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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news coming to live from berlin is really tanks roll into rafa in southern guns of the military takes control of the key border crossing inside the territory, encouraging leaves in new seats. har deal hanging in the balance. also coming up, the smiles and handshake says vladimir 14 is wharton is russia's president for an unprecedented term. you'll roll for another 6 years with the country firmly under his and india as prime minister cast his boat as millions heads and poles and the country's general election. with many young people feeling left behind and motives india. we'll take
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a look at the issue of abuse unemployment, the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. israel's military host is control of a key border crossing, and garza is released images of what it says are tanks rolling into rafa in the south of the strip, which is a vital crossing point for humanitarian aid coming via egypt. the incursion has cast new doubt over whether a deal can be done over a proposed ceasefire with some us, which is considered a terrorist organization by several countries. just like that and is really delegation is heading to cairo for talks. after a night of celebrations, palestinians wake up to a familiar reality is rarely tanks converge on the key russell border crossing.
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these really are me saying has taken control of to take points. guys aside. in the city of rough people are searching for bodies under the rubble following dead leaves rarely strikes over night and cause these heavy guns by a very, very heavy bombardment with playing rockets, tank machine guns such a never in my life. have i seen this? i'm almost 69 years old in my life. i've never seen bombings like this. i love your . how about on tuesday is real dropped lift. let's have a rough uh urgent residence to leave the parts of the city for what it calls an expanded too many towering area. the order of foods in many displace palestinians on the move again. and now they're saying to evacuate from rafa, which we go. ton unit has ruined what is less. they ruined our lives. there's nothing
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left. there's no safety and no home. there is no one but god has sent us. no, no, no. we don't know where to go and tell us where to go. and it's all my was the income unit, the safe place. my eyes on the 10th is the water, is the electricity is the food and drink and how is it a safe place in the gauze? i now have a nice, safe place to be on the can wait on the move with our children, and be confines safe to look on them. well, the arab countries to see us is going to emphasize without children upon the use of whom us except in the cease fire was met with joy on the streets of gods on monday evening. but i was late to israel's attacks. stop the celebrations of morales cross over 2 journalists. karim l. glory. he's in cairo. egypt. capital a cream. what are your sources telling you about the situation in rough up as
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well? i just use the material. uh oh, no, cuz come around, sends us from because it's just from people running away from the house and trying to find a place. it's really up to this panda. many people are displaced at least half a dozen times something more. they are running out of money, they have no idea where to go. and so really i would say that the grips out on the edge of people's that's and it's of course, no wonder because of what this hot and cold show us with you because you've been with us at 24 hours 1st, at least that's where i dropped the over the house is telling them they should leave because we become a come back soon. then in the evening there was celebrating on the street because this off their voice over of the home us agreed to a piece or propose you put proposals from you just in the culture only to realize that it's going on that every visit was
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a heavy box and last night in the hall and now we have is rare, 80 times rolling in parts. so for off of all this is really leading to a very, very desperate situation for people there. now the egyptian foreign ministry warren today that israel's operation and ralph of risks undermining cease fire efforts. what do we know about the truce talks that are currently going on now in egypt? so what we know that her most of it is a harmless delegation, arrived in cairo, is still waiting for these really the delegation to come. it's interesting that originally these radiant site that we own states, and we only sent that verification when that is done to sign it off. and now they're sending an indication to negotiates. there's still a lot of open questions. i think we have a 3 face, a proposal on the table, which also includes in the 2nd phase, some kinds of agreements for permanency. try
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a business like it's one of the stumbling blocks we have right now. so we have to see if this legal shares just in color, we need to something i think these very decides fund goes with and something strategy. keeping the pressure on home us by moving me to turn it into god. and at the same time and negotiating here titles. meanwhile, the humanitarian situation in gaza continues to deteriorate. the rafa and chrome shall crossings are now closed relief agencies or warning the humanitarian aid for ghost as being choked off. what are you hearing about the humanitarian situation in gauze and now corinne, a p p o panics? because that's not only the kind of show on the cross. she is close to the end because often be close to the last days. but now the director of the opening that was not on the is there any control from the different sites and the crossing is
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also cut off so people don't know what's going to happen. we know there was by far not sufficient. h deliveries before this to made crossings where most of the deliveries came through. we're close to, we know also that the conversely good citizens dispose of tools. prices are dropping in the last hours. so again, people are panic. they don't know what's going to happen next. and they really, really hope that this talks and kind of we have some kind of outcome dream. thank you very much. that was journalist dream of glory in cairo. buick and it's catch up on a few other stories making headlines today. rescue efforts are underway in south africa after at least 6 people died when a building other construction collapse. dozens of workers have already been pulled from the rubble, with more remain trapped. local officials at around 70 people were working at the site in the city of george. when the collapse happened. authorities in brussels
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have searched the european parliament offices of a top lawmaker from the far right alternative for germany. party officials said the raid and maximilian crowds office was in connection with the pro, been to the politicians, a who was arrested last month on suspicion of spying for china and firefighters in japan are battling a forest fire for a 3rd day in the northeastern yamagata prefecture hundreds of residents living in the mounts in this area have been ordered to evacuate. because the place is being investigated, stu, russia, now we're glad to be put in has been sworn in as president for another 6 year term . booting took the oath of office in a ceremony of the kremlin in moscow and made great fans. there were many western countries we caught and the event due to the war in ukraine between one a landslide victory and a controversial election in march. though without any genuine opposition,
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candidates allowed to run against him. during his now gratian address pertains said, leading was, quote, a sacred duty and that the country would pass through this difficult period. i mean, maggie, i asked russia analyst, konstantin. i got uh, what pertains main message was in his no duration address. well, it was a short speech and i would say that his main message, horse roster is living through hard times referring to the war and russians started against to crane and um, but saucer is united. and when he also had a message for the west, he said that the russians open for dialect, but only as equals. so it was not a very aggressive speech. but on the other hand, from the very 1st words put into referred to dr. moore, he signed the russians a warranted for him. so pointed to him, and he also mentioned people leading on our historic territories lands um,
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as he pointed, so, referring to people in ukraine, but he didn't mentioned ukraine specifically. so any former soviet republic, um, for example, bo roost, which is already united with us or, or mold over or georgia or others, could see that as a potential for us, from russia for future future wars. and that of that of course, was dw analyst, brother gus reiko, and not constantine, i guess. now butting is underway in the 3rd phase of india is staggered to national election, prime minister and the render emoji who is seeking a 3rd term cast. his ballot in his home state of goods or us bodies. hindu nationalist, b. j. p. party is widely favorite to win. millions of people are casting their ballast day across 95 constituents is a key issue that's arisen in this election is use unemployment. half of india is
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1400000000 people under the age of 30. the w's daily corresponded shadow. yadda looks at the situation of young people who feel left behind desperate times for school dpr those to take desperate decisions. he's a university graduate with the manufacturing diploma. all i always got my days got black though with off to searching for use. the only job i know is it is you're not locked into any where he's no, nice little, you know, i may as you know, so i've been selling clothes here for yeah, i'm no time to do the job. it doesn't match my qualifications because i'm asked to do it to survive. oh, there are just no jobs available. as we expected that this government would get his and jobs. we got nothing left with india is educated on the thirty's, a desperate, and they obviously so linkedin is a window into india's unemployment crisis, which is particularly acute amongst the young and the educated. according to
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a recent report by international labor organization holding 80 percent of those unemployed india. in fact, the chances of being jobless are even higher education. 9 times higher than around 8000000 young indians into the job market annually, which is already oversaturated or that many find is disappointment. or the employment is in the region of 1442 percent. so that's perhaps the highest youth on employment rates in the world. economies sent those middle addresses that india and maybe that was fastest growing major economy, but it hasn't been able to take it to youth along one big reason, manufacturing, which creates lots of jobs and other developing economies still isn't booming in india to find that young people have no hesitation about, you know,
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trying to in legally migrating the into the united states. secondly, they are there, they're looking for work in the ex soviet union, the rest of the ukraine war the there's even attempted to go to israel to do construction work on the front lines because palestinian workers have been thrown off on account of these. you know, the gaza award that has been going on. so it's grim, it's very c burn us. so it's a week what was the last 10 years in my 1st 5 minutes to read the movie has gold, india is youth driving forceful growth and promise 1000000 new jobs. those promises ring hollow the young indian cycle deep who studied hard, but feel like they're not a part of india as growth. sturdy. so i've got a contingency home to what happened to you. problem is that offering millions of jo,
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those are going to be the countries the future is made of it in the u. i, who's the use itself, isn't a deep, did i very, how would the economy go forward and it's, i got the busy going because it gives a nice it's 30 that despite the disappointment, he hasn't given up his search for a job. he knows he deserves anxious vote. he says, for educated leaders to shape in the future. as you are watching dw news from berlin, we leave you now with some red carpet fashion from the met gala in new york. this year, same was the garden of time enjoying the
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name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would have being nosy bay like good everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the called back via it's as astronauts on this spaceship and calder we can only overcome challenge just by working with each other.