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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  May 6, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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sleep sticks. >> donald trump hosts the apprentice 2024 edition with potential running mate's at mar-a-lago, but with all the challenges of being trump's number two, including a new refusal to rule out violence. again, if trump loses, who does trump thing? i can deliver for him, vp contender, north dakota governor doug burgum joins me exclusively next and campus crackdowns. more arrests as colleges try to turn from chaos to commencement. good protests continue and effect democrats hope for november biden campaign co-chair mitch landrieu and former senator and university of florida president van sas, ahead plus star turn riveting trial testimony recalls the damning access hollywood tape from trump's 2016 campaign okay. >> this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it as the case against trump takes shape. can he defy political expectations? again hello. i'm
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big tapper in washington where the state of our union is auditioning out of ports for the weekend, donald trump was back in his elements, fueling speculation over who he might choose to be his number two yesterday at a donor retreat at mar-a-lago, mr. trump called half a dozen a vice presidential hopefuls up on stage and openly discussed whether one of them might join him on the ticket. in his remarks to top donors, mr. trump also continued to lie about the 2020 election. he vented about special counsel jack smith and the other lawyers, prosecutor prosecuting him. any referred to his democratic opponent, joe biden as quote, running a gestapo administration, unquote. he also said, according to the new york times quote when you are a democrat, you start off essentially at 40% because you have civil service, you have the unions and you have the welfare and don't underestimate welfare. they get welfare to vote unquote. quite a turnaround from on friday
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when trump was a criminal defendant compelled to sit in a new york courtroom, find by a judge for violating a gag order and forced to listen as a former top aide, hope hicks described his private reaction to that infamous access hollywood tape released in october 2016. joining me now is one of the vice presidential contenders on stage at mar-a-lago this weekend, north dakota, governor doug burgum, governor bergen. thank you so much for joining us so you were there with donald trump last night at mar-a-lago? though, where he claimed biden was like the gestapo, referring to the nazi secret police. are you comfortable with the presumptive republican presidential nominee comparing the biden administration to the gestapo well, jake, first great to be with you and i would say yesterday we had an opportunity to listen to the president, talked for 90 minutes without a teleprompter covering a wide range of topics and largely very upbeat because if the election was held today, trump would be winning and relative to the reference you're
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discussing, i mean a short comment deep into the thing that wasn't really central to what he was talking about. >> but i understand when and i think americans understand and majority of americans feel like the trial that he's in right now is politically motivated. and if it was anybody else, this trial wouldn't even be happening. so i understand that he feels like that he's being unfairly treated and i think that's reasonable. that someone who's being kept off the campaign trail is the presumptive nominee is got some frustration about that. >> so a public trial with witnesses, the jury, and defense counsel, that's like the gestapo, the nazi secret police well, he certainly didn't say that yesterday and he wasn't referring to this trial when he made that when he made that discovery, made that comment. but i do think that people understand that. i mean, i'm a business guy. this is a business filing case. if it was anybody other than a presidential candidate, this would be a misdemeanor how it got turned turned into 34 felonies when or isn't even the alleged crime, which is
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they haven't even convinced anybody there was a crime. but if it were, it would be a federal election commission crime and that would be pursued by the federal federal courts, not by a county da in new york. and so i think again, americans, the outcome of this trial well, does not affect them. what affects them is joe joe biden's policies, the inflation that's taken 30% of their savings. i come like a thief in the night inflations than insidious tax that takes money away from people that need it the most at the low end of the income scale. and so the trial is maybe a spectacle for cable tv, but rami average america hurricanes have already baked in what they think about president trump, president biden, they're looking at the policies, not at the people, and they were better off on her chosen trump's policies. >> according to polling a plurality of the american people think that president trump did commit a crime when it comes to this case and if you add in those who think it was unethical, but not illegal, it's a vast majority pretty let me just ask you if donald trump becomes a convicted felon because of this case, will that
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affect your support for him for president well if he becomes a convicted felon in this case, that's a just a travesty of justice because as i just had, when you've got a business filing error, that is for something that was again, it's not illegal to pay people for non-disclosure agreements that happens all the time. i'm sure this network and others have done that. so that's not a legal. and then you've got a again to trying to do this. and the only reason this trial is happening right now, it's the only one that could actually be brought forward. the other four couldn't be brought the other three of the four couldn't be brought forward before the election. >> so this one is largely intended to try to achieve a result before for the election. >> and then you can be assured as americans would know, that any kind of appeal would be pushed until after the election. so that's why everybody sees this as politically motivated. and like i said filing air is not something that would affect any
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american people that are trying to put food on the table and gas in the car. it doesn't affect them and so this is why the outcome of this trial is not going to change. a lot of people's minds. it might actually, in some ways help present drunk because it reinforces the idea that the biden administration is willing to use lawfare to try to attack a political opponent. >> there's no evidence that joe biden has anything to do with this case from brought forward by district attorney bragg and you keep describing as a final calling error, i guess that's that's one interpretation. another interpretation is that donald trump's attorney, michael cohen paid hush money for to hide from the american people before the election. the fact that mr. trump had had a rendezvous with a porn star, and that they wanted to hide that from the american people until after the election. so far the evidence that i've seen suggests there are at least was some political motivation to this and they hit it so as to hide that from public, that's a little bit more than just checking the wrong box on a form. but let's move on because i want to ask you about something else, mr. trump said he the new york times reported that that last night mr. trump
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said that some americans get quote, welfare to vote is that how you see the electorate? you have, i think more than 100,000 north dakota is on medicaid. are they getting welfare to vote? >> no and, i don't think. that's the intention that he meant when he when he said that, but i do think that what we have here is the when joe biden, he can't campaign on i mean, it's open border policies. 2016. that was about immigration. now, it's about national security and public safety and open borders is something in majority americans are very concerned about inflation touches every single american. the wars that are breaking out around the world. so in places where, where president trump had success, joe biden's having failure, where president trump was strong. joe biden has been weak. and so that's what people are actually thinking about. but then you throw on top of things like the students loan debt and you start trying to give away hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money and 90 it's like we're borrowing to give it away. it's not tax and spend it's
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borrow, borrow from the chinese and give it away when you see those, those citizens understand those are like pre election payoffs. those are like, hey, folks, please he's vote for us because we're relieving your debt. so at what point does it crossover programs like student debt to just vote buying and i think again, the people that are working hard and are paying off their debts and aren't getting loan relief, are saying hey, this is just fair and america, people want things to be fair, not unfair. and i think it's clear that there there's vote buying going on at a scale like we've never seen before. >> does that offend you more than donald trump telling you a room full of donors, wealthy people, millionaires, billionaires that he's going to cut their taxes, is that, is that buying votes any different? well, first of all, i just reject the whole premise of this idea of wealthy donors. i mean, the room of people that were there yesterday are all people that were job creators. these are, these are americans that were took risks that the
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wealthy sometimes risk everything they had to start to start a business well, they're wealthy now because the american system of capitalism worked for them to create jobs to help them build their communities. these are among the most generous people in the country. they're the ones that are giving back to their philanthropic efforts in building strong communities. they care about their kids and their grandkids because they've been successful and because they've worked hard i is not somehow that they should be disparaged. this is what we should be celebrating and these people represent the american dream. and the part of the way the american dream works is when we have low taxes and low regulation and joe biden wants to ease proposing the largest tax increase in the history of america and proud of it. >> yeah, i wasn't disparaging them but let me ask you something because it's something else donald trump said in an interview with the milwaukee journal sentinel, and also with time magazine, he's refusing to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election. he told them walking journal sentinel quote, if everything's honest, i'll gladly accept the results. i
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don't change on that if it's not, you have to fight for the right of the country going language he used on january 6 when time magazine asked him about potential violence if he loses, he said, quote, if we don't win, you know, it depends. now, you called the violence on january 6, reprehensible and you said it does not represent american values. donald trump openly discussing right now, pardoning all of the january 6 criminals. i think that you heard a song from them last night at the fundraiser. in those criminals, by the way, include those who have been convicted in an american court of violently attacking police. he's talking about pardoning them and he seems to be leaving the door open to potential violence if he loses again based on comments you've made in the past that must concern you well, i think the bigger context here jake is really about elections in america. >> i mean, you go back in my lifetime when 1960, it came down to one county. we talk about an election like it's one thing in our country, but elections are still run at the state, the county, and the
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precinct level. and in cook county, it was very close between kennedy and nixon. nixon conceded in 2000, they've made movies about it, and that election was contested for two months in the courts afterwards. and it was all came down to broward county in some hanging chads in 2016, this network and many others challenge the results of the 26 claiming that there was russian interference. we never challenge the results. well, there's plenty plenty of stories supporting sporting that i'm talking about the violin itself have decried yes. >> well, you know, i'm i'm looking forward to next january when vice president here has certified the election for donald trump. i mean, the american people are the ones who get to decide these elections. but for both parties and for all americans, we've got to make sure that every county, every precinct is beyond reproach that everybody can be confident in our country in north dakota, we're doing that. nobody's questioning the
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results of an election in any county or precinct in north dakota. it can be done, it's done all over the nation except for in some cases, we've got, you know, we couldn't have a handful of counties that this election could turn on again we've just got to make sure that when it's done, both sides feel good about how it was counted. >> do you believe joe biden won the 2020 election i i believe that joe biden won the 2020 election, but i also, based on the number of votes are in, but i think that because of covid there was a huge number of irregularities because we changed a bunch of rules in certain places and certain precincts in certain states and the number of male out ballots, not mail-in. we do absentee ballots and north dakota. we do use make sure we're verifying signatures. but when you're mailing out more balanced than there are people that are actually on the registers for the voting roles that creates a massive moral hazard. and then when you've got unmonitored drop boxes and a bunch of single bullet votes that only vote for one candidate. i think
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all of us have to say is that the way we want to have elections? i don't know you're it was a special case i mean, you agree with vote as a ballot that comes in. we're it's very and to get that many ballots where someone just votes for president and not for anybody else down ballot. that's what i'm talking about. >> attorney general. >> that is a attorney general. >> bill barr said that there was no significant fraud that would have changed the results let's of the 2020 election, do you disagree with that or do you agree with that well, again, we're talking about what are you talking about? >> what happened before the ballots came in or after they came out with all the ballots. and this yeah, i'm saying i just said it. i think that there was a special set of circumstances around covid where we had did things like we've never done before the millions of mail out ballots was a new thing for america. and when you mail out more ballots and they just go out to, i mean, i know people in states where they got three ballots mailed to them that's a
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problem and we should all be concerned about that. but i'm looking forward. we were talking about making sure that the 2024 election is secure and there's no need to keep re-litigating 2020. we got to talk about the policies that are going to help people understand again, how do we make america safe? how do we? get our economy strong again, how do we secure our borders? president trump is going is gonna do all those things. and this is a unique point in history because we haven't, since grover cleveland, we haven't had a former president running against the current president. so americans have got a better chance than ever to say, was i better off under president trump than i am under biden? and the answer for the majority of people is that they were better off under president trump. so just quickly if you could, if president trump asks you to services vice president, will you say yes? >> well, i think any of that right now is all speculation. i mean as you open the show talking about the vip stakes and the group of people on stage. he couldn't get if you'd had any more on there, they'd have been fallen off
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the stage. and prior to that, he said there was 50, so i think the shortlist needs to be modified maybe there's a list of 50 if i'm on it who who would know, but it's not why i'm out supporting the president right now is someone that runs a natural resource state as a governor, i've had a chance to serve under president trump has governor and under president biden and i can tell you the difference is night and day for our citizens, for our small businesses, because right now we're under a barrage of red tape. that's trying to basically shut down us energy. we're a big energy state. and when we shut down us energy, the supply gets filled by other suppliers around the world who produce it less cleanly than we do. so, it drives inflation up. it destabilizes the world. it creates, puts money in the pocket of russia and iran and venezuela, our adversaries and then it makes the environment less clean and so it's a trifecta of being in the wrong direction on joe biden's energy policies. and i understand that that's if we don't get that turned around, the us is going
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to continue to be in decline relative to our position in the world is strong energy policy is going to be good for the world's environment but it's good for how we compete with china and russia and all the challenges we have in front of us, north dakota governor doug bergen. thank you so much for joining us today. really appreciate it, sir. coming up some mornings, some top democrats that trump's view attack on biden is working a topic campaign in adviser from the biden campaign will join me and colleges are not daycare centers. the president of the university system that said that joins me coming up the whole myth re-imagined fee, if you didn't know whether you were next they were both tied up yeah. >> yeah. i was called in and i saw what turned out to be the biggest archivist in his string give went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah would
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now, you can get your first scrub set for just $19 have you or anyone, you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june camp luck, june's water was contaminated by fuel leaks if you had any water contact wallet camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer or parkinson's disease. >> you may be entitled to compensation as marine who was stationed at campo june so for four years, this cause hits close to home. so if you've been stationed or visited marine corps base camp june and have cancer or parkinson's visit camp lu june morgan and morgan for the veterans. >> can the riva support your brain health? >> married janet, hey, eddie. now, frazer, franck. franck, brad, how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn welcome back to the state of the union. i'm jake tapper on tuesday, tied to
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israel's de of commemorating the holocaust. >> president biden will give a speech at the us capitol in which we are told he will call out the surge in antisemitism in the united states. that is top democrats worry that protests over the israel-hamas war might overshadow the democratic convention in chicago this august and play into an attack line from donald trump, django standard discuss co-chair of the biden-harris reelection in campaign, former new orleans mayor and white house official mitch landrieu mayor. thank you so much for joining us president biden condemned the escalating unrest on college campuses this week, he called this a moment for clarity clarity, but, but even after the orthodox rabbi at columbia told jewish students to leave campus because it wasn't safe for them it still took a week and a half. i mean, that was two weeks ago that that happened. it still took a week-and-a-half for president biden to address the nation on this. and only then after pressure from republicans that even some democrats, why, why did it take so long if this moment called for clarity why
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was it so slow in coming? >> well, first of all the first amendment is critically important the president has always believed that people ought to have the opportunity to redress of grievances against the government. this is not something new, it's been going on since the beginning of ai time, you see different campuses handling this in a different way. and finally, you see some campuses doing this better than others. the president has been very strong about this from the beginning. and the president came out the other day. and as he said, as he has always said, he understands that people have a right to protest, but they have to do so peacefully. but when it turns violent that when things have to end, you're going to have a university president on after you have me on and they're going to continue to work through this, but the president has been very clear about this. he's also been very strong about the need to stamp out anti-semitism and islamophobia is very difficult time, very passionate opinions on both sides of this issue. the president has been handling it, i think very, very well, and he's going to continue to do so. >> i've seen some pretty ugly anti-semitic incidents, right
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where you are at tulane university in new orleans, months ago, i saw that it was caught on video politico has a story out this morning noting that a lot of the multimillionaires and billionaires funding, the most explicitly anti real groups, ones that think israel has no right to exist that are active on campuses that these groups are funded by big biden donors, the pritzker's, the gates's george soros, david rockefeller junior. should they stop funding these groups? are they causing unrest for the american people? >> well, let me say this. i think that everybody has, the president has said nice to kind of get focused in on the very core principles of what our constitution allows. and what i constitution protects. and that is this. everybody has a right to protest, but they have to protest peacefully if they're probe violently, that has to end. there's no place for that. there's no place for anissa semitism. there's no place for islamophobia everybody has got a really get close to that understand that, and continue to act in accord with that.
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>> here's what senator bernie sanders told cnn a few days ago about what the impact of biden's handling of the gaza crisis and these protests might be maybe of biden's vietnam or lyndon johnson in many respects, was a very we've already good president domestically. >> you chose not to run in 68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam. and i worked three very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people, but a lot of the democratic base as president biden's strongest ally in the ascendant progressive wing of your already warning that joe biden might end up like lbj. >> how seriously do you take that warning? >> well, first of all, i think comparing it to vietnam isn't over-exaggeration. this is a very different circumstance. i think there are people who
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actually live through that very difficult time that would say that this isn't comparable. however that is not to say that this is not a very serious matter. senator sanders also said a couple of weeks ago that notwithstanding where we are at this difficult time, that doesn't leave any good options for anybody that young people have a wonderful reason to vote for joe biden because they interested in climate, they interested in their freedom is being taken away. they interested in relief of student debt. this is, as it has been, and jacob covered this very, very well. there's not a lot of great options on the table for anybody as a result of the terrorist attack that hamas invoked on october 7, and what has happened since then. the president, as you know, has been very strong in his call for bibi netanyahu to make sure that this humanitarian aid, make sure that the hostage crisis gets resolved sooner rather than later. and then we get to a ceasefire. as soon as practically possible. >> i know that the biden campaign the biden-harris campaign sees its support for abortion rights as a real asset for november. i have to note
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that in his 50 years in politics, and i've been covering him for, i don't know, 25 of them joe biden has been all over the map on abortion and set 74. he said roe v. wade went too far. and then a woman should not have quote, the sole right to say what had happened to her body on quote, that was long time ago, of course, in 2006, he said, quote, i do not view abortion as a choice and a right just this year he said, quote, i've never been supportive of, you know, it's my body. i can do what i want with it, unquote by. his own admission, biden is an odd man out with his party on abortion. do you think his own long complicated history on this issue, do you think it muddies his message and undermines the contrast with donald trump? >> well, let's be clear about what the facts are here first, which is donald trump appointed three supreme court justices to the supreme court for the specific purpose of obliterating roe versus wade and starting a war on women. and donald trump just this week in time magazine, when given a chance to think about how he was when he was president said that, is biggest mistake was he
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wasn't mean enough and then went on to talk about the fact that states, states, meaning police powers can actually monitor women's pregnancies and has said, when asked about what the repercussions of that are. well, it's going to be what it's going to be. the states have actually taking them up on that. so you have seen in this of texas, you've seen an oklahoma, you've seen in florida incredible instances where women have lives have been threatened that as donald trump's record, joe biden obviously has evolved over time, but in the last eight years of his life since his presidency, he has been very strong in his support of a very simple notion that he trust women to make decisions it's about their reproductive health. donald trump trust the states that is kind of where it is right now and that is where both of them say they will govern from. i think most of the people in this country agree with joe biden's position on this issue. and i think they're going to vote that way in the coming months all right. >> merely andrew, it's always good to have you on. >> thank you so much, sir. and joy. >> fast he spoke his mind as a republican senator. now that he leads a large university, what does ben sas think about the
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hi, lauren fox on capitol hill. and this is cnn bugger back the state of the union. i'm jake tapper. we're watching a developing story out of los angeles the list this morning where the university of southern california's says the lapd is moving to clear these pro-palestinian anti-war encampments. usc says in a new message that quote, people who don't leave could be arrested unquote this all comes after protesters at the university of michigan this weekend interrupted commencement ceremonies saturday today the university of florida warned that quote, the university is not a daycare and we do not
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treat protesters like children. so when it gets down to discuss is the president of the university of florida, former nebraska republican senator ben sas. do i call you senator? do i call you precedent? i'm not sure what i'm supposed to call you ben is. good, then it's a glorious morning and gate valve. you gotta get out of here, jake, i'll call you back. i guess it feels weird though, so we've seen some disruptions already at the university of michigan this weekend. other schools like columbia, obviously it's been held for a lot of students and faculty there for weeks university of florida is holding graduation ceremonies this weekend. multiple ceremonies what are you seeing? are they being disrupted by protesters? what's going on where you are? >> it's pretty glorious. it's an amazing day for a commencement. we have three more today. we have 17 colleges and schools were through about two thirds of our commencements. they're not being disrupted. what jav is, a lot of tears of moms the first-gen kids star on their arms around their kids as they get to graduate. obviously, a
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lot of these kids he's graduated high school four years ago. and because of covid, they didn't get a commencement. it's been a pretty glorious weekend celebration around here. >> so that is what probably passions about gaza and israel aside, that's probably what most parents and students would want is a commencement where their accomplishments are celebrated. obviously, however, there are free speech leinz, and free speech and debate that we also hold, hold dearly in this country. it's interesting because notably after governor desantis ordered campuses at florida to deactivate a more radical pro-palestinian group called students for justice in palestine. you opted to not do so because the free-speech concerns where does a university president draw a line between free speech concerns with the right of every student on campus to feel safe and secure. and also frankly to enjoy college and graduation here here great question. >> i think the line is between
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speech and action i'm a first amendment zealot and it's a glorious thing that our first amendment gives us free speech, freedom of religion, press assembly, protest or redress of grievances are five glorious freedoms in the first amendment and what we tell all of our students protesters and non is there are two things we're going to affirm over and over again. we will always defend your right to free speech and free assembly, and also, we have time, place, and manner restrictions and you don't get to take over the whole university. people don't get a spin at cobb's. she don't get a barricade yourselves and buildings you don't get a disrupt. some else's commencement, we don't allow protest inside. i'm on my run this morning after i left the swamp, which is our football stadium, i got to run the stadium this morning. i ran by our group of protesters waving palestinian flags we protect their right to do that, but we have rules. and one of those rules is we don't allow camping on campus. and so you can't start to build an encampment. but our goal is not to arrest people. it's to help them get into compliance with the rules they can protest, they can try to persuade
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people, but they don't get a bill the camp, nobody, nobody else does either so some of the student groups that have been protesting on the university of florida campus released a list of demands and includes divesting from companies that do business with israel or support military industrial complex as it were. >> i imagine you're not on board with that, but there are some smaller steps that they're requesting such as disclosure of the school's investment portfolio hitting a student panel to give input on investments, would you maybe be open to any of that we just don't negotiate with people who screamed the loudest. >> let's just doesn't make any sense to me. we believe in the right of free speech. we believe in the right of free assembly. and you can try to persuade people but what you see happening on so many campuses across the country is instead of drawing the line at speech and action, a lot of universities, bizarrely give them attention and most voice to the smallest angry us group. and it's just not what we're gonna do here. >> you say you have the highest number of jewish students of any campus in the nation. do
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your jewish students feel safe? do you're muslim students feel safe i want everybody to feel safe here because i want everybody to be safe here. >> and i think right now everybody safe. it was pretty great to get to celebrate seder. we a couple days ago. we are the most jewish school in the country. we're very proud of that are chabad, are hilal are greek life hi, jewish fraternities and sororities. we got some real special communities. we have plural communities inside this place, and we're excited to lift them all up. and i think everybody's safe here and it's a pretty special community. >> president. biden said on thursday that quote descent is essential to democracy, but dissent must never lead to disorder violent protest is not protected peaceful protest as a university president, do you wish that the department of education or president biden were doing anything differently well, you know, jake that i've made a pledge.
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>> i've taken a 36 month pledge of partisan celibacy, i think is the term i use. so i don't get near policy issues that get to the edge of politics and we're obviously in an election year. so i won't comment much on the president's positions or the department of education's positions, but i will just say that it's pretty obvious that there's not enough education happening on campuses across the country. when we have all the screaming going on from the river to the sea, which river, which see, where are we discussing this in class when you, when you have para glider means replacing che guevara t-shirts i want to say which pair of gliders, the ones that the savages who raped teenage girls at a concert. i think universities and university boards of trustees need to step up and mine their own shops more. so there are definitely some policy changes maybe beyond my 30 next month mark. i'll make more public arguments about ways that i think the department education could do more to advance healthy higher ed for 18 to 22 years. two-year-olds in the country. but right now now i
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think we need a lot more university leadership's and a lot more board of trustees to be asking fundamental questions about whether or not education is happened in our campuses before i let you go, i do have to ask donald trump is once again the republican nominee for president in 2024. i think i know what you're going to answer is the answer is going to be, but you were one of seven republican senators who voted to convict him in his impeachment trial after january 6, 2021. should we interpret your vote as your view of his fitness for the presidency? >> i've made a pledge and i keep my word i don't i don't talk about politics for 36 months, so the former president hasn't asked my advice on much. we obviously disagreed on a ton of stuff, but interpersonally, we could wrestle together pretty well. but i don't talk about politics. i'm not, i'm not good at dunkin, but i gave my word that i'm i'm ducking politics for 36 months, but if you want to get into the really important politics of the future of college football, how many back on university of florida president then sas, it's good to see you, sir. you
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look 15 years younger thanks jay good to see, you. >> thanks for the invite vice presidential hopefuls auditioning for donald trump this weekend. >> who is he likely to really choose for the most thankless job inin washington? my panel ways in now they're shooting pepper spray into the crowd i saw you like happening from him as a whole. now and they're giving orders to disperse any feels like oh, la happened here every night is the same thing. after dinner you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping, stove top, night. >> well, now you can wake up to it hey, clean, dream kitchen every day with stole guard, slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they start. >> sauces are rinsed and sayonara gone seconds, sticky messages are no challenge stove
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across this country and talk to people about donald trump, talked to him about how he's the right-hand and the white house regret an opportunity to serve under president trump, but i've had an opportunity to to try to lead a state under president biden's like a beautiful win at your back or a gale force when at your face, i think it's important to support president trump as republicans because i think he was a good president and i think he made the country more prosperous logger back to the state of the union, the vip stakes to be done, trump's running mate in full swing. my panel joins me to discuss. so first of all, we should acknowledge governor burgum coming on the show. >> he didn't do it to audition for the role, but it is something of an audition for the surrogate role. >> how do you think he did? well, he just looked like he didn't believe half of what he was saying. he just seemed uncomfortable and it just is such a reminder that this process in auditioning to be vp for donald trump such a parade of debasement, you just watch these people sort of have to put forward, yes. i believe joe biden won the election, but let me explain why all of the votes weren't, why things shouldn't be counted the way they were
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counted. i mean, you take otherwise some otherwise serious people and just watch them like kowtow to donald trump. i'm the only other thing i would say about his conversation was amusing to me to watch him defend donald trump's framing of student debt forgiveness is paying voters or welfare for voters when i believe doug burgum was the one who was handing out $20 gift cards to people to get them to donate to his camp it might have even been dollars if i found that i found that interesting. >> what did you make of it all? >> well, i went through the vip stakes in 2016 with then governor pence i always ask the same question for all of the candidates, not just doug burgum is what do you bring to the presidential campaign that they think they need or they want more of, because that's really what vice presidential picks do. usually it's either democrats graphic, geographic, a policy area, or to unite the party. and so for all of these names, i'm like, what do you offer them that they want? >> so let me just bring in some sound for one or the other beef steaks hopefuls, jd vance of senator from ohio, author of hillbilly elegy.
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>> he was on kaitlan collins show the other night talking about january 6. take a listen and truly skeptical that mike pence's life was ever in danger. i think politics and politics people like to really exaggerate things from time to time if they wanted to hang him look, caitlin did a few people say some bad things? sure. but do we blame donald trump for every bad thing that's ever been said i'm going to come to you in a second, but you worked for pants. >> i mean, what do you think? i mean, i don't think it was well answered. no put it this way. or this way. i one, way, he is protected. he at the time he was protected by the united states secret service. his life was probably not indirect jeopardy. they would have gotten him out of there if they had to if they had to pick him up and carry them. but were there people that were coming after him? yes. >> what what do you make that answer was just a little light hanging by the way it has banging, hang i mean, jd vance is from my home state of ohio and the trajectory of his
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summer has ideology has shifted greatly ever since he wanted to become a senator and get trump's endorsements. >> and so you saw him at some point go after donald trump opposed donald trump question some of donald trump's behavior and then now you see him flipping like most of the people who are on his shortlist for vice president, the thing that makes me so nervous about this and the reason why it was a poorly answered question is because mike pence had to certify the election and everyone is wants our democracy to stand strong. well, on january it takes donald trump pushed our democracy to the brink of breaking. and whoever he selects as his vice president, we need to know what they're going to do if he wins in november. so it's yet again, a frustrating position to be in because people are picking literally politics in this man who wants to destroy our democracy over the country,
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they swear they love so much. >> it was interesting to hear governor berger, i'm talking about when vice president harris is going to certify the election in favor of donald trump next january, an acknowledgment that the vice president does not have the power to throw it all away. >> you are the man, the post dog photos every morning on twitter so i once get your perspective. >> here is a political headline or a politico article. kristie, no damage control tours in full swing. it appears destined for the same fate as her late dog cricket, dead in a gravel pit somewhere near pierre i have to say that is a great lead what do you make of one? hi, xi, why she did any of this, the killing of cricket, et cetera, et cetera. >> well, it's a good set of first of all, let me just say i i condemn shooting puppies. just i wanna go out there. i'm going a limb. i know it's of issue. that's bold and i do love the idea of someone writing a book called never go back or don't go back, going back and revising her buck it's also about her meeting with kim jong un. that's right
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but i think the question actually ties up an important point. >> i agree with mark entirely on the four things that people that campaigns look for and vice president's but there's one, there there's the fifth kind of heat here, right? which is trump, is looking for something, looking for someone to be a vice presidential. roy cohn someone who's willing to say and do anything in his defense, and that's why i think burgum did poorly today is because burgum was unconvincing i mean, if you look closely, you can see him blinking in morse code. i don't really believe the things i am saying right? and he wants someone to fully commit and i think what kristi noem was doing in that book was, pardon the expression dog whistling. >> and i'll to donald trump, that on the advice of people like korea when the ascii, that she was willing to know each other, there are not affect keep going and that you have to prove that you're willing to say and do anything on behalf. >> the messy, ugly stuff on
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behalf of donald trump, if you want to be as vip and i think that was the theory. >> so we only have a minute left. but speaking of a messy, ugly stuff, hope hicks testimony if on friday trump wanted to know how it was playing. this is about the stormy daniel's and just my thoughts and opinion about the story versus having the story a different kind of story before the campaign had michael not may paid that, made that payment. and i think mr. trump's opinion was it was better to be dealing with it now, after the election, and that would have been bad to have that story come out before the election. it's still it's still going to be up to the jury whether or not that is definitive but it does seem to suggest that the politics were at play. it does. i mean, i think she that was pretty damning testimony and she's somebody who knows donald trump knows him intimately, knows how he thinks in her presenting that picture of him saying effectively, this was politically better for me to come out when it did. that's pretty damning that pretty much undermines the entire defense. >> but she did add that she was he was worried about how it'd be received by mrs. trump and his drop as well? of course. thank you so much for being
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here. i want to tell you about somebody that my family lost this week and what i came to understand about what this man taught himself in life. and that's next how we'd really happened with jesse l. >> martin. sunday's at nine on cnn we're in a limestone cave, letting extreme residue build up to what finished get dried to the test dishwashers are designed to use jet to defend against tough residues. >> for our practically spotlight, shine how far would you go? >> is that the ambiance of your space? try the air wick way with air wake essential myth infused with natural and two oils to fill your low bit with them immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. now that's a breath of fresh air whack my name is marie and 49 years old, and i'm a business owner. >> i owned a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my life ions have gotten deeper just from a
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partner of nearly 45 years, a man named sylvester stone. stone, as we knew him he was born in philly in 1928 and only child stone enlisted in the army when he was 17. he served in korea from 1946 to 1949 you might notice something about that platoon there president truman had yet to desegregate the troops. so his was an all-black unit after the army stone became a machinist. he worked his way up from putting ball bearings in barrels to becoming sorry, a machine operator who made parts for locomotives to ultimately making parts of aircraft engines stone loved philadelphia he loved the food and the people and the musicians. >> he got to see there through the years, john coltrane and stan getz, felonious monk and billie holiday, lester young, count basie, duke ellington, stone had impeccable taste and style. when we madam, he drove jaguar. he knew how to fish, he knew how to garden. it could bake and cook, it could fix anything that would need fixing. only later in life did
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i realize it's had taught himself all of that everything? he was entirely self-made. he was called papa stone by my children and grant be stone by my brother's kids. we all loved him di he made my mom laugh he made my mom happy stone died at the age of 95. we will miss you stone we love you thank you for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria picks it up next let's scrubs sublet x scrubs, got blood ics grubs have left the next crontab. >> let x came out with a scrub line these frogs are flexible, comfortable, and then easy to move them. they just fit. >> right now, you can get your first scrub set for just 19 dollar. >> they keep bad lakes how far would you go? >> does that the ambiance of your space, try the air wick way with air wake essential myth, infused with natural essential oils to fill your low
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