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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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things are happening here, olena is now on our direct line, and we will ask her what is going on with the courts, because the matter with the courts, i understand, has already reached a dead end. elena, hello, congratulations, elena, and yes, it just seems to me that we have been watching some absurd movie with all these processes for a year and a half, so i will clarify whether i understand correctly. the lawyers from derzhkino said that the case is being considered for too long, that's why they think that the judges are biased, that's why they filed, filed a motion, the judge said, once you file petition, then we recuse ourselves, we remove ourselves from the case, let them look for new judges, that's how it happens, well, it turns out that it is, that is, the case is considered for a long time, so let's, let's continue it.
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to watch, well, i remember when there were previous trials, there were already a lot of judges, this is a multi-part series, and the lawyers, lawyers from the state cinema constantly tried to drag it all out, despite the fact that it was very obvious and even i laughed judge, that is, she tried to hold back, but it still didn't work out very well, that is, i understand that from the position of you and the lawyers, this is again a delay. yes, this is a delay again, it is obvious that after trying to reorganize the center, derzhkino did it in an extremely unprofessional and unreasonable manner, which was reported to them not only in ukraine, but also by the foreign film community and those who, in particular, take care of the film heritage, so the derzhkino has no solution, how to to get out of this situation, therefore it is more profitable for them to postpone, postpone the consideration of the case. although
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the decision will not become more legal from this, what next, what opportunities they are waiting for, it is not clear, for example, now the state audit of the dovzhenko center, which was initiated by the state cinema in particular, is in progress, that is, it is not quite an independent inspection, but it is still stimulated, perhaps some are waiting for the results of this inspection in order to, er... have at least some formal reasons to do what they do, but this does not change the essence, let's remind our viewers , what does the state cinema want in general, what does it want to do with this reorganization, and most importantly, why are you at the dovzhenko center, well , at least a large part is against it, eh, again, about the intentions... which really
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underlies the actions of the state cinema, it is better to ask them, because for many reasons , the reorganization of the dovzhenko center and the transfer of the collection to the center of cinematography or anywhere else looks senseless, because the collection of film heritage in the dovzhenko center cared for, protected, it is explored, it is used, and in times of war , the film is reorganized. the fund looks very wild and it looks like it is playing hand in hand with our enemy, so it is better to ask the state cinema about the true motives, it is probably behind it property interest, because the dovzhenko center has a hectare of land, which may be of interest to developers, may be of interest to those who want to privatize state property, and perhaps derzhkino simply wants to demonstrate this process with the center. to the end,
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in order to demonstrate my ability, which everyone has doubted for a long time, including the international community, i will tell our viewers that dovzhenko, the head of the state cinema, does not have much contact with the press, all our requests for an interview remained unanswered, at many events, maryna kuderchuk simply runs away from there, i saw her running away from my colleagues just from... uh, from the camera they said no, i won't comment on anything, that's the story, well, but at least they say that they initiated this process, because they believe that the work will be more efficient this way, but many people doubt it, olena, i still want to ask after asking simply as a journalist, when we will be able to titrate you normally, because, because there is no way we cannot get you to be appointed . head of the dovzhenka
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center: you won two contests, still something is happening, why is it taking so long? dezhkino does everything to be present. depriving the center of its capacity, and not appointing a head - this is also one of the tools of such pressure and pressure on the institution, that is, we are under administrative pressure, we are under managerial pressure, we are under financial pressure, in such conditions it is extremely difficult for us to work and fulfill our responsibilities, although it looks from the outside, maybe even silly, how... can work in such conditions, and the team moves only what we are responsible for the institution, the collection stored in it, i.e. state cinema as, if it is called a management body, then as a management body, it is extremely ineffective, because it should
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create conditions for the development of the film fund and for a successful institution that is in their structure , on the contrary, derzhkino is trying to do its best. efforts to deprive the center of its means of livelihood and the ability to perform its functions, for our viewers who are either a diversion, olen, finally, for our viewers who want to support the dovzhenky center, i will simply say that well simply an incredible number of our filmmakers united in support, i don't remember such a union of our filmmakers, in principle, that... so many people, for so long, supported some idea, fought, came to the courts in particular, and for the audience , who want to support the dovzhenko center, which is proposed in the near future, i know that there is an exhibition, it seems, and it is opening in berlin, which was, yes, the exhibition of rick
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krychal, howled like a wounded animal, it ended in the center, but it we still have, and we are now thinking about opening it. a few weeks and those who did not have time could see it, and if any of our supporters are in berlin or the city of dnipro, they can see the exhibition there, now we are preparing a program for the book arsenal, which will be devoted to film scripts, we will participate in festivals, we are preparing a project by proparajanov and we are preparing a big project for its restoration, that is, we continue to fulfill our mission despite, despite all the circumstances, and if soon there will be new news that the state cinema went on the offensive, we will again call on everyone for support. well, we will traditionally follow this series. olena, thank you for
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your comments. olena honcharuk was on our air, she manages the film museum in the dovzhenko center, and she is also a two-time winner of the competition for the position. the head of the state cinema, but there is no way to get this position, to officially assume this position, because this is what is happening. well, friends, go to the dovzhenko center and pay attention to ukrainian culture, but with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, you and without reminders you do this, i am constantly happy how much this tick is developing for us now, how many bookstores are opening, how many... many new authors, theaters, music and everything else, and we also do not forget that we need to follow eurovision, because our alyona, alyona and jerry helmi have already been sent to eurovision, and they need to be supported, because you know, i see on social networks, sometimes it happens that in
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the comments on posts about alyona, alyona and jerry hale, they start writing when they are not bots, but living people, various comments about appearance or one other girl, or how they dressed, friends, it’s not very beautiful, you don’t need to write like that, if you have any complaints about the music, for example, you can write it unconditionally, but if something concerns the appearance of girls, people in general, i it seems that this practice should be abandoned, on the contrary, the girls should be supported, because you know how often it happens first with our contestants, our winners... in the selection contests for eurovision, they criticize, they say, phew, the wrong ones were chosen, already when people win, everyone forgets about it and says, these are our best contestants, they were the best in this competition. in general, eurovision should, i think, take an example from
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countries like britain and support its participants regardless of which place they get, first, second or last, in any case it is absolutely... a fan contest and well it is not so important what place the participants took, what is more important here is the support they receive from their friends. so, we will talk about eurovision. in our next issues, and for now i wish you a peaceful day, have a good evening and night, and see you in a week. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% at travel pharmacies and savers. try flebodia 600, pink. french pills for acute hemorrhoids. 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts on
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hepargen. 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts for visa. 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pavel koval, the commissioner of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? the project is close. politicians around the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sister
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au. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we are looking for 15-year-old daria myroshnychenko from the kherson region. imagine that the girl disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war, on february 24 , 2022, that is, there is no trace of her for more than two years. news i really hope so everything is fine with the child, and the connection with her
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was cut off only because of the occupation of the left bank of the kherson region. the girl lived in the kakhov district, in the city of tavriysk. i believe that thanks to your concern, daria myroshnychenko will be found. so i am addressing everyone, especially the residents of the left bank of the kherson region. look carefully at the photo of the girl. perhaps someone has seen daria and knows about her. at least something, every little thing is important. if suddenly someone has information or knows where the girl is, call the service immediately search for magnolia children by short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. another girl who also disappeared in the kherson region and about whom there has been no news for more than two years is 14-year-old yulia ivashova. she looks
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her age, with an oval face and light blond hair. the girl lived in the village of kardashinka in the skadovsky district of the region. if anyone has seen yuliya ivashova, or knows at least something about the child, immediately call the short number 11630. the hotline of the child tracing service is open 24 hours a day. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. these are only two stories of missing children and only from the occupied kherson region. in total, for more than two years of full-scale war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, most of the children were found and are now safe, but the fate of many children remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories. anyone can help find missing children, it only takes a minute in... time. visit the magnolia children's tracing website. in the "missing children of ukraine" section
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, you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and help find them. and now i want to tell about the missing children in the occupied donetsk region. look at the photo. this is 13-year-old dmytro horovy. nothing has been known about the fate of this boy for more than two years. unfortunately, the details of his disappearance are false. i only know that... when the war started, the child was in mariupol, and on the same day the boy disappeared without a trace. perhaps he, like many children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro gurovoy. he looks about 13 years old, with light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, don't hesitate to call us on the magnolia children's helpline on the short number 11630. calls from any mobile
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operator are free. i also want to remind you that the search for the 16-year-old continues. elijah polishchuk he is also from mariupol, and nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. the connection with the potion was cut off on february 24, and no one knows where he might be now. therefore, i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old. at his place. light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen ilya or knows where he might be now, don't delay and call us on the service hotline search for magnolia children by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram.
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any information is important. we have created a resource thanks to to whom you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcame ua. i met the war while opening the exhibition. now life of the museum in ukraine depending on the territorial location. the further from russia, the better. the invaders attacked
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the north, south and east of ukraine at the same time, and the west became a reliable rear from the first days of the invasion. chernivtsi, in the first months of the full-scale invasion, it became a crowded city. the task was to help as much as possible those friends who were moving from kyiv to the east. from the first days of the war, lviv became a transshipment point and a hub. the war is felt everywhere in the country, not only because of rocket attacks. every family has someone who... serves in the army, despite the risks, ukrainians rally to repulse the enemy and defend their country with dignity, it is important to stay, if possible, in the place where you are and be useful, effective in the field you are in is a museum thing for me, and there are those who are ready
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to postpone their life's work because they feel the need to help in another way, i don't write anything artistic, i... continue to write posts on facebook, they mostly consist of in three sentences: yuhu-hu, bought such and such a car, this such and such a brand, came from there, thank you all. but is there a place for art during war? if there is a need for an artist to paint war, it is normal, well, he is treated in this way. healing through creativity, artists also support ukrainian society with their works. and when i was coming here... i thought, i won't cry for the third time, what a force of culture it is, what its role is in society and in confronting the enemy. what is happening to culture in ukraine now, during the war? our culture must be complete a fighter and a player. culture cannot
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be defeated with boots. culture can only be beaten out by culture. with this film, we open a series of reports from different regions of ukraine about culture during the full-scale russian invasion and tell about those who continue to create it despite the war. lubart castle is one of the oldest and best preserved castles in ukraine. it is one of the most recognizable sights of lutsk and a modern center. volyn has another distinctive location, here in a relatively small town there is a museum that impresses with its scale, modern art, it allows to... develop, because it can reflect, it is arranged in former factory workshops, the museum has an area of ​​500 km, paintings, sculptures,
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graphic works, installations are collected here, this museum is private and it belongs to the corsican family. my task is that a person enters the museum alone and leaves completely different. this is our mission. the museum of modern ukrainian art appeared in lutsk not so long ago and has a very symbolic opening date, because it first welcomed visitors on the 27th day of ukraine's independence, namely august 24, 2018 year our main exposition is... a study of six centers of art, there lviv, zakarpattia, kyiv, kharkiv and so on. different mentality, different religion, different schools, they
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influence the artist, and they create differently. the museum of the corsican family has art exhibits dating from the 1960s to the present day. now the exposition of the museum is a significant percentage. consists of projects that highlight the urgent problems of ukraine, which is actually the war. previously, there was a kyiv one here cell, when our genesis exposition was still working at full capacity, now it is also a project of kyiv artists, it is oleg tistel and andriy zelinskyi, the project is called the history of the parade, and it is such a mini-anthropological study of the mentality of our enemy, it is... gay parade in in sevastopol, which for at least the 14th year has not lived with its values ​​in the foreground, in fact there is
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a pride, carnivalized, celebration of free people, which is currently difficult to imagine in sevastopol, and the artist andriy zelinsky himself said that the victory of ukraine for him looks exactly like this. war is a daily reality for ukrainians, so nowadays war topics are present not only in the military. from history, but also among the exhibits of the museum of modern art. on february 23, we opened the exhibition of pavel kovach, and we talked until late, until two in the morning, after that i went home, still with my friends, we stopped by my place in the woods, the phone rang, and then i heard explosions, it was already four o'clock there , because the rockets just arrived at the airfield, and i understand that the war has started. on the day of the full-scale invasion of many ukrainians were gripped by a sense of uncertainty, no one understood what the future would be, but
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everyone had to decide how to live on. and about a day and a half later, i realized that i had to start doing something, there was a question of what to do, you could just go and pour molotov cocktails, well, i think so, there are about 18 different businesses. it will be most effective if we help. to our country precisely in those areas where we are competent, well, we started, i myself was a surgeon in my first life, and i thought that for sure, if there is a large mobilization, this is a bunch of people unprepared in terms of medicine, on the third day we already taught tactical medicine. at the same time , the corsican family understands that it is necessary to somehow secure the museum itself, and we are talking about thousands of square meters and many exhibits. at the expense of the museum, the question arose, what to do? well, of course you have to hide the collection, well, because the belarusians will come there or the russians and what and what, we hid the collection, and the wife, daughter-in-law and they
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were here for about 10 days, then they hid everything, packed it, carried it, because i taught tactical medicine every day, we 70 about three days without at all stops, dead ends, we trained 125 people in tactical medicine, including 5,00 soldiers, tactical courses. held within the walls of the museum, just in the same room where the exhibition was opened on february 23, they risked leaving the paintings of pavlo kovacs, he wants at least some art to be there, and even then after 20 days, i think the museum should be connected. at first, the museum resumed cultural events, the goal was to support people, both local and residents of temporarily occupied or front-line territories, who found shelter here. we have introduced one artatallion project, we had a list of artists, we called them in advance, they said: good afternoon, you are singing there, but you don’t want to hold a singing master class, you are dancing there, but you don’t
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want it, you are playing, so... what else they wrote works, that is , we had 150 artbatbatalions in a row, every day at three o'clock , a lot of people gathered here, and again the same story, that they came half-dead, half-alive, and came out completely different, that is, such psycho-emotional art therapy, yes such anti-stress, we started taking refugees, we have accepted 700 refugees to date, people live here now, there were a lot of artists among the immigrants, yes... absolutely spontaneously , an art residency was organized on the basis of the museum. we didn't invite anyone to the residency, it just happened that artists there call me and say, we can come, we need somewhere to live. i say, you can, come. how important it is for an artist to create. he came and said: give me a piece of canvas, i have to paint because i'm going to die. something, that is, it is like a physiological need. you see
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crucified shakhtar himself, like jesus christ, that is , a very symbolic work, interesting. however, not all artists avoid the theme of war in their work. there are those who are ready to think about this topic right now. now vlad, we have an exhibition, he draws the subway, he lived in the subway when they were bombed, and we have an exhibition about this subway, it hurts him. let's move on to vladyslav's works. this vol. this is the backpack with which vladyslav spent several days in the kyiv metro, this blanket, which he also covered himself with, and these were the only things he was able to take with him when evacuated, and directly here works with what a person could see in the subway. here, let's say, such a transformation of the subway itself, as such, because before it was a place of some bustle, and then it transformed into something completely different, transformed into... ran to
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peace. most of the paintings of vladyslav ryaboshtan's project, the subway as a shelter, were created already in lutsk, when the artist was here in evacuation. another artist, petro antip, was forced to leave his workshop in temporarily occupied horlivka in 2014. now he is too works in the museum of the corsican family. i like order, for me very, very much. it is important that the workshop should be perfectly clean, it is a fairy tale that artists should be poor, beggars, hungry there, this, by the way, is a russian myth, it is accepted in russia, everything in the world, well, artists are very, very packed, you are a fairy tale they came up with the idea that an artist should walk in kertsev boots, it is necessary to express the russian mentality, this is the soviet mentality, because in russia the artist's ego
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was thought of by the party there. either there or putin thinks for him or there the tsar thinks for him there, a they only learned the craft there. petro antip knows firsthand what russian art is and what russian artists are taught, he himself studied in russia. everyone went to study in penza, and for some reason i went. i didn't know that there was an art school in lviv, in kyiv, or in odesa. i am very happy that i entered russia, because my parents told me that russia is shit. not very good, the communists are also shit, but in the yard it was a completely different situation, in the yard we all lived there without politics, so you can say, for childhood, that there is russia, that ukraine, well everyone talked to shurzhik, the ukrainian school was closed, only in russia they told me that i was ukrainian specifically, that, that what my parents said, there, what my grandfather said, there, babushka, well, you understand, there, well, about the famine, there everyone told such things there, clearly in russia...


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