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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, is this, the, the, the news coming to line from berlin is really trying to roll into rafa in southern guns of israel takes control of the key border crossing inside the territory incursions leaves a new cease fire deal hanging in the balance. also coming up, joe biden condemns anti semitism at a holocaust memorial ceremony, the us president warns against the rise and anti jewish feeling observed in america since the start of the war. and does the man james says vladimir, pretend this morning is pro, is russia's president for an unprecedented 5th term clearing the way for another 6
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years in power? the hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. israel's military has seized control of a key border crossing in gaza. the army says tanks rolled into bravo in the south of the territory, which is a vital crossing point for humanitarian aid. coming in through egypt, the city also shelters more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians incursion, casts new doubts on the proposed cease fire with him us, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. after a night of celebrations, palestinians we kept to a familiar reality, is rarely tanks converge on the key rough of border crossing. these really are me saying has taken control of the check points, guys aside. in the city of rough uh,
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people are searching for bodies under the rubble following dead leaves really strikes over night loud rod countries. heavy guns by a very, very heavy bombardment with playing rockets, tank machine guns such a never in my life. have i seen this? i'm almost 69 years old in my life. i've never seen bombings like this. i have on tuesday is real dropped lift. let's have a rough urgent residence to leave parts of the city for what it calls an expanded to minute. terry, an area the order of food in many displaced, belly, cnn's on the move again. and now they're saying to evacuate from rafa, which we go. ton unit has ruined what is less. they ruined our lives. there's nothing left. there's no safety and no home. there is no one, but god has sent us. no, no,
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we don't know where to go and tell us where to go. and it's all my was the income unit, the safe place. my eye on the 10th is the water. electricity is the food and drink and is it a safe place in the gauze? i now have a nice, safe place to be on the can wait on the move with our children, and be confines safe to look on where all the arab countries to see us going to emphasize without children upon the use of whom us except in the seats for was meant with joy on the streets of gods on monday evening. but i was late to israel's attacks, stop the celebrations. israel says it's sending a delegation to cairo for talks aimed at securing the release of hostages and to cease fire with. i'm us. none of us that is really government insist that will press the head with its military offensive. in wrap the wall cabinet to unanimously unanimously decided israel will continue its operation in rough uh,
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in order to apply military pressure on how must to release out hostages and achieve the goals objectives. despite how mazda is grandstanding, how must this proposal is fall from israel's cool to moms. nevertheless, as well, we'll dispatch a ranking delegation to egypt to maximize any chance of an agreement on terms acceptable to israel to get out hostages out of from us, has had israel is committed to pursuing every avenue diplomatically and military to get out people home a little short while ago i spoke about this with marine and marilyn from the worst studies department of kings college london. i asked her what she's expecting from israel's military offensive in rough up. good afternoon, terry. well, it depends on what these role means was targeted and limited. really, those words don't mean much. it depends on the context. and what i think is what i
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was trying to say is that they will try to avoid collateral damage and it will be a very difficult operation if israel goal is to have with rocks. so given the presence of so many palestinians sheltering there and the fact that not many will be able to leave because simply there is nowhere to go. but i think it's more of a diplomatic statement presence and the an accurate descriptor of what the operation like that might look like. do you think israel can achieve its objective to root out a mouse marina in rough pot without a full scale offensive as well? that is a good question because on the one hand, what israel is trying to do now is to get itself in into a batter, bargaining position visa be home us. so i think this phase of the operation, so we, we haven't seen the full scale incursion into rock but as of yet so that there
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might be hope that israel might create enough pressure on home off by strengthening the school scale operation. so that the talks and kyra, go in israel's favor and the other possibilities, of course, if that doesn't happen then israel will have no choice but to go into alpha in order to reach its own military objectives. because routing out from us will essentially require them to take profit to take all the tunnels and to try to eliminate from us complete the weather that will happen and what it will lead remains to be seen. this war has been going on for 7 months now. israel has destroyed much of gauze as infrastructure. tens of thousands of palestinians have been reported, killed is really soldiers and hostages have been, have died to is, is real achieving it. security objectives with this war is the country safer now that it was before october 2nd. so that's
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a great question. is it safe for now because of the feelings that yes they, there were problems with some of us, but not to the extent that is ro is obviously seeing right now in gaza. on the one hand we have so we're in gosh, on the other hand would have passed for and then we have the ram and the rang and proxies um ranging your feet shuttled, we're against you, throw it, not just you throw also against israel allies. so i would already use that since october 7th, the whole region became much more bullet's file. whereas the everyone accords hanging in the air. and we're seeing an reactivation of who it is in the red sea. so i would argue that it has furs or this stabilize the region. them the opposite. the abraham, of course, of course, being the agreement with urban gulf countries to begin restoring diplomatic relations or forming diplomatic relations with these are really just the final question. you said it didn't look well in the past. you said it didn't look like is
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real, had a real clear end game 7 months in. do you think that's still true? or so at least from what i know and from what is available in, in the open source, israel still doesn't have a clear plan on what is going to happen to gaza after the war is concluded. and we also don't know how the war is concluded on it, and i think this is one of the most crucial points, not the potential offensive of profit, but what is going to happen after that, because we have seen a lot of destruction and we have seen a lot of civilians being killed, certainly from us, militants have been killed as well. but the problem here is because there is no clear plan and there was so much disruption that you throw risk into walking into the same trap as the united states did back in 2003 after toppling so them iraq, the certainly the into what they called secretary and violence and so we,
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there is a possibility that it will happen then guys that because there will be a power vacuum meaning to the last question that you throw will be even less secure because of this lack of plan. and because of the possibility of different factions not just fighting against the trouser, but also fighting ease row as well, because these people will be hating use for oh, there will be generation scrolling up hating useful if there is no political stability. and for that, the original plan at the moment. marina. thank you very much for that analysis. that was marina me. wrong from the worst studies department, kings colleagues, one to thank you for having me. well tensions on israel's northern border with lab or not are also escalating is really horses regularly exchange fire with the militant group has bought uh which launches rockets and israel almost daily. tens of thousands have been displaced on both sides of the frontier is really resident say has pulled out, must be pushed back to
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a burden full scale confrontation, dw, as rebecca richards reports now from the border town of matilda, with a town devoid of peoples meant to la, just one example of the many abandoned communities along israel's northern border with levon on the message in may through a soldier shows me a round part of the evacuated town. damage by me, sile and anti tang fi is visible almost everywhere. about one 3rd of the homes and matilda have been struck sofa. the tuna is one of the most dangerous towns along the lebanese is riley border. it surrounded by 11 on on 123 sides and has hit almost daily by antique tank ms alpha. fact we told we have to keep on the move because we're actually in the direct line of sight of his blood lies. just as we are wrapping up days of rocketed loads and we have to take cover. right. and now
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that heavy barrage nearby the military concerns around $65.00 rockets was funded into the area one of the biggest strengths since the war began. mid david as a line says rockets and even the biggest threat here. you have on that because in the main thrust against my to, to is on to tank missiles, they are missiles that have no warning system. we can't stop them for the, as it is as a, as a lie is one of a few residents who stayed behind a part of a civil defense team. we're working with the military to protect the area is really officials have said for months that hezbollah needs to be pushed back from the board of a strategy. the people living in these parts agree is the only option for southern lawyer. the residents won't return here without fighting by them, without the removal of hezbollah from defense of my ultimate. we saw the horrors of october 7th in the south, and therefore there's no other choice. we don't want war,
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but we simply have no other choice in the residents like comma over in that field, same she and her family left their home in another, bought a village on october 7th, and i haven't been back. i think a we have to see a change. something must change because we left the house without nothing. finally has spent the past 7 months in a hotel and only now moved into this house about 40 kilometers away deep inside the government, designated safe. com l says we the out military action to push has been a back. she was risk returning home with her kids. there is no option with no war. we must see a on the citizens of the north border on the north and go to a confidence again, which we have not it. we and this situation of a, an onset and see, right now we're living in the big concert and see,
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and how long can people live life? so we must see something. it's a position held by so many as diplomatic efforts to broker a truce continued to fail his bill or insist that so long as his round refuses to end its campaign in gaza. it will continue targeting positions in his rouse no no matter what happens. these communities are changed forever with people putting roots down in new places. while israel is northern border, tons for now into no man's land. voting is underway and the 3rd phase of india is national elections, private as turnover, and remote is seeking a 3rd term and a and cost as well as in his home state of good. you run bodies. hindu nationalist, b, j. p. party is widely expected to win. millions of people are voting across nice 5
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constituencies. a key issue in this election is use unemployment with half of india is 1400000000 people aged under 30. the w's daily correspondent shadow. yeah, that's talks to young people who feel excluded. desperate times for school, the other to take desperate decisions. a. he's a university graduate with a manufacturing diploma. all i always got my days got black. oh. but after searching for use, the only job i know is it is not within denny, where he's now the, you know, i may as me, as i've been selling clothes here for. yeah, i'm no time to do the job. it doesn't match my qualifications close enough time to do it just as i hope there are just no jobs available. as we expected that this government would get us in jobs. we got nothing left with india is educated on disability, a desperate and they obviously so linkedin is
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a window into india's unemployment crisis, which is particularly acute amongst the young and the education. according to a recent report by international labor organization holding 80 percent of those unemployed india. in fact, the chances of being jo, place that even higher education, 9 times higher than around $8000000.00 young indians into the job market annually, which is already over saturated. all that many find is disappointment. time employment is in the region to 1442 percent. so that's perhaps the highest youth on employment rates in the world. economies sent those middle addresses that india and maybe the worlds fastest growing major economy. but it hasn't been able to take it to use a long one big reason manufacturing, which creates lots of jobs and other developing economies. students is in booming
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in india to find that young people have no hesitation about, you know, a sign to illegally migrating the into the united states. secondly, they are there, they're looking for work in the ex soviet union, the rush or ukraine war they've, they've even attempted to go to israel to do construction work on the front lines because palestinian workers have been thrown off on account of a, you know, the, the gaza award that has been going on. so it's grim, it's very serious. burn us. so it's a week. what was the last 10 years in memphis, the prime minister and the razor movie has gold. india is youth, the driving, forceful good, and promise millions of new jobs. those promises ring hollow, the young indians like deep who studied hard, but feel like the not
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a part of india is growth study. so i've got to kind of visit home to what happened to you. the problem is over offering millions of journals. those are gonna be the countries, the future is made up in the u. i who don't have to use itself. it's on the deep day. i very how would the economy go forward and it's, i got the busy going because he, i guess i need this 30, that despite the disappointment, he hasn't given up his search for a job. he knows he deserves. and to vote, he says, for to do to lead us to shape in the us few to say look, some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. at least 6 people were killed when a building under construction collapsed in south africa. dozens of workers have been pulled from the rubble. the more remain trapped around 70 people were working at the side in the city of george. the swedish submarine has taken part in the nato military exercise for the 1st time since the country joins the defense alliance. in march, the
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h m. s. scotland joined drills and the baltic sea. they 2 official se, sweetie submarines are some of the most advanced ever built or the throne is detained, to ukrainian security officials for allegedly plodding to assassinate president will. all of them is landscape keys, s b u security services. russia was behind the plan. ukrainian government maintains moscow has repeatedly tried to assassinate zalinski since the invasion. 2 years ago . the new city, a lot of a protein, has been sworn in as president of russia for another 6 year term. putting took the oath of office and elaborate ceremony at the kremlin. many western countries boycotted the event because of the war and ukraine between one a landslide election victory in march without facing any meaningful opposition. he said he was, he has a secret duty to lead russia through a difficult period because every year, well,
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our senior international correspondent fund a fall charge following this riga. funny what was put in the main message. would you say in his and organization address today of russia's present pro 10 is in power for nearly 25 years. that's nearly a quarter of a century. and we got this in fact which integration speech we look at. he knows he's speaking both to domestic audience, but he also speaks to an audience abroad. so there was no difference today when he was speaking to people from within the country on far away. you want to make sure that russia comes across as a country that's really strong. that is able to defend itself for training the country as the one that needs to in his narrative defend itself from the west. what i found quite interesting here compared to what he just said 24 hours ago. he was wondering basically you click drills a saying that cooling basically this,
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the west hold has that need to be cool to cool down are referring. they are to lead us in the us in the u. k. to frost. today he was speaking about basically indirectly reaching out to the west by saying that he doesn't refuse any dialogue that he's actually open to dialogue and they're putting the bowl there from in the port of the west. question is obviously how much you can trust those comments. but by that he wants to create this narrative. the rush, you a very much says the west can decide whether they want to have peace or continue with aggression, complete their real event of the fact that it is russia. that's an x from you in 2014. and it is russia that attack a silver and country that is ukraine 2 years ago. during his last term on a protein launched a full scale and version invasion of ukraine is he mentioned with huge implications for, for, and not only his own country, but of course many neighboring countries. what are the biggest challenges that
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blather me putting is now likely to face in the coming years? are pretty much everything as he does in the upcoming years, will be connected to the ongoing war in ukraine, depending obviously hold on is going to go on from here. nobody really knows. and i'm talking here both about the economy, but also about the support in the country. yes. has been re elected by an overwhelming support of more than 80 percent cost develop for russia's president food. and even though there wasn't really in a position to vote for, but they also voices, and this is the question just how loud they will be, given the fact that these are pressed down on independent media. i'm speaking about the voices of criticism about mothers who do not want their sons to brothers the fathers to go to this war. they don't want them to fight in a war that they consider wrong to begin with. but just how much that sentiment is going to grow up just how much really food and it has to fill position in the countries won't question that would be connected to is true. and then of course,
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what exactly is happening into friendly and there's very limited information that the world has about just the power within the kremlin. of course we have to point out, for example, last year, last summer, when walk in the us group. i was planning an uprising against pollutants military. and then of course, there's china just hallmarks, the relationship between china and russia is going to influence this next soon. because of course, as the west turned away from russia, russia to a north was china beat for trade. and also obviously they is delegation by the west that china is a very important, contraband comes to military support. something that china actually during his career and trip across europe denies. so a lot of his, a pollutants next to him and into him save him, trying to portray himself as a strong leader. it's just going to depend on how strong it is the eyes of the public. we do go to the ongoing war against ukraine bodies. thank you very much for
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that. that was our correspondent, funny part char, in rica sell us president joe biden has condemned anti semitism at a holocaust memorial ceremony. speaking in the capital in washington 5 and warned against the rise of anti jewish feeling in america. since the start of the war and gossip, the president honored the memory of the 6000000 jewish people murdered by the nazis in world war 2. by them was also announcing additional measures to curb anti semitism on us campuses. while our corresponding ben, you mean over as group of joining us now from washington, dc for some analysis. but anyways, present binds remarks have been described as a call to action in combat in anti semitism. what exactly is binding proposing present bite and said the one of the major lessons of the whole cause of it hate
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does not go away, but hides adding that what stops is all of us. he said that hate against jews did not started with the hollow cost and did not end it with a hollow cause. any stuff that hate against anyone should never be given. safe. haber, he said that if he's speech is a fundamental right in the us also pointing towards the pro policy and protests that we've seen in campus colleges across the us. but he said that there is no place for hate or violence of any kind. he also added that never again translates to never forget and to keep telling the story. while the also showed concern that less than 78 and months after the october 7th, a tech people are already a forgetting what, what happened with this attack it by some us, you address the search of anti semitism. and also that you spoke about harassment attacks on jewish and students, faculty members on entry, submitted it posts or is any set that no one should need to hide it? you just be themselves. so invited is,
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is by the speech then you made. do you think likely to have any impact on those students in the u. s. have been protesting against israel's warren garza. so this is not the 1st speech where he is addressing the protests. he had another one recently from other why just from the oval office where he's at the free speech is protected in the visa to american principles on one side of the speech, but also law and order. we saw no difference to what happens afterwards with this protest, as with many things and universities on no taking their concerns. they demands a serious need of the investing from the companies that they say, profit from from israel, as ward and gaza, but also from other speak is what we heard. my johnson also the, the speaker of the house of representatives. he also spoke of the capital before president biden, and he said it's time for clarity. we must put an end to this madness. also saying that as rise of on to semitism after this was the attack on the jewish people,
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it seems to be holocaust. and i know this is hard to measure, but it is support for israel within the binding administration. would you say a strong today is it was before the goals and were started this definitely frustration this criticism and those growing pressure, imprisoned by them from the republicans, but also from the democrats. when we had this report only a few days ago, that the us health it immunizations that was supposed to be sent to israel. and we're here at washington officials here calling on a there is rarely counterparts and not start abroad or counter offensive on a rough. i but that's also something that president biden addressed to. they may be signaling it where he's supported for israel. he's going, he said that his commitment to the jewish people into the state of israel, and i quote remains are in clause even if we disagree. so for many were wondering if that might be any policy change. and from watching that might be my given idea. that will he keep okay, he will keep it continuing is robots at the same,
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to also pressuring them to not go to have with as offensive in solving. got so many mean. thank you very much. are correspond to benjamin alvarez group there in washington, a terry martin, thanks for being with the
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discrimination against people of color in medicine? does it result in false diagnoses and more complicated since is the racism in medicine? in 2 hours on d w. the 1st engine already is whenever they feel like it's going themselves selling and fashion and most of the pieces in the sky beds, how many are including the us of survival? how do they do? is the
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secret lives of the inside stops may 22nd on d, w, the rising global temperatures have a direct impact on food security. according to the world food program, we're a witness and an unprecedented food crisis. now, all of a sudden, 100 a, to 1000000 people around the world assessing clinic, hung up. welcome to equal africa. i m some drug of homes that we nobody will write to you in comp, hello, you've done to diversify.