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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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some soon send the most of the to the it was a lot of them was not the the publisher to continue to over the past decade. economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi total will. gladly appreciate how swelling it is that the tendency range and economic union so much in most go walk into the 1st official international me single state presidential integration the chinese and so i believe is meeting brings for full results with mutual investments, a free trade agreement on student exchange opportunities for hundreds of people on the horizon. bush, i want to think presidency for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between serbia and china will never be broken by anyone. we are very loyal to you for
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always standing by serbia when we faced hardships. certainly actually, 8 years ago, serbia became china is 1st comprehensive, strategic partners in central and eastern europe. today, serbia becomes the 1st european country to build a community with the shared future with china. we can continue to engage. we can continue to lead fax over right to rick washington in the face of the world. it's american guidance. this point take to showing that says the decline in positive perception of the us, the coming to life most go. this is the news, our own all to international, so much to bring you over the next hour. but we're going to start with vladimir preaching, who is have the dynamic economic integration taking place all the world's largest
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continents. his comments were made during the 10th you ration economic union summit here in moscow, in the shade. sure. you see, to lead to over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multi pulled a well, the origin union today is an effective and dynamically integrated framework. the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges, the intensification of business contacts and the expansion of co operative ties. the economic indicators speak for themselves. in 10 years, the total gdp of the european union state has increased to $2.00 trillion dollars. trade turnover with the countries has grown by 60 percent, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. more over, more than 90 percent of payments are already carried out to national currencies. the platinum or potent kicked off the speeches with his own words talking about just how much the economic union has deepened,
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cooperation throughout the world. specifically, he mentioned iran, indonesia of vietnam, but these are countries that are already going through a serious deepening of cooperation with the economic block and also regional partnerships. vladimir putin set are very important uh, specifically with organizations like the shanghai cooperation organization. and that's and connection to another thing you mentioned specifically specifically about china, which of course, is among the most important of the strategic partners of this economic union. now, in terms of what the other leaders in attendance at this meeting mentions, there was special emphasis placed on digitize ation of the economy. specifically, by the presidents of both catholics, dan and, and beller. as they mentioned that this is going to be necessary to raise the standards of businesses, or rather the level of businesses in the you're your agent,
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economic union to modern standards and artificial intelligence was mentioned as in very important in achieving that as well. alexander lucas shank, of the presence of a bell the roost had a lot more to say as well as specifically about how the economic union should go about further expanding its dialogue with 3rd parties all around the world to you mentioned that africa and south america are you know, because still be targets of deepening neil colonialism throughout the world. and they're because they're targets of new colonialism by the same people that are basically geo political opponents of the multi polar world of russia right now. and that means that the are the ration economic union needs to start working more with a countries both in latin america and africa, and deepen dialogue with them as well. we also heard from the armenian president of brother of the armenian prime minister, who is actually chairing this meeting. he said that it's going to be very important
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for the economic union to continue developing towards its goal of creating an internal, a free market within the blocks. it is obviously not something that can be accomplished over night, but it's something that all countries of the block should work harder towards. so that's basically a rundown of some of the main points that were made by some of the members and the leaders of this meeting. the friendship between serbia and china is i inclined that so president alexander, which summed up the bi lateral tooks in belgrade where the chinese president choosing, paying, received a very warm welcome for the tribute this was of interest to me. i am glad friendship between serb you have in china will never be broken up by anyone. we are very loyal people, sort of your investment to the republic of serbia in previous 10 years increased by 30 times from the people's republic of china. the free trade agreement with the
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people's republic of china is the agreement that guarantees the future of the country. people's republic of china will enable for the $300.00 young citizens of sylvia to study in the people's republic of china. 300 young serbs that will be able to the not only chinese language and certainly these things about chinese culture and work ethics. but they are going to be a bridge between the 2 countries, the same with the gal. finally, there is an exchange of views and a cordial and friendly atmosphere about the china, serbia relationship and other issues of mutual interest. we have reached a new important consensus. we jointly announce to build a china serbia community with a shared future and a new era which will open up a new chapter in the history of chinese, serbian relations. and 8 years ago, serbia became china is 1st comprehensive, strategic partner. so in central and eastern europe though, the today, serbia becomes the 1st european country to build a community with
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a shared future with china. of the 2 heads of states, serbia and china, essentially convened in belgrade to discuss an array of topics including trade relations as well as education. but another matter that was also on the table was the delton road initiative proposed by china. this will essentially provide serbia with much needed projects and developments with respect to infrastructure throughout the country. we're talking about will roads, well, ways and fundamental infrastructure needed to of course turn it into. so essentially a trade in how we understand that china is currently serviced, at least among serbia's largest foreign direct investment partners. this is something that has been welcomed and something that is quite valuable for the serbian government. there's also been the matter of costs at all, and this is a matter of great concern for certainly leadership because more than a decade after the discussion started, a new european union especially propose a force of the chapter $35.00 of the offered agreements, essentially demanding or asking in a sense for service to recognize customers,
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independence, this is a matter that serve your leadership team's unacceptable. and as a result, china has offered good support for serve you with respect to its position, into european union, as well as the united nations. and this is a matter that the survey leadership values highly upset. i'm grateful to president chief of very clear positions regarding kosovo and metal here and territorial integrity of the republic of serbia. i quote the presidency that the republic of serbia will have solid support of the people's republic of china regarding all the issues initiated within the united nations. despite the fact that we are often pushed and pressed by many most powerful nations, we are happy to have a friend like the people's republic of china. as i said today, to our great friends presidency, that's the even being a small country. we're very courageously and bravely confront, attempts to revise historical memory and further pressures on the republic of serbia. and that all resistance will be incomparably stronger than any one could
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imagine. if i'm just your star, china support serbia and upholding its independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. china support serbia's efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the comfortable issue. in contrast to the european position, china is essentially offering serving leadership a win win strategy. here, we're talking about trade relations, bilateral relations, but also what matters relating to its position within the european blog. and the comparatively speaking, it does not necessarily mean that china does not have its own set of expectations, but comparing it to the expectations set by the european union. uh, essentially matters that have been doing unacceptable by serving leadership. china's position and offer seems a lot more valuable at this time. and it comes at a time when the european block is considering applying for their sanctions and tires on cheap chinese products. this is an important step forward for china as
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well. when the chinese president egypt thing essentially met with french president and money in my crone, they discussed the need for one another. and the french president was quoted as saying that of friends as well as their european block needs china, in a sense that did not necessarily dismiss, trying this position and the need for china within europe. and by doing so, meeting with the french president, the european commission and meeting with serbian leadership today and following these european visits, the chinese present will meet with the hon, gary and leaders. and they will discuss what needs to be done to ensure that china can protect and strengthen is foothold in your list on senior fellow at the pon, gully institution. this is shane, don't she says beijing on belgrade maintain your relationship with mutual respect? well, western europe attempts to let china or the chinese side and you know, the principle of from a nation relationship, you know, among nations. that is, the equality is
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a mutual respect. he's also respective for the core interest of each other. for example, serbia follows a strictly, this is a one kind of principle, the bad to china and taiwan is part of the china and also trying to respect the, you know, the fact that it costs a whole remains remaining parts of what certainly got the terms of what territory integrity and the national storage. if you look at the course like a yorkie, oh yorkie countries. by that, what i say you repeat countries in particular that you were pin to mission that you cut out this a bill st. paul, in the you know, in the tone of alexi, you the rest of the world, your emails, including the chinese here in this case. this is unfair from transponder view based system. you know, we want to do for each page, you know, free trade, eas affair and said, when the con, when the, i'm not able to compete, they say, oh, we need a fair trade in books. we need to balance stuff which way. and so it's really
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another way of saying that to be comp computer that may come to protectionism by like have a loan, a press conference, you know, she talked about it over capacity basically taking off the word used by washington . you know, i canceled the chinese side to earlier in spartan. minnesota has congratulated the president preaching on his re election until diplomats was meeting with his russian town support. during your visit to mosca, they discussed a range of issues including nuclear energy corporation and the security situation in west africa, a gallery to push it to us as we discussed the situation in this a harvest region. molly, looking at fossil, these air chad, we're interested in west african countries. the remaining focused on safeguarding their sovereignty. an interest in dealing with international partners, elimination of the colonial and neo colonial vestiges, which are still visible due to the presence of some former settlers on the african
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continents is also in our interest. today we conducted talks on this matter. and of course, we are interested in seeing the principle of set frequent solutions to african problems put into practice. there are many conflicts in crisis in africa. sometimes for an players while trying to offer assistance, primarily pursue their own interests, which are inconsistent with the interest of africans themselves. and they also spoke about the need for the russian federation to support c ever doing aspiration for 4th security. i did my colleague and i spoke about the need for prussian investment and sort of at the moment, if this investment is almost minimal, we want to use all political cooperation, all biological relation to heightens our economic possibilities. today i'm here, we also spoke about almost to that 12 corporation and nikki, our and discuss the prospect tube, sierra yards partnership with russia, and much more with the countries minister of information and civic education. this
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was a, as a productive, needed see. and it's based on a very long relationship between sir and you on and russia stared, you had some benefit said from a mutual diplomatic relationship that's been very beneficial over the years in spite of some of the 63. and this was an opportunity for between noon and friends in those by lots for relations. and that's the for the municipal said. they really focus on aspect that's how beneficial for both countries. so to connect global peace security issues. but also i practically investments on say your and you're going to send you the partnership around areas of education, which has been areas of cooperation in the past, but also back to like investments and, and actually i understand the area of interest and speaking of moving forward is that information technology, how would you assess the cooperation between the 2 countries in this particular field and i want new agreements that could we expect to be signed in this area. but
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as president, we use the big 5 book once agenda is uh, around really transforming our digital footprints. i information from technology system in our country. and we know that russia has put the expertise by that technology and information will be useful for our country. it is one of these areas of our conversation is what we're expecting and hoping for not just investments, but also exchanges. people to people exchanges extend just in technology exchanges, equipment and things like that. so. busy you know, everything is on the table. this was a, this was a, a grid composition. and, and, and as you know, the minutes about far enough, as i've said earlier, himself, benefits it from about 5 to shoot from you as a go. he studied in russian. i mean, just of mind, so this is not new. you have a whole set of he does in our country who can speak the language to can continue those exchanges. and we're hoping to read multiple benefits included in india or else information that technology worthy. i think so many african crises do not
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receive enough attention in the international media. i'm thinking about just one particular example, the d. c, which is roughly under reported, announced as one of many across the continents. why do you think they doesn't gain the attention they deserve? nothing is necessarily neutral, right? people have about specs, even sometimes stories are not staying. that's what he of being reported or making the front pages. but i think at the end of the day, we want to focus on it and what i think our focus should be fees. we need to set out as far as i need to create the right kinds of partnerships. and i'm for the file. and as far as the west or different parts of the world and different media, they're going to have their own preferences based on offerings. sometimes it's like what the audience just wants to hear or what fits into a very specific narrative. as i've said, this is all it's, it's, it's more neutral. there's a whole history, and we, we don't have all the time to get into all the history and the politics. that's
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into why that's the representation that we have. but it's true that our stories are not told, but i also don't want to spend so much time leaving all the people from attending aust service. i think we need to continue to invest in opportunities to amplify and tell our stories of america's influence continues to waiting around the world, particularly in mostly majority countries. us, according to the 2024 democracy perception index. however, washington, it says that its guidance is still essential or fee correspondent, new below review, combed it takes a closer look at the decline in us popularity to us live global appears to be unraveling. the policy is alone parts of the world. i've seen some of the, a worse financial price, these decisions, waves of unrest across africa and the middle east,
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even my point in price these toilet see a political destruction for something else. but at the center of it all is the united states. and amid the sound of things holding the pot, washington still insists it needs to be in charge. and even the countries that are complaining about what we're doing in any given moment or don't like a particular policy still want us. and as we look at it, there's a basic choice. we can continue to engage and we can continue to lease. or if we don't, we know one or 2 things that's going to have someone else will. and probably not in a way that advances are interested values, or maybe just as bad. no one will. and then you're almost guaranteed to have a vacuum. so by bad things before, so by good things, and that will ultimately come back to bite us. meanwhile, in the back and forth back, so for instance, was send you was calibrate to will need a survey. examining global approval ratings. shows that to be sol cool,
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superpower assess with age for end of this illusion is the recent years. so we just call a middle because authority as an international lead has declined, not as a result of challenges, but i'm let international lead is, but as a consequence of washington, its own decisions and actually taking it off, for example, with the state basically states america doesn't practice what it preaches me because they even start to the complaint to excel. so you with some best of that. and then it's just, it's really surprising home. erica always speaks about human rights, sovereignty and freedom of expression. when in reality does not apply those principles. every single decision made in the rocky parliament is a decision of the rocky nation. we do not allow any interference from this. i'm baset or, or any other for an official. if she wants to speak about human rights, she should talk about posting in children, women, and men who are suffering from the is really american war on garza. and even before that,
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to be rocky prime minister said if i wanted you is forces all quickly in africa with the u. s. has been attempting to project military muscle, economy, cloud, and cultural interest. it's been the same side and you see are amongst the countries that have toby, who has ministry to pack up and the air force has asked the american defense that tashay to immediately stop american activities on the g co say air base. and we ask you to intercede with the appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. so you can ensure that popped enough to measure and government progress deserve the american government to deny the solver and measuring people the right to choose their partners. and the types of partnerships capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism is the go moment of new year, rejects the false allegations of the head of the american delegation to maintain that it has signed a secret agreement on uranium with the stomach republic of iran. the cynical of boats usually use to discredit them and ice and justify threats against states doesn't pass. we don't recall in the example of the secondary rec war. indeed,
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the syrians and the entire international community still remembered the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state, before the un security council to justify the american aggression against iraq chat . and you see a fall from being the only countries that want to here is to solve syria as equally determined to drive the american innovation forces from its territory. the syrians, defense ministry, has even accused washington of being involved would say, was the area targeted by the us attacks and eastern syria is the same area where the syrian era barmy is fighting the remnants of the terrorist organization isis. this confirms that the united states and its military forces are involved in the line with this organization working to revive it as their field arm and syria and iraq through old dirty means. the occupation of us forces in parts of syrian territory cannot continue. many other reasons washington, critics could name to make a case that the world would be better off without his leadership. in miss points is
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was, it has led its allies into the read that is extreme is i sit in and so on. and as this list keeps what we gets more and more difficult for washington to converse the world, that is 2 political role benefits in one box itself. but we spoke with couple goal last year and is a political commentator and the seriana analysis channel fund. now he thinks in washington, his school and that itself, but she needs to be a global leader by following a policy of feeling was across the globe. a, it's very natural that the position of the united states and the image under reputation of the united states is a shrinking among the global saws. and especially among the r i big people. and this is not a coincidence because since the fall of the soviet union, and even before the united states economic model is based on wars, the united states makes profits on worse over. and there is a conflict,
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and the united states claims the flares of this conflict, the alias into united states, make profits financial profits from these conflicts. for example, in syria, in yamani about turning congress against each other. the people in the region can see to these american many pollution and their insistence on continuing to work in the region, and they want to liberate them system to american history. morning and she had come . so example, the 3rd countries, the chinese are mediated between you down and sort of the idea of yes. and this will reflect positively on the beach. and the americans have committed to give a crime against the german people, for example. and jim and e as an ally for the united states. and whether we, if we agree with the investigations about what's up, what's happened with the north st pipelines, the americans had direct quote in the destruction of the notion pipelines and they had invested interest in destroying to the nursing programs. and this was the energy lifeline for germany. and we used to have very cheap, for example, energy bills. and this is of course changing the people's minds because at the end
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of the day, people want to secure bribes for their family. america had the golden or fortunate do you have to have the full of the soviet union to become a superpower? that's kind of stabilize the work and play a leading role as building can use wishing for. however, the american students use this opportunity to, to bring any good a for the people of the world and also for their own people. because the americans started not the manufacturers of these endless words. unless the americans withdrawal a little bit into an isolationist mode and recalculate their priorities and come back as the same nation and not trying to explore destruction to dennis of the words, nothing is going to change. the americans have to, to fix themselves in their country. first, and then come back as a superpower against u. k based astrazeneca was my didn't scandal 3 years ago over its corona virus vaccine. and now it is back in the headlines. this is because the pharmaceutical joint is withdrawing it's cubic 19
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job world wide. this comes just week soft through to admitted the short can close read and also dangerous side effects after that, eco claims that it's fact seen though, is being removed from the market for commercial reasons. as multiple variant codes, 19 vaccines have since been developed. there is a surplus of available updated vaccines. this has led to a decline in demand for vectors, every of which is no longer being manufactured or supplied. astrazeneca has therefore taken the decision to initiate the withdrawal of the marketing authorizations for rex. every i was in europe, you know, those 2 days it has been 0, d, v d. yeah. so then a guy and a guy anywhere in the newspapers over the internet. but let me tell you the side effects related to ask, isn't it? that is not something which is new. remember in 2021, the vaccine was banned in several countries in the european union also in india is
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neighboring, silent off. so they were complains they were cases registered a lot clause by the exact same was as good as dead, but no last event which is made by research us and us would university in the u. k . it is that in line life off to it admitted in the course of the u. k, that it's vaccine can in fact have some rare side effects. lots, lots, also new police police count. and the south charter class action lawsuit was filed against the vaccine, saying that if he's 51 people is he had severe injuries or they died because of the administration of the sexy and i was on a golf course. saw the have for me to find a lease that the vaccine have schools this rare side effects. it is admitted that the estrogenic vaccine can, in the very rare cases cause thrombosis was thrombus. of the pania send them, the causal mechanism is not known. so after off,
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so that it goes it's mission of fall, the disease, good thing is also standing for to soon after the call, the go ahead receive the same last scene, susanna called but of course in india, the vaccine was administered under a different name fully. she used the same vaccine after the manufacturer of york by the 6 em institute of india information and it was administered to around 80 percent of the population around 800000000 people in india. i received the co issue last thing i do remember coming up on demick and this i think would vaccine drive. and i do remember several people coming to me and telling me about their family members having the laptop problem and not many of them have actually become bought from its totally not everyone vendor has the means to take the route. but the indian governments, the health ministry did set up a committee, a committee that looked into and worse effects both immunization and what the
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committee essentially found was the wrong 0.006 percent of the people who receives the vaccine did have the adverse effects false immunization box, there was also report so these 6 desks in india. now why all of these reports were with the world health organization? they continue to maintain that the vaccine eats benefits outweigh the risk. and at the point of doing the funds that makes the world be needed that see what else is in a causing use that it's reasons to withdrawal the vaccine, the back, the market authorization, not just from the european union, but also from across the world is not related to the also which has been filed against the company. and that is purely coincidental. so the big off div from the world of health, call it acknowledgement admission, or even you to on, if you,
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me by astrazeneca, i have left millions around the world wide web site to present now or at least 95 people have died and a 131 remain missing due to floods that have devastated the south of the country is more than a 150000 people has been displaced. finally, the disastrous flooding in the brazilian states are free of ground. the sole and civil defense authorities report that heavy rains are set to continue until the end of the week, and they may exacerbate the emergency has already taken place in the region. homeless survivors are struggling to find food safe drinking water and also basic supplies. while many times remain isolated by the water, nichols are afraid that looting may come next and also saying, because of that, they staying close to the homes. we've been hearing from some of those beans funded
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. you'll never get, keep. i took shelter on the food bridge because idea of things, the water would ever get these high. the rescue workers are bringing us food and there are doctors treated people who are sick lights from over to gather the charlotte stuff for the we were forced to leave because everything had been washed away by the flood. and we tried to wait as long as we could, but there was no chance. the army came and rescued us in our dogs. we even saved the kid and the people left. we're going to stay here because we're close to home. that's all we have time for this hour. i do hope that you can join us again later. but for now on, on the fee it's pizza level on cost. the .


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