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tv   Eleven Days in May  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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the, the i, my name's sight in doha. here, top stories on out is there. these are the ministry has seized on closed all the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing. it is a vital entry point between concert on egypt and used to transport humanitarian supplies into the strip. will events in rasa unfolding as these fund negotiations, broken by counsel on egypt are being held in cairo. israel's prime minister says the proposal will how much as a green 2 fools shows if israel's demands it's an elantra is real, will not allow him us to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel
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will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. how much has one that if israel is ministry aggression continues in rafa they will be no sci fi? do the senior spikes, best sense of how my son mohammed um says it's now up to is there a whether or not a deal goes through to? no, i don't. i'm not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know isn't knitting out, was quote on their behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives
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of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military on top of white house. official says the us hopes to get a deal on garza very soon. um that negotiate is should be able to close any remaining gaps, israel and how must have both sent delegations to cairo for cease find tools university protest against the wooden goss. i have also spread across europe in from students at the seals poll, rallied outside the college cooling for move level attention on the latest attacks on rough up in southern gaza. i'm in oaks fit in cambridge university loans in the u. k. have become the latest sites for us to come to is riley soldiers have been killed in a his bullet drone attack. the strike launch from southern 11 on hit targets near the northern is riley town of matilda. the is there any ami? said it since struck several hezbollah buildings and compounds in southern 11 on to
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ukraine, state security services. it's foiled, and assassination attempts on president brought a visit. lensky in all the top ministry and political figures cases, it has the time to ukraine, security officials. it says web posting to kills and ski and accuses rushes by agency of being behind the plan. ukraine says they have been at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president since russia invaded in 2022. russian president vladimir appears in meanwhile, has been integrated in the holes of the kremlin for 6th time. he's led russia since 1999, including a full year time is prime minister. he won a landslide victory in elections in march, but any serious political opponents with bob from running on technical grounds, most west and officials, boy called to the ceremony except for the french master police. an indian
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administer in cash may have confirmed the killing of the one of the most wanted revel, kilometers in the region. officials say he was close up in a gun fight with security forces. the incident comes a week of reinforcements was sent to some districts in the region following an attack on an indian force convoys. rescue was in south africa searching for thousands of people who were missing off the building collapsed. at least 7 people were killed at the construction size in the city or george near cape town. oregon 20 workers were pulled from the rubble. 42 are still missing. those are you headlines? news continues here on on. does. there are often 11 days in may. the
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of the room fridays, thousands of listening worshippers did answer the call from the islamic. what the trusted o for a to compound don't do the 30th to just sustain ramadan. tensions needs to be seen has been usually times. this has become a nightly scene in east through some neighborhood of 6 terra pigeons and protest aggressively broken up by his very security posters. at stake, the homes, its hundreds of palestinians being subject to an eviction chaos. and confrontation inside the alex and compound, as is rated by son who needs to disperse. pretty much done with wine and some of the streets of occupied easters. and protest has 3 rooms of buildings is really security versus 5 sit for testing.
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there were concerns of deterioration on monday. thousands of jewish ladies set to march through the old cities was included democracies where the seizures in 1967 at 6 o'clock range, lincoln stuck on jerusalem scouts goods. the israel loaded up in spite digits and the boom box to begin the 11 days later, the ceasefire was a queen the
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on may the 10th, the 1st day of the bombing campaign. 8 children were killed and goes to the children were from 5 different families. they were killed in 3 separate attacks and a lot. so slaymen now shade. so i meant to lay my head around a quarter to 6 mohammed salvo as you name, and it was the 1st child to be killed when a plain boom to put his lands near his home and job to the north of kansas city. the monday looks and how much of us can come on soft if plushie see, i'm not keen on you said a motion equally. i don't know who,
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but i am putting in is a land lab, pulled out that the lab is caught off guard, kind of sort of sort of in the lab and the push for salsa law. the mention of like seeing and no countryman, i mean i'll put in and stuff and about the
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fish and me are in service by the the just up to 6 o'clock there was an attack in bates, honey a hey, code was pulsing the house of the almost 3 family for us, the children were killed the to like to hop on the plan. i finally did one. i remember one of the lot of my
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southern i'm on at, i'm a, i'm a wow. and i'm a dish my that that's all the russ almost where he was 8 years old. she was playing outside her house with abraham and milan and how young nephew, yes, and 2 boys working with the hate caught her, also killed the abraham hustling and saying how much
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awful summer i come. the abraham was 16 years old and was helping on the coast to make some money for his family. she loved to see and dream, designing a small, exciting so he can take photographs and videos of the 3 the honey bye. or you can reach me as our heavy. i don't have any half day money. said the last who is you when you go this hoss, how can i forgot to feed around the
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the older boy on the card. his name was 11 years old. his name's father was also killed in utah, is not set the the, the, the
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new the hey, has the money i say, and how much our shade we address and how much the, the ad mile bug in the my you and then or should i and okay now i'm, i'm as well and then is that and then at the my, when i'm in a little on it, i've been in santa and that's that whole in the app. right now. i'm getting
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a really have to my, my put in my log in and all of my own the app photo alice, who did you are now we yeah we're, we're right. i don't know how to do. i literally my and my lastly the yeah. on the same day, may the 2 things going to street him job. leah web auto with an old company was with his dad, who was washing the family call. they were both killed. bato is 4 years old. i know we're here. listen for the 1st clinic. i don't know. i know which is several. the move in, but then the will settle is the tools for cell phones is see measures and
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mostly will suffer as good this to add. let's go, ha, who are happening in the are with a move to see how the of the on may the 11 lena and mina ed sure. there were killed along with that moment that when pains, boom, the housing goes as a team, you know, was 16 years old and is every hardworking student who was hoping to study pharmacy . mino was 2 years old and loved cats the
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on may, the 12th 9 children were killed in 6 different families saying ruskie dreamed of becoming a gymnast. she loved her cat cold nose and she was 13 years old. she was at home in bed. when trump now from the miss oil killed the body of the flynn alma and lives the whole cost is, can tell you,
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i took kind of mazda a whole album with leslie, a ton of too much some success and had been the learning how to apply a so have a lot of a minute. this is dealing with them sort of small sensor, the policy, the sort of softness the
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need to the same as like did you have on the house as a maria? montalvan said was 5 mary m 2 and a half they were both asleep. they were both killed, along with them. say to just go to, they can to go kind of up and we'll have to all and we see a lot of law. hello. i'm via the, in one of the back a, a i'm, i'm moving i now i that the, i'm a and the for sure on the some of the, the kids a say and they
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get it all. and then when a maybe alarm from the lab the the, the last night in the morning in calling eunice south that goes to city shaw met some who showed in the chest when he was going to respond to turn off the water. the show was 17 years old. the
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one has the child support was the unit 5 shall frame and we understand. the
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last 11 in the morning stones landed on the cemetery and church on the east of goes, the city comes and moved. lee was on the way to the shops to buy some vine needs to cook with. when he didn't come home, his father went looking for him. he was told that was not identified child's body at all. she saw hospital. it was home to a piece of shrapnel from and miss dial it, hit him in the head, killing him. any of the gums they on a whole uh yeah. and the deductible would allow most of the and uh me to man. but my thing is that are you coming out of hopefully i now back at hawaii, i missed some of them have only when i last the
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just before 6 pm that evening. there was an attack on con eunice. how much almo is walking home from a spot, this grocery store with his cousins, i'm a, when a missile from a plane hit them loving them up, his father. so it happened the how much was a cheerful boy who looked joking with everyone? his dream was to become a doctor. he was 13 years on the home of that kind of house on who was the county. i don't know who the person i did learn a little my actual sam fee of some of the other bob and capital have shown that
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of course is on i guess the the what the zip code wasn't shed was a lot of, of the content on what to do when it comes to the you accidentally forgot to put them on the discount at another the
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certificate says how much cousin i'm on was 11. his dream was to become a policeman, enough to say that every morning he was at the bronze and has gotten the 9 o'clock in the evening. there was a raid on sun outings trees and goes to say to of the 2 boys. what can you hear? mazda and kennedy said, going out to the shop smith, his home, when the attack happened. trap, no miss went into his, but his uncle found you here just before he died.
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yeah, here was 13 years old. the has to be a lot 100. i'm a lucky. during that means and have gun, but really who yeah, in the middle of the most of the woman. oh my, i'm the the most mood hudson told the with the team is old. you loved football. knew the names of all the top players. his hero was sergio ramos, and he loved to as well. madrid shot
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the bad medina in about these 3 this on the last name said i'm muscle on the hand. about these $3.00 to $4.00. the is 3. the 5 case, 3. the is as i'm, i said i'm yeah, and there's still time and no, yeah, to fish the i knew it was like and will show big being yes we not do is through what do you see on that? i mean, what the bottom in the bottom up i see the bad news was a whole now i've said had the that and i'm at a, in the head beside and executive v as well. sun advanced mode and advanced or sol invest except got in and it started now was the that's my i had the noise of that and who outside of what had better for us vis. there was that and had the industry,
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let's not a physically think of an makayla, the name i'm with the gun. that was the most. i had the to what are the little bits of
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the then all of what i asked the cities, the pick up and i give them access to them of our solution. i might as outlined them uh, 11 awesome. and a said that or is that it will, it is that if i had that then the to proceed that they administer that. and i mentioned i had to go to predict that and i'm in what i had openly over the there was i'm going to have something in the on here to the what happens in new york. 1 has implications all around the world to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people from me or the city. and i'll send in doing away with the 1st few that was supposed to get everybody off the
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street. it's international perspective with the human touch mean way in and then pulling back out again. the
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i my name's side, and though he had told stories on al jazeera is really made a tree, has seized um, closed off the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing. it is a vital entry point between garza in egypt and used to transport humanitarian supplies into the strip. a top white house official says the us hopes to get a deal ongoing is a very soon on that negotiate is should be able to close any remaining gaps as well . and how much have both sent allegations to kyra for cease 5 tools. you $160.00 general antonio gutierrez has appealed for an end to the blood shed in garza, he says the in time at least is at risk. if the pricing continues to be subject.
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if weeks of intense diplomatic could cvt for the seemed garza, you know, ceasefire loading these of hostages and the devastating of fancies in dropbox. outright threats might have been for both spot these to show the political courage and sped of no effort to secure and agreements. now, to stop the blood shifts to free the hostages and to help stabilize the region, which is still at the risk of explosion. ukraine states, secure as a service, says it's foiled in assassination attempt on president the modem is the lensky and all the top ministry. and political figures, keith says it's detained to ukrainian security officials that says we're pulsing to kill zalinski and accuses rushes by agency of being behind the plan. you cry and says they have, but at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022,
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a russian president vladimir pierson has been integrated in the holes of the kremlin for a 6 tubs. he's led russia since 1999, including a 4 year term as prime minister. he won a landslide victory and elections back in march, but any serious political opponents were bought from running on the technical grounds. the desk told from flooding and brazil's thousands days of rear ground, the soul is now at least 90 thousands of towns on the walls of the heavy rains lashed the region for days holding tis from across brazil helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety i see your headlines, stay with us. the
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12 children were killed on may. the 13th, 4 of them were from the same family. when the bombing begun in the neighborhood of state law here, news of cause a city yelton on a family, decided to try and run into safety or for children. and the moment. look here, the
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color mohammed knew i lived in bay to new york and he just left his home to say hello to neighbors when bull plains buy it to miss idols. explosions, killed colored. he was 17 years old. the level of us douglas had his method on the mountain, the messenger, the festival, had the tenant moves with b, i'm in a was the of who, who will come the we can only a month then a look into i put a list of a little a contributor montages, it could be a mess. it could be on my list. the categories of categories that i'm sending. i'm good. yeah. the way that you see,
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i remember was you've been in the the 20 pas free meals to me off my drum, you know, how watching was working to his grandfather's house when it landed nearby. he died on the way to hospital. he was 15 years old. he loved swimming in the sea and riding horses and kept pigeons and memories of
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that house the fence. i'm extremely sure said i have the dimensions of the items. okay. and that's generally how, but the most thoughts, how to go through how to to the metal. i started the whole at the end of the game, the middle of the fisherman just says, oh when we get back. sorry, the
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lena mohammed isa was 13 years old. she was shy. she was very bright and did very
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well at school. she loved her, so i was involved with school reading institution on the 13th of may. she visited her grandmother. she them went home to eat money and have money books, but i she arrived, her house was bummed, she was buried in the rumble. so it was her mom tapers died, the fuzzy anessa cyrus was 17 years of a family struggling some money. so she had to work hard and she was like a 2nd mother to her brothers and sisters. at 6 45 in the evening, she was count. if i miss out the
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policy i was gonna live in, i mean literally it on the own i city and when i got done for so, so live on a one issue, son and then from another photo and the other. now mobile increasingly safe in have to, i'm gonna have to my yeah, and telling how to get them. well, we're not the way a compiler is just not in the system as soon as you can. there's a, the with some of the,
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in the early evening, russell was bummed. the moment i was, i mean, was 2 years old. she was killed along with 7 months pregnant mom when her house was hit by miss os. oh, the faithful dog buys from. so when a human need, especially those who the
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object, cadillac more connects, the allowed my horse. and i know yes, it's to be deep as much as it island, the change atlanta to terminal, or that that was a heck prevented beth, has a, has it in the heat, and then the, the bed. i'm not going to have the
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it for him. how many adult on tc was playing when a plastic bike learning how to work? when a slight a jet foamed his house in russia. he was buried by the rubble. he was 7 months old. the. the one on that or should i have the most or should i choose? the
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4 children were killed on may. the 14th 3 of the children were from the family said, i mean i feel bad and it was funny. it's toneta. i knew them kind of loved them in the assess in a way well, i mean, it kind of comes up one on one of the sits in a while, a lot of them, how much in 10 of the, almost as i showed, especially with jimmy at home if he and i, you know, i had done that to just have the industry this lavetia and how much of a lot of of it. and then minus
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the i'm doing the do to know if to fixing things in his family house and wants to be an engineer. when he grew up. he loved visiting his grandparents where he could go to the sea. he was 12 years old. he was in his home in an apartment blocking calls to say to you when he was killed, [000:00:00;00] the
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plum done lunch, but the whole, oh well come in like that and we'll send a do walk the other day on the 9 children killed made a 15 h as in,
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in the same at the dfcs visiting the home with their friends, the hotel, the full, the only the children were killed to hawaii. here who was an effort to rockman, who was 8 and 60 this on the the, the funding for children uses who was 11 then. uh, it was 9 marianne who was 8 to the 6.
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the children loved the the saying a bead was 7 years old. she had problems working and talking due to a brain condition, but she was a happy child who loved to play on swings. the she was standing in front of the house and jumping the wind shot offline. this all hit the right side of the head. killing of
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the gentlemen were staying at the moment, catching their next test that turned out that was too much bad. and the guy that's a thomas, they spent the janitor too much, especially on the mac, for royce, with the can kinda today. yeah, i'm and that given may is your last name and how i clinic got an additional amount of time. now let me do what we'll have to fill out a form. glad to hear the look next. look on the look good. and how the show of to connect a, the, made the 1618 during the time some goes as for to
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the when booms destroyed the o'clock. some of the, you know, the st. 8 children were killed cuz i didn't zayed roll yara paula from and then moment i will also killed 4 children at the other funds. you somebody with code and the same attack? mia, mira e, as in the this is the other, this building the home of the company. and the apple massage was destroyed. the building at 1 am toddler, not swimming, and wants to be a photographer when she grew up. she was 12 years old when she and her brother, tennessee quit killed that i yeah. kind of diamond and dish and not with them tend
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to have a tad bit. so what would ship it to and at the side of the house, the hell a symbol had big did the lab is gonna say did is good. how about this? can you do body some showed up at demo, not a sad fix would. so would he not get the she at to seek was 16 years old. he was very good at science at school and wants to become adopt.
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the fee is cut and the family were in bed when in the file hit donna donna. yeah. here zane locals along with them on the dog and one sister susan. suffice the dana love singing. she had a beautiful voice. she was very good at school. she was a happy place to go, you know, took brothers and sisters and then uh, i'll see you. i'll see you on the is the, she'll even get it done the night and know you have because we have the we on the show, we got you on the wish. we had it so fun. i know know was 6 years old. she loved
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finding out what was happening in the neighborhood and going home and telling her mom and dad. yeah, he loved riding his bike and taking celsius. jane just started talking. he was 2 and a half on may, the 17th 2 children were killed and attacked. so i'm going to say to use, especially of us, was 13 years old. he used to help his family by working on the land rough. he's come up, we. dia was painting a picture in the garden of a house. it was 5 o'clock, a missile hedge, a nearby building. trump know from the explosion,
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hit 12 feet killing of the on may, the 19th. 2 children were killed and i come in. so i lived in the balance sheet items a house was hit, and miss, i'll at 8 o'clock in the evening and job aliya. the messiah soleah was killed. and she was 11 years old to ma'am, the at the most of us come in. you can notice that we yeah, actually on tens. honda
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a lot of to know where yeah. the upon the for the washington area. how many of the shepherds alive and bustle? 60 and made us not in get us liam on much reading aloud to close with all the hectic day and the can not for know some additional days how you started in the next a lot the the my last home home, the cost of that home before about some credits for how to fix it. if
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the they gave me a lot of uh who. yeah is. uh yeah, this is also says your home up by like at 7 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the on may the 21st
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a ceasefire. came into effect in the 11 days of forming more than 60 children had been killed in gaza. 100 small had been injured the the families then mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles,
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will never forget the calling attention to any quality. pollution meant extra disease. ok, and county is low income communities. site. one brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one passed one day an organizer on the rapper towel for these people for the begun still for me it's in buffalo and it has been put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to distill cold enough. a snow across the rock is not cold and then falls off the rockies into play and stays meet that. whoops,
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and shoot me. it is coming up from the gulf of mexico to get the familiar picture of giants on this. one is not, it looks like on wednesday, we will be free of, from most of those in the united states. still some state of folding among thailand, wyoming, but just like to die out, i think you're going to build up with that to potential in the atmosphere is a big thunder storms in places like a console, maybe as far east as kentucky or tennessee. and then this dakota spread size, but the snow stops full and you get the gathering of clients of a texas pulse space to the flooded area. so a considerable consider, so on thursday, throughout the caribbean it's been fairly well recently. leave it off north with and it still is. in contrast, mexico seeing pretty warm and sunny with monster is up to 44. that looks like the heavy shelves are going away into the open atlantic, but we still got fairly frequent light shows, mostly without a back fuel press. rico espanol and of course in south america,
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had the story funding exists, particularly so in for the leg, right? the shaft at the moment you're quite are on my weight 7 know, 2 volts called the leg right again. the, the one is the biggest elections of 20. 20 pools in the general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly, ongoing coverage. the in the as an actions on out is 0. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost
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on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems. caught on red chris, the warning, the palestinians in gauze i will soon run out of food on medical aid. as israel closes the rock, the border crossing the main site. this is all it is there in life and also coming up making a mistake. the full scale assault on rasa would be the human catastrophe. the you and section general condemns the closure of border crossings into gaza and calls


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