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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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ends to do so i will let israel speak for what they intend to do. you've obviously st. seeing them conduct a limited operation with respect to the rough crossing in the past few days. you've also seen them order the evacuation of people. they have not yet launched a full scale military operation, and i will let them speak to any plans that they may might have. i will say on our behalf, we continue to have concerns about a potential rough operation. we have made that quite clear, we made it clear with those really governments privately and of course everyone for the present on down has made that clear. probably. so that's fine. yeah, um let me this concern is that there is a hold of a distributed. so what's the message does is it did hear that this will, this will make it more difficult operationally for his role to do this, or is it more of a political statement? why? what, why doesn't, how does it directly? so let me say a few things about that. number one, people should be absolutely clear that we are committed to israel's security. we are committed to the death of israel. we have demonstrated that in recent weeks,
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with our participation in israel's defense when it came under attack uh from iran. but as we have made clear, i just do this like a moment ago. we have very serious concerns about a potential rough operation. we have concerns about what that would mean for the civilian population. when you look at the fact that there are so many people crowded into such a small area. when you look at the way israel has conducted its operations in the past and what the impact on civilian population has been. and we also have concerns about the impact of any potential operation on the delivery of humanitarian assistance. so we have paused one shipment of near term assistance and we are reviewing others. um, uh and uh, but that said, our long term commitment is will security is not change. sure, um, let me explain that in the interest of pauses, thoughts, or stop with a script to see ended up in this as a whole. so need to ship it up. i mean,
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is there a, is there a timeline for when the are you waiting to see what happens with drop off before we get decision? is there a time? i don't have a time frame to, to offer you. but we have always made clear that our policy determinations are depending on israel policy terminations. so just one more thing, i mean, just as you know they were, you do out the box and it's not these, this would be the 1st one. is there a message to me to get these released that they should not be using these? these weapons ross are also, i'm not gonna speak to anything beyond the current pause of the of assistance of the one shipment that we have currently paused in the review of others. i'd like to speak to any further long term implications. i think the most important long term implication is the one i said, which is that we are committed to israel security. we were remained committed to israel's defense, but in the context of the unfolding situation, in rafa it is a place where we have very serious concerns and that's why we take the actions we take um, just to follow up on that. what exactly are you asking? israel to do in order for this pause to be lifted. i am not going to get into our
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internal conversations with the government of israel. i will say however, we have been pretty clear about what we want to see when it comes to an operation roof. and that's what we don't want to see one go forward. but we do not believe israel has presented a credible humanitarian plan that would account for both the potential, harvest civilian life of an operation in such a crowded area, or for properly evacuating and caring for the over 1000000 people who are there. and we just don't believe it's possible to move those people to other places inside . god does not seem to plan to take care of them if they weren't moved to other places. and so that's what we made clear is that we don't support such operations. and if they continue on with these limited incursions, like we're seeing, you know, happened at this moment. do you expect there will be further causes? i'm just not gonna speak to what actions we might take in the future. we make these assessments day by day based on what is happening on the ground and make our uh,
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appropriate policy determinations based on those facts. and just to dive in a bit to you've mentioned looking at the way as well as conduct operations in the past that that is weighing on this decision to. ready pause now. so what is it in the way israel has been operating in gaza? that means you'd, i think, is rights provides 2000 pounds on. so what i was referring to when i said we don't want to see operation go forward and rough of because of the impact on the impacts that we've seen in previous parts of the campaign is go back to something the secretary is set a number of times when he's been in the region and that is intent is one thing, results or another scene is real, take important steps to improve the conflicts and to prove the coordination to, to, to try and limit the impact on the civilian population. but the results still have been far too many innocent civilians dying. and so when you take those results that
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we have seen over the course of the campaign and then you you, you transpose them over a landscaping raso. when you have where you have more than 1000000 people in such a tight area, people who have moved from god to see who have moved from con units who have moved from other parts of gods and all crowded into rafa of all of those, all of those concerns that we had previously are magnified when you think about how, how they would operate in such a dense area. there's also an additional concern that we make clear which is that the roster area is the center for the distribution of humanitarian assistance. most of the distribution of the manager and assistance and gotten both because the that's where the civilian population just because that's where they moved and also because that's where the 2 principal crossings they've been open for months now a also exist and so there is no way to replace the delivery of humanitarian assistance through rafa and karen salaam and then the network that has been set up
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inside gaza headquarters and rasa that would be severely disrupted severely jeopardized by connecticut and but just specifically on, on the impact in terms of, of, of funding because of the what you, what you hold held back is these 2010 pounds is that, does that mean i am president, has talked about indiscriminate bombing in that campaign? is that some kind of assessment that us weapons have been used in an indiscriminate way in a way that this caught up, most of the ends isn't necessary. so that is not a conclusion that we have drawn when it comes to making this kind of legal assessment, i think to which you refer and when it comes to ongoing assessments that we have that relate to violations or potential violations of international humanitarian law . we are looking at those questions we've been doing some of the uh, uh, so for some time and those prophecies remain ongoing in a similar course, we'll interact with these, these questions in some, in some very real ways. but that said,
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even aside from those questions of compliance with their national humanitarian law, when you see the results of the campaign to date, you think too many people stay in dot. and so when you look at those results and you, as i said a minute ago and you try to, to, to imagine a repeat of such a campaign in an even more dense area than where israel has operated today. that's why we have such great concerns, right? it's just, i guess it just trying to understand how in the conflict up. so now you haven't made that conclusion, but you're able to say for rough uh, this is just beyond what we're, what we, when we see out on we had been clear for some time that the results were not acceptable. you turn the secretary speak to this a number of times when he's been in the region. i think it was on a trip last december when he talked about the steps that they breed to song that they were taking to improve civilian protections. and he said, look, the intent seems to be there, but we can judge them on the results. and the results that we saw in the months
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unfolded after that, included in the campaign, and in con, use was still far too much loss of civilian life. i think we've spoken to that a number of times. and so the thing that is a different and robert difference, it's a difference not quite the right word, but the thing is, heightens the concern. and ross, it is you have so many more people in such a dense area. and so all of the concerns that we had previously are magnified when you look at the impact of all the people are moving to such a dense area as well as the mediterranean assistants, concerns that i've uh, the detailing. and just finally, i wonder if you can just be clear that there are these, these, you know, logic problems that have been held back. legal, as i said, there's also reporting about j dams that are included and, and these are kind of tell kids to help target funds are they, are you also holding them box related? so i am not going to speak to specific weapon systems. i will say we have held without held a pause one shipment, all that depending on speak to that,
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because once you get into the, um, the realm of actually shipping weapons as a pentagon function, not ours, but then we are reviewing other potential weapon systems. i'm not gonna get into the, the underlying details. stuff. do you have any update on the pricing to the roof? i don't. uh, so let me speak kind of the yod ross and talk about what we seen with respect to e mail terraces and say that's okay. ask a question you didn't answer, but you didn't ask, but it's but it's related. so. so cancel um open today um open for the delivery of humanitarian assistance, but uh, at least at the last update i got before i came out here, we didn't actually see who material assistance move through cameras, mom because of logistical and security concerns on the ground. and that also relates somewhat to profit crossing because what didn't happen today is fuel going in through ross across. and so we think it's critical that ross would be open for fuel because without fuel deliveries in the rasa,
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humanitarian systems that comes in through casual, i'm can actually be to be delivered. the 2 are critically link. so it's why we pressed to have not just cam, so i'm open to but ross open didn't open today. didn't open for fuel today where it continue to push for that to happen. okay, but so you just said you haven't seen movement from com, so i'm on the goes to the side. correct? we didn't, but so we, we saw capsule. i'm hoping today, and i tried to open their deliveries but then trucks didn't move in. um, because of some of these logistical and security concerns. okay, so, but i mean basically you're back to a situation that you were in the 1st weeks while you've got nothing. i've been a problem areas with there's not much happening and so it seems couldn't dry goods . but that seems very significant. i don't rough. uh, i mean you cold air limited operation, but the is right is the occupying the palestinian side of throughout the crossing. i mean that's quite a big move on the ground. and so i wonder what you see as the future for the bikes . you know, it's applies getting in palestinians who desperately need hospital treatment getting. now we've had this morning and
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a briefing from some and j. assign the calibrate, tie the teams that stopped in the ones in garza. they conquered out and con, cash amount of time work is in, they don't have is ready bases. so this is now because you're very big problem and it was the signature achievement of the president officer a couple of weeks. he said we've been trying to get rafa open now. hold the white back, 7 months of all you have done. so let me speak to the 1st one and then i'll come back and address the 2nd. if i've forgotten to address some of the aspects of it, i would appreciate a follow up. so when it comes to the level of humanitarian assistance and the results as they are today are just unacceptable. there's no other way to put something that the present made clear on the call that he had with prime minister netanyahu on april. 4th is that there needs to be a dramatic change in the delivery of humanitarian assistance into gaza. and in the wake of that phone call, we saw israel take steps to improve the delivery humanitarian assistance. one of those was the opening of arrows crossing, which does remain open. one of them was the,
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the opening of asked odd for deliveries to ass dog that would then go into areas. and there are other steps as well that we detailed the number of times in this briefing. when the secretary was in the region last week, one of the messages you heard him delivered over and over and over is that it was critical, not just that the increase in humanitarian assistance continue, but that'd be sustained, that the dips in delivery of humanitarian systems that we have seen, at previous stages of this conflict could not be repeated that those dips would be unacceptable. now this week we have seen a fairly dramatic drip drip in the increase of humanitarian assistance. and so we're making quite clear to the governor of israel that we need to see those decreases for 1st, we need to get back to where we were. and we need to see the levels continue to increase and see those sustain. and that is why we need to see cams long, and we're also open to our office specifically on your, on your question about rasa rough is absolutely critical for the delivery of, as i said fuel into, into gaza. there's a fuel depot that exist right at the,
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the rock terminal, i think on the, on the cause of side of the crossing. and it has also been the primary entry and exit point is you send your question for humanitarian aid workers to get in and out of gaza and do the important work that they need to do that we want them continue to do so. so it's absolutely critical that, that crossing uh open that it remain open and we're gonna continue to press for that. i think i might have left that one aspect to see what i mean. so how, how sustainable is it's have is ready to control on the palestinian side. it roughly, yeah, with all of the problems that potentially brings, what's your festival assessment? how feasible and sustainable that is? do you have an alternative policy? you're going to put these right? is it so i don't have an assessment to offer of the short or long term sustainable? yeah, i will say our position on what happened to ross across and in control of the rasa side of the crossing has been quite clear for some time. and that's that we want
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the posterior authority of united in gaza and the west bank to ultimately assume governance in the west bank. that's where we want to get to. and of course, that would, would include governance of their off across him because they would be to controlling a government authority. now what happens in the time between now and then ultimately the question for israel is ro sees that crossing and israel is in control of it now. so it is, is the responsibility to open that crossing and make sure that it is running effectively right now is a, is a responsibility the governor, this route, which is why we have made clear to them that they need to open the crossing as soon as possible. and make sure that a deliveries can come in and make sure that you mandatory 8 workers can come in and come out and make sure that the delivery of humanitarian assistance isn't further in pete. so i think you're just to follow up on the common math to waste and and then let me ask you a straight forward question. do you think the encouraging happen with us?
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okay. or like total defiance. i'm talking about these ready? i'll say united states did not happen with our approval. it did not happen. no. okay. all right, so let me ask you about this. i know you mentioned that a day work is can only go through stuff with then i says, ask is what else to allow 8 workers to go through the other points of interest. so i don't want to get into what steps we might take, what further steps we might take. the 1st priority is to get profit open right, period. and then um we'll take uh, other questions day by day. okay, so the expect that the crossing will be open anytime soon. uh, one of the, the lessons i have learned, and in the course of this conflict over the past 7 months is not to make predictions about what's going to happen on the ground, especially when it pertains to, to these crossings. so i will just say that we have made clear that we want to see it open and we'll continue to push for that. and then s m, 20 issue dom riser, who basically wrote the the li statute way back and said that was the way it
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has violated the legal law consistently. oh, and now you guys say here that it does not get to print a professional treatment than someone, but according to the author of this document as well as all the do you have any comment on that? there are all sorts of people outside of government who have drawn various conclusions one way or the other and you he see them offering those opinions in the press as is their right to do all the time. i can tell you that is not a conclusion that we have. okay, but that, that's the guy that through the book, right? yes. and they're putting the, and i will just tell you for on behalf of united states current, we have not reached that conclusion. let me ask you about something the president said yesterday. he said that the house is motivated by an ancient desire to eliminate the jews. is that the thinking in this, in this building, that thomas is only motivated by ation desire to let me know, but it's not the thinking of this building. that is what i'm also set. i'm also has come out publicly said, really want to eliminate all the it's
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a site to not actually that is wrong. so happy. so i'm asked came into being a 1987 and a med so when the father against occupation responding tends to approval is way the attack on guy so. so when we say ation dissolves, i mean that's what i, i think you are as i did as you are ignoring the repeated over years and years of anti semitic statements by law saying that they are committed to the destruction of the state of israel and committed to the death of these really people and i don't think that's a very controversial statement that is well documented. can you inside, inside, inside, outside hold on this, let me finish from us. has been quite clear what their goals are when it comes to these really people. and that is the total elimination of these really people. we've seen them say they wanted to repeat the attacks of october 7th again and again and again. the so yes, the present was absolutely right. and he was absolutely right. that they are motivated by asian desires. that is what they are. they have made that clear a number of times. thank you much. um there is a pause. that is really just like this for us and russell. um,
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do you have any um i mean, any my information i have not seen those reports. i'm happy to take it for you know, yeah, and as i said, i don't take okay. and, and yesterday you said that this operation is limited and you style hoping that is or is not going to go with that with the bigger operation. but what difference does it make when they effectuate $100000.00 and yesterday there's videos of them effect intends that that has refugees, including kids. i think there's like tens of kids will be killed yesterday. so. so in the end, i mean that is outside of the same, so let me just differentiate 2 things when we spoke about it being a limited operation. when i spoke about here, i was speaking specifically to take their taking control of the roster crossing. when it comes to the vacuum ation of a 100000 people, we make clear that we don't want to see that happen. um, we don't think that there is sufficient place for those people to go. we think that the evacuation and evacuation order of a 100000 people actually lead to more people moving and going to places where there
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is not sufficient care for them. so no, that is not something we support. okay, and finally, what message does the state department send to people who really, truly believe in the respect of international affairs geneva convention when you have no mentors in the us, are threatened in the i, susie judges, or basically sanctions in diagnose area. when you have an info to report to look into, whether it's run is misuse and use weapons against civilians is being delayed. when there is a unit in the us army, india is really army. that's been accused of breast human rights violation. that was, bank has been pushed aside. so, and, and also that is a statistic, 56 percent of the democrats, which is the, the part 2 of the secretary and the president said they believe that is ready for me to general side. so what message would you send to the equally people who believe in democracy enrolled states who just over jumping over this principle. so a number of things are number one, we don't make our decisions based on polls. we make our decisions based on the
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facts, and that's what we will continue to do to make decisions and the best interest of the american people. when it comes to members of congress, they make their own decisions. they speak for themselves, they don't speak to the state department or the united states government. that has always been the case. they're independent actors when it comes to the n. s m a. i don't think you should take a delay of a few days to speak at all to our commitment to compliance. so they're an asset manager in law or to writing a thorough report that will, that will look into all of these questions. we're committed to doing it and i think it is a bit. i think it's a bit silly to suggest that it's very short delay in any way undermines that commitment. that's what it is on. but i, i know i'm going through the examples of a month by one. but that said, our overall messages that we are absolutely committed to the upholding of international humanitarian law. we have made that clear, and that is the case when it comes to israel is this case when it comes to every country, anywhere in the world. we expect every country to comply with international humanitarian
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law. and we have ongoing processes inside this building to look at those very questions when it comes to israel's conduct during this war on the order for quote . yeah. and then forget about members of congress for the moment. uh, but you know, the, the, the last administration actually did impose sanctions on the i c, c prosecutor and a bunch of others. and when you guys came in, when they submit searching payment, you made quite a big deal out of resending that, um are you are, can you rule out uh that that a change in that and that might go back to what the previous administration i had done in terms of the cc with uh, if they go ahead with this, with indictments top i can push on, i can't make any predictions or any announcements one way or the other. what about what we will do about something that has not yet happened? i'll just make clear that we do not believe the i c. c has jurisdiction in this
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matter and we're opposed to their investigation. yeah. but i mean, is this administration willing to consider reversing? it's reversal of the trump administration sanctions on the i see. so again, the next se, hasn't made a decision yet. i know that i'm aware of that, but i mean, but i is a draft, something you're willing to consider as you're asking me to forecast what we might do or what we might consider isn't when they make that decision, which the oh man i, i never willing to i'm just i, i actually, i shouldn't say never, not rule it out. or, i'm just now they would seem to be a big back track if you, if you guys went in and then and then reversed your reversal of what the secretary pump had did with the i c, c. i am just not going to make any forecast. one way or the other, we're going to wait and see what the c c does and make a decision based on that. the minutes of the fence, israel was this morning at the. ready between 11 on an israel and he and he said
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that it's going to be a very hot summer. you have few that this work with expense wiser and like what we see in rough a how it could be also another type inside lab. and on this time, we have always been clear from the initial days of this complex that we are worried about, the escalation of the conflict, we're worried about the spread of conflict. that's why we have worked so hard to keep it from escalating and keep it from spreading. and that includes through diplomatic effort efforts to try to bring call. we have been listening to the us state department spokes person day as a department was expected to present a report to the us congress today on weather as well as using us weapons and violation of international humanitarian law and gaza. the spokes person, matthew minutes have the report has been delayed, but that it will be ready in a few days. he also spoke about the concerns of it as well as planned, military offensive and java, which amount of terror in situation and said, that's why the us post a weapon shipment to as well. and that's bringing on watch how's correspond with
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the company, how good who has been listening in and confirmation from the state department of what's being widely reported over the past day off that weapons shipment being paused and why company yeah, that's right. the us state department spokes person, matthew miller confirming that the reason for the pause in this weapons shipments something that we know has already been articulated by the defense secretary lloyd austin, is because of the way the israel has conducted the operations in the past us and also for what is happening in rasa now to many innocent civilians dying. that is what the spokesperson, matthew miller is saying, and that is why the administration says that has grave concerns. that is also something we should point out. that was intimated by the press secretary, hurry john pierre, who was far less forthcoming about the reasons for this. but it's significant in
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the fact that we should point out that there has been a surge of and sometimes secret shipments of weapons transfers to israel. since october 7th, this is also in addition to the transfers that are occurring on an annual basis of nearly 4000000000 in terms of military assistance to israel that happens by the us congress. so. 7 we know is that this is because of a lot of pressure coming from within the democratic party, more than 80 members of congress signing a letter saying they are concerned not only about be concerned that there may be a humanitarian as well as us law. that is being violated by israel, but also the nationwide protests that are taking place on us campus is a college campuses and university campuses. but even this, there is pressure. there is also condemnation coming on. capitol hill from the republican members of congress, the top republican. oh,
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go ahead. if you'd like to ask before i said, that's exactly what i was going to ask you about. kimberly, because there has been reaction from the political left and right. and both putting the different kinds of pressure on despite an administration. yeah, you're absolutely right. uh, the republicans on capitol hill, really outrage that there has been even a pause. and we should point out is it's really been about a $24.00 to maybe 48 hour pause. but that has caused members of the republican party to be outraged. in fact, what they're saying is that this is a radical element within the democratic party that has pressure the president. they have influenced the situation room. it's a shameful abdication of leadership on the part of the president, and that he has withheld assistance. israel at a time, but they can't afford to lose. in other words, this is a war. the israel can't afford to lose. they say that the united states used to give this real what it needs. they're calling this obscene and absurd,
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but i can tell you right now, you may have heard this are viewers may have heard. this is the spokesperson, matthew, mural miller was talking about this and the briefing. there is a report that report as we're asking about that is due to congress and today is the day it is due. and this is something that us president mandated back in february, but this is a something that this putting israel under the microscope in terms of that weapons assistance. but there is a need for compliance under us law that it must comply with us law in terms of humanitarian compliance. and there is a delay on that report. and so there is even additional pressure on israel right now to comply something the state department has missed in terms of that deadline. yeah, the state department being honest, if it even takes its deadlines seriously company. thank you so much. our white house correspondent company, how could that sits at this hour of news, but stay with us. we are back in just a couple of couple more minutes for the latest developments. thank you for watching the
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news . ringback the despite his ex, our former catherine, i need the car displeased tomorrow is set to run for president when the spanish region polls early elections. could this political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to a 106 kilometer stretched, remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america from migrants. city,
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the size of the united states, a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for accomplish families. it's a risk they are willing to take fault lines and box on this. i'm for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on up just the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the put on. and this has been use our life from coming off in the next 16 minutes is ready as strikes continue across gauze. as crucial, aid is locked for meeting 1500000 people crammed into the office. we only have enough few to run health services in the south for 3 more days. a die warning from the world health organization is allison and casualties,


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