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A new banner on 43rd St. /See page 22



C. ARTHtm Braitsch '23

V ice-Chairman George R. Ashbey '21

Garrett D. Byrnes '26 Warren L. Carleen '48 Carleton Goff '24 Prof. I. J. Kapstein '26 Stanley F. Mathes '39 Stuart C. Sherman '39

Managing Editor


Assistant Editor

John F. Barry, Jr., '50

POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to Box 1854, Brown University, Provi- dence 12, R. I.

Published October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, and July by Brown University, Providence 12, R. I. Second class postage paid at Provi' dence, R. I. and at additional mailing of' fices. Member, American Alumni Council The Magazine is sent to all Brown alumni




In This Issue.

The Meehan Auditorium Opens Its Doors 5

Looking Ahead to the Brown of 1970 12

Saigon Saga, by Prof. I. J. Kapstein 16

Yardsticks and the Freshman Class 21

A New Brown Headquarters in New York 22

What Happened to the Football Team? 34

Some Alumni Express Their Views 47


THE NEW BANNER on 43rd St. is that of the Brown University Club in New York, now proudly flying outside the hospitable Columbia Club. The move from the old headquarters has been accompHshed, and the members are delighted with the facilities now available. The cover drawing is a rendering of the Brown lounge, and it's of interest that it was by its archi- tect. Charles E. Hughes '37. It looks inviting.

Stormy weather . . .

HURRICANE Esther proved no more violent than an old-fashioned "line storm," but Providence had prepared for the worst. Schools were closed, and the University of Rhode Island shut down for the day, but it was business as usual at Brown. A Herald reporter complained to President Keeney because we continued in session when the weather was so threaten- ing.

The President's reply was unhesitating: "We always have classes during hurri- canes."

> "unlike members of the medical pro- fession, who reportedly bury their mis- takes, we admissions folk see ours every- day, walking around the campus, as if to remind us accusingly of our fallibility." Robert H. Pitt, II. Dean of Admissions at Penn, was writing in its alumni magazine. His colleagues, he says, have an epithet for his mistakes: Pittfalls.

> WITH AN eye to new business, a drug- store on Thayer St. displayed a big sign in September which read: "Welcome to the Class of 1961." We didn't have the heart to tell them they were four years late with this nice greeting.

> PLANNING a special course in computer programming for members of the Faculty, Prof. William Prager suggested classes on Saturday afternoons when he circulated the questionnaires. A later memo told the out- come:

"From the returned forms, it is obvious that the Saturday hours are not popular. There are 465 ways of selecting two hours from the remaining 31 hours at which both the lecture room of the Computing Labo- ratory and the undersigned are free. A small program, which will be discussed in the course, made the computer determine the two hours that were acceptable to the greatest number of participants. Accord- ingly, the course has been scheduled as follows: Monday and Wednesday, 2:10 to 3:00 beginning October 9, 1961."

> A western magazine was apologizing I because it had reported the wrong alum- nus as dead. Then the editor added a plea: "Please write your name clearly, or print it, especially in death notices." And, in the same month, a similar request in an- other alumni publication: "When reporting a death, please include the current ad- dress."

Chicago's Alumni Office got a note that said: "I was shocked and grieved to f read of the passing of Florence Foley ; Howard '14. Of all my contacts at the University, my association with her was the closest and most intimate. I find it impossible to believe she has gone on. Yours sincerely, Florence Foley Howard '14."

y there has been increasing concern among students about that old bugaboo. Apathy, wrote an editor of Old Oregon. "Indeed, the situation is so bad that one student is reported to have written a flrst-

rate essay entitled 'In Defense of My Right to Be Apathetic' We wrote for the manuscript, hoping to present it in an early issue. Unfortunately, our apathetic student has never bothered to answer the letter."

> JOHN w. LYONS '50, a teacher at the Pleasant St. School in Seekonk, Mass., brought a busload of his students to the Columbia football game. When the debacle was over, one of the boys said: "Mr. Lyons, how did you know what the score was going to be?"

The teacher didn't understand, until the boy pointed to Lyons' cap. He was wearing his reunion headgear, complete with nu- merals.

> BECAUSE the basic situation was the same, one of our leading citizens in Uni- versity Hall recalled this story about a man on his way into a football game out of town. In the throng at the stadium portal, he turned to his wife and said: "I sure wish I had our piano here."

"What in the world are you talking about?" she asked. "What makes you want our piano in this mob?"

"Only that our tickets are back home on top of it."

Liayrnan's opinion . . .

> at the doctor's last month for a check- up. Prof. Ben C. Clough was asked how he felt. "I think I'm fine," the latter re- plied, "but, of course, that's only a lay- man's opinion."

"Not at all," said the doctor. "On the subject of your health, you're the world's greatest living authority."

> CHRIS BAODIKIAN, a young resident of Washington, D. C, sent Professor Car- berry a money order for 50 cents in time for the Friday the 1 3th collection on Oc- tober's Carberry Day. Enclosing the head- line that gave the score of the Columbia Day (which also employed the numeral 50), Chris wrote: "OK, Carberry, get that team on the ball."

Curator Clough saw to it that Carberry acknowledged the gift, with this message: "Thanks. I made your contribution go as far as I could, so now we have one foot on the ladder, and the chariot of progress is rolling toward high tide, and we shall reach terra firma."

> NEXT to the big parking lot on West 43rd St. where the New York Princeton Club is going to build, the city auctioned off a parcel of land 100 feet long but only 9 inches wide. Reading of this in the Times, his wife said to David Landman '39: "That's for a club for a small college." (But, of course, it's a very deep bit of land.)

> SOMEONE NOTICED that the box of Brown songsheets in our Alumni House supply closet was marked "Keep Dry." We are not allowed to weep over our songs.

Lunch was late . . .

> A DARTMOUTH FRIEND tells of being de- layed on the road going back to Hanover. Finally, however, he was able to get into a town which had an inn, where he hoped to get a long-deferred lunch. Dashing across the lobby, he noted that it was 10 after 2, and he was trying to open the door into the dining room when a clerk appeared.

"I'm starved," said the traveler, "but I'm afraid the dining room is closed."

"That's right," said the clerk. "Ever since 1942."


this season a headline reading: brown STAR WINS. The disconcerting part was that it was a racehorse. (Similarly, the new book Blue Skies, Brown Studies has no University reference; the publisher is Little Brown, too.)

> ON A BUSINESS TRIP in California in September, John Swanton '50 rented a car to make some calls. "You can imagine the smile that crossed my face," he wrote, "as I drove along the Harbor Freeway and noticed a sign on top of an office. It read: 'Barnebey Cheney Air Purifiers.'

"Now I ask you," Swanton concluded, "could any loyal Brown man resist hum- ming a few bars of Alma Muler at a time like that?"

> A QUESTIONNAIRE Seeking biographical data came to George L. Cassidy '26 of Pleasantville, N. Y., from Moses Brown School where he prepared for Brown. One heading provided a blank after the phrase "Marital Status." Says Cassidy: "I couldn't resist answering, 'Excellent!' "


THE MEEHAN AUDITORIUM rink in use: An early session of the R. I. Brown Club's skating subsidiary.


Photo by George C. Henderson '38, Brown Photo Lab.






And the new Meehan Auditorium has already delighted hundreds of skaters and other visitors at Aldrich-Dexter.

THE George V. Meehan Auditorium opened its doors to the public for the first time on Saturday, Oct. 14. Within 24 hours it was in use by hundreds of skaters, the first new build- ing on Brown's Aldrich-Dexter Field and the first addition to the University's athletic plant in more than 30 years (Mar- vel Gymnasium was constructed in 1927).

More than 1500 persons toured the Auditorium the first day, prompted by an invitation in the local press. On Sunday, nearly 700 students from Brown and Pembroke gave the ice its first test and found it to their satisfaction. About 100 other skaters from Faculty families appeared later in the evening, and the new Skating Club, sponsored by the Rhode Is- land Brown Club, had its first venture onto the ice the same week. From now until April, it will be a busy facility.

The building was designed for a dual purpose. As both arena and auditorium, it will provide the setting not only for all home hockey games and other skating events but also for certain convocations and other academic occasions (even Commencement if Brown's legacy of good weather is inter- rupted). The building contains approximately 2,100 perma- nent seats, ranged in north and south stands facing the rink arena 200 feet by 85 feet ( 17,000 square feet). For events on the ice, temporary seating and standing room may bring the audience capacity to about 3,000. When temporary seating is placed on the rink, the capacity for convocations will be raised to about 5,000.

Named for the Providence business executive whose foun- dation contributed half a million dollars toward its cost, the Meehan Auditorium was designed by the architectural firm of Perry, Shaw, Hepburn & Dean of Boston and constructed {Continued on page 8)


THE ICE AREA is said fo be larger than that of Madison Square Garden's.



ALL AGES at a Brown Club family hour in the Meehan Auditorium.


SIR." President Keeney

to George V. Meehan, right,

principal donor of the

Auditorium. First official

inspection come at a special

luncheon in mid-October.

OLD TIMERS' NIGHT on Nov. 25 has Jackson Skillings in charge. The 1937 Varsity Captain brought his boys in for a look recently.

The ice came early

{Continued from page 5)

by the Gilbane Building Company of Providence (Thomas F. Giibane and William J. Gilbane are both '33). Twenty-three subcontractors lent their assistance, and materials were sup- plied by 13 other firms.

"No Better College Rink Anyivhere" Construction of the circular domed building began in May, 1960. As it rose, the exterior became familiar to passers-by at the corner of Hope St. and Lloyd Ave., at the northwest corner of the 39 acres of the Aldrich-Dexter property. It was already an imposing landmark. The interior, however, must have presented a surprise to the October visitors. They ex- pected to find massive utility; they were not prepared for beauty. It was handsome and impressive as well, all agreed. According to Coach James H. Fullerton, the visiting coaches, athletic directors, and dealers in athletic equipment have been unanimous in saying they haven't seen a better college rink anywhere. Alumni and students are delighted, and many, as we have suggested, have already put the ice to a practical test.

Among those attending the October open house was Har- old A. Mackinney '02, Captain of the Brown hockey teams for his four years on the Hill. "He was beaming all over," Jim Fullerton reported later. "Apparently in his day the team played on an outdoor rink at Roger Williams Park. One season. Coach Cook constructed a small outdoor rink on Lin- coln Field, which is now the Lower Campus. However, a mild winter followed, in which the boys were able to use it only once." (The squad had not much better success with a rink built just outside of Marvel Gym in more recent times. )

A Cycle of Dedication Events

The first hockey game to be played in the rink will be on Old Timers' Night, Saturday, Nov. 25. Chairman Jack Skil- lings '37 has arranged for many of Brown's hockey players down through the years to return for the occasion. Some of

the younger and hardier men will undertake an exhibition game and will even take on the Varsity. Older stars, more conservative, will be content with a mere introduction to the crowd.

The first intercollegiate game in the rink will be played Dec. 2 when the Brown Varsity and Freshman teams meet Northeastern. The building will be officially dedicated on Jan. 2 when the Bruins meet Princeton in the first Ivy League game at home. Practice was to start early this month, as allowed by League agreements.

Thanks to the absence of supporting columns for the domed roof of the Meehan Auditorium, every seat has an unobstructed view of the rink. This was immediately obvious to the visitors who roamed the structure on the day of the open house. They entered from the parking lot at the south, along Hope St. Passing through the lobby with its ticket of- fices and arrangements for spectator traffic, one came into the auditorium at about the middle level of the stands, which flank the ice surface in two banks, north and south. In an effort to add variety to the color scheme in the interior, the first eight rows of permanent seats are being painted seal brown, the next five rows cardinal, and final five yellow. The colors are those found in the University's coat of arms.

The penalty box is at the foot of the south stands, in the middle of the rink. In addition to any player serving out his penalty, the box wUl also be occupied by the official timer, who operates the scoreboard clock, and the official scorer. Using his outlet to the auditorium public address system, the latter will announce the time of each goal, the players in- volved, and also the penalties.

Directly across the rink are the team boxes, unusual in that they are side by side. Brown will use the west box, the visitors (Continued on page 10)

RECOVERED from a recent illness, Theodore Francis Green '87 wanted to see the rink, and Athletic Direc- tor Mackesey proudly obliged.


LAYING 10 MILES of brine pipe was only one of many spectacular construction operations.

I -ft M7||


The ice came early

(Conliuued from page 8)

the east, in each of which there is allowance for the maximum of 17 players a team may dress for a game, including two goalies. Coaches, trainers, and managers are here, too, of course.

Innovations Beneath the Stands

Virtually all of the auditorium's auxiliary rooms are in the area beneath the north stands. Here are the Brown Varsity locker room, Freshman and JV locker room, and two for visiting teams. The 35 open-bin lockers in the Varsity room have a double advantage over enclosed lockers: clothing stored in them "breathes" better, and the equipment man will have a much easier job changing laundry and uniforms. A large shower room serves both the Varsity and Freshman squads. The Freshman room, which contains 50 lockers, will also be used by coaches for showing game and instructional films; there are blackboards in both rooms for the diagram- ming of plays.

The dressing rooms for the visiting teams have peg boards instead of lockers, and footwear can be stored in the boxlike under-portion of the removable benches. These two rooms may also be used by members of skating clubs and partici- pants in special programs. The Coaches' Office nearby is head- quarters for Fullerton and his new assistant, Richard H. Michaud. (The team manager has a desk here, too.) Coaches and game officials will dress in the Officials' Room, as will any skating professionals who may take part in special events. An adjacent first-aid room is fully equipped for the treatment of minor mishaps.

In the compressor room one finds the heavy machinery which cools and circulates the brine which in turn makes the ice. The refrigeration system employs non-combustible freon gas, with two compressors and two large pumps to keep the brine flowing through the 10 miles of pipe embedded one and five-eighths of an inch beneath the surface of the rink. In normal operation, the brine leaves the refrigerating system at 16 degrees Fahrenheit and returns at 18 degrees, though these temperatures can be varied considerably, according to the room temperature, the humidity, and the desired texture of the ice. (Figure skating, for example, requires somewhat softer ice than hockey.)

The Press Will Like Its Balcony

The Manager's Office is the nerve center of the auditorium and commands a passageway leading in from the east en- trance. This is the point of access for all skaters, including members of clubs and other groups authorized to use the rink at specified periods. In this office are located a turntable and a supply of records that will furnish background music, as requested, for recreational and figure skating.

Drawing especial praise was the large press box, which includes appropriate sections for radio and television. The booths are all fully wired for teletype and telephone service, as well as the auditorium's public address system. The tele- vision booth is fitted for connection to a coaxial cable that already runs near the building. The press box, hung from the roof over the south stands, offers ample accommodation for 30 working members of the press.

Familiar to spectators in other rinks is the Zamboni ma-

chine, a mechanical marvel which will roll out on the ice periodically to plane the surface, pick up the shavings, and spread a thin film of warm water which freezes almost at once. It takes care of cracks and scars left by the skates, providing a fresh, smooth surface in 10 minutes. The Zam- boni, named for its inventor, does a job which would other- wise require a crew of nine men and does it better.

On the staff at the Meehan Auditorium is an expert skate- sharpener, with one of the best machines available for his work. On the inside of his room is the panel which controls the auditorium lights. Ready in another part of the building, incidentally, is a 25-kilowatt generator, driven by natural gas. In the event of a general power failure, it can provide current for emergency lighting.

A Spider-Web of Ribs and Rings

Nichols, Norton, and Zaldastani of Boston were the con- sulting engineers commissioned to contribute the design of the structural system, including the foundation, concrete work, and steel dome; they also supervised those areas of construction. Paul Norton, of that firm, says the concept basic to the design of the longspan roof-framing was arrived at after considerable study. He wrote recently: "As many as 18 schemes were explored to determine, in collaboration with the architects, the most appropriate and economical solution. The steel dome finally selected consists of 30 major radial ribs connected to polygonal tension and compression rings. A space frame analysis enabled us to specify light members and to design a relatively light structure for such a span."

Thus, instead of conventional vertical columns supporting a conventional roof, there is a domed spider-web of steel ribs and rings, the former 104 feet long. During construction, a giant crane was used to attach the ribs to a tension ring 208 feet in diameter and based on a concrete canopy. At the top of the dome, the converging ribs were field-welded to a com- pression ring 14 feet in diameter. Temporary falsework sup- ported the rings until all the interconnecting steel had been welded into place. Six intermediate compression rings help

Miles of pipes and wiring

FOR THOSE who like statistics," an informative bro- chure gave these data about the Meehan Auditorium to visitors at the first open house; Earth excavated 30,646 cubic yards. Reinforced concrete 3,967 cubic yards. Concrete blocks 39,192. Structural steel 309 tons. Reinforcing steel 182 tons. Scaffolding 122,000 square feet. Acoustical tile 672 pieces. Floor tile (mo- saic)— 1,200 pieces; floor tile (rubber cord) 6,000 square feet. Forms for concrete 159,892 square feet. Face bricks 720. Paint 900 gallons.

Doors 81. Window panels 52. Window glass blocks 600. Plumbing fixtures 93. Toilet accessories 79. Electrical fixtures 587. Lighting 30 candles/ square foot. Electric conduit 23,000 feet. Electric wire 92,000 feet. Plumbing pipe 5,960 linear feet. Heat- ing pipe 3,460 linear feet. Brine pipe 10 miles. Height, ice to dome center 62 feet. Dome roof area 36,438 square feet. Flat roof area 11,500 square feet. Ice area 17,000 square feet.



achieve thrust and counter-thrust simultaneously and stabilize weight. Prefabricated pie-shaped sections of the roof were then placed by crane over the skeletal framing. The result, as suggested, is a self-supporting dome that combines great strength with light weight.

Rivaling the building of the roof in construction complex- ity was the laying of the 17,000-square-foot concrete slab that provides the base for the skating surface. Excavation of the entire area came first to a depth of seven feet. That immense pit was then filled with crushed stone, which serves as an insulating layer. Next, the pipefitters put down the 10 miles of I'/i-inch pipe to carry the brine.

July 3 was a big day. At 6 a.m. that morning, augmented crews were called in to pour the 6'/2-inch concrete slab in which the pipe is now embedded. Since it was necessary to keep all weight off the piping, the workers had constructed wooden tracks called "buggy runs" between the lines of pipe no simple matter. Between 6 a.m. and 1 p.m., 36 laborers trundled their two-wheeled buggies back and forth along the runs. In the seven hours they poured 330 cubic yards, or 48 truckloads, of concrete in this one operation.

In the next five and a half hours, 14 finishers prepared the smooth, compacted surface called for in the exacting specifi- cations. Finally, at 6:30, an inch of water was poured over the surface, to be left there for seven days. This technique, known as water curing, minimizes the possibility of cracking, by preventing moisture from leaving the concrete too quickly.

The Chairman of the Building Committee is Elmer Horton '10 of Barrington. (We remember the applause he received at the R. I. Brown Club dinner last spring.) The Co-Chairman is Foster B. Davis, Jr., '39 of Providence. Committee members include Harry H. Burton '16 and Howard Huntoon, both of Providence, Ward A. Davenport, Director of Construction Planning for the University, and President Keeney, ex officio.

The Winter's Hockey Attractions

Twenty-one Varsity and 16 Freshman games are on Brown's 1961 hockey schedule. In addition, the University will be host for a holiday tournament involving the Bruins and seven other college squads. The schedules (games are at home unless otherwise noted) :

VARSITY: Dec. 2— Northeastern. Dec. 6 Boston Col- lege. Dec. 8 Connecticut. Dec. 12 Amherst, away. Dec. 15 Bowdoin. Jan. 6 Princeton*. Jan. 8 Northeastern. away. Jan. 13 Yale*, away. Jan. 27 Williams, away. Jan. 31 -Princeton*, away. Feb. 3 Yale*. Feb. 7 Harvard*, away. Feb. 10 Cornell*. Feb. 14 Dartmouth*, away. Feb. 17 Cornell*, away. Feb. 21 Harvard*. Feb. 24 Dart- mouth*. Feb. 28 Army, away. Mar. 3 Boston College, away. Mar. 5 Providence College, away. Mar. 10 Provi- dence College. (*Ivy League games.)

FRESHMEN: Dec. 2 Northeastern. Dec. 6 Boston Col- lege. Dec. 9 Choate. Dec. 13 La Salle Academy. Jan. 6 Andover. Jan. 8 Northeastern, away. Jan. 13 Yale, away. Jan. 31 Hope High. Feb. 7 Harvard, away. Feb. 10 Lynn English. Feb. 14 Cranston High. Feb. 21 Harvard. Feb. 24 Dartmouth. Mar. 3 Boston College, away. Mar. 5 Providence College, away. Mar. 10 Providence College.

The game ticket price to the public will be $1.50 for home games. The south stands will be reserved for Brown and Pem- broke students at all Varsity games, while about 300 seats in the north stands will be set aside for season ticket-holders

CHART shows how the ice surface and permanent seats for 2100 persons are accommodated in the oval of the Meehan Auditorium.

and guests of the University. All other seats in the north stands, plus all temporary seats and standing room, will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for Faculty and staff-holders of season athletic tickets and for the general pub- lic.

17 Hours of Use Per Day

The Meehan Auditorium is intended primarily for the use of the Brown family students, faculty, staff, and alumni. By operating on a schedule of up to 17 hours a day, however, it has been possible to make the auditorium available, by spe- cial arangement, to a number of outside groups during the skating season.

The largest single allotment of time, of course, will go to the Brown Varsity, JV, and Freshman hockey squads, starting this month. Other University-connected groups using the ice will be Brown and Pembroke physical education classes, in- tramural teams (an informal fraternity league has had two good seasons at the Ice Bowl), Faculty and staff members and their families, and the Brown Club of Rhode Island. Outside organizations using the ice will include the Providence Figure Skating Club, the Moses Brown School, the Wheeler School, the Providence high schools (for hockey practice only), Pee- Wee hockey groups, adult hockey groups, and the Parents League.

Aldrich-Dexter Field is in its second year of intensive use. Football squads practice there, dressing in the temporary field house which was the Asylum hospital building. Baseball and lacrosse were played there last spring, and soccer is a lively fall tenant. Tennis courts and intramural fields see constant, enthusiastic activity daily. Eventually, the University proposes to build on the Dexter site a new gymnasium, field house, and swimming pools. However, there are no immediate plans for these projects, although the Athletic Advisory Council has set up a supervisory committee.




5500 students by 1970? Two Brown Deans looked into a crystal ball and report what they saw ahead

BROWN'S NEW BIOLOGY BUILDING at Brown and Waterman Sts. was approaching its full height when this photo was taken earlier in the fall.


A Brown University student body approaching 5500 by 1970 was envisioned by spokesmen on admission policies before the Alumni Leadership Conference recently. The major factor in such growth, they predicted, would be the expansion of the Graduate School to the point where it would account for 1500 students or 28% of the total. It would have surpassed Pembroke College in size, for the projection there showed 1170 undergraduates. Brown undergraduates at the end of the decade would number 2750, about 10% more than are in the undergraduate College today.

Other aspects of enrollment were considered by the Confer- ence panel: the selection of students, the quality of the stu- dents, their financial problems to name a few.

The two principals were Lloyd W. Cornell, Jr., '44, Assist- ant Dean of the College, and Alberta F. Brown, Dean of Ad- mission at Pembroke. It should be noted that they spoke from a University perspective, rather than as partisans for the in- dividual colleges. There was also an interpolated statement, requested from Dr. R. Bruce Lindsay '20, Dean of the Grad- uate School. He was brought to the Sayles Hall platform by the moderator, Vice-President John V. Elmendorf.

Dean Cornell began:

The preamble to the Brown Charter of 1764 contains a section not as often quoted as others, but I would call your attention to the statement of the need for an institution "to which youth may freely resort" for an education. I'd like to concentrate on that phrase "freely resort," for in the decades ahead one of the greatest challenges facing Brown and similar institutions centers around the definition and interpretation those two words.

So we're going to speak of class size, class quality, the financial backgrounds of the students' families, and the fi- nancial aid techniques used to solve their problems.

First of all, I'd like to go back in time to 1940-41, which we regard as rather a "base" year. The efl'ects of the Depres- sion had passed, those of World War II were not felt in enrollment, at least. In that year there were approximately 1500 applications for admission (and I'm speaking through- out of the combined Classes of Brown and Pembroke). We enrolled approximately 500 of those candidates, and the ratio therefore was one out of three.

I'll then go on in five-year steps, beginning in 1949-50, when the number of applications had jumped to approxi- mately 3400. Of that group we enrolled 830, about one out of four. Five years later, in 1954, applications had jumped to 4100, and we enrolled just over 900. In 1959, applications were up to 4660, and we enrolled just over 850. Our com- bined entering Classes at Brown and Pembroke in recent years have been approaching 900. Some of this increase in applica- tions stems from strengths, present purpose, plans, plant and personnel, which resulted in the Ford Foundation Grant. Others of them relate to national trends, which we shall ex- amine later.

A Function of "Educational Management"

If we project those figures to 1964-65, I think we can reasonably expect 6800 applications a far cry from the 1500 I started out discussing for 1940. And if we look ahead to 1970, I think we can expect over 8000, perhaps 9000, appli- cations. I think that by the middle of this decade, inevitably and irresistably, the number of entering Freshmen will ap-

proach 1000 (again the combined total of those at Brown and Pembroke). By 1969-70, the number will probably be about 1 100 an increase on the order of 25 or 30% over the present. But 1 would remind you that the Classes at the end of the decade of the "40s represented an increase of approxi- mately 60% over those which came before World War II.

I think that we have demonstrated that Class size is in part a function of educational management, that we have suc- ceeded (perhaps beyond our wildest expectations) in handling larger Classes better through new techniques in administration and in teaching. We have improved the quality of our plant to accommodate the higher quality of the candidate group.

I say that the coming increase will be irresistible and in- evitable. If we controlled it completely, keeping us where we now are, the effect would be artificial and stultifying. The strengths which Brown has and the increasing recognition of them bring us a candidate group today that, not only in quality and number but also in its composition from top to bottom, is significantly different from the groups we dealt with years ago. It is not the figures themselves which are significant but the innate quality of the candidate group and the self-selection which has contributed to that group.

Dean Brown then said:

When we consider how our entering Classes are growing and the number of applications increasing, it is interesting and helpful to place ours against the national picture. In 1969-70, at the end of the decade for which we are attempting to make projections, we have as Dean Cornell remarked a com- bined entering Class in the neighborhood of 1100 students. At the end of the previous decade, we had a real figure 860 in 1959-60, so that the increase 10 years later would approach 30%.

Interestingly, the national figure of increase for teen-agers who will be of college entrance age will be 33%, so we are plotting ourselves against a very real situation. (It's nice to know 17 years ahead how many people might possibly be at the college door this is an advantage we have over the kindergarten. )

It would be very simple in admission if we could just count on facts like birth-rate increases when we are projecting how many students we can put in our precise number of dormitory spaces. Admission staffs could all go off to Bermuda quite early in the spring instead of revising our estimates constantly day by day as to how many are coming. But there are factors other than birth rates which enter in, variables over which we have no control but which we must observe carefully. The factor which could make our figure larger than 1100 in 1969-70 is that the percentage of the college age group which actually attend institutions of higher learning has been in- creasing at the rate of 1 % a year a 1 % increase in per- centage.

A Fine State of the Horrors

This could lead to a fine state of the horrors if there were not some other factors which might offset this increase as we cope with it. We might have a smaller number than 1 100 for several reasons, the first being the rising cost of education. Another factor, which gives us a great deal of pause, is the fear that one may not have an application accepted: the fear that a student may not be acceptable may persuade him not to apply. The third factor is related to the second in a way:



a fear that he may not be able personally to meet a strong student body on his own terms he may be unwilling to enter a situation which is highly selective. Related to this in another way is the student who is just plain unwilling to put himself in a situation where he will have to work to his full capacity.

These latter fears are very much in our minds. It is inevita- ble that there are people in this world who do weed them- selves out of strenuous and exciting situations because of their personal characteristics. But there are others who simply need interpretation at this point, who need encouragement, even though they are ready.

This projected 25%-30% increase in Freshman enrollment, it seems to me, should allow for absorption of the increased number into this University, into the separate Colleges, with- out any adverse effect on the basic nature of the institution. its administration, its teaching, its facilities. It would seem to be a healthy increase.

Dean Cornell had a point to make:

I'd like to invite the alumni to share with the Admissions Offices a rather special problem which is a challenge in itself: the number of people rejected. Those who are accepted take admission gracefully and gratefully, but those who are re- jected do not. A few figures will show the dimensions of this problem and how it has increased: In 1930 the College re- jected 131 candidates for admission; in 1940, 394: in 1950, 772; in 1960, 2000. What will it be by 1970? I suspect in the order of 6000 rejections. As an institution, we are going to make very many more people unhappy than happy. In addi- tion to all other planning, the Admission Officers might plan to leave town about 1970.

We need alumni help in dealing with the cases of rejections and related problems, as we do in so many admissions situa- tions. As Dean Brown will agree, I'm sure, the applicants look to alumni and alumnae as friends in court. They get in touch with alumni, alumni write us we're glad they do. We need communication and interpretation, back and forth.

Dean Broivn resumed:

(She presented figures on the University's enrollment, which we have reduced to a tabulation:)




Grad. School





282 (13%)





476 (11%)





398 (12%)





696 (18%)





1000 (22%)





1500 (28% )


(Incidentally, on Sept. 26 the 1961-62 figures showed 2333 undergraduates in The College, 909 in Pembroke, and 801 graduate students in residence, though late registrations were expected to raise the last total to 870. The total enrollment would then be 4742.)

In this table, we begin again (said Dean Brown) with the base year of 1940-41, showing the enrollment by divisions, including the two undergraduate Colleges and the Graduate School. The Graduate School percentage given is with respect to the total enrollment. The ratio of Brown and Pembroke in 1940-41 showed about IVz boys to every girl and I may say this is not regarded a mean ratio by the girls.

The end of the war and the arrival of the veterans doubled

the University's enrollment, with Brown up more than 100%. But Pembroke and the Graduate School grew, too, up 75% each. In 1954-55, we returned to "normalcy," if we ever have it (normalcy seems merely to be a point between extremes). Enrollment was cut back again but then began its way up again, as shown by the figure for 1959-60. Though the un- dergraduate student body was growing at a normal rate, the Graduate School enrollment had jumped to the point where it was now 18% of the total University.

Then, we look ahead to two projected periods, seeing figures that represent a growth of about 2% annually at Brown and 3% annually at Pembroke, while the Graduate School has expanded to the point where it contributes 28% of the total of 5420. accounting for a considerable portion of the University growth. (Here the moderator let the Graduate School speak for itself in the person of Dean Lindsay.)

Dean Lindsay said:

These figures presented should interest you very much. Though graduate study, in its first years at Brown, was only a small fraction of all endeavor, marked growth has come since the World War, for reasons pretty obvious to all.

May I first remind you that, in the 600-odd institutions which give some kind of graduate work in this country, there were enrolled in the past academic year, 1960-61, some 315,000 graduate students. This number in itself may not be significant; what is significant is that it is increasing very rapidly. It is an important factor in American education be- cause these people constitute the reservoir of teachers, schol- ars, and scientists who are going to undertake the task of our intellectual problems of the future, the increase in our stand- ards of living, and the maintenance of our security in a very unquiet world.

In 1954, when the present incumbent became Dean of the Graduate School, we had 490 graduate students, including a good many non-resident students. You realize that graduate students wander around a great deal they are restless folk, who do not always want to stay and finish their work some- times they cannot afford to. The figure I gave includes the whole lot, resident and non-resident. The corresponding fig- ure for the year 1960-61 was 850 you can see the magnitude of the increase.

I may say that part of this growth was due to Brown's attempt to discharge what we thought was the obligation of the University to the secondary schools teachers of the nation when we started the new course of studies leading to the Master of Arts degree in Teaching. This thas involved a fair number of people, but the increase is by no means to be at- tributed to that primarily. The number is made up, rather, of those who want to become scholars and scientists and go on to the Ph.D. And I would remind you that in 1961 we ac- tually graduated 51 Doctors of Philosophy, the largest num- ber in any year at Brown.

The Pressures Involve Problems

We could, of course, take in many more students because we have them knocking at the gates. For 1960 we had about 890 applications for admission to the Graduate School; this number went up to 1325 for the year 1961-62. (Candidates for the M.A.T., not figured in here, would account for an- other 250.) So the pressure is upon us to grow.

These pressures involve problems, starting with the facil-



ities for graduate study laboratories, libraries, and Faculty. We have a good Faculty, but we realize that graduate study is expensive: it ultimately means that a single member of the Faculty has to take over one graduate student to conduct his research, because that is the graduate student's principal ac- tivity.

We have to think of the graduate student himself, especially his financial support. You all realize that the graduate stu- dents are proverbially poor. They often have automobiles, many have wives and babies, but they never have any money. There has developed in this country a theory, which I shall not attempt to justify, that, since society demands that we develop people of great intellectual capacity to solve our prob- lems, somehow society should see to it that these people are properly trained. These students have absorbed this theory very well. Parents, too, usually abdicate their responsibilities at this point: those who will take care of students with sup- port up to graduate work will not finance them further.

The University recognizes its obligations in this respect. In 1960-61, for example. Brown actually provided $350,000 in fellowships, stipends, tuition grants, fellowships for research, and teaching assistantships this in free grants apart from payment for any work. This is not enough; it does not allow us to admit all the qualified who need help in the first year of graduate study. Later, as teaching assistants or research assistants, they get support. But the problem of the first year is not solved, though the Government is becoming more gen- erous, and so are foundations and industries.

While we should have 1500 graduate students by 1969-70, we shall be able to accommodate them only if we are able to double their financial help. Fortunately, the Graduate School is making progress in this respect, particularly through the efforts of Dr. Merton Stoltz, the Associate Dean. I think the Brown Graduate School will be able to meet the challenge that society has given us.

Dean Cornell's comment luas:

The undergraduate Colleges also have the need for more scholarships than they presently command. In 1950, Brown took the lead (with several others) in establishing a central- ized financial aid operation, pulling together information about the needs of its candidates, and utilizing through a single control all the forms of aid available to undergradu- ates: scholarships, loans, and student employment. This was the decade's most significant development in this area.

During this period, Brown and the others developed tech- niques of what we called needs analysis. We became much more sophisticated in seeking a fairer share of family in- come. We learned more about taxing assets, how to give al- lowances in an income-tax way for the number of children and aged dependents, how to take into account extra medical expenses and business expenses, and other factors. We built up a whole rationale of appraising family assets so that we might solve a boy's need accurately and fairly and yet com- pletely. We want his main effort in college to be devoted to his reason for being here. We do not want him distracted to excess by employment or worries about finances.

Similarly, during the decade. Brown's admission officers, together with those of other colleges in its "league," estab- lished the practice of meeting together and discussing com- mon candidates. We were able to agree upon and set identical stipends for them. We stopped competing with each other on

the basis of dollars, focussing the competition more properly on other qualities of the college. This practice, incidentally, probably saved the Ivy League $200,000 to $300,000 a year and thus helped more boys.

At the present time we are expending approximately a mil- lion dollars in the College for undergraduate aid. The amount of scholarships is about $550,000: 1 think we shall loan something about $250,000 this year, and student employment on Campus (which we can control) will be around $200,000. And still this is not quite enough. We cannot increase our scholarship endowment as fast as the need increases.

As we project our enrollment, we shall need more on an absolute level, too. There is a great area of challenge to us, therefore, in building up scholarship endowments, encourag- ing more corporate giving, and using loan funds more effec- tively. The greater use of loans as part of a package is, per- haps, the decade's most significant development in financial aid. In 1950, with a smaller enrollment, we loaned about $20,000 a year, compared with $250,000 this year.

Dean Brown concluded:

We have talked about a number of aspects of admission. I want to discuss a most important subject, the quality of the student body. This has risen dramatically, as measured by the College Board SAT scores. As you know, these may range from a possible low of 200 to a possible high of 800, 500 being the middle point established when the norms were developed.

In 1940-41, the base year we have referred to, the scores of the Brown and Pembroke students were very nearly on the national median on this. Let me remind you that the national median on the College Boards is a considerable pitch above the national median of high-school students it is already a pre-selected group.

We stayed in that general area but began to move upward: the 1954-55 figures show a significant but not large rise above the national median. In the next five-year period we rose dra- matically, jumping over the 600-point, up more than 100 in median by 1959-60. We expect a continuing increase in the five years ahead of us, inevitably tapering off as we approach "perfection." (That's an unfair word to use. We cannot ex- pect to go off the graph.)

There is no passing or failing on the College Board tests. There is simply "placing" against other college-bound stu- dents, and our students are placing high.

Not to leave a distorted picture, I add at once that we work from more than objective measures, because people are more than scores or statistics. We look carefully at school records, and our students stand well there they're top stu- dents in secondary school before they come to us.

We examine their program, too, because its content is so important in preparation for college.

What, then, are we looking for? The first criterion is that the students have the power to meet successfully the challenge to intellectual and personal growth aftorded by this environ- ment on College Hill, with sufficient reserve power so that the students will have sufficient intellectual "breathing-room" here. The second criterion is that the students have those at- titudes, those drives, those value judgments, which give prom- ise that they will not only respond to the challenge here but have the desire, the will, and the freedom to let loose their talents in this world a modest order!



SOME OF THE VIETNAMESE with Prof, and Mrs. Kapstein at o holiday celebration.

Kappy's American Revolution

The Far East mission of a Brown Professor

THE KAPSTEINS lived here in Saigon.

HIS CLASS IN SAIGON became a Brown class.


by I. J. KAPSTEIN '26


A YEAR AGO LAST SUMMER I was On a plane flying south from Hong Kong to Saigon where, at the request of the State Department, I was going to teach American Literature and Civilization to students at the University of Saigon, the national university of the Republic of Vietnam. I did not know much of anything about the country I was going to and even less of the university I was going to teach in. Whenever (in my Washington briefing) I had got close to the nub of what I wanted to know, the answer given me was, "Play it by ear." Playing it by ear is all very well and good, if you have plenty of time to make up for your mistakes.

At any rate, I had interrupted all the continuity of my work at Brown while I took myself off to a Far Eastern country 12,000 miles away in order to promote "mutual understand- ing" between it and the United States.

The Women Yoii Looked at Tivice

Even my reading did not prepare me for the look of the people themselves slender, graceful, and on the average about a head smaller than the average American. Among them I felt overgrown; my head became a pumpkin, my limbs seemed stiff and thick as boughs. Their color is a light tan in pleasing contrast to what in Saigon seemed the sickly pallor of Western skin. Their hair is straight, thick, a lustrous black; their eyes are dark with a gleam like that of onyx; their fea- tures are small and regular an attractive-looking people, their glance lively and alert. The women were generally so pretty that it was really rare to see one who was not the one who wasn't pretty was the one you looked at twice.

Though 1 had been told by the State Department that a knowledge of French was a condition of my appointment as a visiting professor in Saigon, I could not anticipate how deep had been the penetration of French culture between 1883 and 1945 when Vietnam was a French colony nor how thoroughly the French had taught their language to the Vietnamese.

French was the necessary bridge of communication between West and East. In the University, for example, all communi- cations came to me either in Vietnamese or in French; on the rare occasions when we met as a group, all discourse among my colleagues was also in French. Below a certain level of society it is a badly mangled French, a pidgin French, but at higher levels it is a very elegant French, spoken with the speaker's pride at being fluent and correct in it. I linger on this matter only to point out a strange paradox of colonialism: Politically, the French are hated for their policies of exploita- tion while they were the rulers of Vietnam. But, culturally and linguistically, they still have a strong hold on the Viet- namese.

The French now seem to be working on the principle that if you can hold a people culturally, you can hold it commer- cially. The French cultural mission had 43 teachers in the lycees and in the University of Saigon; the United States had about six, of whom only three were professors. In the Faculty of Letters, where I did most of my teaching, I was the only American.

Bullets Brought the War Close

I taught three courses: one a survey of American literature and civilization, one in the modern American novel, and one composition, oral and written. In contrast, there were some 20 courses in French literature and language. This is a su- periority (in numbers, at least) which the French mean vigi- lantly to guard. The French do not match us in financial, tech-

nical, and military aid to Vietnam we have put more than $1,300,000,000 into Vietnam since 1954— but they certainly mean to surpass us culturally. They still push the favorite fiction of many Europeans that Americans are a crass, mate- rialistic people who worship machinery and money and are ignorant of the life of mind and spirit.

The point I am making is the contrast between reading about Vietnam and living in it. I think the contrast became most vivid for me in regard to history. I found a great dif- ference between reading about the Vietnamese fight for free- dom and the tracer bullets flying past our windows a year ago this month. I found a great difference between reading up on the struggle between Communist North Vietnam and demo- cratic South Vietnam and the shooting up of a bus by Com- munist guerrillas just ahead of us on the road between Saigon and Cap St. Jacques. There is quite a difference between reading that in Vietnamese civil conflict many innocent people are hurt and seeing in a Saigon street a child with half her head shot away.

I had only the scantiest idea of what to expect at the Uni- versity. I knew nothing of its organization, its administration, its curriculum, or its students. But, as time went on (my teach- ing began in August of 1960 and ended in April of this year) 1 learned a great deal.

Cast from the French University Matrix

I found out that the University was modeled upon French universities, but with little regard as to whether the French university model was the proper one for Vietnamese students. The university was headed by a Rector, presumably its entire authority, drawing his powers from the Ministry of Educa- tion. Under him were the Deans, each heading up a separate Faculty, each one operating in almost complete independence of the others, and each housed in a separate building in dif- ferent parts of the city. Admission to the University requires a baccalaureate degree, granted by the lycee. It takes a stu- dent through what we call a junior-college level of education. Students in the University, therefore, are about the level of our Juniors and Seniors and first-year graduate students.

The Faculty of Letters where I did most of my teaching comes closest to being a liberal arts college, offering courses in various literatures and the social sciences, although political science is taught at the Faculty of Law. Students concentrate in one or two fields of study at a time, so that my students were taking all my courses at once and had to sit before me nine times in the course of the week. These students, working for what was called the certificate in American literature and civilization, might also be working in another field French, Vietnamese, or Chinese literature, for example, and taking four or five courses simultaneously in this field so that a num- ber of students were doing all together seven or eight courses at a time.

Most striking and disturbing to me, however, was the lack of contact between the Deans and their Faculties, between the various professors of the Faculties, and between the pro- fessors and their students. There were no Faculty meetings, there were no Faculty committees, there was no common con- tact whatever among the professors. We never got together to consider what we were doing, to ask whether we were doing the right thing, to inquire what our educational aims might be, to exchange ideas with one another.

My colleagues were a mixed group: Many were Vietnamese who had been educated in France and were proud of the


BY THE TIME OF THE CHRISTMAS PARTY, the students had become friends of the visiting Americans.

French tradition and culture they had assimilated. Some seemed so French as to be expatriates in their own country. A few professors were Chinese mandarins, trained in the ancient Confucian tradition of Chinese scholarship, teaching Chinese classics, and wearing the traditional costume of round, flat turban, knee-length black tunic, and black pantaloons. These were all elderly men. I think the tradition which pro- duced them has been crushed by Red China. 1 felt that I was seeing in them the last relics of a vanishing breed, a great piece of history thinning into nothingness.

A number of my colleagues were French, part of the French cultural mission. These were a stiff, standoffish lot, convinced of the superiority of French culture to all other national cultures. They were jealous and sensitive about their presence and prestige in Vietnam, resentful of Americans and Amer- ica's rapidly increasing influence in Vietnam.

Besides the French, there were a few Englishmen sent out by the British Council of Information, a reserved but friendly group, and a scattering of New Zealanders and Australians sent to Vietnam by SEATO. There were two other American professors besides me: a professor of political science at the Faculty of Law and a professor of botany at the Faculty of Science.

Friendly as I came to be with a number of my colleagues, our friendship was not based on any sense of our working together as a Faculty. The fact that we were working within a fixed curriculum and a rigid educational system, bureau- cratically controlled, allowed no common discussion for changes or improvements in the curriculum, methods, and aims of the University. Knowing how steadily and intimately concerned the Brown Faculty is with these matters, I felt strongly that the students of Saigon were losing much. The

organization of the University did not allow for Faculty par- ticipation in its business, though many of my colleagues were scholarly and impressively intellectual men.

What bothered me most, however, was that professors and students did not meet at all outside the classroom. No pro- vision whatever was made for such meetings no offices for professors, no conference rooms, just no place where profes- sors and students could sit down together. Evidently, it was unthinkable that such meetings could be part of the educa- tional process.

A Shock for the American Visitor

I should mention the awe in which professors are held in Vietnam and the respect they command. When I entered the classroom, the students would jump to their feet and remain standing until I had taken my chair. When I got up at the end of the lecture, they would jump to their feet again and remain standing until I left the room. If anything like this happened to me in an American university classroom, the shock would kill me.

Classroom contact in Saigon was of the most mechanical kind. How mechanical, I found out shortly after I began my lectures. My students, in the most painfully shy, polite, and respectful way, let me know that I was talking too fast. (With my awareness of their difficulties in English, I was talking about three times as slowly as I usually do.) Then I found out that the difficulty was not intellectual but physical: They un- derstood me all right, but they couldn't write rapidly enough to take down every single word I spoke.

This mechanical note-taking I found was the established educational mode of the University a purely mechanical recording of the professor's words, with the expectation that



they would be returned to him exactly in the final examina- tions. When I listened in on some of my French and Viet- namese colleagues, I realized what the students were used to: The lectures were read otf in a slow drone, with long pauses between phrases and sentences so that the word-for-\\ ord note- takers could keep up.

The Students Deserved Something Better

To me, the lecturers and their lectures were about as in- spiring as soggy pudding. It was painful to think that my stu- dents expected me wanted me to dish out the same. This lecture method was obviously the only educational method they knew. And they deserved something far, far better, for these Vietnamese students were as fine a group, as willing, as sensitive, as intelligent, as mature as any teacher could ask for.

Many of them were older than the average university stu- dent in the United States. Many had been among the million or so Vietnamese who in 1954 had streamed out of Com- munist North Vietnam, to nationalist South Vietnam; many of them were separated from their families, who had remained in the North. Some had fought against the Communists, some had fought for them and been disillusioned. All of them were patriots in the best sense of the word, politically sophisticated and alert to the realities of world politics. All of them were aware of their involvement and their country's involvement in the fight against Communism.

All of them took it for granted that I was equally involved that I was in Vietnam, not merely as an academician, but (in the best sense of the word) a politician. Even though the State Department had sent me out as a private citizen, the mere fact that it had sent me was enough to convince my stu- dents that I was an official representative of the United States. I was, they believed, as directly involved in the war as any- body in the Embassy or the U.S. Military Mission working in Vietnam.

A Fresh Validity for Our Writings

And they were right. It was impossible for me to pretend that I was an individual cut off by my profession from the turbulent tide of life. It was impossible for me to teach them 18th-century American literature to teach them the ideas of Tom Paine and Washington, of Madison and Hamilton and not relate the ideas of the American 18th-century fight for freedom to America's continuing fight for freedom in the 20th century. I could not teach without also relating both to Viet- nam's fight for freedom. Both countries, as I had no need to tell my Vietnamese students, had thrown off an oppressive colonialism; both were involved as allies in the 20th-century struggle against totalitarianism.

My students all took it for granted that I was in Vietnam to become involved in this struggle. And so, indeed, I was. It was impossible to be merely an onlooker, merely an ob- server of the political situation in Vietnam. I was part of it. By way of my own world, the world of the humanities, the world of ideas and values, I was as deeply engaged in the struggle as any of my American compatriots who were bring- ing the world of technology and practical services into Vietnam.

Having reached this conclusion in short order, I asked myself why I should serve up the world of ideas and values, the world of the humanities, by a method which converted it into a soggy pudding.

I asked other people, both in and out of the University, about the possibility or the advisability of teaching by other

methods. They warned me not to buck the system. The tra- dition of teaching in the University was a combination of the Chinese mandarin and French scholarly tradition. Any at- tempt to change it would be foolhardy; only confusion and misunderstanding would result.

I was told that the passivity of the student came from the tremendous awe accorded to the professor. His word was regarded as law engraved on tablets of stone. Moreover, his responsibility to his students ended when he had uttered the last word in his lecture. If he condescended to allow students to ask questions, it would constitute a loss of face for him still a very serious business in the Orient. If he permitted (let alone, encouraged) the students to discuss in the classroom anything he had said, it would be worse: it would cost him the loss of his students' respect.

This reply intimidated me for a time. Then, a few weeks after I had begun to work at the University of Saigon, it oc- curred to me that it was better to lose their respect and really teach them something, than to keep their respect and teach them nothing. It also struck me that I might be less respectful of the Chinese and French educational traditions, of which I knew little except that I disliked them. If I were more re- spectful of the American tradition, which I liked and of which I knew a great deal, I might be more successful as a teacher in the University of Saigon.

At this point, then, I gave myself a swift kick in the pants and began to do the job that I was sent to do. It was not only myself that I began truly to represent. I realized that I was representative of my own University at home and of its educa- tional tradition.

And So He Made the Plunge

Twelve thousand miles away from Brown, I realized how much I was a part of Brown and how much Brown was a part of me. Indeed, I was Brown so far as Saigon, Vietnam, Indo- China, Southeast Asia, and the entire Asiatic mainland was concerned, since, to the best of my knowledge, I was the only Brown professor in all Asia. That was a lot of territory for one man to cover. But, so long as I was there, it was up to me to cover it, as adequately as I could, and represent Brown as Brown should be represented as, indeed, it was both my desire and duty to represent her.

I do not think I need to spell out Brown's educational sys- tem to you. It's enough to say that, while Brown still finds the lecture method useful, the whole bent of our instruction and our methods is to get the student onto his own intellectual two feet.

The goal of our teaching is to help the student to think for himself. This, I need hardly remind you, is one of the fixed stars that American democracy steers by. To this goal we run our Freshman-Sophomore IC Courses, with their spe- cial emphasis upon classroom discussion and debate. To this goal we offer our University Courses, with their focus upon the grand ideas that underlie all the disciplines of study; our undergraduate courses with their focus upon student research; our courses of independent study, in which the undergraduate is free to study a subject practically all on his own.

In more than 30 years at Brown, I have taught and continue to teach in this variety of ways. They represent not only my experience and judgment but the accumulated judgment and the condensed experience of the Brown Faculty and the Brown Administration. This Brown tradition is an expression of my own educational faith. I felt I was duty-bound to teach this, and I did.



I refused to dictate my lectures in fact, I left my lectures at home. I talked informally and nearly as rapidly as I do at home. 1 forbade my students to write, commanding them to listen. I kept exhorting, urging, beseeching them not to be- lieve me but to ask questions and start arguments.

The First of Many Happy Days

It was the American Revolution. They were stricken ab- solutely dumb by what I was doing. They sat appalled and troubled. And I stood appalled and troubled by what I had done. And then, one day, a hand (a hand I could have kissed) went up in the back of the classroom. A voice timidly asked a question, and I knew I had it made. A happy day for me.

Thereafter my classes became Brown classes questions, discussion, debate, free expression and exchange of opinion.

I was home again.

As for my students, not only did they respond to the Amer- ican professor and his ways, they started coming to his house, they drank up his Coca-Cola (yes, there was a bottling plant in Saigon), and ate up all his American cookies. Best of all, they ate up the free exchange of ideas between professor and student. They came and sang their folksongs and taught us Vietnamese phrases and took us to their pagodas and temples and told us where the shopping bargains were. In short, we arrived at a true alliance of American and Vietnam, the alliance that between person and person we call friendship.

All my doubts about going to Vietnam were finally re- solved. I forgave the U.S. Government for spending its money on me, and I forgave myself for leaving Brown. Now that I'm back, I think I'll stick around. I like it here.

THE FARRINGTONS came up from New Jersey to spend the October Porents' Day with their Freshman son.



Yardsticks and the Class of 1965


Adm issiou Officer

ow GOOD do my grades have to be? Are outside activities important? What kind of an applicant are you looking



Do these questions have a familiar ring to you, the alum- nus? Probably, for they have been asked ever since Brown initiated a selective admission policy; they were asked by those applying for the Class of 1965, and they will be asked by future generations of potential Brown Freshmen. Are there specific answers to these questions? Were we able to set up a distinct formula, a pattern into which each Freshman of the Class of 1965 had to fit before he was accepted? No, and to do so would be impossible. An attempt to fit all the accepted candidates into a mold would require a shapeless rubber casting which expands and contracts with every talent and ability that the Class of 1965 possesses.

How then can we answer these questions? Statistics them- selves are too specific and tend to sacrifice individuality for an impersonal picture of the whole, but they may help us in gaining a better understanding of this year's Class.

Hoic good do my grades have to he? Academic ability is the key factor in college admission. This year the median secondary school class rank for the entering Freshmen reached the 90th percentile, a new high. Brought about by an increase in applications (2.5 per place 25 years ago; 5.3 this year), this record class median does not mean automatic ac- ceptance for an individual above this level, nor does it mean that a student below the top 10th of his class will not be ac- cepted. It is merely a statistic which gives us an indication of the academic strength contained within this new and still untried class.

Before making comparisons, of course, one should know that there were 395 Freshmen who entered Brown in 1936, as compared with 651 this September. The 1936 group was chosen from 1024 applicants; the 1961 group from 3378.

Here are the activities they reported in 1961 (with the 1936 counterpart in parentheses): Athletics 553 (297); Team Cap- tains 32 (1936 figure not available). Band 88 (32). Boy Scouts 196 (146). Class Presidents 41 (41); Other Officers 39 (37). Student Council 182 (58). Debating 71 (54). Dra- matics 91 (136). Glee Club and Chorus 78 (69). Orchestra 49 (51). Publications 328 (170).

What kind of an applicant are you looking for? The con- tinually growing strength of the University, the even larger number of interested alumni, and the improvements in trans- portation and communication have not only attracted a greater number of applications within the last 25 years but also have increased the geographical distribution of the en- tering Classes.

Thirty-four per cent of the Freshmen who entered Brown in 1936 did so from Rhode Island; this full only 11.8% were

TWO FRESHMEN on their orientation visit to the John Hay Library.

Rhode Islanders. The Massachusetts delegation did not vary substantially in its ratio: 19% in 1936, 18% in 1961. New Yorkers, 16.5% in 1936, accounted for 20.9% in 1961. Other States with delegations of sufficient size to be noted individually were: New Jersey with 12.6% (9% in 1936); Pennsylvania with 8.2% (3% in 1936); and Connecticut with 6.6% (6% in 1936). Three other New England States to- gether accounted for 1.7% of the 1961 Freshmen (1% in 1936). Regional changes are more marked: the West and Middle West sent 11.5% of the Class this fall (9% in 1936); the South sent 7.7% (2% in 1936). The percentage of Fresh- men from other countries rose from .5% in 1936 to .9% in 1961.

In spite of the increasing geographical spread we still must ask the same questions. Is this boy gifted with high academic ability? Does he show a diversification or specialization of interests which will make him a strong contributor to one or more of the many streams that combine to make the under- graduate body at Brown a varied as well as a strong one?

The Class of 1965 has now answered some of the questions which its members posed as secondary school seniors. Con- tained within its ranks are scholars, athletes, student leaders, and even an accomplished player of the bagpipes. It has the potential to become one of the great Classes in Brown History.

The efficiency with which this conversion from potential to kinetic energy will transpire cannot be measured in a few short months. Only the distant future can tell us whether or not this is the best class yet.


JUST OFF Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan, a big Brown "B" on a field of white now flutters in front of Four West 43rd Street. It indicates the new location of the 93-year-old Brown University Club in New York. The em- blem was moved from Park Avenue and 39th Street just prior to the razing of the Princeton Clubhouse, where Brown had enjoyed so many years of hospitality; now it is in place before the Columbia University Club.

One cordial Ivy League host has thus replaced another, and its clubhouse becomes the new stronghold of Brunonian activ- ity in the metropolitan New York area. But the substitution is only a minor aspect of the metamorphosis resulting from the move to the seven-story Columbia Club.

First and foremost, "identity" has been achieved to an ex- tent not possible in recent years. Contributing here has been the creation of a separate Brown Club lounge and office on the second floor. In addition to the distinctive Bruin accoutre- ments, members have full use of all Columbia Club conven- iences, including vastly expanded dining facilities and an ex- tensive athletic department. Another feature is a tastefully decorated and commodious Ladies Lounge and dining room on the third floor.

The Search for a New Home

Selection of the new location was determined only after an exhaustive survey of the mid-Manhattan district by a special Brown Club committee composed of Past Presidents, real estate specialists, and legal advisers. The ultimate decision was to accept the invitation of the Columbia Club for a minimum period of two years. It was predicated upon the caliber of the accommodations, the accessibility of the loca- tion (equidistant from Grand Central terminal and Times Square), and the opportunity to develop the physical char- acter of the Brown Club into one of the foremost college clubs in New York City.

Other factors were the available camaraderie of members of two other college clubs under the same roof, in addition

Over this hospitable entrance

There's a new banner on 43rd street

PROUDLY "at home" in its new headquarters, the Brown University Club in New York has begun a new era, hinted at in this article by its President. One point is, however, not covered in his narrative: his own considerable leadership in the quest, transition, and successes of the recent months of transfer. We can report, as lie did not, the gratitude of the Clul) and the University for his part in all that has hap- pened.


to the host Columbia Club the Colgate Club has been and remains a tenant. Friendly relations with the Princeton Club also continue, for it shares the Clubhouse pending construc- tion of a new building of its own directly opposite, adjoining the Century Club.

For designing and decorating the new quarters, the Brown Club was twice blessed in having among its members Charles E. Hughes "37, A.I.A., and Ward H. Jackson '32, A.I.D., a distinguished combine of architect and decorator. The ob- jectives and budget provided them were a far cry from those of the predecessors who, at the turn of the century, equipped a Brown headquarters out of a total appropriation of $826.56. Among items in that expenditure were a seal on the door, "games from R. H. Macy & Co.," and four spittoons.



What Hughes and Jackson have achieved is in harmony with the architectural style and atmosphere of the Columbia Club's stately Renaissance structure. Within its rectilinear boundaries they have created a peaceful oasis defiantly inde- pendent of the surrounding market-place racket of Manhat- tan. As Jackson sums it up: "In achieving Brown identity we were fortunate to have the University's color scheme of rich, warm brown; soft, creamy white; and vibrant red. We have accented this trilogy of color with shiny black and polished brass. We hope that the resulting effect will suggest Brown to our members and their guests.

"A seal of the University, handcarved in wood and em- bellished with gilt and color, is quite the most important dec- oration in the room. It is the work of an Old World craftsman and reminiscent of the skills of heraldry and wood-carving so important in the time of Brown's founding."

The Bruin lares and penates are now housed in an amalgam of the traditional and the modern. "Our University", contin- ues Jackson, "belongs both to the past and to the future; the furnishings of the Brown Lounge include excellent antiques and sound examples of contemporary design. We have tried to blend them harmoniously in form, color, and texture so that the room will reflect both heritage and today's creative thinking."

The resulting union of elegance and efficiency contains the basic fundamentals. Still to be selected by an objet d'art com- mittee headed by Lyman G. Bloomingdale '35 are the miscel- lany. In the words of decorator Jackson, "The concept of taste and high standards associated with our Alma Mater makes it essential that quality materials and deft workmanship be in- herent in every object displayed in the Brown Lounge". As a starter, the walls of the room have been embellished with a distinguished early print of Providence made in 1849 and an early French map of Providence, both of which happily show the location of the University buildings.

Nearly a Century of Leadership

Ever since 1869, soon after the Civil War, there has been an organization of Brown men in New York City. The origi- nal Association of the Alumni of Brown University in New York was superseded in 1883 by the still lively Brown Uni- versity Club in New York. Its constitution, incorporation, and current physical structure all bear the imprint of an illustrious Brown name: Charles E. Hughes '81, President 1897-99, Charles E. Hughes, Jr. '09, President 1920-21, and Charles E. Hughes, 3rd, '37, President 1957-59 and architect and co- designer of the new Club quarters. In the interim the number of Bruin graduates in the New York area has expanded from several hundred to between 3,000 and 4,000.

In a city of constant change, it is noteworthy that the new location is not far from those of three former Brown Clubs. Suites were maintained from 1903 to 1910 at 12 West 44th Street and from 1910 to 1919 at 44 West 44th Street, in two hotels still in operation. From 1922 through 1928 the Brown Club was the proud possessor of its own "brownstone" at 1 19 East 39th Street. Between 1929 and the 1932 coalition with the Princeton Club, Bruin headquarters were in the Went- worth Hotel on West 48th Street.

The last three decades of growth on Murray Hill were studded with contributions of Bruin alumni anxious to ad- vance the best interests of their University and to provide quarters which recalled "the happiest moments of youth's

fleeting hours" at Brown. Name dropping is inappropriate as the Brown Club looks ahead, but mention must be made of several whose herculean efforts during the trying Depression, World War II years, and the post-war brouhaha were re- sponsible for the present pre-eminence of the organization.

Reorganization of the Club in 1932 was under the aegis of Hoey Hennessey '12, Jeflfrey S. Granger '13, Philip A. Lukin '24, Hugh W. MacNair '17, the late Dennis F. O'Brien "98, and Ralph M. Palmer '10 among others. Thereafter, it was largely through the accomplishments of Dr. W. Randolph Burgess '12, the late Joseph F. Halloran '16, Hunter S. Mar- ston '08, C. Douglas Mercer '06, and Donald C. Miller '19 that the struggling organization did not flounder. In the ex- pansive post-wars years the counsel and guidance of the fol- lowing were indispensable: Gerald Donovan '12, Charles H. Huggins '19, James Jemail "18, the late Rowland R. Hughes '17, Robert C. Litchfield '23, Donald V. Reed '35, Frederick H. Rohlfs '26, Allen B. Sikes '24, Edward Sulzberger '29, and Charles C. Tillinghast, Jr. '32.

The successes of these titular leaders in pushing the New York Bruin coterie to numerical heights were aided and abetted by a series of Executive Secretaries, two of whom stand out in retrospect as nonpareils: Joseph A. O'Neil '31 (1932-37) and Newton C. Chase '06 (1942-44).

What the Neiv Club Has To Offer

The new Clubhouse has a glow to match the retained mem- ories of days on the Hill and an atmosphere of vivid aliveness. The accommodations are varied and plentiful enough to sat- isfy resident and non-resident members alike: a complement of three restaurants and bars, several private dining rooms, four squash courts, barbers and a masseur, and card and ex- ercise rooms. Of particular interest to out-of-town members are the bedrooms, many of them available on a transient basis, and a full selection of current Brown and Providence publi- cations.

The present Brown Club roster of approximately 700 mem- bers is olTered a comprehensive social program and a schedule of squash, bridge, and golf tournaments. There is an I8-man Board of Governors and the following officers in addition to the President; Robert G. Berry '44 and Monroe E. Hemmer- dinger '37, Vice-Presidents; J. McCall Hughes '33, Secretary; and Harvey M. Spear '42, Treasurer.

The Board of Governors includes the following: Terms ex- piring in 1962 Robert M. Golrick '47, Herbert M. Iselin '42, John E. Liebmann '41, William H. Lyon, Jr., '29, Win- throp R. Munyon '42, and Arthur R. Thebado '51. Terms expiring in 1963 Lyman G. Bloomingdale '35, John E. Flemming '33, Charles E. Hughes '37, Joseph A. O'Neil '31, Ralph C. Tanner '36, and Edward Sulzberger '29. Terms ex- piring in 1964 John L. Danforth '52, Edward Necarsulmer '33, Donald V. Reed '35, Herbert I. Silverson '31, Weston M. Stuart '27, and John F. Wilson "44.

An ebullient Executive Secretary, Christine M. Dunlap ( Pembroke '48), is in her third year as the group's vital spark- plug. She supervises a full calendar of engagements and reser- vations. At the present time she is working overtime processing membership applications from local and distant Brunonians interested in being affiliated with an organization which, among other things, "will spruce up their obituaries a bit".

"Show-Off Dinners" for Classes and other smaller groups have been arranged, but most members didn't wait to get



acquainted with their new privileges. "They'll prove a re- vitaminizing experience."" said a September mailing piece to the members, which added: "And remember, the Club is but 339 steps (three minutes and 10 seconds) from Grand Cen- tral and 491 steps (four minutes and 40 seconds) from Times Square.""

Inquiries may be addressed to The Secretary, Brown Uni- versity Club, 4 West 43rd Street, New York 36. N. Y.


are available for members and their

guests. There are 65 tastefully

decorated single rooms and suites,

many of which are air-cond'tioned.

MAIN DINING ROOM in the formal manner is two stories high, offering on atmosphere of friendly elegance.

ENTRANCE FOYER and ground-floor lounge. The stairway in the rear provides direct access to the Brown Club.

ASSEMBLY LOUNGE, adjocent lo the Brown Club quarters, offers a sumptuous modern setting for larger receptions and other events.



A new setting for the Brown Club in New York City

Photos by Ross

MEN'S GRILL and panelled dining room adjoining the Brown Club is dedicated to the unobtrusive service of the finest of foods.

CAFE PETITE adjoining

the Ladies Lounge is another

air-conditioned alcove.

LADIES LOUNGE has its own elevator and is complemented by its own dining room.



After the Harvard Game

THE FOURTH ANNUAL social get-together following the Harvard game will be held this year on Nov. 18 from 4 to 7 p.m. in Carey Cage, a building situated directly behind the open end of the Stadium at Soldiers' Field. Chairman John F. Pren- dergast '49 expects close to 800 Brown men and their guests to show up for the affair.

In past years, the post-game party was held at one of the hotels near the Square. However, Harvard Alumni Secretary Peter D. Shultz suggested the use of Carey Cage, a much more convenient location, and his offer was gratefully accepted by the Boston Brown Club officials. Complete bar facil- ities have been arranged. Club President Frederick Bloom '40, a man who leaves no stones unturned, has even assigned one of the Club members, Joe Lockett '42, to assist Coach John McLaughry plan a vic- tory over the Crimson so that the day will be a complete success.

Rhode Lslaiid Skaters The Brown Club of Rhode Island Skat- ing Association, which was organized last June, had 130 Family and 20 Individual memberships as of Oct. 1. During the sum- mer, all alumni in Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut were informed of the Club's plans to form a Skating Association and use the skating rink in the Meehan Auditorium on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons from Oc- tober through April. Ray Noonan '36 is Chairman of the Association, and he is assisted by Dick Pretat '45, Ed Kiely '50, and Brown Club President, Don Campbell '45.

The Club again sponsored the Football- Clambake-Scrimmage, which was held Sept. 15. Lunch and refreshments were served at Marvel Gym at noon, and Coach John McLaughry's Bruins took on Con- necticut at 2:30, in a driving rain storm. Despite the bad weather, 200 Club mem- bers, sportswriters, radio and TV sports- casters, and coaches attended. This event continues to be one of the Club's most popular attractions.

Once again, the Club pitched its tent on Sept. 30 and sponsored the pre-game lunch on the old Aldrich Field. A good crowd was on hand to enjoy the fine weather and association with other Brown men before the Columbia game. Working in conjunc- tion with the Homecoming Committee, the Club planned another big affair for Al- drich-Dexter on Nov. 4, prior to the meet- ing between the Tiger and the Bear.


Weekly Luncheons in Chicago

Slxty members of the Chicago Brown Club showed up for the annual Send-Off Luncheon, which turned out to be a gala affair, even though our featured speaker. Governor Otto Kerner '30, was prevented from attending due to a death in the fam- ily. Elmer T. Stevens '04 carried the ball for the Governor and did a fine job, as always. He was introduced in grand style

The Brown Clubs Report

AT WORCESTER'S SUBFRESHMAN DINNER: Left to right-Provost Zenos R. Bliss '18, Bruce Longdon

'65, and John J. Pletro, Jr., '52, President of the Worcester County Brown Club. Longdon was presented

OS recipient of the Club's Scholarship Award this year. (Telegram-Gazette photo)

by a man who bows to none in the art of introducing a speaker. Jack Monk '24.

One of the high points of the affair was the talk to the first-year men by Dave Mc- Kendall '54, a teacher at New Trier Town- ship High. This was one of the finest talks of its type most of the Chicagoans had ever heard. Club President Norm Pierce '33, who did a great job of organizing the luncheon, presided and kept the program moving.

The Club has revived its policy of hold- ing weekly luncheons throughout the aca- demic year. The day is Friday, the place is Stouffer's Restaurant at 26 Madison St., and the time is 12 noon. All Brown men are welcome each week.

A New Slate for Worcester

Everett F. Greenleaf '41, Manager of the Claims Department of State Mutual Life Assurance Co., has been elected Pres- ident of the Worcester County Brown Club. Other officers: Vice-President Howard Greis '48; Recording Secretary Les Goff '22; Corresponding Secretary Robert Siff '48; Treasurer Dick Nourie '55. The Ad- missions Committee Chairman is John J. Pietro, Jr., '52, the Program Chairman is Ken Brown '47, while Siff heads the Schol- arship Committee. Ed Golrick '47 headed the nominating committee.

Provost Zenas R. Bliss '18 was the fea- tured speaker Sept. 7 at the annual Sub- Freshman Dinner, held this year at the Franklin Manor in West Boylston. Presi-

dent Greenleaf was Dinner Chairman, as- sisted by Brown and Nourie. Outgoing President Pietro presided at the affair. The annual Worcester County Brown Club Scholarship was awarded by Provost Bliss to Bruce Langdon from Grafton, Mass.


Student Send-Off in Cleveland

The fourth annual Oflf-To-College Pic- nic was held in September as 16 members of the Cleveland Brown Club joined with 13 Sub-Freshmen at Roger Young's Daisy Hill home. Snacks and refreshments were served prior to the traditional volley ball game between the alumni and the under- grads. Traditionally, the alumni won. At least, since we're making out this report, that's the way it's going in the records!


For New Students from Washington

The Washington Brown Club held its annual Send-Off Luncheon for entering Freshmen on Sept. 6 at the Presidential Arms. Twenty of the 23 entering boys from the area were on hand for the excel- lent lunch and the words of wisdom handed down from Club President Paul McGann '38. Several proud parents accom- panied their sons, including three alumni Franklin P. Huddle '35, Maurice Moun- tain '48, and Carl Soresi '39. Presiding at the affair was Allen S. Nanes '41, Chair- man of the Club's Admissions Committee.



Alumni with Freshman Sons

EACH FALL, we run a picture of the entering Freshmen who are sons of Brown men. Despite o hectic Freshman Week schedule, all but 11 of the 70 first-year men were on hand for the 1961 group photo. We share the disappointment of the absentees' fathers.

Those present, all Class of 1965: Front row, left to right Pomionsky, Lonpher, Pearson, Pearce, Young, Rieset, Shobica, Fuller. 2nd row Walsh, Tillman, Virgodamo, Peck, Hodge, Belluche, S. Armstrong, Dyer. 3rd row— Scott, Butler, Huddle, Lynn, Sproul, Connor, O'Neill, Fancher, Colby, Hocker. 4th row Nolan, Kreitler, Bliss, D. Brown, G. Brown, Thomas, Benson, Sanderson, Korn, Gagnon. 5th row E. Arm- strong, Thompson, Newell, Formidoni, Clarke, LJpper, Lukens, Carton, Snow, W. Brown, Nut- ting, Read. 6th row Bloke, Hull, Newton, Worces- ter, Staff, Jerrett, Mountain, Havener, Richmond, Goodman, Soresi.

Father's Name


Home Town

Son's Name

Henry C. Lanpher


Alexandria, Va.

E. Gibson Lanpher

Allan B. Colby


Hudson, N. Y.

Allan O. Colby

John A. O'Neill



James L. O'Neill

Edward L. Lynn


Mountain Home, N. C.

Joel J. Lynn

Carlton H. Bliss


N. Attleboro, Mass.

Robert C. Bliss

John R. Lyman


University City, Mo.

C. Dickey Dyer

Joseph Goodman



Alan R. Goodman

Isador Korn



Saul B. Korn

Paul H. Hodge


E. Providence

Paul D. Hodge

Louis Pomiansky



Wayne E. Pomiansky

Roland Formidoni


Trenton, N. J.

Ronald R. Formidoni

John E. Gagnon


Wellesley Hills, Mass.

John S. Gagnon

John H. Pearson


Glen Rock, N. J.

Donald D. Pearson

Robert V. Carton


Asbury Park, N. J.

Jeffrey H. Carton

Charles R. Blake


Riverside, R. I.

Charles A. Blake

George C. Nutting


Abington, Pa.

David F. Nutting

Arthur R. Sanborn


Narberth, Pa.

Richard E. Sanborn

Robert R. Sproul


Longmeadow, Mass.

William D. Sproul

J. Angus Thurrott


Huntington Valley, Pa.

James A. McCormick

Henry B. Tillman


Springfield, Mass.

Stephen J. Tillman

Cory Snow


Rumford, R. L

William C. Snow

C. D. Soresi


McLean, Va.

Carl D. Soresi

Hugh S. Butler*


Darien. Conn.

Hugh S. Butler, Jr.

T. Dexter Clarke


E. Greenwich, R. L

David A. Clarke

Thomas Eccleston, Jr.


Pascoag, R. I.

Donald L. Eccleston

Paul W. Havener


Chappaqua, N. Y.

W. Jeffrey Havejier

Robert L. Sanderson


E. Providence, R. I.

David W. Sanderson

Walter Walsh, Jr.


Atlanta, Ga.

W. Terence Walsh

John C. Mosby


Ladue, Mo.

Tarleton R, Hocker

Henry W. Connor


Newark, N. J.

Lawrence H. Connor

H. Brainard Fancher


Fayetteville, N. Y.

Donald A. Fancher

Franklin P. Huddle


Annandale, Va.

Franklin P. Huddle, Jr

Robert B. Hull


W. Newton, Mass.

J. Webster Hull



Father's Natne

Robert Jerrett, Jr.

Alfred H. Joslin

Frank S. Read

Nelson B. Record

Louis P. Virgadamo

John O. Nolan

Richard W. Pearce

Gerald M. Richmond

Richard M. Rieser

Abbey Schwarlz*

Robert W. Wilson

Frederick K. Beaulieu

Wendell S. Brown, Jr.

Linton A. Fliick. Jr.

Austin Peck

William S. Thompson

George C. Upper

Alan V. Young

John H. Kreitler

Arthur F. Newell, Jr.

Anthony C. Shabica, Jr.

Robert M. Thomas

Michael J. Zifcak

Chfton B. Brown

Edmund D. Brown

Arthur A. Staff

Richard E. Belluche

Duncan W. Cleaves

Lane W. Fuller

Robert A. Newton, Jr.

Earle W. Scott, Jr.

Edmund F. Armstrong

James G. Lukens

John A. Worcester

Gerald M. Armstrong (G)

Paul W. Benson

Maurice J. Mountain

* Deceased. (G) Graduate School.

Pi Lam Again

TRADITIONAL LEADER in fraternity schol- arship, Pi Lambda Phi held its first place in the standing in the second semes- ter of 1960-61. Theta Delta Chi advanced from third to second, with Kappa Sigma dropping to fourth. A spectacular climb from 10th brought third place to Sigma Nu. Other notable shifts were at Phi Kappa Psi, up from 15th to sixth; Delta Tau Delta, down from fourth to ninth; Phi Gamma Delta, up from 16th to Uth; and Phi Delta Theta, down from fifth to 14th.

The averages include members and pledges. The grade averages were as fol- lows (with the number in the chapter given in parentheses):

1— Pi Lambda Phi (48) 2,729. 2— Theta Delta Chi (50) 2.616. 3— Sigma Nu (40) 2.515. 4 Kappa Sigma (38) 2.477. 5_Delta Upsilon (49) 2.469. 6— Phi Kappa Psi (43) 2.459. 7— Lambda Chi Alpha (54) 2.444. 8— Alpha Delta Phi (44) 2.429. 9— Delta Tau Delta (54) 2.427. 10— Sigma Chi (38) 2.412. II— Phi Gamma Delta (34) 2.377. 12— Beta Theta Pi (30) 2.375. 13— Delta Phi (49) 2.319. 14— Phi Delta Theta (43) 2.305. 15— Zeta Psi (32) 2.279. 16— Psi Upsilon (20) 2.263. 17— Delta Kappa Epsilson (13) 2.143. (Ten fraternities, the Brown Daily Herald said, were expected to be under


Home Town

Son's Name


Rydal, Pa.

Robert Jerrett, III



Andrew J. Joslin


Lake Forest, III.

Laurance A. Read


Johnston, R. L

N. Burgess Record, Jr.


Newport, R. I.

Paul R. Virgadamo


W. Hartford, Conn.

John B. Nolan


Cranston, R. 1.

David A. Pearce


Denver, Colo.

Gerald M. Richmond. Jr.


Buffalo, N. Y.

Richard M. Rieser, Jr.


New York, N. Y.

Bruce G. Silverman


Jefferson, Me.

Robert W. Wilson, Jr.


Teaneck, N. J.

Peter K. Beaulieu


Little Silver, N. J.

Wendell S. Brown, III


Basking Ridge, N. J.

Linton A. Fluck, III


Wakefield. R. 1.

Robert F. Peck


Ho-Ho-Kus, N. J.

John S. Thompson


Mansfield, Mass.

William J. Upper



Curtis G. Young


Short Hills, N. J.

Peter G. Kreitler


London, England

Stephen R. Newell


Livingston, N. J.

Charles W. Shabica


Rumford, R. L

Gordon A. Thomas


Sutton, Mass.

Michael J. Zifcak, Jr.


E. Providence, R. L

Gilbert C. Brown


S. Glastonbury, Conn.

Douglas E. Brown


Brockton, Mass.

Arthur A. Staff, Jr.


Arlington, Mass.

James F. Belluche


Salinas, Calif.

Courtland V. Cleaves


Wakefield, Mass.

Winship C. Fuller


Westboro, Mass.

Robert A. Newton, III


Seekonk, Mass.

E. William Scott, III



Edmund F. Armstrong, Jr


Plainfield, N. J.

Terence P. Lukens


Melrose, Mass.

Charles W. Worcester


Kingsport, Tenn.

Stephen W. Armstrong


Riverside, R. L

Frederick W. Benson


Bethesda, Md.

Maurice J. Mountain, Jr.

"social restrictions." None, however, was so low as to lose "'formal pledging privi- leges.")

The first three fraternities were above the All-College average (2.483), while seven were above the All-Fraternity aver- age (2.436). Without including Freshman, the All-College average was 2.528. The All-Dormitory average was 2.506, with Hope College leading with the extraordi- nary record of an average of 3.069, a shade above a straight B; its residents in- cluded fraternity and non-fraternity men. All averages were considerably those for the first semester, with the All-College score rising from 2.390 to 2.483.

Fraternities at Brown listed the follow- ing as alumni advisors for the current year: Beta Theta Pi Judge Joseph Weis- berger. Delta Kappa Epsilon Stanley E. Plummer. Delta Tau Delta John W. Lyons '50. Delta Upsilon Dr. Walter S. Jones '26. Kappa Sigma Donald DeCiccio '55. Lambda Chi Alpha Victor Mullen. Phi Delta Theta Richard Clark '57. Phi Gamma Delta Alfred Buckley '49. Phi Kappa Psi— W. Chester Beard '19. Pi Lambda Phi Arthur Mark- off '44. Psi Upsilon Edward T. Richards '27. Sigma Nu— Daniel W. Earle '34. Zeta Psi— Wright E. Heydon '11.

No advisors are listed for Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Phi, Sigma Chi, and Theta Delta Chi.

Pembroke Daughters

SIXTEEN of the Pembroke Freshmen in the Class of 1965 are daughters of Brown men, according to a list thought- fully provided by the Pembroke Admission Office. Their names follow:

Kate Ailing, daughter of Charles E. Ailing '41 and granddaughter of the late Morris E. Ailing '02. Nancy Elizabeth Broomhead, daughter of William T. Broomhead '35 and granddaughter of the late Fred C. Broomhead '05. Phyllis Rose Ciciarelli, daughter of Philip Ciciarelli '35. Carolyn Elizabeth Considine, daugh- ter of John A. Considine '35. Christine Dunbar, daughter of Roger M. Dunbar '29. Cherry Ann Fletcher, daughter of Donald B. Fletcher '34 and granddaughter of the late Alfred W. Fletcher '06. Martha Rich Fraad, daughter of Daniel J. Fraad, Jr., '35 and granddaughter of the late Maurice B. Rich "03. Jennifer Gay Hassel, daughter of Winthrop Fanning '41. Irene Barbara Levins, daughter of Leo V. Lev- ins '32. Also, Jean Arline Martland, daughter of Douglas Martland '40. Mary Frances McKenzie, daughter of Prof. Earl D. McKenzie '28. Marlys Elaine Page, daughter of Chester H. Page '34 and granddaughter of the late Frank A. Page '01. Eleanor Evans Parkman, step-daugh- ter of Louis F. Demmler '31. Barbara Rigelhaupt, daughter of Elmer Rigelhaupt '35. Patricia Jane Snell, daughter of George V. Snell '41 and granddaughter of Prof. Walter H. Snell '13. Frances Mar- garet Stoltz. daughter of Prof. Merton P. Stoltz. Alexandra Lapworth Weir is the granddaughter of George S. Burgess '12.

Dozens of other Freshmen list brothers, uncles, and cousins who are alumni. The most striking of relationships is one boasted by Patricia Cobb. Her great-great- grandfather was Samuel Gridley Howe, 1821.

Itinerary on Admissions

Travel schedules for Admission Offi- cers show appointments in the following cities in the near future: Eric Brown Nov. 2-3, Albany, N. Y. Nov. 27-Dec. 6, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Des Moines, Houston, Dallas, Tulsa. Thomas Caswell Nov. 13-22, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Ore. Charles Doebler Nov. 27- Dec. 8, Philadelphia, Washington, D. C, Baltimore, Wilmington, Del. Bruce Hutch- inson— Nov. 6-10 and 20-22, Westchester County, N. Y.; Dec. 11-15, New York City, New Haven, and Fairfield County, Conn.

Alumni interested in seeing the officer may get further details from the Admission Office at Brown.

Visitors during October have been: Doebler Chicago, Milwaukee, Indian- apolis, Louisville, and Atlanta, Hutchinson New York City. David Zucconi Syra- cuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Ann Arbor, Mich. Brown Boston, Hartford, and Springfield, Mass. Caswell Cleveland, St. Louis, Minne- apolis, Denver, and Omaha.



Gentlemen and Scholars

WHEN 108 NEW MEMBERS of the Fac- ulty and staff at Brown this year were introduced at the first Faculty smoker, they included individuals with 33 foreign degrees. They represented: Sydney Univer- sity (2), University of Melbourne (2), University of Tasmania, Universities of Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Leeds, London University (2), Oxford University (3), Cambridge University, Manchester College of Science and Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical University of Delft, Universities of Bonn, Freiburg, Gottingen, Tartu, Ceylon, Buenos Aires, Tokyo (2), and Mexico, Universite Libre of Brussels, Presidency College of Cal- cutta, Tohoku University, Chung Chi Col- lege, Stockholm Library School, and War- saw University.

Dr. Richard A. Ellis, an assistant pro- fessor in the Biology Department, is trying to find out how a sea gull can slurp up so much salt water and never get a stomach- ache. He hopes that studies he and other scientists are making in this field may eventually lead to better health for hu- mans.

Dr. Ellis is interested in sweat perspira- tion, if you want to be delicate about it. Research scientists interested in cystic fi- brosis, an ailment that affects the pancreas of humans, believe that there might be something common between sweating hu- mans and the way sea gulls drink salt water, separate the salt to make the water fresh, and then drop the salt out their beaks. While he admits that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what sea gull glands will show, he is concentrating on the cor- relation between the gland activity of gulls and cystic fibrosis. "If we can find out what goes on in the gull, we might get an idea of why certain things happen to produce a high salt count in humans," he stated.

President Keeney, speaking in Washing- ton at the October meeting of the Ameri- can Council on Education, stated that American colleges should make a greater effort to help their junior Faculty members become good teachers. "The institution that first employs a young teacher has not only a responsibility but also a self-interest in helping him become an adequate teacher as quickly as possible," Dr. Keeney ob- served.

He outlined steps that colleges can take to transform a young scholar into a young teacher. "Brown has found it effective to ask senior Faculty members to take the younger man in hand, give him advice and information, and, when it is profitable to do so, to observe his teaching and make suggestions," Dr. Keeney said.

C. A. Robinson, Jr., David Benedict Pro- fessor of Classics, has been elected a Life Fellow of the International Institute of

Arts and Letters (Germany). During the second semester of the current academic year, Robinson will serve as Professor of Greek Literature and Archeology at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, a post he also filled in 1934-35 and 1948. In 1959. he was Director of the American School's summer session. He plans to spend the summer of 1962 at the American Academy in Rome, of which he is a Fellow.

Prof. Barrett Hazeltine of the Engineer- ing Department has been named Assistant to the Dean for Freshmen. A native of France, he received his Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Engineering in 1953 and his Master of Science degree in Engineering in 1957, both from Princeton. He was engaged in doctoral study at the University of Michigan from 1956 to 1959, prior to joining the Brown Faculty. His special in- terest is in electronic computers. He is a member of Sigma Xi and the Institute of Radio Engineers.

Prof. Roderick M. Chisholm "38. Chair- man of the Philosophy Department, and Romeo Elton Professor of Natural The- ology, was selected by the National Re- search Council to attend the International Colloquy on the Methodology of the Sci- ences in Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 18-23. Pro- fessor Chisholm considered the colloquium of particular significance since it was one of the first philosophical congresses held in a Communist country since World War II to which philosophers from western countries and the United States were in- vited. He attended the conference as chief delegate of the American Philosophical Association. He was invited by the Polish Academy of Sciences and spoke on the rules of evidence.

Prof. Philip Taft has been named to a seven-member public advisory committee on labor-management reports by Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg. The com- mittee will meet regularly with Labor De- partment officials to consult and advise on the administration of the Labor-Man- agement Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. which requires the filing of annual public reports on such practices as mis- appropriation of union funds, union bust- ing, labor-management bribery, and col- lusion and extortion.

The Art Department presented an ex- hibit in September by three members of its Faculty. Included were paintings by Robert S. Neuman and Thomas J. Wallace and wood sculpture by Hugh Townley. Neuman, a Visiting Assistant Professor, has worked recently in Spain and Germany on Guggenheim and Fulbright grants. He was awarded the grand prize at the Boston Arts Festival last spring and was a prize-

DR. PAUL CLIFFORD CROSS, former Chairman of Brown's Chemistry Department, has taken up duties as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mellon Institute. Dr. Cross was Director of the Metcalf Research Loborotory while on the Brown Faculty, consultant on vorious wartime projects, and Research Director at Woods Hole.

winner at the R. I. Arts Festival. Wallace, a Teaching Associate, has exhibited re- cently at the Boston, R. I., and Connecti- cut art festivals. Townley, an Associate Professor, worked in England and France before coming to Brown. He is represented in several American museums, including the Whitney in New York City.

Dr. Kurt B. Mayer, Chairman of the Sociology and Anthropology Department, attended a three-day October conference at Harriman, N. Y., on American popula- tion trends. The conference, which was sponsored jointly by the Columbia Univer- sity Graduate School of Business and the Institute of Life Insurance, included the leading social scientists from 31 colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Dr. Sidney Goldstein, Professor of Soci- ology, is studying in Denmark on a Ful- bright scholarship. The grant, which cov- ers one academic year, will allow him to do research work in sociology and demog- raphy at the Danish National Institute for Social Research in Copenhagen.

Dr. Alice M. Savage has been awarded a one-year $5,000 post-doctoral fellowship by the National Institutes of Health for study of the recovery of blood cell pro- duction after exposure to lethal doses of X-rays. Dr. Savage is a post-doctoral trainee in the Biology Department.

Dr. Arthur F. Buddington '12, Emeritus Professor of Geology at Princeton, came back to Brown in October as the first of five lecturers sponsored by the Brown Geology Department.



Under the Elms of Brown

THREE Brunonians Spent two days in Mexico City in October to clieck on the possibility of eventually establishing an advanced research center in conjunction with a Mexican university. The visitors were Vice-President John V. Elmendorf, who had spent a decade in Mexico before coming to Brown: Merton P. Stoltz, econ- omist who is Assistant Dean of the Grad- uate School: and Juan Lopez-Morillas, Chairman of the Spanish Department.

The journey was made possible from funds in the Ford Foundation Challenge Grant which permitted an investigation to determine what sort of a program of Latin American studies Brown should establish. The trip was termed "merely exploratory," with no definite commitments made. The delegation conferred with government offi- cials, educators, embassy officers, and oth- ers.

The Ninth Annual American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference, held at Brown Oct. 20-21, discussed "The Future of the American Indian in the United States." Dwight B. Heath. Assistant Professor of Anthropology, told how the extensive and well-known collection of early American historical documents in the John Carter Brown Library was a definite drawing card for scholars of the American Indian who came from all sections of the country. Vice-President John Elmendorf gave the welcoming speech at the first session. The Conference was jointly sponsored by the JCB Library and the University's Depart- ment of Sociology and Anthropology.

The four-story house at 12-14 George St., owned by the University since 1945 and used in the past as a student dormitory and for offices, has been undergoing major renovations since September. It will be oc- cupied shortly as the headquarters of the University's Institute for Health Sciences.

The building, named in honor of Dr. James P. Adams, former Vice-President, will also house Brown's new Center for Aging Research, the continuing study of parental factors in cerebral palsy, as well as the staff planning the new six-year med- ical education program.

Secretary Ribicoff's broadside before the American Council on Education drew prompt replies from President Keeney and President Emeritus Wriston. The Secretary of Health. Education, and Welfare had at- tacked educational leaders for failing to support actively the Kennedy administra- tion's aid-to-education bill.

Dr. Keeney said the Cabinet member was blaming the Council for "not doing something we're not supposed to do under the organization's set-up." The ACE's pur- pose, he pointed out, "is to be concerned with higher education and not education at other levels. It has sufficient trouble reaching agreement among its own mem- bers about matters with which it is con- cerned. The Secretary was taking the posi- tion that, if you don't agree with Ribicoff, you don't love education. Well, quite a few people don't agree with him. I don't think he has spent enough time listening."

Secretary Ribicoff, in Dr. Wriston's opin- ion, has shown "precisely how not to deal with the great public question." He felt the Secretary's attitude came "with partic- ular ill-grace from one who handled the recent Congressional negotiations with something less than outstanding skill." Moreover, the Secretary was "castigating many men whose dedication to the cause of education is longer and more profound than his."

Engineering students at Brown are able to earn the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in their field in five years under a new integrated curricu-

ROBERT O'DAY '50, right, represented the University when the New England Manufacturers Repre- sentatives Club gave Brown one of its three scholarships this year. William Fluhr, Club President, is at left. Presentation was made in Boston at the opening day of the Electrical Trade Show.

lum that went into effect on the Hill this fall. Under the old curriculum, up to two years of work beyond the undergraduate level have generally been required to at- tain the M.Sc. in engineering. According to Prof. Paul S. Symonds, Division Chair- man, the new program is designed to at- tract students of high school ability whose immediate interests tend towards applied research and advanced design and develop- ment. This is distinguished from the doc- toral program, which is designed for stu- dents pointing towards a career in basic research and teaching in engineering sci- ence.

Froebel Hall has been purchased by the Hillel Foundation for its new center of activity in Providence. The structure at Brown and Angell Sts. was bought by a committee of interested friends of Hillel. Rabbi Nathan Rosen, Director of the Foundation, reports that extensive renova- tions and landscaping are planned.

Financed under a grant from the Na- tional Science Foundation, a 30-week in- stitute for general science teachers in the secondary schools of Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut is being conducted on Campus. According to Prof. Charles B. MacKay '16, Director of the Institute, this year's program will help select seventh, eighth, and ninth grade teachers to improve their competence in astronomy, botany, and geology.

A colorful collection of contempo- rary lettering by the foremost calligraphers and type designers of Europe and America will be featured at the Annmary Brown Memorial until mid-December. The ex- hibit, entitled "The Working Calligrapher and Lettering Artist," is the first in a new program by the Annmary Brown to bring larger, more varied displays to the general public. Well-designed book covers, posters, record albums, and package wrappings as well as other works are shown, both in rough copy and finished product.

A London View of Wriston

"Americans of the Round Table," in one of the summer issues of The Economist (London), proved to be a story on the American Assembly, at the time it was holding its first European session. Forty European delegates from 12 countries were to be joined by 20 Americans and Cana- dians in Switzerland to spend three days in off-the-record discussion on control of armaments.

"On the fourth day," said the writer, "Dr. Henry Wriston, President of the American Assembly will lead the delegates in hammering out as much agreement as is possible a task at which he is a virtuoso."

The .American Assembly began to hum when President Emeritus Wriston took its presidency. The Econoinisi observed. "Dr. Wriston lets no grass grow under his feet and keeps other people moving as well. As a presiding officer, he is witty, fair, and a driver."



For a Brown Bookshelf



Troy '31. 246 pages. Harcourt, Brace.


The only possible advantage to Mr. Troy in having a review of his novel de- layed is that this reviewer can honestly say that its characters and situations remained clear for a long time and that he greatly enjoyed rereading it.

In this tale of Providence which involves downtown legal offices. Faculty parties. East Side mansions. Brown's environs, and slums, Troy has set down a picture of the city and some aspects of its life which will not only make you walk those once fa- miliar streets again but also give you an idea of its complicated business and social ramifications.

To accomplish this the author has cre- atively delineated a group of fascinating people, of whom he particularly develops three. There is old Miss Chipman, living solitarily on money from previously suc- cessful textile mills, in one of those amaz- ing red brick mansions near the Campus. Already upset by her dishonest nephew's closing a mill despite her order to the con- trary, she is horrified to discover that she is still the owner of disease-spreading prop- erty which she had long since ordered him to dispose of. Although she is old and in- firm, Miss Chipman is indomitable, and engages in an eventually successful fight to dispose of both her money and her nephew in a proper manner.

Drawn into the struggle almost against his will is a young lawyer, Sam Starbuck, who is rapidly faced with a conflict be- tv/een his loyalty to his firm, which handles Miss Chipman's affairs, and loyalty to his own conception of what is right. In the course of his mental anguish, his marital happiness becomes endangered, because his wife, with her passionate desire for fair play for the underdog, begins to doubt him. In the scenes in which the two are presented in their unhappiness comes some of Troy's best writing. He shows us sensi- tive people forced by circumstances and their characters to say terrible things to each other, things "never to be taken back again." These bits will strike very close to home to many readers.

What Troy is arguing for in this fine story is the necessity for moral integrity in personal and business life. What interested this reader particularly is his device of talking of homes in presenting his point. For example, there is the gigantic house into one room of which Miss Chipman re- tired to fight her battles and to store her treasures. There is the home Sam is striv- ing to create for Laurie and the children, which must be based on integrity and frankness. There is the home of Mrs. Medeiros in the slums, in which she cares

for friends even more unfortunate than she is. It is an interesting and effective device which greatly enhances a highly worth- while novel.


The author is the Literary Editor of the Providence Journal-Bulletin. Tlie reviewer is the Chairman of the English Department at Springfield College.

EXILES AND FABRICATIONS, by Win- field Townley Scott '31. 215 pages. Dou- bleday. $3.95.

I read Winfield Scott's book for fun, not knowing I would be asked to review it, but I still think I would have enjoyed it. The pages were like a once familiar room, whose wall-souvenirs I had not seen of late. Their familiarity added to the enjoy- ment, but I'm sure they have their validity for other reasons.

You see, I remember when Win Scott arrived in Providence as a Brown Fresh- man. Already serious about writing, he had come to the Journal office, where I shared a room with B. K. Hart, the Liter- ary Editor he was later to succeed. Al- ready he had done some good things which commended him to B.K.H. He has kept on writing good things seven volumes of front-line poetry and now his first book of prose.

In a sense, it is a return to Scott the critic, and it brings under one cover a number of essays and articles which have appeared in the Quarterlies of New Eng- land, Virginia, and New Mexico and else- where. But the familiarity is more than that, for days of association are recalled in many of the chapters. Back in those Journal days, he was talking and inquiring about Whittier, John Wheelwright, Amy Lowell, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Henry Beston, and especially Edwin Arlington Robinson and Joe Coldwell.

You never heard of Joe Coldwell? What is his name and the "Portrait of a Free Man" doing here with the others? Well, this is a book of admiration, and Scott admired Coldwell enough to dedicate The Sword on the Table to him (and there's a moving reference to Joe's reaction).

Exiles and Fabrications is an invitation to reminiscence. He writes of Robinson as one who visited him first as a 1 9-year-old un- dergraduate worshipper, bearin.g an essay on Robinson which was to appear in a Brown magazine. It was the beginning of a du- rable friendship. Henry Beston was "the first indisputable author" Scott ever met; out of friendship, he was to make a senti- mental journey to the Outermost House on Cape Cod long after. The anecdotes about John Wheelwright are lively, inti- mate, and affectionate one of the most successful parts of a successful book.

Scott "never laid eyes on" Amy Lowell, but this did not really matter. He knew her estate and her influence, though "she could not be what she desired to be, a great poet." She is another faded curio in this collection, like Tarkington. The point is that Scott has had an enthusiasm, a deep involvement in what he has thought about and here written. Whittier's Snow-Bound belongs here because it was recreated not far from Scott's boyhood home in Haver- hill, and there were certain traditions in it which made his interest inevitable.

Other essays came out of mere scholarly curiosity, and what's "mere" about that? Scott has some points to make about Our Town. He offers a fresh and likely answer to an Emily Dickinson riddle. "I feel that I have been in Hannibal. Not perhaps Hannibal as it is today, but Hannibal as it is forever," he wrote in 1952; in 1959 he made his pilgrimage and made it a leisurely, observant one. For places be- long in this book, as well as people. New- port is one. as suggestive of New England; Santa Fe is another, the "exile" of today. It, too, is vivid, a place of friendships, in- sight, and sentiment.

The pages on Lovecraft may well be the best ever written about this strange legend of Providence. At the top of College Hill, you must know, are Brown University and a house in which Lovecraft lived. It would be a pity to know "the streets he so loved by moonlight and midnight" without knowing his story, "His Own Most Fan- tastic Creation" will give it to you under- standingly, for Scott had access to people and records which none had consulted.

For the Brunonian reader, an incidental pleasure comes in this book from the en- countering of Brunonian names like those of S, Foster Damon, Alex M. Burgess, Frank Merchant, Clarence Philbrick, and George Potter. This may be unimportant, but it suggests what Scott himself admits: that much of the book is autobiographical.

What is important is that people and places have been well seen, thought about, and described with skill and discrimination. Obviously, it was "fun to write," this book; it is fun to read it, too and rewarding in other ways as well. Perhaps it is an out- of-date book, but curiously of today, as pertinent pictures in a familiar room so often are.


JOHN HUGHES: Eagle of the Church, by Doran Hurley '26. 192 pages. P. J. Kenedy & Co. $2.50.

When John Hughes, Archbishop of New York, was invited to address a joint session of Congress in 1847, it was an extraor- dinary honor. As the author of this biography for younger readers points out, "he was the Bishop of a Church that only a few short years before had known the vicious and violent attacks of the American Nativists" (and Know-Noth- ings). Abraham Lincoln was in his audi- ence and later was to send him to support the Northern cause before the court of Napoleon III. Bishop Hughes was also the friend of such other Presidents as Polk,



Fillmore, and Buchanan, an occasional White House guest.

The Hurley narrative begins with the Irish boy who became an outstanding spokesman for the right to Freedom of Conscience for every denomination. Na- tivists called him "Dagger John," but his admirers thought of him as "another Joshua fighting in the valley." In the year before his death, he took a leading role in quelling the Draft Riots by insisting on restraint in his flock.

The book is in the series of American Background Books of Catholic heroes and heroines. To present John Hughes' story to readers from 10 to 14 years of age was not easy, for not all his life provided the sort of action material which would hold such an audience. But the author builds ad- miration for the Churchman whose deeds were motivated not only by loyalty to his fellow immigrants (and their leadership) but by the highest American patriotism.

Briefer Mention

PHYSICAL Mechanics, a college textbook by Dr. R. Bruce Lindsay '20, has just been published in its third edition by Van Nostrand. The book stresses the funda- mental concepts and principles of mechan- ics and their application to all branches of physics. For the third edition, Dr. Lindsay has added new material on ballistic mis- siles and artificial satellites and new chap- ters on "Kinetic Theory of Gases and Statistical Mechanics," "Relativistic Me- chanics," and "Wave and Quantum Me- chanics."

The Flaming Spirit is a collection of meditations by the Rev. William L. Sulli- van of Germantown, Pa. (Abingdon Press. 144 pages. $3.) His writings were collected over a long period of time by his succes- sor, the Rev. Max Daskam, his wife Gladys, and their two close friends, Julia Rubel and Donald Rubel '23. The Rev. Mr. Sullivan, once a Roman Catholic priest and later a Unitarian minister, was one of the best known of Greater Philadelphia's preachers.

The Ronald Press of New York has published Inleltigence and Experience by Prof. J. McVicker Hunt, who was a mem- ber of the Brown Psychology Department for 12 years and holds an honorary doc- torate from Brown. Now on the Illinois Faculty, he is a Past President of the American Psychological Association. Writ- ten almost as a "case history of science," the book "sets the theoretical stage in timely fashion for the spate of innova- tions in the education for the very young which have begun to appear."

Dr. Granino A. Korn '42, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Arizona, is co-editor of Computer Hand- book. (McGraw-Hill. 1228 pages plus in- dex; 1099 illustrations. $25.) The publisher's announcement calls it "a comprehensive, practical reference book covering thoroughly the design of analog and digital computers and systems and their application to science and engineer- ing." A staff of specialists contributed to

ONE BROWN MAN'S WORK given by another: Sanford R. Gifford, 1846, was o member of the famous "Hudson River School" of American painters. His canvas, "Valley of Lauterbrunnen," novif hangs over the fireplace in the Faculty Club living room, the gift of Frederick H. RohUs '26. It had been in the Rohlfs family collection in New York City for two generations and is the first canvas by Gifford to come into the possession of the University.

the work. Dr. Korn received his Brown Ph.D. in 1948 and has been associated with Lockheed. Curtiss-Wright, and Sperry Gyroscope.

Walter Pilkington '32, College Librarian at Hamilton, has been working on a new history of that college for the past two years. It will he Hamilton's first complete history when it is published in the spring. In Sesquicentenniul Notes (Hamilton was founded in 1812), Pilkington writes of the trials and joys of this particular type of authorship.

Alan Levy '52 wrote in the October Cosmopolitan a history of nonconformity from Edgar Allan Poe to the modern Beat Generation in an article called "The Bo- hemian Life." He says that, with the in- flu.x of commercialism and high rent in Greenwich Village and other American Bohemian communities, the true garret- starver is having trouble finding garrets in which to starve.

Henry M. Wriston's article, The Age of Revolution, which appeared in Foreign Af- fairs for July, has been reprinted in pam- phlet form by the Council on Foreign Relations. He concludes by saying: "So long as the United States remains com- mitted to the democratic process, there can be no substitute for effective citizenship. ... In practice, freshness of official thought is often stimulated by imaginative suggestions from individuals or groups of citizens. They are then ready to rally sup- port for courageous alterations in old policies that time has made sterile."

Prof. Merrill K. Bennett '19 is Director of the Food Research Institute at Stanford University. In its Studies for November he presented a paper on A World Map of Foodcrop Climates. It is now available in pamphlet form ($1). An earlier study by Dr. Bennett appeared in February, 1960: Food Crops and the Isoline of 90 Frost- Free Davs in the United States.



What happened to the football team?

THE EXPECTED IMPROVEMENT in the football situation on the Hill wasn't evident in the first three games. The Bruins were outscored, 98-3, while losing to Co- lumbia (50-0), Yale (14-3), and Dart- mouth (34-0). Defeats by Penn (7-0) and U.R.I. (12-9) carried the string further, with only one Brown touchdown.

Segments of the alumni body found this unsettling. Many of them wrote letters to various departments on Campus asking what was wrong with the Bruins. Some of them mentioned that their hopes had been raised by "optimistic" reports in this mag- azine and in the press during the summer and early fall. What had happened to change the picture?

Quite a few things, of course, had hap- pened since practice got under way. How- ever, a re-check of some pre-season state- ments of Coach John McLaughry showed that, while he was positive, to a degree, in his appraisal of his 1961 squad, he was also quite realistic. Perhaps many of the alumni, hungry for a winner, read more into these pre-season statements than was actually there.

The first paragraph of the football story in the July issue of this magazine, for ex- ample, mentioned the fact that "Mc- Laughry was facing his third season at Brown with a certain amount of limited optimism." The same story mentioned that "The attrition this year was relatively light in regard to numbers but it happened to hit two key spots where the Bruins were thin. The loss of Sophomores Gryson and Hatt leave the team without real depth at fullback and center, respectively." Talking about the ends, it was pointed out that while McLaughry had more wingmen available than before "in some cases the quality remains a question mark."

In early September, McLaughry told the press: "We are going to have to depend a great deal on Sophomores. While they have considerable potential, they're going to need time to develop. Unfortunately, some of them may have to be in there un- der fire before they're ready. Therefore, I feel that this looked-for improvement in the team will hinge on how quickly the Sophomores come along. I'm not looking for miracles in the early-season games, but I believe by midseason we'll be a good football team and should surprise a few people before we're through."

22 Missing from the Squad

Since the summer roster was printed, McLaughry lost 22 players on whom he had counted to some degree. The squad was so depleted by the first of October that

the JV schedule. Brown's first in a decade, had to be cancelled after only two games.

Here is a breakdown on the men lost since July:

Ends Dick Laine, All-Ivy Senior wing- man who last year caught 29 passes for 288 yards, is ineligible. Sophomore Carl Arlanson and Juniors Bob McGuinness and Ed Maley decided not to play football this fall.

Tackles Senior Levi Trumbull is ineli- gible. Sophomore Jim Davis and three Juniors, Jon Briggs, Dave Bryniarski, and Eugene Gaston, dropped off the squad. Sophomore Carl Mooradian was also lost.

Guard John Lavino, a lad who logged 243 minutes of playing time last season as a Junior, gave up the game for personal reasons.

Center Senior Charlie Coe cut foot- ball from his schedule.

Quarterbacks Sophomore Dave Sitz- man didn't report back, and John Erickson, the number one signal caller for the Cubs

last year, left the squad after the Yale game to concentrate on his studies.

Halfbacks Senior Paul Murphy, who dislocated his elbow against Princeton last fall, was hurt again during the summer, and decided not to risk further injury. He was the team's best defensive back. Sopho- more John Eustis, a converted watch- charm guard, was making rapid strides at wingback until he broke his wrist the week before the Dartmouth game; he is lost for the season. Sophomores Ronald Strasberg and Tom LaTanzi didn't come out. Fred Avis, a Senior, left the squad to concen- trate on hockey.

Fidlbacks Sophomores Ed Sedlock and Phil Kuczma didn't report back. Buddy Freeman, a Senior who was running sec- ond to Ray Barry, was injured in the Con-

necticut scrimmage and was expected to be out for the season.

Some of these men might never have helped. Others would have eventually. But at least they would have provided the coaching staff with some depth. After Avis left the squad and Eustis broke his wrist. Brown was left with two wingbacks, Tom Draper and Bill Lemire. The former was hurt at Yale, and the latter came down with a 102-degree temperature at the hotel in White River Junction the night before the Dartmouth game. As a result, two ends, Nick Spiezio and Dick Rulon, were routed out of bed at dawn and put to work in the hotel room learning the plays at the wingback position.

The lack of manpower was made all the more evident that week end by the fact that Dartmouth was blessed with sufficient material to field not only a talented JV squad but also two Freshman units (A and B teams) numbering 99 men. The In- dians have more men playing Freshman football this fall than Brown has on its Freshman and Varsity teams combined.

When You Field Sophomores

Despite the fact that the first two units contained 12 untried Sophomores, Brown looked fairly good in the pre-season drills. The boys were eager, they hustled, and they hit hard. The spirit was good. But in the opener against Columbia, they played far below potential. There is no question that the Bears lost their poise against the Lions when things didn't go according to the script. Once things started going wrong, the whole situation just snowballed.

Yale had a "Sophomore" team back in 1958. It went 0-7 in the Ivy League, fin- ished a dead last, and scored only 70 points to 190 by the opposition. Yet last year, as Seniors, these same fellows won the Ivy title with a 7-0 record, were 9-0 for the season, and were ranked with Navy as the top team in the East. We don't say that this Brown team will come back that far because it has definite limitations. But come back it will, in time.

Brown's current Sophomores got a great deal of publicity last fall when, as Cubs, they were 4-2 for the season. By Brown's recent standards, this was a good, but not great. Freshman team. However, things are all relative. By Ivy standards this was just a fair club. It lost by two touchdowns to both Dartmouth and Yale. Its interior line was big and strong, but slow. The ends were weak. The top backs were good, but there weren't enough of them.

Despite the slow start in the first three games, we had the feeling that the 1961 Varsity was not too far away from being a representative club. Certainly they weren't as bad as the cumulative scores would indicate. Of the 46 men left on the team in mid-October, only four were Sen- iors. There were 15 juniors and 27 Sopho- mores.

That, in some detail, is the situation as we see it. None of this is meant to be an alibi for the coaches. They need none. If nothing else. Brown has seen to it that all Varsity sports are in the hands of excellent coaches. John McLaughry is a proven head



coach. At Union, he was 17-6-1. At Am- herst he was 44-23-4, and included in his victories was a 7-6 decision over Brown in 19.'>3. Given the horses, he'll do all right at Brown.

Columbia iO, Brou'n 0

Coach Buff Donelli's Columbia team struck early and often in defeating Brown, 50-0, before 8,000 fans at Brown Field. Nine Seniors and two Juniors, comprising Columbia's first unit, cashed their experi- ence into smart play e.xecution that made the Bruins look inept.

The pattern of play was set in the first five minutes of the game. Columbia won the toss and elected to kick off with a 20- mile-an-hour wind at its back. Lemire, Sophomore wingback, fumbled the ball and was nailed on the Bear 10. On fourth down, Ray Barry, normally a good punter, got a hurried kick off the side of his foot from the 18 and the wind blew the ball back to the Brown 15 before it was downed a net loss of three yards on the boot.

In three plays, Columbia had scored. Brown received, was hit with a 15-yard chpping penalty on the return, and again had to start from deep in its own territory. After a 19-yard punt to the Brown 44, Co- lumbia's ace quarterback, Tom Vassell, tossed a first-down scoring pass over the head of an inexperienced defensive back. The rout was on.

Before the first period was over, the Lions had increased their total to 22 points. It was 28-0 at the half and 42-0 going into the final period. At that, Donelli was merciful. TTie first unit played only a few minutes of the second half and Vassell, perhaps the top passer in the Ivy League, was allowed to throw only seven passes of which he completed six. The Lions nor- mally throw about 25 passes a game.

The Columbia offense, a Wing T with a sprinkling of Single Wing plays, put tre- mendous pressure on the inexperienced Brown ends as well as the comer line- backers. Pulling one and sometimes two guards, the Lions would send their run- ning backs around the Bear flanks behind a convoy of two and three blockers. For the most part, the Lion strategy was to run away from Brown's strength, the bulky interior line, and concentrate on the plays to the outside. The strategy looked good because Brown's pursuit wasn't quick enough to cut off these plays until they had gone for extensive yardage on nearly every attempt.

Offensively, Brown couldn't do much, penetrating Columbia's side of the field only four times. The best advance went to the Light Blue two in the fourth period, before a pass was intercepted in the end zone. The drive started with the prettiest play of the day, even if it wasn't rehearsed. Sophomore Tom Draper returned a punt six yards and while he was being tackled he lateraled the ball to another Sopho- more, Jan Moyer, who swept 36 yards down the sidelines and almost went all the way.

The game was costly for Brown. Captain Rohrbach and Senior guard Bob Auchy

went out early in the second period with injuries that were to keep them out of the Yale game. Junior end Dennis Witkowski re-injured the knee that was hurt a year ago and was expected to be out of action a month or more.

Columbia controlled the statistics: 23 first downs to 6, 295 yards rushing to 58, and 1 1 1 yards passing to 27. McLaughry singled out the running of Draper and Moyer as one of the few bright spots. Line coach Red Gowen praised the defensive work of Gary Graham.

Yale 1-1. Broiun 3

Brown made the trip back to respecta- bility in seven days. Although losing to Yale, 14-3, the Bruins outplayed the de- fending Ivy League champions most of the way and with a break here or there might have walked off with one of the big upsets of the then young season.

Yale coach Jordan Olivar had words of praise for the Bruins after the game. "We had seen certain things in the Columbia game movies that indicated that Brown had the potential to give us concern. But we sure weren't prepared for the toughness and hard-hitting they showed us out there today. If Brown had had more experience to back it up, who knows, the result might have been different."

McLaughry, although understandably disappointed over the final result, espe- cially in view of the many scoring oppor- tunities, gave this endorsement: "The men certainly gave a complete turnabout per- formance today. They fired out as a team and kept the heat on Yale defensively throughout the game. Assignment break- downs, mostly resulting from inexperience and overeagerness, hurt us near the Yale goal, but these mistakes can't detract from their fine overall team effort."

Six Sophomores were in the starting lineup as the Bears took the fight to Yale. Altogether. Brown had five drives inside the Yale 20, while the Elis were limited to two advances, both of which they turned into touchdowns. During the afternoon. Brown ran off 67 plays to Yale's 52.

Brown scored midway through the first period on a 25-yard field goal by Ray Barry, much to the surprise of the 23,605 gathered in the Bowl. Barry also started the drive by recovering a Yale fumble on the Brown 36. Jon Meeker picked up most of the yardage on the advance with some hard running through and around the Yale line. A 16-yard inside reverse by Draper brought the ball to the Yale 10 and set up the field goal, which was Brown's 5 1st and the first since Bob Carlin booted one against Harvard in 1959.

Dennis Hauflaire, Junior quarterback, replaced Captain Rohrbach and did a com- mendable job for a man who had only 42 minutes playing time as a Sophomore, and most of that in the Colgate game. Meeker was the leading ground gainer with 75 yards in 19 carries, while John Arata, 255- pound Junior center, stood out defensively for the Bruins.

Yale won the game with touchdown drives in the second and third periods. One play beat Brown, the quarterback pass-run

option, which was used effectively by Bill Leckonby. The running plays through the middle were stopped cold and the sweeps to the outside were well contained by the Bear ends, Don Boyle, Dick Greene, Dave Nelson, and Spiezio.

Brown led in first downs, 14-13, and in yards gained rushing, 176-152. Yale had an edge in passing, 68 yards to 47. Yale made some second half pass defense changes which shut off this part of Brown's attack rather well and may have saved the game for the Blue. The Bruins had hit on four of seven passes in the first half for 41 yards but were restricted to one of six in the final 30 minutes, for six yards.

Dartmouth 34, Broum 0

Coach Bob Blackman turned a host of fast, lean, hungry football players loose against Brown on rain-swept Memorial Field. Exactly two hours and ten minutes later, the somewhat bewildered Bruins were crushed, 34-0. There was no question that Dartmouth had the horses. On a fast track, they would have been even tougher to handle.

This was the fifth straight year that Brown has failed to score on the Big Green. Not since fullback Joe Miluski bulled across in the first period of the 1956 game have the Bruins been able to pick up a point against Blackman's tricky defenses. Brown hasn't defeated Dartmouth since the 7-0 decision of 1955, the 0-0 game in 1959 being the closest the Bears have come. If it was any consolation to this year's team, Dartmouth led the nation in total defense going into the game.

The Bruins did nothing to knock the Indians off this perch. They invaded Dart- mouth's side of the field only three times, the deepest penetration being to the 36. The Brown line was outcharged all after- noon by the smaller but more aggressive Dartmouth forward wall, and the Bear backs seldom could get started. Blackman employed a number of defenses, including the four-man line.

Another factor in Brown's poor offen- sive showing was the situation at wingback where Spiezio and Rulon were making a gallant effort to play the position based on a few hours of drill in the hotel room that morning. Lemire, listening to the game on the radio back at the hotel, phoned Dr. Eddie Crane, team physician, at the Dart- mouth field house and pleaded for per- mission to play in the second half. The boy was still carrying a high fever and, of course, his request was not granted, but his spirit is typical of the Sophomore group.

Although Rohrbach was back in action at quarterback, his timing was off, and he was over-shooting his receivers, especially early in the game when the Bruins had a number of men open. Gary Graham and two Sophomores, guard Ed Green and tackle Tony Matteo, played well in the Brown line. Junior halfback Parker Crow- ell was singled out by McLaughry for his defensive work.

Dartmouth led in first downs (19-6), yards rushing (247-50), and yards gained through the air (78-75).



Pennsylvania 7, Brown 0

Although showing substantial improve- ment over the Dartmouth performance, the Bruins lost to Penn, 7-0, at Franklin Field on another rainy afternoon. It was the fourth straight loss, and Brown was still looking for its first touchdown.

Taking the opening kickoff, the Bears marched 62 yards to the Quaker 13, where a fourth-down pass went astray. The drive was featured by a 25-yard advance on a draw play by Barry and two fine catches of Rohrbach passes by Draper. Penn took it from there, going 87 yards in 10 plays. The pay-off was a 43-yard burst up the middle by halfback Pete McCarthy after faking a handoff. With this exception, the Brown defense was very stingy, almost completely shutting off the sweeps to the outside.

Rohrbach, sound physically for the first time all fall, threw 25 passes and hit on eight for 78 yards. The Bruin Captain, who played 57 minutes, was a constant threat with his tosses and on a dry day he might have been able to turn the tide. Offensively, Crowell and Barry were the leading ground-gainers with 79 and 67 yards, respectively. Sophomore halfback Bill Vareschi, playing his first game, stood out defensively, as did Crowell and Barry in the secondary and Hoover, Graham, and the wingmen up front.

Each team had 13 first downs, while Penn led in rushing, 228 yards to 152. Through the air, the Bear had the edge, 78 to 20. Strangely, in the rain and mud, neither team lost the ball on a fumble.

Franklin Field has been a jinx to the Bruins. In 10 games they've played there since 1911. they have failed to win. The man who set up the winning touchdown in the 6-0 victory of 1911, Wiley H. Marble '12, made the round-trip by car from Prov- idence (600 miles) and was in the stands for the 50th anniversary of Brown's last victory there.

Rhode Island 12, Brown 9

Brown's only consolation in losing to URI, 12-9, was the fact that it finally scored a touchdown. The Rams blended hard-nosed football and inspiration with a dash of razzle-dazzle in upsetting the victory-starved Bears.

Driving 63 yards with the opening kick- off for their first score, the Rams were never headed. They led 12-0 at the half, a half in which the lethargic Bruins were limited to 1 1 yards rushing and 23 through the air.

Brown scored its lone touchdown in the third quarter on a 39-yard march that was capped by fullback Frank Antifonario's three-yard plunge into the end zone. The Bruins threatened twice in the final period, reaching the URI five-yard line in the closing minutes, but both drives were thwarted by pass interceptions. After the last one, the Rams yielded a safety instead of risking a punt from the end zone.

Brown led in first downs (15-9) and yards gained passing (85-29), but URI led in rushing (184-130) and in that all- important measuring-stick total points.

A New Challenger in Soccer

THE REN.^iss.^NCE in Brown soccer has started. After victories over Yale (3-2) and Dartmouth (2-1), the Bear hooters found themselves perched on top of the Ivy League, a refreshing change from the spot in the cellar occupied all last season. In non-League games, the Bruins defeated URI (8-1) and lost to Wesleyan (4-3).

Coach Cliff Stevenson, in his second year at the helm, was able to put a bal- anced team on the field. Well grounded in fundamentals, the players showed better passing, trapping, and ball control than has been seen on the Hill in some time. It didn't appear to be a great team, but at least it looked like a club that wouldn't beat itself.

Stevenson realized the limitations of the squad. "We have no outstanding strength anywhere." he observed, "but we do have a number of men who can be good on any given day. We lack depth, especially at the halfbacks, but if we can avoid injuries we should be able to play on even terms with all of our opponents. The kids are play- ing up to their capabilities, they have that taste of victory, and we could have some fun in the League for a change."

Five members of last season's 7-1 Cub team earned starting berths, while several others helped the over-all picture by forc- ing the veterans to go all-out to hold their jobs. The five starting Sophomores in- cluded Alan Young (who set a Cub record by scoring 25 goals), Charles Brillo, John Haskell. Dave Wheaton, and goalie John Lewis. The rest of the starting eleven is composed of two Seniors, Capt. John Sher- man and John Holbrook, and four Juniors, John Fish. Jim Kfoury, Bill Zisson, and John McMahon.

Although Young picked up where he left off in the scoring parade by driving home two goals, the Bruins lost to Wes- leyan. 4-3. in the opener. However, the team bounced back to handle Rhode Island with ease. Young scored four goals in the 8-1 decision over a newcomer to the sport.

The victory in New Haven was Brown's first over the Blue in 13 years, and only the fourth in the long series. Though the Elis took a 1-0 lead early in the second period, the Bears stayed in there, and Fish finally tied it up at 20:40 of the fourth quarter, just 1:20 before the end of reg- ulation play. Brillo put Brown ahead at 1:19 of the first overtime period, only to have Yale tie it up at the 40-second mark of the second five-minute session. The win- ning goal came at 4:05 off the foot of Chip Mason.

The undefeated New England champs of 1936 scored Brown's first soccer victory over Yale, a 3-1 decision. Sam Fletcher coached that team, and some of the players included Capt. Walter Burbank, Bill Mar- geson, the leading scorer in the N.E. League, and John Reade. The 1941 team shut out the Elis, 2-0, and the 1948 team, with All-American goalie Rod Scheffer in the goal, won 1-0.

Brown's second Ivy League victory of the season came on a rain-swept field at Hanover by the score of 2-1. The Bears continually beat the Indians to the ball and controlled the midfield well all morning. John Holbrook and Armando Garces scored the goals, while Bill Zisson, Junior center halfback, played one of the finest games of his career.

The hooters continued an Ivy contender by splitting with Penn and Columbia. The Quakers won, 4-1, though outshot (35-18). However, Brown turned back a stubborn Lion, 1-0, on Alan Young's second-half goal, his ninth. The Bears dominated much of the play against UConn, NCAA tourney entry in '60, but lost. 4-2.

If the "Varsity soccer picture is encour- aging, things over on the Freshman field are downright rosy. Coach Stevenson spent a great deal of time visiting high schools around the East last year and his efforts paid off to the tune of 29 promising pros- pects on his Cub team. In the first four games, victories were chalked up over Durfee Tech (6-0), St. George's (6-1), Tabor Academy (4-0), and Yale (5-2).

The scoring star of the team in the early games was Bill Hooks, an All-Stater from River Dell School, River Edge, N. J. He scored 43 goals in his Senior season there and a total of 73 over a three-year period. This fall, he accounted for 12 of the first 21 goals scored by the Cubs. Coach Ste- venson rates him as the top Freshman prospect he's ever coached.

There are a number of other fine play- ers on the team, and there has been a merry battle for starting positions. The spirit has been high, and in five scrim- mages with the Varsity early in the sea- son, the Cubs won three times.

CLIFF STEVENSON: He's mode Brown soccer an exciting ond winning sport.



First Loss in Two Seasons

Coach Ivan Fuqua's cross country team, defending New England champions, split even in the first two meets. The Bear har- riers scored 28 points in defeating Con- necticut (46) and Yale (50) in a trian- gular meet at New Haven but were upset by Harvard, 25-30. over the Butler Health Center course. The loss was Brown's first in a dual meet in two season.

Five runners finished in the top 10 as Brown defeated Yale for the second straight year and only the second time in the last 17 years. Yale's nationally prom- inent Bob Mack won the Varsity meet in 23:33.8 for the 4.5-mile course. His time was 26 seconds better than Brown's Soph- omore. Dave Farley, who was second. Other Bruin Point getters were John Jones (3rd). Tom Gunzelman (4th). Bill Smith (7th). and Dave Rumsey (10th).

The loss to the undefeated Crimson harriers was a bitter blow to Coach Fuqua and his Bruins. Farley came in first, winning by 40 yards over Mark Mullen, the Heptagonal and IC4A mile champion. His time for the five-mile course was 24:06.3. However, Harvard showed good depth and took the next three positions, turning the tide of victory in its favor.

The turning point of the meet came at the four-mile mark when Brown's Gunzel- man, who had led all the way. came up with a cramp and was forced to fall back with the pack. Without this mishap, the Bruin Junior might have been able to fin- ish third or fourth, thus breaking up Har- vard's domination of the second, third, and fourth positions. The Bears were weakened the day before the meet when it was learned that Capt. Ralph Steuer. the only Senior on the team and its number four runner, had "mono" and would be lost for the season.

The runners came back from the loss to Harvard, journeying to Hanover to win from Dartmouth impressively, 22-34. The margin was even greater at Kingston as the Bears trounced an old rival, 19-36. Farley led the pack home against both Dartmouth and Rhode Island.

The Freshman harriers showed extreme promise. Of the first 15 finishers at New Haven, 10 were from Brown. Vic Boog of Syracuse led the Cubs to a 20-41 victory over Connecticut. Yale did not field a full team. Boog was followed by Bob Rothen- berg (2nd), Bob Wooley (5th), and Brick Butler (6th). Boog's time for the three- mile course was 15:57.

The Cubs gained a clean sweep as they downed Harvard, 15-40. Brown runners captured the first five places and seven of the top 10. Boog. Rothenberg. and Wooley. leading all the way, had joined hands for a three-way finish when they saw Butler sprinting furiously from 30 yards back. They slowed down momentarily to let him join them, but Butler, with his head down, apparently missed the signal and flew past them to cross the finish line first in 17:02. The other three lads had a time of 17:03. This brought the four top Bruins under the wire within 1 1 seconds of the Freshman record of 16:52 set by Farley last fall.

Sports Shorts

FOR SEVERAL HOURS on the afternoon of Oct. 9, Brown was ranked in a tie for 19th place in the United Press Interna- tional poll of national college football teams. The original release of the poll credited Brown with four points in the tabulation of coaches voting, the same to- tal as Auburn, Purdue, LSU, and Wy- oming. Eventually the wire service sent out a correction, explaining that a seventh- place vote for Maryland by one of the coaches had been credited erroneously to Brown. When informed of the amazingly high ranking given his then twice-beaten Bears. Coach John McLaughry admitted that he was amazed. "Obviously," he said, "someone has goofed."

The Freshman football team, smaller but quicker than last year's group, split even in its first two games. The Cubs lost the opener to Boston College (31-7) but defeated Dartmouth (14-7). It was Brown's first Freshman victory over Dart- mouth on the gridiron since 1941. We'll report at length on the Cubs next month.

When Ray Barry kicked his field goal against Yale, it was the 51st field goal in Brown's long football history. The first one was kicked by Willie Richardson against Newton A.C. in 1898. The longest three-pointer on record was a 42-yard boot by Bob Chase against Tufts in 1932. The shortest was by Robert P. Adams, an eight- yarder that won the 1922 Harvard game. W. E. Sprackling holds the records for most field goals in one game (3 vs. Yale, 1910), season (6 in 1910), and career (10).

At the post-game press conference in New Haven, Coach Jordan Olivar was pointing out how hard it had been for him to convince his players that Brown was capable of giving Old Eli a tough game. "These kids play football for two or three years, and they think they know more about the game than the coach who has devoted his life to it. That's why they be- come good alumni."

John McLaughry had a few observa- tions of his own at the same session. Some- one had asked him how his club could lose to Columbia, 50-0, and then outplay Yale the following week. "The more I see of Ivy League football," John replied, "the more I'm convinced that you can't predict the results on form. Mental attitude is all important. Sometimes I actually think these boys are too smart."

Bruin basketball boss, Stan Ward, was rather upset this fall when Fran Driscoll, a highly promising Sophomore back court operator, ran into a fire hydrant while playing touch football on a street near the University and narrowly missed receiving a serious knee injury. "After Brown spends a small fortune to set up a 40-acre athletic field near the campus for the lads to frolic in, my best guard prospect in years has to play football in the street," moaned Ward.

Doing the public address announcing for the home football games this fall is Brad Davol '48, former Director of Sports In- formation on the Hill. Brad is in Provi-

dence now as Casualty Manager for Trav- elers Ins. Co. Previously, the p. a. job had been handled very successfully for a dec- ade by Bill Metcalf '45, Assistant Secre- tary at Automobile Mutual Insurance Co.

Bill Wood, Brown's heavyweight wres- tler, took a two-month tour of three inde- pendent countries in West Africa during the summer. He toured Nigeria, Dahomey, and Ghana with a group of 10 other stu- dents as part of the African-American friendship program of Operation Cross- roads Africa, Inc., a voluntary service or- ganization in New York. Bill reported that although Negro students of college age in Africa are fully aware of the restrictions placed upon American Negroes in some areas because of segregation, more of them still desire to study in the United States than in any other country.

If you melted down all the young stal- warts who tried out for Ivy League foot- ball teams this fall and divided the results into equal-sized blobs, each would weigh 190.2 pounds. This information was com- piled and released by the Yalfi Athletic Association, which reported that the aver- age weight was found by feeding data on 500 hopeful Ivy footballers into an electric computer. The computer also had the word on the average height of these 500 hope- fuls— six feet even.

Former Bruin coach, Tuss McLaughry (1926-1940) was back in the news in Oc- tober. Col. Earl H. "Red" Blaik, in his nationally syndicated column, was noting that the so-called "shotgun" offense of the San Francisco Forty-Niners is nothing new. "Actually the 'shotgun' a catchy term- is the same as the triple wingback Tuss McLaughry used at Brown in the early '30s. except that the Forty-Niners split their ends," Blaik wrote.

An article on "Columbia's Taxicab Alumni" was written by one of them, Quentin Reynolds '24, and appeared in the program the day the Lions and Bears met this fall. It is only once a year, he pointed out, that this adopted loyalty con- flicts with his basic one. There was an introductory note about Reynolds by Toots Shor, who said (among other things): "He loves sports heroes, and they love him."

Bump Hadley '28 was in the sports pages at the end of the baseball season, notable as a man who pitched in the American League in 1927 but did not yield a home run to Babe Ruth. Hadley, now a machine products sales representative, hurled for the Washington Senators that year. "I once told the Babe that I wished I had put one in there and let him hit a homer." Hadley said in a Boston inter- view. "If he had homered off me, at least I would have ended up with my picture on the wall of his apartment. He had pic- tures of all the pitchers he hit his homers against. It was a beautiful thing."

Stan Ward, basketball mentor, reports that there were only 12 Seniors on the Ivy League starting lineups last year. Most schools had unusually good Freshmen teams, and Coach Ward expects a League that will be at its post-war peak.



Brunonians Far and Near



FORMER Senator Theodore Francis Green observed his 94th birthday at Jane Brown Hospital Oct. 1. Confined to the hospital in early September with what was described as a heart block, he was making a strong recovery by the time his birthday came around. President Kennedy telephoned from his vacation home in Newport to wish the Senator a happy birth- day. In response to the President's greet- ing. Senator Green said: "I am coming along all right. I am glad to say that the worst is over and I am coming back again strong. It was very good of you to call me up and give me your greetings personally. It means a lot I assure you."

A bronze bust of the Senator was un- veiled in ceremonies at the State House that afternoon. After handling the unveil- ing. Governor Notte told the gathering that Mr. Green regretted "he couldn't come running up those stairs to be with us." Senator Green was discharged from the hospital the second week of October and returned to his home on John St., Provi- dence.


When Dan Howard was hospitalized in Hartford last June, he made the acquaint- ance of a young boy in the bed across the room. When the boy's mother learned that Dan was a Brown man she immediately asked about Dr. Keeney. The lady, wife of Arlan R. Walker '38, attended Hartford High with Barney Keeney "a few years ago." As noted last month, Howard is long since back home and returned to his usual activity.


Dr. Theodore Merrill writes from his hospital in Creteil outside of Paris that he is starting his 90th year: "Stakes set for the 100th and a new outlook when that goal is reached." The news from Brown he found "grandly satisfactory."

1905 Colonel Colgate Hoyt retired Sept. 18 after having served Uncle Sam for 55 years in military and civilian service. In late years, he has been working with Gen- eral Hershey in the Selective Service Sys- tem.

Ralph G. Johnson of Chicago is headed for the Sarasota region of Florida for a month or two.

1907 Rev. Levi S. Hoffman is writing his auto- biography. "About half finished," he says. He is also author of Jack-in-the-Pidpit, the manuscript of which is now in press. An enthusiastic reader says: "It is a poem for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, the truth that is everywhere evident, but which very few of us can express so incisively."


Dr. Herbert E. Harris, Mrs. Harris, and their daughter were guests of the William P. Burnhams on Squirrel Island in late summer. Report is that when the boat with the Harris family on board pulled into the Island wharf, a nine-piece band struck up a lively tune to welcome a group of tennis stars arriving for a tournament. Herb's comment to Bill: "You certainly did a great job of welcome. We appreciate it."

The Burnhams moved from Squirrel Island at September's end to a bungalow on the east side of Boothbay Harbor "about five minutes' walk from church, drug store, and shopping district." They visited the Walter Slades in Providence in October and saw many friends in town.

R. W. McPhee. writing in August from Ann Arbor, said that he was reading In Secirch of Adam, by Herman Wendt, and that the book took him back to Lester F. Ward's courses in sociology and "his 'Pithecanthropus Erectus of Dubois,' of which Wendfs book makes a great deal.

. . And it confirms Ward's statement that 'The ontogeny is a recapitulation of the phylogeny,' which I can still rattle off as if I knew what I was talking about!"


Alberti Roberts has a new address: Os- wegatchie Hills Rd., Niantic. Conn. He and his wife have moved there to be near their daughter and five grandchildren. Al reports himself "fit as a fiddle."

Dr. Jim Hess receives the sympathy of the Class on the death of his wife. He will continue to reside in Oregon City. Ore., where, as a Congregational minister, he plans to continue church work.

"The memory of a great teacher" was saluted in the summer issue of the An- dover Bulletin which carried a fine appre- ciation of the late Frederick M. Boyce. During his four decades at Andover, Boyce must have taught more than 4000 boys, the writer said. "He was not a teacher one could ignore, or wanted to ignore. . . . He had almost a genius for looking rum- pled, but there was nothing rumpled about his mind. That had been beautifully trained at Brown, where he took his A.B. and A.M. in the same year. . . . Fred had no interest in boring holes in his vic- tims' heads and pouring in knowledge. He knew they must learn for themselves. Learn they did, as his examination results proved. The affection with which returning alumni sought him out uncovered the warm heart that, in the exact New Eng- land tradition, he never wore upon his sleeve."


H. Dane L'Amoureux reports an inter- esting reunion with Everett Frohock in Litchfield, Me. After they attended school together in Central Falls and then Brown,

their paths seldom crossed. Therefore, their recent meeting brought deep satisfac- tion to both men. Frohock has lived alone since the death of his wife some years ago. He has two sons, one daughter, and several grandchildren.

Claude M. Wood made a short visit to the Veterans Hospital. Providence, early in the fall for a checkup. He is living at the home of a niece at 116 Groveland Ave.. Greenwood. Warwick. R. I., and would appreciate hearing from his class- mates.

Ralph B. Farnum reported late in the summer from Redondo Beach, Calif., the death of his wife. She passed away im- mediately after they had made a trip to- gether with their daughter and her family to San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Grand Canyon. We take this opportunity to ex- tend the sympathy of his friends.


Robert F. Skillings is piloting the Men's Club again at the Chestnut St. Methodist Church in Portland, Me. He's also putting his experience on the Brown Daily Herald and other newspapers to good use as edi- tor of the church's monthly newsletter.

The Rev. William 1. Hastie is Associate Pastor of Linwood Methodist Church in Kansas City.


Everett O. White found a strange crea- ture wandering on his driveway in Barring- ton, R. I., this fall. It was later identified as a crayfish by a Providence Journal re- porter who wrote up the discovery. The crayfish apparently had been bought for bait and escaped from the fisherman. While being photographed, it became en- tangled in scotch tape and died.

1916 Francis J. O'Brien, Providence attorney, is President-elect of the Rhode Island Bar Association.

Charles B. MacKay, Director of the Summer Science Program for Secondary School Students at Brown, was a member of a panel at the Northeastern Regional Conference of the National Science Teach- ers Association held at the Hotel Bradford in Boston, Oct. 5 to 7. His panel discussed "Science Summer Schools for High Abil- ity Students."

1917 Arthur B. Homer, Chairman of the Board, Bethlehem Steel Co., was the first to reply to President Kennedy's September directive to 12 top steel executives to hold steel prices level. In his reply, Homer told the President that Bethlehem Steel "ap- preciates" his concern over inflation but declined to commit itself on his appeal. Homer went on to warn President Ken- nedy that "the present squeeze on profit margins has weakened out steel industry's ability to remain sound and to continue progress and serve the nation."


Roswell S. Bosworth got out the first issue of his new newspaper, the Warren Times, Sept. 21, the day Hurricane Esther made a pass at Rhode Island. Editor and


publisher of the Bristol Phoenix for over 30 years and of the Barrington Times for three years. Ros now has a paper in each of the towns in Bristol County. Published weekly, the new iVarren Times runs be- tween 20 and 28 pages.

Ralph Gordon and his wife are man- agers of the swank Cleveland-owned Cen- tury East on the Isle of Venice, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. According to Ralph, he and Gladys have a divided allegiance be- tween the nostalgia of their Cleveland careers, loyalty to the Cleveland Indians and Browns, and the serenity of the tropi- cal life they now enjoy. The Gordons came to Florida in 19.^7.

Walter Adler. Providence attorney, has been named President of Temple Beth-El. .■\ctive in civic and community affairs, he has served as President of R. I. Camps, Inc., the R. I. Refugee Service, and Big Brothers of R. I., and has been an officer or director of several other agencies, in- cluding Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts of America. Walter recently completed a two-year term as President of R. I. Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.


Arthur J. Levy has been named to serve on the Professional Relations Committee of the American Bar Association. The committee has been formed to consult with the American Institute of Account- ants on mutual problems. Arthur is a partner of Levy, Carroll, Jacobs, and Kelly, 1002 Union Trust Bldg., Provi- dence.


Willard Beaulac posed for photo with President Eisenhower and President Fron- dizi of Argentina in March, I960, when he was U.S. Ambassador to Argentina. The picture has been presented to Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, where Beaulac was one of the first two graduates 40 years ago. Another George- town honor came in September when he received a John Carroll Award at the an- nual meeting of the Alumni Association's Board of Governors. Beaulac is Deputy Commandant for Foreign Affairs at the War College in Washington. A career diplomat, he was Ambassador to five South American countries between 1944 and 1956.


Jack Fawcett came all the way from Naples, Fla., to attend the Alumni Lead- ership Conference. He was much im- pressed by the program and by the definite progress being made at Brown. He also had the additional pleasure of sitting at dinner one night ne.\t to your correspond- ent's daughter-in-law, Louise Dimlich For- stall P'51, wife of Alfred E. Forstall '50, who had come in from Alexandria, Va. Jack summers in Montclair, N. J., where he has six grandchildren to keep him busy.

John Cummings '.58, son of our late classmate, Howard "Cubby" Cummings, is studying medicine at the Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia.

Norm Cleaveland has moved again, this time to Cranberry Highway, South Mid- dleboro, Mass., where he is near his son

DR. H. IGOR ANSOFF, Vice-President of Lock- heed Electronics Company, has been named to the new position of General Manager of its In- formation Technology Division in Metuchen, N. J. The firm has moved to establish itself in the in- dustrial data-processing and special purpose computer market. Brown granted his Ph.D. in '48.

and daughter-in-law. Norm, Jr. '52 and Pat P'53. Norm has an interesting position with Marine Colloids, Inc., a firm which refines and processes Irish moss and kelp. Every day seems to find new uses for these products of the sea.

George Shattuck's most recent address is 9 Chelsea Parade South, Norwich, Conn.

Bill Shupert reports that he is making plans to be back on the Hill for our 40th in June. Meanwhile he continues as Pres- ident of the Philadelphia-Boston invest- ment counselling firm of Studley, Shupert & Co., Inc. Bill has had long and successful experience advising individuals, industries, and institutions, and recently he has pio- neered in similar services for bank trust departments. His address: 1617 Pennsyl- vania Blvd., Philadelphia 3.

Sayles Gorham. retiring as President of the Rhode Island Bar Association, presided over its 64th annual meeting in October.

Robert J. Welsh of Winter Haven. Fla., and George Newton '24 of Lake Wales recently had their first visit since under- graduate years. Bob wrote later: "We had several hours of what would have been called a good 'bull session' amid smoke and idealism at 80 Waterman St. We re- viewed and bragged as far as memory would permit the joys and sorrows of our stay at Brown."

Stuart H. Tucker is President of the General Nathanael Greene Memorial As- sociation in Rhode Island, which is con- templating support of the Greene Home- stead in Coventry. Tucker is a Providence attorney.

Brad Oxnard was upset in the Seniors Championship of the Rhode Island Golf Association in October, losing to Walter Carlson 1-up on the 21st hole at the Paw- tucket Country Club. Brad, who won the first of his two State Amateur champion-

ships in 1928, had won the Senior event the previous two times it had been con- tested.

Ted Distler was one of the 1 1 judges at the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City this fall.

Judge Edward W. Day tempered justice with a load of coal recently in Federal District Court. The agency in charge of running the R. I. Federal Building had let its supply of solid fuel run out because the boilers were being converted to other fuels. However, when the temperature dropped, tempers rose. Five tons of coal were rushed in, the boilers were started, and heat returned to the court room.



Pawtucket Mayor Lawrence A. Mc- Carthy won nomination to a sixth term in an October primary. He had a 2,500 vote advantage over his nearest opponent.

Lawrence Lanpher was invited back to Glen Ridge, N. J., for the 50th anniversary of the first Boy Scout Troop there. He was a charter member and one of the Scouts selected to greet Baden-Powell when the founder of the movement came to this country on an early visit.

Prof. John C. Reed of the U.S. Naval Academy keeps a stake in Providence as an occasional reviewer for the Sunday Journal's Book Page. His home in An- napolis is on Miller Rd., Cedar Park.

Kenneth Sheldon, back in the States on leave from the Philippines, brought Lorna down from the Berkshires for the first two games of the Brown football season. Ken will return shortly as economic advisor to the Philippine Government for two more years.


George M. Newton is Manager of Ridge Manor Lodge in Lake Wales, Fla., a large and well-appointed center with a famous cuisine. It has much to offer the visitor, sportsman, and resident in a fine central Florida location. George continues his in- terest in his old preparatory school. Way- land Academy, which he has served as a Trustee for a good many years.

Howard N. Fowler, in addition to his professional duties at the Mansfield Press (and News) is President of the Annawon Council, Boy Scouts of America. The Massachusetts Council completed a suc- cessful drive for $198,000 and has begun the building program at Camp Norse.

Carleton Staples, long the pride of Martha's Vineyard, became disenchanted with the inaccessibility of the mainland and returned to New York for another brief fling at engineering. Finding com- muting no improvement, he and his wife moved to Yarmouth on Cape Cod, where Staples is now in charge of the Welfare OtTice. He's also whiling away his spare time hunting, fishing, visiting the theater, and doing all the things he likes to do. far removed from the "pressure of the rat race in New York."


Marvin Bower was one of seven panel- ists who spoke at a New York seminar in



October on "top management's expanding role in marketing." More than 400 busi- ness executives attended the meetings sponsored by Container Corp. of America. The panel found that too many business firms are doing things the same way. There was agreement that business needs im- proved marketing to sustain profits but split on how it was to be attained.


Doran Hurley's new book on Bishop John Hughes brought with it a few notes on him. including one bit we'd not known of before: In the early days of radio, he was an announcer and station manager. It was his voice that announced Charles Lindbergh's arrival in France after his At- lantic flight. Later turning to writing Hur- ley produced several books, among them: Monsignor, The Old Parish. Herself: Mrs. Patrick Crowley, and Says Mrs. Crowley. As a free-lance writer, living in New York, he contribtues to such magazines as The Magnificat, The Catholic World, St. Jo- seph Magazine, America, and The Sign.

Garrett D. Byrnes, Production Editor of the Providence Journal-Bulletin, shared in the compliments when his papers took top honors in typographical competitions for New England.

Prof. Elmer R. Smith, Chairman of the Brown Education Department, has been busy on the banquet circuit. He was a panelist at a Sept. 26 Conference on Edu- cation, Gordon School, Providence, dis- cussing "The Independent Elementary School in a Free Society." Then, on Oct. 13, he spoke on "The Pursuit of Excellence in the Industrial Arts" at the 24th Annual Convention, New England Association of the Industrial Arts Teachers Association, Newport. On Oct. 28, his topic was "Li- braries and Library Service" before the Mid-Hudson Libraries, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

George L. Cassidy has been appointed senior associate and advisor of United Public Relations, Inc., New York City. Long a newspaper man, Cassidy at various times was editorial page editor, roving for- eign correspondent, and Managing Editor of the New York Post. He has served as a member of the New York State Labor Re- lations Board, and during World War II, as Major and Lt. Colonel, he was Labor Relations Officer, SHAEF Mission to Bel- gium, and later Chief of Manpower, U.S. Zone, Germany. Recently he served as ex- ecutive director of the American-Israel So- ciety, with offices in Washington, D. C.

George C. Cranston was elected to the R. I. State Senate Sept. 12 by North Kingston voters with a 176-vote plurality over his Democratic opponent. He has served as GOP Chairman in the Rhode Is- land community for several years.


Gordon E. Dunn, chief forecaster for the Miami Weather Bureau and Director of the National Hurricane Center, was in the news quite often during the month of September. Dunn is unique for his posi- tion. He doesn't own an umbrella or a raincoat and has never worn a hat!

Oscar Fishtein has been named an In-

STANDISH K. BACHMAN '40, former New York Soles Manager for The American Home Maga- zine, has been promoted to the post of General Sales Manager. A resident of Westport, Conn., he hod earlier executive positions with Look and the Lodies' Home Journal. (Wagner In- ternat'l photo)

structor in the English Department at Un- ion Junior College. A member of the part- time faculty last year, he is a graduate of the Harvard Law School and earned a Master of Arts degree last year at Rutgers, where he is now studying for his doctorate. A native of England, he is married and the father of two children. His address: Box 343, RD #1, Jackson, N. J.


Dr. Lucius Garvin became Dean of the College at Macalester College on Aug. 15. He is the former Chairman of the De- partment of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, a post held since 1952. He had taught at Oberlin for 18 years before that. He has been Secretary-Treasurer of the American Philosophical Association and a Trustee of the American Society for Aesthetics. Dean Garvin received three degrees from Brown, including the doc- torate.

Dr. Robert F. Marschner, Assistant Di- rector of Information and Communica- tions for the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, spoke at a dinner sponsored in October by the Brown Chemistry Depart- ment. It followed the annual John Howard Appleton Lecture by the new President of Rice University, Dr. Kenneth S. Pitzer.

The Class was well represented at the Alumni Leadership Conference. Among the classmates present were Dr. Dean Smith and George Eggleston from Bing- hamton. N. Y.; Judge Tom Paolino, Hi Caslowitz, Jack Drysdale, Mason Gross, Paul Hodge, and your Secretary.

We were quite pleased to finish first in our section of the Fund Drive, and much credit must be given to Tom Paolino and his hard-working assistants. Incidentally, Tom's son, Thomas. Jr., is a pre-med stu- dent on the Hill.

Hi Caslowitz became a grandfather again when his son Joel's wife gave birth to a daughter, Pamela.

Attending the conference with Paul Hodge was his daughter, Judy. She was graduated from Pembroke in June and is following in her dad's footsteps by study- ing law at Boston University.

Dr. Arthur Faubert has retired to Brat- tleboro, Vt., after serving as a dentist in Pawtucket for many years. Art and his wife are restoring an old home and are living at 24 Washington St., Brattleboro.

Bob Trenholm spent last summer in Bridgton. Me., where he amused himself trying to teach his granddaughter how to drive a motorboat.

A year from June we will be holding our 35th Reunion! Clint Owen and Al Lasker are planning a bang-up time, so start making plans to be here.



James Cantor of Lowell has been elected President of the Insurance Brokers Asso- ciation of Massachusetts, which is the largest such group in the country (more than 3000 members). He is a partner, with his brother, in the firm of Cantor & Company in Lowell and Treasurer of Cantor Insurance Agency, Inc., in Boston. He has just completed a two-year term as President of the Merrimack Valley Brown Club and has headed a number of business and religious groups. He was Chairman of the Lowell United Jewish Appeal for sev- eral years and was the first Chairman of the Israel Bond Drive.

Dr. Alden J. Carr has been appointed Professor of Education at Bloomfield Col- lege, where he is directing the new pro- gram in secondary school teacher prepa- ration. He had served as Chairman of the Department of Education at Texas Lutheran College since 1959. He has a Master's degree from Boston University, an Ed.M. from the University of Vermont, and the Ed.D. degree from Teachers Col- lege, Columbia.


Robert G. Raymond, Deputy Civil De- fense Director for R. I. over the past eight years, has been named Director of the civil defense program in Rhode Island. Twice during his tenure as State Deputy Director, he took courses at civil defense staff colleges at Olney, Md., in 1954 and Battle Creek, Mich., in 1957. He is a member of the Classical Varsity Club, the YMCA, Navy League, and a Boy Scout committeeman.

William E. Bennett has been named District Sales Manager for the Anaconda American Brass Co. in the Rhode Island area. Bill has been sales representative in the Providence area for 18 years.

1931 Dr. Harold D. Warren has been named Director of Medical Education at the East- ern Maine General Hospital, Bangor. He had been with the Veterans' Administra- tion in Shreveport, La. Dr. Warren re- ceived his M.D. from McGill University in 1937, served his internship at Baltimore



City Hospital, and was then Assistant Resident Physician at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston. He served as a Lt. Col. in the MCAUS and was Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York University and the Belleviie Medical Center. He was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1943 and was made a Fellow of the American Col- lege of Physicians in 1957.

Wes Moulton, in addition to his other duties at Williston Academy, has been named Director of Development, a new position at the Academy. He is also serv- ing as Alumni Secretary, Editor of The WilUslon Bulletin, and Director of Public Relations. He is also a member of the History Department.

Dr. G. Edward Crane, now in his 15th year as athletic surgeon at Brown, was a featured speaker at a September sympo- sium on sports injuries, held at Providence College.


James H. Higgins, Jr., Providence at- torney, has succeeded Sayles Gorham '22 as President of the Rhode Island Bar As- sociation. Alfred H. Joslin '35 is Chairman of its Executive Committee.

Ivor D. Spencer, on leave from Kalama- zoo College, is spending the year in Ger- many, where he is lecturing on U.S. His- tory at the Interpreters' Institute, Germer- sheim on Rhein. "My wife and I have toured through England, Scotland, and part of France, and we hope to see more of Europe in time," he wrote.

Judge William H. McSoley, Jr., of Cran- ston District Court, recently delivered him- self of a judicial opinion which may interest Bartlett's Familiar Quotations edi- tor. He discontinued a case of watermelon theft because of lack of prosecution. The watermelon was valued at $1.50 but the defendant had to pay court costs of $14.15. "Cheaper to buy one," observed Judge McSoley.

The Rev. Frederic P. Williams is Ex- ecutive Assistant to the Bishop and also Director of Christian Education for the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis.

Hugh S. Butler, Jr., has two other Freshmen as roommates in Hegeman, also sons of Brown alumni: Lawrence H. Con- nor, son of Henry W. Connor '35 of New- ark. N. J., and Paul D. Hodge, son of Paul H. Hodge '28 of East Providence.

Paul Havener's son Jeffrey is rooming in Everett with John B. Nolan, son of John O. Nolan '36.


William G. Bradshaw has been ap- pointed Assistant to the President at the Rhode Island School of Design. After serving as a supervisor in the Buildings & Grounds Department at Brown for many years, Bill took an executive position with the Republican administration in Rhode Island in 1958.


Herbert S. Phillips has been added to the staff of Improved Seamless Wire Co., Providence. Herb has been marketing man- ager of precious metals gold filled and allied products for General Plate Co., a

division of Metals and Controls. He will serve as Vice-President in charge of mar- keting.


Albert H. Daly, Jr., President of the Weybosset Pure Food Markets, has been reelected Chairman of the Retail Trade Board of the Trade Development Depart- ment of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce.

David Hassenfeld, Providence attorney, has moved his offices to 428 Industrial Bank Bldg.


Edward Francis Hand has been ap- pointed Associate Professor of Science at Bryant College. He has held a National Science Foundation grant for graduate work in science at Brown. His previous ex- perience includes work as Psychologist for the U.S. Veterans Administration, while his academic appointments include a posi- tion with the Providence School Depart- ment and with the John F. Deering High School. He is a member of the Rhode Is- land Education Association and past mem- ber of the National Education Association.


Two pre-25th Reunion get-togethers were planned for the members of the Class this fall. The first was to be held in a private room in the Marvel Gym follow- ing the Homecoming game with Prince- ton, Nov. 4. The second will be in Carey Cage, directly behind the Harvard Sta- dium, immediately following the game with the Crimson, Nov. 18.

Austin Peck has been named an Assist- ant Professor of Business Law at the Uni- versity of Rhode Island. Professor Peck, who holds an LL.B. from the University of Michigan, is engaged in the general

THEODORE P. MALINOWSKI 42 is heading the reorganized chemical sales activity for A. E. Stale/ Manufacturing Co. of Decatur, III. He hod previously been Industry Marketing Manager for the Chemical Division of Atlas Chemical Industries, in Wilmington, Del., moving Oct. 1.

practice of law and has taught courses at URI on a part-time basis.

Thomas J. Watson, Jr., was a guest columnist on the financial page of the New York Herald Tribune on Sept. 19. "What concerns me most in the present crisis," said the IBM Board Chairman, "is that America, with its great potential, may not convert that potential quickly enough and in sufficient strength to come out ahead of the Soviets." We must make a maximum effort, he said, accepting the Russian challenge "across the total com- petitive spectrum."


John Montgomery has been named Sec- ond Vice-President in the Casualty Under- writing Department at Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford. He has been with the com- pany since 1938 when he joined as a spe- cial agent trainee. He was sent to Minne- apolis in 1940 and returned to the home office a year later. In 1957 he was named Secretary in the Casualty Underwriting Department. He serves as Chairman of the Management Conference Committee at Travelers and of the Wethersfield High School and Junior High School Building Committee.

Dr. James B. McGuire is the new Chair- man of the English Department at Spring- field College. A resident of Wilbraham, Mass., he has also been appointed by its Selectmen to serve on a committee plan- ning the future of the Town's center.

Cmdr. Arthur F. Newell, Jr., is stationed at U.S. Navy Headquarters, North Audley St., Grosvenor Sq., London. He arrived in late August and expects to be there for the next two or three years.

Alfred S. Howes, regional advanced un- derwriting consultant for New York with Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., was the featured speaker at the September meeting of the Boston Life Underwriters Association. In his present post, he teaches business insurance, estate planning, and pension planning.


Dr. Samuel Bogorad, Chairman of the English Department at the University of Vermont, has been elected Chairman of the New England District of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. He is Past President of the University of Vermont chapter of Phi Beta Kappa and was a dele- gate to the 26th Triennial Council of the United Chapters in Salt Lake City last August. The Vermont chapter will be host to the 27th Triennial Council in 1964.

Emery R. Walker, Jr., became Presi- dent of the Association of College Admis- sion Counselors in October; it is the na- tional organization of college and school people who counsel college-bound stu- dents. With nearly 1000 members, ACAC has opened a national headquarters in Evanston, III. In addition to being in charge of admission and financial aid for Claremont Men's College and Harvey Mudd College, Walker is a member of the College Board Committee on Exam- inations, the National Merit Scholarship Selection Committee, the Need Analysis Committee of the California State Schol- arship Commission, and the Executive



JAY KANER '42 has been appointed Director of Advertising and Nylon Merchandising by American Enica, major producer of nylon and rayon fiber. He joined the company in 1958 as Advertising Manager. The Kaners live in Fairfield, Conn.

Committee of the College Board Western Regional Membership. Providence friends were expecting a visit from him in Oc- tober.


Herman B. Goldstein presented a tech- nical paper before the national convention of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists in Buffalo in Sep- tember. He is a member of the Rhode Is- land Section and Technical Director of Warwick Chemical Division of Sun Chem- ical Corp.


William C. Pearce, who has been asso- ciated with purchasing for Gorham Corp. since 1945. has been named to the newly created position of Director of Purchasing for the R. I. concern. He joined the Gor- ham organization as an Assistant Pur- chasing Agent in 1945 and was appointed Purchasing Agent in 1953. Bill is a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Rhode Island Purchasing Agent's Association.


Arthur L. Thayer is administrative en- gineer with the Connor Engineering Cor- poration of Danbury, Conn. A registered professional engineer, he is a specialist in plant engineering and air pollution control. Before joining Connor, he was with West- inghouse and Johns-Manville.

Dr. Leland Jones, Providence surgeon, gave two lectures in October at the Uni- versity of Rhode Island on "Medical As- pects of Cigarette Smoking."

1943 Walter R. McKee has been named Su- perintendent of Agencies for West Coast Life in the Pacific North West. His head- quarters are in the company's new and enlarged offices in Seattle. McKee joined

the Office of Naval Intelligence in San Diego some years ago, transferring to Se- attle in 1954 as special agent in charge of Naval Intelligence for the 13th Naval District.

Paul Affleck, acting Executive Director of Springfield Goodwill Industries, Inc., has been sworn in as a member of the Massachusetts Commission on Employ- ment of the Handicapped.


E. Russell Alexander has been elected Treasurer of the Franklin Savings Institu- tion, Greenfield. Mass. He has been em- ployed by the bank since 1947 and has been Assistant Treasurer since 1952. He is a graduate of the Stonier School of Banking at Rutgers and Secretary of the Connecticut Valley Savings Banks Junior Forum.

We asked the Rev. Peter Chase about his new title at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City. "A Canon Residentiary," he replied, "is simply a full-time canon as contrasted to honorary canons." Chase is the Canon Pastor, primarily in charge of pastoral counselling; he also teaches and serves as Chaplain to the Choir School and directs the Cathedral's responsibilities to the aca- demic community. "Of course," he added, "all the canons have their extra-curricular duties in a big city, together with the preaching schedule and services (twice daily and six on Sunday)."


Daniel Fairchild, who joined Fram Cor- poration, Providence, in 1949, has been serving as Chief Engineer since last Janu- ary. He is a member of the Providence Engineering Society, the Society of Auto- motive Engineers, and the American So- ciety of Lubrication Engineers. Dan and his wife and four children live at 666 An- gel I St.

Hawley O. Judd, CPCU, has been named Assistant Secretary in the Marine Department at Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford. He joined the company a decade ago, was named assistant underwriter in 1954, underwriter in 1956, and Chief Un- derwriter in 1959.

Robert P. Breeding has been promoted to Circulation Director of the Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., New York. He has been with the firm since 1958 as Budget Direc- tor and, more recently, as Circulation Manager.

Richard T. Downes has been named General Manager of the Rolling Green Motor Inn, scheduled to open this month at the junction of routes 93 and 133 in Andover, Mass. Dick was most recently Director of Sales at the Delano, Miami Beach.

Douglas A. Snow has been doing some book reviews for the Phillips Exeter Bul- letin. He is in charge of the Book Store at the Academy.


Dr. William J. Bakrow has been ap- pointed Director of Development at Ca- nisius College. Dr. Bakrow, who has been on leave of absence for two years as a doctoral student at Indiana University, has

served as Director of Development at the University of Buffalo since 1956. His duties will revolve around all aspects of fund-raising, with particular emphasis on industry, special gift prospects, founda- tions, and bequests. He will also coordinate all requests for research funds which vari- ous departments of the college will make through him.


Roger Gettys Hill, a few years back, be- gan to visualize the need for electronic equipment specialists who could supply controls to manufacturers of production machinery. He therefore assembled a small staff and formed his own company, Gettys Manufacturing Co., Inc., Racine, Wis. Roger resides with his wife and daughter at 5000 Wind Point Drive, Racine.

Bob Smith continues as owner of Clau- dia's, Inc., featuring dresses and sports- wear, in Lake Worth, Fla. Upon the birth of his third child and third son last sum- mer, the former Bruin basketball star re- ported that he and Faith were well on their way to developing their own basket- ball team. "If I play, we now have 4/5's of a team."

Ellsworth H. Welch, who had served as Principal of the Perley Elementary and Junior High School in Haverhill, Mass., has accepted a similar position in Long Island, N. Y.

Dr. David D. Warren is a Visiting As- sistant Professor in Political Science at Brown this year. He holds graduate de- grees from the Fletcher School.

1949 Robert F. Elliot has been elected Vice- President of Massachusetts Business De- velopment Corp. A graduate of the Rut- gers Graduate School of Banking, he also

DR. JACK W. FRANKEL '48 has been named by CIBA Pharmaceutical Products to be Associate Director of Virus Research in its Microbiology Division. He had been directing similar work at Norristown State Hospital in Pennsylvania and was virologist for Merck-Sharp & Dohme. He lives in Millington, N. J., and has taught at Temple and Hunter. (Bill Mechnick photo)



serves as an Instructor in Credit Adminis- tration for the American Institute of Bank- ing. After three years with the Chase Man- hattan Bank in New York earher. he has been affiUated with the New England Merchants National Bank of Boston since 1952, now serving as Loan Officer.

Raymond W. Houghton has been named Associate Professor of Education at Rhode Island College. Last year he served as Curriculum Director in the Warwick (R. I.) School System.

Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos has been named Assistant Director of Research at the Organic Chemicals Division of Monsanto Chemicals Co., Nitro, W. Va.

Bruce E. Porter has been named to the newly created position of District Manager for Shawinigan Resins. He is located in Strongsville, O.

John R. Matthesen has been named an Assistant Secretary with Connecticut Gen- eral Life Insurance Co., Hartford. He joined the firm in 1949 in the Underwrit- ing Division of the Group Department. He was appointed an underwriter in 1957 and since 1959 has been a senior underwriter.

Paul Flick is at Fort Hill High in Cum- berland, Md., where he handles three sports. He is head track and wrestling coach and assistant football coach.

Dr. Kenneth B. Nanian has his new of- fice in The Physicians' Office Building. 110 Lockwood St., Providence. It's located on the grounds of the R. I. Hospital.


John J. Sullivan, Jr., Field Underwriter with New York Life Insurance Co., was awarded the coveted Chartered Life Un- derwriter designation at the National Con- ferment E.xercises of the American College of Life Underwriters in Denver, Sept. 27. After positions with the American To- bacco Company and the United States Rubber Co., Jack joined his father in The Sullivan Agency, Danbury, Conn., in 1954. Since 1955, he has been associated with New York Life, with offices at 7 West St., Danbury. He is a member of the Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce, and is First Vice- President of the Danbury Association of Life Underwriters. Jack and his wife and their four children live at 12 Topstone Dr., Danbury.

Fred Kozak, Brown's Assistant Purchas- ing Agent, is making rapid strides as a member of the Boston Chapter of the Eastern Collegiate Football Officials As- sociation. In October he worked a Harvard Jayvee game on a Friday afternoon and then took in the Penn State-Boston Uni- versity game that night as guest of Rip Engle and Joe Paterno.

Joseph W. Adams is with Bettcher Man- ufacturing Corp., Cleveland, in the Panel- bloc Division. He is serving as Chairman of the Technical Committee for the infra- red gas-fired radiant heater group of Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association.

Selwyn Ackerman of the Guardian Life Insurance Co., has been awarded a new scholarship by the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. The scholarship covers tuition for courses given under the auspices of Rhode Island Chapter, American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters at the

University of Rhode Island. He was one of two winners from a group of candidates judged by the association.

David C. Rothman lectured on Pen- sions and Profit-Sharing and on Estate Planning of Employee Benefits at the 1961 summer session of the Practising Law In- stitute, He has spoken on these subjects throughout Southern New England and the Middle Atlantic area, before groups of attorneys, accountants, stockbrokers, bank- ers, college students, and others. He has written articles in the past year for Trusts and Estates, The Journal of Accountancy, the Connecticut C.P.A., and the 19th an- nual pension study of The Journal of Commerce. Dave is an employee benefit plan consultant with the David C. Roth- man Co., 55 Liberty St.. New York City.

Richard H. Hallett, Treasurer of Town- send and Hallett, Inc.. Realtors, has been elected President of Council N in the Brokers' Institute of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board. He is also President of Framingham Builders, Inc.

Cmdr. Alfred A. Forcier has been named Commanding Officer of the Navy's Tactical Squadron 21 at Norfolk, Va. He had served as Inspector General on the Staff of Navy Air Training at the Naval Air Station. Pensacola, Fla., prior to as- suming his new command.

Theodore R. Crane has been appointed Assistant Professor of History at the Uni- versity of Denver, where he is teaching courses and seminars in American social and intellectual history as well as the early national period. In addition, he is directing the internship program for pro- spective college history teachers. He con- tinues work on his biography of Brown's President Francis Wayland.

Fletcher W. Ward has been named Vice- President, General Sales Manager, and a Director of Red Ball Motor Freight, Inc., Dallas-based motor freight carrier.

Efthemios Bentas, Lowell attorney, has been sworn in by Governor John A. Voipe as an Assistant District Attorney of Mid- dlesex County, Mass. He has been asso- ciated with the District Attorney's oflice since December of 1956, when he was first appointed a docket clerk.

Robert D. Hall, Jr., has been elected Vice-President of Eastern New England Chapter, Association of Industrial Ad- vertisers. He is Industrial Account Super- visor of London Advertising Inc., Boston.

James H. Roberts has been named Treasurer and a Director of the Wrentham (Mass.) Co-Operative Bank. Jim is also a Massachusetts Certified Public Accountant.

Dr. Milton Hodosh is a new "assistant member" of the Brown University Insti- tute of Health Sciences, doing research in addition to his private practice in Provi- dence as a dentist.

Alvin C. Teschner has been named Re- tail Sales Manager for Cincinnati Sales with the Standard Oil Co. He has moved to Cincinnati from Canton, O., where he was Manager of C onsumer Sales. Jim has been with the firm since 1952, when he started as a sales trainee.

John A. Bruce has taken a position as resident engineer with Stanley Engineering (Nigeria) Ltd., whose home office is Mus-

GEORGE I. BOYER, project engineer at the IBM FSD Space Guidance Center, Owego, N. Y., has been appointed Manager of Navy Systems Design there. He received his Brown M.Sc. in 1949.

catine, Iowa. He and Dolores and their two children, Betsy (5'/2 ) and Amy UV2), will be located somewhere in Lagos, Nigeria, for the next 30 months.

Bill DeNuccio, Director of the Rhode Island Legislative Council, was scheduled to go on active duty in October with the 102nd Air Control and Warning Squadron of the R. I. National Guard, in which he holds the rank of Captain. (European duty was in the offing.) Bill, who has been in the State service for 12 years, will be granted military leave by the State.

John P. Bourcier is serving as Town Solicitor in Johnston, R. I. At a recent testimonial dinner, he said: "I'm in politics not because I want to be but because I feel in some small way I can contribute my share to the town. As soon as every plank in the Democrat platform is complete, I'm returning to my full-time practice of law."

Donald C. Miller has joined his father, Kenneth C. Miller, in an architectural partnership. Their offices are located at 435 Notre Dame Lane, Baltimore 12.


John F. Besozzi, Jr., Torrington, Conn., attorney, is associated with the law firm of Speziale, Metting. Lefebre & Burns. The firm maintains offices at the Lawyers Building. 365 Prospect St., Torrington, and at 201 Main St., Thomaston. John received his Law degree from the University of Connecticut last June and passed the Con- necticut Bar Examination the same month.

David A. Buckley of Brockton, Mass., a man whose efforts made the 1961 Brock- ton Fair one of the most successful in its long and traditional history, served as Ex- hibit Director of the Plymouth County Fair, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1. Dave is President of the Walter J. Burke Insurance Agency of Brockton.

Harry L. Dicks is at the University of Washington doing graduate work in the



Far Eastern and Slavic Department. Dur- ing a decade of government service, he had tours of duty that included Thailand, Greece. Laos, and Korea.

William A. Welch, Jr., has been named First Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Peabody, Mass. He had been Principal of the Kiley Brothers' Memorial School. Salem, for the past five years. He holds a Master's in Education from Boston Uni- versity and has done special work in school administration and other educational areas at Harvard, Boston College, Syracuse, and Maine.

James A. Coleman, Jr., is Vice-President of DeWitt Hall Junior College, which opened this fall in Bristol, Conn., with an enrollment of 100 students. It is a two- year undergraduate Liberal Arts institution offering advanced programs of study at the post-secondary level.

Albert E. Mink, a guidance teacher at Oliver Hazard Perry Junior High School in Providence, has been promoted to be Assistant Principal.


Joseph F. Dardano has been appointed Instructor in Psychology at the University of Rhode Island. For the past two years he has been on the staff of the Behavior Research Laboratory at Anna State Hos- pital, Anna, 111. He received his M.A. from Boston University and his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland.

Clinton J. Pearson, President of the Pearson Corp., Bristol, announced in October that his boat-building company has acquired two tracts of land totaling 75 acres in Portsmouth. The land will be used as the site for a new manufacturing plant which is expected to cost over a million dollars.

Norman C. Cleaveland, Jr., with his wife Pat P'33, owns and operates Old Hell's Blazes Ordinary at South Middleboro. Mass. This somewhat arresting name de- rives from tin smelters formerly operating in the vicinity.

Dr. John D. Hutchinson has opened an oflice for the practice of oral surgery at 1087 Framingham Ave., West Hartford, Conn.

Lester L. Halpern has been named In- structor in Managerial Accounting at the Graduate School of Business Administra- tion, Western New England College. Since 1959, Les has been self-employed as a certified public accountant in Holyoke and Springfield, Mass.

George G. Vest was admitted to the Connecticut Bar after passing the June ex- amination; this fall he joined Cummings and Lockwood, a law firm with offices in Stamford, Greenwich, and Darien. A 1958 graduate of the University of Virginia Law School, he served on the Board of Editors of the Virginia Law Review while a student.

Ted Selover has been elected an asso- ciate member of Sigma Xi by Western Reserve, where he is continuing work on his doctorate in Chemistry.

Dr. Robert A. Goodell, Jr., has returned from Australia, where he was in pediatrics for a year. He is now serving as Chief in

ROBERT P. BRAINARD '51 of Kingston, N. Y., is the new Research and Development Contracts Manager of the IBM Federal Systems Division Command Control Center there. He's held various posts at the Center since 1955 and is active in community affairs, notably as President of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children.

Medical Residence at the Boston Children's Hospital.


Deene Danforth Clark, Associate Min- ister of the First Congregational Church, Amherst, Mass., was ordained Oct. 1. A 1957 graduate of the Harvard Divinity School, he received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity last June. Several years ago, he received a Danforth Foundation grant and was a chaplain at the University of North Carolina. On hand for the Amherst cere- mony were John Haley '19 and Mrs. Haley, parents of Mrs. Clark.

Walter E. Arute, having finished his residency training at the University of Iowa, has been appointed to the Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass., as an ear, nose, and throat consultant. He plans to spend two years in the Navy under the Berry Plan, as a consultant, prior to entering private practice.


J. Gerald Sutton has been promoted from Personnel Supervisor to Employee Relations Supervisor at Brunswick Corpo- ration's 1,200-employee MacGregor Sport Products Division in Cincinnati. His new duties will include the responsibility for personnel administration and labor rela- tions at MacGregor's three operating loca- tions.

The Rev. Loring William Chadwick has assumed the position of Assistant Minister at Trinity Episcopal Church, Newport. He received his B.D. degree in 1957 from Episcopal Theological School in Cam- bridge, Mass., and was ordained to the diaconate on June 15 of that year and to the priesthood on Feb. 22, 1958. Before coming to Newport, he was Curate at All Saints Memorial Church, Providence. He

has served as Rector of St. George's Church in Newport.

Charles S. Genovese is a member of the Faculty for the Kent School for Boys. After receiving his Master's in English from Boston University, he spent several years at the Millbrook School for Boys be- fore taking his current position.

Dr. Paul B. Taylor is an Instructor in English at Brown this year. He received a Brown Ph.D. last June after an earlier Master's degree from Wesleyan. He is serv- ing as Faculty advisor to the basketball team.


Cosmo Chirico is with the G. H. Walker Company in Providence as an assistant securities cashier. He is also working to- ward an M.B.A. at the Northeastern Graduate School of Business.

From the "blue grass" country of Ken- tucky, Dick DeCamp writes that he made the big transfer from Cincinnati and the Central Trust Company there in July. Dick is in Lexington, where he is connected with the Taft Broadcasting Company (Lexing- ton Station WKYT). He says he is finding his new work exciting, although the Ken- tucky countryside also has a "definite effect."

Paul Carrier isn't far from the Bear's Den. He is in machine design engineering with the Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Co., Providence. Paul also writes that he has yet to make the matrimony column in the BAM.

When I last saw Gene Bloch on campus in the spring, he was headed for Harvard Graduate School to embark on studies in astronomy. At that time Gene was com- pleting his advanced work in mathematics at Brown.

Dr. Eugene Chernell is the Senior Resi- dent Psychiatrist at the Cincinnati General Hospital and is a member of the staff at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. Gene is looking forward to a full-time practice in the near future, although at present he is having a hard time deciding between the appeal of New York and a new-found attraction for the Midwest. Mrs. C, how- ever, prefers the "frontier," and Gene feels the matter is consequently settled.

Dick Coveney writes from his new home in North Scituate, R. I., that his two-year- old company. High Temperature Materials Inc., is doing very well with 300 em- ployees, several dramatic and promising products, and a few Brown men around to help out. Dick feels he is fortunate in be- ing near Brown, where he says some very interesting work is being done in materials. Kymn Ann was 2 years old in August.

Dick Zavarine is in his last year at the Boston University Medical School and is spending much of this time "in the field" with a month or two in each of several hospitals. Dick is looking forward to a month's stint at the Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro, N. H., "which is noted as one of the best rural hospitals in New Eng- land." The future is a bit uncertain, but Dick claims this is not extraordinary for the student on the verge of the M.D. He feels there is yet ample time to decide on



the special field in which he will ultimately practice.

Dr. William W. Simmons and his wife were both patients early this fall at the Norfolk Navy Hospital.

Lt. Jim Funk is still in Monterey, Calif., where he has started his third and final year of studies in Ordnance Engineering at the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School. He states the student life is rather hectic but that the rewards compensate the duty. "I'm looking forward to returning to an East Coast squadron next summer and fly- ing something a little more modern than the Navy's old 'Beech'."

Stu Erwin has moved from CBS to Benton & Bowles, Inc., Advertising, where he is Manager of Syndicated Programming and Film Operations in the Television Programming Department.

Harry Devoe expects to graduate from the University of Virginia Law School in January, unless he is called back to active military duty. He managed a two-week va- cation trip to New England last summer. He reported seeing John Aldrich and his wife in Newport.

Robert C. Knowles received his Ph.D. degree from Western Reserve University on Sept. 8. He plans to continue with post- doctoral studies there.

Dave Zucconi, a member of the Admis- sion Office on the Hill, still manages to get in a game of football now and then. For the second straight year he is playing half- back and end for the Providence Steam Roller, a semi-pro outfit. He has looked especially adept at pulling in passes, espe- cially for an "old" man, and scored on a 20-yarder in the Roller's second game. He's also serving as backfield coach for the Cub football gridders.

Dr. Norman Cardoso, another medical man, is with the Rhode Island Hospital as a resident in otolaryngology. The hospital is sending Norm this fall to the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medi- cine for a year's postgraduate training, after which he will spend two more years at the R. I. Hospital before going into practice.

Bill Corbus is in his last year at Benja- min Franklin University in Washington. Next June he will receive a B.C.S. degree, but plans to continue for two additional years in the Master's program.

Dave Bullock, who is still employed by the United Business Service of Boston as an investment consultant, sends an in- formative bulletin about a few Brunonians in his territory: he mentions seeing a lot of Marty Mullin '55, a customers' man with Hill, Darlington and Grimm; Bill Dyer and George Packard ( both Class of '56) Dave sees occasionally they are with H. C. Wainwright Company in the North Shore Shopping Center.

Herb Melendy is still an instructor with the York Country Day School in Pennsyl- vania. Herb had an impressive teaching schedule with something in the area of five difl'erent preparations from the 7th through I2th grades. In addition Herb teaches chorus which he claims is a "bit of a rub" but a long way from the one-room school- house.

Francis Brooks, Jr., recently completed

graduate work at Brown for his Master of .'Vrts degree in teaching. After two years in Providence schools, he headed for Tulsa, where he is teaching at the Holland Hall School. He mentions that Steve Booth, a classmate, is also on the Faculty there. In Providence he enjoyed visits by Bruce Niel- son and George Caffrey.

Don Dalbec has been working for the Socony Mobil Oil Company in Boston. Don, his wife, and two young daughters live on the South Shore at 404 Jerusalem Rd. in Cohasset.

Much news there is from San Francisco about '55ers. About a year ago George Calnan traveled west and converted (not without some sweat, blood and tears) the famous bar "The Place" in San Francisco's North Beach section into an art gallery, which he christened "The Prism" (1546 Grant Avenue). In his travels in and about this mecca, George writes of meeting Harris Stone, who is a resident architect there after having completed his profes- sional training at Harvard. He also ran into Tom Cottrell and his wife Jane (Pem- broke '56) and Norm Bouton who was planning to do graduate work at the Uni- versity of California (Berkeley). In addi- tion to selling other artists' paintings, George is selling his own as well and going to school on top of it all.

John Summerfield completed his resi- dence requirements in June for the M.A. degree at Brown. "I had a good two years back on the hill, and I especially enjoyed teaching a course in Freshman composi- tion, which most of us remember so pain- fully. Feel encouraged, however; I am really very pleased with the aggressive spirit of many of the fresh undergrads milling about the campus these days. I am currently working into a new position as Instructor in English at Groton."


Regional Secretaries


Dr. Richard E. Whalen has joined the Faculty at UCLA. An Assistant Profes,sor in the Department of Psychology, he is en- gaged in both teaching and research. Dr. Whalen had been doing basic research in the behavioral sciences section of the Na- tional Institute in Mental Health's labora- tory at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washing- ton, D. C.

John E. Delhagen, a former Naval In- telligence Officer, is Assistant Director of Research for the Pittsburgh investment firm of Lenchner, Covato & Co., Inc.

Charlie Crawford has been transferred from Boston to San Francisco by Auto- mobile Mutual Insurance Co. According to Charlie, the climate makes the change pleasant.

Jim Lohr moved into his new Cincinnati home in time to be available for the World Series. He is institutional representative in the Cincinnati-Dayton area for Campbell's Soup.

Dr. Jim Berrier is serving with the Pub- lic Health Service in New York. His ad- dress: 250 East 105th St.

Jerry Jerome, teaching in the Yonkers

School System, is attending night classes at Columbia. He expects to receive his Master's degree in History shortly.

Noel Field is with the law firm of Hinckley, Allen, Salisbury and Parsons in Providence.

Bill Romana, having received his Sc.M., is working in marketing research with the J. Walter Thompson Co., New York City.

Frank Rego is an engineer in the Nor- den Division of United Aircraft in Nor- walk. Conn.

Roger Hazell has been selected as a State Department representative to the Orange Free State. Rog will be an inter- national trade advisor to that country's government.

Frank Klein and his wife have returned to Charlottesville, where Frank is com- pleting his final year at the University of Virginia Law School.

Andy Martin is engaged in the interest- ing and evolving field of ship brokerage in New York.

Tom Doherty has been assigned to the Instrumentation Coordination Division of American Machine and Foundry in Green- wich, Conn.

Bob Leiand has been promoted to As- sistant Sales Manager of the Elgin Metal Casket Co., Elgin, III. So far, '56 does not number a single mortician among its ranks.

Dr. Norm Cowen has been accepted as a Naval Officer and left Wilmington, Del., Sept. 18 for duty at the Marine Corps base. Camp Lejeune, N. C. While intern- ing at Wilmington. Norm took flying les- sons and received a pilot's license.

Bill Westcott and Barney Blank have been two of the driving forces behind the Monmouth Valley Brown Club's revitali- zation. They extend a special invitation to all '56 men in the area to join with them in making this Club, in a very key Sub- Freshman section, one of Brown's strong- est organizations.

George Graves, an advertising and pro- motion supervisor at ALCOA, has been elected Secretary of the Pittsburgh Brown Club.

Dud Atherton is an accountant with Arthur Anderson & Co., Atlanta.

Charley Merritt is engaged in private sales promotion in New York. Among his recent achievements was a Maris-Mantle contest for a large bubble gum company.

Shel Siegel is the chief of production for television at Arizona State University.

Tex Zangranda is working on his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is also an Instructor in the History De- partment.

Gene McCulloch is assistant supervisor of financial planning and control for Tide- water Oil Co., New York.

Kurt Johnson is doing graduate work with the Department of Anthropology at Yale.

Larry Klein did some football forecasts for several national periodicals during the summer. He continues as Associate Editor of Sporl magazine.

Joe Kinter is in his second year of teach- ing in upstate Michigan. Joe reports that the ttrst year was enjoyable and that he did some coaching on the side.



Joe Daley sent your Secretary a picture of a moose he had effectively gunned down in Alaska. Now he's settled in Japan (Joe, not the moose) with Gamlen (Ja- pan) Ltd. as a technical supervisor. His address: 2187 Asahigaoka Kamakura- Kanagawa-Ken, Japan.



Dr. Augustus A. White, III, has begun his interneship at the University of Mich- igan. He received his M.D. in June from Stanford University School of Medicine, where he was President of the Medical Student Association. One of its achieve- ments was a Student Medical Conference in May which featured student research papers, demonstration of skills acquired, and closer relationship between undergrad- uates, medical students, and alumni. Gus took a prominent part in one of the ses- sions.

Britten Dean has finished courses for his Master's in Chinese Culture at Colum- bia and is starting work on his Ph.D. He received a National Defense Fellowship for this year in the area of Critical Lan- guages.

Barry Merkin is teaching at the Grad- uate School of Business Administration at Western New England College, as an Instructor in Personnel Policies. Barry re- ceived his Master's in Business Adminis- tration and Marketing from Harvard in 1959. Since that time he has been assistant to the Executive Vice-President at Lestoil Products, Inc., in Holyoke, Mass.

Al Basse returned to the United States in September, 1960 from a "highly edu- cational" tour in Korea, where he was Personnel Service Officer in the Air Force. He is still working for Uncle Sam in the same position at Truax Field, Madison, Wis.

George E. Mont completed his require- ments for his Ph.D. at Clark University in August, and he has accepted a position as research chemist with Shawinigan Res- ins Corp., Springfield, Mass.

Marvin Fialco has been appointed as- sistant to the Merchandise Manager for Sportswear & Intimate Apparel at the five Burdine Department Stores in Miami, Fla.

Frank H. Spaulding has accepted a po- sition as Director of Information Services for Colgate-Palmolive Co., New York.


Lt. Harry Batchelder, Jr., USAF, re- cently completed a tour of duty with the Security Service, stationed at Yakota AFB, Japan. His assignment there afforded him the opportunity to tour through much of the Far East and Southeast Asia. He ex- pected a service discharge in time to enter the University of Virginia Law School.

Lt. Seth R. Anthony, USAF, is stationed at Nellis AFB, Nevada.

David J. Mclntire has joined Dewey and Almy Chemical Division, W. R. Grace & Co., Cambridge, Mass., as a sales engineer in the container and industrial products department. He was recently discharged from the service.

Meade Summers, Jr., was admitted to

the Missouri Bar in Supreme Court cere- monies on Sept. 9. He is practicing law with the firm of Thompson, Mitchell, Douglas, and Neill, 705 Olive St., St. Louis 1.

Robert J. Selig is Vice-President of the Laconia Shoe Co., Inc., Laconia, N. H.

Kirk W. Smith has been promoted to Associate Engineer with IBM. He joined the firm in August, 1960.


Roger Vaughan's photo appeared in "Keeping Posted" in the Satiininy Eveniiif; Post for Sept. 9. "To maintain our youth- ful new appearance, we have infused our staff with a large dose of new talent," said the accompanying item. The staff members pictured average 28 years of age and have a wide range of credentials. Vaughan was identified as a new photography as- sistant and a graduate of the Curtis train- ing program. Brown's Office of Senior Placement tipped us off on all this. Roger himself fills us in on recent activity: "Since graduation I have raced to Ber- muda, been in and out of the Army six- month program, began work at Curtis Publishing Co. in March, joined the Post staff in May, and added a boy to the fam- ily on July 2." Format revisions have en- livened Post routines for the past few months, too.

Philip J. Baram has accepted a position on the editorial staff of the National Jewish Post and Opinion in New York City. He received his Master's degree from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard last June.

C. Jonathan Shattuck reports from Cali- fornia. "Since December, 1959, I have been a manufacturer's representative in Northern California for the Stanley Works, where I enjoyed a prosperous business, in- stilled San Francisco into my blood, and met my wife. However, now I'm back at the books in Washington, D. C, studying hospital administration in the graduate school at George Washington University."

Gene M. Kay has completed his M.B.A. requirements at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, where he majored in Marketing and Accounting. This fall he joined Procter & Gamble's Advertising Department at Cincinnati.

J. Richard Castellucci is at Rhode Is- land College as Instructor of French and Italian. Dick received his Master's from Middlebury.

Charles E. Waterman is a student in the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced In- ternational Studies.


2nd Lt. Kenneth E. Randall, who was graduated last February, is attending the Air Police Officer Course at Lackland AFB, Texas. Upon completion of the course, he will be assigned to the 93rd Combat Defense Squadron at Castle AFB, Calif. This organization has the respon- sibility of performing security and defense functions for the Strategic Air Command's 93rd Bombardment Wing.

Tom Budrewicz, after a trial period with the Chicago Bears of the National

Football League, signed on with the New York Titans of the new American Football League. He is being used as an offensive guard by the Titans, a strong contender for the Eastern Division title.

Walter A. Foley has been named an in- structor at the Taft School. He completed the course requirements toward his Mas- ter's degree last summer. He did his prac- tice teaching a year ago at Cranston High in Rhode Island.

Robert J. Sugarman is at the Harvard Law School, after spending a year doing graduate work in history at Stanford Uni- versity on a Ford Foundation grant.


President Flavil Van Dyke has notified President Keeney that the Class wishes to contribute a gift to the memorial being established for Pembroke's Nancy Duke Lewis, who died in August. Spanky has been working for Rep. James Auchincloss of New Jersey.

Duncan Smith, who is studying for his Master's degree in German at Brown, spent the summer working for a German youth and refugee welfare organization which he termed a "quiet Peace Corps." He worked with underprivileged German children and refugees from the East Ger- man Communist regime. His stay included a day interpreting for an American group visiting Marienfelde, the famous refugee reception center in West Berlin. The or- ganization for which he worked, the Ar- beiterwohlfahrt, has existed in Germany since the grim post-World War I days.

Robert W. Teller is a member of a Peace Corps group of about 40 men and women who left the United States on Sept. 24 for more than two years of service in Nigeria. Bob, who majored in English Literature, will teach secondary school English in Nigeria. After spending three oi' four months at University College in Ibaden, he will be assigned with at least one other Peace Corps member to the Nigerian community in which he will teach.

Thomas Gatch, said the Cincinnati En- quirer in September, decided to see whether he could make the grade in the New York theater before he began his military service. He heard that Gower Champion was auditioning for replace- ments in the cast of "Bye Bye Birdie." Gatch sang a song and did some dance steps like those in Brownbrokers. He got the job, took 10 days of rehearsal, and was in his first performance on July 14.

David Groh has been awarded a Ful- bright Scholarship in Dramatic Art for study in London. Dave had some leading roles with Sock and Buskin and had other experience in summer stock.

Forrest Broman planned to enter Har- vard Law School this fall, after spending another pleasant and profitable summer running the parking lot operation at the Coonamesset Inn on Cape Cod.

Donald L. Adams has been appointed to the faculty and staff at the Winchendon School in Winchendon, Mass.

Nick Willard is with the New York Port Authority, in its training program.



Foster Ballard and Bob Lowe have joined Irving Trust Company in New York City.

Jim Gordon and Rollie Marsh are at Columbia Business School.

Ed Scott is with the Bank of New York.

Fred Tracy is stationed aboard the U.S.S. Mohle out of Charleston, S. C.

Roger Barnett. Bob Kaplan, Vane Smith, Karl Seitz, and Jeff Drain are in Flight School with the Navy at Pensacola.

Charles Swartwood, Peter Robinson, Henry Smith, Joel Karp, Merrill Hassen- field, and Dave Lamson are at Boston Uni- versity Law School. Dale Thomajan is

also at B.U., doing graduate work in English.

Don Bliss is spending his time between Boston University Law School and the Brown press box. He's serving as an as- sistant to Director of Sports Information Pete McCarthy.

Mike Bergan and Frank Resnik are at Boston College Law School.

Bob Lowe and yours truly had the pleasure of addressing the New York Brown Club send-off dinner for members of the Class of 1965. Bob spoke on ath- letics and I on extra-curricular activities.


Carrying the Mail

Things You Say in July

Sir: Please do a great favor to us gul- lible alumni, in whose hearts burns the eternal hope that sometime Brown will field a fairly decent team. Tell your man who writes such rosy and optimistic ac- counts (in July) on prospects for the team each season that he should get down to earth and give us the straight facts. Re- ports in your issue last summer were prom- ising enough to arouse the worst cynic among us.

Plentiful supply of ends, you said, big and fast tackles and guards, most versatile backs in years and more of them, etc. Also a sound nucleus of 10 Seniors and 20 Jun- iors, all either lettermen or with game experience. ( By the way, what happened to that nucleus? Can't Brown keep five Senior lettermen eligible, or is there a purge on?)

Then with hopes high, we wait to hear how the boys look in the opening game. One of the worst beatings in history from a not very highly-regarded Columbia team! Was it poor coaching or lack of any de- sire by the players? The newspaper here mentioned nothing that Brown did except being reported as the opposing team. Your man did say in his July report that there was possible weakness on defense. Well, that was the understatement of the year.

At any rate, tell your man to level and don't offer a lot of alibis for this debacle in your next issue.


("Our man" has leveled. See this month's football report. Ed.)

A sequel: Though it came with signa- ture, we have published the above letter anonymously, since a later letter followed after the writer had heard more about the situation. He said in his second note:

"No, I am not a rabid Brown football supporter only hell-bent for a victorious season. But when in college and for the most part since, I have always been rather proud of Brown as a football contender. No matter how poor the material, those dedicated to the game give a little more than they ever gave before. As long as

youngsters can and are willing to do that they are doing something with their lives and forgetting themselves for a brief time. "Let me apologize for any censure upon your well-meant write-up. By the way, I did drop McLaughry a letter of encourage- ment. Since writing before, I have the deepest admiration and respect for him and his staff for the tremendous rebuilding and morale-maintaining ahead of him. A near miracle must have been accomplished in that reversal of form at Yale."

Not Even Offside?

Sir: It's bad enough to be consistently losing, but do we have to be disgraced? Certainly, the scores of the Columbia and Dartmouth games were disgraceful.

From all I can determine, we get as good football material as the average Ivy League school. This year, I understand, we have better football material than usual, even though somewhat inexperienced. My conclusion is that there's something wrong with the coaching staff.

It seems to be the custom at Brown never to voice criticism of our athletic policy, at least publicly. All I've ever heard and read about is how "our boys put up a good fight." Nuts! A football coach's job is to produce winning teams based on rea- sonably good football talent. This "good fight" business is for the birds.

Speaking of a good clean fight. I noticed that in the statistics of the Dartmouth game. Brown had no penalties. I'm all for clean football, but do you mean to tell me our "guys" were never, once, so eager to get across the line ahead of the ball that we were never even offside?

Note to the Administration: If you think fund-raising isn't affected by our football record, try collecting from some of the average alumni. I have.


Brooklyn, N. Y.

Sales I'itcli

Sir: Should we divert a little attention

from the Ford Foundation's gift of T/2

million bucks and give it to the football

situation? From a purely sales-pitch angle,

it will bring in more dollars than all that high-falutin' "larnin'." In industry, earnings count. In a college, I believe alumni do. JOHN w. fawcett '22 Monlclair, N. J.

Those on the Sidelines

Sir: It is difficult to understand letter- men who are Seniors not wanting to round out their athletic career in college by going out in glory, particularly when they at last can have the thrill of being part of a winning combination, after slugging it out over those thankless years. But at least they contributed something in those losing causes.

What is more difficult to understand is the lack-lustre, indifference, and absence of red-blooded desire on the part of tal- ented youngsters who, during their Fresh- man year, appeared to enjoy playing the game. Suddenly and complacently, they "retire."

It is not football they are "retiring" from it's life. Their attitude toward the grind, discipline, and endurance essential in foot- ball is only a symbol of what may be expected in sliding by the responsibilities and vicissitudes of life. I can only say for them that they are to be pitied. But I wonder how they must feel in remaining idly on the sidelines, when they are so aware of how badly they are needed to beef up those sorely depleted reserves.

I should like to pose a question to the President and the Admission Office. After all the scientific and psychological screen- ing, how does this type of youngster get by? Certainly, if this self-centered, respon- sibility-dodging, and unaggressive attitude is intrinsic in his make-up, it should have shown up in his candidate-review. If this attitude typifies him, he is not apt to be any pride and joy to Brown as a graduate. JOHN cox '25 Holliiiid. Pel.

Candidate for a Bear Sir: For, lo, these many years I have been told that the pen is mightier than the sword. Although a member of the Press, I have been somewhat skeptical of the valid- ity of this statement until it was clearly demonstrated by our 1961 football team. United Press International today (Oct. 10) released its listing of the top 20 football teams in the country, and it is comforting to read that the "mighty Bear" is tied for the 1 9th spot along with Auburn, L.S.U., Purdue, and Wyoming. At the same time, we were conceded to be superior to such powers as Texas Christian, UCLA, Iowa State, Navy, Minnesota, Southern Cali- fornia, Syracuse, Tennessee, and Utah.

We must therefore, assume that we had an off day against the Lions of Columbia, who amassed 50 points against us in our opening encounter a Columbia record in 272 Ivy League games . . . and that the Yale defeat 14-3 was actually a moral victory.

I am reminded of one of my father's pet stories about the Brown team of either 1901 or 1902. Trailing Dartmouth 62-0 in the fourth quarter, the Brown Captain told his teammates that, while they were



behind, they were never licked. They pro- ceeded to march 65 yards to the Dart- mouth 10-yard line, where the game ended. The UPI man who was responsible for Brown's four points in this week's poll deserves the Brown Bear Award, either for his loyalty or for his sense of humor.



(No award. The UPI retracted later in the day.— Ed.)

Tape-Recorders Don't Spell Sir: It's a good thing you pointed out that you used a tape-recorder when you reported on the panel on the Physical Sciences at the August Conference. Obvi- ously, had you used manuscript. Prof. Rob- ert Morse would have shown you how to spell the word "meson."

I'll bet you're one of those damned, illiterate Humanists.


(To err is not necessarily to be a Human- ist.—Ed.)

A Mascot 10 Feet Tall?

Sir: Is there any way the big, brave, intelhgent Kodiak Bear could be taken to the Brown football games and stationed in front of the Brown cheering section? Isn't there one stuffed and mounted in the Brown Union? Or couldn't we have an even finer one seciu'ed and mounted so it could be transported? I'm tired of seeing the Httle. cowardly, ignorant cubs we some- times exhibit at our games.

Up in Alberta, Canada, they now have a 10,000-acre game farm and sanctuary for bears up to 10 feet tall. We've got the biggest and most intelligent of all the college animals. I think it would make a great hit to show the bear at his best.


Mystic, Conn.

(We asked advice from a man who was the keeper of the bear during his under- graduate days. His feeling was that the little cub was all he'd ever want to handle, adding: "If you display a 10-foot bear, you'd need a 15-foot Senior.")

How About "Hey, You" ?

Sir: Inspecting a copy of the Yale Alumni Magazine, I was struck by the fact that the "letters to the editor" therein all start with the word "Gentlemen." Yours open with the curt "Sir." Is there any evaluation implied in either? (I am as- suming that the salutation we see in print is often a matter of editorial adjustment of the actual greeting.)

The use of "Sir" implies a single reader, although publication of the letter implies more. To me, moreover, "Sir" connotes either a schoolboy addressing his master, usually preceded by the word "please"; or an indignant Victorian about to ask "how dare you!"


(Knowing the Gentleman, we know that his hope is realized. No doubt the use of

"Sir" might be defended because it has only three letters and thus saves space. The logic of that, however, would lead to the Ohio State practice of skipping the palaver and getting to the point. Princeton, we note, has long employed "Dear Sir" while others have adopted "Editor," almost with an implied question mark at times. To be honest, we've never given the matter much thought just another bad habit we've picked up somewhere. But the convention has been that the letters are addressed to the editor. It might, therefore, seem arro- gant were we to change a salutation which was originally "You Nitwit" to "Gentle- men."— Ed.)

Representing Us

BROWN University delegated the follow- ing alumni to serve as official repre- sentatives at events of academic note on other campuses recently:

The Rev. Dr. Albert C. Thomas '08 of the Board of Fellows at the inauguration of Gene E. Bartlett as President of the Colgate Rochester Divinity School (suc- ceeding the Rev. Dr. Wilbour E. Saunders '16) on Sept. 12.

Dr. George P. Conard, II, "41 at the

inauguration of Dr. Eriing N. Jensen as President of Muhlenberg College on Oct. 6. Dr. Conard is Professor of Metallurgy and Director of the Magnetic Materials Laboratory at Lehigh University.

Prof. Alvin Z. Freeman, A.M. '49, at the inauguration of Chauncey G. BIy as Presi- dent of Thiel College on Sept. 30. Profes- sor Freeman is a historian at Allegheny College.

Prof. J. Douglas Reid '28 at the inaugu- ration of Davis Y. Paschall as President of the College of William and Mary on Oct. 13. Dr. Reid is Chairman of the Depart- ment of Microbiology at the Medical Col- lege of Virginia.

Dr. Edward B. Peck '12 at the inaugura- tion of Robert F. Oxnam as President of Drew University on Oct. 12. Professor Peck is on the Engineering Faculty of Rut- gers University.

Prof. John H. Young '36 at the inaugu- ration of Randle Elliott as President of Hood College on Oct. 14. Dr. Young is a classical archaeologist at Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Paul B. Bien '28 at the inauguration of Joseph J. Copeland as President of Maryville College on Oct. 28. Dr. Bien is a research chemist at Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Bureau of Vital Statistics


1932 Marion A. Cancelliere and Mrs. Richard A. Gourley of Fox Chapel, Pitts- burgh, Aug. 26.

1934 Henry E. Stanton and Miss Thelma Tyler, May 20. Francis Gurll '31 was in wedding party. At home: 765 Live Oak Ave., Menlo Park, Calif.

1946 Dr. Edwin M. Knights, Jr., and Miss Ruth L. Currie, daughter of Mrs. Homer L. Currie of Mount Royal, Quebec, and the late Mr. Currie, Sept. 23. Edwin M. Knights '17 is the groom's father.

1954 Albert A. Remington, III, and Miss Roberta C. Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Johnson of South Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 16. Donald G. Mayhew '59 was best man; William C. Rus- sell, Jr., '56, Herbert S. Travis, Jr., '54 and Charles R. Jefferds "55 ushered. At home: 34 E. George St., Providence 6.

1955 Luke R. Conboy and Miss Janet O. Sylvia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Sylvia of Tiverton, R. 1., Sept. 4. At home: 83 Ash St., Fall River.

1956 Gerard Kennedy and Miss June M. Kilroy, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mara of Providence, Sept. 23.

1958 Lionel Etscovitz and Miss Anita R. Gross, daughter of Mrs. Hyman Gross of Derry, N. H., and the late Mr. Gross, Aug. 20.

1958— Lt.(j.g.) Charles W. Stamm, USN, and Miss Margaret R. Manning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Man- ning of Storrs and East Northfield, Mass.,

Sept. 9. Robert K. Margeson '58 was best man. Ushers included Thomas L. Moses '58, Jaime Arjona '32. and Russell G. Weeks '61.

1959 Donald M. Kartiganer and Miss Joyce A. Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H, Michael Reed of Toronto, June 3. The bride is Pembroke '61. At home: 419 Brook St., Providence.

1959 Robert M. Lawson and Miss Carolyn J. D. Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D. Wells of Weston, Mass., Sept. 11. At home: Reed Hall, Edgewood Gardens, American International College, Springfield, Mass.

1959— Michael W. Mitchell and Miss Brooke A. Hunt, Sept. 2. At home: 345 E. 73rd St., New York City.

1959 John F. Quinn, Jr., and Miss Carolyn L. Avila, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Avila of Milton, Mass., Sept. 16. John F. Quinn '22 is the groom's father. At home: 2 Lobster Lane, Mag- nolia, Mass.

1959— William A. Riley, Jr., and Miss Carol L. Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. Mary Lamis Reynolds of Newton and Mr. Richard D. Reynolds of Woburn, Mass., July I. Stuart B. Riley '59 was an usher. At home: Country Club Ridge, 15 Rock- ledge Rd., Hartsdale. N. Y.

1959— Walter C. Sanders and Miss Marilyn L. Cann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Cann of Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 26.

1959 Charles E. Waterman and Miss Gail Tegarty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.



Paul Tegarty of Buffalo, June 7. The bride is Pembroke "61. At home: 1908 Florida Ave., N.W., Washington 9.

1960 Martin J. Bogdanovich and Miss Korleen A. Billabough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Billabough of Phila- delphia, Aug. 19. The bride is Pembroke "60. At home: 3426 W. Penn St., Phila- delphia 29.

I960 Samuel B. Flora, Jr., and Miss Anne-Marie F. Noid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Noid of South Pasadena, Calif., July l.'i. At home: 439 Washington Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. Samuel B. Flora is "31.

1961 Douglas W. Abbott and Mi.ss Judith L. Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Watson Jr., of Melrose, Mass., Sept. 2. Bruce Abbott "56 ushered.

1961 Joseph A. Cerulti and Miss Ruth E. Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Bell of Ashland, Mass., Sept. 10. At home: 24 Esty St., Ashland.

1961— William W. Foshay, Jr., and Miss Wendell E. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Miller of Oyster Bay, L. I., Sept. 9. David P. Getchell '60, Robert G. Pratt "59, Dirk D. T. Held '60 and Grenville MacD. Gooder, Jr., '61 ushered. At home: 30 E. 72nd St., New York 21.

1961 John F. Hutchinson and Miss Donna L. Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lewis of York, Pa., June 6. At home: 390 Lloyd Ave., Providence.

1961— Joel C. Karp and Miss Inez G. Disken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Disken of New Haven, Sept. 3. Arthur Solomon '61 ushered. At home: 4 Chis- wick Rd., Brookline, Mass.

1961 William F. Lunnie and Miss Audrey E. Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clarke of Rumford, R. L, Sept. 9.

1961 James A. Moreland and Miss Carolyn C. Vose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Atherton C. Vose of Wellesley, Mass., Aug. 26. Angelo J. Sinisi '61 ushered. At home: Apt. 312, Gaylord

Compatible Colors

Ruth Branning Molloy, colum- nist for the Pennsylvania Gazelle, wrote recently:

"I thought I had another item for you, about a wedding in Philadel- phia's Holy Trinity Church in June. Some man was taking black and white pictures like mad. When I asked the bride if I could get a print, she said she'd never seen him before.

"The groom is a Curate at Holy Trinity, and the bride a most attrac- tive and talented artist. He was a Brown graduate and she a UPper. It was an interesting wedding be- cause the whole congregation was invited, and most of them came. It's nice to know that red and blue and brown are compatible colors."

The groom, by the way, appears to have been the Rev. Edward L. Lee, Jr., '56.

Apts., 5316 S. Dorchester Ave., Chicago 15. The bride is Pembroke '61.

1961 P. Andrew Penz and Miss Sandra L. Newman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Derwood A. Newman of Needham, Mass., Sept. 2. Donald Lareau '61 and Thomas Cracas '61 ushered. At home: Apt. 28, Hasbrouck Apts., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. The bride is Pembroke '61.

1961 Joseph D. Steinfield and Miss Su.san Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kal Ross of Albany, N. Y., Aug. 27. J. Robert Seder '61 ushered. The bride is Pembroke '61. At home: 1622 Massa- chusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass.

1961— Richard G. Unruh and Miss Deborah A. Crittenden, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Crittenden of Sellers- ville. Pa., Aug. 26.

1961 Peter S. Zimmerman and Miss Penelope Williams, daughter of Mrs. Al- bert H. Hunker of Seaford, Del., and Mr. Frederick C. Williams of Wheaton, 111., Sept. 2. Robert F. Zimmerman, Jr., '56 ushered.


1940 To Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Valente of Orange, Conn., a son, Brian Victor, Sept. 10.

1947— To Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Wil- kins of Randolph, Mass., a son, John Robert, Sept. 8.

1948— To the Rev. Roswell S. Cum- mings and Mrs. Cummings of Wallingford, Conn., their fifth child and second son, James David, Sept. 5. Mrs. Cummings is the former Alice Hambleton, Pembroke '50.

1948 To Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lovell of Scotia, N. Y., a daughter, Margaret, July 11. Mrs. Lovell is the former Flora Hall, Pembroke '44.

1948— To Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Smith of Lake Worth, Fla., their third child and third son, John David., Aug. 17.

1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Eisenberg of Woonsocket, a daughter, Marcey Bess, Aug. 25.

1951— To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Hall of Boulder, Colo., a daughter, Gaylynn, Sept. 3. Mrs. Hall is the former Joan F. Stapelton, Pembroke '53.

1952— To Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Gower of Providence, a son, William Wright, Sept. 10.

1952 To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Selover, Jr., their third child and second son, Peter Reynolds, Aug. 11.

1952— To Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sennott of Providence, a son, Sean Fredette, July 7. Mrs. Sennott is the former Claire Fredette, Pembroke '55.

1953— To Mr. and Mrs. William C. Drorbaugh of Rye, N. Y., their third daughter, Margaret Colt, Mar. 11.

1954 To Mr. and Mrs. William R. Benford, Jr., of Barrington, R. I., a daughter, Deborah Emily, Sept. 26. Prof. William R. Benford '27 is one grandfather.

1954 To Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Gagliano of Oceanport, N. J., a son, Robert Joseph, Sept. 23.

1954 To Mr. and Mrs. John Sklar of Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y., a son, Jeffrey Stuart, July 9.

Married, Married, Married

Robert M. Waiters '54 was married no fewer than three times last June. In Japan at Itayuke Air Force Base, he and his bride went to the American Consulate on June 2 for one ceremony, then to the Japanese Prefectural Office in Fuo- koka for another. The next day the ceremony was performed again at the Itayuke Air Base Chapel.

Watters is assisting in the installa- tion and programming of a com- puter system to be used by the Air Force. He is a sales representative with Burroughs Corp., Electro Data Division, with headquarters in Den- ver.

1954— To Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Wyrostek of Syracuse, their second child and first son, James Thomas, June 12.

1955 To Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brooks, Jr., of Tulsa, a son, Francis Adams, III, May 16.

1955— To Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ca- hill of Arlington, Va., their second child and first daughter, Ellen Elizabeth, Apr. 18.

1955— To Dr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Nemtzow of Pawtucket, a daughter, Marcia Judith, Aug. 12.

1955 To Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Sydney of Providence, their first child, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, Sept. 28. Paternal grandfather is Jacob Sydney '18.

1956— To Mr. and Mrs Sheldon P. Siegel of Mesa, Ariz., their first child, a son, Hillary Bruce, Sept. 21.

1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Silverstein of Woonsocket, a son. Marc Ray, Aug. 22.

1957— To Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Good- win of East Greenwich, R. I., their second daughter, Karen Sue, Sept. 8.

1958— To LT.Cj.g.) Dennis J. Fish, USN, and Mrs. Fish of Puerto Rico, a son, Peter Andrew, Aug. 15.

1958— To Dr. and Mrs. John M. Marsh of Miami, Fla., their first child, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, Aug. 2. Mrs. Marsh is the former Jean M. Waddington, Pembroke '59.

1959— To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Kay, Jr., of Cincinnati, their second son, Timothy Lawrence, Sept. 1. Mrs. Kay is the former Virginia Sweet, Pembroke '60.

1959— To Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Vaughan of Westerly, R. I., a son, Roger Edwin, II, July 2.

1960 To Mr. and Mrs. Alan Clayson, II, of Sheffield, Mass., their first child, a son, Alan Stillman, Feb. 13.

Lackawanna's Slate Dr. Anthony C. Shabica '38 of 37 Overlook Rd., Livingston, N, J., has been elected President of the Lackawanna Brown Club. Other officers include: Vice- President Richard C. Dunham '53; Sec- retary—Conrad G. Swanson '49; Treas- urer— John Dorer '55.



In Memoriam

HONORARY: Sumner Welles, LL.D., 1939, former U.S. Secretary of State, Sept. 24. Chester Irving Barnard, LL.D., 1943, former President of New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, President of Rockefeller Foundation, and Chairman of National Science Foundation, June 7.

JAMES SIDNEY ALLEN '98, LL.B., Harvard Law School '03, in Winchester, Mass., Sept. 23. He retired 10 years ago as a Clerk in the U.S. Federal Court at Boston. For two years, following grad- uation, he taught History, Economics and Government at R. I. State College. From 1912-1917 he was Assistant U.S. District Attorney at Boston, then be- came Clerk of the District Court and a practising lawyer. During World War I he was in charge of a volunteer organ- ization in Massachusetts that assisted the Department of Justice in guarding against alien activity. He was a former member of the Executive Committee of the Associated Alumni of Brown (its President in 1932 and 1933), and a Past President of the Brown Club of Boston. Delta Phi. Phi Beta Kappa. His son is William S., Huntington Hills, Rochester, N. Y.

FRANK FRED DeLISLE '04 in Saratoga, Calif., July 31, 1958. At one time he was a dealer for Caterpillar Tractor Co., San Jose, Calif. Psi Upsilon. His widow is Mrs. Frank F. DeLisle, Thelma Ave., Saratoga.

ARTHUR ALBERTUS DENICO '04 in Westerly, R. I., Sept. 5. He was a retired executive of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co.. having been with them most of his life until retiring in 1946. In World War I he represented the tele- phone company as liaison officer with the U.S. Army Signal Corps. At one time he had worked as a clerk for Na- thaniel Fisher & Co., New York City. He was active in many community af- fairs, including the Red Cross and the South County Hospital. He served a term as Town Moderator in Narragan- sett. Beta Theta Pi.

DR. JOHN PEABODY HERRING '04, B.D. Union Theological Seminary '07, Ph.D. Columbia University '24 in Berke- ley, Calif., Aug. 18. He was a retired Professor of Educational Psychology. He was the author of the Herring revi- sion of the Binet-Simon tests and many articles and books. He had held teaching and research positions at Columbia, Ohio State, and Universities of North

JAMES S. ALLEN '98: The death of the Past

President of the Associated Alumni is lamented

by Brunonians he so long and well served.

Carolina, Washington, and California, and had taken many graduate courses at Teachers College. At one time he was director of the Bureau of Educational Research in the State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. He was a Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, London; Fellow, American Association for the Advance- ment of Science; member, American Statistical Association, American Associ- ation for Adult Education, and the Ad- visory Committee of the 69 experimental schools of New York City. His widow is Frances W. Herring. 261 Purdue St., Berkeley.

ARCHIE ROY WEBB '05 in Whitehall, Wis., Aug. 27. Before his retirement he had been a dealer and broker of whole- sale timber products. Earlier he ran a brokerage firm in Chicago, A. R. Webb & Co. After graduation from Brown he coached at Baylor University for the football season of 1905. His son, Wil- liam, c/o Davis, 2503 16th St., N., Ar- lington, Va.


Cummaquid, Mass., Sept. 24. He was the retired President and Treasurer of John Hinckley and Son Co. of Hyannis, one of the Cape's largest lumber firms. During World War I he served as Lt.,

U.S. Army. He was the first President and an incorporator of the Cape Cod Cooperative Bank in Yarmouth. He was also a former President of the Barn- stable County Agricultural Society, founder and Treasurer of the Barnsta- ble County Supply Co., a past member of the Barnstable Planning Board, and a Past President of both the Massachu- setts and New England Retail Lumber Dealers Association. A Trustee of the West Parish Congregational Church, he was a Director of the Cape Cod Cham- ber of Commerce. His son, Frank H., Jr. Keveney Lane, Yarmouth Port, Mass.

RAYMOND WILSON BISSELL '11 in New Haven, July 23. He was Executive Vice-President of the Strouse-Adler Co., where he was employed for more than 43 years. A former member of the Con- necticut Home Guard, he was commis- sioned a 2nd Lt. in the field artillery and sent to Ft. Zachary Taylor, Ky., where he served during World War I. Zeta Psi. His widow is Helen T. Bissell, 78 Snug Harbor Rd., Milford, Conn.


in Providence, Sept. 2. He had been ill for many years. Psi Upsilon.

ROBERT GODFREY SHAW 1 1 in Vine- land, N. J., July 26. In Norma, N. J., where he moved in 1938, he was en- gaged in the poultry business. He for- merly was employed as a civil engineer with Grinnell Sprinkler Company in Canada and Providence, and the Viking Sprinkler Co., Toronto. Zeta Psi. His widow is Mabelle H. Shaw, Box 126, Norma.

ARVID AXEL ALM "16 in West Med- ford, Mass., Oct. 2. He was the owner of Arvid A. Aim Insurance Agency. During World War I he was a 1st Lt. in the R. I. National Guard Coast Artil- lery. For many years he was associated with the Travelers Insurance Co. in Boston. He also had been a designer- draftsman with various companies. Phi Gamma Delta. His widow is Lorna S. Aim, 138 Playstead Rd., West Medford 55.

DR. DANIEL LEO MORRISSEY '16, M.D., Harvard Medical School '18, in Providence, Sept. 21. He was a retired general practitioner. After serving in the Medical Corps during World War I, he interned at Rhode Island Hospital and Providence Lying-in Hospital. Dur- ing Governor Vanderbilt's term of office he was one of the medical examiners of the State Department of Health. Phi Kappa. His daughter is Mrs. Edward P. Flynn, Belvedere Dr., Cranston.

IRVING CLOUGH WHITE '16, one-time Class President, in Washington, D. C, Sept. 28. He was a retired industrial specialist. At the time of his retirement in 1957 he was the Assistant to the Di- rector of the Automotive Division of



the Business and Defense Services Ad- ministration, U.S. Department of Com- merce. He served in World War I, after which he was engaged in the mining and motion picture industries in Mexico City for 13 years. He moved to Wash- ington in 1942 when he began work as Assistant Director of the War Produc- tion Board. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Phi Beta Kappa. His son. Richard '50. and his widow, Dorothy M. White, 2220 20th St.. N.W.. Apt. 56. Washington 9.

CHAUNCY TAFT LANGDON "18 in New York City, Sept. 30. For the past 30 years he had been a business analyst for the New York office of the U.S. De- partment of Commerce. He had earlier been employed by the Nicholson File Company as a foreign representative and was a member of the first commit- tee of the Community Chest. During World War I he served with Battery A, 103rd Field Artillery. 26th (Yankee) Division. .-Mpha Delta Phi. The late Prof. Courtney Langdon was his father. Brothers are Henry G. T. '22, Courtney '33, and George T. '37. His widow is Dorothy B. Langdon, 360 First Ave., New York City.

HOWARD RIPLEY McPECK '19 in Washington, D. C, Oct. 16, 1960. (In earlier notice of his death, the wrong Class was attributed to him. We repeat the note so that it will not be missed by his contemporaries.)

CHARLES LEO EMERS '21 in Provi- dence, following an auto collison, Sept. 17. He had long been President of Emers & Cohen. East Providence cleans- ing firm. He attended the Harvard Busi- ness School from 1921-22. He was a veteran of World War I. At one time he was an Assistant Sales Manager for H. Nordlinger Sons. His widow is Nathalie H. Emers, 106 East Manning St., Prov- idence 6.

DR. HEBER EDWARD WHARTON '24, M.D., Howard University '28, in Erie, Pa., June 10. He interned at Freedmen's Hospital. Washington, D. C. prior to joining the medical staff of Hamot Hos- pital, Erie. His widow is Emily J. Whar- ton, 1705 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore 17.

ROSCOE EDWIN LEWIS '25, Sc.M.. Howard University '27, in Hampton, Va., Sept. 11. He was for 34 years a member of the Hampton Institute Fac- ulty, teaching chemistry from 1927 to 1942. In 1945 he became Chairman of the Social Science Department. Widely known on the Peninsula and in the South for his research on the Negro, he was Research Director of the Virginia Writers' Project which produced The Negro in Virginia. Other research posi- tions he held were: field worker, Louisi- ana Educational Survey. Fisk Univer- sity. 1942; consultant, TVA Rural Life Project, Tuskegee Institute, and staff of the Health and Welfare Council, Wash- ington, D. C, in the summer of 1960.

A Julius Rosenwald Fellow (1941-44), he was also a Fellow of the Southern Regional Council and received a citation from the Journal & Guide citing him as the Virginia Peninsula Citizen of the Year in 1949. His son, Roger E., How- ard University, Washington 1, D. C.

DAVID GROSSMAN '29 in Scarsdale, N. Y., Aug. 15. He was President of the David R. Grossman Co., a ball-bearing distributing and consulting firm in New York City. He was a former President of three New York corporations. United Precision. Technical Industries, and Carry Construction. In World War II he was a consultant to the armed forces in Europe. His widow is Bertie C. Gross- man, 77 Catherine Rd., Scarsdale.

LEON HERMAN BAKST '31, Sc.M., University of Alabama '32, in Provi- dence, Oct. 2. He was President of the United Textile Machinery Co., Fall River. He was a former executive of the Crescent Corporation. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific with the rank of Lt. Pi Lambda Phi. His brother is Dr. Henry J. '27 and his widow, Helen R. Bakst, 85 Lorraine Ave., Providence 6.

JAMES BURTON SISK '31 in Reading, Pa., Aug. 3. He was President and Treasurer of the Loder Insurance Agency. He also had been an agent for John Hancock Insurance Co., and prior to that a service station manager for Shell Oil Co. Phi Kappa. His daughters are Mary S. Caulfield, Pembroke '54, and Jane E., Pembroke '63; his widow, the former Mary O. Diener, Pembroke '30, 1305 Cleveland Ave., Wyomissing, Pa.

DR. MORRIS BOTVIN '32. M.D. Tufts College Medical School '36, in Paw- tucket, Sept. 12. He interned at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, and served residencies at Boston's City Hos- pital, Floating Hospital and Children's Hospital. He was Chief of Ophthal- mology at Miriam Hospital. Providence, and attending ophthalmologist at Rhode Island Hospital and Notre Dame Hos- pital, Central Falls. A World War II Army veteran, he had served as Major in the Medical Corps in the South Pa- cific area. He was Chairman of the Eye Foundation and Past President of the Rhode Island Ophthalmology Society. He also was a member of the Provi- dence and Rhode Island Medical Soci- eties and American Medical Association. He was a Fellow of the American Col- lege of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngol- ogy, a member and dipolmate of the American Board of Ophthalmology, and a past consultant at the Veterans Ad- ministration in Providence. His widow is Eleanor F. Botvin, 17 Lowden St., Pawtucket.


New York City, July 11. He was an insurance examiner and engineer. He

also had been employed with the Pa- cific Fire Rating Bureau in Los Angeles, and a clerk in the Personal Trust Divi- sion, Guaranty Trust Company of New York. During World War II he was a Lt. Cdr., USNR. Psi Upsilon. His brother, George P., 5325 Pine Tree Dr., Miami Beach, Fla.

ROBERT BERNEY JACKSON '35 in To- ronto, Sept. 25, following an auto crash. He was President of The Jackson-Lewis Co., Ltd., general contractors. He also had been an accountant for the Royal Bank of Canada, and a statistician for Baker, Weeks & Harden, New York City brokers. Through his construction firm, he was responsible for the new racetrack in Toronto, and as an "old boy" of Upper Canada, was in charge of the re- building of the College's upper school and tower. He had been a sideman of St. James Anglican Cathedral for seven years, and during his tenure of office was instrumental in renovating the ca- thedral and in building the Anglican Diocesan Centre. He was active in the Toronto Builders' Exchange. Psi Upsi- lon. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. Blake Jackson, Park Lane RR #1, Tod- morden, Toronto, Ont., Can.


'36, in New York City, Sept. 23, while at his work with the Fairchild Publish- ing Co. He was employed there as a copy reader. He had attended the New York Academy of Dramatic Art and appeared in plays with Orson Welles and Katherine Cornell. He formerly was employed by the Worcester Tele- gram and Evening Gazette and the Herald in Portsmouth. N. H. A veteran of World War II, he had served as a Sgt. with the U. S. Army Signal Corps. Phi Gamma Delta. His father is Dr. Frederick H., II. 168 Prichard St., Fitchburg, Mass.

ROBERT ALLEN McKINNON '45, Foreign Service Officer, in Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 8. He had been First Secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Ouaga- dougou. Republic of Upper Volta, West Africa. He joined the Foreign Service in 1948. having added an A.M. from Fletcher School to his Sc.B. from Yale. He served as Consul at Cebu, the Philip- pines, and at Dar-es-Salaam in Tangan- yika. Later he was in the Bureau of African Affairs in the Executive Secre- tariat of the State Department under Secretary Dulles. Last year he accom- panied Secretary Herter to the Paris summit meeting. During World War II he held the rank of Capt., Marine Corps. Phi Gamma Delta. His father is Allen G. McKinnon '16; his widow, Lorraine M. McKinnon, Westminster West, Vt.


'50 in Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept. 3. He was afliliated with KLM Royal Dutch Air- lines. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. His widow is Bobbye Colahan, 28 Garden PL, Brooklyn 2.




Here's my check to "Associated Alumni" for $

Brown Chairs at $28.50

Finished: Black with gold trim Old Pine U

Brown Mirrors at $15.50 Finished: Black n Mahogany n

Brown Plates at $3.50 each ($22.50 for set of 8) as indicated below:

Name . Ship to

. Class


For a Brown man's home

1. THE BROWN CHABR: A graceful, comfortable comb-back Wind- sor made of northern hardwoods. Made by Yankee craftsmen and finished in black (with narrow gold trim) or old pine.


2. THE BROWN MIRROR: A Colonial picture mirror, 13 by 26 inches, in black or mahogany finish with gilt turnings and medallions. Features color print of 1825 Campus scene.

3. BROWN WEDGWOOD PLATES: The popular Queensware dinner service has 8 different centers: a) Manning Hall, b) John Nicholas Brown Gate and College Green, c) Hope College, d) War Memorial, e) University Hall, f) First Baptist Meeting House, g) Wayland House, h) Pembroke Hall.

Handling and shipping charges included, for Continental U.S.A. In a limited number of cases, we can ship for Christmas.

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