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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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or whatever has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the thousands of people are out on the streets of london in support of palestinians and calling for an end to his route on gosh, the play you're watching l g 0. live from bill. how with me for the back to the also i had police in the us detain at least 100 protesters at a university in boston. while a student is a student that movement against the war spreads across the country. and these
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really sri kits, roughly 7 guys out of them, 5 men across the street, the scale at least 30 to find the students in the past 24 hours. many of them women and children, and south africa mox, 30 years since its 1st democratic elections, which marks the end of upon the . we begin with the growing protests around the world in support of palestinians and against israel as well on gas. on the latest demonstration is in london with thousands up in marching account to riley has been cancelled citing security concerns. but a smaller event by a group called enough is enough which supports his reactions. is still going ahead in central london as find out the latest with harry fawcett, who joins us from the march in london. so tell us about the, the demo demonstrations today. harry, how is it shaping up? and i, it was a, the main protest is, is over,
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it has been for some time now you can see a few of the last remaining protest is much most please say that they are engaging with them, reminding them that the conditions of the process where the people disbanded by now 5 pm local time. as you say, there was also this other protest or other working together event as it was labeled by the campaign against anti semitism. that was planned to coincide with this march full gauze or in palestine that was cooled off a day ahead with concern sided by that organization of potential risks to hostile actors. they said threats against the safety of those who are destined to be taken pods. i'm. i spoke to the head of the palestine solidarity campaign, who was the main driver behind today's march?
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he said benjamin, all that, that was a tactics that was being used. and indeed the hundreds of jewish protest is on this much. they were a couple of just speakers as well at the router which ended here in hyde park. the other pro kinds of protest you mentioned was by this group enough, is enough, the pro israel, a static demonstration, the main march went through that area. police officers separated the 2 groups of protest as one person was arrested for what was said to be a racist comment directed at the pro israel watches. thank you very much for that. harry fawcett lived there in london, in the us police have detained about a 100 people while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston. the university says of protest as resorted to anti semitic slurs student demonstrations against the war. and guys, i have spread across the west, but the ongoing efforts by university officials and police. and the protests was
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just over a week since students at columbia university in new york began demanding their school diverse from israel. students at columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university began demanding the same protest spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan, texas in california. for we have a team of correspondents covering this story for us across the us in atlanta, austin, washington, dc. first, we go to john henry, who's in princeton at princeton university in new jersey. this is one of the us encampments, john, what's the scene like that? that's right, this is a 3. and if you look around, you can see that students are gathered around what looks like a very large chat. that 10 is not various. and that's an important irony because they're not allowed to have 10 seer. the police have been tearing them down and arresting people who use tens, including a couple of people here
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a couple of days ago on thursday when they opened this camp. and that jan is for a plan university event. so as you see, these students are, are laying on blankets. they're not supposed to be intense or a, or sleepier according to the university. but if you look over to the rank where those students are sitting down, you may notice that there is a stack of sleeping bags. they have been coming here, shifts and constantly occupying this place. but one of the threats that these universities, especially many of these a lead ivy league, kind of you universities, you, this is expulsion or suspension costs $50.00 to $70000.00 for tuition at this university . so a, it's a major penalty if you get suspended or kicked down and that's what a lot of these students are worried about. that's why so many of them are wearing masks in a past. asked us not to identify them fully. yeah. and the movement is growing no dog, but they are also a number of arrest that have been made. talk to us about the latest on those
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that's right, in the past 24 hours in northeastern university, more than a 100 people were arrested. now the, the, as you pointed out, and the claim was that some of them made some remarks that were in violation of school policy. having been, it's so many of these, amanda, i find it doubtful that a 100 of them would be responsible for doing that. these are generally peaceful protest. occasionally you'll get conflicts with counter protesters. but in general, it's a pretty positive thing. and you can see you've got a group of people here, you know, pounding on drums. if we have a full agenda of speakers, we're going to come here later today. so these are not generally by lender or hateful themes. and the students that we've talked to said they've been careful not to make. you can do some medic remarks. they have made anti zine is for mark sandy, israel remarks, but there has been, of course,
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a lot of hair splitting about what is anti semitism and whether you know, a rally in support of palestine and against the war and gaza. is that the students here say no fully john, thank you very much for that. that's john henry and reporting their life from princeton university in new jersey. let's head over now to washington dc and mike hannah is at george washington university. joining us now live mike g, w 4 is one of the big universities in the heart of the us capital. tell us about what's happening that as well as being peaceful here. so a few dozen, the students, some of whom did spend the night intense. uh, police saw in position here, they are monitoring the situation. they tell me very clear that they are not going to take any action, although they will, austin do so by the university of authorities. now this is actually a public space. george washington is a public university, and this creates
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a different scenario from those private universities because of limits the action to which the university can do. now we do understand that they police were asked to remove the students by the university authorities. they declined to do so because they describe this as a peaceful gathering and will only take action if there is violent or inflammatory tool. let me just step away aside. here you can see the layout of what you've got the tense here in front of the university square, which is behind, blocked off by offense. the bulk of the students camping on university square itself. there are a couple of police walking around on that square, but i spoke to one an officer. yes. who says that they are here purely to monitor purely to observe as no intention whatsoever of removing the students at this particular stage. perhaps what is on the minds of the washington police. all those events in june 2020, when police using back to on this into
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a gas disperse demonstrators in the black lives matter movement. the police of publicly stated that they are wary of any upticks that may emerge from police. once again, using bathrooms or other measures to disperse what are at this stage, largely peaceful demonstrations. thank you very much for that. my kind of life for a step in washington, dc and next to phil laval, who's at emory university in atlanta that's in the state of georgia. there were some confrontations between police and protests at emory on fridays fail. uh, it looks a bit more quiet today. a yeah, it's a very different scene, a uh, fully compared to what we just saw are those of the 2 locations. i mean there are very few people of out here. it's very quiet saturday afternoon, but then be to see because yesterday it was a vice similar situation. and indeed i'm told by some of the organizers that there is another protest planned later today. it's just a little after 12 in the afternoon here we are expecting,
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protest is sometime around 4 or 5 pm. what we saw yesterday was a very different scene. so what we saw on 1st day yesterday when we arrived in the evening, there were a number of protesters, maybe 2300 out here in the dark. they were waving flags, there was music, it was a much calmer atmosphere that we'd seen on the 1st day. again, earlier in the day there would also be another protest where people march through the campus very peacefully, several 100. making that point on the protest to cyber crucially. that is because yesterday there was no police presence here. i mean, we counted one police call maybe half a mile down the road at the entrance to the university. but there were no police here. the protest, the site, that is what then enabled them to make that point very clearly. that of course is a sharp contrast. the 1st day we saw those dozens of people arrested. we saw the emery police, we saw lots of police. we even saw state troopers have taken people into custody, a number of students, even faculty members of stuff and others are now the way that the process here are
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working is that they all very owners, the centralized right. so you've got protests who will march to one area of the university. you'll have another group who will march through another area of the university with holes in the field energy department, which isn't the building behind that one behind me. but there is an occupying movement about to take place and there are people in the who will refuse to leave. and this is also having ramifications within the university as well because the president of the university greg friend was he's the man who on 1st i said that the police were right to be here. he blamed outside is for organizing that process on thursday. yes. today, one of the fact let's, he's had filed a motion at overwhelming motions of no confidence in him. so aside from what's happening in the middle east, the protest as a rule. so having a big making a big difference to what's happening politically, hey, within the university, i may say they will keep protesting every single day. they will be here until the point is made fail level. thank you for that update from emory university in
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atlanta. georgia found the ground in guys that is really a tax to scale at least $32.00 palestinians in the last 24 hours, including 8 children. 15 people died when is ready for his child home in new se, right, camp in central gaza. a number of nearby houses were damaged, yamil, so bomb 2 homes overnight in rough or at least 34388 policy needs have been killed since the war began. let's go to any more more for an update on the situation in guys. he's in ra, find the south. tell us about the latest strikes, honey, and there optimize the is. will the confirm reports that we're getting the size that were targeted? there is a residential home and a part of robot city and another neighborhood that states in part run the city and over crowded the area with many displaced families of from the northern part of the state from the central area. but they've got work. many people were forced to leave
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their homes and evacuated throughout my city. big and shoulders. 7 people reported gilton perm guild. there's so many still under the rebels with paramedics civil defense, the crew on the ground working part along with volunteers and local residents, removing large pieces of concrete trying to help those who might have survived the attack, but has been so far 2 hours. and the chances are becoming slim by the hour right now. those who arrive do, and those are hospitalized with a critical injuries, are just risk of losing their life. the hospital is, is mid sized hospital, largely and equipped with would not necessities and medical supplies. and in addition to the, the insufficient medical stab at the hosp, the right. now this medical stop been working for the past 6 months. non stop, they're exhausted. tire 6 hours, just do for them to turn their attention to no injuries. arriving to the hospital in the meanwhile, and the and the site, right, right. so you kind of earlier a talk, there's really a military target at
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a residential home causing further civilian casualties. then as a shocking level of destruction, that is a quite visible in the area this, there had been repeatedly targeted by this really military. there was a military operation board for almost 5 days within the past week. and you can't work. the vast majority of buildings and public facility were destroyed and there, but 9 people were killed inside a residential home. half of them are from same families, mostly children and women. when we talk to i witness, they describe horrific fees and that decision caused by the error strikes there. besides the message to the world is enough enough with my message to every person with a conscience would every person who claims to be a human being regardless of religion, race or politics is enough on earth in gaza has had its fill of blood and the occupation what we can do is trust that god deep strong will look off. dress us when alone, and honey guys, health ministry says policy means across the strip of drinking unsafe waterways,
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accusing israel of rocking shipments of coloring. news for trading water industries also enabled to monitor water safety after the public health laboratory was closed . professionals are appealing to international humanitarian organizations to help improve sanitation, saying raw sewage and accumulating waste. pause, health risk, honey. this lack of clean water is of course bringing disease and suffering. tell us more about the conditions, including environment where there's little this is one of the, the problems that are actually been so difficult to deal with. not only there is a lack of, of food supplies or medical supplies of the fact that limited access to drinking water largely on clean contaminated water. but more read is a, is the ongoing cause, right? a fraction of a clue re and that's a some sense used to basically make water more drinkable, explain it,
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then i make it better for human use. right now. there is no book obstruction on this met substance to get the gas for the long with a list of other important and the fact that he's with it for hospital or for people . but here we can see that the cues across from us to the around water tops or the from water vendors here in the streets a trying to get a gallon of water in the area of the heart, surrounded by the, by the, basically the solid waste and sewage in the streets and rubble, those roads are not the, the proper environment. in fact, what, what these things are doing right now is just creating a favorable conditions for infectious diseases to spread because they, they are creating goals and these are favorable to environment and conditions for the disease carrying vectors that you have the flies and mosquitoes that result in the risk of increasing diseases, such as the fever, as well as the malaria that already cases in hospital being documented,
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not only by the world health organization, but also the who health ministry by the 1000 is either half a day to say, due to the contaminated water to drink it, but also other problems hold the challenges, particularly among vulnerable group women and children. honey, thank you very much for the update that solved his ears. honey. my mode reporting a lie from a rasa in southern gaza and still ahead on algae 0. i will tell you why thousands of tons of humanitarian aid, mental gaza is spot gotta to get you. the the or we're coming to the fluffy end of the rainy season for south east asia, but it's by no means over. we get concentrated areas all big funds, storms and in the fall across i would say once again, bony is going to be at risk along with still it weighs a bit less. so sumatra opens,
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humanise. you ought to be honest. java as well. but north of all this, we've had significant early season rain in southern china. you've seen pictures the extensive funding and it's not finished office, right. it's moving up towards shanghai and a bit beyond you've got moving funds domes in glendon gong g as well, which will temporarily affect hong kong as well. but they don't, sylvia and we tend to disappear on monday. well, they return on tuesday, so the system is pulsing in the night. it's coming back is getting as you see from west and trying and spreading down towards the side of the head to be the right from shanghai is going to south korea and something japan barely went to not many shuttles in india the moment, but a few big ones recently, and there are a few in the middle face as well, but again, not a huge number, no heats the thing, as you might expect. pre monsoon heat or warning site for this year. and westbank go with temperatures and call closer up into the low voltage above where they should be. in fact, this time, heat sort of thing. big active sun,
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this tones in the north of the thing, the lowest chaotic growth has destroyed many the city's water buttons in a race against india's booming water shortage. an engineer turn water conservationist takes on 6. $16.00 was one lake at the time. catching the rate in india. that lakes alive a witness documentary on a jersey about the the
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welcome back, a recap on top stories on how to 0, tens of thousands of people have been marching in london in support of palestinians and against the war on guys account and march has been cancelled citing security concerns in the us police obtain about a 100 people. why appearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston student demonstrations against the one guys i have been spreading it across and is really a taxing guys. i have kayla east $32.00 finest means in the last 24 hours, including 8 children. these are the military bombed home seamless era camp and in russia. now i coalition of a groups that's trying to deliver supplies to guys that is holding a protesting assemble the freedom for tenants ordination says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of live saving age are unable to leave because they've been de registered by giving the file the vessels operate
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under the country's flag. activists are accusing israel of putting pressure on the west african country side bake as more from the simple the organizes how the press conference has central is done. both now ships concept sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships of flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so the open eyes of say that those blacks have been removed, including from a cargo ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant needs political move, an unusual one. now organizes have the press conference and they said there's a, there was a request from the authorities in gimme a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities with the destination. and the admission to garza was a reference full. so that will also about the cargo and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly
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concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels that are bearing the facts of these ships. kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when they will be setting sales that some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the seeds of goals and deliver that for me. not to preventative and aids will be returning to their home countries and some of them are very disappointed other the same. so this isn't the end. they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels so they can set sail and try to break that seats. and here in istanbul, that protest taking place is a system that's been taking place all week, trying to keep a full front of people's mind. this will on garza and the fact states and the fees and the this the to the still wants to set sale though we've been, speaks to activists here. and some of them are not saying that any of us always complicit with. is there a long this wouldn't cause that because we have caved in the political pressure organize. it said that they would continue to lift. it tries to make sure that
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those ships set sail. try to break the siege of garza and deliver that secure minded to an age of vague data assembled the a terry occupied westbank now where is really forces i've shot dad's 2 young palestinians. it happened at the southern check points near jeanine. the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with soldiers. these are in these rates are prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies. pfizer, the forces of rest, have more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on gas on those who have been released. talk about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence in presence. how to 0 spoke to all my a soft, i 74 year old policy inactive. his from ramallah was spend 6 months in a news really present. when he was released, his army said they could barely recognize the committee mackenzie. we met an automotive had the visual of, of,
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we had the computer below my mom to stay and then i'm a big, big bully between them. and can you please a husband you had said your solution and lucky to put them in and soon as you get the, the ultimate, i didn't allow you to that's just the partial level farm. and the fact you have been bundled off the actual one or more pop by move. it's in the and in the head that he had to see kinda what had to do from manhattan, but bought a hush through all the others in, you know, can you walk in what have set up all you don't have to do at all. so would you can, you know, i'm not sure how bad the actual
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job back in the school system. you're going to set up an email on the photos in the parcel on this floor mortgage and so on. fine. and no one has a little bit more into how these on the number of pop in the let me tell you the fact is what it today is we're in the old for the us and do much. how do you solve? i know i didn't this probably sick daughter isn't good. i'm hoping tennessee said, since you know she had a subdued had it been since i've had successful assets and it wasn't me to see them . no, no. my company in c s e. and what i'm, what company that he was to generate a like national novel. hey, i sent out a world news now, and ukraine says it's jot down 21 of 34 massages that were launched by russian and overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facility. he says
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it target 2 oil refineries in russia's cross nevada region with drones early on saturday. the cost fires at the facilities. ukraine also said it struck a military air field in the same region john home and has more from caves. secret is government said the on friday night a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of it from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been around pub, ukrainian government says on a tax, opponent's railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th, that's the day that russia celebrates its victory over germany and will, will, to, but it's become
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a day of military celebration in general in the country and reportedly at the government that wants to see games before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that site. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that there's been a $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's so the crating government says, wants to make as much advances lookout as much infrastructure as it can before the whitcomb rate and the ad default defenses in that package start to arrive in the country and it can protect them more. now on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent adult region. the governor across an adult has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries, that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use. so as long range drones to go into russia and particularly to attack its energy network and it's energy supplies. as this will
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continues to on home and i would just say to keep you crying. south africa is mocking 30 years since this historic 1st democratic election in 1994 which marks the end of apartheid. its present state on a post to defend that is governing potties records during freedom day celebrations in pretoria. opinion follow suggest support for the african national. congress is dwindling. height of next month's general elections. i post, i says the n c has made great progress since coming to power in 1994. our task over the last 50 years has been to bridge the huge devise of well an opportunity in the country between black and white, between men and women. between adverbs and rudo drama, we have done so not only 2 products,
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the injustice of the past. but also that we may realize that for potential of any part of me in which every person has a state in which every person has the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution jersey or is doing a whole has more from the celebrations in pretoria. the south african, celebrating with some style ministry pageantry, a speech by the president. and so in that election, 30 years ago, the brought nelson mandela to power and the african national congress around a post eloquently describing those events. he, of course, was intimately connected with the struggle against apartheid for many years with the dismantling of a positive answer. they often negotiations with the thin, wide ruling wide national party. and of course, a time when south africa came terrifyingly close to civil war. so rum opposed to
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say shackles with comstock speaking about the 27th of april 1994 freedoms bells rang across a great country. he reminded people that the union buildings here when nelson mandela meant that it was no graduated in 1994 had for a 100 years. instead, instead stood as a symbol of oppression and wide rule. now they stand as a symbol of freedom. he promised to continue to work towards the visions and ideals of mandela and the other founding fathers of the items, tvs like all the time but, and walter caesar. but of course, many south africans would say those visions and ideals are very far from being met . 32 percent unemployment, it is a society the world bank describes as the most unequal on us and civil rema pose. and those, those concerns only 2. well, it is in the election year. the amc is losing ground to other parties. he finished the speech by saying they saw that because democracy is young. what we've achieved
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