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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business like just is free to you, i guess is i like fly on one of your just makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the going. so when you want to go in there and use our life instead of coming up in the next 60 minutes, is there any strikes target cities from northern garza to the south, polyps to any of the homes of the pits, killing at least 30 people, including children another bus grave is discovered onto the ship, a hospital complex thing, dollars a month after his body forces with through $49.00 forties of being found. the us
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secretary of defense concerns washington. those polls the shipment of almost israel as again rules against a major assault on rough and a race against time in south africa as rescue a such a dozens of people trust fund clause building and peace statements with you've spoiled rel mcgruder seconds away from reaching the champions, we finally dramatic style office going to late goals against fun unit. they went into one on the item for 3 on aggregate to be on the move to setting up a final class. she gets through with the welcome to the news. we're beginning garza where these really ministry is pounding the strip from one end to the other. at least 20 palestinians, including 9 children have been killed in garza city civilians while a scrambling to transport the injured today of on hospitals, which are already overwhelmed in the south,
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is these way the military is talk thing homes. at least 10 people have been killed in russia as well. so it is a full scale offensive in the city. do you and as well. and that's such an assault would be a humanitarian nights, man, displace palestinians who are sheltering and rough. i've been forced to play once again. tens of thousands of lessons is relo to them to move on monday. now they say there's no was safe left to go. that we have correspondents on the ground in gauze reporting on the attacks and our categories and data, or by the way, a new ways of displaced palestinians are heading to safety. the 1st target covers the report. so from the southern city of ruffled this is what people in gauze a wake of to every day is about ignoring windings from what leaders, including its main, like the united states and plumbing. rough documents agencies say that task
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destructive consequences for palestinians as well as take over the roof on board. crossing with egypt on tuesday means new a can get 18. that's a lifeline for this. living in the gaza strip is read, has also denied the un, about 8 agencies acts as to gone. so they say the supplies of, if you will only last a one more day during the last 7 months as well, has been forcing palestinians into rough. nearly 2 thirds of districts, population of 2300000 are displaced. that's 1500000 people. the city 100 population of 275000 before the war exhausted, antoinette ties the all in the move again. some displaced for the 5th or the 6th time is read has told zeus in eastern rough i to go to areas that just weeks ago, went back to fields going to milwaukee fun unit. and there was
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none of these areas have basic services, no conditions considered livable. many palestinians are close to famine on suffering water born diseases with a leak stream, legal medical care available rad or long. but i know i know we have stuff and a lot of children see horrible things and listen, stalling. they suffer with trauma while we're displaced when leaving tanks and not far from us. you can see it with the bare eyes most that way. he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the minister of defense of cologne top post released the statement saying the plumbing of roof is necessary to get rid of from us on the isabel will continue to deepen. it's operation all over this trip in the south center. and in the news, guns is often described as the world's largest pope at present and before the war was read under a 17 year locating post bike,
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as well as a ceasefire. deals are still being discussed in cairo, palestinians, in because this trip disparate for the root tar capacity, which is 0 ruffle pedestal. tindall countries endurable, which is one of the cities and goes away. palestinians are fleeing to in order to seek shelter a creek. and i'll up to the hospital where it's packed, we totally at that. see the difference from yesterday to today on our way from the far do that in bella earlier today. we also saw the amount of cars and trucks holding people and caring people from going to, um, uh, add them in the middle area and where i am right now in denton. but people are still searching for a place for a spot for an empty area to settle down. but unfortunately,
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since the morning there has been multiple air strikes on agriculture, land, an empty events. and this is the only place left for people to set those. there's tons of people are still panicking. they're still terrified these been at a have a more family members and drop off and there's coming here to reserve some slots for them. so the situation is frustrating. people are very desperate. they can't find a place to such an in the coast line of vetted but as the wide. and the middle area is completely packed with people at the hospital is packed where not only residents and civilians. uh um is like you waited from drop off, but also do hospitalized from augusta cleared and evacuated their patients to hospitalized in the area. so. so far more people are coming people, ethan not listed in the red and danger zone, and more people are expecting to arrive in the next couple of days. i think i'll
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just sit a solid mass graves is being uncovered that i'll ship a hospitals, tell us any of the officials that they've exam to 49 bodies of the recovery process is still under way. these are the military late stage to the facility in march coming hundreds of people inside, including medical stuff, style shifting has been out of service for months. best grades have been discovered in other around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip, with today's findings. i've now been 7th grade science, discovered in total 3, a township medical complex. one has been found that they come out at one hospital in the knowles and to the south, 3 great sides of being discovered at naso medical complex. so fall 520 bodies have been recovered from o 7, mass, great size. now that number is expected to increase as the prices of retrieving bodies, buying medical teams continues. dr. abysmal non is a pediatric neurologist and co founder of health work as full palestine joins us now from london. doctor,
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i'm not going to help you with this on the program. i just want to stop by the front that when i talk about the situation on the ground, i talked to the i'll just say over correspondence. and through that sol says they give me the fax as we notes. and who are you talking to when it comes to getting the medical fax on the ground? i mean, most of my communicate professional because that gone into i think all of the see what i can do you're in does also in some of the field hospitals around russell. that is where i most information is coming from and also from the local doctors are working alongside these british doctors. so what are they telling you about the conditions now that we don't already see and know about? i think this is a number of start issues, especially in the last 24 hours. this situation from a healthcare perspective is,
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are similarly catastrophic. we are at a stage where hardly any humanitarian aid is known it to and no fuel has come through to cause in the last few days is on right. and you just have to come out and said, this means that many of these all supposed have come out and said they only need $2.00 to $3.00 days. what about interest to remaining this taken back to november and december, when we have both of those, i go shopping down the electricity, meaning the patients in the intensive care units. what time cause they have no access to ventilate times. we have patients on that list and so we're not being di lies this in, you know, potentially catastrophic for the remaining patients. that all i mean, once again, just in these falls, what i'm supposed to have today, which is extreme you where am is different the level of attacks that are happening though. there is a pre emptive recreation happening from the not in the, in the rocky hospitals in are also henders,
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a potential for some sort of reopening of operations and nasir how. so i'm kind of eunice, i, you know, given that you know that a high because become last year at a certain and there is an imminent risk of ground invasion attacks throughout the whole process for you. so what i'm hearing is these pre emptive recreation, which tells us how horrified and petrified the local civilian population are medics . are you talking about the how petrified they are? you've been talking, i believe, to members of the medical for tennessee colleagues, you know, who apparently say they were kidnapped and tortured by the israelis. can you just concerned that that has been a conversation that you've had and what are they being telling you about those incidents that yeah, absolutely. so, you know, it's really important to know that there's over 200 cases. it was disappearing because there are options and she is kind of what gets menus in a so we don't know if there are life with that. we've taken testimonies from a number of health care work, because obviously for obvious reasons,
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i want to disclose a name that needs a, you know, doctors and nurses. one of them was captured for $62.00 days. he was talking of the culture and displays to us. his wounds and disability that resulted from this fractures that the 2 types of jump in the why would these riley's want to torture adult to what are they trying, what information they tried to find out was not ever talked about between you and the victim to its county assume they've never explicitly sentence of them, but you know they're, we've had the past, the menus of the medic being separated from the non medic some that in areas where they so subject to more be things they only a function i can make is the you know these doctors are witnesses and so on injuries some of the earth or google chrome, so it can happen in the atrocities that'd be happening in regarding the strip. so
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these, for the operation pulses really are concerned about this testimony, making its way to the i see the j or, you know, to human rights organizations. so send me for and you know, want to speak to the doctor. so next mission that can give is that they are being findings. and this is a way of talking them up and telling automatic stuff. if they go and testify to what they are seeing then they will be subjected to this lesson. you know, i was at a video organize today for adults on the forecast is the things that i didn't die in the defense. he was beaten, you have a limb, i'm can take this from the him cups that were placed on his hands. so typed in his arms couch in detention, and is there any prison his body is not even being given over to the funding for burial offer our president. and so this community to meet the lives of 200 of a house one cuz that's great. imminent risk? yes. of death right now. we're fully aware of that story. definitely. i mean, you know, we've talked to many partition medical staff over the last 7 months,
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they've come in and out of garza helping whatever they can. and as you say, you talked to colleagues and friends who are helping that right now. what one does, what the medical community outside of gauze can do to highlight what they know that colleagues are experiencing. we see general people's civil society on the street. so many british capitals of what the medical community outside is doing or can do i think the 1st thing is to be speaking of and to break through the stair barrier of you know, silencing that we seem to be seeing the sun up as a preventive from entering germany and funds for it, you know, if i haven't helped apply that the i c. c. i think it's important to the medical clinic stop being up for medical institutions, like the real college is a new case by the bridge medical association to start making statements about signing to, to use health care on the front end. it is completely unacceptable to be attacked and getting health care work is $500.00 of them to be killed. every hospital is
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being labeled of this functional or normal functioning. and what that is, that is the results of the continued a time. and i think we need to define pressure on government that it is not okay. it is completely unacceptable for over $200.00 health care records 20 years of mine that are being held in detention. and we don't know anything about the use of people that are tag or give those that are trying to protect human life. they should be getting set of assets on every document on these ready prisoners system. tell them what the, how are you doing with these health workers? why are they not being released? why are they be subjected to torture and detention this is in is being detained, a little crime known as a house. okay. let alone be to change or you know, full killed in the cabinets. the case, you know, you pay the ultimate price fairly sacrifice that we will have to leave it as a good story to talk to about the been on the pediatric new already. i know you're
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all addressed in under. thanks so much for joining us. so one of the main hospitals in uh, that was the been on that and i wanted to main hospital in southern garza hows being evacuated, doctors ready. troop sees the rough a border crossing patients and medical work a slight double use if i lose you all hospital in rafa saving is ready strikes the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during his way. the attacks on the city, the world health organization as well, that of the hospitals moving out to feel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, w joel has pretty pollution sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals. but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals. are they by calling with a fraud and spoke to margaret harris, who's the spokes person for the w h i?
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she explained what changes organization has been full to make. we've had to suspend some of the activities to the nose because we want to reserve that fuel for the hospitals for to ensure that they can continue their life saving work. but that's not going to be possible for more than a couple of days. we will then completely run out how much of backup medical supplies to hospitals currently have. not much so we prepositions knowing that this incursion was likely we preposition supplies that as many of the hospitals as we could, including the hospitals as well for the themselves. but as you've heard, those hospitals on the threat has had to evacuate their patients to other hospitals . we've also done things like set up dialysis units in minutes of medical, a complex which as you know, was almost destroyed. but with the work where i work with it myself and all the
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agencies have been able to rehabilitate that. so that should open sued. and also we've been able to get things like dialysis units to the field hospitals, but these a tiny amount sooner. it's a representative of say that over and over again, it's a band aid. it's a band aid on what's looking like a hemorrhage right now. what was his role strikes? continue on goal is a home on sundays. well, organization, cx, 5 talks in colorado, talks at all being negotiated by cattle and egypt. stephanie dickens, consulates us from the jordanian capital a month on the head of the c i, a william burns was back in his role today. meeting with these ready prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on is real interesting me today again and is really media but also over the course of the last couple of months. constantly even coming out of the war cabinet that it is. these are the prime minister himself. that is making a deal very, very difficult and it falls in line with what so many is read, he's on the ground. when i was,
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until i be multiple saturdays when you have thousands of people protesting, calling for the captives to be brought home, saying that he was prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and that may sound like internal politics, but it's not it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power. don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see. it offers the law style and really to see what they could then cool as victory in garza. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not in going as far as to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these raise are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding pattern, we've been talking about this for weeks now. first, it wasn't as really agreed proposal. it seems how much has agreed. but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that pulse continue in karo. we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of there over
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the next couple of days. and just to explain why stephanie is reporting from amman enjoyed well, benjamin, nothing you all his confidence in israel has been, and i'll just say we're a site we're reporting from outside of the country. now, earlier we spoke to a couple elder, he's a political analyst and contributes to the is writing these paper. all right, so he says that neither of the main sections and these mainly government is focused on a ceasefire deal that it's not a priority. so the government and i'm talking about both aisles of the coalition. their 1st priority of the government is to put more pressure and they believe that more pressure on from us will get them a better idea of what some us is refusing to clearly say is that m m on those 33 deputies, how many people are still
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a lot these right is there is no trusts and here comes the, the head of this, the a and the 2nd 0 stages on his way here in order to get more information to way to get. just imagine if uh we would get 70 bodies back and 3 people that live in the air cannot afford this. so the united states, as opposed to a weapon shipment to israel, consisting of thousands of large problems that the us, as israel has no address to washington's concerns of any ground operation in rough or israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that dental space. and, and again, as we have a assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height payload, the munitions. we certainly would like to see a no major combat take place in rafa,
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but but certainly our focus is on making sure that we protect the civilians. and we've, again, we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the what that shipment that might kind of how small from the state department, a new a secretary of defense has confirmed that a shipment of weapons to israel has been paused, pending a review speaking to a senate committee, the secretary of defense also made clear. this is directly connected to threats, often is really operation in rough uh, an operation which the us says it is deeply and fundamentally opposed to. now we've heard the same thing said by the state department, state department spokesman matthew miller, not the going into the nature of the width instead on hold. but the state department spokesman, also referred to, is really operations near rough uh, taking over the rough of crossing for example. and the spokesman saying that now
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israel has taken control of that crossing. it's now has responsibility to get you monetary, an aide into the area. it now has the responsibility to open the crossing and allow the free flow of humanitarian workers and indeed humanitarian aid. the state department itself is under the pressure. it is due to release a report to congress incoming days and national security memorandum in terms of which is obliged to say which countries are using weapons provided by the us in accordance with international humanitarian rules. now this is something that it was us to do by the white house some 90 days ago. it's missed its initial deadline, but it is an item that is critical because the 1st time a us government department is going to have to officially put down in black and white. whether or not israel is using the width and supplied to it by the us. in
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accordance with international humanitarian roll, montana ultra sierra washington, which i know about is there a senior political analyst, mon bushera, who's in studio. we've often talked about the pressure on these by the government type of these past few weeks on thomas. but let's just look at the americans and the last, what's the to 2 hours of agreement that they thought was water tight with? how about certainly they, they put the pressure on her mazda, this is the best you're going to get, they get it. then all of a sudden it school this integrate to then what one does, what the position of the chief negotiates that william burns agencies and operates a he is a head of a c. i a knows the middle east, not the back of his home for decades. what's going wrong. he certainly knows. the fact is through this very particular issue and he has been on it now for several months. and clearly the very last draft that bestbuy him. he actually proposed that based on an egyptian is really understanding so all in all
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he has been basically responsible and he has the authority to negotiate to mediate on the, on behalf of the united states. i think once uh nothing you know book once that then you know, uh, started booking. i probably against the agreement the by the administration buckled instead of supporting as the director burns. because this, this should have been the time when the war winds down, captives are exchange for palestinian captives and these rarely prisons and, and the end the war ends in some form or another at least stops for a while under the phrase sustained quiet. this is especially important for the united states because i think there is an understanding in the, by the administration, that much of the democratic party is no longer on board with this war. that the
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movement in hundreds of american universities are not. not or as uh, nothing. yeah. how says, uh, are you called to nazi germany in 1958. but there either it's a movement of young model generation that is across the atlantic now into europe. and that to the people who are demonstrating and lives on engine have and paris and london and madrid like in new york, los angeles, chicago and elsewhere are all in part of a generation that is bigger to stop the genocide in, in gaza. why didn't understand that? and now he is really leaning towards spending that war. i just don't know what is happening between blinking and burns, for example, or the national security advisor and burns. but clearly something was going wrong
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in washington for director burners not to be had been supported. we might know 9 to the right, they want to buy ocr fees, pets and the is to come. but at the moment, we're also seeing the statement by the secretary of defense over this postpone mental delay in the shipments of items. and what one does with thought is actually pressure from within the, the american cabinet, or what biden sees on the streets of the united states, the, the public opinion that is putting pressure on his administration. also the polar beside a time king as far as he's concerned, as he heads towards that election and event that there's lots of fight to say, and nobody really knows how that's going to impact. but it's certainly a major development to a settings. and it set me up a political shelf across the balance that is really about the shipment. look when senator uh burton, your centers spoke to cnn and spoke on this set up for about the destruction. and god, though,
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i know by why this has become or could become by didn't vietnam, which means like johnson back then by then we'll end up with on the one term president. see if he continues in the same past. that's what is going on in the american universities. hundreds of them is a serious business and it reflects the mood in the united states. it certainly reflects the mood in the democratic party. and that's why this might not wait directly on the elections meeting. those students might not be the, the, the magic number and the psychological effect it's having on the american society at large is really shaking the numbers for by then in the swing states. what are we talking about, ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, florida, and so on. where's the numbers in such a place like ohio? what do you want when you buy 11000?
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or are they more than 22000 have expressed willingness to boy the elections paid by the continues in the sample. so in short, there's every incentive for, by then to end the war. like on the other hand, there's every incentive for prime minister, nothing you know to continue with the war. because his board ethical future, his personal future as an indicted on corruption, prime minister is to continue with a war as director burns. in the midst of this has reached an agreement. what have mice, egypt caught, or under united states? many birds agreed to this version. but of course nothing you know, hyper vertically has the pieces that now we will see if moving forward. he will create you more obstacles for another draft of another ceasefire proposal because he is intent on continuing with one of the same genocide,
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which is what happens for the moment while the shower. thank you. so i had him on august the or the death toll rise in brazil following devastating floods rescues rates to find. suffice that sounds most storms of full test in the coming days, plus a railway line to funnel chinese goods into central europe on jonah, holding hungry with china, is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement its own. the foothold in the european union and excitement and most say, as the olympic claim reaches, it shows ahead of the global shape piece in powers, the pad. that is good news for europe at the moment. we've got lots of fine and dry weather to be found because the weston and most central air is not thanks to high
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pressure, which is in charge of bringing lots of sunshine to places like fronds, spain and portugal. but we are seeing some pretty nice to conditions continuing to dominate across the mediterranean with some heavy rain coming in to southern parts of italy for likes or facility and some wet weather splashing across the balkans. we've also got some strong winds of sparked warnings, red warnings for croatia. we all see one is out for the thunderstorms and heavy rain for places like serbia as we go. so state until friday, but you can see it push as also said the east taking the wet weather to greece and into to a kia with bloss to re wind is blowing down the black sea levels of that. this gets west south west and pots of russia with a low temperature for lot fia and lithuania. some warnings have been issued for those, but it's an improving picture for much of scan today. yeah, and of course the western areas temperature is all set to pick up here over the next few days. lots of sunshine come in for southern parts of england and for spain
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and portugal that will continue for madrid over the next few days. we think 29 through to saturday. the a 106 kilometers, stretched, remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants shakira side of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines in box on this and for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on up just the latest news wave was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the target population of 2300000 people do not have enough crisis. escalating
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and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you all who could be out of office the welcome back to the i'll just the news with me. so robin in the how remind to of all top stories is right and let's being bombarding rock for and something cause that 48 hours after its soldiers sees the main bolt of crossing between the strength of egypt. at least 10 people have been killed. muskgray has been uncovered, the cause of i'll ship a hospital honestly, the officials said they seemed 49 bodies and the recovery process is still underway
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. these ready ministry laid siege to the facility in march coming hundreds of people including medical center. now the world health organization as well the any 3 days, a few less the health services in suffolk garza, the w h. i've added that it cannot sustain like saving support to hospitals without aid entering the costs. a strict just bringing some of the news from around the world. now on the death toll from flooding in brazil, southern states, every other on the sue has risen to over a 100 people at least another 113. being reported missing in the countries was flooding and any ideas rescue teams from the army. police on volunteers, helping to bring thousands of people to safety, present police. and i'll see you later to silver called and called westbrook knowledge, a state of public emergency. and i'll just, there was lots in america edison, lucy, and you've been, has the latest, all the rescue operations in southern brazil, as we are in the military central command for this emergency. it's actually within a cavalry unit of the army,
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but it's been transformed as into the what they called there. war room, members of all representatives rather of all of the institutions of the country are here, the army, the navy, the police, the health ministry. just a few minutes ago, the minister of communications came in in the hall and the helicopter. we went out into having a cover ourselves just a short time ago as well, but now they've been thunderstorm. so everything is rather paralyzed is the central commands that from where they send out a rescue teams, medical equipment, everything they can, but it's got to be done in helicopters rather than in large, large vehicles or, or aircraft from uh, from an airport because the airport is absolutely flooded, so as a road, so it doesn't get into a very, very much the rescue effort. and as with a number of dead, we are hearing here. also record is that they expected to go much,
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much higher because simply they haven't been able to find bodies in this catastrophe, as they call it, rescues, all racing guys. time to reach at least 39 people dropped on the eclipse building in the city of georgia in south africa. the building was under construction with a case in 2 days, a can of at least 8 people, somebody. the miller has more from the it's in the western cape province. more than 48 hours off to this building. and george and the wisdom cape proteins collapsed. emergency personnel are still looking for survivors. multi story apartment building was under construction, 75 workers on site when it went down. stephen mongo has not heard from his aunts and cousins who worked his team as being he and others wait outside the school for what the latest risk do with teams. and as the hours go by, this is becoming increasingly worried, but we keep waiting here in this place by the we don't know where what is going on
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according to our lives. because sees this up and we don't get the exact rate information. and this morning that came out with the update, but the update which though was giving us well not appreciated because we don't know where is our lead it. but now it's not you knowing what caused the dissolves to build them. a convoy has been sleeping in the hole for 2 nights, hoping to find out any news about her cousin who also loved him the sites she tries to keep other concerned. family members updated as much as possible. but there's little to say they told us that they can hear the phone of one pacing, which is um, they are trying so hard to help that person out. overnights. that was good news for some as another 2 people were found to live. and i think the fact that you're working with concrete, then you're working with reinforced concrete and steel and just to share weight and the size of it. it might be a large number, 7475 people, but it's still
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a 5 story building. and it's very difficult to find people getting, you know, you have to do a extensive search results with size make search equipment. dozens of people have been taken to hospital many in critical condition. several were killed in the collapse. risk is have to dig through large amounts of concrete and steel, listening for any noise from below that may indicate someone's there. as always, possibly becoming increasingly worried about how badly some of the survivors may have been injured. as we phone risk to as cool for silence, they think they've heard something, but as the minutes go by, no luck this time. and the next thing that i want to see a, my aunt and her daughter, that's what they want. but the hopes of many, like stephen, depend on the risk you work is getting to those who are trapped as fast as possible
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to meet them in a ultra 0 george restaurant, i stepped up as a tongue, solemn ukraine's energy infrastructure about or out of tribes and missiles have talked and possibilities and can even 6 other cities focusing ukraine to limit the energy supplies across the country from home and report. so from keith of the keys . so it's like trying to pick out drawings in the early hours of wednesday. for the cleaning and defenses can still move. explosions were heard in several parts of the country. brushing forces, moments 50 missiles and 20 drugs, said the craning government. there was some damage in the key region, but the main big thing was the country. so electric plants, pots, if you crate enough, struggling for power, where the 80 percent of the text them are, electric generating capacity has been destroyed. it said, it's not just the energy sector, suffering frames revealed the boxes. now with this,
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russian forces it into the front line. the 2nd city kind of key is under constant pop up and add to that the cranium, security service says it's just fluids and attempt by the russian secret service on president. below them is lensky is life. 2, u, craning candles in the unit is meant to protect him, and other senior leaders have been arrested. calling the president himself speaking to multi anniversary of the soviet defeat of nazi germany, was defined. resume piece of the 8 years ago, millions of ukrainian supports to make nazis and lose whatever. but again, today, ukrainian said preventing the evil which was revived and wants to destroy us again . and you main army is murdering and torturing and sweeping severely on cities and villages of the face of the soil. this evil is called the russian factions all who was in the school basement were almost 400 residents,
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were held by russian forces in 2022 ukraine. still waiting for wet from re promised by the united states and its european allies. somebody's trickling in the world, the rest has yet to arrive. russia's pressing home, its advantage to own home. and i would just say to keep to sub, you know, present aging thing has concluded. the 2nd leg of his europe in total, which we got in front of you is trying his closest european partner and she's visit was seen as a signal to the west and nato. step benson has moved from belgrade. i could not have wished for. oh, well, i'm a welcome and so it'd be after experiencing a cooler reception in france, serbian president alexander which each went out of his way to the same discharge. is lita for the billions of dollars of investment in front of a large crowd, many of whom have come to battle great from across the country where costs are about as a sort of a oh boy and as of this is
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a special day for such an unforgettable moment, he's always different then by no means a lot to us helps us to improve economically and rebuilds our country. but chief visit to a country in yorba, which has frontier relations with russia, was more about politics than business going home. or is this something about change your tongue? we should promote the building of a community of human destiny uphold fence and justice. and joan clear post again, many of power political funds, the fox and a message clearly meant for the united states. certainly as president, manage the pro, quite a party for his good friends, teaching things with thousands of people from all over serbia, cheering him on here at the palace for a visit, which is not only highly political, but also very symbolic. 25 years ago natal bums destroyed the chinese embassy in belgrade. it's getting sweet chinese journalist. and then that they tauriel in the serbian newspapers,
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she wrote that the friendship between the 2 countries is soaked in blood. while she was asked in france to use his influence on russia to stop the war and ukraine, visiting serbia on the anniversary of the attack appears to send a different signal. so it'd be, as president, had a similar message, we will mobile normal force, the one we have enormous respect for china. we support the one china principal. i am grateful to present and she for his very clear views on the issue of comfortable at the territorial integrity of the sort of yeah. after repeating cases of modern, savory and chinese companies. so i showed that our goal due is less anteaus. yes. to about china, us grow enrolled in serbia. i generally think that the from forwarding investors in serbia, this country cannot profit. so most of them are looking for just to extract profits and chinese companies are not any different. so those traveling to catch a glimpse of the chinese leader cheating thing is the man who is taking many serves
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out of poverty step class and l $20.00. bell. great. while the chinese president has now arrived and hungry, the final stop on this visit to europe. china has invested close to $10000000.00 in manufacturing. an infrastructure in the country. and prime minister in victor o button is keen to maintain good ties with a major economic pump. let's try to hold reports now from douglas as a construction site for now, near the city of deborah send in eastern hungry that only hints that its future significance. it's the country's largest of a direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of mine, electric vehicle, batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry, emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through in crowds,
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in the traditional hoc lands of the reading feed as policy for 2 things. oh no, it's unrelated just to you to around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 under construction. and the arrow more, is that more than for what the 1000 people be able to go from from ambrose and people in are they worried about? yes, i'm not even on the go a gathering lovelace with the feed and think about what chinese investments in this country scene is delivering little broad receive for a galvanizing support for one time government inside of p to my. yeah, it's early days yet, but there is a sense of the change is being built on the back of china's role in hungry. the prime minister victor oil band, has long no tube will relations with china is she didn't think hungry is the only e u. member participating in china is belton road initiative. and while the e u generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or band keeps the back
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door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e u in port terrace. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad the transatlantic alliance. so. so government is looking for new friends and try nice is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this, this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek pull to the race, now controlled by china. eventually it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval. the few c s. m, and it's another project that will help cement china is only foothold inside the european union during the whole elder 0 douglas and judging florida has indefinitely postponed the trial of the form of us president donald trump. trump is accused of illegally keeping classified documents, such as the states in florida. i have to leave the office that the case is now
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unlikely to come to cold before the us presidential election in november. us disclose this nashville policy named john sweeney has to be sold in as the 1st minister sweeney won the nomination and a parliamentary date on choose day. now his main goal is to win independence from the united kingdom. well to achieve it. so have to rebuild his parties. reputation of the screen. string of scandals and political ms. still had his own. i'll just say what the sun rises heads of up chase down the indian, probably a leak targets in rec, code breaking time. that's all the schools all the way we teach a straight up to the break, the these business uptake these voltage by this, the bank growth part of on the dash before he is
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the this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football. he is
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the the, the times pullman's pizza. so thank you so much for having a good have reached the champions. the final is they spend the buying munich with 2 light goals to win to one on the 9th, and for 3 on aggregate to setup a cash ad, wembley against the rest of the documents. and what was an open for so the 1st big john spelled to the host, the easiest junior hit, the post before men will lawyer. the brilliantly cheap out the rebounds. a funds of davies was both on the injured sewage memory. and the 1st of anybody's opportunity counts in the 2nd hall. it was the canadians think see its appearance in the champions league and a lot of times of school, your 1st goals. but it was another subsidy you to then did even more damage costs. lou was brought on with 9 minutes of normal time remaining. you school 7 minutes later, capitalizing on
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a huge error from manual noise. 3 minutes later possibly was it again, originally rolled up suicide va all check over to the smoking while the celebrations. but the drama did not result a bit. well, i mean they put the bowl in the back of the night, but 2nd is remaining. but the rest of the 3 had already blown the whistle, the spy, 3 phase, suggesting it might so feel side to want to finish reading the hand for a wrinkled, expending the champions league title had retained search for 1st career transfer. you will have to wait and i've just seen some file, a decrease in all looking to the 49 games on these. and when they face roma on thursday, which would take the old time european wrinkled st by been fi good between 19631965 chevy alonso side haven't lost all season and they take it to another advantage due to the 2nd legal fe you wrote, please send me final again, states allianz should they avoid defeat the abundance niga champions?
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have to move the games to play before playing and back to back comp finals. not only the, the, the funds most in fi, i'm will say no fully, of course the funds have to celebrates and enjoy the season. it's special. what has happened, but for us we have what to do. hopefully by the last week of the season, we will have to find those into 3 days or less of that is going to be very unique, but our job is to focus and to make that happen. and hopefully we will do that so that the science can enjoy it, that it. so it doesn't in the confidence league field. and so, you know, have book the place and this is final. they made club through that 32, coming into the 2nd leg maxime, the carpets go made at one know on the 9th to the belgian club, or the city outside were awarded in a minute penalty for this lucas delta. and that made no mistake from the source they will pay on the m p also. so as to the final, the lympics lane has finished. it's 12 days you any from athens to mall, say, as of a 150000 people,
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gathered it to the south coast of france to watch it arrive over a 1000 boats accompanied the 3 most of the ship called belgium, as french olympic swimming champions. long meadow too broad, the flame to land land or the flame was let's in ancients olympia. earlier in april, i don't says a toll free late. we'll start across the country and we'll ending the french capital with the lightning of the flame on july 26th to mark the start of the powder escape. frances benjamin football has one east with his grand to a stage off the finishing 1st on the 4th stage of the sheet of the time. yeah, this is also the 1st stage when all of the yes. so he's team co cds wednesday. so the cyclists make the 100 and say that he attended me to do any from genuine luca from a has a truck so i can background any remaining part all been angry. people breaking away successfully along with 3 others to ma, held off. the challenge on the other ride is ultimately take 1st place that i
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pulled that's all continues to hold onto the overall leaders. think jersey its anti virus participation in the friendship. and later this month is looking good with the news that he's returning from injury to play at the geneva open. next week. the 3 time grand slam champion damaged the ankle. ligaments of the miami opened last month, but also not to undergo surgery having previously said that he would likely retire at the end of the british summit to invade, organizes in switzerland announced that they have given the 36 year old the wild card for the play tournaments seen as a key will not be painful. the frame, sharpened battery is a 2 time a wimbledon, and a limpid champion. and we'll hope to be fit for both of those events in july and the pay to expect it to be in these final you as a professional is ref out on the go. and the 37 year old has opened up the bodies pending retirements, saying that he's, buddy does not have what it takes to keep up the road. mazda is, will mock the spaniards food tournaments in a row, and it comes of the back of a decent running these home tournament at the madrid opened. when he reached the last 16, he will go in pursuit of
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a record expending 15th friendship inside the lakes of this month. but you'll hope to build up some moves full 1st, starting with the 1st uh, master based on see the belgian vc bigs. indeed, sadly, in capital, when i'm talking about what i, where the diamond is not because i'm not happy anymore, blinked and he is or not because i am not feeling myself competitive enough. that's not the case. it's about the, the body was not able to, to play weeks in a row, was not able to, to allow me to practice and join to practice using a diety basis. and then the right for moment that makes sense. now because if you're not able to do the things the proper way, uh, in, in your diary basis and you are not able to enjoy it because of the pain and of the injuries in your databases, then it's it's almost impossible to, to have success or to keep fighting for the things that really multi vitamin. but sunrise is hyderabad. have him
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a deluxe. now sink the joints by 10 we gets in the indian premium league as well as the 1st and thanks to a 90 line run, such as we could follow the ship between nicholas fluoride and our use. but the only were able to post $165.00 for full when they 20 of is for them. energy. that's not a bad school, but try to say it and i'll be chick. shawna made it look like child's play. the sun life is opening. pay chasing the target down in less than all fe ratings. it's the largest total chase down inside saying over into 20 history to the n b. a playoffs now. and the boston celtics dominated game, one of the eastern conference semi final against the cleveland cavaliers. jen and brown was the stand out performer for the top seats with 32 points as they've ran away with them. a 12129. c 5. derek white skull $25.00, including $73.00 points is gain 2 of the base. the 7 series is also in boston. on
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thursday, the southwick's are chasing a wrinkled 18th in b a championship. but 1st, since 2008. ford. however, in the western conference, the top seat of oklahoma city, thunderstruck system, a series against the dallas mavericks shake, you'll just alexander had $29.00. rebounds and minuses, haven't seen, with uncomfortably 11795 to remain on beach and in the sales gain. to is in oklahoma city on thursday, the side. okay. well, that's all i have to say so. great, thanks very much. peter. no sped well. so communicating in a way that small complex and previously believed. that's the conclusion reached by scientists studying the novels in kind of be motors, which has to say that the vocal calls may be using a phonetic alphabet. looks bad because the story of
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these just clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs us the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint lorayne metals room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of clicking noises. so called co does that sound a little bit like morse code or research shows that these coders have a complex internal structure with similarities, similarities to aspects of some other animal communication systems. and even some aspects of human language research as a part of the project safely, dissertation translation initiative, machine learning team. we've examines move in the 8700 audio snippets of spend while clicks known as coaches. scientists have been trying for decades to understand what those clicks might mean. the walls, i still don't know. they now sing 0 states of clicks that make up of the music else,
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abuse that the wilds. mites used to build the rough equivalent of woods and phrases . project studies really focused on listening right now. this is an incredibly vulnerable population, especially transmitted communication system that we really don't want to disturb. and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even they have a sense of whether that will be possible this experience safety miles seem to have sophisticated social ties and deciphering that communication systems could reveal parallels with human language and society. those some believe the cliques may be more akin to music if they are indeed speaking. the big question is, what are they saying? and could we learn to speak back alex bid,
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which is 0. well, don't go, i'll be back with more news on the other side of the brain. yeah. be watching the i'll just say that news with me. so rahman, one of the news team here in denver, thanks you time i checked the there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. for a week to look at the world's top business stories,
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how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses. we have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost? oh, no jersey or a unique perspective. why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so i'm devalued by the british government for such a long time. on hud voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, you will see the caught a duty in the grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects,
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except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems cost on request or the the come on. so rahman you want to me, i'll just say, when use online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, is there any strikes target from most casa to south? palestinian homes have been heads killing at least 30 people, including children. of the musgrave is discovered on the out ship a hospital complex in gauze every month after his baby falls as the $349.00 forty's


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