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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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questions you should ask all of the questions, some more questions asked the better the answer is will be the russian president, vladimir, who today is put in for a new, a sick via tub saying he's determined to have a come. another period of difficult mom's test. the consolidated will of millions of people is the close of evidence of our coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the is ready for is take the goals, i can find that the rafa crossing with the egypt on the control of this find somebody thing is willing to accept the proposal and the un
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nuclear well, it's still cheaper right or wrong to address what he calls a worst thing, apologize between the agency on this planet with positive the a very well welcome to you. this is all to international with the world news update is good to have you with us. we saw the our in the heart of months ago was nanda approved and has been floating for a new 6 year time at a kremlin ceremony on tuesday morning. stay with us as we cover the event throughout the day here on elsie and the while before being officially sworn in as president for another time. so i them
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uprooted and took an oath of loyalty to the russian people in front of thousands of guests. they promised to overcome the challenging period ahead with dignity swift consillio in the woodland balloon. if we did the consolidated will of millions of people as a colossal force as the one that's evidence of our coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. you, the citizens of russia have confirmed the accuracy of the countries. course. this is of great importance now, when we are facing serious challenges. i see in this a deep understanding of outcome and historical goals. the determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values. the freedom and national interest of russia, i don't say i am confident that we will pass through this difficult milestone period with dignity, become even stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale projects aimed at achieving the goal of development. the ma am i still hasn't yet
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sets in here on the, the atmosphere before the know duration was very chat to you do is conversations that were in the and people who didn't see each other colleagues for a little, maybe a long time. they had a chance to mingle to rub shoulders and to discuss some matches in a very friendly and unofficial atmosphere of this time off to the you know, duration is still very, very quiet here, probably off the, the rule and the thunderous rule of the old, the artillery pieces that wrapped up the parts of the in a, you know, gratian ceremony. here it is the kremlin palace. now we are in the lease, alexander of sky hole, which was the pronouncement hold on vladimir these who can rob a short trip from his office. the
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so he worked over that and he walked into the and draped school and that he about to kind of one more time. it's very special version of the constitution had been rude in that whole just before that, it's a very special edition that is only used for the new duration. so then he addressed the nation, of course, of saying that the times that russia facing is facing right now. uh, quite challenging, but basically that is something like baptism through fire, they are the even on is costing the whole lava. so that is sort of was the, the idea, at least that's how i decipher. glad to repeat this message. so that was the idea behind his uh, behind his address to the nation. and of course,
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he mentioned how much you, how much reliability masses now for the russians and well into. and the once again made a promise to use absolute best to deliver and to live up to the expectations that had over now to don quarter, who's outside the kremlin and onto a mentioned at the west in his speech. not a surprise there. can you tell us more about what he said? first of all, we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this in our gratian ceremony. right, there were people representatives of the russian and started ration council, the state duma representatives from various political, religious and social organizations all around russia really representing the unity of the country behind the new re re elected russian president. but it's also important to understand something that the fact that a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. and according to media reports, the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french and bhaskar
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. but uh, numerous officials from various western countries received the invitations as well . and they decided not to show up this something that the deputy for administer of russia said was the chief move essentially to receive these invitations and does not show up. and, you know, it kind of goes in connection with something that vladimir putin mentioned in his inaugural speech. he said that russ has got no problem with having good relations with western countries. it's up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile foreign policy towards russia. we would you agree that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries, betsy russia as a reliable and on his partner, we are not giving up dialogue with western states. the choice is up to them. do they intend to continue trying to restrain rushes development to continue the policy, immigration in system pressure on our country for years?
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or to look for a way to cooperation and please repeat the conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability as possible. but not from a position of strength. without any arrogance in one's own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each other's interest. together without partners in your age and integration. in other southern development centers, we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system. now the unfortunate decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian presidential inauguration was kind of foreshadowed by me. reports that we saw across the western media. we saw the saw and then the independent calling rushes, elections, sham and fraudulent. this is something i mean, it doesn't come as that much of a surprise, especially because even when russia's presidential elections were going on between march 15th and march 17th. and the 8th you, regardless of the fact that a russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes
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and an overwhelming amount of the russian population came out to participate in these elections. as long as western leaders continue to take this sort of an anti russian foreign policy, hostile fault policy towards russia and the russian government, it's unlikely relations between the west and russia are going to improve very well . let's continue the discussion on this historic day. um during the biopsies senior correspondent mind gantski as low as thanks for coming in. i'm pleased to see you today. so i know that this is not your 1st document puts in no gratian that you've attend it. how did today is it feel different? see what one that was a sense of purpose. i also see there is no other way this there's a sense of purpose compared to the last new relation, 2018, which was also present that age. so, you know, is it was considered more of a full mattress. this was considered more of
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a statement. i can tell you what are the things that surprised me. this is, what are the 3 holds the truth and positive that. so the order gives, can you hold top of it was uh, with quoting goals for international diplomats that is, bassett is deputy, i've, that's, it is in the end the, like, i'm going to the boss stuff is, this is the 1st school that keeps people to the said she is the ambassador's wife, just as loud if lot louder than the russians. i mean, you can, you can watch the video they, they will have the cellphones out. they will approve thing. they would say they would clap and live cherry. and these are international ambassadors, perhaps the most challenging point in buses, more than history at a time when the west will, you is passing itself on the back for isolating washer. and you have all of these are back to this hearing prove whose re election. so said, because there's
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a lot of symbolism, symbolism in this new gratian as well. and i know that you've been named of a trusted representative of the president and based past the election. that sounds like quite a big deal. what exactly does that entail? well, for thousands i by little by, russian go, i have to take us a bicycle. so take unpaid me from work, which i did because ultimately you are affiliated now with the kinds of is essentially boost campaigning. he was arguing why people is better than the communist principal, the new people, the liberal party labels, democrats, elders, and trying to convince people why they should boobs off are also a little bit started so many is a piece of why they should vote for proof. and again, and i could tell you, it was very, very simple. what do you have? we have to do is say, look at the states of russia. look back on the state of russia, twenty's. when those very we're very real risk of collapse. but in the countries in
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the doldrums, when the country depended on humanitarian aid to feed itself at lucas busing out for these visits, it is, it is difficult with these. it'll never be easy. nobody wants a strong russia. i would the say not even many of russia's allies want this from us, but look how far we've come. the i'm, i'm people both the 87 percent 10 and we, we add tools. we had conferences, negotiations with the previous election gap a. so, so and nobody, nobody expected, $87.00 which is above and beyond what people are doing, campaign is expected. so suddenly a being trusted represents a very easy choke. yeah, i think that those numbers over 87 percent of the russian people, i mean it just shows that people are all on the same page. same page as you anyway . well they, they, all, they absolutely are. what are the things many people in the west or bold is it
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actually i'm missing? is this, this may sound matches, but this is the truth. this is the essence of its own re awakening of russian identity. right? so what has happened since the fall of the us? this is, it was, it was too cold. it was pepsi, mcdonald, west, didn't call to hollywood movies. so to russian, i did since he was shlou, we washed away. what does, what does happen now is russians have realized that i don't mean the, as an easy to russians. i mean, the russian mindset, the russian, well, russian, russian outlook on life ease re await. there's a research, it's patriotism, there was a surge and we have to admit of nationalism as well to a certain degree with bachelors will never prosper in boxes because there's more than a 100 nationalities that make up the country. it will never win that. nevertheless,
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this is, this is what is changed. washer it is, is changing to a magic of the people. this is among the people. the system only leads the leads are following the one of the people. and also what the, what is said is, is i, it's giving you this. yes, it is difficult. yes. also just died. yes, much of the west and loved wants to see is problem. but half the follow through. you have a 1000 year history, if during which all abscess does persevere they, they will be cape in some mountable challenges. and what i all for you now is difficult pop with, with victory, and with, with positive it at the uh, the person speaking earlier, hastings talked about moving forward with dignity and strength. so his 5th touch. how might this play out in your eyes? dear, politically speaking, you see this there's, there's this, there's this, this whole thing. i'm on less than good enough, right?
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right, credit and knowledge in which they try to guess what buses thinking, what i'm thinking, what, what they're going to do. and it's, it's always, it's always a fake. what they come up with. it's always wrong because they, they don't run the start button psychology. what to promise today in a very short integration speech is essentially the room that for the next that she is that gonna sit there in washington and london downing street and g, c, h q, and in australia it's everywhere. and they're going to try to guess, what does he mean? he meant what he said that we will overcome. but nevertheless, with a company we're open to dialogue, we can talk about security. we can talk about the limitation on strategic nuclear. we gonna have it all as compensation. we can stop this conflict, but only as equal. we will never again be looked down on or treated as a junior part that the board is in the west. if it wants to stop,
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if it wants to come to a census and bring you crazy to a lovely, it says of the unit, you know, the offers this it is that simple, but it'll take them to. but coming in grades in grade and i, i would say a patronizing attitude towards the rest of the world where they would actually have to can see the offers that. mm hm. and quite interesting, the works is the oldest polling institution estimates that of 80 percent of russians trust the blossom of food. and i have a 78 percent approve of what type of change during his time. and obviously, the longest southern president in most of the russian history, as we know, what do you think this is about the political cause he's leading, despite the wisdom by plus and how long is it going to take for the west to actually say, well, actually bushes tubing, okay, and the russian, people seem to agree, but 1st you mentioned statistics about the 2 percent of russians approve it. yes.
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if you go take the 7th of book, this is a said you don't switch horses as a rib across it. hm. it's in scouts of production you are, you are given because anyway, many people who voted for putting the selection to necessarily agree with him were like him. but they knew they knew that she has to finish what he started. right. he asked that he has to bring to fruition the problem is he made the russians before the special milledgeville, uh operation. because the truth and his job of the country in russia have the distinction of as because of the election cycles. because to be them power for many, many years, they complied well ahead. they complied well ahead and i assure you put in the loop . ready, went on his way to preparing, preparing the success that he is. he's using, getting young. these getting older. the full, well understands the what he has envision. he ends of, of, of
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a technologist. yeah. i haven't list the strategies to make up isn't the policy. the goals that they have charted which go stretches on decades ahead? decades it had many different than the 2 attitude. this must be stopped for it to be successful. and ultimately put this book and strategies sits on the mike for level is mike for management of the country that's defending what label gives you to the rates uh in this, at the, at the central bag for example, who will policies, economic policies, financial policies, limitations that will change, but the grad pools, again, is on the arrow grayson speech. today, we will be told doubt we will only discuss the most important, you know, the complex in the world stability, security in the world for sarah to the will in the quality of the well whatever
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one's only as equal. and we will go ahead with, with the project the be of stop that is building up more people that will me along with a bunch of allies to make the world and put this very, very interesting phrase and use the, the he's is arising priority rising power is the security and the interest of rush. so he will put you what is good for rush. all right, thanks for coming in today. so what a good say say city a corresponded my guess you. i was heading to a southern gauze and now whether ideas has concerns taking control. they've gone to the side of the boat across thing with egypt, video footage from raso, so smug below, and gave us 50 houses in the off the mouth of ideas, shutting tennessee low and civilians remaining of the city by distribution leaflets
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coating for them to evacuate. the area earlier in the morning is really on the vehicle, was was seen rolling into rafa b them the video shows audio tags making the way it's through rafa. at least size people have reportedly been killed in overnight strikes on guns of southern most city. that's also the idea as announced is operation would continue basically with texting and the truce offered by him. us policies, middle east bureau cheese marie as an ocean at hospital on monday evening news came of tags and her in rough, fun, thousands reported about heavy fire. dozens of casualties have been also reported. yet the idea of coals at at ltd operation that focuses only on the eastern part of the city, the army keeps promising that the large scale operation is coming. i d. f is releasing photos of preparations with chief of staff confirming israel's military
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intentions. israel earlier said that people now sheltering in rafa and gas of south at least 1200000 of them should started by creating the idea i've sent out leaflets, messages made calls even to encourage people to move to my wife and area next to hon. eunice, in the center of the street where they for many, terry and zone has been expended. and israel vows to prepare this area accommodation, food, water matter thing to embrace most of gaskins from the south, although even washington says it's still didn't see a solid evacuation plan. it has requested from israel before. it cannot support an operation. and rasa as it is currently envisioned. we have made clear, the secretary made this clear in his conversations with prime minister netanyahu and other members of these really government last week that we have not seen a humanitarian plan. that is credible. and that is implement animal prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the problem is that
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a draft so would happen with or without an exchange deal with him as unclear how though, as the do currently on the table that have mass accepted includes the ceasefire. the do have mass accepted include 3 phases, 42 days of truth during the 1st stage with how mass, where these things 1st, a 3 hostages against is really, really ease of hundreds of security palestinian prisoners. currently housing is rarely jails. also idea of partially withdrawals from guys and allows free movement of displace palestinians from south to with all the street. phase 2 includes additional $42.00 days of pros, agreement to restore a sustainable com. that's a quote to guys of the language offered by israel to avoid using the wording. permanency is fired complaints. withdrawal of israeli troops from gaz. i'm with him asked releasing his rarely soldiers and mail hostages in exchange for release of additional ballasting and prisoners by israel during the final stage decides,
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supposed to complete the exchange of the bodies of the hostages and more palestinian prisoners, the implementation of reconstruction of gasoline under the supervision of egypt caught her and un begins, and is rarely blockades of the guys. a street ends not clear what points off this deal is ro, particularly disagrees with, but our sources involved in negotiations till the excitement on tuesday have mazda negation suppose to come to cairo, where they will hand their official acceptance to agent. and off to that the document will be sent to israel and only then the reason official decision of these really war cabinets. and it will take another 2 or 3 days. so there is still hope, but we have to wait and see the news of her masses. positive response gains, much international attention and mostly also positive. iran, for example, welcome to the move call in a significant achievement of the political intelligence of this how the student
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resistance, but while welcoming her masses acceptance and mediators, i for as many remain skeptical. i have to say as israel continues with rough foot plans. so i'll do your way that condemned to the move. george's king abdullah warrant that the operation would lead to a new mass occurring. jordan and for administer assessment, then yahoo is risking ceasefire by bombing rafa moss has put out an offer. if netanyahu genuinely wants to do, he will negotiate the offer in earnest instead. and he is jeopardizing the deal by bombing rasa. we also say sincere, his reaction from the united nations. the organizations high commissioner for human rights describes israel's calls to evacuate the rough people. as in humane adding, it contradicts international humanitarian law, un spokesperson, inside the decision, will only worsen visitation of the civilian population of been clave. and here is what the lens chief has to say. i made today
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a very strong appeal for the governance of israel. and so the shape of the mos in order to, to go a next to the miles to met the allies in the agreement that these episode weekly fights. although this is an opportunity that cannot be least 10 to get on. the invasion even offer would be keen foldable process because of its devastating you meditative consequences. and because if it's this that be lising impacts again to reach. we have also seen the comment of china as leader and deer in his 1st and 5 years states visit to friends where he calls to end the hostilities. and also heard about discussions and brussels to sanction israel for his actions against guidance . so the international community is welcoming the ceasefire efforts, of course, but is very much concerned that is rose operation and rough um will ruin it. the international atomic energy agency chief rafael inquiry see has arrived in
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as long as the talks with the government officials, such as the foreign minister. the meetings will tackle a number of issues include, include a drifting upon thing relations between the agency on the as nomic republic. all these, these 50 law 8 brings as more on the matter as controversies heat up over runs atomic progress. it will be one nuclear watchdog profound rosie paid a much anticipated visit to the country. both to take part in the conference center was new, clear in this way, cheaper and resolve the dispute over it reminds you in human, which meant which i surpassed the 3.6 to so the percent care set out for the 2015 nuclear deal. we think 60 percent purity, the director general of the international atomic energy organization already award this and we trip level is just a few technical steps away from a nuclear file show. how does it, based on the repose consistency provided by the i a, into a to 23. the level of inspections conducted, you know,
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and nuclear facilities is 22 percent of the entire world. this as well as the volume of always salacious is only 3 percent of the total global volume. this level of inspection has historically never been conducted in any of the country. i hope that's, that's on the agency can play its role as an independent, international entity. and far from political pressures big sorted by the west. so how, which hosts the all your cheapest ones, the sensitive nuclear facilities, which recently came under attack by israel following it runs retaliatory strike on the country. now, groceries was a to iran, comes as the west where i'm stopped pressure on the i a to keep a closer watch on the bonds nuclear operations searing to one, maybe nearing but say, facility of developing a topic. what that's the point is that the wrong has been typical of the approach adopted by the i e and it's cheap. it believes that at times they try to
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adopt a political approach rather than a technical one. unfortunately, we have been seeing that the, uh, the agency have been somehow impacted by, you know, some of the, some powers tensions between one of the i a, have you on the rise this former us president donald trump unit naturally withdrew america. offensive was looking to deal with worlds powers in 2018 system that one has abandoned all restrictions outlined to the core as obstructed. the i use effort to keep tabs on it. some clear progress, like spelling, some inspectors turning off surveillance cameras at nuclear sites to ron police that uh, the atomic. the or a agency needs to of, to be uh, strictly, i guess is really is because they are not a member to the uh, nbc. um the they have also, uh, conducted uh, acts of sabotage, i guess, even in nuclear facilities. they have also opened the sweats into targets. you ran
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into exit facilities. has cancer suffering is sort of that as nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes. however, it's escalating tensions with his royal following. there was missile and jones tried some kind of, you know, or do you see official issued a controversial for us? so just think it wouldn't be we consider it's nuclear doc for an event companies wally, this statement quickly. fuel speculation about it runs potential pursuit of nuclear weapons, particularly as we all use inspection mission, as was significant speaker tail to home dismisses western concerns about its nuclear program as an attempt to will things out of proportion. that one has been expanding to civilian applications of its nuclear industry, including particle accelerators, for medical purposes, as well as radio medicine and showcasing. it's an indication to non military goals . they're wanting official site. one of the country possesses the capability of building a nuclear weapon. it has opted not to for some such
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a problem. and this message is what's the one for us to convey during groceries visit to the country? usability are to as well, too many thanks for your company this to say, don't forget to keep an eye on our website to all t dot com for all the latest updates, but i will of course, be back with more today's top stories about 13 minutes at the the the
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previous tours of duty, i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war. so which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. was stuck in my head, which is a mean really, i was wondering what these soldiers are like. what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down? yeah, the .


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