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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 7, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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the top of the mark marked its 85th anniversary. today, the penthouse lounge is on the 19th floor of the iconic intercontinental mark hopkins san francisco hotel. its views of the skyline, the bay and golden gate bridge, and has attracted dignitaries and celebrities from all over the world since 1939. to celebrate today's anniversary, the top of the mark had a live band and interactive bar. guests were dressed to the nines, some in hats and the gloves. oh good man , that sounds looks really nice in that view. up there. that is one of the best views in the city. jeff is here to close us out as we head into wednesday, and it's going to get a little warm and windy. yeah, it is. we're looking at temperatures going up into the 80s inland. the highest risk of some mountains would be in the north bay, 15 to about 45, especially in the mountains. and then we're going to see those temperatures
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stay in the 80s. thursday friday, saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday. what a week ahead. that looks great. we are in the thanks for being with us. we ho [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- luis and lin-manuel miranda. josh charles. musical guest, fontaines d.c. and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 1968. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i love you. thank you so much. thank you. thank you very, very much. enjoy yourself, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you're here. you made it. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching. hey, this is great. today, is teacher appreciation day. that's right. [ cheers and applause ] and i want all the teachers out there to party so hard that tomorrow becomes substitute teacher appreciation day. you know what i'm saying? [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. you deserve it. well, guys, today former president trump's hush money trial really kicked into high gear, because stormy daniels was finally called to testify. [ audience oohs ] even the judge was pumped. he was like, "please welcome to the stand, stormy daniels." [ laughter and applause ]
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in her testimony, stormy talked about seeing trump in his satin pajamas, spanking him with a a magazine, and having unprotected sex. [ audience groans ] yep, stormy said they had unprotected sex. trump was like, "the hush money was supposed to be my protection." [ laughter ] "that's the whole idea about hush money." meanwhile, this morning, trump posted, and then quickly deleted, an angry statement about stormy daniels testifying, saying that his lawyers had no time to prepare. [ laughter ] yeah, no one could predict that the trial stormy daniels trial would involve stormy daniels. [ laughter ] some more news from the trial. after trump violated his gag order for the tenth time, the judge threatened to send him to jail. [ audience oohs ] and it seems like trump is prepared to get locked up. i mean, check out this ad i just saw today. >> trump winery has a fantastic summer lineup. a rich bodied cabernet sauvignon, a refreshing pinot grigio, and introducing trump toilet wine.
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[ laughter ] the only wine made in a prison toilet, other than kendall jackson chardonnay. now available for the low, low price of ten cigarettes. trump toilet wine. call now and we'll throw in a a free shiv. [ laughter and applause ] i mean, that's interesting right? i don't know. [ cheers and applause ] well, get this. for the first time since last year, president biden is leading former president trump in the polls. [ cheers and applause ] even though the lead is small, just 0.1%, the biden folks are very excited. [ laughter ] here to talk about it is biden's campaign spokesperson, stu ledman. stu, welcome. welcome -- [ cheers and applause ] welcome to the show, stu. >> all right, great to be here, jimmy. and may i just say, yahoo. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, stu, you seem pretty psyched there, bud. >> oh, my gosh. i don't even think you understand what this means for team biden. it means we won the election. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: no, no, no, it's not that much of a lead, actually. don't biden voters need to stay engaged? >> oh, my god. just the opposite, jimmy. biden got this one locked up, game over, end of story, slam-dunky go night-night. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: stu, i'm not great at math, but 0.1% lead is not that much. >> well, let me do a little science on you. imagine, you got yourself a jar containing about a thousand marbles, and you add just one more marble to it. dink! >> jimmy: yes? [ laughter ] >> night-night. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, no, no. that's a tiny lead there, stu. >> all right. let me put it to you another way, jimmy. you're playing monopoly. and i don't know, you got like a thousand bucks in fake money. all of a sudden, your cat, chico, he coughs up an extra dollar. that's a 0.1% increase. you are living on boardwalk now, baby. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, no. no, you're not, stu.
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that's just $1. >> all right. you're on a diet. >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] >> okay, your intake is 2,000 calories. now, if you will just eat two extra calories, that's one inch of celery, biden wins. >> jimmy: no, no, stu, this is ridiculous. you're being ridiculous. >> okay, all right. forget your diet. it's the kitchen. it's the middle of the night. you're in your underwear, and you're depressed about the election. you binge-eat 1,000 chocolate chips. if you will just put one more chocolate chip, and shove it into your fat face, democracy can win. do it, jimmy. do it, jimmy. eat that chip. eat that chip. eat that chip. >> jimmy: stu, stu, stu! come on, man. pull yourself together. >> eat the chip. [ laughter ] come on, jimmy. don't you care about democracy? >> jimmy: stu ledman, everybody. stu ledman. [ cheers and applause ] can someone help him out? he's happy. he's happy.
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well, some more political news. 82-year-old senator, bernie sanders, just announced that he is running for a fourth term in november. yeah. bernie is the only senator who has lived through diss tracks between drake and kendrick, and mozart and beethoven. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ >> steve: wow. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: meet the brahms? is that -- and finally, disney said that marvel will now release no more than three movies a year and will start focusing on quality. >> steve: oh! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: in response, everyone who has spent the last few years making marvel movies was like, "uh, thanks?" [ laughter ] ironically, now it's up to us to save the avengers. there we go. we have a great show. give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] what a great show we have for you tonight. he has a brand new book out today called "relentless: my story of the latino spirit that is transforming america." and he is joined by his emmy, grammy, and tony award-winning son, luis and lin-manuel miranda are here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] "relentless" is out. [ cheers and applause ] the best. i love those guys. i love this guy. he's an emmy-nominated actor who stars in the new show, "the veil." new episodes air tuesdays on hulu. josh charles is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] one of my faves. and we've got great music from fontaines d.c. [ cheers and applause ] had a great night last night. i went to the met gala.
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>> steve: how was it? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i got invited to the met gala. i got all dressed up. this is, by the way, the invite, if you've ever seen it. you get this in the mail in a a giant envelope. but then you get this thing -- it's like, big font and everything. yeah. so you get this thing. yeah, you say yes to this whole thing. i go, "all right," i sat at the chanel table. yeah. [ laughter ] i wore dior. [ audience oohs ] dior. dior. i'm going to paris for the olympics, so i figured i have to work on my french. and so far, so good. [ light laughter ] >> steve: oui, oui. >> jimmy: oui, yeah. here are some photos. well, this is me in the car. that doesn't do much. but that's not bad, yeah. these are all -- these are just pictures of me? i thought we had pictures of like the dresses and stuff. anyway, this -- these just looks like me. anyway, i had a -- [ laughter ] >> steve: who were those of? >> jimmy: that was all me. i thought there was going to look at like, zendaya or something, yeah. but i had a great table.
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i sat with some really fun people at the chanel table. ariana grande surprised everybody. [ cheers and applause ] she was amazing. and then she introduced cynthia erivo, who's been on the show. they did something from "wicked" and crushed it. "vogue" does a great job for this thing. they raise a lot of money for the costume institute. and i always thank that they invite me to go to this thing. i sat next to penelope cruz. [ cheers ] so i got the biggest -- quest, you're laughing because i told you already. i got the biggest compliment and biggest insult in the same sentence from penelope cruz. and i'm just sitting there. i'm eating the dinner, and she goes, "what are you doing? what's your secret?" i go, "what?" she goes, "you look great." i go, "are you talking to me?" she said, "what's your secret? you look fantastic." i go, "really?" she goes, "yeah, you're 56 years old?" [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ]
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i'm 49 years old. i'm not 56 years old. she goes, "oh, sorry. i thought you said you were 56." i go, "no." so yeah. i thought it was a great compliment, but it turns out, no, i just look good for a a 56-year-old man. [ laughter ] >> steve: you should've just said yes. >> jimmy: i'm not 56 at all. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: but it was fun. gracie abrams was at my table. she'll be on the show tomorrow. we'll talk about this. she kind of did something to me that i don't know if i can forgive. [ laughter ] she did that thing where she stood up. you know, because ariana was coming out and everyone was kind of dancing. so she stood up, to like dance and stuff. and then so i stood up. and then she sat down. [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] now, what do i do? now i got to just dance. >> steve: you can't sit down. >> jimmy: yeah, i can't say get up, i'm trying to be polite. but i just had to dance the whole night. i'm dancing like this. i don't know if this is even a a thing. but she'll be on the show tomorrow to talk about that. but it was a blast. i had such a fun time. then after, i was just going home and i texted questlove. and he stopped by at lucali.
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and we had some pizza. we made some pizza. it was delicious. [ cheers and applause ] it was fun. wait, today is tuesday. you know what that means? it is time for "tonight show trivia night." that's what tonight -- ♪ tonight show trivia night ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: higgins, do you want to explain how this works, here? >> steve: yeah, jimmy. to test your knowledge on a a wide variety of topics, i'm going to be asking you a series of trivia questions. and all you have to do is answer them correctly. okay? >> jimmy: okay. very good. easy. here we go. let's go. >> steve: first question. >> jimmy: okay. >> steve: which artist is famous for abstract paintings of the human face? >> jimmy: picasso. [ buzzer ] >> steve: ooh, wrong. trump's courtroom sketch artist. [ laughter and applause ] sorry. so close. very close though. >> jimmy: i like these, yeah, i like trivia. >> steve: you got this one. who is mystik dan? >> jimmy: mystik dan. the horse that won the kentucky derby. [ buzzer ] >> steve: oh, no, wrong. the guy who sells you acid at a a coachella port-a-potty. [ laughter and applause ]
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>> a coachella port-a-potty? >> yeah, a port-a-potty at coachella. oui-oui. yep. okay, ready? >> jimmy: yes. i'm ready. >> steve: you're gonna get this one. what are the first four words of the national anthem? first four words of the national anthem. >> jimmy: oh say can you -- [ buzzer ] >> steve: no, no. it's "that's that me espresso." [ laughter ] you know, the popular tiktok song. that's that me espresso. all right, ready? you're going to get this one. i know you're going to get this one. you're gonna finish this phrase. >> jimmy: okay, finish the phrase. i love finish the phrase. >> steve: you love the finish the phrase. ready? okay. a penny for your -- >> jimmy: thoughts. [ buzzer ] >> steve: no. used cybertruck. [ laughter ] that's how much they're worth now. one penny. >> jimmy: are you kidding me? you'll give me a penny for my used cybertruck. >> steve: yep, people will buy it for one. >> jimmy: i'm not doing well on these at all. >> steve: okay, this is the final question worth 1 billion points. ready? >> jimmy: come on. come on, guys. let's get this. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: okay. what is the most abundant
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element in the known universe? >> jimmy: seasons of "grey's anatomy." [ dings ] >> steve: yes! >> jimmy: yes, i knew it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: that is correct. >> jimmy: that's all the time we have. stick around, we'll be right back with luis and lin-manuel miranda. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: the category is candies. >> together: 3, 2, 1. >> hi-chews! >> jimmy: skittles! [ sad tuba ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hi-chews? >> yeah, man! you got a problem with hi-chews? >> jimmy: that's the one you thought i would say is hi-chews? >> and you thought i'd say skittles? >> jimmy: yes! ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness.
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-oh, here comes the bread guy. -come on. if you save nearly $750 like this, imagine what we could get. oh, like blackberries, cranberries. -exactly. -halle berry. i'm just kidding, but i love her. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. >> no application fee if you apply by may 31st at university of maryland global campus, an accredited university that's transformed adult lives for 75 years. you're not waiting to win, you're ready
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is the author of this brand new book "relentless: my story of the latino spirit that is transforming america," which is out today. he is joined by his emmy, grammy, and tony-winning son. please welcome luis and lin-manuel miranda! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: hey!
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come on. it is so great to see you. >> it is great to be here. >> jimmy: it's so great to see you. good to see you, bud. congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the book is out today. [ cheers and applause ] it is out right now. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: "relentless." you can get this today. what was your goal for this book? >> initially i wanted to talk about the latino votes. a lot of columns and things that people were writing, i thought they were not right. and i was getting pissed about it. [ light laughter ] and i complained. when i get pissed, i complain. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and my friends say, "if you have been in the field for 45 years, write something about it, and stop complaining." so that's what i did. >> jimmy: yeah, >> but in the process, i brought in all of my family. >> jimmy: yeah. >> 'cause they have been part of this journey.
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>> jimmy: you actually wrote the forward to this book. and i want to read you some quote, 'cause you said "i'm the most laidback member of my family." >> ay! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: "ay." >> you know me. >> jimmy: "ay." >> mellow, relaxed lin manuel. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> just down for whatever. >> jimmy: yeah, right. when you're not writing tony-winning plays and every disney movie out there, you're just laid back. [ cheers and applause ] and great movies, by the way. >> it's cool. >> jimmy: great disney movies. "mufasa" coming december. >> jimmy: yeah. what -- what do you mean by that? what are you talking about? >> actually, if you -- people think i'm joking when i say that. and then they meet my dad and they go, "oh. you weren't kidding." >> jimmy: yeah. >> "and i understand everything." >> jimmy: yeah. >> that even this regression from the mean -- like, even being the most laidback member of my family, i still get a lot of stuff done. >> jimmy: did you always know the title was gonna be "relentless"? >> uh, no, actually, lin-manuel gave it that title.
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he was interviewed for a a documentary called "siempre, luis" -- >> jimmy: i remember that. >> -- about me. and he said in that documentary, which was disrespectful but truthful -- [ light laughter ] he said that i was a relentless mother[ bleep ]. [ laughter ] it -- so we -- we went with the pg part -- >> jimmy: yes, of course. >> of what he had called me. >> jimmy: yeah, thank you. >> we didn't want it to be a a r-rated book. >> jimmy: yeah, i appreciate you doing that. you're in big trouble, buddy. >> i'm so in trouble. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what? i love the stories in here. and i'm just like, "oh, my gosh." you just didn't stop. you also got your kids involved, like you said, at young ages. this is lin introducing you. is he -- is he intro -- or swearing you in here? >> yes. [ light laughter ] [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: that's you and that's -- that's baby lin? >> that was 1987. lin-manuel was 7 years old. i had just been appointed to special adviser to ed koch, the handsome man here. and lin-manuel and my daughter
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luz were introducing me. >> i was standing on a chair so that i can reach the podium, as you can see in the picture. >> and just before he was supposed to go on -- he always used big words. [ laughter ] he called me and said, "dad, i'm hyperventilating." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "i'm hyperventilating," yeah. >> but i like that microphone. >> jimmy: yeah, no, but you're good at a microphone. but also, as you got older, you -- you had lin write jingles for you? >> well, actually, that was for him. he was an unemployed actor -- [ laughter ] >> go on. >> -- working -- working as a a sub at his old alma mater, so any jingle that he wrote, i actually overpaid him $1,000, when it was 2 months rent. >> yeah, >> $1,000 was 2 months rent in 2003.
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>> jimmy: yeah. but wait, what type of jingles would you write? >> so it wasn't like jingles. i wasn't writing like, "we like ike." but i would write, like, the background music for a negative attack ad. and you could write this in five seconds, give me a minor on a synth. ♪ >> "political candidate x -- [ laughter ] -- thinks you should shoot puppies when they get zoomies." [ laughter ] now give me some upbeat -- ♪ "but this november, we're gonna vote for political candidate y." >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, that's good. [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right, that's good. >> "this was paid for by ba-ba-ba-ba." >> jimmy: that's how you do it. >> that's it. that's it. >> jimmy: that's how you do it. >> i did that to make my rent. >> and i gave him $1,000. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think thats not bad. >> wildly underpaid. >> jimmy: i've known you guys for a while. i know you love musicals. i know you love "sound of music." >> i do. >> jimmy: "sound of music" is one of your favorites. >> it is. >> jimmy: but what's -- "unsinkable molly brown" is in this book? >> "unsinkable molly brown", yes. >> jimmy: well, what -- how does that connect to you?
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>> i saw it when i was around 9-years-old. and i always knew that i have to be in a bigger pond. and i lived happily in a small town in puerto rico. and molly brown for me, was this character that made it out of wherever she was, and moved to denver. my goal was not denver. [ light laughter ] my goal was new york city. [ cheers and applause ] >> now we're on the "the tonight show!" >> jimmy: and now you're -- yeah, now you're on "the tonight show," yeah. i -- i just love that and reading about that. and i was -- i saw some great photos in here. look at this. you rock a great mustache. [ laughter ] >> that's some serious -- >> jimmy: you got a real -- lin, do you -- do you remember this mustache growing up? >> i remember the day he shaved it when i was 10-years-old. [ light laughter ]
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and i don't know if you've seen, like, a tiktok compilation of children recoiling in fear -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- when their dads shave their mustaches. that was me. i did not know who he was without a mustache. >> jimmy: me too. my dad did that to me once. he had a mustache like this, but then shaved the mustache, and i was like -- [ gasping ] "stranger! stranger in the house! stranger danger!" yeah. "you have no upper-lip, dad." it's frightening. >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, i thought it'd be kind of fun maybe to see if we try to rock that stache again. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and bring that back. ♪ oh. [ cheers and applause ] i think you can pull this off. that looks -- i like it. i think he could pull it up. >> you look like -- >> jimmy: lin, you already have a beard. >> you look like puerto rican sam elliott. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ooh, yeah. oh, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] really changes the way you look.
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[ cheers and applause ] i kinda dig this. this could be my new look. congratulations on "relentless." [ cheers and applause ] it is out right now. and you were nice enough to bring a copy for everyone in the audience tonight! [ cheers and applause ] come on, now. luis and lin-manuel miranda, everyone. "relentless" is out now. we're doing something fun after the break. stick around, everybody. yeah! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you're in the "fortnight" video. >> yeah, man. >> jimmy: this is a big deal. [ cheers and applause ] >> finally, right before it aired, a couple days, i did tell my son, 'cause he's so full of hot air that, you know -- he makes up so much stuff, i knew no one would believe him anyway. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> and so he -- >> jimmy: like, "my dad's in the taylor swift video." >> so he did. he did, he went and he said, "dad, i actually told someone and they didn't believe me. you were right." [ laughter ] ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪
12:01 am
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(♪♪) ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we're hanging out with luis and lin-manuel miranda now. [ cheers and applause ] guys, i feel like you have a a really good connection. i have a game that we can play to prove it. it's time for the jinx challenge. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ j-j-j-jinx j-j-j-jinx challenge ♪ >> jimmy: i'm gonna need a a teammate to play against you. joining my team, he's a very talented actor who's currently starring in the hulu series, "the veil", please welcome josh charles! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: i mean, that's what i'm talking about. that's what i'm about. that's it right there. that's -- come on. that's what i'm talking about. come on, guys.
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all right, now, here's how this is gonna work, okay? we're gonna read a category from this card, okay, here. and then count to three. both say something in that category at the same time. when we say the same thing, it's a jinx. that's a good thing, okay? first -- >> you want the jinx. >> jimmy: yeah, you want the jinx. yeah, that's how you get jinx points, and it's good, yeah. but first we'll put on these gloves. here, luis and lin. [ light laughter ] >> oh, they match your suit. >> jimmy: and josh -- so our gloves are connected here, so -- [ light laughter ] so you put -- yeah, you put your left -- >> left hand in. >> jimmy: yeah, your left hand in, and then -- when we get -- [ light laughter ] >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: yeah, is that good? all right, so -- all right, here we go. josh and i are up first, okay? we get the category. if we get it right, we win. if not, you get a chance to steal, okay? let's see what the category is. cereal mascots. cereal mascots. >> oh, god. >> jimmy: like, you know, the cartoon on cereal boxes. >> got it. >> jimmy: cereal mascots. >> uh. >> jimmy: 3, 2, 1.
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tony the tiger. >> toby the tiger. [ laughter and cheers ] [ sad tuba ] >> jimmy: "toby"? >> what happened? is that a winner? >> jimmy: no, he said "toby." he said "toby the" -- >> "toby," that was the -- >> jimmy: you didn't even say -- you said "toby the --" something. >> that's on the lower shelf of the cereals. >> jimmy: that was unbelievable. >> toby the tiger! >> if you can't afford -- >> jimmy: you were such a -- >> -- frosted flakes, you got toby the tiger. >> i just had a panic attack, i don't know any of these names. >> jimmy: yeah, all right, you guys got a chance to steal. cereal -- >> cereal mascot. >> jimmy: cereal mascot, anything that you see on the cover of a cereal box. >> 3, 2, 1. >> flintstones. >> captain crunch. [ sad tuba ] "flintstones"? >> yeah! >> oh, yeah, i guess. >> jimmy: no, the flintstones are -- >> ready? >> jimmy: wait, no, i'm not ready. >> oh. >> jimmy: you're ready? >> i'm so ready. i got it. >> jimmy: wait, cereal mascots. [ drum roll ] cereal mascots. i -- i -- i might be running out of cereal mascots. cereal mascots. i would know this? oh. no. i think we're gonna lose this one. [ light laughter ] >> probably. let's go down swinging. >> jimmy: all right.
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>> let's go down swinging, champ. >> together: 3, 2, 1. >> count chocula. >> jimmy: cinnamon toast crunch dudes. [ sad tuba ] [ laughter ] >> that's not a dude! there's no dude! >> jimmy: but aren't there like, little --? >> no! >> jimmy: -- little bakers -- >> no! >> jimmy: -- or something that run around? all right, we didn't get that one either. like -- >> what the hell! >> jimmy: no, that's a tough game. a hard game. a very hard game, but i'm gonna let -- >> giving me a hard time about "toby"? >> jimmy: i'm gonna let the -- toby the tiger? who's that, his nephew? >> cinnamon crunch guys? >> jimmy: never heard -- cinnamon toast crunch dudes. all right, here we go. now, i'm gonna let you guys start this off, okay? the miranda family. here we go, ready? you guys -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- start it off, ready? the category is musical instruments. name a musical instrument. together, you can name one, try to focus. which one is it? what musical instrument would it be? >> 3, 2, 1. >> together: piano. >> jimmy: wow! [ bell dinging ] [ cheers and applause ] >> we're gonna tie it up. we're gonna tie it up. >> no whammies, no whammies. >> jimmy: all right. all right, we gotta tie -- we gotta tie it up. very good, very well done. all right, now -- now there's points on the board. >> okay, ready? >> jimmy: come on, bud. >> points on the board. we'll tie it up. we're fourth quarter players.
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oh, we don't get that again? >> jimmy: no, they did musical instruments. >> oh, dude. we're never gonna tie it up. >> jimmy: what were you gonna say? guitar? [ laughter ] >> yeah, we're gonna go -- >> together: guitar. >> jimmy: yeah, of course, now. and we can't tie it up. but now we can. the category is candies. candy. [ drum roll ] or candy bar? >> candies? um. okay. >> jimmy: wait, but you're -- do you think -- >> we're doing candies. candies. >> jimmy: candies? [ laughter ] >> not candy bars, candies. >> jimmy: okay, not candy bars. >> not candy -- it doesn't say "candy bars." >> jimmy: i know, no, that's the last one. this one's candy. >> candies! >> jimmy: candies! [ light laughter ] >> oh, you better get this. >> together: 3, 2, 1. >> hi-chews! >> jimmy: skittles! [ sad tuba ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hi -- hi-chews? [ laughter ] >> yeah, man! you got a problem with hi-chews? >> jimmy: that's the one you thought i would say is hi-chews? >> and you thought i'd say skittles? >> jimmy: yes! skittles is much more popular than hi-chews! >> no, it's not! hi-chews! >> jimmy: hi-chews?! you could've even said mamas more than hi-chews! [ laughter ] >> mr. "cinnamon toast crunch --" >> jimmy: oh my god. >> "-- booty boys." >> jimmy: hi-chews!
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[ laughter ] >> jesus. >> jimmy: i didn't call them "booty boys." i said "cinnamon toast crunch --" >> whatever their names were. >> jimmy: all right, all right. [ light laughter ] guys, my arm's getting tired. >> my arm's getting -- lean on me -- lean on me -- >> jimmy: i know. >> just relax, relax. >> jimmy: uh, guys, candies? >> we suck at this game. >> jimmy: candies? >> god, i'm so sorry. [ drum roll ] >> 3, 2, 1. >> together: m & m's! [ cheers and applause ] [ bell dinging ] >> jimmy: yes, that's it, you got that. >> ay! >> jimmy: impressive. that's good. m & m's. m & m's. >> together: we should've done m m's. >> jimmy: we should've done m&m's, yeah, yeah. yeah, we meant m & m's. we figured we'd give that one to you guys. >> do we get to tie it up, or no? >> jimmy: yeah, this is it. in fact -- [ airhorn ] you know what that sound is. [ airhorn ] >> you get two points for it? >> jimmy: 1,000 points. >> what?! >> jimmy: whoever wins this, wins the whole game. >> wins the whole thing. so it really comes down to this. >> jimmy: we're starting with luis and lin-manuel. >> i'm nervous, man. >> jimmy: i think we're going to lose. [ light laughter ] books. [ laughter ] [ drum roll ]
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>> jimmy: you're gonna win. >> 3, 2, 1. >> together: "relentless"! [ bleep ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: come on. the winners, right there. luis and lin-manuel miranda! josh charles, my man. we still got some jinxes. luis's book, "relentless," is available everywhere now. i'm talking to josh charles after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ geico can help cover cars, homes, motorcycles and even accordions. pretty liberating knowing geico can help insure our car, and with our home insurance, your accordion too. we're not the only ones out here taking advantage of geico. [playing accordian] smoke him, edna. [continue playing accordian] you sure showed him.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is an emmy-nominated actor who you can see in the new show "the veil." new episodes air tuesdays on hulu. everyone, please welcome josh charles! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's it. they love you, come on. that's what i'm talking about. they love you, we love you. welcome back to the show. it's always good to see you. >> i just knocked my pocket square out. >> jimmy: you look sharp as always. i've gotta talk taylor swift. [ scattered cheers ] >> oh, i thought you were saying we were going to talk "jinx." >> jimmy: i gotta talk "jinx" too, but i want to talk taylor swift. >> yes. >> jimmy: you're in the "fortnight" video. >> yeah, man.
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>> jimmy: this is a big deal. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, wait a second. we have some taylor swift fans in the audience? >> jimmy: yeah, we got some swifties here. [ cheers and applause ] >> we got some swifties here? >> jimmy: how did this come about? when -- how did you get the call? how does taylor swift call anyone? like a bat signal? >> exactly. [ light laughter ] i mean, that's what you would think. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it was a really -- just a a really strange thing. i -- taylor knows ethan's daughter, maya and reached out to her. the title of the album, obviously, "tortured poet's department." and so, i think it's a little tip of the cap to "dead poets society," other tortured poets. and she probably had this idea it'd be interesting for us to be in the video. and, so then reached out to ethan, and then ethan reached out to me. and once i got over thinking he was punking me -- you know, when he first called me, i was like -- >> jimmy: "is this for real?" >> like, "dude, are you bull[ bleep ] me right now? 'cause if you're [ bleep ] me right now --" >> jimmy: yeah. >> oh, i can't say that on tv, can i? >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] that's all right. don't worry about it. but he calls you? >> yeah, he call -- no, so yeah, he calls. and then i'm just like -- i was like, "you gotta be --" >> jimmy: but, he wouldn't punk you. >> he wouldn't. he's not a -- he's not that guy. >> jimmy: just not that guy. >> so immediately, i knew, he was like, "this is dead serious." i was like, "okay." and we talked about it, and then i talked to her people. and it just seemed like such a
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a fun idea. >> jimmy: how is she as a -- taylor swift as a director? >> i will tell you this. she's an incredible director. my favorite kind of director, because she knows what she wants. and when she's got it, you just -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: really? >> there you go. >> jimmy: really? >> "we got some good --" >> jimmy: she goes -- she goes, "we got it." >> "we got it. we move on." >> jimmy: really? >> like, you don't have to, "i've got 18 -- i gotta do the --" no, she know's what she wants. when she's got it, she's got it. and i will say this. you know, i was already a fan of her music. but, if any of you ever get to meet her, like, your fandom for her will just go up through roof. she's just such a genuine, cool, approachable person. >> jimmy: she's got it, yeah. >> and that's -- that's nice to see. 'cause that's not always the case. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so that was really -- that was really exciting. >> jimmy: but, how are you at keeping a secret? you couldn't tell anyone that you were in this, right? >> yeah, we weren't -- we were sworn to secrecy, and signed ndas, and all that stuff. >> jimmy: are you good at that stuff? >> i'm good at it. i'm not sure ethan is. but, you know, maybe he is, i don't know. [ light laughter ] you'll have to talk to him the next time he's on the show. >> jimmy: do you think he -- did he tell somebody? did he tattle? >> uh, i don't know if he tattled. i mean, i told -- if i told you, then you know that you are what i call "foxhole material," right? so like, if i told you this secret, it means you and i can
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be in a foxhole together. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you're not gonna tell the secret. so, i told, you know, my wife, my dad, maybe one or two other people, that i know are very -- >> jimmy: how about your kids? >> no, i didn't tell my kids. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you didn't -- >> i didn't tell my kids because, you know, they're -- they'll -- they're just blabbermouths. and they'll go talk about it at school. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's correct. that is correct. >> so, you know. and then finally, right before it aired, a couple days, i did tell my son, 'cause he's so full of hot air that, you know -- he makes up so much stuff, i knew no one would believe him anyway. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> and so he -- >> jimmy: like, "my dad's in the taylor swift video." >> so he did. he did, he went and he said, "dad, i actually told someone and they didn't believe me. you were right." [ laughter ] and i was like, "well, that worked out." >> jimmy: but ethan, the opposite, he just told everyone. >> i don't know. you'd have to talk to him. [ laughter ] you'd have to talk to him. >> jimmy: i'm going to talk to him about this. oh, do you want a -- do you want a candy? there you go. [ laughter ] it's a -- you ever -- >> after you busted my chops, and you went and got the hi-chew? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ever heard of these? >> come on! >> jimmy: ever heard of these? >> i love these, dude.
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>> these are my -- i love these. >> jimmy: it's a jam. >> you keep 'em in the desk? >> jimmy: i don't know, i do now. [ laughter ] >> you have any skittles -- do you have any skittles back there? let's see. >> jimmy: i don't, actually. i don't. [ laughter ] >> interesting. interesting. >> jimmy: yeah, it's really interesting. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you know, i saw something, a headline. >> uh-oh. >> jimmy: and i thought, it just made sense to me. it's a "vanity fair" headline about you, and the number two -- top two words are -- [ smacking lips ] "always great." >> aw. >> jimmy: and i agree. i think you're always great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: in everything i've seen you in, you're fantastic. >> thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the best headline. it is true. this new thing -- this new series, "the veil," on hulu -- >> mm-hmm. >> jimmy: spy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how'd you get involved in this? >> well, i'm a -- first of all, i'm a big fan of the genre. like, i watch all of it. i read books about it. i love it. and so, i was intrigued. i'm a big fan steven knight's, of lizzy -- liz moss, who stars in it, and is producing it. >> jimmy: have you worked with her before? >> i'd never worked with her before, but -- but had met her, you know, personally, and i worked with denise di novi, who produced it. and it was her original idea.
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this -- this show came about through her. and so i was really intrigued by it, just all the players involved. and then i read steven knight's scripts and just -- i loved my role. you know, i just -- he comes in a little late. and he's just a bit of a a disruptor. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, an esther, as we say, you know, and -- >> jimmy: do you think that you would be a good spy? >> i think i would be. my wife does not. she thinks i'm not a good liar. >> jimmy: she can tell when you're like -- >> yeah, she's like, "i don't know." but i think i would be. >> jimmy: i think you'd be a a great spy. >> yeah, it's kinda -- i mean it's fun. it's sort of -- i mean it is kind of -- look, i mean i had to do it for -- for the taylor video. you know? i had to keep a secret. i had to -- [ light laughter ] you know, it felt like we were on a secret spy mission going to l.a. to shoot this video. nobody knew about it. it was all a little hush-hush. >> jimmy: yeah. and you did it. >> and it was part of the fun of it. >> jimmy: you nailed it. i want to show everyone a clip of you in "the veil." here's josh charles in "the veil." take a look. >> the deal you and i have is that i do what the [ bleep ] i need to do, and you report what i find out back to langley. >> i will report that you're in a good place with the target, and that you're reporting directly to cia paris station.
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you keep the french intelligence at a distance till you have something to share that we think they can be trusted with. you know your tasking. you can move to phase two at my permission. >> i'm officially moving to phase [ bleep ] you. the only reason i'm working with you is because in order to operate, i need to know everything. and i have calculated that the americans know the most, because they have the most money. and superior equipment. >> copy that. >> jimmy: yeah, that's what i'm talking about! [ cheers and applause ] josh charles, everybody! new episodes of fx's "the veil" air tuesdays, exclusively on hulu. fontaines d.c. perform for us, after the break. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks...
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>> jimmy: our next guest just announced a fall u.s. tour. performing "starburster" from their new album, "romance," give it up for fontaines d.c.! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ it may feel bad it may feel bad it may feel bad ♪
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♪ i wanna see you alone i wanna sharp the stone i wanna bounce the bone i wanna mess with it ♪ ♪ i wanna lay the deville the whole crew on the sill i want the preacher and pill i wanna bless with it ♪ ♪ i wanna head to a mass and get cast in it that --'s funnier than any a-class innit ♪ ♪ i wanna talk with the clown who has apologies down ♪ ♪ then pay him 300 pound to take a class in it ♪ ♪ i wanna bite the phone i wanna bleed the tone i wanna see you alone alone alone-lone ♪ ♪ i wanna strait the shark find me somewhere to park like the light when it's dark it's dark it's dark-dark ♪ ♪ a few stars about make it feel like peace in a way a complimentary round ♪ ♪ constellation got a twist to it for a gpo and all the hits in it ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary it may feel bad ♪ ♪ i wanna talk with a gag if it's a bottle or bag
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i wanna strike with the sag i need the friends from it ♪ ♪ i wanna make the mark i want a shot in the dark i want to live the arc i call the ends on it ♪ ♪ i wanna take the truth without a lens on it my god given insanity it depends on it ♪ ♪ how i feel how i feel how i feel i wanna keel ♪ ♪ over harder than a turned up challenger i wanna keep all of your charm in a canister ♪ ♪ do you inspire like the same did salinger i'm the pig on the chinese calendar ♪ ♪ i got a shadow like a .58 caliber i wanna move like a new salamander ♪ ♪ i love the carrion who's a real scavenger it's moral tyranny keeping me from thee ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ hit me for the day for the light that you suffered to come by ♪ ♪ take to my sky never wanting only wonder ♪ ♪ to live out of reach sloping family short to tall one to three ♪ ♪ swallow the key in their footprints i will follow ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪ ♪ i'm gon' hit your business if it's momentary blissness ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on, now! thank you so much. that's how you do it. that's how you do it, right there. thank you so much. fontaines d.c.! [ cheers and applause ] "romance" is out august 23rd. we'll be right back, everybody. yeah! that's awesome. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: my thanks to luis and lin-manuel miranda. josh charles. fontaines d.c., once again! [ cheers and applause ] well done. and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- joel edgerton. star of "under the bridge," actress lily gladstone. creator and star of "oh, mary!", actor cole escola. featuring the 8g band wi


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