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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> absolutely free. doctors preferred better science, better results this is cnn newsroom. >> i'm rosemarie church. you are looking at live pictures from jerusalem right now where israel's official state ceremonies for holocaust remembrance day is happening. and at this time, there is a siren going for two minutes. you can hear it there to remember those who lost their lives during the holocaust now, after the siren, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other top government officials will lay a wreath in the whole of remembrance. >> let's just listening
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holocaust remembrance day. >> and we have been listening to that siren. want to bring in cnn's international diplomatic editor, nic robertson, who joins us live from london. so nick talked to us about this difference of this holocaust remembrance day, particularly at this time in the midst of war and we heard sentiments from the prime minister speaking last night at yad vashem, the holocaust memorial, sayyed in jerusalem and speaking specifically to that point talking about the 6 million jewish people but the nazis killed that was one-third
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of the total number of jewish people in the world and he drew a very, very clear parallel with hamas and the war today, he said that hamas were essentially the knots as of today that they had said that they wanted to rid the world of jewish people and that was, that was their mission. >> he spoke as well about a major an idf major who died in gaza, leaving behind a family of six children and his wife. and he spoke about the generations of that family of the major came before him. the great grandfather he reminded all the people who were listening to his speech had fled the, the holocaust, fled vienna in 1938 just before the second world war began so the prime minister here or last night, at least drawing these very, very clear parallel between this very revered and
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an important memorial day for jewish people, recognizing the horrific losses that they experienced during the second world war, the unprecedented and horrific losses that were the biggest loss of life of jewish people until hamas is attached. thank you on october 7, last year. so it's in that context that this memorial is being observed today. but the prime minister also had a, had a message in his speech for the international community who he said are accusing israel over genocide in gaza at the moment. and i've starving people and he said that wasn't true. new went on to say that no amount of international pressure was going to stop israel backing away from facing the threat of hamas and nick significantly, israel's military is now urging palestinians and eastern raffa to evacuate the fee here, of course, is that the much
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talked about offensive ground offensive in rafah this may signal a star to that. what are you learning about? >> it may do, it certainly has all the characteristics of what israel has done before. it's previous offensives in the north of gaza are in the center of gaza and in the south east of gaza, a raffa being the last major city where there's a civilian population estimated by the un to be in the region of about 1.4 million palestinians. the vast majority of them, more than 1.2 million of them are displaced from other parts of gaza while israel has been talking about the possibility and it's intention and the prime minister saying its intention was to go in and get the last hamas battalions. he said that would be hiding in the tunnels inside of rafah to go in and get them the context has been
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set that this may well be this much talked about offensive. the defense minister was in gaza yesterday telling troops to be serious, to be prepared and to expect the possibility of military action in rafah and in the whole of gaza. so when the defense minister goes into gaza to visit troops, that can also be seen as a sign of what may be to come the us, the united states has put a huge amount of pressure on israeli officials to to tell them about their plan to protect all these civilians in raffa. this is not something that has been shared publicly the government tasks the idf to come up with a plan months ago, it's been discussed in the war cabinet, has been discussed around many tables, but none of it made public, but what appears to be protected centrally happening right now is exactly what we've witnessed. the idf do prior to
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their previous incursions, which is drop flyers, make announcements to people in certain sectors of towns. two cities to evacuate immediately for their safety, that there would be military operations and that's exactly what they're doing today. they appear to be telling people in the eastern part of the raffa which, which is the part that's closest to the to the gaza border fence with israel, which is where you would expect a moving army to come in from, coming from israel that, that about 12 housing districts have been told to move. the idf is telling people to move to an expanded humanitarian zone on the al-muwasi refugee camp. the idf is now saying that this zone will be expanded from the area where it is in the west of gaza and the south and west of gaza northwards and eastwards towards khan younis and deir al balah in the center of gaza,
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the idf is saying there are expanding this safe area, but what we've seen in previous military operations when the idf announces to the civilian populations that they need to get out of the way and avoid these military zones where there will be military operations underway civilians have invariably been caught up and killed in the targeting of sites where the idf says its going after hamas, we know overnight there were, there were 11 houses according to civilian authorities inside of gaza, 11 houses destroyed by israeli airstrikes. they say in rafah overnight about more than 20 people killed in strikes overnight, whether or not this amounts to a precursor for, for a military of wider military offensive is not clear, but last yesterday the hamas military brigades claimed responsibility for firing
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rockets out of the south of gaza around the raffa area across the border into israel around the kerem shalom crossing where hamas say that they were targeting idf troops and there were a number of casualties that were medically evacuated from that area yesterday, at least ten people injured in that particular rocket strikes. so it appears to indicate that hamas has a military intense fill in a military capability in raffa, which is what the idf says you have this was of course at a time when there were talks going on about a peace deal to end the fighting and to release israeli hostages and other international and israeli hostages that are being held by hamas and other groups inside of gaza. so the context they're in a bit itself appears to also set the possible seen for an
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israeli military response possibly to those rocket strikes only, but they've talked about this broader military offensive on the whole of raffa. it may be what we are beginning to see, the precursors emerge for. >> yes. and of course, as you've been speaking with us, nic, we've been watching those live pictures of the holocaust remembrance day, but you mentioned there, of course, the concern about these civilians in raffa. there's the added challenge here of the the possibility and the likelihood that hostages are being held in raffa as well. and as you mentioned, there the hostage and ceasefire talks have stalled, but they're not broken at this point. there's still a possibility of moving forward, but talk to us about where that stands right now. and how they do move this forward we're there, were talks over the weekend in cairo. >> egyptian authorities had broken the talks, had set out a
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framework that they thought could be the framework to at least agree the prospect of a ceasefire and hostage exchange of some nature the details we're then going to be thrashed out overnight saturday and sunday. it seemed that it was getting close. egyptians appear to indicate they thought it was getting close to talk. didn't conclude saturday night into sunday late sunday the hamas left hamas representatives left cairo. we understand they've gone to qatar now for further talks amongst themselves about their position we know this morning that the egyptian authorities are saying that they have received from her their response and/or overnight at least they receive their hamas is response to the proposal which has been passed to the israeli authorities. we know that the cia chief bill burns went yesterday to doha in qatar
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to meet with the qatari negotiators. negotiators, in particular, the prime minister step, who's the, who's been leading the from the qatari perspective, their efforts to be middlemen to get a turn, to get a negotiated solution. there were reports initially that bill burns would then go on to israel today for meetings with prime minister netanyahu that changed late last night. so at the moment egypt has received her master's response safe passed it to the israelis hamas delegation has gone to qatar. the cia chief has gone to cater for seem to be a nature of torques directly between the cia and the qatari officials in qatar where that leads gives a possible trip by the cia director to israel is unclear where that leaves the overall torques is unclear that did seem to be relatively close late saturday, but there seems to be a gap. and if what we're
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seeing an raffa is the precursor to big military operation it would seem that the talks at this stage of stalled, but we don't know that for sure all right. >> thanks to nic robertson joining us live from london with that report. appreciate it. >> american universities held graduation ceremonies this weekend and made more arrests of pro-palestinian protesters. the university of southern california has reopened. its main campus to students and faculty members after weeks of demonstrations. but it says valid ids are required to get on campus. meanwhile chicago police were called in to depaul university on sunday after the school said protests escalated beyond their control. university advised anyone on campus to stay indoors. cnn has reached out to the chicago
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police department for more information. the university of mississippi has opened a student conduct investigation of re video went viral on social media showing a confrontation between a black student and counterprotesters. university officials say the incident included, quote, racist overtones. cnn's rafael romo has details there are multiple videos circulating online showing the protest at the university of mississippi and oxford. but there's one video in particular that has gone viral and is at the center of the controversy before i show you the video, we need to warn our viewers that it may be offensive to many people as you can see, the video shows a group of mostly young white men in the counterprotest yelling at a black woman, at least, what else processor is seen on video and appears to be making gestures at the woman. we now know who the woman in the video is for name is jaylin r. smith
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and she is 24 years old. she confirmed to my colleague, dianne gallagher that she is the woman seen in the video, smith's said that during the protest pro-palestinian demonstrators were kept in an enclosure which police said was for their safety. she also said that she briefly stepped out of the enclosure to go live on social media and that that's when the confrontation took place. cnn has made efforts, but has not identified any of the counterprotesters seen in the video. we have also learned that the university of mississippi has opened an investigation into student conduct, but didn't say who or what they were specifically investigating in a letter. chancellor glenn boys assess university officials, are aware that some statements were made that were offensive, hurtful, and unacceptable, including actions that conveyed hostility and racist overtones. smith's tells cnn, she said some insults back to the counter protesters, but adds the following quote people calling
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me fat or lizzo didn't hurt my feelings because i know what i am. i am so confident in my blackness. i am so confident in my size, in the way that i wear my hair and who i am. they do not bother me if anything, i felt pity for them for how stupidly they acted. the controversy took another turn. when you're representative mike collins, a republican representing parts of georgia, shared the viral video on x the following day saying, ole miss, taking care of business cnn has reached out to collins office, but there hasn't been an answer so far. and then on saturday, congressman collins beat prompted the end of lacp to send a letter to congressional leadership asking for an investigation into collins conduct in part, the letter says the following. these actions conducted by a member of the house of representatives regardless of intent, legitimize and propagate racism and undermine the principles of equality and justice that our
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government is sworn to uphold some of our viewers may remember that the university of mississippi has a long history of racial incidents, including the deadly riots that broke out there in 1962, when james meredith became the first black student to enroll at the school. rafael romo, cnn atlanta just hours from now, donald trump will be back in a new york courtroom for the start of the fourth week of his historic criminal trial. >> the former us president has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to to adult film star stormy daniel's daniel's is a potential witness for the prosecution, but they've been tight, lipped over who they might call to the stand next. cnn's zachary cohen has more on what we can expect as the trial resumes a new witness will take the stand on monday when the hush money trial of former president donald trump
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resumes while it remains unclear who will be called to testify. >> next, we're still waiting to hear from several key witnesses, including the adult actress at the center of the trial, stormy daniels and trump's former attorney, michael cohen the trial picks back up after friday's testimony from one of trump's former key advisers, hope hicks. hicks that feet away from trump, as she described, the 2016 fallout from the access hollywood tape and the trump campaigns response to stories about hush money payments testimony from hicks really set the stage. witnesses who have direct knowledge of trump's alleged role in a scheme to keep stormy daniels quiet ahead of the 2016 election trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records stemming from how he allegedly hd the way michael cohen was reimbursed for paying $130,000 to daniel's hicks testified last week that she did not believe the story that cohen had paid the money on his own and she said that trump was glad he did not have to deal with the stories about hush money payments coming out until after the 2016 election. now, trump
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white house aides, trump organization employees, daniels, and michael cohen are all still on deck for prosecutors to call zachary cohen, cnn, washington rahm brown stain is a cnn senior political analyst and senior editor at the atlantic. >> he joins us now from los angeles. appreciate you being with us my rosemary so gop presumptive nominee for president donald trump will be back at his criminal trial in the coming hours. and so far, he is gaining rather than losing political support, how likely is it that this trend will continue for him right up to the november elections with most polls currently please showing a very tight race between him and joe biden yeah, it is it is a very tight race and the national polls in the key swing state polls, trump probably has a slight advantage in enough states that you'd have to say he is the favorite overall at this point. >> i think the impact of this trial are not going to know
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until the finish line it doesn't seem that americans are riveted enough on the details that individual days of testimony are really going to move the needle much in the presidential election. but when we get to the finish line, we do have polling suggesting that there are a fair number of voters who understand sibley would have hesitations about electing to the nation's chief law enforcement office, someone who has been a convicted felon. now whether that plays out in the end, whether he is convicted, and whether voters will respond if they do, if he is, we don't know, but that i think is more likely to be the impact than kind of movement it around the individual days of testimony as compelling as some of them have been like hope hicks last week, and ron fall, right to republican marjorie taylor greene is threatening to call a vote this week to oust her parties own house speaker mike johnson. >> but it's putting her at odds with some mega allies. >> and democrats are now valid having to step in and save him
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if she goes ahead with this vote what's the likelihood political fallout from this on both sides well, is just another manifestation of the enormous, really almost unprecedented difficulty republicans have had running the house. >> the house has been, has become in the modern era, a quasi parliamentary institution where we saw, for example, in the two years that would democrats had unified control. they passed a series of bills with no more than two or three members voting no on some very three polarizing controversial issues has been nothing like that in these two years. and i think obviously as you know, with the democrats are not going to allow her to remove the speaker particularly because he stepped up and did what the bipartisan coalition and the senate had done earlier in terms of aid to ukraine and israel israel and taiwan. but i think this is just a very clear signal of what might be out
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there. again, if republicans win another narrow majority in 2025, don't forget the last two houses. the majority party has only had a four or five-seat majority historically, narrow divisions, and this it'd be more of a kind of a preview of the future, particularly on the republican sayyed enron, in the midst of trump's search for a vice presidential running mate. >> one prospective candidate, south dakota governor kristi noem, may have crossed a line, even for trump by writing about shooting and killing her own puppy and now suggesting that president biden's dog should also be shot. another possible vp for trump, senator tim scotch won't commit to accepting the 2024 election results. now they're just two of his possible choices. so who will trump likely select you think well, you know, there's one interesting aspect of this that i thought didn't get enough attention in that interview that trump did last week with time magazine in which he laid out a lot of
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ominous authoritarian sounding ideas like using the military to deport people or firing us attorneys who would not process acute anyone that he asked along the way. >> he said that he did intend to adhere to the 22nd amendment and not seek reelection of third time or election a third time if he, if he wins in november and that means into his consciousness, i think has to be the awareness that he is picking the person who would be the front runner to succeed him whether or not he wins in 2024, i have to imagine that might change the calculation a little bit there isn't, there aren't that many choices that give him an enormous electoral advantage. maybe marco rubio or tim scott, to help him with inroads. he's already achieved in early polling among non-white men but if he's thinking about it in fact committing to only running for warren term. and of course we would see if he wins that might
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lead him more to figures like say jd vance, who has been in a state that he should win trump's. you're able to win on his own but who he might feel more comfortable as a designee for the next generation of maga. so we'll see where he goes. but i thought that was an intriguing perhaps indication of some of the considerations that he may be pondering as e-waste this decision. >> and will watch to see who he does select in the end. ron brownstein, many thanks for joining us, push at it. >> thank you coming up ukrainians, orthodox easter celebrations in kharkiv region, were disrupted by deadly russian airstrikes. >> we will have a look at that and a guest water would help us as dry spots. that's long disease but scott healthy plus will curates lung disease going around. >> so like other people have it and it's not going to other bag of the newscaster field are held less lawn through today
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her husband is fighting in the east ukrainian parliament member alexey gunshot enco joins me now from odesa, ukraine. thank you, sir, for being with us. so after much delay us aid is on the way. some arriving, but is it too little too late given ukraine's huge losses to russia? on the eastern and southern front lines first of all it's very important that this decision is made just about support, but it's also very important signal to the world and we can that the united states are still shoulder to shoulder with the grain. >> that's very important. but it's its slate, but it's not too late. it's really too little. heard a lot about that $61 but in reality military support from these direct military support to ukraine is near $28 out of the way ukraine
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part of equipment, we will receive up to 2029 and four comparison, russian military budget is $113 billion for this year, just for one this year so definitely, we need more support. now whom it's also john of the european countries after united states finally made the move. but again, all free world should understand what a big threat is and how much rushes invest in, in this work so we definitely need more support and of course, so we've just been reporting on these deadly russian airstrikes that hit ukraine's kharkiv region sunday, what more you learning about the casualties and the damage done we have casualties, were damaged and these only morning, again soon is regional
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center on the border with russia was attacked with the black codes with again, well i mean injured and russia continue to strike energy infrastructure kill people and yesterday that's worth an orthodox easter in ukraine and also in russia and russia. again, we tries to call themselves accretion country and counter. >> even christian crusaders barge in analyte in orthodox easter, the biggest holiday for any or the notes grecian. >> they just again killed people destroyed civilian infrastructure. nine, once again, show that they just brutal invaders and act as barbaro you mentioned at the start that this aid coming from the united states, even though it was delayed, it's not too late to turn things around in ukraine. >> so what is it going to take for ukraine to win this war? and what does victory look like
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to think? >> i think that to what we can do, we can stabilize leinz know, and we can with a long-range capabilities. finally, provided by the united states, we can start finally to attack an objects and targets in occupied church sorry, which will give her a lot of possibilities. also, we're using our hybrid tactics, including the black sea bigger's were speaking a lot about not successes of ukraine on the ground, but in the black sea, we have big successes where our hands are untied, where we can check what we want to attack and these only morning again, ukrainian syndrome, it russian, one of russian ships of the black sea fleet. so that's our way to win hybrid way our hands should be untied. most support from our partners, allies with this, we can push out brushes from
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our territorial alexi going children, coe, desk, so thank you so much for talking with us. we do appreciate it. >> here a tragic update on the search for three missing surface in mexico. the bodies found in baja, california friday have been confirmed to be the two missing australian brothers it's callum and jake robinson and their friend, american jack carter rhoad, the local attorney general, says the men were killed by gunshots to the head three mexican citizens linked to the case have been arrested for alleged kidnapping the killings have caused an uproar among members mexico surfing community with many calling for more action on improving safety massive flooding in texas has now turned deadly. hundreds of people have been rescued from swamped homes and vehicles and thousands have been forced to evacuate more on that straight ahead. plus, no relief in sight
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for many in kenya were devastating, deadly flooding has been going on for weeks now, we will have a live report from i wrote while they're shooting hippos into the cloud, i'll show you what's happening from him as a whole now. and they're giving orders to disperse. >> any feels like a lot happened explore the world, the viking way, from the quiet comfort of elegance small ships with no children and no casinos we actually have reinvented ocean voyages designing all-inclusive experiences for the thinking person viking voted world's best by both travel and leisure and condi nast traveler learn more at smile. you found it the feeling of findings,
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the body of a young child has been recovered from the floodwaters in texas as search and rescue teams statewide continue to scour areas inundated by day of heavy rainfall some places have picked up two months worth of rain in just five days. >> thousands of people have been forced from their homes and officials say there have been hundreds of rescues from flooded homes and vehicles, more than a third of the states counties are under disaster
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declarations. and eight really rivers are in major flood stage that five-year-old boy, whose body was recovered sunday is the first reported fatality in the state cnn's rosa flores has more on that as well as the ongoing search and rescue operations in the state the 911 call came in at about 2:00 a.m. this morning local time, about a man and a woman and a child stuck inside a car in the rising waters. >> and then of course, first response hunters went to their rescue. but here is what the johnson county official said that that 911 color witnessed the occupants get out of the vehicle and attempt to get to drop hi ground on foot when all were swept into the floodwaters, the adults were rescued at about 5:00 a.m. this morning. >> the body of the five-year-old boy was recovered after 7:00 a.m. this morning this is what we have been
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hearing from officials in multiple counties and they're asking adults not to drive through rising waters if water has swallowed the road, they are asking people not to drive through it. >> they're asking people not to move barricades and drive through rising water. there also asking people to evacuate if they are in mandatory evacuation zone it's now we hopped on an air boat with the harris county sheriff's office. we have video of this. they were assessing an area that's right behind me. it was not accessible other than by boat. and they showed us some of the dangers. i mean, we were on this air, but we were going over fences, over mailboxes. the stop signs were at eye level and the first responders explain some of the challenges. sometimes they stretch their arms towards individuals, telling them that they can rescue them, they can take them to higher ground and to safety. and a lot of the times, individuals deny that help.
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they say that they want to stay in their homes. and of course, first responders can drag people out of their homes out of their private property. and so that's some of the difficulties we talked to the lieutenant about this. and here's what he had to say about some of those challenges. take a listen we've been evacuating people since last wednesday and all day yesterday in this area here and there are still some people that they don't want to leave for whatever reasons. >> we do have mandatory evacuations as you can see, it's extremely flooded here. and unfortunately, we're getting more rain this weather event has been compared to hurricane harvey because of the water levels of the san jacinto river. >> i want to show you a comparison because take a look at the restaurant that's behind me. it's at a distance. >> you can see that it is blue. >> it has a roof there was a local man here who took a picture of this building during hurricane harvey and we have it for you and you can see that the water level is at about the rules so that gives you a sense of the comparison extreme
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weather, it's devastating. >> southern brazil officials say at least 78 people have been killed in a series of catastrophic floods. more than 100 others are missing. residents and evacuees tell cnn they have seen dead voting is floating in the water. people likely not yet counted in the death toll. the city of porto allegro has already exceeded its average may rainfall in the first five days of the month officials in kenya's say the death toll from weeks of widespread flooding has now risen to at least 220 yay people, 72 are still missing. and the danger is far from over with more heavy rain forecast for the country's western and northern regions. parts of the country received more than half a month's worth of rain in just two days at the start of this month. more than 165,000 people have been forced to flee their homes. cnn's larry madowo
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joins me now live from nairobi. larry, what is the latest on this deadly flooding rosemary this is what it looks like when you had two months of the sane rainfall, every stream, every and every the river is overflowing across the country. >> and sometimes the mixed travel difficult like you see in this case, this is a road that the water is flowing through. there there is a tunnel across the road on the other side, but that's partially quad that's why the the water has made a new path on top of the road. i've just been speaking to a senior police officer who'd been here directing traffic and he says that this continues this bridge. could be swept away. this has happened to run in other parts of the country as the number of casualties increases with this flooding going on in different parts of the country. and more rainfall expected across the country we saw dramatic scenes in western kenya when one of the major rivers, their revenue the its banks and fled, applauded and
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major part of the town of a harrow and places around their people want maroon how the can you well as savvy got it hasn't been can you wireless there is having to use helicopters to rescue some people for marooned and could not get out of there. and that is becoming more common with seems instances, similar cases in other parts of the country like in kenya's longus and largest river that also braces banks and the government warning people to make sure that they're moving to higher ground in places that are what they call friday adele ecosystem to make sure that they don't get swept away by flash flooding. sometimes the rains come overnight has happened here has happened in other parts of the country when people are asleep and that can have devastating effect. i wanted you to hear this one gentleman in western kenya who was caught up in the flooding on sunday wasn't believe it's night. we don't know how we are going to do. we are going to slip in the call. our all our belongings, went to watch rep. two at the flawed and we don't
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have anyone. these are animals. we are just going to put them here he saddled gum for this group. anyone who anyone who will help a lot of help is required. the kenyan government is appealing to foreign partners too. send aid, send everything they can, because the scale of the destruction across the country has a significant about 200,000 people so far are displaced towards marriage thanks to learn the dough we're joining us live there from nairobi what china's leader is on his first visit to europe in five years, we will get details on xi jinping's agenda and what he hopes to accomplish that's just a hayden a live report you think, you know the story, but there's more beneath the surface how it really we have with jesse l. martin next sunday at nine on cnn diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. >> like, what is your glucose?
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doctors preferred better science, better results. >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn chinese president xi jinping is in france. >> this our aiming to strengthen what he called the longstanding friends ship between the two countries. mr. shay is set to meet with french
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president emmanuel macron and european commission president ursula von von the lion in the coming hours later monday, he will be honored at a state dinner. now, this is mr. shoes first visit to europe in five years. he's six de to will also include stops in serbia and hungary. and our christie lu stout joins us now, live from hong kong, courtesy of christie's. so what's present she hoping to achieve on this europe trip? >> yeah, the chinese leader is on a charm offensive. he is looking to win over his critics in europe, which is of course one, china is big as trading partners and this is his first visit to europe in five years. and this comes at a sensitive time, a time of deep tension over trade and over russia's war against ukraine looking at footage from sunday of the chinese president xi jinping along with punda un, whose wife being greeted on the tarmac by the prime minister of france. but today in paris, xi jinping in the hours ahead, will be
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meeting with one of his toughest critics. he is set to meet with the european commission president, ursula von der line, along with the french president emmanuel macron thunder line. >> she is called on the eu to derisk its supply chains away from china. >> and she's also called for a probe to look into the influx of cheap subsidized chinese evs that have flooded into europe. macron is also seeking protection from cheaper chinese products like cheap bvs. and he's also tried to influence, trying to use its leverage over russia. macron is also seeking investment this visit, it marks 60 years of diplomatic relationship between france and china. and in an article, when to bring it up for you in an article published by le figaro on sunday xi jinping pledged to deepen cooperation with france, especially in regards to trade. he said this quote, the chinese government supports more chinese companies in investing in france. and we hope that
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france will ensure that the operating a fair and equitable business environment unquote but observers say that this visit, it's much more than about shoring up trade ties. this is part of china's strategy to exploit differences and to sow discord inside europe. noah barkin an analyst with the german marshall fund of the us, told cnn this quote, china is seen increasingly as a multi-faceted threat in many european capitals. but there are divisions within europe over how fast and far to go in addressing concerns about china, both in the economic and security spheres, unquote after france surgeon being set to visit serbia and hungary next, and rosemary, these are two countries is that are very much pro russia and both big recipients of chinese investment, rosemary. all right, thanks to christie lee statue winning us live from hong kong and we'll be right back. water would help with his
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