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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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late news, fox news at night. breaking tonight, anti- israel protest continuing on campuses across the country. we have a life look for you here at george washington university here in the nation's capital were a very large crowd has gathered this friday night. several students have reportedly been suspended and even charged with misconduct. we will keep an eye on that story. in the meantime, an update from columbia university where one of the leaders of the anti- israel protests has now been banned from campus, officials say more information is coming out about a student who is now facing disciplinary action after video surfaced of him discussing murdering, quote, "zionists and saying they should not even exist. we're also keeping a very close eye on severe weather in the midwest including a very strong set of destructive tornadoes that apparently touched down in nebraska and iowa. the threat to that region is expected to continue through the weekend, more on that coming up but first, to the senior correspondent, steve live at
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columbia university with the latest on negotiations there. are protesters to remove their tents? >> reporter: good evening. that's right, columbia university wants to get these tents off campus in time for graduation ceremonies on may 15th. they are negotiating back and forth but really, we have not seen much progress yet. university officials have said they will not call the police and a second time. you mentioned that student, one of the protest leaders, the 20-year-old junior. he has been barred from campus this after some of his social media post came to light in which he said at one point, people should be grateful that he is not out murdering zionists and also zionists should die. as far as columbia goes, their hope is to get this graduation often time. other schools like the university of southern california have already canceled their graduations due to security concerns. and for many of those seniors there, this will be the second time around they had their
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graduations canceled, many of them four years ago, their high school graduations due to covid. and we are seeing a very different message to students coming out of other universities like the university of florida where they have been given a very clear message to students who try to set up tents on the campus were basically told if you put a tent on this campus, you could face suspension for three years. back to you kevin. >> kevin: that is steven forrest night over at columbia keeping an eye on things, think he was always. let's now talk about these ongoing campus anti- israel protests with a former navy seal who trained with israel's defense forces here in hamilton. cameron, i wanted to share this with jake sullivan, this was on msnbc. it is an interesting viewpoint and this is one of the real challenges for this administration, again trying to unpack what is happening will at the same time trying to play to crowds on both ends of the storyline. listen to this and allocate your get your reaction on the other side. >> the hateful rhetoric, the anti-semitism that we have seen
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that should be condemned that has been condemned by our president, by everyone in our administration. at the same time, we have to continue to protect and defend the rights of people to peacefully protest and make their voices heard. resident biden has made clear that he understands the depth of feeling on this issue, he himself feels deeply on this issue. >> kevin: understanding the depth of emotion and feeling on this issue. do they have this right, is this the right tone to strike? >> i don't think it is. i think he can assume a much stronger tone here. we have to call at this behavior for what it is, this is cultural marxism coming home to roost. not only that, has always been rooted in profound anti-semitism. it is really unfortunate, i think we know stronger tone because behavior like this being pacified will only become further emboldened. >> kevin: i want to get your reaction to what one of the spokespersons for the columbia and cam is saying as they continue the protest, you so we have steve out there, of course,, keeping an eye on things. listen to this and begin to your
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reaction on the other side. >> once again, our movement here, when they tried to clear it last week, we rebelled. if they want to once again bring an nypd or law enforcement, we will prevail. our movement is not only this encampment, it was not that encampment, our movement is a very large and we will have our own ways in order to make sure that our voices are heard. >> kevin: making sure their voices are heard. your reaction? >> there's a big difference between having legitimate concern over civilians caught up in the fog of war versus those that are calling for murderous rage and retaliation against the israeli state as well as others who sympathize with the israeli state. it is a really important set of behavior. they believe they will prevail because i don't think they have been challenged the way that they should be. >> kevin: i want to get your reaction to this. i'm curious why this is happening now and why this is seemingly spreading. we have talked, you and i, about
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what this means broadly. but you sort of look at it as an expert, someone who has spent time with israelis themselves. why do you think this is happening in this country at this moment in time? >> again, we have been fast and loose with ethics on university campuses. we found for a great degree of time, a lack of real coherent and rational thought and debate over a variety of different topics. you can disagree with individuals but do so with respect and dignity. that does not really exist on university campuses and we have seen that going back to 2012, 2014. i think this is years in the making, unfortunately. >> kevin: interesting. lastly i want to share this from an op-ed at newsweek in recent part, the only conclusion that can be drawn from these demonstrators, silence concerning thomas' atrocities and their anti-semitic chanting is that they are not concerned with protecting palestinians, they are out in tents because of hatred of jews and israelis. and so 15 seconds, your reaction to that.
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>> i think it's right. unfortunately we are seeing the language and rhetoric they are using, we should take it at face value. >> cam, is always, a real pleasure, thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> kevin: a high school here in the nation's capital finding itself in the midst of a very interesting legal battle after the aclu filed a lawsuit alleging the school violated their arab student unions free-speech rights. we have those details for us tonight r. >> reporter: hello kevin. the lawsuit claims that the school administrators high school are violating the student groups first amendment rights. and that last -- lawsuit writing their speech has been repressed because the school does not want their viewpoint, which concerns the ongoing war in gaza and its effect on the palestinian people. they claim the school board the group from handing out free palestine stickers, from showing a documentary critical to israel and even censored their palestinian literature. >> to say the students can't
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speak because some people might find what they say offensive or disturbing, that is just not a permissible reason. >> reporter: school administrators and the chancellor for the dc public schools have not commented on the allegations as they file an official response to the lawsuit. >> we also ask the court to treat them, going forward, the same as it treats other student clubs. the same rules, same procedures. that is what they are entitled to. >> reporter: a student leader from the high school group full the washington post that it is anti- education, we are being silenced and censored. we want to dehumanize palestinians and show our generation that we are not just terrorist, we are rooted in violence. we wanted to show the beautiful history of palestine. they are asking the case to be heard in early may so that the judge can agree, if the judge wants and then the students may participate in these events before the end of the school year. kevin?
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>> kevin: thank you, i appreciate your time tonight. time for some legal insight from this evening's experts. a candidate for a superior court judge in georgia, a menu have seen before in this program, the civil rights attorney. the washington times legal roof affairs reporter alex and legal analyst robin non. i love this storyline because i think it is an interesting one that sort of seems to encapsulate a lot that has been happening in the conversation as we have seen it in and around our country. let me share this before you to weigh in. this is the dc spokesperson talking about what the school has been facing broadly and why this is happening now. >> the only reasons why a school should be able to prohibit student speech, as long as it is peaceful and not disruptive, is if it will cause substantial disruption of the school or if it is going to infringe the rights of others. and jackson read has never even suggested that there would be any disruption from these kinds
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of activities. >> kevin: the old saying goes, offensive speech does not necessarily mean prohibited speech. they are making a very strong argument, your take? >> i think that they are, actually. i think this is tension between administrators and students that is beginning to grow and this is just yet another example here, locally in bc with a high school student group feeling like they're first amendment rights to free speech are being suppressed by the student administrators who are asking them to not hold events that are pro- palestinian, to not circulate leaflets and pamphlets that propagate pro- palestinian ideas and they are concerned. >> kevin: if you are an administrator, you have to feel for them because on the one hand they are trying to adhere to all of the constitutional rights of their students but on the other hand you have to say, i am worried for my community, your thoughts? >> i do. i think they are in a tough situation. the problem for them, looking at the complaint, was that they
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have allowed the jewish group to pass out blue ribbons, they have allowed other groups to play videos during their lunch meetings without any sort of prior approval and under the first amendment you cannot have viewpoint discrimination. so if they are going to treat those groups one way, they cannot treat this one any differently. >> kevin: i think that is a good point. on one hand you want to be brought in your support for your student community, on the other hand you cannot favor one and not be evenhanded with the other >> absolutely, i think that's the biggest point to come out of this, it has to be all or none. you allow certain groups to present information, to present their viewpoint and have these robust discussions, you have to allow all student groups to do the same because the entire civilization around this to bring prudence is that these conversations are important, we want students to have these discussions, we want them learning about different cultures. we want them to be the leaders of the future and finally end these conflicts but that only happens if each group is able to
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present their information and everyone has an equal opportunity to present their viewpoints so we can have these discussions. >> kevin: this is an interesting story and you brought this to my attention several days ago. on the one hand i thought why is this happening right now? and now that we sort of unpack everything as we watch more carefully, it really is something that is not just playing out here in a dc high school, it is happening at college campuses all over the country. >> there is a growing drumbeat right now for this type of discussion that is happening all over the country and on campus is not just in bc and high schools but also on college campuses. and people are really having to grapple with what is appropriate speech in schools and what is the appropriate way to protest and how to deal with the other side which is people that feel that their lives are in danger where that violence could erupt if there is a documentary shown such as the one that the students would like to show here or pamphlets are passed out with certain images. >> kevin: i have to admit, i
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do not remember much about graduating from school but i remember the day and it would have made me very angry if they canceled our graduation in some places around the country. >> and classes, what you pay for. >> kevin: you pay thousands of dollars to take these classes and you would expect that that will have privacy about whether or not we can have free speech or have these things discussed. >> definitely unfortunate and i think a lot of people think that they're first amendment rights are absolute. the truth is that there is a time, place and manner restrictions. even on campus is khaki usually have an area where you can protest. when it gets out of hand or disrupting, you said graduation or classes daily, it becomes problematic. especially when there is threats or violence happening as we have seen. >> kevin: i want to get your thoughts, 15 seconds each. this is from the washington post. very interesting, they are talking about how a new york court tossed harvey weinstein's conviction into question and could that help trump? the weinstein decision could offer a potential avenue of
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appeal to the former presidents attorneys or prompt new york supreme court justice to adjust their rulings in the trump case in realtime, reflecting this newfound direction from new york's highest court, experts said. robert, to you first, 15 seconds, does that help former president trump at all? >> i think president trump should ask for all his constitutional rights khaki should have every right to defend himself. we cannot have anybody above the law or anyone below the law, we have to apply equally to all individuals and i hope president trump can avail himself of everything that guilts him. >> kevin: robert obviously very evenhanded, he wants everything to be equal. but we all know that equal does not equal equal if you'll pardon me for saying so. does this help former president trump are not so much? >> i think it does. i think this was a close decision, as we saw it was 4-3 by new york's highest court. and they found that there were egregious errors that prevented mr weinstein from having a fair trial. i think that if anything, overturning a decision that clearly a number of folks
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thought was the right decision, boats in the favor of any criminal defender. >> leslie to you. >> you don't want to put anything presidential out there for a defendant. you want to make sure there is a fair trial. we have seen with a gag order being one-sided for trump, that could be something they look at on appeal. a lot of experts say that the underlying crime being this potential federal campaign finance violation that the office does not have the authority to bring that, it's usually a federal crime so it is an interesting take. and it is very unique for a state conviction to be overturned. i think only 5 percent of it happening. >> kevin: and you are right which is why i don't know why this is even being held in a new york state circumstances, this is a beastly a federal case. alex, robin and robert, thank you for joining us tonight, we appreciate your time. another busy day of testimonies, speaking of. and the new york versus donald trump criminal trial, is the former president defense team got a chance to cross-examine the former national inquiry republic -- publisher, this on a
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day that also saw mr trump's former assistant take the stand. are correspondent reports once again for us outside the state supreme court in new york city, hello. >> hello kevon. three different witnesses took the stand today, including the banker of former president donald trump's old lawyer, michael cohen. cohen worked with this banker during the 2016 presidential election. actually worked with this banker from 2015 until about 2019. gary farrow is his name. he testified that cohen tried opening an account at first republic bank under the name resolution consultants llc, that is the same company name that a former american media ceo testified that cohen nearly used to reimburse him for suppressing former playmate, karen mcdougall story about an alleged affair with trump. after court tonight, trump once again call the trial politically motivated. >> we sit here day after day
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after day because they think they might be able to eat out on election. >> reporter: trump's longtime executive assistant also testified today. she described trump as fair and respectful. he was her boss for 34 years. she maintained his contacts, including those for mcdougall and adult film actress stormy daniels. she testified she remembers seeing daniels at trump tower long before the 2016 election. meanwhile, tran8 wrapped up his testimony today. trump's lawyers exposed inconsistencies in his testimony about whether or not trump thanked him for suppressing stories. tran8 says he now believes he violated federal election law but he did not think that back in 2016. so court is not in session on monday of next week. so the trial will resume on tuesday, kevin. and former president trump will spend his weekend in florida where he is celebrating the former first lady's birthday.
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we will send it back to you. >> kevin: as always, a pleasure to have you with us tonight, thank you so much nate. working the late shift for us here tonight on fox news at night. let's dig into the details of what went down today in court with tom fenton. i love talking to you about this because i know that you like to get into the weeds but i would love to get your reaction to what other legal scholars are saying about what we have been watching here. this is from jonathan, a man that you know very well. i want to get your reaction to what he said today, talking about the wisdom of having this circumstance play out the way it is and where we are now and where we are going, listen to this. >> this is eight days we're sitting in this courthouse. this is all a biden indictment. it's trying to win the election against the political opponent and nothing like this has ever happened. >> we are left on friday wondering what is the intelligent design here towards
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conviction? and one thing that would help, if you would just tell us what is the crime? >> kevin: he nails it. we talked about this just a bit with alex's warrior -- lawyer, this is federal, from my experience in legal training, it seems mighty federal to me so what is the crime here and how does he get this one over the finish line? >> hopefully it is a jury, from his perspective, a jury that is anti- trump. and just putting salacious material out there about president trump. they are thinking that would be sufficient. for those of us concerned about the rule of law, he is absolutely right. there are no crimes here, this is an indictment about nothing. this whole week has been like an msnbc fever dream playing out in a courtroom. where they are asking this publisher questions about noncrimes. so it is a crime for politicians to communicate with members of the media about stories they don't want to run?
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i tell you, if that is the new rule, every politician here in dc is going to face criminal charges for not reporting those communications on federal election forums. it cannot be the law and it is not the law. they are making it up as they go along. we are still not sure what the crimes are beyond detailing in his ledger, illegal expenses -- legal expenses as legal expenses. this is an abuse of power and it is disturbing that the court has allowed it to even get this far. >> here's what i don't understand. i understand your point of view, it makes sense to me and yet i watch legal analyst all day long on other networks. they suspend all disbelief, similar go out there and say yes, it looks like a crime is happening here and they really do not seem to be backing up and saying this is an abuse of power if we're not careful, this will happen in other states. who is to say that this does not happen to say, present biden
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when he is out of office or a judge in texas or some other state that decides, as some people have called it, trumped up charges related to whatever saying you know what, we're just going to bring up dirt. >> that is the danger when you have this normalization of the weaponization of government to go after your political opponents. all bets could potentially be off. and it will disrupt the country because, as you say, you can have republican attorney general start targeting biden and biden should be praying that the supreme court agrees with trump. because i can guarantee you that there will be many republican attorney general's in the future who would want to go after him on criminal charges based on what he is doing right now. >> 100 percent believe that. tom, always a pleasure, thank you for your time tonight, have a great weekend and we will see you soon. coming up, present biden says he would be happy to debate former president trump after previously saying it would depend on his behavior. more on that coming up next.
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and later, a restaurant does not just have tons of food choices, nope. a lot of seating choices out there as well. you can sit at the bar, a table with chairs, a booth, a high top, even out on the patio somewhere. where do you want to sit when you go out to eat? you have a preference? let us know on an instagram. i promise we will read the very best responses coming up in the nightcap. but first it is 11:21 here on the east coast, time for our trip across america. a life look in atlanta where george washington's dog is rumored to be buried. who knew. next we will take you to cavalier north dakota. don't you know north dakota holds the world record for the most snow angels made simultaneously in one place? finally life look in track town usa. don't forget set your dvr if you cannot watch us live, we are back after this. >> we are a society in crisis. but what if we turned it into dialog?
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>> kevin: 27 minutes after the hour, breaking tonight, an incredible new set of images of a tornado outbreak in the midwest. several large twisters touching down and literally stopping traffic in nebraska. this one actually crossing a highway near lincoln. we're still working on gathering reports of injuries and fatalities from the storms but we do know that they cause severe damage. and fact one of the more destructive tornadoes wiped out homes and businesses just outside of omaha, we will keep an eye on that story for you. and as we get more, we promise to pass that along. in the meantime, president biden took time out of his busy day for a trip to new york. today, to talk with howard stern and the president, believe it or not, actually made a bit of news in the interview, saying he would be happy to debate former president donald trump. marianne has more on that story,
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hello. >> reporter: hello. president biden says he is ready to go toe to toe with president trump on a debate stage. he said in a radio interview with howard stern that he would be happy to debate trump after stern pressed on the issue, listen. >> i don't know if you will debate your opponent. >> i will somewhere, in a no-win, i will be happy to debate him. >> the remarks inconsistent with what he said last month when asked about debate -- debating trump saying it would depend on his behavior. the president responding even inviting president biden to the courthouse where he has been for eight days now during the new york versus donald trump criminal trial. the former president sankey does not not expect biden to follow through with the promise that says anytime, any place. >> just tell me where, we will do it at the white house, i would be very comfortable back there. but tell me where, we are ready and he is obviously not showing up now. >> reporter: president trump calling the trial a well coordinated and attack on a political opponent as the united
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states supreme court ways and on the presidential immunity. president biden did the interview on a day he was visiting new york city but stayed away from the anti- israel protest at columbia university and other college campuses around the city. kevin? >> kevin: thanks as always, see you again in the nightcap. for now let's bring in tonight's political panel. desiree timms from ohio. love that. along with republican represented from the great state of new york, i want to begin with you, desiree, i want to get your reaction to the president continuing to have interesting conversations, some people would suggest he has lost a step. a little off the fastball, here is what he told howard stern about attending the dinner tomorrow night, when in fact he is referring to a dinner he attended last month, listen to this. >> i'm doing the gridiron dinner on saturday. and one of the things -- the serious thing i will say is that paraphrasing jefferson pack said
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the choice between what we have and a free press, i picked the free press. >> kevin: anyone can misspeak, it happens to all of us. how concerned are you as a democrat? i know you have to say the right thing and wave the flag, but between us, are you concerned at all when you hear things like that where this sort of seems to happen a lot lately? >> i am not concerned. the reality is that the president is very busy, he has a busy schedule and there's a lot happening in the world. so i think he misspoke, he did sort of clean it up there and talk about the free press. so obviously he knows he is going to the white house correspondent dinner and i'm sure he is preparing his jokes and his entire routine. both presidents, former presidents when they are up in age they have senior moments, i have senior moments. so i think yes, it is a gaffe and we wish he did not have those but it happened and he cleaned it up. >> kevin: he did his best to cleaned up, i thought he handled that well. speaking of freedom of the press, i will get your reaction
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to this and yours as well. this is actually a statement from the new york times and they are talking about this idea of the free press when, in fact,, this president seems to continue to refuse to be available for interviews, this from the times. for anyone who understands the role of the free press, in a democracy, it should be troubling that president biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalist during his term. mr biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit down interviews with independent journalists and virtually all of his predecessors. i know this is a little political, claudia, but at least from my perspective, i think there is a very good point to be made by the times here, it is almost as if the white house is keeping him in the basement. >> i think that is absolutely true and is more astounding coming from the new york times. look, the new york times is normally somewhat of a propaganda megaphone for the
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democrats. and that is why president biden needs to get out there. but of course we know when he gets out there, it is a rambling commentary and the idea of him debating president trump right now would probably be a very difficult situation. remember, these two faced each other in debates in the last election but president trump actually had covid, which we found out later in his first debate and he was also president and probably did not take biden as seriously as he should have. but now i'm looking at biden and i think trump would eat him alive and i don't mean to reference uncle getting killed by cannibals, this is going to be a terrible situation for biden. and could really risk the presidency if you were to actually debate president trump who is obviously much more able, more humourous, more genuine then a career politician filled with still talking points like joe biden. >> kevin: he will have work cut out. i want to share a quick montage with some false statements in
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the howard stern interview. i know i'm picking on you will a little bit, desiree, but you can take. maybe you can help the president cleanup some of his misstatements, let's hear them. >> anyway, besides, i is to drive an 18 wheeler. >> i got shot down in new guinea. and they never found the body because there were a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea. >> the crowds here in new york and i remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. i felt like i was looking through the gates of hell. >> kevin: none of that israel. where is all of this coming from and how do you as a strategist try to move around it when they have these gaffes? >> i think we focus on biden and his policy agenda is extremely strong. and it has been very successful. so when we talk to voters on the ground in the base, they are excited about what joe biden is doing for them, they aren't as concerned with the gaffes or
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situations where he may have misspoke. what they like is what he is doing for them and how he is delivering. so i think if there is a debate, which i think there should be a debate, i am fully prepared to see joe biden when that debate. he was strong even when president obama had his debates and didn't have great nights, joe biden swooped in and sort of lay down the hammer. so i feel pretty confident when we put joe biden up against trump in a debate. >> last 15 seconds. desiree says all systems go. i would like to see it myself, what do you say? >> i think it is going to be great television but i think president trump approved to everyone that we were better off under president trump and the policies of president biden are reflected in the polls. he is at almost as worst level and his entire presidency in one of the worst polling numbers that we have seen in a president in the modern era. so president trump, we are seeing gas prices rising, you're
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seeing inflation continuing to persist and we are seeing americans struggling all across even upstate new york where we have high taxes and the middle class is getting carved out and really hurting under president biden. that is why you see even people who may not like president trump , they may not like him personally but they love his policies. and i think that everyone is looking for the debate between the two of them. it will definitely be an event. >> kevin: that union member speaking earlier this week spoke for a lot of folks, perhaps. conger from an, is always a pleasure, desiree great to have units to do with us. coming up, a mom's faith gets her family through a very difficult time. and it is all told any brand-new movie, unsung hero. a true story based on the lives of a small family. to members of the family and the grammy-winning christian group for king and country join us live next. and still ahead, remember when we thought it would be a long time into the future before we had flying cars? will apparently we are closer to
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that reality than ever. one creator is sparking a viral debate about whether or not -- is it cool to cut a burrito and half? those two stories and much more coming up and viral videos, cannot wait. but first, a live look at massachusetts. did you know that massachusetts is home to the nations first subway system? not the restaurant, the real subway. known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts
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>> kevin: welcome back everybody. 41 after the hour, the highly anticipated new faith focused movie, unsung hero is out today. the pair behind the film are the brothers that make up the grammy award-winning pop duo, king and country. we want to welcome joel and luc to "fox news @ night". for me this is a lot of fun. i'm thrilled to have you both with us. tell me about the inspiration behind the film and why it is
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getting so much buzz. >> yes. we are originally from australia, our dad was actually a concert promoter back there. one particular tour that he brought back to australia, the tour didn't go very well and we lost everything we had as a family, we lost the house, the car, the life savings. so dad was looking for a fresh start for his career for the family and he got a job action -- job offer nashville tennessee and his six kids and his wife who was six months pregnant at the time was brought to nashville and that's exactly what we did. but soon after we arrived in nashville, our dad lost that job and we lost everyone -- everything. slept on beds out of close, didn't know when the next meal would come and so as for king and country, we told that story on stage for many years and had a lot of people say you guys should write a book. but the truth is, we were homeschooled so that sounded difficult so we thought maybe we could make a movie instead.
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and the film is really summed up by a quote by mother teresa where she says if you want to change the world, go home and love your family. >> i love that, that is terrific. i believe we not only have some video of a trailer, which folks at home are saying now, i just want to share for just a moment, and this is for my satisfaction, this is a new york times review that came out on thursday, i just wanted to read this to you. in the faith-based drama unsung hero, on australian concert promoter trying to earn a living makes a last ditch move to nashville with his wife and six children is the ninth of 10, i love that. based on actual family musician that plays mostly as a tribute to the parents of joel and luc, a.k.a. the christian pop duo, "for king and country. humility and the power of prayer are the lessons on offer in their story. i absolutely love that part of the review. from the times, no less, what say you?
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>> man, look. we're drinking from a fire hose because playing music is our day job. but this is the definition of a passion project. something that we have always said is that the closer we get to our own hearts with creativity, the further it reaches into someone else's heart. so that is what this movie is all about, it is our mom and dad and our sister. more than that, it is a story about prayer, a story about people coming together and serve the community, story celebrating mothers or moms as you say. and lions gate has been incredible. they're putting in 2800 theaters around the country. and there's a small chance that mothers and miracle and family could be the number 1 or number 2 conversation in america this weekend. so we are taking it minute by minute but we're thrilled to be telling the story. >> kevin: i can tell you on behalf of a lot of people watching and who have been fans of yours for quite some time, it
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is a lovely story and a fantastic tribute. and in the 15 seconds we have left, if there is one thing that you want people to know is they hope to get a chance to check it out, what is that one thing, 15 seconds? >> if you love your mother back if you love the nineties, if you love music and miracles and you love your family, than this to the film for you with this weekend. we look forward to seeing you for what we are calling family day at the theater. >> could not have said it better myself. joel and luc, listen. continued success to you and yours, you guys are terrific. i mean that sincerely. for king and country as well, continued success to your families and thanks for spending some time with us here on fox news at night. >> thank you man. >> stay awake. >> yes sir. [ ♪♪ ] >> kevin: as we continue, first up into nine viral videos, this one, there's a company out
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there, it's actually making history by conducting the first -- world's first flying car with a passenger on board. you may be wondering who the passenger is. believe it or not, it was legendary french musician, jean michel in this invention is called the air car. it was clear to use back in 2022, may be the future of commuting. currently can get as high up as a thousand feet in the air and up to 120 miles per hour. sign me up. meantime, this video has sparked an online debate about if it's okay to cut of a rideau. and half. vertically? this creator shows how cutting the burrito vertically can allow one to more evenly distribute toppings and not have to take giant bytes, is he on to something or is he on something? tell us what you think. and a reminder, if you have a viral video to share, check us out on social media. coming up, when you go to a restaurant, where you think the best place to sit is, you want
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to sit in the booth or the corner, the patio? let us know on an instagram r we have the best response is coming right up in the nightcap. but first, a life look in south korea. did you know in south korea when a baby is born they are considered to be 1-year-old? it's true. [ ♪♪ ] by shape and price so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> time for the nightcap crew. tonight's topic we best seed in the house. this is great. a restaurant doesn't have just lots of choices there's a table with chairs, booth, hightops, patio where you like to sit in a restaurant in do you have a preference. we begin with the woman to my right, alex. >> i like the good patio. even if it's cold outside if there's a heater or a fire that's where i'm at. >> what do you say? >> the closer you are to the gold the better you get the cuts on the good old country boy so, yeah.
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>> i'm more concerned about eating than seating. >> like that. marianne? >> i love the booth, can to do the bar with kids so a nice quiet soft food just to enjoy with my drink and dinner. >> joel and luc? >> if it's a utopian date in australia by the beach it's of the patio has to be. >> i much the same i like the booth because if you have a kid, the kit can sit in the middle but there's still space if you are an adult you can get out quickly. >> we really thought about this. >> lots of thought in that. we asked our social media followers if you have a preference and on x mac 84% said yes. instagram 92% said i definitely have a preference let's check out with the folks tonight said.
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as there's an outdoor patio i'm taking it. >> at a table i'm not tall enough to get a bar stool been there done that. mary i prefer sitting the front door in case something happens i can react sound like the sopranos. tommy says food comes out faster in your by the kitchen. and michael says if i'm by myself i always eat at the bar not to take up a table. tables are for seeing people not having people walk behind me. a. >> i agree with that 100%. thank you for spending time with us on a friday night i'm kevin for trace gallagher in washington he will be back ame monday and i hope you will as well. good night. [ ♪♪ ] with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. take your business further with america's largest 5g network.
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