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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning. breaking news israel now ordering tens of thousands of palestinians to evacuate the city of rafah in southern gaza. an israeli ground invasion now apparently imminent despite international opposition here at home, the historic flooding in texas turning deadly. >> two feet of rain in a matter of days, 800% of their usual total. the severe weather threat ahead today. plus, the nine year old hailed as a hero for saving
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his parents after a tornado. >> the shocking scene in a pennsylvania church a man suddenly stands up, pointing a gun at the pastor during his sermon. witnesses say the man pulled the trigger. what happened next? you'll hear from the pastor. >> potential trump vp contender kristi noem defends killing her puppy for bad behavior. why? she says president biden's dog should meet the same fate. >> two teens surrender for dumping trash in the ocean. facing a potential five year prison sentence. now we hear from the parents. >> it was supposed to be a night of fun, tom brady being roasted for a netflix special, but you'll see the very awkward moment on stage and later, the woman, 23 weeks pregnant, who just won a half marathon >> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good monday morning everyone i'm andrew dymburt. i'm andrea fujii in for rhiannon. >> we begin with breaking news.
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what appears to be a major escalation in the middle east this morning. >> israel is warning tens of thousands of people to evacuate the city of rafah, which signals that a ground invasion is imminent. the u.s. and world leaders have long discouraged an israeli offensive. there because of concerns about civilian casualties. >> but hamas has claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in that area in the last 24 hours. abc's em nguyen is here with the latest m good morning andrea. good morning. the apparent decision by israel to enter rafah may escalate already high tensions with the u.s. breaking overnight. israeli military officials are urging palestinians to evacuate parts of the southern gaza city of rafah, ahead of an expected ground offensive by israeli forces into the city, where more than a million civilians have sought shelter during the war. it comes just hours after hamas claimed responsibility for a rocket attack at gaza's southern border, one of the few crossings
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where humanitarian aid enters the territory. three israeli soldiers were reportedly killed. prime minister netanyahu has vowed to enter rafah to flush out hamas fighters, defying international pressure, including from the u.s. all of this has hopes for a cease fire and hostage deal fade. >> netanyahu lashing out at other world leaders, saying no amount of pressure will stop israel from defending itself. hamas is negotiating team leaving cairo for qatar with cia director bill burns, one of the key mediators. it feels like the us and allies are in a final push to try and force a hostage and ceasefire deal, the website axios reports. >> the biden administration has paused a shipment of us made ammunition to israel. the decision reportedly made last week, leaving israel scrambling. but the reason behind the decision unclear. back here in the u.s, police arresting more war protesters on college campuses, at least 25 arrested at the university of virginia
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this weekend in southern california, police clearing an encampment at usc and at ucla after violent protests last week. officials are now hiring the former sacramento police chief to oversee the schools. police department. back to israel. the government has shut down the al jazeera news network, raiding its offices, calling the qatari broadcaster an incitement channel. al jazeera called this a criminal action and insisted it follows professional media standards. andrew m, thank you. >> now to the historic flooding in texas. the rain may have stopped, but rivers are rising and there's a new weather threat to the north today. this morning , the catastrophic flooding in texas turning deadly south of fort worth. police in johnson county say two adults and a four year old boy were in a vehicle hit by fast moving flood water. a witness says all three trying to get out were swept away. the adults survived and the boy's
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body was found hours later. >> it puts the fear of god in you. >> parts of southwest texas received two feet of rain in just a matter of days. the area from beaumont to college station seeing 800% of its normal rainfall. >> it's a kick in the in the in the knee. we'll just we'll just say that more than 200 people have been rescued so far in harris county outside of houston. >> this man and his three dogs saved by police on jet skis in water ten feet deep. the storms have passed for now, but local rivers could be swollen for days now. the attention turns to the planes bracing for possible tornadoes today, from oklahoma to nebraska. >> i was really, really scared. >> a nine year old oklahoma boy is being hailed a hero for saving his parents. when a recent tornado hit snooze, i went to go get help. >> i said, don't die, branson baker and his parents were driving to a storm shelter late last month when they say the ef four tornado tossed their truck into a pile of trees. >> his parents suffered serious
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injuries, but branson was uninjured in the back seat, so he ran about one mile to get help for him to run as fast as he did. >> as hard as he did. he's very courageous, son. for a nine year old boy, not many adults would have done what he did. >> as for today's storms, we'll have your forecast in just a few moments. >> now to pennsylvania. and the dramatic scene playing out during a church service, a man suddenly standing, pointing a gun at the pastor. abc's derek dennis shows us what happened next. you were in this morning. >> pastor glenn germany says he's grateful to god to be alive in god that chose. >> jesus. jesus. >> a gunman interrupted the pastor's sunday sermon in north braddock outside pittsburgh, pointing that gun at him. witnesses say the man pulled the trigger, but the gun jammed, all
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of it caught on the church's live stream. >> all of a sudden i just seen a gun pointing right at me. and at that point, all i could do was try to run for cover. >> church members jumping into action, tackling the gunman. >> all i could see was is, somebody walked up on the pulpit and after they got up on the pulpit, they raised the gun up. once they raised the gun up, i jumped up. you know what i mean? from behind. got him from behind . struggled them down to the ground. >> the deacon at the church pulling the gun away, eliminating the threat he could have lost his life in that struggle, but he sacrificed himself for everyone. >> and that's the you know, he's the hero. >> the pastor says he'd never seen the gunman before yesterday, but noticed him frequently coming in and out of the church, making eye contact and smiling at him and god. he chose a motive for the brave, and attempted attack remained unclear. overnight, pennsylvania state police say that gunman will now face attempted murder
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charges. andrew. andrea, derek. >> thank you. now, we've also learned police are investigating the suspect's possible connection to a fatal shooting at his home not far from the church. police did not release details on that case overnight. >> a desperate search is underway for a baby missing after her mother and another woman were found fatally shot at a park in new mexico. authorities believe the killer abducted ten month old elijah maria torres. her sister was wounded at the scene in the town of clovis. police have sent out k-9 units and dive teams to search the area. no word yet on a potential suspect or suspects or a potential motive. police have said. the children's fathers are cooperating. >> a third week of testimony begins today at former president trump's criminal hush money trial. longtime trump aide hope hicks testified friday that trump was worried about the stormy daniels story coming out before the 2016 election. testimony this week will focus on the financial records. trump is accused of falsifying. the prosecutor formerly involved in trump's election interference
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case in georgia is speaking exclusively to abc news. nathan wade resigned from the case because of his relationship with district attorney fani willis. wade sat down with our linsey davis. >> do you regret it? >> oh, i regret it. that that private matter became the focal point of this very important prosecution. when you are in the middle of it, these feelings are developing and you get to a point to where the feelings are, are are so strong that you know, you start to want to do things that, really are none of the public's concern. workplace romances are as american as apple pie. it happens to everyone, but it happened to the two of us. >> a wade and willis have said their relationship ended last
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year much more of lindsay's interview with wade later on good morning america. >> time now for your monday weather. heavy in california, sierra nevada mountains for several hours. more than two feet of snow fell at one observation post its snowiest day of the season, and this afternoon, storms are expected to pop up fast and will quickly intensify in the plains. they'll move east into the night. the highest risk of tornadoes and large hail will be across oklahoma and into southern kansas, and checking today's high temperatures 50s in the northwest 70s from the midwest into new england, 85 down in south florida >> coming up, remembering a beloved actor from titanic. >> but first, the questions surrounding the death of a young pastor's wife in north carolina. >> and later, if you thought the kentucky derby was a photo finish, wait till you see this nascar
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new york city. you won't believe what i'm doing live on gma. >> well, the parents of one of the teens seen dumping trash into the ocean off boca raton, florida. now speaking out. they are apologizing, saying they're saddened by the incident. they say the teens should participate in community service and ocean conservation efforts. the two teens surrendered to police friday. they face felony pollution charges, which could carry a five year prison sentence. >> a south carolina pastor is facing questions about the death of his wife, who was found across the state line in north carolina. he says she was suffering a mental health crisis. her family claims there's more to the story. this morning, police are investigating after the wife of a myrtle beach pastor was found dead. multiple memorials were held yesterday to remember 30 year old micah miller. he was. >> she has touched a lot of
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people, but her cause is what's driving this. now. she's she's speaking out from the grave. >> her official cause of death not yet released. micah's husband, pastor john paul miller, says she took her own life. her friends struggling to come to terms with that. many mourners wearing t shirts and holding signs to raise awareness for domestic violence. her husband, speaking out last week. >> she was probably the greatest wife anyone could ask for. she was incredibly affirming, saying that micah had struggled with her mental health for years. she had struggled with suicide before and each time, you know, helped her through it, took her to her doctor and we got through it and everything was fine. and she even gave a few testimonies. here at church we have on video, micah reportedly filed for divorce from her husband in october, and again, just days before her death, according to claims made by her family to local media. >> micah's sister writing if you hear anything about this from
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anyone other than her family, please question it. reach out to her siblings or parents. this has to be at least looked into, deeply. >> there's got to be some accountability here. >> authorities say they're talking to people in both north and south carolina as part of their investigation into how micah died. if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health, the suicide and crisis lifeline is available 24 hours a day. the number is 988. >> coming up, what we learned overnight about three tourists found dead in mexico. >> also ahead south dakota governor kristi noem defends killing her puppy for bad behavior while she says president biden's dog should meet t (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler
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ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. me. learn how abbvie could help you save women and children first. >> yes, that was actor bernard hill playing the captain in titanic. >> he also starred in the lord of the rings. his family announced his death. hill was 79. >> the bodies of an american tourist and two australian brothers killed in mexico have been identified by their parents. jack carter road was on a surfing trip with jake and callum robinson when they were shot in baja california and dumped in a well. authorities believe the killers wanted to steal their truck for the tires. one suspect has been arrested. >> now to politics and potential vice presidential contender kristi noem once again defending killing her puppy for bad behavior. now targeting president biden's dog. here's abc's alison kosik this morning, south dakota governor kristi noem considered a possible
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contender for donald trump's running mate, is doubling down on the disclosure in her new memoir that she shot and killed her puppy, named cricket for attacking livestock and posing a danger to people. >> and i had put months and months of training into this dog. this dog had gone to other trainers as well. all of that shows that when you put someone in a position where they have to make a decision and they want to protect their family and protect children and other people from getting attacked. >> in an interview yesterday, noem going further, saying president biden's dog commander should meet the same fate after attacking secret service personnel. >> how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt? before you make a decision on a dog? >> noem has faced backlash from both sides of the aisle for her dog killing story. former house speaker newt gingrich among those saying the story has ended any possibility of gnome being chosen as vp candidate. the
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so-called veepstakes ramping up over the weekend as noem joined potential running mates in a gathering at mar a lago, including florida senator marco rubio and south carolina senator tim scott, who faced questions yesterday about potentially teaming up with trump. >> you of course, did vote to certify the 2020 election results. and you've said, quote, it was not stolen. why would you join a ticket with someone who believes the exact opposite on this critical point? well i think we have to listen to what president trump said and not what the reporters said that he actually said. >> here's the one back to governor kristi noem. >> she also claimed in her memoir that she met with north korean leader kim jong un, a claim that was questioned by a south dakota newspaper. noem now says that anecdote should not have been included in the book. she did not elaborate on why it was included. >> andrew andrea allison, thank you. coming up, the woman, six months pregnant, who won a half marathon, plus tom brady, fights
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back while getting roasted during a netflix special. during a netflix special. >> the very awkward moment next deep down, i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor won't change whether or not you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at new from ghirardelli crunchy waffle cone pieces in rich ghirardelli chocolate, with a luscious caramel filling.
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because she is who she is. diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds. new york city. you won't believe what i'm doing live on gma. >> time to check the pulse. beginning with the tom brady roast. that took a serious turn. >> it was for a netflix special. everyone from bill belichick to drew bledsoe made fun of brady, but tom made it clear one subject was off limits when comedian jeff ross took the stage. >> that scrawny rookie famously walked into the owner, robert kraft s office and said, i'm the best decision. your organization has ever made. massage
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i love robert kraft. i love again, okay, okay okay. >> comedians kevin hart and nikki glaser also took to the stage. first, glaser spoke about brady's investments. tom also lost $30 million in crypto. >> tom, how did you fall for that? i mean even gronk was like me. know that not real money like. >> giselle exactly here supporting you tonight. but just in full transparency, she came as antonio brown's plus one. how does that what brady got the last laugh. >> he said he would have had the roast earlier but he was too busy winning championships. >> next a weekend of photo finishes on two tracks in nascar. >> last night, kyle larson won the race in kansas by 1/1000 of a second, the closest finish in nascar cup series history that followed. the kentucky derby, where mystic dan won the closest
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three way finish since 1947. larson referenced both after his win, saying kentucky derby, yeah, hold my beer next, in indiana, a woman just won the indianapolis half marathon while six months pregnant, and aurora beat 7900 other women for the first place finish. >> it took her just over 75 minutes, she says. this proves minutes, she says. this proves women have (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs
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not one, but two disturbing deliveries on one man's doorstep in just a matter of days. now, at five, concerned neighbors are now stepping in to help, and universities are hoping to move past last week's violence on campus. >> graduation ceremonies are now becoming the scene of pro-palestinian disruptions. >> the governor's office says tourism across the state is up big time, but local businesses say that tourism is yet to fully return to the bay area. the big boost they could get this week. good morning. it's monday, may 6th. >> hope you all had a great weekend and i'm looking forward to this warm up. >> yeah this week the week ahead is looking fantastic. we'll start that warm


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