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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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spoken recently about europe not standing up for itself in the world economically, politically, and not least militarily. and even though china said the visit was to promote development of the china you relationship, it is a confrontation of thoughts with one of the most pro european of europe. solita is, i'm gab l. f, as in berlin. and this is the day the year and the world today is entered a new period of turbulence and change the future of continental very clearly dependent on our ability to develop relations with china and
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a balance amount of china in the u. s. to important forces in the world should continue to see each other as partners also coming up, as israel stands silent for holocaust remembrance day. benjamin netanyahu speaks out against the critics of the war and gauze on history says, has told israel the necessity of defending itself. i plugged here today from jerusalem on this hollow costs. remember this day if his role is forced to stand alone, israel will stand on the on to the use of the, the s and the around the world. welcome. as we start the day was she didn't things visit to the union as 1st in 5 years. the chinese president health file, actual adults and parents with his friends come to find them on the call and
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european commission president over the from the line. she is visit marks, 60 years of diplomatic ties between china and front, the relationship in which they haven't always seen eye to eye in paris. both lee, the stress, the importance of partnership during times of increasing global tensions, including the, was in ukraine and the middle east. chinese president children paying received a warm welcome from francis, a monument, chrome to kick off his european trip. after exchanging pleasantries and gifts, the 2 turned to more pressing matters, such as the war and ukraine. one major point of contention is the question of who was helping or moscow. china says it doesn't sell russia weapons, but critics, in the west say aging, has found a lucrative loophole in the sale of dual use components to russia, goods and technology that can be used for military applications, effectively bypassing sanctions. most likely,
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you'll probably welcome the commitments made by the chinese authorities to refrain from selling arms or aid to moscow and just strictly control the export of dual use goods. this is what you told me very clearly, mr. president just over a year ago, and you know what, you have reiterated. all schools have a great today. and while she emphasized the importance of healthy relations between china, france and the you, he defended his country's right to forward its own relationship with russia. one of those find the b u, we oppose using the ukraine crisis to cast blame smear, a 3rd country sun and inside a new cold war. similar to earlier europe and commission president or so the funder lion or she to address trade and balances or face the threat of terrace from the you. one of china is biggest export markets with chinese subsidized products. the subsidized products such as the electric vehicles or for example,
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steel of flooding the european market. at the same time, china continues to massively support its manufacturing sector. and this combined with a domestic demand that is not increasing. the world cannot absorb china surface production . she will visit, appear in these on the border between france and spain. we're going to call before traveling to serve yet and hungry later in the week. now that's unlike old actually is with the in the pacific program of the german marshall fund. like, why is she in europe and why 1st in front? i mean, she didn't pay me is i'm traveling through europe also because i think there has been a recognize over admission that europe is changing on china when you're here commission has launch mobile products. i mean, those items would be to add probing to electric vehicles, not china. most recently,
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the power into the medical device after the procurement process, these, their vision leadership is called to the fact that there has been a change in europe. that europe has become more confrontational towards china as well as like, just put up with the status quote, it very much dislikes that you risking that you're of the weight. so it's in a way of trying to do what it's been, what the chinese government is trying to do. what's been trying but done multiple times for it was just move things over. and in this case, i mean to jim king just awful that when i went to china and now it didn't pay is here in europe to continue these talks with family. and now the commission present was that from the line, the joint, the talks in paris actually, and my call on the same page when it comes to china. i mean, not a 100 percent of that. i'm sure all, but they are
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a lot more on the same page. and then those are in the case for instance, between without size and the european commission on friends. those francis general. i see. no backer of that firm into chinese electric vehicles which can not inside of germany which has been kind of working against that both industry and the government. and so there's a lot of common ground. and in any case, i think my call has made a week to include the european new york city and politicians and has talked with travelers, leadership. now the time it says it is neutral regarding the ukraine, conflicts and you have to deliver supplies to russia. that support is war. if it does it, one of them i call really expect to persuade china's presidency to shift his position on russia and ukraine. i. i mean, i can't look into his head. my guess is that by now the holes that exist at
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a long time ago that china to play a constructive role. and this have somehow, you know, have been disappointed and not times that i don't think there are high levels. that's fine, us kinda, you know, medium or pull those weights to weighing in russia. i think there's awareness that china is about rush. i could not have waged those war without chinese support, but i, i do think there is a genuine hope that they use that day. they can keep getting commitments from china not to provide me. so welcome to russia to reaffirm that commitment and to try to put back the pressure on china. i could feel it's our support of russia to ensure that to use good is no longer enter a rush as much to the market. and whether or not that's going to succeed is really gonna depend on what, what, what, what, what they can, what they have to offer and retry. and by that i actually mean sticks and not carrots. so what would be the consequences of china does not stop. thank you very
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much, michael. will buy brand german muscle fund. thank you. the science about out across as well today as the nations to remember the 6000000 jews murdered by the nonsense. 2 minutes of silence israelis monte annual day of mourning for and come rushing off the victims of the holocaust. is there any lead is also ga that'd before the tunnel flame if you have for some of the world holocaust remember incentive among them prime minister benjamin netanyahu and presidents, osx that's are now this is holocaust. remember, today is being observed in the shadow of the homeless terror attack of october 7th and the subsequent rule in gaza. at the ceremony on sunday nights and y'all
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denounced was he called a volcano of anti semitism. and okay, might as well as international critics. 80 years ago in the holocaust the drawers people were totally defenseless. against those who saw our destruction . no nation came to our rate. today, we again confront enemies bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world, no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joyce states. by pleasure, today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembered stay. if his room is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone. this is why i was prime minister benjamin. that's in the
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all of them. i'm very pleased to welcome the rabbi abraham cooper and the studio is associated dean of this. so you wanna visit test center, the jewish children rights organization is also the chairman of the us commission on international religious freedom, which gives policy advice to the us government. thank you for joining us here on this very special day in the studio. now this is the 1st hello customer, i'm gonna stay since october the 7th, the turbo tax. then when you think back to you, go in and look up the situation situation now what, what are your thoughts? well, as far as the jewish people are concerned a year ago as trends, divisions, ideological religious, political, you know, jews do like to argue a lot of october 7th. just so those divisions not only in israel, but even in the diaspora melt away because it was understood that october sense that was something different. and in this sense it's his own ex essential threat.
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when that happens, the jewish family tends to come together. on the other hand, you know the holocaust was if you will industrial sized mass murder, genocide, and everything was done to the personalize the contact between the murders and the victim to cover up what had taken place. october 7th, in this sense, was the exact opposite. looking for families broadcasting it back home, calling mom and dad and gosh and saying i killed 10 jews of my own hands so that i think a lot of the survivors of october 7th, have been looking to the survivors of the holocaust. for if you will, a lifeline for guidance like how could you pick up the pieces after where do we go from here? and so there is, i think one other very important issue in that is that a denial is become
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a weapon. denial of the holocaust by the radiance and others and denial of the reality of what happened on october 7th by from us and from us the support is around the world. it's almost unbelievable. but if you can deny the holocaust, you can pretty much deny anything. so we just need to know how to speak the truth so, so you think he's right to draw pals with all the cost? i think it's simply unavoidable. i work for the sign is decent, so i'll send him just the reason. it's always the same. this nazi hunter worked very hard to not draw a parallels directly between one genocide and another each and its own right stands alone. but what i would say is that for the inter generations of the jewish family, if you will, there's a natural, a need for it if you will, a collective hug. but in terms of that needs to be led by the survivors who went through the ultimate and humanity, not just for 24 hours,
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but sometimes you 4 or 5 years. now, you mentioned the word genocide which has become a really a political help. the title if you will, this particular one. and there are people who compare the one, gaza, a to a genocide, genocide, to, to the hollow cost. has it become necessary for these days to explain the difference? so i think you're absolutely right. the term genocide is now applied to heretic events that take place sometimes mass murders. not all of them are a genocide that doesn't diminish the level of suffering, of individuals in so far as trying to, if you will, to flip the narrative, which you know, how much of that supporters work. so hard to do. it's, i think, pretty straightforward. no one had to suffer in vassar or how much had to do was lay down his weapons. and that's perhaps not thought about or spoken about very
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much. but when you're dealing with an enemy, that itself wants to see you kill and name as many possible people as possible. if it puts is rarely, isn't it a tough position? but at the end of the day, politics aside just came from is real. the people themselves and you know, it's a small country. what happened there is the equivalent of probably $109.00 eleven's . there is a grand determination to see this through. people hope it will happen quickly because they still have as the law and ultimately you still have the i a total up there. so it's a very tough and rocky road ahead. and the lessons from the holocausts, of course, are not only about a death and destruction of mass murder, but about perseverance and courage and humanity, and hope. now, no matter what happens in, in the immediate future,
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they brutality of the attack. october 7th, and also the high price that uh guys end up paying right now that i'm an hate on both sides. is it ever going to go away or i can't speak for the people in gaza. i know that unfortunately getting education for one or a has sort of kept a lot of that hatred boiling for quite a while before october 7th, thanks for the point of view of his release. and i think their, their hatred is focused on the enemy. and i think the vast majority of these rallies don't see all palestinians as quote unquote, the enemy. none the less, the numbers the polling are taking place. the endorsement of what took place on october 7th. and then the denial which we're hearing more more about that it, it was all a concoction made up. that's where it raises, of course, the level of,
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of anger a to fever pitch along israel. but i think that the day after will come. and in the middle east as fast as these horrific events take place the day after sometimes spring, some promises of hope. right now we don't see any on the horizon. but assigning reasons all himself was, was asked if he believes in miracles. and he said, well, i'm not a religious man. and i was when i looked at the middle east, i think objectively. but in order to be an optimist in the middle east, you have to believe in miracles is right. let's change the subject and look at the spike of a anti semitism, especially on us campuses. universities, we've seen the pro palestinian protest as a columbia other universities across the us. your colleague jim douglas, see off the some of the insults into have this to say positive
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we have a piece of graphics that to go with it anyway. i'll just read it. we are witnessing the abject failure of universe. it is to hold accountable. those who have hijacked universe to campuses and failed to protect your students, faculty, stuff, and other supporters of is what immediate action must be taken. would you agree with that sentiment? right? only a failure of the universities. i think at the end of the day on some of those universities, parents are paying $90000.00 us a year for tuition. it's a contract. people go to university to uh, to study. and yes, it is a failure in the part of the ministrations and as been reported here, hot powers invested over $4000000000.00 in the lead american universities over the years. and i think also and watching some of the university presidents being interrogated on capitol hill, they're all reading statements drafted by lawyers. we need less lawyers. we need
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more leadership and you don't have leadership. you have that kind of situation where the stream is, you know exactly what they want to do, where they want to take the campus that are pretty open road in a lot of locations. and from the point of view of the jewish community, it's a difficult and necessary wakeup call. and hopefully cooler heads will, i think also is very important. is the ira definition events i semitism, i can't tell you how many university administrators has told me. if we only had a working definition. then we would be able to train our police on campus and take the necessary action. what's missing right now? there's no moral gps and most of these elite campuses and if and effects, not only that you jewish people in this issue, but more broadly is just asked and from the curriculum. if you will. speaking about the, the moral compass commentary to say that the end of semitism is moving from the right
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where use we use to see it to the left of the us and elsewhere. do you think that's happening? i think it has happens. it doesn't mean that neo nazis suddenly r c, so you know, they're still there, but what you're seeing here is that the immunization of the jewish state. and as far as criticizing israel, you won't get stronger criticism then its own can asset or a bunk taxi drivers. but when you get into the diaspora, the conversation suddenly shifting from wherever the borders of a 2 state solution for both be to now going to be one state and from river to say, palestine, etc, etc. a dramatic shift, a kind of wholesale embrace of the how much the narrative be ever and cooper, associate dean of simon with install center. thank you very much for joining us here on the day on this very special day.
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we tend to ukraine now with your current in forces are struggling to hold back a wave of russian assaults in the east. most gall says it has captured several 100 square kilometers of ukrainian territory since the beginning of the year. keith says it is suffering from a lack of soldiers and delays and deliveries from western allies in shortages. allowed the russians to advance in many places like of the if got. now they have the site set to on the cross the if you are a ukrainian retreat that to jeopardize the defense of the entire region of correspondence. they commonly as this report for anything less than breakneck speed is just too risky on these roads. we're heading towards chess if you there are some troops now just a few kilometers away. for some drugs of a head or a constant threat, disagreement commodity unit is being tossed. the shooting them down. a week or 2
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ago was the last time we down to try and start the last time we go to the onset. george was more than 3 weeks ago. the weather's been good to you. awesome the border with the tires. you keep the fine too high. you can't hit them with guns. hydro and a shallow dug up as much covers. these men have discounts as a quite a round here, often enough, the shelves a much closer to the over there. well, that's what a shell hit last night. another one came in about a 100 meters further, cuz it got them all over. it was about 1 30 in the morning. the school was dropped and then came flying past the crate. it was pretty small, but there was a lot of shrapnel. not everyone can ignore the noise. the units dog spends most of our time hiding college tells us they used to have a cat to show digital sign it being scared that it was only later when the cat was run over by a car, they realized that was the reason the cat managed to say so,
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come on, but i lose desk out here expose to drones and shelves. unfortunately, the previous generations left to have a weapons. it's hard to believe that $60000000000.00 worth of us aid is now on its way with the full i'm with, if we will believe the age is coming when we see it for ourselves, or we can see or feel any difference yet. for more, for watching, for now, we thing withdrawing from places like i've div go and the russians have been taking villages. i feel like we haven't been able to turn things around yet, just to be sure to kind of the little care is about shells or rather the lack of them in 2023, regular west and deliveries allowed ukraine to briefly close the gap and 5 pile with russia no longer because the photos, ukraine, you minute you come on, says russia is upcoming its troops, 5 or $6.00 to $1.00. many here believe the truth, it gets closer to $10.00 to $1.00. suddenly does activity on the radius. i always
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square the right, correct. you understood the russian one cetera, and hit the ukrainian target for fall. yes, it was a hit. my foot found its target. they've got the color since turns up that rule of time. they find to target an attack straight away just to be like possible before it be flattened by rushing artillery for us to help gets here in a hurry, granting soul, just say they can still hold onto the ruins the russian managed to take just if you are in the high ground that surrounds it. many we spoke to believe defending the remainder of ukrainian health. the nets region could soon be untenable. holding out, done by russia and under, supplied by the west, has come at a price $58.00, come on time. things would have been very different from the price. so that means that because of the delays, many, many good manner of tied to through
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elements of reflection. everyone here is acutely aware rumors, the platinum approaching is ordered his general to take just the off by rushes, made a note to pick 3 day holiday. if anyone's going to stop them. if the soldiers so while away it's full of weapons from western allies, can you cry and keep ra said, babe, here's mock can see. and the senior adviser for the center for strategic and international studies. well fortunately you, ukraine has been able to keep russia a day for the most part. they've had to give up some territory, but they've been quite stubborn. and the weapons from the united states will be arriving probably even now they've started to arrive and they will increase over the next couple of weeks. and we have to keep in mind too that support from various european countries and other global allies has been continuous and that is allowed ukraine to maintain its resistance. the tough question for you. crane is,
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how do they propose to win this war? it's one thing to get enough weapons to solidify the front wide, but then that's not enough power. they propose a weird and zalinski needs to put out his vision. a lot of people united states are waiting for that or and that's a, it's a for today. follow a team on social media, please at the ask dw news. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for this boys or website dw dot com. so now from the entire team on the day, thanks for spending fox your day with us, the
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the more likes watching it on youtube dw documentary, the what does our future look like? well, if you're thinking of flying robot that stop right there, because i'm talking about the fuel sort of fi slanted, are bought in line. hello and welcome. i'm sorry we got the body annual watching equal in the future is uncertain for sure. and it will pause, unforeseen challenge and these challenges we need new in genius and use. so in today's episode, let's take a look at some of the solutions that are future let's.