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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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hello, international review is on air in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. events of the week,
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chronicle, facts, comments. damn flew to china, an attempt to persuade beijing not to help moscow, amid tense relations with the united states. congress supported ukraine with a law; kiev will be allocated money for the war. materials of our program. tercentenary of emmanuel kant. i know that the heart cannot be opened , open, shed light, do you want to attack me? but i’m ready to give everything anyway. yes.
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group hey blinkin - composition of 2018 - empty words. soloist antony blinken, at the time of recording, director of the joe biden center at the university of pennsylvania. now us secretary of state. empty words, the title is straight to the point about diplomacy. anthony blinken visited beijing. now the world is structured in such a way that any communication between china and the united states is excluded. at a high level , they wait for something, as a rule, in vain; with such a close relationship, revolution does not happen, however, evolution is obvious, the current status quo is clearly transitional. fund for the visit is not radiant. the us congress has just passed and biden has signed a legislative package that includes military aid to taiwan, as well as a requirement for tiktok to change its chinese owner to an american one within 9 months. these are now in the mergers
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and acquisitions market. the tiktok social network was founded by the ceo of bayte dance, a young chinese programmer and businessman, jan yiming. in september twenty-one, the monthly audience of tiktok exceeded 1 billion people, and its owner became one of richest people in china. but back in 2018, donald trump named the app. threat to the national security of the united states, in august of the twentieth he signed a decree prohibiting american citizens from having any business with chinese companies, byte dance and tencent, owners of tiktok and chat messenger. trump's decree states that with their help , chinese authorities can collect personal data of us citizens, track the location of government employees , and use this information for espionage purposes. then the senate unanimously... approved
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a law prohibiting government employees from using tiktok on their official devices. in june twenty-first, joe biden reversed his predecessor’s decision regarding the tiktok and wechat services. however, just over a month ago, on march 13, the house of representatives approved a bill to ban tiktok in the united states if its owner does not sell the platform to an american company within six months. biden said that he would sign this bill if it is approved by congress, it is noteworthy that just a month earlier, on february 11, the biden campaign created his account on tiktok and published the first video in which the current owner of the white house answers questions. trump or biden? are you kidding? biden! the publication politika emphasizes that this was done in order to attract a young audience to the upcoming elections. the chinese authorities have already announced that tiktok sales. undesirable, beijing
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would prefer to ban the social network in america, although it is already banned in china itself, and the wall street journal reported that bit dence may... begin legal proceedings with the us government. it's funny that in fact tiktok is not available in china, there is another version of the application called duun. the option known in the world does not fit into the strict canons of managing chinese public space. decright talks a little about childhood fears. elephant donkey. the sleepy symbols of the democratic republican party say to the boy: oh my god, you have a monster under your bed, tiktok is written on its paws with claws. bob gorel continues to pump up, the core is painted under the chinese flag, the drawing is called a time bomb
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. tik tok, tik tok, tik tok. chinese artist lu gzhi for the english-language global times. uncle sam'. national security baton against tiktok, trick or treat, drawing by artist clay jones, debate in congress about the fate of the social network in the united states. one of the congressmen explains to the ceo of tiktok, shame on you, only american companies can spy and steal the personal data of american citizens. valt haldesman for dalas morning news. in one of the state department offices, one of the... officials says to another: “listen, what is the fastest way to tell everyone that we want to ban tiktok?" now i’ll record a tiktok video - another answers. what are the relations between the usa and china and
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what does this mean for russia? let’s talk with a wonderful specialist. sergei goncharov, an outstanding chinese scientist who has worked for many years in china, now a leading researcher at the institute of higher studies of the russian academy of sciences. the closest symbiosis with growing contradictions. and can we say that one of these two trends still prevails? and what does it mean? in the mid-1990s , completely different processes began to occur in parallel in the two countries. they caused what is now called trumpism, as for china, with all the enormous achievements that it has achieved along this path, as a result of the incorporation of the bourgeoisie into the power system , corruption has become widespread, the exchange of power
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for money, huge environmental problems associated with accelerated industrialization, huge excess production capacity. which began to put pressure on the economy and pull it down, export resources, as the main driver of economic development, were largely exhausted, simply due to the fact that physically many developed countries were not able to digest such a quantity of chinese goods without destroying their own industry, which in the western world, not everyone is ready... in these conditions, chairman sidzenpin radically changed the internal politics of the country. in place of gradual deportation came an emphatic emphasis on the leading party, which began
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to deal not just with ideology, but with the day-to-day leadership of many key areas of the country’s life. the role of the public sector began to be emphasized, and here is a return. in general to the primordial, revolutionary traditions, against the backdrop of what was happening ideologically in america, this created the preconditions for such a significant clash between the two states. by thoughts of the chinese leadership, this situation with the pandemic was supposed to testify to the total superiority of the chinese state system over...
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because otherwise those additional 300 million people who should move to cities simply would not go there, it also
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turned out that it was too early to talk about that china is capable, relying only on its own forces, of developing the entire range of the most advanced technologies. the american and chinese economies are very interconnected, a sharp weakening and, even more so, a breakdown in relations will be a big blow. for both countries. china is one of the largest holders of treasuries. until 2018, beijing kept over $300 billion in american government bonds, but over the past 5 years it has reduced investments by about a third. the reason was the trade and later technological war against china, which was started by donald trump. by the end of summer 2018, both sides increased the amount of extortions to $100 billion. on the eve of 2019, china nevertheless made a number of concessions. beijing has promised to open its markets
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to more foreign investment begin developing a law to prevent forced technology transfer. as a result, at the g20 summit in osaka, donald trump and xi zen-ping agreed to delay raising tariffs on chinese goods. china is one of the largest counterparties for the united states after mexico and canada. the ongoing decline in chinese exports is hitting beijing hard. already under biden, from january to may 2023, american companies have reduced supplies of products from china by a quarter, compared to the same period in 2023. an additional factor was the withdrawal of production from china. to reduce risks , manufacturers who work for american customers began to transfer capacity to southeast and south asia. another area of ​​dependence is science and technology. at the end of 2022, states introduced a ban on the export
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of semiconductor technologies and equipment for its production to china. chinese processor manufacturers suffered heavy losses. in general, in terms of the availability of ready-made technologies, china is still behind the united states, but the country has already taken first place in the number of scientific developments in many key technological areas. recently there was a forum for the development of china and almost all the giants of american
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business were there, from apple to fedex, only the top officials, they simply signed in blood that they would never leave the chinese market and that nothing would work out here, there is pressure from side of business, which is why the states were forced to begin to implement a policy of so-called high walls around small courtyards, that is, limiting only... but nevertheless, we have some misunderstanding or misunderstanding, after all
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, what is china’s position in relation to this special military operation of everything that is happening, that on the one hand we consider china to be almost our ally, on the other hand we see that china really does not want to spoil relations with the united states because of this, which is basically their position. first of all, i would like to say that the importance of russia in chinese foreign policy strategy should not be underestimated. it is determined by several key factors, the most important of which is geopolitical, thanks to the constructive relations that china has with russia. it has a northern border, which, by the way, should include indirectly as a result of good relations with russia, also the border with mongolia, also the border with the independent states of central asia, so it has a strategically calm strategic rear in the north, this is extremely important for china,
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because if we look at the map, then if we move from india down along this big arc.
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if china gets into acute conflicts and the oil supply routes from the middle east are blocked, then land supplies from russia and kazakhstan, if china uses its strategic reserves and switches to saving mode, then it will be able to withstand this blockade for many months , which will force it to be removed,
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since beyond these very straits of southeast asia there are such... and the allies of the united states, south korea and japan, who in this case will also graze, will be put on a starvation diet. one more a significant factor is, as i would call it myself, really very good relations between the two leaders, that is, president putin and chairman sidzenpin, which is based on the coincidence of a number of directions of their internal foreign policy, which, in my opinion, in general, these coincidences are obvious to everyone . okay, these are positive factors, but what if we take the limiters? the most important limitation is that the chinese now consider the fragmentation of production and logistics chains to be their main threat, global, and of course, the undoubted benefits that they receive from the fact that they have flooded the russian market with their
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mechanical and technical products, and also receive from us many important types of raw materials, they in no way compensate for this... this allows them to criticize the united states for their global alliance system, that they, these relations are not relations of confrontation, in practical terms this is expressed in the fact that the chinese categorically refuse to criticize russia on any of those positions for which, according to which the west now criticizes russia.
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the chinese do not allow any critical statements towards russia and, finally, that these relations are not directed against third countries. this may not satisfy us very much, since in this case it turns out that when some kind of sanctions are introduced, the chinese believe that they should not be subject to any sanctions for cooperating with russia, so in fact they never they will not take their own initiative, they will not supply, say, weapons or direct military technologies. as well as those technologies that are recognized as dual-use technologies, on the one hand, on the other hand, they will never curtail cooperation in those areas on their own initiative,
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all this is connected with the restructuring of the rest, from my point of view, you know, there are two of them, so to say, during the time when there was a settlement after the first world war, after the second world war, they were on
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the side of the winners, but they were very well wiped out, now they are here for the third time, they do not pretend to play some role in how relations between russia and ukraine will ultimately be settled is... to really understand the scale of how china thinks, because we sometimes believe that our perspective, it is universal, but not always so, that is, china clearly thinks more, although... what will happen is also unknown, now there will be an important visit, the president announced that he will go to china in mid-may, i think that we will learn something new, probably yes,
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probably, yes, probably, thank you very much, our guest was sergey goncharov, nikivet. the us congress, after many months of ordeal , passed a set of laws that allows military assistance to israel, ukraine and taiwan. in the package. by the way, the law of peace through force in the 20th century is included, which allows the seizure of russian sovereign, that is , state assets and their transfer to a special fund for supporting ukraine (tiktok) in the same document. if the anti-russian and anti-chinese measures did not raise any objections, then money for ukraine has been agitating republican congressmen since last year. biden's opponents tried to use the topic to kick him out of the administration...
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usa mike johnson. he was elected to this position last october after previous speaker kevin mccarthy resigned. johnson did not enter the fight immediately, but after three unsuccessful rounds of elections. not a single party member voted against him. by american standards , johnson's path into politics can be called abs. he started out in law firms, where he worked on constitutional law, matters related to freedom of religion and the defense of christian
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values. after being elected in 2015 to louisiana house of representatives, he tried to introduce a marriage and conscience act that would protect against discrimination those who believe in religious beliefs that marriage is between one man and... against tax increases and, until recently , against most bills on... support for ukraine, i believe that these expenditures are less of a priority than expenditures on internal
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needs. the united states, being one of donald trump's key allies, johnson has repeatedly publicly questioned the results of the 2020 presidential election. opposed the creation of a commission to investigate the events of the storming of the capitol and actively supports the ex-president during the trials. the new york times published an almost yuletide story, as if convinced. and almost the isolationist saw the light, realizing his historical responsibility. one of johnson’s colleagues told how the speaker, a deeply religious man, admitted in a private conversation that he was afraid of ending up on the wrong side of history, and the compass was a meeting with the head of the cia, william brens. johnson is close to trump and could not help but consult him before supporting the laws. we often
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talk about whether it will change? american approach to ukraine in the event of a republican victory in november. despite donald trump's image as an outrageous troublemaker, the room for change is smaller than it seems. let's build on trump's first term. this is the only thing we can turn to when wondering about his second term. so, despite all the speculation around him, we can say that trump was a fairly traditional republican president. during his time in nato. two new countries joined, military support for ukraine continued, it doesn’t matter whether he knew about it or not, american spending on european security did not decrease under him, on the contrary, despite all the escapades , they increased, he did not rise to the level of ronald reagan or george w. bush, but otherwise a completely republican president, without dramatic breaks with the past, it may happen that trump will make the american
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position on ukraine more radical. it is rarely remembered that the iranian general qasim soleimani destroyed the missiles precisely under trump, the strike on syria also came and will be accepted, we don’t know who he will appoint where, but we shouldn’t rule out that the united states will be even more deeply involved in ukrainian military affairs, on the other hand, trump’s actions can ruin relations with europe, not the destruction of nato, as they are afraid, for example, with the withdrawal of american units from europe, politically.
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the dislike of part of the republican party for activity in the foreign arena may have an impact if trump is elected, but it is more likely that the political machine in washington will simply be paralyzed, the trumpists say, they took into account the lessons of the first term, when their humir came to the white house alone, the entire policy was sabotaged by a hostile apparatus. now they are allegedly diligently preparing personnel. we'll see, there's just no need for illusions. after advertising, let's philosophize. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. happy birthday.
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