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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  May 7, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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ashley: i can only think of four so i will go with number one. stuart: murph. >> number one. stuart: china, india, united states, it is seven. china, india, us, indonesia, pakistan. when the you had taken over apparently not. seven countries with 200 million people in them. we will see you again soon. you have a wonderful night's sleep and see you tomorrow morning. that is it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast start in five seconds. 3, 2, one, starts now. >> the main point is the primary source of insecurity on
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this campus are the administrators who have batons, tasers onto campus who continue to beyond this campus, you want to talk about security and safety of students, why are you bringing armed police onto campus? when we talk about safety, chicago has one of the largest private police forces, they are fully armed, answer with riot gear, they have their shields and batons and guns and everything to harm people it is a university police force, serious potential, on this quad, talk to the one who brought guns onto our campus. neil: on top of israeli protests front and center again.
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calling a lid to demonstrations or making them more difficult, easier said than done. final grades until suspensions and protesters are lifted. and taking control of key border crossings only fueling more of this anger. enter president biden in the middle east of this, condemning anti-semitism at a holocaust remembrance ceremony. that's a thin needle to thread. >> president biden trying to have it both ways, holdback, pushback to root out hamas and keep those votes he needs in michigan in place, while trying to show ironclad support for
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israel by the us. making a keynote address at the holocaust memorial museum day of remembrance ceremony. recounting horrors while the world watched with indifference telling the audience americans must stand against and united against anti-semitism and hate, the president making perspective, anti-semitism on college campuses is an acceptable, something the house minority leader had to admit a few minutes ago. >> efforts to combat and pay semitism is not a democratic issue or a republican issue. it's is an american issue. we must crush anti-semitism along with racism and sexism and see in a phobia, homophobia and other forms of hatred together. that's the american way. >> reporter: the president says
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he will not forget that they slaughtered innocent people and listen to see if the president addresses the operation today when israeli forces took control of the rafah crossing, the white house concerned how that would unfold. >> we don't want to see operations in and around rafah that make it harder for taking refuse to be safe and secure and we have made that case privately to the israelis. >> reporter: the president and his speech says never forget means he will not never again, never again means he will never forget what happened to the jewish people during the genocide under the oppression of the nazis. he will not allow it to happen. he is also walking that fine line reminding people that october 7th happened in israel, trying to hold back israel's
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response. neil: the national security vice president, good having you on, we are apparently not pleased, the israelis are proceeding in rafah. there is talk that we have withheld some weaponry ahead of this to israel. do you think that is the case? >> the reporting is specific that it's $260 million worth of precision munitions. the irony here is if you withheld precision munitions, israel is likely to use more blunt weaponry which could result in additional civilian
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casualties and this is not assistance to israel. they are paying customers for the senate sent a horrible signal in terms of the us defense industry base to the rest of the world the government will prevent them from completing a legitimate sale that had already been arranged for ideological reasons. this is an awful move for a host of reasons. of congress can do anything to prevent them from the slow walking of rearmament's they definitely should. ashley: can the president do this on his own? appropriated funds, congress is in charge of appropriated funds. >> these aren't our funds, the authorities for transfer of weapons which goes, however ironically, through the state department, when john kerry was secretary of state, tried to do
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something during the gaza flareup, something similar in terms of additional layers of bureaucratic, a horrible message to send, close ally in the middle of a shooting war and you start to put up bureaucratic -- to rearming them. lauren: 20 the president has been speaking in washington this holocaust remembrance day. he has said in stronger terms than he has in the past the destroying properties against the law. to the jewish people, as your president, you're not alone. critics are saying why wait so long to hear this? >> campus protests have been going on for seven months. they started in columbia on october 10th, three days after the october 7th attacks.
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this has been basically accepted and the president is concerned about law and order. some of his biggest funders are the people who are funding these radical groups including students for justice in palestine which is one of the main culprits, of anti-semitic organization and it exists on 200 campuses. some have banned it but it acted on too many others and these are biden's biggest funders. neil: do you think what benjamin netanyahu was going to do at a time and place of his choosing, he has chosen it, where is this going? >> the administration is not pleased and i don't have the insider scoop on what went down yesterday, some deal was proposed by the egypt and to head this off, that's their
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business but the americans knew about it, cia director burns know about this and they tried to ambush the israelis to prevent the operation in rafah. that's dirty business. the israelis realize they have to control this. it is how they will stem additional smuggling of people and weapons into the gaza strip. they need to know what tunnels are underneath and what infrastructure is there so they can end hamas. i disagree with admiral kirby who said there's no military solution here. hamas is a military organization, that's the only way israel can resolve this. neil: we are waiting for more details about what is next in this rafah raid that's coming from israel right now. we will keep you posted. the other big story is day 13 of the trump hush money cash trial, the star witness, stormy daniels herself. i want to go to bob q sack and
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the former federal prosecutor. the enormity of this, she is saying a lot of salacious stuff that gets a lot of attention. a lot of people tell me is not part of the legal argument but is certainly given the reaction she's getting on the stand is getting to be. >> it will attract and has attracted a lot of headlines which we've been waiting for this testimony. politics is all about expectations, 65% of people think trump will be convicted in this case and he is still winning. i am wondering what the affect, we've not seen it yet. maybe a conviction will change that. since a lot of people were expecting it, i'm not sure. neil: we are getting into genitalia and things like that, i'm selling my staff cover your ears.
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i'm wondering what you make of that. what they are trying to prove his this was a, lacked on his part to pay her off and to do it the way he did it. whether that approaches mere misdemeanor charges or something with high penalties. where are you on this and where this goes? >> can't imagine why out and bragg allowed this information, details of the alleged sexual relationship in 2006 to come into evidence if not to embarrass donald trump. i don't know what that has to do with whether a contract was signed in 2016 at what his motivations would have been in 2016. it doesn't seem relevant whether they did or did not have sex but whether in 2016 donald trump won to withhold that story from getting to be made public. that's the only question, whether there was currently intend or whether it was done
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in legitimate fashion, house liberties go about doing that, not whether the actual act took place in 2006 but the judge continues to allow it to roll on but he continued to stop that, he said to keep it limited, didn't want details, prosecutors put forward and provided details anyways. of the 20 she has volunteered them. let me ask about the legal side of this before i go back to bob on this. as a lawyer, she is insisting this relationship happened and providing evidence. donald trump said this never happened and this was a payoff to get rid of something, not saying those words, to make it go away. is it too late or doesn't matter who is right on this? >> i don't think it matters whether the act did or did not
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happen but we see cases where there is debate whether sexual act occurred or not, we see defense attorneys getting to the needy gritty details to expose pieces of inconsistencies or alternatively to say she had these details, they are trying to prove the underlying sexual relationship even though it doesn't matter to assessing the actual criminal elements of this offense in 2016. neil: maybe i am wondering if that was the intent all along, a legal long shot to make the case on criminal charges. just to humiliate donald trump and embarrass him and drag his name through the mud, here's a porn star, had a relationship and a story, humiliating, bring
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up milania trump, humiliating. >> i think that's certainly part of the equation. it's a risky move by prosecutors that this is the way they are going down the path and i also think this is going to lessen the chances that trump is going to testify because then there could be more embarrassment and for all the talk of the gag order, no way donald trump is going to be thrown in jail, the judge doesn't what that but the judge is getting frustrated. this is becoming a spectacle. neil: donald trump is famous for coming out during breaks in the hearing before and after words to comment on that day's proceedings. any risk to him? >> i don't think he can. the judge has been clear about commenting on this is a violation of the gag order. he has been banned from talking
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about when his participation on the idea it might scare them in their testimony but the judge made it so he can't even testify about what witnesses have already said so that seems a further violation of his first amendment rights. we 20 what if he were to insist this never happened? is that violating the gag order? >> he said that in the past. i don't think the judge brought clarity to the vagueness of his order. he runs a risk in doing so, he said he would be willing to go to jail to promote civil liberties, maybe he will be a martyr to a civil rights because. we 20 do you think it will happen? >> i don't think he would be smart to put him in jail but if donald trump keeps pushing him he has threatened it so how could he back away? sean: a word on that, thank you. is there the courthouse where this is going down, cover your ears.
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they are not hearing it directly but they are getting reports on what's going on. what do you think? >> some pretty salacious testimony from stormy daniels, this before the prosecutors get to the heart of the case and try to deal with charges that are against donald trump. stormy is back on the stand. they took a 15 minute break. she appeared casual. she has been talking in a conversational way, she did appear nervous when she appeared on the stand. some thinking she appears believable. she testified throughout the morning through the heart of the matter saying she met the former president at the golf tournament in 2006, playfully spank them on the rear end of the magazine and they started to talk of the publicist
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occurred to meet with the former president through his bodyguard, invited her up to his penthouse hotel room. they had dinner in that hotel room. at one point he showed photos of his wife, milania, during the time she was testifying. he could be seen shaking his head and then they got to salacious issues saying he was wearing silk or satin pajamas. she said just like hugh hefner. remember those? they had dinner and later went to the bathroom, at one point came out and found donald trump in his bed in his boxers and t-shirt and she said they had sex. described in detail to the jury, about having sex with him on the bed, during this time the defense often was trying to raise objections to these questions.
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the judge was sustaining a lot of the defense objections, that he was siding with the trump defense after a break, saying they were getting into too many details, telling prosecutors to move on from these salacious details. when they find out more about the actual agreement with stormy daniels in which michael cohen allegedly paid her off to keep quiet about donald trump, whether that was to protect his family and the trump reputation or to interfere with the 2016 election. the former president has always denied that he had any type of affair or had sex with stormy daniels. quite an intense day on the stand through testimony and you know it will be a rough, searing cross-examination of her about the defense attorneys when it is time for that. of t
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that required sale of the social media apps, setting up a showdown over issues like national security and free speech. you might recall that the suit was filed with a federal appeals court in washington, preventing the us from enforcing this bipartisan law that was originally signed by president biden last month. unless the parent company divested itself on the flight plan. lawyers, start your actions.
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julie: tiktok is taking over the government on that measure to get tiktok's parent company to divest itself or shutdown in the united states. tiktok said that the bridge too far and we are suing. mark tepper is pursuing these developments. we knew we were getting to this point. this is going too far. where do you see this going?
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>> one of the things tiktok is saying is this is a first amendment issue, a violation of free speech but if you think of it, on townhall closes, people can go to another townhall to express first amendment rights. i'm not sure that's a valid argument but the way i see this playing out, i am torn because i've got kids who are on this platform. i want to ensure their safety and make sure their data isn't in the hands of the ccp. i understand that side of the argument but on the flipside as a small business owner, i understand there are tons of influencers and small businesses that have spent time, energy, and money, upwards of six figures building followings on tiktok and to have that stripped away doesn't sound great. i hope the end result is this data is hosted by a us-based company like microsoft.
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that's the ideal scenario. neil: if people are going to spy on us they had better be american companies. i find it odd that tiktok is suing the us government because this violates the first amendment, a chinese company talking about the first amendment, like giving you dietary advice, don't know if i would go there but where does that argument go? >> i was thinking the same thing. the first amendment has been front and center the last few years especially after twitter files came out. there was a lot of concern, whether it was facebook or twitter, i don't know how much weight this will carry specifically targeting the first amendment free speech but may be you get some individuals who are pro-first amendment advocates who start to pivot
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and take breakdance aside a little bit in this. for me, it is a really tough decision. i hope the end result is the state is hosted by us companies. neil: you had no advance warning, nice job, strategic wealth partners. kelly o'grady following another big story, nothing to do with suing each other but apple introducing new ipads and it has been a while. >> some new gadgets, they announced three new ipads. we have air, pro, introductory offering for $349, pretty decent price when you see the others. you've got 11 and 13 inch model, that will bring 799 and with that you can expect faster processing power, the m 2 chip
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is faster than the ipad air, the ipad pro announcement, you will get 11 and 13 inch model that will run 1299, but the slew of new features they announced, the ultra retina xdr, a nicer picture, a large sharper. you see a serious performance jump. capable of 38 trillion operations per second. netflix will be easier to watch. apple says it will be incredible for their ai run but gave no specific use case. tim cook said it would revolutionize the process. >> it is the biggest day for ipad since its introduction. consumers to pro-plaps, it enables people to take their ideas, their work and their creativity to new heights.
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>> reporter: a couple new accessories, magic keyboard for $300 will help it function more like a laptop essentially. a new apple pencil, better sensitivity when writing. you've got new gadgets to boost sales and have been lagging. the big day we are looking for is june, finally hopefully going to find out more about apple's ai play, investors upset with apple that they have fallen behind. neil: you are a nerd, great job, can't believe they had that. kelly o'grady following that. we are following some judges are uniting together, not keen on hiring law clerks coming from at least one major university. it rhymes with, it is columbia. after this. ♪ ber... and more about discovering magic.
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neil: the fallout from those protests, we are getting word of 13 federal judges morning they are not eager to higher law clerks from columbia university saying the university has become an incubator, some people interpret that as being unfair because they are targeting whether you were part of these protests or not. columbia university student in junior year says he returns for the senior year. what do you think, chatting
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briefly, no one from columbia. >> they have a point in that this is an incubator of anti-israel hate and the school hasn't been doing enough to combat anti-semitism. this is a problem unique to columbia, this is a problem that is plaguing the ivy league. i think it might make sense because it is in the news right now and these boycotts were affective and other law schools, because there are so many of us. it. 20 will protest, anti-semitic comments, it does seem to be widespread. what are you studying? >> i study political science. neil: no fallout from any potential voices down the road.
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>> not necessarily. i am in the political and journalism sphere, they are interested in hearing my perspective on what is going on. neil: you are very fair and balanced about that. being a columbia student these days in your junior year, seeing year, still want to be a senior at columbia. >> absolutely. even with everything going on, it is important as ever for college students, particularly columbia students, or even part of this on the israel or palestine side to come together and talk about these issues and returning the fallen or peaceful environment, hopefully in an environment where we are not occupying the halls but hamilton hall doing peaceful protest, protest and the university and have a dialogue
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about this conflict which will still be an issue we are talking about. neil: you are calm, reasoned young man. we don't see that particularly from those who are protesting and you are probably right that this doesn't represent all the students but it must make life difficult on campus. >> i would say so. the campus environment particularly from the student bodies very hostile. it's the echo chamber. on me personally but also on everybody else. i go out, call into news stations, students getting arrested and protesting and just because sometimes share my perspective or told the truth about what's going on, people come after you. fellow students on social media. lauren: 1 about professors? >> i've been lucky enough to avoid that but i have heard
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cases where professors targeted pro-israel students. neil: what do your parents, are they worried for you? >> they are worried about the state of columbia and the state of higher education in general. this is not something they ever imagined, china is a repressive regime and we have these students chanting for the destruction of israel but not just israel, it anti-west, anti-american, it has devolved from what was a pro cease-fire movement to anti-israel, sometimes pro-hamas and now just antiestablishment, anti-american. . 20 jewish students, do they feel like the school is -- >> a lot of them do believe that and there is sufficient evidence from their personal experiences to support that. doesn't take much to create a hostile environment especially at a place like columbia.
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keep in mind we are in new york city. most students don't live -- even if the school controls what's going on within the gates, there's still encountering these horrific protests that are going on outside campus gates. yesterday was a sacred day for the jewish community. there was a day of rage protest for gaza and the pending environment of rafah and that is something people had to encounter when walking up and down the street and it is a difficult situation for a lot of them. neil: thank you for joining us, getting into the senior year and still at columbia. good seeing you. charlie gasparino is at the milton conference in california and there's political turmoil, it's a big subject. charles: a huge subjects. the animating at motivating subject for many of the panels
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here. i get into it in a minute but a little news here that elon musk spoke at a fireside chat, called for the dismantling of the regulatory state, said it is a threat to americans basic freedom. the biggest buzz yesterday was richard sandler. and the prosecution of michael -- he held the panel from anti-semitism and this is a finance conference, they get into cultural issues, regulation like elon musk said. the anti-semitism panel was the most well attended panel for the conference. it is standing room only and very impassioned commentary by
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richard and the panel and from what i understand it was must-see tv and you can go to a website and watch it and i suggest people do that because it was a homerun. another interesting panel was a dei panel they put on that only certain people got invites, 50 people, but i try to get into some of these meetings that are close. bill ackman, hedge fund billionaire who has been against dei, had an interesting, cordial face-off about the merits or demerits of dei with don peebles, investor, entrepreneur has been on your show, don people saying get siding but worst-case examples about dei, how it essentially
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stifles, reverse racism, the way it is practiced right now is reverse racism and got to stop. so that was an interesting panel and i will be throwing around all day looking for more interesting stuff. todd: thank you for following those developments. we see a lot of sliding in the dow and major markets through the day, weighing these earnings and everything else that indicate they are not as robust as earlier thought but a couple other developments on the stability of the social security trust fund the and other entitlements facing potentially serious financial issues after this. ♪ ♪ light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities
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security trust fund finds there are major hurdles regardless. hillary vaughan has more. >> reporter: president biden's problem is not to raise retirement age or cut benefits might be problematic because if you don't do anything you're in denial, social security and medicare are running out of money and at some point no one will get anything from it. the death date for social security, 2035, for medicare, 2036, that's when these programs are predicted to dry up and go belly up. president biden insist his fix is raising taxes on the ultrarich but the only problem is that is how he's going to pay for the other things he wants to do and the money he has already put on the nation's credit card. >> if you are going to address the liability for social security, what would the tax rate have to be or the total amount of taxes have to be on
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those making $400,000 a year? >> the computation -- >> charging $4.9 trillion for the deficit from medicare and other things and we've got to add social but haven't done the math. >> the president doesn't have a plan, he has principles. >> reporter: no plan, just principles but budget hawks sates we talk is in helping anyone. it's time to face the hard truth. >> there is only so much we can do. getting these fiscal myths, promise not to do anything to fix social security or medicare or raise taxes or only raise taxes on rich people will promise not to cut spending, those things don't live in the reality we are and where our debt is near record levels, major trust funds are headed towards insolvency. >> reporter: there's a silver lining to this. would because of the job market and low unemployment. more people are paying into these programs so they extended the lifespan of these buying, 7
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months more time than they originally thought they would run out of money. neil: thank you very much for that. jody arrington, the texas congressman house budget committee chairman house ways and means committee member, a key player in all of this, good to have you. the fact of the matter is people like warren buffett said over the weekend the government would have to raise taxes. it has the ability to keep an eye on spending so the only other alternative is to raise taxes. how you feel about that? >> i don't think mister buffett has dug into our spending as a nation. we are spending $240 billion a year on wasteful and fraudulent spending within entitlements, and that is over the ten year budget window, more than the entire russian economy. that's one area.
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we are having a hearing tomorrow on the cost of the border chaos. it is one hundred $50 billion. it is healthcare costs. education costs. criminal justice costs. i would suggest this government is too big and the spending which is over $6 trillion and a third of which is borrowed, $2 trillion a year will double in 10 years, interest rates are the third-largest expenditure item in the budget and that is $870 billion which is more than we spent on national defense. i suggest our spending is out of control which is driving the unsustainable debt and we have to address the insolvency and unsustainability of those important safety nets for seniors you mentioned earlier. neil: donald trump said he's not too keen on going after
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entitlements even though at another event he did talk about down the road we might be having to do that. is that inevitable? >> inevitable. . 80% of our budget in ten years will be on auto spend, those are mandatory spending programs. those are entitlements and the drivers, healthcare, welfare, and other mandatory programs. you can't save this country from the inevitable debt calamity if you don't address these entitlements. there's a trauma attornment is amount of waste, common sense solutions like welfare reforms, work requirements in food stamps. apply that to medicaid, tens of billions of dollars. i could dig into it in the specifics but you can't get there from here as we say in texas in terms of staving off the debt crisis, strengthening
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the balance sheet and growing our economy without dealing with those entitlement programs. todd: he where is this going? next year those trump tax cuts expire if he were to be elected president, working with a republican congress, they might be renewed again but if it is a mixed government situation if president biden's reelected that is highly unlikely, your thoughts? >> if it is joe biden we know the playbook, because he submitted his budget and his budget doubles down on the cradle-to-grave welfare expansion, expanding mandatory spending, almost $3 trillion, doubles down on taxes and regulations. donald trump would bring a progrowth agenda and here's what i would tell you and your viewers, if we could grow 1%
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over the 2% that cbo projects, one% would bring down the deficit by $3 trillion but we have to link that with mandatory spending reforms and reining in the spending and we have to be able to grow the economy faster than we are spending, faster than we are borrowing. if we do that just like our forefathers after world war ii did it we can bring debt to gdp down and have our best and brightest economic days ahead of us. neil: you've been warning about that. jody arrington, sitting on the house ways and means committee, he knows the numbers the colleagues are facing if they are up to facing it. the big rocket launch do you laid, they had valve issue. but they scrub but it, they are looking at may be friday. we will see, after this. ♪
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1:00 pm
neil: getting word that marjorie taylor greene has got to speaker johnson's office in the company of congressman massey. they've been critics of mike johnson and the deals he makes. they are not redesigning here and giving up the fight. they are demanding that he look at some of these funds that were agreed to for ukraine, and the majority of the majority should support that, she would be among them. they are talking at least but so far it could be messy. brian brenberg and "the big money sh" ai


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