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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government . with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the another mass grave is discovered as the house she for hospital complex in gaza. 2 months after he's ready, forces withdrew from the area which 9 bodies have been recovering. the play you're watching l g 0 live from to have with these 40 batch ball also ahead is really as strikes continue across gaza as crucial age is blocked for more than a 1000000 people crammed into is there any authorities demolish dozens of homes
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belonging to a veteran family in a negative region or so i had been out of use slicing for sale. these planes that international airports of 913 people have been news. so we begin with development side of all she for hospital in gaza. city where a 3rd mass grave has been found. at least 49 bodies have been recovered. officials are currently assuming the bodies from the grave at the medical complex. israel had leads to shoot a compound in march. after the forces left, several bodies were discovered. hundreds of palestinians had been taken shelter at the chief, a complex hospital is got his largest medical facility, but has been out of service for months. the discovery of the slightest mass grave at all she for comes as is really as twice continued to head gauze. the southern
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city of rafa is raising fees that the long threatened full scale offensive into rasa. the house is one point. $5000000.00 display spot of simians could be immune and the united nations secretary general has warned. a full scale, a sold on rasa would be a humanitarian nightmare that's bringing out his ear. is tari capitalism was in rav 4? sorry, let's start with this late, just mass craze that's been discovered at all. she. so what more you hearing about this yes, fully in fact, the civil defense cruise alongside with medical work has managed to completely find a new grave. uh yeah. in a new grave. and the odds of a she felt hospitable, which is the 3rd one being this called by the same medical facility. at least 49 of palestinians, body bodies were recovered from doctor graves. the vast majority of what decompose as causes government media office has been saying and confirming that the managed
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to found buddies without heads. and that's absolutely terrifying and gives a clique reflection about what was happening inside this medical compound. that's completely right now becomes out of service. and that certainly brings the total number of bodies being recovered to 520 palestinian bodies being to recover the from a ship hospital. nicer hospital in the south, alongside with the come on at one hospital and another, a pause of the territory. and we've been completely seeing this topic images imagine from us. she felt hospitalized for the bodies as the have been buried on the bile of science for a long time, as they have managed today to be recovered by the met just the work isn't. that's absolutely terrifying, guys. the is very bombardments. of course the territory did not stop within the past 24 hours. yeah, indeed, there's been more is really bombardment across the guys a strip and a lot of pressure on a rock side where you are and fees of the soul loud. he's really drawn defensive on
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the city. how worried people and how are they ferrying those who haven't left a southern gaza? that's 7. a see teen gaza to head, to the central areas. how are they faring? what we do see on the ground fully is that a kind of sense and ongoing fleeing move, in spite residents from the eastern portion of the cities as they are scraping from areas that have been marked to be as votes own. and now they have to be moving to the central southern parts of the western parts of roof. i sit down some of them as talk to started to flee to the mid areas which has been on the wide military attack size. within the past couple of hours, we've been hearing loud explosions in the eastern portions of the city. as the is very, i mean, money said getting to target the municipality of a rough off for the 2nd time as a at least 55 pounds sentience being killed within the past 24 hours alongside with
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at least 200 others being haunted. and it's most important to say that the in the jar hospital has become out of service as it's located in areas that's all marks to be at the will. so as only right now to hospitals are barely functional in rafa. await your hospital. well, we are is barely cons costs kinds of injuries and not even a managing to re, to provide treatment for injuries which suffers from critical conditions. and that's absolutely a, please sign of how the deterioration has become totally in light of the expansion of the fighting to reach rough, which is last remaining shows off for the vast majority of products city. and so what we can say is that the entire step is on the bottom, and as there is i speak of a humanitarian catastrophe, is posted to noon in a rough or in light of the complete shut down of board. is it with the palestinians?
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of course the tower 3 times. thank you for the update that sound just as terry capitalism reporting data from rafa in southern got some of these really golf interested. its forces will continue with their sold on rasa. a spokesman said, is there a wants to keep up both military and diplomatic pressure on how much a we will continue to keep up the military pressure on some us. we know from the, from the last hostage release that we needed both the military pressure and the diplomatic channel ultimately, how much was brought down to the knees, begging please for a bit of rest bite for, for a break in the fighting. so they could release around half of the hostages. we are continuing on our mission and rough uh, as part of the waves. well last spring and steph decker, who is in amman, jordan for a small on this choosing a mon, because israel has shut down. now she is operations in his route,
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so we have to report from outside the country. so uh, talk to us some more stuff about what these really government spokesman said there about the operation in, in rossa. and what they aims are well, he's been reiterating what the is really position is that there needs to be a military offensive. and then i thought to tackle how much has been issued capabilities which these radius still believe is substantial in terms of the amount of fighters, how much has that remain operational and also of course, in the tunnel system under need gaza underneath that, off i in particular they believe yes, yes and more, how much is leader is operating from there and that a lot of the captives potentially are being held in that underground tunnel system, which is also why these radius of always been very keen to be along the border with egypt. because they believe that there is still a movement across that border, protecting the tunnel system. so this is what he said,
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but significantly you have the c, i a director william burns meeting with these ready prime minister now in israel. burns has been undertaking extensive shotzel, diplomacy to really knock down a deal a was over the weekend with the have mass delegation in car with the guitar. is that and he went to doha. then he went back to cargo. now he's in israel, so we're gonna have to wait and see if anything comes out of that meeting late today. you have the work cabinet meeting will. so in israel that's when yeah. who will be briefing those members as to what's being discussed the americans really putting on the pressure of funding for is, are all to accept to deal with the deal have mass has accepted has been slightly tweaked according to his res. so to have masses preferences, which is what is role is now taking issue with these early delegation will remain in kara. we understand for now to try and iron out what are i think very difficult sticking points between the 2 and not school. so on the negotiators the objections
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that guitar is in the americans to try to see how much pressure they can put on both sides to, to, except to deal. it's stephanie deca. thank you very much. stephanie reporting that from i'm on. because again, these really cabinet has found all just there are from reporting from inside israel . i is really, authorities have demolished dozens of bed wind homes in southern israel. they've been destroyed in the desert area known as, and they gave, the government says they were built with violence. apparently it's, it's among the largest mass demolitions in recent years. to psycho task, the details a large mobilization of israeli police to oversee the demolition of nearly 50 different homes in this better when community of i'm booked in. it's an area of the negative desert with a population of nearly $1000.00 palestinians, $400.00 of them. now have nowhere to link is really authority say these homes
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were built without a permit, but palestinian is really members of the government are criticizing the move and calling for a fair solution. this has been give years police. this is netanyahu's government, extremist and the far east government that only knows the language of construction and demolition. and so this is the situation today in the neck of the local better when community has protested against the government decision with some members setting fire to their homes. that were threatened with demolition. israel's national security minister each more ben vere says he's proud to leave this policy . uninstall the malaysians this morning in the negative. are the result of an intensive work that we are doing which implements my policy. so brandy and governance lawbreakers need to understand but the days of them building wherever they want to do, whatever they want are one of of the negative desert is home to nearly $200000.00
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better with half of them are now at risk of being displaced from the central jersey to in the occupied westbank, a group of policy needs have opened fire on these ready soldiers as they were storming the city of nablus for to shed online shows intense gun fire director. that is really military vehicles, as well as a raid on a palestinian home. a young man was detained before the forces left the area. and is there any forces have carried off more rates in other parts of the occupied westbank placed on the north shelves, refugee camp in the city of til crammed with palestinians fault with them. now one of the difficulties of living under is really occupation in the occupied westbank is the simple act of removing rubbish. lodge garbage dumps have been piling up since these really authorities talk the service then decided to report some beauty in the occupied west. it is
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a freedom you don't know you have until it is taken away. the simple act of throwing away a piece of garbage, something palestinians living in the occupied westbank can no longer take for grant, under the guise of increased security since the war on casa israel. has blocks garbage trucks from using this road to move solid waste to the regions, mainland for municipalities like from adobe re, have been forced to dump the trash in mixture of sites your residential areas. in recent weeks, someone started setting them, assign it to 48 hours in the $300.00 truckloads of water to put out the fire and it will be re days after the incident. smoke will still rise. local officials say after trash has been piling up for months, it may have been a frustrated resident a. this was a sort of disaster because the specialist finding got more than 4000 tons verifies
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up here the fire that was set up for us. a lot of has the smoke, the residents has started, you know, they're complaining about the finding of trash near their houses and they have the right to do so as the most competitive this consumes us. then every residencia was there will be a threat to the health only after air pollution from the garbage fire blew into a nearby illegal settlement. did his real begin allowing trucks to carry trash out of the city limits once again, but only for a few hours a day, not enough time to complete the work. this still needs to be done. israel's war is having impacts in the west banks that are often on seen this. otherwise, ideally, countryside is suddenly interrupted by these dump sites. large piles of garbage trash that has been discarded on the side of the road because there's nowhere else for it to go illegal. dumping and full bins have become a common site with the potential for ground air and water pollution. hi. it means
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serious implications for public health and safety in palestine you own with trying to find solutions for problems that are created by the existence of talk to patients intended and even these little institutions that nobody cares about in other areas of the world. they are also policy size and they've done within assigned a new policy that drives some seems to, to see, you know, life becomes impossible. it is not just an issue of literacy says it is just the latest example of how all aspects of life are governed by israeli policy that is designed to drive palestinians out in another way of dehumanizing people in these communities, forcing them to live surrounded by their own garbage zane bus route, the older 0 be ready, the occupied westbank, palestine. students in the u. k. has setup thompson. solidarity with palestinians
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in gaza. at oxford university, students are demanding the institution cottage financial ties with israel. within 200 oxford on cadet makes of signed an open letter supporting the protests. po brennan has moved from ox. at this stage 3, all the protests here at the university of oxford. we're in front of the museum of natural history on another part of the pit. river museum, and as you can see over my shoulder, they're all around 3035 tents with a kind of fluctuating number of protesters milling around them. say 50 to 100 people at any one time. and they are out event that they are going to stay for as long as possible to demonstrate against what is happening in gauze. and now this is not the only university protest that we know of. we know of protests in manchester, for example, new castle london. there was a kind of sister protest taking place in cambridge as well. and the statement has
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been put out by the organizers of these oxford cambridge protest is as far as saying that basically oxbridge is profits kind of continues to climb at the expense of public opinion lies. and of which is reputations was no longer be built. and the white washing of is really crimes. now in response to the university of oxford has put out a statement saying we respect the rights to freedom of expression in a form of peaceful protests. we ask everybody to have respect, courtesy and, and put this offer because is to ensure the impact on what research and learning and creating examinations is minimized. stella head on now to sierra north prius leader, a keen drunk on pays tribute to the man who masterminded the country's international image. across all 3 generations of the keen on the the
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now the range of finally showing signs of moving goals for this an hour, which means java is actually the risk of if a significant dime paused for the next few months quite possibly. but sooner. why sees, recently had funding and that's still the area towards with pop. you know, where shares are all the largest sumatra. we'll join in and increasing the out through thailand. and me and my dad also lost in vietnam, the shelves are replacing. what was crazy, raw, the hot weather. so we dropped the temperature by 7 degrees of site, but increasing humidity. and of course, it's not time for it to right. which is a cost in southern china and they've been doing that for 5 too long. but the shelves have not gone away, so expect more funding here. the rate is going away from japan and one of the largest shelves nimble that there is a band coming through badging. this is a call from it's coming out of long go to the so you think it will drop in temperature? god level probably no. i suspect we're just gonna scroll the day on friday. then the breeze is light in the attempt. it doesn't really vary a total of effect stuff to rise a bit of time to get to sunday high temperatures in india, of course,
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particularly now in the north west of the impact this time. we're into the mid forties clark typically, but the increasing the number of shares on the eastern side of india and on bank just increasing the dies with the deck and profit beans is humid, but not quite as hot of the air was the time to be direct the creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not, is it was the policy that we have the was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of there, despite says x, i former cut them on liter. carlos, please demo is set to run for president when the spanish region holds early elections, cuz there's political return, reignite the separatists bid for independence. and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey though,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back, and reminder about top stories on how to 0. a 3rd mass grave is being found that out she for hospital in gaza, city, at least 49 bodies have been recovered. 7 mass crazy, something found inside hospitals across casa students, as well. so we will be gone in october and israel continues to bombs. rafael, 7 guys, that $40.00 off to sold, receives the main border crossing between this trip and egypt at least 4 people were killed. in a swipe and a home in the western farmhouse and is really police in the may gave region, have demolished about 50 pounds. assuming these reading homes are assuming it's
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really easy and peace have criticized the government's move, calling for a solution that the acceptable to all parties have a w, a chose director general. dr. tetras gabrey is who says they are ready to continue providing help in the office southern gaza, but once without additional support, they won't be able to maintain services. simply, joe has peoples and sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into gaza. we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals that mitchell has no intention of withdrawing from rafa. and we'll stay and deliberate alongside our partner's assist, why it is needed urgently for the sake of commodity and update. your call is for the move on and off own overstock leads to the delivery of urgency, monitored and assistance into and across guys that are the scan that is required.
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so let's take a look at some of the days of in use now in the worse flooding in a 2 years have had us of measured add ports in brazil, 7 city a 4 to a leg rate a week of floods, romage roads and bridges triggered land slides and calls widespread destruction. at least a 138 people have been killed and dozens of others are missing a lot in america, edited to seeing you and re for some for 23 soldiers continue to evacuate. residents of port to a league they trapped in their homes. since the weekend, flooded by you by river continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools. military boats springing evacuated from endurable cities across the river. maria it was a central,
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says she until when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people drama. you still did horses floating on the river. it was like a to nami. most of those day the water started driving at 5 in the morning. we escaped to the top floor of a screen and about a 150 other people know what to know food, people with discipline. no one knew what is happening. funny at dwight of that and her brother was finally rescued, but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario samples with he and his family will do that and i'll say no, i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now. last week, when we have nothing left, nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande. they to sort out 0, a company, the army owner risk, you boat passing submerged homes on the way to a low down little discharge and believes climate change along with the new
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phenomena are responsible for this disaster. the risk of teams using jet skis and rubber, disney's can only bring one or 2 people out of time to the waiting military boat, women, children, and the elderly. a given priority over 50000 people it's a painfully slow process. help is coming from all over brazil, volunteers bringing anything the fluids, even surfboards to evacuate people. the government is releasing emergency funding aid, but more than 400 municipalities of the state. and it's colonial style. capital are
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still flooded. you know, 50000 people have no shelter, and the watches show no sign of receding to see and human outages, era portfolio the present. as in south africa, rescuers a in a race against time is a search for at least search 9 people missing after a building class. me a cape town for me to meet. i has more it's we move in 48 hours since the bolding behind us just behind this truck a collapse trapping dozens of people since monday off to noon. 56 people have been pulled out from underneath that. rob will risk you is it had to dig through large amounts of concrete and steel, often listening as best they can for any noise coming from down below to indicates . there's someone the risk who was upset that is quite
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a complicated mission for them. a complicated operation in terms of how much of that conflict can still the have to get through. and at some points, it can be quite on stable and quite a sensitive operation. but they say that they have experts on hand size make equipment to try and do the best they possibly can know. 7 people have died from the injuries following the collapse of the building. now just a few meters away from the site is a popular goal with relatives of those who are an accounted for waiting for news waiting for good news that they've been risk to at risk. huge. but as the day continues, there's been lots awards from oh, sorry to hear and some of those wait to for what are becoming increasingly frustrated and worried. so we don't allow to 0 george with some types of africa to me and more now the people's defense force where once members of
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a peaceful and protest movements, van, but it's fighters are now on the front lines of battles with young marse military on just is tony chang tells the story in the force of a special report from inside. yeah. fight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats and the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone, of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often, most of the military coup, peaceful protest is took to the streets of old man, and mazda may just sit his via but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the military crack down that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets. 1000 small, hold away to the tension. the protest is we're left with
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a stop choice. submit. move to the boat is and find a mile from that. i a ross in this area around august 2021. i was in the k and l a . force in the lake, a cow area. my o y d, i decide to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training, i decide to work this medic to train by us nick to run rebels. he'd been fighting for autonomy for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one rifle for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months. is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases. they've over run these to just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the me of them a knuckle. not just don't that the young open places are using their social media skills to for the to g was a famous hip hop artist. now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds. i
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just said about trying, you know, we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack. cuz so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. they worked with a song who's singing originally performed by the tall politician and wrapper executed by the electric, jumped to in 2022. as the sun set, spite to slip out of cover to wash in the river, educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. for despite all the obstacles to find they could well win. tony chang al jazeera cayenne states, eastern m a man known as the master of north korean propaganda has died at the age of 94, came king. i'm served 3 generations of the north is running from the dynasty from
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mcbride's free for some sol. as north korea is mazda, propagandist and kim quay nam health cement the lord of the came family, tennessee, as assigned, if it's important. so the current rule that kim jong does lead overnight tribute to his mental state, run me the use of jobs to his memory. so it will still go, you will, you know, the whole was wrapped in silver over the last of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with chemo. some north korea's founding father, tim key, nam, witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the communist world, although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations
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idolizing kim junglin have gone viral. finding the globe below audience by this has to be done. this overs paul seems reaching the age of 40 to 432 strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down. rob mcbride, i'll just say era, so not sperm whales are communicating in a way that's more complex than previously believe. so that's the conclusion reached by scientists studying the models. i'll expect as the details of these just clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs as the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint lorraine, metals, room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of which noises sound
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called co. does that sound a little bit like morse code? or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with


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