to carry bur- idons? EUaFant.

What lady preaches in the pulpit?— Minnie Stir.

W^'hut lady docs everybody desire ? AnnU. Ity.

What lady is acquainted with sur- gery ? Ann Atomy.

What lady lived in Noah's time ?— Aunty Diluvian.

Hancring in Moutana is styled 'climb- ing the" pino limb; aud iu Nevada,

Tho greatest wonder iu the State o. Iowa, and pcrliaps any other State, is what they call the 'Walled Lake,' in Wright County, twelve miles north ol the Dubuque aud Pacific railway, and rbout 150 miles west cf Dubu(iuc city. Tho lake is from two to three feet high- er th.an the earth's suriaco.. In most places the wall is ten feet high, width at the bottom 15 feet, and at tiie top 5. Another fact is the size of tho stone in construction; the whole varying in weight from three tons down to one hundred pounds. There is an abund- ance of stone iu Wright county; but surrounding tho l.'.kc_to the extent of five or ten miles there are none.

No one can form an idea as to the means employed to bring them to the

An IiKlianapolia letter-writer says: VvHiile passing through tho L'^niou Depot a few days ago, I was accosted by a one armed man in faded army blue. His apparent familiarity eurprieed me at first, but I soon recognized him a3 an old acquaintance. This is not tho place for a biography, but the history of this man is suf^.iciently exceptional and iuteresting to deserve at leait a passing notice.

Fourteen years ago I first saw him working at a windlass in tho gold dig- gings of Australia. He and his three l)artncrs lioisted by that windlass, from a single shaft, moro than eight hun- dred thousand dollars. A few months Liter I bade him farewell as he sailed from Melbourne for New ITork with two hundred thousand in bills of exchange in his pocket. I next saw him a wound- ed rebel soldier lying on tho battlefield at Antietam. A little moro than a year later I saw him as a Union sol- dier, lymg in a hospital in Tennessee. To-dsy he is a lielpless wanderer, de- pendent on charity for a dinner.

Here is the latest pen-and-ink pot- iruit of M. do Lamartine : ''That old man you see sitting in an arm chair, sad and silent, is he. So recently as ton years since, when he walked about the streets of Paris straigh.t, thin and buovant, be looked, with his ihreadb.uo clothes, like a nobleiilan on whom for- tune had not smik^d, and who shielded himself by cstremo cleanliness from the results of poverty. Now age has marked him distinctly ; every feature, every sinuosity of liis epidermis bears a'^'c's claws. If the head retains the Grecian sraallncss which was once ad- mired, it is no longer ia harmonious proportion with the faco. The cheek

«nnt or who constructed it. Around bones and itiws haye increased; tho

the entire lake is a belt of w^oodland half a milo in width, composed of oak ; with this exception, the country is a rolling prairie. The trees, therefore, must have been placed there at the time of building the wall.

In the spring cf 1H55 there was a great storm and the ice on the lake broke the wall in several places, and the farmers in the vicinity were obliged to repair the damages to prevent inun- dation. The lake occupies a ground

eyes have lost their luster, and that eloquent mouth, which calmed storms, and pacified an^ry mobs, has lost some of its teeth, and undergone age's de- forraitv. He speaks with bo much difiiculty ho commonly keeps silent"

Among the guests at a crowded hotel iu a neighboring country town, during court times, was a burly, noi.sy, rude follow named Z. The dinner bell rang, and tlie guests rushed in to the table with the haste common to such j times and places, leaving Z. cheericss.

faco of 2,S00 acres, depth of water Lj^j crowded out of a place at the ta

ur-mted and for sale at thjs oihcc.

•early nbin|.

to ascertain where the water comes j.^g„e,j^ ^nd calling them all a 'drovo from and where it cjoes, yet it always of hungry hogs;' whereat a quick wit- remains clear and f^-esh. ted young lawyer ro.e and rhymed htm ^^'^^ down as follows :

Ho to the ant thou sluggard ; consider ..ju jroves ofhn-g, my friend, you'll RlwarsCnd '^•^'■^ , . °° I Tlie biu'i;cst hog •jfitUthcdroTe behind."

her ways and be wi^c.




W ,11





\ I















t <



_rf> .k-



1*UK8C0TT, May 20, ISG7.

Mil. Ei>iToii, l>car Sir :- It lius not been from tbrgetfiiliiess, nor I'jv want ol inclination that I liavo not commu- nicated to the Fuse IIomkstead for the p:ist few weeks; but every clay bus brou-ht with it now and viuious ^ ^^^ities t.) cnga-e my time an I atten

^^ , .lion. 1 ii;ivo tnea to nersuadc stjvcral

moiid. new^i<;n>.T conesrondonts assort, I ,.,.«, ,i..,.,^ ,^f «i •. . .i . .i i i i .. ' ' \ ' '♦^'^t'lLMits ot this town lliat they shuoUl,

MAY 22, iser.

Judae liulerwaod was fully dctermin od ilat be w*4uld not b.'ul JciY. Dav's,

and ou-bt in duty to themsolvcs and tauiilios sulisonbo btr and hel[> support

und as late at* the evoniu- before tbe j Uu«ir county paper. I ubt.ined tbo release be lutlmaled very Htvoui^ly that ^ proujise from at b-ast eight. How lie shoukl have condortable apartments well the promise is fuUiiler vour list li.t.d up in Lbl.y Prison for Mr Havis" of„^,,y s.bscribers will tvl!. 'a viitu

occupation. After an hours talk, with _,,^ „„ i ,,. i ,i i i

^ j oils ami au eniii^htened people can

<!rc'«.U'V bis mind was cluuiireJ. With ' „« .r i. . .... -i -.- > i m .. -i

•^ nc.t.1 bk» ensi.rveil. Jlanuers easily

The lollowin^:; from the I'uisbmi^'h Gazette, is a sk-jtch of a business house in tb»t city, illust ratine- our views relative to tbe benefits of adver- tising exactly. There is no <pie.slion whatever about Ihjs matter of beiuii benefitej by a liberal yet judicious use of printer's ink ;

In a brief interview with (uic of our most liberal patrons, a few d.>y.s since, we imjuired his experience uf the poli cy of advertisini;. We regard bis an- swer as nok'wordjy, and commend it to the consideration of others. 11 siiiil

Fort Ilid^ley is to be abandoned us a military post.

Mr. John Stoker, near Oakland Mills, Nicholas county, Ky., has a three year old virgin Ijeifjj^- that is giving two gal- lons of milk per day. Ilio calf was raised in the yard, and was braught up to milk by being continually fondled by the cliildren,at first giving but a small <piantity, which gradually increased till she now gires three gallons per day.

Harvard University has taken h s^.cp

IS engaged has been carried on at the same stan«l for ten years by one, aii'l neirly ten years by an Jthci predcce.ssdr. Tiiat ihe.-e two men gave dilligeut at- tention to their busiiies«i. 'ib-jy weri'

the result we have seen. Wha'ever au 1 rapidly mature into morals, and il J"^^ ^i^'lc- to eko out a living. That he can U said of the greater part ot Crce- 1 ,,^ ,^.^^,^,^i ,,^^^^ ^^ ,,^^^,.^^, ^,„„„,,„,it^^ ,,^ ^^^'^^^ '"'t tlu) concern ten years ago.

k'\ .■> career, bis rei Old regarding soces 1.1 .., i , , t -.i i

/ . o ci 1 sIjouM supply ourselves with good

>ion has been entirelv consistent, lie;,. . k. , » , •, i, i ?

u-aamg. As liiiluhood ailvances to

commenced hy advocating the right of | „^^^„,^^,„., j,,^. transition from bad man- seces.^ion bvf.ae the war was m.augu I „^ ,.^ ^^, ^^^^j ,j^,^,..^,^ j^ .,,„„.^, inipercep- ri edyand after it is ov.r he takes a j ^j,,,,.^ ^:,^,,^^ ,,,^. prevalent state of the leaning part in screeiimg from ad hope ^ j„i„,| ^^.^i,,^,, proceed, as wattr rises i.rpu.ii.hment the chief criminal whom ,ro,n a fountain. Heiue, what now is

^^^^^ "^''^ '^""'""•"^ a word or a phase, bocom.>s a tliou-ht,

Ciy^'It ij,.>uiua that the iebelcro.\d, find is embedsbed by the imagination in wailing daring ibe -ceremonv" of --i^ b.lb'nud into a vicious (k-iio, gains Jor I avis' re.e;r»e, broke forlli' into ^ '-^'"l-^^J' =«''l boldness bv being always

The Supreme Court has denied the

motion nf the Mis.sissippi pelitiuner<,

, ,.,•.. 1 ' 1 . .. . I welconi", until at last under some ur- ! nuil ilisnd?.>ed the petition for an iu-

t\\o successive and c mciirrent cheers ' !. . ' .

,1 , . . 1 . .„ 1 -1 I ueitt leiiiittalioii il dares, l".>r onee, to 'junction. It has also decided that

on the mock uiaitj>r s release oa ban, ; ^ >■ ' ' i

[lut Ml the visible form oi action. It j treasury notes are a legal tender for is wlien veuturetl upon again ami again, the p.»yment of debts.

2ii^^ ^V serious riot occured last

»3 folio AS

••Hurrah for .l«rt. I»avi.- ; ll'air.ill i'"V llor;i.\- iJluoI-V."

the sa.ne kind of husin^-ss in which he!'" ^^"^ '"'f''^ direction. Instead ot a

four year's course in JjaVm and (Ireek, when the student emerges froyi the verdancy of a fry-,lrman to llie astute- ness of a sophomore, ho is no longer comjtclled to grub up dreek roots and ccmstiue blind Latin sentences, but is allowed to forsake them foi' the live languages and sciences.

JNlrs, Gen. CJaiiir-s, the persevering and successful litigant, is having built what will be the bandsomc.it residence in New York, Its location is near the Central Park. Its area is 114 by 100 feet. Sp'acious balls, grand staircase?, reception room, drasviug room, parlor, boudoir, library, dining rooni,chambers, dressing room, picture gallery, theatre, ball room, billiard room, bath rooms, kitchens, wine cellar, and everything else are complete in modern variety and luxurious aj iiointment.

aiiu heg.an debtcr for tin; \vb.)le »'Stab lislinieiit. He f,;ll poor, and only ex- pended fifty dollars per annum in each 'd* ihe business papers tiie lirstyear; that subse([uen»ly lie increased his ex penees to several thousand dcdlars an- nually for adverti.sing, and the result has demo^istrated its marvelous utility, as he is lo-«lay worth !;? 170,000, and ids niniual pioiita are couistantly in- crea.sin^f.




t am now receiving lh»

Largest and Most Com})lete

more I'lV'fieirJy aa I less v/ari'.y, until We have heard each before, hut n.-t ,-1.^,^.1,;^;^,,, forges the ehiin .>f hibit ; and both together. For eonvenience's .sake ' ^|,^.,j ,,,.ot-mo languag', imagin ition, we weu'.d lecommend a fornnlu in a.-. j^.,:j.^/.^.,j j,.^^-,t^ lij;„j Hj^.^j. ^.t^.^.^, i„ cordance with tb.e latter iiHlividu-al's j|^^. j,,.-,^,,, ,,^^j^^, vl iy\i\. In this way usage, which would po.ssess the advant- !^ ^r,,, ^^ ,,,,,, ,.,,, u,, ^ever- '■ ^^^^^''"''^ j*" ^ '" ^'''\ «^ ^''^, /'^'^^'^ '^^

age of being at one. corcise and eu- : „.,, ,;,, ^-.^^ ,,,,,,1 ,.,i J,,|,, ,,a , j ^^ »- '^^^^^ "P tl'^ speaking. ],hunious, and in which ih.re wuuld not , ^i,-,i,i ^^.j^^ |,^,j, i,^,^,,^ allowed to follow, '^~

week at Mobile, during Jud'^e Kellv's

speech. Three rrren are known to have

Ibten kiMel. The riot trrew out of an

only be rhyme but reason

-HiirraL tor J. D., llurrdh lor H. ti.'


and m<M'k and hoot at au intemperate

man in the slr.>ets is fur more likely 'i''''- il'^"llliter of Henry W. Shaw

to become intemperate himself, than it | ( J<jsh. iJiilings.) was married recently,

r-^"The "nmts has au ariiele on ; j,^ j^.j.^ ^,^.,j accustonxed to regard him | bi Poughkeepgie, to a Peruvian.

Jeff. Davis' release umler the title ot ,.!th lot v -is -i t'lllen bfixljcr ap I with m"! i 1 .1

A\un [Miv .IS .1 i.iiit-M oi.^inei, .0. I \>iLo ^^^^ steam ram Dandeiburg, tbe

sacred abhore.jce, as one sell brutitied 1 ^j^gf p,^^^.^.,.|-,ji ^.^y^\^^^. ^f naval war-



rntlKSoutli Wc.<t (iiurtor l?.cu<ni of Town ± 111.!, Itiei-o li7, in I'rcv-c-uU Town.-liii,, aiiu 2 luil'S lioiii Wiiiiitl.a;:(. Tity, l-'ariltjiult County, i> ollV-TfJ lor sal«, tiicuii tor ca.sh, or on tlurt tiiMi".

Tills is nn ok-'ant Quarter Section of m.ij'low ni:«l il^v rollinj; i.r.iirio. l-'^r lerta.s, upi-ly at Of- liio of llo.MKsi t.^ii. or to flio 8ul).-iTil>(.T. at Miui- kiUo. u. It. CLLVEL.VND.

Miiy 10, 1SC7. ii;!OwG

U. S. Land Office.

■\Vinneliii';o City, Minn., May 13, ISC". l^oSiimutl 11 Fri.-bio :

William Kin<;.sh;y lias thi.< Jay ajiplij 1 fior the .south i north wust i iiection 2«) and ea.st V north east i section 27 townshiii lli;! nortli, ranj^c 2*)

, west; it hiin;,' ihc'lamJ you tiled on. You are here-

by notified to be and upjiear at this otliceon .S.itur- [ have .»penca'*u lirst elass Livcrv .Stable in Winne''- <iay the !.■> day of .June, lSti7 at I o'clock p m, tor l,a;;o City, where ;,'Ooa ••establishments" can be llie piirpotfo otgiviuK the whole matter a fair and had at ail tiiMts, d,tv or ni^'h*. Pa sscn filers ar-

etuek of



ll^is^ Caps, c^c.

Ever IJrouglit to tlie ]\Iiii!iesota Valley,

an.'l have commciicci .

WAR ox HIGH rrjcES,

of which fact all my old euptomsrs and tho pab- Ik g'eueiilly

Will be satisfied by ctillin;!; and E.^rara-

iuiiii^ my (xoods, and hearing

my I- rices.

ever bearing in rmnd my motto of

Sellin- ?kIORH (loods for ONE


II0U6C in the \'alley.

Isaac Marks.

Mankato, Minn., Nov. 2G, 18(jG ly

Livery Stai>le !


After oar»>ful investigation by competent judges It has been luUy and fairly decided tbat the U«» place to purchase




and ia feict any kind of Oood.^, is at tbe Store oj

K. JH. Wilson,

Xext door to RlCHARDFOX?,

where more Goods can br) h«d for owe dollar thaa any other


in Faribault County.


v4n21tf pr N. W. Sakgext/

April 5th, 1867.


WANTED— AGENTS— SCHOOL TEACIt EIJ.S, CLEUGVMEN, to take orders for our new woik,


Editcd By


Author of "Life of Lincoln," «'Timothy Tit- comb's Lcttets," "Littersweet," etc.

Agents silready in the field are taking from fifty to one hundred orders per week. Xo other book now pviblishc'l sells so rapidly. Largest commissiou given to Agents. For terms and territory al*ply to GHARLES BILL, Chicago, 111. v4nlS

-.- , , ', ,1,. 1 .' 1 -1 .- i I think as the (xraiui Jurv are already .,.,,..„,..♦, r ..,., .^.

:Nubody should hud iauk \Yilh a poetic i , ,.,• , ^,./ p-iyment of wnges.

justice '.vhioh ends an extravaganza in \ the same stvle in which it was boirun.

buiuinoned to meet at IJlue ICarth City iu a few 'livs, they ha«l bjtter return the wool and subscribe fur the FiitE !

Would rcsperlf illy inform the p.iblic thtf tliej'

impartial invcsii{;atiou.

A. ir. 1:11. 1, l.« H.^'isttT, 11. W. U0»,LE7, Kciclver.

U. 8. Land OiHce.

^37° The Jctl". l):ivis 'furce' being , 1Io>ilsteal>. Ue.Ni)ecttuIly V.niis, *euded,' it is clearly entitled to a title. Fortunately it has been too character- istic, lias preserved the unities too

Tbe statement of the .'^ecretarv of


fa.thtuUy from beginning t<. end to ^1,, Xrexsurv, nt.ade on the 1st ot May justify us iu naming it 'No Name.' Il ^^^^^^. ^j^^^^ [.^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^^^^

a title i.to be borrowed, we suggest .^^d unfunded debt of the L'nited Stato.^^ ODC approptute both to tho eircum. ; ,^^^^ j^^^.^.^.^^^^^ ,^^^^^^ ^.^.^^ ^,^j,.j^^,^^ ^^^^^._

ing the month ef April ; but deduct-

Btances under whicli the moc-k hero was apj-rebeuded ar.d discharged : Tlie ret of the I'tttlcoats.

Ihe la'ly who Claims tobetbc WiJo\V -». . .,. „. ,, , ,,_

•' , I TTinnebago tity, Mmn, May 17th, lSo7.

Ot Dr. Kane, lormerly Miss lo.\, of i To .John M oi.is:

iil>-.^.l./^ 4 ... T.'.. I.: 1' 1 V 4 I - Edwin M Foster has this dav anblied for th«

Koche^ter Kuockmgs lame, is about j „„,ii, ,.^,„ ,;, .^^ .<ee:L'to.n.<hip liu north, n..ge:].)

west: il beir'.g the land you tiled on. You are

licreby notified to bo and .'i!i)i'.<(r f»t this olTiee oi%

AVitliani Lloyd Garri.son, who has Tuesday the tSth day of .Innc loO? at l j. m for

llie piirposoof giviii;; the whole mutter u fair and iiii[i;irtial invcslig.itioji.

A. H. IU l.l.iS. U.L'i>t.r, H. W. l>(iLhKV,R.-c-:Tcr.

JINNEISHE.-QUA. ^^ aj.pear again as a medium. TlJC :»;.bnc Debt.


^^"The following tdegrar. was received by Judge Underwood in the court room, a short time bet'oro be ad- juitted JclT. Davis to bail :

"Washington, May V>, "To Judge Underwood :

"IJeware of Greclev, Ilcmendjer

iug the cash in tbe Treasury, there is a decease of $2,041, '.>7 I in iho total a;_'gi\g:i;e We c.iii har<ily look for as rapid dimiautiou vt' the public debt to take place wilhiu the present fiscal

ju.>t, st'iled tur Murope, was presented bi.fore his departure with §30,000 by his frieiuls a*. Boston, as a testimoniijl to his services in the unti slavery cause.

The Lorillard tobacco factory in New York is the largest in the world. It j'tiys more than !?l,U00,Oi.'U per year

U. S. Land Office.

Winneba;io City, Minn, May 13, ISO/. T.) Francis M Weld:

Ed".>ard J Dowling has thii: dri^- aiijdi'-d fur the .^■.lutli wpat <iii:«rler ^-ction L*. tovvn-ihip l'>! north, range u2 wmr. : it beiii:r the land y..u fiici

riving by .efago ciiriied to any |ioint desired Stable aud Office just back of lh« New Babtist

Chur( il.

Winnebago Gi'.y, Jan. 10, ISC7.


m. C. J. rAllLEY,

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May 8th, 1867. To William Ireland:

Ivnud I'cderson has this day applied for the II e ijr see, It township 1(11 north, range 26 west, it beine tlje hind 3'ou tiled on. You are hereby notifieil to be and ;»i'pear at tnis office on Satur- day tlie Sth day of Jmie, i^67, at t o'clock p, m, for the purjiose of jiiving the whole matter a fitir and ia*partial investigation

A H 15ullis, ilcgister M W Ilollcy, Receiver

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May 8tb, 1S67. To .Tobn ILiley :

Peter Lar^on has this day rpplied for tho s e firsee 11 township 101 north range 26 west ; it being the land you tiled on. You are hereby notified to be and a]>ne.ir at this office on S<«turday the Sih day of Juno, iS67, at I p m, for the pur- po.se of giving the whole matter » fair and im- partial i2rvejligution,

A. H. UVir.IS, Resistor. 11. W.H01.LKV, Rt'.civer.


Patent ^Ft'diclnesi, Paiut^^, Oils,

J . ... \ , on. \on ;,ro hereby uoti!iedto..o und upi.ear jnu^l Dve-StullSi, KerOSClie Oil,;

in taxes to tho (lOVernmeut, and SJiCntis ; al this othee on Knday the 14ih day of June, '' ^ ^ 'i

vi 001) n.rM.m.ti. f.^r .uMroiM.r i-.i.,.'- j I Hw, at It oviock .V .«. f.r t.ie purpohc of giving Lamiis, PerfuniLTv and Taney

•Nlj'Jt'U per moUtU lor plintUig iaOCiS. the whole matter a fair and impartial iuvcsli- -^ ' ^ ^

Tho distance from Xcw York, by rail, to Salt Luke, is o,12'.> miles, of


.«., II. IM t.ldS. IteKister, 11. »\. lIUbLKY, Kcocivcr.

year as in tho h).-t, for several ruasons. which l,"^^! miles have been completed Iu the Hist place, owing to stagnation and are in successful operation, leaviug


in business and a fulling olTin imports,

there will be a consitlerable decrease

Libby Prison. Ander.sonville and lielle ; j^^ ^.^.-^^.^ jvceipls. In tho item of Islau'i. rttv milli«'ns :ue luoking on | . ^ ,. , ,

and expect y-u to do your duty, while j i'evenue fiotn in..,mes, waich last year three buudrJd th u^au I patiiots' gravtS : amounted to a very largo sum, it is es-

t;m:itcd tlii-t there will bo a diminutiou of nearly li:ty per cent. iVuliaps this

crv aloud for reveirj''


VoUlt UlllKM*."

State Loan. -The Htatc Treasurer lJo'>ir^' i^ ^^'J birge, lut it 1% well known has advertised, in pursuance of law, ' ^-^'-^^ "^•'^"V <'^' '^^»'' I'^avicst merchants, lor a loan of >; 100,000, tbe proceeds to who returned incomes last year of bun- be applied to defraying the building ; dreds ot thousmds of dollar.s, will this •expense., cf certain State iu.^titutions. ' y^':i»' be unable to return any tiling but The bonds will be issued in sums ,d"'| "'^'"i"'il i"^^'"^''') ^"^'^'J'^ «<>»'C will feel one thousand dollars eadi, and n\ ill ' theiii.<elves fortunate if their halance- iear 7 i»er cent, inlerest-the liighcsl ■^beets do nut show con.siderable losses, proposals above pur to be accepted by i '^'be same is true of the mercliants of the Siate. other cities and the country at large.

Another stMirce of revenue which the

r*:^* A case has just coinc to light . Government has hitheito been able to where an othcer, cashiered for treach- j ivaU it.s-elf of will presently le l(j.st— cry and cowardice, and sentence ap- j "••inudy, the proceeds ot auctu.ui sales proved from the commanding general | of vessels, scrap-iron, stores, and non- np to 1're.jident Lincoln, and not yet I J^'sciipt pr-j.erfy remaining on hand set a.-.ide, is now a c.-nadential aiient ! •^^'^^'^' l''<' ^^ar closed. These have now in Olio of tbu departiueitts ut, Wash- j "-■'•'y :i'' ^>^-^'" ^H''>^^^ ''^' ^t "ced

1 U'li be dotibted, liowever, that tho (iov-

ernnicnt will find means to provide I'ub


^-^The l'ic8i<]cnt is exceedingly jubilant over the release of Jeff. Davis, and will eudeavor to hold the Ilepub-

ly in the future for its current expenses and payments of interest. Several scbcmes liuvc already been devised to

licans responsible for his non-trial, he I ^^^^^^^ ^^^^, po.ssiblo contingent- y, some claiming that, as a i).rty, they art^ re j ^^^^ ^j. „.|,i^.i,^ y,. .,t least one equally .sponsible lof Greeley's and Cerrit Smith's couduct.

suittille, is likely to be adopted when

rc<juired. Thus far the debt has been

f --^The first name signed to the liq'iiJnted with a raphlity beyond pro-

baif l^nd after that of Jefierson Davis, cedent in the history of national finance.

IK IJoraco Greeley ; then ScIk-'H, of New York, and A. Jackinan, of I'hiladel- phia. A little lower down is the name of John Minor liotts, of Virginia.

Z'-^f^ Mr. Greeley looked quite as

Harper''^ ^Welhj.

Advices from lierlin bring intelU- ganco of the death of the Hon. Joseph A. Wright, Uuitcd States Minister to Trussii. Mr. Wright, a native of Pennsylvauia, v/as at the timo of his

Inppy an any of the late Confederates i ^ ^•""^^^'^^^"'='' ^' "^ ^^ ^"" "'"" "^ '"" when tho court announced tli.t it would | ^^^^^^'^ al^uts^xty-two years of age.

accept bad, and tho greetin;j; he gave It is said that Greece huy.s seven mon Mr i)avis was very uordial. itora of the I'liiled i:'alce.

butl,2o2 miles to be built.

General L IL IZosseau has been ■jrdcrcd to Portland, Orei/on, where lie will a"<stimo command ot a new depart ment to be created out of Oregon, Washincrton and Yankee iCussia.

.V newspaper correspondent says that Chicago employs J,000 trade drummeis, IJoston .'5,000 and Xew York 0,001 >. Other cities are suj)poscd to make up a round -0,000. Ihirty years ago the system was unknowu.

To be a poor stranger with a sick wife and three childien in America, Partoii says, is to be in purgatory that is provided Vv ith a practicable door into paradise. Ihit to Le such a person in Loudon, is to bo in a bell without visi- ble ouUtt.

A Doinocr.atic paper forcibly illus- trates the change which has recently (jome over tlio Democratic party as ful- lows : "lie.'ore the war the d d nig ger wa.s,a slave ; after the war the ig- norant nigger was free; at the present timo our intelligent colored fellow-citi- zen is a voter.

During the masquerade ball at the AlVaires Kntrangeres, at Paris, where the Emperor and h^mi)ress were lud den among the maskers by closely fit ting doiniijocs, which, as soon as dis covered, wcro changed, great amuse ment was allorded bv a young English girl, who on passing hefore the Ewpe- ror, was heard to say to her partner: " Thai gentleimm has changed his dom ino three times, for I have watched I asked his name and they tell me it i> the Conite do Ham. Is he so i;rcat Ji man that he must not be recognized V His 3Iajesty lauglied outright, and wlicii the young lady passed back again, bowed lorn, tj her great aiuaze meet and cenfu.-.iou.

U. S. Land Of^ce.

"\Viiin«;bMgo City, Minn., May 9ih, 1867. To Siiai! Town :

Elij;sh IJeldin lias this day apjilied tor tlie north ea^t ijuartersection IS towiifihiji 101 north, ran^e liti we.<t : it being the land you liled on. i ■111 are hereby notiiicd to he ami appear at tliis othee on ."^.iturday the sdi day of .lune, 1S07, at 12 o'elock II, for the purjio-e of giving the whole matter a fair and in)i):irtial investi«:ation.

.\. If. lUM.IS. Ui-.-i.-tor, II. W. lIOLLtV, Uecelver.


l\ S. Laud Office.

Winni bago City, :,!inn., May 2d, ISC". To James .Mooney :

John ftiiUivau ha."* i\\U day applied for the north west <|uarter of ?eetion 24, townthip HI2 north, range 2'.» we.st ; Mt being thj land you filed oil. You are hereby notified to bo and ajijiear at lhi.<< ofiiee on Monday, tho ;;d day of June, 1S(>7, at! <i'eloek )> in, for the iiurpoi^c of giving the whol'j matter a fair and imivirtial investigation.

A. n. nn.i.is. K.-nist<T,

ir. W. IIOLLEV, Kcceivcr.

L". S. Land OfHce.

"Winnebago City, Minn, May Ith, 1S07. To Jeremiah Cournev ;

Kugeno Snllivan lias \h\* day applic'l f'T the north west quiirter .section 12, town.-hiii 102 north range 'I'J wt^st ; it being the hind you filed on. You are hereby notiiied to i)e and appear at this 'olfiee on Saturday the sth day of June, ls'i7, at 12 <i'eb'ilv M, fir tho piirp(<se of giving the whole matter u fair aud impartial investijration.

A. II. lill.l.l.-:. Kfjiister, 11. W. 110LIJ;V, Keecixer.

U. 8. Land (Jilice.

Winnebago City, 3Iiuu, May, 7, 1S07. I',) Charles .S hiiubal':

Willi.1 li I'errin has this day applied for tho south we.-t ((uarter of fettion two, town.sliip one hundred and four north, range twenty-nine wes'. : it lieing theland you liled on. You are hereby notiiied tolte and appear at thi.'< olhee on Saturday Ibe Sth ilay of June, lst'i7. at 1 o'eloek p in, for the imrjioso o! giving she whole matter a fair and impartial investigation.

A. If. IM'I.LIS, Uegisttr.

1!. \V. UOLIiKY, lUoeiviT.

Pure Liquors.

ToiiAcco and C re ails,

Scliool Books aud !Stationer}\

Blank Books. Diarie.s, Memo- randa Books, Letter, Cap, and

Note Papers, Pens, Pencils, Su- uiis olliee on .-Saturday the 20th day of June, 1S67,

at I o'el.ek p ui, for the purpojc of giving the whole matter a lair and impartial investigation. A. 1I.15ULLIS, Register. U. W. UOLLEY, Keceivcr.

r.'.y. /,.<«(/ Ofur.

Winnebago City, Minn., May 6tl , 1S67. io Liudsey White:

Ole Oieson l-b-e has this day applied for the north east quarter of scerion 22, township 101 north, range 25 west: it being the land \ou filel on. You arc hereby notified to ajipear at this < ILSi on Saturday' the Sth day of Jur>€, 16(57. at 1 p. in, for the purpose of giving the whole matter a fair aud isiphrtial Inxe-tiiraiion.

A. II. UULLIS, Rffcisfer, It. W. UOLLKY, lUceirer.

L^. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., April 22, 1667. To Patrick J lirady :

John P. Uird has this day applied for the north westcjuarter Feetion 24. t<>wnship 102 north range ^il west ; it bei.ng the land 30U filed on. You arc hereby notiiied to be and appear at th's otliee on Saturday, the25th day of May, 1S67, at 1 J), in. for the j'urpose of giving the whjlc mat ter a fair atnl impartial investitraiion.

A. II. BILMS. Rppistcr, II. W. lie-LLEY, Receiver.

r. S. Land Officf.

Winnebago City, Minn, April 25, 1867". To Ha Iger Eli.is :

John F Danills has this dTiy applied for thd south ta.st quarter of section 21, township 102 north, rang'i 31 west; it being tho land you filed on. You arc hereby notiCed to be and appear at

perior Lik, and other articles kept Ly Druggists Generally.

Winnebago City,






To the Site r [If or at>tj Vonstahle of said Connty :

\n the name of the State of Minnesota, yon iro hereby eommanded te attai h tho (}ood.s and Chattels, Moneys, Klieeis and Credits (d' Vv u.'t- wood Toliver, or so niueh thereof as sliall be .*uf- fieeiil to satisty the sum of forty-tight dollars iiid forty cent:', with interest and costs of suit, in who.'<e3oevcr hands or possession tho same may l)e found, in your County, and >io provide that the ;i.!ods and Chattels so attached may befulijei.t lo lurther proceedings thereon, as the law reijuires; md also to suinnum the said ^\'cttwood Toliver f to bo found, to be and appear at uiv oRico in aid county, on the 12th d.iy of June, A. D. 1SG7, it one o'clock afternoon, to answer t;< David S, I. aw, in a civil action, to his damage one huu- iroildollars or under.

(liven uadcf my hand, thii Oth day of May, A. i). IS67. n. li. SPICKKltMAN,

jijbrfl Juctii-c ot tbu I'eacu.


Bourbon Hitters

A Jlidlthif T(»t')i\ Gtuile ISthiiiihnt,

(Old Lnciinahd Mornuaj ^t/>pttiztr.

Prepared in Ripo


Free from (Jrain Oil, With Flowers,

Ends and P>arks of the Highest

iMedical Virtue.

By increasing tbo api»ctite, JUs-ijtin* digestion, regulating the bowtls^ and giving tone to the .-ys teiii. they impart str'Ugih and vigor to the body, and cheert'iiliiess to the mind.

;^'»!t* If your ilin'rirists or tradesman has not got TllESi: UITTKRS. have him .«end for them

^^S^i., Remember the name, and take no other.

Fcr sale by druggists and Urocers everywhere C. n. SWAIN. Proprietor.

o\ south Wates St., Chicago.

At Wholesale in St. Paul, bv



U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., April 25, 1867.

To Layfayctle W Snow :

Horace A Fauncu has this day applied for tho e i II w (jf of n w qr n w (jr and lot tio 1 secti<jn 8, township 101 north, range 2S west , it being the land you filed on. Y'ou are hereby notified to be and ajiper.r at this ofiieo on Monday tho loth day of June, 1S07, at 12 o'elock m, for tho puriioseof giving tho whole matter a fair and impartial investigation.

A. IT. BULLI?. Register, H. W. UOLLEY, Receiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, April 25, 1867. To Daniel W Squire :

Christian Johnson has this day applied for the south west (juarter ."ecti.m 22, township 101 north, range 28 west: it being the land you filed on. You are hereby notified to be and appear at thisoCi-e on Monday the 27 day of May, IS«)7, at 12 o'elock ni, for thepurpose of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial invesftiga4:ioD. A. II. liCLLlS, Register, II, W. IIOLLLY, Receiver.

iu:xz & CO.

Know Thy Destiny.

Madawie K. K, T!>ornlon, the {rrcrt English Astrolo- gist, ("lairvo.vai.t and l's.vclioin»'t. ician, wlio liaa .Hs- tonislu'dtlie scientitic classes oftlie Old World, tias now located lnMSelf at Hudson, N. Y. M.idarie TJiornton possi siS sucli wonderfi.l powers of second s)};lit, J..S to eiial)le her to impart kr.owlcilpe of the !,'I■eaU■^:f iin|,or- laueeto tin- single or mairieil of either sex. Wliih- in a state of trance, slie ih-lineates the very features of tlie person j'ou are to marry, ami by tlie aiil of an instru- ment of intense power, known as t'le Psyehomotroiie, puarantees to produce a life-liko picture of the future hust)an(l or wife ofthe aiiiilicuiil, toi,'efh«'r with date of ni.trri.:!;e, position in life, lea'linfr traits of character, &c. Tliis is no huiuliug, as ttiou.sands of testimonials can assert, hhe will send, when desired, a certified eertiticate, or written ^ruarantce, thattlie picture is what it purports to '>e. Hy eiiclosin(;a small lock uf hair, and statin},' place of Idrth, a^'c, disposition and complexion, and enclosiii;; TjO cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired in- foruiationliy return mail. All conniiunicalions sacred- ly contideiitial. Address, in coiilidence, MAPA.ME E. Y. TIIOUMON, i*. 0. Bo:; J-'o, UuU,on N. Y.


U, S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., Ajjfil 22, 1867. To William M. Knight;

Forsten Larson has this day applied for tho south east quarter of section 22 township 103 north, range 25 west ,• it being tho land you filed on, Y'oa are heroby notified to be and appear at this office on Saturdav, the 25 day of May, lStJ7, at ten o'clock A. M., fortho purpose of giv- ing the whole matter a fair and impartial inves- tigation.

A.II. BULLIS Register, II. W. HOLLEY^, Receiver,

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., May 7th, 1S67,. To Cornelius C. Car^ :

Ira M. Hiker has this day applied for the swineJ&wisei&seJseiseclO, township 101 north, range 2J west; iw being tbe laud you filed on. You are hereby notified to be and appear at this office on Friday, the 7th day of June. 1867, at 1 o'clock p m, for the puipoko of giving the whole matter a fair ^nd impartiai investigation,

A. II. BULLI.«. ReifWc, il, W. 11 JLLEY UwCtivcP.




















ViNNEiiAdo City, May 22, 1S67,

Pl^M.— r>. 11. Morup, of Vorona, offers for _ snlo !i tiiio lot of rli.'stcr Whito ;iu«i .Suffolk Pi;;*, ou rciisonal>lo terms. ii30w4

Supitose a canal brat heads west,

'divine SERVICE3. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ f^j.^i^^ j^orse's tail, aud has

Ctmffroffational -Services every SaM.ath m \ ^^^^ ^.'^^^i abcani, witli a flaw coiuiug

tv,.. u. w Sihool House, at II o'clock A. M,, Miu . . , % -i .^ .

7 o'clock P. M. i "P »" t''C sotith ; wouia the cai.laui, ac-

Rcv. K. W^IEIIRTLL, Pa>.tor. j ^.,„.,],„„ ^^ luaiitiuic law, 1)0 justiliod ill

"ItoplUt-Services cTorr ftltornate Siibbath in j taking a rcet in tlio ^tuvo l)il>iS without

the Hu,,t..t Church, at U o'cl-j-k A. M., a«.l three ^^^^^ .,

buQilays in each mouth ht < I . M. " * ca ^

Wiunobago City Market. |1EMSMBSII


Corrector weekly by MouUou 1 Dcudon.

Rev, K. t^TIliliMAN, Pastor.

Wlicn Messrs. Ticknor X' FieUU

Wethodist-Sorvioos ^vory filternatc 5nhhath ] -^^^^^..j ^^^^ j-^.^^ voUlUlO ofUu'ir cliainond iu tlu- r.at)«ist Church, at U o clock A M..nu.l , , .. , , .1.. ♦1.,..,

cue Sunday iu each mouth at T o'clock I". M Rev. A.S.Clll'lUU'CK. Past..r.

series ol Oliaries Dickeus' works they resolved to make the aulhor a sharer

Wheat, ctirin^. No, I,



Flour. )»-'r 100, (^oru Meal, potatoes, lUittcr,


iiay. r^T •*'">

Wotul jior ci.nl,


Pork. salt. r<r i>oinul,

I'orK, troll, |.(rc\»'t..

I*..f!'. rr."li. IHT i.oini'l.











1 5.00


1st. .20




Warrant V Deeds,

■Se„.to. Ka,usey ..Wca >"">•!'-• iti':^^.;'^'^^^™''" -^'^ ''

The AVt.rltl Asninislied

on the loth.

The weather is uneasy. A hail fell to-day for amusemci^t

him over two hiuulred pounds steilin;^ ^''•^^^ last moMlh on account of his interest

in the reprint. We have seen a pn-

MADAM II. A I'KUiaciO. | ^^^^.^ ^,,^,;,^, -,)^^,j^_

^T Till" WONUKUl IL UKVF.hATlONS - III tiiv; » v^ i'l i"i. ■' - - » 1/' fAfl'-f

Mostoftho gocds purehased this vate letter of Mr. l>iekens to a f.ii'nd :^Ijule by the lireilt Astrologi>5T,

sc^non by the merchants of Winnebago in America, expressiuj^ jrreat satistac-

arc lying at Maukato and Owatonna, tion in the transaction. In it ho saysj

awaiting good roads. '• 1 think you know how high and be-

^ , 77^ IT 1 v.-.n.l lli.^ monov'a worth I Ci^tcetn this In'';^;^ '.rp/,''h\n','l.'.c..m.- .l.Hp'.n.l.-i.i. S!..- liiin.-sfo

The Grand Lod-e of Coed Templats V»^l ^hc nione> s wonn "!:;;;,;•„,.,-,: i.,,,;; s.,.a.atc.j,,'u.. inf....r„..ion cn.c.ru

„,.. . .. 1„. .'act of inailhood. do ll^lCy a!ul honor. .i^,,,^,,,..,,,f,;,.,,.i,.,r l..v...sr.M..r.s Inst orst..l.-..|'r''l'

of Mmncsota was in session three days a^t «' i.i^um^^ . » ^,|,,,,, ,.,.... u... i.u-uussvv.. :...),.-.t., n.i.i...i lo ,..,.r-

^, ,„,, -if i\ Ir'vc never vieriveit ere .t^M- pleasure; :,;.,„,,,,, ,.,,,,vil^M■n^,Msll.•c•*sru^c.,>..•s^,.

last week, at NorthGcU. H-.n. 31 C. i'..\t i.t\ci uii . g ^ y,,,„^^Zrr\.^'^^^^'^^'-^\^y'^^'^''^-'^y:^^''y'".''l^'''T'!r ' 1 from ll.o rtcc i>t of luoney lu all my %. "i ;,,nh.- uam.. nk.n.<<;u.a d.aract. ruiu. ..i ,i,.. AVilkinson was ouu ot the i)rincipal ""'" ^'^ - *■*'' ^

Mv^rtgago Di'eds,


Sl.f reveals scents no m-rtal .-vr kn.w. Sli." rrslor.-s ,., h-.ri.iu.-s* t!...sc xvlso, fi..... .InKf.l .v.M.ts, .a'a^lro.

.l.cs cp-s in 1..V,-, l..^s of ■.lal'or.s al.,l fil.n.N. l-s of m.i .'v .<c t.av,- 1..COIU.- il.Hp'.n.l.i.i. M..- Imiit-s <o- ir.-llM-r'tli.'.-.' I..I1;; s.i.aiatc.l, vrui!. lnf..rir.iiri..i. one. ru-

Chuttle Mortgnges,


E 31 1* O li 1 XJ 31.


* Crosby's Opera House'



(New York Warerooms, G50 Broadway.) '"*^ ^ will pay. Whnl.-Ral.f AxoiifH f.>r tlio V. S. for



Gold Modal Piano Tortes.



Would rcfpcr.tfullv ir.forai the pullic tha nftt? havin ' l.-ul a w.-<k Co-Partnerf=hil> with 1 0"t .T.,hu Hurrus, »SHp.«lu doiuR hu.sino33 m tiii- -'^ lia a-!. Kxi..!rivii';« an-i l"r tl^« iif'^t lime baviu-j a ;^o.>il alock <^f

.Well Seasoned LuiuWr on huvA

alsoan.nlai.''-l fchop, thinks to satisfy »ll "'-t cu.sliMi't-r!;, ttu'l ucw f.ue? too. All kinds ..( tui- iiiturc ori baud, of lua'le i6 yrUhr iiromi.ily.

New customers need not ask for ' my room's as 1 liave the ! "only 1M:I> lUJlLD- ' INGS in the City.

Accordin" lo atcrpcment made between Mr.

i Bdrrrs and''u.y5.^1f, dated Dec. 15th, JW.. e;u II

oueha.s to pay bia «*vu debts. Orders -*igi<ri h*


Wi;inebag^ Cityj Jan. G, 18'i7.


life.'"— ( 'Idea JO J\'Kf.

i.iTsou Sl.T.als v..«r v.rv ll...»i:Jit3, au.l »..\ li. r al mo^t suucrnaiural |.o«er> unv.ils tl,c .larU M.-l lu.l.l. n nu-tiii.soflhef.ilur.-. rrou. II.- >tars wc >. -• In tlw t^rni nn.-!it- tl.f mal.li.- stars thai ..vt-r.ouic or pmL-ini

« T ir. ^ltii|» ,_..».._... r I.'.tlii/iftjtt'iri.

term of this School will commence May ^ new reporter on trial ye.terd.y. He , ^;;;;;W>-;^-'-;;;^-r>:^-^^ '^:[::;^;::Z

29th, and continue ten week.. I went out to hunt items, and allet bemg ! . .h.;... a.n. ^^r;^, --;:;"f::;'';=;:'.;::.:;':r:::r ilu

For particulars, address, F. A. Tik., [ away all day rotnrnei with the lV>llow- , dU. u.Ki...^^ ,;;;;^'i:^l::.:;;^.n;:tS

''•"'J"""'-' . , , 1, in.-c. an consult th. Ma.lam l.y mauvwt I.. ■.|u:.!sa,.,v

ing, which he said was the best that »^c , ,,. , s,.ufac;ion ,. ,...n.s..u-c. >! •;; .;;-;;:;,,^!;;;i

rrinoipal, Rochester, Mmn. ing, wnien ni; s.uu » a. .. -v , ;;;;-;; :;::^i''■;:,;,;•t:;:i...■u .n.., wi.h^ii i .iri.-u.-

- - ., rotlld d.) 'YeSterJaV wo saw a slight ' ,,v,.rc.i ana lik.n-ss. uclo>.<l. s-nt^v n.ail ..n r..-.iH..f

,;... says ho has nusplacod or lost .he ^^ ^ ^,^^,_ ,,,^,^^ ^^^^^^ »t S..^ lEl,;' ^J^i^SrurSS-;; S.^S

and ALL kiudii uf

lencin:; l viar.n win.n v

e top of hi. head, , » >-^4''^l P'^^^'' ^'''"^'^ Very near running j j,^... .vaarc.s,

••.V'idheV>hdn't any wool ou thv .^f, - , ^ - ,

In the place where do woal ought to gr-.w. , ^y^.i. ^ nurse and tWO chlKiri'M. 1 tlClC ^ >4iM->l

and naively asks the 2\-lbuiu man to ' ^y^^^ij i,;ivo been one of the most heart

bend him a copy. Ireudlng catastrophies evjr rccorilod,

C \ C\itUdlTf the laTe firm of had n.t the nurse, with wurh-iful turc-

,,* . \\ ,' 1 «Mt .r . 1 into thju-ht, U'ft the oliildivn at Lome belore

CottreUt Dearborn, has cnteied into »• » > , .• ,, f i

T t./Mv ShM-man of «liJ went out,and providentially stepped

itnershiP with 3li. biioiman oi^ ...,., .i . i •■

M\i>AM.\ 11. V. rr.»:iti<;o,

V. O. Drawer '.!'ja, Uuflalo, N. \ .



Ah to Ih.- r.'lativo uiorils of tb'so PIANOS, v.. woiiM rcf.r to tl..' C.rtiticat.-s ot i-xr-ll.-in'- in oiir possespion from T H \ I.. H K R <i, »J <> T T S f II A I.. Kj HTUAIvOSt II, U. SATTKK, II. VIKUX- TKMI'S, I.Ol I.S STAABai. i K. Ml ZIO, Mn- iical l>ir.-( l.)i •.! tlo- Italian «Ji)<ra, qh ulso IVuin boiiio of lli» lui.st (iislinu'iiislK.'il IVofcHs. .r» ami Amateurs ia tlie.coauliy. All im\.TMtui:aU guaranltcd for five ycart,



And other First class Pianos.

We liavp 11,0 T,AItOi;?T au-l BE.^T APPOr.TED BTOCK OF I'lAN'OS IN Tllk; CITY, wliich l,.r Puw^r anJ Hwe'tncss of Tone. Knsy and A;:n^'alile Touch, and Ueuuty of fiuinh, have, by ju.lgcs, betu j.ronouucwl unrintlUd,

J^g- Particular attention pai.l to tli" pol'-'Cf ion of In- ■trunipnts fordiHtant orders, undii privilege of»xcliaug« grautid at any tiiiHi witl,iii six nioiitlis, if the IiiBtru- nient fihould not prove eutir ly 8ati>facti)ry. A Uhenl ditcouvt to Clergymen, Teachers and ScLoula. Teruii

lil)cral. ,

WliOI.KS.M.E DE\T.KU? will find it to their ndv.-in-

tapo to Kivc us H call, .xs l.y firf-atly in. r. asej facililiea

we arc ••naldt-.l t(. till ord. is wiili .tfsp;il.h

4^- P<.rs..nn inwant.f a KtALl.V HUST CLASS

P1A>0 will do well to cull before purch:*«iug el.)ewlier9


i B E A tJ T Y !

Auburn, Golden, Tlaxcn, & Silken Curls.

IinODlJCED hT tb»» 'i.-»e)f Prof. Dk Tv.rxk FKK.^I! LS CM EVKl'X. Ono .ipplict - ti.Mi WAitllAN"''!,!) t.» eurl tho

most straight and Hiubborn L»ir «.f titner sex in- to wavy ri'n;;let!s OT b'-'-vy in-.is.MV~ c-irh 11. is ■o.-eu used b/ tb« fjusM'.nHb'of of Paris ^ud Lon- don, wi-b '.be; m.-l ^'r.Miirl-i!^ rei-ults. 0"e» n<» injury to the b«ir. i'f!*ebT rOo», -e.nlej. nnd

i postt.'aid, $1. lii^seripthc oireuiars sent tree.

! Address IJKlHi 1-:'^, .^in^-T^ A CO.. (b.a sts. No, 2^5 River .st., Troy N. V. Bolo Hrr,n'« t«r tue t:uited State^■. v4ul-yl

are Priui'dnu-l for .-^al.', wh ilcsa'o or rctji', a! the tjUiceof ibo

iGi:OIl(.iK i:. NKI>ON, Tiopriet-jr

T^artnCrMiiP witn ->ir- oiioiin;iii »-'i ' ' i «

Wahnn Lake, and establish.a a scuov into a dru.c- store just bcr,„o tho h:»-» j . . , ^.,f ^i, ,,i,„ls Cretun

'^^' ' , ,, , .,, MrrasseJ. Tl,cn, too, the haokman,,)'.,st'^,^„„/i,.,.,, ;.,„.,. ,„„M.„iiyouhan.i.

*'or;?:S"^U -;;,' r V/,,,. befo.-o .aci... ... ero..s,n,,.h..u,hto, j ^^^^^^ j^„,,,,^,,,, p,,,„„,

2.,., who. L «m be tnost of the , ^ou^lMn, that ho had o..oUe,. a,.d^ ^ ,^^, ..,,.„., , c... . „.„.


ne time.

tinning about, drove in the opposite ^ ^^i^i'i ^^i"''-


Had it no' been for this l>lain and Fancy Candies, and


Carliartj Needliam & Co.'s





lOU'). the best ofiho Moutblies— devote-l

to Lm-HATtUl-: aud FASillOX. it2.H) *

y. ar. Wc -ivc W liKE LEU &. W 1 L5^0N'S eek -

brutcd S55 fcewii-g Machines oa tuo following

terin-s :

Tweniy copic5 and the Sewing Machines. $70.

1 Tb = rty eupic.* " " "' " t^'>'

r.rfycoj.ie* " " ^' " ?!"'»

' Send 15 cent."? for a sample c^i y to 13 E \0OX

i PKTE1'>0N, aia Walnut Street. I^hllidelphi*


We are suipvi>elto ^ee c-h'hlreii 1 ^^,^^^^.j^^^,^.^^, ^^^^^.^^^.^.^.j^^.^. ^,f ^.^^.^.^^^ Nut. u.ui every dimu.

wearlns shoes with ragged holes ^\^^^^^^^,^ ^ ^^Wu^ fathe.s a lovit.g hvi.imdu.,o Ci^


the toci— wasting their parents' money j ^^^^j.^^^^.^ .jj,j ;i;Vcctionatc brothers and , and endangering their health, when tor ^ ^j^^^,.,^ would have beon plunged into a trifle more, shoes with Copper Tips, ;^,^^ deepest woe aul most unutterable or the new and beautiful silver Tips i fu^t^yal espen.ses.' Tlic new reporter can be had whii;h never weaf out at ' ^-jj |^^ potaiued." tho toes, thus preventing

these two

Frank Moore's »»Uomcu of tlic War.'*

Manufacturers and Iinporffra of


j Strings, Accordeons,

Violins, Clarionets, I Drums, Guitars,


And other Musical Merchandise.

ibu wild scones, the nii.»eiio£; and the d;ui.;;iri of army life, actuated solely by tho desire to luiniii- ter to tho suft'ering soldiers. And what s.^enes they encountered! So"ictiuies in the thicU td battle, amidst plunging shot and bursting shells.

serious evils- -^ ^ <^_ -__ ^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ .^^^^_ ^^ ^.^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ pui.ii.^i.ed.

Godetfs L'lrljS Hnuk- for -^'Jl C j^ jj,^^ j,y^.^.j ^^ jlt public by tl.c can va.*. era. closes the S':i'enVjio\\\\.\\ ^'olumt* of ' Wo feel sure it will bo n und to be a work of real

, 1 . ir v:... , ..ri ,.li«.il lM,r|iucr:t. It .seeks no ephcmcrnl popularity from , that r»f»lobrated la;4 iion periouic o. lui . ., , , . .

inai ceiturju-a la ^ 1 , r, bigblv col. .red and Munchausiuish stones ol iin-

thh-ty SCOm years it h:»S been Hie ta- j^,[^. .j ,^ alventu'es by doubtlul ftmab r f>g-Jriug I VOrite in the boudoir, and CaCh sue- .j,, .hashing courier^; iu our j.nnics, or ' .-^pics" in 1 'Ceedin- vear has merited increased j the Confederate eumps. Uut hi records are the ; =■ - , ^._„,.,- ,5' truthful histories of more noble lives. No char-

praise. The present numbei^ ^ con. ain. | ^^^^^^ .^ ^^^^^ introduced t'.at was not known to bo ■a subject picture, entitled, 'T here 8 no , ^^^^^^ ^^^,^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^.^ j,^^ crperionecB of women "place like h jliie,' an I all the usual va- who forsook tho comrorts of elegant home*, for riety which characterizes its pages.

It is made the duty of th-i State Su- perintendent of Public lusiruetiou to meet the County Supeiiuiendeu^s of tjach judicial di.^trict, or of two or more combined, at such time and place as be

shall appoint.

The Superiutendent of Faribault and

Martin counties will meet with Mr.

DunnoU cither at Mankato on June

14th, or at Owatonaa, Juue llth, as

they may prefer.

" '~~i~, r 1 1 n'l- r,v ami tnanj

What lady would wear lal-^c nair 01 j ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^.^.^ ^^^,^ ,^^. ^^^^y^^^.^ ,,^^ f,,.,, „,•

curls, when, by an outlay of One Dol- ; ^j^^j^ jj^.^^ •,„ ^j^.j army— facts oftentimes moro lar she can procure an article that will thrilling than any romanrc— can wo lo If I to Kjause her hair to curl in wavy ringlets, reaU/.othcbeauty and nobility ofwoman'ssouLor


AND liKAL ESTATE AGENTS, OJh-e opi'ositc " Vn'ion I/ousc " Jilut

Will do a (JtMicr.il P.auking and Real Estate Uusincis, pay Ta.xcs for non-residents, make (."..llect^'.iis, .t'"., •^'' , U. D. PALDWIN, - - - S. P. CHILD.

LlueEar* City, May 7. CC. S")'



E. & U. T. ANTii'JNY A Co.,

Manufueturers of Pbt.tographio Materials,.

WlioI.-s-ale and RetaU,


, , ^ ^ . In ad.liti..n to our main business of Photo- succoring the fallen soldicr,regardlC3S of their own frrapbic .Materials wo are Ueai.iuarters lor tbe peril: ofteaers..;cu at the hoij.ital cot, bathing the j lol lowing, viz:

br .w of tbe sufferer, aitcndirgto bis wounds, and Stcrcoscopes & Stereoscopic N lews

Dou't fail to buy all your BLANKS at this

The PiLVEU AND Brass Isstrimf.nts of our in>»nnfnc- ture an.l importation, are us.d by nio^t all ' '■ tlie '"Jt Hands m Ihe. I'luttd States, and wlieiK-v.r exhibitc.l have always rfc.ivcd tlieOold M.'dal*ai,d hiohest primiums

Jt%^ Havinpronn'Ttion with Manufrtcturinc liousei In D.rlm, Loipsic. Drcsdwi. I,..n.i,,ri, «'''! }*'".':• V^^^^J.^ propand tofurnisli 11EXI.EH3, HANDSand INDU IDU- ALS. with every article iu this Hue, ct the lon-cst man- ufacturer's prices.


Throw away yCur fabse fr'.zze?, your s^iteb-.s, your

wiK Dcstruciive ofcomfort, aud not worth a Pl'; foil!.' air.d,(.'.nie youtbf.il, come ualy aud fi'r. And rej.i.e in your own levurbiTit hair. _

IIKPARATOK rAFli-IJ. F..r re-t..rina hah- upon bald li.'adMfrom ".K.trcvcr cans.- it ni:iv i.ave fall'.nout) a-: 1 forcinjj a crotrtb ..f hair upon till- face, it has 110 e jUal. ii will force ti.n !)■ .trd t.) jrrow noon the smoothest faci- in fr.-in fi\e !•• .■i;;lil w.^flis, or hair upon l.ald heads in from two to Kmi'O nionfiis. A f'W i;rn"r,int pracfioners have a-s.T' fd that there n< th'u;: that will force or hasifii the i.'r.iwtli of fhc hair or ln-inl. Tin ir as*.-rlioni! ar." falR'_, a^iiioii^aiol.* of liviii-; witnessed f from tln.-:r own ox;>i-ri. .•liC M i-tui h ar witness, luit many .vill say. how ire ws (o .ii.»li;i.-ui'h llw f-'ennin.- from thv spurious? tt cTtain vis .tiili.-iill, as iiin.'t.-tiths of the difTcfciit pppaniiions

^m\ you will alwiiys be satisfied.

liiil llead^,

Letter Heads,

tKuvii rfi^.-iciHt tlieOohl M>*dal*aiit! HIOHEST I'M.tMii.mo. .., .^ ............ .. -

^ Havii^ r,,nn -rt on will, Mauufacturinc U..usei. a lv.rl.*d for the hair ami b.-ai .1 arc cMir|-ly wor.hlcs^, *»-HaMnp: ronruriion 'won .. _ ^ ^j. ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ aire ol.v thr.wn aw ly lar;o amot:nts

In 'icir piii-.Uase. To such we would say, tr\ th K. par .t .• C;ii>pil. it will cost you iiotliiii^' unl< ss it <;om.>3 up to o.i>- representations. If your l>rl!J.'»fi^t doe< not. ke. p i'.. send il-= '>u.> d.dlaf and Wi- will forward it. nnst- pa;.i, t- -• ther wiih a ucuip: for the m>>ney, which w. 1 b.' -.tiii-ncd y lu on ap; lila;ion , proviUing entire i*i.s- f .c^iun is not /iven. Ad<^r' ss.

\*. K ClXHK i CO , Chemists, v4al-yl N->. 'i We«l Fayeite Street, t=\ racuse, N. V.

JloFFAT's Life Pills


Tlio Most Successful Medicines in Ibo World.

Estal)lished in 1835 by one o5 our Most Eminent Physicians, and now used throughout North and South America, m itJi more pleasing results than any other Medicine iu cases of diseased Liyer, Blood or



69 Washington Street,


Sew York Warerocms, 650 Broadway,.

cheering him iu bis lonelincs'i and a^ony with some savin;; delicacy, that only the tbo'ijibflul heart and rr-ady bund of woman ever bring-, llow many owe th-ir lives to-d.iy to the mini.«^tiations of these sclf-sacrifjeing women ? Maif;atet Brcek- enridje, Mrs. fanny IlicKcts, Mrs. Mary I'rady, Mrs. Lello Reynolds, Mrs. Mary Morris Husband, and many more in this noblo list— they are n.Tnics


or heavv, ma«sivc curls ?

the true heroism, and the un-'-elfMh, faithful devo-

tion of which womt-n arc ciip tbic. Tliii is the

It does not injure the hair, but on i ^^^^ j^ j_j j.^j^j^,^^,,^;.j, j-.jj.,„ i„(j.restingbook; and

the contrarv, renders it soft, glossy arid j the author has done his part well. Thousands of

healthful- 'iti^C.p^'lj elflCiicioUS in j our sobiierr-, who will see this book, will take it

,,..., ••, ,.,,„ ea-erly to their hearts and homes, f'.r the grateful

curling the huir ot the opposite sc.v. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^_^^.^^ ^^.^^^ ^^^.^^^ .^^ ^^^^^^^^^^

Messrs. lierger, ShUttS k Co., Cheni- ^^^ ^-ssociated in their own breasts.

istS of Troy, New York, arc agents Xho work is splendidly published. Nothing

f ♦! mn comparable with it in elegance and bciuity has be

See their Card in another column.

•That IJlessed Baby' is in the Zadi/s Friend for Juno, and many other iu- tereating hterary articles. A chmning .domestic scene called 'Home Tieas- , ...,„._„.

. , . r *i r..^ <5f«rd I ?elf-^a'rilice; by Irank Moore, author o. the

lireS,' is tnO subject ot tho imc r^ltCl , ..j^^.,,^,,^^,,, Uecord," -DiJiry of tho Ameiican

Pl-fn m front The colored Fashions, UcyoUuion,- etc illustrated with steel Ku-

1 latO inilOUL. x'"- ^ : grafiugs. hold onlv by sub.;cnption. A^icnl^

present a croup of b:iHiant and graphic „^n.^.d. ctiicago; K. 0. Treat, l»ublisb?r

O American and Forei-n .-".ties and Landscapes (iroups, Sialiiary.etc.

Stereoscopic Views of the War.

Froia ne.-utlves m.ido in tho various -nni- paigusand forming a complete Photographic bist">ry of ihe great contest.

Stereocsc(»pic VicwS on (-la^s.

Adai.ted for either the Magic Lantern ..r the .-;ivreosc.,pe. Our Catab-.-iuc v;iU be ielit to ttnyaddress on receipt of stniiip.

Photographic Albums. '

We manut-actaro more largely than any othei- ; r^ -i 1,„. ... ..l.out '-MIO varietiv.^ .rom 60 e-uts t...-r,.l) V.tlU. ,

each ' Oar ALIU'MS have tbe reputation <.f be- ing sunerior in beauty and durability to any



2^^" A Yoi'.va La^y n tuniini: lo

ti.-r country home, after n sojourn of a few tnonths in the

citv washar.llv reeocnize.l by her friesols. In jilacc

of a'coarse, rustic, tlusbcd face, she had a .-ofi rul y eom-

,)l-\ionof almost marble snio(.thn.-'--, and iiistiad of

tw'.uivthice :he lealh api-caaed but ei-.'nte, n. l.p.in

infi'.irv .IS to the c.n.e of so iireat a .•Iwnie, sl..^ plainly

toM lllem that she had used th.' C'lr<'H*i«*!t»ii Haltll.

•iti.l roi'^id.i^-d it an invahi.\bic acc'isitiou t.. auy La.lys

t„ile> liv its us.,- auy la.ly or >:.nil. -.n.Mi c.oi .mpr.ive

Ihetr pcr-'oiial ..ppiaraiic an hiunlre.l f"ld. It I^ sii.ipl-

i„ itse-.nibinati-u, as N:itiire hers.lf is si.nplc. yet ui.-^ur

i,a=sed in >>s efflcaey if. dr.win- iio, uritu-s fr.>m, and

i.'uli'iK. Cean.^in^' and iK.ani-u-> i^iy the ^•^al and owini 1. x^

i..u 15v its diiVct action. .n the eut.-le it dnnv.-fron.it -■

all imp-iri.ies, kin.ilv hc.u-rjK .tbe s-.tiw. and bHV'o.Mhe gj^j x IndigOStiOn, COStlVCneSS,

<iiif-.-."as \aijire iuleu.led it slu.jihl be, clear, soit, i^ivi", -^""-^O , , . ' t»i .i*

slliomh and bcaut-lul. Pric- One D.iUr, sent by mau J^JJio^is COmplaiutS, RhCUmatlSm rre\Tire-«< (.n r< c-'ipt of an or.lc, i..\ \

' ' w. L fbAiiK \ CO Chemist., j^jj^j Pevcr aud Ague.

No :} \Ve«t FaV tie St , >yracuse, N. I . »"« -^ -^ >- i»n j

The enl V v'meriJiUi Agenis for the s;.lc of the .:une. ThOUSaudS Of CCrtlflCateS arC IU

_'::■' oiu- possession, giving detailed

A F 1^' 1 J I C r L] D ! accounts of perfect Cures effected

«^< /"• -.,^ 7^ar..,*.n. f hv these invaluable Medicines*

{^ II 11 an* I i O M til e : r^rj^^^y regulate tho System aud put

all the functions of the body

wbco by t^c uscof i.u. .loiNviLLK'r^ KLix .^ ^ hcalihy coudltion. ^ »•

111 you can be curd i.ruKi.,etit,y, an<l at a tn- ^^^^ ^^^^^^ Druggists. Wliite & Howlacd, Propri- '''Thra<tonishin.' success wbicli has attended ctors. Successors to I^r. J.lm itwllat aad Dr. W. »..

ibis invaluable me.licine for Ph ysi al at.d Nerv Moilat, ^*ew York. ^ „____

.,HS weakness. tJceral Debility an-l Prostrati-n. .^^_^^^ eometh glad tiding of j- y to all, l.ossofMu , .'.ar Kiorgy. Iinpotcu'-y. orany ot , ,. -i . !♦.. n

the eonsetiuences of voutbful b.discre.b.n. reu- j lo young and to oid, to gre.i aud to »m;ill. der.- it the most valuable irci>aratiou tver diocov j I'lje Ufauly which once was so t^rel-ious sud rarf,

Car«l I'hotographs of Generals, States- men, Actors, etc., etc.

Our catalo;:uc embraces over FIVK TliOl ."s- \NI) ditferent subject.s. i... lu.linu'reproducti..ns. of'tbemost celebrated Kngraxings, Paintings, Statutes, otc. Citaloguea sent on receipt o.

stamp. , . 1. r

IMioto-'rnphcr.^ and others ordering goods L. 0. 1>.. wi'l plenso remit 2;-^ per cent ol the

lore been brought out, of all tbe books d'jvjled to '^"\'^'!^.. 1,^. prb-es .lud uualif^ of our goods can


our war literature, xbo portrait^ of these women, on steel, are in tho very highest and cosiliest stylo of tho art. We hear it i.s mtetiug with a great sale. It deserves it.

•» "AVomen of the V.'ar :" their Heroism and

not fail to satisfy.


figures, attired in the latest modes.— jiCmong the numerous Wood Cuts aro a handsome Bridal Dress, Traveling

ll'.H'J th<: Cvrtijh-'utv <>/ Ji<:r. li. T. FIhiiUh.

To Dr. IIosTETi'i:!! ; a iianci.^v^ii.v^ *' ' - 7>,<o- ,SVi:— This is to certify that I was taken

.■arid Visitini^ t-ilettes, new Paletots and | v^uu the dyspepsia a ye.-r ago l. M:irch, and, i

" for a period of eight month.-, was one of tho most j

miserable creatures you evor bebcM, not being able either to cat, drink or sleep, aud was com- pelled to walk the lloor incessantly. I was nearly deprived td' my reason, and hope had entirely left mo, all tbe efforts made fur my recovery hav-


Practical Watcli-Make.i,

a n I)

J E W E L i: 11 ,

Mankato, - - - Minu.


Wattdies, clocks, Jewelry & si!\tr tyuic llepairina neatly executed and warranted.




Irllc Ldquid E N A M E L!


lionnets, iUustiutions of Wax Flower Work, 4.tc., t^'c.


Manufa'-t'.irer ;ind 1). abr In



ercd, I Is free to all, and ail may bs fair.

it will remove all nervous affccti.Mis. d-p'-"!"* ion, excitement, incapacity to study or business, , B'/ tue USC 01 loss of Ec'uorv, couftisbiii, thoughts ol .-cll-'-u j .<lruction. fear.s of insanity, A-c. It wilt restore! the appc:ite. renew tbe hojlth oftbose who bare j ilestf-.ve'l it by .seisual excess or evil pruMtcCF. j Voting men", be bunil'U.ggcl n.> inoru b.y -'.luack , Doctors' and ignorant pr:ictioi:cr:s but sen.! , without Ucbiy for the Elixir, and boat o.icc rj- stored to health and hai.riress. A pcrfcet cure

IS CHarntUeed in every insUnco. Pncc, Itl, or | ^^ ^,,_i ro*utirv,«g*be Complexion,

four bottles to one address, :-.{. i ,,. , , . . .

One boti'.e i* suffieieul to eilect a care la all The dost valuable and pcrfeot prep:\rat;ou m

ordinrf-y c.atie.=. use, for giving the ?kin » beautiful ) earl IU

ALSO DU. JOiNVILL'S SPECIFrC PILLS, , tint, that is'^nly f nnd m y^'ii- Is uuickly

for the speedy an.l periurnent cure of tJouorrhcv , moves Ian. Freckles, Pli^plv, Plotr-hcs. ftlotu

ijlcct, rrctliral Discbarge?. Gravel. Stricture and Patches, SnUownew.?. F^mptiotn aP<t oU impuri-

all allV'tions of tbe Kidneys and Bla blvr. Cures , ties of the skin, kindly healing ths aanio, leavin*

effected in from 01. o to five .lays. Tl'cy arc pre the skic white aiot clear as aUba»t«»-. Its nso

pared from vegetable extracts that arc barmeb-ss (-on not be defected by ihe rio.'^'t eorutiny, and

on the system, and never nauseate the siowjacb j being a vegetable pfeparauDn v perfectly barm-

or impregnate the breath. No change of diet ii ] les?. It is the only art'r'ji of (ho kind u.sed by

,ic! issarv while using tiicm. iM)rdoe; ibeir action the Frencb, ard J8 v«onFulerol by tbe Parsian as

iu any luauncr ititerfcro \\iih busiu'ss pursuits. | indespeusible to a perfe/"* toiSt. Vvward? ot

Price SI per box. 30.000 b.ttlcs were soil d'.i'-.r.g tba past year, a

Either of tiio above mentioned article? will bo ! sufRcicnt gnarrantce of 'tfi e*Pei..ry. Pri'-e only

sent to any adi'rcsS, closely scab d, and post paid 7a ««nls, sent bv mail, op receipt of *n or.ier. ty

by nnll orcNprtss, ou receipt of price. Address BEllUER, SUL'TTS Jt CO., OiiemistF.

all or-icr.* tfJ ' rlnlSyl .'JS5 Kivor Pt., Troy, N. Y

liEUdKTt. PUUTTS A Cc., Chemists. v4ul3yl Is'o. 2S5 llivcr S'.rect, Troy, N. Y


Wonderful but True.

ly the first of Noverabor, 18C.'>, I had become so vcak and feeble that I could scarcely stand

of every variety. Gilt Mouldings Kept On Hand


Those of our readers who need any- •thin^' in the way of Cosmetics or Toi- let Articles, would do well to patronize '^^J^^^H^'^^^ thefirmofiiei-er, Shutts, &Co,Troy, ^^ ^.^^^^ ^„j f,.,,,ic ._

New York. Tliey aro the only Agents , j^j^^^.^ ^nd, to all appearauje, would aoon die.— in America for many of the most val- Atthi.s time (having r^.ad your advertisement,)

. ., , 1 I' I- 1 'V 1.* A,.«; I mv wife prevailed uponmo to try your Hitters , ^ _

Uable French and English ioilet ^'^'^'' ll^'^J^l.^^^^^,^^^^^^ ,ho grcaest'i'mportaneo to the young of both

elf 8 and Prei)aration8 that are used by ^,,,^„,^„ecd recovering. I have tak^n four bot- j '^'^^'';^^^,,^^ j,,,^ „,„ H„,„,,y „,,y become heauti- the Beauties of tho old W^orld, to tics, and am enjoying us g.od health now as 1 j^,^ ^j^^ desp'scd respected, and the forsaken

leautify and .uako aura.tivo ii.cir -'^trr::::^'::::.^":"/;^:^:::?;! '"'^-.v... .».>, <>, .c.„e,„.„ ....... r...,.


Law Cases and Points,

M.vn.VM nRMIMOTON the w.>rld renowned .^str.-l- 01,'isr an.l SoninainlOlis*ic riairvo\ai'.t, while in a rb l.-- voyant state, lUleiiiHtes th'' very feature!" <f the person voli ere to marry, cud l>y theaid of an instrument of In- tense power, known as the P.syehoni..tropc, jruar.intees fo pvoduee a pertecl and I'if.iike picture of the future 'msliaint o.' '.Vifc of Ihe :ip(»licar-t, with date of marriage, oe.- ipali'n ,lead!nfr trait.-( cf charac'er, &c. This is no iiiiposilt.m, as testimonials without nuinl)er can as.!crt, Hy statinj.' place of birth, acre, disposition, color of eyes.

Free ta Everybody!

A largo 6 pp. Circular, giving inbjrmalion of

See their advertisement ill auolher wonderful en

alone, under Pivino Pfoviacuee, that eirected »hi3


K. T. FLLAtl.i.


Hudson, iMichiijan, Au-iiat 30, 18CL'.


scud tiu'ir.i"l dress, aud receive a copy post i-aid,

by rjturu msil.

Aldic5i P. O.I'rawcr, 21, vlulSoi'^ Troy, S. Y.

Printed to order, oa short Notice, and at reasoa- able rates.

All Orders by 3Sail rromptly Atieiidod t*.


Wiaucb.1-0 Citr, Ai.ril :4tb, 1807.




ForRcmoviaff Supcrflouis Si.ixv. ,., ^ ,._ .^ ,

rr I 1 J- . ».. .,.:..lli,- il,i« inviluable depiL haif, an.l ciiclcosin^' fifty cents. au<l stamped envelope To ihc la-'ics especially, this inv.UUaDie nej u ,^, j.^;^.^^^.^, ,^, j.,H,rself, vou will receive the picture by atorv rccomincmls itscU as being an almost .i-'n» ; y^,,,,.,^ „,.,;, tO;;ether with desired iuformation.

uen-"iblo article to ioiuale beauty, i* easily ajmli- j .\ddress iu Conli.xuce, MXD.VM tlEKTRUUK

'•d, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts .li ' ii!.:MiN(iTON, I', o. n».v Tw^ Hwidred and Ninety- rcctlv on tbe roots. It is «artaiited ro rtmovo aovcu. \U&i. Ir^.y, N, Y, vluliyl

supoVfluou:; bnir fi;om low b.reheids, or from any

n.,rt of tliC bo.ir, cou>plete',y. tolaMv and radical .. ~~^ "

i;'exteip..ting-.hcsa,ue leaving tbo sKin .of-f, CONVERSE HOUSE,

smootho and natural. '1 bis is the only article .^^ «-...

nse-l by tno F'e.o b, und is tiie o.uy real eficcti.nl | BlUC EartU City,

depilatory iv e\i<^enpe. Price 7a cents per juick »pj^-g ij^^up^ bavin* been repaired and m^wH fnr- ige, sent post paid, to any addrcsi ou receipt of jij^hej tbroXighout, is now open tor the' reception

of guc.«ts.

Tbo proprietr»r rcspecfiiMy >olicits the patron- age of the traveling public, and is ''eteruiincT that none sbaU go away dissatisfied vilxa may lal

an onfer by

lJEiUJi:il,SUrTT-^ k Co.. chemists, v4n^■^vl 2S5 Uiver St., Troy, N. Y.


'^L kinds ul Jou VV..fK ao..L lu onS.r at Ibii V"i- htm with a call.




a. H. 00^'VER^:l:, Pro^rietot,









i m II I*. .1



. 1






. ^ .-11-. F--



Wonderful but True.

Vegetable Sicilian



As the name imlicates, not only i«F.N'r.ws the growth of tlie hair when thin and fulling off, buV pojiitivcly rt •;<■•<•* the color to y\s original ^tfilo when it id turiiin< p'^y or w'.iite, whc^^r cavued by ditcasc,j|^lcf or old age.

It will corti\ii\y do what ig cl^incd for it, a fact to which ^mdrcds, jfny thousands, who have U3cd it, ^o roaJy and willing to testify.. ^Yhc^e oucT^tt^is fairly U3cd, in any community, itsl^eputation •'syrcada like wild fire," a!w^i\the best advoriiso- nicnt and recoTn^cnd:\\>n we de.-irc. In the Ka^tern Sty?^, wheroVio "IIKNEWEU" originated, ^o young laXoa use it as a hair drep^ff^ ; it is foun\on th.e toilet taMc3 o^lfoung incn, (also aiVicir b:irliors), while Jeidor men and women Vho desire a E'-n^T and liCstcraUi'e for thcrVcroy locks aivi bald heads will not bo ^^^^out this Kriide, whioh givo3 in every iu^i.^'C, en- tire sctisfaction. \ C.A.TJTIOIT.

«!-:Ti'riin ai tiflo, fLs iln.ro ij ii>) i'rf;'iin\ti.'H in flu- wil i llko ihH, Uowiiru i.'t auy nrtitlo imriicrtiii^; U< bo tho •ante.

Try 11 AT.I/S ITATR RKNKWEU acccnlin^ l.> Tirpc- ti .i«. aJil V. n will \i-'<' iv> o<l:fr.

If i\ a !vV. I .it Jiunti>t* ia y nr tiw^n, a UHl l'"tMo ili K> Mi»t y.ia W oxj rjvts, ujk'u tiN. ipt if< ::e il. ll:tr by iiiAiV, thiU ttivirii; y a an >i'iv>«tti.i.iy at I'liC'e i>l |«v"Tiriiins o.T'rTl.'nr ijiiiilitio^.

f. A. CO as, iliUaiTo.

\Se.Tl Airont for Nort'-.vkMswrn Str.'.: J,

g. : ! It ■« nMTK^AI.K, !•. f ".i.a.'X 1 y yTTI.KR, rrVt'T! A KVUKi;. lJ.:^t^!lA^l:« .% VAN .-■• :IAA( K. I.>>i!I> 4

EMiTii, .>JMiTri A lAVin;. J. u. iiy.i.'j .t co. en AX. 0. ?M!rfT. riin:'.5~ir. n.-H-Ki * tv., ii

Bt-.^VIL, Vr. p. II AltUIS 1 OOl, l'^:JX & 1}.\.I>I:a1C, a:ii Igr Jriig^'.-sti auJ dixili-rs g'-aoiully.

\^\BiNi:T siior.

■\VoiiM re-5^ootfu'.ly ir,f'.r:r. tlu' yihl-c tha artf. haviM^ had a wctk" C>-r;iitncrsliii» wi:h Ton Ju!in Ttiirrii^. •? rt^Min il.iin-.' 1 ii.-'incs in nis I'wit na-n-. Kxpjri' UvC unl 1-irlUo iL-.-t liuio baviiii; a g.> id stock of

"We'll Seasniictl Liniil)or«)U luiud

nl^'i an nl:u/''<l .>'.>"p. Uilnks to s.-.ii.-fy yll •■! ' cn.'foiii*"-?. ail ! !:i.w ..noi too. A'A k;n<l^••■i Fur- Kituff "U hjiiid. 'Uiirilc to ordor i romiitlj-.

Xt'W oiistoiiiers lU'od not ask for inv rooms, ns I ]u\\<' the \,nlv in:i) BUILD- INGS in tlit'Citv.

A'"i' rli!!-.; I" R^rooni-nt isailo If twoi n Mr- lUirr- s nn.l iiiy.-olf. dntod I>tc. lf>tli, Hf-C, e;icb one h i.< tfi I'uy bis own debt:". Orders Jip:ucd by

Eti'.' I will I'.lV.

WM. liM.bANDE.

"\VinDtl).igo City, Jan. G, l''«i7.


"MAliAM lll.MIMOTOX. tlif world nnowncl Aslrol •iirist ;>ii<l ."^omiKunl'Ulistii- I'ltirvoyiiiit, wliUo in .i cl:»ir- vi'y:nif Ktati', ilfli-niatcs the vitj' foaturcs ff tlic |ii'r>-i/!i \nu lire ti> marry, an-l liy t!ii' ui<i of an instruinciii nf iii- \'u.<o jiiwor, kno'.vii as tJio rsyt-hoiiiotroiie, giiavaiitcc-i r.> l>r<MltK'(.' a ix-rlfot aiitl lirTiki- \iictur»' of thi> niturc Kn-liaml v>r wifo of t)it> !n>i»li<:irt, wiUi date of iiiarri;\;:e', .n<-!il>atii>ii , li-adin^ Iraltd I f cliarnc'.iT, &c. Tlils is iii> iiupo^itioti, us tostiiiioiiiaH willuml nuinJior i';\ii assert, liy st.itinj.' j(!ai:i' of liirtli, a>:i , ilLspusiiion, culir of lyeH, liair, ti'i.I eriolcoshi)' City I'fiits. ;iiiJ !<(aiiiiiL'il i'nvi'lo|iL- ,il Irissfd to your"! If, yu will ri<.i\ c tlie i>I^-tuie I'y r< turn ni:iil, to'iftl:cr witli ilc.-ir».l iiif.>n'ir\tii'ii.

V.l.lr.'ss in f .n:i.l. r.rc, MADAM CKUTIMDK !U:MlN<il(»N, I', t). loxTwo Humlreil un.l Nin.fy- so\«ii, West Troy, N, Y. vinlsj 1


l>ctlcr o])])ortunity is now (.(il-red to any


Auburn, Golden,



Flaxen, &

Silken Curls,

I3Tl'">DrCED bT tbe nse^f Tr f. De TaErx' iUE.^II LS CH EVi:UX. Oiio Aijiips- ti.u W.\bl!ANTbl» to .'url tho

ui '.st 5triu-;ht ar.d Btub bora hAir of citlicr fcx in- t ) TTiivy ringlet?^ or baa^y ujn*!>:vn einls. Ilai been u-eJ \<f lUe fash ion -ibl-js ct I'arii »r..t 1. i!* doD, with the nv.-t gratifjinrc rc'i'ts. ••-•.■' no injury to the hair. Pri' o by nail, se.iKp }<nJ lo'ti'ii'l, $1. DcsciiptW-e ciriubirs tti.t free. A.I.irf^-i rKiiriKH. ."-MiUTTS A CO.. Th-.u sts. K », 2^:> Kivtr ft., Trry it. Y. t3«'o j^pr-.n'^s i-x

tho United State;



ioUO. TLti b.-.i -jifll.o M .ntL'/us— Jcvotcd

to LITKllAlUr.I-: and FA-SllION. $2.:.0 a year. We give WlIEELEll i WILSON'S cele- brated J-jo Scwit-ii Muchir.cS uii inc fjllowin^ tcims :

Twenty copi.s uiid llic Sewing Machines. STO. Thirty C',y\i:s " " '" " ?^-^-

Ihcro cMnclh glad tivlin< of joy to all, I'o yomic; and to obi, to great and to small, t'hc bcawty whioh o.\ec was .«o prcoiuu.^: «uil rnrf , Ts fr;n^ to a!l, an>l ail may bo fair.

Dy the Use of


Willie Liquid E N A U E L!

F^.r Improving itnd IbivuffTitiKth* IJompkxion. Ihc Uio^t valuaMe !>.u I p-rfcct rf'-rar«lior. in n-o. for i-ivinj: the skm a bcAutllul jH-nrl-likc li:»t. t!int isonlv f"ind mi yo'th. It «iiiickly ro uv-.M-s Im. Fi«'<kh-f>. INivpW, Fdo^-ho.s Jlolh P;it<ln.-f, Sii'l 'V^Iu•<.^. Rrsipti -OB .ird «!1 inr|>nii- ticis of the i^yin, kin<My bi-a'.inic tho .s««no. IcRvin,!,' the sl.j!» w'.iifc ai;d elanf uliil a't<><'. lt!< »>»• can nf..' >;c dcfccte 1 by th» r!«>.»i?t ECTutiiiy, nii.l t.ciiii; «. vofctii^le vr<'pavaii ■>» i' pfrfcit'.y harm- less. It i.-; the cnly uitifl* of l^o kind n.M'd l<y ll.e Frcn.h. ard isicrcns-derpl by the Far^iiR as iiu'i--; ':nsi!>1o to a p^rfe-t* t)i'ot. ^ipwards of :i(t.t'iv! Settle.^ were sudd inr-r!? tho past yenr. » follicient piarriMitec of 't* sfTioioy. Price only 7J ««nt8. ftnt hv ijiad. or rpecipt of ♦n order, by

>a:uGErw, sm'tts % co., (Jhcmi-i?.

vlnlSyl 'sS'j Ki7er St., Troy, N. Y

"consumption curable by dr. schenck-s medicines.

TO CIKK CON;5l Mi'TIO-N, the s; .,te:!i niaH lio pr. i»fire>l .o that tho hiiu-. ivill boil. To u.-eo. iipli^h V.-.'^. tho Uver and Moie.vh must first be e li Hiinel a-id an a->p9'.'t? cTv^'atcd lornood w holcwmo lood, v.bith, by tV.o c melieiues will l^<3 dit-Ofted prcKrly, a:jd pood healthy l«k.od male: tlrj- I'Uii'linu' up tlm coa-t.tu'lon. SCIIKNCK'S MA.NDKAKK I'lLLS clctinscihostoniocholall bilioo/* or mucouJ accumu- lation!); and, by usim; the gca Wood Tonic in c-ju- uoction. the apT^'tUe i* re-tored.

bCIltSCK'S ri LMONIC SYRUP is nntricicuj a- vrcli af? medicinal, r.:itl, l>y uj-intr the three reiiicdc-s all imparities are cxpol'.cd from tho tystcm, and pood, wbolesor.io Mood made, which will rci»rl all discfv^c. 1 1 pr : icntfl will lake these medicii.cH accord- in!.' to daection.'. Coi.iu;nplion very Ire.juentlv in It^ la t «taj? .vields readily to their action. Take tho pills irciucntly. to cleinrO the liver and stomach. It dxs not :ollo«- that bcciiiwo the bowels are not cos- tive the-.' arc r.ot rc-pjired, for sometin.c-i in diarr- haa th'y arc nccc.^-ary. Tlie stomach rii:n bo kept bea'thy. a:id an appCcitc cri-ateJ to allow th- Pul- monic Scrup to act on the rc/piratory orf.- ma pn.p. rly and allay aa:.- irritation. Then all tiiat Ls ro juired to p^r oral a permanent cure is, to prevent taking' cold. Exercise alioat the rooms a? much as pos.nb!o, cat all ihe richct tood— 'at meat, pame, and, in tact, anything the appoiile cravca ; bul hf particular and masticate well. l'-^^ w. ca. mo. 1 yr.


This medicine, invciitcJ by Pr. J. II. 8>'Ui;-"<CK, oi Philadelphia, is iiitej'.kd to dis-ioivc the food and m:UkO it into cbyuie, the tirst proces3 oi'diiK'Cstion. By Cleansing tho stcmtuih with Sehcnck's Mandrake Piila, the Tonic soon rci<torcd the appctilu, and food that could not bo calcu before vu'w^ it will bo casil/ d<i;eeftcd. ^ Q^

Contu'.r.ption cannot bo cnrcd by Schenck's Pul tnonic Syrup unlcaa tho stomach and liver is mado h(»Hliy and the appetite restored, hence tho Tcuic and Plllfl are required in nearly erery ca»c of con- enuiption. A half dozen bottles of the SKAWEKU TON I C and three or four lio.toa of tho M AN'DRAK IJ PILLS v.iU cure any ordinary ca^io of dyf-pcinia.

l)r. S.'.'iLNCK uiakea proftssional vij-itd in New York, Boston, and at hi.ipiiiicipal Oillcc in Philadel- phia over/ week. See daily papers oi each place, or bi^ paui'hlot ou coasumption for bis days lor viBita- tiin. -^^^

Plca'c o'~>?ervc, when purcLaaiu?, that liic- two likc- ue.Si«cii 01 tiie Doctor, one when in the last i<tago ot Consumption, and the other ai he now u, in perlcct bciltli, are on the Oovornincut etamp.

Sold by all Prucpiati and Ucalers, prico $1.50 pT bottle, or ^■"..'jo tho haU-dozcn. All lett< rs for advice ehould t)C adlrc.»-ed to Dr. S>iiENt;K*!j Principal OlVice, No. 1") North tith Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

General Wholeeaie Aeent* : Demas Uarnci» <Sj Co., N. Y.: B. a. Uixncc, Baltimore, Md.; John I). Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor, Chi- m^o. III. ; Cuiiiiu iitOd., St Louii-, Mo. p ; ^ [1st w. ea. mo. IjT.


Woman, or dilM, wisliing to i-iirclifise anytliing in tlic line of Fality Dress Cotxls, FiiMich antl En-lisli ^[o.inos, Alpacca.s, Scotch IMaids, Dchiins, Woolens Flannels, Slrii-ctl lVi)rnis, llalmurul Skirts, Laaiea Cloaks, Cloak Clutlis, Do- mestics, jniDts, sliawls, hoop Skirls, Shirts drawovs, wrajipcrs, Hosiery, Xotions No. 1 >V'o>k'n r.lankt'ts, IJoots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, and Eur goods of w very

description, than has cvcrb cfore bocn

Forty copi* 5


S»snd IJ cents for a sample eof y to DEACON 4 PETEaS0X,31'J Wdnut Street, rhiiadelphia

KErAllATOll CArilJ.I.

Tlirow a\r,-»y your fiUe !r'.ii-:i, your switclies, your

wij( Destnietive of cotnfort. a.ol nf>i woi-*h a fi„'; «'ome :!jt€<l,rr)m» y.,iithfil. cnne u.'ly and f.-iir. And rejoice i;i your <r.^ti Pixuvi ,i.t i,;i'r.


For restoring hair upon bald heals (fpT.i uhatovcr CJiuse it may hi.ve fallen oul> and forcin.^' a pn.vrlh of bair upon thf foe, it has no Vi<tn\. It will fur.;.,- th» beard to /rov.' up. '11 the sLiootiit.-,t f.ce in from five to ticht w.-ek-, or h;;ir upon baid ].-:'U in f.oin two to three meiithi. A f'-w Ign.-raiit ori'riif.ners have a-sert- fil that tlere Is nothMi'4 tliat will force or tia*en tht powth ol fhe hitii- or heard. Th- ir ««*?.. rti.i.s are false, as thoiuan.ls of livlg^' \viiiM«se.s(rrf.m th-ir o.vii < vp- ri ti'cci can bear witness. I!iU many will say, how ar.- wi to <li-tirii.oiish the ^'eiinine Irom th< sMuiMC.-..- II c rtaii; Jyis (liliieult, u.s nintff-riths "fthe .IiffLfei.t prciiaraiions a.lveriised for the hair and b:ai<l .'>n' .-i.Jir.-ly w.irihl' t^s, ami von mav h.ive r.Iif dy IhroH-n away l;t;-.-e ani'.iii.is It. their pur.'ha«e. T- sii li we wr.uld '^k^ , try the Kcpui Htor Cai.pilii; it will c,st you i, .thin/ m.l.s- it co.-,,, . up to oar rtpresentations. If y.ur I>iTe."f.-» does not ke<p it, send U" one d-llar and we will forwar<l it, pu-'t- i.ail to>."-th"r nitii a r. '-cipt for Ihe m'.tiey, which will ».e returned you on spplicr.tioii, proviaing tnliresah.s l.;ctioni3nut uiven. A-I-lrcss,

W. b CI. VI:K * CO., Chemists, vlnlSyl No. -i West Fayeile Street, Syracuse, N. Y.

^ DR. SCHENCK'3 »,.


Th^H iTcat medicine cured Or. J. IL Sciikn:k, the rropr-etor, of Pulmonary Ccnsamptiun, when i*. had a^-umfid its iiio«t Ic-midablc a 'p<ct, and when ppeedy death aj>r>f;and to be inevitable. Ilii phygiciaas pro- nounced hi.^ ca.ie inrurahle won ho comnK-acdd tlie u-0 of thid fimplo but powcrlul remedy. Hid health was restored in a very ehort time, and no return of the discace ha? been ripprehcndcd, for all the Kymptoi.13 qaickl/ digappeareJ, and his present woiyht J3 more than two hundred pounds f Since his recovery, be hai devoted his attention cxciuislvely to the car© ol Consamiition and ti;o diicascs wliich arc usually compiicafcd v.-ith it, and the cures effected by hia medicines Lave been very numerous and truly wonden'ul. Dr. Si iit.N<K makes profc<wioi;al visits to several of the lar-cr citiej wcokl;-, where he ha-" a iar>.'e concouree of patients, pud it is truly astonishiii!-'; to fco poor consuriipt:vos that hive to Ijc lilted out of their cax-riafrc', a;!d in a few month'" health;*, rol.uHt pcrpoua. Da. .StlUENCK'S PULMONIC SYKl P, SEAWEKD TONIC, and M.4NI)UAKE PILLsJ are pcacrally all rwjuircd in curium' ('onsumpUon. Pu!! direc- tion8 accompany each, ho that auy one can t'lke them v.ithout liCi i:is Dr. S<'nEN<;!:, but wheu it ia con- venient it ia best to HCe him. lie ?ivcs advice free, but lor athoroaeh ^.-jramiuallon with hij? Kewirometer b s fee in three dollar.?.

p.eaee oljserve, t,-hen purchas'n^, that the two likcne.'-f.es of the Doctor— one v,' hen in the lastataj^o Ol' Consumption, and the ether ad he now is, in I>.il< et btalth— are on the (jovcrument etnmp.

Sold by all Drn^'Ki.sls and Dealers. Price .$ . 0 per bottl"^. or $7.50 tha half dozen, heiten for ndvic'j ehould always bo directed to Dr. Scheack's rrincipal Oniice, 15 North Cth St., I'liiladelphla, Pa.

General V.'iiolet-alc .\geuts: Deii.a' Barnes 4: Co., N. Y. , S. S. lianec, Baitiinorc, ML; Joim D. F<rk. Cincinnati. Olilo; Walker <«.• Taylor, Chlctjio, III. ; Collin liro4., .jt. Loui-, Hv.l-A a, e* tCy.: 1 yr.

C L I :,l A X ! CLIMAX!!

Fa'-ro's Climax Salvo, a FjiiHily l;Ipssiii2: lor Co ( OJits.

H lif'-ils without .1 sear. No family Niioultl ]w v.iihoril if.

\<i}, ^.iirrant it io u'.iro Scrofula Soivs, Suit Filicr.n}, ChilhLnns, TpUpf, I'liiipli's, aiitl 111! Kr»|/i!oi!s of the S-'.in. For Sore Ercast cr Nipijlts, Cuts, Sprains, Uruisps IJuriis, St'iilds, Chapped Haiuls, i^'c, it niaACS ai perfect cure.

It Iiaii boea used over fiitecu yer.rs, without one lailure.

It isas no parallel haviii'? per- fectly eradicated disease and hoaU d after ail other remedies liad iVtiied. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracis and IJalsanis, and put up in larjirer boxes for tlie same price than any other Oliitment.

Sold by Dniprs,-i.st3 everywhere. Wlutc & HowlanJ, rroprictors, 121 Liberty Street, New York.



A Substitute for Calomel,

These Pills arc compoaed of varloiu' rootf, havini? the power to relax tho secretions of tho liver aa prciiiptly and effrctually as bhie pill or mercury, and wiihout produciuR any of thoi^c dica-rrecaLlc or danterous ellects which oilcn follow the use of tho latter.

In all bllions di.»order.! these Pills maybe u.°ed with confidence, as they promote Uic dlBchargo of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, ^.-hich aro the cause oi' bilious ftlTcctiona in f.'eueral.

SCllENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cure Sick Ilep.Iache, and all disorders of the Livor, indicated by fallow skin, coated ton^uo, costiveness, drowsincea, end a general feeling ot wearinesH and lassitude, BhowiiiK that tiio liver is ia a torpid or obstructed condition.

In short, tlicso Pills may bo usod with advan- tn?c in all cases when a purgative or alterative medlcino ia required.

Plcaae a3k for "Dr. Schcnck's Mandrake Pills," and oljserve th.at the two likeneseea ot the Doctor ere on the Governmeat stamp— one when in the last etajrc of Consumption, and the other in his prcfieot liealtli.

Sold by all Dmpgietfl and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Princ'pal Office, No. 10 North 6th Street, I'liiladc'phia, Pa.

Ceueral Wliolesalc Apent.i: Denial Dames A Co., 21 Park Kow, New York; S. 8. llunce, l()-( Balti- more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker 4 Taylor, IC^l and ICO Wnhnsli Avenue, thitafO, 111.; Collins DiOllieri>, southwest cornel ^ Bctoud aud Vine St?., St. Louis, Mo.

''** L4ih ii jti* w. ca. mo. 1 n.

DM. VVJlirXIER isrej^ularly cducalc<I ntnl le;;itiiniitc!y (;ual- ilied, and has experience in all forms of disease, a knuwlc(l;;o ,|uito inJi.Bjicnsibie in the trtiU- iiicnt of the veneral disease in all il.s varied sml complicated form", and lias for years made tho liraTiiient of private ilisoapes his busincHS and stilly. Kxperiencc, tbe best of teachers, ha.son- ul.lc'i him to perfect roincdiea at once suflicicnt, .mile, perm an ei:t, and in most sases can bo u«ed without liiixlranc to bii.iinc«s.

Particular attention Riven to obi standi i^ case.", Hiicli as were oonsidcrcd incurable. Syjdiillifi, iu all form.s; (Jonorrboa, (ileet, Strictures, Orcbites D:al,etes, iJbubler and Urinary lJi.-ca.<c.«. Al."o, Ihoefl'ect." of solitary habit«,both ruinou.s to body nndtniii'l, and which produces Rome of tlio fol- lowing; eirccta: iJlolclies, IJod.ly Weaknchi", Con- .stij.alion, Aver.-ion and Uneasiness in Feiuale Society, Unn)anline.«s, Dread of Future Uvent.s, finally a ooniplctc prostration of tho vital pow cr.«. lo.^s of memory, rin^jing in the ear.s, can be fully restored to health.

All letter.-^, wi'h "tamps, answered. Dr, W. is the publisher of a new work, entitl- ed "Niji the Uvil in the jJud," wliich will ho sent 10 ail on recciptof 10 cents to pre-pay po^ta;,'e. CoiLsnltation free. Cbartres moderate, and cure ffu.'iriintoed.

Ilr.Whittier cures the very wor.^tkind ofrup- l;irfi in a few weeks.

Po.st Office iJo.x 220 1. Office and Consultation Rooms 101 South Clark f-trfet; ChU-aJio. Yuu cm seethe Doctor every diiy from 'J A. w. to 5 v. M




III !\iiib;uilt County.

Hi'j;li prieos arc now

Au'l tlie now

m(»'lc of tratling— latvi JecUnc


Uv) (ioods will warrant general satisfaction to persons coniing to

iiiieliii^^® City

To lay


their winter's supply, if tlu^y v.ill only call at



F. X II. T. ANTHONY i Co.,

MiiBufiietur-MS of rboto;,'roi>bic Jlaterials,

Wholesale and Itettiil,

scixncz-cv/Ay. N. Y.

In addition to our main Lucir.es.s ,,f i'lioto- .lirni'hic .Materials wo aro ileaciiuariers ion the It llowinj;, viz :

Stereoscopes *.^J Stereoscopic Views

O American ard ForciLm cities and Landscapes, (jirouj'.-', Statuary, etc,

Siereoscopic Viows of the "War.

I'r'iii no^ratives m;tde iu tl.e various cnni- pai.uMi!- an l'~l'ormii>.^' a complete PhotOi^rnphic h!.>iory of thu i;ro:it contest.

Stercocscopic Viows on Glass,

Ad.qled lor either the Ma-ic Lnntern or the St<r-o<copc. Our C.iti»!o;,'uc will he £cnt te unyaildrc.ss on receipt of stamp.

IMiotogniphic Albums. I

We tnanufai-t.urc more largely than any other ho; se, about 2()'» varieties Iroin 60 cents L. .rJO .•a. h. Our AjMJU.MS have the reputation of be- in„' fupcrior in beauty and durability to any


Card rhoto.!:,'ra].hs of (lenorals, SUtcs- mcn. Actors, etc., etc.

Our oataloi;ue embraces over FIVE TIIOUS- \.N1) ditVerent .-uhjeets. includinff reproductions. .,1 tin: most celebrated Kii;,'ra vine's, Pniiitings. .-;tatute«.ctc. Cutaloguos scut on receipt ot stamp.

Ph-.tograj.hcr.' and others ordering goods t. 0. 1)., "will pleaso remit 2J per cent ol the .imount of their ort'cr.

>.CO>'thc prices and yualit^- of our gof>d.« cai_ not fail to satisfy.




Ju::t 1 ublijihcd ill a seal-. d envelope. Trice

Six Cents.

A Lecture on the Nature, Treatmcut and radical Cure of Seminal weakness, or Sper- I matorrhtea, induced by Self Abuse; Involuntary ) Fmi.s.-ions. Impotency. Kervous Delilil^', and i Impediments' to marriage generally ; Consump- tion, Fi ilcpsy and Fit- ; .Mental and Physi.'ul huai-aeity, Ac— liy 11015. J. (j ULVFllWliLL, M. !>.. Author ci the '•Green IJook" itc.

The world renowned author of this iiJmirahle Lecture, clearly pnvcs fioiu hi? own e\i>erience that the aw-'u! eoiiseiiueii.'es of .-elf abuse may Vie tfrectnally removed without medicine, and with- out dangerous surgical ojieratioiii?, bougies, tnstru ineiits, rings, or cordials, pointing out a modo of euro lit once cerfain and olUclual, by which ev- ery suirercr, no matter what his condition may be may cure him.-elf cheaply, privatclv* and radical Iv. TIS LFCTUKE WILL PllOVF A 130O^ io TllOb SANDS AND TllOTSANDS.

Sent under seal, to any addrc?.«, in a plain Fcal o,d envelope, on tho receipt of .-i\ cents, or two stamp.s. Also Dr. Cuherweirs "Marriage Uu'dc" price 2o cents. Address tlie I'uLlisLcrs'.

CHAS. J. C. KlNE A CO., 127 BOWERV, Nctfr York,

Post Office Box 4586


Gift Concert.

Rus-ell A Oo., of Shakopeo. will give a Crand (Jill Concert at Kndreh':; Hall, Shakoieo, Jlinn,, on we Incjilay <;vening, May 1st ISf»7. One chaiiee in eiglit Five thousand dollar? worth oi valualdo jiropertj' and money to bo di>itrihutc<l to ticket holders. No postponement. Ticket!- (»no di liar each The jiri/es consist of a bouse and l:>t on 2 1 street, .'?1,2!U) ; u lot on 2d street at.'^2i)i>; a hou^e and lot on ILdmcs street at 5li.»0; four lots linely located #100; one piano: one prize in greenbacks SUHI; one horte, one top buggy; throosiik dress patterns, one sewing maeldiiej one gold lev i- watch ; one American watid). Albums, napkin rings, Ac, in all J12 prize.s. Tho object of the coucerl is to di.^iioso ol the rropcrty adverti.scd, and not for a pjtocula- lion. Addrc--B l»y mail (with pri'-o of ticket en- closed) M. C. llufscll, P. 0. liox 270, bhu.'.opec .'\)inne.:otu.

S;;:;: .;^. :ii:M^m: vr. v.., ..y bis new treatment, i. e,.Hl.l.-.! to insure a speedy and permanent cure.

Cousiiitatlousfn-e and conlid.-utial. Ottiec, No. 1.3 9outh Clark Street, et-rintr of Iloiiroe, half a Mock from tliM Post Oin<-e. Vnt Oflico li..x 154, Chicago, III. Ollice hours from 9 A.M to S 1'. M. _, , ,

.«euil for his "Guide to lloalth," published monthly,

free of ch^iri:^''. , . ^. . , ,

N B. -badi'S, send for a deScriptiTP circular of Vf*- \*rio ilemodio, tho I'cst preventive of concoptioM "aown. Sent to any address iVeo of ch- rge.

M((rria(fe <incl Cdibacy.

AN Essny of Warning and Instruc tXOn to Youpg rtlcn. Also, Dijcsacs and abu.-'Oti which i>iemaliiruiy Pi Of trate the vi till Powers, with sure means of relief. Sent free of Charge, in sealed Ictlor envelopes. Address, Dr. J. SKILLAN HOUGHTON, How.ard Asso elation, Pluladulphia, Pa. v3u21yl

Will do a (Jeneral Ibvnking and Ileal Estate ^. ^x ^ ,^ ^"i"VEAR^;;iri7Tiny on^ with nusinci?, pay Ta.tes for non-resideut?, niako c7> /0,UUv/ $15- st-ncil tools. No experience Collections, Ac., Ac,, H.D. IL\LDVvlN, - - - S. P. CHILD

L'luc L'ar« City, May 1, CO.




<>JJi<'C oppoiiite "Union Iloitsc " JJliic Karlli Cltij, Minnesota.


i..i tho orilv I'ltysi<-i.tii, ns a epcculint II -v.- ia Chicajro that can tie entirely relii-'d iii>'ii. <>|> T'l HIM, and not «iiflei that h.iriil ledi.-ease to n-main ii. your «-,>t.in,«li.'<ligui-iiia your larpuin! hody, li^•^illes deKtroviii;; your h;U'piii''.-s.iiid futrr.« pri'^i'i'i Is of lifi«. He h-.iN mads PHIV.\Ti: DbSMASKS and NKKVOfri l.KblblTV bis t^tiuiy for the p:u-,t \L.,^r \,-r\ tweiitv vcars. aii.l ir- tlieiefor.Mhc per- "^lAVilM*"^ g,.„ wiioiii nil !itlUileil should eonselt. Nj oi:;< over b.nrd of a patient of his Tmt biit.;; cured

..aeh.rsiu all the city p.-ip. i-x Im-j patu-.its ana t no II. dieiil profe.-.sioii, h -th h.-re and abroad, as hemj!; fh« iiost -kill<-d .«pe.-i..li,t here, and a thol■o^.^ll neihti-r ol II »..v.ial diseases. If nil olh-r^ f;Ml, don t .K.-.p*iir

,iuo^ h. has b..-n in this city. His i-.-putali>.n bu vaehrrsiu all the city p.-if.i-s, Im-< patu-.its and tho

all nil

^i^o'''him'a .'all."" l"t is'oiily a common o.-eurrenr.' with l.iin to euro such cases. His ro..ins nr.' s-p.uiit.- f.-r ladies and u.-nll.-iii"n. and the nio^t cmpUte in thocity

YotS'J MtN, TVKt PAUTICIL.MI NolICi;. -Joelol- )!uu-

mw d -r. t.-s imu h of his tihic to tho tr.-;.tment o thojo -aM.s.-.-oi-.-.l hv a H.-.-r.-t h.-MI. whi-h ruo..- hoth h.-dy ,nd iniu.l. imliiti!!;.; the u.if-rtiiimte m. i. idual "r ••i.e-r .H,.i.i..s.s or so,-i,-ty. The sad rft.et ol lh.se e:..rly hahi s. „|- th- excess of riper y.-ais, is to weaken and .hhili- tat.-thecoiefitution. d.-sl.roy tho iihy.sical and monta ,,„w..r.s, dimildsh and enfeellv th- imfural f-e.m-s. and

'xhanst Ih^ vital en.Tgic of m,-o:h I: the flexam-s

onif.Mire man-.d. tho oljeet ot marnag<^ fiustrat.-d, ,nd existence iN.-lfi-e.id.-red a term of. me.-asnif; misery A'l 1 reirrct. SiKh persou.s, cspe< i-illy thoso coiitem- .0 should lose no time iu making iiimH-

T ecoa-sary. The Presidents, Casliiers, and Treas I rors of 3 Hanks cndor.se the circular. Sent free with samples. Address tho .\mcrioftn Stencil SOyl Tool Work?, 8prIasQeb.l, Vauiout. 42yl



Moore's Rural New-Yorker,


iLY wi:i:kly.

For IJoll* Town and Country.

TheRiral is tbe standard in its sphcra of Journalism, being the laraest circulating Paper of its Class in tho worM bent evidence of lix- In'iixi'- M' ill oii'l Si'jii ri'iriiij. In variety of prac- tical, u.seful, enterlMiuing and timely Ittading it has no e(jua!, its amiilc pagc.i comprising De- partments devoted to or treating upon


Agrriculture, Sheep Husbandry, Horticulture, Architecture, Domestic Economy

Arts, Sciences, Education, General News, Market Rcportg.

Has, and will keep constantly on hand, for sale :


Jewelry and Silverware,

.\nd will attend promptly to all kinds of Repair- ing of Clocks, Watehe.«, and Jewdry, and guar- antee perfect satiifaelion to all who patronize him. lloom opposite Union Hotel. SOyl

Blue Furtb City, May 17, IS6G.

cliiaie Shop.

The ^L•l.l:k;■to Foundry and JlacLine .'bop is n^'W in oljeration, and wo arc pre]'arcd to


of ci-ery description. Steam engine", Threshing 5IaehiiH,«, I'aaper.=, Fanning Implements, &e.

We al?o make all kinds ol iion and Lraii? ca.?t- inps. Dabbitt metal always on Iniud. Orders =ol'cited and promjitlj' attended t i.

Old Iron, Brass and Copper

wanted, for which the Li,'hc-t price will be puid v3n7yl C. W. BARNEY, & Co.



AVilli IlIUKtrntlouH, Tales, SketthcH, Pc dry, .lIUNlc, Ucbuscs.Knigmas, &c., &c.

TiiK KtnAi- is ably Edited, neatly Printed, well Illustrated, and <i'foj,ffi/ to the whole Co iw irif. It employs the best Talent. ForexaHiple, its Department i)t Slmft llnKhi'ii'/ri/ in Kdited by Hon. 11. S. llANDAi.L, LL. D., Author of the "/',-(Ktir<i/ .Slujjh'jid," ''Shxjj JliiHUindrij in th« S'.i'th," Ac., <fce, the best authority on the fubject in Amc.ioi, while its S'-uil'm (.''.n-tx^ioicHnff /;-/-Vo,- is Hon. T. C. Peters, late Pres't N. \. State Ag. Society, now of Maryland. Many other able atid talented writers aro regular con- tributor.=, and the whole pajtcr is under the Edi- torial Management of its originator, D. D. T. MooiiE. Tifl^; IlriiAL is tho best Journal for tho Farmer, the Horticulturist, the Stock anil Woo! Grower, and the Family Circle now obtainable. Remember, also, that it is not a monlli/j, but ei Large and Reautiful Wukkly.

Examine a number, and see if, next to your local paper, the Ri u.vl is not tho one for your money.


In Sujicrior style,— new Copper Faced Type, Good Pdjier and many Fine Engravings. Each of its Fifty-two No's (not 12, like a monthly,) will comprise Eight Double Quarto Pages. An Index ic., at close of the volume.

TERMS, in Advance- Only $3 a year : Five Copies for ?.14 ; Sovea for Sl'J; Ton for $25, and any grcate^r number at same rate, only ?2,50 per copy. Club papers sent to different Post Of- fices. As we pay American postage, ?2,70 is the lowe«t Club rate to Canada— $3,50 to Europe. JiS'-Now IS Ti!E Tnti: to Svbscrief, and Form Cllus. Premiums, Free Copies, Ac., to Club Agent=, and wc want at least one agent in every town in the Union. Specimens, Show Rills, la- ducements, <tc., sent free. Address

D. D, T. MOORE, Roche.=ter, New York-

Having madii Bome chnngef e'-ncernhig the l.iisii)e^-s traiis;;c;ions of the 'Wlnnebag-o City Mills,' wc wish to announce lo ttie ptililic that we aic now prepared to do all kinds of work in our lino of buiiuess. for ready jiay. Logs-, wood, wheat, or even Money tal.cn m |.ayment for work. Our terms for rawing arc : One half, or ■?r.';per ihou.-'uid. Flour, P.ran, .and shorts con ttanily ou hand, .and for sale ;''.ieap.

Lumber >«25.00 per Thonsanil.

E. RHODES. Winnebago City, March (Vth. U'ztlO.


Goods Avell 1)011 alit, aie half sold.







A^ANKEE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., Etc.

at prices that






Kiitter & Cheese

wanted at all times at the market price.

I never wa^, Never can, and N<;vcr will be


Give nie an early call, and see for yourselves.


Blue E.arth City, May 14, 1SC6. 3n30yl


ha« on hand tbe largest and best selected 5tocC of Hardware, Stovos and Agricultural Imple- ments in the Minnesota valley. My stock of Agricultural Iniplement.s is very largo and com- plete, coni-ietiiig of tho following niaehiiics :

r>5 Buckeye's.

CO J. H. Manny's, Self ct Hand Hakes,

20 Kirby,fi Excelsior Droppers,

and Caugia Cliief, G Sweepstakes Tliresiiers,

0 J. .1 Case's Tliresliers, G Volrator Threshers,

Massellon Macliines, G Buffalo Sulkey Iv kes,

35 Bevolving, liorse rakes,

and all the smaller implement? in a* K

My stock of Builders llardwar has been se- lected with care, and is very large. Builders will alwa^'s find a full supply of

Nails, (Hass, Sash,

Doors, Blinds,

Locks, Latches. S-c. &c.

Prices Esceedinly Low for CASK!

All persons desiring to purchase Reap ' »nd Threshers, would do well to give me a call ocfore j.urchasing, as my stock is very large and 1 will Warrant all maeiiines to give satisfaction, and my prices and tcria= cannot fail to suit. 34v3yl JOUXF. MEAGHER.






1]10UCED to grow upon the smoothest face in . from othre to five weeks, by using Dr. SEV- RJNES RESTAUR.\TETK CAPILLIRE, the most Wonderful discovery in modern science act ing upon tho Beard and Hair iu an almost mi- raculous manner.

It has bocn used by tho elite of Paris and London with the most flattering success. Names of all perehaicrs will bo registered and if entire satisfaction is not given in every inst-ince tho money will bo cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, scaled and postpaid, $1. De^criptii/e circulars and testimonials mailed free. Address P.KKGER, SIUTTTS & CO., Chemists, No. 825 liiver Street. Troy, N. V. Sole »ij<-iittf for the United States. vlulHyl

Advice and Pr€sc7'iption$ for Sick or Injured Horses given Free,.

The Editor of Wii.ices' Spirit of thb Timb» desires to inform tho owners of Horses through- out the United States, that he has regularly en- gaged upon bis paper, one of the ablest and most experienced professional xeteriuarians in the IT. S., whose special duty it shall be to answer, gratia all quettious relative to siek or injured horses which may be addressed to the SriaiT, trluthrr III niibncriUrs or not. Theso answers will in all cases contain a ]>rescription for the injury de- scribed, and will be printed, in connection with the tiueslion asked, in the following number of the Spirit. No answers, however, will bo given by mail, it being a part of the object of the edi- tor to ?ubmit the abilitj' of the professor who has assumed this department of the Spirit to the keenest criticism of the general public. By ad- ding this useful department to tho Spirit, the editor contributes to those of his readers and subscribers who own horses, ahorse doctor free, and not only to his subscribers, but to every hors* owner iu tbe United States who may choose to direct an inquiry to the Spirit by mail. Tho eubsoriptiovi price of the SriuiT is $5 a year ; but single copies may bo bought from news agents from week to week by those who desire to use it temporarily only, for veterinarian quoiitions, at fifteen cents per copy. Tho SriRif or tdh Times is a high toned gentleman's paper which (with the old Spiuit, whoso business and title i^ inherits) is of forty years' standing, and is de- voted to Hunti ig. Fishing, Racing, Field Sports^ Literature and the Stage. George Wilkes.

Editor aAd Proprietor, 201 William St., Now York.


Oh ! she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radient hair. ■Whose curling tendrils soft entwined. Enchained the very heart and mind.


For Curling the Hair of either Sex into.

Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or

Heav> Massiqe Curls.

By uflng this article Ladies and Gentltmen can bean- tify ♦hemselves a tliousand fold. It is the onlv article In the w rid that will curl straight hair, and &\. the same time iiive it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, hut invigorates, beautifies and cleanses It ; is higtily and delightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever oflTered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be ml^ to any address, sealed and postpaid for one dollar.

Address all orders to

W. L. CLAUK * CO., ChemlrtB. TlulSyl Fo. B Wtkt Fayette gtt»»e», Syr««ue, N. -^

I fc.

























1 1

' ^ ! , - - T

r , 1


r 1

E. A. KOTCHKISS, Editor & Proprietor.


Term^— $1.50 Invariably in Advance

VOL. 4.


KO. 31.



1 1 LIj i IV / JL iiO 1 li^V J./i j ^atcrville. Lc Sueur Co.. Minnesota,

J. M GRAi, Prop

i;oiM< lio^li:.

^\'I;cro aro y«.a gt'Ui;? fo fasl, old uian ? Whore arc ycu !;'>iiig*a<) fast?

Office on North Front Street, one door vest of ! J* J^" trlt^i- ■*• ' •* ^^P" Theri:'a a vullcy to iro^-s «iil a river lo ford

Hu-h.rd.on'. Store. , Terms Rca5onablc.--Tcuiu.t.rs over n.gLt ^ ^_^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^, ^ ^^^^^^j^^ ,

Hu-hard.-on's Store. , 7',, , , ..

_ ,_ , I One ilullar aii.l ii .|U:nti'r.

^ ^ ^^^^ I (lenoral sta^o ofliee. Hood tital.ling, .nnd reasiMi-

TEUM.-J OP SiriiSClUPTION. 1 M^lLvf./^. 47x3,1

One copy one year - - - ^l.TiO

For any term leja (iian h ajoth.-:, 5 cents a week-


Ko. in. p sq \jl^ I 4 fi<\\^} c„\. \ 5 eol. |J i'«'i 1 mVti 2.-.(> 4.00 r..lU) T.liO ' 12.00 i 20.00 i lll> 110l»?0 lb .>C\S^Li.ni j

6 w'k^ ;{,:.'» 5,i>o' S.O.I lo.oo lu.oo 2;..oo Pk-nsautlv LocatcJ, and has- bi-on .>«-.w

3 m'tiis :>.oo ,'*.rto r.\ot> i.%.iHi 21.00 . ;'.:..oo ly PavnishcJ llirouu'liout. The vciy

\ ^1^: 1^:23 115 ^S;;;;'":". :;i;;i ! ?S;;:, Wst accotnn;.ulatu.us .unvatuoca to Ten line, or Io«s make one .»-.... I travelers and hotin\cVf^

GARDEN CITY HOTEL. Evans & Tall, Proprietors

inU.ixst it wouKl 1)0 to eonstruo it oth- er\vi>o if they cou!<l. An Aincrioan

Co!-t of a %c'.vsi»ai)cr.

Kiistori "J)*)!!*;."


Good Stable Koom for Teams, nlnf.vl Garden City Kinn.

Advertisomcnts not marked for a specified time irill beeontiuucd. .-iad ohir^?rifi>r acL'urdii'.ijly.

Yearly advertisers will l>e held strietly to ad- ; Tcrlisoinents pcrtaiuin;; to their businers All other notice? will be cb:..j:ed at the rotrnlar rates

Excess of advcrtiiciaeuts iu-'0(ed will bo ohar^- «1 propcrtionatcly to the number of s-iuares bar- | gained for. I

Legal advtrtisement.' in.'erted at the the ex-

Tiense of the attorn^-y ordoriug them, and i?ot do- : i , , i /..n \,\n,U of « ork in

* .,lanJisnow i roparei to Jo iiU Kimi> oi woriv lu

ayable for legal proecediugN but mu.n o'j i-aul ,,j,. j;„^._ j^'e^^ l.ariicss nia.l.! to or.Ur, lUid al!

on delivery of the alTi.lavit. i Idnds of rci.airin;; done on short notice. .Sliop

Notices'in.orted ia the rcadinr column, doit- ' up >lairs. next door scu.b of lluhards.n X If-'y-

.,, ' nold." Oroctrv. .^^

.Uo ra.c3 E.A. UOTCIUCIf.-, i E. JT. I Ii;T( '1 11 N S.

Hariiesis 81iop.

The nndcr.-isne 1 take? this method of inforra- n;; the poplc <>f Winnebago City and vicinity, bnl he has just opened a new harness shop in


i:. A. IIOTCHKIS.-^,

V. lit r /c rroi.rietor.

Winnebago City, May 2.'», 1M>6,


There's a clasp of the hand and a parting wovd An 1 a tremulous sigh foi the past, old man ; The beautiful vanishoJ past.

The road has been fugged androv h, old man, To your feet lis rng-od and roui;h ; llut you see a dear being, with gentle oyfcS, lias shared your labor and sacrifice.

Ah ! taat has been sunshiuo enough, old man ; i'or you and me sunshine euo ;h.

How long siucc you passed o'er tho hill, eld

man, Of life ? o'e< the top of the hill ? Were there beautifi-l valleys on tho other side? Were there flowers aud trees, with their branehes wide. To shut off the heat of the sun, old man : The heat of the fei v\d fuu '

I And how did you cr-ss the waves, old man,

I Of sorrow the fearful waves?

' Did you lay your dear treasures by, one by one,

I With an aching heart aud ••Uod's will be do ne, '

i Under the wayside dust, old mat. ?

' In the grave 'ncath tho way^ide dust ?

i There is sorrow and labor for all, old man;

, Alas I there is sorrow (or all ;

And you, old m; n, have hid your share, For Jighty long wintershave whitened your hair.

enviso if they could. An Aincnc-an , Some idea of tho vast expense at- j The McntreaU/c/.c^. ent.c c;ave to c-itixcn appli<.s to a Liberal ofVlccr for a | tending the publicatio.i of a first-class Canada and to man, the following rhap» sale conduct through Mexico, which is j daily paper ntay be inferred front the sody on liustori's Ehzabefh:

"She was the running streamlet in the green and flowery summer, high

saie couaucL iniuu_u,ii j.>n-.v.w»^, .. "^♦•v r-i •'

readily granted, but it turns out to be annual statement made by the ^ew

an ordor to hang bint when be should York TriOvm: Association '. , - ., n i t

get far enough in tno interior for the j Ihe gross receipts from .tibserip and away in the woodla^ds^ lu peace LuherousTtet to be perfor.ned with I tions, sales and advertising, in 1806, ul .scenes lur royal mutnhcence was inn.unity. As eorrorborative evidence amounted to 8000,417. The expenses ; beauttful, full, beneficent worthy of a that sul was the meat.i.g of the eu- were ?.^S5,1 58, showing a net profit of great queen, a.s the lakes, denv.ng tnei. circled 'him ' it was reported by Liber- but *24,2;VJ to bo divided amom; the grandeur from the itiyrtads of running .1 ollicers th'at the bearer of the pas..- ! stockholders. | streamlets, give character and general

port h-id been hung by robbers. The! /^,m.s-Tbe printing p^per cost , utility to thi.s magmficont couutry.- n-ime of the ofliccr who gave and sign- $tlS,lim. Pressmen and compositors, | Anon the current of passion, subvert- ed the ivissp ,rt was Col. I'cdro Varrios. ?13:j,000. Ld.torial expences, 081,775. | hr^ the higher conscience, fi.wed down, acti..- ""j'-r orders of Gen. ^Liriano Correspondence, 40,a00. Mailing, and still down, carrying the roy.-d at-


Business Directory.

Kscobedo. Americans, beware of l/ib oral passports; there may be a loop in them and a hole through }0U.

i:!cvated Railways in New York City.

Duting tho last hours of the session of the Xew York Legislature a bill was passed providing for the construe tion of three lines of elevated railway m Nev/ York city.

\^orrer>j)uu<.icin;v, -i./,uvv/. i-^- -^i - ^ . ^^ ^

counting and packing papers, s^35,U0O. \ tributes with it, until there was swifl Taxes on advertising, ^10,OS2, besides ! descent, a rapid, many rapids, a rag* many other expenses of Ices magni- ; ing torrent, a Niagara ! Then arose tude,' but which help to eat up the groans out of the deep, distracted s'jul J profits of the publishers. In l'^<i5 the ' the currents of life heaving, eddying, receipts were ?<«lG,5:i7, expenditures, , ^yhirling round and round in the c»ta- ^G4r),l07, showing a profit of ^170,- . fact that has no bottom, or if a bottom, 430. The combined circuiation of the none knowu to living mortal. Y^et various editions of the Tribune, daily, amid all that wreck of mind, tumult,

weeklv and semi-weekly, probably ex- i tempest, the combined dignities of _ *' . . * I 1 1 , „.„„ c«r.,ii., ..», ♦v.a

.S.LAXT^ 0 Fries

\Viiinel)a':;o City Dl^tl^ct.

A 11. r.\!.l.tS. U.-i:.!fr. 11. \V. HOI.I.KV, ittctfivcr.

•OTScehour^froni S .\. M.t'.'.MP. M. Wi:-.:ie'-.i-.- C.ty.Mhii..'Jct.-26; l>t;^.


FRtE j..<r» .X'^crrTv::^ maaON?, avinneb.vco

til V. Mi>.».


Tiesjular Communuatioiis are

be: i'^oa '-^-^ Cra and third Tuesdays of e.uh Jlonth.


P? ! '••, W. M. ••HO. A. wriK. ?. i

J, S. P E 11 11 Y,

T A 1 L O M !

\Viiinel)ago City IMiniifSuta,

Mr/ be f .rod In Fellows' New Block. Op- positc.Cotticll fit Drarbon s New Store,

at al' liiocs. prcj.ar. d L- do idl work intrusted to him. in the late I >'ew York Fashions, or to suit he customer

Most kinds of country produce wanted for work Cutting d.^ne on fhoi t nulico, aud rarrautod to tit if prlpcily made ui). "-^^"^

\nv York citv weeKiy ana slmiii-wv;uki.> , i'.^"""j -- pv....^.^..-, -— - o

"^ .,*,,. ^'„ eeeds that ot any other general news- 1 woman and (pieen arose fitfully on the

.r eighty long wintershave whUenea your na.r. The bill provides for tho lOCOl poia- , _^^ ^^^^^J^ | ^^^^^^^^^ ^.^^^ ^ ^^ .^^^^.^^^^ of summer SUU-

And they've whitened your heart as well, old tioQ (^f l]iree companies, named tllC 1^1

NVest Side and Yonkers, IJroadway and . -— ^

man . Thank God, your heart as well.

You're row at the foot of tho hill, ol I man ; At last at the foot of the hill. The sun hy.s gone down iu golden glow, And the Heavenly City lies just below. Uoon through the pearly gate, old man.— j The beautiful pearly gate.


B MVl'lS 'N' .' ^V. . ..

O. K. yi*,lL1vS. 'rreas^ K. H^ HlTt UIX>,


'^,'■'1 i>iv^S.5;'l^. P. i IJlncksmithing, Shoeing,Kepairlng, S:c.

'x' i- '.> •.'•\H\M.T.l r. i


I'LUI-fEAliTIl CITV i.= ^I)GJ-:

T\. under:i^ned .-till occnpics the shop near 1^. f •.:.:o V;!«. i.nd wr;iidr'-pectfully announce liial l.c is iijw pjci-ared to uianufactnre t.oth

rr.FE AND ACCl !'iK'> M.U-"N- 1. 1 1 1 , M 1 •> .



REr.ri.Ar. n.mu;uuieations are i-.eld on the , Kre Uli I H ill^l O WS. First ai, i Third Wclnesdiivs of e:.ch m .nth. i ----' ^

H P. YOfS"''. ^V. M.,

1. vv. i;k-»'.vs, ■;. w.

il. W. TKlVrr'.i:. .». N\*. W:;. ■.. C W. licas.

11 V (KNsrANs, s. n.

\ V. K A ST MAN,.'. I>. .] 1!. UK \' M''^- r. '^:'''

(.;:■». 1!. Ki.NotL.KV, So.

I. 0 of G- T

■^i:r,rT Alt inet-Ting cvciv Friday tvei/irg, nt V y.oulioii's iii^ii.

llnviu'^Sv cur-id the rorvice? of FIRST CI.ASS^ workmen"'. 1 am able to ».tler tb.e best u'UJli'y of 'vf.r!-. b'iMi .M^nufaeMrioj: a»id K'-'iMirmir. -i- '>- , Ma-'. Ilorso .v <• . .-Hocui'^-. Ac. iu tiie best n.nii- nor. T!>...':\'til f.r i-ist favor.--, I w-.til I so.u-it ^

; i:!;ua;j;.e.; ol ihe pubiie j itrona^c.

vlnl'Jtf J. M. WHEELER.

After the shower, the tranquil sun ; After the snow, the emerald leaves ; Silver stars when the day is done ; Alter the harvest, golden sheaves.

After the clouds, the violet sky ; After tho tempest, the lull ef waves ; yuiet woods when the wind? go by ; After Ihe battle, peaceful graves.

After the ki.ell. the wedding bells , After the bud, the radiant rose : Joyful greetings from sad farewells j After our weeping, sw.-et repose.

After tho burd.-n, the b!is.-ful meed ) After the light, the downy neot ; After the furrow, the waking ."ced; After tie 'hadowy ri'. iY-—r-:'i '■

How a Man may Cany :iis Own Death Wftriant.

'-. CA; i>V»LI.'., V.-. ('. T.



1 The Brownsville A''i/?.'/<'ro publishes the following sketch of Mexican life

r.. M p.-»TTF.::."'v. ,. s. I . the following sketch ol Aiexicau

' oFFicivLsoi' F.vuin.xn.T coi-N-TY. C^^OC^l^CFy StOf^! rtud love fur Ameri-an> :

, vtor_r w rM.v "T.-..s'r-n. p.. Jon::^-os i *" I A citizen of Texas, but off and

iieihter-r Uni . ' ,^ ^]:)^:!-:<.b:'l:^^<To:<. ! .' .vi: A-0 AiTNN. ' trndin- ill Mcxico, albeit a n.erclK

c'n:^er-W>K A- WAY_rou..- LK LA VKU.^NL.

Countv Cm. 1st Dist.-A U. MORF, 41 .. '/J " _l|. .1. NKAb. .. >i S.l '• ">UN U. MSSON,

.1 4th " .1AM1..- CHAYS,

.. -,h " -.lo.-r.i'U rM.n.i-.TT.

Dlsitrlct Coml of this Di.'irict meetsat Ulue CarU. ^^^^]^. opposite Bradley & Bro.

on XANKATO. MINX, \ trading in Mexico, albeit a merchant, ALliiaiT S. ^VHlTE, I'roprietor. I ^yas anxious to look after some inter- ! ests in tho City of Mexico. He had

rrockrry, niaP?-warc. ftrocerieP, Ac., for sale I ^ ^j- various Gov-

bywhok-aloorret.il. Country stores supplied ll\ cU UnUtr iue « on reasonable terms. Rooms on iMam btreet ^.rnmcuts McXlCO, UUcl last, 11 noi

City oa the liist Monday in June



Calls by day or uight piouir.tly aite;idLd to. Winnebago City, Aug. \o, K^oo.

Dr. J. P. 5'i:i!«e>.

Physician & Surgeon,

Ofii'--o over the Hardware Store, -Main .-t., Win- nebago Ci!v, Minnesota. - _ x! I.r_-Otfi:.c cpcn for calls at all hours of the |

»lny and night. ^ j

^"^^ ANliRKW C. DVNN, j

Attorney and Counsellor at Law i

.-£;- Will attend to prof visional busiuesi hroughout the .*tatc. Winnebago City, Minn.

P. K. ^VI8KH, Practical AVatcL-IMake.i,


J E AV E L E R , Mankato, - - - Minn.

l>t-;ALLK IN

^yal(dles, clocks, Jewelry & silver Tvaic

Repairing neatly executed and warranted.

cnAS. iii:iLr.oKN,

Manufn'-lnrer anil Dcahr in

least of them, under the Empire. He i had reason to believe that the Liberals were inimical to him, especially so as he had money on deposit and other property in Mnntcrey. This, be argu- ed was oiVenso enough to secure his assassination. IV-'iorc leaving Monte- rey for the capital, be applied and ob- tained a passport for safe conduct tlirough tho Liberal lines-g.iarantee- iiv him assi>tance and safety at tho hands of all Liberal troops. He started out and made a portion of the trip, but became alarmed at what he saw and heard, and beat a hasty retreat. He


Attorneys & Counselors at Law.

MANlt.vT0.b..Ui: F.AlllH COUNTY MINN.

rii:aHcn.l promptly and f^iUhfuily to all bu,ine..sln- nsteJ to their care- _ .

Have for sal.at all timc3, l^r?«,^»'^"^'V?.'n! Winnebago Trust Laud.-, and other valuable Farming lands.

A. W1LL.VRD. - ^21,1 - - .F S BARNEY

"""converse HOUSE,

Blue Earth City,

Thie house having been '^^I'-^'^i^;;^!!^;^ nished throughout, is now open for the rtccpii



voMum with .^U ^QyyERSE^oprietor.


Front aireet.neartheLcee.^^^^^^^^^ UkSKATO.

M- T. 0. yLOWJiR, Proprietor.

r.fRr..for -.11 Pointi lithe State. Good ««'^"^' ^l^r^lirwiU^attentive Ostle^., l^yl




Opposite Clifton House,

]\Ia."Vato, lyiinnesota.

Our tables are new and are of the best make Good cigars and liciuors at the bar. 4ayJ^






of everv vitnetv.

^ "^ heard, ana uu'iii, .1 " j

GiltMuuiaings Kept On Haiulhjad not had occosiou to exhibit his

' passport ; fo. tunately so, as its exhibi- tion would have cost him his life. He was not aware of this, however, untd

some time afterwards, r.y mere acci-

dent, only a few days since, the pass- port in question, which he had kept m Lis pocketbook, come under the eye ol a liberal ofVicermMatatuoras, where,., the no little astonishment of the bearer,

he was informed that it was an onler fur his execution. '1 he document has been shown us, and is a plainly writ- ten, straightforward passport. But a detective or accomplice might see something in it to arouse suspicion.- , Where the passport states that no ob ctacles will be thrown iu the way of the bearer passing through to the point ot his destination, occurs the word, tm- pomlran. From the letter p is drawn

Yonkers, and Last Side and New Kocbelle. The route of the first nam- ed compnny shall begin at the corner of (Jreenwich street and the IJattery, running north on that street to Ninth avenue to a convenient poirJ, and thence to diverge by the most eligible route to King's Bri -gc, and to the vil lage of Yonkors. Li the upper portion of the city it may run through the center of blocks of vacant lots by a purchase of the right of way in the usual manner. The second named company is formed to construct a sin- gle track railway on a similar plan on liroadway, commencing at the Battery and extending to G4tli street, and hence to Y^onker.?, parallel to the AVest Side line. The route of the third named company to commence as the otliers, at the Battery and to proceed thence through Pearl street, the Now IJowery and the Bowery to Third avenue, and thence on between Third and Second avenues to the Harlem Bridge, and thence to the village of New liochelle. The structure is to be placed over the curb slone on each side of the .street, supported by wrought iron col- umns. The columns are to be attach- eJ to solid foundation piers, or masonry placed below the surface. The track is to be composed of steel, and calcu- lated to bear five times the utmost weight ot loaded passenger cars placed

u[ton it.

Stations for the reception and deliv- ery of v.asscugers are to be placed at regular intervals of from 1,500 to 2,- 500 feet apart. Booms will be hired iu the second story of buildings for that purpose. The stairways arc to be Avith- in the buildings.

The cars are lobe moved by a series of wire ropes.

It is estimated that the road will co«t. from 8^00,000 to 8500,000 a mile.- About eight depots will bo rc(iuired in

each mile.

The law provides that the company shall construct the first half mile lor the purpose of testing the plan.

It is uudcrstcod that the bill requires the company to pay live per cent, of the earnings into the city treasury.

~~ , ,, I shine with black, scoriating thunder

AnvKRTisiNO.— An exchange tells ___

the fuUowing story of a boy who was

The Dauohtrk's rosTCKiPX.— 'I sent to town one day last summer, with Jovc to look upon a young man. There a bafT of green corn to sell : ' is a hidden potency concealed within

The boy was gone all day and return- ^ his breast which charms and pains me.* ed with the bag^ unopened, which he j The daughter of a clergyman hap- dumped on t]ie°floor, sa)in;j', 'There is pening to fi.ul the above 8e«iteuce at the

I your'corn, go and sell it yourself. I


'Sold jxny?'

'No,' said the boy, 'I've been all over town with it, and nobody said anything about green corn. Two or three fel lows asked me what I\l got in my bag, and I told them t'was none of their bu-


The boy reminds us of business men that arc to be found in every commu- nity, who do n6t, or will not recognize the benefits of adverti.^ing.

The following is said to be the pri- vate recii)e of a Washoe editor : 'Take one pint of whisky, stir it well with one spoonful of whisky, then take an- other pint of whisky, beat carefully with a spoon, and keep pouring in whi.=;kv. Fill a large bowl with wa- ter, and make the servants set it out of yoiir reach. Take a small tumbler, pour

close of her father's manuscript iXi ho had left it in his study, sat down and

added :

'Them's my sentiments exactly, pa« pa. excepting the 'pains.' '

The new style of short dresses are 'nvghty deceivin'.' A benevolent old gentleman, a little nearsighted, came near getting into trouble a few days since, for reinaikiag iamiliarly, 'Well, sis, are your ears cold this morning V Ihc i>arty addressed turned on the old fellow fiercely, with 'insolent puppy,* 'brute,' 'old villain,' etc, and he found that he had addressed a lady iu the full bloom of womanhood.

At a fancy dress ball in Paris, recent- ly, a lady was seen In a very low bodice dress, while f.oatiug and waving around her was an abundance of green gauze.

She was politelv asked by a gentleman voiirreacU. i aivc a rMium luuiu.v.., i.^--- >■

^ <• 1 , r xv.ir.r i.our out wIkU she personated. The sea, Mon- intwo spooniu of Nvatci pom ^^^\^._^ c ,\ ,,,, tide. then. Madame.' the water, and fill up with NNhibk>, aud add to the above. Flavor with whisky to your taste. A dose : three 'lingers' every lialf hour.'




William H. Birnoy was arrested last week for imposing upon the good peo- ple of New Haven. He entered Yale College professedly to fit himself for tho ministry, and soon became actively interested in Sunday-school matters, taking particular interest in one of our niissim schools, in whose behalf he col- lected money. He had the confidence of the public at first. The Bev. Br. I>l,elp8 gave him a letter ot recom- mendation, lie is now in the New Ha- ven jail awaiting trial, and at last ac- counts was playing draw p ker with a

In a jovial company, each one asked a fpiesLion. If it was answered he paid a forfeit ; or, if he could not answer it himself he paid a forfeit. An Irish- man's question was: ^How does the little ground h-g make his hole witli- out showing any dirt about the en- trance?' When they all gave it up, he said, 'Sure, don't you see, he begins at the other cud of the hole.' 0:;c of the rest exclaimed : 'l^ut how does he get there V 'Ah !' said Pat. that's your <lucstion-can you answer iM'OurseU V

Imagine to yourself a man setting hlmsc^'in opposition to the will of God, How weak, how bhnd j when compared with the majesty ho would oppose— the might of God 1

Oceans aro to him but drops of wa- ter, and this world and all the multi- tude ot worlds, 'wheeling in space,' serve, but as a balance wheel to the mighty machinery of creation.

LAW'S ii-^JA^'J'-


Coroer of^Hoirey .Main Streets. Winnebago Ci^y

D. S LAW Proprietor.

f:t.go« leave lhi« House for all roincs. There is also a good livery couuectea^^J

V OS.e.


The priming offices and editorial rooms of the principal newspapers in Lima are inclosed within a 'lovelv gar- den of flowers, sparkling fountains and gold fish, and tame, gaudily-plumed sweetly-whistling birds, who never desert their little eden spot, where con- tentment grows for them like the very flowers, whose honey they love to sip. Giacious!





^4&-l>arlicular attention paid to Music Orde_M

a loop passmg around the pi"ecccding|^^jj^^^, prisoner, and /. :.^ o ir,nn or noose, . , ^

swearing over a

letters ha, forming a loop or noose and might be construed to resemble tho nooseofahangnuan'swhip. Whatever it may mean, there it is, distinct and specially made, and undoubtedly for some specific purpose. The bearer has


roST OFFICE RLILDINO, FRONT .1., ^^,, i^ !«, dlstlllCt aQU ^-. » -. «^»^^ - _

MANKATO, WINN. '' ^nTmade and undoubtedly for The answer was, 'I haNC thiee.

^l.!^ticular attention paid to Music Orders ^P^^'^^'^^' ;,;;!. a ho bearer has they each have five sisters. '-

-^1 some specific purpose. ■"' ^.nliod the interro<^ator, 'ex a

""a' new lot of Warranty JkcJs ust ^^^, ^^.^t it meant 'hang bim ! So, replied the inte. ro, , I ,,l!raud'for sale at th£ office. >*1- .^^J ,,ate several .entleiucu whoea [yc maun have.


A father of three sons and five daugh- ters was asked what family he had.- The answer was, 'I have three sons, ami they each have five sisters.' '^lercy .

- fainily

He who betravs another's secret be. cause he has quarreled with him was never worthy the sacred name of friend. A breach of kindness on one sidt» will not justify a breach of trust on the

1 other.

j The best throw ut dice U to Ibrow I thorn away.

'At low tide, then. Madame.' The lady blushed, and the gentleman smiled.

An honest, blulf, country farmer, meeting the parson of the parish in a byJauc, aud not giving him the way so readily as ho expected, the parson, with an erect cre^t, told him be Mas belter fed than tau-jht. 'Very true, indeed, sir,' replied the farmer, 'ibr you teach me, and I feed myself.'

A spread eay;le orator of New Y^ork State wanted the wing of a bird to fly to every town and country, to every village and hamlet iu the broad land; but he wilted when a naughty boj in the crowd sang out, 'Dry up you old fool ; you'd be shot for a goose before you ilew a mile.' _

Smith spent two whole days and ni'dits in considering an answer to the eonumdrum, 'Why is an egg underdone like au egg overdone ?' He v.ould suf- fer no one to tell him, and at last hit upon the solution- -because both are hai\Vy done.

A gentleman, in the spring time ot life, when walking wuli a lady, stum- bled aud fell. On bis resuming his perpendicular, the lady remarked, 'She was sorry for hl.s unfortunate f.(ux pas: 'I didn't hurt my fore paws/ said he, '1 only barked my knee.'

A very modest young lady who was a passenger on board a packet ship, it is said, sprang out of her berth aud jumped overboard on hearing the cap- tain, ''uring a slorm, order the mate to "haul down the sheets "

Teach a child that there is harm in everything, havv ever innocent, and as sooQ as it discovei-s the cheat it wont see sin in any thing. That's tho reason deacon's soqb seldom turn out well, aud preaeber's daughters are mar- ried through a window.





■^ . ^



MAY 29, 1867.

UuotiiS Diary.

Judgi* Holt sav« : The diary purports to be on^ for 18G4, and the loaves cut or lorn Trom it prob-

X.;wYo:«K, May 21, ISOT.

Juds^H Advocate General Holt cor-

tities that the followin;; isa co^ry ol' the , ably contaired entricH ofthnt yenr, and

wntin<T in pencil, found in the diarv I '^^'•'e thus destroyed by Hootli hiinsoir.

taken frtmi ibe body ot* Hooth : ^' *'' absolutcdy certain that the diary

KXTUACT8 FkoM Tilt; DiAUV ''^ '" ^'' rcspi'c'ts as it was when it came

.T-.». . a...:j io li T-, .1 into my bands, and Colonel ron<jer,

IkaM^^, April lo It— liidav, tlie ' . •' \ =*

who was prominent in the pursuit and

J^f* PostniaMtfr Gc!H?ral Uundall lias recently pn-bibited our foreign

mails from e.o>sln- tbe ocean in Am^^r- I ...i^v -Ur.til today notbincr ^vas eycr ! ...>..,•

icnn Fi'i.r Tliis w^^ dtnio in .iii«s\ver .- i. r -n " , i Capture ot booth after haviu'' careful

lean M.ii:. J Mif» Nva!^ <iont. m an.>\\ei tnoupbt of saonficMn-]; to our conntrv s : , . ,. .

,, . ' , - . I'y examine i it in mv pr scnce, on yes

wroMiis. lu)r SIX inontbs we bad work-1 , , , ..'*,.. "^ ,

,^ , . , terday, dechired its condition to be

eU to capture, but our cause bem^ al

to a petiti'-n ofNow York City French, German and Britisb merchants. No mails are hereafter to be made up for Anie! ican s^teauuTS, and every letter that crosseB tbe ocean must be under ibe protection ot foreign flags.

Tl\e ( hlruL'o Post says tbat tbe real p'»int in is-ue i^, tbat "in the opinion of resident forei^iv.rs, an 1 non resident au'ocrais and aristocrats, American commerce' :-.nd sbips have no business on tbe ocean, and ibis A«lministration is doin<; all it conveniently can to de- stroy the former, by diiving away the I'tter"

K.iiid:»ll U also, to u-se a Fignifua' t pbnse, -a * dead btal" on printers. He Im'* lately issued ordeis to pi^sst n»a"jfer» t- furnish the letter list to any newspaper which will publish it i^ratu- itously. Hud adds, ibat as soon as such pfiblioation is begun, the oHiciitl publi cation will be abandoned. The oricr- iiiftl price }>aid for advertising the h.st was one cent a namu.

Sucb actions need no comment, and Kandall is on tbe bigb road to popu- larity.

.'^lij'^Tho public lands in Mimiesota can bo recapitulated in tbis way :

1. Section IG and oO in eacli/ and every townsbip for tbe use of Scnools.

2. ScNenty two sections for the use and su]>p rt of a State University.

3. Ten entire sectiors for tbe pur- pose of erecting State buildings.

4. All tbe shIi sj)rings in tbe State, not exceeding twelvp in number, with 8!X section? of land adjoining, or as contiijuous as may be, tor tbe use of the State, as the Legislature may di


5. The whole of those swamp and oveifl'jwed lands made unfit thereby for cultivation, of which there are 721,- 204 acres.

most lost, something di'cisive and j^reat ' must be done ; but its failure was o" mi^ to others who did not strike for their country with a heart. I struck boldly, and not as the papers say. I walked irith a boM step through a thou.sand ot his friends and only stoj^ped once. A Colonel was at his .side. I shoutetl Sic ,^nnpri' before I fired. In jumping 1 broke my log. I passed all hispicket-J, rode sixty miles that night with the bone of my leg tearing the tlcsh at t very jump.

1 c:ui never repent it, thougli we I'.ated tD kill. Our country ow'd all her trouldes to him, and (iod .simply made mo the instrument of bis punish- ment. The country is not, in April, 1>G"», whatit was. This forced union | is not what T have loved. I car*' not what becomes of me 1 have no desire <. to outlive my cuntry.

This night, before the deed, f wrote a long article, and meant it for one of the editors of the National Intelli<ren-

I precisely the same as when he took it from Booth's body, when he was shot, the writing being the same, and all in it which it then contained.

Coiijier was examined before the Judiciary committee ot tbe House to- day.

(Signed) J. HOLT.,

Jud'jre Advooato General.

A Miniicsotlan In .'Vlontaiia.

J. C. (loodnow, writing fromlSfon- tana, under a late date, to his friends in this City, says :

One of the Efrcatest strikes ever made in a mining country was made here a few days a;,'0 by L. W. Ibowii, Ksq., of Shakopee, Minn., wherein ho made the i)urchase of the enormous amount of sixty three thousand five hundred feet of valuable qu.irtz property, at a small figure, and only because he un- derstood the kinks of the law, whereby he h;is made Inmsclf indejiendently rich. I understand it is liis intention to return to the State this summer for

Eight business buildings were de- stroyed by fire in St. Paul lust Thurs- d:iy. Loss, ^20,000.

Thccity of Jiondon has voted five hundred pounds towaros the erection of a statue to George I'eabody.

Gen. Sickles has been breveted Ma jor General in the regular army for gal- lant ami meritorious service at Gettys burg.

Loban Heath, with the permission and by the aulhoiity of the Treasury Department, has issued a new Counter- feit Detector, in which the cuts and dies of the IJeparlment are used to il- lustrate tbe work. It is considered of great value to the banking and com- mercial interests.

The Memphis tournament, on tbe 22d iiist., was a success, 10,000 people being present. Ii is not stated how much money was raised for the sulTer- in;; people of she South. Several bun drcd thon-sand dollars were wasted for finery and luxuries for the day which might have been better employed buy- ing corn for the starving.

A butcher in New York hai been arrested for cutting olT the fore legs of an ox at the joints, for the purpose of prewnting the animal from Ptraying away until the 'killer' should be ready to slaughter bira. The groans and stnurgles of tbe [)Oor animal as he hob- bled about on the stumps of his legs, were agonizing in the extreme.


Th-i advert'S«r, having be«n restored :o heaUh in a fow weeks by a "ery eitiip'e remedy, affr having Mifforod fjr gci<.Tal yenfs tvi b a severe iunj!; Hffection, and that <lroad dineaRO Conauinp- 'iuri-is anxious to mnke Unown tu his fclluw-sut- rcrcr»tlte uioai'i of cure.

To ail who dej^ire it. he will send a copy of the pre.'cripiion u«ed, (free of charge), with the di- rections for preparing and using tlic gaiDe,|wbicb ihey will find a .sure eure lor (Jo.nsumi-th>n, Asth- ma. Hii.'.NCJiiTis, Coi oils. Colds, and all Throat and liung Afleclions. The only object of the iidverli»ier in sending the Pcrscription is to bene fit 'he afflicted, and .spread informat-on which he conceive!? to be inrdluabie, and he hopes cv ry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may provo a blessing. Parties wifhing the perscnpiion fuek, by return mail, will plcuHO address*

Rcr. KDWACD A. WILSON, Williauisburg, Kings Co. Ilew York.

cer, in which I fully sot fdlh our i ^1,^. purpose of purchasing machiiury

reasons for our proceeding.-^.

to erect upon his property, and wlu n

fr^Sccretarv Stanton has refused to permit the Wilkfs Booth Diary tc be published, though the President ana the Jndgc- Advocate-General are anxious it should be given to the press. Stanton may be an honest man for aucht we know, but it would be very jdeasant to peruke tbe pages of tbe Diary in search of proofs of his loyalty. The astute Secretary has evidently dis- covered a large something in the treas- ured pages, and is unwilling to share his knowledge. His political head on a charj;er, for the Diary in calf, would be a welcome exchange.

J57"Staoton, it seems, lias been dis- appointed; for tbe Booth Diary has been published, and the Secretary said it sh )uld not be made public if he could help it. It appeared one day after the above wan in tj pe, and its develop- ment? are not of a character one would Fuppose the Secretary ?o particular to keep within a limited circle. But there is no accouniini]; tor tastes, and it i.« really too bad that the feelings of a man in his manhood should bo so sadly injured.

Good Templaus.— The report of the Grand Worthy Secretary exhibits tbe following st::tistics relative to the Or- der, in this St!ite :

No. oil od;;ea this year 1<*5

Ko. ofLo-iyes lafctycur J'^>

Incr:;<iae ^'^

No. of members H is ycai 9,7\C}

No. of uiombers last year 4,443

wife ; during his absence his mother, who is very od and feeble, remon.-^trat- ed with the wife on her conduct, where- upon, the 'beautiful and accomplished'

and beat her nearly to death. Only

old bdy'8 injuries. zctte.

Cinchmati 0'a~

IncrcaBe 5,27.3

No. of initiations during the year 4.88S

No, of full dt-proe meuubers 2,880

In 1802 there were eight lodges, with ft membership of 'iOO.

In 18(>3 there were Cve lodges, with a membership of 284.

In ISoi there were nine lodges, with membership of 509.

In ly^'ib there were sixteen lodges, with a membcr'^hip of 1,087.

Taxks We have Bcveral times heard it sr'id that taxeg were higher; on the contrary, the taxes arc very low in this city, compared with other cities.

Here in a comparative statement:

Nhw York, per capilum U'..-".n, do

gt. I'.iul do

1 his '}" very favorable showing. 4*?^ J*</ttl Pioneer.

J22 75

40 00

4 6j

Andy J(»hnson has just become spon •or to a ivcnth boy, born in uninter- rupted sucecision. in the family of Fur- f'( II Thccde, ?. G'Tra^n farmer, in N<»w Holxloin, Wii.

FK1T..VY, 21st— After being hunted „„^.p ^i^^,^^, cannot help but yield to like a do- thr..ugfi swamps and woods, j h„„ countless thousands of d.)llars.— and last night being chased by a gun- | You can hardly call him a lucky miner, boat till I was forced to return wet and j |^„^ ,^j^,^j g-,^.^, ^,,.^^p,t ^^ |^,s ehrowdncss starving, with every man's I'iiinl | j„ j,;g ^^,.^^^..,^,1^,,^ against me, 1 am here in dcspnir, and why ? for doing what Brutus was hon- ored for, and what made Tell kill a ty- rant. \et I, for striking;: down a great- er tyrant than they ever knew, am looked upon as a common cut throat My act was ]turcr than theirs. One hoped to be great, the oVhcr had not only his country's, but his own wrongs to avenge. I hoped for no gain. I struck for my ct untry and tbat at once a country that groaned beneiith the 'yranny and prayed f »r this end. and vet now behold the cold hand they ex- tend to me. God cannot pardon me it I have done wrong, yet .1 cannot see any wrong except in serving a degen- erated people. The little, the very little I left behind to clear my name, the -government will not allow printed. So ends all for my country. I have given up all that makes life sweet and holy, brought misery upon my family, and am sure there is no pardon in heaven for me since man condemns me so, I have only heard what has been done ex- cept what I did my.«c!f, and it filU me with sorrow. God try and forgive mo and bless my mother. To niglit I will once more try the river, though I have a greater desire to return to Washing ton, and, in a measure, clear my name,

is I think I can do. I do not repent the blow. I think 1 have done well, though I am abandoned, with the curse of Cain upon my brow, when, if the world knew my heart, that one blow

would have made me great, though 1

did desire no greatness, To-n'ght I

try to ( scape the blood hounds once

more, Who can read bis fate? God's

will be done. I have too great a heart

to die like a criminal. May ho spare mc

that and let mo die bravely, I bless

the entire world ; have never hated or

wronged any otte. This last was not a

wrong unless God judges it so. and it

is with Him to damn or save mc. Hard

fon this brave boy with mc, who often

pravs yes, before and since this with

a true heart. Was it crime in him ?

If HO, why can be pray ? I do not wish

to shed a drop of blood, but must

fi dit the course, 'tis all that's left." Upon a piece of paper found iu the

diarv, and supposed to have been torn

from it. was wiitten the A.liowing: Dea— : (piece torn out.) Forgive me,

but I have some little pride. I cannot

blame you for want of hospitality.—

You know your own affairs. 1 was

sick, tired, with a broken limb, and in

need of medical assistance. I would

not have turned a dog away from my

door in such a plight. However, you

were kind enough to give us something

to eat, for which I not only thank you ;

not for the rebuke and manner in which

(0_.(piece torn out) It is not the

substance but the way in which kind

ness is extended that makes one happy

in the acceptance theieof The sauce

to meat is ceremony. Meeting were

bare without it. Bo kind enough to

accept the inclosed five dollars, al-

though hard to spare, for what wo i hd>e h:>d.'



A pentlnman who suffered for years from Ner-. vou.x Debility. Premature Decay, and all the et- feeLs of youthful indiscretitn, will, for the sakp of. suffering humanity, send Irce to ,ill who need It, the recipe and diri-otions for making toe sim- ple remedy by which he was cured; sufferer." (yithing ti> profit br the advertiser'a experience, ouci do CO by addresiting


T4D31yl 42 Cedar street, New York.

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., May 9ih, 1867. To Silas Town:

Elijah Deldin has this day applied lor the north east quarter section IS town.sliip 101 north, range 20 ivest ; it being the land you filed on. Vou are hereby notified to be and ajipear at this offii'e on Saturday »he Sth day of June, 1SG7, at 12 o'clock ii, lor the purpose of giving the wuole matter a fair and iiii]iiirtial invcslii.'ation.

A. 1! lUbUS. Keffister, H. W. IIOLLKV, Ktceiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Winneb.ngo City, Minn., May 2d, 1SC7. To Jamc3 Muoncy ;

John f+a!livan has this duj' applied for tbe north west quarter of section 21, townrhip 102 north. ran;5e 29 west; it being the land you filed «»n. You are hereby notified to be and appear at this office on Mond-iy.tbe '.'A day of Juiie, ISO", at 1 o'clock p m, for the j)urp'j3e of giving the whole matter a fair and imtiartinl investigation. A. H. lUT.LI.', Rtpistor, i!. W. noLI.KY, lieceive?.


After carofol investigation by competent ja<ige« it h-.i been fully and fairly decided tbat tliw bell place to purchase




« and in fact any kind of Goods, ia at the Store oj

R. M. Wilson,

Next door to RICHARDFONP,

where more Goods can be had for owe dollar tha» any other


in Faribault County.

R. M. WILSON. v4n21tf pr N, W. Sargeitt.

April Sth, 1867.


Manufacturers of and dealers in Furniture, em- l>raeing l!ureau«, Table.-;, Matra??es, Dcdstead?, Lunnge!!, .Mirror.'^. Flag C'lairs, an! In f'ict every article of I'Mrlor, T.edroom or Kitchen Furniture. Front Street, two Doors North of Shoemaker** Hall, Mankato, Minnesota. v4n;Utf

One of the wealthiest and ahle&t lawyers in Ne.v York has instifuted suit ft)r divorce from his wife, who is one of the inosl noted women, for beau- ty and acct'inplishments, in the city. The suit is bu.scd on 'inl.nman conduct' to the gcntlcinan'3 niother. It seems (hat the hnsLand left his residence on

,. -u 4i„ . ,r i:o r-iD-CEr.\RKFlL TOBUYOXLY Til,: GKXUINE.

discovering fi,n\\i on the part ot his >-^ v4niiYi





220 .1- 22S Lnh- St. Chuaffo,

2oS> Mitrht St., St. Lnutn,

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebagi) City, Minn, May 4tb, 1SG7. To Jeremiah (Journey ;

Kujxene .Sullivan has this day applied f"r tbe north wc.^t <)u;.rlcr .'Section 12. tt>wn>hij) 102 north range 2'J we.-t ; it being the land ynu filed on.— You are hereby notified to be jwnd appeur at this "otFce on .Saturday the Hth d;iy of Jun«, 1SC7, a' 12 o'clock M, fur the purpose of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial invesiii^.iti'.n.

A. II. nri.M?. Rettistcr, H. W. IIOLLKV, ll».cei\er.

WANTED— .AGEN IS— SCHOOL TEACH LKS, CLEHGVMEN, to take orders for our new woik,


Edited by


Author of "Life of Lincoln," "Timothy Tlt-

eomb's Lettct-s" "Bittersweet," etc,

Agents already in the fielo are taking from fifty to one hnmircd orders per week. No other book now published seljs so rayud'y. Largest commi.-^sioD given to Alfcnt?. Fnr terms and t'iriiory apply to OIIAliLES BILL, Chicago, 111. v4nl8


rpiIE South Wc^t Quarter Section of Town J. lo;',, llinmc 27, in I'rc.'^cott Township, anu 2

miles iVom Winnebago Cit3*, Faribiiult County, , , .11/. /• . i^ otTercd for sale, "heap (or cash, or on^ ah<.rt

flew at licr with the fury ot a tigress,,,;,,,,.

Ttiis is an elegant Quarter Section of m^»dow

I Hiid dry ruiling prairie. For term-, ajiply at Of- ^„ ^,., .,...„w .. ._^ w..».v, >. ....„, , ...

the interference of the neighbor* SaV- [ ti<-o o( "iloMK«TE.\t». i-r to the suli.-i l.cr. at Mnn- .,^0 hercbv couiinanded to ntta- h the Goods and

U. iS. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May, 7, 1SC7. To Charles S KimLil' :

Willi.s L Pcrrin h:i.< thi.s day applied ♦"or the south west (piartcr of section two, township one hundred and four north, range twenty-nine wes". ; it being the land you filed on. You are hereby notified to be and a])pear at this office on Sat ardny the Sth dfly of June, lM'i7, at 1 o'clock p m, for tbe pur|)')se of giving she whole matter a fair and impartial investigation.

A.n. BULUS, Ilc^ifter.

1 1 . W. HOLt.EY, Itcceiver.



To tlt'C JSficn'Jf' or axy Constable of ftaid CoinUy

In the naree of the State of Minnescta, Tou

U. S. Land Office.

"Winnebago City, Minn, May 8lh. 18C7. To Williatn Irehmd:

Knud Peder>ion has this diiy .npj ii' d for the !• e qr sv.c, 14 township 101 north, range 26 wc-^t.- it beinv tiie land you filed on. Y'>\\ arc hereby notified to be and j'ppear »t tnis office on Satur- day tne Sth day of June, 1867, at I o'crock p, in, for the purpose uf jiiving the whole matter a fair and impariiai invebtii:ii'ion

A II fiullis, R<>gistcr Ii W Holky, Receiver

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May 8tb, 1S67. To John llaliv :

Peter Larson has this dav ippUud for th« s e qrsec 14 lownship 101 north range 1:5 west ; it being the land yiu filed on. You are hereby notified to be and appenr al this office on S-turday the Sth day o! June, 1S67, at J p m. fur the pur- pose of giving the whcls meiter a fair and im- partial iuvcttigation,

A. n. riTLT.I.S, Ro-Lster, H. W HOLLEY, Receiver.


May 16, IS 67.



ed her from beinj; niuidercd. The as- sailant was arretted and confined in

the loomhs to await the result of the 10 marry Or nOC 10 El any 5 ,vhose?. f.er hands OTT-ossc^sior. the fame m:.y

Chattel:', Moneys, Effects and Credi?s of U ».«t- wood Tolivcr, or so niu'?h thereof a? shall be suf- fuent to satisty the sum of forty-eight dollars

Scno'is Reflections for Young Men, in Essays

of the Howard Associntion, on the Physiological

Errors, Abiise.^ and ''iseases iniiMccd by igno-

Dnrin^ the p.Tit year a largo hotel ' runce of Ni.ture's Laws, in the first age of ina'i

, 1 " I .u I. . T\ r\ Sent in i-ealcd left, r envelop, s. free of cl.nrg'.

has been hnilt in (jeorgctown, D. C, ! ^,,,,^0,,, j). J.j-KILLIN iioi (JiiTON. Ilow-

Which is abont to be opened under the ' -r^ Association, Philadelphia. Pa.

' ) v4n3iyl

an.^piecs of no less noted a personage than liubort J. Walker. lie is to bo as.si.sted in this new bu-iness by a son and a son-in-law, and their intention is to make the house the mo.«»t quiet, comfortable and fashionable honie for tnmilics to be found in the district. Fifty years ago the preat tavern which stood upou the site of the present edu 6ce was frequented by John Ilandolph. who, with his numerous si-rvants in livery and horses and carriages, gave the i»lace a celebrity which will not soon be forgotten; today, an ex Sec- retary of the Treasury and c.\ S.nator ii about to prove to the world that 'he can keep a hotel.'

U. S. Lend 0£ice. ■Winnebago City, Minn., May 6tl^ 1867. To Lindsey White:

Otc Ole.-on Floe has tbis day applied for the north east qtiaiter .>f sec'ion 22, township I"'! liorth, range l.'v> west : it being the land \ ov; file I on. You are hereby notified to appear at ibis ffio )

lie bund, in your County, snl «o profi'lethat the | on Saturday the Mb day of June, 1S67 at I p Go<'ds and Ciiattcl= so attached m:iy be Mii\ie«.t t< ' ,u, for the purpose of giving the whole matter further proceedings tlioicon. as the l.i w re'Hiires ; j a fair and impartial rnv» ^tiL'-ition.

' An ex Confederate arinv ofliccr, l^rank JJ. Fisher, shot himscl[ in a fi.ro bank. Cause- denii>raIizaiion by pl:<y ing cards. A card was found on him as follows: "I)ear Coroner— Please inform Norman Lodge No 538, of my un'odlv death, an i say I reotiest mv poor wicked body to be returned to the bosom < f my mother by tl em, and may Almighty God have mercy ou my poor soul, through Christ Jesus our Savior. Fleaso inform my ])Oor old Christiaii mother of my death, ]Mrs. Margaret E. Fisher, Iowa City, Iowa.


Th^iP Infills are running day and night, and arc doing c.xcelicnt Work, giving entire sntii/action, to every parron.

Grinding for one-Sixtli. Sawing, §10.00 per thousand, or one-lialf the Lumber.

Flour, Pran and ."ihorts constantly on hand, and for sale.

Lumber $25.00 per thousand.

i:. RHODE.'?.

AVinneba-o City, May 29, 1.SC7. v4nlStf


.Manufacturer of all kinds of Furnituro, made out of well iSeasoncd Timber.

No Poetrv Grinding,

but work that will bear iuspectioc, and at low price's. Cumm.)a


Bedsteads Irora $4,00 upward?, and everything else in proportion.

WiM. balla:^ie.

Winaebago City, May 26th, 1807. v4nI8tf

and also to summon the sai 1 Wt-twood Toliver It ti» be fuuiul, to be niid appear sit mv office in said county, on the I2th day of June, A. \). 1M<7. at one o'cloi-U aftern ion, to answer to David S. Law, in a civil r.cti< .i. to his damage one hun- dred dollar* or under.

tiiven under my ii nd, fhi« fitb ilnv of May, A. D. 1S(H. n B. SPirKKHMAX,

r2Sw4 Justice of the feafe.





Patent ^Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dye-Stufts, Kerosene Oil, Lamps, Perfumery and Fancy Articles.

Santa Anna, who i." livin* near New Ycrk, is now in his seventieth year, and has become somewhat garrulous in disposition. The accounts of h'\i pro- (liLrious wealth arc exacril^ratcd. His property, in real estate :»nd valu.ables, is estimated by those who know at less than one million of dollars.

Dr. C. W. Roback, the well known patent medicine manufacturer, died very suddenly of heart disea?c. Hi was about sixty years old, and leaves n fortune of several hundred thousami dollar.''.

The Great Eastern will not return. Cause, iion-paymeot of the expc^8e^ of the pnpsagc. Money paid fop future

itlip^^^■i!l bo rofiindod.

U, S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., May 25, I3C7. V<* WilJiain M. Knight-

Forsten Larson has this day applied for the •onthciist quarter of section 22 township 102 HI- ih, range 25 west ; it being the land y<.n filed tn. You are hereby notilied ;<» be and appear it this office on Satuida*-, the 22 da/ of June, l^07, at ten o'clock A. .M., fortiie purpose of giv- ing the whole matter a fair and impartial inres-


Pure Liquors.

Tobacco and Cigars,

School Books and Stationery.

Blank Books, Diaries, jMemo- randa Books, Letter, Cap, and Note Papers, Pens, Pencils, Su- perior Ink, and other articles kept by Druggists Generally.

>. 11. nt'bLIS. Register. H. W. HOLLLY, Ueceivtr.

U, S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, April 25, l£o7.- To Ba Igor Elias :

,Tohn F Dan ills has this day applied for th* south enst quarter of secti' n 24, township 102 north, rang.' .31 west ; it Long the land you filed on. You are hereby n»>titicd ii> be and appear at this office on Saturday the 25th day of June, 1S67, at I o'clock p m, foi the purpo'e of giving the whole matter a lair and impnrti'l invcsfiiration.

A. H.nUl,LI.«, Rtgister.

U. W. IlOLLtY, iiectiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Wirncbr»go City, Minn., April 25, TSCr.

To Layfayettc W Snow:

Horace A Fiiunco hastirmdoy applied for tb» c i n w qr of n w qr n w qr an<l lo. no 1 section 8, township 101 north, range 2S west, it being the land you fiied on. You are hereby notified to be and api)ear at this office on Monday tba 10th d.ny of June, 18(57, at 12 o'cl l'.< m. lor the yinrpo.-Jeof giving the whole matter a fair and impartial investigation.

A. II. RI'LLIS. Register, H. W. HOLLEY, Receiver.

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., May 7th, 1867, To Cornelius C. Car .:

Ira M. Riker has this dny applied fnr the sw^^nciAwiseiiseisci scw-Hl, township 101 north, range 25 west; ii being the land you filed on. You are hereby notified to be and appear at this office on Fndav. the 7th day of June. 1S67, at 1 o'cIock p m. for the purpo^o of giving the whole matter a fair «.nd impartial investigation.

A. n. RUT.LTS. Reifisier, H. W. UULLEY, Heoeiver.


ago City,



A. II. BULLIS Registtr, II. W HOLLEY. Receiver,

U. S. Land Office.

"Winnebago City, Minn, May 22, 1867. To John it' gi-rs :

Agnstus J Davis has this day applied for th«

west A south we.«t i cectiv-n IS, tonnship 105

H..;h, range 25 west: it being tbq land yon filed

>n. You are hereby notified to bo and appear at

hirsoffi o on Saturday the 22 day of June, 1867,

it 10 o'clock a m. for 'ho purpose of giving the

ivhole mj,Uer a fair and inipar;ial investigation.

A. H. nn-Ll?, UcKister,

II, W. HOLLEY, Receiver.


I,T, Vjndf f»f .lob Work Hone to orflwr »> tbi"



Bourbon Bitters

A Healthy Tonic. Gentle Sthntdent, and Unequaled Morning Appetizer.

Vrepared in Kipo


Free from Grain Oil, With Flowers,

Buds and Bark.- of the Highest

Medical Virtue.

Hy increasing the appetite, assisting digestion, regulating the bowels, and giving tone to the sys teui. they impart strength and vigor to the body. II nd cheerfulness to the mind.

7/^r- If your druggists or tradesman has not got THESE RITTEllS, have him send for them

^^ Remember the name, and take no other.

For sale by druggists and Grocers everywhere C. H. SWAIN, Proprietor.

34 south Wates St., Chicago.

At Wholesale in St. Paul, by


IT. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn., M.ay 15, 1867. To Samuel H Frisbie :

William Kingsley has this daj' applij 1 for th» south i north west \ section 26 and ea»t \ north east i section 27 township Io;i north, range 2t> west ; it being the land yon filed on. Y'ou are here- by notified to be and appear at this office on Satur- day the 15 day of June, 1867 tit 1 o'clock p m, for the purpose of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial investigation.

A. n. Rl'LLIS, Register, H. W. IIOLLEY, Kecelvw.

U. S. Land Office.

Winnebago City, Minn, May I7tb, 1867. To .John M 01.1s :

. Edwin M Foster ba? this day applied for the north east fit qr see;2 to:vnship 101 north, ra^geSO west ; it being the land you filed on. You are hereby notrfiei^ to bo and npp.-ar at tbis office on Tuesday the 18th day of June lS67 at 1 p m for the purpose of giving the whole matter a fair and impartial investigation.

A. II. BULLI?. Register, H. W. HOLLEY, RecelTer.



U. S. Laud Office.

Winnebago City, Miun, May 13, 1867. To Francis M Weld:

Edward J Dowling has this day applied for tho south west quarter action 2, townohip lOl north, range 32 west; it being the laud you fiied on. Y'oii are hereby notified to be and appear at this office on Friday the Hth day of Jun«, 1867, at 9 o'clock A v, for ttie purpose of giving tbe whole matter h fair and impuriial inTesti- gatioc.

A. F. BrT,UF, Rfglrtfr.

M. .♦. UOLI.tT. Ui«»lv»T.














^ .-^

1 i

1 1


\—. \





Winnebago City, May 20, 1867.


ConiprosratWnal -Services ©tery Pa^^Viath in the ufiw f^^bool House, at 1 1 o'clock A. M„ and 7 o'clock P. M.

Rev. K. W. MERRILL, Pastor.

Winnebago City litl'd^^ a b:irl»er. Somoboilv to j<])av« the people. Wliitc or b!:ick, rich or poor, it is all one if The Commissioner of the General ', only lie tonchos li-'.Uly, usc^ clean, pe. -

Plfl^fi(--t). H. Morse, of Verona, offers for sale a fine lot of CUuslur Wliiioiiud SuColk Pigs, on reasonable torms. n30w4

Daptist— Services every alternate Sabbath in the Baptist 'Church, at 11 Vclo.ck A. M., and three Sundays in each month at? P. M.

Roy. E. STILLMAN. Pastor.

Methodist— Services Kvcry alternate Snbbath in the Haotist Church, at 11 o'clock A M., «nd one tjunday in each month at V v'ilf>ek P. M. Rev. A.S.CIIUH131 TK. Pastor.

Beal estate Trausfcrs iu;^Faribaitilt t'o.

For the week ending May 25, iSfiT.

John'C. 11 iwliind and wile, to Diiniel B. Thurs- , , , ,, . -^ i j •« r .. i\,.^

toa.inlS.imuelSchulor, Warranty Doc d. Lot 4 trutt'd tllO lollo\\in- Capital lut loi the

Land Office has submitted to thfe Sec- retary of the Interior for his approval, a list of lands cbllt iniug r)4,!»54 acres felectcd for indemnity, and as iniirihg to the State ot Minnesota under the acts of Congress approved July 4 atid 13, 18G7, to aid in the construction of the Southern Minnesota K ail road.— /S^?; Paul J'rcss.

Immd napkins, and breaks ni't the handle of his razor. Oh I ye lineal de- scendants of a burbarous tribe, reincn.- bcr that the winter will soon h*i };<»ne, that tho peojile have loo lotit^ leeu

AFFLICTFdJ! SuffV's* iM> More !

When l,yi^.;..re.,n)P.. iniNVlLLF'S KLIX Il'i you can be btlred ijcriiiancridj, and at ii Ui- ilin<;co8t.

Tlie asfonishiti); success whirli has attciulcd this invaliiahic r lieiim f'-r IMly^i(•nl mid Nerv (HIS wcaluics!', (j<!ii'.-fal lU-liiilly and Prostratitm. L'.ss of iMusrular tiii'i'jry. Iiium.'i my, m- any ot tlu conseiiutnces of >initliful inili-ifrctioii, ren

, , dcr.s it the luo^t valuuhio prcparanonevcr dijiuv

bearded, and some one of your number ^.^^.,1

•'Making a pod out of a raan.

Tho true yodis .sigh U>r tho cost and pain."

A correspoudent of Moore's Jiural Xeio Yor/ccr, sonlo years a^o perpe-

\p. 15! vk 1 , Lots 2 and '.\ in Bl.<ck 7 ; and Lots 2 and 3 iu P.lock 10 in Hlu<» Earth City— $lt)2i. Ii» Wi'.linm Ilalstead and wife, to Ansel A. Brock- et, Warranty Deed, b acr s in north part of aoc- tion 5, town 101, range 27 we.<t $li'i>.

Jatue;» Doha.'n and wife, t'^ William IIal«tead, M'arrantv Uw»«d, b atfL^tf <.iV l\ oi the avuuh end of th»> w,>»; Iiaii of tho lior'.L cast tiuavler of becliuu l'.». ti.wn 101, range 27— $;0t».

Humphrey Mount, to (i Mir^e W. D:inn, Wur- tar-ty Dood, th« ea^-i halt of (he r»rih we^it nuar- tw ot" section 27. town 102, range 2S— ^^oOO.

Tho bridge at Vernou i^ passable.

A. D. Marion, formerly proprietor of the hotel at Vern<-»n, has purchased a tcsidence fet Mauknto.

come to our fair city with a chair, and baud extended for dime .^hiii-plaijters.


A\'iiincbagi) City Market.

Corrected weekly by Moulton i Dcudon.

Head the advertisemeiit of G. K. Cleveland. lie offers an excellent ijuarter section of land for ealo cheap.

Mr, Henry K. Gerry, of Garden Citv, is our anlhori/ed aL'eiit in that place and vicinity, for tho rKEE Ilo.uz-


I\ M. Tieroe and L. J. Kmevick liave gone to Wisconsin. They iuteud to bring back a tliouj^aud ever^jreen treas.

benefit of that very large clas^ of would be rhymsters who, iu imagination, see their names inscribed with Sliakspeare and Danfe, and with varying hope wait the coming cf that glorious time when thewarld shall open its eyes and acknowlediro thc'r relationship to the sacred nine.

l[ow very ah.'=urd is half the stuff

Called Poetry," now-a days I The "stanza?," wid "epics,"' and "odes" are j -r? enough

To put every lover of ihviue in a huff. And e'en old hens with their "lay?."

One asks Lut a "cave" in some "forest dell,"

'•Away fr»>m the cold world's strife:" Now the woods in iiie weather aro all very well, But give them a six weeks' "rainy -pell,"' And he'd su'>n "cave iu" in nis "forest dell,"

Aud bo sick enoHgh of tn« iifc. , Uno 1. vti (,/.'(- hcli.vc.«) lijo i;litioi ill;: foam

"And tho uiad waves' an^ry strife ;"

Wheat, spring, Nc. 1,


Ko. 2,






ri..ur, p«r 100,


Corn .Meal,












liay, ]>er ton.


Wood per cord,




pork, salt, ]ior piniiid,

ISl .'JO

Pori<, fresh, per c\«t..


Beef, fresh, per pound,



The AVorld Asn)ui.sli(^d


>Ia<le by tlie (ireat Astrolugist, MADAM II. A rEIUllOO.

•veal- Hi^prct" tio mortal cvtrr linvw. She reptorcs

It Will rt^inove till nervous alTi^clions, depros.* ioij, cxeitcui'Mit, liicaja' iiy to j-liidy or Imimix-ss, loss of Ee'oory, confusion, tli-ugliis of .-elf-dt- .•^Iruction, furs <>f inxanify, Ac. It will restore (lie a) pi'tiic, renew llie h.«,ilttt of those who have destioyc'l it i^y se isual excess or evil praclifcs.

Voithg iiioii, III Imiiihug^jed m; niorc l>y 'linack Do' lorn ' and ignorant i^ractioners, but send without (iti'.ay for tlie Kli.\ir, and beat ouce re- siorod to hfallh and ba|.pii e.«s. A p«:rfc<:t cure IS tina<aiiie»d in eviry iii>titucc. Priie, $1, or foiir bottles to one adiress, ?;'..

Oiii- liotlle is .••uflicieiil to effect a cure in all or<linary «-a c".

ALSO DU. JOiNVILL'5 SPIlCirif PILLS, for tho speedy ami |ifiniriie(it ciire of (iiiiorilifa (Jlcet. Irctliral Di.-cliariio^. (Jravel Stii« Hire and all alfc'lii^ns oflln- Kidtioy-; ami Hliibkr. Cuie- ffTected ill fioiii one to live day.i. 'Ibey are pre pared from veg<taMe extracts that are harnitU'S>' on the syslcui, and never naiseale the stomach or iiuprogiintc t'ue briatli. No change of dicfii; oecessarv wliile u.-in^ tlie.u. i>or docs tb'-ir aciioo in any manner intertero willi busino^i pursuits. Price $! jier bttx.

Hither of Hio .ibovp mentioneil arliclc.s will bf sent toiiiiy n<b'r(;iG, ciosuiy sealc.l, and post paid by mall orexpress, on receipt of price. Address all t>rdcrs to

BERtiElt, SllUTT.S A Co., Chemists, \4nlSyl No. 2S5 River Sircet, Troy, N Y



Warratty Deeds,

Mortgage Deed:

Quit Clainl Dticds,

Cliattle ]\loitgagt s,

Lavery Stable !


I to li:ii>i>'.iii >- till -^i »lio, from i|.i|i-fi,l cvi-iits, caliistro pli«« iTo<« in lovc, I'lss of rcl;iii.iiis aii<l fi icinN, loss of

Bur take the-ycung ,eui.ts that wrote that 'pome.' , ^-i:^^,l::-;:::-;::^Zt^^^^^ "Where the billows dash and the sea birds roam," i in^r ai>-. i.t fiitinlsorlovcr*, icMorc. \>,m ..rMoi.n pr<.i.-

fiiy, tells J .111 tin liaiiii'.s> \\\t ar»- licrt (|U.illtii'il to ji'.r- t^iicaiKl ili"«li:it .vii will 1m- iii.i.s| .■■ui-e •ssroi.CHUsc,-. <<|ii-f- tlv iiiaiii!i/< s ami tells \<<u llie very day you will n ;oiy,

Prcw & l*ayue, of Mank to, man- -ufactHrers and <lealers in Furniture, present tlieir Card this week. Look for it en the -second page.

Judijc Austia has aljourned l^e Df?>trict Court which was appointed to meet 'it Blue Earth City iicx-tTuci- dav, untd October.

Mr. Kimball presented us with a fine fish a few days s'nce, which we enjoyed muchly, on account of its good qua.ity and outrageous cheapness. Thanks.

Wm. Lowe is buuding a new house, lie has some fine trees growing on his lots, which a little care and fore, thought placed there a year or two since,

G. E. Nelson knows how to keep a tip top saloon. He is soon to put in a

And he'd gi\o all he had to he safe at home,

Aud s:iiv there the rest of his life I ■• - , ■, . .. , .,•

(lives >DU 111!' ii:i '•', l!kciiis>aii'l ciianicttrictiis of ttie

. .1 1 it f It ...: ,^ ' iiers.<n S'..c ri:i'ls v.'iir v-tv thou I.T.<, and !•. Iieriil-

Apropos of the above, tha following ; j;;;',;';;,,,n;;n,,,i,;.wers uoVeils ti.ciark -n.ibUl.bn

Qt'in/l^ /'Trf>Pl 1 VoltlmO of 'TranslatioUS in>«teiksot : .■ t.iicr... l-Vo..» the stirs wes,-i„ the stanzas, (^irom a \OiUUie Ol liailS.JllUU^ {i,,„.,,meiit— tlu- nrilclicstarsthatoveicoiiie cr i.rc.lonn- rwf •nt^omIvL P..oinc '^ vvlu<»1i inn^ir ;,i ' t.:itH in tlieeonfV-uratiou- fr-im tlie;isp.ctsiiii.l po^ili-as

Ot bpani.>;ii I ueuis, ; nnuicii appeal in ^,f„„. ,,,.,„,,^„,„i,i,.. tix..i sta-sin thetimc or i.:itii,

tlwi /^\»;/. ,.1/ f.^r Tnn.. -iro not to l,o i »he .Ie.ln.es the fnl.if.' .lotiny of man. Inil not to i, „i-

the t/efar.cy loi June, aie not to "^ g„„ „„. ^t,.,,,.^, A>t,oi..K:st ..n nurth. it c.sts you i.ut

eClipSea m aOSUrUltS, UnitS'S Uy S*^"'^ ; ^,,,,.,r,u„itv. t-.l-Millationlne, «;:» likeness an.l ill! oi.o^imoiia nf nru'tio KtniilitK*- whieh ' <^'^'''"^'' '"''■'"'="'"""•""*' """'"■• »'-'l'is living ai a .lis

Specimens oi poeiio biraiiiing «"><'" i ,^,,^.^ ,..,„,.,,,, ,,,i, ,|,. >ir,.iani i.y niaii with .•H"ai>^.>f<iy

m-\v Li> tl.imd in tlifl bot'Oin r.f the I aii'« satisfaction t. tlicins.h.s. .-.s if in peis..ii A full ma} 00 Il'Una in ino UOUOm Vl l'"^ j a„,l explicit d.aM, «.-aitu out, ^iihall inMuiiicsan-

UoMKSTEAD waste basket, and y^h\ch ^ ^J;:']^::!^^^!^;;:;;-^^^^^^^

we t\.rbear to illustrate. Enough, that '^r'i^Xr^::^:l:^Z'ii::u:::rZ^T^

u-^iur> fkt'flin ^//'J.JQ liQVP fllrplilv TI»nOfir. <lc.-:nnt:iheTn. Write pl.inly the .l.iy of ih.' i.i. nth an.l 8OIU0 OI ine f/Cms IiR\C aireaU) appear- ^,.^^111 whl.h y.u were bum, euciosinii a small lock of

ed in its columns out of compliment to ''^'"■- Address, ^^^j^^,^, ^ ,j ^ pKnuiro the authors. More of it we cannot. ''^'^'^y^ '*'• ^- ^'-'^"^ -'•'^=. "«"'''^' ^'- ^'

I stand by siuiling Bacchus',

Iu joy us wont to wrap he; Tho **iso, Do.-ila, lack us

The knowledgo tj bohaff^.

What tcatttrs it if tvcn

In fair us diamond splendor The t-uu is fix'd in heuven ?

Me li^ht he'i boru to r-nder.


WonM rc.spoetf illy inform the public that they have opened » first class Livery .Stable in Winner liaj;.* Ciiy, where ;^ooil •■esfablisliincij*.-" can be h 1.1 at all times, il ly or ni>:lit. Passengers ar- il* iiij4 by .-trjL'e i-.tv."-' \ ;o .'iv i;.>iiit-iio.-ire<l.

Stable aud Ottice just back o: lb« Xew Labtlst Church.

Wiunebaso Ci'y, Jan. JO, 1SC7.

Marriage Ceitific'r«tes,

and ALL kiudt of


The moon is, so me tell they, With li\iu;j beings swanuy

"There moy be th'r^san«i.-<" well they Can uover come to harm me.


billiard table, when the lovers of the p.itient h?s submitted to a third read

GEORGE E. NEL^^ON, Proprietor. Litiuor.-^ of all kinds, Cream j

AKj and La^er Beer, constantly on hand.

Oysters, Lob.stors, Teaclies,

Blackberries, llaspberries, and Cas.nec F^Llis of all kiiiMS.

_. .. , . r , 1 Plain and FaiiCy Candies^ aud

The peculiar beauties of the above y^^, u.m every dime.

are fully developed only when the j winnebauo City, Pcb. 27, 1S67. v4nl8tf

Know Thy Destiny.

Madame F. F. Thornton, the preat English Astrolo- u'ist, ('lairvo.\ai.l anil Psycli. Ill' l.ieiHn, who l:a« hs- t..nis!i. lithe <ru iitifl.- cla»st>ofthe Ohl Wornl, has .io« loc.il.-.l h'TS 'Itat llii.is.xi, \. v. Ma'lHtie Thornton Ii.is.-ei.^.« such woiiilerf. 1 p.iwc, s of conri sipht, ..s to enahle her to imi'art k...i« <l»f« rf the j^r. aU st iin, or- lane.' to th; si'i^le <ir .aarri.-il of ei'hiT »'X. \Viiile In a state of trance, she <lt liiu-ati-s tlie very features of the jicrson Vol! are to marry, ami hy the ahl <■( an instrn- ir.i-nt ofinien^e iiower, known .«s t'le l'«\ chitiiotrop'", >:airaiifees to iir.o'.'ice a life-like i»ieture .iftiic future Inisliao.l or ttil ol tl'c ; j.plicar.t. t..};<ll—r wiili dale .>f ai..;ria're, poktioti in lin'. h^aiOiiL' traits. .f eha'-:>ottr. ,i.-. TH? is no hninl)ii,i, as th<iusainS of tesiiiiionials 0:111 assert. ,*'<ie will *en.l, whi-n (le-ire.l, a c.riitii-'l I'ertiticite, or wn:'<li ;,'uarantee, '.hulthe picture is what it piiri'ortsto »>«>. lly eoelosinj.' a small lock of hair, ."ml starini; jihic:' of iililli, npe, ii|>t'.ir<l'lon anil .•«.m(il.xion, an<l encl.i«in;; ."ioci'iits aii.l t>laiiiin'il chV'-iu;.c a.l.liess. .1 to yourself, you will receive the pi.-tur.- aiol ih-sire.l in- foriiia'ion hy return tom'iI. Mi eoir.mnnicaliops sa.T. il- ly roiih.hntial. A.Mress. iu .•onliiieiii-e, MAl'AMK K, i-'. TIIUIINTON,!'. 0. liox 'i^iU. llu.ison X. V.


are Printed and for Sale, wholesa'u or retai', at the tjlliceof iLo

i I y-i t-^ Y^ -fi



'Crosby's Opera House*



(New York "Warerooms, 650 Broadway.i

\Thij!i-i-:alo Agents fur the U. S. for



Gold Medal Piano Tortes.

As to the reUtive merits ( f iyi';!-c PIANd.^, we would refer to the C^ertifnateK of excel ioiKii- »n otir j.o'csssion from THAI..aERG, CSO T T SC II AL K, gTRAKOSC II, <;. SATTER, H. VIEUX- TKMl».S,l.,OLlS.STAAIlunJE.MlZIO, Mu- ■ical l»in-i!or of t'lo Italian Upera, ati also fr.'iii .^oma of the most <lintiii^nislie<l I'r.jlchHaE hij.I Amateiirii la the couuliy. All luijlruuieutB^ttu/-«n/«ct//</rJti« yran,



AND OTHER First Class Piakgs.

We Ldve tho T.AROKPT and BEST ASSORTED' BTOTK OF PIANOS ill TIJE CITV, which for Power and Sweetness <.f Tone, Ki'-hj- and Agrccuhle Toncli. and Beauty of Finish, Luve, by judges, beta proiiouu(»d unrivilM. .. ,t

4a- Particular attention pan! to the selection of In- ■tninienfs for distatit orderg. uiid a i-rivileee ot exchnni:* (tmnted at any time within six uioiithB. if the IiiStm- nieut dhouldijot prove mtir ly SHtisfart'.TV. A l'l'erv\ discount to Clergymen, Teacheisaud gLboula. TernH liberal.

WIIOLESALK DFAbERS *i!l f.nd it to their advan- tage to give us a call, as liy jir-'ally in. rtased facilitiea ire are bOHbled to fill oiders with de«p itch

j|a- Persoiis in want of a UKAI.l.V FIRST CI-As3 tlAiNO will do Well to tall btfoie purcLiUi.ug elsewhert

, «-•-•


Carhart, Needham & Co.'s




Manufacturers aud Iiuporters of


Btrings, Accordeons,

Violins, Clarionets,

Drums, Guitars,


Don't fail to buy all your BL.\NKS at this

game liere will have a uood opporiuni- ty to play lor the thamjiion cue.

"NVra. Ballando has a now advertise- ment this week. If you want strong, nicely finished bedsteads, extension tableH, kd., givo Ballandti a call, at the red buildinp;s.

Moulton tfc Deudon will soon extend their store thirty feet. This will make the hall iu the second story much moio confonient for all purposes. Winnc- ba'T'rt 13 bound to make room fur all vho cou)«.

C. S. Kimball u building a [Totel en the Wc t side of Main St., jubt South of tlie liaptist Church. It will bo about fifty by thirty feet, and two stories high. The frame work is nearly Of T"r-lc^c;l, and will bo raised text ■week.

The two il«*nuh|iran pipors hi Rocli- c:,ter, t'.*c I'o6t and li'.publican^ have beOD united, aud will hereafter bo is sand as the Rochester Post. We have received tho initial number, and it is one of tbo bast edited and beat looking newspupers in the i>tatc.

Abbott &: Welch are bui'ding an ex- tension to their store. Tho new part ■will bo forty four feet long and two stories high, to conform to tho part they now occupy. This will make a totiil length of eighty four feet, and afloid thcni an excellent opportunity of dis- playing their extensive stock of hard "ware.

There is but little doubt that the prisoner FuUer, who osoapod from our jail a month or six weeks ago, was drowned in attempting to descend the Minnesota river in a skiff. In a previ ous is-suo we gave the st itement of John- son, who was with him, as to tho upset- ting of the boat aud his losing sight of Fuller. Johnson has since confirm ed his statement as to these matters, and adds thai on his return to this place, while coming up the river on a boat, he saw Fuller's hat lodged iu some bush- C8 a short distance below where the boat u[)?«t.- M'lnlcato Itccord.

ing, foi it is written in

" ,a sort of style that's growu

Extremely couneoa id Ibid nge, wLoso uietal, The devil muy decompose, luit nevtr Beltle."

A friend of ours at the East got off the following Valentino twenty odd years ago, when playiii;.; school boy :

1 love not Molliu merely,

I al«o seek for kn<jwiedgc ; And though I love her dearly,

1 first luuit go through college,

I must tug and toil for famo.

Must try and get an A IJ., Having thus im[iroved my name.

I'll give it to her, may be.

That May bee never made honey.—

''Mollie" went her w.iy and 11

went his, and the last we knew of him, the ambitious hardJing had been met- aniorphosed into a *'grave and rever- end" dominie, gray Eomewhat and prosy exceedingly, with an A. I*J. supplenicnting the eovetc i A. 13»

l].Q ouijrht to have been twin broth- er to the western editor who jicrpe- trated the followinij durio;' a fit of hi-di poetic in.'Jpiration.

I love to see ttie wavint^ g''a83,

Before the mower mows it. I love to tec an old gray boss,

I'or when go.!3, Le ^oes it.

iJoth ot them must have been con- Hcioufl gennati to the youngster who presented the following 'l*rizc Tome' to a certain examining committee:

Father h.id a well-sweep. The wind blew it down, Sheep.

Rtml the Ccrtijkute of llec. Ji. T. Flualin.

To Dr. HosTKTTkft :

Jhnr Sir : This is to certify that I was taken with tlic dysjiepsij a year ago la.st March, and, for a period of eight months, was one of tho most miserable creatures you over beheld, not being able cither to eat, drink or .ileep, and was com- pelled to walk the floor incessantly. I was ne.irly deprirod of my reason, and hope had entirely left me, all the efforts made for my recovery hav- ing proved fruitless.

Sy the first of November, 1865, I had become 80 vcak and feeble that I could scarcely stand alone, and, to all appearance, would soon die. At this time (having r'^ad your advertisement,) my wife prevailed upon me to try your Bitters A bottle was procured, and, stfango to Say, I soon commenced recovering. I have taken four bot- tles, and am enjoying as g^od health now as could bo e-Kpectcd for oue of my age (about sixty years.) I have no doubt that it was your Bitters alone, under Piviue I'rovidenc«, thateflected thia wonderful cure. R. T. rLUALiM.

lludsou, Mithi^an, Au^mt 30, IStit}.



OJice opponte " Uuioi' House " Blue

Earth C'dy^ MlnittsoUi.

"Will d.i a General Banking and Real Estate Businei.', pay Ta.xcs for non-rtbidcnts, make CoUcct.ons. Ac, Ac, H.D. BALDWIN, - - - S. P. OIIILD.

BlutEar^ City, May 7. C.l. Hi>yl


And otier Musical Merchandise.

The Silver and Brass Isstrvments of our monufae- tnre and inip.irtati.jn, are wA V'y l)lo^^t all r,f the hti'. Bands in the L'nited St.itfu. and wliencvr ixliibited liava always rc-eived tlieOold Med»lsaiid uiontST pR'Mh:m8.

it^ Having conTiertion with Manufnrfiiriiii: Houses In Berlin. Leipsir. Drc.-'den. Tj<indnn. and P.-iii- . we are pret.ared to furnish DKAI.ERS, BANDS and I.VDIMDU-

5lLS, witlj every .article in tUie liue, at the lowest maa- Ulactufer's pi ices.


Throw away your f.ihe friezes, your switchis, your

will Postrueiivc of cinifort. a. id not worth a fiir; roiiie :i.red,coiue youthful. cin:\>- iii-ly aud fa*V, And rej'jice in your <nvii luwiri.iiit hiiir.


For rcsioiinir h;\ir i-.pon bald head n (from whatever eau-ie it iniylijive f.iihnoiit) and reiciii>: a uiowMiof hiiir iii>oii tlie fai-f, it lia< no eqi'.,!. It will lurre the ln-ar.I to irruw iip'ii the MMontlicst f.t'-.; in fioni'iv"; to e'^ht wi'oks, «pr liair upon hal.l heads i»i from t..<i to three Mciitlis. A fe'v iirnoralit pi-aetio'.HTs have assert-

dll.;i'tl c is 111,1 hill;,' li^at will force or Imstt-n tlie

Hiowlli o| fill.- Iiair cr In- ird. Ti;-:r ti-^s •liioniJ are f;ilM', as I liouiaiids of Ii vp witnesses ( tn in thi-ir i^wn t.xperi- enc'i <'»n liear wiine^s. But many will say, how are we to di.-tiiv.'iiish the v'eiiiiiiie frotn the !i;iiirioi!s? Il ceilaiii .yis dillicull, as ninetciiths of the dif:"' lent preparaiioija adveitisi'il for the hair and heard arc ei'lirfly worthless, and you iu;iy have !ilre..dy thrown awiiy Iar;rt- aiti"unt«< in their piireloi-e. To su^-'h we wouhi f«y, try the ltet>ar ator Cappilli ; it will cost yoi'. iniihin;.' unless it coma's up to oui- repress '..ations. If your l»ru>;ifisl does not kei']> it, f.f\u\ \.\< i-iie d</llar ami we «iil f.oward it, t>ost- I»aid, to-rcliu'r willi a re<;<.;;'t for the money, wliieli will l»; r.-ti'riied you on application , providing entire salis- f.ictiuu Id nut '.'iveii. A'Mrcss,

W. I.. Cl.AKh' <t CO., CheniiM?, v4nlSyl No. 3 West Faycjto J?treel, Syracuse, N. V.


and you will alwayi be satisfied.'

Bill Ilead^,

Letter IleaJs^



I am now receiving tho

Largest aud Most Complete

8tock of

Dry Ooods,



llats^ Caps, &c.

Ever Brought to tlie Minnesota Valley,

and have commcnccJ


of which fact all my old eustompfs and tho pub- lic generally

Will ho RatisGed hy calling: and Exam- ining my (Jooils, and hearing my 1 noes.

ever be*.riug in mind my motto of

gelling? MORE Goods for ONE


House ill the Valley.

Isaac ]llarks»

Maukato, Miiia.>Nov. 2o, 1866




For Removing- Supcrflouis Hair.

To the la''ies e<ptc'tilly, (hi!< invalu:iblc dcjiil atoiy rcc(iminentl.s itself as being an aUnosl imiis pcn.sibl«; artiil'.! to female beauty-, m ca.xily ajipli "(•, doe.'* not burn or injure th«* .skin, but acts di rcitly on the roots. It is narlanlcd to remove sujiorlluoiis hair from low forelic i Is, or froiu any part of the hodr, completely, totallj' »nd ra^dical ly cxterpating the same leaving llie fkin joft, .•mootlie and natural. This is the onlv article used by (he Fren'h. and is the only real efiectaal depilatoVy is cxi.-ietice, Bnce 7 J cents per pack age, sent postpaid, to any addres* on receipt ol an order by

BERGER, SllUTTG k Co., Chemists v4al8yl 2b j Kivcr St., Iroy, N. Y.

'^P A YoTJNO L.\DY returninjr to

n r country home, niter a sojourn of a few "months in the I'i'y, was hardly reeojrniz.ed hy h< r friends. In place of a coarse, riislie, llu.stu'd face, she had a soft ruhy eoin- pl xiuii of aliiuist iiiavhic smoothness, and instead ti tw 'oly-tliree she really ai'peaaed hut ei};liteen. I'pon inqu'ry as to llic cmii-e of i-o (;reat a elian;;^, she plainVy To'.d them that she hid used the <'lr«*n*<»loil BsiilU, and consldiTcd it aninvaliiahle aciiulsition to any Ladys toilet. Hy its u.se any huly or t^eiateman Cm Imf.r ne llietr persoinl ..piiLaranci' an *iundreil foliK ft is sintple in its eomtiiiiation, as Naiiire herself is simple^ yet unsur passi-il in its eflii-acy in (lr:!Aiiir inipurilies from, and lioalinf;, rlnaicinK and heaulifyint; the skin and oomplex- ioii. By its direct ai;ttoii <in theirirticle ?t d:';'\',^ from il all impiiriliis, kiinlly heaitng the same, and leavinp the surface as Nature inleuded it should he, clear, soft, suioodi and heairiful. I'rice One Dollar, sent hy mail cr ex\»re*», on receipt of an or<le, i,y

W. L. CT.AUK * CO., Chemists, No. 8, Uestbayclte JJit., Syracuse, N. Y. The only .\merican Aseuts for the sale of the surae. v-lnl'^yl

Free to Everybody!

A large 0 |>p. Circular, jr'ving information of tho greatest importance io tho young of both so.\es.

It teaches how tho homely may become beanti- tul, tho de^p'scd respected, aud tho fora&kett lo\ed.

No Voting lady or gentleman should fail t* seild their addrcssf, aud receive a copy poSl ^uid, by r<3turu mnil.

Address P. 0. Drawer, 21, v4nlSmC Troy, N. Y.


Dealers in









69 Washington Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

lew York Warerooms, 650 Broadway.

MOFFAT'S Life Pill3


The Most Successful Medichies in the World.

Established in 1833 l>y one of car 3Iost Eminent Pliysicians, aud now used tlirougboiit North and South America, with Kiore plcasliis results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Blood or Skin, Indiijcstion, Costiveness, Eiaous Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague.

Thousands of certiflcates are in our possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect CURES eifected hy these invaluahle Medicines. They regulate the System and put ail Ihe^ functions of tho body in a healthy condition.

Sold by ail Druggists. VThite & HowlanJ, rrcpri- ctors. Successors to Dr. Jolm Itoflat aud Dr. "W. B. 'bLiiSuX, I^ew York.


Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, & Silken Curls,

PSODrCED bv tb" neeof Prof. Dp, Ttpcx' FllE'^H LE CH EVEUX. tJnrs .ipolict- tion WAll HANI' ED to c^rl * tho

most fitrai<;ht and siub bom b»ir i»f cither sex in- to wavy ringlets or he<«vy. inMj«sivn csr.l*. lias >een used bf the fashionablo^ cf Pjiris no,) Lou-- Ion, with the most gr^.tifjiaij rostilft. D.ics no injury to the hair. Prrte by nail wcaVp tsnJ •lostpaid, $1. Descrif'ive circulars sent free. \ddress BEKGER. SHU'^TS A CO., Cbe u sib, N'o, 2S5 Kiver st., Troy K. V. i^o'c .a'-'»r»8 tor. '.hi United SlutCii. v4nl8yl





La'v Cases and Points,

Printed to orde.', on short Nolioo, and at reason- able rates.

AH Orders %y MaU Promptly Attended to,



^yCrr»rtioul*f aUtuliou i^itlu it Musie Oj-'ie/b tViuubba;') City, April 24tb, iSAT.


be*t of iho iionth'tics devoted

to LITERATURE and FASHION, ^'i.^') «

year. We give WHEELER A WILSON'S cele-

, brated $5j Suwiug Jluehines on lue fclicHiug


Twenty copies and the Sewing Machines. ?70. Thirty copies '• " " " »S5. Forty copies " '' " " *100

Send 15 cents for a sample coiy to DEACON' 4 PETERSON, 313 Walnut Street. Philai'ijlphia


Blue Saith City.

This bouse having Vieen repaired and newly fnr- lished throughout, is iiii^ oyeti for the recepiiuu >f gue.«ts.

The proprietor respec fully Aolicils the patron- ige of the tr;tyeVing ruhH/i, and ••cteriniiifd 'hat noiio shaii go lirt'tty ul.s^a.tiaI^od wiiO may la .'or him with a call.

47y t3. S. OONVKKJ^R. Proprietor.


Fi oat [Street, uearthe Le/ee. ^fAXKATO, MIXNESOOA.

]»I. T. C. FLOWKa, Pi-oprietoi;

Cienera) 8»ftffe Offlrefor alt point. .»b«»*tp flood <»iftbliO|i with ai^«(iWv« UKilwtta ^^>^











. II m


- ^ *^


Veo^cUble Sicilian



As tlip nnmo indicate?, not only Tir.NKws tlie prowth of the hair when thin and fiillinj^ oft", bvi^ positively rennva the color to /is cripinnl ^^Jo when it ia turning p^^y or white, whc^T caused by disease, j^ief or old :ice.

It will cortaii!^ do wlial is rMfTmcd for it, A fact to which \iindred3,*By thousands, who havp! used ii, ^c ready and willing to testify. >Vbere one j^y> is fairly u.^ed, in any co^nmuuity, itsJr-eputatica "siirciuls like wild fire," ai^r i\the best ndvcrti.se- ncnt and rccoiyiendaV->n wo desire. In the Eastern Stj^. wheroYe '•UENEWEIl" oi iginaiod, ipo young la\o3 use it as a hair dres^mg ; it is fouu\on the toilet tables ojj^iung men, (also atVioir barbers), while^^der men and womcnVho desire a Rc\jmh'T and Hcstorativt for thciXeroy locks B'VJ bald hoadd will not be w\^llut this imiclc, which gives in every instj\:;c, en- tire sctisfaction,

lV>T>'t l<>f ftvy Ui uirpist or lUvilcr urt;o npon yon ft diiT"iv!it artulo, ii.i Uiero is ji'> iircjiftnuivn In ;tu> \vi.irM \\\« tiiM, U«vv:ir>i uf auy aiticlu |>uri<orlu^ t<.' bo the

Try nVU/SUATR RKNKWER nccording to Dire<^- tl-MK. »it<l y n Mill iiso rill oilior.

If n. t soi'l it i'nictcista in your town, a triiil l«>ttle will Ik* s<»nt yi>a V>t exiirc*i, uj'>'ii rf'-lpt of one d'Uiir by m.uV. ilu'i <<iTioG; yoti an I'jiiK'ilmiiij fti ouce of •e»tlTi<tt» e^Tl>iit i|U:ilitio-«.

Orvlei;* f ji (noi bUtUs UiUaC a>7iIroaacd i>

<€. *. 1*00 S, iTHcai^'rt.

tJenT AgwsT for Northwvsrwn Sbtes, Si.;,i at T\ ri' )l.i:>ALK, ii. t -Wr^px \y l-TI.I.KR. nSCU

k yv:.i.i:k. urnyjiAM.'* k tan mhaack. lokd a

tMlTlI. S^init Ik DWYrit, J. II. ttKKD i. CO.

r!i\!«. o. FMiTa. riKT7«rir. lu-'^cst .t fc., ii

FroVTL. \T. V. llAKIilS A CO, TOST i B.U)i:iir, :iuA bv dnifCin^its mn<] de&leifl gvnoratly.

rhurc coinfth (jlnd tiding of j<iv to all, To younjr and to old, to groni and to tinall, !'h«' I'v'.uity which onoo wiiij .•'o jjriTlyr' aiiUrarr, [s fiTv to all. iiiiil .lil v\i\y bv" lair. B7 the Vis of


Wiiilc LiqisUl

E N A M E L!

for Ir-'proving and I>»<«utifyi»ig'h«« iJoniplcxion. 7hi> must Vk1u:i)tle and |»erfc?t pivfmration in


fiT i^ivinr: 'f «' >'l<'n » l>c»Mtlt\il

thit i.-- iinlv <"• "ud in yo-?*i. It qiiioldv


lU'Vos! I'l'i, Fr»'ikl«<<, Vi'-jd'v, p.lof •h<-.<, M"lli J'aiclinr, SittltiWiii- ;.<. '<jr*t:>t*i>i!'! .ir<l r'l Wip'ii •ics of tb*» 5kin. kii>i!ly hiM'i'np tbo 8.n»\r, IphnId;; rlu> skip whito nt <l clot^T 91 n'iln^t'". lis «-f '•■111 iii>t 'u- <l,:'«>rtel t'7 tlio ni»'«-t scrutiny, Binl '^oiiij; a I'l'toMo pr"pjrati >r( {■ pfrfo'lly hunn- '<>.■'?■. It is (he I u'y jirflrle !>f the kiixl u.<oil l-y

In- Fronoh. nr»l ia foT^Mlorc K hy tbv P:lr^ian «•< iinK'sp <n.-iKIo to a por^V"* toi'jf. |I'nvar<l8 ol

'O.ilO'J b. ftU-s Hcro H..M ibiriv:: tho past ye ir,


Better ()])portnii*ity is now offered to any

•ullicicnf ;;iiarr:int«'o o'" ^f- t<'p'"

Pri'T (Milv

7;> *-n'«. :'<'(it l.y mail, on r<»ccipt of »ii orlcr. ly

in-IUilKR iJUVTTq I CO.. rhcmi^ls. V 1 1. 1 s V 1 riS5 U jver Pt., Troy, N. Y

CxUUNET suor.


M'.inM roapoctfiilly irforui il.o 1 uMiv tlia iavin_' h4<l a w.-ck Co-Partmi -L ji with

aftt. havin_' h4<l a w.-ck L".>-Paitiiii''-L j' witti roci JviliP. IJurrus, >? .i>;ain iImhi: hiisiiu.o in tiis own naui'^ Ex]K'ri« ui-e aud tor the tli.-l timt; havini: a jco.jj stock of

Well Seasniieil Lnniber on liand

also an . nlaiiTod shop, thinks to satisfy all old cast )'i!»'r>. and new ones too. All kin>Is i-f I'ur- niture on haTil. '>r made to order pioiupt'.y.

New custonieis need nut ask for

luv rooms, as I have the

onlv \U:D BL'ILD-


«< According 10 airrocictit tnak' betirppn ^Tr BnrrfS nnd myst .., '.-.ii-u Ueo. l.')th. l>«Wi, ca.li o'-'ha- ..i p ly bis own ilebts. Orders signed by me I will pay.


AVinnebni^o Cit-", Jan. G, l><t>7.

Wonderful but True.

madam i;i;MlMi;i'(>N. Ill'" w tIiI nnoiviuil Astrol >'i-f and Soiiniaiiit'Ulislu- riahv.>;. nut, wliilc in a flair \.i\aiit 'tatt . ilfleliialt> tin- vi-r> !V:'turiv- if Ilii' person ,•.•11 ;:rL' t.. many. an. I l>y tli-ai.l of an iti>li luiittii of iii- fi'Si' pmviT, kn'>«n as the l'sviliiiiiu'tro|n'. ^'iiarantci-v iM p'-oilui-c a t>iM-li*el ami lifrlike picture i>f tlif fuinri' l.ii li;;iiil or wifi- gf tlif ajii^'iiart, willi ilatc of marria^'i-, i,-cn;iat'>!i .!•;!•' 'tiL' trail* < t ciiarae'i-r. \c. T!iis i> no ■ini«i>ii ou, as ti-.-<tiniiinials withi'Ut nniii1>fr can assert. U.v ilat n;.; ;ilacc of liirtli, a-.'', ili.-p"fiiiiii, color of cvt-s, lia'r. ami t-iicUw^ine f.fty i-riit.-. aii'l .-tauipfil .nvcliin- i<l Ir. .-^scl to y.invM'ir. > on will nci-ivc l!u' picture by iHrtiin mall, io^-ftl'cr ivltli il.-ir.-l inr-.rmalii'n.

\.l.ir,v..i in t" .nll.l. hcf, MAI^A^I CKP.TIMHK ;:i ^ll.M.ToN. P. O H,>\ I'wo llnn.lr-tl un.l Miifty .fx.n, \V.>t Tr..\, N, Y. v4nl,-yl


TO Cl'Rn CON^Jl'.MlTlON, the eyste-n must bo prtpared ro that I lie lun-M will heal. To aoconipIiBh l"i s.r.ie I.ver ami stomach nui.-l lirst be olran?<'J aud ftniipretite created Jor j;ood « holesonie lood, uhicli, b". tliO'C niedioiii.^s will \>c dii;estcd iiroix"rl.\-, and pood hea'ihy blood made; tlia^ l>u:ldiim' up the con^titntloii. SCllKSCK'S MAM»RAKi: I'lLLS cle'uiietl'.c stomach ot all biiious or mucous aceuniu- ln;ions. and, by usim: ihe Sea Weed Tonic iu con- nect-on. the apTx'tilc if restored.

SCIIKSCK'S rri.MGNlC SYRUP ifl nii'ricious t,' we'.l ft" modieiiial. and. by usin? the three rcmedos, all r.iiparitied arc expelled troni the ^yetcin, and pootl, wholesome blood made, which will repel all disease. II p:-.tienl8 will take these medicines accord- ing to fiircciions. Consumption very tre.iuently in Its la«t stai'o yield* readily to their action. Take the pills ire luent':-. to cleanse the livorand stonitw-h. It does not lOllow that bt cause the bowel^ are not cos- tive they are not required, tor sometimes in diarr- h'lathcyare necessary. The stomach must be kept healthy, and an 8pp<nitc created to allow tb Pcl- inonic jsvTup to act ou the respiratory organs properly anil allay any irritation. Then all that ia reiuired to p-^r orin a permanent cure ip, to prevent taking cold. Erercife about the rooms as much a-? posKible, cat all the richest food— fat meat, panic, and, in tact, anjthin^'the appetite cravea ; but be particular and nuwUcate wclL [^d w. ea. nio. 1 yr.

Woman, or chiltl, wishing to purcliase anytliiii^; in the hno cd' Fality Dress (^oodt^, French aiul Kngliah ^Iciinos, Alpacca?, Sctitch Thiids, Doluins, Woolens Flannels, Slili>eil IVtplinw, liahuoral Skirts, Ludics Cloaks, Cloak Cloths, Do- mestics, prints, shawls, lioop Skirts, Sliirt>', tlraweVR, wraj)pcrs. Hosier}', Notions \o. I "Woolen lilankets, lioots, Shoe.s, Hats, and Caps, aud Fur good.s of oyco'

description, than liay cverbcfore been

DR. win PTIER is regularly educated amJ legitimately qual- ified, and has experience in all foriua of disease, u knowledge <|uite indispensible in thir treat- ' uienl ()f the vcneral disease in all ilfl varied an.l complicated ,4^ foriu.s, and.has for years made the trca^tincnt of private discaHcy his bu.iinesH and study. E.\pericnce, the best of teachers, has en- abled him to perftct remedies at once Huffieicnt, sare,i)ernianent, and in mo.st suscs can bo used without hindranc to business.

Particular attention given to oldstandinq: cases,

such as were considered incurable. Sypliillis, in


Moore's Rural New-Yorker,



JL Y Wi:h'hf. V,

For Roth Town and Country.

THKlltJUAL in the standard in its spherd of Journalism, being the largest circulating Paper of its Class in th« world best evidenco of In- tiiiiiir Mfill atitl Siij,iri'iiit>/. In variety of pinc- all forms ;(»onorrh()(?a, (Jlect, Strictures' Orchitcs j tical, useful, entertaining and timely Utading U Dahctes, liladder aiMl I'rinar.v Diseases. Also, j has no equal, its ample pages comprising De- theetleets of solitary habitu, both ruinous to body | partments devoted to or treating upon and mind, aiid which produces some of tho fol- Agrricultnrc, | Litcrattlfe,

In Favibaidt Coiiiiiy.


prices are now

lowin;;elfeets: iJlotches, Rodily Weakness, Con stipatioHj Avcr.-ion and Uneasiness in rcu.ale Society, Unmanliness. Dread of Future Events, finally a complete prostration of the vital pow ers. loss of memory, ringing in the earn, can be fully restored to health.

All letters, wiMi stamps, answered.

Dr, W. is the publisher of a new work, entitl- ed "Nip the Evil in the J5ud," which will bo sent 10 all on receiptof 10 cents to pre-pay jioslage.

Consultation free. Charges moderate, aud cure guaranteed.

iJr.Whitticr cures the very worst kind of rup- ture in a lew week.s.

Post Office Bo.v 22!tl. Office and Consultation Rooms IGl South Clark ftrtet, Ch.cajio. You can seethe Doctor every day from 9 A. u. to 6 r. n



Has, aud will keep constantly on hand, for sale:

(^LOCK^ and WATCHERS, Jewelry and Silver ware,

And will attend promptly to all kinds of Repair- ing of (»loeks. Watches, and Jewd'-y, and guar- antee jerfcet satisfaction to all who jiatronize biin. Room opposite Union TI«»tel. SOyl

IJluc Earth City, May 17, 1S66.

Sheep Husbandry, Horticulture, Architecture, Domestic Economy

Arts, belences, Education, General News. Market Reports.

^Villi 111 u titrations, Talefi, SketclieM, Po- etry, Music, RebuMe«,I<:iiigma«, ic, Ac.

TnK Rt UAL is ably Edited, neatly Printed, well Illustrated, and m/tiptu/ to the irfiofe ('oun» try. It employs the best Talent. For example, its Department ui Shnp I ftiHhnin/ri/ is Edited by Hon. H. S. Ranoai.l, LL. D., Author of the "l'i<iitiiii/Sli'j>h<i(l,"''Sli'ij, HituhdiKhy in the Simth," &.C., Ac, the best authority on the subject in AmCiica, while its Southern ('onricponding i:ditur is Hon. T. C. Peters, late Fres't N. Y. State Ag. Society, now of Maryland. Many other able and talented writers are regular con- tributors, and the «»h(de paper \i under the Edi- torial Man-igement of its originator, D. D. T. Moor.E, Thk Ri nAi. is the best Journal for the Farmer, the Horticulturist, the Stock and Wool Grower, and the Family Circle Dow obtainable. Remember, also that it is not a Monthly, h\xi a Large and Reautiful Wkkklv.

Examine a number, and see if, next to your local paper, the Klhal is not the one for youf money.

B E A U T Y !

Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, & SiFiicn Curb,

PIODrCIZr by th» nne-f P.-.f, Dei Pnscx' FKE-M "E «'fl EVEUX. One applica- tion WARRANTLD to cuil tho xaf'-* straight and ."inb born bair of citiicr sex in- to wavy ringlets or bo-'-y n'is-iv<» curls. Has beun used bf tho fi>2hionHb!os ol Puris rod Lon« don, with the most gr*tifTin«» results. I)'csnii injury 10 Ihj hair. J'ri< e by n'.iit Hcaler and postpaid, ?1. Dcsfr'')tiv.: clrc-.-.i^rs s.^jii frc( . Ad'Ir.s ^ V'M\\,(\ El'.. :/H'JTTS &. CO., eb.-u s;u. No. ?Sj River .-t., 'X^-y H. V. S'j'.o :.." »s ( -r thf,' Uiil: id Stater. vini-yi

And tlie new ni<

)de of tradinc?— late decline

Dry Goods Avill warrant general satisfaction to persons coming to

Foundry ife Ma chine Shop.


-I a{*{^ 'I HE L nV3 IKIEN'D— ioUU. Ihe be. t ofth? Monthlies— devoted Vi LlTEKATUU:: and UA-llI't.N'. f>J..>ij a y Br. V.'. ;.ave WliEEEEK i WILSONS ccle-


bra'td $Jb Sewing tcruts :


oa Ilo f'-dlowing

1 wenty copies and the Sewing Machines. $70. Thirty copies " " *• " $S5. F<uty copies " '' " " SI 00

Send 15 ccnti for a sample coj y to DE Vt>ON k PETERSON, :il'J Walnut Street. Philadelphia



Thi« medicine, invented by I>r. J. H. Somc.-toK, of Philadelphia, ia intended to dissolve the food and make it into chyme, tht tirijt process of digeation. By cleanainp the t-tomach with Sclicnck** Mandrake Pills, the Tonic eoon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eatca betbrc usiuj; it wlU be easily di^''vted. ^ %f

Cotrumplion cannot bo cured by Schcnch's Pul nionic Syrup unlesa the etotnach and liver in made healthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic aud Pills arc required in nearly every case of cou- Buniption. A haU dozen bottles of the SKAWEEI) TONIC and three or four boxes of tho M ANDR AKB FILLS will cure any ordinary case of dyspep-iia.

Dr. SciiENOK !uak<>3 professional visits in New York, I!o?ton. and at his priiiiip'il Oflico in rhilcJel- phia evoi/ >vc<. k. Sec daily pipciy of eich place, or 1:'.' paiui<aict on consumption for his diys Ibr visita- tion.

Please observe, when purchcrinc, that the two like- ncised of tl'c- Doctor, one when in the last sta.L'o ot Coni'umption, and the other as ho now is, in perfect health, areou tho Govt^rnment stamp.

Sold by all Dnssirists and Dealers, price iPl.-jO per bottle, or ijT.Vt the hall-dozen. All letters for advice ehonld bo addressed to Dr. S< iiENCt's Princii-al Onice. No. Ii North t;th Street, Philadf Iphia, Pa.

G< ncrai Wholc.-ale Apeuts : Demas Baraes L. Co., N. v.; t». S. Il'ince. ll-Utimoie, Md.: .Jolm I). Parke, Cineinaali, Ohio; Walker k Tayl,/r, Chi- cago, 111. ; Culiius l}ro3., St Louis. Mo. p

'^ [l9tw.ea.Ko.lrr,

^ ^ ^ Stereoscopes it Stereoscopic

V' Ij 1 .»i A .»'^ ! v-- Li 1 31 A JiL ! ! q American and Foreign cities audi

Pairo's Climax Salvo, a Fjnnil.v l)loss!n.i? for 2o cents. It lipids without a scar. No



To lav in tht-ir wiutor's supi''y> if tlioy ^vlll only call at

Monlion 4fe Deiadon's.



Tl.row a>vay your f-di-j frizzts, j'our switches, J'our

wi^i Dcstruc^iM.' of cuuifort. a:id not wi rth a ti/: INine ac 'l.c'iiii.- y^jutlif il, oonie u.;!y jitui f^ir, And rejoice in your own la\uri nit !:-iir.


For re-toriii_' h.iir upnn l,;i!d ii";i.ls (from whatever Cause it iii.iy liav«; fiU'.-nout) and toreinir a ^Towih of h -ir upon the fa'-e, it h:;s t.o ni'irtl. It will !or''<- tin- b'-»rd to Ki"''W u;' -11 I'u- *::io<ithest ri**!- in from fjvo to e>;,'ht we-l;-'. or h^ilr uimn b.ild Jit- i.fs In froM two to thr>;c riir»nt'.ia. A f'-w i'/norant i.-.i-ti.ners hrive as-sert- ed Miat ihere is nothini^ Iha*. will firrc or ha<ton tiie prowth ol f!ie hair or Ic-ird. 'I'liiir as-* ;rlion> arf false, I Hnthou^an U of livinj wiini-ss-.'- i ironi ti:'-;r r.-ni i-xp^ri- | eiice.i cm iir vvilo>?ss. liut i.iaiiy will -ay, liow are we to disti'i.'ii:-'i th<i (renuiiie from tli -[nuious.'' It ci-rtaiii ! i.\:= difVi.u'.i. as nin't niti* oftli'- I'll'icHMit pr'.-oar:»tiotis ' a Iveitis'.d fv'r liie hair anil h.-aril ari- entiniy wortlih. .-^, i » id you rn y have aln-" idy tliniwti awi-y l.-.r/f ainouiits | Inih'.ir pucliase. Tn aich we wouM sav, try llit- Itt'par , ; t ir Cai>i).!li ; it will co-i you iiothin.i.' uiil'-^-' it coinios u|( to oar reprcsi'ntu'ion''. Ifyo'U- l»r'U';ti<t iloes not 1 )<►■'•)) H, send j-* one d'dl'r and we will fiiward it, po-'- paiil, to,-eth -r with a rei-uijit fur tin- iiioiK.-y, wliirh will l>erttu-ued you on ai)idicaiion , jirovidinj; entire satis- faction is not -•iv»_-ii. A'3dri-ss,

W. L. CLAKK fc CO., Chemists, v4nl>)yl No. H Wtst Fayejte .^treel, Syracuse, N. Y.


family shoiil*] be^'wilhoiit it.

V/e warrant it to cure S^*:*ofida Sores, Siilt Kheum, ('JiHhlaiiis, Tetier, I'imiiles, antl idl S-^i'njitioiis of t!ic Skin. Tor Sore iJreasl or Nil)l)les, C'd's, Sprains, IJniisos, ilurns, S aids, (iniiJiu'd Hands, tVc, it makes a pr-rfoct cure.

It has been used over fiiteon I yer.rs, wif hoiit one fjiilure.

!t has no ]mrallel haviin;? por- ersidicaled disease and heiiled after all other rehiedies liad failed. It is a compound of Arnica Avith many other Extracts and Balsams, aud put up in larjyer boxes for the same price thuu any other Ointment.

PoM by I)ru{?jcists cverywh^ro. "Vniil-^ &i Howland, Proprietors, 121 Liberty ytrcet, Kew ^urk.




For Rcmoviag' Sap;;raoais Hair.

To ihii iii'ies e-i)i''e'ally, tins iiiv.ilu'iMe deidl atory r'-'eoimnenda itself as being an a!m"st indis pciisibic ar;i: I'j to jcinalc be:inry, i-. ea."»ily aj>pli f*, doi.-s not burn or injure th«* skin, but acts di- r Lily oti the roots. It is «aria!it«jd ro remove stiportliious hair from l«i»v foreheads, or from any part of tl.i; body, eomidetely, t<.>tally «iid radical ]y e.xteri.atinj; the same leaving the skin foft, snio'itlic and natural. 'J his is the only article u>-'oi by too Fre.ich, ami i-' the only real elTcctual d'i>ilatory i\ exivteufe, Pruc 7J cents per jiaek a^-j, --ent loit jjaid, to any addresi ou receipt of an order I'y

LERtiER, SHUTTS .1 Co., Chemists, vtnlSyl 2S0 River St., Troy, N. V.

Z?,^^ \ VoUNO Lady roturnia;; to

l>«*r roun'ry hiiiie, atter a sojf iirn of,T f.-w niiuitlir' in the <itv, WIS hardly iecr)j,'ni^od by lar Iriends. In pla;e (,f a'-oai>'-, rnVio. tlushcd fact.-, she had a -oft niliy roni- nl -xton of almost marble sinoolliness, and inslcad of iw -'y tine- -lit really appciiaeil b'lt ti/htcfii. Ujion ]iir|<iirv as fo the c.iuri- ol .-o fjiaat a diaii^'-, >\i'- plainly Xo'd 'hem 'hat sin- had u-nd tlur <ir4-M*Hl«>ll ItalUI, and .•o.isldiTcd it an in\ alnable ac(|tii.-ilion to any I,ad\s I-oIhI. Hy its us- any lady or f;( ntl'inan cm iinpr-Ac tli.-lr per- iiiul .ipjit-ai iincf an lnunlrcil fold. It is fciruple ii) its eoinbiiiatioii, as Naiure Inis.lf is simplej yet unslir pa'--i. o bi i'> f»li;a -y in drawi'i^ impiiiil!<-8 from, und i»e;Min),'. chan iiiK and h. auiifi iii^ilhe skin and oomplex- l.,n. I5.< i's dir-i-l nciiiiU on the cuticli draws from it all iinior-iiie^, kitnlly 'itaiu-.g- l!ie same, and leaving the Kilif^'*" >" Naiare inieiKb'd it shoul.i he, clear, soft, Hk ooiti and '•' ; ril.sl. i',ice One Dollar, bent by mail cr fXitVi:^, on rereipt 0} an orde, cv

*^ W. L. CLARK A CO., Clenilstti,

No. ;'., \Ve,i fayetle .St., .»*> •aciise, N. V. Theo'^lv A(a«ricac AgtuU for the Mlt of iLctane.



A Substitute for Calomel.

The?>! Pills are conipofed of various root", having the power to re'.ax tho secretions of tho liver as promptly and cfTeclually as blue pill or mercury, and without producinK any of those disagreeable or danpcrouB effects which oltcn Ibllow tlic use of tho latter.

In all bilious disorders these Pills may be u?cd with confidence, as lliey proinoto the diacharpe ol vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from tho liver and biliai-y ducU, which are tho cause of bilious affections iu ficueral.

SCllKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS euro Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by •allow Ekin, coaled tongue, cor.tive:ic.-s, drowsiness, and a peneral feeling ot weariuess aud lassitude, ehov. infi that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed conditicu.

In short, these Pills may lio used with advan- ta^re in all canes when a porpativo or alterative medicine is ro^iuircd.

P;ea»e a-^k lor "Dr. Schenck's Mandrak-; Pills," and otJBtTvc that the two likenesses ot the Doctor arc on the Oovemincnt stamp one when in the last Bta\'e of Consuinplioa, and the other in his present Loa'.th.

Bold by all Druir^ist* and dealers. Price 25 cenfa per Iwx. Principal Othce, No. 1 J North 6ih Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

(icneral Wholesale Apenta: Demas Ii<im,-'B k Co., 21 Park Kow, New York ; B. S. Ilance, 108 Ilalti- iDore St.. Daltiiiore, Md. ; John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Ciuciunati, Ohio; Walker &, Taylor, l:H and 126 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IIL ; Collins Itrothera, southwest comet S. Se^i-aa aud Vine Sts., B*. Louifc Mo.

■^ lUU ij6th w. ca. no. 1 n.


E. i H. T. ANTHONY 4 Co.,

^ilanufaetuivis of Photo-rrapliie Material.*,

Wholesale aiid Retail,


In addition to our main business of Photo- rniihii: .Materials we are llBatipiartcrs for the following, viz :


Landscapes, Croups, Statuary, etc,

Stereo.scopic Views of the War.

From negatives made in the variou.s cam- pai.:,'ns and forming a complete Photographic liistory of the j^reat eonte<>t.

Stcrcocscopic Views on Glass,

Adapted for either the IMagie Lantern or the Stereoscojie. Our Catalogue will bo sent t<. uiiyaddns- on rc-oipt of stamp,

l'hotogr;i[>liic Alijuins. '

We manufacture more largely than any other ho! so, about 20'> varieties irom 50 cents tc^JO each. Our ALIU'.MS have Ihe rci>utntion of be- in;,' superior iu beauty and durability to any oliiers.

Card IMiofographs of Generals, States- men, Actors, etc., etc.

Our cfttalojrue embraces over FIVE TIIOI'S AND dillereut subjects, iiuludiuf reproductions, (dthemo.ot celebrated Engravin;rs, Paintings Statutes, etc. ^'.itulogues seat on receipt of stamp.

Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. 1)., wi'l please remit 20 per ceut ol the amount of their irc'er.

sC%,'{ he prices and ^ualif of our goods can not fail to satisfy. v-ln21yl



Th's FTcat medicine rured Dr. J. H. Bcuf-nck, the Proprietor, ol Pulmonary Consumption, when it had as; umed its most fonnidalile aspect, aud when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His physicians pro- nounced his case incurable when ho comtnenced the use of this simple but powerful remcd)'. Ilia health was restored in a very short time, and no return of the disease has been apprehended, for all the B}-inptomB quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred pounds. ) Since his recovery, ho has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure ol Consumption and the discasca which are usually complicated with it, and the cures eflecled by hia medicine.^ have lieen very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Souknik makes professional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where he has a large concourEe of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out ol tlielr carrlage.% aud in a fcv monthri health)-, robust persons. Dr. B<;HKNCK'S PULMONIC SYKl P, SEAWEKD TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS are generally all requln-d iu curing Consumption. Full diroc- tloiis accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Boiienok, but whou it is con- venient it is best to see hfni. lie gives advice tree, but lor a tho.-ouith examination with his Re.^piroineter his fee is three dollars.

Picasc observe, when purchasing, that tho two likeneMSS of the Doctor— one when in the last stags of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in pert'ect health— are on tho Govenimcnl stamp.

Sold by all Dru;--giBt« aud Dealers. Price $ . . 0 per iiottle, or $7.50 the half dozen. Letters tor advice should always be directed to L>r. Schenck's Principal Oftice, 15 North 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

General Wholesale Agents: Deuias BaruoH ^ Co., N. Y., 8. 8. Hanoe, Italtimora, Md. ; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio: Walker ii Taylor, ClUiago, iU. : Coiiios liroii., St. Luoit, Mv. L;>d w. 04. u^o. 1 /r.

The Mankato Foundry and Machine shop is now in operation, and we :ire prepared to


of every description. Steam en^^ioes. Threshing Ma' him s. Reapers, Farmiii;.' Implements, Ac.

We also make all kinds of iron and brass cast- injrs. Pabbitt metal always on hand. Order? soPciicd and promptly attended to.

Old Iron, Brass and Copper

wanted, for which the hijihest jiticc will be paid vSn-yl C. W. BARNEY, A Co.

N K W OKDKll 6^~rHT\G^


Having inad^ some chan;r>"' oonccrRing thr business transactions ot the 'WlnnebajJO City

Mills,' we wish t<' announce lo me public that j we aie now prepared to do all kiiius of vork in our line of business, for read}' pitv. Lops. wood, wheat, or even Money taken in payii!','iit for work. Onr terms for rawing aie : One half, or $1'.!; ])tr lliou;j;nd. Floir, J]ran, and .shorts con itantiy on hand, and for sale .'heap.

Lumber ^25.00 per Thonsaud.

E. RHODES. Winnebago City, March I7th. It^fiU.

blue" EAirni city.

(loods well boHiilit, aie half sold.


In Sui)eiior style,— new d-pper Faced Type, (Jood Pajicr anci many Fine Engravings. Each of its Fifiy-two No's'fnot 12, like a monthly,) will eompriiic Eight Double Quarto Pages. An Index ic, aldose of the voluu'e.

TERMS, in Advance- Only $3 a year : Five Copies for ? 4; Seven for Slit; Ten for $25, and any greater number at same rate, only $2,ii0 per cojy. Club paptrs sent to ditlerent Post Of- ficc5. As we pay American postage, $2,7t) is tbo lowest C]ub rate to Canada— $.'5,50 to Europe.


Cj.cks. Premiums, Free Copies, Ac, to Club Agents, and we want at least one agent in every town in the Uuion. Si>ecimeus, Show Rills, Ih- ducements, Ac., sent free. Address

D. D. T. MOORE, Rochester, New York.





Just published in a scaled envelope. Price

Siz Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment

and radical Cure of Seminal weakness, or Sper- matonluea, induied by Self Abuse: Involuntary Emi>sioii--, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Im[icdiinentb' to mairiage jreiieraliy ; Consump- tion, Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Pliv.-ieal Incapacity, .te.— Py ROU. .1. C U EVER WELL, M. 1)., Aiiilior Ol t!ie '•tJrcen Uock" Ac. .

Tnewoild renowned author of tliis a.lmiraldc Lecture, clearly proves f.om his own experience that the aw'ul eon.sciiucuces of self abuse may be ctVectually removed witiiont medicine, und with- out dani^crous siir.L' ical operations, bou-^ics, instru ments, rings, or cordial.», jioiiitiiig out a mode of cure at once ccitaiii and ellectual, by which ev- ery .--uHercr, no luiittcr whnt his condition tuny be may cure liiinscif chea)>ly, jirivatelv* and railical ly. TIS LECTURE VV1LI< PROVE A 1300N io THOUSANDS \XD THOTSANDS.

.Sent under seal, to any address, iu a plain feal ?m1 envelope, on the receij't of six cenis. or two -tamps. Also Dr. Culverweirs *'Marria;ie Gu'de" price 25 ccutd. Address the Publisihers.

CIIAS. .T. C. KINE A CO., 127 BOWERV, Nflor York,

Post Office Box 4586


Mankato, JOHN F.

has on hand the large.=t and best selected stocft of Hardware, Stoves and Agricultural imple' ments in the Minnesota valley. My stock of A^rricultural Implements is very large and com- plete, eousi.ting of the following machines J

55 Buckeye'd,

60 J. II. Manin-9,' Self Sz Hand Rake?,

20 Kiiby,a Excelsior Droppers,

and Caugia CLief, 6 Sweepstakes Tlireshers,

G J. .1 Case's* Tliresliers, 6 Velrator Tliresliers,

^tassellon ^EacLliies, G Buffalo Sulkey Iv kcs,

o5 Bevolviiig, horse rakes^

ami all the smaller iinplcinonts in s* 5 ; My stock of Duilder? Ilardwai ha* been sc I Ic'-ted with care, aud is very largo. LuilJcrs j will always find a lull supply of

A. B. BALC03I ^'^^Hn ^''"**' t.,- ^ ^•°'*'''

Doors, Blmos,

Locks, Latclies. 6rc. <fec.

Prices Exceedinly Low for CASH!





i-i lli'> only Phy.-icinn, .ts a !^pt•^•ia!ist now in C'hicapio that can bo cntirfly icHH i'.|fin. tio TO iiiM, and not snlTfll that lionil.lodisiiiso to r'-main ii. your s\ ratlin, disti^jniin;; your lacp and I'ody, iM.^idivs dcfitriivniK .vonr hiipi'in'-.-''iind fiitnri' pri'-pi-'M.H ol lir>'. lb- li^i nindo I'lM VATK Iil.-'K.\SK.'* and NKIIVUUS lH.lUldTY liis htii'ly for lli>' p:i.Ht . ,,j, twi'Titv vfiiis. iiii I is tiK-rctori'ihepcr- VlIA'"'^ Hon wiioiii all HtUiilod hlxaild consult. No oni' ever htard of a piiti<nt of bis m t biiii^ inr«d dure Ji!' liiiH bf-n in thi.i city. His r.piitation hiU von. hers in all th.' < ily pHpi-is. his p.itii-nlH and tho iui-di.:il i.rolV.ssioii, liotli h.T.-;iii.i itliioad, us L.-iiij? tlio most ^Uill.•d f^i.-ialist here, and a tlioroi. .;li m;i.l.r ol ill s.-xii.d disi'iisi-s. If all olln-rs tail. doii"t d^ spair ivf liim a rail. It is only a common occnrri'ii'i- with Tiiio to niif sii'h «-.i'"S. 'lli-i rooms arc .s.'paiati- f.ir i.li.-saiid-'ntlrm.ii.andtlR- most. ipl.-t.Mii th.iity

YolNU ^fEN TXKK I'AUTI. lHa N.ITICE. -'joCtor ItljJO-

low .lHTot<-« mii.h of his tim- to tlu. tr.-atnu-nt ..f those ■11.S.-S .■aii-.(l l.v a s.Mict h.il'it. wl.i.h ru;ns l.oth l.ody indmiis'l m.liitin- th-unf..rlnnHt.' individual lor i-iih.-r ous-n.sH or s,..irty. The sa-l .Ibxt of tb -s.- .-arly hal.its, .r tin- exc.-s of ripir y.ars, is to w.'ak.'U an.l .hhill- tot.- th- coiislil.itlon. d.stroy the plivsical a.id m.ntal ,H,w,rs. dimii.isli an.l enfc-.-Mo tl.e natural fe.limrH. and exhaust th.- vital .•n.'rgies ..f manhoo.l ; the pKaMir.^ of lifonn. m.n.Ml. the object ..I nnirriage hnstrated, in.l .xi.-t.-n..' its.df ixndcTi-d a t.rm of nncasmg misery *n.l ncrrt. gu.li p-rsons, .-p.-.-ially those contcm- nlitini: marriajr-N hho.il.l h'^i' n.. tnno in making unrn*. 'iiat,- at.pli. alion. as Dr. It-, I'V bis lu-w tr.iitniuut, u ,.„al.l.d t.. insure a sp^^^cly an.l prrmanent •;nre.

Consultations fico and conti.h-ntiul Olhoe No 179 ^,.ii!li (M irk i^trcet. tonmrof .M.inroe, hall a block Irom "l." I'.'st Oth.'e. V^t Ortice U..X 104, Chicago, 111. OIHce hours from W A. 1*1 to S P M.

Send for his "Ouido to lloalth," published monthlv,

'' N "b -lladics, sf nd for a descnpUvA circular of Pea- Wio Remedie, tlie b.-st prev. ativo of concepUoB Sent to any H.l.hi'ss ft-ee of cb' r;;o.





Etc., Etc.

at prices that



All persons desiring to purchase Reap and Threshers, would do well to ijivt me a call neforo purchasing, as 103' stock is very larpre and 1 will Warrant all maciiines to give satiRiaction, and my prices and teri»?"' cpun.it fail t** suit.

a4v;{yl JOHN' F. MEAGHER.







Mai-riatj' <in<l (Wilxunj. Essay of WarniDgr and Instrnc

x\. tion to' You^g■ Men. Ai.o, Disosaes an.l abuses which prematurely Pi ostrato the vi lal I'.iwcrs. with sure means of relief. Bentfree of Charge, in scald letter envelopes. Address, Dr. J..SK1LLAN HOUGHTON, Howard Asso ciation, Philadelphia, Pa. .v3n21yl

^O A/IH ^ YEAR made by any one with \* I^Sj^^ $15— stencil tools. No experience ueces.sary. The Presidents, Cashiers, and Treas urers of 3 Banks ,-^n.lor.se tho circular. Sent free wi h samples. Addre.ss the American Steieil Tool Works, 81 riugadJ, Vermont. 42yl

Bntter & Cheese

wanted at all times at the market price.

I never was, Xever can, and Never will be


Give me a:i early call, and see for yourselves.


Blue Earth City, May 14, 1866. 3n?.0yl

Adcicc and Prescriptions .for Sick or Injured Horses given Free.

The EpiTon of AVilkks' SriniT of thk Times desires to inform the owners ot Horses through- ' out the United States, that he has regularly en- gaged upon his pafcr, one of the ablest and most experienced professional \eteriiiarians in the U. S., vhosc special duty it shall be to answer, gratis all questions roldtive to siuk or injured horses which may be addressed to the Spirit, trhithcr bi/ »iil>srrili> i-s III- nut. These answers will in all cases contain a prescription for the injury de- scribed, and will he printed, in connection with the question asked, in the following number of the Spirit. No answers, however, will be given by mail, it being a part of the object of t be edi- tor to suUmit the abilitj' of the professor who has assumed this department of the Spirit to the keenest criticism of the general public. By ad- ding this useful department to the .Spirit, the editor contributes to those of his readers acd subscribers who own horses, ahorse doctor free, and not only to his subscribers, but to every horse owner in the United States who may choose to direct an inquiry to tho Spirit by mail. The- subt;cription price of the Spirit is $5 a yc^r ; but single copies may be bought from news agents from week to week by those wh.i desire to use it temporarily only, for veterinarian questions, at tiftccn cents per co)iy. The Spirit of thk TiMKs is a high toned gentleman's paper which (with the old .Spirit, whose business and title it inherits) is of forty years' standing, and is de- voted to llunti ig. Fishing, Racing, Field Sports,. Literature and the St..{ce. Gkokge Wii.kes.

Editor and Proprietor^- 201 William St., New York.




IT^ORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in ? from ethre to five weeks, by usin:^ Dr. SEV- ItiNE'S RESTAURATEUR CAPILLIRE, the most wonderful discovery in modern seieuee act ing upon the ^eard and Uair in au almost mi- raculous manner.

It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering success. Names of all pcrchasers will be registered and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance the money will be cbeertully refunded. Price by mail, scaled and postpaid, $1. Descriptive circulars an.l testimonials mailed free. Address 15EUGKR, SHUTTS A CO., Chemists, No. S25 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Sole ageule for the United States. vJnlSyl .


Oh ! she was beautiful and fair, Witii starry eyes, and radient hair. Whose curling tendrils soft «-ntwined. Enchained the very heart and mind.


For Curling the Hair of eitl'er Sex into

Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or

Heavy Massiqe Curls.

Ry usinf; this article Ladles and Gentlemen can bean- tify »hem8flve,s a thousand fold. It is the only article in tJie world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearauce. The Grisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it ; is highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the most o<~niplete article of the kind ever ofiTered- to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be mlIj to any address, staled and postpaid for ooq dollar.

Address all orders to

W. L. CLARK & CO., Cheniaia. t4u18/1 K«. 9 W%»t Ifajettfl Is.rvc;, Sjra<tu«, N. 'x




1 '






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