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tv   Washington Journal Courtney Hope Britt  CSPAN  May 7, 2024 11:53am-11:59am EDT

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>> the.s. house is back at noon eastern today to start work on four bills, including one that would add aitizenship question to the census beginning in030. and another measure changing efficiency standards for home appliances. later, lawmakers will vote on overriding president biden's veto of a billepealing joint employer standards used in collective bargaining. also today, representati managerry taylor greene is scheduled -- marjorie taylor greene ischeduled to have another meeting with speaker mike johnson. she plans to offer a tion in week to remove -- this week to remove speaker johnson from his position. as always, live coverage of the u.s. house on spao*ep. -- on c-span. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more. including cox. >> koolen-de vries syndrome is
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extremely rare. >> hi. >> but friends don't have to be. >> this is joe. >> when you're connected, you're not alone. >> cox supports c-span as a public service along with ese other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. where joint now by te national representative of the republican national committee. tells about the republican college national committee. guest: it was founded in 1892 but a group.of college students in michigan since then, we've grown to all 50 states plus puerto rico and guam. we have a chapter on college campuses in our mission is to get republicans elected at all levels of government host:.
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are you affiliated with republican national committee? >> we are in a sense and recognized by them as the official arm of the republican party but we are not funded by them or pay any dues to them. host: how are you financially supported? guest: we are supported by donors and we know how hard it is to be a college student. we are famously broke so we don't require our chapters pay any kind of money. we are one hundred percent supported by donors. host: how big is your staff? guest: we have a staff of about six people. i am both staff and board like chairman and ceo so i'm chairman of the board and i run our staff. host: have you started officially campaigning for former president trump even though he is not the official nominee? host: our main goal this year is really down ballot. we are working on holding the house and flipping the senate. we cannot start doing that until the primaries are over. we are totally outside
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independent in the primary process and don't weigh in on that. most states have not made their nomination and the down ballot races yet so we are holding off on that at this time. host: i want to ask you about what you are hearing on college campuses about the main priorities for this year's election. guest: i think the concerns among college students are similar to the general population. let me start by saying the college students are not a monolith. what concerns one college student may not be of any concern to any other college student. that being said, a lot of college students are concerned about the economy right now. the economy affects young people in the way it doesn't affect older generations. it affects everyone but we are trying to get our feet underneath us and we don't have a whole lot of financial capital built up yet. the economy is a huge issue for us. it's absolutely the number one issue.
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the other issues we hear about our border security and national security. host: there is a poll put out by harvard. they pulled 18-29-year-olds. what they found was 53% say they will definitely be voting in the presidential election. i don't know how you feel about that number but we will talk about that. president bid leads former president trp by eight points among likely voters. that lead expands to 19 points. they also mentioned the economy but also reproductive freedom. what are you hearing about that? guest: that's an issue for a lot of people now. it varies so much state-by-state. our primary concern from a national perspective is primarily focusing on the economy. we don't take a stance on the issues of reproduction or
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abortion and we are primarily pro-life but we welcome people in our ranks who are pro-choice. we are a big tent party. both parties in america have to cover the entire electorate. if you agree that's more of your concern, then be a republican. host: another that is attracting national attention is the pro-palestinian protests. i want to play you a section of what house speaker mike johnson said on colombia university's campus about what he think should be done there. [video clip] >> my attention is a call president biden after we leave here and share with him what we have seen with our own two eyes and demand he take action. there is executive authority that would be appropriate and this is not contained quickly and if it is not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the national guard. we have to bring order to these campuses. we cannot allow this to happen around the country, we are better than this and i will ask
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the president to do that and i will tell him the same thing. >> what is the house going to do? what is your plan? >> the house has been investigating a number of these campuses. there is a nexus to federal funding of the campuses can't get control of problem, they don't deserve taxpayer dollars. that's a serious issue. it seem air education and workforce committee. we have brought the president to these universities and to congress to testify under oath and using accountability begun there. there will be much more of that we will continue to work on legislation to adjust this at the federal level. i genuine believe there is bipartisan agreement on this, we will stand for what is good and what is right. we are going to do what is right by america. we respect free speech. we respect diversity of ideas but


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