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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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res come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the attacks on the left as israel blocks crucial aids, water, food, and fuel for more than a 1000000 people start to run out the you're watching l to 0 light from headquarters and downtime data. you navigate to also coming up is really also already user demolishing dozens of phones belonging to a bedouin family in the negative region. floods and brazil, least planes at an international airport submerged more than
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a 100 people are dead and a 150000 homeless. and the peaceful, urban for testers in me and mar, move transforms into revel fighters. the israel has continued to bomb, but i fell. and the rest of gaza as palestinians remain trapped in the strip. and is really strike headed home in western dust, off killing at least 4 people and wounding several others on residents, dug through the rubble searching for anything they could salvage. israel also show the seller neighborhood in the eastern part of the city. and these latest bombardments come a day after is really sold or sees the main border crossing between gaza and egypt and jeff half another crossing. i've cut them of asylum, has now been reported, leaving reopened for humanitarian aids, but one of the main hospitals and southern laza has been evacuated after is really
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true, sees that f border crossing patients and medical workers floods will use different bizarre hospital and the rough feeling is really strikes the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really attacks and desktop. we have our correspond to tiny muscle which is running is not from didn't bella had central doesn't honey didn't. but now is where many displaced families into that fast are going to in order to find some sort of shelter, even though we know that there is no safe place in gaza anymore. as we've heard over and over. tell us what the situation like is in there and by now right now and what people are going through the yes there, you know the, the rates we see more people are getting through the area here at the courtyard of the hospital and its vicinity for the trying to set up right now and you tens it, you know, ready overcrowded, the spaces of the vicinity of the hospital just so far within the past 7 months.
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and since the beginning of the genocide of worth, thousands of families slid the horror of the war from the northern parts from dogs . a city for more recently from a, the remaining parts of the central area on the site. right? because you can, more families have been displaced then for them. this is the 3rd time the 4th time . and, and, and shocking, some family. this is their 5th time evacuating internally from one place to the other. but the, what we see in right now, more people are coming all the way or from the eastern part of i see the, the central parts all the way to this area. not only in there, but i city as it's been designated as a savior. even though they don't believe this narrative bite is really monetary, their velocity has been repeatedly targeted. something that, that is consistent with what people i've been talking about. there is no safety place. and you can to create a safe zone. and you know, wars on more than so far, we're looking at $400000.00 people, have been ordered to evacuated from the eastern part of the city of the central
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parts all going toward the han, eunice, the laws, evacuations own as well as the central area. it's increasing the humanitarian is price is right now, every time people move it from one place to another, they are in search of basic needs in search of necessities that are becoming very, very hard to find right now, given the over your credit and spaces right now and the, the demands on, on basic supplies is everyone trying to stay as safe and protected as much as, as they can honey. what's been the aftermath of the most recent latest is really illustrates on bombardment, on the gaza strip. was of far d, an intense bombing campaign seems to be and, and concentrated in dropbox. 50 right are mainly the eastern part of the city where according to eye witnesses, the describe for scenes of vast majority of residential watson buildings in the
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eastern part, particularly not. but i'm neighborhood and janina neighborhood then the eastern part of the law had been right. as more buildings have been a weird, completely on and is really time to norma vehicles are creating these pop it throughout the rubble of carving deeper into the area. very close to a rough i crossing even though it's really military, withdrew slowly from the area on the vicinity of the crossing. but it's still the, the crossing itself is within the range. it was really shows and an on fire just making it very difficult. not only for people, those who remain and they are trying to leave for a civil defense that grew for paramedics to get to the area and save lives. and that would save those who, who are injured as a result of the intense bombing campaign. but silver looking at large number of people of casualties reported to the field hospital in the western part of robust city. and also a little bit further to the north to gather as young hospitals in which right now it's caught in the line of fire and people started to evacuated the area,
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it's becoming increasingly risky for evacuated, for the medical staff to stay in it. it's important to point out that there's one large health facility in central roughly that's in the eastern central part of the city that's out on the job hospital. edwards, it's part of the red zone area then with people were ordered to be evacuated. now just health facilities, non operational know medical, the stock people live there. yeah. just increasing the pressure on remaining is smaller health facility like a hospital and the other health facility, but we're looking at within the past 24 hours, close to 30 people have been killed mostly women and children about 8 women and young children among the casualties and still and as of right now we hear. a this the time of this reports constant artillery showing the eastern part of the city because every once you know why, all right, thank you so much anymore. well, thanks for that reporting from that and by as well, the events ended off of her unfolding a ceasefire. negotiations brokered by cats are in egypt are being held in cairo is
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really prime minister says the proposal that the house has agreed to fall sorts of israel's demands. it's an elantra, israel will not allow from us to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to israel, security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. thomas says that if israel's military aggression continues into alpha, there will be no cease fire deal the senior a spokesperson for how much. so i'm a hung down says it's now up to israel. whether or not a deal goes through. you know, i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys now is a netanyahu's quote and their behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement,
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reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardment of the is really military gun. while the us has paused the shipment of bombs to israel, saying it has not addressed washington's concerns about a major ground operation and dropped off. my tunnel has more from washington dc as well. having declined to comment on what from us. so as an acceptance of a sci fi deal, the state department spokesman has now come out to the comments on the matter. saying that a must did not accept the cease 5 proposals. but they made a response. he goes on to say, as they say, they responded as people do in a negotiation process, but it was not an acceptance. now, this is a complicating factor. given the fact that the parties will be discussing this
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matter in cairo, given the fact that a month in this view has accepted a cx 5 proposal drafted by cut to an egypt and some sources indicating being endorsed by the united states. so it would appear that the only party that has not accepted this drafted cx 5 proposal is in fact israel. but the talks continuing in cairo, the us remaining hopeful that that will be some agreement in these ongoing negotiations . but the us phase of the discussion of the sky to, to, when it comes to reports about alms deliveries, to israel. now, several reports indicated in recent days that the us has suspended some shed, drilled um shipments including those of precision guided missiles as a way to use leverage to post israel to come to some find of agreement. the question was put at the pentagon. they declined to comment and it was also put to
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the state department spokesman, who had this to say, our support for israel tried to defend itself. our support for is those right to ensure that october 7th never happens again, remain strong. and with respect to any individual shipments, i'm just not gonna speak to them from here. for the record, they had been several occasions in recent weeks with the state department has commented on alms transfers to various countries and sometimes the sanctions on such transfers. however, when it comes to israel, it would appear that they some, please do not want to discuss the matter mike, hannah, i'll just sarah washington. we haven't how much i'm doing now is joining us from the georgina and capital. i'm not so mohammed has there been any reaction from is really officials on this pause regarding the weapons shipments. so there is, there's been no official reaction from is rarely political or military leaders, but we are starting to see quotes trickle out throughout these really media
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landscape. from a named officials, there were some reports indicating in his really outlets that government officials were concerned that this is maybe a step in the wrong direction when it comes to israel's relationship with the united states. and by that, i mean, you had quotes from a named officials in these is really outlets saying that this is clearly pressure being brought by the us to try to get is real, to enter into a ceasefire, or to perhaps stop the operation in the alpha. and that these officials believe that if israel doesn't started hearing more to the requests of the united states, that this is only going to continue. and they're concerned about how that might impact israel's relationship with the us going forward. now we should stress that the reports coming out of the us as far as how many weapons were halted from being shipped. these reports are indicating that it was around $3500.00 bombs. that's
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around 180-2000 pound bombs. and around 170500 pound bombs. and we should mention, of course, this is just a drop in the ocean when it comes to the number of weapons that the u. s. provides is real, the type of weaponry that they give them all the time. so that's important to mention to our viewers. now of course, joe biden is under increasing pressure from even democratic colleagues in congress, asking him to hold a weapon shipments to israel because they are concerned about what's going on and cause. and they're very concerned about the scope of a military operation in the off. i should also just mentioned that we are also seeing another report in another is really publication, quoting some military officials that are trying to downplay this weapons, but this reported halt of weapons being sent to israel. essentially, these sources say and that this is not a big deal that to any disputes that israel and the us may have had, have all been resolved behind closed doors. but it might be interesting to see what
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more we hear from these or at least going forward. yeah, you'll keep us up to date on that particular story. my. my then let me just ask you about what's happening and tell them for you because uh we are hearing reports as well. the protest or is had brief, briefly blocked a highway there in demand doing some sort of deals to release their captives from gaza. it. yeah, that's right, that in this is very much in line with the demos that we've been seeing the last few days in various is really cities. there were hundreds of people that came out onto the streets after how mass announced that they were accepting the ceasefire. deal that had been proposed to them that happened later that evening. 2 nights ago you had hundreds of people on the streets of tel aviv saying enough is enough. the time is now. we want the israeli government to go ahead and sign on the dotted line and make sure that those captains can return home. as of this morning we're being told is that it's a far smaller pro test. uh that is comprised mostly of women. many of them
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relatives of captives being held in gaza and that they did briefly block the island road and highway in northern tell of even that they are demanding that the government enter into a cease fire. so that all can be done to bring their loved ones back home to them. it's going to be interesting to see if there are more and more demo as in the coming days, because this is a form of pressure on the benjamin netanyahu. israel's prime minister, i 30 and i can tell you that just this past saturday i wasn't telling me. there were thousands of people out in the streets and the weekly protest that happens every saturday night and telling me that we're protest in other parts of the country that night as well. everybody who was out there are many of them. anti government demonstrators saying that the prime minister should resign many of the relatives of the captives, but saying that these are critical hours and that they are concerned that if the invasion of or off goes ahead, that that could mean that their relatives would be killed in cross fire for him because of what would be going on there militarily. all right, thank you so much for how much i'm june. thanks for that reporting from my mind. and just to explain why i'm how much i'm jim is reporting from my mind. so benjamin
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netanyahu, his cabinet, has banned alger 0. so that's why we're having to report from outside of israel. well, is really the police have mobilized a large number of officers to ins, forest, the demolition of about 50 homes and the negative region. and that has like to protest and the local better when community police prevented a palestinian it is really connect that member from approaching the sites. palestinian is really a piece. have been criticizing the government's move, calling for a solution that's acceptable to all parties. and israel's, for right now, so no security minister, it's more bank of here says that demolition is an important step towards restoring governance, bernard smith joining us not from drama and be occupied westbank. so tell us what's happening. and then i have right now bernard. well, during these, with a holmes oval of the family members of abu i saw the family moving 400 people in those 47 to 50 homes. these riley's call them illegal structures,
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but for the better when finally it's been home for more than 75 years. visa is riley palestinian citizens. they've got his riley passport. many of them served in these riley military, but that affords them little protection to better when communities particularly negative. uh, perhaps them some of the most discriminated against in israel. those supplements that they have are regularly frequently knocked down to make way for law just sort of fixed settlements. these riley's trying to move to better waiting into more. busy open areas which is not culturally suitable for that and then not use of that sort of live style. but it's an effort to try and move them out to the negative. it's not going to be a headache. the operation of a soul, the operation, he's the follow, right? uh, national security administer. he said there's been a considerable increase in demolitions of what he called a legal houses and then that gov and i am proud to leave this policy. right. and
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what is the sort of the overall significance of all of this burner is happening at this time as well. what both acts, the results have you is. this is a, this is really a plan, a long term problem that israel has always had to clear the negative, particularly bad to and so that they can construct permanent cities and towns essentially as a p l o representative here such was to create and israel from the river to the sea, from the mediterranean to the river jordan, and by clearing out the bad to it and from the negative you talking, i think about some 44014000. excuse me. square kilometers of land. clearing that out. a would allow the israelis to continue building a highway linking the other, the, the towns and cities already that i'm clear about space so that they can populate the area with these permanent towns and cities from the board with jordan up to the
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mediterranean. okay, thank you. for and it, so i thank you for that reporting from drama lot in the occupied westbank. still a head on out to 0. i'm just being human and part of the i live in brazil where volunteers and professional risk teams are working round the clock. try to bring people to safety prose months that were caused by unprecedented, torrential rain the the as well. i know at least one person who set up the rain in the south of france because it's been fairly persistent. have to say what it's all moving away. and as the news is good, unless you happen to be going down to which the trying to escape, because that's where it's going. and with that rain disappearing, the sun returns to the closest spring sunshine. so it might take
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a while to stopping to lift temperatures all the way from the baltic, down through the british house, dance with spain and portugal where we're approaching the 30 mach once again. that's the take the so need more obviously side of the sun comes out during says the same time because it's still raining and sort of mentally take the sicily to reach greece by this time through bulgaria and still in romania. and you see a drop of by 10 degrees celsius and for example, side gave by the rise in temperature, pleasantly saying maybe in london up to 20 to 23 or even 24. by the time you get to saturday, that right in the central med will affect to dizzy and libya to some degree and the circulation is the windows up. therefore, the sand is more like to be in the probably a bit of a risk of a sound storm in west and egypt seth needed. so from libya. now let's say here it will still hot all the way from you. it's 45 back to balls to gabby, but the good news is, sees no cheryl is for west africa, have made it from the coast wedding lot. and the frequently, the,
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the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare, border. and so, in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival. and to save the lung. so what's the word? how does he was using doing the fine glass, the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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color of the top stones on alpha 0. this, our israel has continued to bomb the fashion, the rest of gaza as palestinians remain trapped in the strength to cut them up. a sudden crossing has reportedly been reopened to humanitarian aid, but is where the forces are in control of the palestinian side of the border crossing with egypt. one of the main hospitals in southern garza has been evacuated . officer is really troops sees the border crossing patients on medical workers floods. yusuf and the john hospital in dropbox, fearing is really strikes. this are the police and then i get every 2 in are preparing to enforce the demolition of about $50.00, simian homes. palestinian is really m p. 's have criticized the government's move, calling for a solution acceptable to all parties. a group of palestinians have opened fire on is really soldiers as they were storming the city of nablus and they
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occupied westbank footage shared online shows intense gunfire. direct it is really military vehicles, as well as a range on a palestinian home. a young man was detained before the forces. less b area is really forces have been carrying out more rates in other parts of the occupied westbank. they stormed the neutrons, refugee camp in the city of to and cut him for palestinians fought with them. the senior united nations officials are warning that water production is about to be shut down in northern gaza because of a lack of fuel. the un secretary general and to in your gutierrez, has once again called for a massive surge and humanitarian aid. christmas salumi reports. it was the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that the united nations secretary general called for a cease fire in gaza. but this time it wasn't just the leaders of israel and mosse . he appealed to, i do to those we need for. so what israel to do,
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everything you the board well preferred, even more pressure. speed's natural community as a shared responsibility to promote. so you meditating the ceasefire, the unconditional release of your almost seduce the message, such a live saving 8th in the security council chamber behind him, members gathered later to discuss the situation in a close meeting. while you and humanitarians warned, they are about to run out of fuel, which is essential to make and deliver food and more without fuel tomorrow to mean what are production would be shut down in the north. depriving type of pollution process of 2 or 2 drinking water and the same will be in at another day for the entire south authoration, the south end to meet the batteries, which would be impacting 1.9 1000000 people. the security council discuss the
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situation behind closed doors, but took no action, whether palestinians and rough of lee or stay put. the united nations says israel has a responsibility to protect civilians and with 3 quarters of gaza under and evacuation order. they war and there is no play safe for them to go. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations. israel's attack on the fall has led to more protests, but across the united states, students were joined by others and riley's calling for israel to stop. it's war on garza, she have a time see, was that a demonstration in austin, texas? this isn't proud of the river nice ation. we've been witnessing the university of rather a something mobilization part of a nation wide and we liked it the latest offences. i gave the
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patients outside austin to the whole route here today because israel has a mountain in around invasion of the off, which is now sheltering over a 1000000 tossing refugees in gaza. and it's high time that the city council take a stand in addition to that, not only has city council failed to pass that piece by resolution, but there been to hate crimes. here's the boston, including a staffing of a young man and what's campus and mayor watson actually use that rather opportunistically to say this is why we shouldn't prophecies high resolution. oh, we go, but we can pull it out. if i is that fair enough to see the effect of austin in the coming days for to graduates that some of that will share with you if you ever times the out the in the last of alpha 0, special reports inside me in tomorrow, tony chang looks at the people's defense for us, once members of a peaceful, urban protest movement,
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it's fighters are on the front lines of battles around the strategic board, a ton of male, why the fight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats and the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone, of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often, most of the military coup, peaceful protest is took to the streets of old man. and mazda may just sit his via but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the military crack down that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets. 1000 small hold a way to detention to the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit move to the boat is and find a mile from that i a roof in this area. around august 2021. our senior k n l. a
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force in the lake, a cow area, my a y d. i decide to take up arms and flights back. and usually off of the training i decide to work with medic trained by a sneak korean rebels who's been fighting for a ton of me for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one grateful for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the 1000000 down on the phone that the young up in point is a, using their social media skills to. for the 2 g was the same as hip hop office. now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds. say about trying to, you know, we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all
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the power and resources to attack. cuz so we have to raise funds by any means such as collecting donations from people online. they worked with the song, he's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and wrapper executed by the electric generator in 2022. as the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river, educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang out to 0 tie in states, eastern me, m of the number of dead is raising in the brazilian state of rio. run that the sold following to wrench will reins on floods. at least a 138 people have been killed or lot in america. editor lucio newman reports from
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florida to and i agree so we'll just continue to evacuate residents of port league . they trapped in their homes. since the weekend flooded by river continues to rise . in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools, military boats, bringing they've actually used them in the city across the river. maria, it was a central, says she and 2, when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people, drama. you still did horses floating on the river. it was like a to not me last thursday. the will just us, it tries and it 5 in the morning. we escape to the top floor of the screen yet about a 150 other people. noble to no food. people were disciplined. no one knew what is happening. funny, a daughter that and her brother was finally rescued, but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario samples with he and his
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family will do that. i don't know. i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now. last, every time i've heard that when we have nothing left, nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande, it will soon, the i'll just the or a company, the army owner risk you boat passing submerged homes on the way to a low down of all. the sergeant believes climate change along with the new phenomena are responsible for this disaster. risk teams using jet skis and remedies can only bring one or 2 people out of time to the waiting military boat, women, children,
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and the elderly. a given priority over 50000. it's


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